auRMS1lbZ3o-00000-00000107-00000446 hello my name is Keith all red I am a auRMS1lbZ3o-00001-00000447-00000778 personal life coach a trainer and I auRMS1lbZ3o-00002-00000779-00001024 specialize in training people on having auRMS1lbZ3o-00003-00001025-00001354 wonderful relationships i call them epic auRMS1lbZ3o-00004-00001355-00001714 relationships relationships that are way auRMS1lbZ3o-00005-00001716-00002207 cool awesome empowering playful inspired auRMS1lbZ3o-00006-00002208-00002522 and committed relationships those are auRMS1lbZ3o-00007-00002523-00002668 the types of things that I train people auRMS1lbZ3o-00008-00002669-00003073 with i'm also a emotion code auRMS1lbZ3o-00009-00003074-00003428 practitioner and in the emotion code we auRMS1lbZ3o-00010-00003429-00003770 use muscle testing so the reason why i'm auRMS1lbZ3o-00011-00003771-00003963 telling you about this is because i'm auRMS1lbZ3o-00012-00003964-00004319 trying to explain to you how i came auRMS1lbZ3o-00013-00004320-00004870 across hydrogen enhanced water as a auRMS1lbZ3o-00014-00004871-00005138 emotion code practitioner we're often auRMS1lbZ3o-00015-00005139-00005659 muscle testing and helping people to auRMS1lbZ3o-00016-00005660-00005981 find out what's where their pain come is auRMS1lbZ3o-00017-00005982-00006350 coming from by using muscle testing so auRMS1lbZ3o-00018-00006351-00006584 what was happening though it was often I auRMS1lbZ3o-00019-00006584-00006778 was finding out that people were not auRMS1lbZ3o-00020-00006779-00007025 hydrating properly even when they're auRMS1lbZ3o-00021-00007026-00007231 drinking water they're still having a auRMS1lbZ3o-00022-00007233-00007445 hard time getting good results through auRMS1lbZ3o-00023-00007445-00007706 this muscle testing and then I learned auRMS1lbZ3o-00024-00007706-00007991 that there was a certain water that auRMS1lbZ3o-00025-00007992-00008381 hydrated people better than any other auRMS1lbZ3o-00026-00008382-00008780 water available and I started to study auRMS1lbZ3o-00027-00008781-00009131 and I found out why it hydrates people auRMS1lbZ3o-00028-00009132-00009437 better I started to find out that it not auRMS1lbZ3o-00029-00009438-00009851 only hydrates them their their their auRMS1lbZ3o-00030-00009852-00010117 body but hydrates them on a cellular auRMS1lbZ3o-00031-00010118-00010596 level that this water has the ability to auRMS1lbZ3o-00032-00010597-00010991 to help reverse aging it's full of auRMS1lbZ3o-00033-00010992-00011387 antioxidants in fact there is as many auRMS1lbZ3o-00034-00011388-00011741 antioxidants in this bottle of water as auRMS1lbZ3o-00035-00011742-00012077 there is in a bowl of blueberries it's auRMS1lbZ3o-00036-00012078-00012359 amazing actually there's about four auRMS1lbZ3o-00037-00012360-00012562 times more antioxidants auRMS1lbZ3o-00038-00012563-00012805 it's in this bottle of water than in a auRMS1lbZ3o-00039-00012806-00013054 bowl full of blueberries and you might auRMS1lbZ3o-00040-00013055-00013387 be thinking why how is that well that's auRMS1lbZ3o-00041-00013388-00013657 why I have a training and that's what I auRMS1lbZ3o-00042-00013658-00013991 want to teach you about this is amazing auRMS1lbZ3o-00043-00013993-00014503 awesome water ok so the properties of auRMS1lbZ3o-00044-00014504-00014850 the water actually first let me let me auRMS1lbZ3o-00045-00014851-00015040 continue to tell you of just a little auRMS1lbZ3o-00046-00015041-00015390 bit about me I am a father of six auRMS1lbZ3o-00047-00015391-00015630 amazing children and have a wonderful auRMS1lbZ3o-00048-00015631-00015988 life and I didn't always have great auRMS1lbZ3o-00049-00015988-00016300 relationships and I didn't always have a auRMS1lbZ3o-00050-00016301-00016516 wonderful marriage my marriage at first auRMS1lbZ3o-00051-00016517-00017050 was really rocky and it was I had all auRMS1lbZ3o-00052-00017051-00017355 kinds of issues internally I had anger auRMS1lbZ3o-00053-00017356-00017662 issues and I had control issues and I auRMS1lbZ3o-00054-00017663-00018049 had just some real real hard problems auRMS1lbZ3o-00055-00018050-00018292 there were times in my life when I auRMS1lbZ3o-00056-00018293-00018522 thought it would be better if I were to auRMS1lbZ3o-00057-00018523-00018828 die I thought it would be better for my auRMS1lbZ3o-00058-00018829-00019165 family if I were to die and I thought of auRMS1lbZ3o-00059-00019166-00019422 ways that I could kill myself so that I auRMS1lbZ3o-00060-00019423-00019803 could let them be better off well of auRMS1lbZ3o-00061-00019804-00020146 course those were lies and I had to auRMS1lbZ3o-00062-00020147-00020559 change I was changed when i started to i auRMS1lbZ3o-00063-00020560-00020758 always went to church I've always been auRMS1lbZ3o-00064-00020759-00020962 going to church but I needed to work auRMS1lbZ3o-00065-00020963-00021325 more on myself when I go to church you auRMS1lbZ3o-00066-00021326-00021600 work on your spiritual side but there auRMS1lbZ3o-00067-00021601-00021877 were physical sides and there were there auRMS1lbZ3o-00068-00021878-00022122 were mental sides that I wasn't auRMS1lbZ3o-00069-00022123-00022315 fulfilling and there were social things auRMS1lbZ3o-00070-00022316-00022519 that I wasn't fulfilling within me and auRMS1lbZ3o-00071-00022520-00022869 that was causing this anguish in his auRMS1lbZ3o-00072-00022870-00023344 pain that's why I started to go to a auRMS1lbZ3o-00073-00023345-00023692 personal life coach and I began to be auRMS1lbZ3o-00074-00023693-00023950 educated about the other areas of my auRMS1lbZ3o-00075-00023951-00024427 life that I wasn't really changing and auRMS1lbZ3o-00076-00024428-00024669 when I started to change those areas of auRMS1lbZ3o-00077-00024670-00025000 my life that's when I became super auRMS1lbZ3o-00078-00025001-00025359 healthier super healthier we're talking auRMS1lbZ3o-00079-00025360-00025837 I will explain more later with my mental auRMS1lbZ3o-00080-00025838-00025919 I still auRMS1lbZ3o-00081-00025920-00026261 to learn and loot and follow new auRMS1lbZ3o-00082-00026262-00026576 patterns and then my social life auRMS1lbZ3o-00083-00026577-00027032 improved and especially my emotional auRMS1lbZ3o-00084-00027033-00027436 life improved I really changed auRMS1lbZ3o-00085-00027437-00027814 emotionally I was able to quit being so auRMS1lbZ3o-00086-00027816-00028045 contentious I was able to quit auRMS1lbZ3o-00087-00028047-00028463 criticizing so much I was able to see auRMS1lbZ3o-00088-00028464-00028724 the great things in this world around me auRMS1lbZ3o-00089-00028725-00029185 and quit complaining about life so much auRMS1lbZ3o-00090-00029186-00029579 life is what we make of it and we make auRMS1lbZ3o-00091-00029580-00029825 things when we follow good healthy auRMS1lbZ3o-00092-00029826-00030170 habits think of a person who's building auRMS1lbZ3o-00093-00030170-00030593 a little tiny tower out of blocks those auRMS1lbZ3o-00094-00030594-00030914 are the building blocks of life when you auRMS1lbZ3o-00095-00030914-00031127 follow the patterns and you do things auRMS1lbZ3o-00096-00031127-00031511 correctly you can build a tall tower but auRMS1lbZ3o-00097-00031512-00031910 if you misplace a single block that will auRMS1lbZ3o-00098-00031911-00032186 put things out of balance and things auRMS1lbZ3o-00099-00032187-00032507 will topple the same thing for us in our auRMS1lbZ3o-00100-00032508-00032807 lives when we follow good healthy auRMS1lbZ3o-00101-00032808-00033206 patterns our life improves when we mess auRMS1lbZ3o-00102-00033207-00033650 up it comes crumbling back down and if auRMS1lbZ3o-00103-00033651-00033911 we mess up over and over again pretty auRMS1lbZ3o-00104-00033912-00034187 soon we have bad health we have bad auRMS1lbZ3o-00105-00034188-00034604 relationships we have bad finances we auRMS1lbZ3o-00106-00034605-00034892 have bad situations and that's the way auRMS1lbZ3o-00107-00034893-00035201 my life used to be my children didn't auRMS1lbZ3o-00108-00035202-00035381 like to work with me they didn't like to auRMS1lbZ3o-00109-00035382-00035531 be around me they didn't like to go on auRMS1lbZ3o-00110-00035532-00035801 vacation with me they didn't I had auRMS1lbZ3o-00111-00035802-00036215 issues and I can't blame them I only auRMS1lbZ3o-00112-00036216-00036395 looked to myself I'm the only one who auRMS1lbZ3o-00113-00036396-00036629 can change myself I'm sorry I'm going on auRMS1lbZ3o-00114-00036630-00036875 a long time on this but I want you to auRMS1lbZ3o-00115-00036876-00037211 know the importance of following good auRMS1lbZ3o-00116-00037212-00037604 routines following good habits and when auRMS1lbZ3o-00117-00037605-00037892 you find somebody who's successful you auRMS1lbZ3o-00118-00037893-00038150 need find somebody who's healthy you ask auRMS1lbZ3o-00119-00038151-00038576 them how do you do that and when you ask auRMS1lbZ3o-00120-00038577-00038924 them you receive the information with a auRMS1lbZ3o-00121-00038925-00039198 humble heart a teachable heart auRMS1lbZ3o-00122-00039199-00039576 a heart that can be molded and trained auRMS1lbZ3o-00123-00039577-00039936 to follow great principles and when you auRMS1lbZ3o-00124-00039937-00040131 do that that's when your life changes auRMS1lbZ3o-00125-00040132-00040539 and you become better our best example auRMS1lbZ3o-00126-00040540-00040767 that we follow is the Savior and he was auRMS1lbZ3o-00127-00040768-00041205 always sharing advice always teaching auRMS1lbZ3o-00128-00041206-00041466 people there were many chose to follow auRMS1lbZ3o-00129-00041467-00041757 the Savior the men who chose not to auRMS1lbZ3o-00130-00041758-00042159 follow the Savior same thing for us same auRMS1lbZ3o-00131-00042160-00042594 thing for us so what we do is we follow auRMS1lbZ3o-00132-00042595-00042867 that our Savior we follow the prophets auRMS1lbZ3o-00133-00042868-00043188 we follow the leaders who are showing us auRMS1lbZ3o-00134-00043189-00043566 the way and we become happier well as a auRMS1lbZ3o-00135-00043567-00043896 personal life coach I also train people auRMS1lbZ3o-00136-00043897-00044352 on how to be healthier and have better auRMS1lbZ3o-00137-00044353-00044565 relationships but but right now we're auRMS1lbZ3o-00138-00044566-00044790 going to talk about health because I am auRMS1lbZ3o-00139-00044791-00045150 sharing with you the amazing things that auRMS1lbZ3o-00140-00045151-00045357 I have learned from hydrogen rich and auRMS1lbZ3o-00141-00045358-00045627 then I call it hydrogen rich water but auRMS1lbZ3o-00142-00045628-00045917 it's actually enhanced with hydrogen it auRMS1lbZ3o-00143-00045918-00046185 hydrogen doesn't normally extra hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00144-00046186-00046449 doesn't normally stay in water it auRMS1lbZ3o-00145-00046450-00046794 evaporates out rather quickly yeah auRMS1lbZ3o-00146-00046795-00047046 there's hydrogen in water it's 820 I'm auRMS1lbZ3o-00147-00047047-00047525 aware of that but what about h2o with auRMS1lbZ3o-00148-00047526-00047913 extra h2 in it the molecule of hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00149-00047914-00048360 is held in by pressure once I open this auRMS1lbZ3o-00150-00048361-00048588 bottle that pressure will be released auRMS1lbZ3o-00151-00048589-00048804 and that hydrogen will start to auRMS1lbZ3o-00152-00048805-00049152 evaporate out if I drink it right away auRMS1lbZ3o-00153-00049153-00049536 the hydrogen is inside of my body and it auRMS1lbZ3o-00154-00049537-00049838 is released while it's inside of my body auRMS1lbZ3o-00155-00049839-00050169 hydrogen is a very if it's the smallest auRMS1lbZ3o-00156-00050170-00050568 atom on the periodic table is the auRMS1lbZ3o-00157-00050569-00050865 smallest and it can penetrate every cell auRMS1lbZ3o-00158-00050866-00051174 in my body whereas other antioxidants auRMS1lbZ3o-00159-00051175-00051666 are too large vitamin C cannot penetrate auRMS1lbZ3o-00160-00051666-00052071 through the mitochondrion inside the auRMS1lbZ3o-00161-00052072-00052364 cell it can't get inside of there and auRMS1lbZ3o-00162-00052365-00052536 neutralize any free auRMS1lbZ3o-00163-00052537-00052770 radicals that are damaging that cell it auRMS1lbZ3o-00164-00052771-00053141 can vitamin c and other antioxidants auRMS1lbZ3o-00165-00053141-00053454 cannot pass through the blood-brain auRMS1lbZ3o-00166-00053454-00053823 barrier the blood-brain barrier is a auRMS1lbZ3o-00167-00053824-00054078 barrier that protects our brain and our auRMS1lbZ3o-00168-00054079-00054324 nervous system our spinal cord and other auRMS1lbZ3o-00169-00054325-00054978 nerve parts from toxins if toxins could auRMS1lbZ3o-00170-00054979-00055172 get through that blood brain barrier auRMS1lbZ3o-00171-00055173-00055697 they would attack the nervous system so auRMS1lbZ3o-00172-00055698-00056037 the blood-brain barrier is a protective auRMS1lbZ3o-00173-00056038-00056238 shield that keeps everything out auRMS1lbZ3o-00174-00056239-00056691 including all other antioxidants they're auRMS1lbZ3o-00175-00056691-00056928 too big their molecules that are too big auRMS1lbZ3o-00176-00056929-00057341 but hydrogen is small enough that it can auRMS1lbZ3o-00177-00057342-00057534 pass through that blood brain barrier auRMS1lbZ3o-00178-00057535-00057830 and it can neutralize those free auRMS1lbZ3o-00179-00057832-00058362 radicals the thing about it all of these auRMS1lbZ3o-00180-00058363-00058730 medical studies have actually only auRMS1lbZ3o-00181-00058732-00059129 really been done since 2007 in 2007 auRMS1lbZ3o-00182-00059130-00059424 there was one study published in an auRMS1lbZ3o-00183-00059425-00059744 American Journal then then there were auRMS1lbZ3o-00184-00059745-00059951 the next year there were more studies auRMS1lbZ3o-00185-00059952-00060291 done 34 then the next year that doubled auRMS1lbZ3o-00186-00060291-00060526 been doubled it then the year after that auRMS1lbZ3o-00187-00060527-00060936 increased exponentially and today when auRMS1lbZ3o-00188-00060937-00061076 this actually when this book was put auRMS1lbZ3o-00189-00061077-00061364 together there were over 500 studies auRMS1lbZ3o-00190-00061365-00061641 verifying the health benefits of auRMS1lbZ3o-00191-00061641-00062069 molecular hydrogen and since I put this auRMS1lbZ3o-00192-00062070-00062282 book together now there's another 200 auRMS1lbZ3o-00193-00062283-00062562 now there's over 700 I've predict it auRMS1lbZ3o-00194-00062563-00062826 next year that will double to 1400 and auRMS1lbZ3o-00195-00062827-00063234 even more why is it going like crazy auRMS1lbZ3o-00196-00063235-00063805 because it's so powerful hydrogen well auRMS1lbZ3o-00197-00063807-00064112 for I have so many things to tell you auRMS1lbZ3o-00198-00064113-00064379 let me first tell you about this book auRMS1lbZ3o-00199-00064379-00064686 it's helped people with allergies with auRMS1lbZ3o-00200-00064687-00064875 their blood diseases bone diseases auRMS1lbZ3o-00201-00064876-00065154 cancer look at all these articles each auRMS1lbZ3o-00202-00065154-00065397 one talking about the benefits of auRMS1lbZ3o-00203-00065398-00065756 hydrogen cardiovascular benefits look at auRMS1lbZ3o-00204-00065757-00065853 all these article auRMS1lbZ3o-00205-00065854-00066201 benefiting your cardiovascular and these auRMS1lbZ3o-00206-00066202-00066464 are scientific studies that are done auRMS1lbZ3o-00207-00066465-00066992 proving that hydrogen has benefited auRMS1lbZ3o-00208-00066993-00067482 individuals who have issues with those auRMS1lbZ3o-00209-00067483-00067743 problems cell protection is helped with auRMS1lbZ3o-00210-00067744-00068037 exercise I love this one because now I auRMS1lbZ3o-00211-00068038-00068523 feel better diabetes eyes and ear got auRMS1lbZ3o-00212-00068524-00068879 issues immune system issues inflammation auRMS1lbZ3o-00213-00068880-00069144 look at all these studies that that have auRMS1lbZ3o-00214-00069145-00069470 really helped kidney issues liver issues auRMS1lbZ3o-00215-00069471-00069783 lung issues it goes on and on and on and auRMS1lbZ3o-00216-00069784-00070443 on okay now why and how is hydrogen so auRMS1lbZ3o-00217-00070444-00070748 popular why and how is it so powerful auRMS1lbZ3o-00218-00070749-00071162 well let me tell you when you take auRMS1lbZ3o-00219-00071163-00071508 vitamin C as an antioxidant it doesn't auRMS1lbZ3o-00220-00071509-00071979 discriminate between good free radicals auRMS1lbZ3o-00221-00071980-00072486 and bad free radicals so in a body we auRMS1lbZ3o-00222-00072487-00073089 have bacteria and we have this bacterium auRMS1lbZ3o-00223-00073090-00073401 needs to be killed interestingly enough auRMS1lbZ3o-00224-00073402-00073809 a free radical kills bacteria but it auRMS1lbZ3o-00225-00073810-00074394 also kills healthy cells so a free auRMS1lbZ3o-00226-00074395-00074553 radical couldn't be things like auRMS1lbZ3o-00227-00074554-00074805 radiation when you're giving radiation auRMS1lbZ3o-00228-00074806-00075132 therapy for cancer it can be there's auRMS1lbZ3o-00229-00075133-00075369 lots of different things that cause free auRMS1lbZ3o-00230-00075370-00075672 radicals in fact in our society we have auRMS1lbZ3o-00231-00075673-00076074 way too many free radicals it's that our auRMS1lbZ3o-00232-00076075-00076428 diet we're eating unhealthy food so we auRMS1lbZ3o-00233-00076429-00076809 eat we need to eat more antioxidants auRMS1lbZ3o-00234-00076810-00077145 well let me say free radicals oxidize us auRMS1lbZ3o-00235-00077146-00077430 free radicals damage ourselves they auRMS1lbZ3o-00236-00077431-00077667 damage the bacteria they also damaged auRMS1lbZ3o-00237-00077668-00078111 our healthy cells so free radicals do auRMS1lbZ3o-00238-00078112-00078540 some good they also do some damage when auRMS1lbZ3o-00239-00078541-00078834 we oxidize that means we're aging and auRMS1lbZ3o-00240-00078835-00079086 when we're aging auRMS1lbZ3o-00241-00079087-00079425 we don't heal as quickly because we're auRMS1lbZ3o-00242-00079426-00079644 aging if we could slow down the aging auRMS1lbZ3o-00243-00079645-00079885 process then our body could catch up and auRMS1lbZ3o-00244-00079886-00080266 it could heal quicker from diseases from auRMS1lbZ3o-00245-00080267-00080757 illnesses from cancer from diabetes from auRMS1lbZ3o-00246-00080758-00081148 damage from exercising so much we can auRMS1lbZ3o-00247-00081149-00081499 heal faster with antioxidants so people auRMS1lbZ3o-00248-00081500-00081685 have known about antioxidants they know auRMS1lbZ3o-00249-00081686-00082009 how valuable bowl of blueberries is it's auRMS1lbZ3o-00250-00082010-00082293 really valuable and they know how good auRMS1lbZ3o-00251-00082294-00082637 vitamin C is it's really valuable auRMS1lbZ3o-00252-00082638-00082929 they've done hi are they done auRMS1lbZ3o-00253-00082930-00083290 antioxidant therapy and antioxidant auRMS1lbZ3o-00254-00083291-00083582 therapy when you take vitamin C it auRMS1lbZ3o-00255-00083583-00084309 doesn't discriminate between the the bad auRMS1lbZ3o-00256-00084310-00084679 antioxidants know the bad oxidants that auRMS1lbZ3o-00257-00084680-00084946 are killing healthy cells and the good auRMS1lbZ3o-00258-00084947-00085210 oxidants that are killing the bacteria auRMS1lbZ3o-00259-00085211-00085830 it it it neutralizes all of those auRMS1lbZ3o-00260-00085831-00086325 oxidants so you can't really just rely auRMS1lbZ3o-00261-00086326-00086694 on antioxidants to heal the body because auRMS1lbZ3o-00262-00086695-00086991 you're killing the good and the bad both auRMS1lbZ3o-00263-00086992-00087375 although interestingly enough that's auRMS1lbZ3o-00264-00087376-00087690 what makes hydrogen so powerful auRMS1lbZ3o-00265-00087691-00087886 scientists haven't been able to figure auRMS1lbZ3o-00266-00087887-00088218 out why yet but they have been figure it auRMS1lbZ3o-00267-00088219-00088485 they have figured out that it does auRMS1lbZ3o-00268-00088486-00089224 hydrogen only kills the it all I'm sick auRMS1lbZ3o-00269-00089225-00089379 heels it doesn't kill anything it auRMS1lbZ3o-00270-00089380-00089832 neutralizes hydrogen only neutralizes auRMS1lbZ3o-00271-00089833-00090150 the free radicals that damage our auRMS1lbZ3o-00272-00090151-00090675 healthy cells hydrogen does not slow auRMS1lbZ3o-00273-00090676-00091147 down or neutralize the antioxidants that auRMS1lbZ3o-00274-00091148-00091774 are there toots to kill the bacteria so auRMS1lbZ3o-00275-00091775-00092193 the bacteria still dies the bacteria auRMS1lbZ3o-00276-00092194-00092376 still gets auRMS1lbZ3o-00277-00092377-00092838 killed when you're drinking auRMS1lbZ3o-00278-00092839-00093229 hydrogen-rich water or hydrogen enhanced auRMS1lbZ3o-00279-00093230-00093634 water and that is what makes hydrogen so auRMS1lbZ3o-00280-00093635-00094060 amazing you cannot overdose on drinking auRMS1lbZ3o-00281-00094061-00094204 hydrogen unless you're drinking too much auRMS1lbZ3o-00282-00094205-00094519 water which I guess you could drink too auRMS1lbZ3o-00283-00094520-00094923 much water although there have been auRMS1lbZ3o-00284-00094924-00095206 people and might one of my coaches auRMS1lbZ3o-00285-00095207-00095515 drinks two gallons of hydrogen enhanced auRMS1lbZ3o-00286-00095516-00095806 water a day and that's amazing and they auRMS1lbZ3o-00287-00095807-00096112 drink that much regularly I drink about auRMS1lbZ3o-00288-00096113-00096352 a gallon of hydrogen enhanced water a auRMS1lbZ3o-00289-00096353-00096643 day and I am totally healthy and totally auRMS1lbZ3o-00290-00096644-00097044 happy so I want to show you and auRMS1lbZ3o-00291-00097045-00097303 hopefully you'll be into drinking this auRMS1lbZ3o-00292-00097304-00097480 dude check this out you can see all the auRMS1lbZ3o-00293-00097481-00097744 little hydrogen bubbles in there now auRMS1lbZ3o-00294-00097745-00097996 there's not a lot growing right now but auRMS1lbZ3o-00295-00097997-00098167 check this out i'm going to open it now auRMS1lbZ3o-00296-00098168-00098296 there will be a little pop because it's auRMS1lbZ3o-00297-00098297-00098521 under pressure so i'm a hold onto the auRMS1lbZ3o-00298-00098522-00098878 lid so it doesn't pop too loud mmm that auRMS1lbZ3o-00299-00098879-00099154 did pop much at all what happened anyway auRMS1lbZ3o-00300-00099155-00099346 maybe cuz i was holding a lid alright auRMS1lbZ3o-00301-00099347-00099667 the point is is that you can see now all auRMS1lbZ3o-00302-00099668-00099916 these bubbles coming up to the top you auRMS1lbZ3o-00303-00099917-00100165 can see them all bubbling at the top I'm auRMS1lbZ3o-00304-00100166-00100429 letting my hydrogen now oh no I better auRMS1lbZ3o-00305-00100430-00100612 hurry up and drink it for it all gets auRMS1lbZ3o-00306-00100613-00100927 away because I love my hydrogen so I got auRMS1lbZ3o-00307-00100928-00101155 my little cup here and I'm gonna pour it auRMS1lbZ3o-00308-00101156-00101871 out and I'm gonna drink it and I love it auRMS1lbZ3o-00309-00101872-00102267 so this is the routine that I use I auRMS1lbZ3o-00310-00102268-00102598 drink one of these as soon as I get up I auRMS1lbZ3o-00311-00102599-00102925 take another one about five or ten auRMS1lbZ3o-00312-00102926-00103165 minutes later and you might think oh boy auRMS1lbZ3o-00313-00103166-00103339 your stomach's going to be really full auRMS1lbZ3o-00314-00103340-00103540 and sluggish but not when you're auRMS1lbZ3o-00315-00103541-00103798 drinking this hydrogen enhanced water auRMS1lbZ3o-00316-00103799-00103993 not when you've left it in the bottle auRMS1lbZ3o-00317-00103994-00104275 long enough to turn it alkaline alkaline auRMS1lbZ3o-00318-00104276-00104503 absorb so much quicker into the auRMS1lbZ3o-00319-00104504-00104752 bloodstream so much quicker into your auRMS1lbZ3o-00320-00104753-00105130 body not when you create it like this auRMS1lbZ3o-00321-00105131-00105597 its micro clustered and it auRMS1lbZ3o-00322-00105598-00105899 in a norm that your body really auRMS1lbZ3o-00323-00105900-00107064 appreciates I love it before the last auRMS1lbZ3o-00324-00107065-00107711 drop okay so what I want is to Train auRMS1lbZ3o-00325-00107713-00107946 everybody about this this is going to be auRMS1lbZ3o-00326-00107947-00108246 and if there have been predictions that auRMS1lbZ3o-00327-00108247-00108560 one day coca-cola and Pepsi are going to auRMS1lbZ3o-00328-00108561-00108807 be bottling this stuff in cans and auRMS1lbZ3o-00329-00108808-00109010 selling it from their vending machines auRMS1lbZ3o-00330-00109011-00109278 why would they do that because the auRMS1lbZ3o-00331-00109279-00109518 people are demanding it not because auRMS1lbZ3o-00332-00109519-00109733 coca-cola and Pepsi really care about auRMS1lbZ3o-00333-00109734-00109961 our health but because the people are auRMS1lbZ3o-00334-00109963-00110214 demanding it that's how popular this is auRMS1lbZ3o-00335-00110215-00110556 going to be there's tons of articles if auRMS1lbZ3o-00336-00110557-00110810 you know where to look on the miracle of auRMS1lbZ3o-00337-00110811-00111120 molecular hydrogen there's tons of auRMS1lbZ3o-00338-00111121-00111363 doctors who are now starting to auRMS1lbZ3o-00339-00111364-00111633 recognize there's not a lot in America auRMS1lbZ3o-00340-00111633-00111779 most of the doctors that are really auRMS1lbZ3o-00341-00111780-00112103 studying in Japan in fact almost all of auRMS1lbZ3o-00342-00112104-00112334 these studies have been done in Japan auRMS1lbZ3o-00343-00112335-00112690 they really care about longevity and auRMS1lbZ3o-00344-00112691-00113231 long-term results of prevention whereas auRMS1lbZ3o-00345-00113232-00113523 there's a lot of doctors or let's just auRMS1lbZ3o-00346-00113524-00113715 say the medical system i'm not going to auRMS1lbZ3o-00347-00113716-00113898 blame anybody i'm i'm just going to say auRMS1lbZ3o-00348-00113899-00114209 the medical system in america is more auRMS1lbZ3o-00349-00114210-00114498 designed that if there's not appeal or auRMS1lbZ3o-00350-00114499-00114785 an instant tour the people aren't auRMS1lbZ3o-00351-00114786-00115079 satisfied and this is not an instant auRMS1lbZ3o-00352-00115080-00115310 cure it's something that happens when auRMS1lbZ3o-00353-00115311-00115548 your body changes over time your body auRMS1lbZ3o-00354-00115549-00115883 heals over time your body get the water auRMS1lbZ3o-00355-00115884-00116183 that it needs and it changes over time auRMS1lbZ3o-00356-00116183-00116499 so there's not an instant reaction it's auRMS1lbZ3o-00357-00116500-00116733 not like picking an advil and stopping auRMS1lbZ3o-00358-00116733-00116984 the headache it's more like drinking auRMS1lbZ3o-00359-00116985-00117174 your water and preventing the headache auRMS1lbZ3o-00360-00117175-00117531 in the first place that's what this is auRMS1lbZ3o-00361-00117532-00117866 doing for people who drink it all the auRMS1lbZ3o-00362-00117867-00118149 time and when you drink it you're going auRMS1lbZ3o-00363-00118150-00118356 to start seeing your body change some of auRMS1lbZ3o-00364-00118357-00118647 the changes that I've had in my body are auRMS1lbZ3o-00365-00118648-00118878 I actually heard elated auRMS1lbZ3o-00366-00118879-00119196 disk when I was 28 years old and since auRMS1lbZ3o-00367-00119197-00119430 that time i got struggled with back auRMS1lbZ3o-00368-00119431-00119721 pains I've struggled with a numbness auRMS1lbZ3o-00369-00119722-00120156 down my leg and I just struggled you auRMS1lbZ3o-00370-00120157-00120330 know ya gotta wake up in the morning and auRMS1lbZ3o-00371-00120331-00120522 gotta work out the kinks before you even auRMS1lbZ3o-00372-00120523-00120873 feel like exercising and then I had to auRMS1lbZ3o-00373-00120874-00121160 wear orthotics in my shoes because I my auRMS1lbZ3o-00374-00121161-00121743 feet just ate from standing and um I had auRMS1lbZ3o-00375-00121744-00122030 to I had to what glasses had to get my auRMS1lbZ3o-00376-00122031-00122283 prescriptions filled and and all these auRMS1lbZ3o-00377-00122283-00122448 things were happening just because I was auRMS1lbZ3o-00378-00122449-00122783 aging so I was aging like normal and auRMS1lbZ3o-00379-00122784-00122976 people said that that's normal and auRMS1lbZ3o-00380-00122977-00123509 that's the way it is and then 18 months auRMS1lbZ3o-00381-00123510-00123750 ago I was introduced to hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00382-00123751-00124053 enhanced water I started to drink auRMS1lbZ3o-00383-00124054-00124368 hydrogen enhanced water my body started auRMS1lbZ3o-00384-00124369-00124680 to pretty cool it was amazing I would auRMS1lbZ3o-00385-00124681-00124821 get up in the mornings and I was like auRMS1lbZ3o-00386-00124822-00125124 wow I I don't have to bring those old auRMS1lbZ3o-00387-00125125-00125430 in my shoes anymore Wow I don't auRMS1lbZ3o-00388-00125431-00125759 feel I don't sit it wasn't like auRMS1lbZ3o-00389-00125760-00126000 overnight but but I wake up and it's auRMS1lbZ3o-00390-00126001-00126335 like I feel like exercising I don't have auRMS1lbZ3o-00391-00126336-00126624 to work out the kinks anymore I I don't auRMS1lbZ3o-00392-00126625-00126867 feel the back pain like I used to feel auRMS1lbZ3o-00393-00126868-00127233 it and then praise him the most amazing auRMS1lbZ3o-00394-00127233-00127428 thing for me and everybody's results are auRMS1lbZ3o-00395-00127429-00127617 different and everybody is different auRMS1lbZ3o-00396-00127618-00127803 because everybody's bodies different but auRMS1lbZ3o-00397-00127804-00128154 for me what was so amazing was when I auRMS1lbZ3o-00398-00128155-00128607 picked up my book and I opened the pages auRMS1lbZ3o-00399-00128608-00129102 and I could read the words without my auRMS1lbZ3o-00400-00129103-00129615 glasses that was like unheard of how did auRMS1lbZ3o-00401-00129616-00129923 that happen and I was like this is auRMS1lbZ3o-00402-00129924-00130215 incredible of reading without my glasses auRMS1lbZ3o-00403-00130216-00130722 and I was so happy that's what I knew auRMS1lbZ3o-00404-00130723-00131091 that drinking the hydrogen enhanced auRMS1lbZ3o-00405-00131092-00131292 water was helping me now I'm not auRMS1lbZ3o-00406-00131293-00131520 guaranteeing that I'll never have to auRMS1lbZ3o-00407-00131521-00131772 wear glasses again in the future but it auRMS1lbZ3o-00408-00131773-00132137 was incredible but my eyesight auRMS1lbZ3o-00409-00132138-00132524 better and started to change it was auRMS1lbZ3o-00410-00132525-00133124 incredible so for you it's possible but auRMS1lbZ3o-00411-00133125-00133358 no matter what's going on with your life auRMS1lbZ3o-00412-00133359-00133760 you can change as well I would HIGHLY auRMS1lbZ3o-00413-00133761-00134015 encourage you to put yourself on a daily auRMS1lbZ3o-00414-00134016-00134299 routine I say daily routine because auRMS1lbZ3o-00415-00134300-00134781 that's what successful people do they auRMS1lbZ3o-00416-00134782-00135277 perform successful actions every day auRMS1lbZ3o-00417-00135278-00135749 over and over again and when you perform auRMS1lbZ3o-00418-00135750-00136044 successful actions over again you build auRMS1lbZ3o-00419-00136045-00136472 the blocks and they stand tall and you auRMS1lbZ3o-00420-00136473-00136838 are you become successful financially auRMS1lbZ3o-00421-00136839-00136982 you become successful in your auRMS1lbZ3o-00422-00136983-00137162 relationships you've become successful auRMS1lbZ3o-00423-00137163-00137408 in your healthier body you become auRMS1lbZ3o-00424-00137409-00137714 successful in your in your mind and in auRMS1lbZ3o-00425-00137715-00138008 your spirit and things begin to work out auRMS1lbZ3o-00426-00138009-00138374 and that is what happens when you put auRMS1lbZ3o-00427-00138375-00138553 yourself on a routine so I'm suggesting auRMS1lbZ3o-00428-00138554-00138843 that you put yourself on a routine of auRMS1lbZ3o-00429-00138844-00139218 drinking hydrogen enhanced water try a auRMS1lbZ3o-00430-00139219-00139508 bottle a day once you get a bottle of auRMS1lbZ3o-00431-00139509-00139802 day down get another bottle start auRMS1lbZ3o-00432-00139803-00140107 drinking two bottles a day work it up to auRMS1lbZ3o-00433-00140108-00140423 56 and I'm up to eight bottles a day auRMS1lbZ3o-00434-00140424-00140777 that's a full gallon a day of hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00435-00140778-00141335 enhanced water things change I want to auRMS1lbZ3o-00436-00141336-00141673 talk a little bit about progression auRMS1lbZ3o-00437-00141674-00142289 years ago my grandparents crossed the auRMS1lbZ3o-00438-00142290-00142811 plains in hand carts you know that was a auRMS1lbZ3o-00439-00142812-00143126 trying time to have to pull all of your auRMS1lbZ3o-00440-00143127-00143588 belongings in a handcart and things were auRMS1lbZ3o-00441-00143589-00143873 tough just like today things are tough auRMS1lbZ3o-00442-00143874-00144377 for us we have obesity we have multiple auRMS1lbZ3o-00443-00144378-00144715 sclerosis we have cancer we have auRMS1lbZ3o-00444-00144716-00145061 diabetes we have all these tough things auRMS1lbZ3o-00445-00145062-00145331 are really difficult well they had a auRMS1lbZ3o-00446-00145332-00145416 tough time auRMS1lbZ3o-00447-00145417-00145754 and pull the hand cart across the plains auRMS1lbZ3o-00448-00145755-00146139 well just a few years later 20 years or auRMS1lbZ3o-00449-00146140-00146514 so a railroad was brought in and the auRMS1lbZ3o-00450-00146515-00146853 people could travel on that railroad and auRMS1lbZ3o-00451-00146854-00147082 that was amazing that you could cross in auRMS1lbZ3o-00452-00147083-00147472 just a few days rather than a few rather auRMS1lbZ3o-00453-00147473-00147836 than a few months and then later auRMS1lbZ3o-00454-00147837-00148053 automobiles were invented if you could auRMS1lbZ3o-00455-00148054-00148368 drive and then a few years later auRMS1lbZ3o-00456-00148369-00148785 airplanes were invented and you can fly auRMS1lbZ3o-00457-00148786-00149056 and now in just a few hours you can auRMS1lbZ3o-00458-00149057-00149529 travel what took them months progression auRMS1lbZ3o-00459-00149530-00149814 is happening for us as well we have all auRMS1lbZ3o-00460-00149815-00150039 these problems we have diabetes cancer auRMS1lbZ3o-00461-00150040-00150331 multiple sclerosis obesity all these auRMS1lbZ3o-00462-00150332-00150852 problems a vehicle is now provided that auRMS1lbZ3o-00463-00150853-00151359 we can change our health the vehicle is auRMS1lbZ3o-00464-00151360-00151870 hydrogen enhanced water I'm inviting you auRMS1lbZ3o-00465-00151871-00152320 to study it out I'm inviting you to auRMS1lbZ3o-00466-00152321-00152760 start practicing it start drinking it be auRMS1lbZ3o-00467-00152761-00153007 one of the first in your group of auRMS1lbZ3o-00468-00153008-00153300 friends that is drinking hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00469-00153301-00153646 enhanced water and when you start auRMS1lbZ3o-00470-00153647-00153828 feeling great they're going to ask you auRMS1lbZ3o-00471-00153829-00154035 what are you doing how are you losing auRMS1lbZ3o-00472-00154036-00154424 weight how are you feeling so great and auRMS1lbZ3o-00473-00154425-00154689 when you share it with them they will be auRMS1lbZ3o-00474-00154690-00155044 eternally grateful to you for sharing auRMS1lbZ3o-00475-00155045-00155438 this hydrogen enhanced water with them auRMS1lbZ3o-00476-00155439-00155739 my name is Keith already personal life auRMS1lbZ3o-00477-00155740-00156066 coach trainer relationship specialist auRMS1lbZ3o-00478-00156067-00156390 and health advisor I'm advising you to auRMS1lbZ3o-00479-00156391-00156639 get healthier by drinking hydrogen auRMS1lbZ3o-00480-00156640-00157234 enhanced water thank you auRMS1lbZ3o-00481-00157235-00157441 you avxKmzBD2og-00000-00000077-00000311 [Music] avxKmzBD2og-00001-00000312-00000415 oh wow avxKmzBD2og-00002-00000416-00000567 oh avxKmzBD2og-00003-00000568-00000862 oh avxKmzBD2og-00004-00000863-00001103 yeah avxKmzBD2og-00005-00001104-00001327 can we turn that off yeah avxKmzBD2og-00006-00001328-00001478 but whoa avxKmzBD2og-00007-00001479-00003063 butt avxKmzBD2og-00008-00003064-00003527 this [__] lizard is my arch nemesis avxKmzBD2og-00009-00003528-00003815 one hp cool one hp cool avxKmzBD2og-00010-00003815-00005438 one hp cool um avxKmzBD2og-00011-00005439-00005591 this isn't exactly one of those videos avxKmzBD2og-00012-00005592-00005806 that you can leave on and do your work avxKmzBD2og-00013-00005807-00005967 because the commentary is soothing avxKmzBD2og-00014-00005968-00006231 you're just gonna hear avxKmzBD2og-00015-00006232-00006383 unless you are somehow i don't know how avxKmzBD2og-00016-00006384-00007231 you would do that but avxKmzBD2og-00017-00007231-00007639 explode avxKmzBD2og-00018-00007640-00007839 good avxKmzBD2og-00019-00007840-00008087 oh avxKmzBD2og-00020-00008088-00008759 oh oh good survived dual wield nice work avxKmzBD2og-00021-00008760-00008959 yeah yeah follow him down into the avxKmzBD2og-00022-00008960-00009199 suicide pit follow him down into the avxKmzBD2og-00023-00009200-00009895 suicide pit avxKmzBD2og-00024-00009896-00010455 ah excuse me avxKmzBD2og-00025-00010456-00011255 you couldn't even couldn't even do that avxKmzBD2og-00026-00011256-00011878 [__] avxKmzBD2og-00027-00011879-00012470 yeah yeah hold the quad for two seconds avxKmzBD2og-00028-00012471-00013991 crush avxKmzBD2og-00029-00013991-00014207 oh just gonna die i was gonna hang out avxKmzBD2og-00030-00014208-00014630 near the quad man avxKmzBD2og-00031-00014631-00014830 yeah stand on the fire avxKmzBD2og-00032-00014831-00014983 like sephiroth avxKmzBD2og-00033-00014984-00015263 yeah be cool in the fire avxKmzBD2og-00034-00015263-00015655 oh god whoa avxKmzBD2og-00035-00015656-00015956 [__] avCRqEu1kiU-00000-00000005-00000703 welcome all right so we got eggs today avCRqEu1kiU-00001-00000704-00001022 we're gonna focus mainly on some quads avCRqEu1kiU-00002-00001023-00001265 I've been slacking on quads I hit a lot avCRqEu1kiU-00003-00001266-00001474 of like I feel like I've been hitting a avCRqEu1kiU-00004-00001475-00001714 lot of just hamstring stuff lately and avCRqEu1kiU-00005-00001716-00001907 glutes because I suck at those two avCRqEu1kiU-00006-00001907-00002209 things and my quads are like just avCRqEu1kiU-00007-00002210-00002480 falling off you know and this is good avCRqEu1kiU-00008-00002481-00002648 because now I can start back with some avCRqEu1kiU-00009-00002649-00003029 basic with the basic but the lip put avCRqEu1kiU-00010-00003030-00003488 some basic then with some basic quad avCRqEu1kiU-00011-00003489-00003715 training for you guys gamers the game is avCRqEu1kiU-00012-00003717-00003959 you already know we got a train legs if avCRqEu1kiU-00013-00003960-00004156 you want to get big to look nice if you avCRqEu1kiU-00014-00004157-00004306 want to look good if you want to get avCRqEu1kiU-00015-00004307-00004691 grades you gotta train quads you got avCRqEu1kiU-00016-00004692-00005177 train legs periods okay if you look if avCRqEu1kiU-00017-00005178-00005647 you want to be the baddest mofo in the avCRqEu1kiU-00018-00005648-00006118 gym you've got to train twice you've got avCRqEu1kiU-00019-00006119-00006706 a trait licks it gonna okay you're not avCRqEu1kiU-00020-00006708-00007216 going to come into this domain and not avCRqEu1kiU-00021-00007217-00007673 hit lower body because you know what avCRqEu1kiU-00022-00007673-00007789 that means avCRqEu1kiU-00023-00007790-00008309 we don't allow be its newest amen let's avCRqEu1kiU-00024-00008310-00008393 go avCRqEu1kiU-00025-00008394-00008559 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00026-00008560-00008851 of course my life matters to me but not avCRqEu1kiU-00027-00008852-00009274 just mine everyone's don't fear failure avCRqEu1kiU-00028-00009275-00009520 it's all is true today as when you were avCRqEu1kiU-00029-00009521-00009761 12 avCRqEu1kiU-00030-00009762-00010466 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00031-00010467-00010974 so something to add in as I hit these avCRqEu1kiU-00032-00010975-00011316 leg extensions leg extensions aren't avCRqEu1kiU-00033-00011317-00011742 very new safe they aren't really good to avCRqEu1kiU-00034-00011743-00012195 use but I want to do them today so I'm avCRqEu1kiU-00035-00012196-00012456 gonna do them but when I say using it avCRqEu1kiU-00036-00012457-00012612 when it comes to leg extensions I don't avCRqEu1kiU-00037-00012613-00012744 go all the way up and hold it I see a avCRqEu1kiU-00038-00012745-00012872 lot of people go all the way up there avCRqEu1kiU-00039-00012874-00013068 trying to get that squeeze like no this avCRqEu1kiU-00040-00013069-00013287 is more so a blood pump for me so I'm avCRqEu1kiU-00041-00013288-00013503 kind of like pulsing it you know maybe avCRqEu1kiU-00042-00013504-00013749 it's a little bit past halfway and avCRqEu1kiU-00043-00013750-00013919 that's what I'm gonna do right here avCRqEu1kiU-00044-00013920-00014109 we're going to do five sets of 20 reps avCRqEu1kiU-00045-00014110-00014565 to get these bad boys Axl you want some avCRqEu1kiU-00046-00014566-00014969 actual quads remember accent from from avCRqEu1kiU-00047-00014969-00015366 twisted metal and I'm Axl or the big avCRqEu1kiU-00048-00015366-00015491 wheels you only know the clowns avCRqEu1kiU-00049-00015493-00015750 sweet tooth relax with the black doing avCRqEu1kiU-00050-00015751-00015894 he was literally the only black dude in avCRqEu1kiU-00051-00015894-00016071 the game what's the matter was too dark avCRqEu1kiU-00052-00016072-00016224 for me yeah there's got way too dark for avCRqEu1kiU-00053-00016225-00016533 me bro III got scared to play black like avCRqEu1kiU-00054-00016534-00016815 I play black and like who although he's avCRqEu1kiU-00055-00016816-00017031 playing a story boat and then like this avCRqEu1kiU-00056-00017032-00017259 chick got murdered at her wedding or avCRqEu1kiU-00057-00017260-00017307 something avCRqEu1kiU-00058-00017308-00017463 I think sweet keith was the one that avCRqEu1kiU-00059-00017464-00017628 murdered her husband at the wedding and avCRqEu1kiU-00060-00017629-00017819 I'm like yo this is crazy avCRqEu1kiU-00061-00017820-00018111 this is some and then they stopped and avCRqEu1kiU-00062-00018112-00018336 they got award and then they all have to avCRqEu1kiU-00063-00018337-00018693 say people yeah what I feel like twisted avCRqEu1kiU-00064-00018694-00018922 metal avCRqEu1kiU-00065-00018923-00019211 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00066-00019212-00019483 see how I'm going three right here for avCRqEu1kiU-00067-00019484-00020453 if I keep my toes up six seventy eighty avCRqEu1kiU-00068-00020454-00020897 ninety it's funny nice and easy and then avCRqEu1kiU-00069-00020898-00021527 we'll do ten air squats to same ballet avCRqEu1kiU-00070-00021528-00021808 squats this is going to hit those inner avCRqEu1kiU-00071-00021809-00022856 inner thighs to the teardrop avCRqEu1kiU-00072-00022857-00023353 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00073-00023354-00023605 I am so done with chick-fil-a oh I don't avCRqEu1kiU-00074-00023606-00023789 know I was praising it in an extreme avCRqEu1kiU-00075-00023790-00024032 while ago and in the last two avCRqEu1kiU-00076-00024033-00024236 chick-fil-a tell us the story of the avCRqEu1kiU-00077-00024237-00024997 pizza Oh today yo uh leftover pizza avCRqEu1kiU-00078-00024998-00025202 brown it was funny as that pizza was in avCRqEu1kiU-00079-00025203-00025433 this gym earlier today I started my avCRqEu1kiU-00080-00025434-00025615 Twitter stream let's slash at avCRqEu1kiU-00081-00025616-00025783 the aftermath whoa avCRqEu1kiU-00082-00025785-00026128 yeah damn houses Bert I found like who avCRqEu1kiU-00083-00026129-00026290 cookie like who the hell burning avCRqEu1kiU-00084-00026291-00026525 something in my house sure enough it was avCRqEu1kiU-00085-00026526-00026987 me thank you thank you it's my second avCRqEu1kiU-00086-00026988-00027131 leg workout today are they training avCRqEu1kiU-00087-00027132-00027222 everything twice a day avCRqEu1kiU-00088-00027223-00028619 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00089-00028620-00029264 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00090-00029266-00030083 how you walking like this that's a new avCRqEu1kiU-00091-00030085-00030645 dance right there step daddy come on avCRqEu1kiU-00092-00030645-00031230 girl hey make sure y'all grab my don't avCRqEu1kiU-00093-00031231-00031455 touch verse man you know I'm saying ever avCRqEu1kiU-00094-00031456-00031686 like me push you on it boy I want to avCRqEu1kiU-00095-00031687-00031958 sell you destroy town so grab it avCRqEu1kiU-00096-00031959-00032237 it's nice sister drip they already know avCRqEu1kiU-00097-00032238-00032358 if you want the drip you got to be the avCRqEu1kiU-00098-00032358-00032655 drift and the drip is this all black out avCRqEu1kiU-00099-00032656-00032835 for clothing we make the best quality avCRqEu1kiU-00100-00032836-00033149 gear in the industry point-blank that's avCRqEu1kiU-00101-00033150-00033452 what makes all of my stuff caught that avCRqEu1kiU-00102-00033453-00033789 link in the bio you do that you get this avCRqEu1kiU-00103-00033790-00034121 you go me you walk like that I'll bet avCRqEu1kiU-00104-00034122-00034545 you your jump cross haha let you look avCRqEu1kiU-00105-00034546-00034854 Daniel you do that well blacked out even avCRqEu1kiU-00106-00034855-00035298 the shorts alpha let's go ha I know got avCRqEu1kiU-00107-00035299-00035530 music open let's go avCRqEu1kiU-00108-00035531-00036445 ah I lost definition my legs avCRqEu1kiU-00109-00036446-00036875 my small mistakes avCRqEu1kiU-00110-00036876-00037662 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00111-00037663-00039981 Oh turn your legs take heart take heart avCRqEu1kiU-00112-00039982-00040135 man avCRqEu1kiU-00113-00040136-00040295 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00114-00040296-00040662 hey when I play a scary game I just run avCRqEu1kiU-00115-00040663-00040923 I go I go [__] fool sin is getting avCRqEu1kiU-00116-00040924-00042161 everything just so I'm not scared avCRqEu1kiU-00117-00042162-00042564 alright so guess I'm using a smith avCRqEu1kiU-00118-00042565-00042615 machine avCRqEu1kiU-00119-00042616-00042816 why because I can't do this on a regular avCRqEu1kiU-00120-00042817-00043098 squat because I need to lean back we're avCRqEu1kiU-00121-00043099-00043383 going to go some deep squats 10 to 15 avCRqEu1kiU-00122-00043384-00043809 reps 4 to 5 sets with uh with the Smith avCRqEu1kiU-00123-00043810-00044091 machine right so here we go see that's avCRqEu1kiU-00124-00044092-00044253 why you need this hoodie right here so avCRqEu1kiU-00125-00044254-00044457 you can just flip it over that way you avCRqEu1kiU-00126-00044458-00044646 don't really seem like a punk go to avCRqEu1kiU-00127-00044647-00045456 close stance 1 all the way down avCRqEu1kiU-00128-00045457-00045666 you can realize I don't like to squat oh avCRqEu1kiU-00129-00045667-00047007 you got 135 no you wanna do nine Lata's avCRqEu1kiU-00130-00047008-00047193 I'm feelin man somebody comment on one avCRqEu1kiU-00131-00047194-00047373 of my last videos you could do more avCRqEu1kiU-00132-00047374-00047715 weight than that you don't know how I avCRqEu1kiU-00133-00047716-00047886 feel you don't know how intense the burn avCRqEu1kiU-00134-00047887-00048252 is for me to to criticize on how much avCRqEu1kiU-00135-00048253-00048438 weight I can do and at that moment you avCRqEu1kiU-00136-00048439-00048558 don't know what I'm feeling between avCRqEu1kiU-00137-00048559-00048810 through the sets or what kind of avCRqEu1kiU-00138-00048811-00049214 contraction that I'm trying to engage so avCRqEu1kiU-00139-00049215-00049680 there is there is benefits and what you avCRqEu1kiU-00140-00049681-00050097 may think is light sets and a lot of you avCRqEu1kiU-00141-00050098-00050499 need to understand that like 135 Smith avCRqEu1kiU-00142-00050500-00050850 machine probably less but the burn is so avCRqEu1kiU-00143-00050851-00051042 intense for me on how I'm doing this avCRqEu1kiU-00144-00051043-00051111 right now avCRqEu1kiU-00145-00051112-00051440 that like my legs are pumped and I'll avCRqEu1kiU-00146-00051441-00051729 show you in the next video my supplement avCRqEu1kiU-00147-00051729-00052104 stack that's really like help me with uh avCRqEu1kiU-00148-00052104-00052566 with muscular contractions so about 225 avCRqEu1kiU-00149-00052566-00052683 on there I'm gonna be able to do eight avCRqEu1kiU-00150-00052684-00052962 reps and I want to say come on I want to avCRqEu1kiU-00151-00052963-00053342 hit a little bit more reps go up more avCRqEu1kiU-00152-00053344-00054373 tea a little bit Cockrum you like avCRqEu1kiU-00153-00054374-00055926 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00154-00055927-00056498 I need a plan avCRqEu1kiU-00155-00056499-00058503 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00156-00058504-00058847 [Applause] avCRqEu1kiU-00157-00058848-00059072 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00158-00059073-00059366 test is so done so I'll feed it a little avCRqEu1kiU-00159-00059367-00059652 bit upfront you guys I said no and I'm avCRqEu1kiU-00160-00059653-00059796 kind of sitting back if I was doing this avCRqEu1kiU-00161-00059797-00059940 with a regular squat I will fall back avCRqEu1kiU-00162-00059941-00060116 you kind of falling back and leaning avCRqEu1kiU-00163-00060117-00060516 into the squat avCRqEu1kiU-00164-00060516-00060602 [Applause] avCRqEu1kiU-00165-00060603-00062923 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00166-00062924-00063191 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00167-00063192-00063905 let's go out right here 20 each leg avCRqEu1kiU-00168-00063907-00065165 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00169-00065166-00065664 take a little break one minute one avCRqEu1kiU-00170-00065665-00066101 minute you want these legs to go one avCRqEu1kiU-00171-00066102-00066139 minute avCRqEu1kiU-00172-00066140-00068325 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00173-00068326-00069629 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00174-00069630-00072027 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00175-00072028-00073949 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00176-00073950-00076017 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00177-00076018-00076448 squeeze them flex them get informed avCRqEu1kiU-00178-00076449-00076630 somebody used to do back in my body avCRqEu1kiU-00179-00076631-00077734 going days last thing actually first and avCRqEu1kiU-00180-00077735-00077872 last thing I want you to do with this avCRqEu1kiU-00181-00077873-00078192 workout it's five minutes five minutes avCRqEu1kiU-00182-00078193-00078417 to start the workout off on the bike avCRqEu1kiU-00183-00078418-00078669 this is a great way to get warmed up a avCRqEu1kiU-00184-00078670-00078882 great way to really get into that lactic avCRqEu1kiU-00185-00078883-00079212 and burn the quads at the end of an avCRqEu1kiU-00186-00079213-00079569 exercise try to get five minutes here avCRqEu1kiU-00187-00079570-00080271 just a nice little bike ride avCRqEu1kiU-00188-00080272-00080492 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00189-00080493-00080898 hope you guys enjoy the work house that avCRqEu1kiU-00190-00080899-00080987 is it for the day avCRqEu1kiU-00191-00080988-00081384 quad split nice and good country 12 a.m. avCRqEu1kiU-00192-00081385-00081779 yes 12 a.m. it's night time out here avCRqEu1kiU-00193-00081780-00081984 second workout we're doing two days avCRqEu1kiU-00194-00081985-00082451 right now and feeling good and how I do avCRqEu1kiU-00195-00082452-00082700 my two days you cannot you might be kind avCRqEu1kiU-00196-00082701-00082856 of familiar just go with the channel avCRqEu1kiU-00197-00082857-00083034 I'll do my strength stuff in the morning avCRqEu1kiU-00198-00083035-00083318 volume stuff at night and that way I avCRqEu1kiU-00199-00083319-00083496 don't have to worry about ego and stuff avCRqEu1kiU-00200-00083497-00083756 my second workout you know it's like a avCRqEu1kiU-00201-00083757-00083975 500 squat earlier today it's things like avCRqEu1kiU-00202-00083976-00084171 that got my strength work done come back avCRqEu1kiU-00203-00084172-00084471 put the weights down lighter more about avCRqEu1kiU-00204-00084472-00084672 repetition more about contractions avCRqEu1kiU-00205-00084673-00084869 filling the muscle a little bit more of avCRqEu1kiU-00206-00084870-00085017 the body butterr aspects later in the avCRqEu1kiU-00207-00085018-00085215 day rather than earlier in the day like avCRqEu1kiU-00208-00085216-00085341 more promising earlier today avCRqEu1kiU-00209-00085342-00085547 bodybuilding later in the day and avCRqEu1kiU-00210-00085548-00085740 usually early I'll do some athletic avCRqEu1kiU-00211-00085741-00086105 stuff too but that being said but she avCRqEu1kiU-00212-00086106-00086261 would like to subscribe man support your avCRqEu1kiU-00213-00086262-00086490 boy help me out share the video avCRqEu1kiU-00214-00086491-00086760 catch my twitch streams merch just avCRqEu1kiU-00215-00086761-00086999 saying gear usko aftermath we want some avCRqEu1kiU-00216-00087000-00087198 anime gear you know I'm saying the Melia avCRqEu1kiU-00217-00087199-00087392 is my favorite and in Baku go and avCRqEu1kiU-00218-00087393-00087554 Bendectin pretty much almost all the avCRqEu1kiU-00219-00087555-00087735 hero academia stuff there's my favorite avCRqEu1kiU-00220-00087736-00087926 gear from them avCRqEu1kiU-00221-00087927-00088199 I think it just fits more with normal avCRqEu1kiU-00222-00088200-00088426 you know I don't know but that being avCRqEu1kiU-00223-00088427-00088709 said catch you guys later have a good avCRqEu1kiU-00224-00088710-00089182 day and I don't know but I don't eat avCRqEu1kiU-00225-00089183-00089500 chick-fil-a anymore that's for sure avCRqEu1kiU-00226-00089501-00089913 my life matters to me but not just mine avCRqEu1kiU-00227-00089914-00090663 everyone's failure avCRqEu1kiU-00228-00090664-00091296 [Music] avCRqEu1kiU-00229-00091297-00091800 right so here we go let's do this don't avCRqEu1kiU-00230-00091801-00092331 stop to the top now let's go all the way avCRqEu1kiU-00231-00092332-00092637 down to the float now I got the legs avCRqEu1kiU-00232-00092638-00093162 burning got the legs burning all right axuxVyaaVNQ-00000-00002872-00003903 what axuxVyaaVNQ-00001-00003904-00005438 i'm done axuxVyaaVNQ-00002-00005439-00005968 i don't know what the [__] to tell you azOhB0teJnE-00000-00000162-00000750 foreign azOhB0teJnE-00001-00000751-00001211 look good I have Christmas decorations azOhB0teJnE-00002-00001212-00001528 hey everybody Welcome to Christmas in azOhB0teJnE-00003-00001529-00001780 California don't hate me it's 57 degrees azOhB0teJnE-00004-00001782-00002087 and I'm freezing azOhB0teJnE-00005-00002088-00002189 but azOhB0teJnE-00006-00002190-00002405 I thought I'd share a quick video since azOhB0teJnE-00007-00002406-00002609 I was outside azOhB0teJnE-00008-00002610-00002963 there's Frosty hey Frosty how's the Guam azOhB0teJnE-00009-00002964-00003155 boy you must have seen a lot of things azOhB0teJnE-00010-00003156-00003629 huh Frosty and then we've got Santa azOhB0teJnE-00011-00003629-00003827 and theirs is azOhB0teJnE-00012-00003828-00004247 slay with the kitty toys and a train and azOhB0teJnE-00013-00004248-00004445 a teddy bear azOhB0teJnE-00014-00004446-00004656 Santa azOhB0teJnE-00015-00004657-00004906 and your Hat's kind of falling off Santa azOhB0teJnE-00016-00004907-00005122 I gotta put that back on let's see if we azOhB0teJnE-00017-00005123-00005363 can get to it and then over here azOhB0teJnE-00018-00005364-00005591 we have azOhB0teJnE-00019-00005592-00005759 well I don't guess we don't have Rudolph azOhB0teJnE-00020-00005760-00005968 we have one of the two Prancer and azOhB0teJnE-00021-00005969-00006234 Dancer or something I guess like that azOhB0teJnE-00022-00006235-00006491 let's see if I can fix poor Santa's hat azOhB0teJnE-00023-00006492-00006641 over here so we can keep the effect azOhB0teJnE-00024-00006642-00006827 going azOhB0teJnE-00025-00006828-00007163 anyway this is my front yard azOhB0teJnE-00026-00007164-00007439 I know I know they're hokey I pulled azOhB0teJnE-00027-00007440-00007625 them out of storage last year I've been azOhB0teJnE-00028-00007626-00007775 keeping in storage for years and years azOhB0teJnE-00029-00007776-00007948 we used to put these up every year in my azOhB0teJnE-00030-00007950-00008141 house when I was growing up there's azOhB0teJnE-00031-00008142-00008513 Frosty another Frosty hey Frosty how are azOhB0teJnE-00032-00008514-00008728 you doing yes my neighbors know I'm azOhB0teJnE-00033-00008729-00008992 crazy well actually they don't know azOhB0teJnE-00034-00008993-00009167 so azOhB0teJnE-00035-00009168-00009455 I thought I'd show you guys my my my um azOhB0teJnE-00036-00009456-00009749 display and I have azOhB0teJnE-00037-00009750-00010060 solar spotlight's outside azOhB0teJnE-00038-00010061-00010360 like eight bucks and they don't work azOhB0teJnE-00039-00010361-00010667 amazingly great but Woody oh shoot poor azOhB0teJnE-00040-00010668-00010985 Santa oh gosh you can't see anything see azOhB0teJnE-00041-00010986-00011188 I have to stop let's get your hat out of azOhB0teJnE-00042-00011189-00011488 here there's Santa hi Santa azOhB0teJnE-00043-00011489-00011764 I have been sick you guys sick as a dog azOhB0teJnE-00044-00011765-00011933 as you can still hear my voice a little azOhB0teJnE-00045-00011934-00012155 bit for the last azOhB0teJnE-00046-00012156-00012460 oh almost a week I was dead I thought I azOhB0teJnE-00047-00012461-00012701 was gonna die laying in bed coughing up azOhB0teJnE-00048-00012702-00012941 and hacking up like a cat trying to hack azOhB0teJnE-00049-00012941-00013180 up a cat ball hair ball or whatever but azOhB0teJnE-00050-00013181-00013522 oh I feel so much better now I feel like azOhB0teJnE-00051-00013523-00013703 dancing and singing in fact I have been azOhB0teJnE-00052-00013704-00013841 kind of dancing and singing around the azOhB0teJnE-00053-00013841-00014021 kitchen and it's cool because it's just azOhB0teJnE-00054-00014022-00014225 the cats they don't care azOhB0teJnE-00055-00014226-00014429 so I wanted to point out that these are azOhB0teJnE-00056-00014430-00014741 really 1950 decorations because they are azOhB0teJnE-00057-00014741-00015029 from the 1950s these were my parents my azOhB0teJnE-00058-00015030-00015275 dad got them from like some catalog azOhB0teJnE-00059-00015276-00015491 National Geographic no not National azOhB0teJnE-00060-00015491-00015808 Popular Mechanics I think and the azOhB0teJnE-00061-00015809-00016055 patterns and he put them on plywood and azOhB0teJnE-00062-00016056-00016258 painted them and who knows what but azOhB0teJnE-00063-00016259-00016553 Santa Claus there Santa he's a little azOhB0teJnE-00064-00016554-00016679 small azOhB0teJnE-00065-00016680-00017015 Santa is at least 65 years old azOhB0teJnE-00066-00017016-00017249 because my sister azOhB0teJnE-00067-00017250-00017536 is 65 this year and she said Santa was azOhB0teJnE-00068-00017537-00017933 around when she was before she was born azOhB0teJnE-00069-00017934-00018161 so there they all are I want you guys to azOhB0teJnE-00070-00018162-00018311 say hi azOhB0teJnE-00071-00018312-00018622 hi Frosty azOhB0teJnE-00072-00018623-00018736 everybody azOhB0teJnE-00073-00018737-00018929 I went and took a package I know I just azOhB0teJnE-00074-00018930-00019121 saw my doorstep azOhB0teJnE-00075-00019122-00019343 until the neighbor around the corner azOhB0teJnE-00076-00019344-00019679 and they have all those Inflatables it's azOhB0teJnE-00077-00019680-00020021 crazy just amazing amazing display so azOhB0teJnE-00078-00020022-00020213 different from what I have azOhB0teJnE-00079-00020214-00020363 so azOhB0teJnE-00080-00020364-00020519 um since I'm here and I'm in a really azOhB0teJnE-00081-00020520-00020717 really good mood let's just kind of look azOhB0teJnE-00082-00020718-00020836 around and see what's new in the garden azOhB0teJnE-00083-00020837-00021071 because people like Garden videos my azOhB0teJnE-00084-00021072-00021322 succulents are looking amazing look at azOhB0teJnE-00085-00021323-00021563 those guys over here hey succulents I've azOhB0teJnE-00086-00021564-00021725 only gotten into succulents in the last azOhB0teJnE-00087-00021726-00022049 year or two they are so amazing I love azOhB0teJnE-00088-00022050-00022271 these plants you can almost not kill azOhB0teJnE-00089-00022272-00022433 them even though I've managed to kill a azOhB0teJnE-00090-00022434-00022535 few azOhB0teJnE-00091-00022536-00022744 brand new front door azOhB0teJnE-00092-00022745-00023093 I gotta repaint it I guess again azOhB0teJnE-00093-00023094-00023308 um but I've been having so much fun with azOhB0teJnE-00094-00023309-00023489 these succulents I was out here working azOhB0teJnE-00095-00023490-00023686 in the garden a week or so ago azOhB0teJnE-00096-00023687-00023999 and here's a basket of succulents that azOhB0teJnE-00097-00024000-00024130 are just kind of sitting outside hanging azOhB0teJnE-00098-00024131-00024347 around waiting for the sun even though azOhB0teJnE-00099-00024348-00024622 it's not much sun but to give me some azOhB0teJnE-00100-00024623-00024863 give them some light because azOhB0teJnE-00101-00024864-00024983 you know there's not a lot of direct azOhB0teJnE-00102-00024984-00025205 light parsley look at that parsley azOhB0teJnE-00103-00025206-00025421 that's some of the best tasting parsley azOhB0teJnE-00104-00025422-00025631 in the world I've Been Told azOhB0teJnE-00105-00025632-00025834 I grow great personally so I'm told okay azOhB0teJnE-00106-00025835-00025972 the backyard azOhB0teJnE-00107-00025973-00026393 who's back here oh look hey azOhB0teJnE-00108-00026394-00026633 you're on I mean he's out of here azOhB0teJnE-00109-00026633-00026807 and look all the birds look at the birds azOhB0teJnE-00110-00026808-00026999 oh they disappeared azOhB0teJnE-00111-00027000-00027329 I've been putting out bird feeder stuff azOhB0teJnE-00112-00027330-00027467 outside of my bedroom window because azOhB0teJnE-00113-00027468-00027683 when you were when I was sick see here I azOhB0teJnE-00114-00027683-00027995 got a bird feeder when I was sick I azOhB0teJnE-00115-00027995-00028217 didn't want to do nothing you know sleep azOhB0teJnE-00116-00028218-00028420 is about it but you know how it is you azOhB0teJnE-00117-00028422-00028679 say I'm gonna read I'm gonna watch catch azOhB0teJnE-00118-00028680-00028846 up on some movies azOhB0teJnE-00119-00028847-00029093 no I just wanted to stay there and sleep azOhB0teJnE-00120-00029094-00029446 and try to just do nothing so I would azOhB0teJnE-00121-00029447-00029635 stare out the window which is great azOhB0teJnE-00122-00029636-00029939 except my bird feeder was just azOhB0teJnE-00123-00029939-00030214 completely out of bird feed and I felt azOhB0teJnE-00124-00030216-00030431 like crap I couldn't get up to go do it azOhB0teJnE-00125-00030432-00030683 and it was raining and when it's so bad azOhB0teJnE-00126-00030683-00030899 to put the bird feeder stuff out there azOhB0teJnE-00127-00030900-00030983 so azOhB0teJnE-00128-00030983-00031151 as soon as I felt better I came out and azOhB0teJnE-00129-00031152-00031402 put foot feed for the birds and damn it azOhB0teJnE-00130-00031404-00031612 if they haven't been like going through azOhB0teJnE-00131-00031613-00031918 a cup of that stuff a day azOhB0teJnE-00132-00031919-00032314 oh look there's ariadne hi ariadne did azOhB0teJnE-00133-00032316-00032537 you guys see her in the basket azOhB0teJnE-00134-00032538-00032693 they get out here and they think it's so azOhB0teJnE-00135-00032694-00032801 great azOhB0teJnE-00136-00032802-00033040 hi let's see if she jumps up and runs azOhB0teJnE-00137-00033041-00033233 away because like she knows there's azOhB0teJnE-00138-00033234-00033431 people around I don't know what it is azOhB0teJnE-00139-00033432-00033581 with these cats azOhB0teJnE-00140-00033582-00034355 oh hello hi azOhB0teJnE-00141-00034356-00034589 now see she's a very friendly cat for me azOhB0teJnE-00142-00034590-00034877 but if I get close she knows she thinks azOhB0teJnE-00143-00034878-00035015 something's gonna happen like maybe I'm azOhB0teJnE-00144-00035016-00035201 gonna give her her flea meds or azOhB0teJnE-00145-00035202-00035339 something so let's see what happens if I azOhB0teJnE-00146-00035340-00035615 get closer hi hey sweetie pie azOhB0teJnE-00147-00035616-00035885 how are you doing can you say hi to the azOhB0teJnE-00148-00035886-00036293 audience oh there she is hi ariadne azOhB0teJnE-00149-00036294-00036718 what's happening so tell me the gossip azOhB0teJnE-00150-00036719-00036881 oh she wants to know why I'm not over azOhB0teJnE-00151-00036882-00037031 here petting her azOhB0teJnE-00152-00037032-00037211 she's sitting on my zucchini which I azOhB0teJnE-00153-00037212-00037337 think is all gone azOhB0teJnE-00154-00037338-00037601 we got Peppers Look at December what is azOhB0teJnE-00155-00037602-00037751 this December 2nd December 3rd we got azOhB0teJnE-00156-00037752-00037852 peppers azOhB0teJnE-00157-00037853-00038105 just trying to claim on my lap here oh azOhB0teJnE-00158-00038106-00038315 let Mommy up azOhB0teJnE-00159-00038316-00038633 ah look at these blackberries azOhB0teJnE-00160-00038634-00038837 I understand that this is a really good azOhB0teJnE-00161-00038838-00039196 time to buy bare root blackberries azOhB0teJnE-00162-00039197-00039479 believe it or not I'm winded azOhB0teJnE-00163-00039480-00040079 um oh look here's here's one under here azOhB0teJnE-00164-00040080-00040355 it needs to be wiped off oh it's got a azOhB0teJnE-00165-00040356-00040487 little stuff on let's get that off of azOhB0teJnE-00166-00040488-00040583 there azOhB0teJnE-00167-00040584-00040924 what's yummy mm-hmm azOhB0teJnE-00168-00040925-00041087 that's good azOhB0teJnE-00169-00041088-00041471 that was one heck of a good BlackBerry azOhB0teJnE-00170-00041472-00041674 one looks a little old azOhB0teJnE-00171-00041675-00042017 but still got blackberries azOhB0teJnE-00172-00042018-00042227 the strawberries didn't really do much azOhB0teJnE-00173-00042228-00042467 I'm kind of letting me go here azOhB0teJnE-00174-00042468-00042712 Tomatoes still growing azOhB0teJnE-00175-00042713-00042959 anybody ready radishes azOhB0teJnE-00176-00042960-00043249 my carrot man I was gonna eat this for azOhB0teJnE-00177-00043250-00043546 Thanksgiving and I forgot azOhB0teJnE-00178-00043547-00043709 there it is let's just keep it from azOhB0teJnE-00179-00043710-00043835 getting bruised see if we can make it to azOhB0teJnE-00180-00043836-00043967 thick Christmas azOhB0teJnE-00181-00043968-00044274 more Tomatoes coming up here azOhB0teJnE-00182-00044275-00044543 and over here azOhB0teJnE-00183-00044544-00044771 there's still some peppers azOhB0teJnE-00184-00044772-00045124 I think that's eggplant azOhB0teJnE-00185-00045125-00045280 and azOhB0teJnE-00186-00045281-00045496 of course the trees don't have anything azOhB0teJnE-00187-00045497-00045707 here's my azOhB0teJnE-00188-00045708-00046024 Bush outside with the grapes azOhB0teJnE-00189-00046025-00046307 oh boy look at the birds azOhB0teJnE-00190-00046308-00046468 I don't know why they hang out here I azOhB0teJnE-00191-00046469-00046601 mean I know I've got bird feeders but I azOhB0teJnE-00192-00046602-00046780 also have three cats azOhB0teJnE-00193-00046781-00046967 but whatever azOhB0teJnE-00194-00046968-00047123 I'm gonna get all this netting down off azOhB0teJnE-00195-00047124-00047315 of these trees once the leaves all azOhB0teJnE-00196-00047316-00047458 completely die azOhB0teJnE-00197-00047459-00047627 some flowers coming in from this bird azOhB0teJnE-00198-00047628-00047783 feeder azOhB0teJnE-00199-00047784-00048029 anyway azOhB0teJnE-00200-00048030-00048233 let's see I don't think there's much azOhB0teJnE-00201-00048234-00048358 else to see I've got some nice pretty azOhB0teJnE-00202-00048359-00048712 flowers coming in here and there azOhB0teJnE-00203-00048713-00048851 um and it's kind of a winter Winter azOhB0teJnE-00204-00048852-00048989 Garden azOhB0teJnE-00205-00048990-00049252 there goes the couch azOhB0teJnE-00206-00049253-00049865 Jesus hey come and talk to me azOhB0teJnE-00207-00049866-00050086 hey azOhB0teJnE-00208-00050087-00050351 I actually have a little makeup on today azOhB0teJnE-00209-00050352-00050518 I've said I'm getting up and putting on azOhB0teJnE-00210-00050519-00051071 a little makeup at least azOhB0teJnE-00211-00051072-00051238 um azOhB0teJnE-00212-00051239-00051454 it's been a really good last couple days azOhB0teJnE-00213-00051455-00051629 not only because I've come back from the azOhB0teJnE-00214-00051629-00051790 dead azOhB0teJnE-00215-00051791-00051988 but uh azOhB0teJnE-00216-00051989-00052175 and you guys have all been there so you azOhB0teJnE-00217-00052176-00052349 all know what I'm talking about azOhB0teJnE-00218-00052350-00052576 but not only that azOhB0teJnE-00219-00052577-00052780 I caught a psychic azOhB0teJnE-00220-00052782-00053165 I'm good I caught him for reals like a azOhB0teJnE-00221-00053166-00053363 hundred percent azOhB0teJnE-00222-00053364-00053530 and he don't know that he's been caught azOhB0teJnE-00223-00053532-00053711 because of course he's not really azOhB0teJnE-00224-00053712-00053854 psychic right azOhB0teJnE-00225-00053855-00054179 so I caught him hey Robert azOhB0teJnE-00226-00054179-00054473 and um I can't really release anything azOhB0teJnE-00227-00054474-00054592 yet azOhB0teJnE-00228-00054594-00054791 but it's good a couple people I've told azOhB0teJnE-00229-00054791-00054947 them about it azOhB0teJnE-00230-00054948-00055199 and they're like oh my gosh that's azOhB0teJnE-00231-00055200-00055373 amazing azOhB0teJnE-00232-00055374-00055600 so it feels real good azOhB0teJnE-00233-00055601-00055757 um azOhB0teJnE-00234-00055758-00056075 also some other cool stuff are happening azOhB0teJnE-00235-00056076-00056261 we're starting to get pulled together azOhB0teJnE-00236-00056262-00056500 the Monterey County Skeptics azOhB0teJnE-00237-00056501-00056615 um azOhB0teJnE-00238-00056616-00056873 skepticamp that's January fourth and 5th azOhB0teJnE-00239-00056874-00057071 if you're anywhere in the area of azOhB0teJnE-00240-00057072-00057250 Monterey County or you'd like to be over azOhB0teJnE-00241-00057251-00057394 here in Monterey County in January azOhB0teJnE-00242-00057395-00057713 expect weather about like this azOhB0teJnE-00243-00057714-00057863 God azOhB0teJnE-00244-00057864-00058513 listen to him azOhB0teJnE-00245-00058514-00058954 [Laughter] azOhB0teJnE-00246-00058955-00059182 anyway so if if you're going to want to azOhB0teJnE-00247-00059183-00059387 come out this area please let me know we azOhB0teJnE-00248-00059388-00059561 have a full lineup azOhB0teJnE-00249-00059562-00059747 we have Mike darsulics coming all the azOhB0teJnE-00250-00059748-00059926 way from Chicago azOhB0teJnE-00251-00059927-00060179 and he's gonna stay the weekend here and azOhB0teJnE-00252-00060179-00060413 we have Bill Patterson from the Santa azOhB0teJnE-00253-00060414-00060666 Rosa area who's going to do azOhB0teJnE-00254-00060667-00060965 with more of a science kind of azOhB0teJnE-00255-00060966-00061223 Focus to it Anthony parkanus is coming azOhB0teJnE-00256-00061224-00061380 from Santa Cruz azOhB0teJnE-00257-00061382-00061619 we have azOhB0teJnE-00258-00061620-00062075 uh Mick West The Conspiracy Theory azOhB0teJnE-00259-00062076-00062273 um Rabbit Hole kind of guy who just came azOhB0teJnE-00260-00062274-00062482 out with a book he'll be here doing a azOhB0teJnE-00261-00062483-00062663 cons talking about conspiracy theories azOhB0teJnE-00262-00062664-00063029 and he's going to be talking about azOhB0teJnE-00263-00063029-00063419 Wildfire conspiracies can you believe it azOhB0teJnE-00264-00063420-00063707 I tell you Paula louderback is louder azOhB0teJnE-00265-00063708-00063832 back is going to be here all the way azOhB0teJnE-00266-00063833-00064019 from LA and she's going to be talking azOhB0teJnE-00267-00064020-00064282 about a Hollywood conspiracy theories azOhB0teJnE-00268-00064283-00064523 you would not believe she says they're azOhB0teJnE-00269-00064524-00064769 the craziest conspiracy theories you can azOhB0teJnE-00270-00064770-00064894 imagine azOhB0teJnE-00271-00064895-00065254 uh oh I think it's titled azOhB0teJnE-00272-00065255-00065453 you think you've heard the the most azOhB0teJnE-00273-00065454-00065573 craziest azOhB0teJnE-00274-00065574-00065794 uh conspiracy theory azOhB0teJnE-00275-00065795-00066029 ever hold my beer I think it's what's azOhB0teJnE-00276-00066030-00066191 called azOhB0teJnE-00277-00066192-00066563 so she's going to be doing a talk azOhB0teJnE-00278-00066564-00066659 um azOhB0teJnE-00279-00066660-00067009 we have Don Frazier uh Fisher who's a azOhB0teJnE-00280-00067010-00067325 Adjunct professor from csumb azOhB0teJnE-00281-00067326-00067619 and he has credentials azOhB0teJnE-00282-00067620-00068003 going on for a couple miles azOhB0teJnE-00283-00068004-00068303 um I'm not sure I can really explain azOhB0teJnE-00284-00068304-00068441 what he's going to be talking about but azOhB0teJnE-00285-00068442-00068621 it has something to do with it can azOhB0teJnE-00286-00068622-00068843 learning be as good as sex azOhB0teJnE-00287-00068844-00069137 and trying to get people to uh want to azOhB0teJnE-00288-00069138-00069226 learn azOhB0teJnE-00289-00069227-00069371 and he's doing something with a azOhB0teJnE-00290-00069372-00069809 pedagogue pedagogy and we have Milos azOhB0teJnE-00291-00069810-00069982 um oh gosh I don't have his name right azOhB0teJnE-00292-00069983-00070103 in front of me so I'm going to azOhB0teJnE-00293-00070104-00070247 mispronounce it he lives up in Gilroy azOhB0teJnE-00294-00070248-00070426 about an hour from here azOhB0teJnE-00295-00070427-00070625 he's a science Communicator he's been azOhB0teJnE-00296-00070626-00070985 all over on uh traveling on cruise ships azOhB0teJnE-00297-00070986-00071176 teaching science to people I think he's azOhB0teJnE-00298-00071177-00071363 been through the Panama Canal like 40 azOhB0teJnE-00299-00071364-00071573 times or something like that I'm hoping azOhB0teJnE-00300-00071574-00071794 for my first time someday very azOhB0teJnE-00301-00071795-00071909 interesting guy he's going to be talking azOhB0teJnE-00302-00071910-00072203 about Science Education Mark Edward will azOhB0teJnE-00303-00072204-00072371 be here doing a azOhB0teJnE-00304-00072372-00072593 some mentalism azOhB0teJnE-00305-00072594-00072887 Arlene Grossman will be doing quote azOhB0teJnE-00306-00072888-00073205 questionable quotes and uh Kathy azOhB0teJnE-00307-00073206-00073331 McKenzie azOhB0teJnE-00308-00073332-00073505 from Monterey County Skeptics is going azOhB0teJnE-00309-00073506-00073685 to do a little introduction about how azOhB0teJnE-00310-00073686-00073937 she became a skeptic azOhB0teJnE-00311-00073938-00074153 it's gonna be really fun azOhB0teJnE-00312-00074154-00074488 um we've got almost completely 100 new azOhB0teJnE-00313-00074489-00074932 speakers oh my arm's going numb on me azOhB0teJnE-00314-00074933-00075197 uh almost 100 new speakers azOhB0teJnE-00315-00075198-00075538 it's free though we asked for donations azOhB0teJnE-00316-00075539-00075887 and it's going to be fun so you know if azOhB0teJnE-00317-00075888-00076019 you think you can find a reason to come azOhB0teJnE-00318-00076020-00076150 out to Monterey azOhB0teJnE-00319-00076151-00076349 just look at our weather I mean I'm azOhB0teJnE-00320-00076350-00076559 freezing but I think there's an awful azOhB0teJnE-00321-00076560-00076756 lot of you people all over the world who azOhB0teJnE-00322-00076757-00076955 would be looking at this going this is azOhB0teJnE-00323-00076956-00077382 shorts shorts and and um T-shirt weather azOhB0teJnE-00324-00077383-00077656 57 degrees azOhB0teJnE-00325-00077657-00077903 and you know rain once in a while it's azOhB0teJnE-00326-00077904-00078071 not that big a deal azOhB0teJnE-00327-00078072-00078347 me it's cold azOhB0teJnE-00328-00078348-00078419 um azOhB0teJnE-00329-00078420-00078791 fresh vegetables great water great air azOhB0teJnE-00330-00078792-00079031 nowhere near the fires you guys we're azOhB0teJnE-00331-00079032-00079223 nowhere near that it's like three four azOhB0teJnE-00332-00079224-00079391 hours away azOhB0teJnE-00333-00079392-00079600 I mean they're over now but it's it's azOhB0teJnE-00334-00079601-00079787 not a danger here we're real close to azOhB0teJnE-00335-00079788-00079906 the coast azOhB0teJnE-00336-00079907-00080087 salad bowl of the world you can come out azOhB0teJnE-00337-00080088-00080297 to the Steinbeck Museum azOhB0teJnE-00338-00080298-00080585 get your Stein back on azOhB0teJnE-00339-00080586-00080812 anyway azOhB0teJnE-00340-00080813-00080950 thanks for coming and hanging out azOhB0teJnE-00341-00080951-00081167 looking at my Christmas decorations and azOhB0teJnE-00342-00081168-00081388 my backyard with me and hanging out for azOhB0teJnE-00343-00081389-00081593 a little bit I feel so much better azOhB0teJnE-00344-00081594-00081791 and just wanted to be able to actually azOhB0teJnE-00345-00081792-00082205 talk to somebody once in a while azOhB0teJnE-00346-00082206-00082477 bye all a-s0j80kFkE-00000-00000000-00001312 take our target yes I don't come and a-s0j80kFkE-00001-00001313-00002077 experience bird handler you look happy a-s0j80kFkE-00002-00002078-00002750 little birdies the chicks are getting a-s0j80kFkE-00003-00002751-00003014 big indeed aCzOXC2ejbu-00000-00000044-00000293 spin-out has been created by UK aCzOXC2ejbu-00001-00000294-00000558 developer icon games it was released on aCzOXC2ejbu-00002-00000559-00000858 PlayStation Portable in 2008 it is an aCzOXC2ejbu-00003-00000859-00001050 arcade-style racing game where the aCzOXC2ejbu-00004-00001051-00001218 player races in a spherical object aCzOXC2ejbu-00005-00001219-00001512 called a XOR B the idea is derived from aCzOXC2ejbu-00006-00001513-00001814 the real-life sport absorbing the 54 aCzOXC2ejbu-00007-00001816-00001998 tracks raced under set high above the aCzOXC2ejbu-00008-00001998-00002210 ground in nine different environments aCzOXC2ejbu-00009-00002211-00002463 features include four-person multi aCzOXC2ejbu-00010-00002464-00002693 player XOR B customization and aCzOXC2ejbu-00011-00002694-00002991 unlockable rewards the game was also aCzOXC2ejbu-00012-00002992-00003176 released on the PlayStation 2 under the aCzOXC2ejbu-00013-00003177-00003398 title reel play puzzle sphere which came aCzOXC2ejbu-00014-00003399-00003933 with a bespoke controller aCzOXC2ejbu-00015-00003934-00004250 topic external links aCzOXC2ejbu-00016-00004251-00004478 you aCzOXC2ejbu-00017-00004479-00005030 spin out PSP at IGN calm aCFa25KvwhA-00000-00000000-00001111 [Music] aCFa25KvwhA-00001-00001112-00001239 what is good everybody welcome to an aCFa25KvwhA-00002-00001240-00001439 epic my damn toys video today ladies and aCFa25KvwhA-00003-00001440-00001550 gentlemen we have a aCFa25KvwhA-00004-00001551-00001791 top 10 list countdown for you guys if aCFa25KvwhA-00005-00001792-00001967 you guys did not know already yesterday aCFa25KvwhA-00006-00001968-00002095 we had ringside at aCFa25KvwhA-00007-00002096-00002326 ringside at fest what are you a dumb aCFa25KvwhA-00008-00002327-00002542 jacket yesterday we had ringside fest at aCFa25KvwhA-00009-00002543-00002750 home or ringside fest 2020 aCFa25KvwhA-00010-00002751-00002975 and we had a lot of epic wwe figure aCFa25KvwhA-00011-00002976-00003102 reveals guys if you want to go check aCFa25KvwhA-00012-00003103-00003166 that out aCFa25KvwhA-00013-00003167-00003311 definitely go check that out it was the aCFa25KvwhA-00014-00003311-00003479 last video posted on the channel we aCFa25KvwhA-00015-00003479-00003663 recovered all the news all the brand new aCFa25KvwhA-00016-00003664-00003775 figures that we're going to be getting aCFa25KvwhA-00017-00003776-00004006 very soon from mattel and wwe elite and aCFa25KvwhA-00018-00004007-00004127 all of that good stuff man aCFa25KvwhA-00019-00004128-00004279 tons and tons of great reveals and we're aCFa25KvwhA-00020-00004280-00004422 going to go through some of them in this aCFa25KvwhA-00021-00004423-00004559 video because today i have aCFa25KvwhA-00022-00004560-00004815 my top 10 wants or my top 10 most high aCFa25KvwhA-00023-00004816-00004911 figures that i aCFa25KvwhA-00024-00004912-00005070 am super excited for that i can't wait aCFa25KvwhA-00025-00005071-00005286 to get into my personal own collection aCFa25KvwhA-00026-00005287-00005431 so i do have a top 10 for you guys we're aCFa25KvwhA-00027-00005432-00005535 going to run through it and let you guys aCFa25KvwhA-00028-00005536-00005663 know why i'm excited for it and all of aCFa25KvwhA-00029-00005664-00005799 that stuff what my ideas aCFa25KvwhA-00030-00005800-00005934 are and i also have some honorable aCFa25KvwhA-00031-00005935-00006070 mentions before we get started but aCFa25KvwhA-00032-00006071-00006215 definitely go check out our ringside aCFa25KvwhA-00033-00006216-00006375 fest covers from yesterday but i am aCFa25KvwhA-00034-00006376-00006503 excited to dive in guys so let's go aCFa25KvwhA-00035-00006504-00006623 ahead and start off with my honorable aCFa25KvwhA-00036-00006623-00006775 mentions now for my honorable mention aCFa25KvwhA-00037-00006776-00006959 starting out guys i have elite 82 john aCFa25KvwhA-00038-00006959-00007119 morrison i'm not completely sold on the aCFa25KvwhA-00039-00007120-00007263 head sculpt i think i want to see a aCFa25KvwhA-00040-00007264-00007414 little bit more images or see the thing aCFa25KvwhA-00041-00007415-00007478 in hand aCFa25KvwhA-00042-00007479-00007678 and you know take a closer look at it aCFa25KvwhA-00043-00007679-00007863 before i really really want the figure aCFa25KvwhA-00044-00007864-00007895 but aCFa25KvwhA-00045-00007895-00008070 i do like it from the neck down i like aCFa25KvwhA-00046-00008072-00008239 the trench coat as well so we'll just aCFa25KvwhA-00047-00008240-00008407 see how that all plays out but elite 82 aCFa25KvwhA-00048-00008408-00008503 morrison looks good aCFa25KvwhA-00049-00008504-00008655 another figure that we have guys is aCFa25KvwhA-00050-00008656-00008919 elite 85 alistair black i love aleister aCFa25KvwhA-00051-00008920-00009078 black i love his figures they're really aCFa25KvwhA-00052-00009079-00009255 fun to collect he's a very unique aCFa25KvwhA-00053-00009256-00009327 character aCFa25KvwhA-00054-00009328-00009510 and i use him in the fed so i am excited aCFa25KvwhA-00055-00009511-00009639 for elite 85 aCFa25KvwhA-00056-00009640-00009831 alistair black i think he looks great aCFa25KvwhA-00057-00009832-00009991 even though the entrance coat's not the aCFa25KvwhA-00058-00009992-00010055 best aCFa25KvwhA-00059-00010056-00010199 that's probably pretty much why he aCFa25KvwhA-00060-00010200-00010374 didn't crack the top 10 for me so aCFa25KvwhA-00061-00010375-00010510 alistair black is here we also have aCFa25KvwhA-00062-00010511-00010703 elite85 liv morgan i think this head aCFa25KvwhA-00063-00010704-00010846 sculpt is beautiful i think it looks aCFa25KvwhA-00064-00010847-00010983 just like her i think it's a really aCFa25KvwhA-00065-00010984-00011087 great head sculpt aCFa25KvwhA-00066-00011088-00011295 and liv morgan is a baller so i aCFa25KvwhA-00067-00011296-00011391 definitely want to add her to the aCFa25KvwhA-00068-00011392-00011559 collection one that i've never had aCFa25KvwhA-00069-00011560-00011678 i'll probably end up adding her to the aCFa25KvwhA-00070-00011679-00011823 collection before this figu you know aCFa25KvwhA-00071-00011824-00011983 before this figure comes out because she aCFa25KvwhA-00072-00011984-00012199 is elite 85 and that's so far away but aCFa25KvwhA-00073-00012200-00012374 had to include liv morgan in my aCFa25KvwhA-00074-00012375-00012527 honorable mentions another honorable aCFa25KvwhA-00075-00012528-00012695 mention is going to be umaga aCFa25KvwhA-00076-00012696-00012886 cannot wait to have the zumaga i had the aCFa25KvwhA-00077-00012887-00013055 first one in elite 40 aCFa25KvwhA-00078-00013056-00013230 i think it was elite 40 umaga if i'm not aCFa25KvwhA-00079-00013231-00013399 mistaken i could be wrong about that but aCFa25KvwhA-00080-00013400-00013615 elite umaga i actually remember the day aCFa25KvwhA-00081-00013616-00013775 i bought this from the toys r us across aCFa25KvwhA-00082-00013776-00013886 from my college when i aCFa25KvwhA-00083-00013887-00014094 you know just got into you know mattel aCFa25KvwhA-00084-00014095-00014335 wwe figures butu maga looks great aCFa25KvwhA-00085-00014336-00014486 another figure from the royal rumble set aCFa25KvwhA-00086-00014487-00014615 and my last honorable mention is going aCFa25KvwhA-00087-00014616-00014799 to be titus o'neil we have waited so aCFa25KvwhA-00088-00014800-00014975 very long for a titus o'neil man aCFa25KvwhA-00089-00014976-00015158 and uh it's finally in our possession aCFa25KvwhA-00090-00015159-00015294 we're finally going to get this thing i aCFa25KvwhA-00091-00015295-00015447 think it's set to release here aCFa25KvwhA-00092-00015447-00015615 uh the nxt figure got canceled and aCFa25KvwhA-00093-00015616-00015775 everything so having the titus o'neil aCFa25KvwhA-00094-00015776-00015950 figure in our hands finally is gonna be aCFa25KvwhA-00095-00015951-00016127 excellent so titus o'neil is my last aCFa25KvwhA-00096-00016128-00016247 honorable mention guys but let's go aCFa25KvwhA-00097-00016247-00016439 ahead and dive into the top ten so aCFa25KvwhA-00098-00016440-00016583 coming in at my number ten spot i have aCFa25KvwhA-00099-00016584-00016830 the wrestlemania two pack boxing set of aCFa25KvwhA-00100-00016831-00016919 mr t aCFa25KvwhA-00101-00016920-00017135 and rowdy roddy piper i don't know why aCFa25KvwhA-00102-00017136-00017263 but i love mr t aCFa25KvwhA-00103-00017264-00017447 i've always loved mr t growing up aCFa25KvwhA-00104-00017448-00017607 watching him on robot chicken and aCFa25KvwhA-00105-00017608-00017703 watching him aCFa25KvwhA-00106-00017704-00017943 on the a-team and just just watching him aCFa25KvwhA-00107-00017944-00018158 in you know just the the i guess the pop aCFa25KvwhA-00108-00018159-00018319 culture eye he's just always been aCFa25KvwhA-00109-00018320-00018422 somebody that that aCFa25KvwhA-00110-00018423-00018622 was super funny to me i always enjoyed aCFa25KvwhA-00111-00018623-00018807 his work and i've always liked his look aCFa25KvwhA-00112-00018808-00018958 and everything like that so getting this aCFa25KvwhA-00113-00018959-00019119 figure and it's so unique you know you aCFa25KvwhA-00114-00019120-00019294 have the boxing trunks i love rowdy aCFa25KvwhA-00115-00019295-00019447 roddy piper as well especially you have aCFa25KvwhA-00116-00019448-00019567 the boxing gloves you have aCFa25KvwhA-00117-00019568-00019743 the six shorts the plaid you got the aCFa25KvwhA-00118-00019744-00019879 cloth entrance ropes aCFa25KvwhA-00119-00019880-00020039 so many cool ideas for this and we'll be aCFa25KvwhA-00120-00020040-00020191 able to put boxing gloves on all of our aCFa25KvwhA-00121-00020192-00020319 wwe figures just aCFa25KvwhA-00122-00020320-00020430 not just these because they are aCFa25KvwhA-00123-00020431-00020567 interchangeable so that is gonna be aCFa25KvwhA-00124-00020568-00020735 excellent so number ten i have the mania aCFa25KvwhA-00125-00020736-00020943 two pack of the boxing set number nine i aCFa25KvwhA-00126-00020944-00021103 have a royal rumble figure guys it is aCFa25KvwhA-00127-00021104-00021255 the elite stone cold steve austin from aCFa25KvwhA-00128-00021256-00021383 the royal rumble set this is super aCFa25KvwhA-00129-00021384-00021567 nostalgic for me and i'm a huge stone aCFa25KvwhA-00130-00021568-00021743 cold steve austin fan so this figure had aCFa25KvwhA-00131-00021744-00021919 to go in my top ten uh what deducted aCFa25KvwhA-00132-00021920-00022086 some football points for me was aCFa25KvwhA-00133-00022087-00022399 the alcohol fueled vest being left off aCFa25KvwhA-00134-00022400-00022607 um obviously i know why it's not there aCFa25KvwhA-00135-00022608-00022727 but i'm definitely gonna either have to aCFa25KvwhA-00136-00022728-00022903 put a decal or i'm gonna have to hand aCFa25KvwhA-00137-00022904-00022975 paint that aCFa25KvwhA-00138-00022976-00023158 or write that in somewhere i gotta have aCFa25KvwhA-00139-00023159-00023303 the vest because i gotta have it aCFa25KvwhA-00140-00023304-00023447 accurate you know how i am so i'm aCFa25KvwhA-00141-00023448-00023575 definitely gonna have to fix it up maybe aCFa25KvwhA-00142-00023576-00023686 we can do that on surgery aCFa25KvwhA-00143-00023687-00023847 we'll see how that goes but royal aCFa25KvwhA-00144-00023848-00023991 rumblestone cold steve austin had to be aCFa25KvwhA-00145-00023992-00024103 in my top 10 for me aCFa25KvwhA-00146-00024104-00024294 uh just a super nostalgic moment for me aCFa25KvwhA-00147-00024295-00024455 and just something that i aCFa25KvwhA-00148-00024456-00024591 definitely got to commemorate in figure aCFa25KvwhA-00149-00024592-00024719 form coming in at number eight we have aCFa25KvwhA-00150-00024720-00024894 the fan vote central whatever the hell aCFa25KvwhA-00151-00024895-00025071 you want to call it series seth rollins aCFa25KvwhA-00152-00025072-00025383 this is the elite from wrestlemania 35 i aCFa25KvwhA-00153-00025384-00025527 already have a custom of this figure so aCFa25KvwhA-00154-00025528-00025702 i am excited to finally replace that aCFa25KvwhA-00155-00025704-00025846 custom and have a figure that won't chip aCFa25KvwhA-00156-00025847-00025911 or anything aCFa25KvwhA-00157-00025912-00026039 and something that i notice about this aCFa25KvwhA-00158-00026039-00026255 figure man why is the left wrist tape aCFa25KvwhA-00159-00026256-00026470 in solid black and the right one has the aCFa25KvwhA-00160-00026472-00026679 accurate gold on the outlines aCFa25KvwhA-00161-00026680-00026862 and why is the left one not accurate and aCFa25KvwhA-00162-00026863-00027039 it looks like just regular black wrist aCFa25KvwhA-00163-00027039-00027079 tape aCFa25KvwhA-00164-00027080-00027302 i took a look at his attire from that aCFa25KvwhA-00165-00027304-00027399 night and aCFa25KvwhA-00166-00027400-00027574 he had gold on both so i don't know aCFa25KvwhA-00167-00027575-00027718 what's up with that hopefully that's not aCFa25KvwhA-00168-00027719-00027879 the case i hope that that gets fixed aCFa25KvwhA-00169-00027880-00027990 because i really don't want to have to aCFa25KvwhA-00170-00027991-00028127 paint that or anything so that is aCFa25KvwhA-00171-00028127-00028287 something that i noticed yesterday when aCFa25KvwhA-00172-00028288-00028423 looking at the photos but let me know aCFa25KvwhA-00173-00028424-00028527 what you guys think about that but aCFa25KvwhA-00174-00028527-00028631 coming in at number eight aCFa25KvwhA-00175-00028632-00028807 is fan vote seth rollins coming in at aCFa25KvwhA-00176-00028808-00029031 seven guys we have elite85 undertaker i aCFa25KvwhA-00177-00029032-00029207 really enjoyed this matchup i like the aCFa25KvwhA-00178-00029208-00029399 unique look of undertaker i really dig aCFa25KvwhA-00179-00029400-00029535 the head sculpt i love the aCFa25KvwhA-00180-00029536-00029743 the like chest covering i'm pretty sure aCFa25KvwhA-00181-00029744-00029935 i don't know if for a fact but i don't aCFa25KvwhA-00182-00029936-00030014 know if this aCFa25KvwhA-00183-00030016-00030207 this little chest rubber shirt piece is aCFa25KvwhA-00184-00030208-00030335 even gonna be removable aCFa25KvwhA-00185-00030336-00030470 that's gonna have to be something that aCFa25KvwhA-00186-00030472-00030655 we figure out for ourselves but elite 85 aCFa25KvwhA-00187-00030656-00030814 taker is super unique he comes with a aCFa25KvwhA-00188-00030816-00030855 shovel aCFa25KvwhA-00189-00030856-00031055 i like the bandana i like the attire i aCFa25KvwhA-00190-00031056-00031246 love that match and uh it's just a aCFa25KvwhA-00191-00031247-00031358 really cool figure man i aCFa25KvwhA-00192-00031360-00031590 really am hyped for it so elite 85 taker aCFa25KvwhA-00193-00031591-00031702 i think we're gonna be able to do some aCFa25KvwhA-00194-00031703-00031846 cool like fix ups and switches and aCFa25KvwhA-00195-00031847-00032046 swappages with different heads and stuff aCFa25KvwhA-00196-00032047-00032214 so that is another reason why i like aCFa25KvwhA-00197-00032216-00032423 this