K54Hg1v1FAk-00000-00001248-00002596 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00001-00002597-00003761 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00002-00003761-00004850 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00003-00004851-00005679 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00004-00005680-00006465 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00005-00006466-00006991 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00006-00006992-00007426 um K54Hg1v1FAk-00007-00007427-00009190 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00008-00009191-00011618 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00009-00011619-00013935 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00011-00018015-00018987 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00013-00025368-00025674 so K54Hg1v1FAk-00014-00025675-00026967 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00015-00026968-00028039 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00016-00028039-00030823 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00017-00030824-00033559 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00018-00033560-00035055 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00019-00035056-00035608 which K54Hg1v1FAk-00020-00035609-00036279 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00021-00036280-00039135 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00023-00043303-00046143 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00024-00046144-00047335 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00025-00047336-00047630 foreign K54Hg1v1FAk-00027-00053304-00053526 thousand seven fifty rupees on paneer K54Hg1v1FAk-00028-00053527-00053857 number individual in the mud K54Hg1v1FAk-00029-00053858-00056719 [Music] K54Hg1v1FAk-00030-00056720-00056927 you K6NlBwwvBiy-00000-00001096-00001262 excuse you K6NlBwwvBiy-00001-00001263-00001487 um what did i do K6NlBwwvBiy-00002-00001488-00001934 stand there breathe exist K6NlBwwvBiy-00003-00001935-00002191 i wonder if too much hair dye can start K6NlBwwvBiy-00004-00002192-00002439 to make people overly crabby K6NlBwwvBiy-00005-00002440-00002591 seems that way K6NlBwwvBiy-00006-00002592-00002910 every time i see your disgusting face it K6NlBwwvBiy-00007-00002911-00003095 reminds me of that fluke victory you had K6NlBwwvBiy-00008-00003096-00003199 over me K6NlBwwvBiy-00009-00003200-00003431 it's a black mark on my career K6NlBwwvBiy-00010-00003432-00003670 i never stop hearing about it and i'm K6NlBwwvBiy-00011-00003671-00003903 sick of it probably shouldn't have lost K6NlBwwvBiy-00012-00003904-00003990 then K6NlBwwvBiy-00013-00003992-00004143 watch yourself K6NlBwwvBiy-00014-00004144-00004375 i talked to mandy she's agreed to set up K6NlBwwvBiy-00015-00004376-00004511 a rematch K6NlBwwvBiy-00016-00004512-00004695 you and me K6NlBwwvBiy-00017-00004696-00004806 tonight K6NlBwwvBiy-00018-00004807-00005006 unless you're scared of facing the boss K6NlBwwvBiy-00019-00005007-00005806 in a fair fight that is K6NlBwwvBiy-00020-00005807-00006038 couldn't beat me then and you can't beat K6NlBwwvBiy-00021-00006039-00006143 me now K6NlBwwvBiy-00022-00006144-00006550 i'm the future of wwe and boss time is K6NlBwwvBiy-00023-00006551-00006775 stuck in the past K6NlBwwvBiy-00024-00006776-00006998 my name is bigger than yours will ever K6NlBwwvBiy-00025-00007000-00007087 be K6NlBwwvBiy-00026-00007088-00007319 no one steps to sasha banks like that K6NlBwwvBiy-00027-00007320-00008655 there will be consequences K6NlBwwvBiy-00028-00008656-00008878 do you know how often i've heard someone K6NlBwwvBiy-00029-00008879-00009206 say they're the future of wwe K6NlBwwvBiy-00030-00009207-00009406 and where are they now K6NlBwwvBiy-00031-00009407-00009567 not here K6NlBwwvBiy-00032-00009568-00009742 because they couldn't stand the test of K6NlBwwvBiy-00033-00009743-00009863 time K6NlBwwvBiy-00034-00009864-00010159 boss time so i don't need an invitation K6NlBwwvBiy-00035-00010160-00010374 to take what's owed me K6NlBwwvBiy-00036-00010375-00010519 i've earned it K6NlBwwvBiy-00037-00010520-00010703 you stepped over the line from your very K6NlBwwvBiy-00038-00010704-00010951 first day in wwe K6NlBwwvBiy-00039-00010952-00011183 that ends now K6NlBwwvBiy-00040-00011184-00011535 you don't run this woman's division i do K6NlBwwvBiy-00041-00011536-00012070 watch your back K6NlBwwvBiy-00042-00012071-00012310 the boss had some strong words for the K6NlBwwvBiy-00043-00012311-00012838 woman who beat her in her wwe debut K6NlBwwvBiy-00044-00012839-00013030 she must have heard what sasha said K6NlBwwvBiy-00045-00013031-00013407 they're going to settle it right now K6NlBwwvBiy-00046-00013408-00013630 and here we go in this disqualification K6NlBwwvBiy-00047-00013631-00013894 match nothing is off limits here this is K6NlBwwvBiy-00048-00013895-00014063 the perfect setting for a superstar to K6NlBwwvBiy-00049-00014063-00014222 fight without any regard for the rule K6NlBwwvBiy-00050-00014223-00014438 book and more importantly any regard for K6NlBwwvBiy-00051-00014440-00015535 their opponent K6NlBwwvBiy-00052-00015536-00016511 rolling elbow finds its mark ouch K6NlBwwvBiy-00053-00016512-00018150 she anticipated that one K6NlBwwvBiy-00054-00018151-00018355 the boss showing wherewithal K6NlBwwvBiy-00055-00018356-00018767 [Music] K6NlBwwvBiy-00056-00018768-00018926 great counter K6NlBwwvBiy-00057-00018927-00019407 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00058-00019408-00019575 and this might not have a pleasant K6NlBwwvBiy-00059-00019576-00019894 ending K6NlBwwvBiy-00060-00019895-00022103 that was awesome K6NlBwwvBiy-00061-00022104-00023919 uppercut K6NlBwwvBiy-00062-00023920-00024630 she scores big with the counter K6NlBwwvBiy-00063-00024631-00025119 nice nightmare oh a chop K6NlBwwvBiy-00064-00025120-00025283 able to K6NlBwwvBiy-00065-00025284-00026039 evade look at this hair pull that slam K6NlBwwvBiy-00066-00026039-00026551 oh and of reversal K6NlBwwvBiy-00067-00026552-00029111 big reversal against the boss K6NlBwwvBiy-00068-00029112-00029514 she's fighting back K6NlBwwvBiy-00069-00029514-00029702 [Music] K6NlBwwvBiy-00070-00029704-00030711 down across the neck K6NlBwwvBiy-00071-00030712-00031031 oh my goodness K6NlBwwvBiy-00072-00031032-00031246 great awareness as she proved to be too K6NlBwwvBiy-00073-00031247-00031399 quick and she's gone after her K6NlBwwvBiy-00074-00031400-00031807 opponent's core a few times now K6NlBwwvBiy-00075-00031808-00032102 with the counter K6NlBwwvBiy-00076-00032103-00032918 oh jawbreaker call the dentist K6NlBwwvBiy-00077-00032919-00033135 kick to the gun uh oh here it is K6NlBwwvBiy-00078-00033136-00034071 bankrupt K6NlBwwvBiy-00079-00034072-00034367 avoiding contact oh what a clothesline K6NlBwwvBiy-00080-00034368-00035071 forcefully delivered K6NlBwwvBiy-00081-00035072-00035302 looks like setting up for a suplex i'm K6NlBwwvBiy-00082-00035303-00036527 gonna finish things off K6NlBwwvBiy-00083-00036528-00037527 the boss wow focus K6NlBwwvBiy-00084-00037528-00037695 yikes that'll either wake you up or K6NlBwwvBiy-00085-00037696-00037883 knock you K6NlBwwvBiy-00086-00037884-00038287 out big forearm oh did you hear that oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00087-00038288-00038623 merciless looking blow K6NlBwwvBiy-00088-00038624-00038974 banks slips out of the way K6NlBwwvBiy-00089-00038975-00039518 she returns the favor there K6NlBwwvBiy-00090-00039519-00039735 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00091-00039736-00040111 oh and she got out of there K6NlBwwvBiy-00092-00040112-00040367 oh boy that's a determined stare that's K6NlBwwvBiy-00093-00040368-00040639 come across her face K6NlBwwvBiy-00094-00040640-00040823 oh nice take down they're gonna lock it K6NlBwwvBiy-00095-00040824-00041079 in i love bell locked a little bell lock K6NlBwwvBiy-00096-00041080-00041335 is in K6NlBwwvBiy-00097-00041336-00041511 and look at her giving up she's quitting K6NlBwwvBiy-00098-00041512-00042083 but it doesn't save her from the hold K6NlBwwvBiy-00099-00042084-00043062 here clearly waiting for that K6NlBwwvBiy-00100-00043063-00043471 bam K6NlBwwvBiy-00101-00043472-00043758 the boss is too slow there K6NlBwwvBiy-00102-00043759-00044271 oh man K6NlBwwvBiy-00103-00044272-00044558 oh ouch and she keeps delivering shots K6NlBwwvBiy-00104-00044559-00044774 to the torso she's been effectively K6NlBwwvBiy-00105-00044775-00044935 targeting that area throughout this K6NlBwwvBiy-00106-00044936-00045390 match K6NlBwwvBiy-00107-00045391-00046279 reversal can they go on the attack K6NlBwwvBiy-00108-00046280-00046743 she manages to get control K6NlBwwvBiy-00109-00046744-00047118 paw impressive counter K6NlBwwvBiy-00110-00047119-00047439 guy it's cinched in this could be it oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00111-00047440-00048102 package driver K6NlBwwvBiy-00112-00048103-00048318 going forward K6NlBwwvBiy-00113-00048319-00048886 looking for the lebel lock K6NlBwwvBiy-00114-00048887-00049199 and the agony has no reason to end as we K6NlBwwvBiy-00115-00049200-00050102 see her tapping out in pain K6NlBwwvBiy-00116-00050103-00051079 stomping ouch K6NlBwwvBiy-00117-00051080-00051942 banks had that well scouted K6NlBwwvBiy-00118-00051944-00052135 here comes the boss K6NlBwwvBiy-00119-00052136-00052399 the bank statement locked in well this K6NlBwwvBiy-00120-00052400-00052566 won't win the match but it's one way to K6NlBwwvBiy-00121-00052567-00052791 inflict a great deal of punishment on an K6NlBwwvBiy-00122-00052791-00053023 opponent it's a roundabout strategy but K6NlBwwvBiy-00123-00053024-00053103 it might K6NlBwwvBiy-00124-00053104-00054150 she won't tap not here not now K6NlBwwvBiy-00125-00054151-00054322 arm's trapped K6NlBwwvBiy-00126-00054323-00056815 [Music] K6NlBwwvBiy-00127-00056816-00057063 bailey from behind she wasn't scheduled K6NlBwwvBiy-00128-00057064-00057271 for this match what's this all about K6NlBwwvBiy-00129-00057272-00057463 she's sticking up for her friend sasha K6NlBwwvBiy-00130-00057464-00057671 banks despite everything they've been K6NlBwwvBiy-00131-00057672-00057847 through they still have each other's K6NlBwwvBiy-00132-00057848-00057970 backs K6NlBwwvBiy-00133-00057971-00059487 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00134-00059488-00061806 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00135-00061807-00062919 here we go she is ready K6NlBwwvBiy-00136-00062920-00063230 the following contest is scheduled for K6NlBwwvBiy-00137-00063232-00063366 one fall K6NlBwwvBiy-00138-00063367-00063559 making her way to the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00139-00063560-00063950 from sydney australia K6NlBwwvBiy-00140-00063951-00064126 just because this competitor's career K6NlBwwvBiy-00141-00064127-00064326 began in hollywood doesn't mean you K6NlBwwvBiy-00142-00064327-00064566 can't discount her fight she's done more K6NlBwwvBiy-00143-00064567-00064791 than hold her own since her days K6NlBwwvBiy-00144-00064791-00065047 training at the wwe performance center K6NlBwwvBiy-00145-00065048-00065230 she knows she's swimming with sharks and K6NlBwwvBiy-00146-00065232-00065438 there's a sea of people who continue to K6NlBwwvBiy-00147-00065439-00066438 want her to fail K6NlBwwvBiy-00148-00066439-00066606 saxon when's the last time you took K6NlBwwvBiy-00149-00066607-00066767 flowers to the gravesite of those K6NlBwwvBiy-00150-00066768-00067015 detestable inflatable friends i beg your K6NlBwwvBiy-00151-00067016-00067119 pardon K6NlBwwvBiy-00152-00067120-00067726 from san jose california K6NlBwwvBiy-00153-00067727-00067975 hey despite what you think about bailey K6NlBwwvBiy-00154-00067976-00068135 there's no denying what she's K6NlBwwvBiy-00155-00068136-00068406 accomplished the first grand slam K6NlBwwvBiy-00156-00068407-00068631 champion in the women's division and K6NlBwwvBiy-00157-00068632-00068806 there's also no denying that bayley has K6NlBwwvBiy-00158-00068807-00069063 no problem stepping on anyone along the K6NlBwwvBiy-00159-00069064-00069479 way K6NlBwwvBiy-00160-00069480-00069671 as this match gets started bailly will K6NlBwwvBiy-00161-00069672-00069847 attempt to deliver some payback to one K6NlBwwvBiy-00162-00069848-00070143 of raw's most controversial rising stars K6NlBwwvBiy-00163-00070144-00070367 on behalf of her friend sasha banks K6NlBwwvBiy-00164-00070368-00070575 typical boss behavior send your K6NlBwwvBiy-00165-00070576-00070782 employees to do your dirty work there is K6NlBwwvBiy-00166-00070783-00070991 nothing dirty about standing up for your K6NlBwwvBiy-00167-00070992-00071215 friend cory wants her set up in the K6NlBwwvBiy-00168-00071216-00071464 corner knife edge K6NlBwwvBiy-00169-00071465-00072959 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00170-00072960-00073109 clutch K6NlBwwvBiy-00171-00073110-00074399 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00172-00074400-00075471 slap oh no you didn't yes he did K6NlBwwvBiy-00173-00075472-00075926 nice takedown K6NlBwwvBiy-00174-00075927-00076535 oh slam with authority K6NlBwwvBiy-00175-00076536-00076719 she's rising back up on those wobbly K6NlBwwvBiy-00176-00076720-00076767 legs K6NlBwwvBiy-00177-00076768-00076950 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00178-00076951-00077303 up high K6NlBwwvBiy-00179-00077304-00077599 she did her homework there K6NlBwwvBiy-00180-00077600-00078182 up and over all the way to the floor K6NlBwwvBiy-00181-00078183-00078423 moves outside what's the plan here K6NlBwwvBiy-00182-00078424-00078750 saw that one coming K6NlBwwvBiy-00183-00078751-00078999 straight into the barricade she's got an K6NlBwwvBiy-00184-00079000-00079238 answer for that K6NlBwwvBiy-00185-00079239-00079503 oh a jumping arm breaker producing a K6NlBwwvBiy-00186-00079504-00079791 trampoline devastating K6NlBwwvBiy-00187-00079792-00080094 so much damage inflicted looking bad for K6NlBwwvBiy-00188-00080095-00080148 her here K6NlBwwvBiy-00189-00080149-00080782 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00190-00080783-00081390 face crusher K6NlBwwvBiy-00191-00081391-00082367 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00192-00082368-00082535 she goes under the ropes and back into K6NlBwwvBiy-00193-00082536-00082911 the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00194-00082912-00083303 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00195-00083304-00083567 oh now right to the r hyper extends your K6NlBwwvBiy-00196-00083568-00083703 elbow K6NlBwwvBiy-00197-00083704-00083862 and now she's climbing to the top K6NlBwwvBiy-00198-00083863-00084055 turnbuckle K6NlBwwvBiy-00199-00084056-00084547 she wants to finish this K6NlBwwvBiy-00200-00084548-00084823 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00201-00084824-00085111 takedown K6NlBwwvBiy-00202-00085112-00085359 helicopter spin this is ridiculous this K6NlBwwvBiy-00203-00085360-00085638 is insulting this is entertaining K6NlBwwvBiy-00204-00085639-00085871 and all that attack from bailey bailey's K6NlBwwvBiy-00205-00085872-00086118 at her best wins K6NlBwwvBiy-00206-00086119-00086438 the colossal clutch straining those K6NlBwwvBiy-00207-00086439-00086671 muscles oh my goodness critical part of K6NlBwwvBiy-00208-00086672-00086882 the matchup it could be over right K6NlBwwvBiy-00209-00086883-00087062 here and now K6NlBwwvBiy-00210-00087063-00088487 just pick the leg K6NlBwwvBiy-00211-00088488-00089287 bailly turns it around K6NlBwwvBiy-00212-00089288-00089438 perhaps thinking about what to do next K6NlBwwvBiy-00213-00089439-00090574 here K6NlBwwvBiy-00214-00090575-00091047 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00215-00091048-00091343 look at this bailey going up top K6NlBwwvBiy-00216-00091344-00091543 she's getting back to her feet but is K6NlBwwvBiy-00217-00091544-00091694 their butt worked K6NlBwwvBiy-00218-00091695-00093511 to the sky K6NlBwwvBiy-00219-00093512-00093761 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00220-00093762-00094438 [Music] K6NlBwwvBiy-00221-00094439-00094582 whoa K6NlBwwvBiy-00222-00094583-00094799 you got to be kidding me everyone here K6NlBwwvBiy-00223-00094800-00095038 is in shock and now there must be a K6NlBwwvBiy-00224-00095039-00095279 level of annoyance and valley annoyed K6NlBwwvBiy-00225-00095280-00095409 that K6NlBwwvBiy-00226-00095410-00097774 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00227-00097775-00097918 there's been plenty of action in this K6NlBwwvBiy-00228-00097919-00098111 match and the cost of that is really K6NlBwwvBiy-00229-00098112-00098759 showing now K6NlBwwvBiy-00230-00098760-00098974 barely kicks out getting that shoulder K6NlBwwvBiy-00231-00098975-00099615 up now is huge K6NlBwwvBiy-00232-00099616-00101271 did her homework K6NlBwwvBiy-00233-00101272-00101991 there's no shame in giving up now K6NlBwwvBiy-00234-00101992-00103302 just pick the legs K6NlBwwvBiy-00235-00103303-00103518 is certainly displaying a great amount K6NlBwwvBiy-00236-00103519-00103751 of toughness it's not easy to kick out K6NlBwwvBiy-00237-00103752-00103951 of that that was a great opportunity to K6NlBwwvBiy-00238-00103952-00104110 put this one away but it slipped right K6NlBwwvBiy-00239-00104111-00104327 through her fingers looking worse for K6NlBwwvBiy-00240-00104328-00104854 wear in the corner now K6NlBwwvBiy-00241-00104855-00105207 ripped off the ropes shoulder first K6NlBwwvBiy-00242-00105208-00105308 um K6NlBwwvBiy-00243-00105309-00107631 [Music] K6NlBwwvBiy-00244-00107632-00109102 catches the legs K6NlBwwvBiy-00245-00109103-00109247 bailey's getting beaten to the punch K6NlBwwvBiy-00246-00109248-00109710 with every exchange K6NlBwwvBiy-00247-00109711-00110143 package K6NlBwwvBiy-00248-00110144-00110478 she just will not go away K6NlBwwvBiy-00249-00110479-00110982 she has her target weighed and measured K6NlBwwvBiy-00250-00110983-00112095 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00251-00112096-00112327 is that sasha banks she's back from K6NlBwwvBiy-00252-00112328-00112590 injury and looks to be at full strength K6NlBwwvBiy-00253-00112591-00112751 you certainly can't tell that she was K6NlBwwvBiy-00254-00112752-00113302 ever hurt K6NlBwwvBiy-00255-00113303-00113599 with a bank statement bailly K6NlBwwvBiy-00256-00113600-00113783 these two are simply unstoppable K6NlBwwvBiy-00257-00113783-00114254 together K6NlBwwvBiy-00258-00114255-00114439 i'm not sure what's going to hurt more K6NlBwwvBiy-00259-00114440-00114743 her body or her ego K6NlBwwvBiy-00260-00114744-00114878 these two have had an issue with each K6NlBwwvBiy-00261-00114879-00115031 other for quite some time and it looks K6NlBwwvBiy-00263-00118183-00120183 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00265-00123815-00124271 they are ready for a fight K6NlBwwvBiy-00266-00124272-00124527 the following contest is a tag team K6NlBwwvBiy-00267-00124528-00124902 match scheduled for one fall on the way K6NlBwwvBiy-00268-00124903-00125078 to the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00269-00125079-00125190 laura K6NlBwwvBiy-00270-00125191-00125431 and charlotte flair she's been described K6NlBwwvBiy-00271-00125432-00126295 as an underdog and even diluted K6NlBwwvBiy-00272-00126296-00127943 it's boss time K6NlBwwvBiy-00273-00127944-00128143 and their opponents first K6NlBwwvBiy-00274-00128144-00128727 from boston massachusetts K6NlBwwvBiy-00275-00128728-00128878 sasha is K6NlBwwvBiy-00276-00128879-00129047 no longer shy about stealing the K6NlBwwvBiy-00277-00129048-00129158 spotlight K6NlBwwvBiy-00278-00129159-00129351 well sasha's been a top star for quite K6NlBwwvBiy-00279-00129352-00129614 some time but the change in attitude K6NlBwwvBiy-00280-00129615-00130766 earned her her smackdown K6NlBwwvBiy-00281-00130767-00131054 well she was once one of the sweetest K6NlBwwvBiy-00282-00131055-00131175 she's now K6NlBwwvBiy-00283-00131176-00131439 one of the meanest and her partner from K6NlBwwvBiy-00284-00131440-00131645 san jose california K6NlBwwvBiy-00285-00131646-00132023 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00286-00132024-00132175 you know there was a time where bailey K6NlBwwvBiy-00287-00132176-00132390 was actually one of my favorites now K6NlBwwvBiy-00288-00132391-00132535 she's arrogant K6NlBwwvBiy-00289-00132536-00132727 she even ignores me in the hallway oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00290-00132728-00132943 saxton don't you dare question bailey's K6NlBwwvBiy-00291-00132944-00133220 confidence ding dong K6NlBwwvBiy-00292-00133221-00133990 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00293-00133991-00134214 getting this tag match started when you K6NlBwwvBiy-00294-00134215-00134399 think of tag teams that are itching to K6NlBwwvBiy-00295-00134400-00134623 make an impact on tonight's event you K6NlBwwvBiy-00296-00134624-00134831 don't have to work any further than K6NlBwwvBiy-00297-00134832-00135054 these two two teams with a desire to K6NlBwwvBiy-00298-00135055-00135444 steal the show K6NlBwwvBiy-00299-00135445-00137278 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00300-00137279-00137623 charlotte caught by the counter oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00301-00137624-00137823 great counter impressive brings you on K6NlBwwvBiy-00302-00137824-00138965 display there K6NlBwwvBiy-00303-00138966-00139175 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00304-00139176-00139390 she's starting to look concerned K6NlBwwvBiy-00305-00139391-00139599 well we knew going into this match that K6NlBwwvBiy-00306-00139600-00139783 it would be physical michael and i'm K6NlBwwvBiy-00307-00139784-00140014 sure she will tag out when the time is K6NlBwwvBiy-00308-00140015-00141527 right K6NlBwwvBiy-00309-00141528-00142151 so she tags in K6NlBwwvBiy-00310-00142152-00142814 clothesline delivered K6NlBwwvBiy-00311-00142815-00143990 she flips it K6NlBwwvBiy-00312-00143991-00144159 what a right hand K6NlBwwvBiy-00313-00144160-00144399 and there's more to come K6NlBwwvBiy-00314-00144400-00145390 across the middle K6NlBwwvBiy-00315-00145391-00145765 landing hard off the back suplex K6NlBwwvBiy-00316-00145766-00147695 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00317-00147696-00147895 gotta find a way to get out of this K6NlBwwvBiy-00318-00147896-00148790 oh not a powerbomb onto the apron K6NlBwwvBiy-00319-00148791-00149271 no one likes a count out K6NlBwwvBiy-00320-00149272-00149639 sliding back in from the floor now K6NlBwwvBiy-00321-00149640-00150975 tag bait tag made K6NlBwwvBiy-00322-00150976-00151623 slam K6NlBwwvBiy-00323-00151624-00151783 placing them right where they want them K6NlBwwvBiy-00324-00151784-00152095 into the corner turning the tables K6NlBwwvBiy-00325-00152096-00152639 quick exchanging counters there K6NlBwwvBiy-00326-00152640-00153095 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00327-00153096-00153271 this is when you have to take advantage K6NlBwwvBiy-00328-00153272-00153519 of tag team rules and get yourself some K6NlBwwvBiy-00329-00153520-00153759 breathing room no good reason to stay in K6NlBwwvBiy-00330-00153760-00153966 this right now trying to chop her down K6NlBwwvBiy-00331-00153967-00155399 with a low kick K6NlBwwvBiy-00332-00155400-00156383 at this point has to be frustrating K6NlBwwvBiy-00333-00156384-00157175 and phil gets that turned back on K6NlBwwvBiy-00334-00157176-00158166 and comes bailey K6NlBwwvBiy-00335-00158167-00159631 she's going up K6NlBwwvBiy-00336-00159632-00160983 with the boot K6NlBwwvBiy-00337-00160984-00161214 the queen has this wrapped up she's K6NlBwwvBiy-00338-00161215-00161511 going for it K6NlBwwvBiy-00339-00161512-00161623 one K6NlBwwvBiy-00340-00161624-00161702 two K6NlBwwvBiy-00341-00161703-00161911 she gets the shoulder up this is no time K6NlBwwvBiy-00342-00161912-00162511 to hesitate you can feel the end coming K6NlBwwvBiy-00343-00162512-00162654 turnbuckle's the only thing keeping her K6NlBwwvBiy-00344-00162655-00162831 up right look at that counter from K6NlBwwvBiy-00345-00162832-00163039 bailly trying to chop her down with a K6NlBwwvBiy-00346-00163040-00163407 low kick K6NlBwwvBiy-00347-00163408-00163614 she's dazed on the top turnbuckle and K6NlBwwvBiy-00348-00163615-00163838 it's a long way down from there this K6NlBwwvBiy-00349-00163839-00164095 won't end well K6NlBwwvBiy-00350-00164096-00164447 here's the tag K6NlBwwvBiy-00351-00164448-00164863 opponent out for robes K6NlBwwvBiy-00352-00164864-00165038 and bailly is being humbled here K6NlBwwvBiy-00353-00165039-00165263 bailey's game plan isn't working how she K6NlBwwvBiy-00354-00165264-00165935 wanted K6NlBwwvBiy-00355-00165936-00166399 two K6NlBwwvBiy-00356-00166400-00166519 tonight K6NlBwwvBiy-00357-00166520-00166902 here are your winners laura K6NlBwwvBiy-00358-00166903-00167183 and charlotte flair and teamwork makes K6NlBwwvBiy-00359-00167184-00167590 the dream work in this tag team victory K6NlBwwvBiy-00360-00167591-00167975 no frills no gimmicks just old school K6NlBwwvBiy-00361-00167976-00168295 i am done with bailey and i am done with K6NlBwwvBiy-00362-00168296-00168478 sasha banks K6NlBwwvBiy-00363-00168479-00168678 sasha's still butt hurt because she got K6NlBwwvBiy-00364-00168679-00168919 beat by a newbie when i first came to K6NlBwwvBiy-00365-00168920-00169095 wwe K6NlBwwvBiy-00366-00169096-00169183 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00367-00169184-00169302 boo hoo K6NlBwwvBiy-00368-00169303-00169478 you big baby K6NlBwwvBiy-00369-00169479-00169711 i didn't realize that the boss was so K6NlBwwvBiy-00370-00169712-00170007 emotionally fragile and delicate K6NlBwwvBiy-00371-00170008-00170311 you've done nothing since then to earn K6NlBwwvBiy-00372-00170312-00170454 anything K6NlBwwvBiy-00373-00170455-00170607 you stepped to me K6NlBwwvBiy-00374-00170608-00170847 i sent you to the injured list K6NlBwwvBiy-00375-00170848-00171063 your friend bailey tried to fight your K6NlBwwvBiy-00376-00171064-00171302 battles and i beat her K6NlBwwvBiy-00377-00171303-00171526 even teaming together you couldn't K6NlBwwvBiy-00378-00171527-00171663 defeat me K6NlBwwvBiy-00379-00171664-00171863 i should leave you to waste in the pool K6NlBwwvBiy-00380-00171864-00172071 of irrelevancy that you climbed out of K6NlBwwvBiy-00381-00172072-00172263 when you challenged me K6NlBwwvBiy-00382-00172264-00172447 but i'm not gonna do that K6NlBwwvBiy-00383-00172448-00172559 no K6NlBwwvBiy-00384-00172560-00172799 you want a rematch sasha K6NlBwwvBiy-00385-00172800-00172919 well K6NlBwwvBiy-00386-00172920-00173223 you've got it but on my terms K6NlBwwvBiy-00387-00173224-00173390 let's see who's willing to do what it K6NlBwwvBiy-00388-00173391-00173678 takes to be the real leader of the raw K6NlBwwvBiy-00389-00173679-00173854 women's division K6NlBwwvBiy-00390-00173855-00174135 an extreme rules match K6NlBwwvBiy-00391-00174136-00174319 and don't look to bailey to save you K6NlBwwvBiy-00392-00174320-00174431 this time K6NlBwwvBiy-00393-00174432-00174614 because your friend will be banned from K6NlBwwvBiy-00394-00174615-00174983 ringside as i take my time to tear you K6NlBwwvBiy-00395-00174984-00175095 apart K6NlBwwvBiy-00396-00175096-00175351 piece by piece K6NlBwwvBiy-00397-00175352-00175471 this K6NlBwwvBiy-00398-00175472-00178078 is going to be fun K6NlBwwvBiy-00399-00178079-00179199 let's see what she can do K6NlBwwvBiy-00400-00179200-00179502 the following contest is an extreme K6NlBwwvBiy-00401-00179503-00179654 rules match K6NlBwwvBiy-00402-00179655-00179854 making her way to the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00403-00179855-00180238 from sydney australia K6NlBwwvBiy-00404-00180239-00180719 she says the thrill she K6NlBwwvBiy-00405-00180720-00181071 it's boss time the standard the K6NlBwwvBiy-00406-00181072-00181351 blueprint one of the most accomplished K6NlBwwvBiy-00407-00181352-00181654 competitors in the women's division K6NlBwwvBiy-00408-00181655-00182719 period K6NlBwwvBiy-00409-00182720-00182831 and K6NlBwwvBiy-00410-00182832-00183071 from boston massachusetts K6NlBwwvBiy-00411-00183072-00183511 sasha K6NlBwwvBiy-00412-00183512-00183951 agree K6NlBwwvBiy-00413-00183952-00184119 for everyone who thought this rivalry K6NlBwwvBiy-00414-00184120-00184390 was over think again sasha banks and the K6NlBwwvBiy-00415-00184391-00184583 thorn in her side are just getting K6NlBwwvBiy-00416-00184584-00184895 started there's no tougher test in wwe K6NlBwwvBiy-00417-00184896-00185102 than an extreme rules match michael K6NlBwwvBiy-00418-00185103-00185366 tonight's contest will require every K6NlBwwvBiy-00419-00185367-00185623 ounce of grit that these women possess K6NlBwwvBiy-00420-00185624-00185823 no tougher tests and no teammates to K6NlBwwvBiy-00421-00185824-00186023 bail you out regardless of who wins i K6NlBwwvBiy-00422-00186024-00186799 promise you this it won't be a fluke K6NlBwwvBiy-00423-00186800-00186975 that'll turn your lights out way to K6NlBwwvBiy-00424-00186976-00187119 steer clear K6NlBwwvBiy-00425-00187120-00187311 elbow smash K6NlBwwvBiy-00426-00187312-00187823 and she's a step ahead of banks K6NlBwwvBiy-00427-00187824-00188071 the bulldog K6NlBwwvBiy-00428-00188072-00188207 with no count outs there's nothing K6NlBwwvBiy-00429-00188208-00188687 keeping her inside the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00430-00188688-00188919 a steel chair she's taking this match K6NlBwwvBiy-00431-00188920-00189663 into even more dangerous territory K6NlBwwvBiy-00432-00189664-00189911 connecting with a sharp elbow K6NlBwwvBiy-00433-00189912-00191366 saw that one coming took advantage K6NlBwwvBiy-00434-00191367-00192111 banks is a moving target K6NlBwwvBiy-00435-00192112-00192227 into the corner now K6NlBwwvBiy-00436-00192228-00192535 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00437-00192536-00192957 oh wrestlock up to the top K6NlBwwvBiy-00438-00192958-00193431 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00439-00193432-00193678 rear chin lock and now just rapid fire K6NlBwwvBiy-00440-00193679-00193919 punches the fatigue is setting in for K6NlBwwvBiy-00441-00193920-00193999 her K6NlBwwvBiy-00442-00194000-00194166 she's taking some hits but she's rolling K6NlBwwvBiy-00443-00194167-00195847 with her she'll come back K6NlBwwvBiy-00444-00195848-00197535 impressive reversal there K6NlBwwvBiy-00445-00197536-00197823 oh my gosh what impact K6NlBwwvBiy-00446-00197824-00198111 banks has to be discouraged here oh you K6NlBwwvBiy-00447-00198112-00199048 hate to see sasha like this K6NlBwwvBiy-00448-00199049-00201559 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00449-00201560-00201711 she wants to take this one outside the K6NlBwwvBiy-00450-00201712-00201878 ring it seems K6NlBwwvBiy-00451-00201879-00202119 she avoids the attack completely look at K6NlBwwvBiy-00452-00202120-00202287 her grabbing the momentum here she's K6NlBwwvBiy-00453-00202288-00202511 fighting hard and reaping the rewards K6NlBwwvBiy-00454-00202512-00202759 and surprising reversal from sasha banks K6NlBwwvBiy-00455-00202760-00202959 absolutely no telling what's underneath K6NlBwwvBiy-00456-00202960-00203458 the ring K6NlBwwvBiy-00457-00203459-00204519 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00458-00204520-00204910 her opponent with K6NlBwwvBiy-00459-00204911-00205142 she's pulling out a table adding some K6NlBwwvBiy-00460-00205144-00206919 furniture into the mix here K6NlBwwvBiy-00461-00206919-00207510 ah K6NlBwwvBiy-00462-00207511-00207758 she's losing some steam now well you K6NlBwwvBiy-00463-00207759-00207927 don't sign up for an extreme rules match K6NlBwwvBiy-00464-00207928-00208198 without knowing the consequences cole K6NlBwwvBiy-00465-00208200-00208342 it seems like she's looking to take K6NlBwwvBiy-00466-00208344-00208566 things up a notch or two K6NlBwwvBiy-00467-00208567-00208742 yeah she's definitely got something big K6NlBwwvBiy-00468-00208744-00209110 planned with this table K6NlBwwvBiy-00469-00209111-00210494 banks had that roll scouting K6NlBwwvBiy-00470-00210496-00210663 just carrying the opposition anywhere K6NlBwwvBiy-00471-00210664-00211206 they want K6NlBwwvBiy-00472-00211207-00211351 she kicks out K6NlBwwvBiy-00473-00211352-00211586 good lord scarily close to three K6NlBwwvBiy-00474-00211587-00213806 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00475-00213807-00213958 right now i just don't know what it's K6NlBwwvBiy-00476-00213959-00214479 going to take K6NlBwwvBiy-00477-00214480-00215967 and she dodged that one K6NlBwwvBiy-00478-00215967-00216246 i do not like the looks of this that K6NlBwwvBiy-00479-00216248-00217031 chair is going to be used as a weapon K6NlBwwvBiy-00480-00217032-00217271 and referee cuts off the county one this K6NlBwwvBiy-00481-00217271-00217815 match continues on K6NlBwwvBiy-00482-00217816-00218444 then K6NlBwwvBiy-00483-00218446-00219831 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00484-00219832-00220023 and there's the reversal from sasha K6NlBwwvBiy-00485-00220023-00220182 banks K6NlBwwvBiy-00486-00220183-00220279 oh K6NlBwwvBiy-00487-00220280-00220679 solid kick across the back K6NlBwwvBiy-00488-00220680-00221046 now able to interrupt the attack K6NlBwwvBiy-00489-00221048-00221446 she said flying into the corner K6NlBwwvBiy-00490-00221448-00221639 slowly getting up but she won't like K6NlBwwvBiy-00491-00221640-00221964 what she's met with K6NlBwwvBiy-00492-00221965-00223798 [Applause] K6NlBwwvBiy-00493-00223800-00224071 love seeing her get the win and it was a K6NlBwwvBiy-00494-00224071-00224246 big match for her K6NlBwwvBiy-00495-00224248-00224455 maybe sasha banks needs to hit the K6NlBwwvBiy-00496-00224456-00224663 showers rest up tonight and start K6NlBwwvBiy-00497-00224664-00224815 reading the want ads in the morning K6NlBwwvBiy-00498-00224816-00225031 because this job isn't working out do K6NlBwwvBiy-00499-00225032-00225639 you really believe it K6NlBwwvBiy-00500-00225640-00225848 i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00000-00000560-00000759 welcome to sermon brainwave with me matt K6bnH_CnSJQ-00001-00000760-00000862 skinner K6bnH_CnSJQ-00002-00000863-00001158 and me caroline lewis and me ralph K6bnH_CnSJQ-00003-00001159-00001270 jacobson K6bnH_CnSJQ-00004-00001271-00001574 and me joy j moore K6bnH_CnSJQ-00005-00001575-00001807 the text for good friday which this year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00006-00001807-00001918 falls on april K6bnH_CnSJQ-00007-00001919-00002383 2nd 2021 are isaiah 52 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00008-00002384-00002710 verse 13 through 53 verse 12. K6bnH_CnSJQ-00009-00002711-00003023 psalm 22 there are two options for the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00010-00003024-00003158 second reading both from the book of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00011-00003159-00003399 hebrews either chapter 10 verses 16 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00012-00003400-00003559 through 25 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00013-00003560-00003847 or chapter 4 verses 14 through 16 and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00014-00003847-00004006 then resuming it chapter 5 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00015-00004007-00004335 7-9 and the gospel text K6bnH_CnSJQ-00016-00004336-00004591 is from the gospel according to john 2 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00017-00004592-00004719 chapters 18 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00018-00004720-00005054 and 19. before we get started we should K6bnH_CnSJQ-00019-00005055-00005151 point out K6bnH_CnSJQ-00020-00005152-00005479 this is podcast number 777 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00021-00005480-00005791 of sermon brainwave wow numerologists K6bnH_CnSJQ-00022-00005792-00005927 out there are welcome to tell us what K6bnH_CnSJQ-00023-00005928-00006151 that means but for me it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00024-00006152-00006295 maybe a chance to say thank you to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00025-00006296-00006510 everybody who listens and also thank you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00026-00006511-00006639 to the three of you who K6bnH_CnSJQ-00027-00006640-00006998 teach me things every week yeah i can't K6bnH_CnSJQ-00028-00007000-00007263 believe we're at 777 that's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00029-00007264-00007519 amazing so yes i'll add my thanks and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00030-00007520-00007623 thanks to all of you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00031-00007623-00007927 and that's a lot of that's a lot of uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00032-00007928-00008142 commentary that's a lot of conversation K6bnH_CnSJQ-00033-00008143-00008287 around text so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00034-00008288-00008535 uh and you're right we we always learn K6bnH_CnSJQ-00035-00008536-00008607 something K6bnH_CnSJQ-00036-00008608-00008855 from each other and thinking about these K6bnH_CnSJQ-00037-00008856-00008991 texts once again K6bnH_CnSJQ-00038-00008992-00009191 as as they come around each year which K6bnH_CnSJQ-00039-00009192-00009374 is of course what john K6bnH_CnSJQ-00040-00009375-00009727 is uh every year on K6bnH_CnSJQ-00041-00009728-00010046 the on good friday is always the gospel K6bnH_CnSJQ-00042-00010047-00010183 text for good friday and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00043-00010184-00010367 you know we we come to this every year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00044-00010368-00010599 and we also say K6bnH_CnSJQ-00045-00010600-00010751 we recognize that people are doing a lot K6bnH_CnSJQ-00046-00010752-00010887 of different things whether that's a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00047-00010888-00011031 tentative service or K6bnH_CnSJQ-00048-00011032-00011319 seven last words or uh but we have K6bnH_CnSJQ-00049-00011320-00011399 before us K6bnH_CnSJQ-00050-00011400-00011583 uh the passion narrative according to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00051-00011584-00011878 john and one of the things that we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00052-00011879-00012159 often do when we have uh when we come K6bnH_CnSJQ-00053-00012160-00012310 across this text and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00054-00012311-00012655 come across this day is uh what are we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00055-00012656-00012807 what are we experiencing what are we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00056-00012808-00013022 hearing differently this year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00057-00013023-00013191 uh where is it that we might want to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00058-00013191-00013335 drop down in K6bnH_CnSJQ-00059-00013336-00013566 john's uh particularly particular K6bnH_CnSJQ-00060-00013568-00013719 witness of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00061-00013719-00014111 of jesus death uh and so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00062-00014112-00014383 where are we caroline as you asked that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00063-00014384-00014463 question i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00064-00014463-00014807 i recognize that um my habit K6bnH_CnSJQ-00065-00014808-00015111 is to participate in uh seven last words K6bnH_CnSJQ-00066-00015112-00015199 and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00067-00015200-00015511 generally that is how i um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00068-00015512-00015855 follow the tradition of good friday and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00069-00015856-00016079 as i looked at this text today and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00070-00016080-00016294 decided to stay with where it begins K6bnH_CnSJQ-00071-00016295-00016383 rather than K6bnH_CnSJQ-00072-00016384-00016719 where it ends i was drawn to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00073-00016720-00017047 the way that this text might have been K6bnH_CnSJQ-00074-00017048-00017311 reported repeatedly and repeatedly and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00075-00017312-00017391 that is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00076-00017392-00017615 if you're you're you went out to work K6bnH_CnSJQ-00077-00017616-00017694 one day K6bnH_CnSJQ-00078-00017695-00018039 to just do your job and you got your ear K6bnH_CnSJQ-00079-00018040-00018135 cut off K6bnH_CnSJQ-00080-00018136-00018414 and then it was healed you might talk K6bnH_CnSJQ-00081-00018415-00018663 about that for a long time K6bnH_CnSJQ-00082-00018664-00018871 and i think that little scene right K6bnH_CnSJQ-00083-00018872-00019079 there allows us to ask K6bnH_CnSJQ-00084-00019080-00019358 what are you hearing in the midst of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00085-00019359-00019399 this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00086-00019400-00019719 reading in the midst of the pandemic i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00087-00019720-00019894 i just thought that that was a great K6bnH_CnSJQ-00088-00019895-00020175 entry into how we're reading this text K6bnH_CnSJQ-00089-00020176-00020511 once again well and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00090-00020512-00020711 yeah i think that's a great entry into K6bnH_CnSJQ-00091-00020712-00021007 that uh into the text joy and then K6bnH_CnSJQ-00092-00021008-00021311 also to note that only in john is uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00093-00021312-00021622 is the slave's name given a name K6bnH_CnSJQ-00094-00021623-00021871 uh malcus and so there that creates a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00095-00021872-00022011 kind of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00096-00022012-00022303 individuality uh for the for the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00097-00022304-00022358 listener K6bnH_CnSJQ-00098-00022359-00022671 right just to insert your name here K6bnH_CnSJQ-00099-00022672-00022830 not that i want people to feel like K6bnH_CnSJQ-00100-00022831-00022999 they're got their ear cut off not that's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00101-00023000-00023143 not where i'm going but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00102-00023144-00023407 but insert your name here uh and that's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00103-00023408-00023535 one of the effects of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00104-00023536-00023878 of that particularity of of naming him K6bnH_CnSJQ-00105-00023879-00024183 uh is is oh and it K6bnH_CnSJQ-00106-00024184-00024463 you know there's all kinds of resonances K6bnH_CnSJQ-00107-00024464-00024575 then with naming K6bnH_CnSJQ-00108-00024576-00024783 in the gospel of john and you could you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00109-00024784-00024991 could go that direction with the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00110-00024992-00025191 you know i know my sheep by name and and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00111-00025192-00025335 that kind of thing but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00112-00025336-00025639 uh but yeah it it it there's a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00113-00025639-00025862 second person uh second person singular K6bnH_CnSJQ-00114-00025863-00025958 here K6bnH_CnSJQ-00115-00025960-00026255 uh with regard to your own witness to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00116-00026256-00026311 what you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00117-00026312-00026607 what you see and what you will hear uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00118-00026608-00026687 this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00119-00026688-00027270 this time around K6bnH_CnSJQ-00120-00027272-00027455 it reminds me of the the whole theme of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00121-00027456-00027687 bearing witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00122-00027688-00027983 malcus is a witness he was not somebody K6bnH_CnSJQ-00123-00027983-00028127 who K6bnH_CnSJQ-00124-00028127-00028311 went into that went to work that day K6bnH_CnSJQ-00125-00028312-00028439 here we went was K6bnH_CnSJQ-00126-00028439-00028767 went to the kidron valley expecting this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00127-00028768-00028951 to happen K6bnH_CnSJQ-00128-00028952-00029079 he might not have been even sympathetic K6bnH_CnSJQ-00129-00029080-00029302 to jesus at all but he's got a story to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00130-00029304-00029351 tell K6bnH_CnSJQ-00131-00029352-00029574 and and who knows who even becomes a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00132-00029575-00029702 christ follower afterwards or not we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00133-00029704-00029902 simply know nothing about him but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00134-00029904-00030055 he forever stands as a witness to this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00135-00030056-00030302 event just as others will K6bnH_CnSJQ-00136-00030303-00030623 uh in failed ways with peter uh with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00137-00030624-00030839 uh with the beloved disciple and with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00138-00030839-00031007 the mother of jesus at the cross so i'm K6bnH_CnSJQ-00139-00031008-00031199 not really picking one detail one one K6bnH_CnSJQ-00140-00031200-00031343 verse or one thing but i am thinking K6bnH_CnSJQ-00141-00031344-00031551 about the way in which K6bnH_CnSJQ-00142-00031552-00031743 this is a story that comes to us through K6bnH_CnSJQ-00143-00031744-00031927 witnesses some who are there out of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00144-00031927-00032014 their devotion K6bnH_CnSJQ-00145-00032016-00032283 some who are there by chance or without K6bnH_CnSJQ-00146-00032283-00032446 choice K6bnH_CnSJQ-00147-00032447-00032590 and but none of them probably realize K6bnH_CnSJQ-00148-00032591-00032862 the full extent of what they are K6bnH_CnSJQ-00149-00032863-00032999 bearing witness to that's a theme we'll K6bnH_CnSJQ-00150-00033000-00033239 come back to on easter i know with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00151-00033240-00033590 with mark 16 with john 20 with acts 10 K6bnH_CnSJQ-00152-00033591-00033751 but to think about that for a little bit K6bnH_CnSJQ-00153-00033752-00033887 what does it mean to experience K6bnH_CnSJQ-00154-00033888-00034015 something like this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00155-00034016-00034327 through the perspective of of a witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00156-00034328-00034590 as opposed to the actual person right we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00157-00034591-00034823 don't have jesus own words the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00158-00034824-00035062 isaiah's servant song doesn't give us K6bnH_CnSJQ-00159-00035063-00035239 the the complain to the lament of the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00160-00035240-00035407 servant it gives us K6bnH_CnSJQ-00161-00035408-00035639 the perspective of a bystander or a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00162-00035640-00035823 watcher or somebody who notices and just K6bnH_CnSJQ-00163-00035824-00036167 to kind of help people think a bit about K6bnH_CnSJQ-00164-00036168-00036511 maybe what that means um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00165-00036512-00036646 i don't think i have an answer anything K6bnH_CnSJQ-00166-00036647-00036830 profound to close this off with but it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00167-00036831-00037095 it's where my mind is leading these days K6bnH_CnSJQ-00168-00037096-00037239 probably because so many of us are K6bnH_CnSJQ-00169-00037240-00037511 bearing witness to violence in our world K6bnH_CnSJQ-00170-00037512-00037759 in new ways in more close-up ways in K6bnH_CnSJQ-00171-00037760-00037959 intense ways K6bnH_CnSJQ-00172-00037960-00038127 um and and trying to figure out how do K6bnH_CnSJQ-00173-00038128-00038295 you speak faithfully for the victims of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00174-00038296-00038551 violence but also how do you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00175-00038552-00038871 not let an event go by and just be K6bnH_CnSJQ-00176-00038872-00039111 a watcher or an observer from a distance K6bnH_CnSJQ-00177-00039112-00039287 but to to recognize that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00178-00039288-00039479 we are engaged in the significance of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00179-00039480-00039599 this event K6bnH_CnSJQ-00180-00039600-00039911 this event affects us even if again on K6bnH_CnSJQ-00181-00039912-00040079 good friday nobody knows exactly what's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00182-00040080-00040143 going on K6bnH_CnSJQ-00183-00040144-00040446 they just know it's intense K6bnH_CnSJQ-00184-00040447-00040823 yeah and there's also a you know i spoke K6bnH_CnSJQ-00185-00040824-00041055 about the individuality with malchus and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00186-00041056-00041143 you have those K6bnH_CnSJQ-00187-00041144-00041374 individuals who are named as you said K6bnH_CnSJQ-00188-00041375-00041487 met with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00189-00041488-00041751 peter and with mary magdalene and and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00190-00041752-00041967 with mary and the beloved disciple and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00191-00041968-00042102 they're all K6bnH_CnSJQ-00192-00042103-00042462 uh the the ways in which they are K6bnH_CnSJQ-00193-00042463-00042662 they're witnessing these events but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00194-00042663-00042790 there's also an K6bnH_CnSJQ-00195-00042791-00043071 uh an extraordinary universality here as K6bnH_CnSJQ-00196-00043072-00043118 well K6bnH_CnSJQ-00197-00043119-00043358 uh that the whole world is witnessing K6bnH_CnSJQ-00198-00043359-00043439 this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00199-00043440-00043743 uh that you get in the arrest with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00200-00043744-00043974 judas bringing a detachment of soldiers K6bnH_CnSJQ-00201-00043975-00044167 that's a roman term for K6bnH_CnSJQ-00202-00044168-00044462 these are roman soldiers and then um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00203-00044463-00044646 together with police from the chief K6bnH_CnSJQ-00204-00044647-00044830 priests and pharisees so you have K6bnH_CnSJQ-00205-00044831-00045079 the you know the roman contingent you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00206-00045080-00045279 have the jewish contingent K6bnH_CnSJQ-00207-00045280-00045543 uh and then you have the the translation K6bnH_CnSJQ-00208-00045544-00045639 over jesus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00209-00045640-00045967 uh head uh in latin greek and hebrew K6bnH_CnSJQ-00210-00045968-00046190 of king of the jews and so we're K6bnH_CnSJQ-00211-00046191-00046318 reminded here K6bnH_CnSJQ-00212-00046319-00046567 in the passion narrative which is so a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00213-00046568-00046790 critical theme in john that this is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00214-00046791-00047055 this is this is directed to the entire K6bnH_CnSJQ-00215-00047056-00047207 world how will the world K6bnH_CnSJQ-00216-00047208-00047574 respond uh to to what they witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00217-00047575-00047918 and so uh and so that's a that's a piece K6bnH_CnSJQ-00218-00047919-00047983 of it too K6bnH_CnSJQ-00219-00047984-00048286 is recognizing that this is that that we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00220-00048287-00048471 stand in an individual sense but that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00221-00048472-00048543 there's this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00222-00048544-00048918 this the the wider uh implications K6bnH_CnSJQ-00223-00048919-00049230 are meant for and are meant for the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00224-00049231-00049318 cosmos K6bnH_CnSJQ-00225-00049319-00049583 uh and that kind of i don't know that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00226-00049584-00049743 kind of puts your own K6bnH_CnSJQ-00227-00049744-00049918 sort of sense of witness and a different K6bnH_CnSJQ-00228-00049919-00050086 perspective as well this is not just K6bnH_CnSJQ-00229-00050087-00050262 about me this is what are other K6bnH_CnSJQ-00230-00050263-00050423 what are other people seeing and what K6bnH_CnSJQ-00231-00050424-00050646 are other people witnessing and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00232-00050647-00050967 uh how will they respond i appreciate K6bnH_CnSJQ-00233-00050968-00051079 that caroline i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00234-00051080-00051399 um i noticed the uh that as well K6bnH_CnSJQ-00235-00051400-00051702 and was struck um in the terms K6bnH_CnSJQ-00236-00051703-00052070 of how everyone is named you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00237-00052071-00052246 the three different ways of talking K6bnH_CnSJQ-00238-00052247-00052375 about who all gathered K6bnH_CnSJQ-00239-00052376-00052607 uh you know the jewish continuing the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00240-00052608-00052679 roman K6bnH_CnSJQ-00241-00052679-00053023 contended the disciples uh were there uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00242-00053024-00053287 and um sometimes and i've said this a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00243-00053288-00053526 few weeks ago sometimes i've read uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00244-00053527-00053726 portions of scripture and thought that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00245-00053727-00053966 this idea that everybody knew about this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00246-00053967-00054094 was uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00247-00054095-00054326 more hyperbole than you know everybody K6bnH_CnSJQ-00248-00054327-00054479 really knew about this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00249-00054479-00054807 but it's kind of for that community and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00250-00054808-00054926 the testimony K6bnH_CnSJQ-00251-00054927-00055150 that was a result of that you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00252-00055151-00055382 people continuing to tell this story K6bnH_CnSJQ-00253-00055383-00055623 uh after um getting ahead of ourselves K6bnH_CnSJQ-00254-00055624-00055823 after the rumors of the resurrection K6bnH_CnSJQ-00255-00055824-00056063 um but it's the same kind of thing of a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00256-00056064-00056238 viral video today K6bnH_CnSJQ-00257-00056239-00056575 and whether you uh were encountered it K6bnH_CnSJQ-00258-00056576-00056830 in the present or whether or not you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00259-00056832-00057030 encountered the aftermath K6bnH_CnSJQ-00260-00057032-00057382 of the tragedy it affects your life K6bnH_CnSJQ-00261-00057383-00057638 matt you were getting at that and what K6bnH_CnSJQ-00262-00057639-00057894 does that encounter K6bnH_CnSJQ-00263-00057895-00058111 knowing that this event happened and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00264-00058112-00058263 made such an impact K6bnH_CnSJQ-00265-00058264-00058454 on these individuals that they would K6bnH_CnSJQ-00266-00058455-00058591 tell this story K6bnH_CnSJQ-00267-00058591-00058815 over and over again in such a compelling K6bnH_CnSJQ-00268-00058816-00059038 way that you would hear it K6bnH_CnSJQ-00269-00059039-00059311 and be drawn in being drawn into the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00270-00059312-00059447 story K6bnH_CnSJQ-00271-00059448-00059647 how do you tell that story and that's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00272-00059648-00059879 how we become K6bnH_CnSJQ-00273-00059879-00060199 in our contemporary moment the witnesses K6bnH_CnSJQ-00274-00060200-00060415 to something that happened 2000 years K6bnH_CnSJQ-00275-00060416-00060487 ago K6bnH_CnSJQ-00276-00060488-00060806 and the effect of it for all the world K6bnH_CnSJQ-00277-00060807-00061094 i think that's what you point out that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00278-00061095-00061638 john 3 16 was all about K6bnH_CnSJQ-00279-00061639-00061935 i think maybe uh related to witness and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00280-00061936-00062142 if we're going a kind of a thematic way K6bnH_CnSJQ-00281-00062144-00062175 with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00282-00062176-00062566 with with good friday this year uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00283-00062567-00062942 one of the one of the main K6bnH_CnSJQ-00284-00062944-00063319 well embodiments if you will of of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00285-00063320-00063615 of discipleship in the gospel of john is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00286-00063616-00063726 witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00287-00063727-00063975 that uh that that you know in terms of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00288-00063976-00064191 of what are the characteristics of a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00289-00064191-00064447 of a disciple or a follower of jesus it K6bnH_CnSJQ-00290-00064448-00064575 is to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00291-00064576-00064766 give witness to what you have seen and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00292-00064767-00064919 what you have experienced K6bnH_CnSJQ-00293-00064920-00065303 and uh but then also recognizing K6bnH_CnSJQ-00294-00065304-00065606 the the risk and the fear in that uh we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00295-00065607-00065694 had our first K6bnH_CnSJQ-00296-00065695-00065919 you know the that first witness of the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00297-00065920-00066055 woman at the well K6bnH_CnSJQ-00298-00066056-00066335 uh who says come and see uh and then K6bnH_CnSJQ-00299-00066336-00066511 we're going to have the witness of mary K6bnH_CnSJQ-00300-00066512-00066615 i have seen K6bnH_CnSJQ-00301-00066616-00066982 the lord uh but but striking K6bnH_CnSJQ-00302-00066983-00067311 in in comparison is peter uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00303-00067312-00067711 that that peter's denial here K6bnH_CnSJQ-00304-00067712-00067967 uh in the passion narrative with john is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00305-00067968-00068111 not a denial K6bnH_CnSJQ-00306-00068112-00068271 and i've talked about this before not a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00307-00068272-00068438 denial of knowing K6bnH_CnSJQ-00308-00068439-00068663 jesus as it is in the synoptics do you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00309-00068664-00068806 know him i don't know him don't you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00310-00068807-00068943 the man i don't know him K6bnH_CnSJQ-00311-00068944-00069159 uh but here it's a denial of his K6bnH_CnSJQ-00312-00069160-00069326 discipleship K6bnH_CnSJQ-00313-00069327-00069606 uh they the question is uh aren't you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00314-00069607-00069775 one of his disciples K6bnH_CnSJQ-00315-00069776-00070143 and you have that that i that irony K6bnH_CnSJQ-00316-00070144-00070199 ironic K6bnH_CnSJQ-00317-00070200-00070543 illusion of i am not K6bnH_CnSJQ-00318-00070544-00070711 sure you're one of his disciples aren't K6bnH_CnSJQ-00319-00070712-00070879 you i am not K6bnH_CnSJQ-00320-00070880-00071047 and didn't i see you in the garden with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00321-00071048-00071294 him no and so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00322-00071295-00071687 here is peter actually denying K6bnH_CnSJQ-00323-00071688-00072015 uh that activity of of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00324-00072016-00072319 what of what he's being called to do and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00325-00072320-00072343 i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00326-00072344-00072462 i think there's something really K6bnH_CnSJQ-00327-00072463-00072694 poignant in that that we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00328-00072695-00072894 we are called to we are called to give K6bnH_CnSJQ-00329-00072895-00073031 witness to this but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00330-00073032-00073367 but how is it that peter's denial of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00331-00073368-00073438 that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00332-00073439-00073767 of that identity reminds us of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00333-00073768-00074159 of the difficulty of that uh this is not K6bnH_CnSJQ-00334-00074160-00074215 easy K6bnH_CnSJQ-00335-00074216-00074487 to give witness do we really want to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00336-00074488-00074719 what is it that we don't want to see K6bnH_CnSJQ-00337-00074720-00075047 uh that we choose not to see and so i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00338-00075048-00075126 think if K6bnH_CnSJQ-00339-00075127-00075455 if we're if we go with that theme then K6bnH_CnSJQ-00340-00075456-00075694 peter offers a really critical piece in K6bnH_CnSJQ-00341-00075695-00075806 that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00342-00075807-00076062 to name to name the challenges of what K6bnH_CnSJQ-00343-00076063-00076294 it means to be a witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00344-00076295-00076631 i i like that and it makes me think K6bnH_CnSJQ-00345-00076632-00076903 to go all the way back uh or go all the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00346-00076904-00077015 way forward K6bnH_CnSJQ-00347-00077016-00077343 uh to joseph of arimathea and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00348-00077344-00077671 his witness you know it says who was a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00349-00077672-00077919 disciple of jesus his witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00350-00077920-00078262 was not what he said but it was his K6bnH_CnSJQ-00351-00078263-00078647 what he did it it it is uh that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00352-00078648-00078943 he allowed them to take uh to give a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00353-00078944-00079031 place K6bnH_CnSJQ-00354-00079032-00079326 uh for jesus body to be to be buried and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00355-00079327-00079447 sometimes K6bnH_CnSJQ-00356-00079448-00079767 um when we talk about witness and we we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00357-00079768-00079935 always think that that means K6bnH_CnSJQ-00358-00079936-00080199 i have to say that i am a disciple i am K6bnH_CnSJQ-00359-00080200-00080287 i am K6bnH_CnSJQ-00360-00080288-00080711 uh um yes to jesus uh uh do you know him K6bnH_CnSJQ-00361-00080712-00080831 yes i know jesus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00362-00080832-00081087 are you saved yes are you born again yes K6bnH_CnSJQ-00363-00081088-00081175 um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00364-00081176-00081406 come with me to church you know if we K6bnH_CnSJQ-00365-00081407-00081487 translate K6bnH_CnSJQ-00366-00081488-00081767 um the um the woman at the well come and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00367-00081768-00081806 see K6bnH_CnSJQ-00368-00081807-00082111 for yourself uh but in this one there K6bnH_CnSJQ-00369-00082112-00082406 isn't a testimony the testimony is about K6bnH_CnSJQ-00370-00082407-00082831 uh joseph affair mafia but his witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00371-00082832-00083150 is what he did which was K6bnH_CnSJQ-00372-00083151-00083455 uh in caring for the the body K6bnH_CnSJQ-00373-00083456-00083862 of jesus uh and also caring for K6bnH_CnSJQ-00374-00083863-00084071 what was not being tended to by this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00375-00084072-00084279 disciples that scattered K6bnH_CnSJQ-00376-00084280-00084615 and so sometimes our witness is to do K6bnH_CnSJQ-00377-00084616-00084679 the right K6bnH_CnSJQ-00378-00084680-00084982 thing in the name of jesus so that at K6bnH_CnSJQ-00379-00084983-00085079 the end jesus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00380-00085080-00085431 is recognized and and it's not about me K6bnH_CnSJQ-00381-00085432-00085775 yes i am the disciple but it's about K6bnH_CnSJQ-00382-00085776-00086079 what do i do that lifts up K6bnH_CnSJQ-00383-00086080-00086438 jesus again and again K6bnH_CnSJQ-00384-00086439-00086591 and to note too is one more thing with K6bnH_CnSJQ-00385-00086592-00086815 that joseph also goes to pilate and asks K6bnH_CnSJQ-00386-00086816-00087047 for the body which is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00387-00087048-00087247 he he might have some access already to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00388-00087248-00087399 pilot if he's a jewish elite in K6bnH_CnSJQ-00389-00087400-00087559 jerusalem K6bnH_CnSJQ-00390-00087560-00087831 but it's still risky i want to tend for K6bnH_CnSJQ-00391-00087832-00087967 the body of this criminal K6bnH_CnSJQ-00392-00087968-00088647 uh he deserves some dignity and death K6bnH_CnSJQ-00393-00088648-00088950 i'm um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00394-00088951-00089206 i'm struck uh by a bunch of things this K6bnH_CnSJQ-00395-00089207-00089255 year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00396-00089256-00089431 first of all just following up on uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00397-00089432-00089559 what you guys have said K6bnH_CnSJQ-00398-00089560-00089862 uh thanks for listening uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00399-00089863-00090326 thanks to you guys for all the uh the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00400-00090327-00090775 the best continued education i get um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00401-00090776-00091079 weekly uh when we get together K6bnH_CnSJQ-00402-00091080-00091382 thanks to our authors um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00403-00091383-00091711 over the years for the commentaries um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00404-00091712-00091894 uh and also philanthropic caroline i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00405-00091895-00092015 mean one of the things that's most K6bnH_CnSJQ-00406-00092016-00092326 poignant to me in in john's narrative of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00407-00092327-00092399 the trial K6bnH_CnSJQ-00408-00092400-00092718 is that jesus is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00409-00092719-00093038 in front of all the people in power K6bnH_CnSJQ-00410-00093039-00093374 clearly confessing his identity K6bnH_CnSJQ-00411-00093375-00093567 and then it goes back and forth out to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00412-00093568-00093726 the scene where peter's in front of the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00413-00093727-00093903 people with no power K6bnH_CnSJQ-00414-00093904-00094087 you know um so it goes out of the way to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00415-00094088-00094318 say you know oh it's a slave you know so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00416-00094319-00094735 who can't offer any testimony in trial K6bnH_CnSJQ-00417-00094736-00095047 um but uh you know oh it's a cousin of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00418-00095048-00095150 the malcus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00419-00095151-00095479 you know dude and uh so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00420-00095480-00095662 by going back and forth between those K6bnH_CnSJQ-00421-00095663-00095894 two scenes highlights jesus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00422-00095895-00096047 in front of the people of power clearly K6bnH_CnSJQ-00423-00096048-00096215 confessing his identity and then peter K6bnH_CnSJQ-00424-00096216-00096399 denying it denying his identity and his K6bnH_CnSJQ-00425-00096400-00096671 relationship with jesus K6bnH_CnSJQ-00426-00096672-00096903 and then fast forwarding through uh you K6bnH_CnSJQ-00427-00096904-00097038 know these long chapters K6bnH_CnSJQ-00428-00097039-00097343 uh of course the what the what is truth K6bnH_CnSJQ-00429-00097344-00097718 um always stands out but it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00430-00097719-00098103 this time this year it just seems uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00431-00098104-00098438 uh with truth so contested and just K6bnH_CnSJQ-00432-00098439-00098694 p people feeling free simply to deny K6bnH_CnSJQ-00433-00098695-00098831 truth in so many ways K6bnH_CnSJQ-00434-00098832-00099191 in our society um uh K6bnH_CnSJQ-00435-00099192-00099518 on all sides i believe not just one side K6bnH_CnSJQ-00436-00099519-00099735 yes if you're one who believes that it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00437-00099736-00099838 only one side K6bnH_CnSJQ-00438-00099839-00100094 who's denying truth and i deny that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00439-00100095-00100215 truth K6bnH_CnSJQ-00440-00100216-00100487 i deny your truth as they say uh but K6bnH_CnSJQ-00441-00100488-00100559 then K6bnH_CnSJQ-00442-00100560-00100791 the it is finished really of the of the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00443-00100792-00100959 words on the cross K6bnH_CnSJQ-00444-00100960-00101326 um well two of two of the three words K6bnH_CnSJQ-00445-00101327-00101494 really strike me this year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00446-00101495-00101855 first is it is finished uh how that can K6bnH_CnSJQ-00447-00101856-00101918 be such K6bnH_CnSJQ-00448-00101919-00102282 good news uh in sometimes you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00449-00102283-00102590 um and boy just K6bnH_CnSJQ-00450-00102591-00102799 when we are when we're finally gonna get K6bnH_CnSJQ-00451-00102800-00102927 that it is finished whether you're K6bnH_CnSJQ-00452-00102928-00103199 vaccinated it's finished your K6bnH_CnSJQ-00453-00103200-00103478 the pandemic is finished it's you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00454-00103479-00103599 our quarantine K6bnH_CnSJQ-00455-00103600-00103823 all that stuff that's gonna be such good K6bnH_CnSJQ-00456-00103824-00103966 news K6bnH_CnSJQ-00457-00103967-00104254 um and of course it's bad news you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00458-00104255-00104318 uh so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00459-00104319-00104615 uh often times you know um whether it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00460-00104616-00104686 the death K6bnH_CnSJQ-00461-00104688-00104902 of someone a loved one or the end of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00462-00104903-00105199 relationship the end of something K6bnH_CnSJQ-00463-00105200-00105583 and so it's got obviously it's got both K6bnH_CnSJQ-00464-00105583-00105863 those aspects when jesus says it it's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00465-00105864-00106231 it's his death but it's when he had K6bnH_CnSJQ-00466-00106232-00106286 drank K6bnH_CnSJQ-00467-00106288-00106607 right um and earlier he says you know K6bnH_CnSJQ-00468-00106608-00106902 uh to the malcus incident you know am i K6bnH_CnSJQ-00469-00106903-00107023 not K6bnH_CnSJQ-00470-00107024-00107190 i don't have to drink the cup the father K6bnH_CnSJQ-00471-00107191-00107366 set aside for me and the cup that he K6bnH_CnSJQ-00472-00107367-00107447 drinks then is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00473-00107448-00107702 the sponge it's not the uh you know and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00474-00107703-00107847 then it is finished K6bnH_CnSJQ-00475-00107848-00107966 so i mean those are the things that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00476-00107967-00108215 stand out to me this year K6bnH_CnSJQ-00477-00108216-00108463 well into thanks for that ralph and and K6bnH_CnSJQ-00478-00108464-00108631 too with the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00479-00108632-00108958 with of course that's a distinctive word K6bnH_CnSJQ-00480-00108959-00109151 from the cross and john of it is K6bnH_CnSJQ-00481-00109152-00109366 finished or it has been completed or K6bnH_CnSJQ-00482-00109367-00109519 everything has been brought to its K6bnH_CnSJQ-00483-00109520-00109663 intended goal K6bnH_CnSJQ-00484-00109664-00109910 and it's uh in perfect tense and so K6bnH_CnSJQ-00485-00109911-00110015 there's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00486-00110016-00110190 one of the things that i was thinking K6bnH_CnSJQ-00487-00110191-00110383 about when you were K6bnH_CnSJQ-00488-00110383-00110766 mentioning that is that it there is a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00489-00110767-00111078 there's residual in in what K6bnH_CnSJQ-00490-00111079-00111302 has what we've witnessed and i've i've K6bnH_CnSJQ-00491-00111303-00111454 been working a lot um K6bnH_CnSJQ-00492-00111455-00111799 i'm on sabbatical and uh in the book i'm K6bnH_CnSJQ-00493-00111800-00111927 working i've been doing a lot of work K6bnH_CnSJQ-00494-00111928-00112031 with trauma K6bnH_CnSJQ-00495-00112032-00112375 and and how trauma becomes a lens K6bnH_CnSJQ-00496-00112376-00112478 through which to read K6bnH_CnSJQ-00497-00112479-00112854 scripture and that that that moment of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00498-00112855-00112934 that perfect K6bnH_CnSJQ-00499-00112935-00113254 tense is like what remains K6bnH_CnSJQ-00500-00113255-00113623 what's the residual and uh that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00501-00113624-00114007 uh that that there is no K6bnH_CnSJQ-00502-00114008-00114231 there's no there is no going back to K6bnH_CnSJQ-00503-00114232-00114423 life before the storm K6bnH_CnSJQ-00504-00114424-00114743 uh and and so and i'm gonna talk about K6bnH_CnSJQ-00505-00114744-00114854 that more when we talk about the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00506-00114855-00115054 resurrection text but that's part of the K6bnH_CnSJQ-00507-00115055-00115151 witness K6bnH_CnSJQ-00508-00115152-00115423 that life is fundamentally different K6bnH_CnSJQ-00509-00115424-00115534 that there K6bnH_CnSJQ-00510-00115535-00115895 there there had there is a there is a K6bnH_CnSJQ-00511-00115896-00116295 need for a total reintegration K6bnH_CnSJQ-00512-00116296-00116615 of how do you understand not understand K6bnH_CnSJQ-00513-00116616-00116671 or K6bnH_CnSJQ-00514-00116672-00116910 what are you going to do with this death K6bnH_CnSJQ-00515-00116911-00117023 that is now K6bnH_CnSJQ-00516-00117024-00117310 a part of your life uh and a part of K6bnH_CnSJQ-00517-00117311-00117447 your life going forward that K6bnH_CnSJQ-00518-00117448-00117623 that part of witnessing is giving K6bnH_CnSJQ-00519-00117624-00117871 witness to death K6bnH_CnSJQ-00520-00117872-00118190 a death on a cross and uh and that's K6bnH_CnSJQ-00521-00118191-00118431 that's real that's all that's held in K6bnH_CnSJQ-00522-00118432-00118607 that it is finished K6bnH_CnSJQ-00523-00118608-00118807 so i'm glad you i'm glad you brought K6bnH_CnSJQ-00524-00118808-00119383 that up thanks K9l_zBcUTIu-00000-00000327-00001286 [Music] K9l_zBcUTIu-00001-00001287-00002883 [Music] K9l_zBcUTIu-00002-00002884-00005683 foreign K9l_zBcUTIu-00005-00017300-00017609 [Music] K9ebzYu6xSA-00000-00000000-00000214 a district Zilla is an administrative K9ebzYu6xSA-00001-00000215-00000428 division of an Indian state or territory K9ebzYu6xSA-00002-00000429-00000692 in some cases districts are further K9ebzYu6xSA-00003-00000693-00000904 subdivided into subdivisions and in K9ebzYu6xSA-00004-00000905-00001127 others directly into tehsils or talukas K9ebzYu6xSA-00005-00001128-00001528 as of 2018 there are a total of 719 K9ebzYu6xSA-00006-00001529-00001847 districts up from the 640 in the 2011 K9ebzYu6xSA-00007-00001848-00002171 census of India and the 593 recorded in K9ebzYu6xSA-00008-00002172-00002417 the 2001 census of India district K9ebzYu6xSA-00009-00002418-00002630 officials include Deputy Commissioner or K9ebzYu6xSA-00010-00002631-00002798 district magistrate or district K9ebzYu6xSA-00011-00002799-00002954 collector an officer of the Indian K9ebzYu6xSA-00012-00002955-00003160 Administrative Service in charge of K9ebzYu6xSA-00013-00003161-00003359 administration and revenue collection K9ebzYu6xSA-00014-00003360-00003556 superintendent of police or Senior K9ebzYu6xSA-00015-00003557-00003761 Superintendent of Police or Deputy K9ebzYu6xSA-00016-00003761-00003935 Commissioner of Police an officer K9ebzYu6xSA-00017-00003936-00004108 belonging to the Indian Police Service K9ebzYu6xSA-00018-00004109-00004306 responsible for maintaining law and K9ebzYu6xSA-00019-00004307-00004556 order deputy conservator of forests an K9ebzYu6xSA-00020-00004557-00004763 officer belonging to the Indian Forest K9ebzYu6xSA-00021-00004764-00004961 Service entrusted with the management of K9ebzYu6xSA-00022-00004962-00005195 the forests environment and wildlife of K9ebzYu6xSA-00023-00005196-00005368 the district each of these officials is K9ebzYu6xSA-00024-00005369-00005563 aided by officers from the appropriate K9ebzYu6xSA-00025-00005564-00005786 branch of the state government most K9ebzYu6xSA-00026-00005787-00005981 districts have the distinct headquarters K9ebzYu6xSA-00027-00005982-00006308 Mumbai city district MC in Maharashtra M K9ebzYu6xSA-00028-00006309-00006553 H is an example which despite forming a K9ebzYu6xSA-00029-00006554-00006698 district does not have a clear K9ebzYu6xSA-00030-00006698-00006839 headquarters though it does have a K9ebzYu6xSA-00031-00006840-00007052 District Collector maje of put a cherry K9ebzYu6xSA-00032-00007053-00007267 is the smallest 9 square kilometres K9ebzYu6xSA-00033-00007268-00007487 district of India by area while catch of K9ebzYu6xSA-00034-00007488-00007883 Gujarat as the largest 45,000 652 square K9ebzYu6xSA-00035-00007884-00008113 kilometres district of India by area K9ebzYu6xSA-00036-00008114-00008417 topic overview topic topic naming topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00037-00008418-00008578 the majority of districts are named K9ebzYu6xSA-00038-00008579-00008834 after their administrative centre some K9ebzYu6xSA-00039-00008835-00008992 are referred to by two names a K9ebzYu6xSA-00040-00008993-00009181 traditional one and one that uses the K9ebzYu6xSA-00041-00009182-00009292 name of the town that is the K9ebzYu6xSA-00042-00009293-00009571 headquarters since most of the districts K9ebzYu6xSA-00043-00009572-00009788 are named after a town the word district K9ebzYu6xSA-00044-00009789-00009964 is appended to distinguish between the K9ebzYu6xSA-00045-00009965-00010244 town in the district official websites K9ebzYu6xSA-00046-00010245-00010435 very often used district with a capital K9ebzYu6xSA-00047-00010436-00010781 D in this context topic ambiguous names K9ebzYu6xSA-00048-00010782-00011084 topic the names of the 687 districts are K9ebzYu6xSA-00049-00011085-00011324 mostly unique there are some exceptions K9ebzYu6xSA-00050-00011325-00011555 within India 7 district names are K9ebzYu6xSA-00051-00011556-00011821 ambiguous representing 14 districts or K9ebzYu6xSA-00052-00011822-00011873 ngoba K9ebzYu6xSA-00053-00011874-00012103 district bihar and Aurangabad district K9ebzYu6xSA-00054-00012104-00012295 maharashtra Balram per district K9ebzYu6xSA-00055-00012296-00012496 chattisgarh and Balram per district K9ebzYu6xSA-00056-00012497-00012781 Uttar Pradesh Bijapur district K9ebzYu6xSA-00057-00012782-00012985 chattisgarh and bijapur district K9ebzYu6xSA-00058-00012986-00013175 Karnataka Balazs poor district K9ebzYu6xSA-00059-00013176-00013379 chattisgarh bilaspur district K9ebzYu6xSA-00060-00013380-00013591 a macho Pradesh hammer pure district K9ebzYu6xSA-00061-00013593-00013766 commercial predation hammer pure K9ebzYu6xSA-00062-00013766-00013966 district Uttar Pradesh leek in poor K9ebzYu6xSA-00063-00013968-00014168 district a saman leek in poor kerry K9ebzYu6xSA-00064-00014169-00014363 district Uttar Pradesh Pratap Garh K9ebzYu6xSA-00065-00014363-00014572 district Rajasthan and Pratap Garh K9ebzYu6xSA-00066-00014574-00014834 district Uttar Pradesh outside of India K9ebzYu6xSA-00067-00014835-00015041 but within South Asia there are seven K9ebzYu6xSA-00068-00015041-00015266 districts Bhojpur district bihar shares K9ebzYu6xSA-00069-00015266-00015503 a name with Bhojpur district nepal damon K9ebzYu6xSA-00070-00015504-00015722 district India shares a name with damon K9ebzYu6xSA-00071-00015722-00015977 district afghanistan Ghaziabad district K9ebzYu6xSA-00072-00015978-00016133 uttar pradesh shares a name with K9ebzYu6xSA-00073-00016134-00016394 Ghaziabad district afghanistan gopal K9ebzYu6xSA-00074-00016395-00016592 ganj district bihar shares a name with K9ebzYu6xSA-00075-00016593-00016862 gopal ganj district bangladesh hyderabad K9ebzYu6xSA-00076-00016863-00017057 district Telangana shares a name with K9ebzYu6xSA-00077-00017058-00017303 Hyderabad district Pakistan Lalitpur K9ebzYu6xSA-00078-00017304-00017504 district Uttar Pradesh shares a name K9ebzYu6xSA-00079-00017505-00017714 with Lalitpur district Nepal Poonch K9ebzYu6xSA-00080-00017715-00017972 district Jammu and Kashmir shares a name K9ebzYu6xSA-00081-00017973-00018200 with punch district Pakistan the two K9ebzYu6xSA-00082-00018201-00018404 were prior to partition one district K9ebzYu6xSA-00083-00018405-00018566 which got split by the line of control K9ebzYu6xSA-00084-00018567-00018767 so since then the two parts have been K9ebzYu6xSA-00085-00018768-00018971 administered separately outside of South K9ebzYu6xSA-00086-00018972-00019196 Asia entirely there are two districts K9ebzYu6xSA-00087-00019197-00019418 Mansa district punjab with Mansa K9ebzYu6xSA-00088-00019419-00019637 district zambia dar district Madhya K9ebzYu6xSA-00089-00019638-00019853 Pradesh with dar district Yemen the K9ebzYu6xSA-00090-00019854-00020047 following tables list the population K9ebzYu6xSA-00091-00020048-00020324 details of various states the columns K9ebzYu6xSA-00092-00020325-00020540 include the hierarchical administrative K9ebzYu6xSA-00093-00020541-00020729 subdivision codes the district name K9ebzYu6xSA-00094-00020730-00020978 district headquarters 2011 census K9ebzYu6xSA-00095-00020979-00021224 population area in square kilometres and K9ebzYu6xSA-00096-00021225-00021410 the population density per square K9ebzYu6xSA-00097-00021411-00021849 kilometre K9ebzYu6xSA-00098-00021850-00022450 topic andaman and nicobar n K9ebzYu6xSA-00099-00022451-00022843 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00100-00022844-00023458 topic Andhra Pradesh aap K9ebzYu6xSA-00101-00023459-00023849 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00102-00023850-00024444 topic Arunachal Pradesh are K9ebzYu6xSA-00103-00024445-00024838 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00104-00024839-00025380 topic assam as K9ebzYu6xSA-00105-00025381-00025770 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00106-00025772-00026325 topic Bihar BR K9ebzYu6xSA-00107-00026326-00026714 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00108-00026714-00027283 topic shunned eager ch K9ebzYu6xSA-00109-00027283-00027677 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00110-00027677-00028277 topic Shanta Scott CG K9ebzYu6xSA-00111-00028277-00028664 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00112-00028664-00029318 topic Dadra and Nagar Haveli dn K9ebzYu6xSA-00113-00029319-00029710 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00114-00029711-00030358 topic Daman and Diu didi K9ebzYu6xSA-00115-00030358-00030754 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00116-00030755-00031289 topic deli DL K9ebzYu6xSA-00117-00031291-00031685 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00118-00031686-00032208 topic goa gone K9ebzYu6xSA-00119-00032210-00032598 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00120-00032599-00033165 topic Gujarat GJ K9ebzYu6xSA-00121-00033166-00033560 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00122-00033561-00034126 topic Coriana HR K9ebzYu6xSA-00123-00034127-00034517 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00124-00034518-00035145 topic camacho pradesh HP K9ebzYu6xSA-00125-00035146-00035540 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00126-00035541-00036186 topic Jammu and Kashmir JK K9ebzYu6xSA-00127-00036187-00036580 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00128-00036581-00037161 topic jharkhand jh K9ebzYu6xSA-00129-00037162-00037551 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00130-00037552-00038096 topic Karnataka Khan K9ebzYu6xSA-00131-00038097-00038490 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00132-00038491-00039042 topic kerala KL K9ebzYu6xSA-00133-00039043-00039436 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00134-00039437-00039997 topic black should eat LD K9ebzYu6xSA-00135-00039998-00040389 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00136-00040390-00041002 topic Madhya Pradesh MP K9ebzYu6xSA-00137-00041003-00041394 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00138-00041395-00041986 topic maharashtra mhm K9ebzYu6xSA-00139-00041987-00042382 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00140-00042383-00042939 topic menopur amen K9ebzYu6xSA-00141-00042940-00043335 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00142-00043336-00043898 topic Meghalaya ml K9ebzYu6xSA-00143-00043899-00044290 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00144-00044291-00044854 topic miserab MZ K9ebzYu6xSA-00145-00044855-00045242 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00146-00045243-00045801 topic Nagaland NL K9ebzYu6xSA-00147-00045802-00046198 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00148-00046199-00046760 topic Oh DISA od K9ebzYu6xSA-00149-00046761-00047152 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00150-00047153-00047730 topic put a cherry py K9ebzYu6xSA-00151-00047731-00048121 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00152-00048122-00048683 topic Punjab PB K9ebzYu6xSA-00153-00048684-00049074 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00154-00049075-00049672 topic Rajasthan RJ K9ebzYu6xSA-00155-00049673-00050058 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00156-00050059-00050618 topic Sikkim sk K9ebzYu6xSA-00157-00050619-00051008 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00158-00051009-00051607 topic Tamil Nadu Tian K9ebzYu6xSA-00159-00051608-00052001 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00160-00052002-00052573 topic telangana TS K9ebzYu6xSA-00161-00052574-00052966 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00162-00052967-00053515 topic tripura TR K9ebzYu6xSA-00163-00053516-00053910 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00164-00053911-00054466 topic Uttar Pradesh up K9ebzYu6xSA-00165-00054466-00054861 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00166-00054862-00055434 topic uh Tarakan UK K9ebzYu6xSA-00167-00055435-00055824 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00168-00055825-00056451 topic west bengal WB K9ebzYu6xSA-00169-00056452-00056845 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00170-00056846-00057366 topic see also K9ebzYu6xSA-00171-00057366-00057753 topic list of districts in India by K9ebzYu6xSA-00172-00057754-00057975 population administrative divisions of K9ebzYu6xSA-00173-00057976-00058209 India municipalities of India districts K9ebzYu6xSA-00174-00058210-00058452 of British India topic reference s topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00175-00058453-00058494 topic K9ebzYu6xSA-00176-00058495-00058695 external links topic districts of India K9ebzYu6xSA-00177-00058696-00058914 Indian Ministry of Electronics and K9ebzYu6xSA-00178-00058915-00059211 information technology website 2001 maps K9ebzYu6xSA-00179-00059212-00059472 provides maps of social economic and K9ebzYu6xSA-00180-00059473-00059709 demographic data of India in 2001 K9ebzYu6xSA-00181-00059710-00059925 district books India showing list of K9ebzYu6xSA-00182-00059926-00060080 books for all Indian districts on K9ebzYu6xSA-00183-00060082-00060402 socio-economic data KqhwRnNNYp8-00000-00001738-00001918 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00001-00001919-00002458 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00002-00002459-00003422 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00003-00003423-00003789 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00005-00008720-00009026 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00006-00009027-00010063 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00007-00010064-00011655 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00008-00011656-00012604 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00009-00012605-00012974 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00010-00012975-00014391 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00011-00014391-00015647 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00012-00015647-00016169 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00014-00022706-00023639 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00015-00023640-00023886 i'm not sure why my life isn't currently KqhwRnNNYp8-00016-00023887-00024094 working but good morning and welcome to KqhwRnNNYp8-00017-00024095-00024358 saint bethlehem united methodist church KqhwRnNNYp8-00018-00024359-00024583 i will try to time it so that i'm not KqhwRnNNYp8-00019-00024584-00024814 shouting when my night eventually turns KqhwRnNNYp8-00020-00024815-00025022 on KqhwRnNNYp8-00021-00025023-00025278 it is a joy to worship with each of you KqhwRnNNYp8-00022-00025279-00025575 this morning here at saint bethlehem KqhwRnNNYp8-00023-00025576-00025983 on the second sunday of advent KqhwRnNNYp8-00024-00025983-00026262 whether this is your first time or you KqhwRnNNYp8-00025-00026263-00026527 have been attending for years KqhwRnNNYp8-00026-00026527-00026807 whether you are worshiping online or KqhwRnNNYp8-00027-00026808-00027095 joining us in person KqhwRnNNYp8-00028-00027095-00027311 whether you're strong in your faith or KqhwRnNNYp8-00029-00027312-00027607 you still have some questions KqhwRnNNYp8-00030-00027608-00027902 no matter your age your tax bracket your KqhwRnNNYp8-00031-00027904-00028223 ability or the color of your skin no KqhwRnNNYp8-00032-00028224-00028583 matter who you love or who loves you KqhwRnNNYp8-00033-00028583-00028670 you KqhwRnNNYp8-00034-00028672-00028799 are welcome KqhwRnNNYp8-00035-00028800-00028918 here KqhwRnNNYp8-00036-00028919-00029167 and it is a joy to worship with you this KqhwRnNNYp8-00037-00029168-00029407 morning KqhwRnNNYp8-00038-00029408-00029631 i invite you now to join us in our call KqhwRnNNYp8-00039-00029632-00029887 to worship KqhwRnNNYp8-00040-00029888-00030487 prepare the way KqhwRnNNYp8-00041-00030488-00030718 prepare the wedding KqhwRnNNYp8-00042-00030719-00031751 open the doors KqhwRnNNYp8-00043-00031752-00032918 christ is coming KqhwRnNNYp8-00044-00032919-00033111 we do have a few announcements this KqhwRnNNYp8-00045-00033112-00033351 morning KqhwRnNNYp8-00046-00033352-00033599 versus our bible study meets on KqhwRnNNYp8-00047-00033600-00034039 wednesday night at 6 p.m we have been KqhwRnNNYp8-00048-00034040-00034343 looking at images and exploring KqhwRnNNYp8-00049-00034344-00034662 how those images and scripture reveal KqhwRnNNYp8-00050-00034663-00034983 more to us about who god is and about KqhwRnNNYp8-00051-00034984-00035327 this season of advent if you missed last KqhwRnNNYp8-00052-00035328-00035574 week that's okay KqhwRnNNYp8-00053-00035575-00035839 you don't have to have any prerequisite KqhwRnNNYp8-00054-00035840-00036062 knowledge or have attended before to KqhwRnNNYp8-00055-00036063-00036599 join us on wednesday nights at 6 pm KqhwRnNNYp8-00056-00036600-00036974 next sunday at 3 p.m open table will be KqhwRnNNYp8-00057-00036975-00037174 meeting in the latecomers sunday school KqhwRnNNYp8-00058-00037175-00037390 classroom KqhwRnNNYp8-00059-00037391-00037630 the christmas card box is right out this KqhwRnNNYp8-00060-00037631-00037839 door if you have christmas cards for the KqhwRnNNYp8-00061-00037840-00038039 congregation you would like to KqhwRnNNYp8-00062-00038040-00038439 put there it is ready and available and KqhwRnNNYp8-00063-00038440-00038790 already almost overflowing KqhwRnNNYp8-00064-00038791-00039007 and finally on christmas eve we will KqhwRnNNYp8-00065-00039008-00039295 gather in this space at 6 00 pm for our KqhwRnNNYp8-00066-00039296-00039511 christmas eve service KqhwRnNNYp8-00067-00039512-00039718 are there any other announcements this KqhwRnNNYp8-00068-00039719-00040223 morning KqhwRnNNYp8-00069-00040224-00040479 see now we now move into the time of KqhwRnNNYp8-00070-00040480-00040829 lighting our advent wreath KqhwRnNNYp8-00072-00044480-00044767 good morning KqhwRnNNYp8-00073-00044768-00044902 if you could KqhwRnNNYp8-00074-00044903-00045223 follow along with us on the insert KqhwRnNNYp8-00075-00045224-00045743 right what can't wait KqhwRnNNYp8-00076-00045744-00046062 i will wait for the sky to clear KqhwRnNNYp8-00077-00046063-00046374 i will wait for the pot to thicken me KqhwRnNNYp8-00078-00046375-00046702 i will wait for vacation to arrive KqhwRnNNYp8-00079-00046703-00046983 i will wait for the snow KqhwRnNNYp8-00080-00046984-00047262 i will wait for dinner to be ready KqhwRnNNYp8-00081-00047263-00047527 i will wait for you to be confident KqhwRnNNYp8-00082-00047528-00047839 i will wait for my child to walk KqhwRnNNYp8-00083-00047840-00048135 i will wait for the leaves to come KqhwRnNNYp8-00084-00048136-00048446 i will wait for the dust to settle KqhwRnNNYp8-00085-00048447-00048718 i will wait for the live results KqhwRnNNYp8-00086-00048719-00049095 i will wait for christmas to arrive KqhwRnNNYp8-00087-00049096-00049351 i will wait for a lot of things but i KqhwRnNNYp8-00088-00049352-00049646 will not wait for peace KqhwRnNNYp8-00089-00049647-00049967 this world is rampant with division KqhwRnNNYp8-00090-00049968-00050383 walls grudge holding and self-doubt KqhwRnNNYp8-00091-00050384-00050758 i do not want to be a passive KqhwRnNNYp8-00092-00050759-00050967 in this division KqhwRnNNYp8-00093-00050968-00051270 we do not want to be passive bystanders KqhwRnNNYp8-00094-00051271-00053303 in this division KqhwRnNNYp8-00095-00053304-00053671 so today we like to handle peace KqhwRnNNYp8-00096-00053672-00053823 as a reminder KqhwRnNNYp8-00097-00053824-00056750 that we have a role to play KqhwRnNNYp8-00098-00056751-00057207 it's like the light in the darkness amen KqhwRnNNYp8-00100-00062704-00062966 our scripture reading this morning is KqhwRnNNYp8-00101-00062967-00063342 from isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 through KqhwRnNNYp8-00102-00063344-00063630 10. KqhwRnNNYp8-00103-00063632-00063871 a shoot shall come out from the stump of KqhwRnNNYp8-00104-00063872-00064150 jesse and a branch shall grow out of his KqhwRnNNYp8-00105-00064151-00064254 roots KqhwRnNNYp8-00106-00064255-00064566 the spirit of the lord shall rest on him KqhwRnNNYp8-00107-00064567-00064879 the spirit of wisdom and understanding KqhwRnNNYp8-00108-00064879-00065142 the spirit of counsel and might the KqhwRnNNYp8-00109-00065144-00065350 spirit of knowledge and the fear of the KqhwRnNNYp8-00110-00065351-00065447 lord KqhwRnNNYp8-00111-00065448-00065679 his delight shoving in the fear of the KqhwRnNNYp8-00112-00065680-00065791 lord KqhwRnNNYp8-00113-00065792-00066631 he shall not judge god but his eyes KqhwRnNNYp8-00114-00066632-00066847 and decide with equity for the meek of KqhwRnNNYp8-00115-00066848-00067079 the earth he shall strike the earth with KqhwRnNNYp8-00116-00067080-00067311 the rod of his mouth and with the breath KqhwRnNNYp8-00117-00067312-00067631 of his lips he shall kill the wicked KqhwRnNNYp8-00118-00067632-00067855 righteousness shall be developed around KqhwRnNNYp8-00119-00067856-00068079 his waist and faithfulness developed KqhwRnNNYp8-00120-00068080-00068294 around his loins KqhwRnNNYp8-00121-00068295-00068535 the wolf shall lie with the lamb the KqhwRnNNYp8-00122-00068536-00068815 leopard shall lie down with the kid the KqhwRnNNYp8-00123-00068816-00069038 calf and the lion and the battling KqhwRnNNYp8-00124-00069039-00069303 together and the little child shall need KqhwRnNNYp8-00125-00069304-00069431 them KqhwRnNNYp8-00126-00069432-00069671 the cow and the bear shall grace their KqhwRnNNYp8-00127-00069672-00069894 young shall lie down together and the KqhwRnNNYp8-00128-00069895-00070175 lion shall be straw like the ox KqhwRnNNYp8-00129-00070176-00070399 the nursing child shall play over the KqhwRnNNYp8-00130-00070400-00070550 hole of the ass KqhwRnNNYp8-00131-00070551-00070815 and the winged child shall put its hand KqhwRnNNYp8-00132-00070816-00071006 on the outer skin KqhwRnNNYp8-00133-00071007-00071303 they will not hurt or destroy on all my KqhwRnNNYp8-00134-00071304-00071535 holy mountain for the earth will be full KqhwRnNNYp8-00135-00071536-00071719 of the knowledge of the lord as the KqhwRnNNYp8-00136-00071720-00071943 waters cover the sea KqhwRnNNYp8-00137-00071944-00072159 on that day the root of jesse shall KqhwRnNNYp8-00138-00072160-00072423 stand as a signal to the peoples KqhwRnNNYp8-00139-00072424-00072703 the nations shall inquire of him and his KqhwRnNNYp8-00140-00072704-00073262 dwellings shall be glorious KqhwRnNNYp8-00141-00073263-00073871 lord of god for the people of god KqhwRnNNYp8-00142-00073872-00074031 i right now KqhwRnNNYp8-00143-00074032-00074311 to stand and sing with me as you sing KqhwRnNNYp8-00144-00074312-00074694 together hymn number 220 the angels from KqhwRnNNYp8-00145-00074695-00074954 the realms of glory KqhwRnNNYp8-00146-00074955-00076247 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00147-00076248-00076567 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00149-00083992-00084421 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00150-00084422-00085855 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00152-00090024-00090391 under pontius pilate was crucified dead KqhwRnNNYp8-00153-00090392-00090518 and buried KqhwRnNNYp8-00154-00090519-00090799 the third day he rose from the dead KqhwRnNNYp8-00155-00090800-00091023 he ascended into heaven KqhwRnNNYp8-00156-00091024-00091279 incident at the right hand of god the KqhwRnNNYp8-00157-00091280-00091447 father almighty KqhwRnNNYp8-00158-00091448-00091718 from there she shall come to death late KqhwRnNNYp8-00159-00091719-00091855 in the day KqhwRnNNYp8-00160-00091856-00092094 i believe in the holy spirit KqhwRnNNYp8-00161-00092095-00092406 the holy catholic church within the KqhwRnNNYp8-00162-00092407-00092511 saints KqhwRnNNYp8-00163-00092512-00092726 the forgiveness of sins KqhwRnNNYp8-00164-00092727-00093341 the resurrection of god KqhwRnNNYp8-00166-00096903-00098118 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00167-00098119-00098423 let us pray KqhwRnNNYp8-00168-00098424-00098687 god in this season suspended between KqhwRnNNYp8-00169-00098688-00098935 hope and fulfillment KqhwRnNNYp8-00170-00098936-00099311 let us never forget what you had done KqhwRnNNYp8-00171-00099312-00099591 may we be overwhelmed by your mercy KqhwRnNNYp8-00172-00099592-00100015 which flows in waves after lane KqhwRnNNYp8-00173-00100016-00100231 may we be honest about the darkness KqhwRnNNYp8-00174-00100232-00100391 within us KqhwRnNNYp8-00175-00100392-00100831 and perceptive of the light around us KqhwRnNNYp8-00176-00100832-00101047 may we make straight to the path for the KqhwRnNNYp8-00177-00101048-00101135 lord KqhwRnNNYp8-00178-00101136-00101455 that together we may see god's glory KqhwRnNNYp8-00179-00101456-00101599 revealed KqhwRnNNYp8-00180-00101600-00101855 amen KqhwRnNNYp8-00181-00101856-00102135 our next time this morning is low how a KqhwRnNNYp8-00182-00102136-00102287 rose airport KqhwRnNNYp8-00183-00102288-00102631 in number two KqhwRnNNYp8-00184-00102632-00105095 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00185-00105096-00105648 foreign KqhwRnNNYp8-00187-00109488-00109885 so KqhwRnNNYp8-00189-00112997-00113639 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00190-00113640-00114250 oh KqhwRnNNYp8-00191-00114251-00115590 [Music] KqhwRnNNYp8-00192-00115591-00115800 you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00000-00000178-00001495 [Music] KrUKxMFo2ZY-00001-00001496-00001687 so good afternoon good afternoon KrUKxMFo2ZY-00002-00001688-00001814 everyone KrUKxMFo2ZY-00003-00001816-00002030 uh my name is marta and i'll be your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00004-00002032-00002431 host for today welcome to this webinar KrUKxMFo2ZY-00005-00002432-00002726 organized by school education gateway KrUKxMFo2ZY-00006-00002727-00002902 before we start just practical KrUKxMFo2ZY-00007-00002903-00003158 information for the audience the webinar KrUKxMFo2ZY-00008-00003159-00003359 is recorded and the recording might be KrUKxMFo2ZY-00009-00003360-00003583 used for dissemination purposes and if KrUKxMFo2ZY-00010-00003584-00003838 you have comments or questions please KrUKxMFo2ZY-00011-00003839-00004079 you can use the chat and we will KrUKxMFo2ZY-00012-00004079-00004286 try to address all of them KrUKxMFo2ZY-00013-00004287-00004535 but without further delay KrUKxMFo2ZY-00014-00004536-00004759 let's go to the heart of the of today's KrUKxMFo2ZY-00015-00004760-00004863 event KrUKxMFo2ZY-00016-00004864-00005127 and the focus for today is environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00017-00005128-00005527 literacy making education visible KrUKxMFo2ZY-00018-00005528-00005831 so we are very happy to have today with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00019-00005832-00005943 us KrUKxMFo2ZY-00020-00005944-00006231 dr pramod kumar sharma KrUKxMFo2ZY-00021-00006232-00006478 who is a senior director of education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00022-00006479-00006687 with the foundation for environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00023-00006688-00006806 education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00024-00006808-00006983 as an education for sustainable KrUKxMFo2ZY-00025-00006984-00007231 development professional with a broad KrUKxMFo2ZY-00026-00007231-00007503 experience of over 20 years he has KrUKxMFo2ZY-00027-00007504-00007774 worked with a wide range of stakeholders KrUKxMFo2ZY-00028-00007775-00008031 that include school corporate program KrUKxMFo2ZY-00029-00008031-00008303 programming focusing on school system KrUKxMFo2ZY-00030-00008304-00008542 rural development issues of tribal KrUKxMFo2ZY-00031-00008543-00008831 communities and has mentored grassroots KrUKxMFo2ZY-00032-00008832-00009055 ngos for projects in the era of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00033-00009056-00009287 sustainable development KrUKxMFo2ZY-00034-00009288-00009455 thank you very much KrUKxMFo2ZY-00035-00009456-00009759 pramod for being with us today before we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00036-00009760-00010006 start one last practical information KrUKxMFo2ZY-00037-00010007-00010238 that the presentation today will be done KrUKxMFo2ZY-00038-00010239-00010414 with mentimeter KrUKxMFo2ZY-00039-00010415-00010695 which is an external tool subject to its KrUKxMFo2ZY-00040-00010696-00011055 own pro to to its own privacy policy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00041-00011056-00011206 so please KrUKxMFo2ZY-00042-00011207-00011455 only share personal details at your own KrUKxMFo2ZY-00043-00011456-00011710 discretion thank you very much without KrUKxMFo2ZY-00044-00011711-00011974 further i do promote now i'm very happy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00045-00011975-00012063 to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00046-00012064-00012631 give you the floor KrUKxMFo2ZY-00047-00012632-00013022 thank you uh for this opportunity and uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00048-00013023-00013422 i will be using the tool called uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00049-00013423-00013751 mentimeter and uh do you see my screen KrUKxMFo2ZY-00050-00013752-00013999 yes we can see it perfectly KrUKxMFo2ZY-00051-00014000-00014319 i think you can only if you can make it KrUKxMFo2ZY-00052-00014319-00014630 a bigger in presentation mode KrUKxMFo2ZY-00053-00014631-00015255 i have done that in presentation mode KrUKxMFo2ZY-00054-00015256-00015463 because i don't know eleanor but i still KrUKxMFo2ZY-00055-00015463-00015703 see the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00056-00015704-00015783 yeah KrUKxMFo2ZY-00057-00015784-00016030 okay now yes now we see it's a full KrUKxMFo2ZY-00058-00016031-00016215 screen thank you very much great thank KrUKxMFo2ZY-00059-00016216-00016335 you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00060-00016336-00016647 so uh for next 40 45 minutes uh i will KrUKxMFo2ZY-00061-00016648-00016886 be interacting with you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00062-00016887-00017158 on what environmental literacy is and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00063-00017159-00017503 how uh we can strengthen that uh as part KrUKxMFo2ZY-00064-00017504-00017719 of our environmental education programs KrUKxMFo2ZY-00065-00017720-00017894 or education for such naval development KrUKxMFo2ZY-00066-00017895-00018055 programs KrUKxMFo2ZY-00067-00018056-00018286 and we'll be stopping in between for any KrUKxMFo2ZY-00068-00018287-00018855 question and answers that you might have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00069-00018856-00019071 some of you might be knowing i represent KrUKxMFo2ZY-00070-00019072-00019255 foundation for environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00071-00019256-00019399 it's a non-profit non-governmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00072-00019400-00019543 organization KrUKxMFo2ZY-00073-00019544-00019735 based in denmark it's a member based KrUKxMFo2ZY-00074-00019736-00019863 organization KrUKxMFo2ZY-00075-00019864-00020143 that started with four countries in 81 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00076-00020144-00020263 and now we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00077-00020264-00020439 over 100 members in 80 countries KrUKxMFo2ZY-00078-00020440-00020694 implementing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00079-00020695-00021030 different programs of fee KrUKxMFo2ZY-00080-00021031-00021247 three programs work with school systems KrUKxMFo2ZY-00081-00021248-00021463 and higher education eco school and fee KrUKxMFo2ZY-00082-00021464-00021703 eco campus is well known then we have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00083-00021704-00021847 another program called learning about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00084-00021848-00021950 forest KrUKxMFo2ZY-00085-00021951-00022135 young reporters for the environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00086-00022136-00022335 which is working with individuals on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00087-00022336-00022583 thought leadership and to tourism-based KrUKxMFo2ZY-00088-00022584-00022814 program which are labels called blue KrUKxMFo2ZY-00089-00022815-00023143 flag and green key KrUKxMFo2ZY-00090-00023144-00023222 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00091-00023223-00023447 i will be using monty uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00092-00023448-00023607 meter to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00093-00023608-00023783 make this presentation and interact with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00094-00023784-00023863 you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00095-00023864-00024150 please KrUKxMFo2ZY-00096-00024151-00024399 go to mentee.com and enter the code KrUKxMFo2ZY-00097-00024400-00024767 35889090 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00098-00024768-00024958 and you can press the heart button at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00099-00024959-00025142 the bottom just to let me know that when KrUKxMFo2ZY-00100-00025143-00025407 you're KrUKxMFo2ZY-00101-00025408-00025687 inside the app yes i can see that two KrUKxMFo2ZY-00102-00025688-00026062 people have already accessed the app KrUKxMFo2ZY-00103-00026063-00026711 i will wait couple of more minutes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00104-00026712-00027046 go to mendy.com and use the code KrUKxMFo2ZY-00105-00027047-00027511 35889090 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00106-00027512-00027999 yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00107-00028000-00028143 and while you are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00108-00028144-00028270 trying to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00109-00028272-00028470 sit there you can also tell me from KrUKxMFo2ZY-00110-00028472-00029190 where you are joining the webinar KrUKxMFo2ZY-00111-00029191-00029455 ah i see KrUKxMFo2ZY-00112-00029456-00029670 one dot in pacific ocean KrUKxMFo2ZY-00113-00029672-00029862 so we have people from outside europe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00114-00029863-00029983 also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00115-00029983-00030231 but then uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00116-00030232-00030543 as we see two dots from europe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00117-00030544-00030774 yep KrUKxMFo2ZY-00118-00030775-00031095 south of europe two people from KrUKxMFo2ZY-00119-00031095-00031383 eastern europe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00120-00031383-00031623 looks like turkey malta KrUKxMFo2ZY-00121-00031624-00031935 greece KrUKxMFo2ZY-00122-00031936-00032127 portugal KrUKxMFo2ZY-00123-00032127-00032855 great KrUKxMFo2ZY-00124-00032856-00033135 this is like a wonderful uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00125-00033136-00033295 map representing the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00126-00033296-00033423 the major KrUKxMFo2ZY-00127-00033424-00033718 fauna of different parts of the world KrUKxMFo2ZY-00128-00033719-00034543 as you can see KrUKxMFo2ZY-00129-00034544-00035046 wonderful KrUKxMFo2ZY-00130-00035047-00035311 so we have a couple of people from KrUKxMFo2ZY-00131-00035312-00035487 northern europe also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00132-00035488-00035823 nice KrUKxMFo2ZY-00133-00035824-00036087 so as you're thinking and uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00134-00036088-00036327 and might have been thinking about what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00135-00036328-00036567 this session would be about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00136-00036568-00036807 just give me some examples of your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00137-00036808-00036999 environmental education project and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00138-00037000-00037246 activities in brief titles only like KrUKxMFo2ZY-00139-00037247-00037423 what kind of environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00140-00037424-00038151 activities or projects that you do KrUKxMFo2ZY-00141-00038152-00038302 marine literal KrUKxMFo2ZY-00142-00038303-00038479 inventory KrUKxMFo2ZY-00143-00038480-00039111 interesting KrUKxMFo2ZY-00144-00039112-00039407 yes ukraine is a topic peace war and all KrUKxMFo2ZY-00145-00039408-00039639 those aspects which are important part KrUKxMFo2ZY-00146-00039640-00039887 of sustainability natura KrUKxMFo2ZY-00147-00039888-00040030 nature KrUKxMFo2ZY-00148-00040031-00040223 eco school is a generic topic KrUKxMFo2ZY-00149-00040224-00040423 environmental education projects eco KrUKxMFo2ZY-00150-00040424-00040662 school is a program under which KrUKxMFo2ZY-00151-00040663-00040839 what kind of programs you are doing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00152-00040840-00041230 community coastal cleanup garbage art KrUKxMFo2ZY-00153-00041231-00041439 water is a very broad topic but anything KrUKxMFo2ZY-00154-00041440-00042839 specific that you do in water KrUKxMFo2ZY-00155-00042840-00043846 school green poster KrUKxMFo2ZY-00156-00043847-00044118 then i have a steam stem KrUKxMFo2ZY-00157-00044119-00044343 linking with science education policy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00158-00044344-00044655 for environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00159-00044656-00044967 nice maybe somebody from european union KrUKxMFo2ZY-00160-00044968-00045207 green environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00161-00045208-00045495 recycling e-book on environmental topics KrUKxMFo2ZY-00162-00045496-00045758 journalism KrUKxMFo2ZY-00163-00045759-00046151 trash fashion that's interesting KrUKxMFo2ZY-00164-00046152-00046383 eco school upstream battle combating KrUKxMFo2ZY-00165-00046384-00046790 oscillator via river pollution wow yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00166-00046791-00047007 making that those connections KrUKxMFo2ZY-00167-00047008-00047271 fast fashion very important topic KrUKxMFo2ZY-00168-00047272-00047607 sustainability renewable energy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00169-00047608-00047886 diversity of inc reduced fast fashion KrUKxMFo2ZY-00170-00047887-00048086 recycling KrUKxMFo2ZY-00171-00048087-00048351 great around almost 41 people have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00172-00048352-00048695 responded KrUKxMFo2ZY-00173-00048696-00048790 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00174-00048791-00048967 the share what impacts did your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00175-00048968-00049135 environmental project or activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00176-00049136-00049311 created you shared a lot of wonderful KrUKxMFo2ZY-00177-00049312-00049423 activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00178-00049424-00049543 or projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-00179-00049544-00049807 what the impact it created KrUKxMFo2ZY-00180-00049808-00050702 try to be very specific as possible KrUKxMFo2ZY-00181-00050703-00051046 not as much as desired KrUKxMFo2ZY-00182-00051047-00051407 okay KrUKxMFo2ZY-00183-00051408-00051711 i'm asking what impacts poor let's judge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00184-00051712-00051950 whether they were poor or not as per the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00185-00051951-00052214 desire as per our standard but what kind KrUKxMFo2ZY-00186-00052215-00052535 of impacts did they create for example KrUKxMFo2ZY-00187-00052536-00052654 cleanup KrUKxMFo2ZY-00188-00052655-00052791 reacted KrUKxMFo2ZY-00189-00052791-00053007 students change their actions KrUKxMFo2ZY-00190-00053008-00053279 wonderful KrUKxMFo2ZY-00191-00053279-00053519 schools reducing litter KrUKxMFo2ZY-00192-00053520-00053750 mentality changing okay that's more KrUKxMFo2ZY-00193-00053751-00054038 about attitude positive impact awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00194-00054039-00054254 of one own territory KrUKxMFo2ZY-00195-00054255-00054599 yes how do we really measure impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00196-00054600-00054750 one of the projects has made students KrUKxMFo2ZY-00197-00054751-00054919 more aware of nature protection KrUKxMFo2ZY-00198-00054920-00055175 increasing awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00199-00055176-00055430 mental changes water KrUKxMFo2ZY-00200-00055432-00055630 introduction of the recycling corner in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00201-00055632-00055847 the institution KrUKxMFo2ZY-00202-00055848-00056103 these are activities yes active learners KrUKxMFo2ZY-00203-00056104-00056247 active students with environmentally KrUKxMFo2ZY-00204-00056248-00056399 friendly habits KrUKxMFo2ZY-00205-00056400-00056703 that's nice behavior more awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00206-00056704-00056935 not a lot KrUKxMFo2ZY-00207-00056936-00057103 community participation in local KrUKxMFo2ZY-00208-00057104-00057303 environmental projects increased outdoor KrUKxMFo2ZY-00209-00057304-00057511 learning engagement and eco awareness of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00210-00057512-00058511 all participants KrUKxMFo2ZY-00211-00058512-00058735 what else your environmental project or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00212-00058736-00058966 activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00213-00058967-00059126 improving the environmental profile of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00214-00059127-00059223 school KrUKxMFo2ZY-00215-00059224-00060606 performance great KrUKxMFo2ZY-00216-00060607-00061199 let's wait for a minute more KrUKxMFo2ZY-00217-00061200-00061406 can you be more specific student KrUKxMFo2ZY-00218-00061407-00061566 awareness raising awareness of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00219-00061567-00061735 environmental issues reduce coastal KrUKxMFo2ZY-00220-00061736-00061982 garbage for a short period unfortunately KrUKxMFo2ZY-00221-00061983-00062550 yes that's a challenge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00222-00062551-00062887 awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00223-00062888-00063054 lot of awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00224-00063055-00063342 and increased outdoor learning KrUKxMFo2ZY-00225-00063344-00063503 a lot of uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00226-00063504-00063750 talking about mental changes uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00227-00063751-00063959 awareness of climate change awareness on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00228-00063960-00064294 territory mentality changing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00229-00064295-00064582 different aspects that we associate KrUKxMFo2ZY-00230-00064583-00064799 with environmental education as we can KrUKxMFo2ZY-00231-00064800-00066399 see KrUKxMFo2ZY-00232-00066400-00066575 direct involvement of students and cop KrUKxMFo2ZY-00233-00066576-00066799 26 students are also differentiating KrUKxMFo2ZY-00234-00066800-00067047 school material for the first time KrUKxMFo2ZY-00235-00067048-00067215 segregating i think segregating the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00236-00067216-00067487 waste students discovered the diversity KrUKxMFo2ZY-00237-00067488-00067799 of marine farm for now wow KrUKxMFo2ZY-00238-00067800-00068111 increasing so a very diverse set of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00239-00068112-00068319 impacts that has been created as part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00240-00068320-00068463 your environmental projects and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00241-00068464-00068682 activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00242-00068683-00068847 great KrUKxMFo2ZY-00243-00068848-00069103 now the question is coming to the topic KrUKxMFo2ZY-00244-00069104-00069359 like what is literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00245-00069360-00069535 how do you define literacy when we talk KrUKxMFo2ZY-00246-00069536-00069726 about environmental literacy but the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00247-00069727-00069999 let's discuss about the word literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00248-00070000-00071679 how do you define it KrUKxMFo2ZY-00249-00071680-00071862 knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00250-00071863-00072247 knowledge about anything yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00251-00072248-00072375 competence KrUKxMFo2ZY-00252-00072376-00072606 competency in a skill KrUKxMFo2ZY-00253-00072607-00072838 ability to use knowledge for action KrUKxMFo2ZY-00254-00072839-00073062 great being able to read but also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00255-00073063-00073199 understand the radius that the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00256-00073200-00073382 definition that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00257-00073383-00073591 capacity of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00258-00073592-00074015 ability understanding competence scale KrUKxMFo2ZY-00259-00074016-00074191 right language rather understand KrUKxMFo2ZY-00260-00074192-00074750 understand leading to behavior change KrUKxMFo2ZY-00261-00074751-00074943 section information culture safe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00262-00074944-00075967 communication competence KrUKxMFo2ZY-00263-00075968-00078023 interaction KrUKxMFo2ZY-00264-00078024-00078191 ability to communicate acquired KrUKxMFo2ZY-00265-00078192-00078471 knowledge transmission KrUKxMFo2ZY-00266-00078472-00078735 value about nature KrUKxMFo2ZY-00267-00078736-00078999 basic knowledge ability reading KrUKxMFo2ZY-00268-00079000-00079199 understand writing action skill KrUKxMFo2ZY-00269-00079200-00079350 background knowledge competence KrUKxMFo2ZY-00270-00079351-00079599 entrepreneurial skills entrepreneurship KrUKxMFo2ZY-00271-00079600-00079855 is also an important part KrUKxMFo2ZY-00272-00079856-00080103 agree KrUKxMFo2ZY-00273-00080104-00080238 safe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00274-00080239-00080462 great KrUKxMFo2ZY-00275-00080463-00080638 say if i didn't get it what do you mean KrUKxMFo2ZY-00276-00080639-00080711 by KrUKxMFo2ZY-00277-00080712-00081382 safe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00278-00081383-00081535 wonderful KrUKxMFo2ZY-00279-00081536-00081823 so there are many definition of literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-00280-00081824-00081967 uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00281-00081968-00082199 popularly is understood as an ability to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00282-00082200-00082423 read write and numeracy that is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00283-00082424-00082647 mathematics in at least one method of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00284-00082648-00082879 writing and which is language and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00285-00082880-00083079 understanding reflected by mainstream KrUKxMFo2ZY-00286-00083080-00083255 dictionaries so this is a definition KrUKxMFo2ZY-00287-00083256-00083391 which is given by most of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00288-00083392-00083518 dictionaries KrUKxMFo2ZY-00289-00083519-00083799 then literacy is also often used to mean KrUKxMFo2ZY-00290-00083800-00083959 having knowledge or skill in a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00291-00083960-00084150 particular field KrUKxMFo2ZY-00292-00084151-00084326 so environmental literacy when we talk KrUKxMFo2ZY-00293-00084327-00084550 about is the literacy of in the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00294-00084551-00084711 particular field of environment it could KrUKxMFo2ZY-00295-00084712-00084926 be mathematical literacy or it could be KrUKxMFo2ZY-00296-00084927-00085191 language literacy so having knowledge or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00297-00085192-00085423 skill in a particular field KrUKxMFo2ZY-00298-00085424-00085703 and the third which is defined by pisa KrUKxMFo2ZY-00299-00085704-00085903 is the capacity of a student to apply KrUKxMFo2ZY-00300-00085904-00086087 knowledge and skills and many of you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00301-00086088-00086375 talked about competences and the ability KrUKxMFo2ZY-00302-00086376-00086606 to transfer that knowledge and scale KrUKxMFo2ZY-00303-00086607-00086847 into key subject areas and to analyze KrUKxMFo2ZY-00304-00086848-00087094 the reason and communicate effectively KrUKxMFo2ZY-00305-00087095-00087311 as they pose and some of you also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00306-00087312-00087471 highlighted the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00307-00087472-00087655 important part of communication or com KrUKxMFo2ZY-00308-00087656-00087855 communicate KrUKxMFo2ZY-00309-00087856-00088015 as they pose solve and interpret KrUKxMFo2ZY-00310-00088016-00088406 problems in variety of situations KrUKxMFo2ZY-00311-00088407-00088662 and then when we look at uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00312-00088663-00088982 two words that were also used in a lot KrUKxMFo2ZY-00313-00088983-00089367 when we were discussing