NsyzT8XV0L8-00000-00000056-00000375 hey hey you're finally here out wow NsyzT8XV0L8-00001-00000376-00000519 come on follow me there's something i NsyzT8XV0L8-00002-00000520-00000815 really want to show you NsyzT8XV0L8-00003-00000816-00001031 okay i've been working my entire life to NsyzT8XV0L8-00004-00001032-00001191 finally show this to you NsyzT8XV0L8-00005-00001192-00001535 okay ready NsyzT8XV0L8-00006-00001536-00001871 uh NsyzT8XV0L8-00007-00001872-00002168 god damn it mario NsPX0CA8_wQ-00000-00000018-00000321 new Andalusia governor at Spanish go NsPX0CA8_wQ-00001-00000322-00000495 burn Ashton de nueva Andalusia NsPX0CA8_wQ-00002-00000496-00000819 pronounced go beta inna theta johnny nwe NsPX0CA8_wQ-00003-00000819-00001320 beta Andalou theta I a 15 34 - 1542 was NsPX0CA8_wQ-00004-00001321-00001488 one of the colonial governor 'its of the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00005-00001489-00001710 Spanish Empire located in southern South NsPX0CA8_wQ-00006-00001711-00002147 America NsPX0CA8_wQ-00007-00002148-00002575 pick history NsPX0CA8_wQ-00008-00002576-00002917 topic the governor it was created as one NsPX0CA8_wQ-00009-00002918-00003276 of king charles v s grants of 1534 NsPX0CA8_wQ-00010-00003277-00003535 establishing the identity Pedro de NsPX0CA8_wQ-00011-00003536-00003786 Mendoza as its first governor captain NsPX0CA8_wQ-00012-00003787-00004131 general and chief justice the territory NsPX0CA8_wQ-00013-00004132-00004368 was described as extending two hundred NsPX0CA8_wQ-00014-00004369-00004561 leagues down the Pacific Coast from NsPX0CA8_wQ-00015-00004562-00004932 Diego de almagro s grant of new Toledo NsPX0CA8_wQ-00016-00004933-00005113 but was understood to involve the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00017-00005114-00005368 exploration pacification and settlement NsPX0CA8_wQ-00018-00005369-00005521 of the Rio de la Plata along the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00019-00005522-00005827 Atlantic while in theory the governor of NsPX0CA8_wQ-00020-00005828-00005983 new Andalusia included all of NsPX0CA8_wQ-00021-00005984-00006217 present-day Uruguay and Paraguay and NsPX0CA8_wQ-00022-00006218-00006438 large segments of Chile Argentina and NsPX0CA8_wQ-00023-00006439-00006676 Brazil the identities were only able to NsPX0CA8_wQ-00024-00006677-00006859 effectively colonize the Parana River NsPX0CA8_wQ-00025-00006859-00007098 losing other territories to subsequent NsPX0CA8_wQ-00026-00007100-00007387 grants disestablishment after the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00027-00007388-00007596 establishment of the Viceroyalty of Peru NsPX0CA8_wQ-00028-00007597-00007741 in 1542 NsPX0CA8_wQ-00029-00007742-00007935 the governorate of new Andalusia was NsPX0CA8_wQ-00030-00007936-00008109 replaced by the governorate of the Rio NsPX0CA8_wQ-00031-00008111-00008310 de la Plata under the supervision of the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00032-00008311-00008755 real Audiencia of Lima NsPX0CA8_wQ-00033-00008756-00009282 topic see also NsPX0CA8_wQ-00034-00009283-00009756 topic colonial Argentina governorate of NsPX0CA8_wQ-00035-00009757-00010122 new Andalusia 1501 213 in the colonial NsPX0CA8_wQ-00036-00010123-00010482 Venezuela region new Andalusia province NsPX0CA8_wQ-00037-00010483-00010953 or province of kamana 1537 - 1864 in the NsPX0CA8_wQ-00038-00010954-00011304 colonial Venezuela region Nt2O6QRRLDU-00000-00000057-00000375 history of the world often abbreviated h Nt2O6QRRLDU-00001-00000376-00000723 o TW is a board game designed by Ragnar Nt2O6QRRLDU-00002-00000724-00000932 brothers and originally published in Nt2O6QRRLDU-00003-00000933-00001356 1991 it is played by up to six different Nt2O6QRRLDU-00004-00001357-00001638 players in seven different epochs each Nt2O6QRRLDU-00005-00001639-00001872 player playing a different Empire in Nt2O6QRRLDU-00006-00001873-00002492 each epoch Nt2O6QRRLDU-00007-00002493-00003098 topic brief history Nt2O6QRRLDU-00008-00003099-00003338 the first edition of history of the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00009-00003339-00003610 world by Ragnar Brothers was released in Nt2O6QRRLDU-00010-00003611-00003995 1991 with a tea towel board following Nt2O6QRRLDU-00011-00003996-00004295 English Dutch and German versions by Nt2O6QRRLDU-00012-00004296-00004547 various publishers it was published by Nt2O6QRRLDU-00013-00004548-00005138 avalon hill in 1993 in 1994 history of Nt2O6QRRLDU-00014-00005139-00005449 the world 1 the origins award for best Nt2O6QRRLDU-00015-00005450-00005871 pre-twentieth century board game of 1993 Nt2O6QRRLDU-00016-00005872-00006221 after avalon hill was purchased by Nt2O6QRRLDU-00017-00006222-00006556 hasbro in the early 2000s history of the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00018-00006558-00006868 world was re-released as a big-box game Nt2O6QRRLDU-00019-00006869-00007138 Ragnar Brothers released a revised Nt2O6QRRLDU-00020-00007139-00007388 version of the game a brief history of Nt2O6QRRLDU-00021-00007389-00008156 the world in 2009 Nt2O6QRRLDU-00022-00008156-00008731 topic gameplay Nt2O6QRRLDU-00023-00008732-00009022 the game is played in seven rounds known Nt2O6QRRLDU-00024-00009023-00009289 as epochs which correspond to different Nt2O6QRRLDU-00025-00009290-00009625 historical periods at the beginning of Nt2O6QRRLDU-00026-00009626-00009859 each epoch each player receives an Nt2O6QRRLDU-00027-00009860-00010084 empire card and assumes the role of that Nt2O6QRRLDU-00028-00010085-00010447 Empire for the round each Empire has Nt2O6QRRLDU-00029-00010448-00010729 advantages and disadvantages based on Nt2O6QRRLDU-00030-00010730-00010909 the order in which it appears in an Nt2O6QRRLDU-00031-00010910-00011194 epoch starting location on the world map Nt2O6QRRLDU-00032-00011195-00011452 its number of armies navigation Nt2O6QRRLDU-00033-00011453-00011770 abilities access to certain lands by sea Nt2O6QRRLDU-00034-00011771-00011962 and whether or not it possesses a Nt2O6QRRLDU-00035-00011963-00012370 capital during each Empire's turn its Nt2O6QRRLDU-00036-00012371-00012616 allocated units are placed on the board Nt2O6QRRLDU-00037-00012617-00012868 beginning from its capital or starting Nt2O6QRRLDU-00038-00012869-00013122 space and proceeding through contiguous Nt2O6QRRLDU-00039-00013124-00013485 areas and controlled seas or oceans Nt2O6QRRLDU-00040-00013486-00013719 occupation of empty territory is Nt2O6QRRLDU-00041-00013720-00014008 automatic while dice based combat rules Nt2O6QRRLDU-00042-00014009-00014244 are applied if a unit is placed in an Nt2O6QRRLDU-00043-00014245-00014503 area already occupied by another players Nt2O6QRRLDU-00044-00014504-00014694 forces Nt2O6QRRLDU-00045-00014694-00014952 at the end of each player's turn they Nt2O6QRRLDU-00046-00014953-00015153 are given a score based on how much Nt2O6QRRLDU-00047-00015154-00015383 control they have of different regions Nt2O6QRRLDU-00048-00015384-00015794 of the board known as areas and how many Nt2O6QRRLDU-00049-00015795-00016058 capital cities and monuments they Nt2O6QRRLDU-00050-00016059-00016355 possess the remains of players empires Nt2O6QRRLDU-00051-00016356-00016614 never move again but remain on the board Nt2O6QRRLDU-00052-00016615-00016827 for the rest of the game until they are Nt2O6QRRLDU-00053-00016828-00017111 conquered or destroyed by other empires Nt2O6QRRLDU-00054-00017112-00017508 players are also given greater events Nt2O6QRRLDU-00055-00017509-00017982 and lesser events cards at the beginning Nt2O6QRRLDU-00056-00017983-00018192 of the game which can be used throughout Nt2O6QRRLDU-00057-00018193-00018483 the game to gain certain advantages the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00058-00018484-00018711 following is list of all the empires in Nt2O6QRRLDU-00059-00018712-00018944 the game grouped by epoch and organized Nt2O6QRRLDU-00060-00018945-00019190 by their order of play in each epoch Nt2O6QRRLDU-00061-00019191-00019547 each Empire is listed with its name the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00062-00019548-00019812 number of armies it gets its capital or Nt2O6QRRLDU-00063-00019813-00020100 starting location in parentheses and the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00064-00020101-00020457 seas it can navigate in parentheses each Nt2O6QRRLDU-00065-00020458-00020715 epoch there is a minor Empire in a Nt2O6QRRLDU-00066-00020716-00020907 kingdom that can be played as event Nt2O6QRRLDU-00067-00020908-00021119 cards and these are listed at the bottom Nt2O6QRRLDU-00068-00021120-00021766 of the e park Nt2O6QRRLDU-00069-00021767-00022152 topic significant differences in the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00070-00022153-00022555 1991 edition compared to the 1993 Nt2O6QRRLDU-00071-00022556-00023014 edition Nt2O6QRRLDU-00072-00023015-00023275 there are minor differences in the board Nt2O6QRRLDU-00073-00023276-00023710 layout the Safavid and Japan are empires Nt2O6QRRLDU-00074-00023711-00023961 instead of the tea Murud Emirates and Nt2O6QRRLDU-00075-00023962-00024283 the Netherlands respectively most Nt2O6QRRLDU-00076-00024284-00024544 empires differ in numerical strength Nt2O6QRRLDU-00077-00024545-00024922 from the values given above events are Nt2O6QRRLDU-00078-00024923-00025153 drawn epoch by epoch rather than Nt2O6QRRLDU-00079-00025154-00025369 allocated at gamestart and are not Nt2O6QRRLDU-00080-00025370-00025892 divided into greater and lesser Nt2O6QRRLDU-00081-00025893-00026415 there are no minor Empire events Nt2O6QRRLDU-00082-00026416-00026735 kingdoms and migrants from another event Nt2O6QRRLDU-00083-00026736-00026977 are placed by reference to a table of Nt2O6QRRLDU-00084-00026978-00027233 random locations rather than in a fixed Nt2O6QRRLDU-00085-00027233-00027587 place according to the epoch there are Nt2O6QRRLDU-00086-00027588-00027895 coins Nt2O6QRRLDU-00087-00027896-00028132 four different counter designs rather Nt2O6QRRLDU-00088-00028133-00028385 than seven and they are not specific to Nt2O6QRRLDU-00089-00028386-00028768 an epoch an empire must use counters not Nt2O6QRRLDU-00090-00028769-00028987 presently on the board if possible and Nt2O6QRRLDU-00091-00028988-00029269 kingdoms migrants use the same counter Nt2O6QRRLDU-00092-00029270-00029677 design as the Empire ships and forts are Nt2O6QRRLDU-00093-00029678-00029893 purchased out of an empires total Nt2O6QRRLDU-00094-00029894-00030097 allowance at the start of the Empire's Nt2O6QRRLDU-00095-00030098-00030271 turn Nt2O6QRRLDU-00096-00030272-00030565 an empires sea travel capability is not Nt2O6QRRLDU-00097-00030566-00030845 stated on its card but naval expansion Nt2O6QRRLDU-00098-00030845-00031082 begins immediately after initial Nt2O6QRRLDU-00099-00031083-00031310 placement so an empire can only begin Nt2O6QRRLDU-00100-00031311-00031595 naval expansion through seas adjacent to Nt2O6QRRLDU-00101-00031595-00031985 its starting space oceans never have Nt2O6QRRLDU-00102-00031986-00032239 ships placed in them for any reason the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00103-00032240-00032498 ability to traverse oceans is inherent Nt2O6QRRLDU-00104-00032499-00032879 in the Empire the defender rolls only Nt2O6QRRLDU-00105-00032880-00033176 two dice not three when the attack comes Nt2O6QRRLDU-00106-00033177-00033367 over the sea Nt2O6QRRLDU-00107-00033368-00033634 a fort is removed automatically on the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00108-00033635-00033880 defeat of the first defeat in its space Nt2O6QRRLDU-00109-00033881-00034143 not separately as the result of the last Nt2O6QRRLDU-00110-00034144-00034552 defending units defeat dominance of an Nt2O6QRRLDU-00111-00034553-00034864 area is achieved by occupying two lands Nt2O6QRRLDU-00112-00034865-00035104 and holding a simple majority over each Nt2O6QRRLDU-00113-00035105-00035467 other player rather than three there are Nt2O6QRRLDU-00114-00035468-00035827 preeminence markers in the game during Nt2O6QRRLDU-00115-00035828-00036090 allocation of empires if two players Nt2O6QRRLDU-00116-00036091-00036370 have the same victory point total the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00117-00036371-00036652 tie is resolved by rolling dice not by Nt2O6QRRLDU-00118-00036653-00037042 reference to the previous II park Nt2O6QRRLDU-00119-00037043-00037288 victory is achieved by attaining the Nt2O6QRRLDU-00120-00037289-00037561 highest victory point total there is no Nt2O6QRRLDU-00121-00037562-00037876 tie break procedure Nv1GATclll0-00000-00000215-00000503 welcome back in this short video I'm Nv1GATclll0-00001-00000504-00000707 going to talk about the optional Nv1GATclll0-00002-00000708-00001037 one-liner for correlation and so when we Nv1GATclll0-00003-00001038-00001307 went through all the hypothesis tests in Nv1GATclll0-00004-00001308-00001493 lesson six we then learned all of those Nv1GATclll0-00005-00001494-00001757 one minor tests Nv1GATclll0-00006-00001757-00002009 this will be the one minor for Nv1GATclll0-00007-00002010-00002134 correlation Nv1GATclll0-00008-00002135-00002345 and so in particular we're using this Nv1GATclll0-00009-00002346-00002681 Pearson R function in sci-fi stats which Nv1GATclll0-00010-00002682-00002950 can be found here and we need to provide Nv1GATclll0-00011-00002951-00003319 the x value the X data the Y data Nv1GATclll0-00012-00003320-00003517 and Nv1GATclll0-00013-00003518-00003929 the alternative that we want to use Nv1GATclll0-00014-00003929-00004085 so Nv1GATclll0-00015-00004086-00004319 I'm just going to save this data as Nv1GATclll0-00016-00004320-00004438 results Nv1GATclll0-00017-00004439-00005075 and say stats dot Pearson r Nv1GATclll0-00018-00005076-00005327 and I'm going to use the original data Nv1GATclll0-00019-00005328-00005549 so here we don't want to use our Nv1GATclll0-00020-00005550-00005759 simulated data because we shuffled it so Nv1GATclll0-00021-00005760-00006017 much we don't have the original anymore Nv1GATclll0-00022-00006018-00006334 so we need to go back to our merge data Nv1GATclll0-00023-00006335-00006556 frame which is you know the reason why Nv1GATclll0-00024-00006558-00006748 we make copies Nv1GATclll0-00025-00006750-00007133 so I give it the first variable Nv1GATclll0-00026-00007134-00007445 and the second variable Nv1GATclll0-00027-00007445-00007781 and then the alternative is Nv1GATclll0-00028-00007781-00008074 greater Nv1GATclll0-00029-00008075-00008255 so we can run this Nv1GATclll0-00030-00008256-00008495 don't get any results because I'm Nv1GATclll0-00031-00008496-00008728 storing it somewhere but then I can come Nv1GATclll0-00032-00008729-00009113 in and say print the correlation Nv1GATclll0-00033-00009114-00009353 coefficient Nv1GATclll0-00034-00009354-00009635 and this will be Nv1GATclll0-00035-00009636-00009796 the zero with Nv1GATclll0-00036-00009797-00010114 term of our results Nv1GATclll0-00037-00010115-00010349 vector Nv1GATclll0-00038-00010350-00010913 and then we can print p-value Nv1GATclll0-00039-00010914-00011164 and this is the first term so remember Nv1GATclll0-00040-00011165-00011356 that python does Nv1GATclll0-00041-00011357-00011735 counting from zero onward and so Nv1GATclll0-00042-00011736-00011981 we go zero and one Nv1GATclll0-00043-00011982-00012196 and so here it's printing out that same Nv1GATclll0-00044-00012197-00012371 correlation coefficient that we got Nv1GATclll0-00045-00012372-00012478 above Nv1GATclll0-00046-00012479-00012796 but it's giving us a p-value that is Nv1GATclll0-00047-00012797-00013144 much more specific than our p-value here Nv1GATclll0-00048-00013145-00013415 like we've seen before and tells us that Nv1GATclll0-00049-00013416-00013829 it is we reject the null hypothesis in Nv1GATclll0-00050-00013830-00014027 favor of the alternative that this Nv1GATclll0-00051-00014028-00014311 correlation coefficient is statistically Nv1GATclll0-00052-00014312-00015016 significantly greater than zero Nv1GATclll0-00053-00015018-00015284 foreign NvxtgfPPD2y-00000-00000000-00000191 welcome to our capitola city council NvxtgfPPD2y-00001-00000192-00000471 meeting for thursday october 14th we're NvxtgfPPD2y-00002-00000472-00000734 just coming back from closed session NvxtgfPPD2y-00003-00000735-00001015 um and before we start with the agenda NvxtgfPPD2y-00004-00001016-00001231 would our clerk chloe like to say a few NvxtgfPPD2y-00005-00001232-00001495 words yes thank you mayor brooks hello NvxtgfPPD2y-00006-00001496-00001687 and welcome to the capitola city council NvxtgfPPD2y-00007-00001688-00001775 meeting NvxtgfPPD2y-00008-00001776-00002014 in accordance with california senate NvxtgfPPD2y-00009-00002016-00002326 bill 361 this meeting is not physically NvxtgfPPD2y-00010-00002327-00002471 open to the public NvxtgfPPD2y-00011-00002472-00002718 council and staff are meeting via zoom NvxtgfPPD2y-00012-00002719-00002839 and there are several ways for the NvxtgfPPD2y-00013-00002840-00003047 public to watch and participate NvxtgfPPD2y-00014-00003048-00003222 information on how to join the meeting NvxtgfPPD2y-00015-00003223-00003527 using zoom or a landline or mobile phone NvxtgfPPD2y-00016-00003528-00003727 along with how to submit public comment NvxtgfPPD2y-00017-00003728-00003935 during the meeting tonight is available NvxtgfPPD2y-00018-00003936-00004303 on our website cityofcapitola.org NvxtgfPPD2y-00019-00004304-00004543 and on the published meeting agenda the NvxtgfPPD2y-00020-00004544-00004743 public can also live stream the meeting NvxtgfPPD2y-00021-00004744-00005031 on our website as always the meeting is NvxtgfPPD2y-00022-00005032-00005270 cablecast live on charter communications NvxtgfPPD2y-00023-00005271-00005591 cable tv channel 8 and is being recorded NvxtgfPPD2y-00024-00005592-00005775 to be rebroadcast on the following NvxtgfPPD2y-00025-00005776-00006015 wednesday at 8 a.m and on saturday NvxtgfPPD2y-00026-00006016-00006311 following the first rebroadcast at 1 pm NvxtgfPPD2y-00027-00006312-00006583 on charter channel 71 and comcast NvxtgfPPD2y-00028-00006584-00006863 channel 25 our technician tonight is NvxtgfPPD2y-00029-00006864-00007127 walter thank you walter and thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00030-00007128-00007478 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-00031-00007479-00007727 thank you if you can all now please join NvxtgfPPD2y-00032-00007728-00007927 me in the pledge of allegiance NvxtgfPPD2y-00033-00007928-00008174 i pledge allegiance to the flag of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00034-00008175-00008359 united states of america NvxtgfPPD2y-00035-00008360-00008623 and to the republic for which it stands NvxtgfPPD2y-00036-00008624-00008927 one nation under god indivisible with NvxtgfPPD2y-00037-00008928-00009223 liberty and justice for all NvxtgfPPD2y-00038-00009224-00009414 thank you very much NvxtgfPPD2y-00039-00009415-00009671 so now this brings us to item two a NvxtgfPPD2y-00040-00009672-00009919 report out in closed session NvxtgfPPD2y-00041-00009920-00010142 our city attorney samantha NvxtgfPPD2y-00042-00010143-00010342 good evening mayor and council members NvxtgfPPD2y-00043-00010343-00010503 uh we had closed session on the two NvxtgfPPD2y-00044-00010504-00010671 items on the agenda and no action was NvxtgfPPD2y-00045-00010672-00010887 taken NvxtgfPPD2y-00046-00010888-00011071 thanks so much NvxtgfPPD2y-00047-00011072-00011278 and on to item three for additional NvxtgfPPD2y-00048-00011279-00011478 materials do we have any additional NvxtgfPPD2y-00049-00011479-00011895 materials we did not mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-00050-00011896-00012070 and for item four additions and or NvxtgfPPD2y-00051-00012071-00012535 deletions to the agenda NvxtgfPPD2y-00052-00012536-00012735 that has no changes in this evening but NvxtgfPPD2y-00053-00012736-00012863 i will note that on your consent NvxtgfPPD2y-00054-00012863-00013086 calendar there's a uh a recommendation NvxtgfPPD2y-00055-00013087-00013399 to continue a hearing a second reading NvxtgfPPD2y-00056-00013400-00013663 of the ordinance to adopt the library NvxtgfPPD2y-00057-00013663-00013886 lease so if anyone is here for that that NvxtgfPPD2y-00058-00013887-00014063 item is recommend recommended to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00059-00014063-00014399 continued till october 20th NvxtgfPPD2y-00060-00014400-00014527 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00061-00014528-00014711 now on to item five this is oral NvxtgfPPD2y-00062-00014712-00014886 communications this allows times for NvxtgfPPD2y-00063-00014887-00015015 members of the public to address the NvxtgfPPD2y-00064-00015016-00015279 city council on any consent items on NvxtgfPPD2y-00065-00015280-00015607 tonight's agenda or any topic within our NvxtgfPPD2y-00066-00015608-00015775 jurisdiction of the city that is not on NvxtgfPPD2y-00067-00015776-00015975 the general server government NvxtgfPPD2y-00068-00015976-00016158 members of public may speak up for up to NvxtgfPPD2y-00069-00016159-00016422 three minutes otherwise specific or NvxtgfPPD2y-00070-00016423-00016727 unless specified by myself NvxtgfPPD2y-00071-00016728-00017103 individuals may not uh may not speak NvxtgfPPD2y-00072-00017104-00017271 more than once during our oral NvxtgfPPD2y-00073-00017272-00017455 communications and all speakers must NvxtgfPPD2y-00074-00017456-00017671 address the entire legislative body and NvxtgfPPD2y-00075-00017672-00017847 will not be permitted to engage in NvxtgfPPD2y-00076-00017848-00017967 dialogue NvxtgfPPD2y-00077-00017968-00018319 do we have anyone from the public NvxtgfPPD2y-00078-00018320-00018527 would like to NvxtgfPPD2y-00079-00018528-00018822 say something NvxtgfPPD2y-00080-00018823-00019014 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-00081-00019015-00019167 i do not see anyone with their hands NvxtgfPPD2y-00082-00019168-00019375 raised NvxtgfPPD2y-00083-00019376-00019567 okay also if you're watching you can NvxtgfPPD2y-00084-00019568-00019879 email us as well NvxtgfPPD2y-00085-00019880-00020063 okay see and then we'll move on to item NvxtgfPPD2y-00086-00020064-00020311 six this is a our staff and city council NvxtgfPPD2y-00087-00020312-00020463 comment opportunity we'll begin with NvxtgfPPD2y-00088-00020464-00020719 staff NvxtgfPPD2y-00089-00020720-00020894 mayor council i have a very exciting NvxtgfPPD2y-00090-00020895-00021094 announcement to make this evening NvxtgfPPD2y-00091-00021095-00021350 as you are well aware earlier this year NvxtgfPPD2y-00092-00021351-00021550 chief mcmanus announced the plan to NvxtgfPPD2y-00093-00021551-00021655 retire NvxtgfPPD2y-00094-00021656-00021871 coming up this fall NvxtgfPPD2y-00095-00021872-00022111 um as council's aware we conducted a NvxtgfPPD2y-00096-00022112-00022358 nationwide search for a new police chief NvxtgfPPD2y-00097-00022359-00022527 that included a competitive testing NvxtgfPPD2y-00098-00022528-00022647 process NvxtgfPPD2y-00099-00022648-00022830 as well as panelists comprised of NvxtgfPPD2y-00100-00022831-00023047 community members NvxtgfPPD2y-00101-00023048-00023278 a professional police chiefs panel as NvxtgfPPD2y-00102-00023279-00023519 well as a panel internal panel that NvxtgfPPD2y-00103-00023520-00023694 included representatives from city NvxtgfPPD2y-00104-00023695-00023919 council including councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00105-00023920-00024199 and council members kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-00106-00024200-00024383 following that process and based on a NvxtgfPPD2y-00107-00024384-00024599 strong recommendation from the interview NvxtgfPPD2y-00108-00024600-00024886 panelists i have named captain andrew NvxtgfPPD2y-00109-00024887-00025047 dally as our next police chief in NvxtgfPPD2y-00110-00025048-00025183 capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-00111-00025184-00025486 and he began his career in capitola back NvxtgfPPD2y-00112-00025487-00025783 in 1999 after serving five years in NvxtgfPPD2y-00113-00025783-00026062 butte county with the so's office there NvxtgfPPD2y-00114-00026063-00026255 during his 22 years here before with NvxtgfPPD2y-00115-00026256-00026479 capitola he served a number of roles NvxtgfPPD2y-00116-00026480-00026679 including officer NvxtgfPPD2y-00117-00026680-00026879 detective field training officer NvxtgfPPD2y-00118-00026880-00027151 sergeant most recently police captain NvxtgfPPD2y-00119-00027152-00027383 and on november 14th he will get to add NvxtgfPPD2y-00120-00027383-00027631 police chief to that list NvxtgfPPD2y-00121-00027632-00027839 so andy's appointment is a testament not NvxtgfPPD2y-00122-00027839-00028167 only to his work ethic and commitment NvxtgfPPD2y-00123-00028168-00028351 but also to the strong culture and NvxtgfPPD2y-00124-00028352-00028631 dedication of our entire police force so NvxtgfPPD2y-00125-00028632-00028839 with that please welcome me and NvxtgfPPD2y-00126-00028839-00029211 congratulating andy on this position NvxtgfPPD2y-00127-00029212-00029367 congratulations NvxtgfPPD2y-00128-00029368-00029558 andy we are so thrilled to have you as NvxtgfPPD2y-00129-00029560-00029846 our new captain or excuse me our new NvxtgfPPD2y-00130-00029847-00030174 chief how dare i say that um our new NvxtgfPPD2y-00131-00030175-00030383 chief of police um would you like to say NvxtgfPPD2y-00132-00030383-00030518 a few words NvxtgfPPD2y-00133-00030519-00030702 sure NvxtgfPPD2y-00134-00030703-00030855 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00135-00030856-00031111 city manager goldstein and mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-00136-00031112-00031262 council and and the rest of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00137-00031263-00031518 department head master chief mcmaster NvxtgfPPD2y-00138-00031519-00031823 i'm truly uh humbled and honored to NvxtgfPPD2y-00139-00031824-00031999 to take this position NvxtgfPPD2y-00140-00032000-00032199 and uh it's i'm really looking forward NvxtgfPPD2y-00141-00032200-00032343 to working with NvxtgfPPD2y-00142-00032344-00032527 all of the community NvxtgfPPD2y-00143-00032527-00032614 uh the NvxtgfPPD2y-00144-00032616-00032783 department heads and then NvxtgfPPD2y-00145-00032784-00033007 importantly the the men and women of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00146-00033008-00033143 police department we have just an NvxtgfPPD2y-00147-00033144-00033335 amazing group of people here and i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-00148-00033336-00033590 really looking forward to just NvxtgfPPD2y-00149-00033591-00033823 re-engaging with the community and uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00150-00033824-00033902 and NvxtgfPPD2y-00151-00033903-00034095 just the projects that we can work on NvxtgfPPD2y-00152-00034096-00034335 moving forward so i'm really excited i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-00153-00034336-00034574 truly humbled and very thankful so thank NvxtgfPPD2y-00154-00034575-00034743 you so much for this opportunity i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-00155-00034744-00034902 really looking forward to it so thank NvxtgfPPD2y-00156-00034903-00035111 you NvxtgfPPD2y-00157-00035112-00035327 well thank you and would any of our NvxtgfPPD2y-00158-00035328-00035630 council members like to say a few words NvxtgfPPD2y-00159-00035631-00035871 i see council member bertrand and then NvxtgfPPD2y-00160-00035872-00036167 vice mayor story council member peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00161-00036168-00036351 council member kaiser the room is NvxtgfPPD2y-00162-00036352-00036511 blowing up for you let's start with NvxtgfPPD2y-00163-00036512-00036774 councilmember for trans NvxtgfPPD2y-00164-00036775-00036871 well NvxtgfPPD2y-00165-00036872-00037095 i i learned what a bear hug was the NvxtgfPPD2y-00166-00037096-00037495 other day i i passed by NvxtgfPPD2y-00167-00037496-00037743 andy coming out of the police department NvxtgfPPD2y-00168-00037744-00038015 and it was like congratulations NvxtgfPPD2y-00169-00038016-00038199 this big huge bear hug NvxtgfPPD2y-00170-00038200-00038495 so now i know what a real bear hug is NvxtgfPPD2y-00171-00038496-00038655 and um NvxtgfPPD2y-00172-00038656-00038974 truly i i remember when i heard your NvxtgfPPD2y-00173-00038975-00039095 story NvxtgfPPD2y-00174-00039096-00039351 and i heard how you became a police NvxtgfPPD2y-00175-00039352-00039655 officer in capitola and you know you you NvxtgfPPD2y-00176-00039656-00039846 told me how it came about NvxtgfPPD2y-00177-00039847-00040030 and i think we were doing a ride along NvxtgfPPD2y-00178-00040031-00040295 and so i i i've heard your story since NvxtgfPPD2y-00179-00040296-00040599 the beginning as you worked your way up NvxtgfPPD2y-00180-00040600-00040807 so congratulations you worked your way NvxtgfPPD2y-00181-00040808-00041046 up and you've done a lot of hard work to NvxtgfPPD2y-00182-00041047-00041239 get to this point NvxtgfPPD2y-00183-00041240-00041590 um truly um NvxtgfPPD2y-00184-00041591-00041815 just an exceptional individual i like NvxtgfPPD2y-00185-00041816-00041990 your demeanor i like how you view the NvxtgfPPD2y-00186-00041991-00042255 community and you're going to be a great NvxtgfPPD2y-00187-00042256-00042479 asset to capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-00188-00042480-00042671 i'd also like to point out one other NvxtgfPPD2y-00189-00042672-00042846 thing NvxtgfPPD2y-00190-00042847-00043023 i'm really grateful for our police NvxtgfPPD2y-00191-00043024-00043262 department because our police department NvxtgfPPD2y-00192-00043263-00043535 has provided the options for people NvxtgfPPD2y-00193-00043536-00043774 within the department to advance NvxtgfPPD2y-00194-00043775-00044039 it has provided the options to train NvxtgfPPD2y-00195-00044040-00044262 people for circumstances that they will NvxtgfPPD2y-00196-00044263-00044399 be using NvxtgfPPD2y-00197-00044400-00044662 needing to need a meeting to use in this NvxtgfPPD2y-00198-00044663-00044943 modern day police environment so NvxtgfPPD2y-00199-00044944-00045143 you've taken advantage of those NvxtgfPPD2y-00200-00045144-00045271 most recently i think you had a NvxtgfPPD2y-00201-00045272-00045487 management training course and you're NvxtgfPPD2y-00202-00045488-00045695 going to be put the task on sure very NvxtgfPPD2y-00203-00045696-00045807 soon NvxtgfPPD2y-00204-00045808-00046111 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00205-00046112-00046423 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-00206-00046424-00046655 yeah thank you mayor brooks um i just NvxtgfPPD2y-00207-00046656-00046902 want to say i i can't be more pleased NvxtgfPPD2y-00208-00046903-00047262 that we have uh appointed someone that NvxtgfPPD2y-00209-00047263-00047502 uh has been committed to the city of NvxtgfPPD2y-00210-00047503-00047871 capitola for so many decades i'm someone NvxtgfPPD2y-00211-00047872-00048095 who really knows the community of NvxtgfPPD2y-00212-00048096-00048527 capitola um and i think that's that's NvxtgfPPD2y-00213-00048528-00048839 a big step forward for uh community NvxtgfPPD2y-00214-00048840-00048951 policing NvxtgfPPD2y-00215-00048952-00049255 um and um so congratulations NvxtgfPPD2y-00216-00049256-00049623 and uh with deference to chief mcmanus NvxtgfPPD2y-00217-00049624-00049711 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00218-00049712-00049918 i want to be one of the first to say NvxtgfPPD2y-00219-00049919-00050543 congratulations chief dally thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00220-00050544-00050990 council member kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-00221-00050991-00051223 thank you mayor andy NvxtgfPPD2y-00222-00051224-00051335 captain NvxtgfPPD2y-00223-00051336-00051423 chief NvxtgfPPD2y-00224-00051424-00051646 you've you've done it all so i just have NvxtgfPPD2y-00225-00051647-00051958 to give my huge gratitude to you and NvxtgfPPD2y-00226-00051959-00052087 it's true NvxtgfPPD2y-00227-00052088-00052263 we all see what you do in the community NvxtgfPPD2y-00228-00052264-00052511 and how far you've come with us and NvxtgfPPD2y-00229-00052512-00052750 um how many doors this is actually NvxtgfPPD2y-00230-00052751-00053030 opening for our department and our city NvxtgfPPD2y-00231-00053032-00053223 as a whole and NvxtgfPPD2y-00232-00053224-00053479 uh just my hat off to you i'm so proud NvxtgfPPD2y-00233-00053479-00053838 of you and i'm so happy that um we i NvxtgfPPD2y-00234-00053839-00054038 kristen and i got to be part of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00235-00054039-00054271 panel which was like a huge NvxtgfPPD2y-00236-00054272-00054454 thing for me personally and it was like NvxtgfPPD2y-00237-00054455-00054726 a great experience and that aside i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-00238-00054727-00054959 just really happy that we got to this NvxtgfPPD2y-00239-00054960-00055215 point and congratulations you definitely NvxtgfPPD2y-00240-00055216-00055654 deserve it NvxtgfPPD2y-00241-00055655-00055863 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00242-00055864-00055991 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00243-00055991-00056254 yes captain dolly uh soon to be chief NvxtgfPPD2y-00244-00056255-00056415 dally uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00245-00056416-00056615 as much as we will hate to see chief NvxtgfPPD2y-00246-00056616-00056982 mcmanus go i could not imagine a better NvxtgfPPD2y-00247-00056983-00057238 replacement and and someone to continue NvxtgfPPD2y-00248-00057239-00057430 to lead our police department within our NvxtgfPPD2y-00249-00057432-00057550 city NvxtgfPPD2y-00250-00057551-00057735 you've done so much over the years for NvxtgfPPD2y-00251-00057736-00057982 our city and now to continue in leading NvxtgfPPD2y-00252-00057983-00058111 this department it's just going to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00253-00058112-00058382 absolutely fantastic so congratulations NvxtgfPPD2y-00254-00058383-00058623 we are so excited to have you NvxtgfPPD2y-00255-00058624-00058823 at the at the helm in the in the police NvxtgfPPD2y-00256-00058824-00059215 department NvxtgfPPD2y-00257-00059216-00059430 well i think my fellow NvxtgfPPD2y-00258-00059432-00059671 council members have said NvxtgfPPD2y-00259-00059672-00059903 exactly what i've i've been thinking NvxtgfPPD2y-00260-00059904-00060230 andy we're i'm just so proud of you and NvxtgfPPD2y-00261-00060232-00060503 you have built yourself a legacy here in NvxtgfPPD2y-00262-00060504-00060694 the city of capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-00263-00060695-00060975 and this is just such an extraordinary NvxtgfPPD2y-00264-00060976-00061311 community and to to have you NvxtgfPPD2y-00265-00061312-00061559 lead not just the police department but NvxtgfPPD2y-00266-00061560-00061687 all of us NvxtgfPPD2y-00267-00061688-00062006 um into what i think is going to be an NvxtgfPPD2y-00268-00062007-00062254 exceptional future for for the city and NvxtgfPPD2y-00269-00062255-00062575 for for everyone here as we we um NvxtgfPPD2y-00270-00062576-00062735 overcome a lot of NvxtgfPPD2y-00271-00062736-00062982 of tragedy and NvxtgfPPD2y-00272-00062983-00063094 and NvxtgfPPD2y-00273-00063095-00063375 the pandemic and as we rebuild a NvxtgfPPD2y-00274-00063376-00063566 resilient community i'm just happy that NvxtgfPPD2y-00275-00063567-00063791 it'll be you leading leading the way and NvxtgfPPD2y-00276-00063791-00064023 supporting all of us so congratulations NvxtgfPPD2y-00277-00064024-00064303 again i'm so happy for you and i look NvxtgfPPD2y-00278-00064304-00064494 forward to working with you more NvxtgfPPD2y-00279-00064495-00065111 chief mcmanus we shall celebrate soon NvxtgfPPD2y-00280-00065112-00065271 all right NvxtgfPPD2y-00281-00065272-00065479 it's always odd because we're here in NvxtgfPPD2y-00282-00065479-00065694 zoom and i'm getting excited and i want NvxtgfPPD2y-00283-00065695-00065838 to clap and i want us to jump up and NvxtgfPPD2y-00284-00065839-00066071 down but it's awkward we're wearing NvxtgfPPD2y-00285-00066072-00066303 little screens here so NvxtgfPPD2y-00286-00066304-00066582 um we're gonna move on thanks again um NvxtgfPPD2y-00287-00066583-00066759 unless there was someone else NvxtgfPPD2y-00288-00066760-00066847 okay NvxtgfPPD2y-00289-00066848-00067094 so we're gonna now move on to NvxtgfPPD2y-00290-00067095-00067199 our NvxtgfPPD2y-00291-00067200-00067455 rest of our council comment NvxtgfPPD2y-00292-00067456-00067550 time NvxtgfPPD2y-00293-00067551-00067759 do any council members NvxtgfPPD2y-00294-00067760-00067991 have any comments NvxtgfPPD2y-00295-00067992-00068399 uh councilmember kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-00296-00068400-00068606 thank you mayor i just have two things NvxtgfPPD2y-00297-00068607-00068838 to touch on um NvxtgfPPD2y-00298-00068839-00069150 we are doing our um NvxtgfPPD2y-00299-00069151-00069287 plein air NvxtgfPPD2y-00300-00069288-00069479 art um NvxtgfPPD2y-00301-00069480-00069647 i guess it's on exhibit it's more like NvxtgfPPD2y-00302-00069648-00069863 an activity for local NvxtgfPPD2y-00303-00069864-00070111 and non-local artists to participate um NvxtgfPPD2y-00304-00070112-00070271 in our town and NvxtgfPPD2y-00305-00070272-00070487 paint our beautiful scenery so it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00306-00070488-00070799 happening between november 1st and 6th NvxtgfPPD2y-00307-00070800-00070999 so i want people to be aware that NvxtgfPPD2y-00308-00071000-00071223 they'll be artists out and about and NvxtgfPPD2y-00309-00071224-00071406 that it's actually kind of a cool NvxtgfPPD2y-00310-00071407-00071647 process to watch um NvxtgfPPD2y-00311-00071648-00071887 they each have different NvxtgfPPD2y-00312-00071888-00072126 visions of our city and of our town and NvxtgfPPD2y-00313-00072127-00072311 so it's really cool to watch the the NvxtgfPPD2y-00314-00072312-00072423 works NvxtgfPPD2y-00315-00072424-00072582 be done and then NvxtgfPPD2y-00316-00072583-00072855 there'll be an exhibit at the end of it NvxtgfPPD2y-00317-00072856-00073215 so people can purchase art and support NvxtgfPPD2y-00318-00073216-00073391 hard-working artists which is really NvxtgfPPD2y-00319-00073392-00073559 exciting NvxtgfPPD2y-00320-00073560-00073750 another thing on top of that seeing as NvxtgfPPD2y-00321-00073751-00073975 how we do all um NvxtgfPPD2y-00322-00073976-00074167 a lot of events throughout capitola i NvxtgfPPD2y-00323-00074168-00074447 just wanted to give a huge shout out to NvxtgfPPD2y-00324-00074448-00074735 our public works we've just gone through NvxtgfPPD2y-00325-00074736-00074959 we kind of get these weekends row after NvxtgfPPD2y-00326-00074960-00075311 row of art and wine and labor day and NvxtgfPPD2y-00327-00075312-00075615 beach festival and the fireworks and our NvxtgfPPD2y-00328-00075616-00075750 public works NvxtgfPPD2y-00329-00075751-00076038 employees are just a huge backbone of a NvxtgfPPD2y-00330-00076039-00076191 lot of those NvxtgfPPD2y-00331-00076192-00076279 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00332-00076280-00076494 big festivals and big activities that we NvxtgfPPD2y-00333-00076495-00076711 are lucky enough to do here you know NvxtgfPPD2y-00334-00076712-00076975 they step up they do the job NvxtgfPPD2y-00335-00076976-00077215 and it without them we wouldn't be able NvxtgfPPD2y-00336-00077216-00077415 to have those special times here and so NvxtgfPPD2y-00337-00077416-00077606 i just want to NvxtgfPPD2y-00338-00077607-00077782 make a big shout out to them and to NvxtgfPPD2y-00339-00077783-00078087 steve jessberg who who is the head of NvxtgfPPD2y-00340-00078088-00078303 all of them and NvxtgfPPD2y-00341-00078304-00078582 all the manpower is so necessary and NvxtgfPPD2y-00342-00078583-00078911 much much appreciated from us as a as a NvxtgfPPD2y-00343-00078912-00079191 council and as the city we couldn't do NvxtgfPPD2y-00344-00079192-00079399 without you so thank you guys very much NvxtgfPPD2y-00345-00079400-00079711 for all of your hard work and your your NvxtgfPPD2y-00346-00079712-00079911 and your yes attitude you guys are yes NvxtgfPPD2y-00347-00079912-00080119 guys so i couldn't do it without you NvxtgfPPD2y-00348-00080120-00080511 thank you so much NvxtgfPPD2y-00349-00080512-00080735 thank you councilmember kaiser steve NvxtgfPPD2y-00350-00080736-00080959 don't dare tell us what the score is if NvxtgfPPD2y-00351-00080960-00081223 you're watching because i'm recording it NvxtgfPPD2y-00352-00081224-00081503 uh council member bertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-00353-00081504-00081623 thank you mayor NvxtgfPPD2y-00354-00081624-00081831 um i had several people come up to me NvxtgfPPD2y-00355-00081832-00082079 after the fireworks and uh you know i NvxtgfPPD2y-00356-00082080-00082415 walk around the city and just compliment NvxtgfPPD2y-00357-00082416-00082647 us and you know i had a television omani NvxtgfPPD2y-00358-00082648-00082894 foundation it's a partnership thing and NvxtgfPPD2y-00359-00082895-00083223 so i'd like to um request that we have NvxtgfPPD2y-00360-00083224-00083455 mr monty come in and tell us what he's NvxtgfPPD2y-00361-00083456-00083687 done his history and the number of NvxtgfPPD2y-00362-00083688-00083887 children's activities and programs that NvxtgfPPD2y-00363-00083888-00084143 he's helped support in capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-00364-00084144-00084294 that's my first thing NvxtgfPPD2y-00365-00084295-00084567 um second thing is a week from this NvxtgfPPD2y-00366-00084568-00084806 friday i will be taking a ride on the NvxtgfPPD2y-00367-00084807-00085206 rail uh it's the tigm a demonstration i NvxtgfPPD2y-00368-00085207-00085406 was lucky to get a spot it filled up NvxtgfPPD2y-00369-00085407-00085591 really quickly NvxtgfPPD2y-00370-00085592-00085838 i'll be glad to sort of give people an NvxtgfPPD2y-00371-00085839-00086023 update i'll be leaving from santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-00372-00086024-00086287 and get off in capitola or go back to NvxtgfPPD2y-00373-00086288-00086471 santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-00374-00086472-00086591 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00375-00086592-00086823 i did attend the first night out at j NvxtgfPPD2y-00376-00086824-00087135 street park and it wasn't as big as NvxtgfPPD2y-00377-00087136-00087318 before because we didn't have a barbecue NvxtgfPPD2y-00378-00087319-00087462 and a few other things that we almost NvxtgfPPD2y-00379-00087463-00087623 didn't have it so thanks for the police NvxtgfPPD2y-00380-00087624-00087823 department for putting that on NvxtgfPPD2y-00381-00087824-00088023 there was a climbing structure there and NvxtgfPPD2y-00382-00088024-00088318 i saw a lot of very enthusiastic kids NvxtgfPPD2y-00383-00088319-00088511 you know climbing up you know hand holes NvxtgfPPD2y-00384-00088512-00088694 and stuff like that it was just truly NvxtgfPPD2y-00385-00088695-00088806 amazing NvxtgfPPD2y-00386-00088807-00089247 so um and another thing related to um NvxtgfPPD2y-00387-00089248-00089526 rtc i've been appointed to a commission NvxtgfPPD2y-00388-00089527-00089655 or committee NvxtgfPPD2y-00389-00089656-00089806 i'm going to find out more about it NvxtgfPPD2y-00390-00089807-00090071 tomorrow it's called the crcc and NvxtgfPPD2y-00391-00090072-00090391 basically its function is to try to NvxtgfPPD2y-00392-00090392-00090743 work on policy issues to help NvxtgfPPD2y-00393-00090744-00090975 public transportation from san francisco NvxtgfPPD2y-00394-00090976-00091135 down to santa barbara NvxtgfPPD2y-00395-00091136-00091391 and as you know it's been slowly going NvxtgfPPD2y-00396-00091392-00091615 down the coast excuse me going down the NvxtgfPPD2y-00397-00091616-00091855 101 corridor i think we get to NvxtgfPPD2y-00398-00091856-00091991 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00399-00091992-00092215 well i'll find out more so i'll give you NvxtgfPPD2y-00400-00092216-00092487 some updates on that later and as you NvxtgfPPD2y-00401-00092488-00092726 also know i was at the california league NvxtgfPPD2y-00402-00092727-00092903 and i'm going to try to prepare a short NvxtgfPPD2y-00403-00092904-00093135 report some highlights that i think NvxtgfPPD2y-00404-00093136-00093318 people might find interesting and that's NvxtgfPPD2y-00405-00093319-00093615 it NvxtgfPPD2y-00406-00093616-00093750 thank you so much council member for NvxtgfPPD2y-00407-00093751-00093999 trans council member peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00408-00094000-00094135 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00409-00094136-00094359 first i wanted to share that NvxtgfPPD2y-00410-00094360-00094462 i am NvxtgfPPD2y-00411-00094463-00094647 the the NvxtgfPPD2y-00412-00094648-00094879 city's representative to the santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-00413-00094880-00095094 metro transit district and we recently NvxtgfPPD2y-00414-00095095-00095231 had a NvxtgfPPD2y-00415-00095232-00095382 workshop with the board members which NvxtgfPPD2y-00416-00095383-00095535 was a great opportunity to learn more NvxtgfPPD2y-00417-00095536-00095703 about the organization and where it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00418-00095704-00095982 headed our strengths and weaknesses etc NvxtgfPPD2y-00419-00095983-00096150 and uh one of the things i wanted to NvxtgfPPD2y-00420-00096151-00096231 share NvxtgfPPD2y-00421-00096232-00096391 is that NvxtgfPPD2y-00422-00096392-00096615 for those of you who do use the metro NvxtgfPPD2y-00423-00096616-00096782 system please have patience we have a NvxtgfPPD2y-00424-00096783-00096959 shortage of drivers right now and our NvxtgfPPD2y-00425-00096960-00097199 drivers are working incredibly hard to NvxtgfPPD2y-00426-00097200-00097471 meet all of our needs to address that NvxtgfPPD2y-00427-00097472-00097694 shortage so please have patience and if NvxtgfPPD2y-00428-00097695-00097991 you do use the metro bus system uh give NvxtgfPPD2y-00429-00097992-00098135 a shout out to your driver and thank NvxtgfPPD2y-00430-00098136-00098399 them for for being uh for being there NvxtgfPPD2y-00431-00098400-00098655 and continuing to get us around NvxtgfPPD2y-00432-00098656-00098806 the other thing i wanted to share was at NvxtgfPPD2y-00433-00098807-00098967 last night's ambag meeting the NvxtgfPPD2y-00434-00098968-00099118 association of monterey bay area NvxtgfPPD2y-00435-00099119-00099318 governments once again we heard about NvxtgfPPD2y-00436-00099319-00099471 our NvxtgfPPD2y-00437-00099472-00099647 regional housing needs assessment and NvxtgfPPD2y-00438-00099648-00099831 the methodology that's being used to NvxtgfPPD2y-00439-00099832-00099935 determine NvxtgfPPD2y-00440-00099936-00100191 uh the allocation for each area NvxtgfPPD2y-00441-00100192-00100415 the final allocation for the housing NvxtgfPPD2y-00442-00100416-00100631 that's needed in our city in particular NvxtgfPPD2y-00443-00100632-00100882 will not be final until about NvxtgfPPD2y-00444-00100883-00101167 february um but they do have estimates NvxtgfPPD2y-00445-00101168-00101343 right now and i just wanted to share NvxtgfPPD2y-00446-00101344-00101711 that in the 2015 to 2023 arena cycle the NvxtgfPPD2y-00447-00101712-00101991 last arena cycle our entire city had a NvxtgfPPD2y-00448-00101992-00102223 needs assessment of 143 NvxtgfPPD2y-00449-00102224-00102447 new new homes that needed to be built NvxtgfPPD2y-00450-00102448-00102630 the estimate for the upcoming arena NvxtgfPPD2y-00451-00102631-00102747 cycle is NvxtgfPPD2y-00452-00102748-00102902 726 NvxtgfPPD2y-00453-00102903-00103023 and NvxtgfPPD2y-00454-00103024-00103390 about 214 of those are in the very low NvxtgfPPD2y-00455-00103391-00103694 income category so we have more houses NvxtgfPPD2y-00456-00103695-00103854 that need to be built in the very low NvxtgfPPD2y-00457-00103855-00104127 income category in this rainy cycle than NvxtgfPPD2y-00458-00104128-00104334 we had required for all income NvxtgfPPD2y-00459-00104335-00104623 categories in our prior arena cycle so NvxtgfPPD2y-00460-00104624-00104775 i'm going to continue to share this NvxtgfPPD2y-00461-00104776-00104966 information as we get more information NvxtgfPPD2y-00462-00104967-00105286 coming in from ambag and from NvxtgfPPD2y-00463-00105288-00105534 hcd at the state because this is really NvxtgfPPD2y-00464-00105535-00105671 important and i think that it's going to NvxtgfPPD2y-00465-00105672-00105919 be crucial that we stay updated on this NvxtgfPPD2y-00466-00105920-00106199 information as we move forward NvxtgfPPD2y-00467-00106200-00106366 so that it's not a shock for us when our NvxtgfPPD2y-00468-00106367-00106543 final numbers come out and we need to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00469-00106544-00106790 able to determine how to ensure that we NvxtgfPPD2y-00470-00106791-00106999 can create opportunities for that kind NvxtgfPPD2y-00471-00107000-00107110 of housing NvxtgfPPD2y-00472-00107111-00107439 and that's all for me tonight thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00473-00107440-00107663 thank you councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00474-00107664-00107863 um i just had a couple of things to NvxtgfPPD2y-00475-00107864-00108054 share i just first wanted to thank NvxtgfPPD2y-00476-00108055-00108271 senator john laird for taking his the NvxtgfPPD2y-00477-00108272-00108407 time to visit NvxtgfPPD2y-00478-00108408-00108495 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00479-00108496-00108823 our visit with us staff and with us our NvxtgfPPD2y-00480-00108824-00109086 city manager over at our new library was NvxtgfPPD2y-00481-00109088-00109254 able to give us some new updates on NvxtgfPPD2y-00482-00109255-00109495 what's going on and some recently passed NvxtgfPPD2y-00483-00109496-00109615 bills NvxtgfPPD2y-00484-00109616-00109801 also on NvxtgfPPD2y-00485-00109802-00109919 [Music] NvxtgfPPD2y-00486-00109920-00110183 october 18th i'll be having my mayor's NvxtgfPPD2y-00487-00110183-00110399 town hall with our guests from the NvxtgfPPD2y-00488-00110400-00110727 central coast community energy 3ce NvxtgfPPD2y-00489-00110728-00110975 the event will begin at 6 00 pm and NvxtgfPPD2y-00490-00110976-00111263 they'll be presenting um a a NvxtgfPPD2y-00491-00111264-00111447 presentation on understanding the value NvxtgfPPD2y-00492-00111448-00111775 of community choice energy and so um to NvxtgfPPD2y-00493-00111776-00111943 access that zoom link you can go onto NvxtgfPPD2y-00494-00111944-00112127 our website and then following in NvxtgfPPD2y-00495-00112128-00112343 november i'll be having one with our NvxtgfPPD2y-00496-00112344-00112583 county santa cruz county superintendent NvxtgfPPD2y-00497-00112583-00112758 ferris the bot so all that information NvxtgfPPD2y-00498-00112759-00112943 can be found on our website NvxtgfPPD2y-00499-00112944-00113127 now moving on to item seven this is NvxtgfPPD2y-00500-00113128-00113343 consent all items listed on consent will NvxtgfPPD2y-00501-00113344-00113551 be enacted by one motion in the form NvxtgfPPD2y-00502-00113552-00113695 listed below NvxtgfPPD2y-00503-00113696-00113919 and there will be no separate discussion NvxtgfPPD2y-00504-00113920-00114134 on these items prior to the time the NvxtgfPPD2y-00505-00114135-00114302 council votes on the action unless a NvxtgfPPD2y-00506-00114303-00114502 member of the city council would request NvxtgfPPD2y-00507-00114503-00114671 would like to request an item to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00508-00114672-00114878 discussed for separate review NvxtgfPPD2y-00509-00114879-00115063 would anyone like to pull any of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00510-00115064-00115454 items that they see on tonight's agenda NvxtgfPPD2y-00511-00115455-00115654 for consent excuse me NvxtgfPPD2y-00512-00115655-00115999 this is item a through g NvxtgfPPD2y-00513-00116000-00116278 okay cnn i'll go ahead and entertain a NvxtgfPPD2y-00514-00116279-00116551 motion with us NvxtgfPPD2y-00515-00116552-00116695 so moved NvxtgfPPD2y-00516-00116696-00116902 we have a first for approval of consent NvxtgfPPD2y-00517-00116903-00117127 items a through g do we have a second NvxtgfPPD2y-00518-00117128-00117295 okay NvxtgfPPD2y-00519-00117296-00117551 i have a second from vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-00520-00117552-00117847 can i have a roll call please yes NvxtgfPPD2y-00521-00117848-00118110 council member for trans NvxtgfPPD2y-00522-00118111-00118319 i approve NvxtgfPPD2y-00523-00118320-00118575 council member kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-00524-00118576-00118702 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-00525-00118703-00118951 council member peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-00526-00118952-00119039 aye NvxtgfPPD2y-00527-00119040-00119399 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-00528-00119400-00119478 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-00529-00119479-00119727 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-00530-00119728-00119831 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-00531-00119832-00120031 okay that item passes we'll now move on NvxtgfPPD2y-00532-00120032-00120231 to our general government and public NvxtgfPPD2y-00533-00120232-00120527 hearing this is item 8a for a NvxtgfPPD2y-00534-00120528-00120799 redistricting presentation and tonight NvxtgfPPD2y-00535-00120800-00120934 all we're going to be doing um our NvxtgfPPD2y-00536-00120935-00121143 recommended action is just to accept the NvxtgfPPD2y-00537-00121144-00121358 presentation NvxtgfPPD2y-00538-00121359-00121566 and who will be presenting is this you NvxtgfPPD2y-00539-00121567-00121883 alyssa or evan excuse me NvxtgfPPD2y-00540-00121883-00122214 okay we can great thank you and it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00541-00122215-00122423 good to hear about the plein air NvxtgfPPD2y-00542-00122424-00122623 event in november i'm gonna come check NvxtgfPPD2y-00543-00122624-00122839 it out so thank you for inviting me NvxtgfPPD2y-00544-00122840-00123078 tonight my name is elisa benson i'm the NvxtgfPPD2y-00545-00123079-00123286 assistant county administrative officer NvxtgfPPD2y-00546-00123288-00123510 and part of the core team in the county NvxtgfPPD2y-00547-00123511-00123647 uh that is NvxtgfPPD2y-00548-00123648-00123927 running our just redistricting projects NvxtgfPPD2y-00549-00123928-00124302 for 2021. so i have a brief presentation NvxtgfPPD2y-00550-00124303-00124519 really just focusing on our process NvxtgfPPD2y-00551-00124520-00124766 which is a little bit different given NvxtgfPPD2y-00552-00124767-00124951 everything feels a little bit different NvxtgfPPD2y-00553-00124952-00125190 in the last year and a half i'm but i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-00554-00125191-00125407 happy to take any questions NvxtgfPPD2y-00555-00125408-00125783 and i'm going to share my screen i have NvxtgfPPD2y-00556-00125783-00125975 two border collies here with me so NvxtgfPPD2y-00557-00125976-00126239 hopefully they won't be uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00558-00126240-00126478 involving themselves at all NvxtgfPPD2y-00559-00126479-00126799 so let's see NvxtgfPPD2y-00560-00126800-00126999 can you guys see that okay let's know i NvxtgfPPD2y-00561-00127000-00127223 have to actually hit this button NvxtgfPPD2y-00562-00127224-00127366 let's see NvxtgfPPD2y-00563-00127367-00127543 can you see that all right NvxtgfPPD2y-00564-00127544-00127671 great NvxtgfPPD2y-00565-00127672-00127743 so NvxtgfPPD2y-00566-00127744-00127966 just very briefly so this is obviously NvxtgfPPD2y-00567-00127967-00128102 just going to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00568-00128103-00128295 covering the county's redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00569-00128296-00128495 process that as i'll reference in the NvxtgfPPD2y-00570-00128496-00128663 very end of the presentation there are NvxtgfPPD2y-00571-00128664-00128783 several NvxtgfPPD2y-00572-00128783-00129286 and let me move this along NvxtgfPPD2y-00573-00129288-00129558 figure out how to do it NvxtgfPPD2y-00574-00129559-00129814 oh gosh it's not letting here we go so NvxtgfPPD2y-00575-00129815-00129943 let me NvxtgfPPD2y-00576-00129944-00130119 let's see next NvxtgfPPD2y-00577-00130120-00130310 so just very quickly i know all of you NvxtgfPPD2y-00578-00130311-00130471 are familiar with this but why does NvxtgfPPD2y-00579-00130472-00130663 redistricting matter NvxtgfPPD2y-00580-00130664-00130823 for and this is more for any of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00581-00130824-00131007 members of the viewing public NvxtgfPPD2y-00582-00131008-00131311 so registering is redrawing those bound NvxtgfPPD2y-00583-00131312-00131587 district boundaries for purposes of NvxtgfPPD2y-00584-00131588-00131863 representation and we do this every 10 NvxtgfPPD2y-00585-00131864-00132078 years as part of coming after the NvxtgfPPD2y-00586-00132079-00132263 decennial census NvxtgfPPD2y-00587-00132264-00132423 the intention here is that these NvxtgfPPD2y-00588-00132424-00132614 boundaries are drawn equal and NvxtgfPPD2y-00589-00132615-00132975 substantially equal to allow for NvxtgfPPD2y-00590-00132976-00133166 fair representation in any kind of NvxtgfPPD2y-00591-00133167-00133439 elected body and as you you all know NvxtgfPPD2y-00592-00133440-00133735 very well this is about who is going to NvxtgfPPD2y-00593-00133736-00133854 be uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00594-00133855-00134063 who where the elected representation NvxtgfPPD2y-00595-00134064-00134190 comes from NvxtgfPPD2y-00596-00134191-00134366 really key in these efforts are NvxtgfPPD2y-00597-00134367-00134575 population equality so you take that NvxtgfPPD2y-00598-00134576-00134814 entire population of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00599-00134815-00135047 the legislative body you're talking NvxtgfPPD2y-00600-00135048-00135239 about and you split it into the number NvxtgfPPD2y-00601-00135240-00135431 of districts and then it's drawing those NvxtgfPPD2y-00602-00135432-00135543 boundaries NvxtgfPPD2y-00603-00135544-00135751 and it's really important to have NvxtgfPPD2y-00604-00135752-00135959 community voice and representation and NvxtgfPPD2y-00605-00135960-00136190 drawing those those boundaries i think NvxtgfPPD2y-00606-00136191-00136439 there's um unfortunately a long history NvxtgfPPD2y-00607-00136440-00136607 where that hasn't been necessarily done NvxtgfPPD2y-00608-00136608-00136823 in a way that has been fair to all NvxtgfPPD2y-00609-00136824-00137031 members of the community so it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00610-00137032-00137183 it's something that um NvxtgfPPD2y-00611-00137184-00137359 what we really do want to hear what NvxtgfPPD2y-00612-00137360-00137590 community members NvxtgfPPD2y-00613-00137591-00137783 think and want in terms of NvxtgfPPD2y-00614-00137784-00138039 representation and this is how folks NvxtgfPPD2y-00615-00138040-00138223 have the opportunity to to get that NvxtgfPPD2y-00616-00138224-00138454 elective representation NvxtgfPPD2y-00617-00138455-00138711 for us for the county of santa cruz uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00618-00138712-00138902 we well i first should say there was NvxtgfPPD2y-00619-00138903-00139223 some legislation at the state level NvxtgfPPD2y-00620-00139224-00139543 called uh it's ab-849 the fair maps act NvxtgfPPD2y-00621-00139544-00139863 and this was actually in 2018 and 2019 NvxtgfPPD2y-00622-00139864-00140047 there's a smoke alarm going off in my NvxtgfPPD2y-00623-00140048-00140295 kitchen by the way NvxtgfPPD2y-00624-00140296-00140583 and that actually really uh quite NvxtgfPPD2y-00625-00140584-00140895 significantly uh changed the way NvxtgfPPD2y-00626-00140896-00141078 california approaches redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00627-00141079-00141239 really set up a whole set of new NvxtgfPPD2y-00628-00141240-00141495 standards and expectations and one of NvxtgfPPD2y-00629-00141496-00141678 those things that was it really defined NvxtgfPPD2y-00630-00141679-00142031 the ways in which NvxtgfPPD2y-00631-00142032-00142231 community participation NvxtgfPPD2y-00632-00142232-00142478 could be could be established so for the NvxtgfPPD2y-00633-00142479-00142775 purposes of the county the board in NvxtgfPPD2y-00634-00142776-00143007 february chose to do an advisory NvxtgfPPD2y-00635-00143008-00143231 redistricting commission and there are NvxtgfPPD2y-00636-00143232-00143407 some limitations on who could be NvxtgfPPD2y-00637-00143408-00143631 appointed to those one of the big big NvxtgfPPD2y-00638-00143632-00143919 ones is you can't have anyone who works NvxtgfPPD2y-00639-00143920-00144102 for a current elective official or NvxtgfPPD2y-00640-00144103-00144319 someone who intends to work for the NvxtgfPPD2y-00641-00144320-00144551 current elected official so what you see NvxtgfPPD2y-00642-00144552-00144839 here is the um commissioners that that NvxtgfPPD2y-00643-00144840-00145159 the uh board of supervisors by district NvxtgfPPD2y-00644-00145160-00145423 um appointed to participate in and are NvxtgfPPD2y-00645-00145424-00145711 in our advisory uh our advisory NvxtgfPPD2y-00646-00145712-00145847 commission NvxtgfPPD2y-00647-00145848-00146143 so i wanted to just spend a brief moment NvxtgfPPD2y-00648-00146144-00146319 talking a little bit about that line NvxtgfPPD2y-00649-00146320-00146711 drawing criteria that av-849 set forward NvxtgfPPD2y-00650-00146712-00146943 and this is so really it is this NvxtgfPPD2y-00651-00146944-00147231 decision process is governed both at the NvxtgfPPD2y-00652-00147232-00147495 commission level and at the board level NvxtgfPPD2y-00653-00147496-00147751 by both federal and state law i won't go NvxtgfPPD2y-00654-00147752-00148007 into the the details of this NvxtgfPPD2y-00655-00148008-00148214 but it first and foremost it's around NvxtgfPPD2y-00656-00148215-00148478 equal population and and complying with NvxtgfPPD2y-00657-00148479-00148663 the voting rights act NvxtgfPPD2y-00658-00148664-00148883 and then the state requirements which NvxtgfPPD2y-00659-00148884-00149319 8849 has now set up is this list of five NvxtgfPPD2y-00660-00149320-00149526 ranked criteria NvxtgfPPD2y-00661-00149527-00149702 that need to be part of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00662-00149703-00150023 consideration for drawing boundaries and NvxtgfPPD2y-00663-00150024-00150278 as well as the sort of foundational NvxtgfPPD2y-00664-00150279-00150471 concept that NvxtgfPPD2y-00665-00150472-00150631 nobody should NvxtgfPPD2y-00666-00150632-00150783 adopt district lines that either NvxtgfPPD2y-00667-00150784-00151031 discriminate or favor up any political NvxtgfPPD2y-00668-00151032-00151351 party so that's really the structure NvxtgfPPD2y-00669-00151352-00151614 that i'm in guiding both the advisory NvxtgfPPD2y-00670-00151615-00151831 commission and NvxtgfPPD2y-00671-00151832-00152054 the board of supervisors NvxtgfPPD2y-00672-00152055-00152302 process moving forward NvxtgfPPD2y-00673-00152303-00152375 so NvxtgfPPD2y-00674-00152376-00152607 very quickly the timeline lines and NvxtgfPPD2y-00675-00152608-00152871 phases because of how kova defected the NvxtgfPPD2y-00676-00152872-00152999 census uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00677-00153000-00153271 the census collection in 2020 NvxtgfPPD2y-00678-00153272-00153559 it really affected redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00679-00153560-00153863 and uh frequently um well as NvxtgfPPD2y-00680-00153864-00154119 historically we get our census numbers NvxtgfPPD2y-00681-00154120-00154239 in april NvxtgfPPD2y-00682-00154240-00154526 which provides a fairly long time frame NvxtgfPPD2y-00683-00154527-00154847 for redistricting work to happen NvxtgfPPD2y-00684-00154848-00155135 because of covid we did not receive NvxtgfPPD2y-00685-00155136-00155390 redistricting or we did not receive NvxtgfPPD2y-00686-00155391-00155559 census data NvxtgfPPD2y-00687-00155560-00155878 we even got early data in late august NvxtgfPPD2y-00688-00155879-00156047 and then there's a whole timeline that NvxtgfPPD2y-00689-00156048-00156287 it you know basically comes into play NvxtgfPPD2y-00690-00156288-00156623 because of then the following election NvxtgfPPD2y-00691-00156624-00156831 in 2022 NvxtgfPPD2y-00692-00156832-00157031 so for us we had started doing our NvxtgfPPD2y-00693-00157032-00157207 planning quite you know in the spring NvxtgfPPD2y-00694-00157208-00157407 once we had the advisory commission NvxtgfPPD2y-00695-00157408-00157575 appointed by the board NvxtgfPPD2y-00696-00157576-00157799 did in july and august really we NvxtgfPPD2y-00697-00157800-00158047 launched a website and by the way the NvxtgfPPD2y-00698-00158048-00158390 849 requires a website and a whole bunch NvxtgfPPD2y-00699-00158391-00158775 of very specific outreach activities NvxtgfPPD2y-00700-00158776-00159014 we developed some tools and we started NvxtgfPPD2y-00701-00159015-00159311 to reach out to community organizations NvxtgfPPD2y-00702-00159312-00159502 around promoting involvement and NvxtgfPPD2y-00703-00159503-00159687 education about the redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00704-00159688-00159975 process in september and october we NvxtgfPPD2y-00705-00159976-00160199 moved more in towards our involvement NvxtgfPPD2y-00706-00160200-00160375 our public involvement and engagement NvxtgfPPD2y-00707-00160376-00160631 work and then really we're right now in NvxtgfPPD2y-00708-00160632-00160831 the thick of the line drawing mapping NvxtgfPPD2y-00709-00160832-00161078 work with the advisory commission NvxtgfPPD2y-00710-00161079-00161351 and again why this this time frame got NvxtgfPPD2y-00711-00161352-00161671 so um constrained is the data we did not NvxtgfPPD2y-00712-00161672-00161959 have the data for the county in terms of NvxtgfPPD2y-00713-00161960-00162175 what is our population change look like NvxtgfPPD2y-00714-00162176-00162487 and we received that initially on august NvxtgfPPD2y-00715-00162488-00162759 20th it was an early set that had not NvxtgfPPD2y-00716-00162760-00162926 yet um NvxtgfPPD2y-00717-00162927-00163078 integrated what they call the NvxtgfPPD2y-00718-00163079-00163390 reapportionment with at the state level NvxtgfPPD2y-00719-00163391-00163478 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00720-00163479-00163799 residents who are in state prisons NvxtgfPPD2y-00721-00163800-00164143 basically then get i got identified and NvxtgfPPD2y-00722-00164144-00164438 then the numbers for each county is NvxtgfPPD2y-00723-00164439-00164687 adjusted so like NvxtgfPPD2y-00724-00164688-00164871 if they were back in their county what NvxtgfPPD2y-00725-00164872-00165183 would that do for us that period between NvxtgfPPD2y-00726-00165184-00165431 august 20th and september 20th while the NvxtgfPPD2y-00727-00165432-00165663 state was doing that reapportionment was NvxtgfPPD2y-00728-00165664-00165799 very minor NvxtgfPPD2y-00729-00165800-00166031 in terms of how it changed the census NvxtgfPPD2y-00730-00166032-00166247 data we had received earlier but still NvxtgfPPD2y-00731-00166248-00166414 that you had to wait till that official NvxtgfPPD2y-00732-00166415-00166526 data was NvxtgfPPD2y-00733-00166527-00166654 available NvxtgfPPD2y-00734-00166655-00166919 so our commission um NvxtgfPPD2y-00735-00166920-00167183 with staff support NvxtgfPPD2y-00736-00167184-00167407 we offered four different public NvxtgfPPD2y-00737-00167408-00167678 workshops a general public workshop NvxtgfPPD2y-00738-00167679-00167983 workshop um on september 1st and then we NvxtgfPPD2y-00739-00167984-00168207 did sort of regional workshops on the NvxtgfPPD2y-00740-00168208-00168551 22nd the 29th and the 30th NvxtgfPPD2y-00741-00168552-00168847 um these were all we did both a hybrid NvxtgfPPD2y-00742-00168848-00169095 approach we wanted to make sure we had NvxtgfPPD2y-00743-00169096-00169238 optimal NvxtgfPPD2y-00744-00169239-00169423 opportunity for the public to be NvxtgfPPD2y-00745-00169424-00169566 involved NvxtgfPPD2y-00746-00169567-00169790 unfortunately we did not have a whole NvxtgfPPD2y-00747-00169791-00169926 lot of NvxtgfPPD2y-00748-00169927-00170247 public engagement i think our most NvxtgfPPD2y-00749-00170248-00170543 are most well attended in person and NvxtgfPPD2y-00750-00170544-00170790 quite frankly in terms of NvxtgfPPD2y-00751-00170791-00171063 remote attendance was the workshop we NvxtgfPPD2y-00752-00171064-00171190 did on NvxtgfPPD2y-00753-00171191-00171559 september 29th in felton so sort of in NvxtgfPPD2y-00754-00171560-00171719 the district 5 NvxtgfPPD2y-00755-00171720-00171895 area of the county NvxtgfPPD2y-00756-00171896-00171983 so NvxtgfPPD2y-00757-00171984-00172199 we were we've been you know not we're NvxtgfPPD2y-00758-00172200-00172454 not too surprised why NvxtgfPPD2y-00759-00172455-00172623 we haven't had a whole lot of attendance NvxtgfPPD2y-00760-00172624-00172919 and that's because the data basically NvxtgfPPD2y-00761-00172920-00173038 shows that NvxtgfPPD2y-00762-00173039-00173231 we weren't we didn't have NvxtgfPPD2y-00763-00173232-00173511 very significant swings NvxtgfPPD2y-00764-00173512-00173735 in terms of population changes by NvxtgfPPD2y-00765-00173736-00173919 district and i do have a slide on that NvxtgfPPD2y-00766-00173920-00174126 if anyone's interested in that NvxtgfPPD2y-00767-00174127-00174487 just as the current map stands NvxtgfPPD2y-00768-00174488-00174590 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00769-00174591-00174847 we are substantially equal by district NvxtgfPPD2y-00770-00174848-00175207 and the legal frame we use for that is NvxtgfPPD2y-00771-00175208-00175399 that the variance NvxtgfPPD2y-00772-00175400-00175519 from that NvxtgfPPD2y-00773-00175520-00175759 that number and in our in our case it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00774-00175760-00176023 about fifty four thousand people per NvxtgfPPD2y-00775-00176024-00176135 district NvxtgfPPD2y-00776-00176136-00176343 with less than five percent and if as NvxtgfPPD2y-00777-00176344-00176511 long as you're like you're less than NvxtgfPPD2y-00778-00176512-00176702 five percent it's considered NvxtgfPPD2y-00779-00176703-00176959 substantially equal so NvxtgfPPD2y-00780-00176960-00177231 even as it stands in with our new data NvxtgfPPD2y-00781-00177232-00177447 there's like from a number NvxtgfPPD2y-00782-00177448-00177726 standpoint we we meet the substantially NvxtgfPPD2y-00783-00177727-00177823 equal NvxtgfPPD2y-00784-00177824-00177966 standard NvxtgfPPD2y-00785-00177967-00178287 so we once got those engagement work was NvxtgfPPD2y-00786-00178288-00178471 completed and i should say we were NvxtgfPPD2y-00787-00178472-00178783 getting public um input online NvxtgfPPD2y-00788-00178784-00178999 uh around the the key concept of NvxtgfPPD2y-00789-00179000-00179183 communities of interest and that's NvxtgfPPD2y-00790-00179184-00179407 that's really the idea here is how do NvxtgfPPD2y-00791-00179408-00179631 communities consider themselves and in NvxtgfPPD2y-00792-00179632-00179871 communities of interest NvxtgfPPD2y-00793-00179872-00180159 so it was last week on NvxtgfPPD2y-00794-00180160-00180351 october 6 NvxtgfPPD2y-00795-00180352-00180551 our advisory group started meeting to NvxtgfPPD2y-00796-00180552-00180871 sort of take that input that we received NvxtgfPPD2y-00797-00180872-00181038 either through the web NvxtgfPPD2y-00798-00181039-00181159 or NvxtgfPPD2y-00799-00181160-00181399 in their own community conversations or NvxtgfPPD2y-00800-00181400-00181654 through the engagement process to start NvxtgfPPD2y-00801-00181655-00181823 talking about NvxtgfPPD2y-00802-00181824-00182014 what potential changes NvxtgfPPD2y-00803-00182015-00182231 would they would want to consider NvxtgfPPD2y-00804-00182232-00182447 recommending to the board NvxtgfPPD2y-00805-00182448-00182654 so that started last week we had a NvxtgfPPD2y-00806-00182655-00182838 meeting yesterday and we have another NvxtgfPPD2y-00807-00182839-00183078 meeting tomorrow and those are all brown NvxtgfPPD2y-00808-00183079-00183295 active meetings uh they're available on NvxtgfPPD2y-00809-00183296-00183599 our website we they are taking testimony NvxtgfPPD2y-00810-00183600-00183902 tomorrow and then we will be moving from NvxtgfPPD2y-00811-00183903-00184175 that process to the board process NvxtgfPPD2y-00812-00184176-00184438 so that's really this next part of the NvxtgfPPD2y-00813-00184439-00184654 slide that you see here the october NvxtgfPPD2y-00814-00184655-00184966 through december process NvxtgfPPD2y-00815-00184967-00185302 one of the features of ab-849 was it NvxtgfPPD2y-00816-00185303-00185638 requires four public hearings NvxtgfPPD2y-00817-00185639-00185911 by the by the board making um making NvxtgfPPD2y-00818-00185912-00186159 that final decision one of those public NvxtgfPPD2y-00819-00186160-00186350 hearings can actually be NvxtgfPPD2y-00820-00186351-00186687 one of the workshops so we um are NvxtgfPPD2y-00821-00186688-00186871 counting our NvxtgfPPD2y-00822-00186872-00187150 our september 30th workshop as our first NvxtgfPPD2y-00823-00187151-00187278 public hearing NvxtgfPPD2y-00824-00187279-00187454 and that was an evening hearing in NvxtgfPPD2y-00825-00187455-00187590 watsonville NvxtgfPPD2y-00826-00187591-00187854 then we will then have three additional NvxtgfPPD2y-00827-00187855-00188111 meetings on this a public hearing on the NvxtgfPPD2y-00828-00188112-00188359 26th the evening of the 26th that will NvxtgfPPD2y-00829-00188360-00188471 be when NvxtgfPPD2y-00830-00188472-00188566 the NvxtgfPPD2y-00831-00188567-00188838 advisory commission's recommendations NvxtgfPPD2y-00832-00188839-00189063 will be presented to the board and NvxtgfPPD2y-00833-00189064-00189254 received by the board NvxtgfPPD2y-00834-00189255-00189431 any of these meetings uh we will NvxtgfPPD2y-00835-00189432-00189631 continue to take public input and NvxtgfPPD2y-00836-00189632-00189887 testimony we will then have NvxtgfPPD2y-00837-00189888-00190166 what is technically the second public NvxtgfPPD2y-00838-00190167-00190414 hearing at the board but the NvxtgfPPD2y-00839-00190415-00190511 third NvxtgfPPD2y-00840-00190512-00190719 in the count to four NvxtgfPPD2y-00841-00190720-00190990 on november 9th we expect that will be NvxtgfPPD2y-00842-00190991-00191254 where we um we actually expect to get NvxtgfPPD2y-00843-00191255-00191431 additional directions from the board on NvxtgfPPD2y-00844-00191432-00191695 the 26th about any proposals that they NvxtgfPPD2y-00845-00191696-00191911 want us to NvxtgfPPD2y-00846-00191912-00192078 prepare for them in terms of different NvxtgfPPD2y-00847-00192079-00192247 maps and what those changes would look NvxtgfPPD2y-00848-00192248-00192454 like in terms of population NvxtgfPPD2y-00849-00192455-00192638 um emma 26 and then there will be NvxtgfPPD2y-00850-00192639-00192919 another another hearing on the ninth NvxtgfPPD2y-00851-00192920-00193150 um again public testimony will be NvxtgfPPD2y-00852-00193151-00193366 welcomed at that hearing NvxtgfPPD2y-00853-00193367-00193575 at this point we're then planning for NvxtgfPPD2y-00854-00193576-00193911 final action on november 16th NvxtgfPPD2y-00855-00193912-00194223 the 9th and the 16th are regular uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00856-00194224-00194431 board of supervisor meetings this will NvxtgfPPD2y-00857-00194432-00194695 be a time certain item on their agendas NvxtgfPPD2y-00858-00194696-00194959 the 26th is a special meeting in the NvxtgfPPD2y-00859-00194960-00195111 evening NvxtgfPPD2y-00860-00195112-00195287 and so the intention there is that they NvxtgfPPD2y-00861-00195288-00195590 would actually adopt any any changes to NvxtgfPPD2y-00862-00195591-00195871 the maps on november 16th NvxtgfPPD2y-00863-00195872-00196214 one of the features of ab-849 is those NvxtgfPPD2y-00864-00196215-00196519 maps that are up being considered for NvxtgfPPD2y-00865-00196520-00196807 adoption have to be published NvxtgfPPD2y-00866-00196808-00197095 at least seven days prior to final NvxtgfPPD2y-00867-00197096-00197390 adoption so those things will come out NvxtgfPPD2y-00868-00197391-00197647 gosh i should be able to do my math NvxtgfPPD2y-00869-00197648-00197902 but that on november 9th or the next day NvxtgfPPD2y-00870-00197903-00198038 we actually have to um have this NvxtgfPPD2y-00871-00198039-00198175 published NvxtgfPPD2y-00872-00198176-00198423 we do i have listed here this deadline NvxtgfPPD2y-00873-00198424-00198535 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00874-00198536-00198766 the deadline for for the board to take NvxtgfPPD2y-00875-00198767-00199054 action is december 15th NvxtgfPPD2y-00876-00199055-00199350 if we do not then the whole process NvxtgfPPD2y-00877-00199351-00199583 reverts to a court process NvxtgfPPD2y-00878-00199584-00199831 so we just had planned this schedule NvxtgfPPD2y-00879-00199832-00199966 where um NvxtgfPPD2y-00880-00199967-00200175 the intention was we got it done sooner NvxtgfPPD2y-00881-00200176-00200423 than later and then if we did need to if NvxtgfPPD2y-00882-00200424-00200599 their board felt they needed additional NvxtgfPPD2y-00883-00200600-00200783 time we would be able to fit in another NvxtgfPPD2y-00884-00200784-00201023 meeting before december 15th NvxtgfPPD2y-00885-00201024-00201238 so this is our process and really we NvxtgfPPD2y-00886-00201239-00201454 will be accepting public testimony from NvxtgfPPD2y-00887-00201455-00201663 any interested party NvxtgfPPD2y-00888-00201664-00201854 at all of these meetings NvxtgfPPD2y-00889-00201855-00201966 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00890-00201967-00202278 and we will see how things go so with NvxtgfPPD2y-00891-00202279-00202495 that NvxtgfPPD2y-00892-00202496-00202671 i just want to also point out we are not NvxtgfPPD2y-00893-00202672-00202831 the only ones who are who are doing NvxtgfPPD2y-00894-00202832-00203031 redistricting um NvxtgfPPD2y-00895-00203032-00203207 of course there's state redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00896-00203208-00203463 and then the city of city of santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-00897-00203464-00203702 is doing it there is redistricting at NvxtgfPPD2y-00898-00203703-00203847 cabrillo NvxtgfPPD2y-00899-00203848-00203975 many different folks are doing NvxtgfPPD2y-00900-00203976-00204143 redistricting NvxtgfPPD2y-00901-00204144-00204311 so that is NvxtgfPPD2y-00902-00204312-00204407 my NvxtgfPPD2y-00903-00204408-00204654 my overview of the process i'm happy to NvxtgfPPD2y-00904-00204655-00204894 take any questions and if and we can NvxtgfPPD2y-00905-00204896-00205182 just go from there NvxtgfPPD2y-00906-00205183-00205494 i'm gonna you sound like my screen NvxtgfPPD2y-00907-00205496-00205782 if i can find it NvxtgfPPD2y-00908-00205783-00205998 there we go NvxtgfPPD2y-00909-00206000-00206238 okay any questions from council vice NvxtgfPPD2y-00910-00206239-00206855 mayor's story NvxtgfPPD2y-00911-00206856-00207031 thank you mayor brooks and uh thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00912-00207032-00207303 miss stenson for that presentation and NvxtgfPPD2y-00913-00207304-00207527 and getting us better informed about the NvxtgfPPD2y-00914-00207528-00207862 redistricting process uh i guess um i NvxtgfPPD2y-00915-00207863-00208094 had uh three questions and NvxtgfPPD2y-00916-00208096-00208366 i was wondering when the um NvxtgfPPD2y-00917-00208367-00208686 recommended uh maps and plans come out NvxtgfPPD2y-00918-00208687-00208934 after october 15th NvxtgfPPD2y-00919-00208935-00209062 whether NvxtgfPPD2y-00920-00209063-00209303 residents who are going to be affected NvxtgfPPD2y-00921-00209304-00209510 by those recommendations will get NvxtgfPPD2y-00922-00209511-00209710 special noticing NvxtgfPPD2y-00923-00209711-00209806 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00924-00209807-00210127 my second question was whether NvxtgfPPD2y-00925-00210128-00210415 the um recommendations NvxtgfPPD2y-00926-00210416-00210767 are subject to last hope and current NvxtgfPPD2y-00927-00210767-00210982 um and i guess my NvxtgfPPD2y-00928-00210983-00211415 third um question is were there any um NvxtgfPPD2y-00929-00211416-00211646 of the so far the uh NvxtgfPPD2y-00930-00211648-00211855 the commission's uh meeting some NvxtgfPPD2y-00931-00211856-00212206 recommendations and and proposing maps NvxtgfPPD2y-00932-00212207-00212542 affects capitola in england NvxtgfPPD2y-00933-00212544-00212815 okay i'll try and get to all of those um NvxtgfPPD2y-00934-00212816-00213119 in terms of the first i the first NvxtgfPPD2y-00935-00213119-00213303 question around special noticing we NvxtgfPPD2y-00936-00213304-00213542 would we are not planning on any special NvxtgfPPD2y-00937-00213544-00213815 noticing but we are planning on well we NvxtgfPPD2y-00938-00213816-00213991 will meet the noticing requirements NvxtgfPPD2y-00939-00213992-00214223 which would are NvxtgfPPD2y-00940-00214223-00214446 five days before the 26th NvxtgfPPD2y-00941-00214448-00214694 when they would come to the board they NvxtgfPPD2y-00942-00214696-00214951 need to be public but we plan to be you NvxtgfPPD2y-00943-00214952-00215191 know at putting forward a NvxtgfPPD2y-00944-00215192-00215494 more general press and um NvxtgfPPD2y-00945-00215496-00215679 just trying to bring the public's NvxtgfPPD2y-00946-00215680-00215982 attention to any of the changes that the NvxtgfPPD2y-00947-00215983-00216294 our commission might be recommending so NvxtgfPPD2y-00948-00216296-00216551 while there's no requirement for them we NvxtgfPPD2y-00949-00216552-00216782 absolutely want to encourage people to NvxtgfPPD2y-00950-00216783-00217094 understand any of the changes that are NvxtgfPPD2y-00951-00217096-00217471 recommended by arc to the board i should NvxtgfPPD2y-00952-00217471-00217719 also just say there is a there is a NvxtgfPPD2y-00953-00217719-00217903 reasonable um NvxtgfPPD2y-00954-00217904-00218151 there's a reasonable scenario that they NvxtgfPPD2y-00955-00218152-00218382 would they would recommend leaving the NvxtgfPPD2y-00956-00218383-00218615 district boundaries as they currently NvxtgfPPD2y-00957-00218616-00218727 are NvxtgfPPD2y-00958-00218728-00218798 so NvxtgfPPD2y-00959-00218800-00218982 i just want to mention that because we NvxtgfPPD2y-00960-00218983-00219287 do meet that substantial equality NvxtgfPPD2y-00961-00219288-00219431 standard NvxtgfPPD2y-00962-00219432-00219631 that said we do have to also be able to NvxtgfPPD2y-00963-00219632-00219879 say we and we don't think that we by NvxtgfPPD2y-00964-00219880-00220087 leaving them status quo that we are NvxtgfPPD2y-00965-00220088-00220294 somehow disrupting NvxtgfPPD2y-00966-00220296-00220487 an articulated community of interest NvxtgfPPD2y-00967-00220488-00220839 that's arised since 2011. so that you NvxtgfPPD2y-00968-00220840-00220991 know it's not as simple as like oh it's NvxtgfPPD2y-00969-00220992-00221223 substantially equal we can leave it NvxtgfPPD2y-00970-00221223-00221398 alone it's like and we believe that NvxtgfPPD2y-00971-00221400-00221767 those those criteria are still met NvxtgfPPD2y-00972-00221767-00221863 by NvxtgfPPD2y-00973-00221864-00222110 by that proposed um NvxtgfPPD2y-00974-00222111-00222279 status quo mapping NvxtgfPPD2y-00975-00222280-00222391 um i NvxtgfPPD2y-00976-00222392-00222663 i do not believe there is any um NvxtgfPPD2y-00977-00222664-00222887 interactions with lasco on this but i NvxtgfPPD2y-00978-00222888-00223015 would actually have to check with my NvxtgfPPD2y-00979-00223016-00223206 county council to confirm that in when NvxtgfPPD2y-00980-00223207-00223519 we read over this NvxtgfPPD2y-00981-00223519-00223758 the uh the law it's not making a NvxtgfPPD2y-00982-00223759-00223934 connection there um NvxtgfPPD2y-00983-00223935-00224127 so i'll just say that but i would have NvxtgfPPD2y-00984-00224128-00224279 to actually double check with county NvxtgfPPD2y-00985-00224280-00224415 council NvxtgfPPD2y-00986-00224416-00224791 i will say that there have been NvxtgfPPD2y-00987-00224792-00225071 some discussions by the commissioners NvxtgfPPD2y-00988-00225071-00225310 that could affect capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-00989-00225311-00225558 but that's those are not things that NvxtgfPPD2y-00990-00225559-00225758 have been agreed to at this point and NvxtgfPPD2y-00991-00225759-00226006 tomorrow is when they will be looking NvxtgfPPD2y-00992-00226007-00226103 at NvxtgfPPD2y-00993-00226104-00226191 um NvxtgfPPD2y-00994-00226192-00226646 at those those specific proposals NvxtgfPPD2y-00995-00226648-00227079 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-00996-00227080-00227671 any other questions from council NvxtgfPPD2y-00997-00227671-00227934 okay um let's go ahead and move this to NvxtgfPPD2y-00998-00227935-00228246 public comments or questions NvxtgfPPD2y-00999-00228248-00228463 um so now we'll open this up for public NvxtgfPPD2y-01000-00228464-00228671 comments for this item if you'd like to NvxtgfPPD2y-01001-00228671-00228927 make a comment you can send an email now NvxtgfPPD2y-01002-00228928-00229463 to public comment at ci.capitola.ca.us NvxtgfPPD2y-01003-00229464-00229646 or to speak please raise your hand now NvxtgfPPD2y-01004-00229648-00229871 by clicking on reactions then clicking NvxtgfPPD2y-01005-00229871-00230127 raise hand in your zoom application or NvxtgfPPD2y-01006-00230128-00230382 by dialing star 9 or star 6 depending on NvxtgfPPD2y-01007-00230383-00230646 the type of phone or landline you have NvxtgfPPD2y-01008-00230648-00230831 our moderator will unmute you and you NvxtgfPPD2y-01009-00230832-00231263 will have up to 3 minutes to speak NvxtgfPPD2y-01010-00231264-00231519 mayor brooks we have an attendee wishing NvxtgfPPD2y-01011-00231519-00231742 to speak on this item NvxtgfPPD2y-01012-00231744-00232319 it is janet NvxtgfPPD2y-01013-00232319-00232582 yes i just have one quick question NvxtgfPPD2y-01014-00232583-00232846 where would somebody go look online to NvxtgfPPD2y-01015-00232848-00233223 see what the current situation is NvxtgfPPD2y-01016-00233223-00233415 or what you're planning or NvxtgfPPD2y-01017-00233416-00233527 whatever NvxtgfPPD2y-01018-00233528-00233671 absolutely NvxtgfPPD2y-01019-00233671-00233967 you would go to the i'm gonna actually NvxtgfPPD2y-01020-00233967-00234110 have to look up the website because i NvxtgfPPD2y-01021-00234111-00234391 don't know it by heart but NvxtgfPPD2y-01022-00234392-00234719 i think it is arc 21 NvxtgfPPD2y-01023-00234719-00234903 i'm gonna have to look at it really NvxtgfPPD2y-01024-00234904-00235127 quickly and i can probably NvxtgfPPD2y-01025-00235128-00235327 and am i able to put stuff in the chat NvxtgfPPD2y-01026-00235328-00235798 or i'm because i could put it there too NvxtgfPPD2y-01027-00235800-00236071 i think chat might be disabled okay let NvxtgfPPD2y-01028-00236071-00236463 me just pull it up really quick NvxtgfPPD2y-01029-00236464-00236682 all right the website NvxtgfPPD2y-01030-00236683-00236846 is NvxtgfPPD2y-01031-00236848-00237191 why is it not telling me NvxtgfPPD2y-01032-00237192-00237479 if you just if you just go NvxtgfPPD2y-01033-00237480-00237887 ark arc 21 santa cruz it will take you NvxtgfPPD2y-01034-00237888-00238239 to the redistricting 2021 website NvxtgfPPD2y-01035-00238240-00238510 and there everything is posted in terms NvxtgfPPD2y-01036-00238511-00238775 of um proposed maps NvxtgfPPD2y-01037-00238776-00239103 map changes that the commissioners are NvxtgfPPD2y-01038-00239104-00239239 discussing NvxtgfPPD2y-01039-00239240-00239455 uh the schedules are there and we NvxtgfPPD2y-01040-00239456-00239655 absolutely welcome NvxtgfPPD2y-01041-00239656-00239982 anyone's participation in this process NvxtgfPPD2y-01042-00239983-00240182 thank you very much NvxtgfPPD2y-01043-00240183-00240358 thanks so much NvxtgfPPD2y-01044-00240359-00240567 okay any other questions NvxtgfPPD2y-01045-00240567-00240703 from NvxtgfPPD2y-01046-00240704-00241039 the email or from the audience NvxtgfPPD2y-01047-00241040-00241230 mayor brooks i do not see any other NvxtgfPPD2y-01048-00241231-00241446 attendees wishing to speak on this and i NvxtgfPPD2y-01049-00241448-00241719 do not have any emails NvxtgfPPD2y-01050-00241719-00241903 okay well thank you so much lisa for NvxtgfPPD2y-01051-00241904-00242087 being here tonight thank you vice mayor NvxtgfPPD2y-01052-00242088-00242279 story for bringing this to our NvxtgfPPD2y-01053-00242280-00242471 community's attention for everyone NvxtgfPPD2y-01054-00242471-00242663 watching or watching this later please NvxtgfPPD2y-01055-00242664-00242879 do check out the website to get involved NvxtgfPPD2y-01056-00242880-00243063 and to see what's going on NvxtgfPPD2y-01057-00243064-00243319 and to be able to offer and put um NvxtgfPPD2y-01058-00243319-00243527 should there be any changes discussed NvxtgfPPD2y-01059-00243528-00243655 for this NvxtgfPPD2y-01060-00243656-00243919 city's boundary lines thanks again we'll NvxtgfPPD2y-01061-00243919-00244151 now move on to item NvxtgfPPD2y-01062-00244152-00244287 b NvxtgfPPD2y-01063-00244288-00244534 and there's a part there's two parts um NvxtgfPPD2y-01064-00244535-00244719 so this is uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01065-00244719-00244919 b or excuse me eight b consider an NvxtgfPPD2y-01066-00244919-00245071 agreement with caltrans to include NvxtgfPPD2y-01067-00245071-00245351 highway 1 ramp signals in the adaptive NvxtgfPPD2y-01068-00245352-00245575 adaptive signal project NvxtgfPPD2y-01069-00245576-00245846 and the recommended action tonight is NvxtgfPPD2y-01070-00245848-00246039 twofold to approve an agreement between NvxtgfPPD2y-01071-00246040-00246263 the city and the california department NvxtgfPPD2y-01072-00246264-00246415 of transportation caltrans for NvxtgfPPD2y-01073-00246416-00246575 installation operation and maintenance NvxtgfPPD2y-01074-00246576-00246830 of adaptive traffic management system NvxtgfPPD2y-01075-00246831-00247023 and authorize the public works director NvxtgfPPD2y-01076-00247023-00247327 mr jasper to sign the agreement and two NvxtgfPPD2y-01077-00247328-00247575 authorize the city manager to issue a NvxtgfPPD2y-01078-00247576-00247775 contract change order to bear electric NvxtgfPPD2y-01079-00247776-00247894 solutions NvxtgfPPD2y-01080-00247896-00248167 the contractor for the 41st avenue NvxtgfPPD2y-01081-00248167-00248367 traffic signal adaptive coordination NvxtgfPPD2y-01082-00248367-00248558 project and an amount not just the NvxtgfPPD2y-01083-00248559-00248782 exceed four hundred thousand dollars to NvxtgfPPD2y-01084-00248783-00249023 add two caltrans intersections to the NvxtgfPPD2y-01085-00249023-00249215 project talk about a run-on sentence NvxtgfPPD2y-01086-00249216-00250039 guys NvxtgfPPD2y-01087-00250040-00250382 this is actually a great item to have NvxtgfPPD2y-01088-00250383-00250703 something we've been working on and NvxtgfPPD2y-01089-00250704-00250894 see if i can share my screen here you NvxtgfPPD2y-01090-00250896-00251191 should see my screen now NvxtgfPPD2y-01091-00251192-00251958 maybe in a weird format though NvxtgfPPD2y-01092-00251959-00252487 slide presentation format there you go NvxtgfPPD2y-01093-00252488-00252694 i'm sorry NvxtgfPPD2y-01094-00252696-00253503 try that again NvxtgfPPD2y-01095-00253504-00253694 all right the end for you is a kind of NvxtgfPPD2y-01096-00253696-00253871 an update on the 41st NvxtgfPPD2y-01097-00253871-00254103 avenue adaptive traffic signal project NvxtgfPPD2y-01098-00254104-00254263 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01099-00254264-00254542 as you aware in august not too long ago NvxtgfPPD2y-01100-00254544-00254782 the city council awarded a contract with NvxtgfPPD2y-01101-00254783-00254934 air electric NvxtgfPPD2y-01102-00254935-00255191 to install the adaptive signal control NvxtgfPPD2y-01103-00255192-00255439 system in the city of capitola and on NvxtgfPPD2y-01104-00255440-00255694 the map that's on front of you now the NvxtgfPPD2y-01105-00255696-00255951 capitol signals are here in NvxtgfPPD2y-01106-00255952-00256079 red NvxtgfPPD2y-01107-00256080-00256375 and so those are approved and there are NvxtgfPPD2y-01108-00256376-00256558 gathering the equipment to start work on NvxtgfPPD2y-01109-00256559-00256863 that the county also has uh using the NvxtgfPPD2y-01110-00256864-00257006 same system for their green NvxtgfPPD2y-01111-00257007-00257271 intersections here on socal drive in the NvxtgfPPD2y-01112-00257271-00257527 top 41st avenue and at the time we NvxtgfPPD2y-01113-00257528-00257815 awarded the contract the three it's NvxtgfPPD2y-01114-00257816-00257967 actually two intersections but it NvxtgfPPD2y-01115-00257967-00258263 involves kind of three signals here in NvxtgfPPD2y-01116-00258264-00258415 the middle were NvxtgfPPD2y-01117-00258416-00258623 owned and operated by caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01118-00258623-00258823 and we did not have an agreement with NvxtgfPPD2y-01119-00258823-00258910 them NvxtgfPPD2y-01120-00258911-00259191 to uh install the system in their NvxtgfPPD2y-01121-00259192-00259430 signals at that time NvxtgfPPD2y-01122-00259431-00259606 um kind of just give you that inter NvxtgfPPD2y-01123-00259607-00259798 agency coordination i went over this was NvxtgfPPD2y-01124-00259800-00260079 in writing foreign capital a bunch of NvxtgfPPD2y-01125-00260080-00260198 bunch in the NvxtgfPPD2y-01126-00260200-00260358 county of santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-01127-00260359-00260551 and at that time NvxtgfPPD2y-01128-00260552-00260727 nothing from caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01129-00260728-00260903 and mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-01130-00260904-00261167 did send a letter to the director of NvxtgfPPD2y-01131-00261167-00261375 district 5 of caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01132-00261376-00261598 and that seems to shake things loose so NvxtgfPPD2y-01133-00261600-00261823 we haven't updated here NvxtgfPPD2y-01134-00261823-00262055 since that letter has gone out uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01135-00262056-00262263 caltrans has agreed to NvxtgfPPD2y-01136-00262264-00262430 to the installation of captain's NvxtgfPPD2y-01137-00262431-00262639 equipment at their intersections NvxtgfPPD2y-01138-00262640-00262815 the agreement that's in the agenda was NvxtgfPPD2y-01139-00262816-00263055 provided by caltrans and reviewed by our NvxtgfPPD2y-01140-00263056-00263230 city attorney NvxtgfPPD2y-01141-00263231-00263423 uh caltrans has NvxtgfPPD2y-01142-00263424-00263623 now provided comments on the plans for NvxtgfPPD2y-01143-00263624-00263839 their work in their system uh we're NvxtgfPPD2y-01144-00263840-00264039 revising the plans so that they can NvxtgfPPD2y-01145-00264040-00264167 approve them NvxtgfPPD2y-01146-00264168-00264382 and approval and upon approval of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01147-00264383-00264719 agreement and the finalized plans NvxtgfPPD2y-01148-00264720-00264943 um caltrans will issue us an NvxtgfPPD2y-01149-00264944-00265158 encroachment permit and we can get a NvxtgfPPD2y-01150-00265159-00265358 price from the contractor NvxtgfPPD2y-01151-00265359-00265510 to install those NvxtgfPPD2y-01152-00265511-00265830 uh systems in the caltrans intersections NvxtgfPPD2y-01153-00265831-00266047 this is huge we've been working on this NvxtgfPPD2y-01154-00266048-00266134 for NvxtgfPPD2y-01155-00266135-00266319 almost three or four years now it feels NvxtgfPPD2y-01156-00266320-00266406 like NvxtgfPPD2y-01157-00266407-00266599 um so this is a big deal and the NvxtgfPPD2y-01158-00266600-00266791 airboard grant that we have will cover NvxtgfPPD2y-01159-00266792-00267030 the cost we do the work on the caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01160-00267031-00267255 intersections NvxtgfPPD2y-01161-00267256-00267487 um just to give you an update on the NvxtgfPPD2y-01162-00267488-00267671 timing so the contractor has ordered NvxtgfPPD2y-01163-00267672-00267871 materials from the city getting the NvxtgfPPD2y-01164-00267872-00268023 controllers and the cameras and NvxtgfPPD2y-01165-00268024-00268158 everything that's involved is about a NvxtgfPPD2y-01166-00268159-00268375 four to six week process NvxtgfPPD2y-01167-00268376-00268655 um upon approval the change order which NvxtgfPPD2y-01168-00268656-00268839 we're anticipating for the self-times NvxtgfPPD2y-01169-00268840-00269055 equipment they have to reorder a whole NvxtgfPPD2y-01170-00269056-00269206 new set of equipment so it's going to NvxtgfPPD2y-01171-00269207-00269375 kind of delay things a little bit four NvxtgfPPD2y-01172-00269376-00269534 to six weeks but they currently NvxtgfPPD2y-01173-00269535-00269782 anticipate that we will start working on NvxtgfPPD2y-01174-00269783-00270006 the city systems in november and NvxtgfPPD2y-01175-00270007-00270206 depending on how quickly they get the NvxtgfPPD2y-01176-00270207-00270423 other equipment will complete in NvxtgfPPD2y-01177-00270424-00270655 december january of course at the NvxtgfPPD2y-01178-00270656-00270839 holidays you just never know but so it NvxtgfPPD2y-01179-00270840-00270951 should begin NvxtgfPPD2y-01180-00270952-00271143 by uh this winter NvxtgfPPD2y-01181-00271144-00271334 we're very excited about that NvxtgfPPD2y-01182-00271335-00271487 so the recommendations i'll go ahead and NvxtgfPPD2y-01183-00271488-00271647 read them one more time since they're so NvxtgfPPD2y-01184-00271648-00271943 long and simple but we want to ask you NvxtgfPPD2y-01185-00271944-00272095 to approve the agreement NvxtgfPPD2y-01186-00272096-00272239 between the city and california NvxtgfPPD2y-01187-00272240-00272479 department of transportation caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01188-00272480-00272663 for the installation operation and NvxtgfPPD2y-01189-00272664-00272823 maintenance of the adaptive task NvxtgfPPD2y-01190-00272824-00273055 management system and authorize NvxtgfPPD2y-01191-00273056-00273263 myself to sign the agreement and to NvxtgfPPD2y-01192-00273264-00273447 authorize the city manager to issue a NvxtgfPPD2y-01193-00273448-00273655 contract change order to bear electric NvxtgfPPD2y-01194-00273656-00273791 solutions NvxtgfPPD2y-01195-00273792-00273999 uh for these to add the caltrans NvxtgfPPD2y-01196-00274000-00274175 intersections in amount not to exceed NvxtgfPPD2y-01197-00274176-00274319 four hundred thousand dollars that four NvxtgfPPD2y-01198-00274320-00274479 hundred thousand dollars NvxtgfPPD2y-01199-00274480-00274575 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01200-00274576-00274823 is the amount of the grants that we have NvxtgfPPD2y-01201-00274824-00275039 we do anticipate being less than that NvxtgfPPD2y-01202-00275040-00275191 although we're not quite sure it really NvxtgfPPD2y-01203-00275192-00275367 depends on the NvxtgfPPD2y-01204-00275368-00275534 final plans that are approved by cal NvxtgfPPD2y-01205-00275535-00275727 fans and the reason we're asking for NvxtgfPPD2y-01206-00275728-00275951 this advanced uh kind of authority for NvxtgfPPD2y-01207-00275952-00276127 the city manager to occur the change NvxtgfPPD2y-01208-00276128-00276287 orders just hey we don't have to come NvxtgfPPD2y-01209-00276288-00276399 back to you NvxtgfPPD2y-01210-00276400-00276719 um another item another NvxtgfPPD2y-01211-00276720-00276982 look at this project and it may provide NvxtgfPPD2y-01212-00276983-00277230 an opportunity since we have uh fewer NvxtgfPPD2y-01213-00277231-00277455 meetings in november and december NvxtgfPPD2y-01214-00277456-00277639 uh to just keep the project moving NvxtgfPPD2y-01215-00277640-00277839 forward so that's why we're asking for NvxtgfPPD2y-01216-00277840-00278055 the authority for the city manager and NvxtgfPPD2y-01217-00278056-00278263 if that's my uh report i'd be happy to NvxtgfPPD2y-01218-00278264-00278527 answer any questions NvxtgfPPD2y-01219-00278528-00278727 thank you so much steve any questions NvxtgfPPD2y-01220-00278728-00278975 from council NvxtgfPPD2y-01221-00278976-00279223 on this item NvxtgfPPD2y-01222-00279224-00279471 okay see no questions we'll take this to NvxtgfPPD2y-01223-00279472-00279599 the public NvxtgfPPD2y-01224-00279600-00279743 now i'll open this up for public NvxtgfPPD2y-01225-00279744-00279871 comments NvxtgfPPD2y-01226-00279872-00280103 if you'd like to make a comment NvxtgfPPD2y-01227-00280104-00280334 send an email now to public comment at NvxtgfPPD2y-01228-00280335-00280655 ci.capola.ca.us NvxtgfPPD2y-01229-00280656-00280839 or to speak please raise your hand now NvxtgfPPD2y-01230-00280840-00281110 by clicking on reactions NvxtgfPPD2y-01231-00281111-00281295 then clicking raise hand in your zoom NvxtgfPPD2y-01232-00281296-00281551 application or by dialing star nine or NvxtgfPPD2y-01233-00281552-00281710 six depending on your landline mobile NvxtgfPPD2y-01234-00281711-00281806 phone NvxtgfPPD2y-01235-00281807-00282063 and our moderator larry will unmute you NvxtgfPPD2y-01236-00282064-00282230 you will have up to three minutes to NvxtgfPPD2y-01237-00282231-00282479 speak NvxtgfPPD2y-01238-00282480-00282703 mayor brooks we have an attendee wishing NvxtgfPPD2y-01239-00282704-00283199 to speak it is uh janet NvxtgfPPD2y-01240-00283200-00283351 yes thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-01241-00283352-00283623 um i applaud you at doing this uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01242-00283624-00283806 adaptive signals project NvxtgfPPD2y-01243-00283807-00284095 it has been a piece that has been needed NvxtgfPPD2y-01244-00284096-00284230 to help with some of the traffic NvxtgfPPD2y-01245-00284231-00284463 problems on 44 7. NvxtgfPPD2y-01246-00284464-00284671 as a resident of gross road i would ask NvxtgfPPD2y-01247-00284672-00284919 that once it was installed you give the NvxtgfPPD2y-01248-00284920-00285191 eastbound gross road intersection more NvxtgfPPD2y-01249-00285192-00285543 time in the rotation during the day NvxtgfPPD2y-01250-00285544-00285671 the NvxtgfPPD2y-01251-00285672-00285854 i have been at this light NvxtgfPPD2y-01252-00285855-00286071 as the third car in line and find that NvxtgfPPD2y-01253-00286072-00286310 the light turns yellow just as i get to NvxtgfPPD2y-01254-00286311-00286479 go to the intersection NvxtgfPPD2y-01255-00286480-00286630 this um NvxtgfPPD2y-01256-00286631-00286815 results oftentimes in people going NvxtgfPPD2y-01257-00286816-00287039 through a red light NvxtgfPPD2y-01258-00287040-00287239 there was often more than three vehicles NvxtgfPPD2y-01259-00287240-00287430 trying to make this turn and then the NvxtgfPPD2y-01260-00287431-00287654 next time is more than two and a half NvxtgfPPD2y-01261-00287655-00287767 minutes NvxtgfPPD2y-01262-00287768-00287847 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01263-00287848-00288087 and there are always cars waiting so NvxtgfPPD2y-01264-00288088-00288310 thank you very much for doing this and i NvxtgfPPD2y-01265-00288311-00288710 appreciate all your good work thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-01266-00288711-00288879 thank you janet NvxtgfPPD2y-01267-00288880-00289127 any other comments from the public on NvxtgfPPD2y-01268-00289128-00289327 this item NvxtgfPPD2y-01269-00289328-00289606 mayor brooks i do not see any attendees NvxtgfPPD2y-01270-00289607-00289887 with the their hands raised and i do not NvxtgfPPD2y-01271-00289888-00290151 have any emails on this item NvxtgfPPD2y-01272-00290152-00290334 okay so we'll bring this back to NvxtgfPPD2y-01273-00290335-00290503 counsel for further NvxtgfPPD2y-01274-00290504-00291047 comments and discussion and an approval NvxtgfPPD2y-01275-00291048-00291430 who would like to begin NvxtgfPPD2y-01276-00291431-00291615 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-01277-00291616-00291782 yeah thank you mayor brooks i would like NvxtgfPPD2y-01278-00291783-00291975 to begin and end by moving the staff NvxtgfPPD2y-01279-00291976-00292254 recommendation NvxtgfPPD2y-01280-00292255-00292415 i like it NvxtgfPPD2y-01281-00292416-00292615 i've got a first from vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-01282-00292616-00292751 and a second from council member for NvxtgfPPD2y-01283-00292752-00292999 any other comments NvxtgfPPD2y-01284-00293000-00293215 okay may have a roll call please council NvxtgfPPD2y-01285-00293216-00293454 member bertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-01286-00293455-00293567 i approve NvxtgfPPD2y-01287-00293568-00293806 councilmember kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-01288-00293807-00293895 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-01289-00293896-00294134 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-01290-00294135-00294295 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-01291-00294296-00294527 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-01292-00294528-00294599 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-01293-00294600-00294847 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-01294-00294848-00295006 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-01295-00295007-00295239 thank you so much steve this is NvxtgfPPD2y-01296-00295240-00295495 um such wonderful news i'm very excited NvxtgfPPD2y-01297-00295496-00295671 about seeing this happen NvxtgfPPD2y-01298-00295672-00296071 um now on i on to item c this is a NvxtgfPPD2y-01299-00296072-00296295 consideration of first readings of an NvxtgfPPD2y-01300-00296296-00296519 ordinance amending chapter 18.02 NvxtgfPPD2y-01301-00296520-00296775 affordable inclusionary housing and an NvxtgfPPD2y-01302-00296776-00297039 ordinance adding chapter 18.05 NvxtgfPPD2y-01303-00297040-00297334 for affordable housing impact fees katie NvxtgfPPD2y-01304-00297335-00297567 is this your item this is my item can NvxtgfPPD2y-01305-00297568-00297751 you hear me okay NvxtgfPPD2y-01306-00297752-00297982 i can hear you okay good evening mayor NvxtgfPPD2y-01307-00297983-00298191 brooks and council before you tonight is NvxtgfPPD2y-01308-00298192-00298406 an update to our inclusionary housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01309-00298407-00298519 ordinance NvxtgfPPD2y-01310-00298520-00298719 as well as a NvxtgfPPD2y-01311-00298720-00299054 new chapter 15 NvxtgfPPD2y-01312-00299055-00299406 18.05 to include impact fees for NvxtgfPPD2y-01313-00299407-00299615 affordable housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01314-00299616-00299815 i just want to give you a quick overview NvxtgfPPD2y-01315-00299816-00300087 of our affordable housing ordinance as NvxtgfPPD2y-01316-00300088-00300303 it stands today the process that we've NvxtgfPPD2y-01317-00300304-00300430 been through NvxtgfPPD2y-01318-00300431-00300615 over the past year NvxtgfPPD2y-01319-00300616-00300823 and uh how we've taken all the NvxtgfPPD2y-01320-00300824-00300982 information that the NvxtgfPPD2y-01321-00300983-00301143 city council has provided us some NvxtgfPPD2y-01322-00301144-00301630 direction and put this into new updates NvxtgfPPD2y-01323-00301631-00301879 so when we look at our inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01324-00301880-00302151 housing ordinance we look at the area NvxtgfPPD2y-01325-00302152-00302351 median income for the average income NvxtgfPPD2y-01326-00302352-00302510 defined within a NvxtgfPPD2y-01327-00302511-00302767 geographical area and on the slide is NvxtgfPPD2y-01328-00302768-00303230 the 2020 ami for santa cruz county NvxtgfPPD2y-01329-00303231-00303503 per household an inclusionary housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01330-00303504-00303775 ordinance it's a local NvxtgfPPD2y-01331-00303776-00304063 ordinance that requires housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01332-00304064-00304310 developers to include a dedicated amount NvxtgfPPD2y-01333-00304311-00304495 of affordable housing units within a NvxtgfPPD2y-01334-00304496-00304734 project at the city of capitola we NvxtgfPPD2y-01335-00304735-00304999 currently require one unit for every NvxtgfPPD2y-01336-00305000-00305175 seven NvxtgfPPD2y-01337-00305176-00305310 well once you build seven you're NvxtgfPPD2y-01338-00305311-00305534 required to produce 15 NvxtgfPPD2y-01339-00305535-00305895 of the on-site units must be affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01340-00305896-00306127 on this slide i show the inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01341-00306128-00306319 units that have been built in capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-01342-00306320-00306591 to date that capitola beach villas of NvxtgfPPD2y-01343-00306592-00306823 eight are explained with two pearson NvxtgfPPD2y-01344-00306824-00307006 court with one and then most recently NvxtgfPPD2y-01345-00307007-00307319 terracor with one NvxtgfPPD2y-01346-00307320-00307461 so within our existing NvxtgfPPD2y-01347-00307462-00307630 [Music] NvxtgfPPD2y-01348-00307631-00307854 inclusionary housing ordinance or NvxtgfPPD2y-01349-00307855-00307975 requirements NvxtgfPPD2y-01350-00307976-00308191 we have a requirement that anytime you NvxtgfPPD2y-01351-00308192-00308415 build a 50 NvxtgfPPD2y-01352-00308416-00308575 or more addition to your home you're NvxtgfPPD2y-01353-00308576-00308951 required to pay a fee of 2.50 per square NvxtgfPPD2y-01354-00308952-00309047 foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01355-00309048-00309263 um any new single family home there's a NvxtgfPPD2y-01356-00309264-00309551 fee of 10 a square foot new development NvxtgfPPD2y-01357-00309552-00309871 of two to six units of for sale are NvxtgfPPD2y-01358-00309872-00310119 required to pay a fee of 10 square foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01359-00310120-00310375 and as i had just mentioned any new NvxtgfPPD2y-01360-00310376-00310615 development with seven or more has to NvxtgfPPD2y-01361-00310616-00310799 produce 15 NvxtgfPPD2y-01362-00310800-00310887 of those NvxtgfPPD2y-01363-00310888-00311023 of the total units have to be NvxtgfPPD2y-01364-00311024-00311287 inclusionary units or on-site NvxtgfPPD2y-01365-00311288-00311591 and rental units that are produced NvxtgfPPD2y-01366-00311592-00311806 are required to pay a six dollar per NvxtgfPPD2y-01367-00311807-00312015 square foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01368-00312016-00312343 so we you may recall some of you NvxtgfPPD2y-01369-00312344-00312582 council member kaiser was not on the NvxtgfPPD2y-01370-00312583-00312847 council at the time but back in 2020 we NvxtgfPPD2y-01371-00312848-00313134 came to the city council with six policy NvxtgfPPD2y-01372-00313135-00313327 questions and i want to say that was NvxtgfPPD2y-01373-00313328-00313623 last august of 2020 NvxtgfPPD2y-01374-00313624-00313727 and NvxtgfPPD2y-01375-00313728-00313919 we the questions that we asked really NvxtgfPPD2y-01376-00313920-00314158 had to do with the existing iho and NvxtgfPPD2y-01377-00314159-00314439 whether or not to keep the public the NvxtgfPPD2y-01378-00314440-00314527 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01379-00314528-00314727 the iho as it was NvxtgfPPD2y-01380-00314728-00314999 drafted or in place or should we start NvxtgfPPD2y-01381-00315000-00315271 making amendments to our iho NvxtgfPPD2y-01382-00315272-00315447 so the first question we asked was NvxtgfPPD2y-01383-00315448-00315799 should we maintain the existing 15 NvxtgfPPD2y-01384-00315800-00315958 we asked about NvxtgfPPD2y-01385-00315959-00316167 whether or not we should require rental NvxtgfPPD2y-01386-00316168-00316479 to continue to provide an impact pay a NvxtgfPPD2y-01387-00316480-00316719 fee or should we NvxtgfPPD2y-01388-00316720-00316934 exempt them from the iho knowing that NvxtgfPPD2y-01389-00316935-00317110 rental units are a very valuable NvxtgfPPD2y-01390-00317111-00317295 resource in our city NvxtgfPPD2y-01391-00317296-00317519 we also asked what NvxtgfPPD2y-01392-00317520-00317719 larger development NvxtgfPPD2y-01393-00317720-00317791 of NvxtgfPPD2y-01394-00317792-00318023 what we should be requiring when someone NvxtgfPPD2y-01395-00318024-00318215 built one to six units NvxtgfPPD2y-01396-00318216-00318319 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01397-00318320-00318679 and also should we consider an emu fee NvxtgfPPD2y-01398-00318680-00318943 rather than on-site units NvxtgfPPD2y-01399-00318944-00319175 would the city council support NvxtgfPPD2y-01400-00319176-00319391 amendments to the asset limitations NvxtgfPPD2y-01401-00319392-00319582 within our iho NvxtgfPPD2y-01402-00319583-00319791 and then should we look at alternatives NvxtgfPPD2y-01403-00319792-00319975 to just on-site development within the NvxtgfPPD2y-01404-00319976-00320230 ihs so NvxtgfPPD2y-01405-00320231-00320343 that NvxtgfPPD2y-01406-00320344-00320591 next we focused on asset limitations NvxtgfPPD2y-01407-00320592-00320823 there was a modification to one of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01408-00320824-00320991 mobile home parks NvxtgfPPD2y-01409-00320992-00321454 to their development agreement NvxtgfPPD2y-01410-00321455-00321758 and we talked about asset limitations NvxtgfPPD2y-01411-00321759-00321982 within that first meeting NvxtgfPPD2y-01412-00321983-00322287 as well and really carving out new asset NvxtgfPPD2y-01413-00322288-00322479 limitations for senior housing within NvxtgfPPD2y-01414-00322480-00322815 capitola so uh 55 plus and meets the NvxtgfPPD2y-01415-00322816-00322982 definition of a california senior NvxtgfPPD2y-01416-00322983-00323158 housing development NvxtgfPPD2y-01417-00323159-00323399 and within our inclusionary housing for NvxtgfPPD2y-01418-00323400-00323567 non-senior NvxtgfPPD2y-01419-00323568-00323863 the current asset limitations or NvxtgfPPD2y-01420-00323864-00324247 the we allow up to 1.5 times the amount NvxtgfPPD2y-01421-00324248-00324406 of your income NvxtgfPPD2y-01422-00324407-00324630 when buying an affordable unit and as NvxtgfPPD2y-01423-00324631-00324871 people are saving for retirement NvxtgfPPD2y-01424-00324872-00325127 it's good to include asset limitations NvxtgfPPD2y-01425-00325128-00325295 so that NvxtgfPPD2y-01426-00325296-00325415 you're not NvxtgfPPD2y-01427-00325416-00325599 we're looking at the assets but making NvxtgfPPD2y-01428-00325600-00325799 sure the assets aren't NvxtgfPPD2y-01429-00325800-00326087 uh too high and wish somebody could buy NvxtgfPPD2y-01430-00326088-00326247 a unit NvxtgfPPD2y-01431-00326248-00326439 straight up um NvxtgfPPD2y-01432-00326440-00326615 and the next what happened over the last NvxtgfPPD2y-01433-00326616-00326847 year is we received some grant money to NvxtgfPPD2y-01434-00326848-00327030 actually help us answer some of the very NvxtgfPPD2y-01435-00327031-00327319 difficult questions we brought to you so NvxtgfPPD2y-01436-00327320-00327599 we received money and utilized that NvxtgfPPD2y-01437-00327600-00327887 money to do a nexus study to look at NvxtgfPPD2y-01438-00327888-00328127 what would it truly cost NvxtgfPPD2y-01439-00328128-00328367 what the need is within capitola what it NvxtgfPPD2y-01440-00328368-00328606 costs to develop units NvxtgfPPD2y-01441-00328607-00328695 and NvxtgfPPD2y-01442-00328696-00328927 also look at the feasibility of at what NvxtgfPPD2y-01443-00328928-00329015 point NvxtgfPPD2y-01444-00329016-00329151 knowing what NvxtgfPPD2y-01445-00329152-00329334 how many units we need to develop within NvxtgfPPD2y-01446-00329335-00329534 the city NvxtgfPPD2y-01447-00329535-00329727 at what point does putting that demand NvxtgfPPD2y-01448-00329728-00329934 on the developer become infusible so we NvxtgfPPD2y-01449-00329935-00330247 hired eps consultants they presented to NvxtgfPPD2y-01450-00330248-00330478 the city council on september 9th NvxtgfPPD2y-01451-00330479-00330695 and utilizing all the data they brought NvxtgfPPD2y-01452-00330696-00330863 forward the council was able to give us NvxtgfPPD2y-01453-00330864-00331158 some really clear direction on NvxtgfPPD2y-01454-00331159-00331375 what we should be incorporating into our NvxtgfPPD2y-01455-00331376-00331478 draft NvxtgfPPD2y-01456-00331479-00331751 update to the iho so you'll recall NvxtgfPPD2y-01457-00331752-00331967 during the feasibility results we did NvxtgfPPD2y-01458-00331968-00332158 see that our current ordinance with the NvxtgfPPD2y-01459-00332159-00332478 15 inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01460-00332479-00332687 is shown on the far left of this graph NvxtgfPPD2y-01461-00332688-00332958 was found to be not feasible because NvxtgfPPD2y-01462-00332959-00333239 it's such a burden on the developer but NvxtgfPPD2y-01463-00333240-00333510 in combination with a um NvxtgfPPD2y-01464-00333511-00333582 in NvxtgfPPD2y-01465-00333583-00333751 in luffy NvxtgfPPD2y-01466-00333752-00333982 um a developer give giving the developer NvxtgfPPD2y-01467-00333983-00334303 a choice of going up to 25 per square NvxtgfPPD2y-01468-00334304-00334382 foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01469-00334383-00334623 um it makes that feasible they have an NvxtgfPPD2y-01470-00334624-00334927 alternative so that was um NvxtgfPPD2y-01471-00334928-00335054 that was one of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01472-00335055-00335358 big takeaways so now i'm gonna NvxtgfPPD2y-01473-00335359-00335543 go through what we heard from the city NvxtgfPPD2y-01474-00335544-00335839 council and from this this is from the NvxtgfPPD2y-01475-00335840-00336175 information we gather from you NvxtgfPPD2y-01476-00336176-00336375 that's what we based our draft ordinance NvxtgfPPD2y-01477-00336376-00336463 on NvxtgfPPD2y-01478-00336464-00336654 so first we heard from the city council NvxtgfPPD2y-01479-00336655-00337015 to maintain the existing 15 inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01480-00337016-00337199 requirement for developments with seven NvxtgfPPD2y-01481-00337200-00337503 or more units NvxtgfPPD2y-01482-00337504-00337806 in combination as i just uh mentioned NvxtgfPPD2y-01483-00337807-00338071 allowing the housing developer an option NvxtgfPPD2y-01484-00338072-00338287 to pay an in lucy rather than produce NvxtgfPPD2y-01485-00338288-00338487 the required inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01486-00338488-00338734 site um housing units on site NvxtgfPPD2y-01487-00338735-00338982 to ensure that the a project could be NvxtgfPPD2y-01488-00338983-00339175 feasible NvxtgfPPD2y-01489-00339176-00339567 consistent with the studies NvxtgfPPD2y-01490-00339568-00339671 next NvxtgfPPD2y-01491-00339672-00340071 we were directed NvxtgfPPD2y-01492-00340072-00340175 to NvxtgfPPD2y-01493-00340176-00340343 update the city's affordable housing in NvxtgfPPD2y-01494-00340344-00340639 lucy's and adopt new housing impact fees NvxtgfPPD2y-01495-00340640-00340934 as supported by the study so NvxtgfPPD2y-01496-00340935-00341295 the city council directed us to NvxtgfPPD2y-01497-00341296-00341582 add affordable housing impact fees NvxtgfPPD2y-01498-00341583-00341847 and for multi-family rental developments NvxtgfPPD2y-01499-00341848-00342078 uh keep keeping that at six dollars a NvxtgfPPD2y-01500-00342079-00342239 square foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01501-00342240-00342439 adding an affordable housing impact fee NvxtgfPPD2y-01502-00342440-00342710 for those structural editions um NvxtgfPPD2y-01503-00342711-00342863 that are greater than fifty percent NvxtgfPPD2y-01504-00342864-00343015 keeping that at two dollars and fifty NvxtgfPPD2y-01505-00343016-00343182 cents a square foot and then the NvxtgfPPD2y-01506-00343183-00343334 increased fee NvxtgfPPD2y-01507-00343335-00343487 comes into NvxtgfPPD2y-01508-00343488-00343630 effect for those NvxtgfPPD2y-01509-00343631-00343799 developments that are six or less so it NvxtgfPPD2y-01510-00343800-00344023 would be a new impact fee of 25 dollars NvxtgfPPD2y-01511-00344024-00344151 a square foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01512-00344152-00344391 and then allowing an in-lu fee so where NvxtgfPPD2y-01513-00344392-00344606 they have an option to developing NvxtgfPPD2y-01514-00344607-00344847 on-site units for when there's seven or NvxtgfPPD2y-01515-00344848-00344975 more units NvxtgfPPD2y-01516-00344976-00345454 also of 25 dollars per square foot NvxtgfPPD2y-01517-00345455-00345687 so these first three fees that we NvxtgfPPD2y-01518-00345688-00345854 mentioned up top the affordable housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01519-00345855-00346110 impact fees this is the area in which NvxtgfPPD2y-01520-00346111-00346310 we're creating the new municipal code NvxtgfPPD2y-01521-00346311-00346615 chapter 18.05 which is uh the first NvxtgfPPD2y-01522-00346616-00346839 reading tonight is for that NvxtgfPPD2y-01523-00346840-00347054 because legally um NvxtgfPPD2y-01524-00347055-00347278 luffy should be tied to NvxtgfPPD2y-01525-00347279-00347582 an lieu option of seven or more units NvxtgfPPD2y-01526-00347583-00347830 for your inclusionary housing fee and NvxtgfPPD2y-01527-00347831-00348047 those anything with less than seven NvxtgfPPD2y-01528-00348048-00348334 units we're making um our we're updating NvxtgfPPD2y-01529-00348335-00348519 our orders to more legally sound and NvxtgfPPD2y-01530-00348520-00348895 adding an impact fee NvxtgfPPD2y-01531-00348896-00349175 the next policy item was the discussion NvxtgfPPD2y-01532-00349176-00349415 on those asset limitations so within our NvxtgfPPD2y-01533-00349416-00349767 normal asset limitation we had the 1.5 NvxtgfPPD2y-01534-00349768-00349991 times the annual household NvxtgfPPD2y-01535-00349992-00350095 income NvxtgfPPD2y-01536-00350096-00350319 and added a five NvxtgfPPD2y-01537-00350320-00350478 five hundred thousand dollars in NvxtgfPPD2y-01538-00350479-00350703 qualified retirement plans NvxtgfPPD2y-01539-00350704-00351047 uh with an annual increase typed cpi NvxtgfPPD2y-01540-00351048-00351134 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01541-00351135-00351310 also added a new asset limit for NvxtgfPPD2y-01542-00351311-00351630 designated affordable senior housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01543-00351631-00351903 developments for 55 plus NvxtgfPPD2y-01544-00351904-00352143 in age that are not in a mobile home NvxtgfPPD2y-01545-00352144-00352406 park to three times the annual household NvxtgfPPD2y-01546-00352407-00352519 income NvxtgfPPD2y-01547-00352520-00352627 and increase the NvxtgfPPD2y-01548-00352628-00352743 [Music] NvxtgfPPD2y-01549-00352744-00352958 five hundred thousand dollar NvxtgfPPD2y-01550-00352959-00353151 in qualified retirement accounts to one NvxtgfPPD2y-01551-00353152-00353375 million and to let that increase NvxtgfPPD2y-01552-00353376-00353639 annually according to cpi NvxtgfPPD2y-01553-00353640-00353895 and then third to continue to govern NvxtgfPPD2y-01554-00353896-00354103 asset limitations of mobile home parks NvxtgfPPD2y-01555-00354104-00354263 through recorded agreements and NvxtgfPPD2y-01556-00354264-00354806 administrative policies as applicable NvxtgfPPD2y-01557-00354807-00354999 and lastly NvxtgfPPD2y-01558-00355000-00355239 we also considered alternatives to NvxtgfPPD2y-01559-00355240-00355519 on-site production and movies NvxtgfPPD2y-01560-00355520-00355863 and the two that we thought were NvxtgfPPD2y-01561-00355864-00356182 that could be utilized within capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-01562-00356183-00356439 one being off-site developments that the NvxtgfPPD2y-01563-00356440-00356654 developer may provide affordable units NvxtgfPPD2y-01564-00356655-00356919 off-site on another site and capital of NvxtgfPPD2y-01565-00356920-00357143 city limits NvxtgfPPD2y-01566-00357144-00357351 this is when two or more developers work NvxtgfPPD2y-01567-00357352-00357534 together and it's just to provide an NvxtgfPPD2y-01568-00357535-00357734 option um NvxtgfPPD2y-01569-00357735-00357934 to a developer the second is the land NvxtgfPPD2y-01570-00357935-00358223 dedication and this you see often occur NvxtgfPPD2y-01571-00358224-00358463 within housing developments NvxtgfPPD2y-01572-00358464-00358703 land dedication is when the developer NvxtgfPPD2y-01573-00358704-00358847 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01574-00358848-00359039 can dedic rather than provide the in NvxtgfPPD2y-01575-00359040-00359327 luffy's could dedicate a couple acres of NvxtgfPPD2y-01576-00359328-00359630 land to the city in which the city and a NvxtgfPPD2y-01577-00359631-00359806 non-profit NvxtgfPPD2y-01578-00359807-00360063 or even the developer could contribute NvxtgfPPD2y-01579-00360064-00360278 to develop the NvxtgfPPD2y-01580-00360279-00360519 on-site affordable housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01581-00360520-00360678 i know that currently i think there's a NvxtgfPPD2y-01582-00360679-00360854 project in watsonville that's structured NvxtgfPPD2y-01583-00360855-00360975 this way NvxtgfPPD2y-01584-00360976-00361151 and in meeting with some affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01585-00361152-00361367 housing experts locally i've heard that NvxtgfPPD2y-01586-00361368-00361575 this is just a great tool to have in our NvxtgfPPD2y-01587-00361576-00361703 toolbox NvxtgfPPD2y-01588-00361704-00362015 so there's other requirements but one of NvxtgfPPD2y-01589-00362016-00362191 the most important requirements that NvxtgfPPD2y-01590-00362192-00362439 we've listed within this option is that NvxtgfPPD2y-01591-00362440-00362591 the overall increase in affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01592-00362592-00362839 housing units would have to be 10 NvxtgfPPD2y-01593-00362840-00363103 above what a project could provide on NvxtgfPPD2y-01594-00363104-00363278 its own within our inclusionary housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01595-00363279-00363630 ordinance NvxtgfPPD2y-01596-00363631-00363903 also within the update we've made quite NvxtgfPPD2y-01597-00363904-00364110 a few administrative amendments it was NvxtgfPPD2y-01598-00364111-00364239 difficult NvxtgfPPD2y-01599-00364240-00364439 if you owned an inclusionary unit to NvxtgfPPD2y-01600-00364440-00364687 know exactly what was expected at port NvxtgfPPD2y-01601-00364688-00364903 of view at the time of sale NvxtgfPPD2y-01602-00364904-00365030 and NvxtgfPPD2y-01603-00365031-00365191 at the time of purchase we've really NvxtgfPPD2y-01604-00365192-00365343 cleaned up the ordinance to make this NvxtgfPPD2y-01605-00365344-00365606 more easily understandable we also plan NvxtgfPPD2y-01606-00365607-00365767 on adopting NvxtgfPPD2y-01607-00365768-00366015 a policy to really