elite 85 taker coming at number six aCFa25KvwhA-00198-00032424-00032551 guys we have the two pack aCFa25KvwhA-00199-00032552-00032751 elite set with jeff hardy and triple h aCFa25KvwhA-00200-00032752-00032879 from when jeff already won the aCFa25KvwhA-00201-00032880-00033039 intercontinental title from triple h aCFa25KvwhA-00202-00033040-00033190 really high for this two pack simply aCFa25KvwhA-00203-00033191-00033374 because i've always wanted a power trip aCFa25KvwhA-00204-00033375-00033535 triple h in my collection with the gold aCFa25KvwhA-00205-00033536-00033615 hhh aCFa25KvwhA-00206-00033616-00033759 tire that's another figure that i've aCFa25KvwhA-00207-00033760-00033887 never added into the collection over aCFa25KvwhA-00208-00033888-00034007 there on the triple h shelf aCFa25KvwhA-00209-00034008-00034183 so that is one reason why i think this aCFa25KvwhA-00210-00034184-00034318 head sculpt is going to look great aCFa25KvwhA-00211-00034319-00034511 it it includes my favorite version of aCFa25KvwhA-00212-00034512-00034662 the intercontinental championship aCFa25KvwhA-00213-00034663-00034879 and the jeff hardy hair is sick so we're aCFa25KvwhA-00214-00034880-00035007 going to be able to do so many different aCFa25KvwhA-00215-00035008-00035039 fix aCFa25KvwhA-00216-00035040-00035239 ups with jeff switching on head scope aCFa25KvwhA-00217-00035240-00035383 switching off head scopes switching aCFa25KvwhA-00218-00035384-00035543 interchanging all the different elites aCFa25KvwhA-00219-00035544-00035687 with the heads and the arms and all the aCFa25KvwhA-00220-00035688-00035751 different stuff aCFa25KvwhA-00221-00035752-00035927 and uh that would that's what makes jeff aCFa25KvwhA-00222-00035928-00036062 hardy figures really fun is switching aCFa25KvwhA-00223-00036063-00036207 out those arm sleeves switching off aCFa25KvwhA-00224-00036208-00036302 those painted heads aCFa25KvwhA-00225-00036303-00036455 those non-painted heads the flashback aCFa25KvwhA-00226-00036456-00036623 heads onto the modern bodies and that's aCFa25KvwhA-00227-00036624-00036759 what makes jeff hardy super fun to aCFa25KvwhA-00228-00036760-00036839 collect so aCFa25KvwhA-00229-00036840-00036983 that is one of the reasons this is so aCFa25KvwhA-00230-00036984-00037135 high on the list number six is the two aCFa25KvwhA-00231-00037136-00037318 pack jeff and triple h and i cannot wait aCFa25KvwhA-00232-00037319-00037455 to see what that head scope looks like aCFa25KvwhA-00233-00037456-00037655 hopefully it's not just a new jeff head aCFa25KvwhA-00234-00037656-00037815 with the old rainbow hair that would be aCFa25KvwhA-00235-00037816-00037983 really terrible so hopefully it is an aCFa25KvwhA-00236-00037984-00038159 updated head it did look like it was a aCFa25KvwhA-00237-00038160-00038302 newer head sculpt so hopefully that's aCFa25KvwhA-00238-00038303-00038455 the case coming at number five guys we aCFa25KvwhA-00239-00038456-00038599 have the ultimate edition aCFa25KvwhA-00240-00038600-00038751 hollywood hulk hogan now you're probably aCFa25KvwhA-00241-00038752-00038887 shocked you probably expected this to be aCFa25KvwhA-00242-00038888-00038983 in the top three aCFa25KvwhA-00243-00038984-00039174 it comes in at number five for me and aCFa25KvwhA-00244-00039175-00039311 i'll explain why um aCFa25KvwhA-00245-00039312-00039559 overall i really i don't really know why aCFa25KvwhA-00246-00039560-00039727 i am hyped for this figure but if you aCFa25KvwhA-00247-00039728-00039895 guys know me you know that hulk hogan is aCFa25KvwhA-00248-00039896-00040039 probably one of my one of the wrestlers aCFa25KvwhA-00249-00040040-00040215 that i've never really been a fan of i aCFa25KvwhA-00250-00040216-00040359 do really want this figure and this aCFa25KvwhA-00251-00040360-00040535 figure is nostalgic for me and i love aCFa25KvwhA-00252-00040536-00040655 the way it looks that we've been waiting aCFa25KvwhA-00253-00040656-00040815 for this figure for so very long aCFa25KvwhA-00254-00040816-00040983 but i don't know i'm just i don't know aCFa25KvwhA-00255-00040984-00041183 what it is i'm just not the most excited aCFa25KvwhA-00256-00041184-00041271 for it i like aCFa25KvwhA-00257-00041272-00041462 other figures better than this and i'm aCFa25KvwhA-00258-00041463-00041623 more excited for other figures simply aCFa25KvwhA-00259-00041624-00041743 because i can use it more aCFa25KvwhA-00260-00041744-00041855 now this is a figure that i'm going to aCFa25KvwhA-00261-00041856-00042023 put on my shelf that it is probably aCFa25KvwhA-00262-00042024-00042199 going to be one of the only hulk hogan's aCFa25KvwhA-00263-00042200-00042383 until we get more from mattel you know aCFa25KvwhA-00264-00042384-00042535 because i really don't own any of the aCFa25KvwhA-00265-00042536-00042758 older ones i either sold them or traded aCFa25KvwhA-00266-00042759-00042862 them or something like that so this is aCFa25KvwhA-00267-00042863-00042974 probably going to be one of the only aCFa25KvwhA-00268-00042975-00043143 hulk hogan figures in my collection and aCFa25KvwhA-00269-00043144-00043327 that's fine with me but this figure is aCFa25KvwhA-00270-00043328-00043495 really damn good it looks really great i aCFa25KvwhA-00271-00043496-00043630 can't wait to get in the collection but aCFa25KvwhA-00272-00043631-00043799 it did not come in the top three it is a aCFa25KvwhA-00273-00043800-00043935 really strong figure though and i am aCFa25KvwhA-00274-00043936-00044079 tight for it and just because i put it aCFa25KvwhA-00275-00044080-00044262 at number five for my hype list does not aCFa25KvwhA-00276-00044263-00044390 mean that it couldn't win figure of the aCFa25KvwhA-00277-00044391-00044574 year or be up there in the contention so aCFa25KvwhA-00278-00044575-00044711 we'll have to see about that when we you aCFa25KvwhA-00279-00044712-00044879 know rank our top 10 figures of the year aCFa25KvwhA-00280-00044880-00045015 but ultimate hulk hogan comes in at aCFa25KvwhA-00281-00045016-00045151 number five coming at number four guys aCFa25KvwhA-00282-00045152-00045287 we have another ultimate and it's gonna aCFa25KvwhA-00283-00045288-00045430 be stone cold steve austin now you're aCFa25KvwhA-00284-00045431-00045630 probably thinking brad are you on drugs aCFa25KvwhA-00285-00045631-00045799 how the hell are you ranking stone cold aCFa25KvwhA-00286-00045800-00045958 steve austin above hulk hogan well brad aCFa25KvwhA-00287-00045959-00046111 it's pretty simple i'm a bigger fan of aCFa25KvwhA-00288-00046112-00046287 so-called steve austin i like stone cold aCFa25KvwhA-00289-00046288-00046535 steve austin more i i grew up with him aCFa25KvwhA-00290-00046536-00046718 he's one of my favorites of all time and aCFa25KvwhA-00291-00046719-00046862 just seeing this figure it looks aCFa25KvwhA-00292-00046863-00046983 excellent i know we're going to get more aCFa25KvwhA-00293-00046984-00047223 accessories and just the customization aCFa25KvwhA-00294-00047224-00047262 of it aCFa25KvwhA-00295-00047263-00047430 and you know giving him some custom beer aCFa25KvwhA-00296-00047431-00047623 cans and maybe some other accessories aCFa25KvwhA-00297-00047624-00047807 and then maybe giving him some custom aCFa25KvwhA-00298-00047808-00047974 middle finger accessories and doing all aCFa25KvwhA-00299-00047975-00048095 these different things is going to be aCFa25KvwhA-00300-00048096-00048239 super fun for me and it's just one of aCFa25KvwhA-00301-00048240-00048367 those figures i'm really hyped for aCFa25KvwhA-00302-00048368-00048511 because of what we can do with it i'm aCFa25KvwhA-00303-00048512-00048655 excited to see what the torso comes out aCFa25KvwhA-00304-00048656-00048783 like the double jointed arms and aCFa25KvwhA-00305-00048784-00048918 everything and just stone cold steve aCFa25KvwhA-00306-00048919-00049062 austin manny's magical so aCFa25KvwhA-00307-00049063-00049215 and i just think overall i'm just more aCFa25KvwhA-00308-00049216-00049407 hyped for it so i had to put it above it aCFa25KvwhA-00309-00049408-00049479 this is my aCFa25KvwhA-00310-00049480-00049607 most hyped list the figures that i'm aCFa25KvwhA-00311-00049608-00049751 most looking forward to the most in a aCFa25KvwhA-00312-00049752-00049951 top 10 countdown so i could not put aCFa25KvwhA-00313-00049952-00050095 hollywood hulk hogan over stone cold aCFa25KvwhA-00314-00050096-00050255 steve also went deep in my soul aCFa25KvwhA-00315-00050256-00050430 i did not feel that way so i went with aCFa25KvwhA-00316-00050431-00050630 stone cold steve austin over hulk hogan aCFa25KvwhA-00317-00050631-00050783 here at number four coming in number aCFa25KvwhA-00318-00050784-00050951 three guys we have an elite it is elite aCFa25KvwhA-00319-00050952-00051015 82 aCFa25KvwhA-00320-00051016-00051207 keith lee now i'm not counting the chase aCFa25KvwhA-00321-00051208-00051382 variant or the regular version just the aCFa25KvwhA-00322-00051383-00051599 the ability to have a keith lee i'm aCFa25KvwhA-00323-00051600-00051742 putting them both here i guess you can aCFa25KvwhA-00324-00051744-00051775 say aCFa25KvwhA-00325-00051776-00051870 because i don't care if i get the aCFa25KvwhA-00326-00051871-00052007 regular version the chase variant aCFa25KvwhA-00327-00052008-00052199 version it doesn't matter i prefer the aCFa25KvwhA-00328-00052200-00052366 chase variant version but i don't care aCFa25KvwhA-00329-00052367-00052535 which version i get i'm gonna play with aCFa25KvwhA-00330-00052536-00052735 this thing all day you got the nice big aCFa25KvwhA-00331-00052736-00052894 knee pads on there gonna remove those aCFa25KvwhA-00332-00052895-00053030 put some smaller ones on there so you aCFa25KvwhA-00333-00053032-00053150 can move his knees a little bit aCFa25KvwhA-00334-00053151-00053294 hopefully this guy's on ball joints like aCFa25KvwhA-00335-00053295-00053399 we discussed so that we aCFa25KvwhA-00336-00053400-00053575 will be able to move him around and aCFa25KvwhA-00337-00053576-00053735 actually do the athletic poses that aCFa25KvwhA-00338-00053736-00053911 keith lee is able to perform in the ring aCFa25KvwhA-00339-00053912-00054030 and this is just a figure we've been aCFa25KvwhA-00340-00054032-00054191 waiting for for a long time he has a aCFa25KvwhA-00341-00054191-00054326 super cool move set he's going to be aCFa25KvwhA-00342-00054327-00054447 super fun to pose around aCFa25KvwhA-00343-00054448-00054615 and review and everything like that i aCFa25KvwhA-00344-00054616-00054838 cannot wait to get him in here and um aCFa25KvwhA-00345-00054839-00055054 nothing as far as switching out any aCFa25KvwhA-00346-00055055-00055199 parts or anything is coming to mind aCFa25KvwhA-00347-00055200-00055319 right now simply because it just aCFa25KvwhA-00348-00055320-00055454 wouldn't make sense i mean i thought aCFa25KvwhA-00349-00055455-00055638 about possibly some white boots on his aCFa25KvwhA-00350-00055639-00055775 chase variant figure but i don't know aCFa25KvwhA-00351-00055776-00055926 how i feel about it we'll just aCFa25KvwhA-00352-00055927-00056079 we'll see what's going on but keith lee aCFa25KvwhA-00353-00056079-00056215 had to come in at number three at the aCFa25KvwhA-00354-00056216-00056423 number two spot guys we have elite 83 aCFa25KvwhA-00355-00056424-00056582 edge now did you expect anything aCFa25KvwhA-00356-00056583-00056766 different i've been waiting for these aCFa25KvwhA-00357-00056767-00056950 attires forever when he first came out aCFa25KvwhA-00358-00056951-00057119 at you know wrestlemania and then aCFa25KvwhA-00359-00057120-00057263 backlash with these attires on i was aCFa25KvwhA-00360-00057264-00057526 like oh snap a kiss this looks fire i aCFa25KvwhA-00361-00057527-00057654 love the chrome boots of the aCFa25KvwhA-00362-00057655-00057775 wrestlemania tire aCFa25KvwhA-00363-00057776-00057991 i loved the the guns and rose's attire aCFa25KvwhA-00364-00057991-00058103 that's what i'm calling it from the aCFa25KvwhA-00365-00058104-00058263 backlash the greatest wrestling match aCFa25KvwhA-00366-00058264-00058303 ever aCFa25KvwhA-00367-00058304-00058415 and then of course we do have our aCFa25KvwhA-00368-00058416-00058559 ultimate edition edge that is coming aCFa25KvwhA-00369-00058560-00058607 probably aCFa25KvwhA-00370-00058608-00058799 the beginning of 2021 in the royal aCFa25KvwhA-00371-00058800-00058926 rumble gear and so aCFa25KvwhA-00372-00058927-00059071 uh so far we've had like all of his aCFa25KvwhA-00373-00059072-00059207 gears that he's worn since he returned aCFa25KvwhA-00374-00059208-00059407 to wwe and i'm really hyped for it edge aCFa25KvwhA-00375-00059408-00059566 is one of my favorites of all time as aCFa25KvwhA-00376-00059567-00059719 well so getting this figure that's aCFa25KvwhA-00377-00059720-00059838 updated and it's coming aCFa25KvwhA-00378-00059839-00059966 commemorating the memories and the aCFa25KvwhA-00379-00059967-00060103 moments that you know we got to aCFa25KvwhA-00380-00060104-00060287 experience in 2020 at the beginning when aCFa25KvwhA-00381-00060288-00060430 he returned and everything and that's aCFa25KvwhA-00382-00060432-00060606 just super excellent for me man so this aCFa25KvwhA-00383-00060607-00060735 this is excellent i can't wait for these aCFa25KvwhA-00384-00060736-00060854 figures i definitely am going to have to aCFa25KvwhA-00385-00060855-00060966 touch them up a little bit change some aCFa25KvwhA-00386-00060967-00061126 things out but that doesn't deduct any aCFa25KvwhA-00387-00061127-00061287 football points i'm really happy for it aCFa25KvwhA-00388-00061288-00061423 and really hyped for the figure aCFa25KvwhA-00389-00061424-00061606 because of how sick the tires are how aCFa25KvwhA-00390-00061607-00061726 great the head sculpt is aCFa25KvwhA-00391-00061727-00061935 and there's that now number one i feel aCFa25KvwhA-00392-00061936-00062135 like it's pretty john brown obvious what aCFa25KvwhA-00393-00062136-00062287 number one's gonna be guys but number aCFa25KvwhA-00394-00062288-00062319 one aCFa25KvwhA-00395-00062320-00062559 is going to be elite 82 finn balor now aCFa25KvwhA-00396-00062560-00062694 i'm pretty sure you could have seen this aCFa25KvwhA-00397-00062695-00062854 coming from a mile away i mean aCFa25KvwhA-00398-00062855-00063054 just look at it i mean just look at it aCFa25KvwhA-00399-00063055-00063206 just look at it how damn aCFa25KvwhA-00400-00063207-00063399 good is this head sculpt the head scope aCFa25KvwhA-00401-00063400-00063599 looks incredible i love the accessories aCFa25KvwhA-00402-00063600-00063742 i love the attire um aCFa25KvwhA-00403-00063744-00063911 i i can't wait to do fix ups with this aCFa25KvwhA-00404-00063912-00064087 guy i can't wait to see what a demon aCFa25KvwhA-00405-00064088-00064215 paint looks like on this guy aCFa25KvwhA-00406-00064216-00064430 i can't wait to customize and fix up and aCFa25KvwhA-00407-00064432-00064606 head switch and do all these things with aCFa25KvwhA-00408-00064607-00064815 it finn is one of my favorite performers aCFa25KvwhA-00409-00064816-00065038 in the world right now and him alongside aCFa25KvwhA-00410-00065039-00065287 kevin owens seth rollins guys of that um aCFa25KvwhA-00411-00065288-00065399 that i mean this is just aCFa25KvwhA-00412-00065400-00065550 excellent dude so i can't wait to get aCFa25KvwhA-00413-00065551-00065726 elite 82 finn in here the head sculpt's aCFa25KvwhA-00414-00065727-00065887 really what sells it for me how long aCFa25KvwhA-00415-00065888-00065999 have i been requesting aCFa25KvwhA-00416-00066000-00066191 a long thick beard like that that's like aCFa25KvwhA-00417-00066192-00066311 faded at the top aCFa25KvwhA-00418-00066312-00066494 with the nice hair i am going to get a aCFa25KvwhA-00419-00066495-00066671 custom made with this haircut to give it aCFa25KvwhA-00420-00066672-00066831 more of a longer haircut but this is aCFa25KvwhA-00421-00066832-00066887 still going to aCFa25KvwhA-00422-00066888-00067094 go perfect it still embodies the moment aCFa25KvwhA-00423-00067095-00067303 the nxt heelfin battler perfectly but aCFa25KvwhA-00424-00067304-00067519 that beard and the beautiful head sculpt aCFa25KvwhA-00425-00067520-00067663 and he kind of looks pissed off i mean aCFa25KvwhA-00426-00067664-00067838 that is what i've been asking for aCFa25KvwhA-00427-00067839-00068006 and we finally got it so i am definitely aCFa25KvwhA-00428-00068007-00068191 most hyped for the elite 82 fin but aCFa25KvwhA-00429-00068192-00068375 every figure on this list is fantastic aCFa25KvwhA-00430-00068376-00068543 all my honorable mentions are fantastic aCFa25KvwhA-00431-00068544-00068655 and just because a figure didn't make aCFa25KvwhA-00432-00068656-00068806 the top 10 or my honorable mentions aCFa25KvwhA-00433-00068807-00068919 doesn't mean it's going to be a great aCFa25KvwhA-00434-00068920-00069079 one i think the killer cross aCFa25KvwhA-00435-00069080-00069294 is a really great one i think that aCFa25KvwhA-00436-00069295-00069438 there's plenty of other figures we could aCFa25KvwhA-00437-00069439-00069591 have plugged on this list but for me aCFa25KvwhA-00438-00069592-00069791 guys this was my most top 10 hype and i aCFa25KvwhA-00439-00069792-00069903 would love to know what you thought of aCFa25KvwhA-00440-00069904-00070047 it down in the comment section below let aCFa25KvwhA-00441-00070048-00070191 me know your top 10 or let me know your aCFa25KvwhA-00442-00070192-00070326 top five or whatever the hell aCFa25KvwhA-00443-00070327-00070463 i'd really appreciate it down in the aCFa25KvwhA-00444-00070464-00070599 comment section below for this shout out aCFa25KvwhA-00445-00070600-00070719 guys i want to give a huge shout out to aCFa25KvwhA-00446-00070720-00070879 james fleming for this comment on our aCFa25KvwhA-00447-00070880-00071055 last video he says i hope my wallet aCFa25KvwhA-00448-00071056-00071223 forgives me laughing face i'm getting aCFa25KvwhA-00449-00071224-00071367 all these new elites hopefully we'll get aCFa25KvwhA-00450-00071368-00071526 a brand new red and yellow hulk hogan aCFa25KvwhA-00451-00071527-00071599 now and aCFa25KvwhA-00452-00071600-00071823 yes brad actually i think we are in the aCFa25KvwhA-00453-00071824-00072038 legend series after the ddp aCFa25KvwhA-00454-00072039-00072238 and the brutus beefcake wave or it may aCFa25KvwhA-00455-00072239-00072406 even be that same wave i think it's aCFa25KvwhA-00456-00072407-00072559 after the ted dibiase wave aCFa25KvwhA-00457-00072560-00072759 the same wave that has ddp and the aCFa25KvwhA-00458-00072760-00072894 brutus barber beefcake aCFa25KvwhA-00459-00072895-00073119 i think we're also getting a vader and a aCFa25KvwhA-00460-00073120-00073335 a hulk hogan and i think it's gonna be a aCFa25KvwhA-00461-00073336-00073494 ruthless aggression hulk hogan like aCFa25KvwhA-00462-00073495-00073655 undisputed champion hulk hogan don't aCFa25KvwhA-00463-00073656-00073799 quote me on that i think it's still up aCFa25KvwhA-00464-00073800-00073862 in the air aCFa25KvwhA-00465-00073863-00074015 but i did think i heard that on the aCFa25KvwhA-00466-00074016-00074182 rumor mill so just stay tuned for that aCFa25KvwhA-00467-00074183-00074350 so you may get your wish but i think aCFa25KvwhA-00468-00074351-00074462 that is going to do it for this video aCFa25KvwhA-00469-00074463-00074623 guys thank you so much to james for the aCFa25KvwhA-00470-00074624-00074671 comment aCFa25KvwhA-00471-00074672-00074823 thank you guys so very much for for aCFa25KvwhA-00472-00074824-00074959 watching the video let me know what your aCFa25KvwhA-00473-00074960-00075111 top 10 is down in the comment section aCFa25KvwhA-00474-00075112-00075150 below aCFa25KvwhA-00475-00075151-00075279 follow me on instagram and twitter my aCFa25KvwhA-00476-00075280-00075455 damn toys subscribe to the channel and i aCFa25KvwhA-00477-00075456-00075535 will see you guys aCFa25KvwhA-00478-00075536-00077251 in the next video thank you aCFa25KvwhA-00479-00077252-00077464 [Music] aCFa25KvwhA-00480-00077465-00077550 [Applause] aCFa25KvwhA-00481-00077551-00077760 you aCZusJPWKBY-00000-00000000-00000224 it's time to start chasing your dreams aCZusJPWKBY-00001-00000225-00000407 and believing in yourself there's way aCZusJPWKBY-00002-00000408-00000524 too many people out there that don't aCZusJPWKBY-00003-00000525-00000724 believe in you you need to believe in aCZusJPWKBY-00004-00000725-00000776 yourself aCZusJPWKBY-00005-00000777-00000991 all right everybody today in light of aCZusJPWKBY-00006-00000992-00001193 recent events my channel hitting 1,000 aCZusJPWKBY-00007-00001194-00001436 subs thank you all so much YouTube is aCZusJPWKBY-00008-00001437-00001702 like working on doing their monetization aCZusJPWKBY-00009-00001703-00002084 thing and stuff but also it is DNA day aCZusJPWKBY-00010-00002085-00002409 today and as you guys all remember this aCZusJPWKBY-00011-00002410-00002825 was like one of my thumbnails for a aCZusJPWKBY-00012-00002826-00003104 video the veil has actually helped me aCZusJPWKBY-00013-00003105-00003269 reach 1,000 subs it's my most viewed aCZusJPWKBY-00014-00003270-00003734 video on exposing my awful GPA and today aCZusJPWKBY-00015-00003735-00003833 I want to give you guys a little bit of aCZusJPWKBY-00016-00003834-00004111 motivation and inspiration based off of aCZusJPWKBY-00017-00004112-00004358 that video just to tell you guys that a aCZusJPWKBY-00018-00004359-00004663 bad grain just to show you guys that a aCZusJPWKBY-00019-00004664-00004952 bad grade does not define how far you aCZusJPWKBY-00020-00004953-00005054 can get okay aCZusJPWKBY-00021-00005055-00005236 so if you are new to my channel my name aCZusJPWKBY-00022-00005237-00005543 is Aaron I am just now finishing up my aCZusJPWKBY-00023-00005544-00005768 first year of medical school and if you aCZusJPWKBY-00024-00005769-00005897 haven't watched that other video go aCZusJPWKBY-00025-00005898-00006143 ahead and watch it it's my most viewed aCZusJPWKBY-00026-00006144-00006286 video I talk about getting a really bad aCZusJPWKBY-00027-00006287-00006634 GPA my sophomore semester close to a 2.7 aCZusJPWKBY-00028-00006636-00006985 GPA and Here I am like four years later aCZusJPWKBY-00029-00006986-00007289 and I got into medical school so I would aCZusJPWKBY-00030-00007290-00007381 just want to tell you guys that you guys aCZusJPWKBY-00031-00007383-00007624 can do it the main reason I wanted to aCZusJPWKBY-00032-00007625-00007742 make this video is because I have been aCZusJPWKBY-00033-00007743-00007942 getting so many messages through aCZusJPWKBY-00034-00007943-00008228 multiple forums through my email my aCZusJPWKBY-00035-00008229-00008489 email is through Instagram and just aCZusJPWKBY-00036-00008490-00008723 comments saying thank you Aaron for aCZusJPWKBY-00037-00008724-00008942 inspiring me and showing me that you can aCZusJPWKBY-00038-00008943-00009217 still make it and that's really the aCZusJPWKBY-00039-00009218-00009349 reason I did it but I ever thought I was aCZusJPWKBY-00040-00009350-00009695 gonna be so crazy I never expected that aCZusJPWKBY-00041-00009696-00010081 that vulnerability was going to make my aCZusJPWKBY-00042-00010082-00010339 channel really and I just wanted to give aCZusJPWKBY-00043-00010340-00010471 you guys some a little bit of more aCZusJPWKBY-00044-00010472-00010714 motivation and an inspiration I just aCZusJPWKBY-00045-00010715-00010892 want you guys to know that you guys can aCZusJPWKBY-00046-00010893-00011126 do it it doesn't matter if you guys are aCZusJPWKBY-00047-00011127-00011356 going to Community College currently if aCZusJPWKBY-00048-00011357-00011552 you guys have bad grades in the past if aCZusJPWKBY-00049-00011553-00011741 you guys are having bad grades currently aCZusJPWKBY-00050-00011742-00012002 the beautiful thing about being a human aCZusJPWKBY-00051-00012003-00012124 being guys is aCZusJPWKBY-00052-00012125-00012326 you guys can change that like that I aCZusJPWKBY-00053-00012327-00012652 know it sounds crazy but if you guys aCZusJPWKBY-00054-00012653-00013016 just have a change in your mindset I aCZusJPWKBY-00055-00013016-00013232 know sometimes it's really difficult but aCZusJPWKBY-00056-00013233-00013490 if you're struggling just stop for a aCZusJPWKBY-00057-00013491-00013790 moment and reflect on why that's aCZusJPWKBY-00058-00013791-00013853 happening aCZusJPWKBY-00059-00013854-00014047 reflect on why you're not doing so good aCZusJPWKBY-00060-00014048-00014285 in your classes reflect on just whatever aCZusJPWKBY-00061-00014286-00014408 problems you're having right now and aCZusJPWKBY-00062-00014409-00014633 what can you do to fix and what can you aCZusJPWKBY-00063-00014634-00014869 work on right now to fix them and just aCZusJPWKBY-00064-00014870-00015182 start doing it sometimes we want aCZusJPWKBY-00065-00015183-00015494 something to be perfect they kinda aCZusJPWKBY-00066-00015494-00015596 remind you a little bit about this aCZusJPWKBY-00067-00015597-00015769 YouTube channel so when I started I aCZusJPWKBY-00068-00015769-00016006 hated my videos I still hate maybe I aCZusJPWKBY-00069-00016007-00016178 still hate looking back and seeing them aCZusJPWKBY-00070-00016179-00016375 but they're they're not perfect I'm not aCZusJPWKBY-00071-00016376-00016478 saying they're perfect aCZusJPWKBY-00072-00016479-00016661 I never wanted them to be perfect aCZusJPWKBY-00073-00016662-00016906 because I knew that if I just started I aCZusJPWKBY-00074-00016907-00017072 was gonna get better so that's what I'm aCZusJPWKBY-00075-00017073-00017312 asking us to do today just start go out aCZusJPWKBY-00076-00017313-00017510 there start studying more instead of aCZusJPWKBY-00077-00017511-00017678 spending so much time on YouTube aCZusJPWKBY-00078-00017679-00017953 watching videos like I used to do a lot aCZusJPWKBY-00079-00017954-00018146 instead of playing that video game turn aCZusJPWKBY-00080-00018147-00018559 it off and go study if your goal is to aCZusJPWKBY-00081-00018560-00018746 be a doctor and you haven't found any aCZusJPWKBY-00082-00018747-00018931 shadowing stations stop watching this aCZusJPWKBY-00083-00018932-00019178 right now and go email 10 different aCZusJPWKBY-00084-00019179-00019325 clinics and ask if you can go shadow aCZusJPWKBY-00085-00019326-00019528 that's what it takes guys it just takes aCZusJPWKBY-00086-00019529-00019808 initiative and you guys taking action aCZusJPWKBY-00087-00019809-00020050 right now don't wait for tomorrow don't aCZusJPWKBY-00088-00020051-00020243 wait for an hour now I work from now aCZusJPWKBY-00089-00020244-00020437 just do it right now aCZusJPWKBY-00090-00020438-00020636 that is one of the biggest things I've aCZusJPWKBY-00091-00020637-00020755 learned that if you want to do something aCZusJPWKBY-00092-00020756-00020956 just go after it if you if it really if aCZusJPWKBY-00093-00020957-00021086 you're really passionate about it and aCZusJPWKBY-00094-00021087-00021412 you want it then go after it I went I aCZusJPWKBY-00095-00021413-00021617 was rejected from medical school I knew aCZusJPWKBY-00096-00021618-00021908 that I knew my application was weak when aCZusJPWKBY-00097-00021909-00022133 I applied I was realistic so the same aCZusJPWKBY-00098-00022134-00022343 day I got my rejection I went and met aCZusJPWKBY-00099-00022344-00022534 with my pre-med advisor just because I aCZusJPWKBY-00100-00022535-00022850 wasn't gonna let this tiny like barrier aCZusJPWKBY-00101-00022851-00023021 challenge obstacles stop me from getting aCZusJPWKBY-00102-00023022-00023155 into medical school and becoming a aCZusJPWKBY-00103-00023156-00023209 doctor aCZusJPWKBY-00104-00023210-00023503 because it's I don't have a plan B I've aCZusJPWKBY-00105-00023504-00023744 never had a plan B this is my plan for aCZusJPWKBY-00106-00023745-00024115 life and I just want you guys to get a aCZusJPWKBY-00107-00024116-00024221 little motivation get a little aCZusJPWKBY-00108-00024222-00024583 inspiration just go do it aCZusJPWKBY-00109-00024584-00024815 I think a lot of my inspiration last aCZusJPWKBY-00110-00024816-00024929 weekend I was aCZusJPWKBY-00111-00024930-00025217 extremely emotional guys I went home and aCZusJPWKBY-00112-00025218-00025886 I literally saw my truck so like I said aCZusJPWKBY-00113-00025887-00026075 I'm oh I don't know if you guys knew aCZusJPWKBY-00114-00026076-00026192 this but I want a first-gen aCZusJPWKBY-00115-00026193-00026429 mexican-american so my parents traveled aCZusJPWKBY-00116-00026430-00026645 a lot when they came here and I went I aCZusJPWKBY-00117-00026645-00026813 was so emotional like I said a stolen aCZusJPWKBY-00118-00026814-00027137 car right now but I saw our blue truck aCZusJPWKBY-00119-00027138-00027494 and I just remember how much work my aCZusJPWKBY-00120-00027495-00027808 parents put in to like even get that aCZusJPWKBY-00121-00027810-00028114 truck and it was just like such a change aCZusJPWKBY-00122-00028116-00028414 in our lives like wow we finally could aCZusJPWKBY-00123-00028416-00028754 afford stuff right and it's crazy aCZusJPWKBY-00124-00028755-00028898 because a lot of people don't understand aCZusJPWKBY-00125-00028899-00029210 this but it really like hit me like my aCZusJPWKBY-00126-00029211-00029462 parents worked them that's all and I aCZusJPWKBY-00127-00029463-00029702 just want to like work my butt off in aCZusJPWKBY-00128-00029702-00030020 medical schools that way like I can be aCZusJPWKBY-00129-00030020-00030220 an amazing doctor just put in the work aCZusJPWKBY-00130-00030222-00030433 guys it's not magic there's no aCZusJPWKBY-00131-00030435-00030608 mattresses there's no secret sauce or aCZusJPWKBY-00132-00030608-00030881 tips or secret you guys just have to go aCZusJPWKBY-00133-00030882-00031049 out and do it I'm going to end the video aCZusJPWKBY-00134-00031050-00031316 right now five minutes and I hope you aCZusJPWKBY-00135-00031317-00031523 guys like this one if you did please hit aCZusJPWKBY-00136-00031524-00031805 that like leave a comment below if this aCZusJPWKBY-00137-00031806-00031997 helped you if it didn't what your aCZusJPWKBY-00138-00031998-00032222 thoughts are on this of course it's not aCZusJPWKBY-00139-00032223-00032365 subscribe if you're new to my channel aCZusJPWKBY-00140-00032366-00032519 thank you all to have already subscribed aCZusJPWKBY-00141-00032520-00032807 and I will see you guys in the next aCZusJPWKBY-00142-00032808-00032948 video I really hope you guys like this aCZusJPWKBY-00143-00032949-00033386 one and I'll see you guys happy DNA day aCZusJPWKBY-00144-00033387-00033615 I think it's national DNA day and I just aCZusJPWKBY-00145-00033616-00033800 putting this up because I'm gonna put it aCZusJPWKBY-00146-00033801-00034163 up my thumbnail again and a bad grade aCZusJPWKBY-00147-00034164-00034589 does not define you guys okay fine aEMHSK5i-60-00000-00000000-00000484 [Music] aEMHSK5i-60-00001-00000484-00000875 jesus heals the brokenhearted and opens aEMHSK5i-60-00002-00000876-00001127 the eyes of the blind I want to share aEMHSK5i-60-00003-00001128-00001382 this story of Parsa for whom Jesus did aEMHSK5i-60-00004-00001383-00001466 both aEMHSK5i-60-00005-00001467-00001793 Parsa is just a child he tells his story aEMHSK5i-60-00006-00001794-00002026 he says last year they arrested my mom aEMHSK5i-60-00007-00002027-00002330 they broke into our house and in front aEMHSK5i-60-00008-00002331-00002600 of me they raped my mom and took her aEMHSK5i-60-00009-00002601-00002849 away and while they were doing that they aEMHSK5i-60-00010-00002850-00003062 put a liquid in my eyes which really aEMHSK5i-60-00011-00003063-00003322 burned it and I could not see well after aEMHSK5i-60-00012-00003323-00003533 that after a few months aEMHSK5i-60-00013-00003534-00003706 my mom was released and when she came aEMHSK5i-60-00014-00003707-00003986 back home she was so depressed to see me aEMHSK5i-60-00015-00003986-00004265 that way she took me to many doctors and aEMHSK5i-60-00016-00004266-00004490 they said we cannot do anything even the aEMHSK5i-60-00017-00004491-00004694 best doctor said we just have to take aEMHSK5i-60-00018-00004695-00005018 the eyes out but then we had a neighbor aEMHSK5i-60-00019-00005019-00005381 a Christian neighbor she came over and aEMHSK5i-60-00020-00005382-00005729 said can I pray for your son my mom said aEMHSK5i-60-00021-00005730-00005966 of course so she went back and brought a aEMHSK5i-60-00022-00005967-00006224 Bible and put the Bible in my head and aEMHSK5i-60-00023-00006225-00006556 prayed in the name of Jesus that Jesus aEMHSK5i-60-00024-00006558-00006833 would heal my eyes I didn't think it was aEMHSK5i-60-00025-00006834-00007084 gonna happen and when she left our aEMHSK5i-60-00026-00007086-00007355 neighbor left a few hours later my mom aEMHSK5i-60-00027-00007356-00007673 my grandma had lost her purse and said aEMHSK5i-60-00028-00007673-00007841 where is my purse where is my purse I aEMHSK5i-60-00029-00007842-00008039 said grandma I saw your person he was aEMHSK5i-60-00030-00008040-00008521 upstairs my grandma said really can you aEMHSK5i-60-00031-00008522-00008849 see I said grandma I can see your aEMHSK5i-60-00032-00008850-00009217 beautiful face my grandma and my mom aEMHSK5i-60-00033-00009218-00009563 were so joyful that Jesus had healed my aEMHSK5i-60-00034-00009564-00009821 eyes but you know what I heard the aEMHSK5i-60-00035-00009822-00010099 gospel and I gave my heart to Jesus and aEMHSK5i-60-00036-00010100-00010396 not only jesus healed my eyes He healed aEMHSK5i-60-00037-00010397-00010733 my heart I was so full of fear hatred aEMHSK5i-60-00038-00010734-00011089 and now God has brought forgiveness in aEMHSK5i-60-00039-00011090-00011156 my heart aEMHSK5i-60-00040-00011157-00011441 would you teach me Bible I want to serve aEMHSK5i-60-00041-00011442-00011738 the Lord I want to know the Bible my aEMHSK5i-60-00042-00011739-00012053 dear ones Jesus is doing miracles all aEMHSK5i-60-00043-00012054-00012360 the time among Muslim specially in Iran aEMHSK5i-60-00044-00012361-00012626 salvation is easy in Iran with just a aEMHSK5i-60-00045-00012627-00012869 prayer people are coming to Christ but aEMHSK5i-60-00046-00012869-00012935 you know what aEMHSK5i-60-00047-00012936-00013268 Jesus wants to disciple them may I aEMHSK5i-60-00048-00013269-00013391 challenge you with aEMHSK5i-60-00049-00013391-00013661 you pray with us that the this new year aEMHSK5i-60-00050-00013662-00013983 we will start disciple in a deep way aEMHSK5i-60-00051-00013984-00014225 millions of Christians who already have aEMHSK5i-60-00052-00014226-00014501 come to Christ these Muslims who are aEMHSK5i-60-00053-00014502-00014722 dedicated to Islam now they're dedicated aEMHSK5i-60-00054-00014723-00015080 to Jesus but we have no knowledge would aEMHSK5i-60-00055-00015081-00015380 you help me disciple the nation would aEMHSK5i-60-00056-00015381-00015602 you help me share the Bible verse by aEMHSK5i-60-00057-00015603-00015833 verse teach it to these millions of aEMHSK5i-60-00058-00015834-00016043 Iranian Christians first of all I want aEMHSK5i-60-00059-00016044-00016297 to thank you thank you who are praying aEMHSK5i-60-00060-00016298-00016592 and giving already may I challenge the aEMHSK5i-60-00061-00016593-00016844 rest of you would you join us to aEMHSK5i-60-00062-00016845-00017168 transform a nation would you give one aEMHSK5i-60-00063-00017169-00017627 time gift or a better monthly gift to be aEMHSK5i-60-00064-00017628-00017915 partners with us because together we aEMHSK5i-60-00065-00017916-00018116 will see Iran transformed and not just aEMHSK5i-60-00066-00018117-00018407 Iran Iran is not the end Iran is the aEMHSK5i-60-00067-00018408-00018725 beginning the whole Middle East need to aEMHSK5i-60-00068-00018726-00018970 hear the gospel god bless you aEMHSK5i-60-00069-00018971-00019543 [Music] aFJekHnn1cE-00000-00000008-00000739 [Music] aFJekHnn1cE-00001-00000740-00001007 thank you aFJekHnn1cE-00002-00001008-00001320 now what would you say to other people aFJekHnn1cE-00003-00001321-00001645 when they're kind of in your position aFJekHnn1cE-00004-00001646-00001973 have been going to the trainings and aFJekHnn1cE-00005-00001973-00002189 been taken advantage of that and aFJekHnn1cE-00006-00002190-00002410 learning what to do and how to do it aFJekHnn1cE-00007-00002411-00002597 what would you say to them well I would aFJekHnn1cE-00008-00002598-00002921 just say that if you'll use these forms aFJekHnn1cE-00009-00002922-00003269 they work as a CPA I might try to aFJekHnn1cE-00010-00003270-00003569 reconstruct everything but you've you've aFJekHnn1cE-00011-00003570-00003833 got you've got what you need here uh and aFJekHnn1cE-00012-00003834-00004036 there's no reconstruction needed I love aFJekHnn1cE-00013-00004037-00004217 that and I wouldn't even be able to come aFJekHnn1cE-00014-00004218-00004475 close to uh you know to to all of the aFJekHnn1cE-00015-00004476-00004636 detail and the years of experience that aFJekHnn1cE-00016-00004637-00004786 you put into it so aFJekHnn1cE-00017-00004787-00005129 oh that's fantastic well I love having a aFJekHnn1cE-00018-00005130-00005495 lawyer and a CPA review all of our aFJekHnn1cE-00019-00005496-00005818 systems and give it the uh the five-star aFJekHnn1cE-00020-00005819-00006182 uh seal of approvals aFJekHnn1cE-00021-00006183-00007176 [Music] aGfyJsDExEU-00000-00000065-00000356 planetary habitability is the measure of aGfyJsDExEU-00001-00000357-00000601 a planets or a natural satellites aGfyJsDExEU-00002-00000602-00000814 potential to develop and maintain aGfyJsDExEU-00003-00000815-00001214 environments hospitable to life life may aGfyJsDExEU-00004-00001215-00001478 be generated directly on a planet or aGfyJsDExEU-00005-00001479-00001757 satellite endogenously or be transferred aGfyJsDExEU-00006-00001757-00002030 to it from another body a hypothetical aGfyJsDExEU-00007-00002030-00002420 process known as panspermia environments aGfyJsDExEU-00008-00002421-00002621 do not need to contain life to be aGfyJsDExEU-00009-00002622-00002884 considered habitable nor are accepted aGfyJsDExEU-00010-00002885-00003142 habitable zones the only areas in which aGfyJsDExEU-00011-00003143-00003415 life might arise as the existence of aGfyJsDExEU-00012-00003417-00003692 life beyond Earth is unknown planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00013-00003693-00003970 habitability is largely an extrapolation aGfyJsDExEU-00014-00003971-00004174 of conditions on earth and the aGfyJsDExEU-00015-00004175-00004388 characteristics of the Sun and solar aGfyJsDExEU-00016-00004389-00004649 system which appear favorable to life's aGfyJsDExEU-00017-00004650-00004991 flourishing of particular interest to aGfyJsDExEU-00018-00004992-00005195 those factors that have sustained aGfyJsDExEU-00019-00005196-00005488 complex multicellular organisms on earth aGfyJsDExEU-00020-00005489-00005713 and not just simpler unicellular aGfyJsDExEU-00021-00005714-00006079 creatures research and theory in this aGfyJsDExEU-00022-00006080-00006331 regard is a component of a number of aGfyJsDExEU-00023-00006332-00006610 Natural Sciences such as astronomy aGfyJsDExEU-00024-00006611-00006848 planetary science in the emerging aGfyJsDExEU-00025-00006848-00007133 discipline of astrobiology aGfyJsDExEU-00026-00007134-00007433 an absolute requirement for life is an aGfyJsDExEU-00027-00007434-00007634 energy source and the notion of aGfyJsDExEU-00028-00007634-00007934 planetary habitability implies that many aGfyJsDExEU-00029-00007934-00008220 other geophysical geochemical and aGfyJsDExEU-00030-00008221-00008462 Astrophysical criteria must be met aGfyJsDExEU-00031-00008463-00008738 before an astronomical body can support aGfyJsDExEU-00032-00008739-00009158 life in its astrobiology roadmap nASA aGfyJsDExEU-00033-00009159-00009394 has defined the principle habitability aGfyJsDExEU-00034-00009395-00009766 criteria as extended regions of liquid aGfyJsDExEU-00035-00009767-00010027 water conditions favorable for the aGfyJsDExEU-00036-00010028-00010244 Assembly of complex organic molecules aGfyJsDExEU-00037-00010245-00010702 and energy sources to sustain metabolism aGfyJsDExEU-00038-00010703-00011122 in August 2018 researchers reported that aGfyJsDExEU-00039-00011123-00011305 water worlds could support life aGfyJsDExEU-00040-00011306-00011560 habitability indicators and bio aGfyJsDExEU-00041-00011561-00011830 signatures must be interpreted within a aGfyJsDExEU-00042-00011831-00012205 planetary and environmental context in aGfyJsDExEU-00043-00012206-00012458 determining the habitability potential aGfyJsDExEU-00044-00012459-00012733 of a body studies focus on its bulk aGfyJsDExEU-00045-00012734-00012949 composition orbital properties aGfyJsDExEU-00046-00012950-00013203 atmosphere and potential chemical aGfyJsDExEU-00047-00013204-00013600 interactions still a characteristics of aGfyJsDExEU-00048-00013601-00013855 importance include mass and luminosity aGfyJsDExEU-00049-00013856-00014241 stable variability and high metallicity aGfyJsDExEU-00050-00014243-00014591 rocky wet terrestrial type planets and aGfyJsDExEU-00051-00014591-00014806 moons with the potential for earth-like aGfyJsDExEU-00052-00014807-00015097 chemistry are a primary focus of Astro aGfyJsDExEU-00053-00015098-00015328 biological research although more aGfyJsDExEU-00054-00015329-00015562 speculative habitability theories aGfyJsDExEU-00055-00015563-00015796 occasionally examine alternative aGfyJsDExEU-00056-00015797-00016006 biochemistry and other types of aGfyJsDExEU-00057-00016007-00016390 astronomical bodies the idea that aGfyJsDExEU-00058-00016391-00016622 planets beyond Earth's might host life aGfyJsDExEU-00059-00016623-00016808 is an ancient one though historically aGfyJsDExEU-00060-00016809-00017119 was framed by philosophy as much as aGfyJsDExEU-00061-00017120-00017465 physical science the late 20th century aGfyJsDExEU-00062-00017466-00017789 saw two breakthroughs in the field the aGfyJsDExEU-00063-00017790-00018037 observation and robotic spacecraft aGfyJsDExEU-00064-00018038-00018280 exploration of other planets and moons aGfyJsDExEU-00065-00018281-00018521 within the solar system has provided aGfyJsDExEU-00066-00018522-00018767 critical information on defining aGfyJsDExEU-00067-00018768-00019033 habitability criteria and allowed for aGfyJsDExEU-00068-00019034-00019300 substantial geophysical comparisons aGfyJsDExEU-00069-00019301-00019628 between the earth and other bodies the aGfyJsDExEU-00070-00019629-00019855 discovery of extrasolar planets aGfyJsDExEU-00071-00019856-00020141 beginning in the early 1990s and aGfyJsDExEU-00072-00020142-00020408 accelerating thereafter has provided aGfyJsDExEU-00073-00020409-00020624 further information for the study of aGfyJsDExEU-00074-00020625-00020972 possible extraterrestrial life these aGfyJsDExEU-00075-00020973-00021217 findings confirm that the Sun is not aGfyJsDExEU-00076-00021218-00021505 unique among stars in hosting planets & aGfyJsDExEU-00077-00021506-00021725 Expense the habitability research aGfyJsDExEU-00078-00021726-00022567 horizon beyond the solar system topic aGfyJsDExEU-00079-00022568-00023225 Earth habitability comparison the aGfyJsDExEU-00080-00023226-00023503 chemistry of life may have begun shortly aGfyJsDExEU-00081-00023504-00023830 after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years aGfyJsDExEU-00082-00023831-00024113 ago during a habitable epoch when the aGfyJsDExEU-00083-00024114-00024442 universe was only 10 to 17 million years aGfyJsDExEU-00084-00024443-00024739 old according to the panspermia aGfyJsDExEU-00085-00024740-00025144 hypothesis microscopic life distributed aGfyJsDExEU-00086-00025145-00025450 by meteoroids asteroids and other small aGfyJsDExEU-00087-00025451-00025775 solar system bodies may exist throughout aGfyJsDExEU-00088-00025776-00026140 the universe nonetheless earth is the aGfyJsDExEU-00089-00026141-00026375 only place in the universe known to aGfyJsDExEU-00090-00026376-00026740 harbor life estimates of habitable zones aGfyJsDExEU-00091-00026741-00026981 around other stars along with the aGfyJsDExEU-00092-00026982-00027202 discovery of hundreds of extrasolar aGfyJsDExEU-00093-00027203-00027443 planets and new insights into the aGfyJsDExEU-00094-00027444-00027733 extreme habitats here on earth suggest aGfyJsDExEU-00095-00027734-00027920 that there may be many more habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00096-00027920-00028193 places in the universe than considered aGfyJsDExEU-00097-00028194-00028574 possible until very recently on the 4th aGfyJsDExEU-00098-00028575-00028892 of November 2013 astronomers reported aGfyJsDExEU-00099-00028893-00029215 based on Kepler space mission data that aGfyJsDExEU-00100-00029216-00029426 there could be as many as 40 billion aGfyJsDExEU-00101-00029427-00029608 earth-sized planets orbit aGfyJsDExEU-00102-00029608-00029869 in the habitable zones of sun-like stars aGfyJsDExEU-00103-00029870-00030264 and red dwarfs within the Milky Way 11 aGfyJsDExEU-00104-00030266-00030514 billion of these estimated planets may aGfyJsDExEU-00105-00030514-00030877 be orbiting sun-like stars the nearest aGfyJsDExEU-00106-00030877-00031140 such planet may be 12 light-years away aGfyJsDExEU-00107-00031141-00031867 according to the scientists aGfyJsDExEU-00108-00031868-00032569 topic suitable star systems an aGfyJsDExEU-00109-00032570-00032797 understanding of planetary habitability aGfyJsDExEU-00110-00032798-00033155 begins with the host star the classical aGfyJsDExEU-00111-00033156-00033359 age said is defined for surface aGfyJsDExEU-00112-00033360-00033623 conditions only but a metabolism that aGfyJsDExEU-00113-00033624-00033866 does not depend on the stellar light can aGfyJsDExEU-00114-00033867-00034151 still exist outside the H said thriving aGfyJsDExEU-00115-00034152-00034340 in the interior of the planet where aGfyJsDExEU-00116-00034341-00034550 liquid water is available under the aGfyJsDExEU-00117-00034551-00034855 auspices of SCT eyes project Phoenix aGfyJsDExEU-00118-00034856-00035114 scientists Margaret Turnbull and Jill aGfyJsDExEU-00119-00035115-00035489 tarter developed the hab cat or catalog aGfyJsDExEU-00120-00035490-00035960 of habitable stellar systems in 2002 the aGfyJsDExEU-00121-00035961-00036173 catalog was formed by winnowing the aGfyJsDExEU-00122-00036174-00036509 nearly 120,000 stars of the larger aGfyJsDExEU-00123-00036510-00036799 Hipparcos catalog into a core group of aGfyJsDExEU-00124-00036800-00037103 17,000 potentially habitable stars and aGfyJsDExEU-00125-00037104-00037346 the selection criteria that we used aGfyJsDExEU-00126-00037347-00037549 provide a good starting point for aGfyJsDExEU-00127-00037550-00037769 understanding which Astrophysical aGfyJsDExEU-00128-00037770-00037988 factors are necessary to habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00129-00037989-00038261 planets according to research published aGfyJsDExEU-00130-00038262-00038483 in August 2015 aGfyJsDExEU-00131-00038484-00038720 very large galaxies may be more aGfyJsDExEU-00132-00038721-00038909 favorable to the formation and aGfyJsDExEU-00133-00038910-00039134 development of habitable planets than aGfyJsDExEU-00134-00039135-00039380 smaller galaxies like the Milky Way aGfyJsDExEU-00135-00039381-00039470 galaxy aGfyJsDExEU-00136-00039471-00039695 however the question of what makes a aGfyJsDExEU-00137-00039696-00039938 planet habitable is much more complex aGfyJsDExEU-00138-00039939-00040154 than having a planet located at the aGfyJsDExEU-00139-00040155-00040400 right distance from its host star so aGfyJsDExEU-00140-00040401-00040634 that water can be liquid on its surface aGfyJsDExEU-00141-00040635-00040928 various geophysical and geo dynamical aGfyJsDExEU-00142-00040929-00041240 aspects the radiation and the host stars aGfyJsDExEU-00143-00041241-00041483 plasma environment can influence the aGfyJsDExEU-00144-00041484-00041717 evolution of planets and life if it aGfyJsDExEU-00145-00041718-00042089 originated liquid water is a necessary aGfyJsDExEU-00146-00042090-00042344 but not sufficient condition for life as aGfyJsDExEU-00147-00042345-00042620 we know it as habitability is a function aGfyJsDExEU-00148-00042621-00042815 of a multitude of environmental aGfyJsDExEU-00149-00042816-00043522 parameters topic spectral aGfyJsDExEU-00150-00043523-00044116 glass the spectral class of a star aGfyJsDExEU-00151-00044117-00044398 indicates its photosphere ik temperature aGfyJsDExEU-00152-00044399-00044683 which for main-sequence stars correlates aGfyJsDExEU-00153-00044684-00045073 to overall mass the appropriate spectral aGfyJsDExEU-00154-00045074-00045349 range for habitable stars is considered aGfyJsDExEU-00155-00045350-00046009 to be late f or g to mid K this aGfyJsDExEU-00156-00046010-00046246 corresponds to temperatures of a little aGfyJsDExEU-00157-00046247-00046537 more than 7,000 K down to a little less aGfyJsDExEU-00158-00046538-00047067 than 4,000 K 6700 degrees Celsius to aGfyJsDExEU-00159-00047068-00047479 3,700 degrees Celsius the Sun a g2 star aGfyJsDExEU-00160-00047480-00048006 at 5777 K is well within these bounds aGfyJsDExEU-00161-00048007-00048325 this spectral range probably accounts aGfyJsDExEU-00162-00048326-00048658 for between 5% and 10% of stars in the aGfyJsDExEU-00163-00048659-00049017 local Milky Way galaxy middle-class aGfyJsDExEU-00164-00049018-00049294 stars of this sort have a number of aGfyJsDExEU-00165-00049295-00049549 characteristics considered important to aGfyJsDExEU-00166-00049550-00049897 planetary habitability they live at aGfyJsDExEU-00167-00049898-00050161 least a few billion years allowing life aGfyJsDExEU-00168-00050162-00050464 a chance to evolve more luminous aGfyJsDExEU-00169-00050465-00051054 main-sequence stars of thee o B and a aGfyJsDExEU-00170-00051055-00051328 classes usually live less than a billion aGfyJsDExEU-00171-00051329-00051604 years and in exceptional cases less than aGfyJsDExEU-00172-00051604-00051933 10 million they emit enough high aGfyJsDExEU-00173-00051934-00052191 frequency ultraviolet radiation to aGfyJsDExEU-00174-00052192-00052423 trigger important atmospheric dynamics aGfyJsDExEU-00175-00052424-00052765 such as ozone formation but not so much aGfyJsDExEU-00176-00052766-00053115 that ionization destroys incipient life aGfyJsDExEU-00177-00053116-00053410 they emit sufficient radiation at aGfyJsDExEU-00178-00053411-00053780 wavelengths conducive to photosynthesis aGfyJsDExEU-00179-00053782-00054097 liquid water may exist on the surface of aGfyJsDExEU-00180-00054098-00054325 planets orbiting them at a distance that aGfyJsDExEU-00181-00054326-00054586 does not induce tidal locking K type aGfyJsDExEU-00182-00054587-00054859 stars may be able to support life far aGfyJsDExEU-00183-00054860-00055033 longer than the Sun where the faint aGfyJsDExEU-00184-00055034-00055294 allayed K and M Class red dwarf stars aGfyJsDExEU-00185-00055295-00055554 are also suitable hosts for habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00186-00055555-00055798 planets is perhaps the most important aGfyJsDExEU-00187-00055799-00056029 open question in the entire field of aGfyJsDExEU-00188-00056029-00056248 planetary habitability given their aGfyJsDExEU-00189-00056249-00056488 prevalence habitability of red dwarf aGfyJsDExEU-00190-00056489-00056886 systems Gliese 581 aGfyJsDExEU-00191-00056887-00057251 see a super-earth has been found aGfyJsDExEU-00192-00057252-00057672 orbiting in the habitable zone H said of aGfyJsDExEU-00193-00057673-00057955 a red dwarf and may possess liquid water aGfyJsDExEU-00194-00057957-00058257 however it is also possible that a aGfyJsDExEU-00195-00058258-00058512 greenhouse effect may render it too hot aGfyJsDExEU-00196-00058513-00058719 to support life while its neighbor aGfyJsDExEU-00197-00058720-00059100 Gliese 581 D may be a more likely aGfyJsDExEU-00198-00059101-00059478 candidate for habitability in September aGfyJsDExEU-00199-00059479-00059754 2010 the discovery was announced of aGfyJsDExEU-00200-00059754-00060153 another planet Gliese 581 grams in an aGfyJsDExEU-00201-00060154-00060471 orbit between these two planets however aGfyJsDExEU-00202-00060472-00060755 reviews of the discovery have placed the aGfyJsDExEU-00203-00060757-00061004 existence of this planet in doubt and it aGfyJsDExEU-00204-00061005-00061407 is listed as unconfirmed in September aGfyJsDExEU-00205-00061408-00061674 2012 the discovery of two planets aGfyJsDExEU-00206-00061675-00062187 orbiting glaser 163 was announced one of aGfyJsDExEU-00207-00062188-00062649 the planets Glazer 163 C about six point aGfyJsDExEU-00208-00062650-00062853 nine times the mass of Earth and aGfyJsDExEU-00209-00062854-00063054 somewhat hotter was considered to be aGfyJsDExEU-00210-00063054-00063326 within the habitable zone a recent study aGfyJsDExEU-00211-00063327-00063546 suggests that cooler stars that emit aGfyJsDExEU-00212-00063547-00063716 more light in the infrared and aGfyJsDExEU-00213-00063717-00063984 near-infrared may actually host warmer aGfyJsDExEU-00214-00063985-00064212 planets with less ice and incidents of aGfyJsDExEU-00215-00064213-00064551 snowball States these wavelengths are aGfyJsDExEU-00216-00064552-00064751 absorbed by their planets ice and aGfyJsDExEU-00217-00064752-00065550 greenhouse gases and remain warmer topic aGfyJsDExEU-00218-00065551-00066210 a stable habitable zone the habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00219-00066211-00066474 zone age said is a shell shaped region aGfyJsDExEU-00220-00066475-00066741 of space surrounding a star in which a aGfyJsDExEU-00221-00066742-00066969 planet could maintain liquid water on aGfyJsDExEU-00222-00066970-00067305 its surface the concept was first aGfyJsDExEU-00223-00067306-00067611 proposed by astrophysicists ooh shuhang aGfyJsDExEU-00224-00067612-00068025 in 1959 based on climatic constraints aGfyJsDExEU-00225-00068026-00068406 imposed by the host star after an energy aGfyJsDExEU-00226-00068407-00068661 source liquid water is considered the aGfyJsDExEU-00227-00068662-00068904 most important ingredient for life aGfyJsDExEU-00228-00068905-00069135 considering how integral it is to all aGfyJsDExEU-00229-00069136-00069486 life systems on earth this may reflect aGfyJsDExEU-00230-00069487-00069756 the known dependence of life on water aGfyJsDExEU-00231-00069757-00069999 however if life is discovered in the aGfyJsDExEU-00232-00070000-00070273 absence of water the definition of an A aGfyJsDExEU-00233-00070274-00070672 Ned may have to be greatly expanded the aGfyJsDExEU-00234-00070673-00070867 inner edge of the age said is the aGfyJsDExEU-00235-00070868-00071094 distance where runaway greenhouse effect aGfyJsDExEU-00236-00071095-00071392 vaporized the whole water reservoir as a aGfyJsDExEU-00237-00071393-00071590 second effect induce the aGfyJsDExEU-00238-00071591-00071863 photodissociation of water vapor in the aGfyJsDExEU-00239-00071864-00072241 loss of hydrogen to space the outer edge aGfyJsDExEU-00240-00072242-00072454 of the edge said is the distance from aGfyJsDExEU-00241-00072455-00072679 the star where a maximum greenhouse aGfyJsDExEU-00242-00072680-00072925 effect fails to keep the surface of the aGfyJsDExEU-00243-00072926-00073174 planet above the freezing point and by aGfyJsDExEU-00244-00073175-00073492 co2 condensation our stable aGfyJsDExEU-00245-00073493-00073891 H said implies two factors first the aGfyJsDExEU-00246-00073892-00074092 range of an H said should not vary aGfyJsDExEU-00247-00074093-00074467 greatly over time all stars increase in aGfyJsDExEU-00248-00074468-00074734 luminosity as they age and a given age aGfyJsDExEU-00249-00074735-00075001 said thus migrates outwards but if this aGfyJsDExEU-00250-00075002-00075259 happens too quickly for example with a aGfyJsDExEU-00251-00075260-00075541 supermassive star planets may only have aGfyJsDExEU-00252-00075542-00075787 a brief window inside the H said in a aGfyJsDExEU-00253-00075788-00076003 correspondingly smaller chance of aGfyJsDExEU-00254-00076004-00076357 developing life calculating an H said aGfyJsDExEU-00255-00076358-00076606 range in its long-term movement is never aGfyJsDExEU-00256-00076607-00076846 straightforward as negative feedback aGfyJsDExEU-00257-00076847-00077140 loops such as the CNO cycle will tend to aGfyJsDExEU-00258-00077141-00077460 offset the increases in luminosity aGfyJsDExEU-00259-00077461-00077716 assumptions made about atmospheric aGfyJsDExEU-00260-00077717-00077947 conditions and geology thus have as aGfyJsDExEU-00261-00077948-00078187 great an impact on a putative H said aGfyJsDExEU-00262-00078188-00078426 range as de stellar evolution the aGfyJsDExEU-00263-00078427-00078685 proposed parameters of the Suns age said aGfyJsDExEU-00264-00078686-00078938 for example have fluctuated greatly aGfyJsDExEU-00265-00078939-00079269 second no large mass body such as a gas aGfyJsDExEU-00266-00079270-00079516 giant should be present in or relatively aGfyJsDExEU-00267-00079517-00079774 close to the H said thus disrupting the aGfyJsDExEU-00268-00079775-00080092 formation of Earth's sized bodies the aGfyJsDExEU-00269-00080093-00080281 matter in the asteroid belt aGfyJsDExEU-00270-00080282-00080503 for example appears to have been unable aGfyJsDExEU-00271-00080504-00080776 to accrete into a planet due to orbital aGfyJsDExEU-00272-00080777-00081043 resonances with Jupiter if the giant had aGfyJsDExEU-00273-00081044-00081205 appeared in the region that is now aGfyJsDExEU-00274-00081206-00081436 between the orbits of Venus and Mars aGfyJsDExEU-00275-00081437-00081681 earth would almost certainly not have aGfyJsDExEU-00276-00081682-00082021 developed in its present form however a aGfyJsDExEU-00277-00082022-00082303 gas giant inside the H said might have aGfyJsDExEU-00278-00082304-00082482 habitable moons under the right aGfyJsDExEU-00279-00082483-00082774 conditions in the solar system the inner aGfyJsDExEU-00280-00082775-00082981 planets are terrestrial and the outer aGfyJsDExEU-00281-00082982-00083256 ones are gas giants but discoveries of aGfyJsDExEU-00282-00083257-00083497 extrasolar planets suggest that this aGfyJsDExEU-00283-00083498-00083629 arrangement may not aGfyJsDExEU-00284-00083630-00083860 at all common numerous jupiter-sized aGfyJsDExEU-00285-00083861-00084103 bodies have been found in close orbit aGfyJsDExEU-00286-00084104-00084361 about their primary disrupting potential aGfyJsDExEU-00287-00084362-00084724 h Zed's however present data for aGfyJsDExEU-00288-00084725-00084961 extrasolar planets is likely to be aGfyJsDExEU-00289-00084962-00085213 skewed towards that type large planets aGfyJsDExEU-00290-00085214-00085423 in close orbits because they are far aGfyJsDExEU-00291-00085424-00085699 easier to identify thus it remains to be aGfyJsDExEU-00292-00085700-00085960 seen which type of planetary system is aGfyJsDExEU-00293-00085961-00086728 the norm or indeed if there is one topic aGfyJsDExEU-00294-00086729-00087388 low stellar variation changes in aGfyJsDExEU-00295-00087389-00087670 luminosity are common to all stars but aGfyJsDExEU-00296-00087671-00087955 the severity of such fluctuations covers aGfyJsDExEU-00297-00087956-00088306 a broad range most stars are relatively aGfyJsDExEU-00298-00088307-00088567 stable but a significant minority of aGfyJsDExEU-00299-00088568-00088858 variable stars often undergo sudden and aGfyJsDExEU-00300-00088859-00089101 intense increases in luminosity and aGfyJsDExEU-00301-00089102-00089317 consequently in the amount of energy aGfyJsDExEU-00302-00089318-00089650 radiated toward bodies in orbit these aGfyJsDExEU-00303-00089651-00089908 stars are considered poor candidates for aGfyJsDExEU-00304-00089909-00090157 hosting life-bearing planets as their aGfyJsDExEU-00305-00090158-00090352 unpredictability in energy output aGfyJsDExEU-00306-00090353-00090555 changes would negatively impact aGfyJsDExEU-00307-00090556-00090841 organisms living things adapted to a aGfyJsDExEU-00308-00090842-00091066 specific temperature range could not aGfyJsDExEU-00309-00091067-00091365 survive to greater temperature variation aGfyJsDExEU-00310-00091366-00091678 further up swings in luminosity are aGfyJsDExEU-00311-00091679-00091894 generally accompanied by massive doses aGfyJsDExEU-00312-00091895-00092188 of gamma ray and x-ray radiation which aGfyJsDExEU-00313-00092189-00092503 might prove lethal atmospheres de aGfyJsDExEU-00314-00092504-00092707 mitigate such effects but their aGfyJsDExEU-00315-00092708-00092923 atmosphere might not be retained by aGfyJsDExEU-00316-00092924-00093169 planets orbitting variables because the aGfyJsDExEU-00317-00093170-00093397 high frequency energy buffeting these aGfyJsDExEU-00318-00093398-00093604 planets would continually strip them of aGfyJsDExEU-00319-00093605-00093946 their protective covering the Sun in aGfyJsDExEU-00320-00093947-00094165 this respect is in many others is aGfyJsDExEU-00321-00094166-00094435 relatively benign the variation between aGfyJsDExEU-00322-00094436-00094702 its maximum and minimum energy output is aGfyJsDExEU-00323-00094703-00095080 roughly 0.1% over its 11-year solar aGfyJsDExEU-00324-00095081-00095383 cycle there is strong though not aGfyJsDExEU-00325-00095384-00095620 undisputed evidence that even minor aGfyJsDExEU-00326-00095621-00095905 changes in the sun's luminosity have had aGfyJsDExEU-00327-00095906-00096097 significant effects on the Earth's aGfyJsDExEU-00328-00096098-00096334 climate well within the historical era aGfyJsDExEU-00329-00096335-00096571 the little ice age of the mid 2nd aGfyJsDExEU-00330-00096572-00096805 millennium for instance may have been aGfyJsDExEU-00331-00096806-00096953 caused by a relative aGfyJsDExEU-00332-00096954-00097126 long-term decline in the sun's aGfyJsDExEU-00333-00097127-00097511 luminosity thus a star does not have to aGfyJsDExEU-00334-00097512-00097732 be a true variable for differences in aGfyJsDExEU-00335-00097733-00098037 luminosity to affect habitability of aGfyJsDExEU-00336-00098038-00098381 known solar analogues one that closely aGfyJsDExEU-00337-00098382-00098587 resembles the Sun is considered to be aGfyJsDExEU-00338-00098588-00098867 eighteen scorpy unfortunately for the aGfyJsDExEU-00339-00098868-00099092 prospects of life existing in its aGfyJsDExEU-00340-00099093-00099323 proximity the only significant aGfyJsDExEU-00341-00099324-00099544 difference between the two bodies is the aGfyJsDExEU-00342-00099545-00099773 amplitude of the solar cycle which aGfyJsDExEU-00343-00099774-00099992 appears to be much greater for eighteen aGfyJsDExEU-00344-00099993-00101206 scorpy topic high metallicity while the aGfyJsDExEU-00345-00101207-00101488 bulk of material in any star is hydrogen aGfyJsDExEU-00346-00101489-00101723 and helium there is a significant aGfyJsDExEU-00347-00101724-00101936 variation in the amount of heavier aGfyJsDExEU-00348-00101937-00102299 elements metals a high proportion of aGfyJsDExEU-00349-00102300-00102511 metals in a star correlates to the aGfyJsDExEU-00350-00102513-00102752 amount of heavy material initially aGfyJsDExEU-00351-00102753-00103063 available in the protoplanetary disk a aGfyJsDExEU-00352-00103064-00103333 smaller amount of metal makes the aGfyJsDExEU-00353-00103334-00103571 formation of planets much less likely aGfyJsDExEU-00354-00103572-00103828 under the solar nebula theory of aGfyJsDExEU-00355-00103829-00104209 planetary system formation any planets aGfyJsDExEU-00356-00104210-00104447 that did form around the metal-poor star aGfyJsDExEU-00357-00104448-00104702 would probably be low in mass and thus aGfyJsDExEU-00358-00104703-00105026 unfavorable for life spectroscopic aGfyJsDExEU-00359-00105027-00105347 studies of systems where exoplanets have aGfyJsDExEU-00360-00105348-00105541 been found to date confirm the aGfyJsDExEU-00361-00105542-00105778 relationship between high metal content aGfyJsDExEU-00362-00105779-00106088 and planet formation stars with planets aGfyJsDExEU-00363-00106089-00106388 or at least with planets similar to the aGfyJsDExEU-00364-00106389-00106658 ones we are finding today are clearly aGfyJsDExEU-00365-00106658-00106864 more metal-rich than stars without aGfyJsDExEU-00366-00106865-00107288 planetary companions this relationship aGfyJsDExEU-00367-00107289-00107522 between high metallicity and planet aGfyJsDExEU-00368-00107523-00107779 formation also means that habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00369-00107780-00107996 systems are more likely to be found aGfyJsDExEU-00370-00107997-00108189 around stars of younger generations aGfyJsDExEU-00371-00108190-00108478 since stars that form early in the aGfyJsDExEU-00372-00108479-00108728 universe's history have low metal aGfyJsDExEU-00373-00108729-00109304 content aGfyJsDExEU-00374-00109305-00109997 topic planetary characteristics aGfyJsDExEU-00375-00109998-00110256 habitability indicators and bio aGfyJsDExEU-00376-00110257-00110526 signatures must be interpreted within a aGfyJsDExEU-00377-00110527-00110816 planetary and environmental context aGfyJsDExEU-00378-00110817-00111057 whether a planet will emerge as aGfyJsDExEU-00379-00111058-00111291 habitable depends on the sequence of aGfyJsDExEU-00380-00111292-00111536 events that led to its formation which aGfyJsDExEU-00381-00111538-00111733 could include the production of organic aGfyJsDExEU-00382-00111734-00112008 molecules in molecular clouds and aGfyJsDExEU-00383-00112008-00112263 protoplanetary discs delivery of aGfyJsDExEU-00384-00112264-00112506 materials during and after planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00385-00112507-00112764 accretion and the orbital location in aGfyJsDExEU-00386-00112765-00113043 the planetary system the chief aGfyJsDExEU-00387-00113044-00113292 assumption about habitable planets is aGfyJsDExEU-00388-00113293-00113558 that they are terrestrial such planets aGfyJsDExEU-00389-00113559-00113820 roughly within one order of magnitude of aGfyJsDExEU-00390-00113821-00114075 Earth's mass are primarily composed of aGfyJsDExEU-00391-00114076-00114324 silicate rocks and have-not accreted the aGfyJsDExEU-00392-00114325-00114558 gaseous outer layers of hydrogen and aGfyJsDExEU-00393-00114558-00114894 helium found on gas giants the aGfyJsDExEU-00394-00114895-00115122 possibility that life could evolve in aGfyJsDExEU-00395-00115123-00115389 the cloud tops of giant planets has not aGfyJsDExEU-00396-00115390-00115623 been decisively ruled out though it is aGfyJsDExEU-00397-00115624-00115872 considered unlikely as they have no aGfyJsDExEU-00398-00115873-00116134 surface and their gravity is enormous aGfyJsDExEU-00399-00116135-00116458 the natural satellites of giant planets aGfyJsDExEU-00400-00116459-00116751 meanwhile remain valid candidates for aGfyJsDExEU-00401-00116752-00117099 hosting life in February 2011 the Kepler aGfyJsDExEU-00402-00117100-00117357 space observatory mission team released aGfyJsDExEU-00403-00117358-00117690 a list of 12:35 extrasolar planet aGfyJsDExEU-00404-00117691-00118005 candidates including 54 that may be in aGfyJsDExEU-00405-00118006-00118350 the habitable zone six of the candidates aGfyJsDExEU-00406-00118351-00118572 in this zone are smaller than twice the aGfyJsDExEU-00407-00118573-00118944 size of Earth a more recent study found aGfyJsDExEU-00408-00118945-00119321 that one of these candidates koi 320 aGfyJsDExEU-00409-00119322-00119649 6.01 is much larger and hotter than aGfyJsDExEU-00410-00119650-00120033 first reported based on the findings the aGfyJsDExEU-00411-00120033-00120276 kepler team estimated there to be at aGfyJsDExEU-00412-00120277-00120560 least fifty billion planets in the Milky aGfyJsDExEU-00413-00120561-00121122 Way of which at least 500 million now in aGfyJsDExEU-00414-00121123-00121361 the habitable zone in analyzing which aGfyJsDExEU-00415-00121363-00121605 environments are likely to support life aGfyJsDExEU-00416-00121606-00121859 a distinction is usually made between aGfyJsDExEU-00417-00121860-00122148 simple unicellular organisms such as aGfyJsDExEU-00418-00122149-00122391 bacteria and archaea and complex aGfyJsDExEU-00419-00122392-00122472 medicine aGfyJsDExEU-00420-00122473-00122871 animals unicellular ax t necessarily aGfyJsDExEU-00421-00122872-00123137 precedes multicellularity in any aGfyJsDExEU-00422-00123138-00123383 hypothetical tree of life and we're aGfyJsDExEU-00423-00123384-00123641 single-celled organisms to emerge there aGfyJsDExEU-00424-00123642-00123897 is no assurance that greater complexity aGfyJsDExEU-00425-00123898-00124208 will then develop the planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00426-00124208-00124400 characteristics listed below are aGfyJsDExEU-00427-00124401-00124613 considered crucial for life generally aGfyJsDExEU-00428-00124614-00124865 but in every case multicellular aGfyJsDExEU-00429-00124866-00125048 organisms are more picky than aGfyJsDExEU-00430-00125049-00126263 unicellular life topic mass low-mass aGfyJsDExEU-00431-00126264-00126515 planets are poor candidates for life for aGfyJsDExEU-00432-00126516-00126614 two reasons aGfyJsDExEU-00433-00126615-00126872 first their lesser gravity makes aGfyJsDExEU-00434-00126873-00127118 atmosphere retention difficult aGfyJsDExEU-00435-00127119-00127388 constituent molecules are more likely to aGfyJsDExEU-00436-00127389-00127644 reach escape velocity and be lost to aGfyJsDExEU-00437-00127645-00127896 space when buffeted by solar wind or aGfyJsDExEU-00438-00127897-00128213 stirred by collision planets without a aGfyJsDExEU-00439-00128214-00128402 thick atmosphere lack the matter aGfyJsDExEU-00440-00128403-00128718 necessary for primal biochemistry have aGfyJsDExEU-00441-00128719-00128982 little insulation and poor heat transfer aGfyJsDExEU-00442-00128983-00129251 across their surfaces for example Mars aGfyJsDExEU-00443-00129252-00129503 with its thin atmosphere is colder than aGfyJsDExEU-00444-00129504-00129672 the earth would be if it were at a aGfyJsDExEU-00445-00129673-00129870 similar distance from the Sun and aGfyJsDExEU-00446-00129871-00130076 provide less protection against aGfyJsDExEU-00447-00130077-00130394 meteoroids and high frequency radiation aGfyJsDExEU-00448-00130395-00130691 further where an atmosphere is less aGfyJsDExEU-00449-00130692-00131133 dense than 0.006 earth atmospheres water aGfyJsDExEU-00450-00131134-00131372 cannot exist in liquid form as the aGfyJsDExEU-00451-00131373-00131646 required atmospheric pressure four point aGfyJsDExEU-00452-00131647-00132100 five six millimeters Hg 608 per scowls aGfyJsDExEU-00453-00132101-00132515 0.18 inch Hg does not occur the aGfyJsDExEU-00454-00132516-00132720 temperature range at which water is aGfyJsDExEU-00455-00132721-00132926 liquid is smaller at low pressures aGfyJsDExEU-00456-00132927-00133328 generally secondly smaller planets have aGfyJsDExEU-00457-00133329-00133523 smaller diameters and thus higher aGfyJsDExEU-00458-00133524-00133775 surface to volume ratios than their aGfyJsDExEU-00459-00133776-00134141 larger cousins such bodies tend to lose aGfyJsDExEU-00460-00134142-00134322 the energy left over from their aGfyJsDExEU-00461-00134323-00134508 formation quickly and end up aGfyJsDExEU-00462-00134509-00134781 geologically dead lacking the volcanoes aGfyJsDExEU-00463-00134782-00135065 earthquakes and tectonic activity which aGfyJsDExEU-00464-00135066-00135274 supply the surface with life-sustaining aGfyJsDExEU-00465-00135275-00135500 material and the atmosphere with aGfyJsDExEU-00466-00135501-00135750 temperature moderators like carbon die aGfyJsDExEU-00467-00135751-00136041 oxide plate techtonics appear aGfyJsDExEU-00468-00136042-00136260 particularly crucial at least on earth aGfyJsDExEU-00469-00136261-00136545 not only does the process recycle aGfyJsDExEU-00470-00136546-00136809 important chemicals and minerals it also aGfyJsDExEU-00471-00136810-00137085 fosters biodiversity through continent aGfyJsDExEU-00472-00137086-00137319 creation and increased environmental aGfyJsDExEU-00473-00137320-00137496 complexity and helps create the aGfyJsDExEU-00474-00137497-00137739 convective cells necessary to generate aGfyJsDExEU-00475-00137740-00138126 Earth's magnetic field low mass is aGfyJsDExEU-00476-00138127-00138408 partly a relative label the earth is low aGfyJsDExEU-00477-00138409-00138618 mass when compared to the solar system's aGfyJsDExEU-00478-00138619-00138918 gas giants but it is the largest by aGfyJsDExEU-00479-00138919-00139170 diameter and mass and the densest of all aGfyJsDExEU-00480-00139171-00139503 terrestrial bodies it is large enough to aGfyJsDExEU-00481-00139504-00139740 retain an atmosphere through gravity aGfyJsDExEU-00482-00139741-00139959 alone and large enough that its molten aGfyJsDExEU-00483-00139960-00140238 core remains a heat engine driving the aGfyJsDExEU-00484-00140239-00140517 diverse geology of the surface the decay aGfyJsDExEU-00485-00140518-00140736 of radioactive elements within a aGfyJsDExEU-00486-00140737-00140970 planet's core is the other significant aGfyJsDExEU-00487-00140971-00141336 component of planetary heating Mars by aGfyJsDExEU-00488-00141337-00141635 contrast is nearly or perhaps totally aGfyJsDExEU-00489-00141636-00141873 geologically dead and has lost much of aGfyJsDExEU-00490-00141874-00142206 its atmosphere thus it would be fair to aGfyJsDExEU-00491-00142207-00142416 infer that the lower mass limit for aGfyJsDExEU-00492-00142417-00142662 habitability lies somewhere between that aGfyJsDExEU-00493-00142663-00143004 of Mars and that of Earth or Venus 0.3 aGfyJsDExEU-00494-00143005-00143226 Earth masses has been offered as a rough aGfyJsDExEU-00495-00143227-00143492 dividing line for habitable planets aGfyJsDExEU-00496-00143493-00143844 however a 2008 study by the aGfyJsDExEU-00497-00143845-00144039 harvard-smithsonian Center for aGfyJsDExEU-00498-00144040-00144165 Astrophysics aGfyJsDExEU-00499-00144166-00144372 suggests that the dividing line may be aGfyJsDExEU-00500-00144373-00144708 higher earth may in fact lie on the aGfyJsDExEU-00501-00144709-00144963 lower boundary of habitability if it aGfyJsDExEU-00502-00144964-00145197 were any smaller plate tectonics would aGfyJsDExEU-00503-00145198-00145629 be impossible Venus which has 85% of aGfyJsDExEU-00504-00145630-00145905 Earth's mass shows no signs of tectonic aGfyJsDExEU-00505-00145906-00146039 activity aGfyJsDExEU-00506-00146040-00146463 conversely super-earths terrestrial aGfyJsDExEU-00507-00146464-00146667 planets with higher masses than earth aGfyJsDExEU-00508-00146668-00146868 would have higher levels of plate aGfyJsDExEU-00509-00146869-00147135 tectonics and thus be firmly placed in aGfyJsDExEU-00510-00147136-00147359 the habitable range exceptional aGfyJsDExEU-00511-00147360-00147623 circumstances do offer exceptional cases aGfyJsDExEU-00512-00147624-00147918 Jupiter's moon Io which is smaller than aGfyJsDExEU-00513-00147919-00148116 any of the terrestrial planets is aGfyJsDExEU-00514-00148117-00148350 volcanic Li dynamic because of the aGfyJsDExEU-00515-00148351-00148596 gravitational stresses induced by its aGfyJsDExEU-00516-00148597-00148845 orbit and its neighbor Europa may have a aGfyJsDExEU-00517-00148846-00149126 liquid ocean or icy slush underneath of aGfyJsDExEU-00518-00149127-00149408 frozen shell also due to power generated aGfyJsDExEU-00519-00149409-00149653 from orbiting a gas giant aGfyJsDExEU-00520-00149654-00149990 Saturn's Titan meanwhile has an outside aGfyJsDExEU-00521-00149991-00150218 chance of hammering life as it has aGfyJsDExEU-00522-00150219-00150419 retained a thick atmosphere and has aGfyJsDExEU-00523-00150420-00150724 liquid methane seized on its surface aGfyJsDExEU-00524-00150725-00151013 organic chemical reactions that only aGfyJsDExEU-00525-00151014-00151259 require minimum energy are possible in aGfyJsDExEU-00526-00151260-00151490 these seas but whether any living system aGfyJsDExEU-00527-00151491-00151775 can be based on such minimal reactions aGfyJsDExEU-00528-00151776-00152138 is unclear and would seem unlikely these aGfyJsDExEU-00529-00152139-00152420 satellites are exceptions but they prove aGfyJsDExEU-00530-00152421-00152603 that mass as a criterion for aGfyJsDExEU-00531-00152604-00152876 habitability cannot necessarily be aGfyJsDExEU-00532-00152877-00153113 considered definitive at this stage of aGfyJsDExEU-00533-00153114-00153368 our understanding a larger planet is aGfyJsDExEU-00534-00153369-00153566 likely to have a more massive atmosphere aGfyJsDExEU-00535-00153567-00154025 a combination of high escape velocity to aGfyJsDExEU-00536-00154026-00154274 retain lighter atoms and extensive aGfyJsDExEU-00537-00154275-00154541 outgassing from enhanced plate tectonics aGfyJsDExEU-00538-00154542-00154784 may greatly increase the atmospheric aGfyJsDExEU-00539-00154785-00154979 pressure and temperature at the surface aGfyJsDExEU-00540-00154980-00155309 compared to earth the enhanced aGfyJsDExEU-00541-00155310-00155513 greenhouse effect of such a heavy aGfyJsDExEU-00542-00155514-00155750 atmosphere would tend to suggest that aGfyJsDExEU-00543-00155751-00155978 the habitable zone should be further out aGfyJsDExEU-00544-00155979-00156233 from the central star for such massive aGfyJsDExEU-00545-00156234-00156662 planets finally a larger planet is aGfyJsDExEU-00546-00156663-00156998 likely to have a large iron core this aGfyJsDExEU-00547-00156999-00157214 allows for a magnetic field to protect aGfyJsDExEU-00548-00157215-00157469 the planet from stellar wind and cosmic aGfyJsDExEU-00549-00157470-00157745 radiation which otherwise would tend to aGfyJsDExEU-00550-00157746-00158003 strip away planetary atmosphere and to aGfyJsDExEU-00551-00158004-00158222 bombard leaving things with ionized aGfyJsDExEU-00552-00158223-00158633 particles mass is not the only criterion aGfyJsDExEU-00553-00158634-00158957 for producing a magnetic field as the aGfyJsDExEU-00554-00158958-00159239 planet must also rotate fast enough to aGfyJsDExEU-00555-00159240-00159496 produce a dynamo effect within its core aGfyJsDExEU-00556-00159497-00159809 but it is a significant component of the aGfyJsDExEU-00557-00159810-00160816 process topic orbit and rotation aGfyJsDExEU-00558-00160817-00161287 as with other criteria stability is the aGfyJsDExEU-00559-00161288-00161581 critical consideration in evaluating the aGfyJsDExEU-00560-00161582-00161811 effect of orbital and rotational aGfyJsDExEU-00561-00161812-00162007 characteristics on planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00562-00162008-00162406 habitability orbital eccentricity is the aGfyJsDExEU-00563-00162407-00162634 difference between a planet's farthest aGfyJsDExEU-00564-00162635-00162880 and closest approach to its parent star aGfyJsDExEU-00565-00162881-00163288 divided by the sum of said distances it aGfyJsDExEU-00566-00163289-00163555 is a ratio describing the shape of the aGfyJsDExEU-00567-00163556-00163786 elliptical orbit the greater the aGfyJsDExEU-00568-00163787-00164034 eccentricity the greater the temperature aGfyJsDExEU-00569-00164035-00164407 fluctuation on a planet surface although aGfyJsDExEU-00570-00164408-00164698 they are adaptive living organisms can aGfyJsDExEU-00571-00164699-00164913 stand only so much variation aGfyJsDExEU-00572-00164914-00165217 particularly if the fluctuations overlap aGfyJsDExEU-00573-00165218-00165427 both the freezing point and boiling aGfyJsDExEU-00574-00165428-00165739 point of the planets main biotic solvent aGfyJsDExEU-00575-00165740-00166177 eg water on earth if for example Earth's aGfyJsDExEU-00576-00166178-00166405 oceans were alternately boiling and aGfyJsDExEU-00577-00166406-00166615 freezing solid it is difficult to aGfyJsDExEU-00578-00166616-00166828 imagine life as we know it having aGfyJsDExEU-00579-00166829-00167191 evolved the more complex the organism aGfyJsDExEU-00580-00167192-00167443 the greater the temperature sensitivity aGfyJsDExEU-00581-00167444-00167677 the Earth's orbit is almost wholly aGfyJsDExEU-00582-00167678-00167950 circular with an eccentricity of less aGfyJsDExEU-00583-00167951-00168310 than 0.02 other planets in the solar aGfyJsDExEU-00584-00168311-00168559 system with the exception of Mercury aGfyJsDExEU-00585-00168560-00168802 have eccentricities that are similarly aGfyJsDExEU-00586-00168803-00169261 benign habitability is also influenced aGfyJsDExEU-00587-00169262-00169471 by the architecture of the planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00588-00169472-00169828 system around a star the evolution and aGfyJsDExEU-00589-00169829-00170023 stability of these systems are aGfyJsDExEU-00590-00170024-00170284 determined by gravitational dynamics aGfyJsDExEU-00591-00170285-00170533 which drive the orbital evolution of aGfyJsDExEU-00592-00170534-00170905 terrestrial planets data collected on aGfyJsDExEU-00593-00170906-00171166 the orbital eccentricities of extrasolar aGfyJsDExEU-00594-00171167-00171456 planets has surprised most researchers aGfyJsDExEU-00595-00171457-00171787 90% have an orbital eccentricity greater aGfyJsDExEU-00596-00171788-00171979 than that found within the solar system aGfyJsDExEU-00597-00171980-00172516 and the average is fully 0.25 this means aGfyJsDExEU-00598-00172517-00172765 that the vast majority of planets have aGfyJsDExEU-00599-00172766-00172981 highly eccentric orbits and of these aGfyJsDExEU-00600-00172982-00173194 even if their average distance from aGfyJsDExEU-00601-00173195-00173422 their star is deemed to be within the aGfyJsDExEU-00602-00173423-00173629 Aged said they nonetheless would be aGfyJsDExEU-00603-00173630-00173857 spending only a small portion of their aGfyJsDExEU-00604-00173858-00174108 time within the zone aGfyJsDExEU-00605-00174109-00174318 a planet's movement around its aGfyJsDExEU-00606-00174319-00174606 rotational axis must also meet certain aGfyJsDExEU-00607-00174607-00174846 criteria if life is to have the aGfyJsDExEU-00608-00174847-00175202 opportunity to evolve a first assumption aGfyJsDExEU-00609-00175203-00175422 is that the planet should have moderate aGfyJsDExEU-00610-00175423-00175739 seasons if there is little or no axial aGfyJsDExEU-00611-00175740-00176000 tilt or obliquity relative to the aGfyJsDExEU-00612-00176001-00176264 perpendicular of the ecliptic seasons aGfyJsDExEU-00613-00176265-00176496 will not occur in a main stimulant to aGfyJsDExEU-00614-00176497-00176868 bias farik dynamism will disappear the aGfyJsDExEU-00615-00176869-00177081 planet would also be colder than it aGfyJsDExEU-00616-00177082-00177302 would be with a significant yield when aGfyJsDExEU-00617-00177303-00177570 the greatest intensity of radiation is aGfyJsDExEU-00618-00177571-00177791 always within a few degrees of the aGfyJsDExEU-00619-00177792-00178059 equator warm weather cannot move pole aGfyJsDExEU-00620-00178060-00178265 within a planet's climate becomes aGfyJsDExEU-00621-00178266-00178490 dominated by colder polar weather aGfyJsDExEU-00622-00178491-00178925 systems if a planet is radically tilted aGfyJsDExEU-00623-00178926-00179196 seasons will be extreme and make it more aGfyJsDExEU-00624-00179197-00179421 difficult for a biosphere to achieve aGfyJsDExEU-00625-00179422-00179816 homeostasis the axial tilt of the earth aGfyJsDExEU-00626-00179817-00180089 is higher now in the quaternary than it aGfyJsDExEU-00627-00180090-00180224 has been in the past aGfyJsDExEU-00628-00180225-00180527 coinciding with reduced polar ice warmer aGfyJsDExEU-00629-00180528-00180881 temperatures and less seasonal variation aGfyJsDExEU-00630-00180882-00181091 scientists do not know whether this aGfyJsDExEU-00631-00181092-00181320 trend will continue indefinitely with aGfyJsDExEU-00632-00181321-00181604 further increases in axial tilt see aGfyJsDExEU-00633-00181605-00182000 snowball earth the exact effects of aGfyJsDExEU-00634-00182001-00182237 these changes can only be computer aGfyJsDExEU-00635-00182238-00182457 modeled at present and studies have aGfyJsDExEU-00636-00182458-00182690 shown that even extreme tilts of up to aGfyJsDExEU-00637-00182691-00183011 85 degrees - not absolutely preclude aGfyJsDExEU-00638-00183012-00183281 life provided it does not occupy aGfyJsDExEU-00639-00183282-00183594 continental surfaces plagued seasonally aGfyJsDExEU-00640-00183595-00183962 by the highest temperature not only the aGfyJsDExEU-00641-00183963-00184260 mean axial tilt but also its variation aGfyJsDExEU-00642-00184261-00184577 over time must be considered the earth's aGfyJsDExEU-00643-00184578-00184964 tilt varies between 21.5 and twenty four aGfyJsDExEU-00644-00184965-00185341 point five degrees over 41,000 years a aGfyJsDExEU-00645-00185342-00185709 more drastic variation or a much shorter aGfyJsDExEU-00646-00185710-00185954 period ecity would induce climatic aGfyJsDExEU-00647-00185955-00186219 effects such as variations in seasonal aGfyJsDExEU-00648-00186220-00186606 severity other orbital considerations aGfyJsDExEU-00649-00186607-00186894 include the planet should rotate aGfyJsDExEU-00650-00186895-00187158 relatively quickly so that the day/night aGfyJsDExEU-00651-00187159-00187476 cycle is not over long if it aGfyJsDExEU-00652-00187477-00187680 eight eight years that temperature aGfyJsDExEU-00653-00187681-00187896 differential between the day and night aGfyJsDExEU-00654-00187897-00188166 side will be pronounced and problems aGfyJsDExEU-00655-00188167-00188394 similar to those noted with extreme aGfyJsDExEU-00656-00188395-00188631 orbital eccentricity will come to the aGfyJsDExEU-00657-00188632-00188973 fore the planet also should rotate aGfyJsDExEU-00658-00188974-00189246 quickly enough so that a magnetic dynamo aGfyJsDExEU-00659-00189247-00189495 may be started in its iron core to aGfyJsDExEU-00660-00189496-00189894 produce a magnetic field change in the aGfyJsDExEU-00661-00189895-00190125 direction of the axis rotation aGfyJsDExEU-00662-00190126-00190433 precession should not be pronounced in aGfyJsDExEU-00663-00190434-00190701 itself precession need not affect aGfyJsDExEU-00664-00190702-00190959 habitability as it changes the direction aGfyJsDExEU-00665-00190960-00191339 of the tilt not its degree however aGfyJsDExEU-00666-00191340-00191561 precession tends to accentuate aGfyJsDExEU-00667-00191562-00191811 variations caused by other orbital aGfyJsDExEU-00668-00191812-00192182 deviations see milling kovitch cycles aGfyJsDExEU-00669-00192183-00192471 precession on earth occurs over a twenty aGfyJsDExEU-00670-00192472-00192729 six thousand year cycle the Earth's moon aGfyJsDExEU-00671-00192730-00192929 appears to play a crucial role in aGfyJsDExEU-00672-00192930-00193152 moderating the Earth's climate by aGfyJsDExEU-00673-00193153-00193533 stabilizing the axial tilt it has been aGfyJsDExEU-00674-00193534-00193773 suggested that a chaotic tilt may be a aGfyJsDExEU-00675-00193774-00194211 deal breaker in terms of habitability ie aGfyJsDExEU-00676-00194212-00194472 a satellite the size of the moon is not aGfyJsDExEU-00677-00194473-00194700 only helpful but required to produce aGfyJsDExEU-00678-00194701-00195024 stability this position remains aGfyJsDExEU-00679-00195025-00195264 controversial in the case of the earth aGfyJsDExEU-00680-00195265-00195501 the soul moon is sufficiently massive aGfyJsDExEU-00681-00195502-00195738 and orbit so as to significantly aGfyJsDExEU-00682-00195739-00196026 contribute to ocean tides which in turn aGfyJsDExEU-00683-00196027-00196233 aids the dynamic churning of earth's aGfyJsDExEU-00684-00196234-00196623 large liquid water oceans these lunar aGfyJsDExEU-00685-00196624-00196869 forces not only help ensure that the aGfyJsDExEU-00686-00196870-00197151 oceans do not stagnate but also play a aGfyJsDExEU-00687-00197152-00197921 critical role in Earth's dynamic climate aGfyJsDExEU-00688-00197922-00198603 topic geochemistry it is generally aGfyJsDExEU-00689-00198604-00198852 assumed that any extraterrestrial life aGfyJsDExEU-00690-00198853-00199068 that might exist will be based on the aGfyJsDExEU-00691-00199069-00199341 same fundamental biochemistry as found aGfyJsDExEU-00692-00199342-00199620 on earth as the four elements most vital aGfyJsDExEU-00693-00199621-00199935 for life carbon hydrogen oxygen and aGfyJsDExEU-00694-00199936-00200139 nitrogen are also the most common aGfyJsDExEU-00695-00200140-00200379 chemically reactive elements in the aGfyJsDExEU-00696-00200380-00200486 universe aGfyJsDExEU-00697-00200487-00200824 indeed simple biogenic compounds aGfyJsDExEU-00698-00200825-00201091 such as very simple amino acids such as aGfyJsDExEU-00699-00201092-00201340 glycine have been found in meteorites aGfyJsDExEU-00700-00201341-00201661 and in the interstellar medium these aGfyJsDExEU-00701-00201662-00202039 four elements together comprise over 96% aGfyJsDExEU-00702-00202040-00202405 of Earth's collective biomass carbon has aGfyJsDExEU-00703-00202406-00202615 an unparalleled ability to bond with aGfyJsDExEU-00704-00202616-00202849 itself and to form a massive array of aGfyJsDExEU-00705-00202850-00203092 intricate and varied structures making aGfyJsDExEU-00706-00203093-00203338 it an ideal material for the complex aGfyJsDExEU-00707-00203339-00203652 mechanisms that form living cells aGfyJsDExEU-00708-00203653-00203944 hydrogen and oxygen in the form of water aGfyJsDExEU-00709-00203945-00204192 composed the solvent in which biological aGfyJsDExEU-00710-00204193-00204469 processes take place and in which the aGfyJsDExEU-00711-00204470-00204688 first reactions occurred that led to aGfyJsDExEU-00712-00204689-00205038 life's emergence the energy released in aGfyJsDExEU-00713-00205039-00205311 the formation of powerful covalent bonds aGfyJsDExEU-00714-00205312-00205585 between carbon and oxygen available by aGfyJsDExEU-00715-00205586-00205879 oxidizing organic compounds is the fuel aGfyJsDExEU-00716-00205880-00206233 of all complex life forms these four aGfyJsDExEU-00717-00206234-00206490 elements together make up amino acids aGfyJsDExEU-00718-00206491-00206721 which in turn are the building blocks of aGfyJsDExEU-00719-00206723-00207000 proteins the substance of living tissue aGfyJsDExEU-00720-00207001-00207379 in addition neither sulphur required for aGfyJsDExEU-00721-00207380-00207615 the building of proteins nor phosphorus aGfyJsDExEU-00722-00207616-00207921 needed for the formation of DNA RNA and aGfyJsDExEU-00723-00207923-00208188 the adenosine phosphates essential to aGfyJsDExEU-00724-00208189-00208614 metabolism is rare relative abundance in aGfyJsDExEU-00725-00208615-00208817 space does not always mirror aGfyJsDExEU-00726-00208819-00209071 differentiated abundance within planets aGfyJsDExEU-00727-00209071-00209323 of the four life elements for instance aGfyJsDExEU-00728-00209323-00209596 only oxygen is present in any abundance aGfyJsDExEU-00729-00209596-00209730 in the Earth's crust aGfyJsDExEU-00730-00209731-00210058 this can be partly explained by the fact aGfyJsDExEU-00731-00210059-00210273 that many of these elements such as aGfyJsDExEU-00732-00210275-00210526 hydrogen and nitrogen along with their aGfyJsDExEU-00733-00210527-00210802 simplest and most common compounds such aGfyJsDExEU-00734-00210803-00211032 as carbon dioxide carbon monoxide aGfyJsDExEU-00735-00211033-00211432 methane ammonia and water are gaseous at aGfyJsDExEU-00736-00211433-00211746 warm temperatures in the hot region aGfyJsDExEU-00737-00211748-00211960 close to the Sun these volatile aGfyJsDExEU-00738-00211961-00212137 compounds could not have played a aGfyJsDExEU-00739-00212138-00212341 significant role in the planets aGfyJsDExEU-00740-00212342-00212686 geological formation instead they were aGfyJsDExEU-00741-00212687-00212919 trapped as gases underneath the newly aGfyJsDExEU-00742-00212921-00213171 formed crusts which were largely made of aGfyJsDExEU-00743-00213173-00213415 rocky in volatile compounds such as aGfyJsDExEU-00744-00213416-00213690 silica a compound of silicon and oxygen aGfyJsDExEU-00745-00213691-00213925 accounting for oxygens relative aGfyJsDExEU-00746-00213926-00214135 abundance out aGfyJsDExEU-00747-00214136-00214357 messin of volatile compounds through the aGfyJsDExEU-00748-00214358-00214569 first volcanoes would have contributed aGfyJsDExEU-00749-00214571-00214777 to the formation of the planets aGfyJsDExEU-00750-00214778-00215104 atmospheres the miller-urey experiment aGfyJsDExEU-00751-00215105-00215332 showed that with the application of aGfyJsDExEU-00752-00215333-00215592 energy simple inorganic compounds aGfyJsDExEU-00753-00215594-00215866 exposed to a primordial atmosphere can aGfyJsDExEU-00754-00215867-00216127 react to synthesize amino acids aGfyJsDExEU-00755-00216128-00216394 even so volcanic outgassing could not aGfyJsDExEU-00756-00216394-00216573 have accounted for the amount of water