about the impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00314-00089368-00089582 is uh is environmental education and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00315-00089583-00089750 environmental awareness and you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00316-00089751-00089918 mentioned about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00317-00089919-00090262 environmental awareness raising KrUKxMFo2ZY-00318-00090263-00090431 being raised so how many of you think KrUKxMFo2ZY-00319-00090432-00090647 that environmental education and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00320-00090648-00090950 awareness are the same KrUKxMFo2ZY-00321-00090951-00091559 or is the same KrUKxMFo2ZY-00322-00091560-00091775 not sure nine percent 25 percent are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00323-00091776-00093103 saying yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00324-00093104-00093294 interesting so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00325-00093295-00093487 most of you around KrUKxMFo2ZY-00326-00093488-00093631 two third of you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00327-00093632-00093823 think out of the 30 people who have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00328-00093824-00093950 responded KrUKxMFo2ZY-00329-00093951-00094174 for that means around 20 people think KrUKxMFo2ZY-00330-00094175-00094447 that it's no it's still 14 percent KrUKxMFo2ZY-00331-00094448-00094647 saying yes and 10 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00332-00094648-00094871 are not sure about whether they are same KrUKxMFo2ZY-00333-00094872-00095791 or not KrUKxMFo2ZY-00334-00095792-00096006 if you are not able to participate you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00335-00096007-00096262 can go to the website call or on your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00336-00096263-00096503 smartphone open the browser and type KrUKxMFo2ZY-00337-00096504-00096759 menti.com as you can see on top of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00338-00096760-00096967 slide and use the code three five eight KrUKxMFo2ZY-00339-00096968-00097255 eight nine zero nine zero KrUKxMFo2ZY-00340-00097256-00097447 three five eight eight nine zero nine KrUKxMFo2ZY-00341-00097448-00098550 zero KrUKxMFo2ZY-00342-00098551-00098838 good so two thirds of the people KrUKxMFo2ZY-00343-00098839-00099167 uh participants here KrUKxMFo2ZY-00344-00099168-00099671 think that they are not the same KrUKxMFo2ZY-00345-00099672-00099894 so awareness as you are right awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00346-00099895-00100238 is just one component of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00347-00100239-00100479 literacy or environmental education and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00348-00100480-00100662 the first definition was given at the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00349-00100663-00100823 unesco un KrUKxMFo2ZY-00350-00100824-00101062 intergovernmental conference at tbc in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00351-00101063-00101238 1977 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00352-00101239-00101447 and this definition KrUKxMFo2ZY-00353-00101448-00101679 is mostly used by most of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00354-00101680-00101855 organizations and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00355-00101856-00102038 has been modified a bit but most of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00356-00102039-00102191 elements are the same KrUKxMFo2ZY-00357-00102192-00102343 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00358-00102344-00102606 it is the ability uh or in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00359-00102607-00102839 outcome is about raising awareness to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00360-00102840-00103071 help social groups and individuals KrUKxMFo2ZY-00361-00103072-00103302 uh to with the awareness sensitivity to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00362-00103303-00103478 total environment and a satellite KrUKxMFo2ZY-00363-00103479-00103742 problem and most of it is about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00364-00103743-00103990 campaigns and uh telling about that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00365-00103991-00104182 climate is changing or something like KrUKxMFo2ZY-00366-00104183-00104271 that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00367-00104272-00104454 which tells them that there is something KrUKxMFo2ZY-00368-00104455-00104575 happening KrUKxMFo2ZY-00369-00104576-00104758 but then it differentiates from KrUKxMFo2ZY-00370-00104759-00104983 knowledge uh which is to help social KrUKxMFo2ZY-00371-00104983-00105190 groups and individuals gain a variety of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00372-00105191-00105447 experiences in and that is what we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00373-00105448-00105575 trying to do KrUKxMFo2ZY-00374-00105576-00105815 help them get variety of experiences and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00375-00105816-00105975 acquire basic understanding of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00376-00105976-00106334 environment and associate problems KrUKxMFo2ZY-00377-00106335-00106590 then going and changing in terms of uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00378-00106591-00106847 looking at attitudes which are an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00379-00106848-00107047 important determinant of behavior to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00380-00107048-00107199 help social groups and individuals KrUKxMFo2ZY-00381-00107200-00107502 acquire a set of values and feelings of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00382-00107503-00107671 concerns for the environment and the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00383-00107672-00107878 motivation for actively participating in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00384-00107879-00108166 environmental improvement and protection KrUKxMFo2ZY-00385-00108167-00108358 and then environmental education in team KrUKxMFo2ZY-00386-00108359-00108631 service goals also has the element of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00387-00108632-00108895 development of skills which is also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00388-00108896-00109095 related to competence to help social KrUKxMFo2ZY-00389-00109096-00109263 groups and individually require the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00390-00109264-00109495 skills for solving environmental problem KrUKxMFo2ZY-00391-00109496-00109783 so it's just not about having awareness KrUKxMFo2ZY-00392-00109783-00110015 or knowledge in depth or having the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00393-00110016-00110295 right attitude but it's also the ability KrUKxMFo2ZY-00394-00110296-00110566 to solve and get engagement KrUKxMFo2ZY-00395-00110567-00110743 through participation which has also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00396-00110744-00111063 been highlighted as the last one in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00397-00111064-00111166 terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00398-00111167-00111343 when we look at environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00399-00111344-00111623 and that's objectives that uh to provide KrUKxMFo2ZY-00400-00111624-00111799 social groups and individuals with an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00401-00111800-00112015 opportunity to be actively involved at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00402-00112016-00112231 all levels in working towards resolution KrUKxMFo2ZY-00403-00112232-00112454 of environmental problems so when we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00404-00112455-00112695 look at environmental education it is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00405-00112696-00112886 different from awareness it includes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00406-00112888-00113134 awareness raising it includes building KrUKxMFo2ZY-00407-00113135-00113375 knowledge it includes changing attitude KrUKxMFo2ZY-00408-00113376-00113623 it is includes development of skills and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00409-00113624-00113854 competence and also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00410-00113855-00113966 getting them KrUKxMFo2ZY-00411-00113967-00114231 engaged in problem solving KrUKxMFo2ZY-00412-00114232-00114383 at all levels KrUKxMFo2ZY-00413-00114383-00114927 possible KrUKxMFo2ZY-00414-00114928-00115127 and north american association for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00415-00115128-00115431 environmental education in 2011 worked KrUKxMFo2ZY-00416-00115432-00115551 on the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00417-00115552-00115839 the research since 1977 and even before KrUKxMFo2ZY-00418-00115840-00116007 that to develop a framework for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00419-00116008-00116310 assessing environmentalist history and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00420-00116311-00116623 they define environmental literate uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00421-00116624-00116886 literate per person or a student in our KrUKxMFo2ZY-00422-00116888-00117127 case to possess uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00423-00117128-00117375 two varying degrees that's important to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00424-00117376-00117575 varying degrees because there is no KrUKxMFo2ZY-00425-00117576-00117727 absolute KrUKxMFo2ZY-00426-00117728-00117958 knowledge they everybo we all know KrUKxMFo2ZY-00427-00117959-00118071 something or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00428-00118072-00118399 other of all the aspects and so it isn't KrUKxMFo2ZY-00429-00118400-00118519 continuum KrUKxMFo2ZY-00430-00118520-00118790 so they defined it in terms of having KrUKxMFo2ZY-00431-00118791-00118951 knowledge and understanding of a wide KrUKxMFo2ZY-00432-00118952-00119151 range of environmental concepts problems KrUKxMFo2ZY-00433-00119152-00119271 and issues KrUKxMFo2ZY-00434-00119272-00119454 a set of cognitive and effective KrUKxMFo2ZY-00435-00119455-00119639 disposition that is we talked about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00436-00119640-00119943 attitude in the definition of 1977 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00437-00119944-00120119 and then set of cognitive skills and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00438-00120120-00120278 abilities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00439-00120279-00120447 to solve the problem engage with the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00440-00120448-00120639 problem and the appropriate behavioral KrUKxMFo2ZY-00441-00120640-00120807 strategies to apply such knowledge and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00442-00120808-00120983 understanding in order to make sound and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00443-00120983-00121166 effective decision KrUKxMFo2ZY-00444-00121167-00121358 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00445-00121359-00121543 this treats KrUKxMFo2ZY-00446-00121544-00121751 a cognitive part which is to do with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00447-00121752-00121895 brain in terms of knowledge skills and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00448-00121896-00122078 abilities effective and viral commerce KrUKxMFo2ZY-00449-00122079-00122375 is both interactive and development in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00450-00122376-00122614 nature so they interact with each other KrUKxMFo2ZY-00451-00122615-00122854 attitude has an impact on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00452-00122855-00122983 behaviors KrUKxMFo2ZY-00453-00122983-00123223 knowledge has an impact on attitudes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00454-00123224-00123463 and they interact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00455-00123464-00123663 and continue to interact over the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00456-00123664-00124110 lifetime as lifelong learners KrUKxMFo2ZY-00457-00124111-00124302 so nobody is either environmentally KrUKxMFo2ZY-00458-00124303-00124519 illiterate or literate we are on a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00459-00124520-00124743 continuum we know something or the other KrUKxMFo2ZY-00460-00124744-00124951 and have some attitude or behavior but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00461-00124952-00125175 we want to increase that as part of our KrUKxMFo2ZY-00462-00125176-00125390 own activities as part of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00463-00125391-00125558 education or education for sustainable KrUKxMFo2ZY-00464-00125559-00125983 development KrUKxMFo2ZY-00465-00125983-00126110 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00466-00126111-00126278 just asking you to what extent your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00467-00126279-00126478 projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-00468-00126479-00126607 project had KrUKxMFo2ZY-00469-00126608-00126790 documented impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00470-00126791-00126990 in terms of awareness knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00471-00126991-00128807 attitudes skills and participation KrUKxMFo2ZY-00472-00128808-00128943 create a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00473-00128944-00129039 100 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00474-00129040-00129223 the first participant that they had KrUKxMFo2ZY-00475-00129224-00129463 clear impact uh or documented impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00476-00129464-00129614 which they can show in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00477-00129615-00129823 awareness knowledge attitudes skills and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00478-00129824-00130231 participation KrUKxMFo2ZY-00479-00130232-00130375 but as we see KrUKxMFo2ZY-00480-00130376-00130647 it's changing with 11 participants KrUKxMFo2ZY-00481-00130648-00130766 the least KrUKxMFo2ZY-00482-00130767-00130966 area in which we have been able to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00483-00130967-00131247 document or show impact is in the area KrUKxMFo2ZY-00484-00131248-00131631 of attitude KrUKxMFo2ZY-00485-00131632-00132566 and skills KrUKxMFo2ZY-00486-00132567-00132766 participation is high KrUKxMFo2ZY-00487-00132767-00132927 because we are able to involve children KrUKxMFo2ZY-00488-00132928-00133223 either as part of eco committee or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00489-00133224-00133359 projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-00490-00133360-00133471 and that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00492-00136624-00136943 so if you look at the response KrUKxMFo2ZY-00493-00136944-00137183 it's coming clearly that most of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00494-00137184-00137383 projects have been focusing on raising KrUKxMFo2ZY-00495-00137384-00137590 awareness uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00496-00137591-00137711 knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00497-00137712-00137919 which we have been able to show or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00498-00137920-00138151 participation as in terms of how many KrUKxMFo2ZY-00499-00138152-00138383 children or what they did as part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00500-00138384-00138631 environmental activities or projects but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00501-00138632-00138887 very less in terms of skills or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00502-00138888-00139207 looking at behaviors to take action or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00503-00139208-00139383 changing attitudes which is also a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00504-00139384-00139527 determinant of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00505-00139528-00140166 behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-00506-00140167-00140423 so so when we were looking at uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00507-00140424-00140727 knowledge uh the research also for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00508-00140728-00140959 defined it in terms of what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00509-00140960-00141095 is knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00510-00141096-00141471 so to it is basically to what extent you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00511-00141472-00141671 know about physical and ecological KrUKxMFo2ZY-00512-00141672-00142031 systems which is what we usually is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00513-00142032-00142231 taught in the sciences KrUKxMFo2ZY-00514-00142232-00142487 whether it is biology geography KrUKxMFo2ZY-00515-00142488-00142735 or to some extent chemistry and physics KrUKxMFo2ZY-00516-00142736-00142823 also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00517-00142824-00143039 then the second is in terms of social KrUKxMFo2ZY-00518-00143040-00143278 culture and political systems which is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00519-00143279-00143526 part of civics history of in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00520-00143527-00143783 looking at how our societies our KrUKxMFo2ZY-00521-00143784-00144023 consumption patterns the culture and the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00522-00144024-00144311 political systems KrUKxMFo2ZY-00523-00144312-00144551 define and decide uh the impacts on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00524-00144552-00144663 environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00525-00144664-00144847 then talking about and having knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00526-00144848-00145102 about issues of environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00527-00145103-00145271 knowing about the problem that we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00528-00145272-00145478 facing or we have created KrUKxMFo2ZY-00529-00145479-00145631 and then multiple solution to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00530-00145632-00145902 environmental issues so it is also just KrUKxMFo2ZY-00531-00145903-00146143 not having the knowledge about the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00532-00146144-00146359 problem but it's also having knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00533-00146360-00146663 about different solutions we can have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00534-00146664-00146854 whether we are applying them or not but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00535-00146855-00147039 knowing like what how we can solve the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00536-00147040-00147254 problem is also part of the knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00537-00147255-00147390 building KrUKxMFo2ZY-00538-00147391-00147607 and the third is in terms of how KrUKxMFo2ZY-00539-00147608-00147895 citizens as we can participate and what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00540-00147896-00148135 kind of actions we can take so some of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00541-00148136-00148375 the actions are already being taken KrUKxMFo2ZY-00542-00148376-00148631 for example children have been motivated KrUKxMFo2ZY-00543-00148632-00148775 by KrUKxMFo2ZY-00544-00148776-00149039 fridays for future and climate activism KrUKxMFo2ZY-00545-00149040-00149111 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00546-00149112-00149447 and they know that as a one way of uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00547-00149448-00149687 basically expressing themselves to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00548-00149688-00149926 different people and raise awareness and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00549-00149927-00150511 issue about the issue of climate change KrUKxMFo2ZY-00550-00150512-00150695 the second area KrUKxMFo2ZY-00551-00150696-00150871 which KrUKxMFo2ZY-00552-00150872-00151190 it's highlighted was the competencies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00553-00151191-00151407 which is a combination of skills and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00554-00151408-00151607 abilities that you know how and when to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00555-00151608-00151911 apply this is important knowing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00556-00151912-00152207 how and when to apply those so the skill KrUKxMFo2ZY-00557-00152208-00152502 of identifying environmental issues KrUKxMFo2ZY-00558-00152503-00152863 being able to see what is a problem uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00559-00152864-00152999 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00560-00153000-00153183 and then talking about or asking KrUKxMFo2ZY-00561-00153184-00153351 questions about environmental condition KrUKxMFo2ZY-00562-00153352-00153583 and issues being able to raise questions KrUKxMFo2ZY-00563-00153584-00153863 and if i uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00564-00153864-00154095 write questions to know more about it or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00565-00154096-00154263 raise those issues with the different KrUKxMFo2ZY-00566-00154264-00154407 stakeholders KrUKxMFo2ZY-00567-00154408-00154647 the ability to analyze environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00568-00154648-00154975 issues and find do those analysis to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00569-00154976-00155183 find out why those are happening where KrUKxMFo2ZY-00570-00155184-00155375 they are happening KrUKxMFo2ZY-00571-00155376-00155551 looking at investigating environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00572-00155552-00155751 issues scientific and social aspects of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00573-00155752-00155919 issue using primary and secondary KrUKxMFo2ZY-00574-00155920-00156151 sources many of our programs are already KrUKxMFo2ZY-00575-00156152-00156295 doing that young reporter for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00576-00156296-00156487 environment is a good example KrUKxMFo2ZY-00577-00156488-00156663 when we do audit as part of the seven KrUKxMFo2ZY-00578-00156664-00156839 step process of equal school we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00579-00156840-00157023 doing that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00580-00157024-00157207 then looking at evaluating and making KrUKxMFo2ZY-00581-00157208-00157390 personal judgment about environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00582-00157391-00157583 issues the interaction between KrUKxMFo2ZY-00583-00157584-00157726 environmental congestion and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00584-00157727-00157943 socio-political system the way our KrUKxMFo2ZY-00585-00157944-00158111 markets are shaping KrUKxMFo2ZY-00586-00158112-00158263 different KrUKxMFo2ZY-00587-00158264-00158439 consumption patterns and how KrUKxMFo2ZY-00588-00158440-00158711 advertisements are uh making us consume KrUKxMFo2ZY-00589-00158712-00159023 certain things those are also uh part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00590-00159024-00159239 the competition in terms of ability to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00591-00159240-00159551 evaluate and make a personal judgment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00592-00159552-00159726 whether it's a green washing whether i KrUKxMFo2ZY-00593-00159727-00159895 need that product or not whether this KrUKxMFo2ZY-00594-00159896-00160135 product is better than uh the product KrUKxMFo2ZY-00595-00160136-00160366 that i i want to or i have been KrUKxMFo2ZY-00596-00160367-00160663 consuming or whether organic or going KrUKxMFo2ZY-00597-00160664-00160919 meatless is better for environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-00598-00160920-00161063 looking and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00599-00161064-00161287 evaluating those and taking decisions in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00600-00161288-00161487 important part of competencies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00601-00161488-00161663 and then using evidence and knowledge to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00602-00161664-00161990 select and defend one position so one uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00603-00161991-00162183 way of looking at is from emotional that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00604-00162184-00162399 okay we should save environment but then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00605-00162400-00162654 coming in with facts and and that's what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00606-00162655-00162863 the movement is all about nowadays that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00607-00162864-00163071 believe in science and use evidence and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00608-00163072-00163302 knowledge just is not a rheotoric that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00609-00163303-00163447 we are looking at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00610-00163448-00163631 and then creating and evaluating plants KrUKxMFo2ZY-00611-00163632-00163807 at various scale levels resolved KrUKxMFo2ZY-00612-00163808-00164071 environmentalism how much is enough what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00613-00164072-00164375 we need to do as society as corporation KrUKxMFo2ZY-00614-00164376-00164631 at different levels as our municipality KrUKxMFo2ZY-00615-00164632-00164735 and uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00616-00164736-00164951 being able to uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00617-00164952-00165278 look and identify those KrUKxMFo2ZY-00618-00165279-00165495 plans is part of important part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00619-00165496-00165807 competencies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00620-00165808-00165919 and then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00621-00165920-00166207 the third area is about disposition KrUKxMFo2ZY-00622-00166208-00166407 which is an important indicator of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00623-00166408-00166607 behavior that how you respond to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00624-00166608-00166766 environmental issues what is your KrUKxMFo2ZY-00625-00166767-00167047 inclination if you see a paper on street KrUKxMFo2ZY-00626-00167048-00167278 whether you will pick it up or not KrUKxMFo2ZY-00627-00167279-00167454 that's this position so it's all about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00628-00167455-00167735 sensitivity it is all about attitude and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00629-00167736-00167902 concerns towards KrUKxMFo2ZY-00630-00167903-00168159 the environment it is about assumption KrUKxMFo2ZY-00631-00168160-00168383 of personal responsibility which is an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00632-00168384-00168566 important indicator to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00633-00168567-00168759 what extent i KrUKxMFo2ZY-00634-00168760-00169051 believe in my own uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00635-00169052-00169390 responsibility to act in a certain way KrUKxMFo2ZY-00636-00169391-00169566 to solve resolve or mitigate KrUKxMFo2ZY-00637-00169567-00169799 environmental problems and which is also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00638-00169800-00170126 uh important element in terms of because KrUKxMFo2ZY-00639-00170127-00170351 behavior is determined by locus of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00640-00170352-00170566 control and self efficacy these are two KrUKxMFo2ZY-00641-00170567-00170743 important aspects KrUKxMFo2ZY-00642-00170744-00171047 and that is why the important part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00643-00171048-00171335 knowing that so many people are taking KrUKxMFo2ZY-00644-00171336-00171502 actions around the world to resolve the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00645-00171503-00171743 environmental issue because otherwise we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00646-00171744-00171878 will think that we are only an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00647-00171879-00172111 individual an action doesn't matter and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00648-00172112-00172319 that is a question of self-efficacy is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00649-00172320-00172543 to what extent my environmental activity KrUKxMFo2ZY-00650-00172544-00172751 or project will make a difference and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00651-00172752-00172926 many of you highlighted in the beginning KrUKxMFo2ZY-00652-00172927-00173126 that not much environmental issues have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00653-00173127-00173351 not been because that's another barrier KrUKxMFo2ZY-00654-00173352-00173614 that we see and woke us up into control KrUKxMFo2ZY-00655-00173615-00173854 in terms of whether the motivation is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00656-00173855-00174119 from self or because it is because of a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00657-00174120-00174343 project that has come from outside we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00658-00174344-00174487 are involved in an environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00659-00174488-00174711 activity or a project and then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00660-00174712-00174943 motivation and intention to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00661-00174944-00175199 act KrUKxMFo2ZY-00662-00175200-00175366 and which ultimately leads to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00663-00175367-00175566 environmentally responsible behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-00664-00175567-00175790 which is involvement in intentional and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00665-00175791-00176063 habitual behaviors individually or as a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00666-00176064-00176238 member of group that works towards KrUKxMFo2ZY-00667-00176239-00176438 solving current problems in preventing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00668-00176439-00176759 new one so if we look at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00669-00176760-00176990 environmental literacy and looking at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00670-00176991-00177199 education within this KrUKxMFo2ZY-00671-00177200-00177438 we look at we are looking at changing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00672-00177439-00177735 behaviors as literacy outcome or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00673-00177736-00177919 building dispositions building KrUKxMFo2ZY-00674-00177920-00178247 competencies and different areas of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00675-00178248-00178487 knowledge domain and we have to work on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00676-00178488-00178702 all aspects and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00677-00178703-00179007 see this as part of education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00678-00179008-00179319 or environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00679-00179320-00179566 and they interact with each other KrUKxMFo2ZY-00680-00179567-00179790 knowledge disposition and competencies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00681-00179791-00179926 interact with each other because KrUKxMFo2ZY-00682-00179927-00180207 knowledge as it was highlighted KrUKxMFo2ZY-00683-00180208-00180287 that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00684-00180288-00180495 based on science evidence KrUKxMFo2ZY-00685-00180496-00180775 we developed disposition and then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00686-00180776-00180951 competence in their abilities to act KrUKxMFo2ZY-00687-00180952-00181278 through projects and practicing them and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00688-00181279-00181454 there are contexts personal social and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00689-00181455-00181711 physical which might be enabling KrUKxMFo2ZY-00690-00181712-00181959 mechanism or barriers to environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00691-00181960-00182223 responsible behavior and feedback KrUKxMFo2ZY-00692-00182224-00182423 reflection help in literacy development KrUKxMFo2ZY-00693-00182424-00182687 that at every step that is the role of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00694-00182688-00182951 education as the educators that how do KrUKxMFo2ZY-00695-00182952-00183287 we help the learners to reflect and give KrUKxMFo2ZY-00696-00183288-00183423 have feedback KrUKxMFo2ZY-00697-00183424-00183775 so that they can KrUKxMFo2ZY-00698-00183776-00183951 increase their knowledge and increase KrUKxMFo2ZY-00699-00183952-00184190 the depth of their understanding KrUKxMFo2ZY-00700-00184191-00184383 and improve their higher order thinking KrUKxMFo2ZY-00701-00184384-00184654 skills KrUKxMFo2ZY-00702-00184655-00186143 any questions KrUKxMFo2ZY-00703-00186144-00186359 are there any question in the chat i KrUKxMFo2ZY-00704-00186360-00186719 promote i think we i am checking but i KrUKxMFo2ZY-00705-00186720-00186959 think for the time being KrUKxMFo2ZY-00706-00186960-00187143 we do not have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00707-00187144-00187414 questions so maybe KrUKxMFo2ZY-00708-00187415-00187711 we can KrUKxMFo2ZY-00709-00187712-00187919 they are asking can you show an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00710-00187920-00188199 environment environment response slide KrUKxMFo2ZY-00711-00188200-00188390 again please KrUKxMFo2ZY-00712-00188391-00188638 well i remind the participant also that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00713-00188639-00188919 the slides will be available on the on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00714-00188920-00189199 the webinar page KrUKxMFo2ZY-00715-00189200-00189566 but indeed i encourage the attendees to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00716-00189567-00189871 to post also the questions in the chat KrUKxMFo2ZY-00717-00189872-00189983 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00718-00189984-00190207 now i think we can move on promote and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00719-00190208-00190483 then we can leave KrUKxMFo2ZY-00720-00190484-00190814 sometimes towards the end KrUKxMFo2ZY-00721-00190815-00191190 yes maybe they still need to reflect KrUKxMFo2ZY-00722-00191191-00191359 and come up with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00723-00191360-00191526 some questions so i think you can KrUKxMFo2ZY-00724-00191527-00191735 proceed thank you if you don't have a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00725-00191736-00192031 question any a comment everything is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00726-00192032-00192223 clear it means that everything it's KrUKxMFo2ZY-00727-00192224-00192407 really clear KrUKxMFo2ZY-00728-00192408-00192647 either i would say either it is clear or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00729-00192648-00192863 is very confusing so you don't you don't KrUKxMFo2ZY-00730-00192864-00193078 know what the question or the direction KrUKxMFo2ZY-00731-00193079-00193366 should be KrUKxMFo2ZY-00732-00193367-00193599 i hope positively and think positively KrUKxMFo2ZY-00733-00193600-00193775 that everything is clear let's move KrUKxMFo2ZY-00734-00193776-00193983 forward then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00735-00193984-00194359 thank you so uh let's now uh we were KrUKxMFo2ZY-00736-00194360-00194623 discussing about uh reflection so how KrUKxMFo2ZY-00737-00194624-00194814 your future environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00738-00194815-00195047 project activities be different now KrUKxMFo2ZY-00739-00195048-00195231 we went through that what environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00740-00195232-00195495 literacy really means KrUKxMFo2ZY-00741-00195496-00195726 and you raise different issues and how KrUKxMFo2ZY-00742-00195727-00195943 we need to work on different dimensions KrUKxMFo2ZY-00743-00195944-00196150 we looked at that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00744-00196151-00196350 if we want environmental responsible KrUKxMFo2ZY-00745-00196351-00196559 behavior we need to look at knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00746-00196560-00196790 disposition competencies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00747-00196791-00197063 and uh and so that we can shape the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00748-00197064-00197263 behaviors and create impacts in long KrUKxMFo2ZY-00749-00197264-00197502 term short term and long term KrUKxMFo2ZY-00750-00197503-00197711 so how your future environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00751-00197712-00197887 education project will be different uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00752-00197888-00198038 if you look at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00753-00198039-00198247 need to find a way to measure long-term KrUKxMFo2ZY-00754-00198248-00198526 behavioral change yes that's the biggest KrUKxMFo2ZY-00755-00198527-00198750 challenge and long-term or longitudinal KrUKxMFo2ZY-00756-00198751-00198919 studies KrUKxMFo2ZY-00757-00198920-00199207 are difficult and not much has been done KrUKxMFo2ZY-00758-00199208-00199463 which is a gray area but then we can KrUKxMFo2ZY-00759-00199464-00199711 always look at students because KrUKxMFo2ZY-00760-00199712-00199950 we run programs in eco schools and we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00761-00199951-00200087 have been running for 25 and we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00762-00200088-00200278 trying to reach out to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00763-00200279-00200447 people who have been part of the program KrUKxMFo2ZY-00764-00200448-00200695 to see what difference it made and the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00765-00200696-00200895 research is showing children especially KrUKxMFo2ZY-00766-00200896-00201119 who were actively engaged as part of eco KrUKxMFo2ZY-00767-00201120-00201399 committee changing for life but cannot KrUKxMFo2ZY-00768-00201400-00201654 be definitely said for other students KrUKxMFo2ZY-00769-00201655-00202175 whose engagement was light KrUKxMFo2ZY-00770-00202176-00202399 include reflection activities that's KrUKxMFo2ZY-00771-00202400-00202638 important reflection only leads to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00772-00202639-00202878 learning because reflection is thinking KrUKxMFo2ZY-00773-00202879-00203083 and one of my favorite KrUKxMFo2ZY-00774-00203084-00203431 uh basically suggestion is that if you KrUKxMFo2ZY-00775-00203432-00203671 have to evaluate whether the change will KrUKxMFo2ZY-00776-00203672-00203854 happen is or not KrUKxMFo2ZY-00777-00203855-00204054 ask in a project and activity that who KrUKxMFo2ZY-00778-00204055-00204311 is thinking if the teacher is thinking KrUKxMFo2ZY-00779-00204312-00204511 not much will happen if the students are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00780-00204512-00204743 thinking lot will happen KrUKxMFo2ZY-00781-00204744-00204975 needs longitudinal study yes add KrUKxMFo2ZY-00782-00204976-00205231 measurement of attitudinal change yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00783-00205232-00205334 because KrUKxMFo2ZY-00784-00205335-00205431 knowledge KrUKxMFo2ZY-00785-00205432-00205638 which we traditionally measure is not a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00786-00205639-00205886 good indicator of behavior attitude is a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00787-00205887-00206103 good indicator of behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-00788-00206104-00206279 so higher the change attitude or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00789-00206280-00206510 disposition there are more chances of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00790-00206511-00206790 environmental responsible behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-00791-00206791-00206975 i want to start this in primary schools KrUKxMFo2ZY-00792-00206976-00207134 and work with some children as they move KrUKxMFo2ZY-00793-00207135-00207327 to secondary school yes that's a good KrUKxMFo2ZY-00794-00207328-00207710 strategy to work with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00795-00207711-00208094 include reflection activity KrUKxMFo2ZY-00796-00208096-00208271 it should be more transparent not linked KrUKxMFo2ZY-00797-00208271-00208542 to sciences only yes we realize in terms KrUKxMFo2ZY-00798-00208544-00208727 of knowledge we need to build it on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00799-00208728-00208951 social political system civic KrUKxMFo2ZY-00800-00208952-00209479 education it's just not about sciences KrUKxMFo2ZY-00801-00209480-00209719 stating clear actions to be implemented KrUKxMFo2ZY-00802-00209719-00210246 yes that's important KrUKxMFo2ZY-00803-00210248-00210391 i think we need more support for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00804-00210392-00210679 informal groups i i yes that is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00805-00210680-00210879 important because KrUKxMFo2ZY-00806-00210880-00211071 they need to practice it outside the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00807-00211071-00211263 school just not okay as academic KrUKxMFo2ZY-00808-00211264-00211382 projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-00809-00211383-00211615 active citizenship aspects is also an KrUKxMFo2ZY-00810-00211616-00211855 important KrUKxMFo2ZY-00811-00211856-00213934 part add measurement of attitude KrUKxMFo2ZY-00812-00213935-00214175 ah there is an interesting some kids are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00813-00214176-00214358 interested in some don't care understand KrUKxMFo2ZY-00814-00214359-00214542 or feel it is relevant to them the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00815-00214544-00214734 letter needs government and contra this KrUKxMFo2ZY-00816-00214735-00214958 is also the society so many people think KrUKxMFo2ZY-00817-00214959-00215175 they are relevant so we have to think KrUKxMFo2ZY-00818-00215176-00215487 and understand why they feel that uh the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00819-00215488-00215710 things are not relevant and then that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00820-00215711-00215958 there the project would be to make the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00821-00215959-00216223 things relevant and help them understand KrUKxMFo2ZY-00822-00216223-00216463 and that's what the engagement is all KrUKxMFo2ZY-00823-00216464-00216775 about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00824-00216776-00216919 we will include evaluation on the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00825-00216919-00217079 long-term impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-00826-00217080-00217791 yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-00827-00217792-00217951 including environmental education as KrUKxMFo2ZY-00828-00217952-00218239 part of the curriculum that's important KrUKxMFo2ZY-00829-00218240-00218582 give publicity the results KrUKxMFo2ZY-00830-00218583-00218751 results from an environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-00831-00218752-00218927 or environmental literacy perspective KrUKxMFo2ZY-00832-00218928-00219175 not about just how much energy is saved KrUKxMFo2ZY-00833-00219176-00219431 how much liters of water is saved KrUKxMFo2ZY-00834-00219432-00219567 or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00835-00219567-00219734 how many sacs of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00836-00219735-00219942 garbage was collected and one of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00837-00219944-00220134 teachers highlighted KrUKxMFo2ZY-00838-00220135-00220391 that the cleanup only leads to a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00839-00220392-00220631 change in the small terms because a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00840-00220632-00220846 small period and the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00841-00220848-00221055 the place is again dirty or littered KrUKxMFo2ZY-00842-00221056-00221367 with waste and the reason is that we are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00843-00221367-00221551 only engaging them for KrUKxMFo2ZY-00844-00221552-00221806 a shorty short period and not reflecting KrUKxMFo2ZY-00845-00221807-00222246 on how we can solve the problem KrUKxMFo2ZY-00846-00222248-00222463 in long term and reflecting on the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00847-00222464-00223023 behaviors KrUKxMFo2ZY-00848-00223023-00223471 okay so almost 30. KrUKxMFo2ZY-00849-00223471-00223751 now let's get into uh the next part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00850-00223752-00224006 the presentation is in terms of what is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00851-00224007-00224342 environmental citizenship so any ideas KrUKxMFo2ZY-00852-00224344-00224567 or any reflections from your site what KrUKxMFo2ZY-00853-00224567-00225823 is environmental citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-00854-00225823-00225958 what do you understand by environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00855-00225959-00226175 citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-00856-00226176-00226375 you can go to mentee.com and use the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00857-00226376-00226919 code 35889090 KrUKxMFo2ZY-00858-00226919-00227087 everyone taking responsibility for not KrUKxMFo2ZY-00859-00227088-00227263 worsening climate change everybody KrUKxMFo2ZY-00860-00227264-00227510 taking responsibility so the key word is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00861-00227511-00227727 everybody and everyone and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00862-00227728-00227919 responsibility KrUKxMFo2ZY-00863-00227919-00228158 taking responsibility again KrUKxMFo2ZY-00864-00228159-00228342 taking responsibilities so is there KrUKxMFo2ZY-00865-00228344-00228527 element of rights and responsibility KrUKxMFo2ZY-00866-00228528-00228671 what is my right and what is my KrUKxMFo2ZY-00867-00228671-00228815 responsibility taking active KrUKxMFo2ZY-00868-00228816-00228975 participation KrUKxMFo2ZY-00869-00228976-00229127 very good active participation KrUKxMFo2ZY-00870-00229128-00229327 participation is key in terms of when we KrUKxMFo2ZY-00871-00229328-00229519 are looking at citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-00872-00229519-00229703 active and proactive KrUKxMFo2ZY-00873-00229704-00229903 act practically actively in their KrUKxMFo2ZY-00874-00229904-00230127 personal responsibilities so active KrUKxMFo2ZY-00875-00230128-00230415 participation personal responsibility KrUKxMFo2ZY-00876-00230416-00230534 uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00877-00230535-00230894 everyone KrUKxMFo2ZY-00878-00230896-00231063 responsible attitude and so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00879-00231064-00231263 responsibility is one key word that is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00880-00231264-00231791 coming out very strongly in the feedback KrUKxMFo2ZY-00881-00231792-00231942 and then learning how to become KrUKxMFo2ZY-00882-00231944-00232110 responsible learning about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00883-00232111-00232375 pro-environmental behaviors generic but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00884-00232376-00232639 then responsible active KrUKxMFo2ZY-00885-00232640-00232919 proactive KrUKxMFo2ZY-00886-00232919-00233342 longing i am part of it KrUKxMFo2ZY-00887-00233344-00234015 wonderful KrUKxMFo2ZY-00888-00234016-00234198 so there was a large KrUKxMFo2ZY-00889-00234200-00234398 synthesis project from erasmus with the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00890-00234400-00234606 european union and they defined uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00891-00234607-00234823 environmental citizenship or responsible KrUKxMFo2ZY-00892-00234823-00235110 pro-environmental behavior of citizens KrUKxMFo2ZY-00893-00235111-00235398 is basically who act and participate so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00894-00235400-00235687 action is important but important as KrUKxMFo2ZY-00895-00235688-00235863 part of the responsibility and then KrUKxMFo2ZY-00896-00235864-00236134 participation is important in society as KrUKxMFo2ZY-00897-00236135-00236382 agents of change so it's not about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00898-00236383-00236558 changing myself or changing my own KrUKxMFo2ZY-00899-00236559-00236823 behavior but also influencing others in KrUKxMFo2ZY-00900-00236823-00237071 the private and public space both as KrUKxMFo2ZY-00901-00237071-00237271 individual as person KrUKxMFo2ZY-00902-00237271-00237567 in private and my family but also public KrUKxMFo2ZY-00903-00237567-00237782 space where with my friends in schools KrUKxMFo2ZY-00904-00237783-00238015 and in the community that i live on KrUKxMFo2ZY-00905-00238016-00238231 local national and global scale through KrUKxMFo2ZY-00906-00238232-00238519 individual and collective actions in the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00907-00238519-00238710 directions of this directions are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00908-00238711-00238855 important KrUKxMFo2ZY-00909-00238856-00239031 solving contemporary environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00910-00239032-00239246 problems solving contemporary so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00911-00239248-00239479 whatever problem that exists it is not KrUKxMFo2ZY-00912-00239480-00239639 about reading or learning about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00913-00239640-00239951 theoretical issues but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00914-00239952-00240191 engaging and solving the problems that i KrUKxMFo2ZY-00915-00240192-00240479 have in my surroundings prevention of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00916-00240480-00240671 creating new environmental problems how KrUKxMFo2ZY-00917-00240671-00240871 we can mitigate KrUKxMFo2ZY-00918-00240871-00241039 behaviors that doesn't create new KrUKxMFo2ZY-00919-00241040-00241215 problems achieving sustainability and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00920-00241216-00241534 developing a handy relationship with KrUKxMFo2ZY-00921-00241535-00241710 nature KrUKxMFo2ZY-00922-00241711-00241894 so solving taking responsibility to KrUKxMFo2ZY-00923-00241896-00242071 solve problems engage with those work KrUKxMFo2ZY-00924-00242071-00242263 with other people is what the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00925-00242264-00242567 environmental citizenship is all about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00926-00242567-00242782 and it includes both the practice of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00927-00242783-00242934 rights and duties KrUKxMFo2ZY-00928-00242935-00243119 uh most of you were talking about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00929-00243119-00243367 responsibility which is duty but then it KrUKxMFo2ZY-00930-00243367-00243639 is also about rights is that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00931-00243640-00243887 like for example access to clean water KrUKxMFo2ZY-00932-00243888-00244046 is a right of every citizens and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00933-00244048-00244230 government has or other people have the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00934-00244231-00244471 responsibility so my rights to have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00935-00244471-00244863 clean air clean water or safer planet uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-00936-00244864-00245103 is an important part of citizenship and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00937-00245104-00245255 the identification of the underlying KrUKxMFo2ZY-00938-00245256-00245423 structural causes of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00939-00245423-00245655 degradation it is knowing why it is KrUKxMFo2ZY-00940-00245656-00245806 happening it's just not behavior but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00941-00245807-00245975 then there are economic systems there KrUKxMFo2ZY-00942-00245976-00246206 are political systems their relationship KrUKxMFo2ZY-00943-00246207-00246398 with different governments there are KrUKxMFo2ZY-00944-00246400-00246575 self-interest which is causing the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00945-00246576-00246710 environmental degradation environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00946-00246711-00246934 problem understanding them KrUKxMFo2ZY-00947-00246935-00247151 to solve them otherwise it will be just KrUKxMFo2ZY-00948-00247152-00247367 a campaign and a short-term action KrUKxMFo2ZY-00949-00247367-00247494 if you don't KrUKxMFo2ZY-00950-00247496-00247742 address those issues as part of citizens KrUKxMFo2ZY-00951-00247744-00247942 of a country and the development of the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00952-00247944-00248142 willingness and competence for critical KrUKxMFo2ZY-00953-00248144-00248398 and active engagement and then also act KrUKxMFo2ZY-00954-00248400-00248558 individually and collectively within KrUKxMFo2ZY-00955-00248559-00248839 democratic means so acting both KrUKxMFo2ZY-00956-00248840-00249039 individually and as part of the groups KrUKxMFo2ZY-00957-00249040-00249239 that we do and train children through KrUKxMFo2ZY-00958-00249240-00249471 our school projects and activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-00959-00249471-00249630 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00960-00249631-00249782 it's also about inter and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00961-00249783-00249998 intergenerational justice KrUKxMFo2ZY-00962-00250000-00250319 responsibility of us now to ensure that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00963-00250319-00250479 the future generation also have the KrUKxMFo2ZY-00964-00250480-00250671 equal right and that's also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00965-00250671-00250830 part of the definition of sustainable KrUKxMFo2ZY-00966-00250831-00251006 development when we talk about KrUKxMFo2ZY-00967-00251007-00251206 sustainability from an individual's KrUKxMFo2ZY-00968-00251207-00251471 perspective in terms of uh future KrUKxMFo2ZY-00969-00251471-00251671 generation being able to have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00970-00251671-00252030 the same quality of life as we have had KrUKxMFo2ZY-00971-00252031-00252287 in terms of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-00972-00252288-00252630 sustainability KrUKxMFo2ZY-00973-00252631-00252703 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-00974-00252704-00252967 two categories of discourse uh you were KrUKxMFo2ZY-00975-00252967-00253142 all talking about personal duty or KrUKxMFo2ZY-00976-00253144-00253382 lifestyle in terms of responsibility but KrUKxMFo2ZY-00977-00253383-00253630 then there is also an important that it KrUKxMFo2ZY-00978-00253631-00253823 is also a fundamental right to have KrUKxMFo2ZY-00979-00253823-00254182 clean water clean air and there is also KrUKxMFo2ZY-00980-00254183-00254455 this approach to active citizenship and KrUKxMFo2ZY-00981-00254456-00254615 demanding KrUKxMFo2ZY-00982-00254616-00254775 environmental protection from that KrUKxMFo2ZY-00983-00254776-00255030 perspective and just not what we can do KrUKxMFo2ZY-00984-00255031-00255223 but why we should do and why i should KrUKxMFo2ZY-00985-00255223-00255471 have a clean environment for my better KrUKxMFo2ZY-00986-00255471-00255863 health and for my future generations KrUKxMFo2ZY-00987-00255864-00256023 so when we look at KrUKxMFo2ZY-00988-00256023-00256334 in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-00989-00256335-00256615 four dimensions actions can happen from KrUKxMFo2ZY-00990-00256616-00256815 a private sphere or also in public KrUKxMFo2ZY-00991-00256816-00257006 sphere and it could be an individual KrUKxMFo2ZY-00992-00257007-00257127 action or a KrUKxMFo2ZY-00993-00257128-00257310 collective action and there are some KrUKxMFo2ZY-00994-00257311-00257582 examples of given so between private KrUKxMFo2ZY-00995-00257583-00257863 sphere and individual action you can see KrUKxMFo2ZY-00996-00257864-00258079 actions like promoting inter and intra KrUKxMFo2ZY-00997-00258080-00258271 generation justice practicing KrUKxMFo2ZY-00998-00258271-00258406 environmental rights and deity as KrUKxMFo2ZY-00999-00258407-00258646 unlimited between private and collective KrUKxMFo2ZY-01000-00258648-00258823 actions we are talking about achieving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01001-00258823-00258998 sustainability developing handy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01002-00259000-00259263 relationships with nature and preventing KrUKxMFo2ZY-01003-00259264-00259406 environmental problems solving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01004-00259407-00259558 environmental problems is between KrUKxMFo2ZY-01005-00259559-00259863 collective actions and public sphere all KrUKxMFo2ZY-01006-00259864-00260079 you can look at it from that perspective KrUKxMFo2ZY-01007-00260080-00260271 because it's going out and looking at KrUKxMFo2ZY-01008-00260271-00260471 solving problems which are there in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01009-00260471-00260639 front of a society KrUKxMFo2ZY-01010-00260640-00260823 and then between public space and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01011-00260823-00260975 individual actions we are talking about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01012-00260976-00261191 addressing structural causes which is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01013-00261192-00261415 part of the governance corporate or KrUKxMFo2ZY-01014-00261416-00261646 market systems and things like that and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01015-00261648-00261823 achieving critical and active engagement KrUKxMFo2ZY-01016-00261823-00261982 of civic participation and getting KrUKxMFo2ZY-01017-00261983-00262247 everybody but what you will see that KrUKxMFo2ZY-01018-00262248-00262463 what we were discussing at the core of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01019-00262464-00262615 this when we're talking of different KrUKxMFo2ZY-01020-00262616-00262879 scale is the knowledge values and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01021-00262880-00263143 attitudes skill competence and behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-01022-00263144-00263503 we believe we basically develop through KrUKxMFo2ZY-01023-00263504-00263679 our environmental education activities KrUKxMFo2ZY-01024-00263680-00263934 and projects so it starts with building KrUKxMFo2ZY-01025-00263935-00264127 that environmental literacy and then we KrUKxMFo2ZY-01026-00264128-00264319 take actions in private sphere KrUKxMFo2ZY-01027-00264320-00264430 individual KrUKxMFo2ZY-01028-00264431-00264606 public sphere or collective action and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01029-00264607-00264823 individual action but start with KrUKxMFo2ZY-01030-00264824-00264991 development of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01031-00264992-00265110 the individual with the right KrUKxMFo2ZY-01032-00265111-00265295 environmental literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01033-00265296-00265495 to have the knowledge values attitudes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01034-00265496-00265839 skill competence and behaviors KrUKxMFo2ZY-01035-00265840-00266079 and these are some of the examples of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01036-00266080-00266263 the matrix that was there in the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01037-00266264-00266495 previous slide so some example between KrUKxMFo2ZY-01038-00266496-00266655 private sphere and collective actions KrUKxMFo2ZY-01039-00266656-00266799 are participating in an environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01040-00266800-00267015 protest or demonstration participating KrUKxMFo2ZY-01041-00267016-00267255 as a member of environmental union KrUKxMFo2ZY-01042-00267256-00267534 organization or it could be an eco club KrUKxMFo2ZY-01043-00267535-00267734 between private and individual it is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01044-00267735-00267991 about choosing as a consumer recycling KrUKxMFo2ZY-01045-00267992-00268279 composting donation for a project KrUKxMFo2ZY-01046-00268280-00268447 in public sphere it is becoming a KrUKxMFo2ZY-01047-00268448-00268663 volunteer writing a letter supporting KrUKxMFo2ZY-01048-00268664-00268871 with your presence willingness to pay KrUKxMFo2ZY-01049-00268872-00269047 environmental taxes voting for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01050-00269048-00269255 environmental issues KrUKxMFo2ZY-01051-00269256-00269455 and then actions between collective KrUKxMFo2ZY-01052-00269456-00269599 actions and public square in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01053-00269600-00269743 environmental citizenships looks like KrUKxMFo2ZY-01054-00269744-00269958 connecting influencing decision makers KrUKxMFo2ZY-01055-00269959-00270110 to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01056-00270111-00270263 organizing environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01057-00270264-00270487 campaigns and lobbying involving in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01058-00270488-00270663 local politics head of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01059-00270664-00270815 school of thought KrUKxMFo2ZY-01060-00270816-00270943 these are the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01061-00270944-00271167 examples of uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01062-00271168-00271310 that we can take KrUKxMFo2ZY-01063-00271311-00271519 in different areas of environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01064-00271520-00271758 citizenships at both collective and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01065-00271759-00271967 digital level and private and public KrUKxMFo2ZY-01066-00271968-00272382 spheres KrUKxMFo2ZY-01067-00272383-00272567 so there could be uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01068-00272568-00272799 type different types of citizenships or KrUKxMFo2ZY-01069-00272800-00273079 citizens so personally responsible or it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01070-00273080-00273279 could be participative citizen it could KrUKxMFo2ZY-01071-00273280-00273495 be socially responsible the green KrUKxMFo2ZY-01072-00273496-00273767 citizens what we are trying to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01073-00273768-00273958 have out of the projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-01074-00273959-00274087 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01075-00274088-00274239 the characteristics are different so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01076-00274240-00274463 personally responsible people we have KrUKxMFo2ZY-01077-00274464-00274687 seen many around us who behave KrUKxMFo2ZY-01078-00274688-00274903 responsibly without questioning why so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01079-00274904-00275110 you tell them to do this or do that they KrUKxMFo2ZY-01080-00275111-00275334 will do that without asking why they KrUKxMFo2ZY-01081-00275335-00275519 should be doing it so they take their KrUKxMFo2ZY-01082-00275520-00275615 resp KrUKxMFo2ZY-01083-00275616-00275751 assay but they're KrUKxMFo2ZY-01084-00275752-00275895 they take their own KrUKxMFo2ZY-01085-00275896-00276079 responsibility and if there are rules KrUKxMFo2ZY-01086-00276080-00276319 they will follow the rules participate KrUKxMFo2ZY-01087-00276320-00276543 they behave responsibilities and if KrUKxMFo2ZY-01088-00276544-00276758 somebody is throwing litter they will KrUKxMFo2ZY-01089-00276759-00276975 take action so they will get involved KrUKxMFo2ZY-01090-00276976-00277079 and then KrUKxMFo2ZY-01091-00277080-00277375 socially responsible are most active KrUKxMFo2ZY-01092-00277376-00277551 basically they reflect critically on KrUKxMFo2ZY-01093-00277552-00277799 social justice take actions accordingly KrUKxMFo2ZY-01094-00277800-00278110 and try to look it from many lenses KrUKxMFo2ZY-01095-00278111-00278415 and people who like greater KrUKxMFo2ZY-01096-00278416-00278671 are socially responsible green citizens KrUKxMFo2ZY-01097-00278672-00279023 so examples are like recycling waste at KrUKxMFo2ZY-01098-00279024-00279310 my home is personally responsible KrUKxMFo2ZY-01099-00279311-00279551 participate is basically i educate KrUKxMFo2ZY-01100-00279552-00279903 others and if i see nobody is lit uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01101-00279904-00280143 segregating ways distributing lifeless KrUKxMFo2ZY-01102-00280144-00280367 on recycling educating them KrUKxMFo2ZY-01103-00280368-00280606 and then social responsible be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01104-00280607-00280830 looking at forums talking about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01105-00280831-00281119 political levels save energy negotiate KrUKxMFo2ZY-01106-00281120-00281343 and talking with companies making them KrUKxMFo2ZY-01107-00281344-00281606 doing a social campaign on social media KrUKxMFo2ZY-01108-00281607-00281830 to make them change the way they produce KrUKxMFo2ZY-01109-00281831-00282399 and want us to consume KrUKxMFo2ZY-01110-00282400-00282623 and these are the different ways it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01111-00282624-00282879 starts with an inquiry KrUKxMFo2ZY-01112-00282880-00283143 then we we get children a project will KrUKxMFo2ZY-01113-00283144-00283271 look like this KrUKxMFo2ZY-01114-00283272-00283495 starting with an inquiry then planning KrUKxMFo2ZY-01115-00283496-00283775 actions uh doing those actions KrUKxMFo2ZY-01116-00283776-00284054 networking and sharing on skills of all KrUKxMFo2ZY-01117-00284055-00284295 the actions influencing others and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01118-00284296-00284487 sustaining environmental social change KrUKxMFo2ZY-01119-00284488-00284654 and evaluating a reflection and this KrUKxMFo2ZY-01120-00284655-00284927 cycle goes and since you are many of you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01121-00284928-00285215 are already part of eco school program KrUKxMFo2ZY-01122-00285216-00285430 this is ties up with the seven steps KrUKxMFo2ZY-01123-00285431-00285663 starting with formation of eco committee KrUKxMFo2ZY-01124-00285664-00285823 doing monitoring and evaluation action KrUKxMFo2ZY-01125-00285824-00286063 plans as part of civic participation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01126-00286064-00286247 development of action plan as part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01127-00286248-00286519 planning actions informing an involving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01128-00286520-00286710 step as part of networking and sharing KrUKxMFo2ZY-01129-00286711-00286830 skills KrUKxMFo2ZY-01130-00286831-00287006 eco code as part of sustaining KrUKxMFo2ZY-01131-00287007-00287279 environment and social change as part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01132-00287280-00287463 values or charter KrUKxMFo2ZY-01133-00287464-00287663 auditing playing monitoring evaluate as KrUKxMFo2ZY-01134-00287664-00287839 part of evaluation and reflection and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01135-00287840-00287991 then environmental audit and review KrUKxMFo2ZY-01136-00287992-00288247 again as part of inquiry so the seven KrUKxMFo2ZY-01137-00288248-00288327 step KrUKxMFo2ZY-01138-00288328-00288582 process ties up very strongly as KrUKxMFo2ZY-01139-00288583-00288879 suggested for development of pedagogical KrUKxMFo2ZY-01140-00288880-00289063 approach towards developing KrUKxMFo2ZY-01141-00289064-00289751 environmental citizenship among students KrUKxMFo2ZY-01142-00289752-00290023 and then to support you we have free KrUKxMFo2ZY-01143-00290024-00290230 academy on our KrUKxMFo2ZY-01144-00290231-00290487 website which is an open and free tool KrUKxMFo2ZY-01145-00290488-00290663 you are welcome to join it we have KrUKxMFo2ZY-01146-00290664-00290830 different courses on environmentation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01147-00290831-00291087 chip environmental literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01148-00291088-00291271 education for sustainable development KrUKxMFo2ZY-01149-00291272-00291710 and a project-based learning to help you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01150-00291711-00291982 develop the skills and ideas to do a KrUKxMFo2ZY-01151-00291983-00292199 quality environmental education activity KrUKxMFo2ZY-01152-00292200-00292382 or a project KrUKxMFo2ZY-01153-00292383-00292730 i promote sorry sorry to jump in and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01154-00292731-00292910 interrupting you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01155-00292911-00293199 uh i'm reading the chat that they are KrUKxMFo2ZY-01156-00293200-00293615 saying that the slides are not moving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01157-00293616-00293919 i don't know if you if you you your KrUKxMFo2ZY-01158-00293920-00294167 slides it looked similar but then there KrUKxMFo2ZY-01159-00294168-00294439 was this KrUKxMFo2ZY-01160-00294440-00294615 because now we we can see the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01161-00294616-00294887 environmental citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-01162-00294888-00295110 yes and with the uh and then you can see KrUKxMFo2ZY-01163-00295111-00295367 the certification of completion of eco KrUKxMFo2ZY-01164-00295368-00295582 committee KrUKxMFo2ZY-01165-00295583-00295679 no KrUKxMFo2ZY-01166-00295680-00295887 i will reshare them KrUKxMFo2ZY-01167-00295888-00296575 thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01168-00296576-00296782 you see it now KrUKxMFo2ZY-01169-00296783-00296927 yes yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01170-00296928-00297191 yes i was talking about the pedagogical KrUKxMFo2ZY-01171-00297192-00297415 process of developing environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01172-00297416-00297543 citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-01173-00297544-00297775 and then i spoke basically shared the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01174-00297776-00297927 example of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01175-00297928-00298103 how uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01176-00298104-00298351 the eco school seven steps in those blue KrUKxMFo2ZY-01177-00298352-00298463 boxes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01178-00298464-00298863 ties of what the pedagogical process for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01179-00298864-00299039 environmental citizenship is being KrUKxMFo2ZY-01180-00299040-00299279 suggested starting from eco committee KrUKxMFo2ZY-01181-00299280-00299487 doing the audit development of action KrUKxMFo2ZY-01182-00299488-00299719 plan monitoring and evaluation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01183-00299720-00299863 sharing KrUKxMFo2ZY-01184-00299864-00300182 developing an eco code and audit review KrUKxMFo2ZY-01185-00300183-00300495 and then we also have fee academy to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01186-00300496-00300639 help you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01187-00300640-00300806 develop the skills and give you more KrUKxMFo2ZY-01188-00300807-00301006 understanding of the topic that i talked KrUKxMFo2ZY-01189-00301007-00301175 about we have courses on environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01190-00301176-00301391 literacy we have courses on KrUKxMFo2ZY-01191-00301392-00301606 project based learning seven steps and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01192-00301607-00301767 other aspects of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01193-00301768-00302327 environmental uh citizenship KrUKxMFo2ZY-01194-00302328-00302606 so now we have more ten more minutes so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01195-00302607-00302806 would like to hear what is your one take KrUKxMFo2ZY-01196-00302807-00305127 away from the session today KrUKxMFo2ZY-01197-00305128-00305582 one take away a thing that you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01198-00305583-00305934 can reflect and take away KrUKxMFo2ZY-01199-00305935-00306206 thank you very nice but i was KrUKxMFo2ZY-01200-00306207-00306558 looking for more critical feedback KrUKxMFo2ZY-01201-00306559-00306847 yes the future what what in terms of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01202-00306848-00307047 your future that's very KrUKxMFo2ZY-01203-00307048-00307279 important KrUKxMFo2ZY-01204-00307280-00307439 need to consider which country in which KrUKxMFo2ZY-01205-00307440-00307671 curriculum situation and ways to best to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01206-00307672-00307751 do KrUKxMFo2ZY-01207-00307752-00307943 to do this work KrUKxMFo2ZY-01208-00307944-00308271 yes it's important because yes education KrUKxMFo2ZY-01209-00308272-00308382 is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01210-00308383-00308582 part of the culture and the education KrUKxMFo2ZY-01211-00308583-00308903 systems and we need to have that as part KrUKxMFo2ZY-01212-00308904-00309119 of our activities and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01213-00309120-00309319 plan importance of reflection in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01214-00309320-00309551 environmental literacy and that's KrUKxMFo2ZY-01215-00309552-00309815 thank you that's an important respect KrUKxMFo2ZY-01216-00309816-00309958 then a better interesting on what KrUKxMFo2ZY-01217-00309959-00310319 environmental literacy is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01218-00310320-00310567 great KrUKxMFo2ZY-01219-00310568-00310775 thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01220-00310776-00311158 uh information about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01221-00311159-00311543 thank you inform them about it but also KrUKxMFo2ZY-01222-00311544-00311663 please inform them about different KrUKxMFo2ZY-01223-00311664-00311910 courses we have even for students KrUKxMFo2ZY-01224-00311911-00312439 on fee academy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01225-00312440-00312623 literacy was made clear KrUKxMFo2ZY-01226-00312624-00312943 measuring and demonstrated impact is key KrUKxMFo2ZY-01227-00312944-00313199 yes but just not environmental impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-01228-00313200-00313447 look at environmental literacy impact KrUKxMFo2ZY-01229-00313448-00313663 change in knowledge is usually done by KrUKxMFo2ZY-01230-00313664-00313895 education system but how we can measure KrUKxMFo2ZY-01231-00313896-00314087 and change demonstrate change in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01232-00314088-00314375 competencies attitude and also KrUKxMFo2ZY-01233-00314376-00314551 through different means uh through KrUKxMFo2ZY-01234-00314552-00314734 observations and other things the change KrUKxMFo2ZY-01235-00314735-00314919 in behavior KrUKxMFo2ZY-01236-00314920-00315087 involvement willingness to change and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01237-00315088-00315567 bring about change is fundamental yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01238-00315568-00315919 elaborated presentation thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01239-00315920-00316103 systemic approach to inventory system KrUKxMFo2ZY-01240-00316104-00316358 manage evaluation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01241-00316359-00316551 great thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01242-00316552-00316951 keywords active awareness and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01243-00316952-00317327 reflection KrUKxMFo2ZY-01244-00317328-00317758 importance of environmental education KrUKxMFo2ZY-01245-00317759-00317999 great you're welcome you can join i KrUKxMFo2ZY-01246-00318000-00318151 don't know from which country you are KrUKxMFo2ZY-01247-00318152-00318391 you can find the details on our website KrUKxMFo2ZY-01248-00318392-00319047 on how to join the program KrUKxMFo2ZY-01249-00319048-00319279 yes this is an important we are and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01250-00319280-00319430 that's what we were talking about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01251-00319431-00319623 environmental citizenship and as KrUKxMFo2ZY-01252-00319624-00319830 educated it is also important that we KrUKxMFo2ZY-01253-00319831-00320063 act together we support each other learn KrUKxMFo2ZY-01254-00320064-00320327 from each other and our problem solving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01255-00320328-00320534 our action as an environmental situation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01256-00320535-00320863 is to prepare uh and in private and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01257-00320864-00321063 public sphere the next generation or KrUKxMFo2ZY-01258-00321064-00321295 younger generation with the tools uh in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01259-00321296-00321471 form of environmental literacy to be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01260-00321472-00321710 able to engage and address the issues KrUKxMFo2ZY-01261-00321711-00321958 that are there KrUKxMFo2ZY-01262-00321959-00322206 active involvement of students i get KrUKxMFo2ZY-01263-00322207-00322367 very useful which help planning the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01264-00322368-00322647 steps in future projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-01265-00322648-00322815 better understanding about environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01266-00322816-00323247 citizenship thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01267-00323248-00323391 teaching students to be active KrUKxMFo2ZY-01268-00323392-00323551 participants i think that's very KrUKxMFo2ZY-01269-00323552-00323654 important KrUKxMFo2ZY-01270-00323655-00323910 i again remind you always ask the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01271-00323911-00324103 question who is thinking if you are KrUKxMFo2ZY-01272-00324104-00324279 thinking and you are planning everything KrUKxMFo2ZY-01273-00324280-00324543 then learning might not be happening KrUKxMFo2ZY-01274-00324544-00324751 it's learners who should be thinking and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01275-00324752-00324903 that KrUKxMFo2ZY-01276-00324904-00325039 attitudes must also be countries not KrUKxMFo2ZY-01277-00325040-00325215 just awareness and understanding thank KrUKxMFo2ZY-01278-00325216-00325423 you that's an important part of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01279-00325424-00325591 environmental literacy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01280-00325592-00325758 uh attitudes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01281-00325759-00325967 are a greater determinant of behaviors KrUKxMFo2ZY-01282-00325968-00326191 compared to knowledge awareness or KrUKxMFo2ZY-01283-00326192-00326415 understanding KrUKxMFo2ZY-01284-00326416-00326591 homework i don't know what does that KrUKxMFo2ZY-01285-00326592-00326863 mean KrUKxMFo2ZY-01286-00326864-00327015 i got to know the difference between KrUKxMFo2ZY-01287-00327016-00327182 awareness and inclusion and the need of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01288-00327183-00327391 incorporating knowledge at skill was KrUKxMFo2ZY-01289-00327392-00327551 important to change in behavior and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01290-00327552-00327671 change the way people look at KrUKxMFo2ZY-01291-00327672-00327934 environment thank you very elaborate and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01292-00327935-00328430 that summarizes the session KrUKxMFo2ZY-01293-00328431-00328663 right and responsible KrUKxMFo2ZY-01294-00328664-00328934 projects KrUKxMFo2ZY-01295-00328935-00329543 useful information KrUKxMFo2ZY-01296-00329544-00329758 yes this is a suggestion recommendation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01297-00329759-00329951 and for that reason we recommend KrUKxMFo2ZY-01298-00329952-00330110 project-based learning because that's KrUKxMFo2ZY-01299-00330111-00330351 and that's a way until we get KrUKxMFo2ZY-01300-00330352-00330567 environmental education as a subject of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01301-00330568-00330878 incorporating a different KrUKxMFo2ZY-01302-00330879-00331110 interdependency or interdisciplinary KrUKxMFo2ZY-01303-00331111-00331799 action that is required KrUKxMFo2ZY-01304-00331800-00331967 so yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01305-00331968-00332191 we can be of major change KrUKxMFo2ZY-01306-00332192-00332303 yes KrUKxMFo2ZY-01307-00332304-00332710 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01308-00332711-00332878 these are the two references that i had KrUKxMFo2ZY-01309-00332879-00333167 used during this you can know more about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01310-00333168-00333447 these topics from these references KrUKxMFo2ZY-01311-00333448-00333695 thank you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01312-00333696-00333878 thank you very much KrUKxMFo2ZY-01313-00333879-00334199 actually many people are also typing in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01314-00334200-00334415 the chat KrUKxMFo2ZY-01315-00334416-00334671 we we have a lot of positive comments KrUKxMFo2ZY-01316-00334672-00334958 thank you for such a great support KrUKxMFo2ZY-01317-00334959-00335127 uh thank you for the interesting KrUKxMFo2ZY-01318-00335128-00335343 presentation and they are saying that it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01319-00335344-00335606 was really really clear KrUKxMFo2ZY-01320-00335607-00335847 and they now feel more aware about this KrUKxMFo2ZY-01321-00335848-00336071 topic definitely and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01322-00336072-00336319 actually thank you very much for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01323-00336320-00336519 for giving us the possibility to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01324-00336520-00336782 interact as much as possible i think it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01325-00336783-00337006 was uh really really nice that they KrUKxMFo2ZY-01326-00337007-00337206 could express KrUKxMFo2ZY-01327-00337207-00337447 at their best their thoughts KrUKxMFo2ZY-01328-00337448-00337830 not only in the chat as we as we usually KrUKxMFo2ZY-01329-00337831-00337910 do KrUKxMFo2ZY-01330-00337911-00338006 um KrUKxMFo2ZY-01331-00338007-00338287 i think we had the one question if you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01332-00338288-00338558 have one minute maybe to stay KrUKxMFo2ZY-01333-00338559-00338687 with us KrUKxMFo2ZY-01334-00338688-00339054 uh the question was related to the slide KrUKxMFo2ZY-01335-00339055-00339247 about the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01336-00339248-00339519 environmental citizenships and the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01337-00339520-00339703 rights KrUKxMFo2ZY-01338-00339704-00339791 um KrUKxMFo2ZY-01339-00339792-00339999 and sarah was asking KrUKxMFo2ZY-01340-00340000-00340078 what KrUKxMFo2ZY-01341-00340079-00340447 what if this is no such thing as rights KrUKxMFo2ZY-01342-00340448-00340534 though KrUKxMFo2ZY-01343-00340535-00341095 whose right takes precedence KrUKxMFo2ZY-01344-00341096-00341278 like my right becomes your KrUKxMFo2ZY-01345-00341279-00341463 responsibility or your right becomes my KrUKxMFo2ZY-01346-00341464-00341719 responsibility when we are looking at KrUKxMFo2ZY-01347-00341720-00341999 living in a community so i think KrUKxMFo2ZY-01348-00342000-00342171 i if you look at from a right and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01349-00342172-00342454 responsibility perspective it is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01350-00342455-00342791 respecting spaces and might KrUKxMFo2ZY-01351-00342792-00343103 when i'm expecting a cleaner environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-01352-00343104-00343351 then as in my right then it's my KrUKxMFo2ZY-01353-00343352-00343575 responsibility to ensure KrUKxMFo2ZY-01354-00343576-00343887 that i behave in a certain ways KrUKxMFo2ZY-01355-00343888-00344110 and one example that i have KrUKxMFo2ZY-01356-00344111-00344351 usually we used to talk about when we KrUKxMFo2ZY-01357-00344352-00344575 were talking about sanitation uh in many KrUKxMFo2ZY-01358-00344576-00344815 places is that leave the toilet as clean KrUKxMFo2ZY-01359-00344816-00345110 as you would like to uh have so that's KrUKxMFo2ZY-01360-00345111-00345303 explain the related responsibility that KrUKxMFo2ZY-01361-00345304-00345551 you have the right to have a clean KrUKxMFo2ZY-01362-00345552-00345767 toilet but your responsibility is to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01363-00345768-00345863 leave it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01364-00345864-00346030 clean for the next person that will be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01365-00346031-00346223 using it so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01366-00346224-00346495 it's it goes together uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01367-00346496-00346799 in in most places yes to what extent you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01368-00346800-00346967 want to apply it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01369-00346968-00347182 from an individual perspective family KrUKxMFo2ZY-01370-00347183-00347447 school political system will be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01371-00347448-00347830 determined by many things KrUKxMFo2ZY-01372-00347831-00348039 yeah indeed i think it's KrUKxMFo2ZY-01373-00348040-00348154 really about KrUKxMFo2ZY-01374-00348155-00348310 collaborating KrUKxMFo2ZY-01375-00348311-00348703 and and supporting uh each other for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01376-00348704-00348934 for what it concerns KrUKxMFo2ZY-01377-00348935-00349295 uh the ride nobody comes first let's say KrUKxMFo2ZY-01378-00349296-00349543 it's just an interconnection you know KrUKxMFo2ZY-01379-00349544-00349727 yeah you can maybe once you'll be the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01380-00349728-00349927 first one and the other KrUKxMFo2ZY-01381-00349928-00350127 way around for the time after yeah yeah KrUKxMFo2ZY-01382-00350128-00350310 yeah it will be like the moment i KrUKxMFo2ZY-01383-00350311-00350510 express my right uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01384-00350511-00350758 i am expressing my responsibility also KrUKxMFo2ZY-01385-00350759-00350903 at the same time KrUKxMFo2ZY-01386-00350904-00351119 yeah exactly indeed KrUKxMFo2ZY-01387-00351120-00351351 okay so uh i think we are moving towards KrUKxMFo2ZY-01388-00351352-00351606 the end before we leave just uh the last KrUKxMFo2ZY-01389-00351607-00351895 practical information we have posted the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01390-00351896-00352143 feedback form in the chat because we KrUKxMFo2ZY-01391-00352144-00352503 would like to to hear from you as well KrUKxMFo2ZY-01392-00352504-00352743 so please remember to save the link KrUKxMFo2ZY-01393-00352744-00352919 before we close it KrUKxMFo2ZY-01394-00352920-00353151 and then you can also fill it in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01395-00353152-00353358 afterwards KrUKxMFo2ZY-01396-00353359-00353639 okay uh thank you thank you very much of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01397-00353640-00353791 course to all the attendees but KrUKxMFo2ZY-01398-00353792-00354023 especially thank you pramod for for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01399-00354024-00354310 being for accepting our invitation and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01400-00354311-00354623 for for being here today with us giving KrUKxMFo2ZY-01401-00354624-00354823 such an interesting and inspiring KrUKxMFo2ZY-01402-00354824-00354967 presentation KrUKxMFo2ZY-01403-00354968-00355199 for all the teachers and the attendees KrUKxMFo2ZY-01404-00355200-00355278 here KrUKxMFo2ZY-01405-00355279-00355351 and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01406-00355352-00355639 uh before we close before i close KrUKxMFo2ZY-01407-00355640-00355863 actually i would like to leave you the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01408-00355864-00356039 floor for a final KrUKxMFo2ZY-01409-00356040-00356310 suggestion or a final comments that you KrUKxMFo2ZY-01410-00356311-00356647 might have for the for the audience KrUKxMFo2ZY-01411-00356648-00356823 thank you mata there were KrUKxMFo2ZY-01412-00356824-00356967 some of the questions and we would be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01413-00356968-00357239 happy to interact and provide you with KrUKxMFo2ZY-01414-00357240-00357495 any kind of support and help you need KrUKxMFo2ZY-01415-00357496-00357734 with projects and ideas and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01416-00357735-00357919 now we are developing resources and KrUKxMFo2ZY-01417-00357920-00358215 examples to help you to implement the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01418-00358216-00358606 projects and uh in a better way and also KrUKxMFo2ZY-01419-00358607-00358767 understand uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01420-00358768-00358951 impact from just not the environmental KrUKxMFo2ZY-01421-00358952-00359095 perspective but also from the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01422-00359096-00359263 educational perspective because that KrUKxMFo2ZY-01423-00359264-00359503 will continue to make that change KrUKxMFo2ZY-01424-00359504-00359695 uh i uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01425-00359696-00359806 my often KrUKxMFo2ZY-01426-00359807-00359951 my favorite one of the favorite quote is KrUKxMFo2ZY-01427-00359952-00360103 that education should not happen by KrUKxMFo2ZY-01428-00360104-00360278 accident it should happen by design in KrUKxMFo2ZY-01429-00360279-00360510 an environmental education project KrUKxMFo2ZY-01430-00360511-00360775 and we have now a lot of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01431-00360776-00360999 resources on fee academy KrUKxMFo2ZY-01432-00361000-00361399 it's completely free please feel free to KrUKxMFo2ZY-01433-00361400-00361623 use and access the resources that are KrUKxMFo2ZY-01434-00361624-00361734 available KrUKxMFo2ZY-01435-00361735-00361878 and if you have KrUKxMFo2ZY-01436-00361879-00362127 wonderful resources share with us and we KrUKxMFo2ZY-01437-00362128-00362271 will also be KrUKxMFo2ZY-01438-00362272-00362463 happy to share them with the larger KrUKxMFo2ZY-01439-00362464-00362734 network so that we can address the KrUKxMFo2ZY-01440-00362735-00362919 biggest challenge that we have in from KrUKxMFo2ZY-01441-00362920-00363039 in front of KrUKxMFo2ZY-01442-00363040-00363406 us in terms of environment KrUKxMFo2ZY-01443-00363407-00363558 wonderful so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01444-00363559-00363815 do not hesitate to get in touch in case KrUKxMFo2ZY-01445-00363816-00363919 you have KrUKxMFo2ZY-01446-00363920-00364158 you want to exchange more KrUKxMFo2ZY-01447-00364159-00364310 okay KrUKxMFo2ZY-01448-00364311-00364471 thank you thank you very much for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01449-00364472-00364663 spending this uh KrUKxMFo2ZY-01450-00364664-00364934 hour together i think we can close close KrUKxMFo2ZY-01451-00364935-00365158 it here so i would like to wish you a KrUKxMFo2ZY-01452-00365159-00365510 nice evening everyone and stay safe KrUKxMFo2ZY-01453-00365511-00365767 thank you thank you again pramoda for KrUKxMFo2ZY-01454-00365768-00365919 joining us KrUKxMFo2ZY-01455-00365920-00366323 bye bye everyone KrUKxMFo2ZY-01456-00366324-00367727 [Music] KrUKxMFo2ZY-01457-00367728-00369006 so KrUKxMFo2ZY-01458-00369007-00369216 you KsN4g8BTlWg-00001-00011006-00011424 [Applause] KsN4g8BTlWg-00002-00011425-00012936 [Music] KsN4g8BTlWg-00003-00012937-00013968 [Music] KsN4g8BTlWg-00005-00024010-00024216 you Kv3EVvivCII-00000-00000035-00000289 women's studies as an academic field Kv3EVvivCII-00001-00000290-00000446 that draws on feminist and Kv3EVvivCII-00002-00000447-00000644 interdisciplinary methods in order to Kv3EVvivCII-00003-00000645-00000862 place women's lives and experiences at Kv3EVvivCII-00004-00000863-00001019 the center of study while examining Kv3EVvivCII-00005-00001019-00001274 social and cultural constructs of gender Kv3EVvivCII-00006-00001275-00001490 systems of privilege and oppression and Kv3EVvivCII-00007-00001491-00001673 the relationships between power and Kv3EVvivCII-00008-00001673-00001820 gender as they intersect with other Kv3EVvivCII-00009-00001821-00002045 identities and social locations such as Kv3EVvivCII-00010-00002046-00002284 race sexual orientation socioeconomic Kv3EVvivCII-00011-00002285-00002591 class and disability popular theories Kv3EVvivCII-00012-00002592-00002734 within the field of women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00013-00002735-00002959 include feminist theory standpoint Kv3EVvivCII-00014-00002960-00003142 theory intersectionality Kv3EVvivCII-00015-00003143-00003410 multiculturalism transnational feminism Kv3EVvivCII-00016-00003411-00003668 social justice effects studies agency Kv3EVvivCII-00017-00003669-00003967 biopolitics material isms and embodiment Kv3EVvivCII-00018-00003968-00004235 research practices and methodologies Kv3EVvivCII-00019-00004236-00004451 associated with women's studies include Kv3EVvivCII-00020-00004452-00004697 ethnography auto ethnography focus Kv3EVvivCII-00021-00004698-00004940 groups surveys community-based research Kv3EVvivCII-00022-00004941-00005186 discourse analysis and reading practices Kv3EVvivCII-00023-00005187-00005399 associated with critical theory post Kv3EVvivCII-00024-00005400-00005699 structuralism and queer theory the field Kv3EVvivCII-00025-00005700-00005920 researches and critique societal norms Kv3EVvivCII-00026-00005921-00006220 of gender race class sexuality and other Kv3EVvivCII-00027-00006221-00006547 social inequalities Women's Studies is Kv3EVvivCII-00028-00006548-00006755 closely related to the fields of Gender Kv3EVvivCII-00029-00006756-00006998 Studies feminist studies and sexuality Kv3EVvivCII-00030-00006998-00007195 studies and more broadly related to the Kv3EVvivCII-00031-00007197-00007378 fields of cultural studies ethnic Kv3EVvivCII-00032-00007379-00007578 studies and African American Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00033-00007579-00007853 Women's Studies courses are offered in Kv3EVvivCII-00034-00007854-00008098 over 700 institutions in the United Kv3EVvivCII-00035-00008100-00008296 States and globally in more than 40 Kv3EVvivCII-00036-00008297-00008694 countries Kv3EVvivCII-00037-00008695-00009150 topic history Kv3EVvivCII-00038-00009151-00009528 in 1956 Australian feminist Madge Dawson Kv3EVvivCII-00039-00009529-00009705 took up a lectureship in the department Kv3EVvivCII-00040-00009706-00009870 of adult education at Sydney University Kv3EVvivCII-00041-00009871-00010119 and began researching and teaching on Kv3EVvivCII-00042-00010120-00010229 the status of women Kv3EVvivCII-00043-00010230-00010527 Dawson's course women in a changing Kv3EVvivCII-00044-00010528-00010830 world focused on the socio-economic and Kv3EVvivCII-00045-00010831-00011010 political status of women in Western Kv3EVvivCII-00046-00011011-00011229 Europe becoming one of the first Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00047-00011230-00011478 Studies courses the first accredited Kv3EVvivCII-00048-00011479-00011718 Women's Studies course in the US was Kv3EVvivCII-00049-00011719-00012105 held in 1969 at Cornell University after Kv3EVvivCII-00050-00012106-00012306 a year of intense organizing of women's Kv3EVvivCII-00051-00012307-00012504 consciousness-raising groups rallies Kv3EVvivCII-00052-00012505-00012708 petitions circulating and operating Kv3EVvivCII-00053-00012709-00012938 unofficial or experimental classes and Kv3EVvivCII-00054-00012939-00013122 presentations before seven committees Kv3EVvivCII-00055-00013122-00013329 and assemblies the first Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00056-00013330-00013530 program in the United States was Kv3EVvivCII-00057-00013531-00013797 established in 1970 at San Diego State Kv3EVvivCII-00058-00013797-00013997 College now San Diego State University Kv3EVvivCII-00059-00013999-00014328 in conjunction with national women's Kv3EVvivCII-00060-00014329-00014513 liberation movement students and Kv3EVvivCII-00061-00014515-00014709 community members created the ad-hoc Kv3EVvivCII-00062-00014710-00014937 committee for Women's Studies the second Kv3EVvivCII-00063-00014938-00015129 Women's Studies program in the United Kv3EVvivCII-00064-00015130-00015396 States was established in 1971 at Kv3EVvivCII-00065-00015397-00015609 Wichita State University in Wichita Kv3EVvivCII-00066-00015610-00015663 Kansas Kv3EVvivCII-00067-00015663-00015918 it was mostly formed though efforts by Kv3EVvivCII-00068-00015919-00016069 women in the English department Kv3EVvivCII-00069-00016070-00016446 administration and community by 1974 Kv3EVvivCII-00070-00016447-00016697 SDSU faculty members began a nationwide Kv3EVvivCII-00071-00016698-00016902 campaign for the integration of the Kv3EVvivCII-00072-00016903-00017193 department at the time these actions in Kv3EVvivCII-00073-00017194-00017369 the field were extremely political Kv3EVvivCII-00074-00017370-00017592 during these early days of women's Kv3EVvivCII-00075-00017593-00017811 studies before formalized departments Kv3EVvivCII-00076-00017812-00017988 and programs many courses were Kv3EVvivCII-00077-00017989-00018150 advertised and officially around Kv3EVvivCII-00078-00018151-00018336 campuses and taught by women faculty Kv3EVvivCII-00079-00018337-00018657 members for free in addition to their Kv3EVvivCII-00080-00018658-00018831 established teaching and administrative Kv3EVvivCII-00081-00018832-00019152 responsibilities then as in many cases Kv3EVvivCII-00082-00019153-00019344 today faculty who teach in women's Kv3EVvivCII-00083-00019345-00019572 studies often hold faculty appointments Kv3EVvivCII-00084-00019573-00019769 in other departments on campus the first Kv3EVvivCII-00085-00019770-00019989 scholarly journal in interdisciplinary Kv3EVvivCII-00086-00019990-00020211 Women's Studies feminist studies began Kv3EVvivCII-00087-00020212-00020562 publishing in 1972 the National Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00088-00020563-00020814 Studies Association of the United States Kv3EVvivCII-00089-00020815-00021177 was established in 1977 the 1980s saw Kv3EVvivCII-00090-00021178-00021347 the growth and development of Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00091-00021348-00021528 Studies courses and programs across Kv3EVvivCII-00092-00021529-00021756 universities in the US while the field Kv3EVvivCII-00093-00021757-00021939 continued to grapple with backlash from Kv3EVvivCII-00094-00021940-00022131 both conservative groups and concerns Kv3EVvivCII-00095-00022132-00022275 from those within the women's movement Kv3EVvivCII-00096-00022276-00022505 about the white essentialist and hetero Kv3EVvivCII-00097-00022506-00022788 privileged of those in the Academy the Kv3EVvivCII-00098-00022789-00022961 political aims of the feminist movement Kv3EVvivCII-00099-00022962-00023150 that compelled the formation of women's Kv3EVvivCII-00100-00023151-00023330 studies found itself at odds with the Kv3EVvivCII-00101-00023331-00023577 institutionalized academic feminism of Kv3EVvivCII-00102-00023578-00023994 the 1990s as woman as a concept Kv3EVvivCII-00103-00023995-00024233 continued to be expanded the exploration Kv3EVvivCII-00104-00024234-00024447 of social constructions of gender led to Kv3EVvivCII-00105-00024448-00024633 the fields expansion into both gender Kv3EVvivCII-00106-00024634-00024956 studies and sexuality studies the field Kv3EVvivCII-00107-00024957-00025136 of women's studies continued to grow Kv3EVvivCII-00108-00025137-00025403 during the 1990s and into the 2000s with Kv3EVvivCII-00109-00025404-00025608 the expansion of universities offering Kv3EVvivCII-00110-00025608-00025836 majors minors and certificates in Kv3EVvivCII-00111-00025837-00026003 women's studies gender studies and Kv3EVvivCII-00112-00026004-00026367 feminist studies the first PhD program Kv3EVvivCII-00113-00026368-00026562 in women's studies was established at Kv3EVvivCII-00114-00026563-00026924 Emory University in 1990 as of 2012 Kv3EVvivCII-00115-00026925-00027174 there were 16 institutions offering a Kv3EVvivCII-00116-00027175-00027387 PhD in women's studies in the United Kv3EVvivCII-00117-00027388-00027831 States since then UC Santa Cruz 2013 the Kv3EVvivCII-00118-00027832-00028104 University of Kentucky Lexington 2013 Kv3EVvivCII-00119-00028105-00028437 Stony Brook University 2014 an Oregon Kv3EVvivCII-00120-00028438-00028739 State University 2016 also introduced a Kv3EVvivCII-00121-00028741-00029106 PhD in the field in 2015 at Kabul Kv3EVvivCII-00122-00029107-00029307 University the first master's degree Kv3EVvivCII-00123-00029308-00029505 course in gender and Women's Studies in Kv3EVvivCII-00124-00029506-00029802 Afghanistan began courses in women's Kv3EVvivCII-00125-00029802-00029979 studies in the United Kingdom can be Kv3EVvivCII-00126-00029980-00030135 found through the universities and Kv3EVvivCII-00127-00030136-00030583 colleges admissions service Kv3EVvivCII-00128-00030583-00030844 topic theoretical traditions and Kv3EVvivCII-00129-00030845-00031256 research methods Kv3EVvivCII-00130-00031257-00031508 early Women's Studies courses and Kv3EVvivCII-00131-00031510-00031662 curricula were often driven by the Kv3EVvivCII-00132-00031663-00031944 question where are the women that is as Kv3EVvivCII-00133-00031945-00032112 more women were present in higher Kv3EVvivCII-00134-00032113-00032306 education as both students and faculty Kv3EVvivCII-00135-00032307-00032541 questions arose about the male centric Kv3EVvivCII-00136-00032542-00032747 nature of most courses in curricula Kv3EVvivCII-00137-00032748-00033048 women faculty in traditional departments Kv3EVvivCII-00138-00033049-00033228 such as history English and Philosophy Kv3EVvivCII-00139-00033229-00033480 began to offer courses with a focus on Kv3EVvivCII-00140-00033481-00033735 women drawing from the women's movements Kv3EVvivCII-00141-00033736-00033986 notion that the personal is political Kv3EVvivCII-00142-00033987-00034224 courses also began to develop around Kv3EVvivCII-00143-00034225-00034476 sexual politics women's roles in society Kv3EVvivCII-00144-00034477-00034701 and the ways in which women's personal Kv3EVvivCII-00145-00034702-00034917 lives reflect larger power structures Kv3EVvivCII-00146-00034918-00035172 since the 1970s scholars of Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00147-00035173-00035394 Studies have taken postmodern approaches Kv3EVvivCII-00148-00035395-00035574 to understanding gender as it intersects Kv3EVvivCII-00149-00035575-00035847 with race class ethnicity sexuality Kv3EVvivCII-00150-00035848-00036177 religion age and disability to produce Kv3EVvivCII-00151-00036178-00036345 and maintain power structures within Kv3EVvivCII-00152-00036346-00036627 society with this turn there has been a Kv3EVvivCII-00153-00036628-00036855 focus on language subjectivity and Kv3EVvivCII-00154-00036856-00037056 social hegemony and how the lives of Kv3EVvivCII-00155-00037057-00037263 subjects however they identify are Kv3EVvivCII-00156-00037264-00037488 constituted at the core of these Kv3EVvivCII-00157-00037489-00037689 theories as the notion that however one Kv3EVvivCII-00158-00037690-00037980 identifies gender sex and sexuality are Kv3EVvivCII-00159-00037981-00038163 not intrinsic but are socially Kv3EVvivCII-00160-00038164-00038376 constructed major theories employed in Kv3EVvivCII-00161-00038377-00038604 women's studies courses include feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00162-00038605-00038838 theory intersectionality standpoint Kv3EVvivCII-00163-00038839-00039099 Theory transnational feminism and social Kv3EVvivCII-00164-00039100-00039366 justice research practices associated Kv3EVvivCII-00165-00039367-00039612 with women's studies place women and the Kv3EVvivCII-00166-00039613-00039807 experiences of women at the center of Kv3EVvivCII-00167-00039808-00039990 inquiry through the use of quantitative Kv3EVvivCII-00168-00039991-00040287 qualitative and mixed methods feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00169-00040288-00040458 researchers acknowledge their role in Kv3EVvivCII-00170-00040459-00040611 the production of knowledge and make Kv3EVvivCII-00171-00040612-00040794 explicit the relationship between the Kv3EVvivCII-00172-00040795-00041242 researcher and the research subject Kv3EVvivCII-00173-00041243-00041884 topic feminist theory feminist theory Kv3EVvivCII-00174-00041885-00042079 refers to the body of writing that works Kv3EVvivCII-00175-00042080-00042274 to address gender discrimination and Kv3EVvivCII-00176-00042275-00042408 disparities while acknowledging Kv3EVvivCII-00177-00042409-00042687 describing and analyzing the experiences Kv3EVvivCII-00178-00042688-00042876 and conditions of women's lives Kv3EVvivCII-00179-00042877-00043117 theorists and writers such as bell hooks Kv3EVvivCII-00180-00043118-00043330 Simone de Beauvoir Patricia Hill Collins Kv3EVvivCII-00181-00043331-00043582 and Alice Walker added to the field of Kv3EVvivCII-00182-00043583-00043777 feminist theory with respect to the ways Kv3EVvivCII-00183-00043778-00043968 in which race and gender mutually Kv3EVvivCII-00184-00043969-00044158 informed the experiences of women of Kv3EVvivCII-00185-00044159-00044374 color with works such as feminist theory Kv3EVvivCII-00186-00044375-00044584 from margin to center hooks in search of Kv3EVvivCII-00187-00044585-00044802 our mothers gardens Walker and black Kv3EVvivCII-00188-00044803-00045015 feminist thought knowledge consciousness Kv3EVvivCII-00189-00045016-00045252 and the politics of empowerment Collins Kv3EVvivCII-00190-00045253-00045540 Alice Walker coined the term Womanism to Kv3EVvivCII-00191-00045541-00045762 situate black woman's experiences as Kv3EVvivCII-00192-00045763-00045931 they struggle for social change and Kv3EVvivCII-00193-00045932-00046080 liberation while simultaneously Kv3EVvivCII-00194-00046081-00046306 celebrating the strength of black women Kv3EVvivCII-00195-00046307-00046573 their culture and their beauty Patricia Kv3EVvivCII-00196-00046574-00046798 Hill Collins contributed the concept of Kv3EVvivCII-00197-00046799-00047095 the matrix of domination to feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00198-00047096-00047305 theory which reconceptualize is race Kv3EVvivCII-00199-00047306-00047565 class and gender as interlocking systems Kv3EVvivCII-00200-00047566-00047767 of oppression that shape experiences of Kv3EVvivCII-00201-00047768-00048151 privilege and oppression Kv3EVvivCII-00202-00048152-00048713 topic intersectionality Kv3EVvivCII-00203-00048714-00048894 associated with the third wave of Kv3EVvivCII-00204-00048895-00049131 feminism Kimberly Williams Crenshaw's Kv3EVvivCII-00205-00049132-00049338 theory of intersectionality as an Kv3EVvivCII-00206-00049339-00049488 approach to understanding how Kv3EVvivCII-00207-00049489-00049701 institutional structures mutually shape Kv3EVvivCII-00208-00049702-00049890 an individual's gendered racial and Kv3EVvivCII-00209-00049891-00050184 social status intersectional theory Kv3EVvivCII-00210-00050185-00050388 posits that these relationships must be Kv3EVvivCII-00211-00050389-00050550 considered in conversation with each Kv3EVvivCII-00212-00050551-00050775 other in order to understand hierarchies Kv3EVvivCII-00213-00050776-00050964 of power and privilege and they ways in Kv3EVvivCII-00214-00050965-00051147 which they manifest in an individual's Kv3EVvivCII-00215-00051148-00051466 life Kv3EVvivCII-00216-00051466-00052012 topic standpoint theory Kv3EVvivCII-00217-00052013-00052266 standpoint theory developed in the 1980s Kv3EVvivCII-00218-00052267-00052474 as way of critically examining the Kv3EVvivCII-00219-00052475-00052612 production of knowledge and its Kv3EVvivCII-00220-00052613-00052862 resulting effects on practices of power Kv3EVvivCII-00221-00052863-00053128 standpoint theory operates from the idea Kv3EVvivCII-00222-00053129-00053337 that knowledge is socially situated and Kv3EVvivCII-00223-00053338-00053572 as a result underrepresented groups and Kv3EVvivCII-00224-00053573-00053722 minorities have historically been Kv3EVvivCII-00225-00053723-00053953 ignored or marginalized when it comes to Kv3EVvivCII-00226-00053954-00054184 the production of knowledge emerging Kv3EVvivCII-00227-00054185-00054393 from Marxist thought standpoint Theory Kv3EVvivCII-00228-00054394-00054600 argues for analysis that challenges the Kv3EVvivCII-00229-00054601-00055185 authority of political and social truths Kv3EVvivCII-00230-00055186-00055794 topic transnational feminist theory Kv3EVvivCII-00231-00055795-00056066 transnational feminism is concerned with Kv3EVvivCII-00232-00056067-00056241 the flow of social political and Kv3EVvivCII-00233-00056241-00056444 economic equality of women and men Kv3EVvivCII-00234-00056445-00056679 across borders particularly in response Kv3EVvivCII-00235-00056679-00056898 to globalization neoliberalism and Kv3EVvivCII-00236-00056899-00057174 imperialism women's studies began Kv3EVvivCII-00237-00057175-00057390 incorporating transnational feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00238-00057391-00057579 theory into its curricula as a way to Kv3EVvivCII-00239-00057579-00057786 disrupt and challenge the ways knowledge Kv3EVvivCII-00240-00057787-00057893 is prioritized Kv3EVvivCII-00241-00057894-00058098 transmitted and circulates in the field Kv3EVvivCII-00242-00058099-00058451 and Academy Kv3EVvivCII-00243-00058452-00059099 topic social justice since its inception Kv3EVvivCII-00244-00059100-00059264 in connection with the women's movement Kv3EVvivCII-00245-00059265-00059480 activism has been a foundation of Kv3EVvivCII-00246-00059481-00059756 women's studies increasingly social Kv3EVvivCII-00247-00059757-00059951 justice has become a key component of Kv3EVvivCII-00248-00059952-00060167 women's studies courses programs and Kv3EVvivCII-00249-00060168-00060455 departments social justice theory is Kv3EVvivCII-00250-00060456-00060611 concerned with the fight for just Kv3EVvivCII-00251-00060612-00060797 communities not on the individual level Kv3EVvivCII-00252-00060798-00061070 but for the whole of society women's Kv3EVvivCII-00253-00061071-00061253 studies students engage in social Kv3EVvivCII-00254-00061254-00061454 justice projects although some scholars Kv3EVvivCII-00255-00061455-00061607 and critics are concerned about Kv3EVvivCII-00256-00061608-00061841 requiring students to engage in mandated Kv3EVvivCII-00257-00061842-00062341 activism or social justice work Kv3EVvivCII-00258-00062341-00062874 topic pedagogy z' Kv3EVvivCII-00259-00062875-00063111 in most institutions Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00260-00063112-00063368 courses employ feminist pedagogy in a Kv3EVvivCII-00261-00063369-00063569 triad model of equal parts research Kv3EVvivCII-00262-00063570-00063881 theory and practice the decentralization Kv3EVvivCII-00263-00063882-00064047 of the professor as the source of Kv3EVvivCII-00264-00064048-00064221 knowledge is often fundamental to Kv3EVvivCII-00265-00064222-00064426 women's studies classroom culture Kv3EVvivCII-00266-00064427-00064631 students are encouraged to take an Kv3EVvivCII-00267-00064632-00064931 active role in claiming their education Kv3EVvivCII-00268-00064932-00065162 taking responsibility for themselves in Kv3EVvivCII-00269-00065163-00065361 the learning process Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00270-00065362-00065592 programs and courses are designed to Kv3EVvivCII-00271-00065593-00065805 explore the intersectionality of gender Kv3EVvivCII-00272-00065806-00066101 race sexuality class and other topics Kv3EVvivCII-00273-00066102-00066293 that are involved in identity politics Kv3EVvivCII-00274-00066294-00066486 and societal norms through a feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00275-00066487-00066786 lens Women's Studies courses focus on a Kv3EVvivCII-00276-00066787-00067037 variety of topics such as media literacy Kv3EVvivCII-00277-00067038-00067311 sexuality race and ethnicity history Kv3EVvivCII-00278-00067312-00067492 involving women queer theory Kv3EVvivCII-00279-00067493-00067682 multiculturalism and other courses Kv3EVvivCII-00280-00067683-00067974 closely related faculty incorporate Kv3EVvivCII-00281-00067975-00068168 these components into classes across a Kv3EVvivCII-00282-00068169-00068405 variety of topics including popular Kv3EVvivCII-00283-00068406-00068551 culture women in the economy Kv3EVvivCII-00284-00068552-00068768 reproductive and environmental justice Kv3EVvivCII-00285-00068769-00068963 and women's health across the lifespan Kv3EVvivCII-00286-00068964-00069210 Women's Studies programs are involved in Kv3EVvivCII-00287-00069211-00069401 social justice work and often designed Kv3EVvivCII-00288-00069402-00069585 curricula that are embedded with theory Kv3EVvivCII-00289-00069586-00069767 and activism outside of the classroom Kv3EVvivCII-00290-00069768-00070049 setting some Women's Studies programs Kv3EVvivCII-00291-00070050-00070236 offer internships that are community Kv3EVvivCII-00292-00070237-00070449 based allowing students the opportunity Kv3EVvivCII-00293-00070450-00070629 to experience how institutional Kv3EVvivCII-00294-00070630-00070767 structures of privilege and oppression Kv3EVvivCII-00295-00070768-00071079 directly affects women's lives Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00296-00071080-00071255 Studies curricula often encourage Kv3EVvivCII-00297-00071256-00071448 students to participate in service Kv3EVvivCII-00298-00071449-00071622 learning activities in addition to Kv3EVvivCII-00299-00071623-00071807 discussion and reflection upon course Kv3EVvivCII-00300-00071808-00072137 materials however Daphne Patti from the Kv3EVvivCII-00301-00072138-00072354 University of Massachusetts Amherst has Kv3EVvivCII-00302-00072355-00072549 criticized this aspect of Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00303-00072550-00072765 Studies programs arguing that they place Kv3EVvivCII-00304-00072766-00073004 politics over education stating that the Kv3EVvivCII-00305-00073005-00073203 strategies of faculty members in these Kv3EVvivCII-00306-00073204-00073382 programs have included policing Kv3EVvivCII-00307-00073383-00073562 insensitive language championing Kv3EVvivCII-00308-00073563-00073763 research methods deemed congenial to Kv3EVvivCII-00309-00073764-00074006 women such as qualitative / quantitative Kv3EVvivCII-00310-00074007-00074219 methods in conducting classes as if they Kv3EVvivCII-00311-00074220-00074403 were therapy sessions since Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00312-00074404-00074598 Studies students analyze identity Kv3EVvivCII-00313-00074599-00074843 markers such as gender race class and Kv3EVvivCII-00314-00074844-00075060 sexuality this often results in Kv3EVvivCII-00315-00075061-00075273 dissecting institutionalized structures Kv3EVvivCII-00316-00075274-00075546 of power as a result of these pedagogy Kv3EVvivCII-00317-00075547-00075729 Women's Studies students leave Kv3EVvivCII-00318-00075730-00075944 University with a toolset to make social Kv3EVvivCII-00319-00075945-00076128 change and do something about power Kv3EVvivCII-00320-00076129-00076265 inequalities in Kv3EVvivCII-00321-00076266-00076532 notable women's studies scholars include Kv3EVvivCII-00322-00076533-00076697 Charlotte Bunch Patricia Hill Collins Kv3EVvivCII-00323-00076698-00076961 bell hooks Angela Davis Cherrie Moraga Kv3EVvivCII-00324-00076962-00077231 audre Lorde Adrienne Rich and Barbara Kv3EVvivCII-00325-00077232-00077534 ramsby topics see also separatist Kv3EVvivCII-00326-00077535-00077696 feminism list of women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00327-00077697-00077924 journals feminist formation signs Kv3EVvivCII-00328-00077925-00078158 journal feminist review feminist studies Kv3EVvivCII-00329-00078159-00078383 feminist economics feminist theory Kv3EVvivCII-00330-00078384-00078593 French feminism gender studies girls Kv3EVvivCII-00331-00078594-00078791 studies men's studies social criticism Kv3EVvivCII-00332-00078792-00079028 women artists women's history topic Kv3EVvivCII-00333-00079029-00079364 notes topic references borland k 1991 Kv3EVvivCII-00334-00079365-00079553 that's not what I said Kv3EVvivCII-00335-00079554-00079772 interpretive conflict in oral narrative Kv3EVvivCII-00336-00079773-00080132 research in Duke s in Pattaya de Diez Kv3EVvivCII-00337-00080133-00080378 women's words the feminist practice of Kv3EVvivCII-00338-00080379-00080852 oral history PP 63 to 76 and why Kv3EVvivCII-00339-00080853-00081200 Routledge Brooks a 2007 feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00340-00081201-00081410 standpoint epistemology building Kv3EVvivCII-00341-00081411-00081551 knowledge and empowerment through Kv3EVvivCII-00342-00081552-00081848 women's lived experiences in Hesse viber Kv3EVvivCII-00343-00081849-00082181 SN and levy ple Dee's feminist research Kv3EVvivCII-00344-00082182-00082658 practice PP 53 to 82 CA sage Kv3EVvivCII-00345-00082659-00083029 publications Brooks a and Hesse by SN Kv3EVvivCII-00346-00083030-00083357 2007 an invitation to feminist research Kv3EVvivCII-00347-00083358-00083741 in Hesse viber SN and levy P LEDs Kv3EVvivCII-00348-00083742-00084197 feminist research practice PP 1 to 24 CA Kv3EVvivCII-00349-00084198-00084613 sage publications book IDI installer km Kv3EVvivCII-00350-00084614-00084908 2007 the feminist practice of Kv3EVvivCII-00351-00084909-00085262 ethnography in Hesse by SN and leve ple Kv3EVvivCII-00352-00085263-00085708 DS feminist research practice PP 187 to Kv3EVvivCII-00353-00085709-00086243 221 CA sage publications dill TB and Kv3EVvivCII-00354-00086244-00086570 zambrano our 2009 emerging intersections Kv3EVvivCII-00355-00086571-00086840 race class and gender in theory policy Kv3EVvivCII-00356-00086841-00087205 and practice NJ Rutgers University Press Kv3EVvivCII-00357-00087206-00087584 fausto-sterling and mm sexing the body Kv3EVvivCII-00358-00087585-00087803 gender politics in the construction of Kv3EVvivCII-00359-00087804-00088202 sexuality New York basic books ISBN oh Kv3EVvivCII-00360-00088203-00088475 four six five zero seven seven one four Kv3EVvivCII-00361-00088476-00088748 five Hall's C and honey Kv3EVvivCII-00362-00088749-00089114 a 2005 unraveling ethics illuminating Kv3EVvivCII-00363-00089115-00089290 the moral dilemmas of research ethics Kv3EVvivCII-00364-00089291-00089573 Journal of women in culture and society Kv3EVvivCII-00365-00089574-00089639 34 Kv3EVvivCII-00366-00089640-00090178 - 1 4 1 2 1 6 2 parting s 1987 Kv3EVvivCII-00367-00090179-00090410 introduction is there a feminist method Kv3EVvivCII-00368-00090411-00090650 in Harding s IDI feminism and Kv3EVvivCII-00369-00090651-00091031 methodology PP 1 to 14 in Indiana Kv3EVvivCII-00370-00091032-00091472 University Press Hess Biber SN 2007 the Kv3EVvivCII-00371-00091473-00091625 practice of feminist in-depth Kv3EVvivCII-00372-00091626-00091811 interviewing in Hesse Biber Kv3EVvivCII-00373-00091812-00092117 SN and Levy ple Dee's feminist research Kv3EVvivCII-00374-00092118-00092669 practice PP 111 to 148 CA sage Kv3EVvivCII-00375-00092670-00092768 publications Kv3EVvivCII-00376-00092769-00093155 hi I'm M 2004 hearing girls silences Kv3EVvivCII-00377-00093156-00093347 thoughts on the politics and practices Kv3EVvivCII-00378-00093348-00093559 of a feminist method of group discussion Kv3EVvivCII-00379-00093560-00094096 gender place and culture 11 1 105 to 119 Kv3EVvivCII-00380-00094097-00094562 levy PL 200 7 a feminist post-modernism Kv3EVvivCII-00381-00094563-00094814 and post structuralism in hess Biber Kv3EVvivCII-00382-00094815-00095126 SN and levy ple d's feminist research Kv3EVvivCII-00383-00095127-00095609 practice PP 83 to 108 CA sage Kv3EVvivCII-00384-00095610-00095711 publications Kv3EVvivCII-00385-00095712-00096157 levy PL 200 7b the practice of feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00386-00096158-00096335 oral history and focus group interviews Kv3EVvivCII-00387-00096336-00096716 in hess Biber SN and levy ple d's Kv3EVvivCII-00388-00096717-00097234 feminist research practice pp 149 to 186 Kv3EVvivCII-00389-00097235-00097505 CA sage publications Kv3EVvivCII-00390-00097506-00097957 levy PL 200 7c the feminist practice of Kv3EVvivCII-00391-00097958-00098273 content analysis in hess Biber SN and Kv3EVvivCII-00392-00098274-00098585 levy ple d's feminist research practice Kv3EVvivCII-00393-00098586-00099154 pp 223 to 248 CA sage publications Kv3EVvivCII-00394-00099155-00099269 Leckenby Kv3EVvivCII-00395-00099270-00099656 the 2007 feminist empiricism challenging Kv3EVvivCII-00396-00099657-00099824 gender bias and setting the record Kv3EVvivCII-00397-00099825-00100214 straight in hess viber SN and levy PL e Kv3EVvivCII-00398-00100215-00100592 DS feminist research practice pp 27 to Kv3EVvivCII-00399-00100593-00100931 52 see a sage publications Kv3EVvivCII-00400-00100932-00101359 likes mb & Cokely on e 2006 Kv3EVvivCII-00401-00101360-00101585 participatory and action research and Kv3EVvivCII-00402-00101586-00101837 feminism's towards transformative praxis Kv3EVvivCII-00403-00101838-00102151 in Charlene hess biber ed handbook of Kv3EVvivCII-00404-00102152-00102440 feminist research theory and practice CA Kv3EVvivCII-00405-00102441-00102821 sage publications minor Rubino K and J Kv3EVvivCII-00406-00102822-00102986 are Athena te 2 Kv3EVvivCII-00407-00102988-00103317 seven feminists survey research in Hesse Kv3EVvivCII-00408-00103318-00103658 Biber SN and levy P LEDs feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00409-00103659-00104258 research practice PP 293 - 325 CA sage Kv3EVvivCII-00410-00104259-00104510 publications topic further reading Kv3EVvivCII-00411-00104511-00104759 Birkin Carol are Judith L pinch and Kv3EVvivCII-00412-00104760-00105008 Carol s Apple exploring women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00413-00105009-00105315 looking forward looking back 2005 ISBN Kv3EVvivCII-00414-00105316-00105582 oh one three one eight five oh eight Kv3EVvivCII-00415-00105583-00105954 eight one oclc five seven three nine one Kv3EVvivCII-00416-00105955-00106428 four two seven boxer Marilyn J 1998 when Kv3EVvivCII-00417-00106429-00106578 women asked the questions Kv3EVvivCII-00418-00106579-00106759 creating women's studies in America Kv3EVvivCII-00419-00106760-00106968 baltimore maryland johns hopkins Kv3EVvivCII-00420-00106969-00107331 university press ISBN nine seven eight Kv3EVvivCII-00421-00107332-00107571 oh eight oh one eight five eight three Kv3EVvivCII-00422-00107572-00107982 four five OCLC 37 million nine hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00423-00107983-00108209 eighty one thousand five hundred ninety Kv3EVvivCII-00424-00108210-00108468 nine Carter Sarah Richie Kv3EVvivCII-00425-00108469-00108831 Maureen 