outline that for the NvxtgfPPD2y-01608-00366016-00366199 public for these for the owners of our NvxtgfPPD2y-01609-00366200-00366367 inclusionary NvxtgfPPD2y-01610-00366368-00366654 unit so we've updated the findings to be NvxtgfPPD2y-01611-00366655-00366871 consistent with that most recent housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01612-00366872-00367110 element and text NvxtgfPPD2y-01613-00367111-00367471 and just more specificity on NvxtgfPPD2y-01614-00367472-00367663 on what the process is with those NvxtgfPPD2y-01615-00367664-00367887 appointments so i won't go through all NvxtgfPPD2y-01616-00367888-00368095 of these but just really cleaned it up NvxtgfPPD2y-01617-00368096-00368503 and made it easier to understand NvxtgfPPD2y-01618-00368504-00368751 so from all of that policy direction NvxtgfPPD2y-01619-00368752-00368951 from the city council we've drafted two NvxtgfPPD2y-01620-00368952-00369095 ordinances NvxtgfPPD2y-01621-00369096-00369351 one is for chapter 18.02 it's an NvxtgfPPD2y-01622-00369352-00369463 amendment NvxtgfPPD2y-01623-00369464-00369743 to our affordable inclusionary housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01624-00369744-00369967 and then adding and NvxtgfPPD2y-01625-00369968-00370254 chapter 18.05 with the capitol municipal NvxtgfPPD2y-01626-00370255-00370615 code for affordable housing impact fees NvxtgfPPD2y-01627-00370616-00370887 and with that our recommendation tonight NvxtgfPPD2y-01628-00370888-00371158 is to introduce the first two readings NvxtgfPPD2y-01629-00371159-00371430 of those ordinances and i'm available NvxtgfPPD2y-01630-00371431-00371830 for any questions you may have thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-01631-00371831-00372047 thank you katie NvxtgfPPD2y-01632-00372048-00372399 council members any questions for katie NvxtgfPPD2y-01633-00372400-00372919 vice mayor's story NvxtgfPPD2y-01634-00372920-00373119 thank you again mayor brooke um NvxtgfPPD2y-01635-00373120-00373406 katie yeah thanks for um your records NvxtgfPPD2y-01636-00373407-00373591 and bringing this back to us i had a NvxtgfPPD2y-01637-00373592-00373782 couple of questions NvxtgfPPD2y-01638-00373783-00373887 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01639-00373888-00374199 and one is uh concerning uh the proposed NvxtgfPPD2y-01640-00374200-00374510 ordinance language and this is on NvxtgfPPD2y-01641-00374511-00374758 the packet page 60. NvxtgfPPD2y-01642-00374759-00374934 um it's NvxtgfPPD2y-01643-00374935-00375327 some item b on that page NvxtgfPPD2y-01644-00375328-00375495 and it's it NvxtgfPPD2y-01645-00375496-00375934 states that the housing developer may um NvxtgfPPD2y-01646-00375935-00376151 in addition to other options have the NvxtgfPPD2y-01647-00376152-00376447 option of reducing the entire interior NvxtgfPPD2y-01648-00376448-00376639 amenity level NvxtgfPPD2y-01649-00376640-00376902 of affordable housing units NvxtgfPPD2y-01650-00376903-00377006 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01651-00377007-00377223 and i guess um NvxtgfPPD2y-01652-00377224-00377471 i just wanted to um NvxtgfPPD2y-01653-00377472-00377639 see if NvxtgfPPD2y-01654-00377640-00377902 we had any potential issues with NvxtgfPPD2y-01655-00377903-00378087 affordable housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01656-00378088-00378351 um you know becoming um NvxtgfPPD2y-01657-00378352-00378734 let's say um scaled down in quality NvxtgfPPD2y-01658-00378735-00378951 um based on this option NvxtgfPPD2y-01659-00378952-00379078 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01660-00379079-00379399 and and particularly you know maybe why NvxtgfPPD2y-01661-00379400-00379782 we have this um and NvxtgfPPD2y-01662-00379783-00380039 if it's in relation NvxtgfPPD2y-01663-00380040-00380151 to NvxtgfPPD2y-01664-00380152-00380710 the in lucy as an alternative to the nbc NvxtgfPPD2y-01665-00380711-00381071 and if they were to build a unit instead NvxtgfPPD2y-01666-00381072-00381175 but NvxtgfPPD2y-01667-00381176-00381502 they removed many of the amenities for NvxtgfPPD2y-01668-00381503-00381758 the affordable portion of it NvxtgfPPD2y-01669-00381759-00382047 how that compares NvxtgfPPD2y-01670-00382048-00382119 in NvxtgfPPD2y-01671-00382120-00382319 cost and benefits NvxtgfPPD2y-01672-00382320-00382463 you know to the NvxtgfPPD2y-01673-00382464-00382663 to our housing staff NvxtgfPPD2y-01674-00382664-00382775 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01675-00382776-00382927 and um NvxtgfPPD2y-01676-00382928-00383271 you know my other question is on the NvxtgfPPD2y-01677-00383272-00383391 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01678-00383392-00383630 offside development NvxtgfPPD2y-01679-00383631-00383839 which i think i'm generally supportive NvxtgfPPD2y-01680-00383840-00383982 of but um NvxtgfPPD2y-01681-00383983-00384351 i'm i'm unclear as to when would uh if NvxtgfPPD2y-01682-00384352-00384463 there's a NvxtgfPPD2y-01683-00384464-00384799 time limit to when they would have to NvxtgfPPD2y-01684-00384800-00385015 actually bring that offside uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01685-00385016-00385334 affordable housing online NvxtgfPPD2y-01686-00385335-00385567 okay those are my questions NvxtgfPPD2y-01687-00385568-00385847 okay for the for the first one um NvxtgfPPD2y-01688-00385848-00386023 so i'm showing the screen right now you NvxtgfPPD2y-01689-00386024-00386119 can see NvxtgfPPD2y-01690-00386120-00386447 i think you're asking about e NvxtgfPPD2y-01691-00386448-00386671 and the housing development project NvxtgfPPD2y-01692-00386672-00386839 developer shall have the option of NvxtgfPPD2y-01693-00386840-00387102 reducing the interior amenity level NvxtgfPPD2y-01694-00387103-00387334 and it previously it said and square NvxtgfPPD2y-01695-00387335-00387623 footage and i think back in that august NvxtgfPPD2y-01696-00387624-00387806 meeting we got direction that we could NvxtgfPPD2y-01697-00387807-00388063 um remove the you know decrease square NvxtgfPPD2y-01698-00388064-00388271 footage for the affordable housing unit NvxtgfPPD2y-01699-00388272-00388527 but for the amenity level i think that's NvxtgfPPD2y-01700-00388528-00388695 referring to NvxtgfPPD2y-01701-00388696-00388975 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01702-00388976-00389288 maybe the brand of stove or dishwasher NvxtgfPPD2y-01703-00389289-00389406 [Music] NvxtgfPPD2y-01704-00389407-00389647 within your kitchen so that it could be NvxtgfPPD2y-01705-00389648-00389734 if NvxtgfPPD2y-01706-00389735-00389887 uh if you're doing NvxtgfPPD2y-01707-00389888-00390143 a really fancy development within the NvxtgfPPD2y-01708-00390144-00390375 affordable unit they don't have to be NvxtgfPPD2y-01709-00390376-00390630 the most high quality you know the best NvxtgfPPD2y-01710-00390631-00390847 quality brands if that's what NvxtgfPPD2y-01711-00390848-00391023 the rest of the development is getting NvxtgfPPD2y-01712-00391024-00391247 so i think NvxtgfPPD2y-01713-00391248-00391430 that is NvxtgfPPD2y-01714-00391431-00391743 what that standard relates to does that NvxtgfPPD2y-01715-00391744-00392295 clarify your question NvxtgfPPD2y-01716-00392296-00392599 well i i think it clarifies my question NvxtgfPPD2y-01717-00392600-00392839 i'm not sure if it addresses my concern NvxtgfPPD2y-01718-00392840-00393078 and i guess i was going to it with our NvxtgfPPD2y-01719-00393079-00393358 history with this particular ordinance NvxtgfPPD2y-01720-00393359-00393854 whether we run into any situations or NvxtgfPPD2y-01721-00393855-00394078 if there's a possibility here that the NvxtgfPPD2y-01722-00394079-00394343 affordable housing is going to be NvxtgfPPD2y-01723-00394344-00394495 significantly NvxtgfPPD2y-01724-00394496-00394702 uh downgraded NvxtgfPPD2y-01725-00394703-00395015 um based on this ordinance NvxtgfPPD2y-01726-00395016-00395430 you know having i mean having a a NvxtgfPPD2y-01727-00395431-00395727 a less high-end stove NvxtgfPPD2y-01728-00395728-00395951 that that you know that's probably NvxtgfPPD2y-01729-00395952-00396087 acceptable NvxtgfPPD2y-01730-00396088-00396182 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01731-00396183-00396502 but um you know in terms of you know NvxtgfPPD2y-01732-00396503-00396591 what NvxtgfPPD2y-01733-00396592-00396847 could they remove closets um NvxtgfPPD2y-01734-00396848-00397182 or make the closet smaller or NvxtgfPPD2y-01735-00397183-00397454 i think in NvxtgfPPD2y-01736-00397455-00397919 many ways makes affordable housing unit NvxtgfPPD2y-01737-00397920-00398175 the um NvxtgfPPD2y-01738-00398176-00398351 i guess NvxtgfPPD2y-01739-00398352-00398495 less than NvxtgfPPD2y-01740-00398496-00398591 what the NvxtgfPPD2y-01741-00398592-00398743 project NvxtgfPPD2y-01742-00398744-00399063 is meant to be NvxtgfPPD2y-01743-00399064-00399151 if you NvxtgfPPD2y-01744-00399152-00399423 i mean i hope that it expresses my NvxtgfPPD2y-01745-00399424-00399527 concern NvxtgfPPD2y-01746-00399528-00399799 and i'm just asking whether NvxtgfPPD2y-01747-00399800-00399967 in our experience NvxtgfPPD2y-01748-00399968-00400182 there has been any issues along those NvxtgfPPD2y-01749-00400183-00400295 lines NvxtgfPPD2y-01750-00400296-00400654 in the past with this particular term NvxtgfPPD2y-01751-00400655-00400782 um so NvxtgfPPD2y-01752-00400783-00401095 i do know that a developer has in the NvxtgfPPD2y-01753-00401096-00401375 past opted to decrease the size of a NvxtgfPPD2y-01754-00401376-00401591 unit in the past and that's why we NvxtgfPPD2y-01755-00401592-00401767 it kind of looks funny when you go to NvxtgfPPD2y-01756-00401768-00401982 see that development see this one much NvxtgfPPD2y-01757-00401983-00402167 smaller unit and know that that's the NvxtgfPPD2y-01758-00402168-00402302 affordable unit NvxtgfPPD2y-01759-00402303-00402423 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01760-00402424-00402815 in terms of the interior amenities i NvxtgfPPD2y-01761-00402816-00402943 know NvxtgfPPD2y-01762-00402944-00403223 when i went walked through terracourt NvxtgfPPD2y-01763-00403224-00403430 and the developer did not take advantage NvxtgfPPD2y-01764-00403431-00403567 of this NvxtgfPPD2y-01765-00403568-00403791 section of code um NvxtgfPPD2y-01766-00403792-00403999 it was available to them to take NvxtgfPPD2y-01767-00404000-00404223 advantage of but they utilized the same NvxtgfPPD2y-01768-00404224-00404367 products throughout within the NvxtgfPPD2y-01769-00404368-00404663 affordable unit they actually NvxtgfPPD2y-01770-00404664-00404847 came to us to change which unit was NvxtgfPPD2y-01771-00404848-00404967 affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01772-00404968-00405095 halfway through the project and they NvxtgfPPD2y-01773-00405096-00405247 weren't concerned you know they hadn't NvxtgfPPD2y-01774-00405248-00405502 planned to make any differences and NvxtgfPPD2y-01775-00405503-00405599 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01776-00405600-00405775 the like grade of NvxtgfPPD2y-01777-00405776-00406030 materials they were utilizing so i do NvxtgfPPD2y-01778-00406031-00406247 understand your concern but i haven't NvxtgfPPD2y-01779-00406248-00406415 experienced NvxtgfPPD2y-01780-00406416-00406639 to date anyone taking advantage of it NvxtgfPPD2y-01781-00406640-00406830 within the one unit that's been produced NvxtgfPPD2y-01782-00406831-00406991 since i've been here NvxtgfPPD2y-01783-00406992-00407310 so um as for your second NvxtgfPPD2y-01784-00407311-00407695 question that is under the alternatives NvxtgfPPD2y-01785-00407696-00407830 i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-01786-00407831-00408071 going to scroll down so here's the NvxtgfPPD2y-01787-00408072-00408351 alternative compliance options the first NvxtgfPPD2y-01788-00408352-00408639 one is regarding that off site and you NvxtgfPPD2y-01789-00408640-00408967 asked about time limits NvxtgfPPD2y-01790-00408968-00409230 so the time limit says the construction NvxtgfPPD2y-01791-00409231-00409463 of the off-site affordable housing units NvxtgfPPD2y-01792-00409464-00409678 may not have commenced prior to the NvxtgfPPD2y-01793-00409679-00409887 first approval of the market rate NvxtgfPPD2y-01794-00409888-00410078 housing development project so they NvxtgfPPD2y-01795-00410079-00410282 can't be NvxtgfPPD2y-01796-00410283-00410551 um you couldn't have a project that was NvxtgfPPD2y-01797-00410552-00410759 already in process and a developer come NvxtgfPPD2y-01798-00410760-00410910 in and say actually we're going to buy NvxtgfPPD2y-01799-00410912-00411151 those units that are already in process NvxtgfPPD2y-01800-00411152-00411310 and make those our affordable units NvxtgfPPD2y-01801-00411312-00411439 because really what you're trying to NvxtgfPPD2y-01802-00411439-00411647 achieve is NvxtgfPPD2y-01803-00411647-00412007 creating more units for the city um NvxtgfPPD2y-01804-00412008-00412239 for inclusionary and then the second NvxtgfPPD2y-01805-00412239-00412351 part of that NvxtgfPPD2y-01806-00412352-00412566 is i think is addressed in this next NvxtgfPPD2y-01807-00412567-00412782 paragraph that the final inspection for NvxtgfPPD2y-01808-00412783-00413055 occupancy of the market rate unit in the NvxtgfPPD2y-01809-00413056-00413247 housing development project will be NvxtgfPPD2y-01810-00413247-00413487 granted only after the final inspections NvxtgfPPD2y-01811-00413488-00413647 are completed for the off-site NvxtgfPPD2y-01812-00413647-00413943 affordable units so those off-site units NvxtgfPPD2y-01813-00413943-00414270 have to be produced prior NvxtgfPPD2y-01814-00414271-00415814 to occupancy of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01815-00415815-00416103 i had a similar question to sam's NvxtgfPPD2y-01816-00416104-00416278 question the second one NvxtgfPPD2y-01817-00416279-00416510 but i just was curious what's magic NvxtgfPPD2y-01818-00416512-00417126 about seven units NvxtgfPPD2y-01819-00417127-00417334 um seven units is NvxtgfPPD2y-01820-00417335-00417551 the standard we've had in place since NvxtgfPPD2y-01821-00417552-00417791 the ordinance came in NvxtgfPPD2y-01822-00417792-00417974 to being i think um NvxtgfPPD2y-01823-00417975-00418247 it's where you establish your 15 one and NvxtgfPPD2y-01824-00418247-00418439 seven so NvxtgfPPD2y-01825-00418439-00418647 yeah because i think some of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01826-00418647-00418918 comparable cities had four units i can't NvxtgfPPD2y-01827-00418919-00419063 remember right now NvxtgfPPD2y-01828-00419064-00419310 and so my point to the city council i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-01829-00419312-00419527 not proposing changing if we may think NvxtgfPPD2y-01830-00419528-00419710 about this in the future NvxtgfPPD2y-01831-00419712-00419839 is that you know NvxtgfPPD2y-01832-00419839-00420110 the size of projects may preclude NvxtgfPPD2y-01833-00420112-00420391 getting an affordable unit it's probably NvxtgfPPD2y-01834-00420392-00420591 much easier for someone to build NvxtgfPPD2y-01835-00420592-00420759 something that's smaller NvxtgfPPD2y-01836-00420760-00420966 and then just pay the inlet fees but if NvxtgfPPD2y-01837-00420967-00421183 we had it as a threshold that was lower NvxtgfPPD2y-01838-00421184-00421375 than seven we might get more affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01839-00421376-00421527 units NvxtgfPPD2y-01840-00421528-00421759 um so i had a similar question to stan NvxtgfPPD2y-01841-00421760-00421983 so maybe a different take on it NvxtgfPPD2y-01842-00421984-00422207 you mentioned that another entity could NvxtgfPPD2y-01843-00422208-00422310 be NvxtgfPPD2y-01844-00422312-00422639 one of the partners in providing NvxtgfPPD2y-01845-00422639-00422883 the affordable unit is that correct i NvxtgfPPD2y-01846-00422884-00423143 think not alternative NvxtgfPPD2y-01847-00423143-00423375 and so if that's the case i just want to NvxtgfPPD2y-01848-00423376-00423527 confirm that NvxtgfPPD2y-01849-00423528-00423679 what do you mean by another entity NvxtgfPPD2y-01850-00423680-00423999 another developer or what and that so NvxtgfPPD2y-01851-00424000-00424199 within the um NvxtgfPPD2y-01852-00424200-00424455 the first scenario of the alternative NvxtgfPPD2y-01853-00424456-00424622 compliance options NvxtgfPPD2y-01854-00424623-00424943 it's for off-site so two developers if NvxtgfPPD2y-01855-00424943-00425070 you're if they're developing two NvxtgfPPD2y-01856-00425071-00425199 different sites NvxtgfPPD2y-01857-00425200-00425399 they could work together to propose to NvxtgfPPD2y-01858-00425400-00425591 have the affordable housing on a NvxtgfPPD2y-01859-00425592-00425743 different site NvxtgfPPD2y-01860-00425743-00425943 yeah that's what i thought you meant so NvxtgfPPD2y-01861-00425943-00426079 so this means there's going to have to NvxtgfPPD2y-01862-00426080-00426391 be a contract on one of the developers NvxtgfPPD2y-01863-00426392-00426470 and NvxtgfPPD2y-01864-00426471-00426607 you know they could have a stumbling NvxtgfPPD2y-01865-00426608-00426975 block and execution of their project and NvxtgfPPD2y-01866-00426976-00427135 you know maybe one NvxtgfPPD2y-01867-00427135-00427310 site is already flushed out and there's NvxtgfPPD2y-01868-00427312-00427431 no NvxtgfPPD2y-01869-00427432-00427591 affordable housing so i was just NvxtgfPPD2y-01870-00427592-00427751 wondering how that's going to be dealt NvxtgfPPD2y-01871-00427752-00427966 with NvxtgfPPD2y-01872-00427967-00428263 yeah i i honestly i do not think that NvxtgfPPD2y-01873-00428264-00428599 this alternative will be utilized that NvxtgfPPD2y-01874-00428600-00428831 often but where um NvxtgfPPD2y-01875-00428832-00428983 we're tasked with coming up with some NvxtgfPPD2y-01876-00428984-00429175 alternatives i do think the NvxtgfPPD2y-01877-00429176-00429287 the NvxtgfPPD2y-01878-00429288-00429575 second alternative of being able to NvxtgfPPD2y-01879-00429576-00429783 dedicate land is is a tool that we'll NvxtgfPPD2y-01880-00429784-00429999 probably see NvxtgfPPD2y-01881-00430000-00430183 the coordination that would have to NvxtgfPPD2y-01882-00430184-00430463 occur and the timing for to have two NvxtgfPPD2y-01883-00430464-00430687 different developers working together NvxtgfPPD2y-01884-00430688-00431031 not allowing occupancy until all the NvxtgfPPD2y-01885-00431032-00431295 inclusionary units have been built NvxtgfPPD2y-01886-00431296-00431479 it would it would be a tricky one but we NvxtgfPPD2y-01887-00431480-00431591 would have NvxtgfPPD2y-01888-00431592-00431822 definitely agreements in place in which NvxtgfPPD2y-01889-00431823-00432039 the developer would have to follow prior NvxtgfPPD2y-01890-00432039-00432310 to sale of the market rate units NvxtgfPPD2y-01891-00432312-00432543 okay well yeah that's my concern and i NvxtgfPPD2y-01892-00432543-00432751 think i share it with sam there's some NvxtgfPPD2y-01893-00432752-00433007 legal coordination there NvxtgfPPD2y-01894-00433008-00433303 thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-01895-00433304-00433655 any other questions from council members NvxtgfPPD2y-01896-00433656-00433966 okay so i'll open this up to public NvxtgfPPD2y-01897-00433967-00434159 public comment for this item if you'd NvxtgfPPD2y-01898-00434160-00434343 like to make a comment send an email now NvxtgfPPD2y-01899-00434343-00434807 to publiccommentsci.capitola.ca.us NvxtgfPPD2y-01900-00434808-00434999 or to speak please raise your hand now NvxtgfPPD2y-01901-00435000-00435222 by clicking on reactions then clicking NvxtgfPPD2y-01902-00435223-00435455 right hand in your zoom application or NvxtgfPPD2y-01903-00435456-00435759 by dialing star 9 or star 6 depending on NvxtgfPPD2y-01904-00435760-00435991 which landline or mobile phone you have NvxtgfPPD2y-01905-00435992-00436159 our moderator will unmute you and you NvxtgfPPD2y-01906-00436160-00436710 will have up to 3 minutes to speak NvxtgfPPD2y-01907-00436712-00436975 mayor brooks i do not see any attendees NvxtgfPPD2y-01908-00436976-00437191 wishing to speak on this item and i do NvxtgfPPD2y-01909-00437192-00437566 not have any emails on this item NvxtgfPPD2y-01910-00437567-00437783 okay NvxtgfPPD2y-01911-00437784-00437975 then we'll bring this back to council NvxtgfPPD2y-01912-00437976-00438175 for further comments NvxtgfPPD2y-01913-00438176-00438510 and discussion council member peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-01914-00438512-00438679 i'd like to move approval of the staff NvxtgfPPD2y-01915-00438680-00438983 recommendation NvxtgfPPD2y-01916-00438984-00439366 i'll second that and i do have a comment NvxtgfPPD2y-01917-00439367-00439655 okay we have um before we do council NvxtgfPPD2y-01918-00439656-00439879 member peterson i'm going to ask for a NvxtgfPPD2y-01919-00439880-00440055 quick friendly amendment we need to take NvxtgfPPD2y-01920-00440056-00440399 these um items separately this evening NvxtgfPPD2y-01921-00440400-00440743 for item c so this would be item c NvxtgfPPD2y-01922-00440743-00440983 uh one introduction of first reading and NvxtgfPPD2y-01923-00440984-00441279 if you could maybe um NvxtgfPPD2y-01924-00441280-00441599 make the first your motion for item one NvxtgfPPD2y-01925-00441600-00442070 if that's if you so choose NvxtgfPPD2y-01926-00442071-00442375 and we'll take them separately NvxtgfPPD2y-01927-00442376-00442622 okay so we'll make a motion to approve NvxtgfPPD2y-01928-00442623-00443063 item c1 as recommended by staff NvxtgfPPD2y-01929-00443064-00443214 i agree NvxtgfPPD2y-01930-00443215-00443447 council member trend is that a second NvxtgfPPD2y-01931-00443447-00443607 yes it is NvxtgfPPD2y-01932-00443608-00443831 okay so we have a first and second for NvxtgfPPD2y-01933-00443832-00444118 item c1 to introduce for first reading NvxtgfPPD2y-01934-00444119-00444318 by title only waiving further reading of NvxtgfPPD2y-01935-00444319-00444522 the text an ordinance amending chapter NvxtgfPPD2y-01936-00444523-00444831 18.02 of the capitola municipal code NvxtgfPPD2y-01937-00444832-00445151 affordable inclusionary housing NvxtgfPPD2y-01938-00445152-00445310 samantha if you're listening that was NvxtgfPPD2y-01939-00445312-00445455 for you NvxtgfPPD2y-01940-00445456-00445591 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01941-00445592-00445799 councilmember bertrand before i call NvxtgfPPD2y-01942-00445800-00445999 roll call is this the NvxtgfPPD2y-01943-00446000-00446159 comment you wanted to make here for this NvxtgfPPD2y-01944-00446160-00446343 particular section NvxtgfPPD2y-01945-00446343-00446543 uh well in general it's a comment if i NvxtgfPPD2y-01946-00446543-00446895 may i just want to thank um staff for NvxtgfPPD2y-01947-00446896-00447039 coming up with the NvxtgfPPD2y-01948-00447039-00447295 the grant and giving us guidance based NvxtgfPPD2y-01949-00447296-00447614 on the nexus study that was very helpful NvxtgfPPD2y-01950-00447615-00447855 it was a detailed study but i really NvxtgfPPD2y-01951-00447856-00448039 appreciate it and NvxtgfPPD2y-01952-00448039-00448279 thank you again NvxtgfPPD2y-01953-00448280-00448455 thank you councilmember bertrand so can NvxtgfPPD2y-01954-00448456-00448679 i have a roll call for NvxtgfPPD2y-01955-00448680-00448879 item c1 NvxtgfPPD2y-01956-00448880-00448975 yes NvxtgfPPD2y-01957-00448976-00449231 councilmember bertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-01958-00449232-00449687 i agree councilmember kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-01959-00449688-00449951 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-01960-00449952-00450039 aye NvxtgfPPD2y-01961-00450039-00450279 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-01962-00450280-00450359 i NvxtgfPPD2y-01963-00450360-00450591 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-01964-00450592-00450695 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-01965-00450696-00450966 this item passes unanimously now looking NvxtgfPPD2y-01966-00450967-00451366 at item c2 NvxtgfPPD2y-01967-00451367-00451647 i can make a motion on item c2 to NvxtgfPPD2y-01968-00451647-00451879 introduce for his first reading by title NvxtgfPPD2y-01969-00451880-00452159 only waiting for the reading of the text NvxtgfPPD2y-01970-00452160-00452487 an ordinance adding chapter 18.05 of the NvxtgfPPD2y-01971-00452488-00452759 capital municipal code affordable NvxtgfPPD2y-01972-00452760-00452918 housing impact fee NvxtgfPPD2y-01973-00452919-00453063 first amendment NvxtgfPPD2y-01974-00453064-00453191 second NvxtgfPPD2y-01975-00453192-00453422 so we have a first from council member NvxtgfPPD2y-01976-00453423-00453631 kaiser and a second from vice mayor's NvxtgfPPD2y-01977-00453632-00453999 story any other further comments NvxtgfPPD2y-01978-00454000-00454159 well i'd like just to really quickly NvxtgfPPD2y-01979-00454160-00454318 piggyback off of what councilmember NvxtgfPPD2y-01980-00454319-00454422 bertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-01981-00454423-00454495 uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01982-00454496-00454710 mentioned was that this has been a lot NvxtgfPPD2y-01983-00454712-00455095 of work over many many months and katie NvxtgfPPD2y-01984-00455096-00455287 and your team you've done an exceptional NvxtgfPPD2y-01985-00455288-00455614 job of really separating each issue NvxtgfPPD2y-01986-00455615-00455807 allowing enough time and space for NvxtgfPPD2y-01987-00455808-00455943 conversation NvxtgfPPD2y-01988-00455943-00456039 and NvxtgfPPD2y-01989-00456039-00456335 really helping me understand uh the NvxtgfPPD2y-01990-00456335-00456559 complexities of such uh NvxtgfPPD2y-01991-00456560-00456655 really NvxtgfPPD2y-01992-00456656-00456751 um NvxtgfPPD2y-01993-00456752-00457063 complicated issue and this particular NvxtgfPPD2y-01994-00457064-00457327 iho will have a significant impact on NvxtgfPPD2y-01995-00457328-00457559 our on the city of capital in its future NvxtgfPPD2y-01996-00457560-00457839 so really thank you for all your time NvxtgfPPD2y-01997-00457839-00458135 um okay let's do a roll call okay NvxtgfPPD2y-01998-00458135-00458359 councilmember trans NvxtgfPPD2y-01999-00458360-00458679 hi green councilmember kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-02000-00458680-00458775 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02001-00458776-00459031 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-02002-00459032-00459366 hi vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-02003-00459367-00459655 hi mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-02004-00459656-00459903 hi thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-02005-00459904-00460143 okay this item passes we'll now move on NvxtgfPPD2y-02006-00460143-00460455 to item 8d this is green waste franchise NvxtgfPPD2y-02007-00460456-00460631 agreement NvxtgfPPD2y-02008-00460632-00460879 whose item is this NvxtgfPPD2y-02009-00460880-00461255 larry NvxtgfPPD2y-02010-00461256-00461463 yes it is mine sorry i was trying to get NvxtgfPPD2y-02011-00461464-00461735 my uh screen ready to share um so i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-02012-00461735-00461987 going to try that right NvxtgfPPD2y-02013-00461988-00462422 now uh NvxtgfPPD2y-02014-00462423-00462783 okay so i hope you see the screen NvxtgfPPD2y-02015-00462784-00462927 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02016-00462928-00463166 and so this is this is the greenways NvxtgfPPD2y-02017-00463167-00463327 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02018-00463328-00463470 recovery franchise agreement with the NvxtgfPPD2y-02019-00463471-00463647 city of capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-02020-00463647-00463831 um and just make sure everyone can see NvxtgfPPD2y-02021-00463832-00464007 the screen okay NvxtgfPPD2y-02022-00464008-00464118 okay NvxtgfPPD2y-02023-00464119-00464310 um just a little bit of history green NvxtgfPPD2y-02024-00464312-00464535 waste recovery has been the uh capital NvxtgfPPD2y-02025-00464535-00464863 franchise waste hauler since 2008. NvxtgfPPD2y-02026-00464864-00465027 updates were made to the agreement in NvxtgfPPD2y-02027-00465028-00465422 2010 and 2012. the current NvxtgfPPD2y-02028-00465423-00465631 franchise agreement uh expires at the NvxtgfPPD2y-02029-00465632-00465707 end of NvxtgfPPD2y-02030-00465708-00465863 2022. NvxtgfPPD2y-02031-00465864-00466127 um just kind of a background green waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02032-00466128-00466295 is the hauler they they collect it and NvxtgfPPD2y-02033-00466296-00466543 they transport it for disposal right now NvxtgfPPD2y-02034-00466543-00466783 they take the garbage goes NvxtgfPPD2y-02035-00466784-00466983 regular garbage yard waste and organics NvxtgfPPD2y-02036-00466984-00467143 go to the monterey regional waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02037-00467143-00467366 management management district NvxtgfPPD2y-02038-00467367-00467599 and recycling goes to green waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02039-00467600-00467839 facility in san jose NvxtgfPPD2y-02040-00467839-00468039 um in addition green waste is the NvxtgfPPD2y-02041-00468039-00468231 franchise hauler in for santa cruz NvxtgfPPD2y-02042-00468232-00468495 county as well as scotts valley and they NvxtgfPPD2y-02043-00468496-00468766 have a strong relationship with the NvxtgfPPD2y-02044-00468767-00468927 monterey regional waste management NvxtgfPPD2y-02045-00468928-00469110 district as well because they are the NvxtgfPPD2y-02046-00469112-00469295 hauler for seven of the uh member NvxtgfPPD2y-02047-00469296-00469735 agencies of that of where we dispose NvxtgfPPD2y-02048-00469735-00469983 um and going into that uh last year at NvxtgfPPD2y-02049-00469984-00470159 this time it seems doesn't seem that NvxtgfPPD2y-02050-00470160-00470335 long ago but it was it was a year ago NvxtgfPPD2y-02051-00470335-00470495 the city agreed to a new disposal NvxtgfPPD2y-02052-00470496-00470647 agreement with NvxtgfPPD2y-02053-00470647-00470910 the monterey regional NvxtgfPPD2y-02054-00470912-00471151 the disposal rates will be increasing NvxtgfPPD2y-02055-00471152-00471414 over the next few years um NvxtgfPPD2y-02056-00471415-00471759 finalizing at 95 percent of the NvxtgfPPD2y-02057-00471760-00471887 member rate NvxtgfPPD2y-02058-00471888-00472095 um at the monterey regional waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02059-00472096-00472263 management district NvxtgfPPD2y-02060-00472264-00472503 at the same time as part of the the rate NvxtgfPPD2y-02061-00472504-00472639 increases there as well as what we're NvxtgfPPD2y-02062-00472639-00472839 talking about here state of california NvxtgfPPD2y-02063-00472839-00473039 has passed the number of NvxtgfPPD2y-02064-00473039-00473135 you know NvxtgfPPD2y-02065-00473135-00473366 kind of recycling and waste management NvxtgfPPD2y-02066-00473367-00473583 type laws the most the largest right now NvxtgfPPD2y-02067-00473584-00473839 we're dealing with is sb1383 which will NvxtgfPPD2y-02068-00473839-00474014 really increase the cost of collection NvxtgfPPD2y-02069-00474015-00474263 disposal with some of just a few of NvxtgfPPD2y-02070-00474264-00474463 these requirements where the goal of NvxtgfPPD2y-02071-00474464-00474814 1383 is to help remove um organics from NvxtgfPPD2y-02072-00474815-00475007 landfills um NvxtgfPPD2y-02073-00475008-00475255 we're required as well is to increase NvxtgfPPD2y-02074-00475256-00475503 education and outreach to customers NvxtgfPPD2y-02075-00475504-00475822 have to monitor contamination much more NvxtgfPPD2y-02076-00475823-00476070 diligently and significantly that in the NvxtgfPPD2y-02077-00476071-00476166 past NvxtgfPPD2y-02078-00476167-00476391 and reporting has to be NvxtgfPPD2y-02079-00476392-00476831 done to cal recycle at the state level NvxtgfPPD2y-02080-00476832-00477014 this update agreement extends the NvxtgfPPD2y-02081-00477015-00477199 franchise agreement with greenways NvxtgfPPD2y-02082-00477200-00477470 through 2030 this is actually the same NvxtgfPPD2y-02083-00477471-00477751 timeline which we wanted to be on as NvxtgfPPD2y-02084-00477752-00477966 santa cruz county and the city of scotts NvxtgfPPD2y-02085-00477967-00478199 valley so if there is some changes we NvxtgfPPD2y-02086-00478200-00478414 can all kind of work together to NvxtgfPPD2y-02087-00478415-00478566 figure out what to do because it is NvxtgfPPD2y-02088-00478567-00478735 tough being a small NvxtgfPPD2y-02089-00478735-00478975 you know an island around surrounded by NvxtgfPPD2y-02090-00478976-00479239 um you know a larger agency so we would NvxtgfPPD2y-02091-00479239-00479399 like to work together if it comes down NvxtgfPPD2y-02092-00479400-00479622 to that which we at this point we don't NvxtgfPPD2y-02093-00479623-00479766 see a reason it would NvxtgfPPD2y-02094-00479767-00479863 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02095-00479864-00480087 included in the 1383 compliance NvxtgfPPD2y-02096-00480088-00480455 requirements um organic collection for NvxtgfPPD2y-02097-00480456-00480718 all customers based on the disposal NvxtgfPPD2y-02098-00480719-00481031 capabilities at monterey regional NvxtgfPPD2y-02099-00481032-00481335 at this point residential organics is to NvxtgfPPD2y-02100-00481335-00481566 begin uh beginning of the year NvxtgfPPD2y-02101-00481567-00481879 um we've got to remember that NvxtgfPPD2y-02102-00481880-00482103 greenways can take whatever whatever NvxtgfPPD2y-02103-00482104-00482318 they can to the disposal but if the NvxtgfPPD2y-02104-00482319-00482470 disposal site doesn't have the NvxtgfPPD2y-02105-00482471-00482695 capability to process it correctly it NvxtgfPPD2y-02106-00482696-00482887 doesn't do any good so i think NvxtgfPPD2y-02107-00482888-00483143 everybody's on board working together so NvxtgfPPD2y-02108-00483143-00483295 as these NvxtgfPPD2y-02109-00483296-00483591 capabilities at the monterey regional NvxtgfPPD2y-02110-00483592-00483839 change we're going to come back and make NvxtgfPPD2y-02111-00483839-00483991 sure our agreement reflects those NvxtgfPPD2y-02112-00483992-00484207 changes NvxtgfPPD2y-02113-00484208-00484327 the other thing is that we have to NvxtgfPPD2y-02114-00484328-00484614 review and document customer containers NvxtgfPPD2y-02115-00484615-00484822 much again much more diligently for NvxtgfPPD2y-02116-00484823-00485039 contamination and then follow up NvxtgfPPD2y-02117-00485039-00485222 um with those with those folks and NvxtgfPPD2y-02118-00485223-00485470 report on it as well public education as NvxtgfPPD2y-02119-00485471-00485703 we talked about the big piece of this NvxtgfPPD2y-02120-00485704-00485959 as is reporting the cal cal recycle and NvxtgfPPD2y-02121-00485960-00486191 i can tell you from first hand NvxtgfPPD2y-02122-00486192-00486391 our reports from to NvxtgfPPD2y-02123-00486392-00486599 cal recycle have gotten significantly NvxtgfPPD2y-02124-00486600-00486822 larger in the next last couple years and NvxtgfPPD2y-02125-00486823-00486959 i'm sure they're going to continue to be NvxtgfPPD2y-02126-00486960-00487166 that way for both ourselves as well as NvxtgfPPD2y-02127-00487167-00487287 the hauler NvxtgfPPD2y-02128-00487288-00487607 um the other addition to this is um NvxtgfPPD2y-02129-00487608-00487766 greenways is in the middle of kind of a NvxtgfPPD2y-02130-00487767-00488031 company reorganization so we added a NvxtgfPPD2y-02131-00488032-00488310 section to allow for a kind of a short NvxtgfPPD2y-02132-00488312-00488407 term NvxtgfPPD2y-02133-00488408-00488495 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02134-00488496-00488759 but changing control and long term as NvxtgfPPD2y-02135-00488760-00488975 well and we will be working with some of NvxtgfPPD2y-02136-00488976-00489166 the other agencies to do our research on NvxtgfPPD2y-02137-00489167-00489439 this to make sure that it it it's okay NvxtgfPPD2y-02138-00489439-00489831 as they move forward with the process NvxtgfPPD2y-02139-00489832-00490031 so the big thing is NvxtgfPPD2y-02140-00490032-00490214 with all these requirements rates are NvxtgfPPD2y-02141-00490215-00490439 increasing by approximately 23 NvxtgfPPD2y-02142-00490439-00490679 january 1st of this year um this NvxtgfPPD2y-02143-00490680-00490943 includes the cost of disposal increases NvxtgfPPD2y-02144-00490943-00491159 the increased requirement requirements NvxtgfPPD2y-02145-00491160-00491383 it also includes in 2020 because we were NvxtgfPPD2y-02146-00491384-00491607 trying to get this done earlier it we NvxtgfPPD2y-02147-00491608-00491903 deferred the uh increase at january 1st NvxtgfPPD2y-02148-00491904-00492222 2020 so it does include some of that um NvxtgfPPD2y-02149-00492223-00492487 it also um includes increased organic NvxtgfPPD2y-02150-00492488-00492718 collections we mentioned hopefully first NvxtgfPPD2y-02151-00492719-00492927 of the year um we're going to start be NvxtgfPPD2y-02152-00492928-00493118 able to do it for residential NvxtgfPPD2y-02153-00493119-00493327 customers as well NvxtgfPPD2y-02154-00493328-00493527 one of the things they did is because NvxtgfPPD2y-02155-00493528-00493751 the previous agreement with the marina NvxtgfPPD2y-02156-00493752-00493927 the monterey regional waste management NvxtgfPPD2y-02157-00493928-00494239 district had a cpis escalator basically NvxtgfPPD2y-02158-00494239-00494510 the same as our our um one with NvxtgfPPD2y-02159-00494512-00494727 greenways so they could put all of those NvxtgfPPD2y-02160-00494728-00494951 together and come up with a rate well NvxtgfPPD2y-02161-00494952-00495095 now our rates are going to be at the NvxtgfPPD2y-02162-00495096-00495335 disposal site will be increasing NvxtgfPPD2y-02163-00495335-00495559 a little more and differently over time NvxtgfPPD2y-02164-00495560-00495662 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02165-00495663-00495879 in the rates we've separate or greenways NvxtgfPPD2y-02166-00495880-00496127 has and we've agreed to separate the NvxtgfPPD2y-02167-00496128-00496279 collection from NvxtgfPPD2y-02168-00496280-00496414 the the um NvxtgfPPD2y-02169-00496415-00496622 trans hauling and collection and NvxtgfPPD2y-02170-00496623-00496847 transportation so the disposal will be NvxtgfPPD2y-02171-00496847-00496999 kind of a separate line item on the NvxtgfPPD2y-02172-00497000-00497118 rates NvxtgfPPD2y-02173-00497119-00497327 for reference 35 gallon carts which are NvxtgfPPD2y-02174-00497328-00497562 the most common we'll be increasing by NvxtgfPPD2y-02175-00497563-00497843 4.11 a month to NvxtgfPPD2y-02176-00497843-00498039 22.26 a month NvxtgfPPD2y-02177-00498039-00498247 this for reference is still the lowest NvxtgfPPD2y-02178-00498247-00498439 cost per disposable of that size in NvxtgfPPD2y-02179-00498439-00498743 santa cruz county NvxtgfPPD2y-02180-00498743-00498814 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02181-00498815-00499055 with that um the recommendation is to NvxtgfPPD2y-02182-00499056-00499247 authorize the city manager to enter into NvxtgfPPD2y-02183-00499247-00499422 an amended and restated franchise NvxtgfPPD2y-02184-00499423-00499607 agreement with green waste recovery for NvxtgfPPD2y-02185-00499608-00499822 collection disposal of garbage recycling NvxtgfPPD2y-02186-00499823-00500079 organics food waste yard waste and NvxtgfPPD2y-02187-00500080-00500407 construction demolition debris NvxtgfPPD2y-02188-00500408-00500718 i am here um for any questions and also NvxtgfPPD2y-02189-00500719-00501014 on the line are emily hansen and tracy NvxtgfPPD2y-02190-00501015-00501214 adams of green waste recovery if you NvxtgfPPD2y-02191-00501215-00501527 have any questions for either of them NvxtgfPPD2y-02192-00501528-00501807 so at the point here for any questions NvxtgfPPD2y-02193-00501808-00502143 thank you larry councilmember bertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-02194-00502143-00502391 yeah um how do you define organic waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02195-00502392-00502766 i'm just trying to worry at myself NvxtgfPPD2y-02196-00502767-00502975 i i can say that that is that it's a NvxtgfPPD2y-02197-00502976-00503166 it's a bit of a moving target i mean NvxtgfPPD2y-02198-00503167-00503399 that's going to be part of what um is NvxtgfPPD2y-02199-00503400-00503566 going to be coming down with education NvxtgfPPD2y-02200-00503567-00503975 as well as what monterey regional can do NvxtgfPPD2y-02201-00503976-00504166 i don't know um NvxtgfPPD2y-02202-00504167-00504551 if we have the details yet um if i could NvxtgfPPD2y-02203-00504552-00504662 we could have NvxtgfPPD2y-02204-00504663-00504847 um we don't have our NvxtgfPPD2y-02205-00504847-00505007 our local general manager on the line NvxtgfPPD2y-02206-00505008-00505262 but it is it is kind of a variable it's NvxtgfPPD2y-02207-00505263-00505503 kind of a moving target at this point NvxtgfPPD2y-02208-00505504-00505743 would you like to hear from uh the folks NvxtgfPPD2y-02209-00505743-00505910 at greenways did they have a maybe a NvxtgfPPD2y-02210-00505912-00506047 better definition NvxtgfPPD2y-02211-00506047-00506239 at this point NvxtgfPPD2y-02212-00506239-00506375 performance yeah NvxtgfPPD2y-02213-00506376-00506535 well right right NvxtgfPPD2y-02214-00506535-00506822 sure are emily or tracy would you view NvxtgfPPD2y-02215-00506823-00507462 emily i'm gonna allow emily to talk NvxtgfPPD2y-02216-00507463-00507679 emily NvxtgfPPD2y-02217-00507680-00507870 all right um greetings miss mayor NvxtgfPPD2y-02218-00507871-00508110 members of the council uh jim moresko is NvxtgfPPD2y-02219-00508112-00508366 on the line he's not on the zoom link so NvxtgfPPD2y-02220-00508367-00508527 you might you might see his phone number NvxtgfPPD2y-02221-00508528-00508751 but he's definitely present NvxtgfPPD2y-02222-00508752-00508943 um thank you for the opportunity this NvxtgfPPD2y-02223-00508943-00509214 evening to to present this item NvxtgfPPD2y-02224-00509215-00509447 the um the challenge with this term of NvxtgfPPD2y-02225-00509447-00509695 organics is that it is a bit of a moving NvxtgfPPD2y-02226-00509696-00509903 target so we've been threading the NvxtgfPPD2y-02227-00509904-00510151 needle in partnership with the NvxtgfPPD2y-02228-00510152-00510383 the city of capitola working with the NvxtgfPPD2y-02229-00510384-00510631 state of california and also with of NvxtgfPPD2y-02230-00510632-00510799 course the monterey regional waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02231-00510800-00510991 management district NvxtgfPPD2y-02232-00510992-00511247 so an important facet of the new NvxtgfPPD2y-02233-00511247-00511462 collection program and the reason that NvxtgfPPD2y-02234-00511463-00511679 um the primary reason that the rates are NvxtgfPPD2y-02235-00511680-00511903 increasing is that every customer every NvxtgfPPD2y-02236-00511904-00512110 residential customer NvxtgfPPD2y-02237-00512112-00512279 that presently has a yard waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02238-00512280-00512622 container will be able to add food waste NvxtgfPPD2y-02239-00512623-00512879 to that yard waste container NvxtgfPPD2y-02240-00512880-00512959 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02241-00512960-00513303 in in terms of residential service the NvxtgfPPD2y-02242-00513304-00513510 the current program is for what we call NvxtgfPPD2y-02243-00513512-00513743 clean green yard trimmings NvxtgfPPD2y-02244-00513743-00513966 so presently you would be able to put NvxtgfPPD2y-02245-00513967-00514199 apples from your backyard or a pumpkin NvxtgfPPD2y-02246-00514200-00514383 into your yard trimmings container but NvxtgfPPD2y-02247-00514384-00514695 the moment that any edible items go into NvxtgfPPD2y-02248-00514696-00514959 the kitchen or inside your house the NvxtgfPPD2y-02249-00514960-00515214 regulations treat those differently that NvxtgfPPD2y-02250-00515215-00515510 becomes kitchen scraps and food waste so NvxtgfPPD2y-02251-00515512-00515927 the regulations through sb 1383 as larry NvxtgfPPD2y-02252-00515928-00516055 mentioned NvxtgfPPD2y-02253-00516056-00516366 have expanded to um attempt to get as NvxtgfPPD2y-02254-00516367-00516583 much organics out of landfill as NvxtgfPPD2y-02255-00516584-00516695 possible NvxtgfPPD2y-02256-00516696-00517007 so the the best opportunity that we had NvxtgfPPD2y-02257-00517008-00517247 to make the program cost effective for NvxtgfPPD2y-02258-00517247-00517391 the customers NvxtgfPPD2y-02259-00517392-00517575 and allow NvxtgfPPD2y-02260-00517576-00517862 our services to provide the city with sb NvxtgfPPD2y-02261-00517863-00518135 1383 compliance for residential NvxtgfPPD2y-02262-00518135-00518391 customers is to add that food waste to NvxtgfPPD2y-02263-00518392-00518551 the green container NvxtgfPPD2y-02264-00518552-00518839 on the commercial side we will still NvxtgfPPD2y-02265-00518839-00518983 have NvxtgfPPD2y-02266-00518984-00519087 a NvxtgfPPD2y-02267-00519088-00519351 source separated organics program as NvxtgfPPD2y-02268-00519352-00519647 well that is presently um what we call a NvxtgfPPD2y-02269-00519647-00519918 clean food scraps program there will be NvxtgfPPD2y-02270-00519919-00520087 opportunity for NvxtgfPPD2y-02271-00520088-00520310 um some customers you know not for NvxtgfPPD2y-02272-00520312-00520591 example the esplanade customers but um NvxtgfPPD2y-02273-00520592-00520839 for customers you know let's say a gales NvxtgfPPD2y-02274-00520839-00521087 bakery that has some incidental yard NvxtgfPPD2y-02275-00521088-00521270 trimmings as well they would be able to NvxtgfPPD2y-02276-00521271-00521439 use their new NvxtgfPPD2y-02277-00521439-00521783 container for both their food scraps as NvxtgfPPD2y-02278-00521784-00521983 well as their yard trimmings NvxtgfPPD2y-02279-00521984-00522239 the challenge in all of this is that the NvxtgfPPD2y-02280-00522239-00522422 definition of what's allowed in those NvxtgfPPD2y-02281-00522423-00522718 containers is driven by the processing NvxtgfPPD2y-02282-00522719-00522966 facility in this case the monterey NvxtgfPPD2y-02283-00522967-00523287 regional waste management district so as NvxtgfPPD2y-02284-00523288-00523455 larry mentioned we are NvxtgfPPD2y-02285-00523456-00523670 working in partnership with the monterey NvxtgfPPD2y-02286-00523671-00523895 regional waste management district to NvxtgfPPD2y-02287-00523896-00524262 get a finite list of exactly what is NvxtgfPPD2y-02288-00524263-00524455 going to be accepted NvxtgfPPD2y-02289-00524456-00524687 in these organic containers and what is NvxtgfPPD2y-02290-00524688-00525047 going to be what we call non-acceptable NvxtgfPPD2y-02291-00525048-00525295 in those containers and then as larry NvxtgfPPD2y-02292-00525296-00525535 mentioned the burden of outreach and NvxtgfPPD2y-02293-00525536-00525735 educating the community on what is and NvxtgfPPD2y-02294-00525736-00525951 isn't allowed in each of the containers NvxtgfPPD2y-02295-00525952-00526183 and that is the responsibility of green NvxtgfPPD2y-02296-00526184-00526483 waste under the franchise NvxtgfPPD2y-02297-00526484-00526751 agreement thank you i have one other NvxtgfPPD2y-02298-00526752-00527095 question larry in the comments NvxtgfPPD2y-02299-00527096-00527295 so i think the uh NvxtgfPPD2y-02300-00527296-00527575 the governor signed in a new order a new NvxtgfPPD2y-02301-00527576-00527718 law and NvxtgfPPD2y-02302-00527719-00527887 i understand that we're going to be NvxtgfPPD2y-02303-00527888-00528183 limiting what plastics we actually NvxtgfPPD2y-02304-00528184-00528462 recycle i think hard plastics and couple NvxtgfPPD2y-02305-00528463-00528639 other categories NvxtgfPPD2y-02306-00528640-00528903 are not going to be recycled because we NvxtgfPPD2y-02307-00528904-00529079 don't have a market for it or there's no NvxtgfPPD2y-02308-00529080-00529262 way to process it NvxtgfPPD2y-02309-00529263-00529447 maybe i'm misunderstanding that is this NvxtgfPPD2y-02310-00529448-00529639 correct NvxtgfPPD2y-02311-00529640-00529839 i i'm happy to take that larry if you'd NvxtgfPPD2y-02312-00529840-00529983 like yeah absolutely because i'm not NvxtgfPPD2y-02313-00529984-00530191 aware of it right so thank you very much NvxtgfPPD2y-02314-00530192-00530270 yeah NvxtgfPPD2y-02315-00530271-00530583 so um similar to the challenge with sb NvxtgfPPD2y-02316-00530584-00530862 1383 which is the short-lived climate NvxtgfPPD2y-02317-00530863-00531062 pollution reduction act to keep the NvxtgfPPD2y-02318-00531063-00531414 organics out of landfills the state is NvxtgfPPD2y-02319-00531415-00531559 looking to NvxtgfPPD2y-02320-00531560-00531807 to the extent possible standardized NvxtgfPPD2y-02321-00531808-00532022 things in the state as you all i'm sure NvxtgfPPD2y-02322-00532023-00532151 are aware NvxtgfPPD2y-02323-00532152-00532303 looking flipping over your yogurt NvxtgfPPD2y-02324-00532304-00532479 container and looking at the chasing NvxtgfPPD2y-02325-00532480-00532622 arrows signs NvxtgfPPD2y-02326-00532623-00532839 to try to figure out whether or not it's NvxtgfPPD2y-02327-00532840-00533087 recyclable or whether it's accepted in NvxtgfPPD2y-02328-00533088-00533255 your program NvxtgfPPD2y-02329-00533256-00533518 is incredibly difficult and confusing NvxtgfPPD2y-02330-00533519-00533751 and complicated for the consumers you NvxtgfPPD2y-02331-00533752-00533839 could NvxtgfPPD2y-02332-00533840-00534135 live in the city of santa cruz but you NvxtgfPPD2y-02333-00534136-00534391 work in the city of capitola NvxtgfPPD2y-02334-00534392-00534631 and those pro collection programs are NvxtgfPPD2y-02335-00534632-00534822 different so the state has been trying NvxtgfPPD2y-02336-00534823-00535151 to standardize that so that the NvxtgfPPD2y-02337-00535152-00535439 producers of those materials can take NvxtgfPPD2y-02338-00535440-00535631 what we call extended producer NvxtgfPPD2y-02339-00535632-00535791 responsibility NvxtgfPPD2y-02340-00535792-00536079 and do a better job of labeling things NvxtgfPPD2y-02341-00536080-00536231 however NvxtgfPPD2y-02342-00536232-00536518 you guys will remain unimpacted because NvxtgfPPD2y-02343-00536519-00536814 we process your recyclable materials NvxtgfPPD2y-02344-00536815-00537062 so we have green waste recovery owns and NvxtgfPPD2y-02345-00537063-00537343 operates a material recovery facility in NvxtgfPPD2y-02346-00537344-00537599 san jose we bring the recyclables from NvxtgfPPD2y-02347-00537600-00537847 the city of capitola to our NvxtgfPPD2y-02348-00537848-00538070 facility in watsonville we load those on NvxtgfPPD2y-02349-00538071-00538231 a larger trailer we bring those NvxtgfPPD2y-02350-00538232-00538462 materials over to our san jose facility NvxtgfPPD2y-02351-00538463-00538599 for processing NvxtgfPPD2y-02352-00538600-00538799 and we have NvxtgfPPD2y-02353-00538800-00539095 perhaps if not the most expansive list NvxtgfPPD2y-02354-00539096-00539343 of items that we accept NvxtgfPPD2y-02355-00539344-00539631 in the blue recyclables containers and NvxtgfPPD2y-02356-00539632-00539879 the reason that we do that is because of NvxtgfPPD2y-02357-00539880-00540087 our commitment to sustainability and the NvxtgfPPD2y-02358-00540088-00540359 fact that we do not own a landfill NvxtgfPPD2y-02359-00540360-00540614 it is our goal to keep as much material NvxtgfPPD2y-02360-00540615-00540814 out of the landfill as possible because NvxtgfPPD2y-02361-00540815-00541014 we have to pay somebody else to bury it NvxtgfPPD2y-02362-00541015-00541127 in the ground NvxtgfPPD2y-02363-00541128-00541295 so since um NvxtgfPPD2y-02364-00541296-00541631 2008 and even earlier when we developed NvxtgfPPD2y-02365-00541632-00541839 our new and improved state-of-the-art NvxtgfPPD2y-02366-00541840-00542127 processing facility we have NvxtgfPPD2y-02367-00542128-00542222 really NvxtgfPPD2y-02368-00542223-00542527 done a lot of investment in producing NvxtgfPPD2y-02369-00542528-00542711 very clean NvxtgfPPD2y-02370-00542712-00542870 commodities NvxtgfPPD2y-02371-00542871-00543127 cleaner than the industry standard so we NvxtgfPPD2y-02372-00543128-00543439 continue to enjoy markets for materials NvxtgfPPD2y-02373-00543440-00543591 that a lot of NvxtgfPPD2y-02374-00543592-00543766 companies that run these recovery NvxtgfPPD2y-02375-00543767-00543918 facilities NvxtgfPPD2y-02376-00543919-00544111 don't have access to NvxtgfPPD2y-02377-00544112-00544327 so the i know that was a long way to NvxtgfPPD2y-02378-00544328-00544495 answer the question but i think it's an NvxtgfPPD2y-02379-00544496-00544766 important one which is the city remains NvxtgfPPD2y-02380-00544767-00544927 unimpacted NvxtgfPPD2y-02381-00544928-00545103 by that new NvxtgfPPD2y-02382-00545104-00545366 legislation because we go above and NvxtgfPPD2y-02383-00545367-00545591 beyond and we're not the lowest common NvxtgfPPD2y-02384-00545592-00545783 denominator NvxtgfPPD2y-02385-00545784-00545887 wow NvxtgfPPD2y-02386-00545888-00546103 that's great to hear NvxtgfPPD2y-02387-00546104-00546279 for those of us who have been recycling NvxtgfPPD2y-02388-00546280-00546391 forever NvxtgfPPD2y-02389-00546392-00546479 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02390-00546480-00546662 larry i do have one uh mary i do have NvxtgfPPD2y-02391-00546663-00547022 one other request or comment um is there NvxtgfPPD2y-02392-00547023-00547303 a chance to tour this facility i kind of NvxtgfPPD2y-02393-00547304-00547407 like to NvxtgfPPD2y-02394-00547408-00547631 see what's available there so that i NvxtgfPPD2y-02395-00547632-00547862 could see it firsthand um maybe the NvxtgfPPD2y-02396-00547863-00548151 council would like to do that too NvxtgfPPD2y-02397-00548152-00548343 well i can tell you firsthand an amazing NvxtgfPPD2y-02398-00548344-00548711 facility but uh um i can we i can get NvxtgfPPD2y-02399-00548712-00548975 with uh ms hanson to see if it's NvxtgfPPD2y-02400-00548976-00549287 when when they allow it we can NvxtgfPPD2y-02401-00549288-00549535 get in contact with her okay thanks i NvxtgfPPD2y-02402-00549536-00549862 appreciate that thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-02403-00549863-00550270 any other questions NvxtgfPPD2y-02404-00550271-00550511 okay we'll take this to the public for NvxtgfPPD2y-02405-00550512-00550679 public comment if you'd like to make a NvxtgfPPD2y-02406-00550680-00550783 comment NvxtgfPPD2y-02407-00550784-00550975 please send an email now to public NvxtgfPPD2y-02408-00550976-00551251 comment at NvxtgfPPD2y-02409-00551252-00551455 ci.capitola.ca.us or to speak please NvxtgfPPD2y-02410-00551456-00551655 raise your hand now by clicking on NvxtgfPPD2y-02411-00551656-00551887 reactions then clicking raised hand in NvxtgfPPD2y-02412-00551888-00552103 your zoom application at the bottom of NvxtgfPPD2y-02413-00552104-00552351 your screen or you can if you've called NvxtgfPPD2y-02414-00552352-00552575 then you can dial star 9 or 6 depending NvxtgfPPD2y-02415-00552576-00552711 on if you have a landline or mobile NvxtgfPPD2y-02416-00552712-00552959 phone our moderator will unmute you and NvxtgfPPD2y-02417-00552960-00553366 you'll have up to three minutes to speak NvxtgfPPD2y-02418-00553367-00553599 mayor brooks i do not see anyone asking NvxtgfPPD2y-02419-00553600-00553887 to talk on this item and i do not have NvxtgfPPD2y-02420-00553888-00554127 any emails on the site NvxtgfPPD2y-02421-00554128-00554495 okay so we'll return back to council for NvxtgfPPD2y-02422-00554496-00555575 further discussion and a vote NvxtgfPPD2y-02423-00555576-00555791 council member bertrand i'd like to move NvxtgfPPD2y-02424-00555792-00555883 the NvxtgfPPD2y-02425-00555884-00556295 recommended okay we have a first um NvxtgfPPD2y-02426-00556296-00556711 council member peterson i'll second that NvxtgfPPD2y-02427-00556712-00556951 first from council member brook trent NvxtgfPPD2y-02428-00556952-00557159 and the second from council member NvxtgfPPD2y-02429-00557160-00557495 peterson to approve the to authorize the NvxtgfPPD2y-02430-00557496-00557695 city manager to enter into the amended NvxtgfPPD2y-02431-00557696-00557911 and restated franchise agreement with NvxtgfPPD2y-02432-00557912-00558079 green waste recovery inc for collection NvxtgfPPD2y-02433-00558080-00558295 of disposable garbage recycling organics NvxtgfPPD2y-02434-00558296-00558511 food waste yard waste and construction NvxtgfPPD2y-02435-00558512-00558711 and demolition debris NvxtgfPPD2y-02436-00558712-00558911 may i have a roll call please council NvxtgfPPD2y-02437-00558912-00559183 member for trans NvxtgfPPD2y-02438-00559184-00559422 um i NvxtgfPPD2y-02439-00559423-00559679 council member kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-02440-00559680-00559822 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02441-00559823-00560166 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-02442-00560167-00560399 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-02443-00560400-00560487 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02444-00560488-00560695 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-02445-00560696-00560807 aye NvxtgfPPD2y-02446-00560808-00561055 okay this item passes unanimously NvxtgfPPD2y-02447-00561056-00561262 council member bertrand did you have NvxtgfPPD2y-02448-00561263-00561359 something NvxtgfPPD2y-02449-00561360-00561655 yeah um larry thank you for getting uh NvxtgfPPD2y-02450-00561656-00561999 staff um from the facility and you know NvxtgfPPD2y-02451-00562000-00562231 the company i appreciated their answers NvxtgfPPD2y-02452-00562232-00562422 and uh definitely helped me understand NvxtgfPPD2y-02453-00562423-00562807 things NvxtgfPPD2y-02454-00562808-00563014 well said councilmember bertrand we'll NvxtgfPPD2y-02455-00563015-00563295 now move on to item 8e this is a NvxtgfPPD2y-02456-00563296-00563614 recreation registration system update NvxtgfPPD2y-02457-00563615-00563879 welcome nikki NvxtgfPPD2y-02458-00563880-00564022 good evening mayor brooks council NvxtgfPPD2y-02459-00564023-00564143 members NvxtgfPPD2y-02460-00564144-00564327 um let me take a NvxtgfPPD2y-02461-00564328-00565319 and prepare my screen NvxtgfPPD2y-02462-00565320-00565575 [Music] NvxtgfPPD2y-02463-00565576-00565695 all right NvxtgfPPD2y-02464-00565696-00565895 so the item before you this evening is NvxtgfPPD2y-02465-00565896-00566166 the recreation registration management NvxtgfPPD2y-02466-00566167-00566366 system NvxtgfPPD2y-02467-00566367-00566951 um so in 2008 recreation contracted with NvxtgfPPD2y-02468-00566952-00567207 an active network also known as NvxtgfPPD2y-02469-00567208-00567439 activenet which is our current NvxtgfPPD2y-02470-00567440-00567727 uh registration system where anybody who NvxtgfPPD2y-02471-00567728-00567918 would attend a recreation program they NvxtgfPPD2y-02472-00567919-00568270 would go online and register for that NvxtgfPPD2y-02473-00568271-00568591 class or junior guard program NvxtgfPPD2y-02474-00568592-00568855 they could also come in to the community NvxtgfPPD2y-02475-00568856-00569062 center speak with one of our front desk NvxtgfPPD2y-02476-00569063-00569359 staff and would also access active net NvxtgfPPD2y-02477-00569360-00569551 and register NvxtgfPPD2y-02478-00569552-00569799 through the same active net process NvxtgfPPD2y-02479-00569800-00570103 so it is even though it's either online NvxtgfPPD2y-02480-00570104-00570287 or through our front desk staff it is a NvxtgfPPD2y-02481-00570288-00570535 web-based registration system NvxtgfPPD2y-02482-00570536-00570799 um and the implementation of this NvxtgfPPD2y-02483-00570800-00571014 web-based systems has significantly NvxtgfPPD2y-02484-00571015-00571247 improved the registration service that NvxtgfPPD2y-02485-00571248-00571479 we have been able to provide NvxtgfPPD2y-02486-00571480-00571695 many of you may remember the long line NvxtgfPPD2y-02487-00571696-00571879 junior guard NvxtgfPPD2y-02488-00571880-00572079 registrations that apparently wrapped NvxtgfPPD2y-02489-00572080-00572270 the building NvxtgfPPD2y-02490-00572271-00572662 so in 2008 when the city originally NvxtgfPPD2y-02491-00572663-00572903 contracted with active net it purchased NvxtgfPPD2y-02492-00572904-00573095 an activities module NvxtgfPPD2y-02493-00573096-00573383 um and paid a one-time fee for that NvxtgfPPD2y-02494-00573384-00573710 module and then the ongoing service has NvxtgfPPD2y-02495-00573711-00573935 been um NvxtgfPPD2y-02496-00573936-00574175 paying a transaction and credit card NvxtgfPPD2y-02497-00574176-00574479 fees which are deducted from any income NvxtgfPPD2y-02498-00574480-00574703 that active net collects from our NvxtgfPPD2y-02499-00574704-00574951 residents registering so they pay our NvxtgfPPD2y-02500-00574952-00575095 fees NvxtgfPPD2y-02501-00575096-00575414 by registering for something and then NvxtgfPPD2y-02502-00575415-00575735 active net deducts a set of fees NvxtgfPPD2y-02503-00575736-00575991 percentages of that transaction NvxtgfPPD2y-02504-00575992-00576279 including a credit card um transaction NvxtgfPPD2y-02505-00576280-00576375 fee NvxtgfPPD2y-02506-00576376-00576687 then once that's deducted the a check is NvxtgfPPD2y-02507-00576688-00576910 mailed to the city NvxtgfPPD2y-02508-00576911-00577070 um now NvxtgfPPD2y-02509-00577071-00577175 in NvxtgfPPD2y-02510-00577176-00577487 the fiscal year 1819 which was the last NvxtgfPPD2y-02511-00577488-00577655 year that was uninterrupted by the NvxtgfPPD2y-02512-00577656-00577822 pandemic NvxtgfPPD2y-02513-00577823-00578079 the city paid active net NvxtgfPPD2y-02514-00578080-00578255 thirty nine thousand three hundred and NvxtgfPPD2y-02515-00578256-00578470 eight dollars in NvxtgfPPD2y-02516-00578471-00578831 those registration transaction fees NvxtgfPPD2y-02517-00578832-00579175 in the two years since then NvxtgfPPD2y-02518-00579176-00579687 each year has been about 25 000 in fees NvxtgfPPD2y-02519-00579688-00579775 but NvxtgfPPD2y-02520-00579776-00579975 we have not been operating NvxtgfPPD2y-02521-00579976-00580262 as normal due to the pandemic and so NvxtgfPPD2y-02522-00580263-00580470 staff estimates that NvxtgfPPD2y-02523-00580471-00580751 if we when we return to a post-pandemic NvxtgfPPD2y-02524-00580752-00580879 operation NvxtgfPPD2y-02525-00580880-00581143 that continuing with active net would NvxtgfPPD2y-02526-00581144-00581407 continue to cost about forty thousand NvxtgfPPD2y-02527-00581408-00581703 dollars a week NvxtgfPPD2y-02528-00581704-00581775 now NvxtgfPPD2y-02529-00581776-00582039 activenet over the past few years has NvxtgfPPD2y-02530-00582040-00582318 become a bit of a poor fit for the NvxtgfPPD2y-02531-00582319-00582503 recreation division as we have been NvxtgfPPD2y-02532-00582504-00582670 implementing new growth goals NvxtgfPPD2y-02533-00582671-00582935 particularly in relationship to NvxtgfPPD2y-02534-00582936-00583207 the strategic plan and NvxtgfPPD2y-02535-00583208-00583295 new NvxtgfPPD2y-02536-00583296-00583455 activities that we have been providing NvxtgfPPD2y-02537-00583456-00583751 such as our after school program NvxtgfPPD2y-02538-00583752-00584062 and so staff is seeking a system NvxtgfPPD2y-02539-00584063-00584318 that would provide NvxtgfPPD2y-02540-00584319-00584551 some mobile compatibility which is a NvxtgfPPD2y-02541-00584552-00584743 common request from residents as our NvxtgfPPD2y-02542-00584744-00584935 current system does not have great NvxtgfPPD2y-02543-00584936-00585110 mobile compatibility NvxtgfPPD2y-02544-00585111-00585231 and NvxtgfPPD2y-02545-00585232-00585447 better support NvxtgfPPD2y-02546-00585448-00585679 services such as when NvxtgfPPD2y-02547-00585680-00585855 front desk staff that are working with NvxtgfPPD2y-02548-00585856-00586047 our active net system NvxtgfPPD2y-02549-00586048-00586327 when problems occur within the system we NvxtgfPPD2y-02550-00586328-00586559 reach out to those support services NvxtgfPPD2y-02551-00586560-00586847 and they help us problem solve so we NvxtgfPPD2y-02552-00586848-00586983 would be looking for better support NvxtgfPPD2y-02553-00586984-00587262 services for many systems NvxtgfPPD2y-02554-00587263-00587439 in the future NvxtgfPPD2y-02555-00587440-00587559 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02556-00587560-00587887 in order to begin this process NvxtgfPPD2y-02557-00587888-00587975 staff NvxtgfPPD2y-02558-00587976-00588135 reached out to NvxtgfPPD2y-02559-00588136-00588431 a lot of local agencies to identify NvxtgfPPD2y-02560-00588432-00588718 some products that are currently in use NvxtgfPPD2y-02561-00588719-00589062 and that have a good ratings and NvxtgfPPD2y-02562-00589063-00589343 ultimately decided to review five of NvxtgfPPD2y-02563-00589344-00589710 those recommended registration system NvxtgfPPD2y-02564-00589711-00590110 and after reviewing five um NvxtgfPPD2y-02565-00590111-00590287 acquired NvxtgfPPD2y-02566-00590288-00590566 quotes from three of those one of which NvxtgfPPD2y-02567-00590567-00590751 was activenet NvxtgfPPD2y-02568-00590752-00590903 our current one NvxtgfPPD2y-02569-00590904-00591262 and what one of the options would be to NvxtgfPPD2y-02570-00591263-00591535 add additional modules NvxtgfPPD2y-02571-00591536-00591799 that would expand the services that we NvxtgfPPD2y-02572-00591800-00591966 are currently able to provide in order NvxtgfPPD2y-02573-00591967-00592295 to help some of the problem solving NvxtgfPPD2y-02574-00592296-00592527 ultimately from those three quotes NvxtgfPPD2y-02575-00592528-00592887 we selected the top two NvxtgfPPD2y-02576-00592888-00593214 um that would be NvxtgfPPD2y-02577-00593215-00593551 the best in the long term and arranged NvxtgfPPD2y-02578-00593552-00593822 for a demonstration with the whole NvxtgfPPD2y-02579-00593823-00594118 recreation staff NvxtgfPPD2y-02580-00594119-00594303 to will to NvxtgfPPD2y-02581-00594304-00594518 so that it would be a good perspective NvxtgfPPD2y-02582-00594519-00594879 of that system and then we additionally NvxtgfPPD2y-02583-00594880-00595087 reached out to NvxtgfPPD2y-02584-00595088-00595343 other cities that are currently using NvxtgfPPD2y-02585-00595344-00595631 those top two products in order to NvxtgfPPD2y-02586-00595632-00595918 identify user feedback NvxtgfPPD2y-02587-00595919-00596087 and go a little bit beyond the sales NvxtgfPPD2y-02588-00596088-00596191 pitch NvxtgfPPD2y-02589-00596192-00596431 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02590-00596432-00596766 after all that process um decided that NvxtgfPPD2y-02591-00596767-00597110 civic plus specifically the civic wreck NvxtgfPPD2y-02592-00597111-00597262 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02593-00597263-00597495 resort the products that they have which NvxtgfPPD2y-02594-00597496-00597751 focuses on parks and recreation NvxtgfPPD2y-02595-00597752-00598079 registration management systems NvxtgfPPD2y-02596-00598080-00598270 is the best choice NvxtgfPPD2y-02597-00598271-00598422 and for NvxtgfPPD2y-02598-00598423-00598566 our division NvxtgfPPD2y-02599-00598567-00598727 and NvxtgfPPD2y-02600-00598728-00598966 civic plus is also NvxtgfPPD2y-02601-00598967-00599214 the company that has recently purchased NvxtgfPPD2y-02602-00599215-00599535 muticode which is the city's NvxtgfPPD2y-02603-00599536-00599991 current website device NvxtgfPPD2y-02604-00599992-00600222 so NvxtgfPPD2y-02605-00600223-00600495 currently because of the way the active NvxtgfPPD2y-02606-00600496-00600814 net would deduct the transaction fees NvxtgfPPD2y-02607-00600815-00601087 from any payment that it collected as it NvxtgfPPD2y-02608-00601088-00601351 currently serves as our merchant account NvxtgfPPD2y-02609-00601352-00601607 as well as our registration system NvxtgfPPD2y-02610-00601608-00601727 the NvxtgfPPD2y-02611-00601728-00602007 an active net payment to active net is NvxtgfPPD2y-02612-00602008-00602262 not an expense line in the recreation NvxtgfPPD2y-02613-00602263-00602383 budget NvxtgfPPD2y-02614-00602384-00602503 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02615-00602504-00602887 the civic plus quoted us at NvxtgfPPD2y-02616-00602888-00603070 for a first year cost NvxtgfPPD2y-02617-00603071-00603318 of twenty four thousand dollars nine NvxtgfPPD2y-02618-00603319-00603527 hundred and sixty three NvxtgfPPD2y-02619-00603528-00603799 fifty 50 of this is due at signing NvxtgfPPD2y-02620-00603800-00603959 the first year cost is a little more NvxtgfPPD2y-02621-00603960-00604207 because it will involve training for our NvxtgfPPD2y-02622-00604208-00604439 staff as well as the overall setup of NvxtgfPPD2y-02623-00604440-00604670 our registration system NvxtgfPPD2y-02624-00604671-00604918 and then each year after that is quoted NvxtgfPPD2y-02625-00604919-00605151 at fourteen thousand five hundred and NvxtgfPPD2y-02626-00605152-00605375 twenty seven dollars NvxtgfPPD2y-02627-00605376-00605543 um now NvxtgfPPD2y-02628-00605544-00605839 as i said a minute ago active net not NvxtgfPPD2y-02629-00605840-00605991 only is the registration management NvxtgfPPD2y-02630-00605992-00606175 system but it serves as our merchant NvxtgfPPD2y-02631-00606176-00606407 account or gateway NvxtgfPPD2y-02632-00606408-00606679 civic plus partners with various NvxtgfPPD2y-02633-00606680-00606951 gateways and i'll be working with our NvxtgfPPD2y-02634-00606952-00607118 finance director NvxtgfPPD2y-02635-00607119-00607262 in order to choose an appropriate NvxtgfPPD2y-02636-00607263-00607399 gateway NvxtgfPPD2y-02637-00607400-00607687 that gateway or merchant account NvxtgfPPD2y-02638-00607688-00607991 does additional payment transactions for NvxtgfPPD2y-02639-00607992-00608279 any uh for the payment process so if NvxtgfPPD2y-02640-00608280-00608447 it's a debit card it's a certain NvxtgfPPD2y-02641-00608448-00608687 percentage usually pretty low like point NvxtgfPPD2y-02642-00608688-00608959 five percent if it's an american express NvxtgfPPD2y-02643-00608960-00609055 card NvxtgfPPD2y-02644-00609056-00609407 um that credit card fee can be around NvxtgfPPD2y-02645-00609408-00609599 2.5 NvxtgfPPD2y-02646-00609600-00609879 currently any credit card processing fee NvxtgfPPD2y-02647-00609880-00610062 for active net we're paying three NvxtgfPPD2y-02648-00610063-00610159 percent NvxtgfPPD2y-02649-00610160-00610503 so um whatever merchant account we go NvxtgfPPD2y-02650-00610504-00610743 with staff anticipates that it is NvxtgfPPD2y-02651-00610744-00611022 expected to be less than three percent NvxtgfPPD2y-02652-00611023-00611335 um for those payment transactions NvxtgfPPD2y-02653-00611336-00611551 and um NvxtgfPPD2y-02654-00611552-00611751 as we move forward staff will NvxtgfPPD2y-02655-00611752-00611966 incorporate any budget changes at the NvxtgfPPD2y-02656-00611967-00612310 mid-year budget review NvxtgfPPD2y-02657-00612311-00612518 so the recommended action for this NvxtgfPPD2y-02658-00612519-00612766 evening is to authorize the city manager NvxtgfPPD2y-02659-00612767-00612991 to enter into an ongoing contract with NvxtgfPPD2y-02660-00612992-00613207 civic plus to provide the city NvxtgfPPD2y-02661-00613208-00613383 recreation division with a new NvxtgfPPD2y-02662-00613384-00613622 registration management system and i am NvxtgfPPD2y-02663-00613623-00614079 available for questions at this time NvxtgfPPD2y-02664-00614080-00614622 any questions from council NvxtgfPPD2y-02665-00614623-00614862 okay see nan we'll open this to public NvxtgfPPD2y-02666-00614863-00615039 comment if you'd like to make a comment NvxtgfPPD2y-02667-00615040-00615255 oh sorry council member for trendy had a NvxtgfPPD2y-02668-00615256-00615366 question NvxtgfPPD2y-02669-00615367-00615566 yes i do um NvxtgfPPD2y-02670-00615567-00615783 nikki it seems from your presentation NvxtgfPPD2y-02671-00615784-00615855 that NvxtgfPPD2y-02672-00615856-00616183 we're going to benefit in a couple of NvxtgfPPD2y-02673-00616184-00616447 decrease upfront costs and also NvxtgfPPD2y-02674-00616448-00616735 potential increases and efficiencies as NvxtgfPPD2y-02675-00616736-00616879 you talked about gateways for the NvxtgfPPD2y-02676-00616880-00617062 finance department i was wondering if NvxtgfPPD2y-02677-00617063-00617447 you could um comment more about that NvxtgfPPD2y-02678-00617448-00617710 well yeah so what's um what's really NvxtgfPPD2y-02679-00617711-00617831 exciting about NvxtgfPPD2y-02680-00617832-00617999 the opportunities the civic class will NvxtgfPPD2y-02681-00618000-00618239 be able or to provide us is that it is NvxtgfPPD2y-02682-00618240-00618431 that all NvxtgfPPD2y-02683-00618432-00618614 every everything that they have to offer NvxtgfPPD2y-02684-00618615-00618783 offer is in one package whereas NvxtgfPPD2y-02685-00618784-00618991 activenet we would buy module by module NvxtgfPPD2y-02686-00618992-00619222 so for example we decided that NvxtgfPPD2y-02687-00619223-00619527 suddenly we wanted to do points of sale NvxtgfPPD2y-02688-00619528-00619799 opportunities that if we were to do that NvxtgfPPD2y-02689-00619800-00619951 with our current registration system we NvxtgfPPD2y-02690-00619952-00620118 would have to purchase a module in order NvxtgfPPD2y-02691-00620119-00620270 to be able to do that and then all the NvxtgfPPD2y-02692-00620271-00620447 transactions fees would apply on top of NvxtgfPPD2y-02693-00620448-00620647 that with civic plus NvxtgfPPD2y-02694-00620648-00620783 um NvxtgfPPD2y-02695-00620784-00620991 point of sale is part of it so if first NvxtgfPPD2y-02696-00620992-00621287 at some point down the road we decide NvxtgfPPD2y-02697-00621288-00621422 i think we're going to start doing point NvxtgfPPD2y-02698-00621423-00621535 of sale NvxtgfPPD2y-02699-00621536-00621839 it's already part of that process um so NvxtgfPPD2y-02700-00621840-00622143 that's exciting for the recreation side NvxtgfPPD2y-02701-00622144-00622383 and then yes for my i still have a lot NvxtgfPPD2y-02702-00622384-00622575 to learn about gateways exactly but from NvxtgfPPD2y-02703-00622576-00622759 my understanding is that NvxtgfPPD2y-02704-00622760-00623055 there will be um some efficiencies in NvxtgfPPD2y-02705-00623056-00623310 the finance department as for NvxtgfPPD2y-02706-00623311-00623399 having NvxtgfPPD2y-02707-00623400-00623662 having a gateway relationship NvxtgfPPD2y-02708-00623663-00623927 okay is there a bundled fee it's sort of NvxtgfPPD2y-02709-00623928-00624095 like getting insurance for your car in NvxtgfPPD2y-02710-00624096-00624247 your house or something NvxtgfPPD2y-02711-00624248-00624535 because we're going to be NvxtgfPPD2y-02712-00624536-00624918 using two different products i guess NvxtgfPPD2y-02713-00624919-00625199 for what you mean between the gateway NvxtgfPPD2y-02714-00625200-00625279 and NvxtgfPPD2y-02715-00625280-00625510 the registration system NvxtgfPPD2y-02716-00625511-00625751 and it's doing our uh website i think NvxtgfPPD2y-02717-00625752-00625918 right you mentioned because it just NvxtgfPPD2y-02718-00625919-00626151 purchased oh um NvxtgfPPD2y-02719-00626152-00626407 you know i do i don't know but that's NvxtgfPPD2y-02720-00626408-00626566 something that we can definitely look NvxtgfPPD2y-02721-00626567-00626814 into particularly if we end up NvxtgfPPD2y-02722-00626815-00627055 using any other community code products NvxtgfPPD2y-02723-00627056-00627279 yeah it seems like that's a possibility NvxtgfPPD2y-02724-00627280-00627462 uh this sounds very exciting thanks very NvxtgfPPD2y-02725-00627463-00627799 much NvxtgfPPD2y-02726-00627800-00628183 any other questions from council NvxtgfPPD2y-02727-00628184-00628335 okay so we'll move this to public NvxtgfPPD2y-02728-00628336-00628535 comments um if you'd like to make a NvxtgfPPD2y-02729-00628536-00628855 comment send an email now to public NvxtgfPPD2y-02730-00628856-00628999 comments at NvxtgfPPD2y-02731-00629000-00629318 ci.capitola.ca.us NvxtgfPPD2y-02732-00629319-00629503 or to speak please raise your hand now NvxtgfPPD2y-02733-00629504-00629735 by clicking on reactions then clicking NvxtgfPPD2y-02734-00629736-00629966 raise hand in your zoom application or NvxtgfPPD2y-02735-00629967-00630231 by dialing star 9 or star 6 depending on NvxtgfPPD2y-02736-00630232-00630462 if you have a landline or mobile phone NvxtgfPPD2y-02737-00630463-00630614 or moderator will unmute you and you'll NvxtgfPPD2y-02738-00630615-00631143 have up to three minutes to speak NvxtgfPPD2y-02739-00631144-00631414 mayor brooks i do not see any attendees NvxtgfPPD2y-02740-00631415-00631670 with their hands raised for this item NvxtgfPPD2y-02741-00631671-00631759 and NvxtgfPPD2y-02742-00631760-00632151 i do not have any emails on the side NvxtgfPPD2y-02743-00632152-00632318 okay we'll bring this back to council NvxtgfPPD2y-02744-00632319-00632679 for further comment and a vote NvxtgfPPD2y-02745-00632680-00633759 i would like to begin NvxtgfPPD2y-02746-00633760-00633966 to see this move forward so i'd like to NvxtgfPPD2y-02747-00633967-00634175 move the recommended action thank you NvxtgfPPD2y-02748-00634176-00634391 excellent we have a first i will second NvxtgfPPD2y-02749-00634392-00634583 that and i have a second from council NvxtgfPPD2y-02750-00634584-00634759 member kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-02751-00634760-00634959 any other comments NvxtgfPPD2y-02752-00634960-00635143 okay can i have a uh please have a roll NvxtgfPPD2y-02753-00635144-00635279 call to NvxtgfPPD2y-02754-00635280-00635543 approve the staff recommended action to NvxtgfPPD2y-02755-00635544-00635727 authorize the city manager to enter into NvxtgfPPD2y-02756-00635728-00635927 an ongoing contract with civic plus to NvxtgfPPD2y-02757-00635928-00636110 provide the city recreation division NvxtgfPPD2y-02758-00636111-00636270 with the new registration management NvxtgfPPD2y-02759-00636271-00636510 system NvxtgfPPD2y-02760-00636511-00636591 yes NvxtgfPPD2y-02761-00636592-00636855 councilmember vertrand NvxtgfPPD2y-02762-00636856-00637151 hi green NvxtgfPPD2y-02763-00637152-00637407 council member kaiser NvxtgfPPD2y-02764-00637408-00637503 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02765-00637504-00637743 councilmember peterson NvxtgfPPD2y-02766-00637744-00637855 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02767-00637856-00638239 vice mayor story NvxtgfPPD2y-02768-00638240-00638391 i'm NvxtgfPPD2y-02769-00638392-00638622 mayor brooks NvxtgfPPD2y-02770-00638623-00638727 hi NvxtgfPPD2y-02771-00638728-00638999 this item passes unanimously NvxtgfPPD2y-02772-00639000-00639359 we'll now move on to item nine which are NvxtgfPPD2y-02773-00639360-00639583 15 more items to go council are you NvxtgfPPD2y-02774-00639584-00639807 ready do you have it in you no not NvxtgfPPD2y-02775-00639808-00639918 tonight NvxtgfPPD2y-02776-00639919-00640183 okay well item nine is adjournment thank NvxtgfPPD2y-02777-00640184-00640343 you so much everyone for being here NvxtgfPPD2y-02778-00640344-00640591 congratulations again to our future NvxtgfPPD2y-02779-00640592-00640903 chief andy dally and thank you um staff NvxtgfPPD2y-02780-00640904-00641095 thank you samantha thank you to our city NvxtgfPPD2y-02781-00641096-00641327 manager um this was a big one tonight NvxtgfPPD2y-02782-00641328-00641487 there was a lot of really great things NvxtgfPPD2y-02783-00641488-00641679 done for the city of capitola it's this NvxtgfPPD2y-02784-00641680-00641943 evening so thanks to all the department NvxtgfPPD2y-02785-00641944-00642135 heads have a great evening we'll see you NvxtgfPPD2y-02786-00642136-00642588 next time thank you good night NvHpFXJbLCQ-00000-00000017-00000152 hahaha NvHpFXJbLCQ-00001-00000153-00001256 [Music] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00002-00001257-00002016 [Applause] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00003-00002017-00004117 [Music] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00004-00004118-00004541 say it it's NvHpFXJbLCQ-00005-00004542-00005069 foreign NvHpFXJbLCQ-00007-00009979-00010492 it's it's hard to go NvHpFXJbLCQ-00008-00010493-00010674 [Music] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00009-00010675-00010943 away again NvHpFXJbLCQ-00010-00010944-00011766 [Music] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00011-00011767-00011929 [Applause] NvHpFXJbLCQ-00012-00011930-00012364 [Music] NvO33nbtS78-00000-00000000-00000254 roof hey there a couple of weeks ago I NvO33nbtS78-00001-00000254-00000596 made a video like this actually and I NvO33nbtS78-00002-00000597-00000724 put them a second channel because it was NvO33nbtS78-00003-00000725-00000952 super insignificant and really you NvO33nbtS78-00004-00000953-00001190 should have to bother and then someone NvO33nbtS78-00005-00001191-00001562 spent from cup of tea set on that in the NvO33nbtS78-00006-00001563-00001688 comments on that video you would like NvO33nbtS78-00007-00001689-00001892 hey you should do this more often and NvO33nbtS78-00008-00001893-00002120 call it Table Talk I will Spanish a NvO33nbtS78-00009-00002121-00002443 genius so welcome to Table Talk NvO33nbtS78-00010-00002444-00002659 temporary intro until we can get a bad NvO33nbtS78-00011-00002660-00003058 one yeah everything on this channel is NvO33nbtS78-00012-00003059-00003374 about quality yeah so Table Talk what is NvO33nbtS78-00013-00003375-00003602 it and why do I want it well first time NvO33nbtS78-00014-00003603-00003770 i'll talk about why I want it and I'm NvO33nbtS78-00015-00003771-00004013 going to explain to you what it is so NvO33nbtS78-00016-00004014-00004331 basically I like to put a lot of time NvO33nbtS78-00017-00004332-00004592 and a lot of effort into my videos maybe NvO33nbtS78-00018-00004593-00004988 even too much but sometimes I kind of NvO33nbtS78-00019-00004989-00005129 just have an idea i'm like i just want NvO33nbtS78-00020-00005130-00005240 to make video and i'm gonna throw the NvO33nbtS78-00021-00005241-00005443 line and those two things are very NvO33nbtS78-00022-00005444-00005834 conflicting so Table Talk is the answer NvO33nbtS78-00023-00005835-00006061 to that conflict basically what I'm NvO33nbtS78-00024-00006062-00006236 gonna do from now on if I have like just NvO33nbtS78-00025-00006237-00006506 one simple ID you might hit like I want NvO33nbtS78-00026-00006506-00006664 to do that I'm just gonna get out my NvO33nbtS78-00027-00006665-00006830 camera I'm gonna put it on a table like NvO33nbtS78-00028-00006831-00006980 this and I'm going to talk to you and NvO33nbtS78-00029-00006981-00007135 tell you about my ID or whatever is in NvO33nbtS78-00030-00007136-00007423 my head the ideas that I won't be really NvO33nbtS78-00031-00007425-00007606 cutting anything I won't be grading it i NvO33nbtS78-00032-00007608-00007769 want the blah blah whatever i'm not NvO33nbtS78-00033-00007770-00007895 going to put a lot of effort into it NvO33nbtS78-00034-00007895-00008078 sorry i'm just going to talk to you and NvO33nbtS78-00035-00008079-00008444 the idea is that afterwards i can just NvO33nbtS78-00036-00008445-00008635 upload it may be a little bit of editing NvO33nbtS78-00037-00008636-00008881 with like the intro and everything but NvO33nbtS78-00038-00008882-00009269 yeah that I so I can make videos in like NvO33nbtS78-00039-00009270-00009563 one hour or something like I can be like NvO33nbtS78-00040-00009564-00009703 okay I want just won't give you NvO33nbtS78-00041-00009704-00009896 something and this is good because one NvO33nbtS78-00042-00009897-00010139 you get to enjoy a lot more content I NvO33nbtS78-00043-00010140-00010430 hope probably that that should be a NvO33nbtS78-00044-00010431-00010844 thing and I can get constant out there NvO33nbtS78-00045-00010845-00011048 that I just want to make without having NvO33nbtS78-00046-00011049-00011234 to think about it like if I make myself NvO33nbtS78-00047-00011235-00011408 the rule you can do this you don't have NvO33nbtS78-00048-00011409-00011599 to put effort into it it's probably NvO33nbtS78-00049-00011600-00011777 going to work out and then from time to NvO33nbtS78-00050-00011778-00011948 time I can still put a lot of effort NvO33nbtS78-00051-00011949-00012095 into stuff and then I'm going to be like NvO33nbtS78-00052-00012096-00012305 okay I'm really proud of this stuff and NvO33nbtS78-00053-00012306-00012545 this is just like screamed consciousness NvO33nbtS78-00054-00012546-00012926 and everything alright that's it I guess NvO33nbtS78-00055-00012927-00013238 yeah thank you and have a great day for NvO33nbtS78-00056-00013238-00013526 the rest of it by NwL4ugJva9c-00001-00005684-00006178 do NwL4ugJva9c-00002-00006179-00007083 [Music] NwL4ugJva9c-00003-00007084-00007190 do NwL4ugJva9c-00004-00007191-00008044 [Music] NwL4ugJva9c-00005-00008045-00008483 [Music] NwL4ugJva9c-00006-00008484-00008638 foreign NwL4ugJva9c-00007-00008639-00008966 [Laughter] NwL4ugJva9c-00008-00008967-00009505 [Music] NwL4ugJva9c-00009-00009506-00009865 [Laughter] NwL4ugJva9c-00010-00009866-00011787 [Music] NwL4ugJva9c-00011-00011788-00012088 bye Nz7q3aczCWo-00000-00000090-00002646 [Music] Nz7q3aczCWo-00002-00006948-00007294 [Applause] Nz7q3aczCWo-00003-00007295-00008187 [Music] Nz7q3aczCWo-00004-00008188-00008366 [Applause] Nz7q3aczCWo-00005-00008367-00008684 you Nz7q3aczCWo-00006-00008685-00008903 thank you for listening you can download Nz7q3aczCWo-00007-00008904-00009200 all of our royalty free music at wwm Nz7q3aczCWo-00008-00009201-00009542 usek factory TM absolutely free if you Nz7q3aczCWo-00009-00009543-00009716 enjoyed this content and are willing and Nz7q3aczCWo-00010-00009717-00009926 able to provide a donation please click Nz7q3aczCWo-00011-00009927-00010184 the patreon link on the screen also you Nz7q3aczCWo-00012-00010185-00010328 can click the video link on the screen Nz7q3aczCWo-00013-00010329-00010532 to see our latest video and you can Nz7q3aczCWo-00014-00010533-00010724 click the logo to visit our youtube Nz7q3aczCWo-00015-00010725-00010892 channel and subscribe thanks for Nz7q3aczCWo-00016-00010893-00011105 watching N-AhpI8Mxs4-00000-00001308-00001601 hello my name is Rachel Donaldson and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00001-00001602-00001763 I'm the curator of Collections and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00002-00001764-00001960 exhibitions at the Baltimore Museum of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00003-00001961-00002075 Industry N-AhpI8Mxs4-00004-00002076-00002279 show you're about to see is an episode N-AhpI8Mxs4-00005-00002280-00002500 from the program the port that built a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00006-00002501-00002813 city hosted by Helen delic Bentley N-AhpI8Mxs4-00007-00002814-00003142 in 1945 Bentley relocated from Nevada to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00008-00003143-00003377 Baltimore a move inspired by her N-AhpI8Mxs4-00009-00003378-00003629 immigrant mother's Journey aboard a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00010-00003629-00003875 German steamship to America N-AhpI8Mxs4-00011-00003876-00004072 after becoming a reporter for the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00012-00004073-00004265 Baltimore Sun Bentley made a name for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00013-00004266-00004475 herself reporting on the city's Maritime N-AhpI8Mxs4-00014-00004476-00004577 Industries N-AhpI8Mxs4-00015-00004578-00004756 her syndicated column around the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00016-00004757-00004961 Waterfront Drew on a wide range of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00017-00004962-00005177 sources she was as comfortable around N-AhpI8Mxs4-00018-00005178-00005422 longshoremen and Union officials as she N-AhpI8Mxs4-00019-00005423-00005609 was with shipping Executives and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00020-00005610-00005741 politicians N-AhpI8Mxs4-00021-00005742-00005956 name the sun's first female Maritime N-AhpI8Mxs4-00022-00005957-00006233 editor in 1949 Bentley's growing N-AhpI8Mxs4-00023-00006234-00006509 expertise led her to become the host and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00024-00006509-00006701 producer of the port that built a city N-AhpI8Mxs4-00025-00006702-00007078 in 1950. the civic pride that informed N-AhpI8Mxs4-00026-00007079-00007223 Bentley's Waterfront reporting N-AhpI8Mxs4-00027-00007223-00007378 eventually led her into public service N-AhpI8Mxs4-00028-00007379-00007709 in 1969 President Nixon appointed her N-AhpI8Mxs4-00029-00007709-00007991 chair of the federal Maritime Commission N-AhpI8Mxs4-00030-00007992-00008170 during her six years leading the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00031-00008172-00008381 commission Bentley was a strong advocate N-AhpI8Mxs4-00032-00008382-00008609 for improvements to the nation's aging N-AhpI8Mxs4-00033-00008610-00008764 Merchant Fleet N-AhpI8Mxs4-00034-00008765-00009010 following stints as a magazine columnist N-AhpI8Mxs4-00035-00009011-00009269 and a shipping company executive Bentley N-AhpI8Mxs4-00036-00009270-00009449 turned her sights on Congress and was N-AhpI8Mxs4-00037-00009450-00009635 elected to represent Maryland's second N-AhpI8Mxs4-00038-00009636-00009874 district in 1984. N-AhpI8Mxs4-00039-00009875-00010139 during her five terms the Republican N-AhpI8Mxs4-00040-00010140-00010433 congresswoman worked tirelessly on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00041-00010434-00010642 shipping and trade issues and secured N-AhpI8Mxs4-00042-00010643-00010846 millions of dollars to improve the Port N-AhpI8Mxs4-00043-00010847-00010985 of Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00044-00010986-00011201 Bentley also backed numerous buy N-AhpI8Mxs4-00045-00011202-00011428 American campaigns and could be often be N-AhpI8Mxs4-00046-00011429-00011627 found driving across her District in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00047-00011628-00011909 American-made station wagon bearing a by N-AhpI8Mxs4-00048-00011910-00012160 USA license plate N-AhpI8Mxs4-00049-00012161-00012323 although Bentley retired from public N-AhpI8Mxs4-00050-00012324-00012623 service in 1995 following a failed bid N-AhpI8Mxs4-00051-00012624-00012778 for Maryland governor N-AhpI8Mxs4-00052-00012779-00012983 she continued to Advocate on behalf of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00053-00012984-00013229 Baltimore's Maritime interests as a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00054-00013230-00013451 consultant and she became a board member N-AhpI8Mxs4-00055-00013452-00013733 of the Baltimore Museum of Industry N-AhpI8Mxs4-00056-00013734-00013955 we hope you enjoy this fascinating N-AhpI8Mxs4-00057-00013956-00014213 historical look into shipbuilding at the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00058-00014213-00014488 Bethlehem shipyards formerly located on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00059-00014490-00015413 key highway in the city of Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00060-00015413-00015665 hello I am Maggie Marshall archives N-AhpI8Mxs4-00061-00015666-00015808 manager at the Baltimore Museum of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00062-00015809-00016097 Industry thanks to an imls Grant and the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00063-00016097-00016283 incredible team at Henninger Media we N-AhpI8Mxs4-00064-00016284-00016511 now hold a digitized collection of over N-AhpI8Mxs4-00065-00016512-00016769 600 reels of film from Helen dealer N-AhpI8Mxs4-00066-00016770-00016949 Bentley's Port that built the city and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00067-00016950-00017111 state television series N-AhpI8Mxs4-00068-00017112-00017321 in addition to the film her collection N-AhpI8Mxs4-00069-00017322-00017525 also contains documentation from her N-AhpI8Mxs4-00070-00017526-00017813 time with the show including Scripts N-AhpI8Mxs4-00071-00017814-00018058 show research and related notes and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00072-00018059-00018172 photographs N-AhpI8Mxs4-00073-00018173-00018479 film you are about to see is labeled m34 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00074-00018480-00018767 conversion of a ship at key highway N-AhpI8Mxs4-00075-00018768-00019049 filmed sometime after the summer of 1954 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00076-00019050-00019349 we see and hear several interviews with N-AhpI8Mxs4-00077-00019350-00019577 managers and supervisors about the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00078-00019578-00019799 conversion of a mariner type cargo ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00079-00019800-00020003 at the Bethlehem steel yards at key N-AhpI8Mxs4-00080-00020004-00020141 highway N-AhpI8Mxs4-00081-00020142-00020363 and provides an inside look at the ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00082-00020364-00020572 converted through the hard work of 500 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00083-00020573-00020764 best deal employees N-AhpI8Mxs4-00084-00020765-00021041 this film shows only a small portion of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00085-00021042-00021227 the work that goes into ship conversions N-AhpI8Mxs4-00086-00021228-00021383 and shipbuilding N-AhpI8Mxs4-00087-00021384-00021580 the film here is just one example of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00088-00021581-00021808 many within the collections of the BMI N-AhpI8Mxs4-00089-00021809-00022061 which contain visual references to work N-AhpI8Mxs4-00090-00022062-00022385 and Industry in Baltimore in addition we N-AhpI8Mxs4-00091-00022386-00022607 also have a ship profile plan of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00092-00022608-00022841 President Hayes ship featured in the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00093-00022842-00022936 film N-AhpI8Mxs4-00094-00022937-00023153 if you have any questions or comments N-AhpI8Mxs4-00095-00023154-00023422 please feel free to contact us thank you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00096-00023423-00023633 for tuning in and thank you for your N-AhpI8Mxs4-00097-00023634-00023783 support of the Baltimore Museum of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00098-00023784-00025033 Industry N-AhpI8Mxs4-00099-00025034-00025480 a port that built a city and state N-AhpI8Mxs4-00100-00025481-00026225 foreign N-AhpI8Mxs4-00101-00026226-00026452 the story of every great city are the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00102-00026454-00026662 factors that account for its growth its N-AhpI8Mxs4-00103-00026663-00026867 wealth and its business Baltimore's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00104-00026868-00027040 phenomenal right to the nation's sixth N-AhpI8Mxs4-00105-00027041-00027251 largest city is due to its Majestic N-AhpI8Mxs4-00106-00027252-00027424 sweeping Port that brings the four N-AhpI8Mxs4-00107-00027425-00027587 corners of the world across the oceans N-AhpI8Mxs4-00108-00027588-00027779 to every doorstep in Maryland N-AhpI8Mxs4-00109-00027780-00028018 today Helen dealership at weiner welcome N-AhpI8Mxs4-00110-00028019-00028193 you to another in the fifth annual N-AhpI8Mxs4-00111-00028194-00028468 television series on the port that built N-AhpI8Mxs4-00112-00028469-00028945 a city and state N-AhpI8Mxs4-00113-00028945-00029183 we're going to give you the details of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00114-00029183-00029314 those later N-AhpI8Mxs4-00115-00029316-00029620 and of course because the Mariner type N-AhpI8Mxs4-00116-00029622-00029873 ship is so new no changes were made N-AhpI8Mxs4-00117-00029874-00030167 particularly in the hall and the bow N-AhpI8Mxs4-00118-00030168-00030646 which remain the same N-AhpI8Mxs4-00119-00030647-00030887 the Mariner type ships were conceived in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00120-00030888-00031174 1950 by vice admiral Ned Cochran to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00121-00031175-00031337 provide the United States with the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00122-00031338-00031540 fastest and largest dry cargo ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00123-00031541-00031751 afloat the deadweight tonnage of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00124-00031752-00032152 Mariner is 13 400 tons its listed speed N-AhpI8Mxs4-00125-00032154-00032423 is 20 knots the Mariners have gone up to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00126-00032424-00032651 24 knots without any difficulty the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00127-00032652-00032968 overall length of the ship is 563 feet N-AhpI8Mxs4-00128-00032969-00033299 here to tell us why this Mariner was N-AhpI8Mxs4-00129-00033300-00033455 converted in the key highway yard of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00130-00033456-00033689 Bethlehem is Mr William Reynolds the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00131-00033690-00033874 manager of the key highway yard Mr N-AhpI8Mxs4-00132-00033875-00034139 Reynolds why is the Mariner here N-AhpI8Mxs4-00133-00034140-00034529 in July of 1954 we were the successful N-AhpI8Mxs4-00134-00034530-00034805 bidder on the design and bid N-AhpI8Mxs4-00135-00034806-00035002 specifications which were asked for us N-AhpI8Mxs4-00136-00035003-00035237 by the American president line and the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00137-00035238-00035387 maritime Commission N-AhpI8Mxs4-00138-00035388-00035687 after these were developed the maritime N-AhpI8Mxs4-00139-00035688-00035843 commission and the American Press line N-AhpI8Mxs4-00140-00035844-00036143 decided to put them the reconversion of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00141-00036144-00036389 these vessels out to bids on the west N-AhpI8Mxs4-00142-00036390-00036643 coast the gulf and the East Coast yards N-AhpI8Mxs4-00143-00036644-00036946 in reviewing this with Mr Willis N-AhpI8Mxs4-00144-00036947-00037235 Mr J.M Wallace the general manager of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00145-00037236-00037415 this District having a new construction N-AhpI8Mxs4-00146-00037416-00037577 yard at Sparrows Point in the repair N-AhpI8Mxs4-00147-00037578-00037889 yards here decided that due to the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00148-00037890-00038068 declining of the new construction work N-AhpI8Mxs4-00149-00038069-00038380 at Sparrows Point and with the chance of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00150-00038381-00038693 losing a large number of skilled N-AhpI8Mxs4-00151-00038694-00038927 mechanics that we would have to take N-AhpI8Mxs4-00152-00038928-00039268 this work with that he instructed me to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00153-00039269-00039533 bid somewhat below cost and we were the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00154-00039534-00039737 successful bidder N-AhpI8Mxs4-00155-00039738-00040018 the first vessel arrived here in May and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00156-00040019-00040246 was delivered last month this vessel N-AhpI8Mxs4-00157-00040247-00040462 will be ready for the loading burst on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00158-00040463-00040696 Wednesday of this week the third vessel N-AhpI8Mxs4-00159-00040697-00040985 will or the third vessel is the one that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00160-00040986-00041195 is arriving here tomorrow N-AhpI8Mxs4-00161-00041196-00041411 the fourth vessel will arrive here in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00162-00041412-00041849 March and with this work on hand we N-AhpI8Mxs4-00163-00041850-00042251 have and will be able to employ from six N-AhpI8Mxs4-00164-00042252-00042640 around 600 men for 18 months any of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00165-00042641-00042911 those skilled right of those men there N-AhpI8Mxs4-00166-00042912-00043174 is between 4 and 500 which are skilled N-AhpI8Mxs4-00167-00043175-00043402 people which Bethlehem and the harbor of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00168-00043403-00043559 Baltimore would have lost had we not N-AhpI8Mxs4-00169-00043560-00043840 taken this work at the present time N-AhpI8Mxs4-00170-00043841-00044087 new construction is again developing at N-AhpI8Mxs4-00171-00044088-00044387 spares point and these men as the case N-AhpI8Mxs4-00172-00044388-00044590 arises will be transferred to Sparrows N-AhpI8Mxs4-00173-00044591-00044723 Point and thus placed them in a position N-AhpI8Mxs4-00174-00044724-00044908 to make the deliveries of the new N-AhpI8Mxs4-00175-00044909-00045112 construction vessels it was a very wise N-AhpI8Mxs4-00176-00045113-00045311 move then in the beginning was yes it N-AhpI8Mxs4-00177-00045312-00045508 certainly was on the conversion end of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00178-00045509-00045743 this vessel uh what has uh your yard N-AhpI8Mxs4-00179-00045744-00045862 done N-AhpI8Mxs4-00180-00045863-00046157 the main parts of this conversion which N-AhpI8Mxs4-00181-00046158-00046330 add up to about two million dollars a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00182-00046331-00046445 ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00183-00046446-00046696 was the conversion of some of the holes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00184-00046697-00047117 to carry 2 000 tons of special oils they N-AhpI8Mxs4-00185-00047118-00047321 can carry 12 different types of oils N-AhpI8Mxs4-00186-00047322-00047674 some in the number uh one which has five N-AhpI8Mxs4-00187-00047675-00047890 separate circular tanks and number four N-AhpI8Mxs4-00188-00047891-00048323 in number uh six and a number seven N-AhpI8Mxs4-00189-00048324-00048562 you also have dry cargo facilities N-AhpI8Mxs4-00190-00048563-00048821 increased haven't you the dry cargos N-AhpI8Mxs4-00191-00048822-00049007 have not increased but they have been N-AhpI8Mxs4-00192-00049008-00049240 improved tremendously and also we have N-AhpI8Mxs4-00193-00049241-00049445 changed the refrigerated cargo space N-AhpI8Mxs4-00194-00049446-00049762 from thirty four thousand cubic feet to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00195-00049763-00050068 55 000 cubic feet I'd like to point out N-AhpI8Mxs4-00196-00050069-00050230 right now that they've done a tremendous N-AhpI8Mxs4-00197-00050231-00050357 job here N-AhpI8Mxs4-00198-00050358-00050662 in the installation of new cargo N-AhpI8Mxs4-00199-00050663-00050861 handling equipment to more efficiently N-AhpI8Mxs4-00200-00050862-00052319 handle the cargo N-AhpI8Mxs4-00201-00052320-00052535 and to tell us about those changes in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00202-00052536-00052673 the cargo handling equipment we have N-AhpI8Mxs4-00203-00052674-00052876 Ralph's Leaf who's a technical N-AhpI8Mxs4-00204-00052877-00053075 superintendent here at key highway and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00205-00053076-00053279 Bill Phillips the superintendent of this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00206-00053279-00053513 particular ship Ralph what are the main N-AhpI8Mxs4-00207-00053514-00053771 changes in the cargo handling equipment N-AhpI8Mxs4-00208-00053772-00053987 primary of the cargo handling equipment N-AhpI8Mxs4-00209-00053988-00054161 has been changed what we call the Eagle N-AhpI8Mxs4-00210-00054162-00054473 Gear that was originated by Frank evil N-AhpI8Mxs4-00211-00054474-00054707 in the maritime Administration it's been N-AhpI8Mxs4-00212-00054708-00054961 tried on one ship before the principal N-AhpI8Mxs4-00213-00054962-00055271 value of this gear is that one man one N-AhpI8Mxs4-00214-00055272-00055582 man operating man can raise a boom from N-AhpI8Mxs4-00215-00055583-00055811 their stowed position and place them in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00216-00055812-00056044 position to handle cargo and then from N-AhpI8Mxs4-00217-00056045-00056237 that same position this one man can N-AhpI8Mxs4-00218-00056238-00056525 unload the ship at each hatch uh you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00219-00056526-00056692 mean by just start pressing a button N-AhpI8Mxs4-00220-00056694-00056897 more or less he can handle those lunches N-AhpI8Mxs4-00221-00056898-00057166 that are alongside the booms that's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00222-00057167-00057400 right as well what's the point of having N-AhpI8Mxs4-00223-00057401-00057659 the boom I mean the winches alongside N-AhpI8Mxs4-00224-00057660-00057863 the booms up there well those winches N-AhpI8Mxs4-00225-00057864-00058054 are what we call topping ripped full of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00226-00058055-00058307 winches and bang winches those two N-AhpI8Mxs4-00227-00058308-00058463 winches handled N-AhpI8Mxs4-00228-00058464-00058661 the top end of the boom so they're able N-AhpI8Mxs4-00229-00058662-00058876 to position it and handle the cargo at N-AhpI8Mxs4-00230-00058877-00059141 the same time N-AhpI8Mxs4-00231-00059141-00059266 um is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00232-00059267-00059632 it or are they N-AhpI8Mxs4-00233-00059633-00059794 are they on well of course the first N-AhpI8Mxs4-00234-00059795-00059957 ship we finished the president Jackson N-AhpI8Mxs4-00235-00059958-00060161 is now operating but there was one ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00236-00060162-00060400 prior to that on which this type gear N-AhpI8Mxs4-00237-00060401-00060791 was used just in an experimental way but N-AhpI8Mxs4-00238-00060791-00060971 these four ships which we're doing are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00239-00060972-00061192 really the first uh ships that are going N-AhpI8Mxs4-00240-00061194-00061409 to use them here as a full-time N-AhpI8Mxs4-00241-00061410-00061594 operation and of course all that makes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00242-00061595-00061799 for faster handling the cargo that's the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00243-00061800-00062026 main reason for it uh Bill what are the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00244-00062027-00062350 changes in the whole uh that you've made N-AhpI8Mxs4-00245-00062351-00062549 on this president N-AhpI8Mxs4-00246-00062550-00062813 well we've changed the lower part of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00247-00062814-00063132 Number Four Hole to carry liquid cargos N-AhpI8Mxs4-00248-00063133-00063391 where we're located N-AhpI8Mxs4-00249-00063391-00063832 uh such as latex palm oil and vegetable N-AhpI8Mxs4-00250-00063833-00064204 oils N-AhpI8Mxs4-00251-00064205-00064265 um N-AhpI8Mxs4-00252-00064266-00064559 I mean previously to this change you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00253-00064560-00064732 didn't have the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00254-00064733-00064942 three times down there I know that was N-AhpI8Mxs4-00255-00064944-00065242 just a dry cargo hole there are now four N-AhpI8Mxs4-00256-00065244-00065447 large four large deep tanks that can N-AhpI8Mxs4-00257-00065448-00065717 carry uh oils and liquids for making N-AhpI8Mxs4-00258-00065718-00065950 Plastics and such do any of your other N-AhpI8Mxs4-00259-00065951-00066244 holes have anything on this pipe number N-AhpI8Mxs4-00260-00066245-00066521 one hole has cylindrical tanks for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00261-00066522-00066821 carrying oils and number seven tank has N-AhpI8Mxs4-00262-00066822-00067109 flush deep tanks for carrying wheels and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00263-00067110-00067403 of course deep tanks are necessary in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00264-00067404-00067559 the Far East trade that this ship is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00265-00067560-00067721 going to be on that's right but what N-AhpI8Mxs4-00266-00067722-00067949 about changes in any other holes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00267-00067950-00068113 well we have uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00268-00068114-00068381 refrigerated number five hole for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00269-00068382-00068687 carrying Frozen products uh 50 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00270-00068688-00069113 approximately 50 000 cubic feet of space N-AhpI8Mxs4-00271-00069114-00069341 well where are they refrigerated the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00272-00069342-00069587 whole control I mean is it all ice cold N-AhpI8Mxs4-00273-00069588-00069785 all the time or can you uh adjust the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00274-00069786-00069923 temperature adjust the temperature any N-AhpI8Mxs4-00275-00069924-00070193 temperature you want uh to below zero N-AhpI8Mxs4-00276-00070194-00070397 there's one other feature on the the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00277-00070398-00070625 holes of these ships that I think should N-AhpI8Mxs4-00278-00070626-00070835 be brought out and that's the way the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00279-00070836-00071021 patches are handled yeah they're N-AhpI8Mxs4-00280-00071022-00071338 mechanically operated by uh using the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00281-00071339-00071632 winches to open them in one operation N-AhpI8Mxs4-00282-00071633-00071837 you can clear the whole hatch N-AhpI8Mxs4-00283-00071838-00072047 matter of seconds N-AhpI8Mxs4-00284-00072048-00072281 well and even the ships are getting to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00285-00072282-00072532 the push button world aren't they well I N-AhpI8Mxs4-00286-00072533-00072737 know that the shippers are most N-AhpI8Mxs4-00287-00072738-00072905 interested in the cargo carrying N-AhpI8Mxs4-00288-00072906-00073126 capacity and holes of a ship because N-AhpI8Mxs4-00289-00073127-00073355 that's where the bills are paid and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00290-00073356-00073619 where all the revenue comes from but the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00291-00073620-00073823 general public always seems fascinated N-AhpI8Mxs4-00292-00073824-00074106 by the passenger cores and in as much as N-AhpI8Mxs4-00293-00074107-00074315 these passenger quarters have been made N-AhpI8Mxs4-00294-00074316-00074476 so elaborate I think we'll take a glance N-AhpI8Mxs4-00295-00074477-00074671 at some of them N-AhpI8Mxs4-00296-00074672-00074921 elaborate is the right word too Helen N-AhpI8Mxs4-00297-00074922-00075197 I'm sitting right now in the cloud room N-AhpI8Mxs4-00298-00075198-00075485 of this beautiful President Hayes this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00299-00075486-00075809 is in the forward uh portion of this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00300-00075810-00075988 beautiful Lounge deck that has been N-AhpI8Mxs4-00301-00075989-00076217 installed and converted into this ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00302-00076218-00076481 by key highway and believe me it is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00303-00076482-00076732 truly magnificent it's comfortable it's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00304-00076733-00076955 done in the most modern decor and we're N-AhpI8Mxs4-00305-00076956-00077200 going to get into more details on its N-AhpI8Mxs4-00306-00077201-00077362 air conditioning and heating and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00307-00077363-00077519 soundproofing and so forth a little N-AhpI8Mxs4-00308-00077520-00077597 later N-AhpI8Mxs4-00309-00077598-00077819 right now I want you to take a look at N-AhpI8Mxs4-00310-00077820-00078005 what this vessel looked like about three N-AhpI8Mxs4-00311-00078006-00078149 years ago when the port that built the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00312-00078150-00078431 city visited it at that time the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00313-00078432-00078659 quarters were not nearly so comfortable N-AhpI8Mxs4-00314-00078660-00078850 nor so sumptuous N-AhpI8Mxs4-00315-00078851-00079319 but they were at any rate truly N-AhpI8Mxs4-00316-00079320-00079559 basically comfortable the appointments N-AhpI8Mxs4-00317-00079560-00079769 were colorful and simple it was more N-AhpI8Mxs4-00318-00079770-00079967 than most American Freighters offered N-AhpI8Mxs4-00319-00079968-00080123 their passengers but it still did not N-AhpI8Mxs4-00320-00080124-00080399 meet up with a foreign flag vessels the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00321-00080400-00080776 cabins themselves each had two bunks N-AhpI8Mxs4-00322-00080777-00080999 they were also comfortable but they were N-AhpI8Mxs4-00323-00081000-00081167 rather small N-AhpI8Mxs4-00324-00081168-00081406 the windows you'll notice were ordinary N-AhpI8Mxs4-00325-00081407-00081526 portholes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00326-00081527-00081767 here again comfortable Simplicity was N-AhpI8Mxs4-00327-00081768-00082079 emphasized in all of the appointments N-AhpI8Mxs4-00328-00082080-00082355 and the same theme carried through to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00329-00082356-00082631 the dining Salon minimum comfort and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00330-00082632-00082900 simple attractive decorations the tables N-AhpI8Mxs4-00331-00082901-00083105 of course have the side guards on them N-AhpI8Mxs4-00332-00083106-00083369 to prevent foods from falling off during N-AhpI8Mxs4-00333-00083370-00083831 a storm N-AhpI8Mxs4-00334-00083832-00084082 types of dining running the lawn and the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00335-00084083-00084305 passenger quarters then Captain anglic N-AhpI8Mxs4-00336-00084306-00084509 who's Skipper of the President Hayes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00337-00084510-00084682 Captain I think you failed on the ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00338-00084683-00084875 and it's all for him didn't you I ain't N-AhpI8Mxs4-00339-00084876-00085187 weighed 100 000 miles for that and you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00340-00085188-00085444 see quite a few changes in it now N-AhpI8Mxs4-00341-00085445-00085765 it's uh money changes such as what N-AhpI8Mxs4-00342-00085766-00086105 as the allowance the cloud room the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00343-00086106-00086341 dining room the passenger stage rooms N-AhpI8Mxs4-00344-00086342-00086705 cargo handling equipment the most the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00345-00086706-00086879 modern equipment N-AhpI8Mxs4-00346-00086880-00087082 cargo tanks N-AhpI8Mxs4-00347-00087083-00087317 let me ask you this question when you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00348-00087318-00087473 took the Mariner out of the Mariner N-AhpI8Mxs4-00349-00087474-00087706 typeship out your first time did you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00350-00087707-00087844 think that there were any improvements N-AhpI8Mxs4-00351-00087845-00088043 that could be made at that time at that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00352-00088044-00088276 particular time no I asked you quite N-AhpI8Mxs4-00353-00088277-00088456 amazed aren't you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00354-00088457-00088606 Stuart you're the one who's going to be N-AhpI8Mxs4-00355-00088607-00088762 living in this dining Salon or it's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00356-00088763-00088888 going to be under your jurisdictions N-AhpI8Mxs4-00357-00088889-00089231 what is your opinion of its utility and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00358-00089232-00089387 its colorfulness N-AhpI8Mxs4-00359-00089388-00089723 I think it's uh quite Advanced and uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00360-00089724-00089932 ships designing but in dining room N-AhpI8Mxs4-00361-00089933-00090215 styles on board ship how many people can N-AhpI8Mxs4-00362-00090216-00090497 you serve in here at one time 32. uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00363-00090498-00090761 well you only have 12 passengers why for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00364-00090762-00090953 money there are 16 officers and took N-AhpI8Mxs4-00365-00090954-00091144 that to also eat at the same time with N-AhpI8Mxs4-00366-00091145-00091337 the passengers oh on the American N-AhpI8Mxs4-00367-00091338-00091594 flagships the passengers and the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00368-00091595-00092023 officers all eat in the same place N-AhpI8Mxs4-00369-00092024-00092321 and I'm going to mention the coloring in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00370-00092322-00092465 this dining Salon because I think it's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00371-00092466-00092650 so pretty there are different shades of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00372-00092651-00092975 blue and gray and the flooring is a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00373-00092976-00093238 white gray and blue it all Blends in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00374-00093239-00093575 beautifully with the sky and the general N-AhpI8Mxs4-00375-00093576-00093826 tone of the ship which is carried out in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00376-00093827-00094000 Indian colors N-AhpI8Mxs4-00377-00094001-00094235 uh Stuart why don't you and I go in and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00378-00094236-00094415 look at one of the passenger cabins that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00379-00094416-00094709 the captain mentioned a second ago N-AhpI8Mxs4-00380-00094710-00094931 with me now is Dave Seymour the naval N-AhpI8Mxs4-00381-00094932-00095182 architect of key highway he had the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00382-00095183-00095338 responsibility incidentally for the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00383-00095339-00095567 overall design of this converted Mariner N-AhpI8Mxs4-00384-00095568-00095771 and we're going to take the time to look N-AhpI8Mxs4-00385-00095772-00095915 at some blueprints right now and point N-AhpI8Mxs4-00386-00095916-00096179 out to you in detail exactly where the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00387-00096180-00096437 Sumptuous quarters are located Dave that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00388-00096438-00096665 all of these uh luxurious passenger N-AhpI8Mxs4-00389-00096666-00096832 quarters are located in this area are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00390-00096833-00097049 they not that's all right add the dining N-AhpI8Mxs4-00391-00097050-00097450 room is in this deck here the cabin deck N-AhpI8Mxs4-00392-00097451-00097715 passenger staterooms are just forwarded N-AhpI8Mxs4-00393-00097716-00097871 that where are we standing we're N-AhpI8Mxs4-00394-00097872-00098050 standing right up here in this Lounge N-AhpI8Mxs4-00395-00098051-00098244 which is up the top of the Flying Bridge N-AhpI8Mxs4-00396-00098245-00098591 and uh forward of this area here is the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00397-00098592-00098879 Mesa or Cloud room or whatever you call N-AhpI8Mxs4-00398-00098880-00099071 it that's where I was a little bit N-AhpI8Mxs4-00399-00099072-00099262 earlier and down the center runs your N-AhpI8Mxs4-00400-00099263-00099485 Elevator Shaft and your smoke stacks N-AhpI8Mxs4-00401-00099486-00099809 stacks and everything N-AhpI8Mxs4-00402-00099810-00100217 well it's truly an unusual design what I N-AhpI8Mxs4-00403-00100218-00100379 did want to find out was whether any of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00404-00100380-00100685 this was here on the Mariner before you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00405-00100686-00100961 began to work on it uh yes I had the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00406-00100962-00101194 first four decks uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00407-00101195-00101494 Charlotte from the main deck up we're uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00408-00101495-00101794 on the original Mariner however they N-AhpI8Mxs4-00409-00101795-00102053 were completely altered to come make N-AhpI8Mxs4-00410-00102054-00102203 them more spacious N-AhpI8Mxs4-00411-00102204-00102388 uh crew quarters and passion supporters N-AhpI8Mxs4-00412-00102389-00102640 and of course this Lounge deck N-AhpI8Mxs4-00413-00102641-00102916 uh was a whole new deck at it on top N-AhpI8Mxs4-00414-00102917-00103349 well let's go uh below right now to the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00415-00103350-00103565 cabin area and see what the inside of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00416-00103566-00103744 one of these truly luxurious passenger N-AhpI8Mxs4-00417-00103745-00103942 cabins really looks like N-AhpI8Mxs4-00418-00103943-00104116 we were talking about color in the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00419-00104117-00104249 dining room and I'm going to go right N-AhpI8Mxs4-00420-00104250-00104699 into color here the decor here is fan N-AhpI8Mxs4-00421-00104700-00104908 with different shades of yellow and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00422-00104909-00105143 orange and it's very bright and again it N-AhpI8Mxs4-00423-00105144-00105389 fits in with the old Indian thing Stuart N-AhpI8Mxs4-00424-00105390-00105677 uh how does the size of this lounge or N-AhpI8Mxs4-00425-00105678-00105923 this cabin compare it looks like a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00426-00105924-00106121 lounge to me it's a vac with the old N-AhpI8Mxs4-00427-00106122-00106427 Mariner cabins I would say it's about 50 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00428-00106428-00106678 larger than the old type cabin well N-AhpI8Mxs4-00429-00106679-00106858 where did they find the space for all of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00430-00106859-00107045 us there was an entire new deck build N-AhpI8Mxs4-00431-00107046-00107254 for the passenger accommodations also N-AhpI8Mxs4-00432-00107255-00107447 there was a new deck built on top of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00433-00107448-00107681 blitz for the lounge oh so that gave N-AhpI8Mxs4-00434-00107682-00107999 them enough space all around for them N-AhpI8Mxs4-00435-00108000-00108184 there's one thing special in the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00436-00108185-00108323 passenger quarters I want to point out N-AhpI8Mxs4-00437-00108324-00108634 is each one has its own radio N-AhpI8Mxs4-00438-00108635-00108845 freighter and each one has its own N-AhpI8Mxs4-00439-00108846-00108958 telephone N-AhpI8Mxs4-00440-00108959-00109216 and I'm told that you can just lay right N-AhpI8Mxs4-00441-00109217-00109402 here in your cabin way out on the high N-AhpI8Mxs4-00442-00109403-00109631 seas and call up all over N-AhpI8Mxs4-00443-00109632-00109901 uh and each one has its own private N-AhpI8Mxs4-00444-00109902-00110123 bathroom and this one happens to be N-AhpI8Mxs4-00445-00110124-00110297 decorated in pink but unfortunately our N-AhpI8Mxs4-00446-00110298-00110501 camera can't go in there and now we're N-AhpI8Mxs4-00447-00110502-00110747 going to go back up on the next deck to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00448-00110748-00110921 the sky room and see more of the details N-AhpI8Mxs4-00449-00110922-00111058 there N-AhpI8Mxs4-00450-00111059-00111352 Dave uh we're sitting now on the after N-AhpI8Mxs4-00451-00111353-00111551 portion of this beautiful passenger N-AhpI8Mxs4-00452-00111552-00111677 Lounge aren't we N-AhpI8Mxs4-00453-00111678-00111910 and I noticed that the decor is very N-AhpI8Mxs4-00454-00111911-00112415 subdued it's a soft Sandy color yes the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00455-00112416-00112799 uh the basic Motif here is uh Southwest N-AhpI8Mxs4-00456-00112800-00113140 American Indian and uh the colors are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00457-00113141-00113531 the sand painted colors used by those by N-AhpI8Mxs4-00458-00113532-00113795 the natives let's get up and look around N-AhpI8Mxs4-00459-00113796-00113915 a little bit as you can see the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00460-00113916-00114113 furniture itself is very modern in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00461-00114114-00114365 design all of the fabrics and the rugs N-AhpI8Mxs4-00462-00114366-00114623 hand woven rugs blend in with this basic N-AhpI8Mxs4-00463-00114624-00114886 Southwestern Indian design and over here N-AhpI8Mxs4-00464-00114888-00115258 we have what we like to look upon N-AhpI8Mxs4-00465-00115259-00115499 as one of the most unusual features of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00466-00115500-00115786 this entire room these are cochina dial N-AhpI8Mxs4-00467-00115788-00116033 dolls aren't they Kachina doll that they N-AhpI8Mxs4-00468-00116033-00116297 were they're all handmade and authentic N-AhpI8Mxs4-00469-00116298-00116627 Indian dolls which were used in a native N-AhpI8Mxs4-00470-00116628-00116845 Dance by the Indians of the Southwest N-AhpI8Mxs4-00471-00116846-00117113 and that certainly sets off this room N-AhpI8Mxs4-00472-00117114-00117395 does it matter now down these two aisles N-AhpI8Mxs4-00473-00117396-00117677 here we have uh we were in one aisle N-AhpI8Mxs4-00474-00117678-00117778 when we were showing the folks the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00475-00117779-00117916 blueprint and that contained the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00476-00117917-00118084 recreation area didn't it a color N-AhpI8Mxs4-00477-00118085-00118319 television set you have installed and a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00478-00118320-00118607 Hi-Fi unit and down this side is the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00479-00118608-00118931 card room and bar correct was truly N-AhpI8Mxs4-00480-00118932-00119201 truly luxurious all the way uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00481-00119202-00119386 throughout the entire area now it's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00482-00119388-00119602 soundproofed overhead I see that is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00483-00119603-00119807 right at it's sound proof there it's air N-AhpI8Mxs4-00484-00119808-00120047 conditioned completely and uh special N-AhpI8Mxs4-00485-00120048-00120247 lighting effects as well N-AhpI8Mxs4-00486-00120248-00120521 and the it's draped right at the present N-AhpI8Mxs4-00487-00120522-00120790 time around the entire glass you closed N-AhpI8Mxs4-00488-00120791-00121078 area that's right and uh also