aGfyJsDExEU-00757-00216575-00216931 in Earth's oceans the vast majority of aGfyJsDExEU-00758-00216932-00217348 the water an arguably carbon necessary aGfyJsDExEU-00759-00217348-00217558 for life must have come from the outer aGfyJsDExEU-00760-00217559-00217828 solar system away from the sun's heat aGfyJsDExEU-00761-00217829-00218140 where it could remain solid comets aGfyJsDExEU-00762-00218141-00218338 impacting with the earth in the solar aGfyJsDExEU-00763-00218339-00218533 system's early years would have aGfyJsDExEU-00764-00218534-00218803 deposited vast amounts of water along aGfyJsDExEU-00765-00218804-00219028 with the other volatile compounds life aGfyJsDExEU-00766-00219029-00219241 requires onto the early Earth aGfyJsDExEU-00767-00219242-00219469 providing a kickstart to the origin of aGfyJsDExEU-00768-00219469-00219829 life thus while there is reason to aGfyJsDExEU-00769-00219830-00220183 suspect that the for life elements ought aGfyJsDExEU-00770-00220184-00220417 to be readily available elsewhere a aGfyJsDExEU-00771-00220417-00220698 habitable system probably also requires aGfyJsDExEU-00772-00220700-00220984 a supply of long-term orbiting bodies to aGfyJsDExEU-00773-00220985-00221329 seed inner planets without comets there aGfyJsDExEU-00774-00221330-00221554 is a possibility that life as we know it aGfyJsDExEU-00775-00221555-00222391 would not exist on earth topic micro aGfyJsDExEU-00776-00222392-00222996 environments and extremophiles one aGfyJsDExEU-00777-00222998-00223248 important qualification to habitability aGfyJsDExEU-00778-00223248-00223555 criteria is that only a tiny portion of aGfyJsDExEU-00779-00223556-00223950 a planet is required to support life aGfyJsDExEU-00780-00223951-00224161 astrobiologists often concern themselves aGfyJsDExEU-00781-00224162-00224650 with micro environments noting that we aGfyJsDExEU-00782-00224651-00224919 lack a fundamental understanding of how aGfyJsDExEU-00783-00224921-00225264 evolutionary forces such as mutation aGfyJsDExEU-00784-00225265-00225633 selection and genetic drift operate in aGfyJsDExEU-00785-00225634-00225894 microorganisms that act on and respond aGfyJsDExEU-00786-00225896-00226260 to changing micro environments aGfyJsDExEU-00787-00226261-00226534 extremophiles are earth organisms that aGfyJsDExEU-00788-00226535-00226765 live in niche environments under severe aGfyJsDExEU-00789-00226766-00226996 conditions generally considered a nimac aGfyJsDExEU-00790-00226996-00227328 'el to life usually although not always aGfyJsDExEU-00791-00227329-00227517 unicellular ex aGfyJsDExEU-00792-00227519-00227746 Rema files include acutely alkali aGfyJsDExEU-00793-00227746-00227989 philocan acidophilic organisms and aGfyJsDExEU-00794-00227990-00228148 others that can survive water aGfyJsDExEU-00795-00228148-00228439 temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius aGfyJsDExEU-00796-00228440-00228841 in hydrothermal vents the discovery of aGfyJsDExEU-00797-00228842-00229051 life in extreme conditions has aGfyJsDExEU-00798-00229052-00229300 complicated definitions of habitability aGfyJsDExEU-00799-00229301-00229591 but also generated much excitement aGfyJsDExEU-00800-00229592-00229780 amongst researchers in greatly aGfyJsDExEU-00801-00229781-00229998 broadening the known range of conditions aGfyJsDExEU-00802-00230000-00230365 under which life can persist for example aGfyJsDExEU-00803-00230366-00230578 a planet that might otherwise be unable aGfyJsDExEU-00804-00230579-00230851 to support an atmosphere given the solar aGfyJsDExEU-00805-00230852-00231115 conditions in its vicinity might be able aGfyJsDExEU-00806-00231116-00231381 to do so within a deep shadow drift or aGfyJsDExEU-00807-00231382-00231546 volcanic cave aGfyJsDExEU-00808-00231546-00231846 similarly crater Asturian might offer a aGfyJsDExEU-00809-00231848-00232158 refuge for primitive life the lawn hill aGfyJsDExEU-00810-00232159-00232398 crater has been studied as an astro aGfyJsDExEU-00811-00232400-00232623 biological analogue with researchers aGfyJsDExEU-00812-00232625-00232932 suggesting rapid sediment infill created aGfyJsDExEU-00813-00232933-00233155 a protected micro environment for aGfyJsDExEU-00814-00233156-00233440 microbial organisms similar conditions aGfyJsDExEU-00815-00233441-00233658 may have occurred over the geological aGfyJsDExEU-00816-00233659-00233907 history of Mars earth environments that aGfyJsDExEU-00817-00233908-00234067 cannot support life are still aGfyJsDExEU-00818-00234067-00234337 instructive to astrobiologists in aGfyJsDExEU-00819-00234338-00234534 defining the limits of what organisms aGfyJsDExEU-00820-00234535-00234858 can endure the heart of the Atacama aGfyJsDExEU-00821-00234859-00235107 Desert generally considered the driest aGfyJsDExEU-00822-00235108-00235378 place on earth appears unable to support aGfyJsDExEU-00823-00235379-00235666 life and it has been subject to study by aGfyJsDExEU-00824-00235667-00235959 NASA and ESA for that reason it provides aGfyJsDExEU-00825-00235960-00236212 a Mars analog and the moisture gradients aGfyJsDExEU-00826-00236213-00236433 along its edges are ideal for studying aGfyJsDExEU-00827-00236434-00236644 the boundary between sterility and aGfyJsDExEU-00828-00236644-00237013 habitability the Atacama was the subject aGfyJsDExEU-00829-00237014-00237381 of study in 2003 that partly replicated aGfyJsDExEU-00830-00237382-00237619 experiments from the Viking landings on aGfyJsDExEU-00831-00237619-00237967 Mars in the 1970s no DNA could be aGfyJsDExEU-00832-00237967-00238206 recovered from to soil samples and aGfyJsDExEU-00833-00238207-00238444 incubation experiments were also aGfyJsDExEU-00834-00238444-00239334 negative for bio signatures topic aGfyJsDExEU-00835-00239335-00239938 factors the two current ecological aGfyJsDExEU-00836-00239939-00240169 approaches for predicting the potential aGfyJsDExEU-00837-00240169-00240517 habitability use 19 or 20 environmental aGfyJsDExEU-00838-00240517-00240726 factors with emphasis on water aGfyJsDExEU-00839-00240727-00241002 availability temperature presence of aGfyJsDExEU-00840-00241003-00241216 nutrients and energy source and aGfyJsDExEU-00841-00241217-00241479 protection from solar ultraviolet and aGfyJsDExEU-00842-00241480-00242183 galactic cosmic radiation aGfyJsDExEU-00843-00242184-00242900 topic alternative star systems in aGfyJsDExEU-00844-00242901-00243131 determining the feasibility of aGfyJsDExEU-00845-00243132-00243390 extraterrestrial life astronomers have aGfyJsDExEU-00846-00243391-00243621 long focused their attention on stars aGfyJsDExEU-00847-00243621-00243984 like the Sun however since planetary aGfyJsDExEU-00848-00243985-00244239 systems that resemble the solar system aGfyJsDExEU-00849-00244240-00244455 are proving to be rare they have begun aGfyJsDExEU-00850-00244456-00244698 to explore the possibility that life aGfyJsDExEU-00851-00244698-00244962 might form in systems very unlike our aGfyJsDExEU-00852-00244963-00246162 own topic binary systems typical aGfyJsDExEU-00853-00246163-00246462 estimates often suggest that 50% or more aGfyJsDExEU-00854-00246463-00246687 of all stellar systems are binary aGfyJsDExEU-00855-00246688-00247059 systems this may be partly sample bias aGfyJsDExEU-00856-00247060-00247350 as massive and bright stars tend to be aGfyJsDExEU-00857-00247351-00247554 in binaries and these are most easily aGfyJsDExEU-00858-00247555-00247821 observed and catalogued a more precise aGfyJsDExEU-00859-00247821-00248055 analysis has suggested that the more aGfyJsDExEU-00860-00248056-00248231 common fainter stars are usually aGfyJsDExEU-00861-00248232-00248498 singular and that up to two-thirds of aGfyJsDExEU-00862-00248500-00248669 all stellar systems are therefore aGfyJsDExEU-00863-00248671-00249006 solitary the separation between stars in aGfyJsDExEU-00864-00249007-00249237 a binary may range from less than one aGfyJsDExEU-00865-00249238-00249504 astronomical unit Oh the average Earth's aGfyJsDExEU-00866-00249505-00249828 Sun distance to several hundred in aGfyJsDExEU-00867-00249829-00250094 latter instances the gravitational aGfyJsDExEU-00868-00250096-00250329 effects will be negligible on a planet aGfyJsDExEU-00869-00250330-00250563 orbiting an otherwise suitable star and aGfyJsDExEU-00870-00250564-00250794 habitability potential will not be aGfyJsDExEU-00871-00250794-00250977 disrupted unless the orbit is highly aGfyJsDExEU-00872-00250978-00251303 eccentric see nemesis for example aGfyJsDExEU-00873-00251304-00251589 however where the separation is aGfyJsDExEU-00874-00251590-00251867 significantly less a stable orbit may be aGfyJsDExEU-00875-00251869-00252219 impossible if a planet's distance to its aGfyJsDExEU-00876-00252219-00252456 primary exceeds about one-fifth of the aGfyJsDExEU-00877-00252457-00252660 closest approach of the other star aGfyJsDExEU-00878-00252661-00252953 orbital stability is not guaranteed aGfyJsDExEU-00879-00252954-00253248 whether planets might form in binaries aGfyJsDExEU-00880-00253248-00253485 that all had long been unclear given aGfyJsDExEU-00881-00253486-00253692 that gravitational forces might aGfyJsDExEU-00882-00253692-00253973 interfere with planet formation aGfyJsDExEU-00883-00253973-00254235 theoretical work by Alan boss at the aGfyJsDExEU-00884-00254236-00254511 Carnegie Institution has shown that gas aGfyJsDExEU-00885-00254512-00254766 giants can form around stars in binary aGfyJsDExEU-00886-00254767-00255060 systems much as they do around solitaire aGfyJsDExEU-00887-00255061-00255396 stars one study of Alpha Centauri then aGfyJsDExEU-00888-00255396-00255683 nearest star system to the Sun suggested aGfyJsDExEU-00889-00255684-00255927 that binaries need not be discounted in aGfyJsDExEU-00890-00255928-00256183 the search for habitable planets aGfyJsDExEU-00891-00256184-00256544 Centauri a and B have an 11 astronomical aGfyJsDExEU-00892-00256546-00256857 units distance at closest approach 23 aGfyJsDExEU-00893-00256858-00257117 astronomical units mean and both should aGfyJsDExEU-00894-00257119-00257478 have stable habitable zones a study of aGfyJsDExEU-00895-00257479-00257696 long-term orbital stability for aGfyJsDExEU-00896-00257698-00257919 simulated planets within the system aGfyJsDExEU-00897-00257919-00258108 shows that planets within approximately aGfyJsDExEU-00898-00258109-00258444 3 astronomical units of either star may aGfyJsDExEU-00899-00258444-00258714 remain rather stable ie the semi-major aGfyJsDExEU-00900-00258715-00259104 axis deviating by less than 5% during 30 aGfyJsDExEU-00901-00259105-00259512 mm binary periods the H said for aGfyJsDExEU-00902-00259513-00259779 Centauri a is conservatively estimated aGfyJsDExEU-00903-00259780-00260187 at 1.2 to 1.3 astronomical units and aGfyJsDExEU-00904-00260188-00260766 Centauri B at 0.732 0.74 well within the aGfyJsDExEU-00905-00260767-00261623 stable region in both cases topic red aGfyJsDExEU-00906-00261625-00262188 dwarf systems determining the aGfyJsDExEU-00907-00262189-00262443 habitability of red dwarf stars could aGfyJsDExEU-00908-00262444-00262662 help determine how common life in the aGfyJsDExEU-00909-00262663-00262941 universe might be as red dwarfs make up aGfyJsDExEU-00910-00262942-00263190 between 70 and 90 percent of all the aGfyJsDExEU-00911-00263191-00264310 stars in the galaxy topic size aGfyJsDExEU-00912-00264311-00264597 astronomers for many years ruled out red aGfyJsDExEU-00913-00264598-00264857 dwarfs as potential abodes for life aGfyJsDExEU-00914-00264858-00265443 their small size from 0.08 to 0.45 solar aGfyJsDExEU-00915-00265444-00265631 masses means that their nuclear aGfyJsDExEU-00916-00265632-00265902 reactions proceed exceptionally slowly aGfyJsDExEU-00917-00265903-00266187 and they emit very little light from 3% aGfyJsDExEU-00918-00266188-00266445 of that produced by the Sun to as little aGfyJsDExEU-00919-00266446-00266937 as 0.01% any planet in orbit around a aGfyJsDExEU-00920-00266938-00267134 red dwarf would have to huddle very aGfyJsDExEU-00921-00267135-00267372 close to its parent star to attain aGfyJsDExEU-00922-00267373-00267726 earth-like surface temperatures from 0.3 aGfyJsDExEU-00923-00267727-00268014 astronomical units just inside the orbit aGfyJsDExEU-00924-00268015-00268379 of mercury for a star like La Caille aGfyJsDExEU-00925-00268380-00268755 8760 to as little as 0.03 aGfyJsDExEU-00926-00268756-00269007 to astronomical units for a star like aGfyJsDExEU-00927-00269008-00269283 Proxima Centauri such a world would have aGfyJsDExEU-00928-00269284-00269564 a year lasting just six point three days aGfyJsDExEU-00929-00269565-00269892 at those distances the star's gravity aGfyJsDExEU-00930-00269893-00270228 would cause tidal locking one side of aGfyJsDExEU-00931-00270229-00270444 the planet would eternally face the star aGfyJsDExEU-00932-00270445-00270669 while the other would always face away aGfyJsDExEU-00933-00270670-00271017 from it the only ways in which potential aGfyJsDExEU-00934-00271018-00271254 life could avoid either an inferno or a aGfyJsDExEU-00935-00271255-00271485 deep freeze would be if the planet had aGfyJsDExEU-00936-00271486-00271725 an atmosphere thick enough to transfer aGfyJsDExEU-00937-00271726-00271974 the star's heat from the day side to the aGfyJsDExEU-00938-00271975-00272211 night side or if there was a gas giant aGfyJsDExEU-00939-00272212-00272466 in the habitable zone with a habitable aGfyJsDExEU-00940-00272467-00272676 moon which would be locked to the planet aGfyJsDExEU-00941-00272677-00272928 instead of the star allowing a more even aGfyJsDExEU-00942-00272929-00273153 distribution of radiation over the aGfyJsDExEU-00943-00273154-00273453 planet it was long assumed that such a aGfyJsDExEU-00944-00273454-00273690 thick atmosphere would prevent sunlight aGfyJsDExEU-00945-00273691-00273903 from reaching the surface in the first aGfyJsDExEU-00946-00273904-00274308 place preventing photosynthesis this aGfyJsDExEU-00947-00274309-00274598 pessimism has been tempered by research aGfyJsDExEU-00948-00274599-00274905 studies by Robert Hubble and Manoj Joshi aGfyJsDExEU-00949-00274906-00275157 of NASA's Ames Research Center in aGfyJsDExEU-00950-00275158-00275391 California have shown that a planet's aGfyJsDExEU-00951-00275392-00275610 atmosphere assuming it included aGfyJsDExEU-00952-00275611-00275973 greenhouse gases co2 and h2o need only aGfyJsDExEU-00953-00275974-00276179 be 100 millibars aGfyJsDExEU-00954-00276180-00276543 0.10 atmospheres for the star's heat to aGfyJsDExEU-00955-00276544-00276797 be effectively carried to the night side aGfyJsDExEU-00956-00276798-00277062 this is well within the levels required aGfyJsDExEU-00957-00277063-00277347 for photosynthesis though water would aGfyJsDExEU-00958-00277348-00277614 still remain frozen on the dark side in aGfyJsDExEU-00959-00277615-00277923 some of their models Martin Heath of aGfyJsDExEU-00960-00277924-00278160 Greenwich Community College has shown aGfyJsDExEU-00961-00278161-00278403 that sea water too could be effectively aGfyJsDExEU-00962-00278404-00278655 circulated without freezing solid if the aGfyJsDExEU-00963-00278656-00278895 ocean basins were deep enough to allow aGfyJsDExEU-00964-00278896-00279129 free flow beneath the night sides ice aGfyJsDExEU-00965-00279130-00279522 cap further research including a aGfyJsDExEU-00966-00279523-00279710 consideration of the amount of aGfyJsDExEU-00967-00279711-00279992 photosynthetically active radiation aGfyJsDExEU-00968-00279993-00280266 suggested that tidally locked planets in aGfyJsDExEU-00969-00280267-00280476 red dwarf systems might at least be aGfyJsDExEU-00970-00280477-00281281 habitable for higher plants topic aGfyJsDExEU-00971-00281282-00281869 the factors limiting habitability size aGfyJsDExEU-00972-00281870-00282118 is not the only factor in making red aGfyJsDExEU-00973-00282119-00282361 dwarfs potentially unsuitable for life aGfyJsDExEU-00974-00282362-00282714 however on a red dwarf planet aGfyJsDExEU-00975-00282715-00282949 photosynthesis on the night side would aGfyJsDExEU-00976-00282950-00283180 be impossible since it would never see aGfyJsDExEU-00977-00283181-00283513 the Sun on the day side because the Sun aGfyJsDExEU-00978-00283514-00283750 does not rise or set areas in the aGfyJsDExEU-00979-00283751-00283975 shadows of mountains would remain so aGfyJsDExEU-00980-00283976-00284139 forever aGfyJsDExEU-00981-00284140-00284395 photosynthesis as we understand it would aGfyJsDExEU-00982-00284396-00284623 be complicated by the fact that a red aGfyJsDExEU-00983-00284624-00284896 dwarf produces most of its radiation in aGfyJsDExEU-00984-00284897-00285088 the infrared and on the earth the aGfyJsDExEU-00985-00285089-00285439 process depends on visible light there aGfyJsDExEU-00986-00285440-00285714 are potential positives to this scenario aGfyJsDExEU-00987-00285715-00286036 numerous terrestrial ecosystems rely on aGfyJsDExEU-00988-00286037-00286260 chemosynthesis rather than aGfyJsDExEU-00989-00286261-00286516 photosynthesis for instance which would aGfyJsDExEU-00990-00286517-00286785 be possible in a red dwarf system a aGfyJsDExEU-00991-00286786-00287119 static primary star position removes the aGfyJsDExEU-00992-00287120-00287359 need for plants to steer leaves toward aGfyJsDExEU-00993-00287360-00287617 the Sun deal with changing shade Sun aGfyJsDExEU-00994-00287618-00287896 patterns or change from photosynthesis aGfyJsDExEU-00995-00287897-00288241 to stored energy during night because of aGfyJsDExEU-00996-00288242-00288502 the lack of a day/night cycle including aGfyJsDExEU-00997-00288503-00288697 the weak light of morning and evening aGfyJsDExEU-00998-00288698-00288934 far more energy would be available at a aGfyJsDExEU-00999-00288935-00289336 given radiation level red dwarfs are far aGfyJsDExEU-01000-00289337-00289540 more variable and violent than their aGfyJsDExEU-01001-00289541-00289888 more stable larger cousins often they aGfyJsDExEU-01002-00289889-00290110 are covered in star spots that can dim aGfyJsDExEU-01003-00290111-00290368 their emitted light by up to 40% for aGfyJsDExEU-01004-00290369-00290590 months at a time while at other times aGfyJsDExEU-01005-00290591-00290830 they emit gigantic flares that can aGfyJsDExEU-01006-00290831-00291004 double their brightness in a matter of aGfyJsDExEU-01007-00291005-00291367 minutes such variation would be very aGfyJsDExEU-01008-00291368-00291610 damaging for life as it would not only aGfyJsDExEU-01009-00291611-00291835 destroy any complex organic molecules aGfyJsDExEU-01010-00291836-00292141 that could possibly form biological aGfyJsDExEU-01011-00292142-00292366 precursors but also because it would aGfyJsDExEU-01012-00292367-00292561 blow off sizable portions of the aGfyJsDExEU-01013-00292562-00292915 planet's atmosphere for a planet around aGfyJsDExEU-01014-00292916-00293182 a red dwarf star to support life it aGfyJsDExEU-01015-00293183-00293350 would require a rapidly rotating aGfyJsDExEU-01016-00293351-00293605 magnetic field to protect it from the aGfyJsDExEU-01017-00293606-00293944 flares a tidally locked planet rotates aGfyJsDExEU-01018-00293945-00294277 only very slowly and so cannot produce a aGfyJsDExEU-01019-00294278-00294643 geodynamo at its core the violent aGfyJsDExEU-01020-00294644-00294930 period of a red dwarfs lifecycle is aGfyJsDExEU-01021-00294931-00295197 estimated to only last roughly the first aGfyJsDExEU-01022-00295198-00295618 1.2 billion years of its existence if a aGfyJsDExEU-01023-00295619-00295860 planet forms far away from a red dwarf aGfyJsDExEU-01024-00295861-00296143 so as to avoid tidal locking and then aGfyJsDExEU-01025-00296144-00296368 migrates into the star's habitable zone aGfyJsDExEU-01026-00296369-00296655 after this turbulent initial period it aGfyJsDExEU-01027-00296656-00296890 is possible that life may have a chance aGfyJsDExEU-01028-00296891-00297247 to develop however given its age at aGfyJsDExEU-01029-00297248-00297466 seven to twelve billion years of age aGfyJsDExEU-01030-00297467-00297721 Barnard's star is considerably older aGfyJsDExEU-01031-00297722-00298021 than the Sun it was long assumed to be aGfyJsDExEU-01032-00298022-00298310 quiescent in terms of stellar activity aGfyJsDExEU-01033-00298311-00298426 yet aGfyJsDExEU-01034-00298427-00298782 in 1998 astronomers observed an intense aGfyJsDExEU-01035-00298783-00299044 stellar flare surprisingly showing that aGfyJsDExEU-01036-00299045-00299310 Barnard's star 'is despite its age a aGfyJsDExEU-01037-00299311-00300423 flare star topic longevity and ubiquity aGfyJsDExEU-01038-00300424-00300751 red dwarfs have one advantage over other aGfyJsDExEU-01039-00300752-00301021 stars as abodes for life far greater aGfyJsDExEU-01040-00301022-00301426 longevity it took 4.5 billion years aGfyJsDExEU-01041-00301427-00301669 before humanity appeared on earth and aGfyJsDExEU-01042-00301670-00301900 life as we know it will see suitable aGfyJsDExEU-01043-00301901-00302197 conditions for one - 2.3 billion years aGfyJsDExEU-01044-00302198-00302590 more red dwarfs by contrast could live aGfyJsDExEU-01045-00302591-00302781 for trillions of years because their aGfyJsDExEU-01046-00302782-00303022 nuclear reactions are far slower than aGfyJsDExEU-01047-00303023-00303258 those of larger stars meaning that life aGfyJsDExEU-01048-00303259-00303543 would have longer to evolve and survive aGfyJsDExEU-01049-00303544-00303826 while the likelihood of finding a planet aGfyJsDExEU-01050-00303827-00304039 in the habitable zone around any aGfyJsDExEU-01051-00304040-00304329 specific red dwarf is slight the total aGfyJsDExEU-01052-00304330-00304567 amount of habitable zone around all red aGfyJsDExEU-01053-00304568-00304813 dwarfs combined is equal to the total aGfyJsDExEU-01054-00304814-00305068 amount around sun-like stars given their aGfyJsDExEU-01055-00305069-00305427 ubiquity furthermore this total amount aGfyJsDExEU-01056-00305428-00305641 of habitable zone will last longer aGfyJsDExEU-01057-00305642-00305875 because red dwarf stars live for aGfyJsDExEU-01058-00305876-00306070 hundreds of billions of years or even aGfyJsDExEU-01059-00306071-00306761 longer on the main sequence aGfyJsDExEU-01060-00306762-00307488 topic massive stars recent research aGfyJsDExEU-01061-00307489-00307770 suggests that very large stars greater aGfyJsDExEU-01062-00307771-00308037 than approximately 100 solar masses aGfyJsDExEU-01063-00308038-00308331 could have planetary systems consisting aGfyJsDExEU-01064-00308332-00308574 of hundreds of mercury sized planets aGfyJsDExEU-01065-00308575-00308934 within the habitable zone such systems aGfyJsDExEU-01066-00308935-00309213 could also contain brown dwarfs and low aGfyJsDExEU-01067-00309214-00309522 mass stars approximately zero point one aGfyJsDExEU-01068-00309523-00309924 to zero point three solar masses however aGfyJsDExEU-01069-00309925-00310167 the very short lifespans of stars of aGfyJsDExEU-01070-00310168-00310389 more than a few solar masses would aGfyJsDExEU-01071-00310390-00310656 scarcely allow time for a planet to cool aGfyJsDExEU-01072-00310657-00310905 let alone the time needed for a stable aGfyJsDExEU-01073-00310906-00311289 biosphere to develop massive stars are aGfyJsDExEU-01074-00311290-00311550 thus eliminated as possible abodes for aGfyJsDExEU-01075-00311551-00311610 life aGfyJsDExEU-01076-00311611-00311877 however a massive star system could be a aGfyJsDExEU-01077-00311878-00312135 progenitor of life in another way the aGfyJsDExEU-01078-00312136-00312405 supernova explosion of the massive star aGfyJsDExEU-01079-00312406-00312741 in the central part of the system this aGfyJsDExEU-01080-00312742-00313005 supernova will disperse heavier elements aGfyJsDExEU-01081-00313006-00313248 throughout its vicinity created during aGfyJsDExEU-01082-00313249-00313476 the phase when the massive star has aGfyJsDExEU-01083-00313477-00313707 moved off of the main sequence and the aGfyJsDExEU-01084-00313708-00313953 systems of the potential low mass stars aGfyJsDExEU-01085-00313954-00314145 which are still on the main sequence aGfyJsDExEU-01086-00314146-00314430 within the former massive star system aGfyJsDExEU-01087-00314431-00314625 may be enriched with the relatively aGfyJsDExEU-01088-00314626-00314901 large supply of the heavy elements so aGfyJsDExEU-01089-00314902-00315288 close to a supernova explosion however aGfyJsDExEU-01090-00315289-00315552 this states nothing about what types of aGfyJsDExEU-01091-00315553-00315774 planets would form as a result of the aGfyJsDExEU-01092-00315775-00315990 supernova material or what their aGfyJsDExEU-01093-00315991-00316803 habitability potential would be topic aGfyJsDExEU-01094-00316804-00316965 for class aGfyJsDExEU-01095-00316966-00317592 habitable planets based on water in a aGfyJsDExEU-01096-00317593-00317769 review of the factors which are aGfyJsDExEU-01097-00317770-00318002 important for the evolution of habitable aGfyJsDExEU-01098-00318003-00318233 earth-sized planets L'Amour ital aGfyJsDExEU-01099-00318234-00318503 proposed a classification of for water aGfyJsDExEU-01100-00318504-00318830 dependent habitat types class 1 habitats aGfyJsDExEU-01101-00318831-00319044 are planetary bodies on which stellar aGfyJsDExEU-01102-00319045-00319299 and geophysical conditions allow liquid aGfyJsDExEU-01103-00319300-00319529 water to be available at the surface aGfyJsDExEU-01104-00319530-00319778 along with sunlight so that complex aGfyJsDExEU-01105-00319779-00320131 multicellular organisms may originate aGfyJsDExEU-01106-00320132-00320456 class 2 habitats include bodies which aGfyJsDExEU-01107-00320457-00320635 initially enjoy earth-like conditions aGfyJsDExEU-01108-00320636-00320927 but do not keep their ability to sustain aGfyJsDExEU-01109-00320928-00321192 liquid water on their surface due to aGfyJsDExEU-01110-00321193-00321549 stellar or geophysical conditions Mars aGfyJsDExEU-01111-00321550-00321840 and possibly Venus are examples of this aGfyJsDExEU-01112-00321841-00322116 class where complex life forms may not aGfyJsDExEU-01113-00322117-00322529 develop class 3 habitats are planetary aGfyJsDExEU-01114-00322530-00322767 bodies where liquid water oceans exist aGfyJsDExEU-01115-00322768-00322979 below the surface where they can aGfyJsDExEU-01116-00322980-00323220 interact directly with the silicate rich aGfyJsDExEU-01117-00323221-00323649 core such a situation can be expected on aGfyJsDExEU-01118-00323650-00323922 water rich planets located too far from aGfyJsDExEU-01119-00323923-00324171 their star to allow surface liquid water aGfyJsDExEU-01120-00324172-00324431 but on which subsurface water is in aGfyJsDExEU-01121-00324432-00324653 liquid form because of the geothermal aGfyJsDExEU-01122-00324654-00324983 heat two examples of such an environment aGfyJsDExEU-01123-00324984-00325371 a Europa and Enceladus in such worlds aGfyJsDExEU-01124-00325372-00325620 not only is light not available as an aGfyJsDExEU-01125-00325621-00325887 energy source but the organic material aGfyJsDExEU-01126-00325888-00326112 brought by meteorites thought to have aGfyJsDExEU-01127-00326113-00326357 been necessary to start life in some aGfyJsDExEU-01128-00326358-00326574 scenarios may not easily reach the aGfyJsDExEU-01129-00326575-00326949 liquid water if a planet can only harbor aGfyJsDExEU-01130-00326950-00327179 life below its surface the biosphere aGfyJsDExEU-01131-00327180-00327393 would not likely modify the whole aGfyJsDExEU-01132-00327394-00327635 planetary environment in an observable aGfyJsDExEU-01133-00327636-00327912 way thus detecting its presence on an aGfyJsDExEU-01134-00327913-00328127 exoplanet would be extremely difficult aGfyJsDExEU-01135-00328128-00328389 class 4 habitats have liquid water aGfyJsDExEU-01136-00328390-00328695 layers between two ice layers or liquids aGfyJsDExEU-01137-00328696-00329067 above ice if the water layer is thick aGfyJsDExEU-01138-00329068-00329285 enough water at its base will be in aGfyJsDExEU-01139-00329286-00329565 solid phase ice polymorphs because of aGfyJsDExEU-01140-00329566-00329855 the high pressure Ganymede and Callisto aGfyJsDExEU-01141-00329856-00330192 are likely examples of this class their aGfyJsDExEU-01142-00330193-00330369 oceans are thought to be in aGfyJsDExEU-01143-00330370-00330651 between thick ice layers in such aGfyJsDExEU-01144-00330652-00330915 conditions the emergence of even simple aGfyJsDExEU-01145-00330916-00331176 life forms may be very difficult because aGfyJsDExEU-01146-00331177-00331437 the necessary ingredients for life will aGfyJsDExEU-01147-00331438-00332149 likely be completely diluted aGfyJsDExEU-01148-00332150-00332834 topic the Galactic neighborhood along aGfyJsDExEU-01149-00332835-00333065 with the characteristics of planets and aGfyJsDExEU-01150-00333066-00333323 their star systems the wider galactic aGfyJsDExEU-01151-00333324-00333685 environment may also impact habitability aGfyJsDExEU-01152-00333686-00333938 scientists considered the possibility aGfyJsDExEU-01153-00333939-00334172 that particular areas of galaxy's aGfyJsDExEU-01154-00334173-00334424 galactic habitable zones are better aGfyJsDExEU-01155-00334425-00334664 suited to life than others the solar aGfyJsDExEU-01156-00334665-00334919 system in which we live in the Orion aGfyJsDExEU-01157-00334920-00335204 spur on the Milky Way galaxy's edge is aGfyJsDExEU-01158-00335205-00335423 considered to be in a life favorable aGfyJsDExEU-01159-00335424-00335735 spot it is not in a globular cluster aGfyJsDExEU-01160-00335736-00335978 where immense star densities are aGfyJsDExEU-01161-00335979-00336200 inimical to life given excessive aGfyJsDExEU-01162-00336201-00336520 radiation and gravitational disturbance aGfyJsDExEU-01163-00336521-00336809 globular clusters are also primarily aGfyJsDExEU-01164-00336810-00337067 composed of older probably metal-poor aGfyJsDExEU-01165-00337068-00337472 stars furthermore in globular clusters aGfyJsDExEU-01166-00337473-00337727 the great ages of the stars would mean a aGfyJsDExEU-01167-00337728-00337979 large amount of stellar evolution by the aGfyJsDExEU-01168-00337980-00338273 host or other nearby stars which due to aGfyJsDExEU-01169-00338274-00338516 their proximity may cause extreme harm aGfyJsDExEU-01170-00338517-00338765 to life on any planets provided that aGfyJsDExEU-01171-00338766-00339095 they can form it is not near an active aGfyJsDExEU-01172-00339096-00339476 gamma-ray source it is not near the aGfyJsDExEU-01173-00339477-00339716 galactic center where once again star aGfyJsDExEU-01174-00339717-00339941 densities increase the likelihood of aGfyJsDExEU-01175-00339942-00340288 ionizing radiation eg from magnetism aGfyJsDExEU-01176-00340289-00340676 supernovae a supermassive black hole is aGfyJsDExEU-01177-00340677-00340889 also believed to lie at the middle of aGfyJsDExEU-01178-00340890-00341138 the galaxy which might prove a danger to aGfyJsDExEU-01179-00341139-00341546 any nearby bodies the circular orbit of aGfyJsDExEU-01180-00341547-00341792 the Sun around the galactic center keeps aGfyJsDExEU-01181-00341793-00341996 it out of the way of the galaxy's spiral aGfyJsDExEU-01182-00341997-00342257 arms where intense radiation and aGfyJsDExEU-01183-00342258-00342524 gravitation may again lead to disruption aGfyJsDExEU-01184-00342525-00342782 thus relative isolation is ultimately aGfyJsDExEU-01185-00342783-00343142 what a life-bearing system needs if the aGfyJsDExEU-01186-00343143-00343376 Sun were crowded amongst other systems aGfyJsDExEU-01187-00343377-00343616 the chance of being fatally close to aGfyJsDExEU-01188-00343617-00343841 dangerous radiation sources would aGfyJsDExEU-01189-00343842-00344174 increase significantly further close aGfyJsDExEU-01190-00344175-00344393 neighbors might disrupt the stability of aGfyJsDExEU-01191-00344394-00344645 various orbiting bodies such as Oort aGfyJsDExEU-01192-00344646-00344915 cloud and creeper belt objects which can aGfyJsDExEU-01193-00344916-00345113 bring catastrophe if knocked into the aGfyJsDExEU-01194-00345114-00345365 inner solar system aGfyJsDExEU-01195-00345366-00345590 while stellar crowding proves too sad aGfyJsDExEU-01196-00345591-00345872 vent ages to habitability so too does aGfyJsDExEU-01197-00345873-00346217 extreme isolation a star as metal aGfyJsDExEU-01198-00346218-00346439 reaches the Sun would probably not have aGfyJsDExEU-01199-00346440-00346681 formed in the very outermost regions of aGfyJsDExEU-01200-00346682-00346906 the Milky Way given a decline in the aGfyJsDExEU-01201-00346907-00347114 relative abundance of metals in a aGfyJsDExEU-01202-00347115-00347508 general lack of star formation thus our aGfyJsDExEU-01203-00347509-00347873 suburban location such as the solar aGfyJsDExEU-01204-00347874-00348124 system enjoys is preferable to a aGfyJsDExEU-01205-00348125-00348898 galaxy's center or farthest reaches aGfyJsDExEU-01206-00348899-00349956 topic other considerations topic aGfyJsDExEU-01207-00349957-00350614 alternative biochemist trees while most aGfyJsDExEU-01208-00350615-00350849 investigations of extraterrestrial life aGfyJsDExEU-01209-00350850-00351113 start with the assumption that advanced aGfyJsDExEU-01210-00351114-00351296 life forms must have similar aGfyJsDExEU-01211-00351297-00351526 requirements for life as on earth the aGfyJsDExEU-01212-00351527-00351718 hypothesis of other types of aGfyJsDExEU-01213-00351719-00351982 biochemistry suggests the possibility of aGfyJsDExEU-01214-00351983-00352225 life-forms evolving around a different aGfyJsDExEU-01215-00352226-00352547 metabolic mechanism in evolving the aGfyJsDExEU-01216-00352548-00352796 alien biologist Jack Cohen and aGfyJsDExEU-01217-00352797-00353031 mathematician Ian Stewart argue aGfyJsDExEU-01218-00353032-00353270 astrobiology based on the rare earth aGfyJsDExEU-01219-00353271-00353498 hypothesis is restrictive and aGfyJsDExEU-01220-00353499-00353776 unimaginative they suggest that aGfyJsDExEU-01221-00353777-00354049 earth-like planets may be very rare but aGfyJsDExEU-01222-00354050-00354296 non-carbon-based complex life could aGfyJsDExEU-01223-00354297-00354541 possibly emerge in other environments aGfyJsDExEU-01224-00354542-00354772 the most frequently mentioned aGfyJsDExEU-01225-00354773-00355030 alternative to carbon is silicon-based aGfyJsDExEU-01226-00355031-00355343 life while ammonia and hydrocarbons are aGfyJsDExEU-01227-00355344-00355565 sometimes suggested as alternative aGfyJsDExEU-01228-00355566-00355937 solvents to water the astrobiologists aGfyJsDExEU-01229-00355938-00356114 Dirk Schultz a Mac hutch and other aGfyJsDExEU-01230-00356115-00356342 scientists have proposed a planet aGfyJsDExEU-01231-00356343-00356584 habitability index whose criteria aGfyJsDExEU-01232-00356585-00356897 include potential for holding a liquid aGfyJsDExEU-01233-00356898-00357181 solvent that is not necessarily aGfyJsDExEU-01234-00357182-00357443 restricted to water more speculative aGfyJsDExEU-01235-00357444-00357671 ideas have focused on bodies altogether aGfyJsDExEU-01236-00357672-00357967 different from earth-like planets aGfyJsDExEU-01237-00357968-00358231 astronomer Frank Drake a well known aGfyJsDExEU-01238-00358232-00358405 proponent of the search for aGfyJsDExEU-01239-00358406-00358681 extraterrestrial life imagined life on a aGfyJsDExEU-01240-00358682-00358748 neutron aGfyJsDExEU-01241-00358749-00359179 star submicroscopic nuclear molecules aGfyJsDExEU-01242-00359180-00359410 combining to form creatures with a aGfyJsDExEU-01243-00359411-00359687 lifecycle millions of times quicker than aGfyJsDExEU-01244-00359688-00360062 earth life called imaginative and aGfyJsDExEU-01245-00360063-00360430 tongue-in-cheek the idea gave rise to aGfyJsDExEU-01246-00360431-00360764 science-fiction depictions Carl Sagan aGfyJsDExEU-01247-00360765-00361000 another optimist with regards to aGfyJsDExEU-01248-00361001-00361229 extraterrestrial life considered the aGfyJsDExEU-01249-00361230-00361457 possibility of organisms that are always aGfyJsDExEU-01250-00361458-00361700 airborne within the high atmosphere of aGfyJsDExEU-01251-00361701-00362135 Jupiter in a 1976 paper Cohen and aGfyJsDExEU-01252-00362136-00362387 Stewart also envisioned life in both the aGfyJsDExEU-01253-00362388-00362627 solar environment and in the atmosphere aGfyJsDExEU-01254-00362628-00363956 of a gas giant topic good Jupiter's good aGfyJsDExEU-01255-00363957-00364298 Jupiter's a gas giants like the solar aGfyJsDExEU-01256-00364299-00364523 system's Jupiter that orbit their stars aGfyJsDExEU-01257-00364524-00364793 in circular orbits far enough away from aGfyJsDExEU-01258-00364794-00365063 the habitable zone not to disturb it but aGfyJsDExEU-01259-00365064-00365429 close enough to protect terrestrial aGfyJsDExEU-01260-00365430-00365669 planets in closer orbit in two critical aGfyJsDExEU-01261-00365670-00366017 ways first they help to stabilize the aGfyJsDExEU-01262-00366018-00366239 orbits and thereby the climates of the aGfyJsDExEU-01263-00366240-00366584 inner planets second they keep the inner aGfyJsDExEU-01264-00366585-00366842 stellar system relatively free of comets aGfyJsDExEU-01265-00366843-00367009 and asteroids that could cause aGfyJsDExEU-01266-00367010-00367384 devastating impacts Jupiter orbits the aGfyJsDExEU-01267-00367385-00367592 Sun at about five times the distance aGfyJsDExEU-01268-00367593-00367898 between the Earth and the Sun this is aGfyJsDExEU-01269-00367899-00368117 the rough distance we should expect to aGfyJsDExEU-01270-00368118-00368356 find good Jupiter's elsewhere aGfyJsDExEU-01271-00368357-00368720 Jupiter's caretaker role was aGfyJsDExEU-01272-00368721-00369053 dramatically illustrated in 1994 when aGfyJsDExEU-01273-00369054-00369317 comet shoemaker-levy 9 impacted the aGfyJsDExEU-01274-00369318-00369722 giant however the evidence is not quite aGfyJsDExEU-01275-00369723-00369974 so clear research has shown that aGfyJsDExEU-01276-00369975-00370210 Jupiter's role in determining the rate aGfyJsDExEU-01277-00370211-00370388 at which objects hit Earth is aGfyJsDExEU-01278-00370389-00370634 significantly more complicated than once aGfyJsDExEU-01279-00370635-00370883 thought the role of Jupiter in the early aGfyJsDExEU-01280-00370884-00371138 history of the solar system is somewhat aGfyJsDExEU-01281-00371139-00371342 better established and the source of aGfyJsDExEU-01282-00371343-00371675 significantly less debate early in the aGfyJsDExEU-01283-00371676-00371927 solar system's history Jupiter is aGfyJsDExEU-01284-00371928-00372137 accepted as having played an aGfyJsDExEU-01285-00372138-00372326 don't roll in the hydration of our aGfyJsDExEU-01286-00372327-00372569 planet it increased the eccentricity of aGfyJsDExEU-01287-00372570-00372860 asteroid belt orbits and enabled many to aGfyJsDExEU-01288-00372861-00373034 cross Earth's orbit and supply the aGfyJsDExEU-01289-00373035-00373307 planet with important volatiles such as aGfyJsDExEU-01290-00373308-00373537 water and carbon dioxide aGfyJsDExEU-01291-00373538-00373787 before Earth reached half its present aGfyJsDExEU-01292-00373788-00374072 mass icy bodies from the Jupiter Saturn aGfyJsDExEU-01293-00374073-00374276 region and small bodies from the aGfyJsDExEU-01294-00374277-00374561 primordial asteroid belt supplied water aGfyJsDExEU-01295-00374562-00374765 to the earth due to the gravitational aGfyJsDExEU-01296-00374766-00375008 scattering of Jupiter and to a lesser aGfyJsDExEU-01297-00375009-00375416 extent Saturn thus while the gas giants aGfyJsDExEU-01298-00375417-00375617 are now helpful protectors they were aGfyJsDExEU-01299-00375618-00375860 once suppliers of critical habitability aGfyJsDExEU-01300-00375861-00376280 material in contrast Jupiter sized aGfyJsDExEU-01301-00376281-00376496 bodies that orbit too close to the aGfyJsDExEU-01302-00376497-00376805 habitable zone but not in it as in 47 aGfyJsDExEU-01303-00376806-00377021 Ursae Majoris or have a highly aGfyJsDExEU-01304-00377022-00377210 elliptical orbit that crosses the aGfyJsDExEU-01305-00377211-00377555 habitable zone like 16 sigma b make it aGfyJsDExEU-01306-00377556-00377714 very difficult from an independent aGfyJsDExEU-01307-00377715-00378034 earth-like planet to exist in the system aGfyJsDExEU-01308-00378035-00378350 see the discussion of a stable habitable aGfyJsDExEU-01309-00378351-00378686 zone above however during the process of aGfyJsDExEU-01310-00378687-00378920 migrating into a habitable zone a aGfyJsDExEU-01311-00378921-00379148 jupiter-sized planet may capture a aGfyJsDExEU-01312-00379149-00379484 terrestrial planet as a moon even if aGfyJsDExEU-01313-00379485-00379724 such a planet is initially loosely bound aGfyJsDExEU-01314-00379725-00379990 and following a strongly inclined orbit aGfyJsDExEU-01315-00379991-00380249 gravitational interactions with the star aGfyJsDExEU-01316-00380250-00380507 can stabilize the new moon into a closed aGfyJsDExEU-01317-00380508-00380774 circular orbit that is coplanar with the aGfyJsDExEU-01318-00380775-00381530 planets orbit around the star topic aGfyJsDExEU-01319-00381531-00382111 life's impact on habitability a aGfyJsDExEU-01320-00382112-00382340 supplement to the factors that support aGfyJsDExEU-01321-00382341-00382595 life's emergence is the notion that life aGfyJsDExEU-01322-00382596-00382826 itself once formed becomes a aGfyJsDExEU-01323-00382827-00383149 habitability factor in its own right an aGfyJsDExEU-01324-00383150-00383387 important earth for example was the aGfyJsDExEU-01325-00383388-00383726 production of molecular oxygen gas o2 by aGfyJsDExEU-01326-00383727-00384055 ancient cyanobacteria and eventually aGfyJsDExEU-01327-00384056-00384284 photosynthesizing plants leading to a aGfyJsDExEU-01328-00384285-00384506 radical change in the composition of aGfyJsDExEU-01329-00384507-00384824 Earth's atmosphere this environmental aGfyJsDExEU-01330-00384825-00385046 change is called the great oxygenation aGfyJsDExEU-01331-00385047-00385400 event this oxygen proved fundamental to aGfyJsDExEU-01332-00385401-00385525 the respiration of aGfyJsDExEU-01333-00385526-00385876 later animal species the Gaia hypothesis aGfyJsDExEU-01334-00385877-00386182 a scientific model of the Geo biosphere aGfyJsDExEU-01335-00386183-00386545 pioneered by James Lovelock in 1975 aGfyJsDExEU-01336-00386546-00386821 argues that life as a whole fosters and aGfyJsDExEU-01337-00386822-00387067 maintains suitable conditions for itself aGfyJsDExEU-01338-00387068-00387280 by helping to create a planetary aGfyJsDExEU-01339-00387281-00387597 environment suitable for its continuity aGfyJsDExEU-01340-00387598-00387934 similarly David Grinspoon has suggested aGfyJsDExEU-01341-00387935-00388327 a living worlds hypothesis in which our aGfyJsDExEU-01342-00388328-00388534 understanding of what constitutes aGfyJsDExEU-01343-00388535-00388795 habitability cannot be separated from aGfyJsDExEU-01344-00388796-00389158 life already extant on a planet planets aGfyJsDExEU-01345-00389159-00389353 that are geologically and meteorological aGfyJsDExEU-01346-00389354-00389620 alive are much more likely to be aGfyJsDExEU-01347-00389621-00389926 biologically alive as well and a planet aGfyJsDExEU-01348-00389927-00390265 in its life will Co evolve this is the aGfyJsDExEU-01349-00390266-00391099 basis of Earth System science topic see aGfyJsDExEU-01350-00391100-00391858 also equals equals nodes aGsMv8SDn30-00000-00000284-00000626 for working parents and carers managing aGsMv8SDn30-00001-00000627-00000824 family life and professional career is aGsMv8SDn30-00002-00000825-00001073 often a challenge especially for women aGsMv8SDn30-00003-00001074-00001378 today women are still more likely to aGsMv8SDn30-00004-00001379-00001645 take up caring responsibilities than men aGsMv8SDn30-00005-00001646-00001918 this is one of the reasons why women are aGsMv8SDn30-00006-00001919-00002096 still underrepresented on the labour aGsMv8SDn30-00007-00002097-00002410 market although they represent 60% of aGsMv8SDn30-00008-00002411-00002833 university graduates women withdrawing aGsMv8SDn30-00009-00002834-00003010 from the labor market caused the loss aGsMv8SDn30-00010-00003011-00003340 the 370 billion euros to the EU economy aGsMv8SDn30-00011-00003342-00003713 every year the European Commission is aGsMv8SDn30-00012-00003714-00003931 proposing a work-life balance package aGsMv8SDn30-00013-00003932-00004156 which will extend existing rights for aGsMv8SDn30-00014-00004157-00004372 working parents and carers so that aGsMv8SDn30-00015-00004373-00004544 there's a better distribution of caring aGsMv8SDn30-00016-00004545-00004906 responsibilities within family this will aGsMv8SDn30-00017-00004907-00005054 bring more women to the labour market aGsMv8SDn30-00018-00005055-00005320 which is fair and good for families aGsMv8SDn30-00019-00005321-00005629 businesses member states and the economy aGsMv8SDn30-00020-00005630-00005999 as a whole when a child is born his dad aGsMv8SDn30-00021-00006000-00006176 will be able to take at least ten aGsMv8SDn30-00022-00006177-00006409 working days of paternity leave which aGsMv8SDn30-00023-00006411-00006584 will be paid at least it's sick pay aGsMv8SDn30-00024-00006584-00006863 level each parent will be able to take aGsMv8SDn30-00025-00006864-00007045 at least four months of parental leave aGsMv8SDn30-00026-00007047-00007417 until their child is 12 years old these aGsMv8SDn30-00027-00007418-00007624 four months are non-transferable between aGsMv8SDn30-00028-00007625-00007831 parents and will be paid at least at aGsMv8SDn30-00029-00007833-00008210 sick pay level when a child or dependent aGsMv8SDn30-00030-00008211-00008456 relative is seriously ill the employee aGsMv8SDn30-00031-00008457-00008681 has the right to five days of carers aGsMv8SDn30-00032-00008682-00008891 leave per year for taking care of them aGsMv8SDn30-00033-00008892-00009146 these will be paid at least at sick pay aGsMv8SDn30-00034-00009147-00009439 level all carers and parents of children aGsMv8SDn30-00035-00009440-00009644 up to 12 years will have the right to aGsMv8SDn30-00036-00009645-00009871 request flexible working arrangements aGsMv8SDn30-00037-00009872-00010151 the work-life balance proposal sets new aGsMv8SDn30-00038-00010152-00010355 or higher minimum standards by aGsMv8SDn30-00039-00010356-00010556 preserving an extending existing rights aGsMv8SDn30-00040-00010557-00010805 while taking into account families and aGsMv8SDn30-00041-00010806-00011090 member state specific situation aGsMv8SDn30-00042-00011091-00011406 [Music] aGyrs6AOrdA-00000-00000107-00000394 just pulling out this is when you start aGyrs6AOrdA-00001-00000395-00000605 smiling because they they could be aGyrs6AOrdA-00002-00000606-00000869 joining in any minute now look at those aGyrs6AOrdA-00003-00000869-00001139 pearly white teeth what do you do what aGyrs6AOrdA-00004-00001140-00001289 do you do to get white teeth like that aGyrs6AOrdA-00005-00001290-00001553 can't brush them every Saturday whether aGyrs6AOrdA-00006-00001554-00001876 I need to or not all right so aGyrs6AOrdA-00007-00001877-00002176 gosh we just kind of go through um aGyrs6AOrdA-00008-00002177-00002459 uh it says do you want to tag Catherine aGyrs6AOrdA-00009-00002460-00002700 Bellingham in this visit video aGyrs6AOrdA-00010-00002701-00003142 yeah that's why I attacked aGyrs6AOrdA-00011-00003143-00003401 tagged it aGyrs6AOrdA-00012-00003402-00003581 you know this thing asks you some aGyrs6AOrdA-00013-00003582-00004001 questions sometimes but anyway so man aGyrs6AOrdA-00014-00004002-00004488 how long do we know each other uh o5 aGyrs6AOrdA-00015-00004489-00004811 are you for real I'm serious how do you aGyrs6AOrdA-00016-00004812-00005015 know that because I remember when I aGyrs6AOrdA-00017-00005016-00005152 started my job aGyrs6AOrdA-00018-00005153-00005381 oh wow yeah okay so you've been doing aGyrs6AOrdA-00019-00005382-00005488 your job aGyrs6AOrdA-00020-00005489-00005818 for 13 years I mean 13 years in November aGyrs6AOrdA-00021-00005819-00006070 all right and we discussed you know the aGyrs6AOrdA-00022-00006071-00006220 uh we were talking about how you got aGyrs6AOrdA-00023-00006221-00006443 started on it so I guess first of all aGyrs6AOrdA-00024-00006444-00006791 tell them what you do huh I am the owner aGyrs6AOrdA-00025-00006792-00006970 of new beginnings I'm a professional aGyrs6AOrdA-00026-00006972-00007181 organizer that specializes in Helping aGyrs6AOrdA-00027-00007181-00007517 Seniors and Executives downsize and aGyrs6AOrdA-00028-00007518-00007655 relocate aGyrs6AOrdA-00029-00007656-00007948 so I can only tell you aGyrs6AOrdA-00030-00007950-00008141 um gosh you should hear that you should aGyrs6AOrdA-00031-00008142-00008314 hear what she does it'll be perfect for aGyrs6AOrdA-00032-00008315-00008449 your world aGyrs6AOrdA-00033-00008450-00008621 seniors aGyrs6AOrdA-00034-00008622-00008892 downsize and relocate oh yeah anyway aGyrs6AOrdA-00035-00008893-00009241 seriously aGyrs6AOrdA-00036-00009242-00009539 this is how we do it here bring it on aGyrs6AOrdA-00037-00009540-00009785 yes ma'am yeah but sincerely she and aGyrs6AOrdA-00038-00009786-00009928 she's fantastic aGyrs6AOrdA-00039-00009929-00010055 so aGyrs6AOrdA-00040-00010056-00010253 I'm just going to talk for her so she aGyrs6AOrdA-00041-00010254-00010396 goes in there to the house and I've been aGyrs6AOrdA-00042-00010397-00010624 there firsthand and the first thing and aGyrs6AOrdA-00043-00010625-00010846 I mean I've I've helped a lot of seniors aGyrs6AOrdA-00044-00010847-00011045 relocate I mean they've sold I've done aGyrs6AOrdA-00045-00011046-00011183 I've done the ancient part of everything aGyrs6AOrdA-00046-00011184-00011321 yeah you've been in quite a few houses aGyrs6AOrdA-00047-00011322-00011441 for my aGyrs6AOrdA-00048-00011442-00011656 believe it or not I sold some seniors aGyrs6AOrdA-00049-00011657-00011963 without you but yeah well of my clients aGyrs6AOrdA-00050-00011964-00012191 yes yes but let me tell you I mean it's aGyrs6AOrdA-00051-00012192-00012496 quite a process so if you can imagine a aGyrs6AOrdA-00052-00012497-00012731 lot of the people that she's helped are aGyrs6AOrdA-00053-00012732-00012838 you aGyrs6AOrdA-00054-00012839-00013049 I mean they're young and spry in their aGyrs6AOrdA-00055-00013050-00013505 70s and 80s 80 103. who is the person aGyrs6AOrdA-00056-00013506-00013715 I don't want to mention names but the aGyrs6AOrdA-00057-00013716-00013883 people I'm working with that you are aGyrs6AOrdA-00058-00013884-00014141 right now how old are they she's 88 and aGyrs6AOrdA-00059-00014141-00014585 he's 91. they're who oh no seriously aGyrs6AOrdA-00060-00014586-00014794 it's like I just hope I'm like that one aGyrs6AOrdA-00061-00014795-00015125 I'm 88 91. oh yeah they get around so aGyrs6AOrdA-00062-00015126-00015407 you get in these houses and aGyrs6AOrdA-00063-00015408-00015586 what is a common thing when you walk aGyrs6AOrdA-00064-00015587-00015785 into the seniors home I mean what is aGyrs6AOrdA-00065-00015786-00016108 just hands down you just common thing aGyrs6AOrdA-00066-00016109-00016307 you're going to encounter memories aGyrs6AOrdA-00067-00016308-00016541 pictures this belong to my great aGyrs6AOrdA-00068-00016542-00016858 grandfather okay so that's 400 years old aGyrs6AOrdA-00069-00016859-00017225 um yeah about no honestly they've aGyrs6AOrdA-00070-00017226-00017530 accumulated a lifetime of Love memories aGyrs6AOrdA-00071-00017531-00017765 and this belongs to their kids and aGyrs6AOrdA-00072-00017766-00017975 they're saving it for their kids and aGyrs6AOrdA-00073-00017976-00018263 using their rooms as storage so my job aGyrs6AOrdA-00074-00018264-00018503 is to tell their kids come pick it up or aGyrs6AOrdA-00075-00018504-00018707 I'm going to sell it so we get them aGyrs6AOrdA-00076-00018708-00018935 downsized or I call it sorting and aGyrs6AOrdA-00077-00018936-00019139 organizing which is more important than aGyrs6AOrdA-00078-00019140-00019361 packing moving and unpacking because why aGyrs6AOrdA-00079-00019362-00019564 would you want to take an item aGyrs6AOrdA-00080-00019565-00019883 pack it move it unpack it and then throw aGyrs6AOrdA-00081-00019884-00020105 it away so let's just save some 25 and aGyrs6AOrdA-00082-00020106-00020249 just get rid of it now aGyrs6AOrdA-00083-00020250-00020429 so one of the things I know when you go aGyrs6AOrdA-00084-00020430-00020657 in there so aGyrs6AOrdA-00085-00020658-00020903 you're really good honestly so a lot of aGyrs6AOrdA-00086-00020904-00021179 times they're a little attached to their aGyrs6AOrdA-00087-00021180-00021300 things aGyrs6AOrdA-00088-00021301-00021647 and I mean you're really good at so how aGyrs6AOrdA-00089-00021648-00021964 do you get them to part because aGyrs6AOrdA-00090-00021965-00022144 talk well aGyrs6AOrdA-00091-00022145-00022361 um first of all you know I say I tell aGyrs6AOrdA-00092-00022362-00022505 when we walk into a house the first aGyrs6AOrdA-00093-00022506-00022691 thing I do is like I said okay do you aGyrs6AOrdA-00094-00022692-00022864 love this item well I don't know if I aGyrs6AOrdA-00095-00022865-00023008 love it okay then it goes away well no aGyrs6AOrdA-00096-00023009-00023200 no no wait I want it well then why do aGyrs6AOrdA-00097-00023201-00023393 you want it well and then after the I aGyrs6AOrdA-00098-00023394-00023603 had this client she was 101 and I moved aGyrs6AOrdA-00099-00023604-00023807 her to Washington State and she was aGyrs6AOrdA-00100-00023808-00024011 looking at these pieces and she was oh I aGyrs6AOrdA-00101-00024012-00024172 love this I love that I love this well aGyrs6AOrdA-00102-00024173-00024328 then finally she decided oh I don't want aGyrs6AOrdA-00103-00024329-00024527 that so I did the happy dance going let aGyrs6AOrdA-00104-00024528-00024700 it go let it go and she's like that's aGyrs6AOrdA-00105-00024701-00024875 pretty cool so she let go of a lot of aGyrs6AOrdA-00106-00024876-00025067 things after that which was kind of aGyrs6AOrdA-00107-00025068-00025558 funny but um I know my clients I'm gonna aGyrs6AOrdA-00108-00025559-00025822 tell you she's always just goofy aGyrs6AOrdA-00109-00025823-00026027 oh I haven't even started yeah she aGyrs6AOrdA-00110-00026027-00026243 hadn't even started yet but one of the aGyrs6AOrdA-00111-00026244-00026483 items she's they always want to tell you aGyrs6AOrdA-00112-00026483-00026668 the stories about how they accumulate aGyrs6AOrdA-00113-00026669-00026896 this thing well it's a aGyrs6AOrdA-00114-00026897-00027149 um a carving that she had made for her aGyrs6AOrdA-00115-00027150-00027527 when she lived in Brazil and she didn't aGyrs6AOrdA-00116-00027527-00027677 know she was going to buy it she thought aGyrs6AOrdA-00117-00027677-00027887 he was giving it to her while he was the aGyrs6AOrdA-00118-00027888-00028120 gentleman waited until her husband had aGyrs6AOrdA-00119-00028122-00028555 left and she said he comes up with this aGyrs6AOrdA-00120-00028556-00028889 carving and said here this is 25 aGyrs6AOrdA-00121-00028889-00029105 000 whatever it was in other words 20 US aGyrs6AOrdA-00122-00029106-00029296 Dollars and this and she's like I said aGyrs6AOrdA-00123-00029297-00029590 now she's 100 years old but um she took aGyrs6AOrdA-00124-00029591-00029746 it and she felt the only reason she paid aGyrs6AOrdA-00125-00029747-00029945 him is because she felt aGyrs6AOrdA-00126-00029945-00030311 um threatened and so so here it is 30 aGyrs6AOrdA-00127-00030312-00030527 years later she still has this item she aGyrs6AOrdA-00128-00030527-00030670 tells me the story I said then why are aGyrs6AOrdA-00129-00030672-00030868 we keeping it she was you're right get aGyrs6AOrdA-00130-00030869-00031090 rid of it and it's so ugly it's still aGyrs6AOrdA-00131-00031091-00031270 sitting in my garage because nobody aGyrs6AOrdA-00132-00031272-00031499 wants it I can't sell it I can't donate aGyrs6AOrdA-00133-00031500-00031699 it people go oh aGyrs6AOrdA-00134-00031700-00032033 uh yeah I know but every time I look at aGyrs6AOrdA-00135-00032033-00032273 it it makes me think of of Miss Rose and aGyrs6AOrdA-00136-00032274-00032464 it's it was a it's a great story because aGyrs6AOrdA-00137-00032466-00032668 I tell my clients over and over and they aGyrs6AOrdA-00138-00032669-00032855 go you're right why am I keeping this aGyrs6AOrdA-00139-00032856-00033101 stuff so we usually they're willing to aGyrs6AOrdA-00140-00033102-00033274 let go of things and that's the most aGyrs6AOrdA-00141-00033275-00033461 important thing it's stuff because aGyrs6AOrdA-00142-00033462-00033640 they're not I call it being blind aGyrs6AOrdA-00143-00033641-00033881 because the stuff is there they see it aGyrs6AOrdA-00144-00033882-00034109 but they don't see it anymore so once aGyrs6AOrdA-00145-00034110-00034295 you touch the item it makes it real and aGyrs6AOrdA-00146-00034296-00034552 they're willing to get rid of it or Let aGyrs6AOrdA-00147-00034553-00034645 It Go aGyrs6AOrdA-00148-00034646-00034955 yeah that's not you sir hold on I don't aGyrs6AOrdA-00149-00034956-00035093 know who's calling me but we're going to aGyrs6AOrdA-00150-00035094-00035243 decline that right quick aGyrs6AOrdA-00151-00035244-00035459 I'm still here Frozen up for a second aGyrs6AOrdA-00152-00035460-00035615 bun here aGyrs6AOrdA-00153-00035616-00035831 so um aGyrs6AOrdA-00154-00035832-00036324 uh squirrels aGyrs6AOrdA-00155-00036325-00036995 yeah I don't know so aGyrs6AOrdA-00156-00036996-00037265 the one thing I have to say and of aGyrs6AOrdA-00157-00037266-00037505 course I get to I'm very fortunate and aGyrs6AOrdA-00158-00037506-00037661 get to visit with your clients and aGyrs6AOrdA-00159-00037662-00037979 everything and I know it's always kind aGyrs6AOrdA-00160-00037980-00038207 of a little touching to me but and you aGyrs6AOrdA-00161-00038208-00038495 put honestly like I remember when uh oh aGyrs6AOrdA-00162-00038496-00038735 he lived in Friendswood aGyrs6AOrdA-00163-00038736-00038999 um yes but both of them did aGyrs6AOrdA-00164-00039000-00039389 yeah but anyway like aGyrs6AOrdA-00165-00039390-00039568 we're going through the house and I'm aGyrs6AOrdA-00166-00039569-00039743 taking pictures and all that stuff and aGyrs6AOrdA-00167-00039744-00039946 getting ready for the listing aGyrs6AOrdA-00168-00039947-00040139 and a lot of times when I meet your aGyrs6AOrdA-00169-00040140-00040330 clients one of the other partners has aGyrs6AOrdA-00170-00040331-00040637 passed away probably half the time and aGyrs6AOrdA-00171-00040638-00040846 uh man so they walk aGyrs6AOrdA-00172-00040847-00040990 through the island aGyrs6AOrdA-00173-00040991-00041290 I'm always kind of a little aGyrs6AOrdA-00174-00041291-00041512 they walked through this house and it's aGyrs6AOrdA-00175-00041513-00041801 full of stories from you know gosh in aGyrs6AOrdA-00176-00041802-00041915 this case I think they've been married aGyrs6AOrdA-00177-00041916-00042239 like 50 some years and you know we were aGyrs6AOrdA-00178-00042240-00042359 walking through the house when we're out aGyrs6AOrdA-00179-00042360-00042593 in the yard and he's just showing me aGyrs6AOrdA-00180-00042594-00042827 the rose plants that his wife Penny aGyrs6AOrdA-00181-00042828-00043001 planted and she used to be such a aGyrs6AOrdA-00182-00043002-00043217 gardener and stuff and you know somehow aGyrs6AOrdA-00183-00043218-00043385 in the listing I try and capture that aGyrs6AOrdA-00184-00043386-00043565 with pictures because there's a there's aGyrs6AOrdA-00185-00043566-00043752 a story there right aGyrs6AOrdA-00186-00043753-00044027 how do you deal with aGyrs6AOrdA-00187-00044028-00044249 like so what's your what's your favorite aGyrs6AOrdA-00188-00044250-00044549 story oh I don't have a favorite because aGyrs6AOrdA-00189-00044550-00044849 each each of my clients has something so aGyrs6AOrdA-00190-00044850-00045137 special to bring and I mean one of my aGyrs6AOrdA-00191-00045138-00045395 almost favorite stories and she's aGyrs6AOrdA-00192-00045396-00045599 actually a friend of mine on Facebook so aGyrs6AOrdA-00193-00045600-00045923 I'm not going to mention her name Miss M aGyrs6AOrdA-00194-00045924-00046018 um aGyrs6AOrdA-00195-00046019-00046289 we were going through her drawers and we aGyrs6AOrdA-00196-00046290-00046427 had to go through everything in the aGyrs6AOrdA-00197-00046428-00046589 house and the sorting and organizing aGyrs6AOrdA-00198-00046590-00046930 took a while but I found a stick and I aGyrs6AOrdA-00199-00046931-00047051 can get ready to throw it away and she aGyrs6AOrdA-00200-00047052-00047237 goes no don't throw it away and I said aGyrs6AOrdA-00201-00047238-00047399 what she goes that's the first rose my aGyrs6AOrdA-00202-00047400-00047579 husband gave me they've been married 40 aGyrs6AOrdA-00203-00047580-00047830 something years and she starts crying aGyrs6AOrdA-00204-00047831-00048161 and I start crying and then I said aGyrs6AOrdA-00205-00048162-00048424 something which I can't repeat now a aGyrs6AOrdA-00206-00048425-00048593 story and she started laughing and then aGyrs6AOrdA-00207-00048594-00048845 we went on with our job you know we aGyrs6AOrdA-00208-00048846-00049030 cleaned out that house we packed her up aGyrs6AOrdA-00209-00049031-00049165 you had the assistant aGyrs6AOrdA-00210-00049166-00049421 that oh the stick what I actually ended aGyrs6AOrdA-00211-00049422-00049577 up doing with the stick is I had it aGyrs6AOrdA-00212-00049578-00049871 laminated and put into a frame so that aGyrs6AOrdA-00213-00049872-00050039 you know and so now she can always look aGyrs6AOrdA-00214-00050040-00050285 at the stick I said I'd hang it for her aGyrs6AOrdA-00215-00050286-00050543 she said no put it in the drawer so I aGyrs6AOrdA-00216-00050544-00050789 but there's always something so unique aGyrs6AOrdA-00217-00050790-00050951 about each of my clients where they've aGyrs6AOrdA-00218-00050952-00051149 come from where they've been all their aGyrs6AOrdA-00219-00051150-00051352 travels I can walk through a person's aGyrs6AOrdA-00220-00051353-00051532 house and say oh they've lived here they aGyrs6AOrdA-00221-00051533-00051785 lived there and it's just um it's real aGyrs6AOrdA-00222-00051786-00051988 nice like it's an excellent example the aGyrs6AOrdA-00223-00051989-00052258 gentleman and I met with today I'm aGyrs6AOrdA-00224-00052259-00052535 moving out of his house several weeks aGyrs6AOrdA-00225-00052536-00052859 ago his wife passed and so we're taking aGyrs6AOrdA-00226-00052860-00053087 less needless to say but he wants to sit aGyrs6AOrdA-00227-00053088-00053326 down and talk about when he was in aGyrs6AOrdA-00228-00053327-00053566 Langley and so you sit there for an hour aGyrs6AOrdA-00229-00053567-00053873 and you listen to his stories and it aGyrs6AOrdA-00230-00053874-00054053 just it's very touching to see where aGyrs6AOrdA-00231-00054054-00054241 these people have been what they've done aGyrs6AOrdA-00232-00054241-00054688 and it just makes me appreciative of aGyrs6AOrdA-00233-00054689-00054965 where we are in America and these people aGyrs6AOrdA-00234-00054966-00055150 what they've done which will never be aGyrs6AOrdA-00235-00055151-00055366 re-accomplished again it's just it's aGyrs6AOrdA-00236-00055367-00055619 very it's very touching I mean I know aGyrs6AOrdA-00237-00055620-00055787 I've met some people that have just I aGyrs6AOrdA-00238-00055788-00056044 mean referred to by you that does you aGyrs6AOrdA-00239-00056045-00056237 know being in the space program and done aGyrs6AOrdA-00240-00056238-00056363 some aGyrs6AOrdA-00241-00056364-00056626 yeah some amazing things and that's me I aGyrs6AOrdA-00242-00056627-00056759 mean it's like it's aGyrs6AOrdA-00243-00056760-00056921 it's not just their stories they're part aGyrs6AOrdA-00244-00056922-00057047 they're really part of our history aGyrs6AOrdA-00245-00057048-00057269 exactly and I love that exactly but what aGyrs6AOrdA-00246-00057270-00057532 a so whenever I do have an older aGyrs6AOrdA-00247-00057533-00057761 especially the older people aGyrs6AOrdA-00248-00057762-00057982 um but I mean you'll help anybody aGyrs6AOrdA-00249-00057983-00058241 I tell you I always uh refer them to aGyrs6AOrdA-00250-00058241-00058553 Catherine very happily so because aGyrs6AOrdA-00251-00058554-00058769 I mean I I think it probably comes aGyrs6AOrdA-00252-00058770-00058954 through you're very passionate aGyrs6AOrdA-00253-00058955-00059087 about aGyrs6AOrdA-00254-00059088-00059309 the people you it's very personal to you aGyrs6AOrdA-00255-00059310-00059591 oh extremely and I tell my clients and aGyrs6AOrdA-00256-00059591-00059729 you know everybody thinks it's funny but aGyrs6AOrdA-00257-00059729-00059909 it's true I said I will never lie to you aGyrs6AOrdA-00258-00059910-00060035 you might not like what I have to say aGyrs6AOrdA-00259-00060036-00060238 but I will not lie to you because if I aGyrs6AOrdA-00260-00060239-00060371 lied to you then I have to remember what aGyrs6AOrdA-00261-00060372-00060665 I said so it's just a lot easier to tell aGyrs6AOrdA-00262-00060666-00060875 you the truth and you know I've had some aGyrs6AOrdA-00263-00060876-00061085 people say I'm glad you told me the aGyrs6AOrdA-00264-00061086-00061294 truth because I wouldn't have known any aGyrs6AOrdA-00265-00061295-00061475 better and I said why would I tell you aGyrs6AOrdA-00266-00061476-00061697 something that cannot ever happen we're aGyrs6AOrdA-00267-00061698-00061894 not going to be able to fit three tables aGyrs6AOrdA-00268-00061895-00062200 42 chairs all your wine glasses we need aGyrs6AOrdA-00269-00062201-00062387 to downsize and and they say okay aGyrs6AOrdA-00270-00062388-00062632 because they realize why would I tell aGyrs6AOrdA-00271-00062633-00062771 them they can take it and we get there aGyrs6AOrdA-00272-00062772-00062903 and we can't and then we have to box it aGyrs6AOrdA-00273-00062904-00063082 up take it back to the house so I don't aGyrs6AOrdA-00274-00063083-00063382 want to do that right or I do the bait aGyrs6AOrdA-00275-00063383-00063569 and switch which by the way you need to aGyrs6AOrdA-00276-00063570-00063863 watch your face on that camera and stay aGyrs6AOrdA-00277-00063864-00064204 closely aGyrs6AOrdA-00278-00064205-00064432 um or do the base and switch because I aGyrs6AOrdA-00279-00064433-00064715 see moving trucks do all that oh yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00280-00064716-00064894 oh yeah there you are well I aGyrs6AOrdA-00281-00064895-00065009 guess we're gonna have to bring it and aGyrs6AOrdA-00282-00065010-00065171 of course that's to change no I don't do aGyrs6AOrdA-00283-00065172-00065279 that aGyrs6AOrdA-00284-00065279-00065488 no and uh but you understand what I'm aGyrs6AOrdA-00285-00065489-00065759 saying yeah you know that game right aGyrs6AOrdA-00286-00065760-00066011 exactly there are games out there well aGyrs6AOrdA-00287-00066012-00066197 and the nice thing is my boys have been aGyrs6AOrdA-00288-00066198-00066467 with me have a nice showing Abby or aGyrs6AOrdA-00289-00066468-00066682 seven yeah or seven aGyrs6AOrdA-00290-00066683-00066943 uh we're still working here that's good aGyrs6AOrdA-00291-00066944-00067259 my my guys have been with me eight years aGyrs6AOrdA-00292-00067260-00067493 and it's not like they you know they aGyrs6AOrdA-00293-00067494-00067691 know how I do things they you know that aGyrs6AOrdA-00294-00067692-00067925 I like I have these the blue tape goes aGyrs6AOrdA-00295-00067926-00068050 to this room the green tape goes that aGyrs6AOrdA-00296-00068051-00068225 room the yellow goes to the kitchen they aGyrs6AOrdA-00297-00068226-00068375 know how I like to do things they do aGyrs6AOrdA-00298-00068376-00068555 things the way I do it or they already aGyrs6AOrdA-00299-00068556-00068723 know that I will kill them that's all aGyrs6AOrdA-00300-00068724-00068921 there is to it but it's nice to know aGyrs6AOrdA-00301-00068922-00069047 that you're not going to have somebody aGyrs6AOrdA-00302-00069048-00069256 say uh five thousand dollars you get aGyrs6AOrdA-00303-00069257-00069437 there and it's ten thousand dollars my aGyrs6AOrdA-00304-00069438-00069653 boys worked strictly by the hour you aGyrs6AOrdA-00305-00069654-00069953 know what you're paying for and um there aGyrs6AOrdA-00306-00069954-00070211 is no you know what you like you said aGyrs6AOrdA-00307-00070212-00070349 the bait and switch we don't do that aGyrs6AOrdA-00308-00070350-00070517 because I'm also with the boys the whole aGyrs6AOrdA-00309-00070518-00070721 time they do things the way I want it or aGyrs6AOrdA-00310-00070722-00070882 again you know we have a good time aGyrs6AOrdA-00311-00070883-00071081 that's more more than anything we have a aGyrs6AOrdA-00312-00071082-00071297 good time we enjoy our jobs because if aGyrs6AOrdA-00313-00071298-00071500 we don't do our don't enjoy our jobs why aGyrs6AOrdA-00314-00071501-00071669 are we doing it I want to tell you every aGyrs6AOrdA-00315-00071670-00071867 time I go to uh every time I've ever aGyrs6AOrdA-00316-00071868-00072047 been at a house where Captain's in the aGyrs6AOrdA-00317-00072048-00072263 middle of it the music's always going aGyrs6AOrdA-00318-00072264-00072550 the ladies are there packing boxes and I aGyrs6AOrdA-00319-00072551-00072815 mean we have a good time client it does aGyrs6AOrdA-00320-00072816-00073081 look like they're having fun oh yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00321-00073082-00073379 without me but that's what I have a aGyrs6AOrdA-00322-00073380-00073571 client Miss Mary just the cutest thing aGyrs6AOrdA-00323-00073572-00073900 she's 102 years old and I said what do aGyrs6AOrdA-00324-00073901-00074099 you contribute to your longevity and she aGyrs6AOrdA-00325-00074100-00074387 says well every day I dance and she was aGyrs6AOrdA-00326-00074388-00074638 wider than she was tall she got up which aGyrs6AOrdA-00327-00074639-00074855 I didn't realize she stood up and she aGyrs6AOrdA-00328-00074856-00075131 just sits there and she just to go away aGyrs6AOrdA-00329-00075132-00075347 and she was and then I do jigsaw puzzles aGyrs6AOrdA-00330-00075348-00075593 so just a little stories and and she was aGyrs6AOrdA-00331-00075594-00075838 having a good time it was two of us in a aGyrs6AOrdA-00332-00075839-00076037 400 square foot apartment trying to pack aGyrs6AOrdA-00333-00076038-00076247 her up and move her we just had so much aGyrs6AOrdA-00334-00076248-00076475 fun messing with our clients that's what aGyrs6AOrdA-00335-00076476-00076691 we call it we have a good time aGyrs6AOrdA-00336-00076692-00076925 what kind of area do you cover oh aGyrs6AOrdA-00337-00076926-00077237 goodness gracious my territory aGyrs6AOrdA-00338-00077238-00077491 um I have moved her terrible yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00339-00077492-00077812 it's hers I have packed a client from aGyrs6AOrdA-00340-00077813-00078053 Meyerland moved her all the way to Houma aGyrs6AOrdA-00341-00078054-00078431 Louisiana I have a client in Colorado we aGyrs6AOrdA-00342-00078432-00078791 moved him there and I actually am aGyrs6AOrdA-00343-00078792-00079019 supposed to be going there and bringing aGyrs6AOrdA-00344-00079020-00079211 him back because as he says all his Exes aGyrs6AOrdA-00345-00079212-00079432 Live in Texas so I will be packing up aGyrs6AOrdA-00346-00079433-00079643 and bringing them I have telling you no aGyrs6AOrdA-00347-00079644-00079919 good realtor Yes actually actually his aGyrs6AOrdA-00348-00079920-00080087 property you already sold his house here aGyrs6AOrdA-00349-00080088-00080267 and he's been up in Colorado for four aGyrs6AOrdA-00350-00080268-00080375 years aGyrs6AOrdA-00351-00080376-00080638 oh yeah and so um yeah I don't discuss aGyrs6AOrdA-00352-00080639-00080794 my clients aGyrs6AOrdA-00353-00080795-00081011 um so then um but I have gone all the aGyrs6AOrdA-00354-00081012-00081317 way to Alpine but a lot of times hey one aGyrs6AOrdA-00355-00081318-00081491 of the things I'll go finish your area aGyrs6AOrdA-00356-00081492-00081779 oh well yeah my area um I have I'm just aGyrs6AOrdA-00357-00081780-00081994 trying I oh I sit down and try and aGyrs6AOrdA-00358-00081995-00082150 figure out what's going to be the most aGyrs6AOrdA-00359-00082151-00082306 cost effective and it was actually aGyrs6AOrdA-00360-00082307-00082565 cheaper for one of my girls and I to aGyrs6AOrdA-00361-00082566-00082882 drive to Alpine Texas pack up my client aGyrs6AOrdA-00362-00082883-00083147 the boys met us in Alpine and we drove aGyrs6AOrdA-00363-00083148-00083387 them back so uh to uh actually Lake aGyrs6AOrdA-00364-00083388-00083650 Jackson so there's pretty much nowhere I aGyrs6AOrdA-00365-00083651-00083765 won't go aGyrs6AOrdA-00366-00083766-00084100 so for the most part when you go in aGyrs6AOrdA-00367-00084101-00084317 there and you do all this kind of sizing aGyrs6AOrdA-00368-00084318-00084491 where are they going aGyrs6AOrdA-00369-00084492-00084773 oh oh my goodness most of them go to aGyrs6AOrdA-00370-00084774-00084953 retirement communities aGyrs6AOrdA-00371-00084954-00085162 um but that's only about I'd say about aGyrs6AOrdA-00372-00085163-00085415 60 percent uh the lady I met with today aGyrs6AOrdA-00373-00085416-00085631 she lives in the Museum District I'm aGyrs6AOrdA-00374-00085632-00085894 moving to her South Carolina I've moved aGyrs6AOrdA-00375-00085895-00086111 clients to California Washington state aGyrs6AOrdA-00376-00086112-00086482 New York and you know my boys take them aGyrs6AOrdA-00377-00086483-00086771 um the last client we moved to Palm aGyrs6AOrdA-00378-00086772-00086999 Springs we sat down worked at the price aGyrs6AOrdA-00379-00087000-00087232 and I actually told her I said Miss aGyrs6AOrdA-00380-00087233-00087419 Kelly the thing is aGyrs6AOrdA-00381-00087420-00087550 um your mom doesn't have really good aGyrs6AOrdA-00382-00087551-00087641 stuff aGyrs6AOrdA-00383-00087642-00087815 it's going to cost us about eight aGyrs6AOrdA-00384-00087816-00087982 thousand dollars why don't we just pack aGyrs6AOrdA-00385-00087983-00088205 up everything put it in your car and you aGyrs6AOrdA-00386-00088206-00088367 drive her to California and that's what aGyrs6AOrdA-00387-00088368-00088591 they did save themselves a lot of money aGyrs6AOrdA-00388-00088592-00088876 so but again you know I'm very honest aGyrs6AOrdA-00389-00088877-00089099 why would I say oh go ahead and take aGyrs6AOrdA-00390-00089100-00089291 this and that we can replace it for a aGyrs6AOrdA-00391-00089292-00089447 lot less in California aGyrs6AOrdA-00392-00089448-00089615 for what they had but we took all the aGyrs6AOrdA-00393-00089616-00089759 memories aGyrs6AOrdA-00394-00089760-00090053 I like that the other thing uh the other aGyrs6AOrdA-00395-00090054-00090179 thing I was going to say on you know aGyrs6AOrdA-00396-00090180-00090335 like these retirement communities and aGyrs6AOrdA-00397-00090336-00090491 they are popping up all over the place aGyrs6AOrdA-00398-00090492-00090749 yes and I just want to say from my aGyrs6AOrdA-00399-00090750-00090982 perspective what I see is aGyrs6AOrdA-00400-00090983-00091217 um frequently when I see clients who aGyrs6AOrdA-00401-00091218-00091535 have gone there is aGyrs6AOrdA-00402-00091536-00091750 one of the partners most of the time has aGyrs6AOrdA-00403-00091751-00091979 passed away but they even move in there aGyrs6AOrdA-00404-00091980-00092200 as couples and aGyrs6AOrdA-00405-00092201-00092531 what I see is there's more to do there's aGyrs6AOrdA-00406-00092532-00092825 more engagement and getting out of the aGyrs6AOrdA-00407-00092826-00093011 house so to speak aGyrs6AOrdA-00408-00093012-00093215 um they really have nice activities set aGyrs6AOrdA-00409-00093216-00093388 up for them well what I've told my aGyrs6AOrdA-00410-00093389-00093556 clients you know and they've all said aGyrs6AOrdA-00411-00093557-00093761 you know oh and one of a couple of them aGyrs6AOrdA-00412-00093762-00093965 have gone Kicking and Screaming because aGyrs6AOrdA-00413-00093966-00094271 the other partner wants to go but for aGyrs6AOrdA-00414-00094272-00094481 the 14 years that I've been doing this aGyrs6AOrdA-00415-00094482-00094738 I've my clients have all said I wish I'd aGyrs6AOrdA-00416-00094739-00094882 done it sooner aGyrs6AOrdA-00417-00094883-00095081 um you know and I hear I hear that a lot aGyrs6AOrdA-00418-00095082-00095393 yes and then once they do it I mean the aGyrs6AOrdA-00419-00095394-00095585 excellent example is the crossing when I aGyrs6AOrdA-00420-00095586-00095782 move Two Gentlemen there who her what aGyrs6AOrdA-00421-00095783-00095981 their wives had passed as we can join aGyrs6AOrdA-00422-00095982-00096185 the Romeo Club I don't want to date I aGyrs6AOrdA-00423-00096186-00096449 said no the Romeo Club is retired on men aGyrs6AOrdA-00424-00096450-00096653 eating out and they're like oh that's aGyrs6AOrdA-00425-00096654-00096862 hilarious and so one of them did get aGyrs6AOrdA-00426-00096863-00097229 married yes yes we did and and I was aGyrs6AOrdA-00427-00097230-00097415 fortunate enough to be invited to the aGyrs6AOrdA-00428-00097416-00097631 reception it was very nice and I aGyrs6AOrdA-00429-00097632-00097931 actually downsized her downsized him put aGyrs6AOrdA-00430-00097932-00098165 her stuff into his apartment but before aGyrs6AOrdA-00431-00098166-00098405 we even did that I said sir you do aGyrs6AOrdA-00432-00098406-00098549 understand that everything that you own aGyrs6AOrdA-00433-00098550-00098632 is aGyrs6AOrdA-00434-00098633-00098831 yuck and should go in the trash because aGyrs6AOrdA-00435-00098832-00099053 her stuff is better than yours and she aGyrs6AOrdA-00436-00099054-00099262 laughed and he laughed and guess what we aGyrs6AOrdA-00437-00099263-00099491 took all of his stuff I got rid of it it aGyrs6AOrdA-00438-00099492-00099641 brought all of her stuff and he's like aGyrs6AOrdA-00439-00099642-00099821 Catherine I worked with you well long aGyrs6AOrdA-00440-00099822-00100018 enough I know you well enough that you aGyrs6AOrdA-00441-00100019-00100247 were right and so um that's one thing I aGyrs6AOrdA-00442-00100248-00100493 told him constantly I said Mr Larry quit aGyrs6AOrdA-00443-00100494-00100618 saying I'm right because it's really aGyrs6AOrdA-00444-00100619-00100867 going to my head so aGyrs6AOrdA-00445-00100868-00101297 very nice gentleman yeah yeah he had it aGyrs6AOrdA-00446-00101298-00101641 he is oh yeah absolutely aGyrs6AOrdA-00447-00101642-00101974 I can't go into that Community without aGyrs6AOrdA-00448-00101975-00102268 him you know you know he sees my truck aGyrs6AOrdA-00449-00102269-00102466 pull up and he comes looking for us and aGyrs6AOrdA-00450-00102467-00102730 it's hugs and kisses all around and then aGyrs6AOrdA-00451-00102731-00102990 um aGyrs6AOrdA-00452-00102991-00103366 he's a great guy anyway Catherine aGyrs6AOrdA-00453-00103367-00103613 known her for yeah we're going on for aGyrs6AOrdA-00454-00103614-00103954 two years yeah going on 14 14 years aGyrs6AOrdA-00455-00103955-00104165 awesome awesome person aGyrs6AOrdA-00456-00104166-00104404 um if anybody has any questions Taylor aGyrs6AOrdA-00457-00104405-00104639 is in the room taking questions aGyrs6AOrdA-00458-00104640-00104933 but um definitely if you were if you aGyrs6AOrdA-00459-00104933-00105089 were making a move especially if you aGyrs6AOrdA-00460-00105090-00105323 needed help with aGyrs6AOrdA-00461-00105324-00105628 decluttering downsizing and you know aGyrs6AOrdA-00462-00105629-00105815 another thing she's just a great aGyrs6AOrdA-00463-00105816-00106036 resource and even you know as a lot of aGyrs6AOrdA-00464-00106038-00106223 us are taking care of our life aGyrs6AOrdA-00465-00106224-00106463 mom if you're watching I want to start aGyrs6AOrdA-00466-00106464-00106673 this with saying how much I love you aGyrs6AOrdA-00467-00106674-00106969 yeah but aGyrs6AOrdA-00468-00106970-00107327 I mean I really do love you and that's aGyrs6AOrdA-00469-00107328-00107525 why I would love for Catherine to help aGyrs6AOrdA-00470-00107526-00107740 you well no your mom and I have to go to aGyrs6AOrdA-00471-00107741-00108089 Margaritas first so yeah you shared more aGyrs6AOrdA-00472-00108090-00108263 than one market with your mom yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00473-00108264-00108484 absolutely but I do want to know that we aGyrs6AOrdA-00474-00108485-00108725 do work with hoarders as well aGyrs6AOrdA-00475-00108726-00108916 um there's it's a whole different aGyrs6AOrdA-00476-00108917-00109277 mentality working with hoarders I have aGyrs6AOrdA-00477-00109278-00109499 several I averaged probably three a year aGyrs6AOrdA-00478-00109500-00109852 and I can't tell you you met one of them aGyrs6AOrdA-00479-00109853-00110123 um just lovely lovely people and what aGyrs6AOrdA-00480-00110124-00110477 happens is family and stress and this aGyrs6AOrdA-00481-00110478-00110884 and that and death and it they they aGyrs6AOrdA-00482-00110885-00111119 can't cope with it and when they finally aGyrs6AOrdA-00483-00111120-00111293 make the phone call and said Catherine I aGyrs6AOrdA-00484-00111294-00111508 need help you know what we can do it and aGyrs6AOrdA-00485-00111509-00111749 we have we have aGyrs6AOrdA-00486-00111750-00111995 so in a matter of you know some couple aGyrs6AOrdA-00487-00111996-00112186 weeks and some took a little bit longer aGyrs6AOrdA-00488-00112188-00112373 but we got it done and then got her aGyrs6AOrdA-00489-00112374-00112607 outside I think it took a year yeah but aGyrs6AOrdA-00490-00112608-00112775 we got our house sold aGyrs6AOrdA-00491-00112776-00113045 so completely empty your soup you're aGyrs6AOrdA-00492-00113046-00113236 super awesome Captain you really are and aGyrs6AOrdA-00493-00113238-00113452 every time I refer you out you know I I aGyrs6AOrdA-00494-00113453-00113657 just think you're the best but is there aGyrs6AOrdA-00495-00113658-00113777 anything else that you'd like to share aGyrs6AOrdA-00496-00113778-00113908 well I do want you to know that I do aGyrs6AOrdA-00497-00113909-00114160 have proof oh and we're very good yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00498-00114161-00114425 yeah put it right there I have proof who aGyrs6AOrdA-00499-00114426-00114577 gave you this aGyrs6AOrdA-00500-00114578-00114881 all the things that come up now she has aGyrs6AOrdA-00501-00114882-00115121 to hold it backward because anyway yeah aGyrs6AOrdA-00502-00115122-00115283 so that way you can see it yeah I have aGyrs6AOrdA-00503-00115283-00115475 proof that we do a good job all right aGyrs6AOrdA-00504-00115476-00115619 who made this for you aGyrs6AOrdA-00505-00115620-00115877 um actually it's a sunglass company that aGyrs6AOrdA-00506-00115878-00116116 I saw on on Shark Tank and they make aGyrs6AOrdA-00507-00116117-00116386 their glasses out of wood and they're aGyrs6AOrdA-00508-00116388-00116683 called proof glasses all right aGyrs6AOrdA-00509-00116683-00117023 anything else you'd like to share oh aGyrs6AOrdA-00510-00117024-00117328 um I just love art we love our job aGyrs6AOrdA-00511-00117329-00117790 um we're good at it and you know it's we aGyrs6AOrdA-00512-00117791-00118007 make a difficult situation easy to deal aGyrs6AOrdA-00513-00118008-00118145 with aGyrs6AOrdA-00514-00118146-00118397 well beans I appreciate you guys joining aGyrs6AOrdA-00515-00118398-00118643 in short and sweet today but uh aGyrs6AOrdA-00516-00118644-00118847 Catherine is just so great at what she aGyrs6AOrdA-00517-00118848-00119051 does and I wanted to of course tell her aGyrs6AOrdA-00518-00119052-00119339 about oh the backpack Drive the backpack aGyrs6AOrdA-00519-00119340-00119639 Drive I see doc on here the backpack aGyrs6AOrdA-00520-00119640-00119825 Drive is coming up we're gonna have a aGyrs6AOrdA-00521-00119826-00120016 signing here so you'll get an invitation aGyrs6AOrdA-00522-00120017-00120310 okay excellent and uh that's what I need aGyrs6AOrdA-00523-00120311-00120502 to put on Facebook live tomorrow thank aGyrs6AOrdA-00524-00120503-00120677 you for the reminder doc you need to aGyrs6AOrdA-00525-00120678-00120923 meet doc you will love him he's aGyrs6AOrdA-00526-00120924-00121151 he's such a sweetheart he's married aGyrs6AOrdA-00527-00121152-00121763 Catherine oh never mind aGyrs6AOrdA-00528-00121764-00121889 yeah yeah that's yeah that's a joke aGyrs6AOrdA-00529-00121890-00122063 that's a joke aGyrs6AOrdA-00530-00122064-00122444 see you guys later thanks for tuning in aGyT10Q4LpY-00000-00000000-00000098 foreign aGyT10Q4LpY-00001-00000099-00001187 [Music] aGyT10Q4LpY-00002-00001188-00001660 will he remain displaced forever aGyT10Q4LpY-00003-00001661-00002047 is life one tireless job after another aGyT10Q4LpY-00004-00002048-00002410 [Music] aGyT10Q4LpY-00005-00002411-00002681 get easier for them aGyT10Q4LpY-00006-00002682-00002945 crisis after crisis aGyT10Q4LpY-00007-00002946-00003173 affects the continuity of learning for aGyT10Q4LpY-00008-00003174-00003397 vulnerable children aGyT10Q4LpY-00009-00003397-00003731 the devastating floods have disrupted aGyT10Q4LpY-00010-00003732-00004090 the education of 3.5 million children in aGyT10Q4LpY-00011-00004092-00004511 Pakistan aGyT10Q4LpY-00012-00004512-00004775 TCF bring these children back to school aGyT10Q4LpY-00013-00004776-00005037 and save their education aGyT10Q4LpY-00014-00005038-00005653 [Music] aHHc8WGOVLg-00000-00000000-00000196 hello everyone I'm Jessica and today aHHc8WGOVLg-00001-00000197-00000449 it's going to be a st. Patrick's Day aHHc8WGOVLg-00002-00000450-00000653 video first off I would like to say that aHHc8WGOVLg-00003-00000654-00000944 I apologize if lately my ankles have aHHc8WGOVLg-00004-00000944-00001207 been really weird in my videos I aHHc8WGOVLg-00005-00001208-00001528 rearranged my office and so like my aHHc8WGOVLg-00006-00001529-00001780 couch is right here and there's no way aHHc8WGOVLg-00007-00001782-00002120 to put my tripod there and so I'm having aHHc8WGOVLg-00008-00002121-00002350 to like figure out what the best angle aHHc8WGOVLg-00009-00002351-00002617 is for this so just bear with me while aHHc8WGOVLg-00010-00002618-00002891 we work on this project st. Patrick's aHHc8WGOVLg-00011-00002892-00003040 Day is about the color green and aHHc8WGOVLg-00012-00003041-00003304 rainbows and pots of gold and aHHc8WGOVLg-00013-00003305-00003736 leprechauns and luck I thought that now aHHc8WGOVLg-00014-00003738-00003878 would be the perfect time to tell you aHHc8WGOVLg-00015-00003879-00004336 five books or series that I feel that I aHHc8WGOVLg-00016-00004337-00004697 was lucky to have found some of them are aHHc8WGOVLg-00017-00004698-00005011 obvious all of them are obvious let's be aHHc8WGOVLg-00018-00005012-00005135 real but I'm not only gonna tell you aHHc8WGOVLg-00019-00005136-00005261 what they are aHHc8WGOVLg-00020-00005262-00005660 but why I feel like they had an impact aHHc8WGOVLg-00021-00005661-00006034 on my life and one way or another do you aHHc8WGOVLg-00022-00006035-00006118 know what number one is aHHc8WGOVLg-00023-00006119-00006403 I'm sure you do it's the most obvious of aHHc8WGOVLg-00024-00006404-00006892 all booktubers books it's Harry Potter aHHc8WGOVLg-00025-00006893-00007208 this series is by JK Rowling I would aHHc8WGOVLg-00026-00007209-00007414 like to point out during this video that aHHc8WGOVLg-00027-00007415-00007595 if you look at the editions that I'm aHHc8WGOVLg-00028-00007595-00007856 holding there are almost all either aHHc8WGOVLg-00029-00007856-00008183 special editions or collector's editions aHHc8WGOVLg-00030-00008184-00008488 because that's whether my favorites okay aHHc8WGOVLg-00031-00008489-00009023 anyway this series is important to me aHHc8WGOVLg-00032-00009024-00009284 for a lot of reasons but one of the main aHHc8WGOVLg-00033-00009285-00009587 reasons is because this is the first aHHc8WGOVLg-00034-00009588-00009799 series that really made me want to write aHHc8WGOVLg-00035-00009800-00010091 fiction it was not just about my love aHHc8WGOVLg-00036-00010092-00010319 for the characters or for their stories aHHc8WGOVLg-00037-00010320-00010781 but because of the way that Rowling was aHHc8WGOVLg-00038-00010782-00011009 able to make you feel with just her aHHc8WGOVLg-00039-00011010-00011306 words on the page the emotions that she aHHc8WGOVLg-00040-00011307-00011549 was able to get from all of us out of aHHc8WGOVLg-00041-00011550-00011948 paper and ink I'm not as fangirl crazy aHHc8WGOVLg-00042-00011949-00012209 as some people are but this series will aHHc8WGOVLg-00043-00012210-00012463 always hold a special place in my heart aHHc8WGOVLg-00044-00012464-00012815 even though JK Rowling has kind of gone aHHc8WGOVLg-00045-00012816-00013069 crazy and I know the book has its flaws aHHc8WGOVLg-00046-00013070-00013291 and I know that she has gone off the aHHc8WGOVLg-00047-00013293-00013397 deep end aHHc8WGOVLg-00048-00013397-00013754 and that she's slowly becoming the queen aHHc8WGOVLg-00049-00013755-00014003 of hot messes and is just up all aHHc8WGOVLg-00050-00014004-00014219 of our good childhood memories I still aHHc8WGOVLg-00051-00014219-00014450 have this world I still love this series aHHc8WGOVLg-00052-00014451-00014866 and it still makes me want to be the aHHc8WGOVLg-00053-00014868-00015107 kind of writer that can make people have aHHc8WGOVLg-00054-00015108-00015338 those kinds of emotions with just the aHHc8WGOVLg-00055-00015338-00015554 printed page obvious book choice number aHHc8WGOVLg-00056-00015555-00015890 two the Mortal Instruments by Cassie aHHc8WGOVLg-00057-00015891-00016138 Claire this is the first book the City aHHc8WGOVLg-00058-00016140-00016283 of Bones it is the tenth anniversary aHHc8WGOVLg-00059-00016284-00016397 edition aHHc8WGOVLg-00060-00016398-00016592 when I first started reading City of aHHc8WGOVLg-00061-00016593-00016787 Bones it was because I had watched the aHHc8WGOVLg-00062-00016788-00016928 movie and I enjoyed it aHHc8WGOVLg-00063-00016929-00017216 I thought books are typically better aHHc8WGOVLg-00064-00017217-00017375 than the movie and I enjoyed the movie aHHc8WGOVLg-00065-00017376-00017666 so I'll read the book and well I have aHHc8WGOVLg-00066-00017667-00017873 always been a reader at this point in my aHHc8WGOVLg-00067-00017874-00018161 life I was reading about 10 or 12 books aHHc8WGOVLg-00068-00018162-00018395 a year which isn't it bad but in aHHc8WGOVLg-00069-00018396-00018647 comparison to what I've been reading aHHc8WGOVLg-00070-00018648-00019105 lately not so much the year following aHHc8WGOVLg-00071-00019106-00019322 reading the entire Mortal Instruments aHHc8WGOVLg-00072-00019323-00019400 series aHHc8WGOVLg-00073-00019401-00019972 I read 52 books I was repelled the aHHc8WGOVLg-00074-00019973-00020126 amount of books that I had been reading aHHc8WGOVLg-00075-00020127-00020378 the following year after reading City it aHHc8WGOVLg-00076-00020379-00020642 bugs my point is that the Mortal aHHc8WGOVLg-00077-00020643-00020864 Instruments reignited my love for aHHc8WGOVLg-00078-00020865-00021194 reading and reminded me why I loved aHHc8WGOVLg-00079-00021195-00021452 reading and why I loved the fantasy aHHc8WGOVLg-00080-00021453-00021706 world and why I love spending my time aHHc8WGOVLg-00081-00021707-00022117 staring at a dead tree hallucinating aHHc8WGOVLg-00082-00022118-00022397 it's a fun time I recommend it for all aHHc8WGOVLg-00083-00022398-00022697 of you obvious book number 487 the aHHc8WGOVLg-00084-00022698-00023003 Infernal Devices also by Cassie Claire aHHc8WGOVLg-00085-00023004-00023114 yes aHHc8WGOVLg-00086-00023115-00023327 another Shadowhunters book when I'm only aHHc8WGOVLg-00087-00023328-00023681 choosing five out of all of the books aHHc8WGOVLg-00088-00023682-00023800 that I own and that I've read aHHc8WGOVLg-00089-00023801-00024185 why does Cassie Claire get books two and aHHc8WGOVLg-00090-00024186-00024461 books three well you know the reason for aHHc8WGOVLg-00091-00024462-00024683 book two so let's give you the reason aHHc8WGOVLg-00092-00024684-00024866 for books right while the Mortal aHHc8WGOVLg-00093-00024867-00025079 Instruments reignited my love for aHHc8WGOVLg-00094-00025080-00025316 reading the Infernal Devices gave me a aHHc8WGOVLg-00095-00025317-00025571 love for something new when I finished aHHc8WGOVLg-00096-00025572-00025945 clockwork princess I like everyone else aHHc8WGOVLg-00097-00025947-00026093 who has read the book and enjoyed it had aHHc8WGOVLg-00098-00026094-00026594 all of these feels and had no one in my aHHc8WGOVLg-00099-00026595-00026639 life aHHc8WGOVLg-00100-00026639-00026890 I could talk to you about this book I aHHc8WGOVLg-00101-00026891-00027137 had so many things that I want to aHHc8WGOVLg-00102-00027138-00027311 discuss and so much that had happened aHHc8WGOVLg-00103-00027312-00027473 and I've talked about this before my