1990 women's studies a guide to Kv3EVvivCII-00426-00108832-00109101 information sources London England and Kv3EVvivCII-00427-00109102-00109515 Jefferson NC Mansell and McFarland ISBN Kv3EVvivCII-00428-00109516-00109803 nine seven eight oh seven - oh one two Kv3EVvivCII-00429-00109804-00109952 oh five eight five Kv3EVvivCII-00430-00109953-00110271 oclc 20 million three hundred ninety two Kv3EVvivCII-00431-00110272-00110534 thousand seventy nine Committee on Kv3EVvivCII-00432-00110535-00110880 women's studies in Asia 1995 changing Kv3EVvivCII-00433-00110881-00111138 lives life stories of Asian pioneers in Kv3EVvivCII-00434-00111139-00111363 women's studies new york new york Kv3EVvivCII-00435-00111364-00111579 feminist press at the city university of Kv3EVvivCII-00436-00111580-00111957 new york ISBN nine seven eight one five Kv3EVvivCII-00437-00111958-00112353 five eight six one 108 five oclc Kv3EVvivCII-00438-00112354-00112593 thirty-one million eight hundred sixty Kv3EVvivCII-00439-00112594-00112810 seven thousand one hundred sixty one Kv3EVvivCII-00440-00112811-00113208 Davis Angela why 2003 our prisons Kv3EVvivCII-00441-00113208-00113604 obsolete open media April 2003 ISBN one Kv3EVvivCII-00442-00113605-00113847 five eight three two two five eight one Kv3EVvivCII-00443-00113848-00114222 one Davis Cathy Evans Mary Lorber Judith Kv3EVvivCII-00444-00114223-00114635 EDS 2006 handbook of gender and Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00445-00114636-00114927 Studies London England Thousand Oaks CA Kv3EVvivCII-00446-00114928-00115365 sage ISBN nine seven eight oh seven six Kv3EVvivCII-00447-00115366-00115788 one nine four three nine oh seven oclc Kv3EVvivCII-00448-00115789-00115995 sixty nine million three hundred ninety Kv3EVvivCII-00449-00115996-00116233 two thousand two hundred ninety-seven Kv3EVvivCII-00450-00116234-00116406 fausto-sterling Kv3EVvivCII-00451-00116407-00116751 in 1992 myths of gender biological Kv3EVvivCII-00452-00116752-00116988 theories about women and men New York Kv3EVvivCII-00453-00116989-00117330 basic books ISBN oh four six five oh Kv3EVvivCII-00454-00117331-00117642 four seven nine two Oh fausto-sterling Kv3EVvivCII-00455-00117643-00118038 and mm sexing the body gender politics Kv3EVvivCII-00456-00118039-00118278 in the construction of sexuality New Kv3EVvivCII-00457-00118279-00118620 York basic books is B and O four six Kv3EVvivCII-00458-00118621-00118885 five zero seven seven one four five Kv3EVvivCII-00459-00118886-00119220 fausto-sterling and twenty twelve sex Kv3EVvivCII-00460-00119221-00119510 gender biology in a social world New Kv3EVvivCII-00461-00119511-00119558 York Kv3EVvivCII-00462-00119559-00119844 Rutledge ISBN nine trillion seven Kv3EVvivCII-00463-00119845-00119988 hundred eighty billion four hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00464-00119989-00120225 fifteen million eight hundred eighty one Kv3EVvivCII-00465-00120226-00120528 thousand four hundred fifty six Guardi Kv3EVvivCII-00466-00120529-00120849 Delphine September 2016 territory Kv3EVvivCII-00467-00120850-00121038 trouble feminist studies and the Kv3EVvivCII-00468-00121039-00121272 question of hospitality differences a Kv3EVvivCII-00469-00121273-00121551 journal of feminist cultural studies 27 Kv3EVvivCII-00470-00121552-00122157 to 125 to 150 to Joy 10.1 to one five Kv3EVvivCII-00471-00122158-00122379 one oh four oh seven three nine one Kv3EVvivCII-00472-00122380-00122796 three six two one seven four five garwal Kv3EVvivCII-00473-00122797-00122991 in der Paul and Karen Kaplan an Kv3EVvivCII-00474-00122992-00123204 introduction to women's studies gender Kv3EVvivCII-00475-00123205-00123543 in a transnational world ISBN 0:07 Kv3EVvivCII-00476-00123544-00123978 109 three 800 x oclc four seven one six Kv3EVvivCII-00477-00123979-00124245 one two six nine Griffin Gabrielle a Kv3EVvivCII-00478-00124246-00124617 2005 doing Women's Studies employment Kv3EVvivCII-00479-00124618-00124833 opportunities personal impacts and Kv3EVvivCII-00480-00124833-00125145 social consequences London England Kv3EVvivCII-00481-00125146-00125331 Zed books in association with the Kv3EVvivCII-00482-00125332-00125594 University of Hull in the European Union Kv3EVvivCII-00483-00125595-00125901 ISBN nine seven eight one eight four two Kv3EVvivCII-00484-00125902-00126167 seven seven five zero one one Kv3EVvivCII-00485-00126168-00126610 oclc fifty six million six hundred forty Kv3EVvivCII-00486-00126611-00127005 1855 Ginsberg Alice heed the evolution Kv3EVvivCII-00487-00127006-00127227 of American women's studies reflections Kv3EVvivCII-00488-00127228-00127464 on triumphs controversies and change Kv3EVvivCII-00489-00127465-00127760 Palgrave Macmillan 2009 online interview Kv3EVvivCII-00490-00127761-00127971 with Ginsburg Griffin Gabrielle a and Kv3EVvivCII-00491-00127972-00128229 Rosie Bray Doty EDS thinking differently Kv3EVvivCII-00492-00128230-00128442 a reader in European women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00493-00128443-00128954 London etc Zed books 2002 ISBN one 842 Kv3EVvivCII-00494-00128955-00129468 7700 200 oclc four nine three seven five Kv3EVvivCII-00495-00129469-00129647 seven 51 Kv3EVvivCII-00496-00129648-00129859 Florence and the politics of women's Kv3EVvivCII-00497-00129860-00130082 studies testimony from 30 founding Kv3EVvivCII-00498-00130083-00130295 mothers paperback edition New York Kv3EVvivCII-00499-00130296-00130676 feminist press 2001 ISBN one five five Kv3EVvivCII-00500-00130677-00131057 eight six one two four one six OCLC four Kv3EVvivCII-00501-00131058-00131309 four three one three four five six Kv3EVvivCII-00502-00131310-00131483 Hunter College women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00503-00131484-00131810 collective 2005 women's realities Kv3EVvivCII-00504-00131811-00132020 women's choices an introduction to Kv3EVvivCII-00505-00132021-00132323 women's studies 3rd ed new york new york Kv3EVvivCII-00506-00132324-00132710 oxford university press ISBN nine seven Kv3EVvivCII-00507-00132711-00132965 eight oh one nine five one five oh three Kv3EVvivCII-00508-00132966-00133123 five three Kv3EVvivCII-00509-00133124-00133394 oclc fifty-five million eight hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00510-00133395-00133669 seventy thousand nine hundred forty nine Kv3EVvivCII-00511-00133670-00133859 jacobs Suellen Kv3EVvivCII-00512-00133860-00134075 nineteen seventy four women in Kv3EVvivCII-00513-00134076-00134290 perspective a guide for cross-cultural Kv3EVvivCII-00514-00134291-00134564 studies Urbana LLL University of Kv3EVvivCII-00515-00134565-00135028 Illinois press ISBN 978 Oh to five 200 Kv3EVvivCII-00516-00135029-00135488 to nine nine one OCLC 1 million fifty Kv3EVvivCII-00517-00135489-00135678 thousand seven hundred ninety seven Kv3EVvivCII-00518-00135679-00135995 Kennedy Elizabeth Lepofsky Baines Kv3EVvivCII-00519-00135996-00136352 Agatha 2005 women's studies for the Kv3EVvivCII-00520-00136353-00136583 future foundations interrogations Kv3EVvivCII-00521-00136584-00136913 politics New Brunswick NJ rutgers Kv3EVvivCII-00522-00136914-00137237 university press ISBN nine seven eight Kv3EVvivCII-00523-00137238-00137531 oh eight one three five three six one Kv3EVvivCII-00524-00137532-00137921 eight seven oclc fifty-six million nine Kv3EVvivCII-00525-00137922-00138403 hundred fifty 1279 Creek owes Linda a Kv3EVvivCII-00526-00138404-00138818 Ingold Cindy 2004 Women's Studies a Kv3EVvivCII-00527-00138819-00139129 recommended bibliography 3rd ed Westport Kv3EVvivCII-00528-00139130-00139514 C n libraries Unlimited ISBN nine seven Kv3EVvivCII-00529-00139515-00139918 eight one five six 308 five six six six Kv3EVvivCII-00530-00139919-00140585 oclc 54 million seventy 9621 Larsson Kv3EVvivCII-00531-00140586-00140882 Andrea and our Edward Freeman 1997 Kv3EVvivCII-00532-00140883-00141086 Women's Studies and business ethics Kv3EVvivCII-00533-00141087-00141371 toward a new conversation new york new Kv3EVvivCII-00534-00141372-00141715 york oxford university press ISBN nine Kv3EVvivCII-00535-00141716-00141962 seven eight zero one nine five one oh Kv3EVvivCII-00536-00141963-00142179 seven five eight six Kv3EVvivCII-00537-00142180-00142469 oclc thirty-five million seven hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00538-00142470-00142682 sixty two thousand six hundred ninety Kv3EVvivCII-00539-00142683-00143026 six Lederman Muriel and Ingrid Kv3EVvivCII-00540-00143027-00143320 barche EDS the gender and science reader Kv3EVvivCII-00541-00143321-00143788 new york route llege 2001 print lobe Kv3EVvivCII-00542-00143789-00144070 catherine searing susan he land again Kv3EVvivCII-00543-00144071-00144424 esther f 1987 women's studies a Kv3EVvivCII-00544-00144425-00144849 recommended core bibliography 1982 1985 Kv3EVvivCII-00545-00144850-00145276 littleton CO libraries unlimited ISBN Kv3EVvivCII-00546-00145277-00145513 nine seven eight oh eight seven two Kv3EVvivCII-00547-00145514-00145907 eight seven four seven two five OCLC Kv3EVvivCII-00548-00145908-00146149 fourteen million seven hundred sixteen Kv3EVvivCII-00549-00146150-00146476 thousand seven hundred fifty one Luebke Kv3EVvivCII-00550-00146477-00146629 Barbara F Riley Kv3EVvivCII-00551-00146630-00146950 Mary Ellen 1995 Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00552-00146951-00147257 graduates the first-generation New York Kv3EVvivCII-00553-00147258-00147502 New York Teachers College press Teachers Kv3EVvivCII-00554-00147503-00147869 College Columbia University ISBN nine Kv3EVvivCII-00555-00147870-00148153 seven eight oh eight oh seven seven six Kv3EVvivCII-00556-00148154-00148513 two seven four five oclc thirty-one Kv3EVvivCII-00557-00148514-00148714 million seventy six thousand eight Kv3EVvivCII-00558-00148715-00149050 hundred thirty-one MacNab Elizabeth L Kv3EVvivCII-00559-00149051-00149359 2001 transforming the disciplines a Kv3EVvivCII-00560-00149360-00149611 Women's Studies primer New York New York Kv3EVvivCII-00561-00149612-00149974 Hayworth press ISBN nine seven eight one Kv3EVvivCII-00562-00149975-00150229 five six oh two three nine five nine Kv3EVvivCII-00563-00150230-00150637 eight OCLC 44 million one hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00564-00150638-00150961 eighteen thousand ninety one messer Kv3EVvivCII-00565-00150962-00151195 David Oh Ellen disciplining feminism Kv3EVvivCII-00566-00151196-00151406 from social activism to academic Kv3EVvivCII-00567-00151407-00151687 discourse Durham North Carolina etc Duke Kv3EVvivCII-00568-00151688-00152069 University Press 2002 ISBN oh eight two Kv3EVvivCII-00569-00152070-00152306 two three two eight two nine one Kv3EVvivCII-00570-00152307-00152650 oclc four seven seven oh five five four Kv3EVvivCII-00571-00152651-00152962 three the tie Daphne course Kv3EVvivCII-00572-00152963-00153325 noreda 2003 professing feminism Kv3EVvivCII-00573-00153326-00153559 education and indoctrination in women's Kv3EVvivCII-00574-00153560-00153888 studies new and expanded end Lanham MD Kv3EVvivCII-00575-00153889-00154264 Lexington books ISBN nine seven eight oh Kv3EVvivCII-00576-00154265-00154537 seven three nine one oh four five four Kv3EVvivCII-00577-00154538-00154873 five OCLC fifty million two hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00578-00154874-00155104 twenty eight thousand one hundred sixty Kv3EVvivCII-00579-00155105-00155557 four rau aruna 1991 Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00580-00155558-00155843 International Nairobi and Beyond New Kv3EVvivCII-00581-00155844-00156068 York New York feminist press at the City Kv3EVvivCII-00582-00156069-00156218 University of New York Kv3EVvivCII-00583-00156219-00156422 ISBN nine Kv3EVvivCII-00584-00156423-00156676 eight one five five eight six one oh Kv3EVvivCII-00585-00156677-00157087 three one six OCLC twenty two million Kv3EVvivCII-00586-00157088-00157271 four hundred ninety thousand one hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00587-00157272-00157764 forty Rogers Mary F Garrett CD 2002 Kv3EVvivCII-00588-00157765-00157994 who's afraid of women's studies Kv3EVvivCII-00589-00157995-00158287 feminism's in everyday life Walnut Creek Kv3EVvivCII-00590-00158288-00158687 CA Altamira press ISBN nine seven eight Kv3EVvivCII-00591-00158688-00158962 oh seven five nine one oh one seven Kv3EVvivCII-00592-00158963-00159323 three nine OCLC 50 million five hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00593-00159324-00159664 thirty thousand fifty four Rosenberg Kv3EVvivCII-00594-00159665-00159731 Roberta Kv3EVvivCII-00595-00159732-00159968 2001 Women's Studies an Kv3EVvivCII-00596-00159969-00160259 interdisciplinary anthology New York New Kv3EVvivCII-00597-00160260-00160598 York Peter Lane ISBN nine seven eight oh Kv3EVvivCII-00598-00160599-00160837 eight two oh four four four four three Kv3EVvivCII-00599-00160838-00160965 seven Kv3EVvivCII-00600-00160966-00161246 oclc forty-five million one hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00601-00161247-00161521 fifteen thousand eight hundred sixteen Kv3EVvivCII-00602-00161522-00161846 she bigger Londe has feminism changed Kv3EVvivCII-00603-00161847-00162088 science Cambridge Harvard University Kv3EVvivCII-00604-00162089-00162581 Press 1999 print Ruth Sheila issues in Kv3EVvivCII-00605-00162582-00162778 feminism an introduction to women's Kv3EVvivCII-00606-00162779-00163114 studies 2000 ISBN oh seven six seven Kv3EVvivCII-00607-00163115-00163339 four one six four four nine Kv3EVvivCII-00608-00163340-00163666 oclc four three nine seven eight three Kv3EVvivCII-00609-00163667-00163798 seven two Kv3EVvivCII-00610-00163799-00164195 sameen evelyn m 2007 black feminist Kv3EVvivCII-00611-00164196-00164396 theory charting a course for black Kv3EVvivCII-00612-00164397-00164719 women's studies in political science in Kv3EVvivCII-00613-00164720-00164962 waters kristin cone away Kv3EVvivCII-00614-00164963-00165151 Carol B black women's intellectual Kv3EVvivCII-00615-00165152-00165351 traditions speaking their minds Kv3EVvivCII-00616-00165352-00165611 Burlington Vermont and Hanover NH Kv3EVvivCII-00617-00165612-00165833 University of Vermont press in the Kv3EVvivCII-00618-00165834-00166150 University Press of New England ISBN Kv3EVvivCII-00619-00166151-00166378 nine seven eight one five eight four six Kv3EVvivCII-00620-00166379-00166844 five six three three three OCLC 76 Kv3EVvivCII-00621-00166845-00167057 million one hundred forty thousand three Kv3EVvivCII-00622-00167058-00167507 hundred fifty six Tierney Helen 1989 to Kv3EVvivCII-00623-00167508-00167870 1991 Women's Studies encyclopedia New Kv3EVvivCII-00624-00167871-00168202 York New York Greenwood press ISBN nine Kv3EVvivCII-00625-00168203-00168478 seven eight oh three one three two four Kv3EVvivCII-00626-00168479-00168896 six four six three oclc eighteen million Kv3EVvivCII-00627-00168897-00169136 seven hundred seventy nine thousand four Kv3EVvivCII-00628-00169137-00169481 hundred forty five Wegman Robin editor Kv3EVvivCII-00629-00169482-00169714 Women's Studies on its own a next wave Kv3EVvivCII-00630-00169715-00169801 reader in Kv3EVvivCII-00631-00169802-00170025 to tional changed Duke University Press Kv3EVvivCII-00632-00170026-00170496 2002 ISBN Oh eight to two three to nine Kv3EVvivCII-00633-00170497-00170929 506 oclc four nine four two one five Kv3EVvivCII-00634-00170930-00171283 eight seven or Catherine Braithwaite and Kv3EVvivCII-00635-00171284-00171652 Lichtenstein Diane 2012 rethinking Kv3EVvivCII-00636-00171653-00171895 Women's and Gender Studies New York Kv3EVvivCII-00637-00171896-00172193 route llege ISBN nine trillion seven Kv3EVvivCII-00638-00172194-00172333 hundred eighty billion four hundred Kv3EVvivCII-00639-00172334-00172537 fifteen million eight hundred eight Kv3EVvivCII-00640-00172538-00173016 thousand three hundred nine Kv3EVvivCII-00641-00173017-00173352 topic external links Kv3EVvivCII-00642-00173353-00173565 you Kv3EVvivCII-00643-00173566-00173838 Smith College list of graduate programs Kv3EVvivCII-00644-00173839-00174125 in Women's Studies and Gender Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00645-00174126-00174450 WSS links Women's Studies web links from Kv3EVvivCII-00646-00174451-00174771 the American Library Association Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00647-00174772-00175113 Studies web resources feminist theory in Kv3EVvivCII-00648-00175114-00175710 criticism 1 1963 to 1972 Center for Kv3EVvivCII-00649-00175711-00175844 Women's Studies of Tehran University Kv3EVvivCII-00650-00175845-00176193 Iran the gay lesbian bisexual Kv3EVvivCII-00651-00176194-00176589 transgender Historical Society Caryn Kv3EVvivCII-00652-00176590-00176799 Lerman offcourse mother Jones Kv3EVvivCII-00653-00176800-00177228 September 1993 main focus frauen Kv3EVvivCII-00654-00177229-00177545 uncollected Ashish de in West Fallin Kv3EVvivCII-00655-00177546-00177816 list of Women's Studies programs around Kv3EVvivCII-00656-00177817-00178068 the world list of Women's Studies Kv3EVvivCII-00657-00178069-00178386 programs in the United States Women's Kv3EVvivCII-00658-00178387-00178704 Studies resources from wi d and ET women Kv3EVvivCII-00659-00178705-00179010 in development network k our montages Kv3EVvivCII-00660-00179011-00179163 archival papers are held at the Kv3EVvivCII-00661-00179164-00179382 University of Toronto archives and Kv3EVvivCII-00662-00179383-00179712 record management services Kzk-SL_uMsA-00000-00000048-00000311 based on my experience only one percent Kzk-SL_uMsA-00001-00000312-00000526 of the new fashion labels survived the Kzk-SL_uMsA-00002-00000527-00000743 year number five and all of them have Kzk-SL_uMsA-00003-00000744-00000958 just one or a few products that they Kzk-SL_uMsA-00004-00000959-00001235 focus on in essence all of those who Kzk-SL_uMsA-00005-00001236-00001433 survive are fashion inventors of a great Kzk-SL_uMsA-00006-00001434-00001630 product that creates a desired result Kzk-SL_uMsA-00007-00001632-00001847 for their clients fashion business Kzk-SL_uMsA-00008-00001848-00002026 Mastermind makes me answer several Kzk-SL_uMsA-00009-00002027-00002207 questions to figure out what my product Kzk-SL_uMsA-00010-00002208-00002525 will be but before I dive in I have to Kzk-SL_uMsA-00011-00002526-00002783 decide what invention strategy to use Kzk-SL_uMsA-00012-00002784-00003100 number one I can invent for my existing Kzk-SL_uMsA-00013-00003101-00003383 portfolio number two I can invent from Kzk-SL_uMsA-00014-00003384-00003688 scratch or number three white label an Kzk-SL_uMsA-00015-00003689-00003940 existing product I don't have an Kzk-SL_uMsA-00016-00003942-00004151 existing portfolio so this strategy Kzk-SL_uMsA-00017-00004152-00004415 doesn't work for me which leaves me with Kzk-SL_uMsA-00018-00004416-00004751 invention from scratch or white labeling Kzk-SL_uMsA-00019-00004752-00004961 follow me on my journey where I launch Kzk-SL_uMsA-00020-00004962-00005177 my own fashion brand while life is Kzk-SL_uMsA-00021-00005178-00005444 happening to me KBN5H-tbcQc-00000-00000170-00000380 call this meeting of the Conroe KBN5H-tbcQc-00001-00000381-00000532 Independent School District Board of KBN5H-tbcQc-00002-00000533-00000722 Trustees to order let the record show KBN5H-tbcQc-00003-00000723-00000937 that a quorum members is present that KBN5H-tbcQc-00004-00000938-00001115 this meeting has been duly called and KBN5H-tbcQc-00005-00001116-00001274 that notice of this meeting has been KBN5H-tbcQc-00006-00001275-00001507 posted in accordance with Texas opens KBN5H-tbcQc-00007-00001508-00001721 meetings act Texas Government Code KBN5H-tbcQc-00008-00001722-00001955 Chapter five five one the time is now KBN5H-tbcQc-00009-00001955-00002275 six o'clock please join us as mr. Moore KBN5H-tbcQc-00010-00002276-00002492 leads us in the invocation and mr. KBN5H-tbcQc-00011-00002493-00002665 husband's in the Pledge of Allegiance KBN5H-tbcQc-00012-00002666-00002900 about you to stand if you're so inclined KBN5H-tbcQc-00013-00002901-00003370 to join with me in prayer God of all KBN5H-tbcQc-00014-00003371-00003658 people in all places at all times KBN5H-tbcQc-00015-00003659-00003931 we pause before you tonight and give you KBN5H-tbcQc-00016-00003932-00004109 thanks for bringing us towards the end KBN5H-tbcQc-00017-00004110-00004420 of another day god we lift up our KBN5H-tbcQc-00018-00004421-00004663 district to you all of the students the KBN5H-tbcQc-00019-00004664-00004865 educators the administrators the support KBN5H-tbcQc-00020-00004866-00005045 personnel the families we pray that as KBN5H-tbcQc-00021-00005046-00005291 we near the end of this school year you KBN5H-tbcQc-00022-00005292-00005633 would continue to guide us we pray for KBN5H-tbcQc-00023-00005634-00005849 those who are nearing graduation and we KBN5H-tbcQc-00024-00005850-00005999 we pray that your spirit would be with KBN5H-tbcQc-00025-00006000-00006188 them to guide them in the next phase of KBN5H-tbcQc-00026-00006189-00006481 their life God during this time we KBN5H-tbcQc-00027-00006483-00006646 especially lift up the Mitchell and KBN5H-tbcQc-00028-00006647-00006902 Johnson families and the horrible KBN5H-tbcQc-00029-00006903-00007037 heartache they are going through we KBN5H-tbcQc-00030-00007038-00007267 thank you for those that you have called KBN5H-tbcQc-00031-00007268-00007523 to be counselors and and to heal not KBN5H-tbcQc-00032-00007523-00007733 only bodies but spirits as well and we KBN5H-tbcQc-00033-00007734-00007892 pray that is our entire community KBN5H-tbcQc-00034-00007893-00008153 journeys with that family that she would KBN5H-tbcQc-00035-00008154-00008456 be with us all Lord as we said about KBN5H-tbcQc-00036-00008457-00008606 your business and I we pray that your KBN5H-tbcQc-00037-00008607-00008803 spirit would guide our discussions and KBN5H-tbcQc-00038-00008804-00009131 our decisions that we might place the KBN5H-tbcQc-00039-00009132-00009398 children the community and the employees KBN5H-tbcQc-00040-00009399-00009680 of this district above all as we seek to KBN5H-tbcQc-00041-00009681-00009926 make these decisions we lift our prayers KBN5H-tbcQc-00042-00009927-00010360 to you amen please join me as we honor KBN5H-tbcQc-00043-00010361-00010617 our country pleasure play KBN5H-tbcQc-00044-00010618-00010896 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00045-00010897-00011148 United States of America and to the KBN5H-tbcQc-00046-00011149-00013102 Republic for the KBN5H-tbcQc-00047-00013103-00013299 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00048-00013300-00013791 Thank You mr. Morin mr. husband and item KBN5H-tbcQc-00049-00013793-00014022 two a special district recognition KBN5H-tbcQc-00050-00014024-00014365 Marine Corps char Jo RTC national KBN5H-tbcQc-00051-00014366-00014455 champions KBN5H-tbcQc-00052-00014456-00014686 dr. Stockton well that's a pleasure to KBN5H-tbcQc-00053-00014687-00014977 have this item on the board agenda for KBN5H-tbcQc-00054-00014978-00015147 the first time we're very excited and KBN5H-tbcQc-00055-00015148-00015369 I'd like to ask dr. Murrow principal of KBN5H-tbcQc-00056-00015370-00015508 the woodlands College Park High School KBN5H-tbcQc-00057-00015509-00015943 to come to the podium dr. Stockton mrs. KBN5H-tbcQc-00058-00015944-00016174 Bush members of the Board of Trustees I KBN5H-tbcQc-00059-00016175-00016393 am honored to be before you tonight to KBN5H-tbcQc-00060-00016394-00016558 recognize the woodlands College Park KBN5H-tbcQc-00061-00016559-00016792 High School Marine Corps junior Reserve KBN5H-tbcQc-00062-00016793-00017086 Officer Training Corps first of all I KBN5H-tbcQc-00063-00017087-00017242 would like to thank each of you for your KBN5H-tbcQc-00064-00017243-00017425 support of this program in all of our KBN5H-tbcQc-00065-00017426-00017700 schools it has been a great addition to KBN5H-tbcQc-00066-00017701-00017919 our campus and has changed the lives of KBN5H-tbcQc-00067-00017920-00018184 many it has made our students more aware KBN5H-tbcQc-00068-00018185-00018403 of their role in our community and KBN5H-tbcQc-00069-00018404-00018688 government as well as foster pride in KBN5H-tbcQc-00070-00018689-00018937 our country and state I want to thank KBN5H-tbcQc-00071-00018938-00019192 you for your support at this time I KBN5H-tbcQc-00072-00019193-00019384 would like to ask Lieutenant Colonel KBN5H-tbcQc-00073-00019385-00019672 Mark strowman the regional commander to KBN5H-tbcQc-00074-00019673-00019810 come to the podium to make an KBN5H-tbcQc-00075-00019811-00020035 announcement as well as the instructors KBN5H-tbcQc-00076-00020036-00020238 for the College Park Marine Corps JROTC KBN5H-tbcQc-00077-00020239-00020512 major Cody Stewart and sergeant major KBN5H-tbcQc-00078-00020513-00021147 Chris combs KBN5H-tbcQc-00079-00021148-00021477 Thank You dr. Moreau dr. Stockton miss KBN5H-tbcQc-00080-00021478-00021830 Bush members of the board it's an honor KBN5H-tbcQc-00081-00021831-00022152 for me to be here and be able to talk a KBN5H-tbcQc-00082-00022153-00022440 little bit about these kids and this KBN5H-tbcQc-00083-00022441-00022746 program let me put it into perspective a KBN5H-tbcQc-00084-00022747-00023108 little bit across the nation we have 265 KBN5H-tbcQc-00085-00023109-00023325 marine corps Junior ROTC programs with KBN5H-tbcQc-00086-00023326-00023544 over 40,000 young men and women that are KBN5H-tbcQc-00087-00023545-00023744 participating and that's just the marine KBN5H-tbcQc-00088-00023745-00023978 corps the army the Navy the Air Force KBN5H-tbcQc-00089-00023979-00024192 have much bigger programs in us and a KBN5H-tbcQc-00090-00024193-00024471 lot more kids but in the state of Texas KBN5H-tbcQc-00091-00024472-00024774 we have 40 schools that have they carry KBN5H-tbcQc-00092-00024775-00025035 the Marine Corps JROTC brand as a KBN5H-tbcQc-00093-00025036-00025275 regional director I'm responsible for 57 KBN5H-tbcQc-00094-00025276-00025572 schools over a four-state area and I KBN5H-tbcQc-00095-00025573-00025893 will tell you that dr. merle and i spent KBN5H-tbcQc-00096-00025894-00026258 quite a bit of time talking working over KBN5H-tbcQc-00097-00026260-00026402 the last several years to get this KBN5H-tbcQc-00098-00026404-00026690 program into the woodlands College Park KBN5H-tbcQc-00099-00026691-00027002 and it wasn't always easy but I think KBN5H-tbcQc-00100-00027004-00027237 that as y'all see tonight that it's KBN5H-tbcQc-00101-00027238-00027464 really pay some dividends I will say KBN5H-tbcQc-00102-00027466-00027642 that you all have some really great KBN5H-tbcQc-00103-00027643-00027839 young men and women in your school KBN5H-tbcQc-00104-00027841-00027957 district and particularly in The KBN5H-tbcQc-00105-00027958-00028143 Woodlands College Park you all should be KBN5H-tbcQc-00106-00028144-00028323 very proud of them KBN5H-tbcQc-00107-00028324-00028557 this was the first year that we've had a KBN5H-tbcQc-00108-00028558-00028779 marine corps Junior national KBN5H-tbcQc-00109-00028780-00029025 championship drill meet and that's not KBN5H-tbcQc-00110-00029026-00029289 to say that it was easy being the first KBN5H-tbcQc-00111-00029289-00029457 time champions it was probably harder to KBN5H-tbcQc-00112-00029458-00029745 be the first time champions then then it KBN5H-tbcQc-00113-00029745-00029921 will be to repeat so I'm putting KBN5H-tbcQc-00114-00029922-00030080 pressure on they got to repeat next year KBN5H-tbcQc-00115-00030081-00030333 but I will say this that every time I go KBN5H-tbcQc-00116-00030333-00030602 to Quantico Virginia Network my bosses KBN5H-tbcQc-00117-00030603-00030855 that I eat for free as long as we were KBN5H-tbcQc-00118-00030856-00031017 the national champions my boss has to KBN5H-tbcQc-00119-00031018-00031346 buy me dinner so I probably won't be KBN5H-tbcQc-00120-00031347-00031656 able to fit my uniform next year but but KBN5H-tbcQc-00121-00031657-00031862 but you all have you all have really KBN5H-tbcQc-00122-00031863-00031917 good kids KBN5H-tbcQc-00123-00031918-00032252 Dave Dave one in in everything but the KBN5H-tbcQc-00124-00032252-00032502 competition we we've got five regions KBN5H-tbcQc-00125-00032502-00032724 and each region was able to pick their KBN5H-tbcQc-00126-00032725-00032987 three best schools to go to the national KBN5H-tbcQc-00127-00032988-00033261 competition and for us we had the KBN5H-tbcQc-00128-00033262-00033414 woodlands College Park brendham High KBN5H-tbcQc-00129-00033415-00033618 School and United South Laredo high KBN5H-tbcQc-00130-00033619-00033870 school that went and I will say at the KBN5H-tbcQc-00131-00033871-00034023 regional competition that the will is KBN5H-tbcQc-00132-00034024-00034214 called college sport cleaned house and KBN5H-tbcQc-00133-00034215-00034437 they were kind of a dark horse nobody KBN5H-tbcQc-00134-00034438-00034498 really who's back KBN5H-tbcQc-00135-00034499-00034672 but I think everybody's gonna informal KBN5H-tbcQc-00136-00034673-00034966 with the Nationals and and and they did KBN5H-tbcQc-00137-00034967-00035203 great there as well I think the total KBN5H-tbcQc-00138-00035204-00035359 points they won by almost a hundred KBN5H-tbcQc-00139-00035360-00035536 points over the second-best team and KBN5H-tbcQc-00140-00035537-00035806 that's nationwide and and that's just an KBN5H-tbcQc-00141-00035807-00036028 amazing accomplishment and I owe it all KBN5H-tbcQc-00142-00036029-00036238 to your great team here KBN5H-tbcQc-00143-00036239-00036433 Maj Stewart and sergeant major combs and KBN5H-tbcQc-00144-00036434-00036595 also to your young men and women that KBN5H-tbcQc-00145-00036596-00036718 are in the program and I just want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00146-00036719-00037662 turn over to major Stewart now thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00147-00037663-00037861 ladies and gentlemen thank you for KBN5H-tbcQc-00148-00037862-00038068 having us here tonight what I want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00149-00038069-00038203 talk a little bit about is what they KBN5H-tbcQc-00150-00038204-00038506 actually did at the national drill KBN5H-tbcQc-00151-00038507-00038785 competition these kids first of all I KBN5H-tbcQc-00152-00038786-00038875 want to tell you a little bit about KBN5H-tbcQc-00153-00038876-00039178 these kids these are this is a third KBN5H-tbcQc-00154-00039179-00039505 year program as all of you know the the KBN5H-tbcQc-00155-00039506-00039733 schools we were going up against we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00156-00039734-00040099 all schools that have been around 10 15 KBN5H-tbcQc-00157-00040100-00040357 some of them 20 years so they've got KBN5H-tbcQc-00158-00040358-00040570 kids that have been in the program for KBN5H-tbcQc-00159-00040571-00040921 four years our kids the most any of them KBN5H-tbcQc-00160-00040922-00041203 have been in the program is three so and KBN5H-tbcQc-00161-00041204-00041413 most of them standing right over here of KBN5H-tbcQc-00162-00041414-00041671 freshmen and sophomores so so these kids KBN5H-tbcQc-00163-00041672-00041956 are first and second year kids that are KBN5H-tbcQc-00164-00041957-00042166 coming in and learning drill the KBN5H-tbcQc-00165-00042167-00042328 academics portion which is very KBN5H-tbcQc-00166-00042329-00042684 difficult color guard all of that stuff KBN5H-tbcQc-00167-00042685-00043153 really after football season until about KBN5H-tbcQc-00168-00043154-00043555 three weeks ago they worked to put these KBN5H-tbcQc-00169-00043556-00043795 teams together and and to practice every KBN5H-tbcQc-00170-00043796-00044014 day and through all their blood sweat KBN5H-tbcQc-00171-00044015-00044245 and tears they and yes there were some KBN5H-tbcQc-00172-00044246-00044518 tears they they made it they were they KBN5H-tbcQc-00173-00044519-00044806 won regionals like which like Lieutenant KBN5H-tbcQc-00174-00044807-00044944 Colonel strowman talks about they won KBN5H-tbcQc-00175-00044945-00045142 regionals by quite a quite a large KBN5H-tbcQc-00176-00045143-00045337 margin and then they went to Nationals KBN5H-tbcQc-00177-00045338-00045553 and and they did the same thing they're KBN5H-tbcQc-00178-00045554-00045808 the things that they that they competed KBN5H-tbcQc-00179-00045809-00046192 in were academics inspection armed drill KBN5H-tbcQc-00180-00046193-00046579 regulation armed drill exhibition and KBN5H-tbcQc-00181-00046580-00046756 then unarmed drill regulation and KBN5H-tbcQc-00182-00046757-00046930 unarmed drill exhibition and color KBN5H-tbcQc-00183-00046931-00047125 guards so seven different categories and KBN5H-tbcQc-00184-00047126-00047443 they placed first place an unarmed drill KBN5H-tbcQc-00185-00047444-00047661 first place and academics and that KBN5H-tbcQc-00186-00047662-00047837 wasn't even close KBN5H-tbcQc-00187-00047838-00048135 second place in arm drill third place in KBN5H-tbcQc-00188-00048136-00048354 colorguard fourth place in unarmed KBN5H-tbcQc-00189-00048355-00048582 exhibition and then fifth place and KBN5H-tbcQc-00190-00048583-00048899 armed exhibition and our end and fifth KBN5H-tbcQc-00191-00048900-00049161 place in inspection so every single KBN5H-tbcQc-00192-00049162-00049467 category they placed very high and and KBN5H-tbcQc-00193-00049468-00049587 that's what how they were able to KBN5H-tbcQc-00194-00049588-00049805 accumulate those that the overall points KBN5H-tbcQc-00195-00049806-00050121 to win and we also had two individuals KBN5H-tbcQc-00196-00050122-00050462 that one special awards and that was the KBN5H-tbcQc-00197-00050463-00050765 best color guard commander in the KBN5H-tbcQc-00198-00050766-00050937 country and that's Jayden stanitch a KBN5H-tbcQc-00199-00050938-00051951 he's right he received he received a KBN5H-tbcQc-00200-00051952-00052307 perfect score on his as a commander KBN5H-tbcQc-00201-00052308-00052497 Skorr because the commander and the team KBN5H-tbcQc-00202-00052498-00052763 are graded separately perfect score for KBN5H-tbcQc-00203-00052764-00053409 Jaden KBN5H-tbcQc-00204-00053410-00053719 and also I'd like to recognize Jayden he KBN5H-tbcQc-00205-00053720-00053892 is going he has been chosen to be our KBN5H-tbcQc-00206-00053894-00054085 commanding officer for our company next KBN5H-tbcQc-00207-00054086-00054937 year and in the end reward was was KBN5H-tbcQc-00208-00054938-00055885 Corolla mukhiya she she won for for the KBN5H-tbcQc-00209-00055886-00056323 the unharmed commander for drill she won KBN5H-tbcQc-00210-00056324-00056517 with a perfect score and she also got a KBN5H-tbcQc-00211-00056519-00056704 perfect score at Regionals and won that KBN5H-tbcQc-00212-00056704-00056934 award there regionals as well so KBN5H-tbcQc-00213-00056935-00057727 outstanding so out of the 15 schools KBN5H-tbcQc-00214-00057728-00057988 that represented the country that - that KBN5H-tbcQc-00215-00057989-00058213 represented the 265 schools in the KBN5H-tbcQc-00216-00058214-00058542 nation these are your national champions KBN5H-tbcQc-00218-00062514-00062890 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00219-00062891-00063205 so on behalf of the board I want to say KBN5H-tbcQc-00220-00063207-00063470 in three short years to accomplish what KBN5H-tbcQc-00221-00063471-00063707 you have accomplished and to take the KBN5H-tbcQc-00222-00063708-00063920 program to this level is absolutely KBN5H-tbcQc-00223-00063921-00064277 incredible I am so amazed and I know KBN5H-tbcQc-00224-00064278-00064457 we're all incredibly proud of you KBN5H-tbcQc-00225-00064458-00064769 Thank You major Stewart and sergeant KBN5H-tbcQc-00226-00064770-00064946 major Combs for investing in these KBN5H-tbcQc-00227-00064947-00065288 students this is an experience that so KBN5H-tbcQc-00228-00065289-00065600 if you get to have and it I know has KBN5H-tbcQc-00229-00065601-00065834 changed their lives having gotten to KBN5H-tbcQc-00230-00065835-00066086 speak to three of them at length not too KBN5H-tbcQc-00231-00066087-00066575 long ago I saw that in students thank KBN5H-tbcQc-00232-00066576-00066857 you for representing our district our KBN5H-tbcQc-00233-00066858-00067238 state and our nation in such an KBN5H-tbcQc-00234-00067239-00067622 impressive manner academically and in KBN5H-tbcQc-00235-00067623-00067949 the JROTC program we're incredibly proud KBN5H-tbcQc-00236-00067950-00068953 of you KBN5H-tbcQc-00238-00075865-00076819 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00240-00080112-00080451 alright item to be we've got lots of KBN5H-tbcQc-00241-00080452-00080679 awards to get out tonight special KBN5H-tbcQc-00242-00080680-00080889 district recognition students together KBN5H-tbcQc-00243-00080890-00081138 achieving results program graduate stuff KBN5H-tbcQc-00244-00081139-00081357 their Stockton great it is an exciting KBN5H-tbcQc-00245-00081358-00081567 night with with so many recognitions to KBN5H-tbcQc-00246-00081568-00081780 give and another very special group of KBN5H-tbcQc-00247-00081781-00081975 students that Denise apolar our KBN5H-tbcQc-00248-00081976-00082176 coordinator of guidance and counseling KBN5H-tbcQc-00249-00082177-00082841 is going to introduce when she comes in KBN5H-tbcQc-00250-00082842-00084050 and she is approaching the podium now KBN5H-tbcQc-00251-00084051-00084215 good evening KBN5H-tbcQc-00252-00084216-00084480 graduating seniors are being recognized KBN5H-tbcQc-00253-00084481-00084642 tonight for their participation and KBN5H-tbcQc-00254-00084643-00084825 commitment to the students together KBN5H-tbcQc-00255-00084826-00085170 achieving results star program this is KBN5H-tbcQc-00256-00085171-00085320 the eighth group of students to graduate KBN5H-tbcQc-00257-00085321-00085548 and we want to honor them for their hard KBN5H-tbcQc-00258-00085549-00085782 work and persistence high school KBN5H-tbcQc-00259-00085783-00085968 counselors are asked to identify ninth KBN5H-tbcQc-00260-00085969-00086145 grade students who struggle during their KBN5H-tbcQc-00261-00086146-00086331 freshman year and invite them to KBN5H-tbcQc-00262-00086332-00086571 participate in the program star is KBN5H-tbcQc-00263-00086572-00086712 focused on building strong relationships KBN5H-tbcQc-00264-00086713-00087030 between counselors and the star students KBN5H-tbcQc-00265-00087031-00087270 as part of the program the students are KBN5H-tbcQc-00266-00087271-00087444 exposed to opportunities where they KBN5H-tbcQc-00267-00087445-00087666 learn about themselves and how to plan KBN5H-tbcQc-00268-00087667-00087897 for their future the program has grown KBN5H-tbcQc-00269-00087898-00088125 from a summer program to a year-round KBN5H-tbcQc-00270-00088126-00088374 program they hold monthly meetings as KBN5H-tbcQc-00271-00088375-00088563 well as visits to community colleges KBN5H-tbcQc-00272-00088564-00088832 technical schools and four-year colleges KBN5H-tbcQc-00273-00088833-00089073 students have also visited job sites KBN5H-tbcQc-00274-00089074-00089280 done community service heard KBN5H-tbcQc-00275-00089281-00089478 motivational speech speakers and KBN5H-tbcQc-00276-00089479-00089745 participated in the ropes course we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00277-00089746-00089868 honored to have three of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00278-00089869-00090012 participants here to share their KBN5H-tbcQc-00279-00090013-00090167 experiences with you tonight KBN5H-tbcQc-00280-00090168-00090423 Caitlyn Dickerson from Conroe High KBN5H-tbcQc-00281-00090424-00090717 School Allison wanna know from the KBN5H-tbcQc-00282-00090718-00090936 Woodlands high school and Brittney KBN5H-tbcQc-00283-00090937-00091160 Spielman from candy Creek High School KBN5H-tbcQc-00284-00091161-00091543 Kaitlyn KBN5H-tbcQc-00285-00091544-00091775 hello my name is Caitlin Dickerson and KBN5H-tbcQc-00286-00091776-00091940 I'm a senior from Connor high school KBN5H-tbcQc-00287-00091941-00092219 first of all the this program is truly a KBN5H-tbcQc-00288-00092220-00092393 great program on our campus simply KBN5H-tbcQc-00289-00092394-00092564 because it encourages all the students KBN5H-tbcQc-00290-00092565-00092741 to try their best and try their hardest KBN5H-tbcQc-00291-00092742-00093125 and for me it encourages me to continue KBN5H-tbcQc-00292-00093126-00093503 and acknowledge my full potential of KBN5H-tbcQc-00293-00093504-00093626 being able to achieve more than I think KBN5H-tbcQc-00294-00093627-00093932 I can because as a high school student a KBN5H-tbcQc-00295-00093933-00094262 lot of a lot of difficult unexpected KBN5H-tbcQc-00296-00094263-00094565 things happen and it challenges you and KBN5H-tbcQc-00297-00094566-00094685 you don't know how you're going to KBN5H-tbcQc-00298-00094686-00095144 exactly exactly face them and this KBN5H-tbcQc-00299-00095145-00095348 program has been there to support me and KBN5H-tbcQc-00300-00095349-00095588 through it all whether it's a good or a KBN5H-tbcQc-00301-00095589-00095687 bad decision KBN5H-tbcQc-00302-00095688-00095972 they're there to pick me up and there to KBN5H-tbcQc-00303-00095973-00096146 encourage me to do better and to start KBN5H-tbcQc-00304-00096147-00096329 over and they don't hold anything KBN5H-tbcQc-00305-00096330-00096479 against you so just knowing that they KBN5H-tbcQc-00306-00096480-00096755 have your back and that support through KBN5H-tbcQc-00307-00096756-00096965 ever since freshman year KBN5H-tbcQc-00308-00096966-00097520 it's pretty great and just that even KBN5H-tbcQc-00309-00097521-00097655 though things are tough we can overcome KBN5H-tbcQc-00310-00097656-00098045 them as a group and I'm just so grateful KBN5H-tbcQc-00311-00098046-00098237 to have been able to have this KBN5H-tbcQc-00312-00098238-00098468 experience because they motivate me on a KBN5H-tbcQc-00313-00098469-00098768 day-to-day basis and thank you star KBN5H-tbcQc-00314-00098769-00098927 program you've given me a lot of KBN5H-tbcQc-00315-00098928-00099122 opportunities and I'm a proud senior KBN5H-tbcQc-00316-00099123-00099278 that was in the program for all this KBN5H-tbcQc-00317-00099279-00100205 year and thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00318-00100206-00100536 hi I'm Alison you know no I'm a senior KBN5H-tbcQc-00319-00100537-00100740 from The Woodlands high school I've been KBN5H-tbcQc-00320-00100741-00100947 in the star program since freshman year KBN5H-tbcQc-00321-00100948-00101295 and now I'm a senior when I first KBN5H-tbcQc-00322-00101296-00101451 started going to the Star program I KBN5H-tbcQc-00323-00101452-00101541 thought it was a joke KBN5H-tbcQc-00324-00101542-00101868 because you know when you're younger you KBN5H-tbcQc-00325-00101869-00102024 don't really care about school that much KBN5H-tbcQc-00326-00102025-00102390 and then my junior year I still didn't KBN5H-tbcQc-00327-00102391-00102506 know what I wanted to do with my life KBN5H-tbcQc-00328-00102507-00102714 after I graduated so I started thinking KBN5H-tbcQc-00329-00102715-00103005 about it and we went to colleges and I KBN5H-tbcQc-00330-00103006-00103140 just wanted to go because I was skipping KBN5H-tbcQc-00331-00103141-00103473 class and going to eat and it was fun KBN5H-tbcQc-00332-00103474-00103742 and then I realized that it's just fun KBN5H-tbcQc-00333-00103743-00103890 and games until you actually start to KBN5H-tbcQc-00334-00103891-00104325 graduate and I went to Sam Houston and I KBN5H-tbcQc-00335-00104326-00104780 love the campus it helped me like know KBN5H-tbcQc-00336-00104781-00104916 what I wanted to do with my life which KBN5H-tbcQc-00337-00104917-00105109 I'm joining the criminal justice program KBN5H-tbcQc-00338-00105110-00105383 thanks to them and the Start program I KBN5H-tbcQc-00339-00105384-00105618 did not only know what I wanted to do KBN5H-tbcQc-00340-00105619-00105903 with my life but I made great friends KBN5H-tbcQc-00341-00105904-00106053 that I'm still friends with right now KBN5H-tbcQc-00342-00106054-00106305 and my counselors helped me so much KBN5H-tbcQc-00343-00106306-00106518 through everything and I went from KBN5H-tbcQc-00344-00106519-00106758 barely passing my grades from 70s to a KBN5H-tbcQc-00345-00106758-00106845 straight-a student KBN5H-tbcQc-00346-00106846-00107070 I'm currently Milo's grade right now as KBN5H-tbcQc-00347-00107071-00108076 a 90 so yeah thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00348-00108077-00108308 hello everyone I'm Brittany Spellman KBN5H-tbcQc-00349-00108308-00108454 I've been a star student for four years KBN5H-tbcQc-00350-00108455-00108634 now I've got a kink Creek High School KBN5H-tbcQc-00351-00108635-00109028 I'm graduating this year start has an KBN5H-tbcQc-00352-00109029-00109223 impact of my life tremendously it's KBN5H-tbcQc-00353-00109224-00109427 given me so many opportunities to open KBN5H-tbcQc-00354-00109428-00109970 my eyes to so many different things from KBN5H-tbcQc-00355-00109971-00110153 challenge courses to visiting colleges KBN5H-tbcQc-00356-00110154-00110386 like Lone Star Sam Houston University of KBN5H-tbcQc-00357-00110388-00110645 Houston I learned so much from being a KBN5H-tbcQc-00358-00110646-00110825 star student I learned about different KBN5H-tbcQc-00359-00110826-00110989 colleges and having good communication KBN5H-tbcQc-00360-00110990-00111223 also not to be afraid to ask questions KBN5H-tbcQc-00361-00111224-00111466 because someone else has the same exact KBN5H-tbcQc-00362-00111467-00111614 question that you have and they're just KBN5H-tbcQc-00363-00111615-00112354 too afraid to ask this experience an KBN5H-tbcQc-00364-00112355-00112502 adventure motivated me to want to go to KBN5H-tbcQc-00365-00112503-00112708 college to open my eyes to what's out KBN5H-tbcQc-00366-00112709-00112877 there after high school after high KBN5H-tbcQc-00367-00112878-00113015 school I plan on going to Bethany KBN5H-tbcQc-00368-00113016-00113363 College with the double major in biology KBN5H-tbcQc-00369-00113364-00113549 and chemistry in a minor in theology and KBN5H-tbcQc-00370-00113550-00113734 I also have an athletic scholarship to KBN5H-tbcQc-00371-00113735-00114061 go play for them know do what you want KBN5H-tbcQc-00372-00114063-00114221 to be and who you want to be because I KBN5H-tbcQc-00373-00114222-00115218 did KBN5H-tbcQc-00374-00115219-00115471 the star counselors from candy Creek KBN5H-tbcQc-00375-00115472-00115633 High School are with us today and we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00376-00115634-00115810 going to honor candy Creek first our KBN5H-tbcQc-00377-00115811-00115873 seniors KBN5H-tbcQc-00378-00115874-00116116 Cindy horn and Rochelle Perry are here KBN5H-tbcQc-00379-00116117-00116572 from candy Creek High School and our KBN5H-tbcQc-00380-00116573-00116791 first student is Jared Jared KBN5H-tbcQc-00381-00116792-00119778 Brandtner Colton Lange Cynthia Ramirez KBN5H-tbcQc-00382-00119779-00121000 Brittany Spielman our star counselor KBN5H-tbcQc-00383-00121001-00121147 from Conroe high school with us tonight KBN5H-tbcQc-00384-00121148-00121706 is Tiffany Arsenault KBN5H-tbcQc-00385-00121707-00123107 our students Kaitlyn dickerson Molly KBN5H-tbcQc-00386-00123108-00124328 Linton from Hawk high school we are KBN5H-tbcQc-00387-00124329-00126583 honoring Jordan Hill Dylan Patrick KBN5H-tbcQc-00388-00126583-00128672 Michaela Warner and Valerie weathers our KBN5H-tbcQc-00389-00128673-00128822 counselor from Oak Ridge High School KBN5H-tbcQc-00390-00128823-00129368 tonight is Shawn Matlock I'm gonna have KBN5H-tbcQc-00391-00129369-00131488 to recognize Chad Archie and Jack Boyko KBN5H-tbcQc-00392-00131489-00131723 our counselors from The Woodlands high KBN5H-tbcQc-00393-00131724-00131948 school tonight or Karen Peary and Keisha KBN5H-tbcQc-00394-00131949-00132539 Clark and then recognizing Alison KBN5H-tbcQc-00395-00132540-00133508 Bonanno KBN5H-tbcQc-00396-00133509-00135560 Riley Nelson daniela romo koala and KBN5H-tbcQc-00397-00135561-00137577 crystal Solis thank you so much before KBN5H-tbcQc-00398-00137578-00138145 we KBN5H-tbcQc-00399-00138146-00138475 we do that through the handshake I just KBN5H-tbcQc-00400-00138476-00138643 wanted to say on behalf of dr. Stockman KBN5H-tbcQc-00401-00138644-00138877 and board congratulations to you guys KBN5H-tbcQc-00402-00138878-00139114 often times we don't think folks who KBN5H-tbcQc-00403-00139115-00139363 like my grandmother says who come a KBN5H-tbcQc-00404-00139364-00139629 mighty long ways and you guys have done KBN5H-tbcQc-00405-00139630-00139837 just that I mean often times we need to KBN5H-tbcQc-00406-00139838-00139996 make sure that we address folks who KBN5H-tbcQc-00407-00139997-00140179 started in a certain point in their KBN5H-tbcQc-00408-00140180-00140329 lives with a certain point academic KBN5H-tbcQc-00409-00140330-00140569 careers and have since then come such a KBN5H-tbcQc-00410-00140570-00140779 long way as you guys so you can't say KBN5H-tbcQc-00411-00140780-00141025 enough to congratulate you guys and give KBN5H-tbcQc-00412-00141026-00141160 you guys an understanding appreciation KBN5H-tbcQc-00413-00141161-00141448 of how proud we are that you guys have KBN5H-tbcQc-00414-00141449-00141721 been able to you know push through get KBN5H-tbcQc-00415-00141722-00142032 it done become more you know KBN5H-tbcQc-00416-00142033-00142213 understanding of where you want to be KBN5H-tbcQc-00417-00142214-00142375 career-wise and doing what it takes to KBN5H-tbcQc-00418-00142376-00142558 get there so congratulations we're proud KBN5H-tbcQc-00419-00142559-00142924 of you keep up the hard work and best KBN5H-tbcQc-00420-00142925-00143095 things best wishes for you guys in your KBN5H-tbcQc-00421-00143096-00145694 next academic pursuit great job KBN5H-tbcQc-00423-00149657-00150207 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00424-00150208-00150615 alright item to see special district KBN5H-tbcQc-00425-00150616-00150808 recognition ambassador Awards child KBN5H-tbcQc-00426-00150809-00150994 nutrition department employees dr. KBN5H-tbcQc-00427-00150995-00151236 Stockton I'm excited to call Robbins use KBN5H-tbcQc-00428-00151237-00151447 up to the podium our director of child KBN5H-tbcQc-00429-00151448-00151720 nutrition who will introduce our KBN5H-tbcQc-00430-00151721-00151984 recipient sir good evening mrs. Bush KBN5H-tbcQc-00431-00151985-00152252 members of the board and dr. Stockton KBN5H-tbcQc-00432-00152253-00152485 thank you for recognize our child KBN5H-tbcQc-00433-00152486-00152652 nutrition ambassador Award winners KBN5H-tbcQc-00434-00152653-00152908 tonight our first winner is Michelle KBN5H-tbcQc-00435-00152909-00153616 Harding KBN5H-tbcQc-00436-00153617-00153892 Michelle is the cafeteria manager at KBN5H-tbcQc-00437-00153893-00154138 Patterson elementary and has been with KBN5H-tbcQc-00438-00154139-00154378 the district for five years she's gone KBN5H-tbcQc-00439-00154379-00154540 above and beyond this year to promote KBN5H-tbcQc-00440-00154541-00154843 school breakfast to the students she KBN5H-tbcQc-00441-00154844-00155080 even organized a 50s themed breakfast KBN5H-tbcQc-00442-00155081-00155269 and asked the students and staff to KBN5H-tbcQc-00443-00155270-00155515 dress up to celebrate National School KBN5H-tbcQc-00444-00155516-00155788 Breakfast Week the turnout was amazing KBN5H-tbcQc-00445-00155789-00155965 and the kids loved it KBN5H-tbcQc-00446-00155966-00156199 mr. Patterson even showed up for the KBN5H-tbcQc-00447-00156200-00156486 event Michelle is always willing to help KBN5H-tbcQc-00448-00156487-00156724 she's an excellent trainer and she KBN5H-tbcQc-00449-00156725-00156985 serves quality meals to the students she KBN5H-tbcQc-00450-00156986-00157722 is an asset to the district KBN5H-tbcQc-00451-00157723-00158649 our next recipient is Casey Williams KBN5H-tbcQc-00452-00158650-00158899 Casey is the manager at The Woodlands KBN5H-tbcQc-00453-00158900-00159175 high school she's been with the district KBN5H-tbcQc-00454-00159176-00159424 for three years she did an excellent job KBN5H-tbcQc-00455-00159425-00159622 during the child nutrition on it this KBN5H-tbcQc-00456-00159623-00159841 year and she remained cool calm and KBN5H-tbcQc-00457-00159842-00160255 collected demeanor never changes even KBN5H-tbcQc-00458-00160256-00160498 when times are stressful she's friendly KBN5H-tbcQc-00459-00160499-00160696 to the students and staff and they truly KBN5H-tbcQc-00460-00160697-00160996 appreciate her she's very organized and KBN5H-tbcQc-00461-00160997-00161196 runs the kitchen efficiently KBN5H-tbcQc-00462-00161197-00161446 she learns quickly and is a great KBN5H-tbcQc-00463-00161447-00161728 trainer Casey is a true professional and KBN5H-tbcQc-00464-00161729-00161974 a positive representative for the KBN5H-tbcQc-00465-00161975-00162862 district our next ambassador is Tracy KBN5H-tbcQc-00466-00162863-00163858 Smith Tracy is a new manager at Oak KBN5H-tbcQc-00467-00163859-00164089 Ridge Elementary but she's been with the KBN5H-tbcQc-00468-00164090-00164332 district for three years even though KBN5H-tbcQc-00469-00164333-00164536 Tracy is a new manager the oak ridge KBN5H-tbcQc-00470-00164537-00164764 elementary kitchen passed the child KBN5H-tbcQc-00471-00164765-00165088 nutrition audit was flying colors she KBN5H-tbcQc-00472-00165089-00165271 takes pride in her work and she truly KBN5H-tbcQc-00473-00165272-00165532 cares about the students she loves KBN5H-tbcQc-00474-00165533-00165715 working for the department and it shows KBN5H-tbcQc-00475-00165716-00165973 in her attitude she's always pleasant KBN5H-tbcQc-00476-00165974-00166309 and greets everyone with a smile Tracy KBN5H-tbcQc-00477-00166310-00166516 is dedicated to the district and we love KBN5H-tbcQc-00478-00166517-00167251 having her on our team KBN5H-tbcQc-00479-00167252-00168091 her necks ambassador is Vai rejection KBN5H-tbcQc-00480-00168092-00168440 Vyra is an associate at David elementary KBN5H-tbcQc-00481-00168441-00168851 she's been with CISD for two years she KBN5H-tbcQc-00482-00168852-00169115 has a positive attitude as well as KBN5H-tbcQc-00483-00169116-00169395 outstanding job performance she's always KBN5H-tbcQc-00484-00169396-00169637 smiling and has a can-do attitude KBN5H-tbcQc-00485-00169638-00169916 every day she adjusts to change with KBN5H-tbcQc-00486-00169917-00170204 ease and enthusiasm her response to KBN5H-tbcQc-00487-00170205-00170626 anything given to her is we got this KBN5H-tbcQc-00488-00170627-00170903 she's always courteous to the students KBN5H-tbcQc-00489-00170904-00171164 and staff pleasure to have in child KBN5H-tbcQc-00490-00171165-00172025 nutrition our final ambassador is Maria KBN5H-tbcQc-00491-00172026-00172862 Valdez Day Korea Maria has been with KBN5H-tbcQc-00492-00172863-00173090 CISD for two years and she's an KBN5H-tbcQc-00493-00173091-00173406 associate at peat junior high she has KBN5H-tbcQc-00494-00173407-00173619 such a pleasant attitude and welcomes KBN5H-tbcQc-00495-00173620-00173943 the students each day she's willing to KBN5H-tbcQc-00496-00173944-00174173 work any assignment without question and KBN5H-tbcQc-00497-00174174-00174533 follows instructions to a tee she works KBN5H-tbcQc-00498-00174534-00174785 efficiently and can do anything she's KBN5H-tbcQc-00499-00174786-00175061 asked to do she helps everyone else in KBN5H-tbcQc-00500-00175062-00175274 the kitchen when needed and she's very KBN5H-tbcQc-00501-00175275-00176942 patient we are so lucky to have her KBN5H-tbcQc-00502-00176943-00177252 so I'd like to say a few things as well KBN5H-tbcQc-00503-00177253-00177426 on behalf of the board we want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00504-00177427-00177609 personally say thank you for what you do KBN5H-tbcQc-00505-00177610-00177708 I appreciate it KBN5H-tbcQc-00506-00177709-00177918 you know I've got I've got a couple of KBN5H-tbcQc-00507-00177919-00178056 mouths to feed at my house and when KBN5H-tbcQc-00508-00178057-00178215 they're hungry they're rouille I can't KBN5H-tbcQc-00509-00178216-00178518 imagine what you guys go through but we KBN5H-tbcQc-00510-00178519-00178746 understand that child nutrition is is KBN5H-tbcQc-00511-00178747-00178998 vital for their other success they've KBN5H-tbcQc-00512-00178999-00179148 got to have full bellies to be able to KBN5H-tbcQc-00513-00179149-00179364 go out there and perform and you guys KBN5H-tbcQc-00514-00179365-00179520 make sure that they have those things KBN5H-tbcQc-00515-00179521-00179790 taken care of and and there is from time KBN5H-tbcQc-00516-00179791-00180000 to time when my wife's out of town my KBN5H-tbcQc-00517-00180001-00180159 kids somehow slip out without their KBN5H-tbcQc-00518-00180160-00180444 lunches and I get blamed for it but for KBN5H-tbcQc-00519-00180445-00180825 some reason they get fed you guys take KBN5H-tbcQc-00520-00180826-00180957 care of them and we appreciate your KBN5H-tbcQc-00521-00180958-00181182 dedication to those kids so thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00522-00181183-00181329 very much for what you do is is we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00523-00181330-00183931 very well deserved KBN5H-tbcQc-00525-00187424-00187775 alright item 2d special district KBN5H-tbcQc-00526-00187776-00187922 recognition ambassador Ward's KBN5H-tbcQc-00527-00187923-00188105 Transportation Department employees KBN5H-tbcQc-00528-00188106-00188333 great I'm excited to bring up Sam Davila KBN5H-tbcQc-00529-00188334-00188612 director of Transportation to introduce KBN5H-tbcQc-00530-00188613-00189865 our Award winners that's always too high KBN5H-tbcQc-00531-00189866-00190283 well mr. Bush doctors talk to members of KBN5H-tbcQc-00532-00190284-00190507 the board is my distinct pleasure to a KBN5H-tbcQc-00533-00190508-00191682 always polished oh yeah KBN5H-tbcQc-00534-00191683-00192583 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00535-00192584-00192826 Jewish doctor dr. members of the board KBN5H-tbcQc-00536-00192827-00193121 it's my pleasure to announce there or KBN5H-tbcQc-00537-00193122-00193343 welcome this year's recipients of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00538-00193344-00193501 ambassador award for transportation KBN5H-tbcQc-00539-00193502-00193670 before I get started though I want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00540-00193671-00193804 thank you all for allowing us to KBN5H-tbcQc-00541-00193805-00193985 continue to do this a massive award is KBN5H-tbcQc-00542-00193986-00194239 very important and it recognizes our KBN5H-tbcQc-00543-00194240-00194389 employees for the hard work that they do KBN5H-tbcQc-00544-00194390-00194636 and the challenges they face every day KBN5H-tbcQc-00545-00194637-00194875 so first of all I like to start off with KBN5H-tbcQc-00546-00194876-00195194 one of our special needs teams I'm KBN5H-tbcQc-00547-00195195-00195466 emotional mess I don't know what it is I KBN5H-tbcQc-00548-00195467-00195707 might call Juan or Erik up here KBN5H-tbcQc-00549-00195708-00196653 Linda Massey and Eva Thatcher KBN5H-tbcQc-00550-00196654-00196843 Malinda is one of our special needs KBN5H-tbcQc-00551-00196844-00197143 drivers and he Etha Eva sorry is one of KBN5H-tbcQc-00552-00197144-00197377 our monitor from East County and let me KBN5H-tbcQc-00553-00197378-00197539 read this real quick that way I don't KBN5H-tbcQc-00554-00197540-00197892 mess it up too bad on on October 13th KBN5H-tbcQc-00555-00197893-00198127 one of miss Massey's and miss pastors KBN5H-tbcQc-00556-00198128-00198265 special needs students had a seizure KBN5H-tbcQc-00557-00198266-00198463 while their honor away taking their kids KBN5H-tbcQc-00558-00198464-00198694 to school miss Thatcher noticed that the KBN5H-tbcQc-00559-00198695-00198826 student was having a seizure none KBN5H-tbcQc-00560-00198827-00198991 alerted miss Massey to the emergency KBN5H-tbcQc-00561-00198992-00199204 miss Massey immediately turned on her KBN5H-tbcQc-00562-00199205-00199363 inside light so it was about 7 o'clock KBN5H-tbcQc-00563-00199364-00199672 in the morning so she turned on the KBN5H-tbcQc-00564-00199673-00199828 lights and pulled into a church parking KBN5H-tbcQc-00565-00199829-00199996 lot she radioed the East County KBN5H-tbcQc-00566-00199997-00200257 Operations Center and called 9-1-1 while KBN5H-tbcQc-00567-00200258-00200413 miss Thatcher quickly assessed the KBN5H-tbcQc-00568-00200414-00200608 student and determined that she had to KBN5H-tbcQc-00569-00200609-00200788 administer his medication she did so KBN5H-tbcQc-00570-00200789-00201004 flawlessly while miss Massey was keeping KBN5H-tbcQc-00571-00201005-00201166 the other students calm and maintaining KBN5H-tbcQc-00572-00201167-00201334 radio contact with the operations center KBN5H-tbcQc-00573-00201335-00201502 I had an opportunity to kind of watch KBN5H-tbcQc-00574-00201503-00201823 the video and it was incredible as to KBN5H-tbcQc-00575-00201824-00202102 how they were able to stay calm keep the KBN5H-tbcQc-00576-00202103-00202264 students calm and do everything they KBN5H-tbcQc-00577-00202265-00202449 needed to do to keep the students safe KBN5H-tbcQc-00578-00202450-00202660 because of the quick thinking and KBN5H-tbcQc-00579-00202661-00202801 following emergency protocols the KBN5H-tbcQc-00580-00202802-00202948 student received his medication as KBN5H-tbcQc-00581-00202949-00203119 prescribed which allowed him to be KBN5H-tbcQc-00582-00203120-00203356 stable before the EMS could arrive their KBN5H-tbcQc-00583-00203357-00203503 calm demeanor emergency training KBN5H-tbcQc-00584-00203504-00203671 contributed to saving the students life KBN5H-tbcQc-00585-00203672-00203956 in addition because of their great KBN5H-tbcQc-00586-00203957-00204145 teamwork and their composure they were KBN5H-tbcQc-00587-00204146-00204283 able to keep the other students on the KBN5H-tbcQc-00588-00204284-00204493 bus from panicking if you ever been on a KBN5H-tbcQc-00589-00204494-00204676 special-needs bus and sometimes to KBN5H-tbcQc-00590-00204677-00204883 change an atmosphere or environment like KBN5H-tbcQc-00591-00204884-00205039 that can really cause a lot of stress on KBN5H-tbcQc-00592-00205040-00205369 our students they did receive a call KBN5H-tbcQc-00593-00205369-00205504 later from the mom letting them know KBN5H-tbcQc-00594-00205505-00205702 that their her son was doing fine and KBN5H-tbcQc-00595-00205703-00205873 thanking them for doing the right thing KBN5H-tbcQc-00596-00205873-00206125 this was a wonderful example of how a KBN5H-tbcQc-00597-00206126-00206377 driver monitor special needs team worked KBN5H-tbcQc-00598-00206378-00206569 together to keep keep our students safe KBN5H-tbcQc-00599-00206569-00206779 there's a great respect and gratitude KBN5H-tbcQc-00600-00206780-00207679 that I recommend them both for the CSD KBN5H-tbcQc-00601-00207680-00208076 our next recipient together you're the KBN5H-tbcQc-00602-00208077-00208202 first ones you gotta wait till everybody KBN5H-tbcQc-00603-00208203-00208601 comes today our next recipient is Norma KBN5H-tbcQc-00604-00208602-00208751 Alice she's one of our operations KBN5H-tbcQc-00605-00208752-00208856 specialists at our Oakridge KBN5H-tbcQc-00606-00208857-00209858 transportation center Nora is kind of KBN5H-tbcQc-00607-00209859-00210107 like been our security guard out there KBN5H-tbcQc-00608-00210108-00210421 at the Oakridge transportation center we KBN5H-tbcQc-00609-00210423-00210798 had some issues with some vandalism and KBN5H-tbcQc-00610-00210800-00211067 one evening Nora I decided to go ahead KBN5H-tbcQc-00611-00211067-00211273 and do a special trip before she left KBN5H-tbcQc-00612-00211275-00211466 for the day to make sure that the buses KBN5H-tbcQc-00613-00211467-00211546 were safe KBN5H-tbcQc-00614-00211548-00212231 well she noticed a student a person walk KBN5H-tbcQc-00615-00212232-00212521 in the yard when it was all closed she KBN5H-tbcQc-00616-00212523-00212692 approached the student and asked him KBN5H-tbcQc-00617-00212694-00213056 what they were doing what eventually KBN5H-tbcQc-00618-00213057-00213233 happened as the student left and came KBN5H-tbcQc-00619-00213234-00213431 back she called CSD police they KBN5H-tbcQc-00620-00213432-00213755 responded quickly and actually took care KBN5H-tbcQc-00621-00213756-00213946 of the situation and and we appreciate KBN5H-tbcQc-00622-00213948-00214139 her taking going an extra mile to make KBN5H-tbcQc-00623-00214140-00214415 sure our buses are safe unfortunately it KBN5H-tbcQc-00624-00214416-00214634 was in the several weeks prior to that KBN5H-tbcQc-00625-00214635-00214751 there was seven thousand dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-00626-00214752-00214915 thousands of dollars of damage done KBN5H-tbcQc-00627-00214916-00215114 buses not being able to run in the KBN5H-tbcQc-00628-00215115-00215269 morning for routes and mechanics having KBN5H-tbcQc-00629-00215271-00215394 to jump through hoops to get them fixed KBN5H-tbcQc-00630-00215396-00215735 in addition to that miss Morales also KBN5H-tbcQc-00631-00215736-00216056 competes in our Texas Association annual KBN5H-tbcQc-00632-00216057-00216394 school bus rodeo and she competed in our KBN5H-tbcQc-00633-00216396-00216590 regional rodeo believe it or not our KBN5H-tbcQc-00634-00216591-00216742 operations specialists do Drive routes KBN5H-tbcQc-00635-00216744-00217115 as well and so she actually was got KBN5H-tbcQc-00636-00217116-00217325 second place in the rodeo and she's KBN5H-tbcQc-00637-00217326-00217573 going to state this summer in Frisco KBN5H-tbcQc-00638-00217575-00217754 will be represented our district and our KBN5H-tbcQc-00639-00217755-00218532 region at the state competition KBN5H-tbcQc-00640-00218533-00218773 and that confidence actually consists of KBN5H-tbcQc-00641-00218773-00219009 11 different events and also a written KBN5H-tbcQc-00642-00219010-00219183 test so it's pretty strenuous and they KBN5H-tbcQc-00643-00219184-00219355 have to do a lot of study and driving KBN5H-tbcQc-00644-00219356-00219660 our next recipient is Dean classic he's KBN5H-tbcQc-00645-00219661-00220527 a driver trainer from our Conroy Center KBN5H-tbcQc-00646-00220528-00220698 actually I think he's from The Woodlands KBN5H-tbcQc-00647-00220700-00220860 Center right we move him around quite a KBN5H-tbcQc-00648-00220861-00221844 bit the following excerpt I would like KBN5H-tbcQc-00649-00221846-00222055 to read from one of our CSD police KBN5H-tbcQc-00650-00222056-00222328 sergeants starting Blakelock he was KBN5H-tbcQc-00651-00222329-00222505 dispatched regarding an incident that KBN5H-tbcQc-00652-00222506-00222696 while Dean was a driver for us not a KBN5H-tbcQc-00653-00222698-00222948 trainer but a driver had to handle a KBN5H-tbcQc-00654-00222950-00223264 student that was becoming irritated and KBN5H-tbcQc-00655-00223265-00223710 upset and Dean did so so well but this KBN5H-tbcQc-00656-00223711-00223879 is what a sarten Blakelock wrote about KBN5H-tbcQc-00657-00223880-00224071 when he watched the video and saw how KBN5H-tbcQc-00658-00224071-00224283 Dean was able to handle the student and KBN5H-tbcQc-00659-00224284-00224542 keep the situation calm I watched the KBN5H-tbcQc-00660-00224542-00224689 video and this compelled me to write you KBN5H-tbcQc-00661-00224690-00224871 to let you know that Dean classic was KBN5H-tbcQc-00662-00224873-00225037 quite impressive and how we remain calm KBN5H-tbcQc-00663-00225038-00225292 and address the students mr. classic was KBN5H-tbcQc-00664-00225292-00225475 quick to address the safety issue of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00665-00225476-00225642 student moving around on the bus while I KBN5H-tbcQc-00666-00225644-00225877 was moving he then addressed the rules KBN5H-tbcQc-00667-00225878-00226023 or remained very professional while KBN5H-tbcQc-00668-00226025-00226276 deflecting from the threatening speech KBN5H-tbcQc-00669-00226277-00226453 and screaming of the student at some KBN5H-tbcQc-00670-00226454-00226584 point the student began making physical KBN5H-tbcQc-00671-00226585-00226855 contact with him by attempting to reach KBN5H-tbcQc-00672-00226856-00227017 over him to hit the door release button KBN5H-tbcQc-00673-00227017-00227269 so she could exit the bus he carefully KBN5H-tbcQc-00674-00227269-00227479 deflected her arm so that she was able KBN5H-tbcQc-00675-00227480-00227737 to not do so and very calmly contacted KBN5H-tbcQc-00676-00227738-00227883 someone on the radio and call the police KBN5H-tbcQc-00677-00227884-00228159 as a student society escalated the KBN5H-tbcQc-00678-00228160-00228328 information he gave was precise and KBN5H-tbcQc-00679-00228329-00228558 succinctly this is a fine display of KBN5H-tbcQc-00680-00228559-00228706 professionalism and calmness under KBN5H-tbcQc-00681-00228707-00228889 pressure that the district needs his KBN5H-tbcQc-00682-00228890-00229107 needs from its employees and across the KBN5H-tbcQc-00683-00229108-00229306 situation and I would love for mr. glass KBN5H-tbcQc-00684-00229307-00229498 to be recognized for his efforts so we KBN5H-tbcQc-00685-00229498-00230046 would like to recognize the English KBN5H-tbcQc-00686-00230046-00230362 I'd like to also add that since then we KBN5H-tbcQc-00687-00230363-00230530 had an opening and training and Dean KBN5H-tbcQc-00688-00230531-00230752 applied and he did get her promotion to KBN5H-tbcQc-00689-00230753-00231162 a trainer KBN5H-tbcQc-00690-00231163-00231556 and last but not least on Pohl's she was KBN5H-tbcQc-00691-00231557-00231715 one of our supervisors from the woodland KBN5H-tbcQc-00692-00231716-00232960 transportation center her situation is a KBN5H-tbcQc-00693-00232961-00233479 little unique to say the least our KBN5H-tbcQc-00694-00233480-00233665 supervisors have to drive as well so you KBN5H-tbcQc-00695-00233666-00233956 know just one of those things well while KBN5H-tbcQc-00696-00233957-00234241 she was driving for college part she was KBN5H-tbcQc-00697-00234242-00234417 at the at the school and they had a KBN5H-tbcQc-00698-00234419-00234490 lockdown KBN5H-tbcQc-00699-00234491-00234769 had a report of a student that shouldn't KBN5H-tbcQc-00700-00234769-00234867 have been on the premises on the KBN5H-tbcQc-00701-00234869-00235189 premises and he had broken into a car KBN5H-tbcQc-00702-00235190-00235486 and one of the aps recognized the KBN5H-tbcQc-00703-00235487-00235666 student and all the students were moving KBN5H-tbcQc-00704-00235667-00235831 toward or all the drivers everybody were KBN5H-tbcQc-00705-00235832-00236101 moving towards the campus and she heard KBN5H-tbcQc-00706-00236102-00236302 the AAP call out to the student he took KBN5H-tbcQc-00707-00236303-00236866 off well both Don and the AP pursued the KBN5H-tbcQc-00708-00236867-00237517 student and tackled the student detained KBN5H-tbcQc-00709-00237517-00237760 the student and while the police got KBN5H-tbcQc-00710-00237761-00237916 there found out that the student did KBN5H-tbcQc-00711-00237917-00238264 have a weapon on them and but everything KBN5H-tbcQc-00712-00238265-00238444 worked out for the best she better not KBN5H-tbcQc-00713-00238444-00238711 ever do that again and he must KBN5H-tbcQc-00714-00238712-00239008 supervisors too bad but it just goes to KBN5H-tbcQc-00715-00239009-00239311 show how much our employees care about KBN5H-tbcQc-00716-00239312-00239479 the safety of the other employees and KBN5H-tbcQc-00717-00239480-00239692 also of the kids so Thank You Don for KBN5H-tbcQc-00718-00239692-00240844 what KBN5H-tbcQc-00719-00240846-00241242 mr. Devlin and ambassadors I just want KBN5H-tbcQc-00720-00241242-00241512 to say a few short words one of those is KBN5H-tbcQc-00721-00241513-00241815 the the the title is ambassador you know KBN5H-tbcQc-00722-00241816-00242001 we have ambassadors throughout the world KBN5H-tbcQc-00723-00242002-00242169 that represent the United States of KBN5H-tbcQc-00724-00242169-00242451 America and they basically speak on KBN5H-tbcQc-00725-00242452-00242708 behalf of the US and those countries you KBN5H-tbcQc-00726-00242709-00242879 do the same thing each and every day you KBN5H-tbcQc-00727-00242880-00243119 represent Conroe Independent School KBN5H-tbcQc-00728-00243121-00243431 District to all of our students to all KBN5H-tbcQc-00729-00243432-00243639 of those parents all of those guardians KBN5H-tbcQc-00730-00243640-00243992 all of those children and and every day KBN5H-tbcQc-00731-00243994-00244326 you get up and you get up early and you KBN5H-tbcQc-00732-00244327-00244623 stay late and you probably work KBN5H-tbcQc-00733-00244623-00244998 throughout the day too and you take care KBN5H-tbcQc-00734-00244998-00245169 of our children I mean I remember when KBN5H-tbcQc-00735-00245169-00245469 my oldest we took her to kindergarten KBN5H-tbcQc-00736-00245469-00245657 and dropped her off that was a scary KBN5H-tbcQc-00737-00245658-00245906 thing having to drop them off on a KBN5H-tbcQc-00738-00245907-00246071 school bus and knowing that they're KBN5H-tbcQc-00739-00246073-00246281 gonna be taken care of knowing that KBN5H-tbcQc-00740-00246282-00246421 they're gonna get to the right place KBN5H-tbcQc-00741-00246423-00246777 100% of the time is extremely important KBN5H-tbcQc-00742-00246778-00246953 and it's extremely satisfying as a KBN5H-tbcQc-00743-00246954-00247208 parent to know that when I drop my child KBN5H-tbcQc-00744-00247209-00247464 off I know that they're cared for I know KBN5H-tbcQc-00745-00247465-00247653 that they're loved and I know that KBN5H-tbcQc-00746-00247654-00247827 they're with a professional and I just KBN5H-tbcQc-00747-00247828-00247962 want to say thank you on behalf of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00748-00247963-00248151 board and the entire district we KBN5H-tbcQc-00750-00253996-00254228 miss Godfrey has anyone signed up to KBN5H-tbcQc-00751-00254229-00254453 address the board all right KBN5H-tbcQc-00752-00254454-00254783 forward then and with no objections I'm KBN5H-tbcQc-00753-00254784-00255189 going to actually move item 8a naming of KBN5H-tbcQc-00754-00255190-00255469 the principle of Moorhead junior high up KBN5H-tbcQc-00755-00255471-00255809 dr. Stockmann sorry I'm always very KBN5H-tbcQc-00756-00255810-00256007 excited you know this this has been a KBN5H-tbcQc-00757-00256008-00256200 great meeting to recognize so many KBN5H-tbcQc-00758-00256201-00256425 special people and I get to recognize KBN5H-tbcQc-00759-00256426-00256626 one more with my recommendation to the KBN5H-tbcQc-00760-00256627-00256875 board for the principal Moorehead Junior KBN5H-tbcQc-00761-00256876-00257037 High School replacing dr. stickler who KBN5H-tbcQc-00762-00257038-00257340 went to Caney Creek High School I'm KBN5H-tbcQc-00763-00257341-00257603 recommending Roberto Garcia to you to KBN5H-tbcQc-00764-00257604-00257714 fill that position KBN5H-tbcQc-00765-00257715-00258003 mr. Garcia is currently the school KBN5H-tbcQc-00766-00258004-00258146 safety coordinator and district hearing KBN5H-tbcQc-00767-00258148-00258342 officer previously daddy's assistant KBN5H-tbcQc-00768-00258342-00258462 principal Connor high school and KBN5H-tbcQc-00769-00258463-00258576 previous to that he was a junior high KBN5H-tbcQc-00770-00258577-00258741 principal in another district so I'm KBN5H-tbcQc-00771-00258742-00258905 pleased to make that recommendation to KBN5H-tbcQc-00772-00258906-00259453 you so moved second all in favor KBN5H-tbcQc-00773-00259454-00261107 congratulations mr. Garcia KBN5H-tbcQc-00774-00261108-00261501 mrs. Bush members aboard dr. nachmann KBN5H-tbcQc-00775-00261502-00261705 and thank you for your vote of KBN5H-tbcQc-00776-00261706-00261992 confidence I'm excited about this KBN5H-tbcQc-00777-00261994-00262110 opportunity KBN5H-tbcQc-00778-00262111-00262407 dr. stickler has spoken very highly of KBN5H-tbcQc-00779-00262408-00262599 the students staff and parents of KBN5H-tbcQc-00780-00262600-00262860 Moorhead junior high and I'm honored to KBN5H-tbcQc-00781-00262861-00263328 join the Panther family I plan to KBN5H-tbcQc-00782-00263329-00263502 continue to build on the great things KBN5H-tbcQc-00783-00263503-00263790 that dr. stickler and the staff at KBN5H-tbcQc-00784-00263791-00264123 Moorhead have already begun and continue KBN5H-tbcQc-00785-00264124-00264603 to to again make the school the best it KBN5H-tbcQc-00786-00264604-00264999 can be and work to make the students KBN5H-tbcQc-00787-00265000-00265226 successful in life and in high school KBN5H-tbcQc-00788-00265227-00265626 and again I want to say that the last KBN5H-tbcQc-00789-00265627-00265956 five years in Connor I ISD have been KBN5H-tbcQc-00790-00265957-00266241 amazing and I wanted to thank dr. null KBN5H-tbcQc-00791-00266242-00266625 and dr. Weatherly dr. Heinz and mr. KBN5H-tbcQc-00792-00266626-00266892 Gorka working under each of them I KBN5H-tbcQc-00793-00266893-00267309 learned a lot and they're excellent they KBN5H-tbcQc-00794-00267310-00267501 were excellent principals when I want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00795-00267502-00267912 work Fortin want to thank my friends and KBN5H-tbcQc-00796-00267913-00268053 co-workers who are here tonight and then KBN5H-tbcQc-00797-00268054-00268317 show support and also wanted to KBN5H-tbcQc-00798-00268318-00268533 introduce my family if I might thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00799-00268534-00269153 can you guys stand up KBN5H-tbcQc-00800-00269154-00269564 my wife Christy and Andrew and Claire KBN5H-tbcQc-00801-00269565-00269798 and Emily and the Andrea on the way up KBN5H-tbcQc-00802-00269799-00270080 here said dad no pressure he said he KBN5H-tbcQc-00803-00270081-00270194 said just say you're honored about KBN5H-tbcQc-00804-00270195-00272022 everything and we'll be ours thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-00805-00272023-00274173 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-00806-00274174-00274327 all right KBN5H-tbcQc-00807-00274328-00274576 mm item three it's a consent agenda I KBN5H-tbcQc-00808-00274577-00274876 have got a request to pull item II so KBN5H-tbcQc-00809-00274877-00275101 that we may discuss it separately and KBN5H-tbcQc-00810-00275102-00275410 vote on it separately any other items KBN5H-tbcQc-00811-00275411-00275641 need removed move the adoption of the KBN5H-tbcQc-00812-00275642-00276010 consent agenda items a through D host KBN5H-tbcQc-00813-00276011-00276453 second all those in favor opposed motion KBN5H-tbcQc-00814-00276454-00276589 passes KBN5H-tbcQc-00815-00276590-00276847 item three E it's considered the KBN5H-tbcQc-00816-00276848-00277042 approval of Bank Resolution extending KBN5H-tbcQc-00817-00277043-00277201 depository contract KBN5H-tbcQc-00818-00277202-00277455 dr. Stockton I know this is extending to KBN5H-tbcQc-00819-00277456-00277720 would force Bank and I believe Mr KBN5H-tbcQc-00820-00277721-00277999 Sanders you wanted this yes out I just KBN5H-tbcQc-00821-00278000-00278242 asked it I I've wanted to build a vote KBN5H-tbcQc-00822-00278243-00278446 on the consent agenda and because my KBN5H-tbcQc-00823-00278447-00278641 employer is would force National Bank I KBN5H-tbcQc-00824-00278642-00278848 will be abstaining from any discussion KBN5H-tbcQc-00825-00278849-00279121 and vote on this item all right do I KBN5H-tbcQc-00826-00279122-00279448 have a motion for item 3e so moved KBN5H-tbcQc-00827-00279449-00279889 second all right all those in favor all KBN5H-tbcQc-00828-00279890-00280438 those opposed and abstentions all right KBN5H-tbcQc-00829-00280439-00280771 thank you very much item 4a consider KBN5H-tbcQc-00830-00280772-00281023 approval of the mascot and school colors KBN5H-tbcQc-00831-00281024-00281182 for Grand Oaks High School and York KBN5H-tbcQc-00832-00281183-00281392 junior high dr. Stockley dr. know if KBN5H-tbcQc-00833-00281393-00281749 you've come present that item good KBN5H-tbcQc-00834-00281750-00281926 evening president Bush dr. Stockton KBN5H-tbcQc-00835-00281927-00282124 members of the board as you'll recall KBN5H-tbcQc-00836-00282125-00282427 last month we came forward and shared KBN5H-tbcQc-00837-00282428-00282568 with you as an information item the KBN5H-tbcQc-00838-00282569-00282784 school colors and mascots for Grand Oaks KBN5H-tbcQc-00839-00282785-00283099 New York and Bradley and tonight we come KBN5H-tbcQc-00840-00283100-00283288 back to seek your approval of those KBN5H-tbcQc-00841-00283289-00283456 items and I'm gonna share with you KBN5H-tbcQc-00842-00283457-00283492 tonight KBN5H-tbcQc-00843-00283493-00283855 some early design logo designs for each KBN5H-tbcQc-00844-00283856-00284017 campus that will sort of represent the KBN5H-tbcQc-00845-00284018-00284209 school colors and the mascot these are KBN5H-tbcQc-00846-00284210-00284392 not final products that all these are KBN5H-tbcQc-00847-00284393-00284767 working working designs so we start with KBN5H-tbcQc-00848-00284768-00285022 Grand Oaks High School and as we KBN5H-tbcQc-00849-00285023-00285211 discussed last month the recommended KBN5H-tbcQc-00850-00285212-00285367 school colors for Grand Oaks High School KBN5H-tbcQc-00851-00285368-00285691 or royal blue orange and gray and the KBN5H-tbcQc-00852-00285692-00285946 mascot is the are the Grizzlies so the KBN5H-tbcQc-00853-00285947-00286180 Grand Oaks Grizzlies and you can see KBN5H-tbcQc-00854-00286181-00286342 here just a few of the mascot early KBN5H-tbcQc-00855-00286343-00286516 designs and then for York junior high KBN5H-tbcQc-00856-00286517-00286787 royal blue and orange KBN5H-tbcQc-00857-00286788-00287140 and also utilizing the Grizzlies mascot KBN5H-tbcQc-00858-00287141-00287342 so at this time I would seek your KBN5H-tbcQc-00859-00287343-00287546 approval on the school colors in mascot KBN5H-tbcQc-00860-00287547-00287882 for Grand Oaks and York I move we KBN5H-tbcQc-00861-00287883-00288215 approve is presented second all right KBN5H-tbcQc-00862-00288216-00288731 any discussion all right all those in KBN5H-tbcQc-00863-00288732-00290204 favor passes understood KBN5H-tbcQc-00864-00290205-00290465 and then for Bradley Elementary a much KBN5H-tbcQc-00865-00290466-00291902 friendlier bear just friendly so for KBN5H-tbcQc-00866-00291903-00292124 Bradley elementary school royal blue and KBN5H-tbcQc-00867-00292125-00292420 gray and they are also the Bears KBN5H-tbcQc-00868-00292421-00292646 recommended it to be the Bears so at KBN5H-tbcQc-00869-00292647-00292742 this time we would seek your approval KBN5H-tbcQc-00870-00292743-00292958 for their school colors and mascots and KBN5H-tbcQc-00871-00292959-00293375 then item 4b so moved second all right KBN5H-tbcQc-00872-00293376-00293756 all those in favor motion passes KBN5H-tbcQc-00873-00293757-00294056 thank you yeah we were gonna mess with KBN5H-tbcQc-00874-00294057-00294236 you and turn them around and see if KBN5H-tbcQc-00875-00294237-00294781 anybody notice all right I don't foresee KBN5H-tbcQc-00876-00294782-00295009 approval of the guaranteed maximum price KBN5H-tbcQc-00877-00295010-00295217 amendment for Connor high school KBN5H-tbcQc-00878-00295218-00295412 renovations project and authorize the KBN5H-tbcQc-00879-00295413-00295574 superintendent to negotiate and execute KBN5H-tbcQc-00880-00295575-00295859 the contract documents dr. stocker a mr. KBN5H-tbcQc-00881-00295860-00295997 foster as you come present that item KBN5H-tbcQc-00882-00295998-00296943 please KBN5H-tbcQc-00883-00296944-00297166 President Bush remember the board and KBN5H-tbcQc-00884-00297167-00297319 doctor Stockton it's my pleasure to KBN5H-tbcQc-00885-00297320-00297577 bring forward for your approval or your KBN5H-tbcQc-00886-00297578-00297700 consideration then approval the KBN5H-tbcQc-00887-00297701-00297871 guaranteed maximum price amendment for KBN5H-tbcQc-00888-00297872-00298024 our Conroe high school renovations KBN5H-tbcQc-00889-00298025-00298273 project and then authorize dr. KBN5H-tbcQc-00890-00298274-00298420 Stockton's in the Yoshi 8 and execute to KBN5H-tbcQc-00891-00298421-00298714 contract documents start off I want to KBN5H-tbcQc-00892-00298715-00298828 tell you a little bit about what this KBN5H-tbcQc-00893-00298829-00298996 project entails because it's fairly KBN5H-tbcQc-00894-00298997-00299379 complex for Connor high school what KBN5H-tbcQc-00895-00299380-00299571 you're seeing on your screen now is a KBN5H-tbcQc-00896-00299572-00299827 photo of what that campus looks like as KBN5H-tbcQc-00897-00299828-00300127 it sits today so we're gonna flip it KBN5H-tbcQc-00898-00300128-00300247 around on you a little bit and look at KBN5H-tbcQc-00899-00300248-00300478 it from the north so we're from the KBN5H-tbcQc-00900-00300479-00300622 north looking south so you can see KBN5H-tbcQc-00901-00300623-00300742 Wilson Road cut through the middle of KBN5H-tbcQc-00902-00300743-00301083 our current campus what we're looking at KBN5H-tbcQc-00903-00301084-00301312 for this particular scope work so we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00904-00301313-00301576 starting what's driving the the project KBN5H-tbcQc-00905-00301577-00301843 is a need for an MEP overhaul so as we KBN5H-tbcQc-00906-00301844-00301972 can - electrical plumbing over off the KBN5H-tbcQc-00907-00301973-00302460 main campus in doing so we're going to KBN5H-tbcQc-00908-00302461-00302752 build a central plan so to consolidate KBN5H-tbcQc-00909-00302753-00302914 the chillers and the boilers and the KBN5H-tbcQc-00910-00302915-00303052 pumps and everything that feed these KBN5H-tbcQc-00911-00303053-00303233 campuses and we're also working on KBN5H-tbcQc-00912-00303234-00303510 driveway additions so Wilson Road is now KBN5H-tbcQc-00913-00303511-00303673 a private driveway it's no longer a KBN5H-tbcQc-00914-00303674-00303909 public thoroughfare so we're going to KBN5H-tbcQc-00915-00303910-00304053 take advantage of that and we're going KBN5H-tbcQc-00916-00304054-00304312 to facilitate this project build a KBN5H-tbcQc-00917-00304313-00304479 classroom addition that is sitting that KBN5H-tbcQc-00918-00304480-00304985 will sit on what is Wilson Road today KBN5H-tbcQc-00919-00304986-00305299 this is what's it's gonna look like when KBN5H-tbcQc-00920-00305300-00305512 we're done with this particular KBN5H-tbcQc-00921-00305513-00305706 classroom addition and that the KBN5H-tbcQc-00922-00305707-00305845 classroom mission is necessary for KBN5H-tbcQc-00923-00305846-00306043 multiple reasons one is to give a space KBN5H-tbcQc-00924-00306044-00306166 to put students in while we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00925-00306167-00306337 renovating the remainder of the building KBN5H-tbcQc-00926-00306338-00306558 and we've also put some thought in some KBN5H-tbcQc-00927-00306559-00306847 master plan effort into this so that we KBN5H-tbcQc-00928-00306848-00307008 don't build ourselves a roadblock for KBN5H-tbcQc-00929-00307009-00307198 future projects at some point in the KBN5H-tbcQc-00930-00307199-00307444 future so we hope to one day give you an KBN5H-tbcQc-00931-00307445-00307785 idea of a contiguous building for Connor KBN5H-tbcQc-00932-00307786-00307999 high school that crosses Wilson Road so KBN5H-tbcQc-00933-00308000-00308229 we have one big campus not a bunch of KBN5H-tbcQc-00934-00308230-00308382 buildings that have been put together KBN5H-tbcQc-00935-00308383-00308518 over the course of the life of that KBN5H-tbcQc-00936-00308519-00308746 campus so that's a little bit of KBN5H-tbcQc-00937-00308747-00308923 description what we're doing on that job KBN5H-tbcQc-00938-00308924-00309178 so at this time I'd like to remind you KBN5H-tbcQc-00939-00309179-00309496 that in February of this 2016 we elected KBN5H-tbcQc-00940-00309497-00309724 or we selected else or constructors KBN5H-tbcQc-00941-00309725-00310000 you're here tonight with us to be the KBN5H-tbcQc-00942-00310001-00310198 construction manager at risk for this KBN5H-tbcQc-00943-00310199-00310486 project so since then working with PBK KBN5H-tbcQc-00944-00310487-00310699 our architect Ellis or is advertised to KBN5H-tbcQc-00945-00310700-00310921 the public taking bids from the trade KBN5H-tbcQc-00946-00310922-00311185 marketplace put together a guaranteed KBN5H-tbcQc-00947-00311186-00311332 maximum price proposal for this project KBN5H-tbcQc-00948-00311333-00311902 of 49 million 87,000 $468 this project KBN5H-tbcQc-00949-00311903-00312094 did come in just under our budget target KBN5H-tbcQc-00950-00312095-00312256 so I'm happy to report that and at this KBN5H-tbcQc-00951-00312257-00312520 time are requesting your approval with KBN5H-tbcQc-00952-00312521-00312658 this guaranteed maximum price and then KBN5H-tbcQc-00953-00312659-00313027 suddenly second alright in a discussion KBN5H-tbcQc-00954-00313028-00313312 I have a question mr. foster have any KBN5H-tbcQc-00955-00313313-00313675 additional square feet of classroom KBN5H-tbcQc-00956-00313676-00313906 sebacean are we adding the the classroom KBN5H-tbcQc-00957-00313907-00314107 addition is approximately 92 thousand KBN5H-tbcQc-00958-00314108-00314437 square feet so it's got science labs art KBN5H-tbcQc-00959-00314438-00314614 labs and classroom space in it to KBN5H-tbcQc-00960-00314615-00314932 facilitate I couldn't in reading the KBN5H-tbcQc-00961-00314933-00315199 materials I couldn't see exactly how KBN5H-tbcQc-00962-00315200-00315448 many classrooms who were adding and what KBN5H-tbcQc-00963-00315449-00315754 classroom so it's science we've got nine KBN5H-tbcQc-00964-00315755-00315991 science labs of core art labs in 38 KBN5H-tbcQc-00965-00315992-00316309 classrooms okay Thank You mr. foster KBN5H-tbcQc-00966-00316310-00316627 different during the MEP renovations of KBN5H-tbcQc-00967-00316628-00316765 that existing building will that KBN5H-tbcQc-00968-00316766-00317047 building be usable for student use or is KBN5H-tbcQc-00969-00317048-00317221 it going to be done in phases build the KBN5H-tbcQc-00970-00317222-00317509 additional classroom and then vacate the KBN5H-tbcQc-00971-00317510-00317665 existing building for the MEP members KBN5H-tbcQc-00972-00317666-00317902 well and then and that's kind of on KBN5H-tbcQc-00973-00317903-00318082 point we are building the classroom KBN5H-tbcQc-00974-00318083-00318262 additions to give us capacity to move KBN5H-tbcQc-00975-00318263-00318544 students into so we can vacate portions KBN5H-tbcQc-00976-00318545-00318682 of the existing building while we do KBN5H-tbcQc-00977-00318683-00319042 those renovations I just have a question KBN5H-tbcQc-00978-00319043-00319246 off Mr Sanders instead of square feet KBN5H-tbcQc-00979-00319247-00319576 tell me how many seats you know I mean KBN5H-tbcQc-00980-00319577-00319816 how many students can though though I KBN5H-tbcQc-00981-00319817-00320170 would like to see how many do these to KBN5H-tbcQc-00982-00320171-00320341 Hull and I'll be taking each all down KBN5H-tbcQc-00983-00320342-00320644 one at a time or both down it when I say KBN5H-tbcQc-00984-00320645-00320908 halls I mean like thoroughfares or KBN5H-tbcQc-00985-00320909-00321100 whatever you want to know they have two KBN5H-tbcQc-00986-00321101-00321289 stories each right correct the the new KBN5H-tbcQc-00987-00321290-00321436 addition will actually connect to the KBN5H-tbcQc-00988-00321437-00321883 existing always across the most recent KBN5H-tbcQc-00989-00321884-00322081 additions of Conner high school we're KBN5H-tbcQc-00990-00322082-00322237 building approximately a thousand seats KBN5H-tbcQc-00991-00322238-00322513 and so that that capacity changes as KBN5H-tbcQc-00992-00322514-00322627 different classes KBN5H-tbcQc-00993-00322628-00322798 move into those spaces over the course KBN5H-tbcQc-00994-00322799-00323236 of the life of this project okay look my KBN5H-tbcQc-00995-00323237-00323404 quote my question it kind of comes back KBN5H-tbcQc-00996-00323405-00323626 to why are we built unless we need more KBN5H-tbcQc-00997-00323627-00323878 science writers we're not taking down KBN5H-tbcQc-00998-00323879-00324157 the science when it's new why are we KBN5H-tbcQc-00999-00324158-00324325 building science labs in the new it that KBN5H-tbcQc-01000-00324326-00324493 are replacing English and math and KBN5H-tbcQc-01001-00324494-00324829 Spanish in whatever art or whatever well KBN5H-tbcQc-01002-00324830-00325069 the the aside from the MEP renovation of KBN5H-tbcQc-01003-00325070-00325207 this project we're trying to set KBN5H-tbcQc-01004-00325208-00325459 ourselves up for some work in the future KBN5H-tbcQc-01005-00325460-00325756 some an additional master plan so this KBN5H-tbcQc-01006-00325757-00325900 this classroom edition may not be KBN5H-tbcQc-01007-00325901-00326158 necessary for capacity today but it will KBN5H-tbcQc-01008-00326159-00326479 be necessary to over to build a bigger KBN5H-tbcQc-01009-00326480-00326737 bigger but a better more efficient KBN5H-tbcQc-01010-00326738-00326869 corner high school at some point in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01011-00326870-00327301 future thank you thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-01012-00327302-00327685 question for you down here during the KBN5H-tbcQc-01013-00327686-00327970 process will we be losing any programs KBN5H-tbcQc-01014-00327971-00328219 or any classes like the agriculture are KBN5H-tbcQc-01015-00328220-00328402 the welding or any of those will they KBN5H-tbcQc-01016-00328403-00328603 they're gonna be displaced a little bit KBN5H-tbcQc-01017-00328604-00328759 or we can all lose any of those programs KBN5H-tbcQc-01018-00328760-00329005 with the way the project is phased we KBN5H-tbcQc-01019-00329006-00329176 should not lose any programs during the KBN5H-tbcQc-01020-00329177-00329323 course of the construction we are KBN5H-tbcQc-01021-00329324-00329491 actually working with our CTE Department KBN5H-tbcQc-01022-00329492-00329743 to increase welding capacity while we're KBN5H-tbcQc-01023-00329744-00330019 under the Thunder this was this work so KBN5H-tbcQc-01024-00330020-00330202 we were actually gaining some program KBN5H-tbcQc-01025-00330203-00330514 space rather than losing it it is I mean KBN5H-tbcQc-01026-00330515-00330718 the new classroom edition allows us a KBN5H-tbcQc-01027-00330719-00330991 lot of flexibility on the campus to move KBN5H-tbcQc-01028-00330992-00331203 students in and out of as we need to KBN5H-tbcQc-01029-00331204-00331402 displace programs where they currently KBN5H-tbcQc-01030-00331403-00331618 are so we can operate their systems so KBN5H-tbcQc-01031-00331619-00331780 the auto mechanic and all those areas KBN5H-tbcQc-01032-00331781-00331981 back there they'll be they'll be able to KBN5H-tbcQc-01033-00331982-00332164 function and keep continue moving like KBN5H-tbcQc-01034-00332165-00332452 those classrooms are growing so during KBN5H-tbcQc-01035-00332453-00332626 this time who's the facilitate those KBN5H-tbcQc-01036-00332627-00332836 kids and I've got one more picture for KBN5H-tbcQc-01037-00332837-00334902 you one of the things that the osore KBN5H-tbcQc-01038-00334903-00335185 contractor has been very instrumental in KBN5H-tbcQc-01039-00335186-00335512 as phasing to get thee to keep Wilson KBN5H-tbcQc-01040-00335513-00335704 Road usable even though we're covering KBN5H-tbcQc-01041-00335705-00335962 part of it with a building we will keep KBN5H-tbcQc-01042-00335963-00336103 that driveway they're going to reroute KBN5H-tbcQc-01043-00336104-00336283 some of it around the existing buildings KBN5H-tbcQc-01044-00336284-00336553 so that we can keep district access to KBN5H-tbcQc-01045-00336554-00336820 those programs in the back of the site KBN5H-tbcQc-01046-00336821-00337042 so the CT building in the back of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01047-00337043-00337312 program's a challenge course so the BAM KBN5H-tbcQc-01048-00337313-00337564 Hall the rotunda and the annex are all KBN5H-tbcQc-01049-00337565-00337681 still accessible to throughout the KBN5H-tbcQc-01050-00337682-00337921 course of the project okay thank you but KBN5H-tbcQc-01051-00337922-00338113 you will cease to have that open to KBN5H-tbcQc-01052-00338114-00338377 traffic during the day threat is KBN5H-tbcQc-01053-00338378-00338584 occurred right what's this during the KBN5H-tbcQc-01054-00338585-00338725 normal school year the gates are closed KBN5H-tbcQc-01055-00338726-00338902 and will corrode essentially they're KBN5H-tbcQc-01056-00338903-00339139 gonna remain closed and only be open KBN5H-tbcQc-01057-00339140-00339415 force for CISD traffic what's the KBN5H-tbcQc-01058-00339416-00339748 projected completion date of this we we KBN5H-tbcQc-01059-00339749-00340078 are projecting a project scheduled for KBN5H-tbcQc-01060-00340079-00340264 approximately 30 months so we're looking KBN5H-tbcQc-01061-00340265-00340858 at at the end of 2019 early 2024 how KBN5H-tbcQc-01062-00340859-00341128 long does the new building tank of that KBN5H-tbcQc-01063-00341129-00341311 time before you can thank the other BAM KBN5H-tbcQc-01064-00341312-00341530 right yeah I wish you would ask a simple KBN5H-tbcQc-01065-00341531-00341905 question the new building and so on KBN5H-tbcQc-01066-00341906-00342328 guaranteed the new building itself takes KBN5H-tbcQc-01067-00342329-00342571 about 14 months to construct but we've KBN5H-tbcQc-01068-00342572-00342742 got three or four months of existing KBN5H-tbcQc-01069-00342743-00342973 utility work to do along Wilson Road KBN5H-tbcQc-01070-00342974-00343198 before we can actually start on the new KBN5H-tbcQc-01071-00343199-00343489 building itself so we're looking at a KBN5H-tbcQc-01072-00343490-00343840 new building turnover for use in spring KBN5H-tbcQc-01073-00343841-00344077 break of 2018 if I'm not mistaken KBN5H-tbcQc-01074-00344078-00344332 somewhere and liberally speaking between KBN5H-tbcQc-01075-00344333-00344538 Thanksgiving and Spring Break KBN5H-tbcQc-01076-00344539-00345204 20:18 I mean let's then ask a simple KBN5H-tbcQc-01077-00345205-00345759 question like some revisions you mean KBN5H-tbcQc-01078-00345760-00347148 sanctum yeah okay all right anything KBN5H-tbcQc-01079-00347149-00347606 else all right all those in favor KBN5H-tbcQc-01080-00347607-00348045 motion passes item 4 D capital KBN5H-tbcQc-01081-00348046-00348432 improvement update I'll do my best to KBN5H-tbcQc-01082-00348433-00349278 not stumble on my words starting with KBN5H-tbcQc-01083-00349279-00349467 the woodlands College Park again this is KBN5H-tbcQc-01084-00349468-00349644 a project that is constructed by mr. KBN5H-tbcQc-01085-00349645-00349854 Ellis orb who's in the room of this time KBN5H-tbcQc-01086-00349855-00350259 so this project is nearing completion so KBN5H-tbcQc-01087-00350260-00350436 we can take full possession of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01088-00350437-00350589 building at the end of the month or the KBN5H-tbcQc-01089-00350590-00350820 first full week so it's the end of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01090-00350821-00351030 month is in the mid weeks of the 1st of KBN5H-tbcQc-01091-00351031-00351300 June essentially so the the exterior of KBN5H-tbcQc-01092-00351301-00351471 the building is rapidly wrapping up the KBN5H-tbcQc-01093-00351472-00351684 masonry is done you can see the crews on KBN5H-tbcQc-01094-00351685-00351813 site working on the fire work the KBN5H-tbcQc-01095-00351814-00352014 sidewalks and tying the paving back into KBN5H-tbcQc-01096-00352015-00352295 this new building as we speak KBN5H-tbcQc-01097-00352296-00352722 interior the building our robotics Texas KBN5H-tbcQc-01098-00352723-00352863 torque team has started moving some of KBN5H-tbcQc-01099-00352864-00353031 their stuff in the contractors got KBN5H-tbcQc-01100-00353032-00353163 things protected as they're working KBN5H-tbcQc-01101-00353164-00353331 through their fronts list items so the KBN5H-tbcQc-01102-00353332-00353514 carpet and all the finishes are in and KBN5H-tbcQc-01103-00353515-00353781 they're just working on touch-ups at KBN5H-tbcQc-01104-00353782-00354129 this time our network operation center KBN5H-tbcQc-01105-00354130-00354342 which is our data infrastructure for KBN5H-tbcQc-01106-00354343-00354684 this whole district this project is on KBN5H-tbcQc-01107-00354685-00354876 schedule and the technology department KBN5H-tbcQc-01108-00354877-00355086 is working on the deployment of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01109-00355087-00355353 technology equipment to fill these racks KBN5H-tbcQc-01110-00355354-00355518 in this building those buckets aren't KBN5H-tbcQc-01111-00355519-00355701 for catching water are they they are not KBN5H-tbcQc-01112-00355702-00355876 for catching water that KBN5H-tbcQc-01113-00355877-00356153 we have taken great pains to keep water KBN5H-tbcQc-01114-00356154-00356615 of anytime out of we spent the last KBN5H-tbcQc-01115-00356616-00356732 month working on the electrical KBN5H-tbcQc-01116-00356733-00356927 infrastructure so you seen the backup KBN5H-tbcQc-01117-00356928-00357095 generators for this system that were KBN5H-tbcQc-01118-00357096-00357344 installed over the past month and that KBN5H-tbcQc-01119-00357345-00357557 process is moving along well so I KBN5H-tbcQc-01120-00357558-00357761 anticipate finishing it on time this KBN5H-tbcQc-01121-00357762-00358262 summer our lifecycle of 2017 project KBN5H-tbcQc-01122-00358263-00358523 we're working on 22 campuses over the KBN5H-tbcQc-01123-00358524-00358754 course of this summer we our major work KBN5H-tbcQc-01124-00358755-00359030 has happened at GLaDOS where we've been KBN5H-tbcQc-01125-00359031-00359186 working on reroofing that building so KBN5H-tbcQc-01126-00359187-00359372 that is nearing its completion KBN5H-tbcQc-01127-00359373-00359606 likewise at Busch that project is KBN5H-tbcQc-01128-00359607-00359876 progressing as well moving forward to a KBN5H-tbcQc-01129-00359877-00360113 replacement of the roof both flat and KBN5H-tbcQc-01130-00360114-00360320 the metal roofs on that campus Halley is KBN5H-tbcQc-01131-00360321-00360485 next in line for their roof this summer KBN5H-tbcQc-01132-00360486-00360695 so over the next few weeks or as school KBN5H-tbcQc-01133-00360696-00360821 ends and summer starts we'll be KBN5H-tbcQc-01134-00360822-00360971 mobilizing at the Halley campus and KBN5H-tbcQc-01135-00360972-00361244 we've got approximately 17 additional KBN5H-tbcQc-01136-00361245-00361448 campuses to work on of course summer KBN5H-tbcQc-01137-00361449-00361592 that are minor scopes of work some KBN5H-tbcQc-01138-00361593-00361802 flooring some exit science things that KBN5H-tbcQc-01139-00361803-00361937 nature over the course of the summer KBN5H-tbcQc-01140-00361938-00362312 this roof looks very good thank you I KBN5H-tbcQc-01141-00362313-00362459 wish I could tell you I did it but we KBN5H-tbcQc-01142-00362460-00362666 hired competent contractors into that KBN5H-tbcQc-01143-00362667-00363011 forest at Knox junior high and our KBN5H-tbcQc-01144-00363012-00363236 woodland transportation center project KBN5H-tbcQc-01145-00363237-00363506 where we're at not for adding 10 science KBN5H-tbcQc-01146-00363507-00363809 classrooms or science labs the building KBN5H-tbcQc-01147-00363810-00363974 infrastructure is going in place now so KBN5H-tbcQc-01148-00363975-00364145 you see the masonry block wall which is KBN5H-tbcQc-01149-00364146-00364322 though the main portion of the exterior KBN5H-tbcQc-01150-00364323-00364511 walls is in place they're starting the KBN5H-tbcQc-01151-00364512-00364724 veneer brick over the next several weeks KBN5H-tbcQc-01152-00364725-00364976 so that building will close up and KBN5H-tbcQc-01153-00364977-00365201 become watertight over the next three to KBN5H-tbcQc-01154-00365202-00365470 four weeks inside of that building the KBN5H-tbcQc-01155-00365471-00365666 mechanical electrical plumbing systems KBN5H-tbcQc-01156-00365667-00365867 are being installed this project is on KBN5H-tbcQc-01157-00365868-00366083 schedule schedule to use in August of KBN5H-tbcQc-01158-00366084-00366290 this coming summer so when the students KBN5H-tbcQc-01159-00366291-00366443 return for next school year these KBN5H-tbcQc-01160-00366444-00366650 classrooms will be available available KBN5H-tbcQc-01161-00366651-00366956 to them elsewhere on that campus at the KBN5H-tbcQc-01162-00366957-00367115 field house were expanding the field KBN5H-tbcQc-01163-00367116-00367316 house to match the capacity of the of KBN5H-tbcQc-01164-00367317-00367514 the campus for their programs this is a KBN5H-tbcQc-01165-00367515-00367724 masonry building so the masonry actually KBN5H-tbcQc-01166-00367725-00367964 holds up the roof so the measuring is is KBN5H-tbcQc-01167-00367965-00368096 almost complete when the roof will be KBN5H-tbcQc-01168-00368097-00368291 being constructed over the next KBN5H-tbcQc-01169-00368292-00368501 weeks inside that building the KBN5H-tbcQc-01170-00368502-00368687 partitions and the systems are being KBN5H-tbcQc-01171-00368688-00368918 expanded to tie into that new new area KBN5H-tbcQc-01172-00368919-00369077 and it is on schedule as well for them KBN5H-tbcQc-01173-00369078-00369280 to use when the students return for KBN5H-tbcQc-01174-00369281-00369472 their practices at the end of the summer KBN5H-tbcQc-01175-00369473-00369728 at The Woodlands transportation center KBN5H-tbcQc-01176-00369729-00369941 the the building addition has been KBN5H-tbcQc-01177-00369942-00370148 delivered and erected and on the inside KBN5H-tbcQc-01178-00370149-00370313 of that building they're working to tie KBN5H-tbcQc-01179-00370314-00370510 the new section of the building to the KBN5H-tbcQc-01180-00370511-00370670 existing section of the building again KBN5H-tbcQc-01181-00370671-00370913 that project is on schedule for our bus KBN5H-tbcQc-01182-00370914-00371066 drivers and staff to use when they KBN5H-tbcQc-01183-00371067-00371321 return for the summer runs and the KBN5H-tbcQc-01184-00371322-00371465 beginning of August for training it in KBN5H-tbcQc-01185-00371466-00371672 and other efforts as they get ready for KBN5H-tbcQc-01186-00371673-00372004 school to start for our safety and KBN5H-tbcQc-01187-00372005-00372229 security project all this work is above KBN5H-tbcQc-01188-00372230-00372398 the ceiling now so it's it's hard to see KBN5H-tbcQc-01189-00372399-00372590 I can talk about a little bit we've been KBN5H-tbcQc-01190-00372591-00372730 working on four campuses since the KBN5H-tbcQc-01191-00372731-00372907 project has been approved over the last KBN5H-tbcQc-01192-00372908-00373070 couple months and we've got nine KBN5H-tbcQc-01193-00373071-00373204 additional campuses where we're doing KBN5H-tbcQc-01194-00373205-00373378 security vestibule access control KBN5H-tbcQc-01195-00373379-00373640 security camera upgrades server upgrades KBN5H-tbcQc-01196-00373641-00373841 different infrastructure related to KBN5H-tbcQc-01197-00373842-00374024 safety and security of the campuses on KBN5H-tbcQc-01198-00374025-00374165 those over the course of that project KBN5H-tbcQc-01199-00374166-00374420 will touch 13 campuses which this is KBN5H-tbcQc-01200-00374421-00374605 Phase two of four phases that were KBN5H-tbcQc-01201-00374606-00374959 working through at Lucile Bradley KBN5H-tbcQc-01202-00374960-00375248 elementary school now this project is on KBN5H-tbcQc-01203-00375249-00375529 schedule schedule open in August this KBN5H-tbcQc-01204-00375530-00375740 coming summer for our students the KBN5H-tbcQc-01205-00375741-00376070 project is is nearing its point of being KBN5H-tbcQc-01206-00376071-00376228 ready for final claims you can see from KBN5H-tbcQc-01207-00376229-00376435 this picture the work going on currently KBN5H-tbcQc-01208-00376436-00376613 is in irrigation preparing for the KBN5H-tbcQc-01209-00376614-00376727 landscaping on the outside of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01210-00376728-00376957 building and working up to the the front KBN5H-tbcQc-01211-00376958-00377246 door entry inside the building the KBN5H-tbcQc-01212-00377247-00377441 finishes are really taking place and KBN5H-tbcQc-01213-00377442-00377560 being installed and beginning to clean KBN5H-tbcQc-01214-00377561-00377768 up so you're looking at a picture of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01215-00377769-00378007 gymnasium here and one of the Fine Arts KBN5H-tbcQc-01216-00378008-00378314 classrooms as we begun again the process KBN5H-tbcQc-01217-00378315-00378425 of working our way through that building KBN5H-tbcQc-01218-00378426-00378593 doing punch list touch that things that KBN5H-tbcQc-01219-00378594-00378893 major we will take it over for furniture KBN5H-tbcQc-01220-00378894-00379148 in July and I believe we've got a tour KBN5H-tbcQc-01221-00379149-00379374 scheduled with the board in KBN5H-tbcQc-01222-00379375-00379743 in a couple of weeks and Grand Oaks High KBN5H-tbcQc-01223-00379744-00380012 School again this project is on schedule KBN5H-tbcQc-01224-00380013-00380412 just open in August of 2018 you can see KBN5H-tbcQc-01225-00380413-00380556 from the aerial photograph the building KBN5H-tbcQc-01226-00380557-00380772 is essentially erected they're working KBN5H-tbcQc-01227-00380773-00381030 on the exterior skin now the academic KBN5H-tbcQc-01228-00381031-00381180 portion of the building which is on the KBN5H-tbcQc-01229-00381181-00381525 left-hand side of your screen is nearing KBN5H-tbcQc-01230-00381526-00381693 a dry condition so the windows are going KBN5H-tbcQc-01231-00381694-00381957 in the roof is on the waterproofing KBN5H-tbcQc-01232-00381958-00382125 membranes are on the building so there's KBN5H-tbcQc-01233-00382126-00382236 work going on the inside you'll notice KBN5H-tbcQc-01234-00382237-00382488 the new work starting on the site are KBN5H-tbcQc-01235-00382489-00382656 the athletic facilities at the baseball KBN5H-tbcQc-01236-00382657-00382866 the softball the football the practice KBN5H-tbcQc-01237-00382867-00382992 fields things that nature those KBN5H-tbcQc-01238-00382993-00383184 contractors are mobilized and are on KBN5H-tbcQc-01239-00383185-00383451 site now so you'll see that the eastern KBN5H-tbcQc-01240-00383452-00383625 end of the project started development KBN5H-tbcQc-01241-00383626-00383874 over the coming months interior that KBN5H-tbcQc-01242-00383875-00384051 building partitions mechanical systems KBN5H-tbcQc-01243-00384052-00384186 things that nature classrooms offices KBN5H-tbcQc-01244-00384187-00384453 are all taking shape so it is proceeding KBN5H-tbcQc-01245-00384454-00384600 as we would expect it to at this point KBN5H-tbcQc-01246-00384601-00384825 and as I said with the windows and KBN5H-tbcQc-01247-00384826-00384972 everything going in in the academic KBN5H-tbcQc-01248-00384973-00385143 portion we're able to move forward to KBN5H-tbcQc-01249-00385144-00385329 drywall and finishes so you'll start to KBN5H-tbcQc-01250-00385330-00385494 see some of the final colors in this KBN5H-tbcQc-01251-00385495-00385829 building over the next few months that KBN5H-tbcQc-01252-00385830-00386100 flex 18 which is our most recent project KBN5H-tbcQc-01253-00386101-00386283 we've mobilized on we have successfully KBN5H-tbcQc-01254-00386284-00386514 cleared this site if you know if this KBN5H-tbcQc-01255-00386515-00386727 project is just south of the High School KBN5H-tbcQc-01256-00386728-00386976 in the woods and reserve subdivision and KBN5H-tbcQc-01257-00386977-00387156 you can see from this photograph here KBN5H-tbcQc-01258-00387157-00387342 the building itself is taking shape in KBN5H-tbcQc-01259-00387343-00387663 the dirt and their book the selected KBN5H-tbcQc-01260-00387664-00387810 element area for the building pad and KBN5H-tbcQc-01261-00387811-00388068 this week the foundations for the KBN5H-tbcQc-01262-00388069-00388254 drilled and range foundations are being KBN5H-tbcQc-01263-00388255-00388461 installed so Sheila should start KBN5H-tbcQc-01264-00388462-00388638 Wednesday or Thursday and it will be KBN5H-tbcQc-01265-00388639-00388854 progressing as we would expect on KBN5H-tbcQc-01266-00388855-00389187 schedule and that is mildly thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-01267-00389188-00389417 mr. Foster KBN5H-tbcQc-01268-00389418-00389853 thank you all right item 5a consider KBN5H-tbcQc-01269-00389854-00390306 approval of the 2017 2018 employee group KBN5H-tbcQc-01270-00390307-00390543 health plan doctor stock Darrin rice if KBN5H-tbcQc-01271-00390544-00390669 you'll come present that recommendation KBN5H-tbcQc-01272-00390670-00391949 please KBN5H-tbcQc-01273-00391950-00392345 I think President Bush members the board KBN5H-tbcQc-01274-00392346-00392555 dr. Stockton it is my pleasure to KBN5H-tbcQc-01275-00392556-00392762 recommend the Board of Trustees approved KBN5H-tbcQc-01276-00392763-00392951 the employee medical coverage rates and KBN5H-tbcQc-01277-00392952-00393104 plan design for the self-funded health KBN5H-tbcQc-01278-00393105-00393460 insurance program the employee benefits KBN5H-tbcQc-01279-00393461-00393707 committee voted unanimously to recommend KBN5H-tbcQc-01280-00393708-00393851 the medical coverage rates and plan KBN5H-tbcQc-01281-00393852-00394058 designed to the board I would like to KBN5H-tbcQc-01282-00394059-00394202 thank the employee benefits committee KBN5H-tbcQc-01283-00394203-00394541 dr. Cathy Sharples Paula Green Tiffany KBN5H-tbcQc-01284-00394542-00394733 mat filled in the district health KBN5H-tbcQc-01285-00394734-00394970 insurance consultant mr. Jerry Brown for KBN5H-tbcQc-01286-00394971-00395162 their hard work on the district's health KBN5H-tbcQc-01287-00395163-00395414 insurance program the district KBN5H-tbcQc-01288-00395415-00395546 self-funded group health insurance KBN5H-tbcQc-01289-00395547-00395858 program was restructured for 2014-2015 KBN5H-tbcQc-01290-00395859-00396058 and annual adjustments have been made KBN5H-tbcQc-01291-00396059-00396242 through subsequent years to provide it KBN5H-tbcQc-01292-00396243-00396458 quality health plan at a reasonable cost KBN5H-tbcQc-01293-00396459-00396773 to the district employees once again due KBN5H-tbcQc-01294-00396774-00396947 to continued rise of medical and KBN5H-tbcQc-01295-00396948-00397183 prescription drug costs of nine point KBN5H-tbcQc-01296-00397184-00397340 nine percent and fourteen point seven KBN5H-tbcQc-01297-00397341-00397633 percent respectively the plan must again KBN5H-tbcQc-01298-00397634-00397979 be modified to remain sound medical and KBN5H-tbcQc-01299-00397980-00398120 prescription plan designs are KBN5H-tbcQc-01300-00398121-00398276 recommended for change along with KBN5H-tbcQc-01301-00398277-00398642 premium increases for the 2017-2018 plan KBN5H-tbcQc-01302-00398643-00398683 year KBN5H-tbcQc-01303-00398684-00398951 CSD believes of all of its plans will KBN5H-tbcQc-01304-00398952-00399116 continue to be offered at competitive KBN5H-tbcQc-01305-00399117-00399358 rates particularly the Aetna hold health KBN5H-tbcQc-01306-00399359-00399583 plan which utilizes the Memorial Hermann KBN5H-tbcQc-01307-00399584-00399932 ACO and Aetna select networks if the KBN5H-tbcQc-01308-00399933-00400097 plan changes are approved the total KBN5H-tbcQc-01309-00400098-00400331 project projected health plan cost will KBN5H-tbcQc-01310-00400332-00400514 be forty seven point six million dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-01311-00400515-00400721 which is a five point five nine percent KBN5H-tbcQc-01312-00400722-00400925 increase over the previous year with the KBN5H-tbcQc-01313-00400926-00401087 district funding fifty-eight percent of KBN5H-tbcQc-01314-00401088-00401240 the health plan cost and employee KBN5H-tbcQc-01315-00401241-00401434 premiums funding the remaining 42 KBN5H-tbcQc-01316-00401435-00401792 percent just a few notes the district is KBN5H-tbcQc-01317-00401793-00401990 increasing its contribution to the KBN5H-tbcQc-01318-00401991-00402146 Health Insurance Program from four KBN5H-tbcQc-01319-00402147-00402302 hundred and forty dollars to four KBN5H-tbcQc-01320-00402303-00402449 hundred and forty six dollars per KBN5H-tbcQc-01321-00402450-00402677 employee per month our recommended KBN5H-tbcQc-01322-00402678-00402854 premiums and plan designs compare KBN5H-tbcQc-01323-00402855-00403060 favorably to our peer districts in CRS KBN5H-tbcQc-01324-00403061-00403445 active care to our proposed 2017 2018 KBN5H-tbcQc-01325-00403446-00403667 rates are substantially below the TRS KBN5H-tbcQc-01326-00403668-00404096 active to care rates for 2016-2017 if I KBN5H-tbcQc-01327-00404097-00404348 can flip this slide this slide here just KBN5H-tbcQc-01328-00404349-00404504 shows our comparison with other KBN5H-tbcQc-01329-00404505-00404747 districts and these are their 1617 rates KBN5H-tbcQc-01330-00404748-00405125 they're all members of TRS care we know KBN5H-tbcQc-01331-00405126-00405310 TRS is in trouble about KBN5H-tbcQc-01332-00405311-00405521 billion-dollar short last I heard so we KBN5H-tbcQc-01333-00405522-00405638 know these rates are going to be moving KBN5H-tbcQc-01334-00405639-00406295 up for them on as well within the Aetna KBN5H-tbcQc-01335-00406296-00406459 hold health plan we were recommending a KBN5H-tbcQc-01336-00406460-00406651 slight increase to the out-of-pocket KBN5H-tbcQc-01337-00406652-00406879 maximums in the Aetna select plan or KBN5H-tbcQc-01338-00406880-00407087 till tier two and this will just KBN5H-tbcQc-01339-00407088-00407270 continue to steer employees to our best KBN5H-tbcQc-01340-00407271-00407455 performing plan which is the Memorial KBN5H-tbcQc-01341-00407456-00407840 Hermann ACO or cheer one the recommended KBN5H-tbcQc-01342-00407841-00408010 plan design also includes the high KBN5H-tbcQc-01343-00408011-00408223 deductible opening the high deductible KBN5H-tbcQc-01344-00408224-00408422 plan to new members it has been closed KBN5H-tbcQc-01345-00408423-00408550 for the past several years KBN5H-tbcQc-01346-00408551-00408748 this will provide employees with another KBN5H-tbcQc-01347-00408749-00408995 medical insurance option and allow CSD KBN5H-tbcQc-01348-00408996-00409288 to meet ACA affordability requirements KBN5H-tbcQc-01349-00409289-00409589 the recommended formulary change from KBN5H-tbcQc-01350-00409590-00409747 the Aetna premier plus to the Aetna KBN5H-tbcQc-01351-00409748-00410039 value will save the planet Li 1 million KBN5H-tbcQc-01352-00410039-00410251 dollars this is a move from Aetna's most KBN5H-tbcQc-01353-00410252-00410480 liberal or open formulary to one KBN5H-tbcQc-01354-00410481-00410749 slightly more restrictive to move KBN5H-tbcQc-01355-00410750-00410932 employees more to prefer generic brand KBN5H-tbcQc-01356-00410933-00411230 drugs mr. cherry Brown is here tonight KBN5H-tbcQc-01357-00411231-00411455 and he can help answer any questions KBN5H-tbcQc-01358-00411456-00411982 that you might have I have a motion KBN5H-tbcQc-01359-00411983-00412391 first second all right KBN5H-tbcQc-01360-00412392-00412918 discussion mr. Brown question do you of KBN5H-tbcQc-01361-00412918-00413257 rumors that TRS is going to make certain KBN5H-tbcQc-01362-00413258-00413666 districts depart I have and it needs it KBN5H-tbcQc-01363-00413667-00413855 to largely yes which is what I've heard KBN5H-tbcQc-01364-00413856-00414049 just that's the rumor at this point and KBN5H-tbcQc-01365-00414050-00414343 do you know what size that's I mean not KBN5H-tbcQc-01366-00414344-00414557 that that sounds rectly affect us but KBN5H-tbcQc-01367-00414558-00414757 everything affects right now marketplace KBN5H-tbcQc-01368-00414758-00414974 right so it's rumored at a thousand a KBN5H-tbcQc-01369-00414975-00415187 thousand employees and as an employee KBN5H-tbcQc-01370-00415188-00416284 that they want them to go out I mean KBN5H-tbcQc-01371-00416285-00416551 like I said it opposite and equal KBN5H-tbcQc-01372-00416552-00416695 reaction you know what I'm saying yeah I KBN5H-tbcQc-01373-00416696-00416828 do KBN5H-tbcQc-01374-00416829-00417364 I you know it's it seems by the way this KBN5H-tbcQc-01375-00417365-00417497 makes all the sense the world I don't KBN5H-tbcQc-01376-00417497-00417634 question about what open KBN5H-tbcQc-01377-00417635-00418216 right I I really thank them trying to KBN5H-tbcQc-01378-00418217-00418549 run off the large groups is not a great KBN5H-tbcQc-01379-00418550-00419020 idea I think it's a you know you're KBN5H-tbcQc-01380-00419021-00419284 really losing a lot of your scale your KBN5H-tbcQc-01381-00419285-00419707 economies of scale and I understand why KBN5H-tbcQc-01382-00419708-00419824 they're doing it because a lot of the KBN5H-tbcQc-01383-00419825-00419989 large districts have really been killing KBN5H-tbcQc-01384-00419989-00420310 them but I think they've got to do KBN5H-tbcQc-01385-00420310-00420682 something else there and they're in bad KBN5H-tbcQc-01386-00420683-00420922 turmoil I'd like to again commend this KBN5H-tbcQc-01387-00420922-00421291 board some of you were were here when we KBN5H-tbcQc-01388-00421292-00421507 you made the decision not to move to TRS KBN5H-tbcQc-01389-00421508-00421774 that was a struggle and I know there was KBN5H-tbcQc-01390-00421775-00421912 as I've mentioned several times I KBN5H-tbcQc-01391-00421913-00422128 thought it was a siren song that they're KBN5H-tbcQc-01392-00422129-00422353 luring us to the rocks and it really has KBN5H-tbcQc-01393-00422354-00422518 turned out to be that way for a lot of KBN5H-tbcQc-01394-00422518-00422822 school districts so staying on our own KBN5H-tbcQc-01395-00422824-00423205 we have a a really good plan we've done KBN5H-tbcQc-01396-00423206-00423538 well great benefits and very competitive KBN5H-tbcQc-01397-00423539-00423910 prices and also on the same same note KBN5H-tbcQc-01398-00423910-00424177 every district that we talked to when we KBN5H-tbcQc-01399-00424178-00424405 were getting their rates they were KBN5H-tbcQc-01400-00424406-00424645 wanting or wishing they were in our KBN5H-tbcQc-01401-00424646-00424921 shoes it's been it's been the case in KBN5H-tbcQc-01402-00424922-00425068 that before that they couldn't exit KBN5H-tbcQc-01403-00425068-00425245 because of the tape right right I mean KBN5H-tbcQc-01404-00425246-00425443 so right so I mean they didn't know what KBN5H-tbcQc-01405-00425443-00425722 their liability was gonna be and so now KBN5H-tbcQc-01406-00425722-00425875 they're gonna kick them out and I don't KBN5H-tbcQc-01407-00425876-00426118 know that's gonna work but I still I KBN5H-tbcQc-01408-00426118-00426289 think they have to change the law to do KBN5H-tbcQc-01409-00426289-00426631 that there is there is a bill there's a KBN5H-tbcQc-01410-00426632-00427129 gale like I said nothing happens in a KBN5H-tbcQc-01411-00427130-00427333 vacuum right here that's right you will KBN5H-tbcQc-01412-00427334-00428022 affect you bet I just want to come in I KBN5H-tbcQc-01413-00428024-00428488 know that any increases is difficult on KBN5H-tbcQc-01414-00428489-00428716 our employees and I know that they they KBN5H-tbcQc-01415-00428717-00428980 felt the increase that we had to do last KBN5H-tbcQc-01416-00428981-00429316 year I commend the committee and you and KBN5H-tbcQc-01417-00429317-00429454 Aaron for all of your work on this KBN5H-tbcQc-01418-00429455-00429730 because I do think that this is a good KBN5H-tbcQc-01419-00429731-00429988 plan when you look at how much we KBN5H-tbcQc-01420-00429989-00430258 contribute compared to other districts KBN5H-tbcQc-01421-00430259-00430672 I'm very proud of our district and KBN5H-tbcQc-01422-00430672-00431101 our commitment to our employees so if I KBN5H-tbcQc-01423-00431102-00431329 compare some we're so much better off as KBN5H-tbcQc-01424-00431330-00431620 you say being on our own and not in TRS KBN5H-tbcQc-01425-00431621-00431885 but I think this makes perfect sense of KBN5H-tbcQc-01426-00431887-00432235 fully behind it these numbers been made KBN5H-tbcQc-01427-00432235-00432529 available to the employees at large or KBN5H-tbcQc-01428-00432530-00432816 to tsta or any of those type of groups KBN5H-tbcQc-01429-00432817-00433012 for feedback these these numbers KBN5H-tbcQc-01430-00433013-00433531 currently have only been right I just KBN5H-tbcQc-01431-00433532-00434032 you know these are on the employee KBN5H-tbcQc-01432-00434033-00434263 benefits committee there's we have all KBN5H-tbcQc-01433-00434264-00434563 feeders on thirty thirty cents on every KBN5H-tbcQc-01434-00434564-00434953 auxilary Department yeah and if I've not KBN5H-tbcQc-01435-00434954-00435309 win would we had no late signals KBN5H-tbcQc-01436-00435310-00435532 affordability is important but also KBN5H-tbcQc-01437-00435533-00435741 being in the market on your deductibles KBN5H-tbcQc-01438-00435742-00436039 and your coinsurance left is is why the KBN5H-tbcQc-01439-00436039-00436162 plans doing better KBN5H-tbcQc-01440-00436163-00436426 yeah and I'm all for affordable but out KBN5H-tbcQc-01441-00436427-00436635 of the market drives utilization and KBN5H-tbcQc-01442-00436637-00436897 it's gonna catch you let me go under KBN5H-tbcQc-01443-00436897-00437341 coming up and so while affordability is KBN5H-tbcQc-01444-00437342-00437749 great and I second that motion KBN5H-tbcQc-01445-00437750-00438043 I do appreciate y'all working hard to KBN5H-tbcQc-01446-00438043-00438314 get to get the plan in the market KBN5H-tbcQc-01447-00438316-00438613 otherwise this is gonna kill right so a KBN5H-tbcQc-01448-00438614-00439114 couple of questions do we have for the KBN5H-tbcQc-01449-00439114-00439327 claims that come in do we have a system KBN5H-tbcQc-01450-00439328-00439572 that we use it analyzes those claims oh KBN5H-tbcQc-01451-00439573-00439666 sure KBN5H-tbcQc-01452-00439667-00439879 what what system do we use for there KBN5H-tbcQc-01453-00439880-00440080 there's an internal system that that KBN5H-tbcQc-01454-00440081-00440404 ever uses plus we had a external audit KBN5H-tbcQc-01455-00440405-00440647 last year with sagebrush at a Dallas KBN5H-tbcQc-01456-00440647-00440905 that audited all of our our claims and KBN5H-tbcQc-01457-00440906-00441250 we had virtually no claims errors KBN5H-tbcQc-01458-00441251-00441345 whatsoever KBN5H-tbcQc-01459-00441346-00441652 last year from Aetna and they they have KBN5H-tbcQc-01460-00441653-00441868 guidelines that they have to hit on KBN5H-tbcQc-01461-00441868-00442204 claims payments and accuracy and so on KBN5H-tbcQc-01462-00442205-00442410 or they they owe us money back on our KBN5H-tbcQc-01463-00442412-00442947 admin fees okay and then on