N-AhpI8Mxs4-00489-00121079-00121331 air-conditioned yeah and heated it's air N-AhpI8Mxs4-00490-00121332-00121504 conditioned with all all year round N-AhpI8Mxs4-00491-00121505-00121936 Heating and Cooling uh and it's uh N-AhpI8Mxs4-00492-00121938-00122183 there's also all of the furniture that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00493-00122183-00122536 you see here is all a special built N-AhpI8Mxs4-00494-00122538-00122854 uh for the comforters for the overall N-AhpI8Mxs4-00495-00122855-00123101 design well now let's go out on the deck N-AhpI8Mxs4-00496-00123102-00123328 and find out just where this luxurious N-AhpI8Mxs4-00497-00123329-00123634 vessel is going to carry these uh 12 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00498-00123635-00123923 passengers uh in the future on the first N-AhpI8Mxs4-00499-00123924-00124234 round the world trip N-AhpI8Mxs4-00500-00124235-00124475 uh Captain what are some of the ports of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00501-00124476-00124625 call that these ships will be making N-AhpI8Mxs4-00502-00124626-00124901 well we have three different lines Steve N-AhpI8Mxs4-00503-00124902-00125123 times Pacific line from the west coast N-AhpI8Mxs4-00504-00125124-00125536 to Japan and Manila Philippines and back N-AhpI8Mxs4-00505-00125538-00125765 Straight Atlantic one from New York and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00506-00125766-00125999 to East Coast to the West Coast to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00507-00126000-00126310 Indonesia and back and the around the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00508-00126311-00126436 world went all the way around the world N-AhpI8Mxs4-00509-00126438-00126766 and these four special Mariner converted N-AhpI8Mxs4-00510-00126767-00126928 ships are going to be on that around the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00511-00126929-00127252 world around the world one uh of all N-AhpI8Mxs4-00512-00127253-00127469 those parts of call which is the most N-AhpI8Mxs4-00513-00127470-00127757 fascinating View I believe the around N-AhpI8Mxs4-00514-00127758-00127966 the world one of the most fascinating to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00515-00127967-00128177 me what's your favorite part San N-AhpI8Mxs4-00516-00128178-00128299 Francisco N-AhpI8Mxs4-00517-00128300-00128808 always home uh this outside passenger N-AhpI8Mxs4-00518-00128809-00129121 deck incidentally is on the same level N-AhpI8Mxs4-00519-00129122-00129497 as the Sky Lounge and the cloud room so N-AhpI8Mxs4-00520-00129498-00129640 you can just walk from one to the other N-AhpI8Mxs4-00521-00129641-00129802 I imagine Captain you're going to be N-AhpI8Mxs4-00522-00129803-00129964 spending quite a bit of time out here N-AhpI8Mxs4-00523-00129965-00130216 quite a bit of time N-AhpI8Mxs4-00524-00130217-00130469 will the officers be able to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00525-00130470-00130666 come up here all the officers with the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00526-00130667-00130877 passengers or is it limited the officers N-AhpI8Mxs4-00527-00130878-00131093 will be able to come up here maybe you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00528-00131094-00131254 can answer one question I've always had N-AhpI8Mxs4-00529-00131255-00131561 and that is why on American Freighters N-AhpI8Mxs4-00530-00131562-00131752 where they have passengers do they N-AhpI8Mxs4-00531-00131753-00132077 officers in the passengers mix whereas N-AhpI8Mxs4-00532-00132078-00132263 on foreign ships they seem to draw the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00533-00132264-00132466 barriers well that's probably a custom N-AhpI8Mxs4-00534-00132467-00132766 off the land country N-AhpI8Mxs4-00535-00132767-00133043 uh captain of course all ships have N-AhpI8Mxs4-00536-00133044-00133337 essential parts to keep them going the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00537-00133338-00133511 passenger quarters are beautiful N-AhpI8Mxs4-00538-00133512-00133901 on the cargo for uh capacity and the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00539-00133902-00134128 holes are necessary and of course that's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00540-00134129-00134411 where all the converted work was done on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00541-00134412-00134602 this particular ship but they have to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00542-00134603-00134831 have engine rooms I believe N-AhpI8Mxs4-00543-00134832-00135059 to keep them going and of course the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00544-00135060-00135316 Radio Shack and we haven't gone into so N-AhpI8Mxs4-00545-00135317-00135521 much detail on those because no N-AhpI8Mxs4-00546-00135522-00135749 converted no conversion was done on them N-AhpI8Mxs4-00547-00135750-00135947 but it is important that we take a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00548-00135948-00136193 glance at the Radio Shack as it was on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00549-00136194-00136385 the old Mariner and also on the present N-AhpI8Mxs4-00550-00136386-00137027 engine room N-AhpI8Mxs4-00551-00137028-00137254 the same radio equipment is a board it N-AhpI8Mxs4-00552-00137255-00137471 is the best of course that RCA has N-AhpI8Mxs4-00553-00137472-00137735 available and of course meets every N-AhpI8Mxs4-00554-00137736-00138004 requirement of the coastline now Mac and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00555-00138005-00138209 I want to turn this program over to the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00556-00138210-00138473 man who is I guess most proud of this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00557-00138474-00138778 conversion that's Mr J.M Willis here of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00558-00138779-00139151 the key Highway Bethlehem Steel company N-AhpI8Mxs4-00559-00139152-00139390 and here he is of course my very good N-AhpI8Mxs4-00560-00139391-00139601 friend Jack Willis who's the Bethlehem N-AhpI8Mxs4-00561-00139602-00139787 general manager of all the chip building N-AhpI8Mxs4-00562-00139788-00140039 in the Baltimore area Mr Willis I know N-AhpI8Mxs4-00563-00140040-00140231 you're very proud of these particular N-AhpI8Mxs4-00564-00140232-00140327 ships N-AhpI8Mxs4-00565-00140328-00140645 Helena I'm sure Naturally proud of this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00566-00140646-00140885 ship as I am of All Ships that are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00567-00140886-00141071 turned down by the great betting N-AhpI8Mxs4-00568-00141072-00141257 organization and the key highway and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00569-00141258-00141413 Sparrows Point yard N-AhpI8Mxs4-00570-00141414-00141640 just shows the fine workmanship of our N-AhpI8Mxs4-00571-00141641-00141863 skilled outstanding mechanics employed N-AhpI8Mxs4-00572-00141864-00142066 in our shipyards in Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00573-00142067-00142283 let me ask you a question that I asked N-AhpI8Mxs4-00574-00142284-00142481 the captain did you think when you built N-AhpI8Mxs4-00575-00142482-00142631 the Mariners three or four years ago N-AhpI8Mxs4-00576-00142632-00142835 that anything more could be done to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00577-00142836-00143140 improve them why really I did Helen I N-AhpI8Mxs4-00578-00143141-00143321 felt that the Mariners were susceptible N-AhpI8Mxs4-00579-00143322-00143561 to transfer into all types of high-class N-AhpI8Mxs4-00580-00143562-00143651 ships N-AhpI8Mxs4-00581-00143652-00143927 such as passenger ships and akas and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00582-00143928-00144257 special ships for the Navy N-AhpI8Mxs4-00583-00144258-00144449 um and it won't be long of course two or N-AhpI8Mxs4-00584-00144450-00144611 three or four more days before your yard N-AhpI8Mxs4-00585-00144612-00144851 is finished with the President Hayes she N-AhpI8Mxs4-00586-00144852-00145133 will go on out as did the president N-AhpI8Mxs4-00587-00145134-00145390 Jackson only last week just before we N-AhpI8Mxs4-00588-00145391-00145601 see the last month before we see the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00589-00145602-00145751 Jackson leaving I want to introduce the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00590-00145752-00145949 man who was superintendent on that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00591-00145950-00146225 particular job Warren Chandler don't go N-AhpI8Mxs4-00592-00146226-00146602 away uh I know Mr Chandler that maybe N-AhpI8Mxs4-00593-00146603-00146813 you're a little envious of this job N-AhpI8Mxs4-00594-00146814-00147095 no the Jackson was just as nice as this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00595-00147096-00147389 one looked just like this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00596-00147390-00147719 we like them all and we will now watch N-AhpI8Mxs4-00597-00147720-00148019 what this ship will be like in about N-AhpI8Mxs4-00598-00148020-00148295 five days as she's bidding goodbye for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00599-00148296-00148547 her first trip away around the world N-AhpI8Mxs4-00600-00148548-00148925 from the Port of Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00601-00148926-00149104 that's just typical of any ship in A N-AhpI8Mxs4-00602-00149105-00149278 Ship Repair yard N-AhpI8Mxs4-00603-00149279-00149483 the skilled Craftsman work up until the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00604-00149484-00149645 last minute N-AhpI8Mxs4-00605-00149646-00149831 the owner always wants to get the vessel N-AhpI8Mxs4-00606-00149832-00151114 away the second the workmen are through N-AhpI8Mxs4-00607-00151115-00151409 as the Jackson pulled away Jack Willis N-AhpI8Mxs4-00608-00151410-00151631 stood proudly at the pier watching this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00609-00151632-00151823 most modern of Freighters take out on N-AhpI8Mxs4-00610-00151824-00152033 her adventures around the world N-AhpI8Mxs4-00611-00152034-00152261 here was truly a work of art N-AhpI8Mxs4-00612-00152262-00152428 produced originally at The Sparrows N-AhpI8Mxs4-00613-00152429-00152602 Point Shipyard with the finishing N-AhpI8Mxs4-00614-00152603-00152771 touches to make it more up-to-date N-AhpI8Mxs4-00615-00152772-00154140 topped off at key highway N-AhpI8Mxs4-00616-00154141-00154463 having seen how the Baltimore the skills N-AhpI8Mxs4-00617-00154464-00154637 of the Baltimore Shipyard workers are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00618-00154638-00154847 applied we're now going to give you a N-AhpI8Mxs4-00619-00154848-00155513 word from our sponsor of the day N-AhpI8Mxs4-00620-00155514-00155687 as the President Hayes and other great N-AhpI8Mxs4-00621-00155688-00155849 ships of the future enter the Port of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00622-00155850-00156040 Baltimore those workhorses of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00623-00156041-00156251 Waterfront the powerful Tugboat fleets N-AhpI8Mxs4-00624-00156252-00156490 will be on the job aboard the tug itself N-AhpI8Mxs4-00625-00156491-00156676 one is keenly aware of the effect of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00626-00156677-00156839 development and expansion around the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00627-00156840-00157001 port for as more and more ships move N-AhpI8Mxs4-00628-00157002-00157199 into the harbor the tugs must be ready N-AhpI8Mxs4-00629-00157200-00157397 to handle them maintaining a steady flow N-AhpI8Mxs4-00630-00157398-00157666 of world Commerce this week a new and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00631-00157667-00157793 Powerful addition to the fleet of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00632-00157794-00157954 baker Whiteley towing company went into N-AhpI8Mxs4-00633-00157955-00158207 service this new arrival the tug Holland N-AhpI8Mxs4-00634-00158208-00158476 represents the latest result of an N-AhpI8Mxs4-00635-00158477-00158675 expansion program costing over a million N-AhpI8Mxs4-00636-00158676-00158939 dollars begun by Baker Whiteley in 1946 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00637-00158940-00159076 to provide the modern equipment N-AhpI8Mxs4-00638-00159077-00159289 necessary to perform all towage services N-AhpI8Mxs4-00639-00159290-00159557 efficiently and economically day and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00640-00159558-00159725 night the entiring efforts of the mighty N-AhpI8Mxs4-00641-00159726-00159928 tugs go on thus helping the sport N-AhpI8Mxs4-00642-00159929-00160121 maintain its record of fast Dependable N-AhpI8Mxs4-00643-00160122-00160307 service Baker Whiteley has had the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00644-00160308-00160445 privilege of contributing to this record N-AhpI8Mxs4-00645-00160446-00160709 for nearly 70 years and dedicates its N-AhpI8Mxs4-00646-00160710-00160852 future endeavors to the protection of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00647-00160853-00161002 this record and the position of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00648-00161003-00161254 leadership enjoyed by the Port of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00649-00161255-00161747 Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00650-00161748-00161921 well Helen has been a most interesting N-AhpI8Mxs4-00651-00161922-00162089 and breathless program I just finished N-AhpI8Mxs4-00652-00162090-00162257 running up from uh let's see how many N-AhpI8Mxs4-00653-00162258-00162497 decks down six decks to get up here in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00654-00162498-00163019 time to speak for our sponsor of the day N-AhpI8Mxs4-00655-00163020-00163751 worried about their N-AhpI8Mxs4-00656-00163752-00163871 cap beginning to think you're right N-AhpI8Mxs4-00657-00163872-00164057 incidentally uh what do we have planned N-AhpI8Mxs4-00658-00164058-00164231 for next week's program next week we're N-AhpI8Mxs4-00659-00164232-00164657 going to do a phase on cargos see boxes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00660-00164658-00164897 bottles and bags is what I like to refer N-AhpI8Mxs4-00661-00164898-00165131 to as the freebies three very important N-AhpI8Mxs4-00662-00165132-00165316 items in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00663-00165317-00165599 shipping after all if you don't have the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00664-00165600-00165814 bag you can't send certain cars those N-AhpI8Mxs4-00665-00165815-00166066 likewise Vlogs and bags and bottles and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00666-00166067-00166390 boxes yeah and the raw materials go into N-AhpI8Mxs4-00667-00166391-00166516 all three of those items that are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00668-00166517-00166643 brought in by ships we might have N-AhpI8Mxs4-00669-00166644-00166793 finished products are taken out just N-AhpI8Mxs4-00670-00166794-00166966 another series of industries that are N-AhpI8Mxs4-00671-00166967-00167237 tied into the economy of this sport very N-AhpI8Mxs4-00672-00167238-00167381 definitely and those three Industries N-AhpI8Mxs4-00673-00167382-00167549 are three of the larger ones in this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00674-00167550-00167728 whole metropolitan area and throughout N-AhpI8Mxs4-00675-00167729-00167902 the state of Maryland and I think that's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00676-00167903-00168052 a great lesson to be learned from our N-AhpI8Mxs4-00677-00168053-00168281 telecast today the fact that uh with the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00678-00168282-00168485 conversion was made here in the port it N-AhpI8Mxs4-00679-00168486-00168743 directly affected the income of I guess N-AhpI8Mxs4-00680-00168744-00169102 500 people and indirectly maybe 15 000 N-AhpI8Mxs4-00681-00169103-00169247 several thousand years N-AhpI8Mxs4-00682-00169248-00169457 Trails involved you take your rugs and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00683-00169458-00169685 all the other items are involved it goes N-AhpI8Mxs4-00684-00169686-00169937 into thousands of people out well before N-AhpI8Mxs4-00685-00169938-00170111 we leave you for today I think I want to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00686-00170112-00170278 pass along one final reminder to get in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00687-00170279-00170513 on our Board of Baltimore essay contest N-AhpI8Mxs4-00688-00170514-00170687 remember if you don't have particulars N-AhpI8Mxs4-00689-00170688-00170813 you have high school or Junior High N-AhpI8Mxs4-00690-00170814-00170981 School age please write to Helen the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00691-00170982-00171257 election care of wmar TV Baltimore and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00692-00171258-00171419 she'll be delighted to send all the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00693-00171420-00171581 applications to you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00694-00171582-00171802 right until then speaking for Helen the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00695-00171803-00172019 entire remote and Camera Cruise of wmar N-AhpI8Mxs4-00696-00172020-00173616 TV this is Ed weinert saying good night N-AhpI8Mxs4-00697-00173617-00173750 thank you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00698-00173751-00175054 [Applause] N-AhpI8Mxs4-00699-00175055-00175307 Baltimore port of America part of the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00700-00175308-00175504 world and intrinsic part of the economy N-AhpI8Mxs4-00701-00175505-00175739 and protection of your city and mind of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00702-00175740-00175961 your state in mind that Port which is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00703-00175962-00176123 directly responsible for the employment N-AhpI8Mxs4-00704-00176124-00176351 of 90 000 persons and the indirect N-AhpI8Mxs4-00705-00176352-00176507 employment of three hundred thousand N-AhpI8Mxs4-00706-00176508-00176740 more this port serving the entire nation N-AhpI8Mxs4-00707-00176741-00176981 in all probability is responsible for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00708-00176982-00177161 your livelihood either directly or N-AhpI8Mxs4-00709-00177162-00177376 indirectly it is part of your life from N-AhpI8Mxs4-00710-00177377-00177490 the minute you awaken in the morning N-AhpI8Mxs4-00711-00177491-00177713 until you go to bed at night whether you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00712-00177714-00177940 are a Salesman architect doctor or title N-AhpI8Mxs4-00713-00177941-00178169 The Hub where World Commerce merges N-AhpI8Mxs4-00714-00178170-00178433 these leaders of Baltimore industry have N-AhpI8Mxs4-00715-00178434-00178613 joined together to tell you its citizens N-AhpI8Mxs4-00716-00178614-00178804 about the greatness of our state because N-AhpI8Mxs4-00717-00178805-00179026 of the greatness of this poor it is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00718-00179027-00179128 through the Pacific spirit and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00719-00179129-00179273 cooperation of these outstanding N-AhpI8Mxs4-00720-00179274-00179471 Baltimore Industries and Merchants that N-AhpI8Mxs4-00721-00179472-00179663 this series the fourth to build a city N-AhpI8Mxs4-00722-00179664-00179861 and state is brought to you for the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00723-00179862-00180016 fifth successive year at four o'clock N-AhpI8Mxs4-00724-00180017-00180425 every Sunday afternoon N-AhpI8Mxs4-00725-00180426-00182269 foreign N-AhpI8Mxs4-00726-00182270-00182537 city was originated and produced by miss N-AhpI8Mxs4-00727-00182538-00182747 Helen Dealey Maritime editor of the sun N-AhpI8Mxs4-00728-00182748-00183016 narrated by add weinert and directed by N-AhpI8Mxs4-00729-00183017-00183599 Edwin B Mick N-AhpI8Mxs4-00730-00183600-00183778 the film portions were produced in the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00731-00183779-00184073 studios of wmir TV by Ed eisenmeyer and N-AhpI8Mxs4-00732-00184074-00184469 Bill Payne it's Miss speaking N-AhpI8Mxs4-00733-00184470-00184820 foreign N-AhpI8Mxs4-00734-00184821-00186451 [Music] N-AhpI8Mxs4-00735-00186452-00187564 papers television channel 2 Baltimore N-AhpI8Mxs4-00736-00187565-00187895 we actually have several of the ship N-AhpI8Mxs4-00737-00187896-00188123 plans for the SS president phase that's N-AhpI8Mxs4-00738-00188124-00188290 being discussed in the hello friendly N-AhpI8Mxs4-00739-00188291-00188381 video N-AhpI8Mxs4-00740-00188382-00188638 this one in particular is the capacity N-AhpI8Mxs4-00741-00188639-00188735 plan N-AhpI8Mxs4-00742-00188736-00189047 and it shows all the different types of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00743-00189048-00189437 information such as the stores deep N-AhpI8Mxs4-00744-00189438-00189811 tanks fuel oil and ballast and dry cargo N-AhpI8Mxs4-00745-00189812-00190126 along with it we have the profile views N-AhpI8Mxs4-00746-00190127-00190426 of each level of the ship of course N-AhpI8Mxs4-00747-00190427-00190613 beginning at the top N-AhpI8Mxs4-00748-00190614-00190888 and working its way down N-AhpI8Mxs4-00749-00190889-00191116 to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00750-00191117-00191459 the lower levels N-AhpI8Mxs4-00751-00191460-00191807 all of these profiles and plants N-AhpI8Mxs4-00752-00191808-00192157 are immaculately drawn N-AhpI8Mxs4-00753-00192158-00192514 with detailed information N-AhpI8Mxs4-00754-00192515-00192773 about what was in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00755-00192774-00193133 the ships N-AhpI8Mxs4-00756-00193134-00193319 and how N-AhpI8Mxs4-00757-00193320-00194201 they were structured N-AhpI8Mxs4-00758-00194202-00194440 hello my name is Ani gellos and I'm the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00759-00194441-00194633 community programs manager at the BMI N-AhpI8Mxs4-00760-00194634-00194813 thank you so much for joining us this N-AhpI8Mxs4-00761-00194814-00195016 evening to watch this recently digitized N-AhpI8Mxs4-00762-00195017-00195257 archival footage tonight's program is N-AhpI8Mxs4-00763-00195258-00195449 part of Steel weekend celebration of N-AhpI8Mxs4-00764-00195450-00195623 Steel Workers organized by the national N-AhpI8Mxs4-00765-00195624-00195851 museum of industrial history in N-AhpI8Mxs4-00766-00195852-00196007 Bethlehem Pennsylvania N-AhpI8Mxs4-00767-00196008-00196199 while also be hosting a virtual N-AhpI8Mxs4-00768-00196200-00196438 conversation on photography of Bethlehem N-AhpI8Mxs4-00769-00196439-00196738 Steel this Friday October 14th on Zoom N-AhpI8Mxs4-00770-00196739-00196919 you can find out more about that program N-AhpI8Mxs4-00771-00196920-00197237 on our website thebmi.org and steal N-AhpI8Mxs4-00772-00197238-00197626 weekend programs at nmih.org N-AhpI8Mxs4-00773-00197627-00197752 if you'd like to learn more about N-AhpI8Mxs4-00774-00197753-00197969 Baltimore steel industry I invite you to N-AhpI8Mxs4-00775-00197970-00198190 check out our website for more about the N-AhpI8Mxs4-00776-00198191-00198473 Bethlehem Steel Legacy project go find N-AhpI8Mxs4-00777-00198474-00198671 our blog with personal stories about N-AhpI8Mxs4-00778-00198672-00198916 living and working at Sparrows Point as N-AhpI8Mxs4-00779-00198917-00199075 well as the award-winning podcast N-AhpI8Mxs4-00780-00199076-00199295 sparespoint an American Steel story N-AhpI8Mxs4-00781-00199296-00199564 produced by Aaron hankin and if you N-AhpI8Mxs4-00782-00199565-00199726 haven't seen it yet I invite you to come N-AhpI8Mxs4-00783-00199727-00199943 to the museum to check out our newest N-AhpI8Mxs4-00784-00199944-00200159 long-term exhibition fire and Shadow N-AhpI8Mxs4-00785-00200160-00200363 about the rise and fall of Bethlehem N-AhpI8Mxs4-00786-00200364-00200435 Steel N-AhpI8Mxs4-00787-00200436-00200650 Museums open Wednesday through Sunday N-AhpI8Mxs4-00788-00200651-00200933 from 9 A.M to 3 P.M thanks again for N-AhpI8Mxs4-00789-00200934-00201224 joining us this evening N-UcKjGDXH4-00000-00000017-00000347 Mel bananas games on exhibition each N-UcKjGDXH4-00001-00000348-00000512 even just read a column chart and there N-UcKjGDXH4-00002-00000513-00000707 were murderers and phone Frank mean N-UcKjGDXH4-00003-00000708-00000916 they're they're abnormal to shasta N-UcKjGDXH4-00004-00000917-00001166 arabic allah khair elitism at mystique N-UcKjGDXH4-00005-00001167-00001441 where uncle and ever met Yoda all my N-UcKjGDXH4-00006-00001442-00001735 love shave with yogurt himansh N-UcKjGDXH4-00007-00001736-00001964 individuals are teachers each enjoy nums N-UcKjGDXH4-00008-00001964-00002592 will move there by sure that I shall N-UcKjGDXH4-00009-00002593-00002915 write a column frightening in every N-UcKjGDXH4-00010-00002916-00003542 night ok N-UcKjGDXH4-00011-00003543-00003845 this jump shags combo knock back from N-UcKjGDXH4-00012-00003846-00004069 the sexy gets quiet got a fat piece I N-UcKjGDXH4-00013-00004070-00004343 thought y'all two clans okay I'm here to N-UcKjGDXH4-00014-00004344-00004502 me Alan potter comes from a little from N-UcKjGDXH4-00015-00004503-00004934 your home yeah she yeah she grown into a N-UcKjGDXH4-00016-00004935-00005552 [__] any no see specs sexy high on N-UcKjGDXH4-00017-00005553-00005786 the vineyard oh sorry I'd like obsessed N-UcKjGDXH4-00018-00005787-00006074 with sex [__] Oh bad put a painter's N-UcKjGDXH4-00019-00006075-00006379 that's exactly I like mowing N-UcKjGDXH4-00020-00006380-00006881 pero yo name iz kilowatt another Canada N-UcKjGDXH4-00021-00006883-00007602 aatish kuchma cephalic in management and N-UcKjGDXH4-00022-00007603-00007914 Shawn driving harada plankton died N-UcKjGDXH4-00023-00007915-00008285 almost Erica N-UcKjGDXH4-00024-00008286-00008752 Appa Yakka general you ready capogiro N-UcKjGDXH4-00025-00008753-00009555 bratty reputable my N-UcKjGDXH4-00026-00009556-00009909 gianni mota be musical semana program no N-UcKjGDXH4-00027-00009910-00010389 sora N-UcKjGDXH4-00028-00010390-00012036 man [__] is good to be home N-UcKjGDXH4-00029-00012037-00012278 I'm so can a low come up in your crib I N-UcKjGDXH4-00030-00012279-00012669 guess I mom hey mother [__] so [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00031-00012670-00012900 maybe you got rid of our yee ass haircut N-UcKjGDXH4-00032-00012901-00013046 you got you get some [__] on your N-UcKjGDXH4-00033-00013047-00013322 dead Oh better yet maybe Tanisha call N-UcKjGDXH4-00034-00013324-00013521 your dog as she ever stop [__] with N-UcKjGDXH4-00035-00013522-00013674 that brain surgeon the lawyer she's N-UcKjGDXH4-00036-00013675-00014063 [__] wit [__] [__] you got N-UcKjGDXH4-00037-00014065-00016557 intermission bad bits are some more N-UcKjGDXH4-00038-00016558-00016812 numbers like I did of them is your test N-UcKjGDXH4-00039-00016813-00017115 it N-UcKjGDXH4-00040-00017116-00017435 ok N-UcKjGDXH4-00041-00017436-00018217 BTW i believe me bill to tom N-UcKjGDXH4-00042-00018218-00018577 the tarbush tibi domine smell good part N-UcKjGDXH4-00043-00018578-00019455 1 480 in them yes N-UcKjGDXH4-00044-00019456-00019863 llamando news except each other man y la N-UcKjGDXH4-00045-00019864-00020363 lluvia john ostrom determine sava N-UcKjGDXH4-00046-00020364-00021027 awareness so star Kim hey fellas hey N-UcKjGDXH4-00047-00021028-00021683 Emma hey Ronde Barber edit mangekyo N-UcKjGDXH4-00048-00021684-00022356 wanna live in nevada paramos oh N-UcKjGDXH4-00049-00022357-00022711 frankly I was going down on the market N-UcKjGDXH4-00050-00022712-00022981 my boy liquidity is a [__] get over N-UcKjGDXH4-00051-00022982-00023161 here so I can give you the new repo N-UcKjGDXH4-00052-00023162-00023353 listen all right dawg I'll be around N-UcKjGDXH4-00053-00023354-00023953 when I key to change you know I that now N-UcKjGDXH4-00054-00023954-00024734 I came outside Africa N-UcKjGDXH4-00055-00024735-00024908 what ash fun i do that i don't give me N-UcKjGDXH4-00056-00024909-00025466 bad bad bad bet in mattapan in vitamin a N-UcKjGDXH4-00057-00025467-00026298 vitamin not this year N-UcKjGDXH4-00058-00026299-00026517 ah by John the Gator the night of them N-UcKjGDXH4-00059-00026518-00028302 shot of eld i had to wake him I'd your N-UcKjGDXH4-00060-00028302-00028562 couple of them stop what are the bad N-UcKjGDXH4-00061-00028563-00029471 about not now N-UcKjGDXH4-00062-00029472-00030386 bad bound out of that N-UcKjGDXH4-00063-00030387-00030881 rebellion N-UcKjGDXH4-00064-00030882-00033255 bye-bye now this it bad N-UcKjGDXH4-00065-00033256-00033492 Shraddha thoughts about marijuana just N-UcKjGDXH4-00066-00033493-00034995 seven more times N-UcKjGDXH4-00067-00034996-00035226 Oh Barbara Anderson point cheese ebihara N-UcKjGDXH4-00068-00035227-00035691 Shredderman terrible dawat you know N-UcKjGDXH4-00069-00035692-00036511 which was that I'm very point N-UcKjGDXH4-00070-00036512-00037567 angelic bad back N-UcKjGDXH4-00071-00037568-00037900 I'm gonna bother management out of I out N-UcKjGDXH4-00073-00041393-00041667 so they sorted sorted part of our pods N-UcKjGDXH4-00074-00041668-00042404 on mission into town like that's at all N-UcKjGDXH4-00075-00042405-00043305 the Georgia N-UcKjGDXH4-00076-00043306-00043548 that's good yeah had caught some a N-UcKjGDXH4-00077-00043549-00044010 banana for Sheldon's such as such as N-UcKjGDXH4-00078-00044011-00044592 such Sherman Malibu search of the beam N-UcKjGDXH4-00079-00044593-00045222 should I need research ocean barra da N-UcKjGDXH4-00080-00045223-00045393 surely a paddock accommodate on N-UcKjGDXH4-00081-00045394-00046166 derivatives molson fault to shredder N-UcKjGDXH4-00082-00046167-00046517 Oh such bandannas Jerome penny me a N-UcKjGDXH4-00083-00046518-00046676 [__] has been told Ahram alvorada N-UcKjGDXH4-00084-00046677-00047062 orange nan channel share some of them N-UcKjGDXH4-00085-00047063-00047594 the other they say Yuja come to [__] you N-UcKjGDXH4-00086-00047595-00048098 got to shoot together a shoot together N-UcKjGDXH4-00087-00048099-00048835 the sugar bear badish misty Nagata N-UcKjGDXH4-00088-00048836-00049442 chimney sera nay SE y duos go to Venice N-UcKjGDXH4-00089-00049443-00049827 area N-UcKjGDXH4-00090-00049828-00051240 arable mineral baths a euro N-UcKjGDXH4-00091-00051241-00051879 I'm not para made it N-UcKjGDXH4-00092-00051879-00052459 Shep N-UcKjGDXH4-00093-00052460-00052680 cuz i put on alma mater and higher I N-UcKjGDXH4-00094-00052681-00052917 shows it also yeah did you put a little N-UcKjGDXH4-00095-00052919-00054091 ago wha not that I not did part on N-UcKjGDXH4-00096-00054091-00054724 london shi shi de jambe on the vomitus N-UcKjGDXH4-00097-00054725-00054978 day one day one day one day one day N-UcKjGDXH4-00098-00054979-00055682 sauce sauce sauce sauce oh my god I N-UcKjGDXH4-00099-00055683-00055944 germinate Chef alum cinque terre backed N-UcKjGDXH4-00100-00055945-00056241 by a grocery bag by a sea level my god N-UcKjGDXH4-00101-00056242-00056716 gusto lo suyo online are you sanjana N-UcKjGDXH4-00102-00056716-00057336 mechanism I'll jabulani celosia nadda N-UcKjGDXH4-00103-00057337-00057862 salim barossa the opportunity a mission N-UcKjGDXH4-00104-00057863-00058137 opened poor that the cherry Jeremy of N-UcKjGDXH4-00105-00058138-00058398 the map N-UcKjGDXH4-00106-00058399-00058800 para para venir question Europe in cash N-UcKjGDXH4-00107-00058801-00059557 position N-UcKjGDXH4-00108-00059558-00059919 what I never knew N-UcKjGDXH4-00109-00059920-00060498 I'm Adam Adam Dima crayons I was so N-UcKjGDXH4-00110-00060499-00060866 simia my dear Vanya so good to see you N-UcKjGDXH4-00111-00060867-00061229 so good hey yeah yeah hey yeah hey hey N-UcKjGDXH4-00112-00061229-00061667 what's your lovely best Gucci feet this N-UcKjGDXH4-00113-00061669-00061902 you had an old raggedy ass here in style N-UcKjGDXH4-00114-00061903-00062226 I was bad drop your way oh I don't let N-UcKjGDXH4-00115-00062227-00062916 it yeah you gotta bail on them N-UcKjGDXH4-00116-00062916-00063413 doctor thank you narrators time fool aah N-UcKjGDXH4-00117-00063414-00063677 we got it N-UcKjGDXH4-00118-00063678-00063920 hey what my mother [__] took the N-UcKjGDXH4-00119-00063921-00064151 right that s de vagos dude was a tattoo N-UcKjGDXH4-00120-00064152-00064402 on his face of [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00121-00064403-00064699 well I ball Sadie yes sirree [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00122-00064700-00064987 here go give a [__] there's a reason N-UcKjGDXH4-00123-00064988-00065164 send me up a couple me let the N-UcKjGDXH4-00124-00065165-00065386 [__] come refold his [__] weird N-UcKjGDXH4-00125-00065387-00065695 girl scout the okay I'm so sure about N-UcKjGDXH4-00126-00065696-00065810 this N-UcKjGDXH4-00127-00065811-00066086 step up [__] of course there's no real N-UcKjGDXH4-00128-00066087-00066181 well N-UcKjGDXH4-00129-00066182-00066391 requires surplus of paper and efficiency N-UcKjGDXH4-00130-00066392-00066707 of brand says he just put a dub down N-UcKjGDXH4-00131-00066708-00067312 20g with a 3g N-UcKjGDXH4-00132-00067313-00067537 Pat out of initiative Emily out but for N-UcKjGDXH4-00133-00067538-00067786 now oh man this whole setup designer N-UcKjGDXH4-00134-00067787-00068029 take drug money all right man look we're N-UcKjGDXH4-00135-00068030-00068248 going in quiet in and out no [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00136-00068249-00068488 drunk I'll try humming but I'm one lives N-UcKjGDXH4-00137-00068489-00068672 with magic brash crazy ready sugar N-UcKjGDXH4-00138-00068673-00069035 [__] the back N-UcKjGDXH4-00139-00069036-00069242 [__] the back tight no fun and you N-UcKjGDXH4-00140-00069243-00069411 love me boy N-UcKjGDXH4-00141-00069412-00069783 that's right home none beloved me N-UcKjGDXH4-00142-00069784-00070065 I'd Syria to buddy dude duh it's gonna N-UcKjGDXH4-00143-00070066-00070263 be a shiny we get the book is asking N-UcKjGDXH4-00144-00070264-00070476 Jack and for all this [__] [__] you N-UcKjGDXH4-00145-00070477-00070917 talking about sake 60 psychotic N-UcKjGDXH4-00146-00070918-00071145 [__] that's not [__] working you N-UcKjGDXH4-00147-00071146-00071334 do some jobs for food develop a little N-UcKjGDXH4-00148-00071335-00071517 uneasy relationship and then he asked N-UcKjGDXH4-00149-00071518-00071874 you to do some above and beyond oh my N-UcKjGDXH4-00150-00071875-00072990 god yeah net bad about radical of my N-UcKjGDXH4-00151-00072991-00073773 calls or who's gonna most animals it's N-UcKjGDXH4-00152-00073774-00073983 just smack City inevitable look dog this N-UcKjGDXH4-00153-00073984-00074202 to the brushes can never rescue work N-UcKjGDXH4-00154-00074203-00074483 he's gonna close coming up in the world N-UcKjGDXH4-00155-00074484-00074697 gelada told us your hairnets on the up N-UcKjGDXH4-00156-00074698-00074922 on the monday night raw meat at a time / N-UcKjGDXH4-00157-00074923-00075123 garden the bike still being one of the N-UcKjGDXH4-00158-00075124-00075399 lack of them she'll be the story of your N-UcKjGDXH4-00159-00075400-00075576 life [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00160-00075577-00075892 nap time although I came in my mouth I N-UcKjGDXH4-00161-00075893-00076168 event N-UcKjGDXH4-00162-00076169-00076705 watch me boom Thanks this crazy N-UcKjGDXH4-00163-00076706-00077066 [__] wall so N-UcKjGDXH4-00164-00077067-00077528 hey wassup ohhhhh my way remain perfect N-UcKjGDXH4-00165-00077529-00077724 sample agents N-UcKjGDXH4-00166-00077725-00077991 oh yeah your dogs will hit your [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00167-00077992-00079053 ass on drunk ass [__] be cool N-UcKjGDXH4-00168-00079054-00079374 that's right keep it movin yet we don't N-UcKjGDXH4-00169-00079375-00079959 like this [__] want me N-UcKjGDXH4-00170-00079960-00080180 Hey look let's keep it smooth home man N-UcKjGDXH4-00171-00080181-00080357 your [__] the only thing that's move up N-UcKjGDXH4-00172-00080358-00080553 in this [__] between over never let me N-UcKjGDXH4-00173-00080554-00080738 check on the past life to deserve your N-UcKjGDXH4-00174-00080739-00081003 stupid eggs this is routinely hot kid N-UcKjGDXH4-00175-00081004-00081261 you not do him Fargo's look routine this N-UcKjGDXH4-00176-00081262-00081729 is shady ass [__] we see those are the N-UcKjGDXH4-00177-00081730-00082529 cops about love that dad I got all da N-UcKjGDXH4-00178-00082530-00083190 not as your eyes sir mr. Garnett it's N-UcKjGDXH4-00179-00083191-00084451 not actually I'm a lot notice N-UcKjGDXH4-00180-00084452-00084676 mine ain't this bottom [__] you know N-UcKjGDXH4-00181-00084677-00084959 [__] bike in here man no [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00182-00084960-00085393 [__] hola amigos hola me turn to creep N-UcKjGDXH4-00183-00085394-00085586 up in here man yeah you saw this N-UcKjGDXH4-00184-00085587-00086398 [__] [__] just got my ass beat N-UcKjGDXH4-00185-00086399-00086696 over [__] come fight let's stop being a N-UcKjGDXH4-00187-00090003-00092688 you N-UcKjGDXH4-00188-00092689-00092904 they got me pinned down soon that gas N-UcKjGDXH4-00189-00092905-00093342 can N-UcKjGDXH4-00190-00093343-00094274 pardo CFO nada N-UcKjGDXH4-00191-00094275-00096200 he saw a bigger fight with N-UcKjGDXH4-00192-00096201-00097010 ah frankly no de mi up mobile no toaster N-UcKjGDXH4-00193-00097011-00098687 bday Apollo N-UcKjGDXH4-00194-00098688-00099602 hello madam N-UcKjGDXH4-00195-00099603-00101960 oh you N-UcKjGDXH4-00196-00101961-00103128 you N-UcKjGDXH4-00197-00103129-00103347 but you're gonna turn follow me let's N-UcKjGDXH4-00198-00103348-00105528 get booted somebody tell them N-UcKjGDXH4-00199-00105529-00106824 we got Pikachu N-UcKjGDXH4-00200-00106825-00107635 no you don't wanna [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00201-00107636-00110154 up there shoot that [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00202-00110155-00110521 you just last 80 that might be why they N-UcKjGDXH4-00203-00110522-00111316 irritate N-UcKjGDXH4-00204-00111317-00112351 turned out on one nada N-UcKjGDXH4-00205-00112352-00113033 nah N-UcKjGDXH4-00206-00113034-00113664 nada N-UcKjGDXH4-00207-00113665-00115492 no no N-UcKjGDXH4-00208-00115493-00116705 no no Jordan N-UcKjGDXH4-00209-00116706-00117327 yeah daddy mom man we only came here for N-UcKjGDXH4-00210-00117328-00117872 buy another [__] is my dick N-UcKjGDXH4-00211-00117873-00118183 man will get this [__] done we really N-UcKjGDXH4-00212-00118184-00119677 gonna refire on it N-UcKjGDXH4-00213-00119678-00120016 I want to get paid okay then we're [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00214-00120017-00120314 for 25 with an L we massacred those N-UcKjGDXH4-00215-00120315-00120943 [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00216-00120944-00121409 hahaha N-UcKjGDXH4-00217-00121410-00121739 all these [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00218-00121740-00121949 hey Ashley movie Body Count [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00219-00121950-00122158 don't play the blame game just get all N-UcKjGDXH4-00220-00122159-00122375 this [__] N-UcKjGDXH4-00221-00122376-00123079 ah N-UcKjGDXH4-00222-00123080-00123323 get away from must because he's sitting N-UcKjGDXH4-00223-00123324-00123596 on 140 cubic inches right there Nick how N-UcKjGDXH4-00224-00123597-00125801 do those some I there now N-UcKjGDXH4-00225-00125802-00126966 no credit bal N-UcKjGDXH4-00226-00126967-00127179 bye-bye N-UcKjGDXH4-00227-00127180-00127428 dog we gotta lay low get the bike and N-UcKjGDXH4-00228-00127429-00128008 meet me at the car wash so innocent N-UcKjGDXH4-00229-00128009-00128652 all right drive safe N-UcKjGDXH4-00230-00128653-00129011 for mortality metal detectors I planet N-UcKjGDXH4-00231-00129013-00129710 awesome origin N-UcKjGDXH4-00232-00129711-00129972 cha platinum Italia now check the N-UcKjGDXH4-00233-00129973-00130291 motorola N-UcKjGDXH4-00234-00130292-00130871 ha dr. madam come visit Adama copyright N-UcKjGDXH4-00236-00134286-00134558 confronto kuruvamma kuru kuru VAWA N-UcKjGDXH4-00237-00134559-00135108 commander kuru kuru valla N-UcKjGDXH4-00238-00135109-00135521 yes in dollar N-UcKjGDXH4-00239-00135522-00135809 Oh N-UcKjGDXH4-00240-00135810-00136064 voila da vida la llamada challenge mom N-UcKjGDXH4-00241-00136065-00136297 mr. Callen checked in today N-UcKjGDXH4-00242-00136298-00136540 objectionable solingen see that I N-UcKjGDXH4-00243-00136541-00136807 shifted a desert their own kin N-UcKjGDXH4-00244-00136808-00137185 abstraction gana N-UcKjGDXH4-00245-00137186-00137548 metallic challenged by a bandage or ulam N-UcKjGDXH4-00246-00137549-00137952 sis Arsenal security vinegar N-UcKjGDXH4-00247-00137953-00138445 and uh tomato bacon at the yardage more N-UcKjGDXH4-00248-00138446-00138753 than but I did it what up man I can't N-UcKjGDXH4-00249-00138754-00139188 hang with us for awhile well what N-UcKjGDXH4-00250-00139189-00139466 psychopath you know fine [__] lost N-UcKjGDXH4-00251-00139467-00139795 [__] that's that Apache bloody me homie N-UcKjGDXH4-00252-00139796-00140034 lucky I do a client tom office cafe N-UcKjGDXH4-00253-00140035-00140815 [__] ok ok I'm mother come up N-UcKjGDXH4-00254-00140816-00141330 ok N-UcKjGDXH4-00255-00141331-00141670 bo me john de Bordeaux samehada calculus N-UcKjGDXH4-00256-00141671-00141916 a jetta bikini Bell videos de Bordeaux N-UcKjGDXH4-00257-00141917-00142248 scenario a khalasar video Evanescence N-UcKjGDXH4-00258-00142249-00142543 video lambda bear mixtures like tomato N-UcKjGDXH4-00259-00142544-00142813 not made up on all my own of me jaja N-UcKjGDXH4-00260-00142814-00143026 video Genesis and Jenna initiative their N-UcKjGDXH4-00261-00143027-00143208 vigil are my band may like them a N-UcKjGDXH4-00262-00143209-00143500 channel urban all-male allotment should N-UcKjGDXH4-00263-00143501-00143683 be that is identity secret I'd like to N-UcKjGDXH4-00264-00143684-00143938 check you later you're not a Daniel Adam N-UcKjGDXH4-00265-00143939-00144280 Kennedy broken or circular NEOs4DTHGyA-00000-00000039-00000271 all right guys welcome back to NEOs4DTHGyA-00001-00000272-00000559 another video NEOs4DTHGyA-00002-00000560-00000807 anytime you say another and then that NEOs4DTHGyA-00003-00000808-00001015 bang bang okay NEOs4DTHGyA-00004-00001016-00001183 you remember NEOs4DTHGyA-00005-00001184-00001270 like NEOs4DTHGyA-00006-00001271-00001491 out for mine NEOs4DTHGyA-00007-00001492-00001726 hey because what have you put down to my NEOs4DTHGyA-00008-00001727-00001814 wife NEOs4DTHGyA-00009-00001816-00002039 what have you people done to my wife NEOs4DTHGyA-00010-00002039-00002287 she has been watching your videos ah NEOs4DTHGyA-00011-00002288-00002583 now your bunga bunga is on it's on NEOs4DTHGyA-00012-00002584-00002895 it's in her head NEOs4DTHGyA-00013-00002896-00003039 i'm only saying welcome back to another NEOs4DTHGyA-00014-00003040-00003263 video and she's thinking about manga NEOs4DTHGyA-00015-00003264-00003854 bunga bunga NEOs4DTHGyA-00016-00003855-00004054 becasta if you are watching this video NEOs4DTHGyA-00017-00004055-00004206 can't be homemade you i don't like that NEOs4DTHGyA-00018-00004207-00004359 come and pay homage come and pay your NEOs4DTHGyA-00019-00004360-00004647 market can i pay tribute NEOs4DTHGyA-00020-00004648-00004879 marketing NEOs4DTHGyA-00021-00004880-00005159 all right guys so NEOs4DTHGyA-00022-00005160-00005343 um this is a conversation we want to NEOs4DTHGyA-00023-00005344-00005535 have you on and want to really know your NEOs4DTHGyA-00024-00005536-00006006 mind on it we felt or we feel NEOs4DTHGyA-00025-00006007-00006143 somebody has NEOs4DTHGyA-00026-00006144-00006486 polluted our daughter NEOs4DTHGyA-00027-00006487-00006663 yeah oh i should use the word poisoned NEOs4DTHGyA-00028-00006664-00006767 hair NEOs4DTHGyA-00029-00006768-00007083 yeah poison her mind poisoned her mind NEOs4DTHGyA-00030-00007084-00007383 yeah and here is why NEOs4DTHGyA-00031-00007384-00007551 it was what was it was on wednesday NEOs4DTHGyA-00032-00007552-00007670 right NEOs4DTHGyA-00033-00007672-00007983 no it was a monday when she was going NEOs4DTHGyA-00034-00007984-00008183 monday rather NEOs4DTHGyA-00035-00008184-00008287 monday NEOs4DTHGyA-00036-00008288-00008510 okay so monday when i was taking her to NEOs4DTHGyA-00037-00008511-00008663 school NEOs4DTHGyA-00038-00008664-00009023 monday i joined she joined NEOs4DTHGyA-00039-00009024-00009167 so there's this particular thing we only NEOs4DTHGyA-00040-00009168-00009327 take NEOs4DTHGyA-00041-00009328-00009471 before we get we hit the main road NEOs4DTHGyA-00042-00009472-00009614 before we take it to school NEOs4DTHGyA-00043-00009615-00009742 so whilst we're taking that turn there NEOs4DTHGyA-00044-00009743-00009967 was this little girl almost at her age NEOs4DTHGyA-00045-00009968-00010071 right NEOs4DTHGyA-00046-00010072-00010310 because she was like she was also young NEOs4DTHGyA-00047-00010311-00010559 so this girl seemed to NEOs4DTHGyA-00048-00010560-00010710 have NEOs4DTHGyA-00049-00010711-00010927 quite a the same age with insurer NEOs4DTHGyA-00050-00010928-00011119 because when you see her she started NEOs4DTHGyA-00051-00011120-00011406 starter wise she looked like it she's NEOs4DTHGyA-00052-00011407-00011599 slimmer a little bit NEOs4DTHGyA-00053-00011600-00011823 yeah what we saw was that this little NEOs4DTHGyA-00054-00011824-00012095 girl had carried water NEOs4DTHGyA-00055-00012096-00012319 a bucket of water was a bucket of a NEOs4DTHGyA-00056-00012320-00012455 basin NEOs4DTHGyA-00057-00012456-00012695 a bucket of water quite a big bucket of NEOs4DTHGyA-00058-00012696-00013030 water i saw it and i was like NEOs4DTHGyA-00059-00013031-00013351 i saw it and i commented right yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00060-00013352-00013599 of my thing see NEOs4DTHGyA-00061-00013600-00013743 the mothers NEOs4DTHGyA-00062-00013744-00013911 that just literally all to cross the NEOs4DTHGyA-00063-00013912-00014055 road NEOs4DTHGyA-00064-00014056-00014319 she had carried water fetched water went NEOs4DTHGyA-00065-00014319-00014447 to fresh water from someone we don't NEOs4DTHGyA-00066-00014447-00014558 even really know NEOs4DTHGyA-00067-00014559-00014758 carried it and was crossing the road and NEOs4DTHGyA-00068-00014759-00014935 there was a cat coming with food people NEOs4DTHGyA-00069-00014936-00015166 full speed and i said say hey if the car NEOs4DTHGyA-00070-00015168-00015391 hit this girl the mother will say she NEOs4DTHGyA-00071-00015391-00015622 loves the heel but you've sent this one NEOs4DTHGyA-00072-00015623-00015799 y'all to fetch up and cross the street NEOs4DTHGyA-00073-00015800-00015911 with it NEOs4DTHGyA-00074-00015912-00016071 that was the time yeah that's what he NEOs4DTHGyA-00075-00016072-00016199 said yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00076-00016200-00016486 and you said by now can you vanessa NEOs4DTHGyA-00077-00016487-00016727 she's not going to buy footage balls NEOs4DTHGyA-00078-00016728-00016883 before she goes to school and all of NEOs4DTHGyA-00079-00016884-00017199 that you know NEOs4DTHGyA-00080-00017200-00017519 the thought for me on that was that NEOs4DTHGyA-00081-00017520-00017639 one NEOs4DTHGyA-00082-00017640-00017807 and the time she was currently that was NEOs4DTHGyA-00083-00017808-00017967 quite early in the morning like six NEOs4DTHGyA-00084-00017968-00018119 something seven NEOs4DTHGyA-00085-00018120-00018343 seven seven o'clock NEOs4DTHGyA-00086-00018344-00018494 days i was like the child was going to NEOs4DTHGyA-00087-00018495-00018686 school yeah so seven around seven day NEOs4DTHGyA-00088-00018687-00018847 about NEOs4DTHGyA-00089-00018848-00019055 the question was if this little girl is NEOs4DTHGyA-00090-00019056-00019271 carrying water this time how many trips NEOs4DTHGyA-00091-00019272-00019479 of water is she fetching that's the one NEOs4DTHGyA-00092-00019480-00019663 before she go to school NEOs4DTHGyA-00093-00019664-00019991 so in that i thought we're driving and i NEOs4DTHGyA-00094-00019992-00020127 was talking to franca but it's sure i NEOs4DTHGyA-00095-00020128-00020279 was hearing NEOs4DTHGyA-00096-00020280-00020447 and i was telling frank and that NEOs4DTHGyA-00097-00020448-00020575 you see NEOs4DTHGyA-00098-00020576-00020839 for the parent of that girl they're NEOs4DTHGyA-00099-00020840-00021150 probably giving a training NEOs4DTHGyA-00100-00021151-00021486 in some sense it's not bad NEOs4DTHGyA-00101-00021487-00021647 because probably that's all they could NEOs4DTHGyA-00102-00021648-00021894 get or they have they could offer it NEOs4DTHGyA-00103-00021895-00022094 yeah i'd be good at me so that was what NEOs4DTHGyA-00104-00022095-00022375 i said so what i said was that NEOs4DTHGyA-00105-00022376-00022494 i've realized that in this life there NEOs4DTHGyA-00106-00022495-00022678 are people who are privileged and that NEOs4DTHGyA-00107-00022679-00022886 some people are not privileged NEOs4DTHGyA-00108-00022887-00023127 this girl might stand at the point where NEOs4DTHGyA-00109-00023128-00023335 she she looks like she's not privileged NEOs4DTHGyA-00110-00023336-00023455 and she's not privileged probably their NEOs4DTHGyA-00111-00023456-00023719 parents don't have to have a place where NEOs4DTHGyA-00112-00023720-00023830 she wouldn't have to fetch water there's NEOs4DTHGyA-00113-00023831-00024071 water flowing that you bath even use NEOs4DTHGyA-00114-00024072-00024271 shower and all of that NEOs4DTHGyA-00115-00024272-00024471 so what i was saying NEOs4DTHGyA-00116-00024472-00024550 was NEOs4DTHGyA-00117-00024551-00024807 to franca and even to insurer NEOs4DTHGyA-00118-00024808-00024886 that NEOs4DTHGyA-00119-00024887-00025022 watch carefully NEOs4DTHGyA-00120-00025023-00025319 you have no excuse you have no option NEOs4DTHGyA-00121-00025320-00025622 than to turn out a bad guy a good girl NEOs4DTHGyA-00122-00025623-00025870 but not a bad girl yeah you have no NEOs4DTHGyA-00123-00025872-00026094 option you have no excuse because look NEOs4DTHGyA-00124-00026095-00026239 at this girl what she's going through we NEOs4DTHGyA-00125-00026239-00026343 don't know NEOs4DTHGyA-00126-00026344-00026527 the question i may be asking is that NEOs4DTHGyA-00127-00026527-00026695 will she even get breakfast to go to NEOs4DTHGyA-00128-00026695-00026983 school but you ensure you're privileged NEOs4DTHGyA-00129-00026983-00027199 to have breakfast to go to school i mean NEOs4DTHGyA-00130-00027200-00027718 you know you you have to take breakfast NEOs4DTHGyA-00131-00027719-00027870 you don't take breakfast NEOs4DTHGyA-00132-00027872-00028070 but in your school uh NEOs4DTHGyA-00133-00028072-00028223 item we were filling the form they said NEOs4DTHGyA-00134-00028224-00028343 we should give you breakfast before you NEOs4DTHGyA-00135-00028344-00028574 come to school NEOs4DTHGyA-00136-00028575-00028743 the form NEOs4DTHGyA-00137-00028744-00029014 admission form prospectors yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00138-00029016-00029135 they asked us all of this question does NEOs4DTHGyA-00139-00029136-00029287 she take breakfast before she comes we NEOs4DTHGyA-00140-00029288-00029439 said yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00141-00029439-00029679 so it is our duty to be sure that you NEOs4DTHGyA-00142-00029680-00029862 take breakfast before you go to school NEOs4DTHGyA-00143-00029863-00030087 and she's mom no no no no NEOs4DTHGyA-00144-00030088-00030151 no NEOs4DTHGyA-00145-00030152-00030543 no NEOs4DTHGyA-00146-00030544-00030774 she wants to buy sweet you see NEOs4DTHGyA-00147-00030775-00031079 so i was telling mommy and her that NEOs4DTHGyA-00148-00031080-00031295 those who are not privileged what is NEOs4DTHGyA-00149-00031295-00031455 your chances that they will turn out NEOs4DTHGyA-00150-00031456-00031551 good NEOs4DTHGyA-00151-00031552-00031727 or bad NEOs4DTHGyA-00152-00031727-00031927 and those who are privileged NEOs4DTHGyA-00153-00031927-00032046 what is the chance that they will turn NEOs4DTHGyA-00154-00032047-00032367 out good or bad or bad NEOs4DTHGyA-00155-00032368-00032439 so NEOs4DTHGyA-00156-00032439-00032623 i was in this conversation NEOs4DTHGyA-00157-00032624-00032807 and then once we were going i decided i NEOs4DTHGyA-00158-00032808-00033007 didn't have physical cash flow i'd just NEOs4DTHGyA-00159-00033008-00033279 drop by to drop we drove about money and NEOs4DTHGyA-00160-00033280-00033551 then get some cash for feeding and all NEOs4DTHGyA-00161-00033552-00033702 that NEOs4DTHGyA-00162-00033703-00033871 apparently when i got down she told NEOs4DTHGyA-00163-00033872-00034062 mommy something she asked me a question NEOs4DTHGyA-00164-00034063-00034207 she she answered the question she was NEOs4DTHGyA-00165-00034208-00034351 like mommy NEOs4DTHGyA-00166-00034352-00034502 mommy um NEOs4DTHGyA-00167-00034503-00034711 oh goodness don't forget this line i NEOs4DTHGyA-00168-00034712-00035111 won't forget is that mommy mommy NEOs4DTHGyA-00169-00035112-00035374 is it see this is it true that's NEOs4DTHGyA-00170-00035375-00035662 fence bones NEOs4DTHGyA-00171-00035663-00035807 she said mommy NEOs4DTHGyA-00172-00035808-00036071 being the firstborn isn't fun and i said NEOs4DTHGyA-00173-00036072-00036174 why NEOs4DTHGyA-00174-00036175-00036367 he said mommy NEOs4DTHGyA-00175-00036368-00036462 um NEOs4DTHGyA-00176-00036463-00036862 i is it a lens face bone so far also NEOs4DTHGyA-00177-00036863-00037167 first bone suffer right that was like NEOs4DTHGyA-00178-00037168-00037551 this idiot what did you say i said NEOs4DTHGyA-00179-00037552-00037679 let me please NEOs4DTHGyA-00180-00037680-00037799 first NEOs4DTHGyA-00181-00037800-00038279 off NEOs4DTHGyA-00182-00038280-00038487 it's not fun to be a facebook NEOs4DTHGyA-00183-00038488-00038790 professor suffer and all of that and i NEOs4DTHGyA-00184-00038791-00039111 said who said it he said facebook when NEOs4DTHGyA-00185-00039112-00039302 you give birth to this other child the NEOs4DTHGyA-00186-00039303-00039518 second child or the third one NEOs4DTHGyA-00187-00039519-00039735 you don't pamper them anymore you stop NEOs4DTHGyA-00188-00039736-00039935 pumping them you don't mind them you NEOs4DTHGyA-00189-00039936-00040095 caught you you just NEOs4DTHGyA-00190-00040096-00040183 um NEOs4DTHGyA-00191-00040184-00040399 give them leave them and concentrate on NEOs4DTHGyA-00192-00040400-00040518 their NEOs4DTHGyA-00193-00040519-00040807 their new the new baby at home yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00194-00040808-00040958 that's it NEOs4DTHGyA-00195-00040959-00041062 why NEOs4DTHGyA-00196-00041063-00041335 you don't you don't do that NEOs4DTHGyA-00197-00041336-00041758 because the baby is so small NEOs4DTHGyA-00198-00041759-00041902 the baby needs NEOs4DTHGyA-00199-00041903-00042230 a lot of occasion NEOs4DTHGyA-00200-00042231-00042462 but you all will be trained the same way NEOs4DTHGyA-00201-00042463-00042662 so what she as i was asking who said NEOs4DTHGyA-00202-00042663-00042855 that to you she said no i know she NEOs4DTHGyA-00203-00042856-00043030 doesn't want to mention the person who NEOs4DTHGyA-00204-00043031-00043207 made those statements to her or said NEOs4DTHGyA-00205-00043208-00043423 that's never understand because NEOs4DTHGyA-00206-00043424-00043630 because we we've not had any NEOs4DTHGyA-00207-00043631-00043871 conversations around it at all we never NEOs4DTHGyA-00208-00043872-00044039 said anything of search to in the house NEOs4DTHGyA-00209-00044040-00044311 there are no kids in the house exactly NEOs4DTHGyA-00210-00044312-00044479 and there are not even adults in the NEOs4DTHGyA-00211-00044480-00044646 house we don't live in such a compound NEOs4DTHGyA-00212-00044647-00044815 house that you'll be hearing some adult NEOs4DTHGyA-00213-00044816-00045071 talk about these things so it's that's NEOs4DTHGyA-00214-00045072-00045311 he headed in school or the friends NEOs4DTHGyA-00215-00045312-00045655 around here and i told him ishwar NEOs4DTHGyA-00216-00045656-00045862 but he says he heard it from school she NEOs4DTHGyA-00217-00045863-00046095 has not confirmed it is what did he hear NEOs4DTHGyA-00218-00046096-00046295 from NEOs4DTHGyA-00219-00046296-00046479 so how did you get come about this i'm NEOs4DTHGyA-00220-00046480-00046646 sure i'm sure it's a conversation she NEOs4DTHGyA-00221-00046647-00046815 had with your friends like you know like NEOs4DTHGyA-00222-00046816-00046943 yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00223-00046944-00047095 i said she doesn't want to mention the NEOs4DTHGyA-00224-00047096-00047311 person who said it NEOs4DTHGyA-00225-00047312-00047590 for us not to fall back for eight years NEOs4DTHGyA-00226-00047591-00047683 who is NEOs4DTHGyA-00227-00047684-00047951 concealing you understand that NEOs4DTHGyA-00228-00047952-00048223 but you see the way she is no a time NEOs4DTHGyA-00229-00048224-00048335 will come when she mentioned the NEOs4DTHGyA-00230-00048336-00048607 person's name if you you know that NEOs4DTHGyA-00231-00048608-00048743 she would surely mention the person's NEOs4DTHGyA-00232-00048744-00049030 name a bonus she will come in mentioning NEOs4DTHGyA-00233-00049031-00049207 but she said all of that and i told her NEOs4DTHGyA-00234-00049208-00049318 that you NEOs4DTHGyA-00235-00049319-00049535 you don't wash weekends we have a NEOs4DTHGyA-00236-00049536-00049807 laundry woman who washes for us NEOs4DTHGyA-00237-00049808-00050007 wait you don't fetch water NEOs4DTHGyA-00238-00050008-00050271 you don't uh even sleep don't eat things NEOs4DTHGyA-00239-00050272-00050486 we say sleep like no more NEOs4DTHGyA-00240-00050487-00050662 sleeping you know like there's no NEOs4DTHGyA-00241-00050663-00050918 sweeping no more so room sweep or NEOs4DTHGyA-00242-00050919-00051086 putting your things together like being NEOs4DTHGyA-00243-00051087-00051238 organized arranging your things those NEOs4DTHGyA-00244-00051239-00051382 are the only things you do like if you NEOs4DTHGyA-00245-00051383-00051630 wash your bowls like once in a while NEOs4DTHGyA-00246-00051632-00051742 remember the time you come back from NEOs4DTHGyA-00247-00051744-00051887 school we have eating we have washing NEOs4DTHGyA-00248-00051888-00052038 the boat we have washed the bus for you NEOs4DTHGyA-00249-00052039-00052254 what's in the boat NEOs4DTHGyA-00250-00052255-00052503 unless she's around them eating it after NEOs4DTHGyA-00251-00052504-00052694 go and wash the bus they should go and NEOs4DTHGyA-00252-00052695-00052791 wash it NEOs4DTHGyA-00253-00052791-00053023 or like what do you really even do oh NEOs4DTHGyA-00254-00053024-00053279 when a saturday she washed her bag and NEOs4DTHGyA-00255-00053279-00053519 does it and then when it's weekdays and NEOs4DTHGyA-00256-00053520-00053799 maybe she would have to wear another NEOs4DTHGyA-00257-00053800-00054023 uniform when she has dated it will tell NEOs4DTHGyA-00258-00054024-00054254 her to wash it because we can't tell you NEOs4DTHGyA-00259-00054255-00054415 we can't just look at you and say don't NEOs4DTHGyA-00260-00054416-00054638 do anything you get that don't do NEOs4DTHGyA-00261-00054639-00054919 anything at all so and i answered do you NEOs4DTHGyA-00262-00054920-00055111 do all of this she said no but she NEOs4DTHGyA-00263-00055112-00055407 washes her socks when she's back from NEOs4DTHGyA-00264-00055408-00055654 school and sometimes her uniform when NEOs4DTHGyA-00265-00055655-00055799 she's back from school and she wants to NEOs4DTHGyA-00266-00055800-00056007 say bye and i said yes that's very NEOs4DTHGyA-00267-00056008-00056191 important real training is that when you NEOs4DTHGyA-00268-00056191-00056366 grow you will depart from me that you NEOs4DTHGyA-00269-00056367-00056566 would want someone's commenting for you NEOs4DTHGyA-00270-00056567-00056830 you will know how to do all of this NEOs4DTHGyA-00271-00056832-00056975 and NEOs4DTHGyA-00272-00056976-00057166 we're talking with the candidate he came NEOs4DTHGyA-00273-00057167-00057303 into the car NEOs4DTHGyA-00274-00057304-00057423 and i told him that this is what NEOs4DTHGyA-00275-00057424-00057599 insurance said to settle NEOs4DTHGyA-00276-00057600-00057838 and the first thing victor said was oh NEOs4DTHGyA-00277-00057839-00058023 what the person said the person is a NEOs4DTHGyA-00278-00058024-00058223 liar because NEOs4DTHGyA-00279-00058224-00058471 no yeah because that is a lie from hell NEOs4DTHGyA-00280-00058472-00058759 true and that is NEOs4DTHGyA-00281-00058760-00058975 that is a corrupted mind NEOs4DTHGyA-00282-00058976-00059223 and a lie from her whoever said that i NEOs4DTHGyA-00283-00059224-00059471 told insurer i don't care whoever told NEOs4DTHGyA-00284-00059472-00059591 that to her NEOs4DTHGyA-00285-00059591-00059919 i don't care but a person is NEOs4DTHGyA-00286-00059920-00060175 is an agent from the devil NEOs4DTHGyA-00287-00060176-00060279 because NEOs4DTHGyA-00288-00060279-00060487 at this point in time how would you tell NEOs4DTHGyA-00289-00060488-00060663 a little girl NEOs4DTHGyA-00290-00060664-00060879 this information or how how did she come NEOs4DTHGyA-00291-00060879-00060966 about this information that NEOs4DTHGyA-00292-00060967-00061142 professionally so wherever she came from NEOs4DTHGyA-00293-00061144-00061311 she got this information from i'm saying NEOs4DTHGyA-00294-00061312-00061479 that like the information is false the NEOs4DTHGyA-00295-00061479-00061719 information is a lie from hell yes you NEOs4DTHGyA-00296-00061720-00061919 might have had some things like this but NEOs4DTHGyA-00297-00061920-00062071 we don't believe that we don't believe NEOs4DTHGyA-00298-00062072-00062254 that we don't believe that not at all NEOs4DTHGyA-00299-00062255-00062511 don't suffer i actually told them that NEOs4DTHGyA-00300-00062512-00062806 for what i know now where i am now NEOs4DTHGyA-00301-00062807-00063054 if whatever i knew NEOs4DTHGyA-00302-00063055-00063406 i know now i knew it then and even i was NEOs4DTHGyA-00303-00063407-00063687 at first born i'm not sure my family NEOs4DTHGyA-00304-00063688-00063887 would have i'm sure my family would have NEOs4DTHGyA-00305-00063888-00064030 prospered yes i'm sure if i would have NEOs4DTHGyA-00306-00064032-00064191 been better NEOs4DTHGyA-00307-00064191-00064335 i would have loved to have been a fail NEOs4DTHGyA-00308-00064336-00064599 but if what i knew now i knew it then NEOs4DTHGyA-00309-00064600-00064838 yes i knew it and i'm a first born i NEOs4DTHGyA-00310-00064839-00064999 would have wished and i would have loved NEOs4DTHGyA-00311-00065000-00065215 to be a firstborn yeah because i told NEOs4DTHGyA-00312-00065216-00065423 her see it's a privilege to be a NEOs4DTHGyA-00313-00065424-00065671 firstborn because when you're first born NEOs4DTHGyA-00314-00065672-00065847 you came out into the world first you NEOs4DTHGyA-00315-00065848-00065982 might have seen things you might have NEOs4DTHGyA-00316-00065983-00066271 experienced things that ah goodness you NEOs4DTHGyA-00317-00066272-00066455 are an example to the siblings that come NEOs4DTHGyA-00318-00066456-00066582 after you NEOs4DTHGyA-00319-00066583-00066855 it's a privilege NEOs4DTHGyA-00320-00066856-00067031 you are next it's a responsibility to do NEOs4DTHGyA-00321-00067032-00067206 that look up to you NEOs4DTHGyA-00322-00067207-00067399 and you and that is that is a that's NEOs4DTHGyA-00323-00067400-00067559 some pride say that these are big NEOs4DTHGyA-00324-00067560-00067726 brother these are big sisters yes like NEOs4DTHGyA-00325-00067727-00067926 really and it's not like you are that NEOs4DTHGyA-00326-00067927-00068111 your young your younger people look up NEOs4DTHGyA-00327-00068112-00068231 to you you think they'd be joking NEOs4DTHGyA-00328-00068232-00068463 because what i i understand and what's NEOs4DTHGyA-00329-00068464-00068703 up from the sun is that when we have a NEOs4DTHGyA-00330-00068704-00069047 facebook read it the little ones coming NEOs4DTHGyA-00331-00069048-00069206 we don't listen to appearing to we NEOs4DTHGyA-00332-00069207-00069391 listen to our big sisters and our big NEOs4DTHGyA-00333-00069392-00069526 brother yeah that's like our friends NEOs4DTHGyA-00334-00069527-00069726 born when they are now demonstrate we NEOs4DTHGyA-00335-00069727-00069950 listen to them because they become our NEOs4DTHGyA-00336-00069951-00070182 parents automatically yes because NEOs4DTHGyA-00337-00070183-00070343 everything will be left to you but even NEOs4DTHGyA-00338-00070344-00070519 with that you know we've made sure we NEOs4DTHGyA-00339-00070520-00070775 are making sure say you won't go through NEOs4DTHGyA-00340-00070776-00070950 all of this struggling NEOs4DTHGyA-00341-00070951-00071094 if you want ice cream i buy a screen for NEOs4DTHGyA-00342-00071095-00071343 you if you want to go to the mall and i NEOs4DTHGyA-00343-00071344-00071550 have time we go to NEOs4DTHGyA-00344-00071551-00071743 there are times ah the times i do things NEOs4DTHGyA-00345-00071744-00071967 for her i surprise her without even her NEOs4DTHGyA-00346-00071968-00072215 asking you can imagine on her birthday NEOs4DTHGyA-00347-00072216-00072423 on a birthday before i came home even NEOs4DTHGyA-00348-00072424-00072606 the day before baby i came home i went NEOs4DTHGyA-00349-00072607-00072791 to the mall went to buy ice cream and NEOs4DTHGyA-00350-00072792-00072950 biscuits and things i brought it for as NEOs4DTHGyA-00351-00072951-00073167 a first surprise that same day we took NEOs4DTHGyA-00352-00073168-00073406 it out to go and eat like what pumpkin NEOs4DTHGyA-00353-00073407-00073575 are you are we pumping or you are not NEOs4DTHGyA-00354-00073576-00073775 pampering you that somebody would have NEOs4DTHGyA-00355-00073776-00073959 told you this NEOs4DTHGyA-00356-00073960-00074182 like whoever you whoever you are if NEOs4DTHGyA-00357-00074183-00074326 you're watching this video you are the NEOs4DTHGyA-00358-00074327-00074503 one who polluted our daughter NEOs4DTHGyA-00359-00074504-00074615 please NEOs4DTHGyA-00360-00074616-00074838 keep your words to yourself NEOs4DTHGyA-00361-00074839-00075031 keep whatever mentality or mind that you NEOs4DTHGyA-00362-00075032-00075231 have to yourself and keep it to your NEOs4DTHGyA-00363-00075232-00075599 children but not us not ours NEOs4DTHGyA-00364-00075600-00075911 but what i thought would make a child NEOs4DTHGyA-00365-00075912-00076135 have this kind of conversation with her NEOs4DTHGyA-00366-00076136-00076231 friends NEOs4DTHGyA-00367-00076232-00076423 what at all would the parents be doing NEOs4DTHGyA-00368-00076424-00076655 to a child that would give that child an NEOs4DTHGyA-00369-00076656-00076894 influence and that child would influence NEOs4DTHGyA-00370-00076895-00077094 another person's child where their child NEOs4DTHGyA-00371-00077095-00077382 is getting all the privileges NEOs4DTHGyA-00372-00077383-00077662 trying to grow and become a good person NEOs4DTHGyA-00373-00077663-00077903 that's why a lot of firstborns have NEOs4DTHGyA-00374-00077904-00078119 grown to not have love for their little NEOs4DTHGyA-00375-00078120-00078359 one and they don't even usually many of NEOs4DTHGyA-00376-00078360-00078438 them NEOs4DTHGyA-00377-00078439-00078559 i don't know if you have read this book NEOs4DTHGyA-00378-00078560-00078871 um by sidney uh um stella NEOs4DTHGyA-00379-00078872-00079055 oh then it wasn't uh NEOs4DTHGyA-00380-00079056-00079303 danielle still big girl no NEOs4DTHGyA-00381-00079304-00079462 there's no i'll get it for you to read NEOs4DTHGyA-00382-00079463-00079791 okay it was similar story how how they NEOs4DTHGyA-00383-00079792-00079999 saw that they they NEOs4DTHGyA-00384-00080000-00080271 mentioned that the first ball was a a NEOs4DTHGyA-00385-00080272-00080719 test kick you know those tests NEOs4DTHGyA-00386-00080720-00080943 it really tortured the girl NEOs4DTHGyA-00387-00080944-00081103 like we the period of your home you NEOs4DTHGyA-00388-00081104-00081255 never mentioned this to our daughter you NEOs4DTHGyA-00389-00081256-00081382 you're not even doing this you're not NEOs4DTHGyA-00390-00081383-00081638 even doing anything so why would some NEOs4DTHGyA-00391-00081639-00081847 parents should know how to talk to their NEOs4DTHGyA-00392-00081848-00082047 kids know when their kids should say NEOs4DTHGyA-00393-00082048-00082206 something if you're not shooting your NEOs4DTHGyA-00394-00082207-00082431 child or your child has gotten this NEOs4DTHGyA-00395-00082432-00082591 information from outside they shouldn't NEOs4DTHGyA-00396-00082592-00082926 be with them another child your child NEOs4DTHGyA-00397-00082927-00083087 doesn't have to influence another child NEOs4DTHGyA-00398-00083088-00083375 right seriously it's crazy NEOs4DTHGyA-00399-00083376-00083623 you see a firstborn who has made life NEOs4DTHGyA-00400-00083624-00083831 but doesn't want to support his siblings NEOs4DTHGyA-00401-00083832-00084062 why because she wasn't giving up NEOs4DTHGyA-00402-00084063-00084343 meanwhile you were giving love ah NEOs4DTHGyA-00403-00084344-00084535 so you've grown see even then the most NEOs4DTHGyA-00404-00084536-00084671 important part is that you even came out NEOs4DTHGyA-00405-00084672-00084871 into the world first whatever attention NEOs4DTHGyA-00406-00084872-00084982 that NEOs4DTHGyA-00407-00084983-00085247 you'll be you'll be lost for and envious NEOs4DTHGyA-00408-00085248-00085406 for you've been given all of that when NEOs4DTHGyA-00409-00085407-00085591 you were growing up and it's not like NEOs4DTHGyA-00410-00085592-00085823 and and insurance eight years now you NEOs4DTHGyA-00411-00085824-00085999 have been giving all the love and care NEOs4DTHGyA-00412-00086000-00086215 and attention ah when you say if you hug NEOs4DTHGyA-00413-00086216-00086382 you i hug you you even come and hug me NEOs4DTHGyA-00414-00086383-00086550 who done is that one what's that should NEOs4DTHGyA-00415-00086551-00086743 carry me i carry it NEOs4DTHGyA-00416-00086744-00086991 so we we noticed that it to a time where NEOs4DTHGyA-00417-00086992-00087135 like when we are seeing something it's NEOs4DTHGyA-00418-00087136-00087359 like she frowned it's like she's acting NEOs4DTHGyA-00419-00087360-00087471 up it's like NEOs4DTHGyA-00420-00087472-00087638 the washington drama and i was telling NEOs4DTHGyA-00421-00087639-00087759 about the drama thing i don't like the NEOs4DTHGyA-00422-00087760-00087918 drama thing it was like she she was NEOs4DTHGyA-00423-00087919-00088126 demanding for more attention NEOs4DTHGyA-00424-00088127-00088326 until she said that they will notice NEOs4DTHGyA-00425-00088327-00088655 that no it's not hey like it's it's NEOs4DTHGyA-00426-00088656-00088847 watch your head it's what she has heard NEOs4DTHGyA-00427-00088848-00089055 and what's getting to her NEOs4DTHGyA-00428-00089056-00089262 so we just had to first first first i NEOs4DTHGyA-00429-00089263-00089375 don't know the morning that you were NEOs4DTHGyA-00430-00089376-00089462 going NEOs4DTHGyA-00431-00089463-00089638 why would you give us work did we ask NEOs4DTHGyA-00432-00089639-00089918 you to give us a week like NEOs4DTHGyA-00433-00089919-00090191 so when we before she go to school with NEOs4DTHGyA-00434-00090192-00090479 we make sure we we we cut all of those NEOs4DTHGyA-00435-00090480-00090767 things for me and we are still doing it NEOs4DTHGyA-00436-00090768-00090967 we are still talking to him because no NEOs4DTHGyA-00437-00090968-00091094 it's not right NEOs4DTHGyA-00438-00091095-00091303 it's a privilege to be a first one NEOs4DTHGyA-00439-00091304-00091599 to be a friend we we are last born yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00440-00091600-00091759 but NEOs4DTHGyA-00441-00091760-00091959 we are last busy yes but i believe it's NEOs4DTHGyA-00442-00091960-00092150 a privilege to be a first born because NEOs4DTHGyA-00443-00092151-00092311 you have seen what we have not seen so NEOs4DTHGyA-00444-00092312-00092511 you are the best person to direct us NEOs4DTHGyA-00445-00092512-00092726 they're the person to lead us i've seen NEOs4DTHGyA-00446-00092727-00092959 it in head of festivals who are stood in NEOs4DTHGyA-00447-00092960-00093287 for their siblings NEOs4DTHGyA-00448-00093288-00093399 i don't want to talk about it i'm going NEOs4DTHGyA-00449-00093400-00093606 to struggle we are not we are not saying NEOs4DTHGyA-00450-00093607-00093831 yeah you are going to struggle yeah you NEOs4DTHGyA-00451-00093832-00093982 are not struggling you're not selling NEOs4DTHGyA-00452-00093983-00094191 anything from your own side NEOs4DTHGyA-00453-00094192-00094287 like NEOs4DTHGyA-00454-00094288-00094438 me i have to go and sell people i'm the NEOs4DTHGyA-00455-00094439-00094638 last one i should sell people when i NEOs4DTHGyA-00456-00094639-00094767 came to accra NEOs4DTHGyA-00457-00094768-00094918 you're not selling NEOs4DTHGyA-00458-00094919-00095087 i didn't you're getting all the NEOs4DTHGyA-00459-00095088-00095206 privileges NEOs4DTHGyA-00460-00095207-00095631 why are people so evil and bad like that NEOs4DTHGyA-00461-00095632-00095862 i'm not saying the kid the kid is bad or NEOs4DTHGyA-00462-00095863-00096047 evil but NEOs4DTHGyA-00463-00096048-00096174 but NEOs4DTHGyA-00464-00096175-00096399 i'm not even sure NEOs4DTHGyA-00465-00096400-00096543 well we just don't want to even NEOs4DTHGyA-00466-00096544-00096703 speculate whether i was a kid or an NEOs4DTHGyA-00467-00096704-00096991 adult but what we want to say is that NEOs4DTHGyA-00468-00096992-00097182 with whoever you are NEOs4DTHGyA-00469-00097183-00097494 keep your business to yourself yes we NEOs4DTHGyA-00470-00097495-00097631 don't want your business in our business NEOs4DTHGyA-00471-00097632-00097815 and parents should learn how to shut NEOs4DTHGyA-00472-00097816-00098006 their kids mouth NEOs4DTHGyA-00473-00098007-00098238 when they are saying all of this or when NEOs4DTHGyA-00474-00098239-00098494 they are talking this way or when NEOs4DTHGyA-00475-00098495-00098662 they influence their kids with all of NEOs4DTHGyA-00476-00098663-00098894 this kind of evil mindset and all of NEOs4DTHGyA-00477-00098895-00099079 that do you know do you know she didn't NEOs4DTHGyA-00478-00099080-00099247 say to other people do you know do you NEOs4DTHGyA-00479-00099248-00099494 know during the day we're going taking NEOs4DTHGyA-00480-00099495-00099671 sure one time to school and then that NEOs4DTHGyA-00481-00099672-00099879 woman um NEOs4DTHGyA-00482-00099880-00100087 my mother my mother's area with the sun NEOs4DTHGyA-00483-00100088-00100271 with the sun and we picked the little NEOs4DTHGyA-00484-00100272-00100399 boy NEOs4DTHGyA-00485-00100400-00100511 i'm sure he would also be like nine NEOs4DTHGyA-00486-00100512-00100638 years old NEOs4DTHGyA-00487-00100639-00100823 that was interesting in school can you NEOs4DTHGyA-00488-00100824-00101118 imagine that we're taking this child we NEOs4DTHGyA-00489-00101119-00101287 you were privileged for i don't even NEOs4DTHGyA-00490-00101288-00101503 want to talk about we got you to drop NEOs4DTHGyA-00491-00101504-00101582 you in the school because you're going NEOs4DTHGyA-00492-00101583-00101806 to the same school yeah then NEOs4DTHGyA-00493-00101807-00101950 we're just talking and we're like oh NEOs4DTHGyA-00494-00101951-00102111 it's just fair that's what the boy was NEOs4DTHGyA-00495-00102112-00102439 like um the teacher the teachers are bad NEOs4DTHGyA-00496-00102440-00102534 um NEOs4DTHGyA-00497-00102535-00102799 like they act like they are angels when NEOs4DTHGyA-00498-00102800-00102951 you're in a parent your parents leave NEOs4DTHGyA-00499-00102952-00103127 now then they start acting back towards NEOs4DTHGyA-00500-00103128-00103351 you i'm like who told you that how did NEOs4DTHGyA-00501-00103352-00103734 you even say that um even said that and NEOs4DTHGyA-00502-00103735-00103863 let's cook right here i want to leave NEOs4DTHGyA-00503-00103864-00103982 the screen because the squeeze the scoop NEOs4DTHGyA-00504-00103983-00104166 is expensive i'm like hey do you pay the NEOs4DTHGyA-00505-00104167-00104342 scooters yourself young boy NEOs4DTHGyA-00506-00104343-00104551 do you play the scooters yourself so oh NEOs4DTHGyA-00507-00104552-00104742 jesus i didn't even tell you i told you NEOs4DTHGyA-00508-00104743-00104919 that no you don't say this NEOs4DTHGyA-00509-00104920-00105083 don't talk like this NEOs4DTHGyA-00510-00105083-00105215 hello little boy don't talk like this NEOs4DTHGyA-00511-00105216-00105383 come to complain about a teacher before NEOs4DTHGyA-00512-00105383-00105527 she's rather always happy that she's NEOs4DTHGyA-00513-00105528-00105678 going to say and she want to tell us NEOs4DTHGyA-00514-00105679-00105839 things he wants to give to a teacher NEOs4DTHGyA-00515-00105840-00106102 like you can imagine NEOs4DTHGyA-00516-00106103-00106319 my parents NEOs4DTHGyA-00517-00106320-00106631 some people yes why do some peering NEOs4DTHGyA-00518-00106632-00106847 you're stabbing me i know right like the NEOs4DTHGyA-00519-00106848-00107015 thing is really getting why do some NEOs4DTHGyA-00520-00107016-00107263 parents do that you don't talk like this NEOs4DTHGyA-00521-00107264-00107415 to your kids NEOs4DTHGyA-00522-00107416-00107575 sometimes you sure come to me and she NEOs4DTHGyA-00523-00107576-00107902 says something like um where NEOs4DTHGyA-00524-00107903-00108063 did you learn from did you ever set NEOs4DTHGyA-00525-00108152-00108286 one of the things we've we've been NEOs4DTHGyA-00526-00108288-00108510 working on in our house in our home is NEOs4DTHGyA-00527-00108511-00108766 that when you come there's no firewood NEOs4DTHGyA-00528-00108767-00108975 yes there's no filthy word ever coming NEOs4DTHGyA-00529-00108976-00109223 out of anybody's mouth so even god damn NEOs4DTHGyA-00530-00109224-00109375 you know we never say those things like NEOs4DTHGyA-00531-00109376-00109534 we never said those things no you NEOs4DTHGyA-00532-00109535-00109710 don't even we don't even say NEOs4DTHGyA-00533-00109711-00109831 i've never said in front of her NEOs4DTHGyA-00534-00109832-00110047 before boys come and say so what NEOs4DTHGyA-00535-00110048-00110254 she says we tell her it's not a good NEOs4DTHGyA-00536-00110255-00110431 word don't say it NEOs4DTHGyA-00537-00110432-00110566 she comes in and she talks and she's NEOs4DTHGyA-00538-00110567-00110686 like i NEOs4DTHGyA-00539-00110688-00110902 i'm like who taught you i when you're NEOs4DTHGyA-00540-00110903-00111039 speaking english when you're making a NEOs4DTHGyA-00541-00111040-00111278 statement or a sentence i think i NEOs4DTHGyA-00542-00111279-00111447 no no no since then i've not had this NEOs4DTHGyA-00543-00111448-00111631 seat i stopped there like three four NEOs4DTHGyA-00544-00111632-00111839 five times and i've never heard i said NEOs4DTHGyA-00545-00111840-00111983 that again NEOs4DTHGyA-00546-00111983-00112086 people NEOs4DTHGyA-00547-00112088-00112343 people we are fighting our own battle NEOs4DTHGyA-00548-00112344-00112510 please fight your battle keep it to NEOs4DTHGyA-00549-00112511-00112743 yourself thank you and man don't come NEOs4DTHGyA-00550-00112744-00112902 into our business like that i beg you NEOs4DTHGyA-00551-00112903-00113054 yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00552-00113055-00113199 yeah you you NEOs4DTHGyA-00553-00113200-00113295 you NEOs4DTHGyA-00554-00113296-00113566 just try and shut your kids up like NEOs4DTHGyA-00555-00113567-00113831 what and you do you yourself shut your NEOs4DTHGyA-00556-00113832-00114143 your own filthy minds up don't talk stop NEOs4DTHGyA-00557-00114144-00114271 thinking evil NEOs4DTHGyA-00558-00114272-00114447 stop thinking we'll stop talking again NEOs4DTHGyA-00559-00114448-00114543 yes NEOs4DTHGyA-00560-00114544-00114751 nonsense don't grow and don't never NEOs4DTHGyA-00561-00114752-00114966 depart from men because they've had all NEOs4DTHGyA-00562-00114967-00115207 of this and it has destroyed their mind NEOs4DTHGyA-00563-00115208-00115383 they are thinking a kid would just get NEOs4DTHGyA-00564-00115383-00115663 university and feel like oh hey what my NEOs4DTHGyA-00565-00115664-00115823 mom said in this and nothing that i NEOs4DTHGyA-00566-00115824-00116054 wasn't showing love so i'll be a lesbian NEOs4DTHGyA-00567-00116055-00116283 who calls it and then you say NEOs4DTHGyA-00568-00116283-00116447 uh NEOs4DTHGyA-00569-00116448-00116695 it wasn't the child who started it from NEOs4DTHGyA-00570-00116696-00116966 the house NEOs4DTHGyA-00571-00116967-00117239 it's so crazy NEOs4DTHGyA-00572-00117240-00117519 like that is really getting me now NEOs4DTHGyA-00573-00117520-00117766 so um does this little convention want NEOs4DTHGyA-00574-00117767-00117951 to have with you and yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00575-00117952-00118158 we pray that this doesn't repeat itself NEOs4DTHGyA-00576-00118159-00118366 again yeah because when it does i'll be NEOs4DTHGyA-00577-00118367-00118615 happy whoever will say it yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00578-00118616-00118790 people should NEOs4DTHGyA-00579-00118791-00118990 trying we're all learning how to raise NEOs4DTHGyA-00580-00118991-00119190 our children we are late we are all NEOs4DTHGyA-00581-00119191-00119319 learning NEOs4DTHGyA-00582-00119320-00119495 some of us didn't get someone didn't get NEOs4DTHGyA-00583-00119496-00119799 that right training yes and by goals NEOs4DTHGyA-00584-00119800-00119943 grace we have NEOs4DTHGyA-00585-00119944-00120223 uh done our best to try our best to help NEOs4DTHGyA-00586-00120224-00120390 ourselves become better versions of NEOs4DTHGyA-00587-00120391-00120551 ourselves and want to help raise our NEOs4DTHGyA-00588-00120552-00120678 children and then you want to add more NEOs4DTHGyA-00589-00120679-00120758 work NEOs4DTHGyA-00590-00120759-00120934 who does that right NEOs4DTHGyA-00591-00120935-00121086 no it's it's not NEOs4DTHGyA-00592-00121088-00121231 unacceptable NEOs4DTHGyA-00593-00121232-00121454 just know when to talk to their kids NEOs4DTHGyA-00594-00121455-00121678 talk to them where they should talk what NEOs4DTHGyA-00595-00121679-00121863 they are saying to them parents should NEOs4DTHGyA-00596-00121864-00122151 be very careful even the insults you you NEOs4DTHGyA-00597-00122152-00122471 show on your kids have a lot of NEOs4DTHGyA-00598-00122472-00122686 either don't be taking that and see as NEOs4DTHGyA-00599-00122688-00122839 soon as soon as soon it will be printed NEOs4DTHGyA-00600-00122840-00123031 on the child it's hard to replicate that NEOs4DTHGyA-00601-00123032-00123199 same thing you have been saying on the NEOs4DTHGyA-00602-00123200-00123414 child to you then you'll be more angry NEOs4DTHGyA-00603-00123415-00123551 and you want to beat the child who does NEOs4DTHGyA-00604-00123552-00123631 that NEOs4DTHGyA-00605-00123632-00123807 tell me your own tongue bible says that NEOs4DTHGyA-00606-00123808-00124014 yeah breathe out your tongue NEOs4DTHGyA-00607-00124015-00124151 tell you guys i don't want to be upset NEOs4DTHGyA-00608-00124152-00124375 about this so i know i'm highly NEOs4DTHGyA-00609-00124376-00124663 disappointed in whoever said that thing NEOs4DTHGyA-00610-00124664-00125031 to her i'm i'm like highly disappointed NEOs4DTHGyA-00611-00125032-00125214 and NEOs4DTHGyA-00612-00125215-00125399 i wish it never happened but it had it NEOs4DTHGyA-00613-00125400-00125590 had to happen for us to know that NEOs4DTHGyA-00614-00125591-00125799 if this could be possible yeah so that NEOs4DTHGyA-00615-00125800-00126014 we find a better way to go about it NEOs4DTHGyA-00616-00126015-00126119 guys i don't want to be upset don't NEOs4DTHGyA-00617-00126120-00126334 forget to let your kids come home and NEOs4DTHGyA-00618-00126335-00126551 tell you what is happening to them NEOs4DTHGyA-00619-00126552-00126783 in their schools yeah from outside NEOs4DTHGyA-00620-00126783-00127023 everywhere so that the students go NEOs4DTHGyA-00621-00127024-00127223 against you the parents and so so that NEOs4DTHGyA-00622-00127224-00127399 sometimes will come because the miami NEOs4DTHGyA-00623-00127400-00127575 will be in india and oh what i'm done NEOs4DTHGyA-00624-00127576-00127799 for you you still came out like this NEOs4DTHGyA-00625-00127800-00127999 who's cause charlie guys thanks so much NEOs4DTHGyA-00626-00128000-00128151 for watching and tell somebody about NEOs4DTHGyA-00627-00128152-00128358 this channel and uh NEOs4DTHGyA-00628-00128359-00128527 let's go together we love you you can NEOs4DTHGyA-00629-00128528-00128823 add your advice yeah i mean we should NEOs4DTHGyA-00630-00128824-00129031 continue with this and everything oh no NEOs4DTHGyA-00631-00129032-00129366 you know you know um i mean like for me NEOs4DTHGyA-00632-00129367-00129486 anytime i'm driving here to school and NEOs4DTHGyA-00633-00129488-00129663 mommy's not around or maybe in time with NEOs4DTHGyA-00634-00129664-00129878 her we talk me me and my daughter we NEOs4DTHGyA-00635-00129879-00129975 talk NEOs4DTHGyA-00636-00129976-00130054 and NEOs4DTHGyA-00637-00130055-00130223 we have conversations and sometimes you NEOs4DTHGyA-00638-00130224-00130358 see they are little children and then NEOs4DTHGyA-00639-00130359-00130543 they will be talking a lot all right so NEOs4DTHGyA-00640-00130544-00130719 have you told her that NEOs4DTHGyA-00641-00130720-00130854 many times when you feel like talking i NEOs4DTHGyA-00642-00130855-00131039 want to talk anything anyhow it's more NEOs4DTHGyA-00643-00131040-00131311 like a solution but it is verbal i tell NEOs4DTHGyA-00644-00131312-00131463 you that instead of that be saying i'm a NEOs4DTHGyA-00645-00131464-00131719 child of god i'm born of god i'm healthy NEOs4DTHGyA-00646-00131720-00131919 i'm prosperous i'm a leader NEOs4DTHGyA-00647-00131920-00132119 so so so i've been talking to her about NEOs4DTHGyA-00648-00132120-00132271 this so sometimes even me with her in NEOs4DTHGyA-00649-00132272-00132495 the car wherever we are i talk i say it NEOs4DTHGyA-00650-00132496-00132678 and she repeats after me so i mean like NEOs4DTHGyA-00651-00132679-00132887 that's how we are doing our own yeah so NEOs4DTHGyA-00652-00132888-00133071 maybe you can also look at it that way NEOs4DTHGyA-00653-00133072-00133319 and try because after the abundant NEOs4DTHGyA-00654-00133320-00133519 abundance of the heart the mouth speaks NEOs4DTHGyA-00655-00133520-00133702 so and it says that you are not NEOs4DTHGyA-00656-00133703-00133927 different from what you think yeah and NEOs4DTHGyA-00657-00133928-00134063 your thought is what makes you say what NEOs4DTHGyA-00658-00134064-00134335 you say so you have to check that yeah NEOs4DTHGyA-00659-00134336-00134599 that's my that's my words for you i'll NEOs4DTHGyA-00660-00134600-00134766 check that thank you so much we NEOs4DTHGyA-00661-00134767-00134943 appreciate you yeah i appreciate it and NEOs4DTHGyA-00662-00134944-00135087 thank you for staying on this NEOs4DTHGyA-00663-00135088-00135231 conversation NEOs4DTHGyA-00664-00135232-00135343 and um NEOs4DTHGyA-00665-00135344-00135478 if you have experienced something like NEOs4DTHGyA-00666-00135479-00135639 that let us know and let's know how you NEOs4DTHGyA-00667-00135640-00135759 deal with that NEOs4DTHGyA-00668-00135760-00135895 we appreciate you NEOs4DTHGyA-00669-00135896-00136054 bye NEOs4DTHGyA-00670-00136055-00136358 [Applause] NFZTZH1fwHU-00000-00000000-00000209 what styles are and the basic steps NFZTZH1fwHU-00001-00000210-00000416 needed to create a style from the NFZTZH1fwHU-00002-00000417-00000665 original InDesign class so for the NFZTZH1fwHU-00003-00000666-00000836 advanced InDesign class we want to talk NFZTZH1fwHU-00004-00000836-00001052 about nesting Styles how do we go above NFZTZH1fwHU-00005-00001053-00001289 and beyond how do we use styles in an NFZTZH1fwHU-00006-00001290-00001579 advanced way to increase the efficiency NFZTZH1fwHU-00007-00001580-00001801 and the speed of our design process NFZTZH1fwHU-00008-00001802-00002005 we're going to do that by using nested NFZTZH1fwHU-00009-00002007-00002279 styles styles can be nested in a similar NFZTZH1fwHU-00010-00002280-00002513 way to how master pages are nested the NFZTZH1fwHU-00011-00002514-00002657 nesting process serves the same purpose NFZTZH1fwHU-00012-00002658-00002902 it allows InDesign users to repeat some NFZTZH1fwHU-00013-00002903-00003179 attributes of one object and a different NFZTZH1fwHU-00014-00003180-00003365 attribute of another while maintaining NFZTZH1fwHU-00015-00003365-00003677 an efficient workflow process for NFZTZH1fwHU-00016-00003678-00003872 example if all picture frames have a NFZTZH1fwHU-00017-00003872-00004124 three-point stroke and a drop shadow but NFZTZH1fwHU-00018-00004125-00004358 some are red and others are blue we can NFZTZH1fwHU-00019-00004359-00004526 use nested styles to maintain the NFZTZH1fwHU-00020-00004527-00004681 integrity of the automation of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00021-00004682-00004919 stroke weight drop shadow and short NFZTZH1fwHU-00022-00004920-00005138 color so that if any of these attributes NFZTZH1fwHU-00023-00005139-00005402 are changed via style modifications they NFZTZH1fwHU-00024-00005403-00005902 will all change appropriately the basic NFZTZH1fwHU-00025-00005903-00006158 steps needed to nest styles are first NFZTZH1fwHU-00026-00006159-00006359 identify how your styles will interact NFZTZH1fwHU-00027-00006360-00006605 which attributes are common and which NFZTZH1fwHU-00028-00006606-00006760 are different so if we go back to our NFZTZH1fwHU-00029-00006761-00007081 example the stroke thickness the stroke NFZTZH1fwHU-00030-00007083-00007313 type and the rounded corners are all the NFZTZH1fwHU-00031-00007314-00007570 same oh and on the drop shadow the only NFZTZH1fwHU-00032-00007572-00007912 thing that's different is the color NFZTZH1fwHU-00033-00007913-00008231 establish a nesting styles game plan be NFZTZH1fwHU-00034-00008232-00008423 able to explain how the nesting will NFZTZH1fwHU-00035-00008424-00008582 work before starting to create your NFZTZH1fwHU-00036-00008583-00009023 styles create the first style for the NFZTZH1fwHU-00037-00009024-00009199 style that will be common to multiple NFZTZH1fwHU-00038-00009200-00009437 other styles in our example it will be a NFZTZH1fwHU-00039-00009438-00009620 style containing the three point stroke NFZTZH1fwHU-00040-00009621-00009920 and the drop shadow I'll also make the NFZTZH1fwHU-00041-00009921-00010070 stroke either red or blue because the NFZTZH1fwHU-00042-00010071-00010277 stroke must have a color I'm going to NFZTZH1fwHU-00043-00010278-00010474 choose red and then my nested style I'll NFZTZH1fwHU-00044-00010475-00010867 change the color to blue for create a NFZTZH1fwHU-00045-00010868-00011069 second new style that will contain NFZTZH1fwHU-00046-00011070-00011392 similar attributes dess elect everything NFZTZH1fwHU-00047-00011393-00011546 from your workspace with nothing NFZTZH1fwHU-00048-00011547-00011894 selected choose the style you'd like the NFZTZH1fwHU-00049-00011895-00012116 new style to be based on in my example NFZTZH1fwHU-00050-00012117-00012319 it will be the red picture frame style NFZTZH1fwHU-00051-00012320-00012563 choose the new style button at the NFZTZH1fwHU-00052-00012564-00012866 bottom of the object object paragraph NFZTZH1fwHU-00053-00012866-00013333 etc Styles panel 5 use the style options NFZTZH1fwHU-00054-00013334-00013567 box or double-click on the style to make NFZTZH1fwHU-00055-00013568-00013828 sure that the based on option is based NFZTZH1fwHU-00056-00013829-00014030 on the first style that you created mine NFZTZH1fwHU-00057-00014031-00014227 will be based on the red picture frames NFZTZH1fwHU-00058-00014228-00014503 after the second style is based on the NFZTZH1fwHU-00059-00014504-00014747 first use a style options dialog box to NFZTZH1fwHU-00060-00014747-00014959 name your style and edit it to your NFZTZH1fwHU-00061-00014960-00015019 liking NFZTZH1fwHU-00062-00015020-00015256 for example if we make the first style NFZTZH1fwHU-00063-00015257-00015425 with a red stroke I will change the NFZTZH1fwHU-00064-00015426-00015700 second one to have a blue stroke making NFZTZH1fwHU-00065-00015701-00015853 the second style based on the first NFZTZH1fwHU-00066-00015854-00016006 style means it'll have all of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00067-00016007-00016208 attributes of the first style until I NFZTZH1fwHU-00068-00016209-00016574 change or I break those connections so NFZTZH1fwHU-00069-00016575-00016789 the second style is going to be red it's NFZTZH1fwHU-00070-00016790-00017039 going to have a solid stroke and a drop NFZTZH1fwHU-00071-00017040-00017275 shadow but as soon as I tell it that the NFZTZH1fwHU-00072-00017276-00017515 stroke color should be blue I will NFZTZH1fwHU-00073-00017516-00017845 disconnect that that connection and then NFZTZH1fwHU-00074-00017846-00018142 from now on the red stroke and the blue NFZTZH1fwHU-00075-00018143-00018325 stroke are different but the thickness NFZTZH1fwHU-00076-00018326-00018524 of the stroke and the rounded corners on NFZTZH1fwHU-00077-00018525-00018733 the frame and the drop shadow will all NFZTZH1fwHU-00078-00018734-00018943 remain linked if I was to change them in NFZTZH1fwHU-00079-00018944-00019330 the original style so here is an example NFZTZH1fwHU-00080-00019331-00019570 of how you would create the styles so NFZTZH1fwHU-00081-00019571-00019843 first format your first object 100% the NFZTZH1fwHU-00082-00019844-00020143 way that you want it to be when you have NFZTZH1fwHU-00083-00020144-00020342 it selected create a new style NFZTZH1fwHU-00084-00020343-00020536 it'll be an object style and we're NFZTZH1fwHU-00085-00020537-00020708 always going to immediately double click NFZTZH1fwHU-00086-00020709-00020921 the style I will name it red picture NFZTZH1fwHU-00087-00020922-00021221 frame and select okay we should already NFZTZH1fwHU-00088-00021222-00021511 know that from earlier in the lecture NFZTZH1fwHU-00089-00021512-00021853 once you have the first style you can NFZTZH1fwHU-00090-00021854-00022108 apply it to all the pictures that you're NFZTZH1fwHU-00091-00022109-00022378 going to use in your project if then you NFZTZH1fwHU-00092-00022379-00022546 decide that you want some of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00093-00022547-00022742 pictures to have blue frames and some to NFZTZH1fwHU-00094-00022743-00023065 have red you can then create a second NFZTZH1fwHU-00095-00023066-00023353 style and make it based on the first one NFZTZH1fwHU-00096-00023354-00023665 if you decide to do that it's my NFZTZH1fwHU-00097-00023666-00023864 recommendation that you deselect all of NFZTZH1fwHU-00098-00023865-00023971 your pictures make sure none are NFZTZH1fwHU-00099-00023972-00024214 selected select the red picture frame NFZTZH1fwHU-00100-00024215-00024602 style and create a new style when you do NFZTZH1fwHU-00101-00024603-00024803 that it will give you object style 1 NFZTZH1fwHU-00102-00024804-00025055 it'll create a new generic style you can NFZTZH1fwHU-00103-00025056-00025222 immediately double click on it and you NFZTZH1fwHU-00104-00025223-00025450 can call it blue picture frames but NFZTZH1fwHU-00105-00025451-00025664 notice how by default it will be based NFZTZH1fwHU-00106-00025664-00025918 on red picture frames that's because I NFZTZH1fwHU-00107-00025919-00026143 had the red picture frame selected when NFZTZH1fwHU-00108-00026144-00026414 I created it I recommend you do it this NFZTZH1fwHU-00109-00026414-00026658 way because then all of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00110-00026658-00026795 tributes of the read picture frame are NFZTZH1fwHU-00111-00026797-00027077 automatically linked to the blue picture NFZTZH1fwHU-00112-00027079-00027357 frame if you create the style first and NFZTZH1fwHU-00113-00027358-00027512 then come in here and change it and make NFZTZH1fwHU-00114-00027513-00027758 it based on it makes it more complicated NFZTZH1fwHU-00115-00027760-00028421 to link the different attributes because NFZTZH1fwHU-00116-00028422-00028868 the object style is based on the red NFZTZH1fwHU-00117-00028869-00029076 frame so them still in the blue picture NFZTZH1fwHU-00118-00029077-00029307 frame style all the attributes are NFZTZH1fwHU-00119-00029308-00029468 automatically linked but if you look on NFZTZH1fwHU-00120-00029469-00029664 the left hand side everything that you NFZTZH1fwHU-00121-00029664-00029814 would want to edit outside of this NFZTZH1fwHU-00122-00029814-00030060 dialog box is present inside the dialog NFZTZH1fwHU-00123-00030061-00030267 box so if I wanted to change the stroke NFZTZH1fwHU-00124-00030268-00030483 to be blue instead of red I just need to NFZTZH1fwHU-00125-00030483-00030936 find the stroke option the things that NFZTZH1fwHU-00126-00030937-00031125 are available to change will update and NFZTZH1fwHU-00127-00031126-00031350 you can change a stroke color from red NFZTZH1fwHU-00128-00031351-00031731 to be blue when you select ok all of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00129-00031732-00031871 picture frames that are linked to that NFZTZH1fwHU-00130-00031872-00032195 style will then become blue however we NFZTZH1fwHU-00131-00032197-00032367 don't have any objects that are NFZTZH1fwHU-00132-00032368-00032550 currently linked to blue so when you hit NFZTZH1fwHU-00133-00032551-00032760 ok if you're following along nothing NFZTZH1fwHU-00134-00032761-00033120 should change blue just yet also of note NFZTZH1fwHU-00135-00033121-00033324 because I did not change any of the NFZTZH1fwHU-00136-00033325-00033596 other settings every other setting for NFZTZH1fwHU-00137-00033597-00033815 that that object style is still linked NFZTZH1fwHU-00138-00033816-00034101 to the red picture frames so if I was to NFZTZH1fwHU-00139-00034102-00034311 modify the red picture frame style in NFZTZH1fwHU-00140-00034312-00034496 any way those changes would float NFZTZH1fwHU-00141-00034497-00034949 downhill to my blue picture frame NFZTZH1fwHU-00142-00034950-00035193 notice here that after I have my two NFZTZH1fwHU-00143-00035194-00035406 objects I'll selected red picture frames NFZTZH1fwHU-00144-00035407-00035607 and blue picture frames I've decided to NFZTZH1fwHU-00145-00035608-00035921 apply them to some so the red is applied NFZTZH1fwHU-00146-00035922-00036231 to five of the picture frames and blue NFZTZH1fwHU-00147-00036232-00036627 is applied to three because I nested or NFZTZH1fwHU-00148-00036628-00036825 a link to the blue master page to the NFZTZH1fwHU-00149-00036826-00037098 red master page there forever bonded NFZTZH1fwHU-00150-00037099-00037277 right there connected in some way so if NFZTZH1fwHU-00151-00037278-00037505 I start to edit or modify these Styles NFZTZH1fwHU-00152-00037506-00037785 the changes will flow downhill so NFZTZH1fwHU-00153-00037786-00037998 modifying the blue picture frame style NFZTZH1fwHU-00154-00037999-00038211 will not affect the red ones in any way NFZTZH1fwHU-00155-00038212-00038526 whatsoever but since the red master NFZTZH1fwHU-00156-00038527-00038754 frame is kind of high art on the top of NFZTZH1fwHU-00157-00038755-00039006 the hierarchy if I change anything about NFZTZH1fwHU-00158-00039007-00039219 the red picture frame it'll flow NFZTZH1fwHU-00159-00039220-00039458 downhill to the blue one except for NFZTZH1fwHU-00160-00039459-00039624 things that I've broken the connection NFZTZH1fwHU-00161-00039625-00039839 to so if I change the red picture frames NFZTZH1fwHU-00162-00039840-00040055 to be pink the blue NFZTZH1fwHU-00163-00040056-00040193 picture frames will not automatically NFZTZH1fwHU-00164-00040194-00040655 change in color so you can see here that NFZTZH1fwHU-00165-00040656-00041090 if I modify the red object style so I NFZTZH1fwHU-00166-00041091-00041273 modified the red one in this case to NFZTZH1fwHU-00167-00041274-00041564 have a squiggly red border it NFZTZH1fwHU-00168-00041565-00041771 automatically updated all the blue NFZTZH1fwHU-00169-00041772-00042017 frames to also have a squiggly border NFZTZH1fwHU-00170-00042018-00042320 because the stroke type is not broken NFZTZH1fwHU-00171-00042321-00042665 it's a straight consistent like five NFZTZH1fwHU-00172-00042666-00042986 point stroke on every frame so if I make NFZTZH1fwHU-00173-00042987-00043179 the change on the red style it NFZTZH1fwHU-00174-00043180-00043319 automatically flows down to the blue NFZTZH1fwHU-00175-00043320-00043511 ones and so if I change it to be a NFZTZH1fwHU-00176-00043512-00043823 beveled corner option it will NFZTZH1fwHU-00177-00043824-00044030 automatically flow downhill if you NFZTZH1fwHU-00178-00044031-00044477 change it to be if you change the drop NFZTZH1fwHU-00179-00044478-00044742 shadow color so a peer I added a yellow NFZTZH1fwHU-00180-00044743-00044904 drop shadow if I change it to be black NFZTZH1fwHU-00181-00044905-00045080 again it will automatically flow NFZTZH1fwHU-00182-00045081-00045230 downhill because I haven't broken the NFZTZH1fwHU-00183-00045231-00045482 connection between anything between the NFZTZH1fwHU-00184-00045483-00045752 red and blue style except for the color NFZTZH1fwHU-00185-00045753-00046016 of the stroke NMcpx9Kadg8-00000-00000414-00000646 i'm here with Dmitry apparent NMcpx9Kadg8-00001-00000647-00000894 she's the CTO and founder of crowd NMcpx9Kadg8-00002-00000895-00001060 strike and we were just having an NMcpx9Kadg8-00003-00001061-00001306 interesting conversation about what is a NMcpx9Kadg8-00004-00001307-00001566 offensive security or active defense and NMcpx9Kadg8-00005-00001567-00001738 a lot of people think you know it's NMcpx9Kadg8-00006-00001739-00001914 about hacking back but that's not it at NMcpx9Kadg8-00007-00001916-00002106 all Demetria give us a little clue of NMcpx9Kadg8-00008-00002107-00002344 what's going on that's right so if you NMcpx9Kadg8-00009-00002345-00002521 look at the state of security today we NMcpx9Kadg8-00010-00002522-00002692 really have two primary threat actors NMcpx9Kadg8-00011-00002693-00002874 that we deal with we have the NMcpx9Kadg8-00012-00002875-00003040 opportunistic attackers that NMcpx9Kadg8-00013-00003041-00003138 fundamentally don't care about a NMcpx9Kadg8-00014-00003139-00003427 specific victim they care about getting NMcpx9Kadg8-00015-00003428-00003604 an end result which may be financial NMcpx9Kadg8-00016-00003604-00003813 motive and if they can't get money from NMcpx9Kadg8-00017-00003814-00003957 one organization then move on to the NMcpx9Kadg8-00018-00003958-00004122 next and the traditional model of NMcpx9Kadg8-00019-00004123-00004323 dealing with that threat actor has been NMcpx9Kadg8-00020-00004324-00004518 let's build better defenses let's build NMcpx9Kadg8-00021-00004519-00004698 higher walls let's frustrate them let's NMcpx9Kadg8-00022-00004699-00004831 get them to move to an easier target NMcpx9Kadg8-00023-00004832-00005059 that works fairly well but the challenge NMcpx9Kadg8-00024-00005060-00005416 we've had in last really 68 years is the NMcpx9Kadg8-00025-00005417-00005652 evolution of the determined adversary NMcpx9Kadg8-00026-00005653-00005811 someone who really cares only about you NMcpx9Kadg8-00027-00005812-00006025 and no one else because of your trade NMcpx9Kadg8-00028-00006026-00006193 secrets your intellectual property NMcpx9Kadg8-00029-00006194-00006442 because they have an ax to grind with NMcpx9Kadg8-00030-00006443-00006676 you and they want to have a destructive NMcpx9Kadg8-00031-00006677-00006826 activity take place in your network and NMcpx9Kadg8-00032-00006827-00007020 for them making it hard is not going to NMcpx9Kadg8-00033-00007022-00007252 stop just because you make it hard NMcpx9Kadg8-00034-00007253-00007431 they're going to keep trying harder if NMcpx9Kadg8-00035-00007433-00007561 it's a nation-state with tremendous NMcpx9Kadg8-00036-00007562-00007867 resources time effort people they're NMcpx9Kadg8-00037-00007868-00008083 going to keep warm themselves in through NMcpx9Kadg8-00038-00008084-00008248 all the layers of Defense you have so NMcpx9Kadg8-00039-00008249-00008362 the traditional model of defense in NMcpx9Kadg8-00040-00008363-00008530 depth is not going to work against Assad NMcpx9Kadg8-00041-00008531-00008794 so that is why we started thinking about NMcpx9Kadg8-00042-00008795-00009106 this new concept active defense and it's NMcpx9Kadg8-00043-00009107-00009235 really all about how do you raise the NMcpx9Kadg8-00044-00009236-00009454 cost and risk to the adversary how do NMcpx9Kadg8-00045-00009455-00009694 you utilize detection capabilities are NMcpx9Kadg8-00046-00009695-00009859 focused on trade craft is opposed to NMcpx9Kadg8-00047-00009860-00010030 specific indicators to find the attacker NMcpx9Kadg8-00048-00010031-00010220 detectors they have NMcpx9Kadg8-00049-00010221-00010487 to worry about as well that's right and NMcpx9Kadg8-00050-00010488-00010658 they have the cost in the rest right how NMcpx9Kadg8-00051-00010659-00010787 do you attribute them so that they NMcpx9Kadg8-00052-00010788-00010949 cannot no longer hide behind a wall of NMcpx9Kadg8-00053-00010950-00011144 anonymity and can actually be outed NMcpx9Kadg8-00054-00011145-00011339 publicly perhaps I have legal action NMcpx9Kadg8-00055-00011340-00011480 taking guests in both in the criminal in NMcpx9Kadg8-00056-00011481-00011738 the syllabus how do you respond to their NMcpx9Kadg8-00057-00011739-00011999 attacks in a flexible manner utilizing NMcpx9Kadg8-00058-00012000-00012205 counterintelligence denial deception NMcpx9Kadg8-00059-00012206-00012470 disruption to really impact their NMcpx9Kadg8-00060-00012471-00012662 operations and start driving up the cost NMcpx9Kadg8-00061-00012663-00012791 and the rest of them if they're coming NMcpx9Kadg8-00062-00012792-00013037 in into your company and trying to steal NMcpx9Kadg8-00063-00013038-00013211 a document and you feed them the wrong NMcpx9Kadg8-00064-00013212-00013478 information they then act upon and NMcpx9Kadg8-00065-00013479-00013715 actually have a significant negative NMcpx9Kadg8-00066-00013716-00013888 impact on their business that's going to NMcpx9Kadg8-00067-00013890-00014087 have a deterrent effect in the future or NMcpx9Kadg8-00068-00014088-00014249 if you attribute them and then provide NMcpx9Kadg8-00069-00014250-00014477 that information to law enforcement to NMcpx9Kadg8-00070-00014478-00014624 make sure that they they can be tracked NMcpx9Kadg8-00071-00014625-00014783 down or they can never visit another NMcpx9Kadg8-00072-00014784-00014966 country again is when they travel or NMcpx9Kadg8-00073-00014966-00015137 caesars and Interpol red notice is on NMcpx9Kadg8-00074-00015138-00015299 them that starts to have a real impact NMcpx9Kadg8-00075-00015300-00015581 on them so it needs to be the defense's NMcpx9Kadg8-00076-00015582-00015833 need to be from passive let's try to NMcpx9Kadg8-00077-00015834-00016046 detect attacks based on indicators and NMcpx9Kadg8-00078-00016047-00016307 stop them which you can never do hundred NMcpx9Kadg8-00079-00016308-00016450 percent and the determine artists who NMcpx9Kadg8-00080-00016451-00016631 always get through to focusing more on NMcpx9Kadg8-00081-00016632-00016817 deterrence how do you raise the cost in NMcpx9Kadg8-00082-00016818-00016997 the rest of the atmosphere NMcpx9Kadg8-00083-00016998-00017402 so give me an example of a NMcpx9Kadg8-00084-00017403-00017669 kind of attack that somebody can expect NMcpx9Kadg8-00085-00017670-00017879 and I don't want to say apt but this NMcpx9Kadg8-00086-00017880-00018360 sounds like you know the Atari attacks NMcpx9Kadg8-00087-00018361-00018564 kill chain processes that we're looking NMcpx9Kadg8-00088-00018565-00018683 at NMcpx9Kadg8-00089-00018684-00018844 we understand what the attackers are NMcpx9Kadg8-00090-00018845-00018986 going through and frustrate them at NMcpx9Kadg8-00091-00018987-00019111 different levels and anticipate their NMcpx9Kadg8-00092-00019112-00019325 moves that's right we're looking at NMcpx9Kadg8-00093-00019326-00019496 everything they do how do they do NMcpx9Kadg8-00094-00019497-00019650 reconnaissance weaponization NMcpx9Kadg8-00095-00019651-00019819 exploitation command and control NMcpx9Kadg8-00096-00019820-00020099 exfiltration persistence stealth and NMcpx9Kadg8-00097-00020100-00020372 where can we impact them the most to NMcpx9Kadg8-00098-00020373-00020540 drive up the costs and risks to them NMcpx9Kadg8-00099-00020541-00020777 right so at the acceleration stage you NMcpx9Kadg8-00100-00020778-00020960 can substitute a different file and in NMcpx9Kadg8-00101-00020961-00021061 other stage you can feed the NMcpx9Kadg8-00102-00021062-00021227 misinformation about the network so that NMcpx9Kadg8-00103-00021228-00021341 they're going to take different actions NMcpx9Kadg8-00104-00021342-00021599 so how do you frustrate them how do you NMcpx9Kadg8-00105-00021600-00021811 deceive them how do you impact their NMcpx9Kadg8-00106-00021812-00021997 ability to trust the integrity of the NMcpx9Kadg8-00107-00021998-00022183 day they're taking just like we worry NMcpx9Kadg8-00108-00022184-00022306 from a defensive perspective about NMcpx9Kadg8-00109-00022307-00022483 integrity of our data someone can modify NMcpx9Kadg8-00110-00022484-00022691 it we won't know it that's probably one NMcpx9Kadg8-00111-00022692-00022883 of the most destructive things that they NMcpx9Kadg8-00112-00022884-00023096 can do to a business the adversary has NMcpx9Kadg8-00113-00023097-00023240 the same problem if they can't trust the NMcpx9Kadg8-00114-00023241-00023399 data that are taking then the whole NMcpx9Kadg8-00115-00023400-00023624 operation is useless to play and if you NMcpx9Kadg8-00116-00023625-00023813 employ deception in a strategic fashion NMcpx9Kadg8-00117-00023814-00024053 you can actually frustrate their efforts NMcpx9Kadg8-00118-00024054-00024260 entirely once in thanks to meet you for NMcpx9Kadg8-00119-00024261-00024526 taking time out to talk with us NMcpx9Kadg8-00120-00024527-00024721 and the rain check out graduates in the NMcpx9Kadg8-00121-00024722-00025021 back thanks so much NNEPvZO3k3I-00001-00004980-00006489 foreign NNEPvZO3k3I-00002-00006490-00006805 [Music] NNFHK6qi3vo-00000-00000003-00000218 hi welcome to the project team video NNFHK6qi3vo-00001-00000219-00000463 series we're continuing on with the NNFHK6qi3vo-00002-00000465-00000730 design-bid-build delivery method if this NNFHK6qi3vo-00003-00000731-00000947 is your first video on the series please NNFHK6qi3vo-00004-00000948-00001162 click this playlist link right here and NNFHK6qi3vo-00005-00001163-00001358 now take you to the beginning or at NNFHK6qi3vo-00006-00001359-00001528 least to the videos that you might have NNFHK6qi3vo-00007-00001529-00002152 missed hi welcome back my name is Chris NNFHK6qi3vo-00008-00002153-00002300 Kong Cole and this channel is all about NNFHK6qi3vo-00009-00002301-00002573 helping you master construction so that NNFHK6qi3vo-00010-00002574-00002783 you can become an industry leader we're NNFHK6qi3vo-00011-00002784-00002939 continuing on with the design-bid-build NNFHK6qi3vo-00012-00002940-00003118 delivery method today we're going to be NNFHK6qi3vo-00013-00003119-00003368 going over the architects organizational NNFHK6qi3vo-00014-00003369-00003668 matrix okay this is the traditional NNFHK6qi3vo-00015-00003669-00003929 delivery method design-bid-build NNFHK6qi3vo-00016-00003929-00004168 and this is the architects NNFHK6qi3vo-00017-00004169-00004406 organizational matrix we went over the NNFHK6qi3vo-00018-00004407-00004822 owners we have gone over the like the NNFHK6qi3vo-00019-00004823-00005104 general the general idea of NNFHK6qi3vo-00020-00005105-00005318 design-bid-build we also discussed what NNFHK6qi3vo-00021-00005319-00005618 types of contracts come from where okay NNFHK6qi3vo-00022-00005619-00005897 so in a design-bid-build NNFHK6qi3vo-00023-00005898-00006268 delivery method the architectural NNFHK6qi3vo-00024-00006269-00006434 organizing like an architect's NNFHK6qi3vo-00025-00006434-00006881 organization yes is is this okay so the NNFHK6qi3vo-00026-00006881-00007202 the idea of showing you all this is so NNFHK6qi3vo-00027-00007203-00007342 that you can study for your PMP NNFHK6qi3vo-00028-00007343-00007655 certification okay or just to learn more NNFHK6qi3vo-00029-00007656-00007988 about the actual delivery method this NNFHK6qi3vo-00030-00007989-00008141 design-bid-build delivery method for NNFHK6qi3vo-00031-00008142-00008453 constructions okay this is the the most NNFHK6qi3vo-00032-00008454-00008660 widely used delivery method still even NNFHK6qi3vo-00033-00008661-00009044 today and so this this demonstrates how NNFHK6qi3vo-00034-00009045-00009278 complicated construction is okay I had NNFHK6qi3vo-00035-00009279-00009509 to break down into several videos this NNFHK6qi3vo-00036-00009510-00009698 design-bid-build delivery method okay NNFHK6qi3vo-00037-00009699-00009971 because it's just so complicated and I NNFHK6qi3vo-00038-00009972-00010301 just had to break it down so now the NNFHK6qi3vo-00039-00010302-00010453 architects organization okay so the NNFHK6qi3vo-00040-00010454-00010730 principle in charge is the ultimate NNFHK6qi3vo-00041-00010731-00011030 decision-maker involved in obtaining the NNFHK6qi3vo-00042-00011031-00011216 contract so this is like the CEO the NNFHK6qi3vo-00043-00011217-00011480 like the boss the owner who goes out NNFHK6qi3vo-00044-00011481-00011656 gets the contracts from the owner this NNFHK6qi3vo-00045-00011657-00011935 this person is also the direct line of NNFHK6qi3vo-00046-00011936-00012139 communication high level of NNFHK6qi3vo-00047-00012140-00012395 communication with the owner okay so in NNFHK6qi3vo-00048-00012396-00012635 order to get to the owner you have to NNFHK6qi3vo-00049-00012636-00013033 get through this level of organization NNFHK6qi3vo-00050-00013034-00013244 or you have to go through the NNFHK6qi3vo-00051-00013244-00013363 [Music] NNFHK6qi3vo-00052-00013365-00013499 as a contractor you have to go through NNFHK6qi3vo-00053-00013500-00013730 the project manager to get to the owner NNFHK6qi3vo-00054-00013731-00013900 ok so there's different levels there NNFHK6qi3vo-00055-00013901-00014060 which at the end last video we're going NNFHK6qi3vo-00056-00014061-00014153 to be going over the entire NNFHK6qi3vo-00057-00014154-00014494 communication process okay so the NNFHK6qi3vo-00058-00014495-00014903 principle charge will hire the or assign NNFHK6qi3vo-00059-00014904-00015119 the project manager the project manager NNFHK6qi3vo-00060-00015119-00015305 works just like a project manager and NNFHK6qi3vo-00061-00015306-00015625 for a contractor in the sense that NNFHK6qi3vo-00062-00015626-00015808 they'll have multiple jobs going on at NNFHK6qi3vo-00063-00015809-00015844 once NNFHK6qi3vo-00064-00015845-00016084 and they're equally responsible for each NNFHK6qi3vo-00065-00016085-00016456 job ok so the project manager okay in NNFHK6qi3vo-00066-00016457-00016669 charge from start to finish may have NNFHK6qi3vo-00067-00016670-00016949 multiple concurrent jobs on the go we NNFHK6qi3vo-00068-00016950-00017078 and responsible for each one we just NNFHK6qi3vo-00069-00017079-00017339 said primary contact for the owners NNFHK6qi3vo-00070-00017340-00017744 representative ok so the owners rep will NNFHK6qi3vo-00071-00017745-00017944 talk to the project manager and the NNFHK6qi3vo-00072-00017945-00018187 principal in charge will talk to the NNFHK6qi3vo-00073-00018188-00018217 owner NNFHK6qi3vo-00074-00018218-00018853 ok so these guys are the direct relays NNFHK6qi3vo-00075-00018854-00019127 on with the contractors brush manager we NNFHK6qi3vo-00076-00019128-00019333 discuss that so change orders and NNFHK6qi3vo-00077-00019334-00019571 evaluates the validity of change orders NNFHK6qi3vo-00078-00019572-00019834 so this guy is going to approve change NNFHK6qi3vo-00079-00019835-00020090 orders okay so he's gonna any major NNFHK6qi3vo-00080-00020091-00020336 massive changes the principle in charge NNFHK6qi3vo-00081-00020337-00020503 will be the ultimate decision-maker but NNFHK6qi3vo-00082-00020504-00020753 for the day-to-day change orders the NNFHK6qi3vo-00083-00020754-00021005 project manager will validate them and NNFHK6qi3vo-00084-00021006-00021314 approve them or disapprove them the NNFHK6qi3vo-00085-00021315-00021593 project architect ok the project NNFHK6qi3vo-00086-00021594-00021831 architect is the guy who is in charge of NNFHK6qi3vo-00087-00021832-00022315 the design and also explaining the NNFHK6qi3vo-00088-00022316-00022525 intent of the design and the NNFHK6qi3vo-00089-00022526-00022747 interpretation of the design okay so NNFHK6qi3vo-00090-00022748-00022952 when RFI's and things like that come in NNFHK6qi3vo-00091-00022953-00023161 it's the project architect who gets NNFHK6qi3vo-00092-00023162-00023506 those clarifications done ok so he also NNFHK6qi3vo-00093-00023507-00023784 or she also coordinates designers NNFHK6qi3vo-00094-00023785-00024205 architects engineers drafts people NNFHK6qi3vo-00095-00024206-00024446 specification writers and the NNFHK6qi3vo-00096-00024447-00024712 sub-concussive sub consultants right so NNFHK6qi3vo-00097-00024713-00025043 there's a lot there's a lot of a lot NNFHK6qi3vo-00098-00025044-00025346 that goes into the contract documents NNFHK6qi3vo-00099-00025347-00025499 that goes into the design construction NNFHK6qi3vo-00100-00025500-00025744 documents right so there's a lot of NNFHK6qi3vo-00101-00025745-00026125 people involved okay so the the sub NNFHK6qi3vo-00102-00026126-00026473 consultants okay are going to be civil NNFHK6qi3vo-00103-00026474-00026747 environmental structural NNFHK6qi3vo-00104-00026748-00027131 call electrical engineers and interior NNFHK6qi3vo-00105-00027132-00027410 designers okay so the engineers are sub NNFHK6qi3vo-00106-00027411-00027707 consultants which they is indirectly NNFHK6qi3vo-00107-00027708-00028016 related to the project architect because NNFHK6qi3vo-00108-00028017-00028339 the project architect goes to them for NNFHK6qi3vo-00109-00028341-00028673 certain things right the contract NNFHK6qi3vo-00110-00028674-00029117 administrator now is will process all NNFHK6qi3vo-00111-00029118-00029302 the information okay so the contract NNFHK6qi3vo-00112-00029304-00029664 administrator will process shop drawings NNFHK6qi3vo-00113-00029666-00030029 progress payments RFI's change orders NNFHK6qi3vo-00114-00030030-00030356 and um like will record all the NNFHK6qi3vo-00115-00030357-00030581 correspondence for the project right and NNFHK6qi3vo-00116-00030582-00030802 we'll hold the meetings and distribute NNFHK6qi3vo-00117-00030804-00031037 meeting minutes right so the contract NNFHK6qi3vo-00118-00031038-00031195 administrator will be involved in the NNFHK6qi3vo-00119-00031197-00031361 day-to-day construction basically right NNFHK6qi3vo-00120-00031362-00031633 so they know what's going on and they're NNFHK6qi3vo-00121-00031635-00031877 the ones who relay the information to NNFHK6qi3vo-00122-00031877-00032239 the our project architect which you know NNFHK6qi3vo-00123-00032241-00032558 goes up the chain right so there's so NNFHK6qi3vo-00124-00032558-00032714 many things going on here right so NNFHK6qi3vo-00125-00032714-00032999 especially coordinators are therefore NNFHK6qi3vo-00126-00033000-00033269 basically like they're outside NNFHK6qi3vo-00127-00033270-00033557 inspection agencies though they belong NNFHK6qi3vo-00128-00033558-00033833 to like the the manufacturers of the NNFHK6qi3vo-00129-00033834-00034058 equipment that have been facilitated in NNFHK6qi3vo-00130-00034059-00034220 the building so they're there for NNFHK6qi3vo-00131-00034221-00034448 equipment startup and testing right NNFHK6qi3vo-00132-00034449-00034694 also things like guys like project NNFHK6qi3vo-00133-00034695-00035057 engineers are power engineers who you NNFHK6qi3vo-00134-00035058-00035351 know program the HVAC systems and all NNFHK6qi3vo-00135-00035352-00035567 that will be in the specialty NNFHK6qi3vo-00136-00035568-00035840 coordinators right so that's the NNFHK6qi3vo-00137-00035841-00036050 architects organizational matrix it's NNFHK6qi3vo-00138-00036051-00036329 actually it's pretty cool stuff I mean NNFHK6qi3vo-00139-00036330-00036587 it's so there's so many things going on NNFHK6qi3vo-00140-00036588-00036902 in construction it's really hard to to NNFHK6qi3vo-00141-00036903-00037145 explain in one simple video so make sure NNFHK6qi3vo-00142-00037146-00037328 you put all of your questions down in NNFHK6qi3vo-00143-00037329-00037430 the comments below NNFHK6qi3vo-00144-00037431-00037631 I will answer all of your questions join NNFHK6qi3vo-00145-00037632-00037781 us on the discord I'm gonna put a NNFHK6qi3vo-00146-00037782-00038039 special link to the discord and I will NNFHK6qi3vo-00147-00038040-00038275 I'm gonna start a channel on the discord NNFHK6qi3vo-00148-00038276-00038630 specifically for the the project team NNFHK6qi3vo-00149-00038631-00038759 series okay NNFHK6qi3vo-00150-00038760-00038894 so right now we're doing NNFHK6qi3vo-00151-00038895-00039068 design-bid-build my next video will be NNFHK6qi3vo-00152-00039069-00039413 on the like I'm gonna get into contract NNFHK6qi3vo-00153-00039414-00039620 management Building Information modeling NNFHK6qi3vo-00154-00039621-00039779 all that stuff let you like I promise go NNFHK6qi3vo-00155-00039780-00039923 back the other videos you see if you're NNFHK6qi3vo-00156-00039924-00040076 following been following the series you NNFHK6qi3vo-00157-00040077-00040127 guys know NNFHK6qi3vo-00158-00040128-00040304 I'm gonna have there's probably a few NNFHK6qi3vo-00159-00040305-00040535 more videos that come out to wrap up the NNFHK6qi3vo-00160-00040536-00040823 design-bid-build delivery method that's NNFHK6qi3vo-00161-00040824-00041036 the most widely used delivery system and NNFHK6qi3vo-00162-00041037-00041295 it's complicated as heck so um just NNFHK6qi3vo-00163-00041296-00041543 check it out take notes ask me anything NNFHK6qi3vo-00164-00041544-00041735 you want to know down down below in the NNFHK6qi3vo-00165-00041736-00041849 comments if you're new to Chris mom NNFHK6qi3vo-00166-00041850-00042005 vlogs make sure you subscribe right down NNFHK6qi3vo-00167-00042006-00042188 below youtube thinks you might like this NNFHK6qi3vo-00168-00042189-00042345 video behind me here so give it a watch NNFHK6qi3vo-00169-00042346-00042614 and I put the project management NNFHK6qi3vo-00170-00042615-00042857 playlist right down there below that NNFHK6qi3vo-00171-00042858-00043052 video for you guys to catch up on all my NNFHK6qi3vo-00172-00043053-00043355 project manager a Dios yeah this is NNFHK6qi3vo-00173-00043356-00043655 Chris everyone bye for now NpLU82jcTpI-00000-00000170-00000583 my name NpLU82jcTpI-00001-00000584-00002535 [Music] NpLU82jcTpI-00003-00006202-00007039 [Music] NpLU82jcTpI-00004-00007040-00007879 thank you NpLU82jcTpI-00006-00011192-00011617 [Music] NpLU82jcTpI-00007-00011618-00011908 my name is NpLU82jcTpI-00009-00015716-00016692 [Music] NpLU82jcTpI-00010-00016693-00017700 [Music] NpLU82jcTpI-00011-00017701-00018008 thank you NOKExOx4EMc-00000-00000017-00000245 this is a list of games for the NOKExOx4EMc-00001-00000246-00000440 PlayStation 4 currently planned or NOKExOx4EMc-00002-00000441-00000647 released either at retail on disk or via NOKExOx4EMc-00003-00000648-00000944 download see list of PlayStation VR NOKExOx4EMc-00004-00000944-00001174 games for a wider range of compatible NOKExOx4EMc-00005-00001175-00001427 and dedicated PlayStation VR games there NOKExOx4EMc-00006-00001428-00002195 are currently 18:53 games on this list NOKExOx4EMc-00007-00002196-00002701 topic see also NOKExOx4EMc-00008-00002702-00003008 list of best-selling PlayStation 4 video NOKExOx4EMc-00009-00003009-00003347 games list of playstation 2 games for NOKExOx4EMc-00010-00003348-00003663 PlayStation 4 list of PlayStation now NOKExOx4EMc-00011-00003664-00004119 games equals equals notes NPcS_iCngFE-00000-00000228-00000503 actually the head of the Deutsche band NPcS_iCngFE-00001-00000504-00000647 the train company NPcS_iCngFE-00002-00000648-00000911 earns more than the chancellor at NPcS_iCngFE-00003-00000911-00001120 Germany and the train is a public NPcS_iCngFE-00004-00001121-00001433 company so it's absolutely NPcS_iCngFE-00005-00001434-00001655 crazy what they are doing with our money NPcS_iCngFE-00006-00001655-00001937 at the top wages but none of the actual NPcS_iCngFE-00007-00001938-00002110 workers that are making sure that the NPcS_iCngFE-00008-00002111-00002302 trains run every day that are getting up NPcS_iCngFE-00009-00002303-00002626 at 6am to get into the train to make NPcS_iCngFE-00010-00002627-00002831 sure people can get to work they are NPcS_iCngFE-00011-00002832-00003034 getting none of the money in Germany NPcS_iCngFE-00012-00003035-00003256 what goes in the transport sector joined NPcS_iCngFE-00013-00003257-00003467 a massive strike action on Monday March NPcS_iCngFE-00014-00003468-00003725 27th with demonstrations held in several NPcS_iCngFE-00015-00003726-00003995 cities this was the largest walk-off in NPcS_iCngFE-00016-00003996-00004151 around three decades according to the NPcS_iCngFE-00017-00004152-00004397 Trade union Worthy workers are NPcS_iCngFE-00018-00004398-00004619 protesting the Fallen real videos and NPcS_iCngFE-00019-00004620-00004822 demanding a fair increase in basis to NPcS_iCngFE-00020-00004823-00004972 combat inflation NPcS_iCngFE-00021-00004973-00005135 the call for the strike was given by NPcS_iCngFE-00022-00005136-00005315 Worthy and the real and transport Union NPcS_iCngFE-00023-00005316-00005585 it was time to coincide with the third NPcS_iCngFE-00024-00005586-00005783 round of negotiations between Municipal NPcS_iCngFE-00025-00005784-00006041 and federal employers and unions taking NPcS_iCngFE-00026-00006042-00006281 place in post Dam on the same day no NPcS_iCngFE-00027-00006282-00006448 agreement could be reached in these NPcS_iCngFE-00028-00006450-00006767 negotiations so it was a strike from two NPcS_iCngFE-00029-00006768-00006931 labor unions together NPcS_iCngFE-00030-00006931-00007319 because they both are negotiating for NPcS_iCngFE-00031-00007320-00007519 higher wages right now NPcS_iCngFE-00032-00007520-00007877 they both have members in the NPcS_iCngFE-00033-00007878-00008081 transportation sector different parts NPcS_iCngFE-00034-00008081-00008309 the one labor union has more buses and NPcS_iCngFE-00035-00008310-00008674 trams and whatnot and the other one has NPcS_iCngFE-00036-00008675-00008928 all the trains and NPcS_iCngFE-00037-00008929-00009377 The