aHHc8WGOVLg-00104-00027474-00027836 channel literally my review it may still aHHc8WGOVLg-00105-00027837-00027992 say this I may have went back and read aHHc8WGOVLg-00106-00027993-00028223 of you but I don't know that I have my aHHc8WGOVLg-00107-00028224-00028382 original review for clockwork princess aHHc8WGOVLg-00108-00028383-00028748 just said I have no words I will return aHHc8WGOVLg-00109-00028749-00029087 to this when I feel like I can I don't aHHc8WGOVLg-00110-00029088-00029261 think I've ever went back and added an aHHc8WGOVLg-00111-00029262-00029630 actual review because there are no words aHHc8WGOVLg-00112-00029631-00029855 this lack of having someone to talk to aHHc8WGOVLg-00113-00029856-00030212 is what led to my discovery of booktube aHHc8WGOVLg-00114-00030213-00030502 that's right I said it right here aHHc8WGOVLg-00115-00030502-00030968 without the Infernal Devices I may never aHHc8WGOVLg-00116-00030969-00031256 have discovered booktube and I would not aHHc8WGOVLg-00117-00031257-00031420 be making this video right now and you aHHc8WGOVLg-00118-00031422-00031676 would not be watching it so yeah just aHHc8WGOVLg-00119-00031677-00031949 say that Cassandra Clare has played a aHHc8WGOVLg-00120-00031950-00032368 large part in my reading and my booktube aHHc8WGOVLg-00121-00032369-00032627 worlds is to put it lightly are these aHHc8WGOVLg-00122-00032627-00032930 the best books in the world no are they aHHc8WGOVLg-00123-00032931-00033271 problematic in some places yes I feel aHHc8WGOVLg-00124-00033272-00033490 lucky to have found both of these series aHHc8WGOVLg-00125-00033491-00033799 and to find this author enjoy the next aHHc8WGOVLg-00126-00033800-00034115 somewhat obvious series would be the aHHc8WGOVLg-00127-00034116-00034321 wish lane series by susan dennard this aHHc8WGOVLg-00128-00034322-00034592 is the UK cover edition because again I aHHc8WGOVLg-00129-00034593-00034805 wanted to point out that I have special aHHc8WGOVLg-00130-00034806-00034970 editions of these books and collector's aHHc8WGOVLg-00131-00034971-00035195 editions and oh my Clockwork Angel aHHc8WGOVLg-00132-00035196-00035396 Edition is the one with the pretty side aHHc8WGOVLg-00133-00035397-00035821 I actually sold my original hard covers aHHc8WGOVLg-00134-00035822-00036200 to justify buying these soft covers with aHHc8WGOVLg-00135-00036201-00036562 the pretty spines because I felt like I aHHc8WGOVLg-00136-00036563-00036773 was crazy to have two and now I have aHHc8WGOVLg-00137-00036774-00037201 like three collections complete of the aHHc8WGOVLg-00138-00037202-00037424 Mortal Instruments so I mean really I aHHc8WGOVLg-00139-00037425-00037552 probably should have just kept them but aHHc8WGOVLg-00140-00037553-00037762 it's too late for that back to Sue's as aHHc8WGOVLg-00141-00037763-00037964 mentioned earlier in this video aHHc8WGOVLg-00142-00037965-00038249 Harry Potter gave me the love of writing aHHc8WGOVLg-00143-00038250-00038555 maybe you want to write this series made aHHc8WGOVLg-00144-00038556-00038867 me want to write better I have been aHHc8WGOVLg-00145-00038868-00039185 working on words FK my drivet for I aHHc8WGOVLg-00146-00039186-00039565 don't know 10 plus years when I started aHHc8WGOVLg-00147-00039566-00039715 the book the character and I were the aHHc8WGOVLg-00148-00039716-00040046 same age I'm 30 aHHc8WGOVLg-00149-00040047-00040241 you won almost 32 I too think about it aHHc8WGOVLg-00150-00040242-00040505 that characters like 22 and I've aged aHHc8WGOVLg-00151-00040506-00040720 her up that book has always felt like aHHc8WGOVLg-00152-00040721-00040952 something was missing and when I first aHHc8WGOVLg-00153-00040953-00041249 read truthwitch which is the first book aHHc8WGOVLg-00154-00041250-00041492 in the witch Lance series I fell so in aHHc8WGOVLg-00155-00041493-00041804 love with the world-building and the aHHc8WGOVLg-00156-00041805-00042113 characters that I couldn't fathom how I aHHc8WGOVLg-00157-00042114-00042563 had lived my life so long not realizing aHHc8WGOVLg-00158-00042564-00042833 that I had not wanted to crawl in a book aHHc8WGOVLg-00159-00042834-00043109 and live there as much as I did this aHHc8WGOVLg-00160-00043110-00043256 series that's right aHHc8WGOVLg-00161-00043257-00043490 more than Harry Potter more than the aHHc8WGOVLg-00162-00043491-00043772 Shadowhunters this book is the world aHHc8WGOVLg-00163-00043773-00043940 that I want to live in the one without aHHc8WGOVLg-00164-00043941-00044303 technology without any of our modern aHHc8WGOVLg-00165-00044304-00044618 conveniences this world is the world aHHc8WGOVLg-00166-00044619-00044885 that I want to live in reading loving aHHc8WGOVLg-00167-00044886-00045197 and analyzing truth which has given me aHHc8WGOVLg-00168-00045198-00045479 an understanding of what is missing from aHHc8WGOVLg-00169-00045480-00045776 my own works and on top of that Sue's aHHc8WGOVLg-00170-00045777-00046079 has one of the largest collections of aHHc8WGOVLg-00171-00046080-00046406 writing advice from any published author aHHc8WGOVLg-00172-00046407-00046748 on the internet without my love for the aHHc8WGOVLg-00173-00046749-00046985 witch lands and Sue's is writing my own aHHc8WGOVLg-00174-00046986-00047339 book would just probably never be a aHHc8WGOVLg-00175-00047340-00047390 reality aHHc8WGOVLg-00176-00047391-00047609 I wouldn't feel like I had the tools or aHHc8WGOVLg-00177-00047610-00047804 the skills to go back in and do the aHHc8WGOVLg-00178-00047805-00048035 massive edit that it needs to have so aHHc8WGOVLg-00179-00048036-00048235 without Sue's I would never get to tell aHHc8WGOVLg-00180-00048236-00048490 Alexandra story and the final book is aHHc8WGOVLg-00181-00048491-00048704 you're never weird on the internet by aHHc8WGOVLg-00182-00048705-00048956 Felicia Day this is a memoir I do aHHc8WGOVLg-00183-00048957-00049184 consider myself lucky to have found this aHHc8WGOVLg-00184-00049185-00049382 memoir it took me a lot to come to grips aHHc8WGOVLg-00185-00049383-00049574 with my own anxiety and depression aHHc8WGOVLg-00186-00049575-00049769 issues and that still doesn't mean that aHHc8WGOVLg-00187-00049770-00049871 I didn't feel alone aHHc8WGOVLg-00188-00049872-00050075 even after I realized that that was an aHHc8WGOVLg-00189-00050076-00050401 issue that I had this book was so aHHc8WGOVLg-00190-00050402-00050721 affirming and reassuring to me that aHHc8WGOVLg-00191-00050722-00050981 listening to her struggles and the aHHc8WGOVLg-00192-00050982-00051125 things that she went through it aHHc8WGOVLg-00193-00051126-00051452 completely changed how I viewed what was aHHc8WGOVLg-00194-00051453-00051677 going on with me in my life I have a aHHc8WGOVLg-00195-00051678-00052102 full like review talk video of just how aHHc8WGOVLg-00196-00052103-00052366 much this book has impacted me and I aHHc8WGOVLg-00197-00052367-00052559 will link that so that you can get a aHHc8WGOVLg-00198-00052560-00052724 full effect if you would like to know it aHHc8WGOVLg-00199-00052725-00052988 but honestly I don't feel like my mental aHHc8WGOVLg-00200-00052989-00053116 health would be as strong as it is aHHc8WGOVLg-00201-00053117-00053276 without having read this book I think aHHc8WGOVLg-00202-00053277-00053385 this book aHHc8WGOVLg-00203-00053386-00053698 solidified me moving forward in my aHHc8WGOVLg-00204-00053699-00054132 mental health journey and that's pretty aHHc8WGOVLg-00205-00054133-00054516 powerful for a memoir of an actress who aHHc8WGOVLg-00206-00054517-00054879 is so much more than just that so those aHHc8WGOVLg-00207-00054880-00055113 are the five books that I consider aHHc8WGOVLg-00208-00055114-00055510 myself lucky to have found I hope that aHHc8WGOVLg-00209-00055511-00055735 you have five books that you consider aHHc8WGOVLg-00210-00055736-00055948 lucky to have found let me know what aHHc8WGOVLg-00211-00055949-00056146 they are in the comments below and let aHHc8WGOVLg-00212-00056147-00056374 me know how you felt about any and/or aHHc8WGOVLg-00213-00056375-00056517 all of these if you have read them I'm aHHc8WGOVLg-00214-00056518-00056746 running away very quickly because my aHHc8WGOVLg-00215-00056747-00056991 faster is dying that is all I have for aHHc8WGOVLg-00216-00056992-00057196 today I post reading writing and book aHHc8WGOVLg-00217-00057197-00057448 related videos Mondays Wednesdays and aHHc8WGOVLg-00218-00057449-00057679 one day on the weekend I don't know aHHc8WGOVLg-00219-00057679-00057807 which day this weekend it's gonna be aHHc8WGOVLg-00220-00057808-00057960 Sunday because it's st. Patrick's Day aHHc8WGOVLg-00221-00057961-00058579 yes bye aHHc8WGOVLg-00222-00058580-00059760 [Music] aHHc8WGOVLg-00223-00059761-00059987 [Music] aHHc8WGOVLg-00224-00059988-00060104 you aHHc8WGOVLg-00225-00060104-00060414 [Music] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00000-00000008-00000127 one aJ1lqZCQJLk-00001-00000128-00000438 and we are live there we go aJ1lqZCQJLk-00002-00000440-00000638 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00003-00000639-00000886 there we go i'll put my little banner up aJ1lqZCQJLk-00004-00000888-00001111 and uh hey where are you at now these aJ1lqZCQJLk-00005-00001112-00001247 days aJ1lqZCQJLk-00006-00001248-00001447 i'm in twin city aJ1lqZCQJLk-00007-00001448-00001679 oh yeah ready aJ1lqZCQJLk-00008-00001680-00001855 two weeks or two a week and a half ago aJ1lqZCQJLk-00009-00001855-00002055 with like six inches of snow and then aJ1lqZCQJLk-00010-00002056-00002207 today we got like a small entrance but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00011-00002208-00002391 it's a little bit i see him there aJ1lqZCQJLk-00012-00002392-00002518 oh man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00013-00002519-00002750 yeah i'm in twin city now you are aJ1lqZCQJLk-00014-00002751-00003047 nowhere found on the sort of snow aJ1lqZCQJLk-00015-00003048-00003270 what's that i said you you are nowhere aJ1lqZCQJLk-00016-00003271-00003527 to be found on anything that's cold and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00017-00003528-00003670 snow aJ1lqZCQJLk-00018-00003671-00003799 you're like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00019-00003800-00004070 i can't i cannot do the cold aJ1lqZCQJLk-00020-00004071-00004279 because i would not take showers i would aJ1lqZCQJLk-00021-00004280-00004479 not aJ1lqZCQJLk-00022-00004480-00004653 when i get out of bed aJ1lqZCQJLk-00023-00004654-00004847 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00024-00004848-00005031 so you know like my mother-in-law's in aJ1lqZCQJLk-00025-00005032-00005222 madison right and then aJ1lqZCQJLk-00026-00005223-00005431 and we'll go out there from time to time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00027-00005432-00005543 and then uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00028-00005544-00005663 dude when aJ1lqZCQJLk-00029-00005664-00005831 i mean we used to go out there like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00030-00005832-00006015 doing like new years and stuff aJ1lqZCQJLk-00031-00006016-00006143 and i just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00032-00006144-00006279 i just don't want to get out of bed it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00033-00006280-00006567 so cold aJ1lqZCQJLk-00034-00006568-00006967 so my axe was much colder aJ1lqZCQJLk-00035-00006968-00007119 it's not cold yet aJ1lqZCQJLk-00036-00007120-00007367 oh man oh man i mean that's hilarious aJ1lqZCQJLk-00037-00007368-00007574 bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00038-00007575-00007774 yeah yeah so yeah that's a whole nother aJ1lqZCQJLk-00039-00007775-00007887 story but that's not even about getting aJ1lqZCQJLk-00040-00007888-00008159 into that yeah yeah yeah yeah let's uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00041-00008159-00008351 that's not the topic today so yeah those aJ1lqZCQJLk-00042-00008352-00008478 you guys who just joined thank you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00043-00008479-00008695 for joining uh we're gonna do a few aJ1lqZCQJLk-00044-00008696-00008863 shares here i'll give about a minute or aJ1lqZCQJLk-00045-00008864-00009078 two uh i'd love to hear where you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00046-00009079-00009295 from two's already here two saying he's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00047-00009296-00009446 from st paul aJ1lqZCQJLk-00048-00009447-00009678 two is our top fan on this page so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00049-00009679-00009831 what's up two i'll give you a shout out aJ1lqZCQJLk-00050-00009832-00010095 right here see if it comes up i think it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00051-00010096-00010263 comes out i don't see it i need to come aJ1lqZCQJLk-00052-00010264-00010414 here more often so i can get the top fan aJ1lqZCQJLk-00053-00010415-00011071 bam aJ1lqZCQJLk-00054-00011072-00011255 yeah and then uh we got dwa from aJ1lqZCQJLk-00055-00011256-00011542 california right here so hey i saw your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00056-00011543-00011855 i saw your stuff using like uh what is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00057-00011856-00012014 it stream yard or something like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00058-00012015-00012142 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00059-00012143-00012342 yeah i use streamer aJ1lqZCQJLk-00060-00012343-00012551 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00061-00012552-00012655 do you like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00062-00012656-00012871 it's it's just it's similar to be live i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00063-00012872-00013015 don't have b live but it looks very aJ1lqZCQJLk-00064-00013016-00013119 similar aJ1lqZCQJLk-00065-00013119-00013463 is it uh i mean how much is it bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00066-00013463-00013638 i'm using the free version aJ1lqZCQJLk-00067-00013640-00013735 all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00068-00013736-00013830 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00069-00013831-00014055 how many minutes they give you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00070-00014056-00014263 20 hours a month that's way more than aJ1lqZCQJLk-00071-00014263-00014407 enough aJ1lqZCQJLk-00072-00014408-00014527 wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-00073-00014528-00014638 yeah that's more than enough because aJ1lqZCQJLk-00074-00014640-00014879 yeah i should just do it yeah because i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00075-00014880-00015215 only do facebook live um about total at aJ1lqZCQJLk-00076-00015216-00015447 most three hours and that's throughout aJ1lqZCQJLk-00077-00015447-00015655 one an hour you know this week and that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00078-00015656-00015871 that's more than enough bro more than aJ1lqZCQJLk-00079-00015872-00016047 enough for me to use aJ1lqZCQJLk-00080-00016047-00016183 yeah yeah i should definitely do that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00081-00016184-00016286 yeah because that's probably your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00082-00016287-00016415 streamer you know the only thing about aJ1lqZCQJLk-00083-00016416-00016527 that because you're gonna have to logo aJ1lqZCQJLk-00084-00016528-00016703 on top that's why it's free unless you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00085-00016704-00016863 pay and then you know just like you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00086-00016864-00017007 that's why there's no copyright folder aJ1lqZCQJLk-00087-00017008-00017183 on the top at all aJ1lqZCQJLk-00088-00017184-00017303 oh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00089-00017304-00017567 yeah you're right uh yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00090-00017568-00017663 you know i don't know if you notice that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00091-00017664-00017927 freeze free though you know hey aJ1lqZCQJLk-00092-00017928-00018119 uh what's the word beggars can't be uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00093-00018120-00018447 choosers right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00094-00018448-00018614 it still works it looks pretty nice to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00095-00018615-00018879 have nicely done i mean i've seen it i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00096-00018880-00019079 just haven't like it's funny how they aJ1lqZCQJLk-00097-00019080-00019350 don't put the pricing on there you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00098-00019351-00019567 so i don't know how much to charge but i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00099-00019568-00019671 know that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00100-00019672-00019871 i'm getting charged 150 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00101-00019872-00020103 and that's because i renewed it right a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00102-00020104-00020199 month aJ1lqZCQJLk-00103-00020200-00020503 no 150 years per year yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00104-00020504-00020694 but as far as uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00105-00020695-00020958 you know when if your first year aJ1lqZCQJLk-00106-00020959-00021247 for be live is like 250 or something aJ1lqZCQJLk-00107-00021248-00021343 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00108-00021344-00021543 uh per year i don't use b live i don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00109-00021544-00021735 use i only speak right there's another aJ1lqZCQJLk-00110-00021736-00021927 one i forgot what's called two but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00111-00021928-00022191 uh is there a free live version of b aJ1lqZCQJLk-00112-00022192-00022358 live aJ1lqZCQJLk-00113-00022359-00022471 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00114-00022472-00022743 a what is there a free version of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00115-00022744-00022919 this this app yeah yeah i think they aJ1lqZCQJLk-00116-00022920-00023119 give you like a few minutes a few like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00117-00023120-00023255 45 minutes or something that kind of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00118-00023256-00023383 like zoom aJ1lqZCQJLk-00119-00023384-00023703 so yeah dude think about it if it's 20 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00120-00023704-00023791 hours aJ1lqZCQJLk-00121-00023792-00024119 free on swinger and then 45 minutes free aJ1lqZCQJLk-00122-00024120-00024303 on this and then there's another one too aJ1lqZCQJLk-00123-00024304-00024455 i know it's free you added up that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00124-00024456-00024663 like 25 hours like what i'm going to do aJ1lqZCQJLk-00125-00024664-00024863 25 live stream aJ1lqZCQJLk-00126-00024864-00025014 you know i stream maybe at most five aJ1lqZCQJLk-00127-00025015-00025199 hours that's you know not on one time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00128-00025200-00025422 but just like you know one week here and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00129-00025423-00025606 you're saying that yeah well more than aJ1lqZCQJLk-00130-00025607-00025727 enough man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00131-00025727-00025927 more than enough yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00132-00025927-00026167 was it i already paid for it so it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00133-00026168-00026383 just being like last month so i'm doing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00134-00026383-00026662 this for all you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00135-00026663-00026814 the content we give you it's just going aJ1lqZCQJLk-00136-00026816-00027014 to be priced yes yeah we're paying for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00137-00027016-00027327 all these contacts for you guys uh but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00138-00027327-00027455 love you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00139-00027456-00027727 all 27 you guys have just joined love it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00140-00027727-00027895 uh much love aJ1lqZCQJLk-00141-00027895-00028062 we got shredder aJ1lqZCQJLk-00142-00028063-00028270 from fresno we got aJ1lqZCQJLk-00143-00028272-00028523 john aJ1lqZCQJLk-00144-00028524-00028670 [Music] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00145-00028672-00028839 christopher horrible i want to pinch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00146-00028839-00029118 those cheeks aJ1lqZCQJLk-00147-00029119-00029327 yeah yeah yeah all right so i just share aJ1lqZCQJLk-00148-00029327-00029662 and change my sharing stuff uh give me a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00149-00029663-00029990 note in a minute and i'm in the house aJ1lqZCQJLk-00150-00029991-00030167 what's that there's your mom in the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00151-00030168-00030414 house yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00152-00030416-00030758 that boy is going places man that boy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00153-00030760-00030983 it's nine o'clock i got my uh i love aJ1lqZCQJLk-00154-00030983-00031111 that bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00155-00031112-00031295 i love that you have that i think guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00156-00031295-00031439 won your banners aJ1lqZCQJLk-00157-00031439-00031543 you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00158-00031544-00031767 love it misty what's going on we give aJ1lqZCQJLk-00159-00031768-00032079 you some insight what's going on here aJ1lqZCQJLk-00160-00032080-00032287 uh one more share one more share and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00161-00032288-00032462 we'll get going guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00162-00032463-00032551 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00163-00032552-00032695 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00164-00032695-00032943 do let us know where you guys are from aJ1lqZCQJLk-00165-00032944-00033207 so we can uh well any minnesota people aJ1lqZCQJLk-00166-00033208-00033399 in the house because where you where aJ1lqZCQJLk-00167-00033400-00033615 what city are you in aJ1lqZCQJLk-00168-00033616-00033871 i'm away from the hood to tell you that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00169-00033872-00034046 uh i'm an egan so i'm across the street aJ1lqZCQJLk-00170-00034047-00034279 from the hood you know that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00171-00034280-00034431 you know i have no clue where there's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00172-00034432-00034679 that though minneapolis yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00173-00034680-00034855 okay okay yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00174-00034856-00035083 that kind of hood aJ1lqZCQJLk-00175-00035084-00035439 yeah uh i got just a few more groups to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00176-00035440-00035718 share too and then we can go aJ1lqZCQJLk-00177-00035719-00036055 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00178-00036056-00036246 are you doing that november no no shade aJ1lqZCQJLk-00179-00036247-00036487 november thing with me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00180-00036488-00036687 this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00181-00036688-00036974 this doesn't grow much aJ1lqZCQJLk-00182-00036975-00037111 it doesn't grow much at all with the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00183-00037112-00037318 guys yeah you get for the guys i got i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00184-00037319-00037655 do have a permanent no shave november aJ1lqZCQJLk-00185-00037656-00038143 okay check this out oh dale aJ1lqZCQJLk-00186-00038144-00038239 is that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00187-00038240-00038446 that was man what did what is it what is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00188-00038447-00038607 it actually aJ1lqZCQJLk-00189-00038608-00039190 that's my last name with the mustache aJ1lqZCQJLk-00190-00039191-00039599 oh is it backwards will you m-o aJ1lqZCQJLk-00191-00039600-00039879 backwards right they used black aJ1lqZCQJLk-00192-00039880-00040159 m-o-u-a oh open the mustache in between aJ1lqZCQJLk-00193-00040160-00040343 yeah between yeah so it's a permanent aJ1lqZCQJLk-00194-00040344-00040462 mustache aJ1lqZCQJLk-00195-00040463-00040711 no shade remember that's improv this is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00196-00040712-00041015 improv aJ1lqZCQJLk-00197-00041016-00041223 nice that's pretty cool aJ1lqZCQJLk-00198-00041224-00041374 i was thinking getting the eyebrow on my aJ1lqZCQJLk-00199-00041375-00041551 left side aJ1lqZCQJLk-00200-00041552-00041646 what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00201-00041647-00041862 yeah an eyebrow natural eyebrow so you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00202-00041863-00042062 can do this or something yeah there's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00203-00042063-00042223 you know yes there's women out there aJ1lqZCQJLk-00204-00042224-00042439 that have struggled with something girl aJ1lqZCQJLk-00205-00042440-00042618 i got you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00206-00042619-00043143 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00207-00043144-00043399 you got to do it how do you manipulate aJ1lqZCQJLk-00208-00043400-00043799 dude this dude loco i got you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00209-00043800-00044055 what's going on you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00210-00044056-00044295 you know for sure they will remember you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00211-00044296-00044902 you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00212-00044903-00045127 on my foreign right some more air props aJ1lqZCQJLk-00213-00045128-00045279 on my arm you've got that watch dash aJ1lqZCQJLk-00214-00045280-00045407 from the side already that's right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00215-00045408-00045583 you're like what do you like you like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00216-00045584-00045767 this or do you like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00217-00045768-00045943 that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00218-00045944-00046135 i mean this could be no shave november aJ1lqZCQJLk-00219-00046136-00046295 if i put this you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00220-00046296-00046439 tie down there aJ1lqZCQJLk-00221-00046440-00046855 if you don't you put on me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00222-00046856-00046999 now he sees it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00223-00047000-00047183 i know what you mean bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00224-00047184-00047286 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00225-00047287-00047495 yeah not nice aJ1lqZCQJLk-00226-00047496-00047662 just imagine that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00227-00047663-00047807 all right we're taking this a little too aJ1lqZCQJLk-00228-00047808-00047999 crazy for some of these folks here aJ1lqZCQJLk-00229-00048000-00048111 oh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00230-00048112-00048495 man thank you guys for doing we got chia aJ1lqZCQJLk-00231-00048496-00048702 uh what's up chia yeah i think you did aJ1lqZCQJLk-00232-00048703-00048855 an interview with here like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00233-00048856-00049023 yeah yeah yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00234-00049024-00049318 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00235-00049319-00049535 was it one great content aJ1lqZCQJLk-00236-00049536-00049918 one me uh said didn't know you moved to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00237-00049919-00050071 that's mister yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00238-00050072-00050271 yeah so that's misty aJ1lqZCQJLk-00239-00050272-00050807 cpa she has her own business aJ1lqZCQJLk-00240-00050808-00051023 that's right uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00241-00051024-00051279 i we that would be nice to hit her up aJ1lqZCQJLk-00242-00051279-00051582 with some tax you know stuff so you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00243-00051583-00051758 be on the lookout aJ1lqZCQJLk-00244-00051759-00052087 um we got brooklyn park aJ1lqZCQJLk-00245-00052088-00052294 minnesota aJ1lqZCQJLk-00246-00052295-00052519 let's see what else we got we get phoebe aJ1lqZCQJLk-00247-00052520-00052754 fresno aJ1lqZCQJLk-00248-00052755-00053015 and that's it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00249-00053016-00053191 christina aJ1lqZCQJLk-00250-00053191-00054023 what's good aJ1lqZCQJLk-00251-00054024-00054230 oh man she's a good guy she's a good aJ1lqZCQJLk-00252-00054232-00054438 sport love her we got oklahoma in the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00253-00054439-00054775 house all right guys all right so uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00254-00054776-00055023 thank you guys to for joining aJ1lqZCQJLk-00255-00055024-00055311 we got we got a true hustler here today aJ1lqZCQJLk-00256-00055312-00055615 uh i've been hounding but we we i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00257-00055616-00055766 actually contacted you like what a few aJ1lqZCQJLk-00258-00055767-00055999 months back and we just got busy and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00259-00056000-00056175 then you know i'm like you know let's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00260-00056176-00056430 get this going so uh appreciate you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00261-00056432-00056582 coming so uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00262-00056583-00056926 everybody welcome to mom hustler show 36 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00263-00056927-00057135 and we got aJ1lqZCQJLk-00264-00057136-00057279 a guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00265-00057279-00057519 a guy that's all about we're going to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00266-00057520-00057959 talk about mo man what he does uh like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00267-00057960-00058087 clothing line aJ1lqZCQJLk-00268-00058088-00058471 and he's also got a podcast about mo man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00269-00058472-00058694 so that's why i titled the show today aJ1lqZCQJLk-00270-00058695-00058982 all about all about moment with cso aJ1lqZCQJLk-00271-00058983-00059175 right so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00272-00059176-00059438 uh let's start bro um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00273-00059439-00059687 we met a couple times already right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00274-00059688-00059830 and that's right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00275-00059832-00060054 appreciate you know we've been talking aJ1lqZCQJLk-00276-00060055-00060215 for what i mean we didn't never spent aJ1lqZCQJLk-00277-00060216-00060487 enough time together but you know uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00278-00060488-00060775 but it's been it's been good to see how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00279-00060776-00060935 your journey has been aJ1lqZCQJLk-00280-00060936-00061126 you know this kind of stuff that you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00281-00061127-00061350 that you've been doing so uh i figured aJ1lqZCQJLk-00282-00061351-00061447 you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00283-00061448-00061638 love to hear more about it uh because we aJ1lqZCQJLk-00284-00061639-00061823 you know this time we probably this is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00285-00061824-00061919 probably gonna be the longest time we aJ1lqZCQJLk-00286-00061920-00062079 ever spend time because we probably aJ1lqZCQJLk-00287-00062079-00062263 spent like 10 or 20 minutes talking to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00288-00062264-00062735 each other aJ1lqZCQJLk-00289-00062736-00062854 but do you want to know about a few aJ1lqZCQJLk-00290-00062855-00063047 things all right so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00291-00063048-00063294 uh but let's talk about like one of your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00292-00063295-00063454 businesses which which i'm interested in aJ1lqZCQJLk-00293-00063455-00063791 like like was it xox aJ1lqZCQJLk-00294-00063791-00063950 xixo aJ1lqZCQJLk-00295-00063951-00064079 menswear aJ1lqZCQJLk-00296-00064079-00064311 you know i i always get that confused aJ1lqZCQJLk-00297-00064312-00064742 xoxo but you get that too it's not xxx aJ1lqZCQJLk-00298-00064744-00065006 if you look that up don't look that up aJ1lqZCQJLk-00299-00065007-00065230 it's xxl it's for those who don't know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00300-00065232-00065487 it's actually my name aJ1lqZCQJLk-00301-00065488-00065575 what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00302-00065576-00065759 yeah it's part of the question you're aJ1lqZCQJLk-00303-00065760-00065919 gonna you're gonna ask me that same that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00304-00065920-00066079 question anyway yeah yeah i was going to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00305-00066080-00066167 be like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00306-00066168-00066382 follow up that question the brand name aJ1lqZCQJLk-00307-00066383-00066679 that i started is unnamed under me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00308-00066680-00066894 it's she so it's men wear but my real aJ1lqZCQJLk-00309-00066895-00067150 name is s-h-e-e-s-o aJ1lqZCQJLk-00310-00067151-00067319 but if you pronounce aJ1lqZCQJLk-00311-00067320-00067606 o it's still aJ1lqZCQJLk-00312-00067607-00067726 yeah get it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00313-00067727-00067935 it's the same thing just pronounced aJ1lqZCQJLk-00314-00067936-00068119 when you look for a brand name aJ1lqZCQJLk-00315-00068120-00068375 yeah it's gotta be short catchy simple aJ1lqZCQJLk-00316-00068376-00068638 yeah easy right yeah yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00317-00068639-00068975 my name for crying out loud my my my 10 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00318-00068976-00069094 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00319-00069095-00069238 my elementary teacher can't even aJ1lqZCQJLk-00320-00069239-00069471 pronounce my name how in the world is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00321-00069472-00069615 gonna pronounce my brand name if i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00322-00069616-00069767 doing a brand name that's the bigger aJ1lqZCQJLk-00323-00069768-00070031 issue here you see yeah so now getting a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00324-00070032-00070199 brand name and sticking and knowing that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00325-00070200-00070631 it's your name xxxo is my name aJ1lqZCQJLk-00326-00070632-00070806 i mean it's a story behind it it is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00327-00070807-00071047 catchy right x i x z oh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00328-00071048-00071223 yeah it's like it's like whoa what is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00329-00071224-00071431 that it's almost kind of like a like a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00330-00071432-00071550 like those aJ1lqZCQJLk-00331-00071551-00071775 those liquor bottles you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00332-00071776-00071975 so but it's like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00333-00071976-00072150 it is catchy though so yeah i didn't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00334-00072151-00072326 realize it bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00335-00072327-00072559 xixo i thought maybe it was named after aJ1lqZCQJLk-00336-00072560-00072887 him you know mom or something or aJ1lqZCQJLk-00337-00072888-00073582 i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00338-00073583-00073831 here's a meaning xo is do you know what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00339-00073832-00074031 that means aJ1lqZCQJLk-00340-00074032-00074282 x oh like no i don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00341-00074283-00074503 know okay all right there's a whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-00342-00074504-00074726 story behind that too okay carry on here aJ1lqZCQJLk-00343-00074727-00074855 yeah we'll get you back to this so yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00344-00074856-00075215 so exo what the the x i is the the i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00345-00075216-00075319 guess aJ1lqZCQJLk-00346-00075320-00075462 the c yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00347-00075463-00076975 yeah c so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00348-00076976-00077167 damn all right boyle there we go i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00349-00077168-00077303 learned something that's pretty cool how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00350-00077304-00077479 you came up that how did you i mean you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00351-00077480-00077743 were just walking around and you're like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00352-00077744-00077967 yeah xixo or aJ1lqZCQJLk-00353-00077968-00078182 no no no i uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00354-00078183-00078343 there's one thing about you did not know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00355-00078344-00078511 i used to own a very very successful car aJ1lqZCQJLk-00356-00078512-00078799 shop yeah for 15 years too aJ1lqZCQJLk-00357-00078800-00079047 and anyhow this lady cut me a check and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00358-00079048-00079319 she put xixo and i look at this 500 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00359-00079320-00079582 check like this check is useless because aJ1lqZCQJLk-00360-00079583-00079887 it's not made under me right yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00361-00079888-00080071 you know but growing up i've always had aJ1lqZCQJLk-00362-00080072-00080367 the x's the s's the i the e it's all aJ1lqZCQJLk-00363-00080368-00080526 mixed if you mix it around it's pretty aJ1lqZCQJLk-00364-00080527-00080719 much pronounced the same right yeah so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00365-00080720-00080903 growing up i always had people call the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00366-00080904-00081167 name wrong and then she wrote that xxo aJ1lqZCQJLk-00367-00081168-00081319 i'm like and i'm like you know i pull aJ1lqZCQJLk-00368-00081320-00081455 with all that and just like that like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00369-00081456-00081582 you know what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00370-00081583-00081767 you like that yeah like that's good aJ1lqZCQJLk-00371-00081768-00081918 that's it that's how you got the name aJ1lqZCQJLk-00372-00081919-00082182 okay perfect that's the brand yeah yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00373-00082183-00082382 there you go that's awesome man all aJ1lqZCQJLk-00374-00082383-00082631 right cool cool so yeah let's talk about aJ1lqZCQJLk-00375-00082632-00082750 you know how did you get into it you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00376-00082751-00082855 know like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00377-00082856-00083031 you know how did you get into aJ1lqZCQJLk-00378-00083032-00083279 that you know like your fashion business aJ1lqZCQJLk-00379-00083280-00083350 the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00380-00083351-00083631 the fashion business was more about self aJ1lqZCQJLk-00381-00083632-00083692 pleasure aJ1lqZCQJLk-00382-00083693-00083806 [Music] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00383-00083807-00084082 than a business aJ1lqZCQJLk-00384-00084083-00084375 uh it was more something what i wanted aJ1lqZCQJLk-00385-00084376-00084503 just for myself aJ1lqZCQJLk-00386-00084504-00084718 not knowing that other girl wanted but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00387-00084719-00084918 yeah i got a self-pleasure and they all aJ1lqZCQJLk-00388-00084919-00085038 started with the car shop like in the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00389-00085039-00085135 car shop was something that was aJ1lqZCQJLk-00390-00085136-00085406 self-pleasure i wanted for myself until aJ1lqZCQJLk-00391-00085407-00085591 one day like hey man that looks really aJ1lqZCQJLk-00392-00085592-00085775 good that exhausted dude who did that i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00393-00085776-00086006 did it could you make that for me sure aJ1lqZCQJLk-00394-00086007-00086150 again another aJ1lqZCQJLk-00395-00086151-00086287 guilty pleasure of just making something aJ1lqZCQJLk-00396-00086288-00086503 for yourself yeah no other people want aJ1lqZCQJLk-00397-00086504-00086647 it and then the first thing i ever made aJ1lqZCQJLk-00398-00086648-00086806 for my men's brand before it was men's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00399-00086807-00087062 brand was a bow tie because again i want aJ1lqZCQJLk-00400-00087063-00087271 to keep the culture aJ1lqZCQJLk-00401-00087272-00087543 alive but fashion forward aJ1lqZCQJLk-00402-00087544-00087726 right fashion forward aJ1lqZCQJLk-00403-00087727-00087926 and how could i do that and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00404-00087927-00088126 the first thing i that my mom actually aJ1lqZCQJLk-00405-00088127-00088343 made was a folk guy it was just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00406-00088344-00088567 that i wanted her to make so she made me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00407-00088568-00088631 a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00408-00088632-00088735 bow tie aJ1lqZCQJLk-00409-00088736-00089015 and wearing that bow tie it just let the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00410-00089016-00089094 whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-00411-00089095-00089294 leave things next to another and then by aJ1lqZCQJLk-00412-00089295-00089526 the time you know we have guys like two aJ1lqZCQJLk-00413-00089527-00089655 chong aJ1lqZCQJLk-00414-00089656-00089879 and to your show actually bought a bow aJ1lqZCQJLk-00415-00089880-00090087 tie off my neck i had to charge me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00416-00090088-00090294 double just because it's the sweat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00417-00090295-00090559 that cost extra for him yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00418-00090560-00090726 you know okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-00419-00090727-00090887 i had to charge him double he bought the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00420-00090888-00091071 bow tie in my sweat for double the price aJ1lqZCQJLk-00421-00091072-00091455 man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00422-00091456-00091831 the sweat the dirt off my bow tie man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00423-00091832-00091991 oh well you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00424-00091992-00092238 your hustle juice yeah the stain staying aJ1lqZCQJLk-00425-00092239-00092471 off the boat it was thrilled with it i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00426-00092472-00092647 charged him extra too aJ1lqZCQJLk-00427-00092648-00092775 you know and he bought off but then aJ1lqZCQJLk-00428-00092776-00092982 again that's when i knew i was onto aJ1lqZCQJLk-00429-00092983-00093135 something and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00430-00093136-00093303 it didn't happen once it actually aJ1lqZCQJLk-00431-00093304-00093526 happened one time in fresno with a as a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00432-00093527-00093791 mexican bartender now yeah like that's a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00433-00093792-00093935 really nice purple color i really like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00434-00093936-00094071 the light color man where'd you get that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00435-00094072-00094271 look i made these and the guy was like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00436-00094272-00094374 man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00437-00094375-00094518 like can i see it i gave i took it off aJ1lqZCQJLk-00438-00094519-00094759 look at the glasses aJ1lqZCQJLk-00439-00094760-00094991 i'm looking for this exact color man aJ1lqZCQJLk-00440-00094992-00095238 yeah you want to sell it i'm like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00441-00095239-00095423 yeah there's more where that came from aJ1lqZCQJLk-00442-00095424-00095559 and i just sold it to the bartender in aJ1lqZCQJLk-00443-00095560-00095718 front of us like there you go dude just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00444-00095719-00095831 take it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00445-00095832-00096071 wow so you started with so you started aJ1lqZCQJLk-00446-00096072-00096303 with bow ties then right yeah and that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00447-00096304-00096438 how you guys started aJ1lqZCQJLk-00448-00096439-00096591 was there any like patterns because i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00449-00096592-00096782 know you did now you're doing like moan aJ1lqZCQJLk-00450-00096783-00096967 patterns like yeah there's always been aJ1lqZCQJLk-00451-00096968-00097135 bone inspired and fashion forward aJ1lqZCQJLk-00452-00097136-00097350 patterns textile patterns aJ1lqZCQJLk-00453-00097351-00097526 again that's the key thing in the moment aJ1lqZCQJLk-00454-00097527-00097711 in design is the uniqueness the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00455-00097712-00097855 originality aJ1lqZCQJLk-00456-00097856-00098103 is the key point in the design and again aJ1lqZCQJLk-00457-00098104-00098318 the key points originality and style and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00458-00098319-00098462 class aJ1lqZCQJLk-00459-00098463-00098638 you know so that's really where it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00460-00098639-00098726 started aJ1lqZCQJLk-00461-00098727-00098887 okay so so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00462-00098888-00099087 it was the moment inspired you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00463-00099088-00099359 design on the bow tie aJ1lqZCQJLk-00464-00099360-00099503 correct and the hmong culture itself aJ1lqZCQJLk-00465-00099504-00099806 because when you look at a child at the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00466-00099807-00100038 actual whole fashion or hmong fashion aJ1lqZCQJLk-00467-00100039-00100247 industry yeah you ever notice it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00468-00100248-00100494 dominant by what gender aJ1lqZCQJLk-00469-00100495-00100662 women aJ1lqZCQJLk-00470-00100663-00100838 there's so many women like inspired aJ1lqZCQJLk-00471-00100839-00100991 dresses and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00472-00100992-00101126 okay yeah and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00473-00101127-00101206 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00474-00101207-00101503 but what about us aJ1lqZCQJLk-00475-00101504-00101791 yeah i looked at the industry as a whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-00476-00101792-00102006 i'm like yeah can i can i find this boat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00477-00102007-00102223 bow tie can i find this belt that i sold aJ1lqZCQJLk-00478-00102224-00102534 you can i so further so on i can't find aJ1lqZCQJLk-00479-00102535-00102686 it i can't go to amazon fine i couldn't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00480-00102688-00102854 go understanding remember dude no this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00481-00102855-00103063 goes back eight years though aJ1lqZCQJLk-00482-00103064-00103199 that is very true aJ1lqZCQJLk-00483-00103200-00103366 yeah because if you look you know but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00484-00103367-00103542 now there is of course brandon like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00485-00103543-00103815 other examples start making stuff but i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00486-00103816-00103999 was well behind the time i looked at i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00487-00104000-00104142 thoroughly looked at aJ1lqZCQJLk-00488-00104143-00104310 you know at the fashion i'm like it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00489-00104311-00104463 been always been dominant as a woman aJ1lqZCQJLk-00490-00104464-00104671 brand there's no men aJ1lqZCQJLk-00491-00104672-00104806 and that's like you know what two could aJ1lqZCQJLk-00492-00104807-00104975 play this game aJ1lqZCQJLk-00493-00104976-00105247 and i was summoned upon it you know it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00494-00105248-00105383 one of those things like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00495-00105383-00105527 i didn't choose the third life the thug aJ1lqZCQJLk-00496-00105528-00105727 light chose me you know it's like i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00497-00105728-00105863 didn't choose the passion that passion aJ1lqZCQJLk-00498-00105864-00106023 told me right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00499-00106024-00106143 yeah yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00500-00106144-00106295 and not knowing it's gonna become a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00501-00106296-00106495 business well you know it's like i don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00502-00106496-00106743 know seven six years now aJ1lqZCQJLk-00503-00106744-00106943 i don't recall wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-00504-00106944-00107119 and i started that when i had the car aJ1lqZCQJLk-00505-00107120-00107254 shop too aJ1lqZCQJLk-00506-00107255-00107351 oh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00507-00107352-00107631 damn okay so you're this is i mean side aJ1lqZCQJLk-00508-00107632-00107766 hustle aJ1lqZCQJLk-00509-00107767-00108039 you know on top of another side aJ1lqZCQJLk-00510-00108040-00108166 so that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00511-00108167-00108439 so your car business and then aJ1lqZCQJLk-00512-00108440-00108583 was that a side hustle too or is it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00513-00108583-00108727 something else aJ1lqZCQJLk-00514-00108728-00108902 at the time the car shop was my main aJ1lqZCQJLk-00515-00108903-00108983 gate aJ1lqZCQJLk-00516-00108983-00109143 yeah because i know you got so much aJ1lqZCQJLk-00517-00109144-00109334 business like you know that you that you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00518-00109335-00109551 do but i only we only talking about like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00519-00109552-00109710 two right now so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00520-00109711-00109854 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00521-00109855-00110031 okay yeah so let's stick with those i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00522-00110032-00110215 didn't want to veer it off to like your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00523-00110216-00110407 other businesses too but yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00524-00110408-00110599 so uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00525-00110600-00110871 so you started with so the bold thing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00526-00110872-00111078 i mean i mean i saw that but that that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00527-00111079-00111207 didn't catch me aJ1lqZCQJLk-00528-00111208-00111295 because aJ1lqZCQJLk-00529-00111296-00111471 what caught me was the belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00530-00111472-00111623 you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00531-00111624-00111847 you mean i is that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00532-00111848-00112047 it's the bill is again aJ1lqZCQJLk-00533-00112048-00112263 it's one of my top three best sellers aJ1lqZCQJLk-00534-00112264-00112407 okay actually it might i think you're in aJ1lqZCQJLk-00535-00112408-00112551 a dude that's your question it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00536-00112552-00112751 actually my actually saying my very aJ1lqZCQJLk-00537-00112752-00113054 number one i say best seller the belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00538-00113055-00113343 the bell is about yeah yeah yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00539-00113344-00113558 because it kind of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00540-00113559-00113807 you know cause the symbol i wish i had aJ1lqZCQJLk-00541-00113808-00113990 it right here it's released yeah fully aJ1lqZCQJLk-00542-00113991-00114247 stainless and it's fully leather aJ1lqZCQJLk-00543-00114248-00114454 yeah it's you have a belt you know i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00544-00114455-00114743 have about many other minute belts uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00545-00114744-00114951 this belt is just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00546-00114952-00115143 it's a perfect belt like it's an aJ1lqZCQJLk-00547-00115144-00115423 everyday wear it's a small aJ1lqZCQJLk-00548-00115424-00115590 uh whipping your kid that's sold aJ1lqZCQJLk-00549-00115591-00115710 separately aJ1lqZCQJLk-00550-00115711-00115927 uh i do kid about that i condone any aJ1lqZCQJLk-00551-00115928-00116127 violence aJ1lqZCQJLk-00552-00116128-00116375 i'm kidding i'm kidding aJ1lqZCQJLk-00553-00116376-00116519 you can show them what's up with the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00554-00116520-00116599 belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00555-00116600-00116758 and you can go to the party with the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00556-00116759-00116943 belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00557-00116944-00117143 but the bell has been one of a great aJ1lqZCQJLk-00558-00117144-00117334 great great seller so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00559-00117335-00117519 yeah i came kind of as a business group aJ1lqZCQJLk-00560-00117520-00117631 though aJ1lqZCQJLk-00561-00117632-00117886 uh okay so let me okay kim i mean tell aJ1lqZCQJLk-00562-00117888-00118095 us i mean i'm just we're just kind of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00563-00118096-00118319 digging in i mean tell us how what came aJ1lqZCQJLk-00564-00118320-00118534 up how did you come with the idea that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00565-00118535-00118758 for i mean i get the i get the bow tie aJ1lqZCQJLk-00566-00118759-00118895 but the belt was what caught my eye aJ1lqZCQJLk-00567-00118896-00119054 because i mean bow ties i see anywhere i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00568-00119055-00119207 mean i might not be a bowtie i'm more of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00569-00119208-00119319 a thai guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00570-00119320-00119566 but the belt is like yeah i can i can do aJ1lqZCQJLk-00571-00119567-00119790 that anywhere you know and represent aJ1lqZCQJLk-00572-00119791-00119999 hmong people with my with that belt how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00573-00120000-00120110 did you come up with the idea that was a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00574-00120111-00120334 great idea aJ1lqZCQJLk-00575-00120335-00120510 there everywhere you go there's always a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00576-00120511-00120734 long necklace i'm not a necklace guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00577-00120735-00120886 yeah you don't talk about the single aJ1lqZCQJLk-00578-00120888-00121175 chain with the salt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00579-00121176-00121375 it looks really that chain is so big aJ1lqZCQJLk-00580-00121376-00121534 like i'm a rap artist when i'm walking aJ1lqZCQJLk-00581-00121535-00121678 around if it was all gold i look like a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00582-00121679-00121766 rapper aJ1lqZCQJLk-00583-00121767-00121895 just yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00584-00121896-00122095 that like i've always liked that but i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00585-00122096-00122239 didn't like wearing necklace like you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00586-00122240-00122366 know what if i put aJ1lqZCQJLk-00587-00122367-00122454 that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00588-00122455-00122919 and put it down there you know as a yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00589-00122920-00123134 genius aJ1lqZCQJLk-00590-00123135-00123319 i gotta give you i gotta give you uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00591-00123320-00123519 kudos for that that's genius cause yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00592-00123520-00123743 i'm like that issue i don't like wearing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00593-00123744-00124007 that because it's too flashy right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00594-00124008-00124119 and then it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00595-00124120-00124295 it draws attention like why is this guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00596-00124296-00124407 wearing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00597-00124408-00124671 you know something like like that you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00598-00124672-00124775 know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00599-00124776-00124958 so like i want to go i want to take you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00600-00124959-00125158 to work you know and people would be aJ1lqZCQJLk-00601-00125159-00125375 like staring at you but the belt itself aJ1lqZCQJLk-00602-00125376-00125471 was like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00603-00125472-00125639 you know that's like oh it's just a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00604-00125640-00125934 design but it represents you know yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00605-00125935-00126239 so that's smart that's smart um so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00606-00126240-00126399 that's your first aJ1lqZCQJLk-00607-00126400-00126543 that's your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00608-00126544-00126927 your number one thing that you could say aJ1lqZCQJLk-00609-00126928-00127086 it's the number one thing can we talk aJ1lqZCQJLk-00610-00127088-00127295 about the numbers on that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00611-00127296-00127483 the numbers on that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00612-00127483-00127766 is fully stainless it is uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00613-00127767-00127983 it's definitely not made in the u.s it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00614-00127983-00128231 made offshores and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00615-00128232-00128471 we buy a huge bulk aJ1lqZCQJLk-00616-00128472-00128758 uh to get you know a very great discount aJ1lqZCQJLk-00617-00128759-00129143 on it yeah when you deal with it with uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00618-00129144-00129358 with manufacturers they want a big boat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00619-00129359-00129502 if you're buying little they don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00620-00129503-00129678 you're more like wasting their time so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00621-00129679-00129910 they want a minimal order uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00622-00129911-00130119 technical term uh mlq aJ1lqZCQJLk-00623-00130120-00130334 to buy one they want but as far as the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00624-00130335-00130519 design of course we designed that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00625-00130520-00130702 in-house as far as 3d cad drawings you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00626-00130703-00131014 know adobe shop drawing i'm out my own aJ1lqZCQJLk-00627-00131015-00131239 employer contractors that makes all that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00628-00131240-00131414 like hey make this design and i talked aJ1lqZCQJLk-00629-00131415-00131671 to the manufacturer on that and then as aJ1lqZCQJLk-00630-00131672-00131983 far as pricing uh it's definitely what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00631-00131984-00132127 does it take i mean let's just go let's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00632-00132128-00132287 go through that so if somebody wants to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00633-00132288-00132519 say hey i got this great idea aJ1lqZCQJLk-00634-00132520-00132775 i mean this was just a belt right how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00635-00132776-00133111 long did it take to develop you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00636-00133112-00133383 have some sort of like assembly line or aJ1lqZCQJLk-00637-00133384-00133463 yes aJ1lqZCQJLk-00638-00133464-00133590 process aJ1lqZCQJLk-00639-00133591-00133759 you know the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00640-00133760-00133902 the um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00641-00133903-00134175 actual manufacturer took about aJ1lqZCQJLk-00642-00134176-00134263 a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00643-00134264-00134366 month aJ1lqZCQJLk-00644-00134367-00134511 all said and done and shipped to my aJ1lqZCQJLk-00645-00134512-00134647 front door aJ1lqZCQJLk-00646-00134648-00134847 yeah a month aJ1lqZCQJLk-00647-00134848-00135078 and a half that's quick aJ1lqZCQJLk-00648-00135079-00135407 so you came up with the idea aJ1lqZCQJLk-00649-00135408-00135559 which is the belt i mean you can just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00650-00135560-00135863 get a leather belt for anywhere but it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00651-00135864-00136095 the design of you know that has aJ1lqZCQJLk-00652-00136096-00136343 custom-made yeah the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00653-00136344-00136495 the the belt so the leather board so you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00654-00136496-00136654 get anywhere right it's universal it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00655-00136655-00136927 cuts down it's anywhere but the actual aJ1lqZCQJLk-00656-00136928-00137151 buckle you mean the buckle that is what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00657-00137152-00137359 we i designed that part and it's been a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00658-00137360-00137535 really good seller and i sell a lot of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00659-00137536-00137814 belts actually so how do you i mean are aJ1lqZCQJLk-00660-00137815-00138102 you doing the design yourself yeah or no aJ1lqZCQJLk-00661-00138103-00138302 i would say my design is more like just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00662-00138303-00138487 chicken scratch you know on a paper and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00663-00138488-00138590 like hey aJ1lqZCQJLk-00664-00138591-00138759 grab the designer i need you to you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00665-00138760-00139135 3d cad draw all this too so the designer aJ1lqZCQJLk-00666-00139136-00139319 like okay you know i like that you don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-00667-00139320-00139431 want to treat this a little bit and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00668-00139432-00139607 tweak it like i like that so i contract aJ1lqZCQJLk-00669-00139608-00139911 i pay them that i go to the manufacturer aJ1lqZCQJLk-00670-00139912-00140071 and get you know get that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00671-00140072-00140351 they and they they do it so the cad guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00672-00140352-00140583 how much did that cost the cat guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00673-00140584-00140759 he was just contract and you could find aJ1lqZCQJLk-00674-00140760-00140902 them through like guru aJ1lqZCQJLk-00675-00140903-00141095 fibers upwork these guys are great aJ1lqZCQJLk-00676-00141096-00141254 contractors to work with aJ1lqZCQJLk-00677-00141255-00141414 and i'm just like all right have this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00678-00141415-00141575 done like it's talking like what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00679-00141576-00141759 thousand dollars or something not even aJ1lqZCQJLk-00680-00141760-00141959 close not even close man i'm close to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00681-00141960-00142199 that way cheaper than that 200 bucks i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00682-00142200-00142351 just gotta say when you that's i gotta aJ1lqZCQJLk-00683-00142352-00142614 say when you use offshore aJ1lqZCQJLk-00684-00142615-00142799 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00685-00142800-00142959 you know offshores aJ1lqZCQJLk-00686-00142960-00143039 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00687-00143040-00143231 you know it's way cheaper aJ1lqZCQJLk-00688-00143232-00143407 you know okay so a lot of what i do i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00689-00143408-00143614 like to deal with a lot of entrepreneur aJ1lqZCQJLk-00690-00143615-00143790 all right so we're talking like okay how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00691-00143791-00144111 about like is it under 500. oh by four aJ1lqZCQJLk-00692-00144112-00144311 okay so so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00693-00144312-00144414 so you give them you give them the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00694-00144415-00144639 measurements and then you go hey aJ1lqZCQJLk-00695-00144640-00144878 throw this in cad whatever it is and cat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00696-00144879-00145007 is like what a like a software that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00697-00145008-00145263 designs the stuff right and then he he aJ1lqZCQJLk-00698-00145264-00145454 does it and then you you get a print out aJ1lqZCQJLk-00699-00145455-00145623 of it and then you go aJ1lqZCQJLk-00700-00145624-00145766 what do you do with it do you take that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00701-00145767-00145919 and then you go to your manufacturer and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00702-00145920-00146207 say hey can you produce this okay yep aJ1lqZCQJLk-00703-00146208-00146295 and yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00704-00146296-00146414 when you get your manufacturer like hey aJ1lqZCQJLk-00705-00146415-00146583 what kind of material you want my fires aJ1lqZCQJLk-00706-00146584-00146959 uh stainless okay cool do uh what size aJ1lqZCQJLk-00707-00146960-00147119 size is all their specs on there okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-00708-00147120-00147319 great and then as far as belt what do aJ1lqZCQJLk-00709-00147320-00147463 you want do you want it sold here do you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00710-00147464-00147575 want solid do you want a whole leather aJ1lqZCQJLk-00711-00147576-00147654 you want aJ1lqZCQJLk-00712-00147655-00147799 i wanna pull the other you know this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00713-00147800-00147926 this this one this size and this and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00714-00147927-00148071 this this time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00715-00148072-00148247 and when i got it i was just like and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00716-00148248-00148543 what man it's just seeing that something aJ1lqZCQJLk-00717-00148544-00148766 like that come to life because i never aJ1lqZCQJLk-00718-00148767-00148911 and you know what it feels to be better aJ1lqZCQJLk-00719-00148912-00149119 when you're when you're at a moment or aJ1lqZCQJLk-00720-00149120-00149214 anywhere aJ1lqZCQJLk-00721-00149215-00149359 you see somewhere and i've seen my stuff aJ1lqZCQJLk-00722-00149360-00149599 in the wild like actually that's my bill aJ1lqZCQJLk-00723-00149600-00149847 and i'll go and to him like and i play aJ1lqZCQJLk-00724-00149848-00150031 dumb like hey that's that's a nice belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00725-00150032-00150207 where'd you get that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00726-00150208-00150311 and sometimes like i don't know my aJ1lqZCQJLk-00727-00150312-00150478 daughter's gotta go i love it yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00728-00150479-00150711 that's great man i'm glad aJ1lqZCQJLk-00729-00150712-00150966 i did a good one too you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00730-00150967-00151159 oh man why you had to play that's that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00731-00151160-00151454 why you had to play like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00732-00151455-00151639 so yeah so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00733-00151640-00151847 so i mean okay so the process i i just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00734-00151848-00152087 want to know the process so so when you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00735-00152088-00152223 take it to manufacture how do you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00736-00152224-00152390 contact those guys you just google it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00737-00152391-00152502 and say hey i'm looking for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00738-00152503-00152711 manufacturers that want to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00739-00152712-00152919 develop aJ1lqZCQJLk-00740-00152920-00153023 i go on aJ1lqZCQJLk-00741-00153024-00153199 you know i go online and i i search aJ1lqZCQJLk-00742-00153200-00153375 social search because there's a lot of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00743-00153376-00153543 companies out there and i search and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00744-00153544-00153783 then i look at the history and get there aJ1lqZCQJLk-00745-00153784-00153975 you know so forth and so on aJ1lqZCQJLk-00746-00153976-00154095 and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00747-00154096-00154319 yeah just like that it's you you'll find aJ1lqZCQJLk-00748-00154320-00154447 one eventually sooner or later you'll aJ1lqZCQJLk-00749-00154448-00154559 find one aJ1lqZCQJLk-00750-00154560-00154735 and now it's just better just talking aJ1lqZCQJLk-00751-00154736-00154983 negotiating back and forth yeah and then aJ1lqZCQJLk-00752-00154984-00155143 going through with it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00753-00155144-00155287 so i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-00754-00155288-00155439 i mean it's kind of general now but it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00755-00155440-00155511 like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00756-00155512-00155766 i mean your first batch how much aJ1lqZCQJLk-00757-00155767-00155999 i mean you or in bulk right so i ordered aJ1lqZCQJLk-00758-00156000-00156214 both yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00759-00156215-00156526 my first batch oh i had a minimal of uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00760-00156527-00156678 500 aJ1lqZCQJLk-00761-00156679-00156878 uh-huh i think it was like 500. i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00762-00156879-00157071 trying to think here yeah but i thought aJ1lqZCQJLk-00763-00157072-00157239 a lot of those about already and i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00764-00157240-00157495 getting close to somewhat yeah done with aJ1lqZCQJLk-00765-00157496-00157639 uh yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00766-00157640-00157807 uh so i'm thinking about another batch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00767-00157808-00158014 but yeah definitely a minimal order aJ1lqZCQJLk-00768-00158015-00158199 of it and just to just to see you know i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00769-00158200-00158454 mean my first prototype was just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00770-00158455-00158607 half blue together aJ1lqZCQJLk-00771-00158608-00158823 but what is it i mean what is it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00772-00158824-00159023 original i don't have anymore aJ1lqZCQJLk-00773-00159024-00159119 but what's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00774-00159120-00159311 in minimal order like it's just just to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00775-00159312-00159478 throw out some numbers aJ1lqZCQJLk-00776-00159479-00159678 it varies on the company some company aJ1lqZCQJLk-00777-00159679-00159839 might i know a minimum of a thousand of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00778-00159840-00160047 this some minimum or i mean i need at aJ1lqZCQJLk-00779-00160048-00160271 least 500 of this it buries a carbon aJ1lqZCQJLk-00780-00160272-00160607 company well what was yours though 500. aJ1lqZCQJLk-00781-00160608-00160863 oh 500 that's it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00782-00160864-00161039 that's nothing that's little yeah that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00783-00161040-00161302 very little yeah this is like a quick aJ1lqZCQJLk-00784-00161303-00161487 test to see you know to see if it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00785-00161488-00161623 gonna work aJ1lqZCQJLk-00786-00161624-00161814 so yeah but that's not i for those who aJ1lqZCQJLk-00787-00161815-00162007 are listening and getting into making aJ1lqZCQJLk-00788-00162008-00162375 manufacturing and yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00789-00162376-00162559 what i like to do and that's i want to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00790-00162560-00162735 give you a big big aJ1lqZCQJLk-00791-00162736-00162999 nugget here i do kind of like how i did aJ1lqZCQJLk-00792-00163000-00163399 my watch my watch i took a different uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00793-00163400-00163583 uh strategy on how to do this watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00794-00163584-00163783 pretty much what it is i did pretty much aJ1lqZCQJLk-00795-00163784-00163895 like um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00796-00163896-00164143 kickstarter yeah i did pretty much what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00797-00164144-00164351 i did was like you know i i make this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00798-00164352-00164631 design of drawing and i made it a 3d cat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00799-00164632-00164838 i pretty much sold people the cat aJ1lqZCQJLk-00800-00164839-00164951 drawing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00801-00164952-00165095 remember i'm not even having a physical aJ1lqZCQJLk-00802-00165096-00165223 product yet that's what i would do if aJ1lqZCQJLk-00803-00165224-00165366 you're listening this is how you would aJ1lqZCQJLk-00804-00165367-00165599 do it make the cat drawing of the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00805-00165600-00165766 graphic design and sell the graphic aJ1lqZCQJLk-00806-00165767-00165871 design aJ1lqZCQJLk-00807-00165872-00166087 that's how you did it on that watch that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00808-00166088-00166311 i made the longtime watch i made that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00809-00166312-00166535 right here this watch show us a watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00810-00166536-00166814 great house this watch was a great one aJ1lqZCQJLk-00811-00166815-00166951 so you can see the the flute the monk aJ1lqZCQJLk-00812-00166952-00167375 flute in the watch yeah put it closer aJ1lqZCQJLk-00813-00167376-00167526 you know what i'm saying if you just see aJ1lqZCQJLk-00814-00167527-00167614 it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00815-00167615-00167887 there you go oh yeah right there aJ1lqZCQJLk-00816-00167888-00168071 so i will give you a big tip on this for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00817-00168072-00168214 those who watch give you a big tip on aJ1lqZCQJLk-00818-00168215-00168423 this all right give us a tip aJ1lqZCQJLk-00819-00168424-00168759 i made the cat design or hire my guy to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00820-00168760-00169071 to do the cat design i sold you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-00821-00169072-00169159 the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00822-00169160-00169463 first first sale at a lower discount aJ1lqZCQJLk-00823-00169464-00169702 price right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00824-00169703-00169863 and people are ordering it already aJ1lqZCQJLk-00825-00169864-00170047 pre-ordering already pre-ordering aJ1lqZCQJLk-00826-00170048-00170247 already that pre what i'm saying that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00827-00170248-00170543 pre-order bought my first batch of order aJ1lqZCQJLk-00828-00170544-00170847 meaning i never use real money aJ1lqZCQJLk-00829-00170848-00171031 so if you're watching this i recommend aJ1lqZCQJLk-00830-00171032-00171223 you doing that too so if you think about aJ1lqZCQJLk-00831-00171224-00171535 i never used my own money to buy the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00832-00171536-00171631 watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00833-00171632-00171895 i used just the graphic design to sell aJ1lqZCQJLk-00834-00171896-00172063 and pre-order pre-order and that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00835-00172064-00172359 pre-order hit the minimal requirements aJ1lqZCQJLk-00836-00172360-00172535 you see how it's pretty much what it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00837-00172536-00172766 what kick starter is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00838-00172767-00172926 it's simple aJ1lqZCQJLk-00839-00172927-00173054 kickstarter is but what's this how it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00840-00173055-00173311 works you just buy a demo version of it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00841-00173312-00173478 and then when they reach their when they aJ1lqZCQJLk-00842-00173479-00173614 re when they reach a certain amount of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00843-00173615-00173775 product order guess what yeah they aJ1lqZCQJLk-00844-00173776-00173951 finally pay the manufacturer ten aJ1lqZCQJLk-00845-00173952-00174119 thousand money and then they get it all aJ1lqZCQJLk-00846-00174120-00174295 done and they get it shipped out aJ1lqZCQJLk-00847-00174296-00174463 that's pretty much what it is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00848-00174464-00174783 so do people have the same fundamentals aJ1lqZCQJLk-00849-00174784-00174999 what do you tell the people like um so aJ1lqZCQJLk-00850-00175000-00175166 what do you tell the people like if it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00851-00175167-00175343 takes you like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00852-00175344-00175638 i don't know two months to uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-00853-00175639-00175863 to get to a certain like minimum that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00854-00175864-00176038 you're looking for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00855-00176039-00176278 yeah you just gotta be honest you just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00856-00176279-00176502 gotta be honest i mean this belt here aJ1lqZCQJLk-00857-00176503-00176687 you know i did i did the opposite way aJ1lqZCQJLk-00858-00176688-00176871 but it's been a great great seller you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00859-00176872-00177014 know for this belt aJ1lqZCQJLk-00860-00177015-00177214 you know it's been a great great seller aJ1lqZCQJLk-00861-00177215-00177311 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-00862-00177312-00177438 it it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00863-00177439-00177583 i was and you know what you know what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00864-00177584-00177775 the funny thing is you know what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00865-00177776-00177943 the actual aJ1lqZCQJLk-00866-00177944-00178095 watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00867-00178096-00178375 you know the the the time i expected for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00868-00178376-00178559 due date when it's gonna arrive guess aJ1lqZCQJLk-00869-00178560-00178663 what aJ1lqZCQJLk-00870-00178664-00178935 it was running on hmong time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00871-00178936-00179071 you get it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00872-00179072-00179247 the hmong time was running on hmong time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00873-00179248-00179414 that's the funny part you didn't get a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00874-00179415-00179511 joke aJ1lqZCQJLk-00875-00179512-00179647 you know that's that's the that's the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00876-00179648-00179807 thing that was morning of all time it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00877-00179808-00180007 was late right it was a little bit late aJ1lqZCQJLk-00878-00180008-00180190 i was expecting a whole month and a half aJ1lqZCQJLk-00879-00180191-00180343 earlier they didn't ride so much late aJ1lqZCQJLk-00880-00180344-00180487 and i was just being hey guys look i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00881-00180488-00180647 not here to take your money aJ1lqZCQJLk-00882-00180648-00180863 it's a pre-order you'll get it i'm sorry aJ1lqZCQJLk-00883-00180864-00181095 but the hmong time was ready on my time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00884-00181096-00181263 and finally we finally got a month and a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00885-00181264-00181375 half later let's just be again just aJ1lqZCQJLk-00886-00181376-00181551 being very transparent guys just being aJ1lqZCQJLk-00887-00181552-00181807 very transparent yeah finally i got it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00888-00181808-00182238 and this is my watch i was just like aJ1lqZCQJLk-00889-00182239-00182454 priceless like i can't believe it i made aJ1lqZCQJLk-00890-00182455-00182663 a watch you know say i made a watch yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00891-00182664-00182911 i had to admit i was watching like how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00892-00182912-00183111 you were promoting it and it was pretty aJ1lqZCQJLk-00893-00183112-00183295 cool because you kept saying aJ1lqZCQJLk-00894-00183296-00183399 you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00895-00183400-00183647 uh home time right you don't get a watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00896-00183648-00183799 and it's you know hmong time whatever aJ1lqZCQJLk-00897-00183800-00183966 you're you're well i forgot what your aJ1lqZCQJLk-00898-00183967-00184183 language was but i i it's pretty cool aJ1lqZCQJLk-00899-00184184-00184454 when i advertise i like i i like to be aJ1lqZCQJLk-00900-00184455-00184719 very funny yeah i'm saying the irony of aJ1lqZCQJLk-00901-00184720-00184919 being funny i advertise but being funny aJ1lqZCQJLk-00902-00184920-00185119 and hilarious because my time is running aJ1lqZCQJLk-00903-00185120-00185278 a long time because when you when you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00904-00185279-00185478 get a watch from me the watch is always aJ1lqZCQJLk-00905-00185479-00185695 an hour or two ahead of time you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00906-00185696-00185838 why because people always want to have aJ1lqZCQJLk-00907-00185839-00185966 more time aJ1lqZCQJLk-00908-00185967-00186278 but i fixed the problem by making this aJ1lqZCQJLk-00909-00186279-00186487 watch and i solved that well you're aJ1lqZCQJLk-00910-00186488-00186671 going to pay me 200 bucks to watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00911-00186672-00186902 that's the solver aJ1lqZCQJLk-00912-00186903-00187143 you know again so back about design it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00913-00187144-00187375 the originality and uniqueness you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00914-00187376-00187631 and it's still mall you can see the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00915-00187632-00188023 the the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00916-00188024-00188223 and it's just how man i look like i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00917-00188224-00188416 one of those mongolian sellers right now aJ1lqZCQJLk-00918-00188417-00188790 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-00919-00188791-00188983 you get a tape bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-00920-00188984-00190150 start writing a marker i know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00921-00190151-00190471 yeah so awesome uh we had what tony said aJ1lqZCQJLk-00922-00190472-00190766 he likes to watch and i'm like tony says aJ1lqZCQJLk-00923-00190767-00191007 hey all right i'm getting me a belt now aJ1lqZCQJLk-00924-00191008-00191199 too so i think i just sold a belt for aJ1lqZCQJLk-00925-00191200-00191423 you just by a nice belt the whipping is aJ1lqZCQJLk-00926-00191424-00191647 so separate but to answer cool's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00927-00191648-00191847 question no i did not use kickstarter to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00928-00191848-00192150 do my my campaign yeah i use the aJ1lqZCQJLk-00929-00192151-00192287 fundamental and they did it on my own aJ1lqZCQJLk-00930-00192288-00192550 website i get how it works yeah you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00931-00192551-00192647 what i'm saying i didn't use their aJ1lqZCQJLk-00932-00192648-00192783 website to do this but i get how aJ1lqZCQJLk-00933-00192784-00192950 kickstarter works but i did the same aJ1lqZCQJLk-00934-00192951-00193087 fundamental and applied it to my own aJ1lqZCQJLk-00935-00193088-00193207 website so when you say hey you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-00936-00193208-00193335 what you're the pre-order you got to go aJ1lqZCQJLk-00937-00193336-00193575 to my website i kick started my website aJ1lqZCQJLk-00938-00193576-00193678 then get it aJ1lqZCQJLk-00939-00193679-00193878 but that's one way how i would do aJ1lqZCQJLk-00940-00193879-00194054 production if you're trying a new aJ1lqZCQJLk-00941-00194055-00194311 product out there right just the drawing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00942-00194312-00194478 in the digital drawing digital drawing aJ1lqZCQJLk-00943-00194479-00194671 of it to see if it works if they want to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00944-00194672-00194959 pay for that trust me you're you're and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00945-00194960-00195143 and the the technical term is what i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00946-00195144-00195326 talking about is um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00947-00195327-00195623 uh product um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00948-00195624-00195902 i can't take it away aJ1lqZCQJLk-00949-00195903-00196023 it's all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00950-00196024-00196143 but um aJ1lqZCQJLk-00951-00196144-00196543 but uh that's i mean that's a minimal aJ1lqZCQJLk-00952-00196544-00196750 i guess investment right because you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00953-00196751-00196935 only spent like a thousand dollars to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00954-00196936-00197247 get a particular product just to to test aJ1lqZCQJLk-00955-00197248-00197471 right so for example that belt you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00956-00197472-00197711 designed it and then you you know you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00957-00197712-00197975 pay for the you know the the cad guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-00958-00197976-00198159 whether whoever do it and then you you aJ1lqZCQJLk-00959-00198160-00198335 submit it and for minimum for them to aJ1lqZCQJLk-00960-00198336-00198550 develop and send it to you all that it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-00961-00198551-00198711 probably like within a thousand dollars aJ1lqZCQJLk-00962-00198712-00198911 just so you do to test market a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00963-00198912-00199150 particular product right aJ1lqZCQJLk-00964-00199151-00199343 yeah yeah i mean with the of course i i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00965-00199344-00199478 didn't do the way i did the kickstarter aJ1lqZCQJLk-00966-00199479-00199726 right exactly i made the design i i made aJ1lqZCQJLk-00967-00199727-00199887 it manufactured and then i put it out aJ1lqZCQJLk-00968-00199888-00200054 there and then i and i sell it and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00969-00200055-00200366 luckily it sells it's a good seller yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00970-00200367-00200654 i like it there's a whole no i didn't i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00971-00200655-00200847 want to test the market the word is i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00972-00200848-00200999 see that the market fit is the word aJ1lqZCQJLk-00973-00201000-00201135 right is the market aJ1lqZCQJLk-00974-00201136-00201254 this is a new product that's never been aJ1lqZCQJLk-00975-00201255-00201463 out no one's ever made a long time watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-00976-00201464-00201607 so i want to test if there were people aJ1lqZCQJLk-00977-00201608-00201695 and there was aJ1lqZCQJLk-00978-00201696-00201919 preorders just pouring in