the on the KBN5H-tbcQc-01464-00442948-00443230 members that are eligible so a lot of KBN5H-tbcQc-01465-00443231-00443481 companies that are our size and bigger KBN5H-tbcQc-01466-00443482-00443885 that offer self-funded plans they do KBN5H-tbcQc-01467-00443887-00444234 audits to find out if if a spouse has KBN5H-tbcQc-01468-00444235-00444408 coverage elsewhere and asked them to go KBN5H-tbcQc-01469-00444409-00444792 elsewhere do we do that as well we did KBN5H-tbcQc-01470-00444793-00445107 one several years ago we used ASC and we KBN5H-tbcQc-01471-00445108-00445383 have just spoke benefits and and I've KBN5H-tbcQc-01472-00445384-00445572 got together we're looking at doing KBN5H-tbcQc-01473-00445572-00445868 another audio work I'm exploring that KBN5H-tbcQc-01474-00445870-00446259 right now to do it again okay well my KBN5H-tbcQc-01475-00446260-00446592 employee who is the husband of a you KBN5H-tbcQc-01476-00446593-00446892 know CISD employee I informed him last KBN5H-tbcQc-01477-00446893-00447141 year that he wasn't allowed to be on her KBN5H-tbcQc-01478-00447142-00447793 plane anymore and he did go online so KBN5H-tbcQc-01479-00447795-00448056 all right anything else I just have a KBN5H-tbcQc-01480-00448057-00448409 comment it's me I still struggle with KBN5H-tbcQc-01481-00448410-00448971 raising teachers the duck I mean her own KBN5H-tbcQc-01482-00448972-00449280 cost premium you think a hundred dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-01483-00449281-00449460 a month and then we're probably going to KBN5H-tbcQc-01484-00449460-00449660 end up giving up a hundred hour a month KBN5H-tbcQc-01485-00449662-00449939 raise and basically they're at zero and KBN5H-tbcQc-01486-00449941-00450225 it's flat it's it just I'm not saying KBN5H-tbcQc-01487-00450226-00450422 I'm going to vote against it I'm just I KBN5H-tbcQc-01488-00450424-00450767 struggle with is there a way that we KBN5H-tbcQc-01489-00450768-00451193 benefit committee has done a lot I just KBN5H-tbcQc-01490-00451195-00451425 I'm trying to challenge the best fact is KBN5H-tbcQc-01491-00451426-00451656 there something better we could do for KBN5H-tbcQc-01492-00451657-00451878 our for our employees when I think about KBN5H-tbcQc-01493-00451879-00452220 the health clinic we did keep that that KBN5H-tbcQc-01494-00452221-00452510 office visit at $10 right yes sir yeah KBN5H-tbcQc-01495-00452512-00452820 so they go see a doctor there it's 10 KBN5H-tbcQc-01496-00452821-00453006 bucks but they're still paying the KBN5H-tbcQc-01497-00453007-00453197 hundred and even if it's an individual KBN5H-tbcQc-01498-00453199-00453402 they're paying a hundred and forty eight KBN5H-tbcQc-01499-00453403-00453564 dollars a month yes sir KBN5H-tbcQc-01500-00453564-00453747 and they're not having to pay the $30 KBN5H-tbcQc-01501-00453747-00453924 off this visit and they're still getting KBN5H-tbcQc-01502-00453925-00454412 the seat competent medical personnel I KBN5H-tbcQc-01503-00454413-00454713 don't know I just I I struggle with that KBN5H-tbcQc-01504-00454714-00455034 I mean on a percentage basis $20 over KBN5H-tbcQc-01505-00455035-00455328 100 s over 20% in career almost a 20% KBN5H-tbcQc-01506-00455329-00455616 increase in premiums per month just for KBN5H-tbcQc-01507-00455617-00455814 an individual and then when you get into KBN5H-tbcQc-01508-00455814-00456078 employees with children you know you see KBN5H-tbcQc-01509-00456079-00456445 their $56 so it's it's more than a 10% KBN5H-tbcQc-01510-00456446-00456667 last year's increases available with me KBN5H-tbcQc-01511-00456668-00456991 but these are substantially less what KBN5H-tbcQc-01512-00456992-00457285 yeah I understand I I know y'all done a KBN5H-tbcQc-01513-00457285-00457513 great job I'm not criticising anything KBN5H-tbcQc-01514-00457514-00457863 that anyone's done I just struggle with KBN5H-tbcQc-01515-00457864-00458212 trying to provide that benefit at KBN5H-tbcQc-01516-00458213-00458505 something that we can as the history KBN5H-tbcQc-01517-00458506-00458809 that is a struggle that I know that we I KBN5H-tbcQc-01518-00458810-00458950 have faith I mean I just want to KBN5H-tbcQc-01519-00458951-00459202 probably say that I've it's a struggle KBN5H-tbcQc-01520-00459203-00459283 for me too KBN5H-tbcQc-01521-00459284-00459447 yes because I want to make sure that we KBN5H-tbcQc-01522-00459448-00459730 provide we have great professionals and KBN5H-tbcQc-01523-00459731-00459862 I want to provide on great quality KBN5H-tbcQc-01524-00459863-00460102 benefits and I think we are I just I KBN5H-tbcQc-01525-00460103-00460520 just hate to see the costs keep up and I KBN5H-tbcQc-01526-00460521-00460818 say we are indeed you are indeed KBN5H-tbcQc-01527-00460818-00461089 providing that and everybody in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01528-00461089-00461287 entire industry and across the whole KBN5H-tbcQc-01529-00461288-00461493 country is struggling with this as you KBN5H-tbcQc-01530-00461495-00461839 know all of you know our real increase KBN5H-tbcQc-01531-00461839-00462018 in costs in the last couple years have KBN5H-tbcQc-01532-00462020-00462331 been the the prescription drug increase KBN5H-tbcQc-01533-00462332-00462526 and we're struggling with that this KBN5H-tbcQc-01534-00462527-00462675 change that we're making this year KBN5H-tbcQc-01535-00462676-00462925 saving a million dollars and it's really KBN5H-tbcQc-01536-00462926-00463089 not a whole lot of disruption compared KBN5H-tbcQc-01537-00463091-00463267 to what we what we could have done we KBN5H-tbcQc-01538-00463268-00463518 kept all the same pharmacies in place we KBN5H-tbcQc-01539-00463520-00463699 just move some of the formularies around KBN5H-tbcQc-01540-00463700-00463920 and really you know if you take a look KBN5H-tbcQc-01541-00463921-00464160 at our at our benefits a thousand dollar KBN5H-tbcQc-01542-00464162-00464476 deductible yeah is unbelievable these KBN5H-tbcQc-01543-00464477-00464704 days very low really is yeah and you've KBN5H-tbcQc-01544-00464705-00464899 got the clinic that people can go for 10 KBN5H-tbcQc-01545-00464900-00465184 bucks you have very low office visit KBN5H-tbcQc-01546-00465185-00465226 copay KBN5H-tbcQc-01547-00465227-00465526 I mean and the ACO that we've got here KBN5H-tbcQc-01548-00465527-00465770 really is performing outstanding KBN5H-tbcQc-01549-00465771-00466105 outstandingly for compared to anybody KBN5H-tbcQc-01550-00466106-00466309 else in the marketplace so hope none of KBN5H-tbcQc-01551-00466310-00466453 my clients in the group health business KBN5H-tbcQc-01552-00466454-00466575 see these premiums KBN5H-tbcQc-01553-00466576-00466918 what's the incremental increase if you KBN5H-tbcQc-01554-00466918-00467239 were to make no increases to premiums KBN5H-tbcQc-01555-00467239-00467425 what increase with the district have to KBN5H-tbcQc-01556-00467426-00467788 absorb well you'd have to the five and a KBN5H-tbcQc-01557-00467789-00468241 half percent 2.6 million right which KBN5H-tbcQc-01558-00468242-00468460 isn't that what the new funding is yes KBN5H-tbcQc-01559-00468460-00468862 with the new focusing of funding yes so KBN5H-tbcQc-01560-00468863-00469155 on the going back to the pharmacy KBN5H-tbcQc-01561-00469156-00469493 a couple courses do you know if we KBN5H-tbcQc-01562-00469493-00469725 participate in any rebates or do we have KBN5H-tbcQc-01563-00469726-00470049 guaranteed contracts arms gone booth or KBN5H-tbcQc-01564-00470050-00470264 do we are we a participating in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01565-00470266-00470493 repay oh yeah we we have always KBN5H-tbcQc-01566-00470493-00470763 participated in rebates and we have made KBN5H-tbcQc-01567-00470764-00471024 an agreement with him with with Edna to KBN5H-tbcQc-01568-00471025-00471300 reduce the admin fees to give us a KBN5H-tbcQc-01569-00471301-00471614 guaranteed reduction rather than rebates KBN5H-tbcQc-01570-00471616-00471893 it can they can fluctuate so yes we do KBN5H-tbcQc-01571-00471895-00472160 all that we negotiate all those things KBN5H-tbcQc-01572-00472162-00472404 each and every year doesn't have all KBN5H-tbcQc-01573-00472405-00472584 three of the pieces to stop-loss the KBN5H-tbcQc-01574-00472585-00472833 pharmacy in the admin yes they do KBN5H-tbcQc-01575-00472834-00473272 yes what is our stop loss deductible 550 KBN5H-tbcQc-01576-00473274-00473637 550 do you have very many claims over KBN5H-tbcQc-01577-00473638-00474164 that you know it depends on the year KBN5H-tbcQc-01578-00474164-00474609 right so it fluctuates then just so I'm KBN5H-tbcQc-01579-00474610-00474893 clear you say 2.6 million that's the KBN5H-tbcQc-01580-00474895-00475032 increase as it sits now with the KBN5H-tbcQc-01581-00475033-00475167 premiums increasing as they are KBN5H-tbcQc-01582-00475168-00475380 presented if you increase those all KBN5H-tbcQc-01583-00475381-00475656 those column what it's not exhale the KBN5H-tbcQc-01584-00475657-00475797 change call them to zero all the way KBN5H-tbcQc-01585-00475797-00476034 down well with net net our additional KBN5H-tbcQc-01586-00476035-00476574 funding be is it twice that no the KBN5H-tbcQc-01587-00476575-00476757 district would have to add 2.6 million KBN5H-tbcQc-01588-00476758-00476918 the district would shoulder all of that KBN5H-tbcQc-01589-00476920-00477225 while saying is we're doing a part of it KBN5H-tbcQc-01590-00477226-00477456 the current funding literally directly KBN5H-tbcQc-01591-00477457-00477879 is basically 45 million dollars and the KBN5H-tbcQc-01592-00477880-00478056 funding recommendation based on that KBN5H-tbcQc-01593-00478057-00478221 news book of businesses the forty seven KBN5H-tbcQc-01594-00478222-00478425 point six million so that that would be KBN5H-tbcQc-01595-00478426-00478664 the 2.6 million dollars additional money KBN5H-tbcQc-01596-00478666-00478812 that we're that we're having to generate KBN5H-tbcQc-01597-00478813-00478992 through the board increasing their KBN5H-tbcQc-01598-00478993-00479205 contribution in employee rate changes KBN5H-tbcQc-01599-00479206-00479460 well I think his question is like what KBN5H-tbcQc-01600-00479460-00479639 would that number be if there was KBN5H-tbcQc-01601-00479641-00479817 absolutely no change to the employee KBN5H-tbcQc-01602-00479818-00480033 contribution it'd be the same two points KBN5H-tbcQc-01603-00480034-00480359 B this is point six but instead of 446 KBN5H-tbcQc-01604-00480360-00480660 you know by Donovan 20 the abysm KBN5H-tbcQc-01605-00480660-00480797 yes yeah well now that would be KBN5H-tbcQc-01606-00480799-00481110 attributable that would be the a good KBN5H-tbcQc-01607-00481110-00481380 question I understand you say on the KBN5H-tbcQc-01608-00481381-00481675 committee there's a river KBN5H-tbcQc-01609-00481676-00482075 about 30 yes okay so you know we can KBN5H-tbcQc-01610-00482076-00482293 kind of speculate us what feedback maybe KBN5H-tbcQc-01611-00482294-00482470 but what is it what's been their KBN5H-tbcQc-01612-00482471-00483072 feedback - wait they have one here KBN5H-tbcQc-01613-00483073-00483356 recommendation yes I mean I guess that's KBN5H-tbcQc-01614-00483357-00483741 right you know we got the unanimous KBN5H-tbcQc-01615-00483742-00483962 recommendation you know they are KBN5H-tbcQc-01616-00483963-00484354 employees they they feel the pain you KBN5H-tbcQc-01617-00484355-00484573 know they feel yeah you know just just KBN5H-tbcQc-01618-00484574-00484937 to echo Mr Sanders comments you know KBN5H-tbcQc-01619-00484938-00485131 that that whole committee feels that and KBN5H-tbcQc-01620-00485132-00485398 and so you know they've worked very hard KBN5H-tbcQc-01621-00485399-00485737 to come up with a recommendation that KBN5H-tbcQc-01622-00485738-00486191 they feel is appropriate I know one KBN5H-tbcQc-01623-00486192-00486373 person on the committee who is very KBN5H-tbcQc-01624-00486374-00486712 vocal last year to me personally about KBN5H-tbcQc-01625-00486713-00487033 the the ship we had to make and if that KBN5H-tbcQc-01626-00487034-00487412 individual has voted for this that tells KBN5H-tbcQc-01627-00487413-00487768 me something I have to say that it means KBN5H-tbcQc-01628-00487769-00488047 a great deal the effort what I struggle KBN5H-tbcQc-01629-00488048-00488437 with is why the high deductible plan KBN5H-tbcQc-01630-00488438-00488900 isn't much lower and yet the deductible KBN5H-tbcQc-01631-00488901-00490070 also isn't much higher all of this is KBN5H-tbcQc-01632-00490071-00490220 and I understand that I understand KBN5H-tbcQc-01633-00490221-00490372 y'all's issues with the premiums as well KBN5H-tbcQc-01634-00490373-00490637 and wanting wanting to shield and KBN5H-tbcQc-01635-00490638-00490768 protect the employees from the rate KBN5H-tbcQc-01636-00490769-00491062 increases because the the raises aren't KBN5H-tbcQc-01637-00491063-00491314 that aren't that big but let me just say KBN5H-tbcQc-01638-00491315-00491770 that I believe if you if you say no KBN5H-tbcQc-01639-00491771-00492031 increase that you you take away the KBN5H-tbcQc-01640-00492032-00492202 reality of what's going on in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01641-00492203-00492352 marketplace and people need to KBN5H-tbcQc-01642-00492353-00492583 understand that this stuff is going up KBN5H-tbcQc-01643-00492584-00492814 year after year after year we actually I KBN5H-tbcQc-01644-00492815-00492997 think got into a little bit of trouble KBN5H-tbcQc-01645-00492998-00493270 by forgoing some of those increases in KBN5H-tbcQc-01646-00493271-00493487 the past years that we should have taken KBN5H-tbcQc-01647-00493488-00493720 some increases on the employee and the KBN5H-tbcQc-01648-00493721-00493972 dependent sides when we didn't because KBN5H-tbcQc-01649-00493973-00494218 we didn't really need it we had it we KBN5H-tbcQc-01650-00494219-00494402 had a surplus that's money in the bank KBN5H-tbcQc-01651-00494403-00494725 and we we went through that 7 million we KBN5H-tbcQc-01652-00494726-00494989 had about 18 months so I think it's KBN5H-tbcQc-01653-00494990-00495043 important KBN5H-tbcQc-01654-00495045-00495302 they understand and see that this goes KBN5H-tbcQc-01655-00495303-00495527 up year after year and see what's going KBN5H-tbcQc-01656-00495528-00495653 on in the marketplace and what other KBN5H-tbcQc-01657-00495654-00495875 people experience they still are well KBN5H-tbcQc-01658-00495876-00496082 below what anybody else is seeing any of KBN5H-tbcQc-01659-00496083-00496349 my clients a five and a half percent KBN5H-tbcQc-01660-00496350-00496741 increase I don't I don't have any but I KBN5H-tbcQc-01661-00496742-00497006 have a few more questions I know we're I KBN5H-tbcQc-01662-00497007-00497126 don't mean to belabor this but this is KBN5H-tbcQc-01663-00497127-00497282 obviously something near and dear to all KBN5H-tbcQc-01664-00497283-00497497 of us here so how long we've been with KBN5H-tbcQc-01665-00497499-00497783 that now Edna's been our administrator KBN5H-tbcQc-01666-00497784-00498022 for about 15 years 15 years and we but KBN5H-tbcQc-01667-00498024-00498316 we did them periodically KBN5H-tbcQc-01668-00498317-00498605 Edna it's designed a few years like KBN5H-tbcQc-01669-00498606-00498887 you're 83 years ago yeah so three years KBN5H-tbcQc-01670-00498888-00499046 ago we've been in but we didn't bit him KBN5H-tbcQc-01671-00499047-00499235 we haven't been in lately well we have KBN5H-tbcQc-01672-00499235-00499367 five year contract year come for KBN5H-tbcQc-01673-00499368-00499639 five-year contracts Aetna has done KBN5H-tbcQc-01674-00499641-00500000 really a very fine job for us and we've KBN5H-tbcQc-01675-00500001-00500384 had almost no complaints no claims KBN5H-tbcQc-01676-00500385-00500635 errors no no problems with employees KBN5H-tbcQc-01677-00500637-00501050 having administrative issues or trouble KBN5H-tbcQc-01678-00501051-00501149 at all with that and that they've done a KBN5H-tbcQc-01679-00501150-00501332 good job for how come we don't offer an KBN5H-tbcQc-01680-00501333-00501692 HSA they HSA is part of the high KBN5H-tbcQc-01681-00501693-00502130 deductible plan there is an HSA point of KBN5H-tbcQc-01682-00502131-00502433 the two thousand dollars so go Packers KBN5H-tbcQc-01683-00502434-00502583 what's that what's the deductible for KBN5H-tbcQc-01684-00502584-00503188 the HSA there's a two thousand dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-01685-00503189-00503534 this year in division yeah individual KBN5H-tbcQc-01686-00503535-00503897 deductible individual in-network is 2.5 KBN5H-tbcQc-01687-00503897-00504176 well be will be yeah it's gonna be fuzzy KBN5H-tbcQc-01688-00504177-00504431 500 individual in-network deductible so KBN5H-tbcQc-01689-00504432-00504617 do we contribute anything towards an HSA KBN5H-tbcQc-01690-00504618-00504881 for the employees to encourage them to KBN5H-tbcQc-01691-00504882-00505443 go the HSA row no no KBN5H-tbcQc-01692-00505443-00506135 okay so what's the what is the that's KBN5H-tbcQc-01693-00506137-00506442 that's there isn't there isn't in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01694-00506443-00506757 public marketplace either there unless KBN5H-tbcQc-01695-00506758-00507104 the unless the employer ponies up the KBN5H-tbcQc-01696-00507105-00507405 deductible or some money or something so KBN5H-tbcQc-01697-00507406-00507645 that they can save it tax deferred there KBN5H-tbcQc-01698-00507646-00507893 is no advantage to that we'll health KBN5H-tbcQc-01699-00507894-00508043 plan here you correct me if I'm wrong KBN5H-tbcQc-01700-00508044-00508320 I'm speaking tell me no but there is no KBN5H-tbcQc-01701-00508321-00508524 there the price has never been in the KBN5H-tbcQc-01702-00508525-00508752 market versus you know a high deductible KBN5H-tbcQc-01703-00508753-00509085 plan otherwise I understand that the HSA KBN5H-tbcQc-01704-00509085-00509493 accounts HSA is something that is more KBN5H-tbcQc-01705-00509493-00509652 and more employers are leaning towards KBN5H-tbcQc-01706-00509653-00509826 because the medical loss ratio is so KBN5H-tbcQc-01707-00509827-00510180 much better and HSA account encouraging KBN5H-tbcQc-01708-00510181-00510435 people to go the HSA route you can argue KBN5H-tbcQc-01709-00510435-00510639 if you want to but I'm not worried okay KBN5H-tbcQc-01710-00510639-00510876 but my question was gonna be what is the KBN5H-tbcQc-01711-00510877-00511125 motion that we have right now to approve KBN5H-tbcQc-01712-00511126-00511320 this represented to approve it is this KBN5H-tbcQc-01713-00511321-00511476 also proving the funding or is this KBN5H-tbcQc-01714-00511477-00511958 approving the plan the plan which in KBN5H-tbcQc-01715-00511959-00512734 London yeah yeah okay KBN5H-tbcQc-01716-00512735-00512876 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-01717-00512877-00513081 anything else all right KBN5H-tbcQc-01718-00513082-00513468 all those in favor all right KBN5H-tbcQc-01719-00513468-00514238 motion passes yes thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-01720-00514239-00514664 financial reports right now we'll move KBN5H-tbcQc-01721-00514666-00514827 to the financial statements up for the KBN5H-tbcQc-01722-00514828-00515084 month of April KBN5H-tbcQc-01723-00515085-00515304 once again these statements will include KBN5H-tbcQc-01724-00515305-00515463 the general fund debt service child KBN5H-tbcQc-01725-00515464-00515591 nutrition and self-funded insurance KBN5H-tbcQc-01726-00515592-00515784 first statement we'll look at this KBN5H-tbcQc-01727-00515785-00515985 evening is the balance sheet the balance KBN5H-tbcQc-01728-00515985-00516126 sheet includes our assets our KBN5H-tbcQc-01729-00516127-00516291 liabilities and our fund balances for KBN5H-tbcQc-01730-00516292-00516545 the district each month we like to look KBN5H-tbcQc-01731-00516546-00516774 at our cash investments once again we'll KBN5H-tbcQc-01732-00516775-00516975 concentrate on our general fund we have KBN5H-tbcQc-01733-00516976-00517284 $500 cash on hand we have bank deposits KBN5H-tbcQc-01734-00517285-00517401 of three hundred and eighty three KBN5H-tbcQc-01735-00517402-00517616 thousand dollars we have investments in KBN5H-tbcQc-01736-00517617-00517772 the pools of one hundred and forty nine KBN5H-tbcQc-01737-00517773-00518007 million dollars we have uh other KBN5H-tbcQc-01738-00518008-00518193 investments less than a year of seventy KBN5H-tbcQc-01739-00518193-00518409 five point four million in our longer KBN5H-tbcQc-01740-00518410-00518595 term investments with TCG investment KBN5H-tbcQc-01741-00518596-00518853 advisors fifty 1.2 million for total KBN5H-tbcQc-01742-00518854-00519000 cash and investments in the general fund KBN5H-tbcQc-01743-00519001-00519168 of two hundred and seventy six million KBN5H-tbcQc-01744-00519168-00519597 dollars just to look at property tax KBN5H-tbcQc-01745-00519597-00519801 collections real quick still ahead of KBN5H-tbcQc-01746-00519802-00519930 where we were last year so we feel KBN5H-tbcQc-01747-00519931-00520064 confident that we'll reach our hundred KBN5H-tbcQc-01748-00520066-00520503 percent goal there the next statement KBN5H-tbcQc-01749-00520504-00520659 we'll look at is our income statement KBN5H-tbcQc-01750-00520660-00520803 the income statement includes our KBN5H-tbcQc-01751-00520804-00520962 revenues and expenditures and fund KBN5H-tbcQc-01752-00520963-00521147 balances revenues are broken down into KBN5H-tbcQc-01753-00521148-00521360 three categories that is our local and KBN5H-tbcQc-01754-00521362-00521562 intermediate sources state program KBN5H-tbcQc-01755-00521563-00521888 revenues and federal program revenues KBN5H-tbcQc-01756-00521889-00522093 and we can take a look at our KBN5H-tbcQc-01757-00522093-00522450 expenditures by major category as you KBN5H-tbcQc-01758-00522451-00522593 can see in the general fund or just KBN5H-tbcQc-01759-00522594-00522813 expenditures payroll we're very people KBN5H-tbcQc-01760-00522814-00523010 intensive business debt service fund KBN5H-tbcQc-01761-00523012-00523245 paying our debt service child nutrition KBN5H-tbcQc-01762-00523246-00523391 and supplies and materials and KBN5H-tbcQc-01763-00523392-00523593 self-funded insurance is contracted KBN5H-tbcQc-01764-00523593-00524320 services KBN5H-tbcQc-01765-00524321-00524510 our projected fund outs in the general KBN5H-tbcQc-01766-00524511-00524687 fund is the same as last month we're KBN5H-tbcQc-01767-00524688-00524822 projecting the increase of about nine KBN5H-tbcQc-01768-00524823-00525149 point five million dollars projected KBN5H-tbcQc-01769-00525150-00525311 fund balance for debt service is an KBN5H-tbcQc-01770-00525312-00525443 increase of four point six million KBN5H-tbcQc-01771-00525444-00525812 dollars our projected fund balance and KBN5H-tbcQc-01772-00525813-00525970 child nutrition remains the same about KBN5H-tbcQc-01773-00525971-00526136 increase of about eighty two thousand KBN5H-tbcQc-01774-00526137-00526676 dollars our 2015 bond referendum status KBN5H-tbcQc-01775-00526677-00526904 update we currently have expended in KBN5H-tbcQc-01776-00526905-00527081 encumbered two hundred and eighty seven KBN5H-tbcQc-01777-00527082-00527366 point five million dollars we have an KBN5H-tbcQc-01778-00527367-00527591 estimate to complete of two hundred and KBN5H-tbcQc-01779-00527592-00527734 twenty nine point three million dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-01780-00527735-00528047 given us a project forecast the five KBN5H-tbcQc-01781-00528048-00528185 hundred sixteen point eight million KBN5H-tbcQc-01782-00528186-00528472 dollars that's leaving us with about KBN5H-tbcQc-01783-00528473-00528605 three point four million dollars in KBN5H-tbcQc-01784-00528606-00528809 contingency for a grand total of five KBN5H-tbcQc-01785-00528810-00529292 hundred twenty million dollars update on KBN5H-tbcQc-01786-00529293-00529589 our self-funded insurance so far for the KBN5H-tbcQc-01787-00529590-00529727 year we've had total revenues right at KBN5H-tbcQc-01788-00529728-00529931 thirty million dollars we've had total KBN5H-tbcQc-01789-00529932-00530099 expenses of twenty six point seven KBN5H-tbcQc-01790-00530100-00530318 million dollars leaving us with revenues KBN5H-tbcQc-01791-00530319-00530525 over expenses of three point three KBN5H-tbcQc-01792-00530526-00530717 million dollars I think if you notice KBN5H-tbcQc-01793-00530718-00530870 March and April both have been very KBN5H-tbcQc-01794-00530871-00531116 close to do the break-even point we're KBN5H-tbcQc-01795-00531117-00531257 moving into those heavy heavy KBN5H-tbcQc-01796-00531258-00531458 utilization months so keep our fingers KBN5H-tbcQc-01797-00531459-00531815 crossed and participation at the KBN5H-tbcQc-01798-00531816-00532013 Wellness Center we've had right at KBN5H-tbcQc-01799-00532014-00532208 thirty five hundred patients visit our KBN5H-tbcQc-01800-00532209-00532468 center um good news if you haven't if KBN5H-tbcQc-01801-00532469-00532727 you haven't already heard we are looking KBN5H-tbcQc-01802-00532728-00532970 to open the north clinic on June 5th KBN5H-tbcQc-01803-00532971-00533147 we've got the contract sign and we're KBN5H-tbcQc-01804-00533148-00533417 hoping to get that that moving for some KBN5H-tbcQc-01805-00533418-00533633 great work for Tiffany that fell during KBN5H-tbcQc-01806-00533634-00534107 HR investments for the month the par KBN5H-tbcQc-01807-00534108-00534233 value at the end of April was five KBN5H-tbcQc-01808-00534234-00534386 hundred and twenty four million dollars KBN5H-tbcQc-01809-00534387-00534707 the WAM of the pools is one day yielding KBN5H-tbcQc-01810-00534708-00535079 right out one percent WAM of our other KBN5H-tbcQc-01811-00535080-00535226 investments this is investments less KBN5H-tbcQc-01812-00535227-00535597 than one year is 168 days yielding one KBN5H-tbcQc-01813-00535598-00535958 point two eight percent WAM of our KBN5H-tbcQc-01814-00535959-00536108 longer-term investments with TCG KBN5H-tbcQc-01815-00536109-00536336 investment advisers is 531 days we are KBN5H-tbcQc-01816-00536337-00536702 yielding one point one three percent and KBN5H-tbcQc-01817-00536703-00536882 the lam of our combined portfolio with KBN5H-tbcQc-01818-00536883-00537043 sixty nine days more yielding KBN5H-tbcQc-01819-00537044-00537325 20:05 percent and our benchmark the KBN5H-tbcQc-01820-00537326-00538057 90-day t bill is at 78 basis thank you KBN5H-tbcQc-01821-00538058-00538284 [Music] KBN5H-tbcQc-01822-00538285-00538606 all right KDHGpk2twRU-00000-00000006-00000262 hello I'm Robin Chan on official print KDHGpk2twRU-00001-00000263-00000473 and design services we are here to KDHGpk2twRU-00002-00000474-00000692 provide a one-stop solution for all the KDHGpk2twRU-00003-00000693-00000956 printing needs our business vision is to KDHGpk2twRU-00004-00000957-00001162 provide superior products and services KDHGpk2twRU-00005-00001163-00001525 to your utmost satisfaction I've been in KDHGpk2twRU-00006-00001526-00001763 the print industry for the last 30 years KDHGpk2twRU-00007-00001764-00002165 with various experiences across graphic KDHGpk2twRU-00008-00002166-00002507 design printing presses digital printing KDHGpk2twRU-00009-00002508-00002846 and advertising we are here to solve a KDHGpk2twRU-00010-00002847-00003062 printing problem our diverse range of KDHGpk2twRU-00011-00003063-00003326 product starts from business cards to KDHGpk2twRU-00012-00003327-00003538 promotional products venez KDHGpk2twRU-00013-00003539-00003736 - signage commercial printing KDHGpk2twRU-00014-00003738-00004034 disciplining and much more with our KDHGpk2twRU-00015-00004035-00004229 range of knowledge and prorack awareness KDHGpk2twRU-00016-00004230-00004579 we can ensure they will tailor your KDHGpk2twRU-00017-00004580-00004906 printing needs to suit your business do KDHGpk2twRU-00018-00004907-00005197 you have the print ready artwork today KDHGpk2twRU-00019-00005198-00005381 one of the biggest issues with the KDHGpk2twRU-00020-00005382-00005675 printers is providing artwork I am I KDHGpk2twRU-00021-00005676-00005995 qualified graphic designer and at nvd KDHGpk2twRU-00022-00005996-00006311 years we have expertise to provide high KDHGpk2twRU-00023-00006312-00006620 quality artwork so send your images and KDHGpk2twRU-00024-00006620-00006884 text and we will generate a print ad KDHGpk2twRU-00025-00006884-00007226 file at no extra cost to you another KDHGpk2twRU-00026-00007227-00007567 problem for many is minimum print KDHGpk2twRU-00027-00007568-00007856 quantity how many copies do you want at KDHGpk2twRU-00028-00007856-00008149 NPDES we do not set minimum print KDHGpk2twRU-00029-00008150-00008428 quantity you can print as bit less or as KDHGpk2twRU-00030-00008429-00008624 many as for all our printing KDHGpk2twRU-00031-00008625-00008888 requirements contact me personally for a KDHGpk2twRU-00032-00008889-00009080 no-obligation consultation KDHGpk2twRU-00033-00009081-00009274 we will work with you to meet your KDHGpk2twRU-00034-00009275-00009553 requirements I hope to hear from you KDHGpk2twRU-00035-00009554-00009911 soon thank you KImoMB_N8fM-00000-00000000-00000386 um I just want to welcome you this KImoMB_N8fM-00001-00000387-00000463 morning KImoMB_N8fM-00002-00000465-00000947 to this call make sure can you hear me KImoMB_N8fM-00003-00000948-00001541 okay thumbs up okay we're having some KImoMB_N8fM-00004-00001542-00001850 connectivity issues over here I just KImoMB_N8fM-00005-00001851-00002017 want to welcome you to this call this KImoMB_N8fM-00006-00002018-00002312 morning held together in conjunction KImoMB_N8fM-00007-00002313-00002527 with the Center for leadership KImoMB_N8fM-00008-00002528-00002734 development and the Center for missional KImoMB_N8fM-00009-00002735-00003043 outreach to talk about our missional KImoMB_N8fM-00010-00003044-00003479 responses in particular to hear from KImoMB_N8fM-00011-00003479-00003809 some medical experts that are connected KImoMB_N8fM-00012-00003810-00004183 to us and help us think about the KImoMB_N8fM-00013-00004184-00004606 medical responses and pastoral care KImoMB_N8fM-00014-00004607-00004811 issues that we are going to need to KImoMB_N8fM-00015-00004812-00005099 think about over the next couple weeks KImoMB_N8fM-00016-00005100-00005404 and moving beyond us we're really glad KImoMB_N8fM-00017-00005405-00005843 to have with us dr. Joseph Craddock II KImoMB_N8fM-00018-00005844-00006184 who is a pulmonologist thank you for KImoMB_N8fM-00019-00006185-00006457 being here and pulmonologist who is KImoMB_N8fM-00020-00006458-00006851 associated with Christ UMC in Plano and KImoMB_N8fM-00021-00006852-00007202 a friend of mine dr. Brittany Balogh are KImoMB_N8fM-00022-00007203-00007595 you on on the call Brittany KImoMB_N8fM-00023-00007595-00007788 let's having trouble getting in touch KImoMB_N8fM-00024-00007789-00008037 with her this morning so she may join us KImoMB_N8fM-00025-00008038-00008211 a little bit later and she is a surgeon KImoMB_N8fM-00026-00008212-00008400 with Baylor Scott and White here and KImoMB_N8fM-00027-00008401-00008652 grapevine and has pulled together a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00028-00008653-00008949 of research that's been very helpful for KImoMB_N8fM-00029-00008950-00009348 a lot of us before we move farther KImoMB_N8fM-00030-00009349-00009705 though I want to point to you point out KImoMB_N8fM-00031-00009706-00009918 to you on your chat function if you're KImoMB_N8fM-00032-00009919-00010383 with us via the computer you will find KImoMB_N8fM-00033-00010384-00010785 an attachment and I'll reattach it at KImoMB_N8fM-00034-00010786-00010956 the end in case you haven't found it but KImoMB_N8fM-00035-00010957-00011187 it's an attachment that has all of the KImoMB_N8fM-00036-00011188-00011526 zoom called links for the zoom calls KImoMB_N8fM-00037-00011527-00011670 that will be happening throughout this KImoMB_N8fM-00038-00011671-00012084 week to talk about how the resources KImoMB_N8fM-00039-00012085-00012279 that we're going to need from various KImoMB_N8fM-00040-00012280-00012504 centers to talk about issues of how do KImoMB_N8fM-00041-00012505-00012899 we really talk about staffing issues KImoMB_N8fM-00042-00012900-00013131 finances thinking about the stimulus KImoMB_N8fM-00043-00013132-00013482 bill that has come out and how churches KImoMB_N8fM-00044-00013483-00013619 and nonprofits might be able to take KImoMB_N8fM-00045-00013620-00013974 advantage of those things so take a look KImoMB_N8fM-00046-00013975-00014172 at that it's the same as the email you KImoMB_N8fM-00047-00014172-00014457 will receive from the conference as well KImoMB_N8fM-00048-00014458-00014891 and I will reattach that toward the end KImoMB_N8fM-00049-00014891-00015363 so reven que me Gaston would you open us KImoMB_N8fM-00050-00015363-00016041 in prayer KImoMB_N8fM-00051-00016041-00016277 you KImoMB_N8fM-00052-00016278-00016664 comes from father Richard Rohr let us KImoMB_N8fM-00053-00016665-00016715 pray KImoMB_N8fM-00054-00016716-00017084 o Great God of love KImoMB_N8fM-00055-00017085-00017372 thank you for living and loving in us KImoMB_N8fM-00056-00017373-00017771 and through us may all that we do flow KImoMB_N8fM-00057-00017772-00018029 from your deep connection with you and KImoMB_N8fM-00058-00018030-00018430 all beings help us become a community KImoMB_N8fM-00059-00018431-00018668 that longer be shares each other's KImoMB_N8fM-00060-00018669-00019069 burdens and the weights of your glory KImoMB_N8fM-00061-00019070-00019385 listen to our hearts longing for the KImoMB_N8fM-00062-00019386-00019700 healing of the world and as we share our KImoMB_N8fM-00063-00019701-00020057 own prayers Lord in this silent time we KImoMB_N8fM-00064-00020058-00020398 lift them up to you KImoMB_N8fM-00065-00020399-00020704 you KImoMB_N8fM-00066-00020705-00020975 you KImoMB_N8fM-00067-00020976-00021383 lord I pray for those who are feeling KImoMB_N8fM-00068-00021384-00021739 the fear of what might happen to our own KImoMB_N8fM-00069-00021740-00021983 health to our hospitals to our doctors KImoMB_N8fM-00070-00021984-00022274 and nurses to our caregivers and our KImoMB_N8fM-00071-00022275-00022358 loved ones KImoMB_N8fM-00072-00022359-00022880 help us have strength and courage Lord KImoMB_N8fM-00073-00022881-00023078 we give you thanks for the gifts of our KImoMB_N8fM-00074-00023079-00023419 hospitals our doctors and nurses and we KImoMB_N8fM-00075-00023420-00023822 pray that we would support them Lord in KImoMB_N8fM-00076-00023823-00024284 the many ways that they need support KImoMB_N8fM-00077-00024285-00024605 and now knowing that you hear all of us KImoMB_N8fM-00078-00024606-00024914 better than we even speak we offer you KImoMB_N8fM-00079-00024915-00025159 all of these prayers in the name of KImoMB_N8fM-00080-00025160-00026002 Christ our Lord amen KImoMB_N8fM-00081-00026004-00026427 Thank You kami the plan for today's KImoMB_N8fM-00082-00026427-00026730 conversation is to have kind of a panel KImoMB_N8fM-00083-00026731-00027008 conversation and which will engage KImoMB_N8fM-00084-00027010-00027345 around some questions that kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00085-00027345-00027485 worked out in conjunction with KImoMB_N8fM-00086-00027486-00027726 conversations with our medical KImoMB_N8fM-00087-00027727-00028108 professionals here and then be able to KImoMB_N8fM-00088-00028110-00028443 go into a time where where cami is going KImoMB_N8fM-00089-00028444-00028652 to lead us in a conversation about the KImoMB_N8fM-00090-00028654-00029039 role of pastor in the midst of crisis KImoMB_N8fM-00091-00029041-00029337 like this and hopefully we can have some KImoMB_N8fM-00092-00029338-00029520 time to have some breakout conversation KImoMB_N8fM-00093-00029520-00029775 where where we can be together at least KImoMB_N8fM-00094-00029776-00030162 in some breakout rooms to share what KImoMB_N8fM-00095-00030163-00030486 we're thinking about in this time and KImoMB_N8fM-00096-00030487-00030693 how we're approaching some of these KImoMB_N8fM-00097-00030694-00031104 conversations in issues of care and then KImoMB_N8fM-00098-00031105-00031227 we'll be able to have some follow-up KImoMB_N8fM-00099-00031227-00031364 questions and some questions and KImoMB_N8fM-00100-00031366-00031710 answered at times with us dr. sadecki KImoMB_N8fM-00101-00031711-00031911 what what does your time look like this KImoMB_N8fM-00102-00031912-00032274 morning with us no I'm good I've kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00103-00032275-00032495 cleared out some time and I've got my KImoMB_N8fM-00104-00032497-00032751 staff handling things so you know I got KImoMB_N8fM-00105-00032752-00033039 an hour or two you know so we're we're KImoMB_N8fM-00106-00033040-00033243 good right well thank you so much for KImoMB_N8fM-00107-00033244-00033377 for your time this morning KImoMB_N8fM-00108-00033378-00033789 so illness fall are a variety of pastors KImoMB_N8fM-00109-00033790-00034164 and and lay leaders who are responding KImoMB_N8fM-00110-00034165-00034296 not only to the needs of their KImoMB_N8fM-00111-00034297-00034668 congregation but to the needs of their KImoMB_N8fM-00112-00034669-00035355 community for our conversations it's KImoMB_N8fM-00113-00035356-00035676 clear that there's some sobering facts KImoMB_N8fM-00114-00035677-00035901 that many of us probably need to hear KImoMB_N8fM-00115-00035902-00036221 some of us may have already heard about KImoMB_N8fM-00116-00036222-00036390 what we might be able to expect over the KImoMB_N8fM-00117-00036391-00036857 next couple of weeks KImoMB_N8fM-00118-00036858-00037140 from where you sit what are you seen and KImoMB_N8fM-00119-00037141-00037395 and what should we know as we go about KImoMB_N8fM-00120-00037396-00037878 approaching this well just if we could KImoMB_N8fM-00121-00037879-00038181 start just with some of the the medical KImoMB_N8fM-00122-00038182-00038460 aspects of this you've probably heard a KImoMB_N8fM-00123-00038461-00038685 lot of this already before on the on the KImoMB_N8fM-00124-00038686-00038961 news but just I think probably the three KImoMB_N8fM-00125-00038962-00039243 biggest issues going on with why this is KImoMB_N8fM-00126-00039244-00039537 such a big crisis is first of all we're KImoMB_N8fM-00127-00039538-00039882 dealing with a virus that is highly KImoMB_N8fM-00128-00039883-00040170 contagious as opposed to some other KImoMB_N8fM-00129-00040171-00040536 viruses we've had in the past SARS MERS KImoMB_N8fM-00130-00040537-00041034 etc it is also a novel virus you've KImoMB_N8fM-00131-00041035-00041307 heard that term used before a novel the KImoMB_N8fM-00132-00041308-00041532 term novel simply means new it's a new KImoMB_N8fM-00133-00041533-00041835 virus and the two issues that go with a KImoMB_N8fM-00134-00041836-00042087 new virus is first of all we don't know KImoMB_N8fM-00135-00042088-00042386 a lot about it we don't know a lot about KImoMB_N8fM-00136-00042387-00042915 how you know how long this may go on we KImoMB_N8fM-00137-00042916-00043077 don't know if warm weather will affect KImoMB_N8fM-00138-00043078-00043416 this you know when I've said to people KImoMB_N8fM-00139-00043417-00043691 before the best way to describe what the KImoMB_N8fM-00140-00043692-00043899 epidemiologists are doing right now and KImoMB_N8fM-00141-00043900-00044144 what the World Health Organization etc KImoMB_N8fM-00142-00044145-00044636 is imagine your mechanic trying to KImoMB_N8fM-00143-00044637-00044907 diagnose a problem with your car and KImoMB_N8fM-00144-00044908-00045135 work on your car while you're driving on KImoMB_N8fM-00145-00045136-00045261 the highway KImoMB_N8fM-00146-00045262-00045393 that's essentially what these KImoMB_N8fM-00147-00045394-00045555 professionals are doing and trying to KImoMB_N8fM-00148-00045556-00045729 figure out what's going on with this KImoMB_N8fM-00149-00045730-00046020 virus so it's very very difficult plus KImoMB_N8fM-00150-00046021-00046215 the fact that it's novel is nobody has KImoMB_N8fM-00151-00046216-00046407 any immunity to it nobody in the world KImoMB_N8fM-00152-00046408-00046638 has immunity to this so it's being KImoMB_N8fM-00153-00046639-00046815 introduced into a population that has KImoMB_N8fM-00154-00046816-00047022 never seen this virus before which is KImoMB_N8fM-00155-00047023-00047378 why we are so concerned about the cases KImoMB_N8fM-00156-00047379-00047844 exceeding our healthcare limitations the KImoMB_N8fM-00157-00047845-00048000 other thing is we're seeing a greater KImoMB_N8fM-00158-00048001-00048243 morbidity and mortality morbidity KImoMB_N8fM-00159-00048244-00048413 meaning the severity of the illness KImoMB_N8fM-00160-00048414-00048816 mortality meaning basically the fatality KImoMB_N8fM-00161-00048817-00048975 rate and we don't really even know what KImoMB_N8fM-00162-00048976-00049125 those numbers are the numbers really KImoMB_N8fM-00163-00049126-00049320 varied from one country to another the KImoMB_N8fM-00164-00049321-00049560 mortality is varying between about one KImoMB_N8fM-00165-00049561-00049752 percent and 10 percent from one part KImoMB_N8fM-00166-00049753-00049989 region of the world to another or we KImoMB_N8fM-00167-00049990-00050158 don't know what those factors are and KImoMB_N8fM-00168-00050159-00050278 we are not going to know what those KImoMB_N8fM-00169-00050279-00050539 factors are until after the pandemic is KImoMB_N8fM-00170-00050540-00050770 over and the epidemiologists and the KImoMB_N8fM-00171-00050771-00050971 statisticians can really start to look KImoMB_N8fM-00172-00050972-00051181 into what all the different factors were KImoMB_N8fM-00173-00051182-00051553 around the world that caused these KImoMB_N8fM-00174-00051554-00051871 changes so this is why this is such a KImoMB_N8fM-00175-00051872-00052144 crisis it's why the medical community KImoMB_N8fM-00176-00052145-00052288 has been scared of this and and KImoMB_N8fM-00177-00052289-00052450 concerned about this for the last KImoMB_N8fM-00178-00052451-00052915 several months so try to get into some KImoMB_N8fM-00179-00052916-00053146 of the the medical aspects that effect a KImoMB_N8fM-00180-00053147-00053379 more than pastoral care you know the KImoMB_N8fM-00181-00053380-00053616 psychosocial aspects of the spiritual KImoMB_N8fM-00182-00053617-00053959 aspects of it I've been thinking about KImoMB_N8fM-00183-00053960-00054211 this for quite some time and I can yeah KImoMB_N8fM-00184-00054212-00054454 I think we can start obviously with the KImoMB_N8fM-00185-00054454-00054811 isolation factor people are are being KImoMB_N8fM-00186-00054812-00055003 stuck at home in some cases that's a KImoMB_N8fM-00187-00055004-00055264 wonderful thing I have a new KImoMB_N8fM-00188-00055265-00055432 daughter-in-law who my son and KImoMB_N8fM-00189-00055433-00055566 daughter-in-law are living with us right KImoMB_N8fM-00190-00055567-00055594 now KImoMB_N8fM-00191-00055595-00055834 they weren't planning on living with us KImoMB_N8fM-00192-00055835-00055987 this long but they're kind of stuck with KImoMB_N8fM-00193-00055988-00056122 us so I've gotten to know my KImoMB_N8fM-00194-00056123-00056314 daughter-in-law a lot better but for KImoMB_N8fM-00195-00056315-00056541 some people the isolation is very KImoMB_N8fM-00196-00056542-00056785 difficult I was just on the phone KImoMB_N8fM-00197-00056786-00056941 yesterday with a friend of mine who's a KImoMB_N8fM-00198-00056941-00057286 single man living in Fort Worth and KImoMB_N8fM-00199-00057287-00057523 we've all been trying to call him to KImoMB_N8fM-00200-00057524-00057705 make sure he's doing well because KImoMB_N8fM-00201-00057707-00058012 there's a enormous social isolation that KImoMB_N8fM-00202-00058013-00058327 goes along with this obviously the other KImoMB_N8fM-00203-00058328-00058615 part of that is that there's been KImoMB_N8fM-00204-00058616-00058912 mention of you know dysfunctional KImoMB_N8fM-00205-00058913-00059229 families and domestic violence and one KImoMB_N8fM-00206-00059230-00059473 of the factors going on there with the KImoMB_N8fM-00207-00059474-00059773 stress of of social isolation KImoMB_N8fM-00208-00059774-00060030 what are happening to families who are KImoMB_N8fM-00209-00060032-00060400 having to deal with this dysfunction on KImoMB_N8fM-00210-00060401-00060697 a much more intense level those are KImoMB_N8fM-00211-00060698-00060891 things I even heard that brought up KImoMB_N8fM-00212-00060892-00061249 yesterday when Andrew Cuomo was giving KImoMB_N8fM-00213-00061250-00061441 his press conference and what New York KImoMB_N8fM-00214-00061441-00061828 State is trying to do in regards to to KImoMB_N8fM-00215-00061829-00062379 those issues when it comes to health KImoMB_N8fM-00216-00062380-00062836 care workers you know speaking from my KImoMB_N8fM-00217-00062837-00063064 own experience I did 25 years of of KImoMB_N8fM-00218-00063065-00063325 critical care and just three years ago I KImoMB_N8fM-00219-00063326-00063484 basically gave up KImoMB_N8fM-00220-00063485-00063699 doing critical care decided at my age I KImoMB_N8fM-00221-00063700-00064072 just needed to stay in the office but I KImoMB_N8fM-00222-00064073-00064315 can tell you that doing critical care KImoMB_N8fM-00223-00064316-00064587 and taking care of patients in severe KImoMB_N8fM-00224-00064588-00064941 circumstances is extremely stressful and KImoMB_N8fM-00225-00064942-00065062 one of the interesting things that I KImoMB_N8fM-00226-00065063-00065449 found in my own career was that as I KImoMB_N8fM-00227-00065450-00065643 went through my training and as I KImoMB_N8fM-00228-00065644-00066005 started doing more and more in my career KImoMB_N8fM-00229-00066006-00066312 the stress level increased dramatically KImoMB_N8fM-00230-00066313-00066805 over time but not so dramatically over a KImoMB_N8fM-00231-00066806-00067194 cured I was very very slow and and so KImoMB_N8fM-00232-00067195-00067411 you become more adaptive to you you KImoMB_N8fM-00233-00067412-00067599 learn how to deal with those your KImoMB_N8fM-00234-00067600-00068169 illness and and death but not in this KImoMB_N8fM-00235-00068170-00068503 kind of quantitate what's happening KImoMB_N8fM-00236-00068504-00068965 right now is really unprecedented if you KImoMB_N8fM-00237-00068966-00069126 look at you know just some of the videos KImoMB_N8fM-00238-00069127-00069472 that I've seen from Italy and and from KImoMB_N8fM-00239-00069473-00069637 New York right now in the emergency KImoMB_N8fM-00240-00069638-00069981 rooms and the icy use that level of KImoMB_N8fM-00241-00069982-00070261 stress is something I can't even imagine KImoMB_N8fM-00242-00070262-00070656 at this point we all adapt to that level KImoMB_N8fM-00243-00070657-00070786 of stress but I can tell you when I KImoMB_N8fM-00244-00070787-00071155 stopped going to the hospital it felt KImoMB_N8fM-00245-00071156-00071376 like an enormous weight had fallen off KImoMB_N8fM-00246-00071377-00071521 my shoulder and it was something that I KImoMB_N8fM-00247-00071522-00071935 never really realized was there until it KImoMB_N8fM-00248-00071936-00071982 was gone KImoMB_N8fM-00249-00071983-00072265 because it had ramped up over my career KImoMB_N8fM-00250-00072266-00072610 for such a long time that it just became KImoMB_N8fM-00251-00072611-00072843 you know part of what I did every day KImoMB_N8fM-00252-00072844-00073171 and once I I left the the stress of KImoMB_N8fM-00253-00073172-00073443 critical care I suddenly was able to KImoMB_N8fM-00254-00073444-00073668 look back and start to wonder how I ever KImoMB_N8fM-00255-00073669-00074043 did it for all those years my concern KImoMB_N8fM-00256-00074044-00074242 with with the health care workers right KImoMB_N8fM-00257-00074243-00074505 now is it was kind of like the Frog and KImoMB_N8fM-00258-00074506-00074805 the pot of boiling water it just the KImoMB_N8fM-00259-00074806-00075121 stress increases you know a bit by bit KImoMB_N8fM-00260-00075122-00075460 and at this point there may be a point KImoMB_N8fM-00261-00075461-00075657 where it's overwhelming to some of the KImoMB_N8fM-00262-00075658-00075912 some of the health care workers but KImoMB_N8fM-00263-00075913-00076137 we're trained to keep doing what we do KImoMB_N8fM-00264-00076138-00076482 and and to you know keep our nose to the KImoMB_N8fM-00265-00076483-00076680 grindstone and then keep focused on the KImoMB_N8fM-00266-00076681-00076793 patient KImoMB_N8fM-00267-00076794-00077027 but it can be overwhelming at times and KImoMB_N8fM-00268-00077028-00077228 again I can't even imagine what some KImoMB_N8fM-00269-00077229-00077438 people are going through right now and KImoMB_N8fM-00270-00077439-00077726 having to deal with the level of care KImoMB_N8fM-00271-00077727-00078032 and the level of death and dying that KImoMB_N8fM-00272-00078033-00078467 they're having to see from a family KImoMB_N8fM-00273-00078468-00078806 perspective one of the very unique KImoMB_N8fM-00274-00078807-00079028 things about an infectious disease like KImoMB_N8fM-00275-00079029-00079430 this is I know for a fact talking with KImoMB_N8fM-00276-00079431-00079715 some friends around the DFW area that KImoMB_N8fM-00277-00079716-00079961 that the the numbers of patients have KImoMB_N8fM-00278-00079962-00080144 been increasing but they're not up to a KImoMB_N8fM-00279-00080145-00080417 critical level to this point I know that KImoMB_N8fM-00280-00080418-00080828 some hospitals have been setting aside KImoMB_N8fM-00281-00080829-00081134 certain blocks of rooms and certain KImoMB_N8fM-00282-00081135-00081428 floors and wards and anticipation of the KImoMB_N8fM-00283-00081429-00081677 increased numbers that are going to be KImoMB_N8fM-00284-00081678-00082384 coming in and that level of preparation KImoMB_N8fM-00285-00082385-00082666 basically what they're trying to do is KImoMB_N8fM-00286-00082667-00083120 is have a specific part of the hospital KImoMB_N8fM-00287-00083121-00083399 that's isolated for this virus now what KImoMB_N8fM-00288-00083400-00083951 that does is first of all it decreases KImoMB_N8fM-00289-00083952-00084095 the amount of personal protective KImoMB_N8fM-00290-00084096-00084299 equipment that's needed it helps with KImoMB_N8fM-00291-00084300-00084536 that supply because the healthcare KImoMB_N8fM-00292-00084537-00084758 workers can go in and Don the personal KImoMB_N8fM-00293-00084759-00085124 protective gear and stay in that area KImoMB_N8fM-00294-00085125-00085376 without having to get out in and out of KImoMB_N8fM-00295-00085377-00085742 their personal protective gear when life KImoMB_N8fM-00296-00085743-00086045 is normal we all have a few patients who KImoMB_N8fM-00297-00086046-00086273 are in some sort of isolation in the KImoMB_N8fM-00298-00086274-00086474 hospital and you will done that personal KImoMB_N8fM-00299-00086475-00086645 protective gear before you go in to see KImoMB_N8fM-00300-00086646-00086813 that patient and then what will happen KImoMB_N8fM-00301-00086814-00087002 is you will take that gear off when you KImoMB_N8fM-00302-00087003-00087389 come out times but that's very and KImoMB_N8fM-00303-00087390-00087548 something that can't be done when you're KImoMB_N8fM-00304-00087549-00087749 looking at the numbers here and so what KImoMB_N8fM-00305-00087750-00088079 that does in effect is it isolates those KImoMB_N8fM-00306-00088080-00088385 patients into a specific ward and what KImoMB_N8fM-00307-00088386-00088574 has happened in those circumstances is KImoMB_N8fM-00308-00088575-00088889 that patients families are unable to KImoMB_N8fM-00309-00088890-00089153 communicate with them are unable to see KImoMB_N8fM-00310-00089154-00089399 them because of the need for infection KImoMB_N8fM-00311-00089400-00089674 control and to minimize the use of KImoMB_N8fM-00312-00089675-00089903 personal protective gear because we KImoMB_N8fM-00313-00089904-00090134 don't have you know boxes and boxes that KImoMB_N8fM-00314-00090135-00090174 we can KImoMB_N8fM-00315-00090175-00090423 throw away whenever what's happening is KImoMB_N8fM-00316-00090424-00090642 that there's going to be an isolation KImoMB_N8fM-00317-00090643-00090813 between patients who are hospitalized KImoMB_N8fM-00318-00090814-00090993 and their families and it's going to be KImoMB_N8fM-00319-00090994-00091359 in a very intense time for them because KImoMB_N8fM-00320-00091360-00091686 obviously some of the time we spend in KImoMB_N8fM-00321-00091687-00091875 the hospital with our family I know I KImoMB_N8fM-00322-00091876-00092067 had surgery last year and my wife KImoMB_N8fM-00323-00092068-00092280 basically stayed with me and slept the KImoMB_N8fM-00324-00092281-00092496 hospital the entire time I was there KImoMB_N8fM-00325-00092497-00092745 so she was comfortable being with me and KImoMB_N8fM-00326-00092746-00093015 I was there to have her you know her KImoMB_N8fM-00327-00093016-00093240 support unfortunately these people are KImoMB_N8fM-00328-00093241-00093447 going to be gravely ill and we'll have KImoMB_N8fM-00329-00093448-00093861 nobody there with them one side note I KImoMB_N8fM-00330-00093862-00094109 wanted to say is that when it comes to KImoMB_N8fM-00331-00094110-00094305 to those of us who work in the health KImoMB_N8fM-00332-00094306-00094797 care industry we we our patients are our KImoMB_N8fM-00333-00094798-00095022 patients they mean a lot to us so I KImoMB_N8fM-00334-00095023-00095247 don't think those patients are ever KImoMB_N8fM-00335-00095248-00095487 alone they may not be with the people KImoMB_N8fM-00336-00095488-00095808 that they want to be with but we very we KImoMB_N8fM-00337-00095809-00096009 care very much about what we do and we KImoMB_N8fM-00338-00096010-00096234 care very much about our patients but KImoMB_N8fM-00339-00096235-00096369 that's going to be an enormous stress KImoMB_N8fM-00340-00096370-00096531 not just for the patients but it's going KImoMB_N8fM-00341-00096532-00096714 to be an enormous stress for the family KImoMB_N8fM-00342-00096715-00096932 something unprecedented that you won't KImoMB_N8fM-00343-00096933-00097224 see every day unless you're in a crisis KImoMB_N8fM-00344-00097225-00097671 like this one other thing that that just KImoMB_N8fM-00345-00097672-00097974 struck me over the past few days - from KImoMB_N8fM-00346-00097975-00098292 personal experience is the middle of KImoMB_N8fM-00347-00098293-00098571 last week the billing person in my KImoMB_N8fM-00348-00098572-00098991 office developed a fever and so we sent KImoMB_N8fM-00349-00098992-00099270 her home right away and I arranged for KImoMB_N8fM-00350-00099271-00099654 her to get tested for the the kovat KImoMB_N8fM-00351-00099655-00099981 virus and we don't have that that back KImoMB_N8fM-00352-00099982-00100167 yet but her husband has subsequently KImoMB_N8fM-00353-00100168-00100698 become ill he was also tested but we KImoMB_N8fM-00354-00100699-00100827 don't and we don't have those results KImoMB_N8fM-00355-00100828-00101118 back yet but we are doing strictly KImoMB_N8fM-00356-00101119-00101316 telemedicine right now in our office and KImoMB_N8fM-00357-00101317-00101502 we're kind of isolating from each other KImoMB_N8fM-00358-00101503-00101657 and we're isolating from our families KImoMB_N8fM-00359-00101658-00101874 because we're fairly sure that she has KImoMB_N8fM-00360-00101875-00102186 developed the virus and she has been KImoMB_N8fM-00361-00102187-00102441 doing nothing but apologizing for the KImoMB_N8fM-00362-00102442-00102683 last several days because of the the KImoMB_N8fM-00363-00102684-00102911 changes that have occurred to the office KImoMB_N8fM-00364-00102913-00103169 and that brought to mind the idea of KImoMB_N8fM-00365-00103170-00103523 blame and guilt that in KImoMB_N8fM-00366-00103524-00104016 unusual situation like this that people KImoMB_N8fM-00367-00104017-00104175 will have a tremendous amount of guilt KImoMB_N8fM-00368-00104176-00104454 if they happen to be the person who may KImoMB_N8fM-00369-00104455-00104786 have brought the virus home or god KImoMB_N8fM-00370-00104788-00105174 forbid they got sick and their KImoMB_N8fM-00371-00105175-00105567 grandparent got sick and maybe succumb KImoMB_N8fM-00372-00105568-00106016 to the disease and I you know I think KImoMB_N8fM-00373-00106017-00106565 how people manage that well I said to my KImoMB_N8fM-00374-00106566-00106773 billing person is look this is a KImoMB_N8fM-00375-00106774-00106856 pandemic KImoMB_N8fM-00376-00106857-00107079 you don't know where this is going to KImoMB_N8fM-00377-00107080-00107285 come from we're all doing our best but KImoMB_N8fM-00378-00107286-00107517 people in spite of their best efforts KImoMB_N8fM-00379-00107518-00107796 and their best behavior are gonna get KImoMB_N8fM-00380-00107797-00108030 this disease and are going to get this KImoMB_N8fM-00381-00108031-00108683 infection and I feel sorry for for some KImoMB_N8fM-00382-00108684-00108876 of the people that may go through that KImoMB_N8fM-00383-00108877-00109266 those waves of blame and guilt so those KImoMB_N8fM-00384-00109267-00109466 are just some of the things that I've KImoMB_N8fM-00385-00109467-00109770 that I've sent to Andrew things I think KImoMB_N8fM-00386-00109771-00110028 that are worth discussing in the realm KImoMB_N8fM-00387-00110029-00110285 of past from care yeah KImoMB_N8fM-00388-00110286-00110706 and I believe dr. Joseph we've had a KImoMB_N8fM-00389-00110707-00110958 couple of pastors just online on our KImoMB_N8fM-00390-00110958-00111228 kind of clergy Facebook group mentioned KImoMB_N8fM-00391-00111229-00111450 that they've had to deal with some of KImoMB_N8fM-00392-00111451-00111765 that isolation already and before we go KImoMB_N8fM-00393-00111766-00112058 to Brittany I just wanted to ask we've KImoMB_N8fM-00394-00112059-00112296 had some questions about can chaplains KImoMB_N8fM-00395-00112297-00112604 who are already a part of hospital staff KImoMB_N8fM-00396-00112605-00112913 access patients once they're in that KImoMB_N8fM-00397-00112914-00113406 kind of quarantine um that's a question KImoMB_N8fM-00398-00113407-00113553 would be I think that might be a better KImoMB_N8fM-00399-00113554-00113904 question for Brittany and she's there in KImoMB_N8fM-00400-00113905-00114117 the hospital right now oh I would think KImoMB_N8fM-00401-00114118-00114396 that they can but she would know what KImoMB_N8fM-00402-00114397-00114801 her hospital policy is okay well welcome KImoMB_N8fM-00403-00114802-00115194 Brittany who's here with us she is a KImoMB_N8fM-00404-00115195-00115380 surgeon here at Baylor Scott & White KImoMB_N8fM-00405-00115381-00115590 here in Grapevine and we're so happy to KImoMB_N8fM-00406-00115591-00116343 have you here I'm you hi thanks for KImoMB_N8fM-00407-00116344-00116569 having me sorry I'm KImoMB_N8fM-00408-00116570-00116829 kids and obviously I know we're all KImoMB_N8fM-00409-00116830-00117025 dealing with this right now so you might KImoMB_N8fM-00410-00117026-00117528 have extra guests today um but yes so I KImoMB_N8fM-00411-00117529-00117700 was just listening to kind of the last KImoMB_N8fM-00412-00117701-00117868 part of that and I saw the question KImoMB_N8fM-00413-00117869-00118033 about Chaplin so I'll go ahead and KImoMB_N8fM-00414-00118033-00118308 address that as far as I know chaplains KImoMB_N8fM-00415-00118309-00118713 are allowed to kind of access those KImoMB_N8fM-00416-00118714-00118935 areas but I don't know right now how KImoMB_N8fM-00417-00118936-00119214 long they'll be able to access the KImoMB_N8fM-00418-00119215-00119506 actual patients right now like at KImoMB_N8fM-00419-00119507-00119712 grapevine they're creating kovetz floors KImoMB_N8fM-00420-00119713-00120036 so entire floors that used to treat KImoMB_N8fM-00421-00120038-00120308 other patients are just Kovac patients KImoMB_N8fM-00422-00120309-00120631 and so we try to limit the amount of ins KImoMB_N8fM-00423-00120632-00121246 and outs of that unit each day and but I KImoMB_N8fM-00424-00121247-00121434 do think they have at least a little bit KImoMB_N8fM-00425-00121435-00121573 of that available KImoMB_N8fM-00426-00121574-00121795 I know isolation has been really really KImoMB_N8fM-00427-00121796-00121953 hard I'm sure you guys have seen some of KImoMB_N8fM-00428-00121954-00122208 the pictures and things that people kind KImoMB_N8fM-00429-00122209-00122395 of meeting outside hospital windows and KImoMB_N8fM-00430-00122396-00122664 whatnot and a bay there grapevine you KImoMB_N8fM-00431-00122665-00122784 can't even do that because there's KImoMB_N8fM-00432-00122785-00123148 nobody on a bottom floor so it's been KImoMB_N8fM-00433-00123149-00123472 really I think that's tough on everybody KImoMB_N8fM-00434-00123473-00123633 it's tough on the health care workers KImoMB_N8fM-00435-00123634-00124099 too you're isolated to that unit for the KImoMB_N8fM-00436-00124100-00124456 whole day on your shift you don't leave KImoMB_N8fM-00437-00124457-00124594 you can't like go down to the cafeteria KImoMB_N8fM-00438-00124595-00124848 that you normally would to eat lunch KImoMB_N8fM-00439-00124849-00125037 thankfully you do have some other health KImoMB_N8fM-00440-00125038-00125194 care workers with you but obviously it's KImoMB_N8fM-00441-00125195-00125550 a very limited staff so it can be a KImoMB_N8fM-00442-00125551-00125875 really really hard day to be working on KImoMB_N8fM-00443-00125876-00126268 that unit when I see one of our KImoMB_N8fM-00444-00126269-00126483 colleagues here Eric folk earth from KImoMB_N8fM-00445-00126484-00126764 Dallas at Kessler Park is saying that KImoMB_N8fM-00446-00126765-00127018 some chaplains at Methodist Dallas have KImoMB_N8fM-00447-00127019-00127302 said they're being restricted from COBIT KImoMB_N8fM-00448-00127303-00127589 patients in that hospital network so KImoMB_N8fM-00449-00127590-00127878 yeah I think it's gonna come down to how KImoMB_N8fM-00450-00127879-00128269 many patients you have and kind of where KImoMB_N8fM-00451-00128270-00128466 they're at and if they're able to be KImoMB_N8fM-00452-00128467-00128814 kind of isolated obviously we don't want KImoMB_N8fM-00453-00128815-00128985 to expose our chaplains either KImoMB_N8fM-00454-00128986-00129394 and so it's kind of hospital system by KImoMB_N8fM-00455-00129395-00129714 hospital system right now like I said I KImoMB_N8fM-00456-00129715-00129909 haven't been told that our chaplains are KImoMB_N8fM-00457-00129910-00130266 restricted but I imagine as our numbers KImoMB_N8fM-00458-00130267-00130903 get bigger they probably will be and so KImoMB_N8fM-00459-00130904-00131134 some other things I you know he just had KImoMB_N8fM-00460-00131135-00131419 a lot of good things to say that apply KImoMB_N8fM-00461-00131420-00131653 to those of us in the hospital those of KImoMB_N8fM-00462-00131654-00131934 us as outpatients everybody obviously KImoMB_N8fM-00463-00131935-00132436 this isn't going to leave anyone KImoMB_N8fM-00464-00132437-00132715 untouched everyone's going to be KImoMB_N8fM-00465-00132716-00133045 affected whether it's your health or KImoMB_N8fM-00466-00133046-00133414 your finances or your loved ones or any KImoMB_N8fM-00467-00133415-00133657 of that so I think that's something to KImoMB_N8fM-00468-00133658-00133834 kind of keep in mind and as health care KImoMB_N8fM-00469-00133835-00134056 workers were kind of doubly affected KImoMB_N8fM-00470-00134057-00134241 like he said these are our patients and KImoMB_N8fM-00471-00134242-00134490 that's who we care about the most KImoMB_N8fM-00472-00134491-00134749 that's why we've all been just begging KImoMB_N8fM-00473-00134750-00135139 people to stay home we we don't want KImoMB_N8fM-00474-00135140-00135590 this number of patients for anybody and KImoMB_N8fM-00475-00135591-00135844 we don't want them to be this sick with KImoMB_N8fM-00476-00135845-00136101 something that we'd know so little about KImoMB_N8fM-00477-00136102-00136399 we've come so far in medicine in the KImoMB_N8fM-00478-00136400-00136762 last hundred years that you know I don't KImoMB_N8fM-00479-00136763-00136963 think any of us expected anything like KImoMB_N8fM-00480-00136964-00137164 the Spanish flu to come back and get us KImoMB_N8fM-00481-00137165-00137565 again so I think that's kind of the big KImoMB_N8fM-00482-00137566-00137869 part of it is that we're just for our KImoMB_N8fM-00483-00137870-00138082 generation we've never seen anything KImoMB_N8fM-00484-00138083-00138366 like this we've had scares sure we've KImoMB_N8fM-00485-00138367-00138640 seen SARS we've seen MERS we've seen in KImoMB_N8fM-00486-00138641-00138870 bola we've seen all of that from KImoMB_N8fM-00487-00138871-00139078 everywhere else but especially here in KImoMB_N8fM-00488-00139079-00139249 the United States and really much of KImoMB_N8fM-00489-00139250-00139474 Europe we've been pretty well protected KImoMB_N8fM-00490-00139475-00139684 from massive outbreaks of anything KImoMB_N8fM-00491-00139685-00140095 really scary for a for basically any KImoMB_N8fM-00492-00140096-00140596 living generation so you know again I do KImoMB_N8fM-00493-00140597-00140794 think guilt is a lot of it and I hate KImoMB_N8fM-00494-00140795-00140998 seeing that I think mental health is KImoMB_N8fM-00495-00140999-00141226 going to be a we're gonna have another KImoMB_N8fM-00496-00141227-00141382 pandemic when this is all over and KImoMB_N8fM-00497-00141383-00141571 unfortunately I don't know that it's one KImoMB_N8fM-00498-00141572-00141895 that we can avoid and so we're all going KImoMB_N8fM-00499-00141896-00142072 to need bigger support systems than what KImoMB_N8fM-00500-00142073-00142308 we had before KImoMB_N8fM-00501-00142309-00142549 but once we get through this like I said KImoMB_N8fM-00502-00142550-00142720 no one's gonna be untouched and so the KImoMB_N8fM-00503-00142721-00142866 mental health aspect is going to be KImoMB_N8fM-00504-00142867-00143049 something that's going to be drastically KImoMB_N8fM-00505-00143050-00143311 different and we already know KImoMB_N8fM-00506-00143312-00143555 especially you know in the United States KImoMB_N8fM-00507-00143556-00143681 but really throughout the world mental KImoMB_N8fM-00508-00143682-00143918 health is not well funded there aren't a KImoMB_N8fM-00509-00143919-00144086 lot of psychiatrists there aren't a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00510-00144087-00144272 of even like psychotherapists there's KImoMB_N8fM-00511-00144273-00144557 not enough for the world as it was much KImoMB_N8fM-00512-00144558-00144773 less now that we have people dealing KImoMB_N8fM-00513-00144774-00144920 with acute anxiety that they've never KImoMB_N8fM-00514-00144921-00145274 had to deal with before so there's a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00515-00145275-00145511 of different aspects to this that I KImoMB_N8fM-00516-00145512-00145793 think are also confounding factors for KImoMB_N8fM-00517-00145794-00146015 healthcare workers because it's scary to KImoMB_N8fM-00518-00146016-00146195 walk in the door right now to the KImoMB_N8fM-00519-00146196-00146537 hospital and you know I went through KImoMB_N8fM-00520-00146538-00146773 physician burnout a couple years ago and KImoMB_N8fM-00521-00146774-00147026 there were certain days that I dreaded KImoMB_N8fM-00522-00147027-00147314 going to work this is a whole different KImoMB_N8fM-00523-00147315-00147752 kind of dread it's a my gonna get KImoMB_N8fM-00524-00147753-00147953 exposed today am I going to potentially KImoMB_N8fM-00525-00147954-00148253 cross contaminate someone if I see KImoMB_N8fM-00526-00148254-00148468 someone that I didn't know was positive KImoMB_N8fM-00527-00148469-00148808 just every last aspect of your day is KImoMB_N8fM-00528-00148809-00149227 affected and I think you know we all KImoMB_N8fM-00529-00149228-00149450 especially like as a surgeon okay I'm KImoMB_N8fM-00530-00149451-00149741 obsessed with sterility and all that and KImoMB_N8fM-00531-00149742-00150149 it's so difficult to maintain that right KImoMB_N8fM-00532-00150150-00150452 now and not be worried about passing KImoMB_N8fM-00533-00150453-00150614 things from one patient to another and KImoMB_N8fM-00534-00150615-00151022 being the vector for people it's just KImoMB_N8fM-00535-00151023-00151178 like I said it's very very different KImoMB_N8fM-00536-00151179-00151478 than anything we've ever done KImoMB_N8fM-00537-00151479-00151748 I you know everyone talks about MRSA or KImoMB_N8fM-00538-00151749-00152123 you know the resistant staph and that's KImoMB_N8fM-00539-00152124-00152243 just something as health care workers we KImoMB_N8fM-00540-00152244-00152423 don't know we're colonized with now like KImoMB_N8fM-00541-00152424-00152696 even if you tried to control an eyes KImoMB_N8fM-00542-00152697-00153172 again tomorrow and so yes it's a scary KImoMB_N8fM-00543-00153173-00153359 bacteria but it's something we know how KImoMB_N8fM-00544-00153360-00153566 to treat and this is just drastically KImoMB_N8fM-00545-00153567-00153911 different so I think those are kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00546-00153912-00154082 some of the things and you know he KImoMB_N8fM-00547-00154083-00154385 mentioned to just like our amount of PPE KImoMB_N8fM-00548-00154386-00154631 that we need and we don't currently have KImoMB_N8fM-00549-00154632-00154769 but hopefully it will be coming soon KImoMB_N8fM-00550-00154770-00155291 soon you know that is that makes it even KImoMB_N8fM-00551-00155292-00155429 scarier you don't know if you're KImoMB_N8fM-00552-00155430-00155675 adequately protected you're trying your KImoMB_N8fM-00553-00155676-00155936 best to protect yourself but really what KImoMB_N8fM-00554-00155937-00156137 we're all thinking is okay if I protect KImoMB_N8fM-00555-00156138-00156317 myself how do I protect the next person KImoMB_N8fM-00556-00156318-00156669 that I see and KImoMB_N8fM-00557-00156670-00156780 you know especially if we start running KImoMB_N8fM-00558-00156781-00157338 low on PPE and I think that's kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00559-00157339-00157605 the big scary part is you know we're KImoMB_N8fM-00560-00157606-00157710 used to just being able to put some KImoMB_N8fM-00561-00157711-00158046 gloves on and that kind of thing just to KImoMB_N8fM-00562-00158047-00158178 protect ourselves in the next patient KImoMB_N8fM-00563-00158179-00158436 and I know some hospitals in New York KImoMB_N8fM-00564-00158437-00158628 that there they've been instructed to KImoMB_N8fM-00565-00158629-00158874 like keep the same gloves on if they're KImoMB_N8fM-00566-00158875-00159018 going to see somebody with the same KImoMB_N8fM-00567-00159019-00159333 infectious disease which i think is just KImoMB_N8fM-00568-00159334-00159399 crazy KImoMB_N8fM-00569-00159400-00159612 and yes I see that PPE is personal KImoMB_N8fM-00570-00159613-00159852 protective equipment sorry it's KImoMB_N8fM-00571-00159853-00160083 something we all talk about all the time KImoMB_N8fM-00572-00160084-00160376 and especially right now so I forget to KImoMB_N8fM-00573-00160377-00160878 outline that for you guys but it's those KImoMB_N8fM-00574-00160879-00161052 are there's a lot of different aspects KImoMB_N8fM-00575-00161053-00161280 that are really hard right now hopefully KImoMB_N8fM-00576-00161281-00161391 we're going to be learning a little bit KImoMB_N8fM-00577-00161392-00161796 more about it as obviously we get more KImoMB_N8fM-00578-00161797-00161961 data especially coming out of Europe I KImoMB_N8fM-00579-00161962-00162150 think all of us are a little concerned KImoMB_N8fM-00580-00162151-00162483 about China's data now it doesn't seem KImoMB_N8fM-00581-00162484-00163070 to fit basically anyone else's data and KImoMB_N8fM-00582-00163071-00163352 but we are still getting some good KImoMB_N8fM-00583-00163353-00163611 information about the virus itself how KImoMB_N8fM-00584-00163612-00163803 it acts what it is just scientific bench KImoMB_N8fM-00585-00163804-00164001 research that we can use to try to KImoMB_N8fM-00586-00164002-00164271 figure out how to treat it and hopefully KImoMB_N8fM-00587-00164272-00164640 in a way we will have been blessed that KImoMB_N8fM-00588-00164641-00164958 we weren't the first to have this that KImoMB_N8fM-00589-00164959-00165228 will be not necessarily the last KImoMB_N8fM-00590-00165229-00165813 obviously but I think it would be it's KImoMB_N8fM-00591-00165814-00166020 nice to know that everyone else has had KImoMB_N8fM-00592-00166021-00166149 it because we're getting a lot of KImoMB_N8fM-00593-00166150-00166353 information we're getting a lot of data KImoMB_N8fM-00594-00166354-00166599 we're getting small clinical trials to KImoMB_N8fM-00595-00166600-00166871 help us figure out how to treat people KImoMB_N8fM-00596-00166872-00167322 and so hopefully that will help us keep KImoMB_N8fM-00597-00167323-00167568 our numbers or at least our mortality KImoMB_N8fM-00598-00167569-00167910 rate a little lower although if you look KImoMB_N8fM-00599-00167911-00168087 at New York right now it's hard to say KImoMB_N8fM-00600-00168088-00168537 that that's going to be true but you KImoMB_N8fM-00601-00168538-00168762 know I think the big things that we're KImoMB_N8fM-00602-00168763-00168975 all worried about is we've been hearing KImoMB_N8fM-00603-00168976-00169182 about it for a month now of like oh it's KImoMB_N8fM-00604-00169183-00169404 coming oh it's coming oh we're a couple KImoMB_N8fM-00605-00169405-00169611 weeks behind Italy well the entire KImoMB_N8fM-00606-00169612-00169815 United States was a couple weeks behind KImoMB_N8fM-00607-00169816-00170079 Italy so then if you think about KImoMB_N8fM-00608-00170080-00170304 you know New York being a couple weeks KImoMB_N8fM-00609-00170305-00170514 behind Italy well then we're probably a KImoMB_N8fM-00610-00170515-00170883 couple weeks behind New York at least KImoMB_N8fM-00611-00170884-00171215 here like in the Dallas area so I think KImoMB_N8fM-00612-00171216-00171507 that part has been really hard is just KImoMB_N8fM-00613-00171508-00171684 constantly knowing that something KImoMB_N8fM-00614-00171685-00171840 terrible is coming but not really KImoMB_N8fM-00615-00171841-00172356 knowing when and you know just trying to KImoMB_N8fM-00616-00172357-00172632 extrapolate data to try to do our best KImoMB_N8fM-00617-00172633-00172941 to ramp up before then you know KImoMB_N8fM-00618-00172942-00173121 thankfully we are going to be turning KImoMB_N8fM-00619-00173122-00173576 our convention center into like a CO vid KImoMB_N8fM-00620-00173577-00173832 ward for the sort of lack of a better KImoMB_N8fM-00621-00173833-00174252 term and trying to be prepared with you KImoMB_N8fM-00622-00174253-00174512 know not building military hospitals KImoMB_N8fM-00623-00174513-00174831 like after the fact when you already KImoMB_N8fM-00624-00174832-00175161 need them all but beforehand and trying KImoMB_N8fM-00625-00175162-00175410 to do all these things that Italy said KImoMB_N8fM-00626-00175411-00175647 that they ended up doing but can we get KImoMB_N8fM-00627-00175648-00175905 that all in place beforehand and make KImoMB_N8fM-00628-00175906-00176064 sure our infrastructure is ready and KImoMB_N8fM-00629-00176065-00176366 right now all of our data points to KImoMB_N8fM-00630-00176367-00176802 basically North Texas should be affected KImoMB_N8fM-00631-00176803-00177273 oh around like April 6th should be our KImoMB_N8fM-00632-00177274-00177597 like major surge obviously that changes KImoMB_N8fM-00633-00177598-00177942 day to day it's hard to say you know KImoMB_N8fM-00634-00177943-00178296 that social distancing isn't working we KImoMB_N8fM-00635-00178297-00178539 had a couple days where our rate of rise KImoMB_N8fM-00636-00178540-00178767 like how many new cases we got actually KImoMB_N8fM-00637-00178768-00179166 came down but typically that happens KImoMB_N8fM-00638-00179167-00179298 right before the weekend and then on KImoMB_N8fM-00639-00179299-00179534 Monday the number really jumps again so KImoMB_N8fM-00640-00179535-00179985 I think we still have to keep that in KImoMB_N8fM-00641-00179986-00180195 mind and as long as our rate of rise is KImoMB_N8fM-00642-00180196-00180459 staying low then we shouldn't see any KImoMB_N8fM-00643-00180460-00180669 major issues with this until the end of KImoMB_N8fM-00644-00180670-00180888 April as far as capacity goes and KImoMB_N8fM-00645-00180889-00181134 hopefully by then some of our first KImoMB_N8fM-00646-00181135-00181287 patients will be out of the hospital and KImoMB_N8fM-00647-00181288-00181439 that would be ideal KImoMB_N8fM-00648-00181440-00181749 but and hopefully we'll have experienced KImoMB_N8fM-00649-00181750-00181863 a little bit of the flattening of the KImoMB_N8fM-00650-00181864-00182097 curve as opposed to a massive peak but KImoMB_N8fM-00651-00182098-00182346 if our rate of rise stays kind of where KImoMB_N8fM-00652-00182347-00182694 it has been the last week or so then KImoMB_N8fM-00653-00182695-00182916 we're looking at April 6 through 13th KImoMB_N8fM-00654-00182917-00183294 really being difficult KImoMB_N8fM-00655-00183295-00183614 and even you know a grapevine we could KImoMB_N8fM-00656-00183615-00183716 potentially see some of that a little KImoMB_N8fM-00657-00183717-00183851 earlier just because we're a slightly KImoMB_N8fM-00658-00183852-00184076 smaller Hospital that still serves a KImoMB_N8fM-00659-00184077-00184502 pretty large population so that's kind KImoMB_N8fM-00660-00184503-00184824 of hard to guess like which hospitals KImoMB_N8fM-00661-00184825-00185150 might be overrun beforehand but as a as KImoMB_N8fM-00662-00185151-00185477 an area of the state we should be KImoMB_N8fM-00663-00185478-00185799 looking sometime after April 6 when KImoMB_N8fM-00664-00185800-00185990 things really start to get stretched as KImoMB_N8fM-00665-00185991-00186127 far as how many hospital beds we have KImoMB_N8fM-00666-00186128-00186425 and whatnot I think what scares me about KImoMB_N8fM-00667-00186426-00186711 the Convention Center being turned into KImoMB_N8fM-00668-00186712-00186925 a covert ward I think it's awesome but KImoMB_N8fM-00669-00186926-00187125 I'm concerned about where we're gonna KImoMB_N8fM-00670-00187126-00187299 get the physicians and the health care KImoMB_N8fM-00671-00187300-00187562 workers especially if all of us end up KImoMB_N8fM-00672-00187563-00187836 exposed at work then our numbers for our KImoMB_N8fM-00673-00187837-00188089 own hospitals are already low and then KImoMB_N8fM-00674-00188090-00188349 you obviously if you're sick can't go KImoMB_N8fM-00675-00188350-00188619 volunteer over there if you're KImoMB_N8fM-00676-00188620-00188781 quarantined you can't volunteer down KImoMB_N8fM-00677-00188782-00188987 there either so I think that's the big KImoMB_N8fM-00678-00188988-00189284 concern is it would be great to kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00679-00189285-00189575 cohort them all together but are we KImoMB_N8fM-00680-00189576-00190148 gonna have the appropriate staff so I KImoMB_N8fM-00681-00190149-00190439 think yeah that's one of the things that KImoMB_N8fM-00682-00190440-00190700 I'm concerned about I mean if I'm needed KImoMB_N8fM-00683-00190701-00191061 I'm needed but I don't go to the KImoMB_N8fM-00684-00191062-00191460 hospital by choice right now but you KImoMB_N8fM-00685-00191461-00191646 know I'm just thinking that at some KImoMB_N8fM-00686-00191647-00191856 point you know they're gonna need a KImoMB_N8fM-00687-00191857-00192140 pulmonologist and and you know what if KImoMB_N8fM-00688-00192141-00193050 they do I'll go right yeah exactly and I KImoMB_N8fM-00689-00193051-00193269 think to like you know even our hospital KImoMB_N8fM-00690-00193270-00193581 system sent out a survey last week KImoMB_N8fM-00691-00193582-00193845 sometime I think asking people like in KImoMB_N8fM-00692-00193846-00194025 the community community physicians like KImoMB_N8fM-00693-00194026-00194184 what your skill sets are how long has it KImoMB_N8fM-00694-00194185-00194298 been since you've seen a patient in the KImoMB_N8fM-00695-00194299-00194539 hospital are you comfortable KImoMB_N8fM-00696-00194540-00194714 what are you comfortable seeing KImoMB_N8fM-00697-00194715-00195111 basically essentially can you run some KImoMB_N8fM-00698-00195112-00195269 shifts in the ER if we need you KImoMB_N8fM-00699-00195270-00195518 especially from like family medicine KImoMB_N8fM-00700-00195519-00195969 physicians Urgent Care even outpatient KImoMB_N8fM-00701-00195970-00196098 internal medicine those kinds of people KImoMB_N8fM-00702-00196099-00196293 are great to have any our if we need KImoMB_N8fM-00703-00196294-00196502 them and then obviously backing up the KImoMB_N8fM-00704-00196503-00196818 rest of your front lines like our ICU KImoMB_N8fM-00705-00196819-00197220 and then I'm a surgical intensivist so I KImoMB_N8fM-00706-00197221-00197418 will end up backing up the pulmonologist KImoMB_N8fM-00707-00197419-00197778 in the medical intensivist soon and so KImoMB_N8fM-00708-00197779-00197961 then who's gonna take my patients and so KImoMB_N8fM-00709-00197962-00198159 it's just this constant like conveyer KImoMB_N8fM-00710-00198160-00198453 belt of physicians like bringing them up KImoMB_N8fM-00711-00198454-00198591 the line to things that they haven't KImoMB_N8fM-00712-00198592-00199002 done in a very long time I've seen a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00713-00199003-00199203 of great information though coming from KImoMB_N8fM-00714-00199204-00199527 some of the Facebook groups on copepod KImoMB_N8fM-00715-00199528-00199773 like how to treat it short little KImoMB_N8fM-00716-00199774-00199944 primers for people that haven't touched KImoMB_N8fM-00717-00199945-00200343 a ventilator in years there's a lot of KImoMB_N8fM-00718-00200344-00200502 good information just trying to kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00719-00200503-00200892 quickly educate the masses and I think KImoMB_N8fM-00720-00200893-00201060 that's good because I have you know KImoMB_N8fM-00721-00201061-00201261 ophthalmologist friends that they've KImoMB_N8fM-00722-00201262-00201438 already been asked like if they can do a KImoMB_N8fM-00723-00201439-00201654 hospitalist shift and granted they KImoMB_N8fM-00724-00201655-00201798 wouldn't be seeing the Kovac patients KImoMB_N8fM-00725-00201799-00201945 but they could certainly help with KImoMB_N8fM-00726-00201946-00202166 somebody you know otherwise KImoMB_N8fM-00727-00202167-00202407 same thing with dermatologists anybody KImoMB_N8fM-00728-00202408-00202593 that's basically done you know an KImoMB_N8fM-00729-00202594-00202791 internal medicine internship or a KImoMB_N8fM-00730-00202792-00202956 general surgery internship you've seen a KImoMB_N8fM-00731-00202957-00203208 whole Hospital we know you've touched KImoMB_N8fM-00732-00203209-00203547 event before and any kind of help you KImoMB_N8fM-00733-00203548-00203760 can get but I think it's really scary KImoMB_N8fM-00734-00203761-00203988 for the physicians to be doing things KImoMB_N8fM-00735-00203989-00204288 they haven't done in a decade or more KImoMB_N8fM-00736-00204289-00204684 most of them and you know what does that KImoMB_N8fM-00737-00204685-00204828 really say for patient care down the KImoMB_N8fM-00738-00204829-00205136 line but I know we're not unique in that KImoMB_N8fM-00739-00205137-00205419 Italy's definitely in that situation I KImoMB_N8fM-00740-00205419-00205731 know some orthopedic surgeons and even a KImoMB_N8fM-00741-00205732-00205946 pathologist that was helping on the KImoMB_N8fM-00742-00205948-00206205 kovat words there because eventually it KImoMB_N8fM-00743-00206206-00206385 becomes the whole hospital from KImoMB_N8fM-00744-00206386-00206640 everything we can see because it just KImoMB_N8fM-00745-00206641-00206889 starts doubling so quickly that you KImoMB_N8fM-00746-00206890-00207150 can't do anything but take care of the KImoMB_N8fM-00747-00207151-00207419 coded patients and apparently kovat KImoMB_N8fM-00748-00207421-00207825 presents like a lot of different things KImoMB_N8fM-00749-00207826-00208026 that we're used to seeing there's a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00750-00208027-00208389 of heart attacks with kovat apparently KImoMB_N8fM-00751-00208390-00208523 it can you know present is like KImoMB_N8fM-00752-00208525-00208662 abdominal pain so we think it's KImoMB_N8fM-00753-00208663-00208896 appendicitis and that could be possibly KImoMB_N8fM-00754-00208896-00209259 coded so it's good to have all of us on KImoMB_N8fM-00755-00209260-00209442 board with everyone's different KImoMB_N8fM-00756-00209442-00209958 expertise KImoMB_N8fM-00757-00209959-00210196 look a couple of questions come in that KImoMB_N8fM-00758-00210196-00210484 we want to see if we can try to get to KImoMB_N8fM-00759-00210485-00210937 one is do you'll have any opinions on KImoMB_N8fM-00760-00210938-00211138 judge Jenkins advice haven't heard this KImoMB_N8fM-00761-00211139-00211444 yet to take elderly parents out of KImoMB_N8fM-00762-00211444-00211821 retirement living nursing homes KImoMB_N8fM-00763-00211821-00212563 I would not well a nursing home you know KImoMB_N8fM-00764-00212564-00212986 I think Andrew Cuomo said nursing home KImoMB_N8fM-00765-00212987-00213403 in kovat is a is just a it's like a KImoMB_N8fM-00766-00213404-00213621 spark on gasoline KImoMB_N8fM-00767-00213623-00213869 I would not move anybody at this point KImoMB_N8fM-00768-00213871-00214192 you know I think you do more damage KImoMB_N8fM-00769-00214192-00214483 moving people rather than keeping them KImoMB_N8fM-00770-00214484-00214678 where they are most of the you know one KImoMB_N8fM-00771-00214679-00214867 of the things that I do one of my Blaine KImoMB_N8fM-00772-00214867-00215137 ministries as I do a I do a Sunday KImoMB_N8fM-00773-00215138-00215389 service that legacy at Willow Bend which KImoMB_N8fM-00774-00215390-00215667 is a large retirement community and KImoMB_N8fM-00775-00215669-00216048 Plano and I was supposed to preach there KImoMB_N8fM-00776-00216050-00216454 a few weeks ago and I I basically said KImoMB_N8fM-00777-00216455-00216573 in the middle of the week I don't think KImoMB_N8fM-00778-00216575-00216739 we should be gathering I don't think we KImoMB_N8fM-00779-00216740-00216910 should be bringing people in from the KImoMB_N8fM-00780-00216911-00217192 outside I've kept in touch with some of KImoMB_N8fM-00781-00217192-00217321 the people that I know there that I'm KImoMB_N8fM-00782-00217321-00217465 friends with there and they've been KImoMB_N8fM-00783-00217466-00217717 doing okay they keep you know they have KImoMB_N8fM-00784-00217717-00217939 no visitors and I think those kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00785-00217940-00218292 situations are a bit safer so I would KImoMB_N8fM-00786-00218294-00218623 move anybody yeah I'm kind of a that KImoMB_N8fM-00787-00218623-00218935 same thought I mean especially people KImoMB_N8fM-00788-00218936-00219133 with dementia and that kind of thing KImoMB_N8fM-00789-00219134-00219273 you're going to end up with them coming KImoMB_N8fM-00790-00219275-00219538 home to being in environments that they KImoMB_N8fM-00791-00219539-00219880 don't know their dementia can very KImoMB_N8fM-00792-00219881-00220367 acutely worsen in that respect I I KImoMB_N8fM-00793-00220369-00220714 understand the the thought behind it KImoMB_N8fM-00794-00220715-00221104 because like you said it's it's a spark KImoMB_N8fM-00795-00221105-00221292 around gasoline in a nursing home right KImoMB_N8fM-00796-00221294-00221461 now I mean if one gets it most of them KImoMB_N8fM-00797-00221462-00221665 are gonna get it it's very bad for the KImoMB_N8fM-00798-00221666-00222171 elderly but you know you can do a lot of KImoMB_N8fM-00799-00222173-00222352 damage by moving somebody so acutely KImoMB_N8fM-00800-00222353-00222553 without everything kind of happening and KImoMB_N8fM-00801-00222554-00222736 the last thing you want is them to end KImoMB_N8fM-00802-00222737-00223008 up in the hospital with a broken hip KImoMB_N8fM-00803-00223009-00223200 as opposed to at a nursing home where KImoMB_N8fM-00804-00223201-00223742 there was never a case of CO vid so and KImoMB_N8fM-00805-00223744-00223953 in Brittany you've been doing some work KImoMB_N8fM-00806-00223954-00224481 around mask production are these KImoMB_N8fM-00807-00224482-00224676 actually useful to health care workers KImoMB_N8fM-00808-00224677-00225099 right now so I think the big thing is we KImoMB_N8fM-00809-00225100-00225309 know even if we have adequate PPE right KImoMB_N8fM-00810-00225310-00225500 now we are not going to have it for long KImoMB_N8fM-00811-00225501-00225780 even if we get another huge shipment in KImoMB_N8fM-00812-00225781-00226026 in the next week it we're just gonna KImoMB_N8fM-00813-00226027-00226173 start doing going through things more KImoMB_N8fM-00814-00226174-00226642 quickly as we see more patients and so KImoMB_N8fM-00815-00226642-00226869 part of it is it's great for the KImoMB_N8fM-00816-00226871-00227064 patients that come into the ER that are KImoMB_N8fM-00817-00227065-00227259 technically well and they're not KImoMB_N8fM-00818-00227260-00227472 necessarily therefore coded if they have KImoMB_N8fM-00819-00227473-00227644 a mask that they can then keep with them KImoMB_N8fM-00820-00227644-00227877 their entire hospital stay that's a KImoMB_N8fM-00821-00227878-00228153 really good thing because then they're KImoMB_N8fM-00822-00228154-00228423 protecting themselves and/or if there is KImoMB_N8fM-00823-00228424-00228642 any suspection it's just like if we are KImoMB_N8fM-00824-00228644-00228763 suspecting them at all KImoMB_N8fM-00825-00228764-00229042 we can protect them I know there's a lot KImoMB_N8fM-00826-00229042-00229269 of concern on if they're actually KImoMB_N8fM-00827-00229271-00229521 helpful yes it is next to impossible to KImoMB_N8fM-00828-00229522-00229955 hand make like an in 95 at home and KImoMB_N8fM-00829-00229956-00230220 ideally we would all be wearing in 95 KImoMB_N8fM-00830-00230221-00230716 but you know if you're just trying to KImoMB_N8fM-00831-00230717-00230883 like see patients and you're just going KImoMB_N8fM-00832-00230884-00231009 through hallways and that kind of thing KImoMB_N8fM-00833-00231010-00231285 I think it's useful the more we're KImoMB_N8fM-00834-00231286-00231420 finding out like from South Korea I KImoMB_N8fM-00835-00231421-00231664 think everyone having a mask was KImoMB_N8fM-00836-00231665-00231960 probably a good idea so like I said KImoMB_N8fM-00837-00231961-00232122 they're great for like the well patients KImoMB_N8fM-00838-00232123-00232339 and then you know in the ER if you do KImoMB_N8fM-00839-00232340-00232485 have an elderly person that's in the KImoMB_N8fM-00840-00232486-00232704 emergency room you can't have one person KImoMB_N8fM-00841-00232705-00233019 with them at least initially and that KImoMB_N8fM-00842-00233021-00233133 person definitely needs to be protected KImoMB_N8fM-00843-00233134-00233247 because you don't know who you're gonna KImoMB_N8fM-00844-00233248-00233433 see out in the waiting room that kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00845-00233434-00233869 thing so while we can't necessarily say KImoMB_N8fM-00846-00233869-00234000 that they're great for the healthcare KImoMB_N8fM-00847-00234001-00234159 workers they're great for everyone else KImoMB_N8fM-00848-00234160-00234396 that we need to provide a mask to so KImoMB_N8fM-00849-00234397-00234567 that then we can still use what we do KImoMB_N8fM-00850-00234569-00235240 have and we only get one in 95 per shift KImoMB_N8fM-00851-00235241-00235390 so it's nice to be able to cover them up KImoMB_N8fM-00852-00235391-00235674 with homemade masks so there's that - KImoMB_N8fM-00853-00235675-00236220 well and Kimmy is asking our patients KImoMB_N8fM-00854-00236221-00236409 with koban 19 and KImoMB_N8fM-00855-00236410-00236707 in a unit able to have their phones or KImoMB_N8fM-00856-00236708-00236917 devices that could connect them since KImoMB_N8fM-00857-00236917-00237153 there is going to be so much isolation KImoMB_N8fM-00858-00237154-00237400 yes as far as I know we are not taking KImoMB_N8fM-00859-00237401-00237559 away any of their personal belongings KImoMB_N8fM-00860-00237560-00237781 and in fact we're encouraging them to KImoMB_N8fM-00861-00237782-00238084 bring their phones and whatnot I mean we KImoMB_N8fM-00862-00238085-00238276 can their phone as long as it's not KImoMB_N8fM-00863-00238277-00238419 leaving the room isn't going going back KImoMB_N8fM-00864-00238421-00238654 to the rest of the hospital everything KImoMB_N8fM-00865-00238655-00238842 is getting wiped down more than usual KImoMB_N8fM-00866-00238842-00239236 and you know I know some places were KImoMB_N8fM-00867-00239237-00239407 moving towards like where you couldn't KImoMB_N8fM-00868-00239408-00239542 even have your partner there if you were KImoMB_N8fM-00869-00239542-00239902 delivering like for pregnancy and that KImoMB_N8fM-00870-00239903-00240283 just seemed awful but yes they can't KImoMB_N8fM-00871-00240284-00240679 have phones and I encourage anyone if KImoMB_N8fM-00872-00240680-00240829 you end up in the hospital to take those KImoMB_N8fM-00873-00240830-00240961 things with you like an iPad or KImoMB_N8fM-00874-00240962-00241213 something so that you can video with KImoMB_N8fM-00875-00241214-00241546 people at home and especially if you're KImoMB_N8fM-00876-00241546-00241681 like over on labor and delivery you're KImoMB_N8fM-00877-00241682-00242137 gonna be limited to visitors much more KImoMB_N8fM-00878-00242138-00242431 so than what we're used to and so when KImoMB_N8fM-00879-00242432-00242632 you want Grandma grand you know KImoMB_N8fM-00880-00242633-00242923 everybody to meet the baby a lot of it's KImoMB_N8fM-00881-00242923-00243157 gonna be unfortunately over the phone KImoMB_N8fM-00882-00243158-00243405 right now KImoMB_N8fM-00883-00243406-00243817 well thank you and Cathy Sweeney has a KImoMB_N8fM-00884-00243817-00244102 question about the kay Bailey Convention KImoMB_N8fM-00885-00244103-00244315 Center and used as a coab in nineteen KImoMB_N8fM-00886-00244316-00244501 hospital what's going to happen to the KImoMB_N8fM-00887-00244502-00244671 homeless shelters that were using it for KImoMB_N8fM-00888-00244673-00245038 overflow that may be a question for some KImoMB_N8fM-00889-00245039-00245155 of our colleagues that are more in touch KImoMB_N8fM-00890-00245156-00245410 with homeless issues but you'll have KImoMB_N8fM-00891-00245411-00245605 haven't really heard I know I've been KImoMB_N8fM-00892-00245606-00245746 really concerned about our homeless KImoMB_N8fM-00893-00245746-00245863 shelters because they have all KImoMB_N8fM-00894-00245864-00246283 essentially been full lately and like I KImoMB_N8fM-00895-00246284-00246469 even it's like even the woman's like KImoMB_N8fM-00896-00246469-00246742 domestic abuse shelters they're all all KImoMB_N8fM-00897-00246742-00247023 completely full all of them so if one KImoMB_N8fM-00898-00247025-00247248 person in those they're they're kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00899-00247250-00247375 like a nursing home we only need one KImoMB_N8fM-00900-00247376-00247627 person in them to get sick and then the KImoMB_N8fM-00901-00247628-00248098 whole shelter can get sick and I'm very KImoMB_N8fM-00902-00248098-00248419 concerned about that and I but yeah you KImoMB_N8fM-00903-00248419-00248539 would have to kind of talk to some of KImoMB_N8fM-00904-00248540-00248817 the homeless outreach to see me kind of KImoMB_N8fM-00905-00248819-00249025 how they're moving that around I mean KImoMB_N8fM-00906-00249026-00249157 the Convention Center is huge I think KImoMB_N8fM-00907-00249158-00249337 they could maybe figure some of that out KImoMB_N8fM-00908-00249338-00249580 but obviously it's the ins and outs and KImoMB_N8fM-00909-00249581-00249742 cross-contamination that you're right KImoMB_N8fM-00910-00249742-00250380 out great well I think that yes so KImoMB_N8fM-00911-00250381-00250750 Cathy's gonna check with mPHA to see in KImoMB_N8fM-00912-00250751-00250927 Kathy if your so long I hope you'll KImoMB_N8fM-00913-00250928-00251098 communicate back with me that's what we KImoMB_N8fM-00914-00251098-00251619 can can spread that news around judge KImoMB_N8fM-00915-00251621-00251803 Jenkins said that they will operate at KImoMB_N8fM-00916-00251804-00251955 the same time there's room enough for KImoMB_N8fM-00917-00251956-00252465 both programs is what astana as its KImoMB_N8fM-00918-00252466-00253114 found out and actually so there's a KImoMB_N8fM-00919-00253115-00253296 question that Jessica we're going to get KImoMB_N8fM-00920-00253298-00253704 to that on Wednesday about asking hotels KImoMB_N8fM-00921-00253705-00254054 for fried rooms for shelter purposes KImoMB_N8fM-00922-00254055-00254194 okay KImoMB_N8fM-00923-00254194-00254682 so we have a couple of things that would KImoMB_N8fM-00924-00254683-00254898 like to do there couple of follow-up KImoMB_N8fM-00925-00254900-00255108 questions but then we're going to switch KImoMB_N8fM-00926-00255109-00255480 switch gears for us to think about the KImoMB_N8fM-00927-00255481-00255700 role of pastor in these situations KImoMB_N8fM-00928-00255701-00256029 particularly with the kind of isolation KImoMB_N8fM-00929-00256030-00256290 that we're we're talking about here KImoMB_N8fM-00930-00256291-00256702 and what's to come because I know that KImoMB_N8fM-00931-00256703-00256978 some of some of our pastors here are KImoMB_N8fM-00932-00256979-00257292 already seeing some of their congregants KImoMB_N8fM-00933-00257294-00257532 and neighbors and loved ones in the KImoMB_N8fM-00934-00257533-00257842 hospital and and that's already a factor KImoMB_N8fM-00935-00257842-00258521 so dr. Joseph the you had mentioned KImoMB_N8fM-00936-00258523-00258919 loneliness fatigue and dr. Brittany I KImoMB_N8fM-00937-00258919-00259165 know both of you have talked about ahead KImoMB_N8fM-00938-00259166-00259338 of time as things have been progressing KImoMB_N8fM-00939-00259339-00259581 that it's so important for us to stay KImoMB_N8fM-00940-00259582-00259942 home and to try to flatten the curve but KImoMB_N8fM-00941-00259942-00260219 you had mentioned this fatigue or KImoMB_N8fM-00942-00260221-00260548 thinking that oh well this actually KImoMB_N8fM-00943-00260548-00260773 might not be helping as the numbers KImoMB_N8fM-00944-00260773-00260941 start to rise could you speak more to KImoMB_N8fM-00945-00260942-00261282 that sure one of the things that happens KImoMB_N8fM-00946-00261283-00261542 is that when you look at the time of KImoMB_N8fM-00947-00261544-00261744 infection to the time that people get KImoMB_N8fM-00948-00261746-00262012 tested where people get hospitalized and KImoMB_N8fM-00949-00262013-00262269 you continue to see these numbers rise I KImoMB_N8fM-00950-00262270-00262594 think one of the problems is that you KImoMB_N8fM-00951-00262595-00262785 know we're were we live in a society KImoMB_N8fM-00952-00262786-00263090 where we have next date KImoMB_N8fM-00953-00263091-00263366 delivery and so people are staying home KImoMB_N8fM-00954-00263367-00263516 and doing what they're supposed to do KImoMB_N8fM-00955-00263517-00263762 and so they want to see that make a KImoMB_N8fM-00956-00263763-00263990 difference the problem is that there's KImoMB_N8fM-00957-00263991-00264229 probably at least a good two weeks lag KImoMB_N8fM-00958-00264230-00264545 between some of the community things KImoMB_N8fM-00959-00264546-00264701 that we're doing you know the social KImoMB_N8fM-00960-00264702-00264965 distancing and things like that there KImoMB_N8fM-00961-00264966-00265177 there's a big gap between when we start KImoMB_N8fM-00962-00265178-00265316 doing that and when we do that really KImoMB_N8fM-00963-00265317-00265625 well and and the results that we're KImoMB_N8fM-00964-00265626-00266021 going to see down the line and and so I KImoMB_N8fM-00965-00266022-00266222 think that people will get frustrated KImoMB_N8fM-00966-00266223-00266533 with being at home and and feel like KImoMB_N8fM-00967-00266534-00266755 it's not doing anything if you look at KImoMB_N8fM-00968-00266756-00267085 the medical models some of the the peaks KImoMB_N8fM-00969-00267086-00267449 for this are are looking about you know KImoMB_N8fM-00970-00267450-00267845 two to four weeks out you know those KImoMB_N8fM-00971-00267846-00268166 numbers obviously as Britney was saying KImoMB_N8fM-00972-00268167-00268531 they change all the time but you know KImoMB_N8fM-00973-00268532-00268721 we're looking at a this is gonna be a KImoMB_N8fM-00974-00268722-00268903 long time where we're gonna have to just KImoMB_N8fM-00975-00268904-00269123 stay home and we're gonna have to be KImoMB_N8fM-00976-00269124-00269527 very very patient to know that what KImoMB_N8fM-00977-00269528-00269720 we're doing by staying home and social KImoMB_N8fM-00978-00269721-00270020 distancing is having an effect you know KImoMB_N8fM-00979-00270021-00270330 on flattening the curve or on you know KImoMB_N8fM-00980-00270331-00270853 Elaine the spread of the virus and I KImoMB_N8fM-00981-00270854-00271091 just think getting that word out to KImoMB_N8fM-00982-00271092-00271306 people to let them know that this we're KImoMB_N8fM-00983-00271307-00271576 in it for the long haul and what you do KImoMB_N8fM-00984-00271577-00271619 today KImoMB_N8fM-00985-00271620-00271862 may not have an effect for a couple of KImoMB_N8fM-00986-00271863-00272147 weeks but it's that much more important KImoMB_N8fM-00987-00272148-00272420 to to maintain that that social KImoMB_N8fM-00988-00272421-00273062 distancing and that's staying home yeah KImoMB_N8fM-00989-00273063-00273451 I completely agree I think we're all KImoMB_N8fM-00990-00273452-00273620 kind of getting mixed messages on you KImoMB_N8fM-00991-00273621-00273784 know if we're socially distance then KImoMB_N8fM-00992-00273785-00273985 we're all gonna be great in a couple KImoMB_N8fM-00993-00273986-00274373 weeks and that's not really at all how KImoMB_N8fM-00994-00274374-00274582 it's going to work what we do today is KImoMB_N8fM-00995-00274583-00274772 something that at the earliest we could KImoMB_N8fM-00996-00274773-00274901 possibly see an effect it's basically KImoMB_N8fM-00997-00274902-00275264 five days but truly like he said it's KImoMB_N8fM-00998-00275265-00275728 about a two-week lag period so when the KImoMB_N8fM-00999-00275729-00275939 area basically did a shelter-in-place on KImoMB_N8fM-01000-00275940-00276098 the 24th we're not going to even see the KImoMB_N8fM-01001-00276099-00276403 effects of that until April 7th KImoMB_N8fM-01002-00276404-00276856 and so it's hard to as like as the KImoMB_N8fM-01003-00276857-00277063 public to say yeah well I'm staying home KImoMB_N8fM-01004-00277064-00277219 and I'm not sending my kids to the park KImoMB_N8fM-01005-00277220-00277432 and I'm not doing playdates and I'm my KImoMB_N8fM-01006-00277433-00277660 kids have cabin fever and so do i and is KImoMB_N8fM-01007-00277661-00278002 that worth it it is really hard to prove KImoMB_N8fM-01008-00278003-00278194 that especially like you said when we KImoMB_N8fM-01009-00278195-00278602 are a immediate result society and we're KImoMB_N8fM-01010-00278603-00278749 used to everything kind of being right KImoMB_N8fM-01011-00278750-00279079 at hand and we truly have to be patient KImoMB_N8fM-01012-00279080-00279448 with this it's not going to be it's not KImoMB_N8fM-01013-00279449-00279631 going to be a short period unfortunately KImoMB_N8fM-01014-00279632-00279946 and I think we are going to get into a KImoMB_N8fM-01015-00279947-00280138 situation where we may even see like ups KImoMB_N8fM-01016-00280139-00280342 and downs where we can kind of release KImoMB_N8fM-01017-00280343-00280483 the restrictions and then we're gonna KImoMB_N8fM-01018-00280484-00280819 have to put them back in place just kind KImoMB_N8fM-01019-00280820-00281038 of seeing how numbers go until we know a KImoMB_N8fM-01020-00281039-00281332 little bit more about do we become truly KImoMB_N8fM-01021-00281333-00281608 you know immune if we have it that kind KImoMB_N8fM-01022-00281609-00281896 of thing we we have a lot of questions KImoMB_N8fM-01023-00281897-00282234 about how long we're going to be KImoMB_N8fM-01024-00282235-00282484 socially distancing as a society which KImoMB_N8fM-01025-00282485-00282691 is just not what any of us are used to KImoMB_N8fM-01026-00282692-00282946 sure we are less connected because we're KImoMB_N8fM-01027-00282947-00283243 digitally connected but we still spend a KImoMB_N8fM-01028-00283244-00283512 lot of time in large groups together and KImoMB_N8fM-01029-00283513-00283723 we're really going to have to limit that KImoMB_N8fM-01030-00283724-00284010 for quite some time for it to truly help KImoMB_N8fM-01031-00284011-00284302 yeah I think the really interesting KImoMB_N8fM-01032-00284303-00284662 thing about about this situation is that KImoMB_N8fM-01033-00284663-00285070 you know as a nation we've dealt with KImoMB_N8fM-01034-00285071-00285382 disasters a number of disasters just KImoMB_N8fM-01035-00285383-00285487 look at the last 20 years KImoMB_N8fM-01036-00285488-00285814 start with 911 911 was one day was one KImoMB_N8fM-01037-00285815-00286093 morning when a whole bunch of people KImoMB_N8fM-01038-00286094-00286392 were killed and a nation was was shocked KImoMB_N8fM-01039-00286393-00286768 but what happened is at the the very KImoMB_N8fM-01040-00286769-00287200 next day we started dealing with the KImoMB_N8fM-01041-00287201-00287497 disaster we started to come back from KImoMB_N8fM-01042-00287498-00287737 the disaster if you look at a hurricane KImoMB_N8fM-01043-00287738-00287923 we have hurricane models that predict KImoMB_N8fM-01044-00287924-00288115 where the hurricane is going to go and KImoMB_N8fM-01045-00288116-00288319 we have a certain amount of time for KImoMB_N8fM-01046-00288320-00288556 preparation and then that disaster KImoMB_N8fM-01047-00288557-00288757 happens the hurricane or the tornadoes KImoMB_N8fM-01048-00288758-00289065 go through and then immediately we're in KImoMB_N8fM-01049-00289066-00289462 a you know disaster recovery mode one of KImoMB_N8fM-01050-00289463-00289666 the really strange things about this is KImoMB_N8fM-01051-00289667-00289774 that you KImoMB_N8fM-01052-00289775-00290026 this is a disaster that's coming and as KImoMB_N8fM-01053-00290027-00290301 Brittany said we haven't even peaked yet KImoMB_N8fM-01054-00290302-00290587 you know we have in this area we haven't KImoMB_N8fM-01055-00290588-00290827 peaked New York is is starting to hit a KImoMB_N8fM-01056-00290828-00291040 peak you know I think one of the KImoMB_N8fM-01057-00291041-00291157 difficult things are one of the KImoMB_N8fM-01058-00291158-00291343 differences between New York and here I KImoMB_N8fM-01059-00291344-00291541 used to live right outside of New York I KImoMB_N8fM-01060-00291542-00291748 grew up outside of New York New York is KImoMB_N8fM-01061-00291749-00292015 a city that runs on mass transit that KImoMB_N8fM-01062-00292016-00292225 people are very jam-packed together I KImoMB_N8fM-01063-00292226-00292387 think that's one of the reasons it's a KImoMB_N8fM-01064-00292388-00292648 hot spot we live here you know from an KImoMB_N8fM-01065-00292649-00292840 urban studies standpoint we live in a in KImoMB_N8fM-01066-00292841-00293269 a in an automobile you know a city that KImoMB_N8fM-01067-00293270-00293557 that grew up around automobiles so we we KImoMB_N8fM-01068-00293558-00293785 we go over where a car not so in New KImoMB_N8fM-01069-00293786-00294043 York but you know this is a disaster KImoMB_N8fM-01070-00294044-00294232 where we haven't needed to hit the peak KImoMB_N8fM-01071-00294233-00294556 yet so it's like watching 911 in slow KImoMB_N8fM-01072-00294557-00294901 motion or a hurricane in slow motion not KImoMB_N8fM-01073-00294902-00295129 just over hours or days but we're KImoMB_N8fM-01074-00295130-00295348 talking about weeks maybe perhaps even KImoMB_N8fM-01075-00295349-00295723 months and and the level of stress you KImoMB_N8fM-01076-00295724-00295975 know even you know knowing what I know KImoMB_N8fM-01077-00295976-00296221 and and I don't know maybe it's more KImoMB_N8fM-01078-00296222-00296494 stressful for us because what we know KImoMB_N8fM-01079-00296495-00296737 but we've been waiting for this to start KImoMB_N8fM-01080-00296738-00297141 rising and for this peak to happen but KImoMB_N8fM-01081-00297142-00297466 it's just it's a disaster in slow motion KImoMB_N8fM-01082-00297467-00297778 and that's something that only a KImoMB_N8fM-01083-00297779-00298114 pandemic can do nothing else will do KImoMB_N8fM-01084-00298115-00298402 that and it's it's it's one of the KImoMB_N8fM-01085-00298403-00298582 things that makes it very very strange KImoMB_N8fM-01086-00298583-00298761 for all of us KImoMB_N8fM-01087-00298762-00299047 and I think to something that I mean KImoMB_N8fM-01088-00299048-00299230 everyone keeps comparing this to wartime KImoMB_N8fM-01089-00299231-00299548 and I completely understand why for KImoMB_N8fM-01090-00299549-00299779 health care workers it very much feels KImoMB_N8fM-01091-00299780-00300097 like you're going to war every day and I KImoMB_N8fM-01092-00300098-00300517 think to other than 911 really here on KImoMB_N8fM-01093-00300518-00300889 our own soil in the United States there KImoMB_N8fM-01094-00300890-00301048 are very few of us still living that KImoMB_N8fM-01095-00301049-00301378 have ever experienced war even not on KImoMB_N8fM-01096-00301379-00301645 our own soil but much less you know I KImoMB_N8fM-01097-00301646-00301855 mean it's been seven generations or more KImoMB_N8fM-01098-00301856-00302038 since we have experienced it on our own KImoMB_N8fM-01099-00302039-00302341 soil so we have no idea what it truly KImoMB_N8fM-01100-00302342-00302515 means to like shelter in place and stay KImoMB_N8fM-01101-00302516-00302824 home our grandparents don't even truly KImoMB_N8fM-01102-00302825-00303136 understand that not in our own homes KImoMB_N8fM-01103-00303137-00303540 and so I do think for the United States KImoMB_N8fM-01104-00303541-00303868 we have been lucky to never be truly a KImoMB_N8fM-01105-00303869-00304219 war-torn nation in more than 150 years KImoMB_N8fM-01106-00304220-00304906 and I think to like just not having you KImoMB_N8fM-01107-00304907-00305164 know a long drawn-out war on your own KImoMB_N8fM-01108-00305165-00305431 soil whereas Europe has all experienced KImoMB_N8fM-01109-00305432-00305773 that a couple times even and there are KImoMB_N8fM-01110-00305774-00305967 still some people living from all that KImoMB_N8fM-01111-00305968-00306334 they understand that need to stay home KImoMB_N8fM-01112-00306335-00306517 for a long period of time to keep your KImoMB_N8fM-01113-00306518-00306874 family safe and that's just that's KImoMB_N8fM-01114-00306875-00307257 something very new for Americans and I KImoMB_N8fM-01115-00307258-00307477 think we've all been incredibly blessed KImoMB_N8fM-01116-00307478-00307612 up to this point not to have to deal KImoMB_N8fM-01117-00307613-00307882 with that but it it is such a novel KImoMB_N8fM-01118-00307883-00308203 concept for us to have to patiently wait KImoMB_N8fM-01119-00308204-00308509 for whatever we do today to have an KImoMB_N8fM-01120-00308510-00308881 effect and we do and we tend to come KImoMB_N8fM-01121-00308882-00309175 together as a community when disaster KImoMB_N8fM-01122-00309176-00309295 happens and right now we're all being KImoMB_N8fM-01123-00309296-00309598 told to separate ourselves which is the KImoMB_N8fM-01124-00309599-00309802 exact opposite of what we really want to KImoMB_N8fM-01125-00309803-00310213 be able to do for everyone and so trying KImoMB_N8fM-01126-00310214-00310483 to reconcile that in your mind and your KImoMB_N8fM-01127-00310484-00310674 heart and all of that I think is equally KImoMB_N8fM-01128-00310675-00311287 difficult so it's going to be again it's KImoMB_N8fM-01129-00311288-00311458 getting the public and everyone to KImoMB_N8fM-01130-00311459-00311644 understand that this probably isn't KImoMB_N8fM-01131-00311645-00311908 something that's going to be over in a KImoMB_N8fM-01132-00311909-00312459 month or even a couple months and that KImoMB_N8fM-01133-00312460-00312769 truly by staying separate is how we can KImoMB_N8fM-01134-00312770-00312979 be you know in solidarity with each KImoMB_N8fM-01135-00312980-00313480 other right well thank you thank you KImoMB_N8fM-01136-00313481-00313870 both for your time this morning we have KImoMB_N8fM-01137-00313871-00314086 a couple of questions that I'd like to KImoMB_N8fM-01138-00314087-00314212 get to y'all KImoMB_N8fM-01139-00314213-00314776 separately kami I think it would be KImoMB_N8fM-01140-00314777-00314902 really important for us to kind of break KImoMB_N8fM-01141-00314903-00315268 into some hangout groups for us to think KImoMB_N8fM-01142-00315269-00315508 about how we're going to approach this KImoMB_N8fM-01143-00315509-00316009 past early as leaders Brittany Joseph KImoMB_N8fM-01144-00316010-00316261 you all are welcome to stay if you want KImoMB_N8fM-01145-00316262-00316468 but also know if you can't need to move KImoMB_N8fM-01146-00316469-00316513 on KImoMB_N8fM-01147-00316514-00316855 the more important things since you're KImoMB_N8fM-01148-00316856-00317275 taking care of folks but Kimmy would you KImoMB_N8fM-01149-00317276-00317742 kind of introduce this conversation KImoMB_N8fM-01150-00317743-00318166 sure so first of all I want to say thank KImoMB_N8fM-01151-00318167-00318412 you to both of you as doctors and the KImoMB_N8fM-01152-00318413-00318718 kind of ways you bring healing to our KImoMB_N8fM-01153-00318719-00319030 communities and people it's such a gift KImoMB_N8fM-01154-00319031-00319198 to us and I can't tell you how much we KImoMB_N8fM-01155-00319199-00319405 give thanks for you and your colleagues KImoMB_N8fM-01156-00319406-00319687 and nurses and all that work with you so KImoMB_N8fM-01157-00319688-00320071 thank you so much one of the things I KImoMB_N8fM-01158-00320072-00320362 was kind of listening for is you know KImoMB_N8fM-01159-00320363-00320724 how can we be supportive of you all and KImoMB_N8fM-01160-00320725-00320998 well the things I wrote down that I KImoMB_N8fM-01161-00320999-00321223 heard you say and you can say it want to KImoMB_N8fM-01162-00321224-00321409 say anything more specifically I KImoMB_N8fM-01163-00321410-00321553 certainly would be happy to hear it KImoMB_N8fM-01164-00321554-00322021 but I heard you say stay stay separate KImoMB_N8fM-01165-00322022-00322435 be a part of being sheltered so that it KImoMB_N8fM-01166-00322436-00322636 doesn't get spread that's one of the KImoMB_N8fM-01167-00322637-00322905 things I heard you say I heard you say KImoMB_N8fM-01168-00322906-00323572 be patient and and try to go deep to a KImoMB_N8fM-01169-00323573-00323947 place that we can even model patients so KImoMB_N8fM-01170-00323948-00324339 that others might also be able to KImoMB_N8fM-01171-00324340-00324991 experience that in us and and and KImoMB_N8fM-01172-00324992-00325312 connected to that that just to recognize KImoMB_N8fM-01173-00325313-00325519 that there's not going to be immediate KImoMB_N8fM-01174-00325520-00325942 results connected to patients can before KImoMB_N8fM-01175-00325943-00326254 I get moving on can I do you all have KImoMB_N8fM-01176-00326255-00326422 anything else that you could tell us KImoMB_N8fM-01177-00326423-00326800 that you think would be helpful to the KImoMB_N8fM-01178-00326801-00327184 medical field personnel that we as KImoMB_N8fM-01179-00327185-00327949 pastors came to KImoMB_N8fM-01180-00327950-00328331 you know I've been I've not been and KImoMB_N8fM-01181-00328332-00328558 like I said I've not been regularly in KImoMB_N8fM-01182-00328559-00328715 the hospital for the last couple of KImoMB_N8fM-01183-00328716-00329194 years I'm you know I've seen a lot of KImoMB_N8fM-01184-00329195-00330826 you know clapping and things like that KImoMB_N8fM-01185-00330827-00331691 this is what we do I know the vast KImoMB_N8fM-01186-00331692-00332138 majority of my colleagues we do this out KImoMB_N8fM-01187-00332139-00332669 of love we do this out of ministry of KImoMB_N8fM-01188-00332670-00333940 calling and the difficult thing for me KImoMB_N8fM-01189-00333941-00334370 personally has been the physical KImoMB_N8fM-01190-00334371-00334895 isolation you know since I had a person KImoMB_N8fM-01191-00334896-00335192 in my office who may have been Kovac KImoMB_N8fM-01192-00335193-00335723 positive I I've been isolating myself I KImoMB_N8fM-01193-00335724-00336084 mean I'm still in my house with my wife KImoMB_N8fM-01194-00336085-00337037 and my son and daughter-in-law but KImoMB_N8fM-01195-00337038-00338564 I sit alone in a room and I'm planning KImoMB_N8fM-01196-00338565-00339377 on potentially moving out if I have to KImoMB_N8fM-01197-00339378-00340184 go back to the hospital and Britney I KImoMB_N8fM-01198-00340185-00340319 don't know what you do with your kids KImoMB_N8fM-01199-00340320-00340640 and and you know how you feel about this KImoMB_N8fM-01200-00340641-00341150 at home but the social isolation for us KImoMB_N8fM-01201-00341151-00341546 you know I can see that if I end up KImoMB_N8fM-01202-00341547-00341870 going back and working and I'm willing KImoMB_N8fM-01203-00341871-00342239 to do that if need be I'll have the KImoMB_N8fM-01204-00342240-00342809 camaraderie of my colleagues but I know KImoMB_N8fM-01205-00342810-00342974 that I'll be more isolated from my KImoMB_N8fM-01206-00342975-00343544 family yeah I think that's our biggest KImoMB_N8fM-01207-00343545-00343751 fear like you said I think all of us KImoMB_N8fM-01208-00343752-00344093 felt a calling to medicine I think a lot KImoMB_N8fM-01209-00344094-00344339 of us are having a hard time saying well KImoMB_N8fM-01210-00344340-00344537 I signed up for this I don't think any KImoMB_N8fM-01211-00344538-00344789 of us signed up to be at the front lines KImoMB_N8fM-01212-00344790-00344969 of a pandemic I don't think any KImoMB_N8fM-01213-00344970-00345178 physician and ever signed up to KImoMB_N8fM-01214-00345179-00345401 necessarily deal with that not even KImoMB_N8fM-01215-00345402-00345895 infectious disease doctors but you know KImoMB_N8fM-01216-00345896-00346136 and I certainly don't think we signed up KImoMB_N8fM-01217-00346137-00346316 to be in situations where we may not be KImoMB_N8fM-01218-00346317-00346493 as protected as we think we should be KImoMB_N8fM-01219-00346494-00347141 those types of things but most everyone KImoMB_N8fM-01220-00347142-00347348 I know there's no way you're they're not KImoMB_N8fM-01221-00347349-00347483 going to go take care of patients KImoMB_N8fM-01222-00347484-00347630 they'll figure out a way to protect KImoMB_N8fM-01223-00347631-00347873 themselves they'll order their own PPE KImoMB_N8fM-01224-00347874-00348212 off Amazon and wait for two weeks I mean KImoMB_N8fM-01225-00348213-00348593 I don't know anyone that when push comes KImoMB_N8fM-01226-00348594-00348794 to shove isn't actually going to go in KImoMB_N8fM-01227-00348795-00349145 and take care of people but it's coming KImoMB_N8fM-01228-00349146-00349358 back home that is so different even now KImoMB_N8fM-01229-00349359-00349829 even though we don't have on my service KImoMB_N8fM-01230-00349830-00350009 on the trauma service we had we have not KImoMB_N8fM-01231-00350010-00350327 had a positive patient yet we know KImoMB_N8fM-01232-00350328-00350427 they're in the hospital we KImoMB_N8fM-01233-00350428-00350568 no we probably walked right by their KImoMB_N8fM-01234-00350569-00351054 emergency rooms all of that and so my KImoMB_N8fM-01235-00351055-00351282 husband is actually also my partner at KImoMB_N8fM-01236-00351283-00351578 work so we both do the same thing KImoMB_N8fM-01237-00351579-00351915 there's a we have a huge fear of KImoMB_N8fM-01238-00351916-00352362 bringing home this virus to our kids we KImoMB_N8fM-01239-00352363-00352548 are lucky to have a nanny but what if we KImoMB_N8fM-01240-00352549-00352922 bring it home to her and then she's out KImoMB_N8fM-01241-00352923-00353304 we you know especially with the newest KImoMB_N8fM-01242-00353305-00353508 data all the time about kids possibly KImoMB_N8fM-01243-00353509-00353787 being just as involved as the rest of us KImoMB_N8fM-01244-00353788-00354134 that's really scary and we already KImoMB_N8fM-01245-00354135-00354360 changed scrubs more often than we used KImoMB_N8fM-01246-00354361-00354468 to KImoMB_N8fM-01247-00354469-00354735 we change before we ever leave the KImoMB_N8fM-01248-00354736-00355107 hospital we wipe down every last surface KImoMB_N8fM-01249-00355108-00355323 I mean I wipe down my steering wheel my KImoMB_N8fM-01250-00355324-00355656 badge my phone my pen anything that KImoMB_N8fM-01251-00355657-00355830 might have been in the hospital with me KImoMB_N8fM-01252-00355831-00355980 and then coming home and then I've KImoMB_N8fM-01253-00355981-00356271 touched and then we take our shoes off KImoMB_N8fM-01254-00356272-00356448 at the door and we try not to touch the KImoMB_N8fM-01255-00356449-00356739 kids until we've at least washed our KImoMB_N8fM-01256-00356740-00357072 hands and that kind of thing again you KImoMB_N8fM-01257-00357073-00357186 know and it's not like we don't wash our KImoMB_N8fM-01258-00357187-00357288 hands right before we leave the hospital KImoMB_N8fM-01259-00357289-00357684 so he it's hard because we don't get to KImoMB_N8fM-01260-00357685-00358053 enjoy that moment of when your kids come KImoMB_N8fM-01261-00358054-00358335 running up to you at the door sometimes KImoMB_N8fM-01262-00358336-00358440 you just have to kind of put a stop to KImoMB_N8fM-01263-00358441-00358584 that and that's really hard we have KImoMB_N8fM-01264-00358585-00358791 young kids my daughter's two and a half KImoMB_N8fM-01265-00358792-00359088 and my son is three months old I KImoMB_N8fM-01266-00359089-00359676 obviously can't not touch him and if we KImoMB_N8fM-01267-00359677-00359871 do start taking care of Ko good patients KImoMB_N8fM-01268-00359872-00360288 if one of us does get sick most likely KImoMB_N8fM-01269-00360289-00360603 both of us will get sick and all we can KImoMB_N8fM-01270-00360604-00360861 hope is that we're part of the 80% that KImoMB_N8fM-01271-00360862-00361506 only has something mild and that we I KImoMB_N8fM-01272-00361507-00361725 mean there's a real fear I think for KImoMB_N8fM-01273-00361726-00361890 some of us especially dual physician KImoMB_N8fM-01274-00361891-00362055 homes that what if we orphan our KImoMB_N8fM-01275-00362056-00362439 children I don't think about that a KImoMB_N8fM-01276-00362440-00362643 whole lot or at least I try not to but KImoMB_N8fM-01277-00362644-00362966 it's a legitimate concern KImoMB_N8fM-01278-00362967-00363365 and you do feel like a pariah in your KImoMB_N8fM-01279-00363366-00363515 own home like you just need you don't KImoMB_N8fM-01280-00363516-00363779 want to bring this stuff back you don't KImoMB_N8fM-01281-00363780-00364109 want to get anybody else sick you know KImoMB_N8fM-01282-00364110-00364385 those of us that are healthy and young KImoMB_N8fM-01283-00364386-00364621 hopefully we don't get anything terrible KImoMB_N8fM-01284-00364622-00365024 but we know that not even those people KImoMB_N8fM-01285-00365025-00365393 are necessarily safe so I mean it KImoMB_N8fM-01286-00365394-00365531 definitely changed our family KImoMB_N8fM-01287-00365532-00365642 environment like overnight KImoMB_N8fM-01288-00365643-00366002 and once we start seeing more positive KImoMB_N8fM-01289-00366003-00366131 patients it's really going to affect KImoMB_N8fM-01290-00366132-00366472 everything we can do and so I think KImoMB_N8fM-01291-00366473-00367049 offering support for us as parents not KImoMB_N8fM-01292-00367050-00367319 just as healthcare workers and as KImoMB_N8fM-01293-00367320-00367559 daughters as anybody you know the person KImoMB_N8fM-01294-00367560-00367715 that takes care of the rest of the KImoMB_N8fM-01295-00367716-00368012 family that's a big thing and stepping KImoMB_N8fM-01296-00368013-00368312 in to help in those situations if we are KImoMB_N8fM-01297-00368313-00368516 isolating ourselves if we are moving out KImoMB_N8fM-01298-00368517-00368828 if we are doing these things to try to KImoMB_N8fM-01299-00368829-00369035 keep other people safe as you know KImoMB_N8fM-01300-00369036-00369185 making sure families are taking care of KImoMB_N8fM-01301-00369186-00369380 us when we can't be that person that KImoMB_N8fM-01302-00369381-00369845 normally that were used to being and you KImoMB_N8fM-01303-00369846-00369989 know we've had a couple friends here KImoMB_N8fM-01304-00369990-00370292 offer to make our grocery trips and that KImoMB_N8fM-01305-00370293-00370565 kind of thing so that we don't have to KImoMB_N8fM-01306-00370566-00370724 expose ourselves any more than just KImoMB_N8fM-01307-00370725-00370904 being at the hospital KImoMB_N8fM-01308-00370905-00371195 and but I think like I said just KImoMB_N8fM-01309-00371196-00371507 offering that support and that community KImoMB_N8fM-01310-00371508-00371840 of being willing to take take the reins KImoMB_N8fM-01311-00371841-00372152 for us if we need it and also just KImoMB_N8fM-01312-00372153-00372347 making sure that we are supported in an KImoMB_N8fM-01313-00372348-00372617 emotional way as parents not just KImoMB_N8fM-01314-00372618-00372854 physicians or nurses or anybody like KImoMB_N8fM-01315-00372855-00373562 that okay thank you well thank you so KImoMB_N8fM-01316-00373563-00373796 I've been looking at all the pictures of KImoMB_N8fM-01317-00373797-00374126 my colleagues on this particular call KImoMB_N8fM-01318-00374127-00374485 and I recognize that there was people KImoMB_N8fM-01319-00374486-00374732 different points people were taking big KImoMB_N8fM-01320-00374733-00375104 deep breaths I think taking it in and I KImoMB_N8fM-01321-00375105-00375533 saw folks who were who I've known for KImoMB_N8fM-01322-00375534-00375959 years who I know are great