Wider public transportation yeah so NPcS_iCngFE-00038-00009378-00009527 um all the all the trend public NPcS_iCngFE-00039-00009528-00009713 transportation was NPcS_iCngFE-00040-00009714-00009989 uh put to a stop last Monday or this NPcS_iCngFE-00041-00009990-00010091 Monday NPcS_iCngFE-00042-00010092-00010427 and so most people couldn't really get NPcS_iCngFE-00043-00010428-00010613 to work or whatnot so we really shut the NPcS_iCngFE-00044-00010614-00010883 whole country down there was NPcS_iCngFE-00045-00010884-00011171 um nothing really going on in the city NPcS_iCngFE-00046-00011172-00011423 itself where we were having our rally NPcS_iCngFE-00047-00011424-00011692 our strike rally it was very empty all NPcS_iCngFE-00048-00011693-00011981 the stores were closed nobody was in NPcS_iCngFE-00049-00011982-00012449 town it was like uh Frankfurt was where NPcS_iCngFE-00050-00012450-00012773 I was it was usually a very busy City it NPcS_iCngFE-00051-00012774-00012946 was completely silent there was nobody NPcS_iCngFE-00052-00012947-00013055 there NPcS_iCngFE-00053-00013056-00013301 um because of our strike so had a huge NPcS_iCngFE-00054-00013302-00013558 effect on the whole country it has been NPcS_iCngFE-00055-00013559-00013727 reported that the industrial action my NPcS_iCngFE-00056-00013728-00014021 world course is supported by 55 of the NPcS_iCngFE-00057-00014022-00014122 population NPcS_iCngFE-00058-00014123-00014333 workers have been protesting for over a NPcS_iCngFE-00059-00014334-00014519 year demanding a rise in their wages to NPcS_iCngFE-00060-00014519-00014722 combat the cost of living crisis NPcS_iCngFE-00061-00014723-00014957 however unions allege that the federal NPcS_iCngFE-00062-00014958-00015119 government led by Chancellor Olaf NPcS_iCngFE-00063-00015119-00015377 Schultz has been prioritizing the war NPcS_iCngFE-00064-00015378-00015580 efforts in Ukraine rather than seeing to NPcS_iCngFE-00065-00015581-00015743 the workers demands NPcS_iCngFE-00066-00015744-00015971 German left party dialing stated that NPcS_iCngFE-00067-00015972-00016127 according to a recent survey the NPcS_iCngFE-00068-00016128-00016366 majority of Germans understand the labor NPcS_iCngFE-00069-00016368-00016685 struggle of worthy and evg no surprise NPcS_iCngFE-00070-00016686-00016894 because inflation and falling real wages NPcS_iCngFE-00071-00016895-00017069 have long arrived at the center of NPcS_iCngFE-00072-00017070-00017308 society we won't let ourselves be NPcS_iCngFE-00073-00017309-00017429 divided NPcS_iCngFE-00074-00017430-00017572 well NPcS_iCngFE-00075-00017573-00017753 um the labor unions in Germany actually NPcS_iCngFE-00076-00017754-00017891 don't really have NPcS_iCngFE-00077-00017892-00018136 such a strong history of striking lately NPcS_iCngFE-00078-00018137-00018467 in the last my labor union strike last NPcS_iCngFE-00079-00018468-00018803 in 2018 for about three hours that was NPcS_iCngFE-00080-00018804-00019072 it the last proper strike was I think in NPcS_iCngFE-00081-00019073-00019385 the 90s actually so the Striking for us NPcS_iCngFE-00082-00019386-00019594 is a huge deal NPcS_iCngFE-00083-00019595-00019822 um it well mainly because of the NPcS_iCngFE-00084-00019823-00020297 inflation that has been about 11 on all NPcS_iCngFE-00085-00020298-00020669 products but 20 till 30 for essential NPcS_iCngFE-00086-00020670-00020830 products like NPcS_iCngFE-00087-00020831-00021064 um food what not clothing gas NPcS_iCngFE-00088-00021065-00021293 electricity so NPcS_iCngFE-00089-00021294-00021533 um all the workers have been suffering a NPcS_iCngFE-00090-00021534-00021850 lot here and have been having issues NPcS_iCngFE-00091-00021851-00022271 um buying food or getting to work NPcS_iCngFE-00092-00022272-00022708 um so our requests were a 12 wage NPcS_iCngFE-00093-00022709-00023003 increase but at least 650 Euros that NPcS_iCngFE-00094-00023004-00023272 means so the NPcS_iCngFE-00095-00023273-00023555 the lower income groups that wouldn't NPcS_iCngFE-00096-00023556-00023777 get matched with 12 percent if they NPcS_iCngFE-00097-00023778-00024028 would get I don't know 200 Euros with 12 NPcS_iCngFE-00098-00024029-00024377 we said okay they need to get a severe NPcS_iCngFE-00099-00024378-00024503 increase NPcS_iCngFE-00100-00024504-00024761 um of the wages so 650 Euros at least NPcS_iCngFE-00101-00024762-00025121 and then the upper the upper wage groups NPcS_iCngFE-00102-00025122-00025372 they still shouldn't should get above NPcS_iCngFE-00103-00025373-00025661 inflation so that was our request the NPcS_iCngFE-00104-00025662-00025955 other labor union requested 10 and at NPcS_iCngFE-00105-00025956-00026149 least 500 euros NPcS_iCngFE-00106-00026150-00026531 and yeah so the state really didn't like NPcS_iCngFE-00107-00026532-00026879 her requests they said we are being NPcS_iCngFE-00108-00026880-00027149 um irrational and whatnot the Deutsche NPcS_iCngFE-00109-00027150-00027370 ban the company the train company in NPcS_iCngFE-00110-00027372-00027820 Germany they said yeah no that that's NPcS_iCngFE-00111-00027822-00027995 never going to happen they offered about NPcS_iCngFE-00112-00027995-00028396 five percent within 27 months and in two NPcS_iCngFE-00113-00028397-00028643 steps so that in a few months we would NPcS_iCngFE-00114-00028644-00028799 get like two percent and the next year NPcS_iCngFE-00115-00028800-00028961 we get the three percent more so that's NPcS_iCngFE-00116-00028962-00029146 five percent which was absolutely NPcS_iCngFE-00117-00029147-00029357 humiliating and at the same time they NPcS_iCngFE-00118-00029358-00029590 gave their top managers 14 wage increase NPcS_iCngFE-00119-00029591-00030017 which is just absolutely not okay when NPcS_iCngFE-00120-00030018-00030251 they're telling us that our requests are NPcS_iCngFE-00121-00030252-00030358 irrational NPcS_iCngFE-00122-00030360-00030640 actually the head of the Deutsche band NPcS_iCngFE-00123-00030641-00030774 the train company NPcS_iCngFE-00124-00030775-00031055 earns more than the chancellor of NPcS_iCngFE-00125-00031056-00031264 Germany and the train is a public NPcS_iCngFE-00126-00031266-00031564 company so it's absolutely NPcS_iCngFE-00127-00031566-00031799 crazy what they are doing with our money NPcS_iCngFE-00128-00031800-00032081 at the top wages but none of the actual NPcS_iCngFE-00129-00032082-00032249 workers that are making sure that the NPcS_iCngFE-00130-00032250-00032440 trains run every day that are getting up NPcS_iCngFE-00131-00032441-00032764 at 6 a.m to get into the train to make NPcS_iCngFE-00132-00032766-00032974 sure people can get to work they are NPcS_iCngFE-00133-00032975-00033137 getting none of the money NPcS_iCngFE-00134-00033138-00033623 um yeah so we were all very Furious and NPcS_iCngFE-00135-00033624-00033935 our labor union finally decided okay we NPcS_iCngFE-00136-00033936-00034199 need to definitely strike and this is NPcS_iCngFE-00137-00034200-00034385 probably not going to be the last strike NPcS_iCngFE-00138-00034386-00034673 in this um these negotiations we are NPcS_iCngFE-00139-00034674-00034852 probably going to strike in the next NPcS_iCngFE-00140-00034853-00035140 months again NPcS_iCngFE-00141-00035141-00035833 [Music] NPcS_iCngFE-00142-00035834-00036134 thank you NSBBliqRuAY-00000-00000053-00000289 Caribbean islands National Wildlife NSBBliqRuAY-00001-00000290-00000526 complex as an administrative unit of the NSBBliqRuAY-00002-00000527-00000755 United States Fish and Wildlife Service NSBBliqRuAY-00003-00000756-00000994 which oversees national wildlife refuges NSBBliqRuAY-00004-00000996-00001235 in Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands and NSBBliqRuAY-00005-00001236-00001439 part of the u.s. minor outlying islands NSBBliqRuAY-00006-00001440-00001691 the complex also manages the NSBBliqRuAY-00007-00001692-00001843 reintroduction of the critically NSBBliqRuAY-00008-00001844-00002042 endangered Puerto Rican parrot into the NSBBliqRuAY-00009-00002043-00002581 wild NSBBliqRuAY-00010-00002582-00003122 topic Puerto Rico NSBBliqRuAY-00011-00003123-00003472 cabo rojo National Wildlife Refuge NSBBliqRuAY-00012-00003472-00003856 Culebra National Wildlife Refuge de NSBBliqRuAY-00013-00003857-00004199 sakyo National Wildlife Refuge Laguna NSBBliqRuAY-00014-00004200-00004538 cardigan a National Wildlife Refuge VA NSBBliqRuAY-00015-00004539-00005151 case National Wildlife Refuge NSBBliqRuAY-00016-00005152-00005821 topic us minor outlying islands NSBBliqRuAY-00017-00005822-00006528 no Vasa Island National Wildlife Refuge NSBBliqRuAY-00018-00006529-00007127 topic US Virgin Islands NSBBliqRuAY-00019-00007128-00007426 buck Island National Wildlife Refuge NSBBliqRuAY-00020-00007427-00007856 Green Cay National Wildlife Refuge Sandy NSBBliqRuAY-00021-00007856-00008450 Point National Wildlife Refuge NSBBliqRuAY-00022-00008451-00008988 topic see also NSBBliqRuAY-00023-00008989-00009255 list of national wildlife refuges of the NSBBliqRuAY-00024-00009256-00009507 United States NSY-fIPE32c-00000-00000012-00000310 foreign NSY-fIPE32c-00001-00000311-00003164 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00002-00003165-00004065 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00003-00004065-00005174 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00004-00005175-00005831 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00005-00005832-00006142 hey hey good times NSY-fIPE32c-00006-00006143-00006816 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00007-00006817-00007972 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00008-00007973-00009479 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00009-00009480-00010110 [Music] NSY-fIPE32c-00010-00010111-00010313 coming on it's hard to focus on the NSY-fIPE32c-00011-00010314-00010754 features I got one too many I'm going NTXrjukIq_E-00000-00000016-00000231 hi guys this is milan arthur ballock NTXrjukIq_E-00001-00000231-00000335 team balak NTXrjukIq_E-00002-00000336-00000582 with century 21 with a realty we are NTXrjukIq_E-00003-00000583-00000638 selling NTXrjukIq_E-00004-00000639-00000902 real estate in south florida we live in NTXrjukIq_E-00005-00000903-00001135 pompano beach palmyra country club we NTXrjukIq_E-00006-00001136-00001223 love it NTXrjukIq_E-00007-00001224-00001454 come to mila's youtube channel which is NTXrjukIq_E-00008-00001455-00001607 called mila felipova NTXrjukIq_E-00009-00001607-00001918 to see mila's fun life and real estate NTXrjukIq_E-00010-00001919-00001998 videos NTXrjukIq_E-00011-00002000-00002474 subscribe to team balik support local NTXrjukIq_E-00012-00002475-00002883 [Music] NTXrjukIq_E-00013-00002884-00003184 business NUXX_yLOVdA-00000-00000056-00000407 the most awkward intro ever anyways do NUXX_yLOVdA-00001-00000408-00000630 you want to introduce yourselves or what NUXX_yLOVdA-00002-00000631-00000823 or are we just gonna cry about it yeah NUXX_yLOVdA-00003-00000824-00002902 i'm an idiot who plays minecraft NUXX_yLOVdA-00004-00002903-00003095 said anything yet so uh today we're NUXX_yLOVdA-00005-00003096-00003279 gonna be playing bed wars with an apple NUXX_yLOVdA-00006-00003279-00003495 mouse out of two wins let's see how many NUXX_yLOVdA-00007-00003496-00003583 get NUXX_yLOVdA-00008-00003584-00003743 the this is an apple mouse if you have NUXX_yLOVdA-00009-00003744-00003935 never seen one before NUXX_yLOVdA-00010-00003936-00004135 oh yeah NUXX_yLOVdA-00011-00004136-00005454 e it's black NUXX_yLOVdA-00012-00005455-00006687 get golden apples for the apples NUXX_yLOVdA-00013-00006688-00006951 the terrible apples yeah NUXX_yLOVdA-00014-00006952-00007495 mushy apples from india let's go NUXX_yLOVdA-00015-00007495-00007710 they are like that right NUXX_yLOVdA-00016-00007711-00007991 they're very mushy for some reason NUXX_yLOVdA-00017-00007992-00008167 yeah they're really one i'm going to NUXX_yLOVdA-00018-00008168-00008367 weatherman yeah i know right like it's NUXX_yLOVdA-00019-00008368-00008599 like somebody sat on them and then they NUXX_yLOVdA-00020-00008600-00008823 compressed it or something made out of NUXX_yLOVdA-00021-00008824-00009167 trash NUXX_yLOVdA-00022-00009168-00009342 that's literally all i could say yeah go NUXX_yLOVdA-00023-00009343-00011365 go go oh NUXX_yLOVdA-00024-00011366-00012295 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00025-00012296-00012614 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00026-00012615-00012846 oh my god i have enough gold for an NUXX_yLOVdA-00027-00012847-00012966 apple NUXX_yLOVdA-00028-00012967-00013071 yes NUXX_yLOVdA-00029-00013072-00013191 guys NUXX_yLOVdA-00030-00013191-00013791 apple moments NUXX_yLOVdA-00031-00013791-00014007 guys come on die NUXX_yLOVdA-00032-00014008-00014375 die right now NUXX_yLOVdA-00033-00014376-00014735 and yes i am wearing one glove don't ask NUXX_yLOVdA-00034-00014736-00014943 if you do i will come to your house and NUXX_yLOVdA-00035-00014944-00015358 chop off your head yes NUXX_yLOVdA-00036-00015359-00016086 that's really sad NUXX_yLOVdA-00037-00016087-00016447 these yellow idiots bruh NUXX_yLOVdA-00038-00016448-00017734 we don't talk about broom NUXX_yLOVdA-00039-00017735-00019319 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00040-00019320-00019494 let's go NUXX_yLOVdA-00041-00019495-00020053 okay i'm dead i'm dead yeah NUXX_yLOVdA-00042-00020054-00020775 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00043-00020776-00021159 destroying bed in apple mouse NUXX_yLOVdA-00044-00021160-00021975 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00045-00021976-00023381 destroying a bed with apple mouse NUXX_yLOVdA-00046-00023382-00024711 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00047-00024712-00024886 are we gonna flex on this person because NUXX_yLOVdA-00048-00024887-00025191 we're meeting irl no NUXX_yLOVdA-00049-00025192-00025283 that's your NUXX_yLOVdA-00050-00025284-00025631 answer no why don't you come to haseeb's NUXX_yLOVdA-00051-00025632-00026567 house i i'm not in emirates NUXX_yLOVdA-00052-00026568-00026902 i'm not even in middle east NUXX_yLOVdA-00053-00026904-00027070 i see a red idiot NUXX_yLOVdA-00054-00027072-00027702 because where does that mean NUXX_yLOVdA-00055-00027704-00027814 oh what NUXX_yLOVdA-00056-00027816-00028639 my net just lagged but okay NUXX_yLOVdA-00057-00028639-00030390 power NUXX_yLOVdA-00058-00030391-00030727 oh NUXX_yLOVdA-00059-00030729-00031455 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00061-00035040-00035822 basement NUXX_yLOVdA-00062-00035823-00036015 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00063-00036016-00036207 i don't know why his name is like that NUXX_yLOVdA-00064-00036208-00036855 don't ask to be honest NUXX_yLOVdA-00065-00036856-00039169 um NUXX_yLOVdA-00067-00042263-00042639 yeah yeah win number one win number one NUXX_yLOVdA-00068-00042640-00042815 all right next round should we like do NUXX_yLOVdA-00069-00042816-00043023 like a quick uh skywatch and now now we NUXX_yLOVdA-00070-00043024-00043183 can't describe once we have different NUXX_yLOVdA-00071-00043184-00043318 people oh NUXX_yLOVdA-00072-00043319-00044262 yeah NUXX_yLOVdA-00073-00044263-00044462 is made by my friend NUXX_yLOVdA-00074-00044463-00044623 i'll leave in the description it's NUXX_yLOVdA-00075-00044624-00045078 called NUXX_yLOVdA-00076-00045079-00046262 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00077-00046263-00048518 oh NUXX_yLOVdA-00078-00048519-00049030 what is wrong with you get some help NUXX_yLOVdA-00079-00049031-00049439 who invited this guy here NUXX_yLOVdA-00080-00049440-00049758 number one this guy likes um number one NUXX_yLOVdA-00081-00049759-00050015 this guy likes harry pizza and then NUXX_yLOVdA-00082-00050016-00050167 number two NUXX_yLOVdA-00083-00050168-00051838 the what texture pack NUXX_yLOVdA-00084-00051839-00052294 you are so NUXX_yLOVdA-00085-00052295-00052503 what just happened you just died you NUXX_yLOVdA-00086-00052504-00052775 voided and i'm gonna void soon to be NUXX_yLOVdA-00087-00052776-00053071 honest by the looks of it and never mind NUXX_yLOVdA-00088-00053072-00053271 green idiots hello NUXX_yLOVdA-00089-00053272-00053679 hello greenhouse NUXX_yLOVdA-00090-00053679-00053966 greenhouse NUXX_yLOVdA-00091-00053967-00054135 i just took everything from the green NUXX_yLOVdA-00092-00054136-00054399 idiots and they should cry about green NUXX_yLOVdA-00093-00054400-00057071 wardrobe green idiots NUXX_yLOVdA-00094-00057072-00058615 imagine dying to spruce buttons NUXX_yLOVdA-00095-00058616-00058840 okay NUXX_yLOVdA-00096-00058841-00061494 [Music] NUXX_yLOVdA-00097-00061495-00061703 oh my god NUXX_yLOVdA-00098-00061704-00061919 help NUXX_yLOVdA-00099-00061920-00062223 dude i'm the best minecraft player NUXX_yLOVdA-00100-00062224-00062630 why you stupid ladder i hate you NUXX_yLOVdA-00101-00062632-00063006 your mom's that NUXX_yLOVdA-00102-00063007-00063566 i want NUXX_yLOVdA-00103-00063567-00063742 this mouse is the weirdest thing i've NUXX_yLOVdA-00104-00063744-00064079 ever seen in my life NUXX_yLOVdA-00105-00064079-00064263 why am i just falling into the boy what NUXX_yLOVdA-00106-00064264-00065206 is happening NUXX_yLOVdA-00107-00065207-00065572 actually the only master NXqoFdQFhP0-00000-00000343-00000383 so NXqoFdQFhP0-00001-00000384-00000574 i'm going to go ahead and go over some NXqoFdQFhP0-00002-00000575-00000743 things with you NXqoFdQFhP0-00003-00000744-00000927 i'm going to present this i took this NXqoFdQFhP0-00004-00000927-00001099 course a couple weeks ago from NXqoFdQFhP0-00005-00001100-00001270 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00006-00001271-00001462 i do have at the bottom of the NXqoFdQFhP0-00007-00001463-00001591 presentation and i'll share this NXqoFdQFhP0-00008-00001592-00001775 presentation with you later so you can NXqoFdQFhP0-00009-00001776-00002007 always do this with other people as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00010-00002007-00002287 this is the lady that presented it to us NXqoFdQFhP0-00011-00002288-00002407 she was very awesome NXqoFdQFhP0-00012-00002408-00002591 she went over some stuff and i and i NXqoFdQFhP0-00013-00002592-00002839 told dr anders this would be great for NXqoFdQFhP0-00014-00002840-00003087 teachers to also be part of NXqoFdQFhP0-00015-00003088-00003319 um so during this time we're actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00016-00003320-00003486 going to give you guys NXqoFdQFhP0-00017-00003488-00003719 some time to really think about what NXqoFdQFhP0-00018-00003720-00003983 makes an effective instructional video NXqoFdQFhP0-00019-00003984-00004199 and then how can we leverage the NXqoFdQFhP0-00020-00004200-00004406 screencastify to record and edit NXqoFdQFhP0-00021-00004407-00004527 features to create NXqoFdQFhP0-00022-00004528-00004799 effective instructional videos and then NXqoFdQFhP0-00023-00004800-00005038 what videos can we create to engage our NXqoFdQFhP0-00024-00005039-00005199 students in the near future and i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00025-00005200-00005375 actually going to hopefully NXqoFdQFhP0-00026-00005376-00005767 give you some time because we do have NXqoFdQFhP0-00027-00005768-00005951 and i'm gonna look at the time up here NXqoFdQFhP0-00028-00005952-00006127 that they gave us so that i can NXqoFdQFhP0-00029-00006128-00006422 like um we do have until 10 50. and so NXqoFdQFhP0-00030-00006423-00006703 i'm hoping to give you guys some time NXqoFdQFhP0-00031-00006704-00007039 to actually um work on NXqoFdQFhP0-00032-00007040-00007223 coming up with some ways that you could NXqoFdQFhP0-00033-00007223-00007367 use screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00034-00007368-00007639 and even use it this this afternoon you NXqoFdQFhP0-00035-00007640-00007814 guys are going to be grading and some of NXqoFdQFhP0-00036-00007815-00008070 you grade essays or you grade work of NXqoFdQFhP0-00037-00008072-00008151 students NXqoFdQFhP0-00038-00008152-00008391 you might be able to use screencastify a NXqoFdQFhP0-00039-00008392-00008710 little bit more effectively for feedback NXqoFdQFhP0-00040-00008711-00008919 so those are the things that we're going NXqoFdQFhP0-00041-00008920-00009063 to go over NXqoFdQFhP0-00042-00009064-00009342 and then these are the four main areas NXqoFdQFhP0-00043-00009343-00009487 we're going to look at NXqoFdQFhP0-00044-00009488-00009799 we're going to look at signaling and NXqoFdQFhP0-00045-00009800-00009942 we're going to see NXqoFdQFhP0-00046-00009943-00010167 is it clear what's most important we're NXqoFdQFhP0-00047-00010168-00010351 also going to look at segmenting NXqoFdQFhP0-00048-00010352-00010655 one thing at a time um also weeding NXqoFdQFhP0-00049-00010656-00010846 where we take the irrev NXqoFdQFhP0-00050-00010847-00011119 irrelevant information and cut it out NXqoFdQFhP0-00051-00011120-00011310 and then matching the modality where we NXqoFdQFhP0-00052-00011311-00011487 switch it up with pictures video NXqoFdQFhP0-00053-00011488-00011799 text audio to get that and she did share NXqoFdQFhP0-00054-00011800-00011942 really interesting article NXqoFdQFhP0-00055-00011943-00012159 and i'll share this presentation with NXqoFdQFhP0-00056-00012160-00012359 you so that you can actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00057-00012360-00012606 look at this from the vanderbilt center NXqoFdQFhP0-00058-00012607-00012791 for teaching it was a really interesting NXqoFdQFhP0-00059-00012792-00012879 article NXqoFdQFhP0-00060-00012880-00013238 about how people learn and i think you NXqoFdQFhP0-00061-00013240-00013366 guys understand NXqoFdQFhP0-00062-00013368-00013703 also when you get a video how does that NXqoFdQFhP0-00063-00013704-00013975 help you how does that help you learn NXqoFdQFhP0-00064-00013976-00014166 and we will show you where we have some NXqoFdQFhP0-00065-00014168-00014243 things for NXqoFdQFhP0-00066-00014244-00014486 screencastify as well already on our NXqoFdQFhP0-00067-00014487-00014638 site NXqoFdQFhP0-00068-00014640-00014822 so the first thing i'm going to go over NXqoFdQFhP0-00069-00014823-00014966 is signaling NXqoFdQFhP0-00070-00014968-00015279 so signaling is just being able NXqoFdQFhP0-00071-00015280-00015647 to show students where things are NXqoFdQFhP0-00072-00015647-00015830 so i'm going to first give you guys an NXqoFdQFhP0-00073-00015831-00015975 example here and i'm going to click NXqoFdQFhP0-00074-00015976-00016111 present NXqoFdQFhP0-00075-00016112-00016439 and i'm going to take out my mic so that NXqoFdQFhP0-00076-00016440-00016591 you guys can hear it and i'm going to go NXqoFdQFhP0-00077-00016592-00016735 ahead and play this NXqoFdQFhP0-00078-00016736-00017039 make sure it's high and let you see it NXqoFdQFhP0-00079-00017040-00017127 says NXqoFdQFhP0-00080-00017128-00017311 use you know when your signal you use NXqoFdQFhP0-00081-00017312-00017479 visual clues to draw the student's NXqoFdQFhP0-00082-00017480-00017615 attention in NXqoFdQFhP0-00083-00017616-00017847 so you try to retain the most important NXqoFdQFhP0-00084-00017848-00017975 information NXqoFdQFhP0-00085-00017976-00018135 so think about how we signal in NXqoFdQFhP0-00086-00018136-00018303 traditional classrooms NXqoFdQFhP0-00087-00018304-00018439 and then we're going to talk about what NXqoFdQFhP0-00088-00018440-00018622 they're doing here that they're not NXqoFdQFhP0-00089-00018623-00018671 doing NXqoFdQFhP0-00090-00018672-00018983 in traditional classrooms so NXqoFdQFhP0-00091-00018984-00019167 what she was showing is and i'm just NXqoFdQFhP0-00092-00019168-00019327 going to show you because something's NXqoFdQFhP0-00093-00019328-00019479 happening when i'm hitting play with NXqoFdQFhP0-00094-00019480-00019647 this and it could just be something that NXqoFdQFhP0-00095-00019648-00019839 screencastify has in here that i don't NXqoFdQFhP0-00096-00019840-00019911 know NXqoFdQFhP0-00097-00019912-00020119 but she was showing the borders but she NXqoFdQFhP0-00098-00020120-00020303 was just like pointing back and forth NXqoFdQFhP0-00099-00020304-00020447 what would we do in a traditional NXqoFdQFhP0-00100-00020448-00020678 classroom to show NXqoFdQFhP0-00101-00020679-00020958 borders on a map if we had the map NXqoFdQFhP0-00102-00020959-00021047 projected NXqoFdQFhP0-00103-00021048-00021294 up onto our whiteboard what are some NXqoFdQFhP0-00104-00021295-00021471 things that we would do she was showing NXqoFdQFhP0-00105-00021472-00021607 north and south NXqoFdQFhP0-00106-00021608-00021830 she was showing between canada and the NXqoFdQFhP0-00107-00021831-00021975 united states NXqoFdQFhP0-00108-00021976-00022119 what are some things that we would just NXqoFdQFhP0-00109-00022120-00022430 like intuitively do NXqoFdQFhP0-00110-00022431-00022694 you can also uh type it in the chat too NXqoFdQFhP0-00111-00022695-00022983 let me see NXqoFdQFhP0-00112-00022984-00023247 yeah point to the map um i always NXqoFdQFhP0-00113-00023248-00023447 probably would be flying myself up on NXqoFdQFhP0-00114-00023448-00023535 the board NXqoFdQFhP0-00115-00023536-00023847 like showing and actually uh taking a NXqoFdQFhP0-00116-00023848-00023903 marker NXqoFdQFhP0-00117-00023904-00024222 drawing on it or actually annotating on NXqoFdQFhP0-00118-00024223-00024447 it with something like cami or something NXqoFdQFhP0-00119-00024448-00024686 i would be actually drawing on it and NXqoFdQFhP0-00120-00024687-00024839 being able to do that NXqoFdQFhP0-00121-00024840-00025055 and that is something that that doesn't NXqoFdQFhP0-00122-00025056-00025263 signal anything for the students NXqoFdQFhP0-00123-00025264-00025622 so in screencastify and how many of you NXqoFdQFhP0-00124-00025623-00025855 have used screencastify in here give me NXqoFdQFhP0-00125-00025856-00026070 just like a hand if you've used it NXqoFdQFhP0-00126-00026072-00026239 and you've used it a little bit okay NXqoFdQFhP0-00127-00026239-00026374 that's great and for those of you that NXqoFdQFhP0-00128-00026375-00026423 aren't NXqoFdQFhP0-00129-00026424-00026639 out there like unmuted you can go ahead NXqoFdQFhP0-00130-00026639-00026814 and just tell me in the chat NXqoFdQFhP0-00131-00026816-00027102 but for screencastify i did give you NXqoFdQFhP0-00132-00027104-00027287 guys the link NXqoFdQFhP0-00133-00027288-00027543 for this presentation if you go to the NXqoFdQFhP0-00134-00027544-00027807 little puzzle piece that says extensions NXqoFdQFhP0-00135-00027808-00028158 i have it open i have screencastify on NXqoFdQFhP0-00136-00028160-00028374 what i usually do is i manage my NXqoFdQFhP0-00137-00028375-00028518 extensions here NXqoFdQFhP0-00138-00028519-00028799 so i turn off the ones that i don't use NXqoFdQFhP0-00139-00028800-00028918 all the time NXqoFdQFhP0-00140-00028919-00029167 and i just have it off so that i don't NXqoFdQFhP0-00141-00029168-00029343 have to worry about it NXqoFdQFhP0-00142-00029344-00029687 and then i don't have to NXqoFdQFhP0-00143-00029688-00030087 uh work so hard of trying to NXqoFdQFhP0-00144-00030088-00030335 track down my extensions up here so i NXqoFdQFhP0-00145-00030336-00030539 click on my little puzzle piece i find NXqoFdQFhP0-00146-00030539-00030735 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00147-00030736-00030951 one way i can go into screencastify is i NXqoFdQFhP0-00148-00030952-00031183 can look at all my recordings here NXqoFdQFhP0-00149-00031183-00031502 and i can do that as well if i want to NXqoFdQFhP0-00150-00031503-00031639 another way that i can go into NXqoFdQFhP0-00151-00031639-00031943 screencastify is i can actually start NXqoFdQFhP0-00152-00031944-00032239 um presenting i'm not going to embed my NXqoFdQFhP0-00153-00032239-00032407 webcam because i'm actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00154-00032408-00032607 on a video conference so i can't do that NXqoFdQFhP0-00155-00032608-00032774 but i'll show you how that looks later NXqoFdQFhP0-00156-00032775-00032871 on NXqoFdQFhP0-00157-00032872-00033102 i can choose my mic that i'm on right NXqoFdQFhP0-00158-00033103-00033351 now so it's doing my internal mic right NXqoFdQFhP0-00159-00033352-00033583 now because i unplugged my headset NXqoFdQFhP0-00160-00033584-00033911 and then what you can do is uh NXqoFdQFhP0-00161-00033912-00034262 whenever you start it it will NXqoFdQFhP0-00162-00034263-00034455 you'll hit record you might have to set NXqoFdQFhP0-00163-00034456-00034631 up your mic in your screen NXqoFdQFhP0-00164-00034632-00034871 you choose the entire screen you click NXqoFdQFhP0-00165-00034872-00035039 share NXqoFdQFhP0-00166-00035040-00035207 and then it gives you a three two one NXqoFdQFhP0-00167-00035208-00035455 but down here in the corner NXqoFdQFhP0-00168-00035456-00035623 it does give you and i just want to make NXqoFdQFhP0-00169-00035624-00035895 sure that you guys can still hear me yes NXqoFdQFhP0-00170-00035896-00036135 okay um down here in the corner it does NXqoFdQFhP0-00171-00036136-00036199 give you NXqoFdQFhP0-00172-00036200-00036462 a pen but up here it gives you these NXqoFdQFhP0-00173-00036463-00036607 different pointers NXqoFdQFhP0-00174-00036608-00036902 so you can actually emphasize like if i NXqoFdQFhP0-00175-00036903-00037095 was on that map and i wanted to show NXqoFdQFhP0-00176-00037096-00037239 them the line NXqoFdQFhP0-00177-00037240-00037543 i could do that and emphasize that NXqoFdQFhP0-00178-00037544-00037895 i could also um and i would have to get NXqoFdQFhP0-00179-00037896-00038071 off of that so you have to click NXqoFdQFhP0-00180-00038072-00038318 it again i could also do with mouse NXqoFdQFhP0-00181-00038319-00038415 clicks NXqoFdQFhP0-00182-00038416-00038671 where i would have a red circle and i NXqoFdQFhP0-00183-00038672-00038799 would be able to NXqoFdQFhP0-00184-00038800-00039087 highlight and show things as well but i NXqoFdQFhP0-00185-00039088-00039367 could also NXqoFdQFhP0-00186-00039368-00039567 for this one i'm just trying i think i NXqoFdQFhP0-00187-00039568-00039735 have to get off this one first NXqoFdQFhP0-00188-00039736-00039951 for this one you have the red circle as NXqoFdQFhP0-00189-00039952-00040174 well um but you can move it NXqoFdQFhP0-00190-00040175-00040318 where the other one is a little bit more NXqoFdQFhP0-00191-00040319-00040543 stationary but you would be able to do NXqoFdQFhP0-00192-00040544-00040607 that NXqoFdQFhP0-00193-00040608-00040862 you could also use the pen tool while NXqoFdQFhP0-00194-00040863-00040911 you're NXqoFdQFhP0-00195-00040912-00041102 grading this afternoon you could NXqoFdQFhP0-00196-00041103-00041262 actually circle things NXqoFdQFhP0-00197-00041263-00041439 show students things i would have NXqoFdQFhP0-00198-00041440-00041623 definitely used this as an english NXqoFdQFhP0-00199-00041624-00041702 teacher NXqoFdQFhP0-00200-00041703-00041927 because i would have been showing NXqoFdQFhP0-00201-00041928-00042062 students NXqoFdQFhP0-00202-00042063-00042351 what to do with their writing they could NXqoFdQFhP0-00203-00042352-00042446 watch the movie NXqoFdQFhP0-00204-00042447-00042662 pause it split screen it but they would NXqoFdQFhP0-00205-00042663-00042862 not just resolve my comments resolve NXqoFdQFhP0-00206-00042863-00042990 resolve resolve NXqoFdQFhP0-00207-00042991-00043262 uh which they normally do so you can NXqoFdQFhP0-00208-00043263-00043374 always use that NXqoFdQFhP0-00209-00043375-00043671 so again when they were showing that um NXqoFdQFhP0-00210-00043672-00043735 you know the NXqoFdQFhP0-00211-00043736-00043943 the map they could have drawn a line NXqoFdQFhP0-00212-00043944-00044046 between canada NXqoFdQFhP0-00213-00044047-00044255 and the united states to show that NXqoFdQFhP0-00214-00044256-00044462 border because all they did was they NXqoFdQFhP0-00215-00044463-00044630 just scrolled over with their mouse NXqoFdQFhP0-00216-00044631-00044839 which was so hard to see NXqoFdQFhP0-00217-00044840-00044990 and that's how most of the videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00218-00044991-00045174 present themselves on NXqoFdQFhP0-00219-00045175-00045399 a google slide for students it's very NXqoFdQFhP0-00220-00045400-00045479 small NXqoFdQFhP0-00221-00045480-00045687 and sometimes they don't click out of it NXqoFdQFhP0-00222-00045688-00045887 they watch it within the slides so we NXqoFdQFhP0-00223-00045888-00046167 have to be cognizant of that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00224-00046168-00046455 also you can add text in the imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00225-00046456-00046527 editor NXqoFdQFhP0-00226-00046528-00046751 and you can zoom in with the imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00227-00046752-00046879 editor NXqoFdQFhP0-00228-00046880-00047271 um if you go into your imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00229-00047272-00047486 and i i was playing around with this NXqoFdQFhP0-00230-00047487-00047718 earlier just so that i could show you NXqoFdQFhP0-00231-00047719-00047830 guys this NXqoFdQFhP0-00232-00047831-00048183 um and can you guys still see that NXqoFdQFhP0-00233-00048184-00048390 i just want to make sure you clean my NXqoFdQFhP0-00234-00048391-00048679 eye move NXqoFdQFhP0-00235-00048680-00048839 i'm going to send this to you guys in NXqoFdQFhP0-00236-00048840-00048990 the presentation NXqoFdQFhP0-00237-00048991-00049295 but you will be able to see that what i NXqoFdQFhP0-00238-00049296-00049351 did NXqoFdQFhP0-00239-00049352-00049799 is in here i added a text so i actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00240-00049800-00050086 um went up here to titles i go down to NXqoFdQFhP0-00241-00050087-00050151 the bottom NXqoFdQFhP0-00242-00050152-00050390 and i usually choose this or this one NXqoFdQFhP0-00243-00050391-00050535 and i add a text NXqoFdQFhP0-00244-00050536-00050783 and i have it in there another thing you NXqoFdQFhP0-00245-00050784-00050862 can do NXqoFdQFhP0-00246-00050863-00051158 is i do this sometimes i have too many NXqoFdQFhP0-00247-00051159-00051294 tabs open NXqoFdQFhP0-00248-00051295-00051575 so one thing that i can do if i go to my NXqoFdQFhP0-00249-00051576-00051679 media NXqoFdQFhP0-00250-00051679-00051999 and i actually highlight on the imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00251-00052000-00052350 i can go here and i can crop it to fill NXqoFdQFhP0-00252-00052351-00052582 so that i can take out any of those tabs NXqoFdQFhP0-00253-00052583-00052687 that i had open NXqoFdQFhP0-00254-00052688-00052847 that like students didn't have to see NXqoFdQFhP0-00255-00052848-00053030 that i was on amazon or anything like NXqoFdQFhP0-00256-00053032-00053199 that and i was like whoops i didn't NXqoFdQFhP0-00257-00053200-00053279 change NXqoFdQFhP0-00258-00053279-00053535 that tab and i just need to get it out NXqoFdQFhP0-00259-00053536-00053615 of there NXqoFdQFhP0-00260-00053616-00053838 and as you do that you'll notice that NXqoFdQFhP0-00261-00053839-00054142 you'll have that for the entire movie NXqoFdQFhP0-00262-00054144-00054503 if you decide to split NXqoFdQFhP0-00263-00054504-00054671 any of this you'll have to remember NXqoFdQFhP0-00264-00054672-00054894 whatever you do on one side you do on NXqoFdQFhP0-00265-00054895-00054991 the other NXqoFdQFhP0-00266-00054991-00055254 but that's one way of doing it is to NXqoFdQFhP0-00267-00055255-00055471 bring it into imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00268-00055472-00055847 um they do have on the big NXqoFdQFhP0-00269-00055848-00056207 video for um the the premium for NXqoFdQFhP0-00270-00056208-00056423 screencastify the editor but i will tell NXqoFdQFhP0-00271-00056424-00056599 you it's not that great NXqoFdQFhP0-00272-00056600-00056847 and we will be going over why we NXqoFdQFhP0-00273-00056848-00057007 wouldn't want to have NXqoFdQFhP0-00274-00057008-00057350 the premium um so that would help i did NXqoFdQFhP0-00275-00057351-00057526 hear a couple of boop boops so i just NXqoFdQFhP0-00276-00057527-00057687 want to make sure NXqoFdQFhP0-00277-00057688-00057911 um and you guys can hear me correct i NXqoFdQFhP0-00278-00057912-00058111 just want to make sure NXqoFdQFhP0-00279-00058112-00058294 all right i will be giving you guys this NXqoFdQFhP0-00280-00058295-00058494 presentation later so that you can look NXqoFdQFhP0-00281-00058495-00058566 at it NXqoFdQFhP0-00282-00058567-00058750 again as you see i'm on the pen so i NXqoFdQFhP0-00283-00058751-00058935 have to go back down to my pointer or NXqoFdQFhP0-00284-00058936-00059015 i'm going to draw NXqoFdQFhP0-00285-00059016-00059175 all over when i'm trying to get to the NXqoFdQFhP0-00286-00059176-00059407 next slide also NXqoFdQFhP0-00287-00059408-00059654 um you know emphasizing those mouse NXqoFdQFhP0-00288-00059655-00059887 clicks like i had shown you up here NXqoFdQFhP0-00289-00059888-00060142 very important whenever you're showing NXqoFdQFhP0-00290-00060144-00060311 when you have that pen tool you can NXqoFdQFhP0-00291-00060312-00060406 change the different NXqoFdQFhP0-00292-00060407-00060687 colors of the pen when you have that you NXqoFdQFhP0-00293-00060688-00060911 can see that there's different shades NXqoFdQFhP0-00294-00060912-00061079 and now i can make it green and NXqoFdQFhP0-00295-00061079-00061263 different things like that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00296-00061264-00061503 when i was an english teacher i did make NXqoFdQFhP0-00297-00061504-00061623 certain colors NXqoFdQFhP0-00298-00061624-00061823 represent certain things for students NXqoFdQFhP0-00299-00061824-00061975 and they started to remember those NXqoFdQFhP0-00300-00061976-00062071 colors NXqoFdQFhP0-00301-00062072-00062359 um so that's something to get think in NXqoFdQFhP0-00302-00062360-00062438 mind NXqoFdQFhP0-00303-00062439-00062606 and then for this one i'll let you watch NXqoFdQFhP0-00304-00062607-00062879 this video later she actually then shows NXqoFdQFhP0-00305-00062879-00062999 signaling NXqoFdQFhP0-00306-00063000-00063254 with the drawing tools and it's so much NXqoFdQFhP0-00307-00063255-00063454 better than that blank canvas NXqoFdQFhP0-00308-00063455-00063703 and it makes so much more sense so i'll NXqoFdQFhP0-00309-00063704-00063919 let you guys watch that later NXqoFdQFhP0-00310-00063920-00064287 also segmenting um it's the separation NXqoFdQFhP0-00311-00064288-00064606 into bite-sized pieces last year NXqoFdQFhP0-00312-00064607-00064942 for the um distance learning when we NXqoFdQFhP0-00313-00064944-00065047 first started NXqoFdQFhP0-00314-00065048-00065303 my kids go to berkeley county schools NXqoFdQFhP0-00315-00065304-00065366 and NXqoFdQFhP0-00316-00065367-00065711 my son's math teacher sent him a video NXqoFdQFhP0-00317-00065712-00065999 it was 42 minutes long um it was the NXqoFdQFhP0-00318-00066000-00066206 longest video i ever saw in my life NXqoFdQFhP0-00319-00066207-00066519 it after five minutes started to cycle NXqoFdQFhP0-00320-00066520-00066726 it wasn't and i mean we have really good NXqoFdQFhP0-00321-00066727-00066943 internet but it was cycling NXqoFdQFhP0-00322-00066944-00067271 and i told um i told him i'm like NXqoFdQFhP0-00323-00067272-00067503 you can watch it later he's like no i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00324-00067504-00067671 good i i saw it and that's NXqoFdQFhP0-00325-00067672-00067855 it he only watched five minutes this NXqoFdQFhP0-00326-00067856-00068182 poor teacher had made a 42-minute video NXqoFdQFhP0-00327-00068183-00068463 was working so hard on it and he he NXqoFdQFhP0-00328-00068464-00068663 didn't want to even have anything to do NXqoFdQFhP0-00329-00068664-00068735 with it NXqoFdQFhP0-00330-00068736-00069023 so it's better to segment especially if NXqoFdQFhP0-00331-00069024-00069199 it's an instructional video NXqoFdQFhP0-00332-00069200-00069391 you know show them something then have NXqoFdQFhP0-00333-00069392-00069550 them go do something NXqoFdQFhP0-00334-00069551-00069703 and then come back and watch another NXqoFdQFhP0-00335-00069704-00069982 video um and you know you can NXqoFdQFhP0-00336-00069983-00070263 make longer videos into chunks so you NXqoFdQFhP0-00337-00070264-00070359 can have NXqoFdQFhP0-00338-00070360-00070615 you know with a free version we have NXqoFdQFhP0-00339-00070616-00070719 five minutes NXqoFdQFhP0-00340-00070720-00070959 you can do five five five and then have NXqoFdQFhP0-00341-00070960-00071175 15 minutes worth of video NXqoFdQFhP0-00342-00071176-00071350 but you're chunking it for them and NXqoFdQFhP0-00343-00071351-00071638 scaffolding their learner NXqoFdQFhP0-00344-00071639-00071935 learning and then also we have the free NXqoFdQFhP0-00345-00071936-00072119 version because we want to keep that NXqoFdQFhP0-00346-00072120-00072206 philosophy NXqoFdQFhP0-00347-00072207-00072575 we want to segment plus we have kids NXqoFdQFhP0-00348-00072576-00072823 um that the wi-fi and their broadband NXqoFdQFhP0-00349-00072824-00072999 issues they have smaller NXqoFdQFhP0-00350-00073000-00073262 files and stuff like that too and if i NXqoFdQFhP0-00351-00073263-00073582 show you guys if i go in here to NXqoFdQFhP0-00352-00073583-00073799 um i think i have it at the end but i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00353-00073800-00073982 just going to show you here as well i NXqoFdQFhP0-00354-00073983-00074103 should have had it up NXqoFdQFhP0-00355-00074104-00074359 and i apologize i was doing a blended NXqoFdQFhP0-00356-00074360-00074575 learning but this is our screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00357-00074576-00074655 pd NXqoFdQFhP0-00358-00074656-00074950 it does mention that at the top about NXqoFdQFhP0-00359-00074951-00075199 making it very small and succinct NXqoFdQFhP0-00360-00075200-00075406 but if you look and you go to these NXqoFdQFhP0-00361-00075407-00075575 different written directions and stuff NXqoFdQFhP0-00362-00075576-00075719 like that you'll see it NXqoFdQFhP0-00363-00075720-00075950 and then they do have videos but most of NXqoFdQFhP0-00364-00075951-00076159 our pde modules NXqoFdQFhP0-00365-00076160-00076406 are going to be where they're very small NXqoFdQFhP0-00366-00076407-00076582 and succinct and to the point we try to NXqoFdQFhP0-00367-00076583-00076838 make them five minutes or less NXqoFdQFhP0-00368-00076839-00077167 so we do try to do that um NXqoFdQFhP0-00369-00077168-00077382 any questions with the first two things NXqoFdQFhP0-00370-00077383-00077543 the segmenting NXqoFdQFhP0-00371-00077544-00077847 um anything else for those of you that NXqoFdQFhP0-00372-00077848-00077950 just came in NXqoFdQFhP0-00373-00077951-00078167 we talked about signaling making sure NXqoFdQFhP0-00374-00078168-00078375 students were able to see things like if NXqoFdQFhP0-00375-00078376-00078519 we're showing them a map NXqoFdQFhP0-00376-00078520-00078679 or we're showing them something on the NXqoFdQFhP0-00377-00078680-00078887 board versus virtually NXqoFdQFhP0-00378-00078888-00079103 how are we going to signal that to them NXqoFdQFhP0-00379-00079104-00079303 we talked about these pointers NXqoFdQFhP0-00380-00079304-00079471 all of these cursors and different NXqoFdQFhP0-00381-00079472-00079631 things and drawings NXqoFdQFhP0-00382-00079632-00079879 these work within google chrome so you NXqoFdQFhP0-00383-00079880-00080079 can open up a dock a slide NXqoFdQFhP0-00384-00080080-00080311 anything and be writing on it like i NXqoFdQFhP0-00385-00080312-00080382 said NXqoFdQFhP0-00386-00080383-00080726 you could today be writing on and NXqoFdQFhP0-00387-00080727-00081006 marking up the text while you are making NXqoFdQFhP0-00388-00081007-00081215 videos for students if you're seeing the NXqoFdQFhP0-00389-00081216-00081526 consistent issues happening between them NXqoFdQFhP0-00390-00081527-00081767 just call something up and show them and NXqoFdQFhP0-00391-00081768-00081831 start NXqoFdQFhP0-00392-00081832-00082223 and make a video and put that into your NXqoFdQFhP0-00393-00082224-00082415 google classroom and say guys please NXqoFdQFhP0-00394-00082416-00082599 watch this video so that we can go ahead NXqoFdQFhP0-00395-00082600-00082750 and make sure we don't all make the same NXqoFdQFhP0-00396-00082751-00082855 mistake NXqoFdQFhP0-00397-00082856-00083079 um and that's always very helpful to NXqoFdQFhP0-00398-00083080-00083223 them as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00399-00083224-00083423 um and then again whenever you want to NXqoFdQFhP0-00400-00083424-00083615 go back to your pointer NXqoFdQFhP0-00401-00083616-00083782 um and i could go ahead and then NXqoFdQFhP0-00402-00083783-00084062 emphasize the word signaling here NXqoFdQFhP0-00403-00084063-00084287 i would have my pointer there and then NXqoFdQFhP0-00404-00084288-00084455 to get off of it i would just go ahead NXqoFdQFhP0-00405-00084456-00084679 and click on it again NXqoFdQFhP0-00406-00084680-00084887 and then segmenting we definitely want NXqoFdQFhP0-00407-00084888-00085038 to make short videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00408-00085039-00085359 not long videos bite size videos videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00409-00085360-00085494 that are very very NXqoFdQFhP0-00410-00085495-00085894 small and and purposeful NXqoFdQFhP0-00411-00085895-00086262 also with weeding um it's the practice NXqoFdQFhP0-00412-00086263-00086399 of eliminating NXqoFdQFhP0-00413-00086400-00086694 any unnecessary stimuli i don't know NXqoFdQFhP0-00414-00086695-00086950 about you guys but sometimes i walk into NXqoFdQFhP0-00415-00086951-00087111 a classroom NXqoFdQFhP0-00416-00087112-00087271 and i'll be like whoa there's just so NXqoFdQFhP0-00417-00087272-00087503 much going on there's so many brightness NXqoFdQFhP0-00418-00087504-00087694 and posters and everything and it takes NXqoFdQFhP0-00419-00087695-00087815 me a minute NXqoFdQFhP0-00420-00087816-00088071 to find my focus point to find that NXqoFdQFhP0-00421-00088072-00088135 teacher NXqoFdQFhP0-00422-00088136-00088471 or to find something and so you know NXqoFdQFhP0-00423-00088472-00088743 think of how students learn they're NXqoFdQFhP0-00424-00088744-00088871 looking at things NXqoFdQFhP0-00425-00088872-00089047 so we're going to try to trim and crop NXqoFdQFhP0-00426-00089048-00089215 away anything unnecessary NXqoFdQFhP0-00427-00089216-00089391 like i was showing you guys on imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00428-00089392-00089575 where you take away and you have them NXqoFdQFhP0-00429-00089576-00089743 focus on that area NXqoFdQFhP0-00430-00089744-00089918 and i'm just going to show you this as NXqoFdQFhP0-00431-00089919-00090079 an example NXqoFdQFhP0-00432-00090080-00090455 you have here you have a a presentation NXqoFdQFhP0-00433-00090456-00090535 but then you have NXqoFdQFhP0-00434-00090536-00090782 the teacher's chat that she had going on NXqoFdQFhP0-00435-00090783-00090943 you see her desktop NXqoFdQFhP0-00436-00090944-00091231 you see all of this and you see all the NXqoFdQFhP0-00437-00091232-00091359 tabs she had open NXqoFdQFhP0-00438-00091360-00091606 you can see her gmail uh we've had NXqoFdQFhP0-00439-00091607-00091815 teachers send us screencastifys where NXqoFdQFhP0-00440-00091816-00091991 they were looking up something and we NXqoFdQFhP0-00441-00091992-00092159 were like that needs to be chopped out NXqoFdQFhP0-00442-00092160-00092359 of the video whenever we put it on the NXqoFdQFhP0-00443-00092360-00092431 site NXqoFdQFhP0-00444-00092432-00092606 i mean just different things like that NXqoFdQFhP0-00445-00092607-00092799 so it's good to NXqoFdQFhP0-00446-00092800-00093103 have a few things in mind um NXqoFdQFhP0-00447-00093104-00093447 one thing is you know make sure um NXqoFdQFhP0-00448-00093448-00093679 that you can eliminate most everything NXqoFdQFhP0-00449-00093680-00093911 on and only have like one tab NXqoFdQFhP0-00450-00093912-00094150 open something that is really cool in NXqoFdQFhP0-00451-00094151-00094255 google drive NXqoFdQFhP0-00452-00094256-00094567 that i use a lot is priority NXqoFdQFhP0-00453-00094568-00094847 priority will allow me to have certain NXqoFdQFhP0-00454-00094848-00095079 things open like today i have these NXqoFdQFhP0-00455-00095080-00095335 for november 3rd these are all from NXqoFdQFhP0-00456-00095336-00095431 different share NXqoFdQFhP0-00457-00095432-00095774 drives from my drive and then i can NXqoFdQFhP0-00458-00095775-00095894 actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00459-00095895-00096174 click on it and i can get to that right NXqoFdQFhP0-00460-00096175-00096423 away instead of like trying to find it NXqoFdQFhP0-00461-00096424-00096759 so you could possibly use that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00462-00096760-00097094 um also whenever you think about it do NXqoFdQFhP0-00463-00097095-00097199 we want to put the NXqoFdQFhP0-00464-00097200-00097471 webcam do we want to embed that is that NXqoFdQFhP0-00465-00097472-00097559 going to help us NXqoFdQFhP0-00466-00097560-00097806 if we are up here in the corner or over NXqoFdQFhP0-00467-00097807-00097943 here in the corner because you NXqoFdQFhP0-00468-00097944-00098215 can move yourself and if you ever lose NXqoFdQFhP0-00469-00098216-00098423 yourself just minimize and usually you NXqoFdQFhP0-00470-00098424-00098631 can find yourself and drag yourself back NXqoFdQFhP0-00471-00098632-00098726 in NXqoFdQFhP0-00472-00098727-00099006 sometimes it presents itself behind so NXqoFdQFhP0-00473-00099007-00099262 you might have to find yourself NXqoFdQFhP0-00474-00099263-00099535 and then trim away any extra stuff they NXqoFdQFhP0-00475-00099536-00099647 do show that this NXqoFdQFhP0-00476-00099648-00099887 is on screencastify but i showed NXqoFdQFhP0-00477-00099888-00100126 everybody how to do that on imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00478-00100127-00100303 so i'm just going to open that up again NXqoFdQFhP0-00479-00100304-00100559 just to like preface that again NXqoFdQFhP0-00480-00100560-00100903 so if i go into and it's opening this NXqoFdQFhP0-00481-00100904-00101079 project that i have NXqoFdQFhP0-00482-00101080-00101318 and right here at the top where you have NXqoFdQFhP0-00483-00101319-00101479 your crop to feel NXqoFdQFhP0-00484-00101480-00101726 i can go ahead and change this to be NXqoFdQFhP0-00485-00101727-00101911 whatever i want it to be NXqoFdQFhP0-00486-00101912-00102087 and it will change that throughout the NXqoFdQFhP0-00487-00102088-00102294 entire presentation NXqoFdQFhP0-00488-00102295-00102527 so that i have that and i can go ahead NXqoFdQFhP0-00489-00102528-00102678 and crop and fill that NXqoFdQFhP0-00490-00102679-00102999 and i can also add titles so that uh NXqoFdQFhP0-00491-00103000-00103271 people know what my video is about or i NXqoFdQFhP0-00492-00103272-00103463 can add something in NXqoFdQFhP0-00493-00103464-00103758 that comes over for students to see as NXqoFdQFhP0-00494-00103759-00103839 well NXqoFdQFhP0-00495-00103840-00104142 um you can always bring media in and NXqoFdQFhP0-00496-00104143-00104430 if you bring in another media you can um NXqoFdQFhP0-00497-00104431-00104478 then NXqoFdQFhP0-00498-00104479-00104654 make a picture and picture and i can NXqoFdQFhP0-00499-00104655-00104886 send you directions on that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00500-00104888-00105143 so you have options in imovie to do that NXqoFdQFhP0-00501-00105144-00105310 then you just download it onto your NXqoFdQFhP0-00502-00105311-00105415 desktop NXqoFdQFhP0-00503-00105416-00105631 you can upload it into your drive and NXqoFdQFhP0-00504-00105632-00105783 then use that one NXqoFdQFhP0-00505-00105783-00106127 um it's an extra step screencastify does NXqoFdQFhP0-00506-00106128-00106327 allow you to bring it directly to your NXqoFdQFhP0-00507-00106328-00106686 drive but i like the option of NXqoFdQFhP0-00508-00106688-00106934 making it a little bit more trimmed and NXqoFdQFhP0-00509-00106935-00107015 complete NXqoFdQFhP0-00510-00107016-00107295 and professional at times other times i NXqoFdQFhP0-00511-00107296-00107495 just send it on through NXqoFdQFhP0-00512-00107496-00107883 um also you can crop out anything NXqoFdQFhP0-00513-00107883-00108015 unnecessary NXqoFdQFhP0-00514-00108016-00108263 with having those editors the imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00515-00108264-00108447 editor is very nice NXqoFdQFhP0-00516-00108448-00108734 and then um any questions with the NXqoFdQFhP0-00517-00108735-00108807 weeding NXqoFdQFhP0-00518-00108808-00109054 like getting rid of all the unnecessary NXqoFdQFhP0-00519-00109055-00109199 stuff NXqoFdQFhP0-00520-00109200-00109407 judy said when making a screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00521-00109408-00109615 video you're not able to switch between NXqoFdQFhP0-00522-00109616-00109975 tabs correct uh yes you can actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00523-00109976-00110254 um i'm going to show you something i i NXqoFdQFhP0-00524-00110255-00110423 can go through the different tabs can NXqoFdQFhP0-00525-00110424-00110583 you guys see my drive NXqoFdQFhP0-00526-00110583-00110902 you see the screencastify module i can NXqoFdQFhP0-00527-00110903-00111047 also go into NXqoFdQFhP0-00528-00111048-00111278 incognito and you guys should still be NXqoFdQFhP0-00529-00111279-00111486 able to see me there so i can open up a NXqoFdQFhP0-00530-00111488-00111639 whole new area NXqoFdQFhP0-00531-00111640-00111799 and you guys should be able to see me NXqoFdQFhP0-00532-00111800-00111943 there as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00533-00111944-00112247 so you can go between the tabs uh NXqoFdQFhP0-00534-00112248-00112478 judy can you can you do that while NXqoFdQFhP0-00535-00112479-00112647 you're recording in screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00536-00112648-00112807 because i didn't think you could NXqoFdQFhP0-00537-00112808-00113078 yes you do have to choose and i will NXqoFdQFhP0-00538-00113079-00113175 show you NXqoFdQFhP0-00539-00113176-00113463 um right now i have screencastify still NXqoFdQFhP0-00540-00113464-00113615 recording so i'm going to hit stop NXqoFdQFhP0-00541-00113616-00113807 sharing it's going to come up and it's NXqoFdQFhP0-00542-00113808-00113990 going to be a really long video NXqoFdQFhP0-00543-00113991-00114183 but i'm going to go ahead and click out NXqoFdQFhP0-00544-00114183-00114334 of that NXqoFdQFhP0-00545-00114335-00114486 and then i'm going to show you if you go NXqoFdQFhP0-00546-00114488-00114686 into screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00547-00114688-00114847 it will ask you and do you see you have NXqoFdQFhP0-00548-00114848-00115102 browser tab if you do that one NXqoFdQFhP0-00549-00115103-00115415 you will only do one tab if you do NXqoFdQFhP0-00550-00115416-00115599 desktop you can do it all NXqoFdQFhP0-00551-00115600-00115783 you can show everything you could even NXqoFdQFhP0-00552-00115783-00115958 like as you saw i went out of my chrome NXqoFdQFhP0-00553-00115959-00116054 browser NXqoFdQFhP0-00554-00116055-00116223 the only thing is so i would go out of NXqoFdQFhP0-00555-00116224-00116454 my chrome browser and i'm on desktop NXqoFdQFhP0-00556-00116455-00116671 and i would try to write on it i NXqoFdQFhP0-00557-00116672-00116895 wouldn't be able to write on the imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00558-00116896-00117134 it does take my webcam and allowed me to NXqoFdQFhP0-00559-00117135-00117366 go into imovie and show my webcam NXqoFdQFhP0-00560-00117367-00117654 or on my desktop but i can't write NXqoFdQFhP0-00561-00117655-00117831 because this is a feature that's in NXqoFdQFhP0-00562-00117832-00118023 chrome for the writing part NXqoFdQFhP0-00563-00118024-00118199 but that's probably what happened you NXqoFdQFhP0-00564-00118200-00118399 probably were in browser tab NXqoFdQFhP0-00565-00118400-00118623 um and that happens sometimes i'll click NXqoFdQFhP0-00566-00118624-00118790 something and be like oh i NXqoFdQFhP0-00567-00118791-00119086 i one time i did a full video and i went NXqoFdQFhP0-00568-00119088-00119295 to listen to it and i had the microphone NXqoFdQFhP0-00569-00119296-00119463 turned off and i was like okay NXqoFdQFhP0-00570-00119464-00119719 it was completely muted so you know i've NXqoFdQFhP0-00571-00119720-00119815 been there NXqoFdQFhP0-00572-00119816-00120143 um and i've done that and again you know NXqoFdQFhP0-00573-00120144-00120271 anytime you need to look at your NXqoFdQFhP0-00574-00120272-00120463 recordings you can go up here NXqoFdQFhP0-00575-00120464-00120623 like this morning i did the one NXqoFdQFhP0-00576-00120624-00120863 recording for you guys today on editing NXqoFdQFhP0-00577-00120864-00120990 and cropping NXqoFdQFhP0-00578-00120991-00121247 and then i'm going to actually show you NXqoFdQFhP0-00579-00121248-00121383 guys how to bring that NXqoFdQFhP0-00580-00121383-00121751 in so right now um i can go to NXqoFdQFhP0-00581-00121752-00122078 copy a shareable link so i have that NXqoFdQFhP0-00582-00122079-00122414 i can also if i want to i can download NXqoFdQFhP0-00583-00122415-00122439 it NXqoFdQFhP0-00584-00122440-00122743 and export it as an mp4 so that you guys NXqoFdQFhP0-00585-00122744-00122910 can see that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00586-00122911-00123271 and then if i want to then i can go into NXqoFdQFhP0-00587-00123272-00123614 here i'll make a new slide NXqoFdQFhP0-00588-00123615-00123895 and that will be 22 and then i'll go NXqoFdQFhP0-00589-00123896-00123966 ahead NXqoFdQFhP0-00590-00123967-00124286 and i will NXqoFdQFhP0-00591-00124288-00124590 go to insert NXqoFdQFhP0-00592-00124591-00124919 and go to video and then i'll go by NXqoFdQFhP0-00593-00124920-00125119 url and i don't know if they're going to NXqoFdQFhP0-00594-00125120-00125254 allow me to NXqoFdQFhP0-00595-00125255-00125423 find it or i'll have to go to google NXqoFdQFhP0-00596-00125424-00125575 drive probably NXqoFdQFhP0-00597-00125576-00125799 but i have it in there it's one of my NXqoFdQFhP0-00598-00125800-00125943 recent ones NXqoFdQFhP0-00599-00125944-00126214 might even be able to go to recent i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00600-00126215-00126366 going to just give it a minute here i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00601-00126367-00126502 going to try to be patient NXqoFdQFhP0-00602-00126503-00126847 as patient as i can be uh a lot of us NXqoFdQFhP0-00603-00126848-00127063 are using our computers here at ces NXqoFdQFhP0-00604-00127064-00127223 right now so here's my editing and NXqoFdQFhP0-00605-00127224-00127431 cropping one and i'm going to select it NXqoFdQFhP0-00606-00127432-00127631 and i'm going to bring it right in and NXqoFdQFhP0-00607-00127632-00127775 it's going to bring it in NXqoFdQFhP0-00608-00127776-00127966 it's going to give me some options it's NXqoFdQFhP0-00609-00127967-00128119 going to give me the ability NXqoFdQFhP0-00610-00128120-00128414 to play it back right away and auto play NXqoFdQFhP0-00611-00128415-00128471 it NXqoFdQFhP0-00612-00128472-00128719 and sometimes i used to like to use this NXqoFdQFhP0-00613-00128720-00128934 one i used to mute the audio NXqoFdQFhP0-00614-00128935-00129247 i actually used to mute it and and make NXqoFdQFhP0-00615-00129248-00129366 it so that NXqoFdQFhP0-00616-00129367-00129566 um the students were just going to watch NXqoFdQFhP0-00617-00129567-00129727 what was happening NXqoFdQFhP0-00618-00129728-00129854 and i would even put that in the NXqoFdQFhP0-00619-00129855-00130183 directions so i'm just going to say NXqoFdQFhP0-00620-00130183-00130502 cropping NXqoFdQFhP0-00621-00130503-00130823 and text so that you guys NXqoFdQFhP0-00622-00130824-00130999 know that what that's about and this NXqoFdQFhP0-00623-00131000-00131263 might be the video i made a video NXqoFdQFhP0-00624-00131264-00131543 that i actually messed up on and i said NXqoFdQFhP0-00625-00131544-00131727 i am stopping because NXqoFdQFhP0-00626-00131728-00131975 this is something i could crop out later NXqoFdQFhP0-00627-00131976-00132190 i was showing you that i forgot like NXqoFdQFhP0-00628-00132191-00132366 what i was going to talk about which i NXqoFdQFhP0-00629-00132367-00132647 surely did but i was showing you that NXqoFdQFhP0-00630-00132648-00132935 you can take and crop those things out NXqoFdQFhP0-00631-00132936-00133190 um so that's one way that you can put NXqoFdQFhP0-00632-00133191-00133366 those in there NXqoFdQFhP0-00633-00133367-00133590 all right so did that help you judy to NXqoFdQFhP0-00634-00133591-00133847 see how to do the tabs versus NXqoFdQFhP0-00635-00133848-00134135 the desktop yes that's perfect thank you NXqoFdQFhP0-00636-00134136-00134175 okay NXqoFdQFhP0-00637-00134176-00134343 and that's i mean that is a common NXqoFdQFhP0-00638-00134344-00134527 mistake i've done it before NXqoFdQFhP0-00639-00134528-00134735 it's like you know every once while NXqoFdQFhP0-00640-00134736-00134966 you're like really NXqoFdQFhP0-00641-00134967-00135254 but it's okay um now for the matching NXqoFdQFhP0-00642-00135255-00135359 modality NXqoFdQFhP0-00643-00135360-00135543 um that refers to picking the right way NXqoFdQFhP0-00644-00135544-00135695 to present information NXqoFdQFhP0-00645-00135696-00135927 so you always have to ask you know NXqoFdQFhP0-00646-00135928-00136054 should i show my screen NXqoFdQFhP0-00647-00136055-00136359 should i show my webcam uh does the NXqoFdQFhP0-00648-00136360-00136543 microphone need to be on NXqoFdQFhP0-00649-00136544-00136775 you know like think about how that's NXqoFdQFhP0-00650-00136776-00136935 supposed to look NXqoFdQFhP0-00651-00136936-00137143 so you could maybe only record the NXqoFdQFhP0-00652-00137144-00137399 webcam when you need to NXqoFdQFhP0-00653-00137400-00137623 if you're in secondary and you're NXqoFdQFhP0-00654-00137624-00137790 getting the huddle cam NXqoFdQFhP0-00655-00137791-00137975 you might be able to even use that NXqoFdQFhP0-00656-00137976-00138214 because it does work with screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00657-00138215-00138431 and you'd be able to zoom in show your NXqoFdQFhP0-00658-00138432-00138519 board NXqoFdQFhP0-00659-00138520-00138902 and do a recording with that as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00660-00138903-00139054 and then you might want to do it where NXqoFdQFhP0-00661-00139055-00139335 you only have your webcam or your NXqoFdQFhP0-00662-00139336-00139471 microphone NXqoFdQFhP0-00663-00139472-00139799 when necessary and then you know you NXqoFdQFhP0-00664-00139800-00139966 include whatever they need whatever NXqoFdQFhP0-00665-00139967-00140207 visuals whatever music whatever you NXqoFdQFhP0-00666-00140208-00140423 think is going to help them learn from NXqoFdQFhP0-00667-00140424-00140519 it NXqoFdQFhP0-00668-00140520-00140735 that's what you should sort of include NXqoFdQFhP0-00669-00140736-00140975 in everything that you're doing NXqoFdQFhP0-00670-00140976-00141287 um and you know sort of think about NXqoFdQFhP0-00671-00141288-00141495 how you can tailor that for your NXqoFdQFhP0-00672-00141496-00141702 learners you know your learners we're at NXqoFdQFhP0-00673-00141703-00141871 the end of marketing period one NXqoFdQFhP0-00674-00141872-00142023 you know them well enough that you're NXqoFdQFhP0-00675-00142024-00142183 like okay this is how they're starting NXqoFdQFhP0-00676-00142184-00142278 to learn NXqoFdQFhP0-00677-00142279-00142526 this is what they like best and i always NXqoFdQFhP0-00678-00142527-00142719 like to switch it up with them and do NXqoFdQFhP0-00679-00142720-00142895 different things but i always like to NXqoFdQFhP0-00680-00142896-00143095 have that personal NXqoFdQFhP0-00681-00143096-00143335 me telling them something my son is very NXqoFdQFhP0-00682-00143336-00143551 fortunate he has a geometry teacher this NXqoFdQFhP0-00683-00143552-00143631 year NXqoFdQFhP0-00684-00143632-00143871 and she is doing instructional videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00685-00143872-00144095 every week for them it's her NXqoFdQFhP0-00686-00144096-00144283 it's her and i believe she's using NXqoFdQFhP0-00687-00144284-00144407 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00688-00144408-00144647 she's writing on like a jamboard type NXqoFdQFhP0-00689-00144648-00144759 whiteboard NXqoFdQFhP0-00690-00144760-00145047 she's showing them exactly what that you NXqoFdQFhP0-00691-00145048-00145287 know they need to know for geometry NXqoFdQFhP0-00692-00145288-00145535 and then she has them go and do other NXqoFdQFhP0-00693-00145536-00145687 things to practice NXqoFdQFhP0-00694-00145688-00145926 but it's her initially showing NXqoFdQFhP0-00695-00145927-00146014 everything NXqoFdQFhP0-00696-00146015-00146247 she doesn't send them to khan academy NXqoFdQFhP0-00697-00146248-00146414 and just sort of nice because they get NXqoFdQFhP0-00698-00146415-00146631 that instructional video NXqoFdQFhP0-00699-00146632-00146919 and you know he doesn't they don't um NXqoFdQFhP0-00700-00146920-00147047 zoom every day NXqoFdQFhP0-00701-00147048-00147366 um so he doesn't get to ask her NXqoFdQFhP0-00702-00147367-00147535 questions till friday NXqoFdQFhP0-00703-00147536-00147783 friday morning he has a meeting with her NXqoFdQFhP0-00704-00147784-00147966 so he can watch these videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00705-00147967-00148151 and if he does have questions write them NXqoFdQFhP0-00706-00148152-00148302 down and then ask NXqoFdQFhP0-00707-00148303-00148647 them during that time so NXqoFdQFhP0-00708-00148648-00148943 um think about like what kind of videos NXqoFdQFhP0-00709-00148944-00149126 you can create you can create those NXqoFdQFhP0-00710-00149127-00149278 instructional videos like we were NXqoFdQFhP0-00711-00149279-00149478 talking about but also think about NXqoFdQFhP0-00712-00149479-00149751 verbal feedback how can you open up a NXqoFdQFhP0-00713-00149752-00149807 student's NXqoFdQFhP0-00714-00149808-00150095 piece of work and instead of marking it NXqoFdQFhP0-00715-00150096-00150287 up or giving them comments NXqoFdQFhP0-00716-00150288-00150559 how can you use screencastify and use NXqoFdQFhP0-00717-00150560-00150695 that little toolbar NXqoFdQFhP0-00718-00150696-00150887 and i'll just open this up again to show NXqoFdQFhP0-00719-00150888-00151014 you guys NXqoFdQFhP0-00720-00151015-00151302 so if i'm going to take my desktop top NXqoFdQFhP0-00721-00151303-00151439 and record it NXqoFdQFhP0-00722-00151440-00151743 and i choose that when those tools come NXqoFdQFhP0-00723-00151744-00151895 up down here NXqoFdQFhP0-00724-00151896-00152126 how am i going to use those tools to NXqoFdQFhP0-00725-00152127-00152247 sort of show the kids NXqoFdQFhP0-00726-00152248-00152478 different things cross things out NXqoFdQFhP0-00727-00152479-00152566 underline NXqoFdQFhP0-00728-00152567-00152966 do whatever and show them things that i NXqoFdQFhP0-00729-00152967-00153271 am looking for in their work NXqoFdQFhP0-00730-00153272-00153654 and again i'm doing all of that online NXqoFdQFhP0-00731-00153655-00153854 in the video but when they get the NXqoFdQFhP0-00732-00153855-00153983 actual document NXqoFdQFhP0-00733-00153984-00154271 and they open it up none of that's there NXqoFdQFhP0-00734-00154272-00154454 so it's nice they could watch the video NXqoFdQFhP0-00735-00154455-00154614 but then they can actually go NXqoFdQFhP0-00736-00154615-00154951 and do the changes um be aware too NXqoFdQFhP0-00737-00154952-00155183 that students that will have chromebooks NXqoFdQFhP0-00738-00155184-00155326 in all the middle and high schools NXqoFdQFhP0-00739-00155327-00155454 coming soon NXqoFdQFhP0-00740-00155455-00155711 they're going to be able to screencast NXqoFdQFhP0-00741-00155712-00155823 using NXqoFdQFhP0-00742-00155824-00156143 their uh chromebooks as well so it's not NXqoFdQFhP0-00743-00156144-00156263 just you NXqoFdQFhP0-00744-00156264-00156463 you can then have them screencast NXqoFdQFhP0-00745-00156464-00156607 something to show their NXqoFdQFhP0-00746-00156608-00156919 understanding so they can explain um NXqoFdQFhP0-00747-00156920-00157166 to one another this is great for NXqoFdQFhP0-00748-00157167-00157335 substitute plans NXqoFdQFhP0-00749-00157336-00157511 sending updates to parents putting NXqoFdQFhP0-00750-00157512-00157702 something on your website whatever NXqoFdQFhP0-00751-00157703-00157831 you're doing NXqoFdQFhP0-00752-00157832-00158071 um i think screencastify is great i NXqoFdQFhP0-00753-00158072-00158166 usually NXqoFdQFhP0-00754-00158167-00158335 if there's a teacher that sends me a NXqoFdQFhP0-00755-00158336-00158623 problem and says i can't i can't NXqoFdQFhP0-00756-00158624-00158807 can you do a screencast for me real NXqoFdQFhP0-00757-00158808-00159014 quick and when they send it to me i'm NXqoFdQFhP0-00758-00159015-00159047 like NXqoFdQFhP0-00759-00159048-00159311 oh i see it right away because i'm so NXqoFdQFhP0-00760-00159312-00159375 visual NXqoFdQFhP0-00761-00159376-00159575 and i need to see that instead of be NXqoFdQFhP0-00762-00159576-00159743 told what's happening NXqoFdQFhP0-00763-00159744-00160031 um and then i'm able to troubleshoot NXqoFdQFhP0-00764-00160032-00160166 with them NXqoFdQFhP0-00765-00160167-00160663 so um i am going to go up here NXqoFdQFhP0-00766-00160664-00160814 because it just took that away and i NXqoFdQFhP0-00767-00160815-00161119 wanted i actually want to stop it NXqoFdQFhP0-00768-00161120-00161335 and again any time that it comes up it NXqoFdQFhP0-00769-00161336-00161454 comes to here NXqoFdQFhP0-00770-00161455-00161783 you can then um title it and then NXqoFdQFhP0-00771-00161784-00161839 sometimes NXqoFdQFhP0-00772-00161840-00162119 i download it as an mp4 because i want NXqoFdQFhP0-00773-00162120-00162287 to put it into imovie NXqoFdQFhP0-00774-00162288-00162487 and i want to manipulate it and then NXqoFdQFhP0-00775-00162488-00162599 other times NXqoFdQFhP0-00776-00162600-00162878 i don't i don't manipulate it so it all NXqoFdQFhP0-00777-00162879-00163159 depends upon what i want to do NXqoFdQFhP0-00778-00163160-00163511 um and there's a million more ideas NXqoFdQFhP0-00779-00163512-00163743 like we were saying but i am actually NXqoFdQFhP0-00780-00163744-00163887 giving you guys some time NXqoFdQFhP0-00781-00163888-00164199 we have about 20 minutes i want you guys NXqoFdQFhP0-00782-00164200-00164399 to think about a concept that you plan NXqoFdQFhP0-00783-00164400-00164566 to teach to your students NXqoFdQFhP0-00784-00164567-00164799 and i want you to actually create an NXqoFdQFhP0-00785-00164800-00165071 instructional video you'll mute yourself NXqoFdQFhP0-00786-00165072-00165311 from the meet you'll go down here on the NXqoFdQFhP0-00787-00165312-00165399 google me and you'll NXqoFdQFhP0-00788-00165400-00165719 mute yourself you can then um open up NXqoFdQFhP0-00789-00165720-00165919 other tabs and stuff like that NXqoFdQFhP0-00790-00165920-00166151 but i want you to just play with it you NXqoFdQFhP0-00791-00166152-00166223 know NXqoFdQFhP0-00792-00166224-00166375 think about something that you're gonna NXqoFdQFhP0-00793-00166376-00166599 do under five minutes NXqoFdQFhP0-00794-00166600-00166743 something real quick that you're going NXqoFdQFhP0-00795-00166744-00166902 to show them this week NXqoFdQFhP0-00796-00166903-00167047 something that you're going to do when NXqoFdQFhP0-00797-00167048-00167247 you're grading or you started grading NXqoFdQFhP0-00798-00167248-00167414 last week you know last night or a NXqoFdQFhP0-00799-00167415-00167551 couple days ago NXqoFdQFhP0-00800-00167552-00167751 and they were all doing the same mistake NXqoFdQFhP0-00801-00167752-00167943 and you just want to give them a little NXqoFdQFhP0-00802-00167944-00168038 quick video NXqoFdQFhP0-00803-00168039-00168278 to say guys you know all of you did a NXqoFdQFhP0-00804-00168279-00168399 great job NXqoFdQFhP0-00805-00168400-00168575 and these are the things you did great NXqoFdQFhP0-00806-00168576-00168775 with and these are the things that you NXqoFdQFhP0-00807-00168776-00168823 need NXqoFdQFhP0-00808-00168824-00169007 some improvement with and i would say NXqoFdQFhP0-00809-00169008-00169175 always highlight the great NXqoFdQFhP0-00810-00169176-00169423 too uh when i was a teacher at north NXqoFdQFhP0-00811-00169424-00169599 high for 24 years NXqoFdQFhP0-00812-00169600-00169854 i would call sometimes and i would be NXqoFdQFhP0-00813-00169855-00170054 talking about the good stuff NXqoFdQFhP0-00814-00170055-00170254 only the good stuff and i did that for NXqoFdQFhP0-00815-00170255-00170431 my own sake because i just didn't want NXqoFdQFhP0-00816-00170432-00170471 to do NXqoFdQFhP0-00817-00170472-00170726 bad calls all the time and one time i NXqoFdQFhP0-00818-00170727-00170775 called NXqoFdQFhP0-00819-00170776-00171175 and the one um person answered and i NXqoFdQFhP0-00820-00171176-00171351 thought it was the father and i was like NXqoFdQFhP0-00821-00171352-00171511 i need to talk about NXqoFdQFhP0-00822-00171512-00171847 so and so and they were like yes this is NXqoFdQFhP0-00823-00171848-00171887 he NXqoFdQFhP0-00824-00171888-00172063 and i was like okay you know are you the NXqoFdQFhP0-00825-00172064-00172254 parent this is he and i'm like okay NXqoFdQFhP0-00826-00172255-00172414 and i started talking about all the NXqoFdQFhP0-00827-00172415-00172647 great stuff that this child was doing NXqoFdQFhP0-00828-00172648-00172783 and all of a sudden they stopped me and NXqoFdQFhP0-00829-00172784-00173023 they said hey i'm actually the brother NXqoFdQFhP0-00830-00173024-00173271 and my parents will freak when they hear NXqoFdQFhP0-00831-00173272-00173478 this can i go get them NXqoFdQFhP0-00832-00173479-00173735 so it's just one of those things you NXqoFdQFhP0-00833-00173736-00173814 know to NXqoFdQFhP0-00834-00173815-00174031 to give them some positive feedback too NXqoFdQFhP0-00835-00174032-00174159 and show them what they're doing really NXqoFdQFhP0-00836-00174160-00174254 great with NXqoFdQFhP0-00837-00174255-00174495 um they do have a lot with screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00838-00174496-00174678 when i put this in i am going to give NXqoFdQFhP0-00839-00174679-00174759 you the pd NXqoFdQFhP0-00840-00174760-00174990 module that we made as well i'm going to NXqoFdQFhP0-00841-00174991-00175143 put in there NXqoFdQFhP0-00842-00175144-00175414 and i have some of the things in here NXqoFdQFhP0-00843-00175415-00175575 from screencastify they do have NXqoFdQFhP0-00844-00175576-00175759 different things NXqoFdQFhP0-00845-00175760-00176063 that they have courses that you take and NXqoFdQFhP0-00846-00176064-00176126 you get NXqoFdQFhP0-00847-00176127-00176431 an actual certificate and NXqoFdQFhP0-00848-00176432-00176687 there's different levels and they even NXqoFdQFhP0-00849-00176688-00176783 have one for NXqoFdQFhP0-00850-00176784-00177063 students as well where it's the master NXqoFdQFhP0-00851-00177064-00177247 the screencast junior NXqoFdQFhP0-00852-00177248-00177399 if you feel like you're really going to NXqoFdQFhP0-00853-00177400-00177623 use it in your class you might have your NXqoFdQFhP0-00854-00177624-00177871 students take that and then give them NXqoFdQFhP0-00855-00177872-00178183 some credit for getting that through NXqoFdQFhP0-00856-00178184-00178351 and taking the course so that might be NXqoFdQFhP0-00857-00178352-00178623 something you might want to do as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00858-00178624-00178883 just so that they also know how to do NXqoFdQFhP0-00859-00178884-00179111 screencastify really well NXqoFdQFhP0-00860-00179112-00179414 um if you have ipads we can NXqoFdQFhP0-00861-00179415-00179599 show you how they do the screen NXqoFdQFhP0-00862-00179600-00179847 recording on there as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00863-00179848-00180311 first off any questions you guys have NXqoFdQFhP0-00864-00180312-00180495 so when we're in middle school so we NXqoFdQFhP0-00865-00180496-00180623 don't have chromebooks yet NXqoFdQFhP0-00866-00180624-00180799 but the students will be able to add NXqoFdQFhP0-00867-00180800-00180966 extensions or how will they go about NXqoFdQFhP0-00868-00180967-00181126 being able to add extensions NXqoFdQFhP0-00869-00181127-00181366 that's a good question um actually it's NXqoFdQFhP0-00870-00181367-00181535 sort of like a self-service NXqoFdQFhP0-00871-00181536-00181783 they're gonna have two things um they're NXqoFdQFhP0-00872-00181784-00181959 gonna have a web store NXqoFdQFhP0-00873-00181960-00182271 and if you look here on a macbook NXqoFdQFhP0-00874-00182272-00182407 we don't have anything in the bottom NXqoFdQFhP0-00875-00182408-00182575 left but on NXqoFdQFhP0-00876-00182576-00182783 a chromebook it's a little circle it NXqoFdQFhP0-00877-00182784-00182943 almost looks like a power button to me NXqoFdQFhP0-00878-00182944-00183087 like if you click it it's going to turn NXqoFdQFhP0-00879-00183088-00183151 it off NXqoFdQFhP0-00880-00183152-00183414 but it's actually your app launcher and NXqoFdQFhP0-00881-00183415-00183551 it will have the web NXqoFdQFhP0-00882-00183552-00183790 store in there you'll click on the web NXqoFdQFhP0-00883-00183791-00183854 store NXqoFdQFhP0-00884-00183855-00184126 and you'll be able to see um the NXqoFdQFhP0-00885-00184127-00184375 extensions and the students can add them NXqoFdQFhP0-00886-00184376-00184559 another thing that all the chromebooks NXqoFdQFhP0-00887-00184560-00184751 will have and you'll have NXqoFdQFhP0-00888-00184752-00184975 training on very soon is go guardian if NXqoFdQFhP0-00889-00184976-00185126 you haven't taken it yet NXqoFdQFhP0-00890-00185127-00185414 and go guardian is something where you NXqoFdQFhP0-00891-00185415-00185599 can watch and make sure that the student NXqoFdQFhP0-00892-00185600-00185807 you can just say go to your puzzle piece NXqoFdQFhP0-00893-00185808-00185935 and then you can go into their NXqoFdQFhP0-00894-00185936-00186083 extensions that if you don't see NXqoFdQFhP0-00895-00186084-00186214 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00896-00186215-00186495 you'll have them added and you can watch NXqoFdQFhP0-00897-00186496-00186543 them NXqoFdQFhP0-00898-00186544-00186854 physically do it um so you can NXqoFdQFhP0-00899-00186855-00187038 you can help them through the process as NXqoFdQFhP0-00900-00187039-00187214 well which is really nice because it NXqoFdQFhP0-00901-00187215-00187350 will be on their tab NXqoFdQFhP0-00902-00187351-00187535 they'll also have google play but you NXqoFdQFhP0-00903-00187536-00187759 will see there's probably NXqoFdQFhP0-00904-00187760-00188023 approximately 10 apps total that NXqoFdQFhP0-00905-00188024-00188166 chromebooks have NXqoFdQFhP0-00906-00188167-00188495 all the rest are just essentially NXqoFdQFhP0-00907-00188496-00188783 extensions or they are cloud-based you NXqoFdQFhP0-00908-00188784-00189014 don't need to actually use a lot of apps NXqoFdQFhP0-00909-00189015-00189175 on the chromebook NXqoFdQFhP0-00910-00189176-00189526 you'll find that it's not as robust as NXqoFdQFhP0-00911-00189527-00189678 the ipad because NXqoFdQFhP0-00912-00189679-00189919 like for example flipgrid flipgrid can NXqoFdQFhP0-00913-00189920-00190166 be accessed online through the cloud NXqoFdQFhP0-00914-00190167-00190550 it is not an actual icon and app anymore NXqoFdQFhP0-00915-00190551-00190847 like it was on the ipad so that's the NXqoFdQFhP0-00916-00190848-00190983 difference but that's where they'll NXqoFdQFhP0-00917-00190984-00191143 access it they'll actually go to the NXqoFdQFhP0-00918-00191144-00191390 corner and find it NXqoFdQFhP0-00919-00191391-00191647 and we're making uh we we have a thing NXqoFdQFhP0-00920-00191648-00191854 that all the schools will be able to NXqoFdQFhP0-00921-00191855-00192111 give to students it's a qr code that NXqoFdQFhP0-00922-00192112-00192263 they'll be able to scan NXqoFdQFhP0-00923-00192264-00192543 uh christy hagerty from south she made a NXqoFdQFhP0-00924-00192544-00192775 series of videos for students on how to NXqoFdQFhP0-00925-00192776-00192935 set up their chromebook and use certain NXqoFdQFhP0-00926-00192936-00192999 things NXqoFdQFhP0-00927-00193000-00193214 and she does discuss the web store and NXqoFdQFhP0-00928-00193215-00193543 the google play store for them as well NXqoFdQFhP0-00929-00193544-00193743 so that's something that they'll be able NXqoFdQFhP0-00930-00193744-00193911 to watch and access NXqoFdQFhP0-00931-00193912-00194087 and know and you guys will be able to NXqoFdQFhP0-00932-00194088-00194254 access it because we have training NXqoFdQFhP0-00933-00194255-00194454 coming out for you guys very soon for NXqoFdQFhP0-00934-00194455-00194575 the chromebook NXqoFdQFhP0-00935-00194576-00194743 um and you guys will take that and NXqoFdQFhP0-00936-00194744-00194887 you'll be able to see what the students NXqoFdQFhP0-00937-00194888-00195007 are getting NXqoFdQFhP0-00938-00195008-00195247 um so you'll be able to do that did that NXqoFdQFhP0-00939-00195248-00195335 help you NXqoFdQFhP0-00940-00195336-00195647 lee yep thanks NXqoFdQFhP0-00941-00195648-00195943 okay awesome um so anybody have any NXqoFdQFhP0-00942-00195944-00196111 questions i just want you guys to play NXqoFdQFhP0-00943-00196112-00196263 with screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-00944-00196264-00196575 um the thing that i completely 100 NXqoFdQFhP0-00945-00196576-00196895 agree in and believe in if you get time NXqoFdQFhP0-00946-00196896-00197111 to do and play with something NXqoFdQFhP0-00947-00197112-00197359 you're going to use it more um so you NXqoFdQFhP0-00948-00197360-00197502 can go ahead and mute yourself you just NXqoFdQFhP0-00949-00197503-00197663 go down here to the bottom and mute NXqoFdQFhP0-00950-00197664-00197759 yourself NXqoFdQFhP0-00951-00197760-00197990 and then go ahead and create some things NXqoFdQFhP0-00952-00197991-00198150 if you want to share later on NXqoFdQFhP0-00953-00198151-00198326 your creation with me and say this is NXqoFdQFhP0-00954-00198327-00198487 what i made um NXqoFdQFhP0-00955-00198488-00198695 can you give me some pointers or how do NXqoFdQFhP0-00956-00198696-00198823 i um NXqoFdQFhP0-00957-00198824-00199023 that would be fine if you don't want to NXqoFdQFhP0-00958-00199024-00199183 you don't have to but i do want to give NXqoFdQFhP0-00959-00199184-00199247 you that NXqoFdQFhP0-00960-00199248-00199463 time because i don't want you to just NXqoFdQFhP0-00961-00199464-00199638 feel like you sat and you got NXqoFdQFhP0-00962-00199639-00199943 i want you to then say how can i apply NXqoFdQFhP0-00963-00199944-00200102 how can i have and i'm going to leave NXqoFdQFhP0-00964-00200103-00200283 this up whenever i mute myself NXqoFdQFhP0-00965-00200284-00200423 eventually NXqoFdQFhP0-00966-00200424-00200663 i'll leave this up for a little while NXqoFdQFhP0-00967-00200664-00200863 but how can i apply those four things NXqoFdQFhP0-00968-00200864-00200926 how can i NXqoFdQFhP0-00969-00200927-00201254 signal more how can i segment it how can NXqoFdQFhP0-00970-00201255-00201414 i weed out some stuff NXqoFdQFhP0-00971-00201415-00201590 and then how can i match some of the NXqoFdQFhP0-00972-00201591-00201902 modality if i'm talking about something NXqoFdQFhP0-00973-00201903-00202207 and it's about castles how can i NXqoFdQFhP0-00974-00202208-00202478 embed some castle pictures in there and NXqoFdQFhP0-00975-00202479-00202559 then really NXqoFdQFhP0-00976-00202560-00202766 point to some of the things about NXqoFdQFhP0-00977-00202767-00202871 castles NXqoFdQFhP0-00978-00202872-00203135 so that teach so that they the visual NXqoFdQFhP0-00979-00203136-00203199 learners see NXqoFdQFhP0-00980-00203200-00203423 it but then how do i help those audio NXqoFdQFhP0-00981-00203424-00203583 learners learn too NXqoFdQFhP0-00982-00203584-00203838 how do i embed something that is just NXqoFdQFhP0-00983-00203839-00203919 sounds NXqoFdQFhP0-00984-00203920-00204183 of what an old castle would sound like NXqoFdQFhP0-00985-00204184-00204223 bring NXqoFdQFhP0-00986-00204224-00204431 all that experience in for the students NXqoFdQFhP0-00987-00204432-00204647 so that they can see that NXqoFdQFhP0-00988-00204648-00204958 as you're going so um NXqoFdQFhP0-00989-00204959-00205127 i'm going to go ahead and mute myself NXqoFdQFhP0-00990-00205128-00205334 and then i'll go back to this video NXqoFdQFhP0-00991-00205335-00205462 and i'm going to give you some time to NXqoFdQFhP0-00992-00205463-00205655 create and then i'm going to say NXqoFdQFhP0-00993-00205656-00206038 at let's say right now it's not 10 36 NXqoFdQFhP0-00994-00206039-00206414 let me say like at 1 um NXqoFdQFhP0-00995-00206415-00206694 45 we just get back together and we just NXqoFdQFhP0-00996-00206696-00206790 talk about like NXqoFdQFhP0-00997-00206791-00207014 something that you may have started to NXqoFdQFhP0-00998-00207015-00207158 think about creating NXqoFdQFhP0-00999-00207159-00207351 i know myself sometimes i need to draw NXqoFdQFhP0-01000-00207352-00207503 it out like a storyboard NXqoFdQFhP0-01001-00207504-00207686 and i'm not going to do it right now but NXqoFdQFhP0-01002-00207687-00207919 i need it on a piece of paper first NXqoFdQFhP0-01003-00207919-00208214 and then i'll actually create it so it's NXqoFdQFhP0-01004-00208215-00208382 up to you guys how you do it but just NXqoFdQFhP0-01005-00208383-00208719 use this time wisely um you NXqoFdQFhP0-01006-00208719-00208934 you can think of ways that you can use NXqoFdQFhP0-01007-00208935-00209110 it and i would think of something that's NXqoFdQFhP0-01008-00209111-00209214 going to be NXqoFdQFhP0-01009-00209215-00209551 this week next week you know today NXqoFdQFhP0-01010-00209552-00209758 how are you going to create something NXqoFdQFhP0-01011-00209759-00209927 and if you have questions put it in the NXqoFdQFhP0-01012-00209928-00210006 chat NXqoFdQFhP0-01013-00210007-00210239 um i am going to put the slideshow in NXqoFdQFhP0-01014-00210240-00210358 there as well NXqoFdQFhP0-01015-00210359-00210694 actually um the slideshow should also be NXqoFdQFhP0-01016-00210696-00211063 uh linked in the agenda um that where NXqoFdQFhP0-01017-00211064-00211271 you click to get on to this NXqoFdQFhP0-01018-00211271-00211531 um and i am going to add that NXqoFdQFhP0-01019-00211532-00211663 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01020-00211664-00211919 pd module 2 to the chat so i'm putting NXqoFdQFhP0-01021-00211919-00212023 right now NXqoFdQFhP0-01022-00212023-00212263 in my presentation and then i'm going to NXqoFdQFhP0-01023-00212264-00212487 put in this pd module too NXqoFdQFhP0-01024-00212488-00212703 because i didn't have that linked but NXqoFdQFhP0-01025-00212704-00212806 i'll give you that NXqoFdQFhP0-01026-00212807-00213071 too so you can bookmark that okay so i NXqoFdQFhP0-01027-00213071-00213223 gave you both of the links NXqoFdQFhP0-01028-00213223-00213423 right now um and then i'm going to mute NXqoFdQFhP0-01029-00213423-00213534 myself for a while NXqoFdQFhP0-01030-00213535-00213927 so you guys can explore okay it's 10 46 NXqoFdQFhP0-01031-00213928-00214167 and i just wanted to have you guys share NXqoFdQFhP0-01032-00214167-00214382 out some of the things that you may have NXqoFdQFhP0-01033-00214383-00214542 been doing NXqoFdQFhP0-01034-00214544-00214767 give us some inspiration on how you're NXqoFdQFhP0-01035-00214767-00215182 going to think of using screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01036-00215183-00215431 i do a quick video at the end of each NXqoFdQFhP0-01037-00215432-00215598 day for students who NXqoFdQFhP0-01038-00215600-00215894 were able to make the zoom class or uh NXqoFdQFhP0-01039-00215896-00216055 maybe had technical issues NXqoFdQFhP0-01040-00216056-00216263 so that they can get a kind of an NXqoFdQFhP0-01041-00216264-00216415 overview of what we did NXqoFdQFhP0-01042-00216416-00216639 i'm hoping i mean still kids ask what NXqoFdQFhP0-01043-00216640-00216751 did i miss today NXqoFdQFhP0-01044-00216752-00216903 but i'm hoping that that's one of the NXqoFdQFhP0-01045-00216904-00217158 reasons why so many kids aren't asking NXqoFdQFhP0-01046-00217159-00217206 me NXqoFdQFhP0-01047-00217207-00217351 you know i wasn't there what do i have NXqoFdQFhP0-01048-00217352-00217519 to make up because i have a folder in NXqoFdQFhP0-01049-00217519-00217710 google classroom where i just put NXqoFdQFhP0-01050-00217711-00217998 each day's new video that's really good NXqoFdQFhP0-01051-00218000-00218127 and that gives them like a little NXqoFdQFhP0-01052-00218128-00218191 overview NXqoFdQFhP0-01053-00218192-00218431 my son actually his biology teacher does NXqoFdQFhP0-01054-00218432-00218551 the reverse NXqoFdQFhP0-01055-00218552-00218734 she does a video at the beginning of NXqoFdQFhP0-01056-00218735-00218894 each day says NXqoFdQFhP0-01057-00218896-00219158 goes into like their folder and says NXqoFdQFhP0-01058-00219159-00219327 like this is the things that you need to NXqoFdQFhP0-01059-00219328-00219391 do NXqoFdQFhP0-01060-00219392-00219631 and he said that helps me so much mom i NXqoFdQFhP0-01061-00219632-00219791 know exactly what to do NXqoFdQFhP0-01062-00219792-00220087 and like i go straight to it um so john NXqoFdQFhP0-01063-00220088-00220246 did you just share something with us NXqoFdQFhP0-01064-00220248-00220287 here NXqoFdQFhP0-01065-00220288-00220446 did you make something i just says i NXqoFdQFhP0-01066-00220448-00220591 need access so i'm going to request NXqoFdQFhP0-01067-00220592-00220934 access and then you can send it to me NXqoFdQFhP0-01068-00220935-00221223 yeah i'll just and it will come on my um NXqoFdQFhP0-01069-00221223-00221398 my mail and i'll be able to see it which NXqoFdQFhP0-01070-00221400-00221558 will be cool i can't wait to see what NXqoFdQFhP0-01071-00221559-00221975 did you make john NXqoFdQFhP0-01072-00221976-00222239 just i just started making a video about NXqoFdQFhP0-01073-00222240-00222423 you know that got about 15 seconds NXqoFdQFhP0-01074-00222423-00222734 in and you started talking so NXqoFdQFhP0-01075-00222735-00223063 but i started talking about how to do a NXqoFdQFhP0-01076-00223064-00223215 document based question NXqoFdQFhP0-01077-00223216-00223398 it took me a while to get it all worked NXqoFdQFhP0-01078-00223400-00223703 and working in plus i'm on my pc at home NXqoFdQFhP0-01079-00223704-00223958 i'm on my mac so it just took me a NXqoFdQFhP0-01080-00223959-00224087 little while to get everything working NXqoFdQFhP0-01081-00224088-00224151 right NXqoFdQFhP0-01082-00224152-00224382 yeah last not this past summer but the NXqoFdQFhP0-01083-00224383-00224494 summer before NXqoFdQFhP0-01084-00224496-00224751 michael bear from boonsboro high took a NXqoFdQFhP0-01085-00224752-00224871 course with me and he NXqoFdQFhP0-01086-00224871-00225151 he he was going through screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01087-00225152-00225271 and using it NXqoFdQFhP0-01088-00225271-00225439 and he said he was having troubles NXqoFdQFhP0-01089-00225440-00225663 because it's so different on a pc NXqoFdQFhP0-01090-00225664-00226031 versus on a macbook or a chromebook so NXqoFdQFhP0-01091-00226032-00226223 i do agree that there is a little bit of NXqoFdQFhP0-01092-00226223-00226334 a learning curve there NXqoFdQFhP0-01093-00226335-00226919 with it whenever you're doing it on a pc NXqoFdQFhP0-01094-00226919-00227198 okay i just dropped a new link that NXqoFdQFhP0-01095-00227200-00227431 anybody should be able to use now NXqoFdQFhP0-01096-00227432-00227639 okay i'm gonna go ahead and um it's kind NXqoFdQFhP0-01097-00227640-00227831 of embarrassing but NXqoFdQFhP0-01098-00227832-00228167 oh no i i'm gonna i'm gonna actually um NXqoFdQFhP0-01099-00228167-00228415 save it and it's it's cycling right now NXqoFdQFhP0-01100-00228416-00228551 and that's one of my NXqoFdQFhP0-01101-00228552-00228687 things that i'll be able to watch but NXqoFdQFhP0-01102-00228688-00228967 again you know 15 seconds NXqoFdQFhP0-01103-00228967-00229191 yeah but again it's you know have you NXqoFdQFhP0-01104-00229192-00229382 used screencastify a lot NXqoFdQFhP0-01105-00229383-00229727 since like all this have you used it NXqoFdQFhP0-01106-00229728-00230110 with your students NXqoFdQFhP0-01107-00230111-00230279 no today was the first time i ever used NXqoFdQFhP0-01108-00230280-00230415 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01109-00230416-00230734 okay so then by having that play time NXqoFdQFhP0-01110-00230735-00231006 hopefully that's my hope that you'll go NXqoFdQFhP0-01111-00231007-00231167 out and you'll use it more NXqoFdQFhP0-01112-00231167-00231446 and maybe past it is it's very easy it's NXqoFdQFhP0-01113-00231448-00231575 very intuitive NXqoFdQFhP0-01114-00231576-00231846 with nice it drops right into your drive NXqoFdQFhP0-01115-00231848-00231998 so you can then NXqoFdQFhP0-01116-00232000-00232255 fetch that and like i showed you put it NXqoFdQFhP0-01117-00232256-00232382 right into that slide NXqoFdQFhP0-01118-00232383-00232558 and have it either automatically play NXqoFdQFhP0-01119-00232559-00232734 when they click present NXqoFdQFhP0-01120-00232735-00232982 or do it in different ways so that's NXqoFdQFhP0-01121-00232983-00233223 helpful too NXqoFdQFhP0-01122-00233223-00233431 and again just you know think about how NXqoFdQFhP0-01123-00233432-00233598 you can use screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01124-00233600-00233942 how you can get the students to um NXqoFdQFhP0-01125-00233944-00234142 you know take these instructional videos NXqoFdQFhP0-01126-00234144-00234303 flip your classroom NXqoFdQFhP0-01127-00234304-00234558 i can see screencastify being used a lot NXqoFdQFhP0-01128-00234559-00234758 even whenever we're back face-to-face NXqoFdQFhP0-01129-00234759-00234863 with students NXqoFdQFhP0-01130-00234864-00235039 because they'll be able to watch those NXqoFdQFhP0-01131-00235040-00235271 videos and and get that NXqoFdQFhP0-01132-00235271-00235487 so i think you guys definitely will be NXqoFdQFhP0-01133-00235488-00235606 able to NXqoFdQFhP0-01134-00235607-00235910 um use this for years to come and NXqoFdQFhP0-01135-00235911-00236158 by having the students green cast too NXqoFdQFhP0-01136-00236159-00236327 they can explain to you NXqoFdQFhP0-01137-00236328-00236494 this is how i'm getting the answer NXqoFdQFhP0-01138-00236496-00236671 sometimes students would show me how NXqoFdQFhP0-01139-00236671-00236727 they did NXqoFdQFhP0-01140-00236728-00237039 something it was not how i showed them NXqoFdQFhP0-01141-00237040-00237319 but i thought that's intriguing that's NXqoFdQFhP0-01142-00237319-00237423 interesting NXqoFdQFhP0-01143-00237423-00237631 that's sometimes how i found my ib NXqoFdQFhP0-01144-00237632-00237823 students that i would recommend NXqoFdQFhP0-01145-00237823-00238142 in 9th grade to 10th grade for ib NXqoFdQFhP0-01146-00238144-00238351 just because they thought outside the NXqoFdQFhP0-01147-00238352-00238671 box NXqoFdQFhP0-01148-00238671-00239006 all right so any of your questions NXqoFdQFhP0-01149-00239007-00239255 do you have any other questions all NXqoFdQFhP0-01150-00239256-00239439 right i will have this recording as soon NXqoFdQFhP0-01151-00239440-00239542 as it comes in NXqoFdQFhP0-01152-00239544-00239879 and to my drive and i actually can NXqoFdQFhP0-01153-00239880-00240119 link it i'll have it linked in all of NXqoFdQFhP0-01154-00240119-00240342 the presentations today will be linked NXqoFdQFhP0-01155-00240344-00240598 so that you guys can definitely have NXqoFdQFhP0-01156-00240600-00240646 that NXqoFdQFhP0-01157-00240648-00240894 um where you can go and see other ones NXqoFdQFhP0-01158-00240896-00241103 that you didn't get to go see NXqoFdQFhP0-01159-00241104-00241339 use me as a resource anytime for NXqoFdQFhP0-01160-00241340-00241527 screencastify NXqoFdQFhP0-01161-00241528-00241734 we do we will have over the summer we NXqoFdQFhP0-01162-00241735-00241934 had a few courses we will try to have NXqoFdQFhP0-01163-00241935-00242015 more NXqoFdQFhP0-01164-00242016-00242215 but i just wanted to show people how NXqoFdQFhP0-01165-00242216-00242342 they could maybe NXqoFdQFhP0-01166-00242344-00242646 think about those four elements NXqoFdQFhP0-01167-00242648-00242879 of creating effective instruction NXqoFdQFhP0-01168-00242880-00243079 because we know how to do it face to NXqoFdQFhP0-01169-00243080-00243182 face this NXqoFdQFhP0-01170-00243183-00243527 you know remote distance area is where NXqoFdQFhP0-01171-00243528-00243703 it's sometimes we're trying to think NXqoFdQFhP0-01172-00243704-00243934 about how we can best uh help our NXqoFdQFhP0-01173-00243935-00244039 students NXqoFdQFhP0-01174-00244040-00244375 so you guys are free to go i appreciate NXqoFdQFhP0-01175-00244376-00244558 everything that you guys do NXqoFdQFhP0-01176-00244559-00244775 um thank you so much have a wonderful NXqoFdQFhP0-01177-00244776-00244879 afternoon NXqoFdQFhP0-01178-00244880-00245082 hopefully you don't have to grade too NXqoFdQFhP0-01179-00245083-00245263 much NXqoFdQFhP0-01180-00245264-00245567 hey just it's kind of funny because i NXqoFdQFhP0-01181-00245567-00245815 actually watched my video real quick and NXqoFdQFhP0-01182-00245816-00245998 it you have to understand i was it was NXqoFdQFhP0-01183-00246000-00246191 one thing after another after another NXqoFdQFhP0-01184-00246192-00246367 had to do it with problem solving NXqoFdQFhP0-01185-00246367-00246558 i finally just figured out what i was NXqoFdQFhP0-01186-00246559-00246727 going to say started talking and then NXqoFdQFhP0-01187-00246728-00246934 you jumped off and started talking NXqoFdQFhP0-01188-00246935-00247406 and the look on my face like NXqoFdQFhP0-01189-00247407-00247727 that's so funny lisa yeah NXqoFdQFhP0-01190-00247728-00247951 well i will tell you this you should see NXqoFdQFhP0-01191-00247952-00248191 sometimes i will make a video and then NXqoFdQFhP0-01192-00248192-00248406 realize like i said the sound's off or NXqoFdQFhP0-01193-00248407-00248558 something like that and i'll just be NXqoFdQFhP0-01194-00248559-00248687 like really NXqoFdQFhP0-01195-00248688-00248958 that would have been perfect texted me NXqoFdQFhP0-01196-00248959-00249103 she watched and texted me and told me NXqoFdQFhP0-01197-00249104-00249263 i'm a dork NXqoFdQFhP0-01198-00249264-00249734 no not at all goodness gracious NXqoFdQFhP0-01199-00249735-00250063 that's okay it's fun it's fun learning NXqoFdQFhP0-01200-00250064-00250142 these things NXqoFdQFhP0-01201-00250144-00250294 and and putting them all together i NXqoFdQFhP0-01202-00250296-00250487 think you guys are doing a great job so NXqoFdQFhP0-01203-00250488-00250623 thank you for i mean NXqoFdQFhP0-01204-00250623-00250758 that's the one thing you have to take NXqoFdQFhP0-01205-00250759-00250975 the risk in order to get any benefit NXqoFdQFhP0-01206-00250976-00251087 from it so NXqoFdQFhP0-01207-00251088-00251287 thank you for taking that risk john NXqoFdQFhP0-01208-00251288-00251439 thanks for doing the uh doing the NXqoFdQFhP0-01209-00251440-00251527 presentation NXqoFdQFhP0-01210-00251528-00251719 it was pretty good thank you okay thank NXqoFdQFhP0-01211-00251719-00251871 you NXqoFdQFhP0-01212-00251871-00252103 thank you you guys have a wonderful day NXqoFdQFhP0-01213-00252104-00252383 wonderful day NYtldGELo4M-00000-00000023-00000305 chromatone message on prosthetic a NYtldGELo4M-00001-00000306-00000574 shelter it's an incredible pleasure to NYtldGELo4M-00002-00000575-00000728 be here with you today NYtldGELo4M-00003-00000729-00000904 you know the fact is if we are indeed NYtldGELo4M-00004-00000905-00001106 running late it is always because i have NYtldGELo4M-00005-00001107-00001333 way more questions then then people NYtldGELo4M-00006-00001334-00001514 expect put me in a room full of NYtldGELo4M-00007-00001515-00001730 Engineers and gadgets and we'll be there NYtldGELo4M-00008-00001730-00001946 all day if I'm allowed so I'm I where NYtldGELo4M-00009-00001947-00002185 we're actually doing very very well on NYtldGELo4M-00010-00002186-00002546 time this morning it's it's a great way NYtldGELo4M-00011-00002547-00002792 to kick off this week we are celebrating NYtldGELo4M-00012-00002793-00003038 an exceptional accomplishment in NYtldGELo4M-00013-00003039-00003269 Canadian innovation I don't want to take NYtldGELo4M-00014-00003270-00003404 up too much of your time it's only NYtldGELo4M-00015-00003404-00003581 monday and i know people have a lot of a NYtldGELo4M-00016-00003582-00003754 lot of things to do if you're like me NYtldGELo4M-00017-00003755-00003895 still have a lot of christmas shopping NYtldGELo4M-00018-00003896-00004226 to do but i do want to say a few things NYtldGELo4M-00019-00004227-00004556 about why this launch today matters NYtldGELo4M-00020-00004557-00004777 earlier this fall it was announced that NYtldGELo4M-00021-00004778-00005011 ford motor company would outfit future NYtldGELo4M-00022-00005012-00005320 vehicles with blackberries qnx and NYtldGELo4M-00023-00005321-00005633 security software with this expanded NYtldGELo4M-00024-00005634-00005906 partnership Ford has placed its trust NYtldGELo4M-00025-00005907-00006202 and confidence in blackberry and with NYtldGELo4M-00026-00006203-00006317 good reason NYtldGELo4M-00027-00006318-00006569 blackberry has long been a proud story NYtldGELo4M-00028-00006570-00006851 of homegrown Canadian success it is NYtldGELo4M-00029-00006852-00007102 built a reputation on bold innovation NYtldGELo4M-00030-00007103-00007423 industry-leading security and visionary NYtldGELo4M-00031-00007425-00007658 leadership and following this new NYtldGELo4M-00032-00007659-00007892 partnership with Ford blackberry is NYtldGELo4M-00033-00007893-00008071 ready to push the limits of innovation NYtldGELo4M-00034-00008072-00008351 once again with the creation of the new NYtldGELo4M-00035-00008352-00008609 technology technology innovation center NYtldGELo4M-00036-00008610-00008914 for autonomous vehicles this Center is NYtldGELo4M-00037-00008915-00009113 more than a hub for research and NYtldGELo4M-00038-00009114-00009323 innovation in the arm automotive sector NYtldGELo4M-00039-00009324-00009602 indeed it stands as a testament to a NYtldGELo4M-00040-00009603-00009792 deeply entrenched culture of innovation NYtldGELo4M-00041-00009793-00010151 here in our nation's capital coupled NYtldGELo4M-00042-00010152-00010283 with the fact that this Center will NYtldGELo4M-00043-00010284-00010517 create well-paying high-skilled jobs for NYtldGELo4M-00044-00010518-00010778 middle-class Canadians this launch is a NYtldGELo4M-00045-00010779-00011131 huge win for blackberry for workers and NYtldGELo4M-00046-00011132-00011356 for families because at the end of the NYtldGELo4M-00047-00011357-00011609 day we know that strong resilient NYtldGELo4M-00048-00011610-00011845 economies are built around a never NYtldGELo4M-00049-00011846-00012103 pressing desire to create and to NYtldGELo4M-00050-00012104-00012353 innovate and the work that's going into NYtldGELo4M-00051-00012354-00012644 this space and the leadership that NYtldGELo4M-00052-00012645-00012902 canada with companies like blackberry NYtldGELo4M-00053-00012903-00013154 and qnx is going to be able to show in NYtldGELo4M-00054-00013155-00013263 the coming years NYtldGELo4M-00055-00013263-00013616 will truly demonstrate how Canadians in NYtldGELo4M-00056-00013618-00013838 Canada or the forefront of where the NYtldGELo4M-00057-00013840-00014043 world is going and where it needs to get NYtldGELo4M-00058-00014044-00014415 safely a condom z novel in the cleanup NYtldGELo4M-00059-00014416-00014634 Buster money supply this opportunity a NYtldGELo4M-00060-00014635-00014946 nucleon the community with a jumper me NYtldGELo4M-00061-00014947-00015252 reveal hawaii and clay on his own work NYtldGELo4M-00062-00015253-00015537 with genomic also she knew then also NYtldGELo4M-00063-00015538-00015750 three don't combine event for two NYtldGELo4M-00064-00015751-00016022 circuit is he a cantata it out to NYtldGELo4M-00065-00016023-00016299 leverage on that our classroom or in NYtldGELo4M-00066-00016300-00016386 company NYtldGELo4M-00067-00016387-00016719 yeah mark and again ecdl felicitous NYtldGELo4M-00068-00016720-00017112 you're a blackberry qnx constantly but NYtldGELo4M-00069-00017113-00017517 excellent by people NYA9GYg-cpk-00000-00000104-00000359 public choice or public choice theory is NYA9GYg-cpk-00001-00000360-00000599 the use of economic tools to deal with NYA9GYg-cpk-00002-00000600-00000799 traditional problems of political NYA9GYg-cpk-00003-00000800-00000975 science NYA9GYg-cpk-00004-00000976-00001158 its content includes the study of NYA9GYg-cpk-00005-00001159-00001431 political behavior in political science NYA9GYg-cpk-00006-00001432-00001639 it is the subset of positive political NYA9GYg-cpk-00007-00001639-00001823 theory that studies self-interested NYA9GYg-cpk-00008-00001823-00002095 agents voters politicians bureaucrats NYA9GYg-cpk-00009-00002096-00002255 and their interactions which can be NYA9GYg-cpk-00010-00002256-00002463 represented in a number of ways using NYA9GYg-cpk-00011-00002464-00002702 for example standard constrained utility NYA9GYg-cpk-00012-00002703-00002942 maximization game theory or decision NYA9GYg-cpk-00013-00002943-00003063 theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00014-00003064-00003231 public c NYA9GYg-cpk-00015-00003232-00003438 choice analysis has roots in positive NYA9GYg-cpk-00016-00003439-00003751 analysis what is but is often used for NYA9GYg-cpk-00017-00003752-00004031 normative purposes what ought to be NYA9GYg-cpk-00018-00004032-00004247 in order to identify a problem or to NYA9GYg-cpk-00019-00004248-00004463 suggest improvements to constitutional NYA9GYg-cpk-00020-00004464-00004743 rules i.e constitutional economics the NYA9GYg-cpk-00021-00004744-00004911 journal of economic literature's NYA9GYg-cpk-00022-00004912-00005127 classification code regards public NYA9GYg-cpk-00023-00005128-00005367 choice as a sub-area of microeconomics NYA9GYg-cpk-00024-00005368-00005679 under gel d-7 analysis of collective NYA9GYg-cpk-00025-00005680-00005847 decision-making NYA9GYg-cpk-00026-00005848-00006263 specifically gel d-72 economic models of NYA9GYg-cpk-00027-00006264-00006503 political processes rent-seeking NYA9GYg-cpk-00028-00006504-00006759 elections legislatures and voting NYA9GYg-cpk-00029-00006759-00006927 behavior NYA9GYg-cpk-00030-00006928-00007142 public choice theory is also closely NYA9GYg-cpk-00031-00007143-00007334 related to social choice theory a NYA9GYg-cpk-00032-00007336-00007559 mathematical approach to aggregation of NYA9GYg-cpk-00033-00007559-00007887 individual interests welfares or votes NYA9GYg-cpk-00034-00007888-00008119 much early work had aspects of both and NYA9GYg-cpk-00035-00008120-00008335 both fields use the tools of economics NYA9GYg-cpk-00036-00008336-00008487 and game theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00037-00008488-00008687 since voter behavior influences the NYA9GYg-cpk-00038-00008688-00008895 behavior of public officials public NYA9GYg-cpk-00039-00008896-00009095 choice theory often uses results from NYA9GYg-cpk-00040-00009096-00009287 social choice theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00041-00009288-00009495 general treatments of public choice may NYA9GYg-cpk-00042-00009496-00009671 also be classified under public NYA9GYg-cpk-00043-00009672-00010167 economics NYA9GYg-cpk-00044-00010168-00010663 background and development NYA9GYg-cpk-00045-00010664-00010871 a precursor of modern public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00046-00010872-00011191 theory was the work of canute wixel 1896 NYA9GYg-cpk-00047-00011192-00011374 which treated government as political NYA9GYg-cpk-00048-00011375-00011638 exchange a quid pro quo in formulating a NYA9GYg-cpk-00049-00011639-00011846 benefit principle linking taxes and NYA9GYg-cpk-00050-00011847-00012070 expenditures some subsequent economic NYA9GYg-cpk-00051-00012071-00012278 analysis has been described as treating NYA9GYg-cpk-00052-00012279-00012455 government as though it attempted to NYA9GYg-cpk-00053-00012456-00012687 maximize some kind sort of welfare NYA9GYg-cpk-00054-00012688-00012879 function for society NYA9GYg-cpk-00055-00012880-00013086 and is distinct from characterizations NYA9GYg-cpk-00056-00013087-00013294 of economic agents such as those in NYA9GYg-cpk-00057-00013295-00013422 business NYA9GYg-cpk-00058-00013423-00013671 in contrast public choice theory modeled NYA9GYg-cpk-00059-00013672-00013855 government is made up of officials who NYA9GYg-cpk-00060-00013856-00014055 besides pursuing the public interest NYA9GYg-cpk-00061-00014056-00014238 might act to benefit themselves for NYA9GYg-cpk-00062-00014240-00014447 example in the budget maximizing model NYA9GYg-cpk-00063-00014447-00014671 of bureaucracy possibly at the cost of NYA9GYg-cpk-00064-00014672-00014894 efficiency modern public choice theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00065-00014895-00015071 has been dated from the work of duncan NYA9GYg-cpk-00066-00015072-00015294 black sometimes called the founding NYA9GYg-cpk-00067-00015295-00015543 father of public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00068-00015544-00015822 in a series of papers from 1948 which NYA9GYg-cpk-00069-00015823-00015999 culminated in the theory of committees NYA9GYg-cpk-00070-00016000-00016279 and elections 1958 and later black NYA9GYg-cpk-00071-00016280-00016494 outlined a program of unification toward NYA9GYg-cpk-00072-00016495-00016750 a more general theory of economic and NYA9GYg-cpk-00073-00016751-00016943 political choices NYA9GYg-cpk-00074-00016944-00017175 based on common formal methods developed NYA9GYg-cpk-00075-00017176-00017367 underlying concepts of what would become NYA9GYg-cpk-00076-00017368-00017575 median voter theory and rediscovered NYA9GYg-cpk-00077-00017576-00017814 earlier works on voting theory kenneth j NYA9GYg-cpk-00078-00017815-00018007 arrow's social choice and individual NYA9GYg-cpk-00079-00018008-00018311 values 1951 influenced formulation of NYA9GYg-cpk-00080-00018312-00018447 the theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00081-00018448-00018647 among other important works are anthony NYA9GYg-cpk-00082-00018648-00018943 downes 1957 an economic theory of NYA9GYg-cpk-00083-00018944-00019255 democracy and manker olsen 1965 the NYA9GYg-cpk-00084-00019256-00019471 logic of collective action james m NYA9GYg-cpk-00085-00019472-00019679 buchanan and gordon tullock co-authored NYA9GYg-cpk-00086-00019680-00019863 the calculus of consent logical NYA9GYg-cpk-00087-00019864-00020111 foundations of constitutional democracy NYA9GYg-cpk-00088-00020112-00020407 1962 considered one of the landmarks in NYA9GYg-cpk-00089-00020408-00020567 public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00090-00020568-00020783 in particular the preface describes the NYA9GYg-cpk-00091-00020784-00021111 book as about the political organization NYA9GYg-cpk-00092-00021112-00021239 of a free society NYA9GYg-cpk-00093-00021240-00021511 but its methodology conceptual apparatus NYA9GYg-cpk-00094-00021512-00021783 and analytics are derived essentially NYA9GYg-cpk-00095-00021784-00021950 from the discipline that has as its NYA9GYg-cpk-00096-00021951-00022191 subject the economic organization of NYA9GYg-cpk-00097-00022192-00022427 such a society NYA9GYg-cpk-00098-00022428-00022647 1962 p v NYA9GYg-cpk-00099-00022648-00022871 the book focuses on positive economic NYA9GYg-cpk-00100-00022872-00023047 analysis as to the development of NYA9GYg-cpk-00101-00023048-00023247 constitutional democracy but in an NYA9GYg-cpk-00102-00023248-00023471 ethical context of consent NYA9GYg-cpk-00103-00023472-00023639 the consent takes the form of a NYA9GYg-cpk-00104-00023640-00023839 compensation principle like pareto NYA9GYg-cpk-00105-00023840-00024055 efficiency for making a policy change in NYA9GYg-cpk-00106-00024056-00024294 unanimity or at least no opposition as a NYA9GYg-cpk-00107-00024295-00024599 point of departure for social choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00108-00024600-00024822 somewhat later the probabilistic voting NYA9GYg-cpk-00109-00024823-00025007 theory started to displace the median NYA9GYg-cpk-00110-00025008-00025222 voter theory in showing how to find nash NYA9GYg-cpk-00111-00025223-00025511 equilibria in multi-dimensional space NYA9GYg-cpk-00112-00025512-00025718 the theory was later formalized further NYA9GYg-cpk-00113-00025719-00026167 by peter coughlin NYA9GYg-cpk-00114-00026168-00026423 topic decision-making processes in the NYA9GYg-cpk-00115-00026424-00026831 state NYA9GYg-cpk-00116-00026832-00027046 one way to organize the subject matter NYA9GYg-cpk-00117-00027047-00027255 studied by public choice theorists is to NYA9GYg-cpk-00118-00027256-00027439 begin with the foundations of the state NYA9GYg-cpk-00119-00027439-00027558 itself NYA9GYg-cpk-00120-00027560-00027735 according to this procedure the most NYA9GYg-cpk-00121-00027736-00027935 fundamental subject is the origin of NYA9GYg-cpk-00122-00027936-00028055 government NYA9GYg-cpk-00123-00028056-00028214 although some work has been done on NYA9GYg-cpk-00124-00028216-00028487 anarchy autocracy revolution and even NYA9GYg-cpk-00125-00028488-00028687 war the bulk of the study in this area NYA9GYg-cpk-00126-00028688-00028887 has concerned the fundamental problem of NYA9GYg-cpk-00127-00028888-00029070 collectively choosing constitutional NYA9GYg-cpk-00128-00029072-00029183 rules NYA9GYg-cpk-00129-00029183-00029399 this work assumes a group of individuals NYA9GYg-cpk-00130-00029400-00029567 who aim to form a government then it NYA9GYg-cpk-00131-00029568-00029751 focuses on the problem of hiring the NYA9GYg-cpk-00132-00029752-00029943 agents required to carry out government NYA9GYg-cpk-00133-00029944-00030590 functions agreed upon by the members NYA9GYg-cpk-00134-00030591-00030862 expressive interests and democratic NYA9GYg-cpk-00135-00030863-00031327 irrationality NYA9GYg-cpk-00136-00031327-00031527 geoffrey brennan and lauren lomaski NYA9GYg-cpk-00137-00031527-00031743 claim that democratic policy is biased NYA9GYg-cpk-00138-00031744-00032031 to favor expressive interests and NYA9GYg-cpk-00139-00032032-00032283 neglect practical and utilitarian NYA9GYg-cpk-00140-00032283-00032495 considerations brennan and lomaski NYA9GYg-cpk-00141-00032495-00032679 differentiate between instrumental NYA9GYg-cpk-00142-00032680-00032911 interests any kind of practical benefit NYA9GYg-cpk-00143-00032912-00033127 both monetary and non-monetary and NYA9GYg-cpk-00144-00033128-00033335 expressive interests forms of expression NYA9GYg-cpk-00145-00033336-00033479 like applause NYA9GYg-cpk-00146-00033480-00033679 according to brennan and lomaski the NYA9GYg-cpk-00147-00033680-00033879 paradox of voting can be resolved by NYA9GYg-cpk-00148-00033880-00034079 differentiating between expressive and NYA9GYg-cpk-00149-00034080-00034295 instrumental interests NYA9GYg-cpk-00150-00034296-00034495 this argument has led some public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00151-00034496-00034671 scholars to claim that politics is NYA9GYg-cpk-00152-00034672-00034879 plagued by irrationality NYA9GYg-cpk-00153-00034880-00035071 in articles published in the econ NYA9GYg-cpk-00154-00035072-00035295 journal watch economist brian kaplan NYA9GYg-cpk-00155-00035296-00035462 contended that voter choices and NYA9GYg-cpk-00156-00035463-00035639 government economic decisions are NYA9GYg-cpk-00157-00035640-00035830 inherently irrational NYA9GYg-cpk-00158-00035831-00036046 kaplan's ideas are more fully developed NYA9GYg-cpk-00159-00036047-00036199 in his book the myth of the rational NYA9GYg-cpk-00160-00036200-00036559 voter princeton university press 2007 NYA9GYg-cpk-00161-00036560-00036751 countering donald whitman's arguments in NYA9GYg-cpk-00162-00036752-00036967 the myth of democratic failure kaplan NYA9GYg-cpk-00163-00036968-00037183 claims that politics is biased in favor NYA9GYg-cpk-00164-00037184-00037407 of irrational beliefs NYA9GYg-cpk-00165-00037408-00037590 according to kaplan democracy NYA9GYg-cpk-00166-00037591-00037790 effectively subsidizes irrational NYA9GYg-cpk-00167-00037791-00038062 beliefs anyone who derives utility from NYA9GYg-cpk-00168-00038063-00038262 potentially irrational policies like NYA9GYg-cpk-00169-00038263-00038446 protectionism can receive private NYA9GYg-cpk-00170-00038447-00038630 benefits while imposing the costs of NYA9GYg-cpk-00171-00038631-00038879 such beliefs on the general public NYA9GYg-cpk-00172-00038880-00039055 were people to bear the full costs of NYA9GYg-cpk-00173-00039056-00039318 their irrational beliefs they would NYA9GYg-cpk-00174-00039319-00039511 lobby for them optimally taking into NYA9GYg-cpk-00175-00039512-00039655 account both their instrumental NYA9GYg-cpk-00176-00039656-00039935 consequences and their expressive appeal NYA9GYg-cpk-00177-00039936-00040207 instead democracy oversupplies policies NYA9GYg-cpk-00178-00040208-00040439 based on irrational beliefs kaplan NYA9GYg-cpk-00179-00040440-00040671 defines rationality mainly in terms of NYA9GYg-cpk-00180-00040672-00040855 mainstream price theory pointing out NYA9GYg-cpk-00181-00040856-00041039 that mainstream economists tend to NYA9GYg-cpk-00182-00041040-00041215 oppose protectionism and government NYA9GYg-cpk-00183-00041216-00041374 regulation more than the general NYA9GYg-cpk-00184-00041375-00041599 population and that more educated people NYA9GYg-cpk-00185-00041600-00041807 are closer to economists on this score NYA9GYg-cpk-00186-00041808-00041999 even after controlling for confounding NYA9GYg-cpk-00187-00042000-00042183 factors such as income wealth or NYA9GYg-cpk-00188-00042184-00042367 political affiliation NYA9GYg-cpk-00189-00042368-00042615 one criticism is that many economists do NYA9GYg-cpk-00190-00042616-00042807 not share kaplan's views on the nature NYA9GYg-cpk-00191-00042808-00042974 of public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00192-00042975-00043199 however kaplan does have data to support NYA9GYg-cpk-00193-00043200-00043455 his position economists have in fact NYA9GYg-cpk-00194-00043456-00043630 often been frustrated by public NYA9GYg-cpk-00195-00043631-00043871 opposition to economic reasoning NYA9GYg-cpk-00196-00043872-00044111 as sam peltzman puts it economists know NYA9GYg-cpk-00197-00044112-00044295 what steps would improve the efficiency NYA9GYg-cpk-00198-00044296-00044567 of hse health safety and environmental NYA9GYg-cpk-00199-00044568-00044727 regulation and they have not been NYA9GYg-cpk-00200-00044728-00044918 bashful advocates of them NYA9GYg-cpk-00201-00044919-00045151 these steps include substituting markets NYA9GYg-cpk-00202-00045152-00045351 in property rights such as emission NYA9GYg-cpk-00203-00045352-00045655 rights for command and control NYA9GYg-cpk-00204-00045656-00045855 the real problem lies deeper than any NYA9GYg-cpk-00205-00045856-00046079 lack of reform proposals or failure to NYA9GYg-cpk-00206-00046080-00046190 press them NYA9GYg-cpk-00207-00046191-00046390 it is our inability to understand their NYA9GYg-cpk-00208-00046391-00046646 lack of political appeal public choices NYA9GYg-cpk-00209-00046647-00046862 application to government regulation was NYA9GYg-cpk-00210-00046863-00047183 developed by george stigler 1971 and sam NYA9GYg-cpk-00211-00047184-00047718 peltzmann 1976 NYA9GYg-cpk-00212-00047719-00048271 topic special interests NYA9GYg-cpk-00213-00048272-00048479 public choice theory is often used to NYA9GYg-cpk-00214-00048480-00048679 explain how political decision-making NYA9GYg-cpk-00215-00048680-00048871 results in outcomes that conflict with NYA9GYg-cpk-00216-00048872-00049118 the preferences of the general public NYA9GYg-cpk-00217-00049119-00049383 for example many advocacy group and pork NYA9GYg-cpk-00218-00049384-00049574 barrel projects are not the desire of NYA9GYg-cpk-00219-00049575-00049774 the overall democracy NYA9GYg-cpk-00220-00049775-00049990 however it makes sense for politicians NYA9GYg-cpk-00221-00049991-00050223 to support these projects it may make NYA9GYg-cpk-00222-00050224-00050455 them feel powerful and important it can NYA9GYg-cpk-00223-00050456-00050662 also benefit them financially by opening NYA9GYg-cpk-00224-00050663-00050943 the door to future wealth as lobbyists NYA9GYg-cpk-00225-00050944-00051118 the project may be of interest to the NYA9GYg-cpk-00226-00051119-00051335 politician's local constituency NYA9GYg-cpk-00227-00051336-00051526 increasing district votes or campaign NYA9GYg-cpk-00228-00051527-00051687 contributions NYA9GYg-cpk-00229-00051688-00051919 the politician pays little or no cost to NYA9GYg-cpk-00230-00051920-00052102 gain these benefits as he is spending NYA9GYg-cpk-00231-00052103-00052254 public money NYA9GYg-cpk-00232-00052255-00052454 special interest lobbyists are also NYA9GYg-cpk-00233-00052455-00052654 behaving rationally they can gain NYA9GYg-cpk-00234-00052655-00052823 government favors worth millions or NYA9GYg-cpk-00235-00052824-00052982 billions for relatively small NYA9GYg-cpk-00236-00052983-00053119 investments NYA9GYg-cpk-00237-00053120-00053294 they face a risk of losing out to their NYA9GYg-cpk-00238-00053295-00053463 competitors if they don't seek these NYA9GYg-cpk-00239-00053464-00053575 favors NYA9GYg-cpk-00240-00053576-00053847 the taxpayer is also behaving rationally NYA9GYg-cpk-00241-00053848-00054047 the cost of defeating any one government NYA9GYg-cpk-00242-00054048-00054215 give away is very high while the NYA9GYg-cpk-00243-00054216-00054423 benefits to the individual taxpayer are NYA9GYg-cpk-00244-00054424-00054566 very small NYA9GYg-cpk-00245-00054567-00054799 each citizen pays only a few pennies or NYA9GYg-cpk-00246-00054800-00054991 a few dollars for any given government NYA9GYg-cpk-00247-00054991-00055166 favor while the costs of ending that NYA9GYg-cpk-00248-00055167-00055407 favor would be many times higher NYA9GYg-cpk-00249-00055408-00055599 everyone involved has rational NYA9GYg-cpk-00250-00055600-00055775 incentives to do exactly what they are NYA9GYg-cpk-00251-00055776-00055942 doing even though the desire of the NYA9GYg-cpk-00252-00055944-00056238 general constituency is opposite costs NYA9GYg-cpk-00253-00056239-00056391 are diffused while benefits are NYA9GYg-cpk-00254-00056391-00056599 concentrated the voices of vocal NYA9GYg-cpk-00255-00056600-00056782 minorities with much to gain are heard NYA9GYg-cpk-00256-00056783-00056950 over those of indifferent majorities NYA9GYg-cpk-00257-00056951-00057191 with little to individually lose NYA9GYg-cpk-00258-00057191-00057366 however the notion that groups with NYA9GYg-cpk-00259-00057367-00057550 concentrated interests will dominate NYA9GYg-cpk-00260-00057551-00057742 politics as incomplete because it is NYA9GYg-cpk-00261-00057744-00058023 only one half of political equilibrium NYA9GYg-cpk-00262-00058024-00058223 something must incite those preyed upon NYA9GYg-cpk-00263-00058224-00058407 to resist even the best organized NYA9GYg-cpk-00264-00058408-00058607 concentrated interests NYA9GYg-cpk-00265-00058608-00058830 in his article on interest groups gary NYA9GYg-cpk-00266-00058832-00059030 becker identified this countervailing NYA9GYg-cpk-00267-00059032-00059207 force as being the deadweight loss from NYA9GYg-cpk-00268-00059208-00059335 predation NYA9GYg-cpk-00269-00059336-00059503 his views capped what has come to be NYA9GYg-cpk-00270-00059504-00059719 known as the chicago school of political NYA9GYg-cpk-00271-00059720-00059903 economy and it has come in sharp NYA9GYg-cpk-00272-00059904-00060079 conflict with the so-called virginia NYA9GYg-cpk-00273-00060079-00060271 faction of public choice due to its NYA9GYg-cpk-00274-00060272-00060438 assertion that politics will tend NYA9GYg-cpk-00275-00060439-00060638 towards efficiency due to non-linear NYA9GYg-cpk-00276-00060639-00060823 deadweight losses and due to its claim NYA9GYg-cpk-00277-00060824-00061054 that political efficiency renders policy NYA9GYg-cpk-00278-00061055-00061238 advice irrelevant while good government NYA9GYg-cpk-00279-00061239-00061423 tends to be a pure public good for the NYA9GYg-cpk-00280-00061424-00061582 mass of voters there may be many NYA9GYg-cpk-00281-00061583-00061759 advocacy groups that have strong NYA9GYg-cpk-00282-00061760-00061926 incentives for lobbying the government NYA9GYg-cpk-00283-00061927-00062119 to implement specific policies that NYA9GYg-cpk-00284-00062120-00062303 would benefit them potentially at the NYA9GYg-cpk-00285-00062304-00062519 expense of the general public NYA9GYg-cpk-00286-00062520-00062703 for example lobbying by the sugar NYA9GYg-cpk-00287-00062704-00062887 manufacturers might result in an NYA9GYg-cpk-00288-00062888-00063063 inefficient subsidy for the production NYA9GYg-cpk-00289-00063064-00063238 of sugar either direct or by NYA9GYg-cpk-00290-00063239-00063423 protectionist measures NYA9GYg-cpk-00291-00063424-00063647 the costs of such inefficient policies NYA9GYg-cpk-00292-00063648-00063830 are dispersed over all citizens and NYA9GYg-cpk-00293-00063832-00063982 therefore unnoticeable to each NYA9GYg-cpk-00294-00063983-00064119 individual NYA9GYg-cpk-00295-00064120-00064287 on the other hand the benefits are NYA9GYg-cpk-00296-00064288-00064494 shared by a small special interest group NYA9GYg-cpk-00297-00064495-00064679 with a strong incentive to perpetuate NYA9GYg-cpk-00298-00064679-00064911 the policy by further lobbying NYA9GYg-cpk-00299-00064912-00065094 due to rational ignorance the vast NYA9GYg-cpk-00300-00065095-00065287 majority of voters will be unaware of NYA9GYg-cpk-00301-00065288-00065487 the effort in fact although voters may NYA9GYg-cpk-00302-00065488-00065687 be aware of special interest lobbying NYA9GYg-cpk-00303-00065688-00065863 efforts this may merely select for NYA9GYg-cpk-00304-00065864-00066031 policies which are even harder to NYA9GYg-cpk-00305-00066032-00066231 evaluate by the general public rather NYA9GYg-cpk-00306-00066232-00066503 than improving their overall efficiency NYA9GYg-cpk-00307-00066504-00066711 even if the public were able to evaluate NYA9GYg-cpk-00308-00066712-00066919 policy proposals effectively they would NYA9GYg-cpk-00309-00066920-00067079 find it infeasible to engage in NYA9GYg-cpk-00310-00067080-00067255 collective action in order to defend NYA9GYg-cpk-00311-00067256-00067487 their diffuse interest therefore NYA9GYg-cpk-00312-00067488-00067694 theorists expect that numerous special NYA9GYg-cpk-00313-00067695-00067879 interests will be able to successfully NYA9GYg-cpk-00314-00067880-00068167 lobby for various inefficient policies NYA9GYg-cpk-00315-00068168-00068399 in public choice theory such scenarios NYA9GYg-cpk-00316-00068400-00068599 of inefficient government policies are NYA9GYg-cpk-00317-00068600-00068806 referred to as government failure a term NYA9GYg-cpk-00318-00068807-00068991 akin to market failure from earlier NYA9GYg-cpk-00319-00068992-00069519 theoretical welfare economics NYA9GYg-cpk-00320-00069520-00070023 topic rent-seeking NYA9GYg-cpk-00321-00070024-00070206 a field that is closely