pre-order i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00979-00201920-00202095 hit my i had my minimum requirement i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00980-00202096-00202319 just hit i just got my own hat hey man i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00981-00202320-00202535 need this done and it gave me an eta and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00982-00202536-00202783 of course they were off so again you're aJ1lqZCQJLk-00983-00202784-00202878 saying aJ1lqZCQJLk-00984-00202879-00203007 you're saying that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00985-00203008-00203183 i learned too but you're saying that aJ1lqZCQJLk-00986-00203184-00203366 watch is 200 bucks aJ1lqZCQJLk-00987-00203367-00203566 yeah yeah retards 200 bucks aJ1lqZCQJLk-00988-00203567-00203823 and people were already aJ1lqZCQJLk-00989-00203824-00203966 when i when i had when i had my aJ1lqZCQJLk-00990-00203967-00204263 kickstarter it was it was at 130 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-00991-00204264-00204478 and a month later it was at 150 and i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-00992-00204479-00204726 off 170 but right now it's it's it's sit aJ1lqZCQJLk-00993-00204727-00204919 at 200. wow and aJ1lqZCQJLk-00994-00204919-00205127 and you know even 400 bucks people were aJ1lqZCQJLk-00995-00205128-00205390 still like interested in it so 200 i aJ1lqZCQJLk-00996-00205391-00205582 just had orders like about about a aJ1lqZCQJLk-00997-00205583-00205703 couple days ago aJ1lqZCQJLk-00998-00205704-00205894 i want to make some guy milwaukee aJ1lqZCQJLk-00999-00205896-00206086 i watched wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01000-00206087-00206486 um and you know let's talk about so your aJ1lqZCQJLk-01001-00206487-00206671 belt was your your number one seller i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01002-00206671-00206742 mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01003-00206744-00206942 i guess what is it after expense and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01004-00206944-00207046 everything what are you making out of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01005-00207048-00207214 that bill aJ1lqZCQJLk-01006-00207215-00207575 oh my markers were definitely like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01007-00207576-00207894 40 50 60 mark up man it's high aJ1lqZCQJLk-01008-00207896-00207990 wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01009-00207991-00208151 yeah that's all right that was like what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01010-00208152-00208351 like 60 bucks or something i forgot what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01011-00208352-00208527 it was when i bought it uh almost yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01012-00208528-00208790 almost almost 60 bucks man the whipping aJ1lqZCQJLk-01013-00208791-00209079 is so separate so you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01014-00209080-00209423 i can don't violence by all means aJ1lqZCQJLk-01015-00209423-00209839 wow okay okay okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01016-00209840-00209958 wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01017-00209959-00210079 that's pretty good man that's pretty aJ1lqZCQJLk-01018-00210080-00210319 good so uh i mean i don't know do you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01019-00210319-00210606 guys want to hear how much the watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-01020-00210607-00210967 how much he's making for watch aJ1lqZCQJLk-01021-00210967-00211134 the watch is marked down aJ1lqZCQJLk-01022-00211135-00211342 hey yes guys if you guys want to know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01023-00211344-00211503 how much you're making let's get some aJ1lqZCQJLk-01024-00211504-00211655 feedback let's see some engagement if aJ1lqZCQJLk-01025-00211656-00211934 you guys want to hear a yes on there the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01026-00211935-00212142 i'm not gonna say definitely more than aJ1lqZCQJLk-01027-00212144-00212319 three digit mark mark aJ1lqZCQJLk-01028-00212319-00212479 wow dude aJ1lqZCQJLk-01029-00212480-00212606 holy cow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01030-00212607-00212831 who is stainless i try this is my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01031-00212832-00214191 available i tried tapping aJ1lqZCQJLk-01032-00214192-00214294 all right nobody wants to know i don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01033-00214296-00214758 see a yes so i guess we can move on aJ1lqZCQJLk-01034-00214759-00214863 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01035-00214864-00214967 so yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01036-00214967-00215167 so those you guys just joined let me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01037-00215167-00215334 know where you guys are from but uh you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01038-00215335-00215455 guys see so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01039-00215456-00215558 from uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01040-00215559-00215863 minnesota uh he's got this uh i guess aJ1lqZCQJLk-01041-00215864-00216175 menswear uh what do you call it fashion aJ1lqZCQJLk-01042-00216176-00216319 or i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01043-00216319-00216606 i i don't know these terms but uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01044-00216607-00216894 inspired men's you know fashion brand aJ1lqZCQJLk-01045-00216896-00217431 yeah there you go inspire aJ1lqZCQJLk-01046-00217432-00217694 we want to keep it cultural but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01047-00217696-00218015 you know forward fashion forward aJ1lqZCQJLk-01048-00218016-00218191 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01049-00218192-00218375 because like guys men like you and me i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01050-00218376-00218598 mean wearing suits all day well not this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01051-00218600-00218806 year but you get what i'm saying but you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01052-00218807-00219015 know so we have mo inspired ties and bow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01053-00219016-00219279 ties and watches and belts and cufflinks aJ1lqZCQJLk-01054-00219280-00219791 and um socks and uh dress shirts now aJ1lqZCQJLk-01055-00219792-00219975 just regular apparel we have like shirts aJ1lqZCQJLk-01056-00219976-00220110 too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01057-00220111-00220255 search the socks aJ1lqZCQJLk-01058-00220256-00220375 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01059-00220376-00220663 gotcha i mean i dig it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01060-00220664-00220942 i dig it because um like like you said i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01061-00220944-00221127 don't like the necklace thing and you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01062-00221128-00221310 know cause i'm you know i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01063-00221311-00221582 i'm an active guy i don't it gets caught aJ1lqZCQJLk-01064-00221583-00221734 in you know my shirts and stuff like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01065-00221735-00222046 that and you know so but the belt stays aJ1lqZCQJLk-01066-00222048-00222279 right there it shows that hey you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01067-00222280-00222598 i'm representing also you know so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01068-00222600-00222894 um so love it so i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01069-00222896-00223071 as far as i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01070-00223071-00223255 uh i mean we we can talk this to death aJ1lqZCQJLk-01071-00223256-00223406 but uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01072-00223407-00223663 um where are you going with this as far aJ1lqZCQJLk-01073-00223664-00223831 as aJ1lqZCQJLk-01074-00223832-00224023 you know this fashioning are you are you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01075-00224023-00224334 planning on i i plan to be among gk aJ1lqZCQJLk-01076-00224335-00224542 magazine aJ1lqZCQJLk-01077-00224544-00224846 wow if you see the because like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01078-00224848-00224998 it's nothing that you'll see out there aJ1lqZCQJLk-01079-00225000-00225119 because when you look at the market aJ1lqZCQJLk-01080-00225119-00225303 fashion market when you look at a men's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01081-00225304-00225494 tie i can look at your closet aJ1lqZCQJLk-01082-00225496-00225831 plaid polka dots stripes paisley aJ1lqZCQJLk-01083-00225832-00226063 and maybe that's about it right but when aJ1lqZCQJLk-01084-00226064-00226231 you look at them aJ1lqZCQJLk-01085-00226232-00226406 there's no designs like that don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01086-00226407-00226655 mistaken that to be an aztec or tribal aJ1lqZCQJLk-01087-00226656-00226823 designer right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01088-00226823-00226951 there's nothing like that but when you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01089-00226952-00227223 see a moon gq magazine when you see that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01090-00227223-00227703 pattern like that's a moon brand aJ1lqZCQJLk-01091-00227704-00227846 you see it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01092-00227848-00228055 is is it is because you're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01093-00228056-00228182 is it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01094-00228183-00228487 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01095-00228488-00228703 this bow tie is actually the first ever aJ1lqZCQJLk-01096-00228704-00228887 mate aJ1lqZCQJLk-01097-00228888-00229031 special one it started the whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-01098-00229032-00229303 business it is my personal one is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01099-00229304-00229551 yeah i take like this you know but uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01100-00229552-00229758 but it's uh it's much more detail and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01101-00229759-00230031 these are you know my personal stuff so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01102-00230032-00230239 is it all apparent aJ1lqZCQJLk-01103-00230240-00230391 so it does all the pattern looks like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01104-00230392-00230671 that or is it is it different aJ1lqZCQJLk-01105-00230671-00230871 slightly different all the mold patterns aJ1lqZCQJLk-01106-00230871-00231046 are do aJ1lqZCQJLk-01107-00231048-00231263 more patterns and you know they're so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01108-00231264-00231510 bold they're so bold and so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01109-00231511-00231815 this so the textile is just so bold um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01110-00231816-00232023 some love it some hate it you know and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01111-00232023-00232167 that's where i come into play like you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01112-00232167-00232358 know what we can make this in black aJ1lqZCQJLk-01113-00232359-00232510 you know rather than bright green bright aJ1lqZCQJLk-01114-00232511-00232679 red but you know it's just so bright aJ1lqZCQJLk-01115-00232680-00232919 colors some love it and some just like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01116-00232919-00233079 it's too bright for me bro i could never aJ1lqZCQJLk-01117-00233080-00233255 it's just imagining around my neck it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01118-00233256-00233582 just like such a you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01119-00233583-00233727 well i guess it's because it's hmong aJ1lqZCQJLk-01120-00233728-00233894 colors right hmong colors are aJ1lqZCQJLk-01121-00233896-00234127 right really bright yeah yeah like the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01122-00234128-00234375 green and the red and stuff like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01123-00234376-00234503 and uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01124-00234504-00234710 i guess uh yeah we got an inter aJ1lqZCQJLk-01125-00234711-00234879 interpretation here aJ1lqZCQJLk-01126-00234880-00235119 it's kind of like a sn that snail right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01127-00235119-00235375 oh okay okay man i stink at this kind of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01128-00235376-00235646 stuff thanks for uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01129-00235648-00236039 thanks for the education there aJ1lqZCQJLk-01130-00236040-00236239 so cool all right so you're gonna be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01131-00236240-00236479 like the next gq thing right so what is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01132-00236480-00236646 it like it's just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01133-00236648-00237071 new products maybe aJ1lqZCQJLk-01134-00237071-00237182 anything aJ1lqZCQJLk-01135-00237183-00237367 that you got any ideas like anything aJ1lqZCQJLk-01136-00237367-00237615 coming down like this whole year i'm at aJ1lqZCQJLk-01137-00237616-00237871 a standstill and wait the last launch aJ1lqZCQJLk-01138-00237871-00238039 successful last was the watch actually aJ1lqZCQJLk-01139-00238040-00238127 the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01140-00238128-00238479 i want to lay low this whole month uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01141-00238480-00238710 i'm gonna let's say i slow down aJ1lqZCQJLk-01142-00238711-00238855 to speed up aJ1lqZCQJLk-01143-00238856-00239046 you know i'm working on behind the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01144-00239048-00239175 scenes with aJ1lqZCQJLk-01145-00239176-00239255 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01146-00239256-00239455 websites and designs and stuff like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01147-00239456-00239542 too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01148-00239544-00239703 but we're looking for it for next year aJ1lqZCQJLk-01149-00239704-00239887 i'm not going to spoil anything yet just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01150-00239888-00240063 got to stay tuned aJ1lqZCQJLk-01151-00240064-00240151 cool aJ1lqZCQJLk-01152-00240152-00240446 all right cool man all right so man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01153-00240448-00240663 uh that's this is going to be the first aJ1lqZCQJLk-01154-00240664-00240998 segment so how do people get it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01155-00241000-00241246 take a look at this they had a website aJ1lqZCQJLk-01156-00241248-00241463 absolutely absolutely for those who want aJ1lqZCQJLk-01157-00241464-00241710 to check out my website my brand go to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01158-00241711-00242282 aJ1lqZCQJLk-01159-00242283-00242575 xixo aJ1lqZCQJLk-01160-00242576-00242767 that's where you find the whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-01161-00242767-00242919 the whole shebang aJ1lqZCQJLk-01162-00242919-00242998 cool aJ1lqZCQJLk-01163-00243000-00243334 cool all right so uh i mean all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01164-00243335-00243542 guys nate check it out uh i did buy aJ1lqZCQJLk-01165-00243544-00243679 something for him because i like the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01166-00243680-00243951 belt uh you guys like the watch that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01167-00243952-00244142 the thing he's got the watch too that's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01168-00244144-00244367 pretty cool cool idea what he's doing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01169-00244367-00244551 um the next thing i'm gonna talk about aJ1lqZCQJLk-01170-00244552-00244823 is his podcast right he's wearing his aJ1lqZCQJLk-01171-00244823-00245094 shirt right there momentok aJ1lqZCQJLk-01172-00245096-00245263 you know how did you come up with that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01173-00245264-00245479 idea bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-01174-00245480-00245598 there's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01175-00245600-00245806 being this you know being a single guy i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01176-00245807-00245958 will go on dates where i meet lady aJ1lqZCQJLk-01177-00245959-00246151 friends who just talk about aJ1lqZCQJLk-01178-00246152-00246455 mo men and not all men are to generalize aJ1lqZCQJLk-01179-00246456-00246663 it but the abusive one the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01180-00246664-00246919 the nothing going on from himself the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01181-00246919-00247142 deadbeat fathers and so forth i'm just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01182-00247144-00247342 like man is there really bad in this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01183-00247344-00247494 community because i've never had a look aJ1lqZCQJLk-01184-00247496-00247591 at that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01185-00247592-00247830 and i'm like not all men are like that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01186-00247831-00248119 but there's those who makes us look bad aJ1lqZCQJLk-01187-00248119-00248287 you know and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01188-00248288-00248503 i come across as this this woman not my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01189-00248504-00248630 co-host mai aJ1lqZCQJLk-01190-00248631-00248830 and she's like and she came out a very aJ1lqZCQJLk-01191-00248831-00249046 very abusive aJ1lqZCQJLk-01192-00249048-00249342 divorce to relationship marriage aJ1lqZCQJLk-01193-00249344-00249551 and having to have that like you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01194-00249552-00249639 what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01195-00249640-00249927 i left my car shop about 15 years i was aJ1lqZCQJLk-01196-00249928-00250167 itching to start something aJ1lqZCQJLk-01197-00250167-00250271 something aJ1lqZCQJLk-01198-00250271-00250567 yeah it just happened to be a podcast aJ1lqZCQJLk-01199-00250567-00250742 and just like that like you know what we aJ1lqZCQJLk-01200-00250744-00250910 should make a movement we should do aJ1lqZCQJLk-01201-00250911-00251079 something about this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01202-00251080-00251510 and the podcast is to inspire to aspire aJ1lqZCQJLk-01203-00251511-00251671 uh it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01204-00251671-00251942 empowering it's educational aJ1lqZCQJLk-01205-00251944-00252191 uh it's and it gives just straight bs aJ1lqZCQJLk-01206-00252192-00252319 talking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01207-00252319-00252415 about aJ1lqZCQJLk-01208-00252416-00252567 anything aJ1lqZCQJLk-01209-00252567-00252775 or mole men right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01210-00252776-00252927 men yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01211-00252928-00253030 but she's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01212-00253031-00253287 but it's she's in it though what's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01213-00253288-00253615 what's your host her name is mai yeah so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01214-00253616-00253879 so what's my role in that is she's just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01215-00253880-00254215 a host that's a psychic we have chats aJ1lqZCQJLk-01216-00254216-00254327 just like this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01217-00254328-00254606 so she's the women's side aJ1lqZCQJLk-01218-00254607-00254687 that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01219-00254688-00254839 can maybe aJ1lqZCQJLk-01220-00254840-00255110 give the hmong guy some pointers or aJ1lqZCQJLk-01221-00255111-00255246 something whereas he's just like no no aJ1lqZCQJLk-01222-00255248-00255423 no okay no no no it doesn't doesn't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01223-00255423-00255615 involve that and she has a scout too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01224-00255616-00255806 because for example we're looking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01225-00255807-00255894 for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01226-00255896-00256063 and for those who are in this we're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01227-00256064-00256375 looking for more men on the podcast too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01228-00256376-00256471 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01229-00256471-00256623 if you have a great story competing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01230-00256623-00256758 snorky towel aJ1lqZCQJLk-01231-00256759-00257046 uh your specialist has something aJ1lqZCQJLk-01232-00257048-00257246 we are looking for those kind of guests aJ1lqZCQJLk-01233-00257248-00257367 and it could be a very powerful because aJ1lqZCQJLk-01234-00257367-00257542 we talked about again aJ1lqZCQJLk-01235-00257544-00257687 on the topic of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01236-00257688-00257951 mentor it's been like domestic violence aJ1lqZCQJLk-01237-00257952-00258127 mental health aJ1lqZCQJLk-01238-00258128-00258279 status quo aJ1lqZCQJLk-01239-00258280-00258471 it could be empowering it could be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01240-00258471-00258830 educational it could be again just bsing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01241-00258831-00259082 um it could be inspiring could be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01242-00259083-00259319 inspiring um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01243-00259319-00259503 it's however it depends on the guest aJ1lqZCQJLk-01244-00259504-00259679 depends on the topic aJ1lqZCQJLk-01245-00259680-00259910 you know our weekly podcast is different aJ1lqZCQJLk-01246-00259911-00260167 from our round table talk around table aJ1lqZCQJLk-01247-00260167-00260246 talk aJ1lqZCQJLk-01248-00260248-00260471 is an open talk it's this bunch of dudes aJ1lqZCQJLk-01249-00260471-00260606 sometimes they're drinking you know i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01250-00260607-00260879 don't really have much uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01251-00260880-00261063 restrictions on that and the topic is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01252-00261064-00261279 open we could talk about only fans and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01253-00261280-00261494 shaking booties into like very aJ1lqZCQJLk-01254-00261496-00261703 presidential politics stuff and it could aJ1lqZCQJLk-01255-00261704-00261942 be very it's you know intellectual talk aJ1lqZCQJLk-01256-00261944-00262151 too so but that's an open topic that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01257-00262152-00262343 took different from the podcast the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01258-00262344-00262615 podcast is a different topic aJ1lqZCQJLk-01259-00262616-00262847 uh and then i just opened up a whole new aJ1lqZCQJLk-01260-00262848-00263055 series uh pretty much what kind of work aJ1lqZCQJLk-01261-00263056-00263255 you're doing here with mon hustlers and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01262-00263256-00263455 yeah and because guys been coming to me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01263-00263456-00263575 asking like style you started your aJ1lqZCQJLk-01264-00263576-00263671 business aJ1lqZCQJLk-01265-00263672-00263815 where can i learn more how could i learn aJ1lqZCQJLk-01266-00263816-00263919 how could they follow these me like you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01267-00263920-00264079 know what i do have the power of a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01268-00264080-00264271 podcast i could find men who started aJ1lqZCQJLk-01269-00264272-00264430 their own business and now i hold a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01270-00264431-00264615 bi-weekly i have a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01271-00264616-00264887 show called how i built it yeah true aJ1lqZCQJLk-01272-00264888-00265063 hmong entrepreneurs who built their own aJ1lqZCQJLk-01273-00265064-00265343 business even during this time right so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01274-00265344-00265527 like for example yesterday i was aJ1lqZCQJLk-01275-00265528-00265806 bi-weekly i had a guy who opened a bar aJ1lqZCQJLk-01276-00265807-00266055 during these times aJ1lqZCQJLk-01277-00266056-00266255 because the reason is i had men who came aJ1lqZCQJLk-01278-00266256-00266423 to me was like hey sal i just lost my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01279-00266424-00266599 job go ahead and do the pandemic et aJ1lqZCQJLk-01280-00266600-00266743 cetera et cetera like you know what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01281-00266744-00266910 there's guys like them aJ1lqZCQJLk-01282-00266911-00267087 who who started a bar aJ1lqZCQJLk-01283-00267088-00267279 and a restaurant aJ1lqZCQJLk-01284-00267280-00267455 during this time there's no excuse for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01285-00267456-00267679 you not to do it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01286-00267680-00267839 yeah i'm just the middle man but he's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01287-00267840-00268134 here to inspire and and give his two two aJ1lqZCQJLk-01288-00268135-00268327 cents and why and so forth and so on so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01289-00268328-00268495 that was a good show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01290-00268496-00268606 how about that that's what it was i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01291-00268607-00268879 loved it i loved it i i think you said aJ1lqZCQJLk-01292-00268880-00269087 was yesterday right man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01293-00269088-00269287 i can't remember since yesterday but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01294-00269288-00269455 yeah that was awesome that he was very aJ1lqZCQJLk-01295-00269456-00269775 inspiring um and he was young aJ1lqZCQJLk-01296-00269776-00269991 he's like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01297-00269992-00270206 not even third aJ1lqZCQJLk-01298-00270207-00270375 first he was young i just mean just by aJ1lqZCQJLk-01299-00270376-00270615 looking at him i'm like damn you know 30 aJ1lqZCQJLk-01300-00270616-00270903 years old i don't remember me thinking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01301-00270904-00271175 like he was you know but uh true hustler aJ1lqZCQJLk-01302-00271176-00271351 there right there so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01303-00271352-00271479 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01304-00271480-00271751 bowel says yes we need more hmong aJ1lqZCQJLk-01305-00271752-00271991 content mo man movement covering all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01306-00271992-00272271 topics related to hmong is awesome about aJ1lqZCQJLk-01307-00272272-00272406 what kind of topics would you like to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01308-00272407-00272687 hear we get the man right here so yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01309-00272688-00272830 give us a comment there maybe we'll let aJ1lqZCQJLk-01310-00272831-00273006 him know like what kind of topic you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01311-00273007-00273633 would like to hear aJ1lqZCQJLk-01312-00273634-00274319 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-01313-00274320-00274567 i like to listen to yours okay all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01314-00274568-00274655 cool aJ1lqZCQJLk-01315-00274656-00274806 yeah so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01316-00274807-00275071 so tell me i mean i mean since you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01317-00275072-00275230 we're we're kind of like a like a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01318-00275231-00275463 business kind of show here aJ1lqZCQJLk-01319-00275464-00275567 like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01320-00275568-00275758 you know you know the business i know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01321-00275759-00275975 the business of podcasting you know i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01322-00275976-00276110 mean this is i don't know we call it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01323-00276111-00276271 podcast right what do you call it what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01324-00276272-00276430 do you call your show you call it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01325-00276431-00276695 podcast i kind of call it a show like a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01326-00276696-00276991 facebook show what do you call yours aJ1lqZCQJLk-01327-00276992-00277215 i in the beginning i was just strictly aJ1lqZCQJLk-01328-00277216-00277503 podcast and no video but as aJ1lqZCQJLk-01329-00277504-00277775 a year going by i change the strategy to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01330-00277776-00278030 exactly what we're doing kind of a vlog aJ1lqZCQJLk-01331-00278031-00278319 podcast style just like this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01332-00278320-00278527 and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01333-00278528-00278687 yeah just changed a few things around aJ1lqZCQJLk-01334-00278688-00278919 clicking around aJ1lqZCQJLk-01335-00278920-00279063 yeah well yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01336-00279064-00279319 i mean what it i mean yours is look kind aJ1lqZCQJLk-01337-00279320-00279463 of like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01338-00279464-00279615 you're you're more mature than mine aJ1lqZCQJLk-01339-00279616-00279767 right you've done this more you have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01340-00279768-00280030 more more more interviews already you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01341-00280031-00280158 know you have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01342-00280159-00280327 you have uh you make it sound like i've aJ1lqZCQJLk-01343-00280328-00280534 been doing it for years man you demand aJ1lqZCQJLk-01344-00280535-00280719 bro i have no clue what i was doing and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01345-00280720-00281047 i still don't i figured aJ1lqZCQJLk-01346-00281048-00281351 but but you go to your website you got aJ1lqZCQJLk-01347-00281352-00281710 you know stuff on apple i think aJ1lqZCQJLk-01348-00281711-00281855 and stitcher aJ1lqZCQJLk-01349-00281856-00281943 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01350-00281944-00282134 and i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01351-00282135-00282367 how hard is it to set this up i mean i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01352-00282368-00282567 just want to show i just want the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01353-00282568-00282703 viewers to know because what we go aJ1lqZCQJLk-01354-00282704-00282806 through is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01355-00282807-00282943 i mean it's not just like i'm sitting aJ1lqZCQJLk-01356-00282944-00283079 here interviewing right because i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-01357-00283080-00283167 looking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01358-00283168-00283343 i'm looking at questions i'm talking to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01359-00283344-00283487 you i'm engaging with you i'm taking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01360-00283488-00283782 down notes you know and there's all my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01361-00283783-00283927 my computer's making this noise right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01362-00283928-00284039 now i don't know if you guys even hear aJ1lqZCQJLk-01363-00284040-00284239 it you know but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01364-00284240-00284471 it this is hard i mean do you find it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01365-00284472-00284823 hard to interview guests like me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01366-00284824-00284927 i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01367-00284928-00285119 don't think of it at all as work and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01368-00285120-00285358 it's hard i just really enjoy it to be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01369-00285359-00285630 honest yeah of doing it and it's the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01370-00285631-00285919 content and the value that that you give aJ1lqZCQJLk-01371-00285920-00286175 is the key point and if we have someone aJ1lqZCQJLk-01372-00286176-00286334 listening to it heck if i have no one aJ1lqZCQJLk-01373-00286335-00286487 listening to myself aJ1lqZCQJLk-01374-00286488-00286727 yeah i'd gain something out of it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01375-00286728-00287015 but i don't mind all the work to get aJ1lqZCQJLk-01376-00287016-00287158 to get all these equip none of that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01377-00287159-00287287 equipment too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01378-00287288-00287495 for those who want to start in aJ1lqZCQJLk-01379-00287496-00287679 podcasting aJ1lqZCQJLk-01380-00287680-00287958 it's it's growing the podcast whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-01381-00287959-00288239 industry is growing and we're welcome to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01382-00288240-00288471 bring in more podcasters aJ1lqZCQJLk-01383-00288472-00288599 and i never knew that i was gonna be a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01384-00288600-00288782 podcaster just like i'd be as a fashion aJ1lqZCQJLk-01385-00288783-00289006 designer you never knew gonna be a car aJ1lqZCQJLk-01386-00289007-00289303 mechanic shop owner yeah so far aJ1lqZCQJLk-01387-00289304-00289454 so what i mean what does it take right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01388-00289455-00289654 so i mean obviously you got an expensive aJ1lqZCQJLk-01389-00289655-00289823 heads piece right there headset right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01390-00289824-00290079 there right and we were talking earlier aJ1lqZCQJLk-01391-00290080-00290319 like where's your mic right and your mic aJ1lqZCQJLk-01392-00290320-00290454 you show your mic aJ1lqZCQJLk-01393-00290455-00290727 look at this mic you know so i'm like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01394-00290728-00290894 this guy's got money aJ1lqZCQJLk-01395-00290895-00291030 [Music] aJ1lqZCQJLk-01396-00291031-00291239 what's your setup look like you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01397-00291240-00291358 everything was buy off facebook aJ1lqZCQJLk-01398-00291359-00291647 marketing no kidding on a budget on the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01399-00291648-00291863 president no i would yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01400-00291864-00291982 and and i was aJ1lqZCQJLk-01401-00291983-00292119 earlier i don't know if you guys caught aJ1lqZCQJLk-01402-00292120-00292279 the earlier part was like how much are aJ1lqZCQJLk-01403-00292280-00292519 you spending to avatar you know like to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01404-00292520-00292767 do the streams like i'm like for me i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01405-00292768-00292999 just renew my subscription here which is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01406-00293000-00293223 like 150 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01407-00293224-00293382 and you know there's there's costs aJ1lqZCQJLk-01408-00293383-00293510 involved like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01409-00293511-00293767 i mean how much have have you thrown aJ1lqZCQJLk-01410-00293768-00294151 into building your podcast or your show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01411-00294152-00294367 i'm using a uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01412-00294368-00294654 host for my podcast called lip sync aJ1lqZCQJLk-01413-00294655-00294847 there's other one too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01414-00294848-00295047 i would recommend those who are starting aJ1lqZCQJLk-01415-00295048-00295271 our america recommend anchor fm because aJ1lqZCQJLk-01416-00295272-00295534 it's easy it's actually the easiest aJ1lqZCQJLk-01417-00295535-00295767 actually but those who are starting up aJ1lqZCQJLk-01418-00295768-00295967 you can record on there you can edit on aJ1lqZCQJLk-01419-00295968-00296110 there and you can and once you hit aJ1lqZCQJLk-01420-00296111-00296343 submit it goes boom to like apple aJ1lqZCQJLk-01421-00296344-00296591 podcast it goes google play or stitches aJ1lqZCQJLk-01422-00296592-00296871 it's the easiest of eases aJ1lqZCQJLk-01423-00296872-00297006 there was some disadvantage what i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01424-00297007-00297319 didn't like about it because like anchor aJ1lqZCQJLk-01425-00297320-00297599 fm it's like it's like a youtube like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01426-00297600-00297775 hey where can we find your show go on aJ1lqZCQJLk-01427-00297776-00297927 youtube well aJ1lqZCQJLk-01428-00297928-00298103 my brand is not called youtube what i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-01429-00298104-00298230 trying to say is i'm trying to brand aJ1lqZCQJLk-01430-00298231-00298479 myself as momento so that's why i prefer aJ1lqZCQJLk-01431-00298480-00298703 to go with lip sync and host it on my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01432-00298704-00298919 own website because i'm branding myself aJ1lqZCQJLk-01433-00298920-00299063 that's the key thing here right it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01434-00299064-00299247 like hey where'd you get that mic i got aJ1lqZCQJLk-01435-00299248-00299399 an amazon well technically amazon aJ1lqZCQJLk-01436-00299400-00299567 doesn't sell mic that must be a blue aJ1lqZCQJLk-01437-00299568-00299751 yeti or something right that's the brand aJ1lqZCQJLk-01438-00299752-00299951 is jetty not amazon aJ1lqZCQJLk-01439-00299952-00300167 here yeah yeah i'm saying for starters i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01440-00300168-00300351 still recommend them it's by far the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01441-00300352-00300582 easiest it's free actually i'm using aJ1lqZCQJLk-01442-00300583-00300775 lipstick it's like 15 bucks a month and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01443-00300776-00301191 then i'm using a uh wordpress thing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01444-00301192-00301439 is it what is it it's subscription aJ1lqZCQJLk-01445-00301440-00301630 based monthly basis aJ1lqZCQJLk-01446-00301631-00301815 and what does it do again aJ1lqZCQJLk-01447-00301816-00302095 it holds it holds and holds all my uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01448-00302096-00302334 recording for my uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01449-00302335-00302479 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01450-00302480-00302623 and then you're doing i mean you got a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01451-00302624-00302951 website too right yep on top of that and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01452-00302952-00303151 then as far as equipment i mean we don't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01453-00303152-00303303 have to go all out right this yeti is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01454-00303304-00303647 already like uh i don't think under 100 aJ1lqZCQJLk-01455-00303648-00303727 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01456-00303728-00303903 you know you don't really have to go all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01457-00303904-00304175 out to start podcast right you just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01458-00304176-00304310 decide you like the equipment that you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01459-00304311-00304487 got there right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01460-00304488-00304767 uh i i out of podcasting there's one aJ1lqZCQJLk-01461-00304768-00304951 thing i do recognize it's a really good aJ1lqZCQJLk-01462-00304952-00305134 mic that's something i would invest aJ1lqZCQJLk-01463-00305135-00305439 because again podcast is about aJ1lqZCQJLk-01464-00305440-00305703 voice audio that's it so i recommend aJ1lqZCQJLk-01465-00305704-00305919 spending money on that at the beginning aJ1lqZCQJLk-01466-00305920-00306063 oh that's the only thing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01467-00306064-00306367 good tip good tip uh but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01468-00306368-00306543 that's awesome so yeah i haven't tried aJ1lqZCQJLk-01469-00306544-00306687 anchor aJ1lqZCQJLk-01470-00306688-00306975 anchor aJ1lqZCQJLk-01471-00306976-00307110 yeah that'd be pretty cool because you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01472-00307111-00307295 know to submit all your stuff through aJ1lqZCQJLk-01473-00307296-00307510 easily one but one button boom aJ1lqZCQJLk-01474-00307511-00307767 wow okay so yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01475-00307768-00307934 awesome quick tip there aJ1lqZCQJLk-01476-00307935-00308054 but uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01477-00308055-00308287 are you making any money with this or is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01478-00308288-00308423 this just for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01479-00308424-00308647 you know my thing of moment talk is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01480-00308648-00308854 about content aJ1lqZCQJLk-01481-00308855-00308975 value aJ1lqZCQJLk-01482-00308976-00309127 empowered aJ1lqZCQJLk-01483-00309128-00309295 and inspired aJ1lqZCQJLk-01484-00309296-00309487 yeah am i honestly making money we're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01485-00309488-00309647 looking for a sponsor aJ1lqZCQJLk-01486-00309648-00309806 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01487-00309807-00309958 this is what i'm gonna give you right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01488-00309959-00310382 now about how i'm making money aJ1lqZCQJLk-01489-00310383-00310591 the people i talk to the people that who aJ1lqZCQJLk-01490-00310592-00310815 wants to talk to me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01491-00310816-00311006 the people the men i have got on my show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01492-00311007-00311191 and many more men than me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01493-00311192-00311358 chai aJ1lqZCQJLk-01494-00311359-00311510 is priceless aJ1lqZCQJLk-01495-00311511-00311767 that's that's how much money you make aJ1lqZCQJLk-01496-00311768-00311879 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01497-00311880-00312143 it's not aJ1lqZCQJLk-01498-00312144-00312351 it's about who you network with you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01499-00312352-00312551 that's that's how much money i make it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01500-00312552-00312758 the people i get on my on my show and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01501-00312759-00313006 talk with guys who's like you signing me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01502-00313007-00313191 interesting awesome people like you who aJ1lqZCQJLk-01503-00313192-00313351 wants to talk to me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01504-00313352-00313551 yeah you can't put a price tag on that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01505-00313552-00313806 yeah how much money i make aJ1lqZCQJLk-01506-00313807-00313999 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01507-00314000-00314111 are you making money aJ1lqZCQJLk-01508-00314112-00314551 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-01509-00314552-00314830 i'm saying that no right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01510-00314831-00315799 now we don't make money doing this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01511-00315800-00315999 there's so much knowledge that i've aJ1lqZCQJLk-01512-00316000-00316143 never even been there they're there aJ1lqZCQJLk-01513-00316144-00316391 before whether i'm talking to a guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-01514-00316392-00316599 who's an ex-gang member i've never aJ1lqZCQJLk-01515-00316600-00316743 experienced i'm not none of that that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01516-00316744-00316854 that life aJ1lqZCQJLk-01517-00316855-00317079 or in the the billionaire i've never i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-01518-00317080-00317239 going to be there but i've never had aJ1lqZCQJLk-01519-00317240-00317503 experience but talking to them getting aJ1lqZCQJLk-01520-00317504-00317743 their knowledge yep aJ1lqZCQJLk-01521-00317744-00317895 i've got that money already and it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01522-00317896-00318151 priceless to me exactly no one listed my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01523-00318152-00318358 podcast aJ1lqZCQJLk-01524-00318359-00318551 those nuggets i get are just completely aJ1lqZCQJLk-01525-00318552-00318782 priceless yeah it's it's for you it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01526-00318783-00318951 the tips for you and hopefully people aJ1lqZCQJLk-01527-00318952-00319071 get out of it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01528-00319072-00319271 and you know if down the road you get aJ1lqZCQJLk-01529-00319272-00319439 big you know that's that's just an aJ1lqZCQJLk-01530-00319440-00319606 additional bonus but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01531-00319607-00319710 yeah i mean aJ1lqZCQJLk-01532-00319711-00319999 we're not getting paid for this um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01533-00320000-00320279 the mall market watching our stuff it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01534-00320280-00320382 doesn't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01535-00320383-00320575 there's not enough views to make any aJ1lqZCQJLk-01536-00320576-00320767 money out of this so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01537-00320768-00320919 just want to let you guys know like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01538-00320920-00321239 where were you how shy or how's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01539-00321240-00321463 siso getting you know benefiting out of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01540-00321464-00321671 this uh we benefit just by the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01541-00321672-00321887 networking from all these guests that we aJ1lqZCQJLk-01542-00321888-00322158 meet so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01543-00322159-00322367 that's it man is that true aJ1lqZCQJLk-01544-00322368-00322630 it's yeah that's pretty much it you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01545-00322631-00322863 you're not working aJ1lqZCQJLk-01546-00322864-00323127 but to be honest too you know i do want aJ1lqZCQJLk-01547-00323128-00323327 to plan on getting to sponsors because aJ1lqZCQJLk-01548-00323328-00323510 this whole last year i wasn't going to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01549-00323511-00323703 plan to i didn't say because my key aJ1lqZCQJLk-01550-00323704-00323806 thing is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01551-00323807-00324095 is is content and value aJ1lqZCQJLk-01552-00324096-00324223 and and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01553-00324224-00324447 movement aJ1lqZCQJLk-01554-00324448-00324710 that's the key point of the podcast aJ1lqZCQJLk-01555-00324711-00324934 the the money is just a byproduct of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01556-00324935-00325191 that in sponsorship and it's just all by aJ1lqZCQJLk-01557-00325192-00325279 product aJ1lqZCQJLk-01558-00325280-00325487 the key thing is you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01559-00325488-00325663 all of that first aJ1lqZCQJLk-01560-00325664-00325863 so it's it's never day one when i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01561-00325864-00326030 started like i need sponsors first no aJ1lqZCQJLk-01562-00326031-00326215 it's more like i'm not gonna bother it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01563-00326216-00326439 gonna be out of my own time aJ1lqZCQJLk-01564-00326440-00326623 in my own pockets to buy the equipment aJ1lqZCQJLk-01565-00326624-00326806 doing this and all and finding great aJ1lqZCQJLk-01566-00326807-00326982 great men to come and talk with us on aJ1lqZCQJLk-01567-00326983-00327215 this podcast aJ1lqZCQJLk-01568-00327216-00327423 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01569-00327424-00327751 you bring a good point so if you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01570-00327752-00327934 were to ask for sponsorship what would aJ1lqZCQJLk-01571-00327935-00328230 you charge aJ1lqZCQJLk-01572-00328231-00328319 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01573-00328320-00328510 i did kind of think about that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01574-00328511-00328687 i was thinking around like 50 bucks a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01575-00328688-00328943 show give or take not less aJ1lqZCQJLk-01576-00328944-00329191 gotcha starting yeah my first show fifty aJ1lqZCQJLk-01577-00329192-00329423 bucks give or take aJ1lqZCQJLk-01578-00329424-00329647 gotcha and how would you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01579-00329648-00329975 huh that's per episode per episode aJ1lqZCQJLk-01580-00329976-00330230 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01581-00330231-00330439 let's do that let's do that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01582-00330440-00330758 i'll do that too anybody want a sponsor aJ1lqZCQJLk-01583-00330759-00330999 on my show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01584-00331000-00331351 you see how it goes aJ1lqZCQJLk-01585-00331352-00331558 sorry man i just kind of took it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01586-00331559-00331751 but we'll see how it goes you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01587-00331752-00331999 you know i do hear you i mean when you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01588-00332000-00332191 when you did your show you do ask for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01589-00332192-00332327 some sort of sponsorship like during aJ1lqZCQJLk-01590-00332328-00332503 part of your show so you're already aJ1lqZCQJLk-01591-00332504-00332743 planning for it right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01592-00332744-00332943 i yeah correct i'm already planned for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01593-00332944-00333151 it as of last year i was a sponsor of my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01594-00333152-00333247 own show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01595-00333248-00333423 yeah i was leveraging the other business aJ1lqZCQJLk-01596-00333424-00333551 to the other business aJ1lqZCQJLk-01597-00333552-00333775 yeah you know just sponsoring my own aJ1lqZCQJLk-01598-00333776-00334006 men's brand on my own podcast aJ1lqZCQJLk-01599-00334007-00334215 yeah yeah did it work i do have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01600-00334216-00334463 statistics that that does work aJ1lqZCQJLk-01601-00334464-00334591 what's that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01602-00334592-00334791 that people heard my podcast they go to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01603-00334792-00334927 my website and bought something off the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01604-00334928-00335143 midfield yeah because you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01605-00335144-00335351 you incorporate that inside your show aJ1lqZCQJLk-01606-00335352-00335510 which i thought was a great idea you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01607-00335511-00335687 know um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01608-00335688-00335871 i think it was it toward the middle or aJ1lqZCQJLk-01609-00335872-00336047 something like that that you that you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01610-00336048-00336230 mentioned something about you know your aJ1lqZCQJLk-01611-00336231-00336343 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01612-00336344-00336471 your fashion aJ1lqZCQJLk-01613-00336472-00336719 site yeah it's usually in the beginning aJ1lqZCQJLk-01614-00336720-00336815 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01615-00336816-00337023 yeah so that's cool man so if it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01616-00337024-00337239 working out aJ1lqZCQJLk-01617-00337240-00337606 i'm taking that tip man sorry aJ1lqZCQJLk-01618-00337607-00337751 that's awesome aJ1lqZCQJLk-01619-00337752-00337975 so wait all right so you guys have any aJ1lqZCQJLk-01620-00337976-00338071 questions i mean if you got any aJ1lqZCQJLk-01621-00338072-00338223 questions going to comment below i know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01622-00338224-00338439 i'm just stealing tips from this guy aJ1lqZCQJLk-01623-00338440-00338775 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-01624-00338776-00339215 you got anything you want to ask me bro aJ1lqZCQJLk-01625-00339216-00339439 let's let's let's switch seat let me sit aJ1lqZCQJLk-01626-00339440-00339582 in aJ1lqZCQJLk-01627-00339583-00339887 we'll do a show on yours on your on your aJ1lqZCQJLk-01628-00339888-00340063 you know podcast and then you can you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01629-00340064-00340303 can you can help me for stuff aJ1lqZCQJLk-01630-00340304-00340510 yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like 18 aJ1lqZCQJLk-01631-00340511-00340806 here's the 81 where you're at aJ1lqZCQJLk-01632-00340807-00340982 that's all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01633-00340983-00341191 okay yeah but you know let me get aJ1lqZCQJLk-01634-00341192-00341310 through my questions here like what's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01635-00341311-00341447 the what's the hardest thing you that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01636-00341448-00341630 you see coming out of like doing this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01637-00341631-00341806 these podcasts aJ1lqZCQJLk-01638-00341807-00342006 oh i'm not having enough guests aJ1lqZCQJLk-01639-00342007-00342134 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01640-00342135-00342334 yeah that's the hardest thing right now aJ1lqZCQJLk-01641-00342335-00342527 i can't find one i have to have guys who aJ1lqZCQJLk-01642-00342528-00342710 backed out or aJ1lqZCQJLk-01643-00342711-00342975 yeah it's i i have just like this girl aJ1lqZCQJLk-01644-00342976-00343095 i'm just it's the same probably i have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01645-00343096-00343254 girls asking a date they'll back out aJ1lqZCQJLk-01646-00343255-00343510 they don't show up they're it's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01647-00343511-00343823 so hot the irony aJ1lqZCQJLk-01648-00343824-00343991 i i know what you're talking about is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01649-00343992-00344151 like they get scared or something you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01650-00344152-00344327 know struggle's real aJ1lqZCQJLk-01651-00344328-00344630 and i get it you know because you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01652-00344631-00344815 they probably don't do facebook lives aJ1lqZCQJLk-01653-00344816-00345023 right and then now they're up against aJ1lqZCQJLk-01654-00345024-00345310 this whole audience right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01655-00345311-00345495 and you know we're probably going to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01656-00345496-00345654 upload this on youtube and everything aJ1lqZCQJLk-01657-00345655-00345782 and it's going to be like the whole aJ1lqZCQJLk-01658-00345783-00346078 lives going to be exposed so they're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01659-00346079-00346182 they're thinking about that and they're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01660-00346183-00346399 like oh you know maybe maybe that's a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01661-00346400-00346630 bad idea but it's i think it's i mean to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01662-00346631-00346799 me i think that's actually a good idea aJ1lqZCQJLk-01663-00346800-00347054 you know to be known is better than not aJ1lqZCQJLk-01664-00347055-00347158 be known aJ1lqZCQJLk-01665-00347159-00347247 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01666-00347248-00347351 and there's a reason why you're aJ1lqZCQJLk-01667-00347352-00347599 contacting them because aJ1lqZCQJLk-01668-00347600-00347847 you know they're special in certain ways aJ1lqZCQJLk-01669-00347848-00348063 right yeah yeah because again we have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01670-00348064-00348303 guests that's been like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01671-00348304-00348527 uh actors like door more we have like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01672-00348528-00348775 celebrities like punk from paradise we aJ1lqZCQJLk-01673-00348776-00349015 have like chinook from sudden rush and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01674-00349016-00349343 we just have extremely ordinary guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-01675-00349344-00349615 but has extraordinary stories though aJ1lqZCQJLk-01676-00349616-00349919 like x game member did the og of og got aJ1lqZCQJLk-01677-00349920-00350047 shot three times aJ1lqZCQJLk-01678-00350048-00350310 twice in the head when the leg um this aJ1lqZCQJLk-01679-00350311-00350567 guy who had erectile dysfunction again aJ1lqZCQJLk-01680-00350568-00350639 just aJ1lqZCQJLk-01681-00350640-00350847 just ordinary you know just very aJ1lqZCQJLk-01682-00350848-00350943 ordinary aJ1lqZCQJLk-01683-00350944-00351134 with extraordinary stories aJ1lqZCQJLk-01684-00351135-00351334 so it varies again aJ1lqZCQJLk-01685-00351335-00351503 gotcha gotcha aJ1lqZCQJLk-01686-00351504-00351751 so uh i was gonna ask this like bow goes aJ1lqZCQJLk-01687-00351752-00351958 hey what kind of data aJ1lqZCQJLk-01688-00351959-00352167 i see here what kind of data have you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01689-00352168-00352423 gathered on your audience following it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01690-00352424-00352606 was kind of similar to like my question aJ1lqZCQJLk-01691-00352607-00352830 is so since you interview like is it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01692-00352831-00353054 mostly i think i'm sure it's all man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01693-00353055-00353310 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01694-00353311-00353519 man yep the podcast is strictly men's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01695-00353520-00353703 the round table top is kind of half and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01696-00353704-00353863 half majority yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01697-00353864-00354254 it's mainly meant by the paca or mano aJ1lqZCQJLk-01698-00354255-00354375 thank you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01699-00354376-00354454 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01700-00354455-00354663 you know one one of my questions that i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01701-00354664-00354863 wrote down when they asked you is like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01702-00354864-00355087 what's the most common thing about mole aJ1lqZCQJLk-01703-00355088-00355382 men that you learn aJ1lqZCQJLk-01704-00355383-00355682 just by you know interviewing aJ1lqZCQJLk-01705-00355683-00355975 them back to see this related back to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01706-00355976-00356158 the same question because like if no one aJ1lqZCQJLk-01707-00356159-00356334 even listens and i'm listening the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01708-00356335-00356534 nuggets i've learned aJ1lqZCQJLk-01709-00356535-00356743 from this guy who's ex-gang member what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01710-00356744-00356910 that life aJ1lqZCQJLk-01711-00356911-00357158 of him getting shot three times and what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01712-00357159-00357447 really changed him to to to that point aJ1lqZCQJLk-01713-00357448-00357615 where i'm out of this life and you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01714-00357616-00357758 the thing that changing is when he came aJ1lqZCQJLk-01715-00357759-00358054 home and he opened the door and a little aJ1lqZCQJLk-01716-00358055-00358191 wobbly little aJ1lqZCQJLk-01717-00358192-00358447 uh two-year-old runs up and hugs him aJ1lqZCQJLk-01718-00358448-00358727 i said daddy that took that much to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01719-00358728-00358887 change you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01720-00358888-00359230 that's so i i i i just being emotional aJ1lqZCQJLk-01721-00359231-00359382 being in his foot there just being that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01722-00359383-00359654 emotional that is what's changing or aJ1lqZCQJLk-01723-00359655-00359903 being a celebrity you know like like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01724-00359904-00360143 don't want to work and sleep at church aJ1lqZCQJLk-01725-00360144-00360254 sleep at aJ1lqZCQJLk-01726-00360255-00360519 play at uh movie theaters and to make aJ1lqZCQJLk-01727-00360520-00360719 where he is now those experiences that i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01728-00360720-00360943 know i've never been active to hear that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01729-00360944-00361199 that's so inspiring to hear it inspires aJ1lqZCQJLk-01730-00361200-00361351 me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01731-00361352-00361687 from what he has done inspires me more aJ1lqZCQJLk-01732-00361688-00361830 so all these aJ1lqZCQJLk-01733-00361831-00362006 stories that they're giving me has given aJ1lqZCQJLk-01734-00362007-00362303 me much nuggets and i take small pieces aJ1lqZCQJLk-01735-00362304-00362606 to inspire me myself to move on my next aJ1lqZCQJLk-01736-00362607-00362991 level of where i'm heading aJ1lqZCQJLk-01737-00362992-00363230 so i mean there's no so you're saying aJ1lqZCQJLk-01738-00363231-00363478 there's no i mean i get it you're taking aJ1lqZCQJLk-01739-00363479-00363647 you you're taking what they've gone aJ1lqZCQJLk-01740-00363648-00363830 through and use that to expire to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01741-00363831-00364078 inspire you but is there anything common aJ1lqZCQJLk-01742-00364079-00364423 between all these people all these hmong aJ1lqZCQJLk-01743-00364424-00364703 men that you've seen through throughout aJ1lqZCQJLk-01744-00364704-00364951 all these interviews that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01745-00364952-00365119 that you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01746-00365120-00365367 that you found aJ1lqZCQJLk-01747-00365368-00365510 every answer is different because aJ1lqZCQJLk-01748-00365511-00365743 there's one answer what's one question i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01749-00365744-00365927 always ask is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01750-00365928-00366199 what does it mean to be among man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01751-00366200-00366487 yeah and yeah and when i am and when i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01752-00366488-00366695 answer my own question aJ1lqZCQJLk-01753-00366696-00367143 there's no comment at all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01754-00367144-00367358 yeah i want to know yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01755-00367359-00367471 what is aJ1lqZCQJLk-01756-00367472-00367687 what does it mean to be a mole man c aJ1lqZCQJLk-01757-00367688-00367754 cell aJ1lqZCQJLk-01758-00367755-00367927 [Laughter] aJ1lqZCQJLk-01759-00367928-00368206 what is the medium oh man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01760-00368207-00368534 bree man wow to be free aJ1lqZCQJLk-01761-00368535-00368743 it's that simple to be free aJ1lqZCQJLk-01762-00368744-00368871 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01763-00368872-00369039 to be free aJ1lqZCQJLk-01764-00369040-00369175 i think i think everybody wants to be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01765-00369176-00369430 free i think in general right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01766-00369431-00369510 but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01767-00369511-00369758 isn't that what hmong means anyways aJ1lqZCQJLk-01768-00369759-00369958 yeah there were moments to be free aJ1lqZCQJLk-01769-00369959-00370071 yeah aJ1lqZCQJLk-01770-00370072-00370158 wow aJ1lqZCQJLk-01771-00370159-00370278 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01772-00370279-00370351 so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01773-00370352-00370463 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01774-00370464-00370727 yeah i mean it's kind of hard right i'm aJ1lqZCQJLk-01775-00370728-00370895 just curious like because i think you do aJ1lqZCQJLk-01776-00370896-00371054 you ask you ask that question to them aJ1lqZCQJLk-01777-00371055-00371182 all the time but aJ1lqZCQJLk-01778-00371183-00371415 you know um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01779-00371416-00371591 everybody has their own different little aJ1lqZCQJLk-01780-00371592-00371823 stories there so it's it's kind of hard aJ1lqZCQJLk-01781-00371824-00372078 to find out if there's any commonality aJ1lqZCQJLk-01782-00372079-00372310 but you know like like i'll go through aJ1lqZCQJLk-01783-00372311-00372415 like my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01784-00372416-00372591 you know we have at the end of our aJ1lqZCQJLk-01785-00372592-00372839 segment i always ask one question too aJ1lqZCQJLk-01786-00372840-00373095 and i'll ask you that later you know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01787-00373096-00373271 but um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01788-00373272-00373534 there is a commonality aJ1lqZCQJLk-01789-00373535-00373695 i'm sure this one isn't going to be aJ1lqZCQJLk-01790-00373696-00373882 common aJ1lqZCQJLk-01791-00373883-00374071 okay aJ1lqZCQJLk-01792-00374072-00374254 so let me see if there's any questions aJ1lqZCQJLk-01793-00374255-00374423 you know and any any appropriate aJ1lqZCQJLk-01794-00374424-00374591 questions by the way aJ1lqZCQJLk-01795-00374592-00374727 you guys got any questions comments aJ1lqZCQJLk-01796-00374728-00374878 below and now aJ1lqZCQJLk-01797-00374879-00375199 i'll i'll ask cecil here uh if you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-01798-00375200-00375471 any questions here uh but uh if you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01799-00375472-00375630 don't let me let us know where you guys aJ1lqZCQJLk-01800-00375631-00375919 are from love to hear uh we got peter aJ1lqZCQJLk-01801-00375920-00376119 here from florida aJ1lqZCQJLk-01802-00376120-00376302 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01803-00376303-00376447 can't copy aJ1lqZCQJLk-01804-00376448-00376647 try answering oh man they're gonna call aJ1lqZCQJLk-01805-00376648-00376958 me out huh they go shy answer the aJ1lqZCQJLk-01806-00376959-00377382 question can't copy ciso aJ1lqZCQJLk-01807-00377383-00377623 why don't i do this let me why don't you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01808-00377624-00377839 know why don't i go your show and i'll aJ1lqZCQJLk-01809-00377840-00378095 answer that how about that there you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01810-00378096-00378487 you go i just got called out aJ1lqZCQJLk-01811-00378488-00378782 but um but um okay so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01812-00378783-00379023 um we'll see the questions come in aJ1lqZCQJLk-01813-00379024-00379263 and uh my little kid just just walked in aJ1lqZCQJLk-01814-00379264-00379406 you want to come over here aJ1lqZCQJLk-01815-00379407-00379606 but um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01816-00379607-00379734 how do people get hold of you let's aJ1lqZCQJLk-01817-00379735-00379878 start with that aJ1lqZCQJLk-01818-00379879-00380078 you know how do you get a hold of me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01819-00380079-00380327 you can find me i'm my only fans you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01820-00380328-00380495 know i just started that no i can't i aJ1lqZCQJLk-01821-00380496-00380639 can't i can't aJ1lqZCQJLk-01822-00380640-00380791 i don't have all the fans aJ1lqZCQJLk-01823-00380792-00380967 uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01824-00380968-00381167 add me on facebook you know she so more aJ1lqZCQJLk-01825-00381168-00381415 s-h-e-s-o m-o-u-a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01826-00381416-00381606 you guys are checking my website too you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01827-00381607-00381799 know that that's more on my own personal aJ1lqZCQJLk-01828-00381800-00381999 business but add me on facebook admin aJ1lqZCQJLk-01829-00382000-00382163 linkedin also aJ1lqZCQJLk-01830-00382164-00382543 s-h-e-s-o-m-o-u-a and contact aJ1lqZCQJLk-01831-00382544-00382806 i gotcha cool uh follow this guy i've aJ1lqZCQJLk-01832-00382807-00382999 been following him for a while it's very aJ1lqZCQJLk-01833-00383000-00383247 inspirational uh let me give this kid to aJ1lqZCQJLk-01834-00383248-00383678 my wife here aJ1lqZCQJLk-01835-00383679-00383999 but um but let's let's go to the end of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01836-00384000-00384230 the segment of you know what at the end aJ1lqZCQJLk-01837-00384231-00384423 of the show here we i always ask all my aJ1lqZCQJLk-01838-00384424-00384630 guests like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01839-00384631-00384815 what would you do if aJ1lqZCQJLk-01840-00384816-00385015 somebody gave you a billion dollars aJ1lqZCQJLk-01841-00385016-00385302 um aJ1lqZCQJLk-01842-00385303-00385423 what if aJ1lqZCQJLk-01843-00385424-00385527 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01844-00385528-00385823 what would it do with it two things aJ1lqZCQJLk-01845-00385824-00385934 just cares aJ1lqZCQJLk-01846-00385935-00386047 two things aJ1lqZCQJLk-01847-00386048-00386758 two things pickers and cocaine aJ1lqZCQJLk-01848-00386759-00386871 all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01849-00386872-00387039 you hurt here aJ1lqZCQJLk-01850-00387040-00387510 he's taking hookers and cocaine aJ1lqZCQJLk-01851-00387511-00387630 crazy man aJ1lqZCQJLk-01852-00387631-00387878 is that it seriously you said two things aJ1lqZCQJLk-01853-00387879-00388047 that's two things all right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01854-00388048-00388206 it's going in the books aJ1lqZCQJLk-01855-00388207-00388406 you know it's going into books so all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01856-00388407-00388551 right so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01857-00388552-00388767 uh that's it man you got me surprised aJ1lqZCQJLk-01858-00388768-00388991 bro so that's it that's that's the end aJ1lqZCQJLk-01859-00388992-00389151 of the show so aJ1lqZCQJLk-01860-00389152-00389447 uh anything else to add aJ1lqZCQJLk-01861-00389448-00389695 no not at all man thanks for having me aJ1lqZCQJLk-01862-00389696-00389999 on uh i appreciate it aJ1lqZCQJLk-01863-00390000-00390247 be on here thank you everyone for aJ1lqZCQJLk-01864-00390248-00390415 coming on i know there's been a lot of aJ1lqZCQJLk-01865-00390416-00390551 questions that's been coming in we aJ1lqZCQJLk-01866-00390552-00390743 didn't get a chance to answer them all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01867-00390744-00390910 you can message me personally i'm more aJ1lqZCQJLk-01868-00390911-00391071 than welcome to get on a zoo chat with aJ1lqZCQJLk-01869-00391072-00391319 you and express more about business and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01870-00391320-00391510 how how i've been doing it and so forth aJ1lqZCQJLk-01871-00391511-00391663 and so on aJ1lqZCQJLk-01872-00391664-00391854 yeah it's been a long time you know like aJ1lqZCQJLk-01873-00391855-00391975 i said aJ1lqZCQJLk-01874-00391976-00392119 you know we we've been talking for a aJ1lqZCQJLk-01875-00392120-00392295 while and you know i always want to know aJ1lqZCQJLk-01876-00392296-00392510 what you do and stuff like that and what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01877-00392511-00392702 what makes you tick and as far as your aJ1lqZCQJLk-01878-00392703-00392943 business you know what what aJ1lqZCQJLk-01879-00392944-00393206 what is popular in your product line and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01880-00393207-00393367 here we go you know we just found out aJ1lqZCQJLk-01881-00393368-00393582 and appreciate you telling all this uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01882-00393583-00393751 hopefully this inspires other people who aJ1lqZCQJLk-01883-00393752-00393943 wants to do some sort of fashion aJ1lqZCQJLk-01884-00393944-00394247 um but thank you for coming on and uh aJ1lqZCQJLk-01885-00394248-00394471 those you guys that are watching aJ1lqZCQJLk-01886-00394472-00394710 thanks for coming on supporting us love aJ1lqZCQJLk-01887-00394711-00394895 to help you guys if you guys anybody you aJ1lqZCQJLk-01888-00394896-00395119 want me to interview let me know and aJ1lqZCQJLk-01889-00395120-00395343 i'll be on the show and until then have aJ1lqZCQJLk-01890-00395344-00395575 a good night and keep hustling guys all aJ1lqZCQJLk-01891-00395576-00395687 right aJ1lqZCQJLk-01892-00395688-00396003 good night aKl5NjP8Ycg-00000-00000003-00000350 our first thought this morning is from aKl5NjP8Ycg-00001-00000351-00000686 Paul Siciliano Paul is a participator in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00002-00000687-00000886 that group and he's going to deliver aKl5NjP8Ycg-00003-00000888-00001133 pasture management and pasture intakes aKl5NjP8Ycg-00004-00001134-00001366 horses integra forces on pasture and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00005-00001367-00001616 those effects on pasture growth and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00006-00001617-00001814 management and ultimately some effects aKl5NjP8Ycg-00007-00001814-00002017 on the plumbing environment as well aKl5NjP8Ycg-00008-00002018-00002267 so Paul it's talk is methods for aKl5NjP8Ycg-00009-00002268-00002423 regulating dry matter intake and grace aKl5NjP8Ycg-00010-00002424-00002593 horses fault aKl5NjP8Ycg-00011-00002594-00002864 turnip without alternative use I think aKl5NjP8Ycg-00012-00002865-00002966 this is working aKl5NjP8Ycg-00013-00002967-00003251 thanks working is another set the red to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00014-00003252-00003374 the pointer I'm going to guess it's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00015-00003375-00003734 often to point all right hey thanks Mike aKl5NjP8Ycg-00016-00003735-00004090 I want to start out and give some aKl5NjP8Ycg-00017-00004092-00004325 acknowledgement to Morgan Goldman who's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00018-00004326-00004640 doing a master's with me she did a good aKl5NjP8Ycg-00019-00004641-00004895 deal of the animal work in some of this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00020-00004896-00005063 that I'm going to present and even more aKl5NjP8Ycg-00021-00005064-00005245 importantly she's teaching my class aKl5NjP8Ycg-00022-00005246-00005568 today so I should figure I better aKl5NjP8Ycg-00023-00005569-00005761 acknowledge her because this is getting aKl5NjP8Ycg-00024-00005762-00006158 recorded to you know see yeah he's a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00025-00006159-00006377 great student so she'll have some good aKl5NjP8Ycg-00026-00006378-00006856 stuff a TSS coming up now this topic aKl5NjP8Ycg-00027-00006858-00007094 regulating dry matter intake in that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00028-00007095-00007296 Great Divorce is pretty important aKl5NjP8Ycg-00029-00007297-00007601 because the characters like these two aKl5NjP8Ycg-00030-00007602-00007978 they do very little but they eat very aKl5NjP8Ycg-00031-00007979-00008246 much and that's a reflective of a lot of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00032-00008247-00009023 courses in in this countries and so Mike aKl5NjP8Ycg-00033-00009024-00010274 it was working yeah I guess right all aKl5NjP8Ycg-00034-00010275-00010454 right 5 min ago 2 minutes ago aKl5NjP8Ycg-00035-00010455-00011263 I know okay well did it move oh no all aKl5NjP8Ycg-00036-00011264-00012530 right let's try another approach aKl5NjP8Ycg-00037-00012531-00013091 that shows the next slide to get it yeah aKl5NjP8Ycg-00038-00013091-00013597 all right good okay probably just aKl5NjP8Ycg-00039-00013599-00013955 because it's recording anyway as I said aKl5NjP8Ycg-00040-00013956-00014138 it's important topic because there are a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00041-00014138-00014476 lot of forces in this country that have aKl5NjP8Ycg-00042-00014477-00014903 relatively low requirements yet intake aKl5NjP8Ycg-00043-00014904-00015308 is fairly high so especially where we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00044-00015309-00015665 put this in the context of energy intake aKl5NjP8Ycg-00045-00015666-00016028 and we'll put some numbers on that in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00046-00016029-00016466 this next in this next slide and this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00047-00016467-00016787 shows the digestible energy requirement aKl5NjP8Ycg-00048-00016788-00017009 it's expressed as a concentration in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00049-00017010-00017336 Cal's per kilogram of dry matter and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00050-00017337-00017627 I'll explain this a little bit these are aKl5NjP8Ycg-00051-00017628-00017816 course different feeding classes and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00052-00017817-00018200 forces and this red bar reflects the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00053-00018201-00018550 requirement this green area bordered by aKl5NjP8Ycg-00054-00018551-00018821 a black bars and the documental is the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00055-00018822-00019181 means it's pasture content range so some aKl5NjP8Ycg-00056-00019182-00019519 average values and you can see clearly aKl5NjP8Ycg-00057-00019520-00019744 that for mature IVA forces and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00058-00019745-00020039 maintenance early gestation stallions aKl5NjP8Ycg-00059-00020040-00020246 and non-breeding season that would all aKl5NjP8Ycg-00060-00020247-00020558 be in this category forages are often aKl5NjP8Ycg-00061-00020559-00020866 going to provide more than one aKl5NjP8Ycg-00062-00020867-00021178 is required and it's it's even true - in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00063-00021179-00021355 some cases when you look at categories aKl5NjP8Ycg-00064-00021356-00021679 like life work so in those those two aKl5NjP8Ycg-00065-00021680-00022030 categories make up a fair number of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00066-00022031-00022467 forces that we see so what are the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00067-00022468-00022816 consequences of this problem well aKl5NjP8Ycg-00068-00022817-00023164 certainly obesity and we know obesity aKl5NjP8Ycg-00069-00023165-00023469 can lead to problems like insulin aKl5NjP8Ycg-00070-00023470-00023590 resistance aKl5NjP8Ycg-00071-00023591-00023880 insulin resistance having a tie to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00072-00023881-00024253 laminitis so the problem is significant aKl5NjP8Ycg-00073-00024254-00024655 from the standpoint of force health it's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00074-00024656-00025155 also it's also significant from the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00075-00025156-00025647 standpoint of environmental impact in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00076-00025648-00025950 this resource management so you know a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00077-00025951-00026233 lot of times we receive horse pastures aKl5NjP8Ycg-00078-00026233-00026532 that look just just like this from aKl5NjP8Ycg-00079-00026533-00026923 horses grazing continuously in large aKl5NjP8Ycg-00080-00026924-00027343 intake course you lose ground cover lead aKl5NjP8Ycg-00081-00027344-00027844 to runoff for water quality and then aKl5NjP8Ycg-00082-00027845-00028180 also just a loss of that important aKl5NjP8Ycg-00083-00028181-00028577 resource pasture so when we think about aKl5NjP8Ycg-00084-00028578-00028920 this ability of the horse to eat a great aKl5NjP8Ycg-00085-00028922-00029137 deal more than what it needs it has some aKl5NjP8Ycg-00086-00029138-00029329 negative consequences from the horse aKl5NjP8Ycg-00087-00029330-00029514 health standpoint it has negative aKl5NjP8Ycg-00088-00029516-00029770 consequences from an environmental aKl5NjP8Ycg-00089-00029770-00029917 standpoint and from an economic aKl5NjP8Ycg-00090-00029918-00030205 standpoint - okay those are lost aKl5NjP8Ycg-00091-00030206-00030408 resources if we don't have pasture we've aKl5NjP8Ycg-00092-00030410-00030702 got to purchase other feeds and so one aKl5NjP8Ycg-00093-00030703-00030880 of the areas that we've been working on aKl5NjP8Ycg-00094-00030881-00031177 for maybe the last year aKl5NjP8Ycg-00095-00031177-00031444 so has been this idea of how do we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00096-00031445-00031702 balance intake with requirement on a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00097-00031702-00031876 grazing horse pretty something to do aKl5NjP8Ycg-00098-00031877-00032170 when we've got a stall fed or a pin fit aKl5NjP8Ycg-00099-00032170-00032487 horse but how do we do it when we've got aKl5NjP8Ycg-00100-00032488-00032983 a grazing course and there's there's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00101-00032984-00033283 several ways that this could potentially aKl5NjP8Ycg-00102-00033284-00033586 be done and that's really what a little aKl5NjP8Ycg-00103-00033587-00033802 bit for Donner or some of the means aKl5NjP8Ycg-00104-00033803-00034132 which we can do this one way might be to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00105-00034133-00034405 restrict the herbage mass available for aKl5NjP8Ycg-00106-00034406-00034768 grazing so we might use temporary fence aKl5NjP8Ycg-00107-00034769-00035137 and allocate an area that provides a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00108-00035138-00035443 target amount of forage and Jennifer aKl5NjP8Ycg-00109-00035444-00035851 Gill who finished a PhD with Shannon aKl5NjP8Ycg-00110-00035852-00036049 Phillips and I here about a year ago now aKl5NjP8Ycg-00111-00036050-00036292 at University of Western Kentucky she's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00112-00036293-00036481 going to present some work on that at aKl5NjP8Ycg-00113-00036482-00036756 the equine science Society meetings but aKl5NjP8Ycg-00114-00036757-00037114 another way to go about doing this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00115-00037115-00037405 restricting the herbage mass available aKl5NjP8Ycg-00116-00037406-00037786 for grazing is to use some type of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00117-00037787-00038068 leader follower system where we have aKl5NjP8Ycg-00118-00038069-00038281 perhaps a horse with a higher aKl5NjP8Ycg-00119-00038282-00038632 requirement grazing first removing a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00120-00038633-00038794 little bit of the herbage masses and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00121-00038795-00038932 then we come in with the horse with the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00122-00038933-00039085 lower department or maybe we're even aKl5NjP8Ycg-00123-00039086-00039268 going to use a different species sports aKl5NjP8Ycg-00124-00039269-00039487 mode and cattle something like that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00125-00039488-00039850 that's that's a possibility as well so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00126-00039851-00040042 we're decreasing the herbage mass that's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00127-00040043-00040345 available and very decreasing the intake aKl5NjP8Ycg-00128-00040346-00040677 the other thing that we can do we've aKl5NjP8Ycg-00129-00040678-00040848 done a little bit aKl5NjP8Ycg-00130-00040849-00041109 this as well as either a time turnout aKl5NjP8Ycg-00131-00041110-00041361 with horses out X hours per day and then aKl5NjP8Ycg-00132-00041362-00041540 there to dry a lot of back in again for aKl5NjP8Ycg-00133-00041541-00041840 the rest of his work the use of grazing aKl5NjP8Ycg-00134-00041841-00042018 muscles doing the same thing just aKl5NjP8Ycg-00135-00042019-00042351 restricting it hi so either restricting aKl5NjP8Ycg-00136-00042352-00042677 the herbage mass available or the time aKl5NjP8Ycg-00137-00042678-00042896 allowed for grazing those are two aKl5NjP8Ycg-00138-00042897-00043340 feasible strategies and that's what we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00139-00043341-00043677 set out to look at and these are two aKl5NjP8Ycg-00140-00043678-00043977 experiments that we did the first aKl5NjP8Ycg-00141-00043978-00044262 testing the hypothesis that restricting aKl5NjP8Ycg-00142-00044263-00044576 herbage mass available for grazing will aKl5NjP8Ycg-00143-00044577-00044904 decrease factor intake and then the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00144-00044905-00045255 second restricting the time allowed for aKl5NjP8Ycg-00145-00045256-00045474 grazing is going to decrease pasture aKl5NjP8Ycg-00146-00045475-00045662 intake relative to horses that would aKl5NjP8Ycg-00147-00045663-00046317 graze continuously so this first aKl5NjP8Ycg-00148-00046318-00046452 experiment aKl5NjP8Ycg-00149-00046453-00046824 this was Godunov about two two and a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00150-00046825-00047232 half years ago in some of this work that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00151-00047233-00047493 we did this also had a component looking aKl5NjP8Ycg-00152-00047494-00047742 at non-structural carbohydrate you take aKl5NjP8Ycg-00153-00047743-00048101 all ready presented that at last aKl5NjP8Ycg-00154-00048102-00048606 society we've had six mature stoplight aKl5NjP8Ycg-00155-00048607-00048891 buildings example of them maintenance aKl5NjP8Ycg-00156-00048892-00049317 only requirements in the age range six aKl5NjP8Ycg-00157-00049318-00049632 to twelve years of age we used a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00158-00049633-00050124 crossover design where three of those aKl5NjP8Ycg-00159-00050125-00050429 six horses were assigned to a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00160-00050430-00050826 low-density urban mass and now defined aKl5NjP8Ycg-00161-00050827-00051036 that's a little more but was supposed aKl5NjP8Ycg-00162-00051037-00051363 around 15 centimeters or so on the other aKl5NjP8Ycg-00163-00051364-00051644 was high-density thirty to forty aKl5NjP8Ycg-00164-00051645-00051905 centimeters and then they stayed on that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00165-00051907-00052089 for a period of seven days and then aKl5NjP8Ycg-00166-00052090-00052320 after that seven-day period we crossed aKl5NjP8Ycg-00167-00052321-00052662 over went for another seven days the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00168-00052663-00052857 forest that they grazed was when the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00169-00052858-00053184 tall fescue was a non-toxic in to fight aKl5NjP8Ycg-00170-00053185-00053516 that infected tall fescues max-q aKl5NjP8Ycg-00171-00053516-00053766 they were out there for ten hours per aKl5NjP8Ycg-00172-00053766-00053970 day so they weren't out there for 24 aKl5NjP8Ycg-00173-00053971-00054287 hours today we did turnout for our stage aKl5NjP8Ycg-00174-00054288-00054585 plenty of time for to be out there point aKl5NjP8Ycg-00175-00054586-00054917 three seven nine hectares was with the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00176-00054919-00055145 area that they were on each of those aKl5NjP8Ycg-00177-00055146-00055512 each of those pastures and although I aKl5NjP8Ycg-00178-00055513-00055776 mentioned you know one way to reduce aKl5NjP8Ycg-00179-00055777-00055944 that urban mass would be a leader aKl5NjP8Ycg-00180-00055945-00056163 follower system we wanted to ensure that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00181-00056164-00056601 we had a consistent reduction so we led aKl5NjP8Ycg-00182-00056602-00056946 with a more and followed with horses of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00183-00056947-00057120 them ideally you know that that would aKl5NjP8Ycg-00184-00057121-00057537 represent a waste okay but for research aKl5NjP8Ycg-00185-00057538-00057810 purposes we didn't going to get the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00186-00057811-00058166 consistency that we were after and then aKl5NjP8Ycg-00187-00058166-00058461 we let the other pasture we mowed them aKl5NjP8Ycg-00188-00058462-00058635 all we let the other one aKl5NjP8Ycg-00189-00058636-00059011 get that one mowed down once we thought aKl5NjP8Ycg-00190-00059012-00059419 we had the gravy area established we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00191-00059420-00059866 used a fallen plate meter to go through aKl5NjP8Ycg-00192-00059866-00060129 and get a good asking the Dom days one aKl5NjP8Ycg-00193-00060130-00060291 in seven of each of those periods aKl5NjP8Ycg-00194-00060292-00060511 looking at the