pastors and KImoMB_N8fM-01323-00375960-00376217 some new faces that I KImoMB_N8fM-01324-00376218-00376724 though our just eager to be present and KImoMB_N8fM-01325-00376725-00377143 do something you know we kind of can be KImoMB_N8fM-01326-00377144-00377684 action-oriented people and as pastors we KImoMB_N8fM-01327-00377685-00378179 want to make things you know better so KImoMB_N8fM-01328-00378180-00378380 one of the things that I want to just KImoMB_N8fM-01329-00378381-00378677 lift up as we share you know we move KImoMB_N8fM-01330-00378678-00379079 into some small groups is for all of us KImoMB_N8fM-01331-00379080-00379394 to remember and and consider what the KImoMB_N8fM-01332-00379395-00379796 unique world is of the pastor you know KImoMB_N8fM-01333-00379797-00380174 one of the things that I remember being KImoMB_N8fM-01334-00380175-00380405 said when I was in seminary is that we KImoMB_N8fM-01335-00380406-00380573 are like the priests in the community KImoMB_N8fM-01336-00380574-00381101 you know we we are expected in so many KImoMB_N8fM-01337-00381102-00381392 ways to be the ones that think deeply KImoMB_N8fM-01338-00381393-00381848 about who God is how God interacts with KImoMB_N8fM-01339-00381849-00382469 the world and what God is doing how God KImoMB_N8fM-01340-00382470-00383051 shows up and and how to access the gifts KImoMB_N8fM-01341-00383052-00383465 of the Holy Spirit and so you know as I KImoMB_N8fM-01342-00383466-00383891 think about that I think about the fact KImoMB_N8fM-01343-00383892-00384317 that we uniquely ask those theological KImoMB_N8fM-01344-00384318-00385001 questions and then access God and in our KImoMB_N8fM-01345-00385002-00385418 own you know needs but also for others KImoMB_N8fM-01346-00385419-00385979 and so you know before I kind of moved KImoMB_N8fM-01347-00385980-00386363 from that I wrote a piece that was KImoMB_N8fM-01348-00386364-00386693 placed on our website and it was about KImoMB_N8fM-01349-00386694-00387035 presence and one of the things I didn't KImoMB_N8fM-01350-00387036-00387272 say if you haven't read it you know I'll KImoMB_N8fM-01351-00387273-00387449 just give you a little short condensed KImoMB_N8fM-01352-00387450-00387758 version is when I was a chaplain I was KImoMB_N8fM-01353-00387759-00387944 at chaplain at Methodist Hospital for a KImoMB_N8fM-01354-00387945-00388349 couple years and it was such a important KImoMB_N8fM-01355-00388350-00388681 time for my own personal pastoral growth KImoMB_N8fM-01356-00388682-00389012 and it's important because I think one KImoMB_N8fM-01357-00389013-00389174 of the things that became clear to me KImoMB_N8fM-01358-00389175-00389335 was KImoMB_N8fM-01359-00389336-00389489 [Music] KImoMB_N8fM-01360-00389490-00389698 that KImoMB_N8fM-01361-00389699-00390001 you know God was already present in a KImoMB_N8fM-01362-00390002-00390445 patient's room or in someone's life KImoMB_N8fM-01363-00390446-00390832 and that I I wasn't God that I was the KImoMB_N8fM-01364-00390833-00391024 one who partnered with the Holy Spirit KImoMB_N8fM-01365-00391025-00391635 with God and connected to what what the KImoMB_N8fM-01366-00391636-00392218 holy was already doing and if I listened KImoMB_N8fM-01367-00392219-00392647 to that if I listen to and watch for KImoMB_N8fM-01368-00392648-00393001 where God already was then I honored the KImoMB_N8fM-01369-00393002-00393335 holy that was within someone else I KImoMB_N8fM-01370-00393336-00393685 honored the nurse that was bringing the KImoMB_N8fM-01371-00393686-00393967 holy healing touch you know to the KImoMB_N8fM-01372-00393968-00394275 patient I honored the doctor who was KImoMB_N8fM-01373-00394276-00394576 diagnosing and and doing the the hard KImoMB_N8fM-01374-00394577-00395272 work that they do with the patients you KImoMB_N8fM-01375-00395273-00395440 know i honored the family member who KImoMB_N8fM-01376-00395441-00395806 brought in a prayer or courage ment and KImoMB_N8fM-01377-00395807-00396073 in recognizing that all of us were part KImoMB_N8fM-01378-00396074-00396313 of the team so that it wasn't just all KImoMB_N8fM-01379-00396314-00396745 sort of if I I was thinking wrongly if I KImoMB_N8fM-01380-00396746-00396916 thought it was all sitting on me right KImoMB_N8fM-01381-00396917-00397323 can we do that sometimes it's as pastors KImoMB_N8fM-01382-00397324-00397747 so so Rep but it is important for all of KImoMB_N8fM-01383-00397748-00398101 us to recognize you know our role our KImoMB_N8fM-01384-00398102-00398359 unique role as thinking deeply and KImoMB_N8fM-01385-00398360-00398842 spiritually about what is going on and I KImoMB_N8fM-01386-00398843-00399223 think connected to that is you know KImoMB_N8fM-01387-00399224-00399631 listening very very intensely for what KImoMB_N8fM-01388-00399632-00400068 people are asking for you know you can't KImoMB_N8fM-01389-00400069-00400393 we sometimes go in with our prescribed KImoMB_N8fM-01390-00400394-00400654 prescribed plan of what we're going to KImoMB_N8fM-01391-00400655-00401109 offer them or do to them or and it's not KImoMB_N8fM-01392-00401110-00401446 a it's it's not always a gift to them to KImoMB_N8fM-01393-00401447-00401830 have to bear our prescribed plan right KImoMB_N8fM-01394-00401831-00402175 here's my thing I'm putting on you but KImoMB_N8fM-01395-00402176-00402433 listen to what it is they're asking but KImoMB_N8fM-01396-00402434-00402850 that that is a need so what I started to KImoMB_N8fM-01397-00402851-00403048 say earlier about my piece on present KImoMB_N8fM-01398-00403049-00403339 was I told the story about going into a KImoMB_N8fM-01399-00403340-00403588 hospital room because a nurse asked me KImoMB_N8fM-01400-00403589-00404218 to about offering as listening to the KImoMB_N8fM-01401-00404219-00404457 patient who is screaming out where is KImoMB_N8fM-01402-00404458-00404735 God KImoMB_N8fM-01403-00404736-00405168 and then sort of the Holy Spirit came KImoMB_N8fM-01404-00405169-00405449 upon me just just speak some words of KImoMB_N8fM-01405-00405450-00405656 Scripture that ultimately really brought KImoMB_N8fM-01406-00405657-00406103 her peace but when I didn't stay in that KImoMB_N8fM-01407-00406104-00406470 story was that the whole time I was in KImoMB_N8fM-01408-00406471-00406788 her room her eyes are closed she never KImoMB_N8fM-01409-00406789-00407163 saw me and I was thinking I asked that KImoMB_N8fM-01410-00407164-00407480 question about telephone or cell phones KImoMB_N8fM-01411-00407481-00407868 and and you know other devices that you KImoMB_N8fM-01412-00407869-00408237 can connect to you know just like like KImoMB_N8fM-01413-00408238-00408672 right now just a voice of asking a KImoMB_N8fM-01414-00408673-00408912 question that goes to a place on the KImoMB_N8fM-01415-00408913-00409371 heart and you know you all just saw how KImoMB_N8fM-01416-00409372-00409641 caring for somebody and asking what KImoMB_N8fM-01417-00409642-00410059 their need is is a deep way of loving KImoMB_N8fM-01418-00410060-00410478 another person and and and we don't KImoMB_N8fM-01419-00410479-00410830 always know what they're going to say KImoMB_N8fM-01420-00410831-00411082 [Music] KImoMB_N8fM-01421-00411083-00411331 and just listening you know is so KImoMB_N8fM-01422-00411332-00411822 important so so listening deeply for KImoMB_N8fM-01423-00411824-00412066 what people are asking for I think is KImoMB_N8fM-01424-00412067-00412359 extremely important and having empathy KImoMB_N8fM-01425-00412360-00412627 for the pain that somebody's feeling in KImoMB_N8fM-01426-00412628-00412999 the moment and then you know I think I'd KImoMB_N8fM-01427-00413000-00413622 offer this last thing which is we also KImoMB_N8fM-01428-00413622-00413995 know a God that is a resurrected God and KImoMB_N8fM-01429-00413996-00414297 that connects us really really deeply to KImoMB_N8fM-01430-00414299-00414482 hope KImoMB_N8fM-01431-00414483-00414643 [Music] KImoMB_N8fM-01432-00414644-00414925 you know I I I don't think it's it's KImoMB_N8fM-01433-00414926-00415510 ever - no I don't I don't want us to get KImoMB_N8fM-01434-00415511-00415654 ahead of ourselves and say oh it's all KImoMB_N8fM-01435-00415655-00415933 going to be okay or it's everything's KImoMB_N8fM-01436-00415934-00416170 fine when people are saying you know KImoMB_N8fM-01437-00416171-00416455 it's not fine it's really not fine and KImoMB_N8fM-01438-00416456-00416698 if we're not listening to them sue then KImoMB_N8fM-01439-00416699-00417070 saying it's not fine and just sitting KImoMB_N8fM-01440-00417071-00417294 with the fact that it really isn't fine KImoMB_N8fM-01441-00417295-00417566 our ability to have patience in KImoMB_N8fM-01442-00417567-00418237 suffering is really important and so I KImoMB_N8fM-01443-00418238-00418462 think it's okay to sit with people and KImoMB_N8fM-01444-00418463-00419143 go yeah this is really crappy and I KImoMB_N8fM-01445-00419143-00419658 painful it's awful it feels terrible KImoMB_N8fM-01446-00419659-00420079 it's that's a way of being honest with KImoMB_N8fM-01447-00420080-00420704 what the realities are and and my hope KImoMB_N8fM-01448-00420705-00421000 is that just knowing that someone loves KImoMB_N8fM-01449-00421001-00421310 you and cares enough for you or I love KImoMB_N8fM-01450-00421310-00421504 you and care enough for you will KImoMB_N8fM-01451-00421505-00421822 continue to help people know they're not KImoMB_N8fM-01452-00421823-00422082 alone so KImoMB_N8fM-01453-00422083-00422225 [Music] KImoMB_N8fM-01454-00422226-00422839 so I offer those things and let me see KImoMB_N8fM-01455-00422841-00423242 if I have a couple other things KImoMB_N8fM-01456-00423243-00423639 so you know one of the things that both KImoMB_N8fM-01457-00423640-00424060 the doctors said is how how exhausting KImoMB_N8fM-01458-00424060-00424591 it can be to carry the load and and I KImoMB_N8fM-01459-00424592-00424872 was thinking a lot about a gift that I KImoMB_N8fM-01460-00424873-00425364 was given years ago from it was Brian KImoMB_N8fM-01461-00425365-00426006 Hardesty Crouch who who said to me you KImoMB_N8fM-01462-00426007-00426204 might want to utilize the st. Ignatius KImoMB_N8fM-01463-00426205-00426456 prayer which is and at the end of the KImoMB_N8fM-01464-00426457-00426864 day lord I give this to you and anything KImoMB_N8fM-01465-00426865-00427162 that comes to your mind any worry that KImoMB_N8fM-01466-00427163-00427435 you have any person that you've been KImoMB_N8fM-01467-00427435-00427868 caring for any you know just offload KImoMB_N8fM-01468-00427869-00428062 every single thing that you've been KImoMB_N8fM-01469-00428063-00428431 carrying on your shoulders and and I KImoMB_N8fM-01470-00428432-00428731 remember doing this in thinking I had no KImoMB_N8fM-01471-00428732-00429072 idea all the things I was carrying on my KImoMB_N8fM-01472-00429073-00429514 shoulders until I started um you know KImoMB_N8fM-01473-00429514-00429792 unloading and unloading and unloading KImoMB_N8fM-01474-00429793-00430035 and I can't imagine that for doctors KImoMB_N8fM-01475-00430036-00430271 that that might also be the case they KImoMB_N8fM-01476-00430272-00430714 you know you shove things deep down but KImoMB_N8fM-01477-00430714-00431037 there's a God that carries our our the KImoMB_N8fM-01478-00431038-00431400 pain of the world and and we can give KImoMB_N8fM-01479-00431401-00431679 that our our Curt can cares and concerns KImoMB_N8fM-01480-00431680-00431967 our worries about people to God and KImoMB_N8fM-01481-00431968-00432160 really if we do that then we're actually KImoMB_N8fM-01482-00432160-00432393 giving them a gift because we're KImoMB_N8fM-01483-00432394-00432664 prayerfully offering them deeply up to KImoMB_N8fM-01484-00432664-00433135 God so I offer that as something someone KImoMB_N8fM-01485-00433135-00433452 who spiritually gave me that gift to as KImoMB_N8fM-01486-00433453-00433794 a practice the other thing I would say KImoMB_N8fM-01487-00433795-00434085 is consider enlisting colleagues to KImoMB_N8fM-01488-00434086-00434577 support you and to offer back up I was KImoMB_N8fM-01489-00434578-00434875 thinking particularly about it you know KImoMB_N8fM-01490-00434876-00435042 as Brittany was talking about this and KImoMB_N8fM-01491-00435043-00435417 as Joe was talking about how we could be KImoMB_N8fM-01492-00435418-00435906 slammed in a couple weeks and next month KImoMB_N8fM-01493-00435907-00436366 with pastoral care and funerals have a KImoMB_N8fM-01494-00436367-00436483 have KImoMB_N8fM-01495-00436484-00436660 think the same way that the city's KImoMB_N8fM-01496-00436660-00436972 thinking about care think about who your KImoMB_N8fM-01497-00436972-00437254 team is that's gonna help you when you KImoMB_N8fM-01498-00437255-00437626 get to slammed with doing these pastoral KImoMB_N8fM-01499-00437627-00438007 care as funerals particularly and who KImoMB_N8fM-01500-00438008-00438430 can who can be a part of your team and KImoMB_N8fM-01501-00438431-00438625 then I was also thinking about utilizing KImoMB_N8fM-01502-00438626-00438991 parishioners yesterday my husband's a KImoMB_N8fM-01503-00438992-00439168 pastor just for those that you don't KImoMB_N8fM-01504-00439168-00439560 know and yesterday my husband said you KImoMB_N8fM-01505-00439562-00439839 know we need some folks who might be KImoMB_N8fM-01506-00439841-00440217 willing to to go ahead and send out KImoMB_N8fM-01507-00440218-00440584 deliver school supplies to kids because KImoMB_N8fM-01508-00440585-00440842 he's connected to a church member who's KImoMB_N8fM-01509-00440843-00441085 the play no an independent school KImoMB_N8fM-01510-00441085-00441360 districts superintendents KImoMB_N8fM-01511-00441362-00441796 superintendent schools and oh my gosh KImoMB_N8fM-01512-00441797-00442193 within 30 minutes people were you know KImoMB_N8fM-01513-00442195-00442417 socially distant but lining up at the KImoMB_N8fM-01514-00442418-00442660 church to get supplies they want to be KImoMB_N8fM-01515-00442660-00443029 useful and care and so maybe there's KImoMB_N8fM-01516-00443030-00443221 some systems or ways that we could KImoMB_N8fM-01517-00443222-00443542 multiply pastoral care through phone KImoMB_N8fM-01518-00443543-00443814 trees and and you guys I'm sure are KImoMB_N8fM-01519-00443816-00443971 already doing those things because you KImoMB_N8fM-01520-00443972-00444232 are very smart and pastoral people but KImoMB_N8fM-01521-00444233-00444882 those are some suggestions and I think KImoMB_N8fM-01522-00444883-00445177 that's those the practical things I KImoMB_N8fM-01523-00445178-00445663 offer but really mostly to be very KImoMB_N8fM-01524-00445664-00446092 thoughtful and spiritually attune to KImoMB_N8fM-01525-00446093-00446413 what you're called but God's calling you KImoMB_N8fM-01526-00446414-00446835 to do and be in the moment so that's KImoMB_N8fM-01527-00446837-00447243 what I have to offer you do Andrew do KImoMB_N8fM-01528-00447245-00447447 you want to take it to divide it up or KImoMB_N8fM-01529-00447449-00447706 is there anybody well I wonder if we KImoMB_N8fM-01530-00447707-00448051 could also say a prayer for these KImoMB_N8fM-01531-00448052-00448326 doctors and their colleagues before we KImoMB_N8fM-01532-00448327-00448726 before we go kevin was was good to do KImoMB_N8fM-01533-00448727-00449032 that deep listening with us on chat and KImoMB_N8fM-01534-00449033-00449278 and recommend that we pray for them KImoMB_N8fM-01535-00449279-00449553 specifically could you do anything KImoMB_N8fM-01536-00449554-00449925 absolutely absolutely KImoMB_N8fM-01537-00449926-00450345 let us pray gracious God we give you KImoMB_N8fM-01538-00450346-00450658 thanks and praise for Joe and for KImoMB_N8fM-01539-00450659-00450912 Brittney and for their colleagues and KImoMB_N8fM-01540-00450913-00451216 spouses and we ask your blessing on the KImoMB_N8fM-01541-00451217-00451435 work that they are doing and in their KImoMB_N8fM-01542-00451435-00451898 lives we pray for all of the hospitals KImoMB_N8fM-01543-00451899-00452302 in the world really but particularly for KImoMB_N8fM-01544-00452303-00452577 our local hospitals and those who are KImoMB_N8fM-01545-00452578-00453000 serving all persons who come to be KImoMB_N8fM-01546-00453001-00453079 treated KImoMB_N8fM-01547-00453080-00453364 Lord I pray that you will continue to KImoMB_N8fM-01548-00453364-00453714 give them strength continue to help them KImoMB_N8fM-01549-00453715-00454122 in their fatigue and in their fear give KImoMB_N8fM-01550-00454123-00454398 them courage Lord and help them to be KImoMB_N8fM-01551-00454399-00454654 wise Lord we give you thanks for the KImoMB_N8fM-01552-00454655-00454879 gifts that you have given them the gifts KImoMB_N8fM-01553-00454880-00455268 of healing and walking alongside people KImoMB_N8fM-01554-00455269-00455581 we give you thanks for the ways Lords KImoMB_N8fM-01555-00455582-00455752 they've already made a difference in the KImoMB_N8fM-01556-00455753-00456102 world and in their communities and lore KImoMB_N8fM-01557-00456103-00456372 we pray for their children we ask your KImoMB_N8fM-01558-00456373-00456675 blessing particularly and Brittany's KImoMB_N8fM-01559-00456676-00457004 small children we ask your blessing on KImoMB_N8fM-01560-00457005-00457354 Joe's family members who are living with KImoMB_N8fM-01561-00457355-00457612 him and we ask Lord that she would KImoMB_N8fM-01562-00457613-00457918 continue to strengthen them and thank KImoMB_N8fM-01563-00457918-00458239 you for giving them to us as partners on KImoMB_N8fM-01564-00458239-00458556 this journey Lord may we continue to KImoMB_N8fM-01565-00458557-00458931 hold them strongly in our prayers and as KImoMB_N8fM-01566-00458932-00459222 we think of the doctors nurses KImoMB_N8fM-01567-00459222-00459504 caregivers that we are all related to KImoMB_N8fM-01568-00459505-00459729 through our churches and our communities KImoMB_N8fM-01569-00459730-00460006 and our neighborhoods KImoMB_N8fM-01570-00460007-00460381 or do we lift them up to you KImoMB_N8fM-01571-00460382-00460774 we ask your blessing upon them KImoMB_N8fM-01572-00460775-00461155 we asked for your courage KImoMB_N8fM-01573-00461156-00461518 help us Lord the pastors priests in the KImoMB_N8fM-01574-00461518-00461929 community amen KImoMB_N8fM-01575-00461930-00462070 you KImoMB_N8fM-01576-00462071-00462437 amen Thank You kami so before we I KImoMB_N8fM-01577-00462438-00462629 wanted this to have some time to be able KImoMB_N8fM-01578-00462630-00462956 to talk with one another I mean part of KImoMB_N8fM-01579-00462957-00463145 this is because of the isolation that KImoMB_N8fM-01580-00463146-00463460 you know so many of us feel and while we KImoMB_N8fM-01581-00463460-00463781 can't be together face to face at least KImoMB_N8fM-01582-00463782-00464057 we can have some time together to share KImoMB_N8fM-01583-00464058-00464279 about this role of pastor and and how KImoMB_N8fM-01584-00464280-00464522 we're approaching it individually so I'm KImoMB_N8fM-01585-00464522-00464785 gonna send us into some breakout groups KImoMB_N8fM-01586-00464787-00465203 through the magic of zoom and I'm gonna KImoMB_N8fM-01587-00465204-00465413 give us a couple of questions that will KImoMB_N8fM-01588-00465414-00465647 you'll be received in these breakout KImoMB_N8fM-01589-00465647-00465926 groups and we'll have about eight to ten KImoMB_N8fM-01590-00465927-00466064 minutes to just talk with one another KImoMB_N8fM-01591-00466064-00466447 and here are the questions what KImoMB_N8fM-01592-00466448-00466780 Scripture experienced or teaching is KImoMB_N8fM-01593-00466781-00467027 informing you as you prepare for this KImoMB_N8fM-01594-00467028-00467297 pastoral work ahead KImoMB_N8fM-01595-00467299-00467604 and then you know practically speaking KImoMB_N8fM-01596-00467605-00467880 what can you do to make sure that those KImoMB_N8fM-01597-00467881-00468113 who need pastoral care in your community KImoMB_N8fM-01598-00468114-00468497 and in your congregation are able to KImoMB_N8fM-01599-00468499-00468726 receive that care what are the things KImoMB_N8fM-01600-00468727-00469080 that you can do like kami was saying you KImoMB_N8fM-01601-00469081-00469233 know call upon those that can help us KImoMB_N8fM-01602-00469234-00469643 that are in our sphere so I'm gonna send KImoMB_N8fM-01603-00469645-00469860 us into some breakout groups and we'll KImoMB_N8fM-01604-00469860-00470013 gather us back together here in about KImoMB_N8fM-01605-00470014-00470252 eight minutes KImoMB_N8fM-01606-00470253-00470556 so we're gathered here back together I KImoMB_N8fM-01607-00470557-00470735 just want to thank you for your time KImoMB_N8fM-01608-00470737-00471282 today what I've noted here in our chat KImoMB_N8fM-01609-00471283-00471662 box is John Wesley's a primitive physic KImoMB_N8fM-01610-00471663-00472313 which is a text that John Wesley created KImoMB_N8fM-01611-00472314-00472693 that was actually on the frontier KImoMB_N8fM-01612-00472695-00473124 America was the most popular and widely KImoMB_N8fM-01613-00473125-00473483 distributed look KImoMB_N8fM-01614-00473484-00473935 even more so than the Bible that was a KImoMB_N8fM-01615-00473936-00474383 list of basically medical cures not all KImoMB_N8fM-01616-00474384-00474583 of them most of them are probably kind KImoMB_N8fM-01617-00474584-00475037 of quackery by our standards today but KImoMB_N8fM-01618-00475038-00475322 John Wesley and his Wesleyan movement KImoMB_N8fM-01619-00475322-00475502 was concerned about the public welfare KImoMB_N8fM-01620-00475503-00475943 and public health and so as we go about KImoMB_N8fM-01621-00475943-00476633 our work as pastors as theologians and KImoMB_N8fM-01622-00476634-00476887 residents and wearing are many different KImoMB_N8fM-01623-00476888-00477383 hats we are also public theologians and KImoMB_N8fM-01624-00477384-00477733 caring for the public health of our KImoMB_N8fM-01625-00477734-00478181 common soul and souls here in the KImoMB_N8fM-01626-00478182-00478414 communities we serve in across this KImoMB_N8fM-01627-00478415-00478622 country and so I want to thank you for KImoMB_N8fM-01628-00478622-00479189 your work day in and day out and if you KImoMB_N8fM-01629-00479189-00479470 have any further questions please email KImoMB_N8fM-01630-00479471-00479993 me advisor at NTC UMC org or any KImoMB_N8fM-01631-00479993-00480110 follow-up questions that you might want KImoMB_N8fM-01632-00480110-00480391 to get to our medical professionals or KImoMB_N8fM-01633-00480392-00480643 others about missional response you'll KImoMB_N8fM-01634-00480644-00480793 note that there are a number of other KImoMB_N8fM-01635-00480794-00481025 zoom calls happening today and KImoMB_N8fM-01636-00481026-00481280 throughout this week on Wednesday at KImoMB_N8fM-01637-00481281-00481597 10:00 a.m. we will have our zoom call KImoMB_N8fM-01638-00481598-00482062 that is like our one last Monday where KImoMB_N8fM-01639-00482063-00482283 we'll share about some of our rural KImoMB_N8fM-01640-00482284-00482603 missional responses and have kind of a KImoMB_N8fM-01641-00482604-00483085 time of resourcing and sharing one KImoMB_N8fM-01642-00483086-00483524 another about things that we're seeing KImoMB_N8fM-01643-00483525-00483725 on the ground in terms of our own KImoMB_N8fM-01644-00483726-00483993 missional response and gain some KImoMB_N8fM-01645-00483994-00484291 connections and leveraging some of the KImoMB_N8fM-01646-00484292-00484585 things that we're already doing so KImoMB_N8fM-01647-00484586-00484901 that'll be 10 o'clock on Wednesday KImoMB_N8fM-01648-00484902-00485089 morning so we'll hope you'll join us KImoMB_N8fM-01649-00485090-00485395 with that this conversation will be KImoMB_N8fM-01650-00485396-00485741 recorded edited and it's going to be up KImoMB_N8fM-01651-00485742-00485941 on our web sites as soon as we're able KImoMB_N8fM-01652-00485942-00486172 as long as some come summary notes to KImoMB_N8fM-01653-00486173-00486585 help guide our conversation JD KImoMB_N8fM-01654-00486586-00487046 it says some of our public work may be KImoMB_N8fM-01655-00487047-00487395 helping to folks to avoid the quack KImoMB_N8fM-01656-00487396-00487716 cures that people seem to be taking keys KImoMB_N8fM-01657-00487717-00488172 from from our president and Kimmy has KImoMB_N8fM-01658-00488173-00488361 also included her email as being a KImoMB_N8fM-01659-00488362-00488575 conversation partner again if you're KImoMB_N8fM-01660-00488576-00488781 having you know major questions you'll KImoMB_N8fM-01661-00488782-00488892 want to be in touch with your district KImoMB_N8fM-01662-00488893-00489102 superintendent and all of us are KImoMB_N8fM-01663-00489103-00489547 available here for your conversation KImoMB_N8fM-01664-00489547-00489768 all right thank you very much kami do KImoMB_N8fM-01665-00489770-00490064 you have anything to add KImoMB_N8fM-01666-00490064-00490322 now just to thank you for all of you KImoMB_N8fM-01667-00490323-00490604 guys and all the ways that you Pastor KImoMB_N8fM-01668-00490605-00490970 I'm aware that my husband's Church KImoMB_N8fM-01669-00490971-00491217 divided up on the staff and called every KImoMB_N8fM-01670-00491218-00491442 single board send us with this KImoMB_N8fM-01671-00491443-00491742 benediction that is known to many of you KImoMB_N8fM-01672-00491743-00492125 let us go forth from this digital space KImoMB_N8fM-01673-00492126-00492366 loving God and all the way dudes so that KImoMB_N8fM-01674-00492367-00492741 those for whom hope and love are a KImoMB_N8fM-01675-00492742-00493085 stranger in this time and isolates time KImoMB_N8fM-01676-00493085-00493407 will find in us most generous friends KImoMB_N8fM-01677-00493408-00494087 time in thanks y'all KImoMB_N8fM-01678-00494088-00494464 you KImoMB_N8fM-01679-00494464-00496529 you KImoMB_N8fM-01680-00496530-00497147 thank you all for doing this KImoMB_N8fM-01681-00497147-00497354 you KIyb3baIBYQ-00000-00000000-00000623 features KIyb3baIBYQ-00001-00000624-00003347 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00003-00007847-00010571 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00004-00010572-00013475 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00005-00013476-00015071 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00007-00022692-00025549 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00008-00025550-00028133 Ramadan foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00010-00031439-00034318 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00015-00051594-00051779 kullu KIyb3baIBYQ-00016-00051779-00053371 pictures KIyb3baIBYQ-00017-00053372-00053788 for us KIyb3baIBYQ-00018-00053789-00054154 in KIyb3baIBYQ-00019-00054155-00055565 the morning foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00020-00055566-00055726 job KIyb3baIBYQ-00021-00055727-00056341 Allah KIyb3baIBYQ-00022-00056341-00058271 purus is KIyb3baIBYQ-00024-00063833-00066347 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00025-00066348-00068999 Airport KIyb3baIBYQ-00028-00078035-00079469 [Applause] KIyb3baIBYQ-00029-00079470-00081437 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00030-00081438-00083746 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00031-00083747-00086615 [Applause] KIyb3baIBYQ-00034-00094307-00097162 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00037-00106698-00107825 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00039-00113441-00113608 thank you KIyb3baIBYQ-00042-00120366-00121354 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00044-00124776-00125543 horrible KIyb3baIBYQ-00045-00125544-00126119 again KIyb3baIBYQ-00046-00126120-00126743 so KIyb3baIBYQ-00047-00126744-00126952 either hello KIyb3baIBYQ-00048-00126953-00128686 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00050-00131934-00134878 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00051-00134879-00135004 evolution KIyb3baIBYQ-00052-00135005-00135952 is KIyb3baIBYQ-00054-00141822-00142727 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00056-00147744-00150485 foreign KIyb3baIBYQ-00058-00158924-00159253 foreign foreign KJJeSPLl8N4-00000-00000000-00002207 cardboard Studios presents heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-00001-00002208-00002396 cardboard episode 18 KJJeSPLl8N4-00002-00002397-00002490 Agricola KJJeSPLl8N4-00003-00002491-00003007 [Music] KJJeSPLl8N4-00004-00003008-00003192 coming to you from the home of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00005-00003193-00003465 cheeseburger Denver Colorado Vulcan the KJJeSPLl8N4-00006-00003467-00003597 heavy cardboard where we talk KJJeSPLl8N4-00007-00003598-00003802 medium/heavy strategy board games or KJJeSPLl8N4-00008-00003803-00004138 games 18x x and other related topics in KJJeSPLl8N4-00009-00004139-00004347 the board gaming hobby we're your hosts KJJeSPLl8N4-00010-00004348-00004609 I'm Edward and I am Tony hey let's tell KJJeSPLl8N4-00011-00004610-00004806 the folks how to get in contact with us KJJeSPLl8N4-00012-00004807-00005025 you can reach us on twitter at heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-00013-00005026-00005304 cardboard our facebook page is heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-00014-00005305-00005589 cardboard send us an e-mail at heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-00015-00005590-00005922 cardboard at gmail.com and of course our KJJeSPLl8N4-00016-00005923-00006196 website is heavy cardboard comm and if KJJeSPLl8N4-00017-00006197-00006402 you guys would we're loving the iTunes KJJeSPLl8N4-00018-00006403-00006588 reviews and ratings and the stuff on KJJeSPLl8N4-00019-00006589-00006769 stitcher we greatly appreciate it KJJeSPLl8N4-00020-00006770-00006970 speaking of which we want to give a KJJeSPLl8N4-00021-00006970-00007180 shout out to skip in for the kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-00022-00007181-00007416 review on iTunes much appreciated yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00023-00007417-00007687 ironically enough he mentioned that he KJJeSPLl8N4-00024-00007688-00007879 wanted more older games that would be KJJeSPLl8N4-00025-00007880-00008095 better and well tonight's full of them KJJeSPLl8N4-00026-00008095-00008416 so you guys wait right on Bob before we KJJeSPLl8N4-00027-00008417-00008641 get started let's send a thank you to KJJeSPLl8N4-00028-00008642-00008848 game surplus for their sponsorship of KJJeSPLl8N4-00029-00008849-00009181 heavy cardboard thanks guys they have a KJJeSPLl8N4-00030-00009182-00009396 great inventory of a lot of import it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00031-00009397-00009669 hard to find games and their tagline is KJJeSPLl8N4-00032-00009670-00009835 the home of great games at great prices KJJeSPLl8N4-00033-00009836-00010015 so check them out dub dub dubgame KJJeSPLl8N4-00034-00010016-00010258 surplus comm so when we're recording KJJeSPLl8N4-00035-00010259-00010432 this it's Monday it's Presidents Day KJJeSPLl8N4-00036-00010433-00010710 happy Presidents Day nice day off for me KJJeSPLl8N4-00037-00010711-00010876 the two birthdays of my two favorite KJJeSPLl8N4-00038-00010877-00011155 presidents form the Presidents Day KJJeSPLl8N4-00039-00011156-00011452 holiday and those are George Washington KJJeSPLl8N4-00040-00011453-00011541 and Abraham Lincoln KJJeSPLl8N4-00041-00011542-00011760 I knew the George Washington pie I KJJeSPLl8N4-00042-00011761-00011929 didn't know Abraham Lincoln George KJJeSPLl8N4-00043-00011930-00012183 Washington was an amazing motivator of KJJeSPLl8N4-00044-00012184-00012513 men and turned down absolute power twice KJJeSPLl8N4-00045-00012514-00012786 of course Abraham Lincoln was just an KJJeSPLl8N4-00046-00012787-00012949 incredible speechwriter and then KJJeSPLl8N4-00047-00012950-00013186 obviously his impact in freeing the KJJeSPLl8N4-00048-00013187-00013563 slaves so awesome presidents raqqa so KJJeSPLl8N4-00049-00013565-00013761 it's nice to remember it's not just a KJJeSPLl8N4-00050-00013762-00013963 day off of Warner or some of us know you KJJeSPLl8N4-00051-00013963-00014280 know he wasn't for me sorry KJJeSPLl8N4-00052-00014281-00014797 with that said so the voting for the KJJeSPLl8N4-00053-00014797-00015058 golden geek is still going on which is KJJeSPLl8N4-00054-00015059-00015441 the awards given out BoardGameGeek every KJJeSPLl8N4-00055-00015443-00015703 year the yearly awards closes 22nd I KJJeSPLl8N4-00056-00015704-00015888 think the voting eighteenth or 22nd KJJeSPLl8N4-00057-00015890-00016063 something like that and we were KJJeSPLl8N4-00058-00016063-00016340 fortunate enough thanks to our listeners KJJeSPLl8N4-00059-00016341-00016628 get nominated for the Golden Key cord as KJJeSPLl8N4-00060-00016629-00016988 the best board game podcast we were 2014 KJJeSPLl8N4-00061-00016989-00017189 I was it's amazing yeah we were humbled KJJeSPLl8N4-00062-00017190-00017408 shocked blown away kind of all at the KJJeSPLl8N4-00063-00017409-00017636 same time I mean our little eight month KJJeSPLl8N4-00064-00017637-00017855 old show here is being recognized with KJJeSPLl8N4-00065-00017856-00018023 some of the juggernauts and a board game KJJeSPLl8N4-00066-00018024-00018356 oh yes I mean I realize that the board KJJeSPLl8N4-00067-00018357-00018662 game hobby is a niche as is but even so KJJeSPLl8N4-00068-00018663-00018965 to be recognized with you know a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-00069-00018966-00019100 the other people that were nominated KJJeSPLl8N4-00070-00019101-00019352 that was was mind-blowing it really was KJJeSPLl8N4-00071-00019353-00019514 it was awesome that we started doing KJJeSPLl8N4-00072-00019515-00019733 this for fun and and it is still fun KJJeSPLl8N4-00073-00019734-00019949 yeah absolutely it is to think that you KJJeSPLl8N4-00074-00019950-00020117 know we've we've made a little impact KJJeSPLl8N4-00075-00020118-00020330 that's it's unexpected and pretty darn KJJeSPLl8N4-00076-00020331-00020495 cool yeah it's it's cool to know that KJJeSPLl8N4-00077-00020496-00020687 we've connected with enough people to I KJJeSPLl8N4-00078-00020688-00020918 guess make a difference kind of yeah so KJJeSPLl8N4-00079-00020919-00021152 a huge thank you to all that voted and KJJeSPLl8N4-00080-00021153-00021398 to all those that just enjoy the show KJJeSPLl8N4-00081-00021399-00021623 thanks a lot guys appreciate it KJJeSPLl8N4-00082-00021624-00021842 so with it being the holiday weekend and KJJeSPLl8N4-00083-00021843-00022184 everything a long weekend for me Friday KJJeSPLl8N4-00084-00022185-00022352 it started off we went to a local KJJeSPLl8N4-00085-00022353-00022574 convention we had one of the my favorite KJJeSPLl8N4-00086-00022575-00022826 single nights of the year and that's the KJJeSPLl8N4-00087-00022827-00023096 the board game auction at Genghis Khan KJJeSPLl8N4-00088-00023097-00023402 every year and this year it was let's KJJeSPLl8N4-00089-00023403-00023603 see it was you it was me it was Paul KJJeSPLl8N4-00090-00023604-00023960 Chuck it was Scott Amanda obviously and KJJeSPLl8N4-00091-00023961-00024191 um it was my first Genghis Khan auction KJJeSPLl8N4-00092-00024192-00024413 and we met Nate Hayden I'd seen him KJJeSPLl8N4-00093-00024414-00024587 before for those that don't know Nate KJJeSPLl8N4-00094-00024588-00024950 hatin is a designer who's designed Cave KJJeSPLl8N4-00095-00024951-00025244 evil after Pablo the mushroom eaters and KJJeSPLl8N4-00096-00025245-00025457 few others local here in Denver right so KJJeSPLl8N4-00097-00025458-00025645 that was it's just it's just so much fun KJJeSPLl8N4-00098-00025647-00025877 it goes on like six seven hours and it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00099-00025877-00026170 just you see the most amazing games that KJJeSPLl8N4-00100-00026172-00026389 people buy some of the crap that they KJJeSPLl8N4-00101-00026391-00026639 buy how many times did you hear me say KJJeSPLl8N4-00102-00026639-00027070 why did you buy that for $80 you know KJJeSPLl8N4-00103-00027072-00027257 but at the same time that there were KJJeSPLl8N4-00104-00027258-00027520 really good deals oh yeah in there I KJJeSPLl8N4-00105-00027522-00027701 picked up a couple games I'll mention KJJeSPLl8N4-00106-00027702-00028061 right and Chuck got some I got one I KJJeSPLl8N4-00107-00028062-00028424 wanted but it was so Friday started the KJJeSPLl8N4-00108-00028425-00028736 the weekend off off well then Saturday KJJeSPLl8N4-00109-00028737-00028925 we got the new lights in our game room KJJeSPLl8N4-00110-00028926-00029146 done with awesome makes a world of KJJeSPLl8N4-00111-00029147-00029365 difference in here and I know you did KJJeSPLl8N4-00112-00029366-00029546 some gaming on Saturday KJJeSPLl8N4-00113-00029547-00029768 did we I had some of the fellas over we KJJeSPLl8N4-00114-00029769-00029999 played dominant species yeah a couple of KJJeSPLl8N4-00115-00030000-00030311 a couple of them Brian and Matt in KJJeSPLl8N4-00116-00030312-00030495 particular they never played it I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00117-00030495-00030707 sorry not Brian um Tony and Matt and KJJeSPLl8N4-00118-00030708-00030980 everything and they loved it we played KJJeSPLl8N4-00119-00030981-00031311 Kanban we played bandeau for what feels KJJeSPLl8N4-00120-00031312-00031560 like the 40th time in the Blitz three KJJeSPLl8N4-00121-00031561-00031848 four weeks well you've got a bunch KJJeSPLl8N4-00122-00031849-00032007 played yeah you know it was Valentine's KJJeSPLl8N4-00123-00032008-00032226 Day so what the wife wanted for KJJeSPLl8N4-00124-00032227-00032411 Valentine's Day was me to play her list KJJeSPLl8N4-00125-00032412-00032774 of games rock on oh if I must whisk my KJJeSPLl8N4-00126-00032775-00033020 arm Robin right so that's that's what we KJJeSPLl8N4-00127-00033021-00033201 did me and her and then him at was KJJeSPLl8N4-00128-00033202-00033426 around so we did that too that's cool so KJJeSPLl8N4-00129-00033427-00033611 what well you'll get into we'll talk KJJeSPLl8N4-00130-00033612-00033798 about the way yeah yeah and then on KJJeSPLl8N4-00131-00033799-00034145 Sunday we all got together and headed KJJeSPLl8N4-00132-00034146-00034380 down in separate cars but we headed down KJJeSPLl8N4-00133-00034381-00034664 to southern Denver to go to Paul Chad's KJJeSPLl8N4-00134-00034665-00034923 house into the first time and he's gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-00135-00034924-00035114 be great place so he does a beautiful KJJeSPLl8N4-00136-00035115-00035462 house and mutual friend of ours Kevin KJJeSPLl8N4-00137-00035463-00035798 who is old like 20-year old friend of KJJeSPLl8N4-00138-00035799-00036098 Paul Chad's came into town with his KJJeSPLl8N4-00139-00036099-00036374 family and we there were six of us and KJJeSPLl8N4-00140-00036375-00036677 so we had dueling Arkwright games we had KJJeSPLl8N4-00141-00036678-00036882 two three players yeah two three player KJJeSPLl8N4-00142-00036883-00037080 Arkwright games going eat your heart out KJJeSPLl8N4-00143-00037081-00037262 there that was that was a blast there KJJeSPLl8N4-00144-00037263-00037442 was a lot of fun you had you had the KJJeSPLl8N4-00145-00037443-00037782 harder time because we played each in KJJeSPLl8N4-00146-00037783-00038030 the different games you had to teach to KJJeSPLl8N4-00147-00038031-00038207 players and the two players I played KJJeSPLl8N4-00148-00038208-00038507 with already knew the game so so you KJJeSPLl8N4-00149-00038508-00038748 guys I'm taking that on oh no I enjoy KJJeSPLl8N4-00150-00038749-00038982 teaching it I know you did and it was KJJeSPLl8N4-00151-00038983-00039182 fun and even though you guys finished KJJeSPLl8N4-00152-00039183-00039446 about an hour ahead of us or so it gave KJJeSPLl8N4-00153-00039447-00039689 you a chance to play newland right so KJJeSPLl8N4-00154-00039690-00039986 that's good which was a game that was KJJeSPLl8N4-00155-00039987-00040211 suggested to us in our guild by our KJJeSPLl8N4-00156-00040212-00040617 listeners yeah which yeah so less thing KJJeSPLl8N4-00157-00040618-00040793 before we really get rocking and rolling KJJeSPLl8N4-00158-00040794-00040992 that I wanted to bring up is the heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-00159-00040993-00041226 cardboard bgg auction this started up KJJeSPLl8N4-00160-00041227-00041546 this afternoon we have pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-00161-00041547-00041886 wide-ranging amount of game not just the KJJeSPLl8N4-00162-00041887-00042062 amount but different everything from KJJeSPLl8N4-00163-00042063-00042285 filler all the way up to games like KJJeSPLl8N4-00164-00042286-00042630 upfront euphoria Panzer second edition KJJeSPLl8N4-00165-00042631-00042883 before E is already gone again KJJeSPLl8N4-00166-00042884-00043150 was there it was a stronghold I heard KJJeSPLl8N4-00167-00043151-00043362 the lady in the lake fire in the sky KJJeSPLl8N4-00168-00043363-00043714 which is a Grail war game as well so go KJJeSPLl8N4-00169-00043715-00044005 check it out if you are so inclined it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00170-00044006-00044176 gonna be running through Saturday this KJJeSPLl8N4-00171-00044177-00044398 episode drops Wednesday night Thursday KJJeSPLl8N4-00172-00044399-00044662 morning sometime and it's going through KJJeSPLl8N4-00173-00044663-00044875 Saturday so you got a few days to go KJJeSPLl8N4-00174-00044876-00045160 check it out if if you want and I'm sure KJJeSPLl8N4-00175-00045161-00045334 we'll link to it in the show notes as KJJeSPLl8N4-00176-00045335-00045504 well right on KJJeSPLl8N4-00177-00045505-00045829 well Edward we just mentioned the KJJeSPLl8N4-00178-00045830-00046140 auction at Genghis Khan just a few days KJJeSPLl8N4-00179-00046141-00046407 ago and so I'm prepared to sit back here KJJeSPLl8N4-00180-00046408-00046696 for about 20 minutes cuz I know you KJJeSPLl8N4-00181-00046697-00046918 spent a lot of money at that auction KJJeSPLl8N4-00182-00046919-00047236 well what have you acquired well uh the KJJeSPLl8N4-00183-00047237-00047386 games that I acquired that I'm keeping KJJeSPLl8N4-00184-00047387-00047692 how about is that okay all right so I'll KJJeSPLl8N4-00185-00047693-00047851 start off with the mushroom eaters we KJJeSPLl8N4-00186-00047852-00048169 mentioned a minute ago um I took the KJJeSPLl8N4-00187-00048170-00048462 shrink-wrap off and showed him the KJJeSPLl8N4-00188-00048463-00048628 inside of the box lid and said Nate KJJeSPLl8N4-00189-00048629-00048904 personalize it to Edward do whatever you KJJeSPLl8N4-00190-00048905-00049033 want I don't care KJJeSPLl8N4-00191-00049034-00049225 write it however you want me put in a KJJeSPLl8N4-00192-00049226-00049414 mushroom and signed it to Edward and KJJeSPLl8N4-00193-00049415-00049585 stuff so that was that was her that was KJJeSPLl8N4-00194-00049586-00049926 pretty cool also got what is arguably KJJeSPLl8N4-00195-00049927-00050218 some people say the best three player KJJeSPLl8N4-00196-00050219-00050518 game in existence yeah he said the end KJJeSPLl8N4-00197-00050519-00050839 of the triumvirate I got it for I want KJJeSPLl8N4-00198-00050840-00051004 to say it was like four dollars which is KJJeSPLl8N4-00199-00051005-00051408 criminally reckless so I'm excited so KJJeSPLl8N4-00200-00051409-00051729 now I have what a lot of people say are KJJeSPLl8N4-00201-00051730-00052099 all the best three player games we have KJJeSPLl8N4-00202-00052100-00052360 three kingdoms redux have end of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00203-00052361-00052591 drought triumvirate have after the flood KJJeSPLl8N4-00204-00052591-00052975 in god's playground in also maria so we KJJeSPLl8N4-00205-00052976-00053176 got a three-day gaming or a three player KJJeSPLl8N4-00206-00053177-00053580 gaming come by our wazoo yeah also got a KJJeSPLl8N4-00207-00053582-00053839 copy of Kahless magna carta you said it KJJeSPLl8N4-00208-00053840-00054028 was a pretty cool game I have a copy and KJJeSPLl8N4-00209-00054029-00054259 so I was like well for you know four or KJJeSPLl8N4-00210-00054260-00054412 five bucks or whatever it was I was like KJJeSPLl8N4-00211-00054413-00054574 sure I'll give it a try alright yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00212-00054575-00054619 hell yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00213-00054620-00054876 um and Amanda pointed this next one out KJJeSPLl8N4-00214-00054877-00055101 to me she saw the black box because we KJJeSPLl8N4-00215-00055102-00055344 have Saturn from theta games yeah and KJJeSPLl8N4-00216-00055345-00055612 she saw one and she was like oh it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00217-00055613-00055861 fire which it looks like a fireplace KJJeSPLl8N4-00218-00055862-00056179 with wood stacked up in a kind of type KJJeSPLl8N4-00219-00056179-00056254 thing and KJJeSPLl8N4-00220-00056255-00056465 and she saw that and she's like get that KJJeSPLl8N4-00221-00056466-00056729 next 30 games yeah yeah yeah so got that KJJeSPLl8N4-00222-00056729-00057098 got Mari no strim and the expansion for KJJeSPLl8N4-00223-00057099-00057362 it which is a kind of a sieve building KJJeSPLl8N4-00224-00057363-00057591 game which I'm a sucker for sieve games KJJeSPLl8N4-00225-00057592-00057892 also got the expansion for a nuclear KJJeSPLl8N4-00226-00057894-00058229 winter 68 herd of Darkness interested KJJeSPLl8N4-00227-00058229-00058576 and given that ago we got bunches just KJJeSPLl8N4-00228-00058577-00058804 tons of dice from chessick says one of KJJeSPLl8N4-00229-00058805-00059114 Amanda's highlight things at the con and KJJeSPLl8N4-00230-00059115-00059360 we were talking about how Chuck got a KJJeSPLl8N4-00231-00059361-00059579 got a steal and it was a game that you KJJeSPLl8N4-00232-00059579-00059857 wanted yeah he ended up getting a the KJJeSPLl8N4-00233-00059858-00060125 33rd printing of rock roads and boats KJJeSPLl8N4-00234-00060126-00060278 for 51 box KJJeSPLl8N4-00235-00060279-00060641 you know that's Wow right pretty crazy KJJeSPLl8N4-00236-00060641-00061028 dog the only thing that I didn't get at KJJeSPLl8N4-00237-00061029-00061346 the auction that I've acquired is a game KJJeSPLl8N4-00238-00061347-00061579 called incredible expeditions quest for KJJeSPLl8N4-00239-00061580-00061814 Atlantis it's a game we backed on KJJeSPLl8N4-00240-00061815-00062032 Kickstarter a year and a half ago whoa KJJeSPLl8N4-00241-00062033-00062240 that's a long time ago yeah it's it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00242-00062241-00062432 been plagued with delays and everything KJJeSPLl8N4-00243-00062433-00062591 and it was a gay it looks really good KJJeSPLl8N4-00244-00062591-00062834 but it's I'll be honest it's a game that KJJeSPLl8N4-00245-00062835-00063137 we've sent outgrown the time we backed KJJeSPLl8N4-00246-00063138-00063347 it to where we are now in our gaming KJJeSPLl8N4-00247-00063348-00063541 lives Amanda and I so what do you mean KJJeSPLl8N4-00248-00063542-00063860 by outgrown its it's a little Ameri KJJeSPLl8N4-00249-00063861-00064180 trashy that more so than it just it KJJeSPLl8N4-00250-00064182-00064457 seems a little too simplistic and a KJJeSPLl8N4-00251-00064458-00064670 little too luck based and just not KJJeSPLl8N4-00252-00064671-00065365 really our cup of tea anymore and so we KJJeSPLl8N4-00253-00065366-00065642 there we go and so I'm rubbing off on KJJeSPLl8N4-00254-00065643-00065993 you then yeah to a point to a point not KJJeSPLl8N4-00255-00065994-00066377 I'm not as anti random as you are well I KJJeSPLl8N4-00256-00066378-00066532 used to be big-time in mirror treasure KJJeSPLl8N4-00257-00066533-00066743 but I've really you know the last two KJJeSPLl8N4-00258-00066744-00067022 years just that's dwindled seriously KJJeSPLl8N4-00259-00067023-00067379 which we're both war gamers as well and KJJeSPLl8N4-00260-00067380-00067640 so we don't mind dice in that so I KJJeSPLl8N4-00261-00067641-00067964 wonder why the difference that is that's KJJeSPLl8N4-00262-00067965-00068213 well I think you know in most war games KJJeSPLl8N4-00263-00068214-00068507 the dice rolls are shall we say weighted KJJeSPLl8N4-00264-00068508-00068750 or meaning there's usually a chart that KJJeSPLl8N4-00265-00068751-00069074 has other factors right versus like in KJJeSPLl8N4-00266-00069075-00069275 Ziya if I roll a 20 I get a victory KJJeSPLl8N4-00267-00069276-00069482 point sure what no no and we're both KJJeSPLl8N4-00268-00069483-00069523 ready KJJeSPLl8N4-00269-00069524-00069736 same same page when it comes to stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-00270-00069737-00069888 there's nice done well and there's dice KJJeSPLl8N4-00271-00069889-00070207 done not well that's fair yeah so that's KJJeSPLl8N4-00272-00070208-00070456 what I've acquired or Aaron you're it KJJeSPLl8N4-00273-00070457-00070672 well at the at the auction I got I KJJeSPLl8N4-00274-00070673-00070944 acquired two games my wife KJJeSPLl8N4-00275-00070945-00071242 speaking of dice loves dice games and KJJeSPLl8N4-00276-00071243-00071542 raah the dice game was at the auction KJJeSPLl8N4-00277-00071543-00071719 yeah you were super jazzed about that KJJeSPLl8N4-00278-00071720-00071959 I've heard it's actually not bad right KJJeSPLl8N4-00279-00071960-00072160 and so I'm like alright I'm gonna get KJJeSPLl8N4-00280-00072161-00072244 that for the wife KJJeSPLl8N4-00281-00072245-00072469 and so we played it we played it like KJJeSPLl8N4-00282-00072470-00072703 two times consecutively on Valentine's KJJeSPLl8N4-00283-00072704-00072730 Day KJJeSPLl8N4-00284-00072731-00072925 okay so you've already played it yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00285-00072926-00073099 which I'm sure you'll talk about here in KJJeSPLl8N4-00286-00073100-00073132 a minute KJJeSPLl8N4-00287-00073133-00073344 well yeah yeah and it's it's it's very KJJeSPLl8N4-00288-00073345-00073660 cool and I also got fresco which is the KJJeSPLl8N4-00289-00073661-00073834 game I've wanted to try but I've never KJJeSPLl8N4-00290-00073835-00074041 been willing to like drop 40 bucks on it KJJeSPLl8N4-00291-00074042-00074319 and John had a copy but when he moved KJJeSPLl8N4-00292-00074320-00074593 away I never got a chance to play so we KJJeSPLl8N4-00293-00074594-00074757 also played down on Valentine's dance KJJeSPLl8N4-00294-00074758-00075063 for cool I acquired a village port which KJJeSPLl8N4-00295-00075064-00075331 I'm excited about and so III haven't KJJeSPLl8N4-00296-00075332-00075507 played with village with village port KJJeSPLl8N4-00297-00075508-00075835 yet but I've looked into it and read the KJJeSPLl8N4-00298-00075836-00075994 rules and played around with it and it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00299-00075995-00076269 like wow I think it's really gonna be KJJeSPLl8N4-00300-00076270-00076534 cool we both enjoyed village we both KJJeSPLl8N4-00301-00076535-00076798 enjoyed village inn and I've always said KJJeSPLl8N4-00302-00076799-00077062 that the travelling section of the on KJJeSPLl8N4-00303-00077063-00077313 the board and village felt really KJJeSPLl8N4-00304-00077314-00077554 underpowered and just kind of and yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00305-00077555-00077830 Wayne I think it's expensive but it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00306-00077831-00078132 big points if you go all the way but KJJeSPLl8N4-00307-00078133-00078292 it's all cancer but it's expensive right KJJeSPLl8N4-00308-00078293-00078613 and the fact that village port covers KJJeSPLl8N4-00309-00078614-00078813 that area of the board and removes it KJJeSPLl8N4-00310-00078814-00079032 from the game and replaces it dude with KJJeSPLl8N4-00311-00079033-00079354 the port tells me that the designers KJJeSPLl8N4-00312-00079355-00079723 also felt that maybe it wasn't as good KJJeSPLl8N4-00313-00079724-00080001 of a part of the game as it looks KJJeSPLl8N4-00314-00080002-00080244 awesome as you go out to sea with stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-00315-00080245-00080404 come back with stuff you can leave KJJeSPLl8N4-00316-00080405-00080601 people out there they could die at sea KJJeSPLl8N4-00317-00080602-00080923 bring stuff back at the market I really KJJeSPLl8N4-00318-00080924-00081067 can't wait to play I'm excited I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00319-00081068-00081205 excited cuz I'm sure you'll play it KJJeSPLl8N4-00320-00081206-00081328 before I get a chance so I'm really KJJeSPLl8N4-00321-00081329-00081501 excited to hear about that I got a copy KJJeSPLl8N4-00322-00081502-00081835 of Sheriff of Nottingham and I acquired KJJeSPLl8N4-00323-00081836-00082134 the Britannia Germania map for Concordia KJJeSPLl8N4-00324-00082135-00082504 that has a two-player side doesn't it KJJeSPLl8N4-00325-00082505-00082714 yeah and the German is the Britannia KJJeSPLl8N4-00326-00082715-00082800 side then that your KJJeSPLl8N4-00327-00082801-00083172 manney aside you can sail your naval KJJeSPLl8N4-00328-00083173-00083547 colonists up rivers oh very cool so why KJJeSPLl8N4-00329-00083548-00083706 not just coach right because sometimes KJJeSPLl8N4-00330-00083707-00083860 there's like multiple ways to get to KJJeSPLl8N4-00331-00083861-00084109 some of the inland cities ie River or KJJeSPLl8N4-00332-00084110-00084480 Road yeah very cool rock on well I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00333-00084481-00084660 gonna roll right into what I'm hunting KJJeSPLl8N4-00334-00084661-00084847 cuz it's really only one thing and you KJJeSPLl8N4-00335-00084848-00084963 know we've been talking about wanting to KJJeSPLl8N4-00336-00084964-00085176 play it one to play it and I feel like I KJJeSPLl8N4-00337-00085177-00085323 should get a copy before I can't get a KJJeSPLl8N4-00338-00085324-00085609 copy and that's verse in does Volk yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00339-00085610-00085911 I have a feeling that if it's available KJJeSPLl8N4-00340-00085912-00086193 now it's not going to be forever and KJJeSPLl8N4-00341-00086194-00086385 it's a game that you and I are both KJJeSPLl8N4-00342-00086386-00086625 chomping at the bit I don't know I keep KJJeSPLl8N4-00343-00086626-00086817 looking up here and I'm like where is it KJJeSPLl8N4-00344-00086818-00086955 oh wait it's in our bag because I KJJeSPLl8N4-00345-00086956-00087147 brought it to Paul chess possibly play KJJeSPLl8N4-00346-00087148-00087531 I'll put it in my bag what do what are KJJeSPLl8N4-00347-00087532-00087887 you looking for um again not really KJJeSPLl8N4-00348-00087888-00088155 actively hunting everything it it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00349-00088156-00088317 almost refreshing you know it's kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-00350-00088318-00088497 nice to not be stressing out and just be KJJeSPLl8N4-00351-00088498-00088747 enjoying the games that we have that KJJeSPLl8N4-00352-00088748-00089110 said there are a couple of games that if KJJeSPLl8N4-00353-00089111-00089313 I see for the right price that I'll jump KJJeSPLl8N4-00354-00089314-00089544 on and that's princes of the Renaissance KJJeSPLl8N4-00355-00089545-00089829 cuz for some reason nobody out there has KJJeSPLl8N4-00356-00089830-00090172 sent me a copy I don't understand why so KJJeSPLl8N4-00357-00090173-00090421 you know what I'll forgive you guys for KJJeSPLl8N4-00358-00090422-00090675 that this time no no oh as long as KJJeSPLl8N4-00359-00090676-00090882 they're willing to send the other game KJJeSPLl8N4-00360-00090883-00091167 that I'm hunting and that is Horace what KJJeSPLl8N4-00361-00091168-00091419 okay this is another theta game okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00362-00091420-00091830 yeah good luck train oh yeah apparently KJJeSPLl8N4-00363-00091831-00092185 they went bankrupt before the the entire KJJeSPLl8N4-00364-00092186-00092473 print run was done so there are just a KJJeSPLl8N4-00365-00092474-00092716 handful of copies out there it's made to KJJeSPLl8N4-00366-00092717-00092955 look like sandstone it's a theta stone KJJeSPLl8N4-00367-00092956-00093448 is it also dexterity it's a theta game KJJeSPLl8N4-00368-00093449-00093871 but it's not a dexterity game it's it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00369-00093872-00094176 a ancient Egypt theme you have a no KJJeSPLl8N4-00370-00094177-00094362 BLISK in there and you may have to KJJeSPLl8N4-00371-00094363-00094678 battle some and it's super super super KJJeSPLl8N4-00372-00094679-00094840 rare this is a Grail game that I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00373-00094841-00095035 probably going to go my entire life KJJeSPLl8N4-00374-00095036-00095262 hunting because I think it goes for like KJJeSPLl8N4-00375-00095263-00095497 4 for 50 and there's no way in God's KJJeSPLl8N4-00376-00095498-00095665 great earth I'm ever going to pay that KJJeSPLl8N4-00377-00095666-00096054 much but if it falls in my lap sure I'll KJJeSPLl8N4-00378-00096055-00096167 take it but other KJJeSPLl8N4-00379-00096168-00096398 outside of those two Grails I'm not KJJeSPLl8N4-00380-00096399-00096692 really hunting anything and to be honest KJJeSPLl8N4-00381-00096693-00096932 with you the games that are announced as KJJeSPLl8N4-00382-00096933-00097142 of right now there's nothing out there KJJeSPLl8N4-00383-00097143-00097529 that I'm like oh yeah yeah four and so KJJeSPLl8N4-00384-00097530-00097766 I'm not saying that 2015 is gonna be a KJJeSPLl8N4-00385-00097767-00097991 bummer year it's just maybe I'm just KJJeSPLl8N4-00386-00097992-00098201 maturing in my tastes and I'm not I've KJJeSPLl8N4-00387-00098202-00098468 gotten over the must acquire everything KJJeSPLl8N4-00388-00098469-00098707 type phase so I'm just a little bit more KJJeSPLl8N4-00389-00098708-00098938 cool when it comes out I'm excited to KJJeSPLl8N4-00390-00098939-00099191 check it out you know we'll review stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-00391-00099192-00099362 on the show and that'll be great but KJJeSPLl8N4-00392-00099363-00099647 other than that yeah just kind of just KJJeSPLl8N4-00393-00099648-00100028 kind of going slow well during the KJJeSPLl8N4-00394-00100029-00100307 acquisition section I mentioned a couple KJJeSPLl8N4-00395-00100308-00100432 of things that I've I played on KJJeSPLl8N4-00396-00100433-00100856 Valentine's Day fresco and we played KJJeSPLl8N4-00397-00100857-00101081 three player and it was pretty darn cool KJJeSPLl8N4-00398-00101082-00101480 at the end well Robin was not liking it KJJeSPLl8N4-00399-00101481-00101660 at first and then at the end she's like KJJeSPLl8N4-00400-00101661-00101825 I'm gonna like that a lot better when I KJJeSPLl8N4-00401-00101826-00102001 play it next time because I like she KJJeSPLl8N4-00402-00102002-00102143 didn't know what because there's there KJJeSPLl8N4-00403-00102144-00102359 some like Scrooge in it like well you KJJeSPLl8N4-00404-00102360-00102596 know if you're not first or second you KJJeSPLl8N4-00405-00102597-00102791 know and I build your tile you know I KJJeSPLl8N4-00406-00102792-00102943 mean that it's that kind of a game you KJJeSPLl8N4-00407-00102944-00103111 know so at first she was having a hard KJJeSPLl8N4-00408-00103113-00103298 time adjusting to that because she was KJJeSPLl8N4-00409-00103299-00103429 having a hard time controlling if she KJJeSPLl8N4-00410-00103430-00103628 was first or not and then she got the KJJeSPLl8N4-00411-00103629-00103763 hang of it she's like I'm gonna like KJJeSPLl8N4-00412-00103764-00103928 this better the next time we play okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00413-00103929-00104119 matt said he liked it it feels like KJJeSPLl8N4-00414-00104120-00104375 Rococo Matt felt mad said he likes it KJJeSPLl8N4-00415-00104376-00104632 better than Rococo really yeah I know KJJeSPLl8N4-00416-00104633-00104809 amanda was interested in getting a copy KJJeSPLl8N4-00417-00104810-00105107 but we weren't obviously going to bid KJJeSPLl8N4-00418-00105108-00105470 against you well so yeah I'm anxious to KJJeSPLl8N4-00419-00105471-00105733 try it she's she has played it once I KJJeSPLl8N4-00420-00105734-00105914 have not and she enjoyed her play of it KJJeSPLl8N4-00421-00105915-00106103 that's cool raaah the dice game i think KJJeSPLl8N4-00422-00106104-00106319 is only a three player it's placed two KJJeSPLl8N4-00423-00106320-00106595 to four but play it three and does it KJJeSPLl8N4-00424-00106596-00106823 run too long at four well it might just KJJeSPLl8N4-00425-00106824-00107021 be too weird too chaotic or something KJJeSPLl8N4-00426-00107022-00107150 like that with the dice and everything KJJeSPLl8N4-00427-00107151-00107354 but the competition for building KJJeSPLl8N4-00428-00107355-00107629 monuments is awesomely cool it's very KJJeSPLl8N4-00429-00107630-00107900 tight okay I know rah is supposed to be KJJeSPLl8N4-00430-00107901-00108206 an awesome an awesome auction game I KJJeSPLl8N4-00431-00108207-00108521 love raw I'd love to play it we shall do KJJeSPLl8N4-00432-00108522-00108839 so alright we played more video altar KJJeSPLl8N4-00433-00108840-00108998 with the Tuscany and before the game I KJJeSPLl8N4-00434-00108999-00109284 said listen woman KJJeSPLl8N4-00435-00109285-00109631 I'm beating you tonight that's it right KJJeSPLl8N4-00436-00109632-00109777 gloves are off KJJeSPLl8N4-00437-00109778-00110252 well Matt won and being Robin tied so KJJeSPLl8N4-00438-00110253-00110420 it's like kissing your sister or in this KJJeSPLl8N4-00439-00110421-00110738 case your wife I guess I guess and so we KJJeSPLl8N4-00440-00110739-00110846 were picking it up I'm like wait a KJJeSPLl8N4-00441-00110847-00110921 minute wait a minute there's a KJJeSPLl8N4-00442-00110922-00111146 tiebreaker of money I've got ten bucks KJJeSPLl8N4-00443-00111147-00111308 how much did you have she goes come on I KJJeSPLl8N4-00444-00111308-00111632 can't remember like 1012 like screw that KJJeSPLl8N4-00445-00111633-00111971 I don't see it you got no money I I took KJJeSPLl8N4-00446-00111972-00112169 second place cool KJJeSPLl8N4-00447-00112170-00112510 once he played obviously we played our KJJeSPLl8N4-00448-00112511-00112718 cry we've been playing our gorilla we KJJeSPLl8N4-00449-00112719-00112973 played more skillful and as you KJJeSPLl8N4-00450-00112974-00113260 mentioned we played newland mm-hmm Paul KJJeSPLl8N4-00451-00113261-00113353 Chad yesterday KJJeSPLl8N4-00452-00113354-00113651 again that's a three-player game place KJJeSPLl8N4-00453-00113652-00113785 two to four that's a three-player game KJJeSPLl8N4-00454-00113786-00114083 okay and and you played with the first KJJeSPLl8N4-00455-00114083-00114289 edition rules right we played with the KJJeSPLl8N4-00456-00114290-00114548 German original first edition rules with KJJeSPLl8N4-00457-00114549-00114674 the z-man copy KJJeSPLl8N4-00458-00114675-00114995 okay sure and it was me Matt and Amanda KJJeSPLl8N4-00459-00114996-00115295 it's a brutal hard it's tough like you KJJeSPLl8N4-00460-00115296-00115481 can really get into some blockage and KJJeSPLl8N4-00461-00115482-00115777 stuff like that which the game is like a KJJeSPLl8N4-00462-00115778-00115931 lesson first and end then you know how KJJeSPLl8N4-00463-00115932-00116096 to play it the second time because you KJJeSPLl8N4-00464-00116097-00116249 really need to be careful to guard KJJeSPLl8N4-00465-00116250-00116633 against not be the other players can KJJeSPLl8N4-00466-00116633-00116813 prevent you from putting stuff on the KJJeSPLl8N4-00467-00116814-00117044 board I was one turn away I was gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-00468-00117045-00117241 build the winning building and the other KJJeSPLl8N4-00469-00117242-00117419 guys are Matt Matt and Amanda like buh KJJeSPLl8N4-00470-00117420-00117616 buh buh buh you're not even doing that I KJJeSPLl8N4-00471-00117617-00117835 lost all my goods I mean I was like KJJeSPLl8N4-00472-00117836-00118152 brutal and then Amanda ended up winning KJJeSPLl8N4-00473-00118153-00118558 yeah it was zero two two two two oh so KJJeSPLl8N4-00474-00118559-00118852 you're trying to get to zero oh okay so KJJeSPLl8N4-00475-00118853-00119051 now before you'd played it when you KJJeSPLl8N4-00476-00119052-00119209 would just kind of gone over the rules a KJJeSPLl8N4-00477-00119210-00119321 little bit and everything even though KJJeSPLl8N4-00478-00119322-00119452 there's a two-player right KJJeSPLl8N4-00479-00119453-00119648 you would said that it kind of gave you KJJeSPLl8N4-00480-00119649-00119911 of roads and boats like kind of filled KJJeSPLl8N4-00481-00119913-00120190 now having played it now or a full real KJJeSPLl8N4-00482-00120191-00120454 game quote-unquote do you still have KJJeSPLl8N4-00483-00120455-00120689 that same kind of feeling or hey I do KJJeSPLl8N4-00484-00120690-00120968 because it's it's not chips or anything KJJeSPLl8N4-00485-00120969-00121100 like that but it's the same kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-00486-00121101-00121339 logistics thing you know okay I just KJJeSPLl8N4-00487-00121340-00121526 made wood now I'm gonna move that wood KJJeSPLl8N4-00488-00121527-00121688 over here to build the buildings that KJJeSPLl8N4-00489-00121689-00121913 took two actions because of the distance KJJeSPLl8N4-00490-00121914-00122263 and yeah it's uh so you get that kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-00491-00122264-00122576 roads and boats light meaning loads of KJJeSPLl8N4-00492-00122577-00122636 roads KJJeSPLl8N4-00493-00122638-00122808 it's quicker okay or something like that KJJeSPLl8N4-00494-00122808-00123029 I'm less fiddly but but but different KJJeSPLl8N4-00495-00123030-00123207 it's not roads and bones I mean okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00496-00123208-00123426 it's an autistic scheme in that similar KJJeSPLl8N4-00497-00123427-00123590 vein okay cool KJJeSPLl8N4-00498-00123591-00123771 what about you what have you been KJJeSPLl8N4-00499-00123772-00123990 playing sir well obviously Agricola I KJJeSPLl8N4-00500-00123991-00124127 mean that goes without saying KJJeSPLl8N4-00501-00124128-00124395 I feel like we've played bow soccer or KJJeSPLl8N4-00502-00124396-00124709 bamboo yeah half a dozen times yesterday KJJeSPLl8N4-00503-00124710-00124965 with that game right and ironically it KJJeSPLl8N4-00504-00124966-00125247 was Paul Chad who led us who left his KJJeSPLl8N4-00505-00125248-00125411 copy here and said here you need to play KJJeSPLl8N4-00506-00125413-00125659 this and he'd never played it himself KJJeSPLl8N4-00507-00125660-00125960 and he was like so we taught it to him KJJeSPLl8N4-00508-00125961-00126116 it takes two seconds to teach of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00509-00126117-00126381 game and he he absolutely loved it it KJJeSPLl8N4-00510-00126382-00126704 was a blast that was a hoot some serious KJJeSPLl8N4-00511-00126705-00126959 contortions I was having to do balance KJJeSPLl8N4-00512-00126960-00127136 pieces there's a lot of fun that KJJeSPLl8N4-00513-00127138-00127344 seriously I I stick by what I said KJJeSPLl8N4-00514-00127345-00127577 previously it's a dexterity and yoga KJJeSPLl8N4-00515-00127578-00127916 game yeah with stacking and bidding and KJJeSPLl8N4-00516-00127917-00128364 auctions every house who every gamers KJJeSPLl8N4-00517-00128365-00128658 house should own a copy of yes well I KJJeSPLl8N4-00518-00128658-00128840 think it would play great with kids KJJeSPLl8N4-00519-00128841-00129059 it would play great with it with like KJJeSPLl8N4-00520-00129060-00129260 parents tight you know older and KJJeSPLl8N4-00521-00129261-00129507 everyone in between it truly a great KJJeSPLl8N4-00522-00129508-00129779 great game for all all ages unless KJJeSPLl8N4-00523-00129780-00129948 you're an excessive coffee drinker you KJJeSPLl8N4-00524-00129949-00130176 can't shake oh right or yeah yeah we KJJeSPLl8N4-00525-00130177-00130257 won't mm-hmm KJJeSPLl8N4-00526-00130258-00130577 anyway as you said Arkwright let me and KJJeSPLl8N4-00527-00130578-00130834 let me ask you a question sure idea KJJeSPLl8N4-00528-00130835-00131175 obviously we reviewed it around New KJJeSPLl8N4-00529-00131176-00131406 Year's and so it's been almost two KJJeSPLl8N4-00530-00131407-00131577 months we played it a couple times since KJJeSPLl8N4-00531-00131578-00131844 then mm-hm um do you still enjoy it are KJJeSPLl8N4-00532-00131845-00131988 you still excited to play it do you KJJeSPLl8N4-00533-00131989-00132171 still love it as much as you did back KJJeSPLl8N4-00534-00132172-00132213 then KJJeSPLl8N4-00535-00132214-00132507 absolutely okay yeah me too and we're KJJeSPLl8N4-00536-00132508-00132684 gonna rewrite it and other games later KJJeSPLl8N4-00537-00132685-00132927 right according to our new scale right KJJeSPLl8N4-00538-00132928-00133200 so I was just curious if it said that KJJeSPLl8N4-00539-00133201-00133347 some of the shines worn off and it KJJeSPLl8N4-00540-00133348-00133502 really hasn't for me and I've not played KJJeSPLl8N4-00541-00133503-00133752 it now eight times on my way home I was KJJeSPLl8N4-00542-00133753-00133947 thinking about the next time I play it KJJeSPLl8N4-00543-00133948-00134139 the way I want to play a totally KJJeSPLl8N4-00544-00134140-00134310 different way than I just did I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-00545-00134311-00134481 that's that's the biggest compliment you KJJeSPLl8N4-00546-00134482-00134633 can give a game right now it's creaky KJJeSPLl8N4-00547-00134634-00134997 also play Kanban on Saturday a couple of KJJeSPLl8N4-00548-00134998-00135258 new platforms and they loved it and they KJJeSPLl8N4-00549-00135259-00135485 looked at the board and they were like KJJeSPLl8N4-00550-00135486-00135797 big either Tony know how to do yeah yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00551-00135798-00136087 the two new players were competitive in KJJeSPLl8N4-00552-00136088-00136295 Amanda and I having played it together KJJeSPLl8N4-00553-00136296-00136639 were previously were competitive and I KJJeSPLl8N4-00554-00136640-00136835 gave myself the handicap playing on the KJJeSPLl8N4-00555-00136836-00137072 harder side we played with nice Sandra KJJeSPLl8N4-00556-00137073-00137393 because it's their way and everybody at KJJeSPLl8N4-00557-00137394-00137597 the table loved it excited to try it KJJeSPLl8N4-00558-00137598-00138032 again also at the auction or before the KJJeSPLl8N4-00559-00138033-00138226 auction at the at the con we busted out KJJeSPLl8N4-00560-00138227-00138449 a quick play of sheriffin ami yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00561-00138450-00138703 that's right and that was later yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00562-00138704-00138998 that was that was a silly fun play with KJJeSPLl8N4-00563-00138999-00139354 Amanda didn't quite grasp it on her very KJJeSPLl8N4-00564-00139355-00139619 first turn and I was the sheriff she KJJeSPLl8N4-00565-00139620-00140095 hated you she handed you her her bag of KJJeSPLl8N4-00566-00140096-00140348 goods and said here this is two KJJeSPLl8N4-00567-00140349-00140788 contraband and being a good sheriff KJJeSPLl8N4-00568-00140789-00141190 seeing a blond driver of the goods cart KJJeSPLl8N4-00569-00141191-00141995 I said please go forward now so it was KJJeSPLl8N4-00570-00141996-00142177 it was just lots of laughs and it was it KJJeSPLl8N4-00571-00142178-00142433 was good filler yeah so that was a lot KJJeSPLl8N4-00572-00142434-00142718 of fun so the reason we got to the con a KJJeSPLl8N4-00573-00142719-00142898 little bit early and we had about 45 KJJeSPLl8N4-00574-00142899-00143045 minutes to kill with that Sheriff of KJJeSPLl8N4-00575-00143046-00143297 Nottingham game was because we wanted to KJJeSPLl8N4-00576-00143298-00143561 touch base with Don and night works to KJJeSPLl8N4-00577-00143562-00143810 get his copy of forged in steel which KJJeSPLl8N4-00578-00143811-00143989 just ended on Kickstarter and we wanted KJJeSPLl8N4-00579-00143990-00144212 to demo it and see what the whole pub KJJeSPLl8N4-00580-00144213-00144374 was about and see whether or not I made KJJeSPLl8N4-00581-00144375-00144536 the right choice and backing it right KJJeSPLl8N4-00582-00144537-00144794 off and to maybe give our our listeners KJJeSPLl8N4-00583-00144795-00145000 a early preview type thing if they KJJeSPLl8N4-00584-00145001-00145375 didn't check to see the Kickstarter yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00585-00145376-00145610 so forged in steel by Wade broadhead KJJeSPLl8N4-00586-00145611-00145832 which is a friend of yours he is indeed KJJeSPLl8N4-00587-00145833-00146207 he's the former city planner of Pueblo KJJeSPLl8N4-00588-00146208-00146534 and so he and his big history not that's KJJeSPLl8N4-00589-00146535-00146735 how I met him in our history club our KJJeSPLl8N4-00590-00146736-00146972 military historians club so he wanted to KJJeSPLl8N4-00591-00146973-00147146 do a game that encompassed the history KJJeSPLl8N4-00592-00147147-00147538 of Pueblo and so he did forged steel so KJJeSPLl8N4-00593-00147539-00147901 so we played one era and we just wanted KJJeSPLl8N4-00594-00147902-00148124 to share a few thoughts on the game for KJJeSPLl8N4-00595-00148125-00148310 you people the board when you're KJJeSPLl8N4-00596-00148311-00148481 building up the city as it has really a KJJeSPLl8N4-00597-00148482-00148694 pretty cool spatial element you know you KJJeSPLl8N4-00598-00148695-00148910 have to add everything orthogonal e to KJJeSPLl8N4-00599-00148911-00149174 the quote-unquote city grid KJJeSPLl8N4-00600-00149175-00149426 and the way that you build up the city KJJeSPLl8N4-00601-00149427-00149648 of Pueblo like that it's pretty cool and KJJeSPLl8N4-00602-00149649-00149863 it can be either historical or a KJJeSPLl8N4-00603-00149864-00150154 historical depending on where people are KJJeSPLl8N4-00604-00150155-00150314 placing their their buildings in the KJJeSPLl8N4-00605-00150315-00150422 various neighborhoods KJJeSPLl8N4-00606-00150423-00150628 yeah the its got cards and the cards are KJJeSPLl8N4-00607-00150629-00150902 various events in just lo history but KJJeSPLl8N4-00608-00150903-00151073 the way they come out of the deck isn't KJJeSPLl8N4-00609-00151074-00151208 the way they came out of history KJJeSPLl8N4-00610-00151209-00151421 necessarily right but they are divided KJJeSPLl8N4-00611-00151422-00151772 into the eras so the 1890 cards things KJJeSPLl8N4-00612-00151773-00151994 that took place in the 1890s are going KJJeSPLl8N4-00613-00151995-00152135 to be in that deck but they might not KJJeSPLl8N4-00614-00152136-00152285 happen in the same order KJJeSPLl8N4-00615-00152286-00152648 just like Minh the similar vein of other KJJeSPLl8N4-00616-00152649-00152933 card driven strategy games like Twilight KJJeSPLl8N4-00617-00152934-00153188 Struggle Virgin Queen here I stay and KJJeSPLl8N4-00618-00153189-00153352 stuff like that obviously a different KJJeSPLl8N4-00619-00153353-00153710 scale of game but same idea when you're KJJeSPLl8N4-00620-00153711-00153935 building that city you have various KJJeSPLl8N4-00621-00153936-00154082 pieces to place houses mansions KJJeSPLl8N4-00622-00154083-00154327 hospitals parks factories and commercial KJJeSPLl8N4-00623-00154328-00154504 buildings and the way the scoring works KJJeSPLl8N4-00624-00154505-00154856 is you work the proximity of your houses KJJeSPLl8N4-00625-00154857-00155000 and mansions to some of those other KJJeSPLl8N4-00626-00155001-00155168 buildings and stuff so it's pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-00627-00155169-00155552 pretty decent that one ERA play pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-00628-00155553-00155831 quick yeah this games gonna play a lot KJJeSPLl8N4-00629-00155832-00156028 quicker than I originally thought I KJJeSPLl8N4-00630-00156029-00156383 thought it would be like maybe a 2 plus KJJeSPLl8N4-00631-00156384-00156664 our game and no I think it's gonna be in KJJeSPLl8N4-00632-00156665-00156884 that hour 290 million range yeah I think KJJeSPLl8N4-00633-00156885-00157109 yeah and I'm not saying that as a magic KJJeSPLl8N4-00634-00157110-00157310 no there are times to where I look at KJJeSPLl8N4-00635-00157311-00157585 one-hour games and I'm like yeah and KJJeSPLl8N4-00636-00157586-00157850 there it about like there were enough KJJeSPLl8N4-00637-00157851-00158081 meaty decision right what's going on in KJJeSPLl8N4-00638-00158082-00158254 that hour right and I felt like there KJJeSPLl8N4-00639-00158255-00158578 was enough going on that it's worth my KJJeSPLl8N4-00640-00158579-00158848 time I guess is what I'm trying to say KJJeSPLl8N4-00641-00158849-00159212 there's a fair amount of I don't know KJJeSPLl8N4-00642-00159213-00159391 for lack of a better term I'll say take KJJeSPLl8N4-00643-00159392-00159659 that in the game yes there is there's a KJJeSPLl8N4-00644-00159660-00159947 mafia role the player that selects that KJJeSPLl8N4-00645-00159948-00160189 can really can destroy some stuff in a KJJeSPLl8N4-00646-00160190-00160445 block and he's probably not gonna pick a KJJeSPLl8N4-00647-00160446-00160601 block that he has a lot of stuff in KJJeSPLl8N4-00648-00160602-00161285 right and a lot of the cards have a BAM KJJeSPLl8N4-00649-00161286-00161525 slash response type of thing so I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00650-00161526-00161735 gonna play this card on you oh not so KJJeSPLl8N4-00651-00161736-00162141 fast I got a reply so prior to the KJJeSPLl8N4-00652-00162142-00162377 recording session tonight I asked Wade KJJeSPLl8N4-00653-00162378-00162548 if there was a quote he wanted us KJJeSPLl8N4-00654-00162549-00162764 to say about the game oh very cool there KJJeSPLl8N4-00655-00162765-00163066 and and I think he came up with a cool KJJeSPLl8N4-00656-00163067-00163108 one KJJeSPLl8N4-00657-00163109-00163499 what he said was cool and I quote I was KJJeSPLl8N4-00658-00163500-00163706 really trying to play Twilight Struggle KJJeSPLl8N4-00659-00163707-00163994 with three of my friends while honoring KJJeSPLl8N4-00660-00163995-00164225 an interesting time period and creating KJJeSPLl8N4-00661-00164226-00164438 delicious decisions and the right amount KJJeSPLl8N4-00662-00164439-00164621 of stress that wouldn't cause too much KJJeSPLl8N4-00663-00164622-00165035 ap I think he did that Wow I'm like I KJJeSPLl8N4-00664-00165036-00165281 bet you when Don hears this he's gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-00665-00165282-00165500 be like dammit I wish I would have had KJJeSPLl8N4-00666-00165501-00165908 that put that on the box right so um so KJJeSPLl8N4-00667-00165909-00166214 real quick in like you know 5 seconds 10 KJJeSPLl8N4-00668-00166215-00166556 seconds or less you excited to check out KJJeSPLl8N4-00669-00166557-00166808 the game when it gets it I am I didn't KJJeSPLl8N4-00670-00166809-00166997 back to Kickstarter I don't back very KJJeSPLl8N4-00671-00166998-00167312 many right and you are very few and far KJJeSPLl8N4-00672-00167313-00167549 between when it comes of that I'm mainly KJJeSPLl8N4-00673-00167550-00167828 suspicious of Kickstarter games having KJJeSPLl8N4-00674-00167829-00167978 played this what I wish I did back it KJJeSPLl8N4-00675-00167979-00168134 and I will acquire it when it comes in KJJeSPLl8N4-00676-00168135-00168488 cool and for me um even though it was KJJeSPLl8N4-00677-00168489-00168683 only a third of a game that first era KJJeSPLl8N4-00678-00168684-00168986 and it was two-player I'm excited to KJJeSPLl8N4-00679-00168987-00169232 check out more I'm definitely excited to KJJeSPLl8N4-00680-00169233-00169511 see the the interaction of multiple KJJeSPLl8N4-00681-00169512-00169793 players and yes watching and physically KJJeSPLl8N4-00682-00169794-00170045 watching the city develop and one thing KJJeSPLl8N4-00683-00170046-00170270 that Don told us is he's gonna check in KJJeSPLl8N4-00684-00170271-00170468 to pricing and making sure it's it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00685-00170469-00170690 viable about making getting custom KJJeSPLl8N4-00686-00170691-00170894 buildings for the different you know KJJeSPLl8N4-00687-00170895-00171128 hospitals and parks and all this other KJJeSPLl8N4-00688-00171129-00171326 stuff some really cool wood yeah yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00689-00171327-00171551 which is never a bad thing are you KJJeSPLl8N4-00690-00171552-00171815 so yeah that's I'm excited about it it KJJeSPLl8N4-00691-00171816-00172129 did nothing to temper my enthusiasm for KJJeSPLl8N4-00692-00172130-00172634 forged in steel awesome hey Tony hey KJJeSPLl8N4-00693-00172635-00172844 Edward why don't we uh why don't we talk KJJeSPLl8N4-00694-00172845-00173159 trailers yes I think tonight you have an KJJeSPLl8N4-00695-00173160-00173360 extended trailer both for our listeners KJJeSPLl8N4-00696-00173361-00173648 and correct me if I'm wrong from me as KJJeSPLl8N4-00697-00173649-00173996 well indeed sir I have this game I want KJJeSPLl8N4-00698-00173997-00174166 to talk about in an extended trailer KJJeSPLl8N4-00699-00174167-00174356 manner because I'm really trying to whet KJJeSPLl8N4-00700-00174357-00174563 your appetite and get this game to the KJJeSPLl8N4-00701-00174564-00174710 table with you because I know you're KJJeSPLl8N4-00702-00174711-00174764 gonna love it KJJeSPLl8N4-00703-00174765-00175046 all I know is the name of the game and KJJeSPLl8N4-00704-00175047-00175267 who it's by and KJJeSPLl8N4-00705-00175268-00175527 I am you know at least superficially KJJeSPLl8N4-00706-00175528-00175735 interested in it because this is the KJJeSPLl8N4-00707-00175736-00176032 only game by Matthias Kramer that I have KJJeSPLl8N4-00708-00176033-00176203 not played that I'm interested in KJJeSPLl8N4-00709-00176204-00176443 playing that's already out so without KJJeSPLl8N4-00710-00176444-00176815 further ado roll the game is land castor KJJeSPLl8N4-00711-00176816-00177130 published in 2011 by Queen games it's a KJJeSPLl8N4-00712-00177131-00177544 2 to 5 player game it takes about an KJJeSPLl8N4-00713-00177545-00177700 hour maybe a little bit more with five KJJeSPLl8N4-00714-00177701-00178006 players and what's really cool about KJJeSPLl8N4-00715-00178007-00178200 this game is I call it a worker KJJeSPLl8N4-00716-00178201-00178501 displacement game because you're you KJJeSPLl8N4-00717-00178502-00178681 place Knights who have a strength of 1 KJJeSPLl8N4-00718-00178682-00178930 to 4 out into the various counties of KJJeSPLl8N4-00719-00178931-00179209 England on the game board to collect KJJeSPLl8N4-00720-00179210-00179398 nobles and strengthen your house right KJJeSPLl8N4-00721-00179399-00179596 it's worker placement kind of a thing KJJeSPLl8N4-00722-00179597-00179929 but if I place a two-night you can KJJeSPLl8N4-00723-00179930-00180202 displace my knight sending it back to my KJJeSPLl8N4-00724-00180203-00180454 castle so I need to place it again later KJJeSPLl8N4-00725-00180455-00180718 this turn if you've played a three or KJJeSPLl8N4-00726-00180719-00180997 four night for example and our Knights KJJeSPLl8N4-00727-00180998-00181288 have Squires as all good Knights do well KJJeSPLl8N4-00728-00181289-00181468 of course that helped with their KJJeSPLl8N4-00729-00181469-00181729 strength so if my to Knight if I feel KJJeSPLl8N4-00730-00181730-00181900 like I'm gonna be displaced I could put KJJeSPLl8N4-00731-00181901-00182104 my two knight and say a couple of KJJeSPLl8N4-00732-00182105-00182260 Squires out there to make encounters of KJJeSPLl8N4-00733-00182261-00182503 for now if you want to displace me KJJeSPLl8N4-00734-00182504-00182659 you're gonna have to invest some more KJJeSPLl8N4-00735-00182660-00182959 okay so like a four and a squash why KJJeSPLl8N4-00736-00182960-00183133 okay right okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00737-00183134-00183409 also the counties that you place your KJJeSPLl8N4-00738-00183410-00183535 nights in have a minimum strength KJJeSPLl8N4-00739-00183536-00183772 requirements so if the place is a two I KJJeSPLl8N4-00740-00183773-00184006 can never put a one night there even KJJeSPLl8N4-00741-00184007-00184201 with Squires ah that I was just gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-00742-00184202-00184471 ask that oh yeah so so there's a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-00743-00184472-00184612 little tactical things going on in the KJJeSPLl8N4-00744-00184613-00184813 game so it creates an opportunity for KJJeSPLl8N4-00745-00184814-00185134 things like a Power Move where I'm gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-00746-00185135-00185410 say place my for strength night with two KJJeSPLl8N4-00747-00185411-00185629 Squires so now my strength is six so KJJeSPLl8N4-00748-00185630-00186019 bang Somerset is mine buzz off now KJJeSPLl8N4-00749-00186020-00186178 you're gonna have to come in hard and KJJeSPLl8N4-00750-00186179-00186397 heavy right even stronger right which KJJeSPLl8N4-00751-00186398-00186703 I'm going to gather is that's a really KJJeSPLl8N4-00752-00186704-00186991 strong move that you did alright it also KJJeSPLl8N4-00753-00186992-00187108 creates the opportunity for some KJJeSPLl8N4-00754-00187109-00187360 misdirection so maybe I'll place my one KJJeSPLl8N4-00755-00187361-00187714 here and we're here and maybe I'm hoping KJJeSPLl8N4-00756-00187715-00187966 that I'm going to get displaced by KJJeSPLl8N4-00757-00187967-00188170 someone so now I'm causing someone to KJJeSPLl8N4-00758-00188171-00188380 weak in their position this turn by KJJeSPLl8N4-00759-00188381-00188551 playing their strength more KJJeSPLl8N4-00760-00188552-00188743 sooner rather than they wanted to and KJJeSPLl8N4-00761-00188744-00189025 I'm delaying my true intentions that KJJeSPLl8N4-00762-00189026-00189247 reminds me that little bit that you just KJJeSPLl8N4-00763-00189248-00189568 said a lot of the exciting bidding in a KJJeSPLl8N4-00764-00189569-00189793 race in three kingdoms redux KJJeSPLl8N4-00765-00189794-00190003 yeah yeah I'm definitely definitely KJJeSPLl8N4-00766-00190004-00190270 excited about that it also creates these KJJeSPLl8N4-00767-00190271-00190492 I call them just donnybrooks where it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00768-00190493-00190693 like boom here's my night bank get out KJJeSPLl8N4-00769-00190694-00190936 here's mine boom here's I'm in there you KJJeSPLl8N4-00770-00190937-00191161 know we're just there's battle for KJJeSPLl8N4-00771-00191162-00191302 something and it's really fun KJJeSPLl8N4-00772-00191303-00191701 nice little dust-up yeah there's another KJJeSPLl8N4-00773-00191702-00191860 cool aspect of the game to put your KJJeSPLl8N4-00774-00191861-00192067 nights and that's there's an ongoing war KJJeSPLl8N4-00775-00192068-00192298 with France obviously because by waiting KJJeSPLl8N4-00776-00192299-00192610 they're being right and all at all times KJJeSPLl8N4-00777-00192611-00192793 in the game there's two to four battles KJJeSPLl8N4-00778-00192794-00193090 happening down in France and it can take KJJeSPLl8N4-00779-00193091-00193318 up to two turns to resolve a battle KJJeSPLl8N4-00780-00193319-00193515 depending on how many nights are KJJeSPLl8N4-00781-00193516-00193726 committed to that battle by the players KJJeSPLl8N4-00782-00193727-00193918 and their strengths and and various KJJeSPLl8N4-00783-00193919-00194176 things like that and you can really earn KJJeSPLl8N4-00784-00194177-00194575 some cool points there but your night KJJeSPLl8N4-00785-00194576-00194779 depending on the battle and how many KJJeSPLl8N4-00786-00194780-00194983 opponents help you your night could be KJJeSPLl8N4-00787-00194984-00195226 turned or taken up there for two turns KJJeSPLl8N4-00788-00195227-00195499 and not be available to you in the KJJeSPLl8N4-00789-00195500-00195817 counties of England so that begs the KJJeSPLl8N4-00790-00195818-00196069 next question then and I'm sure you're KJJeSPLl8N4-00791-00196070-00196360 going to get to this is why would I want KJJeSPLl8N4-00792-00196361-00196666 to have commit my night you know to this KJJeSPLl8N4-00793-00196667-00196846 battle in frame because of the points ah KJJeSPLl8N4-00794-00196847-00196951 okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00795-00196952-00197089 yeah all right because you can get some KJJeSPLl8N4-00796-00197090-00197335 cool points from from winning the KJJeSPLl8N4-00797-00197336-00197515 battles okay and the way that the KJJeSPLl8N4-00798-00197516-00197719 battles that the different players KJJeSPLl8N4-00799-00197720-00198027 commit their nights to the battles is KJJeSPLl8N4-00800-00198028-00198343 really clever and you can really pull KJJeSPLl8N4-00801-00198344-00198538 off some sneaky moves it's very very KJJeSPLl8N4-00802-00198539-00198910 cool and and the really wacko thing is KJJeSPLl8N4-00803-00198911-00199231 if a battle isn't resolved in time so it KJJeSPLl8N4-00804-00199232-00199513 okay turn one battles not resolved turn KJJeSPLl8N4-00805-00199514-00199690 two battles not resolved that means KJJeSPLl8N4-00806-00199691-00199882 France wins the battle and all the KJJeSPLl8N4-00807-00199883-00200110 Knights committed to it or can be KJJeSPLl8N4-00808-00200111-00200356 ransomed back to you for money or they KJJeSPLl8N4-00809-00200357-00200515 are they're out of there out of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00810-00200516-00200764 round and you have to re re recruit KJJeSPLl8N4-00811-00200765-00201181 those Knights new Knights and so that in KJJeSPLl8N4-00812-00201182-00201352 itself creates an interesting KJJeSPLl8N4-00813-00201353-00201661 cooperation competition where so you're KJJeSPLl8N4-00814-00201662-00201838 gonna I'm gonna come in and help you win KJJeSPLl8N4-00815-00201839-00201888 this battle KJJeSPLl8N4-00816-00201889-00202026 because I'm in this position to snake KJJeSPLl8N4-00817-00202027-00202296 some points from you and you know then KJJeSPLl8N4-00818-00202297-00202461 what and together we'll beat that fight KJJeSPLl8N4-00819-00202462-00202635 or maybe you go sometimes you know what KJJeSPLl8N4-00820-00202636-00202863 I'm just gonna let you take it yourself KJJeSPLl8N4-00821-00202864-00203112 there and have a night to ransom you KJJeSPLl8N4-00822-00203113-00203292 know so it's really kind of cool so it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00823-00203293-00203634 like France is the the enemy of my enemy KJJeSPLl8N4-00824-00203635-00204000 is my friend yeah okay all right and KJJeSPLl8N4-00825-00204001-00204363 then lastly there's laws that get voted KJJeSPLl8N4-00826-00204364-00204729 on every turn and it's really fun KJJeSPLl8N4-00827-00204730-00204954 because as you acquire nobles you KJJeSPLl8N4-00828-00204955-00205161 acquire votes and we're voting on these KJJeSPLl8N4-00829-00205162-00205338 laws and these laws are just basically KJJeSPLl8N4-00830-00205339-00205500 waste or earned victory points on KJJeSPLl8N4-00831-00205501-00205713 certain conditions in the game who's got KJJeSPLl8N4-00832-00205714-00205940 the most Squires the most money the most KJJeSPLl8N4-00833-00205941-00206123 nights committed to battle in France see KJJeSPLl8N4-00834-00206125-00206342 all these different things very very KJJeSPLl8N4-00835-00206344-00206435 cool stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-00836-00206436-00206705 sounds good and the two-player version KJJeSPLl8N4-00837-00206706-00206966 even though it's got like some odd rules KJJeSPLl8N4-00838-00206967-00207314 works okay three player yeah this is a KJJeSPLl8N4-00839-00207315-00207515 four and five player game okay so it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00840-00207516-00207663 two four five KJJeSPLl8N4-00841-00207664-00207951 I in my opinion okay there's some cool KJJeSPLl8N4-00842-00207952-00208227 expansions there are other reward tiles KJJeSPLl8N4-00843-00208228-00208463 which is just a little bgg promo which KJJeSPLl8N4-00844-00208464-00208598 is really cool because it adds a little KJJeSPLl8N4-00845-00208600-00208746 variance to what the different counties KJJeSPLl8N4-00846-00208746-00209063 offer and there's the new laws and I KJJeSPLl8N4-00847-00209064-00209229 think that's a mandatory expansion KJJeSPLl8N4-00848-00209230-00209409 because when you get lancaster it comes KJJeSPLl8N4-00849-00209410-00209598 with a whole bunch of laws but the new KJJeSPLl8N4-00850-00209598-00209907 laws adds double oh so now the more KJJeSPLl8N4-00851-00209908-00210173 variations yeah it's awesome KJJeSPLl8N4-00852-00210175-00210446 and then there's henry v the power of KJJeSPLl8N4-00853-00210448-00210627 the king is the big expansion for the KJJeSPLl8N4-00854-00210628-00210882 game and there's things in there i love KJJeSPLl8N4-00855-00210883-00210996 and there's things in there that I think KJJeSPLl8N4-00856-00210996-00211319 add too much so let me let me ask you KJJeSPLl8N4-00857-00211321-00211590 real quick is it modular yes okay which KJJeSPLl8N4-00858-00211591-00211791 is always a good thing so one of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00859-00211792-00211959 modules is at the king's court and this KJJeSPLl8N4-00860-00211960-00212262 is the one I'm like man it's cool but it KJJeSPLl8N4-00861-00212263-00212409 might add a little too much to the game KJJeSPLl8N4-00862-00212410-00212646 okay and I cracked from its from its KJJeSPLl8N4-00863-00212646-00212934 core awesomeness okay all right it's one KJJeSPLl8N4-00864-00212935-00213207 like less is the better thing okay yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-00865-00213208-00213411 and the other module is the King's KJJeSPLl8N4-00866-00213412-00213591 resentment and this one I really like KJJeSPLl8N4-00867-00213592-00213876 because the King gets mad when France KJJeSPLl8N4-00868-00213877-00214302 wins battles well yeah duh and so if you KJJeSPLl8N4-00869-00214303-00214469 didn't contribute a knight to that KJJeSPLl8N4-00870-00214471-00214734 battle the king is going to give you KJJeSPLl8N4-00871-00214735-00214992 dishonor points well yeah could you you KJJeSPLl8N4-00872-00214992-00215364 England failed yes and dishonor means KJJeSPLl8N4-00873-00215365-00215514 negative points at the end of the game KJJeSPLl8N4-00874-00215515-00215783 but what's really cool is whoever has KJJeSPLl8N4-00875-00215784-00215976 the most dishonor in the second most KJJeSPLl8N4-00876-00215977-00216165 right you lose a varying scale of KJJeSPLl8N4-00877-00216166-00216450 dishonor points but how many points you KJJeSPLl8N4-00878-00216451-00216687 lose is directly related to how much KJJeSPLl8N4-00879-00216688-00216905 dishonor was given out in the game so KJJeSPLl8N4-00880-00216906-00217133 the more dishonor that goes out the KJJeSPLl8N4-00881-00217134-00217331 greater the penalty but if there's not KJJeSPLl8N4-00882-00217332-00217551 very much dishonor then whatever I'll go KJJeSPLl8N4-00883-00217552-00217665 ahead and lose a couple of points who KJJeSPLl8N4-00884-00217666-00217883 cares okay it's really kind of cool and KJJeSPLl8N4-00885-00217884-00218054 of course you can always put a knight in KJJeSPLl8N4-00886-00218055-00218246 the Tower of London to redeem yourself KJJeSPLl8N4-00887-00218248-00218616 and remove some dishonor from you so I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00888-00218617-00218798 just trying to wrap my head around so KJJeSPLl8N4-00889-00218800-00219008 your sacrifice so you're giving up the KJJeSPLl8N4-00890-00219009-00219257 knight right that that dishonored so KJJeSPLl8N4-00891-00219258-00219479 much the one that didn't go and fight I KJJeSPLl8N4-00892-00219480-00219683 put a three-night in the tower I just KJJeSPLl8N4-00893-00219684-00219896 paid back three dishonor points okay so KJJeSPLl8N4-00894-00219898-00220017 yeah here you go KJJeSPLl8N4-00895-00220017-00220421 you know your majesty here here's the KJJeSPLl8N4-00896-00220423-00220701 get bad guy do with him as you will I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-00897-00220702-00220907 so sorry that I'll let you torture this KJJeSPLl8N4-00898-00220908-00221292 guy right and there's some new laws that KJJeSPLl8N4-00899-00221292-00221509 are key to the different modules so I KJJeSPLl8N4-00900-00221510-00221871 think it's I think it's a half good KJJeSPLl8N4-00901-00221871-00222114 expansion and a half mass expansion okay KJJeSPLl8N4-00902-00222115-00222479 but not mandatory not mandatory okay so KJJeSPLl8N4-00903-00222480-00222702 in short I think the game is fast it KJJeSPLl8N4-00904-00222703-00222891 really does play really really fast and KJJeSPLl8N4-00905-00222892-00223085 it's a lot of fun there's a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-00906-00223086-00223251 tension and conflict KJJeSPLl8N4-00907-00223252-00223448 there's blocking with the different you KJJeSPLl8N4-00908-00223450-00223692 know my hey at some point you can't KJJeSPLl8N4-00909-00223692-00223871 displace me no matter how bad you wanted KJJeSPLl8N4-00910-00223873-00224129 it right right and I played this game a KJJeSPLl8N4-00911-00224130-00224303 lot and I feel very confident giving KJJeSPLl8N4-00912-00224304-00224502 this game a 5 rating on our scale of 1 KJJeSPLl8N4-00913-00224503-00224916 to 6 ok very cool and that is lancaster KJJeSPLl8N4-00914-00224917-00225237 say edward yes sir you have a title in KJJeSPLl8N4-00915-00225238-00225467 mind for us I do I have actually KJJeSPLl8N4-00916-00225469-00225717 arguably my favorite game I don't know KJJeSPLl8N4-00917-00225717-00225857 if it's my favorite but it's definitely KJJeSPLl8N4-00918-00225858-00226044 in the conversation alrighty KJJeSPLl8N4-00919-00226044-00226358 what game is that well take a war game KJJeSPLl8N4-00920-00226359-00226634 designer in heaven design a game meant KJJeSPLl8N4-00921-00226635-00226859 to be played with his gyro plane friends KJJeSPLl8N4-00922-00226860-00227196 and voila you have dominant species the KJJeSPLl8N4-00923-00227196-00227582 war game in Europe clothing so Dominus KJJeSPLl8N4-00924-00227583-00227819 species was originally published in 2010 KJJeSPLl8N4-00925-00227821-00227994 for the original printing there have KJJeSPLl8N4-00926-00227994-00228326 since been 3 printings of the game KJJeSPLl8N4-00927-00228327-00228533 personally I recommend the third I think KJJeSPLl8N4-00928-00228534-00228713 it's just prettier the artwork was KJJeSPLl8N4-00929-00228714-00228946 revised in a second just looks better KJJeSPLl8N4-00930-00228946-00229309 designed by the aforementioned war game KJJeSPLl8N4-00931-00229310-00229571 designer Chad Johnson he of combat KJJeSPLl8N4-00932-00229571-00229757 commander and fighting formations oh KJJeSPLl8N4-00933-00229758-00230000 okay he also designed urban sprawl but KJJeSPLl8N4-00934-00230001-00230141 we don't need to talk about that KJJeSPLl8N4-00935-00230142-00230569 published by GMT games it plays two to KJJeSPLl8N4-00936-00230571-00230923 six and personally I think it's a three KJJeSPLl8N4-00937-00230925-00231206 to five player game it can play six just KJJeSPLl8N4-00938-00231207-00231404 fine it's very chaotic and it can play KJJeSPLl8N4-00939-00231405-00231653 really really long and it can play two KJJeSPLl8N4-00940-00231654-00231905 players but you're playing two animals KJJeSPLl8N4-00941-00231906-00232148 as opposed to just one per player when KJJeSPLl8N4-00942-00232148-00232277 the two player game years old I feel KJJeSPLl8N4-00943-00232278-00232471 it's a little gimmicky some people KJJeSPLl8N4-00944-00232473-00232709 really enjoy it okay it's it is playable KJJeSPLl8N4-00945-00232710-00233054 two-player personally three to five so KJJeSPLl8N4-00946-00233055-00233231 what's happening in the game in dominant KJJeSPLl8N4-00947-00233232-00233456 species players assume the role of one KJJeSPLl8N4-00948-00233457-00233666 of the six major animal classes there's KJJeSPLl8N4-00949-00233667-00234001 mammals reptiles birds and fib Ian's KJJeSPLl8N4-00950-00234002-00234275 arachnids or insects in each of those KJJeSPLl8N4-00951-00234276-00234491 animals has their own special ability KJJeSPLl8N4-00952-00234492-00234740 within the game the game is broken up KJJeSPLl8N4-00953-00234741-00234959 into a variable number of rounds in KJJeSPLl8N4-00954-00234960-00235187 which there are essentially three phases KJJeSPLl8N4-00955-00235188-00235471 there's an action selection kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-00956-00235473-00235691 worker placement phase in which players KJJeSPLl8N4-00957-00235692-00235892 will be selecting actions one at a time KJJeSPLl8N4-00958-00235892-00236094 until all players are finished KJJeSPLl8N4-00959-00236096-00236363 interesting note that everyone starts KJJeSPLl8N4-00960-00236364-00236591 out with the same amount of action pawns KJJeSPLl8N4-00961-00236592-00236954 or different workers however as the game KJJeSPLl8N4-00962-00236955-00237217 progresses players different animals KJJeSPLl8N4-00963-00237219-00237367 different players will be able to gain KJJeSPLl8N4-00964-00237369-00237584 in and they'll be losing some of their KJJeSPLl8N4-00965-00237585-00237779 action pawns so it's not always the same KJJeSPLl8N4-00966-00237780-00237985 amount of action pawns between all KJJeSPLl8N4-00967-00237986-00238037 players KJJeSPLl8N4-00968-00238038-00238369 pool then those actions are resolved in KJJeSPLl8N4-00969-00238371-00238604 a set fixed order it always goes top to KJJeSPLl8N4-00970-00238605-00238763 bottom left or right on the board it KJJeSPLl8N4-00971-00238764-00238913 starts with initiative and ends with KJJeSPLl8N4-00972-00238914-00239209 domination and finally there's a cleanup KJJeSPLl8N4-00973-00239210-00239450 phase in the game begins a new round KJJeSPLl8N4-00974-00239451-00239579 simple enough right KJJeSPLl8N4-00975-00239580-00239864 but the games all about survival of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00976-00239865-00240053 fittest is there's an eighth ice age KJJeSPLl8N4-00977-00240054-00240281 approaching in your animal class must KJJeSPLl8N4-00978-00240282-00240506 fight to have the most populous and most KJJeSPLl8N4-00979-00240507-00240815 well adapted species on earth so what's KJJeSPLl8N4-00980-00240816-00241088 cool about it well as listeners of the KJJeSPLl8N4-00981-00241089-00241325 show know I am a huge worker placement KJJeSPLl8N4-00982-00241326-00241427 fan KJJeSPLl8N4-00983-00241428-00241856 fanatic if you yeah definitely and this KJJeSPLl8N4-00984-00241857-00242165 is a strong worker placement as well as KJJeSPLl8N4-00985-00242166-00242412 area control game and those two things KJJeSPLl8N4-00986-00242413-00242768 should be prefaced for folks about to KJJeSPLl8N4-00987-00242769-00242984 play in the game or about to play the KJJeSPLl8N4-00988-00242985-00243179 game because you're not gonna make many KJJeSPLl8N4-00989-00243180-00243387 frantic you're not gonna make many KJJeSPLl8N4-00990-00243388-00243578 friends in the game but as long as KJJeSPLl8N4-00991-00243579-00243767 people understand that ahead of time KJJeSPLl8N4-00992-00243768-00243944 yeah things should be like you said it's KJJeSPLl8N4-00993-00243945-00244099 a war game in Euro clothing right KJJeSPLl8N4-00994-00244100-00244406 there's tons of tactical decisions that KJJeSPLl8N4-00995-00244407-00244598 are gonna have to be made round around KJJeSPLl8N4-00996-00244599-00244812 and the reason it's so tactical is KJJeSPLl8N4-00997-00244813-00245037 there's this beautiful chaos with these KJJeSPLl8N4-00998-00245038-00245291 dominance cards which can absolutely KJJeSPLl8N4-00999-00245292-00245567 turn the world on its head there are KJJeSPLl8N4-01000-00245568-00245822 cards like catastrophe that will all but KJJeSPLl8N4-01001-00245823-00246206 wipe out one tile so if there are 20 or KJJeSPLl8N4-01002-00246207-00246497 30 different species or you know from KJJeSPLl8N4-01003-00246498-00246707 four different players on there somebody KJJeSPLl8N4-01004-00246708-00246912 plays that card boom they all get wiped KJJeSPLl8N4-01005-00246913-00247118 out and that could be just truly KJJeSPLl8N4-01006-00247119-00247376 catastrophic hence the name catastrophe KJJeSPLl8N4-01007-00247377-00247544 don't put all your eggs in one basket KJJeSPLl8N4-01008-00247545-00247859 correct however the good thing about KJJeSPLl8N4-01009-00247860-00248096 this though is even if you're behind by KJJeSPLl8N4-01010-00248097-00248351 like 50 points early in the game it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01011-00248352-00248540 not the end of the world I've been back KJJeSPLl8N4-01012-00248541-00248843 I've been behind that far before and KJJeSPLl8N4-01013-00248844-00249140 come to not only win but come to win in KJJeSPLl8N4-01014-00249141-00249377 a landslide so just because you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01015-00249378-00249596 behind early doesn't mean it's not the KJJeSPLl8N4-01016-00249597-00249987 end of the world there's a pretty low KJJeSPLl8N4-01017-00249988-00250373 rules overhead but lots of depth yeah I KJJeSPLl8N4-01018-00250374-00250727 made a video of this BoardGameGeek how KJJeSPLl8N4-01019-00250728-00251087 to play video what two years ago or so KJJeSPLl8N4-01020-00251088-00251366 it's about an hour long but that's KJJeSPLl8N4-01021-00251367-00251657 spelling everything out in uber detail KJJeSPLl8N4-01022-00251658-00251924 and all that you could I was able to KJJeSPLl8N4-01023-00251925-00252181 teach this to a couple of our friends in KJJeSPLl8N4-01024-00252182-00252464 20 minutes the other night so it's not KJJeSPLl8N4-01025-00252465-00253001 too bad the last thing that I'm that KJJeSPLl8N4-01026-00253002-00253202 excites me about the game is it has KJJeSPLl8N4-01027-00253203-00253439 really engrossing gameplay and you KJJeSPLl8N4-01028-00253440-00253700 really lose track of time like it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01029-00253701-00253928 about a three four hour game but it KJJeSPLl8N4-01030-00253929-00254057 doesn't feel like it because you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01031-00254058-00254276 you're so focused on what's going on in KJJeSPLl8N4-01032-00254277-00254501 the game and so it just hums along KJJeSPLl8N4-01033-00254502-00254759 that's I love it cannot say enough good KJJeSPLl8N4-01034-00254760-00254796 things KJJeSPLl8N4-01035-00254796-00255117 about this however however there are KJJeSPLl8N4-01036-00255117-00255432 some things that not necessarily I feel KJJeSPLl8N4-01037-00255433-00255746 but that you know the greater populous KJJeSPLl8N4-01038-00255748-00256098 might think okay it can be too brutal KJJeSPLl8N4-01039-00256098-00256305 and too confrontational for some people KJJeSPLl8N4-01040-00256306-00256632 so if you don't like direct conflict KJJeSPLl8N4-01041-00256633-00256808 games then this is very much not the KJJeSPLl8N4-01042-00256809-00257108 game for you stay away there are wild KJJeSPLl8N4-01043-00257109-00257367 swings in the cards that the Dominus KJJeSPLl8N4-01044-00257367-00257571 cards like that catastrophe card in I'll KJJeSPLl8N4-01045-00257571-00257817 be honest 90% of the cards in this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01046-00257817-00258071 are punishing to at least somebody if KJJeSPLl8N4-01047-00258073-00258414 not most everybody in the game so it can KJJeSPLl8N4-01048-00258415-00258651 leave people a little little little KJJeSPLl8N4-01049-00258652-00259050 bitter little frustrated also it is KJJeSPLl8N4-01050-00259051-00259308 mathie but the good news is it's simple KJJeSPLl8N4-01051-00259309-00259632 math that said there is a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-01052-00259633-00259844 recalculating of dominance throughout KJJeSPLl8N4-01053-00259846-00260052 the entire game from start to finish KJJeSPLl8N4-01054-00260053-00260369 sure everyone at the table is constantly KJJeSPLl8N4-01055-00260371-00260628 recalculating this it becomes in you KJJeSPLl8N4-01056-00260629-00260762 know second nature to where you're not KJJeSPLl8N4-01057-00260763-00261075 you're not focused on that but it there KJJeSPLl8N4-01058-00261076-00261279 is a lot of math involved in that but KJJeSPLl8N4-01059-00261280-00261516 it's like I said simple math we used to KJJeSPLl8N4-01060-00261517-00261944 call that consumer math okay like I said KJJeSPLl8N4-01061-00261946-00262188 the game can run a little long three to KJJeSPLl8N4-01062-00262189-00262446 four hours or so but then again if KJJeSPLl8N4-01063-00262447-00262632 you're a fan of this show it's not KJJeSPLl8N4-01064-00262633-00262971 really an issue is a deal no and the KJJeSPLl8N4-01065-00262972-00263247 last thing is the game can bog down a KJJeSPLl8N4-01066-00263248-00263445 little the last round or two is people KJJeSPLl8N4-01067-00263446-00263697 really start to really dig deep in AP KJJeSPLl8N4-01068-00263698-00264018 and analyze sure hey you know we we can KJJeSPLl8N4-01069-00264019-00264192 see the end of the game coming we know KJJeSPLl8N4-01070-00264193-00264405 the ice age is almost here and trying to KJJeSPLl8N4-01071-00264406-00264618 maximize and making sure they they KJJeSPLl8N4-01072-00264619-00264846 migrate to where they need to be and get KJJeSPLl8N4-01073-00264847-00265010 all their species out there where they KJJeSPLl8N4-01074-00265011-00265299 need their and nature of the beast and KJJeSPLl8N4-01075-00265300-00265443 no pun intended KJJeSPLl8N4-01076-00265444-00265767 Yeah right maybe a little and there is KJJeSPLl8N4-01077-00265768-00265950 one other thing I guess and there's a KJJeSPLl8N4-01078-00265951-00266187 pic on the leader aspect of this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01079-00266188-00266483 but it's an area control game and that's KJJeSPLl8N4-01080-00266484-00266777 inherent it's just going to happen but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01081-00266778-00267039 that doesn't bug me because like you KJJeSPLl8N4-01082-00267040-00267177 know what if you're winning I'm going KJJeSPLl8N4-01083-00267178-00267357 after you and almost anything we're KJJeSPLl8N4-01084-00267358-00267576 playing right yeah and at the point yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01085-00267577-00267972 oh he's winning stop him yeah but with KJJeSPLl8N4-01086-00267973-00268149 that said some of the swings KJJeSPLl8N4-01087-00268150-00268455 this game can be really really big so it KJJeSPLl8N4-01088-00268456-00268821 can feel punitive when you're the leader KJJeSPLl8N4-01089-00268822-00268959 and you're getting picked on by the KJJeSPLl8N4-01090-00268960-00269247 other players however you see what cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01091-00269248-00269591 are out there plan accordingly right so KJJeSPLl8N4-01092-00269592-00269910 as far as a rating for me it's a six KJJeSPLl8N4-01093-00269911-00270177 yeah man it's it's one of my all-time KJJeSPLl8N4-01094-00270178-00270513 favorite games easily a six for me but KJJeSPLl8N4-01095-00270514-00270780 with that said not all gamers who this KJJeSPLl8N4-01096-00270781-00270945 is not a game I would recommend for KJJeSPLl8N4-01097-00270946-00270999 everybody KJJeSPLl8N4-01098-00271000-00271182 sure this I do I feel like this is a KJJeSPLl8N4-01099-00271183-00271506 Hall of Fame Game absolutely but not for KJJeSPLl8N4-01100-00271507-00271779 everybody right if you're not put off by KJJeSPLl8N4-01101-00271780-00272037 direct conflict in games you have to KJJeSPLl8N4-01102-00272038-00272337 give this bad boy ago and I'll be happy KJJeSPLl8N4-01103-00272338-00272562 to say that we will be featuring this in KJJeSPLl8N4-01104-00272563-00272916 a future episode I will not not let that KJJeSPLl8N4-01105-00272917-00272973 happen KJJeSPLl8N4-01106-00272974-00273153 and I'm the I'm the block there because KJJeSPLl8N4-01107-00273154-00273357 I have to play this game more I've only KJJeSPLl8N4-01108-00273358-00273516 played like half a game we had time for KJJeSPLl8N4-01109-00273517-00273822 like a learning yeah rounds one day so KJJeSPLl8N4-01110-00273823-00274220 yeah and I'm a war gamer so I'm not I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01111-00274221-00274503 predisposed to not care about the KJJeSPLl8N4-01112-00274504-00274761 thrashing you know it's not like we're KJJeSPLl8N4-01113-00274762-00274941 rolling dice for the thrashing area no KJJeSPLl8N4-01114-00274942-00275211 but there is the randomness of the cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01115-00275212-00275307 come out and everything KJJeSPLl8N4-01116-00275308-00275652 like I said it's more like there's a lot KJJeSPLl8N4-01117-00275653-00275931 of the effect is shared a lot yes very KJJeSPLl8N4-01118-00275932-00275976 much so KJJeSPLl8N4-01119-00275977-00276246 yeah it's not like just your tile had an KJJeSPLl8N4-01120-00276247-00276750 earthquake and you know what I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-01121-00276751-00277216 so that's dominant species right on KJJeSPLl8N4-01122-00277217-00277493 so let's roll into our future game of KJJeSPLl8N4-01123-00277494-00277799 the night yes sir and I would like to KJJeSPLl8N4-01124-00277800-00278021 preface something before we get started KJJeSPLl8N4-01125-00278022-00278318 though our listener okay for the first KJJeSPLl8N4-01126-00278319-00278462 time I think in our in our show's KJJeSPLl8N4-01127-00278463-00278627 history we're gonna be coming at this KJJeSPLl8N4-01128-00278628-00278839 from two different perspectives here KJJeSPLl8N4-01129-00278840-00279259 there is a wide disparity as far as the KJJeSPLl8N4-01130-00279260-00279467 number of plays that we have for KJJeSPLl8N4-01131-00279468-00279698 tonight's game Tony has played this KJJeSPLl8N4-01132-00279699-00279953 probably a couple dozen times and I've KJJeSPLl8N4-01133-00279954-00280271 only played it I think five times now so KJJeSPLl8N4-01134-00280272-00280454 it's going to be fun and I'm curious to KJJeSPLl8N4-01135-00280455-00280766 see where this takes us because this is KJJeSPLl8N4-01136-00280767-00281099 a game in which repeated play is going KJJeSPLl8N4-01137-00281100-00281306 to be rewarded so I'm coming at it kind KJJeSPLl8N4-01138-00281307-00281549 of as a new gamer and you the more KJJeSPLl8N4-01139-00281550-00281753 experienced so I just want to let people KJJeSPLl8N4-01140-00281754-00281942 know that there are things that I might KJJeSPLl8N4-01141-00281943-00282215 not realize still about this game but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01142-00282216-00282374 think it'll be fun to have a KJJeSPLl8N4-01143-00282375-00282650 quote-unquote new gamer perspective KJJeSPLl8N4-01144-00282651-00282866 right and sense right on so without KJJeSPLl8N4-01145-00282867-00283294 further ado we present you a curricula KJJeSPLl8N4-01146-00283295-00283634 Agricola is be GG's number five board KJJeSPLl8N4-01147-00283635-00283859 game and it's a classic worker placement KJJeSPLl8N4-01148-00283860-00284357 game produced from 2007 by lookout z-man KJJeSPLl8N4-01149-00284358-00284669 games numerous others designed by Eva KJJeSPLl8N4-01150-00284670-00284954 Rosenberg and the world-famous Clemens KJJeSPLl8N4-01151-00284955-00285245 Franz did the artwork in the game it KJJeSPLl8N4-01152-00285246-00285440 plays from one to five players it is KJJeSPLl8N4-01153-00285441-00285707 there is a solo solitaire option I've KJJeSPLl8N4-01154-00285708-00285968 played it once that's all boring it was KJJeSPLl8N4-01155-00285969-00286202 no for you're not a solitaire game no KJJeSPLl8N4-01156-00286203-00286262 I'm really not KJJeSPLl8N4-01157-00286263-00286475 oh yeah I like having other people KJJeSPLl8N4-01158-00286476-00286628 around the table banging it out with me KJJeSPLl8N4-01159-00286629-00286976 it is I'm gonna save 30 minutes of KJJeSPLl8N4-01160-00286977-00287174 player give or take a few based on a KJJeSPLl8N4-01161-00287175-00287387 peeing and stuff like that sounds about KJJeSPLl8N4-01162-00287388-00287434 right KJJeSPLl8N4-01163-00287435-00287624 as far as components in graphic design KJJeSPLl8N4-01164-00287625-00287894 there's a couple of little twists to go KJJeSPLl8N4-01165-00287895-00288278 through with this see in let me let me KJJeSPLl8N4-01166-00288279-00288500 say that I have never played this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01167-00288501-00288875 without the goodies expansion i-i-i KJJeSPLl8N4-01168-00288876-00289094 don't know what it's like so you tell me KJJeSPLl8N4-01169-00289095-00289322 what what's the base game look like lace KJJeSPLl8N4-01170-00289323-00289664 melon is just wooden disks okay yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01171-00289665-00289838 they are wooden italy they are wood okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01172-00289839-00290102 so they're not paper chits like in like KJJeSPLl8N4-01173-00290103-00290312 in Lahav or something like not okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01174-00290313-00290507 a cardboard not paper obviously but KJJeSPLl8N4-01175-00290508-00290711 playing with the goodies expansion where KJJeSPLl8N4-01176-00290712-00290858 you get the animals the veggie I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-01177-00290859-00291188 that's just the way to go right and I II KJJeSPLl8N4-01178-00291189-00291383 wasn't even satisfied with that because KJJeSPLl8N4-01179-00291384-00291557 I thought the cows look too much like KJJeSPLl8N4-01180-00291558-00291686 the wood so I have white and black KJJeSPLl8N4-01181-00291687-00291992 spotted dairy cows every kind of rice KJJeSPLl8N4-01182-00291993-00292232 order or Derby or dairy but right KJJeSPLl8N4-01183-00292233-00292559 instead of the little food now the food KJJeSPLl8N4-01184-00292560-00292871 is paper tokens oh they are or grab or KJJeSPLl8N4-01185-00292872-00293249 cardboard token okay so I bought I have KJJeSPLl8N4-01186-00293250-00293507 bread I have meat and I have fish KJJeSPLl8N4-01187-00293508-00293717 because you have to have fish for the KJJeSPLl8N4-01188-00293718-00293942 fish pond yeah just right you ate some KJJeSPLl8N4-01189-00293943-00294134 people some players when we play they're KJJeSPLl8N4-01190-00294135-00294362 like here just throw bread know you'll KJJeSPLl8N4-01191-00294363-00294563 have soggy bread fish belonging to fish KJJeSPLl8N4-01192-00294564-00294746 pond the soggy bread is what the fish KJJeSPLl8N4-01193-00294747-00295031 eat right it can be acceptable once in a KJJeSPLl8N4-01194-00295032-00295111 while KJJeSPLl8N4-01195-00295112-00295394 component-wise and I mean the game is is KJJeSPLl8N4-01196-00295395-00295595 wonderful you know all the little the KJJeSPLl8N4-01197-00295596-00295865 tiles are very thick that you build your KJJeSPLl8N4-01198-00295866-00296090 farm with mm-hmm the cards are of KJJeSPLl8N4-01199-00296091-00296366 terrific finish although the game boards KJJeSPLl8N4-01200-00296367-00296591 thick cardboard I mean there's you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01201-00296592-00296765 other than the original having wooden KJJeSPLl8N4-01202-00296766-00297023 disks but now that's replaced with the KJJeSPLl8N4-01203-00297024-00297221 goodies you know III think the game is KJJeSPLl8N4-01204-00297222-00297479 fantastic from a graphical standpoint KJJeSPLl8N4-01205-00297480-00297854 okay I was gonna say I don't know of any KJJeSPLl8N4-01206-00297855-00298118 graphic design issues with the game do KJJeSPLl8N4-01207-00298119-00298508 you none that I've experienced okay all KJJeSPLl8N4-01208-00298509-00298694 right yeah so pretty solid on that KJJeSPLl8N4-01209-00298695-00298796 respect there KJJeSPLl8N4-01210-00298797-00298919 I guess I'd say the same thing with a KJJeSPLl8N4-01211-00298920-00299090 rule book I've never had a problem KJJeSPLl8N4-01212-00299091-00299363 looking anything up sometimes yes KJJeSPLl8N4-01213-00299364-00299567 something we have encountered some edge KJJeSPLl8N4-01214-00299568-00299957 cases that we have had to refer to bgg KJJeSPLl8N4-01215-00299958-00300290 for but usually that has to do with card KJJeSPLl8N4-01216-00300291-00300533 interactions and stuff like that but KJJeSPLl8N4-01217-00300534-00300728 other than that really no issues with KJJeSPLl8N4-01218-00300729-00300917 with the rulebook and I have to say KJJeSPLl8N4-01219-00300918-00301166 almost all of you favors and Berg's KJJeSPLl8N4-01220-00301167-00301463 games have pretty good rule books I KJJeSPLl8N4-01221-00301464-00301691 can't really think of any that are that KJJeSPLl8N4-01222-00301692-00301913 are poor off the time I had that's a KJJeSPLl8N4-01223-00301914-00302150 fair statement actually available in any KJJeSPLl8N4-01224-00302151-00302453 cost for the game our friends at game KJJeSPLl8N4-01225-00302454-00302699 surplus have it for 48 bucks in stock KJJeSPLl8N4-01226-00302700-00302957 they also have the farmers of the more KJJeSPLl8N4-01227-00302958-00303295 expansion for right at 30 bucks as well KJJeSPLl8N4-01228-00303296-00303650 let's see you have played with how KJJeSPLl8N4-01229-00303651-00303905 players have you played all the counts KJJeSPLl8N4-01230-00303906-00304202 no I know I've played three four and KJJeSPLl8N4-01231-00304203-00304541 five okay I've never played never played KJJeSPLl8N4-01232-00304542-00304760 two okay I want to you never have it and KJJeSPLl8N4-01233-00304761-00304952 have not played it solo yeah okay okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01234-00304953-00305099 yeah very cool KJJeSPLl8N4-01235-00305100-00305324 but you you've played across all the KJJeSPLl8N4-01236-00305325-00305585 counts yeah I I have scalability with KJJeSPLl8N4-01237-00305586-00305816 the game I'll cross those counts I can KJJeSPLl8N4-01238-00305817-00306092 only speak to what I've played in as far KJJeSPLl8N4-01239-00306093-00306341 as I can tell marvelous just really KJJeSPLl8N4-01240-00306342-00306602 really well done the scaling every for KJJeSPLl8N4-01241-00306603-00306737 each different player count there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01242-00306738-00306929 different worker placement spaces that KJJeSPLl8N4-01243-00306930-00307223 are available to the player so the game KJJeSPLl8N4-01244-00307224-00307403 scales with the number of players the KJJeSPLl8N4-01245-00307404-00307604 only thing that you're gonna get with KJJeSPLl8N4-01246-00307605-00307885 more players is just more more game time KJJeSPLl8N4-01247-00307886-00308204 so let me ask you it does with the lower KJJeSPLl8N4-01248-00308205-00308402 play counts and we're gonna pretty much KJJeSPLl8N4-01249-00308403-00308669 omit the solo cuz yeah and play whatever KJJeSPLl8N4-01250-00308670-00308969 we it's not that we discount it just we KJJeSPLl8N4-01251-00308970-00309152 don't have the experience with it with KJJeSPLl8N4-01252-00309153-00309308 the two player though do you feel like KJJeSPLl8N4-01253-00309309-00309506 it's gamey at all or do you feel like KJJeSPLl8N4-01254-00309507-00309914 it's natural natural okay and really KJJeSPLl8N4-01255-00309915-00310115 good really tight okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01256-00310116-00310466 well tonight we're not gonna talk about KJJeSPLl8N4-01257-00310467-00310667 what's going on in this game yeah we KJJeSPLl8N4-01258-00310668-00310835 figure the game's been out what eight KJJeSPLl8N4-01259-00310836-00311003 nine years something like that KJJeSPLl8N4-01260-00311004-00311363 and everybody knows the gist at least KJJeSPLl8N4-01261-00311364-00311621 yeah of what Agricola is and there's a KJJeSPLl8N4-01262-00311622-00311867 thousand reviews how to play these KJJeSPLl8N4-01263-00311868-00312218 videos everything right so we figure we KJJeSPLl8N4-01264-00312219-00312461 omit some of that to leave a little bit KJJeSPLl8N4-01265-00312462-00312773 more discussion tonight of what we like KJJeSPLl8N4-01266-00312774-00313172 what we don't like and etc etc but KJJeSPLl8N4-01267-00313173-00313355 that's not to say that every person KJJeSPLl8N4-01268-00313356-00313583 hearing this is going to know what KJJeSPLl8N4-01269-00313584-00313871 Agricole is in that case we cannot KJJeSPLl8N4-01270-00313872-00314126 stress enough how how good of a resource KJJeSPLl8N4-01271-00314127-00314333 BoardGameGeek is in that respect go KJJeSPLl8N4-01272-00314334-00314597 check it out google Agricola other than KJJeSPLl8N4-01273-00314598-00314830 the roman general it's the it's the game KJJeSPLl8N4-01274-00314831-00315113 and go check it out and then come back KJJeSPLl8N4-01275-00315114-00315380 and and proceed from here all right what KJJeSPLl8N4-01276-00315381-00315635 makes this game heavy well let's let's KJJeSPLl8N4-01277-00315636-00315797 start off with the complexity shall we KJJeSPLl8N4-01278-00315798-00316067 yes indeed sir and I didn't really know KJJeSPLl8N4-01279-00316068-00316286 where to put this so I'm putting it in KJJeSPLl8N4-01280-00316287-00316589 complexity so just go with okay there is KJJeSPLl8N4-01281-00316590-00316869 unrelenting stress in this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01282-00316870-00317088 sustenance farming in the Middle Ages KJJeSPLl8N4-01283-00317089-00317373 was no cakewalk in neither is playing KJJeSPLl8N4-01284-00317374-00317703 this game there are three engines that KJJeSPLl8N4-01285-00317704-00317967 need to be running in this game the KJJeSPLl8N4-01286-00317968-00318126 reason we say three is we're KJJeSPLl8N4-01287-00318127-00318288 incorporating the farmers of the more KJJeSPLl8N4-01288-00318289-00318578 right yes there's a food engine there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01289-00318579-00318849 a heating engine or or ways to mitigate KJJeSPLl8N4-01290-00318850-00319173 it as well as a points engine going I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01291-00319174-00319304 gonna take a different approach on this KJJeSPLl8N4-01292-00319305-00319484 okay I don't think the games complex at KJJeSPLl8N4-01293-00319485-00319931 all what it's really simple game put KJJeSPLl8N4-01294-00319932-00320217 your worker out there do that thing oh I KJJeSPLl8N4-01295-00320218-00320346 see where you're going with this I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-01296-00320347-00320595 those engines going that's where the