related to NYA9GYg-cpk-00322-00070207-00070359 public choice is the study of NYA9GYg-cpk-00323-00070360-00070494 rent-seeking NYA9GYg-cpk-00324-00070495-00070671 this field combines the study of a NYA9GYg-cpk-00325-00070672-00070926 market economy with that of government NYA9GYg-cpk-00326-00070927-00071103 thus one might regard it as a new NYA9GYg-cpk-00327-00071104-00071375 political economy its basic thesis is NYA9GYg-cpk-00328-00071376-00071559 that when both a market economy and NYA9GYg-cpk-00329-00071560-00071759 government are present government agents NYA9GYg-cpk-00330-00071760-00071919 provide numerous special market NYA9GYg-cpk-00331-00071920-00072062 privileges NYA9GYg-cpk-00332-00072063-00072206 both the government agents and NYA9GYg-cpk-00333-00072207-00072431 self-interested market participants seek NYA9GYg-cpk-00334-00072432-00072631 these privileges in order to partake in NYA9GYg-cpk-00335-00072632-00072838 the resulting monopoly rent NYA9GYg-cpk-00336-00072839-00073038 rontiers gained benefits above what the NYA9GYg-cpk-00337-00073039-00073191 market would have offered but in the NYA9GYg-cpk-00338-00073192-00073375 process allocate resources in NYA9GYg-cpk-00339-00073376-00073582 sub-optimal fashion from a societal NYA9GYg-cpk-00340-00073583-00073743 point of view NYA9GYg-cpk-00341-00073744-00073935 rent-seeking is broader than public NYA9GYg-cpk-00342-00073936-00074135 choice in that it applies to autocracies NYA9GYg-cpk-00343-00074136-00074350 as well as democracies and therefore is NYA9GYg-cpk-00344-00074351-00074535 not directly concerned with collective NYA9GYg-cpk-00345-00074536-00074687 decision-making NYA9GYg-cpk-00346-00074688-00074911 however the obvious pressures it exerts NYA9GYg-cpk-00347-00074912-00075182 on legislators executives bureaucrats NYA9GYg-cpk-00348-00075183-00075391 and even judges are factors that public NYA9GYg-cpk-00349-00075392-00075559 choice theory must account for in its NYA9GYg-cpk-00350-00075560-00075759 analysis of collective decision-making NYA9GYg-cpk-00351-00075760-00075967 rules and institutions NYA9GYg-cpk-00352-00075968-00076167 moreover the members of a collective who NYA9GYg-cpk-00353-00076168-00076326 are planning a government would be wise NYA9GYg-cpk-00354-00076327-00076511 to take prospective rent seeking into NYA9GYg-cpk-00355-00076512-00076726 account another major claim is that much NYA9GYg-cpk-00356-00076727-00076911 of political activity is a form of NYA9GYg-cpk-00357-00076912-00077182 rent-seeking which wastes resources NYA9GYg-cpk-00358-00077183-00077415 gordon tullock jagdish baguati and ann NYA9GYg-cpk-00359-00077416-00077582 osborne kruger have argued that NYA9GYg-cpk-00360-00077583-00077767 rent-seeking has caused considerable NYA9GYg-cpk-00361-00077768-00077879 waste NYA9GYg-cpk-00362-00077880-00078062 in a parallel line of research fred NYA9GYg-cpk-00363-00078063-00078271 mcchesney claims that rent extraction NYA9GYg-cpk-00364-00078272-00078494 causes considerable waste especially in NYA9GYg-cpk-00365-00078495-00078671 the developing world NYA9GYg-cpk-00366-00078672-00078887 as the term implies rent extraction NYA9GYg-cpk-00367-00078888-00079071 happens when officials use threats to NYA9GYg-cpk-00368-00079072-00079687 extort payments from private parties NYA9GYg-cpk-00369-00079688-00080135 bureaucracy NYA9GYg-cpk-00370-00080136-00080350 another major sub-field is the study of NYA9GYg-cpk-00371-00080351-00080623 bureaucracy the usual model depicts the NYA9GYg-cpk-00372-00080624-00080831 top bureaucrats as being chosen by the NYA9GYg-cpk-00373-00080832-00081023 chief executive and legislature NYA9GYg-cpk-00374-00081024-00081191 depending on whether the democratic NYA9GYg-cpk-00375-00081192-00081479 system is presidential or parliamentary NYA9GYg-cpk-00376-00081480-00081694 the typical image of a bureau chief is a NYA9GYg-cpk-00377-00081695-00081862 person on a fixed salary who is NYA9GYg-cpk-00378-00081863-00082006 concerned with pleasing those who NYA9GYg-cpk-00379-00082007-00082182 appointed him or her NYA9GYg-cpk-00380-00082183-00082367 the latter have the power to hire and NYA9GYg-cpk-00381-00082368-00082631 fire him or her more or less at will NYA9GYg-cpk-00382-00082632-00082847 the bulk of the bureaucrats however are NYA9GYg-cpk-00383-00082848-00083047 civil servants whose jobs and pay are NYA9GYg-cpk-00384-00083048-00083231 protected by a civil service system NYA9GYg-cpk-00385-00083232-00083423 against major changes by their appointed NYA9GYg-cpk-00386-00083424-00083575 bureau chiefs NYA9GYg-cpk-00387-00083576-00083767 this image is often compared with that NYA9GYg-cpk-00388-00083768-00083975 of a business owner whose profit varies NYA9GYg-cpk-00389-00083976-00084182 with the success of production and sales NYA9GYg-cpk-00390-00084183-00084391 who aims to maximize profit and who can NYA9GYg-cpk-00391-00084392-00084575 in an ideal system hire and fire NYA9GYg-cpk-00392-00084576-00084750 employees at will NYA9GYg-cpk-00393-00084751-00084950 william niskanen is generally considered NYA9GYg-cpk-00394-00084951-00085143 the founder of public choice literature NYA9GYg-cpk-00395-00085144-00085482 on the NYA9GYg-cpk-00396-00085483-00086143 bureaucracy topic political stance NYA9GYg-cpk-00397-00086144-00086318 from such results it is sometimes NYA9GYg-cpk-00398-00086319-00086518 asserted that public choice theory has NYA9GYg-cpk-00399-00086519-00086687 an anti-state tilt NYA9GYg-cpk-00400-00086688-00086911 but there is ideological diversity among NYA9GYg-cpk-00401-00086912-00087182 public choice theorists manker olsen for NYA9GYg-cpk-00402-00087183-00087375 example was an advocate of a strong NYA9GYg-cpk-00403-00087376-00087567 state and instead opposed political NYA9GYg-cpk-00404-00087568-00087750 interest group lobbying NYA9GYg-cpk-00405-00087751-00087950 more generally james buchanan has NYA9GYg-cpk-00406-00087951-00088150 suggested that public choice theory be NYA9GYg-cpk-00407-00088151-00088487 interpreted as politics without romance NYA9GYg-cpk-00408-00088488-00088679 a critical approach to a pervasive NYA9GYg-cpk-00409-00088680-00088926 earlier notion of idealized politics set NYA9GYg-cpk-00410-00088927-00089103 against market failure the british NYA9GYg-cpk-00411-00089104-00089311 journalist aleister cook commenting on NYA9GYg-cpk-00412-00089312-00089518 the nobel prize awarded to james m NYA9GYg-cpk-00413-00089519-00089823 buchanan in 1986 reportedly summarized NYA9GYg-cpk-00414-00089824-00090038 the public choice view of politicians by NYA9GYg-cpk-00415-00090039-00090318 saying public choice embodies the homely NYA9GYg-cpk-00416-00090319-00090575 but important truth that politicians are NYA9GYg-cpk-00417-00090576-00090806 after all no less selfish than the rest NYA9GYg-cpk-00418-00090807-00091359 of us NYA9GYg-cpk-00419-00091360-00091799 recognition NYA9GYg-cpk-00420-00091800-00092006 several notable public choice scholars NYA9GYg-cpk-00421-00092007-00092182 have been awarded the nobel prize in NYA9GYg-cpk-00422-00092183-00092447 economics including james m NYA9GYg-cpk-00423-00092448-00092887 buchanan 1986 george stigler 1982 gary NYA9GYg-cpk-00424-00092888-00093247 becker 1992 vernon smith 2002 and NYA9GYg-cpk-00425-00093248-00093511 eleanor ostrom 2009. NYA9GYg-cpk-00426-00093512-00093774 in addition james buchanan vernon smith NYA9GYg-cpk-00427-00093775-00093943 and eleanor ostrom were former NYA9GYg-cpk-00428-00093944-00094559 presidents of the public choice society NYA9GYg-cpk-00429-00094560-00095015 limitations NYA9GYg-cpk-00430-00095016-00095215 buchanan and tulik themselves outline NYA9GYg-cpk-00431-00095216-00095431 methodological qualifications of the NYA9GYg-cpk-00432-00095432-00095582 approach developed in their work the NYA9GYg-cpk-00433-00095583-00096006 calculus of consent 1962 p 30 NYA9GYg-cpk-00434-00096007-00096215 e then if the model with its rational NYA9GYg-cpk-00435-00096216-00096415 self-interest assumptions proves to be NYA9GYg-cpk-00436-00096416-00096591 useful in explaining an important NYA9GYg-cpk-00437-00096592-00096791 element of politics it does not imply NYA9GYg-cpk-00438-00096792-00096991 that all individuals act in accordance NYA9GYg-cpk-00439-00096992-00097167 with the behavioral assumption made or NYA9GYg-cpk-00440-00097168-00097382 that any one individual acts in this way NYA9GYg-cpk-00441-00097383-00097599 at all times NYA9GYg-cpk-00442-00097600-00097774 the theory of collective choice can NYA9GYg-cpk-00443-00097775-00097967 explain only some undetermined fraction NYA9GYg-cpk-00444-00097968-00098135 of collective action NYA9GYg-cpk-00445-00098136-00098343 however so long as some part of all NYA9GYg-cpk-00446-00098344-00098606 individual behavior NYA9GYg-cpk-00447-00098607-00098823 is in fact motivated by utility NYA9GYg-cpk-00448-00098824-00098999 maximization and so long as the NYA9GYg-cpk-00449-00099000-00099191 identification of the individual with NYA9GYg-cpk-00450-00099192-00099367 the group does not extend to the point NYA9GYg-cpk-00451-00099368-00099550 of making all individual utility NYA9GYg-cpk-00452-00099551-00099743 functions identical an economic NYA9GYg-cpk-00453-00099744-00099911 individualist model of political NYA9GYg-cpk-00454-00099912-00100087 activity should be of some positive NYA9GYg-cpk-00455-00100088-00100462 worth NYA9GYg-cpk-00456-00100463-00101055 topic see also NYA9GYg-cpk-00457-00101056-00101567 references NYA9GYg-cpk-00458-00101568-00102038 bibliography NYA9GYg-cpk-00459-00102039-00102194 arrow kenneth j NYA9GYg-cpk-00460-00102195-00102590 1951 second ed 1963 NYA9GYg-cpk-00461-00102591-00102894 social choice and individual values NYA9GYg-cpk-00462-00102895-00103175 black duncan 1958 NYA9GYg-cpk-00463-00103176-00103399 the theory of committees and elections NYA9GYg-cpk-00464-00103400-00103718 cambridge cambridge university press NYA9GYg-cpk-00465-00103719-00104039 buchanan james m 1967 NYA9GYg-cpk-00466-00104040-00104286 public finance and democratic process NYA9GYg-cpk-00467-00104288-00104486 fiscal institutions and individual NYA9GYg-cpk-00468-00104488-00104718 choice unc press NYA9GYg-cpk-00469-00104719-00104934 description scrollable preview back NYA9GYg-cpk-00470-00104935-00105063 cover NYA9GYg-cpk-00471-00105064-00105278 blank 1968 NYA9GYg-cpk-00472-00105279-00105534 the demand and supply of public goods NYA9GYg-cpk-00473-00105535-00105734 rand mcnally NYA9GYg-cpk-00474-00105735-00106102 blanc 1986 the constitution of economic NYA9GYg-cpk-00475-00106103-00106399 policy nobel prize lecture republished NYA9GYg-cpk-00476-00106400-00107027 in 1987 american economic review 77 3 pp NYA9GYg-cpk-00477-00107028-00107647 243-50 jstor 1804093 NYA9GYg-cpk-00478-00107648-00108015 blanc 2003 public choice the origins and NYA9GYg-cpk-00479-00108016-00108278 development of a research program NYA9GYg-cpk-00480-00108279-00108471 center for study of public choice at NYA9GYg-cpk-00481-00108472-00108766 george mason university fairfax virginia NYA9GYg-cpk-00482-00108767-00108934 usa NYA9GYg-cpk-00483-00108935-00109263 blank and gordon tulik 1962 NYA9GYg-cpk-00484-00109264-00109495 the calculus of consent ann arbor NYA9GYg-cpk-00485-00109496-00109766 university of michigan press NYA9GYg-cpk-00486-00109767-00110054 buchanan james m and richard a musgrave NYA9GYg-cpk-00487-00110055-00110239 1999 NYA9GYg-cpk-00488-00110240-00110454 public finance and public choice two NYA9GYg-cpk-00489-00110455-00110695 contrasting visions of the state mit NYA9GYg-cpk-00490-00110696-00110990 press description and scrollable preview NYA9GYg-cpk-00491-00110991-00111134 links NYA9GYg-cpk-00492-00111135-00111510 downes anthony 1957 an economic theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00493-00111511-00111807 of democracy cambridge york cambridge NYA9GYg-cpk-00494-00111808-00112007 university press NYA9GYg-cpk-00495-00112008-00112223 hansjergens bernt the influence of NYA9GYg-cpk-00496-00112224-00112439 canute wixel on richard musgrave and NYA9GYg-cpk-00497-00112440-00112623 james buchanan NYA9GYg-cpk-00498-00112624-00113039 holcomb rg 1989 the median voter model NYA9GYg-cpk-00499-00113040-00113254 in public choice theory NYA9GYg-cpk-00500-00113255-00113702 public choice 61 115-25 NYA9GYg-cpk-00501-00113703-00113866 mckelvey r.d NYA9GYg-cpk-00502-00113867-00114154 1976 intransitivities in NYA9GYg-cpk-00503-00114155-00114399 multi-dimensional voting models and some NYA9GYg-cpk-00504-00114400-00114719 implications for agenda control NYA9GYg-cpk-00505-00114720-00114871 journal of economic theory 123 NYA9GYg-cpk-00506-00114872-00115231 123-472-82 NYA9GYg-cpk-00507-00115232-00115534 mckenzie dw 2008 NYA9GYg-cpk-00508-00115535-00115775 the use of knowledge about society NYA9GYg-cpk-00509-00115776-00115958 journal of economic behavior and NYA9GYg-cpk-00510-00115959-00116127 organization NYA9GYg-cpk-00511-00116128-00116439 blanc 2008 politics and knowledge NYA9GYg-cpk-00512-00116440-00116702 expectations formation in democracy NYA9GYg-cpk-00513-00116703-00116902 working paper presented at the southern NYA9GYg-cpk-00514-00116903-00117271 economics association conference in 2005 NYA9GYg-cpk-00515-00117272-00117583 mueller dennis c 1976 NYA9GYg-cpk-00516-00117583-00117799 public choice a survey journal of NYA9GYg-cpk-00517-00117800-00118351 economic literature 14 2 pp 395-433 NYA9GYg-cpk-00518-00118352-00118558 blank 2003 NYA9GYg-cpk-00519-00118559-00118815 public choice 3. cambridge cambridge NYA9GYg-cpk-00520-00118816-00119127 university press description and preview NYA9GYg-cpk-00521-00119128-00119551 niskanen william a 1987 bureaucracy in NYA9GYg-cpk-00522-00119552-00119863 charles k rowley ed democracy and public NYA9GYg-cpk-00523-00119864-00120175 choice oxford basil blackwell olson NYA9GYg-cpk-00524-00120176-00120671 mancur jr 1965 2nd ed 1971 NYA9GYg-cpk-00525-00120672-00120934 the logic of collective action cambridge NYA9GYg-cpk-00526-00120935-00121223 harvard university press description and NYA9GYg-cpk-00527-00121224-00121575 chapter previews links pp xx ostrom NYA9GYg-cpk-00528-00121576-00121878 eleanor 1990 governing the commons the NYA9GYg-cpk-00529-00121879-00122095 evolution of institutions for collective NYA9GYg-cpk-00530-00122096-00122351 action cambridge university press NYA9GYg-cpk-00531-00122352-00122631 description and preview links isbn NYA9GYg-cpk-00532-00122632-00123423 9780521405997 NYA9GYg-cpk-00533-00123424-00123663 2010 beyond markets and states NYA9GYg-cpk-00534-00123664-00123863 polycentric governance of complex NYA9GYg-cpk-00535-00123864-00124086 economic systems american economic NYA9GYg-cpk-00536-00124088-00124419 review 103 pp NYA9GYg-cpk-00537-00124420-00124590 641-72 NYA9GYg-cpk-00538-00124591-00124854 ostrom vincent 1986 NYA9GYg-cpk-00539-00124855-00125071 the theory of the compound republic NYA9GYg-cpk-00540-00125072-00125334 lincoln nebraska university of nebraska NYA9GYg-cpk-00541-00125335-00125743 press second edition paulde philip 2016 NYA9GYg-cpk-00542-00125744-00125958 a better kind of violence the chicago NYA9GYg-cpk-00543-00125959-00126166 school of political economy public NYA9GYg-cpk-00544-00126167-00126351 choice and the quest for an ultimate NYA9GYg-cpk-00545-00126352-00126510 theory of power NYA9GYg-cpk-00546-00126511-00126814 cooper wolfeling press riker william h NYA9GYg-cpk-00547-00126815-00126975 1962 NYA9GYg-cpk-00548-00126976-00127231 the theory of political coalitions new NYA9GYg-cpk-00549-00127232-00127510 haven and london yale university press NYA9GYg-cpk-00550-00127511-00127958 romer t and rosenthal h 1979 the elusive NYA9GYg-cpk-00551-00127959-00128214 median voter journal of public economics NYA9GYg-cpk-00552-00128215-00128631 1 2 2 143 7-0 rowley charles k and NYA9GYg-cpk-00553-00128632-00128919 friedrich schneider ed 2004 NYA9GYg-cpk-00554-00128920-00129231 the encyclopedia of public choice 2v NYA9GYg-cpk-00555-00129232-00129527 springer description v 1 chapter NYA9GYg-cpk-00556-00129528-00129754 abstract and preview links and review NYA9GYg-cpk-00557-00129755-00130166 jstor 3026602 NYA9GYg-cpk-00558-00130167-00130519 blank and blank eds 2008 NYA9GYg-cpk-00559-00130520-00130678 readings in public choice and NYA9GYg-cpk-00560-00130679-00130895 constitutional political economy NYA9GYg-cpk-00561-00130896-00131159 springer description and chapter preview NYA9GYg-cpk-00562-00131160-00131639 links blank and laura razolini eds 2001 NYA9GYg-cpk-00563-00131640-00131887 the elgar companion to public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00564-00131888-00132127 northampton mass edward elgar NYA9GYg-cpk-00565-00132128-00132614 description wixel knute 1896 1958 a new NYA9GYg-cpk-00566-00132615-00132919 principle of just taxation trans j m NYA9GYg-cpk-00567-00132920-00133166 buchanan in richard a musgrave and alan NYA9GYg-cpk-00568-00133167-00133423 t peacock ed classics in the theory of NYA9GYg-cpk-00569-00133424-00133695 public finance palgrave macmillan NYA9GYg-cpk-00570-00133696-00133943 topic further reading borkerting t e NYA9GYg-cpk-00571-00133944-00134327 dillon p and willett t d 1998 NYA9GYg-cpk-00572-00134328-00134559 henry george precursor to public choice NYA9GYg-cpk-00573-00134560-00134790 analysis the american journal of NYA9GYg-cpk-00574-00134791-00135407 economics and sociology 57 2 173-282 NYA9GYg-cpk-00575-00135408-00135514 doi NYA9GYg-cpk-00576-00135515-00136439 10.1111 j.1536-7150 NYA9GYg-cpk-00577-00136440-00136719 hafer katherine landa dimitri august NYA9GYg-cpk-00578-00136720-00136887 2007 NYA9GYg-cpk-00579-00136888-00137111 public goods and federal systems NYA9GYg-cpk-00580-00137112-00137366 quarterly journal of political science 2 NYA9GYg-cpk-00581-00137367-00137751 3 253-275 NYA9GYg-cpk-00582-00137752-00138278 sitesir NYA9GYg-cpk-00583-00138279-00138402 doi NYA9GYg-cpk-00584-00138403-00138975 10.1561 100.006 NYA9GYg-cpk-00585-00138976-00139343 pdf niskanen william a 2008 NYA9GYg-cpk-00586-00139344-00139663 public choice economics in hamaui ronald NYA9GYg-cpk-00587-00139664-00139902 the encyclopedia of libertarianism NYA9GYg-cpk-00588-00139903-00140239 thousand oaks ca sage cato institute NYA9GYg-cpk-00589-00140240-00140495 pp 40507 NYA9GYg-cpk-00590-00140496-00140602 doi NYA9GYg-cpk-00591-00140603-00141483 10.4135 9781412965811 NYA9GYg-cpk-00592-00141484-00142199 n250 isbn 9781-4129-65804 NYA9GYg-cpk-00593-00142200-00142702 lccn 20089151 NYA9GYg-cpk-00594-00142703-00143108 oclc 75008 NZZGoEqWYe8-00000-00000000-00000160 [Music] NZZGoEqWYe8-00001-00000161-00000413 what only exists because of people's NZZGoEqWYe8-00002-00000413-00000736 stupidity the tag on the iron that says NZZGoEqWYe8-00003-00000737-00000919 do not iron clothes while wearing them NZZGoEqWYe8-00004-00000921-00001225 I'm late for work but my shirt is too NZZGoEqWYe8-00005-00001226-00001420 wrinkled let me just press the iron NZZGoEqWYe8-00006-00001421-00001705 against myself how bad could it be no NZZGoEqWYe8-00007-00001707-00002057 good it's full of steam the warning NZZGoEqWYe8-00008-00002058-00002227 sticker on lawn mowers telling you not NZZGoEqWYe8-00009-00002228-00002368 to touch the blades while they are in NZZGoEqWYe8-00010-00002369-00002606 motion many warning labels in general NZZGoEqWYe8-00011-00002607-00002831 there are toilet brushes with warning NZZGoEqWYe8-00012-00002832-00003033 saying not for personal hygiene on them NZZGoEqWYe8-00013-00003034-00003256 supposedly I've never seen this NZZGoEqWYe8-00014-00003257-00003547 personally some snowblowers come with a NZZGoEqWYe8-00015-00003548-00003745 warning label saying do not use snow NZZGoEqWYe8-00016-00003746-00003977 blower on roof that means that some NZZGoEqWYe8-00017-00003978-00004142 idiot hauled a snow blower up to the NZZGoEqWYe8-00018-00004143-00004331 roof of his house almost killed himself NZZGoEqWYe8-00019-00004332-00004544 with it and tried to sue the NZZGoEqWYe8-00020-00004545-00004883 manufacturer for his own stupidity all NZZGoEqWYe8-00021-00004884-00005056 those drug commercials that tell you not NZZGoEqWYe8-00022-00005057-00005222 to take said drug if you're allergic to NZZGoEqWYe8-00023-00005223-00005447 it imagine knowing you're allergic to a NZZGoEqWYe8-00024-00005448-00005831 drug and still taking it the law in NZZGoEqWYe8-00025-00005832-00006011 Pennsylvania that specifically states NZZGoEqWYe8-00026-00006012-00006177 that you cannot barter infant children NZZGoEqWYe8-00027-00006178-00006542 in the user manual for rvs it specifies NZZGoEqWYe8-00028-00006543-00006685 that the driver must remain in the NZZGoEqWYe8-00029-00006686-00006878 driver's seat at all times when the RV NZZGoEqWYe8-00030-00006879-00007031 is in motion because someone thought NZZGoEqWYe8-00031-00007031-00007228 that cruise control was autopilot and NZZGoEqWYe8-00032-00007229-00007391 went to take a shower while on the NZZGoEqWYe8-00033-00007392-00007664 freeway and crashed if I remember right NZZGoEqWYe8-00034-00007665-00007828 part of their argument against the NZZGoEqWYe8-00035-00007829-00008014 company was that the manual did not say NZZGoEqWYe8-00036-00008015-00008180 he had to remain in the driver's seat NZZGoEqWYe8-00037-00008181-00008353 when cruise control was being used NZZGoEqWYe8-00038-00008354-00008573 wasn't that also a plot point in NZZGoEqWYe8-00039-00008574-00009064 anchorman 2 Kirk fruit roll boxes that NZZGoEqWYe8-00040-00009065-00009245 warned remove plastic wrap before eating NZZGoEqWYe8-00041-00009246-00009602 you're supposed to remove those the NZZGoEqWYe8-00042-00009603-00009809 phrase do not try this at home NZZGoEqWYe8-00043-00009810-00009989 but you know that some idiot at home NZZGoEqWYe8-00044-00009990-00010121 will indeed try this at home NZZGoEqWYe8-00045-00010122-00010360 joke's on you I will try this at the NZZGoEqWYe8-00046-00010361-00010751 street so I'm outside multi-level NZZGoEqWYe8-00047-00010752-00011014 marketing aka pyramid schemes while NZZGoEqWYe8-00048-00011015-00011198 we're on the topic would you like to buy NZZGoEqWYe8-00049-00011199-00011426 some cut-go brand knives when I was a NZZGoEqWYe8-00050-00011427-00011630 stupid teenager I went for a job NZZGoEqWYe8-00051-00011631-00011863 interview despite not having a resume at NZZGoEqWYe8-00052-00011864-00012041 all they immediately offered me a NZZGoEqWYe8-00053-00012042-00012364 position all I needed to do was buy $600 NZZGoEqWYe8-00054-00012365-00012491 worth of knives and go door-to-door NZZGoEqWYe8-00055-00012492-00012739 selling them it was foolproof and I was NZZGoEqWYe8-00056-00012740-00012936 going to make so much money NZZGoEqWYe8-00057-00012937-00013150 my father refused to let me take that NZZGoEqWYe8-00058-00013151-00013516 job I was so angry at him how dare he of NZZGoEqWYe8-00059-00013516-00013800 course now I see how much of a scam it NZZGoEqWYe8-00060-00013801-00013950 was and how great it was that my father NZZGoEqWYe8-00061-00013951-00014094 didn't let me fall into it NZZGoEqWYe8-00062-00014095-00014302 I also don't think the scam would work NZZGoEqWYe8-00063-00014303-00014544 so well nowadays imagine sending a NZZGoEqWYe8-00064-00014545-00014728 teenager door-to-door brandishing knives NZZGoEqWYe8-00065-00014729-00014974 I doubt my teenage son make it to three NZZGoEqWYe8-00066-00014975-00015300 houses before the police grabbed him do NZZGoEqWYe8-00067-00015301-00015553 not place child and shopping bag what if NZZGoEqWYe8-00068-00015554-00015873 I'm bartering it panic buying this is NZZGoEqWYe8-00069-00015874-00016098 really a problem I order supplies for a NZZGoEqWYe8-00070-00016099-00016263 medical clinic and we are starting to NZZGoEqWYe8-00071-00016265-00016428 get back ordered on poop we actually NZZGoEqWYe8-00072-00016429-00016525 need to treat people NZZGoEqWYe8-00073-00016526-00016758 all because of panic buying over the NZZGoEqWYe8-00074-00016759-00017128 coronavirus warning labels on electric NZZGoEqWYe8-00075-00017129-00017311 appliances warning you not to use them NZZGoEqWYe8-00076-00017312-00017520 in a bathtub it's actually pretty hard NZZGoEqWYe8-00077-00017521-00017683 to get an electrical hit in a bathtub NZZGoEqWYe8-00078-00017684-00017883 from a device if all things are as they NZZGoEqWYe8-00079-00017884-00017934 should be NZZGoEqWYe8-00080-00017935-00018178 yes the all things being properly NZZGoEqWYe8-00081-00018179-00018440 installed she's modern circuit breakers NZZGoEqWYe8-00082-00018441-00018652 etc the reason we have rules that NZZGoEqWYe8-00083-00018653-00018847 revolve around electricity when near NZZGoEqWYe8-00084-00018848-00019014 water is that it is really freaking easy NZZGoEqWYe8-00085-00019015-00019311 to get electrocuted the case of water NZZGoEqWYe8-00086-00019312-00019867 the anti vex movement Darwin Awards NZZGoEqWYe8-00087-00019868-00020302 you're not wrong I worked at Cabela's NZZGoEqWYe8-00088-00020303-00020458 for years and they carry a product NZZGoEqWYe8-00089-00020459-00020589 called the butt out and it's a tool in NZZGoEqWYe8-00090-00020590-00020742 Hunter when used to remove the butt from NZZGoEqWYe8-00091-00020743-00020964 a deer on the back of the packaging in NZZGoEqWYe8-00092-00020965-00021130 the bottom corner is a warning stating NZZGoEqWYe8-00093-00021131-00021615 not for sexual use warning may contain NZZGoEqWYe8-00094-00021616-00022008 nuts warnings on packets of nuts the NZZGoEqWYe8-00095-00022009-00022200 labels on Superman costumes that say NZZGoEqWYe8-00096-00022201-00022478 wearing this does not enable you to fly NZZGoEqWYe8-00097-00022479-00022771 the warning on strollers do not collapse NZZGoEqWYe8-00098-00022772-00023076 while infant is seated Nae5rhBT8DM-00000-00000000-00000103 hello everybody we're going to get Nae5rhBT8DM-00001-00000104-00000327 started in just a moment Nae5rhBT8DM-00002-00000328-00000487 my name is mike morneau i'm with Nae5rhBT8DM-00003-00000488-00000623 learning times i'll be your technical Nae5rhBT8DM-00004-00000624-00000823 producer today Nae5rhBT8DM-00005-00000824-00001054 and uh before we Nae5rhBT8DM-00006-00001055-00001215 get the session underway i just want to Nae5rhBT8DM-00007-00001216-00001391 remind participants at the bottom of Nae5rhBT8DM-00008-00001392-00001574 your screen you'll see two Nae5rhBT8DM-00009-00001575-00001847 two chat areas or one of them is a chat Nae5rhBT8DM-00010-00001848-00002007 where you can feel free to put in any Nae5rhBT8DM-00011-00002007-00002167 comments tell us where you're coming Nae5rhBT8DM-00012-00002168-00002510 from today Nae5rhBT8DM-00013-00002511-00002726 what have you but Nae5rhBT8DM-00014-00002727-00003039 you can communicate with me via the chat Nae5rhBT8DM-00015-00003040-00003199 if you need assistance Nae5rhBT8DM-00016-00003200-00003511 and the q a is available also for Nae5rhBT8DM-00017-00003511-00003638 accessible from the bottom of your Nae5rhBT8DM-00018-00003639-00003790 screen so if you have any questions for Nae5rhBT8DM-00019-00003792-00003967 our presenter today feel free to use the Nae5rhBT8DM-00020-00003968-00004127 q a and uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00021-00004128-00004422 it will make it a little bit easier to Nae5rhBT8DM-00022-00004423-00004622 facilitate the questions for him so Nae5rhBT8DM-00023-00004623-00004822 without further delay i'll pass things Nae5rhBT8DM-00024-00004823-00005135 off to robin bauer kilgo go ahead robin Nae5rhBT8DM-00025-00005136-00005343 thanks mike hi everyone i want to Nae5rhBT8DM-00026-00005344-00005567 welcome everyone to this next c2c care Nae5rhBT8DM-00027-00005568-00005775 webinar long-term storage for large Nae5rhBT8DM-00028-00005776-00006031 functional objects vehicles um before i Nae5rhBT8DM-00029-00006032-00006191 start i would like to acknowledge this Nae5rhBT8DM-00030-00006192-00006359 webinar is being moderated on the Nae5rhBT8DM-00031-00006360-00006550 traditional lands of the mikisuki and Nae5rhBT8DM-00032-00006551-00006798 seminole people and their ancestors and Nae5rhBT8DM-00033-00006800-00007014 i pay my respect to elders both past and Nae5rhBT8DM-00034-00007015-00007127 present Nae5rhBT8DM-00035-00007128-00007255 so i'm just going to run through a Nae5rhBT8DM-00036-00007256-00007431 couple of quick opening slides about Nae5rhBT8DM-00037-00007431-00007623 some programming and some other items Nae5rhBT8DM-00038-00007623-00007719 and then we're going to go ahead and Nae5rhBT8DM-00039-00007720-00007855 jump into today's program which we're Nae5rhBT8DM-00040-00007856-00008031 pretty excited about just because i love Nae5rhBT8DM-00041-00008031-00008191 learning about these objects i think Nae5rhBT8DM-00042-00008192-00008374 that it's surprising to see how many of Nae5rhBT8DM-00043-00008375-00008535 us have these types of objects within Nae5rhBT8DM-00044-00008536-00008735 our collections so it should be a pretty Nae5rhBT8DM-00045-00008736-00008959 good time today finding out how to store Nae5rhBT8DM-00046-00008960-00009127 them and handle them Nae5rhBT8DM-00047-00009128-00009335 so again my name is robin bauer kilgo i Nae5rhBT8DM-00048-00009336-00009527 am the c2c care coordinator and you just Nae5rhBT8DM-00049-00009528-00009687 saw mike morneau he's our senior Nae5rhBT8DM-00050-00009688-00009855 producer over at learning times if you Nae5rhBT8DM-00051-00009856-00010055 have any questions about programming or Nae5rhBT8DM-00052-00010056-00010255 anything else feel free to say hello in Nae5rhBT8DM-00053-00010256-00010471 the chat Nae5rhBT8DM-00054-00010472-00010631 this is our home on the web connecting Nae5rhBT8DM-00055-00010632-00010903 to collections.org on that website you Nae5rhBT8DM-00056-00010904-00011110 will find all sorts of information Nae5rhBT8DM-00057-00011111-00011335 including an archive of past Nae5rhBT8DM-00058-00011336-00011599 webinars archive of past courses Nae5rhBT8DM-00059-00011600-00011759 all sorts of fun stuff we also have Nae5rhBT8DM-00060-00011760-00011967 links to our discussion board which is Nae5rhBT8DM-00061-00011968-00012335 c2c care and a curated resources list so Nae5rhBT8DM-00062-00012336-00012478 i encourage you to go to the website if Nae5rhBT8DM-00063-00012479-00012614 you've been there you can also sign up Nae5rhBT8DM-00064-00012615-00012999 for upcoming webinars on that website Nae5rhBT8DM-00065-00013000-00013222 we have two new upcoming webinars coming Nae5rhBT8DM-00066-00013223-00013455 up in the next few months um our last Nae5rhBT8DM-00067-00013456-00013711 one for 2021 is called new tools of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00068-00013712-00013871 trade it's actually going to be talking Nae5rhBT8DM-00069-00013872-00014047 about some online assessment tools that Nae5rhBT8DM-00070-00014047-00014279 are accessible to everyone to use within Nae5rhBT8DM-00071-00014280-00014438 your small institution so i encourage Nae5rhBT8DM-00072-00014440-00014591 you to go sign up for that webinar Nae5rhBT8DM-00073-00014591-00014830 that's scheduled for december 14th then Nae5rhBT8DM-00074-00014831-00015063 our first webinar of 2022 is Nae5rhBT8DM-00075-00015063-00015230 introduction to digital collections Nae5rhBT8DM-00076-00015231-00015366 management so Nae5rhBT8DM-00077-00015368-00015503 we're excited at that one because we're Nae5rhBT8DM-00078-00015504-00015703 partnering with some of our friends over Nae5rhBT8DM-00079-00015704-00015935 at ccaha to actually bring that one on Nae5rhBT8DM-00080-00015936-00016143 so again those are free so i encourage Nae5rhBT8DM-00081-00016144-00016330 you to go to our website Nae5rhBT8DM-00082-00016331-00016479 connectingtocollections.org and you can Nae5rhBT8DM-00083-00016480-00016799 sign up for those webinars Nae5rhBT8DM-00084-00016800-00016999 we also have two homes on social media Nae5rhBT8DM-00085-00017000-00017175 that is our facebook page and our Nae5rhBT8DM-00086-00017176-00017350 twitter account there we tend to post Nae5rhBT8DM-00087-00017351-00017535 pretty regularly on upcoming programming Nae5rhBT8DM-00088-00017536-00017679 and some other items happening within Nae5rhBT8DM-00089-00017680-00017822 the community so i encourage you to go Nae5rhBT8DM-00090-00017823-00017975 check out those if you're on either one Nae5rhBT8DM-00091-00017976-00018247 of those social media venues Nae5rhBT8DM-00092-00018248-00018543 as mike said within zoom webinar you Nae5rhBT8DM-00093-00018544-00018750 have two outlets to communicate with us Nae5rhBT8DM-00094-00018751-00018967 as the presenter myself or paul our Nae5rhBT8DM-00095-00018968-00019222 presenter today um one is the chat box Nae5rhBT8DM-00096-00019223-00019430 you guys are rocking the chat box right Nae5rhBT8DM-00097-00019431-00019599 now so i don't think i'm gonna explain Nae5rhBT8DM-00098-00019600-00019791 how to use that but um it's there for Nae5rhBT8DM-00099-00019792-00019927 you to say hello or if you're having Nae5rhBT8DM-00100-00019928-00020183 technical issues the q and a box is Nae5rhBT8DM-00101-00020184-00020350 there for questions so if you have a Nae5rhBT8DM-00102-00020351-00020599 question for our presenter at any point Nae5rhBT8DM-00103-00020600-00020807 during the webinar please use that q a Nae5rhBT8DM-00104-00020808-00021007 box it just helps us kind of track where Nae5rhBT8DM-00105-00021008-00021207 we are within the the questions during Nae5rhBT8DM-00106-00021208-00021335 the webinar and you can put a question Nae5rhBT8DM-00107-00021336-00021486 at any point so if it pops into your Nae5rhBT8DM-00108-00021487-00021911 head go ahead and put it in that q a box Nae5rhBT8DM-00109-00021912-00022094 one item that i wanted to let you guys Nae5rhBT8DM-00110-00022095-00022230 know about that's kind of connected to Nae5rhBT8DM-00111-00022231-00022535 our topic today um recently we were Nae5rhBT8DM-00112-00022536-00022743 informed about an imls grant that the Nae5rhBT8DM-00113-00022744-00023014 next deadline is december 14th 2021 at Nae5rhBT8DM-00114-00023015-00023271 save america's treasures um they've Nae5rhBT8DM-00115-00023272-00023455 actually recently funded within the last Nae5rhBT8DM-00116-00023456-00023663 granting cycle some projects dealing Nae5rhBT8DM-00117-00023664-00023839 with large vehicles one was for a Nae5rhBT8DM-00118-00023840-00024039 passenger train car and then recently Nae5rhBT8DM-00119-00024040-00024214 they've done four ships including two Nae5rhBT8DM-00120-00024215-00024439 battleships so if you are dealing with Nae5rhBT8DM-00121-00024440-00024567 an object like this within your Nae5rhBT8DM-00122-00024568-00024703 collection and you're interested in Nae5rhBT8DM-00123-00024704-00024886 getting some funding for it i encourage Nae5rhBT8DM-00124-00024887-00025086 you to go to the website listed down Nae5rhBT8DM-00125-00025087-00025311 below um hopefully most people know Nae5rhBT8DM-00126-00025312-00025527 about imls.gov here in the states but i Nae5rhBT8DM-00127-00025528-00025670 would encourage you to go there go to Nae5rhBT8DM-00128-00025672-00025887 grants and go to save america's treasure Nae5rhBT8DM-00129-00025888-00025999 grants and you might be able to find Nae5rhBT8DM-00130-00026000-00026167 some funding for some objects so i Nae5rhBT8DM-00131-00026168-00026462 encourage you to go there Nae5rhBT8DM-00132-00026463-00026631 so without further ado i'm going to go Nae5rhBT8DM-00133-00026632-00026846 ahead and introduce our speaker today Nae5rhBT8DM-00134-00026847-00027023 paul storch he has been the museum Nae5rhBT8DM-00135-00027024-00027207 collections and conservation field since Nae5rhBT8DM-00136-00027208-00027462 1978 has worked in natural history and Nae5rhBT8DM-00137-00027463-00027655 history museums in various parts of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00138-00027656-00027902 u.s he is currently a freelancer who Nae5rhBT8DM-00139-00027904-00028062 runs his own consultancy firm called Nae5rhBT8DM-00140-00028063-00028262 museum science consultants out of saint Nae5rhBT8DM-00141-00028263-00028518 paul minnesota so paul take it away and Nae5rhBT8DM-00142-00028519-00028687 we'll see you at the end of the webinar Nae5rhBT8DM-00143-00028688-00028911 for the q a okay Nae5rhBT8DM-00144-00028912-00029031 well thank you Nae5rhBT8DM-00145-00029032-00029231 for the introduction and Nae5rhBT8DM-00146-00029232-00029687 uh thanks to everybody that's joining Nae5rhBT8DM-00147-00029688-00029967 uh let's Nae5rhBT8DM-00148-00029968-00030239 get going here okay so Nae5rhBT8DM-00149-00030239-00030470 uh we're gonna Nae5rhBT8DM-00150-00030472-00030758 basically focus on long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-00151-00030760-00031174 uh storage for large functional Nae5rhBT8DM-00152-00031175-00031414 vehicles i've Nae5rhBT8DM-00153-00031416-00031646 uh really expanded the scope a little Nae5rhBT8DM-00154-00031647-00031855 bit when i was um Nae5rhBT8DM-00155-00031856-00032151 approached to Nae5rhBT8DM-00156-00032152-00032446 with this webinar topic um Nae5rhBT8DM-00157-00032447-00032711 it was about um Nae5rhBT8DM-00158-00032712-00032895 the inquiry was about Nae5rhBT8DM-00159-00032896-00033031 internal combustion you know Nae5rhBT8DM-00160-00033032-00033174 self-propelled Nae5rhBT8DM-00161-00033175-00033279 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00162-00033280-00033615 vehicles but given my experience and and Nae5rhBT8DM-00163-00033616-00033839 what i know uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00164-00033840-00034039 particularly small to medium Nae5rhBT8DM-00165-00034040-00034302 sized his uh history museums what they Nae5rhBT8DM-00166-00034303-00034399 have Nae5rhBT8DM-00167-00034400-00034607 in their collections it's it's a little Nae5rhBT8DM-00168-00034608-00034959 bit more than just uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00169-00034960-00035215 early 20th century you know cars and Nae5rhBT8DM-00170-00035216-00035687 trucks it really includes wagons and Nae5rhBT8DM-00171-00035688-00035846 my experience with the minnesota Nae5rhBT8DM-00172-00035847-00036151 historical society Nae5rhBT8DM-00173-00036152-00036439 starting in 1990 Nae5rhBT8DM-00174-00036440-00036583 they have a fair amount of fire Nae5rhBT8DM-00175-00036584-00036695 equipment Nae5rhBT8DM-00176-00036696-00037039 uh on wheels as well as farm equipment Nae5rhBT8DM-00177-00037040-00037390 and wheeled steam steam-powered Nae5rhBT8DM-00178-00037391-00037702 uh objects and so Nae5rhBT8DM-00179-00037703-00037951 what i'm including in this is Nae5rhBT8DM-00180-00037952-00038374 both self-propelled and uh horse-drawn Nae5rhBT8DM-00181-00038375-00038527 with or without Nae5rhBT8DM-00182-00038528-00038679 engines or Nae5rhBT8DM-00183-00038680-00038815 motors Nae5rhBT8DM-00184-00038816-00038927 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00185-00038928-00039135 that kind of defines the skull Nae5rhBT8DM-00186-00039136-00039359 and then some other definitions i wanted Nae5rhBT8DM-00187-00039360-00039511 to go over would be Nae5rhBT8DM-00188-00039512-00039623 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00189-00039624-00039823 working condition Nae5rhBT8DM-00190-00039824-00039990 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00191-00039991-00040199 if the object has a Nae5rhBT8DM-00192-00040200-00040455 engine or propulsion system then that Nae5rhBT8DM-00193-00040456-00040762 would be in in full working order Nae5rhBT8DM-00194-00040763-00040911 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00195-00040912-00041183 generally those were acquired Nae5rhBT8DM-00196-00041184-00041430 in excellent condition and have it Nae5rhBT8DM-00197-00041431-00041830 usually having been fully restored Nae5rhBT8DM-00198-00041831-00042095 in most cases by some sort of outside Nae5rhBT8DM-00199-00042096-00042327 organization and then it gets acquired Nae5rhBT8DM-00200-00042328-00042675 or don't donated to the museum Nae5rhBT8DM-00201-00042676-00042895 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00202-00042896-00043246 keeping it in working condition and Nae5rhBT8DM-00203-00043247-00043341 discuss this Nae5rhBT8DM-00204-00043342-00043471 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00205-00043472-00043751 throughout the webinar but uh requires Nae5rhBT8DM-00206-00043752-00044015 resources being available for regular Nae5rhBT8DM-00207-00044016-00044143 maintenance Nae5rhBT8DM-00208-00044144-00044471 and semi-annual uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00209-00044472-00044839 running uh even if it's not actually Nae5rhBT8DM-00210-00044840-00045071 on the road uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00211-00045072-00045255 if it's in in storage and you want to Nae5rhBT8DM-00212-00045256-00045471 keep it in working condition it has to Nae5rhBT8DM-00213-00045472-00045630 be run Nae5rhBT8DM-00214-00045631-00045895 and there also needs to be uh written Nae5rhBT8DM-00215-00045896-00046174 procedures and uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00216-00046175-00046343 that somebody is responsible for Nae5rhBT8DM-00217-00046344-00046567 carrying out Nae5rhBT8DM-00218-00046568-00046686 then Nae5rhBT8DM-00219-00046687-00046983 non-working retired from use which is Nae5rhBT8DM-00220-00046984-00047351 generally the more common situation Nae5rhBT8DM-00221-00047352-00047558 the decision for that would be resources Nae5rhBT8DM-00222-00047559-00047727 are not available Nae5rhBT8DM-00223-00047728-00048158 for regular maintenance uh it's on Nae5rhBT8DM-00224-00048159-00048359 either in long-term storage or Nae5rhBT8DM-00225-00048360-00048623 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00226-00048624-00048855 on display which could also be Nae5rhBT8DM-00227-00048856-00049095 considered long-term storage in a in a Nae5rhBT8DM-00228-00049096-00049430 sense um Nae5rhBT8DM-00229-00049431-00049615 and also Nae5rhBT8DM-00230-00049616-00049783 this decision would come into play if Nae5rhBT8DM-00231-00049784-00049967 it's a unique object Nae5rhBT8DM-00232-00049968-00050246 uh one of a kind early Nae5rhBT8DM-00233-00050247-00050471 automobile uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00234-00050472-00050767 a unique uh carriage Nae5rhBT8DM-00235-00050768-00051030 with with uh very specific historic Nae5rhBT8DM-00236-00051031-00051399 provenance um that that kind of issue Nae5rhBT8DM-00237-00051400-00051623 uh or again if it's used for exhibits Nae5rhBT8DM-00238-00051624-00051838 because exhibits of Nae5rhBT8DM-00239-00051839-00052382 large functional objects um Nae5rhBT8DM-00240-00052383-00052638 to have them run brings in all kinds of Nae5rhBT8DM-00241-00052639-00052919 issues and problems and requirements so Nae5rhBT8DM-00242-00052920-00053215 uh and requires again a lot of resources Nae5rhBT8DM-00243-00053216-00053423 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00244-00053424-00053679 generally the best decision is not Nae5rhBT8DM-00245-00053679-00053823 to have them Nae5rhBT8DM-00246-00053824-00054038 have them running when i'm on display to Nae5rhBT8DM-00247-00054039-00054311 use alternative means of showing the Nae5rhBT8DM-00248-00054312-00054647 function Nae5rhBT8DM-00249-00054648-00054911 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00250-00054912-00055094 the discussion here is going to be Nae5rhBT8DM-00251-00055095-00055254 really based on Nae5rhBT8DM-00252-00055255-00055487 uh non-working Nae5rhBT8DM-00253-00055488-00055663 with the Nae5rhBT8DM-00254-00055664-00055975 possibility Nae5rhBT8DM-00255-00055976-00056230 of at some point in the future possibly Nae5rhBT8DM-00256-00056232-00056438 bring it back to working so that's the Nae5rhBT8DM-00257-00056439-00056591 idea of Nae5rhBT8DM-00258-00056591-00056815 uh the long-term storage and the Nae5rhBT8DM-00259-00056816-00057159 preparation is to Nae5rhBT8DM-00260-00057160-00057535 keep it in a state very stable Nae5rhBT8DM-00261-00057536-00057703 uh condition Nae5rhBT8DM-00262-00057704-00057791 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00263-00057791-00058007 at some point it could go back to Nae5rhBT8DM-00264-00058008-00058215 working without any Nae5rhBT8DM-00265-00058216-00058438 further deterioration Nae5rhBT8DM-00266-00058439-00058654 so long term storage what we mean by Nae5rhBT8DM-00267-00058655-00058766 that Nae5rhBT8DM-00268-00058767-00059054 again as i just said uh ensure long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-00269-00059055-00059207 preservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00270-00059208-00059294 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00271-00059295-00059559 with preparation being the most Nae5rhBT8DM-00272-00059560-00059903 involved stage Nae5rhBT8DM-00273-00059904-00060182 but after that it's really Nae5rhBT8DM-00274-00060183-00060742 becomes a sustainable Nae5rhBT8DM-00275-00060744-00060942 sustainable condition where what you're Nae5rhBT8DM-00276-00060944-00061238 doing is Nae5rhBT8DM-00277-00061239-00061550 with minimal intervention minimal Nae5rhBT8DM-00278-00061551-00061711 energy Nae5rhBT8DM-00279-00061712-00061854 you're maintaining the storage Nae5rhBT8DM-00280-00061855-00062254 environment in a holistic uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00281-00062255-00062591 manner which includes um Nae5rhBT8DM-00282-00062591-00062854 inspections pest control Nae5rhBT8DM-00283-00062855-00063311 uh as much as possible maintenance of um Nae5rhBT8DM-00284-00063312-00063542 temperature and humidity conditions in a Nae5rhBT8DM-00285-00063544-00063703 sustainable manner Nae5rhBT8DM-00286-00063704-00063799 and that's Nae5rhBT8DM-00287-00063800-00063991 that's a whole other webinar in itself Nae5rhBT8DM-00288-00063991-00064135 and there are other Nae5rhBT8DM-00289-00064136-00064350 uh other information available on how to Nae5rhBT8DM-00290-00064351-00064606 do that Nae5rhBT8DM-00291-00064607-00064911 and light light control Nae5rhBT8DM-00292-00064912-00065038 as well Nae5rhBT8DM-00293-00065039-00065415 so with proper long-term storage Nae5rhBT8DM-00294-00065416-00065550 also called Nae5rhBT8DM-00295-00065551-00065694 mothballing Nae5rhBT8DM-00296-00065695-00065950 and that's a term you'll find with Nae5rhBT8DM-00297-00065951-00066143 also long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-00298-00066144-00066494 storage for architectural Nae5rhBT8DM-00299-00066495-00066719 objects historic sites that are no Nae5rhBT8DM-00300-00066720-00066926 longer open for interpretation for Nae5rhBT8DM-00301-00066927-00067111 various reasons Nae5rhBT8DM-00302-00067112-00067350 the national u.s national park service Nae5rhBT8DM-00303-00067351-00067503 uses that Nae5rhBT8DM-00304-00067504-00067679 uh term in one of their Nae5rhBT8DM-00305-00067680-00067894 technical bulletins on how to how to do Nae5rhBT8DM-00306-00067895-00068135 that it's it's a fairly Nae5rhBT8DM-00307-00068136-00068350 the principles are similar to whether Nae5rhBT8DM-00308-00068351-00068519 it's a building or Nae5rhBT8DM-00309-00068520-00068767 a large functional object Nae5rhBT8DM-00310-00068768-00068855 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00311-00068856-00069167 what you want to prevent are Nae5rhBT8DM-00312-00069168-00069503 seized moving parts Nae5rhBT8DM-00313-00069504-00069831 that would occur from Nae5rhBT8DM-00314-00069832-00070087 moisture getting in Nae5rhBT8DM-00315-00070088-00070319 changes oxidation and Nae5rhBT8DM-00316-00070320-00070687 fuels and lubricants Nae5rhBT8DM-00317-00070688-00070831 once it Nae5rhBT8DM-00318-00070832-00071023 is no longer Nae5rhBT8DM-00319-00071024-00071143 functioning Nae5rhBT8DM-00320-00071144-00071382 uh leakage of fluids if those are still Nae5rhBT8DM-00321-00071383-00071726 in uh included uh you don't want that Nae5rhBT8DM-00322-00071727-00071919 happening in uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00323-00071920-00072150 either in storage or if the the objects Nae5rhBT8DM-00324-00072151-00072303 on display Nae5rhBT8DM-00325-00072304-00072399 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00326-00072400-00072582 because the the you know the effect on Nae5rhBT8DM-00327-00072583-00072943 the floors and a possible toxicity Nae5rhBT8DM-00328-00072944-00073543 then you're removing hazardous materials Nae5rhBT8DM-00329-00073544-00073631 which Nae5rhBT8DM-00330-00073632-00073767 again couldn't Nae5rhBT8DM-00331-00073768-00074126 include fuels fluids Nae5rhBT8DM-00332-00074127-00074367 i don't want to go too far into it but Nae5rhBT8DM-00333-00074368-00074462 also Nae5rhBT8DM-00334-00074463-00074719 lead paint and asbestos might be in some Nae5rhBT8DM-00335-00074720-00074975 of the older uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00336-00074976-00075231 older items uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00337-00075232-00075423 as we move Nae5rhBT8DM-00338-00075424-00075862 further into the 21st century Nae5rhBT8DM-00339-00075863-00076143 electric vehicles and and the batteries Nae5rhBT8DM-00340-00076144-00076311 and i'm sure Nae5rhBT8DM-00341-00076312-00076559 many of you have heard of some of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00342-00076560-00076750 issues with those with the lithium Nae5rhBT8DM-00343-00076751-00076926 batteries so at some point museums are Nae5rhBT8DM-00344-00076927-00077247 going to have to deal with those and uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00345-00077248-00077535 hopefully they'll be Nae5rhBT8DM-00346-00077536-00077767 they'll be improved and the the hazards Nae5rhBT8DM-00347-00077768-00077935 will be less than those but that's Nae5rhBT8DM-00348-00077936-00078126 that's something to Nae5rhBT8DM-00349-00078127-00078367 consider and and start to plan for as Nae5rhBT8DM-00350-00078368-00078482 well Nae5rhBT8DM-00351-00078483-00078655 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00352-00078656-00078806 proper storage Nae5rhBT8DM-00353-00078807-00079087 preparation prevents uh the oxidation Nae5rhBT8DM-00354-00079088-00079326 corrosion of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00355-00079327-00079423 the Nae5rhBT8DM-00356-00079424-00079655 interior surfaces Nae5rhBT8DM-00357-00079656-00079959 of both the the engines and and inside Nae5rhBT8DM-00358-00079960-00080126 the vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-00359-00080127-00080215 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00360-00080216-00080311 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00361-00080312-00080582 organic material deterioration too could Nae5rhBT8DM-00362-00080583-00080671 be Nae5rhBT8DM-00363-00080672-00080782 well Nae5rhBT8DM-00364-00080783-00081071 ideally prevented but at least slow down Nae5rhBT8DM-00365-00081072-00081343 some of these materials like Nae5rhBT8DM-00366-00081344-00081582 rubber Nae5rhBT8DM-00367-00081583-00081823 even the older plastics like Nae5rhBT8DM-00368-00081824-00082271 cellulose nitrate Nae5rhBT8DM-00369-00082272-00082679 some of the the early synthetic fabrics Nae5rhBT8DM-00370-00082680-00082879 faux leather that you'll find as Nae5rhBT8DM-00371-00082880-00083167 canopies and seat covers and early Nae5rhBT8DM-00372-00083168-00083471 automobiles um Nae5rhBT8DM-00373-00083472-00083623 a lot of them have Nae5rhBT8DM-00374-00083624-00083799 what's called inherent vise where the Nae5rhBT8DM-00375-00083800-00084006 material itself Nae5rhBT8DM-00376-00084007-00084271 no matter what you do will deteriorate Nae5rhBT8DM-00377-00084272-00084503 so there's Nae5rhBT8DM-00378-00084504-00084791 in the uh resource section Nae5rhBT8DM-00379-00084792-00085135 uh the cci has excellent um Nae5rhBT8DM-00380-00085136-00085359 conservation notes that go into detail Nae5rhBT8DM-00381-00085360-00085494 on how to Nae5rhBT8DM-00382-00085495-00085743 what to look for and identify those Nae5rhBT8DM-00383-00085744-00085967 materials and how to how to care for Nae5rhBT8DM-00384-00085968-00086135 them so Nae5rhBT8DM-00385-00086136-00086311 i'm Nae5rhBT8DM-00386-00086312-00086518 going to keep keep this at the Nae5rhBT8DM-00387-00086519-00086726 preservation more basic level and not Nae5rhBT8DM-00388-00086727-00086967 get too much into and to Nae5rhBT8DM-00389-00086968-00087118 talking about treat particular Nae5rhBT8DM-00390-00087119-00087367 treatments or Nae5rhBT8DM-00391-00087368-00087567 deterioration processes but i just Nae5rhBT8DM-00392-00087568-00087759 wanted to mention that is something to Nae5rhBT8DM-00393-00087760-00087903 to consider Nae5rhBT8DM-00394-00087904-00088199 uh and then it also eliminates regular Nae5rhBT8DM-00395-00088200-00088479 fluid changes and running or exercising Nae5rhBT8DM-00396-00088480-00088815 the engines Nae5rhBT8DM-00397-00088816-00089294 and then as far as required actions Nae5rhBT8DM-00398-00089295-00089599 what is the preparation for Nae5rhBT8DM-00399-00089600-00089735 mothballing Nae5rhBT8DM-00400-00089736-00090031 well basic principles uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00401-00090032-00090399 the materials and that method should be Nae5rhBT8DM-00402-00090400-00090694 reversible uh or retreatable to the Nae5rhBT8DM-00403-00090695-00090871 fullest extent Nae5rhBT8DM-00404-00090872-00091126 possible and that that's always a goal Nae5rhBT8DM-00405-00091127-00091359 of conservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00406-00091360-00091575 preservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00407-00091576-00091694 actions Nae5rhBT8DM-00408-00091695-00091926 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00409-00091927-00092199 each case really needs to be looked at Nae5rhBT8DM-00410-00092200-00092455 individually because sometimes there may Nae5rhBT8DM-00411-00092456-00092750 be a material or component where Nae5rhBT8DM-00412-00092751-00092862 you have to Nae5rhBT8DM-00413-00092863-00093318 go in and be a little more interventive Nae5rhBT8DM-00414-00093319-00093455 also Nae5rhBT8DM-00415-00093456-00093631 the case could be made that cleaning Nae5rhBT8DM-00416-00093632-00093759 removing Nae5rhBT8DM-00417-00093760-00093911 dirt Nae5rhBT8DM-00418-00093912-00094135 uh from a surface is Nae5rhBT8DM-00419-00094136-00094279 not reversible Nae5rhBT8DM-00420-00094280-00094494 of course logically it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00421-00094495-00094703 it's not but uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00422-00094704-00095038 any kind of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00423-00095039-00095287 more in intense cleaning you want to Nae5rhBT8DM-00424-00095288-00095606 make sure the Nae5rhBT8DM-00425-00095607-00095903 products used won't do any Nae5rhBT8DM-00426-00095904-00096055 any harm Nae5rhBT8DM-00427-00096056-00096367 and anything you put on a coating say Nae5rhBT8DM-00428-00096368-00096559 wax or something like that could be Nae5rhBT8DM-00429-00096560-00096791 fairly easily removed so Nae5rhBT8DM-00430-00096792-00096935 that's what we're Nae5rhBT8DM-00431-00096936-00097126 talking about with that and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00432-00097127-00097271 procedures and Nae5rhBT8DM-00433-00097272-00097559 processes should meet the Nae5rhBT8DM-00434-00097560-00097815 american institute for conservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00435-00097816-00098038 code of ethics guidelines Nae5rhBT8DM-00436-00098039-00098182 for practice Nae5rhBT8DM-00437-00098183-00098518 at least in in the u.s Nae5rhBT8DM-00438-00098519-00098703 if you're Nae5rhBT8DM-00439-00098704-00098911 another country then Nae5rhBT8DM-00440-00098912-00099055 whatever the Nae5rhBT8DM-00441-00099056-00099262 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00442-00099263-00099599 standards there uh institutions that Nae5rhBT8DM-00443-00099600-00099679 you're Nae5rhBT8DM-00444-00099680-00099879 part of or follow Nae5rhBT8DM-00445-00099880-00100071 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00446-00100072-00100174 for Nae5rhBT8DM-00447-00100175-00100479 policies and uh wherever you are would Nae5rhBT8DM-00448-00100480-00100647 incorporate those Nae5rhBT8DM-00449-00100648-00100774 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00450-00100775-00101094 and they they Nae5rhBT8DM-00451-00101095-00101526 are fairly well accepted the aic so Nae5rhBT8DM-00452-00101527-00101767 that helps in um Nae5rhBT8DM-00453-00101768-00101967 in writing contracts as i'll get to in a Nae5rhBT8DM-00454-00101968-00102062 second Nae5rhBT8DM-00455-00102063-00102303 so for the actual uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00456-00102304-00102575 mechanical preparation Nae5rhBT8DM-00457-00102576-00102878 unless you have Nae5rhBT8DM-00458-00102879-00103182 somebody in-house or Nae5rhBT8DM-00459-00103183-00103382 say a Nae5rhBT8DM-00460-00103383-00103766 local Nae5rhBT8DM-00461-00103767-00104023 car club or um Nae5rhBT8DM-00462-00104024-00104166 so you know Nae5rhBT8DM-00463-00104167-00104271 some other Nae5rhBT8DM-00464-00104272-00104639 type of volunteer or skilled volunteers Nae5rhBT8DM-00465-00104640-00104806 that are working with you Nae5rhBT8DM-00466-00104807-00104927 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00467-00104928-00105263 one way to go is to contact a qualified Nae5rhBT8DM-00468-00105264-00105431 mechanic who has Nae5rhBT8DM-00469-00105432-00105710 experience on uh historic or antique Nae5rhBT8DM-00470-00105711-00106015 vehicles or somebody in the region Nae5rhBT8DM-00471-00106016-00106119 or Nae5rhBT8DM-00472-00106120-00106351 possibly a conservation firm that that Nae5rhBT8DM-00473-00106352-00106734 specializes in that Nae5rhBT8DM-00474-00106735-00106966 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00475-00106967-00107227 then to prepare a contract with with Nae5rhBT8DM-00476-00107228-00107575 specifications again using the Nae5rhBT8DM-00477-00107576-00107727 code of ethics and guidelines for Nae5rhBT8DM-00478-00107728-00107983 practice Nae5rhBT8DM-00479-00107983-00108239 that would um scope out the methods and Nae5rhBT8DM-00480-00108240-00108615 materials um that they would propose Nae5rhBT8DM-00481-00108616-00108743 to use Nae5rhBT8DM-00482-00108744-00109023 uh and then something that's important Nae5rhBT8DM-00483-00109024-00109166 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00484-00109167-00109566 if you're gonna have the Nae5rhBT8DM-00485-00109567-00109847 the engine's Nae5rhBT8DM-00486-00109848-00109975 promoters Nae5rhBT8DM-00487-00109976-00110183 mothballed would be to Nae5rhBT8DM-00488-00110183-00110351 require photographic and written Nae5rhBT8DM-00489-00110352-00110719 documentation of all steps and stages of Nae5rhBT8DM-00490-00110720-00110839 the work Nae5rhBT8DM-00491-00110840-00110919 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00492-00110920-00111278 a lot of times if it's uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00493-00111279-00111527 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00494-00111528-00111719 mechanical or Nae5rhBT8DM-00495-00111720-00111847 you know Nae5rhBT8DM-00496-00111848-00112023 engine vendor Nae5rhBT8DM-00497-00112024-00112254 that restores antique Nae5rhBT8DM-00498-00112255-00112590 cars they may not Nae5rhBT8DM-00499-00112591-00112743 well Nae5rhBT8DM-00500-00112744-00113102 at least about 20 years ago um it took a Nae5rhBT8DM-00501-00113103-00113343 bit to work with them to really get them Nae5rhBT8DM-00502-00113344-00113639 up to the requirements that nhs wanted Nae5rhBT8DM-00503-00113640-00113790 at the time Nae5rhBT8DM-00504-00113791-00114031 nowadays uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00505-00114032-00114358 with digital photography and Nae5rhBT8DM-00506-00114359-00114590 smartphones having videos it's much Nae5rhBT8DM-00507-00114591-00114847 easier and i think people are much more Nae5rhBT8DM-00508-00114848-00115047 uh familiar with Nae5rhBT8DM-00509-00115048-00115366 documenting just about everything so Nae5rhBT8DM-00510-00115367-00115558 it's the written documentation that you Nae5rhBT8DM-00511-00115559-00115831 have to be uh pretty specific about of Nae5rhBT8DM-00512-00115832-00116063 the quality and and what needs to be Nae5rhBT8DM-00513-00116064-00116215 included and Nae5rhBT8DM-00514-00116216-00116327 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00515-00116328-00116527 follow up through the project on that to Nae5rhBT8DM-00516-00116528-00116799 make sure that that's up to what you Nae5rhBT8DM-00517-00116800-00116919 what you need Nae5rhBT8DM-00518-00116920-00117207 uh but but that's very important for Nae5rhBT8DM-00519-00117208-00117471 score during and after Nae5rhBT8DM-00520-00117472-00117702 any stages of the work all stages of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00521-00117703-00118039 work and then to specify and spec out Nae5rhBT8DM-00522-00118040-00118231 the re uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00523-00118232-00118439 of course the cost and the uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00524-00118440-00118671 requirements for transport safe Nae5rhBT8DM-00525-00118672-00118927 transport and and delivery Nae5rhBT8DM-00526-00118928-00119031 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00527-00119032-00119510 back to your institution Nae5rhBT8DM-00528-00119511-00119607 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00529-00119608-00119863 getting more into preservation measures Nae5rhBT8DM-00530-00119864-00120175 uh talking about a base Nae5rhBT8DM-00531-00120176-00120471 base level cleaning that Nae5rhBT8DM-00532-00120472-00120671 should be done on large functional Nae5rhBT8DM-00533-00120672-00120783 objects Nae5rhBT8DM-00534-00120783-00120902 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00535-00120903-00121086 as they come in Nae5rhBT8DM-00536-00121088-00121327 uh upon acquisition Nae5rhBT8DM-00537-00121328-00121671 uh this is just standard procedures Nae5rhBT8DM-00538-00121672-00121919 and there's um Nae5rhBT8DM-00539-00121920-00122207 one that i wrote that's in the resources Nae5rhBT8DM-00540-00122208-00122431 there's a link to that so you can you Nae5rhBT8DM-00541-00122432-00122614 can check out that later Nae5rhBT8DM-00542-00122615-00122719 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00543-00122720-00123007 but the the basic components of that Nae5rhBT8DM-00544-00123008-00123051 would be Nae5rhBT8DM-00545-00123052-00123158 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00546-00123159-00123302 to do a con Nae5rhBT8DM-00547-00123303-00123527 a condition report before you do Nae5rhBT8DM-00548-00123528-00123783 anything note the problem Nae5rhBT8DM-00549-00123783-00123966 problem materials Nae5rhBT8DM-00550-00123967-00124423 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00551-00124424-00124710 remove and then once that's done with Nae5rhBT8DM-00552-00124711-00124863 with um Nae5rhBT8DM-00553-00124864-00125183 police basic level photo documentation Nae5rhBT8DM-00554-00125183-00125671 uh to remove uh the dust and and debris Nae5rhBT8DM-00555-00125672-00125895 and with Nae5rhBT8DM-00556-00125896-00126231 particularly farm this is important with Nae5rhBT8DM-00557-00126232-00126414 farm equipment Nae5rhBT8DM-00558-00126415-00126695 on wheels with the Nae5rhBT8DM-00559-00126696-00126927 oftentimes it could have Nae5rhBT8DM-00560-00126928-00127207 plant materials uh oh Nae5rhBT8DM-00561-00127208-00127486 mouse and other other Nae5rhBT8DM-00562-00127488-00127847 animal nests uh feathers you you name it Nae5rhBT8DM-00563-00127848-00128175 as well you know as well as um Nae5rhBT8DM-00564-00128176-00128495 bird droppings bad Nae5rhBT8DM-00565-00128496-00128839 droppings uh so during that Nae5rhBT8DM-00566-00128840-00129175 part of the process you want to be Nae5rhBT8DM-00567-00129176-00129439 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00568-00129440-00129686 you know you use treat it as Nae5rhBT8DM-00569-00129688-00129958 possible hazardous material and uh be Nae5rhBT8DM-00570-00129959-00130143 prepared with uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00571-00130144-00130543 personal protective equipment at minimum Nae5rhBT8DM-00572-00130544-00130695 n95 Nae5rhBT8DM-00573-00130696-00131151 mass which everybody should have now uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00574-00131152-00131431 possibly tyvek suits uh which you can Nae5rhBT8DM-00575-00131432-00131559 get from Nae5rhBT8DM-00576-00131560-00131735 different suppliers Nae5rhBT8DM-00577-00131736-00131975 and gloves and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00578-00131976-00132087 bag and Nae5rhBT8DM-00579-00132088-00132254 dispose of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00580-00132255-00132575 material properly Nae5rhBT8DM-00581-00132576-00132983 remove Nae5rhBT8DM-00582-00132984-00133199 remove fluids and and disconnect the Nae5rhBT8DM-00583-00133200-00133431 battery Nae5rhBT8DM-00584-00133432-00133727 there would just be the basic level Nae5rhBT8DM-00585-00133728-00133975 deeper removal would come with the Nae5rhBT8DM-00586-00133976-00134143 actual Nae5rhBT8DM-00587-00134144-00134375 mechanical moth balling Nae5rhBT8DM-00588-00134376-00134495 procedure Nae5rhBT8DM-00589-00134496-00134759 a check for past which Nae5rhBT8DM-00590-00134760-00134919 in this case would be for any kind of Nae5rhBT8DM-00591-00134920-00135239 active infestation so Nae5rhBT8DM-00592-00135240-00135759 again with any vehicles or Nae5rhBT8DM-00593-00135760-00136023 objects with wooden components in Nae5rhBT8DM-00594-00136024-00136263 particular especially farm farm Nae5rhBT8DM-00595-00136264-00136551 equipment like large threshers Nae5rhBT8DM-00596-00136552-00136895 could possibly have Nae5rhBT8DM-00597-00136896-00137183 wood boring beetles powder posts Nae5rhBT8DM-00598-00137184-00137278 depending Nae5rhBT8DM-00599-00137279-00137527 species depend where you are Nae5rhBT8DM-00600-00137528-00137631 even Nae5rhBT8DM-00601-00137632-00138078 dry wood termites sometimes Nae5rhBT8DM-00602-00138079-00138343 vehicles with Nae5rhBT8DM-00603-00138344-00138647 horse hair stuffing for the upholstery Nae5rhBT8DM-00604-00138648-00138927 or wool uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00605-00138928-00139183 fabric may have Nae5rhBT8DM-00606-00139184-00139407 domestic beetles and Nae5rhBT8DM-00607-00139408-00139590 possibly even moths Nae5rhBT8DM-00608-00139591-00139783 so you want to look look at that and Nae5rhBT8DM-00609-00139784-00140223 then Nae5rhBT8DM-00610-00140224-00140375 approach would be to Nae5rhBT8DM-00611-00140376-00140502 contact a Nae5rhBT8DM-00612-00140503-00140766 conservator or a Nae5rhBT8DM-00613-00140767-00140951 regional conservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00614-00140952-00141071 center for Nae5rhBT8DM-00615-00141072-00141207 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00616-00141208-00141302 further Nae5rhBT8DM-00617-00141303-00141599 advice and and help on on dealing with Nae5rhBT8DM-00618-00141600-00141902 that and mitigating the Nae5rhBT8DM-00619-00141903-00142175 pest issues um Nae5rhBT8DM-00620-00142176-00142407 secure any loose components Nae5rhBT8DM-00621-00142408-00142543 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00622-00142544-00142887 i'll show some examples of that later on Nae5rhBT8DM-00623-00142888-00143414 uh and then put on uh supports Nae5rhBT8DM-00624-00143415-00143631 so the wheels or Nae5rhBT8DM-00625-00143632-00143943 tires are up off the ground and Nae5rhBT8DM-00626-00143944-00144111 both for Nae5rhBT8DM-00627-00144112-00144214 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00628-00144215-00144559 to minimize distortion but also contact Nae5rhBT8DM-00629-00144560-00144751 with Nae5rhBT8DM-00630-00144752-00145007 concrete floors and Nae5rhBT8DM-00631-00145008-00145247 to Nae5rhBT8DM-00632-00145248-00145447 well facilitate cleaning underneath the Nae5rhBT8DM-00633-00145448-00145711 vehicles but also to Nae5rhBT8DM-00634-00145712-00145902 lower the risk of water damage if there Nae5rhBT8DM-00635-00145903-00145966 are Nae5rhBT8DM-00636-00145967-00146071 leaks Nae5rhBT8DM-00637-00146072-00146375 and then finally Nae5rhBT8DM-00638-00146376-00146711 dust covers are Nae5rhBT8DM-00639-00146712-00147063 important to Nae5rhBT8DM-00640-00147064-00147366 well minimize intervention later on um Nae5rhBT8DM-00641-00147367-00147663 and and dust is also um Nae5rhBT8DM-00642-00147664-00147799 you know something that could affect Nae5rhBT8DM-00643-00147800-00148143 paint layers uh tracks pests attracts Nae5rhBT8DM-00644-00148144-00148287 moisture so Nae5rhBT8DM-00645-00148288-00148599 uh you're eliminating a fair fair amount Nae5rhBT8DM-00646-00148600-00148871 of risk just with a simple Nae5rhBT8DM-00647-00148872-00149063 dust cover and there's again in the Nae5rhBT8DM-00648-00149064-00149254 resources there's suggestions for that Nae5rhBT8DM-00649-00149255-00149471 what to use different different types of Nae5rhBT8DM-00650-00149472-00149831 tarps Nae5rhBT8DM-00651-00149832-00149919 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00652-00149920-00150199 plastic basic polyethylene sheeting Nae5rhBT8DM-00653-00150200-00150678 works uh well as as well Nae5rhBT8DM-00654-00150679-00151135 so in terms of uh supports um Nae5rhBT8DM-00655-00151136-00151535 standard floor axle jacks which are wild Nae5rhBT8DM-00656-00151536-00151807 widely available um Nae5rhBT8DM-00657-00151808-00152135 and those could be Nae5rhBT8DM-00658-00152136-00152423 modified and padded as needed and you Nae5rhBT8DM-00659-00152424-00152671 know to select the Nae5rhBT8DM-00660-00152672-00152919 many is to select ones with Nae5rhBT8DM-00661-00152920-00153143 the proper weight capacity for the Nae5rhBT8DM-00662-00153144-00153263 vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-00663-00153264-00153414 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00664-00153415-00153599 then there's something called go jacks Nae5rhBT8DM-00665-00153600-00153863 which is a brand name and i'll show that Nae5rhBT8DM-00666-00153864-00154054 in a couple of minutes Nae5rhBT8DM-00667-00154055-00154159 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00668-00154160-00154431 those are less of a Nae5rhBT8DM-00669-00154432-00154678 static support but they're they're good Nae5rhBT8DM-00670-00154679-00154895 for um Nae5rhBT8DM-00671-00154896-00154999 moving Nae5rhBT8DM-00672-00155000-00155271 objects around but necessarily leaning Nae5rhBT8DM-00673-00155272-00155614 on them on for a while but Nae5rhBT8DM-00674-00155615-00155839 it's very convenient especially if you Nae5rhBT8DM-00675-00155840-00156183 have a tight space or you have to Nae5rhBT8DM-00676-00156184-00156439 maneuver a vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-00677-00156440-00156759 into another space for for work Nae5rhBT8DM-00678-00156760-00156959 uh those come in very handy and we're Nae5rhBT8DM-00679-00156960-00157199 good to have a set around Nae5rhBT8DM-00680-00157200-00157383 and then uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00681-00157384-00157575 four wheelers again can be used for Nae5rhBT8DM-00682-00157576-00157735 moving uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00683-00157736-00158087 but as well for storage um and what i'm Nae5rhBT8DM-00684-00158088-00158287 talking about are the um Nae5rhBT8DM-00685-00158288-00158678 the movers uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00686-00158679-00158999 equipment they're um Nae5rhBT8DM-00687-00159000-00159207 four pieces of wood with cat or with Nae5rhBT8DM-00688-00159208-00159519 casters a caster in each corner and Nae5rhBT8DM-00689-00159520-00159807 usually they have carpet on the top Nae5rhBT8DM-00690-00159808-00160014 but those can be used for lighter Nae5rhBT8DM-00691-00160015-00160190 lighter vehicles Nae5rhBT8DM-00692-00160191-00160390 they're very convenient Nae5rhBT8DM-00693-00160391-00160654 and then finally uh custom-made angle Nae5rhBT8DM-00694-00160655-00160807 iron frames Nae5rhBT8DM-00695-00160808-00160919 with Nae5rhBT8DM-00696-00160920-00161023 wheels or Nae5rhBT8DM-00697-00161024-00161343 casters um and uh i'm gonna show some Nae5rhBT8DM-00698-00161344-00161511 examples of that Nae5rhBT8DM-00699-00161512-00161614 um Nae5rhBT8DM-00700-00161615-00161814 it takes a little bit more in terms of Nae5rhBT8DM-00701-00161815-00162047 design and finding a vendor to make that Nae5rhBT8DM-00702-00162048-00162135 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00703-00162136-00162390 uh of course the the Nae5rhBT8DM-00704-00162391-00162614 cost is more than Nae5rhBT8DM-00705-00162615-00162887 than the other options Nae5rhBT8DM-00706-00162888-00163199 so here are some examples of that Nae5rhBT8DM-00707-00163200-00163312 this is in the Nae5rhBT8DM-00708-00163313-00163463 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00709-00163464-00163559 large Nae5rhBT8DM-00710-00163560-00163783 object and exhibit Nae5rhBT8DM-00711-00163784-00163966 storage warehouse Nae5rhBT8DM-00712-00163967-00164238 here in st paul um Nae5rhBT8DM-00713-00164239-00164526 run by the minnesota historical society Nae5rhBT8DM-00714-00164527-00164623 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00715-00164624-00164775 here Nae5rhBT8DM-00716-00164776-00165031 on the left are examples of Nae5rhBT8DM-00717-00165032-00165375 of the frame you can see it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00718-00165376-00165454 the Nae5rhBT8DM-00719-00165455-00165783 gray painted powder-coated angle iron Nae5rhBT8DM-00720-00165784-00165959 with uh solid Nae5rhBT8DM-00721-00165960-00166247 metal uh wheels at each corner Nae5rhBT8DM-00722-00166248-00166454 and then the axle Nae5rhBT8DM-00723-00166455-00166607 bearing here Nae5rhBT8DM-00724-00166608-00166959 it's a little hard to see the the hub Nae5rhBT8DM-00725-00166960-00167095 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00726-00167096-00167407 hides it but there's a u-shape Nae5rhBT8DM-00727-00167408-00167638 support right in there that's been been Nae5rhBT8DM-00728-00167639-00167775 padded Nae5rhBT8DM-00729-00167776-00167895 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00730-00167896-00168238 with a polyethylene foam Nae5rhBT8DM-00731-00168239-00168447 to avoid scratching give it a little Nae5rhBT8DM-00732-00168448-00168735 shock absorbance Nae5rhBT8DM-00733-00168736-00169047 but these are Nae5rhBT8DM-00734-00169048-00169383 relatively light carriages and Nae5rhBT8DM-00735-00169384-00169678 so when they're on the frame Nae5rhBT8DM-00736-00169679-00169895 there's about three four inches Nae5rhBT8DM-00737-00169896-00170119 clearance here under the wheels Nae5rhBT8DM-00738-00170120-00170375 um these could easily be moved by two Nae5rhBT8DM-00739-00170376-00170583 people Nae5rhBT8DM-00740-00170584-00170871 so it's very convenient here you can see Nae5rhBT8DM-00741-00170872-00171302 the dust dust covers um Nae5rhBT8DM-00742-00171303-00171647 here's a wide-angle shot it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00743-00171648-00171943 a little bit pixelated but it gives you Nae5rhBT8DM-00744-00171944-00172263 the variety of the vehicles and a Nae5rhBT8DM-00745-00172264-00172607 storage confirmation Nae5rhBT8DM-00746-00172608-00172887 for long-term storage and you know Nae5rhBT8DM-00747-00172888-00173087 leading aisles to be able to move things Nae5rhBT8DM-00748-00173088-00173631 around Nae5rhBT8DM-00749-00173632-00173943 to show some of the other ones on Nae5rhBT8DM-00750-00173944-00174254 supports Nae5rhBT8DM-00751-00174255-00174431 several different type Nae5rhBT8DM-00752-00174432-00174671 kinds of supports uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00753-00174672-00175014 also what could be used for smaller Nae5rhBT8DM-00754-00175015-00175287 functional objects are flat Nae5rhBT8DM-00755-00175288-00175687 flat carts or modified pallets um Nae5rhBT8DM-00756-00175688-00175990 either on wheels or just Nae5rhBT8DM-00757-00175991-00176102 to use a Nae5rhBT8DM-00758-00176103-00176326 pallet jack to move them around Nae5rhBT8DM-00759-00176327-00176519 if needed but they're they're off the Nae5rhBT8DM-00760-00176520-00176743 floor um Nae5rhBT8DM-00761-00176744-00176847 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00762-00176848-00176999 they're in a way where you don't have to Nae5rhBT8DM-00763-00177000-00177095 actually Nae5rhBT8DM-00764-00177096-00177335 uh use the actual wheels of the vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-00765-00177336-00177447 to move it Nae5rhBT8DM-00766-00177448-00177638 uh and it could be shifted when it Nae5rhBT8DM-00767-00177639-00177983 whenever needed um Nae5rhBT8DM-00768-00177984-00178111 briefly Nae5rhBT8DM-00769-00178112-00178287 because it's relevant to some of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00770-00178288-00178447 case studies Nae5rhBT8DM-00771-00178448-00178663 if you can make out this is a very large Nae5rhBT8DM-00772-00178664-00178983 1930s Nae5rhBT8DM-00773-00178984-00179111 knife Nae5rhBT8DM-00774-00179112-00179343 chart it was a mobile knife sharpening Nae5rhBT8DM-00775-00179344-00179454 shop Nae5rhBT8DM-00776-00179455-00179695 and a very heavy truck Nae5rhBT8DM-00777-00179696-00179863 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00778-00179864-00179943 the Nae5rhBT8DM-00779-00179944-00180078 angle iron Nae5rhBT8DM-00780-00180079-00180223 frame was Nae5rhBT8DM-00781-00180224-00180414 built for it but Nae5rhBT8DM-00782-00180415-00180719 when it was being moved Nae5rhBT8DM-00783-00180720-00181038 it was just too heavy even for that so Nae5rhBT8DM-00784-00181039-00181543 it was taken off that and and put on uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00785-00181544-00181863 high-capacity jacks so this one doesn't Nae5rhBT8DM-00786-00181864-00181999 move Nae5rhBT8DM-00787-00182000-00182083 very Nae5rhBT8DM-00788-00182084-00182254 often uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00789-00182255-00182431 that just didn't Nae5rhBT8DM-00790-00182432-00182671 there's a point where Nae5rhBT8DM-00791-00182672-00182895 it'll just have to stay in place if it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00792-00182896-00183095 so large and so heavy Nae5rhBT8DM-00793-00183096-00183438 so now getting into the uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00794-00183439-00183638 the kind of classic Nae5rhBT8DM-00795-00183639-00183911 mothballing procedure Nae5rhBT8DM-00796-00183912-00184254 good example is uh charles a lindbergh's Nae5rhBT8DM-00797-00184255-00184414 1959 Nae5rhBT8DM-00798-00184415-00184702 beetle Nae5rhBT8DM-00799-00184703-00185054 which he purchased new um Nae5rhBT8DM-00800-00185055-00185223 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00801-00185224-00185454 drove it well really all around the Nae5rhBT8DM-00802-00185455-00185631 world but it wound up in little falls Nae5rhBT8DM-00803-00185632-00185807 minnesota and Nae5rhBT8DM-00804-00185808-00185895 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00805-00185896-00186119 in the late 70s it was quiet enough to Nae5rhBT8DM-00806-00186120-00186359 be passed away it was acquired by the Nae5rhBT8DM-00807-00186360-00186543 the whole site was required by the Nae5rhBT8DM-00808-00186544-00186726 historical society Nae5rhBT8DM-00809-00186727-00186847 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00810-00186848-00186966 it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00811-00186967-00187150 it's been on display and here you can Nae5rhBT8DM-00812-00187151-00187319 see it's up on Nae5rhBT8DM-00813-00187320-00187719 on axle jacks while on display Nae5rhBT8DM-00814-00187720-00187926 it's currently back at the site this Nae5rhBT8DM-00815-00187927-00188214 one's at the history center but before Nae5rhBT8DM-00816-00188215-00188335 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00817-00188336-00188638 it was displayed in the early 2000s uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00818-00188639-00188950 the decision was made to do a full Nae5rhBT8DM-00819-00188951-00189083 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00820-00189084-00189302 mothballing long-term storage Nae5rhBT8DM-00821-00189303-00189647 preparation uh at the mechanical level Nae5rhBT8DM-00822-00189648-00190047 so a vendor uh with experience with Nae5rhBT8DM-00823-00190048-00190326 volkswagens and other german cars Nae5rhBT8DM-00824-00190327-00190559 uh got the contract which was overseen Nae5rhBT8DM-00825-00190560-00190719 by the exhibits Nae5rhBT8DM-00826-00190720-00190926 department at the time Nae5rhBT8DM-00827-00190927-00191175 i was involved Nae5rhBT8DM-00828-00191176-00191471 with working up the specs but Nae5rhBT8DM-00829-00191472-00191783 later on with stabilizing the body so Nae5rhBT8DM-00830-00191784-00191887 the Nae5rhBT8DM-00831-00191888-00192111 the mechanical stability full mechanical Nae5rhBT8DM-00832-00192112-00192302 stabilization was done by an outside Nae5rhBT8DM-00833-00192303-00192519 vendor mechanical vent Nae5rhBT8DM-00834-00192520-00192783 so here it is in the shop with the body Nae5rhBT8DM-00835-00192784-00192926 off Nae5rhBT8DM-00836-00192927-00193159 and then some during uh during Nae5rhBT8DM-00837-00193160-00193550 treatments of the before and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00838-00193551-00193807 well here's before and this is during Nae5rhBT8DM-00839-00193808-00194063 the disassemble disassembly Nae5rhBT8DM-00840-00194064-00194207 cleaning Nae5rhBT8DM-00841-00194208-00194287 with Nae5rhBT8DM-00842-00194288-00194478 solvents Nae5rhBT8DM-00843-00194479-00194654 of all the Nae5rhBT8DM-00844-00194655-00194829 fuel residues and Nae5rhBT8DM-00845-00194830-00194983 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00846-00194984-00195254 lubricants and oil Nae5rhBT8DM-00847-00195255-00195438 being removed Nae5rhBT8DM-00848-00195439-00195638 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00849-00195639-00195943 reassembly Nae5rhBT8DM-00850-00195944-00196095 back into the Nae5rhBT8DM-00851-00196096-00196254 car and here's Nae5rhBT8DM-00852-00196255-00196495 being prepared to go back go to the Nae5rhBT8DM-00853-00196496-00196702 history center Nae5rhBT8DM-00854-00196703-00196919 and then this is a shot of what i was Nae5rhBT8DM-00855-00196920-00197143 talking about with the gojacks Nae5rhBT8DM-00856-00197144-00197326 uh devices Nae5rhBT8DM-00857-00197327-00197438 these are Nae5rhBT8DM-00858-00197439-00198023 rubber padded rollers and it fits in Nae5rhBT8DM-00859-00198024-00198183 perpendicular Nae5rhBT8DM-00860-00198184-00198414 uh to the tire and then there's a foot Nae5rhBT8DM-00861-00198415-00198783 pedal and you squeeze in these Nae5rhBT8DM-00862-00198784-00199063 these rollers so it lifts the the tire Nae5rhBT8DM-00863-00199064-00199159 up Nae5rhBT8DM-00864-00199160-00199399 uh you put them on all four Nae5rhBT8DM-00865-00199400-00199607 and then there's um Nae5rhBT8DM-00866-00199608-00199783 four casters Nae5rhBT8DM-00867-00199784-00200087 on the gojack so it it moves Nae5rhBT8DM-00868-00200088-00200326 any direction you want you can see going Nae5rhBT8DM-00869-00200327-00200454 around Nae5rhBT8DM-00870-00200455-00200726 fairly tight corners getting it into the Nae5rhBT8DM-00871-00200727-00200950 object's lab Nae5rhBT8DM-00872-00200951-00201231 and Nae5rhBT8DM-00873-00201232-00201550 just briefly in in terms of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00874-00201551-00201783 treatment this was a dent that was put Nae5rhBT8DM-00875-00201784-00201999 in by lindbergh's daughter the first Nae5rhBT8DM-00876-00202000-00202231 time she drove it um Nae5rhBT8DM-00877-00202232-00202383 getting it out of the garage at little Nae5rhBT8DM-00878-00202384-00202654 falls it's a 90 degree turn and Nae5rhBT8DM-00879-00202655-00202750 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00880-00202751-00203047 he never got it fixed so it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00881-00203048-00203207 very much part of the history and the Nae5rhBT8DM-00882-00203208-00203407 story of this vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-00883-00203408-00203607 so the decision was made while Nae5rhBT8DM-00884-00203608-00203871 stabilizing other uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00885-00203872-00204287 corrosion areas um Nae5rhBT8DM-00886-00204288-00204607 and problems with with the Nae5rhBT8DM-00887-00204608-00204871 the body and in the interior this was Nae5rhBT8DM-00888-00204871-00205006 the rust was Nae5rhBT8DM-00889-00205007-00205342 um stabilized but the dent was left in Nae5rhBT8DM-00890-00205344-00205534 place and scratches Nae5rhBT8DM-00891-00205535-00205694 all that as part of the history so Nae5rhBT8DM-00892-00205696-00205966 that's something to consider as well and Nae5rhBT8DM-00893-00205967-00206182 just some shots of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00894-00206183-00206438 other issues that were Nae5rhBT8DM-00895-00206439-00206646 conserved and stabilized in the lab and Nae5rhBT8DM-00896-00206648-00207142 a shot of it in inside Nae5rhBT8DM-00897-00207144-00207231 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00898-00207232-00207503 moving on to some of the other types Nae5rhBT8DM-00899-00207504-00207686 of vehicles Nae5rhBT8DM-00900-00207687-00207990 including in the scope would be uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00901-00207991-00208231 a steam traction engine Nae5rhBT8DM-00902-00208232-00208471 so this is self-propelled Nae5rhBT8DM-00903-00208471-00208646 steam tractor Nae5rhBT8DM-00904-00208648-00208951 and um just showing some of the the Nae5rhBT8DM-00905-00208952-00209166 before treatment Nae5rhBT8DM-00906-00209167-00209575 uh again this was a little bit more of a Nae5rhBT8DM-00907-00209576-00209751 conservation Nae5rhBT8DM-00908-00209752-00210094 level but uh what i want to show here is Nae5rhBT8DM-00909-00210096-00210375 some of the Nae5rhBT8DM-00910-00210376-00210598 shots of the basic level using Nae5rhBT8DM-00911-00210600-00210879 compressed air Nae5rhBT8DM-00912-00210880-00211158 to get the dirt off Nae5rhBT8DM-00913-00211159-00211567 the original condition of this Nae5rhBT8DM-00914-00211567-00211871 was it was used on a farm uh and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00915-00211871-00212006 abandoned Nae5rhBT8DM-00916-00212007-00212303 rescued by uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00917-00212304-00212523 steam traction uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00918-00212523-00212798 aficionados and restorers Nae5rhBT8DM-00919-00212800-00213046 in the 195th Nae5rhBT8DM-00920-00213048-00213246 and they restored it so what you're Nae5rhBT8DM-00921-00213248-00213358 seeing Nae5rhBT8DM-00922-00213359-00213471 with the Nae5rhBT8DM-00923-00213471-00213846 the paint scheme and the detailing here Nae5rhBT8DM-00924-00213848-00213982 was not Nae5rhBT8DM-00925-00213983-00214175 fully original to the piece so that's Nae5rhBT8DM-00926-00214176-00214327 something to consider Nae5rhBT8DM-00927-00214328-00214519 in doing base level cleaning and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00928-00214519-00214942 any further conservation would be Nae5rhBT8DM-00929-00214944-00215206 whether you take it back to full Nae5rhBT8DM-00930-00215207-00215494 original condition or preserve Nae5rhBT8DM-00931-00215496-00215663 what you Nae5rhBT8DM-00932-00215664-00215934 the restoration which is what was done Nae5rhBT8DM-00933-00215935-00216191 here but i just want to show is kept in Nae5rhBT8DM-00934-00216192-00216439 a barn until acquired Nae5rhBT8DM-00935-00216440-00216655 by the historical society Nae5rhBT8DM-00936-00216656-00216767 for Nae5rhBT8DM-00937-00216767-00217127 permanent display static display at the Nae5rhBT8DM-00938-00217128-00217391 mill city museum in minneapolis so it's Nae5rhBT8DM-00939-00217392-00217591 pretty typical water damage Nae5rhBT8DM-00940-00217592-00217710 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-00941-00217711-00217942 most likely from the last use it was Nae5rhBT8DM-00942-00217944-00218206 retired in the 1980s Nae5rhBT8DM-00943-00218207-00218503 after a state boiler inspector failed it Nae5rhBT8DM-00944-00218504-00218710 and the decision was made not to keep it Nae5rhBT8DM-00945-00218711-00218815 running Nae5rhBT8DM-00946-00218816-00219006 so it had been restored and then and Nae5rhBT8DM-00947-00219007-00219327 then running uh for about 30 years and Nae5rhBT8DM-00948-00219328-00219598 then stored in a collector's bar Nae5rhBT8DM-00949-00219600-00219679 so Nae5rhBT8DM-00950-00219680-00219910 uh that's fairly typical Nae5rhBT8DM-00951-00219911-00220071 which you're going to find for the base Nae5rhBT8DM-00952-00220071-00220263 level still dirt Nae5rhBT8DM-00953-00220264-00220423 corrosion Nae5rhBT8DM-00954-00220423-00220703 bird droppings that type of thing Nae5rhBT8DM-00955-00220704-00221015 and then here it is in conserved Nae5rhBT8DM-00956-00221016-00221279 condition with again it was Nae5rhBT8DM-00957-00221280-00221446 re retouched Nae5rhBT8DM-00958-00221448-00221615 paint there was a component that was Nae5rhBT8DM-00959-00221616-00221742 restored Nae5rhBT8DM-00960-00221744-00222006 but uh just the base level cleaning got Nae5rhBT8DM-00961-00222007-00222367 the rust off stabilize that Nae5rhBT8DM-00962-00222367-00222575 and then since it's on display it can't Nae5rhBT8DM-00963-00222576-00222806 be a dust cover so it needs to be Nae5rhBT8DM-00964-00222807-00223031 inspected and cleaned Nae5rhBT8DM-00965-00223032-00223519 by the exhibits tech regularly Nae5rhBT8DM-00966-00223519-00223823 uh another example of a Nae5rhBT8DM-00967-00223823-00223919 horse Nae5rhBT8DM-00968-00223919-00224087 drawn Nae5rhBT8DM-00969-00224088-00224423 but kerosene-powered um Nae5rhBT8DM-00970-00224423-00224639 fire uh pumper Nae5rhBT8DM-00971-00224640-00224879 this is a 1909 model Nae5rhBT8DM-00972-00224880-00225015 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00973-00225016-00225239 made by the waters company in st paul is Nae5rhBT8DM-00974-00225240-00225471 still in business they make uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00975-00225471-00225703 pumps and fire hydrants and other fire Nae5rhBT8DM-00976-00225704-00225871 fighting equipment but Nae5rhBT8DM-00977-00225871-00226215 uh society has a Nae5rhBT8DM-00978-00226216-00226439 number of uh of Nae5rhBT8DM-00979-00226440-00226671 pieces of real wheeled equipment by them Nae5rhBT8DM-00980-00226671-00226871 including a steam Nae5rhBT8DM-00981-00226871-00227103 1890 steam pumper and this is the next Nae5rhBT8DM-00982-00227104-00227287 generation Nae5rhBT8DM-00983-00227288-00227471 so uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00984-00227471-00227782 this is an example of rubber uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00985-00227783-00228023 rubberized fabric uh Nae5rhBT8DM-00986-00228023-00228246 water hose and some of the issues it Nae5rhBT8DM-00987-00228248-00228471 could be with that you can Nae5rhBT8DM-00988-00228471-00228639 have within it Nae5rhBT8DM-00989-00228640-00228846 mainly Nae5rhBT8DM-00990-00228848-00229006 supporting Nae5rhBT8DM-00991-00229007-00229246 again this is the before but Nae5rhBT8DM-00992-00229248-00229471 better support for this to Nae5rhBT8DM-00993-00229471-00229694 minimize any further deterioration of Nae5rhBT8DM-00994-00229696-00230006 the rubber hosing Nae5rhBT8DM-00995-00230007-00230310 so that's something to consider Nae5rhBT8DM-00996-00230311-00230479 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-00997-00230480-00230703 the level of long-term storage prep for Nae5rhBT8DM-00998-00230704-00230942 this was not complete Nae5rhBT8DM-00999-00230944-00231239 mechanical disassembly but is as much as Nae5rhBT8DM-01000-00231240-00231367 accessible Nae5rhBT8DM-01001-00231367-00231606 and then cleaning off the residues Nae5rhBT8DM-01002-00231607-00231855 kerosene in particular can Nae5rhBT8DM-01003-00231856-00231991 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01004-00231992-00232191 harden up the the heavier component Nae5rhBT8DM-01005-00232192-00232446 petroleum components form uh kind of Nae5rhBT8DM-01006-00232448-00232742 what's called varnish uh so using Nae5rhBT8DM-01007-00232744-00232967 solvents to get that off Nae5rhBT8DM-01008-00232967-00233151 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01009-00233152-00233398 the the brass was um Nae5rhBT8DM-01010-00233400-00233671 stabilized cleaned Nae5rhBT8DM-01011-00233671-00233903 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01012-00233904-00234206 as much as possible that the hoses were Nae5rhBT8DM-01013-00234207-00234471 were cleaned and supported and and Nae5rhBT8DM-01014-00234471-00234710 both internally and externally Nae5rhBT8DM-01015-00234711-00234998 uh and that this was done for for a long Nae5rhBT8DM-01016-00235000-00235134 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01017-00235135-00235367 it was on loan for a while now at a fire Nae5rhBT8DM-01018-00235367-00235575 local firefighting museum and it's back Nae5rhBT8DM-01019-00235576-00235646 on Nae5rhBT8DM-01020-00235648-00235798 in storage Nae5rhBT8DM-01021-00235800-00236094 uh this was a more Nae5rhBT8DM-01022-00236096-00236271 basic level Nae5rhBT8DM-01023-00236271-00236463 there was some stabilization of Nae5rhBT8DM-01024-00236464-00236751 components but Nae5rhBT8DM-01025-00236752-00236879 mainly it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01026-00236880-00237279 it's being just base level cleaned um Nae5rhBT8DM-01027-00237280-00237606 this was a prototype um Nae5rhBT8DM-01028-00237607-00237806 and silage harvester Nae5rhBT8DM-01029-00237807-00237951 part of it was a Nae5rhBT8DM-01030-00237952-00238151 run by a tractor Nae5rhBT8DM-01031-00238152-00238375 so it would be used to Nae5rhBT8DM-01032-00238376-00238598 harvest corn and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01033-00238600-00238823 hook up to a silo and load it into a Nae5rhBT8DM-01034-00238823-00239206 silo to save a lot of time and labor so Nae5rhBT8DM-01035-00239207-00239582 basically this was support cleaned Nae5rhBT8DM-01036-00239583-00239887 for pests and then put on the proper Nae5rhBT8DM-01037-00239888-00240142 support this this is a first Nae5rhBT8DM-01038-00240144-00240342 level just to get it off the ground and Nae5rhBT8DM-01039-00240344-00240567 to move it but later for display and now Nae5rhBT8DM-01040-00240567-00240710 for storage Nae5rhBT8DM-01041-00240711-00240967 it has a um Nae5rhBT8DM-01042-00240967-00241158 one of those angle iron Nae5rhBT8DM-01043-00241159-00241446 supports so that the front could be off Nae5rhBT8DM-01044-00241448-00241582 the ground Nae5rhBT8DM-01045-00241583-00241734 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01046-00241735-00242030 as well as back and it doesn't doesn't Nae5rhBT8DM-01047-00242031-00242455 need to turn on these to be moved Nae5rhBT8DM-01048-00242456-00242767 now getting into uh some of the the case Nae5rhBT8DM-01049-00242767-00243006 studies and thank Nae5rhBT8DM-01050-00243007-00243255 all of you who who set those in some Nae5rhBT8DM-01051-00243256-00243494 very interesting Nae5rhBT8DM-01052-00243496-00243863 objects uh they have a few uh from the Nae5rhBT8DM-01053-00243864-00244127 uh smithsonian uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01054-00244128-00244303 national uh post Nae5rhBT8DM-01055-00244304-00244582 post office or postal museum Nae5rhBT8DM-01056-00244583-00244871 so this is a uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01057-00244871-00245039 large heavy Nae5rhBT8DM-01058-00245040-00245351 mid mid-century bus that was used as Nae5rhBT8DM-01059-00245352-00245582 mobile post office Nae5rhBT8DM-01060-00245583-00245975 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01061-00245976-00246215 so the issue with this for long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-01062-00246216-00246430 storage uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01063-00246431-00246655 at first glance when i went over i Nae5rhBT8DM-01064-00246656-00246815 thought well Nae5rhBT8DM-01065-00246816-00247175 possibly use uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01066-00247176-00247519 some sort of support but Nae5rhBT8DM-01067-00247519-00247742 looking more into the description of it Nae5rhBT8DM-01068-00247744-00248094 uh that would not be practical um it Nae5rhBT8DM-01069-00248096-00248430 takes uh two tow trucks to move it Nae5rhBT8DM-01070-00248431-00248630 move it anywhere one Nae5rhBT8DM-01071-00248631-00248919 one on each end one to push one to pull Nae5rhBT8DM-01072-00248919-00249063 so uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01073-00249064-00249342 that's a lot of resources Nae5rhBT8DM-01074-00249344-00249591 if at all possible Nae5rhBT8DM-01075-00249592-00249958 move maybe annually Nae5rhBT8DM-01076-00249959-00250191 back and forth just to reduce Nae5rhBT8DM-01077-00250192-00250439 the pressure on on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01078-00250440-00250694 on the tires Nae5rhBT8DM-01079-00250696-00250934 the storage environment apparently has Nae5rhBT8DM-01080-00250935-00251310 been improved recently uh for better Nae5rhBT8DM-01081-00251311-00251742 temperature and humidity control um Nae5rhBT8DM-01082-00251744-00252071 again make sure all the fluids are and Nae5rhBT8DM-01083-00252071-00252319 batteries out um Nae5rhBT8DM-01084-00252319-00252671 and then at some point Nae5rhBT8DM-01085-00252671-00253006 it would be best to pack the engine Nae5rhBT8DM-01086-00253007-00253382 uh with with cosmoline or cloveland Nae5rhBT8DM-01087-00253383-00253542 i believe i Nae5rhBT8DM-01088-00253544-00253767 neglected to mention that with the Nae5rhBT8DM-01089-00253767-00254182 volkswagen but that that was the main uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01090-00254183-00254567 action that was taken with once they uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01091-00254567-00254782 cleaned all the components and Nae5rhBT8DM-01092-00254783-00254910 had them uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01093-00254911-00255198 disassembled before reassembled and Nae5rhBT8DM-01094-00255200-00255415 cosmoly was put in there Nae5rhBT8DM-01095-00255416-00255558 and that's a Nae5rhBT8DM-01096-00255559-00255646 heavy Nae5rhBT8DM-01097-00255648-00255942 viscosity petroleum-based Nae5rhBT8DM-01098-00255944-00256182 moisture exclusion Nae5rhBT8DM-01099-00256183-00256479 compound there's a link in the resources Nae5rhBT8DM-01100-00256480-00256606 you can look at that it's still Nae5rhBT8DM-01101-00256607-00256742 available Nae5rhBT8DM-01102-00256744-00256982 and it's kind of legendary it was uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01103-00256983-00257191 developed with the military and there Nae5rhBT8DM-01104-00257192-00257310 were Nae5rhBT8DM-01105-00257311-00257663 stories floating around Nae5rhBT8DM-01106-00257664-00258023 in the 70s 80s you could buy a Nae5rhBT8DM-01107-00258023-00258239 complete world war ii jeep packed in Nae5rhBT8DM-01108-00258240-00258471 cosmo in barrels Nae5rhBT8DM-01109-00258471-00258671 packed in cosmoline and put it together Nae5rhBT8DM-01110-00258671-00258919 and have a usable jeep Nae5rhBT8DM-01111-00258919-00259087 and i'm not sure if that's Nae5rhBT8DM-01112-00259088-00259319 true or not but Nae5rhBT8DM-01113-00259319-00259527 that's what it was used for and it is Nae5rhBT8DM-01114-00259528-00259671 quite effective Nae5rhBT8DM-01115-00259671-00259775 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01116-00259776-00260094 then again you do an annual inspection Nae5rhBT8DM-01117-00260096-00260230 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01118-00260231-00260423 particularly of the Nae5rhBT8DM-01119-00260423-00260663 the interior components Nae5rhBT8DM-01120-00260664-00260951 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01121-00260952-00261119 for past Nae5rhBT8DM-01122-00261119-00261351 past exclusion Nae5rhBT8DM-01123-00261352-00261494 use Nae5rhBT8DM-01124-00261496-00261679 i would suggest using Nae5rhBT8DM-01125-00261680-00261782 live Nae5rhBT8DM-01126-00261783-00262158 live traps inside if that's an issue uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01127-00262159-00262271 you're Nae5rhBT8DM-01128-00262272-00262455 most likely never gonna exclude them Nae5rhBT8DM-01129-00262456-00262703 from something like that so Nae5rhBT8DM-01130-00262704-00263079 the best way is to monitor and trap no Nae5rhBT8DM-01131-00263080-00263399 no baits of course Nae5rhBT8DM-01132-00263400-00263591 no toxic baits but Nae5rhBT8DM-01133-00263592-00263815 live trapping which would require Nae5rhBT8DM-01134-00263816-00264447 regular inspections Nae5rhBT8DM-01135-00264448-00264775 slightly smaller Nae5rhBT8DM-01136-00264776-00265047 lighter vehicle um Nae5rhBT8DM-01137-00265048-00265230 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01138-00265231-00265527 so it's a wooden uh wagon on wooden Nae5rhBT8DM-01139-00265528-00265703 wheels Nae5rhBT8DM-01140-00265704-00265815 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01141-00265816-00266023 again for long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-01142-00266024-00266295 storage overall cleaning and this is one Nae5rhBT8DM-01143-00266296-00266591 that could either be put on jacks Nae5rhBT8DM-01144-00266592-00266903 a mobile frame or the lowest cost Nae5rhBT8DM-01145-00266904-00267247 easiest would be padded four-wheelers Nae5rhBT8DM-01146-00267248-00267463 and there were Nae5rhBT8DM-01147-00267464-00267743 there was a poster wagon very uh very Nae5rhBT8DM-01148-00267744-00267943 similar to this in the Nae5rhBT8DM-01149-00267944-00268182 nhs collection and that Nae5rhBT8DM-01150-00268183-00268358 panoramic view Nae5rhBT8DM-01151-00268359-00268519 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01152-00268520-00268782 over on the right lower right hand side Nae5rhBT8DM-01153-00268783-00269103 side and that was put on Nae5rhBT8DM-01154-00269104-00269391 the four-wheelers uh it's these things Nae5rhBT8DM-01155-00269392-00269558 are light enough where Nae5rhBT8DM-01156-00269559-00269767 one or even one or two people could move Nae5rhBT8DM-01157-00269768-00269830 it Nae5rhBT8DM-01158-00269831-00270087 uh and then a dust cover Nae5rhBT8DM-01159-00270088-00270415 and since it's wood uh annual inspection Nae5rhBT8DM-01160-00270416-00271055 would be best Nae5rhBT8DM-01161-00271056-00271158 a Nae5rhBT8DM-01162-00271159-00271310 motor powered Nae5rhBT8DM-01163-00271311-00271471 vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-01164-00271472-00271630 but Nae5rhBT8DM-01165-00271631-00271967 not excessively uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01166-00271968-00272295 heavy this this one Nae5rhBT8DM-01167-00272296-00272575 again could be if it Nae5rhBT8DM-01168-00272576-00272791 doesn't have to be moved to too Nae5rhBT8DM-01169-00272792-00272999 frequently then the axle jacks would Nae5rhBT8DM-01170-00273000-00273134 work on that Nae5rhBT8DM-01171-00273135-00273423 uh or if possible the the mobile Nae5rhBT8DM-01172-00273424-00273599 mobile frame but Nae5rhBT8DM-01173-00273600-00273767 with that it's essential to get the Nae5rhBT8DM-01174-00273768-00273951 tires Nae5rhBT8DM-01175-00273952-00274182 off the floor else they will you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01176-00274183-00274423 eventually permanently deform Nae5rhBT8DM-01177-00274424-00274703 uh again the the usual you know empty Nae5rhBT8DM-01178-00274704-00274982 fluids the battery and then if you want Nae5rhBT8DM-01179-00274983-00275151 to go full Nae5rhBT8DM-01180-00275152-00275358 long term would be to Nae5rhBT8DM-01181-00275359-00275615 get someone to disassemble the the Nae5rhBT8DM-01182-00275616-00275943 engine and pack it uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01183-00275944-00276215 with cosmoline and then annual Nae5rhBT8DM-01184-00276216-00276375 inspection Nae5rhBT8DM-01185-00276376-00276871 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01186-00276872-00277110 this one it was interesting because of Nae5rhBT8DM-01187-00277111-00277282 the Nae5rhBT8DM-01188-00277283-00277447 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01189-00277448-00277655 the treads and and the runners on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01190-00277656-00278023 front modified ford mount model t Nae5rhBT8DM-01191-00278024-00278382 turned into a snowmobile uh and then you Nae5rhBT8DM-01192-00278383-00278630 can see the uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01193-00278631-00278943 this is a later later model got all Nae5rhBT8DM-01194-00278944-00279230 kinds of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01195-00279231-00279455 different types of components so it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01196-00279456-00279671 it's important this is Nae5rhBT8DM-01197-00279672-00279967 probably um Nae5rhBT8DM-01198-00279968-00280358 full leather so it's castor oil coated Nae5rhBT8DM-01199-00280359-00280510 canvas Nae5rhBT8DM-01200-00280511-00280743 some sort of fiber so that that's going Nae5rhBT8DM-01201-00280744-00280839 to have Nae5rhBT8DM-01202-00280840-00281134 possible inherent vice issues Nae5rhBT8DM-01203-00281135-00281327 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01204-00281328-00281591 keeping the light levels controlled on Nae5rhBT8DM-01205-00281592-00282047 this would be important with all the um Nae5rhBT8DM-01206-00282048-00282327 rubbers and plastics Nae5rhBT8DM-01207-00282328-00282743 and then the support uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01208-00282744-00283279 would be uh a bit of a challenge uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01209-00283280-00283519 to keep it mobile as well Nae5rhBT8DM-01210-00283520-00283727 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01211-00283728-00283823 what i've Nae5rhBT8DM-01212-00283824-00284047 come up with with that would be an Nae5rhBT8DM-01213-00284048-00284215 example Nae5rhBT8DM-01214-00284216-00284367 of some of the things i was talking Nae5rhBT8DM-01215-00284368-00284463 about Nae5rhBT8DM-01216-00284464-00284687 uh where for the this is Nae5rhBT8DM-01217-00284688-00284887 a viewer where you're Nae5rhBT8DM-01218-00284888-00285095 looking from the bottom Nae5rhBT8DM-01219-00285096-00285367 of the supports up so Nae5rhBT8DM-01220-00285368-00285639 this would be uh for the two Nae5rhBT8DM-01221-00285640-00285839 runners you would have Nae5rhBT8DM-01222-00285840-00285999 either Nae5rhBT8DM-01223-00286000-00286351 four wheelers or a flat you can also use Nae5rhBT8DM-01224-00286352-00286471 a Nae5rhBT8DM-01225-00286472-00286591 board Nae5rhBT8DM-01226-00286592-00286830 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01227-00286831-00287079 padded board with Nae5rhBT8DM-01228-00287080-00287454 caster wheels or casters um Nae5rhBT8DM-01229-00287455-00287703 consistent with the weight load on each Nae5rhBT8DM-01230-00287704-00287887 corner Nae5rhBT8DM-01231-00287888-00288063 uh and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01232-00288064-00288247 so that's for the runners and then for Nae5rhBT8DM-01233-00288248-00288375 the um Nae5rhBT8DM-01234-00288376-00288543 treads Nae5rhBT8DM-01235-00288544-00288775 solid um Nae5rhBT8DM-01236-00288776-00289110 supports and this shows where the Nae5rhBT8DM-01237-00289111-00289279 the wheels Nae5rhBT8DM-01238-00289280-00289454 under the tread so this would completely Nae5rhBT8DM-01239-00289455-00289782 support the transit and at the wheels Nae5rhBT8DM-01240-00289783-00290199 the load areas Nae5rhBT8DM-01241-00290200-00290471 you have these cross pieces Nae5rhBT8DM-01242-00290472-00290558 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01243-00290559-00290687 to support Nae5rhBT8DM-01244-00290688-00290919 support the weight at those points with Nae5rhBT8DM-01245-00290920-00291303 the um wheels or casters Nae5rhBT8DM-01246-00291304-00291591 so that's that's just an example of a Nae5rhBT8DM-01247-00291592-00291895 very schematic design uh how to approach Nae5rhBT8DM-01248-00291896-00292167 each unique vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-01249-00292168-00292519 uh this is a extremely large uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01250-00292520-00292823 functional object um Nae5rhBT8DM-01251-00292824-00293143 the southern uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01252-00293144-00293239 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01253-00293240-00293543 railways uh postal Nae5rhBT8DM-01254-00293544-00293910 car that that has gone on loan uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01255-00293911-00294230 transported by rail Nae5rhBT8DM-01256-00294231-00294399 so it still Nae5rhBT8DM-01257-00294400-00294751 would be technically in in working order Nae5rhBT8DM-01258-00294752-00295239 uh you could see how heavy it is here Nae5rhBT8DM-01259-00295240-00295319 with Nae5rhBT8DM-01260-00295320-00295567 mainly metal or wood but also different Nae5rhBT8DM-01261-00295568-00296079 kinds of components on the interior Nae5rhBT8DM-01262-00296080-00296239 obviously Nae5rhBT8DM-01263-00296240-00296479 it has to stay you know stay on rails Nae5rhBT8DM-01264-00296480-00296551 but Nae5rhBT8DM-01265-00296552-00296647 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01266-00296648-00297151 with this for long term lubrication Nae5rhBT8DM-01267-00297152-00297382 would be important and Nae5rhBT8DM-01268-00297383-00297543 inspection for Nae5rhBT8DM-01269-00297544-00297895 for rust and and using Nae5rhBT8DM-01270-00297896-00298367 moisture excluding lubricants Nae5rhBT8DM-01271-00298368-00298454 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01272-00298455-00298703 look in the resources for Nae5rhBT8DM-01273-00298704-00298823 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01274-00298824-00299047 different uh types of products and how Nae5rhBT8DM-01275-00299048-00299334 to use those but um Nae5rhBT8DM-01276-00299335-00299527 just a regular Nae5rhBT8DM-01277-00299528-00299903 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01278-00299904-00300127 spot maintenance and you know obviously Nae5rhBT8DM-01279-00300128-00300310 cleaning so that the paint doesn't Nae5rhBT8DM-01280-00300311-00300639 become deteriorated and Nae5rhBT8DM-01281-00300640-00301087 also light exclusion and if there are um Nae5rhBT8DM-01282-00301088-00301479 curtains or blinds and Nae5rhBT8DM-01283-00301480-00301775 the light levels are Nae5rhBT8DM-01284-00301776-00302167 fairly high then what you can do is put Nae5rhBT8DM-01285-00302168-00302439 sort of a sacrificial liner on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01286-00302440-00302654 exterior side of those to preserve the Nae5rhBT8DM-01287-00302655-00302782 original Nae5rhBT8DM-01288-00302783-00303182 uh window coverings or window treatments Nae5rhBT8DM-01289-00303183-00303623 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01290-00303624-00303882 moving on Nae5rhBT8DM-01291-00303883-00304343 these objects are um Nae5rhBT8DM-01292-00304344-00304654 very historically important uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01293-00304655-00304847 however it's a little bit out of the Nae5rhBT8DM-01294-00304848-00304999 scope here because most of what we've Nae5rhBT8DM-01295-00305000-00305071 been Nae5rhBT8DM-01296-00305072-00305382 talking for long-term uh storage is an Nae5rhBT8DM-01297-00305383-00305582 interior you know in some sort of Nae5rhBT8DM-01298-00305583-00305743 building envelope Nae5rhBT8DM-01299-00305744-00305847 with Nae5rhBT8DM-01300-00305848-00306030 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01301-00306031-00306279 at least minimal uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01302-00306280-00306543 environmental controls but due to the Nae5rhBT8DM-01303-00306544-00306863 the size of these objects they have Nae5rhBT8DM-01304-00306864-00307127 they will be displayed outside Nae5rhBT8DM-01305-00307128-00307463 uh permanently so that's a bit of a Nae5rhBT8DM-01306-00307464-00307679 challenge um Nae5rhBT8DM-01307-00307680-00308063 i want to go too deep into that but um Nae5rhBT8DM-01308-00308064-00308479 since they're they are interesting um Nae5rhBT8DM-01309-00308480-00308647 interesting challenges i thought i'd Nae5rhBT8DM-01310-00308648-00308903 touch on it a little bit um Nae5rhBT8DM-01311-00308904-00309087 so this gives you some information on Nae5rhBT8DM-01312-00309088-00309471 what they are uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01313-00309472-00309823 the uh one of them have is fiberglass Nae5rhBT8DM-01314-00309824-00310030 and the others uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01315-00310031-00310143 metal Nae5rhBT8DM-01316-00310144-00310343 the the mystic was Nae5rhBT8DM-01317-00310344-00310534 stabilized last year Nae5rhBT8DM-01318-00310535-00310671 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01319-00310672-00310919 and that was painted which which is an Nae5rhBT8DM-01320-00310920-00311175 interesting Nae5rhBT8DM-01321-00311176-00311430 approach Nae5rhBT8DM-01322-00311431-00311606 and i think one that's appropriate Nae5rhBT8DM-01323-00311607-00311734 particularly Nae5rhBT8DM-01324-00311735-00312023 since it's outdoors where the the paint Nae5rhBT8DM-01325-00312024-00312175 is Nae5rhBT8DM-01326-00312176-00312551 it's a more robust coating than say just Nae5rhBT8DM-01327-00312552-00312727 annual waxing Nae5rhBT8DM-01328-00312728-00312815 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01329-00312816-00313006 and it serves as a Nae5rhBT8DM-01330-00313007-00313127 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01331-00313128-00313382 the sacrificial layer so Nae5rhBT8DM-01332-00313383-00313479 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01333-00313480-00313830 since the the original fiberglass Nae5rhBT8DM-01334-00313831-00314182 is is really important to protect and Nae5rhBT8DM-01335-00314183-00314375 fairly sensitive to Nae5rhBT8DM-01336-00314376-00314463 light Nae5rhBT8DM-01337-00314464-00314703 exposure so the paint is something Nae5rhBT8DM-01338-00314704-00315063 that's relatively easy to maintain Nae5rhBT8DM-01339-00315064-00315261 in the long term um Nae5rhBT8DM-01340-00315262-00315447 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-01341-00315448-00315727 any you know easy an indicator it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01342-00315728-00315967 failing you can touch up right away Nae5rhBT8DM-01343-00315968-00316279 uh there are concerns about the internal Nae5rhBT8DM-01344-00316280-00316471 uh components Nae5rhBT8DM-01345-00316472-00316719 and maintaining safe access or Nae5rhBT8DM-01346-00316720-00317671 assessments Nae5rhBT8DM-01347-00317672-00317767 again Nae5rhBT8DM-01348-00317768-00317882 in terms Nae5rhBT8DM-01349-00317883-00318167 of the animal intrusion it would just Nae5rhBT8DM-01350-00318168-00318375 have to Nae5rhBT8DM-01351-00318376-00318615 seal any spots Nae5rhBT8DM-01352-00318616-00318839 you know particularly from mice can get Nae5rhBT8DM-01353-00318840-00319047 in and quarter inch Nae5rhBT8DM-01354-00319048-00319254 so we're using Nae5rhBT8DM-01355-00319255-00319479 appropriate materials to do that and Nae5rhBT8DM-01356-00319480-00319751 then possibly putting again monitoring Nae5rhBT8DM-01357-00319752-00320054 and trapping on the inside if that Nae5rhBT8DM-01358-00320055-00320223 becomes an issue Nae5rhBT8DM-01359-00320224-00320534 uh as far as recommendations continue to Nae5rhBT8DM-01360-00320535-00320743 work with um Nae5rhBT8DM-01361-00320744-00320999 the shipyard specialist that they Nae5rhBT8DM-01362-00321000-00321239 they've established a Nae5rhBT8DM-01363-00321240-00321495 relationship with doing on Nae5rhBT8DM-01364-00321496-00321815 going inspections and then um Nae5rhBT8DM-01365-00321816-00322047 in operations and maintenance manual Nae5rhBT8DM-01366-00322048-00322351 have that in writing Nae5rhBT8DM-01367-00322352-00322719 so that's an ongoing Nae5rhBT8DM-01368-00322720-00322982 thing or resources are appropriated for Nae5rhBT8DM-01369-00322983-00323215 it Nae5rhBT8DM-01370-00323216-00323415 can consult the references for outdoor Nae5rhBT8DM-01371-00323416-00323606 display Nae5rhBT8DM-01372-00323607-00323919 and if all possible Nae5rhBT8DM-01373-00323920-00324110 i would suggest a simple Nae5rhBT8DM-01374-00324111-00324519 shelter and here's an example of um Nae5rhBT8DM-01375-00324520-00325063 this is a steam locomotive that is in a Nae5rhBT8DM-01376-00325064-00325327 county museum in central minnesota and Nae5rhBT8DM-01377-00325328-00325606 about five years ago i Nae5rhBT8DM-01378-00325607-00325871 did the assessment uh conservation Nae5rhBT8DM-01379-00325872-00326047 assessment for this Nae5rhBT8DM-01380-00326048-00326127 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01381-00326128-00326319 it had been restored so what the Nae5rhBT8DM-01382-00326320-00326606 surfaces you're seeing were 1970s Nae5rhBT8DM-01383-00326607-00326806 and a little bit later Nae5rhBT8DM-01384-00326807-00327310 paint scheme and restoration Nae5rhBT8DM-01385-00327311-00327487 and then in Nae5rhBT8DM-01386-00327488-00327775 believe the 80s Nae5rhBT8DM-01387-00327776-00327871 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01388-00327872-00328063 it had been displayed outdoors without Nae5rhBT8DM-01389-00328064-00328230 any shelter and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01390-00328231-00328510 shelter was built which really improved Nae5rhBT8DM-01391-00328511-00328654 it Nae5rhBT8DM-01392-00328655-00329151 the big drawback uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01393-00329152-00329230 told Nae5rhBT8DM-01394-00329231-00329575 fairly recently was that there was no Nae5rhBT8DM-01395-00329576-00329767 uh bird exclusion Nae5rhBT8DM-01396-00329768-00329903 means taken Nae5rhBT8DM-01397-00329904-00330158 so at each particularly in the corners Nae5rhBT8DM-01398-00330159-00330254 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01399-00330255-00330519 there are extensive bird nests and bird Nae5rhBT8DM-01400-00330520-00330647 activity and Nae5rhBT8DM-01401-00330648-00330967 you really can't see it um Nae5rhBT8DM-01402-00330968-00331247 from this view but the top Nae5rhBT8DM-01403-00331248-00331423 of the engine Nae5rhBT8DM-01404-00331424-00331751 and the coal tender which is covered Nae5rhBT8DM-01405-00331752-00331982 with dropping so that Nae5rhBT8DM-01406-00331983-00332175 those are acidic and Nae5rhBT8DM-01407-00332176-00332439 leads to corrosion Nae5rhBT8DM-01408-00332440-00332927 and then uh from when it hadn't been um Nae5rhBT8DM-01409-00332928-00333103 sheltered the Nae5rhBT8DM-01410-00333104-00333334 top of the cab it deteriorated it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01411-00333335-00333582 that's wood Nae5rhBT8DM-01412-00333583-00333799 cladding in the windows here Nae5rhBT8DM-01413-00333800-00333943 so uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01414-00333944-00334182 just recently the Nae5rhBT8DM-01415-00334183-00334503 recommendations i wrote are now out for Nae5rhBT8DM-01416-00334504-00334671 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01417-00334672-00334951 for a bid for various vendors to Nae5rhBT8DM-01418-00334952-00335119 actually do the uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01419-00335120-00335295 the further stabilization and some Nae5rhBT8DM-01420-00335296-00335591 reconstruction on it but the the Nae5rhBT8DM-01421-00335592-00335887 shelter here has got gone a long way and Nae5rhBT8DM-01422-00335888-00336015 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01423-00336016-00336278 the scale is pretty similar to that of Nae5rhBT8DM-01424-00336279-00336382 the uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01425-00336383-00336630 for the submersibles Nae5rhBT8DM-01426-00336631-00336967 uh so that's that's one way to do uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01427-00336968-00337215 help with long-term preservation if it Nae5rhBT8DM-01428-00337216-00337430 has to be outside Nae5rhBT8DM-01429-00337431-00337654 uh and then um Nae5rhBT8DM-01430-00337655-00337958 this is a um Nae5rhBT8DM-01431-00337959-00338247 late 19th century uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01432-00338248-00338654 far open farm wagon wood wood and metal Nae5rhBT8DM-01433-00338655-00338927 uh in uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01434-00338928-00339039 israel Nae5rhBT8DM-01435-00339040-00339278 uh which is Nae5rhBT8DM-01436-00339279-00339503 in a Nae5rhBT8DM-01437-00339504-00340039 in an enclosure but it looks Nae5rhBT8DM-01438-00340040-00340375 not very tight so and there's a fair Nae5rhBT8DM-01439-00340376-00340591 amount of light well it looks like it Nae5rhBT8DM-01440-00340592-00340830 could be exposed to light here Nae5rhBT8DM-01441-00340831-00341063 and the front end it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01442-00341064-00341319 cut out in the screen grab but uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01443-00341320-00341439 there's Nae5rhBT8DM-01444-00341440-00341839 the uh pull bars are supported by Nae5rhBT8DM-01445-00341840-00342134 looks like saw horses Nae5rhBT8DM-01446-00342135-00342334 but Nae5rhBT8DM-01447-00342335-00342671 the back wheels seem to be on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01448-00342672-00343063 these stones or bricks here Nae5rhBT8DM-01449-00343064-00343143 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01450-00343144-00343391 if you could see it here Nae5rhBT8DM-01451-00343392-00343591 it's possible Nae5rhBT8DM-01452-00343592-00343863 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01453-00343864-00344119 with heavy heavy rains that you could Nae5rhBT8DM-01454-00344120-00344295 get some water in Nae5rhBT8DM-01455-00344296-00344591 uh so the recommendations would with Nae5rhBT8DM-01456-00344592-00344758 this would be to tighten up the Nae5rhBT8DM-01457-00344759-00344919 enclosure Nae5rhBT8DM-01458-00344920-00345015 you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01459-00345016-00345215 exclude pests Nae5rhBT8DM-01460-00345216-00345687 uh it's at all feasible and uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01461-00345688-00345919 put in some Nae5rhBT8DM-01462-00345920-00346151 light control measures at least when uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01463-00346152-00346367 there aren't any visitors so some sort Nae5rhBT8DM-01464-00346368-00346534 of curtains or Nae5rhBT8DM-01465-00346535-00346719 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01466-00346720-00347143 boards that could be put up to to uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01467-00347144-00347558 eliminate light and and also heating uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01468-00347559-00347647 the Nae5rhBT8DM-01469-00347648-00347815 the roof looked like a Nae5rhBT8DM-01470-00347816-00348127 translucent fiberglass material Nae5rhBT8DM-01471-00348128-00348382 uh that may allow some infrared in there Nae5rhBT8DM-01472-00348383-00348703 so ventilation Nae5rhBT8DM-01473-00348704-00348958 might need some ventilation or you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01474-00348959-00349151 monitor the environment Nae5rhBT8DM-01475-00349152-00349375 with loggers and see what that what that Nae5rhBT8DM-01476-00349376-00349463 is Nae5rhBT8DM-01477-00349464-00349775 uh and then improve the supports uh lift Nae5rhBT8DM-01478-00349776-00350039 the wheels off the floor Nae5rhBT8DM-01479-00350040-00350230 if there's any kind of water risk and Nae5rhBT8DM-01480-00350231-00350430 and then again regular Nae5rhBT8DM-01481-00350431-00350887 cleaning and inspections Nae5rhBT8DM-01482-00350888-00350982 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01483-00350983-00351239 here we have a Nae5rhBT8DM-01484-00351240-00351510 traction steam engine that uh looks Nae5rhBT8DM-01485-00351511-00351823 similar to the mill city or Nae5rhBT8DM-01486-00351824-00352023 a larger Nae5rhBT8DM-01487-00352024-00352247 larger version and this one Nae5rhBT8DM-01488-00352248-00352351 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01489-00352352-00352654 has been been restored and Nae5rhBT8DM-01490-00352655-00353015 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01491-00353016-00353327 there isn't too much uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01492-00353328-00353543 in the way of recommendations for this Nae5rhBT8DM-01493-00353544-00353687 one um Nae5rhBT8DM-01494-00353688-00353815 other than Nae5rhBT8DM-01495-00353816-00354191 inspect and address the what looks like Nae5rhBT8DM-01496-00354192-00354399 active corrosion and some dirt on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01497-00354400-00354639 real rear wheels Nae5rhBT8DM-01498-00354640-00354919 and then check the check the interior Nae5rhBT8DM-01499-00354920-00355119 regularly for any kind of Nae5rhBT8DM-01500-00355120-00355463 corrosion or possible uh pest incursion Nae5rhBT8DM-01501-00355464-00355599 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01502-00355600-00355839 regular cleaning and Nae5rhBT8DM-01503-00355840-00356039 maybe just change out the blocks so Nae5rhBT8DM-01504-00356040-00356134 they're Nae5rhBT8DM-01505-00356135-00356382 a little less intrusive for the chocks i Nae5rhBT8DM-01506-00356383-00356551 mean for the wheels a little less Nae5rhBT8DM-01507-00356552-00356695 intrusive but Nae5rhBT8DM-01508-00356696-00356854 for display Nae5rhBT8DM-01509-00356855-00357071 but other than that it seems to be in Nae5rhBT8DM-01510-00357072-00357351 pretty good condition Nae5rhBT8DM-01511-00357352-00357430 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01512-00357431-00357695 and this was one uh case study that was Nae5rhBT8DM-01513-00357696-00357991 submitted that's um Nae5rhBT8DM-01514-00357992-00358334 really out of the scope um Nae5rhBT8DM-01515-00358335-00358639 and into the the realm of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01516-00358640-00358839 conservation but i just wanted to Nae5rhBT8DM-01517-00358840-00358975 acknowledge that Nae5rhBT8DM-01518-00358976-00359367 it was sent in it's a unique uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01519-00359368-00359543 1928 Nae5rhBT8DM-01520-00359544-00359758 auto Nae5rhBT8DM-01521-00359759-00359847 it Nae5rhBT8DM-01522-00359848-00360078 does get loaned out and Nae5rhBT8DM-01523-00360079-00360351 what what you can see are water spotting Nae5rhBT8DM-01524-00360352-00360527 and the the Nae5rhBT8DM-01525-00360528-00360791 question and concern was how to Nae5rhBT8DM-01526-00360792-00361039 how to deal with that some mitigation Nae5rhBT8DM-01527-00361040-00361343 base level mitigation was tried um Nae5rhBT8DM-01528-00361344-00361623 but at this point this is really uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01529-00361624-00361887 needs to be looked at by a Nae5rhBT8DM-01530-00361888-00362215 been objects conservator and um Nae5rhBT8DM-01531-00362216-00362391 if Nae5rhBT8DM-01532-00362392-00362647 the museum contacts me uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01533-00362648-00363110 after the webinar uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01534-00363111-00363287 i'll be happy to put you in touch with Nae5rhBT8DM-01535-00363288-00363463 somebody in your Nae5rhBT8DM-01536-00363464-00363654 