different treatment so we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00195-00060512-00060913 could have some numbers as to what was aKl5NjP8Ycg-00196-00060914-00061258 there in terms of kilos of dry matter aKl5NjP8Ycg-00197-00061259-00061453 per hectare and I'll present that here aKl5NjP8Ycg-00198-00061454-00061605 in a bit this just gives you a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00199-00061607-00061842 representative picture here was the low aKl5NjP8Ycg-00200-00061844-00061987 density here's the high density aKl5NjP8Ycg-00201-00061988-00062359 guinnesses fall so this discussed to be aKl5NjP8Ycg-00202-00062360-00062551 very defense case there's no aKl5NjP8Ycg-00203-00062552-00062875 reproductive but killers to go in this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00204-00062876-00063154 this was probably in the six six eight aKl5NjP8Ycg-00205-00063154-00063544 ish inch range you know so and probably aKl5NjP8Ycg-00206-00063545-00063769 closer to the six so we were still above aKl5NjP8Ycg-00207-00063770-00064087 that threshold three to four inches for aKl5NjP8Ycg-00208-00064088-00064258 tall fescue that we don't want to get in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00209-00064259-00064674 the load but was close to that this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00210-00064675-00065316 plentiful forage there we use stuff aKl5NjP8Ycg-00211-00065316-00065785 bodyweight change as an indicator of dry aKl5NjP8Ycg-00212-00065786-00066264 matter intake again with the idea that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00213-00066265-00066577 combination of gut fill and even though aKl5NjP8Ycg-00214-00066578-00066919 we had affairs short period of time you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00215-00066920-00067196 would probably work aKl5NjP8Ycg-00216-00067197-00067772 Lawson got killed but nonetheless aKl5NjP8Ycg-00217-00067773-00068166 reflective of differences in intake so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00218-00068167-00068456 it wasn't in a direct measure of intake aKl5NjP8Ycg-00219-00068457-00068792 but de a proxy just to give us an idea aKl5NjP8Ycg-00220-00068793-00069135 did this did this method of restriction aKl5NjP8Ycg-00221-00069136-00069180 world aKl5NjP8Ycg-00222-00069181-00069498 this shows the herbage mass kilograms of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00223-00069499-00069999 dry matter per hectare day 0 & 7 aKl5NjP8Ycg-00224-00070000-00070418 combined o period effect here certain it aKl5NjP8Ycg-00225-00070419-00070641 was a treatment in fact you can see that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00226-00070642-00070842 the high density and I think that's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00227-00070843-00071115 probably obvious in the picture here's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00228-00071116-00071499 day zero and then it decreased a7 aKl5NjP8Ycg-00229-00071500-00071738 because they remove some of that on out aKl5NjP8Ycg-00230-00071739-00072113 date 0 for load ends being significantly aKl5NjP8Ycg-00231-00072114-00072317 less than the high but no change between aKl5NjP8Ycg-00232-00072318-00072686 0 & 7 and probably the reason for that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00233-00072687-00073017 is is that ort was with mode right aKl5NjP8Ycg-00234-00073018-00073307 before we started in the eluted before aKl5NjP8Ycg-00235-00073308-00073521 one of the goals we had in this study aKl5NjP8Ycg-00236-00073522-00073830 was to change the NSC content and we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00237-00073831-00074051 wanted to push that forward back into a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00238-00074052-00074403 growth State and chew up some of that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00239-00074404-00074736 NFC so with the cumulate so I guess we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00240-00074737-00074942 looked at the lower density and the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00241-00074943-00075186 higher density on the growth curve that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00242-00075187-00075498 higher density would have you know been aKl5NjP8Ycg-00243-00075499-00075867 maxed out so to speak with not really aKl5NjP8Ycg-00244-00075868-00076197 growing where the lower probably was aKl5NjP8Ycg-00245-00076198-00076386 still growing and maybe that reflects aKl5NjP8Ycg-00246-00076387-00076668 some lack of difference years that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00247-00076669-00076848 there's some regrowth going on in that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00248-00076849-00077082 seven-day so there's not a big big aKl5NjP8Ycg-00249-00077083-00077280 change I don't think it was that they aKl5NjP8Ycg-00250-00077281-00077496 didn't need anything you know during aKl5NjP8Ycg-00251-00077497-00077823 that turn that seven days aKl5NjP8Ycg-00252-00077824-00078177 this shows the body weight change so we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00253-00078178-00078468 did analyze this as a repeated mayor's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00254-00078469-00078896 and we did see a treatment my big aKl5NjP8Ycg-00255-00078897-00079155 interaction and this shows the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00256-00079156-00079401 separation it was mean and expressive aKl5NjP8Ycg-00257-00079402-00079623 his body way of change and that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00258-00079624-00079905 treatment my day near action comes about aKl5NjP8Ycg-00259-00079906-00080382 due to this loss of about 11 kilos so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00260-00080383-00080793 the seven days in the Logan C group has aKl5NjP8Ycg-00261-00080794-00081317 really no change there for the high so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00262-00081318-00081735 that result would seem to support this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00263-00081736-00082032 idea that we restricted the herbage aKl5NjP8Ycg-00264-00082033-00082386 masters less their body weight went down aKl5NjP8Ycg-00265-00082387-00082548 so we're going to make the assumption aKl5NjP8Ycg-00266-00082549-00083086 that they consumed less in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00267-00083087-00083398 an experiment - again we were looking at aKl5NjP8Ycg-00268-00083399-00083692 restricting time so let's take a look at aKl5NjP8Ycg-00269-00083693-00084391 that in this study we had again mature aKl5NjP8Ycg-00270-00084392-00084643 idle geldings here though we used a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00271-00084644-00084898 single one in half fact our pasture aKl5NjP8Ycg-00272-00084899-00085164 about 3,000 pounds per acre and there's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00273-00085165-00085567 example of it the forage out there this aKl5NjP8Ycg-00274-00085568-00085903 was right at the transition of Orsi's aKl5NjP8Ycg-00275-00085904-00086137 going out cool-season going in there was aKl5NjP8Ycg-00276-00086138-00086425 a good bit of crabgrass some fescue aKl5NjP8Ycg-00277-00086426-00086653 coming in toward the toward the end of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00278-00086654-00087250 this good mix plentiful forage the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00279-00087251-00087559 treatments lasted for 14 days we had a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00280-00087560-00087832 control which is out there as you see aKl5NjP8Ycg-00281-00087833-00088132 greatly continuously and then the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00282-00088133-00088402 unfortunate group here that to where the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00283-00088403-00088765 grazing muscles from from 16 under the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00284-00088766-00088969 unit day the next morning and we looked aKl5NjP8Ycg-00285-00088970-00089371 at body weight 0 7 and 14 so beginning aKl5NjP8Ycg-00286-00089372-00089883 middle and and again this was also aKl5NjP8Ycg-00287-00089884-00090142 analyzed as a repeated measures design aKl5NjP8Ycg-00288-00090143-00090277 and I show aKl5NjP8Ycg-00289-00090278-00090646 here the separation body way James aKl5NjP8Ycg-00290-00090647-00090859 having in treatment my time and that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00291-00090860-00091129 came about because there was an increase aKl5NjP8Ycg-00292-00091130-00091411 and body weight I think it's about 22 aKl5NjP8Ycg-00293-00091412-00091822 kilos over that 14-day period and then aKl5NjP8Ycg-00294-00091823-00092281 the opposite about a 19 kilo decrease aKl5NjP8Ycg-00295-00092282-00092692 change in body weight so in this seems aKl5NjP8Ycg-00296-00092693-00093084 to support that idea that by restricting aKl5NjP8Ycg-00297-00093085-00093373 the time they had to grades we did have aKl5NjP8Ycg-00298-00093374-00093843 an impact on the amount that they so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00299-00093844-00094288 what have we learn this will appear to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00300-00094289-00094543 be effective those changes in body aKl5NjP8Ycg-00301-00094544-00094729 weight again which would suggest there aKl5NjP8Ycg-00302-00094730-00095056 were some differences in intake I think aKl5NjP8Ycg-00303-00095057-00095446 you know now that the next step is well aKl5NjP8Ycg-00304-00095447-00095650 a couple of things what's the long-term aKl5NjP8Ycg-00305-00095651-00095875 effectiveness because obviously we don't aKl5NjP8Ycg-00306-00095876-00096091 want those courses to keep going down aKl5NjP8Ycg-00307-00096092-00096541 down down losing condition and we need aKl5NjP8Ycg-00308-00096542-00096727 really some better maintenance aKl5NjP8Ycg-00309-00096728-00097039 parameters so basically exactly you've aKl5NjP8Ycg-00310-00097040-00097261 given a certain rich mass how long do aKl5NjP8Ycg-00311-00097262-00097639 they need it grades per day what does aKl5NjP8Ycg-00312-00097640-00097894 that look like and probably even more so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00313-00097895-00098167 this is something we've worked on again aKl5NjP8Ycg-00314-00098168-00098213 too aKl5NjP8Ycg-00315-00098214-00098396 the last 10 or so years what are some aKl5NjP8Ycg-00316-00098397-00098774 good methods for predicting in taken aKl5NjP8Ycg-00317-00098775-00099025 horses that are fairly easy to use so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00318-00099026-00099256 there's there's a lot out there we've aKl5NjP8Ycg-00319-00099257-00099566 done some stuff with alkanes that seem aKl5NjP8Ycg-00320-00099567-00099785 seem to be very good but it's not the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00321-00099786-00100067 easiest thing in the world to do so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00322-00100068-00100310 developing maybe School practical things aKl5NjP8Ycg-00323-00100311-00100661 that people can do to to better allocate aKl5NjP8Ycg-00324-00100662-00100979 time and space for grazing and improve aKl5NjP8Ycg-00325-00100980-00101481 the use of pasture and so forth so that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00326-00101482-00101984 is really the gist of what I've got to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00327-00101985-00102430 say I wanted to acknowledge our farm aKl5NjP8Ycg-00328-00102431-00103318 manager lost lost of horses here nc AG aKl5NjP8Ycg-00329-00103319-00103636 Research Service and then the horse aKl5NjP8Ycg-00330-00103638-00103819 council - is supporting some of those aKl5NjP8Ycg-00331-00103820-00105354 would answer any question yeah oh there aKl5NjP8Ycg-00332-00105355-00105599 yeah aKl5NjP8Ycg-00333-00105600-00106047 yeah yeah yes some some work certainly aKl5NjP8Ycg-00334-00106048-00106353 and there was some work that would get aKl5NjP8Ycg-00335-00106354-00106586 presented at the equine science Society aKl5NjP8Ycg-00336-00106588-00106872 you know it was aimed at trying to get aKl5NjP8Ycg-00337-00106873-00107183 horses that these guys were all I would aKl5NjP8Ycg-00338-00107184-00107538 say body condition score was easily in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00339-00107539-00107739 the seven you know somewhere in there aKl5NjP8Ycg-00340-00107740-00108184 they were they were pretty heavy and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00341-00108185-00108485 they all needed to be on it and that was aKl5NjP8Ycg-00342-00108486-00108873 yeah that was the gist of some of it but aKl5NjP8Ycg-00343-00108874-00109391 yeah offered yeah yeah yeah no and I aKl5NjP8Ycg-00344-00109392-00109578 would say as a group you know so were aKl5NjP8Ycg-00345-00109579-00109824 there differences maybe that's something aKl5NjP8Ycg-00346-00109825-00109983 you think about aKl5NjP8Ycg-00347-00109983-00110199 pretty even group you know these these aKl5NjP8Ycg-00348-00110200-00110528 guys are housed together on pasture aKl5NjP8Ycg-00349-00110529-00110900 manage on pasture most of the year so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00350-00110901-00111191 yeah but we do have you know there is aKl5NjP8Ycg-00351-00111192-00111372 some of that that data that we'll get to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00352-00111373-00111833 presented here later that year it's good aKl5NjP8Ycg-00353-00111834-00112346 yep did you measure water intake we did aKl5NjP8Ycg-00354-00112347-00112773 yeah yeah would the would the horses aKl5NjP8Ycg-00355-00112774-00113087 that are you know restricted or non we aKl5NjP8Ycg-00356-00113088-00113591 did do years years ago we looked at you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00357-00113592-00113745 know okay so if you restrict these aKl5NjP8Ycg-00358-00113746-00114089 horses we didn't look at water intake aKl5NjP8Ycg-00359-00114090-00114396 but we did look at fecal moisture aKl5NjP8Ycg-00360-00114397-00114674 content we looked at total protein you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00361-00114675-00115052 know and the plasma just to see if you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00362-00115053-00115224 know okay taking these horses and you're aKl5NjP8Ycg-00363-00115225-00115521 turning them out and they eat and you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00364-00115522-00115698 restrict him what do you what do you do aKl5NjP8Ycg-00365-00115699-00116015 to that gut in it did not seem to have aKl5NjP8Ycg-00366-00116016-00116363 an impact there but that is something aKl5NjP8Ycg-00367-00116364-00116531 we're always concerned about especially aKl5NjP8Ycg-00368-00116532-00116813 you know like the stuff Jennifer gilded aKl5NjP8Ycg-00369-00116814-00117041 she really constrained them and really aKl5NjP8Ycg-00370-00117042-00117171 restrict them she actually got these aKl5NjP8Ycg-00371-00117172-00117396 grazing horses to lose I forget the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00372-00117397-00117659 total it was a six-week study but the aKl5NjP8Ycg-00373-00117660-00117969 total amount she changed body condition aKl5NjP8Ycg-00374-00117970-00118199 and she made him lose weight on pasture aKl5NjP8Ycg-00375-00118200-00118478 but it was you know fairly severe so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00376-00118479-00118749 that's something we think about for sure aKl5NjP8Ycg-00377-00118750-00119054 I think in that you know eight K an hour aKl5NjP8Ycg-00378-00119055-00119357 range out there they're pretty resilient aKl5NjP8Ycg-00379-00119358-00119738 that way Paul did you look at it we hope aKl5NjP8Ycg-00380-00119739-00119945 to look at some soil aKl5NjP8Ycg-00381-00119946-00120390 yeah Mike meddlers right yeah we sure aKl5NjP8Ycg-00382-00120391-00120843 like to just haven't get some of my aKl5NjP8Ycg-00383-00120844-00121079 colleagues we've talked about that and aKl5NjP8Ycg-00384-00121080-00121229 they're doing a good bit of that stuff aKl5NjP8Ycg-00385-00121230-00121554 you know with the beef cattle love aKl5NjP8Ycg-00386-00121555-00121740 they've got some statewide projects aKl5NjP8Ycg-00387-00121741-00121956 looking at that but I would have to aKl5NjP8Ycg-00388-00121957-00122186 think we'd be having some some positive aKl5NjP8Ycg-00389-00122188-00122583 impact you know the with this manner of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00390-00122583-00122898 grazing certainly versus continuous aKl5NjP8Ycg-00391-00122899-00123150 anybody better manure distribution we're aKl5NjP8Ycg-00392-00123151-00123386 going to hopefully maintain a you know aKl5NjP8Ycg-00393-00123388-00123629 the ground cover a lot better and so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00394-00123630-00123924 should be to be positive but we haven't aKl5NjP8Ycg-00395-00123925-00124727 done it yet how big were the turnouts aKl5NjP8Ycg-00396-00124728-00125232 11.5 hectares on the second one and that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00397-00125233-00125547 had had all the horses in it eight aKl5NjP8Ycg-00398-00125548-00125838 horses in it and then there were point aKl5NjP8Ycg-00399-00125839-00126248 point three seven hectares and that was aKl5NjP8Ycg-00400-00126249-00126751 three horses in each of those aKl5NjP8Ycg-00401-00126752-00127114 yeah yeah so that's something that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00402-00127115-00127561 Jennifer Gill will report on it equine aKl5NjP8Ycg-00403-00127563-00127868 sign society and lalala I'll just give aKl5NjP8Ycg-00404-00127869-00128161 you a sneak preview of it of course when aKl5NjP8Ycg-00405-00128163-00128335 when horses are restricted and they're aKl5NjP8Ycg-00406-00128336-00128533 only out there for a short period today aKl5NjP8Ycg-00407-00128534-00128747 maybe eight or ten hours yeah they moved aKl5NjP8Ycg-00408-00128748-00129056 less you should put a DPS on them but aKl5NjP8Ycg-00409-00129057-00129289 when you compare those forces that are aKl5NjP8Ycg-00410-00129290-00129707 confined in in a smaller area you know aKl5NjP8Ycg-00411-00129708-00130009 where they've been allocated a target aKl5NjP8Ycg-00412-00130010-00130328 amount of forage with those that have a aKl5NjP8Ycg-00413-00130329-00130609 larger you look at them when they're aKl5NjP8Ycg-00414-00130610-00130822 both out there there's no difference in aKl5NjP8Ycg-00415-00130823-00131099 moved around those those horses so when aKl5NjP8Ycg-00416-00131100-00131297 they get it in there they put their head aKl5NjP8Ycg-00417-00131298-00131522 down and they eat they don't it's not aKl5NjP8Ycg-00418-00131523-00131780 exercise time I think that's a good aKl5NjP8Ycg-00419-00131781-00132050 point a lot of people you know when you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00420-00132051-00132206 do some of these systems and you can aKl5NjP8Ycg-00421-00132207-00132449 strain horses like you can't do that aKl5NjP8Ycg-00422-00132450-00132659 with my horse you know even my wife at aKl5NjP8Ycg-00423-00132660-00132898 homes like doesn't look natural you know aKl5NjP8Ycg-00424-00132899-00133337 you you've got a tweaked a little bit so aKl5NjP8Ycg-00425-00133338-00133553 it looks good to people but when you aKl5NjP8Ycg-00426-00133554-00133766 really say look at those horses out aKl5NjP8Ycg-00427-00133767-00133979 there and then 15 acre pasture what are aKl5NjP8Ycg-00428-00133980-00134183 they doing right now you know they're aKl5NjP8Ycg-00429-00134184-00134363 either got their head down eating or aKl5NjP8Ycg-00430-00134364-00134597 they're standing under a tree you know aKl5NjP8Ycg-00431-00134598-00135080 so that's that's really the gist kind of aKl5NjP8Ycg-00432-00135081-00135401 acidification all right aLeGIY67yTk-00000-00000053-00000426 a rose coke pink cake is a typical Dutch aLeGIY67yTk-00001-00000427-00000712 pastry it consists of a small flat cake aLeGIY67yTk-00002-00000713-00000975 with a layer of pink fondant icing the aLeGIY67yTk-00003-00000976-00001177 best known brand is glass say in the aLeGIY67yTk-00004-00001178-00001350 city of Amsterdam the cakes are aLeGIY67yTk-00005-00001351-00001548 sometimes referred to as most Elijah's aLeGIY67yTk-00006-00001549-00001855 little Mussolini's this name which is aLeGIY67yTk-00007-00001855-00002017 the Dutch adaptation of benito aLeGIY67yTk-00008-00002018-00002215 mussolini's name is rooted in the cakes aLeGIY67yTk-00009-00002216-00002422 tradition of being sold in Italian ice aLeGIY67yTk-00010-00002423-00002638 cream parlors in Amsterdam prior to the aLeGIY67yTk-00011-00002639-00003234 Second World War aLeGIY67yTk-00012-00003235-00003736 topic variants aLeGIY67yTk-00013-00003738-00003950 on occasion the cakes are sold in aLeGIY67yTk-00014-00003951-00004136 alternative varieties with the pink aLeGIY67yTk-00015-00004137-00004312 icing replaced by a different color aLeGIY67yTk-00016-00004313-00004604 during football championships the icing aLeGIY67yTk-00017-00004605-00004805 is changed to orange the national color aLeGIY67yTk-00018-00004806-00004979 of the Netherlands and at Easter time aLeGIY67yTk-00019-00004980-00005600 the icing is yellow aLeGIY67yTk-00020-00005601-00006095 topic trivia aLeGIY67yTk-00021-00006096-00006391 the food dye used in glasses Carmen EE aLeGIY67yTk-00022-00006392-00006704 120 is produced from female cochineal a aLeGIY67yTk-00023-00006705-00006995 scale insect aNL22bvsXPo-00000-00000202-00000603 start up hard against the abdomen and aNL22bvsXPo-00001-00000604-00001105 we're using the thumbs and forefingers I aNL22bvsXPo-00002-00001106-00001992 sighed looking for the symmetry coming aNL22bvsXPo-00003-00001993-00002316 down along in the chords I'm going to aNL22bvsXPo-00004-00002317-00002535 get to the top of the testicle is the aNL22bvsXPo-00005-00002536-00003042 head of the epididymis and that's one of aNL22bvsXPo-00006-00003043-00003789 the sites we often find lumps and bumps aNL22bvsXPo-00007-00003790-00004263 in feeling down along the testicle or aNL22bvsXPo-00008-00004264-00004935 size as well as lumps and bumps sighs so aNL22bvsXPo-00009-00004936-00005443 effectively to to drink cans probably aNL22bvsXPo-00010-00005444-00005746 not wouldn't be beer cans in that there aNL22bvsXPo-00011-00005747-00006277 could be and you also looking for tone aNL22bvsXPo-00012-00006278-00006592 as well and size so they need to be nice aNL22bvsXPo-00013-00006593-00006936 and springy not hard like a cricket ball aNL22bvsXPo-00014-00006937-00007183 like a new tennis balls what you're aNL22bvsXPo-00015-00007184-00007603 looking for if there's I cannot all aNL22bvsXPo-00016-00007604-00007796 tennis ball soft and flabby aNL22bvsXPo-00017-00007797-00008364 then we've got layers same quantity and aNL22bvsXPo-00018-00008365-00008796 quality that's not a long-term issue aNL22bvsXPo-00019-00008797-00008998 it's just a matter of not enough aNL22bvsXPo-00020-00008999-00009391 nutrition them down to the end of the aNL22bvsXPo-00021-00009392-00010138 testicle where the tile is and I'll just aNL22bvsXPo-00022-00010139-00010539 show you you can see the tail with a aNL22bvsXPo-00023-00010540-00011389 small lump on the end of the testicle aNL22bvsXPo-00024-00011390-00011689 you just come down feel both those aNL22bvsXPo-00025-00011690-00012164 they're quite variable in size b1 ram to aNL22bvsXPo-00026-00012165-00012606 another so you really again you needle aNL22bvsXPo-00027-00012607-00013157 to look for symmetry if they're the same aNL22bvsXPo-00028-00013158-00013386 then you can be confident there's no aNL22bvsXPo-00029-00013387-00013683 issues and then feel the scrotum that aNL22bvsXPo-00030-00013684-00014019 there it's not nice soft paul eyeball aNL22bvsXPo-00031-00014019-00014832 chamois that i had or rough and if you aNL22bvsXPo-00032-00014833-00015305 have that if you have that lack of aNL22bvsXPo-00033-00015306-00015716 softness in the scrotum then there's aNL22bvsXPo-00034-00015718-00016053 it's hard for the testicle to rise and aNL22bvsXPo-00035-00016054-00016287 lower to control body to their the aNL22bvsXPo-00036-00016288-00016640 temperature of the testicle needs to be aNL22bvsXPo-00037-00016641-00017133 lower than the body temperature that's aNL22bvsXPo-00038-00017134-00017469 the idea when their own Ison's slowly aNL22bvsXPo-00039-00017470-00017742 bit as well aPPHnOw2lBY-00000-00000311-00001124 [Music] aPPHnOw2lBY-00001-00001125-00001449 hey guys it's wolf with Valhalla gaming aPPHnOw2lBY-00002-00001450-00001764 and we are here with a classic Halo aPPHnOw2lBY-00003-00001764-00001994 Reach from the Master Chief collection aPPHnOw2lBY-00004-00001995-00002244 this is my childhood and the Master aPPHnOw2lBY-00005-00002245-00002391 Chief collection is releasing them aPPHnOw2lBY-00006-00002392-00002682 chronologically as the games tell the aPPHnOw2lBY-00007-00002683-00003068 story of the Halo universe so we're aPPHnOw2lBY-00008-00003069-00003258 going to be playing them in that order aPPHnOw2lBY-00009-00003259-00003690 all the way from Halo Reach to a Halo 5 aPPHnOw2lBY-00010-00003690-00003890 which is soon to come out sometime this aPPHnOw2lBY-00011-00003892-00004071 year next year I believe can't really aPPHnOw2lBY-00012-00004072-00004386 remember but a Halo Reach is literally aPPHnOw2lBY-00013-00004387-00004767 my childhood not my childhood but I'd aPPHnOw2lBY-00014-00004768-00005322 say teenagers Halo Reach was teenage and aPPHnOw2lBY-00015-00005323-00005841 it's just such a good game if I could aPPHnOw2lBY-00016-00005842-00006029 get some more people to play it probably aPPHnOw2lBY-00017-00006030-00006285 do a legendary or a lasso playthrough aPPHnOw2lBY-00018-00006286-00006500 but that would require me getting at aPPHnOw2lBY-00019-00006501-00006681 least two to three other people that are aPPHnOw2lBY-00020-00006681-00006959 decent at the game doing a legendary aPPHnOw2lBY-00021-00006961-00007233 playthrough by yourself is brutal aPPHnOw2lBY-00022-00007234-00007439 doing a legendary play through all aPPHnOw2lBY-00023-00007440-00007776 skulls on probably impossible and here aPPHnOw2lBY-00024-00007777-00008223 we go though I love this game so much or aPPHnOw2lBY-00025-00008224-00009303 on a reach aPPHnOw2lBY-00026-00009304-00009683 such a good game aPPHnOw2lBY-00027-00009684-00009946 I love how the the Falcon pilots just aPPHnOw2lBY-00028-00009947-00010391 kind of land wherever they want I just aPPHnOw2lBY-00029-00010392-00010748 go back and forth no no you know runways aPPHnOw2lBY-00030-00010749-00011035 no helicopter pads just land here land aPPHnOw2lBY-00031-00011036-00011896 there I responded with trooper fire aPPHnOw2lBY-00032-00011897-00012095 James which have since been declared a aPPHnOw2lBY-00033-00012096-00012392 my and now you're sending us to aPPHnOw2lBY-00034-00012393-00013744 commander Holland Colonel what does he aPPHnOw2lBY-00035-00013745-00013955 mean a deployment of the Spartan team is aPPHnOw2lBY-00036-00013956-00014188 gross misallocation do people forget the aPPHnOw2lBY-00037-00014190-00014384 Spartans were meant to originally fight aPPHnOw2lBY-00038-00014385-00015957 rebels not aliens aPPHnOw2lBY-00039-00015958-00016287 we just turn important I want that relay aPPHnOw2lBY-00040-00016288-00016596 back on line number one sir consider it aPPHnOw2lBY-00041-00016597-00017107 done on the other side aPPHnOw2lBY-00042-00017108-00018053 interesting I forget that I thought all aPPHnOw2lBY-00043-00018054-00018404 the Spartans were enlisted how did they aPPHnOw2lBY-00044-00018405-00018812 get officer smart ones cuz Master Chief aPPHnOw2lBY-00045-00018813-00019013 is just that he is a master chief he is aPPHnOw2lBY-00046-00019014-00019409 a petty officer in the Navy he's he's aPPHnOw2lBY-00047-00019410-00019531 enlisted aPPHnOw2lBY-00048-00019532-00019823 but these Spartans are officers for some aPPHnOw2lBY-00049-00019824-00021736 reason aPPHnOw2lBY-00050-00021737-00022083 it's such a pretty landscape like I love aPPHnOw2lBY-00051-00022084-00022441 the art that they used for reach this aPPHnOw2lBY-00052-00022442-00022585 game just brings back so many memories aPPHnOw2lBY-00053-00022586-00023375 and I love it aPPHnOw2lBY-00054-00023376-00023739 so many memories aPPHnOw2lBY-00055-00023740-00023992 listen up noble team we're looking at a aPPHnOw2lBY-00056-00023993-00024229 Down relay outpost 50 clicks from visit aPPHnOw2lBY-00057-00024230-00025608 grabbed work at her and her robotic arm aPPHnOw2lBY-00058-00025608-00025914 its Denarius turbines are but however aPPHnOw2lBY-00059-00025916-00026100 you say it's the same wind turbines I aPPHnOw2lBY-00060-00026101-00026437 have in cliff Empire probably report aPPHnOw2lBY-00061-00026438-00027312 cliff Empire a little bit later today - aPPHnOw2lBY-00062-00027313-00027592 well guys if you're fans of halo and aPPHnOw2lBY-00063-00027593-00027762 want to see an entire Halo playthrough aPPHnOw2lBY-00064-00027763-00028093 maybe click like and subscribe down aPPHnOw2lBY-00065-00028094-00028395 below because the more subscribers and aPPHnOw2lBY-00066-00028397-00028525 support the channel gets the more aPPHnOw2lBY-00067-00028526-00029087 content I am able to make and the more aPPHnOw2lBY-00068-00029088-00029299 visibility the channel gets and that aPPHnOw2lBY-00069-00029300-00029733 helps me out a lot as a creator so yeah aPPHnOw2lBY-00070-00029735-00029962 if you like what I'm doing subscribe aPPHnOw2lBY-00071-00029963-00030408 down below yes watch your sectors even aPPHnOw2lBY-00072-00030410-00030939 the like ok now I can move my face do aPPHnOw2lBY-00073-00030941-00031102 they always have this little reticle in aPPHnOw2lBY-00074-00031102-00031219 the middle of their face when they don't aPPHnOw2lBY-00075-00031220-00031426 have a gun up that's interesting I never aPPHnOw2lBY-00076-00031427-00031861 realized that yes I like these headache aPPHnOw2lBY-00077-00031862-00032164 oh I'm so sorry aPPHnOw2lBY-00078-00032164-00032719 yond I promise I'm not tired had a long aPPHnOw2lBY-00079-00032720-00032912 night aPPHnOw2lBY-00080-00032913-00033600 yeah put us down on the bluff let us go aPPHnOw2lBY-00081-00033601-00034365 so you're deploying Carter blowing four aPPHnOw2lBY-00082-00034366-00034550 of us okay aPPHnOw2lBY-00083-00034551-00034970 let's go nope I'm just gonna do what I aPPHnOw2lBY-00084-00034971-00035102 used to do in Halo and run through aPPHnOw2lBY-00085-00035103-00035720 everything we got forget that hey look aPPHnOw2lBY-00086-00035721-00036082 this one has fall damage a little bit aPPHnOw2lBY-00087-00036083-00036962 yes here's where are you even at eyes in aPPHnOw2lBY-00088-00036963-00037154 the sky my ass where you're way out aPPHnOw2lBY-00089-00037155-00037496 there John could you take the shot could aPPHnOw2lBY-00090-00037497-00037730 you shoot me from there John I'm aPPHnOw2lBY-00091-00037731-00038540 standing still so you probably could aPPHnOw2lBY-00092-00038541-00038823 we're the troopers it's a good question aPPHnOw2lBY-00093-00038824-00040040 indeed stop it aPPHnOw2lBY-00094-00040041-00040532 bad Birds they scared me too late I aPPHnOw2lBY-00095-00040533-00040716 already killed the birds aPPHnOw2lBY-00096-00040717-00040923 telegraphing I'm gonna telegraph aPPHnOw2lBY-00097-00040924-00041753 everyone all of China knows you're here aPPHnOw2lBY-00098-00041754-00042315 I had that that flashback oh we got heat aPPHnOw2lBY-00099-00042316-00042684 signatures don't we let's go George do aPPHnOw2lBY-00100-00042685-00042888 you crack me up the way you move aPPHnOw2lBY-00101-00042889-00043083 you don't walk straight you walk aPPHnOw2lBY-00102-00043084-00044121 sideways interesting never realized aPPHnOw2lBY-00103-00044122-00044762 there's a rangefinder built into my hood aPPHnOw2lBY-00104-00044763-00045323 I still hear that there it is John aPPHnOw2lBY-00105-00045324-00046209 hiding up there must be nice let's go aPPHnOw2lBY-00106-00046210-00046911 then what language is that it's like a aPPHnOw2lBY-00107-00046912-00047367 mix of German and Russian aPPHnOw2lBY-00108-00047368-00047589 hello aPPHnOw2lBY-00109-00047590-00047829 we'll find out eventually actually if aPPHnOw2lBY-00110-00047830-00047987 anybody does know what language that is aPPHnOw2lBY-00111-00047988-00048153 let me know is that natural language aPPHnOw2lBY-00112-00048154-00048674 that made up for hallo oof oh that's aPPHnOw2lBY-00113-00048675-00049430 that's sad aPPHnOw2lBY-00114-00049431-00050098 [Music] aPPHnOw2lBY-00115-00050099-00050395 that's not good looks like another one aPPHnOw2lBY-00116-00050396-00051376 down here yeah hey oh I I saw a aPPHnOw2lBY-00117-00051377-00052425 skirmisher I saw asker me aPPHnOw2lBY-00118-00052426-00053355 skur me yep we've got grunts I haven't aPPHnOw2lBY-00119-00053357-00053754 played this game and so long pop these aPPHnOw2lBY-00120-00053755-00054187 grunts there's the grunts leader never aPPHnOw2lBY-00121-00054188-00054574 understand the point of the grunts if aPPHnOw2lBY-00122-00054575-00055213 they just run away so much pop all of aPPHnOw2lBY-00123-00055214-00055615 them in their face let's head down here aPPHnOw2lBY-00124-00055616-00056205 oh I got grenades aPPHnOw2lBY-00125-00056207-00056418 yeah I was gonna play this on legendary aPPHnOw2lBY-00126-00056419-00056619 but I realized doing that by myself is aPPHnOw2lBY-00127-00056620-00057201 almost impossible I'm not nearly nearly aPPHnOw2lBY-00128-00057202-00057529 a depth of this game to do a legendary aPPHnOw2lBY-00129-00057529-00057835 playthrough by myself right now maybe if aPPHnOw2lBY-00130-00057836-00058125 enough people like and subscribe and aPPHnOw2lBY-00131-00058126-00058380 comment on this video I'll do a aPPHnOw2lBY-00132-00058381-00058591 legendary playthrough I'll make that aPPHnOw2lBY-00133-00058591-00058629 deal aPPHnOw2lBY-00134-00058630-00059076 if this video can get mm 50 likes it's a aPPHnOw2lBY-00135-00059077-00059301 small number but more than most of my aPPHnOw2lBY-00136-00059302-00059481 videos if this can get 50 likes then aPPHnOw2lBY-00137-00059482-00059809 we'll do a a legendary playthrough if I aPPHnOw2lBY-00138-00059810-00060222 can rope maybe cuervo into it to help me aPPHnOw2lBY-00139-00060223-00060574 to keep pushing I think they'd be aPPHnOw2lBY-00140-00060575-00060799 interesting I don't think Cuervo has aPPHnOw2lBY-00141-00060800-00061113 ever played much of Halo but doing it by aPPHnOw2lBY-00142-00061114-00061367 yourself is just brutal aPPHnOw2lBY-00143-00061369-00061719 there we go do that grenade landed right aPPHnOw2lBY-00144-00061720-00062216 in the middle of them pink pink ooh aPPHnOw2lBY-00145-00062217-00063116 where's the rest there you are aPPHnOw2lBY-00146-00063117-00063444 he's dead I need a good assassination in aPPHnOw2lBY-00147-00063445-00063917 this video I need to get some good aPPHnOw2lBY-00148-00063919-00064302 assassinations contacts aPPHnOw2lBY-00149-00064303-00064782 it's the Covenant I remember these lines aPPHnOw2lBY-00150-00064783-00064941 most of them at least aPPHnOw2lBY-00151-00064941-00065691 I suck trying to kill the birdies aPPHnOw2lBY-00152-00065692-00065811 there's actually an achievement for aPPHnOw2lBY-00153-00065812-00066509 killing all of them what do I have point aPPHnOw2lBY-00154-00066510-00066870 fun fact of halo lore only two Spartans aPPHnOw2lBY-00155-00066871-00067011 have ever had the category of hyper aPPHnOw2lBY-00156-00067012-00067314 lethal then that is Master Chief and aPPHnOw2lBY-00157-00067315-00068007 Noble six aPPHnOw2lBY-00158-00068008-00068682 come on help me out guys now well that aPPHnOw2lBY-00159-00068683-00068931 works I just beat him to death yeah aPPHnOw2lBY-00160-00068932-00069344 okay this is a bit too easy unnormal but aPPHnOw2lBY-00161-00069345-00069588 I'd rather not have to reset a million aPPHnOw2lBY-00162-00069589-00069891 times so like I said give me enough aPPHnOw2lBY-00163-00069892-00070104 support to do a legendary and I'll put aPPHnOw2lBY-00164-00070105-00070266 in the time and effort to do a legendary aPPHnOw2lBY-00165-00070267-00070750 we'll make that a deal get on you aPPHnOw2lBY-00166-00070751-00071136 let's go Carter come on get in there we aPPHnOw2lBY-00167-00071137-00071228 go aPPHnOw2lBY-00168-00071229-00071448 splits the damage between the three of aPPHnOw2lBY-00169-00071449-00071631 us at least I think there's two aPPHnOw2lBY-00170-00071632-00071856 skirmishers coming up rebels don't leave aPPHnOw2lBY-00171-00071857-00072756 plasma burns engage engage all of them aPPHnOw2lBY-00172-00072757-00073456 and hit the birds - ah there we go aPPHnOw2lBY-00173-00073457-00073803 how'd that bird end up up there like a aPPHnOw2lBY-00174-00073804-00074184 giant ostrich dink I'm sorry aPPHnOw2lBY-00175-00074185-00075190 stretch never meant to hurt you oh boy aPPHnOw2lBY-00176-00075191-00075397 let's turn around and see what's up here aPPHnOw2lBY-00177-00075398-00076312 oh this was a choice that's for sure aPPHnOw2lBY-00178-00076313-00076693 definitely a choice hope that's a choice aPPHnOw2lBY-00179-00076694-00077254 that's a choice turning into Ryan that aPPHnOw2lBY-00180-00077255-00077862 was a choice let's get out of here kill aPPHnOw2lBY-00181-00077863-00078168 all the elites why is there gold in the aPPHnOw2lBY-00182-00078169-00078336 lead I'm not even playing on legendary aPPHnOw2lBY-00183-00078337-00078961 out yes get down you okay I need to put aPPHnOw2lBY-00184-00078962-00079135 scoring on I forgot to turn on scoring aPPHnOw2lBY-00185-00079136-00079338 that's my bad I'll put on scoring next aPPHnOw2lBY-00186-00079339-00080185 to episode promise and I do like a good aPPHnOw2lBY-00187-00080186-00080536 needle rifle all right let's load back aPPHnOw2lBY-00188-00080537-00081024 up come on guys get in get in get in aPPHnOw2lBY-00189-00081025-00081854 come on guys aPPHnOw2lBY-00190-00081855-00082148 holy crap okay three hours later he gets aPPHnOw2lBY-00191-00082149-00083309 in let's go break their stuff I'm just aPPHnOw2lBY-00192-00083310-00083654 here break their stuff all right we can aPPHnOw2lBY-00193-00083655-00083798 go on foot it's only down here aPPHnOw2lBY-00194-00083799-00084119 what was that Oh what is it what does a aPPHnOw2lBY-00195-00084120-00084583 skirmisher doing running right there aPPHnOw2lBY-00196-00084584-00085079 what the world what kind of okay glitchy aPPHnOw2lBY-00197-00085080-00085346 to say the least let's go see what's aPPHnOw2lBY-00198-00085347-00085406 over here aPPHnOw2lBY-00199-00085407-00085538 we'll get another vehicle from over aPPHnOw2lBY-00200-00085539-00085793 there I'm not worried about it I need aPPHnOw2lBY-00201-00085794-00085916 new armor abilities aPPHnOw2lBY-00202-00085917-00086129 I don't like only having sprint I miss aPPHnOw2lBY-00203-00086130-00086693 armor look aPPHnOw2lBY-00204-00086694-00087482 [__] [__] [__] [__] all right aPPHnOw2lBY-00205-00087483-00087982 stepping headshots aPPHnOw2lBY-00206-00087983-00088381 so apparently there's a rumor that the aPPHnOw2lBY-00207-00088382-00088651 elite that you see in this episode or aPPHnOw2lBY-00208-00088652-00088858 not this episode with this mission not aPPHnOw2lBY-00209-00088859-00089092 this one this one's gonna die but the aPPHnOw2lBY-00210-00089093-00089371 elite that you see throughout the game aPPHnOw2lBY-00211-00089372-00089599 is the actually the same elite that has aPPHnOw2lBY-00212-00089600-00089941 just been tasked with the doing things aPPHnOw2lBY-00213-00089942-00090226 throughout the game this is just aPPHnOw2lBY-00214-00090227-00090649 irregularly he's not even scary point aPPHnOw2lBY-00215-00090650-00091033 proven break the neck he's not even aPPHnOw2lBY-00216-00091034-00092728 scary unless you're on legendary let's aPPHnOw2lBY-00217-00092729-00093641 move then get in my car aPPHnOw2lBY-00218-00093642-00095143 beautiful yeah get in you slow thing aPPHnOw2lBY-00219-00095144-00095342 shouldn't be too hard they're literally aPPHnOw2lBY-00220-00095343-00095431 right up here aPPHnOw2lBY-00221-00095432-00096704 Oh Bob didn't show up aPPHnOw2lBY-00222-00096705-00097701 let's go aPPHnOw2lBY-00223-00097702-00098178 just grenade everything right here that aPPHnOw2lBY-00224-00098179-00098844 was pretty easy so why don't you shoot aPPHnOw2lBY-00225-00098845-00099369 the inbound covenant dropship okay if aPPHnOw2lBY-00226-00099370-00099701 there's some ordnance yes ooh aPPHnOw2lBY-00227-00099702-00100230 DMR daddy likes Spartan likes whatever aPPHnOw2lBY-00228-00100231-00100532 you know your pink is no king shaming aPPHnOw2lBY-00229-00100533-00100812 here who are you what do you think aPPHnOw2lBY-00230-00100813-00100919 you're doing aPPHnOw2lBY-00231-00100920-00101393 just drop a grenade right here pink ooh aPPHnOw2lBY-00232-00101394-00102035 good stick aPPHnOw2lBY-00233-00102036-00102650 oh yeah oh no no no no no no suiciding aPPHnOw2lBY-00234-00102651-00103003 no no no no suiciding here this is not aPPHnOw2lBY-00235-00103004-00103693 the Middle East we don't do that yeah aPPHnOw2lBY-00236-00103694-00103997 get away from me you all right all y'all aPPHnOw2lBY-00237-00103998-00104236 are did oh I'm getting pegged not not aPPHnOw2lBY-00238-00104238-00104386 that kind of pegging no King shaming aPPHnOw2lBY-00239-00104388-00104821 here but no I don't want it to happen aPPHnOw2lBY-00240-00104822-00105113 just beat the shite out of this guy aPPHnOw2lBY-00241-00105114-00105475 there we go what the what his body went aPPHnOw2lBY-00242-00105476-00105832 flying aPPHnOw2lBY-00243-00105833-00106213 what okay calm down mister grunt calm aPPHnOw2lBY-00244-00106214-00106264 down aPPHnOw2lBY-00245-00106265-00107411 I think we've killed everything okay aPPHnOw2lBY-00246-00107413-00108714 we've done that that's nice aPPHnOw2lBY-00247-00108715-00111057 yeah well there's a bunch of us aPPHnOw2lBY-00248-00111058-00111670 yes and route that just go so this is by aPPHnOw2lBY-00249-00111671-00111898 no mean a legendary playthrough this is aPPHnOw2lBY-00250-00111899-00112086 by no means a completionist playthrough aPPHnOw2lBY-00251-00112088-00112228 this is just and enjoy the gameplay aPPHnOw2lBY-00252-00112229-00112608 through this is a nostalgic you know aPPHnOw2lBY-00253-00112608-00112849 played this game as a teenager with some aPPHnOw2lBY-00254-00112850-00113283 of the best friends of my life and it's aPPHnOw2lBY-00255-00113284-00113470 nice to relive those moments and I think aPPHnOw2lBY-00256-00113471-00113608 that's what this game is for a lot of aPPHnOw2lBY-00257-00113608-00113731 the people that are playing it right now aPPHnOw2lBY-00258-00113732-00114027 is its memories because a lot of us did aPPHnOw2lBY-00259-00114028-00114459 grow up playing one of the Halos be its aPPHnOw2lBY-00260-00114460-00114772 you know mm it was like two thousand aPPHnOw2lBY-00261-00114773-00114991 five two thousand four where halo one aPPHnOw2lBY-00262-00114992-00115258 came out on the first Xbox followed aPPHnOw2lBY-00263-00115258-00115581 another two years later by halo 2 and aPPHnOw2lBY-00264-00115582-00115849 the famous you know sergeant Johnson aPPHnOw2lBY-00265-00115850-00115993 because he knows what the ladies like aPPHnOw2lBY-00266-00115994-00116323 and just the game has had so many aPPHnOw2lBY-00267-00116324-00116535 memories for a lot of us that this is aPPHnOw2lBY-00268-00116536-00116857 just nostalgic everything about it aPPHnOw2lBY-00269-00116858-00117274 from you know the weapons the dialogue aPPHnOw2lBY-00270-00117275-00117739 even the noises the music everything aPPHnOw2lBY-00271-00117740-00118075 about it is just nostalgic for a lot of aPPHnOw2lBY-00272-00118076-00118189 the people that play this game and aPPHnOw2lBY-00273-00118190-00118389 that's what this is this is just a aPPHnOw2lBY-00274-00118390-00118908 nostalgic playthrough of me reliving the aPPHnOw2lBY-00275-00118909-00119065 teenage years with some of the best aPPHnOw2lBY-00276-00119066-00119380 friends I've ever had because this is aPPHnOw2lBY-00277-00119381-00119617 what we would play we would hop on Halo aPPHnOw2lBY-00278-00119618-00119886 Reach after school and we were just aPPHnOw2lBY-00279-00119888-00120502 solid for like eight hours let's keep aPPHnOw2lBY-00280-00120503-00120793 doing this then oh that's a dead marine aPPHnOw2lBY-00281-00120794-00121041 or trooper I'm not sure is that a Marine aPPHnOw2lBY-00282-00121042-00121276 is that supposed to say is that like a aPPHnOw2lBY-00283-00121277-00121649 level eight body armor aPPHnOw2lBY-00284-00121650-00121883 all right oh I forgot I don't have aPPHnOw2lBY-00285-00121883-00122042 sprint now I've got Harmar lock I got to aPPHnOw2lBY-00286-00122043-00122530 remember which armor abilities I have aPPHnOw2lBY-00287-00122531-00122897 yes all the assassinations love it aPPHnOw2lBY-00288-00122898-00123208 oh I assassinated a grunt that doesn't aPPHnOw2lBY-00289-00123209-00123435 happen very good you not shoot me aPPHnOw2lBY-00290-00123436-00123572 uncouth aPPHnOw2lBY-00291-00123573-00123940 oh god no we're just gonna do that pink aPPHnOw2lBY-00292-00123941-00124628 and this is the thing about like on this aPPHnOw2lBY-00293-00124629-00124817 difficulty is you can literally just do aPPHnOw2lBY-00294-00124818-00124970 it I'm doing and kind of run around and aPPHnOw2lBY-00295-00124971-00125432 not have too many side effects from it aPPHnOw2lBY-00296-00125433-00125855 because you're playing on a low enough aPPHnOw2lBY-00297-00125856-00126034 difficulty that it doesn't really matter aPPHnOw2lBY-00298-00126035-00126383 like the enemy can kill you obviously aPPHnOw2lBY-00299-00126383-00126644 but it takes a good second unlike on aPPHnOw2lBY-00300-00126645-00126854 legendary where everything is calculated aPPHnOw2lBY-00301-00126855-00127103 and it's just not really fun to do this aPPHnOw2lBY-00302-00127104-00127553 on legendary honestly because you do oh aPPHnOw2lBY-00303-00127554-00128048 god what does that stop it get away no I aPPHnOw2lBY-00304-00128049-00128758 want to kill everything aPPHnOw2lBY-00305-00128759-00128959 actually I am kind of cut off that aPPHnOw2lBY-00306-00128960-00129182 elites in my way you could kill him I aPPHnOw2lBY-00307-00129183-00129433 would come inside aPPHnOw2lBY-00308-00129433-00129616 actually now we're just gonna kill aPPHnOw2lBY-00309-00129617-00130182 everything screw it aPPHnOw2lBY-00310-00130183-00130475 oh I've made mistakes mistakes have been aPPHnOw2lBY-00311-00130476-00130706 made mistakes have been made aPPHnOw2lBY-00312-00130707-00131358 let's get out of here so about that uh aPPHnOw2lBY-00313-00131359-00131670 being pretty much invincible may have aPPHnOw2lBY-00314-00131671-00131960 overstated myself but you get what I aPPHnOw2lBY-00315-00131961-00132125 mean like it takes so much for them to aPPHnOw2lBY-00316-00132126-00132287 kill you that you can kind of just mess aPPHnOw2lBY-00317-00132288-00132732 around alright give me some bullets is aPPHnOw2lBY-00318-00132733-00133016 there health in here I need health ooh aPPHnOw2lBY-00319-00133017-00133676 DMR there we go got some ammo beautiful aPPHnOw2lBY-00320-00133677-00133826 oh there is health on the floor ok aPPHnOw2lBY-00321-00133827-00134885 that's nice Oh shot the floor yes Emil aPPHnOw2lBY-00322-00134886-00135443 we flush any hostels 30 years aPPHnOw2lBY-00323-00135444-00136816 my visions turned on OOP there's a body aPPHnOw2lBY-00324-00136817-00137225 that's not good it almost looks like aPPHnOw2lBY-00325-00137226-00137484 Halsey I think if you cut her hair and aPPHnOw2lBY-00326-00137485-00137706 then threw her on her face that would be aPPHnOw2lBY-00327-00137707-00138648 Halsey not my domain ok beat my ass aPPHnOw2lBY-00328-00138649-00140037 [Music] aPPHnOw2lBY-00329-00140038-00140392 Jesus he is massive yeah this is the aPPHnOw2lBY-00330-00140393-00140821 elite I think it's that one is the one aPPHnOw2lBY-00331-00140822-00141214 that you uh the one that runs away right aPPHnOw2lBY-00332-00141215-00141367 there is the one that you see through aPPHnOw2lBY-00333-00141368-00141559 pretty much the rest of the game but aPPHnOw2lBY-00334-00141560-00141820 he's doing other stuff oh this elite is aPPHnOw2lBY-00335-00141821-00142302 ugly and here's a little reference to a aPPHnOw2lBY-00336-00142303-00142588 three four three studios and their lucky aPPHnOw2lBY-00337-00142589-00142783 number seven is our rifle only has seven aPPHnOw2lBY-00338-00142784-00143589 rounds in it right now aPPHnOw2lBY-00339-00143590-00144091 let's clear the hole then there we go aPPHnOw2lBY-00340-00144092-00144247 now we've reloaded to a mag of aPPHnOw2lBY-00341-00144248-00144502 thirty-two interesting that we're still aPPHnOw2lBY-00342-00144503-00144709 using projectile weapons like five aPPHnOw2lBY-00343-00144710-00144879 hundred years in the future aPPHnOw2lBY-00344-00144880-00145120 humans just never developed anything aPPHnOw2lBY-00345-00145121-00145363 better than a freaking gave me that aPPHnOw2lBY-00346-00145364-00145989 pistol aPPHnOw2lBY-00347-00145990-00146220 yep there's an elite I think that's a aPPHnOw2lBY-00348-00146221-00146777 zealot I don't know he's dead these aPPHnOw2lBY-00349-00146778-00147081 lesser aliens like on legendary and aPPHnOw2lBY-00350-00147082-00147498 lasso pretty pretty easy to kill aPPHnOw2lBY-00351-00147499-00147996 compared to that just gonna go ahead and aPPHnOw2lBY-00352-00147997-00148632 frag out the whole pink who broke the aPPHnOw2lBY-00353-00148633-00148926 neck yep you just saw your friends neck aPPHnOw2lBY-00354-00148927-00149759 get broken what are you gonna do oh yeah aPPHnOw2lBY-00355-00149760-00150345 love getting those assassinations in how aPPHnOw2lBY-00356-00150346-00150708 am i flashing aPPHnOw2lBY-00357-00150709-00151368 there's one - where's I no no beeping no aPPHnOw2lBY-00358-00151369-00151860 pip you know do bippy I do pipi this is aPPHnOw2lBY-00359-00151861-00152268 for biffing dipping only I'm gonna Biff aPPHnOw2lBY-00360-00152269-00152627 you oh he has a sword that's not good aPPHnOw2lBY-00361-00152628-00153115 for me now killed the guy with a sword aPPHnOw2lBY-00362-00153116-00153302 that's mine now aPPHnOw2lBY-00363-00153303-00153701 I remember in halo 1 how the guys with aPPHnOw2lBY-00364-00153702-00154446 the swords were a thing but yeah even aPPHnOw2lBY-00365-00154447-00154632 with the swords like they were aPPHnOw2lBY-00366-00154633-00154814 programmed to her when the elite dropped aPPHnOw2lBY-00367-00154815-00154968 it they killed themselves pretty much aPPHnOw2lBY-00368-00154969-00155153 the sword would just die there's a aPPHnOw2lBY-00369-00155154-00155319 really interesting concept because it's aPPHnOw2lBY-00370-00155320-00155532 like you can't touch the sword and now aPPHnOw2lBY-00371-00155533-00155804 this is before halo 1 so I never knew aPPHnOw2lBY-00372-00155805-00155985 how they explain that away question is aPPHnOw2lBY-00373-00155986-00156266 when will the station be back online two aPPHnOw2lBY-00374-00156267-00156609 weeks earliest this is plasma damage or aPPHnOw2lBY-00375-00156610-00156873 major up in components a fried to mr. aPPHnOw2lBY-00376-00156874-00157068 law which is why I'm splicing into the aPPHnOw2lBY-00377-00157069-00157223 main of an iron bundle to get you a aPPHnOw2lBY-00378-00157224-00157750 direct line to Colonel Holland commander aPPHnOw2lBY-00379-00157751-00157998 you know she talks like an electrician aPPHnOw2lBY-00380-00157999-00158809 but I doubt she's doing aPPHnOw2lBY-00381-00158810-00159365 what's your name you're from reach dude aPPHnOw2lBY-00382-00159366-00159520 to speak her language aPPHnOw2lBY-00383-00159521-00160594 I'm George sounds familiar aPPHnOw2lBY-00384-00160595-00161093 daddy Brenda Lewis father aPPHnOw2lBY-00385-00161094-00161785 sorry no long I'm sorry why would you be aPPHnOw2lBY-00386-00161786-00162095 big man forgets what he is sometimes she aPPHnOw2lBY-00387-00162096-00162502 just lost her father she needs a full aPPHnOw2lBY-00388-00162503-00162721 psychiatric workup she's not the only aPPHnOw2lBY-00389-00162722-00162874 one lock it down aPPHnOw2lBY-00390-00162875-00163321 both of you get her on her feet the body aPPHnOw2lBY-00391-00163322-00163707 stays here thank you sir aPPHnOw2lBY-00392-00163708-00163983 George is such a sweet person for a aPPHnOw2lBY-00393-00163984-00164268 Spartan I love how he just takes care of aPPHnOw2lBY-00394-00164269-00164334 people aPPHnOw2lBY-00395-00164335-00164532 he's a Spartan - so he got kidnapped aPPHnOw2lBY-00396-00164533-00164865 when he was seven years old and trained aPPHnOw2lBY-00397-00164866-00165099 for 11 years and then underwent the most aPPHnOw2lBY-00398-00165100-00165333 heinous genetic augmentations you can aPPHnOw2lBY-00399-00165334-00165666 think of that I forget what the survival aPPHnOw2lBY-00400-00165667-00165986 rate was I thought it was only like 75% aPPHnOw2lBY-00401-00165987-00166290 didn't make it either died or mutated aPPHnOw2lBY-00402-00166291-00166965 orally and the rest became Spartans it's aPPHnOw2lBY-00403-00166966-00167376 the contingency oh boy aPPHnOw2lBY-00404-00167377-00168138 and so begins Halo Reach yay aPPHnOw2lBY-00405-00168139-00168440 oh that's Oni that's the next mission aPPHnOw2lBY-00406-00168441-00168720 covenant are attacking a vital Oh God aPPHnOw2lBY-00407-00168721-00168885 achievement unlocked we're just getting aPPHnOw2lBY-00408-00168886-00169128 started all right so we're gonna leave aPPHnOw2lBY-00409-00169129-00169433 it here thank you all for joining me and aPPHnOw2lBY-00410-00169434-00169710 like I said if enough support happens on aPPHnOw2lBY-00411-00169711-00169866 this video maybe we'll switch the aPPHnOw2lBY-00412-00169867-00170058 difficult you do legendary maybe get aPPHnOw2lBY-00413-00170059-00170397 another two people in here didn't give aPPHnOw2lBY-00414-00170398-00170604 everyone a real show but right now it's aPPHnOw2lBY-00415-00170605-00170832 just a trip down memory lane so thank aPPHnOw2lBY-00416-00170833-00170976 you all for joining me and as always aPPHnOw2lBY-00417-00170977-00171400 we'll see you next time bye guys aPPHnOw2lBY-00418-00171401-00172000 [Music] aPPHnOw2lBY-00419-00172001-00172207 you aUR_XRwuado-00000-00000107-00000509 foreign aUR_XRwuado-00001-00000511-00003274 [Music] aUR_XRwuado-00002-00003275-00003309 thank you aUR_XRwuado-00004-00006479-00006839 foreign aUR_XRwuado-00005-00006840-00008601 [Music] aUR_XRwuado-00006-00008602-00008819 [Applause] aUR_XRwuado-00007-00008820-00009767 [Music] aUR_XRwuado-00008-00009768-00009918 foreign aUR_XRwuado-00010-00012941-00013522 foreign aUR_XRwuado-00011-00013524-00013740 [Applause] aUR_XRwuado-00012-00013741-00016361 [Music] aUR_XRwuado-00013-00016362-00016677 foreign aUR_XRwuado-00014-00016678-00019560 [Music] aViprI3jb4E-00000-00000720-00000952 please help us find Madeline the aViprI3jb4E-00001-00000953-00001150 children need their mother aViprI3jb4E-00002-00001151-00001403 we need our daughter our sister our aunt aViprI3jb4E-00003-00001404-00001618 and our best friend back we will remain aViprI3jb4E-00004-00001619-00002021 loud about this and continue to advocate aViprI3jb4E-00005-00002022-00002152 for Madeline aViprI3jb4E-00006-00002153-00002495 a family very clearly in pain wondering aViprI3jb4E-00007-00002496-00002699 how can their loved one disappear aViprI3jb4E-00008-00002700-00002855 Without a Trace aViprI3jb4E-00009-00002856-00003155 the man she was living with says he has aViprI3jb4E-00010-00003156-00003419 no idea what happened however her phone aViprI3jb4E-00011-00003420-00003749 wallet and jacket were left at home aViprI3jb4E-00012-00003750-00004054 something here really doesn't make sense aViprI3jb4E-00013-00004055-00004270 it's time to turn on the Searchlight for aViprI3jb4E-00014-00004271-00004458 Madeline Kingsbury aViprI3jb4E-00015-00004459-00006049 [Music] aViprI3jb4E-00016-00006050-00006233 welcome back to brain scratch aViprI3jb4E-00017-00006234-00006448 Searchlight I'm John lordon thank you so aViprI3jb4E-00018-00006450-00006623 much for caring about these cases like I aViprI3jb4E-00019-00006623-00006773 do and spending some time with me here aViprI3jb4E-00020-00006773-00006856 today aViprI3jb4E-00021-00006858-00007133 26 year old Madeleine Kingsbury who goes aViprI3jb4E-00022-00007134-00007505 by Maddie was born June 2nd 1996 in aViprI3jb4E-00023-00007506-00007625 Minnesota aViprI3jb4E-00024-00007626-00007805 during her early days she attended aViprI3jb4E-00025-00007806-00008003 School in Farmington and her older aViprI3jb4E-00026-00008004-00008170 sister Megan loves to talk about the aViprI3jb4E-00027-00008172-00008374 times that Maddie insisted on picking aViprI3jb4E-00028-00008375-00008674 out her own clothes which never matched aViprI3jb4E-00029-00008675-00008951 she was described as a funny little kid aViprI3jb4E-00030-00008952-00009196 with a love for Harry Potter and Lord of aViprI3jb4E-00031-00009197-00009310 the Rings aViprI3jb4E-00032-00009311-00009683 as she grew so did her good nature she aViprI3jb4E-00033-00009684-00009881 has a gentle soul that is sometimes aViprI3jb4E-00034-00009882-00010156 compared to that of Mr Rogers she aViprI3jb4E-00035-00010157-00010414 attended Winona State University about aViprI3jb4E-00036-00010415-00010660 two hours away in Winona where she aViprI3jb4E-00037-00010661-00010864 obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in aViprI3jb4E-00038-00010865-00010996 public health and health care aViprI3jb4E-00039-00010997-00011273 administration back in 2019. aViprI3jb4E-00040-00011274-00011531 she also fell in love with her local aViprI3jb4E-00041-00011532-00011806 community and decided to live there aViprI3jb4E-00042-00011807-00012023 during this time she met a man named aViprI3jb4E-00043-00012024-00012256 Adam Fravel and they had two children aViprI3jb4E-00044-00012257-00012509 together now we aren't able to tell from aViprI3jb4E-00045-00012510-00012719 news reports if the two are married or aViprI3jb4E-00046-00012720-00012910 not seems to me that they probably aViprI3jb4E-00047-00012911-00013229 aren't but what we do know is that as of aViprI3jb4E-00048-00013230-00013493 early 2023 she was living with Adam and aViprI3jb4E-00049-00013494-00013666 their two children a five-year-old aViprI3jb4E-00050-00013668-00013919 daughter and a two-year-old son aViprI3jb4E-00051-00013919-00014261 family is everything to Maddie and when aViprI3jb4E-00052-00014262-00014458 she wasn't working she was attending aViprI3jb4E-00053-00014459-00014693 activities with her children her family aViprI3jb4E-00054-00014694-00015071 describes her as a hard at work Mom aViprI3jb4E-00055-00015072-00015365 in January of 2023 she had started a aViprI3jb4E-00056-00015366-00015569 rigorous grad program at the University aViprI3jb4E-00057-00015569-00015821 of Minnesota School of Public Health she aViprI3jb4E-00058-00015822-00015983 had also been working at the Mayo Clinic aViprI3jb4E-00059-00015984-00016193 for several years as a clinical research aViprI3jb4E-00060-00016194-00016427 coordinator for public health infectious aViprI3jb4E-00061-00016428-00016619 disease and occupational medicine aViprI3jb4E-00062-00016620-00016967 research everything she did went into aViprI3jb4E-00063-00016968-00017153 making the world around her a better aViprI3jb4E-00064-00017154-00017441 place she was working really really hard aViprI3jb4E-00065-00017442-00017567 to do that aViprI3jb4E-00066-00017568-00017825 according to her sister Megan in March aViprI3jb4E-00067-00017826-00018149 of 2023 Maddie and Adam were no longer aViprI3jb4E-00068-00018150-00018455 in a relationship and Maddie was looking aViprI3jb4E-00069-00018456-00018599 to move out aViprI3jb4E-00070-00018600-00018821 Megan tried to talk her into moving to aViprI3jb4E-00071-00018822-00019019 the Twin Cities so that the two could be aViprI3jb4E-00072-00019020-00019319 closer but Maddie loved the Winona aViprI3jb4E-00073-00019320-00019463 community and she didn't want to leave aViprI3jb4E-00074-00019464-00019714 it she also wanted to stay close to Adam aViprI3jb4E-00075-00019715-00019907 so that the two could continue to aViprI3jb4E-00076-00019908-00020117 co-parent their children aViprI3jb4E-00077-00020118-00020429 Wikipedia tells us that Winona is a city aViprI3jb4E-00078-00020430-00020680 in and the county seat of Winona County aViprI3jb4E-00079-00020681-00021022 Minnesota located in Bluff Country on aViprI3jb4E-00080-00021023-00021203 the Mississippi River its most aViprI3jb4E-00081-00021204-00021394 noticeable physical Landmark is aViprI3jb4E-00082-00021395-00021689 Sugarloaf the city is named after a aViprI3jb4E-00083-00021690-00021941 legendary figure Winona who some sources aViprI3jb4E-00084-00021942-00022169 claimed was the firstborn daughter of aViprI3jb4E-00085-00022170-00022469 cheap wappasha of the Dakota people aViprI3jb4E-00086-00022470-00022697 the city was also the inspiration for aViprI3jb4E-00087-00022698-00022930 naming the actress Winona Ryder aViprI3jb4E-00088-00022931-00023213 Winona is part of the driftless area a aViprI3jb4E-00089-00023214-00023417 unique sub-region of the Upper Midwest aViprI3jb4E-00090-00023418-00023647 that includes Southeastern Minnesota aViprI3jb4E-00091-00023648-00023933 Northeastern Iowa Southwestern Wisconsin aViprI3jb4E-00092-00023934-00024197 and Northwestern Illinois aViprI3jb4E-00093-00024198-00024461 at the 2020 census the population of aViprI3jb4E-00094-00024462-00024661 Winona was 25 aViprI3jb4E-00095-00024662-00025139 948 people Lock and Dam 5A spans the aViprI3jb4E-00096-00025140-00025372 Mississippi River in Winona the highway aViprI3jb4E-00097-00025373-00025625 bridge connects Winona to the Wisconsin aViprI3jb4E-00098-00025626-00025834 side of the river aViprI3jb4E-00099-00025835-00026056 on the night of Thursday March 30th aViprI3jb4E-00100-00026057-00026345 Megan had sent Maddie what she called a aViprI3jb4E-00101-00026345-00026590 goofy text it was a picture from a aViprI3jb4E-00102-00026591-00026746 vacation the two had taken the previous aViprI3jb4E-00103-00026747-00027064 year they always took trips together aViprI3jb4E-00104-00027066-00027352 Maddie didn't respond that night but the aViprI3jb4E-00105-00027354-00027658 next morning on Friday March 31st 2023 aViprI3jb4E-00106-00027660-00028018 around 8 A.M Maddie and Adam left their aViprI3jb4E-00107-00028019-00028385 home on Kerry drive and they were in her aViprI3jb4E-00108-00028386-00028601 2014 blue Chrysler Town and Country aViprI3jb4E-00109-00028602-00028870 minivan they were taking the children to aViprI3jb4E-00110-00028872-00029146 daycare the drive and drop-off only took aViprI3jb4E-00111-00029147-00029357 about 15 minutes as the two were seen aViprI3jb4E-00112-00029358-00029561 pulling back into their driveway at aViprI3jb4E-00113-00029562-00029896 about 8 15. around that time Megan aViprI3jb4E-00114-00029897-00030118 finally got a reply to her text from the aViprI3jb4E-00115-00030119-00030455 night before it simply said LOL aViprI3jb4E-00116-00030456-00030677 but that was the last time that Megan aViprI3jb4E-00117-00030677-00030881 has heard from her sister aViprI3jb4E-00118-00030882-00031270 between 10 a.m and 1 30 p.m Adam stated aViprI3jb4E-00119-00031272-00031468 that he borrowed Maddie's van and ran aViprI3jb4E-00120-00031469-00031699 errands when he returned that afternoon aViprI3jb4E-00121-00031700-00032057 she wasn't there and he had no idea what aViprI3jb4E-00122-00032058-00032212 happened to her aViprI3jb4E-00123-00032213-00032405 at this point her family had been unable aViprI3jb4E-00124-00032406-00032614 to reach her all day along with her aViprI3jb4E-00125-00032616-00032824 employer and everyone was growing aViprI3jb4E-00126-00032825-00033101 concerned Maddie usually talked to her aViprI3jb4E-00127-00033102-00033335 family throughout the day and she never aViprI3jb4E-00128-00033336-00033533 missed work especially without calling aViprI3jb4E-00129-00033534-00033893 in most importantly she never showed up aViprI3jb4E-00130-00033894-00034049 later that day to pick up the children aViprI3jb4E-00131-00034050-00034307 from daycare nor did she make aViprI3jb4E-00132-00034308-00034457 arrangements to have them picked up by aViprI3jb4E-00133-00034458-00034583 someone else aViprI3jb4E-00134-00034584-00034811 they would end up being picked up by aViprI3jb4E-00135-00034812-00035177 Adam even though surprisingly he has no aViprI3jb4E-00136-00035178-00035477 legal custodial rights to them the only aViprI3jb4E-00137-00035478-00035639 explanation I've been able to find in aViprI3jb4E-00138-00035640-00035867 regards to that was one news report that aViprI3jb4E-00139-00035868-00036035 claimed there was some mention of him aViprI3jb4E-00140-00036036-00036335 doing some form of illegal activities in aViprI3jb4E-00141-00036336-00036593 front of the children and his rights had aViprI3jb4E-00142-00036594-00036755 been revoked aViprI3jb4E-00143-00036756-00036989 CCTV cameras and witness accounts show aViprI3jb4E-00144-00036990-00037145 that Maddie's van did leave The aViprI3jb4E-00145-00037146-00037355 Residence at about 10 a.m and it aViprI3jb4E-00146-00037356-00037589 traveled on County Road 12 and Highway aViprI3jb4E-00147-00037590-00037943 43 in Winona County and then South on aViprI3jb4E-00148-00037944-00038315 Highway 43 in eastern Fillmore County aViprI3jb4E-00149-00038316-00038524 coincidentally this is in the direction aViprI3jb4E-00150-00038525-00038849 of Mabel which is Adam's hometown aViprI3jb4E-00151-00038850-00039083 later the van traveled back toward aViprI3jb4E-00152-00039084-00039473 Winona on Highway 43 after that it sat aViprI3jb4E-00153-00039474-00039707 at the house when investigators were aViprI3jb4E-00154-00039708-00039929 asked who was driving the van they aViprI3jb4E-00155-00039930-00040229 stated this is not information we can aViprI3jb4E-00156-00040230-00040433 share at this time aViprI3jb4E-00157-00040434-00040702 on Saturday April 1st the family alerted aViprI3jb4E-00158-00040703-00040877 the Winona Police Department to her aViprI3jb4E-00159-00040878-00041117 disappearance they stated that nothing aViprI3jb4E-00160-00041118-00041296 had seemed off about Maddie and the days aViprI3jb4E-00161-00041297-00041573 leading up to her disappearance nor did aViprI3jb4E-00162-00041574-00041711 they know of anyone who would want to aViprI3jb4E-00163-00041712-00041821 harm her aViprI3jb4E-00164-00041822-00042077 investigators could find no evidence to aViprI3jb4E-00165-00042078-00042274 suggest that she left the home on foot aViprI3jb4E-00166-00042275-00042637 or in another vehicle and her phone aViprI3jb4E-00167-00042638-00042959 wallet her entire purse with her wallet aViprI3jb4E-00168-00042960-00043235 and her ID as well as a jacket that she aViprI3jb4E-00169-00043236-00043517 was wearing that morning were all found aViprI3jb4E-00170-00043518-00043685 in the house aViprI3jb4E-00171-00043686-00043979 her van was also searched but nothing aViprI3jb4E-00172-00043980-00044155 about that search has been revealed aViprI3jb4E-00173-00044156-00044440 investigators in Winona are keeping a aViprI3jb4E-00174-00044441-00044596 lot of the details to themselves to aViprI3jb4E-00175-00044597-00044717 protect the Integrity of the aViprI3jb4E-00176-00044718-00045017 investigation and I'm thankful to see aViprI3jb4E-00177-00045018-00045202 that with a case of this nature I mean aViprI3jb4E-00178-00045203-00045479 it's hard to look at these details and aViprI3jb4E-00179-00045480-00045773 not consider that this could possibly be aViprI3jb4E-00180-00045774-00046079 domestic violence issue with an outcome aViprI3jb4E-00181-00046080-00046307 that none of us wants for Maddie her aViprI3jb4E-00182-00046308-00046577 children or her family aViprI3jb4E-00183-00046578-00046774 while the family organized their own aViprI3jb4E-00184-00046775-00046985 search as investigators did reach out to aViprI3jb4E-00185-00046986-00047218 the public they asked that anyone in and aViprI3jb4E-00186-00047219-00047417 around Winona and Fillmore counties aViprI3jb4E-00187-00047418-00047693 particularly along Highway 43 and County aViprI3jb4E-00188-00047694-00048046 Road 12. to walk their properties and to aViprI3jb4E-00189-00048047-00048190 check their cameras for signs of aViprI3jb4E-00190-00048191-00048515 Maddie's van or anything unusual aViprI3jb4E-00191-00048516-00048755 with her belongings being found but no aViprI3jb4E-00192-00048756-00048946 trace of her investigators knew her aViprI3jb4E-00193-00048947-00049162 disappearance was suspicious aViprI3jb4E-00194-00049163-00049433 let's run a clip of Winona police chief aViprI3jb4E-00195-00049434-00049696 Tom Williams We Believe Maddie's aViprI3jb4E-00196-00049697-00049936 disappearance is involuntary aViprI3jb4E-00197-00049937-00050255 suspicious and we are all concerned for aViprI3jb4E-00198-00050256-00050465 her safety when I first talked to aViprI3jb4E-00199-00050466-00050674 Christy about covering this case there aViprI3jb4E-00200-00050675-00050927 was one name that I could not get out of aViprI3jb4E-00201-00050928-00051238 my mind and that's Maya miliete there aViprI3jb4E-00202-00051239-00051425 just seems to be a lot of parallels aViprI3jb4E-00203-00051426-00051664 between these two cases I have to say to aViprI3jb4E-00204-00051665-00051916 the credit of the family they are really aViprI3jb4E-00205-00051917-00052175 not commenting publicly about any aViprI3jb4E-00206-00052176-00052480 suspicion towards him aViprI3jb4E-00207-00052482-00052709 and of course I have to remind everyone aViprI3jb4E-00208-00052710-00052949 he is innocent until proven guilty but aViprI3jb4E-00209-00052950-00053147 the looks of this case aViprI3jb4E-00210-00053148-00053465 I'm I'm very concerned and so is aViprI3jb4E-00211-00053466-00053692 Maddie's family her brother Stephen who aViprI3jb4E-00212-00053694-00053873 is an infantryman in the armies and he aViprI3jb4E-00213-00053874-00054082 was serving overseas found out about aViprI3jb4E-00214-00054083-00054394 this he arranged for leave and he's now aViprI3jb4E-00215-00054395-00054604 helping to lead the volunteer search aViprI3jb4E-00216-00054605-00054838 efforts he notes that his time in the aViprI3jb4E-00217-00054839-00055073 military is helping with this quote aViprI3jb4E-00218-00055074-00055342 working in small and large teams with a aViprI3jb4E-00219-00055344-00055594 variety of personality types and talent aViprI3jb4E-00220-00055595-00055841 levels has given me the tools to achieve aViprI3jb4E-00221-00055841-00056200 a shared common goal he explained aViprI3jb4E-00222-00056201-00056375 now the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal aViprI3jb4E-00223-00056376-00056585 apprehension issued an endangered aViprI3jb4E-00224-00056586-00056813 missing person alert and the Winona aViprI3jb4E-00225-00056814-00056992 Police Department issued its first press aViprI3jb4E-00226-00056994-00057250 release they stated the circumstances of aViprI3jb4E-00227-00057251-00057485 her disappearance and explained how it aViprI3jb4E-00228-00057486-00057700 was out of character for this to be aViprI3jb4E-00229-00057701-00057982 happening they also requested again for aViprI3jb4E-00230-00057983-00058163 residents to check their cameras for any aViprI3jb4E-00231-00058164-00058379 sign of Maddie's Chrysler aViprI3jb4E-00232-00058379-00058619 specifically they asked residents along aViprI3jb4E-00233-00058620-00058841 Highway 43 to check for any signs of aViprI3jb4E-00234-00058841-00059015 disturbance or other suspicious aViprI3jb4E-00235-00059016-00059309 activities between 8 A.M on March 31st aViprI3jb4E-00236-00059310-00059603 and 4 pm on April 1st aViprI3jb4E-00237-00059604-00059788 it's reported that at the time of aViprI3jb4E-00238-00059789-00060016 Maddie's disappearance Adam took the two aViprI3jb4E-00239-00060017-00060238 children to his parents house in Mabel aViprI3jb4E-00240-00060239-00060557 which is about an hour south of Winona aViprI3jb4E-00241-00060558-00060803 without custodial rights Winona County aViprI3jb4E-00242-00060804-00061025 Health and Human Services arrived to aViprI3jb4E-00243-00061026-00061337 take the children into a 72-hour hold to aViprI3jb4E-00244-00061338-00061576 evaluate where they should be placed aViprI3jb4E-00245-00061577-00061942 this enraged Adam and he became very aViprI3jb4E-00246-00061944-00062135 uncooperative aViprI3jb4E-00247-00062136-00062387 he took one child inside and locked them aViprI3jb4E-00248-00062388-00062519 in the house while he called his aViprI3jb4E-00249-00062520-00062807 attorney his attorney advised him to aViprI3jb4E-00250-00062808-00063004 keep them locked in so that they could aViprI3jb4E-00251-00063005-00063244 not be taken all the while Adam was aViprI3jb4E-00252-00063245-00063532 threatening to sue Winona according to a aViprI3jb4E-00253-00063533-00063694 petition from the Winona County Health aViprI3jb4E-00254-00063695-00063965 and Human Services quote while father aViprI3jb4E-00255-00063966-00064115 was in the home with the younger child aViprI3jb4E-00256-00064116-00064391 social worker could hear father shouting aViprI3jb4E-00257-00064391-00064535 expletives aViprI3jb4E-00258-00064536-00064744 he eventually agreed to let the children aViprI3jb4E-00259-00064745-00064991 go but would not allow anyone but aViprI3jb4E-00260-00064991-00065141 himself to place them in the social aViprI3jb4E-00261-00065141-00065291 workers vehicle aViprI3jb4E-00262-00065291-00065609 in that process he actually put the kids aViprI3jb4E-00263-00065610-00065932 into the wrong car seats he also refused aViprI3jb4E-00264-00065933-00066167 to send anything with the children aViprI3jb4E-00265-00066168-00066449 so they left literally with only the aViprI3jb4E-00266-00066450-00066671 clothes on their backs aViprI3jb4E-00267-00066672-00066875 Megan has since confirmed that the aViprI3jb4E-00268-00066876-00067132 children are not in his custody and they aViprI3jb4E-00269-00067133-00067300 are safe aViprI3jb4E-00270-00067301-00067493 on April 5th a new update was released aViprI3jb4E-00271-00067494-00067685 by Winona police they outlined the aViprI3jb4E-00272-00067686-00067859 specific search areas that they were aViprI3jb4E-00273-00067860-00068153 checking for Maddie this included aerial aViprI3jb4E-00274-00068154-00068417 searches searching by foot and by aViprI3jb4E-00275-00068418-00068609 vehicle as well as looking at the nearby aViprI3jb4E-00276-00068610-00068873 waterways for signs of her they asked aViprI3jb4E-00277-00068874-00069113 that people in the areas outlined which aViprI3jb4E-00278-00069114-00069341 were Winona Wilson Township and aViprI3jb4E-00279-00069342-00069593 Hillsdale Township to search their aViprI3jb4E-00280-00069594-00069791 property wooded areas outbuildings aViprI3jb4E-00281-00069792-00070006 vehicles and trails for anything aViprI3jb4E-00282-00070007-00070138 suspicious aViprI3jb4E-00283-00070139-00070426 the following weekend a very large aViprI3jb4E-00284-00070427-00070775 two-day surge would take place nearly 2 aViprI3jb4E-00285-00070776-00071056 000 volunteers from all over Minnesota aViprI3jb4E-00286-00071057-00071261 and outside of the state aViprI3jb4E-00287-00071262-00071513 came to Fillmore County they searched aViprI3jb4E-00288-00071514-00071747 and another 700 searched the following aViprI3jb4E-00289-00071748-00071855 day aViprI3jb4E-00290-00071856-00072137 however after volunteers the Winona aViprI3jb4E-00291-00072138-00072269 Police Department the Fillmore County aViprI3jb4E-00292-00072270-00072449 Sheriff's Office and the Minnesota BCA aViprI3jb4E-00293-00072450-00072653 were done searching that weekend aViprI3jb4E-00294-00072654-00072838 it seems that they were still no closer aViprI3jb4E-00295-00072839-00073000 to finding Maddie aViprI3jb4E-00296-00073001-00073211 that's when it was announced that no aViprI3jb4E-00297-00073212-00073367 more wide scale searches by law aViprI3jb4E-00298-00073368-00073582 enforcement would be held Maddie's aViprI3jb4E-00299-00073583-00073732 disappearance was still considered aViprI3jb4E-00300-00073733-00074009 suspicious and it would continue to be aViprI3jb4E-00301-00074010-00074279 investigated with the hundreds of leads aViprI3jb4E-00302-00074280-00074435 they had before them investigators aViprI3jb4E-00303-00074436-00074638 definitely had their work cut out for aViprI3jb4E-00304-00074639-00074717 them aViprI3jb4E-00305-00074718-00074921 quote the search for Maddie is not aViprI3jb4E-00306-00074922-00075082 ending and neither is the investigation aViprI3jb4E-00307-00075083-00075335 into her disappearance as we develop new aViprI3jb4E-00308-00075336-00075587 leads and new search areas teams of Law aViprI3jb4E-00309-00075588-00075773 Enforcement Officers will do targeted aViprI3jb4E-00310-00075774-00076049 searches we are not giving up and we aViprI3jb4E-00311-00076050-00076175 want to thank everyone for their aViprI3jb4E-00312-00076176-00076361 continued support for Maddie and her aViprI3jb4E-00313-00076362-00076594 family Winona police released in another aViprI3jb4E-00314-00076595-00076715 statement aViprI3jb4E-00315-00076716-00077050 they also said on the 14th we remain aViprI3jb4E-00316-00077051-00077321 extremely concerned for her safety we aViprI3jb4E-00317-00077322-00077488 have had two goals since we learned aViprI3jb4E-00318-00077489-00077747 Maddie was missing bring her home and if aViprI3jb4E-00319-00077748-00077987 warranted hold accountable the person or aViprI3jb4E-00320-00077988-00078155 a person's responsible for her aViprI3jb4E-00321-00078156-00078353 disappearance releasing certain aViprI3jb4E-00322-00078354-00078503 information about the investigation aViprI3jb4E-00323-00078504-00078767 would jeopardize our availability to aViprI3jb4E-00324-00078768-00079067 achieve these goals we understand just aViprI3jb4E-00325-00079068-00079306 how much the community wants answers and aViprI3jb4E-00326-00079307-00079588 we are asking everyone to be patient as aViprI3jb4E-00327-00079589-00079847 the investigative process unfolds we aViprI3jb4E-00328-00079848-00080069 remain confident we will find Maddie and aViprI3jb4E-00329-00080070-00080338 bring her home to her family aViprI3jb4E-00330-00080339-00080656 some smaller searches have continued and aViprI3jb4E-00331-00080657-00080837 search warrants have been executed based aViprI3jb4E-00332-00080838-00081082 on tips that investigators have received aViprI3jb4E-00333-00081083-00081335 but Maddie still has not been found aViprI3jb4E-00334-00081336-00081635 on April 14 2023 search and rescue crews aViprI3jb4E-00335-00081636-00081850 including canines and dive teams aViprI3jb4E-00336-00081851-00082115 searched some more the Buffalo County aViprI3jb4E-00337-00082116-00082325 Wisconsin Sheriff's Office posted on aViprI3jb4E-00338-00082326-00082565 Facebook that Wisconsin law enforcement aViprI3jb4E-00339-00082566-00082793 searched the town of Buffalo across the aViprI3jb4E-00340-00082794-00083050 Minnesota border near Winona a search aViprI3jb4E-00341-00083051-00083267 for Maddie was conducted in the area by aViprI3jb4E-00342-00083268-00083471 20 firefighters from the tri-community aViprI3jb4E-00343-00083472-00083687 fire department and Fountain City Fire aViprI3jb4E-00344-00083688-00083915 Department along with deputies from the aViprI3jb4E-00345-00083916-00084167 Buffalo County Sheriff's Office the aViprI3jb4E-00346-00084168-00084400 Pepin County Sheriff's Office drone team aViprI3jb4E-00347-00084401-00084653 and Fish and Wildlife officers also aViprI3jb4E-00348-00084654-00084844 assisted in the search efforts to locate aViprI3jb4E-00349-00084845-00084982 Maddie aViprI3jb4E-00350-00084983-00085217 since that time search and rescue teams aViprI3jb4E-00351-00085218-00085450 from Minnesota Iowa and Wisconsin have aViprI3jb4E-00352-00085451-00085588 joined in including the Special aViprI3jb4E-00353-00085589-00085871 Operations Aid and rescue or soar team aViprI3jb4E-00354-00085872-00086219 and drive rescue team but what about aViprI3jb4E-00355-00086220-00086512 Adam and what about his involvement in aViprI3jb4E-00356-00086513-00086693 the case and especially the search aViprI3jb4E-00357-00086694-00086819 efforts aViprI3jb4E-00358-00086820-00087035 well he's released a statement through aViprI3jb4E-00359-00087036-00087365 his attorney that says quote over the aViprI3jb4E-00360-00087366-00087635 course of the last 12 days my family and aViprI3jb4E-00361-00087636-00087803 I have been subject to a myriad of aViprI3jb4E-00362-00087804-00087988 accusations regarding The Disappearance aViprI3jb4E-00363-00087989-00088205 of the mother of my children Maddie aViprI3jb4E-00364-00088206-00088312 Kingsbury aViprI3jb4E-00365-00088313-00088499 during these last 12 days I have aViprI3jb4E-00366-00088500-00088679 cooperated with law enforcement at every aViprI3jb4E-00367-00088680-00088894 turn including sitting down for multiple aViprI3jb4E-00368-00088895-00089075 interviews with Winona County Law aViprI3jb4E-00369-00089076-00089188 Enforcement aViprI3jb4E-00370-00089189-00089405 I did not have anything to do with aViprI3jb4E-00371-00089406-00089615 Maddie's disappearance I want the mother aViprI3jb4E-00372-00089616-00089794 of my five-year-old and two-year-old to aViprI3jb4E-00373-00089795-00090053 be found and brought home safely I want aViprI3jb4E-00374-00090054-00090244 that more than anything aViprI3jb4E-00375-00090245-00090485 law enforcement advised me on April 2nd aViprI3jb4E-00376-00090486-00090635 that they would not recommend that I aViprI3jb4E-00377-00090636-00090856 attend the press conferences or that I aViprI3jb4E-00378-00090857-00091073 assist in the searches due to safety aViprI3jb4E-00379-00091074-00091391 concerns however my non-attendance and aViprI3jb4E-00380-00091392-00091655 Silence has been inferred by many as a aViprI3jb4E-00381-00091656-00091900 sign of apathy or worse aViprI3jb4E-00382-00091901-00092129 that could not be further from the truth aViprI3jb4E-00383-00092130-00092435 I want Maddie home and for her to be aViprI3jb4E-00384-00092436-00092656 able to be with our two children aViprI3jb4E-00385-00092657-00092885 God bless the Kingsbury family and aViprI3jb4E-00386-00092886-00093238 please bring her home safely aViprI3jb4E-00387-00093239-00093449 he said that he was cooperating with aViprI3jb4E-00388-00093450-00093635 investigators and would continue to do aViprI3jb4E-00389-00093636-00093773 so however aViprI3jb4E-00390-00093774-00093941 when law enforcement was asked about aViprI3jb4E-00391-00093942-00094181 that statement the reply we heard from aViprI3jb4E-00392-00094182-00094456 there was we're not aware of any law aViprI3jb4E-00393-00094457-00094738 enforcement advising Mr Fravel not to aViprI3jb4E-00394-00094739-00095015 attend news conferences or searches for aViprI3jb4E-00395-00095016-00095273 Madeline aViprI3jb4E-00396-00095274-00095459 since then flooding of the Mississippi aViprI3jb4E-00397-00095460-00095687 has hampered search efforts but not aViprI3jb4E-00398-00095688-00095962 stopped them completely one new lead has aViprI3jb4E-00399-00095963-00096143 been released recently a neighbor of aViprI3jb4E-00400-00096144-00096299 Maddie's said that the day that she went aViprI3jb4E-00401-00096300-00096641 missing he saw her van backed into the aViprI3jb4E-00402-00096642-00096767 driveway aViprI3jb4E-00403-00096768-00096959 something he had never witnessed her do aViprI3jb4E-00404-00096960-00097067 before aViprI3jb4E-00405-00097068-00097337 the van has been taken in and processed aViprI3jb4E-00406-00097338-00097462 for evidence aViprI3jb4E-00407-00097463-00097697 Maddie's siblings continue their aViprI3jb4E-00408-00097698-00097906 difficult work as they said in a aViprI3jb4E-00409-00097907-00098129 statement released on Facebook Nothing aViprI3jb4E-00410-00098130-00098375 in life prepares you for this aViprI3jb4E-00411-00098376-00098543 while Stephen has led the charge in aViprI3jb4E-00412-00098544-00098765 search efforts Megan has taken to social aViprI3jb4E-00413-00098766-00098968 media with Tick Tock videos that she aViprI3jb4E-00414-00098969-00099167 uploads regularly to keep people updated aViprI3jb4E-00415-00099168-00099412 to help spread the word about her sister aViprI3jb4E-00416-00099413-00099653 and to find some comfort from people out aViprI3jb4E-00417-00099654-00099773 there who care aViprI3jb4E-00418-00099774-00100024 in one of her videos she says hopefully aViprI3jb4E-00419-00100025-00100241 we'll get some sort of new soon aViprI3jb4E-00420-00100242-00100474 I miss my sister aViprI3jb4E-00421-00100475-00100756 Megan has also worked as the primary aViprI3jb4E-00422-00100757-00101068 media liaison doing as many interviews aViprI3jb4E-00423-00101069-00101255 with different news sources as she can aViprI3jb4E-00424-00101256-00101597 and just working very hard trying her aViprI3jb4E-00425-00101598-00101885 absolute best to find Maddie aViprI3jb4E-00426-00101886-00102155 Madeline Kingsbury stands at about five aViprI3jb4E-00427-00102156-00102408 foot four inches tall and weighs around aViprI3jb4E-00428-00102409-00102730 135 pounds she has short brown curly aViprI3jb4E-00429-00102731-00102958 hair and hazel eyes she has several aViprI3jb4E-00430-00102959-00103163 tattoos including one on her back that aViprI3jb4E-00431-00103164-00103427 reads From the Ashes a fire shall be aViprI3jb4E-00432-00103428-00103528 woken aViprI3jb4E-00433-00103529-00103786 uh one on our lower abdomen that says aViprI3jb4E-00434-00103788-00104194 Ohana which means family and one on her aViprI3jb4E-00435-00104195-00104460 upper right arm of a flower design aViprI3jb4E-00436-00104461-00104663 although we could find no formal aViprI3jb4E-00437-00104664-00104818 description of what she was wearing that aViprI3jb4E-00438-00104819-00105016 day on the finding Madeleine Kingsbury aViprI3jb4E-00439-00105017-00105286 Facebook page it says that Maddie was aViprI3jb4E-00440-00105288-00105563 most likely last wearing all black black aViprI3jb4E-00441-00105564-00105773 pants with a black tank aViprI3jb4E-00442-00105774-00106043 she was not wearing her jacket she was aViprI3jb4E-00443-00106044-00106373 most likely wearing fuzzy winter boots aViprI3jb4E-00444-00106374-00106558 police are still asking everyone in the aViprI3jb4E-00445-00106559-00106775 area to check their security cameras and aViprI3jb4E-00446-00106776-00106978 preserve any surveillance footage from aViprI3jb4E-00447-00106979-00107351 March 31st until April 1st even if there aViprI3jb4E-00448-00107352-00107633 appears to be nothing on them they also aViprI3jb4E-00449-00107633-00107843 want locals to walk their properties and aViprI3jb4E-00450-00107844-00108034 keep an eye out for anything unusual or aViprI3jb4E-00451-00108035-00108299 out of place and they're asking locals aViprI3jb4E-00452-00108300-00108460 even if you've already done this please aViprI3jb4E-00453-00108461-00108689 do it again the changing weather aViprI3jb4E-00454-00108690-00108881 conditions might reveal new signs that aViprI3jb4E-00455-00108882-00109073 weren't there before aViprI3jb4E-00456-00109074-00109265 this week they've also put out yet aViprI3jb4E-00457-00109266-00109469 another new call to the public quote aViprI3jb4E-00458-00109470-00109678 we're asking property owners in these aViprI3jb4E-00459-00109679-00109915 counties to report old Wells from before aViprI3jb4E-00460-00109916-00110375 1925 old homesteads and old windmills or aViprI3jb4E-00461-00110376-00110543 windmill bases aViprI3jb4E-00462-00110544-00110716 we're also asking people to report aViprI3jb4E-00463-00110717-00110963 sinkholes that are accessible by car aViprI3jb4E-00464-00110964-00111251 this information is not included in aViprI3jb4E-00465-00111252-00111443 available records and could lead to new aViprI3jb4E-00466-00111444-00111725 searches so if you have any locations of aViprI3jb4E-00467-00111726-00111904 that nature to report please email aViprI3jb4E-00468-00111905-00112523 search Co Dot aViprI3jb4E-00469-00112524-00112684 police have previously said that tips aViprI3jb4E-00470-00112685-00112852 from the public have been integral to aViprI3jb4E-00471-00112853-00113099 the investigation so if you have any aViprI3jb4E-00472-00113100-00113254 information on The Disappearance of aViprI3jb4E-00473-00113255-00113471 Madeleine Kingsbury please keep those aViprI3jb4E-00474-00113472-00113710 tips coming in contact the Winona police aViprI3jb4E-00475-00113711-00114043 department at aViprI3jb4E-00476-00114044-00114371 507-457-6302 and if you need to remain aViprI3jb4E-00477-00114372-00114610 anonymous for any reason you can send aViprI3jb4E-00478-00114611-00115051 that same tip in to Crime Stoppers at aViprI3jb4E-00479-00115052-00115393 1-800-222-8477 or you can visit aViprI3jb4E-00480-00115394-00115613 online aViprI3jb4E-00481-00115614-00115858 Maddie's family is now offering a fifty aViprI3jb4E-00482-00115859-00115990 thousand dollar reward for information aViprI3jb4E-00483-00115991-00116302 leading to her whereabouts as we hit now aViprI3jb4E-00484-00116303-00116578 one month of her missing there is a aViprI3jb4E-00485-00116579-00116758 prayer service event happening this aViprI3jb4E-00486-00116759-00116939 weekend called shining a light for aViprI3jb4E-00487-00116940-00117245 Madeline it's planned for 7 30 p.m on aViprI3jb4E-00488-00117246-00117508 Friday May 5th at Veterans Memorial Park aViprI3jb4E-00489-00117509-00117719 in Winona aViprI3jb4E-00490-00117720-00117910 her sister posted earlier this week aViprI3jb4E-00491-00117911-00118193 saying it's been a whirlwind of a month aViprI3jb4E-00492-00118194-00118384 and I can't believe that it's gone on aViprI3jb4E-00493-00118385-00118636 this long and that it's still going on aViprI3jb4E-00494-00118638-00118840 we still have hope that we're going to aViprI3jb4E-00495-00118841-00119207 find her in what condition we don't know aViprI3jb4E-00496-00119208-00119471 it's hard to wait it's hard to be aViprI3jb4E-00497-00119472-00119728 patient this has been the worst month of aViprI3jb4E-00498-00119729-00119823 Our Lives for sure aViprI3jb4E-00499-00119824-00120439 [Music] aViprI3jb4E-00500-00120440-00120701 please do me a favor and share this aViprI3jb4E-00501-00120702-00120851 video with friends and acquaintances aViprI3jb4E-00502-00120852-00121060 that you have in Minnesota and Wisconsin aViprI3jb4E-00503-00121061-00121336 especially those counties surrounding aViprI3jb4E-00504-00121338-00121613 Winona and if you want to help support aViprI3jb4E-00505-00121614-00121775 the family please follow their Facebook aViprI3jb4E-00506-00121776-00121966 page we have a link in the description aViprI3jb4E-00507-00121967-00122183 box down below down there you'll also aViprI3jb4E-00508-00122183-00122410 find a link to their GoFundMe which aViprI3jb4E-00509-00122411-00122554 states that funds will go to help the aViprI3jb4E-00510-00122555-00122710 Kingsbury family in their search for aViprI3jb4E-00511-00122711-00122939 Maddie as well as caring for her aViprI3jb4E-00512-00122940-00123052 children aViprI3jb4E-00513-00123053-00123263 on behalf of our amazing team here at aViprI3jb4E-00514-00123264-00123508 lordn arts and the wonderful people that aViprI3jb4E-00515-00123509-00123725 support our work we have also made a aViprI3jb4E-00516-00123726-00124019 donation to The GoFundMe of course we aViprI3jb4E-00517-00124020-00124186 can't do that without amazing supporters aViprI3jb4E-00518-00124188-00124457 like our new Patron Amber and regular aViprI3jb4E-00519-00124458-00124643 PayPal supporters Hillary green and aViprI3jb4E-00520-00124644-00124954 Brandy Frye since 2015 we have always aViprI3jb4E-00521-00124955-00125116 run limited commercial ads for the aViprI3jb4E-00522-00125117-00125321 benefit of you the viewers and the aViprI3jb4E-00523-00125322-00125440 families that we're trying to help aViprI3jb4E-00524-00125441-00125663 obviously we can't do that without aViprI3jb4E-00525-00125664-00125884 support if you'd like to help please aViprI3jb4E-00526-00125885-00126095 visit there you can sign aViprI3jb4E-00527-00126096-00126316 up for patreon sign up for PayPal buy aViprI3jb4E-00528-00126317-00126545 merchandise or even just buy us a coffee aViprI3jb4E-00529-00126546-00126875 like Ann Peters recently did we truly aViprI3jb4E-00530-00126876-00127007 appreciate your support on our mission aViprI3jb4E-00531-00127008-00127204 to run as few ads as possible and help aViprI3jb4E-00532-00127205-00127451 as many cases as we can aViprI3jb4E-00533-00127452-00127836 thank you Wikipedia aViprI3jb4E-00534-00127838-00128215 the New York Post aViprI3jb4E-00535-00128216-00128573 k-a-r-e theindependent dot Co dot