KJJeSPLl8N4-01297-00320596-00320844 planning rocks okay but before we get to KJJeSPLl8N4-01298-00320845-00321177 that oh okay there are tons of decisions KJJeSPLl8N4-01299-00321178-00321260 to be made KJJeSPLl8N4-01300-00321261-00321659 would you agree yes and the complexity KJJeSPLl8N4-01301-00321660-00322098 can be can come from having to make KJJeSPLl8N4-01302-00322099-00322296 those decisions that you can be a bit KJJeSPLl8N4-01303-00322297-00322534 overwhelmed or it can be overwhelming KJJeSPLl8N4-01304-00322535-00322869 the amount or just having to make those KJJeSPLl8N4-01305-00322870-00323046 decisions and when to make those KJJeSPLl8N4-01306-00323047-00323277 decisions so would that add to the KJJeSPLl8N4-01307-00323278-00323646 complexity maybe I could see that just KJJeSPLl8N4-01308-00323647-00323853 not rules overhead yeah the rules the KJJeSPLl8N4-01309-00323854-00324099 mechanics are simple but there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01310-00324100-00324390 complexity in in the depth but it also KJJeSPLl8N4-01311-00324391-00324693 rolls into the complexity kind of in the KJJeSPLl8N4-01312-00324694-00324900 planning and I think that's where that's KJJeSPLl8N4-01313-00324901-00325079 where it is in the planning because KJJeSPLl8N4-01314-00325080-00325200 there's always three or four things you KJJeSPLl8N4-01315-00325201-00325443 want to do beyond the number of workers KJJeSPLl8N4-01316-00325444-00325665 you have at any one moment even later KJJeSPLl8N4-01317-00325666-00325827 when you have more workers you're like KJJeSPLl8N4-01318-00325828-00325971 there's still more things I need to do KJJeSPLl8N4-01319-00325972-00326190 and you want to do them all right now KJJeSPLl8N4-01320-00326191-00326397 before anybody else does getting those KJJeSPLl8N4-01321-00326398-00326577 workers just means there's more upkeep KJJeSPLl8N4-01322-00326578-00326727 there's more overhead to take care of KJJeSPLl8N4-01323-00326728-00327128 and so you need to plan like crazy just KJJeSPLl8N4-01324-00327129-00327506 to be able to muster up enough success KJJeSPLl8N4-01325-00327507-00328275 to keep your family fed and warm for be KJJeSPLl8N4-01326-00328276-00328599 this is the quintessential worker KJJeSPLl8N4-01327-00328600-00328887 placement game blocking is brutal in KJJeSPLl8N4-01328-00328888-00329132 this game so you have to plan out KJJeSPLl8N4-01329-00329133-00329463 alternative routes for when you get KJJeSPLl8N4-01330-00329464-00329831 blocked yes and get blocked again and KJJeSPLl8N4-01331-00329832-00330128 get blocked again every turn KJJeSPLl8N4-01332-00330129-00330449 so you have to plan out the you have to KJJeSPLl8N4-01333-00330450-00330905 have just alternate routes yep in a KJJeSPLl8N4-01334-00330906-00331130 kinder came to hit on this a little bit KJJeSPLl8N4-01335-00331131-00331268 earlier when I was talking about the KJJeSPLl8N4-01336-00331269-00331622 unrelenting stress this game frustrates KJJeSPLl8N4-01337-00331623-00331823 me more than any other game I've ever KJJeSPLl8N4-01338-00331824-00332162 played does there have been more f-bombs KJJeSPLl8N4-01339-00332163-00332435 thrown at other players in this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01340-00332436-00332786 than any other by you yeah pretty much KJJeSPLl8N4-01341-00332787-00333038 you have to plan out how to feed your KJJeSPLl8N4-01342-00333039-00333350 family how to heat your house and you KJJeSPLl8N4-01343-00333351-00333587 know how to score points at the end of KJJeSPLl8N4-01344-00333588-00333887 the game all while not losing too many KJJeSPLl8N4-01345-00333888-00334067 points through not having enough KJJeSPLl8N4-01346-00334068-00334337 diversity because you can't just be you KJJeSPLl8N4-01347-00334338-00334565 know like a wheat farmer KJJeSPLl8N4-01348-00334566-00334901 you can't just raise cows oh no not in KJJeSPLl8N4-01349-00334902-00335210 this game you have to raise sheep wild KJJeSPLl8N4-01350-00335211-00335666 boar cows you have to plant a grain you KJJeSPLl8N4-01351-00335667-00335969 have to plant vegetables you have to do KJJeSPLl8N4-01352-00335970-00336209 all these things must do have a little KJJeSPLl8N4-01353-00336210-00336461 bit of everything or there's a small KJJeSPLl8N4-01354-00336462-00336830 penalty right but you have to be able to KJJeSPLl8N4-01355-00336831-00337235 be able to offset that penalty and and KJJeSPLl8N4-01356-00337236-00337445 the amount of planning that goes into KJJeSPLl8N4-01357-00337446-00337688 this is just it will it will melt your KJJeSPLl8N4-01358-00337689-00337979 brain and that coupled while being KJJeSPLl8N4-01359-00337980-00338213 stressed out because you're like how the KJJeSPLl8N4-01360-00338214-00338498 hell am I going to feed my family it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01361-00338499-00338756 just truly that and that's why I'll be KJJeSPLl8N4-01362-00338757-00338954 honest a lot of people don't like this KJJeSPLl8N4-01363-00338955-00339266 game because it makes them uncomfortable KJJeSPLl8N4-01364-00339267-00339637 like physically uncomfortable just KJJeSPLl8N4-01365-00339638-00340018 unpleasant feeling this is the game that KJJeSPLl8N4-01366-00340019-00340334 I think demonstrates the separation of KJJeSPLl8N4-01367-00340335-00340499 those that like difficult and KJJeSPLl8N4-01368-00340500-00340660 challenging games and those that don't KJJeSPLl8N4-01369-00340661-00340970 you know wow I think you just hit on KJJeSPLl8N4-01370-00340971-00341237 something I'm and I'm being really KJJeSPLl8N4-01371-00341238-00341579 genuine here plate gamers like us who KJJeSPLl8N4-01372-00341580-00341912 like games like craftsman who like games KJJeSPLl8N4-01373-00341913-00342197 like antiquity stuff like that to where KJJeSPLl8N4-01374-00342198-00342593 there's it's just hard Vino's stuff like KJJeSPLl8N4-01375-00342594-00342935 that right I wonder if you could trace KJJeSPLl8N4-01376-00342936-00343163 all that back and ask one simple KJJeSPLl8N4-01377-00343164-00343481 question do you like Agricola KJJeSPLl8N4-01378-00343482-00343768 if you like the brick Allah you'll KJJeSPLl8N4-01379-00343769-00343983 probably like these games yeah if you KJJeSPLl8N4-01380-00343984-00344208 don't you probably won't I wonder KJJeSPLl8N4-01381-00344209-00344350 there's something there I don't know if KJJeSPLl8N4-01382-00344351-00344532 there's a relation it's interesting this KJJeSPLl8N4-01383-00344533-00344757 would be an awesome question right to KJJeSPLl8N4-01384-00344758-00344920 get some feedback from our listeners on KJJeSPLl8N4-01385-00344921-00345205 um but no that just occurred to me when KJJeSPLl8N4-01386-00345206-00345352 you said that that I think that's a KJJeSPLl8N4-01387-00345353-00345783 really really good point man so let's KJJeSPLl8N4-01388-00345784-00345976 talk about luck and random factors in KJJeSPLl8N4-01389-00345977-00346450 this game I have never not drafted in KJJeSPLl8N4-01390-00346451-00346663 this game right we're talking the the KJJeSPLl8N4-01391-00346664-00347002 minor improvements and the occupation KJJeSPLl8N4-01392-00347003-00347314 that's right yes sir um I know that I KJJeSPLl8N4-01393-00347315-00347551 and correct me if I'm wrong but normally KJJeSPLl8N4-01394-00347552-00347800 you just deal out seven and boom yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01395-00347801-00347974 yeah different way there's a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-01396-00347975-00348166 different ways and we've never done that KJJeSPLl8N4-01397-00348167-00348510 I in the early days I have I have never KJJeSPLl8N4-01398-00348511-00348766 not drafted yeah and so the drafting KJJeSPLl8N4-01399-00348767-00349117 mitigate some of that randomness because KJJeSPLl8N4-01400-00349118-00349351 I mean there are and correct me if I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01401-00349352-00349669 wrong I want to say there were one that KJJeSPLl8N4-01402-00349670-00349873 note two thousand three hundred and KJJeSPLl8N4-01403-00349874-00350143 forty two different decks yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01404-00350144-00350532 decks or cards yeah both yeah yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01405-00350533-00350713 there's a lot of variability and so even KJJeSPLl8N4-01406-00350714-00350920 even in the if you don't even want to KJJeSPLl8N4-01407-00350921-00351100 talk about the the expansion decks that KJJeSPLl8N4-01408-00351101-00351282 they have for this even within the base KJJeSPLl8N4-01409-00351283-00351555 game there are hundreds of deck or are KJJeSPLl8N4-01410-00351556-00351930 the cards of cards there and so some KJJeSPLl8N4-01411-00351931-00352209 have synergy some don't yeah and being KJJeSPLl8N4-01412-00352210-00352503 able to do various kinds of drafts or KJJeSPLl8N4-01413-00352504-00352908 you know hey here's your own deck pick KJJeSPLl8N4-01414-00352909-00353218 you know however many so that I think KJJeSPLl8N4-01415-00353219-00353507 eliminates part of that randomness yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01416-00353508-00354001 for me the the cards are as our KJJeSPLl8N4-01417-00354002-00354130 listeners were probably thinking the KJJeSPLl8N4-01418-00354131-00354340 five thousand-pound elephant in the room KJJeSPLl8N4-01419-00354341-00354684 for me right here's this random card KJJeSPLl8N4-01420-00354685-00355030 thing you know and but but I think you KJJeSPLl8N4-01421-00355031-00355195 know brick Allah does does the cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01422-00355196-00355455 right if you draft them you know I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-01423-00355456-00355699 just just draft them right that's that's KJJeSPLl8N4-01424-00355700-00356065 the way to go and uh they're an KJJeSPLl8N4-01425-00356066-00356304 essential part of the magic of this game KJJeSPLl8N4-01426-00356305-00356539 you know I think that without the cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01427-00356540-00356685 this is the same game over and over and KJJeSPLl8N4-01428-00356686-00356791 over again you KJJeSPLl8N4-01429-00356792-00357060 to have the cards in this game and KJJeSPLl8N4-01430-00357061-00357340 people talk about well you know when KJJeSPLl8N4-01431-00357341-00357484 you're when you're drafting just look KJJeSPLl8N4-01432-00357485-00357619 for two or three of each kind that KJJeSPLl8N4-01433-00357620-00357865 synergize you're not playing 14 cards in KJJeSPLl8N4-01434-00357866-00358171 this game anyway right don't stress that KJJeSPLl8N4-01435-00358172-00358339 eight of your cards suck KJJeSPLl8N4-01436-00358340-00358500 who cares you're not gonna play those KJJeSPLl8N4-01437-00358501-00358804 right and that's what you tell you you KJJeSPLl8N4-01438-00358805-00359095 told me are my first few games look look KJJeSPLl8N4-01439-00359096-00359227 for a couple cards that work well KJJeSPLl8N4-01440-00359228-00359431 together those of the cards you're gonna KJJeSPLl8N4-01441-00359432-00359605 play throughout the whole day right that KJJeSPLl8N4-01442-00359606-00359785 and you know I think the cards do two KJJeSPLl8N4-01443-00359786-00360004 things besides given that magic to the KJJeSPLl8N4-01444-00360005-00360208 game they can encourage you down a KJJeSPLl8N4-01445-00360209-00360306 particular path KJJeSPLl8N4-01446-00360307-00360541 some people say they force you to go KJJeSPLl8N4-01447-00360542-00360802 down a particular path well I don't KJJeSPLl8N4-01448-00360803-00361000 think so because you know you if you KJJeSPLl8N4-01449-00361001-00361168 play it if you if you're accepting those KJJeSPLl8N4-01450-00361169-00361312 cards you're gonna maybe probably go KJJeSPLl8N4-01451-00361313-00361489 down that path so maybe they're right KJJeSPLl8N4-01452-00361490-00361690 but no matter if I want to go down that KJJeSPLl8N4-01453-00361691-00361882 path or a different path in the game I I KJJeSPLl8N4-01454-00361883-00362167 can always find some synergy somewhere KJJeSPLl8N4-01455-00362168-00362335 so I really don't feel like I'm being KJJeSPLl8N4-01456-00362336-00362575 forced in any certain way by what I KJJeSPLl8N4-01457-00362576-00362968 draft I'm drafting them well oh I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01458-00362969-00363160 sorry no and it just last thing is I KJJeSPLl8N4-01459-00363161-00363463 think the cards value is some cool KJJeSPLl8N4-01460-00363464-00363619 flavor and sometimes some weird and KJJeSPLl8N4-01461-00363620-00363910 funny flavor to how so just the the KJJeSPLl8N4-01462-00363911-00364138 themes of some of the cards the names of KJJeSPLl8N4-01463-00364139-00364315 them the artwork Oh like the alien KJJeSPLl8N4-01464-00364316-00364558 Decker or the ferret or not either knows KJJeSPLl8N4-01465-00364559-00364900 oh you know those are kind of cool too KJJeSPLl8N4-01466-00364901-00365029 weird right KJJeSPLl8N4-01467-00365030-00365323 but you know just you know when I KJJeSPLl8N4-01468-00365324-00365506 collect wood I i can leave one wood KJJeSPLl8N4-01469-00365507-00365635 there and get mushrooms because i'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01470-00365636-00365818 really out there collecting wood but i'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01471-00365819-00365974 also collecting some mushrooms some food KJJeSPLl8N4-01472-00365975-00366214 and you know they put some interesting KJJeSPLl8N4-01473-00366215-00366505 things well there was I laugh because KJJeSPLl8N4-01474-00366506-00366766 that makes me think of our last game in KJJeSPLl8N4-01475-00366767-00367042 which I had a family of beavers there KJJeSPLl8N4-01476-00367043-00367105 you go KJJeSPLl8N4-01477-00367106-00367429 and I say that because no other game no KJJeSPLl8N4-01478-00367430-00367606 other game in which can you feed your KJJeSPLl8N4-01479-00367607-00368065 family by feeding them would write a lot KJJeSPLl8N4-01480-00368066-00368416 of cellulose in my family so the cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01481-00368417-00368596 are not an elephant for me they're the KJJeSPLl8N4-01482-00368597-00368917 they're the special sauce okay so so in KJJeSPLl8N4-01483-00368918-00369121 that case and this is this is pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-01484-00369122-00369388 rare for you in which you encourage this KJJeSPLl8N4-01485-00369389-00369661 randomness mitigated randomness but you KJJeSPLl8N4-01486-00369662-00369871 really you you think without this KJJeSPLl8N4-01487-00369872-00370103 Agricola is an Agricola KJJeSPLl8N4-01488-00370104-00370394 right without the cards and there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01489-00370395-00370568 special little synergies and the KJJeSPLl8N4-01490-00370569-00370817 different ones that I have from you yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01491-00370818-00370997 I think it's always the same right well KJJeSPLl8N4-01492-00370998-00371258 yeah I I infinite replayability but KJJeSPLl8N4-01493-00371259-00371399 we'll get more into that cooler in a KJJeSPLl8N4-01494-00371400-00371438 minute KJJeSPLl8N4-01495-00371439-00371712 so okay there are a couple other things KJJeSPLl8N4-01496-00371713-00371888 of randomness in this game right there KJJeSPLl8N4-01497-00371889-00372191 are there's the minor randomness in KJJeSPLl8N4-01498-00372192-00372389 which the order in which the cards come KJJeSPLl8N4-01499-00372390-00372632 out right because I know that you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01500-00372633-00372992 in the phase one cards there's three of KJJeSPLl8N4-01501-00372993-00373133 them right you don't know which order KJJeSPLl8N4-01502-00373134-00373280 the three will be right so there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01503-00373281-00373583 there's that which means you do know KJJeSPLl8N4-01504-00373584-00373898 that in phase one these are the three KJJeSPLl8N4-01505-00373899-00374192 cards one of these three cards is coming KJJeSPLl8N4-01506-00374193-00374426 so so and or baked bread right I don't KJJeSPLl8N4-01507-00374427-00374594 know if it's one two or three right and KJJeSPLl8N4-01508-00374595-00374855 so I don't think that's a negative I KJJeSPLl8N4-01509-00374856-00375071 think that's that's actually a positive KJJeSPLl8N4-01510-00375072-00375323 in a sense that it adds to that KJJeSPLl8N4-01511-00375324-00375614 replayability and with that KJJeSPLl8N4-01512-00375615-00375716 replayability KJJeSPLl8N4-01513-00375717-00376013 it it keeps the game fresh because KJJeSPLl8N4-01514-00376014-00376223 you're like well I don't want to put all KJJeSPLl8N4-01515-00376224-00376478 my eggs in my in this basket and like KJJeSPLl8N4-01516-00376479-00376703 bet on that this card's going to be KJJeSPLl8N4-01517-00376704-00377018 likes card maybe I had you a little KJJeSPLl8N4-01518-00377019-00377201 maybe I go this way maybe I go that way KJJeSPLl8N4-01519-00377202-00377552 all because of that little bit of a KJJeSPLl8N4-01520-00377553-00377885 minor randomness in the order in which KJJeSPLl8N4-01521-00377886-00378047 the cards come and still allows you to KJJeSPLl8N4-01522-00378048-00378272 plan to it and through it but there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01523-00378273-00378491 just that little bit of mmm is there KJJeSPLl8N4-01524-00378492-00378797 gonna be right do you think a game lanes KJJeSPLl8N4-01525-00378798-00379079 a factor in the weight of this game let KJJeSPLl8N4-01526-00379080-00379262 me start off by saying that I feel like KJJeSPLl8N4-01527-00379263-00379535 that the game length feels right for the KJJeSPLl8N4-01528-00379536-00379706 for the length of game you don't want KJJeSPLl8N4-01529-00379707-00379985 fewer turns well I mean you want more KJJeSPLl8N4-01530-00379986-00380187 turns in between feedings maybe you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01531-00380188-00380402 sometimes but the length of the game KJJeSPLl8N4-01532-00380403-00380675 feels appropriate for what it is like it KJJeSPLl8N4-01533-00380676-00380906 doesn't drag and at the same time you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01534-00380907-00381089 not like dammit I wish this game went KJJeSPLl8N4-01535-00381090-00381349 three more rounds or all right whatever KJJeSPLl8N4-01536-00381350-00381569 although I do feel like that in the KJJeSPLl8N4-01537-00381570-00381776 two-player because they like literally KJJeSPLl8N4-01538-00381777-00382137 we can bang out a two-player in an hour KJJeSPLl8N4-01539-00382138-00382583 I mean and like one time me and banker KJJeSPLl8N4-01540-00382584-00382856 Dave played three consecutive KJJeSPLl8N4-01541-00382857-00383078 back-to-back two-player games because KJJeSPLl8N4-01542-00383079-00383344 one hour just wasn't enough KJJeSPLl8N4-01543-00383345-00383725 huh okay so would that so let me ask you KJJeSPLl8N4-01544-00383726-00383956 on that with with game light do you KJJeSPLl8N4-01545-00383957-00384202 think the two-player game specifically KJJeSPLl8N4-01546-00384203-00384364 and again I have no experience with it KJJeSPLl8N4-01547-00384365-00384609 so I can't speak but do you feel like KJJeSPLl8N4-01548-00384610-00384916 that detracts from the weight of the KJJeSPLl8N4-01549-00384917-00385117 game then with the two-player no because KJJeSPLl8N4-01550-00385118-00385540 it's still still just rough okay you KJJeSPLl8N4-01551-00385541-00385734 know like being me and Dave or me in KJJeSPLl8N4-01552-00385735-00385912 that doing a two-player we know what KJJeSPLl8N4-01553-00385913-00386143 we're doing okay and it and so what so KJJeSPLl8N4-01554-00386144-00386282 we can go through things pretty quick KJJeSPLl8N4-01555-00386283-00386623 but it's we're killing each other okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01556-00386624-00386902 yeah so let me let me ask you this KJJeSPLl8N4-01557-00386903-00387196 question then sir the first time you KJJeSPLl8N4-01558-00387197-00387445 played Agricola like did you get it the KJJeSPLl8N4-01559-00387446-00387496 first time KJJeSPLl8N4-01560-00387497-00387721 nope No okay well what do you think yes KJJeSPLl8N4-01561-00387722-00388252 this has the unique I don't know what KJJeSPLl8N4-01562-00388253-00388567 the right word is but the quality no no KJJeSPLl8N4-01563-00388568-00389017 this is the only game in my entire life KJJeSPLl8N4-01564-00389018-00389401 as a hobby board gamer in which I just KJJeSPLl8N4-01565-00389402-00389587 didn't get it at any point throughout KJJeSPLl8N4-01566-00389588-00389824 the entire first play you're not winning KJJeSPLl8N4-01567-00389825-00389958 your first game no matter who you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01568-00389959-00390178 no matter who you are no I'm not saying KJJeSPLl8N4-01569-00390179-00390360 winning I'm saying they're just trashed KJJeSPLl8N4-01570-00390361-00390724 I was just lost I really didn't have did KJJeSPLl8N4-01571-00390725-00390973 you have to kind of cohesive plan in the KJJeSPLl8N4-01572-00390974-00391144 least he's taken abeggar cards or KJJeSPLl8N4-01573-00391145-00391405 anything I think I may have taken ones KJJeSPLl8N4-01574-00391406-00391713 my first game okay um but I just KJJeSPLl8N4-01575-00391714-00391948 forgetting it length I had no clue what KJJeSPLl8N4-01576-00391949-00392133 the hell I was doing the first game yes KJJeSPLl8N4-01577-00392134-00392722 plus C in the final scoring even though KJJeSPLl8N4-01578-00392723-00393084 it was on that handy little card um it KJJeSPLl8N4-01579-00393085-00393292 didn't help I had to get kicked in the KJJeSPLl8N4-01580-00393293-00393577 groin that that finals I'm for things KJJeSPLl8N4-01581-00393578-00393802 that click so I had no clue until the KJJeSPLl8N4-01582-00393803-00394080 second game and even then I didn't come KJJeSPLl8N4-01583-00394081-00394356 into my second game thinking okay this KJJeSPLl8N4-01584-00394357-00394693 is what I'm going to no nobody but I at KJJeSPLl8N4-01585-00394694-00395105 least understood what I was trying to do KJJeSPLl8N4-01586-00395106-00395398 about you know maybe in the second phase KJJeSPLl8N4-01587-00395399-00395682 so I guess maybe like turn four or five KJJeSPLl8N4-01588-00395683-00396004 I'd say of the second Jane and that says KJJeSPLl8N4-01589-00396005-00396418 something cuz I'm on the pickup but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01590-00396419-00396657 yeah this kicked my ass the scoring KJJeSPLl8N4-01591-00396658-00396841 thing it's interesting I mention that KJJeSPLl8N4-01592-00396842-00396994 because sometimes new players can get KJJeSPLl8N4-01593-00396995-00397278 carried away you know like at the end of KJJeSPLl8N4-01594-00397279-00397543 the game for pumpkins scores the same KJJeSPLl8N4-01595-00397544-00397768 amount of points as 24 pumpkins right KJJeSPLl8N4-01596-00397769-00398023 right right so I mean I get that you can KJJeSPLl8N4-01597-00398024-00398202 eat them and cook them but you really KJJeSPLl8N4-01598-00398203-00398377 need to spend actions not getting KJJeSPLl8N4-01599-00398378-00398532 pumpkins all the time right you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01600-00398533-00398805 well in fact in my most recent play I KJJeSPLl8N4-01601-00398806-00398926 screwed that up KJJeSPLl8N4-01602-00398927-00399169 so again okay we're talking my fourth or KJJeSPLl8N4-01603-00399170-00399316 fifth I want I think it was my fifth KJJeSPLl8N4-01604-00399317-00399562 play I still had too much grain at the KJJeSPLl8N4-01605-00399563-00399748 end of the game to where I was just KJJeSPLl8N4-01606-00399749-00399994 wasting points so I had wasted actions KJJeSPLl8N4-01607-00399995-00400312 so five plays in I'm still struggling KJJeSPLl8N4-01608-00400313-00400755 with that which is awesome right on man KJJeSPLl8N4-01609-00400756-00400990 I mean seriously how many games can you KJJeSPLl8N4-01610-00400991-00401212 say I'm still getting my ass kicked by KJJeSPLl8N4-01611-00401213-00401470 the game and really don't know when to KJJeSPLl8N4-01612-00401471-00401695 switch gears in everything after five KJJeSPLl8N4-01613-00401696-00401950 plays how awesome is that KJJeSPLl8N4-01614-00401951-00402193 that is awesome so let me ask you Aranda KJJeSPLl8N4-01615-00402194-00402459 it was about two decades ago maybe not KJJeSPLl8N4-01616-00402460-00402831 that but how long free or if not for you KJJeSPLl8N4-01617-00402832-00402991 how long do you think in general yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01618-00402992-00403205 that might be a better question but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01619-00403206-00403417 think you're you're on the right track KJJeSPLl8N4-01620-00403418-00403564 that it's gonna be at least a full game KJJeSPLl8N4-01621-00403565-00403833 you know to to see what's going on and KJJeSPLl8N4-01622-00403834-00403996 there's so many you know different KJJeSPLl8N4-01623-00403997-00404127 little things that can happen and you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01624-00404128-00404355 you're gonna get screwed down one path KJJeSPLl8N4-01625-00404356-00404587 in this game and go okay I got it KJJeSPLl8N4-01626-00404588-00404848 Mexican is in the next game you're like KJJeSPLl8N4-01627-00404849-00405451 oh shoot I can't what do you know I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01628-00405452-00405616 still screwed so it might take a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-01629-00405617-00405954 people most people me you know several KJJeSPLl8N4-01630-00405955-00406134 different exposures to the different KJJeSPLl8N4-01631-00406135-00406270 things that could happen to you on a KJJeSPLl8N4-01632-00406271-00406533 medieval farm before you can really you KJJeSPLl8N4-01633-00406534-00406747 know okay alright let's talk about what KJJeSPLl8N4-01634-00406748-00406952 makes the game fun and enjoyable for us KJJeSPLl8N4-01635-00406953-00407200 well first off I love that the KJJeSPLl8N4-01636-00407201-00407398 overwhelming majority the highest thumb KJJeSPLl8N4-01637-00407399-00407652 reviews of this are negative reviews KJJeSPLl8N4-01638-00407653-00407853 from back in the day I get a kick out of KJJeSPLl8N4-01639-00407854-00408006 that when I was going through prepping KJJeSPLl8N4-01640-00408007-00408217 for the show yeah I got a kick out of KJJeSPLl8N4-01641-00408218-00408493 that they didn't know what they had yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01642-00408494-00408697 I'm at the time I guess or maybe it KJJeSPLl8N4-01643-00408698-00408954 really turns to people off right what is KJJeSPLl8N4-01644-00408955-00409240 this I thrive on the pressure that this KJJeSPLl8N4-01645-00409241-00409498 game puts on you it is completely and KJJeSPLl8N4-01646-00409499-00409764 totally all-encompassing an unrelenting KJJeSPLl8N4-01647-00409765-00409968 Dean pressure the tension yes it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01648-00409969-00410229 amazing it's an it's nonstop it's from KJJeSPLl8N4-01649-00410230-00410474 the moment before the game begins KJJeSPLl8N4-01650-00410475-00410766 drafting the cards until you're doing KJJeSPLl8N4-01651-00410767-00410940 final scoring and you realize that you KJJeSPLl8N4-01652-00410941-00411123 just got house I get tense when I setup KJJeSPLl8N4-01653-00411124-00411364 the game it's when it starts right all KJJeSPLl8N4-01654-00411364-00411504 right cuz like you can't do everything KJJeSPLl8N4-01655-00411505-00411717 that you have to do you just have to do KJJeSPLl8N4-01656-00411718-00411999 your best you you're always reacting to KJJeSPLl8N4-01657-00412000-00412206 the other player's moves so you're so KJJeSPLl8N4-01658-00412207-00412467 some things are gonna be delayed but you KJJeSPLl8N4-01659-00412468-00412548 could still get to them eventually KJJeSPLl8N4-01660-00412549-00412770 because after you take that wood you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01661-00412771-00412917 not gonna need it for a couple of turns KJJeSPLl8N4-01662-00412918-00413172 maybe and I can get to it hopefully it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01663-00413173-00413451 not too late there's all the KJJeSPLl8N4-01664-00413452-00413706 anticipation of mmm he needs another KJJeSPLl8N4-01665-00413707-00413907 room and he doesn't have any wood and KJJeSPLl8N4-01666-00413908-00414078 all that you know so yeah need to think KJJeSPLl8N4-01667-00414079-00414477 ahead that's cute yeah like I'm thinking KJJeSPLl8N4-01668-00414478-00414834 I know I'm so focused on myself so but KJJeSPLl8N4-01669-00414835-00415056 yes it's there it's just angst right KJJeSPLl8N4-01670-00415057-00415332 like I I can't do everything I want to KJJeSPLl8N4-01671-00415333-00415560 do I neither do more than that guy and KJJeSPLl8N4-01672-00415561-00415821 that guy and that guy and I know the KJJeSPLl8N4-01673-00415822-00415995 competition is gonna be fierce you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01674-00415996-00416205 what what battles will I win you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01675-00416206-00416505 which ones will I lose and yeah that KJJeSPLl8N4-01676-00416506-00416847 inks that tension it's it's and then KJJeSPLl8N4-01677-00416848-00416979 it's oh my god it's time to calculate KJJeSPLl8N4-01678-00416980-00417412 scores well as everyone knows I am a KJJeSPLl8N4-01679-00417413-00417666 worker placement fiend great in this KJJeSPLl8N4-01680-00417667-00417924 game frustrates the hell out of me KJJeSPLl8N4-01681-00417925-00418128 beyond belief more than any other game KJJeSPLl8N4-01682-00418129-00418341 good frustration and I love it yes okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01683-00418342-00418716 it's uber uber tight and it's a tightest KJJeSPLl8N4-01684-00418717-00418866 worker placement game that I've ever KJJeSPLl8N4-01685-00418867-00419079 played and by tight I mean kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-01686-00419080-00419301 restrictive and with that restrictive KJJeSPLl8N4-01687-00419302-00419614 ness of that tightness every single KJJeSPLl8N4-01688-00419614-00419841 thing you do matters you know pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-01689-00419842-00420210 much and I mean that's yeah I love it KJJeSPLl8N4-01690-00420210-00420454 tableau building with a spatial element KJJeSPLl8N4-01691-00420455-00420816 hello right i I everyone loves their or KJJeSPLl8N4-01692-00420817-00421089 I don't know if everybody but everybody KJJeSPLl8N4-01693-00421090-00421290 we know loves building your own stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-01694-00421291-00421518 you love seeing hey I penned in my KJJeSPLl8N4-01695-00421519-00421767 little my little shape you know don't KJJeSPLl8N4-01696-00421768-00422198 take those cows I just built a fence KJJeSPLl8N4-01697-00422199-00422496 it's obviously the number one game of KJJeSPLl8N4-01698-00422497-00422922 masochists everywhere yeah I think so KJJeSPLl8N4-01699-00422923-00423049 III and KJJeSPLl8N4-01700-00423050-00423187 what you were saying about your own KJJeSPLl8N4-01701-00423188-00423634 tableau I love that just seeing that you KJJeSPLl8N4-01702-00423635-00423864 get to build your farm however you want KJJeSPLl8N4-01703-00423866-00424138 wherever you want I mean obviously at KJJeSPLl8N4-01704-00424139-00424345 the end everyone's going to try and be KJJeSPLl8N4-01705-00424346-00424560 diversified in everything right but some KJJeSPLl8N4-01706-00424562-00424762 people are going to focus more on on KJJeSPLl8N4-01707-00424763-00425074 animals some more on vegetables you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01708-00425075-00425275 type thing right no that's a little KJJeSPLl8N4-01709-00425276-00425418 engine building element right there KJJeSPLl8N4-01710-00425420-00425578 another thing that's really cool about KJJeSPLl8N4-01711-00425579-00425910 this is at least for a new player like KJJeSPLl8N4-01712-00425912-00426181 me is discovering little cool card KJJeSPLl8N4-01713-00426182-00426445 combos that maybe nobody else has seen KJJeSPLl8N4-01714-00426446-00426685 or even if they have you haven't seen KJJeSPLl8N4-01715-00426685-00426922 them right being like like the last play KJJeSPLl8N4-01716-00426922-00427252 amanda was like oh I can do oh and then KJJeSPLl8N4-01717-00427253-00427435 when she got the second one out she was KJJeSPLl8N4-01718-00427435-00427597 all like doing a little happy dance like KJJeSPLl8N4-01719-00427597-00427720 yeah look what I can do KJJeSPLl8N4-01720-00427721-00427996 she didn't care if she was good she was KJJeSPLl8N4-01721-00427997-00428275 good she found this cool little synergy KJJeSPLl8N4-01722-00428276-00428539 that that worked and discovered and that KJJeSPLl8N4-01723-00428539-00428737 was just it was exciting to watch her KJJeSPLl8N4-01724-00428738-00429091 see that Amy she's she's at the same KJJeSPLl8N4-01725-00429092-00429288 level I am as far as number of plays KJJeSPLl8N4-01726-00429289-00429610 really really dig that you know Candide KJJeSPLl8N4-01727-00429610-00429942 discovery of the combination yeah I dig KJJeSPLl8N4-01728-00429943-00430147 just to go on the card theme you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01729-00430147-00430233 talking about there KJJeSPLl8N4-01730-00430234-00430495 you know the variation of decks we KJJeSPLl8N4-01731-00430496-00430764 talked about everything the World KJJeSPLl8N4-01732-00430766-00430939 Championship decks are really cool KJJeSPLl8N4-01733-00430939-00431212 because there it's like you know one of KJJeSPLl8N4-01734-00431213-00431397 the ways to play them is here's your KJJeSPLl8N4-01735-00431399-00431656 cards take what you need for the game KJJeSPLl8N4-01736-00431657-00431962 right to pick your hand out of this deck KJJeSPLl8N4-01737-00431963-00432127 I'll pick my hand out of this deck you KJJeSPLl8N4-01738-00432128-00432346 know that's one of the ways to use that KJJeSPLl8N4-01739-00432347-00432592 deck and I think that when we play with KJJeSPLl8N4-01740-00432593-00432814 that deck I build far more cards than I KJJeSPLl8N4-01741-00432814-00432970 do with the other ones there seems to be KJJeSPLl8N4-01742-00432971-00433183 a lot more synergy in those decks so I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01743-00433184-00433324 not sure if that's awesome or not KJJeSPLl8N4-01744-00433325-00433582 awesome but it's different and it's fun KJJeSPLl8N4-01745-00433583-00433804 well and if you don't feel like doing KJJeSPLl8N4-01746-00433805-00433996 that you can always pick one of the KJJeSPLl8N4-01747-00433997-00434268 other decks right right um on that note KJJeSPLl8N4-01748-00434270-00434614 there's maybe quite literally infinite KJJeSPLl8N4-01749-00434614-00434917 replayability in this game because of KJJeSPLl8N4-01750-00434918-00435264 those cards and because the the uber KJJeSPLl8N4-01751-00435266-00435560 amounts of decks in fact I read that in KJJeSPLl8N4-01752-00435562-00435904 2016 the new version of Agricola is KJJeSPLl8N4-01753-00435905-00436138 gonna have something like I wanna I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-01754-00436139-00436366 not exaggerating when I say like 800 KJJeSPLl8N4-01755-00436367-00436570 cards in the game they're going to take KJJeSPLl8N4-01756-00436571-00436783 a lot of the existing decks and a whole KJJeSPLl8N4-01757-00436784-00437087 bunch of the play Agricola - right KJJeSPLl8N4-01758-00437088-00437389 make them new and put them into the base KJJeSPLl8N4-01759-00437390-00437639 game of Agricola so just infinite KJJeSPLl8N4-01760-00437639-00438025 totally infinite replayability plus who KJJeSPLl8N4-01761-00438026-00438666 doesn't love sheeples or pump people's KJJeSPLl8N4-01762-00438667-00439066 people's that's awesome yeah I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-01763-00439067-00439529 they're cool right they are man when I KJJeSPLl8N4-01764-00439530-00439741 play this game I am always completely KJJeSPLl8N4-01765-00439742-00440000 engrossed in it some games when it's not KJJeSPLl8N4-01766-00440001-00440194 your turn you get up go make a sandwich KJJeSPLl8N4-01767-00440195-00440581 or I don't leave the chair my iPad is KJJeSPLl8N4-01768-00440582-00440879 off I'm I'm in this game at all times KJJeSPLl8N4-01769-00440880-00441448 totally very I think one of the KJJeSPLl8N4-01770-00441449-00441754 highlights of the game for me and this KJJeSPLl8N4-01771-00441755-00442052 might sound petty but it's hewing the KJJeSPLl8N4-01772-00442053-00442289 lamentation of your opponents and then KJJeSPLl8N4-01773-00442289-00442594 throwing expletives your way or blocking KJJeSPLl8N4-01774-00442595-00442906 them and and screwing them out of stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-01775-00442907-00443119 cuz like in your head you're like maybe KJJeSPLl8N4-01776-00443120-00443291 I could be greedy and take this than KJJeSPLl8N4-01777-00443292-00443506 that and then somebody takes that when KJJeSPLl8N4-01778-00443507-00443825 right oh yeah yeah it's yeah but we KJJeSPLl8N4-01779-00443826-00444037 can't we try not to use that language on KJJeSPLl8N4-01780-00444038-00444370 the show no but yeah there's there's so KJJeSPLl8N4-01781-00444371-00444646 much so many f-bombs being thrown during KJJeSPLl8N4-01782-00444647-00444835 this game it's look as fantastic job to KJJeSPLl8N4-01783-00444836-00445027 do the Fred Flintstone trick or a record KJJeSPLl8N4-01784-00445028-00445294 right right so another thing that I KJJeSPLl8N4-01785-00445295-00445537 really dig and this is rolling into KJJeSPLl8N4-01786-00445538-00445775 Farmers of the Moors okay good good good KJJeSPLl8N4-01787-00445776-00446012 is the special action dudes you read my KJJeSPLl8N4-01788-00446013-00446458 mind the choices that they add get like KJJeSPLl8N4-01789-00446459-00446767 in our three player game that we just KJJeSPLl8N4-01790-00446768-00446987 did like last week right huh there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01791-00446988-00447185 only two of them there there's three KJJeSPLl8N4-01792-00447185-00447610 players but oh the the agonizing choice KJJeSPLl8N4-01793-00447611-00447856 of I really need that pile of wood but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01794-00447857-00448033 really like to get an extra action by KJJeSPLl8N4-01795-00448034-00448256 taking this card do you think I can get KJJeSPLl8N4-01796-00448257-00448408 away with it mmm KJJeSPLl8N4-01797-00448409-00448620 yeah there's a gambling nature kind of KJJeSPLl8N4-01798-00448621-00449110 with those cards and so replay right so KJJeSPLl8N4-01799-00449111-00449419 let me ask you now I have never not KJJeSPLl8N4-01800-00449420-00449666 played with farmers of the more we're KJJeSPLl8N4-01801-00449667-00449757 playing from my KJJeSPLl8N4-01802-00449758-00450060 first play we've always had farmers in KJJeSPLl8N4-01803-00450060-00450213 the more Dutch I didn't know any better KJJeSPLl8N4-01804-00450214-00450576 so that's that Amanda played bass KJJeSPLl8N4-01805-00450577-00450846 Agricola once without farmers of the war KJJeSPLl8N4-01806-00450847-00451080 because she was in that first game with KJJeSPLl8N4-01807-00451081-00451302 me as well and she said she didn't like KJJeSPLl8N4-01808-00451303-00451635 it because farmers are the more brings KJJeSPLl8N4-01809-00451635-00451878 so much more to the gay didn't like the KJJeSPLl8N4-01810-00451879-00452130 bass right not like a bass she does KJJeSPLl8N4-01811-00452131-00452307 not want to play basic curriculum right KJJeSPLl8N4-01812-00452308-00452613 out Farmers of the moor now for those KJJeSPLl8N4-01813-00452614-00452864 listening tell them what farmers are the KJJeSPLl8N4-01814-00452866-00453306 more brings to it well first I agree KJJeSPLl8N4-01815-00453307-00453468 with Amanda yeah farmers l'amour is KJJeSPLl8N4-01816-00453468-00453756 mandatory period done okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01817-00453757-00453882 and I know there are people out there KJJeSPLl8N4-01818-00453883-00454122 that would disagree with probably but I KJJeSPLl8N4-01819-00454122-00454401 agree with you for what it's worth the KJJeSPLl8N4-01820-00454402-00454626 first time I was gonna play with farmers KJJeSPLl8N4-01821-00454627-00454875 and the more I was like oh my god it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01822-00454876-00455133 that too much and then after that game KJJeSPLl8N4-01823-00455134-00455652 was like wow where has that been it was KJJeSPLl8N4-01824-00455653-00455922 that awesome and here's the things that KJJeSPLl8N4-01825-00455922-00456183 it adds those special action cards we we KJJeSPLl8N4-01826-00456184-00456696 just talked about the you can put KJJeSPLl8N4-01827-00456697-00457131 forests and and bogs on your farm so KJJeSPLl8N4-01828-00457132-00457338 what you put peat right it starts out KJJeSPLl8N4-01829-00457339-00457560 and there's variable like what how many KJJeSPLl8N4-01830-00457560-00457707 like eight or nine nine there's nine KJJeSPLl8N4-01831-00457708-00457908 start cards so everyone have a different KJJeSPLl8N4-01832-00457909-00458124 layout of where they're miles in our KJJeSPLl8N4-01833-00458125-00458334 peat bogs you could cut the peat from KJJeSPLl8N4-01834-00458335-00458475 those bogs to heat your house because KJJeSPLl8N4-01835-00458476-00458613 now you have to heat your house right KJJeSPLl8N4-01836-00458614-00458766 which is something you didn't have to KJJeSPLl8N4-01837-00458767-00458922 deal with him with a brick alone there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01838-00458922-00459207 heat and eat and harvest and so you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01839-00459208-00459381 wooden houses clay houses stone houses KJJeSPLl8N4-01840-00459382-00459564 each take you know a little bit less KJJeSPLl8N4-01841-00459564-00459810 heat as you progress and I think there KJJeSPLl8N4-01842-00459810-00460010 are some major improvements that the KJJeSPLl8N4-01843-00460012-00460224 yeah they change that as there's what KJJeSPLl8N4-01844-00460225-00460343 yeah there's a major improvement in KJJeSPLl8N4-01845-00460345-00460488 there that helps with the heating of KJJeSPLl8N4-01846-00460489-00460671 furnace and there's all kinds of minor KJJeSPLl8N4-01847-00460672-00460839 improvements it helped with that there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01848-00460839-00461403 horses the horses are very cool and the KJJeSPLl8N4-01849-00461404-00461618 cool thing about the horses is those are KJJeSPLl8N4-01850-00461620-00461805 not captive for points like everything KJJeSPLl8N4-01851-00461806-00462051 else is right right and and the only way KJJeSPLl8N4-01852-00462052-00462270 to get them other than special you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01853-00462271-00462438 occupations or minor improvement cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01854-00462439-00462639 is through the special action cards so KJJeSPLl8N4-01855-00462639-00462785 now you if you want a horse you can I KJJeSPLl8N4-01856-00462787-00462935 have to take some risk you know KJJeSPLl8N4-01857-00462936-00463235 um there's more major improvements KJJeSPLl8N4-01858-00463236-00463577 there's 118 minor improvements to add to KJJeSPLl8N4-01859-00463578-00463823 the game and that's just base not KJJeSPLl8N4-01860-00463824-00464004 counting all those other special decks KJJeSPLl8N4-01861-00464005-00464318 that should say stuff it's good stuff if KJJeSPLl8N4-01862-00464319-00464438 you've never played with it don't be KJJeSPLl8N4-01863-00464439-00464802 scared it adds depth to the game but KJJeSPLl8N4-01864-00464803-00465143 doesn't really add rules overhead to the KJJeSPLl8N4-01865-00465144-00465440 game much yeah you have to yes and you KJJeSPLl8N4-01866-00465441-00465638 have the horses and how those come into KJJeSPLl8N4-01867-00465639-00465911 play it's just natural it's minimal so KJJeSPLl8N4-01868-00465912-00466313 much I I never had a Beretta now keep in KJJeSPLl8N4-01869-00466314-00466544 mind I was coming into this brand new KJJeSPLl8N4-01870-00466545-00466766 with all of the gray Cola right and KJJeSPLl8N4-01871-00466767-00466961 farmers are the more on my first play KJJeSPLl8N4-01872-00466962-00467147 maybe that explains why I couldn't get KJJeSPLl8N4-01873-00467148-00467489 it the first game um but yeah I I have KJJeSPLl8N4-01874-00467490-00467760 no interest plane without especially KJJeSPLl8N4-01875-00467760-00467945 those special action cards yes because KJJeSPLl8N4-01876-00467946-00468239 it adds it doesn't just add actions it KJJeSPLl8N4-01877-00468240-00468617 adds another layer decisions because you KJJeSPLl8N4-01878-00468618-00468923 you have to decide can I do I have to KJJeSPLl8N4-01879-00468924-00469172 take one right now or will it come back KJJeSPLl8N4-01880-00469173-00469410 around and maybe I can roll the dice and KJJeSPLl8N4-01881-00469410-00469661 and leave one of my one of my family KJJeSPLl8N4-01882-00469662-00469973 members at home to be able to take one KJJeSPLl8N4-01883-00469974-00470252 of those cards and if I decide not to KJJeSPLl8N4-01884-00470253-00470477 take one of those now I could still KJJeSPLl8N4-01885-00470478-00470762 perhaps get it in a minute but it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01886-00470763-00471033 gonna cost me to food right if someone KJJeSPLl8N4-01887-00471034-00471258 else is already selected it and that and KJJeSPLl8N4-01888-00471259-00471504 as we said you know that pressure for KJJeSPLl8N4-01889-00471505-00471773 feeding your your peeps is unrelenting KJJeSPLl8N4-01890-00471774-00471954 so to food do you really want to just KJJeSPLl8N4-01891-00471955-00472181 throw those away for that I don't know KJJeSPLl8N4-01892-00472182-00472758 one thing about this game is we always KJJeSPLl8N4-01893-00472759-00472988 talk about the gameplay afterwards it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01894-00472989-00473177 just you know what we did what we didn't KJJeSPLl8N4-01895-00473178-00473475 do what you did to me I think that's KJJeSPLl8N4-01896-00473476-00473852 just a hallmark of a deep game I totally KJJeSPLl8N4-01897-00473853-00474212 agree this is I said earlier in the show KJJeSPLl8N4-01898-00474213-00474461 that that's kind of the heart the nicest KJJeSPLl8N4-01899-00474462-00474710 compliment you can pay to a game is KJJeSPLl8N4-01900-00474711-00474935 after you're done playing it you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01901-00474936-00475094 thinking about it and talking about it KJJeSPLl8N4-01902-00475095-00475262 and running it over in your head what KJJeSPLl8N4-01903-00475263-00475370 could I have done differently and KJJeSPLl8N4-01904-00475371-00475556 everything that's kind of the biggest KJJeSPLl8N4-01905-00475557-00475865 biggest compliment you can pay and that KJJeSPLl8N4-01906-00475866-00476081 never that never doesn't happen here KJJeSPLl8N4-01907-00476082-00476235 right KJJeSPLl8N4-01908-00476236-00476518 are there any things about Agricola that KJJeSPLl8N4-01909-00476518-00476779 you don't like that I don't like or that KJJeSPLl8N4-01910-00476780-00477103 people don't like that I don't like yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01911-00477104-00477307 I guess I'm gonna come at it from the KJJeSPLl8N4-01912-00477308-00477562 same angle so what about you KJJeSPLl8N4-01913-00477563-00477714 first you is there anything you don't KJJeSPLl8N4-01914-00477715-00478072 like frustration abounds in the game but KJJeSPLl8N4-01915-00478072-00478351 that's not necessarily it's frustrating KJJeSPLl8N4-01916-00478352-00478591 I mean frustration is never good but KJJeSPLl8N4-01917-00478592-00478818 it's a like I said it's kind of a KJJeSPLl8N4-01918-00478818-00479166 masochistic thing in that I enjoy the KJJeSPLl8N4-01919-00479167-00479404 the mental gymnastics that the same KJJeSPLl8N4-01920-00479405-00479704 forces but it does force it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01921-00479705-00479902 frustrating to all get out so there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01922-00479903-00480310 that it induces a P ap can wreck your KJJeSPLl8N4-01923-00480310-00480685 life in this game yes if you let it KJJeSPLl8N4-01924-00480685-00480933 but it's horribly with those people well KJJeSPLl8N4-01925-00480934-00481114 no and it's on you to make sure that KJJeSPLl8N4-01926-00481114-00481378 those people don't continue to ap days KJJeSPLl8N4-01927-00481379-00481668 but banker Dave right because I also KJJeSPLl8N4-01928-00481669-00481981 have former banker Dave Allen but yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-01929-00481982-00482239 there it definitely can induce ap and KJJeSPLl8N4-01930-00482239-00482455 there's a there's a steep learning curve KJJeSPLl8N4-01931-00482456-00482764 not mechanically it's just what the hell KJJeSPLl8N4-01932-00482764-00483022 do I do how do I do this so how about KJJeSPLl8N4-01933-00483022-00483445 you I mean I have more but go ahead well KJJeSPLl8N4-01934-00483446-00483745 it's not me I mean yeah it's not me it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01935-00483746-00484030 you yeah there's nothing I dislike about KJJeSPLl8N4-01936-00484031-00484447 the game I you know I hear people saying KJJeSPLl8N4-01937-00484447-00484627 oh you know this car is broken or that KJJeSPLl8N4-01938-00484628-00484939 car it's broken and I guess I don't care KJJeSPLl8N4-01939-00484939-00485172 because there's freaking thousand cards KJJeSPLl8N4-01940-00485173-00485337 well not only that but you said it KJJeSPLl8N4-01941-00485338-00485568 yourself out of these 14 cards you're KJJeSPLl8N4-01942-00485569-00485827 gonna get what you play maybe at most KJJeSPLl8N4-01943-00485828-00486127 half right given given the variation in KJJeSPLl8N4-01944-00486128-00486285 the cards and that some of them are KJJeSPLl8N4-01945-00486285-00486577 fan-created at play are cool or calm and KJJeSPLl8N4-01946-00486578-00486727 everything you know what there's KJJeSPLl8N4-01947-00486728-00486885 probably some cars that are under power KJJeSPLl8N4-01948-00486886-00486997 there's probably some cars that are KJJeSPLl8N4-01949-00486997-00487335 overpowered just have fun just go away KJJeSPLl8N4-01950-00487336-00487822 okay another thing is so this games KJJeSPLl8N4-01951-00487822-00488016 about sustenance farming in the Middle KJJeSPLl8N4-01952-00488017-00488230 Ages that's a bit of a tough sell to new KJJeSPLl8N4-01953-00488231-00488716 players that doesn't say I would like to KJJeSPLl8N4-01954-00488717-00488889 grow some grain right how would you like KJJeSPLl8N4-01955-00488890-00489235 to be a struggling farmer and miserable KJJeSPLl8N4-01956-00489235-00489431 your entire life KJJeSPLl8N4-01957-00489432-00489638 so yeah it can be a bit of a tough sell KJJeSPLl8N4-01958-00489639-00489939 sure if you if you frame it that way KJJeSPLl8N4-01959-00489941-00490232 you're forced to be tactical with your KJJeSPLl8N4-01960-00490233-00490517 long-term strategy but maybe that's a KJJeSPLl8N4-01961-00490518-00490859 positive not really a negative some KJJeSPLl8N4-01962-00490860-00490997 people might think that there's not KJJeSPLl8N4-01963-00490997-00491195 enough player interaction that it's very KJJeSPLl8N4-01964-00491196-00491422 much multiplayer solitaire but I feel KJJeSPLl8N4-01965-00491424-00491657 like that that board with the amount of KJJeSPLl8N4-01966-00491658-00491846 blocking and everything that goes on I KJJeSPLl8N4-01967-00491847-00492043 don't feel like worker placement games KJJeSPLl8N4-01968-00492045-00492488 are multiplayer solitaire bye-bye by KJJeSPLl8N4-01969-00492489-00493004 definition it is a massive table hog at KJJeSPLl8N4-01970-00493005-00493310 least in I again tell me is it different KJJeSPLl8N4-01971-00493310-00493472 with basic curricula as opposed to KJJeSPLl8N4-01972-00493472-00493631 farmers of the more that I don't think KJJeSPLl8N4-01973-00493632-00493799 farmers are the more adds that much does KJJeSPLl8N4-01974-00493800-00494072 it yeah just a slight bit okay so it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01975-00494072-00494372 just the table hog period yeah okay KJJeSPLl8N4-01976-00494372-00494660 and the amount of planning can over KJJeSPLl8N4-01977-00494660-00494947 overwhelm some players having to juggle KJJeSPLl8N4-01978-00494949-00495152 those three engines with farmers of the KJJeSPLl8N4-01979-00495153-00495460 more the the feed the heat the heat and KJJeSPLl8N4-01980-00495462-00495692 feet and whatever heat right heat meat KJJeSPLl8N4-01981-00495693-00495889 there you go and and getting a point KJJeSPLl8N4-01982-00495891-00496139 engine going on top of all that so it KJJeSPLl8N4-01983-00496139-00496307 can't be a bit overwhelming and a bit KJJeSPLl8N4-01984-00496308-00496676 daunting I would say so why don't you go KJJeSPLl8N4-01985-00496677-00496889 first in summarizing your feelings of KJJeSPLl8N4-01986-00496889-00497078 Agricola for us and then I'll go and KJJeSPLl8N4-01987-00497079-00497342 then we'll do our ratings okay so I KJJeSPLl8N4-01988-00497343-00497492 don't have like some really KJJeSPLl8N4-01989-00497493-00497560 well-thought-out KJJeSPLl8N4-01990-00497562-00497774 little paragraph or sentence like I KJJeSPLl8N4-01991-00497775-00498260 normally do on this one but I gotta be KJJeSPLl8N4-01992-00498260-00498407 honest that I really feel like this is KJJeSPLl8N4-01993-00498408-00498647 the quintessential worker placement game KJJeSPLl8N4-01994-00498647-00499072 yeah and if this is the type of game KJJeSPLl8N4-01995-00499074-00499372 that appeals to you then that opens up a KJJeSPLl8N4-01996-00499374-00499954 whole world of heavy main hard thing key KJJeSPLl8N4-01997-00499955-00500393 games that you and I enjoy yes it's it's KJJeSPLl8N4-01998-00500393-00500675 just it's I don't think this has been KJJeSPLl8N4-01999-00500676-00500957 improved upon in the eight or so year KJJeSPLl8N4-02000-00500958-00501152 eight or nine years that it's been out KJJeSPLl8N4-02001-00501153-00501563 as far as what a worker placement game KJJeSPLl8N4-02002-00501564-00501857 is about it's number five rating I think KJJeSPLl8N4-02003-00501858-00502489 bears are saying yeah for me summary is KJJeSPLl8N4-02004-00502491-00502784 it's just one of the most fun KJJeSPLl8N4-02005-00502785-00502995 frustrating brain stimulating KJJeSPLl8N4-02006-00502996-00503232 conversation generating game that makes KJJeSPLl8N4-02007-00503233-00503397 me want to play it again and again again KJJeSPLl8N4-02008-00503397-00503625 and like if it wasn't snowing like a KJJeSPLl8N4-02009-00503626-00503843 demon out there and my Road my drive KJJeSPLl8N4-02010-00503844-00504035 home is gonna suck I'd say let's play a KJJeSPLl8N4-02011-00504037-00504314 two-player right now after this podcast KJJeSPLl8N4-02012-00504314-00504549 but let me ask you a question on the KJJeSPLl8N4-02013-00504550-00504663 summary okay KJJeSPLl8N4-02014-00504664-00504966 how does a gribbler rate in wait per KJJeSPLl8N4-02015-00504967-00505172 minute the game doesn't really take all KJJeSPLl8N4-02016-00505173-00505364 that long to play - compared to a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-02017-00505365-00505587 heavy games we play I think that for the KJJeSPLl8N4-02018-00505588-00505737 length of time you're investing in the KJJeSPLl8N4-02019-00505738-00505887 game you're really getting a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-02020-00505888-00506013 weight out of it and I think that's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02021-00506014-00506343 really good yeah I the only when when KJJeSPLl8N4-02022-00506343-00506508 you explained what it was you were you KJJeSPLl8N4-02023-00506509-00506685 were asking me more they're the only KJJeSPLl8N4-02024-00506685-00506966 other game that really jumped to mind KJJeSPLl8N4-02025-00506967-00507147 when you said that that's in kind of the KJJeSPLl8N4-02026-00507147-00507410 same level I guess - games really are KJJeSPLl8N4-02027-00507412-00507753 vinos nice in arc right yeah well but KJJeSPLl8N4-02028-00507754-00507927 Arkwright's wait per minute it's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02029-00507928-00508118 longer game ah that's a valid point KJJeSPLl8N4-02030-00508119-00508295 so maybe just vinhos but yeah I think KJJeSPLl8N4-02031-00508296-00508568 this is this is a hard game in that KJJeSPLl8N4-02032-00508569-00508626 respect KJJeSPLl8N4-02033-00508627-00508875 well let's talk about our rating system KJJeSPLl8N4-02034-00508876-00509168 it's it's new it's one to six yeah so KJJeSPLl8N4-02035-00509169-00509475 okay one is late it on fire KJJeSPLl8N4-02036-00509476-00509784 burn it burn it do not sell this game KJJeSPLl8N4-02037-00509785-00510003 shame on you to hell with you if you KJJeSPLl8N4-02038-00510004-00510180 show this game cuz you're pawning that KJJeSPLl8N4-02039-00510181-00510402 off on somebody not me it's you right KJJeSPLl8N4-02040-00510403-00510860 whereas a - we just it doesn't suit us KJJeSPLl8N4-02041-00510862-00511145 it's not a fit for us it's it's not you KJJeSPLl8N4-02042-00511146-00511247 it's me KJJeSPLl8N4-02043-00511248-00511659 right a3 is hey there's some good things KJJeSPLl8N4-02044-00511660-00511857 that we like about it but there's also a KJJeSPLl8N4-02045-00511858-00512045 good amount that we don't like about it KJJeSPLl8N4-02046-00512046-00512247 it's below average it might have some KJJeSPLl8N4-02047-00512247-00512510 redeeming mechanic but to us it's me KJJeSPLl8N4-02048-00512512-00512706 yeah it's man that's a perfect way to KJJeSPLl8N4-02049-00512707-00512985 describe it at four now now this is KJJeSPLl8N4-02050-00512985-00513191 definitely above average it's a good KJJeSPLl8N4-02051-00513192-00513422 game right and this is worth at the KJJeSPLl8N4-02052-00513423-00513593 point at which we start thinking about KJJeSPLl8N4-02053-00513594-00514029 do I want to own this game and a5 a5 is KJJeSPLl8N4-02054-00514030-00514422 a great game strongly we really like the KJJeSPLl8N4-02055-00514422-00514737 game and likely to own it yes sir in the KJJeSPLl8N4-02056-00514738-00515043 six is a Hall of Fame Game it may not be KJJeSPLl8N4-02057-00515043-00515259 a Hall of Fame game for everyone but KJJeSPLl8N4-02058-00515260-00515495 it's a Hall of Fame game from me for KJJeSPLl8N4-02059-00515496-00515730 individual right right and it's a game KJJeSPLl8N4-02060-00515731-00516097 we absolutely 100% if we don't own it KJJeSPLl8N4-02061-00516097-00516346 we will go out and own it so that's KJJeSPLl8N4-02062-00516347-00516703 that's our rating rundown cool um since KJJeSPLl8N4-02063-00516704-00516847 you drove I'll go ahead and go first KJJeSPLl8N4-02064-00516847-00517092 okay you get the last word oh okay okay KJJeSPLl8N4-02065-00517093-00517447 um so we don't have a middle ground and KJJeSPLl8N4-02066-00517447-00517572 we don't give out hats KJJeSPLl8N4-02067-00517573-00517846 so it's either it is or it isn't there's KJJeSPLl8N4-02068-00517847-00518118 no three point five right and so I gave KJJeSPLl8N4-02069-00518120-00518272 this some thought over the last couple KJJeSPLl8N4-02070-00518272-00518500 days you know leading up to us recording KJJeSPLl8N4-02071-00518501-00518835 and I was thinking you know what this is KJJeSPLl8N4-02072-00518837-00519172 the quintessential worker placement game KJJeSPLl8N4-02073-00519172-00519435 if you you know what no I'm not even KJJeSPLl8N4-02074-00519437-00519628 gonna preface it's a six it's an KJJeSPLl8N4-02075-00519629-00520066 absolute Hall of Fame winner but but KJJeSPLl8N4-02076-00520067-00520387 hold on there is a caveat what and it KJJeSPLl8N4-02077-00520388-00520564 goes back to what you that that really KJJeSPLl8N4-02078-00520564-00520753 cool interesting point that you brought KJJeSPLl8N4-02079-00520754-00521224 up if you like those really hard games KJJeSPLl8N4-02080-00521225-00521493 like games like Vino's games like KJJeSPLl8N4-02081-00521495-00521806 craftsman that type that or they're just KJJeSPLl8N4-02082-00521807-00522202 they're hard they're challenging yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02083-00522203-00522489 and just that kind of beat you up a KJJeSPLl8N4-02084-00522491-00522910 little if that's your type of game then KJJeSPLl8N4-02085-00522910-00523207 yeah this is a six if it's not stay far KJJeSPLl8N4-02086-00523208-00523495 far away well um KJJeSPLl8N4-02087-00523496-00523771 you didn't answer my question what what KJJeSPLl8N4-02088-00523772-00523951 are you reading it oh I'm reading it a KJJeSPLl8N4-02089-00523952-00524146 six for me it's a six people want to KJJeSPLl8N4-02090-00524147-00524356 hear what we think write it not you know KJJeSPLl8N4-02091-00524357-00524578 oh if you like this game it's a search KJJeSPLl8N4-02092-00524579-00524818 but if your donuts are freaking - right KJJeSPLl8N4-02093-00524819-00525055 dude is this a six yes all right I think KJJeSPLl8N4-02094-00525056-00525339 I think so too my friend all right KJJeSPLl8N4-02095-00525340-00525506 that's a gribbler KJJeSPLl8N4-02096-00525507-00525781 [Music] KJJeSPLl8N4-02097-00525782-00526203 all right moving on to other things how KJJeSPLl8N4-02098-00526204-00526404 we normally begin our wrap-up of the KJJeSPLl8N4-02099-00526405-00526566 show let's talk about some other topics KJJeSPLl8N4-02100-00526567-00526806 first yeah I wanted a touch base and let KJJeSPLl8N4-02101-00526807-00527045 people know that st. Baldrick's is KJJeSPLl8N4-02102-00527046-00527356 coming up and what this is is there's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02103-00527357-00527741 you get your head shaved you you get KJJeSPLl8N4-02104-00527742-00528018 donations and volunteer to get your head KJJeSPLl8N4-02105-00528019-00528300 shaved and these donations go towards KJJeSPLl8N4-02106-00528301-00528528 kids with cancer fighting fighting KJJeSPLl8N4-02107-00528529-00528797 cancer for kids back when I used to play KJJeSPLl8N4-02108-00528798-00528968 poker for a living this was an annual KJJeSPLl8N4-02109-00528969-00529218 thing and I'd get a couple thousand KJJeSPLl8N4-02110-00529219-00529418 dollars donated from various poker KJJeSPLl8N4-02111-00529419-00529566 players around the world that was pretty KJJeSPLl8N4-02112-00529567-00529614 awesome KJJeSPLl8N4-02113-00529615-00529839 and it's cool life got busy I stopped KJJeSPLl8N4-02114-00529840-00530045 doing it and I'm no longer playing cards KJJeSPLl8N4-02115-00530046-00530354 for a living obviously but I thought you KJJeSPLl8N4-02116-00530355-00530564 know now that we have a bit of a small KJJeSPLl8N4-02117-00530565-00530860 little platform here I thought maybe I KJJeSPLl8N4-02118-00530861-00531206 started back up so st. Baldrick's a head KJJeSPLl8N4-02119-00531207-00531474 shaving day is right it coincides with KJJeSPLl8N4-02120-00531475-00531783 the Friday of st. Patty's Day so I want KJJeSPLl8N4-02121-00531784-00532079 to say it's it's like mid mid-march in KJJeSPLl8N4-02122-00532080-00532572 about a month we're gonna throw a link KJJeSPLl8N4-02123-00532573-00532814 up in the show notes and we'll mention KJJeSPLl8N4-02124-00532815-00532997 it on our Facebook page and in Twitter KJJeSPLl8N4-02125-00532998-00533214 if you were so inclined to donate KJJeSPLl8N4-02126-00533215-00533433 awesome if you don't that's fine - no KJJeSPLl8N4-02127-00533434-00533564 worries KJJeSPLl8N4-02128-00533565-00533843 in this kind of touches base or hits KJJeSPLl8N4-02129-00533844-00534047 home for me I lost my mom to cancer a KJJeSPLl8N4-02130-00534048-00534249 number of years back granted this is KJJeSPLl8N4-02131-00534250-00534437 about kids with cancer but you know what KJJeSPLl8N4-02132-00534438-00534620 screw cancer regardless of the age KJJeSPLl8N4-02133-00534621-00534912 absolutely um so yeah I just wanted to KJJeSPLl8N4-02134-00534913-00535014 throw that out there and if you're KJJeSPLl8N4-02135-00535015-00535214 interested in donating they'd be awesome KJJeSPLl8N4-02136-00535215-00535295 appreciate it KJJeSPLl8N4-02137-00535296-00535518 Brenna and Tony you'll be there to tweet KJJeSPLl8N4-02138-00535519-00535814 out pictures I'm sure yeah I go with the KJJeSPLl8N4-02139-00535815-00536124 theory that my father-in-law suggests he KJJeSPLl8N4-02140-00536125-00536316 says god only made a few perfect heads KJJeSPLl8N4-02141-00536317-00536495 and on the rest he put here so I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-02142-00536496-00537039 keeping my hair so I know less serious KJJeSPLl8N4-02143-00537040-00537285 note yeah Matt hands in the sea is about KJJeSPLl8N4-02144-00537286-00537470 to launch on Kickstarter awesome it KJJeSPLl8N4-02145-00537471-00537747 launches Sunday February 22nd so that's KJJeSPLl8N4-02146-00537748-00537908 going to be a just three or four days KJJeSPLl8N4-02147-00537909-00538160 after after our show drops we're not KJJeSPLl8N4-02148-00538161-00538527 promoting it because you know we're KJJeSPLl8N4-02149-00538528-00538647 getting compensated we're getting KJJeSPLl8N4-02150-00538648-00538995 nothing for for advertising this at all KJJeSPLl8N4-02151-00538996-00539121 we just we know KJJeSPLl8N4-02152-00539122-00539271 the designer you know the designer we KJJeSPLl8N4-02153-00539272-00539493 like what was there yeah yeah we just KJJeSPLl8N4-02154-00539494-00539682 wanted to see it succeed so we're doing KJJeSPLl8N4-02155-00539683-00539910 this because we like the game we think KJJeSPLl8N4-02156-00539911-00540048 it's worth its success KJJeSPLl8N4-02157-00540049-00540294 yeah so real quick hands in the sea KJJeSPLl8N4-02158-00540295-00540504 takes its inspiration from what a few KJJeSPLl8N4-02159-00540505-00540723 acres of snow started it's a two-player KJJeSPLl8N4-02160-00540724-00540984 deck building war game set during the KJJeSPLl8N4-02161-00540985-00541194 First Punic War which is Rome versus KJJeSPLl8N4-02162-00541195-00541707 Carthage around 260 to 240 or so BC what KJJeSPLl8N4-02163-00541708-00541989 sets hands in to see apart from a few KJJeSPLl8N4-02164-00541990-00542193 acres of snow is that there's a ton of KJJeSPLl8N4-02165-00542194-00542385 new elements that it brings into the KJJeSPLl8N4-02166-00542386-00542430 game KJJeSPLl8N4-02167-00542431-00542676 it has navies it has turn-based scoring KJJeSPLl8N4-02168-00542677-00542913 it has some realistic random events KJJeSPLl8N4-02169-00542914-00543195 among a plethora of other things if KJJeSPLl8N4-02170-00543196-00543438 you're a fan of the time period or KJJeSPLl8N4-02171-00543439-00543657 you're a fan of to play or war games or KJJeSPLl8N4-02172-00543658-00543846 you're a fan of deck-building games or KJJeSPLl8N4-02173-00543847-00544104 beautiful games yeah or if you're just KJJeSPLl8N4-02174-00544105-00544266 looking for something that improves a KJJeSPLl8N4-02175-00544267-00544521 few acres of snow heavy cardboard would KJJeSPLl8N4-02176-00544522-00544701 wholeheartedly recommend checking out KJJeSPLl8N4-02177-00544702-00544872 the Kickstarter when it goes live yep KJJeSPLl8N4-02178-00544873-00545211 February 22nd and yeah we're anxious to KJJeSPLl8N4-02179-00545212-00545271 see it KJJeSPLl8N4-02180-00545272-00545762 do well on Kickstarter right on so KJJeSPLl8N4-02181-00545763-00546090 recently we changed our rating system KJJeSPLl8N4-02182-00546091-00546396 from 1/4 to 106 and just to give it a KJJeSPLl8N4-02183-00546397-00546585 little bit of variability so everything KJJeSPLl8N4-02184-00546586-00546672 didn't get samey KJJeSPLl8N4-02185-00546673-00547029 we did Anglo and we did Shipyard on our KJJeSPLl8N4-02186-00547030-00547320 news 1 to 6 rating system and the KJJeSPLl8N4-02187-00547321-00547581 feedback was awesome yeah and some KJJeSPLl8N4-02188-00547582-00547773 people I can't remember if it was on a KJJeSPLl8N4-02189-00547774-00547992 Facebook page on Twitter or all of the KJJeSPLl8N4-02190-00547993-00548214 above or in our guild but they were like KJJeSPLl8N4-02191-00548215-00548412 hey are you guys gonna go back and KJJeSPLl8N4-02192-00548413-00548673 rewrite the stuff that you would rate it KJJeSPLl8N4-02193-00548674-00549353 on the 1 to 4 and we're not so all right KJJeSPLl8N4-02194-00549354-00549774 yeah yeah so we wanted to do that this KJJeSPLl8N4-02195-00549775-00550053 evening yeah and go we'll start with our KJJeSPLl8N4-02196-00550054-00550221 the first game we reviewed as heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-02197-00550222-00550446 cardboard Madera and progressed through KJJeSPLl8N4-02198-00550447-00550788 our reviews yeah have some fun with this KJJeSPLl8N4-02199-00550789-00550950 yeah and you know we're not gonna go KJJeSPLl8N4-02200-00550951-00551058 really now KJJeSPLl8N4-02201-00551059-00551316 and maybe it'll it'll give you guys be KJJeSPLl8N4-02202-00551317-00551547 the impetus to email us or interact with KJJeSPLl8N4-02203-00551548-00551745 us hey what the hell were you thinking KJJeSPLl8N4-02204-00551746-00551982 why was this so higher so low cool so KJJeSPLl8N4-02205-00551983-00552357 without further ado sir I and I'll be KJJeSPLl8N4-02206-00552358-00552510 honest I don't know what our pre KJJeSPLl8N4-02207-00552511-00552669 yes ratings were did you break us that I KJJeSPLl8N4-02208-00552670-00552810 didn't write down what they were KJJeSPLl8N4-02209-00552811-00553128 previously but here's the thing our new KJJeSPLl8N4-02210-00553129-00553377 ratings are probably gonna be in line KJJeSPLl8N4-02211-00553378-00553659 with what we originally thought somewhat KJJeSPLl8N4-02212-00553660-00553857 with an asterisk than that and that KJJeSPLl8N4-02213-00553858-00554127 being that we continue to play these KJJeSPLl8N4-02214-00554128-00554370 games and thoughts can mature right I KJJeSPLl8N4-02215-00554371-00554622 mean we definitely afford ourselves that KJJeSPLl8N4-02216-00554623-00554907 ability to to change our opinion with KJJeSPLl8N4-02217-00554908-00555228 more play and more thought yeah and KJJeSPLl8N4-02218-00555229-00555450 that's really gonna come into play on a KJJeSPLl8N4-02219-00555451-00555822 couple of these in my case Wow okay so KJJeSPLl8N4-02220-00555823-00556074 so Madeira yeah you or me KJJeSPLl8N4-02221-00556075-00556449 I'll start okay Megiddo Madeira was our KJJeSPLl8N4-02222-00556450-00556728 golden elephant our inaugural golden KJJeSPLl8N4-02223-00556729-00557028 elephant Award winner for 2013 best KJJeSPLl8N4-02224-00557029-00557316 heavy game of 2013 I would rate Madeira KJJeSPLl8N4-02225-00557317-00557649 now as a five not a six I would rate it KJJeSPLl8N4-02226-00557650-00557829 as a five does that surprise you KJJeSPLl8N4-02227-00557830-00558084 no I you know we both rated it a four I KJJeSPLl8N4-02228-00558085-00558288 believe okay and that was the top of our KJJeSPLl8N4-02229-00558289-00558540 scale and you know now we have a bit KJJeSPLl8N4-02230-00558541-00558732 more leeway and stuff and I also rated a KJJeSPLl8N4-02231-00558733-00558996 5 really it's a that's awesome yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02232-00558997-00559056 great wait KJJeSPLl8N4-02233-00559057-00559338 absolu bowl but is it a grail game like KJJeSPLl8N4-02234-00559339-00559599 Hall of Fame I don't know but I still KJJeSPLl8N4-02235-00559600-00559833 feel it's not a knockoff no no not at KJJeSPLl8N4-02236-00559834-00560025 all I still feel like it was deserving KJJeSPLl8N4-02237-00560026-00560556 of the golden elephant absolutely number KJJeSPLl8N4-02238-00560557-00560900 2 game we reviewed was Lahav yes which KJJeSPLl8N4-02239-00560901-00561156 for those that don't know or maybe KJJeSPLl8N4-02240-00561157-00561327 you're new to the show that's one of KJJeSPLl8N4-02241-00561328-00561552 your two favorite games of all time it KJJeSPLl8N4-02242-00561553-00561999 is so with that in mind it's a 5 really KJJeSPLl8N4-02243-00562000-00562068 yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02244-00562069-00562347 see I have it as a 6 and for one reason KJJeSPLl8N4-02245-00562348-00562461 and one reason only KJJeSPLl8N4-02246-00562462-00562713 what's that I think it is the best KJJeSPLl8N4-02247-00562714-00563019 gateway into heavy games that there is KJJeSPLl8N4-02248-00563020-00563310 because you do one of you do two hours KJJeSPLl8N4-02249-00563311-00563532 on your turn that's it it's very simple KJJeSPLl8N4-02250-00563533-00563703 to earn lever to turn right right I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-02251-00563704-00563916 so that's why I have it as a 6 because KJJeSPLl8N4-02252-00563917-00564045 of that fact KJJeSPLl8N4-02253-00564046-00564333 gotcha cool so interesting that I have KJJeSPLl8N4-02254-00564334-00564576 it I have it higher than you yeah well KJJeSPLl8N4-02255-00564577-00564726 you know a lot of my tan is about oh KJJeSPLl8N4-02256-00564727-00564996 it's one of the games that fired the KJJeSPLl8N4-02257-00564997-00565256 obsession oh so it's a nostalgia thing KJJeSPLl8N4-02258-00565257-00565497 okay but if you really want to come down KJJeSPLl8N4-02259-00565498-00565722 to analysis yeah it's fine okay KJJeSPLl8N4-02260-00565723-00565881 all right and I just remain KJJeSPLl8N4-02261-00565882-00566127 third game that we reviewed was democra KJJeSPLl8N4-02262-00566128-00566373 and wow I'm gonna sound like a broken KJJeSPLl8N4-02263-00566374-00566667 record here but do mockers a six it's KJJeSPLl8N4-02264-00566668-00566955 it's as good as it gets at what it does KJJeSPLl8N4-02265-00566956-00567261 plain and simple alright for me KJJeSPLl8N4-02266-00567262-00567549 democracy I figured the look on your KJJeSPLl8N4-02267-00567550-00567735 face when I said that KJJeSPLl8N4-02268-00567736-00567882 well my look was like what is everything KJJeSPLl8N4-02269-00567883-00568332 a six No yeah it's a five you know it's KJJeSPLl8N4-02270-00568333-00568722 it's an awesome game and I guess you KJJeSPLl8N4-02271-00568723-00568932 don't own it do you say that's right KJJeSPLl8N4-02272-00568933-00569130 okay that's right you know somebody has KJJeSPLl8N4-02273-00569131-00569397 two copies and won't sell me one well KJJeSPLl8N4-02274-00569398-00569544 it's the second edition in the third KJJeSPLl8N4-02275-00569545-00569817 edition I'll take the second until you KJJeSPLl8N4-02276-00569818-00569997 will not that's closer to the first KJJeSPLl8N4-02277-00569998-00570159 which has the best rules KJJeSPLl8N4-02278-00570160-00570399 it'll be it would be the third if I ever KJJeSPLl8N4-02279-00570400-00570867 get rid of one the fourth game that we KJJeSPLl8N4-02280-00570868-00571128 reviewed on our show is master of KJJeSPLl8N4-02281-00571129-00571245 economy from Poland KJJeSPLl8N4-02282-00571246-00571428 now this one's gonna be fun this is KJJeSPLl8N4-02283-00571429-00571584 gonna be interesting I'm curious what KJJeSPLl8N4-02284-00571585-00571911 yeah I think we both rated it a it was KJJeSPLl8N4-02285-00571912-00572139 either a 2 or 3 I can't remember yeah I KJJeSPLl8N4-02286-00572140-00572369 don't remember I don't remember but it KJJeSPLl8N4-02287-00572370-00572598 did it didn't achieve the top of our KJJeSPLl8N4-02288-00572599-00572823 scale no nowhere near because I you know KJJeSPLl8N4-02289-00572824-00573051 our thought was it had some very very KJJeSPLl8N4-02290-00573052-00573237 good elements and everything but it KJJeSPLl8N4-02291-00573238-00573465 there were some flaws in the game KJJeSPLl8N4-02292-00573466-00573684 absolutely there were significant flaws KJJeSPLl8N4-02293-00573685-00573915 it was very unintuitive and that it took KJJeSPLl8N4-02294-00573916-00574107 work to learn the game and if you're KJJeSPLl8N4-02295-00574108-00574290 willing to put in the work that it was a KJJeSPLl8N4-02296-00574291-00574530 good game yeah so with that said what do KJJeSPLl8N4-02297-00574531-00574821 you have it as a three I think it's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02298-00574822-00575031 below average game that you know has a KJJeSPLl8N4-02299-00575032-00575288 redeeming feature or two yep and I also KJJeSPLl8N4-02300-00575289-00575613 put it down as a three and and just to KJJeSPLl8N4-02301-00575614-00575751 let you guys know we don't know each KJJeSPLl8N4-02302-00575752-00576036 other's ratings no on this yeah it's KJJeSPLl8N4-02303-00576037-00576317 it's it's got some cool stuff about it KJJeSPLl8N4-02304-00576318-00576612 but it also has some stuff that is just KJJeSPLl8N4-02305-00576613-00577209 not good yeah the fifth game that we KJJeSPLl8N4-02306-00577210-00577719 reviewed was Panamax and I have Panamax KJJeSPLl8N4-02307-00577720-00578163 as a 5 a very good game and it has some KJJeSPLl8N4-02308-00578164-00578430 really cool elements with the pushing of KJJeSPLl8N4-02309-00578431-00578724 the ship yeah and how all that works but KJJeSPLl8N4-02310-00578725-00579093 it's not it's not a six five six right I KJJeSPLl8N4-02311-00579094-00579221 also have it as a KJJeSPLl8N4-02312-00579222-00579488 five on the strength of that the player KJJeSPLl8N4-02313-00579489-00579635 interaction of the pushing and stuff KJJeSPLl8N4-02314-00579636-00579773 like that I think that takes it from a KJJeSPLl8N4-02315-00579774-00580118 four to A five I agree the the that I KJJeSPLl8N4-02316-00580119-00580367 think at the time and I don't think this KJJeSPLl8N4-02317-00580368-00580598 this would change as of right now that KJJeSPLl8N4-02318-00580599-00580835 there is no game that does player KJJeSPLl8N4-02319-00580836-00581081 interaction in a euro better than anime KJJeSPLl8N4-02320-00581082-00581564 rocks it let's see in our short but KJJeSPLl8N4-02321-00581565-00581783 awesome time and fun time as heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-02322-00581784-00581963 cardboard the sixth game that we KJJeSPLl8N4-02323-00581964-00582257 reviewed was craftsman again from Poland KJJeSPLl8N4-02324-00582258-00582653 right and you wanna do this one sure KJJeSPLl8N4-02325-00582654-00582965 sure I have craftsman rated as a five KJJeSPLl8N4-02326-00582966-00583466 and I also have this as a five it has KJJeSPLl8N4-02327-00583467-00583712 some things that they like the the KJJeSPLl8N4-02328-00583713-00583925 graphic design a couple of small issues KJJeSPLl8N4-02329-00583926-00584329 the color blindness or you know yeah the KJJeSPLl8N4-02330-00584330-00584636 it didn't play well with colorblind that KJJeSPLl8N4-02331-00584637-00584792 you know that was what I'm trying to say KJJeSPLl8N4-02332-00584793-00585260 and yeah great game boy but not hall of KJJeSPLl8N4-02333-00585261-00585650 fame but also one that I'm excited and KJJeSPLl8N4-02334-00585651-00585923 very happy to have owned or to own KJJeSPLl8N4-02335-00585924-00586160 except for time we almost play craftsman KJJeSPLl8N4-02336-00586161-00586352 again on Valentine's Day really yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02337-00586353-00586613 yeah I'm the wife's list what she loves KJJeSPLl8N4-02338-00586614-00586856 that game that is awesome dude is is is KJJeSPLl8N4-02339-00586857-00587048 heavy of a game as that is that's KJJeSPLl8N4-02340-00587049-00587222 awesome yeah she freaks me out with what KJJeSPLl8N4-02341-00587223-00587557 she likes and doesn't like same time KJJeSPLl8N4-02342-00587558-00587915 let's see moving on to the seventh game KJJeSPLl8N4-02343-00587916-00588464 that we reviewed that was Vino's Venus KJJeSPLl8N4-02344-00588465-00588695 was the hardest one for me to go back KJJeSPLl8N4-02345-00588696-00589070 and rewrite yeah I had to think hard KJJeSPLl8N4-02346-00589071-00589238 about it - yeah this one I struggled KJJeSPLl8N4-02347-00589239-00589729 with and I'll be honest I gave it a four KJJeSPLl8N4-02348-00589730-00590168 it's the reason it's a four I think is I KJJeSPLl8N4-02349-00590169-00590360 thought about am I excited to go back KJJeSPLl8N4-02350-00590361-00590744 and play this game and I was like yeah I KJJeSPLl8N4-02351-00590745-00591029 wouldn't mind it but I'm not jonesing to KJJeSPLl8N4-02352-00591030-00591293 play it and that was kind of why I was KJJeSPLl8N4-02353-00591294-00591560 like yeah you know although it plays KJJeSPLl8N4-02354-00591561-00591752 extremely quick for a two-player game KJJeSPLl8N4-02355-00591753-00591962 that does have it you know it that's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02356-00591963-00592184 plus for it you know in in that respect KJJeSPLl8N4-02357-00592185-00592529 but yeah just the for how about you KJJeSPLl8N4-02358-00592530-00592885 I wanted to five it but in the end I KJJeSPLl8N4-02359-00592886-00593083 could only for it okay KJJeSPLl8N4-02360-00593084-00593389 yeah we are strangely similar a lot of KJJeSPLl8N4-02361-00593390-00593575 it yes okay KJJeSPLl8N4-02362-00593576-00594252 put any in particular reason um well KJJeSPLl8N4-02363-00594253-00594560 yeah let me but let me let me defer my KJJeSPLl8N4-02364-00594561-00594668 answer for a little bit KJJeSPLl8N4-02365-00594669-00594835 okay I will I will answer that question KJJeSPLl8N4-02366-00594836-00595175 as we move on cool so the next game we KJJeSPLl8N4-02367-00595176-00595456 reviewed as a heavy cardboard team was KJJeSPLl8N4-02368-00595457-00595856 lagron ha from speed works I have I have KJJeSPLl8N4-02369-00595857-00595972 a feeling there's gonna be some KJJeSPLl8N4-02370-00595973-00596147 disparity on this one go ahead you first KJJeSPLl8N4-02371-00596148-00596947 well there's a minus sign in front but KJJeSPLl8N4-02372-00596948-00597200 at no point have we have we featured KJJeSPLl8N4-02373-00597201-00597498 Notre Dame so why would there be in mind KJJeSPLl8N4-02374-00597499-00597835 exactly the point of the joke KJJeSPLl8N4-02375-00597836-00598133 I gave la Granja a three which is KJJeSPLl8N4-02376-00598134-00598358 exactly where I knew you yeah I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-02377-00598359-00598529 there there are some redeeming features KJJeSPLl8N4-02378-00598530-00598720 in the game but overall I think you know KJJeSPLl8N4-02379-00598721-00598873 there's just other ways to spend your KJJeSPLl8N4-02380-00598874-00599227 time better and I have it as a four KJJeSPLl8N4-02381-00599228-00599458 which that's exactly where we knew each KJJeSPLl8N4-02382-00599459-00599743 other would would rate it I think I KJJeSPLl8N4-02383-00599744-00600047 enjoyed it I'm glad to own it part of me KJJeSPLl8N4-02384-00600048-00600275 is glad I own it because of it as a KJJeSPLl8N4-02385-00600276-00600545 collector part and that it's really rare KJJeSPLl8N4-02386-00600546-00600718 I know it's getting reprinted later this KJJeSPLl8N4-02387-00600719-00600893 year and I'm happy for folks that KJJeSPLl8N4-02388-00600894-00601070 they'll be able to get a chance right KJJeSPLl8N4-02389-00601071-00601420 but it's enjoyable it's a great like KJJeSPLl8N4-02390-00601421-00601633 weeknight game for for Amanda and I to KJJeSPLl8N4-02391-00601634-00601825 play but it's not something that I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-02392-00601826-00602164 like you know to go play the thing that KJJeSPLl8N4-02393-00602165-00602377 solidified the game for me as a three KJJeSPLl8N4-02394-00602378-00602804 was after playing at two times played KJJeSPLl8N4-02395-00602805-00603008 Agricola just be and I'm just mentioning KJJeSPLl8N4-02396-00603009-00603106 that because we're talking about KJJeSPLl8N4-02397-00603107-00603416 Agricola tonight sure and and it did get KJJeSPLl8N4-02398-00603417-00603791 inspired partially right and just I mean KJJeSPLl8N4-02399-00603792-00604118 we talked so much about Agricola and we KJJeSPLl8N4-02400-00604119-00604358 just never talked about lagron high I KJJeSPLl8N4-02401-00604359-00604931 mean that really showed me the disparity KJJeSPLl8N4-02402-00604932-00605216 like a large difference in the two games KJJeSPLl8N4-02403-00605217-00605558 okay I think that's that's fair well KJJeSPLl8N4-02404-00605559-00605885 let's see after lagron ha we covered KJJeSPLl8N4-02405-00605886-00606302 Martin Wallace classic brass here I can KJJeSPLl8N4-02406-00606303-00606479 answer this for both of us yes it's a KJJeSPLl8N4-02407-00606480-00607076 six C's following the spectacular brass KJJeSPLl8N4-02408-00607077-00607382 we did three kingdoms for ducks and I'm KJJeSPLl8N4-02409-00607383-00607634 fiving that game I want to six it just KJJeSPLl8N4-02410-00607635-00607795 on the theme alone but I feel like that KJJeSPLl8N4-02411-00607796-00607868 might be cheating KJJeSPLl8N4-02412-00607869-00608060 okay I'm gonna I'm gonna let the cat out KJJeSPLl8N4-02413-00608061-00608330 of the bag a little bit on this one KJJeSPLl8N4-02414-00608331-00608620 it was my number two game of the year KJJeSPLl8N4-02415-00608621-00609005 for 2014 and I actually made an argument KJJeSPLl8N4-02416-00609006-00609310 with you about it being the golden KJJeSPLl8N4-02417-00609311-00609680 elephant Award winner yes and so I it KJJeSPLl8N4-02418-00609681-00609895 maybe we don't know you know we can't KJJeSPLl8N4-02419-00609896-00610072 say yeah right right but it was mine KJJeSPLl8N4-02420-00610073-00610355 number two I have not played going back KJJeSPLl8N4-02421-00610356-00610574 earlier in the episode I mentioned the KJJeSPLl8N4-02422-00610575-00610880 other three player gems Maria end of the KJJeSPLl8N4-02423-00610881-00611260 triumvirate after the flood and God's KJJeSPLl8N4-02424-00611261-00611528 playground and three kingdoms redux so KJJeSPLl8N4-02425-00611529-00611764 according to people those are the best KJJeSPLl8N4-02426-00611765-00611885 three player games KJJeSPLl8N4-02427-00611886-00612050 I haven't played any of them other than KJJeSPLl8N4-02428-00612051-00612428 three kingdoms redux so I can say that KJJeSPLl8N4-02429-00612429-00612643 it's the best three-player game that I KJJeSPLl8N4-02430-00612644-00612887 have ever played cool and therefore I KJJeSPLl8N4-02431-00612888-00613175 give it a six go out and get this damn KJJeSPLl8N4-02432-00613176-00613318 game well I totally agree KJJeSPLl8N4-02433-00613319-00613556 own it yes there's one on the auction KJJeSPLl8N4-02434-00613557-00613762 there's two there's your boo in the KJJeSPLl8N4-02435-00613763-00613931 heavy cardboard auction go get it KJJeSPLl8N4-02436-00613932-00614068 seriously it's that good KJJeSPLl8N4-02437-00614069-00614443 we next covered a game that made me KJJeSPLl8N4-02438-00614444-00614720 great ving host of four and not a five KJJeSPLl8N4-02439-00614721-00614876 because I think it's the author KJJeSPLl8N4-02440-00614877-00615187 strongest offering and that's Kanban KJJeSPLl8N4-02441-00615188-00615412 okay I could see that yeah it's vetoed KJJeSPLl8N4-02442-00615413-00615683 lacerta's game and I I have I gave about KJJeSPLl8N4-02443-00615684-00615827 a five okay awesome KJJeSPLl8N4-02444-00615828-00616016 and I think Kanban is a better game than KJJeSPLl8N4-02445-00616017-00616202 Vino's by far they're completely KJJeSPLl8N4-02446-00616203-00616412 different animals it's it's it's KJJeSPLl8N4-02447-00616413-00616691 comparing Volkswagens to bananas yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02448-00616692-00617041 and then the last game to re re rate is KJJeSPLl8N4-02449-00617042-00617510 that a word that we did on our 104 scale KJJeSPLl8N4-02450-00617511-00617654 was Ark right uh-huh KJJeSPLl8N4-02451-00617655-00617939 another spielberg's offering and we KJJeSPLl8N4-02452-00617940-00618197 reviewed that on January 1st actually KJJeSPLl8N4-02453-00618198-00618428 yeah this year although we considered it KJJeSPLl8N4-02454-00618429-00618929 2014 but whatever yeah yeah it's a six KJJeSPLl8N4-02455-00618930-00619152 just I think it's yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02456-00619153-00619391 I think it's a it's a Hall of Fame Game KJJeSPLl8N4-02457-00619392-00619656 yeah it's the best business sim that KJJeSPLl8N4-02458-00619657-00619935 I've ever played and it's a six for me KJJeSPLl8N4-02459-00619936-00620177 as well if if you dig the kind of games KJJeSPLl8N4-02460-00620178-00620526 that we dig and the for our play time KJJeSPLl8N4-02461-00620527-00620739 does not bother you why don't you own it KJJeSPLl8N4-02462-00620740-00620922 yeah mm-hmm go get it KJJeSPLl8N4-02463-00620923-00621245 it's really really that good cool yeah KJJeSPLl8N4-02464-00621246-00621668 so in recapping I was more willing to KJJeSPLl8N4-02465-00621669-00621966 give out 6s than you so I won two sixes KJJeSPLl8N4-02466-00621967-00622395 and I had five or six three four five I KJJeSPLl8N4-02467-00622396-00622575 had five six so half the games that KJJeSPLl8N4-02468-00622576-00622935 we've reviewed I said are sixes well I KJJeSPLl8N4-02469-00622936-00623102 guess less than half this is just left KJJeSPLl8N4-02470-00623103-00623364 right just last but I don't think that KJJeSPLl8N4-02471-00623365-00623595 makes me a softy I just think we've KJJeSPLl8N4-02472-00623596-00623835 reviewed games that tickle my fancy a KJJeSPLl8N4-02473-00623836-00624072 little bit more than they do you all KJJeSPLl8N4-02474-00624073-00624308 right so let's put a bow on this you KJJeSPLl8N4-02475-00624309-00624531 let's god it's been it's been a long KJJeSPLl8N4-02476-00624532-00624714 time here I gotta get out in the snow KJJeSPLl8N4-02477-00624715-00624935 yeah good luck I have to say that at the KJJeSPLl8N4-02478-00624936-00625220 end of last episode where it is winter KJJeSPLl8N4-02479-00625221-00625452 it is winter but it was 72 days ago KJJeSPLl8N4-02480-00625453-00625766 before we go let's remind everybody one KJJeSPLl8N4-02481-00625767-00626112 last time about our sponsorship by game KJJeSPLl8N4-02482-00626113-00626579 surplus thanks guys check them out at KJJeSPLl8N4-02483-00626580-00626960 double and somebody that we're proud to KJJeSPLl8N4-02484-00626961-00627183 call our sponsors we're we're really KJJeSPLl8N4-02485-00627184-00627404 happy with game surplus and Velma and KJJeSPLl8N4-02486-00627405-00627579 Amos they're how do folks get a hold of KJJeSPLl8N4-02487-00627580-00627879 us on twitter at heavy cardboard KJJeSPLl8N4-02488-00627880-00628187 facebook heavy cardboard email heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-02489-00628188-00628547 cardboard at gmail.com website heavy KJJeSPLl8N4-02490-00628548-00628812 cardboard calm and please as always KJJeSPLl8N4-02491-00628813-00628995 remember to rate us maybe leave a review KJJeSPLl8N4-02492-00628996-00629202 on iTunes and hear your name on the show KJJeSPLl8N4-02493-00629203-00629499 they'd be awesome and on stitcher right KJJeSPLl8N4-02494-00629500-00629679 has a fun show dude it was a very fun KJJeSPLl8N4-02495-00629680-00629889 show hopefully hopefully you'll enjoy it KJJeSPLl8N4-02496-00629890-00630099 and got a couple different perspectives KJJeSPLl8N4-02497-00630100-00630441 on you know an awesome awesome game that KJJeSPLl8N4-02498-00630442-00630672 is Agricola we'll catch you all in a KJJeSPLl8N4-02499-00630673-00630920 couple weeks next week look for the KJJeSPLl8N4-02500-00630921-00631145 golden elephant award best heavy game of KJJeSPLl8N4-02501-00631146-00631819 2014 see y'all later later KJJeSPLl8N4-02502-00631820-00632129 [Music] KKLJzfdsDRQ-00000-00000000-00000127 yo what's going on everybody this is mrs KKLJzfdsDRQ-00001-00000128-00000286 goldstein bringing you monk monday KKLJzfdsDRQ-00002-00000287-00000495 number 90. we haven't had monk monday KKLJzfdsDRQ-00003-00000496-00000630 for a few weeks now but if you don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00004-00000631-00000790 know what that is you send any gameplay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00005-00000791-00000975 you have to this email right here that's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00006-00000976-00001239 monk related i've done pve you know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00007-00001240-00001511 raids mythic plus i've done pvp twos KKLJzfdsDRQ-00008-00001512-00001751 threes rpgs miss weaver windwalker KKLJzfdsDRQ-00009-00001752-00001918 doesn't matter any mmr don't care if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00010-00001919-00002223 you're 2.9 experience like this awesome KKLJzfdsDRQ-00011-00002224-00002383 uh miss weaver today and i don't care if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00012-00002384-00002607 you're 1400. it doesn't matter to me no KKLJzfdsDRQ-00013-00002608-00002750 one's gonna make fun of you so send your KKLJzfdsDRQ-00014-00002751-00002950 gameplay it's fun it's the best way to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00015-00002951-00003087 learn in my opinion KKLJzfdsDRQ-00016-00003088-00003295 and with that said uh we do have feed KKLJzfdsDRQ-00017-00003296-00003503 god today watches the stream i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00018-00003504-00003735 appreciate it um and it doesn't say KKLJzfdsDRQ-00019-00003736-00003870 anything in the email KKLJzfdsDRQ-00020-00003871-00004111 um only real quality games were the last KKLJzfdsDRQ-00021-00004112-00004279 two okay so then i'll take a look at the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00022-00004280-00004599 last two um depending on the comp i what KKLJzfdsDRQ-00023-00004600-00004743 i'd like to do with these videos is also KKLJzfdsDRQ-00024-00004744-00004879 like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00025-00004880-00005086 do comps that other people might be KKLJzfdsDRQ-00026-00005087-00005238 running issue if that makes sense so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00027-00005239-00005351 like maybe other people are making the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00028-00005352-00005543 same mistake as you would play playing KKLJzfdsDRQ-00029-00005544-00005695 with the warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00030-00005696-00005854 good comp i would say that's a pretty KKLJzfdsDRQ-00031-00005855-00006095 solid comp survival hunter um yeah so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00032-00006096-00006263 let me find let me just find the game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00033-00006264-00006439 nice transmog one sec let's just go back KKLJzfdsDRQ-00034-00006440-00006614 here let's rate the transmog real quick KKLJzfdsDRQ-00035-00006615-00006783 oh yeah transvaal is looking good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00036-00006784-00006919 transfer i love the green enchant love KKLJzfdsDRQ-00037-00006920-00007078 the green chain oh i love the shoulders KKLJzfdsDRQ-00038-00007079-00007231 too really good good stuff good stuff i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00039-00007231-00007383 think those little leaves and shoulders KKLJzfdsDRQ-00040-00007384-00007534 let's just let's just do a prop pallet KKLJzfdsDRQ-00041-00007536-00007695 game let's let's see how we let's see KKLJzfdsDRQ-00042-00007695-00007903 how we do so we've survived 100 prop KKLJzfdsDRQ-00043-00007904-00008223 pally um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00044-00008224-00008407 you will never kill prop halley ever KKLJzfdsDRQ-00045-00008408-00008614 treat it as a healer that's pretty much KKLJzfdsDRQ-00046-00008615-00008831 what i do um we've we're pretty KKLJzfdsDRQ-00047-00008832-00008999 successful against prop heli teams when KKLJzfdsDRQ-00048-00009000-00009255 i play thunder and in twos KKLJzfdsDRQ-00049-00009256-00009463 so i would say that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00050-00009464-00009623 uh just treat it as a healer that's what KKLJzfdsDRQ-00051-00009624-00009791 it is they don't do much damage they KKLJzfdsDRQ-00052-00009792-00009983 have a ranged silence and they have a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00053-00009984-00010238 talent where if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00054-00010239-00010414 where if you're casting and they shield KKLJzfdsDRQ-00055-00010415-00010606 you it interrupts them at the or it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00056-00010607-00010759 silence it's something one of those KKLJzfdsDRQ-00057-00010760-00010863 things that challenges you if it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00058-00010864-00010983 interrupts you or it interrupts you if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00059-00010984-00011142 you're casting so one of those so just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00060-00011143-00011319 make sure they do have a range kick and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00061-00011320-00011527 the silence so keep that in mind um you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00062-00011528-00011670 will never kill prop halley they run the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00063-00011671-00011887 45 second legendary it's just not going KKLJzfdsDRQ-00064-00011888-00012031 to happen um i would say you want to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00065-00012032-00012231 kill this 500 i would play song of chiji KKLJzfdsDRQ-00066-00012232-00012359 versus as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00067-00012360-00012463 looks like we are playing human KKLJzfdsDRQ-00068-00012464-00012623 relentless which is a really good choice KKLJzfdsDRQ-00069-00012624-00012751 i think human relentless is actually KKLJzfdsDRQ-00070-00012752-00013038 better than orc um if rogue mage wasn't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00071-00013039-00013135 so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00072-00013136-00013375 prominent KKLJzfdsDRQ-00073-00013376-00013471 all right KKLJzfdsDRQ-00074-00013472-00013599 so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00075-00013600-00013766 yeah i would play song gigi maybe KKLJzfdsDRQ-00076-00013768-00013983 eminence disarm and peace weaver would KKLJzfdsDRQ-00077-00013984-00014207 be the pvp talent to choose versus and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00078-00014208-00014655 it looks like they're trying to kill you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00079-00014656-00014783 this looks like they're trying to kill KKLJzfdsDRQ-00080-00014784-00015055 you yeah that's a trigger from the prop KKLJzfdsDRQ-00081-00015056-00015238 pallet just so you can get a hot that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00082-00015240-00015483 was our human ratio it looks like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00083-00015484-00015758 um where's the hunter okay we don't have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00084-00015759-00015950 the hunter okay yeah so that is this is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00085-00015951-00016103 wings from the prop valley they do do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00086-00016104-00016286 decent damage with wings up it's not KKLJzfdsDRQ-00087-00016287-00016463 that much but it is damage and this is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00088-00016464-00016694 coordinated assault this is why disarm KKLJzfdsDRQ-00089-00016695-00016883 might be good just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00090-00016884-00017111 because it stops a lot of damage KKLJzfdsDRQ-00091-00017112-00017279 especially when they don't trinket KKLJzfdsDRQ-00092-00017280-00017422 unless you're unless your warrior is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00093-00017423-00017583 playing shrink uh disarm then it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00094-00017584-00017719 pretty good but you can get a full leg KKLJzfdsDRQ-00095-00017720-00017983 sweep on this pally good really great KKLJzfdsDRQ-00096-00017984-00018158 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00097-00018159-00018271 and then i'll probably just go for a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00098-00018272-00018414 pour as soon as you can you can port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00099-00018415-00018614 this you don't need to use any cooldowns KKLJzfdsDRQ-00100-00018615-00018758 um because you know poor you can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00101-00018759-00018911 outrange it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00102-00018912-00019127 sorry one sec the song is like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00103-00019128-00019543 kind of obnoxious KKLJzfdsDRQ-00104-00019544-00019879 that's literally the same song okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00105-00019880-00019991 all right so we get stacked there from KKLJzfdsDRQ-00106-00019992-00020191 the pali so we can't see the palette for KKLJzfdsDRQ-00107-00020192-00020478 12 seconds um but they're not in dr so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00108-00020479-00020807 we won't be going for cc anyway um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00109-00020808-00020935 and i think overall we're doing a pretty KKLJzfdsDRQ-00110-00020936-00021094 good job obviously they're gonna make do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00111-00021095-00021230 goes on you every single haunch the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00112-00021231-00021414 pally again don't freak out from the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00113-00021415-00021711 pally oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00114-00021712-00021830 what was that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00115-00021831-00022055 legendary are you playing bounty full KKLJzfdsDRQ-00116-00022056-00022727 brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00117-00022728-00022935 we're hodge no bonus brew and then it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00118-00022936-00023047 just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00119-00023048-00023358 happens so are we are we playing KKLJzfdsDRQ-00120-00023359-00023535 huh i think we're playing bounty full KKLJzfdsDRQ-00121-00023536-00023686 brew which is a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00122-00023687-00023822 it's a legendary i've made it's pretty KKLJzfdsDRQ-00123-00023823-00023958 interesting see this is like a really KKLJzfdsDRQ-00124-00023959-00024111 good time to go for a song of gigi as KKLJzfdsDRQ-00125-00024112-00024342 well um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00126-00024343-00024542 really really just treat it as a healer KKLJzfdsDRQ-00127-00024543-00024711 survival hunters they don't really they KKLJzfdsDRQ-00128-00024712-00024878 do a lot of damage but outside the brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00129-00024879-00025086 school downs it's if you don't stack and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00130-00025087-00025255 their explosive things can't hit you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00131-00025256-00025439 it's really not that bad oh tiger's lost KKLJzfdsDRQ-00132-00025440-00025646 as well oh sorry tiger i got a little KKLJzfdsDRQ-00133-00025647-00025846 excited there type come on tigers lost KKLJzfdsDRQ-00134-00025847-00026087 as well for the tracker's net for both KKLJzfdsDRQ-00135-00026088-00026318 you and your warrior because you can't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00136-00026319-00026831 dispel that route KKLJzfdsDRQ-00137-00026832-00026999 we're not playing eminence which i think KKLJzfdsDRQ-00138-00027000-00027111 is not KKLJzfdsDRQ-00139-00027112-00027311 up to like the i think i mean it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00140-00027312-00027558 versus this comp is really important KKLJzfdsDRQ-00141-00027560-00027711 kick there we could do a leg sweep kind KKLJzfdsDRQ-00142-00027712-00027862 of soon two seconds KKLJzfdsDRQ-00143-00027863-00027990 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00144-00027991-00028118 nice end cap KKLJzfdsDRQ-00145-00028119-00028295 howie's trying to get to you careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00146-00028295-00028695 hodges dr which is great for us shackle KKLJzfdsDRQ-00147-00028695-00028918 nice leg sweep on it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00148-00028919-00029167 bonus brew good heel when you're on the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00149-00029168-00029383 run by the way um i don't know if you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00150-00029383-00029590 did it but you could use expel harm i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00151-00029591-00029846 think you did no you didn't um when KKLJzfdsDRQ-00152-00029847-00030055 you're on the run like in this situation KKLJzfdsDRQ-00153-00030056-00030311 right here and you bone this brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00154-00030312-00030470 right here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00155-00030472-00030679 boom you bonus brew don't be afraid to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00156-00030680-00030911 use expel harm expel harm and renewing KKLJzfdsDRQ-00157-00030912-00031111 mist with a bonus brew especially if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00158-00031112-00031255 they get the proc KKLJzfdsDRQ-00159-00031256-00031431 for the double healing or the double KKLJzfdsDRQ-00160-00031432-00031758 gust of mist is insane so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00161-00031760-00031911 if you're on ever on the move and you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00162-00031912-00032151 need to heal and you can't cast try KKLJzfdsDRQ-00163-00032152-00032383 doing that and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00164-00032383-00032487 they would go really well i think we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00165-00032488-00032767 reflected no no no that's a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00166-00032768-00033015 trap on our warrior so this is fine this KKLJzfdsDRQ-00167-00033016-00033215 is good it's diamond ice so it's shorter KKLJzfdsDRQ-00168-00033216-00033631 duration KKLJzfdsDRQ-00169-00033632-00033990 and good rob here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00170-00033991-00034118 uh they both have their triggers coming KKLJzfdsDRQ-00171-00034119-00034679 back up so just keep that in mind KKLJzfdsDRQ-00172-00034680-00034807 uh make sure you keep your missed on KKLJzfdsDRQ-00173-00034808-00035023 your warrior as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00174-00035024-00035239 uh because you you do lose out a lot KKLJzfdsDRQ-00175-00035240-00035487 it's quite a bit of healing um but yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00176-00035488-00035623 good job keeping the renewable stuff we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00177-00035624-00035774 are at a range of port right now so be KKLJzfdsDRQ-00178-00035775-00035935 careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00179-00035936-00036118 getting out of range of port why do i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00180-00036119-00036543 why is it do that so annoying um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00181-00036544-00036790 yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00182-00036791-00036943 pally i don't know what pally's trying KKLJzfdsDRQ-00183-00036944-00037102 to do honestly KKLJzfdsDRQ-00184-00037103-00037359 i don't know hodgeful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00185-00037360-00037495 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00186-00037496-00037927 yeah that was award of glory wasn't dude KKLJzfdsDRQ-00187-00037928-00038279 so it wasn't that big KKLJzfdsDRQ-00188-00038280-00038471 and yeah any cc on the pally right now KKLJzfdsDRQ-00189-00038472-00038639 would probably get a shrink yet nice KKLJzfdsDRQ-00190-00038640-00038807 perfect we get trinket turtle there into KKLJzfdsDRQ-00191-00038808-00039015 an ink cap on the trinket great job good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00192-00039016-00039215 time to recover and we're doing a great KKLJzfdsDRQ-00193-00039216-00039351 job it looks like they're still trying KKLJzfdsDRQ-00194-00039352-00039511 to kill you which is surprising to me KKLJzfdsDRQ-00195-00039512-00039695 nice drop on that track on the route KKLJzfdsDRQ-00196-00039696-00039927 there and uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00197-00039928-00040102 yeah man of wise we're doing all right i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00198-00040103-00040230 don't think this really comes down to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00199-00040231-00040390 mana i think that just comes down to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00200-00040391-00040535 them trying to kill you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00201-00040536-00040743 but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00202-00040744-00040895 i think so far yeah yeah you actually KKLJzfdsDRQ-00203-00040896-00041102 are playing bounty full brew okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00204-00041103-00041615 um they're sacked from the pally as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00205-00041616-00041774 feared into sack KKLJzfdsDRQ-00206-00041775-00041918 hopefully it doesn't it doesn't break KKLJzfdsDRQ-00207-00041919-00042095 thank god okay that was a little scary KKLJzfdsDRQ-00208-00042096-00042487 next in cap as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00209-00042488-00042679 um i think we have leg sleep uh 20 KKLJzfdsDRQ-00210-00042680-00042911 seconds so that should be when when you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00211-00042912-00043039 have leg sweep in 20 seconds it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00212-00043040-00043190 hopefully when you set up damage with KKLJzfdsDRQ-00213-00043191-00043471 your uh warrior oh nice joke on the prop KKLJzfdsDRQ-00214-00043472-00043639 heli as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00215-00043640-00043774 careful though we are we are out of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00216-00043775-00043911 range report okay now we're not now we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00217-00043912-00044127 are KKLJzfdsDRQ-00218-00044128-00044455 out of range report so be careful um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00219-00044456-00044639 you know it's really important to just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00220-00044640-00044790 really don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00221-00044791-00044943 try not try your best not to outrage KKLJzfdsDRQ-00222-00044944-00045135 your port or at least move it so it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00223-00045136-00045351 closer and captain to potentially no no KKLJzfdsDRQ-00224-00045352-00045479 we got the light sweep on the paddle KKLJzfdsDRQ-00225-00045480-00045687 there um but this is why i'd say song KKLJzfdsDRQ-00226-00045688-00045871 chi ji might be a better choice too you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00227-00045872-00046279 can also get the our angel friend there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00228-00046280-00046518 it looks like they're that was our human KKLJzfdsDRQ-00229-00046519-00046655 racial KKLJzfdsDRQ-00230-00046656-00046758 to get out of that hodge it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00231-00046759-00046935 coordinated coordinated assault from the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00232-00046936-00047167 survival hunter um if you or the warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00233-00047168-00047367 have a disarm really really good nice KKLJzfdsDRQ-00234-00047368-00047623 sport there um i would try to go for a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00235-00047624-00047943 drink potentially soonish maybe after KKLJzfdsDRQ-00236-00047944-00048135 these burst cooldowns KKLJzfdsDRQ-00237-00048136-00048262 i say you never should a pally but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00238-00048263-00048367 somehow you guys are getting cooldowns KKLJzfdsDRQ-00239-00048368-00048686 from them which is crazy KKLJzfdsDRQ-00240-00048687-00048839 good job of helping us with life cocoon KKLJzfdsDRQ-00241-00048840-00048983 he should be okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00242-00048984-00049086 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00243-00049087-00049262 reset your port though make sure you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00244-00049263-00049439 replace your port you just moved around KKLJzfdsDRQ-00245-00049440-00049639 to the map nice and cap there no trinket KKLJzfdsDRQ-00246-00049640-00049823 and we oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00247-00049824-00050111 kill please kill nice job well done yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00248-00050112-00050239 this was a really good game make sure KKLJzfdsDRQ-00249-00050240-00050383 you keep nearing mist on you and your KKLJzfdsDRQ-00250-00050384-00050483 warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00251-00050484-00050735 and make sure you reset your port when KKLJzfdsDRQ-00252-00050736-00050967 you move around on the map too um i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00253-00050968-00051102 that's something i used to have trouble KKLJzfdsDRQ-00254-00051103-00051287 with but now i i actually think i do it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00255-00051288-00051494 too much where i reset my port literally KKLJzfdsDRQ-00256-00051495-00051679 every time i move and i've died because KKLJzfdsDRQ-00257-00051679-00051846 like i just replaced my port and like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00258-00051847-00051975 they're covered attacking but like in KKLJzfdsDRQ-00259-00051976-00052111 this situation KKLJzfdsDRQ-00260-00052112-00052302 your port is in the other side of the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00261-00052303-00052503 room or other side of the arena so just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00262-00052504-00052719 keep that in mind um overall though KKLJzfdsDRQ-00263-00052720-00052942 really good play i would try song of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00264-00052944-00053175 gigi versus as well i just treat it like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00265-00053176-00053303 it's a healer because if you look at the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00266-00053304-00053526 prop heli damage like it's it's really KKLJzfdsDRQ-00267-00053527-00053719 nothing i mean it's it's it's a decent KKLJzfdsDRQ-00268-00053720-00053950 amount but this is basically as much as KKLJzfdsDRQ-00269-00053951-00054030 like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00270-00054032-00054287 dwayne you know the rock ellie KKLJzfdsDRQ-00271-00054288-00054487 it's basically as much damage as ellie KKLJzfdsDRQ-00272-00054488-00054694 shaw or at least shaman wrestle shaman KKLJzfdsDRQ-00273-00054695-00055007 with dwayne so keep that in mind KKLJzfdsDRQ-00274-00055008-00055191 uh just treat it as a healer they don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00275-00055191-00055311 do that much damage they have an KKLJzfdsDRQ-00276-00055312-00055494 interrupt so in a silence so just keep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00277-00055495-00055671 that in mind but really great game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00278-00055672-00055950 really solid i hate prop holies KKLJzfdsDRQ-00279-00055951-00056150 so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00280-00056151-00056319 i'm glad i'm glad you won that one i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00281-00056320-00056415 wasn't sure if you're going to win that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00282-00056416-00056511 but i'm KKLJzfdsDRQ-00283-00056512-00056735 good good i'm really glad uh 88 for my KKLJzfdsDRQ-00284-00056736-00057094 80 mastery 33 worse KKLJzfdsDRQ-00285-00057095-00057463 three percent haste KKLJzfdsDRQ-00286-00057464-00057566 yeah you're definitely playing mountain KKLJzfdsDRQ-00287-00057567-00057679 football KKLJzfdsDRQ-00288-00057679-00057966 definitely got on the chest too okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00289-00057967-00058142 that's cool KKLJzfdsDRQ-00290-00058144-00058287 yeah all right let's go KKLJzfdsDRQ-00291-00058288-00058399 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00292-00058400-00058847 arms were arrested shaman so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00293-00058848-00059182 arms a rest of shaman is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00294-00059183-00059366 pretty tough i would play song of gigi KKLJzfdsDRQ-00295-00059367-00059542 what i would normally do versus wrestle KKLJzfdsDRQ-00296-00059544-00059782 shaman and like arms warriors is i play KKLJzfdsDRQ-00297-00059783-00059942 song chi g KKLJzfdsDRQ-00298-00059944-00060166 and i play eminence disarm KKLJzfdsDRQ-00299-00060167-00060319 peace weaver KKLJzfdsDRQ-00300-00060320-00060575 every time every single time i and i i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00301-00060576-00060726 have a really good win rate versus like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00302-00060727-00060942 wrestle sherman arms wares um they don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00303-00060944-00061111 have enough they don't have enough KKLJzfdsDRQ-00304-00061112-00061423 interrupts to like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00305-00061424-00061615 stop you you know what i mean like they KKLJzfdsDRQ-00306-00061616-00061726 just diamond KKLJzfdsDRQ-00307-00061727-00061919 ways to stop you and then once i get to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00308-00061920-00062142 you you can just pour it and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00309-00062144-00062326 i think it's kind of a waste of time if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00310-00062327-00062447 they try to go you because you have so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00311-00062448-00062647 many ways to get away um you could play KKLJzfdsDRQ-00312-00062648-00062823 tiger slush as well because of the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00313-00062824-00062942 piercing howl KKLJzfdsDRQ-00314-00062944-00063047 but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00315-00063048-00063150 you know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00316-00063151-00063342 you don't have to so here we go we gotta KKLJzfdsDRQ-00317-00063344-00063503 pour it up statue up we're already ahead KKLJzfdsDRQ-00318-00063504-00063687 of the game already already there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00319-00063688-00063838 missing touch up on the warrior which is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00320-00063839-00063919 great KKLJzfdsDRQ-00321-00063920-00064087 and it looks like we're gonna be hitting KKLJzfdsDRQ-00322-00064088-00064238 this KKLJzfdsDRQ-00323-00064239-00064335 man KKLJzfdsDRQ-00324-00064336-00064423 okay well if you're gonna be hitting the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00325-00064424-00064694 shaman don't play song chichi um but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00326-00064695-00064887 if you're not i would play song with gg KKLJzfdsDRQ-00327-00064888-00064959 versus KKLJzfdsDRQ-00328-00064960-00065247 verse you know um there's avatar i think KKLJzfdsDRQ-00329-00065248-00065399 there was war breaker as well so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00330-00065400-00065711 probably good time to disarm KKLJzfdsDRQ-00331-00065712-00065967 i think we already disarmed the warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00332-00065968-00066182 okay this guy's gonna try great go KKLJzfdsDRQ-00333-00066183-00066399 for it in cap here we have song KKLJzfdsDRQ-00334-00066400-00066550 oh we're positioning like we had song KKLJzfdsDRQ-00335-00066551-00066806 and i was like oh my god okay nice oh my KKLJzfdsDRQ-00336-00066807-00066991 god you got human racial and trinket KKLJzfdsDRQ-00337-00066992-00067294 there in first go which is amazing KKLJzfdsDRQ-00338-00067295-00067463 um i would probably throw a manatee out KKLJzfdsDRQ-00339-00067464-00067719 right now do we have manatee KKLJzfdsDRQ-00340-00067720-00067935 i don't know if we have manatee or not KKLJzfdsDRQ-00341-00067936-00068159 we're actually crushing the shopping oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00342-00068160-00068494 my god if we okay we don't do we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00343-00068495-00068663 if you have manatee i would this is a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00344-00068664-00068879 good time to use it um the shaman KKLJzfdsDRQ-00345-00068880-00069047 doesn't have kick you're kind of far KKLJzfdsDRQ-00346-00069048-00069175 away from the warrior he can't do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00347-00069176-00069326 anything to you he just feared you he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00348-00069327-00069519 can't cc you so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00349-00069520-00069703 go for a manatee thunder focus t KKLJzfdsDRQ-00350-00069704-00069879 enveloping this that's what i would do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00351-00069880-00070071 and just kind of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00352-00070072-00070287 crank some heels KKLJzfdsDRQ-00353-00070288-00070375 oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00354-00070376-00070550 no no that's stunner folks do okay let's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00355-00070551-00070719 look at the wrong icon KKLJzfdsDRQ-00356-00070720-00070919 and uh yeah that's our fear which is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00357-00070920-00071135 good um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00358-00071136-00071375 a sentence from the shaman your warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00359-00071376-00071503 just went battle stance so we're going KKLJzfdsDRQ-00360-00071504-00071767 to try to do some damage KKLJzfdsDRQ-00361-00071768-00071959 nice job with resetting your port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00362-00071960-00072135 uh i think that was a bounty full brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00363-00072136-00072382 oh my god did we just like double KKLJzfdsDRQ-00364-00072383-00072631 was that like a double bounty full brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00365-00072632-00072926 i think it was what that's crazy KKLJzfdsDRQ-00366-00072927-00073062 we're just trying to get to you good job KKLJzfdsDRQ-00367-00073063-00073206 cutting away KKLJzfdsDRQ-00368-00073207-00073519 there is earth grab totem KKLJzfdsDRQ-00369-00073520-00073671 warrior still trying to get to you he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00370-00073672-00073831 has a lot of haste right now because it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00371-00073832-00074006 looks like he's vent the air and has the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00372-00074007-00074215 uh is running nausea KKLJzfdsDRQ-00373-00074216-00074399 so we get so much of haste right now KKLJzfdsDRQ-00374-00074400-00074535 this is a good time to maybe go for some KKLJzfdsDRQ-00375-00074536-00074647 damage KKLJzfdsDRQ-00376-00074648-00074782 rap out of earth and shield tone is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00377-00074783-00074911 pretty solid KKLJzfdsDRQ-00378-00074912-00075023 root on you he's probably going to go KKLJzfdsDRQ-00379-00075024-00075255 for a storm bolt on you be careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00380-00075256-00075487 be careful with how you are right now KKLJzfdsDRQ-00381-00075488-00075687 because right now KKLJzfdsDRQ-00382-00075688-00075894 you don't do you have port you have port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00383-00075895-00076071 but you're basically stacked on top of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00384-00076072-00076367 your port so when you're cutting from KKLJzfdsDRQ-00385-00076368-00076638 any melee cutting in general you kind of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00386-00076639-00076815 want to cut away from your port but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00387-00076816-00077055 towards your dps if that makes sense so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00388-00077056-00077271 what i would have done is i would have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00389-00077272-00077431 this is a good wrap it's a good rob give KKLJzfdsDRQ-00390-00077432-00077599 me every other shield good stuff or it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00391-00077600-00077815 goes to you i would probably go with KKLJzfdsDRQ-00392-00077816-00077991 diagonal like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00393-00077992-00078215 towards my warrior like right here torch KKLJzfdsDRQ-00394-00078216-00078462 x not straight ahead at my port but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00395-00078463-00078855 diagonally away from my port but towards KKLJzfdsDRQ-00396-00078856-00079159 my warrior just like this way because it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00397-00079160-00079335 brings a warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00398-00079336-00079519 to your warrior so then he can cleave on KKLJzfdsDRQ-00399-00079520-00079631 top of the rest of shaman and the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00400-00079632-00079855 warrior and then you if he gets a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00401-00079856-00079999 stormhold on you or you need to get away KKLJzfdsDRQ-00402-00080000-00080135 somehow he's not playing spirits he's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00403-00080136-00080303 ventier um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00404-00080304-00080423 but if you need to get away you