in your area Nae5rhBT8DM-01537-00363655-00363895 that i that i've worked with that Nae5rhBT8DM-01538-00363896-00364119 uh would be able to help you or at least Nae5rhBT8DM-01539-00364120-00364327 give you if Nae5rhBT8DM-01540-00364328-00364575 they can't do it um Nae5rhBT8DM-01541-00364576-00364799 to give you some references and Nae5rhBT8DM-01542-00364800-00365191 guide you to somebody who can but Nae5rhBT8DM-01543-00365192-00365406 what i would suggest is Nae5rhBT8DM-01544-00365407-00365495 first Nae5rhBT8DM-01545-00365496-00365782 approach would be to do testing Nae5rhBT8DM-01546-00365783-00365967 and research to find out what the Nae5rhBT8DM-01547-00365968-00366182 coating is Nae5rhBT8DM-01548-00366183-00366423 and then figure out it looks very Nae5rhBT8DM-01549-00366424-00366782 similar to bloom on shellac wood shellac Nae5rhBT8DM-01550-00366783-00367078 surface but most likely the Nae5rhBT8DM-01551-00367079-00367254 the coating would have been a cellulose Nae5rhBT8DM-01552-00367255-00367430 nitrate so Nae5rhBT8DM-01553-00367431-00367606 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01554-00367607-00367687 but Nae5rhBT8DM-01555-00367688-00367934 the first level would be uh analysis and Nae5rhBT8DM-01556-00367935-00368127 then some testing to Nae5rhBT8DM-01557-00368128-00368367 figure out how to Nae5rhBT8DM-01558-00368368-00369095 how to fix that Nae5rhBT8DM-01559-00369096-00369287 and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01560-00369288-00369415 this Nae5rhBT8DM-01561-00369416-00369663 particular piece although Nae5rhBT8DM-01562-00369664-00369863 helpfully functioning Nae5rhBT8DM-01563-00369864-00370078 go-kart is Nae5rhBT8DM-01564-00370079-00370382 actually an art object so Nae5rhBT8DM-01565-00370383-00370647 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01566-00370648-00370910 the key thing here you know protecting Nae5rhBT8DM-01567-00370911-00371119 all the the components and the Nae5rhBT8DM-01568-00371120-00371375 aesthetics of the piece Nae5rhBT8DM-01569-00371376-00371471 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01570-00371472-00371734 as minimal in intervention as possible Nae5rhBT8DM-01571-00371735-00371847 and it is Nae5rhBT8DM-01572-00371848-00372102 as you can tell in excellent condition Nae5rhBT8DM-01573-00372103-00372406 uh so the fluids have been drained upon Nae5rhBT8DM-01574-00372407-00372663 accession to the museum Nae5rhBT8DM-01575-00372664-00372919 it's regularly inspected a lot of Nae5rhBT8DM-01576-00372920-00373054 organic Nae5rhBT8DM-01577-00373055-00373319 polymer components as you can see Nae5rhBT8DM-01578-00373320-00373591 uh the tires do appear to be blocked off Nae5rhBT8DM-01579-00373592-00373919 off the surface so that's good Nae5rhBT8DM-01580-00373920-00374175 and then in the long term Nae5rhBT8DM-01581-00374176-00374454 have a mechanic take a look at it and Nae5rhBT8DM-01582-00374455-00374639 determine uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01583-00374640-00374871 if it needs to go the full Nae5rhBT8DM-01584-00374872-00375078 the full route that probably be the best Nae5rhBT8DM-01585-00375079-00375302 way to go uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01586-00375303-00375575 but if it's going to be on display Nae5rhBT8DM-01587-00375576-00375839 uh something that's important is to Nae5rhBT8DM-01588-00375840-00376078 secure Nae5rhBT8DM-01589-00376079-00376454 the uh smaller pieces it's very tempting Nae5rhBT8DM-01590-00376455-00376575 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01591-00376576-00376878 something like that for visitors to Nae5rhBT8DM-01592-00376879-00377254 get a souvenir and with Nae5rhBT8DM-01593-00377255-00377606 the principle of Nae5rhBT8DM-01594-00377607-00377919 full access by visitors to objects you Nae5rhBT8DM-01595-00377920-00378215 know and not put them behind barriers Nae5rhBT8DM-01596-00378216-00378406 if at all possible Nae5rhBT8DM-01597-00378407-00378678 uh then it's important um Nae5rhBT8DM-01598-00378679-00378951 to probably use something like loctite Nae5rhBT8DM-01599-00378952-00379310 um on the fasteners to just Nae5rhBT8DM-01600-00379311-00379623 so a casual you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01601-00379624-00379847 opportunistic person you know i'm going Nae5rhBT8DM-01602-00379848-00379958 to take that Nae5rhBT8DM-01603-00379959-00380143 chrome nut off Nae5rhBT8DM-01604-00380144-00380375 they'll try it maybe get fingerprints on Nae5rhBT8DM-01605-00380376-00380654 there but they can't take it so Nae5rhBT8DM-01606-00380655-00380806 that's one way to do it that is Nae5rhBT8DM-01607-00380807-00381087 reversible Nae5rhBT8DM-01608-00381088-00381367 but that's something to to consider Nae5rhBT8DM-01609-00381368-00381678 my suggestion for Nae5rhBT8DM-01610-00381679-00381910 for long-term display Nae5rhBT8DM-01611-00381911-00382158 or even temporary display would be again Nae5rhBT8DM-01612-00382159-00382423 blocking up the surface Nae5rhBT8DM-01613-00382424-00382758 secure all the components um and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01614-00382759-00382982 use some Nae5rhBT8DM-01615-00382983-00383302 at least a half height Nae5rhBT8DM-01616-00383303-00383543 plexi barrier just just to discourage Nae5rhBT8DM-01617-00383544-00383671 people Nae5rhBT8DM-01618-00383672-00383910 rather than just um Nae5rhBT8DM-01619-00383911-00384399 ropes or something minimal or or even no Nae5rhBT8DM-01620-00384400-00384734 certainly i would not i would discourage Nae5rhBT8DM-01621-00384735-00384967 no barrier at all Nae5rhBT8DM-01622-00384968-00385215 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01623-00385216-00385439 so that's really uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01624-00385440-00385687 all the case studies and and Nae5rhBT8DM-01625-00385688-00385887 what i had in terms of the Nae5rhBT8DM-01626-00385888-00386302 presentation Nae5rhBT8DM-01627-00386303-00386482 so turn it back to Nae5rhBT8DM-01628-00386483-00386719 robin hey paul Nae5rhBT8DM-01629-00386720-00386958 my camera decided to not show up so give Nae5rhBT8DM-01630-00386959-00387182 it a second to see if i pop back on here Nae5rhBT8DM-01631-00387183-00387295 in a second Nae5rhBT8DM-01632-00387296-00387519 but um that was great and i'm putting Nae5rhBT8DM-01633-00387520-00387751 the link again for the resources so you Nae5rhBT8DM-01634-00387752-00388143 guys can see that so there i am great Nae5rhBT8DM-01635-00388144-00388278 so if you want to go ahead and stop Nae5rhBT8DM-01636-00388279-00388415 sharing your screen you're more than Nae5rhBT8DM-01637-00388416-00388582 welcome to do that Nae5rhBT8DM-01638-00388583-00388743 okay Nae5rhBT8DM-01639-00388744-00388863 here we go Nae5rhBT8DM-01640-00388864-00388991 great thank you Nae5rhBT8DM-01641-00388992-00389182 um we already have questions coming in Nae5rhBT8DM-01642-00389183-00389319 so i'm going to start looking at them Nae5rhBT8DM-01643-00389320-00389543 right now um i will also add that Nae5rhBT8DM-01644-00389544-00389734 looking at the cars like the vehicles Nae5rhBT8DM-01645-00389735-00389878 you were putting up i was kept thinking Nae5rhBT8DM-01646-00389879-00390047 like that looks so much fun and also Nae5rhBT8DM-01647-00390048-00390415 looks mildly terrifying to ride Nae5rhBT8DM-01648-00390416-00390575 at the same time like i was like that Nae5rhBT8DM-01649-00390576-00390902 looks fun and terrifying just like so Nae5rhBT8DM-01650-00390903-00391023 good Nae5rhBT8DM-01651-00391024-00391239 moving the steam steam engine through Nae5rhBT8DM-01652-00391240-00391430 the streets of saint paul Nae5rhBT8DM-01653-00391431-00391719 uh that was truly terrifying yeah i can Nae5rhBT8DM-01654-00391720-00391823 only Nae5rhBT8DM-01655-00391824-00391951 well and i'll just add real quick that Nae5rhBT8DM-01656-00391952-00392175 my uh my late father used to well Nae5rhBT8DM-01657-00392176-00392367 collected classic cars so i was thrown Nae5rhBT8DM-01658-00392368-00392575 in the back of random cars as a child in Nae5rhBT8DM-01659-00392576-00392775 pennsylvania without seatbelts many a Nae5rhBT8DM-01660-00392776-00393023 time so i know that feeling of Nae5rhBT8DM-01661-00393024-00393263 zooming around in a car that you're like Nae5rhBT8DM-01662-00393264-00393471 i hope stuff will stay on it because we Nae5rhBT8DM-01663-00393472-00393687 take this turn so it's quite fun to see Nae5rhBT8DM-01664-00393688-00393799 the pictures Nae5rhBT8DM-01665-00393800-00393982 um so one of the first questions we got Nae5rhBT8DM-01666-00393983-00394206 is what is the weight limit of the go Nae5rhBT8DM-01667-00394207-00394367 jacks there was actually a pretty big Nae5rhBT8DM-01668-00394368-00394519 conversation about the go jacks Nae5rhBT8DM-01669-00394520-00394702 happening in the chat for a little bit Nae5rhBT8DM-01670-00394703-00394854 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01671-00394855-00395119 i thought we'd start there well Nae5rhBT8DM-01672-00395120-00395319 off hand i don't Nae5rhBT8DM-01673-00395320-00395582 i don't know i i would think it's at Nae5rhBT8DM-01674-00395583-00395982 least 3 000 pounds Nae5rhBT8DM-01675-00395983-00396182 minimum but that's something that's Nae5rhBT8DM-01676-00396183-00396343 fairly easy to check Nae5rhBT8DM-01677-00396344-00396543 yeah it seems like people were saying Nae5rhBT8DM-01678-00396544-00396719 that like those come in handy pretty Nae5rhBT8DM-01679-00396720-00396895 common you know what i mean as as Nae5rhBT8DM-01680-00396896-00397151 something as a tool for people to use so Nae5rhBT8DM-01681-00397152-00397367 yes yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-01682-00397368-00397599 yeah maybe not for long term because Nae5rhBT8DM-01683-00397600-00397863 there's still pressure on the on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01684-00397864-00398006 tire you know if you're talking rubber Nae5rhBT8DM-01685-00398007-00398143 tires Nae5rhBT8DM-01686-00398144-00398367 if it's a solid Nae5rhBT8DM-01687-00398368-00398687 solid wheel or solid tire then maybe but Nae5rhBT8DM-01688-00398688-00398958 yeah it's generally just it's good for Nae5rhBT8DM-01689-00398959-00399102 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01690-00399103-00399287 moving you know temporary Nae5rhBT8DM-01691-00399288-00399543 mm-hmm good to have as a tool yeah and Nae5rhBT8DM-01692-00399544-00399727 people are saying in the chat that they Nae5rhBT8DM-01693-00399728-00399847 can go to the website they have Nae5rhBT8DM-01694-00399848-00399999 different sizes so i would encourage you Nae5rhBT8DM-01695-00400000-00400167 to just go there if you're curious more Nae5rhBT8DM-01696-00400168-00400327 specifically yeah and check on the Nae5rhBT8DM-01697-00400328-00400482 capacity Nae5rhBT8DM-01698-00400483-00400830 exactly um someone says can you tell us Nae5rhBT8DM-01699-00400831-00401039 more about axel jacks and how to choose Nae5rhBT8DM-01700-00401040-00401254 appropriate ones when and where to use Nae5rhBT8DM-01701-00401255-00401391 them so can you go into a little bit Nae5rhBT8DM-01702-00401392-00401551 more detail just on the use of axle Nae5rhBT8DM-01703-00401552-00401815 jacks Nae5rhBT8DM-01704-00401816-00402119 yeah i think for Nae5rhBT8DM-01705-00402120-00402399 in my experience uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01706-00402400-00402639 they work well for Nae5rhBT8DM-01707-00402640-00402887 you know in terms of the older vehicles Nae5rhBT8DM-01708-00402888-00403047 like um Nae5rhBT8DM-01709-00403048-00403575 ford model t's and model a's and then um Nae5rhBT8DM-01710-00403576-00403687 lindbergh Nae5rhBT8DM-01711-00403688-00404095 site also has what's called a saxon Nae5rhBT8DM-01712-00404096-00404215 19 Nae5rhBT8DM-01713-00404216-00404599 was that 1916. so it's similar to afford Nae5rhBT8DM-01714-00404600-00404895 and they work well for that and the yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-01715-00404896-00405134 the placement is right under you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01716-00405135-00405295 near each Nae5rhBT8DM-01717-00405296-00405567 we in the corner near each wheel Nae5rhBT8DM-01718-00405568-00405702 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01719-00405703-00405927 to play to place it Nae5rhBT8DM-01720-00405928-00406158 and then they crank you know crank up Nae5rhBT8DM-01721-00406159-00406271 and down Nae5rhBT8DM-01722-00406272-00406543 uh you can get those Nae5rhBT8DM-01723-00406544-00406958 well automotive suppliers but um Nae5rhBT8DM-01724-00406959-00407158 really good source for Nae5rhBT8DM-01725-00407159-00407406 materials and and equipment for the this Nae5rhBT8DM-01726-00407407-00407663 kind of work is um you know without Nae5rhBT8DM-01727-00407664-00407839 being commercial would be grant the Nae5rhBT8DM-01728-00407840-00408151 granger supply and mcmaster car Nae5rhBT8DM-01729-00408152-00408367 and you they have uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01730-00408368-00408543 everything online Nae5rhBT8DM-01731-00408544-00408895 uh by category so you can look there Nae5rhBT8DM-01732-00408896-00409063 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01733-00409064-00409206 and then if Nae5rhBT8DM-01734-00409207-00409502 needed you could always add Nae5rhBT8DM-01735-00409503-00409607 like Nae5rhBT8DM-01736-00409608-00409687 a Nae5rhBT8DM-01737-00409688-00409943 sheet at the foam to pad so you don't Nae5rhBT8DM-01738-00409943-00410326 get any kind of scratching or Nae5rhBT8DM-01739-00410327-00410599 uh it's that uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01740-00410600-00410887 it's a cross-linked um Nae5rhBT8DM-01741-00410888-00411182 polyethylene padding that you use Nae5rhBT8DM-01742-00411183-00411382 actually with car dashboards it was Nae5rhBT8DM-01743-00411383-00411591 developed i'm not Nae5rhBT8DM-01744-00411592-00411951 not choroplast it's a different Nae5rhBT8DM-01745-00411952-00412214 blanking on the exact brand name but Nae5rhBT8DM-01746-00412215-00412414 it's used a lot in museums for padding Nae5rhBT8DM-01747-00412415-00412703 carts and and mounts Nae5rhBT8DM-01748-00412704-00412830 it's it's a Nae5rhBT8DM-01749-00412831-00413082 fairly thin material but it has good Nae5rhBT8DM-01750-00413083-00413270 padding okay Nae5rhBT8DM-01751-00413271-00413463 yeah if anyone can think of what we're Nae5rhBT8DM-01752-00413464-00413614 talking about in the chat feel free to Nae5rhBT8DM-01753-00413615-00413782 put it there because i'm happy to see it Nae5rhBT8DM-01754-00413783-00413951 oh someone says valara Nae5rhBT8DM-01755-00413952-00414134 yes thank you got it there we go thank Nae5rhBT8DM-01756-00414135-00414255 you Nae5rhBT8DM-01757-00414256-00414470 yes it was right there and couldn't come Nae5rhBT8DM-01758-00414471-00414639 out yeah there's a lot of terms out Nae5rhBT8DM-01759-00414639-00414814 there so don't go about it Nae5rhBT8DM-01760-00414815-00414934 by any mean Nae5rhBT8DM-01761-00414935-00415087 um someone asked for a clarification Nae5rhBT8DM-01762-00415088-00415207 question i think this is when we were Nae5rhBT8DM-01763-00415208-00415399 looking at the postal vehicle with the Nae5rhBT8DM-01764-00415400-00415574 sleds on it they said i'm sorry if i Nae5rhBT8DM-01765-00415575-00415743 missed this explanation because it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01766-00415743-00415934 meant by four-wheelers Nae5rhBT8DM-01767-00415935-00416118 so do you have more of an explanation on Nae5rhBT8DM-01768-00416119-00416359 that Nae5rhBT8DM-01769-00416360-00416799 yes Nae5rhBT8DM-01770-00416800-00417126 there was one in one of the photos but Nae5rhBT8DM-01771-00417127-00417287 it would take too much to bring that Nae5rhBT8DM-01772-00417288-00417751 back up so i won't do it but do you um Nae5rhBT8DM-01773-00417752-00417999 i think they're also called movers Nae5rhBT8DM-01774-00418000-00418303 dollies okay that's the term uh so it's Nae5rhBT8DM-01775-00418304-00418614 usually a heart like four Nae5rhBT8DM-01776-00418615-00418687 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01777-00418688-00418934 pieces of hardwood Nae5rhBT8DM-01778-00418935-00419230 so two two in the front and then two on Nae5rhBT8DM-01779-00419231-00419518 the sides and they're kind of raised up Nae5rhBT8DM-01780-00419519-00419727 and then they usually have carpet Nae5rhBT8DM-01781-00419728-00419935 on there yeah dolly's that that would be Nae5rhBT8DM-01782-00419935-00420287 the best explanation but in the mhs we Nae5rhBT8DM-01783-00420288-00420479 always call them four-wheelers and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01784-00420480-00420807 they have casters usually solid hard Nae5rhBT8DM-01785-00420808-00420918 rubber Nae5rhBT8DM-01786-00420919-00421159 casters on the corners you Nae5rhBT8DM-01787-00421160-00421439 again granger mcmaster car Nae5rhBT8DM-01788-00421439-00421687 sell every kind of caster Nae5rhBT8DM-01789-00421688-00421927 at different capacities you can imagine Nae5rhBT8DM-01790-00421928-00422022 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01791-00422023-00422303 those are all as an aside they're also Nae5rhBT8DM-01792-00422304-00422566 helpful suppliers Nae5rhBT8DM-01793-00422567-00422687 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01794-00422688-00422822 for Nae5rhBT8DM-01795-00422823-00423087 object moving carts uh we always took Nae5rhBT8DM-01796-00423088-00423239 the basic Nae5rhBT8DM-01797-00423239-00423495 hard plastic rubbermaid carts and then Nae5rhBT8DM-01798-00423496-00423575 would Nae5rhBT8DM-01799-00423576-00423839 modify them for shock absorbance and Nae5rhBT8DM-01800-00423839-00424063 change the wheels and and get the Nae5rhBT8DM-01801-00424064-00424295 casters from those suppliers so Nae5rhBT8DM-01802-00424296-00424455 you could do that with the dollies as Nae5rhBT8DM-01803-00424456-00424622 well if you need Nae5rhBT8DM-01804-00424623-00424863 a heavier capacity Nae5rhBT8DM-01805-00424864-00425063 wheel you could switch it out from the Nae5rhBT8DM-01806-00425064-00425366 standard but the movers carts Nae5rhBT8DM-01807-00425367-00425566 again you could check with the supplier Nae5rhBT8DM-01808-00425567-00425903 but it's usually Nae5rhBT8DM-01809-00425904-00426175 at least 200 pounds i believe they're Nae5rhBT8DM-01810-00426176-00426383 usually marked on there so again you can Nae5rhBT8DM-01811-00426384-00426527 get them for different Nae5rhBT8DM-01812-00426528-00426743 capacities but those could be Nae5rhBT8DM-01813-00426743-00426991 padded out with carpeting or whatever Nae5rhBT8DM-01814-00426992-00427263 or even uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01815-00427264-00427631 you can put um a solid Nae5rhBT8DM-01816-00427632-00427870 a solid platform attached Nae5rhBT8DM-01817-00427871-00428079 and screw that down to the basic dolly Nae5rhBT8DM-01818-00428080-00428335 to modify it as well so yeah that makes Nae5rhBT8DM-01819-00428335-00428479 sense it's actually been kind of Nae5rhBT8DM-01820-00428480-00428663 fascinating looking at the chat because Nae5rhBT8DM-01821-00428664-00428799 some people like you're getting all Nae5rhBT8DM-01822-00428800-00428935 these regional for what you just Nae5rhBT8DM-01823-00428935-00429055 described like as soon as you start Nae5rhBT8DM-01824-00429056-00429207 describing it i was like oh furniture Nae5rhBT8DM-01825-00429208-00429414 dolly like that's what i know and a lot Nae5rhBT8DM-01826-00429415-00429551 of people say that so i wonder if it's a Nae5rhBT8DM-01827-00429552-00429775 regional thing because people are like Nae5rhBT8DM-01828-00429776-00429895 you see everything someone's calling Nae5rhBT8DM-01829-00429896-00430079 them refrigerator dollies Nae5rhBT8DM-01830-00430080-00430175 yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-01831-00430176-00430287 someone else said they can come in Nae5rhBT8DM-01832-00430288-00430439 different shapes and i know exactly as Nae5rhBT8DM-01833-00430439-00430566 soon as you said it i was picturing it Nae5rhBT8DM-01834-00430567-00430759 in my head so i was like right right we Nae5rhBT8DM-01835-00430760-00430918 use those well Nae5rhBT8DM-01836-00430919-00431199 yeah and and that brings up uh i Nae5rhBT8DM-01837-00431200-00431447 mentioned the grain drink mcmaster car Nae5rhBT8DM-01838-00431447-00431583 but there are Nae5rhBT8DM-01839-00431584-00431807 depending what area you're in you could Nae5rhBT8DM-01840-00431808-00431951 search for Nae5rhBT8DM-01841-00431952-00432279 materials handling suppliers i used to Nae5rhBT8DM-01842-00432280-00432470 get catalogs from them you know they do Nae5rhBT8DM-01843-00432471-00432683 racking and all but Nae5rhBT8DM-01844-00432684-00432847 also uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01845-00432847-00433087 equipment for moving Nae5rhBT8DM-01846-00433088-00433366 storing and moving equipment but uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01847-00433367-00433503 retrieving Nae5rhBT8DM-01848-00433504-00433751 things and so that that's a good could Nae5rhBT8DM-01849-00433752-00433895 be a good source Nae5rhBT8DM-01850-00433896-00433975 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01851-00433976-00434118 see what they have that could be Nae5rhBT8DM-01852-00434119-00434439 modified or used totally Nae5rhBT8DM-01853-00434439-00434710 um question for a collection containing Nae5rhBT8DM-01854-00434712-00434927 multiple carriages and storage what Nae5rhBT8DM-01855-00434928-00435159 would you say is the best material for a Nae5rhBT8DM-01856-00435160-00435383 dust cover to balance weight for fragile Nae5rhBT8DM-01857-00435384-00435679 canopies versus static cling for flaky Nae5rhBT8DM-01858-00435680-00435960 paints Nae5rhBT8DM-01859-00435960-00436463 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-01860-00436464-00436583 well you could Nae5rhBT8DM-01861-00436584-00436910 well polyethylene is the Nae5rhBT8DM-01862-00436912-00437270 easiest you know to obtain and cheap Nae5rhBT8DM-01863-00437271-00437670 relatively cheap um Nae5rhBT8DM-01864-00437671-00437895 you could get the Nae5rhBT8DM-01865-00437896-00437999 you know for Nae5rhBT8DM-01866-00438000-00438247 excuse me fragile surfaces Nae5rhBT8DM-01867-00438247-00438527 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01868-00438528-00438687 the the Nae5rhBT8DM-01869-00438688-00438783 thinner Nae5rhBT8DM-01870-00438784-00438943 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01871-00438943-00439047 gauge Nae5rhBT8DM-01872-00439047-00439318 you know the mills you can go with two Nae5rhBT8DM-01873-00439319-00439575 two or four rather than six the Nae5rhBT8DM-01874-00439576-00439766 the examples i showed i believe were Nae5rhBT8DM-01875-00439767-00439966 sick you know the heavier six mil but Nae5rhBT8DM-01876-00439967-00440070 those were Nae5rhBT8DM-01877-00440071-00440543 stable surfaces so yeah lighter Nae5rhBT8DM-01878-00440543-00440743 i would say Nae5rhBT8DM-01879-00440743-00440966 plastic rather than Nae5rhBT8DM-01880-00440967-00441366 because muslin could be fairly heavy and Nae5rhBT8DM-01881-00441367-00441583 somewhat abrasive Nae5rhBT8DM-01882-00441584-00441918 you know that's why you know smoother Nae5rhBT8DM-01883-00441919-00442199 there's also tie back Nae5rhBT8DM-01884-00442200-00442463 which has a fairly smooth Nae5rhBT8DM-01885-00442464-00442703 surface you know that's Nae5rhBT8DM-01886-00442704-00442951 i would think more costly Nae5rhBT8DM-01887-00442952-00443231 uh but you could look at that Nae5rhBT8DM-01888-00443232-00443551 i think might might be a way to go Nae5rhBT8DM-01889-00443552-00443759 someone in the chat had said earlier Nae5rhBT8DM-01890-00443760-00444039 they use parachute material for creating Nae5rhBT8DM-01891-00444039-00444239 dust covers which i think would be Nae5rhBT8DM-01892-00444239-00444422 interesting i'd be worried about this i Nae5rhBT8DM-01893-00444423-00444583 don't know if they're gonna get static Nae5rhBT8DM-01894-00444584-00444695 though i'm trying to think of the Nae5rhBT8DM-01895-00444696-00444903 material that parachutes are made out of Nae5rhBT8DM-01896-00444904-00445143 but i think that could be definitely an Nae5rhBT8DM-01897-00445143-00445463 idea to experiment with in certain well Nae5rhBT8DM-01898-00445464-00445766 nowadays it would be rip stop rip stop Nae5rhBT8DM-01899-00445767-00446031 nylon which could have some static you Nae5rhBT8DM-01900-00446032-00446318 know originally they were silk so but Nae5rhBT8DM-01901-00446319-00446607 then nylon is kind of a silk substitute Nae5rhBT8DM-01902-00446608-00446751 so Nae5rhBT8DM-01903-00446752-00446910 yeah i think you could maybe get a Nae5rhBT8DM-01904-00446912-00447151 sample and try and try that Nae5rhBT8DM-01905-00447152-00447255 but that Nae5rhBT8DM-01906-00447256-00447535 yeah that would be relatively it would Nae5rhBT8DM-01907-00447535-00447735 certainly be strong but relatively Nae5rhBT8DM-01908-00447735-00447856 lightweight Nae5rhBT8DM-01909-00447857-00447999 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-01910-00448000-00448383 so that's one way to go yeah um Nae5rhBT8DM-01911-00448384-00448510 the other question is that people were Nae5rhBT8DM-01912-00448512-00448727 then asking where you get parachutes Nae5rhBT8DM-01913-00448728-00448943 from and as soon as uh she typed it i Nae5rhBT8DM-01914-00448943-00449047 was thinking in my head i was like Nae5rhBT8DM-01915-00449047-00449183 military supply store and that's what Nae5rhBT8DM-01916-00449184-00449375 she said is bulk from a military supply Nae5rhBT8DM-01917-00449376-00449566 shop so it's kind of interesting but i Nae5rhBT8DM-01918-00449567-00449679 like seeing those people thinking Nae5rhBT8DM-01919-00449680-00449822 outside the box Nae5rhBT8DM-01920-00449823-00450063 for items to kind of help out with doing Nae5rhBT8DM-01921-00450064-00450343 it people also talked about using um pvc Nae5rhBT8DM-01922-00450343-00450631 tubing to kind of help create frames for Nae5rhBT8DM-01923-00450632-00450791 some of these items which i think is a Nae5rhBT8DM-01924-00450792-00450999 good idea as well Nae5rhBT8DM-01925-00451000-00451287 yeah i i've done that and Nae5rhBT8DM-01926-00451288-00451366 you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01927-00451367-00451583 pvc Nae5rhBT8DM-01928-00451584-00451839 of course you know is not Nae5rhBT8DM-01929-00451839-00452022 in direct hot you don't want direct Nae5rhBT8DM-01930-00452023-00452231 contact with objects but Nae5rhBT8DM-01931-00452232-00452463 used in that way Nae5rhBT8DM-01932-00452464-00452639 in fact i i did Nae5rhBT8DM-01933-00452639-00452887 something just like that with to Nae5rhBT8DM-01934-00452888-00453151 create a micro environment for a faux Nae5rhBT8DM-01935-00453152-00453335 leather chair that was Nae5rhBT8DM-01936-00453335-00453439 having Nae5rhBT8DM-01937-00453439-00453535 crystal Nae5rhBT8DM-01938-00453535-00453743 growth issues uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01939-00453743-00453966 from high humidity and all so Nae5rhBT8DM-01940-00453967-00454063 um Nae5rhBT8DM-01941-00454064-00454247 yeah i used Nae5rhBT8DM-01942-00454247-00454455 uh thin diameter Nae5rhBT8DM-01943-00454456-00454687 pvc and just created a Nae5rhBT8DM-01944-00454688-00454887 little canopy for it so yeah that's Nae5rhBT8DM-01945-00454888-00455031 that's a good idea Nae5rhBT8DM-01946-00455032-00455207 yeah for sure and like i'm saying Nae5rhBT8DM-01947-00455208-00455327 everyone's saying like they love these Nae5rhBT8DM-01948-00455328-00455518 ideas in the chat so am i i like seeing Nae5rhBT8DM-01949-00455519-00455710 what people kind of right Nae5rhBT8DM-01950-00455712-00456127 and that there's a schematic uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01951-00456128-00456439 diagram that one of the cci references Nae5rhBT8DM-01952-00456439-00456751 they show they show a picture of that Nae5rhBT8DM-01953-00456752-00456951 um someone asked what can you use on Nae5rhBT8DM-01954-00456952-00457231 tires to prevent cracking Nae5rhBT8DM-01955-00457232-00457399 have you had much experience with that i Nae5rhBT8DM-01956-00457400-00457543 don't really can't think of anything but Nae5rhBT8DM-01957-00457543-00457727 you're the one you really can that's Nae5rhBT8DM-01958-00457728-00458095 once it's gotten to that point um Nae5rhBT8DM-01959-00458096-00458343 really for long long-term storage of Nae5rhBT8DM-01960-00458343-00458599 rubber which of course Nae5rhBT8DM-01961-00458600-00458831 would have to come off Nae5rhBT8DM-01962-00458832-00458935 would be Nae5rhBT8DM-01963-00458935-00459310 uh cold cold storage but yeah there was Nae5rhBT8DM-01964-00459312-00459743 some experiments with uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01965-00459743-00459910 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01966-00459912-00460175 using things like armor all and uh Nae5rhBT8DM-01967-00460176-00460391 various synthetics to Nae5rhBT8DM-01968-00460392-00460703 to at least slow that down but Nae5rhBT8DM-01969-00460704-00460999 once it once it's to that stage you know Nae5rhBT8DM-01970-00461000-00461327 kind of they um Nae5rhBT8DM-01971-00461328-00461503 well without getting too Nae5rhBT8DM-01972-00461504-00461695 too deep but Nae5rhBT8DM-01973-00461696-00461903 with polymers there's a Nae5rhBT8DM-01974-00461904-00462183 sort of an inception stage and then once Nae5rhBT8DM-01975-00462184-00462351 it passes that Nae5rhBT8DM-01976-00462352-00462679 then it's really irreversible Nae5rhBT8DM-01977-00462680-00462983 so it would just be Nae5rhBT8DM-01978-00462984-00463159 keep it from Nae5rhBT8DM-01979-00463160-00463351 from any further light Nae5rhBT8DM-01980-00463352-00463535 you know extremes of Nae5rhBT8DM-01981-00463535-00463839 heat um Nae5rhBT8DM-01982-00463839-00464159 and you humidity Nae5rhBT8DM-01983-00464160-00464375 and uh you know if you can exclude Nae5rhBT8DM-01984-00464376-00464622 oxygen but then you Nae5rhBT8DM-01985-00464623-00464855 you have to come off the vehicle Nae5rhBT8DM-01986-00464856-00464927 and Nae5rhBT8DM-01987-00464928-00465143 even there's Nae5rhBT8DM-01988-00465143-00465287 recommendations in some of the Nae5rhBT8DM-01989-00465288-00465766 literature to Nae5rhBT8DM-01990-00465767-00465991 particularly tires that are Nae5rhBT8DM-01991-00465992-00466191 off a vehicle and collection you know as Nae5rhBT8DM-01992-00466192-00466463 a collection item individual item is not Nae5rhBT8DM-01993-00466464-00466703 even to save it just to sample it a Nae5rhBT8DM-01994-00466704-00466855 section of it so you have the cross Nae5rhBT8DM-01995-00466856-00467103 section on how it was constructed and Nae5rhBT8DM-01996-00467104-00467343 just discard the rest of it so Nae5rhBT8DM-01997-00467343-00467718 and and with rubberized belts Nae5rhBT8DM-01998-00467719-00467951 that were taken off Nae5rhBT8DM-01999-00467952-00468255 machines uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02000-00468256-00468575 particular was a snowmobile i believe uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02001-00468576-00468647 i Nae5rhBT8DM-02002-00468647-00468831 used a Nae5rhBT8DM-02003-00468832-00468966 anoxic Nae5rhBT8DM-02004-00468967-00469327 enclosure for that was the ageless Nae5rhBT8DM-02005-00469328-00469622 and silica gel and all that and Nae5rhBT8DM-02006-00469623-00469814 the marvel seal and Nae5rhBT8DM-02007-00469815-00470063 of course that's not exhibitable Nae5rhBT8DM-02008-00470064-00470310 exhibitable that's long-term Nae5rhBT8DM-02009-00470312-00470535 storage so but cold storage is one way Nae5rhBT8DM-02010-00470535-00470695 to go with those yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02011-00470696-00470887 it makes sense yeah it seems like a lot Nae5rhBT8DM-02012-00470888-00471063 of that rubber type stuff there's not Nae5rhBT8DM-02013-00471064-00471231 much you can do Nae5rhBT8DM-02014-00471232-00471414 once it hits a certain point you know Nae5rhBT8DM-02015-00471415-00471527 what i mean like it's kind of like a Nae5rhBT8DM-02016-00471528-00471695 point of no return and you're just kind Nae5rhBT8DM-02017-00471696-00471855 of like i'm just trying to slow down the Nae5rhBT8DM-02018-00471856-00472070 process generally speaking Nae5rhBT8DM-02019-00472071-00472222 um so this is interesting because i Nae5rhBT8DM-02020-00472223-00472359 think a lot of people have this Nae5rhBT8DM-02021-00472360-00472503 experience where it says what do you do Nae5rhBT8DM-02022-00472504-00472663 if you have a vehicle that is considered Nae5rhBT8DM-02023-00472664-00472935 both a piece of art painting on exterior Nae5rhBT8DM-02024-00472935-00473270 and also must run as a vehicle how often Nae5rhBT8DM-02025-00473271-00473470 should you run it do you still use the Nae5rhBT8DM-02026-00473471-00473663 cosmoline or would you make the engine Nae5rhBT8DM-02027-00473664-00474247 not functional Nae5rhBT8DM-02028-00474247-00474591 well if i understand the question that Nae5rhBT8DM-02029-00474592-00474775 would have to be Nae5rhBT8DM-02030-00474776-00475047 a management Nae5rhBT8DM-02031-00475047-00475343 decision Nae5rhBT8DM-02032-00475343-00475503 if it need you know if it's something Nae5rhBT8DM-02033-00475504-00475887 that say a car club wants to borrow Nae5rhBT8DM-02034-00475888-00475920 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02035-00475921-00476031 [Music] Nae5rhBT8DM-02036-00476032-00476351 annually for show or pereira or city for Nae5rhBT8DM-02037-00476352-00476559 the parade Nae5rhBT8DM-02038-00476560-00476743 then it sounds like it would have to be Nae5rhBT8DM-02039-00476743-00477055 in working order so then the fluids get Nae5rhBT8DM-02040-00477056-00477303 maintained it should be it should be Nae5rhBT8DM-02041-00477304-00477543 jacked up when it's not being used Nae5rhBT8DM-02042-00477543-00477822 but in Nae5rhBT8DM-02043-00477823-00478022 if that's the decision Nae5rhBT8DM-02044-00478023-00478214 to working order then Nae5rhBT8DM-02045-00478215-00478535 in between at least Nae5rhBT8DM-02046-00478535-00478775 so it would be total twice a year so Nae5rhBT8DM-02047-00478776-00478975 every six months Nae5rhBT8DM-02048-00478976-00479151 somebody should come in and start it up Nae5rhBT8DM-02049-00479152-00479222 and Nae5rhBT8DM-02050-00479223-00479407 and run it Nae5rhBT8DM-02051-00479408-00479527 for Nae5rhBT8DM-02052-00479528-00479783 you know 10-15 minutes just to get Nae5rhBT8DM-02053-00479784-00479959 everything circulating Nae5rhBT8DM-02054-00479960-00480159 so you don't get rust and moisture Nae5rhBT8DM-02055-00480160-00480270 buildup Nae5rhBT8DM-02056-00480271-00480566 um well that that sounds like the Nae5rhBT8DM-02057-00480567-00480747 situation with that Nae5rhBT8DM-02058-00480747-00481095 aerodynamic car the 1928 where they Nae5rhBT8DM-02059-00481096-00481318 had it was running they took it out and Nae5rhBT8DM-02060-00481319-00481683 it got caught in rain so Nae5rhBT8DM-02061-00481684-00481975 um yeah it's it's Nae5rhBT8DM-02062-00481976-00482270 a tough call with that and and when i Nae5rhBT8DM-02063-00482271-00482695 was at mhs there was that situation with Nae5rhBT8DM-02064-00482696-00482822 the lindbergh Nae5rhBT8DM-02065-00482823-00483087 saxon and we had written up Nae5rhBT8DM-02066-00483088-00483262 there was a relationship with a local Nae5rhBT8DM-02067-00483263-00483414 car club was Nae5rhBT8DM-02068-00483415-00483575 really good and Nae5rhBT8DM-02069-00483576-00483766 we wrote out protocols where they were Nae5rhBT8DM-02070-00483767-00483999 responsible and Nae5rhBT8DM-02071-00484000-00484127 and you also have to think about Nae5rhBT8DM-02072-00484128-00484335 insurance when things like that are Nae5rhBT8DM-02073-00484335-00484495 taken out Nae5rhBT8DM-02074-00484496-00484887 uh and then what needed to be done when Nae5rhBT8DM-02075-00484888-00485159 they were finished with it not just Nae5rhBT8DM-02076-00485160-00485270 park it Nae5rhBT8DM-02077-00485271-00485414 so their Nae5rhBT8DM-02078-00485415-00485551 cleaning and Nae5rhBT8DM-02079-00485552-00485883 inspection and all that kind of stuff so Nae5rhBT8DM-02080-00485884-00486110 uh you know that's that's something to Nae5rhBT8DM-02081-00486112-00486431 think about and Nae5rhBT8DM-02082-00486432-00486527 yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02083-00486528-00486839 so it it might require Nae5rhBT8DM-02084-00486839-00487055 intervention intervention if something Nae5rhBT8DM-02085-00487056-00487255 happens Nae5rhBT8DM-02086-00487256-00487718 so um but if if what you're going for is Nae5rhBT8DM-02087-00487719-00487918 preservation then Nae5rhBT8DM-02088-00487919-00488110 really the Nae5rhBT8DM-02089-00488112-00488383 the best way to ensure that is not to Nae5rhBT8DM-02090-00488384-00488607 not to run it not take it out so there's Nae5rhBT8DM-02091-00488608-00488751 always compromise Nae5rhBT8DM-02092-00488752-00489031 you know it feels like in the best world Nae5rhBT8DM-02093-00489032-00489207 and again this isn't the best world you Nae5rhBT8DM-02094-00489208-00489366 would basically be able to draw that Nae5rhBT8DM-02095-00489367-00489591 hard line right this is either going to Nae5rhBT8DM-02096-00489592-00489831 be a vehicle that gets taken out and is Nae5rhBT8DM-02097-00489832-00490135 kept functioning or this is going to be Nae5rhBT8DM-02098-00490135-00490335 kept inside Nae5rhBT8DM-02099-00490335-00490614 drained sitting there as an art piece Nae5rhBT8DM-02100-00490615-00490870 essentially like hanging out not moved Nae5rhBT8DM-02101-00490871-00491159 but i know that in the real world Nae5rhBT8DM-02102-00491160-00491351 you can't always have that nice black Nae5rhBT8DM-02103-00491352-00491527 line you might have something that goes Nae5rhBT8DM-02104-00491528-00491710 into the gray so i think that kind of Nae5rhBT8DM-02105-00491712-00491799 what you were saying now it's a Nae5rhBT8DM-02106-00491800-00491943 management decision like it's something Nae5rhBT8DM-02107-00491943-00492087 that you have to sit there and be like Nae5rhBT8DM-02108-00492088-00492247 kind of go talk to your governing people Nae5rhBT8DM-02109-00492247-00492399 and be like all right perfect world we'd Nae5rhBT8DM-02110-00492400-00492559 make a decision this is either going to Nae5rhBT8DM-02111-00492560-00492751 sit there or this is going to be run you Nae5rhBT8DM-02112-00492752-00492831 know but Nae5rhBT8DM-02113-00492832-00493159 it's hard to kind of be on both sides of Nae5rhBT8DM-02114-00493160-00493399 that line for the preservation of these Nae5rhBT8DM-02115-00493400-00493622 vehicles in the water is what it feels Nae5rhBT8DM-02116-00493623-00493703 like Nae5rhBT8DM-02117-00493704-00493966 right it's a little easier to make the Nae5rhBT8DM-02118-00493967-00494199 case Nae5rhBT8DM-02119-00494200-00494270 for Nae5rhBT8DM-02120-00494271-00494535 more of an industrial Nae5rhBT8DM-02121-00494535-00494759 or agricultural Nae5rhBT8DM-02122-00494760-00494983 piece Nae5rhBT8DM-02123-00494984-00495175 particularly on display Nae5rhBT8DM-02124-00495176-00495310 car cars Nae5rhBT8DM-02125-00495312-00495655 you're right it's a little Nae5rhBT8DM-02126-00495656-00495895 in some cases it makes sense to run them Nae5rhBT8DM-02127-00495896-00496095 and display them that way Nae5rhBT8DM-02128-00496096-00496270 so the public can see it and appreciate Nae5rhBT8DM-02129-00496271-00496359 it but Nae5rhBT8DM-02130-00496360-00496591 uh like with the steam engine and then Nae5rhBT8DM-02131-00496592-00496783 there was also a Nae5rhBT8DM-02132-00496784-00497062 windmill that i had worked on that's on Nae5rhBT8DM-02133-00497063-00497327 display in the history center Nae5rhBT8DM-02134-00497328-00497551 management had wanted those to turn and Nae5rhBT8DM-02135-00497552-00497662 run Nae5rhBT8DM-02136-00497663-00497895 and Nae5rhBT8DM-02137-00497896-00498110 it was a little easier to win the case Nae5rhBT8DM-02138-00498112-00498310 because all i had to do was bring up Nae5rhBT8DM-02139-00498312-00498447 osha Nae5rhBT8DM-02140-00498447-00498727 uh and that scared them off pretty much Nae5rhBT8DM-02141-00498728-00498855 and and Nae5rhBT8DM-02142-00498856-00499079 show them the you know the requirements Nae5rhBT8DM-02143-00499080-00499270 for belt guards and Nae5rhBT8DM-02144-00499271-00499518 and that type of thing so Nae5rhBT8DM-02145-00499519-00499814 and and also the resources required Nae5rhBT8DM-02146-00499815-00500151 to keep that going so yeah though Nae5rhBT8DM-02147-00500152-00500391 something i didn't mention with the Nae5rhBT8DM-02148-00500392-00500718 that traction engine of mill city is Nae5rhBT8DM-02149-00500719-00500966 the compromise was Nae5rhBT8DM-02150-00500967-00501239 to uh have a video of a very similar Nae5rhBT8DM-02151-00501239-00501543 engine in the field under steam Nae5rhBT8DM-02152-00501543-00501703 uh next to it Nae5rhBT8DM-02153-00501704-00501999 the visitors could activate and then Nae5rhBT8DM-02154-00502000-00502247 compressed air was hooked up to the Nae5rhBT8DM-02155-00502247-00502495 whistle so interpreters could Nae5rhBT8DM-02156-00502496-00502703 could sound the whistle but Nae5rhBT8DM-02157-00502704-00502839 we really Nae5rhBT8DM-02158-00502839-00503079 mixed the whole thing of uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02159-00503080-00503247 having the pulleys turn and the Nae5rhBT8DM-02160-00503247-00503422 flywheels and all that Nae5rhBT8DM-02161-00503423-00503687 yeah i mean i get it i i i think when Nae5rhBT8DM-02162-00503688-00503855 you see these things if you talk about Nae5rhBT8DM-02163-00503856-00503991 windmills and you talk about these Nae5rhBT8DM-02164-00503992-00504118 engines you want to see them running Nae5rhBT8DM-02165-00504119-00504255 like i think that's a natural human Nae5rhBT8DM-02166-00504256-00504399 inclination like you want to see him Nae5rhBT8DM-02167-00504400-00504662 going and doing their thing but i think Nae5rhBT8DM-02168-00504663-00504855 those of us who work in the collection Nae5rhBT8DM-02169-00504856-00505007 side of the house it's like we in our Nae5rhBT8DM-02170-00505008-00505207 head we're thinking oh my god Nae5rhBT8DM-02171-00505208-00505366 stuff is breaking down Nae5rhBT8DM-02172-00505367-00505503 nothing right you know what i mean Nae5rhBT8DM-02173-00505504-00505679 there's more chances of stuff breaking Nae5rhBT8DM-02174-00505680-00506022 so it's just i it's an interesting and Nae5rhBT8DM-02175-00506023-00506159 people are saying in the chat like yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02176-00506160-00506359 we've had these arguments over 35 years Nae5rhBT8DM-02177-00506360-00506510 like that's a fundamental argument of Nae5rhBT8DM-02178-00506512-00506718 the collection so Nae5rhBT8DM-02179-00506719-00507062 yeah i find it interesting for sure well Nae5rhBT8DM-02180-00507063-00507183 there was a Nae5rhBT8DM-02181-00507184-00507431 really good article Nae5rhBT8DM-02182-00507432-00507622 i think it's a couple of years now in Nae5rhBT8DM-02183-00507623-00507855 the journal of the aic Nae5rhBT8DM-02184-00507856-00508062 that people might want to find and look Nae5rhBT8DM-02185-00508063-00508239 look for about Nae5rhBT8DM-02186-00508239-00508503 that makes a good case for running Nae5rhBT8DM-02187-00508504-00508670 functional objects Nae5rhBT8DM-02188-00508671-00508783 just Nae5rhBT8DM-02189-00508784-00509039 from a holistic Nae5rhBT8DM-02190-00509039-00509270 experience approach of getting the sound Nae5rhBT8DM-02191-00509271-00509439 and the Nae5rhBT8DM-02192-00509439-00509639 um Nae5rhBT8DM-02193-00509639-00509943 physical sensations from them running so Nae5rhBT8DM-02194-00509943-00510255 that's kind of the other side Nae5rhBT8DM-02195-00510256-00510455 so it's worth looking at Nae5rhBT8DM-02196-00510456-00510622 yeah totally Nae5rhBT8DM-02197-00510623-00510807 um someone has on here our plan our Nae5rhBT8DM-02198-00510808-00511070 airplanes are outside and uncoverable Nae5rhBT8DM-02199-00511071-00511287 what could we treat the plexi canopies Nae5rhBT8DM-02200-00511288-00511503 and windows with you're having too much Nae5rhBT8DM-02201-00511504-00511670 experience with that Nae5rhBT8DM-02202-00511671-00512366 um Nae5rhBT8DM-02203-00512367-00512483 so Nae5rhBT8DM-02204-00512484-00512799 um somewhat uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02205-00512800-00513103 well would those be plexi or lexan Nae5rhBT8DM-02206-00513104-00513351 because lexan really deteriorates and Nae5rhBT8DM-02207-00513352-00513527 gets Nae5rhBT8DM-02208-00513528-00513879 that's a good question they said plexus Nae5rhBT8DM-02209-00513880-00514095 but like if if you want to correct me in Nae5rhBT8DM-02210-00514096-00514318 the chat feel free whoever posted that Nae5rhBT8DM-02211-00514319-00514783 yeah i'm just curious about that yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02212-00514784-00515295 yeah that's that's a tough one uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02213-00515296-00515599 it if it is the older material and it's Nae5rhBT8DM-02214-00515600-00515791 starting to Nae5rhBT8DM-02215-00515792-00516070 deteriorate Nae5rhBT8DM-02216-00516071-00516199 it just Nae5rhBT8DM-02217-00516200-00516383 it might have to be you know it depends Nae5rhBT8DM-02218-00516384-00516518 on the individual Nae5rhBT8DM-02219-00516519-00516735 situation it might have to be replaced Nae5rhBT8DM-02220-00516735-00516966 because if they become cracked or really Nae5rhBT8DM-02221-00516967-00517199 deteriorated that compromise the inside Nae5rhBT8DM-02222-00517200-00517351 so Nae5rhBT8DM-02223-00517352-00517510 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02224-00517512-00517735 it's Nae5rhBT8DM-02225-00517735-00517918 maybe like a Nae5rhBT8DM-02226-00517919-00518231 one way to do it might be a extra cover Nae5rhBT8DM-02227-00518232-00518431 you know if it's an original and fairly Nae5rhBT8DM-02228-00518432-00518703 good the condition you want to preserve Nae5rhBT8DM-02229-00518704-00519047 put a like a sacrificial Nae5rhBT8DM-02230-00519047-00519303 other cover over that Nae5rhBT8DM-02231-00519304-00519662 like a double windshield so the is Nae5rhBT8DM-02232-00519663-00519839 is preserved Nae5rhBT8DM-02233-00519839-00520127 and there are there are um Nae5rhBT8DM-02234-00520128-00520287 commercial Nae5rhBT8DM-02235-00520288-00520414 like um Nae5rhBT8DM-02236-00520415-00520751 auto headlight compounds you can Nae5rhBT8DM-02237-00520752-00520927 you can use for that well there's the Nae5rhBT8DM-02238-00520928-00521047 novus Nae5rhBT8DM-02239-00521047-00521222 product cleaners Nae5rhBT8DM-02240-00521223-00521455 you know used for um Nae5rhBT8DM-02241-00521456-00521583 vitrines Nae5rhBT8DM-02242-00521584-00521759 in museums that's something you can look Nae5rhBT8DM-02243-00521760-00521991 at they have the three Nae5rhBT8DM-02244-00521992-00522335 the three different uh grades Nae5rhBT8DM-02245-00522335-00522662 for that if it if it actually is plexi Nae5rhBT8DM-02246-00522663-00522814 yeah that's one way to keep it Nae5rhBT8DM-02247-00522815-00522918 maintained Nae5rhBT8DM-02248-00522919-00523039 yeah i think it would be interesting to Nae5rhBT8DM-02249-00523039-00523214 experiment with it a little bit yeah and Nae5rhBT8DM-02250-00523215-00523343 a chunk of it and just put different Nae5rhBT8DM-02251-00523343-00523510 solvents on it and see kind of what Nae5rhBT8DM-02252-00523512-00524183 works best you know you wouldn't Nae5rhBT8DM-02253-00524184-00524447 right um someone says how often do you Nae5rhBT8DM-02254-00524448-00524711 switch the cosmoline packing cosmoline Nae5rhBT8DM-02255-00524712-00524911 tends to harden as it ages it can become Nae5rhBT8DM-02256-00524912-00525462 difficult to break down to clean Nae5rhBT8DM-02257-00525463-00525679 that's Nae5rhBT8DM-02258-00525680-00525966 that's a good question uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02259-00525967-00526103 as far as Nae5rhBT8DM-02260-00526104-00526447 the volkswagen that was done Nae5rhBT8DM-02261-00526448-00526647 well it's about 20 years now Nae5rhBT8DM-02262-00526648-00527039 um and it's been on display Nae5rhBT8DM-02263-00527040-00527270 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02264-00527271-00527422 i don't know i have to Nae5rhBT8DM-02265-00527423-00527647 have to look into that i Nae5rhBT8DM-02266-00527648-00527855 i would think that would vary depending Nae5rhBT8DM-02267-00527856-00528039 on Nae5rhBT8DM-02268-00528040-00528287 conditions so if it's been in fairly Nae5rhBT8DM-02269-00528288-00528462 controlled Nae5rhBT8DM-02270-00528463-00528670 um Nae5rhBT8DM-02271-00528671-00528918 i would think it would Nae5rhBT8DM-02272-00528919-00529062 maintain its Nae5rhBT8DM-02273-00529063-00529295 viscosity Nae5rhBT8DM-02274-00529296-00529527 yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02275-00529528-00529735 um all right that's not a great answer Nae5rhBT8DM-02276-00529736-00529927 but no no that's fine i mean i think Nae5rhBT8DM-02277-00529928-00530062 that that's something maybe to look up Nae5rhBT8DM-02278-00530063-00530222 you know what i mean right trying to Nae5rhBT8DM-02279-00530223-00530447 find the the data sheet and see if it Nae5rhBT8DM-02280-00530448-00530559 you know people have been doing testing Nae5rhBT8DM-02281-00530560-00530879 on it and stuff right for sure um going Nae5rhBT8DM-02282-00530880-00531007 back to Nae5rhBT8DM-02283-00531008-00531214 the fun of the furniture mover dolly Nae5rhBT8DM-02284-00531215-00531407 mover refrigerator mover whatever we Nae5rhBT8DM-02285-00531408-00531607 ended up deciding on calling those if Nae5rhBT8DM-02286-00531608-00531775 you put an object on a dolly Nae5rhBT8DM-02287-00531776-00531966 four-wheeler to take the weight off the Nae5rhBT8DM-02288-00531967-00532183 object's wheels do you then need to Nae5rhBT8DM-02289-00532184-00532359 include a maintenance schedule of moving Nae5rhBT8DM-02290-00532360-00532511 the dolly wheels so you don't have Nae5rhBT8DM-02291-00532512-00532703 issues with them over time or view them Nae5rhBT8DM-02292-00532704-00533159 as replaceable long term Nae5rhBT8DM-02293-00533160-00533414 well that would make sense Nae5rhBT8DM-02294-00533415-00533966 to do that um if you're Nae5rhBT8DM-02295-00533967-00534079 at the Nae5rhBT8DM-02296-00534080-00534351 mnhs warehouse i know Nae5rhBT8DM-02297-00534352-00534470 that Nae5rhBT8DM-02298-00534471-00534799 things were fairly regularly moved for Nae5rhBT8DM-02299-00534800-00535111 um just for access to other things so Nae5rhBT8DM-02300-00535112-00535351 that was never an issue Nae5rhBT8DM-02301-00535352-00535447 um Nae5rhBT8DM-02302-00535448-00535735 so it depends on your situation and and Nae5rhBT8DM-02303-00535736-00536022 there was a definitely a quarterly Nae5rhBT8DM-02304-00536023-00536318 cleaning schedule where the Nae5rhBT8DM-02305-00536319-00536487 plant management people would come in Nae5rhBT8DM-02306-00536488-00536718 and work with the collections manager on Nae5rhBT8DM-02307-00536719-00537062 doing that to do just basic dusting Nae5rhBT8DM-02308-00537063-00537199 uh Nae5rhBT8DM-02309-00537200-00537279 so Nae5rhBT8DM-02310-00537280-00537470 in my experience that was Nae5rhBT8DM-02311-00537471-00537647 that's not something we had to think Nae5rhBT8DM-02312-00537648-00537870 about it was just natural that Nae5rhBT8DM-02313-00537871-00538079 it would get moved regularly so but yeah Nae5rhBT8DM-02314-00538080-00538247 if that's Nae5rhBT8DM-02315-00538248-00538470 if that's not the case then yes i would Nae5rhBT8DM-02316-00538471-00538599 suggest that Nae5rhBT8DM-02317-00538600-00538822 particularly if you're using Nae5rhBT8DM-02318-00538823-00539039 the hard rubber or Nae5rhBT8DM-02319-00539040-00539311 plastic wheels yeah that would be a good Nae5rhBT8DM-02320-00539312-00539487 idea yeah i think it's a good idea to Nae5rhBT8DM-02321-00539488-00539614 move any of that stuff every once in a Nae5rhBT8DM-02322-00539615-00539751 while even just to make sure that the Nae5rhBT8DM-02323-00539752-00539855 wheels aren't going to all of a sudden Nae5rhBT8DM-02324-00539856-00539983 just break because i know sometimes if Nae5rhBT8DM-02325-00539984-00540135 they stay still too much and you Nae5rhBT8DM-02326-00540136-00540327 redistribute the weight they'll Nae5rhBT8DM-02327-00540328-00540599 you know what i mean like yeah so well Nae5rhBT8DM-02328-00540600-00540862 and that's why it pays to get the better Nae5rhBT8DM-02329-00540863-00541255 you know the best quality wheels you can Nae5rhBT8DM-02330-00541256-00541455 you know there's different grades Nae5rhBT8DM-02331-00541456-00541614 it doesn't pay to get to really cheap Nae5rhBT8DM-02332-00541615-00541703 ones Nae5rhBT8DM-02333-00541704-00541935 yeah for sure well there's still some Nae5rhBT8DM-02334-00541936-00542175 questions left but we're almost at time Nae5rhBT8DM-02335-00542176-00542303 um so Nae5rhBT8DM-02336-00542304-00542479 what i would like to do is if you're Nae5rhBT8DM-02337-00542480-00542711 comfortable um if we can share your Nae5rhBT8DM-02338-00542712-00542887 contact information Nae5rhBT8DM-02339-00542888-00543151 um within the chat i can do it or i can Nae5rhBT8DM-02340-00543152-00543375 follow up later to send people which Nae5rhBT8DM-02341-00543376-00543559 email address would you like to share Nae5rhBT8DM-02342-00543560-00543775 with folks um in case they have any Nae5rhBT8DM-02343-00543776-00543975 follow-ups Nae5rhBT8DM-02344-00543976-00544191 i'm sorry the google one would be best Nae5rhBT8DM-02345-00544192-00544270 okay Nae5rhBT8DM-02346-00544271-00544366 so Nae5rhBT8DM-02347-00544367-00544559 yeah i will look that up real quick so Nae5rhBT8DM-02348-00544560-00544791 we can share that in the chat um i want Nae5rhBT8DM-02349-00544792-00545031 to give a huge thank you to everyone who Nae5rhBT8DM-02350-00545032-00545231 submitted um Nae5rhBT8DM-02351-00545232-00545383 case studies because they were like Nae5rhBT8DM-02352-00545384-00545583 super interesting to look at for sure Nae5rhBT8DM-02353-00545584-00545783 and i really enjoyed you know reading Nae5rhBT8DM-02354-00545784-00546014 about them and kind of seeing um what Nae5rhBT8DM-02355-00546015-00546166 people were Nae5rhBT8DM-02356-00546167-00546247 were Nae5rhBT8DM-02357-00546248-00546431 talking about and just the varied things Nae5rhBT8DM-02358-00546432-00546670 that we saw within the collection itself Nae5rhBT8DM-02359-00546671-00546879 um i'm not finding your google email Nae5rhBT8DM-02360-00546880-00547055 address very quickly i see your other Nae5rhBT8DM-02361-00547056-00547247 one so could you say it out to us real Nae5rhBT8DM-02362-00547248-00547399 quick and i'm happy to type it out into Nae5rhBT8DM-02363-00547400-00547495 the chat Nae5rhBT8DM-02364-00547496-00547855 yes p initial p and then Nae5rhBT8DM-02365-00547856-00548327 seth storch so p s e t h Nae5rhBT8DM-02366-00548328-00548583 s t o r c h Nae5rhBT8DM-02367-00548584-00548918 at gmail.com okay Nae5rhBT8DM-02368-00548919-00549207 so i have p s e t h and then your last Nae5rhBT8DM-02369-00549208-00549599 name s-t-o-r-c-h at gmail.com okay there Nae5rhBT8DM-02370-00549600-00549831 it is um so we have that on there i'm Nae5rhBT8DM-02371-00549832-00550007 putting a couple links Nae5rhBT8DM-02372-00550008-00550183 in the chat as well including our Nae5rhBT8DM-02373-00550184-00550470 resource page the survey and then also Nae5rhBT8DM-02374-00550471-00550647 the link to that save america's Nae5rhBT8DM-02375-00550648-00550759 treasures Nae5rhBT8DM-02376-00550760-00550935 grant that i talked about at the Nae5rhBT8DM-02377-00550936-00551103 beginning of the chat in case anyone's Nae5rhBT8DM-02378-00551104-00551262 interested in that Nae5rhBT8DM-02379-00551263-00551462 um i want to say a huge thank you paul Nae5rhBT8DM-02380-00551463-00551575 for all the hard work for this Nae5rhBT8DM-02381-00551576-00551703 presentation this was a lot of Nae5rhBT8DM-02382-00551704-00551855 information that was really interesting Nae5rhBT8DM-02383-00551856-00551983 so thank you very good Nae5rhBT8DM-02384-00551984-00552118 for sure welcome Nae5rhBT8DM-02385-00552119-00552343 um thank you to imls thank you to Nae5rhBT8DM-02386-00552344-00552575 learning times to act as our producer um Nae5rhBT8DM-02387-00552576-00552759 we will get this recording up probably Nae5rhBT8DM-02388-00552760-00552943 within a couple days and i encourage you Nae5rhBT8DM-02389-00552944-00553270 again to go to our website and i would Nae5rhBT8DM-02390-00553271-00553462 say just meet up up for december we have Nae5rhBT8DM-02391-00553463-00553647 a december webinar and a january one so Nae5rhBT8DM-02392-00553648-00553799 if you're interested in registering for Nae5rhBT8DM-02393-00553800-00554079 those go to connectingtocollections.org Nae5rhBT8DM-02394-00554080-00554287 so thanks again paul thank you mike and Nae5rhBT8DM-02395-00554288-00554784 we will see you all next month so thanks Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00000-00000493-00001439 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00001-00001440-00001839 is Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00002-00001839-00002775 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00003-00002776-00003051 foreign Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00004-00003052-00004247 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00005-00004248-00004969 foreign Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00006-00004970-00005318 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00007-00005319-00005567 foreign Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00008-00005568-00007310 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00009-00007311-00007491 is Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00010-00007492-00009329 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00011-00009330-00010447 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00012-00010448-00011442 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00013-00011443-00013213 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00014-00013213-00014103 [Music] Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00015-00014104-00017063 you can't is Nb9Uj1X5Cog-00016-00017064-00017364 good NbkUQvLSEbg-00000-00000000-00000206 hi everyone today i'll be taking you NbkUQvLSEbg-00001-00000208-00000390 through my first impressions of the new NbkUQvLSEbg-00002-00000391-00000663 vertice verve and vertice apogee point NbkUQvLSEbg-00003-00000664-00000871 shoes they were recommended to me by my NbkUQvLSEbg-00004-00000872-00001047 ballet teacher since she saw that they NbkUQvLSEbg-00005-00001048-00001262 were a new brand and at the time i was NbkUQvLSEbg-00006-00001263-00001495 kind of looking for new point shoes and NbkUQvLSEbg-00007-00001496-00001702 in general anyway i really like trying NbkUQvLSEbg-00008-00001703-00001934 on different brands different models of NbkUQvLSEbg-00009-00001935-00002159 different makes of point shoes so i went NbkUQvLSEbg-00010-00002160-00002302 ahead and booked the virtual fitting NbkUQvLSEbg-00011-00002303-00002542 with them on their website and submitted NbkUQvLSEbg-00012-00002543-00002734 some information that they needed like NbkUQvLSEbg-00013-00002735-00002975 sizing info measurements as well as NbkUQvLSEbg-00014-00002976-00003206 other details that they required if you NbkUQvLSEbg-00015-00003207-00003422 head on over to vertice.com click NbkUQvLSEbg-00016-00003423-00003654 fittings for the virtual fittings page NbkUQvLSEbg-00017-00003655-00003854 the first step would be to take tracings NbkUQvLSEbg-00018-00003855-00004054 and diagrams of your left and your right NbkUQvLSEbg-00019-00004055-00004270 foot and there are instructions here on NbkUQvLSEbg-00020-00004271-00004454 how to do that so i just follow along NbkUQvLSEbg-00021-00004455-00004711 with this and when i'm done my tracings NbkUQvLSEbg-00022-00004712-00004927 should look something like this don't NbkUQvLSEbg-00023-00004928-00005127 forget to label it left and right foot NbkUQvLSEbg-00024-00005128-00005375 accordingly and to take scans of these NbkUQvLSEbg-00025-00005376-00005591 diagrams as you will need to upload them NbkUQvLSEbg-00026-00005592-00005735 later NbkUQvLSEbg-00027-00005736-00005886 step two would be to fill out the NbkUQvLSEbg-00028-00005887-00006151 information sheet so your name email NbkUQvLSEbg-00029-00006152-00006311 mobile number as well as your street NbkUQvLSEbg-00030-00006312-00006559 shoe size which i've indicated in u.s NbkUQvLSEbg-00031-00006559-00006687 sizes NbkUQvLSEbg-00032-00006688-00006863 after that they will need to know what NbkUQvLSEbg-00033-00006864-00007070 point shoes you're currently in and at NbkUQvLSEbg-00034-00007072-00007263 the time i was wearing gainer mindan's NbkUQvLSEbg-00035-00007264-00007455 russian points and blocks so i just NbkUQvLSEbg-00036-00007456-00007614 tended to switch between those three NbkUQvLSEbg-00037-00007615-00007710 pairs NbkUQvLSEbg-00038-00007711-00007951 be as specific as you can for the sizes NbkUQvLSEbg-00039-00007952-00008159 of your current point shoes so for the NbkUQvLSEbg-00040-00008159-00008383 gainers i put in the specific size code NbkUQvLSEbg-00041-00008384-00008623 here for the russian points i put in the NbkUQvLSEbg-00042-00008624-00008927 model and their own size code so 37 with NbkUQvLSEbg-00043-00008928-00009191 three vamp 2 flexible medium shank and NbkUQvLSEbg-00044-00009192-00009495 for block i put the model and the size NbkUQvLSEbg-00045-00009496-00009599 as well NbkUQvLSEbg-00046-00009600-00009783 next you will need to select what arch NbkUQvLSEbg-00047-00009784-00010014 type you have in my case i have pretty NbkUQvLSEbg-00048-00010015-00010223 low to medium arches so just select that NbkUQvLSEbg-00049-00010224-00010391 from the drop down NbkUQvLSEbg-00050-00010392-00010542 and then you will need to tell them how NbkUQvLSEbg-00051-00010543-00010774 long you've been dancing on point in my NbkUQvLSEbg-00052-00010775-00010942 case i'd been dancing on point for a NbkUQvLSEbg-00053-00010943-00011110 little over a year NbkUQvLSEbg-00054-00011111-00011303 and after that you'd need to select your NbkUQvLSEbg-00055-00011304-00011519 age as well so just pick from the drop NbkUQvLSEbg-00056-00011520-00011719 down and the age ranges that they have NbkUQvLSEbg-00057-00011720-00011823 there NbkUQvLSEbg-00058-00011824-00011999 next you need to tell them what kind of NbkUQvLSEbg-00059-00012000-00012199 toe pads or toe products that you wear NbkUQvLSEbg-00060-00012200-00012414 in your shoes and in my case i tend to NbkUQvLSEbg-00061-00012415-00012583 prefer the thinner toe pads so that NbkUQvLSEbg-00062-00012584-00012783 would be the bun heads pro pads or the NbkUQvLSEbg-00063-00012784-00013022 gainer mind and point pockets and i also NbkUQvLSEbg-00064-00013023-00013247 wear toe spacers between my first and my NbkUQvLSEbg-00065-00013247-00013422 second toes so that's the large toe NbkUQvLSEbg-00066-00013423-00013566 separators NbkUQvLSEbg-00067-00013568-00013758 finally they need to know any other NbkUQvLSEbg-00068-00013759-00013951 information that might affect the fit of NbkUQvLSEbg-00069-00013952-00014135 your point shoes or how you feel inside NbkUQvLSEbg-00070-00014136-00014351 your pointe shoes so any current or NbkUQvLSEbg-00071-00014352-00014607 previous injuries any specificities or NbkUQvLSEbg-00072-00014608-00014879 peculiarities about your feet in my case NbkUQvLSEbg-00073-00014880-00015158 i had an old ankle injury on my right so NbkUQvLSEbg-00074-00015159-00015327 i wrote about the nature of it there it NbkUQvLSEbg-00075-00015328-00015486 was a grade three sprain things like NbkUQvLSEbg-00076-00015487-00015575 that NbkUQvLSEbg-00077-00015576-00015830 second i actually have uneven arches i NbkUQvLSEbg-00078-00015831-00016015 found an old x-ray of mine and i NbkUQvLSEbg-00079-00016016-00016247 actually have the specific measurement NbkUQvLSEbg-00080-00016247-00016519 of my left and my right arches so i NbkUQvLSEbg-00081-00016520-00016671 included that there NbkUQvLSEbg-00082-00016672-00016863 i also included the fact that my feet NbkUQvLSEbg-00083-00016864-00017103 are very compressible and that my toes NbkUQvLSEbg-00084-00017104-00017319 are really thin my tracings might make NbkUQvLSEbg-00085-00017320-00017615 it look like i have you know broad toes NbkUQvLSEbg-00086-00017616-00017855 but my toes are really thin so when i NbkUQvLSEbg-00087-00017856-00018063 point they really fold into a more NbkUQvLSEbg-00088-00018064-00018255 tapered shape so i made sure to include NbkUQvLSEbg-00089-00018256-00018486 that information there if you have for NbkUQvLSEbg-00090-00018487-00018599 example NbkUQvLSEbg-00091-00018600-00018807 a bunion that's larger just on one foot NbkUQvLSEbg-00092-00018808-00019007 you could include that there as well NbkUQvLSEbg-00093-00019008-00019175 things like that when you're done NbkUQvLSEbg-00094-00019176-00019367 filling out the info sheet you upload NbkUQvLSEbg-00095-00019368-00019591 the scans of your tracings or diagrams NbkUQvLSEbg-00096-00019592-00019822 here you do the captcha and then you NbkUQvLSEbg-00097-00019823-00020014 send the information NbkUQvLSEbg-00098-00020015-00020191 after sending the information you should NbkUQvLSEbg-00099-00020192-00020430 get an email that looks like this NbkUQvLSEbg-00100-00020431-00020655 this is a calendly link so that you can NbkUQvLSEbg-00101-00020656-00020886 schedule your virtual fitting with dr k NbkUQvLSEbg-00102-00020887-00021222 and miss irina wilson i believe via zoom NbkUQvLSEbg-00103-00021223-00021391 so just click here and then pick your NbkUQvLSEbg-00104-00021392-00021591 schedule on calendly NbkUQvLSEbg-00105-00021592-00021743 when you schedule your follow-up NbkUQvLSEbg-00106-00021744-00021927 appointment after you receive your shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00107-00021928-00022143 i believe you can also use this same NbkUQvLSEbg-00108-00022144-00022391 link to schedule the follow-up fitting NbkUQvLSEbg-00109-00022392-00022575 during the appointment itself they NbkUQvLSEbg-00110-00022576-00022750 confirmed the information that i sent NbkUQvLSEbg-00111-00022751-00022983 them via the info sheet and the tracings NbkUQvLSEbg-00112-00022984-00023191 that i gave and then they asked to see NbkUQvLSEbg-00113-00023192-00023455 my bare feet flat in demi point in first NbkUQvLSEbg-00114-00023456-00023671 position and in parallel as well if i NbkUQvLSEbg-00115-00023672-00023886 remember correctly as well as what my NbkUQvLSEbg-00116-00023887-00024071 feet looked like in the point shoes that NbkUQvLSEbg-00117-00024072-00024303 i was wearing at the time so be sure to NbkUQvLSEbg-00118-00024304-00024542 prepare those for your virtual fitting NbkUQvLSEbg-00119-00024543-00024727 they also asked to see what my toes NbkUQvLSEbg-00120-00024728-00024903 looked like or the shape of my toes NbkUQvLSEbg-00121-00024904-00025103 while i was wearing the toe pads that i NbkUQvLSEbg-00122-00025104-00025327 usually wear since bertie's point shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00123-00025328-00025527 are engineered to accommodate the use of NbkUQvLSEbg-00124-00025528-00025790 toe pads you can also elaborate on the NbkUQvLSEbg-00125-00025791-00025958 other info that you gave especially NbkUQvLSEbg-00126-00025960-00026134 about injuries or if your feet are NbkUQvLSEbg-00127-00026135-00026358 compressible you can also show them what NbkUQvLSEbg-00128-00026360-00026535 you don't like about your current point NbkUQvLSEbg-00129-00026536-00026735 shoes and then from there they'll give NbkUQvLSEbg-00130-00026736-00026943 you a recommendation or two from their NbkUQvLSEbg-00131-00026944-00027158 line of point shoes and in my case i was NbkUQvLSEbg-00132-00027160-00027383 recommended the apogee and the verve to NbkUQvLSEbg-00133-00027383-00027662 try the shoes were sent to me via usps NbkUQvLSEbg-00134-00027663-00027895 so it did take a while to arrive but NbkUQvLSEbg-00135-00027895-00028127 once they do and before you do anything NbkUQvLSEbg-00136-00028127-00028327 to your shoes so before you sew them you NbkUQvLSEbg-00137-00028327-00028599 break them you jet blue them everything NbkUQvLSEbg-00138-00028600-00028823 make sure to schedule a follow-up NbkUQvLSEbg-00139-00028824-00028958 fitting with them using the same NbkUQvLSEbg-00140-00028960-00029111 calendly link that they gave you the NbkUQvLSEbg-00141-00029112-00029311 first time around so that they can check NbkUQvLSEbg-00142-00029312-00029639 the fit of your new point shoes and in NbkUQvLSEbg-00143-00029639-00029799 case they don't fit well you can NbkUQvLSEbg-00144-00029800-00030014 hopefully still return them if you also NbkUQvLSEbg-00145-00030016-00030190 want to try your shoes before your NbkUQvLSEbg-00146-00030191-00030390 follow-up fitting make sure to try them NbkUQvLSEbg-00147-00030391-00030623 on on like a carpeted surface or a clean NbkUQvLSEbg-00148-00030624-00030814 towel just to make sure that they don't NbkUQvLSEbg-00149-00030816-00031023 get any dirt on them in case you do have NbkUQvLSEbg-00150-00031024-00031174 to return them NbkUQvLSEbg-00151-00031175-00031414 a quick note also i remember dr k NbkUQvLSEbg-00152-00031416-00031607 specifically saying she asked for a pair NbkUQvLSEbg-00153-00031608-00031790 of the verve that had a slightly lower NbkUQvLSEbg-00154-00031791-00031990 vamp due to my toe length but i'm not NbkUQvLSEbg-00155-00031991-00032151 actually sure if that was the case if NbkUQvLSEbg-00156-00032152-00032374 she was able to find such a pair so i'll NbkUQvLSEbg-00157-00032375-00032567 be reviewing the specific pair of the NbkUQvLSEbg-00158-00032568-00032711 verve that i got NbkUQvLSEbg-00159-00032712-00032862 i'm planning to order another pair in NbkUQvLSEbg-00160-00032863-00033007 the future to see if there are any NbkUQvLSEbg-00161-00033008-00033190 differences and i'll make a video just NbkUQvLSEbg-00162-00033191-00033455 in case i see any NbkUQvLSEbg-00163-00033456-00033662 the shoes come in this net bag which is NbkUQvLSEbg-00164-00033663-00033831 really useful to keep them in after NbkUQvLSEbg-00165-00033832-00034055 class so they can still air out NbkUQvLSEbg-00166-00034056-00034231 i love that the bag's color matches the NbkUQvLSEbg-00167-00034232-00034439 shoes since it all looks really sleek NbkUQvLSEbg-00168-00034440-00034551 and clean NbkUQvLSEbg-00169-00034552-00034711 i really appreciate this kind of NbkUQvLSEbg-00170-00034712-00034887 packaging as well since it's something NbkUQvLSEbg-00171-00034888-00035118 that we can still use after NbkUQvLSEbg-00172-00035119-00035287 most of the other point shoe brands i've NbkUQvLSEbg-00173-00035288-00035551 tried have either plastic packaging or NbkUQvLSEbg-00174-00035552-00035735 boxes and papers and if we're not NbkUQvLSEbg-00175-00035736-00035983 careful or aren't able to recycle them NbkUQvLSEbg-00176-00035984-00036246 well they'll end up as waste anyway NbkUQvLSEbg-00177-00036247-00036462 so i really love this kind of minimal as NbkUQvLSEbg-00178-00036463-00036702 possible waste the tags would be the NbkUQvLSEbg-00179-00036703-00036887 only thing you'd need to toss but in my NbkUQvLSEbg-00180-00036888-00037111 case i kept them anyway as reference and NbkUQvLSEbg-00181-00037112-00037374 labels for the pouches as well NbkUQvLSEbg-00182-00037375-00037590 also this isn't really a big deal but i NbkUQvLSEbg-00183-00037591-00037759 noticed that the drawstring they use in NbkUQvLSEbg-00184-00037760-00038039 the bags seems to be very similar or is NbkUQvLSEbg-00185-00038040-00038246 the actual cotton drawstrings that they NbkUQvLSEbg-00186-00038247-00038471 use in the shoes that's really clever i NbkUQvLSEbg-00187-00038472-00038590 find NbkUQvLSEbg-00188-00038591-00038783 both of these shoes are a medium shank NbkUQvLSEbg-00189-00038784-00038951 and are pre-arched NbkUQvLSEbg-00190-00038952-00039151 my first general impression as well as NbkUQvLSEbg-00191-00039152-00039367 my teachers when i first took class with NbkUQvLSEbg-00192-00039368-00039590 the shoes echo is another review i've NbkUQvLSEbg-00193-00039591-00039846 seen by the dancing mom here on youtube NbkUQvLSEbg-00194-00039847-00040095 visually vertice point shoes are kind of NbkUQvLSEbg-00195-00040096-00040343 like a mix between grishko and russian NbkUQvLSEbg-00196-00040344-00040607 point my teacher commented that to her NbkUQvLSEbg-00197-00040608-00040815 the box's shape reminds her of grishko NbkUQvLSEbg-00198-00040816-00041023 shoes and the shank kind of looks like NbkUQvLSEbg-00199-00041024-00041279 russian point and i'd have to agree NbkUQvLSEbg-00200-00041280-00041487 although vertice boxes are definitely NbkUQvLSEbg-00201-00041488-00041735 not rock hard like grishko boxes for me NbkUQvLSEbg-00202-00041736-00041958 it's just the shape that's similar and NbkUQvLSEbg-00203-00041959-00042143 not really like the composition or the NbkUQvLSEbg-00204-00042144-00042255 hardness NbkUQvLSEbg-00205-00042256-00042471 i also agree on the shank it's actually NbkUQvLSEbg-00206-00042472-00042727 stitched all around as you'll see later NbkUQvLSEbg-00207-00042728-00042887 so if you have to three quarter your NbkUQvLSEbg-00208-00042888-00043071 shank or remove it for some reason and NbkUQvLSEbg-00209-00043072-00043255 cut it you'd have to pick at the NbkUQvLSEbg-00210-00043256-00043527 stitching of the leather outsole first NbkUQvLSEbg-00211-00043528-00043702 and then you'd have to sew it back so NbkUQvLSEbg-00212-00043703-00043958 that the shank doesn't like stick out NbkUQvLSEbg-00213-00043959-00044151 internally though like the way the shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00214-00044152-00044374 hold my feet how my feet feel inside the NbkUQvLSEbg-00215-00044375-00044630 shoes how i roll through the shank etc NbkUQvLSEbg-00216-00044631-00044790 they feel quite different and they're NbkUQvLSEbg-00217-00044791-00044967 nothing like any other brand i've tried NbkUQvLSEbg-00218-00044968-00045343 in the past NbkUQvLSEbg-00219-00045344-00045558 the inner linings of the shoes are also NbkUQvLSEbg-00220-00045559-00045862 quite nice to me the inner canvas isn't NbkUQvLSEbg-00221-00045863-00046071 as rough and scratchy as other brands NbkUQvLSEbg-00222-00046072-00046262 that i've tried before and the inner NbkUQvLSEbg-00223-00046263-00046511 sole is really plush and velvety which i NbkUQvLSEbg-00224-00046512-00046783 appreciate NbkUQvLSEbg-00225-00046784-00046990 here we have a side-by-side comparison NbkUQvLSEbg-00226-00046991-00047199 of the apogee and the verve apogee on NbkUQvLSEbg-00227-00047200-00047367 the left and the verve on the right NbkUQvLSEbg-00228-00047368-00047607 their vampires are quite similar i'd say NbkUQvLSEbg-00229-00047608-00047871 these are about a medium vamp sometimes NbkUQvLSEbg-00230-00047872-00048015 i can't tell which of them has the NbkUQvLSEbg-00231-00048016-00048174 higher vamp and if there are any NbkUQvLSEbg-00232-00048175-00048374 differences they're pretty minimal from NbkUQvLSEbg-00233-00048375-00048511 what i can tell NbkUQvLSEbg-00234-00048512-00048735 their box shapes are also similar but NbkUQvLSEbg-00235-00048736-00048943 one difference that i did notice and i NbkUQvLSEbg-00236-00048944-00049190 feel it especially when i wear the shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00237-00049191-00049415 the tip of the verve that area where the NbkUQvLSEbg-00238-00049416-00049655 tips of your toes are especially is a NbkUQvLSEbg-00239-00049656-00049846 little bit more tapered compared to the NbkUQvLSEbg-00240-00049847-00050071 apogee NbkUQvLSEbg-00241-00050072-00050279 and here we can see the profile of each NbkUQvLSEbg-00242-00050280-00050511 shoe apogee on the left verve on the NbkUQvLSEbg-00243-00050512-00050718 right again i'd say they're about a NbkUQvLSEbg-00244-00050719-00050983 medium profile and just like their vamps NbkUQvLSEbg-00245-00050984-00051238 their profiles are also pretty similar NbkUQvLSEbg-00246-00051239-00051423 but it looks like the verbs is a tiny NbkUQvLSEbg-00247-00051424-00051623 bit higher or a little more bulbous NbkUQvLSEbg-00248-00051624-00051870 compared to the apogee from this angle NbkUQvLSEbg-00249-00051871-00052046 as well we can see that the apogee's NbkUQvLSEbg-00250-00052047-00052294 platform is mostly flat but the verbs NbkUQvLSEbg-00251-00052295-00052542 looks a little more rounded especially NbkUQvLSEbg-00252-00052544-00052782 where the vamp meets the platform when i NbkUQvLSEbg-00253-00052783-00052975 wear the shoe i can feel this because i NbkUQvLSEbg-00254-00052976-00053191 can push over a little more because of NbkUQvLSEbg-00255-00053191-00053535 that small roundedness at the front NbkUQvLSEbg-00256-00053536-00053759 inside both shoes they have this foam NbkUQvLSEbg-00257-00053760-00053991 cushion at the toe lined with some sort NbkUQvLSEbg-00258-00053991-00054135 of microfiber NbkUQvLSEbg-00259-00054136-00054359 this foam is a bit firm but not so much NbkUQvLSEbg-00260-00054360-00054542 that it's too hard and pushes back at NbkUQvLSEbg-00261-00054544-00054775 you at least from what i'm feeling NbkUQvLSEbg-00262-00054776-00055023 discussion is glued to the tip and from NbkUQvLSEbg-00263-00055024-00055191 the inside you can also see how their NbkUQvLSEbg-00264-00055191-00055423 platforms are shaped so the verve is a NbkUQvLSEbg-00265-00055424-00055726 bit more elongated while the apogee has NbkUQvLSEbg-00266-00055727-00056479 a bit more roundedness at the top NbkUQvLSEbg-00267-00056479-00056711 here are both shoes side by side again NbkUQvLSEbg-00268-00056712-00056894 this time the verve is on the left and NbkUQvLSEbg-00269-00056895-00057119 the apogee on the right NbkUQvLSEbg-00270-00057120-00057311 the verve platform is a little more NbkUQvLSEbg-00271-00057312-00057591 oblong versus the apogee with a slightly NbkUQvLSEbg-00272-00057591-00057791 more circular one NbkUQvLSEbg-00273-00057791-00057991 and from this angle as well we can see NbkUQvLSEbg-00274-00057991-00058191 how the verve does have a more bulbous NbkUQvLSEbg-00275-00058191-00058454 profile or rather how it's a bit more NbkUQvLSEbg-00276-00058455-00058726 domed at the top versus the apogee as i NbkUQvLSEbg-00277-00058727-00058879 mentioned earlier NbkUQvLSEbg-00278-00058879-00059079 also from this angle we can see that the NbkUQvLSEbg-00279-00059079-00059279 apogee is actually a little bit wider NbkUQvLSEbg-00280-00059279-00059479 than the verve even though both of these NbkUQvLSEbg-00281-00059479-00059694 shoes are the same size four and a half NbkUQvLSEbg-00282-00059695-00059911 triple x i believe it says so on their NbkUQvLSEbg-00283-00059912-00060111 website as well that the apogee does run NbkUQvLSEbg-00284-00060112-00060366 a little wider than their other models NbkUQvLSEbg-00285-00060367-00060550 both shoes also have some extra noise NbkUQvLSEbg-00286-00060551-00060759 reduction or noise absorption technology NbkUQvLSEbg-00287-00060760-00060959 in the tip i can feel some extra NbkUQvLSEbg-00288-00060960-00061166 softness in this area of both shoes when NbkUQvLSEbg-00289-00061167-00061447 i press on it NbkUQvLSEbg-00290-00061448-00061638 other differences that i noted between NbkUQvLSEbg-00291-00061639-00061863 the models are in the drawstring heel NbkUQvLSEbg-00292-00061864-00062103 counter and the wings as you can see NbkUQvLSEbg-00293-00062104-00062350 here the verve has an elastic drawstring NbkUQvLSEbg-00294-00062351-00062550 and as described on their website a NbkUQvLSEbg-00295-00062551-00062799 stretch satin on the heel this heel NbkUQvLSEbg-00296-00062800-00062982 portion isn't too stretchy but it's NbkUQvLSEbg-00297-00062983-00063206 stretchy enough i like the level of NbkUQvLSEbg-00298-00063207-00063447 elasticity it has since there's enough NbkUQvLSEbg-00299-00063448-00063647 give so nothing bunches up and is very NbkUQvLSEbg-00300-00063648-00063854 sleek to look at on the foot but is NbkUQvLSEbg-00301-00063855-00064766 still quite supportive of that heel area NbkUQvLSEbg-00302-00064767-00064966 the apogee on the other hand has a NbkUQvLSEbg-00303-00064967-00065166 cotton drawstring and just irregular NbkUQvLSEbg-00304-00065167-00066143 non-stretchy satin at the heel NbkUQvLSEbg-00305-00066144-00066359 let's move on to the wings of the shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00306-00066360-00066582 the apogee has quite the long wings they NbkUQvLSEbg-00307-00066583-00066767 come up really high on the sides as you NbkUQvLSEbg-00308-00066768-00067006 can see here compared to the verve which NbkUQvLSEbg-00309-00067007-00067247 has slightly shorter wings NbkUQvLSEbg-00310-00067248-00067423 to me the verb's wings are still NbkUQvLSEbg-00311-00067424-00067606 somewhat long compared to some other NbkUQvLSEbg-00312-00067607-00067847 brands or models that i've tried before NbkUQvLSEbg-00313-00067848-00068047 but in the end i feel more supported NbkUQvLSEbg-00314-00068048-00068311 with the apogee's longer wings NbkUQvLSEbg-00315-00068312-00068503 here we have the apogee on the left and NbkUQvLSEbg-00316-00068504-00068711 the verve on the right the difference NbkUQvLSEbg-00317-00068712-00068894 doesn't seem that much but for someone NbkUQvLSEbg-00318-00068895-00069119 like me who needs and prefers longer NbkUQvLSEbg-00319-00069120-00069359 wings i feel more stable side to side NbkUQvLSEbg-00320-00069360-00069863 with the apogee NbkUQvLSEbg-00321-00069864-00070079 here are the comparisons of verve and NbkUQvLSEbg-00322-00070080-00070359 apogee on my feet when worn NbkUQvLSEbg-00323-00070360-00070535 another note i'm not sure if this is NbkUQvLSEbg-00324-00070536-00070719 entirely correct so don't quote me on NbkUQvLSEbg-00325-00070720-00070926 this but i feel that the verve has NbkUQvLSEbg-00326-00070927-00071167 slightly softer or more elastic glue NbkUQvLSEbg-00327-00071168-00071415 versus the apogee again disclaimer i'm NbkUQvLSEbg-00328-00071416-00071599 not sure if that's actually the case but NbkUQvLSEbg-00329-00071600-00071759 just what i'm feeling when i wear the NbkUQvLSEbg-00330-00071760-00071894 shoes NbkUQvLSEbg-00331-00071895-00072062 overall though i really like both of NbkUQvLSEbg-00332-00072063-00072287 these shoes so far right now i can't NbkUQvLSEbg-00333-00072288-00072447 really pick a definitive favorite NbkUQvLSEbg-00334-00072448-00072638 between them since i've prepared and NbkUQvLSEbg-00335-00072639-00072831 worn only the verve and have yet to try NbkUQvLSEbg-00336-00072832-00073143 the apogee in class also each pair has NbkUQvLSEbg-00337-00073144-00073335 features i like that the other doesn't NbkUQvLSEbg-00338-00073336-00073550 have i like the slightly more tapered NbkUQvLSEbg-00339-00073551-00073767 tip of the verve since i feel more held NbkUQvLSEbg-00340-00073768-00074015 in the tips of my toes that way i also NbkUQvLSEbg-00341-00074016-00074206 love its stretchable heel as it really NbkUQvLSEbg-00342-00074207-00074431 hugs my foot in that part and aesthetics NbkUQvLSEbg-00343-00074432-00074655 wise it looks really sleek too NbkUQvLSEbg-00344-00074656-00074894 but i prefer the apogee's longer wings NbkUQvLSEbg-00345-00074895-00075119 and cotton drawstring and if my note on NbkUQvLSEbg-00346-00075120-00075287 the glue is correct i feel more NbkUQvLSEbg-00347-00075288-00075494 supported overall especially in the NbkUQvLSEbg-00348-00075495-00075711 shank and the wings with the apogees NbkUQvLSEbg-00349-00075712-00075879 less elastic glue NbkUQvLSEbg-00350-00075880-00076071 my teacher has also pointed this out as NbkUQvLSEbg-00351-00076072-00076294 well when i showed her i push over the NbkUQvLSEbg-00352-00076295-00076526 box less and look more pulled up in the NbkUQvLSEbg-00353-00076527-00076767 apogee this is more of a first NbkUQvLSEbg-00354-00076768-00076967 impressions video but i'll probably do NbkUQvLSEbg-00355-00076968-00077175 an updated review after a few months or NbkUQvLSEbg-00356-00077176-00077382 once the shoes die on me then i'll be NbkUQvLSEbg-00357-00077383-00077599 able to comment on how long they lasted NbkUQvLSEbg-00358-00077600-00077782 and other notes on how they feel on my NbkUQvLSEbg-00359-00077783-00079087 feet when actually dancing in class NbkUQvLSEbg-00360-00079088-00079262 and that's it for this video thank you NbkUQvLSEbg-00361-00079263-00079447 so much for watching i really hope it NbkUQvLSEbg-00362-00079448-00079606 helped you especially if you're also NbkUQvLSEbg-00363-00079607-00079782 curious about rupees or you've been NbkUQvLSEbg-00364-00079783-00079975 wanting to try these shoes as i NbkUQvLSEbg-00365-00079976-00080150 mentioned i'll probably try to do an NbkUQvLSEbg-00366-00080151-00080343 update video for both the verve and the NbkUQvLSEbg-00367-00080344-00080550 apogee i haven't actually tried the NbkUQvLSEbg-00368-00080551-00080767 apogee in class like i haven't prepared NbkUQvLSEbg-00369-00080768-00081023 them yet so definitely i'll need to NbkUQvLSEbg-00370-00081024-00081223 update you guys on how the shoes feel in NbkUQvLSEbg-00371-00081224-00081438 class how long they lasted on me things NbkUQvLSEbg-00372-00081439-00081606 like that if you have any other NbkUQvLSEbg-00373-00081607-00081767 questions about the shoes that i might NbkUQvLSEbg-00374-00081768-00081975 not have covered here feel free to leave NbkUQvLSEbg-00375-00081976-00082199 them down below in the comments i hope NbkUQvLSEbg-00376-00082200-00082382 you enjoyed this video and i'll see you NbkUQvLSEbg-00377-00082383-00082511 in the next one NbkUQvLSEbg-00378-00082512-00083287 bye NbkUQvLSEbg-00379-00083288-00083495 you NfJLhzxv2rg-00000-00000071-00000249 yesterday NfJLhzxv2rg-00001-00000250-00001404 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00002-00001405-00003365 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00003-00003365-00006263 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00004-00006264-00008131 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00005-00008133-00008381 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00006-00008382-00009829 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00007-00009830-00011045 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00008-00011046-00014033 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00009-00014034-00014559 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00010-00014560-00015725 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00012-00019050-00020715 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00013-00020716-00022127 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00014-00022128-00022961 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00017-00030725-00031990 Market NfJLhzxv2rg-00018-00031991-00033818 um NfJLhzxv2rg-00019-00033819-00034205 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00020-00034206-00037012 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00021-00037013-00037895 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00023-00041174-00041446 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00024-00041447-00042824 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00025-00042825-00044896 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00026-00044897-00047549 foreign NfJLhzxv2rg-00027-00047550-00049630 what's up NfJLhzxv2rg-00028-00049631-00051551 already NfJLhzxv2rg-00029-00051552-00051897 thank you NfJLhzxv2rg-00030-00051898-00052061 [Music] NfJLhzxv2rg-00031-00052062-00052362 foreign NgAI7J-ALpA-00000-00000000-00000599 [Music] NgAI7J-ALpA-00001-00000600-00000743 hey select goers welcome back to our NgAI7J-ALpA-00002-00000744-00000831 channel NgAI7J-ALpA-00003-00000832-00001015 have you ever wished you could feel what NgAI7J-ALpA-00004-00001016-00001143 others do NgAI7J-ALpA-00005-00001144-00001311 you could comfort and understand what NgAI7J-ALpA-00006-00001312-00001487 people are going through better NgAI7J-ALpA-00007-00001488-00001743 so what's not to like did you know there NgAI7J-ALpA-00008-00001744-00001942 are actually people who can do this NgAI7J-ALpA-00009-00001943-00002151 they're called empaths and they can feel NgAI7J-ALpA-00010-00002152-00002302 other's people's emotions as if they NgAI7J-ALpA-00011-00002303-00002423 were their own NgAI7J-ALpA-00012-00002424-00002623 their highly perceptive and sensitive NgAI7J-ALpA-00013-00002624-00002775 nature makes them some of the most NgAI7J-ALpA-00014-00002776-00002934 understanding and compassionate people NgAI7J-ALpA-00015-00002935-00003031 out there NgAI7J-ALpA-00016-00003032-00003215 but there are some drawbacks to being an NgAI7J-ALpA-00017-00003215-00003447 empath empaths struggle with a lot more NgAI7J-ALpA-00018-00003447-00003615 than some may realize NgAI7J-ALpA-00019-00003615-00003751 are you curious as to what these NgAI7J-ALpA-00020-00003752-00004383 difficulties are NgAI7J-ALpA-00021-00004384-00005279 [Music] NgAI7J-ALpA-00022-00005280-00005486 well here are six struggles only genuine NgAI7J-ALpA-00023-00005487-00005679 empaths will understand NgAI7J-ALpA-00024-00005680-00005927 number one being highly sensitive to NgAI7J-ALpA-00025-00005928-00006079 others emotions NgAI7J-ALpA-00026-00006080-00006263 picture this you're having the best NgAI7J-ALpA-00027-00006264-00006383 morning so far NgAI7J-ALpA-00028-00006384-00006567 you had a delicious breakfast and are NgAI7J-ALpA-00029-00006568-00006734 ready to conquer the day NgAI7J-ALpA-00030-00006736-00006927 then someone having the worst day of NgAI7J-ALpA-00031-00006928-00007119 their lives walks into the room NgAI7J-ALpA-00032-00007120-00007342 you can practically feel their annoyance NgAI7J-ALpA-00033-00007343-00007487 from a mile away NgAI7J-ALpA-00034-00007488-00007751 and it rubs off on you your nice day NgAI7J-ALpA-00035-00007752-00007846 immediately turns NgAI7J-ALpA-00036-00007847-00008110 sour and you just can't bounce back NgAI7J-ALpA-00037-00008111-00008319 empaths are highly sensitive to how NgAI7J-ALpA-00038-00008320-00008455 others are feeling NgAI7J-ALpA-00039-00008456-00008623 this means someone else's bad moods NgAI7J-ALpA-00040-00008624-00008767 affects you as well NgAI7J-ALpA-00041-00008768-00008942 and you can't simply stop feeling that NgAI7J-ALpA-00042-00008943-00009206 way this heightened sensitivity NgAI7J-ALpA-00043-00009207-00009495 leads to emotional burnout and being NgAI7J-ALpA-00044-00009496-00009631 mentally overwhelmed NgAI7J-ALpA-00045-00009632-00009846 you often struggle to separate your NgAI7J-ALpA-00046-00009847-00010006 emotions from someone else's NgAI7J-ALpA-00047-00010007-00010278 leaving no emotional space for yourself NgAI7J-ALpA-00048-00010279-00010495 so while experiencing what others feel NgAI7J-ALpA-00049-00010496-00010703 sounds great don't forget you need to NgAI7J-ALpA-00050-00010704-00010895 practice self-care and relaxation as NgAI7J-ALpA-00051-00010896-00011006 well NgAI7J-ALpA-00052-00011007-00011319 number two needing alone time do you NgAI7J-ALpA-00053-00011320-00011535 love being around others all the time NgAI7J-ALpA-00054-00011536-00011703 with your great people skills it sure NgAI7J-ALpA-00055-00011704-00011846 sounds logical NgAI7J-ALpA-00056-00011847-00012103 however empaths need a lot of alone time NgAI7J-ALpA-00057-00012104-00012183 as well NgAI7J-ALpA-00058-00012184-00012359 constantly feeling others emotions NgAI7J-ALpA-00059-00012360-00012535 without any check on when where NgAI7J-ALpA-00060-00012536-00012838 who or to what extent being with people NgAI7J-ALpA-00061-00012839-00013038 all the time can get exhausting NgAI7J-ALpA-00062-00013039-00013222 you need alone time to recharge and NgAI7J-ALpA-00063-00013223-00013375 process everything that goes on in your NgAI7J-ALpA-00064-00013376-00013471 mind NgAI7J-ALpA-00065-00013472-00013647 most people think you're being rude or NgAI7J-ALpA-00066-00013647-00013886 avoidant but it truly isn't personal NgAI7J-ALpA-00067-00013887-00014086 at the end of the day empaths deserve as NgAI7J-ALpA-00068-00014087-00014263 much patience and understanding as they NgAI7J-ALpA-00069-00014263-00014383 give others NgAI7J-ALpA-00070-00014384-00014630 number three people taking advantage of NgAI7J-ALpA-00071-00014631-00014711 you NgAI7J-ALpA-00072-00014712-00014855 do you often feel like you can't say no NgAI7J-ALpA-00073-00014856-00015086 to someone whether it be peer pressure NgAI7J-ALpA-00074-00015087-00015286 or trying to avoid disappointing someone NgAI7J-ALpA-00075-00015287-00015519 saying no can be hard when it comes to NgAI7J-ALpA-00076-00015519-00015727 empaths saying no is especially NgAI7J-ALpA-00077-00015728-00015822 difficult NgAI7J-ALpA-00078-00015823-00015950 you can feel the other person's NgAI7J-ALpA-00079-00015951-00016127 frustration and worry when the request NgAI7J-ALpA-00080-00016128-00016222 isn't met NgAI7J-ALpA-00081-00016223-00016439 which can lead to major guilt many NgAI7J-ALpA-00082-00016440-00016630 empaths are happy to help both in order NgAI7J-ALpA-00083-00016631-00016783 to avoid this guilt and simply because NgAI7J-ALpA-00084-00016784-00016991 you understand the request is important NgAI7J-ALpA-00085-00016992-00017175 however this compassion can lead to NgAI7J-ALpA-00086-00017176-00017350 getting taken advantage of NgAI7J-ALpA-00087-00017351-00017535 some people ask for too much without NgAI7J-ALpA-00088-00017536-00017686 considering the other person's feelings NgAI7J-ALpA-00089-00017687-00017807 and limits NgAI7J-ALpA-00090-00017808-00017983 empaths are some of the kindest people NgAI7J-ALpA-00091-00017984-00018191 out there but everyone has boundaries NgAI7J-ALpA-00092-00018192-00018503 that deserve to be respected number four NgAI7J-ALpA-00093-00018504-00018767 knowing when someone is not okay has a NgAI7J-ALpA-00094-00018768-00019022 close friend ever lied about being okay NgAI7J-ALpA-00095-00019023-00019239 could you tell because empaths are NgAI7J-ALpA-00096-00019240-00019414 highly sensitive and intuitive you NgAI7J-ALpA-00097-00019415-00019591 generally know when someone is lying NgAI7J-ALpA-00098-00019592-00019735 even without being best friends NgAI7J-ALpA-00099-00019736-00019983 beforehand this may sound like a great NgAI7J-ALpA-00100-00019984-00020039 thing NgAI7J-ALpA-00101-00020040-00020279 but it has some drawbacks as well being NgAI7J-ALpA-00102-00020280-00020391 the only person who can tell when NgAI7J-ALpA-00103-00020392-00020519 someone isn't okay is a lot of NgAI7J-ALpA-00104-00020520-00020663 responsibility NgAI7J-ALpA-00105-00020664-00020822 an empath may feel accountable for NgAI7J-ALpA-00106-00020823-00020983 making them feel better which can take NgAI7J-ALpA-00107-00020984-00021127 away from your life NgAI7J-ALpA-00108-00021128-00021303 it can be a great task to find the NgAI7J-ALpA-00109-00021304-00021486 balance between respecting others NgAI7J-ALpA-00110-00021487-00021663 boundaries and trying to help NgAI7J-ALpA-00111-00021664-00021822 this makes being an empath very NgAI7J-ALpA-00112-00021823-00022078 difficult so if you are one you should NgAI7J-ALpA-00113-00022079-00022199 try to remember that NgAI7J-ALpA-00114-00022200-00022391 no one person is obligated to make NgAI7J-ALpA-00115-00022392-00022535 everyone else happy NgAI7J-ALpA-00116-00022536-00022791 you need to prioritize yourself as well NgAI7J-ALpA-00117-00022792-00022886 number five NgAI7J-ALpA-00118-00022887-00023167 being labeled as too sensitive have you NgAI7J-ALpA-00119-00023168-00023319 ever been called too sensitive NgAI7J-ALpA-00120-00023320-00023567 if so why more often than not being NgAI7J-ALpA-00121-00023568-00023719 called too sensitive is simply someone NgAI7J-ALpA-00122-00023720-00023750 else NgAI7J-ALpA-00123-00023751-00024014 trying to excuse their bad behavior by NgAI7J-ALpA-00124-00024015-00024167 shifting the focus onto you they can NgAI7J-ALpA-00125-00024168-00024342 make it seem as if you're in the wrong NgAI7J-ALpA-00126-00024343-00024655 when you aren't empaths tend to care a NgAI7J-ALpA-00127-00024656-00024719 lot NgAI7J-ALpA-00128-00024720-00024886 sometimes over things that may not be a NgAI7J-ALpA-00129-00024887-00025055 big deal to others this means you're NgAI7J-ALpA-00130-00025056-00025214 often called too emotional or NgAI7J-ALpA-00131-00025215-00025335 hypersensitive NgAI7J-ALpA-00132-00025336-00025519 in reality you simply have a lot of NgAI7J-ALpA-00133-00025520-00025678 compassion and care for the world around NgAI7J-ALpA-00134-00025679-00025734 you NgAI7J-ALpA-00135-00025735-00025894 which definitely isn't anything to NgAI7J-ALpA-00136-00025895-00026190 apologize for more power to you NgAI7J-ALpA-00137-00026191-00026495 and number six violence is deeply NgAI7J-ALpA-00138-00026495-00026631 upsetting NgAI7J-ALpA-00139-00026632-00026774 when you hear something horrible on the NgAI7J-ALpA-00140-00026775-00026983 news how does it affect you NgAI7J-ALpA-00141-00026983-00027127 are you worried and upset for the rest NgAI7J-ALpA-00142-00027127-00027343 of your day or do you compartmentalize NgAI7J-ALpA-00143-00027344-00027439 it NgAI7J-ALpA-00144-00027439-00027646 while this isn't true of all empaths NgAI7J-ALpA-00145-00027647-00027807 some get deeply distressed when they NgAI7J-ALpA-00146-00027808-00027935 watch anything violent NgAI7J-ALpA-00147-00027936-00028135 whether it be a horror movie or the news NgAI7J-ALpA-00148-00028136-00028318 you may simply get overwhelmed by the NgAI7J-ALpA-00149-00028319-00028470 rush of negativity NgAI7J-ALpA-00150-00028472-00028711 it can be hard to explain this to NgAI7J-ALpA-00151-00028712-00028814 non-empaths NgAI7J-ALpA-00152-00028816-00028990 but at the end of the day your feelings NgAI7J-ALpA-00153-00028991-00029158 and preferences deserve to be respected NgAI7J-ALpA-00154-00029160-00029302 no matter what NgAI7J-ALpA-00155-00029304-00029502 being an empath has both good and bad NgAI7J-ALpA-00156-00029504-00029639 aspects it's NgAI7J-ALpA-00157-00029639-00029823 unfair to think empaths are fortunate NgAI7J-ALpA-00158-00029824-00029974 and always happy without being aware of NgAI7J-ALpA-00159-00029975-00030118 the downsides as well NgAI7J-ALpA-00160-00030119-00030343 they deserve as much love and care as NgAI7J-ALpA-00161-00030344-00030502 they give to others NgAI7J-ALpA-00162-00030503-00030735 are you an empath if so did you relate NgAI7J-ALpA-00163-00030736-00030823 to these struggles NgAI7J-ALpA-00164-00030824-00031046 which ones feel free to comment down NgAI7J-ALpA-00165-00031047-00031174 below your experience NgAI7J-ALpA-00166-00031175-00031390 input or suggestions if you found this NgAI7J-ALpA-00167-00031391-00031543 video helpful be sure to hit the like NgAI7J-ALpA-00168-00031544-00031670 button and share it with us out there NgAI7J-ALpA-00169-00031672-00031918 figuring out the empath rule book NgAI7J-ALpA-00170-00031919-00032062 don't forget to subscribe dislike to go NgAI7J-ALpA-00171-00032063-00032207 and hit the notification bell for more NgAI7J-ALpA-00172-00032208-00032279 new videos NgAI7J-ALpA-00173-00032280-00032514 and as always thanks so much for NgAI7J-ALpA-00174-00032516-00032816 watching NgNRpE-9hnk-00000-00000059-00000387 the bio 21 Institute of molecular NgNRpE-9hnk-00001-00000388-00000694 science and biotechnology abbreviated as NgNRpE-9hnk-00002-00000695-00001006 the bio 21 Institute is an Australian NgNRpE-9hnk-00003-00001007-00001237 scientific research institute that NgNRpE-9hnk-00004-00001238-00001488 focuses on basic science and applied NgNRpE-9hnk-00005-00001489-00001905 biotechnology the bio 21 Institute is NgNRpE-9hnk-00006-00001907-00002137 based at the University of Melbourne on NgNRpE-9hnk-00007-00002138-00002391 Flemington Road in Parkville Melbourne NgNRpE-9hnk-00008-00002392-00002793 Victoria the Institute is managed by the NgNRpE-9hnk-00009-00002794-00003048 University of Melbourne and is supported NgNRpE-9hnk-00010-00003049-00003827 by funding from the Victorian Government NgNRpE-9hnk-00011-00003828-00004395 topic history NgNRpE-9hnk-00012-00004396-00004726 established in 2002 and officially NgNRpE-9hnk-00013-00004727-00005050 opened in 2005 the Research Center NgNRpE-9hnk-00014-00005051-00005272 conducts interdisciplinary learning and NgNRpE-9hnk-00015-00005273-00005518 houses research groups specializing in NgNRpE-9hnk-00016-00005519-00005860 biochemistry cell biology chemistry and NgNRpE-9hnk-00017-00005861-00006292 other life sciences bio 21 accommodates NgNRpE-9hnk-00018-00006293-00006634 over 500 research scientists students NgNRpE-9hnk-00019-00006634-00006904 and industry participants making it one NgNRpE-9hnk-00020-00006905-00007108 of the largest biotechnology research NgNRpE-9hnk-00021-00007109-00007495 centres in Australia in September 2006 NgNRpE-9hnk-00022-00007495-00007759 bio 21 formed a partnership with NgNRpE-9hnk-00023-00007759-00007980 Australian based global NgNRpE-9hnk-00024-00007981-00008288 biopharmaceutical companies CSL limited NgNRpE-9hnk-00025-00008289-00008683 50 scientists from CSL were relocated to NgNRpE-9hnk-00026-00008684-00009021 participate in activities at the bio 21 NgNRpE-9hnk-00027-00009022-00009321 the goal of the partnership was for bio NgNRpE-9hnk-00028-00009322-00009619 21 to gain the expertise of industry NgNRpE-9hnk-00029-00009620-00009874 professionals and for CSL to gain access NgNRpE-9hnk-00030-00009875-00010633 to state-of-the-art equipment NgNRpE-9hnk-00031-00010634-00011216 topic C also NgNRpE-9hnk-00032-00011217-00011579 health in Australia Nh7OPjIp_dE-00000-00000495-00001219 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00001-00001220-00002154 thank you Nh7OPjIp_dE-00002-00002155-00003197 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00003-00003198-00003476 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00005-00006623-00007297 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00006-00007298-00010253 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00007-00010254-00010556 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00008-00010557-00012646 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00009-00012647-00013594 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00010-00013594-00014158 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00011-00014159-00016297 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00012-00016299-00018778 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00013-00018779-00019705 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00014-00019706-00020015 thank you Nh7OPjIp_dE-00015-00020016-00021785 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00016-00021786-00022066 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00017-00022067-00024871 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00018-00024872-00025127 thank you Nh7OPjIp_dE-00019-00025128-00026391 foreign Nh7OPjIp_dE-00020-00026392-00027595 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00021-00027597-00029745 [Music] Nh7OPjIp_dE-00022-00029747-00030481 [Music] NjbDnMrG9bY-00000-00000125-00002023 [Music] NjbDnMrG9bY-00001-00002023-00002167 hey everybody a blessing to you this NjbDnMrG9bY-00002-00002168-00002431 pastor ben lim here i'm so excited to NjbDnMrG9bY-00003-00002432-00002758 have our guest today pastor evangelist NjbDnMrG9bY-00004-00002759-00003102 brian trejo i mean brian with two ants NjbDnMrG9bY-00005-00003103-00003327 right not just one NjbDnMrG9bY-00006-00003328-00003606 man of god he is a soldier for christ uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00007-00003607-00003903 he's sold out i love everything about NjbDnMrG9bY-00008-00003904-00004119 him and just who he is and what he walks NjbDnMrG9bY-00009-00004120-00004391 in and we're so excited to have him at NjbDnMrG9bY-00010-00004392-00004686 red rock crusade this weekend come on NjbDnMrG9bY-00011-00004687-00004935 but uh pastor brian thrill welcome uh to NjbDnMrG9bY-00012-00004936-00005159 our show on our program today hey how NjbDnMrG9bY-00013-00005160-00005343 you doing man god it's an honor to be NjbDnMrG9bY-00014-00005344-00005415 here NjbDnMrG9bY-00015-00005416-00005511 thank you NjbDnMrG9bY-00016-00005512-00005702 come on so good you know i mean i've NjbDnMrG9bY-00017-00005703-00005863 heard about you and of course kingdom NjbDnMrG9bY-00018-00005864-00006102 music fellowship listen if y'all love NjbDnMrG9bY-00019-00006103-00006343 rap and hip-hop listen it's okay to like NjbDnMrG9bY-00020-00006344-00006575 rap and hip-hop especially if it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00021-00006576-00006855 kingdom music right and that's NjbDnMrG9bY-00022-00006856-00007119 kingdom music and you know i mean i i've NjbDnMrG9bY-00023-00007120-00007278 heard some of your stuff i love the NjbDnMrG9bY-00024-00007279-00007455 lyrics love the beats you can feel the NjbDnMrG9bY-00025-00007456-00007759 anointing of god on it uh but i've heard NjbDnMrG9bY-00026-00007759-00007934 about you and kingdom music you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00027-00007936-00008134 years ago through a number of mutual NjbDnMrG9bY-00028-00008136-00008335 friends and uh you know it's just such NjbDnMrG9bY-00029-00008336-00008487 an honor to have you we're gonna have NjbDnMrG9bY-00030-00008488-00008807 you and uh you know one of uh your your NjbDnMrG9bY-00031-00008808-00009014 members of kingdom music fellowship NjbDnMrG9bY-00032-00009015-00009246 lucky uh you know at the uh red rock NjbDnMrG9bY-00033-00009247-00009406 crusade this week NjbDnMrG9bY-00034-00009407-00009655 but uh so blessed to have you NjbDnMrG9bY-00035-00009656-00009942 man thank you guys for having us uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00036-00009943-00010078 i've been watching what god has been NjbDnMrG9bY-00037-00010079-00010303 doing with you and and we we know some NjbDnMrG9bY-00038-00010304-00010495 of the same people man and NjbDnMrG9bY-00039-00010496-00010671 man everything's god's time in his NjbDnMrG9bY-00040-00010672-00010846 perfect time and then ordained and i NjbDnMrG9bY-00041-00010847-00010959 just can't wait to get out there and NjbDnMrG9bY-00042-00010960-00011135 lift up the name of jesus and and just NjbDnMrG9bY-00043-00011136-00011319 watch what god does best man transform NjbDnMrG9bY-00044-00011320-00011471 human hearts NjbDnMrG9bY-00045-00011472-00011678 come on so good and you know what we we NjbDnMrG9bY-00046-00011679-00011855 might have to uh hit a freestyle NjbDnMrG9bY-00047-00011856-00012303 together at least so you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00048-00012304-00012495 i got some flow with me too you know but NjbDnMrG9bY-00049-00012496-00012767 uh but you know i mean i i just love who NjbDnMrG9bY-00050-00012768-00012919 you are what you carrying man i got NjbDnMrG9bY-00051-00012919-00013222 because i've seen some of your videos NjbDnMrG9bY-00052-00013223-00013447 and literally it's an evangelistic NjbDnMrG9bY-00053-00013447-00013799 crusade people are getting saved NjbDnMrG9bY-00054-00013800-00013911 people NjbDnMrG9bY-00055-00013912-00014103 people are getting saved there's people NjbDnMrG9bY-00056-00014104-00014279 are throwing cigarettes and needles NjbDnMrG9bY-00057-00014280-00014486 people you know are coming to the lord NjbDnMrG9bY-00058-00014487-00014735 and there's such a powerful presence NjbDnMrG9bY-00059-00014736-00015015 even as you're ministering with rap and NjbDnMrG9bY-00060-00015016-00015238 hip-hop and with music i mean talk to us NjbDnMrG9bY-00061-00015240-00015375 about that NjbDnMrG9bY-00062-00015376-00015607 yeah so so the music is a tool right and NjbDnMrG9bY-00063-00015608-00015863 um like i was saying earlier um NjbDnMrG9bY-00064-00015863-00016047 i was telling you how the mute the rap NjbDnMrG9bY-00065-00016047-00016255 music used to pollute me and pollute us NjbDnMrG9bY-00066-00016256-00016422 in the neighborhood like i had a theme NjbDnMrG9bY-00067-00016423-00016558 song for everything i used to do if i NjbDnMrG9bY-00068-00016559-00016758 was selling dope i listen to trap music NjbDnMrG9bY-00069-00016759-00016999 if i was if i was gonna go retaliated NjbDnMrG9bY-00070-00017000-00017239 revenge i had murder music gangsta rap NjbDnMrG9bY-00071-00017240-00017407 the same thing for for the women i had NjbDnMrG9bY-00072-00017408-00017607 sensual mute so the music was always NjbDnMrG9bY-00073-00017608-00017894 used as a tool against us by the enemy NjbDnMrG9bY-00074-00017895-00018094 so now that i got saved i didn't want to NjbDnMrG9bY-00075-00018095-00018255 rap no more because i've always rapped NjbDnMrG9bY-00076-00018256-00018414 for the neighborhood and and i was NjbDnMrG9bY-00077-00018415-00018591 always good with it but i was using it NjbDnMrG9bY-00078-00018592-00018767 for the wrong message the wrong for the NjbDnMrG9bY-00079-00018768-00018991 wrong reason and um when my twin brother NjbDnMrG9bY-00080-00018992-00019183 got murdered i used to do music with him NjbDnMrG9bY-00081-00019184-00019391 and i did not want to do no more music i NjbDnMrG9bY-00082-00019392-00019639 was like why would i want to rap and the NjbDnMrG9bY-00083-00019640-00019783 one i used to make music with is not NjbDnMrG9bY-00084-00019784-00020014 here but that when i finally i believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00085-00020015-00020199 it was an idol in my life too because i NjbDnMrG9bY-00086-00020200-00020350 didn't have another outlet and i believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00087-00020351-00020535 the enemy was using that as a way to NjbDnMrG9bY-00088-00020536-00020775 spit poison to spit uh what was inside NjbDnMrG9bY-00089-00020776-00021022 of my heart which was was pain and anger NjbDnMrG9bY-00090-00021023-00021278 and it and it caused the curse but NjbDnMrG9bY-00091-00021279-00021494 when i gave it up and told god i didn't NjbDnMrG9bY-00092-00021495-00021703 want it no more and i meant it god began NjbDnMrG9bY-00093-00021704-00021894 to write new songs on my heart which NjbDnMrG9bY-00094-00021895-00022150 started declaring healing the solution NjbDnMrG9bY-00095-00022151-00022367 see back then it was just a problem but NjbDnMrG9bY-00096-00022368-00022558 when the holy spirit starts writing the NjbDnMrG9bY-00097-00022559-00022791 your pain he just doesn't document pain NjbDnMrG9bY-00098-00022792-00022991 he documents what heals the pain right NjbDnMrG9bY-00099-00022992-00023247 like he has the answer jesus jesus jesus NjbDnMrG9bY-00100-00023248-00023567 and so now the music became a sermon the NjbDnMrG9bY-00101-00023568-00023839 music became um songs of edification the NjbDnMrG9bY-00102-00023840-00024047 music became songs of deliverance songs NjbDnMrG9bY-00103-00024048-00024230 of freedom songs of forgiveness songs of NjbDnMrG9bY-00104-00024231-00024494 healing and next thing you know man um NjbDnMrG9bY-00105-00024495-00024655 we just started the atmosphere would NjbDnMrG9bY-00106-00024656-00024839 change it wasn't even like rapping in a NjbDnMrG9bY-00107-00024840-00025086 club or going to a gangster rep concert NjbDnMrG9bY-00108-00025087-00025311 it began to be where you lift up the NjbDnMrG9bY-00109-00025312-00025567 name of jesus and he begins to minister NjbDnMrG9bY-00110-00025568-00025783 and yes gang members are coming to the NjbDnMrG9bY-00111-00025783-00025974 altar dropping their flags dope boys are NjbDnMrG9bY-00112-00025975-00026143 coming to the to the thing with with NjbDnMrG9bY-00113-00026144-00026495 glock 40s and and and on like cocaine NjbDnMrG9bY-00114-00026495-00026807 runs they're coming high leaving sober NjbDnMrG9bY-00115-00026808-00027007 demons they're being casted out we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00116-00027008-00027151 singing songs while we're laying hands NjbDnMrG9bY-00117-00027152-00027295 on people and NjbDnMrG9bY-00118-00027295-00027551 i knew though i was like lord man i'm NjbDnMrG9bY-00119-00027552-00027799 i'm you are amazing and all we got to do NjbDnMrG9bY-00120-00027800-00027951 is just lift up your name and you do the NjbDnMrG9bY-00121-00027952-00028239 rest so it's nothing hard about it it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00122-00028239-00028446 just pure heart and clean hands and NjbDnMrG9bY-00123-00028447-00028679 declaring god's god saving the healing NjbDnMrG9bY-00124-00028680-00028870 power so i thank the lord for for his NjbDnMrG9bY-00125-00028872-00029111 power his message his glory his music NjbDnMrG9bY-00126-00029112-00029287 you know you know what i mean NjbDnMrG9bY-00127-00029288-00029479 wow wow so good even even as you're NjbDnMrG9bY-00128-00029480-00029639 testifying and sharing i mean there's NjbDnMrG9bY-00129-00029639-00029927 such a fire power authority in your NjbDnMrG9bY-00130-00029927-00030070 voice and what you're saying and it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00131-00030072-00030327 the real gospel and america today we NjbDnMrG9bY-00132-00030327-00030479 need the real thing we need the real NjbDnMrG9bY-00133-00030480-00030695 gospel more than ever before in NjbDnMrG9bY-00134-00030695-00030887 different streams and mediums you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00135-00030888-00031118 we needed to wrap hip hop and dance and NjbDnMrG9bY-00136-00031119-00031351 art we needed NjbDnMrG9bY-00137-00031352-00031551 politics and every realm of sphere of NjbDnMrG9bY-00138-00031552-00031799 society and and especially with music NjbDnMrG9bY-00139-00031800-00032014 and i think that's so powerful because NjbDnMrG9bY-00140-00032016-00032167 pastor brian you said NjbDnMrG9bY-00141-00032168-00032407 you felt like it was an idol but once NjbDnMrG9bY-00142-00032408-00032574 you gave it up NjbDnMrG9bY-00143-00032575-00032839 god gave it back to you NjbDnMrG9bY-00144-00032840-00033127 a greater grace with new songs and uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00145-00033128-00033287 you know with the new anointing talk to NjbDnMrG9bY-00146-00033288-00033446 us about that NjbDnMrG9bY-00147-00033447-00033687 yeah so you know what's crazy is that NjbDnMrG9bY-00148-00033688-00033887 when my brother got saved my twin NjbDnMrG9bY-00149-00033888-00034007 brother who got murdered he started NjbDnMrG9bY-00150-00034008-00034327 kingdom music right he started it so NjbDnMrG9bY-00151-00034328-00034623 when i when i chose to forgive NjbDnMrG9bY-00152-00034624-00034799 his murderers when i chose to not NjbDnMrG9bY-00153-00034800-00035079 retaliate it took me to another level of NjbDnMrG9bY-00154-00035080-00035302 obedience and submission to god and not NjbDnMrG9bY-00155-00035303-00035535 only that um i knew my brother was NjbDnMrG9bY-00156-00035536-00035790 serious with it when he began to erase NjbDnMrG9bY-00157-00035791-00036055 all his old music all his old videos and NjbDnMrG9bY-00158-00036056-00036271 i was like man he's for real and that NjbDnMrG9bY-00159-00036272-00036439 stuck in my heart NjbDnMrG9bY-00160-00036440-00036823 and so when he passed um NjbDnMrG9bY-00161-00036824-00037023 i'm i'm living NjbDnMrG9bY-00162-00037024-00037143 his dream NjbDnMrG9bY-00163-00037144-00037335 i'm living the vision that god that god NjbDnMrG9bY-00164-00037336-00037599 gave him sometimes we're identical twins NjbDnMrG9bY-00165-00037600-00037671 and NjbDnMrG9bY-00166-00037672-00037855 and sometimes out of nowhere when i look NjbDnMrG9bY-00167-00037856-00037974 in the mirror and i'm brushing my teeth NjbDnMrG9bY-00168-00037975-00038271 pastor like i see my twins face and all NjbDnMrG9bY-00169-00038272-00038471 kind of things run through my mind and NjbDnMrG9bY-00170-00038472-00038567 and NjbDnMrG9bY-00171-00038568-00038711 and i'm like man i wish you were alive NjbDnMrG9bY-00172-00038712-00038983 just to see the man i am today bro like NjbDnMrG9bY-00173-00038984-00039135 i got because you see he's seen a NjbDnMrG9bY-00174-00039136-00039374 double-minded a double-minded man but to NjbDnMrG9bY-00175-00039375-00039574 see to see through his death NjbDnMrG9bY-00176-00039575-00039727 and to see what jesus did through NjbDnMrG9bY-00177-00039728-00039935 healing like bruh i'm traveling in the NjbDnMrG9bY-00178-00039936-00040151 world doing what you said you wanted to NjbDnMrG9bY-00179-00040152-00040230 do NjbDnMrG9bY-00180-00040231-00040430 i'm traveling in the world and i'm NjbDnMrG9bY-00181-00040431-00040630 you're not you didn't die in vain my bro NjbDnMrG9bY-00182-00040631-00040711 like NjbDnMrG9bY-00183-00040712-00040855 yeah i'm preaching forgiveness i'm NjbDnMrG9bY-00184-00040856-00041039 forgiving your killers the gospel is NjbDnMrG9bY-00185-00041040-00041295 being preached like what other great NjbDnMrG9bY-00186-00041296-00041574 honor is it to to lift up the name of NjbDnMrG9bY-00187-00041575-00041783 jesus and tell my brother's story that NjbDnMrG9bY-00188-00041784-00041958 even though he was murdered even though NjbDnMrG9bY-00189-00041959-00042158 he was innocent like through through NjbDnMrG9bY-00190-00042159-00042358 love and forgiveness not that not only NjbDnMrG9bY-00191-00042359-00042583 did god save his twin brother but god is NjbDnMrG9bY-00192-00042584-00042679 saving NjbDnMrG9bY-00193-00042680-00042862 man millions across the world being NjbDnMrG9bY-00194-00042863-00043062 impacted by the power forgiveness and NjbDnMrG9bY-00195-00043063-00043423 love and only god can take what's dark NjbDnMrG9bY-00196-00043424-00043630 and bring light to it only god can take NjbDnMrG9bY-00197-00043631-00043830 what the enemy meant to destroy you and NjbDnMrG9bY-00198-00043831-00044023 use it of his kingdom so like glory to NjbDnMrG9bY-00199-00044024-00044207 jesus christ for for taking something at NjbDnMrG9bY-00200-00044208-00044415 the enemy said i got you and god said if NjbDnMrG9bY-00201-00044416-00044590 you submit to me if you posture your NjbDnMrG9bY-00202-00044591-00044743 heart towards me look what i'll do with NjbDnMrG9bY-00203-00044744-00044927 you and i'm like NjbDnMrG9bY-00204-00044928-00045062 like NjbDnMrG9bY-00205-00045063-00045246 i tell everybody in your pain there's a NjbDnMrG9bY-00206-00045247-00045374 purpose just posture your heart the NjbDnMrG9bY-00207-00045375-00045543 right way and watch what god does you NjbDnMrG9bY-00208-00045544-00045687 know what i mean NjbDnMrG9bY-00209-00045688-00045935 oh so good listen uh this is the gospel NjbDnMrG9bY-00210-00045936-00046118 right now this is the goodness of god NjbDnMrG9bY-00211-00046119-00046343 i'm sure everybody watching right now NjbDnMrG9bY-00212-00046344-00046543 they're they're you know there's not a NjbDnMrG9bY-00213-00046544-00046767 dry eye watching this video this NjbDnMrG9bY-00214-00046768-00046967 interview right now because you know you NjbDnMrG9bY-00215-00046968-00047095 can just feel NjbDnMrG9bY-00216-00047096-00047327 the tender heartedness of god and really NjbDnMrG9bY-00217-00047328-00047495 i love what you said NjbDnMrG9bY-00218-00047496-00047743 that uh you know your brother you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00219-00047744-00047990 who in a sense his life was taken away NjbDnMrG9bY-00220-00047991-00048286 but i love what jesus said jesus says NjbDnMrG9bY-00221-00048287-00048479 you can't take my life away i give it NjbDnMrG9bY-00222-00048480-00048655 away NjbDnMrG9bY-00223-00048656-00048807 you know he NjbDnMrG9bY-00224-00048808-00049030 it's like your brother's life was a seed NjbDnMrG9bY-00225-00049031-00049158 so that there would be such a great NjbDnMrG9bY-00226-00049159-00049246 harvest NjbDnMrG9bY-00227-00049247-00049471 and uh you know i that's incredible and NjbDnMrG9bY-00228-00049472-00049686 uh you know that bears great witness NjbDnMrG9bY-00229-00049687-00049918 with me uh pastor bryant NjbDnMrG9bY-00230-00049919-00050071 so this this is the message of NjbDnMrG9bY-00231-00050072-00050327 forgiveness like everyone in red rock NjbDnMrG9bY-00232-00050328-00050486 everyone in the in the surrounding area NjbDnMrG9bY-00233-00050487-00050790 is like i want you i'm we're inviting NjbDnMrG9bY-00234-00050791-00050983 you please come with your heart and NjbDnMrG9bY-00235-00050984-00051199 heart come with i you don't know what NjbDnMrG9bY-00236-00051200-00051382 they did to me come bring that to the NjbDnMrG9bY-00237-00051383-00051582 altar bring that you don't even got to NjbDnMrG9bY-00238-00051583-00051879 be saved just come i guarantee you if NjbDnMrG9bY-00239-00051879-00051982 you come NjbDnMrG9bY-00240-00051983-00052150 that's that's your step of faith but i NjbDnMrG9bY-00241-00052151-00052375 just want to see if this is just come i NjbDnMrG9bY-00242-00052376-00052575 believe i believe that jesus was soft in NjbDnMrG9bY-00243-00052576-00052775 your heart i believe that you will have NjbDnMrG9bY-00244-00052776-00052903 a new heart when you leave i believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00245-00052904-00053063 that heart of stone will be taken from NjbDnMrG9bY-00246-00053064-00053247 you and given a heart of flesh i've seen NjbDnMrG9bY-00247-00053248-00053447 it done this is the opportunity for NjbDnMrG9bY-00248-00053448-00053582 every single person who's listening NjbDnMrG9bY-00249-00053583-00053799 listen every single person this is an NjbDnMrG9bY-00250-00053800-00053935 opportunity for you to come out of that NjbDnMrG9bY-00251-00053936-00054150 prison cell that you put yourself in the NjbDnMrG9bY-00252-00054151-00054342 sale of unforgiveness this is gonna be NjbDnMrG9bY-00253-00054344-00054542 amazing this is gonna be super amazing i NjbDnMrG9bY-00254-00054544-00054694 want you to bring your troubles your NjbDnMrG9bY-00255-00054695-00054894 tears your pain your grudges because NjbDnMrG9bY-00256-00054895-00055079 we're gonna put it all at the altar and NjbDnMrG9bY-00257-00055079-00055254 you're gonna see what god does NjbDnMrG9bY-00258-00055255-00055407 because you deserve it every single one NjbDnMrG9bY-00259-00055408-00055694 of you listen you deserve to be set free NjbDnMrG9bY-00260-00055695-00055879 you deserve to have love in your heart NjbDnMrG9bY-00261-00055879-00056111 and we're so excited to to have this NjbDnMrG9bY-00262-00056112-00056366 open door and saying look jesus wants to NjbDnMrG9bY-00263-00056367-00056511 touch you jesus wants to heal your NjbDnMrG9bY-00264-00056512-00056647 marriage jesus wants to take your NjbDnMrG9bY-00265-00056648-00056823 resentment jesus wants to erase your NjbDnMrG9bY-00266-00056824-00057007 bitterness like he wants to give you NjbDnMrG9bY-00267-00057008-00057223 freedom man and that's what that's what NjbDnMrG9bY-00268-00057224-00057479 we're doing this for so i cannot wait i NjbDnMrG9bY-00269-00057479-00057671 cannot wait to see faces come in there NjbDnMrG9bY-00270-00057672-00057854 with me mugs and leave with smiles i NjbDnMrG9bY-00271-00057855-00058007 can't wait for people to to come in NjbDnMrG9bY-00272-00058008-00058135 there with them bitter tears and leave NjbDnMrG9bY-00273-00058136-00058326 with tears of joy this is what this is NjbDnMrG9bY-00274-00058327-00058550 this is the honor it is to watch jesus NjbDnMrG9bY-00275-00058551-00058703 do the greatest miracles i've ever NjbDnMrG9bY-00276-00058704-00058903 witnessed the transformation of a human NjbDnMrG9bY-00277-00058904-00059287 heart i love it i love it and and we NjbDnMrG9bY-00278-00059288-00059399 were talking about traveling right NjbDnMrG9bY-00279-00059400-00059623 you're like man you travel as much as me NjbDnMrG9bY-00280-00059624-00059863 it is a sacrifice to do this to be away NjbDnMrG9bY-00281-00059864-00060094 from my family is my family is called to NjbDnMrG9bY-00282-00060095-00060215 do it NjbDnMrG9bY-00283-00060216-00060359 but at the end of the day when we see NjbDnMrG9bY-00284-00060360-00060454 souls NjbDnMrG9bY-00285-00060455-00060703 change and we see lives and families NjbDnMrG9bY-00286-00060704-00060926 stick together it's worth it you guys NjbDnMrG9bY-00287-00060927-00061063 are worth it every single one of you are NjbDnMrG9bY-00288-00061064-00061375 worth it you're worth it oh so good so NjbDnMrG9bY-00289-00061376-00061487 good listen NjbDnMrG9bY-00290-00061488-00061599 um NjbDnMrG9bY-00291-00061600-00061823 you you found a new friend and supporter NjbDnMrG9bY-00292-00061824-00061919 forever NjbDnMrG9bY-00293-00061920-00062175 i'll tell you that uh this is incredible NjbDnMrG9bY-00294-00062176-00062430 and i mean you love what you do it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00295-00062432-00062638 obvious i mean you love what you do i NjbDnMrG9bY-00296-00062639-00062815 mean you're not making us up you're not NjbDnMrG9bY-00297-00062816-00063030 exaggerating you're not hyping it up you NjbDnMrG9bY-00298-00063032-00063287 love seeing people save change and NjbDnMrG9bY-00299-00063288-00063430 transform NjbDnMrG9bY-00300-00063432-00063519 yeah NjbDnMrG9bY-00301-00063520-00063719 i love you know what's crazy is though NjbDnMrG9bY-00302-00063720-00063887 when you have the cure NjbDnMrG9bY-00303-00063888-00064071 and you were sick and you got healed NjbDnMrG9bY-00304-00064072-00064230 when you see somebody has a symptom you NjbDnMrG9bY-00305-00064232-00064335 used to have NjbDnMrG9bY-00306-00064336-00064503 if you want to give it to them you want NjbDnMrG9bY-00307-00064504-00064623 to share with them i love prison NjbDnMrG9bY-00308-00064624-00064823 ministry we do we have a prison ministry NjbDnMrG9bY-00309-00064824-00065150 called don't forget the forgotten and um NjbDnMrG9bY-00310-00065151-00065319 i love to go in there because that was NjbDnMrG9bY-00311-00065320-00065503 me i love to go in there and remind my NjbDnMrG9bY-00312-00065504-00065655 brothers the people that don't nobody NjbDnMrG9bY-00313-00065656-00065806 want to mess with like that's on the end NjbDnMrG9bY-00314-00065807-00065975 they didn't cry they could do this time NjbDnMrG9bY-00315-00065976-00066135 like i get it okay they're paying for NjbDnMrG9bY-00316-00066136-00066335 them but they're still sold jesus said i NjbDnMrG9bY-00317-00066336-00066503 didn't come for the righteous i came for NjbDnMrG9bY-00318-00066504-00066726 the sick i came for that gangbanger i NjbDnMrG9bY-00319-00066727-00066871 came for that addict i came for the NjbDnMrG9bY-00320-00066872-00067079 prostitute i came for that child NjbDnMrG9bY-00321-00067080-00067247 molester that rapist that person that NjbDnMrG9bY-00322-00067248-00067382 you don't even want to think about NjbDnMrG9bY-00323-00067383-00067606 that's who jesus wants to save the one NjbDnMrG9bY-00324-00067607-00067750 you don't want to the one that annoys NjbDnMrG9bY-00325-00067751-00067879 you the one you don't even want to think NjbDnMrG9bY-00326-00067880-00068150 of he wants to touch that heart NjbDnMrG9bY-00327-00068151-00068367 right i think about the man named legion NjbDnMrG9bY-00328-00068368-00068591 in the tombs that that didn't nobody NjbDnMrG9bY-00329-00068592-00068735 want to be around i think about the man NjbDnMrG9bY-00330-00068736-00068911 who was isolated the one that they NjbDnMrG9bY-00331-00068912-00069126 couldn't even control and when god NjbDnMrG9bY-00332-00069127-00069255 brought him to his right mind he NjbDnMrG9bY-00333-00069256-00069447 delivers them you know it says that the NjbDnMrG9bY-00334-00069448-00069655 people got scared they were like get out NjbDnMrG9bY-00335-00069656-00069838 of our country get up like instead of NjbDnMrG9bY-00336-00069839-00069975 rejoicing NjbDnMrG9bY-00337-00069976-00070175 they seen a miracle of good works that NjbDnMrG9bY-00338-00070176-00070335 jesus did and they're like man get out NjbDnMrG9bY-00339-00070336-00070550 