aViprI3jb4E-00536-00128574-00128927 UK namus and Christy arnhardt aViprI3jb4E-00537-00128928-00129275 for their help on today's story also a aViprI3jb4E-00538-00129276-00129413 huge thank you to everyone that's aViprI3jb4E-00539-00129414-00129586 supporting this family aViprI3jb4E-00540-00129588-00129839 from all those volunteers to all the aViprI3jb4E-00541-00129840-00129989 different law enforcement entities that aViprI3jb4E-00542-00129990-00130252 we mentioned here today it has clearly aViprI3jb4E-00543-00130253-00130595 been an all hands on deck issue and we aViprI3jb4E-00544-00130596-00130793 know their efforts will eventually lead aViprI3jb4E-00545-00130794-00131014 to finding the truth on this very aViprI3jb4E-00546-00131015-00131171 challenging case aViprI3jb4E-00547-00131172-00131435 let's keep those eyes ears and hearts aViprI3jb4E-00548-00131436-00131807 open and looking for Maddie Kingsbury aViprI3jb4E-00549-00131808-00132071 I'll see you again here real soon on the aViprI3jb4E-00550-00132072-00132221 Lord and arts Channel aViprI3jb4E-00551-00132222-00132480 foreign aViprI3jb4E-00552-00132481-00133582 [Music] aViprI3jb4E-00553-00133583-00134372 [Music] aXr1P5gYbA4-00000-00000014-00000313 a rocket launch is the take-off phase of aXr1P5gYbA4-00001-00000314-00000572 the flight of a rocket launches for aXr1P5gYbA4-00002-00000573-00000802 orbital space flights or launches into aXr1P5gYbA4-00003-00000803-00001043 interplanetary space are usually from a aXr1P5gYbA4-00004-00001044-00001249 fixed location on the ground but may aXr1P5gYbA4-00005-00001250-00001478 also be from a floating platform or from aXr1P5gYbA4-00006-00001479-00001793 an airplane launches of suborbital aXr1P5gYbA4-00007-00001794-00002039 flights including missile launches can aXr1P5gYbA4-00008-00002039-00002513 also be from a missile silo a mobile aXr1P5gYbA4-00009-00002514-00003009 launcher vehicle a submarine air launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00010-00003010-00003295 from a plane eg Scaled Composites aXr1P5gYbA4-00011-00003296-00003758 SpaceShipOne pegasus rocket x-15 from a aXr1P5gYbA4-00012-00003759-00004043 balloon Rock Horn da Vinci project under aXr1P5gYbA4-00013-00004044-00004247 development blow star also under aXr1P5gYbA4-00014-00004248-00004559 development a surface ship Aegis aXr1P5gYbA4-00015-00004560-00004775 ballistic missile defense system or aXr1P5gYbA4-00016-00004776-00005070 ocean based platform sea launch an aXr1P5gYbA4-00017-00005071-00005360 inclined rail eg rocket sled launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00018-00005361-00005593 launch is not into space can also be aXr1P5gYbA4-00019-00005594-00005876 from the shoulder a sky rocket is aXr1P5gYbA4-00020-00005877-00006193 launched from some stand rocket launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00021-00006194-00006491 technologies generally refers to the aXr1P5gYbA4-00022-00006492-00006683 entire set of systems needed to aXr1P5gYbA4-00023-00006684-00006910 successfully launch a vehicle not just aXr1P5gYbA4-00024-00006911-00007142 the vehicle itself but also the firing aXr1P5gYbA4-00025-00007143-00007396 control systems ground control station aXr1P5gYbA4-00026-00007397-00007655 launch pad and tracking stations needed aXr1P5gYbA4-00027-00007656-00008364 for a successful launch and or recovery aXr1P5gYbA4-00028-00008365-00009046 topic commercial launchers commercial aXr1P5gYbA4-00029-00009047-00009292 launch service providers include an aXr1P5gYbA4-00030-00009293-00009860 Tricks corporation PSLV GSLV aryan space aXr1P5gYbA4-00031-00009861-00010349 ariane 5 saw use to Vega china aerospace aXr1P5gYbA4-00032-00010350-00010598 science and technology corporation long aXr1P5gYbA4-00033-00010599-00011056 march euro co launch services rocco aXr1P5gYbA4-00034-00011057-00011383 international launch services proton M aXr1P5gYbA4-00035-00011384-00011881 is see cosmo trees Dnepr land launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00036-00011882-00012367 Zenit - SLB Zenit 3 s lb Mitsubishi aXr1P5gYbA4-00037-00012368-00012847 Heavy Industries hii hii B Northrop aXr1P5gYbA4-00038-00012848-00013121 Gruman innovation systems Antares minor aXr1P5gYbA4-00039-00013122-00013380 talk Pegasus C aXr1P5gYbA4-00040-00013381-00013794 launched Zenit 3sl SpaceX Falcon 9 aXr1P5gYbA4-00041-00013795-00014266 Falcon Heavy star 'some saw use FG Soyuz aXr1P5gYbA4-00042-00014266-00014694 to United Launch Alliance Atlas V Delta aXr1P5gYbA4-00043-00014695-00015825 for topic launch vehicles if a rocket is aXr1P5gYbA4-00044-00015826-00016008 launched to deliver a payload from a aXr1P5gYbA4-00045-00016009-00016215 planetary surface into space it is aXr1P5gYbA4-00046-00016216-00016370 called a launch vehicle aXr1P5gYbA4-00047-00016371-00016644 there are several broad categories that aXr1P5gYbA4-00048-00016645-00016944 launch vehicles fall under including aXr1P5gYbA4-00049-00016945-00017328 expendable launch system reusable launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00050-00017329-00017811 system single-stage-to-orbit two-stage aXr1P5gYbA4-00051-00017812-00018130 to orbit three stage to orbit for the aXr1P5gYbA4-00052-00018131-00018342 launch vehicles currently in use for aXr1P5gYbA4-00053-00018343-00018681 human spaceflight see that article there aXr1P5gYbA4-00054-00018682-00019409 were over 70 orbital launchers in 2010 aXr1P5gYbA4-00055-00019410-00020092 topic orbital launchers orbital launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00056-00020093-00020305 vehicles commonly take off vertically aXr1P5gYbA4-00057-00020306-00020503 and then begin to progressively lean aXr1P5gYbA4-00058-00020504-00020718 over usually following a gravity turn aXr1P5gYbA4-00059-00020719-00021039 trajectory once above the majority of aXr1P5gYbA4-00060-00021040-00021267 the atmosphere the vehicle then angles aXr1P5gYbA4-00061-00021268-00021450 the rocket jet pointing it largely aXr1P5gYbA4-00062-00021451-00021658 horizontally but somewhat downwards aXr1P5gYbA4-00063-00021659-00021849 which permits the vehicle to gain and aXr1P5gYbA4-00064-00021850-00022050 then maintain altitude while increasing aXr1P5gYbA4-00065-00022051-00022414 horizontal speed as the speed grows the aXr1P5gYbA4-00066-00022415-00022564 vehicle will become more and more aXr1P5gYbA4-00067-00022565-00022806 horizontal until at orbital speed the aXr1P5gYbA4-00068-00022807-00023133 engine will cut off all current vehicles aXr1P5gYbA4-00069-00023134-00023358 stage that is jettison Hardware on the aXr1P5gYbA4-00070-00023359-00023634 way to orbit although vehicles have been aXr1P5gYbA4-00071-00023635-00023836 proposed which would be able to reach aXr1P5gYbA4-00072-00023837-00024058 orbit without staging none have ever aXr1P5gYbA4-00073-00024059-00024292 been constructed and if powered only by aXr1P5gYbA4-00074-00024293-00024528 Rockets the exponentially increasing aXr1P5gYbA4-00075-00024529-00024703 fuel requirements of such a vehicle aXr1P5gYbA4-00076-00024704-00024936 would make its useful payload tiny or aXr1P5gYbA4-00077-00024937-00025261 non-existent most current and historical aXr1P5gYbA4-00078-00025262-00025606 launch vehicles expend their jettisoned aXr1P5gYbA4-00079-00025607-00025803 hardware typically by allowing it to aXr1P5gYbA4-00080-00025804-00025999 crash into the ocean but some have aXr1P5gYbA4-00081-00026000-00026208 recovered and reused jettisoned Hardware aXr1P5gYbA4-00082-00026209-00026439 either by parachute or by propulsive aXr1P5gYbA4-00083-00026440-00026776 landing when launching a spacecraft to aXr1P5gYbA4-00084-00026777-00027093 orbit our dogleg is a guided powered aXr1P5gYbA4-00085-00027094-00027307 turn during ascent phase that causes a aXr1P5gYbA4-00086-00027308-00027523 rockets flight path to deviate from a aXr1P5gYbA4-00087-00027524-00027924 straight path a dogleg is necessary if aXr1P5gYbA4-00088-00027925-00028137 the desired launch azimuth to reach a aXr1P5gYbA4-00089-00028138-00028357 desired orbital inclination would take aXr1P5gYbA4-00090-00028358-00028558 the ground track over land or over a aXr1P5gYbA4-00091-00028558-00028836 populated area eg Russia usually does aXr1P5gYbA4-00092-00028837-00029049 launch over land but over unpopulated aXr1P5gYbA4-00093-00029050-00029271 areas or if the rocket is trying to aXr1P5gYbA4-00094-00029272-00029443 reach an orbital plane that does not aXr1P5gYbA4-00095-00029444-00029649 reach the latitude of the launch site aXr1P5gYbA4-00096-00029650-00029968 dog legs are undesirable due to extra aXr1P5gYbA4-00097-00029969-00030199 onboard fuel required causing heavier aXr1P5gYbA4-00098-00030200-00030379 load and a reduction of vehicle aXr1P5gYbA4-00099-00030380-00031539 performance topic see also launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00100-00031540-00032037 mechanisms gravity drag non rocket space aXr1P5gYbA4-00101-00032038-00032455 launch list of rockets orbital aXr1P5gYbA4-00102-00032456-00032883 spaceflight suborbital spaceflight aXr1P5gYbA4-00103-00032884-00033308 spaceport list of rocket launch sites aXr1P5gYbA4-00104-00033309-00033705 launch status check list of Space Launch aXr1P5gYbA4-00105-00033706-00034228 System designs aXr1P5gYbA4-00106-00034229-00034943 topic external links calendar of current aXr1P5gYbA4-00107-00034944-00035276 and upcoming launches scheduled and past aXr1P5gYbA4-00108-00035277-00035783 launchers in principle all from 1999 aXEMSej0aGQ-00000-00000000-00000127 and i know that you've been to quite a aXEMSej0aGQ-00001-00000128-00000303 lot of different farms and you've done aXEMSej0aGQ-00002-00000304-00000503 some kind of viking investigative work aXEMSej0aGQ-00003-00000504-00000719 yourself what would you say is the worst aXEMSej0aGQ-00004-00000720-00000894 place that you've been to aXEMSej0aGQ-00005-00000896-00001054 for me the worst aXEMSej0aGQ-00006-00001055-00001398 feeling i got was aXEMSej0aGQ-00007-00001399-00003110 [Music] aXEMSej0aGQ-00008-00003111-00003343 all right so joey we're here at vegan aXEMSej0aGQ-00009-00003344-00003590 camp out um how'd you talk last night do aXEMSej0aGQ-00010-00003592-00003727 you want to give me a bit of an overview aXEMSej0aGQ-00011-00003728-00003943 how it went what you talked about aXEMSej0aGQ-00012-00003944-00004127 kind of what you've been doing recently aXEMSej0aGQ-00013-00004128-00004327 yeah so my speech was pretty intense aXEMSej0aGQ-00014-00004328-00004438 because there was lots of people there aXEMSej0aGQ-00015-00004439-00004615 more than i'm used to and uh just how aXEMSej0aGQ-00016-00004616-00004735 many aXEMSej0aGQ-00017-00004736-00004895 there was like seven or eight thousand aXEMSej0aGQ-00018-00004896-00005175 in a big pavilion so it was pretty uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00019-00005176-00005367 intense but i just gave an overview of aXEMSej0aGQ-00020-00005368-00005535 my like my life from aXEMSej0aGQ-00021-00005536-00005767 beginning to how i got to an activist aXEMSej0aGQ-00022-00005768-00005838 and aXEMSej0aGQ-00023-00005839-00006086 yeah i was a bit more open and raw about aXEMSej0aGQ-00024-00006087-00006295 it and stuff so yeah yeah well i think aXEMSej0aGQ-00025-00006296-00006510 most of our listeners are going to know aXEMSej0aGQ-00026-00006511-00006639 what kind of work you do in your aXEMSej0aGQ-00027-00006640-00006791 background but do you want to just tell aXEMSej0aGQ-00028-00006792-00006951 us a little bit of how you went from aXEMSej0aGQ-00029-00006952-00007263 being obviously this gang lad prison aXEMSej0aGQ-00030-00007264-00007359 kind of aXEMSej0aGQ-00031-00007359-00007487 vibe to aXEMSej0aGQ-00032-00007488-00007614 where you're at now because it's a bit aXEMSej0aGQ-00033-00007615-00007846 of an incredible journey you've had aXEMSej0aGQ-00034-00007847-00008046 yeah well it's it is a long story but aXEMSej0aGQ-00035-00008047-00008246 i'll i can break it down for you let's aXEMSej0aGQ-00036-00008247-00008423 have the twitter version aXEMSej0aGQ-00037-00008424-00008607 yeah so essentially like yeah i was aXEMSej0aGQ-00038-00008608-00008831 involved with drugs and gangs and then aXEMSej0aGQ-00039-00008832-00009087 it sort of uh spiraled off into like aXEMSej0aGQ-00040-00009088-00009303 more intense high-level gangs and then aXEMSej0aGQ-00041-00009304-00009559 uh come to a head i went to prison and i aXEMSej0aGQ-00042-00009560-00009791 got sober in prison had an awakening aXEMSej0aGQ-00043-00009792-00009951 part of that awakening was realizing aXEMSej0aGQ-00044-00009952-00010167 that i was a hypocrite who uh claimed to aXEMSej0aGQ-00045-00010168-00010303 care about animals that was eating their aXEMSej0aGQ-00046-00010304-00010455 bodies and uh had a bit of aXEMSej0aGQ-00047-00010456-00010727 self-reflection one day and decided to aXEMSej0aGQ-00048-00010728-00010999 you know align my belief system with my aXEMSej0aGQ-00049-00011000-00011271 actions and i went vegan and then i aXEMSej0aGQ-00050-00011272-00011446 couldn't close my mouth about it i was aXEMSej0aGQ-00051-00011447-00011774 very outspoken left the gangs and uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00052-00011775-00011999 started social media as a platform to aXEMSej0aGQ-00053-00012000-00012199 inspire people to make changes and to aXEMSej0aGQ-00054-00012200-00012391 speak up for animals and then it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00055-00012392-00012599 progressed into me not stopping aXEMSej0aGQ-00056-00012600-00012879 consistently and uh making a few waves aXEMSej0aGQ-00057-00012880-00013046 here and there so would you say that aXEMSej0aGQ-00058-00013047-00013175 being an animal lover is something aXEMSej0aGQ-00059-00013176-00013375 that's always been there for you and do aXEMSej0aGQ-00060-00013376-00013615 you have like a particular story of one aXEMSej0aGQ-00061-00013616-00013775 animal maybe that kind of set you on aXEMSej0aGQ-00062-00013776-00013966 this journey i know a lot of people talk aXEMSej0aGQ-00063-00013968-00014143 about you know an experience with a kid aXEMSej0aGQ-00064-00014144-00014319 with a dog and the kind of you know they aXEMSej0aGQ-00065-00014319-00014455 think about how much they love their dog aXEMSej0aGQ-00066-00014456-00014575 and then they're realizing that they're aXEMSej0aGQ-00067-00014576-00014783 eating a pig or something do you have aXEMSej0aGQ-00068-00014784-00014943 anything like that that kind of steered aXEMSej0aGQ-00069-00014944-00015119 you in this direction aXEMSej0aGQ-00070-00015119-00015327 i can remember like i've killed animals aXEMSej0aGQ-00071-00015328-00015415 before aXEMSej0aGQ-00072-00015416-00015647 which uh and anytime that happened i had aXEMSej0aGQ-00073-00015647-00015783 a deep aXEMSej0aGQ-00074-00015784-00015999 shame about it so i knew that about me i aXEMSej0aGQ-00075-00016000-00016175 didn't like doing aXEMSej0aGQ-00076-00016176-00016447 bad things to animals or people and uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00077-00016448-00016663 especially like i would take drugs after aXEMSej0aGQ-00078-00016664-00016886 i'd done something violent to a person aXEMSej0aGQ-00079-00016887-00017111 so i was really doing something that was aXEMSej0aGQ-00080-00017112-00017279 against my nature and i remember a aXEMSej0aGQ-00081-00017280-00017519 friend showing me a video that someone aXEMSej0aGQ-00082-00017520-00017694 had been out hunting that we knew and he aXEMSej0aGQ-00083-00017695-00017886 cut a little baby deer out of a mother aXEMSej0aGQ-00084-00017887-00018055 deer's stomach after he'd killed her and aXEMSej0aGQ-00085-00018056-00018222 he was doing this puppet thing with the aXEMSej0aGQ-00086-00018223-00018494 severed head of this deer fetus and i aXEMSej0aGQ-00087-00018495-00018679 was going to aXEMSej0aGQ-00088-00018680-00018830 attack my maid over it i was like what aXEMSej0aGQ-00089-00018831-00019007 are you showing me that for i was deeply aXEMSej0aGQ-00090-00019008-00019183 offended by i thought it was disgusting aXEMSej0aGQ-00091-00019184-00019375 and cruel yeah and uh you know i was aXEMSej0aGQ-00092-00019376-00019599 about 21 years old at that stage aXEMSej0aGQ-00093-00019600-00019799 so no there wasn't no one animal that aXEMSej0aGQ-00094-00019800-00019935 made me aXEMSej0aGQ-00095-00019936-00020103 change she wasn't like oh my god this aXEMSej0aGQ-00096-00020104-00020343 and it was just like i can't believe aXEMSej0aGQ-00097-00020344-00020543 they're doing this to them like why aXEMSej0aGQ-00098-00020544-00020743 isn't anyone stopping them it was just aXEMSej0aGQ-00099-00020744-00020878 so horrible aXEMSej0aGQ-00100-00020879-00021063 and so aXEMSej0aGQ-00101-00021064-00021319 vast that made me like i've got a i've aXEMSej0aGQ-00102-00021320-00021422 got to aXEMSej0aGQ-00103-00021423-00021607 help this cause you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00104-00021608-00021743 so you've done a lot of campaigning for aXEMSej0aGQ-00105-00021744-00021878 animals now because it's been eight aXEMSej0aGQ-00106-00021879-00022014 years you've been vegan something like aXEMSej0aGQ-00107-00022015-00022207 that now yeah quite a long time and aXEMSej0aGQ-00108-00022208-00022375 you've just been i know you're in the uk aXEMSej0aGQ-00109-00022376-00022503 for a long time but you've been back in aXEMSej0aGQ-00110-00022504-00022678 australia now for the last six months aXEMSej0aGQ-00111-00022679-00022807 and yeah what have you been doing there aXEMSej0aGQ-00112-00022808-00023047 and how does the activism that you do in aXEMSej0aGQ-00113-00023048-00023207 australia compared to that that you did aXEMSej0aGQ-00114-00023208-00023350 in the uk aXEMSej0aGQ-00115-00023351-00023471 okay so what i've been doing in aXEMSej0aGQ-00116-00023472-00023663 australia is uh campaigning for sea aXEMSej0aGQ-00117-00023664-00023927 animals uh the little fishies uh fishes aXEMSej0aGQ-00118-00023928-00024214 don't get much air time and like aXEMSej0aGQ-00119-00024215-00024311 everyone's saying you've got to watch aXEMSej0aGQ-00120-00024312-00024391 experience so you've got to watch aXEMSej0aGQ-00121-00024392-00024583 conspiracy so i like aXEMSej0aGQ-00122-00024584-00024703 thought you know what i'll do is i'll aXEMSej0aGQ-00123-00024704-00024863 watch c-spiricy aXEMSej0aGQ-00124-00024864-00025063 and react to c-spiricy and then off the aXEMSej0aGQ-00125-00025064-00025230 back of watching c spirits he go out and aXEMSej0aGQ-00126-00025231-00025494 campaign for the fishies and uh yeah we aXEMSej0aGQ-00127-00025495-00025567 just aXEMSej0aGQ-00128-00025568-00025774 went across the coast and did a bunch of aXEMSej0aGQ-00129-00025775-00025974 stunts seaworld got some media which was aXEMSej0aGQ-00130-00025975-00026111 good and uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00131-00026112-00026327 yeah so daily mailing aXEMSej0aGQ-00132-00026327-00026543 yeah daily mail i was so surprised daily aXEMSej0aGQ-00133-00026544-00026743 mail must have got someone from the aXEMSej0aGQ-00134-00026744-00026870 guardian or something working for him aXEMSej0aGQ-00135-00026872-00026990 because they were being objective in aXEMSej0aGQ-00136-00026991-00027302 that but like yeah and then uh yesterday aXEMSej0aGQ-00137-00027304-00027495 i wrote some decent objective articles aXEMSej0aGQ-00138-00027495-00027727 and they said my message uh for me and aXEMSej0aGQ-00139-00027727-00027958 uh yeah it was good i think the sea aXEMSej0aGQ-00140-00027960-00028087 animals deserve aXEMSej0aGQ-00141-00028088-00028287 a little bit more attention and uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00142-00028288-00028535 definitely gave that to them and uh got aXEMSej0aGQ-00143-00028536-00028679 people just thinking about the fact that aXEMSej0aGQ-00144-00028680-00028911 they deserve like rights because people aXEMSej0aGQ-00145-00028912-00029143 don't really see the fish as deserving aXEMSej0aGQ-00146-00029144-00029327 of rights you know like just the right aXEMSej0aGQ-00147-00029327-00029558 to like live in peace and without being aXEMSej0aGQ-00148-00029560-00029758 exploited but they are the most abused aXEMSej0aGQ-00149-00029760-00029990 and murdered animal on earth um aXEMSej0aGQ-00150-00029991-00030095 and i saw that you had a really aXEMSej0aGQ-00151-00030095-00030246 interesting conversation with somebody aXEMSej0aGQ-00152-00030247-00030423 that worked on a fish farm was that in aXEMSej0aGQ-00153-00030424-00030646 chile or something yeah we were in aXEMSej0aGQ-00154-00030647-00030870 australia and he like i just couldn't aXEMSej0aGQ-00155-00030872-00031062 believe it like i was there you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00156-00031063-00031270 with the sign uh with no actually out of aXEMSej0aGQ-00157-00031272-00031455 screen with the footage he worked up and aXEMSej0aGQ-00158-00031456-00031639 was like you know i used to work in a aXEMSej0aGQ-00159-00031639-00031758 salmon farm aXEMSej0aGQ-00160-00031760-00032046 and i'm now a vegan yeah sea animal aXEMSej0aGQ-00161-00032047-00032183 rights activist aXEMSej0aGQ-00162-00032183-00032351 who's free dives to get people to aXEMSej0aGQ-00163-00032352-00032527 connect with sea animals and i was like aXEMSej0aGQ-00164-00032527-00032646 when does this aXEMSej0aGQ-00165-00032647-00032831 when does this happen so the perfect aXEMSej0aGQ-00166-00032832-00032999 people just think it's set up it was not aXEMSej0aGQ-00167-00033000-00033367 set up uh lautaro his name was and he is aXEMSej0aGQ-00168-00033368-00033623 amazing guy and uh yeah yeah i had a aXEMSej0aGQ-00169-00033624-00033751 look through all of his instagram after aXEMSej0aGQ-00170-00033752-00033951 that it's pretty interesting stuff yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00171-00033952-00034071 because he was like you know people go aXEMSej0aGQ-00172-00034072-00034207 to sanctuaries to like connect with aXEMSej0aGQ-00173-00034208-00034471 chickens and he's in this water yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00174-00034472-00034687 with like a grey nurse shark and like aXEMSej0aGQ-00175-00034688-00034871 the sharks like interacting with him in aXEMSej0aGQ-00176-00034872-00035127 that so like really cool yeah and i mean aXEMSej0aGQ-00177-00035128-00035318 you know in the uk scotland's one of our aXEMSej0aGQ-00178-00035319-00035543 biggest producers well in your apache i aXEMSej0aGQ-00179-00035544-00035727 think they're the third largest producer aXEMSej0aGQ-00180-00035728-00035990 of atlantic salmon yeah is aquaculture aXEMSej0aGQ-00181-00035991-00036262 as big in australia as it is here oh god aXEMSej0aGQ-00182-00036263-00036495 it is big um well all i know is of the aXEMSej0aGQ-00183-00036496-00036767 worldwide statistic that is 50 of the aXEMSej0aGQ-00184-00036768-00036935 fish people are eating are coming out of aXEMSej0aGQ-00185-00036936-00037118 fish farms now um aXEMSej0aGQ-00186-00037119-00037390 there are fish farms in australia uh i aXEMSej0aGQ-00187-00037391-00037590 don't know how much bigger it is than aXEMSej0aGQ-00188-00037591-00037830 you know actual commercial fishing but aXEMSej0aGQ-00189-00037831-00038039 it only makes sense that you know they aXEMSej0aGQ-00190-00038040-00038118 they aXEMSej0aGQ-00191-00038119-00038262 get these animals in a controlled aXEMSej0aGQ-00192-00038263-00038446 environment where they can get you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00193-00038447-00038590 as many as they can aXEMSej0aGQ-00194-00038591-00038887 to breed and have this consistent flow aXEMSej0aGQ-00195-00038888-00039079 when they're going out on on boats it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00196-00039080-00039246 like hit and miss you know are they aXEMSej0aGQ-00197-00039247-00039351 going to catch them are they not but aXEMSej0aGQ-00198-00039352-00039551 with farms they're just they can exploit aXEMSej0aGQ-00199-00039552-00039687 and exploit and have a consistent amount aXEMSej0aGQ-00200-00039688-00039887 of numbers there's also a lot of disease aXEMSej0aGQ-00201-00039888-00040079 you know they they get uh heart disease aXEMSej0aGQ-00202-00040080-00040223 they get chlamydia they get like you aXEMSej0aGQ-00203-00040224-00040374 know this aXEMSej0aGQ-00204-00040375-00040583 flesh eating disease on their faces the aXEMSej0aGQ-00205-00040584-00040807 water is filled with feces like these aXEMSej0aGQ-00206-00040808-00041062 animals are diseased and suffering in a aXEMSej0aGQ-00207-00041063-00041271 big pool of feces but they're saying aXEMSej0aGQ-00208-00041272-00041479 that the fish farms just in scotland aXEMSej0aGQ-00209-00041480-00041767 alone um create as much feces as the aXEMSej0aGQ-00210-00041768-00041974 entire population of human beings in aXEMSej0aGQ-00211-00041975-00042190 scotland and it's all just leaking out aXEMSej0aGQ-00212-00042191-00042439 into the ocean causing toxic blooms and aXEMSej0aGQ-00213-00042440-00042687 it's just gross um aXEMSej0aGQ-00214-00042688-00042879 and it's incredibly cruel so yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00215-00042880-00043039 absolutely and i know that you've been aXEMSej0aGQ-00216-00043040-00043207 to quite a lot of different farms and aXEMSej0aGQ-00217-00043208-00043358 you've done some kind of viking aXEMSej0aGQ-00218-00043359-00043558 investigative work yourself what would aXEMSej0aGQ-00219-00043559-00043718 you say is the worst place that you've aXEMSej0aGQ-00220-00043719-00043862 been to aXEMSej0aGQ-00221-00043863-00044127 ah aXEMSej0aGQ-00222-00044128-00044335 such a hard question isn't it you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00223-00044336-00044574 if you want to talk about the worst farm aXEMSej0aGQ-00224-00044575-00044799 yeah um aXEMSej0aGQ-00225-00044800-00045071 for me the worst feeling i got was in a aXEMSej0aGQ-00226-00045072-00045358 slaughterhouse um and they were aXEMSej0aGQ-00227-00045359-00045502 these animals looked in very good aXEMSej0aGQ-00228-00045503-00045687 condition like they'd been aXEMSej0aGQ-00229-00045688-00045951 maybe looked after in a smaller farm aXEMSej0aGQ-00230-00045952-00046183 uh but this is like that humane argument aXEMSej0aGQ-00231-00046184-00046374 like yeah you can go into terrible farms aXEMSej0aGQ-00232-00046375-00046590 and i've been in terrible farms and you aXEMSej0aGQ-00233-00046591-00046702 know aXEMSej0aGQ-00234-00046703-00046902 with chickens like on their last breath aXEMSej0aGQ-00235-00046903-00047151 with their face down in their own feces aXEMSej0aGQ-00236-00047152-00047327 like dying and then there's dying aXEMSej0aGQ-00237-00047328-00047462 rotting birds aXEMSej0aGQ-00238-00047463-00047623 um aXEMSej0aGQ-00239-00047624-00047862 more often if you're in a aXEMSej0aGQ-00240-00047863-00048007 broiler shed aXEMSej0aGQ-00241-00048008-00048239 you will see more dead and dying yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00242-00048240-00048383 animals like aXEMSej0aGQ-00243-00048384-00048527 in a pig aXEMSej0aGQ-00244-00048528-00048615 farm aXEMSej0aGQ-00245-00048616-00048702 you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00246-00048703-00048871 if you're coming across a dying pig it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00247-00048872-00049046 like wow oh okay this pig's dying but aXEMSej0aGQ-00248-00049047-00049271 chickens birds that is there's so many aXEMSej0aGQ-00249-00049272-00049527 50 to 100 000 in a barn aXEMSej0aGQ-00250-00049528-00049679 and there's just everywhere you look aXEMSej0aGQ-00251-00049680-00049902 there's birds that are messed up but at aXEMSej0aGQ-00252-00049903-00050183 the slaughterhouse with the pigs that aXEMSej0aGQ-00253-00050184-00050327 we were i was sitting there in the aXEMSej0aGQ-00254-00050328-00050455 holding pens with them for like an hour aXEMSej0aGQ-00255-00050456-00050590 and a half before they went in and they aXEMSej0aGQ-00256-00050591-00050830 were nuzzling my face and they were just aXEMSej0aGQ-00257-00050831-00051023 they're like dogs curious aXEMSej0aGQ-00258-00051024-00051223 and i felt like i was betraying them aXEMSej0aGQ-00259-00051224-00051350 because i knew where they were going aXEMSej0aGQ-00260-00051351-00051607 yeah and then they got went in there and aXEMSej0aGQ-00261-00051608-00051863 you know just got electrically stunned aXEMSej0aGQ-00262-00051864-00051966 and then aXEMSej0aGQ-00263-00051967-00052199 stabbed and dropped into a boiler tank aXEMSej0aGQ-00264-00052200-00052503 to remove their hair and rolled and um aXEMSej0aGQ-00265-00052504-00052799 but the most horrifying part of it all aXEMSej0aGQ-00266-00052800-00052966 was not the fact that they got gutted aXEMSej0aGQ-00267-00052967-00053182 and their stomach was entrails were aXEMSej0aGQ-00268-00053183-00053342 pulled out with them all the way down to aXEMSej0aGQ-00269-00053344-00053447 their tongue aXEMSej0aGQ-00270-00053448-00053654 it was when they uh dropped a massive aXEMSej0aGQ-00271-00053655-00053871 saw down the middle of the pig aXEMSej0aGQ-00272-00053872-00054159 and their head was sawn in half and i aXEMSej0aGQ-00273-00054160-00054342 could see inside aXEMSej0aGQ-00274-00054344-00054494 this pig's head aXEMSej0aGQ-00275-00054495-00054726 after i'd just been connecting with them aXEMSej0aGQ-00276-00054727-00055023 and it left this like traumatic scar in aXEMSej0aGQ-00277-00055024-00055238 me like it was very bizarre like it was aXEMSej0aGQ-00278-00055239-00055335 like aXEMSej0aGQ-00279-00055336-00055503 oh my god like i've i've just got aXEMSej0aGQ-00280-00055504-00055726 witness trauma from that you know yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00281-00055727-00055854 yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00282-00055855-00055982 yeah and i think it's really difficult aXEMSej0aGQ-00283-00055983-00056111 because i've been into a slaughterhouse aXEMSej0aGQ-00284-00056112-00056271 myself and saw aXEMSej0aGQ-00285-00056272-00056503 lambs being slaughtered and again i aXEMSej0aGQ-00286-00056504-00056703 think one of the most disturbing things aXEMSej0aGQ-00287-00056704-00056919 from that was to actually see even when aXEMSej0aGQ-00288-00056920-00057094 it's been cut down the middle and it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00289-00057095-00057311 all hung up all the innards are out it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00290-00057312-00057479 still twitching and you can still see aXEMSej0aGQ-00291-00057479-00057742 like movement in its carcass and wow oh aXEMSej0aGQ-00292-00057744-00057919 my god it's really weird it's such a aXEMSej0aGQ-00293-00057920-00058126 horrible feeling and seeing that is aXEMSej0aGQ-00294-00058127-00058382 awful and i know that like a lot of aXEMSej0aGQ-00295-00058383-00058607 activists a lot of investigators as a aXEMSej0aGQ-00296-00058608-00058830 result of that experience severe burnout aXEMSej0aGQ-00297-00058832-00058991 and secondary trauma and all that kind aXEMSej0aGQ-00298-00058991-00059087 of stuff aXEMSej0aGQ-00299-00059088-00059311 how is it that you're able to keep doing aXEMSej0aGQ-00300-00059312-00059503 the activism that you do and not get aXEMSej0aGQ-00301-00059504-00059766 bogged down by all of that trauma oh aXEMSej0aGQ-00302-00059767-00059959 that's a good question i don't actually aXEMSej0aGQ-00303-00059960-00060047 know aXEMSej0aGQ-00304-00060048-00060206 you know i actually don't give myself aXEMSej0aGQ-00305-00060207-00060335 many options aXEMSej0aGQ-00306-00060336-00060503 and i think that's what it is like i aXEMSej0aGQ-00307-00060504-00060782 have suffered with uh trauma for most of aXEMSej0aGQ-00308-00060783-00061030 my life i had childhood trauma i had a aXEMSej0aGQ-00309-00061032-00061287 complex ptsd from the world that i was aXEMSej0aGQ-00310-00061288-00061654 in for so long i had a therapy and uh aXEMSej0aGQ-00311-00061655-00061830 you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00312-00061832-00062094 it's about i have an outlet for this aXEMSej0aGQ-00313-00062095-00062382 yeah so i see what's going on i don't aXEMSej0aGQ-00314-00062383-00062687 feel helpless i've i generate that aXEMSej0aGQ-00315-00062688-00063054 emotion into activism and results you aXEMSej0aGQ-00316-00063055-00063254 know people emailing all the time i'm aXEMSej0aGQ-00317-00063255-00063423 vegan because i'm vegan because you you aXEMSej0aGQ-00318-00063424-00063726 know like if it wasn't for that aXEMSej0aGQ-00319-00063727-00063950 the outlet i would probably break down aXEMSej0aGQ-00320-00063951-00064119 and it would express itself in a very aXEMSej0aGQ-00321-00064120-00064319 negative way aXEMSej0aGQ-00322-00064320-00064542 but some people are built for different aXEMSej0aGQ-00323-00064544-00064742 roles and i will say that like i don't aXEMSej0aGQ-00324-00064744-00064903 think everyone is built for the same aXEMSej0aGQ-00325-00064904-00065079 roles in any aXEMSej0aGQ-00326-00065079-00065359 company organization army soldiers they aXEMSej0aGQ-00327-00065360-00065550 have different roles different strengths aXEMSej0aGQ-00328-00065551-00065750 and uh that's why i think if you force aXEMSej0aGQ-00329-00065751-00065887 yourself into a role that's not for you aXEMSej0aGQ-00330-00065888-00066094 you could be in a world of trouble when aXEMSej0aGQ-00331-00066095-00066263 you could actually have longevity in the aXEMSej0aGQ-00332-00066264-00066423 movement doing something different and aXEMSej0aGQ-00333-00066424-00066694 you're still just as valuable um so yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00334-00066695-00066838 yeah and that follows them quite nicely aXEMSej0aGQ-00335-00066839-00066982 because you obviously are quite aXEMSej0aGQ-00336-00066983-00067191 controversial character yeah and how do aXEMSej0aGQ-00337-00067192-00067367 you deal with a lot of the negative aXEMSej0aGQ-00338-00067368-00067582 criticisms yeah like the threats aXEMSej0aGQ-00339-00067583-00067671 yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00340-00067672-00067799 yeah look aXEMSej0aGQ-00341-00067800-00068111 i will always say what i feel uh i don't aXEMSej0aGQ-00342-00068112-00068223 actually you know you're probably aXEMSej0aGQ-00343-00068224-00068487 getting about 70 70 of what i actually aXEMSej0aGQ-00344-00068488-00068567 feel aXEMSej0aGQ-00345-00068568-00068847 so i do i do like look i do sense myself aXEMSej0aGQ-00346-00068848-00069071 a little bit but like yeah i'm going to aXEMSej0aGQ-00347-00069072-00069279 tell people how it is aXEMSej0aGQ-00348-00069280-00069399 to be honest aXEMSej0aGQ-00349-00069400-00069519 i feel like what's happening to the aXEMSej0aGQ-00350-00069520-00069679 animals trump human emotions and i'm aXEMSej0aGQ-00351-00069680-00069831 sorry if people get offended not really aXEMSej0aGQ-00352-00069832-00069999 that sorry but but i'm still going to aXEMSej0aGQ-00353-00070000-00070199 say it like for me i think it's aXEMSej0aGQ-00354-00070200-00070423 important to speak the truth because the aXEMSej0aGQ-00355-00070424-00070663 truth breaks through the lies and if you aXEMSej0aGQ-00356-00070664-00070903 want me to use euphemisms and say that aXEMSej0aGQ-00357-00070904-00071071 you know use all these words that make aXEMSej0aGQ-00358-00071072-00071175 you feel a little bit more comfortable aXEMSej0aGQ-00359-00071176-00071326 use the words that the industry use to aXEMSej0aGQ-00360-00071327-00071471 make people feel comfortable about aXEMSej0aGQ-00361-00071472-00071638 eating animals and it's not me i'm an aXEMSej0aGQ-00362-00071639-00071847 activist i'm not a politician i'm not aXEMSej0aGQ-00363-00071848-00072079 trying to garner friends here and you aXEMSej0aGQ-00364-00072080-00072294 know whatever i'm just going to speak aXEMSej0aGQ-00365-00072295-00072487 like what what it would be like for this aXEMSej0aGQ-00366-00072488-00072655 animal what they say aXEMSej0aGQ-00367-00072656-00072799 for them they're being murdered they're aXEMSej0aGQ-00368-00072800-00073055 being tortured they're in an eternal aXEMSej0aGQ-00369-00073056-00073238 mass murdering aXEMSej0aGQ-00370-00073239-00073406 sickening um aXEMSej0aGQ-00371-00073407-00073582 nightmare you know so how do i aXEMSej0aGQ-00372-00073583-00073759 articulate that and um aXEMSej0aGQ-00373-00073760-00073959 yeah like you gotta that anger if people aXEMSej0aGQ-00374-00073960-00074143 get angry right aXEMSej0aGQ-00375-00074144-00074350 they're more likely right aXEMSej0aGQ-00376-00074351-00074591 to change like later on i feel because aXEMSej0aGQ-00377-00074592-00074806 like if it generates emotion in them aXEMSej0aGQ-00378-00074807-00074967 like that like most people this is the aXEMSej0aGQ-00379-00074968-00075191 worst enemy of us is apathy when people aXEMSej0aGQ-00380-00075192-00075359 don't get angry yeah they don't even aXEMSej0aGQ-00381-00075360-00075535 look they don't even comment they're too aXEMSej0aGQ-00382-00075536-00075759 busy yeah or they don't they don't want aXEMSej0aGQ-00383-00075760-00075887 to know about it they're not just like aXEMSej0aGQ-00384-00075888-00076103 that's that's the worst but anger people aXEMSej0aGQ-00385-00076104-00076311 like going and debating and coming at me aXEMSej0aGQ-00386-00076312-00076494 going you can't say that you know this aXEMSej0aGQ-00387-00076495-00076687 is they're actually feeling something aXEMSej0aGQ-00388-00076688-00076806 and they're having some type of aXEMSej0aGQ-00389-00076807-00077015 cognitive dissonance and response to it aXEMSej0aGQ-00390-00077016-00077206 and uh you know when these seeds get aXEMSej0aGQ-00391-00077207-00077431 planted and they realize that it's true aXEMSej0aGQ-00392-00077432-00077591 later when that when that emotion aXEMSej0aGQ-00393-00077592-00077750 subsides when the hate towards me aXEMSej0aGQ-00394-00077751-00077943 subsides all they're left with with is aXEMSej0aGQ-00395-00077944-00078206 that seed and yeah yeah definitely that aXEMSej0aGQ-00396-00078207-00078350 and so to round up then we'll just aXEMSej0aGQ-00397-00078351-00078567 finish off with a bit of what you're up aXEMSej0aGQ-00398-00078568-00078703 to next and i know you don't want to say aXEMSej0aGQ-00399-00078704-00078967 too much yeah so just what does the rest aXEMSej0aGQ-00400-00078968-00079262 of 2021 hold for joey cobb yeah so like aXEMSej0aGQ-00401-00079263-00079391 obviously i like to keep things under aXEMSej0aGQ-00402-00079392-00079662 wraps and uh you know but uh let's just aXEMSej0aGQ-00403-00079663-00079847 say like aXEMSej0aGQ-00404-00079848-00080038 i don't really necessarily always have aXEMSej0aGQ-00405-00080039-00080175 long-term plans aXEMSej0aGQ-00406-00080176-00080287 um aXEMSej0aGQ-00407-00080288-00080455 i just aXEMSej0aGQ-00408-00080456-00080662 i i follow my heart with my activism aXEMSej0aGQ-00409-00080663-00080855 which is what i recommend people do um aXEMSej0aGQ-00410-00080856-00081038 so i don't go okay in aXEMSej0aGQ-00411-00081039-00081271 september next year i'm doing this aXEMSej0aGQ-00412-00081272-00081511 i follow my heart and it takes me where aXEMSej0aGQ-00413-00081512-00081823 i have to be in that moment um so you'll aXEMSej0aGQ-00414-00081824-00082087 see uh a lot more aXEMSej0aGQ-00415-00082088-00082303 of the things i feel are going to be aXEMSej0aGQ-00416-00082304-00082599 most effective to wake people up um aXEMSej0aGQ-00417-00082600-00082815 you're probably going to see a lot more aXEMSej0aGQ-00418-00082816-00083167 of me in uh tough situations to aXEMSej0aGQ-00419-00083168-00083447 sort of aXEMSej0aGQ-00420-00083448-00083638 advertise to people what's actually aXEMSej0aGQ-00421-00083639-00083950 going on and uh you know aXEMSej0aGQ-00422-00083951-00084143 we're gonna just try to break through aXEMSej0aGQ-00423-00084144-00084367 again into the media somehow and just aXEMSej0aGQ-00424-00084368-00084559 keep propelling the animal message aXEMSej0aGQ-00425-00084560-00084694 forward um aXEMSej0aGQ-00426-00084695-00084918 more of the same jc pretty general that aXEMSej0aGQ-00427-00084919-00085343 was i know that wasn't specific aXEMSej0aGQ-00428-00085344-00085631 pretty good got away with words yeah aXEMSej0aGQ-00429-00085632-00085806 okay well thank you so much for taking aXEMSej0aGQ-00430-00085807-00085975 the time to chat to us today thank you aXEMSej0aGQ-00431-00085976-00086143 so much and lex thank you for all your aXEMSej0aGQ-00432-00086144-00086318 work that you do as well for viva and aXEMSej0aGQ-00433-00086319-00086447 you know you're very good activist as aXEMSej0aGQ-00434-00086448-00086783 well so thank you aZYR7O2DW7g-00000-00000176-00000381 um aZYR7O2DW7g-00001-00000382-00001695 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00002-00001696-00001825 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00003-00001826-00003431 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00004-00003432-00003552 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00005-00003553-00004588 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00006-00004589-00005695 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00007-00005696-00005791 wow aZYR7O2DW7g-00008-00005792-00006742 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00009-00006743-00008167 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00010-00008168-00008412 wow aZYR7O2DW7g-00011-00008413-00011071 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00012-00011072-00011322 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00013-00011323-00012087 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00014-00012088-00012399 oh aZYR7O2DW7g-00015-00012400-00013358 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00016-00013359-00013672 wow aZYR7O2DW7g-00017-00013672-00015815 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00018-00015816-00016127 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00019-00016128-00017567 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00020-00017568-00018979 so aZYR7O2DW7g-00021-00018980-00020414 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00022-00020415-00021307 so aZYR7O2DW7g-00023-00021308-00023505 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00024-00023506-00024178 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00025-00024179-00025333 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00026-00025334-00025877 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00027-00025879-00027924 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00028-00027925-00028718 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00029-00028719-00029319 do aZYR7O2DW7g-00030-00029320-00029790 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00031-00029791-00030388 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00032-00030389-00032279 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00033-00032280-00032608 oh aZYR7O2DW7g-00034-00032610-00033819 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00036-00037930-00039990 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00037-00039991-00040795 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00039-00049064-00050616 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00040-00050617-00051702 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00041-00051703-00053858 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00042-00053859-00053954 [Applause] aZYR7O2DW7g-00043-00053954-00054976 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00044-00054977-00055908 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00045-00055909-00056269 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00046-00056270-00056532 [Applause] aZYR7O2DW7g-00047-00056533-00059087 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00048-00059088-00059551 oh aZYR7O2DW7g-00049-00059552-00060703 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00050-00060704-00061926 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00051-00061927-00062113 so aZYR7O2DW7g-00052-00062114-00063491 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00053-00063492-00064203 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00054-00064204-00064914 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00056-00068091-00070113 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00057-00070114-00071543 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00058-00071544-00072074 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00059-00072075-00074047 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00060-00074048-00074147 wow aZYR7O2DW7g-00061-00074148-00075231 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00062-00075232-00075406 uh aZYR7O2DW7g-00063-00075407-00077686 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00064-00077687-00077845 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00065-00077846-00078042 [Applause] aZYR7O2DW7g-00066-00078043-00079126 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00067-00079127-00079756 uh aZYR7O2DW7g-00068-00079757-00081199 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00069-00081200-00081400 hmm aZYR7O2DW7g-00070-00081401-00082429 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00071-00082430-00083671 [Music] aZYR7O2DW7g-00072-00083672-00083912 oh aex0t_vYAXA-00000-00000968-00002760 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00001-00002761-00004812 okay aex0t_vYAXA-00002-00004813-00006255 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00003-00006256-00006522 prepackaged bizarrely Union Lippman aex0t_vYAXA-00004-00006523-00006786 agreed on a one-year aex0t_vYAXA-00005-00006787-00007359 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00006-00007361-00007720 what are we on Lok heavenly or UPK water aex0t_vYAXA-00007-00007720-00007959 been willful kasi of a minute light side aex0t_vYAXA-00008-00007961-00008577 man left side man put on a cape what he aex0t_vYAXA-00009-00008578-00008805 traffic-related akka aex0t_vYAXA-00010-00008806-00009400 Yasu bechamel sauce tomato jam like that aex0t_vYAXA-00011-00009401-00011241 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00012-00011242-00011805 there were some men the trigger bar aex0t_vYAXA-00013-00011806-00012324 land vegetable they interfere in Sheila aex0t_vYAXA-00014-00012325-00013041 Hannibal aex0t_vYAXA-00015-00013042-00013471 yeah poor Dylan Tavella yeah yeah one aex0t_vYAXA-00016-00013472-00014002 two three four five six seven seven one aex0t_vYAXA-00017-00014003-00014253 side and seven the other side the 14 aex0t_vYAXA-00018-00014254-00014491 lanes all together aex0t_vYAXA-00019-00014493-00015960 I really aex0t_vYAXA-00020-00015961-00016341 we discarded aex0t_vYAXA-00021-00016341-00016903 yes aex0t_vYAXA-00022-00016904-00018597 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00023-00018598-00019257 well I don't forget the out there aex0t_vYAXA-00024-00019258-00020611 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00025-00020612-00020903 this expressway will be the first with a aex0t_vYAXA-00026-00020904-00021112 dedicated two point five meter wide aex0t_vYAXA-00027-00021113-00021325 cycle track on either side aex0t_vYAXA-00028-00021326-00021619 one such dedicated 28 kilometers long aex0t_vYAXA-00029-00021620-00022086 track will be between Delhi and TAS now aex0t_vYAXA-00030-00022087-00022414 the Delhi made at expressway will help aex0t_vYAXA-00031-00022415-00022619 decongest traffic in the National aex0t_vYAXA-00032-00022620-00022858 Capital Region he project aims to aex0t_vYAXA-00033-00022859-00023080 provide faster and safer connectivity aex0t_vYAXA-00034-00023081-00023350 between Delhi and made it with the aex0t_vYAXA-00035-00023351-00023972 Pradesh and Uttarakhand off its total aex0t_vYAXA-00036-00023973-00024331 length of 82 kilometer the first 27.7 aex0t_vYAXA-00037-00024332-00024628 four kilometers will be 14 length while aex0t_vYAXA-00038-00024629-00024937 the rest will be a six-lane highway the aex0t_vYAXA-00039-00024938-00025208 Delhi Meerut expressway will have 11 aex0t_vYAXA-00040-00025209-00025580 flyovers five major and 24 minor bridges aex0t_vYAXA-00041-00025581-00025858 three rail over bridges for the six aex0t_vYAXA-00042-00025859-00026053 vehicular and fourteen pedestrian aex0t_vYAXA-00043-00026054-00026333 underpasses and an elevated section of aex0t_vYAXA-00044-00026333-00026792 five point nine one kilometers the aex0t_vYAXA-00045-00026793-00027029 expressway will support vertical gardens aex0t_vYAXA-00046-00027030-00027323 aimed at reducing pollution drip aex0t_vYAXA-00047-00027324-00027551 irrigation system will bottle the plants aex0t_vYAXA-00048-00027552-00027842 on the expressway a vertical garden has aex0t_vYAXA-00049-00027843-00028052 been made at the Jamuna bridge as a aex0t_vYAXA-00050-00028052-00028647 first it also harvested aex0t_vYAXA-00051-00028648-00030720 this is not showdown on my life aex0t_vYAXA-00052-00030722-00031789 yes I detected a vertical garden aex0t_vYAXA-00053-00031789-00032445 neither sorry you particular dislike aex0t_vYAXA-00054-00032446-00033051 motor Fiat good aex0t_vYAXA-00055-00033052-00033455 forever aex0t_vYAXA-00056-00033456-00034540 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00057-00034541-00035061 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00058-00035062-00035329 which is a good thing because this is a aex0t_vYAXA-00059-00035330-00035640 bad place just because it is starting aex0t_vYAXA-00060-00035641-00035871 from you aex0t_vYAXA-00061-00035872-00037299 [Music] aex0t_vYAXA-00062-00037300-00038608 you aex0t_vYAXA-00063-00038609-00038815 you agCl1301qeg-00000-00000000-00000070 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00001-00000071-00000299 it's time for every plays multiplayer agCl1301qeg-00002-00000300-00000539 Civ 6. hey guys I'm here playing agCl1301qeg-00003-00000540-00000695 multiplayer Civ six agCl1301qeg-00004-00000696-00000821 I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance agCl1301qeg-00005-00000822-00001091 to play all of the agCl1301qeg-00006-00001092-00001211 um games because I'm just playing a agCl1301qeg-00007-00001212-00001415 little bit till kids get home boom look agCl1301qeg-00008-00001416-00001643 at that Dan and Katie have contributed agCl1301qeg-00009-00001644-00001810 thank you so much Dan and Katie for 100 agCl1301qeg-00010-00001811-00001973 bucks donation there thank you so much agCl1301qeg-00011-00001973-00002231 you guys know how much this means to me agCl1301qeg-00012-00002232-00002321 um agCl1301qeg-00013-00002322-00002531 and agCl1301qeg-00014-00002532-00002668 thank you thank you thank you all right agCl1301qeg-00015-00002669-00002891 so back to over here where I'm agCl1301qeg-00016-00002892-00003149 destroying Baltimore sorry Dan Katie agCl1301qeg-00017-00003150-00003299 um agCl1301qeg-00018-00003300-00003581 and things are getting dicey here all agCl1301qeg-00019-00003582-00003779 right our night was attacked a night was agCl1301qeg-00020-00003779-00003899 attacked agCl1301qeg-00021-00003900-00004085 longboard lots of people were attacked agCl1301qeg-00022-00004086-00004229 all right agCl1301qeg-00023-00004230-00004397 turn on your volume a little bit in my agCl1301qeg-00024-00004398-00004527 headphones here agCl1301qeg-00025-00004528-00005165 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00026-00005166-00005620 all right so what um I think I wanted to agCl1301qeg-00027-00005621-00005813 is agCl1301qeg-00028-00005814-00005902 um agCl1301qeg-00029-00005903-00006131 oh let me see over here she's production agCl1301qeg-00030-00006132-00006463 I think uni agCl1301qeg-00031-00006464-00006634 all right let's repair the monument agCl1301qeg-00032-00006636-00007127 first all right so agCl1301qeg-00033-00007128-00007403 the deaths Sharps the death Sharps all agCl1301qeg-00034-00007404-00007817 right so they can attack Baltimore agCl1301qeg-00035-00007818-00007960 I want to get rid of these weak ass agCl1301qeg-00036-00007961-00008110 units around me because they're just agCl1301qeg-00037-00008111-00008441 going to keep harassing my guys agCl1301qeg-00038-00008442-00008545 um agCl1301qeg-00039-00008546-00009020 so let's start off with this guy agCl1301qeg-00040-00009021-00009414 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00041-00009415-00009635 all right agCl1301qeg-00042-00009636-00009851 yeah I was like he should destroy pretty agCl1301qeg-00043-00009852-00010113 much any of these guys agCl1301qeg-00044-00010114-00011153 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00045-00011154-00011291 all right here's what I'm gonna do I'm agCl1301qeg-00046-00011292-00011555 gonna have him shoot this guy who's more agCl1301qeg-00047-00011556-00011981 of a threat to this bombard here agCl1301qeg-00048-00011982-00012328 all right let's separate these guys agCl1301qeg-00049-00012329-00012563 let's have our Knight agCl1301qeg-00050-00012564-00012706 darn I was hoping he could take him out agCl1301qeg-00051-00012707-00013019 all right let's go over here agCl1301qeg-00052-00013019-00013216 next turn next turn agCl1301qeg-00053-00013218-00013408 all right this guy can come in here to agCl1301qeg-00054-00013409-00013738 be a medic agCl1301qeg-00055-00013740-00013858 all right agCl1301qeg-00056-00013859-00014141 um let's see this Knight could fortify agCl1301qeg-00057-00014141-00014650 for now agCl1301qeg-00058-00014651-00015244 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00059-00015245-00015533 all right so I'm gonna actually have him agCl1301qeg-00060-00015534-00015893 attack agCl1301qeg-00061-00015894-00016241 this guy agCl1301qeg-00062-00016241-00016444 he's much less powerful than this oh I agCl1301qeg-00063-00016445-00016553 guess because this guy's on a hill I'm agCl1301qeg-00064-00016554-00016853 not entirely sure why uh you attack him agCl1301qeg-00065-00016854-00017080 all right so we've got agCl1301qeg-00066-00017081-00017297 trade agCl1301qeg-00067-00017298-00017579 dude all right yeah let's go to Philly agCl1301qeg-00068-00017580-00018047 why not agCl1301qeg-00069-00018048-00018280 get those roads going all right you know agCl1301qeg-00070-00018281-00018443 what um this guy doesn't need to stay up agCl1301qeg-00071-00018444-00018827 by Cleveland let's have him come over agCl1301qeg-00072-00018828-00019025 this aways agCl1301qeg-00073-00019026-00019175 all right agCl1301qeg-00074-00019176-00019391 um that's it you can chill agCl1301qeg-00075-00019392-00019672 see each Tower can chill agCl1301qeg-00076-00019673-00020008 night can fortify for now and that's the agCl1301qeg-00077-00020009-00020200 end of this turn we'll see if Dan gets agCl1301qeg-00078-00020201-00020458 back to it agCl1301qeg-00079-00020459-00020705 all right so I've loaded up um Eric and agCl1301qeg-00080-00020706-00020819 Dan duel agCl1301qeg-00081-00020820-00021172 uh we've got the World Congress now agCl1301qeg-00082-00021173-00021286 um agCl1301qeg-00083-00021287-00021632 let's see here agCl1301qeg-00084-00021633-00022043 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00085-00022044-00022217 let's see religious city-states I don't agCl1301qeg-00086-00022218-00022313 know agCl1301qeg-00087-00022314-00022672 and agCl1301qeg-00088-00022673-00022943 chosen player gets more Grievances and agCl1301qeg-00089-00022944-00023093 other players Jay Mark here's the first agCl1301qeg-00090-00023094-00023213 player agCl1301qeg-00091-00023214-00023578 I don't know let's do myself I guess agCl1301qeg-00092-00023579-00023747 I'm not gonna waste any of my points for agCl1301qeg-00093-00023748-00025241 now I'll let that go agCl1301qeg-00094-00025242-00025450 I guess that was all I had agCl1301qeg-00095-00025451-00025781 all right so we're in what's Dan's game agCl1301qeg-00096-00025782-00025931 here I've been fighting with this guy agCl1301qeg-00097-00025932-00026231 off and on for quite some time agCl1301qeg-00098-00026232-00026368 all right someone's built the Hanging agCl1301qeg-00099-00026369-00026651 Gardens probably Dan agCl1301qeg-00100-00026652-00026855 um agCl1301qeg-00101-00026856-00026968 and someone wants to send me a agCl1301qeg-00102-00026969-00027124 diplomatic Mission that's okay I'm gonna agCl1301qeg-00103-00027125-00027340 relax on that for now and that's that agCl1301qeg-00104-00027341-00027496 turn agCl1301qeg-00105-00027497-00027652 all right it looks like I'm not gonna agCl1301qeg-00106-00027654-00027839 get to do anything agCl1301qeg-00107-00027839-00028007 um this turn agCl1301qeg-00108-00028008-00028343 so there we go agCl1301qeg-00109-00028344-00028540 yep agCl1301qeg-00110-00028541-00028864 all right into our next game agCl1301qeg-00111-00028866-00029039 oh this is the one where I'm doing well agCl1301qeg-00112-00029039-00029255 at spreading my religion but maybe not agCl1301qeg-00113-00029256-00029423 so well at other agCl1301qeg-00114-00029424-00029705 in other contexts agCl1301qeg-00115-00029706-00029939 is that it enjoy have a hidden turn agCl1301qeg-00116-00029939-00030008 coming agCl1301qeg-00117-00030010-00030185 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00118-00030186-00030358 I think that's it these are some very agCl1301qeg-00119-00030360-00030487 short turns today agCl1301qeg-00120-00030488-00030868 oh well the game loads I just wanted to agCl1301qeg-00121-00030869-00031061 say once again thanks Dan and Katie it's agCl1301qeg-00122-00031062-00031289 really generous your donation there put agCl1301qeg-00123-00031289-00031468 you in the top of course agCl1301qeg-00124-00031469-00031835 um Gauntlet down for other people agCl1301qeg-00125-00031836-00032135 um but uh you know any little bit helps agCl1301qeg-00126-00032136-00032362 um you've helped me unlock the um decal agCl1301qeg-00127-00032363-00032555 incentive which is nice I'm gonna put agCl1301qeg-00128-00032556-00032740 that on this page later this will be agCl1301qeg-00129-00032741-00032890 like where I gather all those types of agCl1301qeg-00130-00032891-00033065 things so that a page like this isn't agCl1301qeg-00131-00033066-00033293 too cluttered agCl1301qeg-00132-00033294-00033809 exploration agCl1301qeg-00133-00033810-00034235 let's see here so far Civic agCl1301qeg-00134-00034236-00034421 won't do mysticism agCl1301qeg-00135-00034422-00034637 or a government agCl1301qeg-00136-00034638-00034979 you can switch from oligarchy agCl1301qeg-00137-00034980-00035477 to a merchant Republic agCl1301qeg-00138-00035478-00035890 all right seems better let's do that agCl1301qeg-00139-00035891-00035999 all right agCl1301qeg-00140-00036000-00036293 so let's get rid of that one let's make agCl1301qeg-00141-00036294-00036646 our cities more awesome agCl1301qeg-00142-00036647-00036839 um agCl1301qeg-00143-00036840-00037073 I think we'll leave the other oh we need agCl1301qeg-00144-00037074-00037433 something for here agCl1301qeg-00145-00037434-00037601 oh yeah cool maybe that'll help me with agCl1301qeg-00146-00037602-00037877 the dude that's not uh loyal to me agCl1301qeg-00147-00037878-00038120 and agCl1301qeg-00148-00038121-00038602 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00149-00038603-00038974 oh maybe this will help with some money agCl1301qeg-00150-00038975-00039193 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00151-00039194-00039479 it helped a little bit agCl1301qeg-00152-00039480-00039605 not very much agCl1301qeg-00153-00039606-00039983 all right agCl1301qeg-00154-00039984-00040145 see what we can do here agCl1301qeg-00155-00040146-00040945 attack agCl1301qeg-00156-00040946-00041135 all right agCl1301qeg-00157-00041136-00042756 oh that was it huh agCl1301qeg-00158-00042757-00043157 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00159-00043158-00043349 I muted myself sorry I was thinking agCl1301qeg-00160-00043350-00043649 below the game I would have agCl1301qeg-00161-00043650-00043702 um agCl1301qeg-00162-00043703-00043918 any team stuff if I was part of a team agCl1301qeg-00163-00043919-00044093 and I'll probably join one at some point agCl1301qeg-00164-00044094-00044285 if for nothing else than to exercise the agCl1301qeg-00165-00044286-00044585 team apis make sure that agCl1301qeg-00166-00044586-00044752 um my program is doing everything it agCl1301qeg-00167-00044753-00044933 needs to and then the left side would be agCl1301qeg-00168-00044934-00045167 all my personal stuff including the agCl1301qeg-00169-00045168-00045467 incentives so I've got the decal in agCl1301qeg-00170-00045468-00045737 about 75 bucks I'll have agCl1301qeg-00171-00045738-00045835 um agCl1301qeg-00172-00045836-00046139 the uh T-shirt oh and the other thing agCl1301qeg-00173-00046140-00046373 Dan you didn't know this I think agCl1301qeg-00174-00046374-00046577 um if we raised a hundred dollars during agCl1301qeg-00175-00046578-00046751 this time period I believe when you agCl1301qeg-00176-00046752-00046852 donated agCl1301qeg-00177-00046853-00047015 um we get a mouse pad which is agCl1301qeg-00178-00047016-00047129 interesting agCl1301qeg-00179-00047130-00047255 um I don't know who still uses mouse agCl1301qeg-00180-00047256-00047446 pads I certainly don't but it's kind of agCl1301qeg-00181-00047447-00047921 neat to have one um based on extra life agCl1301qeg-00182-00047922-00048089 all right agCl1301qeg-00183-00048090-00048515 where are we oh this freaking game agCl1301qeg-00184-00048516-00048887 I am oh I lost the city God darn it agCl1301qeg-00185-00048888-00049073 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00186-00049074-00049240 wow agCl1301qeg-00187-00049241-00049421 uh agCl1301qeg-00188-00049422-00049595 uh probably gonna lose their crap out of agCl1301qeg-00189-00049596-00049787 this game agCl1301qeg-00190-00049788-00049990 I Won't Give Up just yet agCl1301qeg-00191-00049991-00050183 but things do not look good agCl1301qeg-00192-00050184-00050520 not at all agCl1301qeg-00193-00050521-00051946 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00194-00051947-00052264 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00195-00052265-00052361 oh agCl1301qeg-00196-00052362-00052594 this has really screwed up my economy agCl1301qeg-00197-00052595-00052799 too agCl1301qeg-00198-00052800-00053965 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00199-00053966-00054671 all right production agCl1301qeg-00200-00054672-00054911 Heights nights if we're not dead we've agCl1301qeg-00201-00054912-00055475 got an idol governor agCl1301qeg-00202-00055476-00055949 what are these flags interesting agCl1301qeg-00203-00055950-00056891 uh I guess pody we'll put him in potty agCl1301qeg-00204-00056891-00057109 all right agCl1301qeg-00205-00057110-00057425 that's a military science agCl1301qeg-00206-00057426-00057850 let this guy be on alert agCl1301qeg-00207-00057851-00057904 um agCl1301qeg-00208-00057905-00058241 we'll keep going I guess agCl1301qeg-00209-00058241-00058457 all right and we're back in however agCl1301qeg-00210-00058458-00058691 beautiful military signs again agCl1301qeg-00211-00058691-00058882 all right so agCl1301qeg-00212-00058883-00059075 scientist again agCl1301qeg-00213-00059076-00059254 once again here we go agCl1301qeg-00214-00059255-00059488 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00215-00059489-00059903 just kidding this ship is now here agCl1301qeg-00216-00059904-00060113 um let's see let's go over here do some agCl1301qeg-00217-00060114-00060694 exploration enable exploration agCl1301qeg-00218-00060695-00061115 all right here we go agCl1301qeg-00219-00061116-00061330 let's see what we forget oh can we agCl1301qeg-00220-00061332-00061565 change governments not quite yet all agCl1301qeg-00221-00061566-00061732 right we'll just stay agCl1301qeg-00222-00061733-00062063 we'll stay where we're at for now agCl1301qeg-00223-00062064-00062225 oh we can enter there agCl1301qeg-00224-00062226-00062482 one of these let's see let's do agCl1301qeg-00225-00062483-00062759 defensive buildings here we go agCl1301qeg-00226-00062760-00063526 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00227-00063527-00063779 I need that Shipyard agCl1301qeg-00228-00063779-00064007 Factory be very nice agCl1301qeg-00229-00064008-00064272 let's see agCl1301qeg-00230-00064273-00064679 [Music] agCl1301qeg-00231-00064679-00064841 let's get more minions in the city heck agCl1301qeg-00232-00064841-00065194 yeah all right cool agCl1301qeg-00233-00065195-00065693 all right so Another World Congress agCl1301qeg-00234-00065694-00065837 um I think I'll go with the same thing agCl1301qeg-00235-00065838-00065981 go with agCl1301qeg-00236-00065982-00066125 actually I'll do scientific this time agCl1301qeg-00237-00066126-00066305 and agCl1301qeg-00238-00066306-00066725 throw another extra in there agCl1301qeg-00239-00066726-00067111 um agCl1301qeg-00240-00067112-00067588 I was safe now say prescription sure no agCl1301qeg-00241-00067589-00068111 I'll say bolt why not agCl1301qeg-00242-00068112-00068285 all right this has been Eric playing C6 agCl1301qeg-00243-00068286-00068399 multiplayer I'll see you next time agCl1301qeg-00244-00068400-00068701 goodbye thanks again Dan ahj0XOCExP4-00000-00000448-00000647 i suppose i will then start with the ahj0XOCExP4-00001-00000648-00000847 welcoming remarks ahj0XOCExP4-00002-00000848-00001143 distinguished delegates forestry experts ahj0XOCExP4-00003-00001144-00001366 and colleagues ahj0XOCExP4-00004-00001367-00001558 on behalf of the food and agriculture ahj0XOCExP4-00005-00001559-00001814 organization of the united nations i'm ahj0XOCExP4-00006-00001816-00002118 delighted to extend a warm welcome to ahj0XOCExP4-00007-00002119-00002334 all of you to this side event on the ahj0XOCExP4-00008-00002335-00002671 roadmaps for primary forest conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00009-00002672-00002934 and innovative forest technologies in ahj0XOCExP4-00010-00002935-00003206 the asia pacific region ahj0XOCExP4-00011-00003207-00003422 my name is shyla vertka nunikov and i'm ahj0XOCExP4-00012-00003423-00003647 the senior forestry officer at the fbo ahj0XOCExP4-00013-00003647-00003903 regional office in bangkok and i'm also ahj0XOCExP4-00014-00003904-00004095 the secretary for the asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00015-00004096-00004286 forestry commission ahj0XOCExP4-00016-00004287-00004495 very unfortunately it was impossible for ahj0XOCExP4-00017-00004496-00004679 me to be with you in person today and ahj0XOCExP4-00018-00004680-00004927 all the more i appreciate the hybrid ahj0XOCExP4-00019-00004928-00005143 modality that allows remote connection ahj0XOCExP4-00020-00005144-00005359 to the congress deliberations and this ahj0XOCExP4-00021-00005360-00005502 event ahj0XOCExP4-00022-00005503-00005767 to set the scene let me recall some ahj0XOCExP4-00023-00005768-00006079 facts about the forest in asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00024-00006080-00006191 first ahj0XOCExP4-00025-00006192-00006446 despite an overall increase in forested ahj0XOCExP4-00026-00006447-00006695 area there is concerning evidence of ahj0XOCExP4-00027-00006695-00006887 declining primary forests in asia ahj0XOCExP4-00028-00006888-00007014 pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00029-00007015-00007167 specifically ahj0XOCExP4-00030-00007168-00007342 primary forests in the region account ahj0XOCExP4-00031-00007343-00007503 for less than 20 ahj0XOCExP4-00032-00007504-00007727 of the forest area much lower than the ahj0XOCExP4-00033-00007728-00007878 global average ahj0XOCExP4-00034-00007879-00008078 so the conservation of the primary ahj0XOCExP4-00035-00008079-00008295 forest in asia pacific is urgently ahj0XOCExP4-00036-00008296-00008583 needed to safeguard biodiversity ahj0XOCExP4-00037-00008584-00008823 ecosystem services and the quality and ahj0XOCExP4-00038-00008824-00009135 health of people and the environment ahj0XOCExP4-00039-00009136-00009342 another point is that the region is ahj0XOCExP4-00040-00009343-00009551 experiencing a widening timber supply ahj0XOCExP4-00041-00009552-00009806 gap meaning there's more demand for wood ahj0XOCExP4-00042-00009807-00009942 than produced ahj0XOCExP4-00043-00009943-00010183 this emphasizes the importance of ahj0XOCExP4-00044-00010184-00010342 upscaling wood production in a ahj0XOCExP4-00045-00010343-00010623 sustainable efficient and inclusive ahj0XOCExP4-00046-00010624-00010735 manner ahj0XOCExP4-00047-00010736-00010974 innovative forest technologies can be ahj0XOCExP4-00048-00010975-00011238 key ingredients to this end ahj0XOCExP4-00049-00011239-00011351 therefore ahj0XOCExP4-00050-00011352-00011527 as one follow-up to the third ahj0XOCExP4-00051-00011528-00011767 asia-pacific four-sector outlook study ahj0XOCExP4-00052-00011768-00012070 of 2019 and under the impetus of the ahj0XOCExP4-00053-00012071-00012310 asia-pacific forestry commission ahj0XOCExP4-00054-00012311-00012551 fao and the center for international ahj0XOCExP4-00055-00012552-00012791 forestry research have been working on ahj0XOCExP4-00056-00012792-00013055 developing two interrelated world maps ahj0XOCExP4-00057-00013056-00013303 for the asia-pacific region one on the ahj0XOCExP4-00058-00013304-00013535 conservation of primary forests and ahj0XOCExP4-00059-00013536-00013711 another on innovative forest ahj0XOCExP4-00060-00013712-00013927 technologies ahj0XOCExP4-00061-00013928-00014151 since the inaugural workshop in july ahj0XOCExP4-00062-00014152-00014407 2020 this involved the organization of ahj0XOCExP4-00063-00014408-00014663 two technical workshops several expert ahj0XOCExP4-00064-00014663-00014911 consultations secondary research and ahj0XOCExP4-00065-00014912-00015158 analysis open online submissions and an ahj0XOCExP4-00066-00015159-00015383 inclusive engagement with youth in the ahj0XOCExP4-00067-00015384-00015679 region by the way the youth contribution ahj0XOCExP4-00068-00015680-00015886 to the road maps already resulted in a ahj0XOCExP4-00069-00015887-00016119 publication and was the focus of another ahj0XOCExP4-00070-00016119-00016335 event on tuesday ahj0XOCExP4-00071-00016336-00016479 dear colleagues ahj0XOCExP4-00072-00016480-00016686 today's side event will present the main ahj0XOCExP4-00073-00016687-00016935 findings of these roadmaps and initiate ahj0XOCExP4-00074-00016936-00017158 a discussion on how these ahj0XOCExP4-00075-00017159-00017383 recommendations could be applied and ahj0XOCExP4-00076-00017384-00017591 implemented on the ground ahj0XOCExP4-00077-00017592-00017791 i especially look forward to hear from ahj0XOCExP4-00078-00017792-00017943 government representatives and ahj0XOCExP4-00079-00017944-00018214 practitioners on their views and hope ahj0XOCExP4-00080-00018215-00018414 the road maps will contribute to further ahj0XOCExP4-00081-00018415-00018719 strengthening and upscaling our efforts ahj0XOCExP4-00082-00018720-00018950 to advance sustainable forest management ahj0XOCExP4-00083-00018951-00019119 in the region ahj0XOCExP4-00084-00019120-00019335 in closing i wish to appreciate the ahj0XOCExP4-00085-00019336-00019599 tremendous effort or tremendous support ahj0XOCExP4-00086-00019600-00019839 received during the entire process ahj0XOCExP4-00087-00019840-00020047 from governments intergovernmental ahj0XOCExP4-00088-00020048-00020311 organizations private sector civil ahj0XOCExP4-00089-00020312-00020527 society academia and research ahj0XOCExP4-00090-00020528-00020807 institutions i also wish to recognize ahj0XOCExP4-00091-00020808-00021094 the great collaboration with c4 our ahj0XOCExP4-00092-00021095-00021286 partner and co-organizer of today's ahj0XOCExP4-00093-00021287-00021494 event and now we wish our very ahj0XOCExP4-00094-00021495-00021719 insightful discussion on this last day ahj0XOCExP4-00095-00021720-00021967 of the 15th world forestry congress ahj0XOCExP4-00096-00021968-00022286 thank you ahj0XOCExP4-00097-00022287-00022439 thank you shayla and ahj0XOCExP4-00098-00022440-00022686 thank you everyone and um ahj0XOCExP4-00099-00022687-00022950 for the people uh in the room and also ahj0XOCExP4-00100-00022951-00023399 online uh in 2019 we we ended up the ahj0XOCExP4-00101-00023400-00023639 third asia-pacific forestry sector ahj0XOCExP4-00102-00023640-00023814 outlook study ahj0XOCExP4-00103-00023815-00024039 and and um ahj0XOCExP4-00104-00024040-00024278 two of the the main conclusion of ahj0XOCExP4-00105-00024279-00024591 this study was we need really to look ahj0XOCExP4-00106-00024592-00024855 very carefully at the ahj0XOCExP4-00107-00024856-00025158 left uh primary forest in ahj0XOCExP4-00108-00025159-00025367 indonesia and and we also have to look ahj0XOCExP4-00109-00025368-00025494 at ahj0XOCExP4-00110-00025495-00025750 the potential to move into a forestry ahj0XOCExP4-00111-00025751-00026078 4.0 and an innovation ahj0XOCExP4-00112-00026079-00026270 and uh vincent letter will explain you ahj0XOCExP4-00113-00026272-00026518 the process but fundamentally uh if you ahj0XOCExP4-00114-00026519-00026718 look at the the context i mean so the a ahj0XOCExP4-00115-00026719-00026990 pacific it's probably one third to 40 ahj0XOCExP4-00116-00026991-00027214 percent of the world population ahj0XOCExP4-00117-00027216-00027374 so a hive of ahj0XOCExP4-00118-00027375-00027487 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00119-00027488-00027718 innovation on things so sort of you just ahj0XOCExP4-00120-00027719-00027967 have to go out here in in seoul city and ahj0XOCExP4-00121-00027968-00028151 you see a sort of ahj0XOCExP4-00122-00028152-00028399 digitalization all over the place i mean ahj0XOCExP4-00123-00028400-00028623 there is a fake ahj0XOCExP4-00124-00028624-00028887 cuckoo clock with a ahj0XOCExP4-00125-00028888-00029111 bird and a sort of the thing is the size ahj0XOCExP4-00126-00029112-00029302 of a three-story building ahj0XOCExP4-00127-00029304-00029535 so you have this type of innovation in ahj0XOCExP4-00128-00029536-00029814 in one of the most populated areas of ahj0XOCExP4-00129-00029816-00029967 the world and at the same time you have ahj0XOCExP4-00130-00029968-00030223 the lowest percentage of primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00131-00030224-00030343 left ahj0XOCExP4-00132-00030344-00030439 so ahj0XOCExP4-00133-00030439-00030599 this is a bit of a ahj0XOCExP4-00134-00030600-00030814 we see a problem i mean sort of so the ahj0XOCExP4-00135-00030816-00031102 question is how can we uh ahj0XOCExP4-00136-00031103-00031327 develop both this this innovation on ahj0XOCExP4-00137-00031327-00031479 forestry to ahj0XOCExP4-00138-00031480-00031639 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00139-00031639-00031911 produce and manage more sustainably the ahj0XOCExP4-00140-00031912-00032135 the forest and wood resources that are ahj0XOCExP4-00141-00032136-00032279 in the region because also the region is ahj0XOCExP4-00142-00032280-00032574 also some of the lowest ahj0XOCExP4-00143-00032575-00032823 wood production per capita so they are ahj0XOCExP4-00144-00032824-00032999 importing a lot ahj0XOCExP4-00145-00033000-00033183 of food a lot of fresh product and ahj0XOCExP4-00146-00033184-00033295 creating ahj0XOCExP4-00147-00033296-00033567 imported deforestation in the process ahj0XOCExP4-00148-00033568-00033774 how can we develop a more sustainable ahj0XOCExP4-00149-00033775-00033911 and more vibrant ahj0XOCExP4-00150-00033912-00034055 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00151-00034056-00034159 forest ahj0XOCExP4-00152-00034160-00034455 sector and at the same time protect ahj0XOCExP4-00153-00034456-00034759 conserve and and valorize the primary ahj0XOCExP4-00154-00034760-00035127 forest and this is uh has been the ahj0XOCExP4-00155-00035128-00035318 the main purpose of this to study that ahj0XOCExP4-00156-00035319-00035543 that will be presented uh by my ahj0XOCExP4-00157-00035544-00035687 colleagues later ahj0XOCExP4-00158-00035688-00035855 and ahj0XOCExP4-00159-00035856-00036062 i will not dwell into the detail because ahj0XOCExP4-00160-00036063-00036207 they will tell you but fundamentally it ahj0XOCExP4-00161-00036208-00036462 is clear that it's it's a problem that ahj0XOCExP4-00162-00036463-00036535 is ahj0XOCExP4-00163-00036536-00036718 in a sense ahj0XOCExP4-00164-00036719-00037039 regional in in this equity uh global in ahj0XOCExP4-00165-00037040-00037215 nature but that will have to be solved ahj0XOCExP4-00166-00037216-00037311 on the ahj0XOCExP4-00167-00037312-00037502 very context specific approach i mean ahj0XOCExP4-00168-00037503-00037711 sort of the situation of indonesia is ahj0XOCExP4-00169-00037712-00037935 different and the situation of ahj0XOCExP4-00170-00037936-00038127 vanuatu that is very different to the ahj0XOCExP4-00171-00038128-00038295 situation or ahj0XOCExP4-00172-00038296-00038583 on another country so it is going to be ahj0XOCExP4-00173-00038584-00038671 a ahj0XOCExP4-00174-00038672-00038895 context specific uh ahj0XOCExP4-00175-00038896-00039190 based on commonality based on on common ahj0XOCExP4-00176-00039191-00039471 rules that we have discuss in this paper ahj0XOCExP4-00177-00039472-00039718 and really uh i will stop here and i ahj0XOCExP4-00178-00039719-00039918 really thank our ahj0XOCExP4-00179-00039919-00040167 extend my thanks to uh the fao ahj0XOCExP4-00180-00040168-00040415 colleagues that that were the origin of ahj0XOCExP4-00181-00040416-00040671 this idea and all the work and and also ahj0XOCExP4-00182-00040672-00040974 on my two colleagues lucy foreign money ahj0XOCExP4-00183-00040975-00041143 and jim shetko ahj0XOCExP4-00184-00041144-00041335 and the fta team that in fact did the ahj0XOCExP4-00185-00041336-00041502 hard work and uh ahj0XOCExP4-00186-00041503-00041695 for us i mean they sort of we get the ahj0XOCExP4-00187-00041696-00041887 glory and they get all the hard work so ahj0XOCExP4-00188-00041888-00042071 thanks a lot folks and ahj0XOCExP4-00189-00042072-00043127 over to you ahj0XOCExP4-00190-00043128-00043367 merci thank you ahj0XOCExP4-00191-00043368-00043462 hober ahj0XOCExP4-00192-00043463-00043679 and and and and shayla for for your ahj0XOCExP4-00193-00043680-00043990 introduction and and and yes uh indeed ahj0XOCExP4-00194-00043991-00044327 uh eve uh le moniere uh who led the work ahj0XOCExP4-00195-00044328-00044502 stream on primary forest conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00196-00044503-00044718 and jim horchetko who led ahj0XOCExP4-00197-00044719-00044943 uh the work on innovative technology ahj0XOCExP4-00198-00044944-00045102 will present ahj0XOCExP4-00199-00045103-00045335 just let me stay a little bit about ahj0XOCExP4-00200-00045336-00045495 about the process because we are here ahj0XOCExP4-00201-00045496-00045735 today but it's the culmination of two ahj0XOCExP4-00202-00045736-00045983 years of of intense collaborative ahj0XOCExP4-00203-00045984-00046183 activities since in fact ahj0XOCExP4-00204-00046184-00046430 that started right away after the launch ahj0XOCExP4-00205-00046431-00046615 of the up force ahj0XOCExP4-00206-00046616-00046830 3 study ahj0XOCExP4-00207-00046831-00047055 to to look at these issues that are high ahj0XOCExP4-00208-00047056-00047302 up on the agenda in the region and in ahj0XOCExP4-00209-00047303-00047535 the different countries so about the ahj0XOCExP4-00210-00047536-00047743 process sheila explain it a little bit ahj0XOCExP4-00211-00047744-00048030 but i'll just it's really important to ahj0XOCExP4-00212-00048031-00048262 mention here in this room that ahj0XOCExP4-00213-00048263-00048486 we have the process was i would say as ahj0XOCExP4-00214-00048487-00048671 important as the product the project is ahj0XOCExP4-00215-00048672-00048846 very important but the process was quite ahj0XOCExP4-00216-00048847-00048958 important ahj0XOCExP4-00217-00048959-00049435 um because uh we gathered ahj0XOCExP4-00218-00049436-00049718 425 regional stakeholders technical ahj0XOCExP4-00219-00049719-00050030 experts uh from government integrity ahj0XOCExP4-00220-00050031-00050271 organizations from the private sector ahj0XOCExP4-00221-00050272-00050567 civil society as well for from academia ahj0XOCExP4-00222-00050568-00050767 and research institutions from the ahj0XOCExP4-00223-00050768-00050990 regions and that was done through four ahj0XOCExP4-00224-00050991-00051230 workshops uh at critical steps of the ahj0XOCExP4-00225-00051232-00051519 process and in fact uh at some time when ahj0XOCExP4-00226-00051520-00051702 the world foreign was supposed to be in ahj0XOCExP4-00227-00051703-00052014 2021 we had the plan even to put the ahj0XOCExP4-00228-00052015-00052175 world forestry congress at the center of ahj0XOCExP4-00229-00052176-00052399 the process so no we didn't do that but ahj0XOCExP4-00230-00052400-00052591 we did it remotely so all these four ahj0XOCExP4-00231-00052591-00052759 workshops were done remotely because of ahj0XOCExP4-00232-00052760-00053007 the pandemic we started at the end of ahj0XOCExP4-00233-00053008-00053382 july 2020 so almost two years ago ahj0XOCExP4-00234-00053383-00053542 with three objectives in mind first to ahj0XOCExP4-00235-00053544-00053775 agree on the global directions collect ahj0XOCExP4-00236-00053776-00053991 ideas and identify the contributors the ahj0XOCExP4-00237-00053991-00054166 potential contributors and start ahj0XOCExP4-00238-00054167-00054391 building a community around the project ahj0XOCExP4-00239-00054391-00054654 i think that's the ownership ahj0XOCExP4-00240-00054655-00054903 fao and c4 really wanted to have you ahj0XOCExP4-00241-00054904-00055079 know a broad ownership on these on ahj0XOCExP4-00242-00055079-00055319 around these reports then two technical ahj0XOCExP4-00243-00055320-00055550 workshops um ahj0XOCExP4-00244-00055551-00055830 one on each topic uh to strengthen the ahj0XOCExP4-00245-00055832-00056111 debate uh deepen the analysis ahj0XOCExP4-00246-00056112-00056182 get ahj0XOCExP4-00247-00056183-00056503 input from from from case studies in ahj0XOCExP4-00248-00056504-00056838 countries uh we did one in november 2020 ahj0XOCExP4-00249-00056839-00057166 and one in march 2021 ahj0XOCExP4-00250-00057167-00057359 and then also really enriched the ahj0XOCExP4-00251-00057360-00057526 studies because the participants of ahj0XOCExP4-00252-00057527-00057775 these of this workshop were able to you ahj0XOCExP4-00253-00057776-00058015 know discuss uh the recommendations and ahj0XOCExP4-00254-00058016-00058254 prepare the next steps we also did two ahj0XOCExP4-00255-00058255-00058479 open consultations online ahj0XOCExP4-00256-00058479-00058799 and um bilateral interviews about a ahj0XOCExP4-00257-00058800-00059063 hundred with key experts ahj0XOCExP4-00258-00059064-00059287 and at the end of the of the process we ahj0XOCExP4-00259-00059288-00059471 had a validation workshop that's quite ahj0XOCExP4-00260-00059472-00059687 usual in the fao process that you want ahj0XOCExP4-00261-00059688-00059966 to make sure that the product and an fao ahj0XOCExP4-00262-00059967-00060111 led process to make sure that the ahj0XOCExP4-00263-00060112-00060350 product is then ahj0XOCExP4-00264-00060351-00060671 double check uh and and further polished ahj0XOCExP4-00265-00060672-00060863 and fine-tuned with with all all these ahj0XOCExP4-00266-00060864-00061030 experts and stakeholders ahj0XOCExP4-00267-00061032-00061182 and i think the recommendations from ahj0XOCExP4-00268-00061183-00061526 this study are uh uh a recommendation ahj0XOCExP4-00269-00061527-00061694 from c4 and fao but in fact their ahj0XOCExP4-00270-00061695-00061879 recommendation from this community as a ahj0XOCExP4-00271-00061879-00061999 whole ahj0XOCExP4-00272-00062000-00062238 importantly sheila said it but i will ahj0XOCExP4-00273-00062239-00062487 highlight it again the use that was ahj0XOCExP4-00274-00062488-00062663 instrumental i think ahj0XOCExP4-00275-00062664-00062791 we we ahj0XOCExP4-00276-00062791-00062966 on the technology aspect there was a ahj0XOCExP4-00277-00062967-00063238 separate study in fact on that involving ahj0XOCExP4-00278-00063239-00063406 the use and perspective from the use but ahj0XOCExP4-00279-00063407-00063663 on on the primary forest and this is he ahj0XOCExP4-00280-00063664-00063815 will perhaps ahj0XOCExP4-00281-00063816-00064103 explain that you've constructed uh and ahj0XOCExP4-00282-00064104-00064511 led a young team of of young talented ahj0XOCExP4-00283-00064512-00064726 postdocs uh more ahj0XOCExP4-00284-00064727-00064959 master sorry students from the ahj0XOCExP4-00285-00064960-00065159 university of jakarta and that was ahj0XOCExP4-00286-00065160-00065271 really so ahj0XOCExP4-00287-00065272-00065550 four or five um that in fact did the ahj0XOCExP4-00288-00065551-00065871 delay work on on the on on all the gis ahj0XOCExP4-00289-00065872-00065959 and ahj0XOCExP4-00290-00065960-00066215 and and the mapping and so on ahj0XOCExP4-00291-00066216-00066319 um ahj0XOCExP4-00292-00066320-00066415 so ahj0XOCExP4-00293-00066416-00066655 now the floor to uh eve ahj0XOCExP4-00294-00066656-00066919 and gene to present each roadmap in more ahj0XOCExP4-00295-00066920-00067206 details then we will have a series of ahj0XOCExP4-00296-00067207-00067455 key of q a today so with with the ahj0XOCExP4-00297-00067456-00067767 audience and then a panel uh to discuss ahj0XOCExP4-00298-00067768-00068006 the next steps and the implementation of ahj0XOCExP4-00299-00068007-00068271 of of of the roadmap and at the end uh ahj0XOCExP4-00300-00068272-00068375 shayla ahj0XOCExP4-00301-00068376-00068455 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00302-00068456-00068535 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00303-00068536-00068719 verse kanunikov who is also the ahj0XOCExP4-00304-00068720-00068926 secretary of the asia pacific forestry ahj0XOCExP4-00305-00068927-00069135 commission and ahj0XOCExP4-00306-00069136-00069311 the current chair of the asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00307-00069312-00069471 forestry commission ahj0XOCExP4-00308-00069472-00069775 dr oyun sana bian bason from mongolia ahj0XOCExP4-00309-00069776-00069982 will conclude we'll conclude the session ahj0XOCExP4-00310-00069983-00070111 because ahj0XOCExP4-00311-00070112-00070279 these roadmaps are only the starting ahj0XOCExP4-00312-00070280-00070438 point for for the ahj0XOCExP4-00313-00070439-00070719 future ahj0XOCExP4-00314-00070720-00070999 so then i think we start ahj0XOCExP4-00315-00071000-00071215 with eve i think ahj0XOCExP4-00316-00071216-00071623 if i'm correct ahj0XOCExP4-00317-00071624-00071911 okay thank you vincent i'm going to ahj0XOCExP4-00318-00071912-00073150 share my screen ahj0XOCExP4-00319-00073151-00073271 it's good ahj0XOCExP4-00320-00073272-00073423 we can see okay ahj0XOCExP4-00321-00073424-00073623 okay thank you um ahj0XOCExP4-00322-00073624-00073975 so ahj0XOCExP4-00323-00073976-00074103 today ahj0XOCExP4-00324-00074104-00074311 first of all good morning good afternoon ahj0XOCExP4-00325-00074312-00074511 and maybe good evening for ahj0XOCExP4-00326-00074512-00074711 everyone ahj0XOCExP4-00327-00074712-00074879 i am going to ahj0XOCExP4-00328-00074880-00075119 share with you this ahj0XOCExP4-00329-00075120-00075319 road map about the primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00330-00075320-00075438 conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00331-00075439-00075694 my name is evelyn monier i work for ahj0XOCExP4-00332-00075695-00076247 syrad in france and sifur in indonesia ahj0XOCExP4-00333-00076248-00076367 so ahj0XOCExP4-00334-00076368-00076599 this presentation is ahj0XOCExP4-00335-00076600-00076775 based on our ahj0XOCExP4-00336-00076776-00076975 report of course and i am following the ahj0XOCExP4-00337-00076976-00077382 same structure as a report ahj0XOCExP4-00338-00077383-00077550 and ahj0XOCExP4-00339-00077551-00077799 it's a six sixth chapter of the report ahj0XOCExP4-00340-00077800-00078119 that correspond to first ahj0XOCExP4-00341-00078120-00078343 historical trends and status ahj0XOCExP4-00342-00078344-00078482 diversity of ahj0XOCExP4-00343-00078483-00078767 types also talking about pressure ahj0XOCExP4-00344-00078768-00078926 threats and risk ahj0XOCExP4-00345-00078927-00079175 governance instrument mechanisms and ahj0XOCExP4-00346-00079176-00079391 tools and some conclusion and ahj0XOCExP4-00347-00079392-00079575 recommendation ahj0XOCExP4-00348-00079576-00079791 so first how do we ahj0XOCExP4-00349-00079792-00080015 assess in this study the primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00350-00080016-00080271 cover how do we assess primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00351-00080272-00080479 cover from space ahj0XOCExP4-00352-00080480-00080823 so we we conducted this historical ahj0XOCExP4-00353-00080824-00081071 study ahj0XOCExP4-00354-00081072-00081303 first we look at the natural forest ahj0XOCExP4-00355-00081304-00081582 cover ahj0XOCExP4-00356-00081583-00081767 why we start with natural forest covers ahj0XOCExP4-00357-00081768-00081950 to make sure that we avoid for instance ahj0XOCExP4-00358-00081951-00082279 misclassification with planted forest ahj0XOCExP4-00359-00082280-00082535 and our result shows that ahj0XOCExP4-00360-00082536-00082682 in ahj0XOCExP4-00361-00082683-00083115 2000 the region was covered with ahj0XOCExP4-00362-00083116-00083503 667 million hectares of natural forest ahj0XOCExP4-00363-00083504-00083823 that decreased to 643 ahj0XOCExP4-00364-00083824-00083999 million hectare in ahj0XOCExP4-00365-00084000-00084159 2010 ahj0XOCExP4-00366-00084160-00084287 and ahj0XOCExP4-00367-00084288-00084426 and ahj0XOCExP4-00368-00084427-00084975 609 million hectare in 2020 ahj0XOCExP4-00369-00084976-00085111 at the same time ahj0XOCExP4-00370-00085112-00085482 by doing that we were identifying also ahj0XOCExP4-00371-00085483-00085775 um hot spot of deforestation in the ahj0XOCExP4-00372-00085776-00086047 region to try to look already at what ahj0XOCExP4-00373-00086048-00086255 could be the ahj0XOCExP4-00374-00086256-00086382 priority ahj0XOCExP4-00375-00086383-00086494 region ahj0XOCExP4-00376-00086495-00087023 area in in this asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00377-00087024-00087126 but then ahj0XOCExP4-00378-00087127-00087326 we from this natural forest would like ahj0XOCExP4-00379-00087327-00087526 to uh ahj0XOCExP4-00380-00087527-00087735 assess the degradation of the addition ahj0XOCExP4-00381-00087736-00087918 of this natural forest ahj0XOCExP4-00382-00087919-00088855 leading to what we call intact forest ahj0XOCExP4-00383-00088856-00088982 sorry ahj0XOCExP4-00384-00088983-00089143 so ahj0XOCExP4-00385-00089144-00089487 in terms of intact for rest we adopt a ahj0XOCExP4-00386-00089488-00089687 methodology ahj0XOCExP4-00387-00089688-00089871 we form a ahj0XOCExP4-00388-00089872-00090206 paper by one in 2019 using the ahj0XOCExP4-00389-00090207-00090487 normalized difference water index ahj0XOCExP4-00390-00090488-00090671 which is a combination of the near ahj0XOCExP4-00391-00090672-00090862 infrared and short wave infrared ahj0XOCExP4-00392-00090863-00091231 spectral bands in the satellite data to ahj0XOCExP4-00393-00091232-00091494 detect this degradation of the natural ahj0XOCExP4-00394-00091495-00091782 forest over long period of time ahj0XOCExP4-00395-00091783-00091959 i have no time to explain in detail but ahj0XOCExP4-00396-00091960-00092206 it's important to look at this it's over ahj0XOCExP4-00397-00092207-00092406 long period of time ahj0XOCExP4-00398-00092407-00092662 and you can see in this slide in 2020 ahj0XOCExP4-00399-00092663-00092894 the intact forests of the asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00400-00092895-00093015 region ahj0XOCExP4-00401-00093016-00093335 cover actually 519 million hectare and ahj0XOCExP4-00402-00093336-00093582 you can see this purple ahj0XOCExP4-00403-00093583-00093676 dots or ahj0XOCExP4-00404-00093677-00093882 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-00405-00093883-00094071 area ahj0XOCExP4-00406-00094072-00094262 representing the ahj0XOCExP4-00407-00094263-00094455 protected areas ahj0XOCExP4-00408-00094456-00094623 so you can see already that there are a ahj0XOCExP4-00409-00094624-00094759 lot of ahj0XOCExP4-00410-00094760-00094871 forest ahj0XOCExP4-00411-00094872-00095038 intact forests that are outside the ahj0XOCExP4-00412-00095039-00095350 protected area ahj0XOCExP4-00413-00095351-00095455 but then ahj0XOCExP4-00414-00095456-00095743 the idea was okay we have still uh quite ahj0XOCExP4-00415-00095744-00095959 a lot of intact for us but ahj0XOCExP4-00416-00095960-00096159 the fragmentation is ahj0XOCExP4-00417-00096160-00096326 habitat loss and fragmentation are ahj0XOCExP4-00418-00096327-00096511 something which is really really ahj0XOCExP4-00419-00096512-00096791 important to uh to discuss and to cover ahj0XOCExP4-00420-00096792-00097006 in the future especially