just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00405-00080424-00080575 pour it and then you're safe but if you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00406-00080576-00080862 go towards your port right here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00407-00080863-00081023 i mean you pour and he just i mean KKLJzfdsDRQ-00408-00081024-00081206 that's a that's not a very far leap you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00409-00081207-00081399 know so be careful uh he's probably KKLJzfdsDRQ-00410-00081400-00081759 gonna stormboat you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00411-00081760-00081918 and now we're standing on top of a port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00412-00081919-00082038 and this is probably the worst thing we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00413-00082039-00082175 can do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00414-00082176-00082431 is especially especially KKLJzfdsDRQ-00415-00082432-00082623 if you port in line KKLJzfdsDRQ-00416-00082624-00082799 and he can just charge you or like a row KKLJzfdsDRQ-00417-00082800-00083031 can step you or a pharaoh can lunge to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00418-00083032-00083271 you anything like that that's really bad KKLJzfdsDRQ-00419-00083272-00083438 because that's base that's our tool to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00420-00083439-00083615 get away from melee is los we can pour KKLJzfdsDRQ-00421-00083616-00083894 loss and uh yeah so that was leap from KKLJzfdsDRQ-00422-00083895-00084223 the warrior that was zero rage as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00423-00084224-00084382 uh nice flashcraft here warriors not KKLJzfdsDRQ-00424-00084383-00084638 kicking it pour it in line KKLJzfdsDRQ-00425-00084639-00084782 yeah so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00426-00084783-00084975 be careful because now you don't have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00427-00084976-00085159 port and now we're stacked on a pillar KKLJzfdsDRQ-00428-00085160-00085262 you don't want to stack what i've KKLJzfdsDRQ-00429-00085263-00085415 learned especially recently with like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00430-00085416-00085599 red warriors being so good and pharaoh's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00431-00085600-00085855 being insane twos um is don't play on a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00432-00085856-00085959 pillar KKLJzfdsDRQ-00433-00085960-00086159 just yeah you want to kite from one KKLJzfdsDRQ-00434-00086160-00086375 pillar to another one one to another one KKLJzfdsDRQ-00435-00086376-00086518 to another okay from this pillar to this KKLJzfdsDRQ-00436-00086519-00086687 one back back back back you don't want KKLJzfdsDRQ-00437-00086688-00086815 to play ring around the rosie on a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00438-00086816-00086991 pillar because you will die you will KKLJzfdsDRQ-00439-00086992-00087262 absolutely die um but great kiting so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00440-00087263-00087471 far our mana is looking great manatee KKLJzfdsDRQ-00441-00087472-00087687 there used there and i think overall KKLJzfdsDRQ-00442-00087688-00087815 there's ink cap used i don't think he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00443-00087816-00087959 has rick rage i would probably throw a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00444-00087960-00088159 rope over there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00445-00088160-00088343 i can see you're trying to use the wrap KKLJzfdsDRQ-00446-00088344-00088662 on like the store bowl i could see KKLJzfdsDRQ-00447-00088663-00088862 careful though KKLJzfdsDRQ-00448-00088863-00089103 rob ourselves they just he doesn't he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00449-00089104-00089247 don't care this is warrior don't care KKLJzfdsDRQ-00450-00089248-00089438 he's going straight to uh straight to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00451-00089439-00089615 your warrior so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00452-00089616-00089759 we're doing pretty good so far though KKLJzfdsDRQ-00453-00089760-00089926 great job um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00454-00089927-00090071 mystic touch here with the crackling KKLJzfdsDRQ-00455-00090072-00090255 shade landing perfect riley from the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00456-00090256-00090399 warrior again xiaomi doesn't have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00457-00090400-00090526 trinket KKLJzfdsDRQ-00458-00090527-00090694 a port on that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00459-00090695-00090926 charge KKLJzfdsDRQ-00460-00090927-00091071 what's the last time this warrior used KKLJzfdsDRQ-00461-00091072-00091191 to storm stormboat KKLJzfdsDRQ-00462-00091192-00091359 i feel like i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00463-00091360-00091903 zerkour is from the warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00464-00091904-00092087 all right i mean we're doing pretty good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00465-00092088-00092279 we're doing pretty good so far so good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00466-00092280-00092399 so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00467-00092400-00092575 keep it up mystic touch here uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00468-00092576-00092815 crackling j lightning beautiful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00469-00092816-00092950 keep it doing messed up keep your put KKLJzfdsDRQ-00470-00092951-00093079 renewing miss on yourself because this KKLJzfdsDRQ-00471-00093080-00093238 warrior seems to be going you beautiful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00472-00093239-00093359 job KKLJzfdsDRQ-00473-00093360-00093487 and uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00474-00093488-00093591 nah i think we're doing a pretty good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00475-00093592-00093806 job rob there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00476-00093807-00093982 yeah it doesn't really do too much KKLJzfdsDRQ-00477-00093983-00094238 that's okay though um probably if see if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00478-00094239-00094359 you had rob maybe you could have stopped KKLJzfdsDRQ-00479-00094360-00094615 this hex KKLJzfdsDRQ-00480-00094616-00094750 are you checking the whispers in the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00481-00094751-00094967 middle of the game are you kidding me KKLJzfdsDRQ-00482-00094968-00095247 uh fear on the shaman uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00483-00095248-00095406 may be used as an interrupt from your KKLJzfdsDRQ-00484-00095407-00095718 warrior i don't know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00485-00095719-00095871 seems like a weird KKLJzfdsDRQ-00486-00095872-00096006 but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00487-00096007-00096287 i don't play warrior so um nice leg KKLJzfdsDRQ-00488-00096288-00096471 sweep he has no outs oh i lied he has KKLJzfdsDRQ-00489-00096472-00096726 human racial uh he does have kick um we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00490-00096727-00097118 don't have flashcraft nice port again KKLJzfdsDRQ-00491-00097119-00097287 it's in line if he has charged he can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00492-00097288-00097415 get to you he doesn't have charge right KKLJzfdsDRQ-00493-00097416-00097703 now but keep that in mind is he if he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00494-00097704-00097847 did have charge he'd be able to get to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00495-00097848-00098326 you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00496-00098327-00098415 oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00497-00098416-00098591 i think the shaman's trying to fake cast KKLJzfdsDRQ-00498-00098592-00098903 that hex on your warrior so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00499-00098904-00099287 together reflect KKLJzfdsDRQ-00500-00099288-00099503 yeah so far so good juke the warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00501-00099504-00099799 there just another day KKLJzfdsDRQ-00502-00099800-00099991 anytime i see a warrior just getting KKLJzfdsDRQ-00503-00099992-00100215 smashed it's a great day KKLJzfdsDRQ-00504-00100216-00100350 uh looks like we're trying to go for cc KKLJzfdsDRQ-00505-00100351-00100623 on the shaman here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00506-00100624-00100838 battle stands for me warrior bonus brew KKLJzfdsDRQ-00507-00100839-00101126 gets proc bounty full brew gets procked KKLJzfdsDRQ-00508-00101127-00101271 bladestorm at you which means you can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00509-00101272-00101479 use your ring a piece KKLJzfdsDRQ-00510-00101480-00101703 on yourself nice ink cap get circular KKLJzfdsDRQ-00511-00101704-00101815 reach KKLJzfdsDRQ-00512-00101816-00102079 careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00513-00102080-00102215 all right your warrior goes to his KKLJzfdsDRQ-00514-00102216-00102367 warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00515-00102368-00102566 maybe go for an encampment shaman battle KKLJzfdsDRQ-00516-00102567-00102830 licked oh my god oh my god oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00517-00102831-00103071 what just happened to this warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00518-00103072-00103302 oh my god KKLJzfdsDRQ-00519-00103303-00103654 67 percent to 51 KKLJzfdsDRQ-00520-00103655-00103927 to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00521-00103928-00104190 oh my god that guy just your warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00522-00104191-00104406 just crushed that warrior um overall KKLJzfdsDRQ-00523-00104407-00104582 though really good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00524-00104583-00104718 no i don't i don't have problem at all KKLJzfdsDRQ-00525-00104719-00104871 that was really good make sure you miss KKLJzfdsDRQ-00526-00104872-00105110 them both um good kiting try not to kite KKLJzfdsDRQ-00527-00105111-00105543 towards your port because it is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00528-00105544-00105678 what that warrior did to that word can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00529-00105679-00105871 happen to you very easily and without a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00530-00105872-00106047 storm bolt or anything so keep that in KKLJzfdsDRQ-00531-00106048-00106183 mind um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00532-00106183-00106366 but yeah no this was a really good game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00533-00106367-00106623 warriors are kind of difficult sometimes KKLJzfdsDRQ-00534-00106624-00106799 especially if they've been there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00535-00106800-00107023 um but i think overall really good game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00536-00107024-00107158 i kind of want to find another one i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00537-00107159-00107334 don't how long has it been i feel it's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00538-00107335-00107543 only been 19 minutes so i kind of want KKLJzfdsDRQ-00539-00107544-00107823 to find another game win walker rat what KKLJzfdsDRQ-00540-00107824-00108023 i would play versus this oh my god i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00541-00108024-00108215 hate when it does that what i would play KKLJzfdsDRQ-00542-00108216-00108527 versus would be KKLJzfdsDRQ-00543-00108528-00108719 obviously eminence KKLJzfdsDRQ-00544-00108720-00108886 and peace weaver because eminence lets KKLJzfdsDRQ-00545-00108888-00109095 you get out of stuns and peace weaver KKLJzfdsDRQ-00546-00109096-00109319 when the pally presses wings peaceweaver KKLJzfdsDRQ-00547-00109320-00109527 makes your team immune to the magic KKLJzfdsDRQ-00548-00109528-00109831 damage most of their damage is magic KKLJzfdsDRQ-00549-00109832-00109999 the third one is kind of weird you could KKLJzfdsDRQ-00550-00110000-00110183 run disarm for rhett you can run zen KKLJzfdsDRQ-00551-00110183-00110295 focus t if you think they're going to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00552-00110296-00110599 kill you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00553-00110600-00110790 i would probably run disarm for the rep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00554-00110791-00110990 pally KKLJzfdsDRQ-00555-00110991-00111254 um but yeah let's see what we got um we KKLJzfdsDRQ-00556-00111255-00111678 have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00557-00111679-00111943 everyone's on ally KKLJzfdsDRQ-00558-00111944-00112295 this must be you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00559-00112296-00112431 uh careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00560-00112432-00112663 that's wings from the pally KKLJzfdsDRQ-00561-00112664-00112854 that's perry from your warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00562-00112855-00113119 bounty for brew gets procked KKLJzfdsDRQ-00563-00113120-00113254 yo how is it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00564-00113255-00113423 let me know how that legendary is by the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00565-00113424-00113607 way because i've only used it in rpgs KKLJzfdsDRQ-00566-00113608-00113758 that's pretty decent but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00567-00113759-00113975 in in arena i don't i actually have no KKLJzfdsDRQ-00568-00113976-00114295 idea KKLJzfdsDRQ-00569-00114296-00114454 rob there from the wind walker which is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00570-00114455-00114727 kind of good for you because KKLJzfdsDRQ-00571-00114728-00114815 you know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00572-00114816-00115086 next time become you have rob you can oh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00573-00115088-00115271 oh god that's a dr light sweep i would KKLJzfdsDRQ-00574-00115272-00115351 have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00575-00115352-00115647 all you had to do was wait maybe KKLJzfdsDRQ-00576-00115648-00115839 two extra seconds to push in here i know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00577-00115840-00115990 your warriors pushed in right now but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00578-00115991-00116183 like four three KKLJzfdsDRQ-00579-00116183-00116334 two KKLJzfdsDRQ-00580-00116335-00116558 oh just like one literally one second KKLJzfdsDRQ-00581-00116559-00116719 you had a full leg sweep so just keep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00582-00116720-00116975 that in mind um or and i make them stick KKLJzfdsDRQ-00583-00116976-00117095 sometimes too like don't get me wrong i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00584-00117096-00117286 get my like this could be a mistake i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00585-00117288-00117527 make this mistake a few times as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00586-00117528-00117815 but try to get the full drn leg sweep um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00587-00117816-00118015 so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00588-00118016-00118183 somehow still get both trinkets all KKLJzfdsDRQ-00589-00118183-00118343 right okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00590-00118344-00118439 all right KKLJzfdsDRQ-00591-00118440-00118639 i guess somehow KKLJzfdsDRQ-00592-00118640-00118783 bob from the pally as well on the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00593-00118783-00118999 windwalker okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00594-00119000-00119286 um this is images oh oh oh something to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00595-00119288-00119519 keep in mind versus wind walkers a lot KKLJzfdsDRQ-00596-00119520-00119678 of their damage comes from the wind KKLJzfdsDRQ-00597-00119679-00119910 walker but a lot of other like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00598-00119911-00120031 additional damage that it's kind of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00599-00120032-00120286 overwhelming comes from their images if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00600-00120288-00120463 you save your ring a piece for images KKLJzfdsDRQ-00601-00120464-00120671 you seriously stop their damage like a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00602-00120672-00120958 lot of their their output so try to do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00603-00120959-00121071 that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00604-00121072-00121231 save your rob for when you see images KKLJzfdsDRQ-00605-00121232-00121895 get get used KKLJzfdsDRQ-00606-00121896-00122047 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00607-00122048-00122190 trying to have your warrior kite towards KKLJzfdsDRQ-00608-00122191-00122319 you because it makes it easier for the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00609-00122320-00122463 rats to get hodges and stuff on you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00610-00122464-00122686 that's karma as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00611-00122688-00122831 um we do have a frame piece beautiful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00612-00122832-00123071 ring piece beautiful keep it in line of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00613-00123072-00123310 the warrior um flesh crap from the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00614-00123311-00123447 windwalk oh it's one of these now KKLJzfdsDRQ-00615-00123448-00123583 careful because you are out of rancho KKLJzfdsDRQ-00616-00123583-00123775 port if they got a hodge or something KKLJzfdsDRQ-00617-00123776-00123878 for you right now they're probably going KKLJzfdsDRQ-00618-00123879-00124263 to get your human racial so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00619-00124264-00124414 they're just running away they're just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00620-00124415-00124543 they're just running KKLJzfdsDRQ-00621-00124544-00124654 they're just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00622-00124655-00125039 by all right storm bolt great KKLJzfdsDRQ-00623-00125040-00125223 looks like we want to kill the rat i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00624-00125224-00125358 feel like the wind walker is probably a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00625-00125359-00125478 little bit KKLJzfdsDRQ-00626-00125479-00125631 easier to kill KKLJzfdsDRQ-00627-00125632-00125766 maybe like once you get through the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00628-00125767-00125958 flashcraft you uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00629-00125959-00126158 yeah they're careful kiting towards your KKLJzfdsDRQ-00630-00126159-00126334 port again because KKLJzfdsDRQ-00631-00126335-00126590 you especially versus wind walkers yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00632-00126591-00126743 i hope you're playing eminence that's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00633-00126744-00126983 bone despair on you good see right here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00634-00126983-00127071 you see KKLJzfdsDRQ-00635-00127072-00127207 oh i guess you mash your port but if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00636-00127208-00127399 this was like a warrior pharaoh druid KKLJzfdsDRQ-00637-00127400-00127631 rogue like any any melee with some kind KKLJzfdsDRQ-00638-00127632-00127951 of mobility especially in line of them KKLJzfdsDRQ-00639-00127952-00128119 they immediately and you're still KKLJzfdsDRQ-00640-00128120-00128319 stunned and they immediately get back KKLJzfdsDRQ-00641-00128320-00128471 onto you so just try to keep your port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00642-00128472-00128566 los KKLJzfdsDRQ-00643-00128567-00128854 and as far like as max range as you can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00644-00128855-00129007 from it um i would use this is a really KKLJzfdsDRQ-00645-00129008-00129183 good time to go for a ring piece on the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00646-00129183-00129390 joanne and images great fear from the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00647-00129391-00129590 warrior on the red um great legs sweep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00648-00129591-00129766 on the windwalker as well KKLJzfdsDRQ-00649-00129767-00130023 use a ring a piece um as soon as they KKLJzfdsDRQ-00650-00130024-00130190 leave that leg sweep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00651-00130191-00130334 and and that way they can't get to you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00652-00130335-00130471 or they could just go to your warrior KKLJzfdsDRQ-00653-00130472-00130695 that's even better honestly KKLJzfdsDRQ-00654-00130696-00130863 we take that no i'd probably use ring a KKLJzfdsDRQ-00655-00130864-00131014 piece if the images start hitting you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00656-00131015-00131223 because they do so much shivers tank KKLJzfdsDRQ-00657-00131224-00131414 there from the win from the right pally KKLJzfdsDRQ-00658-00131415-00131711 uh great encap on the red as well um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00659-00131712-00131863 unfortunately a little late but that's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00660-00131864-00132023 okay that's all right now they don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00661-00132024-00132190 have a second for the next go nice rob KKLJzfdsDRQ-00662-00132191-00132431 dater interrupt i don't think he has uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00663-00132432-00132575 images for a little bit now that's why KKLJzfdsDRQ-00664-00132576-00132783 they're kiting um i definitely think KKLJzfdsDRQ-00665-00132784-00132935 wind walker is the cool target even KKLJzfdsDRQ-00666-00132936-00133063 though it sucks for your warrior right KKLJzfdsDRQ-00667-00133064-00133278 now i think wind walker is is the kill KKLJzfdsDRQ-00668-00133279-00133719 target KKLJzfdsDRQ-00669-00133720-00133966 bonus brew gets brought uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00670-00133967-00134119 no i think we use bonus brew yeah yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00671-00134120-00134390 we used it okay KKLJzfdsDRQ-00672-00134391-00134702 fortifying brew from the wind walker KKLJzfdsDRQ-00673-00134703-00134951 wings from the pally be careful he KKLJzfdsDRQ-00674-00134952-00135095 procked the wings on top of his real KKLJzfdsDRQ-00675-00135096-00135463 wings there KKLJzfdsDRQ-00676-00135464-00135607 uh we have leg super really soon we'll KKLJzfdsDRQ-00677-00135608-00135759 probably get both just three seconds KKLJzfdsDRQ-00678-00135760-00135919 maybe just go for like sweep here and on KKLJzfdsDRQ-00679-00135920-00136047 the on the monk if you get it nice KKLJzfdsDRQ-00680-00136048-00136327 trinket there got beautiful just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00681-00136328-00136502 again one one cool down after another KKLJzfdsDRQ-00682-00136503-00136614 just stay match right this is what you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00683-00136615-00136790 want right here brock i'm about level KKLJzfdsDRQ-00684-00136791-00136959 we're just your max right we're showing KKLJzfdsDRQ-00685-00136960-00137135 right here we ain't going nowhere we're KKLJzfdsDRQ-00686-00137136-00137375 60 yards away sank there how what's the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00687-00137376-00137614 cooldown on the spell man 45 KKLJzfdsDRQ-00688-00137615-00137814 it feels like it's been like 20 seconds KKLJzfdsDRQ-00689-00137815-00138039 uh careful they look like they kind of KKLJzfdsDRQ-00690-00138040-00138239 want to go to you oh no they don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00691-00138240-00138399 they're just gonna try to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00692-00138400-00138663 kill your warrior um again uh that is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00693-00138664-00138814 serenity KKLJzfdsDRQ-00694-00138815-00138990 that looks like oh no what am i looking KKLJzfdsDRQ-00695-00138991-00139175 at that was a rep helle no that's just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00696-00139176-00139351 images so keep that in mind just use KKLJzfdsDRQ-00697-00139352-00139863 your rob when you see images KKLJzfdsDRQ-00698-00139864-00140031 nice fear that's a double fear and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00699-00140032-00140366 bubble as well hopefully get a shatter KKLJzfdsDRQ-00700-00140367-00140535 no shatter that's fine that's fine hey KKLJzfdsDRQ-00701-00140536-00140663 you know what can't get the shadows KKLJzfdsDRQ-00702-00140664-00140839 sometimes sorry when walker's running KKLJzfdsDRQ-00703-00140840-00141135 though uh flashcraft um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00704-00141136-00141343 maybe encap after ultimate form is down KKLJzfdsDRQ-00705-00141344-00141535 encap right no KKLJzfdsDRQ-00706-00141536-00141687 no KKLJzfdsDRQ-00707-00141688-00141887 yes good KKLJzfdsDRQ-00708-00141888-00142199 really well done KKLJzfdsDRQ-00709-00142200-00142447 somehow they're both healers i don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00710-00142448-00142766 blows my mind uh make sure again KKLJzfdsDRQ-00711-00142767-00142943 positioning wise KKLJzfdsDRQ-00712-00142944-00143063 we should be a little bit scared right KKLJzfdsDRQ-00713-00143064-00143214 now though like we're we're a little bit KKLJzfdsDRQ-00714-00143215-00143423 scared right here uh we have i know KKLJzfdsDRQ-00715-00143424-00143590 we're in range of port but our port is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00716-00143591-00143878 like right there right like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00717-00143879-00144078 we're a little bit scared because these KKLJzfdsDRQ-00718-00144079-00144287 two can if they just turn around and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00719-00144288-00144454 just say i want to kill the wind walker KKLJzfdsDRQ-00720-00144455-00144711 or the miss weaver they can do that KKLJzfdsDRQ-00721-00144712-00145183 so just be careful KKLJzfdsDRQ-00722-00145184-00145366 do a good job of rolling for double KKLJzfdsDRQ-00723-00145367-00145663 leggy great job if we have shackle send KKLJzfdsDRQ-00724-00145664-00145735 it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00725-00145736-00145951 i don't know if we have it KKLJzfdsDRQ-00726-00145952-00146087 i don't know what second trinket you'd KKLJzfdsDRQ-00727-00146088-00146439 be running besides relentless KKLJzfdsDRQ-00728-00146440-00146639 maybe bm KKLJzfdsDRQ-00729-00146640-00146759 i would be really he's going to come KKLJzfdsDRQ-00730-00146760-00147143 hodge you yeah yeah yeah KKLJzfdsDRQ-00731-00147144-00147383 yeah that sucks oh man yeah that's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00732-00147384-00147551 really unfortunate KKLJzfdsDRQ-00733-00147552-00147687 especially since you guys were i feel KKLJzfdsDRQ-00734-00147688-00147799 like you guys were ahead pretty much the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00735-00147800-00147895 whole game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00736-00147896-00148143 um if you had a shackle there's a ch i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00737-00148144-00148390 mean if you run it maybe you should try KKLJzfdsDRQ-00738-00148391-00148566 running it uh because there's a chance KKLJzfdsDRQ-00739-00148567-00148719 this one maybe this rip alley could have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00740-00148720-00148902 died with this go because of the off the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00741-00148903-00149166 all feeling from like um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00742-00149167-00149311 word of glory but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00743-00149312-00149447 yeah that's just how it is sometimes i KKLJzfdsDRQ-00744-00149448-00149671 swear damage is crazy um first try to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00745-00149672-00149799 save your bring a piece for images KKLJzfdsDRQ-00746-00149800-00149983 though that that's what i learned to be KKLJzfdsDRQ-00747-00149984-00150102 really really helpful i play with the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00748-00150103-00150319 demon warlock and twos and wind walkers KKLJzfdsDRQ-00749-00150320-00150502 kind of run us over but if you rock the KKLJzfdsDRQ-00750-00150503-00150799 images they do like a significant amount KKLJzfdsDRQ-00751-00150800-00150935 lesnar KKLJzfdsDRQ-00752-00150936-00151207 significantly significantly less damage KKLJzfdsDRQ-00753-00151208-00151463 um than what they normally do but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00754-00151464-00151663 overall i think the games were good i've KKLJzfdsDRQ-00755-00151664-00151775 followed you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00756-00151776-00151902 looking forward to more streams more KKLJzfdsDRQ-00757-00151903-00152102 misweaver streams uh this game i don't KKLJzfdsDRQ-00758-00152103-00152231 know you guys i feel like someone KKLJzfdsDRQ-00759-00152232-00152351 actually know what you could have done KKLJzfdsDRQ-00760-00152352-00152471 uh you could have revival if you're KKLJzfdsDRQ-00761-00152472-00152671 playing ps4 you could have revival this KKLJzfdsDRQ-00762-00152672-00152887 um yeah you could have actually done if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00763-00152888-00152975 you're playing peace weaver you could KKLJzfdsDRQ-00764-00152976-00153231 revival this hodge and then also KKLJzfdsDRQ-00765-00153232-00153463 um peace weaver negates bonus bruised KKLJzfdsDRQ-00766-00153464-00153702 damage so because it's shadow damage so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00767-00153703-00153863 you could a piece we were this hodge and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00768-00153864-00154078 then kept your boy alive if you're KKLJzfdsDRQ-00769-00154079-00154199 playing peace weaver i don't know if you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00770-00154200-00154414 are or not but yeah that could have been KKLJzfdsDRQ-00771-00154415-00154663 a play as well um could have robbed to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00772-00154664-00154926 make sure to keep this guy away from you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00773-00154927-00155087 um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00774-00155088-00155223 could have flesh crafted as well so KKLJzfdsDRQ-00775-00155224-00155423 there were options here KKLJzfdsDRQ-00776-00155424-00155599 but i would say the best thing you can KKLJzfdsDRQ-00777-00155600-00155766 do is just stay really far away like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00778-00155767-00155911 even though you're close to a kill trust KKLJzfdsDRQ-00779-00155912-00156135 me even when you're close to a kill just KKLJzfdsDRQ-00780-00156136-00156359 stay far away it's the best thing you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00781-00156360-00156495 can do KKLJzfdsDRQ-00782-00156496-00156766 unfortunately um yeah and then this game KKLJzfdsDRQ-00783-00156767-00156926 was really good treat the prop heli like KKLJzfdsDRQ-00784-00156927-00157063 a healer KKLJzfdsDRQ-00785-00157064-00157183 play song of chiji if you feel KKLJzfdsDRQ-00786-00157184-00157414 comfortable playing it um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00787-00157415-00157654 and then never outrange port ever and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00788-00157655-00157863 then this one was good great kiting but KKLJzfdsDRQ-00789-00157864-00158014 try not to kite towards your port try to KKLJzfdsDRQ-00790-00158015-00158231 kite towards your warrior towards any KKLJzfdsDRQ-00791-00158232-00158471 dps but away from your port KKLJzfdsDRQ-00792-00158472-00158647 that way you know if KKLJzfdsDRQ-00793-00158648-00158807 they connect to you you can port your KKLJzfdsDRQ-00794-00158808-00159078 loss always always keep your poor loss KKLJzfdsDRQ-00795-00159079-00159159 and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00796-00159160-00159359 try to max range it too you know you KKLJzfdsDRQ-00797-00159360-00159543 find things in games you know where KKLJzfdsDRQ-00798-00159544-00159751 certain pillars are like exactly poor KKLJzfdsDRQ-00799-00159752-00159878 distance away and you could just keep KKLJzfdsDRQ-00800-00159879-00160166 going back and forth so uh yeah that is KKLJzfdsDRQ-00801-00160167-00160375 pretty much it for me um KKLJzfdsDRQ-00802-00160376-00160495 thank you for the videos if you have KKLJzfdsDRQ-00803-00160496-00160735 more gameplay feel free to send it and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00804-00160736-00160814 uh KKLJzfdsDRQ-00805-00160815-00161126 that is pretty much it for me hopefully KKLJzfdsDRQ-00806-00161127-00161302 this was helpful um if you have any KKLJzfdsDRQ-00807-00161303-00161454 questions please let me know and that's KKLJzfdsDRQ-00808-00161455-00161575 it hope everyone has a fantastic KKLJzfdsDRQ-00809-00161576-00161783 question i hope you enjoy the video and KKLJzfdsDRQ-00810-00161784-00162013 i'll see you later KKLJzfdsDRQ-00811-00162014-00163346 [Music] KKLJzfdsDRQ-00812-00163347-00163911 [Music] KKLJzfdsDRQ-00813-00163912-00164120 you KKRxf9nsJnE-00000-00000182-00000359 [Music] KKRxf9nsJnE-00001-00000360-00000430 hello KKRxf9nsJnE-00002-00000431-00000647 alex as in touch and the heading KKRxf9nsJnE-00003-00000648-00000919 interesting from the world of blockchain KKRxf9nsJnE-00004-00000919-00001111 i recently stumbled upon the amazing KKRxf9nsJnE-00005-00001112-00001366 book 2020 complete stablecoin guide by KKRxf9nsJnE-00006-00001367-00001407 eli KKRxf9nsJnE-00007-00001408-00001791 sam co-founder director give nation KKRxf9nsJnE-00008-00001792-00001991 the book that sam wrote inspired me and KKRxf9nsJnE-00009-00001992-00002191 i began to figure out what stable coins KKRxf9nsJnE-00010-00002192-00002359 are and what benefits they can bring to KKRxf9nsJnE-00011-00002360-00002518 society KKRxf9nsJnE-00012-00002519-00002718 among the many stablecoin that are used KKRxf9nsJnE-00013-00002719-00002966 only for payment i came across a usdn KKRxf9nsJnE-00014-00002967-00003007 coin KKRxf9nsJnE-00015-00003008-00003327 created by the waves project i began to KKRxf9nsJnE-00016-00003328-00003567 study the usdn coin and was pleasantly KKRxf9nsJnE-00017-00003568-00003711 surprised KKRxf9nsJnE-00018-00003711-00003983 the created usdn coin can be used not KKRxf9nsJnE-00019-00003984-00004199 only for transfers of personal funds but KKRxf9nsJnE-00020-00004200-00004406 also to earn on it simply by holding it KKRxf9nsJnE-00021-00004407-00004622 in your wallet KKRxf9nsJnE-00022-00004623-00004822 the bottom line is that a person buys a KKRxf9nsJnE-00023-00004823-00004959 coin of usdn KKRxf9nsJnE-00024-00004960-00005143 sends it to staking and the coin starts KKRxf9nsJnE-00025-00005144-00005318 to generate income from 10 KKRxf9nsJnE-00026-00005319-00005670 to 30 percent per annum at the same time KKRxf9nsJnE-00027-00005671-00005838 coins are not transferred anywhere from KKRxf9nsJnE-00028-00005839-00006031 the user's wallet they remain in it and KKRxf9nsJnE-00029-00006032-00006199 he can withdraw them and transfer them KKRxf9nsJnE-00030-00006200-00006375 at any time KKRxf9nsJnE-00031-00006376-00006591 thus only the user controls their money KKRxf9nsJnE-00032-00006592-00006806 and no one except him KKRxf9nsJnE-00033-00006808-00007006 distribute good all over the world make KKRxf9nsJnE-00034-00007008-00007239 reposts subscribe to our social networks KKRxf9nsJnE-00035-00007240-00007398 and stay up to date with the latest KKRxf9nsJnE-00036-00007400-00007559 events and new products from the world KKRxf9nsJnE-00037-00007559-00007774 of blockchain with us KKRxf9nsJnE-00038-00007775-00007934 and we want to thank sam for her KKRxf9nsJnE-00039-00007936-00008063 excellent work in the field of KKRxf9nsJnE-00040-00008064-00008295 stablecoin and the blockchain KKRxf9nsJnE-00041-00008296-00008463 and to everyone who has not read the KKRxf9nsJnE-00042-00008464-00008727 2020 complete stablecoin guide i advise KKRxf9nsJnE-00043-00008728-00008919 to definitely read KKRxf9nsJnE-00044-00008920-00009103 information about the book can be found KKRxf9nsJnE-00045-00009104-00009310 on a lie sam personal twitter page and KKRxf9nsJnE-00046-00009311-00009471 on amazon KKRxf9nsJnE-00047-00009472-00009655 share your news with us and we will tell KKRxf9nsJnE-00048-00009656-00009823 them to the whole world and maybe this KKRxf9nsJnE-00049-00009824-00009999 will form the basis of sam's new KKRxf9nsJnE-00050-00010000-00010342 book alex was in touch with you KKRxf9nsJnE-00051-00010343-00011663 all a good prophet and be healthy KKRxf9nsJnE-00052-00011664-00011871 you KKYkzPZZPYo-00000-00000047-00000261 vandal cheese as an Asian cheese KKYkzPZZPYo-00001-00000262-00000477 originated in an erstwhile Portuguese KKYkzPZZPYo-00002-00000478-00000756 colony Bandol located in eastern India KKYkzPZZPYo-00003-00000757-00001048 today the production is concentrated in KKYkzPZZPYo-00004-00001049-00001258 the towns of tarakeshwar and Vishnu / KKYkzPZZPYo-00005-00001259-00001540 Bankura near Kolkata West Bengal India KKYkzPZZPYo-00006-00001541-00001749 it is made by separating the curds from KKYkzPZZPYo-00007-00001750-00002014 way with lemon juice it is then molded KKYkzPZZPYo-00008-00002014-00002295 and drained in small baskets and smoked KKYkzPZZPYo-00009-00002296-00002574 Bandol is known for its dry crumbly and KKYkzPZZPYo-00010-00002575-00002854 smoky flavor also it is highly aromatic KKYkzPZZPYo-00011-00002855-00003072 and fresh as it is sold in circular KKYkzPZZPYo-00012-00003073-00003336 flats straight away after production it KKYkzPZZPYo-00013-00003338-00003586 is an indigenous unripened salted soft KKYkzPZZPYo-00014-00003586-00003799 variety of cheese made in perforated KKYkzPZZPYo-00015-00003800-00004090 pots it is similar to sir Deepa near but KKYkzPZZPYo-00016-00004090-00004387 made from cows milk available in two KKYkzPZZPYo-00017-00004388-00004618 varieties plain white and smoked brown KKYkzPZZPYo-00018-00004619-00004828 Bandol cheese is well salted and can be KKYkzPZZPYo-00019-00004829-00005366 stored KKYkzPZZPYo-00020-00005367-00005897 topic see also KKYkzPZZPYo-00021-00005898-00006495 veneer chena Khoa list of smoked foods KKYkzPZZPYo-00022-00006497-00006839 food portal KM_6PN78CZu-00000-00000000-00000559 [Music] KM_6PN78CZu-00001-00000560-00001031 [Music] KM_6PN78CZu-00002-00001032-00001087 so KM_6PN78CZu-00003-00001088-00001335 this week i wanted to talk about in our KM_6PN78CZu-00004-00001336-00001527 continuing series of learning KM_6PN78CZu-00005-00001528-00001863 about real estate as the ideal KM_6PN78CZu-00006-00001864-00002175 investment i wanted to talk about um KM_6PN78CZu-00007-00002176-00002526 just the amazing thing of equity KM_6PN78CZu-00008-00002527-00002839 and equity is something that KM_6PN78CZu-00009-00002840-00003102 occurs that is the difference between KM_6PN78CZu-00010-00003103-00003303 what you pay for a property KM_6PN78CZu-00011-00003304-00003606 and what it's worth and that difference KM_6PN78CZu-00012-00003607-00003863 in between what you pay and maybe what KM_6PN78CZu-00013-00003864-00004054 you spend to fix it up KM_6PN78CZu-00014-00004055-00004319 well that difference and what it's worth KM_6PN78CZu-00015-00004320-00004383 at you KM_6PN78CZu-00016-00004384-00004615 at your sale of the property that is KM_6PN78CZu-00017-00004616-00004727 called equity KM_6PN78CZu-00018-00004728-00005038 and when you add our business model to KM_6PN78CZu-00019-00005039-00005070 it KM_6PN78CZu-00020-00005071-00005286 that helps people to end up with home KM_6PN78CZu-00021-00005287-00005447 ownership regardless of credit or KM_6PN78CZu-00022-00005448-00005559 financial background KM_6PN78CZu-00023-00005560-00005847 you actually get a premium boost in the KM_6PN78CZu-00024-00005848-00005975 price and by the way KM_6PN78CZu-00025-00005976-00006302 with the buyers knowledge and consent KM_6PN78CZu-00026-00006303-00006534 that there is a markup involved in it KM_6PN78CZu-00027-00006536-00006710 for the risk that you're taking KM_6PN78CZu-00028-00006711-00006991 and sure enough there is an opportunity KM_6PN78CZu-00029-00006992-00007310 for that wonderful thing called equity KM_6PN78CZu-00030-00007311-00007631 now equity is a great thing KM_6PN78CZu-00031-00007631-00007998 because equity is when you own property KM_6PN78CZu-00032-00008000-00008263 equity is something that is always there KM_6PN78CZu-00033-00008264-00008367 always present KM_6PN78CZu-00034-00008368-00008607 and depending upon the market that we're KM_6PN78CZu-00035-00008608-00008814 in you're always able to KM_6PN78CZu-00036-00008815-00009103 earn income off equity when you're KM_6PN78CZu-00037-00009104-00009191 investing in KM_6PN78CZu-00038-00009192-00009551 income producing property so i KM_6PN78CZu-00039-00009552-00009799 for income remember and real estate KM_6PN78CZu-00040-00009800-00009863 being the KM_6PN78CZu-00041-00009864-00010183 ideal investment i for income d KM_6PN78CZu-00042-00010184-00010406 for depreciation one of the great things KM_6PN78CZu-00043-00010407-00010535 we get KM_6PN78CZu-00044-00010536-00010799 for investing in income producing KM_6PN78CZu-00045-00010800-00010910 property and KM_6PN78CZu-00046-00010911-00011103 particularly residential income KM_6PN78CZu-00047-00011104-00011367 producing property we get depreciation KM_6PN78CZu-00048-00011368-00011735 and then e e for equity KM_6PN78CZu-00049-00011736-00012014 equity build up equity at the time of KM_6PN78CZu-00050-00012015-00012095 purchase KM_6PN78CZu-00051-00012096-00012414 and another way that we get equity is to KM_6PN78CZu-00052-00012415-00012742 force equity when we fix up a property KM_6PN78CZu-00053-00012743-00012886 and bring it to KM_6PN78CZu-00054-00012887-00013111 current market conditions current market KM_6PN78CZu-00055-00013112-00013279 values then we're able KM_6PN78CZu-00056-00013280-00013519 sometimes to if it was just in bad KM_6PN78CZu-00057-00013519-00013783 condition or hoarder house or whatever KM_6PN78CZu-00058-00013784-00014063 boom we can increase the equity on a KM_6PN78CZu-00059-00014063-00014151 property by KM_6PN78CZu-00060-00014152-00014375 doing the fix up so that's another way KM_6PN78CZu-00061-00014376-00014527 that we advance ourselves KM_6PN78CZu-00062-00014528-00014799 and our business and next week i'm going KM_6PN78CZu-00063-00014800-00014966 to be talking about KM_6PN78CZu-00064-00014968-00015350 the next letter in the alphabet KM_6PN78CZu-00065-00015351-00015671 and that is for ideal investment KM_6PN78CZu-00066-00015672-00016015 a for a appreciation and then we'll end KM_6PN78CZu-00067-00016016-00016327 the series with the l for leverage KM_6PN78CZu-00068-00016328-00016630 so i don't know if you're like me but i KM_6PN78CZu-00069-00016631-00016711 believe KM_6PN78CZu-00070-00016712-00016943 that real estate and it's particularly KM_6PN78CZu-00071-00016944-00017183 income producing real estate is the KM_6PN78CZu-00072-00017184-00018412 ideal investment KM_6PN78CZu-00073-00018413-00019406 [Music] KM_6PN78CZu-00074-00019407-00019927 [Music] KM_6PN78CZu-00075-00019928-00020136 you Kp4QsXt_msM-00000-00000026-00000911 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00001-00000911-00001079 the least viewed video is actually the Kp4QsXt_msM-00002-00001080-00001303 fourth video on the sidemen channel Kp4QsXt_msM-00003-00001304-00001495 from five years ago Kp4QsXt_msM-00004-00001496-00001839 the sidemen manchester meetup Kp4QsXt_msM-00005-00001839-00002071 oh okay now Kp4QsXt_msM-00006-00002072-00002399 isn't this the helen walker song Kp4QsXt_msM-00007-00002400-00002623 faded yeah Kp4QsXt_msM-00008-00002624-00002902 2015 ksi Kp4QsXt_msM-00009-00002903-00003222 awake when he was still skinny Kp4QsXt_msM-00010-00003223-00003422 this this is from five years ago you Kp4QsXt_msM-00011-00003423-00003743 know that is mad Kp4QsXt_msM-00012-00003744-00003967 smart man Kp4QsXt_msM-00013-00003968-00004479 this is he just pouring what Kp4QsXt_msM-00014-00004480-00004670 i'm assuming it's perfect Kp4QsXt_msM-00015-00004671-00004935 because why the would he just spray Kp4QsXt_msM-00016-00004936-00005015 water people Kp4QsXt_msM-00017-00005016-00005183 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00018-00005184-00005463 this is just a vlog i'm guessing Kp4QsXt_msM-00019-00005464-00006006 but it's on the sidemen channel Kp4QsXt_msM-00020-00006007-00006375 that's Kp4QsXt_msM-00021-00006376-00006623 they had these many friends when Kp4QsXt_msM-00022-00006623-00007223 five years ago Kp4QsXt_msM-00023-00007223-00007423 this is just meet and greet at the id Kp4QsXt_msM-00024-00007423-00007666 head Kp4QsXt_msM-00025-00007667-00008263 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00026-00008264-00008510 they were still playing fifa for fun Kp4QsXt_msM-00027-00008511-00008774 back then Kp4QsXt_msM-00028-00008775-00008951 bears was fat Kp4QsXt_msM-00029-00008952-00009110 josh was Kp4QsXt_msM-00030-00009111-00009606 close enough Kp4QsXt_msM-00031-00009864-00010223 this this is on the same channel as like Kp4QsXt_msM-00032-00010224-00010399 videos where they've spent like hundreds Kp4QsXt_msM-00033-00010400-00010495 and Kp4QsXt_msM-00034-00010496-00011231 hundreds of thousands of stuff Kp4QsXt_msM-00035-00011232-00011383 i feel like this wouldn't even make the Kp4QsXt_msM-00036-00011384-00011551 second channel Kp4QsXt_msM-00037-00011552-00011703 but Kp4QsXt_msM-00038-00011704-00011983 that is what youtube was five years ago Kp4QsXt_msM-00039-00011984-00012246 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00040-00012247-00012463 i'm still confused that i thought this Kp4QsXt_msM-00041-00012464-00012655 song would be copyrighted Kp4QsXt_msM-00042-00012656-00012838 why how is this this the background Kp4QsXt_msM-00043-00012839-00013222 because Kp4QsXt_msM-00044-00013223-00013399 this might be muted for all i Kp4QsXt_msM-00045-00013400-00013935 know if i get copyrighted right Kp4QsXt_msM-00046-00013936-00014127 iphone's getting Kp4QsXt_msM-00047-00014128-00014238 autographed Kp4QsXt_msM-00048-00014240-00014511 by the side man Kp4QsXt_msM-00049-00014512-00014775 set eight kids wait Kp4QsXt_msM-00050-00014776-00014953 yep Kp4QsXt_msM-00051-00014954-00016127 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00052-00016393-00016511 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00053-00016512-00016791 that used to be sidemen much just the Kp4QsXt_msM-00054-00016792-00017002 text on a hoodie Kp4QsXt_msM-00055-00017003-00017167 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00056-00017168-00017407 now they've got everything from alcohol Kp4QsXt_msM-00057-00017408-00017535 food Kp4QsXt_msM-00058-00017536-00017686 color block hoodies Kp4QsXt_msM-00059-00017687-00017983 etc etc Kp4QsXt_msM-00060-00017984-00018247 but yeah that was the least viewed Kp4QsXt_msM-00061-00018248-00018479 sideman video or video on the simon Kp4QsXt_msM-00062-00018480-00018583 channel Kp4QsXt_msM-00063-00018584-00018799 for the least weird siteman sunday we Kp4QsXt_msM-00064-00018800-00019014 have to go to this one the sidemen Kp4QsXt_msM-00065-00019015-00019175 winter olympics Kp4QsXt_msM-00066-00019176-00019399 i do remember when they were doing like Kp4QsXt_msM-00067-00019400-00019683 tearless of alzheimer's videos then this Kp4QsXt_msM-00068-00019684-00020014 was pretty low Kp4QsXt_msM-00069-00020344-00020527 two two events Kp4QsXt_msM-00070-00020528-00020775 this is 11 minute videos no wonder if Kp4QsXt_msM-00071-00020776-00021447 canada Kp4QsXt_msM-00072-00021448-00021735 oh it's a sponsored video Kp4QsXt_msM-00073-00021736-00021894 i'm assuming that's Kp4QsXt_msM-00074-00021895-00022135 why they're doing ice Kp4QsXt_msM-00075-00022136-00022472 or something with an ice rink Kp4QsXt_msM-00076-00022473-00022911 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00077-00022912-00023464 oh i think i remember what happened here Kp4QsXt_msM-00078-00023465-00024986 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00079-00024987-00026055 mathematical skills Kp4QsXt_msM-00080-00026056-00026414 where is this flood Kp4QsXt_msM-00081-00026416-00026639 all right i've seen this Kp4QsXt_msM-00082-00026641-00027327 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00083-00027327-00027590 okay now Kp4QsXt_msM-00084-00027591-00028223 yep i remember this Kp4QsXt_msM-00085-00029142-00029358 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00086-00029360-00029518 oh god it's Kp4QsXt_msM-00087-00029519-00030174 same thing listen Kp4QsXt_msM-00088-00030175-00030383 what the Kp4QsXt_msM-00089-00030383-00030526 this Kp4QsXt_msM-00090-00030527-00030927 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00091-00030927-00031070 this is Kp4QsXt_msM-00092-00031072-00031343 so much less quality than any other Kp4QsXt_msM-00093-00031344-00031487 sidemen video Kp4QsXt_msM-00094-00031488-00031639 i feel like there'd be eight different Kp4QsXt_msM-00095-00031639-00031902 camera angles of this curling Kp4QsXt_msM-00096-00031903-00031990 ball Kp4QsXt_msM-00097-00031991-00032414 if this was made today Kp4QsXt_msM-00098-00032416-00032574 with some extra effects for Kp4QsXt_msM-00099-00032575-00032918 their naruto running and everything Kp4QsXt_msM-00100-00032919-00033359 he just fell Kp4QsXt_msM-00101-00033360-00033599 this feels a lot less like Kp4QsXt_msM-00102-00033600-00033718 intense Kp4QsXt_msM-00103-00033719-00033935 without like the editors adding music Kp4QsXt_msM-00104-00033936-00034484 every five seconds Kp4QsXt_msM-00105-00034485-00035095 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00106-00035096-00035543 what the was that Kp4QsXt_msM-00107-00035544-00035871 he just boiled it Kp4QsXt_msM-00108-00035872-00035990 what Kp4QsXt_msM-00109-00035991-00036262 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00110-00036263-00036407 the only time he's lost restaurant in Kp4QsXt_msM-00111-00036408-00036582 his life Kp4QsXt_msM-00112-00036583-00037135 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00113-00037136-00037918 what is happening Kp4QsXt_msM-00114-00037919-00038143 this is very much when they used to be Kp4QsXt_msM-00115-00038144-00038302 the only reason that you would watch Kp4QsXt_msM-00116-00038303-00038551 these videos Kp4QsXt_msM-00117-00038552-00038767 it was not definitely not for any kind Kp4QsXt_msM-00118-00038768-00038927 of innovation Kp4QsXt_msM-00119-00038928-00038999 or Kp4QsXt_msM-00120-00039000-00039335 incredible content Kp4QsXt_msM-00121-00039336-00039711 they keep struggling to lift a Kp4QsXt_msM-00122-00039712-00039875 ball Kp4QsXt_msM-00123-00039876-00040223 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00124-00040224-00041190 that man is now running Kp4QsXt_msM-00125-00041191-00041390 what Kp4QsXt_msM-00126-00041391-00041732 what the call for something Kp4QsXt_msM-00127-00041733-00042574 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00128-00042575-00043487 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00129-00043488-00043671 yeah okay Kp4QsXt_msM-00130-00043672-00044487 what what Kp4QsXt_msM-00131-00044488-00044720 oh what the Kp4QsXt_msM-00132-00044721-00044951 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00133-00044952-00045143 i don't really know what's happening in Kp4QsXt_msM-00134-00045144-00045390 terms of the actual Kp4QsXt_msM-00135-00045391-00045535 challenge what the hell they're trying Kp4QsXt_msM-00136-00045536-00045774 to do Kp4QsXt_msM-00137-00045775-00045927 they didn't even bother explaining the Kp4QsXt_msM-00138-00045928-00046158 rules that's how Kp4QsXt_msM-00139-00046159-00046551 less effort this is compared to now Kp4QsXt_msM-00140-00046552-00046718 i feel like even the second channel has Kp4QsXt_msM-00141-00046719-00046879 more Kp4QsXt_msM-00142-00046880-00046958 like Kp4QsXt_msM-00143-00046959-00048026 organization than whatever this video is Kp4QsXt_msM-00144-00048027-00048655 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00145-00048656-00048943 this what stuff oh god he's gonna Kp4QsXt_msM-00146-00048944-00049062 oh Kp4QsXt_msM-00147-00049063-00049246 i thought he was gonna it i'm not Kp4QsXt_msM-00148-00049247-00049358 gonna lie Kp4QsXt_msM-00149-00049359-00049535 trust this Kp4QsXt_msM-00150-00049536-00049695 thrust will take into the Kp4QsXt_msM-00151-00049696-00050210 curling one Kp4QsXt_msM-00152-00050211-00050479 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00153-00050480-00050823 oh wow wow that is Kp4QsXt_msM-00154-00050824-00050918 that is Kp4QsXt_msM-00155-00050919-00051127 magic Kp4QsXt_msM-00156-00051128-00051463 i slept Kp4QsXt_msM-00157-00051464-00052087 what next is at least three times Kp4QsXt_msM-00158-00052088-00052391 that was concerningly bad Kp4QsXt_msM-00159-00052392-00052694 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00160-00052695-00054030 okay Kp4QsXt_msM-00161-00054032-00054279 human girl like this Kp4QsXt_msM-00162-00054279-00054423 hair Kp4QsXt_msM-00163-00054424-00054679 this used to be prime sideman sunday Kp4QsXt_msM-00164-00054679-00054823 material Kp4QsXt_msM-00165-00054824-00055447 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00166-00055448-00055665 first one Kp4QsXt_msM-00167-00055666-00056291 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00168-00056291-00057071 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00169-00057072-00057287 i get Kp4QsXt_msM-00170-00057288-00057494 the most 2015 edm music in the Kp4QsXt_msM-00171-00057495-00058348 background Kp4QsXt_msM-00172-00058349-00058719 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00173-00058720-00058919 i just realized there's only two camera Kp4QsXt_msM-00174-00058920-00059166 angles in this entire video Kp4QsXt_msM-00175-00059167-00059350 like imagine like i'm pretty sure even Kp4QsXt_msM-00176-00059351-00059755 vlogs are more than that now Kp4QsXt_msM-00177-00059757-00060847 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00178-00060848-00061423 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00179-00061424-00061647 i feel like this is very much just for Kp4QsXt_msM-00180-00061648-00061975 their enjoyment Kp4QsXt_msM-00181-00061976-00062206 i don't think they even wanted it to be Kp4QsXt_msM-00182-00062207-00062454 an incredible video or anything this is Kp4QsXt_msM-00183-00062455-00063442 just them having fun Kp4QsXt_msM-00184-00063444-00064103 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00185-00064104-00064391 is Kp4QsXt_msM-00186-00064392-00064742 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00187-00064744-00064946 you can come Kp4QsXt_msM-00188-00064947-00065935 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00189-00065936-00066455 what the is this Kp4QsXt_msM-00190-00066456-00066638 it wasn't even cameraman it was in Kp4QsXt_msM-00191-00066639-00066806 cameras and Kp4QsXt_msM-00192-00066807-00067667 on tripod Kp4QsXt_msM-00193-00067668-00067887 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00194-00067888-00069159 closest to the middle of the circle Kp4QsXt_msM-00195-00069160-00069503 how did he miss Kp4QsXt_msM-00196-00069504-00069655 he's gonna kick him Kp4QsXt_msM-00197-00069656-00070472 nope Kp4QsXt_msM-00198-00070473-00071159 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00199-00071160-00071606 so Kp4QsXt_msM-00200-00071607-00071700 incredible Kp4QsXt_msM-00201-00071701-00071999 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00202-00072000-00072231 other he's just running into Kp4QsXt_msM-00203-00072232-00072767 them Kp4QsXt_msM-00204-00072768-00074015 this is so big Kp4QsXt_msM-00205-00074016-00074135 i don't even think they know what's Kp4QsXt_msM-00206-00074136-00074871 going on to be honest Kp4QsXt_msM-00207-00074872-00075119 chill as on this Kp4QsXt_msM-00208-00075120-00075682 just calmly slides into the Kp4QsXt_msM-00209-00075683-00076247 edge that's a madness Kp4QsXt_msM-00210-00076248-00077000 you just said off on your legs Kp4QsXt_msM-00211-00077001-00077326 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00212-00077327-00077483 what the is this Kp4QsXt_msM-00213-00077484-00077999 [Music] Kp4QsXt_msM-00214-00078000-00078655 oh what the Kp4QsXt_msM-00215-00078656-00078903 the video kind of that nobody's Kp4QsXt_msM-00216-00078904-00079103 trying to make the video here Kp4QsXt_msM-00217-00079104-00079399 what the are you doing Kp4QsXt_msM-00218-00079400-00079606 download i must remember when that was a Kp4QsXt_msM-00219-00079607-00080038 slogan for the island Kp4QsXt_msM-00220-00080039-00080191 anyway those are Kp4QsXt_msM-00221-00080192-00080487 two technically least viewed videos Kp4QsXt_msM-00222-00080488-00080759 on the simon channel Kp4QsXt_msM-00223-00080760-00081006 i quite enjoyed them to be honest so Kp4QsXt_msM-00224-00081007-00081242 peace Kp4QsXt_msM-00225-00081243-00081554 [Music] KOO_-sU_S20-00000-00000032-00000366 www.coffeeblitz.shop KOO_-sU_S20-00001-00000367-00000574 the best online shop in switzerland to KOO_-sU_S20-00002-00000575-00000774 order your borbone coffee capsules for KOO_-sU_S20-00003-00000775-00000886 less KOO_-sU_S20-00004-00000888-00001231 www.coffeeblitz.shop KOO_-sU_S20-00005-00001232-00001407 subscribe today and order your best KOO_-sU_S20-00006-00001408-00001591 nespresso compatible capsules from KOO_-sU_S20-00008-00006400-00006608 you KSBzm9oTIGA-00000-00000419-00001750 [Music] KSBzm9oTIGA-00001-00001751-00002000 in this video we will explore a bit KSBzm9oTIGA-00002-00002001-00002185 further the question of attention and KSBzm9oTIGA-00003-00002186-00002405 hate speech as opposed to interpretation KSBzm9oTIGA-00004-00002406-00003127 of hate speech the intention of a KSBzm9oTIGA-00005-00003128-00003302 speaker plays a big role in defining KSBzm9oTIGA-00006-00003303-00003563 whether or not there is hate speech if I KSBzm9oTIGA-00007-00003564-00003758 say a hateful word without having the KSBzm9oTIGA-00008-00003759-00003986 intention to you harm I'm more likely to KSBzm9oTIGA-00009-00003986-00004274 be forgiven then if I intended to do KSBzm9oTIGA-00010-00004275-00004544 harm people often cause offence without KSBzm9oTIGA-00011-00004545-00004706 meaning to you and then regret it and KSBzm9oTIGA-00012-00004707-00005047 perhaps even retract their words it is KSBzm9oTIGA-00013-00005048-00005234 even possible that I may express hate KSBzm9oTIGA-00014-00005235-00005404 against a person or a group without KSBzm9oTIGA-00015-00005405-00005579 feeling hatred for the person or the KSBzm9oTIGA-00016-00005580-00005834 group or without knowing the impact of KSBzm9oTIGA-00017-00005835-00006181 what I said for example when a person KSBzm9oTIGA-00018-00006182-00006326 does not know the meaning of the words KSBzm9oTIGA-00019-00006327-00006623 they used if I say wipe out transsexuals KSBzm9oTIGA-00020-00006623-00006823 as a joke in a private email to a friend KSBzm9oTIGA-00021-00006825-00007060 this is different than when I posted on KSBzm9oTIGA-00022-00007061-00007226 the Facebook page of a transgender KSBzm9oTIGA-00023-00007227-00007451 person knowing that the person is KSBzm9oTIGA-00024-00007452-00007514 transgender KSBzm9oTIGA-00025-00007515-00007795 of course both statements are intolerant KSBzm9oTIGA-00026-00007797-00008053 and nasty but one is sad with the KSBzm9oTIGA-00027-00008054-00008291 intention to hurt at the very least the KSBzm9oTIGA-00028-00008292-00008438 two cases would require a different KSBzm9oTIGA-00029-00008439-00008649 response KSBzm9oTIGA-00030-00008650-00008899 but today defining hate speech only KSBzm9oTIGA-00031-00008900-00009103 based on the intention of the person is KSBzm9oTIGA-00032-00009104-00009470 more and more put into question we could KSBzm9oTIGA-00033-00009471-00009692 say that there is a hate speech when KSBzm9oTIGA-00034-00009693-00009871 there are people who feel insulted or KSBzm9oTIGA-00035-00009872-00010549 intimidated by an expression of hate but KSBzm9oTIGA-00036-00010550-00010724 feeling insulted or threatened can vary KSBzm9oTIGA-00037-00010725-00010955 greatly from person to person and from KSBzm9oTIGA-00038-00010956-00011299 situation to situation if I am a KSBzm9oTIGA-00039-00011300-00011471 transgender woman I am of course best KSBzm9oTIGA-00040-00011472-00011726 position to detect to detect when a word KSBzm9oTIGA-00041-00011727-00011912 is offensive towards transgender women KSBzm9oTIGA-00042-00011913-00012142 in general but only if it is considered KSBzm9oTIGA-00043-00012143-00012362 offensive by a majority of transgender KSBzm9oTIGA-00044-00012363-00012560 woman and that community there can be KSBzm9oTIGA-00045-00012561-00012788 differences of opinions whether or not a KSBzm9oTIGA-00046-00012789-00013010 word or expression is considered hate KSBzm9oTIGA-00047-00013011-00013246 speech now most of a majority KSBzm9oTIGA-00048-00013247-00013432 often do not perceive a word as KSBzm9oTIGA-00049-00013433-00013644 insulting because it is not directed KSBzm9oTIGA-00050-00013646-00013897 against them but against one group which KSBzm9oTIGA-00051-00013897-00014071 does not correspond meant to the KSBzm9oTIGA-00052-00014072-00014437 majority normal members of the socially KSBzm9oTIGA-00053-00014438-00014628 discriminated group might develop some KSBzm9oTIGA-00054-00014629-00014800 hypersensitivity when they are KSBzm9oTIGA-00055-00014801-00015016 constantly insulted and feel that KSBzm9oTIGA-00056-00015016-00015219 expression supposed to be neutral by KSBzm9oTIGA-00057-00015221-00015535 majority are not neutral to them in that KSBzm9oTIGA-00058-00015536-00015712 case it is difficult to define hate KSBzm9oTIGA-00059-00015713-00016549 speech in general terms also hateful KSBzm9oTIGA-00060-00016550-00016795 word can be explicit for example in the KSBzm9oTIGA-00061-00016796-00017077 expression Roma people are lazy but in KSBzm9oTIGA-00062-00017078-00017284 other examples this might be much more KSBzm9oTIGA-00063-00017285-00017626 difficult to see a sentence like he is KSBzm9oTIGA-00064-00017627-00017812 an honest hard-working person even KSBzm9oTIGA-00065-00017813-00018064 though he is Roma seems to attribute a KSBzm9oTIGA-00066-00018065-00018310 positive quality to an individual Roma KSBzm9oTIGA-00067-00018311-00018616 but by emphasizing it is as something KSBzm9oTIGA-00068-00018617-00018844 unusual it communicates that it is KSBzm9oTIGA-00069-00018845-00019057 unexpected that the Roma person is KSBzm9oTIGA-00070-00019058-00019132 hardworking KSBzm9oTIGA-00071-00019133-00019420 in that case hate is not explicit but KSBzm9oTIGA-00072-00019421-00019905 implicit and harder to detect and report KSBzm9oTIGA-00073-00019906-00020167 certain political groups of news the KSBzm9oTIGA-00074-00020168-00020494 strategy of implicit hate speech for KSBzm9oTIGA-00075-00020495-00020728 example if a party constantly emphasizes KSBzm9oTIGA-00076-00020729-00020938 that migrants are welcome as long as KSBzm9oTIGA-00077-00020939-00021211 they abide by our laws the statement is KSBzm9oTIGA-00078-00021212-00021364 trivial because it is obvious that KSBzm9oTIGA-00079-00021365-00021613 everyone should respect the law but the KSBzm9oTIGA-00080-00021614-00021781 statement could be interpreted as hate KSBzm9oTIGA-00081-00021782-00022024 because it assumes migrants usually do KSBzm9oTIGA-00082-00022025-00022417 not respect the law so what can we learn KSBzm9oTIGA-00083-00022418-00022612 from all this is that defining hate KSBzm9oTIGA-00084-00022613-00022794 speech is still widely debated and KSBzm9oTIGA-00085-00022795-00023158 should be seen in context KTN_RhLuzoA-00000-00000768-00000983 hello blue team village at defcon 30 KTN_RhLuzoA-00001-00000984-00001247 attendees my name is matt sheer you may KTN_RhLuzoA-00002-00001248-00001607 follow me on twitter at c3rkah KTN_RhLuzoA-00003-00001607-00001942 my talk is called lemier irs a slide KTN_RhLuzoA-00004-00001943-00002126 deck is available by going to KTN_RhLuzoA-00005-00002127-00002407 slides.dfirmat.com KTN_RhLuzoA-00006-00002408-00002550 which will take you to my github KTN_RhLuzoA-00007-00002551-00002750 repository KTN_RhLuzoA-00008-00002751-00002966 what i do is i work for a big well-known KTN_RhLuzoA-00009-00002967-00003199 organization as an assistant vice KTN_RhLuzoA-00010-00003200-00003390 president of computer security and KTN_RhLuzoA-00011-00003392-00003631 incident response however i have many KTN_RhLuzoA-00012-00003632-00003847 years of hands-on technical experience KTN_RhLuzoA-00013-00003847-00004070 including digital forensics and incident KTN_RhLuzoA-00014-00004071-00004415 response i'm also a podcast host for KTN_RhLuzoA-00015-00004416-00004622 threat reel KTN_RhLuzoA-00016-00004623-00004838 where i volunteer is i am an official KTN_RhLuzoA-00017-00004839-00005119 hacking is not a crime advocate i am KTN_RhLuzoA-00018-00005120-00005391 also a wamsa which is the women's KTN_RhLuzoA-00019-00005392-00005606 security alliance technical mentor KTN_RhLuzoA-00020-00005607-00005759 please check out their websites for KTN_RhLuzoA-00021-00005760-00005911 additional details on those KTN_RhLuzoA-00022-00005912-00006127 organizations KTN_RhLuzoA-00023-00006128-00006311 a quick disclaimer is that yes i have a KTN_RhLuzoA-00024-00006312-00006575 day job however opinions expressed are KTN_RhLuzoA-00025-00006576-00006759 based solely on my own independent KTN_RhLuzoA-00026-00006759-00006991 security research and do not express or KTN_RhLuzoA-00027-00006992-00007159 reflect the views or opinions of my KTN_RhLuzoA-00028-00007159-00007342 employer KTN_RhLuzoA-00029-00007343-00007519 my objectives are to show demo KTN_RhLuzoA-00030-00007520-00007783 reenactments of real attacks KTN_RhLuzoA-00031-00007784-00008023 how these real world attacks worked how KTN_RhLuzoA-00032-00008023-00008303 and why they defeated security solutions KTN_RhLuzoA-00033-00008304-00008487 and then show incident responses to KTN_RhLuzoA-00034-00008488-00008646 these attacks KTN_RhLuzoA-00035-00008647-00008887 demo investigation tools and techniques KTN_RhLuzoA-00036-00008888-00009078 and discuss lessons learned in key KTN_RhLuzoA-00037-00009079-00009271 takeaways KTN_RhLuzoA-00038-00009272-00009423 just so we're all starting on the same KTN_RhLuzoA-00039-00009424-00009678 page some acronyms that will be used are KTN_RhLuzoA-00040-00009679-00009791 ioc KTN_RhLuzoA-00041-00009792-00009999 or ioc which is an indicator of KTN_RhLuzoA-00042-00010000-00010359 compromise ir which is incident response KTN_RhLuzoA-00043-00010360-00010614 and dfir which is digital forensics and KTN_RhLuzoA-00044-00010615-00010823 incident response KTN_RhLuzoA-00045-00010824-00011191 other disclaimers demos are based on 100 KTN_RhLuzoA-00046-00011192-00011438 true stories these demos dutifully KTN_RhLuzoA-00047-00011439-00011742 recreate actual attacks however some KTN_RhLuzoA-00048-00011743-00011935 details were altered KTN_RhLuzoA-00049-00011936-00012223 also investigation demos are sped up KTN_RhLuzoA-00050-00012224-00012455 considerably in the interest of allotted KTN_RhLuzoA-00051-00012456-00012655 presentation time KTN_RhLuzoA-00052-00012656-00012863 and i will be doing demos on a live KTN_RhLuzoA-00053-00012863-00012974 system KTN_RhLuzoA-00054-00012975-00013222 however please pretend that's a sandbox KTN_RhLuzoA-00055-00013223-00013455 because one should only perform these KTN_RhLuzoA-00056-00013456-00013686 techniques in a dedicated KTN_RhLuzoA-00057-00013687-00013919 and securely isolated and volatile KTN_RhLuzoA-00058-00013919-00014047 sandbox KTN_RhLuzoA-00059-00014047-00014279 my first scenario is called the mystery KTN_RhLuzoA-00060-00014280-00014438 attachment KTN_RhLuzoA-00061-00014440-00014630 let me preface this scenario by saying KTN_RhLuzoA-00062-00014631-00014799 there was a news headline from august KTN_RhLuzoA-00063-00014800-00015094 17th of 2018 and the headline was KTN_RhLuzoA-00064-00015095-00015383 mousebam campaign targets banks using KTN_RhLuzoA-00065-00015384-00015558 microsoft publisher KTN_RhLuzoA-00066-00015559-00015750 this was very unusual KTN_RhLuzoA-00067-00015751-00016038 not that mouseman campaigns or targeting KTN_RhLuzoA-00068-00016040-00016230 banks is unusual but it was the fact KTN_RhLuzoA-00069-00016231-00016415 that the threat actors were using KTN_RhLuzoA-00070-00016416-00016639 microsoft publisher to deliver their KTN_RhLuzoA-00071-00016640-00016767 payload KTN_RhLuzoA-00072-00016768-00016943 you expect to find those type of KTN_RhLuzoA-00073-00016944-00017230 payloads in microsoft word or microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00074-00017231-00017335 excel KTN_RhLuzoA-00075-00017336-00017503 things that KTN_RhLuzoA-00076-00017504-00017758 can have macros you might even expect to KTN_RhLuzoA-00077-00017759-00018094 see them within adobe pdf files but to KTN_RhLuzoA-00078-00018095-00018279 see this distributed through microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00079-00018280-00018575 publisher was very unusual KTN_RhLuzoA-00080-00018576-00018767 the headline was the flawed amy rat was KTN_RhLuzoA-00081-00018768-00018975 part of the nickers botnet as reported KTN_RhLuzoA-00082-00018976-00019271 by researchers at trustwave and there's KTN_RhLuzoA-00083-00019272-00019503 a link in the slide deck to that article KTN_RhLuzoA-00084-00019504-00019743 after that was released it was picked up KTN_RhLuzoA-00085-00019744-00020119 by a number of other news agencies KTN_RhLuzoA-00086-00020120-00020327 the following week as i'm sitting at my KTN_RhLuzoA-00087-00020328-00020583 desk dutifully multitasking on a lot of KTN_RhLuzoA-00088-00020584-00020855 things i had somebody run up to my desk KTN_RhLuzoA-00089-00020856-00021055 and they are very anxious KTN_RhLuzoA-00090-00021056-00021335 in a frantic manner they're saying matt KTN_RhLuzoA-00091-00021336-00021414 help KTN_RhLuzoA-00092-00021415-00021655 one of our vips with access to lots of KTN_RhLuzoA-00093-00021656-00021894 very sensitive information just got hit KTN_RhLuzoA-00094-00021895-00022103 in that recent mousebam campaign KTN_RhLuzoA-00095-00022104-00022391 targeting banks it matches the iocs from KTN_RhLuzoA-00096-00022392-00022647 reports of that new flawed amy rat which KTN_RhLuzoA-00097-00022648-00022871 is part of the nakur's botnet the KTN_RhLuzoA-00098-00022872-00023030 recipient attempted to open the KTN_RhLuzoA-00099-00023031-00023214 microsoft publisher attachment on their KTN_RhLuzoA-00100-00023215-00023455 smartphone i need you to drop whatever KTN_RhLuzoA-00101-00023456-00023703 you are doing and investigate this we'll KTN_RhLuzoA-00102-00023704-00023975 get you the attachment asap KTN_RhLuzoA-00103-00023976-00024191 in this instance i'm not particularly KTN_RhLuzoA-00104-00024192-00024519 the best mobile forensics person or the KTN_RhLuzoA-00105-00024520-00024822 most best mobile incident responder KTN_RhLuzoA-00106-00024823-00025055 but there really wasn't anybody else KTN_RhLuzoA-00107-00025056-00025311 qualified to look at it so i agreed that KTN_RhLuzoA-00108-00025312-00025519 i would be happy to do it KTN_RhLuzoA-00109-00025520-00025694 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00110-00025695-00025990 when i first came up to my desk i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00111-00025991-00026183 really focused on thinking through what KTN_RhLuzoA-00112-00026183-00026327 i'm going to do with the investigation KTN_RhLuzoA-00113-00026327-00026487 because they stood there and continued KTN_RhLuzoA-00114-00026488-00026614 talking KTN_RhLuzoA-00115-00026616-00026727 really KTN_RhLuzoA-00116-00026727-00026967 they sort of got me amped up and worked KTN_RhLuzoA-00117-00026968-00027039 up KTN_RhLuzoA-00118-00027039-00027335 because of their anxiety KTN_RhLuzoA-00119-00027336-00027511 so to talk through the investigation of KTN_RhLuzoA-00120-00027512-00027679 this scenario we're going to open up the KTN_RhLuzoA-00121-00027680-00028014 file in the sandbox now in my case KTN_RhLuzoA-00122-00028016-00028279 i'm doing this on a live linux system i KTN_RhLuzoA-00123-00028280-00028462 do not have microsoft publisher KTN_RhLuzoA-00124-00028463-00028679 available to me so i'm going to open the KTN_RhLuzoA-00125-00028680-00028951 file inside of libreoffice draw and for KTN_RhLuzoA-00126-00028952-00029158 our purposes we'll just have to pretend KTN_RhLuzoA-00127-00029160-00029367 that is the professional sandbox that KTN_RhLuzoA-00128-00029368-00029655 has microsoft publisher in it i'm going KTN_RhLuzoA-00129-00029656-00029918 to do a strings demo KTN_RhLuzoA-00130-00029919-00030174 and then i'm going to hash the file and KTN_RhLuzoA-00131-00030175-00030295 show KTN_RhLuzoA-00132-00030295-00030527 everyone what the search look like KTN_RhLuzoA-00133-00030527-00030735 now that's a very small snippet i KTN_RhLuzoA-00134-00030736-00030943 actually spent a lot of time KTN_RhLuzoA-00135-00030944-00031151 investigating researching and reading KTN_RhLuzoA-00136-00031152-00031239 about KTN_RhLuzoA-00137-00031239-00031511 flawed amy reading about an occurs KTN_RhLuzoA-00138-00031512-00031646 looking for KTN_RhLuzoA-00139-00031647-00031943 indicators to compromise looking for any KTN_RhLuzoA-00140-00031944-00032151 details that would help explain what KTN_RhLuzoA-00141-00032152-00032431 this does and how it works and then KTN_RhLuzoA-00142-00032432-00032662 finally i will take a look at the exit KTN_RhLuzoA-00143-00032663-00032943 data and demo that as i ponder my next KTN_RhLuzoA-00144-00032944-00033190 steps KTN_RhLuzoA-00145-00033191-00033439 so let's go and take a look at the file KTN_RhLuzoA-00146-00033440-00033743 again this is inside of libreoffice draw KTN_RhLuzoA-00147-00033744-00033918 in microsoft publisher i couldn't KTN_RhLuzoA-00148-00033919-00034167 actually find where the macros were at KTN_RhLuzoA-00149-00034168-00034415 and i myself never used microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00150-00034416-00034687 publisher so i was a little lost KTN_RhLuzoA-00151-00034688-00034871 what was interesting though is the KTN_RhLuzoA-00152-00034872-00035079 publisher file itself sort of looked KTN_RhLuzoA-00153-00035080-00035255 like this it came up and stated that KTN_RhLuzoA-00154-00035256-00035471 macros had to be enabled to display the KTN_RhLuzoA-00155-00035472-00035711 contents of the document and i had an KTN_RhLuzoA-00156-00035712-00035974 instruction to clip click on the enable KTN_RhLuzoA-00157-00035975-00036239 content button uh in my situation i KTN_RhLuzoA-00158-00036240-00036455 could never get the enable content KTN_RhLuzoA-00159-00036456-00036823 button to essentially pop up i couldn't KTN_RhLuzoA-00160-00036824-00037135 find the macros in the file and KTN_RhLuzoA-00161-00037136-00037279 when the KTN_RhLuzoA-00162-00037280-00037527 analysis was complete in the sandbox it KTN_RhLuzoA-00163-00037528-00037735 actually gave the file a relatively KTN_RhLuzoA-00164-00037736-00037951 clean bill of health it did not detect KTN_RhLuzoA-00165-00037952-00038135 anything malicious about it which i KTN_RhLuzoA-00166-00038136-00038479 thought was highly unusual especially KTN_RhLuzoA-00167-00038480-00038711 given what i was looking at KTN_RhLuzoA-00168-00038712-00038935 so i wanted to do a little bit more KTN_RhLuzoA-00169-00038936-00039095 research on it KTN_RhLuzoA-00170-00039096-00039287 one thing i like to do as well is just KTN_RhLuzoA-00171-00039288-00039535 to see if there's anything hidden uh in KTN_RhLuzoA-00172-00039536-00039735 the file that i don't know about KTN_RhLuzoA-00173-00039736-00039935 so what the strings command will do is KTN_RhLuzoA-00174-00039936-00040102 the strings command will essentially KTN_RhLuzoA-00175-00040103-00040295 pull human readable text KTN_RhLuzoA-00176-00040296-00040518 out of any particular file now what i KTN_RhLuzoA-00177-00040519-00040695 like to do personally is i like to pipe KTN_RhLuzoA-00178-00040696-00040983 out the strings command into the less KTN_RhLuzoA-00179-00040984-00041246 command that way when i run it i can KTN_RhLuzoA-00180-00041247-00041430 essentially arrow up and down and KTN_RhLuzoA-00181-00041431-00041590 navigate through the file without KTN_RhLuzoA-00182-00041591-00041871 everything scrolling by past my ability KTN_RhLuzoA-00183-00041872-00042087 to read it and at the top there's some KTN_RhLuzoA-00184-00042088-00042335 interesting things here KTN_RhLuzoA-00185-00042336-00042615 as i did research i found out these KTN_RhLuzoA-00186-00042616-00042846 look very much in place for what you KTN_RhLuzoA-00187-00042847-00043062 would expect for a genuine microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00188-00043063-00043215 publisher file KTN_RhLuzoA-00189-00043216-00043479 i did arrow down and read through a KTN_RhLuzoA-00190-00043480-00043615 whole lot of stuff i didn't find KTN_RhLuzoA-00191-00043616-00043774 anything particularly interesting about KTN_RhLuzoA-00192-00043775-00044055 the file i was analyzing KTN_RhLuzoA-00193-00044056-00044158 so KTN_RhLuzoA-00194-00044159-00044343 what i wanted to do next was essentially KTN_RhLuzoA-00195-00044344-00044646 hash the file in my case all of our KTN_RhLuzoA-00196-00044647-00045071 tools used shaw 256 which is something i KTN_RhLuzoA-00197-00045072-00045367 was comfortable with gathering and then KTN_RhLuzoA-00198-00045368-00045718 looking within our security toolkits KTN_RhLuzoA-00199-00045719-00045902 when you're looking for malware and KTN_RhLuzoA-00200-00045903-00046127 looking for known samples md5 is KTN_RhLuzoA-00201-00046128-00046287 probably sufficient KTN_RhLuzoA-00202-00046288-00046471 if KTN_RhLuzoA-00203-00046472-00046687 you have md5 in your environment and KTN_RhLuzoA-00204-00046688-00046918 that's the preferred hashing algorithm KTN_RhLuzoA-00205-00046919-00047111 that's probably what you want to use in KTN_RhLuzoA-00206-00047112-00047358 our case it was shaw256 but you can KTN_RhLuzoA-00207-00047359-00047567 essentially do that either way KTN_RhLuzoA-00208-00047568-00047807 so i run that command i'm able to get a KTN_RhLuzoA-00209-00047808-00048079 hash value for the particular file KTN_RhLuzoA-00210-00048080-00048390 and essentially search on that if i did KTN_RhLuzoA-00211-00048391-00048711 want to run the md5 sum i can do that as KTN_RhLuzoA-00212-00048712-00048911 well KTN_RhLuzoA-00213-00048912-00049239 and get the results for that KTN_RhLuzoA-00214-00049240-00049511 so what i did when i had the hash is i KTN_RhLuzoA-00215-00049512-00049686 started searching for it and of course KTN_RhLuzoA-00216-00049687-00049886 one of the first go-to places for me KTN_RhLuzoA-00217-00049887-00050151 personally was virustotal KTN_RhLuzoA-00218-00050152-00050383 and it may be difficult to read but in KTN_RhLuzoA-00219-00050384-00050630 the address field of the browser you can KTN_RhLuzoA-00220-00050631-00050758 actually see KTN_RhLuzoA-00221-00050759-00051046 the hash value in there KTN_RhLuzoA-00222-00051047-00051230 in this case no match is found on KTN_RhLuzoA-00223-00051232-00051446 virustotal which i thought was unusual KTN_RhLuzoA-00224-00051447-00051670 because virustotal gets an awful lot of KTN_RhLuzoA-00225-00051671-00051863 samples KTN_RhLuzoA-00226-00051864-00052135 jotty malware scan is uh doesn't have as KTN_RhLuzoA-00227-00052136-00052414 many scan engines as virustotal but it's KTN_RhLuzoA-00228-00052415-00052654 a similar type of uh KTN_RhLuzoA-00229-00052655-00052887 solution and when i looked out there KTN_RhLuzoA-00230-00052888-00053150 again i found nothing of interest or KTN_RhLuzoA-00231-00053151-00053279 value KTN_RhLuzoA-00232-00053279-00053438 you can see the hash file there and you KTN_RhLuzoA-00233-00053439-00053687 can see the hash was not found KTN_RhLuzoA-00234-00053688-00054015 so i went into hybrid analysis and again KTN_RhLuzoA-00235-00054016-00054311 no results for the engine while querying KTN_RhLuzoA-00236-00054312-00054550 the hash value KTN_RhLuzoA-00237-00054551-00054759 and finally i just actually did a google KTN_RhLuzoA-00238-00054760-00054950 search just to see if anything at all KTN_RhLuzoA-00239-00054951-00055142 would come back and it really came back KTN_RhLuzoA-00240-00055144-00055487 that no documents nothing was matched so KTN_RhLuzoA-00241-00055488-00055735 i wasn't quite sure exactly KTN_RhLuzoA-00242-00055736-00056094 what i wanted to do next at that point KTN_RhLuzoA-00243-00056095-00056303 again i spent a lot of time researching KTN_RhLuzoA-00244-00056304-00056503 things and so forth KTN_RhLuzoA-00245-00056504-00056607 uh KTN_RhLuzoA-00246-00056608-00056719 and then KTN_RhLuzoA-00247-00056720-00057047 i'm thinking well this mobile device KTN_RhLuzoA-00248-00057048-00057135 it's KTN_RhLuzoA-00249-00057136-00057319 sort of at risk KTN_RhLuzoA-00250-00057320-00057535 is this something that we want to get KTN_RhLuzoA-00251-00057536-00057894 from the end user uh and essentially KTN_RhLuzoA-00252-00057895-00058103 what do we do with it is it sufficient KTN_RhLuzoA-00253-00058104-00058175 to KTN_RhLuzoA-00254-00058176-00058479 do a security wipe on the device and KTN_RhLuzoA-00255-00058479-00058679 give it back to the user KTN_RhLuzoA-00256-00058679-00059054 do we confiscate this thing KTN_RhLuzoA-00257-00059055-00059319 what exactly is a good course of action KTN_RhLuzoA-00258-00059320-00059454 i didn't feel KTN_RhLuzoA-00259-00059455-00059559 that KTN_RhLuzoA-00260-00059560-00059766 essentially saying well KTN_RhLuzoA-00261-00059767-00059926 the chances microsoft publisher KTN_RhLuzoA-00262-00059927-00060319 infecting an iphone are small that just KTN_RhLuzoA-00263-00060320-00060575 wasn't acceptable level of risk i also KTN_RhLuzoA-00264-00060576-00060807 wasn't sure i was even comfortable with KTN_RhLuzoA-00265-00060808-00060894 the KTN_RhLuzoA-00266-00060895-00061054 risk of KTN_RhLuzoA-00267-00061055-00061238 wiping the device and letting the user KTN_RhLuzoA-00268-00061239-00061447 have it back in fact i can tell you that KTN_RhLuzoA-00269-00061448-00061750 i wasn't comfortable with that at all KTN_RhLuzoA-00270-00061751-00062166 and so another thought i had was KTN_RhLuzoA-00271-00062167-00062415 let me look into it this particular user KTN_RhLuzoA-00272-00062416-00062742 was not due for a device refresh yet KTN_RhLuzoA-00273-00062744-00062838 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00274-00062839-00063103 but they were very close to it so KTN_RhLuzoA-00275-00063104-00063350 i was almost thinking well perhaps we KTN_RhLuzoA-00276-00063351-00063582 can confiscate the device KTN_RhLuzoA-00277-00063583-00063766 shut it down KTN_RhLuzoA-00278-00063767-00063982 and then put it in our forensics lab and KTN_RhLuzoA-00279-00063983-00064199 then get this individual new device KTN_RhLuzoA-00280-00064200-00064399 issued they were close enough to the KTN_RhLuzoA-00281-00064400-00064542 date where we definitely could have KTN_RhLuzoA-00282-00064544-00064694 justified that KTN_RhLuzoA-00283-00064695-00064887 as i'm thinking through these and other KTN_RhLuzoA-00284-00064888-00065038 thoughts and spending time research i KTN_RhLuzoA-00285-00065039-00065206 thought well this is sort of silly but i KTN_RhLuzoA-00286-00065207-00065415 actually have not looked at the exif KTN_RhLuzoA-00287-00065416-00065679 data for the file now in windows at KTN_RhLuzoA-00288-00065680-00065894 simply right-clicking in the file going KTN_RhLuzoA-00289-00065895-00066071 to the properties and drilling into the KTN_RhLuzoA-00290-00066072-00066263 details to see what you can learn about KTN_RhLuzoA-00291-00066264-00066471 it you always have to take exit data KTN_RhLuzoA-00292-00066472-00066735 with a grain of salt though because exit KTN_RhLuzoA-00293-00066736-00066975 data can be spoofed KTN_RhLuzoA-00294-00066976-00067111 and so KTN_RhLuzoA-00295-00067112-00067367 it's not perfectly reliable but i KTN_RhLuzoA-00296-00067368-00067663 thought well maybe there's another KTN_RhLuzoA-00297-00067664-00067887 artifact i can find in exit data that KTN_RhLuzoA-00298-00067888-00068063 will tell me something interesting about KTN_RhLuzoA-00299-00068064-00068319 the file so let me go back to my command KTN_RhLuzoA-00300-00068320-00068463 prompt let me go ahead and clear the KTN_RhLuzoA-00301-00068464-00068647 screen KTN_RhLuzoA-00302-00068648-00068871 and in my case since i'm on linux i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00303-00068872-00069126 going to run the plural exit tool KTN_RhLuzoA-00304-00069127-00069567 on this particular publisher file KTN_RhLuzoA-00305-00069568-00069726 and when i do that KTN_RhLuzoA-00306-00069727-00069935 some interesting information i have the KTN_RhLuzoA-00307-00069936-00070255 file name at the top i can see the date KTN_RhLuzoA-00308-00070256-00070494 time stamps and so forth KTN_RhLuzoA-00309-00070495-00070687 this was interesting the file type and KTN_RhLuzoA-00310-00070688-00070903 file extension KTN_RhLuzoA-00311-00070904-00071103 fpx not something i'd really seen before KTN_RhLuzoA-00312-00071104-00071238 but then again i'd never really looked KTN_RhLuzoA-00313-00071239-00071494 at publisher files before my research KTN_RhLuzoA-00314-00071495-00071711 told me that those were legitimate KTN_RhLuzoA-00315-00071712-00072023 things that you expect to find KTN_RhLuzoA-00316-00072024-00072159 within a KTN_RhLuzoA-00317-00072160-00072506 publisher file the mime type image KTN_RhLuzoA-00318-00072507-00072911 vnd.fpx and then the KTN_RhLuzoA-00319-00072912-00073111 later on you see that it is microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00320-00073112-00073335 publisher i get to the author and it KTN_RhLuzoA-00321-00073336-00073638 didn't exactly say test fish it wasn't KTN_RhLuzoA-00322-00073639-00073862 uh quite that blatant but let's go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-00323-00073863-00074119 and talk about what it was uh really for KTN_RhLuzoA-00324-00074120-00074382 me personally it was a face palm moment KTN_RhLuzoA-00325-00074383-00074550 just simply realizing that the email KTN_RhLuzoA-00326-00074551-00074726 attachment i spent all this time KTN_RhLuzoA-00327-00074727-00074982 analyzing actually came from our test KTN_RhLuzoA-00328-00074983-00075223 fishing vendor now i said the exit data KTN_RhLuzoA-00329-00075224-00075447 can be spoofed and that is true so i KTN_RhLuzoA-00330-00075448-00075815 didn't just accept that as definitive KTN_RhLuzoA-00331-00075816-00076071 what i did do though is i went through KTN_RhLuzoA-00332-00076072-00076382 and i looked at our email system and i KTN_RhLuzoA-00333-00076383-00076599 double checked the message headers and KTN_RhLuzoA-00334-00076600-00076879 they were what i expected KTN_RhLuzoA-00335-00076880-00077159 it came from the ip address associated KTN_RhLuzoA-00336-00077160-00077415 with our test phishing vendor mail KTN_RhLuzoA-00337-00077416-00077526 servers KTN_RhLuzoA-00338-00077527-00077694 of course when i'm looking at it i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00339-00077695-00077919 reading yes matt this really is your KTN_RhLuzoA-00340-00077920-00078103 test fishing vendor's ipa address you KTN_RhLuzoA-00341-00078104-00078206 don't KTN_RhLuzoA-00342-00078207-00078367 it's okay if you want to laugh at my KTN_RhLuzoA-00343-00078368-00078679 pain this was a definite painful lesson KTN_RhLuzoA-00344-00078680-00078791 learned KTN_RhLuzoA-00345-00078792-00078999 in this particular case KTN_RhLuzoA-00346-00079000-00079215 but KTN_RhLuzoA-00347-00079216-00079415 what went wrong my case is i got caught KTN_RhLuzoA-00348-00079416-00079591 up in the moment by subconsciously KTN_RhLuzoA-00349-00079592-00079759 letting somebody else influence my KTN_RhLuzoA-00350-00079760-00079903 investigation KTN_RhLuzoA-00351-00079904-00080094 so their anxiety and bad assumptions KTN_RhLuzoA-00352-00080095-00080238 were off on me KTN_RhLuzoA-00353-00080239-00080471 one should always start with the message KTN_RhLuzoA-00354-00080472-00080655 headers when they're conducting KTN_RhLuzoA-00355-00080656-00080735 uh KTN_RhLuzoA-00356-00080736-00080967 an investigation of a phishing email and KTN_RhLuzoA-00357-00080968-00081311 the contents and ironically i've given KTN_RhLuzoA-00358-00081312-00081550 talks on phishing forensics and i've KTN_RhLuzoA-00359-00081551-00081759 always always always stated to start KTN_RhLuzoA-00360-00081760-00081967 with the message headers but this one KTN_RhLuzoA-00361-00081968-00082150 time i got tunnel visioned on the KTN_RhLuzoA-00362-00082151-00082406 attachment and so i abandoned my own KTN_RhLuzoA-00363-00082407-00082647 standards this one time by focusing on KTN_RhLuzoA-00364-00082648-00082894 the attachment first and it really came KTN_RhLuzoA-00365-00082895-00083087 back to bite me KTN_RhLuzoA-00366-00083088-00083255 in this case there really were no KTN_RhLuzoA-00367-00083256-00083503 remediation steps as it was KTN_RhLuzoA-00368-00083504-00083735 what you might consider a false alarm KTN_RhLuzoA-00369-00083736-00083975 the road to redemption in this case were KTN_RhLuzoA-00370-00083976-00084206 painful lessons learned for my reminders KTN_RhLuzoA-00371-00084207-00084391 to stick to my standard investigative KTN_RhLuzoA-00372-00084392-00084582 processes and procedures KTN_RhLuzoA-00373-00084583-00084782 if i had started my investigation by KTN_RhLuzoA-00374-00084783-00085023 inspecting the message headers first i KTN_RhLuzoA-00375-00085024-00085206 could have closed out the investigation KTN_RhLuzoA-00376-00085207-00085415 in minutes instead of hours KTN_RhLuzoA-00377-00085416-00085687 and then in this particular instance no KTN_RhLuzoA-00378-00085688-00086023 further technical actions were required KTN_RhLuzoA-00379-00086024-00086247 my second scenario is called security KTN_RhLuzoA-00380-00086248-00086447 scanner evasion KTN_RhLuzoA-00381-00086448-00086631 i'd like to preface this scenario by KTN_RhLuzoA-00382-00086632-00086831 stating that there were identical KTN_RhLuzoA-00383-00086832-00087038 phishing emails and they started hitting KTN_RhLuzoA-00384-00087039-00087294 inboxes we were actually getting wide KTN_RhLuzoA-00385-00087295-00087543 scale reports of phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00386-00087544-00087631 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00387-00087632-00087838 the link what was interesting about the KTN_RhLuzoA-00388-00087839-00088031 link is when i looked at it in a KTN_RhLuzoA-00389-00088032-00088279 security scanner tool is it appeared KTN_RhLuzoA-00390-00088280-00088543 that the page was already offline KTN_RhLuzoA-00391-00088544-00088743 if that were truly the case then it KTN_RhLuzoA-00392-00088744-00088894 might be a situation where it was KTN_RhLuzoA-00393-00088895-00089062 nothing to worry about KTN_RhLuzoA-00394-00089063-00089262 i wasn't quite ready to accept that at KTN_RhLuzoA-00395-00089263-00089423 face value so let's go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-00396-00089424-00089694 investigate this and find out KTN_RhLuzoA-00397-00089695-00089791 what we're going to do for our KTN_RhLuzoA-00398-00089792-00089935 investigation is we're going to take a KTN_RhLuzoA-00399-00089936-00090191 look at the email message and the source KTN_RhLuzoA-00400-00090192-00090462 code we're going to note any hyperlinks KTN_RhLuzoA-00401-00090463-00090671 and then we're going to check out the KTN_RhLuzoA-00402-00090672-00090935 landing page with our security scanner KTN_RhLuzoA-00403-00090936-00091167 and that's something i'm just sort of KTN_RhLuzoA-00404-00091168-00091343 simulating here KTN_RhLuzoA-00405-00091344-00091462 then we're going to take a look at the KTN_RhLuzoA-00406-00091463-00091671 landing page source code and then KTN_RhLuzoA-00407-00091672-00091806 finally we're going to open up the KTN_RhLuzoA-00408-00091807-00092159 phishing page in a sandbox and again i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00409-00092160-00092487 on my local machine here doing demos KTN_RhLuzoA-00410-00092488-00092735 so this is going to be a simulated uh KTN_RhLuzoA-00411-00092736-00092975 pretend sandbox if you will let's go and KTN_RhLuzoA-00412-00092976-00093223 take a look at the email message itself KTN_RhLuzoA-00413-00093224-00093543 and so here's a sample email message KTN_RhLuzoA-00414-00093544-00093823 and so the from field in this particular KTN_RhLuzoA-00415-00093824-00094135 one i've called it from evil dot scammer KTN_RhLuzoA-00416-00094136-00094399 at promise we are legit dot com KTN_RhLuzoA-00417-00094400-00094655 the subject in this email message is KTN_RhLuzoA-00418-00094656-00094918 this link is totally safe KTN_RhLuzoA-00419-00094919-00095174 and in this case it's coming to phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00420-00095175-00095415 target which is unwitting.victim KTN_RhLuzoA-00421-00095416-00095711 randomtarget.org KTN_RhLuzoA-00422-00095712-00095918 email message simply reads hello fishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00423-00095919-00096111 target we have a really important KTN_RhLuzoA-00424-00096112-00096374 message for you to retrieve your message KTN_RhLuzoA-00425-00096375-00096718 click here and that's not real subtle it KTN_RhLuzoA-00426-00096719-00096926 stands out about as much as it could KTN_RhLuzoA-00427-00096927-00097262 possibly stand out regards spoof sender KTN_RhLuzoA-00428-00097263-00097447 now i've had a lot of people ask me matt KTN_RhLuzoA-00429-00097448-00097662 have you actually used this as a test KTN_RhLuzoA-00430-00097663-00097862 fishing template KTN_RhLuzoA-00431-00097863-00097935 to KTN_RhLuzoA-00432-00097936-00098231 do phishing testing for user educational KTN_RhLuzoA-00433-00098232-00098543 purposes and the answer is no KTN_RhLuzoA-00434-00098544-00098718 and part of that is i'm not sure i KTN_RhLuzoA-00435-00098719-00098918 really want to know because my deepest KTN_RhLuzoA-00436-00098919-00099071 fear is there's still going to be that KTN_RhLuzoA-00437-00099072-00099326 one person in the organization that's KTN_RhLuzoA-00438-00099327-00099487 still going to be gullible enough to KTN_RhLuzoA-00439-00099488-00099735 actually click on this hyperlink KTN_RhLuzoA-00440-00099736-00099935 and so even though there's more red KTN_RhLuzoA-00441-00099936-00100126 flags in this particular email than KTN_RhLuzoA-00442-00100127-00100391 vladimir putin has in his garages KTN_RhLuzoA-00443-00100392-00100687 souvenirs from his old kgb days my fear KTN_RhLuzoA-00444-00100688-00100855 is somebody would still actually click KTN_RhLuzoA-00445-00100856-00100943 on it KTN_RhLuzoA-00446-00100944-00101079 in this case KTN_RhLuzoA-00447-00101080-00101287 a lot of people will tell you to hover KTN_RhLuzoA-00448-00101288-00101582 over to get the hyperlink in an email KTN_RhLuzoA-00449-00101583-00101694 message KTN_RhLuzoA-00450-00101695-00101855 i don't like to do that for a couple KTN_RhLuzoA-00451-00101856-00102055 reasons one is you might accidentally KTN_RhLuzoA-00452-00102056-00102271 click on the link and two KTN_RhLuzoA-00453-00102272-00102518 i'm just sort of leery back in the KTN_RhLuzoA-00454-00102519-00102678 distant past there used to be some KTN_RhLuzoA-00455-00102679-00102958 issues with certain male clients in KTN_RhLuzoA-00456-00102959-00103302 webmail where javascript might run on a KTN_RhLuzoA-00457-00103303-00103463 mouse over or KTN_RhLuzoA-00458-00103464-00103847 uh and on hover that kind of thing so i KTN_RhLuzoA-00459-00103848-00104063 tend to go the extra cautious route and KTN_RhLuzoA-00460-00104064-00104286 i'm going to go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-00461-00104288-00104527 come in here into the view menu and pull KTN_RhLuzoA-00462-00104528-00104702 up the message source KTN_RhLuzoA-00463-00104703-00104863 i'll make this a little bit bigger so KTN_RhLuzoA-00464-00104864-00105054 it's not such an eye chart to try and KTN_RhLuzoA-00465-00105055-00105158 read KTN_RhLuzoA-00466-00105159-00105415 and what i like to do in an email KTN_RhLuzoA-00467-00105416-00105734 message is if i just do a search a text KTN_RhLuzoA-00468-00105735-00105943 search for http KTN_RhLuzoA-00469-00105944-00106086 i'm generally going to find what i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00470-00106088-00106247 looking for KTN_RhLuzoA-00471-00106248-00106527 and in this case i have one result and KTN_RhLuzoA-00472-00106528-00106799 it found my hyperlink and so i'm going KTN_RhLuzoA-00473-00106800-00107007 to go ahead and copy this particular KTN_RhLuzoA-00474-00107008-00107102 link KTN_RhLuzoA-00475-00107103-00107319 and see what we have KTN_RhLuzoA-00476-00107320-00107686 and let me go back to my command line KTN_RhLuzoA-00477-00107688-00107839 and there's a couple things that we can KTN_RhLuzoA-00478-00107840-00108247 do to obtain the source code for this KTN_RhLuzoA-00479-00108248-00108486 before i do that let me go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-00480-00108488-00108719 show what it actually looks like inside KTN_RhLuzoA-00481-00108720-00108847 of my KTN_RhLuzoA-00482-00108848-00109207 test sandbox so if i open up the page KTN_RhLuzoA-00483-00109208-00109358 i get what appears to be a normal KTN_RhLuzoA-00484-00109359-00109615 looking 404 page saying that the file or KTN_RhLuzoA-00485-00109616-00109847 the directory is not found if this were KTN_RhLuzoA-00486-00109848-00110047 truly the case it could be a situation KTN_RhLuzoA-00487-00110048-00110278 where this has already been cleaned up KTN_RhLuzoA-00488-00110279-00110454 and there's nothing to worry about KTN_RhLuzoA-00489-00110455-00110615 because it would appear that the KTN_RhLuzoA-00490-00110616-00110863 malicious site is offline KTN_RhLuzoA-00491-00110864-00111031 not wanting to take that at face value KTN_RhLuzoA-00492-00111032-00111190 there's a couple ways we can look at the KTN_RhLuzoA-00493-00111191-00111366 source code for that KTN_RhLuzoA-00494-00111367-00111607 one of them is we can use the curl KTN_RhLuzoA-00495-00111608-00111719 command KTN_RhLuzoA-00496-00111720-00112015 and we can paste in the address KTN_RhLuzoA-00497-00112016-00112286 and i can output the results to a file KTN_RhLuzoA-00498-00112288-00112647 of my choosing so for output let me go KTN_RhLuzoA-00499-00112648-00112783 ahead and call this something like first KTN_RhLuzoA-00500-00112783-00112902 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00501-00112903-00113078 i'm sorry let me go ahead and call this KTN_RhLuzoA-00502-00113079-00113207 unknown KTN_RhLuzoA-00503-00113208-00113439 dot html KTN_RhLuzoA-00504-00113440-00113654 and it retrieves the file KTN_RhLuzoA-00505-00113655-00113990 um there's other ways to do this if you KTN_RhLuzoA-00506-00113991-00114190 don't have curl available on the system KTN_RhLuzoA-00507-00114191-00114407 you could always try wget and see if KTN_RhLuzoA-00508-00114408-00114654 wget is installed and with that i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00509-00114655-00114775 going to go ahead and re-paste the KTN_RhLuzoA-00510-00114776-00114990 address in here it's going to retrieve KTN_RhLuzoA-00511-00114991-00115166 the file for me KTN_RhLuzoA-00512-00115167-00115431 this case let me clear off this stuff KTN_RhLuzoA-00513-00115432-00115671 and so i've retrieved the file a couple KTN_RhLuzoA-00514-00115672-00115943 different ways KTN_RhLuzoA-00515-00115944-00116190 forensically it doesn't gonna KTN_RhLuzoA-00516-00116191-00116615 make a big difference which way i use KTN_RhLuzoA-00517-00116616-00116839 to prove that let me go ahead and take a KTN_RhLuzoA-00518-00116840-00117127 look at the html files in here now we've KTN_RhLuzoA-00519-00117128-00117351 got different names based on how i KTN_RhLuzoA-00520-00117352-00117575 uh output those results KTN_RhLuzoA-00521-00117576-00117839 but what we can tell is that roughly we KTN_RhLuzoA-00522-00117840-00118039 have the same KTN_RhLuzoA-00523-00118040-00118319 file byte size on these now one thing KTN_RhLuzoA-00524-00118320-00118543 it's an artifact of demoing this on a KTN_RhLuzoA-00525-00118544-00118751 local system that's running a local web KTN_RhLuzoA-00526-00118752-00118847 server KTN_RhLuzoA-00527-00118848-00119166 is that the wget actually retains the KTN_RhLuzoA-00528-00119167-00119502 original date that that was created KTN_RhLuzoA-00529-00119503-00119839 that's really just an artifact of uh the KTN_RhLuzoA-00530-00119840-00120054 fact that it's on a local system KTN_RhLuzoA-00531-00120055-00120310 typically when you run wget on line KTN_RhLuzoA-00532-00120311-00120551 you're going to get the current time KTN_RhLuzoA-00533-00120552-00120775 when it was retrieved just like my curl KTN_RhLuzoA-00534-00120776-00120958 output here but you can see that we KTN_RhLuzoA-00535-00120959-00121247 definitely have the same file sizes and KTN_RhLuzoA-00536-00121248-00121502 again just to prove that these really KTN_RhLuzoA-00537-00121503-00121686 are the same file KTN_RhLuzoA-00538-00121688-00121927 i'm going to go ahead and run a sha-256 KTN_RhLuzoA-00539-00121928-00122247 sum on all of the KTN_RhLuzoA-00540-00122248-00122543 html files in here and what we can see KTN_RhLuzoA-00541-00122544-00122783 is it doesn't matter if we use curl or KTN_RhLuzoA-00542-00122783-00122990 if we use w get KTN_RhLuzoA-00543-00122991-00123283 these results really are KTN_RhLuzoA-00544-00123283-00123519 identical and so KTN_RhLuzoA-00545-00123520-00123751 what we want to do is actually take a KTN_RhLuzoA-00546-00123752-00123886 look at these KTN_RhLuzoA-00547-00123888-00124071 one of these files KTN_RhLuzoA-00548-00124072-00124263 so let me just go ahead and pop up one KTN_RhLuzoA-00549-00124264-00124990 of these inside of a text editor here KTN_RhLuzoA-00550-00124991-00125190 and it doesn't really matter which text KTN_RhLuzoA-00551-00125191-00125439 editor you use i'm just using something KTN_RhLuzoA-00552-00125440-00125671 that's simple that i can KTN_RhLuzoA-00553-00125672-00125886 make bigger that hopefully isn't too KTN_RhLuzoA-00554-00125888-00126134 difficult to read on screen now whether KTN_RhLuzoA-00555-00126135-00126414 you can actually read the javascript or KTN_RhLuzoA-00556-00126415-00126678 not i'm going to explain how this works KTN_RhLuzoA-00557-00126679-00126910 so here at the top we have our standard KTN_RhLuzoA-00558-00126911-00127071 html file KTN_RhLuzoA-00559-00127072-00127302 it's declaring script and in this case KTN_RhLuzoA-00560-00127303-00127534 it's going to be javascript KTN_RhLuzoA-00561-00127535-00127790 and what we start seeing is we see KTN_RhLuzoA-00562-00127791-00128054 an if else KTN_RhLuzoA-00563-00128055-00128190 loop KTN_RhLuzoA-00564-00128191-00128519 and so what it's looking for is KTN_RhLuzoA-00565-00128520-00128654 user agents KTN_RhLuzoA-00566-00128655-00128871 so navigator.useragent KTN_RhLuzoA-00567-00128872-00129039 and so we see things that should be KTN_RhLuzoA-00568-00129040-00129263 recognizable here KTN_RhLuzoA-00569-00129264-00129575 and so this one in particular is chrome KTN_RhLuzoA-00570-00129576-00129695 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00571-00129696-00129902 what we see is KTN_RhLuzoA-00572-00129903-00130166 it's doing an if if it's chrome then KTN_RhLuzoA-00573-00130167-00130383 replace the window location or in other KTN_RhLuzoA-00574-00130383-00130631 words redirect the traffic to another KTN_RhLuzoA-00575-00130632-00130727 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00576-00130728-00130958 and we have near identical code except KTN_RhLuzoA-00577-00130959-00131199 down here we're looking at microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00578-00131200-00131439 edge we're looking at firefox we're KTN_RhLuzoA-00579-00131440-00131702 looking at microsoft internet explorer KTN_RhLuzoA-00580-00131703-00132031 the opera web browser and the safari web KTN_RhLuzoA-00581-00132032-00132199 browser KTN_RhLuzoA-00582-00132200-00132447 and so we have all these different if KTN_RhLuzoA-00583-00132448-00132583 statements KTN_RhLuzoA-00584-00132584-00132871 and then down here we have our final KTN_RhLuzoA-00585-00132872-00133214 else so if none of these things matched KTN_RhLuzoA-00586-00133215-00133390 then it should replace the window KTN_RhLuzoA-00587-00133391-00133711 location with a 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00588-00133712-00134031 now that's interesting because these KTN_RhLuzoA-00589-00134032-00134335 are really all of the common web KTN_RhLuzoA-00590-00134336-00134623 browsers that most systems would tend to KTN_RhLuzoA-00591-00134624-00135014 have so in other words if a visitor is KTN_RhLuzoA-00592-00135015-00135231 going to a website using a popular web KTN_RhLuzoA-00593-00135232-00135487 browser it's going to send the traffic KTN_RhLuzoA-00594-00135488-00135759 one place and if it doesn't match any of KTN_RhLuzoA-00595-00135760-00135983 that it's sending it to this 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00596-00135984-00136199 and if you remember from our security KTN_RhLuzoA-00597-00136200-00136543 scanner demo that what we had was in KTN_RhLuzoA-00598-00136544-00136799 fact a 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00599-00136800-00136943 and so KTN_RhLuzoA-00600-00136944-00137119 it's interesting because the result KTN_RhLuzoA-00601-00137120-00137351 doesn't necessarily match what has been KTN_RhLuzoA-00602-00137352-00137695 hidden underneath the scenes down here KTN_RhLuzoA-00603-00137696-00137854 so KTN_RhLuzoA-00604-00137855-00138151 this tells us an awful lot and to give KTN_RhLuzoA-00605-00138152-00138383 everybody an idea of what this actually KTN_RhLuzoA-00606-00138384-00138614 looks like if we open up the web page in KTN_RhLuzoA-00607-00138615-00138735 a browser KTN_RhLuzoA-00608-00138736-00139031 google actually tells us hey this looks KTN_RhLuzoA-00609-00139032-00139295 so much sketchy and when i pull it up KTN_RhLuzoA-00610-00139296-00139407 here KTN_RhLuzoA-00611-00139408-00139583 what i get is KTN_RhLuzoA-00612-00139584-00139902 what very much appears to be a typical KTN_RhLuzoA-00613-00139903-00140302 microsoft office 365 type of login so we KTN_RhLuzoA-00614-00140303-00140535 can actually see what's happening when KTN_RhLuzoA-00615-00140536-00140783 the site is visited by a common web KTN_RhLuzoA-00616-00140784-00140911 browser KTN_RhLuzoA-00617-00140912-00141063 so let's go ahead and talk about this a KTN_RhLuzoA-00618-00141064-00141239 little bit KTN_RhLuzoA-00619-00141240-00141454 we looked at the browser user agent KTN_RhLuzoA-00620-00141455-00141671 string redirection KTN_RhLuzoA-00621-00141672-00141966 i sort of explained how that works KTN_RhLuzoA-00622-00141967-00142254 taking this a step further KTN_RhLuzoA-00623-00142255-00142471 in this case i got lucky because the KTN_RhLuzoA-00624-00142472-00142735 thread actors had used javascript so i KTN_RhLuzoA-00625-00142736-00142983 could tell their redirects happening and KTN_RhLuzoA-00626-00142984-00143151 i could tell exactly how they were KTN_RhLuzoA-00627-00143152-00143399 happening if the threat actors had used KTN_RhLuzoA-00628-00143400-00143647 a server side language and there's KTN_RhLuzoA-00629-00143648-00143783 certainly a number of them here KTN_RhLuzoA-00630-00143784-00144063 including php python and and several KTN_RhLuzoA-00631-00144064-00144295 others i have listed by no means is that KTN_RhLuzoA-00632-00144296-00144511 an all-inclusive list KTN_RhLuzoA-00633-00144512-00144814 but those are very common to find as KTN_RhLuzoA-00634-00144815-00145023 server-side languages KTN_RhLuzoA-00635-00145024-00145254 what's interesting is you can't view KTN_RhLuzoA-00636-00145255-00145566 source code on server-side languages KTN_RhLuzoA-00637-00145567-00145799 in a standard properly secured web KTN_RhLuzoA-00638-00145800-00146102 server configuration KTN_RhLuzoA-00639-00146103-00146431 what is also interesting is that if KTN_RhLuzoA-00640-00146432-00146639 let's say for example the thread actors KTN_RhLuzoA-00641-00146640-00146807 had a KTN_RhLuzoA-00642-00146808-00147023 payload that only worked within the KTN_RhLuzoA-00643-00147024-00147271 firefox web browser for example they KTN_RhLuzoA-00644-00147272-00147575 could actually target the payload based KTN_RhLuzoA-00645-00147576-00147847 on a specific web browser so that it KTN_RhLuzoA-00646-00147848-00148135 would only round rob and execute a KTN_RhLuzoA-00647-00148136-00148351 malicious download KTN_RhLuzoA-00648-00148352-00148614 for example when people using the KTN_RhLuzoA-00649-00148615-00148807 firefox web browser might visit a KTN_RhLuzoA-00650-00148808-00149039 particular page KTN_RhLuzoA-00651-00149040-00149207 those same KTN_RhLuzoA-00652-00149208-00149359 code KTN_RhLuzoA-00653-00149360-00149663 snippets i showed could be further KTN_RhLuzoA-00654-00149664-00149814 targeting KTN_RhLuzoA-00655-00149815-00150151 specific browser versions within those KTN_RhLuzoA-00656-00150152-00150559 brands so for example if we had a KTN_RhLuzoA-00657-00150560-00150823 version of an exploit that worked only KTN_RhLuzoA-00658-00150824-00151054 on certain browsers below a certain KTN_RhLuzoA-00659-00151055-00151295 version number uh those checks could be KTN_RhLuzoA-00660-00151296-00151535 baked into the code and they would be KTN_RhLuzoA-00661-00151536-00151726 very hard to KTN_RhLuzoA-00662-00151727-00151999 sort of analyze then KTN_RhLuzoA-00663-00152000-00152271 but also typically that round robin KTN_RhLuzoA-00664-00152272-00152575 could redirect a user so fast that they KTN_RhLuzoA-00665-00152576-00152751 wouldn't even notice KTN_RhLuzoA-00666-00152752-00152911 that the page KTN_RhLuzoA-00667-00152912-00153119 took time to load but it would also make KTN_RhLuzoA-00668-00153120-00153399 it very tricky to analyze so those are KTN_RhLuzoA-00669-00153400-00153551 sort of things that thread actually KTN_RhLuzoA-00670-00153552-00153887 could do to make this worse and honestly KTN_RhLuzoA-00671-00153888-00154087 i think i've sort of seen some of these KTN_RhLuzoA-00672-00154088-00154278 type of things in the wild KTN_RhLuzoA-00673-00154279-00154463 it's just very hard if you don't have KTN_RhLuzoA-00674-00154464-00154743 direct control or access to a web server KTN_RhLuzoA-00675-00154744-00155007 to know for certain KTN_RhLuzoA-00676-00155008-00155223 in this case our remediation steps were KTN_RhLuzoA-00677-00155224-00155375 we determined the actual phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00678-00155376-00155583 landing page and we blocked it through KTN_RhLuzoA-00679-00155584-00155854 web content filtering we also worked KTN_RhLuzoA-00680-00155855-00156087 with our secure email gateway vendor to KTN_RhLuzoA-00681-00156088-00156359 block the active phishing campaign KTN_RhLuzoA-00682-00156360-00156583 my second scenario is called security KTN_RhLuzoA-00683-00156584-00156790 scanner evasion KTN_RhLuzoA-00684-00156791-00156966 i'd like to preface this scenario by KTN_RhLuzoA-00685-00156967-00157166 stating that there were identical KTN_RhLuzoA-00686-00157167-00157383 phishing emails and they started hitting KTN_RhLuzoA-00687-00157384-00157511 inboxes KTN_RhLuzoA-00688-00157512-00157671 we were actually getting wide scale KTN_RhLuzoA-00689-00157672-00157887 reports of phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00690-00157888-00157966 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00691-00157967-00158175 the link what was interesting about the KTN_RhLuzoA-00692-00158176-00158375 link is when i looked at it in a KTN_RhLuzoA-00693-00158376-00158614 security scanner tool is it appeared KTN_RhLuzoA-00694-00158615-00158878 that the page was already offline KTN_RhLuzoA-00695-00158879-00159087 if that were truly the case then it KTN_RhLuzoA-00696-00159088-00159231 might be a situation where it was KTN_RhLuzoA-00697-00159232-00159487 nothing to worry about i wasn't quite KTN_RhLuzoA-00698-00159488-00159702 ready to accept that at face value so KTN_RhLuzoA-00699-00159703-00159902 let's go ahead and investigate this and KTN_RhLuzoA-00700-00159903-00160039 find out KTN_RhLuzoA-00701-00160040-00160126 what we're going to do for our KTN_RhLuzoA-00702-00160127-00160271 investigation is we're going to take a KTN_RhLuzoA-00703-00160272-00160526 look at the email message and the source KTN_RhLuzoA-00704-00160527-00160807 code we're going to note any hyperlinks KTN_RhLuzoA-00705-00160808-00161014 and then we're going to check out the KTN_RhLuzoA-00706-00161015-00161278 landing page with our security scanner KTN_RhLuzoA-00707-00161279-00161511 and that's something i'm just sort of KTN_RhLuzoA-00708-00161512-00161687 simulating here KTN_RhLuzoA-00709-00161688-00161799 then we're going to take a look at the KTN_RhLuzoA-00710-00161800-00162007 landing page source code and then KTN_RhLuzoA-00711-00162008-00162151 finally we're going to open up the KTN_RhLuzoA-00712-00162152-00162502 phishing page in a sandbox and again i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00713-00162503-00162831 on my local machine here doing demos KTN_RhLuzoA-00714-00162832-00163071 so this is going to be a simulated uh KTN_RhLuzoA-00715-00163072-00163311 pretend sandbox if you will let's go and KTN_RhLuzoA-00716-00163312-00163566 take a look at the email message itself KTN_RhLuzoA-00717-00163567-00163878 and so here's a sample email message KTN_RhLuzoA-00718-00163879-00164166 and so the from field in this particular KTN_RhLuzoA-00719-00164167-00164478 one i've called it from evil dot scammer KTN_RhLuzoA-00720-00164479-00164735 at promise we are legit dot com KTN_RhLuzoA-00721-00164736-00164999 the subject in this email message is KTN_RhLuzoA-00722-00165000-00165263 this link is totally safe KTN_RhLuzoA-00723-00165264-00165519 and in this case it's coming to phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00724-00165520-00165759 target which is unwitting.victim KTN_RhLuzoA-00725-00165760-00166054 randomtarget.org KTN_RhLuzoA-00726-00166055-00166223 email message simply reads hello KTN_RhLuzoA-00727-00166224-00166407 phishingtarget we have a really KTN_RhLuzoA-00728-00166408-00166614 important message for you to retrieve KTN_RhLuzoA-00729-00166615-00166935 your message click here and that's not KTN_RhLuzoA-00730-00166936-00167199 real subtle it stands out about as much KTN_RhLuzoA-00731-00167200-00167471 as it could possibly stand out regards KTN_RhLuzoA-00732-00167472-00167687 spoof sender now i've had a lot of KTN_RhLuzoA-00733-00167688-00167871 people ask me matt have you actually KTN_RhLuzoA-00734-00167872-00168271 used this as a test fishing template to KTN_RhLuzoA-00735-00168272-00168575 do phishing testing for user educational KTN_RhLuzoA-00736-00168576-00168878 purposes and the answer is no KTN_RhLuzoA-00737-00168879-00169054 and part of that is i'm not sure i KTN_RhLuzoA-00738-00169055-00169254 really want to know because my deepest KTN_RhLuzoA-00739-00169255-00169414 fear is there's still going to be that KTN_RhLuzoA-00740-00169415-00169638 one person in the organization KTN_RhLuzoA-00741-00169639-00169814 that's still going to be gullible enough KTN_RhLuzoA-00742-00169815-00170071 to actually click on this hyperlink KTN_RhLuzoA-00743-00170072-00170278 and so even though there's more red KTN_RhLuzoA-00744-00170279-00170471 flags in this particular email than KTN_RhLuzoA-00745-00170472-00170735 vladimir putin has in his garages KTN_RhLuzoA-00746-00170736-00171023 souvenirs from his old kgb days my fear KTN_RhLuzoA-00747-00171024-00171190 is somebody would still actually click KTN_RhLuzoA-00748-00171191-00171287 on it KTN_RhLuzoA-00749-00171288-00171423 in this case KTN_RhLuzoA-00750-00171424-00171631 a lot of people will tell you to hover KTN_RhLuzoA-00751-00171632-00171926 over to get the hyperlink in an email KTN_RhLuzoA-00752-00171927-00172038 message KTN_RhLuzoA-00753-00172039-00172190 i don't like to do that for a couple KTN_RhLuzoA-00754-00172191-00172399 reasons one is you might accidentally KTN_RhLuzoA-00755-00172400-00172695 click on the link and two i'm just sort KTN_RhLuzoA-00756-00172696-00172951 of leery back in the distant past there KTN_RhLuzoA-00757-00172952-00173214 used to be some issues with certain mail KTN_RhLuzoA-00758-00173215-00173543 clients in webmail where javascript KTN_RhLuzoA-00759-00173544-00173919 might run on a mouse over or an on hover KTN_RhLuzoA-00760-00173920-00174102 that kind of thing so KTN_RhLuzoA-00761-00174103-00174375 uh i tend to go the extra cautious route KTN_RhLuzoA-00762-00174376-00174623 and i'm going to go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-00763-00174624-00174863 come in here into the view menu and pull KTN_RhLuzoA-00764-00174864-00175047 up the message source KTN_RhLuzoA-00765-00175048-00175199 i'll make this a little bit bigger so KTN_RhLuzoA-00766-00175200-00175399 it's not such an eye chart to try and KTN_RhLuzoA-00767-00175400-00175495 read KTN_RhLuzoA-00768-00175496-00175751 and what i like to do in an email KTN_RhLuzoA-00769-00175752-00176071 message is if i just do a search a text KTN_RhLuzoA-00770-00176072-00176359 search for http uh i'm generally gonna KTN_RhLuzoA-00771-00176360-00176687 find what i'm looking for in this case i KTN_RhLuzoA-00772-00176688-00176983 have one result and it found my KTN_RhLuzoA-00773-00176984-00177175 hyperlink and so i'm going to go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-00774-00177176-00177438 and copy this particular link KTN_RhLuzoA-00775-00177439-00177654 and see what we have KTN_RhLuzoA-00776-00177655-00178031 and let me go back to my command line KTN_RhLuzoA-00777-00178032-00178183 and there's a couple things that we can KTN_RhLuzoA-00778-00178184-00178590 do to obtain the source code for this KTN_RhLuzoA-00779-00178591-00178823 before i do that let me go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-00780-00178824-00179063 show what it actually looks like inside KTN_RhLuzoA-00781-00179064-00179190 of my KTN_RhLuzoA-00782-00179191-00179335 test sandbox KTN_RhLuzoA-00783-00179336-00179551 so if i open up the page KTN_RhLuzoA-00784-00179552-00179702 i get what appears to be a normal KTN_RhLuzoA-00785-00179703-00179959 looking 404 page saying that the file or KTN_RhLuzoA-00786-00179960-00180190 the directory is not found if this were KTN_RhLuzoA-00787-00180191-00180390 truly the case it could be a situation KTN_RhLuzoA-00788-00180391-00180623 where this has already been cleaned up KTN_RhLuzoA-00789-00180624-00180790 and there's nothing to worry about KTN_RhLuzoA-00790-00180791-00180959 because it would appear that the KTN_RhLuzoA-00791-00180960-00181247 malicious site is offline uh not wanting KTN_RhLuzoA-00792-00181248-00181399 to take that at face value there's a KTN_RhLuzoA-00793-00181400-00181566 couple ways we can look at the source KTN_RhLuzoA-00794-00181567-00181711 code for that KTN_RhLuzoA-00795-00181712-00181951 one of them is we can use the curl KTN_RhLuzoA-00796-00181952-00182063 command KTN_RhLuzoA-00797-00182064-00182351 and we can paste in the address KTN_RhLuzoA-00798-00182352-00182623 and i can output the results to a file KTN_RhLuzoA-00799-00182624-00182943 of my choosing so for output KTN_RhLuzoA-00800-00182944-00183071 let me go ahead and call this something KTN_RhLuzoA-00801-00183072-00183247 like first page KTN_RhLuzoA-00802-00183248-00183423 i'm sorry let me go ahead and call this KTN_RhLuzoA-00803-00183424-00183551 unknown KTN_RhLuzoA-00804-00183552-00183783 dot html KTN_RhLuzoA-00805-00183784-00184071 and it retrieves the file KTN_RhLuzoA-00806-00184072-00184335 there's other ways to do this if you KTN_RhLuzoA-00807-00184336-00184526 don't have curl available in a system KTN_RhLuzoA-00808-00184527-00184751 you could always try wget and see if KTN_RhLuzoA-00809-00184752-00184990 wget is installed and with that i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-00810-00184991-00185111 going to go ahead and re-paste the KTN_RhLuzoA-00811-00185112-00185254 address in here KTN_RhLuzoA-00812-00185255-00185502 it's going to retrieve the file for me KTN_RhLuzoA-00813-00185503-00185775 this case let me clear off this stuff KTN_RhLuzoA-00814-00185776-00186014 and so i've retrieved the file a couple KTN_RhLuzoA-00815-00186015-00186278 different ways KTN_RhLuzoA-00816-00186279-00186638 forensically it doesn't gonna make a big KTN_RhLuzoA-00817-00186639-00186751 difference KTN_RhLuzoA-00818-00186752-00187071 which way i use uh to prove that let me KTN_RhLuzoA-00819-00187072-00187295 go ahead and take a look at the html KTN_RhLuzoA-00820-00187296-00187519 files in here now we've got different KTN_RhLuzoA-00821-00187520-00187687 names based on how i KTN_RhLuzoA-00822-00187688-00187911 uh output those results KTN_RhLuzoA-00823-00187912-00188183 but what we can tell is that roughly we KTN_RhLuzoA-00824-00188184-00188375 have the same KTN_RhLuzoA-00825-00188376-00188654 file byte size on these now one thing KTN_RhLuzoA-00826-00188655-00188887 it's an artifact of demoing this on a KTN_RhLuzoA-00827-00188888-00189095 local system that's running a local web KTN_RhLuzoA-00828-00189096-00189471 server is that the wget actually retains KTN_RhLuzoA-00829-00189472-00189847 the original date that that was created KTN_RhLuzoA-00830-00189848-00190183 that's really just an artifact of uh the KTN_RhLuzoA-00831-00190184-00190390 fact that it's on a local system KTN_RhLuzoA-00832-00190391-00190654 typically when you run wget on line KTN_RhLuzoA-00833-00190655-00190895 you're going to get the current time KTN_RhLuzoA-00834-00190896-00191119 when it was retrieved just like my curl KTN_RhLuzoA-00835-00191120-00191302 output here but you can see that we KTN_RhLuzoA-00836-00191303-00191583 definitely have the same file sizes and KTN_RhLuzoA-00837-00191584-00191838 again just to prove that these really KTN_RhLuzoA-00838-00191839-00192087 are the same file i'm going to go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-00839-00192088-00192350 and run a sha-256 sum KTN_RhLuzoA-00840-00192351-00192590 on all of the KTN_RhLuzoA-00841-00192591-00192878 html files in here and what we can see KTN_RhLuzoA-00842-00192879-00193126 is it doesn't matter if we use curl or KTN_RhLuzoA-00843-00193127-00193326 if we use w get KTN_RhLuzoA-00844-00193327-00193463 these results KTN_RhLuzoA-00845-00193464-00193719 really are identical KTN_RhLuzoA-00846-00193720-00193854 and so KTN_RhLuzoA-00847-00193855-00194087 what we want to do is actually take a KTN_RhLuzoA-00848-00194088-00194231 look at these KTN_RhLuzoA-00849-00194232-00194407 one of these files KTN_RhLuzoA-00850-00194408-00194607 so let me just go ahead and pop up one KTN_RhLuzoA-00851-00194608-00195326 of these inside of a text editor here KTN_RhLuzoA-00852-00195327-00195535 and it doesn't really matter which text KTN_RhLuzoA-00853-00195536-00195783 editor you use i'm just using something KTN_RhLuzoA-00854-00195784-00196007 that's simple that i can KTN_RhLuzoA-00855-00196008-00196223 make bigger that hopefully isn't too KTN_RhLuzoA-00856-00196224-00196478 difficult to read on screen now whether KTN_RhLuzoA-00857-00196479-00196759 you can actually read the javascript or KTN_RhLuzoA-00858-00196760-00197014 not i'm going to explain how this works KTN_RhLuzoA-00859-00197015-00197247 so here at the top we have our standard KTN_RhLuzoA-00860-00197248-00197583 html file uh it's declaring script and KTN_RhLuzoA-00861-00197584-00197878 in this case it's going to be javascript KTN_RhLuzoA-00862-00197879-00198135 and what we start seeing is we see KTN_RhLuzoA-00863-00198136-00198390 an if else KTN_RhLuzoA-00864-00198391-00198854 loop um and so what it's looking for is KTN_RhLuzoA-00865-00198855-00199214 user agents so navigator.useragent KTN_RhLuzoA-00866-00199215-00199383 and so we see things that should be KTN_RhLuzoA-00867-00199384-00199726 recognizable here uh and so this one in KTN_RhLuzoA-00868-00199727-00199919 particular is chrome KTN_RhLuzoA-00869-00199920-00200038 and KTN_RhLuzoA-00870-00200039-00200359 what we see is uh it's doing an if if KTN_RhLuzoA-00871-00200360-00200599 it's chrome then replace the window KTN_RhLuzoA-00872-00200600-00200847 location or in other words redirect the KTN_RhLuzoA-00873-00200848-00201071 traffic to another page KTN_RhLuzoA-00874-00201072-00201302 and we have near identical code except KTN_RhLuzoA-00875-00201303-00201543 down here we're looking at microsoft KTN_RhLuzoA-00876-00201544-00201775 edge we're looking at firefox we're KTN_RhLuzoA-00877-00201776-00202047 looking at microsoft internet explorer KTN_RhLuzoA-00878-00202048-00202366 the opera web browser and the safari web KTN_RhLuzoA-00879-00202367-00202543 browser KTN_RhLuzoA-00880-00202544-00202783 and so we have all these different if KTN_RhLuzoA-00881-00202784-00202926 statements KTN_RhLuzoA-00882-00202927-00203214 and then down here we have our final KTN_RhLuzoA-00883-00203215-00203550 else so if none of these things matched KTN_RhLuzoA-00884-00203551-00203726 then it should replace the window KTN_RhLuzoA-00885-00203727-00204047 location with a 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00886-00204048-00204366 now that's interesting because these KTN_RhLuzoA-00887-00204367-00204671 are really all of the common web KTN_RhLuzoA-00888-00204672-00204958 browsers that most systems would tend to KTN_RhLuzoA-00889-00204959-00205351 have so in other words if a visitor is