of here and then listen to this but i NjbDnMrG9bY-00340-00070551-00070719 think about the man who tried to get in NjbDnMrG9bY-00341-00070720-00070975 the boat with his right mind and jesus NjbDnMrG9bY-00342-00070976-00071182 tells them you can't come with me go and NjbDnMrG9bY-00343-00071183-00071350 tell your family what god has done for NjbDnMrG9bY-00344-00071351-00071519 you that's what we're doing that's what NjbDnMrG9bY-00345-00071520-00071662 i'm doing when i travel around the world NjbDnMrG9bY-00346-00071663-00071831 when i go to the penitentiaries when i'm NjbDnMrG9bY-00347-00071832-00071975 at the corner store when i'm dealing NjbDnMrG9bY-00348-00071976-00072135 with with the with the people in the NjbDnMrG9bY-00349-00072136-00072343 trenches and the dark sides i'm going NjbDnMrG9bY-00350-00072344-00072471 and telling them what god has done for NjbDnMrG9bY-00351-00072472-00072606 me because if there's hope for me NjbDnMrG9bY-00352-00072607-00072767 there's hope for you NjbDnMrG9bY-00353-00072768-00072911 and it's the cure that's that's why we NjbDnMrG9bY-00354-00072912-00073062 love doing it we're giving them the NjbDnMrG9bY-00355-00073063-00073262 medicine the remedy the the real deal NjbDnMrG9bY-00356-00073263-00073343 thing NjbDnMrG9bY-00357-00073344-00073591 because jesus man it's the love of jesus NjbDnMrG9bY-00358-00073592-00073791 the forgiveness of sins that only comes NjbDnMrG9bY-00359-00073792-00073999 in him so it's a beautiful thing to to NjbDnMrG9bY-00360-00074000-00074215 share that with people that maybe maybe NjbDnMrG9bY-00361-00074216-00074375 they don't know or maybe they got a NjbDnMrG9bY-00362-00074376-00074567 misrepresentation of who jesus was and NjbDnMrG9bY-00363-00074568-00074806 they think us it's not real it is real NjbDnMrG9bY-00364-00074807-00074926 and we're sorry for whoever NjbDnMrG9bY-00365-00074927-00075103 misrepresented the gospel to you but NjbDnMrG9bY-00366-00075104-00075287 this is the perfect opportunity for you NjbDnMrG9bY-00367-00075288-00075471 to come sit down and let let's reason NjbDnMrG9bY-00368-00075472-00075647 together he's the lord says come let us NjbDnMrG9bY-00369-00075648-00076006 reason together come on man oh good so NjbDnMrG9bY-00370-00076007-00076167 good you know that's one of the reasons NjbDnMrG9bY-00371-00076168-00076447 why i love missions i love traveling the NjbDnMrG9bY-00372-00076448-00076750 world preaching the gospel in in congo NjbDnMrG9bY-00373-00076751-00076935 and haiti and africa you know these NjbDnMrG9bY-00374-00076936-00077111 places because NjbDnMrG9bY-00375-00077112-00077303 when you do outreach you're doing in NjbDnMrG9bY-00376-00077304-00077543 reach and it's only when you give that NjbDnMrG9bY-00377-00077544-00077782 you actually receive yes NjbDnMrG9bY-00378-00077783-00077975 so much of the western american church NjbDnMrG9bY-00379-00077976-00078191 you know where you know we're we're on NjbDnMrG9bY-00380-00078192-00078423 hoagies and doggies and you know we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00381-00078424-00078638 just you know we're not healthy because NjbDnMrG9bY-00382-00078639-00078871 we're you're drinking the kool-aid of NjbDnMrG9bY-00383-00078872-00079135 the world you know we're you know we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00384-00079136-00079311 entangled with the things of the world NjbDnMrG9bY-00385-00079312-00079423 rather than NjbDnMrG9bY-00386-00079424-00079615 really being on fire and being the hands NjbDnMrG9bY-00387-00079616-00079838 and feet of jesus so you know we need to NjbDnMrG9bY-00388-00079839-00080055 go out we need to be activated we need NjbDnMrG9bY-00389-00080056-00080262 to you know love on people and see signs NjbDnMrG9bY-00390-00080263-00080447 when there's miracles and and devils NjbDnMrG9bY-00391-00080448-00080750 cast it out but uh i love what you said NjbDnMrG9bY-00392-00080751-00080903 because i love prison ministry too NjbDnMrG9bY-00393-00080904-00081119 whenever i go to tijuana you know we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00394-00081120-00081303 always going to the prisons in mexico NjbDnMrG9bY-00395-00081304-00081526 and preaching the gospel there so uh you NjbDnMrG9bY-00396-00081527-00081671 know it's actually a commandment you NjbDnMrG9bY-00397-00081672-00081767 know NjbDnMrG9bY-00398-00081768-00081950 the bible says don't forget those that NjbDnMrG9bY-00399-00081951-00082079 are in prison NjbDnMrG9bY-00400-00082080-00082294 and uh also NjbDnMrG9bY-00401-00082295-00082535 uh two-thirds of of the new testament NjbDnMrG9bY-00402-00082536-00082806 was written in prison so uh you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00403-00082807-00082959 some incredible NjbDnMrG9bY-00404-00082960-00083167 uh men and women of god in the NjbDnMrG9bY-00405-00083168-00083431 penitentiaries amen and uh so i love NjbDnMrG9bY-00406-00083432-00083687 that god listen uh you know you're NjbDnMrG9bY-00407-00083688-00083935 talking about red rock it's this week NjbDnMrG9bY-00408-00083936-00084287 literally this wednesday friday NjbDnMrG9bY-00409-00084288-00084567 thursday literally i mean it's just two NjbDnMrG9bY-00410-00084568-00084775 days away now right NjbDnMrG9bY-00411-00084776-00085023 but uh we just we just did seven weeks NjbDnMrG9bY-00412-00085024-00085135 straight NjbDnMrG9bY-00413-00085136-00085391 and uh of revival in gallup new mexico NjbDnMrG9bY-00414-00085392-00085623 with the navajo nation of course the NjbDnMrG9bY-00415-00085624-00085823 native americans uh you're talking about NjbDnMrG9bY-00416-00085824-00086055 oppression you're talking about sins NjbDnMrG9bY-00417-00086056-00086238 you're talking about darkness uh the NjbDnMrG9bY-00418-00086239-00086518 native american groups uh people have NjbDnMrG9bY-00419-00086519-00086735 experienced some of the worst oppression NjbDnMrG9bY-00420-00086736-00087006 not just in america but on planet earth NjbDnMrG9bY-00421-00087007-00087087 and NjbDnMrG9bY-00422-00087088-00087303 like literally we've been seeing seven NjbDnMrG9bY-00423-00087304-00087615 weeks of souls being saved people NjbDnMrG9bY-00424-00087616-00087862 dropping their crutches and glasses you NjbDnMrG9bY-00425-00087863-00087975 know i NjbDnMrG9bY-00426-00087976-00088247 heal tumors dissolving cancer leaving NjbDnMrG9bY-00427-00088248-00088447 demons being casted out people getting NjbDnMrG9bY-00428-00088448-00088735 baptized by fire and by water for seven NjbDnMrG9bY-00429-00088736-00088935 weeks and now we're doing red rock NjbDnMrG9bY-00430-00088936-00089143 stained red rock crusader and let me NjbDnMrG9bY-00431-00089144-00089503 tell you i mean uh this stadium used to NjbDnMrG9bY-00432-00089504-00089682 be used to NjbDnMrG9bY-00433-00089683-00090079 sacrifice people to false gods but we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00434-00090080-00090311 going to gather there said wow third to NjbDnMrG9bY-00435-00090312-00090599 the fourth to lift up the name of jesus NjbDnMrG9bY-00436-00090600-00090911 and give jesus a sacrifice and thank you NjbDnMrG9bY-00437-00090912-00091167 jesus brought to the lord so uh you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00438-00091168-00091375 this is a big grand finale so we're so NjbDnMrG9bY-00439-00091376-00091679 excited to have you and lucky luciano NjbDnMrG9bY-00440-00091680-00091918 another incredible powerful rapper man NjbDnMrG9bY-00441-00091919-00092182 of god who's under your ministry kingdom NjbDnMrG9bY-00442-00092183-00092415 music fellowship but we're so excited to NjbDnMrG9bY-00443-00092416-00092647 have you on thursday and uh you know i NjbDnMrG9bY-00444-00092648-00092799 mean talk to us about what you're NjbDnMrG9bY-00445-00092800-00093038 expecting i mean i know you you got the NjbDnMrG9bY-00446-00093039-00093343 fire you're seeing soul save uh you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00447-00093344-00093559 you're you're in this lane NjbDnMrG9bY-00448-00093560-00093743 but even as we're lincoln arms joining NjbDnMrG9bY-00449-00093744-00093935 together what are you expecting in this NjbDnMrG9bY-00450-00093936-00094150 time man uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00451-00094151-00094382 i wanna i wanna i wanna see NjbDnMrG9bY-00452-00094383-00094582 i wanna see those who NjbDnMrG9bY-00453-00094583-00094726 those who have hardened hearts i wanna NjbDnMrG9bY-00454-00094727-00094855 see those who are struggling with NjbDnMrG9bY-00455-00094856-00095062 addiction i don't i don't want you to NjbDnMrG9bY-00456-00095063-00095287 get cleaned up and and then come i want NjbDnMrG9bY-00457-00095288-00095438 you to come how you are i want you to NjbDnMrG9bY-00458-00095439-00095582 come with whatever yuck that you're NjbDnMrG9bY-00459-00095583-00095718 dealing with i want you to come with NjbDnMrG9bY-00460-00095719-00095879 your unbelief and you just say look i NjbDnMrG9bY-00461-00095880-00096031 don't i'm here i don't know if i believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00462-00096032-00096382 or not brother brian it's okay come i'm NjbDnMrG9bY-00463-00096383-00096638 i believe i have faith that the god the NjbDnMrG9bY-00464-00096639-00096831 god who created heaven and earth will NjbDnMrG9bY-00465-00096832-00097071 reveal his love and who he is to you i NjbDnMrG9bY-00466-00097072-00097238 want you to come with your marriage on NjbDnMrG9bY-00467-00097239-00097423 the rock to divorce come bring your NjbDnMrG9bY-00468-00097424-00097615 children bring your family i believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00469-00097616-00097759 that god that i serve to create heaven NjbDnMrG9bY-00470-00097760-00097887 and earth is going to strengthen your NjbDnMrG9bY-00471-00097888-00098079 covenant i want you to come with your NjbDnMrG9bY-00472-00098080-00098287 gossip tongue you're lying you don't NjbDnMrG9bY-00473-00098288-00098471 you're no self-control i believe that NjbDnMrG9bY-00474-00098472-00098647 the god who created heaven and earth the NjbDnMrG9bY-00475-00098648-00098831 blood of jesus christ is going to redeem NjbDnMrG9bY-00476-00098832-00099047 you set you free and fill you with NjbDnMrG9bY-00477-00099048-00099206 self-control and every fruit and every NjbDnMrG9bY-00478-00099207-00099447 nature of our heavenly father i love i NjbDnMrG9bY-00479-00099448-00099615 don't want the choir to come i ain't NjbDnMrG9bY-00480-00099616-00099782 even i'm not trying to preach to the NjbDnMrG9bY-00481-00099783-00100031 choir bring everybody from your from the NjbDnMrG9bY-00482-00100032-00100206 south side to the west side everybody NjbDnMrG9bY-00483-00100207-00100391 your enemies bring your your family you NjbDnMrG9bY-00484-00100392-00100582 don't even call it like just come watch NjbDnMrG9bY-00485-00100583-00100750 what god does if there's any type of NjbDnMrG9bY-00486-00100751-00100871 hope inside of you that says you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00487-00100872-00101062 what i'm gonna give this another chance NjbDnMrG9bY-00488-00101063-00101335 please do come come expecting come NjbDnMrG9bY-00489-00101336-00101518 thirsty you're tired you've been you NjbDnMrG9bY-00490-00101519-00101735 tried everything your way come watch NjbDnMrG9bY-00491-00101736-00101887 god's way is better than your ways watch NjbDnMrG9bY-00492-00101888-00102079 what god does i expect god to move in a NjbDnMrG9bY-00493-00102080-00102271 mighty way more than music we're not NjbDnMrG9bY-00494-00102272-00102415 coming to entice you with music or NjbDnMrG9bY-00495-00102416-00102623 emotions we believe in the power sound NjbDnMrG9bY-00496-00102624-00102766 doctrine love that god is going to NjbDnMrG9bY-00497-00102767-00102942 continue to do what he does best he is NjbDnMrG9bY-00498-00102943-00103158 god he is sovereign and you have a loved NjbDnMrG9bY-00499-00103159-00103334 one that is in prison and need that NjbDnMrG9bY-00500-00103335-00103518 needs clarity for comfort him he might NjbDnMrG9bY-00501-00103519-00103694 not be able to come you walk for him you NjbDnMrG9bY-00502-00103695-00103847 come out there for him and we're gonna NjbDnMrG9bY-00503-00103848-00104039 believe that god touches him in the cell NjbDnMrG9bY-00504-00104040-00104230 blocks that a revival will start inside NjbDnMrG9bY-00505-00104231-00104463 of him be so contagious and convicted NjbDnMrG9bY-00506-00104464-00104615 that god will use it for prayer studies NjbDnMrG9bY-00507-00104616-00104815 and bible studies and and whatever he NjbDnMrG9bY-00508-00104816-00105110 can use in the compound just come come NjbDnMrG9bY-00509-00105111-00105351 thirsty i'm expecting man it's gonna be NjbDnMrG9bY-00510-00105352-00105575 beautiful super beautiful glory NjbDnMrG9bY-00511-00105576-00105775 hallelujah i love this i love this you NjbDnMrG9bY-00512-00105776-00106047 know uh even during the crusade we have NjbDnMrG9bY-00513-00106048-00106271 a department one of our ministries NjbDnMrG9bY-00514-00106272-00106558 that's focused on eradicating human NjbDnMrG9bY-00515-00106559-00106783 trafficking you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00516-00106783-00107119 boys women being sold into slavery for NjbDnMrG9bY-00517-00107120-00107390 sex and and other things so we actually NjbDnMrG9bY-00518-00107391-00107663 have a department during the three days NjbDnMrG9bY-00519-00107664-00107983 uh focused on human trafficking because NjbDnMrG9bY-00520-00107983-00108286 human trafficking is a very big issue in NjbDnMrG9bY-00521-00108288-00108527 navajo nation and of course jeffrey NjbDnMrG9bY-00522-00108528-00108775 epstein you know uh you know of course NjbDnMrG9bY-00523-00108776-00108983 he didn't die by accident last year but NjbDnMrG9bY-00524-00108983-00109239 he he has a huge house in new mexico NjbDnMrG9bY-00525-00109240-00109399 that just got on the market literally NjbDnMrG9bY-00526-00109400-00109758 six weeks ago so uh we're coming to see NjbDnMrG9bY-00527-00109759-00110063 human trafficking eradicated in the next NjbDnMrG9bY-00528-00110064-00110302 we're coming to see the alcoholism with NjbDnMrG9bY-00529-00110303-00110558 the native americans we're coming to see NjbDnMrG9bY-00530-00110559-00110775 the you know the captives set free NjbDnMrG9bY-00531-00110776-00110934 miracle signs and wonders i mean we've NjbDnMrG9bY-00532-00110935-00111151 been seeing people drop their canes NjbDnMrG9bY-00533-00111152-00111383 their crutches their their glasses NjbDnMrG9bY-00534-00111383-00111590 tumors are dissolving NjbDnMrG9bY-00535-00111591-00111743 metals aren't dissolving them god is NjbDnMrG9bY-00536-00111744-00111951 showing up like never before so this is NjbDnMrG9bY-00537-00111952-00112175 going to be an awesome powerful time NjbDnMrG9bY-00538-00112176-00112351 we're so excited honored to have you NjbDnMrG9bY-00539-00112352-00112654 pastor brian and amen NjbDnMrG9bY-00540-00112655-00112863 uh you know kingdom music i can't wait NjbDnMrG9bY-00541-00112864-00113071 to just meet you in person and it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00542-00113072-00113231 going to be a powerful three days NjbDnMrG9bY-00543-00113232-00113502 powerful three days so man of god before NjbDnMrG9bY-00544-00113503-00113710 he just calls us out of prayer NjbDnMrG9bY-00545-00113711-00113878 is there anything else you just want to NjbDnMrG9bY-00546-00113879-00114031 say to the people as we're about to NjbDnMrG9bY-00547-00114032-00114151 close NjbDnMrG9bY-00548-00114152-00114263 yes uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00549-00114264-00114478 there's there's there's always get uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00550-00114479-00114678 messages like man i want you to come NjbDnMrG9bY-00551-00114679-00114910 you're not especially in new mexico like NjbDnMrG9bY-00552-00114911-00115039 when you're going to come to albuquerque NjbDnMrG9bY-00553-00115040-00115278 when you look this is the time this is NjbDnMrG9bY-00554-00115279-00115431 the time this is the time where where NjbDnMrG9bY-00555-00115432-00115607 you don't come for you don't come from NjbDnMrG9bY-00556-00115608-00115799 me you don't come for the for a pastor NjbDnMrG9bY-00557-00115800-00116047 for you come for jesus come have a name NjbDnMrG9bY-00558-00116048-00116239 not an experience have an encounter NjbDnMrG9bY-00559-00116240-00116375 comfort the encounter with jesus i NjbDnMrG9bY-00560-00116376-00116486 believe the encounter will change your NjbDnMrG9bY-00561-00116488-00116678 life forever the experience can come and NjbDnMrG9bY-00562-00116679-00116758 go NjbDnMrG9bY-00563-00116759-00116934 the encounter is forever the real NjbDnMrG9bY-00564-00116935-00117119 encounter i love you guys every single NjbDnMrG9bY-00565-00117120-00117334 one of you guys uh um NjbDnMrG9bY-00566-00117335-00117478 maybe you should call your boss ahead of NjbDnMrG9bY-00567-00117479-00117695 time if you got working and try to make NjbDnMrG9bY-00568-00117696-00117902 plans to be there trying to make plans NjbDnMrG9bY-00569-00117903-00118086 to be there plan ahead so it doesn't NjbDnMrG9bY-00570-00118088-00118247 catch you off guard like i just heard NjbDnMrG9bY-00571-00118248-00118431 about this this is a perfect time for NjbDnMrG9bY-00572-00118432-00118534 for you to NjbDnMrG9bY-00573-00118535-00118647 bring NjbDnMrG9bY-00574-00118648-00118854 everything in your life the the burdens NjbDnMrG9bY-00575-00118855-00119015 that you carry that make the burdens NjbDnMrG9bY-00576-00119016-00119143 that you that you carry for other people NjbDnMrG9bY-00577-00119144-00119319 that are not even yours to carry some of NjbDnMrG9bY-00578-00119320-00119454 your carrying burdens and they're heavy NjbDnMrG9bY-00579-00119455-00119663 on you they're not even yours to carry NjbDnMrG9bY-00580-00119664-00119807 jesus said i would take your load and NjbDnMrG9bY-00581-00119808-00119966 i'll make you lighter take my burden he NjbDnMrG9bY-00582-00119967-00120190 said he said mine is it's lowest it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00583-00120191-00120447 not even heavy and and i believe that so NjbDnMrG9bY-00584-00120448-00120663 many people if you would just come NjbDnMrG9bY-00585-00120664-00120831 come come come be a daughter come be NjbDnMrG9bY-00586-00120832-00121023 your son allow your father to speak to NjbDnMrG9bY-00587-00121024-00121166 your heart man he loves you he loves you NjbDnMrG9bY-00588-00121167-00121295 there's hope if you're going through NjbDnMrG9bY-00589-00121296-00121543 pain it it it's not it's not forever NjbDnMrG9bY-00590-00121544-00121654 it's going to pass if you're going NjbDnMrG9bY-00591-00121655-00121863 through a journey you're not alone NjbDnMrG9bY-00592-00121864-00122031 there's hope for you and that i just NjbDnMrG9bY-00593-00122032-00122143 want to encourage you and let you know NjbDnMrG9bY-00594-00122144-00122295 that we love you guys this is an awesome NjbDnMrG9bY-00595-00122296-00122471 opportunity for all of us to lock arms NjbDnMrG9bY-00596-00122472-00122702 go into prayer and and trust and trust NjbDnMrG9bY-00597-00122703-00122863 god to do what he does best man he'll NjbDnMrG9bY-00598-00122864-00123014 steal you up here for empty he'll fix NjbDnMrG9bY-00599-00123015-00123183 you if you're broken in the name of NjbDnMrG9bY-00600-00123183-00123495 jesus amen glory lord god i love the man NjbDnMrG9bY-00601-00123496-00123727 of god you know people are driving from NjbDnMrG9bY-00602-00123728-00124054 oklahoma from texas from arizona NjbDnMrG9bY-00603-00124055-00124231 people are driving from california you NjbDnMrG9bY-00604-00124232-00124414 know i'm from los angeles california we NjbDnMrG9bY-00605-00124415-00124671 have a whole team of 50 60 people coming NjbDnMrG9bY-00606-00124672-00124934 from hawaii from utah washington i mean NjbDnMrG9bY-00607-00124935-00125199 we got people all around coming for this NjbDnMrG9bY-00608-00125200-00125327 and NjbDnMrG9bY-00609-00125328-00125599 new mexico is getting set on fire people NjbDnMrG9bY-00610-00125600-00125902 of god and uh we need you to come come NjbDnMrG9bY-00611-00125903-00126071 receive an encounter with jesus your NjbDnMrG9bY-00612-00126072-00126231 life will never be the same let me tell NjbDnMrG9bY-00613-00126232-00126551 you i guarantee it you cannot have all NjbDnMrG9bY-00614-00126552-00126758 of these people coming together and not NjbDnMrG9bY-00615-00126759-00127078 expect jesus to just come and crash in NjbDnMrG9bY-00616-00127079-00127286 it's going to be so awesome so powerful NjbDnMrG9bY-00617-00127288-00127519 pastor brian before you pray for us uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00618-00127520-00127710 you know just talk to us how can people NjbDnMrG9bY-00619-00127711-00127886 find you follow you and invite you you NjbDnMrG9bY-00620-00127888-00128086 know i mean your music's uh all out NjbDnMrG9bY-00621-00128088-00128247 there but just talk to us real quick uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00622-00128248-00128407 about those details NjbDnMrG9bY-00623-00128408-00128590 uh you can follow the ministry uh we NjbDnMrG9bY-00624-00128591-00128934 have www.kingdommusic.org NjbDnMrG9bY-00625-00128935-00129231 and music with a z and um and it has the NjbDnMrG9bY-00626-00129232-00129423 updates it has everything from that NjbDnMrG9bY-00627-00129424-00129583 we're doing from the if you want to get NjbDnMrG9bY-00628-00129583-00129766 plugged into discipleship you want to be NjbDnMrG9bY-00629-00129767-00129975 a part of the prison ministry has all NjbDnMrG9bY-00630-00129976-00130166 different department and that that's how NjbDnMrG9bY-00631-00130167-00130358 you can plug in we got facebook and NjbDnMrG9bY-00632-00130359-00130614 instagram and youtube but um NjbDnMrG9bY-00633-00130615-00130775 we just want to lift up his name it's NjbDnMrG9bY-00634-00130776-00130958 not about nothing about us it's all NjbDnMrG9bY-00635-00130959-00131143 about jesus man so if you if you're NjbDnMrG9bY-00636-00131144-00131311 interested in where the ministry is and NjbDnMrG9bY-00637-00131312-00131431 you just want to see more about it just NjbDnMrG9bY-00638-00131432-00131631 go to kingdommusic.org it has NjbDnMrG9bY-00639-00131632-00131759 testimonies and everything that we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00640-00131760-00131983 doing but uh i'm gonna leave i'm gonna NjbDnMrG9bY-00641-00131984-00132166 need everybody in the prayer okay pastor NjbDnMrG9bY-00642-00132167-00132359 praise please go ahead NjbDnMrG9bY-00643-00132360-00132519 father god i thank you lord for this NjbDnMrG9bY-00644-00132520-00132775 awesome day i thank you lord for um the NjbDnMrG9bY-00645-00132776-00132959 bible says acknowledge your name and all NjbDnMrG9bY-00646-00132960-00133071 that we do NjbDnMrG9bY-00647-00133072-00133207 the thought to be established and our NjbDnMrG9bY-00648-00133208-00133375 plans would succeed and that's what me NjbDnMrG9bY-00649-00133376-00133487 and my brother are doing today we're NjbDnMrG9bY-00650-00133488-00133678 acknowledging you and knowing that from NjbDnMrG9bY-00651-00133679-00133878 the beginning to the end from NjbDnMrG9bY-00652-00133879-00134078 from the praises to the to the signs and NjbDnMrG9bY-00653-00134079-00134214 wonders that follow those who believe NjbDnMrG9bY-00654-00134215-00134483 lord that you get the glory NjbDnMrG9bY-00655-00134484-00134702 um i just asked right now that you just NjbDnMrG9bY-00656-00134703-00134878 begin to set things in motion father god NjbDnMrG9bY-00657-00134879-00135119 to to those who that need the invitation NjbDnMrG9bY-00658-00135120-00135366 that somehow the invitation gets to them NjbDnMrG9bY-00659-00135367-00135454 um NjbDnMrG9bY-00660-00135455-00135687 so any voice any voice of discord or NjbDnMrG9bY-00661-00135688-00135847 doubt anything that's trying to keep NjbDnMrG9bY-00662-00135848-00135999 your sons and your daughters from coming NjbDnMrG9bY-00663-00136000-00136231 to be fed lord that you remove those NjbDnMrG9bY-00664-00136232-00136375 voices and it and that you'll have the NjbDnMrG9bY-00665-00136376-00136575 supernatural father that you have a way NjbDnMrG9bY-00666-00136576-00136743 of drawing people to you so we lift up NjbDnMrG9bY-00667-00136744-00136959 your name because you draw people to you NjbDnMrG9bY-00668-00136960-00137111 and i just pray right now lord that you NjbDnMrG9bY-00669-00137112-00137327 begin to uh NjbDnMrG9bY-00670-00137328-00137519 to just feel feel the hearts the soil of NjbDnMrG9bY-00671-00137520-00137687 the hearts on good ground that the seeds NjbDnMrG9bY-00672-00137688-00137863 will be planted in water i pray right NjbDnMrG9bY-00673-00137864-00138102 now father god that um that even in this NjbDnMrG9bY-00674-00138103-00138302 prayer that somebody is feeling drawn to NjbDnMrG9bY-00675-00138303-00138535 you and i pray that uh it should just NjbDnMrG9bY-00676-00138536-00138823 fill every heart and every seat of this NjbDnMrG9bY-00677-00138824-00138966 stadium NjbDnMrG9bY-00678-00138967-00139135 that all of us will be touched by your NjbDnMrG9bY-00679-00139136-00139319 love that's contagious and convicted all NjbDnMrG9bY-00680-00139320-00139519 of us will be baptized in your fire NjbDnMrG9bY-00681-00139520-00139766 baptized in your love fresh love that NjbDnMrG9bY-00682-00139767-00139902 the world will know we're identified as NjbDnMrG9bY-00683-00139903-00140039 one of yours by the way we care for one NjbDnMrG9bY-00684-00140040-00140231 another i pray that churches will come NjbDnMrG9bY-00685-00140232-00140399 together regardless of the denomination NjbDnMrG9bY-00686-00140400-00140590 or doctrine or any indifferences i pray NjbDnMrG9bY-00687-00140591-00140719 that the body of christ will come NjbDnMrG9bY-00688-00140720-00140902 together as one NjbDnMrG9bY-00689-00140903-00141071 and i love you lord jesus i thank you NjbDnMrG9bY-00690-00141072-00141271 just bless the ears who are listening NjbDnMrG9bY-00691-00141272-00141375 and NjbDnMrG9bY-00692-00141376-00141511 just have your way holy spirit in the NjbDnMrG9bY-00693-00141512-00141775 name of jesus christ of nazareth amen NjbDnMrG9bY-00694-00141776-00142007 amen amen amen wow so good you could NjbDnMrG9bY-00695-00142008-00142199 feel the presence of god we appreciate NjbDnMrG9bY-00696-00142200-00142399 you pastor brian all that you do is NjbDnMrG9bY-00697-00142400-00142631 going to be a powerful time too short NjbDnMrG9bY-00698-00142632-00142790 together but it's going to be a powerful NjbDnMrG9bY-00699-00142791-00142966 time together we know when different NjbDnMrG9bY-00700-00142967-00143199 graces gifts anointings come together NjbDnMrG9bY-00701-00143200-00143566 it's an explosive multiplicative uh type NjbDnMrG9bY-00702-00143567-00143726 of effect that takes place so we can't NjbDnMrG9bY-00703-00143727-00143943 wait to have you listen if you wanna NjbDnMrG9bY-00704-00143944-00144231 come and if you want to watch actually NjbDnMrG9bY-00705-00144232-00144447 everything's gonna be aired live NjbDnMrG9bY-00706-00144448-00144775 on ctn christian television network i NjbDnMrG9bY-00707-00144776-00145031 think it's the second third tv network NjbDnMrG9bY-00708-00145032-00145311 christian tv network on earth so all all NjbDnMrG9bY-00709-00145312-00145535 three days is going to be broadcast live NjbDnMrG9bY-00710-00145536-00145807 on ctn christian television network all NjbDnMrG9bY-00711-00145808-00146126 right but uh we want to see you here all NjbDnMrG9bY-00712-00146127-00146659 right you can go to redrockcrusade.org NjbDnMrG9bY-00713-00146660-00146839 redrockcrusade.org all the information NjbDnMrG9bY-00714-00146840-00147063 will be there we can NjbDnMrG9bY-00715-00147064-00147278 this was pastor ben lim with pastor NjbDnMrG9bY-00716-00147279-00147551 brian trejo of kingdom music we love you NjbDnMrG9bY-00717-00147552-00147790 and can't wait to see you at red rock to NjbDnMrG9bY-00718-00147791-00148119 see signs wonders and miracles flow see NjbDnMrG9bY-00719-00148120-00148351 souls come to jesus god bless you love NjbDnMrG9bY-00720-00148352-00148671 you see you this week NjbDnMrG9bY-00721-00148672-00149711 [Music] NkVOESWldgo-00000-00000438-00001198 [Music] NkVOESWldgo-00001-00001199-00001532 clutching a plastic bank laden with cans NkVOESWldgo-00002-00001533-00001798 Megan Martha less reclusive dad shows NkVOESWldgo-00003-00001800-00002143 the pair both loved beers while her NkVOESWldgo-00004-00002144-00002348 engagement ring is rumored to contain NkVOESWldgo-00005-00002349-00002630 some of a diamond company's gems her NkVOESWldgo-00006-00002631-00002900 father has been downing lager to toast NkVOESWldgo-00007-00002901-00003297 her forthcoming marriage to Prince Harry NkVOESWldgo-00008-00003298-00003884 as the Royals quaffed champagne thomas NkVOESWldgo-00009-00003885-00004220 Markel senior 73 has spent nights and NkVOESWldgo-00010-00004221-00004568 with just some beers for company amid NkVOESWldgo-00011-00004569-00004763 rumours he and Megan have a strained NkVOESWldgo-00012-00004764-00005011 relationship he emerged from hiding to NkVOESWldgo-00013-00005012-00005272 run errands in his hometown in Mexico NkVOESWldgo-00014-00005273-00005486 then went to a store for cigarettes and NkVOESWldgo-00015-00005487-00006152 the four pack of Heineken his neighbour NkVOESWldgo-00016-00006153-00006413 said Tom is very happy in his own NkVOESWldgo-00017-00006414-00006755 company he left his home in Los Angeles NkVOESWldgo-00018-00006756-00007009 to escape parts of his past and start NkVOESWldgo-00019-00007011-00007702 afresh down here he is very content NkVOESWldgo-00020-00007703-00008006 there are rumors he has a lady friend in NkVOESWldgo-00021-00008006-00008374 the town if Tom wants to tell us he will NkVOESWldgo-00022-00008375-00009053 in his own time he is very charismatic NkVOESWldgo-00023-00009054-00009395 and has a very good sense of humor he'll NkVOESWldgo-00024-00009396-00009620 get a lot of attention for sure down NkVOESWldgo-00025-00009621-00010042 here retired lighting director Thomas SR NkVOESWldgo-00026-00010043-00010288 left the US last year after declaring NkVOESWldgo-00027-00010289-00010577 himself bankrupt with credit card debts NkVOESWldgo-00028-00010578-00010898 of twenty four thousand 180 pounds and NkVOESWldgo-00029-00010899-00011187 savings of just 160 pounds NkVOESWldgo-00030-00011188-00011559 [Music] NkVOESWldgo-00031-00011560-00012001 but a son Thomas Jr says his dad has a NkVOESWldgo-00032-00012002-00012328 good pension that is not broke sources NkVOESWldgo-00033-00012329-00012655 close to Thomas SR say he is determined NkVOESWldgo-00034-00012656-00012927 to give 36 year old US actress Megan NkVOESWldgo-00035-00012928-00013300 away when she weds Harry 33 at Windsor NkVOESWldgo-00036-00013301-00014074 Castle in May Thomas SR friend Ramon NkVOESWldgo-00037-00014075-00014434 Moreno 61 the dad loves to chat about NkVOESWldgo-00038-00014435-00014815 his famous daughter Ramone said one of NkVOESWldgo-00039-00014816-00015037 the first things he said was have you NkVOESWldgo-00040-00015038-00015382 heard of Megan Markel I said yes that NkVOESWldgo-00041-00015383-00015666 name rings a bell I know she is on NkVOESWldgo-00042-00015668-00016471 television he said I am her dead Ramone NkVOESWldgo-00043-00016472-00016753 said Thomas SR is very happy about his NkVOESWldgo-00044-00016754-00017068 daughter's relationship adding yes he NkVOESWldgo-00045-00017069-00017422 has spoken about Megan and Harry he NkVOESWldgo-00046-00017423-00017656 talked about her and Harry before it was NkVOESWldgo-00047-00017657-00018230 news all over the world NkVOESWldgo-00048-00018231-00018588 Thomas SR who is six feet three inin NkVOESWldgo-00049-00018589-00018912 roughly 20 st lives in a rented yellow NkVOESWldgo-00050-00018913-00019160 house overlooking the Pacific Ocean NkVOESWldgo-00051-00019161-00019413 plywood boarding covers the front of the NkVOESWldgo-00052-00019414-00019647 property giving the appearance the home NkVOESWldgo-00053-00019648-00019938 just outside the town of Rosarito Beach NkVOESWldgo-00054-00019939-00020091 is uninhabited NkVOESWldgo-00055-00020092-00020459 [Music] NkVOESWldgo-00056-00020460-00020741 before hiding himself away recently NkVOESWldgo-00057-00020742-00021087 Thomas SR was often seen driving an old NkVOESWldgo-00058-00021088-00021441 Ford Escape or Volvo s70 to the shops to NkVOESWldgo-00059-00021442-00022158 buy his favorite cigarettes mr. Marcos NkVOESWldgo-00060-00022159-00022353 emergence came as an interview has NkVOESWldgo-00061-00022354-00022629 resurfaced in which Megan who stars and NkVOESWldgo-00062-00022630-00022887 TV drama suits how she battled NkVOESWldgo-00063-00022888-00023115 insecurities and rejection in her bid to NkVOESWldgo-00064-00023116-00023781 breakthrough in Hollywood she said two NkVOESWldgo-00065-00023782-00024015 years ago she was branded not thin NkVOESWldgo-00066-00024016-00024300 enough not pretty enough not ethnic NkVOESWldgo-00067-00024301-00024603 enough while also being too thin to NkVOESWldgo-00068-00024604-00024893 ethnic too pretty the very next day NkVOESWldgo-00069-00024894-00025315 [Music] NmyghpO9fQE-00000-00000079-00000262 hey everyone welcome to my channel again NmyghpO9fQE-00001-00000263-00000543 with a brand new video and in today's NmyghpO9fQE-00002-00000544-00000726 video i'm gonna show you how you can NmyghpO9fQE-00003-00000727-00000847 download NmyghpO9fQE-00004-00000848-00001191 the facebook stories facebook reels or NmyghpO9fQE-00005-00001192-00001519 any videos from facebook directly to NmyghpO9fQE-00006-00001520-00001798 your gallery you will see so many videos NmyghpO9fQE-00007-00001800-00002102 on youtube but no one is showing you the NmyghpO9fQE-00008-00002103-00002295 right way to download it but i'm gonna NmyghpO9fQE-00009-00002296-00002510 show you today so that you will not get NmyghpO9fQE-00010-00002511-00002671 any problem NmyghpO9fQE-00011-00002672-00002887 and downloading any videos NmyghpO9fQE-00012-00002888-00003166 for that you need to click on the story NmyghpO9fQE-00013-00003167-00003390 that you want to download NmyghpO9fQE-00014-00003392-00003511 so NmyghpO9fQE-00015-00003511-00003815 here it's a story or if you want to NmyghpO9fQE-00016-00003815-00003967 download reels NmyghpO9fQE-00017-00003968-00004135 click on reels NmyghpO9fQE-00018-00004136-00004319 and NmyghpO9fQE-00019-00004320-00004575 click anyone you want to download NmyghpO9fQE-00020-00004576-00004886 so for example NmyghpO9fQE-00021-00004887-00005102 i want to download it NmyghpO9fQE-00022-00005103-00005383 right so click here and then you will NmyghpO9fQE-00023-00005384-00005527 see NmyghpO9fQE-00024-00005528-00006343 three dots on the time NmyghpO9fQE-00025-00006344-00006518 just copy the link NmyghpO9fQE-00026-00006519-00006775 and go back NmyghpO9fQE-00027-00006776-00006998 right NmyghpO9fQE-00028-00007000-00007127 after that NmyghpO9fQE-00029-00007128-00007431 you need to download an application NmyghpO9fQE-00030-00007431-00007527 called NmyghpO9fQE-00031-00007528-00007774 snapcube you have to download it from NmyghpO9fQE-00032-00007775-00007998 the google play store no NmyghpO9fQE-00033-00008000-00008183 this application is not available on NmyghpO9fQE-00034-00008184-00008351 google play store NmyghpO9fQE-00035-00008352-00008487 so NmyghpO9fQE-00036-00008488-00008774 you have to go to the NmyghpO9fQE-00037-00008775-00008991 google or google chrome NmyghpO9fQE-00038-00008992-00009239 and there you can find out the apk NmyghpO9fQE-00039-00009240-00009423 application of NmyghpO9fQE-00040-00009424-00009663 snapchat so download it or any NmyghpO9fQE-00041-00009664-00009883 application which is the video NmyghpO9fQE-00042-00009884-00010174 downloader so any video downloader will NmyghpO9fQE-00043-00010175-00010359 work on this okay NmyghpO9fQE-00044-00010360-00010655 so download it and then search go to the NmyghpO9fQE-00045-00010656-00010767 search bar NmyghpO9fQE-00046-00010768-00010991 and paste the link NmyghpO9fQE-00047-00010992-00011223 that you have copied NmyghpO9fQE-00048-00011224-00011495 from there and then search it NmyghpO9fQE-00049-00011496-00011623 right NmyghpO9fQE-00050-00011624-00012342 so i'm gonna search it NmyghpO9fQE-00051-00012343-00012542 right NmyghpO9fQE-00052-00012543-00012838 after searching you need to NmyghpO9fQE-00053-00012839-00013086 you know login to your account so i'm NmyghpO9fQE-00054-00013087-00013303 gonna login from here NmyghpO9fQE-00055-00013304-00013471 right NmyghpO9fQE-00056-00013472-00013758 so i have fill up everything now click NmyghpO9fQE-00057-00013759-00013855 on NmyghpO9fQE-00058-00013856-00014599 login NmyghpO9fQE-00059-00014600-00014807 so i have login NmyghpO9fQE-00060-00014808-00015135 and now you will see the download button NmyghpO9fQE-00061-00015136-00015238 on the NmyghpO9fQE-00062-00015240-00015422 down corner NmyghpO9fQE-00063-00015423-00015727 right this is your download button NmyghpO9fQE-00064-00015728-00015958 so from here you can download it click NmyghpO9fQE-00065-00015959-00016127 on download button NmyghpO9fQE-00066-00016128-00016238 and then NmyghpO9fQE-00067-00016240-00016391 you will see NmyghpO9fQE-00068-00016392-00016630 the downloading options NmyghpO9fQE-00069-00016631-00016935 right so i'm gonna download this NmyghpO9fQE-00070-00016936-00017230 select this and start downloading NmyghpO9fQE-00071-00017231-00017311 okay NmyghpO9fQE-00072-00017312-00017391 so NmyghpO9fQE-00073-00017392-00017599 this is how you can download NmyghpO9fQE-00074-00017600-00017935 your any stories or any deals or any NmyghpO9fQE-00075-00017936-00018047 videos NmyghpO9fQE-00076-00018048-00018271 from facebook NmyghpO9fQE-00077-00018272-00018494 i hope this video is helpful for you NmyghpO9fQE-00078-00018495-00018711 if this video is helpful please like NmyghpO9fQE-00079-00018712-00018814 button NmyghpO9fQE-00080-00018815-00019007 and share this video NmyghpO9fQE-00081-00019008-00019199 thank you so much for watching this NmyghpO9fQE-00082-00019200-00019636 video and have a great day OoToKWBsxpo-00000-00000241-00000526 City temperature OoToKWBsxpo-00001-00000527-00002099 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00002-00002100-00003019 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00003-00003020-00003319 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00004-00003320-00003571 it's like stranger OoToKWBsxpo-00005-00003572-00005808 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00006-00005809-00006478 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00007-00006479-00006689 to catch OoToKWBsxpo-00008-00006690-00007020 Sweet Water OoToKWBsxpo-00009-00007022-00007327 the cats OoToKWBsxpo-00010-00007328-00007873 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00011-00007873-00008533 catch Sweet Water Country Water OoToKWBsxpo-00012-00008534-00008813 I said OoToKWBsxpo-00013-00008814-00009155 where's that inbox alone OoToKWBsxpo-00014-00009156-00009491 Shrine pipe slow OoToKWBsxpo-00015-00009492-00009701 more side OoToKWBsxpo-00016-00009702-00009866 go base OoToKWBsxpo-00017-00009867-00009978 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00018-00009979-00011238 what's that gonna be school OoToKWBsxpo-00019-00011239-00011741 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00020-00011742-00012114 bigger OoToKWBsxpo-00021-00012115-00012424 in overseas OoToKWBsxpo-00022-00012425-00013121 it's fine just wait kind of stupid OoToKWBsxpo-00023-00013122-00013978 foreign OoToKWBsxpo-00024-00013979-00016043 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00025-00016044-00016549 right quickly raining OoToKWBsxpo-00026-00016550-00017344 raining then floating OoToKWBsxpo-00027-00017345-00017580 forget OoToKWBsxpo-00028-00017581-00018347 no butter plastic OoToKWBsxpo-00029-00018348-00018635 wedding OoToKWBsxpo-00030-00018636-00018953 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00031-00018954-00019433 yes OoToKWBsxpo-00032-00019434-00020161 and it's sweet OoToKWBsxpo-00033-00020162-00020905 too much dirt OoToKWBsxpo-00034-00020906-00021730 less this one OoToKWBsxpo-00035-00021731-00021859 bags OoToKWBsxpo-00036-00021860-00022422 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00037-00022423-00022799 like they repeat like they said OoToKWBsxpo-00038-00022800-00023122 if you pack it in OoToKWBsxpo-00039-00023123-00024047 your scratch it out OoToKWBsxpo-00040-00024048-00024328 line OoToKWBsxpo-00041-00024329-00024467 Street OoToKWBsxpo-00042-00024468-00024691 liquids OoToKWBsxpo-00043-00024692-00024971 leakage of water OoToKWBsxpo-00044-00024972-00025289 wait some gallons of water OoToKWBsxpo-00045-00025290-00026158 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00046-00026160-00027004 I've been sushi OoToKWBsxpo-00047-00027005-00027268 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00048-00027269-00027418 Edition OoToKWBsxpo-00049-00027419-00028887 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00050-00028888-00029662 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00051-00029663-00031580 foreign OoToKWBsxpo-00052-00031581-00032500 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00053-00032501-00033007 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00054-00033008-00033646 I see this one OoToKWBsxpo-00055-00033647-00033959 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00056-00033960-00034328 pressure special OoToKWBsxpo-00057-00034329-00036109 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00058-00036110-00036389 good girl OoToKWBsxpo-00059-00036390-00039287 okay OoToKWBsxpo-00060-00039288-00040098 foreign OoToKWBsxpo-00061-00040099-00042521 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00062-00042522-00042646 foreign OoToKWBsxpo-00063-00042647-00043764 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00064-00043765-00044412 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00065-00044413-00045192 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00066-00045193-00045749 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00067-00045750-00046859 foreign OoToKWBsxpo-00068-00046860-00049177 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00069-00049178-00049699 thank you OoToKWBsxpo-00070-00049700-00051085 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00071-00051086-00052709 [Music] OoToKWBsxpo-00072-00052710-00053249 jealous OoToKWBsxpo-00073-00053250-00054035 y OoToKWBsxpo-00074-00054036-00054557 cat OoToKWBsxpo-00075-00054558-00055999 s OoToKWBsxpo-00076-00056000-00056315 I can really OoToKWBsxpo-00077-00056316-00056612 actually O0OsHRIy5mo-00000-00000595-00000827 from reinhard college and waleska O0OsHRIy5mo-00001-00000828-00001107 georgia this is renewing American O0OsHRIy5mo-00002-00001108-00001428 civilization in this the seventh of 10 O0OsHRIy5mo-00003-00001429-00001671 class presentations congressman Newt O0OsHRIy5mo-00004-00001672-00001848 Gingrich an adjunct professor at O0OsHRIy5mo-00005-00001848-00002073 Reinhardt college will continue his O0OsHRIy5mo-00006-00002074-00002313 course which presents the foundational O0OsHRIy5mo-00007-00002314-00002556 principles necessary to the renewal of O0OsHRIy5mo-00008-00002557-00003561 American civilization O0OsHRIy5mo-00009-00003561-00003861 this week's lesson the third wave and a O0OsHRIy5mo-00010-00003861-00004152 blue sation focuses on the third wave O0OsHRIy5mo-00011-00004153-00004425 information age American civilization O0OsHRIy5mo-00012-00004426-00005140 and the rules of human behavior O0OsHRIy5mo-00013-00005141-00005392 let me say good morning I mean welcome O0OsHRIy5mo-00014-00005393-00005611 the students who are taking the course O0OsHRIy5mo-00015-00005612-00005803 from mind extension University and O0OsHRIy5mo-00016-00005804-00006013 remind them and other folks who might be O0OsHRIy5mo-00017-00006014-00006151 seeing it on cable or and video tape O0OsHRIy5mo-00018-00006152-00006286 that you can mail your comments to O0OsHRIy5mo-00019-00006287-00006498 renewing American civilization post O0OsHRIy5mo-00020-00006500-00006940 office box 6008 Marietta Georgia 300 65 O0OsHRIy5mo-00021-00006941-00007356 or you can fax your comments to 40 45 O0OsHRIy5mo-00022-00007358-00007765 289 806 or you can email your comments O0OsHRIy5mo-00023-00007766-00008421 to America Online renew am @ aol.com O0OsHRIy5mo-00024-00008422-00008698 that class transcripts and other class O0OsHRIy5mo-00025-00008699-00008878 materials are available on our internet O0OsHRIy5mo-00026-00008879-00009310 web page at HTTP double slash colon O0OsHRIy5mo-00027-00009311-00009787 double slash wwp ffor g and you either O0OsHRIy5mo-00028-00009788-00009960 got that already or you don't know what O0OsHRIy5mo-00029-00009961-00010140 it means they don't worry about it and O0OsHRIy5mo-00030-00010141-00010318 you can if you're in the more O0OsHRIy5mo-00031-00010319-00010555 traditional mode you can order american O0OsHRIy5mo-00032-00010556-00010777 civilization newspaper video and audio O0OsHRIy5mo-00033-00010778-00011035 tapes and course readings by calling O0OsHRIy5mo-00034-00011036-00011401 1-800 to renew and I point out to all of O0OsHRIy5mo-00035-00011402-00011512 you since we're going to talk about the O0OsHRIy5mo-00036-00011513-00011740 third wave today that while you all kind O0OsHRIy5mo-00037-00011741-00011896 of go well that's just an old 800 number O0OsHRIy5mo-00038-00011897-00012121 an old 800 number didn't exist 50 years O0OsHRIy5mo-00039-00012122-00012424 ago so it's amazing how rapidly we O0OsHRIy5mo-00040-00012425-00012591 acculturate and acclimate ourselves to O0OsHRIy5mo-00041-00012592-00012777 technologies i also want to mention O0OsHRIy5mo-00042-00012778-00012946 because it's fascinating for anybody who O0OsHRIy5mo-00043-00012947-00013261 watches in alabama that michael xiomara O0OsHRIy5mo-00044-00013262-00013563 who is the head of quality for the O0OsHRIy5mo-00045-00013565-00013890 government of alabama is hosting O0OsHRIy5mo-00046-00013891-00014116 starting i think this coming thursday O0OsHRIy5mo-00047-00014116-00014388 night at the state capitol this course O0OsHRIy5mo-00048-00014390-00014626 for all the senior leadership of the O0OsHRIy5mo-00049-00014627-00014812 alabama government and apparently O0OsHRIy5mo-00050-00014813-00014968 governor fob james has decided to O0OsHRIy5mo-00051-00014969-00015157 support it and to be part of it and it's O0OsHRIy5mo-00052-00015158-00015555 a we were sent an article from the O0OsHRIy5mo-00053-00015556-00015769 birmingham news paper about the about O0OsHRIy5mo-00054-00015769-00015894 the fact that the class will be taught O0OsHRIy5mo-00055-00015895-00016066 at the capitol in Alabama which is sort O0OsHRIy5mo-00056-00016066-00016272 of interesting and they're going to try O0OsHRIy5mo-00057-00016273-00016471 to apply these ideas to alabama state O0OsHRIy5mo-00058-00016472-00016639 government and of course we start in O0OsHRIy5mo-00059-00016640-00016783 terms of applying ideas with the notion O0OsHRIy5mo-00060-00016784-00016983 that the five pillars of american O0OsHRIy5mo-00061-00016984-00017200 civilization our first the historic O0OsHRIy5mo-00062-00017201-00017514 lessons of american civilization second O0OsHRIy5mo-00063-00017515-00017821 personal strength third entrepreneurial O0OsHRIy5mo-00064-00017822-00018028 free enterprise forth the spirit of O0OsHRIy5mo-00065-00018029-00018223 invention and discovery and fifth O0OsHRIy5mo-00066-00018224-00018523 quality as defined by edwards deming O0OsHRIy5mo-00067-00018524-00018697 and at the four areas in this course to O0OsHRIy5mo-00068-00018698-00018832 which we will apply these pillars our O0OsHRIy5mo-00069-00018833-00019102 first the third wave and American O0OsHRIy5mo-00070-00019103-00019335 civilization which is today's topic O0OsHRIy5mo-00071-00019336-00019645 second creating American jobs in the O0OsHRIy5mo-00072-00019646-00020056 world market third replacing the culture O0OsHRIy5mo-00073-00020057-00020263 of violence and poverty with the culture O0OsHRIy5mo-00074-00020264-00020505 of productivity and safety and forth O0OsHRIy5mo-00075-00020506-00020872 citizenship and community in the 21st O0OsHRIy5mo-00076-00020873-00021142 century and so each of the next four O0OsHRIy5mo-00077-00021143-00021286 weeks and since this is the payoff O0OsHRIy5mo-00078-00021287-00021508 period we spent a week outlining the O0OsHRIy5mo-00079-00021509-00021688 course in general we spent five weeks O0OsHRIy5mo-00080-00021689-00021898 outlining the pillars and today is the O0OsHRIy5mo-00081-00021899-00022177 first of the topical sessions which will O0OsHRIy5mo-00082-00022178-00022372 be for a number today's class is on O0OsHRIy5mo-00083-00022373-00022615 third the third wave and American O0OsHRIy5mo-00084-00022616-00022954 civilization this is alvin and Heidi O0OsHRIy5mo-00085-00022955-00023271 toddlers contribution to modern American O0OsHRIy5mo-00086-00023272-00023560 systems let me say the top leurs have O0OsHRIy5mo-00087-00023561-00023767 been very successful authors for a very O0OsHRIy5mo-00088-00023768-00024049 long period of time their most famous O0OsHRIy5mo-00089-00024050-00024376 early book was future shock which still O0OsHRIy5mo-00090-00024377-00024496 in print and available all over the O0OsHRIy5mo-00091-00024497-00024706 place and future shock of course created O0OsHRIy5mo-00092-00024707-00024994 a title I mean people talk about future O0OsHRIy5mo-00093-00024995-00025363 shock yet they made it up but but as O0OsHRIy5mo-00094-00025364-00025576 soon as the book came out in 1970 it O0OsHRIy5mo-00095-00025577-00025797 made sense to people this is the 25th O0OsHRIy5mo-00096-00025798-00026020 anniversary of get your shot about a O0OsHRIy5mo-00097-00026020-00026214 decade later they tried to say alright O0OsHRIy5mo-00098-00026216-00026380 if we're going through this what does it O0OsHRIy5mo-00099-00026381-00026520 mean and they came up with the book O0OsHRIy5mo-00100-00026522-00026710 which is that the title of today's O0OsHRIy5mo-00101-00026711-00026995 lecture which is the third way and their O0OsHRIy5mo-00102-00026995-00027091 argument which we'll get into in a O0OsHRIy5mo-00103-00027092-00027310 minute is that the that future shock can O0OsHRIy5mo-00104-00027311-00027517 be replaced by understanding that you're O0OsHRIy5mo-00105-00027518-00027702 in the middle of a wave of change it's O0OsHRIy5mo-00106-00027704-00027913 sort of like thinking that you are O0OsHRIy5mo-00107-00027914-00028102 trying to understand what is a giant O0OsHRIy5mo-00108-00028102-00028314 tsunami to use the japanese term for a O0OsHRIy5mo-00109-00028316-00028501 tidal wave if you know it's a tidal wave O0OsHRIy5mo-00110-00028502-00028624 you still have a big problem at least O0OsHRIy5mo-00111-00028625-00028827 you know what the problem is and so O0OsHRIy5mo-00112-00028829-00029011 they're talking about win the third will O0OsHRIy5mo-00113-00029012-00029233 change they then wrote a book which i O0OsHRIy5mo-00114-00029233-00029416 really recommend for people who care O0OsHRIy5mo-00115-00029417-00029560 about national security this is called O0OsHRIy5mo-00116-00029561-00029854 war and anti-war and in their effort to O0OsHRIy5mo-00117-00029855-00030049 bring together the notion that all O0OsHRIy5mo-00118-00030050-00030268 international relations are a continuum O0OsHRIy5mo-00119-00030269-00030495 where you're always engaged in the O0OsHRIy5mo-00120-00030497-00030712 tension between war and anti-war they O0OsHRIy5mo-00121-00030713-00030931 point out that from 1945 of the present O0OsHRIy5mo-00122-00030932-00031039 there been three weeks in which there O0OsHRIy5mo-00123-00031039-00031513 was not a war somewhere in fun three O0OsHRIy5mo-00124-00031514-00031882 weeks in 50 years and since O0OsHRIy5mo-00125-00031883-00032083 future since the third wave was in many O0OsHRIy5mo-00126-00032083-00032302 ways the basis intellectually the basis O0OsHRIy5mo-00127-00032302-00032455 of the Army's airland battle doctrine I O0OsHRIy5mo-00128-00032456-00032647 had a dramatic impact they have several O0OsHRIy5mo-00129-00032648-00032833 chapters in here on how the army came to O0OsHRIy5mo-00130-00032834-00033037 grips with thinking about the future and O0OsHRIy5mo-00131-00033038-00033235 what the intellectual basis what we O0OsHRIy5mo-00132-00033236-00033526 didn't desert stone finally reissued O0OsHRIy5mo-00133-00033527-00033775 with a new cover which we were kidding O0OsHRIy5mo-00134-00033776-00033937 Jeff eisenach who designed the old cover O0OsHRIy5mo-00135-00033938-00034087 this is clearly a much better commercial O0OsHRIy5mo-00136-00034088-00034342 cover than the one he had and all of you O0OsHRIy5mo-00137-00034343-00034522 can talk to Jeff about that later he's a O0OsHRIy5mo-00138-00034523-00034720 little sensitive but this is alvin and O0OsHRIy5mo-00139-00034721-00034906 Heidi toddlers new addition creating a O0OsHRIy5mo-00140-00034907-00035053 new civilization of politics of the O0OsHRIy5mo-00141-00035054-00035536 third wave and it is really what they O0OsHRIy5mo-00142-00035537-00035842 did is they edited together the best of O0OsHRIy5mo-00143-00035843-00036001 the three books I decided plus power O0OsHRIy5mo-00144-00036002-00036352 strip is another book of this now the O0OsHRIy5mo-00145-00036353-00036481 point of the reason I'm showing is O0OsHRIy5mo-00146-00036482-00036625 sharing with you is not just to say O0OsHRIy5mo-00147-00036626-00036850 let's do a biography of the toddlers but O0OsHRIy5mo-00148-00036851-00037090 they have been since the late 1960s O0OsHRIy5mo-00149-00037091-00037495 trying to work out what's happening in a O0OsHRIy5mo-00150-00037496-00037813 big way to the human race is there an O0OsHRIy5mo-00151-00037814-00037954 underlying pattern is there an O0OsHRIy5mo-00152-00037955-00038251 underlying explanation it's a little bit O0OsHRIy5mo-00153-00038252-00038545 like if I can use just a couple of very O0OsHRIy5mo-00154-00038546-00038911 common human analogies I I have a good O0OsHRIy5mo-00155-00038912-00039115 friend who went out one day and he's in O0OsHRIy5mo-00156-00039116-00039289 his late 40s bike you know I'm dr. Mel O0OsHRIy5mo-00157-00039290-00039463 steely he went out one day he's gonna O0OsHRIy5mo-00158-00039464-00039589 hate me for having told that because O0OsHRIy5mo-00159-00039590-00039721 it's true story nobody my having O0OsHRIy5mo-00160-00039722-00039907 administers name went out one day and he O0OsHRIy5mo-00161-00039908-00040072 got all excited this happens often the O0OsHRIy5mo-00162-00040073-00040363 guys in their 40s and and he said okay I O0OsHRIy5mo-00163-00040364-00040531 can do it I can do it anyone out and he O0OsHRIy5mo-00164-00040532-00040690 cut wood and he did everything for two O0OsHRIy5mo-00165-00040691-00040948 days and he got up Monday morning he O0OsHRIy5mo-00166-00040949-00041058 thought he's gonna have a heart attack O0OsHRIy5mo-00167-00041059-00041530 and he went to the doctor and his doctor O0OsHRIy5mo-00168-00041531-00041662 checked even looked at her second he O0OsHRIy5mo-00169-00041663-00042070 said did you do something extraordinary O0OsHRIy5mo-00170-00042071-00042328 all weekend he said yeah and he be O0OsHRIy5mo-00171-00042329-00042532 enlisted the guy said Mel you have O0OsHRIy5mo-00172-00042533-00042955 middle aged fat man's disease stelia he O0OsHRIy5mo-00173-00042956-00043246 said you can't go out without any O0OsHRIy5mo-00174-00043247-00043498 exercise without any practice have all O0OsHRIy5mo-00175-00043499-00043651 these muscles that have been laying on a O0OsHRIy5mo-00176-00043652-00043894 couch watching football work for two O0OsHRIy5mo-00177-00043895-00044272 days and not expect to hurt now anybody O0OsHRIy5mo-00178-00044273-00044416 who's a good runner for example will O0OsHRIy5mo-00179-00044417-00044602 tell you I mean you run my daughter runs O0OsHRIy5mo-00180-00044603-00044850 marathons you run a marathon it hurts O0OsHRIy5mo-00181-00044851-00045103 period now so if you're halfway through O0OsHRIy5mo-00182-00045104-00045197 running the marathon O0OsHRIy5mo-00183-00045198-00045329 you're hurting what that tells you is O0OsHRIy5mo-00184-00045330-00045632 you're running a marathon reason I'm O0OsHRIy5mo-00185-00045633-00045812 telling this is that the toughest these O0OsHRIy5mo-00186-00045813-00045962 are patterns I mean all of us learn this O0OsHRIy5mo-00187-00045963-00046115 stuff if you drink too much the night O0OsHRIy5mo-00188-00046116-00046292 before you're probably not going to die O0OsHRIy5mo-00189-00046293-00046439 the next morning but there's a feeling O0OsHRIy5mo-00190-00046440-00046592 which is directly related to drinking O0OsHRIy5mo-00191-00046593-00046958 too much the night before and you got to O0OsHRIy5mo-00192-00046959-00047081 figure out what are these patterns when O0OsHRIy5mo-00193-00047082-00047345 you don't study you fail the test now O0OsHRIy5mo-00194-00047346-00047462 I'm driving at this because what the O0OsHRIy5mo-00195-00047463-00047681 toddlers did they took the most human of O0OsHRIy5mo-00196-00047682-00047858 things which is to try to understand the O0OsHRIy5mo-00197-00047859-00048110 patterns which affect you how can you O0OsHRIy5mo-00198-00048111-00048296 predict based on patterns and they O0OsHRIy5mo-00199-00048297-00048458 backed way up and they said all right O0OsHRIy5mo-00200-00048459-00048641 let's look at the entire planet let's O0OsHRIy5mo-00201-00048642-00048872 look at the whole human race what is O0OsHRIy5mo-00202-00048873-00049181 happening to us and frankly what they O0OsHRIy5mo-00203-00049182-00049364 wrote is very parallel to what Kenneth O0OsHRIy5mo-00204-00049365-00049475 Boulding wrote in the meaning of the O0OsHRIy5mo-00205-00049476-00049898 20th century and what Peter Drucker O0OsHRIy5mo-00206-00049899-00050156 wrote in the age of discontinuities the O0OsHRIy5mo-00207-00050157-00050312 ta's fleurs believe that there have been O0OsHRIy5mo-00208-00050313-00050804 three ways of change from hunting O0OsHRIy5mo-00209-00050805-00051020 gathering to agriculture from O0OsHRIy5mo-00210-00051021-00051233 agriculture to industry and from O0OsHRIy5mo-00211-00051234-00051529 industry to the information age now they O0OsHRIy5mo-00212-00051530-00051749 use the term wave because they said O0OsHRIy5mo-00213-00051750-00051946 literally the wave goes through O0OsHRIy5mo-00214-00051947-00052267 everything and it's not that there's a O0OsHRIy5mo-00215-00052269-00052445 change up here or a change down here but O0OsHRIy5mo-00216-00052446-00052661 that there's a wave which goes through O0OsHRIy5mo-00217-00052662-00052934 everything O2cAEDcYjuQ-00000-00000024-00000238 more homes and places where you can live O2cAEDcYjuQ-00001-00000239-00000471 without a car O2cAEDcYjuQ-00002-00000472-00000695 green spaces should work for people and O2cAEDcYjuQ-00003-00000696-00000862 wildlife O2cAEDcYjuQ-00004-00000863-00001047 new buildings should make their own O2cAEDcYjuQ-00005-00001048-00001215 green energy O2cAEDcYjuQ-00006-00001216-00001454 your ideas are shaping our plan for the O2cAEDcYjuQ-00007-00001455-00001782 future of greater cambridge O2cAEDcYjuQ-00008-00001784-00001982 have we got it right O2cAEDcYjuQ-00009-00001984-00002556 our first proposals comment online now O3kIY5MHz7U-00000-00000000-00000103 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00001-00000104-00000318 number one offering he hath O3kIY5MHz7U-00002-00000319-00000559 perfected for every of them that are O3kIY5MHz7U-00003-00000560-00000647 sanctified O3kIY5MHz7U-00004-00000648-00000871 whereof the holy ghost also is a witness O3kIY5MHz7U-00005-00000872-00001150 to us for after that he had said before O3kIY5MHz7U-00006-00001151-00001319 this is the covenant that i will make O3kIY5MHz7U-00007-00001320-00001487 with them after those days saith the O3kIY5MHz7U-00008-00001488-00001687 lord i will put my law into their hearts O3kIY5MHz7U-00009-00001688-00001879 and in their minds will i write them O3kIY5MHz7U-00010-00001880-00002063 and their sins and iniquities i will O3kIY5MHz7U-00011-00002064-00002302 remember no more O3kIY5MHz7U-00012-00002303-00002526 how then shall they call on him in whom O3kIY5MHz7U-00013-00002527-00002695 they have not believed how shall they O3kIY5MHz7U-00014-00002696-00002847 believe in him of whom O3kIY5MHz7U-00015-00002848-00003095 they have not heard and how shall they O3kIY5MHz7U-00016-00003096-00003222 hear without a preacher O3kIY5MHz7U-00017-00003223-00003415 and how shall they preach except they be O3kIY5MHz7U-00018-00003415-00003615 seen and as it is written how beautiful O3kIY5MHz7U-00019-00003615-00003775 are the feet of them that preach the O3kIY5MHz7U-00020-00003776-00003983 gospel of peace and bring glad tidings O3kIY5MHz7U-00021-00003984-00004167 of good things but they have not all O3kIY5MHz7U-00022-00004168-00004399 obeyed the gospel for isaiah said O3kIY5MHz7U-00023-00004400-00004638 lord who have believed our report so O3kIY5MHz7U-00024-00004639-00004719 then faith O3kIY5MHz7U-00025-00004720-00004902 cometh by hearing and hearing by the O3kIY5MHz7U-00026-00004903-00005183 word of god O3kIY5MHz7U-00027-00005184-00005391 i believe that god sent you into my life O3kIY5MHz7U-00028-00005392-00005559 to give me something to fight for O3kIY5MHz7U-00029-00005560-00005783 to show me there is love in this world O3kIY5MHz7U-00030-00005784-00005999 to give me hope and to bring me joy O3kIY5MHz7U-00031-00006000-00006247 all the proof and god i need is in you O3kIY5MHz7U-00032-00006248-00006367 you are a gift O3kIY5MHz7U-00033-00006368-00006719 from the heavens O3kIY5MHz7U-00034-00006720-00007134 faith has set us on a journey O3kIY5MHz7U-00035-00007136-00007470 i said faith has set us on O3kIY5MHz7U-00036-00007472-00007870 a journey when death got you by the O3kIY5MHz7U-00037-00007872-00007927 balls O3kIY5MHz7U-00038-00007928-00008183 but you gotta turn up one last time what O3kIY5MHz7U-00039-00008184-00008767 are you gonna do O3kIY5MHz7U-00040-00008768-00009046 i didn't know my own strength until i O3kIY5MHz7U-00041-00009047-00009231 got a memo from god that said daughter O3kIY5MHz7U-00042-00009232-00009310 you were not O3kIY5MHz7U-00043-00009311-00009567 built to break they said son you were O3kIY5MHz7U-00044-00009568-00009614 not O3kIY5MHz7U-00045-00009615-00009839 built to break they said every one of O3kIY5MHz7U-00046-00009840-00009927 you you O3kIY5MHz7U-00047-00009928-00010263 were not built to break O3kIY5MHz7U-00048-00010264-00010799 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00049-00010800-00011006 the fear of death follows from the fear O3kIY5MHz7U-00050-00011007-00011110 of life O3kIY5MHz7U-00051-00011111-00011367 a man who lives fully is prepared to die O3kIY5MHz7U-00052-00011368-00011463 at any time O3kIY5MHz7U-00053-00011464-00011646 let me repeat that for you the fear of O3kIY5MHz7U-00054-00011647-00011919 death follows from the fear of life O3kIY5MHz7U-00055-00011920-00012270 a man who lives fully is prepared to die O3kIY5MHz7U-00056-00012271-00013046 at any time O3kIY5MHz7U-00057-00013047-00013503 the best is yet to come i said the best O3kIY5MHz7U-00058-00013504-00013943 is yet to come O3kIY5MHz7U-00059-00013944-00014127 remember we don't worship the lord on O3kIY5MHz7U-00060-00014128-00014438 sundays only we worship him every day O3kIY5MHz7U-00061-00014440-00014671 i say remember we don't worship the lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00062-00014672-00014807 on sundays only O3kIY5MHz7U-00063-00014808-00015871 we worship him every day O3kIY5MHz7U-00064-00015872-00016191 if christians believe in heaven then why O3kIY5MHz7U-00065-00016191-00017005 is it till death O3kIY5MHz7U-00066-00017006-00017758 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00067-00017759-00017950 saying that you don't have time to O3kIY5MHz7U-00068-00017951-00018103 improve your thoughts in your life it's O3kIY5MHz7U-00069-00018104-00018255 like saying you don't have time to stop O3kIY5MHz7U-00070-00018256-00018494 for gas because you're too busy driving O3kIY5MHz7U-00071-00018495-00019047 eventually it will catch up with you O3kIY5MHz7U-00072-00019048-00019743 i wish you could see yourself in my eyes O3kIY5MHz7U-00073-00019744-00019950 say it before you run out of time say it O3kIY5MHz7U-00074-00019951-00020055 before it's too late O3kIY5MHz7U-00075-00020056-00020367 say what you're feeling waiting is a O3kIY5MHz7U-00076-00020368-00020432 mistake O3kIY5MHz7U-00077-00020433-00020894 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00078-00020895-00021143 listen closely the only time it's too O3kIY5MHz7U-00079-00021144-00021271 late to change yourself O3kIY5MHz7U-00080-00021272-00021463 is when you're dead until then you're O3kIY5MHz7U-00081-00021464-00021599 simply making excuses O3kIY5MHz7U-00082-00021600-00022758 or lying to yourself O3kIY5MHz7U-00083-00022759-00023039 we'll all die the goal isn't to live O3kIY5MHz7U-00084-00023040-00023135 forever O3kIY5MHz7U-00085-00023136-00023399 the goal is to create something that O3kIY5MHz7U-00086-00023400-00023847 will O3kIY5MHz7U-00087-00023848-00024142 i have the power to change my story you O3kIY5MHz7U-00088-00024143-00024367 have the power to change your story O3kIY5MHz7U-00089-00024368-00024678 we all have the power to change our O3kIY5MHz7U-00090-00024679-00024767 stories O3kIY5MHz7U-00091-00024768-00025283 thanks to the good grace of the lord god O3kIY5MHz7U-00092-00025284-00026318 almighty O3kIY5MHz7U-00093-00026319-00026758 it's never too late to make things right O3kIY5MHz7U-00094-00026760-00027023 i said it's never too late to make O3kIY5MHz7U-00095-00027024-00027095 things O3kIY5MHz7U-00096-00027095-00027390 right one more time for you those of you O3kIY5MHz7U-00097-00027391-00027487 that didn't hear me O3kIY5MHz7U-00098-00027488-00027799 i said it's never too late to make O3kIY5MHz7U-00099-00027800-00028911 things right O3kIY5MHz7U-00100-00028912-00029087 if we remembered every day that we could O3kIY5MHz7U-00101-00029088-00029302 lose someone at any moment O3kIY5MHz7U-00102-00029304-00029495 we would love them more fiercely and O3kIY5MHz7U-00103-00029495-00029687 freely and without fear not because O3kIY5MHz7U-00104-00029688-00029814 there is nothing to lose O3kIY5MHz7U-00105-00029816-00030127 but because everything can always O3kIY5MHz7U-00106-00030127-00030487 be lost O3kIY5MHz7U-00107-00030488-00030735 it's never too late unless you're O3kIY5MHz7U-00108-00030736-00030831 already dead O3kIY5MHz7U-00109-00030832-00031087 let me repeat that it's never too late O3kIY5MHz7U-00110-00031088-00031302 unless you're already O3kIY5MHz7U-00111-00031303-00031623 dead in the blink of an eye everything O3kIY5MHz7U-00112-00031624-00031718 can change O3kIY5MHz7U-00113-00031719-00031958 so forgive off and in love with all your O3kIY5MHz7U-00114-00031960-00032158 heart you may never know O3kIY5MHz7U-00115-00032160-00032895 when you may not have that chance again O3kIY5MHz7U-00116-00032896-00033231 it's never too late to be what you might O3kIY5MHz7U-00117-00033232-00033527 have been i said it's never too late to O3kIY5MHz7U-00118-00033528-00033590 be O3kIY5MHz7U-00119-00033591-00033973 what you might have been O3kIY5MHz7U-00120-00033974-00034383 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00121-00034384-00035083 it's never too late to change your life O3kIY5MHz7U-00122-00035084-00035655 never O3kIY5MHz7U-00123-00035656-00036641 it's never too late O3kIY5MHz7U-00124-00036642-00037302 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00125-00037303-00037662 the death is a beautiful gift O3kIY5MHz7U-00126-00037663-00038439 for a believer O3kIY5MHz7U-00127-00038440-00038662 for god is perfect timing never early O3kIY5MHz7U-00128-00038663-00038790 never late O3kIY5MHz7U-00129-00038791-00038967 it takes a little patience and a whole O3kIY5MHz7U-00130-00038968-00039528 lot of faith O3kIY5MHz7U-00131-00039529-00039943 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00132-00039944-00040167 my life may not be going the way i O3kIY5MHz7U-00133-00040168-00040271 planned it O3kIY5MHz7U-00134-00040272-00040902 but it is going exactly the way god O3kIY5MHz7U-00135-00040903-00041127 think about these things things that are O3kIY5MHz7U-00136-00041128-00041390 pure and holy and of good report O3kIY5MHz7U-00137-00041391-00041607 things that come from only the bible and O3kIY5MHz7U-00138-00041608-00041823 the lord from within O3kIY5MHz7U-00139-00041824-00042118 think on these things and that's what O3kIY5MHz7U-00140-00042119-00042223 you will become O3kIY5MHz7U-00141-00042224-00042362 and what you will believe O3kIY5MHz7U-00142-00042363-00042927 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00143-00042928-00043262 god does not hate you i repeat god O3kIY5MHz7U-00144-00043263-00043958 does not hate you O3kIY5MHz7U-00145-00043959-00044230 first peter 2 and 4 jesus was rejected O3kIY5MHz7U-00146-00044231-00044327 indeed by men O3kIY5MHz7U-00147-00044328-00044623 but chosen by god the rejection of man O3kIY5MHz7U-00148-00044624-00044646 is O3kIY5MHz7U-00149-00044647-00045188 meaningless if god's favor is upon you O3kIY5MHz7U-00150-00045189-00045918 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00151-00045919-00046230 love never gives up O3kIY5MHz7U-00152-00046231-00046623 first corinthians 13 4-7 O3kIY5MHz7U-00153-00046624-00046862 but read the whole chapter of first O3kIY5MHz7U-00154-00046863-00046951 corinthians O3kIY5MHz7U-00155-00046952-00047918 in chapter 13 it's all about love O3kIY5MHz7U-00156-00047919-00048302 everyone who does evil hates the light O3kIY5MHz7U-00157-00048303-00048902 john 3 and 20. O3kIY5MHz7U-00158-00048903-00049183 love your enemies do good to those who O3kIY5MHz7U-00159-00049184-00049262 hate you O3kIY5MHz7U-00160-00049263-00049623 bless those who persecute you pray O3kIY5MHz7U-00161-00049624-00050223 for those who spitefully use you O3kIY5MHz7U-00162-00050224-00050455 i say love your enemies do good to those O3kIY5MHz7U-00163-00050456-00050551 who hate you O3kIY5MHz7U-00164-00050552-00050790 bless those who curse you and pray for O3kIY5MHz7U-00165-00050791-00050871 those who O3kIY5MHz7U-00166-00050872-00051479 mistreat you O3kIY5MHz7U-00167-00051479-00051694 though he brings breathe he also shows O3kIY5MHz7U-00168-00051695-00051894 compassion because of the greatness O3kIY5MHz7U-00169-00051895-00052311 of his unfailing love O3kIY5MHz7U-00170-00052312-00052782 his unfailing love O3kIY5MHz7U-00171-00052783-00053047 so do not fear for i am with you do not O3kIY5MHz7U-00172-00053048-00053254 be dismayed for i am your god O3kIY5MHz7U-00173-00053255-00053463 i will strengthen you and help you i O3kIY5MHz7U-00174-00053464-00053591 will uphold you O3kIY5MHz7U-00175-00053591-00054999 with my righteous right hand O3kIY5MHz7U-00176-00055000-00055247 see satan hates your light because you O3kIY5MHz7U-00177-00055248-00055350 shine and he O3kIY5MHz7U-00178-00055351-00055654 does not he also knows that you are very O3kIY5MHz7U-00179-00055655-00055871 effective witness for jesus O3kIY5MHz7U-00180-00055872-00056087 and that just makes him want to destroy O3kIY5MHz7U-00181-00056088-00056254 you all the more O3kIY5MHz7U-00182-00056255-00056582 but he cannot because he has no power or O3kIY5MHz7U-00183-00056583-00056719 authority over you O3kIY5MHz7U-00184-00056720-00057015 you belong to jesus and no devil can O3kIY5MHz7U-00185-00057016-00057750 harm you O3kIY5MHz7U-00186-00057751-00059111 a hottie look a proud heart proverbs O3kIY5MHz7U-00187-00059112-00059494 oh the tactics of the devil O3kIY5MHz7U-00188-00059495-00059815 god steals you satan rushes you god O3kIY5MHz7U-00189-00059816-00059919 reassures you O3kIY5MHz7U-00190-00059920-00060199 satan frightens you god leads you satan O3kIY5MHz7U-00191-00060200-00060326 pushes you O3kIY5MHz7U-00192-00060327-00060638 god enlightens you satan confuses you O3kIY5MHz7U-00193-00060639-00060935 god forgives you satan condemns you god O3kIY5MHz7U-00194-00060936-00061030 calms you O3kIY5MHz7U-00195-00061032-00061294 satan stresses you god encourages you O3kIY5MHz7U-00196-00061295-00061454 satan discourages you O3kIY5MHz7U-00197-00061455-00061757 god comforts you satan worries O3kIY5MHz7U-00198-00061758-00061991 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00199-00061991-00062319 a rage of demons in ephesians O3kIY5MHz7U-00200-00062320-00062582 chapter 6 it talks about just this well O3kIY5MHz7U-00201-00062583-00062799 we wrestle not against flesh and blood O3kIY5MHz7U-00202-00062800-00062959 but against principalities and the O3kIY5MHz7U-00203-00062960-00063150 powers and the rulers of darkness O3kIY5MHz7U-00204-00063151-00063511 of this world and we have to ask O3kIY5MHz7U-00205-00063512-00063847 why does god hate me well let me tell O3kIY5MHz7U-00206-00063848-00063935 you O3kIY5MHz7U-00207-00063936-00064150 god found gideon in a hoe he found O3kIY5MHz7U-00208-00064151-00064271 joseph in a prison O3kIY5MHz7U-00209-00064272-00064559 he found daniel in a lion's den he has a O3kIY5MHz7U-00210-00064560-00064791 curious habit of showing up in the midst O3kIY5MHz7U-00211-00064791-00064879 of trouble O3kIY5MHz7U-00212-00064879-00065199 not the absence where the world sees O3kIY5MHz7U-00213-00065200-00065326 failure god sees O3kIY5MHz7U-00214-00065327-00065567 future next time you feel unqualified to O3kIY5MHz7U-00215-00065568-00065782 be used by god remember this O3kIY5MHz7U-00216-00065783-00066079 he tends to recruit from the pit not the O3kIY5MHz7U-00217-00066080-00066599 pedestal O3kIY5MHz7U-00218-00066600-00066879 i survived my darkest hour my faith kept O3kIY5MHz7U-00219-00066880-00067126 me alive i picked myself back up O3kIY5MHz7U-00220-00067127-00067479 held my head up high i was not built to O3kIY5MHz7U-00221-00067480-00067550 break O3kIY5MHz7U-00222-00067551-00067935 i just didn't know my own strength O3kIY5MHz7U-00223-00067936-00068271 i said i was not built to break i just O3kIY5MHz7U-00224-00068272-00068399 did not know O3kIY5MHz7U-00225-00068400-00068823 my phone strength O3kIY5MHz7U-00226-00068824-00069079 my flesh and my heart may fail but god O3kIY5MHz7U-00227-00069080-00069294 is the strength of my heart and my O3kIY5MHz7U-00228-00069295-00069484 fortune forever O3kIY5MHz7U-00229-00069485-00069791 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00230-00069792-00069975 trust in the lord with all your heart O3kIY5MHz7U-00231-00069976-00070143 and do not lean onto your own O3kIY5MHz7U-00232-00070144-00070335 understandings in all your ways O3kIY5MHz7U-00233-00070336-00070550 acknowledge him and he will make your O3kIY5MHz7U-00234-00070551-00070815 past strength O3kIY5MHz7U-00235-00070816-00071094 i didn't know my own strength until i O3kIY5MHz7U-00236-00071095-00071238 got a memo from god O3kIY5MHz7U-00237-00071239-00071559 that's it daughter you were not built to O3kIY5MHz7U-00238-00071560-00071623 break O3kIY5MHz7U-00239-00071624-00071926 son you were not built to break O3kIY5MHz7U-00240-00071927-00072182 i speaking to every one of you out there O3kIY5MHz7U-00241-00072183-00072247 you O3kIY5MHz7U-00242-00072248-00072831 were not built to break O3kIY5MHz7U-00243-00072832-00073031 jesus hung on that cross he took all O3kIY5MHz7U-00244-00073032-00073238 your mistakes all your failures all your O3kIY5MHz7U-00245-00073239-00073335 weaknesses O3kIY5MHz7U-00246-00073336-00073645 and he forgave them O3kIY5MHz7U-00247-00073646-00073791 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00248-00073792-00074023 only fear the lord serve him in truth O3kIY5MHz7U-00249-00074024-00074223 with all your heart consider what great O3kIY5MHz7U-00250-00074224-00074279 things O3kIY5MHz7U-00251-00074280-00074606 he has done for you for samuel O3kIY5MHz7U-00252-00074607-00074984 12 24. O3kIY5MHz7U-00253-00074985-00075775 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00254-00075776-00076031 i know that my redeemer lives and that O3kIY5MHz7U-00255-00076032-00076271 in the end he will stand on the earth O3kIY5MHz7U-00256-00076272-00076519 and after my skin has been destroyed yet O3kIY5MHz7U-00257-00076520-00076726 in my flesh i will see god O3kIY5MHz7U-00258-00076727-00077062 i myself will see him with my own eyes O3kIY5MHz7U-00259-00077063-00077362 i O3kIY5MHz7U-00260-00077363-00078066 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00261-00078067-00078294 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00262-00078295-00078471 surely goodness and mercy shall follow O3kIY5MHz7U-00263-00078472-00078599 me all the days of my O3kIY5MHz7U-00264-00078600-00078799 life and i will dwell in the house of O3kIY5MHz7U-00265-00078800-00078967 the lord forever O3kIY5MHz7U-00266-00078968-00079354 psalms 23 and 6 always of the kjv O3kIY5MHz7U-00267-00079355-00079759 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00268-00079760-00079943 where for my beloved brother and let O3kIY5MHz7U-00269-00079944-00080111 every man be swift to hear O3kIY5MHz7U-00270-00080112-00080367 slow to speak and slow to wrath for the O3kIY5MHz7U-00271-00080368-00080447 wrath of O3kIY5MHz7U-00272-00080448-00080782 man worketh not the righteousness O3kIY5MHz7U-00273-00080783-00081111 of god james 1 O3kIY5MHz7U-00274-00081112-00081555 19 and 20 always go to kjv O3kIY5MHz7U-00275-00081556-00082375 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00276-00082376-00082662 words kill words give life they're O3kIY5MHz7U-00277-00082663-00082815 either poison or fruit O3kIY5MHz7U-00278-00082816-00083274 you choose proverbs 18 21 O3kIY5MHz7U-00279-00083275-00083767 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00280-00083768-00084079 god sees beyond who you are to who O3kIY5MHz7U-00281-00084080-00084455 you can become i said god O3kIY5MHz7U-00282-00084456-00084791 sees beyond who you are to who O3kIY5MHz7U-00283-00084792-00084991 you can become let me repeat that one O3kIY5MHz7U-00284-00084992-00085255 more time god sees beyond O3kIY5MHz7U-00285-00085256-00085823 who you are to who you can become O3kIY5MHz7U-00286-00085824-00086135 obey god and leave all the consequences O3kIY5MHz7U-00287-00086136-00086418 to him O3kIY5MHz7U-00288-00086419-00086831 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00289-00086832-00087135 cast all your cares on the lord and he O3kIY5MHz7U-00290-00087136-00087511 will sustain you psalms 55 O3kIY5MHz7U-00291-00087512-00087903 and 22 turn your worry O3kIY5MHz7U-00292-00087904-00088215 into worship then wat god turn your O3kIY5MHz7U-00293-00088216-00088516 battles into blessings O3kIY5MHz7U-00294-00088517-00088782 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00295-00088783-00089079 lord is my life and my salvation whom O3kIY5MHz7U-00296-00089080-00089215 shall i hear O3kIY5MHz7U-00297-00089216-00089447 if the lord is your life and your O3kIY5MHz7U-00298-00089448-00089535 salvation O3kIY5MHz7U-00299-00089536-00089847 whom shall you fear the lord is my light O3kIY5MHz7U-00300-00089848-00089967 and my salvation O3kIY5MHz7U-00301-00089968-00090255 whom shall i fear if the lord is your O3kIY5MHz7U-00302-00090256-00090303 light O3kIY5MHz7U-00303-00090304-00090615 and your salvation whom shall O3kIY5MHz7U-00304-00090616-00091135 do always put your hope in god O3kIY5MHz7U-00305-00091136-00091511 i said always put your hope O3kIY5MHz7U-00306-00091512-00091943 in god O3kIY5MHz7U-00307-00091944-00092223 one thing i've desired of the lord that O3kIY5MHz7U-00308-00092224-00092471 will i seek after that i may dwell in O3kIY5MHz7U-00309-00092472-00092631 the house of the lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00310-00092632-00092926 all the days of my life to behold the O3kIY5MHz7U-00311-00092927-00093174 beauty of the lord and to inquire O3kIY5MHz7U-00312-00093175-00093735 in his temple O3kIY5MHz7U-00313-00093736-00094415 psalms 27 and 4 kjv O3kIY5MHz7U-00314-00094416-00094671 on the lord in my distress and he O3kIY5MHz7U-00315-00094672-00094911 answered O3kIY5MHz7U-00316-00094912-00095126 commit your path to god knowing that if O3kIY5MHz7U-00317-00095127-00095223 he cares O3kIY5MHz7U-00318-00095224-00095487 for the sparrows he will care for you O3kIY5MHz7U-00319-00095488-00095647 you don't have to have the whole road O3kIY5MHz7U-00320-00095648-00095782 map ahead of time O3kIY5MHz7U-00321-00095783-00096103 as long as you trust that god does O3kIY5MHz7U-00322-00096104-00096343 he assures you for i know the plans i O3kIY5MHz7U-00323-00096344-00096526 have for you declares the lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00324-00096527-00096799 plans to prosper you and not to harm you O3kIY5MHz7U-00325-00096800-00096943 plans to give you hope O3kIY5MHz7U-00326-00096944-00097335 and a future jeremiah 29-11 O3kIY5MHz7U-00327-00097336-00097574 if only i may finish my course in the O3kIY5MHz7U-00328-00097575-00097782 ministry that i received from the lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00329-00097783-00098062 jesus to testify to the gospel the grace O3kIY5MHz7U-00330-00098063-00098231 of god acts O3kIY5MHz7U-00331-00098232-00098750 20 and 24 O3kIY5MHz7U-00332-00098751-00099231 god is on your side O3kIY5MHz7U-00333-00099232-00099735 i say god is on your side O3kIY5MHz7U-00334-00099736-00099991 i have set the lord always before me O3kIY5MHz7U-00335-00099992-00100247 because he is at my right hand O3kIY5MHz7U-00336-00100248-00100774 i will not be shaken O3kIY5MHz7U-00337-00100775-00101159 as for god his way is perfect O3kIY5MHz7U-00338-00101160-00101471 the lord's word is flawless he shields O3kIY5MHz7U-00339-00101472-00101782 all who take refuge in him psalms O3kIY5MHz7U-00340-00101783-00102143 18 and 30. let god's word O3kIY5MHz7U-00341-00102144-00102663 wash over you ephesians 5 25-27 O3kIY5MHz7U-00342-00102664-00102999 devil says they're all mine jesus O3kIY5MHz7U-00343-00103000-00103127 responds O3kIY5MHz7U-00344-00103128-00103934 over my dead body prayer isn't to remind O3kIY5MHz7U-00345-00103935-00104158 god what your problems are O3kIY5MHz7U-00346-00104159-00104415 prayer is to remind your problems who O3kIY5MHz7U-00347-00104416-00104463 god O3kIY5MHz7U-00348-00104464-00104532 is O3kIY5MHz7U-00349-00104533-00105078 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00350-00105079-00105366 give god your problems and allow him to O3kIY5MHz7U-00351-00105367-00105407 give O3kIY5MHz7U-00352-00105408-00105815 you the solutions O3kIY5MHz7U-00353-00105816-00106758 the lord my god lights up my darkness O3kIY5MHz7U-00354-00106759-00107007 if only i may finish my course in the O3kIY5MHz7U-00355-00107008-00107207 ministry that i received from the lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00356-00107208-00107286 jesus O3kIY5MHz7U-00357-00107288-00107654 to testify to the gospel of the grace of O3kIY5MHz7U-00358-00107655-00107823 god O3kIY5MHz7U-00359-00107824-00108031 may the god of hope fill you with all O3kIY5MHz7U-00360-00108032-00108278 joy and peace as you trust in O3kIY5MHz7U-00361-00108279-00108839 him romans 15 and 13. O3kIY5MHz7U-00362-00108840-00109102 in peace i will lay down and sleep for O3kIY5MHz7U-00363-00109103-00109673 you o lord O3kIY5MHz7U-00364-00109674-00109823 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00365-00109824-00110127 i will choose to find joy in the journey O3kIY5MHz7U-00366-00110128-00110423 that god has set before me O3kIY5MHz7U-00367-00110424-00110743 [Music] O3kIY5MHz7U-00368-00110744-00111078 i said i will choose to find joy O3kIY5MHz7U-00369-00111079-00111486 in the journey that god has set O3kIY5MHz7U-00370-00111488-00111815 before me i sin O3kIY5MHz7U-00371-00111816-00112199 i will choose to find joy O3kIY5MHz7U-00372-00112200-00112510 in the journey that god has set O3kIY5MHz7U-00373-00112511-00112863 before me i will choose O3kIY5MHz7U-00374-00112864-00113310 to find joy in the journey O3kIY5MHz7U-00375-00113311-00113639 that god has sit O3kIY5MHz7U-00376-00113640-00114095 before me and fellow christians and O3kIY5MHz7U-00377-00114096-00114431 brothers and sisters alike i encourage O3kIY5MHz7U-00378-00114432-00114599 you O3kIY5MHz7U-00379-00114600-00114999 to find joy in the journey O3kIY5MHz7U-00380-00115000-00115375 that god has set before you O3kIY5MHz7U-00381-00115376-00116088 as well O4zcXpc0Lxg-00000-00000228-00000316 um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00001-00000317-00000582 hi it's Adrian how are you doing today O4zcXpc0Lxg-00002-00000583-00000989 and so actually I'm back with uh some O4zcXpc0Lxg-00003-00000990-00001204 new colourpop and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00004-00001205-00001487 some very O4zcXpc0Lxg-00005-00001488-00001943 uh yeah pastel color pups so that I go O4zcXpc0Lxg-00006-00001944-00002231 ahead and get started and um I did pick O4zcXpc0Lxg-00007-00002232-00002405 up some new stuff O4zcXpc0Lxg-00008-00002406-00002891 so what I usually use is 30 Fair as far O4zcXpc0Lxg-00009-00002892-00003131 as Foundation from cover pop and it's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00010-00003132-00003419 the pretty fresh and then I cut some O4zcXpc0Lxg-00011-00003420-00003635 colors to go ahead and mix with it I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00012-00003636-00004054 think this one is like 33 cool and then O4zcXpc0Lxg-00013-00004055-00004691 I got let's see 53 uh neutral and no O4zcXpc0Lxg-00014-00004692-00004997 it's warm so um I went ahead and picked O4zcXpc0Lxg-00015-00004998-00005249 up a couple more colors so that I can O4zcXpc0Lxg-00016-00005250-00005681 mix my own Shades and the fair 30 was O4zcXpc0Lxg-00017-00005682-00005968 just getting too light and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00018-00005969-00006202 um I'm already starting to get some sun O4zcXpc0Lxg-00019-00006203-00006539 so that's what I went ahead and did and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00020-00006540-00006845 started out actually today with the elf O4zcXpc0Lxg-00021-00006845-00007205 uh Halo glow this is the fair one so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00022-00007206-00007481 that's what I have on for primer and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00023-00007481-00007727 then I did go ahead and mix the fair 30 O4zcXpc0Lxg-00024-00007728-00008260 with the uh warm 53 and so that's what I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00025-00008261-00008627 have on as far as Foundation today and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00026-00008628-00008923 liking that combination actually a lot O4zcXpc0Lxg-00027-00008924-00009335 as far as what I did for uh the bronzer O4zcXpc0Lxg-00028-00009336-00009574 I went ahead and got out the tan light O4zcXpc0Lxg-00029-00009575-00010021 zero three by glowish this is their um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00030-00010022-00010331 their bronzer and actually it's a nice O4zcXpc0Lxg-00031-00010332-00010703 peachy bronzer without going orange and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00032-00010704-00010985 liking it a lot the glowish line if you O4zcXpc0Lxg-00033-00010986-00011260 like glowy products definitely the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00034-00011261-00011603 glowish line by Huda is a good one and I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00035-00011604-00011753 know that they just put out some O4zcXpc0Lxg-00036-00011754-00011927 concealers I haven't tried those yet O4zcXpc0Lxg-00037-00011928-00012023 though O4zcXpc0Lxg-00038-00012024-00012256 and then going back to cover pop because O4zcXpc0Lxg-00039-00012257-00012473 she always end up back a colourpop one O4zcXpc0Lxg-00040-00012474-00012713 should start with colourpop and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00041-00012714-00013030 colourpop so I went ahead and picked up O4zcXpc0Lxg-00042-00013031-00013361 the papaya blush that's what it looks O4zcXpc0Lxg-00043-00013362-00013547 like and it's a very pretty orange O4zcXpc0Lxg-00044-00013547-00013930 summery color again pastel meaning kind O4zcXpc0Lxg-00045-00013931-00014171 of thing and uh O4zcXpc0Lxg-00046-00014172-00014375 as far as gone ahead and doing the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00047-00014376-00014722 Swatch here that's kind of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00048-00014723-00015011 what it looks like here so that's the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00049-00015012-00015151 Swatch O4zcXpc0Lxg-00050-00015152-00015521 these are actually on sale over at Ulta O4zcXpc0Lxg-00051-00015522-00015851 they have um and first off they got all O4zcXpc0Lxg-00052-00015852-00016066 the cover pop blushes which I didn't O4zcXpc0Lxg-00053-00016068-00016307 think they would get plus eyeliners plus O4zcXpc0Lxg-00054-00016308-00016613 bronzers and they have a buy one get one O4zcXpc0Lxg-00055-00016614-00017063 50 off on olive color pop and so that's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00056-00017064-00017315 why I was picking up these so that I can O4zcXpc0Lxg-00057-00017316-00017644 you know go ahead and play more and so I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00058-00017645-00017939 have a papaya on here and then I did go O4zcXpc0Lxg-00059-00017940-00018227 ahead and add some the chiffon in and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00060-00018228-00018617 chiffon is a Super Shock uh cheek and it O4zcXpc0Lxg-00061-00018618-00018880 is very very glowy O4zcXpc0Lxg-00062-00018881-00019072 a little bit more O4zcXpc0Lxg-00063-00019073-00019397 because with cover pop and the glow you O4zcXpc0Lxg-00064-00019398-00019564 know O4zcXpc0Lxg-00065-00019565-00019780 you probably can't have too much at O4zcXpc0Lxg-00066-00019781-00020075 least not in my book so uh this is O4zcXpc0Lxg-00067-00020076-00020350 chiffon and it does have O4zcXpc0Lxg-00068-00020351-00020650 um sort of a flip it flips from Orange O4zcXpc0Lxg-00069-00020651-00021058 to Pink and so again pastels and pastels O4zcXpc0Lxg-00070-00021059-00021371 pastels pastels right now O4zcXpc0Lxg-00071-00021372-00021803 as far as moving on to eyes I did The O4zcXpc0Lxg-00072-00021804-00022091 Usual Suspects they are I used color pop O4zcXpc0Lxg-00073-00022092-00022499 pretty fresh my favorite uh concealer O4zcXpc0Lxg-00074-00022500-00022771 and then the next uh they could stick it O4zcXpc0Lxg-00075-00022772-00023213 and my Dash Brown and the Nyx brow glue O4zcXpc0Lxg-00076-00023214-00023561 as well so that's what I have on there O4zcXpc0Lxg-00077-00023562-00023849 do go ahead and pick up a whole bunch of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00078-00023850-00024125 new cover pop palettes but I thought I'd O4zcXpc0Lxg-00079-00024126-00024311 show you some of the ones these are the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00080-00024312-00024514 ones that you can get on the colourpop O4zcXpc0Lxg-00081-00024515-00024808 website or over at Target and yeah we're O4zcXpc0Lxg-00082-00024809-00025289 having a pastel uh spring here so Peach O4zcXpc0Lxg-00083-00025290-00025553 out and it is the time for pastels it O4zcXpc0Lxg-00084-00025554-00025937 really is so that's that one and then O4zcXpc0Lxg-00085-00025938-00026122 truly iconic O4zcXpc0Lxg-00086-00026123-00026458 yeah it has a whole bunch of Pastels in O4zcXpc0Lxg-00087-00026460-00026818 there and it's it's a cool toned pastel O4zcXpc0Lxg-00088-00026819-00027323 one uh bag check which is just a really O4zcXpc0Lxg-00089-00027324-00027593 pretty palette that O4zcXpc0Lxg-00090-00027594-00027851 um is just easy to put on and again it O4zcXpc0Lxg-00091-00027852-00028139 has The Pastels in there O4zcXpc0Lxg-00092-00028139-00028408 uh super bloom again we're talking O4zcXpc0Lxg-00093-00028410-00028817 pastels here and uh yeah color Papa went O4zcXpc0Lxg-00094-00028818-00029064 there with their new releases to Target O4zcXpc0Lxg-00095-00029066-00029320 and yep so we're having pastels O4zcXpc0Lxg-00096-00029322-00029537 everywhere and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00097-00029538-00029620 um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00098-00029622-00029914 it's the right time of year for it but O4zcXpc0Lxg-00099-00029916-00030202 they're an awful lot of them right now I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00100-00030204-00030461 also have the Forever Floral O4zcXpc0Lxg-00101-00030462-00030611 again O4zcXpc0Lxg-00102-00030612-00030955 in that uh peachy pink kind of family O4zcXpc0Lxg-00103-00030956-00031337 and so yeah again pastels O4zcXpc0Lxg-00104-00031338-00031577 and what I picked up from colourpop O4zcXpc0Lxg-00105-00031577-00031943 heavy petal uh this is one of their O4zcXpc0Lxg-00106-00031944-00032212 palettes that I picked up over at Ulta O4zcXpc0Lxg-00107-00032213-00032512 during the buy one get one fifty percent O4zcXpc0Lxg-00108-00032513-00032861 off and really pretty packaging O4zcXpc0Lxg-00109-00032862-00033101 um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00110-00033102-00033418 again it goes to pesto O4zcXpc0Lxg-00111-00033419-00033665 um and this one has the oranges and the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00112-00033666-00034159 golds uh that well some duo duo O4zcXpc0Lxg-00113-00034160-00034481 duochromes yeah these two are going to O4zcXpc0Lxg-00114-00034482-00034757 be duochromes this Orange Is the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00115-00034758-00035105 duochrome and so yeah it's all in that O4zcXpc0Lxg-00116-00035106-00035309 same pastel family O4zcXpc0Lxg-00117-00035310-00035567 so as far as what I have on today I went O4zcXpc0Lxg-00118-00035568-00035746 ahead and started with this color it's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00119-00035747-00036137 my base I did this color on the lid did O4zcXpc0Lxg-00120-00036138-00036299 this under O4zcXpc0Lxg-00121-00036300-00036574 um as far as sideliner and then to go O4zcXpc0Lxg-00122-00036575-00036874 ahead and deepen the outer corner and so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00123-00036875-00037121 I think oh and this one on the inner O4zcXpc0Lxg-00124-00037122-00037612 Corner this is how it turned out here O4zcXpc0Lxg-00125-00037613-00037918 so that's how the look turned out and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00126-00037919-00038087 really pretty O4zcXpc0Lxg-00127-00038088-00038471 um again pastels but mixing in some O4zcXpc0Lxg-00128-00038472-00038771 really pretty light colors and dark O4zcXpc0Lxg-00129-00038772-00039023 colors pastels tend to be medium toned O4zcXpc0Lxg-00130-00039024-00039215 and so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00131-00039216-00039377 um yeah these are O4zcXpc0Lxg-00132-00039378-00039718 uh some of the this color is just O4zcXpc0Lxg-00133-00039719-00040073 gorgeous it's a really deep plum and um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00134-00040074-00040433 this color again is a peach a nude Peach O4zcXpc0Lxg-00135-00040434-00040721 that just goes on beautifully so I mean O4zcXpc0Lxg-00136-00040722-00040979 there are always parts of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00137-00040980-00041062 um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00138-00041063-00041417 the pellets that are just amazing that's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00139-00041418-00041674 why everybody goes back to color pop O4zcXpc0Lxg-00140-00041675-00042089 and um let's see what else do I have on O4zcXpc0Lxg-00141-00042090-00042389 here oh I went ahead and did the long O4zcXpc0Lxg-00142-00042390-00042677 lash lengthening by We Love Revolution O4zcXpc0Lxg-00143-00042678-00042946 this is over at Walmart this whole line O4zcXpc0Lxg-00144-00042947-00043309 is the five dollars and underline O4zcXpc0Lxg-00145-00043310-00043774 and then the rest of is colourpop and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00146-00043775-00044117 this one is in girl please it's one of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00147-00044118-00044362 their glowing lips that I was O4zcXpc0Lxg-00148-00044363-00044599 just think of as really really pretty O4zcXpc0Lxg-00149-00044600-00044933 and I'm gonna go ahead and put some of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00150-00044934-00045251 the so glassy this The Epiphany shade on O4zcXpc0Lxg-00151-00045252-00045479 top of that O4zcXpc0Lxg-00152-00045480-00045905 and yeah it's just really pretty colors O4zcXpc0Lxg-00153-00045906-00046367 pastel so very feminine colors and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00154-00046368-00047027 um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00155-00047028-00047296 they do have some deeper options the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00156-00047297-00047645 plum palette and the moth palette are O4zcXpc0Lxg-00157-00047646-00047896 definitely going to be deeper the blue O4zcXpc0Lxg-00158-00047897-00048202 palette blue palette I forgot what it's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00159-00048203-00048305 called O4zcXpc0Lxg-00160-00048306-00048599 um but that one's definitely gonna be O4zcXpc0Lxg-00161-00048600-00048929 um on the darker side as well so it's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00162-00048930-00049312 out there but I think probably for most O4zcXpc0Lxg-00163-00049313-00049457 of us O4zcXpc0Lxg-00164-00049458-00049696 um especially with these newer palettes O4zcXpc0Lxg-00165-00049697-00049921 we're probably gonna gravitate this way O4zcXpc0Lxg-00166-00049922-00050405 and they do this style of palette um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00167-00050406-00050818 the peaches pinks and the corals really O4zcXpc0Lxg-00168-00050819-00051173 really well they just do and they have a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00169-00051174-00051352 lot of pellets where they do that really O4zcXpc0Lxg-00170-00051353-00051551 well so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00171-00051552-00051880 um yeah thumbs up for all of the pellets O4zcXpc0Lxg-00172-00051882-00052108 over at uh O4zcXpc0Lxg-00173-00052109-00052396 well all of these I picked up over at O4zcXpc0Lxg-00174-00052397-00052549 the um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00175-00052550-00052775 targets so this is the new Target O4zcXpc0Lxg-00176-00052776-00053129 release and so I am really liking all of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00177-00053129-00053285 those O4zcXpc0Lxg-00178-00053286-00053609 um don't mind pastels as you can see I'm O4zcXpc0Lxg-00179-00053610-00053938 wearing a lot of them right now and um O4zcXpc0Lxg-00180-00053939-00054232 as far as the formula I think that it's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00181-00054233-00054635 as good if not better than a lot of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00182-00054636-00054880 um there are previous ones so I don't O4zcXpc0Lxg-00183-00054882-00055030 think there's really a difference in O4zcXpc0Lxg-00184-00055032-00055553 that I think just it's a concentrated O4zcXpc0Lxg-00185-00055554-00055882 you know it's a concentrated storyline O4zcXpc0Lxg-00186-00055883-00056226 kind of thing of purple pastels O4zcXpc0Lxg-00187-00056227-00056849 green based um gray pastels uh the pinky O4zcXpc0Lxg-00188-00056850-00057238 pinky peach ones so they just sort of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00189-00057239-00057532 went for it as far as expanding their O4zcXpc0Lxg-00190-00057533-00057785 whole range and I think there's O4zcXpc0Lxg-00191-00057786-00058019 something for everybody so it's a really O4zcXpc0Lxg-00192-00058020-00058450 pretty pretty release and I'm really O4zcXpc0Lxg-00193-00058451-00058792 glad that I got to try that so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00194-00058794-00059135 um let's see what else here did the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00195-00059136-00059459 Physicians Formula as far as going ahead O4zcXpc0Lxg-00196-00059460-00059729 and doing the finishing powder this is a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00197-00059729-00060029 better glow in translucent they also O4zcXpc0Lxg-00198-00060029-00060353 have the better glow that's in O4zcXpc0Lxg-00199-00060354-00060611 um this one which is Natural Glow O4zcXpc0Lxg-00200-00060612-00060953 and it will give you a Rosy a pink to a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00201-00060954-00061253 Rosy finishing powder and sometimes I'll O4zcXpc0Lxg-00202-00061254-00061457 just go ahead and use this right on the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00203-00061458-00061738 cheeks as far as O4zcXpc0Lxg-00204-00061739-00062063 um just making a pink pleasure of rose O4zcXpc0Lxg-00205-00062064-00062297 blush just a little bit deeper a little O4zcXpc0Lxg-00206-00062298-00062723 bit more intense and I think that's just O4zcXpc0Lxg-00207-00062724-00063107 about all of my very drugstore book I O4zcXpc0Lxg-00208-00063108-00063287 think turned out really well I mean the O4zcXpc0Lxg-00209-00063288-00063604 glowish and Centric store but the other O4zcXpc0Lxg-00210-00063605-00063953 nice thing about these is that you can O4zcXpc0Lxg-00211-00063954-00064216 purchase a smaller size the mini size O4zcXpc0Lxg-00212-00064217-00064553 and so you don't have to get a huge big O4zcXpc0Lxg-00213-00064554-00064792 palette you can try out O4zcXpc0Lxg-00214-00064794-00065075 um or a huge big pan you can go ahead O4zcXpc0Lxg-00215-00065076-00065363 and try them out and so O4zcXpc0Lxg-00216-00065364-00065591 um and look at packaging I'm gloves just O4zcXpc0Lxg-00217-00065592-00065843 so cute but anyway O4zcXpc0Lxg-00218-00065844-00066256 um good huh really I mean it's taken me O4zcXpc0Lxg-00219-00066257-00066455 a couple of months to get to the point O4zcXpc0Lxg-00220-00066456-00066688 where I can say yes I've tried most of O4zcXpc0Lxg-00221-00066689-00066875 it and O4zcXpc0Lxg-00222-00066876-00067138 um as you know the usual with colourpop O4zcXpc0Lxg-00223-00067139-00067415 it just works out really well O4zcXpc0Lxg-00224-00067416-00067541 uh O4zcXpc0Lxg-00225-00067542-00067823 oh one more colorful O4zcXpc0Lxg-00226-00067824-00068056 and this is seismic it's one of my O4zcXpc0Lxg-00227-00068057-00068519 favorite highlighters and so this is O4zcXpc0Lxg-00228-00068520-00068723 this one that I went ahead and use today O4zcXpc0Lxg-00229-00068724-00068969 it does have some actual sparkles in it O4zcXpc0Lxg-00230-00068970-00069215 not a lot it is some glitter all over O4zcXpc0Lxg-00231-00069216-00069431 your cheeks but yeah O4zcXpc0Lxg-00232-00069432-00069719 it does that uh the chiffon I would O4zcXpc0Lxg-00233-00069720-00069947 definitely suggest this usually on their O4zcXpc0Lxg-00234-00069948-00070331 website and this just as beautiful as a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00235-00070332-00070493 highlighter O4zcXpc0Lxg-00236-00070494-00070679 um or on a day where you're doing light O4zcXpc0Lxg-00237-00070680-00071032 makeup as a natural blush it is listed O4zcXpc0Lxg-00238-00071033-00071182 as an actual O4zcXpc0Lxg-00239-00071183-00071585 um Super Shock uh cheek blush so but O4zcXpc0Lxg-00240-00071586-00071765 it's really light and it does have a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00241-00071766-00072137 flip to it so it's a fun for light days O4zcXpc0Lxg-00242-00072138-00072437 or to go ahead and use as a highlighter O4zcXpc0Lxg-00243-00072438-00072706 or a blush topper O4zcXpc0Lxg-00244-00072707-00072976 and I think that's just about everything O4zcXpc0Lxg-00245-00072977-00073282 so that's a video I hope that you have a O4zcXpc0Lxg-00246-00073283-00073736 great day and I'll see you later bye O5o_BrEonTc-00000-00000143-00000279 hey everyone this is joe lawrence and i O5o_BrEonTc-00001-00000280-00000423 want to share with you a quick message O5o_BrEonTc-00002-00000424-00000711 about scott um i've been a O5o_BrEonTc-00003-00000712-00000983 part of his support group for about a O5o_BrEonTc-00004-00000984-00001087 year now O5o_BrEonTc-00005-00001088-00001343 and his customer service is really O5o_BrEonTc-00006-00001344-00001558 really good O5o_BrEonTc-00007-00001559-00001839 he takes care of our support tickets he O5o_BrEonTc-00008-00001839-00002102 will find answers to questions without O5o_BrEonTc-00009-00002103-00002302 having to ask me O5o_BrEonTc-00010-00002303-00002558 how to arrive to that answer which is as O5o_BrEonTc-00011-00002559-00002758 a busy business owner that's like super O5o_BrEonTc-00012-00002759-00002926 super appreciated O5o_BrEonTc-00013-00002927-00003351 scott will even go as far as O5o_BrEonTc-00014-00003352-00003519 looking things up O5o_BrEonTc-00015-00003520-00003631 and then O5o_BrEonTc-00016-00003632-00003919 kind of trying to anticipate issues that O5o_BrEonTc-00017-00003920-00004070 may occur O5o_BrEonTc-00018-00004071-00004286 and then address those issues which i O5o_BrEonTc-00019-00004287-00004622 like he does all of our sport tickets he O5o_BrEonTc-00020-00004623-00004919 also does uh some community management O5o_BrEonTc-00021-00004920-00005254 and facebook group management as well O5o_BrEonTc-00022-00005255-00005567 um yeah you know without him O5o_BrEonTc-00023-00005568-00005751 we wouldn't be where we are as a O5o_BrEonTc-00024-00005752-00005927 business so O5o_BrEonTc-00025-00005928-00006102 scott thank you so much if you're O5o_BrEonTc-00026-00006103-00006222 watching this video if you're thinking O5o_BrEonTc-00027-00006223-00006351 of hiring him O5o_BrEonTc-00028-00006352-00006663 as your support person or in O5o_BrEonTc-00029-00006664-00006951 some type of community role i i know O5o_BrEonTc-00030-00006952-00007175 that you would be in great shape i know O5o_BrEonTc-00031-00007176-00007414 you'd be making a great decision O5o_BrEonTc-00032-00007415-00007892 so thanks for watching take care O77vuT__v0Q-00004-00060382-00060798 okay O77vuT__v0Q-00006-00064005-00064970 television O77vuT__v0Q-00007-00064971-00065484 okay that's enough with randomness O7yo4tZTVBE-00000-00000000-00000142 what is good all my dudes out there it's O7yo4tZTVBE-00001-00000143-00000295 your boy roxell and welcome back to O7yo4tZTVBE-00002-00000296-00000790 honey pop no recap video is up here O7yo4tZTVBE-00003-00000791-00001079 click it O7yo4tZTVBE-00004-00001080-00001623 click it O7yo4tZTVBE-00005-00001623-00001718 it O7yo4tZTVBE-00006-00001719-00001879 and here i was thinking i might just O7yo4tZTVBE-00007-00001880-00002063 stay out of trouble today O7yo4tZTVBE-00008-00002064-00002310 so much for that O7yo4tZTVBE-00009-00002311-00002415 simply O7yo4tZTVBE-00010-00002416-00002550 delectable O7yo4tZTVBE-00011-00002551-00002750 so tell me something O7yo4tZTVBE-00012-00002751-00002950 do you think there's anything i can do O7yo4tZTVBE-00013-00002951-00003367 to feel more attracted to my husband O7yo4tZTVBE-00014-00003368-00003543 it's about time you O7yo4tZTVBE-00015-00003544-00003767 you ask this question it might help if O7yo4tZTVBE-00016-00003768-00003951 you stop cheating on him why should you O7yo4tZTVBE-00017-00003952-00004119 it's up to him to attract you isn't it O7yo4tZTVBE-00018-00004120-00004270 maybe you guys could try to renew your O7yo4tZTVBE-00019-00004271-00004463 reddit your wedding vows O7yo4tZTVBE-00020-00004464-00004702 she would like this one you're right if O7yo4tZTVBE-00021-00004703-00004902 you can't handle a woman of my caliber O7yo4tZTVBE-00022-00004903-00005127 how is that my responsibility O7yo4tZTVBE-00023-00005128-00005238 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00024-00005239-00005654 i really do not like that but O7yo4tZTVBE-00025-00005655-00005847 that's even better than our personal O7yo4tZTVBE-00026-00005848-00006118 chef makes it let's talk to you guys O7yo4tZTVBE-00027-00006119-00006351 here and answer this question for me i O7yo4tZTVBE-00028-00006352-00006567 got you what's your opinion on alimony O7yo4tZTVBE-00029-00006568-00006791 payments O7yo4tZTVBE-00030-00006792-00006942 i suppose it depends on the reason for O7yo4tZTVBE-00031-00006943-00007110 the divorce it's a total scam the O7yo4tZTVBE-00032-00007111-00007263 wealthier partner gets screwed every O7yo4tZTVBE-00033-00007264-00007391 time if you get used to a certain O7yo4tZTVBE-00034-00007392-00007559 lifestyle you shouldn't have to give it O7yo4tZTVBE-00035-00007559-00007727 she would like this i don't think it O7yo4tZTVBE-00036-00007728-00008014 goes far enough if i got divorced now i O7yo4tZTVBE-00037-00008015-00008223 wouldn't get nearly what i deserve O7yo4tZTVBE-00038-00008224-00008391 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00039-00008392-00008767 i really just do what's up O7yo4tZTVBE-00040-00008768-00008951 try to having a partner app on your O7yo4tZTVBE-00041-00008952-00009206 phone type of pe i want to find out i'm O7yo4tZTVBE-00042-00009207-00009519 allergic to like [__] everything so i O7yo4tZTVBE-00043-00009520-00009695 can't really do pets O7yo4tZTVBE-00044-00009696-00010110 which is honestly fine by me well now O7yo4tZTVBE-00045-00010111-00010358 i'm glad we see eye to eye on that O7yo4tZTVBE-00046-00010359-00010527 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00047-00010528-00010671 well O7yo4tZTVBE-00048-00010672-00010823 that sucks O7yo4tZTVBE-00049-00010824-00011006 all right i'll play along with your O7yo4tZTVBE-00050-00011007-00011214 little scheme this is the first one O7yo4tZTVBE-00051-00011215-00011446 right i i've i've recorded three in a O7yo4tZTVBE-00052-00011447-00011646 row so like i'm losing track if anyone O7yo4tZTVBE-00053-00011647-00011838 needs me i'll be kicking back in one of O7yo4tZTVBE-00054-00011839-00012031 these lounge chairs O7yo4tZTVBE-00055-00012032-00012191 not bad O7yo4tZTVBE-00056-00012192-00012359 don't get coffee O7yo4tZTVBE-00057-00012360-00012478 well O7yo4tZTVBE-00058-00012479-00012719 all right then O7yo4tZTVBE-00059-00012720-00012943 the old gift technique huh O7yo4tZTVBE-00060-00012944-00013143 exactly O7yo4tZTVBE-00061-00013144-00013399 exquisite all right O7yo4tZTVBE-00062-00013400-00013655 sometimes O7yo4tZTVBE-00063-00013656-00013822 not getting many good moves right now O7yo4tZTVBE-00064-00013823-00014055 this is bad we are not doing too hot O7yo4tZTVBE-00065-00014056-00014335 yeah this kind of sucked O7yo4tZTVBE-00066-00014336-00014622 this was really weak O7yo4tZTVBE-00067-00014623-00014830 that was [__] weak come on pull O7yo4tZTVBE-00068-00014831-00015103 yourself together man you can't be out O7yo4tZTVBE-00069-00015104-00015294 here choking like this O7yo4tZTVBE-00070-00015295-00015550 i really can't losing it come on we can O7yo4tZTVBE-00071-00015551-00015758 do better than this O7yo4tZTVBE-00072-00015759-00015863 yay O7yo4tZTVBE-00073-00015863-00016150 my friends are here O7yo4tZTVBE-00074-00016151-00016358 yummy O7yo4tZTVBE-00075-00016359-00016671 let's see if i can learn our baggage O7yo4tZTVBE-00076-00016672-00016876 what were we talking about O7yo4tZTVBE-00077-00016877-00016999 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00078-00017000-00017150 weren't talking about anything how to O7yo4tZTVBE-00079-00017151-00017399 solve the global climate crisis i think O7yo4tZTVBE-00080-00017400-00017750 we i think you were about to show me O7yo4tZTVBE-00081-00017751-00017894 [__] it oh O7yo4tZTVBE-00082-00017895-00018103 okay sure O7yo4tZTVBE-00083-00018104-00018439 but you gotta pay for that silly O7yo4tZTVBE-00084-00018440-00018614 how about O7yo4tZTVBE-00085-00018615-00018791 uh O7yo4tZTVBE-00086-00018792-00018958 oh shoot O7yo4tZTVBE-00087-00018959-00019327 i forgot what we were talking about O7yo4tZTVBE-00088-00019328-00019527 oh great forgetful there's a five O7yo4tZTVBE-00089-00019528-00019743 percent chance per move that candice O7yo4tZTVBE-00090-00019744-00019894 will forget about a date gift that O7yo4tZTVBE-00091-00019895-00020039 either she or a date gift have received O7yo4tZTVBE-00092-00020040-00020247 removing its passive effects can i just O7yo4tZTVBE-00093-00020248-00020343 leave O7yo4tZTVBE-00094-00020344-00020478 let's just leave O7yo4tZTVBE-00095-00020479-00020799 so we ain't like chilling or whatever O7yo4tZTVBE-00096-00020800-00021083 sorry not right now that was stupid but O7yo4tZTVBE-00097-00021084-00021607 like uh whatever O7yo4tZTVBE-00098-00021608-00021894 i have no idea how people can stay up O7yo4tZTVBE-00099-00021895-00022191 this late every night O7yo4tZTVBE-00100-00022192-00022414 i don't know either ask me whatever you O7yo4tZTVBE-00101-00022415-00022647 like i'm always O7yo4tZTVBE-00102-00022648-00022958 open O7yo4tZTVBE-00103-00022959-00023294 high school ice cream way to exercise O7yo4tZTVBE-00104-00023295-00023550 i liked home economics i always thought O7yo4tZTVBE-00105-00023551-00023767 of myself as a homemaker O7yo4tZTVBE-00106-00023768-00024150 how wrong i was yes O7yo4tZTVBE-00107-00024151-00024550 wow you're actually looking at my face O7yo4tZTVBE-00108-00024551-00024783 you must have something important to say O7yo4tZTVBE-00109-00024784-00025014 yeah O7yo4tZTVBE-00110-00025015-00025214 sunday morning weather O7yo4tZTVBE-00111-00025215-00025335 holiday O7yo4tZTVBE-00112-00025336-00025511 i've loved christmas ever since my O7yo4tZTVBE-00113-00025512-00025734 daughter was born it's not the same O7yo4tZTVBE-00114-00025735-00026006 anymore but i'll always have memories O7yo4tZTVBE-00115-00026007-00026118 yeah O7yo4tZTVBE-00116-00026119-00026455 i see that like me you appreciate the O7yo4tZTVBE-00117-00026456-00026662 finer things O7yo4tZTVBE-00118-00026663-00026862 if there's something you want to ask me O7yo4tZTVBE-00119-00026863-00027158 don't be shy let's go O7yo4tZTVBE-00120-00027160-00027495 online shopping movie genre online do O7yo4tZTVBE-00121-00027495-00027807 you even have to ask porn silly O7yo4tZTVBE-00122-00027808-00028031 truth be told watching my own videos O7yo4tZTVBE-00123-00028032-00028287 kind of turns me on really O7yo4tZTVBE-00124-00028288-00028414 okay O7yo4tZTVBE-00125-00028416-00028670 [__] it so tell me something O7yo4tZTVBE-00126-00028672-00028863 what kind of car you drive um O7yo4tZTVBE-00127-00028864-00029023 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00128-00029024-00029223 she wants something expensive not to O7yo4tZTVBE-00129-00029224-00029414 brag but i do have a high-end european O7yo4tZTVBE-00130-00029416-00029599 sports car nothing special i'm happy if O7yo4tZTVBE-00131-00029600-00029799 it gets me from point a to point b O7yo4tZTVBE-00132-00029800-00029918 it has to be O7yo4tZTVBE-00133-00029919-00030102 sounds sexy O7yo4tZTVBE-00134-00030103-00030279 i wouldn't mind O7yo4tZTVBE-00135-00030280-00030558 taking a ride sometime O7yo4tZTVBE-00136-00030560-00030831 haha that's a sexual innuendo anyway i O7yo4tZTVBE-00137-00030832-00031079 think you can handle both of us O7yo4tZTVBE-00138-00031080-00031367 i guess we'll find out O7yo4tZTVBE-00139-00031368-00031495 hopefully O7yo4tZTVBE-00140-00031495-00031751 i keep [__] up these dates O7yo4tZTVBE-00141-00031752-00032087 the royal suite i probably reserve this O7yo4tZTVBE-00142-00032088-00032407 room more than our guests do there we go O7yo4tZTVBE-00143-00032408-00032695 now we're in business O7yo4tZTVBE-00144-00032695-00032865 real good way to treat a friend O7yo4tZTVBE-00145-00032866-00033087 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00146-00033088-00033279 well that was fast O7yo4tZTVBE-00147-00033280-00033455 look at you O7yo4tZTVBE-00148-00033456-00033702 oh boy that could be O7yo4tZTVBE-00149-00033703-00033855 let you off the helpful O7yo4tZTVBE-00150-00033856-00034031 this time O7yo4tZTVBE-00151-00034032-00034390 thank you mommy straight to business huh O7yo4tZTVBE-00152-00034391-00034743 yeah you should have O7yo4tZTVBE-00153-00034744-00034983 oh i can make it is this what the kids O7yo4tZTVBE-00154-00034984-00035111 are into O7yo4tZTVBE-00155-00035112-00035351 potentially O7yo4tZTVBE-00156-00035352-00035639 you would bring this on a date i need O7yo4tZTVBE-00157-00035640-00035862 one more sentiment match so i could oh O7yo4tZTVBE-00158-00035863-00036046 [__] [__] i haven't been paying O7yo4tZTVBE-00159-00036047-00036302 attention to moves again O7yo4tZTVBE-00160-00036303-00036551 jeez pay attention this is why you're O7yo4tZTVBE-00161-00036552-00036871 [__] it up O7yo4tZTVBE-00162-00036872-00037023 oh wait a minute i forgot that's the O7yo4tZTVBE-00163-00037024-00037430 wrong one oh yeah yep i felt that one O7yo4tZTVBE-00164-00037431-00037623 that's good splendid O7yo4tZTVBE-00165-00037624-00037767 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00166-00037768-00038255 you spoil me slow down honey it's not a O7yo4tZTVBE-00167-00038256-00038527 race unfortunately i have five moves O7yo4tZTVBE-00168-00038528-00039102 left so it kind of is a race for me O7yo4tZTVBE-00169-00039103-00039302 maybe i am getting a little too old for O7yo4tZTVBE-00170-00039303-00039774 this well that sucks i am not impressed O7yo4tZTVBE-00171-00039775-00040023 not impressed at all O7yo4tZTVBE-00172-00040024-00040255 that's great oh perfect timing i just O7yo4tZTVBE-00173-00040256-00040518 finished putting my face on O7yo4tZTVBE-00174-00040519-00040767 putting your face on huh O7yo4tZTVBE-00175-00040768-00041030 that sounds like it could be O7yo4tZTVBE-00176-00041031-00041318 threatening why how'd you discover my O7yo4tZTVBE-00177-00041319-00041471 weakness O7yo4tZTVBE-00178-00041472-00041774 i guessed you're not like into watching O7yo4tZTVBE-00179-00041775-00041983 girls eat are you O7yo4tZTVBE-00180-00041984-00042311 nope please just say your baggage so O7yo4tZTVBE-00181-00042312-00042583 sorry to ask but i have to know O7yo4tZTVBE-00182-00042584-00042758 who's the prettiest girl you've met on O7yo4tZTVBE-00183-00042759-00043015 this island O7yo4tZTVBE-00184-00043016-00043215 this extra cute and super popular girl O7yo4tZTVBE-00185-00043216-00043358 named paulie O7yo4tZTVBE-00186-00043359-00043462 i'm not sure that's some tight O7yo4tZTVBE-00187-00043463-00043662 competition i can't choose all women are O7yo4tZTVBE-00188-00043663-00043855 beautiful in my eyes i feel like she O7yo4tZTVBE-00189-00043856-00044095 would like this oh yeah O7yo4tZTVBE-00190-00044096-00044390 but you must have a favorite right O7yo4tZTVBE-00191-00044391-00044718 maybe a certain tele uber girl O7yo4tZTVBE-00192-00044719-00044990 god i'm incorrigible you have to forgive O7yo4tZTVBE-00193-00044991-00045215 me i shouldn't even ask questions like O7yo4tZTVBE-00194-00045216-00045311 that O7yo4tZTVBE-00195-00045312-00045671 i guess i can maybe get a teensy bit O7yo4tZTVBE-00196-00045672-00045938 jealous of pretty girls sometimes O7yo4tZTVBE-00197-00045939-00046095 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00198-00046096-00046246 jealousy O7yo4tZTVBE-00199-00046247-00046415 uh paulie will drain five percent of the O7yo4tZTVBE-00200-00046416-00046558 total affection goal for the date any O7yo4tZTVBE-00201-00046559-00046695 time her date receives a date gift O7yo4tZTVBE-00202-00046696-00046958 unless she's exhausted or upset are you O7yo4tZTVBE-00203-00046959-00047102 kidding O7yo4tZTVBE-00204-00047103-00047183 me O7yo4tZTVBE-00205-00047184-00047486 okay as long as you're paying O7yo4tZTVBE-00206-00047487-00047623 interesting O7yo4tZTVBE-00207-00047624-00047783 does anybody else have the sudden urge O7yo4tZTVBE-00208-00047784-00048015 to go ice skating O7yo4tZTVBE-00209-00048016-00048230 ice skating is fun O7yo4tZTVBE-00210-00048231-00048383 i haven't done that in forever now that O7yo4tZTVBE-00211-00048384-00048823 i think about it such a naughty boy O7yo4tZTVBE-00212-00048824-00049007 exactly O7yo4tZTVBE-00213-00049008-00049295 are you serious dude O7yo4tZTVBE-00214-00049296-00049535 oh that was fast okay you're right you O7yo4tZTVBE-00215-00049536-00049767 keep your [__] together okay O7yo4tZTVBE-00216-00049768-00050007 i will try my best but O7yo4tZTVBE-00217-00050008-00050167 yeah O7yo4tZTVBE-00218-00050168-00050358 you've seen what happens what is O7yo4tZTVBE-00219-00050359-00051140 gentlemen O7yo4tZTVBE-00220-00051141-00051599 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00221-00051600-00051823 but i did O7yo4tZTVBE-00222-00051824-00052638 like that O7yo4tZTVBE-00223-00052639-00052823 what's it feel like to fall on your ass O7yo4tZTVBE-00224-00052824-00053087 like that i wouldn't know O7yo4tZTVBE-00225-00053088-00053319 i bet not why do people just hang out at O7yo4tZTVBE-00226-00053320-00053479 the airport in this game it makes no O7yo4tZTVBE-00227-00053479-00053719 sense greetings O7yo4tZTVBE-00228-00053720-00053838 greetings O7yo4tZTVBE-00229-00053839-00054111 thank you O7yo4tZTVBE-00230-00054112-00054415 oh my god i literally never want to stop O7yo4tZTVBE-00231-00054416-00054566 eating this O7yo4tZTVBE-00232-00054567-00054750 i can sense that you have something on O7yo4tZTVBE-00233-00054751-00054959 your mind yeah i asked you a question it O7yo4tZTVBE-00234-00054960-00055175 would be pretty difficult to figure it O7yo4tZTVBE-00235-00055176-00055415 out uh thing to do online traits haven't O7yo4tZTVBE-00236-00055416-00055591 i i must admit O7yo4tZTVBE-00237-00055591-00055871 as a woman i feel a strong biological O7yo4tZTVBE-00238-00055872-00056079 desire to seek partners who are taller O7yo4tZTVBE-00239-00056079-00056430 than me like same O7yo4tZTVBE-00240-00056432-00056647 why do you have to say everything so O7yo4tZTVBE-00241-00056648-00056815 weird though O7yo4tZTVBE-00242-00056816-00057038 okay guess not i wanted to figure out O7yo4tZTVBE-00243-00057039-00057271 how tall she was so i could make a short O7yo4tZTVBE-00244-00057272-00057750 joke you like need something okay O7yo4tZTVBE-00245-00057751-00057879 what was your favorite subject in high O7yo4tZTVBE-00246-00057879-00058094 school thing to do online sunday morning O7yo4tZTVBE-00247-00058095-00058263 uh O7yo4tZTVBE-00248-00058264-00058638 i hated every single class i dropped out O7yo4tZTVBE-00249-00058639-00058926 literally like the second i could time O7yo4tZTVBE-00250-00058927-00059182 to go may the butterfly queen grant us O7yo4tZTVBE-00251-00059183-00059326 good fortune O7yo4tZTVBE-00252-00059327-00059679 please and good [__] O7yo4tZTVBE-00253-00059679-00059950 i forgot about that O7yo4tZTVBE-00254-00059951-00060182 i should have brought an umbrella this O7yo4tZTVBE-00255-00060183-00060663 sun is like burning my [__] skin O7yo4tZTVBE-00256-00060664-00060871 try sunscreen O7yo4tZTVBE-00257-00060872-00060975 wow O7yo4tZTVBE-00258-00060976-00061135 amazing O7yo4tZTVBE-00259-00061136-00061350 i will never complain if something like O7yo4tZTVBE-00260-00061351-00061742 that happens yes because it's not bang O7yo4tZTVBE-00261-00061744-00062142 i guess no problem i guess yes yes O7yo4tZTVBE-00262-00062144-00062303 i see O7yo4tZTVBE-00263-00062304-00062791 i guess that's cool O7yo4tZTVBE-00264-00062791-00063079 uh chill the [__] out much O7yo4tZTVBE-00265-00063079-00063228 i feel your energy O7yo4tZTVBE-00266-00063229-00063471 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00267-00063472-00063815 i'm ready to like keep going or whatever O7yo4tZTVBE-00268-00063816-00064094 interesting choice i'm just gonna like O7yo4tZTVBE-00269-00064095-00064335 lay on the ground for a minute O7yo4tZTVBE-00270-00064336-00064511 yeah i'm back O7yo4tZTVBE-00271-00064512-00064750 unfortunately O7yo4tZTVBE-00272-00064751-00064935 what's so unfortunate about that i like O7yo4tZTVBE-00273-00064936-00065126 having you around O7yo4tZTVBE-00274-00065127-00065263 remarkable O7yo4tZTVBE-00275-00065264-00065464 maybe i do need my inhaler O7yo4tZTVBE-00276-00065465-00065679 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00277-00065680-00065919 what's with the gifts i just feel like O7yo4tZTVBE-00278-00065920-00066038 giving them to you O7yo4tZTVBE-00279-00066039-00066367 god i can't even breathe right O7yo4tZTVBE-00280-00066368-00066743 fascinating O7yo4tZTVBE-00281-00066744-00067087 uh not yet switch up and the human body O7yo4tZTVBE-00282-00067088-00067431 certainly has its limits O7yo4tZTVBE-00283-00067432-00067631 fine we should only need like one or two O7yo4tZTVBE-00284-00067632-00067767 more moves O7yo4tZTVBE-00285-00067768-00067911 one O7yo4tZTVBE-00286-00067912-00068023 there we go O7yo4tZTVBE-00287-00068024-00068175 i guess that was a little better than O7yo4tZTVBE-00288-00068176-00068391 just sitting in the hotel room just a O7yo4tZTVBE-00289-00068392-00068535 little bit i'm pretty sure you know it O7yo4tZTVBE-00290-00068536-00068694 was better O7yo4tZTVBE-00291-00068695-00069055 lillian do you find me attractive O7yo4tZTVBE-00292-00069056-00069223 um i mean O7yo4tZTVBE-00293-00069224-00069526 yeah like i'd [__] you O7yo4tZTVBE-00294-00069527-00069631 thank you O7yo4tZTVBE-00295-00069632-00069935 that is all i needed to know O7yo4tZTVBE-00296-00069936-00070255 that was fast it's real easy still here O7yo4tZTVBE-00297-00070256-00070471 huh i was starting to think you pussed O7yo4tZTVBE-00298-00070472-00070638 out and flew home O7yo4tZTVBE-00299-00070639-00070759 hell O7yo4tZTVBE-00300-00070760-00070847 no O7yo4tZTVBE-00301-00070848-00071079 hey let me ask you something yeah do you O7yo4tZTVBE-00302-00071080-00071350 think of yourself as like a pessimist or O7yo4tZTVBE-00303-00071351-00071567 an optimist O7yo4tZTVBE-00304-00071568-00071726 there's a whole lot to be optimistic O7yo4tZTVBE-00305-00071727-00071887 about these days there's not a whole lot O7yo4tZTVBE-00306-00071888-00072126 i mean no need they're real O7yo4tZTVBE-00307-00072127-00072326 neither really i think more this one oh O7yo4tZTVBE-00308-00072327-00072431 really i'm not even going to read the O7yo4tZTVBE-00309-00072432-00072511 other one O7yo4tZTVBE-00310-00072512-00072750 i could dig that just like deal with O7yo4tZTVBE-00311-00072751-00073023 [__] as it is right exactly that's how O7yo4tZTVBE-00312-00073024-00073326 it should be i'm listening O7yo4tZTVBE-00313-00073327-00073526 music genre way to exercise theme park O7yo4tZTVBE-00314-00073527-00073679 ride way to exercise when you're serving O7yo4tZTVBE-00315-00073680-00073887 time you learn to like lifting you're O7yo4tZTVBE-00316-00073888-00074103 either a big [__] or you're someone O7yo4tZTVBE-00317-00074104-00074255 else's [__] O7yo4tZTVBE-00318-00074256-00074447 finally somebody who knows what they're O7yo4tZTVBE-00319-00074448-00074694 talking about hey where i come from you O7yo4tZTVBE-00320-00074695-00074887 take what you can get O7yo4tZTVBE-00321-00074888-00075023 oh [__] O7yo4tZTVBE-00322-00075024-00075182 i can't believe i haven't asked you this O7yo4tZTVBE-00323-00075183-00075391 yet really can you guess the name i gave O7yo4tZTVBE-00324-00075392-00075711 to my vibrator O7yo4tZTVBE-00325-00075712-00075871 [__] i don't know humpy or something O7yo4tZTVBE-00326-00075872-00076006 like that how am i supposed to guess O7yo4tZTVBE-00327-00076007-00076191 that it could be anything it's obviously O7yo4tZTVBE-00328-00076192-00076375 named after me O7yo4tZTVBE-00329-00076376-00076782 you [__] wish O7yo4tZTVBE-00330-00076783-00076950 i am awesome O7yo4tZTVBE-00331-00076951-00077382 oh wait that wasn't your question nope O7yo4tZTVBE-00332-00077383-00077726 weather drink holiday O7yo4tZTVBE-00333-00077727-00077943 water is pretty much the only safe O7yo4tZTVBE-00334-00077944-00078038 option O7yo4tZTVBE-00335-00078039-00078199 haven't you ever heard the phrase don't O7yo4tZTVBE-00336-00078200-00078479 drink your calories O7yo4tZTVBE-00337-00078480-00078567 i O7yo4tZTVBE-00338-00078568-00078847 haven't heard that but it is honestly a O7yo4tZTVBE-00339-00078848-00079143 very good phrase and uh i've been trying O7yo4tZTVBE-00340-00079144-00079335 to live by it O7yo4tZTVBE-00341-00079336-00079567 you're gonna feed it to me too O7yo4tZTVBE-00342-00079568-00079719 i mean if you want O7yo4tZTVBE-00343-00079720-00080031 okay be honest with me will ya gotcha so O7yo4tZTVBE-00344-00080032-00080199 when you were a kid what did you want to O7yo4tZTVBE-00345-00080200-00080399 be when you grew up O7yo4tZTVBE-00346-00080400-00080599 i always had my heart set on becoming a O7yo4tZTVBE-00347-00080600-00080903 world-class porn star anything that paid O7yo4tZTVBE-00348-00080904-00081103 really well like a doctor or a lawyer as O7yo4tZTVBE-00349-00081104-00081247 a kid i'm pretty sure i wanted to be a O7yo4tZTVBE-00350-00081248-00081566 super cool ninja O7yo4tZTVBE-00351-00081567-00081823 [Laughter] O7yo4tZTVBE-00352-00081824-00082079 honestly i'm tempted O7yo4tZTVBE-00353-00082080-00082326 yeah i don't know about that O7yo4tZTVBE-00354-00082327-00082494 for the jokes O7yo4tZTVBE-00355-00082495-00082855 hey you know what [__] it let's go let's O7yo4tZTVBE-00356-00082856-00083231 go exactly i love that damn none of my O7yo4tZTVBE-00357-00083232-00083406 broke ass exes ever took me to a place O7yo4tZTVBE-00358-00083407-00083638 like this O7yo4tZTVBE-00359-00083639-00084006 damn well you don't mess around do you O7yo4tZTVBE-00360-00084007-00084335 that is the best combo all right all O7yo4tZTVBE-00361-00084336-00084438 right O7yo4tZTVBE-00362-00084439-00084662 nice you're all right O7yo4tZTVBE-00363-00084663-00084782 sometimes O7yo4tZTVBE-00364-00084783-00085062 i really need to do more cardio i O7yo4tZTVBE-00365-00085063-00085292 appreciate it O7yo4tZTVBE-00366-00085293-00085423 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00367-00085424-00085782 all right where were we not bad O7yo4tZTVBE-00368-00085783-00085982 my hero O7yo4tZTVBE-00369-00085983-00086153 i'm sick O7yo4tZTVBE-00370-00086154-00086462 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00371-00086463-00086748 you look tired i'll give you a break O7yo4tZTVBE-00372-00086749-00086871 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00373-00086872-00087135 well that sucks all right well we gotta O7yo4tZTVBE-00374-00087136-00087287 end the video there because like i don't O7yo4tZTVBE-00375-00087288-00087543 want these to get too long but whatever O7yo4tZTVBE-00376-00087544-00087767 uh if you are trying to impress me with O7yo4tZTVBE-00377-00087768-00087908 that uh no O7yo4tZTVBE-00378-00087909-00088031 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00379-00088032-00088206 that sucks all right well we're gonna O7yo4tZTVBE-00380-00088207-00088479 end this here so that way we can um and O7yo4tZTVBE-00381-00088480-00088662 so i'll have time to record one more O7yo4tZTVBE-00382-00088663-00088838 before i have to O7yo4tZTVBE-00383-00088839-00089055 go do [__] all right thank you all so O7yo4tZTVBE-00384-00089056-00089231 much for watching if you like this video O7yo4tZTVBE-00385-00089232-00089438 smash that like button subscribe to join O7yo4tZTVBE-00386-00089439-00089615 the legion and i will see y'all in the O7yo4tZTVBE-00387-00089616-00090229 next video O7yo4tZTVBE-00388-00090230-00091111 [Music] O7yo4tZTVBE-00389-00091112-00091319 you O85tHZhEXj8-00000-00000080-00000307 autonomous provinces term for a type of O85tHZhEXj8-00001-00000308-00000985 administrative territorial entity O85tHZhEXj8-00002-00000986-00001506 topic occurrences O85tHZhEXj8-00003-00001507-00001859 you O85tHZhEXj8-00004-00001860-00002337 topic Serbia O85tHZhEXj8-00005-00002338-00002641 two autonomous provinces exist O85tHZhEXj8-00006-00002642-00002880 autonomous province of Kosovo and O85tHZhEXj8-00007-00002881-00003030 Metohija O85tHZhEXj8-00008-00003031-00003595 autonomous province of Vojvodina O85tHZhEXj8-00009-00003596-00004054 topic Italy O85tHZhEXj8-00010-00004056-00004486 two autonomous provinces exist Trentino O85tHZhEXj8-00011-00004487-00005049 South Tirol O85tHZhEXj8-00012-00005050-00005574 topic C also O85tHZhEXj8-00013-00005575-00005871 province O8vYjDhBw80-00000-00000012-00000564 make a show-stopping charts in Excel O8vYjDhBw80-00001-00000565-00000824 and that means a show-stopping O8vYjDhBw80-00002-00000825-00001014 scatterplot chart O8vYjDhBw80-00003-00001015-00001678 [Applause] O8vYjDhBw80-00004-00001679-00002011 now sharks can be scary but don't be O8vYjDhBw80-00005-00002012-00002329 afraid just remember O8vYjDhBw80-00006-00002330-00002842 [Applause] O8vYjDhBw80-00007-00002843-00003055 and this chart is going to tell the O8vYjDhBw80-00008-00003056-00003406 story of sugar and water the hotter the O8vYjDhBw80-00009-00003407-00003643 water gets the more the sugar dissolves O8vYjDhBw80-00010-00003644-00003897 if you do this I'd be out a piece of O8vYjDhBw80-00011-00003899-00004258 paper this is what you would have it's O8vYjDhBw80-00012-00004259-00004675 ugly it's not very precise it needs O8vYjDhBw80-00013-00004676-00005287 numbers and we need Excel and here we O8vYjDhBw80-00014-00005288-00005557 are in Excel I have my numbers I have O8vYjDhBw80-00015-00005558-00005803 them in a nice little arrangement with O8vYjDhBw80-00016-00005804-00006186 building styles and orders and a color O8vYjDhBw80-00017-00006187-00006466 that's so I can understand them and so O8vYjDhBw80-00018-00006467-00006723 they stand out numbers tell a story I O8vYjDhBw80-00019-00006725-00006964 want them to do a nice job communicating O8vYjDhBw80-00020-00006965-00007159 but there's nothing like a good O8vYjDhBw80-00021-00007159-00007480 scatterplot as we know so we're going to O8vYjDhBw80-00022-00007481-00007776 make one first we select temperature O8vYjDhBw80-00023-00007777-00008335 [Applause] O8vYjDhBw80-00024-00008336-00008683 then we hit post roll and select the O8vYjDhBw80-00025-00008684-00009653 sugar then we go to insert O8vYjDhBw80-00026-00009654-00010019 right over here and we pick out a nice O8vYjDhBw80-00027-00010020-00010286 scatterplot I'm going to pull him up so O8vYjDhBw80-00028-00010287-00010883 you can see him there is now this chart O8vYjDhBw80-00029-00010884-00011317 leaves a lot to be desired O8vYjDhBw80-00030-00011318-00011668 this chart leaves a lot to be desired O8vYjDhBw80-00031-00011669-00011981 because it doesn't say very much it O8vYjDhBw80-00032-00011982-00012251 doesn't say what I'm measuring it O8vYjDhBw80-00033-00012252-00012437 doesn't have the start points in the O8vYjDhBw80-00034-00012438-00012535 right places O8vYjDhBw80-00035-00012536-00013133 they're just gray small we can fix all O8vYjDhBw80-00036-00013134-00013553 of that the first thing I am going to do O8vYjDhBw80-00037-00013554-00014119 is this thing I'm going to do is let O8vYjDhBw80-00038-00014121-00014321 this chart know what I measuring so I'm O8vYjDhBw80-00039-00014322-00015157 going up here to select data O8vYjDhBw80-00040-00015158-00015538 there's a couple tries but we know we're O8vYjDhBw80-00041-00015538-00015919 not measuring series one right we are O8vYjDhBw80-00042-00015919-00016615 measuring grams of sugar I click it and O8vYjDhBw80-00043-00016616-00017104 I tell it okay grams of sugar the next O8vYjDhBw80-00044-00017105-00017491 thing I want is a legend so I'm going O8vYjDhBw80-00045-00017492-00017827 over here to quick layout picking out a O8vYjDhBw80-00046-00017828-00018253 legend now I have some axis titles as O8vYjDhBw80-00047-00018254-00018919 well okay let's change this this is O8vYjDhBw80-00048-00018920-00019597 temperature its Celsius and we are going O8vYjDhBw80-00049-00019598-00019933 to insert a degree symbol which is way O8vYjDhBw80-00050-00019934-00020266 over here it's a symbol I usual lock so O8vYjDhBw80-00051-00020267-00020794 I can just pick it off and I close now I O8vYjDhBw80-00052-00020795-00021004 don't like the size or the color so I'm O8vYjDhBw80-00053-00021005-00021253 going in here and I'm going back home O8vYjDhBw80-00054-00021254-00021724 and I'm going to take nice black I'm O8vYjDhBw80-00055-00021725-00021993 going to make my font twelve points and O8vYjDhBw80-00056-00021994-00022143 I O8vYjDhBw80-00057-00022144-00022560 going to choose Georgia all the way down O8vYjDhBw80-00058-00022561-00023210 here Yugi and we have on my life that O8vYjDhBw80-00059-00023211-00023387 one's done O8vYjDhBw80-00060-00023388-00023793 now I'm going to go over here this is O8vYjDhBw80-00061-00023794-00024447 grams of sugar right right now we're O8vYjDhBw80-00062-00024448-00024681 going to take this in terms of sugar O8vYjDhBw80-00063-00024682-00025056 takes to dry sometimes celexa make them O8vYjDhBw80-00064-00025057-00025493 black make them twelve points make them O8vYjDhBw80-00065-00025494-00025812 Georgia I'm going to do the same thing O8vYjDhBw80-00066-00025813-00026501 with this axis well points black Georgia O8vYjDhBw80-00067-00026502-00027063 over here you're gonna make this twelve O8vYjDhBw80-00068-00027064-00027785 points Georgia black as night and O8vYjDhBw80-00069-00027786-00028102 looks a lot better except this is also O8vYjDhBw80-00070-00028103-00028408 tiny and I'm points we don't want that O8vYjDhBw80-00071-00028409-00029065 12 points black Georgia and I'm gonna O8vYjDhBw80-00072-00029066-00029346 give this chart a pull these do stretch O8vYjDhBw80-00073-00029347-00029674 and now it's a lot easier to understand O8vYjDhBw80-00074-00029675-00029905 except I forgot the title on top let's O8vYjDhBw80-00075-00029906-00032076 fix that black 16 points Georgia O8vYjDhBw80-00076-00032077-00032454 and I want to add to this O8vYjDhBw80-00077-00032455-00032981 [Music] O8vYjDhBw80-00078-00032982-00033275 there we are now I understand what's in O8vYjDhBw80-00079-00033276-00033548 my chart there's one silly little label O8vYjDhBw80-00080-00033549-00033941 here I'll get rid of it but there's O8vYjDhBw80-00081-00033942-00034432 still more that we can do for one thing O8vYjDhBw80-00082-00034433-00034802 neither data series starts in the right O8vYjDhBw80-00083-00034803-00035225 place you can see the empty space at the O8vYjDhBw80-00084-00035226-00035573 lower left corner of the chart but if O8vYjDhBw80-00085-00035574-00035849 you think for a moment this really does O8vYjDhBw80-00086-00035850-00036392 not make sense if water is zero degrees O8vYjDhBw80-00087-00036393-00036746 this is what you have nothing is going O8vYjDhBw80-00088-00036747-00037133 to dissolve in it similarly if you have O8vYjDhBw80-00089-00037134-00037376 zero growth it's zero grams of sugar O8vYjDhBw80-00090-00037377-00037655 dissolving in the water this is what you O8vYjDhBw80-00091-00037656-00038294 have clearly we need to fix this what we O8vYjDhBw80-00092-00038295-00038525 are going to do now is format the axis O8vYjDhBw80-00093-00038526-00038813 let's start with the horizontal axis or O8vYjDhBw80-00094-00038814-00039109 the x axis I'm going to right click I'm O8vYjDhBw80-00095-00039110-00039575 going to pick format axis and I'm going O8vYjDhBw80-00096-00039576-00039788 to go over here to the bar chart and O8vYjDhBw80-00097-00039789-00040052 let's make that minimum 20 since we O8vYjDhBw80-00098-00040053-00040553 started at 25 Celsius O8vYjDhBw80-00099-00040554-00040938 now we're done that one's done now let's O8vYjDhBw80-00100-00040939-00041538 do the vertical axis format axis go to O8vYjDhBw80-00101-00041539-00041904 the bar chart we know we started at 14 O8vYjDhBw80-00102-00041905-00042117 grams of sugar so I'm going to start a O8vYjDhBw80-00103-00042118-00042642 bit below that at 10 and we are done O8vYjDhBw80-00104-00042643-00043287 here it is there's still some space in O8vYjDhBw80-00105-00043288-00043506 the bottom left part of the chart but O8vYjDhBw80-00106-00043507-00044331 this looks a lot more realistic now what O8vYjDhBw80-00107-00044332-00044634 we need to do and yes there is still O8vYjDhBw80-00108-00044635-00044880 more work to do on this chart is to make O8vYjDhBw80-00109-00044881-00045174 this chart look a little nicer this blue O8vYjDhBw80-00110-00045175-00045642 line has blue dots that fade into it O8vYjDhBw80-00111-00045643-00045939 then a heart be visible I don't like O8vYjDhBw80-00112-00045940-00045990 this O8vYjDhBw80-00113-00045991-00046254 I want my chart to communicate the same O8vYjDhBw80-00114-00046255-00046578 way that when I'm writing numbers I like O8vYjDhBw80-00115-00046579-00046806 to have borders and fill so that you can O8vYjDhBw80-00116-00046807-00047001 see what I have and see is evenly O8vYjDhBw80-00117-00047002-00047076 divided O8vYjDhBw80-00118-00047077-00047478 I look like my chart to see a match so O8vYjDhBw80-00119-00047479-00047748 what we're going to do is right click on O8vYjDhBw80-00120-00047749-00048096 this line and we are going to format O8vYjDhBw80-00121-00048097-00048524 data series first thing I want to do is O8vYjDhBw80-00122-00048525-00048981 I'm going to go over to here and I'm O8vYjDhBw80-00123-00048982-00049233 going to go to my markers and I'm going O8vYjDhBw80-00124-00049234-00049419 to go to my marker options now I've O8vYjDhBw80-00125-00049420-00049467 heard O8vYjDhBw80-00126-00049468-00049712 we find that the built-in marker but O8vYjDhBw80-00127-00049713-00049830 it's not big enough O8vYjDhBw80-00128-00049831-00050046 well that's increased to discover the O8vYjDhBw80-00129-00050047-00050376 skies I'm also going to give my bond for O8vYjDhBw80-00130-00050377-00050592 a different color I don't like blue I O8vYjDhBw80-00131-00050593-00050970 want to go to solid fill I'm going to O8vYjDhBw80-00132-00050971-00051171 pick out my colors and I have a nice O8vYjDhBw80-00133-00051172-00051455 hard read here that I like there we go O8vYjDhBw80-00134-00051457-00051833 I'm going to add a solid line to the O8vYjDhBw80-00135-00051834-00052086 outside of my border and I'm gonna make O8vYjDhBw80-00136-00052087-00052355 that light info i and I'm going to O8vYjDhBw80-00137-00052357-00052665 increase it should be a line everybody O8vYjDhBw80-00138-00052666-00053025 can see now that line which would be O8vYjDhBw80-00139-00053026-00053294 against these nice big buttons so let's O8vYjDhBw80-00140-00053295-00053565 go to the line part of this and the O8vYjDhBw80-00141-00053566-00053729 first thing I'm going to do is change my O8vYjDhBw80-00142-00053730-00054087 line color I'll make it brown I'm making O8vYjDhBw80-00143-00054088-00054621 it a bit thicker and I am going to go to O8vYjDhBw80-00144-00054622-00055038 compound type and make it striped cuz O8vYjDhBw80-00145-00055039-00055558 it's kind of cute close this O8vYjDhBw80-00146-00055559-00055929 but all of you see my chart this is a O8vYjDhBw80-00147-00055930-00056359 lot easier to be the emphasis is a lot O8vYjDhBw80-00148-00056360-00056863 better now O8vYjDhBw80-00149-00056864-00057219 you think this chart is finished but at O8vYjDhBw80-00150-00057220-00057487 perimeter college professors often ask O8vYjDhBw80-00151-00057488-00057820 for a trendline and an equation it's O8vYjDhBw80-00152-00057821-00058129 also known as a linear line so to get O8vYjDhBw80-00153-00058129-00058357 that we right-click on the data series O8vYjDhBw80-00154-00058358-00058999 and we add trendline that little wimpy O8vYjDhBw80-00155-00059000-00059389 blue bunch of dots is your trending it's O8vYjDhBw80-00156-00059390-00059623 missing an equation so let's go over O8vYjDhBw80-00157-00059624-00059985 here and say display equation on shark O8vYjDhBw80-00158-00059986-00060244 now you know how I feel about the way O8vYjDhBw80-00159-00060245-00060571 the specs it also has some other O8vYjDhBw80-00160-00060572-00060957 problems but let's take care of the O8vYjDhBw80-00161-00060958-00061144 appearance first first you can't read O8vYjDhBw80-00162-00061145-00061720 the equation so let's move it move it O8vYjDhBw80-00163-00061721-00061774 now O8vYjDhBw80-00164-00061775-00062023 it went okay now the equation is halfway O8vYjDhBw80-00165-00062024-00062304 readable let's work on the tread line O8vYjDhBw80-00166-00062305-00062764 right click format red line you can go O8vYjDhBw80-00167-00062765-00063091 over here those are the thoughts are O8vYjDhBw80-00168-00063091-00063322 almost invisible let's make this solid O8vYjDhBw80-00169-00063323-00063633 let's get rid of the dashes O8vYjDhBw80-00170-00063634-00063814 [Applause] O8vYjDhBw80-00171-00063815-00064235 that gets rid of the dashes god I don't O8vYjDhBw80-00172-00064236-00064472 like that blue let's pick another color O8vYjDhBw80-00173-00064473-00064946 I like a vase golden yellow I'm gonna O8vYjDhBw80-00174-00064947-00065296 make this as and I like this much better O8vYjDhBw80-00175-00065297-00065690 okay the tread light is visible but this O8vYjDhBw80-00176-00065691-00066029 equation has issues first of all it's O8vYjDhBw80-00177-00066030-00066335 tiny and gray so I'm going to run by O8vYjDhBw80-00178-00066336-00066608 bounce across it then I'm going to O8vYjDhBw80-00179-00066609-00067312 change the Frog to Georgia by Georgia O8vYjDhBw80-00180-00067313-00067793 Georgia O8vYjDhBw80-00181-00067794-00068038 [Applause] O8vYjDhBw80-00182-00068039-00068617 your job I better make it black if I now O8vYjDhBw80-00183-00068618-00068899 you could guess what I'm gonna do 12 for O8vYjDhBw80-00184-00068900-00069400 solid points that's readable that looks O8vYjDhBw80-00185-00069401-00069806 very pretty but it has another issue O8vYjDhBw80-00186-00069807-00070192 look at my numbers normally go into two O8vYjDhBw80-00187-00070193-00070632 significant figures your measurements O8vYjDhBw80-00188-00070633-00070885 are just not that accurate on this chart O8vYjDhBw80-00189-00070886-00071185 so we click this again and when you hear O8vYjDhBw80-00190-00071186-00071524 that it it you can round off one one O8vYjDhBw80-00191-00071525-00072281 five becomes one six nine seven becomes O8vYjDhBw80-00192-00072282-00072647 seven O8vYjDhBw80-00193-00072648-00072959 and there you have your act there you O8vYjDhBw80-00194-00072960-00073594 have your trendline your equation and a O8vYjDhBw80-00195-00073595-00074084 very beautiful chart and I hope none of O8vYjDhBw80-00196-00074085-00074342 this was scary thanks for bearing with O8vYjDhBw80-00197-00074343-00074624 this one video and have a great day O8vYjDhBw80-00198-00074625-00075022 [Applause] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00000-00000329-00001041 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00003-00015294-00017315 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00004-00017316-00018532 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00005-00018533-00019859 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00006-00019860-00021003 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00007-00021004-00021542 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00010-00028362-00029320 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00011-00029322-00030804 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00012-00030805-00031982 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00013-00031983-00033315 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00015-00036928-00037489 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00018-00045242-00046451 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00019-00046452-00047898 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00020-00047899-00049238 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00022-00052852-00053413 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00025-00060210-00061164 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00026-00061165-00062375 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00027-00062376-00063827 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00028-00063828-00065162 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00030-00068776-00069337 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00033-00076134-00076703 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00034-00076704-00078299 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00035-00078300-00079751 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00036-00079752-00081465 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00038-00084700-00085261 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00041-00092058-00093016 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00042-00093017-00094223 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00043-00094224-00095107 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00044-00095108-00095675 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00045-00095676-00097011 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00046-00097012-00097577 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00048-00101090-00103658 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00049-00103659-00104230 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00051-00107280-00107883 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00052-00107884-00108840 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00053-00108841-00110051 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00054-00110052-00110933 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00055-00110933-00111506 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00056-00111507-00112077 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00057-00112078-00113217 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00059-00116452-00117013 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00060-00117014-00118483 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00061-00118484-00120155 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00062-00120156-00120763 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00064-00123809-00125975 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00065-00125976-00127430 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00066-00127431-00128761 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00067-00128763-00130668 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00068-00130669-00132375 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00069-00132376-00132937 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00071-00136080-00139047 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00072-00139048-00139733 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00073-00139734-00140693 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00074-00140694-00141899 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00075-00141900-00143351 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00076-00143352-00144687 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00078-00148300-00149058 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00079-00149059-00150332 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00080-00150333-00152003 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00081-00152004-00152617 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00083-00155658-00156612 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00084-00156613-00157823 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00085-00157824-00159275 [Music] O8JWdOzEPuQ-00086-00159276-00159589 [Music] OrqMcugiSRu-00000-00000038-00002682 [Music] OrqMcugiSRu-00001-00002683-00002692 [Applause] OrqMcugiSRu-00002-00002693-00003115 [Music] OrqMcugiSRu-00003-00003116-00004938 thank you OrqMcugiSRu-00004-00004939-00005437 thank you OrqMcugiSRu-00005-00005438-00007365 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00000-00000988-00001511 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00001-00001512-00001673 bye OyQvV6g0Of0-00002-00001673-00003206 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00003-00003207-00003335 uh OyQvV6g0Of0-00004-00003336-00003884 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00005-00003885-00003922 [Applause] OyQvV6g0Of0-00006-00003924-00004603 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00007-00004604-00005817 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00008-00005818-00006870 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00009-00006872-00007046 [Music] OyQvV6g0Of0-00010-00007047-00007402 oh OyQvV6g0Of0-00011-00007403-00008779 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00000-00000036-00001491 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00001-00001492-00001630 chocolate O_xz77iuh8k-00002-00001632-00002883 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00003-00002884-00003290 first O_xz77iuh8k-00004-00003290-00005003 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00005-00005004-00005683 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00006-00005684-00007083 oh O_xz77iuh8k-00007-00007084-00008272 first O_xz77iuh8k-00008-00008273-00008483 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00009-00008484-00008600 oh O_xz77iuh8k-00011-00012684-00013246 first O_xz77iuh8k-00012-00013247-00014083 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00013-00014084-00014938 first O_xz77iuh8k-00014-00014938-00015222 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00015-00015223-00016883 thank you O_xz77iuh8k-00016-00016884-00018283 trust O_xz77iuh8k-00017-00018284-00019683 my O_xz77iuh8k-00018-00019684-00019929 sometimes O_xz77iuh8k-00019-00019930-00021083 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00020-00021084-00021585 first O_xz77iuh8k-00021-00021586-00022483 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00022-00022484-00023322 oh O_xz77iuh8k-00023-00023323-00023883 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00024-00023884-00024919 first O_xz77iuh8k-00025-00024920-00025283 [Music] O_xz77iuh8k-00026-00025284-00028083 uh O_xz77iuh8k-00027-00028083-00029483 assistance O_xz77iuh8k-00028-00029483-00030135 so O_xz77iuh8k-00029-00030136-00031800 what's up wow O__GHLL_3mI-00000-00000057-00000335 this is a list of all lighthouses in the O__GHLL_3mI-00001-00000336-00000599 US state of Massachusetts as identified O__GHLL_3mI-00002-00000600-00000877 by the United States Coast Guard O__GHLL_3mI-00003-00000877-00001115 enumeration of the lighthouses in this O__GHLL_3mI-00004-00001116-00001316 state is complicated by the number of O__GHLL_3mI-00005-00001317-00001570 multiple tower stations and replacement O__GHLL_3mI-00006-00001571-00001775 of older towers with the Brant Point O__GHLL_3mI-00007-00001776-00002039 light station having had nine towers two O__GHLL_3mI-00008-00002039-00002309 of which survived at present there are O__GHLL_3mI-00009-00002310-00002603 47 active towers of which 11 are O__GHLL_3mI-00010-00002604-00002882 privately maintained 13 are standing but O__GHLL_3mI-00011-00002883-00003089 inactive 7 have been replaced with O__GHLL_3mI-00012-00003090-00003361 skeleton towers 13 have been destroyed O__GHLL_3mI-00013-00003363-00003620 or removed and one tower has been moved O__GHLL_3mI-00014-00003621-00003929 to another state the oldest station O__GHLL_3mI-00015-00003929-00004301 Boston Light established in 1716 was the O__GHLL_3mI-00016-00004302-00004511 first lighthouse built in the colonies O__GHLL_3mI-00017-00004512-00004700 and the current tower at that station O__GHLL_3mI-00018-00004701-00005081 built in 1783 is the oldest survivor in O__GHLL_3mI-00019-00005082-00005264 the state and the second oldest in the O__GHLL_3mI-00020-00005265-00005462 nation and was the last lighthouse O__GHLL_3mI-00021-00005463-00005789 automated in the United States the last O__GHLL_3mI-00022-00005790-00006017 station established was at the buzzards O__GHLL_3mI-00023-00006018-00006313 bay entrance light in 1961 since O__GHLL_3mI-00024-00006314-00006518 replaced by an automated light on a O__GHLL_3mI-00025-00006519-00006946 steel tripod but in 1986 the 1818 great O__GHLL_3mI-00026-00006947-00007208 point light was rebuilt and relit making O__GHLL_3mI-00027-00007209-00007406 it the last tower constructed in the O__GHLL_3mI-00028-00007406-00007696 state the tallest towers in the state O__GHLL_3mI-00029-00007697-00007928 are the two cape and light towers but O__GHLL_3mI-00030-00007929-00008105 the highest focal plane is at the O__GHLL_3mI-00031-00008106-00008345 hospital point range rear light which is O__GHLL_3mI-00032-00008346-00008537 located in the steeple of the First O__GHLL_3mI-00033-00008538-00008774 Baptist Church of Beverley a number of O__GHLL_3mI-00034-00008775-00008996 in activated Massachusetts lights have O__GHLL_3mI-00035-00008997-00009338 met with unusual fate the three sisters O__GHLL_3mI-00036-00009339-00009551 of Nauset were sold off to separate O__GHLL_3mI-00037-00009552-00009785 private buyers before being purchased by O__GHLL_3mI-00038-00009786-00010016 the National Park Service and moved back O__GHLL_3mI-00039-00010017-00010337 near their original site range lights in O__GHLL_3mI-00040-00010338-00010580 Nantucket and Hyannis were incorporated O__GHLL_3mI-00041-00010581-00010778 into private dwellings the former O__GHLL_3mI-00042-00010779-00011000 housing the Gilbreth family of Cheaper O__GHLL_3mI-00043-00011001-00011309 by the Dozen fame the point gammon light O__GHLL_3mI-00044-00011310-00011539 was converted into an observation tower O__GHLL_3mI-00045-00011540-00011811 for bird-watching O__GHLL_3mI-00046-00011812-00012078 if not otherwise noted focal height and O__GHLL_3mI-00047-00012079-00012288 coordinates are taken from the United O__GHLL_3mI-00048-00012289-00012498 States Coast Guard light list while O__GHLL_3mI-00049-00012499-00012702 location and dates of activation O__GHLL_3mI-00050-00012703-00012966 automation and deactivation are taken O__GHLL_3mI-00051-00012966-00013137 from the United States Coast Guard O__GHLL_3mI-00052-00013138-00013362 historical information site for O__GHLL_3mI-00053-00013363-00013605 lighthouses OAriUH3_RCA-00000-00000119-00000327 kelvin my final question for you is OAriUH3_RCA-00001-00000328-00000599 what three specific tips you can give to OAriUH3_RCA-00002-00000600-00000703 job seekers OAriUH3_RCA-00003-00000704-00000927 besides the networking personal brand OAriUH3_RCA-00004-00000927-00001111 and the content creation that we spoke OAriUH3_RCA-00005-00001112-00001223 uh during the week OAriUH3_RCA-00006-00001224-00001478 what can what tips you have other than OAriUH3_RCA-00007-00001479-00001535 those two OAriUH3_RCA-00008-00001536-00001879 job seekers well job seekers you really OAriUH3_RCA-00009-00001880-00002102 got to understand the simple fact OAriUH3_RCA-00010-00002103-00002326 that companies want to grow their OAriUH3_RCA-00011-00002327-00002447 revenue OAriUH3_RCA-00012-00002448-00002695 and they want to reduce their expenses OAriUH3_RCA-00013-00002696-00002895 so if you present yourself OAriUH3_RCA-00014-00002896-00003231 as a nice to have expense that is OAriUH3_RCA-00015-00003232-00003559 well-rounded and good at many things OAriUH3_RCA-00016-00003560-00003863 that is not going to work you need to OAriUH3_RCA-00017-00003864-00004022 present yourself on how OAriUH3_RCA-00018-00004023-00004319 you help the help that business make OAriUH3_RCA-00019-00004320-00004431 more money OAriUH3_RCA-00020-00004432-00004751 that's key so the key thing is if OAriUH3_RCA-00021-00004752-00005079 possible present yourself as a revenue OAriUH3_RCA-00022-00005080-00005335 driver instead of a nice to have expense OAriUH3_RCA-00023-00005336-00005567 because nice to have expenses are not OAriUH3_RCA-00024-00005568-00005695 getting past OAriUH3_RCA-00025-00005696-00005934 their resume is getting discarded OAriUH3_RCA-00026-00005935-00006134 correct OAriUH3_RCA-00027-00006135-00006431 two second thing i would say is be a OAriUH3_RCA-00028-00006431-00006591 human being OAriUH3_RCA-00029-00006592-00006919 okay when i say be a human being OAriUH3_RCA-00030-00006920-00007198 seeking a job is kind of like dating OAriUH3_RCA-00031-00007200-00007255 right OAriUH3_RCA-00032-00007256-00007551 it has a rhythm to it if you if you come OAriUH3_RCA-00033-00007552-00007751 on too strong in the beginning OAriUH3_RCA-00034-00007752-00007927 um you're gonna come off a little bit OAriUH3_RCA-00035-00007928-00008087 creepy it's like OAriUH3_RCA-00036-00008088-00008399 um if you if you walked into a bar and OAriUH3_RCA-00037-00008400-00008510 you told someone OAriUH3_RCA-00038-00008511-00008863 hi my name is kelvin let's get married OAriUH3_RCA-00039-00008864-00009119 you look very nice you know that's not OAriUH3_RCA-00040-00009120-00009206 going to work OAriUH3_RCA-00041-00009207-00009423 but if you're in a situation where you OAriUH3_RCA-00042-00009424-00009655 want to have a normal conversation OAriUH3_RCA-00043-00009656-00009903 yes your need for a job should not come OAriUH3_RCA-00044-00009904-00010087 up immediately OAriUH3_RCA-00045-00010088-00010367 and then the third thing is dealing with OAriUH3_RCA-00046-00010368-00010519 humility OAriUH3_RCA-00047-00010520-00010774 you want to think big and follow through OAriUH3_RCA-00048-00010775-00010935 on your promises OAriUH3_RCA-00049-00010936-00011255 but you want to allow your humility to OAriUH3_RCA-00050-00011256-00011327 exceed OAriUH3_RCA-00051-00011328-00011574 your great ability so if you think OAriUH3_RCA-00052-00011575-00011710 you're entitled to this or you're OAriUH3_RCA-00053-00011711-00011823 entitled to that OAriUH3_RCA-00054-00011824-00012014 you'll be looking for a while but if OAriUH3_RCA-00055-00012015-00012199 you're able to humble yourself OAriUH3_RCA-00056-00012200-00012503 and see things from others perspective OAriUH3_RCA-00057-00012504-00012807 and give more than you want to take yes OAriUH3_RCA-00058-00012808-00012943 then you'll be in a position OAriUH3_RCA-00059-00012944-00013247 where you'll have a job for 2021 and not OAriUH3_RCA-00060-00013247-00013447 only have a job you'll have a career OAriUH3_RCA-00061-00013447-00013711 and you'll be adding value and that's OAriUH3_RCA-00062-00013712-00013847 the long game OAriUH3_RCA-00063-00013847-00013991 and that's what i'm playing the long OAriUH3_RCA-00064-00013991-00014199 game and think for the future OAriUH3_RCA-00065-00014200-00014399 and think for now but at the end of the OAriUH3_RCA-00066-00014400-00014503 day OAriUH3_RCA-00067-00014504-00014711 there's more happiness in giving than in OAriUH3_RCA-00068-00014712-00014830 receiving yeah OAriUH3_RCA-00069-00014831-00015038 i totally agree with you and those are OAriUH3_RCA-00070-00015040-00015247 great tips calvin thank you very much OAriUH3_RCA-00071-00015247-00015447 and with that my interview with you OAriUH3_RCA-00072-00015447-00015575 comes to an end OAriUH3_RCA-00073-00015576-00015775 i really enjoyed the conversation we OAriUH3_RCA-00074-00015776-00015950 have and i hope the audience OAriUH3_RCA-00075-00015951-00016175 will implement all those tips that you OAriUH3_RCA-00076-00016176-00016527 gave to them in their job search in 2021 OAriUH3_RCA-00077-00016528-00016703 and again for the audience watching and OAriUH3_RCA-00078-00016704-00016894 listening if you have any other tips to OAriUH3_RCA-00079-00016895-00017127 job seeker please leave comments below OAriUH3_RCA-00080-00017128-00017319 you can reach to us our network we're OAriUH3_RCA-00081-00017320-00017455 glad to help you OAriUH3_RCA-00082-00017456-00017694 and tune in next time for another great OAriUH3_RCA-00083-00017695-00017911 uh person i'm preparing for an interview OAriUH3_RCA-00084-00017912-00017983 for you OAriUH3_RCA-00085-00017984-00018167 and calvin again thank you very much and OAriUH3_RCA-00086-00018168-00018327 hope we can meet one day OAriUH3_RCA-00087-00018328-00018707 when all this over thank you bye OAriUH3_RCA-00088-00018708-00019008 everyone OAFLNo5ud1M-00000-00000006-00000353 can vegans in our numbers today take on OAFLNo5ud1M-00001-00000354-00000634 the Empire that is McDonald's I believe OAFLNo5ud1M-00002-00000635-00000688 so OAFLNo5ud1M-00003-00000689-00001832 pass out OAFLNo5ud1M-00004-00001834-00002035 I'm here in Norwich with my lovely OAFLNo5ud1M-00005-00002036-00002242 friend Villar himself mr. vegan OAFLNo5ud1M-00006-00002243-00002512 revolution and there was a bit of an OAFLNo5ud1M-00007-00002513-00002728 incident yesterday puffle you could say OAFLNo5ud1M-00008-00002729-00002899 any chance what happened yeah basically OAFLNo5ud1M-00009-00002900-00003142 I like to play I like my whole fingers I OAFLNo5ud1M-00010-00003143-00003319 like to use art to try and take on some OAFLNo5ud1M-00011-00003320-00003456 of the people who are causing a lot of OAFLNo5ud1M-00012-00003457-00003628 it suffering in the world McDonald's OAFLNo5ud1M-00013-00003629-00003703 being one of them OAFLNo5ud1M-00014-00003704-00003913 well not the way I see them because I OAFLNo5ud1M-00015-00003914-00004011 think I've lost a lot of my social OAFLNo5ud1M-00016-00004013-00004165 conditioning is the fact that they OAFLNo5ud1M-00017-00004166-00004336 advertise to young children to get the OAFLNo5ud1M-00018-00004337-00004489 whole family to come along to eat food OAFLNo5ud1M-00019-00004490-00004681 is cheap but does their health a lot of OAFLNo5ud1M-00020-00004682-00004861 bad like give some type 2 diabetes to OAFLNo5ud1M-00021-00004862-00005065 children they used clowns to propagate OAFLNo5ud1M-00022-00005066-00005272 their message they call it a Happy Meal OAFLNo5ud1M-00023-00005273-00005584 trademark and I just see them as very OAFLNo5ud1M-00024-00005585-00005815 sinister nothing personal begins people OAFLNo5ud1M-00025-00005816-00006037 were there so when we put a colorful OAFLNo5ud1M-00026-00006038-00006181 message in chalk on the floor outside OAFLNo5ud1M-00027-00006182-00006435 McDonald's and tell people not to eat OAFLNo5ud1M-00028-00006436-00006745 animals and we're basically just OAFLNo5ud1M-00029-00006745-00007027 encouraging kindness and one of the guys OAFLNo5ud1M-00030-00007028-00007209 came outside scrubbing it away I'm quite OAFLNo5ud1M-00031-00007211-00007467 confident which some people believe I've OAFLNo5ud1M-00032-00007468-00007542 spent a lot of time outside OAFLNo5ud1M-00033-00007543-00007731 slaughterhouses once you start to see it OAFLNo5ud1M-00034-00007733-00007963 for it really is like you take yourself OAFLNo5ud1M-00035-00007964-00008056 out of the equation OAFLNo5ud1M-00036-00008056-00008335 so yeah it's doing some talking very OAFLNo5ud1M-00037-00008336-00008488 peaceful message colorful says have a OAFLNo5ud1M-00038-00008489-00008812 happy meal be vegan happy a meal a happy OAFLNo5ud1M-00039-00008813-00009013 meal I like that it is happier for OAFLNo5ud1M-00040-00009014-00009070 everybody OAFLNo5ud1M-00041-00009071-00009298 the animals people the planner happy em OAFLNo5ud1M-00042-00009299-00009439 you might have them and they've done OAFLNo5ud1M-00043-00009440-00009568 well with their marketing or given that OAFLNo5ud1M-00044-00009569-00009823 the geniuses there evil geniuses yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00045-00009824-00010078 but the thing is weird like we don't see OAFLNo5ud1M-00046-00010079-00010216 them as the enemy we just see them as OAFLNo5ud1M-00047-00010217-00010375 people that aren't on our side yet and OAFLNo5ud1M-00048-00010376-00010570 like Madonna has the power to like be OAFLNo5ud1M-00049-00010571-00010759 the best falafel sandwich shop in the OAFLNo5ud1M-00050-00010760-00011068 world not dead Carol sandwich so I put OAFLNo5ud1M-00051-00011069-00011368 this message out colorful have a happy OAFLNo5ud1M-00052-00011369-00011752 meal be vegan and yeah they came out and OAFLNo5ud1M-00053-00011753-00011899 I embarrassed the guy I shouted to a OAFLNo5ud1M-00054-00011900-00011998 crowd of people and I said OAFLNo5ud1M-00055-00011999-00012175 McDonald's is destroying my arm they OAFLNo5ud1M-00056-00012176-00012319 don't respect freedom to say this is in OAFLNo5ud1M-00057-00012320-00012471 public spaces and they have no jury OAFLNo5ud1M-00058-00012472-00012745 there's a busy Friday as well yeah like OAFLNo5ud1M-00059-00012746-00012838 summer holidays OAFLNo5ud1M-00060-00012838-00013014 so everyone just went silent in the area OAFLNo5ud1M-00061-00013015-00013174 I'm once talking - well excuse me OAFLNo5ud1M-00062-00013175-00013297 everyone this is how many can go around OAFLNo5ud1M-00063-00013297-00013450 back inside like he's not sure if he's OAFLNo5ud1M-00064-00013451-00013614 allowed to do it he's always a blessing OAFLNo5ud1M-00065-00013615-00013913 yeah all bless him OAFLNo5ud1M-00066-00013915-00014140 yeah basically like he came back out OAFLNo5ud1M-00067-00014141-00014311 with images like no Chuck the war over OAFLNo5ud1M-00068-00014312-00014500 it so I lay down on my art yeah by this OAFLNo5ud1M-00069-00014501-00014908 time I've got my big audience yeah and OAFLNo5ud1M-00070-00014909-00015216 uh yeah basically I wasn't wearing the OAFLNo5ud1M-00071-00015218-00015331 balaclava at the time I just wear this OAFLNo5ud1M-00072-00015332-00015508 to keep myself anonymous as an artist OAFLNo5ud1M-00073-00015509-00015691 yeah it means the art is about the OAFLNo5ud1M-00074-00015691-00015937 movement know about me do any people get OAFLNo5ud1M-00075-00015938-00016119 lost in their egos or food yeah but OAFLNo5ud1M-00076-00016121-00016225 people want to call me a bank robber OAFLNo5ud1M-00077-00016226-00016369 notorious I've never seen a bank robber OAFLNo5ud1M-00078-00016369-00016747 wear a purple balaclava and shouting at OAFLNo5ud1M-00079-00016748-00017233 me the police they called the police on OAFLNo5ud1M-00080-00017234-00017437 me having chucked war over me in the are OAFLNo5ud1M-00081-00017438-00017626 the police time Wow OAFLNo5ud1M-00082-00017627-00017821 the police times they called them and OAFLNo5ud1M-00083-00017822-00018025 the police had a go then I basically OAFLNo5ud1M-00084-00018026-00018193 said to the police like chokes for Heidi OAFLNo5ud1M-00085-00018194-00018397 snog Rafi is organized colorful dust on OAFLNo5ud1M-00086-00018398-00018673 the floor there's patterns of colorful OAFLNo5ud1M-00087-00018674-00018957 dust that will be rained away yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00088-00018958-00019198 police said like Oh would you mind if we OAFLNo5ud1M-00089-00019199-00019396 take your details I said yes sure yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00090-00019397-00019570 and they said to be honest you legally OAFLNo5ud1M-00091-00019571-00019717 don't have to and I said mate save OAFLNo5ud1M-00092-00019718-00019834 yourself some time doing something OAFLNo5ud1M-00093-00019835-00020232 important like don't do the paperwork OAFLNo5ud1M-00094-00020233-00020530 yeah this is the police are on side OAFLNo5ud1M-00095-00020531-00020737 though the police like understand what OAFLNo5ud1M-00096-00020738-00020860 peaceful protest is we've done nothing OAFLNo5ud1M-00097-00020861-00021052 personal to them yeah the police even OAFLNo5ud1M-00098-00021053-00021202 said to me he might have to pee this er OAFLNo5ud1M-00099-00021203-00021415 is um you know if you've seen the OAFLNo5ud1M-00100-00021416-00021562 employees there it's written in chalk OAFLNo5ud1M-00101-00021563-00021736 yeah maybe we'd have to get involved OAFLNo5ud1M-00102-00021737-00021850 yeah saying that you saying have a OAFLNo5ud1M-00103-00021851-00022075 happier meal yeah so we're perfectly in OAFLNo5ud1M-00104-00022076-00022471 our rights to do this yeah and so um me OAFLNo5ud1M-00105-00022472-00022644 even the people coming out McDonald's OAFLNo5ud1M-00106-00022645-00022735 knew that it was wrong and they were OAFLNo5ud1M-00107-00022736-00022864 like yeah go you and I was like look OAFLNo5ud1M-00108-00022865-00023071 you're buying the products yeah the OAFLNo5ud1M-00109-00023072-00023314 abuse yeah both to the health of the OAFLNo5ud1M-00110-00023315-00023455 planet like the help for the people they OAFLNo5ud1M-00111-00023456-00023629 serve the planet in terms of its OAFLNo5ud1M-00112-00023630-00023818 environment massive rainforest damage OAFLNo5ud1M-00113-00023819-00024144 yeah and like a cattle farming basically OAFLNo5ud1M-00114-00024145-00024277 like if you seen cowspiracy you'll know OAFLNo5ud1M-00115-00024278-00024675 about it and so basically they chucked OAFLNo5ud1M-00116-00024676-00024913 water of me today the next day we come OAFLNo5ud1M-00117-00024914-00025087 back with super soakers that more talk OAFLNo5ud1M-00118-00025088-00025213 and a lot of vegan activist because OAFLNo5ud1M-00119-00025214-00025411 Norwich is brimming with vegan activist OAFLNo5ud1M-00120-00025412-00025792 oh yes henges I want to say masterminded OAFLNo5ud1M-00121-00025793-00025999 it belies basically you realize this is OAFLNo5ud1M-00122-00026000-00026212 the opportunity for yeah this is legal OAFLNo5ud1M-00123-00026213-00026473 this is a peaceful this is it's going to OAFLNo5ud1M-00124-00026474-00026689 be a beautiful example of us showing our OAFLNo5ud1M-00125-00026689-00026857 rights to someone who has tried to take OAFLNo5ud1M-00126-00026858-00026974 we're rights one of the things I hate OAFLNo5ud1M-00127-00026975-00027102 more than anything is seeing a woman OAFLNo5ud1M-00128-00027103-00027139 press OAFLNo5ud1M-00129-00027139-00027304 in public and being told off by someone OAFLNo5ud1M-00130-00027305-00027499 yeah because you have the complete right OAFLNo5ud1M-00131-00027500-00027658 to those tribal and some people just OAFLNo5ud1M-00132-00027658-00027811 aren't you so it's necessary for good OAFLNo5ud1M-00133-00027812-00027973 health it's for the baby's health OAFLNo5ud1M-00134-00027974-00028156 if you look on plant yourself podcasts OAFLNo5ud1M-00135-00028157-00028306 about three episodes ago they talked OAFLNo5ud1M-00136-00028307-00028518 about the microbiome and how not having OAFLNo5ud1M-00137-00028519-00028726 your mother's breast milk is causing a OAFLNo5ud1M-00138-00028727-00028896 lot of the disease again I said we're OAFLNo5ud1M-00139-00028897-00029095 drinking another species breast milk you OAFLNo5ud1M-00140-00029095-00029236 do that in public that's fine you feed OAFLNo5ud1M-00141-00029237-00029395 your child like the breast milk you're OAFLNo5ud1M-00142-00029395-00029587 designed to so there's a woman there OAFLNo5ud1M-00143-00029588-00029733 doing that and she was outraged the OAFLNo5ud1M-00144-00029735-00029857 MacDonalds do it and I sympathize with OAFLNo5ud1M-00145-00029858-00030027 her as well I said when she normally OAFLNo5ud1M-00146-00030028-00030211 goes into McDonald's they go oh could OAFLNo5ud1M-00147-00030212-00030376 you just finish first before you come in OAFLNo5ud1M-00148-00030377-00030570 Wow and she's like walking in you know I OAFLNo5ud1M-00149-00030572-00030775 mean any site societies gone a little OAFLNo5ud1M-00150-00030776-00030925 bit insane and I like to point that out OAFLNo5ud1M-00151-00030926-00031129 so today it'll be a beautiful example of OAFLNo5ud1M-00152-00031130-00031312 us going back there armed with super OAFLNo5ud1M-00153-00031313-00031527 soakers peaceful protest if they'll had OAFLNo5ud1M-00154-00031528-00031671 to choke water over me we're allowed to OAFLNo5ud1M-00155-00031672-00031843 do to their employees we're basically OAFLNo5ud1M-00156-00031844-00032076 going to have a water fight in the Sun OAFLNo5ud1M-00157-00032077-00032245 assuming that they don't want to OAFLNo5ud1M-00158-00032245-00032370 retaliate the same way again it'll all OAFLNo5ud1M-00159-00032372-00032680 be safe yeah don't come to that but OAFLNo5ud1M-00160-00032681-00032830 there's gonna be a lot of talk message a OAFLNo5ud1M-00161-00032831-00032956 McDonald and the thing is I think OAFLNo5ud1M-00162-00032957-00033115 they're gonna learn quite quickly and OAFLNo5ud1M-00163-00033116-00033243 they're going to have to be trained by OAFLNo5ud1M-00164-00033244-00033406 like McDonald's at some point this is OAFLNo5ud1M-00165-00033407-00033577 good like we're inspiring other people OAFLNo5ud1M-00166-00033578-00033748 to do this all over the nation like OAFLNo5ud1M-00167-00033749-00033927 America might be a bit different your OAFLNo5ud1M-00168-00033928-00034015 police are a bit different OAFLNo5ud1M-00169-00034016-00034186 you start talking outside McDonald's not OAFLNo5ud1M-00170-00034187-00034375 on their property no one's going to OAFLNo5ud1M-00171-00034376-00034555 shoot you arrest you for that and the OAFLNo5ud1M-00172-00034556-00034671 thing is when they come out and tell you OAFLNo5ud1M-00173-00034672-00034801 off that's when you create a scene to OAFLNo5ud1M-00174-00034802-00034954 the public we're going to train them OAFLNo5ud1M-00175-00034955-00035095 that they're not allowed to tell us what OAFLNo5ud1M-00176-00035096-00035224 to promote they've got billboards OAFLNo5ud1M-00177-00035225-00035377 everywhere yeah we're not allowed to OAFLNo5ud1M-00178-00035378-00035557 complain about that how dare they try OAFLNo5ud1M-00179-00035558-00035707 and stop us trying a positive message OAFLNo5ud1M-00180-00035708-00035860 and talk outside there it's all positive OAFLNo5ud1M-00181-00035861-00036085 isn't it it's to help is to help humans OAFLNo5ud1M-00182-00036086-00036235 is to help animals is to help the planet OAFLNo5ud1M-00183-00036236-00036430 once they destroy inside can it be run OAFLNo5ud1M-00184-00036431-00036568 healthy children a great might people on OAFLNo5ud1M-00185-00036569-00036682 their staff we're destroying the planet OAFLNo5ud1M-00186-00036683-00037065 an alarming rate and yeah a certain OAFLNo5ud1M-00187-00037066-00037215 their profit so they don't like it the OAFLNo5ud1M-00188-00037216-00037456 woman came out and said to me you do OAFLNo5ud1M-00189-00037457-00037573 realize this is affecting our business OAFLNo5ud1M-00190-00037574-00038062 yeah I didn't but I'm happy and whole is OAFLNo5ud1M-00191-00038063-00038214 that's the whole point so you can call OAFLNo5ud1M-00192-00038215-00038356 it economic sabotage they might be OAFLNo5ud1M-00193-00038357-00038536 losing money because of us that is for OAFLNo5ud1M-00194-00038537-00038686 no illegal reason so I encourage OAFLNo5ud1M-00195-00038687-00038842 everyone else in the UK to start doing OAFLNo5ud1M-00196-00038843-00038977 this yeah talk is cheap OAFLNo5ud1M-00197-00038978-00039214 chalk is our ammo we're going to take on OAFLNo5ud1M-00198-00039215-00039385 McDonald's they're not our enemy we're OAFLNo5ud1M-00199-00039386-00039524 just trying to convert them OAFLNo5ud1M-00200-00039525-00039713 we just want to help them do you want to OAFLNo5ud1M-00201-00039714-00039863 be on board so they save their lives in OAFLNo5ud1M-00202-00039864-00040016 do you need a job rather than working OAFLNo5ud1M-00203-00040017-00040175 over like the grease things like serving OAFLNo5ud1M-00204-00040176-00040310 healthy food to healthy people OAFLNo5ud1M-00205-00040311-00040454 fueling the nation without killing any OAFLNo5ud1M-00206-00040455-00040604 animals like they want to be on board OAFLNo5ud1M-00207-00040605-00040739 too they just don't realize it yet cuz OAFLNo5ud1M-00208-00040740-00041120 they're not that smart beautiful I'm OAFLNo5ud1M-00209-00041121-00041237 full of adrenaline because like OAFLNo5ud1M-00210-00041238-00041378 basically I happened yesterday and we're OAFLNo5ud1M-00211-00041379-00041591 ready to come back in numbers so it's a OAFLNo5ud1M-00212-00041592-00041753 it's a beautiful example of the OAFLNo5ud1M-00213-00041754-00041957 democracy people power nor it's just OAFLNo5ud1M-00214-00041958-00042158 gonna be the first vegan capital vegan OAFLNo5ud1M-00215-00042159-00042212 City OAFLNo5ud1M-00216-00042213-00042434 vegan majority in the world they are OAFLNo5ud1M-00217-00042435-00042581 going to expand out from here United OAFLNo5ud1M-00218-00042582-00042794 Kingdom first welcome to catch up on OAFLNo5ud1M-00219-00042795-00043010 Israel and then like after that the OAFLNo5ud1M-00220-00043011-00043858 world man in our lifetime just watch us OAFLNo5ud1M-00221-00043859-00045386 did it did 50 I'm loving it OAFLNo5ud1M-00222-00045387-00045803 SOI lay down a liter OAFLNo5ud1M-00223-00045804-00046185 please OAFLNo5ud1M-00224-00046186-00046452 quite a fortune OAFLNo5ud1M-00225-00046453-00047435 oh boy I'm going to just recycling OAFLNo5ud1M-00226-00047436-00048002 I was at yeah these are really lovely we OAFLNo5ud1M-00227-00048003-00048124 live in a country where we support for OAFLNo5ud1M-00228-00048125-00048274 in the speech I feel sorry for countries OAFLNo5ud1M-00229-00048275-00048658 like Russia America like Thailand a lot OAFLNo5ud1M-00230-00048659-00048773 of places they're actually run by the OAFLNo5ud1M-00231-00048774-00048902 military or other dictatorships OAFLNo5ud1M-00232-00048903-00049174 Matthew's we are run by an animal OAFLNo5ud1M-00233-00049175-00049333 agriculture mafia in this country some OAFLNo5ud1M-00234-00049334-00049477 extent because they have a big part the OAFLNo5ud1M-00235-00049478-00049664 vote yeah and they also control the OAFLNo5ud1M-00236-00049665-00049904 subsidies and stuff but the police are OAFLNo5ud1M-00237-00049905-00050285 here to maintain peace yeah which is OAFLNo5ud1M-00238-00050286-00050683 what we're bringing I'm always inspired OAFLNo5ud1M-00239-00050684-00050845 by there's a clip in life according to OAFLNo5ud1M-00240-00050846-00051107 had an Israeli activists when the police OAFLNo5ud1M-00241-00051108-00051236 turn up and he's rescuing animals from OAFLNo5ud1M-00242-00051237-00051410 slaughterhouses he doesn't wait for them OAFLNo5ud1M-00243-00051411-00051541 to get out the car he goes up and asking OAFLNo5ud1M-00244-00051542-00051727 to wind down the window yeah and he says OAFLNo5ud1M-00245-00051728-00051901 we're looking after the week that's OAFLNo5ud1M-00246-00051902-00052090 meant to be your job yeah you know like OAFLNo5ud1M-00247-00052091-00052255 how dare you try and like I'm here to OAFLNo5ud1M-00248-00052257-00052496 stop us yeah it has to get bigger each OAFLNo5ud1M-00249-00052497-00052930 time doesn't it we have that did you OAFLNo5ud1M-00250-00052932-00053123 like and let a fool we need to do the OAFLNo5ud1M-00251-00053124-00053360 same job and talk a little bit a nation OAFLNo5ud1M-00252-00053361-00053569 so loads of cool activities have turned OAFLNo5ud1M-00253-00053570-00053755 up today with cool t-shirts ready to get OAFLNo5ud1M-00254-00053757-00054224 this one from yeah post milk generation OAFLNo5ud1M-00255-00054225-00054505 and Fiat so you've got a new vegan OAFLNo5ud1M-00256-00054507-00054740 t-shirt what's that plant-based game OAFLNo5ud1M-00257-00054741-00054907 this one's good for the gym and just OAFLNo5ud1M-00258-00054908-00055075 being around people who like have a game OAFLNo5ud1M-00259-00055076-00055253 mentality to explain what game is like OAFLNo5ud1M-00260-00055254-00055381 we're approached milk generation we saw OAFLNo5ud1M-00261-00055382-00055516 game generation it means don't waste OAFLNo5ud1M-00262-00055517-00055673 time doing anything that doesn't benefit OAFLNo5ud1M-00263-00055674-00055882 the world you the animals around you OAFLNo5ud1M-00264-00055883-00056107 yeah do things detract that don't add OAFLNo5ud1M-00265-00056108-00056266 anything to you like we want to progress OAFLNo5ud1M-00266-00056267-00056518 into a vegan world plant-based gains is OAFLNo5ud1M-00267-00056519-00056624 the method in which to do it OAFLNo5ud1M-00268-00056625-00056800 so we're teaching all the gym monkeys to OAFLNo5ud1M-00269-00056801-00057110 do jemelle from vegan Kong what do you OAFLNo5ud1M-00270-00057111-00057241 think of all this brother they made a OAFLNo5ud1M-00271-00057242-00057410 wise choice not to come out and confront OAFLNo5ud1M-00272-00057411-00057725 elevators yeah many people got numbers OAFLNo5ud1M-00273-00057726-00058006 on our side and we've got love and truth OAFLNo5ud1M-00274-00058007-00058166 on our side you get the wrong person OAFLNo5ud1M-00275-00058166-00058328 even we did but we didn't lead him OAFLNo5ud1M-00276-00058329-00058501 happily we didn't need him but we'll OAFLNo5ud1M-00277-00058502-00058685 probably get each other later hi so OAFLNo5ud1M-00278-00058686-00058910 where have you come from today OAFLNo5ud1M-00279-00058911-00059788 right from Brighton nice it's the only OAFLNo5ud1M-00280-00059789-00060050 thing worth fighting for in the world OAFLNo5ud1M-00281-00060051-00060628 and have you enjoyed the chalking today OAFLNo5ud1M-00282-00060629-00060955 you handing out flyers and whatnot so OAFLNo5ud1M-00283-00060957-00061207 we're we're getting them in and then OAFLNo5ud1M-00284-00061208-00061519 you're you're learning them up and what OAFLNo5ud1M-00285-00061520-00062476 a beautiful thing Leon it's like you've OAFLNo5ud1M-00286-00062477-00062798 been talking everywhere go be here OAFLNo5ud1M-00287-00062799-00063363 was that you good boy good boy OAFLNo5ud1M-00288-00063364-00063688 bye lovely yeah really good are you OAFLNo5ud1M-00289-00063689-00064286 enjoying today's chugging OAFLNo5ud1M-00290-00064287-00064523 yeah I didn't expect it to be half as OAFLNo5ud1M-00291-00064524-00065086 much as this he's the main one OAFLNo5ud1M-00292-00065087-00065483 hey it's finding Gemma I found you and OAFLNo5ud1M-00293-00065484-00065939 how are you enjoying the talking I say OAFLNo5ud1M-00294-00065940-00066182 love isn't it that peaceful music over OAFLNo5ud1M-00295-00066183-00066335 there so I'm really setting the scene OAFLNo5ud1M-00296-00066336-00066677 like seven move yeah yeah I just heard OAFLNo5ud1M-00297-00066678-00066940 that music oh come on you Asian oh yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00298-00066941-00067232 it's been a like negativity at all and OAFLNo5ud1M-00299-00067233-00067853 so many people hey yeah I can't believe OAFLNo5ud1M-00300-00067854-00067982 the police call you and just feel like OAFLNo5ud1M-00301-00067983-00068096 old it's dope writing to your friends OAFLNo5ud1M-00302-00068097-00068402 who flow yeah well apparently as long as OAFLNo5ud1M-00303-00068403-00068636 it washes off there's no damage you know OAFLNo5ud1M-00304-00068637-00069359 so within the bounds of the law yeah you OAFLNo5ud1M-00305-00069360-00069448 having a good time OAFLNo5ud1M-00306-00069449-00069758 no so what have you written on the on OAFLNo5ud1M-00307-00069759-00070338 the floor any messages OAFLNo5ud1M-00308-00070339-00071292 ah nice yes Oh lovely OAFLNo5ud1M-00309-00071293-00071653 yeah yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00310-00071654-00072151 do you love animals new ID team good OAFLNo5ud1M-00311-00072152-00072348 work you high-five OAFLNo5ud1M-00312-00072349-00072874 are you put joke on me Rebecca [__] of OAFLNo5ud1M-00313-00072875-00072979 the YouTube channel OAFLNo5ud1M-00314-00072980-00073954 Rebecca palsy are you having fun no OAFLNo5ud1M-00315-00073955-00074149 nasty messages no swearing it's just OAFLNo5ud1M-00316-00074150-00074296 positive it's just a few facts about OAFLNo5ud1M-00317-00074297-00074737 these women about the environment nicely OAFLNo5ud1M-00318-00074738-00075073 then ask questions OAFLNo5ud1M-00319-00075074-00075307 we're running out leaflets we're just OAFLNo5ud1M-00320-00075308-00075469 encouraging people to us vegan options OAFLNo5ud1M-00321-00075470-00076430 when they go into people OAFLNo5ud1M-00322-00076431-00076713 that's how we win yeah beautiful OAFLNo5ud1M-00323-00076714-00077028 Rebecca posi like and subscribed humans OAFLNo5ud1M-00324-00077029-00077309 where you don't you feel we call about OAFLNo5ud1M-00325-00077310-00077577 Leon do you like the hour or is he scary OAFLNo5ud1M-00326-00077578-00077992 with his mask on OAFLNo5ud1M-00327-00077993-00078280 this is astronomy for you eating chalk OAFLNo5ud1M-00328-00078281-00078862 on your food you need calcium yeah you OAFLNo5ud1M-00329-00078863-00079431 need calcium calcium we got water we got OAFLNo5ud1M-00330-00079432-00079555 alright OAFLNo5ud1M-00331-00079556-00079855 I'd eat so you're kind of transitioning OAFLNo5ud1M-00332-00079856-00080137 to veganism currently on yeah and you've OAFLNo5ud1M-00333-00080138-00080329 just come across all this yeah what do OAFLNo5ud1M-00334-00080330-00082168 you make of all that then it's all OAFLNo5ud1M-00335-00082169-00082240 changing OAFLNo5ud1M-00336-00082241-00082447 everyone's getting on board including OAFLNo5ud1M-00337-00082448-00082564 you good man OAFLNo5ud1M-00338-00082565-00083259 boom yeah yeah yeah come to the meetup OAFLNo5ud1M-00339-00083260-00083497 yeah yeah you'll be very welcome OAFLNo5ud1M-00340-00083498-00083686 ya know so no wait brother have a great OAFLNo5ud1M-00341-00083687-00083806 day see you again OAFLNo5ud1M-00342-00083807-00083992 show us your hands girl show us your OAFLNo5ud1M-00343-00083993-00084911 hands OAFLNo5ud1M-00344-00084912-00085272 chok unscathed our word of the day so OAFLNo5ud1M-00345-00085273-00085422 how are you let me get you both in the OAFLNo5ud1M-00346-00085423-00085769 frame how how you guys enjoying the talk OAFLNo5ud1M-00347-00085770-00086100 tourism believe we've covered so much OAFLNo5ud1M-00348-00086101-00086481 ground yeah how many people just curious OAFLNo5ud1M-00349-00086482-00086778 about so rather than yeah there's been a OAFLNo5ud1M-00350-00086779-00086955 like negativity out there it's all been OAFLNo5ud1M-00351-00086956-00087219 loving my occasional I eat cheeseburgers OAFLNo5ud1M-00352-00087220-00088125 a surprise yeah nothing in Norwich OAFLNo5ud1M-00353-00088126-00088473 beacons come on and she said I was OAFLNo5ud1M-00354-00088474-00088717 thinking so greatly spoilers but testing OAFLNo5ud1M-00355-00088718-00088978 Oh big enough counselor I'm not making OAFLNo5ud1M-00356-00088979-00089248 three sets of mails all right how cool OAFLNo5ud1M-00357-00089249-00089398 is that OAFLNo5ud1M-00358-00089399-00089524 I just think about this really Singh OAFLNo5ud1M-00359-00089525-00090043 chickpea burger husband was like the OAFLNo5ud1M-00360-00090044-00090385 vegan activist is here yo yo check him OAFLNo5ud1M-00361-00090386-00090687 out on check them out on iTunes and OAFLNo5ud1M-00362-00090688-00091105 youtubes so uh how are you enjoying it I OAFLNo5ud1M-00363-00091106-00091423 inspire initiative I turned up about 20 OAFLNo5ud1M-00364-00091424-00091834 minutes late yeah amazing talk about all OAFLNo5ud1M-00365-00091835-00092167 different colors everywhere yeah and OAFLNo5ud1M-00366-00092168-00092326 like everyone's getting involved even OAFLNo5ud1M-00367-00092327-00092440 people that like they're not vegan OAFLNo5ud1M-00368-00092441-00092539 they're not even out of it they're just OAFLNo5ud1M-00369-00092540-00092776 like this just looks so cool yeah yeah OAFLNo5ud1M-00370-00092777-00093033 it's like it's beautiful OAFLNo5ud1M-00371-00093034-00093253 unlike everyone's walking in and they OAFLNo5ud1M-00372-00093254-00093376 just want to hear the story of like why OAFLNo5ud1M-00373-00093377-00093565 we're here it's a big revolution it's OAFLNo5ud1M-00374-00093566-00093907 just like you know someone through a OAFLNo5ud1M-00375-00093908-00094180 little war of me yesterday just came OAFLNo5ud1M-00376-00094181-00094324 back saying like you know freedom of OAFLNo5ud1M-00377-00094325-00094918 speech it's not just because they say OAFLNo5ud1M-00378-00094919-00095101 something you know they can't do it like OAFLNo5ud1M-00379-00095102-00095257 if we have a message and we want to OAFLNo5ud1M-00380-00095258-00095623 spread it outside their building yeah I OAFLNo5ud1M-00381-00095624-00095815 which I think we've proven today and OAFLNo5ud1M-00382-00095816-00095992 like the thing that's great is we were OAFLNo5ud1M-00383-00095993-00096235 just like common which I and our other OAFLNo5ud1M-00384-00096236-00096418 interest just to organize this thing but OAFLNo5ud1M-00385-00096419-00096583 literally it's like you put it out there OAFLNo5ud1M-00386-00096584-00096748 everyone like you get everyone a little OAFLNo5ud1M-00387-00096749-00096862 bit excited about it there's a little OAFLNo5ud1M-00388-00096863-00097075 pop-up thing and we've got like 20 30 OAFLNo5ud1M-00389-00097076-00097231 people around they're all just like OAFLNo5ud1M-00390-00097232-00097375 chipping in doing their bit either OAFLNo5ud1M-00391-00097376-00097513 either filming there either chatting OAFLNo5ud1M-00392-00097514-00097651 with people OAFLNo5ud1M-00393-00097652-00098182 just hang out leaflets amazing it gives OAFLNo5ud1M-00394-00098183-00098422 me a lot of hope yeah like you know if OAFLNo5ud1M-00395-00098423-00098749 this can happen here it can happen OBsUVBrVHFU-00000-00000006-00000767 this is a Geo podcast my name is Tyler OBsUVBrVHFU-00001-00000768-00000991 Brown and I am from Western OBsUVBrVHFU-00002-00000992-00001172 Massachusetts where I am representing OBsUVBrVHFU-00003-00001173-00001441 future focused media co-op where we work OBsUVBrVHFU-00004-00001442-00001766 on media web design graphic design OBsUVBrVHFU-00005-00001767-00002063 photography and cinematography for our OBsUVBrVHFU-00006-00002064-00002588 community and for businesses the best OBsUVBrVHFU-00007-00002589-00002725 part of being a worker owner that I OBsUVBrVHFU-00008-00002726-00002939 learned is that it's more democratic OBsUVBrVHFU-00009-00002940-00003109 which means that if there are things OBsUVBrVHFU-00010-00003110-00003274 that you do not agree with you can speak OBsUVBrVHFU-00011-00003275-00003529 up from your own perspective and have OBsUVBrVHFU-00012-00003530-00003715 that conversation with other worker OBsUVBrVHFU-00013-00003717-00003878 owners on what you can do to make the OBsUVBrVHFU-00014-00003879-00004081 business more effective or to make it OBsUVBrVHFU-00015-00004082-00004427 more open and more respective to your OBsUVBrVHFU-00016-00004428-00004913 personal needs I think the most OBsUVBrVHFU-00017-00004914-00005051 difficult part of being a worker owner OBsUVBrVHFU-00018-00005052-00005216 which I will take in responsibility OBsUVBrVHFU-00019-00005217-00005488 myself is making sure that everybody is OBsUVBrVHFU-00020-00005489-00005713 working as hard to get the vision across OBsUVBrVHFU-00021-00005714-00005929 you know if you have someone if you have OBsUVBrVHFU-00022-00005930-00006104 a worker owner or four and you have OBsUVBrVHFU-00023-00006105-00006268 three people that work really really OBsUVBrVHFU-00024-00006269-00006445 really really hard to get the vision OBsUVBrVHFU-00025-00006447-00006602 across and that one person doesn't OBsUVBrVHFU-00026-00006603-00006796 really work as hard but you guys are all OBsUVBrVHFU-00027-00006797-00006962 working owners and you guys all get the OBsUVBrVHFU-00028-00006963-00007109 same pay so you all get the same OBsUVBrVHFU-00029-00007109-00007378 takeaway it's kind of unfair so you got OBsUVBrVHFU-00030-00007379-00007567 to make sure that if you're gonna have OBsUVBrVHFU-00031-00007568-00007808 that space you're gonna make everybody OBsUVBrVHFU-00032-00007809-00008059 is pushing and pitching in you know what OBsUVBrVHFU-00033-00008061-00008917 they want to get out of OBsUVBrVHFU-00034-00008918-00009327 I'm Nicole in the coop what do we need OBsUVBrVHFU-00035-00009328-00009830 the most support like my coop marketing OBsUVBrVHFU-00036-00009831-00010088 marking I would say marketing so getting OBsUVBrVHFU-00037-00010089-00010233 just getting our name out there cuz we OBsUVBrVHFU-00038-00010234-00010548 have good we have we get good gigs but OBsUVBrVHFU-00039-00010549-00010734 we can we can we know we can do better OBsUVBrVHFU-00040-00010735-00010913 and we just pushed ourselves a little OBsUVBrVHFU-00041-00010914-00011117 more on the marketing and just getting OBsUVBrVHFU-00042-00011118-00011930 our name out there as much as possible OBsUVBrVHFU-00043-00011931-00012643 the message to the cooperative OBsUVBrVHFU-00044-00012644-00013233 [Music] OBsUVBrVHFU-00045-00013234-00013561 a message for the quality isn't it well OBsUVBrVHFU-00046-00013562-00013686 you think the co-operative movement can OBsUVBrVHFU-00047-00013687-00014211 do better my house it on houses on class OBsUVBrVHFU-00048-00014212-00014653 on getting people that aren't looking a OBsUVBrVHFU-00049-00014654-00015066 cooperatives involved the message of OBsUVBrVHFU-00050-00015068-00015247 co-operative movement I think the OBsUVBrVHFU-00051-00015247-00015369 co-operative movement is doing really OBsUVBrVHFU-00052-00015370-00015672 well in terms of education but I guess OBsUVBrVHFU-00053-00015673-00016021 it would be maybe making it more where I OBsUVBrVHFU-00054-00016022-00016180 mean I don't I can't really be like oh OBsUVBrVHFU-00055-00016181-00016369 yeah you guys need to do this exactly to OBsUVBrVHFU-00056-00016369-00016587 make it more aware but I remember I've OBsUVBrVHFU-00057-00016588-00016825 only learned about crops a year ago so I OBsUVBrVHFU-00058-00016826-00017133 didn't know about coops up into anything OBsUVBrVHFU-00059-00017134-00017344 I don't even know what a co-op was up in OBsUVBrVHFU-00060-00017345-00017490 only thing I knew co-op was video games OBsUVBrVHFU-00061-00017491-00017628 you know like could you work cooperative OBsUVBrVHFU-00062-00017629-00018006 but um but um up until that point I had OBsUVBrVHFU-00063-00018007-00018196 no idea what coops was and I probably OBsUVBrVHFU-00064-00018197-00018378 wouldn't have known unless my friend OBsUVBrVHFU-00065-00018379-00018606 didn't tell me so hey try to do this for OBsUVBrVHFU-00066-00018607-00018792 this youth program so I guess it would OBsUVBrVHFU-00067-00018793-00019161 be kind of you know like making you more OBsUVBrVHFU-00068-00019162-00019425 making it more known which they're OBsUVBrVHFU-00069-00019426-00019575 already doing a great job but I guess it OBsUVBrVHFU-00070-00019576-00019737 would be keep doing that that's that's OBsUVBrVHFU-00071-00019738-00020472 what I would say person yeah thank you OBsUVBrVHFU-00072-00020473-00020553 for listening OBsUVBrVHFU-00073-00020554-00020991 check us out at geo dot coop OBsUVBrVHFU-00074-00020992-00021317 [Music] OCUfpfWRqb8-00000-00000000-00000176 do you want to start a business to give OCUfpfWRqb8-00001-00000177-00000424 your family more freedom do you desire OCUfpfWRqb8-00002-00000425-00000607 to have a marriage that makes your OCUfpfWRqb8-00003-00000608-00000815 friends jealous do you want to spend OCUfpfWRqb8-00004-00000816-00001010 more quality time with your children OCUfpfWRqb8-00005-00001011-00001262 we're your hosts Matt and Jocelyn OCUfpfWRqb8-00006-00001263-00001445 Woodruff and we cannot wait to share OCUfpfWRqb8-00007-00001446-00001673 this journey with you welcome to our OCUfpfWRqb8-00008-00001673-00001955 family-friendly podcasts enjoy our OCUfpfWRqb8-00009-00001955-00002189 conversations where we talk about how to OCUfpfWRqb8-00010-00002190-00002414 build a business that will give us the OCUfpfWRqb8-00011-00002415-00002564 freedom we choose OCUfpfWRqb8-00012-00002565-00002776 welcome to the family life movement OCUfpfWRqb8-00013-00002777-00003024 podcast OCUfpfWRqb8-00014-00003025-00003611 [Music] OCUfpfWRqb8-00015-00003613-00003996 welcome to family life movement podcast OCUfpfWRqb8-00016-00003997-00004404 today we have Stacey - lemy Stacey is on OCUfpfWRqb8-00017-00004405-00004660 a mission to transform health of OCUfpfWRqb8-00018-00004661-00004954 millions worldwide check out her website OCUfpfWRqb8-00019-00004955-00005461 at the complete herbal died sorry calm OCUfpfWRqb8-00020-00005462-00005803 the complete herbal guide calm she is a OCUfpfWRqb8-00021-00005804-00006040 popular and recognizable health and OCUfpfWRqb8-00022-00006041-00006282 lifestyle reporter and experts columnist OCUfpfWRqb8-00023-00006283-00006525 and health host the author of the OCUfpfWRqb8-00024-00006526-00006751 complete guide to natural healing and OCUfpfWRqb8-00025-00006752-00006934 natural remedies for the common OCUfpfWRqb8-00026-00006934-00007156 conditions along with twenty other OCUfpfWRqb8-00027-00007156-00007438 published books she is the founder of OCUfpfWRqb8-00028-00007439-00008145 the complete herbal guide and recognized OCUfpfWRqb8-00029-00008147-00008413 health and natural remedies expert with OCUfpfWRqb8-00030-00008414-00008596 over twenty years in practice as a OCUfpfWRqb8-00031-00008597-00008799 health coach she wrote for The OCUfpfWRqb8-00032-00008800-00009085 Huffington Post HuffPost thrival global OCUfpfWRqb8-00033-00009086-00009283 and medium which is owned by Arianna OCUfpfWRqb8-00034-00009284-00009556 Huffington she has been a guest on the OCUfpfWRqb8-00035-00009557-00009864 dr. Oz Show local news and numerous OCUfpfWRqb8-00036-00009865-00010071 radio shows her focus is on natural OCUfpfWRqb8-00037-00010072-00010309 healing herbal remedies alternative OCUfpfWRqb8-00038-00010310-00010542 methods self-motivation food for OCUfpfWRqb8-00039-00010543-00010813 medicine nutrition fitness natural OCUfpfWRqb8-00040-00010814-00010992 beauty remedies and the power of OCUfpfWRqb8-00041-00010993-00011113 positive thinking OCUfpfWRqb8-00042-00011114-00011362 Stacey welcome to the podcast oh thank OCUfpfWRqb8-00043-00011363-00011778 you so much for having me I want you to OCUfpfWRqb8-00044-00011779-00011967 tell us a little bit about what brought OCUfpfWRqb8-00045-00011968-00012271 you to this place in life well it all OCUfpfWRqb8-00046-00012272-00012670 started I had developed encephalitis at OCUfpfWRqb8-00047-00012671-00012960 the age of 5 I had a virus that had OCUfpfWRqb8-00048-00012961-00013252 traveled to my brain and the virus I OCUfpfWRqb8-00049-00013253-00013552 called cold encephalitis had traveled OCUfpfWRqb8-00050-00013553-00013711 throughout my brain caused scar tissue OCUfpfWRqb8-00051-00013712-00013909 damage till this day they can't find the OCUfpfWRqb8-00052-00013910-00014191 scar tissue damage I was in the hospital OCUfpfWRqb8-00053-00014191-00014531 I was there in a coma for several days OCUfpfWRqb8-00054-00014532-00014844 you know when um when I was there they OCUfpfWRqb8-00055-00014845-00015046 didn't know if I when I came out if I OCUfpfWRqb8-00056-00015047-00015372 was gonna be powerful ejek or you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00057-00015373-00015628 what severe brain damage I might have OCUfpfWRqb8-00058-00015629-00015903 from it but when I came out there was OCUfpfWRqb8-00059-00015904-00016024 nothing wrong with me I asked for OCUfpfWRqb8-00060-00016025-00016324 McDonald's french fries and but the one OCUfpfWRqb8-00061-00016325-00016615 thing I was left with was that that scar OCUfpfWRqb8-00062-00016616-00016708 tissue damage that OCUfpfWRqb8-00063-00016709-00016924 can't find til this day and which left OCUfpfWRqb8-00064-00016925-00017197 me with epilepsy I had developed OCUfpfWRqb8-00065-00017198-00017443 seizures throughout my entire life and I OCUfpfWRqb8-00066-00017444-00017788 had struggled perversely trying to deal OCUfpfWRqb8-00067-00017789-00018202 with my epilepsy and as I gotten older I OCUfpfWRqb8-00068-00018203-00018483 had a really hard time especially when I OCUfpfWRqb8-00069-00018484-00018715 was going through college I was trying OCUfpfWRqb8-00070-00018716-00018982 to struggle trying to figure out a way I OCUfpfWRqb8-00071-00018983-00019186 could you know do that late night study OCUfpfWRqb8-00072-00019187-00019455 in all that stress of going to college OCUfpfWRqb8-00073-00019456-00019803 and not have seizures and be able to OCUfpfWRqb8-00074-00019804-00020022 actually finish college and move on with OCUfpfWRqb8-00075-00020023-00020325 my life and I wasn't having an easy time OCUfpfWRqb8-00076-00020326-00020638 and I had I had written a letter to the OCUfpfWRqb8-00077-00020639-00020812 Epilepsy Foundation and they had a OCUfpfWRqb8-00078-00020813-00021037 magazine and I asked for them to publish OCUfpfWRqb8-00079-00021038-00021325 my magazine and I my article in the OCUfpfWRqb8-00080-00021326-00021583 magazine and I asked them how do other OCUfpfWRqb8-00081-00021584-00021763 people cope with this disorder I'd like OCUfpfWRqb8-00082-00021764-00021955 to hear from others telling me how they OCUfpfWRqb8-00083-00021956-00022197 cope with a disorder and surprisingly I OCUfpfWRqb8-00084-00022198-00022360 had hundreds of letters from all the OCUfpfWRqb8-00085-00022361-00022580 United States and Canada come to my home OCUfpfWRqb8-00086-00022581-00022867 people sharing their stories telling me OCUfpfWRqb8-00087-00022868-00023175 how they dealt with epilepsy how they OCUfpfWRqb8-00088-00023176-00023409 cope with it on a daily basis and it was OCUfpfWRqb8-00089-00023410-00023692 so inspiring it really you know it made OCUfpfWRqb8-00090-00023693-00023842 you realize at that moment that you OCUfpfWRqb8-00091-00023843-00024006 weren't alone that there are other OCUfpfWRqb8-00092-00024007-00024222 people out there I'm not just what OCUfpfWRqb8-00093-00024223-00024439 epilepsy but with every disorder a lot OCUfpfWRqb8-00094-00024440-00024609 of times we have disorders or diseases OCUfpfWRqb8-00095-00024610-00024897 we think we're alone we don't realize OCUfpfWRqb8-00096-00024898-00025039 that there are so many people out there OCUfpfWRqb8-00097-00025040-00025272 just like you and I that have similar OCUfpfWRqb8-00098-00025273-00025546 situations that are struggling and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00099-00025547-00025750 know it's it's so nice when people could OCUfpfWRqb8-00100-00025751-00026005 just reach out and help each other and I OCUfpfWRqb8-00101-00026006-00026271 had put together over the years I had OCUfpfWRqb8-00102-00026272-00026439 started a book I wanted to use a lot of OCUfpfWRqb8-00103-00026441-00026640 those inspiring stories and inspire OCUfpfWRqb8-00104-00026641-00026944 others because back then they didn't OCUfpfWRqb8-00105-00026945-00027112 have many books on epilepsy there was OCUfpfWRqb8-00106-00027113-00027286 probably like five or six books on OCUfpfWRqb8-00107-00027287-00027454 epilepsy and then there was a couple of OCUfpfWRqb8-00108-00027455-00027746 books you know written by doctors and OCUfpfWRqb8-00109-00027747-00027985 you know they just went if you weren't a OCUfpfWRqb8-00110-00027986-00028132 doctor yourself it just went right over OCUfpfWRqb8-00111-00028133-00028432 your head to medical terminology we OCUfpfWRqb8-00112-00028433-00028618 didn't really you know a lot of people OCUfpfWRqb8-00113-00028619-00028746 wouldn't comprehend what they were OCUfpfWRqb8-00114-00028747-00029074 trying to get across and so I started OCUfpfWRqb8-00115-00029075-00029236 that book and then I had finished OCUfpfWRqb8-00116-00029237-00029581 college and I went to New York and I was OCUfpfWRqb8-00117-00029582-00029887 working for a big corporation and I had OCUfpfWRqb8-00118-00029888-00030045 fell to the ground and I had a OCUfpfWRqb8-00119-00030047-00030286 and one of the producers had walked over OCUfpfWRqb8-00120-00030287-00030664 me and kept walking and I was just left OCUfpfWRqb8-00121-00030664-00030814 on the ground and I saw him because I OCUfpfWRqb8-00122-00030814-00031039 was half conscious and I saw him do that OCUfpfWRqb8-00123-00031039-00031237 and I couldn't believe myself that he OCUfpfWRqb8-00124-00031238-00031423 did that and when about half an hour OCUfpfWRqb8-00125-00031424-00031680 later I was released from my position OCUfpfWRqb8-00126-00031681-00032041 because of that seizure and so I just OCUfpfWRqb8-00127-00032042-00032218 you know at that moment I didn't let it OCUfpfWRqb8-00128-00032219-00032386 get me down I just said you know I'm not OCUfpfWRqb8-00129-00032387-00032533 gonna let this get me down I'm gonna OCUfpfWRqb8-00130-00032533-00032698 move on you know there's more out there OCUfpfWRqb8-00131-00032699-00033085 and so what I did was is that I just OCUfpfWRqb8-00132-00033086-00033418 moved on and you know not too long after OCUfpfWRqb8-00133-00033419-00033574 the Epilepsy Foundation asked me to OCUfpfWRqb8-00134-00033575-00033736 speak in front of Congress I spoke in OCUfpfWRqb8-00135-00033737-00034003 front of Congress for job discrimination OCUfpfWRqb8-00136-00034004-00034309 I you know I shared with you know with OCUfpfWRqb8-00137-00034310-00034555 all different politicians all over the OCUfpfWRqb8-00138-00034556-00034726 United States about what happened to me OCUfpfWRqb8-00139-00034727-00035083 and you know how it made me feel and and OCUfpfWRqb8-00140-00035084-00035326 I just moved on and you know it was at OCUfpfWRqb8-00141-00035327-00035527 that point too I started where I started OCUfpfWRqb8-00142-00035528-00035740 writing I started doing a lot of writing OCUfpfWRqb8-00143-00035741-00036067 I started a little blog on blogger and OCUfpfWRqb8-00144-00036068-00036313 back then that was like the the big OCUfpfWRqb8-00145-00036314-00036646 thing was bloggers and you know I had OCUfpfWRqb8-00146-00036647-00036814 like 400 people come on and they were OCUfpfWRqb8-00147-00036815-00037030 you know they were reading my stuff and OCUfpfWRqb8-00148-00037031-00037336 I started I started working for an OCUfpfWRqb8-00149-00037337-00037462 herbalist and I was doing a lot of OCUfpfWRqb8-00150-00037463-00037738 research and writing for this herbalist OCUfpfWRqb8-00151-00037739-00038023 and I was and as I was doing that I was OCUfpfWRqb8-00152-00038024-00038190 writing articles and publishing them OCUfpfWRqb8-00153-00038191-00038440 about self-healing and I was applying a OCUfpfWRqb8-00154-00038441-00038593 lot of those things to my own body OCUfpfWRqb8-00155-00038594-00038764 because it was like wow you know maybe OCUfpfWRqb8-00156-00038765-00038962 this could help me and I went from OCUfpfWRqb8-00157-00038963-00039151 having like nine seizures a month to six OCUfpfWRqb8-00158-00039152-00039321 seizures a month so five to four to OCUfpfWRqb8-00159-00039322-00039556 three to two and my seizures just got OCUfpfWRqb8-00160-00039557-00039754 better and better so I figured you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00161-00039755-00039940 if this could help me can you imagine OCUfpfWRqb8-00162-00039941-00040084 what it could do for people all around OCUfpfWRqb8-00163-00040085-00040365 the world and imagine you know if it OCUfpfWRqb8-00164-00040366-00040534 could you know help just people with OCUfpfWRqb8-00165-00040535-00040771 epilepsy if people applied self-healing OCUfpfWRqb8-00166-00040772-00041056 to any disorder disease or condition OCUfpfWRqb8-00167-00041057-00041346 what it might do for them and that's how OCUfpfWRqb8-00168-00041347-00041548 it all started and then I was working OCUfpfWRqb8-00169-00041549-00041995 for a freelance he was a website OCUfpfWRqb8-00170-00041996-00042139 designer he goes you know I could really OCUfpfWRqb8-00171-00042140-00042325 make you a really pretty website when OCUfpfWRqb8-00172-00042326-00042556 you saw all my content and he created a OCUfpfWRqb8-00173-00042557-00042811 website and I went from 400 to 10,000 OCUfpfWRqb8-00174-00042812-00043123 and then I went and I I and I had my OCUfpfWRqb8-00175-00043124-00043381 website redesigned again and it went OCUfpfWRqb8-00176-00043382-00043708 10,000 to 500,000 and that's where we OCUfpfWRqb8-00177-00043709-00043900 are today and you know like people have OCUfpfWRqb8-00178-00043901-00044170 a really deep love for natural healing OCUfpfWRqb8-00179-00044171-00044497 you know and I wrote I wrote 20 books in OCUfpfWRqb8-00180-00044498-00044680 the meanwhile you know and I just you OCUfpfWRqb8-00181-00044681-00045040 know it's amazing how powerful words can OCUfpfWRqb8-00182-00045041-00045217 be and how they can inspire people and OCUfpfWRqb8-00183-00045218-00045391 with that book with epilepsy you're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00184-00045392-00045652 alone I had and when I've got published OCUfpfWRqb8-00185-00045653-00046042 that hit the best-selling in four books OCUfpfWRqb8-00186-00046043-00046384 with epilepsy and one person had wrote OCUfpfWRqb8-00187-00046385-00046516 me and they said that they were on the OCUfpfWRqb8-00188-00046517-00046711 verge of committing suicide that they OCUfpfWRqb8-00189-00046712-00046879 you know that everything in their life OCUfpfWRqb8-00190-00046880-00047154 went downhill once they got epilepsy and OCUfpfWRqb8-00191-00047155-00047389 they said when they read my book and OCUfpfWRqb8-00192-00047390-00047563 they applied a lot of the regiments and OCUfpfWRqb8-00193-00047564-00047757 a lot of the tools and strategies I OCUfpfWRqb8-00194-00047758-00048004 suggested they said that their life OCUfpfWRqb8-00195-00048005-00048199 changed and turned around and it was OCUfpfWRqb8-00196-00048200-00048427 really then you know it was like a great OCUfpfWRqb8-00197-00048428-00048586 feeling wait if you could help somebody OCUfpfWRqb8-00198-00048587-00048853 it's just the feeling is unbelievable if OCUfpfWRqb8-00199-00048854-00048991 you know if you could do something good OCUfpfWRqb8-00200-00048992-00049243 for another human being you know the OCUfpfWRqb8-00201-00049244-00049441 feeling of accomplishment it is OCUfpfWRqb8-00202-00049442-00049753 wonderful and I realized then the wisdom OCUfpfWRqb8-00203-00049754-00049987 of words how powerful words can be and OCUfpfWRqb8-00204-00049988-00050152 how they can affect other people's lives OCUfpfWRqb8-00205-00050153-00050359 and it was from that moment on I just OCUfpfWRqb8-00206-00050360-00051654 kept moving forward one of the biggest OCUfpfWRqb8-00207-00051655-00051928 things I love is that you took a bad OCUfpfWRqb8-00208-00051929-00052012 situation OCUfpfWRqb8-00209-00052013-00052294 you took that and you look at that as an OCUfpfWRqb8-00210-00052295-00052621 opportunity to learn and to experience OCUfpfWRqb8-00211-00052622-00052864 something new and to better yourself and OCUfpfWRqb8-00212-00052865-00053229 I think that that relates a lot to where OCUfpfWRqb8-00213-00053230-00053461 we're at around the world right now as OCUfpfWRqb8-00214-00053462-00053635 we're recording this recording this on OCUfpfWRqb8-00215-00053636-00053953 May 8th you know we have the corona OCUfpfWRqb8-00216-00053954-00054370 virus running rampant and so I think OCUfpfWRqb8-00217-00054371-00054544 there's a great parallel between your OCUfpfWRqb8-00218-00054545-00054763 story and the things some of the things OCUfpfWRqb8-00219-00054764-00054976 that you've been through and and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00220-00054977-00055120 know maybe not seeing that light at the OCUfpfWRqb8-00221-00055121-00055387 end of the tunnel and you know it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00222-00055388-00055600 difficult for people to see and wrap OCUfpfWRqb8-00223-00055601-00055791 their head around when or what this is OCUfpfWRqb8-00224-00055792-00056037 going to look like when it ends and so I OCUfpfWRqb8-00225-00056038-00056389 think you are the perfect guest ahead to OCUfpfWRqb8-00226-00056390-00057297 at this time thank you so much you think OCUfpfWRqb8-00227-00057298-00057571 some family the families that are going OCUfpfWRqb8-00228-00057572-00057766 through this what are they feeling right OCUfpfWRqb8-00229-00057766-00057784 now OCUfpfWRqb8-00230-00057785-00058138 what why are they feeling that way you OCUfpfWRqb8-00231-00058139-00058341 know I think a lot of times to like OCUfpfWRqb8-00232-00058342-00058626 people feel the lack of purpose you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00233-00058627-00058857 in in during this time you know that you OCUfpfWRqb8-00234-00058858-00059047 know when we get up in the morning or we OCUfpfWRqb8-00235-00059048-00059194 go to work or we take care of our OCUfpfWRqb8-00236-00059195-00059353 children or we have some type of OCUfpfWRqb8-00237-00059354-00059580 regiment going on there's a purpose in OCUfpfWRqb8-00238-00059582-00059785 our lives you know every day we're doing OCUfpfWRqb8-00239-00059786-00060025 things and we feel that we're doing it OCUfpfWRqb8-00240-00060026-00060259 for a reason and a good reason now we're OCUfpfWRqb8-00241-00060260-00060523 confined in quarantine in our home we OCUfpfWRqb8-00242-00060524-00060741 can't do the things that we normally do OCUfpfWRqb8-00243-00060742-00060988 a lot of people aren't working right now OCUfpfWRqb8-00244-00060989-00061230 a lot of people are stuck home the kids OCUfpfWRqb8-00245-00061232-00061557 are stuck home and you know what's their OCUfpfWRqb8-00246-00061558-00061782 purpose what's our purpose you know and OCUfpfWRqb8-00247-00061783-00061978 that has a lot to do with it too and OCUfpfWRqb8-00248-00061979-00062239 then as silly as it may sound our diets OCUfpfWRqb8-00249-00062240-00062440 you know we're eating you know what the OCUfpfWRqb8-00250-00062441-00062659 way we shouldn't eat you know a lot of OCUfpfWRqb8-00251-00062660-00062821 foods could actually you know fogged OCUfpfWRqb8-00252-00062822-00063034 your head up you know just a lot of OCUfpfWRqb8-00253-00063035-00063207 processed foods and a lot of foods that OCUfpfWRqb8-00254-00063208-00063376 aren't good for you you know could OCUfpfWRqb8-00255-00063377-00063601 actually you know fog your brain up make OCUfpfWRqb8-00256-00063602-00063886 you fatigued not make you feel good you OCUfpfWRqb8-00257-00063887-00064075 know and when you're home you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00258-00064076-00064228 snacking away because there's nothing OCUfpfWRqb8-00259-00064229-00064411 else to do you know it's like you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00260-00064412-00064594 you're grabbing something or you're you OCUfpfWRqb8-00261-00064595-00064759 know you're thinking about food and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00262-00064760-00064944 know it's just you know when you're out OCUfpfWRqb8-00263-00064945-00065154 and you're busy and you're about you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00264-00065155-00065314 not thinking about the food you're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00265-00065315-00065440 thinking about you're thinking about OCUfpfWRqb8-00266-00065441-00065662 productive things purpose you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00267-00065663-00065901 meaning you know and you're doing things OCUfpfWRqb8-00268-00065902-00066097 that you feel good about as a person OCUfpfWRqb8-00269-00066098-00066460 where we're home and we're just confined OCUfpfWRqb8-00270-00066461-00066664 and and that could be very depressant OCUfpfWRqb8-00271-00066665-00066949 and you know very fearful for people to OCUfpfWRqb8-00272-00066950-00067237 I recently heard somebody talking about OCUfpfWRqb8-00273-00067238-00067572 not the freshman 15 but the pandemic OCUfpfWRqb8-00274-00067573-00067912 yeah mm-hmm and I think that's really OCUfpfWRqb8-00275-00067913-00068116 true you know we're not as active right OCUfpfWRqb8-00276-00068117-00068551 now because we're at home right and yeah OCUfpfWRqb8-00277-00068552-00068868 I definitely experienced that mind fog OCUfpfWRqb8-00278-00068869-00069132 with related to a diet and I have also OCUfpfWRqb8-00279-00069133-00069325 experienced that if you don't have a OCUfpfWRqb8-00280-00069326-00069529 purpose you don't know where you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00281-00069530-00069663 going you don't right OCUfpfWRqb8-00282-00069664-00070331 motivation to do anything exactly yeah I OCUfpfWRqb8-00283-00070332-00070785 think also there's a lot to do with you OCUfpfWRqb8-00284-00070786-00071238 know if you're not going outside you you OCUfpfWRqb8-00285-00071239-00071479 you miss that that stimuli you miss OCUfpfWRqb8-00286-00071480-00071817 different things smells the taste of OCUfpfWRqb8-00287-00071818-00072210 going out into the world and we don't OCUfpfWRqb8-00288-00072211-00072456 have those things to kind of jog or to OCUfpfWRqb8-00289-00072457-00072735 Zach your brain for like a better words OCUfpfWRqb8-00290-00072736-00073021 it's really easy to get down in this OCUfpfWRqb8-00291-00073022-00073291 funk yeah you're looking at you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00292-00073292-00073621 seeing very common colors things that OCUfpfWRqb8-00293-00073622-00073857 are familiar so you don't have there's OCUfpfWRqb8-00294-00073858-00074065 extra things that are just kind of OCUfpfWRqb8-00295-00074066-00074400 coming into your brain and right think OCUfpfWRqb8-00296-00074401-00074803 making you you know making your brain OCUfpfWRqb8-00297-00074804-00075006 ask questions searching for new answers OCUfpfWRqb8-00298-00075007-00075178 and I think that that kind of goes and OCUfpfWRqb8-00299-00075179-00075304 back into what you were saying about OCUfpfWRqb8-00300-00075305-00075721 brain fog and having trouble finding OCUfpfWRqb8-00301-00075722-00075906 that purpose well what are your thoughts OCUfpfWRqb8-00302-00075907-00076246 on that oh I agree at 100% and you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00303-00076247-00076459 also to the weather plays a toll to OCUfpfWRqb8-00304-00076460-00076666 you're stuck in that house you feel OCUfpfWRqb8-00305-00076667-00076915 imprison in your own home and then over OCUfpfWRqb8-00306-00076916-00077091 here in New Jersey it's been raining OCUfpfWRqb8-00307-00077092-00077391 almost every day we maybe had two nice OCUfpfWRqb8-00308-00077392-00077574 days out of the entire time we've been OCUfpfWRqb8-00309-00077575-00077841 quarantined over here and it's just been OCUfpfWRqb8-00310-00077842-00078136 colds really you know gloomy in the sky OCUfpfWRqb8-00311-00078137-00078366 just rainy and when you're looking out OCUfpfWRqb8-00312-00078367-00078555 the window and you're you're confined OCUfpfWRqb8-00313-00078556-00078732 and prison in your home you're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00314-00078733-00078957 enjoying the outside the beauty of the OCUfpfWRqb8-00315-00078958-00079254 Sun the grass nature you know you're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00316-00079255-00079516 appreciating you know life what it is OCUfpfWRqb8-00317-00079517-00079755 you can get very depressed and it's just OCUfpfWRqb8-00318-00079756-00080046 very it's it's very down and on a person OCUfpfWRqb8-00319-00080047-00080373 so you made a really interesting point OCUfpfWRqb8-00320-00080374-00080618 in a really interesting illustration OCUfpfWRqb8-00321-00080619-00080884 that I've seen personally when I was OCUfpfWRqb8-00322-00080885-00081336 doing prison ministry I you use that the OCUfpfWRqb8-00323-00081337-00081663 illustration of a house and related it OCUfpfWRqb8-00324-00081664-00082078 to a prison as isolation as being OCUfpfWRqb8-00325-00082079-00082416 confined to this small place yeah I OCUfpfWRqb8-00326-00082417-00082566 don't think there's any question in OCUfpfWRqb8-00327-00082567-00082926 anyone's mind that that does for lack of OCUfpfWRqb8-00328-00082927-00083014 better word OCUfpfWRqb8-00329-00083015-00083259 as wonders to your bringing oh yeah OCUfpfWRqb8-00330-00083260-00083542 start playing tricks and and stuff like OCUfpfWRqb8-00331-00083543-00083788 that so as we're walking through this OCUfpfWRqb8-00332-00083789-00084067 time is what kind of and I like that OCUfpfWRqb8-00333-00084068-00084244 guys we're kind of stuck in our own OCUfpfWRqb8-00334-00084245-00084640 prison do you think that this is more OCUfpfWRqb8-00335-00084641-00084862 fear the unknown we don't know when this OCUfpfWRqb8-00336-00084863-00085045 thing is going to be over we don't know OCUfpfWRqb8-00337-00085046-00085156 when we're going to be able to go OCUfpfWRqb8-00338-00085157-00085375 outside and play with our kids go to the OCUfpfWRqb8-00339-00085376-00085804 playground go back to work as it is do OCUfpfWRqb8-00340-00085805-00085960 you think that that is that the biggest OCUfpfWRqb8-00341-00085961-00086161 fear and the biggest frustration along OCUfpfWRqb8-00342-00086162-00086380 with these idea this mentality that OCUfpfWRqb8-00343-00086381-00086779 we're in our own our own prison which in OCUfpfWRqb8-00344-00086780-00087184 our prison interesting enough and I know OCUfpfWRqb8-00345-00087185-00087364 this is getting into a lot more to the OCUfpfWRqb8-00346-00087365-00087664 psychology than family and business and OCUfpfWRqb8-00347-00087665-00087772 stuff mm-hmm OCUfpfWRqb8-00348-00087773-00088198 but our house our safe place has become OCUfpfWRqb8-00349-00088199-00088486 our prison in a sense because we don't OCUfpfWRqb8-00350-00088487-00088732 always want to be here 24/7 you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00351-00088733-00089011 mentally we need to get out we need it OCUfpfWRqb8-00352-00089012-00089209 for our own for our own you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00353-00089210-00089482 salvation of the mind we need to get out OCUfpfWRqb8-00354-00089483-00089779 we need to explore and not be confined OCUfpfWRqb8-00355-00089780-00090121 in one small area every single day you OCUfpfWRqb8-00356-00090122-00090295 know is we don't want to do that you OCUfpfWRqb8-00357-00090296-00090490 know and we're it's against what we want OCUfpfWRqb8-00358-00090491-00090814 you know and and and the fear then no we OCUfpfWRqb8-00359-00090815-00090982 don't know what to expect next because OCUfpfWRqb8-00360-00090983-00091363 you know nobody's sure you know and it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00361-00091364-00091603 just it's it's scary you know and OCUfpfWRqb8-00362-00091604-00091822 they're saying maybe a second epidemic OCUfpfWRqb8-00363-00091823-00092089 in the fall they don't know everything OCUfpfWRqb8-00364-00092090-00092323 is up in the air and even with finances OCUfpfWRqb8-00365-00092324-00092649 you know finance pays it plays a huge OCUfpfWRqb8-00366-00092650-00092947 stress you know it would every every OCUfpfWRqb8-00367-00092948-00093142 couple even when couples first get OCUfpfWRqb8-00368-00093143-00093451 married all the times you know money is OCUfpfWRqb8-00369-00093452-00093640 a big issue because you need it to OCUfpfWRqb8-00370-00093641-00093886 survive you know and when you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00371-00093887-00094135 people are getting laid off or they're OCUfpfWRqb8-00372-00094136-00094297 not working as much and they're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00373-00094298-00094459 getting paid for the hours they're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00374-00094460-00094756 working and you see businesses left and OCUfpfWRqb8-00375-00094757-00095008 right going out of out of out of OCUfpfWRqb8-00376-00095009-00095284 business it's scary you know it's like OCUfpfWRqb8-00377-00095285-00095479 what's gonna happen to this nation you OCUfpfWRqb8-00378-00095480-00095668 know are we gonna be just an online OCUfpfWRqb8-00379-00095669-00095920 internet you know service you know it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00380-00095921-00096130 like what is the world coming to you OCUfpfWRqb8-00381-00096131-00096181 know OCUfpfWRqb8-00382-00096182-00096391 then it was the next day like not too OCUfpfWRqb8-00383-00096392-00096601 long after we have a we have something OCUfpfWRqb8-00384-00096602-00096778 on the news about the killer Hornets you OCUfpfWRqb8-00385-00096779-00097024 know coming to America so it's like you OCUfpfWRqb8-00386-00097025-00097210 know you want to talk about you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00387-00097211-00097417 revelations you know that's a you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00388-00097418-00097723 you feel it's like what's going on here OCUfpfWRqb8-00389-00097724-00098083 you know it's crazy I think it's really OCUfpfWRqb8-00390-00098084-00098209 interesting you know I was talking to OCUfpfWRqb8-00391-00098210-00098773 Jocelyn yeah you know we were talking OCUfpfWRqb8-00392-00098774-00099010 about and thinking good lord this is not OCUfpfWRqb8-00393-00099011-00099424 a politics podcast I cannot I'm not a OCUfpfWRqb8-00394-00099425-00099817 big politics fan but it's funny we were OCUfpfWRqb8-00395-00099818-00100096 talking about how this pandemic with OCUfpfWRqb8-00396-00100097-00100258 everything and the fears and stuff like OCUfpfWRqb8-00397-00100259-00100645 that were happening and stuff and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00398-00100646-00100762 know we were talking about you know the OCUfpfWRqb8-00399-00100763-00100897 different rules and stuff like that OCUfpfWRqb8-00400-00100898-00101062 Congress was trying to pass and our OCUfpfWRqb8-00401-00101063-00101281 president and stuff like that and it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00402-00101282-00101467 interesting because everyone's got their OCUfpfWRqb8-00403-00101468-00101680 own perception of what's going on and OCUfpfWRqb8-00404-00101681-00101893 how it's affecting them and there's no OCUfpfWRqb8-00405-00101894-00102184 rulebook yeah there is nobody that came OCUfpfWRqb8-00406-00102185-00102322 beforehand and said hey you know what OCUfpfWRqb8-00407-00102323-00102529 this is what happens when the entire OCUfpfWRqb8-00408-00102530-00102880 country gets ran down yeah happens when OCUfpfWRqb8-00409-00102881-00103105 you're you know your finances just OCUfpfWRqb8-00410-00103106-00103300 tanked mm-hmm OCUfpfWRqb8-00411-00103301-00103536 like we we've been through the Great OCUfpfWRqb8-00412-00103538-00103767 Depression there are some notes and OCUfpfWRqb8-00413-00103768-00103924 stuff like that that we can learn from OCUfpfWRqb8-00414-00103925-00104221 but they happen because of an illness or OCUfpfWRqb8-00415-00104222-00104446 a virus or however you want to describe OCUfpfWRqb8-00416-00104447-00105073 yeah that's going around and so there's OCUfpfWRqb8-00417-00105074-00105250 no there's not a rulebook that says hey OCUfpfWRqb8-00418-00105251-00105478 you know here's the right decision to OCUfpfWRqb8-00419-00105479-00105708 make right I think that that's something OCUfpfWRqb8-00420-00105709-00106258 really important really I'm really glad OCUfpfWRqb8-00421-00106258-00106489 I'm not a decision-maker because there OCUfpfWRqb8-00422-00106490-00106761 is no right you know what you do you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00423-00106763-00106903 gonna make somebody mad and you make OCUfpfWRqb8-00424-00106904-00107208 somebody happy no no always always you OCUfpfWRqb8-00425-00107209-00107760 know so other than like different OCUfpfWRqb8-00426-00107761-00108192 parties of government what other myths OCUfpfWRqb8-00427-00108193-00108607 about this time that what do you think OCUfpfWRqb8-00428-00108608-00108867 would actually hurt our mind frame OCUfpfWRqb8-00429-00108868-00109150 during this time OCUfpfWRqb8-00430-00109151-00109438 as we adapt them into our everyday lives OCUfpfWRqb8-00431-00109439-00109630 there's a lot of people out there right OCUfpfWRqb8-00432-00109631-00109884 now who are saying hey you know what the OCUfpfWRqb8-00433-00109885-00110077 president's doing incredible he's doing OCUfpfWRqb8-00434-00110078-00110314 horrible he's you know this that and OCUfpfWRqb8-00435-00110315-00110542 we're adopting these different mindsets OCUfpfWRqb8-00436-00110543-00110767 into our everyday life yeah we're OCUfpfWRqb8-00437-00110768-00110958 finding someone to blame that might OCUfpfWRqb8-00438-00110959-00111208 actually be a better way to worry it was OCUfpfWRqb8-00439-00111208-00111394 it was we're playing the blame games OCUfpfWRqb8-00440-00111395-00111733 mm-hmm what other things that were OCUfpfWRqb8-00441-00111733-00112048 adapting during this time can actually OCUfpfWRqb8-00442-00112049-00112308 hurt us a lot more than help us well I OCUfpfWRqb8-00443-00112309-00112465 think there's a lot of fake news out OCUfpfWRqb8-00444-00112466-00112654 there too I think you have to know where OCUfpfWRqb8-00445-00112655-00112897 to go to to get the right news like you OCUfpfWRqb8-00446-00112898-00113133 go online and you can see there's so OCUfpfWRqb8-00447-00113134-00113353 much fake news and so many you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00448-00113354-00113554 people are making suggestions from their OCUfpfWRqb8-00449-00113555-00113698 own opinion making it sound like OCUfpfWRqb8-00450-00113699-00113968 scientific you know news you know like OCUfpfWRqb8-00451-00113969-00114106 if you want to go to get accurate OCUfpfWRqb8-00452-00114107-00114307 information go to the disease control OCUfpfWRqb8-00453-00114308-00114589 you know you know go to reliable you OCUfpfWRqb8-00454-00114590-00114925 know web sites like WebMD you know like OCUfpfWRqb8-00455-00114926-00115138 you know places that you know that are OCUfpfWRqb8-00456-00115139-00115372 gonna be you know truly accurate they're OCUfpfWRqb8-00457-00115373-00115543 going to everything they've written is OCUfpfWRqb8-00458-00115544-00115765 documented by either scientists or OCUfpfWRqb8-00459-00115766-00116056 doctors and everything is verified so OCUfpfWRqb8-00460-00116057-00116221 you want to go to a place that you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00461-00116222-00116521 is verified and accurate you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00462-00116522-00116658 there's so many things you know I think OCUfpfWRqb8-00463-00116659-00116851 one person I saw online said you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00464-00116852-00117079 garlic can make it go away you know it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00465-00117080-00117247 just you know it's just like you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00466-00117248-00117565 crazy stuff you know it's just like you OCUfpfWRqb8-00467-00117566-00117759 have to really realize that you can't OCUfpfWRqb8-00468-00117760-00117895 believe everything you read especially OCUfpfWRqb8-00469-00117896-00118189 on Facebook that's like the main main OCUfpfWRqb8-00470-00118190-00118402 place where it's like totally you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00471-00118403-00118789 it's just you know you hear lots of and OCUfpfWRqb8-00472-00118790-00118969 and also one thing that makes me mad too OCUfpfWRqb8-00473-00118970-00119160 is I see a lot of people trying to make OCUfpfWRqb8-00474-00119161-00119389 money off of this you know this is a OCUfpfWRqb8-00475-00119390-00119650 terrible you know epidemic and and OCUfpfWRqb8-00476-00119651-00119854 people are trying to figure out ways OCUfpfWRqb8-00477-00119855-00120049 they can make a quick buck you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00478-00120050-00120343 which is also really an you know makes OCUfpfWRqb8-00479-00120344-00120541 me angry and you have to realize you OCUfpfWRqb8-00480-00120542-00120724 have to be able to spot those people and OCUfpfWRqb8-00481-00120725-00120940 be able to not fall for their traps OCUfpfWRqb8-00482-00120941-00121211 because there's a lot of traps out there OCUfpfWRqb8-00483-00121213-00122278 definitely I feel that you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00484-00122279-00122494 connection and communication is OCUfpfWRqb8-00485-00122495-00122716 really important especially among teens OCUfpfWRqb8-00486-00122717-00122989 and tweens you know a lot of times they OCUfpfWRqb8-00487-00122990-00123199 can get into their their cell phones and OCUfpfWRqb8-00488-00123200-00123415 get into their you know Netflix and and OCUfpfWRqb8-00489-00123416-00123631 disappear on you but you know sometimes OCUfpfWRqb8-00490-00123632-00123814 they feel a lot of things and they just OCUfpfWRqb8-00491-00123815-00123952 don't they don't share it with their OCUfpfWRqb8-00492-00123953-00124180 parents you know like I in especially OCUfpfWRqb8-00493-00124181-00124375 when the kids get to my kids are in OCUfpfWRqb8-00494-00124376-00124615 their teens and and young adults you OCUfpfWRqb8-00495-00124616-00124822 know so to try to get you know college OCUfpfWRqb8-00496-00124823-00125089 kids and and teenagers to confess and OCUfpfWRqb8-00497-00125090-00125248 tell me what their emotions are is OCUfpfWRqb8-00498-00125249-00125545 really it's a really big task you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00499-00125546-00125722 I've had conversations with my kids OCUfpfWRqb8-00500-00125723-00125883 trying to get them to tell me how they OCUfpfWRqb8-00501-00125884-00126091 feel about certain things you know and OCUfpfWRqb8-00502-00126092-00126250 at the end of the conversation my one OCUfpfWRqb8-00503-00126251-00126411 son told me let's not have this OCUfpfWRqb8-00504-00126413-00126667 conversation ever again so it's like you OCUfpfWRqb8-00505-00126668-00126874 know they want to communicate they want OCUfpfWRqb8-00506-00126875-00127057 to love they want you as their parent OCUfpfWRqb8-00507-00127058-00127332 but sometimes they don't want to always OCUfpfWRqb8-00508-00127333-00127597 confide in you with certain things they OCUfpfWRqb8-00509-00127598-00127783 might feel you know might be a sign of OCUfpfWRqb8-00510-00127783-00127978 weakness to them it might be whatever OCUfpfWRqb8-00511-00127979-00128122 the case may be they might be OCUfpfWRqb8-00512-00128123-00128320 embarrassed but you could do your best OCUfpfWRqb8-00513-00128321-00128545 to try to communicate with them and just OCUfpfWRqb8-00514-00128546-00128704 throw it out there that you know I'm OCUfpfWRqb8-00515-00128705-00128893 here if you have any fears if you have OCUfpfWRqb8-00516-00128894-00129118 any questions you know I'm here to OCUfpfWRqb8-00517-00129119-00129313 answer I'm not here to judge you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00518-00129314-00129508 and you want to make sure your kids know OCUfpfWRqb8-00519-00129508-00129667 that you're not going to judge them no OCUfpfWRqb8-00520-00129668-00129892 matter what you know the situation is OCUfpfWRqb8-00521-00129893-00130027 you know if they're scared about the OCUfpfWRqb8-00522-00130028-00130225 coronavirus and they you know there are OCUfpfWRqb8-00523-00130226-00130414 certain things making them scared you OCUfpfWRqb8-00524-00130415-00130627 know that you know you can come and talk OCUfpfWRqb8-00525-00130628-00130807 to me anytime and I'm always here you OCUfpfWRqb8-00526-00130808-00130915 can wake them up in the middle of the OCUfpfWRqb8-00527-00130916-00131098 night and I'll be there for you you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00528-00131099-00131314 and just reinforce it you know just you OCUfpfWRqb8-00529-00131315-00131494 know you just reinforce it to your kids OCUfpfWRqb8-00530-00131495-00131665 you know and then you could also in OCUfpfWRqb8-00531-00131666-00131836 reinforce if they have that one good OCUfpfWRqb8-00532-00131837-00132004 friend that you know that actually has a OCUfpfWRqb8-00533-00132005-00132154 good head on their shoulders you can say OCUfpfWRqb8-00534-00132155-00132328 go you know you could talk to so-and-so OCUfpfWRqb8-00535-00132329-00132550 you know but make sure it's a kid with OCUfpfWRqb8-00536-00132551-00132703 that has a good head on his shoulders OCUfpfWRqb8-00537-00132704-00132964 you know but you know and for the little OCUfpfWRqb8-00538-00132965-00133120 ones you know you could even make a OCUfpfWRqb8-00539-00133121-00133258 coloring book for the little ones I've OCUfpfWRqb8-00540-00133259-00133471 did that one time with my kids like um I OCUfpfWRqb8-00541-00133472-00133669 was trying to explain something to them OCUfpfWRqb8-00542-00133670-00133870 and I drew pictures because they were OCUfpfWRqb8-00543-00133871-00134032 really young they were like three and OCUfpfWRqb8-00544-00134033-00134269 four you know and you know they did OCUfpfWRqb8-00545-00134270-00134407 their comprehension of certain things OCUfpfWRqb8-00546-00134408-00134557 especially topics that could be OCUfpfWRqb8-00547-00134558-00134761 difficult you know you can you could OCUfpfWRqb8-00548-00134762-00134971 actually you know makes little pictures OCUfpfWRqb8-00549-00134972-00135085 and you're not you know have to be an OCUfpfWRqb8-00550-00135086-00135286 artist you know and just you know it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00551-00135287-00135514 fun for them to look at and you know and OCUfpfWRqb8-00552-00135515-00135715 then you can like make a little story OCUfpfWRqb8-00553-00135716-00135835 and that makes OCUfpfWRqb8-00554-00135836-00136030 interesting for them and they absorb it OCUfpfWRqb8-00555-00136031-00136344 really well kids love stories in any I OCUfpfWRqb8-00556-00136345-00136965 [Laughter] OCUfpfWRqb8-00557-00136966-00137251 looked on YouTube and you know because OCUfpfWRqb8-00558-00137252-00137389 they were asking me questions about this OCUfpfWRqb8-00559-00137390-00137800 virus and and I didn't like they there OCUfpfWRqb8-00560-00137801-00137986 was like one video at the time and I OCUfpfWRqb8-00561-00137987-00138196 really didn't I didn't feel like I feel OCUfpfWRqb8-00562-00138197-00138867 like it was old information that's right OCUfpfWRqb8-00563-00138868-00139150 yes I really like the idea of a coloring OCUfpfWRqb8-00564-00139151-00139495 book is and you can bring it to whatever OCUfpfWRqb8-00565-00139496-00139654 their current level is I think that's OCUfpfWRqb8-00566-00139655-00139798 really important is that you don't want OCUfpfWRqb8-00567-00139799-00140014 to go into a whole bunch of we're just OCUfpfWRqb8-00568-00140015-00140272 talking about this yesterday um I found OCUfpfWRqb8-00569-00140273-00140781 a free online free homeschool curriculum OCUfpfWRqb8-00570-00140782-00141145 specifically on viruses and my husband OCUfpfWRqb8-00571-00141146-00141325 was like really be careful with our OCUfpfWRqb8-00572-00141326-00141457 five-year-old because he was afraid that OCUfpfWRqb8-00573-00141458-00141637 she's gonna really internalize it too OCUfpfWRqb8-00574-00141638-00141979 much yeah yeah they talked about washing OCUfpfWRqb8-00575-00141980-00142183 hands a lot and I could really see her OCUfpfWRqb8-00576-00142184-00143020 becoming OCD and washing her hands great OCUfpfWRqb8-00577-00143021-00143284 oh definitely want to do a son yeah I OCUfpfWRqb8-00578-00143285-00143707 think whether the the refreshing things OCUfpfWRqb8-00579-00143708-00143932 that I heard you say yeah and I love OCUfpfWRqb8-00580-00143933-00144250 that is that this is not a time to hide OCUfpfWRqb8-00581-00144251-00144580 from our kids this is not a time for you OCUfpfWRqb8-00582-00144581-00144766 know to say hey you know what there's OCUfpfWRqb8-00583-00144767-00144943 nothing really going on outside and OCUfpfWRqb8-00584-00144944-00145204 stuff like that instead they figure out OCUfpfWRqb8-00585-00145205-00145380 a way to relate it down to them OCUfpfWRqb8-00586-00145381-00145576 understand that means you have to get to OCUfpfWRqb8-00587-00145577-00145936 know your child parent right bring it OCUfpfWRqb8-00588-00145937-00146167 down to them and make them a part of the OCUfpfWRqb8-00589-00146168-00146491 discussion right it's gonna help them to OCUfpfWRqb8-00590-00146492-00146809 to learn and you know practice washing OCUfpfWRqb8-00591-00146810-00147016 their hands now we're all not you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00592-00147017-00147136 yeah OCUfpfWRqb8-00593-00147137-00147622 but it also allows them to see and to OCUfpfWRqb8-00594-00147623-00148003 feel how we deal with with different OCUfpfWRqb8-00595-00148004-00148204 issues in the world because this is not OCUfpfWRqb8-00596-00148205-00148570 going to be the last pandemic the last OCUfpfWRqb8-00597-00148571-00148867 bad thing the last horrible right oh OCUfpfWRqb8-00598-00148868-00148951 good OCUfpfWRqb8-00599-00148952-00149176 happens you know regardless where you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00600-00149177-00149272 at in the world there's things that OCUfpfWRqb8-00601-00149273-00149587 happen each and every single day OCUfpfWRqb8-00602-00149588-00149854 and then they see something they're not OCUfpfWRqb8-00603-00149855-00150265 going to know how to internalize it or - OCUfpfWRqb8-00604-00150266-00150568 yeah how to cope with it or how to OCUfpfWRqb8-00605-00150569-00150973 express it emotionally right what are OCUfpfWRqb8-00606-00150974-00151144 some ways that we should encourage our OCUfpfWRqb8-00607-00151145-00151312 children especially our young kids you OCUfpfWRqb8-00608-00151313-00151600 know 5-7 young or a little younger OCUfpfWRqb8-00609-00151601-00151903 little older what are some ways that we OCUfpfWRqb8-00610-00151904-00152251 can encourage them to express their OCUfpfWRqb8-00611-00152252-00152521 emotions as they're going through some OCUfpfWRqb8-00612-00152522-00152695 of the frustration of being quarantined OCUfpfWRqb8-00613-00152696-00152932 inside their house you know especially OCUfpfWRqb8-00614-00152933-00153123 when it as adults we don't necessarily OCUfpfWRqb8-00615-00153124-00153457 understand how we're feeling about if it OCUfpfWRqb8-00616-00153458-00153736 all makes sense it does you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00617-00153737-00153871 sometimes you can you know you could OCUfpfWRqb8-00618-00153872-00154042 also what you could do is to is like you OCUfpfWRqb8-00619-00154043-00154234 could do something that's friendly when OCUfpfWRqb8-00620-00154235-00154477 you can do like a game with the kids you OCUfpfWRqb8-00621-00154478-00154660 know and as you're playing the game with OCUfpfWRqb8-00622-00154661-00154840 the kids you can you know ask them OCUfpfWRqb8-00623-00154841-00155050 questions and you know like simple OCUfpfWRqb8-00624-00155051-00155197 question is to get a feel of where OCUfpfWRqb8-00625-00155198-00155422 they're at and then you know start OCUfpfWRqb8-00626-00155423-00155611 giving them a little bit of ice and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00627-00155612-00155833 know and then I always try to relate it OCUfpfWRqb8-00628-00155834-00155965 I always when the kids were younger I OCUfpfWRqb8-00629-00155966-00156184 related it even now when they're older OCUfpfWRqb8-00630-00156185-00156448 you know it's just a cycle everything we OCUfpfWRqb8-00631-00156449-00156748 do there they do you know and so it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00632-00156749-00156934 like you can say you know when I was OCUfpfWRqb8-00633-00156935-00157168 your age I did this and you know I or I OCUfpfWRqb8-00634-00157169-00157408 thought that and it's okay you know and OCUfpfWRqb8-00635-00157409-00157621 this is what I did to make myself feel OCUfpfWRqb8-00636-00157622-00157888 better you know and then you know and I OCUfpfWRqb8-00637-00157889-00158130 think that makes them feel good - OCUfpfWRqb8-00638-00158131-00158824 awesome I love that yeah I didn't know OCUfpfWRqb8-00639-00158825-00159658 you were asking that question they will OCUfpfWRqb8-00640-00159659-00159979 use stuffed animals and the kids will OCUfpfWRqb8-00641-00159980-00160171 talk through their animals or bears or OCUfpfWRqb8-00642-00160172-00160495 toys or dolls or whatever right they'll OCUfpfWRqb8-00643-00160496-00160761 talk their feelings through the animal OCUfpfWRqb8-00644-00160762-00161095 yeah instead they're it's easier for OCUfpfWRqb8-00645-00161096-00161634 them to verbalize it to themselves OCUfpfWRqb8-00646-00161635-00161989 yeah we've seen in our our own kids to OCUfpfWRqb8-00647-00161990-00162139 where they're like oh yeah OCUfpfWRqb8-00648-00162140-00162301 teddy bears OCUfpfWRqb8-00649-00162302-00162637 or he's not you're scared or something OCUfpfWRqb8-00650-00162638-00162973 like that it's really important to you OCUfpfWRqb8-00651-00162974-00163105 know kind of what you're saying is OCUfpfWRqb8-00652-00163106-00163372 acknowledge these feelings encourages OCUfpfWRqb8-00653-00163373-00163597 feelings hey yeah oh wow you're scared OCUfpfWRqb8-00654-00163598-00163765 well what is it that you're scared of OCUfpfWRqb8-00655-00163766-00164242 yeah yeah like not even completely OCUfpfWRqb8-00656-00164243-00164425 finding that solution as much as OCUfpfWRqb8-00657-00164426-00164758 acknowledging the problem they hiccup OCUfpfWRqb8-00658-00164759-00165169 the struggle and and then once you're OCUfpfWRqb8-00659-00165170-00165496 you know your child has heard once they OCUfpfWRqb8-00660-00165497-00165787 understand you if yeah for the families OCUfpfWRqb8-00661-00165788-00165964 that you know we have daughters you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00662-00165965-00166129 they need to know that they're how they OCUfpfWRqb8-00663-00166130-00166330 feel as important they need to know that OCUfpfWRqb8-00664-00166331-00166729 that there are feelings regardless if OCUfpfWRqb8-00665-00166730-00166909 we're feeling the same way they need to OCUfpfWRqb8-00666-00166910-00167071 know and understand that their feelings OCUfpfWRqb8-00667-00167072-00167428 matter yeah and I think I think with the OCUfpfWRqb8-00668-00167429-00167572 teddy bear thing it was really good OCUfpfWRqb8-00669-00167573-00167698 because I think it's like they're OCUfpfWRqb8-00670-00167699-00167887 they're too embarrassed to say it's them OCUfpfWRqb8-00671-00167888-00168052 so they're talking through the teddy OCUfpfWRqb8-00672-00168053-00168241 bear and it's not them but it's a teddy OCUfpfWRqb8-00673-00168242-00168427 bear you know and they're still looking OCUfpfWRqb8-00674-00168428-00168616 for the answer or the reinforcements OCUfpfWRqb8-00675-00168617-00168799 you know but they they don't have to OCUfpfWRqb8-00676-00168800-00168994 admit that it's actually them feeling OCUfpfWRqb8-00677-00168995-00170578 that way social aspect well I think the OCUfpfWRqb8-00678-00170579-00170794 you know having the internet and having OCUfpfWRqb8-00679-00170795-00171019 the you know and you know having the OCUfpfWRqb8-00680-00171020-00171253 computer and and the iPhone has been a OCUfpfWRqb8-00681-00171254-00171478 really you know big help they also have OCUfpfWRqb8-00682-00171479-00171697 they have like applications now I called OCUfpfWRqb8-00683-00171698-00171928 hangout and other stuff where they can OCUfpfWRqb8-00684-00171929-00172186 all go on just like zoom all go on at OCUfpfWRqb8-00685-00172187-00172375 once you know and have a bunch of people OCUfpfWRqb8-00686-00172376-00172615 it's talking at the same time and it OCUfpfWRqb8-00687-00172616-00172804 kind of gives them the feel you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00688-00172805-00172942 they know they're not with each other OCUfpfWRqb8-00689-00172943-00173104 but it gives them the feeling that their OCUfpfWRqb8-00690-00173105-00173311 friends aren't that far away you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00691-00173312-00173620 and I think that's like helpful too OCUfpfWRqb8-00692-00173621-00174142 you don't have a theme we do yeah a lot OCUfpfWRqb8-00693-00174143-00174250 of people were doing that during the OCUfpfWRqb8-00694-00174251-00174481 holidays like Easter time and stuff like OCUfpfWRqb8-00695-00174482-00174721 that and Passover they were doing that OCUfpfWRqb8-00696-00174722-00175003 they were they were doing that with uh OCUfpfWRqb8-00697-00175004-00175614 with it also I didn't know about OCUfpfWRqb8-00698-00175615-00176025 that's a new one we have I don't think OCUfpfWRqb8-00699-00176026-00176502 it's Google Hangouts but yeah but we OCUfpfWRqb8-00700-00176503-00176841 have smaller kids yeah yeah I was trying OCUfpfWRqb8-00701-00176842-00177063 to encourage my kids I guess Facebook OCUfpfWRqb8-00702-00177064-00177288 Messenger has a kids version we're OCUfpfWRqb8-00703-00177289-00177492 trying to get her to use that a little OCUfpfWRqb8-00704-00177493-00177752 bit okay OCUfpfWRqb8-00705-00177753-00178617 yeah that way yeah right yeah she was OCUfpfWRqb8-00706-00178618-00179151 just really giving us a fight so there OCUfpfWRqb8-00707-00179152-00179388 any other tips tricks habits that you OCUfpfWRqb8-00708-00179389-00179790 can that as parents we can implement OCUfpfWRqb8-00709-00179791-00180039 with our kids you know especially during OCUfpfWRqb8-00710-00180040-00180378 this this time frame um I think it's OCUfpfWRqb8-00711-00180379-00180552 good to just try to like you have OCUfpfWRqb8-00712-00180553-00180741 quality time with the kids like do like OCUfpfWRqb8-00713-00180742-00180957 different things like he maybe even OCUfpfWRqb8-00714-00180958-00181146 bacon you know if the kids like to bake OCUfpfWRqb8-00715-00181147-00181311 you know maybe big cookies and while OCUfpfWRqb8-00716-00181312-00181512 you're baking cookies you start to talk OCUfpfWRqb8-00717-00181513-00181668 and believe it or not simple things like OCUfpfWRqb8-00718-00181669-00181875 that actually grow bonded miss you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00719-00181876-00182079 between the child the mother the father OCUfpfWRqb8-00720-00182080-00182331 or even like if it like if a boy and his OCUfpfWRqb8-00721-00182332-00182535 father you know you pick a more manly OCUfpfWRqb8-00722-00182536-00182724 thing even watching TV you know you OCUfpfWRqb8-00723-00182725-00182979 watch wrestling on TV you know and you OCUfpfWRqb8-00724-00182980-00183129 just sit there and you're just you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00725-00183130-00183318 and as you're talking you know you know OCUfpfWRqb8-00726-00183319-00183504 you bring up little stuff and in between OCUfpfWRqb8-00727-00183505-00183735 you know and it kind of brings the bond OCUfpfWRqb8-00728-00183736-00183885 in because you have something in common OCUfpfWRqb8-00729-00183886-00184128 and then you know the trustful factor OCUfpfWRqb8-00730-00184129-00184359 and then you know you can share it and OCUfpfWRqb8-00731-00184360-00184578 communicate one another and actually you OCUfpfWRqb8-00732-00184579-00184737 know learn stuff that you may not have OCUfpfWRqb8-00733-00184738-00184989 known before and then help them and give OCUfpfWRqb8-00734-00184990-00185166 them the advice and the and the guidance OCUfpfWRqb8-00735-00185167-00185511 that he needs or her like girls can like OCUfpfWRqb8-00736-00185512-00186084 wrestling - I liked Rosalee thank you OCUfpfWRqb8-00737-00186085-00186231 for listening to the family life OCUfpfWRqb8-00738-00186232-00186447 movement podcast I hope you had as much OCUfpfWRqb8-00739-00186448-00186600 fun as we did OCUfpfWRqb8-00740-00186601-00186831 to hear our thoughts on the podcast and OCUfpfWRqb8-00741-00186832-00187092 to continue this conversation join our OCUfpfWRqb8-00742-00187093-00187380 free Facebook group by searching for the OCUfpfWRqb8-00743-00187381-00187659 family life movement see the show notes OCUfpfWRqb8-00744-00187660-00187911 for links to our guest social media and OCUfpfWRqb8-00745-00187912-00188130 websites and any resources that were OCUfpfWRqb8-00746-00188131-00188289 mentioned will also be linked in the OCUfpfWRqb8-00747-00188290-00188544 show notes also if you're enjoying the OCUfpfWRqb8-00748-00188545-00188649 podcast OCUfpfWRqb8-00749-00188650-00188964 please go rate or review and send us a OCUfpfWRqb8-00750-00188965-00189132 screenshot and we will send you a OCUfpfWRqb8-00751-00189133-00189639 special access yet join us next time for OCUfpfWRqb8-00752-00189640-00189915 more conversations tips and tricks on OCUfpfWRqb8-00753-00189916-00190271 growing your business around your family OCUfpfWRqb8-00754-00190272-00190506 thanks for joining us and have a great OCUfpfWRqb8-00755-00190507-00190743 day