KTN_RhLuzoA-00890-00205352-00205575 going to a website using a popular web KTN_RhLuzoA-00891-00205576-00205831 browser it's going to send the traffic KTN_RhLuzoA-00892-00205832-00206103 one place and if it doesn't match any of KTN_RhLuzoA-00893-00206104-00206327 that it's sending it to this 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00894-00206328-00206542 and if you remember from our security KTN_RhLuzoA-00895-00206544-00206879 scanner demo that what we had was in KTN_RhLuzoA-00896-00206880-00207134 fact a 404 page KTN_RhLuzoA-00897-00207135-00207279 and so KTN_RhLuzoA-00898-00207280-00207455 it's interesting because the result KTN_RhLuzoA-00899-00207456-00207694 doesn't necessarily match what has been KTN_RhLuzoA-00900-00207696-00208031 hidden underneath the scenes down here KTN_RhLuzoA-00901-00208032-00208190 so KTN_RhLuzoA-00902-00208191-00208486 this tells us an awful lot and to give KTN_RhLuzoA-00903-00208487-00208727 everybody an idea of what this actually KTN_RhLuzoA-00904-00208728-00208958 looks like if we open up the web page in KTN_RhLuzoA-00905-00208959-00209231 a browser uh google actually tells us KTN_RhLuzoA-00906-00209232-00209558 hey this looks so much sketchy and when KTN_RhLuzoA-00907-00209559-00209751 i pull it up here KTN_RhLuzoA-00908-00209752-00209927 what i get is KTN_RhLuzoA-00909-00209928-00210246 what very much appears to be a typical KTN_RhLuzoA-00910-00210248-00210639 microsoft office 365 type of login so we KTN_RhLuzoA-00911-00210640-00210871 can actually see what's happening when KTN_RhLuzoA-00912-00210871-00211119 the site is visited by a common web KTN_RhLuzoA-00913-00211119-00211246 browser KTN_RhLuzoA-00914-00211248-00211398 so let's go ahead and talk about this a KTN_RhLuzoA-00915-00211400-00211575 little bit KTN_RhLuzoA-00916-00211576-00211791 we looked at the browser user agent KTN_RhLuzoA-00917-00211792-00212015 string redirection KTN_RhLuzoA-00918-00212016-00212303 i sort of explained how that works KTN_RhLuzoA-00919-00212304-00212598 taking this a step further KTN_RhLuzoA-00920-00212600-00212806 in this case i got lucky because the KTN_RhLuzoA-00921-00212807-00213039 thread actors had used javascript KTN_RhLuzoA-00922-00213040-00213239 so i could tell there were directs KTN_RhLuzoA-00923-00213240-00213446 happening and i could tell exactly how KTN_RhLuzoA-00924-00213448-00213694 they were happening if the threat actors KTN_RhLuzoA-00925-00213696-00213942 had used a server side language and KTN_RhLuzoA-00926-00213944-00214119 there's certainly a number of them here KTN_RhLuzoA-00927-00214119-00214406 including php python and and several KTN_RhLuzoA-00928-00214407-00214639 others i have listed by no means is that KTN_RhLuzoA-00929-00214640-00214855 an all-inclusive list KTN_RhLuzoA-00930-00214856-00215151 but those are very common to find as KTN_RhLuzoA-00931-00215152-00215367 server-side languages KTN_RhLuzoA-00932-00215367-00215591 what's interesting is you can't view KTN_RhLuzoA-00933-00215592-00215903 source code on server side languages KTN_RhLuzoA-00934-00215904-00216142 in a standard properly secured web KTN_RhLuzoA-00935-00216144-00216439 server configuration KTN_RhLuzoA-00936-00216440-00216775 what is also interesting is that if KTN_RhLuzoA-00937-00216776-00216975 let's say for example the thread actors KTN_RhLuzoA-00938-00216976-00217142 had a KTN_RhLuzoA-00939-00217144-00217367 payload that only worked within the KTN_RhLuzoA-00940-00217367-00217615 firefox web browser for example they KTN_RhLuzoA-00941-00217616-00217910 could actually target the payload based KTN_RhLuzoA-00942-00217911-00218191 on a specific web browser so that it KTN_RhLuzoA-00943-00218192-00218303 would only KTN_RhLuzoA-00944-00218304-00218694 round robin execute a malicious download KTN_RhLuzoA-00945-00218696-00218951 for example when people using the KTN_RhLuzoA-00946-00218952-00219151 firefox web browser might visit a KTN_RhLuzoA-00947-00219152-00219382 particular page KTN_RhLuzoA-00948-00219383-00219694 those same code KTN_RhLuzoA-00949-00219696-00220006 snippets i showed could be further KTN_RhLuzoA-00950-00220007-00220151 targeting KTN_RhLuzoA-00951-00220152-00220487 specific browser versions within those KTN_RhLuzoA-00952-00220488-00220903 brands so for example if we had a KTN_RhLuzoA-00953-00220904-00221158 version of an exploit that worked only KTN_RhLuzoA-00954-00221159-00221391 on certain browsers below a certain KTN_RhLuzoA-00955-00221392-00221527 version number KTN_RhLuzoA-00956-00221528-00221727 those checks could be baked into the KTN_RhLuzoA-00957-00221728-00222071 code and they would be very hard to KTN_RhLuzoA-00958-00222071-00222342 sort of analyze then KTN_RhLuzoA-00959-00222344-00222606 but also typically that round robin KTN_RhLuzoA-00960-00222607-00222919 could redirect a user so fast that they KTN_RhLuzoA-00961-00222919-00223223 wouldn't even notice uh that the page KTN_RhLuzoA-00962-00223223-00223439 uh took time to load but it would also KTN_RhLuzoA-00963-00223440-00223727 make it very tricky to analyze so those KTN_RhLuzoA-00964-00223728-00223894 are sort of things that threat actually KTN_RhLuzoA-00965-00223896-00224231 could do to make this worse and honestly KTN_RhLuzoA-00966-00224232-00224431 i think i've sort of seen some of these KTN_RhLuzoA-00967-00224432-00224615 type of things in the wild KTN_RhLuzoA-00968-00224616-00224806 it's just very hard if you don't have KTN_RhLuzoA-00969-00224807-00225079 direct control or access to a web server KTN_RhLuzoA-00970-00225080-00225342 to know for certain KTN_RhLuzoA-00971-00225344-00225558 in this case our remediation steps were KTN_RhLuzoA-00972-00225559-00225710 we determined the actual phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-00973-00225711-00225919 landing page and we blocked it through KTN_RhLuzoA-00974-00225919-00226110 web content filtering KTN_RhLuzoA-00975-00226111-00226327 we also worked with our secure email KTN_RhLuzoA-00976-00226328-00226519 gateway vendor to block the active KTN_RhLuzoA-00977-00226519-00226687 phishing campaign KTN_RhLuzoA-00978-00226688-00226879 my third scenario is called the rabbit KTN_RhLuzoA-00979-00226880-00227351 hole KTN_RhLuzoA-00980-00227352-00227598 i want to preface this scenario by KTN_RhLuzoA-00981-00227600-00227791 saying that i received a request from a KTN_RhLuzoA-00982-00227792-00228094 user to investigate an email message KTN_RhLuzoA-00983-00228096-00228263 they received to determine if it was KTN_RhLuzoA-00984-00228264-00228494 legitimate or not the email appeared KTN_RhLuzoA-00985-00228496-00228710 fishy at first glance but i had to ask KTN_RhLuzoA-00986-00228711-00229151 is it just suspicious or is it malicious KTN_RhLuzoA-00987-00229152-00229342 for the investigation i can tell from KTN_RhLuzoA-00988-00229344-00229519 the message headers that the source i p KTN_RhLuzoA-00989-00229519-00229782 address was a mismatch from the sender's KTN_RhLuzoA-00990-00229783-00229919 domain KTN_RhLuzoA-00991-00229919-00230079 however the message source was KTN_RhLuzoA-00992-00230080-00230263 particularly interesting because the KTN_RhLuzoA-00993-00230264-00230494 link text did not match the hyperlink KTN_RhLuzoA-00994-00230496-00230694 destination and we're going to do a KTN_RhLuzoA-00995-00230696-00230887 quick demo of that KTN_RhLuzoA-00996-00230888-00231103 and then the malicious threat actors KTN_RhLuzoA-00997-00231104-00231327 objective appeared to be credential KTN_RhLuzoA-00998-00231328-00231558 harvesting for the purposes of account KTN_RhLuzoA-00999-00231559-00231846 takeover so let's go ahead and take a KTN_RhLuzoA-01000-00231848-00232087 look at the email message and then also KTN_RhLuzoA-01001-00232088-00232494 take a look at the hyperlink KTN_RhLuzoA-01002-00232496-00232775 so here's our email message KTN_RhLuzoA-01003-00232776-00232958 and so it comes from KTN_RhLuzoA-01004-00232959-00233119 paypal support KTN_RhLuzoA-01005-00233119-00233527 but the address is ppsupport at pwned KTN_RhLuzoA-01006-00233528-00233719 server.org KTN_RhLuzoA-01007-00233719-00233998 the subject is paypal bank account KTN_RhLuzoA-01008-00234000-00234175 change confirmation KTN_RhLuzoA-01009-00234176-00234423 and it's to phishing target which again KTN_RhLuzoA-01010-00234423-00234634 is our unwitting.victim KTN_RhLuzoA-01011-00234635-00234927 randomtarget.org the email simply reads KTN_RhLuzoA-01012-00234928-00235182 dear paypal customer we received your KTN_RhLuzoA-01013-00235183-00235391 request to update your bank account on KTN_RhLuzoA-01014-00235392-00235639 file this process will complete in the KTN_RhLuzoA-01015-00235640-00235887 next four hours if you did not request KTN_RhLuzoA-01016-00235888-00236079 these changes to your paypal account KTN_RhLuzoA-01017-00236080-00236263 please log in to reject the pending KTN_RhLuzoA-01018-00236264-00236623 activity and here is a link KTN_RhLuzoA-01019-00236623-00236879 that would actually take you to KTN_RhLuzoA-01020-00236880-00237191 paypal's actual login page KTN_RhLuzoA-01021-00237192-00237487 if that is where you are being sent uh KTN_RhLuzoA-01022-00237488-00237703 and then in this case sincerely paypal KTN_RhLuzoA-01023-00237704-00237871 support KTN_RhLuzoA-01024-00237871-00238071 and i mentioned in there that the link KTN_RhLuzoA-01025-00238071-00238279 text reads one thing but the actual KTN_RhLuzoA-01026-00238280-00238534 hyperlink can go somewhere quite a bit KTN_RhLuzoA-01027-00238535-00238646 different KTN_RhLuzoA-01028-00238648-00238798 so let's go ahead and take a look at the KTN_RhLuzoA-01029-00238800-00238982 message source code here so i'm going to KTN_RhLuzoA-01030-00238983-00239182 go into the view menu pull up the KTN_RhLuzoA-01031-00239183-00239334 message source KTN_RhLuzoA-01032-00239335-00239519 and make this a little more readable for KTN_RhLuzoA-01033-00239519-00239663 everyone KTN_RhLuzoA-01034-00239664-00239927 and so if i search on http it will find KTN_RhLuzoA-01035-00239928-00240334 http https traffic and so KTN_RhLuzoA-01036-00240335-00240551 here we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01037-00240552-00240751 the paypal KTN_RhLuzoA-01038-00240752-00240958 sign in address that we just looked at KTN_RhLuzoA-01039-00240959-00241310 moment ago in the live email message but KTN_RhLuzoA-01040-00241311-00241519 what gets interesting is when we see the KTN_RhLuzoA-01041-00241519-00241806 actual hyperlink in the source code it's KTN_RhLuzoA-01042-00241807-00241998 actually going somewhere completely KTN_RhLuzoA-01043-00242000-00242103 different KTN_RhLuzoA-01044-00242104-00242246 so i'm going to go ahead and copy that KTN_RhLuzoA-01045-00242248-00242351 address KTN_RhLuzoA-01046-00242352-00242439 and KTN_RhLuzoA-01047-00242440-00242646 have that here so we can do some KTN_RhLuzoA-01048-00242648-00242871 analysis on this KTN_RhLuzoA-01049-00242871-00243087 let's go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-01050-00243088-00243263 see what this looks like on a live KTN_RhLuzoA-01051-00243264-00243455 website KTN_RhLuzoA-01052-00243456-00243615 and so again this would be something you KTN_RhLuzoA-01053-00243616-00243823 would typically do in your sandbox KTN_RhLuzoA-01054-00243823-00244103 environment to see what's going on here KTN_RhLuzoA-01055-00244104-00244310 and it certainly has the look and feel KTN_RhLuzoA-01056-00244311-00244623 for a paypal login page when we go there KTN_RhLuzoA-01057-00244623-00244863 but what we want to do is understand KTN_RhLuzoA-01058-00244864-00245039 what is actually happening behind the KTN_RhLuzoA-01059-00245040-00245310 scenes when we investigate this so we've KTN_RhLuzoA-01060-00245311-00245542 taken a look at the link text we see KTN_RhLuzoA-01061-00245544-00245719 that the hyperlink is going somewhere KTN_RhLuzoA-01062-00245719-00245919 else we know the thread actors are KTN_RhLuzoA-01063-00245919-00246127 trying to harvest user names and KTN_RhLuzoA-01064-00246128-00246271 passwords for KTN_RhLuzoA-01065-00246271-00246479 paypal so that they can log in as the KTN_RhLuzoA-01066-00246480-00246934 user and deplete the account of funds KTN_RhLuzoA-01067-00246935-00247206 maybe make fake purchases KTN_RhLuzoA-01068-00247207-00247527 essentially committing financial fraud KTN_RhLuzoA-01069-00247528-00247679 so what we're going to do is we're KTN_RhLuzoA-01070-00247680-00247871 taking a look at the first KTN_RhLuzoA-01071-00247871-00248134 destination and we took a look at the KTN_RhLuzoA-01072-00248135-00248423 source code just a moment ago and we KTN_RhLuzoA-01073-00248423-00248655 know it's going to a web host in a KTN_RhLuzoA-01074-00248656-00248830 foreign country KTN_RhLuzoA-01075-00248831-00248927 but we're going to go ahead and take a KTN_RhLuzoA-01076-00248928-00249191 look at that so let's do that now KTN_RhLuzoA-01077-00249192-00249479 i'm going to go ahead and run curl and KTN_RhLuzoA-01078-00249480-00249615 i'm going to paste in the address i KTN_RhLuzoA-01079-00249616-00249910 copied moment of tarot ago KTN_RhLuzoA-01080-00249911-00250206 and i'm going to output this KTN_RhLuzoA-01081-00250207-00250391 and i'm going to call it something like KTN_RhLuzoA-01082-00250392-00250871 first page that html KTN_RhLuzoA-01083-00250871-00251127 retrieve that and so i want to take a KTN_RhLuzoA-01084-00251128-00251279 look at this file and see what it KTN_RhLuzoA-01085-00251280-00251510 actually looks like so i can understand KTN_RhLuzoA-01086-00251511-00251742 the source code of the page and what's KTN_RhLuzoA-01087-00251744-00251855 happening KTN_RhLuzoA-01088-00251856-00251958 and KTN_RhLuzoA-01089-00251959-00252175 again what we see in the address here is KTN_RhLuzoA-01090-00252176-00252239 a KTN_RhLuzoA-01091-00252240-00252406 be KTN_RhLuzoA-01092-00252407-00252582 top-level domain which we know is the KTN_RhLuzoA-01093-00252583-00252767 country of belgium KTN_RhLuzoA-01094-00252767-00253030 certainly for an american customer on KTN_RhLuzoA-01095-00253031-00253230 paypal we shouldn't be going to a KTN_RhLuzoA-01096-00253231-00253430 belgium domain KTN_RhLuzoA-01097-00253431-00253679 and everything in that phishing email KTN_RhLuzoA-01098-00253680-00253934 essentially tells the user hey you have KTN_RhLuzoA-01099-00253935-00254151 four hours to essentially save your KTN_RhLuzoA-01100-00254152-00254446 account information so people will KTN_RhLuzoA-01101-00254448-00254671 unfortunately maybe fall for that lure KTN_RhLuzoA-01102-00254671-00254846 and think that they're acting in good KTN_RhLuzoA-01103-00254848-00255023 faith to protect their account when the KTN_RhLuzoA-01104-00255023-00255239 reality is they're actually handing over KTN_RhLuzoA-01105-00255240-00255398 all their credentials to the threat KTN_RhLuzoA-01106-00255400-00255582 actors so let's go ahead and take a look KTN_RhLuzoA-01107-00255583-00255782 at this source code and see what it KTN_RhLuzoA-01108-00255783-00256263 looks like KTN_RhLuzoA-01109-00256264-00256423 and i'll make this just a little bit KTN_RhLuzoA-01110-00256423-00256719 bigger here uh for an active web page KTN_RhLuzoA-01111-00256719-00256975 this doesn't look like it has a whole KTN_RhLuzoA-01112-00256976-00257175 lot of information in here we see it is KTN_RhLuzoA-01113-00257176-00257430 a conventional html file KTN_RhLuzoA-01114-00257431-00257655 uh and we see you know title please KTN_RhLuzoA-01115-00257656-00257775 login KTN_RhLuzoA-01116-00257776-00257942 what's interesting down here is we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01117-00257944-00258110 this http KTN_RhLuzoA-01118-00258111-00258215 um KTN_RhLuzoA-01119-00258216-00258463 equive equals refresh inside of this KTN_RhLuzoA-01120-00258464-00258806 meta tag this is a meta redirect KTN_RhLuzoA-01121-00258807-00259046 and content equals zero means it's going KTN_RhLuzoA-01122-00259048-00259239 to happen instantaneously in other words KTN_RhLuzoA-01123-00259240-00259519 it's not going to be a five second delay KTN_RhLuzoA-01124-00259519-00259775 it's going to do it immediately and what KTN_RhLuzoA-01125-00259776-00259958 we see here KTN_RhLuzoA-01126-00259959-00260206 based on the source code KTN_RhLuzoA-01127-00260207-00260382 is it's not going KTN_RhLuzoA-01128-00260383-00260687 to paypal certainly it's not even KTN_RhLuzoA-01129-00260688-00260879 staying in the belgium domain here we KTN_RhLuzoA-01130-00260880-00261191 have a de domain which we know is in KTN_RhLuzoA-01131-00261192-00261430 germany and this is KTN_RhLuzoA-01132-00261431-00261646 certainly highly unusual because now we KTN_RhLuzoA-01133-00261648-00261839 have something where KTN_RhLuzoA-01134-00261840-00261934 the KTN_RhLuzoA-01135-00261935-00262151 link text did not match the hyperlink KTN_RhLuzoA-01136-00262152-00262471 which went to belgium now we have a web KTN_RhLuzoA-01137-00262472-00262758 page being served up we believe in KTN_RhLuzoA-01138-00262759-00263055 germany and these are all very likely KTN_RhLuzoA-01139-00263056-00263182 compromised KTN_RhLuzoA-01140-00263183-00263406 uh web servers in these foreign KTN_RhLuzoA-01141-00263407-00263671 countries KTN_RhLuzoA-01142-00263672-00263919 so now that we have copied the second KTN_RhLuzoA-01143-00263920-00264175 destination address the landing page KTN_RhLuzoA-01144-00264176-00264399 appears to be a compromise web host in a KTN_RhLuzoA-01145-00264400-00264575 foreign country but we're going to take KTN_RhLuzoA-01146-00264576-00264782 a look at this get the source code and KTN_RhLuzoA-01147-00264783-00265030 figure out what how this looks behind KTN_RhLuzoA-01148-00265031-00265182 the scenes KTN_RhLuzoA-01149-00265183-00265463 so similar to what we did before i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-01150-00265464-00265630 going to run curl i'm going to go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-01151-00265631-00265871 and paste in the address for our second KTN_RhLuzoA-01152-00265872-00266206 destination KTN_RhLuzoA-01153-00266207-00266351 this time i'm going to output it to KTN_RhLuzoA-01154-00266352-00266591 something called second page KTN_RhLuzoA-01155-00266592-00266791 that html KTN_RhLuzoA-01156-00266792-00267063 and this again will retrieve the source KTN_RhLuzoA-01157-00267064-00267415 code from the second web page and we KTN_RhLuzoA-01158-00267416-00267599 want to take a look at this and KTN_RhLuzoA-01159-00267600-00267799 understand what's happening KTN_RhLuzoA-01160-00267800-00268055 so let's go ahead and run g edit again KTN_RhLuzoA-01161-00268056-00268230 and in this case KTN_RhLuzoA-01162-00268231-00268367 i'm going to go ahead and pull up second KTN_RhLuzoA-01163-00268368-00268599 page and you can certainly use whatever KTN_RhLuzoA-01164-00268600-00268830 preferred editor again i'm just doing KTN_RhLuzoA-01165-00268831-00269047 demos here and trying to make this KTN_RhLuzoA-01166-00269048-00269295 somewhat easy the ampersand should just KTN_RhLuzoA-01167-00269296-00269527 open in a disassociated process and KTN_RhLuzoA-01168-00269528-00269775 return the terminal back to normal let KTN_RhLuzoA-01169-00269776-00269991 me go and make this bigger KTN_RhLuzoA-01170-00269992-00270247 now this is not the same thing KTN_RhLuzoA-01171-00270248-00270558 that we had for our redirect before this KTN_RhLuzoA-01172-00270559-00270727 looks just a little bit different one KTN_RhLuzoA-01173-00270728-00270895 you can tell it's obviously a little bit KTN_RhLuzoA-01174-00270896-00271175 bigger uh html file KTN_RhLuzoA-01175-00271176-00271287 uh we KTN_RhLuzoA-01176-00271288-00271558 have http meta information but not a KTN_RhLuzoA-01177-00271559-00271775 refresh here KTN_RhLuzoA-01178-00271776-00271919 what's interesting is there is a KTN_RhLuzoA-01179-00271920-00272199 declared title on the page of log into KTN_RhLuzoA-01180-00272200-00272399 your paypal account KTN_RhLuzoA-01181-00272400-00272551 which will be something that would pop KTN_RhLuzoA-01182-00272552-00272815 up and appear within the web browser KTN_RhLuzoA-01183-00272816-00273006 what's different this time though is we KTN_RhLuzoA-01184-00273007-00273223 have an iframe KTN_RhLuzoA-01185-00273224-00273479 and the iframe has a KTN_RhLuzoA-01186-00273480-00273734 another web address in it KTN_RhLuzoA-01187-00273735-00273919 so this is actually not serving up the KTN_RhLuzoA-01188-00273920-00274215 web page we saw this is actually serving KTN_RhLuzoA-01189-00274216-00274327 up in KTN_RhLuzoA-01190-00274328-00274582 a an iframe and what we can tell here KTN_RhLuzoA-01191-00274583-00274887 with absolute positioning and 100 width KTN_RhLuzoA-01192-00274888-00274991 and height KTN_RhLuzoA-01193-00274992-00275215 and no border that it's a seamless KTN_RhLuzoA-01194-00275216-00275495 iframe so in other words when somebody KTN_RhLuzoA-01195-00275496-00275806 visits this particular page it KTN_RhLuzoA-01196-00275807-00276134 it won't look any different um KTN_RhLuzoA-01197-00276135-00276343 that they went to but the reality is KTN_RhLuzoA-01198-00276344-00276534 it's actually serving up content from KTN_RhLuzoA-01199-00276535-00276743 this different address KTN_RhLuzoA-01200-00276744-00276887 so this is definitely getting very KTN_RhLuzoA-01201-00276888-00277143 interesting very quickly uh let's go KTN_RhLuzoA-01202-00277144-00277375 ahead and take a look at the third KTN_RhLuzoA-01203-00277376-00277695 destination address uh and so you know KTN_RhLuzoA-01204-00277696-00278015 again we have if we look at the where KTN_RhLuzoA-01205-00278016-00278182 this is going KTN_RhLuzoA-01206-00278183-00278343 uh we can tell KTN_RhLuzoA-01207-00278344-00278527 that uh KTN_RhLuzoA-01208-00278528-00278855 very soon KTN_RhLuzoA-01209-00278856-00279143 that we have dot n l as our top level KTN_RhLuzoA-01210-00279144-00279406 domain so that is something in the KTN_RhLuzoA-01211-00279407-00279558 netherlands KTN_RhLuzoA-01212-00279559-00279767 so we've we're going ahead and curling KTN_RhLuzoA-01213-00279768-00279903 this page KTN_RhLuzoA-01214-00279904-00280110 we're going to go ahead and output this KTN_RhLuzoA-01215-00280111-00280519 and we'll call it thirdpage.html KTN_RhLuzoA-01216-00280520-00280791 and we'll get that and so before we've KTN_RhLuzoA-01217-00280792-00281175 looked at these different kinds of files KTN_RhLuzoA-01218-00281176-00281358 and we've retrieved them we'll go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-01219-00281359-00281663 and do the same here and so KTN_RhLuzoA-01220-00281664-00281799 i'm going to do KTN_RhLuzoA-01221-00281800-00282006 my editor KTN_RhLuzoA-01222-00282007-00282279 and start typing in third page KTN_RhLuzoA-01223-00282280-00282479 do an ampersand KTN_RhLuzoA-01224-00282480-00282719 and what we get this time isn't the KTN_RhLuzoA-01225-00282720-00282991 nice source code that we've looked at KTN_RhLuzoA-01226-00282992-00283119 recently KTN_RhLuzoA-01227-00283120-00283367 we have really what is not human KTN_RhLuzoA-01228-00283368-00283655 readable gobbledygook um KTN_RhLuzoA-01229-00283656-00283847 and if we scroll through here there's KTN_RhLuzoA-01230-00283848-00284015 really very little KTN_RhLuzoA-01231-00284016-00284455 other than the script tag down here that KTN_RhLuzoA-01232-00284456-00284687 tells us much of anything KTN_RhLuzoA-01233-00284688-00284903 we know based on the top that it is KTN_RhLuzoA-01234-00284904-00285151 javascript KTN_RhLuzoA-01235-00285152-00285430 and what's interesting here is we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01236-00285431-00285534 something KTN_RhLuzoA-01237-00285535-00285751 called an unescape KTN_RhLuzoA-01238-00285752-00285879 and i'm going to explain this a little KTN_RhLuzoA-01239-00285880-00286295 bit so this is an unescaped sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01240-00286296-00286527 and then what we have down here KTN_RhLuzoA-01241-00286528-00286799 we have something that's df KTN_RhLuzoA-01242-00286800-00286999 and this believe it or not i actually KTN_RhLuzoA-01243-00287000-00287206 made this a little more human readable KTN_RhLuzoA-01244-00287207-00287375 and you might be thinking matt this is KTN_RhLuzoA-01245-00287376-00287639 not readable at all and that's true but KTN_RhLuzoA-01246-00287640-00287839 bear in mind when you see this stuff in KTN_RhLuzoA-01247-00287840-00288095 real life there may be no white spacing KTN_RhLuzoA-01248-00288096-00288463 at all to separate out uh what this is KTN_RhLuzoA-01249-00288464-00288871 now if i come here at the very end of KTN_RhLuzoA-01250-00288872-00289206 uh the first lines um you know we can KTN_RhLuzoA-01251-00289207-00289279 see KTN_RhLuzoA-01252-00289280-00289615 here at the end our unescape sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01253-00289616-00289919 based on what's happening here i'm going KTN_RhLuzoA-01254-00289920-00290239 to go ahead and guess that this might be KTN_RhLuzoA-01255-00290240-00290471 some sort of a function KTN_RhLuzoA-01256-00290472-00290679 certainly not human readable KTN_RhLuzoA-01257-00290680-00290975 and back in the old days to understand KTN_RhLuzoA-01258-00290976-00291110 what was happening here we would KTN_RhLuzoA-01259-00291111-00291247 actually have to KTN_RhLuzoA-01260-00291248-00291463 get the unescape sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01261-00291464-00291671 and then we would have to feed the KTN_RhLuzoA-01262-00291672-00291975 function back into our unescape sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01263-00291976-00292182 to translate this into something that we KTN_RhLuzoA-01264-00292183-00292382 might be able to read KTN_RhLuzoA-01265-00292383-00292543 let's go back to our slide deck real KTN_RhLuzoA-01266-00292544-00292791 quick we've got our source code we've KTN_RhLuzoA-01267-00292792-00293143 perused it um and so what we can tell KTN_RhLuzoA-01268-00293144-00293375 again is that the threat actors use KTN_RhLuzoA-01269-00293376-00293623 javascript encoding to avoid analysis KTN_RhLuzoA-01270-00293624-00293863 and detection while also hiding the page KTN_RhLuzoA-01271-00293864-00294087 source so we're going to take a look at KTN_RhLuzoA-01272-00294088-00294247 decoding the page source using the KTN_RhLuzoA-01273-00294248-00294558 built-in browser developer tools um the KTN_RhLuzoA-01274-00294559-00294815 important thing to remember here is that KTN_RhLuzoA-01275-00294816-00295071 anything that can be rendered in a web KTN_RhLuzoA-01276-00295072-00295443 browser has to be something that can be KTN_RhLuzoA-01277-00295444-00295710 decoded uh in order KTN_RhLuzoA-01278-00295711-00295919 to serve up the page so in other words KTN_RhLuzoA-01279-00295920-00296199 it's somewhere it has to be readable uh KTN_RhLuzoA-01280-00296200-00296487 here we actually have the destination KTN_RhLuzoA-01281-00296488-00296734 from the iframe itself KTN_RhLuzoA-01282-00296735-00296903 let's go ahead and pull up the browser KTN_RhLuzoA-01283-00296904-00297119 developer tools and we can actually KTN_RhLuzoA-01284-00297120-00297271 leverage those KTN_RhLuzoA-01285-00297272-00297534 as a faster method to actually KTN_RhLuzoA-01286-00297535-00297727 understand what the source of the page KTN_RhLuzoA-01287-00297728-00297982 is doing let me come back in here and do KTN_RhLuzoA-01288-00297983-00298182 a quick refresh KTN_RhLuzoA-01289-00298183-00298463 and what we have when we look at this KTN_RhLuzoA-01290-00298464-00298639 is KTN_RhLuzoA-01291-00298640-00298887 on the network tab inside of our browser KTN_RhLuzoA-01292-00298888-00299047 developer tools KTN_RhLuzoA-01293-00299048-00299223 right now we're looking at everything KTN_RhLuzoA-01294-00299224-00299463 and we're going to see headers KTN_RhLuzoA-01295-00299464-00299682 and so here we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01296-00299683-00299951 our uh web page and we can see what the KTN_RhLuzoA-01297-00299952-00300158 headers look like and and that sort of KTN_RhLuzoA-01298-00300159-00300406 thing uh and a little bit of the source KTN_RhLuzoA-01299-00300407-00300567 code but we really don't see a whole KTN_RhLuzoA-01300-00300568-00300823 heck of a lot here if i come back into KTN_RhLuzoA-01301-00300824-00301191 the elements tab uh i've got some code KTN_RhLuzoA-01302-00301192-00301463 here but it doesn't really break down a KTN_RhLuzoA-01303-00301464-00301727 whole lot of detail in other words what KTN_RhLuzoA-01304-00301728-00301910 i'm seeing on the screen i'm not really KTN_RhLuzoA-01305-00301911-00302134 seeing a whole lot of code for KTN_RhLuzoA-01306-00302135-00302399 uh and what i mentioned before KTN_RhLuzoA-01307-00302400-00302679 uh the good thing is that this stuff has KTN_RhLuzoA-01308-00302680-00302951 to be decodable or else the web page KTN_RhLuzoA-01309-00302952-00303175 itself would never render and the thread KTN_RhLuzoA-01310-00303176-00303375 actors would not be able to do account KTN_RhLuzoA-01311-00303376-00303830 takeovers uh so if i do it edited html KTN_RhLuzoA-01312-00303831-00304071 uh this starts to look KTN_RhLuzoA-01313-00304072-00304430 very similar to what we had before KTN_RhLuzoA-01314-00304431-00304679 and we have again our unescaped sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01315-00304680-00304830 here KTN_RhLuzoA-01316-00304831-00305127 the same stuff we were just looking at KTN_RhLuzoA-01317-00305128-00305351 but what gets really nice is once we get KTN_RhLuzoA-01318-00305352-00305582 past this blob of KTN_RhLuzoA-01319-00305583-00305782 javascript encoded KTN_RhLuzoA-01320-00305783-00306015 stuff that isn't human readable KTN_RhLuzoA-01321-00306016-00306206 in our browser developer tools we KTN_RhLuzoA-01322-00306207-00306447 actually do get to a point where we get KTN_RhLuzoA-01323-00306448-00306695 to actual source code and here we can KTN_RhLuzoA-01324-00306696-00306975 actually see the unescaped sequence in KTN_RhLuzoA-01325-00306976-00307199 here uh it's already done the heavy KTN_RhLuzoA-01326-00307200-00307558 lifting for us and again i was just KTN_RhLuzoA-01327-00307559-00307751 guessing based on how the code looked KTN_RhLuzoA-01328-00307752-00308087 that might be a function and sure enough KTN_RhLuzoA-01329-00308088-00308247 here we see KTN_RhLuzoA-01330-00308248-00308471 that it is trying to do some sort of a KTN_RhLuzoA-01331-00308472-00308639 function call KTN_RhLuzoA-01332-00308640-00308879 based on the unescape sequence KTN_RhLuzoA-01333-00308880-00309127 um and what we notice here is KTN_RhLuzoA-01334-00309128-00309367 that this is readable code for the most KTN_RhLuzoA-01335-00309368-00309534 part we see the title log into your KTN_RhLuzoA-01336-00309535-00309758 paypal account KTN_RhLuzoA-01337-00309759-00309982 what gets really weird though is that we KTN_RhLuzoA-01338-00309983-00310206 have more stuff that isn't exactly human KTN_RhLuzoA-01339-00310207-00310415 readable when we get around to this KTN_RhLuzoA-01340-00310416-00310575 section KTN_RhLuzoA-01341-00310576-00310871 and what it tells us here is a shortcut KTN_RhLuzoA-01342-00310872-00311182 icon and we look at the mime type it's KTN_RhLuzoA-01343-00311183-00311703 data image x icon base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01344-00311704-00311910 so i'm going to go ahead and guess that KTN_RhLuzoA-01345-00311911-00312175 this is likely some sort of base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01346-00312176-00312406 encoded content KTN_RhLuzoA-01347-00312407-00312623 and we'll go ahead and kind of scroll KTN_RhLuzoA-01348-00312624-00312847 past that stuff a little bit KTN_RhLuzoA-01349-00312848-00313015 based on what we see here it might even KTN_RhLuzoA-01350-00313016-00313279 be an icon file of some sort KTN_RhLuzoA-01351-00313280-00313543 we'll go ahead and go back down and here KTN_RhLuzoA-01352-00313544-00313806 again we actually start seeing our html KTN_RhLuzoA-01353-00313807-00314127 coding that we can actually now read KTN_RhLuzoA-01354-00314128-00314310 what gets interesting is that we get KTN_RhLuzoA-01355-00314311-00314463 down here KTN_RhLuzoA-01356-00314464-00314719 we've got a table item and KTN_RhLuzoA-01357-00314720-00315047 this would appear to likely be an image KTN_RhLuzoA-01358-00315048-00315423 source and here again potentially base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01359-00315424-00315767 encoded probably base64 encoded based on KTN_RhLuzoA-01360-00315768-00315999 the mime type and how that's KTN_RhLuzoA-01361-00316000-00316343 defined in here we have data image so KTN_RhLuzoA-01362-00316344-00316567 i'm going to guess that this is an image KTN_RhLuzoA-01363-00316568-00316663 file KTN_RhLuzoA-01364-00316664-00317015 and if we scroll through quite a ways it KTN_RhLuzoA-01365-00317016-00317182 takes us a little while before we get KTN_RhLuzoA-01366-00317183-00317430 back to the actual content KTN_RhLuzoA-01367-00317431-00317606 now this is something that's actually KTN_RhLuzoA-01368-00317607-00317839 relatively simple to KTN_RhLuzoA-01369-00317840-00318103 analyze here within the developer tools KTN_RhLuzoA-01370-00318104-00318327 we go back to our network tab KTN_RhLuzoA-01371-00318328-00318447 and we KTN_RhLuzoA-01372-00318448-00318758 look at uh some of what's in here let me KTN_RhLuzoA-01373-00318759-00318958 make that just a little bit smaller here KTN_RhLuzoA-01374-00318959-00319310 we see what was retrieved uh we have an KTN_RhLuzoA-01375-00319311-00319663 image file that is a jpeg and we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01376-00319664-00319927 base64 encoding and if we were to go KTN_RhLuzoA-01377-00319928-00320158 back and look it's going to be the same KTN_RhLuzoA-01378-00320159-00320358 code that we looked at in that second KTN_RhLuzoA-01379-00320359-00320663 file that was base64 encoded KTN_RhLuzoA-01380-00320664-00320895 and what is really nice is they have a KTN_RhLuzoA-01381-00320896-00321143 preview tab here that actually shows us KTN_RhLuzoA-01382-00321144-00321454 what the file looks like KTN_RhLuzoA-01383-00321455-00321639 we bounced back to our web page where we KTN_RhLuzoA-01384-00321640-00321919 loaded this again in our pretend sandbox KTN_RhLuzoA-01385-00321920-00322239 here's the logo file itself for paypal KTN_RhLuzoA-01386-00322240-00322447 in this particular location KTN_RhLuzoA-01387-00322448-00322630 so we've done this with the browser KTN_RhLuzoA-01388-00322631-00322927 developer tools and we've seen that this KTN_RhLuzoA-01389-00322928-00323247 is indeed all part of this single KTN_RhLuzoA-01390-00323248-00323447 file that we've looked at the source KTN_RhLuzoA-01391-00323448-00323575 code for KTN_RhLuzoA-01392-00323576-00323830 but what you might recall is that there KTN_RhLuzoA-01393-00323831-00324103 were two base64 encoded KTN_RhLuzoA-01394-00324104-00324271 things in here KTN_RhLuzoA-01395-00324272-00324406 and so KTN_RhLuzoA-01396-00324407-00324575 again i'll have to go ahead and click KTN_RhLuzoA-01397-00324576-00324967 edit as html and if i scroll past the KTN_RhLuzoA-01398-00324968-00325167 encoded parts it'll actually give me the KTN_RhLuzoA-01399-00325168-00325447 decoded version of the web page KTN_RhLuzoA-01400-00325448-00325695 and here again i'm guessing that it's an KTN_RhLuzoA-01401-00325696-00325958 icon file in all likelihood KTN_RhLuzoA-01402-00325959-00326239 what i want to do to manually do this KTN_RhLuzoA-01403-00326240-00326415 and what i want to show is how you KTN_RhLuzoA-01404-00326416-00326719 manually decode base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01405-00326720-00326910 items and so i'm going to go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-01406-00326911-00327247 copy this whole blob of stuff KTN_RhLuzoA-01407-00327248-00327423 i'm going to KTN_RhLuzoA-01408-00327424-00327710 open up a KTN_RhLuzoA-01409-00327711-00327927 new tab here and i'm going to go ahead KTN_RhLuzoA-01410-00327928-00328151 and paste this in here and what we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01411-00328152-00328391 is this big base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01412-00328392-00328606 encoded KTN_RhLuzoA-01413-00328607-00328719 data KTN_RhLuzoA-01414-00328720-00328975 and i want to go ahead and save this KTN_RhLuzoA-01415-00328976-00329143 particular KTN_RhLuzoA-01416-00329144-00329351 data and i'm going to go ahead and call KTN_RhLuzoA-01417-00329352-00329599 it KTN_RhLuzoA-01418-00329600-00329758 unknown KTN_RhLuzoA-01419-00329759-00330087 dot txt that's essentially what we have KTN_RhLuzoA-01420-00330088-00330223 we have text KTN_RhLuzoA-01421-00330224-00330399 we can see what's here but it's not KTN_RhLuzoA-01422-00330400-00330663 necessarily human readable and what we KTN_RhLuzoA-01423-00330664-00330879 want to do with this KTN_RhLuzoA-01424-00330880-00330967 is KTN_RhLuzoA-01425-00330968-00331127 show how KTN_RhLuzoA-01426-00331128-00331519 we would manually decode base64 content KTN_RhLuzoA-01427-00331520-00331791 so let me go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-01428-00331792-00332023 list out KTN_RhLuzoA-01429-00332024-00332206 my text file here KTN_RhLuzoA-01430-00332207-00332419 and here i have it KTN_RhLuzoA-01431-00332420-00332647 unknown.txt let me go ahead and clear KTN_RhLuzoA-01432-00332648-00332815 this as again KTN_RhLuzoA-01433-00332816-00332991 and so what we want to try and do here KTN_RhLuzoA-01434-00332992-00333182 is base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01435-00333183-00333471 for the command we'll do a dash i just KTN_RhLuzoA-01436-00333472-00333751 to sort of ignore any warnings or errors KTN_RhLuzoA-01437-00333752-00333910 or that kind of thing KTN_RhLuzoA-01438-00333911-00334263 we'll do a dash d for decode and let me KTN_RhLuzoA-01439-00334264-00334367 go ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-01440-00334368-00334458 pull KTN_RhLuzoA-01441-00334459-00334615 unknown.txt KTN_RhLuzoA-01442-00334616-00334758 and what i'm going to do is redirect the KTN_RhLuzoA-01443-00334759-00334975 output and what i'm going to redirect KTN_RhLuzoA-01444-00334976-00335454 the output to is fave icon dot ico KTN_RhLuzoA-01445-00335455-00335863 and hit enter and now if i do an ls l KTN_RhLuzoA-01446-00335864-00336143 star dot ico i should see that i have a KTN_RhLuzoA-01447-00336144-00336527 fave icon.ico file KTN_RhLuzoA-01448-00336528-00336782 so this is great it appears like we may KTN_RhLuzoA-01449-00336783-00337078 have decoded this thing successfully and KTN_RhLuzoA-01450-00337079-00337351 here's my fave icon.ico file if i double KTN_RhLuzoA-01451-00337352-00337623 click on this open it up in an image KTN_RhLuzoA-01452-00337624-00337934 edit or viewer and i make this much KTN_RhLuzoA-01453-00337935-00338254 bigger than the default uh here we can KTN_RhLuzoA-01454-00338255-00338543 see what would appear to be a fav icon KTN_RhLuzoA-01455-00338544-00338767 within paypal now this is going to be KTN_RhLuzoA-01456-00338768-00339078 somewhat tricky to see here but in the KTN_RhLuzoA-01457-00339079-00339247 browser KTN_RhLuzoA-01458-00339248-00339534 at the top we see our fave icon file up KTN_RhLuzoA-01459-00339535-00339758 here KTN_RhLuzoA-01460-00339759-00340030 this is all interesting stuff KTN_RhLuzoA-01461-00340031-00340303 what we've observed through this is KTN_RhLuzoA-01462-00340304-00340591 that we've seen encoded elements and i'm KTN_RhLuzoA-01463-00340592-00340767 not sure whether the threat actor used KTN_RhLuzoA-01464-00340768-00340991 encoded elements to avoid analysis and KTN_RhLuzoA-01465-00340992-00341223 detection or they simply wanted to keep KTN_RhLuzoA-01466-00341224-00341503 the entire site as a single page file KTN_RhLuzoA-01467-00341504-00341847 but they use base64 encoded elements KTN_RhLuzoA-01468-00341848-00342103 inside of their javascript encoded page KTN_RhLuzoA-01469-00342104-00342343 and we've looked at demos for that KTN_RhLuzoA-01470-00342344-00342654 we've also seen how to decode the base64 KTN_RhLuzoA-01471-00342655-00342823 using the built-in browser developer KTN_RhLuzoA-01472-00342824-00343015 tools and we've also KTN_RhLuzoA-01473-00343016-00343206 walked through how to decode those KTN_RhLuzoA-01474-00343207-00343454 elements by hand KTN_RhLuzoA-01475-00343455-00343654 in this case the remediation steps were KTN_RhLuzoA-01476-00343655-00343815 that we determined the final phishing KTN_RhLuzoA-01477-00343816-00344039 landing page and we blocked through web KTN_RhLuzoA-01478-00344040-00344319 content filtering we also went ahead and KTN_RhLuzoA-01479-00344320-00344527 blocked intermediary compromised web KTN_RhLuzoA-01480-00344528-00344751 servers through content filtering since KTN_RhLuzoA-01481-00344752-00344830 we had KTN_RhLuzoA-01482-00344831-00345078 identified numerous KTN_RhLuzoA-01483-00345079-00345278 compromised web hosts in foreign KTN_RhLuzoA-01484-00345279-00345415 countries KTN_RhLuzoA-01485-00345416-00345606 and then we reported the compromise KTN_RhLuzoA-01486-00345607-00345806 websites to domain owners and hosting KTN_RhLuzoA-01487-00345807-00345999 companies through their whois contact KTN_RhLuzoA-01488-00346000-00346110 records KTN_RhLuzoA-01489-00346111-00346303 that's a little bit of a leap of faith KTN_RhLuzoA-01490-00346304-00346551 now because everything is privatized so KTN_RhLuzoA-01491-00346552-00346743 hopefully the KTN_RhLuzoA-01492-00346744-00346967 privacy KTN_RhLuzoA-01493-00346968-00347167 email address is forwarding somewhere KTN_RhLuzoA-01494-00347168-00347367 that's being actively monitored we can KTN_RhLuzoA-01495-00347368-00347647 only control so much on our end but KTN_RhLuzoA-01496-00347648-00347863 those are the remediation steps we took KTN_RhLuzoA-01497-00347864-00348071 in this case that's all i have for this KTN_RhLuzoA-01498-00348072-00348263 presentation i'd like to thank everyone KTN_RhLuzoA-01499-00348264-00348391 for tuning in KTN_RhLuzoA-01500-00348392-00348623 as you see me hanging out on discord or KTN_RhLuzoA-01501-00348624-00348919 a defcon please share your own dfir KTN_RhLuzoA-01502-00348920-00349039 stories KTN_RhLuzoA-01503-00349040-00349399 friends romans defcon attendees KTN_RhLuzoA-01504-00349400-00349678 lend me your irs KTN_RhLuzoA-01505-00349679-00349887 and with that i will be hanging out on KTN_RhLuzoA-01506-00349888-00350206 the discord to answer any questions KTN_RhLuzoA-01507-00350207-00350375 please feel free to reach out to me KTN_RhLuzoA-01508-00350376-00350463 there KTN_RhLuzoA-01509-00350464-00350678 and i want to thank everybody for tuning KTN_RhLuzoA-01510-00350679-00350887 in and hope everybody enjoys the rest of KTN_RhLuzoA-01511-00350888-00351211 their conference KUCeys5LMp4-00000-00000200-00000430 hello students welcome to the channel KUCeys5LMp4-00001-00000431-00000711 easy way to physics with jaya KUCeys5LMp4-00002-00000712-00000911 today we will discuss about multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00003-00000911-00001183 reflection working of karodoskop and KUCeys5LMp4-00004-00001184-00001550 periscope and dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00005-00001551-00001847 before that did you watch my all videos KUCeys5LMp4-00006-00001848-00002118 uh regarding that reflection loss of KUCeys5LMp4-00007-00002119-00002295 reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00008-00002296-00002583 if not please go through that and learn KUCeys5LMp4-00009-00002584-00005302 well that also KUCeys5LMp4-00010-00005303-00007103 foreign KUCeys5LMp4-00011-00007104-00007446 or more mirrors are kept at an angle KUCeys5LMp4-00012-00007447-00007703 multiple images of an object can be KUCeys5LMp4-00013-00007704-00007839 formed KUCeys5LMp4-00014-00007840-00008063 this phenomenon is called multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00015-00008064-00008414 reflections KUCeys5LMp4-00016-00008415-00009105 or forms KUCeys5LMp4-00017-00009106-00009439 [Music] KUCeys5LMp4-00018-00009440-00009703 so that will study next KUCeys5LMp4-00019-00009704-00009974 before that uh once again the definition KUCeys5LMp4-00020-00009975-00010255 for multiple reflection is when two or KUCeys5LMp4-00021-00010256-00010551 more mirrors are kept at an anchor KUCeys5LMp4-00022-00010552-00010814 multiple images of an object can be KUCeys5LMp4-00023-00010815-00011046 formed this phenomenon is called KUCeys5LMp4-00024-00011047-00011687 multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00025-00011688-00011927 how many images are formed in multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00026-00011928-00012223 reflection for that there is a formula KUCeys5LMp4-00027-00012224-00012431 the number of images formed in multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00028-00012432-00012683 reflection is equal to KUCeys5LMp4-00029-00012684-00013102 360 divided by angle between the mirrors KUCeys5LMp4-00030-00013103-00013338 minus 1 KUCeys5LMp4-00031-00013340-00013630 360 divided by angle between the mirrors KUCeys5LMp4-00032-00013631-00013951 that is given in a bracket then minus 1 KUCeys5LMp4-00033-00013952-00014151 so when you do the calculation according KUCeys5LMp4-00034-00014152-00014375 to portmaster what is given in the KUCeys5LMp4-00035-00014376-00014630 bracket we will calculate first after KUCeys5LMp4-00036-00014631-00014983 that we'll subtract one from that KUCeys5LMp4-00037-00014984-00015199 okay but must rule and see KUCeys5LMp4-00038-00015200-00015479 that bracket KUCeys5LMp4-00039-00015480-00016719 similar KUCeys5LMp4-00040-00016720-00017015 so number of images formed here in this KUCeys5LMp4-00041-00017016-00017486 picture is equal to 360 divided by 90 KUCeys5LMp4-00042-00017487-00017630 minus 1 KUCeys5LMp4-00043-00017631-00017999 360 divided by 90 is equal to 4 4 minus KUCeys5LMp4-00044-00018000-00019558 1 is equal to 3 3 images are formed in KUCeys5LMp4-00045-00019559-00019758 so what is the angle between those two KUCeys5LMp4-00046-00019759-00020071 mirrors if they are kept face to face KUCeys5LMp4-00047-00020072-00020335 and an object is kept in the middle the KUCeys5LMp4-00048-00020336-00020622 angle between them is zero there is no KUCeys5LMp4-00049-00020623-00020927 angle at all in between them so zero is KUCeys5LMp4-00050-00020928-00021271 the angle between those mirrors in that KUCeys5LMp4-00051-00021272-00021527 case the number of images formed is KUCeys5LMp4-00052-00021528-00022103 equal to 360 divided by 0 minus 1 KUCeys5LMp4-00053-00022104-00022455 360 divided by 0 any number divided by 0 KUCeys5LMp4-00054-00022456-00022830 is infinity so here 360 divided by 0 is KUCeys5LMp4-00055-00022831-00023063 infinity minus 1 KUCeys5LMp4-00056-00023064-00023350 that is again infinity that means you KUCeys5LMp4-00057-00023351-00023639 will get infinite number of images KUCeys5LMp4-00058-00023640-00023950 if you keep two mirrors parallel to each KUCeys5LMp4-00059-00023951-00024222 other and an object is kept in between KUCeys5LMp4-00060-00024223-00024335 the KUCeys5LMp4-00061-00024336-00024599 random errors KUCeys5LMp4-00062-00024600-00024894 if those mirrors are facing each other KUCeys5LMp4-00063-00024895-00025071 see picture KUCeys5LMp4-00064-00025072-00025327 how many images we can get KUCeys5LMp4-00065-00025328-00025631 infinite number of images in that case KUCeys5LMp4-00066-00025632-00025846 and that is calculated KUCeys5LMp4-00067-00025847-00027951 in this way 360 divided by zero minus KUCeys5LMp4-00068-00027952-00028327 okay KUCeys5LMp4-00069-00028327-00028590 kaleidoscope and periscope are two KUCeys5LMp4-00070-00028591-00028767 instruments which are working on the KUCeys5LMp4-00071-00028768-00029087 principle of multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00072-00029088-00030172 what is it and how it works KUCeys5LMp4-00073-00030173-00031039 [Music] KUCeys5LMp4-00074-00031039-00031390 actually this is used for fun purpose KUCeys5LMp4-00075-00031391-00031590 children can play with this KUCeys5LMp4-00076-00031591-00031751 also dress KUCeys5LMp4-00077-00031752-00032207 fabric designers to give new designs KUCeys5LMp4-00078-00032208-00032479 to the dress materials dress materials KUCeys5LMp4-00079-00032480-00032567 also KUCeys5LMp4-00080-00032568-00032695 uh KUCeys5LMp4-00081-00032695-00032983 artist to get new descents they use KUCeys5LMp4-00082-00032984-00033143 kaleidoscope KUCeys5LMp4-00083-00033144-00033583 i'll tell you how to make this KUCeys5LMp4-00084-00033584-00034815 artistic KUCeys5LMp4-00085-00034816-00035015 three rectangular mirrors of the same KUCeys5LMp4-00086-00035016-00035143 size KUCeys5LMp4-00087-00035144-00035359 that will be kept in the form of a KUCeys5LMp4-00088-00035360-00035518 pyramid KUCeys5LMp4-00089-00035519-00035807 then back side of it can be closed with KUCeys5LMp4-00090-00035808-00036007 another mirror piece KUCeys5LMp4-00091-00036008-00036174 mirror you know what is the KUCeys5LMp4-00092-00036175-00036439 difference between mirror and a glass KUCeys5LMp4-00093-00036440-00036662 glass will allow light to pass to the KUCeys5LMp4-00094-00036663-00036799 other side KUCeys5LMp4-00095-00036800-00037127 whereas mirror is reflecting it back KUCeys5LMp4-00096-00037128-00037351 that means in a mirror the backside is KUCeys5LMp4-00097-00037352-00037662 coated with some opaque material which KUCeys5LMp4-00098-00037663-00037959 will not allow light to pass through it KUCeys5LMp4-00099-00037960-00038239 whereas glass is like window glass light KUCeys5LMp4-00100-00038240-00038479 can pass through that from one side to KUCeys5LMp4-00101-00038480-00038767 the other side so remember always mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00102-00038768-00038943 and glass is different KUCeys5LMp4-00103-00038944-00039159 here you have to use three mirror pieces KUCeys5LMp4-00104-00039160-00039479 the rectangular mirror pieces of equal KUCeys5LMp4-00105-00039480-00039607 size KUCeys5LMp4-00106-00039608-00039879 and back and arrange it in the form of a KUCeys5LMp4-00107-00039880-00040102 pyramid back side can be closed with KUCeys5LMp4-00108-00040103-00040343 another mirror piece KUCeys5LMp4-00109-00040344-00040543 this is enough actually if you stick KUCeys5LMp4-00110-00040544-00040735 these three pieces four pieces of KUCeys5LMp4-00111-00040736-00040846 mirrors KUCeys5LMp4-00112-00040847-00041055 then KUCeys5LMp4-00113-00041056-00041335 kaleidoscope is ready KUCeys5LMp4-00114-00041336-00041630 now join them together to form a prisma KUCeys5LMp4-00115-00041631-00041783 shown in figure KUCeys5LMp4-00116-00041784-00042111 close one end of the prism with a small KUCeys5LMp4-00117-00042112-00042430 mirror base using glue and other end KUCeys5LMp4-00118-00042431-00042695 with a cardboard with a hole in the KUCeys5LMp4-00119-00042696-00042935 center KUCeys5LMp4-00120-00042936-00043215 one one length is closed with mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00121-00043216-00044127 other end with cardboard with a hole KUCeys5LMp4-00122-00044128-00044374 now insert the whole apparatus inside a KUCeys5LMp4-00123-00044375-00044623 cardboard tube as shown in figure KUCeys5LMp4-00124-00044624-00044823 this is for safety purpose we are doing KUCeys5LMp4-00125-00044824-00045023 because it is made up of glass sometimes KUCeys5LMp4-00126-00045024-00045255 it may break so we'll insert the whole KUCeys5LMp4-00127-00045256-00045502 thing inside a cardboard KUCeys5LMp4-00128-00045503-00045911 for toddler cam video cardboard KUCeys5LMp4-00129-00045912-00046239 then place some colored paper or broken KUCeys5LMp4-00130-00046240-00046486 bankers inside the prism KUCeys5LMp4-00131-00046487-00046686 and look through the hole in the center KUCeys5LMp4-00132-00046687-00047023 of the cardboard a cardboard ornamental KUCeys5LMp4-00133-00047024-00047183 bangle pieces so KUCeys5LMp4-00134-00047184-00047486 color paper okay KUCeys5LMp4-00135-00047487-00047686 we will see different different KUCeys5LMp4-00136-00047687-00050662 different KUCeys5LMp4-00137-00050663-00050918 so we can get different thousands and KUCeys5LMp4-00138-00050919-00051118 thousands of descents KUCeys5LMp4-00139-00051119-00051230 in that KUCeys5LMp4-00140-00051232-00051470 back glass when we look through that KUCeys5LMp4-00141-00051471-00051702 hole in the cardboard KUCeys5LMp4-00142-00051703-00051975 so this is working with the principle of KUCeys5LMp4-00143-00051976-00052559 multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00144-00052560-00052775 now for the exa you may get a question KUCeys5LMp4-00145-00052776-00053047 like explain the principle and working KUCeys5LMp4-00146-00053048-00053230 of kaleidoscope KUCeys5LMp4-00147-00053232-00053542 so how will you write the answer KUCeys5LMp4-00148-00053544-00053807 first we'll write the principle behind KUCeys5LMp4-00149-00053808-00054119 kaleidoscope is multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00150-00054120-00054382 or it works on the principle of multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00151-00054383-00054535 reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00152-00054536-00054807 when two or more mirrors are kept at an KUCeys5LMp4-00153-00054808-00054903 anchor KUCeys5LMp4-00154-00054904-00055182 multiple images of an object can be KUCeys5LMp4-00155-00055183-00055423 formed KUCeys5LMp4-00156-00055424-00055750 image formed by one mirror acts as the KUCeys5LMp4-00157-00055751-00056063 object for the second mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00158-00056064-00056366 these two images form another image in KUCeys5LMp4-00159-00056367-00056566 the third mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00160-00056567-00056935 thus kaleidoscope makes reflections of KUCeys5LMp4-00161-00056936-00057094 reflections KUCeys5LMp4-00162-00057095-00057382 and all these images form a pattern KUCeys5LMp4-00163-00057383-00060303 inside the kaleidoscope KUCeys5LMp4-00164-00060304-00060726 it makes image image of an image KUCeys5LMp4-00165-00060727-00060999 okay one image act as an object for the KUCeys5LMp4-00166-00061000-00061135 second mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00167-00061136-00061463 like that it is working so once again KUCeys5LMp4-00168-00061464-00061791 image formed by one mirror acts as the KUCeys5LMp4-00169-00061791-00062087 object for the second mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00170-00062088-00062375 these two images form another image in KUCeys5LMp4-00171-00062376-00062615 the third mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00172-00062616-00062903 the scalidoscope makes reflections of KUCeys5LMp4-00173-00062904-00063047 reflections KUCeys5LMp4-00174-00063048-00063319 and all these images form a pattern KUCeys5LMp4-00175-00063320-00063838 inside a karyoscope KUCeys5LMp4-00176-00063839-00064142 how the kaleidoscope is useful to us KUCeys5LMp4-00177-00064144-00064271 artist KUCeys5LMp4-00178-00064272-00064479 wallpaper designers KUCeys5LMp4-00179-00064479-00064679 fabric design is KUCeys5LMp4-00180-00064679-00064975 they are using kylodesk for getting new KUCeys5LMp4-00181-00064976-00065238 ideas of patterns KUCeys5LMp4-00182-00065239-00065559 then people use it for fun also for fun KUCeys5LMp4-00183-00065560-00065775 purpose children can look look through KUCeys5LMp4-00184-00065776-00066038 that for time pass and they will get KUCeys5LMp4-00185-00066039-00066367 more and more descents and colorful KUCeys5LMp4-00186-00066368-00066623 descents they can see through that KUCeys5LMp4-00187-00066624-00066775 kaleidoscope KUCeys5LMp4-00188-00066776-00067023 then by changing the colored material KUCeys5LMp4-00189-00067024-00067263 inside the karaoscope we can get more KUCeys5LMp4-00190-00067264-00067959 and more different patterns KUCeys5LMp4-00191-00067960-00068150 periscope KUCeys5LMp4-00192-00068151-00068367 it also works on the principle of KUCeys5LMp4-00193-00068368-00068655 multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00194-00068656-00068967 here two mirrors are kept at an angle of KUCeys5LMp4-00195-00068968-00069399 45 degree at the bends of an easy shape KUCeys5LMp4-00196-00069400-00069687 tube see look at the picture there is a KUCeys5LMp4-00197-00069688-00069823 shape too KUCeys5LMp4-00198-00069824-00070159 and say that uh two mirrors are fixed at KUCeys5LMp4-00199-00070160-00070815 an angle of 45 degree KUCeys5LMp4-00200-00070816-00071126 light from a distant object enter into KUCeys5LMp4-00201-00071127-00071415 the tube and form an image in the first KUCeys5LMp4-00202-00071416-00071535 mirror KUCeys5LMp4-00203-00071536-00071767 it then gets reflected down to the KUCeys5LMp4-00204-00071768-00072062 second mirror as shown in the diagram KUCeys5LMp4-00205-00072063-00072681 and then reflects back to our eyes KUCeys5LMp4-00206-00072682-00075479 [Music] KUCeys5LMp4-00207-00075480-00076687 foreign KUCeys5LMp4-00208-00076688-00076935 then it reaches the second mirror and KUCeys5LMp4-00209-00076936-00077159 reaches our eyes KUCeys5LMp4-00210-00077160-00077471 this is very useful for army men by KUCeys5LMp4-00211-00077472-00077743 sitting inside a trench they can watch KUCeys5LMp4-00212-00077744-00078143 the surrounding places using a periscope KUCeys5LMp4-00213-00078144-00078438 also people inside the submarines KUCeys5LMp4-00214-00078439-00079191 can watch outside using a periscope KUCeys5LMp4-00215-00079192-00079382 dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00216-00079383-00079623 first i'll talk about rainbow you must KUCeys5LMp4-00217-00079624-00079879 have seen rainbow right it's very KUCeys5LMp4-00218-00079880-00080215 beautiful how rainbow is formed you know KUCeys5LMp4-00219-00080216-00080487 it is formed from sunlight KUCeys5LMp4-00220-00080488-00080775 normally sunlight contains all seven KUCeys5LMp4-00221-00080776-00081103 colors or beautiful seven colors KUCeys5LMp4-00222-00081104-00081375 but all these seven colors are moving KUCeys5LMp4-00223-00081376-00081615 with the same speed through the air and KUCeys5LMp4-00224-00081616-00081894 reaches our eyes KUCeys5LMp4-00225-00081895-00082223 so it is uh looking like a white color KUCeys5LMp4-00226-00082224-00082431 all the seven colors together form a KUCeys5LMp4-00227-00082432-00082735 white color so normally we cannot see KUCeys5LMp4-00228-00082736-00083150 the seven colors in the sunlight KUCeys5LMp4-00229-00083151-00083231 but KUCeys5LMp4-00230-00083232-00083479 when they enter into another medium KUCeys5LMp4-00231-00083480-00083647 other than air KUCeys5LMp4-00232-00083648-00083991 if they are entering into water or glass KUCeys5LMp4-00233-00083992-00084294 these seven colors cannot move with the KUCeys5LMp4-00234-00084295-00084447 same speed KUCeys5LMp4-00235-00084448-00084575 they start KUCeys5LMp4-00236-00084576-00084823 moving different colors start moving in KUCeys5LMp4-00237-00084824-00085103 different different speeds KUCeys5LMp4-00238-00085104-00085350 so what is happening they start KUCeys5LMp4-00239-00085351-00085487 splitting KUCeys5LMp4-00240-00085488-00085655 see look at the picture KUCeys5LMp4-00241-00085656-00085855 it is a prism KUCeys5LMp4-00242-00085856-00086199 in that prism white light is entering KUCeys5LMp4-00243-00086200-00086582 into the prism prism is a pyramid-shaped KUCeys5LMp4-00244-00086583-00086726 glass block KUCeys5LMp4-00245-00086727-00087031 into that when white light is entering KUCeys5LMp4-00246-00087032-00087294 what is happening these seven colors KUCeys5LMp4-00247-00087295-00087559 cannot move with the same speed KUCeys5LMp4-00248-00087560-00087743 they start bending KUCeys5LMp4-00249-00087744-00088055 this light start bending because their KUCeys5LMp4-00250-00088056-00088255 speed is different KUCeys5LMp4-00251-00088256-00088503 they are not moving straight they bend KUCeys5LMp4-00252-00088504-00088782 inside that pressure and different KUCeys5LMp4-00253-00088783-00089087 colors bend in different angles so KUCeys5LMp4-00254-00089088-00089311 outside when they reach they are KUCeys5LMp4-00255-00089312-00089718 splitted in into seven colors KUCeys5LMp4-00256-00089719-00090071 this process is known as dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00257-00090072-00090391 white light normally errol coda movie KUCeys5LMp4-00258-00090392-00090975 why we'll go to movies KUCeys5LMp4-00259-00090976-00091238 so they reach in our eyes as white KUCeys5LMp4-00260-00091239-00092047 itself they appear as white in our eyes KUCeys5LMp4-00261-00092048-00094662 videos KUCeys5LMp4-00262-00094663-00095023 so in short we can say the process of KUCeys5LMp4-00263-00095024-00095255 splitting of white light into seven KUCeys5LMp4-00264-00095256-00095703 colors is called dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00265-00095704-00096023 here when sunlight enters into the prism KUCeys5LMp4-00266-00096024-00096215 different colors bend in different KUCeys5LMp4-00267-00096216-00096318 angles KUCeys5LMp4-00268-00096319-00096574 and the outcoming light is splitted into KUCeys5LMp4-00269-00096575-00097103 seven colors KUCeys5LMp4-00270-00097104-00097326 this is a picture of rainbow you must KUCeys5LMp4-00271-00097327-00097559 have seen this in many places right KUCeys5LMp4-00272-00097560-00097855 during rainy season it is seen because KUCeys5LMp4-00273-00097856-00098118 air contain more water drops during KUCeys5LMp4-00274-00098119-00098367 rainy season KUCeys5LMp4-00275-00098368-00098638 you see the picture i know it is in a cd KUCeys5LMp4-00276-00098639-00098815 also you can see different colors KUCeys5LMp4-00277-00098816-00099103 because light is uh reflecting in KUCeys5LMp4-00278-00099104-00099462 different angles from the cd KUCeys5LMp4-00279-00099463-00099782 also near the waterfalls you can see uh KUCeys5LMp4-00280-00099783-00100094 rainbow all the time because there are KUCeys5LMp4-00281-00100095-00100782 more water drops are available KUCeys5LMp4-00282-00100783-00100903 summary KUCeys5LMp4-00283-00100904-00101126 when two or more mirrors are kept at an KUCeys5LMp4-00284-00101127-00101367 angle multiple images of an object can KUCeys5LMp4-00285-00101368-00101591 be formed this phenomenon is called KUCeys5LMp4-00286-00101592-00101791 multiple reflection this is the KUCeys5LMp4-00287-00101792-00102071 definition for multiple reflection KUCeys5LMp4-00288-00102072-00102262 the number of images formed in a KUCeys5LMp4-00289-00102263-00102518 multiple reflection that is equal to 3 KUCeys5LMp4-00290-00102519-00102854 can be calculated as 360 divided by KUCeys5LMp4-00291-00102855-00103047 angle between the mirrors KUCeys5LMp4-00292-00103048-00103254 first you have to calculate that and KUCeys5LMp4-00293-00103255-00103534 subtract 1 from there that is the number KUCeys5LMp4-00294-00103535-00103742 of images KUCeys5LMp4-00295-00103743-00104023 the kyridoscope and periscopes both are KUCeys5LMp4-00296-00104024-00104247 working on the principle of multiple KUCeys5LMp4-00297-00104248-00104727 reflection their uses also we studied KUCeys5LMp4-00298-00104728-00104951 what is dispersion the process of KUCeys5LMp4-00299-00104952-00105151 splitting a white light into seven KUCeys5LMp4-00300-00105152-00105254 colors KUCeys5LMp4-00301-00105255-00105583 is called dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00302-00105583-00105863 rainbow is formed due to the dispersion KUCeys5LMp4-00303-00105864-00106358 of white light KUCeys5LMp4-00304-00106359-00106663 now write and study all these notes KUCeys5LMp4-00305-00106664-00107272 and language for the best thank you KUeNc5vD6qY-00000-00000003-00000323 welcome to headline news 24/7 please KUeNc5vD6qY-00001-00000324-00000733 click like and subscribe KUeNc5vD6qY-00002-00000734-00000994 Trump scores big mega victory America KUeNc5vD6qY-00003-00000994-00001195 smashes through market hasn't hit in 50 KUeNc5vD6qY-00004-00001196-00001428 years are you tired of winning yet KUeNc5vD6qY-00005-00001429-00001732 America the moment Donald Trump entered KUeNc5vD6qY-00006-00001732-00001968 office things began to change KUeNc5vD6qY-00007-00001969-00002226 unfortunately some of his most important KUeNc5vD6qY-00008-00002227-00002371 achievements have been ignored by the KUeNc5vD6qY-00009-00002372-00002662 mainstream media but we know the truth KUeNc5vD6qY-00010-00002663-00002907 POTUS quickly went to work to end years KUeNc5vD6qY-00011-00002908-00003123 of failure he reversed policies and KUeNc5vD6qY-00012-00003124-00003322 agendas that only hurt the US and put us KUeNc5vD6qY-00013-00003322-00003511 behind every other nation in the world KUeNc5vD6qY-00014-00003511-00003709 Trump signed a bill that slashed KUeNc5vD6qY-00015-00003710-00003958 regulation he worked with the GOP to KUeNc5vD6qY-00016-00003959-00004228 score historic tax cuts he was able to KUeNc5vD6qY-00017-00004229-00004429 win over companies to invest in the u.s. KUeNc5vD6qY-00018-00004430-00004702 he ditched NAFTA it's a big list isn't KUeNc5vD6qY-00019-00004703-00005005 it and now all that hard work has paid KUeNc5vD6qY-00020-00005006-00005167 off with one of the biggest achievements KUeNc5vD6qY-00021-00005168-00005505 arriving just this month from Bloomberg KUeNc5vD6qY-00022-00005506-00005758 filings for US unemployment benefits KUeNc5vD6qY-00023-00005759-00005971 unexpectedly dropped falling to the KUeNc5vD6qY-00024-00005972-00006235 lowest level since October 1969 and KUeNc5vD6qY-00025-00006236-00006406 suggesting little sign of cooling in a KUeNc5vD6qY-00026-00006406-00006642 tight labor market unemployment is KUeNc5vD6qY-00027-00006643-00006934 falling rapidly thanks to Trump many KUeNc5vD6qY-00028-00006934-00007126 Americans weren't even alive when we saw KUeNc5vD6qY-00029-00007127-00007335 these numbers before how do you like KUeNc5vD6qY-00030-00007336-00007599 them apples jobless claims were at a KUeNc5vD6qY-00031-00007600-00007876 very low 196,000 at the end of the first KUeNc5vD6qY-00032-00007877-00008052 week in April and the four-week average KUeNc5vD6qY-00033-00008053-00008370 was 207,000 the lowest since December KUeNc5vD6qY-00034-00008371-00008691 1969 these are incredible numbers KUeNc5vD6qY-00035-00008692-00009001 remember other leaders katha back off KUeNc5vD6qY-00036-00009002-00009184 told us jobs were gone and weren't KUeNc5vD6qY-00037-00009185-00009248 coming back KUeNc5vD6qY-00038-00009249-00009502 Obama and other Democrats told us we'd KUeNc5vD6qY-00039-00009503-00009666 have to accept an America with less KUeNc5vD6qY-00040-00009667-00009955 opportunity fewer jobs and low salaries KUeNc5vD6qY-00041-00009956-00010278 oh yeah president Trump didn't have a KUeNc5vD6qY-00042-00010279-00010477 magic wand to make these amazing numbers KUeNc5vD6qY-00043-00010478-00010827 happen he simply put America first crazy KUeNc5vD6qY-00044-00010828-00011091 I know but this simply proves that our KUeNc5vD6qY-00045-00011092-00011277 past leaders weren't even considering us KUeNc5vD6qY-00046-00011278-00011523 when they made their decisions Obama and KUeNc5vD6qY-00047-00011524-00011683 the Democrats were just looking to help KUeNc5vD6qY-00048-00011684-00011991 themselves on the flip side President KUeNc5vD6qY-00049-00011992-00012112 Trump is fighting to ensure all KUeNc5vD6qY-00050-00012113-00012394 Americans thrive everyone needs to know KUeNc5vD6qY-00051-00012395-00012562 the truth Trump is doing what people KUeNc5vD6qY-00052-00012563-00012897 said was impossible KUeNc5vD6qY-00053-00012899-00013078 was the news we thought you might be KUeNc5vD6qY-00054-00013079-00013333 interested in knowing about this please KUeNc5vD6qY-00055-00013334-00013876 click like and subscribe thank you KVRd0bnC2Cy-00000-00000190-00000607 hi guys I'm gonna try and get that KVRd0bnC2Cy-00001-00000608-00002009 finger up cereal whoever it is so yes KVRd0bnC2Cy-00002-00002010-00002650 you thought yes no but BB bug laughs KVRd0bnC2Cy-00003-00002651-00003392 that's what I reckoned yes you thought KVRd0bnC2Cy-00004-00003393-00004154 yes no Bob Bob babe B laughs that's what KVRd0bnC2Cy-00005-00004155-00004952 I reckoned yes bought though yes no but KVRd0bnC2Cy-00006-00004953-00005545 how laughs hey that one's funny so I KVRd0bnC2Cy-00007-00005546-00006834 figured KVRd0bnC2Cy-00008-00006836-00007276 Siri is that your name KVRd0bnC2Cy-00009-00007277-00007733 serious that your name yo theory you're KVRd0bnC2Cy-00010-00007734-00008429 talking to me talk about life my name is KVRd0bnC2Cy-00011-00008430-00009278 Siri see we use your name but because KVRd0bnC2Cy-00012-00009279-00009661 your friend big jack big jack one and KVRd0bnC2Cy-00013-00009662-00010498 only ones not hot I am KVRd0bnC2Cy-00014-00010499-00011071 listen see me your name is not big shock KVRd0bnC2Cy-00015-00011072-00011405 big shock don't wanna known the man's no KVRd0bnC2Cy-00016-00011406-00011869 hot that's what he sings KVRd0bnC2Cy-00017-00011870-00012503 my name is Siri so guys that's right my KVRd0bnC2Cy-00018-00012504-00012886 video to talk KWzlBLy0xyk-00000-00000027-00001503 [Music] KWzlBLy0xyk-00001-00001504-00001702 some better day [__] me i'm looking in KWzlBLy0xyk-00002-00001703-00001910 the mirror so foggy but i've never seen KWzlBLy0xyk-00003-00001911-00002110 clearer i don't really think anyone can KWzlBLy0xyk-00004-00002111-00002271 save me and honestly i'm not really sure KWzlBLy0xyk-00005-00002272-00002479 i want saving i'd like to be my own KWzlBLy0xyk-00006-00002480-00002671 worst enemy there's no risk if you don't KWzlBLy0xyk-00007-00002672-00002902 try at anything so imma just keep buying KWzlBLy0xyk-00008-00002903-00003047 everything see you in the next life you KWzlBLy0xyk-00009-00003048-00003206 have to be a better me i don't think KWzlBLy0xyk-00010-00003207-00003367 that my head's on straight gotta flip it KWzlBLy0xyk-00011-00003368-00003559 and grip it and go and get an x-ray KWzlBLy0xyk-00012-00003560-00003727 what's wrong with me i just feel away KWzlBLy0xyk-00013-00003728-00003879 pushing on my chest in a squeeze till i KWzlBLy0xyk-00014-00003879-00004079 suffocate better change my mindset KWzlBLy0xyk-00015-00004079-00004247 meditate it's pretty cool that i'm alive KWzlBLy0xyk-00016-00004248-00004447 and have better days i can walk see here KWzlBLy0xyk-00017-00004448-00004591 i should celebrate think i could change KWzlBLy0xyk-00018-00004592-00004763 my mind maybe KWzlBLy0xyk-00019-00004764-00005709 elevate every day KWzlBLy0xyk-00020-00005710-00006302 [Music] KWzlBLy0xyk-00021-00006303-00006446 i'm kind of stuck between a rock and a KWzlBLy0xyk-00022-00006447-00006663 hard place do i work hard or live in my KWzlBLy0xyk-00023-00006664-00006846 pace you're only young one yeah that's KWzlBLy0xyk-00024-00006847-00007023 all great but i also want a future where KWzlBLy0xyk-00025-00007023-00007231 i'm okay living life is doing lots of KWzlBLy0xyk-00026-00007231-00007446 cocaine wait no it's living with no KWzlBLy0xyk-00027-00007447-00007623 shame wait no it's sleeping in on KWzlBLy0xyk-00028-00007623-00007774 sundays i guess it's different for each KWzlBLy0xyk-00029-00007775-00007983 of us and that's okay well i just want KWzlBLy0xyk-00030-00007984-00008199 to be happy how to get there glad that KWzlBLy0xyk-00031-00008200-00008414 you asked me i think it's different for KWzlBLy0xyk-00032-00008415-00008607 everyone some of us need work others KWzlBLy0xyk-00033-00008608-00008799 need fun some of us need purpose to KWzlBLy0xyk-00034-00008800-00008967 overcome but try to do what you love KWzlBLy0xyk-00035-00008968-00009110 when it's said and done cause there's so KWzlBLy0xyk-00036-00009111-00009287 many differences in each of us trust KWzlBLy0xyk-00037-00009288-00009487 your gut it can show you what you want KWzlBLy0xyk-00038-00009488-00009774 living life every day KWzlBLy0xyk-00039-00009775-00010920 not okay KWzlBLy0xyk-00040-00010921-00011351 [Music] KWzlBLy0xyk-00041-00011352-00011446 not okay KWzlBLy0xyk-00042-00011447-00011735 all i want and i pray all i need are KWzlBLy0xyk-00043-00011736-00011942 some better days KWzlBLy0xyk-00044-00011943-00012038 yeah KWzlBLy0xyk-00045-00012039-00012270 all i need are some better days all i KWzlBLy0xyk-00046-00012271-00012567 want and i pray i believe in the better KWzlBLy0xyk-00047-00012568-00012815 days KWzlBLy0xyk-00048-00012816-00014111 [Music] KWzlBLy0xyk-00049-00014112-00014383 and i pray all i need is a better day KWzlBLy0xyk-00050-00014384-00014583 [__] me i'm looking in the mirror so KWzlBLy0xyk-00051-00014584-00014783 foggy but i've never seen clearer i KWzlBLy0xyk-00052-00014784-00014943 don't really think anyone can save me KWzlBLy0xyk-00053-00014944-00015094 and honestly i'm not really sure i want KWzlBLy0xyk-00054-00015095-00015350 saving i'd like to be my own worst enemy KWzlBLy0xyk-00055-00015351-00015494 there's no risk if you don't try at KWzlBLy0xyk-00056-00015495-00015694 anything so imma just keep buying KWzlBLy0xyk-00057-00015695-00015847 everything see you in the next life have KWzlBLy0xyk-00058-00015847-00016030 to be a better me i don't think that my KWzlBLy0xyk-00059-00016031-00016166 head's on straight gotta flip it and KWzlBLy0xyk-00060-00016168-00016375 grip it and go and get an x-ray what's KWzlBLy0xyk-00061-00016376-00016550 wrong with me i just feel away pushing KWzlBLy0xyk-00062-00016551-00016671 on my chest and i squeeze till i KWzlBLy0xyk-00063-00016672-00016863 suffocate better change my mindset KWzlBLy0xyk-00064-00016864-00017030 meditate it's pretty cool that i'm alive KWzlBLy0xyk-00065-00017031-00017230 and have better days i can walk see here KWzlBLy0xyk-00066-00017231-00017407 i should celebrate think i can change my KWzlBLy0xyk-00067-00017408-00018496 mind maybe elevate living life every day KWzlBLy0xyk-00068-00018497-00019086 [Music] KWzlBLy0xyk-00069-00019087-00019230 i'm kind of stuck between a rock and a KWzlBLy0xyk-00070-00019231-00019455 hard place do i work hard or live at my KWzlBLy0xyk-00071-00019456-00019630 pace you're only young one yeah that's KWzlBLy0xyk-00072-00019631-00019814 all great but i also want a future where KWzlBLy0xyk-00073-00019815-00020022 i'm okay living life is doing lots of KWzlBLy0xyk-00074-00020023-00020239 cocaine wait no it's living with no KWzlBLy0xyk-00075-00020240-00020414 shame wait no it's sleeping in on KWzlBLy0xyk-00076-00020415-00020558 sundays i guess it's different for each KWzlBLy0xyk-00077-00020559-00020807 of us and it's okay well i just wanna be KWzlBLy0xyk-00078-00020808-00021007 happy how to get there glad that you KWzlBLy0xyk-00079-00021008-00021103 asked me KWzlBLy0xyk-00080-00021104-00021286 i think it's different for everyone some KWzlBLy0xyk-00081-00021287-00021494 of us need work others need fun some of KWzlBLy0xyk-00082-00021495-00021686 us need purpose to overcome but try to KWzlBLy0xyk-00083-00021687-00021847 do what you love when it's said and done KWzlBLy0xyk-00084-00021848-00021991 cause there's so many differences in KWzlBLy0xyk-00085-00021992-00022240 each of us KY_1GIUG8mY-00000-00000000-00000224 my name is Megan Hatcher and my company KY_1GIUG8mY-00001-00000225-00000563 is in Windows little rock nobody wants a KY_1GIUG8mY-00002-00000564-00000852 Salesman in their home I don't do you KY_1GIUG8mY-00003-00000853-00001139 you have two options you can call KY_1GIUG8mY-00004-00001140-00001322 another window company which I highly KY_1GIUG8mY-00005-00001323-00001469 encourage you to do I want you to get a KY_1GIUG8mY-00006-00001470-00001718 lot of pricey you can have them sit in KY_1GIUG8mY-00007-00001719-00001885 your house for two to three hours and KY_1GIUG8mY-00008-00001886-00002032 talk to you about the window high KY_1GIUG8mY-00009-00002034-00002375 pressure sales do you fill you or what KY_1GIUG8mY-00010-00002376-00002668 you can do is you can call or email me I KY_1GIUG8mY-00011-00002669-00002902 will give you a quote in 5 minutes and i KY_1GIUG8mY-00012-00002903-00003151 will never bug you ever again the balls KY_1GIUG8mY-00013-00003152-00003428 in your court the process is really KY_1GIUG8mY-00014-00003429-00003635 simple you decide you want the windows KY_1GIUG8mY-00015-00003636-00003878 you call me let me know oh send my KY_1GIUG8mY-00016-00003879-00004085 installer out he's going to come measure KY_1GIUG8mY-00017-00004086-00004268 your windows we're going to get them KY_1GIUG8mY-00018-00004269-00004466 ordered two to three weeks they're going KY_1GIUG8mY-00019-00004467-00004643 to be delivered and then I'm going to KY_1GIUG8mY-00020-00004644-00004820 send my installation team out there KY_1GIUG8mY-00021-00004821-00005186 going to install your Windows done one KY_1GIUG8mY-00022-00005187-00005372 of the best things about sin windows is KY_1GIUG8mY-00023-00005373-00005563 that we don't ask you for any deposit KY_1GIUG8mY-00024-00005564-00005786 any money until your windows are KY_1GIUG8mY-00025-00005787-00005920 installed and you are a hundred percent KY_1GIUG8mY-00026-00005921-00006184 happy that's how much we believe in our KY_1GIUG8mY-00027-00006185-00006535 product and our process if you want to KY_1GIUG8mY-00028-00006536-00006698 put on your windows there's two options KY_1GIUG8mY-00029-00006698-00006983 with zune windows call me or fill out a KY_1GIUG8mY-00030-00006984-00007178 form online and i'll get you a quote in KY_1GIUG8mY-00031-00007179-00007409 as little as five minutes it's that KY_1GIUG8mY-00032-00007409-00007645 simple KZ5-36Rdi54-00000-00000328-00000503 hey everybody thanks so much for coming KZ5-36Rdi54-00001-00000504-00000743 to my short video presentation for the KZ5-36Rdi54-00002-00000744-00001103 2022 ete conference my name is lisa KZ5-36Rdi54-00003-00001104-00001350 gabbard and i am KZ5-36Rdi54-00004-00001351-00001543 looking forward to talking with you a KZ5-36Rdi54-00005-00001544-00001751 little bit in this presentation about KZ5-36Rdi54-00006-00001752-00001942 some of the ways i've been rethinking KZ5-36Rdi54-00007-00001943-00002310 assignments in the postcovid era KZ5-36Rdi54-00008-00002311-00002439 so i'm going to go ahead and share my KZ5-36Rdi54-00009-00002440-00002542 screen with you i have a short KZ5-36Rdi54-00010-00002543-00002742 powerpoint hopefully KZ5-36Rdi54-00011-00002743-00003263 this will work KZ5-36Rdi54-00012-00003264-00003470 okay there it is uh the title of my KZ5-36Rdi54-00013-00003471-00003686 presentation is deadlines test and KZ5-36Rdi54-00014-00003688-00003847 sundry assignments rethinking KZ5-36Rdi54-00015-00003847-00004022 conventional frameworks in the post KZ5-36Rdi54-00016-00004023-00004183 coveted era KZ5-36Rdi54-00017-00004184-00004431 again my name is dr lisa gabert and i'm KZ5-36Rdi54-00018-00004432-00004631 associate professor of folklore studies KZ5-36Rdi54-00019-00004632-00004815 in the department of english here at KZ5-36Rdi54-00020-00004816-00005038 utah state university KZ5-36Rdi54-00021-00005039-00005199 um and i thought this would be a good KZ5-36Rdi54-00022-00005200-00005406 topic to tie to the conference theme KZ5-36Rdi54-00023-00005407-00005647 which is teaching reimagined because i KZ5-36Rdi54-00024-00005648-00005847 really have been working hard over the KZ5-36Rdi54-00025-00005848-00006102 past couple of years a little bit before KZ5-36Rdi54-00026-00006103-00006334 covet but uh certainly during kovid to KZ5-36Rdi54-00027-00006335-00006606 rethink some of the sort of default KZ5-36Rdi54-00028-00006608-00006791 teaching strategies and teaching KZ5-36Rdi54-00029-00006792-00007095 presumptions um that i've had KZ5-36Rdi54-00030-00007095-00007263 most of my life and a lot of these have KZ5-36Rdi54-00031-00007264-00007423 to do with KZ5-36Rdi54-00032-00007423-00007551 deadlines KZ5-36Rdi54-00033-00007552-00007895 and time limits for tests and the way i KZ5-36Rdi54-00034-00007895-00008127 organize and structure my semester in KZ5-36Rdi54-00035-00008128-00008527 terms of grading so i just wanted to KZ5-36Rdi54-00036-00008528-00008799 talk with you about what i've been doing KZ5-36Rdi54-00037-00008800-00008935 so what i'm going to do in this KZ5-36Rdi54-00038-00008936-00009183 presentation is i'm going to kind of KZ5-36Rdi54-00039-00009184-00009406 give an overview of what i have been KZ5-36Rdi54-00040-00009407-00009535 doing KZ5-36Rdi54-00041-00009536-00009671 and the results KZ5-36Rdi54-00042-00009672-00009927 share a few student responses with you KZ5-36Rdi54-00043-00009928-00010087 and then also KZ5-36Rdi54-00044-00010088-00010271 kind of talk through my own questions KZ5-36Rdi54-00045-00010272-00010535 and my own evaluation and of course at KZ5-36Rdi54-00046-00010536-00010791 the end i would love it if you had any KZ5-36Rdi54-00047-00010792-00011095 comments or questions or suggestions KZ5-36Rdi54-00048-00011096-00011335 because this is very much an ongoing KZ5-36Rdi54-00049-00011336-00011495 learning process KZ5-36Rdi54-00050-00011496-00011719 for me KZ5-36Rdi54-00051-00011720-00011983 uh so how i got started on this path was KZ5-36Rdi54-00052-00011984-00012238 that i really noticed that students were KZ5-36Rdi54-00053-00012239-00012510 struggling to turn assignments in KZ5-36Rdi54-00054-00012511-00012719 oftentimes when they KZ5-36Rdi54-00055-00012720-00013007 did an assignment it wasn't necessarily KZ5-36Rdi54-00056-00013008-00013158 very good KZ5-36Rdi54-00057-00013159-00013383 uh or at least in the way that i wanted KZ5-36Rdi54-00058-00013384-00013519 them to do it KZ5-36Rdi54-00059-00013519-00013663 they also had KZ5-36Rdi54-00060-00013663-00013815 struggled quite a bit completing the KZ5-36Rdi54-00061-00013816-00014015 tests they weren't doing the reading and KZ5-36Rdi54-00062-00014016-00014286 so i really felt students weren't um KZ5-36Rdi54-00063-00014287-00014519 engaged in a lot of ways uh in the class KZ5-36Rdi54-00064-00014519-00014775 and i felt this pre-covered as well but KZ5-36Rdi54-00065-00014776-00014927 i certainly KZ5-36Rdi54-00066-00014928-00015111 during covet it went you know i felt KZ5-36Rdi54-00067-00015112-00015358 that really went uh way up KZ5-36Rdi54-00068-00015359-00015663 and so i started experimenting with KZ5-36Rdi54-00069-00015663-00015894 ways to KZ5-36Rdi54-00070-00015895-00016030 kind of get them a little bit more KZ5-36Rdi54-00071-00016031-00016199 engaged and these were some KZ5-36Rdi54-00072-00016200-00016407 experimentations that i did before i KZ5-36Rdi54-00073-00016408-00016630 went to a very flexible deadline KZ5-36Rdi54-00074-00016631-00016758 schedule KZ5-36Rdi54-00075-00016759-00017119 one of the things i did was that i had a KZ5-36Rdi54-00076-00017120-00017367 number of assignments uh but a lot of KZ5-36Rdi54-00077-00017368-00017550 them weren't graded and i thought well KZ5-36Rdi54-00078-00017551-00017639 okay KZ5-36Rdi54-00079-00017640-00017847 uh let's move to some low stakes KZ5-36Rdi54-00080-00017848-00018055 assignments um let me see if you know if KZ5-36Rdi54-00081-00018056-00018214 i don't grade them then you know they'll KZ5-36Rdi54-00082-00018215-00018422 take the stress off and and some of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00083-00018423-00018558 anxiety KZ5-36Rdi54-00084-00018559-00018822 um but that really in my experience did KZ5-36Rdi54-00085-00018823-00019175 not work very well it really led to KZ5-36Rdi54-00086-00019176-00019335 students getting the idea that an KZ5-36Rdi54-00087-00019336-00019535 ungraded assignment was not important KZ5-36Rdi54-00088-00019536-00019750 that they really didn't need to do it KZ5-36Rdi54-00089-00019751-00020086 and sort of some student apathy and also KZ5-36Rdi54-00090-00020087-00020294 some complaints uh in the course KZ5-36Rdi54-00091-00020295-00020543 evaluations about um KZ5-36Rdi54-00092-00020544-00020839 having to do ungraded work so so clearly KZ5-36Rdi54-00093-00020840-00020991 in the student's mind there's a KZ5-36Rdi54-00094-00020992-00021230 correlation between earning points for KZ5-36Rdi54-00095-00021231-00021591 something and the uh the relevance or KZ5-36Rdi54-00096-00021592-00021799 importance of the assignment so that was KZ5-36Rdi54-00097-00021800-00022135 a strategy that really uh did not work KZ5-36Rdi54-00098-00022136-00022483 um but when i did grade uh the KZ5-36Rdi54-00099-00022484-00022703 assignments um KZ5-36Rdi54-00100-00022704-00022958 oftentimes if they were late uh which KZ5-36Rdi54-00101-00022959-00023255 they increasingly uh came to be the the KZ5-36Rdi54-00102-00023256-00023430 points i deducted for lateness were KZ5-36Rdi54-00103-00023431-00023639 really impacting students grade and KZ5-36Rdi54-00104-00023640-00023911 didn't and that didn't really reflect KZ5-36Rdi54-00105-00023912-00024207 how i felt the student had performed KZ5-36Rdi54-00106-00024208-00024455 holistically over the course of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00107-00024456-00024655 semester KZ5-36Rdi54-00108-00024656-00024847 so i began having some pretty in-depth KZ5-36Rdi54-00109-00024848-00025022 conversations with some of my students KZ5-36Rdi54-00110-00025023-00025286 about about what was going on and KZ5-36Rdi54-00111-00025287-00025606 like all of you um uh know KZ5-36Rdi54-00112-00025607-00025783 uh and i'm sure i have discovered you KZ5-36Rdi54-00113-00025783-00025999 know i found uh not only were my KZ5-36Rdi54-00114-00026000-00026183 students really really struggling but KZ5-36Rdi54-00115-00026183-00026487 they were struggling with really really KZ5-36Rdi54-00116-00026488-00026823 hard uh things you know i can recall for KZ5-36Rdi54-00117-00026824-00027102 example a mom who is in one of my KZ5-36Rdi54-00118-00027104-00027335 classes she was working full-time and KZ5-36Rdi54-00119-00027336-00027495 she had four kids KZ5-36Rdi54-00120-00027495-00027718 for you know just one example KZ5-36Rdi54-00121-00027719-00028118 um another had you know a family member KZ5-36Rdi54-00122-00028119-00028335 attempts suicide and of course there you KZ5-36Rdi54-00123-00028336-00028551 know are were significant mental health KZ5-36Rdi54-00124-00028552-00028790 issues with many of these students as KZ5-36Rdi54-00125-00028791-00028983 instructors were very aware KZ5-36Rdi54-00126-00028983-00029246 of the mental health KZ5-36Rdi54-00127-00029247-00029462 problems that have been increasing or at KZ5-36Rdi54-00128-00029463-00029631 least being more documented over the KZ5-36Rdi54-00129-00029632-00029862 past couple of years particularly KZ5-36Rdi54-00130-00029863-00030199 in the coved era KZ5-36Rdi54-00131-00030200-00030439 and at the same time i also in my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00132-00030439-00030799 personal life i have a or had a a high KZ5-36Rdi54-00133-00030800-00030974 school student who is also really KZ5-36Rdi54-00134-00030975-00031207 struggling with uh some of the similar KZ5-36Rdi54-00135-00031208-00031414 issues especially in the areas of mental KZ5-36Rdi54-00136-00031416-00031583 health so KZ5-36Rdi54-00137-00031583-00031751 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00138-00031752-00032046 my own obviously my own attitude really KZ5-36Rdi54-00139-00032047-00032374 kind of changed as a result of these KZ5-36Rdi54-00140-00032375-00032590 in-depth conversations with my students KZ5-36Rdi54-00141-00032591-00032815 i really you know came to understand KZ5-36Rdi54-00142-00032816-00033055 that they were not slacking off they KZ5-36Rdi54-00143-00033056-00033239 weren't making things up KZ5-36Rdi54-00144-00033240-00033518 but they really really uh had some KZ5-36Rdi54-00145-00033519-00033727 significant challenges KZ5-36Rdi54-00146-00033728-00033935 and i started thinking about my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00147-00033936-00034223 educational background which is a fairly KZ5-36Rdi54-00148-00034224-00034479 you know traditional elite academic KZ5-36Rdi54-00149-00034480-00034639 background you know i went to very nice KZ5-36Rdi54-00150-00034640-00034902 schools i had the support of my parents KZ5-36Rdi54-00151-00034903-00035095 i was not a first generation college KZ5-36Rdi54-00152-00035096-00035359 student and i KZ5-36Rdi54-00153-00035360-00035567 came to the conclusion KZ5-36Rdi54-00154-00035568-00035807 that really um KZ5-36Rdi54-00155-00035808-00036151 you know my students KZ5-36Rdi54-00156-00036152-00036383 my own experience did not reflect as a KZ5-36Rdi54-00157-00036384-00036518 college student and later as a grad KZ5-36Rdi54-00158-00036519-00036751 student these kinds of challenges or if KZ5-36Rdi54-00159-00036752-00036887 people did have these kinds of KZ5-36Rdi54-00160-00036888-00037046 challenges they really weren't KZ5-36Rdi54-00161-00037047-00037399 acknowledged so in a way my own academic KZ5-36Rdi54-00162-00037400-00037535 privilege KZ5-36Rdi54-00163-00037536-00037735 and academic background you know was KZ5-36Rdi54-00164-00037736-00038015 sort of driving some of my expectations KZ5-36Rdi54-00165-00038016-00038255 in terms of the way that students should KZ5-36Rdi54-00166-00038256-00038390 accomplish KZ5-36Rdi54-00167-00038391-00038543 their work KZ5-36Rdi54-00168-00038544-00038807 and so i decided to try and change it KZ5-36Rdi54-00169-00038808-00039007 now i originally just made KZ5-36Rdi54-00170-00039008-00039271 exceptions for students who were really KZ5-36Rdi54-00171-00039272-00039407 struggling you know these students that KZ5-36Rdi54-00172-00039408-00039511 i had these pretty in-depth KZ5-36Rdi54-00173-00039512-00039662 conversations with KZ5-36Rdi54-00174-00039663-00040039 but um over time i just decided just to KZ5-36Rdi54-00175-00040040-00040383 kind of implement um some flexibility as KZ5-36Rdi54-00176-00040384-00040887 a policy and and see what happened um KZ5-36Rdi54-00177-00040888-00041255 so what i did was i uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00178-00041256-00041471 i KZ5-36Rdi54-00179-00041472-00041583 essentially KZ5-36Rdi54-00180-00041584-00041967 got rid of most of the hard KZ5-36Rdi54-00181-00041968-00042215 deadlines and got rid of the time limits KZ5-36Rdi54-00182-00042216-00042511 for tests so for example exams KZ5-36Rdi54-00183-00042512-00042767 um they were taken online KZ5-36Rdi54-00184-00042768-00042927 they were at home KZ5-36Rdi54-00185-00042928-00043215 they were open book and open notes KZ5-36Rdi54-00186-00043216-00043439 and because i was giving it through KZ5-36Rdi54-00187-00043440-00043695 canvas they basically had a week to take KZ5-36Rdi54-00188-00043696-00043918 the exam so for example the exam would KZ5-36Rdi54-00189-00043919-00044174 open on a monday maybe close on a sunday KZ5-36Rdi54-00190-00044175-00044407 but really within that time frame there KZ5-36Rdi54-00191-00044408-00044623 was no time limit so it wasn't like the KZ5-36Rdi54-00192-00044624-00044846 exam closed after two hours or something KZ5-36Rdi54-00193-00044847-00045095 like that there was a final deadline KZ5-36Rdi54-00194-00045096-00045279 when the exam had to be KZ5-36Rdi54-00195-00045280-00045390 done but KZ5-36Rdi54-00196-00045391-00045615 once they logged into the exam and KZ5-36Rdi54-00197-00045616-00045767 opened it they could take as long as KZ5-36Rdi54-00198-00045768-00046007 they want and they could use really KZ5-36Rdi54-00199-00046008-00046311 any resource they want KZ5-36Rdi54-00200-00046312-00046527 now i will say that my exams tend to be KZ5-36Rdi54-00201-00046528-00046799 a combination of multiple choice uh a KZ5-36Rdi54-00202-00046800-00046983 number of short essay questions and a KZ5-36Rdi54-00203-00046984-00047246 long essay question and um some of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00204-00047247-00047374 information can be found sort of KZ5-36Rdi54-00205-00047375-00047607 superficially online but really the KZ5-36Rdi54-00206-00047608-00047830 answers are pretty specific to my KZ5-36Rdi54-00207-00047831-00047943 classes KZ5-36Rdi54-00208-00047944-00048127 we read very specific texts that are KZ5-36Rdi54-00209-00048128-00048462 probably not replicated elsewhere KZ5-36Rdi54-00210-00048463-00048639 they're based in class discussions and KZ5-36Rdi54-00211-00048640-00048807 so they're pretty specific to that KZ5-36Rdi54-00212-00048808-00049095 course so i'm really not worried KZ5-36Rdi54-00213-00049096-00049335 about cheating KZ5-36Rdi54-00214-00049336-00049518 in the conventional sense you know if KZ5-36Rdi54-00215-00049519-00049767 they can go find the answer in one of KZ5-36Rdi54-00216-00049768-00050039 the books that we've read great you know KZ5-36Rdi54-00217-00050040-00050262 i'm i'm all for it it means that they KZ5-36Rdi54-00218-00050263-00050407 know where to find the answer in the KZ5-36Rdi54-00219-00050408-00050639 book they're willing to go search for it KZ5-36Rdi54-00220-00050640-00050943 and and answer the question uh for for KZ5-36Rdi54-00221-00050944-00051174 the exam KZ5-36Rdi54-00222-00051175-00051438 um so other assignments uh that aren't KZ5-36Rdi54-00223-00051439-00051711 tests you know discussion posts uh for KZ5-36Rdi54-00224-00051712-00051975 example or um KZ5-36Rdi54-00225-00051976-00052263 assignments i have deadlines KZ5-36Rdi54-00226-00052264-00052503 but uh i also tell them that they really KZ5-36Rdi54-00227-00052504-00052799 can turn it in at any time during the KZ5-36Rdi54-00228-00052800-00053071 semester and earn at least some of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00229-00053072-00053230 points they may not learn all of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00230-00053232-00053503 points that the assignment is worth but KZ5-36Rdi54-00231-00053504-00053750 they can certainly earn KZ5-36Rdi54-00232-00053751-00053879 some of them KZ5-36Rdi54-00233-00053879-00054063 and they can turn those in all the way KZ5-36Rdi54-00234-00054064-00054159 up till KZ5-36Rdi54-00235-00054160-00054415 the last day of class KZ5-36Rdi54-00236-00054416-00054694 um and then the final papers this is a KZ5-36Rdi54-00237-00054695-00054887 little bit trickier a lot of my classes KZ5-36Rdi54-00238-00054888-00055191 i have them write a research paper KZ5-36Rdi54-00239-00055191-00055359 and those are KZ5-36Rdi54-00240-00055360-00055566 scaffolded so in other words they have KZ5-36Rdi54-00241-00055567-00055894 to write a proposal they have to write a KZ5-36Rdi54-00242-00055895-00056079 find sources and turn those sources in KZ5-36Rdi54-00243-00056079-00056191 they have to write a rough draft they KZ5-36Rdi54-00244-00056191-00056350 have to write a final draft so there's a KZ5-36Rdi54-00245-00056351-00056575 number of steps that they do KZ5-36Rdi54-00246-00056576-00056911 and each of those steps have deadlines KZ5-36Rdi54-00247-00056912-00057150 but again if they miss that deadline i KZ5-36Rdi54-00248-00057151-00057471 tell them turn it in when you can KZ5-36Rdi54-00249-00057472-00057726 the penalty for turning in late is that KZ5-36Rdi54-00250-00057727-00057926 they do not necessarily get the kind of KZ5-36Rdi54-00251-00057927-00058142 feedback at each step that they normally KZ5-36Rdi54-00252-00058144-00058366 would give i often work for example with KZ5-36Rdi54-00253-00058367-00058566 writing fellows um KZ5-36Rdi54-00254-00058567-00058775 and i did not feel like it was fair to KZ5-36Rdi54-00255-00058776-00058959 the writing fellows KZ5-36Rdi54-00256-00058960-00059150 to work with students who had turned KZ5-36Rdi54-00257-00059151-00059366 things in beyond the deadline so i might KZ5-36Rdi54-00258-00059367-00059559 give a little bit of feedback but the KZ5-36Rdi54-00259-00059560-00059679 students really understood that they KZ5-36Rdi54-00260-00059679-00059838 could turn it into late they could earn KZ5-36Rdi54-00261-00059839-00059975 the points or at least some of the KZ5-36Rdi54-00262-00059976-00060271 points um but they might not get as KZ5-36Rdi54-00263-00060272-00060599 comprehensive feedback as if they had KZ5-36Rdi54-00264-00060600-00060903 turned it in in time KZ5-36Rdi54-00265-00060904-00060999 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00266-00061000-00061175 and i think in general what i'm trying KZ5-36Rdi54-00267-00061176-00061438 to do with a lot of this material is KZ5-36Rdi54-00268-00061439-00061559 moved from KZ5-36Rdi54-00269-00061560-00061694 really what KZ5-36Rdi54-00270-00061695-00061942 how i was taught which is kind of a KZ5-36Rdi54-00271-00061944-00062215 shame-based model of teaching in which KZ5-36Rdi54-00272-00062216-00062454 uh you know making a mistake KZ5-36Rdi54-00273-00062455-00062687 in which missing a deadline is equal to KZ5-36Rdi54-00274-00062688-00062942 punishment eg they lose points so KZ5-36Rdi54-00275-00062944-00063166 sometimes i don't even KZ5-36Rdi54-00276-00063167-00063303 mark off KZ5-36Rdi54-00277-00063304-00063559 for a wrong answer and KZ5-36Rdi54-00278-00063560-00063830 this is one of the benefits of KZ5-36Rdi54-00279-00063832-00064023 working in the humanities as there are KZ5-36Rdi54-00280-00064024-00064206 better answers in my classes and worse KZ5-36Rdi54-00281-00064207-00064503 answers but you know it's KZ5-36Rdi54-00282-00064504-00064719 you know black and white wrong answers KZ5-36Rdi54-00283-00064720-00064935 are not necessarily uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00284-00064936-00065142 what i'm striving for KZ5-36Rdi54-00285-00065144-00065366 um so instead we might workshop an KZ5-36Rdi54-00286-00065367-00065471 answer KZ5-36Rdi54-00287-00065472-00065743 uh and talk about why KZ5-36Rdi54-00288-00065744-00065935 this answer may have mixed the mark a KZ5-36Rdi54-00289-00065936-00066119 little bit and KZ5-36Rdi54-00290-00066120-00066423 what might be a better answer and to try KZ5-36Rdi54-00291-00066424-00066599 and create an environment which students KZ5-36Rdi54-00292-00066600-00066887 feel like they can explore the topic KZ5-36Rdi54-00293-00066888-00067038 rather than having to get it right the KZ5-36Rdi54-00294-00067039-00067175 first time KZ5-36Rdi54-00295-00067176-00067294 and be KZ5-36Rdi54-00296-00067295-00067615 punished for making a mistake KZ5-36Rdi54-00297-00067616-00067871 so so that's sort of very generally what KZ5-36Rdi54-00298-00067872-00068126 i've been experimenting with KZ5-36Rdi54-00299-00068127-00068431 now in terms of uh results particularly KZ5-36Rdi54-00300-00068432-00068679 for exams because i know that's um a lot KZ5-36Rdi54-00301-00068680-00069071 of what we as instructors focus on KZ5-36Rdi54-00302-00069072-00069326 um i'm just giving you the results here KZ5-36Rdi54-00303-00069327-00069615 from two classes that i taught in fall KZ5-36Rdi54-00304-00069616-00069838 of 2021 on the left is my introduction KZ5-36Rdi54-00305-00069839-00070015 to folklore class and on the right is my KZ5-36Rdi54-00306-00070016-00070294 children's folklore this was for both KZ5-36Rdi54-00307-00070295-00070479 classes and exam where there was no time KZ5-36Rdi54-00308-00070480-00070575 limit KZ5-36Rdi54-00309-00070576-00070767 um the average according to canvas KZ5-36Rdi54-00310-00070768-00071047 statistics for taking the KZ5-36Rdi54-00311-00071048-00071367 2210 exam was two hours and you can see KZ5-36Rdi54-00312-00071368-00071662 that the average score was 89 KZ5-36Rdi54-00313-00071663-00071926 so it was not an a plus because they KZ5-36Rdi54-00314-00071927-00072111 were googling answers and had the KZ5-36Rdi54-00315-00072112-00072303 answers at their fingertips it was still KZ5-36Rdi54-00316-00072304-00072487 you know it was a good grade it was a b KZ5-36Rdi54-00317-00072488-00072575 plus KZ5-36Rdi54-00318-00072576-00073031 um but it wasn't um 100 percent what's KZ5-36Rdi54-00319-00073032-00073279 interesting to me about this state about KZ5-36Rdi54-00320-00073280-00073543 these results however is the right-hand KZ5-36Rdi54-00321-00073544-00073671 side of the screen which is the KZ5-36Rdi54-00322-00073672-00073903 children's folklore class KZ5-36Rdi54-00323-00073904-00074199 now in this class they took much longer KZ5-36Rdi54-00324-00074200-00074462 the average time for the exam was four KZ5-36Rdi54-00325-00074463-00074687 hours and you can see that the average KZ5-36Rdi54-00326-00074688-00075103 score was actually lower at 85 percent KZ5-36Rdi54-00327-00075104-00075223 so KZ5-36Rdi54-00328-00075224-00075487 the fact that the students had the exam KZ5-36Rdi54-00329-00075488-00075687 open for longer KZ5-36Rdi54-00330-00075688-00076015 did not equate to necessarily a better KZ5-36Rdi54-00331-00076016-00076303 grade and this sort of just reinforces KZ5-36Rdi54-00332-00076304-00076662 my own take on a limitless KZ5-36Rdi54-00333-00076663-00076967 time for exams that students will put as KZ5-36Rdi54-00334-00076968-00077223 much work as they want into the exam and KZ5-36Rdi54-00335-00077224-00077399 as much work as they can and then they KZ5-36Rdi54-00336-00077400-00077543 just turn it in KZ5-36Rdi54-00337-00077544-00077823 and the open book open notes they have KZ5-36Rdi54-00338-00077824-00077991 all those resources and of course the KZ5-36Rdi54-00339-00077992-00078215 better students are going to KZ5-36Rdi54-00340-00078216-00078423 already be familiar with those resource KZ5-36Rdi54-00341-00078424-00078638 sources nowhere to go to get the answers KZ5-36Rdi54-00342-00078639-00078782 if they need to or maybe they may have KZ5-36Rdi54-00343-00078783-00078967 the answers at their fingertips KZ5-36Rdi54-00344-00078968-00079215 and the poorer students are still going KZ5-36Rdi54-00345-00079216-00079431 to struggle a little bit they will have KZ5-36Rdi54-00346-00079432-00079615 those resources there but they may not KZ5-36Rdi54-00347-00079616-00079687 be KZ5-36Rdi54-00348-00079688-00079959 as adept at them and certainly in KZ5-36Rdi54-00349-00079960-00080103 neither case KZ5-36Rdi54-00350-00080104-00080423 uh did this open book open note no time KZ5-36Rdi54-00351-00080424-00080735 limit exam result in you know everybody KZ5-36Rdi54-00352-00080736-00081262 acing the test in in any kind of way KZ5-36Rdi54-00353-00081263-00081582 okay from other uh assignments um i KZ5-36Rdi54-00354-00081583-00081759 would say now i know one of the fears KZ5-36Rdi54-00355-00081760-00081911 and this is certainly a fear i had when KZ5-36Rdi54-00356-00081912-00082159 i started experimenting with this uh is KZ5-36Rdi54-00357-00082160-00082311 that you would you know i would be KZ5-36Rdi54-00358-00082312-00082511 inundated with late assignments and KZ5-36Rdi54-00359-00082512-00082662 things would be coming in at all KZ5-36Rdi54-00360-00082663-00082855 different kinds of times KZ5-36Rdi54-00361-00082856-00082943 and KZ5-36Rdi54-00362-00082944-00083150 that really actually has not happened KZ5-36Rdi54-00363-00083151-00083462 all that much i do give a deadline um KZ5-36Rdi54-00364-00083463-00083687 and most students generally turn it in KZ5-36Rdi54-00365-00083688-00083831 at the preferred deadline i think KZ5-36Rdi54-00366-00083832-00084015 students like having deadline they like KZ5-36Rdi54-00367-00084016-00084455 having that structure so i would say 80 KZ5-36Rdi54-00368-00084456-00084638 to KZ5-36Rdi54-00369-00084639-00084903 probably a little higher maybe 85 to 90 KZ5-36Rdi54-00370-00084904-00085126 percent of the students actually turned KZ5-36Rdi54-00371-00085127-00085303 the assignment in at the preferred KZ5-36Rdi54-00372-00085304-00085550 deadline and then i had some stragglers KZ5-36Rdi54-00373-00085551-00085750 for every assignment but i wasn't really KZ5-36Rdi54-00374-00085751-00086103 inundated with you know tons and tons of KZ5-36Rdi54-00375-00086104-00086238 late work KZ5-36Rdi54-00376-00086239-00086591 and i also reserved the right to if a KZ5-36Rdi54-00377-00086592-00086775 student turned in something late you KZ5-36Rdi54-00378-00086776-00086991 know i didn't feel obliged to get it KZ5-36Rdi54-00379-00086992-00087167 back immediately to them within a week KZ5-36Rdi54-00380-00087168-00087326 or so i just kind of did it on my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00381-00087327-00087518 time and and that was made very clear on KZ5-36Rdi54-00382-00087519-00087743 the class and i feel like in some ways i KZ5-36Rdi54-00383-00087744-00087991 actually saved some time because i KZ5-36Rdi54-00384-00087992-00088199 wasn't hunting down those errant KZ5-36Rdi54-00385-00088200-00088462 students who were KZ5-36Rdi54-00386-00088463-00088638 as i had in previous semesters saying KZ5-36Rdi54-00387-00088639-00088831 hey you know turn that in turn that in KZ5-36Rdi54-00388-00088832-00089062 turn that in they just knew they had to KZ5-36Rdi54-00389-00089063-00089247 get it in at some point or they weren't KZ5-36Rdi54-00390-00089248-00089487 going to get any points uh at all and KZ5-36Rdi54-00391-00089488-00089743 this was you know kind of uh surprising KZ5-36Rdi54-00392-00089744-00089871 to me KZ5-36Rdi54-00393-00089872-00090047 because i really did you know when i KZ5-36Rdi54-00394-00090048-00090182 first did this i was really nervous and KZ5-36Rdi54-00395-00090183-00090399 i was like oh god this is gonna suck and KZ5-36Rdi54-00396-00090400-00090638 and it didn't it didn't so i was KZ5-36Rdi54-00397-00090639-00090991 pleasantly surprised KZ5-36Rdi54-00398-00090992-00091206 okay now in terms of organizing the KZ5-36Rdi54-00399-00091207-00091447 semester um KZ5-36Rdi54-00400-00091448-00091671 one of the things that i do and this is KZ5-36Rdi54-00401-00091672-00091935 part of the sort of movement towards uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00402-00091936-00092167 i think more flexibility in terms of how KZ5-36Rdi54-00403-00092168-00092311 the the KZ5-36Rdi54-00404-00092312-00092535 semester is organized is that i have KZ5-36Rdi54-00405-00092536-00092823 moved from early in my teaching where i KZ5-36Rdi54-00406-00092824-00092943 just gave KZ5-36Rdi54-00407-00092944-00093206 a couple of exams and maybe a big paper KZ5-36Rdi54-00408-00093207-00093406 at the at the end which is how i was KZ5-36Rdi54-00409-00093407-00093487 taught KZ5-36Rdi54-00410-00093488-00093623 to uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00411-00093624-00094047 many more very low stakes assignments so KZ5-36Rdi54-00412-00094048-00094318 uh for example i have weekly writing KZ5-36Rdi54-00413-00094319-00094550 assignments or weekly quizzes depending KZ5-36Rdi54-00414-00094551-00094806 on the uh the class sometimes i have KZ5-36Rdi54-00415-00094807-00095031 kind of a combination of both but KZ5-36Rdi54-00416-00095032-00095294 students are expected to turn something KZ5-36Rdi54-00417-00095295-00095447 in every week KZ5-36Rdi54-00418-00095448-00095735 um they also usually have multiple KZ5-36Rdi54-00419-00095736-00095974 discussion posts one to two i would say KZ5-36Rdi54-00420-00095975-00096199 if it's a you know on canvas or KZ5-36Rdi54-00421-00096200-00096399 sometimes uh like some finding KZ5-36Rdi54-00422-00096400-00096535 assignments we work a lot with the KZ5-36Rdi54-00423-00096536-00096703 archive so i might have them go to the KZ5-36Rdi54-00424-00096704-00096935 archives find something in the archives KZ5-36Rdi54-00425-00096936-00097103 either physically or online and come KZ5-36Rdi54-00426-00097104-00097318 back and share it with a class these are KZ5-36Rdi54-00427-00097319-00097487 graded KZ5-36Rdi54-00428-00097488-00097615 because again KZ5-36Rdi54-00429-00097616-00097782 when i didn't grade these assignments KZ5-36Rdi54-00430-00097783-00097991 and just felt like they you know sort of KZ5-36Rdi54-00431-00097992-00098159 were assignments that would engage them KZ5-36Rdi54-00432-00098160-00098367 in the material i got some complaints KZ5-36Rdi54-00433-00098368-00098494 about KZ5-36Rdi54-00434-00098495-00098791 the the the exercises as being perceived KZ5-36Rdi54-00435-00098792-00098959 as unimportant KZ5-36Rdi54-00436-00098960-00099199 and then as i mentioned before formal KZ5-36Rdi54-00437-00099200-00099311 exams KZ5-36Rdi54-00438-00099312-00099518 or a final research paper KZ5-36Rdi54-00439-00099519-00099743 that has flexible you know KZ5-36Rdi54-00440-00099744-00099926 due dates but flexible due dates uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00441-00099927-00100182 first for scaffolding purposes so KZ5-36Rdi54-00442-00100183-00100431 uh in answering the question yes i am KZ5-36Rdi54-00443-00100432-00100879 always grading so i always have a KZ5-36Rdi54-00444-00100880-00101223 stack of papers to grade i get these KZ5-36Rdi54-00445-00101224-00101438 weekly low stakes writing assignments or KZ5-36Rdi54-00446-00101439-00101623 quizzes you know those come in at the KZ5-36Rdi54-00447-00101624-00101838 end of the week usually KZ5-36Rdi54-00448-00101839-00102038 canvas on sunday and i get those back by KZ5-36Rdi54-00449-00102039-00102238 tuesday or wednesday so it's just kind KZ5-36Rdi54-00450-00102239-00102454 of a constant flow for me over the KZ5-36Rdi54-00451-00102455-00102623 course of the semester but the important KZ5-36Rdi54-00452-00102624-00102823 thing to remember is that these are low KZ5-36Rdi54-00453-00102824-00103134 stakes assignments so i don't have to KZ5-36Rdi54-00454-00103135-00103254 spend KZ5-36Rdi54-00455-00103255-00103510 you know an inordinate amount of time on KZ5-36Rdi54-00456-00103511-00103815 each assignment i have a rubric KZ5-36Rdi54-00457-00103816-00104094 if it's a quiz i have a key KZ5-36Rdi54-00458-00104095-00104190 so KZ5-36Rdi54-00459-00104191-00104358 there might be you know one question KZ5-36Rdi54-00460-00104359-00104510 that i have to hand grade because it KZ5-36Rdi54-00461-00104511-00104671 might be a short essay or something like KZ5-36Rdi54-00462-00104672-00104934 that but these go pretty quickly and i KZ5-36Rdi54-00463-00104935-00105166 have not felt like it's overwhelming KZ5-36Rdi54-00464-00105167-00105351 because again they're they're pretty low KZ5-36Rdi54-00465-00105352-00105583 stakes KZ5-36Rdi54-00466-00105583-00105645 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00467-00105646-00105751 [Music] KZ5-36Rdi54-00468-00105752-00105886 okay KZ5-36Rdi54-00469-00105888-00106127 what else do i want to say KZ5-36Rdi54-00470-00106128-00106519 let's move on to student responses KZ5-36Rdi54-00471-00106520-00106783 um now the student responses for both KZ5-36Rdi54-00472-00106783-00107071 classes uh were pretty positive what KZ5-36Rdi54-00473-00107072-00107319 i've pulled out here is from the KZ5-36Rdi54-00474-00107320-00107566 qualitative portion of the idea student KZ5-36Rdi54-00475-00107567-00107895 evaluations and i pulled out only the KZ5-36Rdi54-00476-00107896-00108039 responses that had to do with the KZ5-36Rdi54-00477-00108040-00108215 grading KZ5-36Rdi54-00478-00108216-00108366 specifically KZ5-36Rdi54-00479-00108367-00108543 so the left one i believe this was from KZ5-36Rdi54-00480-00108544-00108766 my introduction to folklore class KZ5-36Rdi54-00481-00108767-00108975 she was the most understanding and fair KZ5-36Rdi54-00482-00108976-00109175 professor who's taught me thus far so i KZ5-36Rdi54-00483-00109176-00109366 thought that was a pretty KZ5-36Rdi54-00484-00109367-00109654 positive evaluation KZ5-36Rdi54-00485-00109655-00109847 and by understanding and fair i don't KZ5-36Rdi54-00486-00109848-00110102 feel like i was grading necessarily any KZ5-36Rdi54-00487-00110103-00110334 differently than i had done in previous KZ5-36Rdi54-00488-00110335-00110527 semesters i just had that kind of KZ5-36Rdi54-00489-00110528-00110886 flexibility built into the semester KZ5-36Rdi54-00490-00110888-00111127 um here's the one the critique i got KZ5-36Rdi54-00491-00111128-00111295 which i think is fair having homework KZ5-36Rdi54-00492-00111296-00111471 that wasn't being graded was a little KZ5-36Rdi54-00493-00111472-00111702 hard to be motivated to do and i've had KZ5-36Rdi54-00494-00111703-00111910 that comment in various forms a KZ5-36Rdi54-00495-00111911-00112054 different a couple of different times KZ5-36Rdi54-00496-00112055-00112286 when i've done ungraded assignments so i KZ5-36Rdi54-00497-00112288-00112471 have now gotten rid of ungraded KZ5-36Rdi54-00498-00112472-00112639 assignments KZ5-36Rdi54-00499-00112640-00112847 and then over on the right hand side KZ5-36Rdi54-00500-00112848-00113047 dr g was very fair with grading and it KZ5-36Rdi54-00501-00113048-00113254 was so nice to have unlimited time for KZ5-36Rdi54-00502-00113255-00113543 the exams i felt like i KZ5-36Rdi54-00503-00113544-00113775 didn't have time to i felt like i did i KZ5-36Rdi54-00504-00113776-00113958 felt that i didn't have to rush and i KZ5-36Rdi54-00505-00113959-00114190 could take my time formulating what i'd KZ5-36Rdi54-00506-00114191-00114447 studied into a response so to me that KZ5-36Rdi54-00507-00114448-00114654 really summarizes KZ5-36Rdi54-00508-00114655-00114847 you know what my real goal is as a KZ5-36Rdi54-00509-00114848-00115134 teacher which is not to train them to KZ5-36Rdi54-00510-00115135-00115319 take a test in a particular amount of KZ5-36Rdi54-00511-00115320-00115519 time but really to think about what is KZ5-36Rdi54-00512-00115520-00115719 what is it that they want to say KZ5-36Rdi54-00513-00115720-00115878 how can they connect with the material KZ5-36Rdi54-00514-00115879-00116071 and to give them the time and the KZ5-36Rdi54-00515-00116072-00116319 resources to kind of brainstorm and KZ5-36Rdi54-00516-00116320-00116639 formulate the response within an exam KZ5-36Rdi54-00517-00116640-00116758 format KZ5-36Rdi54-00518-00116759-00116951 so i was KZ5-36Rdi54-00519-00116952-00117071 pretty KZ5-36Rdi54-00520-00117072-00117231 happy with that KZ5-36Rdi54-00521-00117232-00117423 i would also say that KZ5-36Rdi54-00522-00117424-00117686 in a class i taught this past spring i KZ5-36Rdi54-00523-00117688-00117983 had a scott's peer review KZ5-36Rdi54-00524-00117983-00118063 done KZ5-36Rdi54-00525-00118064-00118239 this was in a different class KZ5-36Rdi54-00526-00118240-00118407 and in KZ5-36Rdi54-00527-00118408-00118615 according to the scott's peer reviewer KZ5-36Rdi54-00528-00118616-00118839 when he asked the question KZ5-36Rdi54-00529-00118840-00119007 and i was doing similar things in this KZ5-36Rdi54-00530-00119008-00119310 in this class this spring does KZ5-36Rdi54-00531-00119311-00119478 this uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00532-00119479-00119758 class work for my learning style 100 of KZ5-36Rdi54-00533-00119759-00119943 the students said yes KZ5-36Rdi54-00534-00119944-00120278 100 so i never get 100 on anything so i KZ5-36Rdi54-00535-00120279-00120454 was pretty um KZ5-36Rdi54-00536-00120455-00120758 surprised again by and happy you know by KZ5-36Rdi54-00537-00120759-00121143 by that student response KZ5-36Rdi54-00538-00121144-00121423 so what are my conclusions um or what KZ5-36Rdi54-00539-00121424-00121663 are what are my ideas um KZ5-36Rdi54-00540-00121664-00121902 my ideas are that number one you know KZ5-36Rdi54-00541-00121903-00122063 students who are really good students KZ5-36Rdi54-00542-00122064-00122223 and are motivated students are going to KZ5-36Rdi54-00543-00122224-00122463 do well no matter what um they can take KZ5-36Rdi54-00544-00122464-00122831 any kind of class they can adapt to the KZ5-36Rdi54-00545-00122832-00123054 learning style that the professor or the KZ5-36Rdi54-00546-00123055-00123166 instructor KZ5-36Rdi54-00547-00123167-00123375 uses and they will do well because KZ5-36Rdi54-00548-00123376-00123575 they're good students but students who KZ5-36Rdi54-00549-00123576-00123823 are struggling or who are not naturally KZ5-36Rdi54-00550-00123824-00123958 inclined KZ5-36Rdi54-00551-00123959-00124127 in school KZ5-36Rdi54-00552-00124128-00124214 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00553-00124215-00124390 this helps these KZ5-36Rdi54-00554-00124391-00124623 students so for example um in these KZ5-36Rdi54-00555-00124624-00124895 classes no one flocked you know and for KZ5-36Rdi54-00556-00124896-00125071 me that was great i always have one or KZ5-36Rdi54-00557-00125072-00125390 two students who who try and do the work KZ5-36Rdi54-00558-00125391-00125519 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00559-00125520-00125743 and who end up flunking anyway KZ5-36Rdi54-00560-00125744-00125975 there were i i'll qualify that just a KZ5-36Rdi54-00561-00125976-00126166 little bit uh there were KZ5-36Rdi54-00562-00126167-00126310 one or two students who fled but that KZ5-36Rdi54-00563-00126311-00126519 was because they never came so that was KZ5-36Rdi54-00564-00126520-00126807 a different category of student KZ5-36Rdi54-00565-00126808-00127078 um there were still a few d's KZ5-36Rdi54-00566-00127079-00127383 um but the students really had every KZ5-36Rdi54-00567-00127383-00127647 opportunity to succeed that i could have KZ5-36Rdi54-00568-00127648-00127902 possibly given them um and in those KZ5-36Rdi54-00569-00127903-00128071 cases they really just couldn't complete KZ5-36Rdi54-00570-00128072-00128310 the work and so they received us and i KZ5-36Rdi54-00571-00128311-00128454 really felt like that they earned those KZ5-36Rdi54-00572-00128455-00128680 d's and and i wasn't um KZ5-36Rdi54-00573-00128681-00128799 [Music] KZ5-36Rdi54-00574-00128800-00128999 torn up about it or anything like that KZ5-36Rdi54-00575-00129000-00129223 and so what i really concluded was that KZ5-36Rdi54-00576-00129224-00129551 increased flexibility particularly in um KZ5-36Rdi54-00577-00129552-00129751 the terms of deadlines and these test KZ5-36Rdi54-00578-00129752-00130023 limits really meant that poor KZ5-36Rdi54-00579-00130024-00130254 students or struggling students had more KZ5-36Rdi54-00580-00130255-00130407 opportunities KZ5-36Rdi54-00581-00130408-00130566 to succeed KZ5-36Rdi54-00582-00130567-00130839 and when i was KZ5-36Rdi54-00583-00130840-00131007 googling kind of an image just for the KZ5-36Rdi54-00584-00131008-00131254 slide i came across this book that i was KZ5-36Rdi54-00585-00131255-00131423 not familiar with KZ5-36Rdi54-00586-00131424-00131566 by KZ5-36Rdi54-00587-00131567-00131743 elise dubai and kate brown called KZ5-36Rdi54-00588-00131744-00131943 forward with flexibility a teaching and KZ5-36Rdi54-00589-00131944-00132135 leaning learning resource for KZ5-36Rdi54-00590-00132136-00132383 accessibility and inclusion and KZ5-36Rdi54-00591-00132384-00132623 um they articulated essentially what i KZ5-36Rdi54-00592-00132624-00132895 was coming uh what i've been coming to a KZ5-36Rdi54-00593-00132896-00133087 little bit more in depth inductively i KZ5-36Rdi54-00594-00133088-00133439 don't do you know education research KZ5-36Rdi54-00595-00133440-00133654 which is that increased flexibility KZ5-36Rdi54-00596-00133655-00133919 simply means increased accessibility and KZ5-36Rdi54-00597-00133920-00134159 increased inclusion for those struggling KZ5-36Rdi54-00598-00134160-00134351 students and then therefore leads to KZ5-36Rdi54-00599-00134352-00134543 increased student success and certainly KZ5-36Rdi54-00600-00134544-00134823 i feel like i've seen that um a little KZ5-36Rdi54-00601-00134824-00135071 you know to some to some degree KZ5-36Rdi54-00602-00135072-00135335 in my classes KZ5-36Rdi54-00603-00135336-00135535 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00604-00135536-00135790 okay now the questions and issues that KZ5-36Rdi54-00605-00135791-00135966 i've had and these are just my my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00606-00135967-00136183 struggles is uh KZ5-36Rdi54-00607-00136184-00136343 you know number one is this a lessening KZ5-36Rdi54-00608-00136344-00136631 rigor i've really had to ask myself this KZ5-36Rdi54-00609-00136632-00136887 question because you know i'm a type a KZ5-36Rdi54-00610-00136888-00137095 personality i like things done i like KZ5-36Rdi54-00611-00137096-00137327 lists i like to check them off but of KZ5-36Rdi54-00612-00137328-00137543 course this is probably why i went into KZ5-36Rdi54-00613-00137544-00137783 academia in the pers in the first place KZ5-36Rdi54-00614-00137784-00137983 you know and and am i doing students a KZ5-36Rdi54-00615-00137984-00138127 disservice KZ5-36Rdi54-00616-00138128-00138366 by giving them this this kind of KZ5-36Rdi54-00617-00138367-00138631 flexibility um KZ5-36Rdi54-00618-00138632-00138943 and honestly you know i i don't have an KZ5-36Rdi54-00619-00138944-00139190 answer for that i suspect that if i KZ5-36Rdi54-00620-00139191-00139439 asked you as the audience you guys would KZ5-36Rdi54-00621-00139440-00139878 have a wide uh range of opinions but KZ5-36Rdi54-00622-00139879-00140031 this is the way i'm going to go for a KZ5-36Rdi54-00623-00140032-00140295 while and just see how i feel about it KZ5-36Rdi54-00624-00140296-00140527 it feels good to me to have more KZ5-36Rdi54-00625-00140528-00140743 students succeed in the course and be KZ5-36Rdi54-00626-00140744-00140902 able to pass the course and it feels KZ5-36Rdi54-00627-00140903-00141111 good to me to have those KZ5-36Rdi54-00628-00141112-00141439 positive comments that sort of reinforce KZ5-36Rdi54-00629-00141440-00141678 this idea of flexibility and it feels KZ5-36Rdi54-00630-00141679-00142014 good to know that it seems to be that KZ5-36Rdi54-00631-00142015-00142223 this notion of flexibility has a little KZ5-36Rdi54-00632-00142224-00142399 bit of traction in KZ5-36Rdi54-00633-00142400-00142719 education research as well KZ5-36Rdi54-00634-00142720-00143095 um the other thing though that i also um KZ5-36Rdi54-00635-00143096-00143351 struggle with or or i'm trying to think KZ5-36Rdi54-00636-00143352-00143535 a little bit critically about is you KZ5-36Rdi54-00637-00143536-00143726 know what is my KZ5-36Rdi54-00638-00143727-00143895 how does my own privilege and my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00639-00143896-00144119 position within the university play into KZ5-36Rdi54-00640-00144120-00144247 this in other words how does my own KZ5-36Rdi54-00641-00144248-00144526 privilege allow me to do something like KZ5-36Rdi54-00642-00144527-00144631 this KZ5-36Rdi54-00643-00144632-00144711 and KZ5-36Rdi54-00644-00144712-00144935 you know for me this works because of KZ5-36Rdi54-00645-00144936-00145143 the kinds of materials i teach um you KZ5-36Rdi54-00646-00145144-00145366 know i am not in the hard sciences and KZ5-36Rdi54-00647-00145367-00145478 so KZ5-36Rdi54-00648-00145479-00145614 um KZ5-36Rdi54-00649-00145615-00145847 there are not KZ5-36Rdi54-00650-00145848-00145999 as i mentioned KZ5-36Rdi54-00651-00146000-00146311 usually 100 100 KZ5-36Rdi54-00652-00146312-00146687 wrong right and 100 wrong answers KZ5-36Rdi54-00653-00146688-00146878 uh you know my own student population KZ5-36Rdi54-00654-00146879-00147054 particularly at the undergraduate level KZ5-36Rdi54-00655-00147055-00147478 is gen ed so these are not students who KZ5-36Rdi54-00656-00147479-00147639 are in a major KZ5-36Rdi54-00657-00147640-00147895 i'm just trying to get them to think a KZ5-36Rdi54-00658-00147896-00148054 little bit about culture to learn about KZ5-36Rdi54-00659-00148055-00148183 culture KZ5-36Rdi54-00660-00148184-00148390 in in a critical way KZ5-36Rdi54-00661-00148391-00148663 and to get them to think critically and KZ5-36Rdi54-00662-00148664-00148847 read some texts and put their thoughts KZ5-36Rdi54-00663-00148848-00149031 into into writing KZ5-36Rdi54-00664-00149032-00149295 i also have small classes and i realize KZ5-36Rdi54-00665-00149296-00149511 that this can really impact KZ5-36Rdi54-00666-00149512-00149751 this teaching practice as well my KZ5-36Rdi54-00667-00149752-00150054 classes are capped at between 30 and 35 KZ5-36Rdi54-00668-00150055-00150295 students and i teach to two KZ5-36Rdi54-00669-00150296-00150478 classes a semester so i have a KZ5-36Rdi54-00670-00150479-00150775 relatively small student population KZ5-36Rdi54-00671-00150776-00151007 so i don't really know KZ5-36Rdi54-00672-00151008-00151135 how KZ5-36Rdi54-00673-00151136-00151302 this would work for somebody for example KZ5-36Rdi54-00674-00151303-00151495 who teaches really large classes you KZ5-36Rdi54-00675-00151496-00151799 know if people have tas it might be KZ5-36Rdi54-00676-00151800-00152054 possible to do this you know with tas KZ5-36Rdi54-00677-00152055-00152207 but i would certainly encourage you to KZ5-36Rdi54-00678-00152208-00152390 you know think about it KZ5-36Rdi54-00679-00152391-00152566 and um KZ5-36Rdi54-00680-00152567-00152799 see how you might at least implement KZ5-36Rdi54-00681-00152800-00153047 pieces of it as an experiment in one of KZ5-36Rdi54-00682-00153048-00153254 your classes and and see what happens KZ5-36Rdi54-00683-00153255-00153511 you know pay you know attention to KZ5-36Rdi54-00684-00153512-00153751 the number of students who you know pass KZ5-36Rdi54-00685-00153752-00153919 with a little higher grade KZ5-36Rdi54-00686-00153920-00154126 students who may have dropped out KZ5-36Rdi54-00687-00154127-00154351 otherwise actually stay in the class and KZ5-36Rdi54-00688-00154352-00154519 maybe don't do great but at least you KZ5-36Rdi54-00689-00154520-00154823 know get a d or a c minus um versus how KZ5-36Rdi54-00690-00154824-00155007 many students you know normally flunk KZ5-36Rdi54-00691-00155008-00155263 because it really has helped me in those KZ5-36Rdi54-00692-00155264-00155495 numbers and i honestly again in my heart KZ5-36Rdi54-00693-00155496-00155766 feel like it particularly going back to KZ5-36Rdi54-00694-00155767-00155863 those KZ5-36Rdi54-00695-00155864-00156087 conversations i had with my students KZ5-36Rdi54-00696-00156088-00156311 which is some students just have so much KZ5-36Rdi54-00697-00156312-00156607 on their plate um it's really really KZ5-36Rdi54-00698-00156608-00156863 overwhelming and i know for me KZ5-36Rdi54-00699-00156864-00157063 i always have a lot on my plate and i KZ5-36Rdi54-00700-00157064-00157302 always appreciate uh flexibility in KZ5-36Rdi54-00701-00157303-00157478 getting my work done and i get my work KZ5-36Rdi54-00702-00157479-00157647 done um KZ5-36Rdi54-00703-00157648-00157943 but it's nice to be able to do KZ5-36Rdi54-00704-00157944-00158199 what i need to do when i need to do it KZ5-36Rdi54-00705-00158200-00158559 and i feel like this help gives offers KZ5-36Rdi54-00706-00158560-00158959 that same opportunity for students KZ5-36Rdi54-00707-00158960-00159166 so okay that's it for my presentation KZ5-36Rdi54-00708-00159167-00159335 thanks again for coming i hope you KZ5-36Rdi54-00709-00159336-00159495 enjoyed it of course if you have any KZ5-36Rdi54-00710-00159496-00159663 questions or comments i would love to KZ5-36Rdi54-00711-00159664-00159887 hear from you so please reach out to me KZ5-36Rdi54-00712-00159888-00160071 again my name is lisa gabert and that's KZ5-36Rdi54-00713-00160072-00160519 my email there lisa.gabert usu.edu KZ5-36Rdi54-00714-00160520-00160775 i'm going to go ahead and stop sharing KZ5-36Rdi54-00715-00160776-00161296 my screen and say thank you for coming