ahj0XOCExP4-00421-00097007-00097191 so we try to assess this fragmentation ahj0XOCExP4-00422-00097192-00097359 of this intact forest ahj0XOCExP4-00423-00097360-00097494 for this uh ahj0XOCExP4-00424-00097495-00097711 several size thresholds are suggested in ahj0XOCExP4-00425-00097712-00097871 the literature ahj0XOCExP4-00426-00097872-00097974 and ahj0XOCExP4-00427-00097975-00098062 we ahj0XOCExP4-00428-00098063-00098279 were considering to distinguish ahj0XOCExP4-00429-00098280-00098582 contiguous forest from forest farming we ahj0XOCExP4-00430-00098583-00098750 use ahj0XOCExP4-00431-00098751-00098950 several thresholds ahj0XOCExP4-00432-00098951-00099150 ten thousand hectares thirty thousand ahj0XOCExP4-00433-00099151-00099399 fifty thousand and one hundred thousand ahj0XOCExP4-00434-00099400-00099631 why one hundred thousand for few species ahj0XOCExP4-00435-00099632-00099726 such as ahj0XOCExP4-00436-00099727-00100087 raptors or big carnivores elephants ahj0XOCExP4-00437-00100088-00100423 a minimal forest patch size of 50 000 to ahj0XOCExP4-00438-00100424-00100662 100 thousand hectare ahj0XOCExP4-00439-00100663-00100894 is needed to maintain genetically ahj0XOCExP4-00440-00100895-00101174 variable population ahj0XOCExP4-00441-00101175-00101487 for instance like orangutan in indonesia ahj0XOCExP4-00442-00101488-00101750 so we choose this 100 000 hectare as our ahj0XOCExP4-00443-00101751-00101943 limit to consider ahj0XOCExP4-00444-00101944-00102191 to distinguish contiguous forest from ahj0XOCExP4-00445-00102192-00102382 fragmented ahj0XOCExP4-00446-00102383-00102663 so actually isolating this large core ahj0XOCExP4-00447-00102664-00102766 area ahj0XOCExP4-00448-00102767-00103023 more than one hundred thousand hectare ahj0XOCExP4-00449-00103024-00103318 excluding also forest edge ahj0XOCExP4-00450-00103319-00103551 we take in this study we take up to one ahj0XOCExP4-00451-00103552-00103815 kilometer inside the forest we can ahj0XOCExP4-00452-00103816-00104271 identify contiguous intact forest cover ahj0XOCExP4-00453-00104272-00104690 for the region so from this uh ahj0XOCExP4-00454-00104691-00104958 519 million hectare of impact forest in ahj0XOCExP4-00455-00104959-00105083 the asia ahj0XOCExP4-00456-00105083-00105407 pacific we identified ahj0XOCExP4-00457-00105408-00105627 a remaining ahj0XOCExP4-00458-00105628-00105975 378 million vector of contiguous forests ahj0XOCExP4-00459-00105976-00106110 that are ahj0XOCExP4-00460-00106111-00106519 more than 100 thousand hectare ahj0XOCExP4-00461-00106520-00106743 and actually ahj0XOCExP4-00462-00106744-00106999 representing well as far as remote ahj0XOCExP4-00463-00107000-00107127 sensing is ahj0XOCExP4-00464-00107128-00107334 is concerned representing well the ahj0XOCExP4-00465-00107335-00107919 primary forest definition as per fao ahj0XOCExP4-00466-00107920-00108207 another important point for us was to ahj0XOCExP4-00467-00108208-00108343 to ahj0XOCExP4-00468-00108344-00108734 consider carefully the high diversity of ahj0XOCExP4-00469-00108735-00108863 forest types ahj0XOCExP4-00470-00108864-00109031 in the region maybe it's one of the ahj0XOCExP4-00471-00109032-00109190 richest in term of ahj0XOCExP4-00472-00109191-00109343 forest types ahj0XOCExP4-00473-00109344-00109527 so ahj0XOCExP4-00474-00109528-00109678 following a ahj0XOCExP4-00475-00109679-00109999 very complex historical biogeographical ahj0XOCExP4-00476-00110000-00110110 setting ahj0XOCExP4-00477-00110111-00110302 changes in geology ahj0XOCExP4-00478-00110303-00110558 bioclimatic condition attitudinal ahj0XOCExP4-00479-00110559-00110958 zonation and also changes in sea level ahj0XOCExP4-00480-00110959-00111095 over time ahj0XOCExP4-00481-00111096-00111254 this uh ahj0XOCExP4-00482-00111255-00111454 very high diversity of forest formation ahj0XOCExP4-00483-00111455-00111766 and types develop in asia pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00484-00111767-00111943 uh in asia and the pacific and i think ahj0XOCExP4-00485-00111944-00112151 it's it's really important to consider ahj0XOCExP4-00486-00112152-00112334 for conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00487-00112335-00112575 so in line with existing classification ahj0XOCExP4-00488-00112576-00112710 of course ahj0XOCExP4-00489-00112711-00112807 we ahj0XOCExP4-00490-00112808-00113175 first identified certain main formation ahj0XOCExP4-00491-00113176-00113263 also ahj0XOCExP4-00492-00113264-00113431 considering the scale ahj0XOCExP4-00493-00113432-00113671 we are working with from tropical ahj0XOCExP4-00494-00113672-00113910 tropical mixed deeper carp rainforest to ahj0XOCExP4-00495-00113911-00114175 tropical and subtropical seasonal forest ahj0XOCExP4-00496-00114176-00114375 of course but also temperate and boreal ahj0XOCExP4-00497-00114376-00114534 forest formation ahj0XOCExP4-00498-00114535-00114783 and consider also their variation ahj0XOCExP4-00499-00114783-00115071 a long altitudinal gradient considering ahj0XOCExP4-00500-00115072-00115334 also some specific ahj0XOCExP4-00501-00115335-00115486 more specific ahj0XOCExP4-00502-00115488-00115727 specialized forest type like pit swamp ahj0XOCExP4-00503-00115728-00115990 mongrel limestone forest ahj0XOCExP4-00504-00115991-00116143 and so on ahj0XOCExP4-00505-00116144-00116351 so actually conservation strategy need ahj0XOCExP4-00506-00116352-00116551 absolutely to integrate this huge ahj0XOCExP4-00507-00116552-00116686 diversity ahj0XOCExP4-00508-00116688-00116943 since all this different forex type are ahj0XOCExP4-00509-00116944-00117047 actually ahj0XOCExP4-00510-00117048-00117207 very ahj0XOCExP4-00511-00117208-00117390 important to ahj0XOCExP4-00512-00117391-00117519 to preserve ahj0XOCExP4-00513-00117520-00118039 and to consider ahj0XOCExP4-00514-00118040-00118199 that's why we ahj0XOCExP4-00515-00118200-00118439 recommend at the landscape level that ahj0XOCExP4-00516-00118440-00118663 vegetation types being the best ahj0XOCExP4-00517-00118664-00118919 surrogate to characterize the ecosystem ahj0XOCExP4-00518-00118920-00119158 and the ecosystem service we put a lot ahj0XOCExP4-00519-00119159-00119607 more of effort on this ahj0XOCExP4-00520-00119608-00119839 study in the future ahj0XOCExP4-00521-00119840-00120086 considering the knowledge gap ahj0XOCExP4-00522-00120088-00120263 which still exists regarding ahj0XOCExP4-00523-00120264-00120519 ecofluoristic variations observed within ahj0XOCExP4-00524-00120520-00120678 each forest types ahj0XOCExP4-00525-00120679-00120886 and about the cause ahj0XOCExP4-00526-00120888-00121063 of this variability ahj0XOCExP4-00527-00121064-00121254 beyond the ahj0XOCExP4-00528-00121255-00121463 more or less well-studied elevation soil ahj0XOCExP4-00529-00121464-00121639 and climate but ahj0XOCExP4-00530-00121640-00121823 we notice and we have ahj0XOCExP4-00531-00121824-00122127 evidence on let's say on same soil same ahj0XOCExP4-00532-00122128-00122286 climate ahj0XOCExP4-00533-00122288-00122439 of different ahj0XOCExP4-00534-00122440-00122686 three species composition ahj0XOCExP4-00535-00122688-00122934 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-00536-00122935-00123199 over a short distance so it means that ahj0XOCExP4-00537-00123200-00123414 if you conserve a bit of forest in the ahj0XOCExP4-00538-00123415-00123599 eastern lowland or sumatra you are ahj0XOCExP4-00539-00123600-00123831 missing a lot of species ahj0XOCExP4-00540-00123832-00123999 whether you are in the south or in the ahj0XOCExP4-00541-00124000-00124151 north of the island for instance so ahj0XOCExP4-00542-00124152-00124351 large scale ecological vegetation map ahj0XOCExP4-00543-00124352-00124519 like you have an example on the top of ahj0XOCExP4-00544-00124520-00124647 the slide ahj0XOCExP4-00545-00124648-00124871 will be very important to uh ahj0XOCExP4-00546-00124872-00125095 to to consider in the future ahj0XOCExP4-00547-00125096-00125334 uh integrating altitude in all donations ahj0XOCExP4-00548-00125335-00125558 hidathi conditions and including ahj0XOCExP4-00549-00125559-00125783 absolutely floristic information ahj0XOCExP4-00550-00125783-00125910 so it could be ahj0XOCExP4-00551-00125911-00126039 it would it is one of our ahj0XOCExP4-00552-00126040-00126231 recommendations to try to develop this ahj0XOCExP4-00553-00126232-00126343 kind of ahj0XOCExP4-00554-00126344-00126590 large-scale ecological vegetation map at ahj0XOCExP4-00555-00126591-00126695 the ahj0XOCExP4-00556-00126696-00127054 in the region in the asia-pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00557-00127055-00127399 because norway open access database for ahj0XOCExP4-00558-00127400-00127678 for satellite become more and more ahj0XOCExP4-00559-00127679-00127975 available and maybe also supplemented by ahj0XOCExP4-00560-00127976-00128143 their own survey we can ahj0XOCExP4-00561-00128144-00128295 we can ahj0XOCExP4-00562-00128296-00128471 we can organize ahj0XOCExP4-00563-00128472-00128775 develop a program of large-scale mapping ahj0XOCExP4-00564-00128776-00129110 that will be very necessary for future ahj0XOCExP4-00565-00129111-00129310 land use planning and management of the ahj0XOCExP4-00566-00129311-00129414 landscape ahj0XOCExP4-00567-00129415-00129663 where primary forests are still ahj0XOCExP4-00568-00129664-00129871 existing ahj0XOCExP4-00569-00129872-00130063 unfortunately as it was mentioned ahj0XOCExP4-00570-00130064-00130271 already many threats for this primary ahj0XOCExP4-00571-00130272-00130495 forest of southeast asia ahj0XOCExP4-00572-00130496-00130758 in terms of population growth migration ahj0XOCExP4-00573-00130759-00130990 conflict globalization and economic ahj0XOCExP4-00574-00130991-00131119 growth ahj0XOCExP4-00575-00131120-00131263 urbanization ahj0XOCExP4-00576-00131264-00131543 infrastructure development mining ahj0XOCExP4-00577-00131544-00131878 pollution it's a big issue in the region ahj0XOCExP4-00578-00131879-00132143 of course agriculture expansion but also ahj0XOCExP4-00579-00132144-00132271 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-00580-00132272-00132614 illegal logging forest fires ahj0XOCExP4-00581-00132615-00132951 invasive species disease outbreaks ahj0XOCExP4-00582-00132952-00133207 and of course climate change and sea ahj0XOCExP4-00583-00133208-00133407 level rising ahj0XOCExP4-00584-00133408-00133639 because many of these threats are really ahj0XOCExP4-00585-00133640-00133854 increasingly exacerbated by climate ahj0XOCExP4-00586-00133855-00133943 change ahj0XOCExP4-00587-00133944-00134247 such as fire and sea level for instance ahj0XOCExP4-00588-00134248-00134511 accelerating forest degradation reducing ahj0XOCExP4-00589-00134512-00134654 adaptive capacity ahj0XOCExP4-00590-00134655-00134895 of forest ecosystem ahj0XOCExP4-00591-00134896-00135159 so as you know due to global warming for ahj0XOCExP4-00592-00135160-00135335 instance climatic zones are shifting ahj0XOCExP4-00593-00135336-00135607 polars and upwards in mountainous area ahj0XOCExP4-00594-00135608-00136063 and also invasive species are quite uh ahj0XOCExP4-00595-00136064-00136287 impacting more the region also ahj0XOCExP4-00596-00136288-00136614 exacerbated by climate change ahj0XOCExP4-00597-00136615-00136854 so in this study also we try to do some ahj0XOCExP4-00598-00136855-00137214 modeling ahj0XOCExP4-00599-00137215-00137607 especially for not some of the the risk ahj0XOCExP4-00600-00137608-00137831 that are ahj0XOCExP4-00601-00137832-00138143 really uh impacting the region so we can ahj0XOCExP4-00602-00138144-00138383 try to do risk modelling for let's say ahj0XOCExP4-00603-00138384-00138678 that fire and deforestation ahj0XOCExP4-00604-00138679-00138895 forest fire are well known threat in the ahj0XOCExP4-00605-00138896-00139199 region in mongolia northern china ahj0XOCExP4-00606-00139200-00139399 in the himalayan hills and mountains ahj0XOCExP4-00607-00139400-00139631 forest fire can be difficult to control ahj0XOCExP4-00608-00139632-00139983 due to challenges of access ahj0XOCExP4-00609-00139984-00140263 in australia also bushfire are known to ahj0XOCExP4-00610-00140264-00140566 be as natural fire climax for instance ahj0XOCExP4-00611-00140567-00140790 in the eucalyptus forest but their ahj0XOCExP4-00612-00140791-00141014 intensity and higher frequency under ahj0XOCExP4-00613-00141015-00141231 climate change will cause significant ahj0XOCExP4-00614-00141232-00141383 challenges ahj0XOCExP4-00615-00141384-00141551 and in indonesia of course in famous ahj0XOCExP4-00616-00141552-00141839 peatland fire now occur almost every ahj0XOCExP4-00617-00141840-00142014 year with potential catastrophic ahj0XOCExP4-00618-00142015-00142343 episodes as you know during any new year ahj0XOCExP4-00619-00142344-00142559 so for risk modeling ahj0XOCExP4-00620-00142560-00142814 we use a modis satellite burn area ahj0XOCExP4-00621-00142815-00143054 monthly product ahj0XOCExP4-00622-00143055-00143326 then we can run fire risk probability ahj0XOCExP4-00623-00143327-00143559 and prediction model according to ahj0XOCExP4-00624-00143560-00143671 several ahj0XOCExP4-00625-00143672-00143878 indicators like proximity to former ahj0XOCExP4-00626-00143879-00144054 deforestation or ahj0XOCExP4-00627-00144055-00144239 roads or this kind of thing so you have ahj0XOCExP4-00628-00144240-00144583 two examples here for australia and for ahj0XOCExP4-00629-00144584-00144711 nepal ahj0XOCExP4-00630-00144712-00144895 and in terms of forecasting primary ahj0XOCExP4-00631-00144896-00145175 first cover in 2050 you have an example ahj0XOCExP4-00632-00145176-00145390 here for southern ahj0XOCExP4-00633-00145391-00145614 asia ahj0XOCExP4-00634-00145615-00145847 then what about governance instrument in ahj0XOCExP4-00635-00145848-00146047 our findings uh ahj0XOCExP4-00636-00146048-00146335 just a selection of our findings here ahj0XOCExP4-00637-00146336-00146607 important one is to to understand that ahj0XOCExP4-00638-00146608-00146814 international agreements and instruments ahj0XOCExP4-00639-00146815-00147047 do not usually focus ahj0XOCExP4-00640-00147048-00147343 too much on primary forest so regional ahj0XOCExP4-00641-00147344-00147495 and sub-regional institution and ahj0XOCExP4-00642-00147496-00147631 instrument ahj0XOCExP4-00643-00147632-00147839 can provide a bridge between ahj0XOCExP4-00644-00147840-00148023 international policies and national ahj0XOCExP4-00645-00148024-00148102 action ahj0XOCExP4-00646-00148103-00148319 it's very important then to consider ahj0XOCExP4-00647-00148320-00148535 work at the region so regional ahj0XOCExP4-00648-00148536-00148790 cooperation is critical as many intact ahj0XOCExP4-00649-00148791-00149119 forests also are very often transmutary ahj0XOCExP4-00650-00149120-00149359 and we need to build synergies across ahj0XOCExP4-00651-00149360-00149599 sectors including uh forestry ahj0XOCExP4-00652-00149600-00149814 agriculture water management and unused ahj0XOCExP4-00653-00149815-00150126 planning adopting integrated landscape ahj0XOCExP4-00654-00150127-00150423 approaches ahj0XOCExP4-00655-00150424-00150735 what about mechanisms tools ahj0XOCExP4-00656-00150736-00150999 obviously protected area cannot be the ahj0XOCExP4-00657-00151000-00151190 only mechanism to ensure the protection ahj0XOCExP4-00658-00151191-00151375 of primary ahj0XOCExP4-00659-00151376-00151454 and ahj0XOCExP4-00660-00151455-00151678 we understand also that increasing the ahj0XOCExP4-00661-00151679-00151975 extent of protected area seems ahj0XOCExP4-00662-00151976-00152278 unrealistic so ahj0XOCExP4-00663-00152279-00152463 we have to find other solutions and a ahj0XOCExP4-00664-00152464-00152687 range of mechanisms and tools should be ahj0XOCExP4-00665-00152688-00152943 mobilized at different scales ahj0XOCExP4-00666-00152944-00153190 like enhancing ecological connectivities ahj0XOCExP4-00667-00153191-00153463 between protected areas enhancing tree ahj0XOCExP4-00668-00153464-00153839 cover in the agricultural matrix ahj0XOCExP4-00669-00153840-00154039 certification and voluntary agreements ahj0XOCExP4-00670-00154040-00154254 can help address commercial agriculture ahj0XOCExP4-00671-00154255-00154431 expansion as well as wood over ahj0XOCExP4-00672-00154432-00154607 harvesting ahj0XOCExP4-00673-00154608-00154766 and also canal lights development ahj0XOCExP4-00674-00154767-00154975 traditional knowledge of indigenous ahj0XOCExP4-00675-00154976-00155247 people and local communities should be ahj0XOCExP4-00676-00155248-00155447 better integrated with conventional ahj0XOCExP4-00677-00155448-00155783 scientific studies ahj0XOCExP4-00678-00155784-00156057 so main conclusion and recommendation ahj0XOCExP4-00679-00156058-00156423 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-00680-00156424-00156590 we see that there are still important ahj0XOCExP4-00681-00156591-00156766 areas of primary forest in the asia ahj0XOCExP4-00682-00156767-00156895 pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00683-00156896-00157071 and ahj0XOCExP4-00684-00157072-00157287 high we remain remind this high ahj0XOCExP4-00685-00157288-00157583 diversity of our stack but fine scale ahj0XOCExP4-00686-00157584-00157887 variations are insufficiently known so ahj0XOCExP4-00687-00157888-00158207 it means for the scale of ahj0XOCExP4-00688-00158208-00158487 the operational scale of working let's ahj0XOCExP4-00689-00158488-00158726 say at the district level is the data ahj0XOCExP4-00690-00158727-00158966 are often not sufficient so ahj0XOCExP4-00691-00158967-00159135 that's because there is still an ahj0XOCExP4-00692-00159136-00159287 important lack of knowledge on the ahj0XOCExP4-00693-00159288-00159502 distribution of spacious population ahj0XOCExP4-00694-00159503-00159678 dynamics and floristic variation ahj0XOCExP4-00695-00159679-00159919 especially in the tropical zone ahj0XOCExP4-00696-00159920-00160087 in most countries ahj0XOCExP4-00697-00160088-00160207 we ahj0XOCExP4-00698-00160208-00160366 we show that forest habitat loss and ahj0XOCExP4-00699-00160367-00160590 fragmentation intensified over the past ahj0XOCExP4-00700-00160591-00160759 two decades ahj0XOCExP4-00701-00160760-00160966 and a large part of this primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00702-00160967-00161159 is not covered by any protected area ahj0XOCExP4-00703-00161160-00161414 network implying other type of landscape ahj0XOCExP4-00704-00161415-00161551 management ahj0XOCExP4-00705-00161552-00161719 there is a need of policy coverage ahj0XOCExP4-00706-00161720-00161951 across sector and scales but also ahj0XOCExP4-00707-00161952-00162175 contact specific action plan at fine ahj0XOCExP4-00708-00162176-00162359 scale of management like district or ahj0XOCExP4-00709-00162360-00162687 watershed will be necessary to ahj0XOCExP4-00710-00162688-00162935 to field tests in many areas of the ahj0XOCExP4-00711-00162936-00163039 region ahj0XOCExP4-00712-00163040-00163207 and it could be a good ahj0XOCExP4-00713-00163208-00163447 idea to start a program on this ahj0XOCExP4-00714-00163448-00163663 we need to use different mechanisms tool ahj0XOCExP4-00715-00163664-00163871 including other area-based conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00716-00163872-00164126 measures integrated landscape approaches ahj0XOCExP4-00717-00164127-00164366 and community based management ahj0XOCExP4-00718-00164367-00164566 so in terms of recommendation in the ahj0XOCExP4-00719-00164567-00164743 report we have six overarching ahj0XOCExP4-00720-00164744-00165054 recommendations with 41 actionable ahj0XOCExP4-00721-00165055-00165231 options for the implementation of the ahj0XOCExP4-00722-00165232-00165447 roadmap i'm not going to review of ahj0XOCExP4-00723-00165448-00165814 course in detail here the 41 options but ahj0XOCExP4-00724-00165815-00166207 i i take out some of that can be ahj0XOCExP4-00725-00166208-00166383 they are all important but some that can ahj0XOCExP4-00726-00166384-00166566 be also ahj0XOCExP4-00727-00166567-00166807 for discussion today so the first ahj0XOCExP4-00728-00166808-00167014 overarching will be ahj0XOCExP4-00729-00167015-00167183 to explore innovative ways to improve ahj0XOCExP4-00730-00167184-00167375 monitoring and reporting and primary ahj0XOCExP4-00731-00167376-00167647 forest and for this we need to support ahj0XOCExP4-00732-00167648-00167847 the uptake and upscale of innovative ahj0XOCExP4-00733-00167848-00167983 technology ahj0XOCExP4-00734-00167984-00168159 improve information sharing and that ahj0XOCExP4-00735-00168160-00168399 analysis my colleague james will ahj0XOCExP4-00736-00168400-00168599 will talk about this ahj0XOCExP4-00737-00168600-00168823 just after me we have to support local ahj0XOCExP4-00738-00168824-00169007 actors and communities engagement and ahj0XOCExP4-00739-00169008-00169223 participation ahj0XOCExP4-00740-00169224-00169407 we have to be careful to link to ahj0XOCExP4-00741-00169408-00169654 community arise community evaluation and ahj0XOCExP4-00742-00169655-00169766 incentive ahj0XOCExP4-00743-00169767-00169966 and also maybe again to clarify ahj0XOCExP4-00744-00169967-00170223 definition free target indicators for ahj0XOCExP4-00745-00170224-00170423 this primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00746-00170424-00170695 the second big big recommendation is to ahj0XOCExP4-00747-00170696-00170863 improve the knowledge and understanding ahj0XOCExP4-00748-00170864-00171023 of the functioning and dynamics of ahj0XOCExP4-00749-00171024-00171263 primary forest ecosystem ahj0XOCExP4-00750-00171264-00171454 so we need to dedicate increased ahj0XOCExP4-00751-00171455-00171607 resources in each country of the ahj0XOCExP4-00752-00171608-00171799 asia-pacific ahj0XOCExP4-00753-00171800-00171926 we have to ahj0XOCExP4-00754-00171927-00172135 co-produce knowledge with local actors ahj0XOCExP4-00755-00172136-00172414 this is not according to to me that is ahj0XOCExP4-00756-00172415-00172519 not ahj0XOCExP4-00757-00172520-00172807 enough what we do on this respect ahj0XOCExP4-00758-00172808-00172990 advocate the different value of forest ahj0XOCExP4-00759-00172991-00173287 ecosystem and ecosystem services ahj0XOCExP4-00760-00173288-00173447 define priorities area and make ahj0XOCExP4-00761-00173448-00173607 knowledge available through trading ahj0XOCExP4-00762-00173608-00173807 capacity building also an important ahj0XOCExP4-00763-00173808-00174054 point initiate region 1 large scale ahj0XOCExP4-00764-00174055-00174214 ecological vegetation mapping and ahj0XOCExP4-00765-00174215-00174431 fragmentation study i think that's one ahj0XOCExP4-00766-00174432-00174623 program that can be ahj0XOCExP4-00767-00174624-00174943 can be done for the region and ahj0XOCExP4-00768-00174944-00175126 in the near future ahj0XOCExP4-00769-00175127-00175295 the third one is to build a competitive ahj0XOCExP4-00770-00175296-00175431 narrative for primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00771-00175432-00175638 conservation and consolidate new ahj0XOCExP4-00772-00175639-00175854 coalition of actors so articulate this ahj0XOCExP4-00773-00175855-00176071 narrative across sectors actors and ahj0XOCExP4-00774-00176072-00176302 scales will be important use the ahj0XOCExP4-00775-00176303-00176551 knowledge and information ahj0XOCExP4-00776-00176552-00176772 develop in the two precedent ahj0XOCExP4-00777-00176773-00176926 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-00778-00176927-00177183 narrative to raise awareness and build ahj0XOCExP4-00779-00177184-00177399 coalitions of factor strengthen ahj0XOCExP4-00780-00177400-00177623 ownership and encourage participation of ahj0XOCExP4-00781-00177624-00177814 less powerful actors ahj0XOCExP4-00782-00177815-00178007 and secure try to secure the tenure ahj0XOCExP4-00783-00178008-00178166 access and right ahj0XOCExP4-00784-00178167-00178366 of indigenous people ahj0XOCExP4-00785-00178367-00178551 and local communities dependent on ahj0XOCExP4-00786-00178552-00178735 primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00787-00178736-00178959 the first one is about ensuring policy ahj0XOCExP4-00788-00178960-00179166 coherence across sector and scales and ahj0XOCExP4-00789-00179167-00179463 to promote integrated landscape approach ahj0XOCExP4-00790-00179464-00179726 for primary forest conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00791-00179727-00179838 so ahj0XOCExP4-00792-00179839-00180031 enhanced coherence ahj0XOCExP4-00793-00180032-00180199 between land use policies and other ahj0XOCExP4-00794-00180200-00180447 sectoral policies that impact ahj0XOCExP4-00795-00180448-00180638 forest engineering and primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00796-00180639-00180831 elaborate integrated landscape ahj0XOCExP4-00797-00180832-00181038 approaches at local level ahj0XOCExP4-00798-00181039-00181254 scanning up at national level and not ahj0XOCExP4-00799-00181255-00181478 not the reverse which is often the case ahj0XOCExP4-00800-00181479-00181687 starting from national level ahj0XOCExP4-00801-00181688-00182047 and then zooming zooming ahj0XOCExP4-00802-00182048-00182311 in in the detail but it's it's much ahj0XOCExP4-00803-00182312-00182519 better to to start already with good ahj0XOCExP4-00804-00182520-00182702 example and evidence at local level ahj0XOCExP4-00805-00182703-00182887 consider not only the forest but the ahj0XOCExP4-00806-00182888-00183063 surrounding matrix in the landscape that ahj0XOCExP4-00807-00183064-00183151 can ahj0XOCExP4-00808-00183152-00183423 completely influence the ahj0XOCExP4-00809-00183424-00183663 management of the remaining primary ahj0XOCExP4-00810-00183664-00183887 forecast mobilize or design appropriate ahj0XOCExP4-00811-00183888-00184087 financial mechanisms ahj0XOCExP4-00812-00184088-00184302 the fifth recommendation is about ahj0XOCExP4-00813-00184303-00184535 aligning sustainable use climate action ahj0XOCExP4-00814-00184536-00184702 and biodiversity objective for the ahj0XOCExP4-00815-00184703-00185014 conservation of primary primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00816-00185015-00185223 there is so far not enough link maybe ahj0XOCExP4-00817-00185224-00185407 between the climate action and the ahj0XOCExP4-00818-00185408-00185599 biodiversity objectives so integrate ahj0XOCExP4-00819-00185600-00185759 primary forest conservation into ahj0XOCExP4-00820-00185760-00185950 policies and mechanisms related to ahj0XOCExP4-00821-00185951-00186063 climate ahj0XOCExP4-00822-00186064-00186271 recognized in the indices of specific ahj0XOCExP4-00823-00186272-00186543 biodiversity and conservation values of ahj0XOCExP4-00824-00186544-00186775 primary forest maximize the synergy ahj0XOCExP4-00825-00186776-00187007 between ndcs and nb subs ahj0XOCExP4-00826-00187008-00187207 and consider primary forest conservation ahj0XOCExP4-00827-00187208-00187414 objectives in international climate ahj0XOCExP4-00828-00187415-00187614 finance mechanisms to orient and ahj0XOCExP4-00829-00187615-00187950 prioritize funding finally trying to ahj0XOCExP4-00830-00187951-00188143 strengthen regional international ahj0XOCExP4-00831-00188144-00188311 cooperation for the conservation and ahj0XOCExP4-00832-00188312-00188543 management of primary forests exchange ahj0XOCExP4-00833-00188544-00188743 knowledge and lesson learned across ahj0XOCExP4-00834-00188744-00188966 countries transfer technology for ahj0XOCExP4-00835-00188967-00189278 mapping and monitoring primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00836-00189279-00189478 facilitate capacity development to ahj0XOCExP4-00837-00189479-00189750 appropriate means at regional level ahj0XOCExP4-00838-00189751-00189975 and facilitate transboundary cooperation ahj0XOCExP4-00839-00189976-00190166 for conservation and management of ahj0XOCExP4-00840-00190167-00190375 primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-00841-00190376-00190566 and finally promote international ahj0XOCExP4-00842-00190567-00190823 cooperation on deforestation free ahj0XOCExP4-00843-00190824-00191014 commodities ahj0XOCExP4-00844-00191015-00191302 so thank you for your attention as ahj0XOCExP4-00845-00191303-00191519 mentioned by vincent this work is was ahj0XOCExP4-00846-00191520-00191847 done with many young colleagues from ahj0XOCExP4-00847-00191848-00191950 c4 ahj0XOCExP4-00848-00191951-00192271 and from university of gadjah mada and ahj0XOCExP4-00849-00192272-00192575 i want to thank them here ahj0XOCExP4-00850-00192576-00192759 the map that you see on the powerpoint ahj0XOCExP4-00851-00192760-00192926 of course it's very difficult to show ahj0XOCExP4-00852-00192927-00193175 this this map in powerpoint so in the ahj0XOCExP4-00853-00193176-00193375 future we are going to have ahj0XOCExP4-00854-00193376-00193599 of course in the report ahj0XOCExP4-00855-00193600-00193847 better quality to represent the map but ahj0XOCExP4-00856-00193848-00194199 also we hope to get a link for people to ahj0XOCExP4-00857-00194200-00194550 look at the map at a bigger format so ahj0XOCExP4-00858-00194551-00194823 thank you again for your attention ahj0XOCExP4-00859-00194824-00196302 i'm done here ahj0XOCExP4-00860-00196303-00196463 okay thank you ahj0XOCExP4-00861-00196464-00196711 thank you eve i think the q a will be ahj0XOCExP4-00862-00196712-00196990 after uh the presentation ahj0XOCExP4-00863-00196991-00197247 from uh james francesco so keep your ahj0XOCExP4-00864-00197248-00197519 questions and we'll come back to that so ahj0XOCExP4-00865-00197520-00198126 james i think now it's floyd is yours ahj0XOCExP4-00866-00198127-00199231 it's a new change ahj0XOCExP4-00867-00199232-00199343 there we go ahj0XOCExP4-00868-00199344-00199566 uh you can see my screen or not yes yes ahj0XOCExP4-00869-00199567-00199863 perfect okay all right it's uh having ahj0XOCExP4-00870-00199864-00200119 some ahj0XOCExP4-00871-00200120-00200399 messages that are unusual okay great um ahj0XOCExP4-00872-00200400-00200535 thank you very much ahj0XOCExP4-00873-00200536-00200799 um yeah i want to say um it's a good ahj0XOCExP4-00874-00200800-00200975 opportunity to present the results of ahj0XOCExP4-00875-00200976-00201263 the study uh and really that it was a ahj0XOCExP4-00876-00201264-00201414 great pleasure to ahj0XOCExP4-00877-00201415-00201599 be involved with the implementation as a ahj0XOCExP4-00878-00201600-00201911 study with colleagues from c4 ahj0XOCExP4-00879-00201912-00202102 fta and fao ahj0XOCExP4-00880-00202103-00202350 and also to work with a ahj0XOCExP4-00881-00202351-00202575 work with a very ahj0XOCExP4-00882-00202576-00202895 interesting group of 400 425 ahj0XOCExP4-00883-00202896-00203126 professionals in asia pacific forestry ahj0XOCExP4-00884-00203127-00203319 sector which of course included youth ahj0XOCExP4-00885-00203320-00203559 and students ahj0XOCExP4-00886-00203560-00203735 so let me just jump right into it in ahj0XOCExP4-00887-00203736-00203911 these first two slides actually that a ahj0XOCExP4-00888-00203912-00204071 lot of the information has been covered ahj0XOCExP4-00889-00204072-00204271 by sheila by ahj0XOCExP4-00890-00204272-00204590 robert and by vincent but you know the ahj0XOCExP4-00891-00204591-00204775 emphasis for this study was really the ahj0XOCExP4-00892-00204776-00204990 third asia pacific four sector outlook ahj0XOCExP4-00893-00204991-00205279 which which uh identified that ahj0XOCExP4-00894-00205280-00205423 there's huge opportunities and ahj0XOCExP4-00895-00205423-00205614 challenges for innovative uh ahj0XOCExP4-00896-00205615-00205831 technologies in the forest sector in the ahj0XOCExP4-00897-00205832-00206110 asia pacific area and also the students ahj0XOCExP4-00898-00206111-00206303 that were involved in the forest week ahj0XOCExP4-00899-00206304-00206558 activity of that year uh emphasized that ahj0XOCExP4-00900-00206559-00206734 and also said they were sort of a slow ahj0XOCExP4-00901-00206735-00206927 and uneven adoption of these ahj0XOCExP4-00902-00206928-00207142 technologies and we wanted to and they ahj0XOCExP4-00903-00207144-00207294 said you know this should be maybe a ahj0XOCExP4-00904-00207296-00207479 focus in the future which which everyone ahj0XOCExP4-00905-00207480-00207631 pretty much agree with ahj0XOCExP4-00906-00207632-00207886 and then the process for the actual ahj0XOCExP4-00907-00207887-00208038 innovative technologies roadmap ahj0XOCExP4-00908-00208039-00208327 implemented again uh sheila vincent and ahj0XOCExP4-00909-00208328-00208471 roberto mentioned all of these ahj0XOCExP4-00910-00208471-00208655 activities so we just want to stress ahj0XOCExP4-00911-00208656-00208903 that you know there was multiple avenues ahj0XOCExP4-00912-00208904-00209062 that were investigated multiple ahj0XOCExP4-00913-00209063-00209303 activities online workshops surveys ahj0XOCExP4-00914-00209304-00209406 interviews ahj0XOCExP4-00915-00209407-00209703 then the technical online workshop ahj0XOCExP4-00916-00209704-00209839 and ahj0XOCExP4-00917-00209840-00210055 so it was reiterative ahj0XOCExP4-00918-00210056-00210263 it was validated through the validation ahj0XOCExP4-00919-00210264-00210423 workshop to make sure ahj0XOCExP4-00920-00210423-00210631 everyone agreed with results and then ahj0XOCExP4-00921-00210632-00210903 also peer review so um ahj0XOCExP4-00922-00210904-00211055 a lot of effort a lot of different ahj0XOCExP4-00923-00211056-00211191 activities and you know there were again ahj0XOCExP4-00924-00211192-00211494 there were 425 people directly involved ahj0XOCExP4-00925-00211496-00211655 with this and other people supporting ahj0XOCExP4-00926-00211656-00211942 from behind and this of course included ahj0XOCExP4-00927-00211944-00212191 um as was mentioned earlier this ahj0XOCExP4-00928-00212192-00212375 included the private sector researchers ahj0XOCExP4-00929-00212376-00212839 universities as well as um ahj0XOCExP4-00930-00212840-00212958 ngos ahj0XOCExP4-00931-00212959-00213198 uh people from communities and the uh ahj0XOCExP4-00932-00213200-00213391 international or ahj0XOCExP4-00933-00213392-00213703 multi-stakeholder organizations as well ahj0XOCExP4-00934-00213704-00214055 so let me jump right into it um so for ahj0XOCExP4-00935-00214056-00214175 the study ahj0XOCExP4-00936-00214176-00214423 four types of categories of innovative ahj0XOCExP4-00937-00214423-00214703 technologies were identified first one ahj0XOCExP4-00938-00214704-00214951 being digital technologies biological ahj0XOCExP4-00939-00214952-00215198 technologies process and product ahj0XOCExP4-00940-00215200-00215439 technologies and finance and social ahj0XOCExP4-00941-00215440-00215606 innovations ahj0XOCExP4-00942-00215607-00215703 so ahj0XOCExP4-00943-00215704-00215846 the ahj0XOCExP4-00944-00215848-00216023 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00945-00216023-00216182 you can see here the list of some of the ahj0XOCExP4-00946-00216183-00216382 key this is for digital technologies of ahj0XOCExP4-00947-00216383-00216503 course this is ahj0XOCExP4-00948-00216504-00216687 the bullet list of some of the key ahj0XOCExP4-00949-00216688-00216927 technologies identified and of course ahj0XOCExP4-00950-00216928-00217103 i'm not going to read them to you but we ahj0XOCExP4-00951-00217104-00217294 can we see this as sort of breaking down ahj0XOCExP4-00952-00217296-00217503 into three groups first one being ahj0XOCExP4-00953-00217504-00217679 satellite-based technologies that ahj0XOCExP4-00954-00217680-00217871 improve planning ahj0XOCExP4-00955-00217871-00218303 monitoring and uh ahj0XOCExP4-00956-00218304-00218446 you can hear me ahj0XOCExP4-00957-00218448-00218687 reporting ahj0XOCExP4-00958-00218688-00218894 i'm i'll assume you can hear me i'm ahj0XOCExP4-00959-00218896-00219239 getting a message yes the second one is ahj0XOCExP4-00960-00219240-00219415 okay great the second one here is with ahj0XOCExP4-00961-00219416-00219487 the ahj0XOCExP4-00962-00219488-00219598 uh ahj0XOCExP4-00963-00219600-00219846 sensory networks acoustic optical and ahj0XOCExP4-00964-00219848-00220039 camera ahj0XOCExP4-00965-00220040-00220279 systems that very much focus on ahj0XOCExP4-00966-00220280-00220551 conservation conservation of force okay ahj0XOCExP4-00967-00220552-00220823 and then the third category is focused ahj0XOCExP4-00968-00220823-00221055 strongly on the information ahj0XOCExP4-00969-00221056-00221319 communication technologies which were an ahj0XOCExP4-00970-00221319-00221671 avenue for engaging communities engaging ahj0XOCExP4-00971-00221671-00221903 uh the civil civil society and ahj0XOCExP4-00972-00221904-00222206 individuals to be involved with ahj0XOCExP4-00973-00222207-00222503 governance issues um you know it things ahj0XOCExP4-00974-00222504-00222671 have progressed a lot you know 30 years ahj0XOCExP4-00975-00222671-00222855 ago there was always adversarial roles ahj0XOCExP4-00976-00222856-00223071 between government and ahj0XOCExP4-00977-00223071-00223271 civil society and communities that's ahj0XOCExP4-00978-00223271-00223519 really progressed and now the things are ahj0XOCExP4-00979-00223519-00223727 seen as partnerships and this is one way ahj0XOCExP4-00980-00223728-00223934 to help improve that ahj0XOCExP4-00981-00223935-00224151 for the biological technologies of ahj0XOCExP4-00982-00224152-00224463 course a very strong emphasis was there ahj0XOCExP4-00983-00224464-00224631 on the genetic resources and the ahj0XOCExP4-00984-00224632-00224951 germplasm so producing high quality and ahj0XOCExP4-00985-00224952-00225294 large quantities of priority species but ahj0XOCExP4-00986-00225296-00225615 moving beyond that is also making sure ahj0XOCExP4-00987-00225616-00225823 that these methods and technologies are ahj0XOCExP4-00988-00225823-00226110 made available to the non-formal ahj0XOCExP4-00989-00226111-00226398 so the informal sector of ahj0XOCExP4-00990-00226400-00226639 forestry so making sure that ngos ahj0XOCExP4-00991-00226640-00226927 communities etc uh have access to the ahj0XOCExP4-00992-00226928-00227142 technology so that they can start to ahj0XOCExP4-00993-00227144-00227351 produce their own high quality material ahj0XOCExP4-00994-00227352-00227598 in the past high quality materials often ahj0XOCExP4-00995-00227600-00227927 in short supply and so the local ahj0XOCExP4-00996-00227928-00228071 local users were the ones who would ahj0XOCExP4-00997-00228071-00228223 always come up last ahj0XOCExP4-00998-00228223-00228510 related to that is that these efforts of ahj0XOCExP4-00999-00228511-00228679 producing high quality materials should ahj0XOCExP4-01000-00228680-00228887 continue with the commercial species but ahj0XOCExP4-01001-00228888-00229239 also expand to local priority local ahj0XOCExP4-01002-00229240-00229487 prioritized species and by ahj0XOCExP4-01003-00229488-00229694 transferring the technology to those ahj0XOCExP4-01004-00229696-00229942 local partners that becomes a lot more ahj0XOCExP4-01005-00229944-00230182 possible and more viable ahj0XOCExP4-01006-00230183-00230398 sort of a third topic we can think about ahj0XOCExP4-01007-00230400-00230639 for for the biological technologies was ahj0XOCExP4-01008-00230640-00230919 a strong emphasis on dna identification ahj0XOCExP4-01009-00230919-00231182 and tracking which is a technology ahj0XOCExP4-01010-00231183-00231367 that's very um ahj0XOCExP4-01011-00231367-00231615 important in monitoring trade and bill ahj0XOCExP4-01012-00231616-00231942 and illegal activities okay ahj0XOCExP4-01013-00231944-00232198 so for process and product innovations ahj0XOCExP4-01014-00232200-00232406 again this sort of broke down into three ahj0XOCExP4-01015-00232407-00232663 different categories we could think ahj0XOCExP4-01016-00232664-00232831 about the ahj0XOCExP4-01017-00232832-00233094 deployment of the digital technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01018-00233096-00233382 for improving planning management and ahj0XOCExP4-01019-00233383-00233598 and harvesting so that's the sort of the ahj0XOCExP4-01020-00233600-00233775 four top bullets there ahj0XOCExP4-01021-00233776-00234006 and then also the improvement of the ahj0XOCExP4-01022-00234007-00234142 processing ahj0XOCExP4-01023-00234144-00234391 focused largely on wood but could be for ahj0XOCExP4-01024-00234392-00234639 other other products as well ahj0XOCExP4-01025-00234640-00234846 or resources actually other resources ahj0XOCExP4-01026-00234848-00235063 from the from the forest and a lot of ahj0XOCExP4-01027-00235064-00235342 time that processing technology is ahj0XOCExP4-01028-00235344-00235582 integrated with the digital technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01029-00235583-00235751 as well so this is very important in ahj0XOCExP4-01030-00235752-00236023 improving efficiencies resource recovery ahj0XOCExP4-01031-00236023-00236158 et cetera ahj0XOCExP4-01032-00236159-00236431 the third area for this process of ahj0XOCExP4-01033-00236432-00236663 product innovations was ahj0XOCExP4-01034-00236664-00236934 very much focused on the products so ahj0XOCExP4-01035-00236935-00237127 maybe epitomized by engineered wood ahj0XOCExP4-01036-00237128-00237503 products clts timbers etc but also the ahj0XOCExP4-01037-00237504-00237767 use of bamboo and other other species to ahj0XOCExP4-01038-00237767-00238006 help replace wood products or plastic ahj0XOCExP4-01039-00238007-00238263 products bioplastics biochemicals ahj0XOCExP4-01040-00238264-00238439 pharmaceuticals ahj0XOCExP4-01041-00238440-00238679 bioenergy products what was really ahj0XOCExP4-01042-00238680-00238887 reassuring to me this week is that on ahj0XOCExP4-01043-00238888-00239079 tuesday i attended the ahj0XOCExP4-01044-00239080-00239334 innovation session um from in the ahj0XOCExP4-01045-00239335-00239567 congress and a lot of these things were ahj0XOCExP4-01046-00239567-00239727 actually mentioned and focused on at ahj0XOCExP4-01047-00239728-00239855 that time too ahj0XOCExP4-01048-00239856-00240055 so moving on to the ahj0XOCExP4-01049-00240056-00240158 um ahj0XOCExP4-01050-00240159-00240367 the fourth category so innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01051-00240367-00240598 finances uh innovative finance and ahj0XOCExP4-01052-00240600-00240767 social innovations ahj0XOCExP4-01053-00240767-00240871 um ahj0XOCExP4-01054-00240871-00241030 not surprisingly this sort of breaks ahj0XOCExP4-01055-00241031-00241327 down into two broader areas the finance ahj0XOCExP4-01056-00241328-00241542 side so which is you know sort of the ahj0XOCExP4-01057-00241544-00241767 bullet examples here are in the maroon ahj0XOCExP4-01058-00241767-00241958 um we can maybe think about the blended ahj0XOCExP4-01059-00241959-00242271 finances being uh illustrative so this ahj0XOCExP4-01060-00242271-00242479 is the integration of private finance ahj0XOCExP4-01061-00242480-00242630 government finance development and ahj0XOCExP4-01062-00242631-00242798 foundation finance ahj0XOCExP4-01063-00242800-00243134 so that the risk can be shared but also ahj0XOCExP4-01064-00243135-00243375 each each ahj0XOCExP4-01065-00243376-00243679 partner can address their risk appetite ahj0XOCExP4-01066-00243680-00243887 for various parts of a project or an ahj0XOCExP4-01067-00243888-00244167 investment it also very much makes it ahj0XOCExP4-01068-00244167-00244310 possible to ahj0XOCExP4-01069-00244311-00244623 implement or to prioritize social and ahj0XOCExP4-01070-00244623-00244830 environmental ahj0XOCExP4-01071-00244831-00244958 environmental ahj0XOCExP4-01072-00244959-00245087 objectives ahj0XOCExP4-01073-00245088-00245239 in these activities ahj0XOCExP4-01074-00245240-00245415 green social and climate bonds of course ahj0XOCExP4-01075-00245416-00245679 are very popular uh for stressing the ahj0XOCExP4-01076-00245680-00245871 environment and the social ahj0XOCExP4-01077-00245871-00246158 uh social objectives um crowdfunding is ahj0XOCExP4-01078-00246159-00246367 interesting in that you know maybe 10 15 ahj0XOCExP4-01079-00246367-00246534 years ago this was sort of a boutique ahj0XOCExP4-01080-00246535-00246703 type of approach where people would give ahj0XOCExP4-01081-00246704-00246894 small amounts of money for ahj0XOCExP4-01082-00246896-00247094 little private sort of small projects ahj0XOCExP4-01083-00247096-00247351 that were going on but now with the ict ahj0XOCExP4-01084-00247352-00247646 technologies this has become much larger ahj0XOCExP4-01085-00247648-00247863 uh opportunity and what's interesting ahj0XOCExP4-01086-00247864-00248063 also is that now ahj0XOCExP4-01087-00248064-00248246 the fund the use of the funds can be ahj0XOCExP4-01088-00248248-00248391 monitored better ahj0XOCExP4-01089-00248392-00248598 okay so jumping down to the next ahj0XOCExP4-01090-00248600-00248879 category the social innovations there ahj0XOCExP4-01091-00248880-00249182 was very strong emphasis here on ahj0XOCExP4-01092-00249183-00249439 community forestry and related topics ahj0XOCExP4-01093-00249440-00249663 um of course community forestry is not ahj0XOCExP4-01094-00249664-00249846 new you know it's been around me for 50 ahj0XOCExP4-01095-00249848-00250087 years or so but what is new is that it's ahj0XOCExP4-01096-00250088-00250342 accepted it's usually up a lot more and ahj0XOCExP4-01097-00250344-00250671 it's evolved so that the communities can ahj0XOCExP4-01098-00250671-00250767 start ahj0XOCExP4-01099-00250767-00250967 developing enterprises and integrate ahj0XOCExP4-01100-00250967-00251206 into the value chains and that is very ahj0XOCExP4-01101-00251207-00251303 um ahj0XOCExP4-01102-00251304-00251391 that's ahj0XOCExP4-01103-00251392-00251727 facilitated by ict technologies as well ahj0XOCExP4-01104-00251728-00251887 and it's also given ahj0XOCExP4-01105-00251888-00252110 more emphasis to forest and farm ahj0XOCExP4-01106-00252111-00252342 producers which is basically ahj0XOCExP4-01107-00252344-00252534 acknowledging that ahj0XOCExP4-01108-00252535-00252727 small-scale farmers and ahj0XOCExP4-01109-00252728-00253071 forest managers are very integral to the ahj0XOCExP4-01110-00253071-00253167 global ahj0XOCExP4-01111-00253167-00253367 value chains and again there were ahj0XOCExP4-01112-00253367-00253551 several presentations through this week ahj0XOCExP4-01113-00253552-00253734 in various sessions inside events that ahj0XOCExP4-01114-00253735-00253991 really emphasized how important that is ahj0XOCExP4-01115-00253992-00254294 so recognizing that and again ict ahj0XOCExP4-01116-00254296-00254527 helped provide that ahj0XOCExP4-01117-00254528-00254703 not just recognition but help support ahj0XOCExP4-01118-00254704-00254975 those people as well as maybe the last ahj0XOCExP4-01119-00254976-00255182 topic and this was this was on the list ahj0XOCExP4-01120-00255183-00255494 before but citizen science so there's a ahj0XOCExP4-01121-00255496-00255734 very important role for citizen science ahj0XOCExP4-01122-00255735-00255967 for people to you know so sourcing ahj0XOCExP4-01123-00255967-00256142 information but also people to get ahj0XOCExP4-01124-00256144-00256246 involved ahj0XOCExP4-01125-00256248-00256527 in a natural research as well as in ahj0XOCExP4-01126-00256528-00256751 governance a strong you know stronger ahj0XOCExP4-01127-00256752-00256942 involvement in governance ahj0XOCExP4-01128-00256944-00257151 so that's the overview of the four ahj0XOCExP4-01129-00257152-00257310 topics um ahj0XOCExP4-01130-00257311-00257398 next ahj0XOCExP4-01131-00257400-00257598 what i'd like to do is sort of shift to ahj0XOCExP4-01132-00257600-00257846 the opportunities and the challenges and ahj0XOCExP4-01133-00257848-00257967 really ahj0XOCExP4-01134-00257967-00258206 focus more on the challenges and the ahj0XOCExP4-01135-00258207-00258446 barriers and this is not a way of being ahj0XOCExP4-01136-00258448-00258758 negative or being a naysayer but ahj0XOCExP4-01137-00258759-00259015 help us segue into the recommendations ahj0XOCExP4-01138-00259016-00259142 that will come ahj0XOCExP4-01139-00259144-00259303 subsequent to this ahj0XOCExP4-01140-00259304-00259503 so with the digital technologies for ahj0XOCExP4-01141-00259504-00259671 economic side you know there's very ahj0XOCExP4-01142-00259671-00259934 positive overall views for the social ahj0XOCExP4-01143-00259935-00260167 side there was concern that about that ahj0XOCExP4-01144-00260167-00260342 could lead to the destruction of local ahj0XOCExP4-01145-00260344-00260639 jobs especially for the unskilled ahj0XOCExP4-01146-00260640-00260782 people ahj0XOCExP4-01147-00260783-00260927 or ahj0XOCExP4-01148-00260928-00261030 communities ahj0XOCExP4-01149-00261031-00261367 so there's also for environment the ahj0XOCExP4-01150-00261367-00261527 worry is that with the digital ahj0XOCExP4-01151-00261528-00261742 technology it's much more efficient to ahj0XOCExP4-01152-00261744-00261927 harvest et cetera ahj0XOCExP4-01153-00261928-00262167 to identify resources and that this ahj0XOCExP4-01154-00262168-00262327 could lead to ahj0XOCExP4-01155-00262328-00262599 um over-exploitation and degradation of ahj0XOCExP4-01156-00262600-00262871 the cis of the natural environment ahj0XOCExP4-01157-00262872-00262975 for the ahj0XOCExP4-01158-00262976-00263071 um ahj0XOCExP4-01159-00263072-00263351 for biological technologies there were a ahj0XOCExP4-01160-00263352-00263558 lot more concerns expressed than we ahj0XOCExP4-01161-00263559-00263799 originally expected uh and a lot of this ahj0XOCExP4-01162-00263800-00263999 has to do with um ahj0XOCExP4-01163-00264000-00264263 for the social side is that the improved ahj0XOCExP4-01164-00264264-00264463 material if it's not made available to ahj0XOCExP4-01165-00264464-00264623 other groups to you know vulnerable ahj0XOCExP4-01166-00264624-00264919 groups uh ngos local communities that it ahj0XOCExP4-01167-00264920-00265182 could actually devastate inequalities or ahj0XOCExP4-01168-00265183-00265391 keep those inequalities in place ahj0XOCExP4-01169-00265392-00265743 high cost of perceived high cost ahj0XOCExP4-01170-00265744-00265958 as some of our colleagues mentioned ahj0XOCExP4-01171-00265959-00266119 during the process ahj0XOCExP4-01172-00266120-00266358 limit uh limit the ability of small ahj0XOCExP4-01173-00266359-00266567 holders to get involved there's there's ahj0XOCExP4-01174-00266568-00266799 techniques and mechanisms that help make ahj0XOCExP4-01175-00266800-00266958 that possible but they're not maybe ahj0XOCExP4-01176-00266959-00267263 widely known as like again ahj0XOCExP4-01177-00267264-00267495 high cost of of some of these methods ahj0XOCExP4-01178-00267496-00267703 limits the number of species that are ahj0XOCExP4-01179-00267704-00267903 that can be ahj0XOCExP4-01180-00267904-00268143 improved or highly improved genetic ahj0XOCExP4-01181-00268144-00268351 material is addressed ahj0XOCExP4-01182-00268352-00268567 in the extreme genetic improvement also ahj0XOCExP4-01183-00268568-00268847 can reduce interspecific diversity ahj0XOCExP4-01184-00268848-00268919 which ahj0XOCExP4-01185-00268920-00269079 is something that's always recognized it ahj0XOCExP4-01186-00269080-00269543 but continues to be a concern um ahj0XOCExP4-01187-00269544-00269791 if if the material is privatized then ahj0XOCExP4-01188-00269792-00270030 there's concerns about ipr and ahj0XOCExP4-01189-00270031-00270334 regulations where we restrict access to ahj0XOCExP4-01190-00270335-00270502 other people ahj0XOCExP4-01191-00270503-00270879 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-01192-00270880-00271134 yeah let me jump down to process and ahj0XOCExP4-01193-00271135-00271382 product technologies here one of the one ahj0XOCExP4-01194-00271383-00271606 of the concerns was mentioned that the ahj0XOCExP4-01195-00271607-00271871 direct and indirect costs of adopting ahj0XOCExP4-01196-00271872-00272134 technologies even in the private sector ahj0XOCExP4-01197-00272135-00272319 might make it ahj0XOCExP4-01198-00272320-00272639 might make companies or specific firms ahj0XOCExP4-01199-00272640-00272951 unwilling to adopt um ahj0XOCExP4-01200-00272952-00273082 adopt the ahj0XOCExP4-01201-00273083-00273279 technologies it's of course it might be ahj0XOCExP4-01202-00273280-00273519 an area where some type of innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01203-00273520-00273703 finance would be useful ahj0XOCExP4-01204-00273704-00273887 in the social level again there's ahj0XOCExP4-01205-00273888-00274182 concerns about loss of jobs ahj0XOCExP4-01206-00274183-00274503 um and then maintaining inequality not ahj0XOCExP4-01207-00274504-00274679 not so much with communities but between ahj0XOCExP4-01208-00274680-00274855 large larger ahj0XOCExP4-01209-00274856-00275199 corporations and smes or you know ahj0XOCExP4-01210-00275200-00275551 community community groups ahj0XOCExP4-01211-00275552-00275839 and then a big concern once again about ahj0XOCExP4-01212-00275840-00276127 over exploitation so they the process ahj0XOCExP4-01213-00276128-00276375 and product technologies improve ahj0XOCExP4-01214-00276376-00276679 uh efficiencies improve returns so ahj0XOCExP4-01215-00276680-00276999 it might cause the uh degradation of the ahj0XOCExP4-01216-00277000-00277175 ecosystem ahj0XOCExP4-01217-00277176-00277303 and the natural ahj0XOCExP4-01218-00277304-00277455 natural resources ahj0XOCExP4-01219-00277456-00277639 with finance and social innovations ahj0XOCExP4-01220-00277640-00277887 interesting enough that the main concern ahj0XOCExP4-01221-00277888-00278110 was that uh as ahj0XOCExP4-01222-00278111-00278358 improved financial opportunities would ahj0XOCExP4-01223-00278359-00278639 come to communities that there is always ahj0XOCExP4-01224-00278640-00278958 a concern about elite capture and this ahj0XOCExP4-01225-00278959-00279239 is easily captured by both internal ahj0XOCExP4-01226-00279240-00279439 and external ahj0XOCExP4-01227-00279440-00279767 players ahj0XOCExP4-01228-00279768-00280030 okay ahj0XOCExP4-01229-00280031-00280310 last point or last point before we get ahj0XOCExP4-01230-00280311-00280558 uh before the next point is looking at ahj0XOCExP4-01231-00280559-00280751 what are the key barriers to ahj0XOCExP4-01232-00280752-00280839 the ahj0XOCExP4-01233-00280840-00280982 uh adoption ahj0XOCExP4-01234-00280983-00281230 and scaling of the technologies so we ahj0XOCExP4-01235-00281231-00281358 have you know we have appropriate ahj0XOCExP4-01236-00281359-00281519 technology appropriate innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01237-00281520-00281751 technologies how do we make sure that ahj0XOCExP4-01238-00281752-00281919 they um ahj0XOCExP4-01239-00281920-00282191 be adopted uh these are some constraints ahj0XOCExP4-01240-00282192-00282343 that hold that back so with human ahj0XOCExP4-01241-00282344-00282495 capital there's a lack of skills and ahj0XOCExP4-01242-00282496-00282719 knowledge experience so training would ahj0XOCExP4-01243-00282720-00282934 be appropriate the natural environment ahj0XOCExP4-01244-00282935-00283199 there's a limited access to forest ahj0XOCExP4-01245-00283200-00283310 and ahj0XOCExP4-01246-00283311-00283527 land and natural resources as well as ahj0XOCExP4-01247-00283528-00283751 our assets of products for the physical ahj0XOCExP4-01248-00283752-00283855 capital ahj0XOCExP4-01249-00283856-00284095 infrastructure and that includes uh ahj0XOCExP4-01250-00284096-00284415 internet right so access to internet um ahj0XOCExP4-01251-00284416-00284582 simple equipment ahj0XOCExP4-01252-00284583-00284854 as well so some type of investment for ahj0XOCExP4-01253-00284855-00285103 financial of course the point is that ahj0XOCExP4-01254-00285104-00285295 there's limited access to capital credit ahj0XOCExP4-01255-00285296-00285543 and value change for a lot of players ahj0XOCExP4-01256-00285544-00285695 need to make sure that that's broadened ahj0XOCExP4-01257-00285696-00285767 out ahj0XOCExP4-01258-00285768-00285919 social capital ahj0XOCExP4-01259-00285920-00286015 um ahj0XOCExP4-01260-00286016-00286215 restrictions on governance and tenure ahj0XOCExP4-01261-00286216-00286375 rights for forest land and natural ahj0XOCExP4-01262-00286376-00286495 resources ahj0XOCExP4-01263-00286496-00286687 and a big big issue that came up ahj0XOCExP4-01264-00286688-00286951 repeatedly was policies so a lot of ahj0XOCExP4-01265-00286952-00287254 times the policy uh conditions are seen ahj0XOCExP4-01266-00287255-00287519 to be absent weak or restrictive in the ahj0XOCExP4-01267-00287520-00287703 relation to ahj0XOCExP4-01268-00287704-00287975 the innovative technologies right this ahj0XOCExP4-01269-00287976-00288175 is not a surprise in that the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01270-00288176-00288406 technologies sort of jump forward ahj0XOCExP4-01271-00288407-00288623 and you know developing policies and ahj0XOCExP4-01272-00288624-00288887 regulations takes a lot more time so the ahj0XOCExP4-01273-00288888-00289167 existing policies and regulations ahj0XOCExP4-01274-00289168-00289495 seen as not uh inappropriate or not ahj0XOCExP4-01275-00289496-00289799 being able to address the issues ahj0XOCExP4-01276-00289800-00290103 okay so um ahj0XOCExP4-01277-00290104-00290430 next point recommendations um ahj0XOCExP4-01278-00290431-00290543 and ahj0XOCExP4-01279-00290544-00290791 here we had uh 10 overarching ahj0XOCExP4-01280-00290792-00291039 recommendations for our study so i we ahj0XOCExP4-01281-00291040-00291279 can say it wins because we have 10 in ahj0XOCExP4-01282-00291280-00291543 the primary force only at six ahj0XOCExP4-01283-00291544-00291630 um ahj0XOCExP4-01284-00291631-00291854 again the key point here is the we have ahj0XOCExP4-01285-00291855-00291927 the ahj0XOCExP4-01286-00291928-00292254 the 10 overarching recommendations and ahj0XOCExP4-01287-00292255-00292479 we need to make sure that they uh ahj0XOCExP4-01288-00292480-00292751 address various conditions various ahj0XOCExP4-01289-00292752-00292967 countries and situations within within ahj0XOCExP4-01290-00292968-00293158 the four sector right ahj0XOCExP4-01291-00293159-00293503 so um ahj0XOCExP4-01292-00293504-00293727 looking at my notes ahj0XOCExP4-01293-00293728-00293999 yeah okay that was a key point so within ahj0XOCExP4-01294-00294000-00294167 within the recommendations the 10 ahj0XOCExP4-01295-00294168-00294319 recommendations they sort of fall into ahj0XOCExP4-01296-00294320-00294606 two categories one is you know why are ahj0XOCExP4-01297-00294607-00294839 we harnessing the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01298-00294840-00295015 technology so what you know why do we ahj0XOCExP4-01299-00295016-00295175 need them why do we have them and ahj0XOCExP4-01300-00295176-00295430 there's four main points there so the ahj0XOCExP4-01301-00295431-00295782 key point is the uh improved monitoring ahj0XOCExP4-01302-00295783-00296023 of the force resources to track ahj0XOCExP4-01303-00296024-00296247 building and to track illegal activities ahj0XOCExP4-01304-00296248-00296343 and ahj0XOCExP4-01305-00296344-00296534 trade so ahj0XOCExP4-01306-00296535-00296654 again the ahj0XOCExP4-01307-00296655-00296871 digital technologies really have ahj0XOCExP4-01308-00296872-00297103 vastly improved that of ahj0XOCExP4-01309-00297104-00297382 that ability um also to raise awareness ahj0XOCExP4-01310-00297383-00297503 and enhancing ahj0XOCExP4-01311-00297504-00297671 citizen participation in forest ahj0XOCExP4-01312-00297672-00297823 monitoring and sustainable fireworks ahj0XOCExP4-01313-00297824-00297951 management again ahj0XOCExP4-01314-00297952-00298191 um you know this is this is really made ahj0XOCExP4-01315-00298192-00298439 possible because over the last few ahj0XOCExP4-01316-00298440-00298551 decades ahj0XOCExP4-01317-00298552-00298639 um ahj0XOCExP4-01318-00298640-00298895 governments communities ngos are have ahj0XOCExP4-01319-00298896-00299071 all you know started working together ahj0XOCExP4-01320-00299072-00299191 towards these ahj0XOCExP4-01321-00299192-00299334 these ahj0XOCExP4-01322-00299335-00299454 these goals ahj0XOCExP4-01323-00299455-00299591 number three is improving the ahj0XOCExP4-01324-00299592-00299943 productivity and resource use efficiency ahj0XOCExP4-01325-00299944-00300143 very important of course ahj0XOCExP4-01326-00300144-00300399 and then also to generate new jobs ahj0XOCExP4-01327-00300400-00300567 including replacing jobs that might be ahj0XOCExP4-01328-00300568-00300782 lost in ahj0XOCExP4-01329-00300783-00301006 before the innovative technologies are ahj0XOCExP4-01330-00301007-00301254 used and also supporting livelihoods so ahj0XOCExP4-01331-00301255-00301454 supporting livelihoods of mainly of the ahj0XOCExP4-01332-00301455-00301687 communities that um are living in those ahj0XOCExP4-01333-00301688-00301839 forested areas ahj0XOCExP4-01334-00301840-00302134 the next group or the next category of ahj0XOCExP4-01335-00302135-00302279 recommendations ahj0XOCExP4-01336-00302280-00302510 are more for focused on ahj0XOCExP4-01337-00302511-00302751 how to support the uptake and scaling of ahj0XOCExP4-01338-00302752-00302879 the innovation ahj0XOCExP4-01339-00302880-00303063 technology so again we have the ahj0XOCExP4-01340-00303064-00303303 technologies um how are we going to ahj0XOCExP4-01341-00303304-00303510 facilitate adoption ahj0XOCExP4-01342-00303511-00303727 the first one is ahj0XOCExP4-01343-00303728-00303919 ensuring the coordination across sectors ahj0XOCExP4-01344-00303920-00304127 active scales and creating innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01345-00304128-00304327 guidance mechanisms right so this is ahj0XOCExP4-01346-00304328-00304582 very much focused at the national level ahj0XOCExP4-01347-00304583-00304767 to make sure that the national uh ahj0XOCExP4-01348-00304768-00304903 partners and even like within the ahj0XOCExP4-01349-00304904-00305110 government various agencies are working ahj0XOCExP4-01350-00305111-00305287 together towards um ahj0XOCExP4-01351-00305288-00305527 towards similar goals ahj0XOCExP4-01352-00305528-00305719 make sure that there's uh ahj0XOCExP4-01353-00305720-00306023 efficient use of resources the second ahj0XOCExP4-01354-00306024-00306334 one or number six here is investing into ahj0XOCExP4-01355-00306335-00306479 innovative research extension and ahj0XOCExP4-01356-00306480-00306682 capacity building ahj0XOCExP4-01357-00306683-00307023 obviously related to number five but ahj0XOCExP4-01358-00307024-00307223 focusing on those three very very ahj0XOCExP4-01359-00307224-00307399 important topics research extension and ahj0XOCExP4-01360-00307400-00307671 capacity building the next one is to ahj0XOCExP4-01361-00307672-00307830 elaborate conducive ahj0XOCExP4-01362-00307831-00308006 policies and regulations as mentioned ahj0XOCExP4-01363-00308007-00308175 before to make sure that the policies ahj0XOCExP4-01364-00308176-00308382 and regulations address the new ahj0XOCExP4-01365-00308383-00308558 environment the new conditions of the ahj0XOCExP4-01366-00308559-00308734 innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01367-00308735-00308903 technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01368-00308904-00309215 uh okay number eight um again under this ahj0XOCExP4-01369-00309216-00309558 way of how to facilitate uh adoption ahj0XOCExP4-01370-00309559-00309934 um consider the economics of innovations ahj0XOCExP4-01371-00309935-00310023 to ahj0XOCExP4-01372-00310024-00310206 facilitate adoption of the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01373-00310207-00310495 technology across contexts and scales ahj0XOCExP4-01374-00310496-00310751 this can be thought of or is this often ahj0XOCExP4-01375-00310752-00310951 summarized as scaling down the ahj0XOCExP4-01376-00310952-00311110 technology ahj0XOCExP4-01377-00311111-00311382 to make sure that smes community groups ahj0XOCExP4-01378-00311383-00311630 and civil society can adopt these ahj0XOCExP4-01379-00311631-00311782 technologies as well a lot of ahj0XOCExP4-01380-00311783-00312047 technologies may be being developed more ahj0XOCExP4-01381-00312048-00312358 for larger scale or macro level ahj0XOCExP4-01382-00312359-00312487 firms ahj0XOCExP4-01383-00312488-00312687 number nine assessing ahj0XOCExP4-01384-00312688-00312927 uh the negative impacts of possible ahj0XOCExP4-01385-00312928-00313087 negative impacts of innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01386-00313088-00313230 technologies and establishing ahj0XOCExP4-01387-00313231-00313479 appropriate social and environmental ahj0XOCExP4-01388-00313480-00313695 safeguards ahj0XOCExP4-01389-00313696-00314006 the last uh overall recommendation ahj0XOCExP4-01390-00314007-00314134 is strengthening ahj0XOCExP4-01391-00314135-00314375 strengthening regional cooperation so ahj0XOCExP4-01392-00314376-00314582 this is very much like the previous on ahj0XOCExP4-01393-00314583-00314863 the previous slide number seven so um ahj0XOCExP4-01394-00314864-00315087 you know the technologies are expensive ahj0XOCExP4-01395-00315088-00315206 we want to make sure that there's ahj0XOCExP4-01396-00315207-00315503 collaboration coordination between ahj0XOCExP4-01397-00315504-00315599 between ahj0XOCExP4-01398-00315600-00315799 neighboring governments that they have ahj0XOCExP4-01399-00315800-00316463 similar strategies they have similar ahj0XOCExP4-01400-00316464-00316775 similar program so that the adoption and ahj0XOCExP4-01401-00316776-00316975 implementation of the individual of the ahj0XOCExP4-01402-00316976-00317239 innovative technologies are are uh ahj0XOCExP4-01403-00317240-00317582 easier easier and synergistic uh ahj0XOCExP4-01404-00317583-00317719 basically talking about that sort of ahj0XOCExP4-01405-00317720-00318047 trans transporter issues that even at ahj0XOCExP4-01406-00318048-00318263 the end there ahj0XOCExP4-01407-00318264-00318375 okay ahj0XOCExP4-01408-00318376-00318710 maybe a few real quick conclusions from ahj0XOCExP4-01409-00318711-00318839 from the study ahj0XOCExP4-01410-00318840-00319079 trying to limit it to one page ahj0XOCExP4-01411-00319080-00319247 that forestry ahj0XOCExP4-01412-00319248-00319471 is often considered a conservative uh ahj0XOCExP4-01413-00319472-00319734 conservative sector uh but the study ahj0XOCExP4-01414-00319735-00319975 very much strongly shows that in fact ahj0XOCExP4-01415-00319976-00320206 it's innovative it generates new ahj0XOCExP4-01416-00320207-00320399 new technologies it's adopts new ahj0XOCExP4-01417-00320400-00320679 technologies and enhanced technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01418-00320680-00320879 sort of the three key benefits we can ahj0XOCExP4-01419-00320880-00321006 think of from the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01420-00321007-00321167 technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01421-00321168-00321406 are that it's revolution forestry along ahj0XOCExP4-01422-00321407-00321615 real-time monitoring and precision ahj0XOCExP4-01423-00321616-00321775 management ahj0XOCExP4-01424-00321776-00321975 so that's again through a lot through ahj0XOCExP4-01425-00321976-00322151 the digital technologies making that ahj0XOCExP4-01426-00322152-00322247 possible ahj0XOCExP4-01427-00322248-00322471 uh reducing operational costs increasing ahj0XOCExP4-01428-00322472-00322663 productivity developing new products ahj0XOCExP4-01429-00322664-00322919 enabling increased use in recycling ahj0XOCExP4-01430-00322920-00323047 reducing ahj0XOCExP4-01431-00323048-00323223 negative or adverse ahj0XOCExP4-01432-00323224-00323615 environmental impacts all very positive ahj0XOCExP4-01433-00323616-00323863 the uh the last one for the benefits is ahj0XOCExP4-01434-00323864-00324087 it is attracting young people into ahj0XOCExP4-01435-00324088-00324351 forest forestry forest management and ahj0XOCExP4-01436-00324352-00324654 conservation and definitely reassured on ahj0XOCExP4-01437-00324655-00324871 tuesday when we had the youth session ahj0XOCExP4-01438-00324872-00325054 that you know this is something that was ahj0XOCExP4-01439-00325055-00325295 repeatedly mentioned by uh the youth ahj0XOCExP4-01440-00325296-00325487 participants in the session ahj0XOCExP4-01441-00325488-00325775 um the site event rather so yeah it's ahj0XOCExP4-01442-00325776-00325967 that people are attracted to ahj0XOCExP4-01443-00325968-00326054 to ahj0XOCExP4-01444-00326055-00326239 natural resource management forest ahj0XOCExP4-01445-00326240-00326447 management but using innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01446-00326448-00326687 technologies makes that process so much ahj0XOCExP4-01447-00326688-00327087 more productive and funner okay so the ahj0XOCExP4-01448-00327088-00327263 there's also dangers and these two were ahj0XOCExP4-01449-00327264-00327454 mentioned already but they really really ahj0XOCExP4-01450-00327455-00327815 deserve emphasis that improper use uh ahj0XOCExP4-01451-00327816-00328039 improper utilization and the incentives ahj0XOCExP4-01452-00328040-00328230 that are ahj0XOCExP4-01453-00328231-00328454 provided by innovative technology could ahj0XOCExP4-01454-00328455-00328639 accelerate unsustainable exploitation ahj0XOCExP4-01455-00328640-00328903 deforestation and forest degradation so ahj0XOCExP4-01456-00328904-00329151 that's something that needs to be ahj0XOCExP4-01457-00329152-00329351 always in the front of our mind and a ahj0XOCExP4-01458-00329352-00329767 major concern and the last point is that ahj0XOCExP4-01459-00329768-00330054 the use of the technologies can cause ahj0XOCExP4-01460-00330055-00330382 job loss which is specifically or not ahj0XOCExP4-01461-00330383-00330639 specifically but a big concern ahj0XOCExP4-01462-00330640-00330910 for unskilled labor you know real rural ahj0XOCExP4-01463-00330911-00331063 based people ahj0XOCExP4-01464-00331064-00331182 who ahj0XOCExP4-01465-00331183-00331382 may not have other alternatives so we ahj0XOCExP4-01466-00331383-00331623 need to consider that and ahj0XOCExP4-01467-00331624-00331823 as we develop opportunities with ahj0XOCExP4-01468-00331824-00331999 innovative technologies make sure that ahj0XOCExP4-01469-00332000-00332230 those opportunities are shared by ahj0XOCExP4-01470-00332231-00332478 everyone ahj0XOCExP4-01471-00332479-00332710 products i already mentioned a couple of ahj0XOCExP4-01472-00332711-00332895 times so we had the youth volume which ahj0XOCExP4-01473-00332896-00333134 is 13 papers about ahj0XOCExP4-01474-00333135-00333303 the development and application of ahj0XOCExP4-01475-00333304-00333599 innovative technologies by ahj0XOCExP4-01476-00333600-00333871 students and young professionals ahj0XOCExP4-01477-00333872-00334143 across the region that was published in ahj0XOCExP4-01478-00334144-00334406 november of 2021 and then we have the ahj0XOCExP4-01479-00334407-00334682 policy brief which is about 20 pages ahj0XOCExP4-01480-00334683-00334934 um trying to focus focusing on the ahj0XOCExP4-01481-00334935-00335134 highlights of the study and then the ahj0XOCExP4-01482-00335135-00335334 full working paper which is over 200 ahj0XOCExP4-01483-00335335-00335623 pages the policy brief and working paper ahj0XOCExP4-01484-00335624-00335799 are in final ahj0XOCExP4-01485-00335800-00336078 review right now ahj0XOCExP4-01486-00336079-00336278 last but not least um thank you for your ahj0XOCExP4-01487-00336279-00336463 attention it's been a pleasure to give ahj0XOCExP4-01488-00336464-00336710 the presentation and work on this study ahj0XOCExP4-01489-00336711-00336934 and um you guys come to my house you can ahj0XOCExP4-01490-00336935-00337199 have some durian so ahj0XOCExP4-01491-00337200-00339439 thank you very much i'll stop sharing ahj0XOCExP4-01492-00339440-00339647 okay thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01493-00339648-00339982 james and and eve so now ahj0XOCExP4-01494-00339983-00340230 we have a short q a session before we ahj0XOCExP4-01495-00340231-00340463 come to the panel are there any ahj0XOCExP4-01496-00340464-00340678 questions from the ahj0XOCExP4-01497-00340679-00340903 either the chat or in the room ahj0XOCExP4-01498-00340904-00341278 i see andrew andrew wardell ahj0XOCExP4-01499-00341279-00341439 yes and ahj0XOCExP4-01500-00341440-00341687 sorry i don't have my glasses ahj0XOCExP4-01501-00341688-00341903 brussel yeah russell ahj0XOCExP4-01502-00341904-00342047 andrew please i think you need to come ahj0XOCExP4-01503-00342048-00342567 to the mic ahj0XOCExP4-01504-00342568-00342854 or even here one okay hi ahj0XOCExP4-01505-00342855-00343078 thanks very much jim and ahj0XOCExP4-01506-00343079-00343358 eve for your presentations ahj0XOCExP4-01507-00343359-00343503 good to see you again jim it's been a ahj0XOCExP4-01508-00343504-00343734 long time yes andrew nice to hear nice ahj0XOCExP4-01509-00343735-00343863 to hear your voice ahj0XOCExP4-01510-00343864-00344078 jim my question relates to the the two ahj0XOCExP4-01511-00344079-00344310 dangers you you flagged in your i think ahj0XOCExP4-01512-00344311-00344543 last or penultimate slide ahj0XOCExP4-01513-00344544-00344671 and ahj0XOCExP4-01514-00344672-00344895 an observation uh in terms of your ahj0XOCExP4-01515-00344896-00345054 presentation that you didn't actually ahj0XOCExP4-01516-00345055-00345223 refer ahj0XOCExP4-01517-00345224-00345463 explicitly if i'm not mistaken to the ahj0XOCExP4-01518-00345464-00345743 role in terms of changes in the extent ahj0XOCExP4-01519-00345744-00345999 to which internet-based sales of ahj0XOCExP4-01520-00346000-00346230 non-timber ferris products are starting ahj0XOCExP4-01521-00346231-00346454 to fundamentally influence some ahj0XOCExP4-01522-00346455-00346654 non-timber forest products ahj0XOCExP4-01523-00346655-00346910 and i want to cite the case of boswellia ahj0XOCExP4-01524-00346911-00347158 some of you may know frankincense some ahj0XOCExP4-01525-00347159-00347430 regard as the oldest supply chain of all ahj0XOCExP4-01526-00347431-00347630 involved in mummification processes in ahj0XOCExP4-01527-00347631-00347758 ancient egypt ahj0XOCExP4-01528-00347759-00348047 and which in the last decade has seen a ahj0XOCExP4-01529-00348048-00348263 massive transformation with double-digit ahj0XOCExP4-01530-00348264-00348543 growth annually in the trade based on ahj0XOCExP4-01531-00348544-00348719 internet-based sales ahj0XOCExP4-01532-00348720-00348967 and this is having a profound influence ahj0XOCExP4-01533-00348968-00349215 it's also tied to the fact that you have ahj0XOCExP4-01534-00349216-00349303 a ahj0XOCExP4-01535-00349304-00349599 very large somali diaspora ahj0XOCExP4-01536-00349600-00349863 uh without a state who are very much ahj0XOCExP4-01537-00349864-00350167 involved in that process as well as ahj0XOCExP4-01538-00350168-00350447 two dominant uh companies in the us both ahj0XOCExP4-01539-00350448-00350671 based out of salt lake city so i wonder ahj0XOCExP4-01540-00350672-00350815 if you wanted to comment because i don't ahj0XOCExP4-01541-00350816-00350975 think it is just ahj0XOCExP4-01542-00350976-00351247 uh the case of frankincense i've seen ahj0XOCExP4-01543-00351248-00351423 internet-based sales with regard to ahj0XOCExP4-01544-00351424-00351703 sandalwood and other species so ahj0XOCExP4-01545-00351704-00351895 sorry ahj0XOCExP4-01546-00351896-00352023 yeah right ahj0XOCExP4-01547-00352024-00352630 so that was my question jim ahj0XOCExP4-01548-00352631-00352919 okay thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01549-00352920-00353087 thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01550-00353088-00353223 um ahj0XOCExP4-01551-00353224-00353487 yeah of course the the study didn't get ahj0XOCExP4-01552-00353488-00353695 into too many reasons ahj0XOCExP4-01553-00353696-00353782 i mean ahj0XOCExP4-01554-00353783-00354119 what what we've found is that um a lot ahj0XOCExP4-01555-00354120-00354343 of times what it you know they it ahj0XOCExP4-01556-00354344-00354558 actually was beneficial i'm not sure if ahj0XOCExP4-01557-00354559-00354710 you're saying it was negative or you ahj0XOCExP4-01558-00354711-00354934 know over exploiting the the resource or ahj0XOCExP4-01559-00354935-00355399 not um but with the small scale um ahj0XOCExP4-01560-00355400-00355519 local ahj0XOCExP4-01561-00355520-00355734 uh production of non-timber forest ahj0XOCExP4-01562-00355735-00355839 products ahj0XOCExP4-01563-00355840-00356191 that being able to use these online ahj0XOCExP4-01564-00356192-00356334 um ahj0XOCExP4-01565-00356335-00356710 online identifying uh middlemen as well ahj0XOCExP4-01566-00356711-00357063 as end users that it was really very ahj0XOCExP4-01567-00357064-00357367 helpful to to most in most cases ahj0XOCExP4-01568-00357368-00357463 um ahj0XOCExP4-01569-00357464-00357751 the there is of course a concern that if ahj0XOCExP4-01570-00357752-00358023 if the natural populations of a specific ahj0XOCExP4-01571-00358024-00358287 species or specific product are small ahj0XOCExP4-01572-00358288-00358623 and that it's you know that it it's um ahj0XOCExP4-01573-00358624-00358830 open there's no you know there's no ahj0XOCExP4-01574-00358831-00359134 local uh process for who can register ahj0XOCExP4-01575-00359135-00359343 who can harvest from different areas ahj0XOCExP4-01576-00359344-00359527 that that's when it becomes ahj0XOCExP4-01577-00359528-00359823 uh more dangerous as well as the case ahj0XOCExP4-01578-00359824-00359919 where ahj0XOCExP4-01579-00359920-00360119 um it's open to the point where ahj0XOCExP4-01580-00360120-00360519 outsiders can come in and and harvest so ahj0XOCExP4-01581-00360520-00360751 uh i think it's to make some general ahj0XOCExP4-01582-00360752-00360991 comments that it can be either ahj0XOCExP4-01583-00360992-00361199 it can be positive or negative it's ahj0XOCExP4-01584-00361200-00361367 certainly positive for the communities ahj0XOCExP4-01585-00361368-00361543 and for the farmer groups ahj0XOCExP4-01586-00361544-00361791 um that they have they've developed this ahj0XOCExP4-01587-00361792-00362063 access outside but ahj0XOCExP4-01588-00362064-00362343 for sp specific products and species ahj0XOCExP4-01589-00362344-00362527 there's a concern that ahj0XOCExP4-01590-00362528-00362982 it could be over harvested ahj0XOCExP4-01591-00362983-00363206 which of course opens opportunity for ahj0XOCExP4-01592-00363207-00363406 on-farm or in community forest ahj0XOCExP4-01593-00363407-00363534 production ahj0XOCExP4-01594-00363535-00363734 that's a whole other issue ahj0XOCExP4-01595-00363735-00363967 so hopefully i've answered your ahj0XOCExP4-01596-00363968-00364599 main concern ahj0XOCExP4-01597-00364600-00364839 i am russell warman university of ahj0XOCExP4-01598-00364840-00364991 tasmania ahj0XOCExP4-01599-00364992-00365087 i was ahj0XOCExP4-01600-00365088-00365430 curious as to whether there had been any ahj0XOCExP4-01601-00365431-00365630 formal or informal discussion or ahj0XOCExP4-01602-00365631-00365806 thinking about the synergies between the ahj0XOCExP4-01603-00365807-00366047 two different um road maps ahj0XOCExP4-01604-00366048-00366247 and if that's been touched on apologies ahj0XOCExP4-01605-00366248-00366454 but i am curious as to ahj0XOCExP4-01606-00366455-00366663 what might have hap occurred in that ahj0XOCExP4-01607-00366664-00366854 space and what might have emerged from ahj0XOCExP4-01608-00366855-00367591 that ahj0XOCExP4-01609-00367592-00367815 perhaps it's a question to both both ahj0XOCExP4-01610-00367816-00368006 james and yeah sorry it's perhaps a ahj0XOCExP4-01611-00368007-00368206 question to both of them yeah that could ahj0XOCExP4-01612-00368207-00368358 be a question for james olives and for ahj0XOCExP4-01613-00368359-00368775 the panel ahj0XOCExP4-01614-00368776-00368887 so to me ahj0XOCExP4-01615-00368888-00369047 okay um ahj0XOCExP4-01616-00369048-00369271 certainly um ahj0XOCExP4-01617-00369272-00369615 there there was some uh ahj0XOCExP4-01618-00369616-00369839 there was some use of for the the ahj0XOCExP4-01619-00369840-00369999 primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-01620-00370000-00370223 um ahj0XOCExP4-01621-00370224-00370327 study ahj0XOCExP4-01622-00370328-00370567 in in our study it was it's been cited ahj0XOCExP4-01623-00370568-00370815 in the in the working paper uh of course ahj0XOCExP4-01624-00370816-00371047 the concern is primarily more for the ahj0XOCExP4-01625-00371048-00371327 for the digital technologies and the ahj0XOCExP4-01626-00371328-00371710 uh process and product technologies um ahj0XOCExP4-01627-00371711-00371934 i want i won't say that we you know i ahj0XOCExP4-01628-00371935-00372263 won't say that it was um uh we we didn't ahj0XOCExP4-01629-00372264-00372406 see it as a ahj0XOCExP4-01630-00372407-00372767 an opportunity to to uh ahj0XOCExP4-01631-00372768-00372958 integrate it too much but we did we did ahj0XOCExP4-01632-00372959-00373039 use ahj0XOCExP4-01633-00373040-00373263 the technology and i am you know maybe ahj0XOCExP4-01634-00373264-00373495 that's that's a next step is to see how ahj0XOCExP4-01635-00373496-00374223 these two can can support each other ahj0XOCExP4-01636-00374224-00374887 thomas yes please ahj0XOCExP4-01637-00374888-00375175 my name is thomas hover i'm the senior ahj0XOCExP4-01638-00375176-00375447 senior forestry officer in rome ahj0XOCExP4-01639-00375448-00375702 and former senior forestry officer in ahj0XOCExP4-01640-00375703-00375982 asia so nice to see all of you ahj0XOCExP4-01641-00375983-00376230 again and happy to see how this study ahj0XOCExP4-01642-00376231-00376358 evolves ahj0XOCExP4-01643-00376359-00376567 a question we already discussed at the ahj0XOCExP4-01644-00376568-00376743 beginning i think when we started with ahj0XOCExP4-01645-00376744-00377023 this work was always this regional ahj0XOCExP4-01646-00377024-00377215 differentiation you know across the ahj0XOCExP4-01647-00377216-00377454 region i mean how how james how you do ahj0XOCExP4-01648-00377455-00377630 you deal now with it in this in the ahj0XOCExP4-01649-00377631-00377767 study ahj0XOCExP4-01650-00377768-00377958 especially when you talk about access to ahj0XOCExP4-01651-00377959-00378254 technology which obviously is hugely ahj0XOCExP4-01652-00378255-00378454 different if we look at across the ahj0XOCExP4-01653-00378455-00378839 region in terms of resources in terms of ahj0XOCExP4-01654-00378840-00379006 possibilities ahj0XOCExP4-01655-00379007-00379191 and and that has also to do with ahj0XOCExP4-01656-00379192-00379327 obviously the ahj0XOCExP4-01657-00379328-00379495 the ahj0XOCExP4-01658-00379496-00379743 impact or the value of exchange of ahj0XOCExP4-01659-00379744-00379967 experiences and of support across the ahj0XOCExP4-01660-00379968-00380182 region how do you deal with this in the ahj0XOCExP4-01661-00380183-00380399 study now thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01662-00380400-00380502 yeah ahj0XOCExP4-01663-00380503-00380799 okay yeah thomas nice to see you again ahj0XOCExP4-01664-00380800-00380958 um ahj0XOCExP4-01665-00380959-00381175 yeah i mean with this uh ahj0XOCExP4-01666-00381176-00381351 i think you were in the virtual room ahj0XOCExP4-01667-00381352-00381615 when we discussed this way back uh last ahj0XOCExP4-01668-00381616-00381806 year sometime um ahj0XOCExP4-01669-00381807-00381951 so ahj0XOCExP4-01670-00381952-00382167 it's very true i mean obviously asia is ahj0XOCExP4-01671-00382168-00382430 a huge place there's big differences ahj0XOCExP4-01672-00382431-00382591 between the countries there's big ahj0XOCExP4-01673-00382592-00382782 differences within the country between ahj0XOCExP4-01674-00382783-00382943 private sector between the industrial ahj0XOCExP4-01675-00382944-00383095 sector etc ahj0XOCExP4-01676-00383096-00383167 so ahj0XOCExP4-01677-00383168-00383454 what we did do is we uh the way that we ahj0XOCExP4-01678-00383455-00383671 structured the recommendations ahj0XOCExP4-01679-00383672-00383967 with so we have the 10 topics ahj0XOCExP4-01680-00383968-00384182 and then we have the specific options ahj0XOCExP4-01681-00384183-00384415 within there and so we ahj0XOCExP4-01682-00384416-00384727 develop those options in a way that ahj0XOCExP4-01683-00384728-00385047 the priorities of a government or the ahj0XOCExP4-01684-00385048-00385375 priorities of a firm um they could ahj0XOCExP4-01685-00385376-00385591 look at those recommendations and then ahj0XOCExP4-01686-00385592-00385902 pick out those that are most appropriate ahj0XOCExP4-01687-00385903-00385999 to them ahj0XOCExP4-01688-00386000-00386247 um and you could see that in sort of ahj0XOCExP4-01689-00386248-00386454 some of the topics where the you know ahj0XOCExP4-01690-00386455-00386830 the question about scale um the idea of ahj0XOCExP4-01691-00386831-00387095 um scaling down the technology so that ahj0XOCExP4-01692-00387096-00387423 it's available to everyone um ahj0XOCExP4-01693-00387424-00387719 as one case also the emphasis on uh ahj0XOCExP4-01694-00387720-00387910 modern technology so that that can be ahj0XOCExP4-01695-00387911-00388271 used uh by all players across ahj0XOCExP4-01696-00388272-00388510 across the sector so companies can use ahj0XOCExP4-01697-00388511-00388799 it but also a civil society ngos ahj0XOCExP4-01698-00388800-00389006 conservation organizations ahj0XOCExP4-01699-00389007-00389151 um ahj0XOCExP4-01700-00389152-00390030 yeah i think i'll leave it there ahj0XOCExP4-01701-00390031-00390230 thank you very much my name is bruno ahj0XOCExP4-01702-00390231-00390391 come out um ahj0XOCExP4-01703-00390392-00390671 but ahj0XOCExP4-01704-00390672-00390924 sheila ahj0XOCExP4-01705-00390925-00391110 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-01706-00391111-00391295 she wanted to answer or i'm not sure ahj0XOCExP4-01707-00391296-00391447 i've not read ahj0XOCExP4-01708-00391448-00391671 yes yeah apologies we have to get this ahj0XOCExP4-01709-00391672-00391878 the hybrid modality no i wanted to ahj0XOCExP4-01710-00391879-00392039 support to the previous question not the ahj0XOCExP4-01711-00392040-00392206 thomas one but also to complement what ahj0XOCExP4-01712-00392207-00392439 james had responded as regard what i ahj0XOCExP4-01713-00392440-00392558 found a very ahj0XOCExP4-01714-00392559-00392782 uh good question about the interlinkage ahj0XOCExP4-01715-00392783-00393030 of the two road maps and in my ahj0XOCExP4-01716-00393031-00393343 understanding as we as you um you heard ahj0XOCExP4-01717-00393344-00393527 the work was started under thomas's ahj0XOCExP4-01718-00393528-00393702 leadership here in the region and i ahj0XOCExP4-01719-00393703-00393854 joined so i haven't followed from the ahj0XOCExP4-01720-00393855-00394039 very beginning but to me having followed ahj0XOCExP4-01721-00394040-00394334 the content and towards the finalization ahj0XOCExP4-01722-00394335-00394575 i do see a lot of complementarity i mean ahj0XOCExP4-01723-00394576-00394791 a lot of the we kind of in my ahj0XOCExP4-01724-00394792-00394991 understanding it does make sense to ahj0XOCExP4-01725-00394992-00395175 separate uh intellectually the ahj0XOCExP4-01726-00395176-00395358 discussions initially just to organize ahj0XOCExP4-01727-00395359-00395471 thoughts and ahj0XOCExP4-01728-00395472-00395695 and to to have a good uh understanding ahj0XOCExP4-01729-00395696-00395871 of the different issues and priorities ahj0XOCExP4-01730-00395872-00396119 at stake however now as we need to talk ahj0XOCExP4-01731-00396120-00396295 and i hope we have the time now to talk ahj0XOCExP4-01732-00396296-00396471 also about the application ahj0XOCExP4-01733-00396472-00396782 implementation on the ground ahj0XOCExP4-01734-00396783-00397191 it is in my view uh evident that a lot ahj0XOCExP4-01735-00397192-00397463 of the innovative technologies presented ahj0XOCExP4-01736-00397464-00397719 here do matter also for primary forest ahj0XOCExP4-01737-00397720-00397927 conservation whether it's the digital ahj0XOCExP4-01738-00397928-00398127 ones for the monitoring it was mentioned ahj0XOCExP4-01739-00398128-00398287 by um ahj0XOCExP4-01740-00398288-00398471 before that we need more large-scale ahj0XOCExP4-01741-00398472-00398719 mapping etc ahj0XOCExP4-01742-00398720-00398927 or the innovative finance and social ahj0XOCExP4-01743-00398928-00399127 innovations because we want to go beyond ahj0XOCExP4-01744-00399128-00399310 protected areas ahj0XOCExP4-01745-00399311-00399510 in order to have effective primary ahj0XOCExP4-01746-00399511-00399719 forest conservations so there are all ahj0XOCExP4-01747-00399720-00399863 these tools to have community ahj0XOCExP4-01748-00399864-00400191 involvement and etc so um ahj0XOCExP4-01749-00400192-00400471 it may have not yet been explicitly ahj0XOCExP4-01750-00400472-00400775 articulated how the two relate but ahj0XOCExP4-01751-00400776-00400975 for obvious reason there are in minus ahj0XOCExP4-01752-00400976-00401110 there's a lot of there's a lot of ahj0XOCExP4-01753-00401111-00401447 complementarity and in the application i ahj0XOCExP4-01754-00401448-00401663 i hope it will be applied in a ahj0XOCExP4-01755-00401664-00401839 complementary ahj0XOCExP4-01756-00401840-00402271 way together over thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01757-00402272-00402478 okay we're running a bit late but maybe ahj0XOCExP4-01758-00402479-00402687 we can take one one more question before ahj0XOCExP4-01759-00402688-00402902 we go to the to the panel sure ahj0XOCExP4-01760-00402903-00403095 okay just a quick question um if you ahj0XOCExP4-01761-00403096-00403358 could choose one or two new technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01762-00403359-00403487 that fao ahj0XOCExP4-01763-00403488-00403734 maybe without with partners could work ahj0XOCExP4-01764-00403735-00403830 on ahj0XOCExP4-01765-00403831-00404015 in terms of normative work that could ahj0XOCExP4-01766-00404016-00404134 benefit ahj0XOCExP4-01767-00404135-00404295 the wider ahj0XOCExP4-01768-00404296-00404543 community what would you select in terms ahj0XOCExP4-01769-00404544-00405415 of the work we could follow up on ahj0XOCExP4-01770-00405416-00405551 yeah okay ahj0XOCExP4-01771-00405552-00405751 unmuted ahj0XOCExP4-01772-00405752-00405958 yeah good question and it's always a ahj0XOCExP4-01773-00405959-00406151 challenge to look at that considering ahj0XOCExP4-01774-00406152-00406343 that there's such a vast number of ahj0XOCExP4-01775-00406344-00406519 innovative technologies ahj0XOCExP4-01776-00406520-00406839 um that are available ahj0XOCExP4-01777-00406840-00407063 i think um ahj0XOCExP4-01778-00407064-00407406 would ahj0XOCExP4-01779-00407407-00407767 this goes against the the the ahj0XOCExP4-01780-00407768-00407902 most of the work that i've done but i ahj0XOCExP4-01781-00407903-00408134 would say the digital technologies are ahj0XOCExP4-01782-00408135-00408454 very important so of the four categories ahj0XOCExP4-01783-00408455-00408678 digital technologies they're all equal ahj0XOCExP4-01784-00408679-00408839 but the four categories may be digital ahj0XOCExP4-01785-00408840-00409078 technologies a little bit more equal ahj0XOCExP4-01786-00409079-00409358 because they actually influence a lot of ahj0XOCExP4-01787-00409359-00409647 the other ones so by by being able to ahj0XOCExP4-01788-00409647-00409910 deploy you know the satellite technology ahj0XOCExP4-01789-00409912-00410230 it really helps in the other areas so ahj0XOCExP4-01790-00410231-00410407 you know may deploying those ahj0XOCExP4-01791-00410408-00410582 technologies whether they can be used by ahj0XOCExP4-01792-00410583-00410887 a broader range of people very important ahj0XOCExP4-01793-00410888-00411143 the other one and this is really the you ahj0XOCExP4-01794-00411143-00411391 know part of the heart and soul of my my ahj0XOCExP4-01795-00411392-00411582 career is the ahj0XOCExP4-01796-00411583-00411814 um ahj0XOCExP4-01797-00411815-00411918 genetic ahj0XOCExP4-01798-00411919-00412063 uh genetic ahj0XOCExP4-01799-00412064-00412278 resources and germplasm right so getting ahj0XOCExP4-01800-00412279-00412487 high quality material to people who need ahj0XOCExP4-01801-00412488-00412726 it and you know in the in the study we ahj0XOCExP4-01802-00412727-00412903 talk about some work that's done by tony ahj0XOCExP4-01803-00412904-00412999 page ahj0XOCExP4-01804-00413000-00413270 in papua new guinea um and what they're ahj0XOCExP4-01805-00413271-00413455 doing is very much sort of what i ahj0XOCExP4-01806-00413456-00413759 summarized before taking um making ahj0XOCExP4-01807-00413760-00413951 giving the ability to produce high ahj0XOCExP4-01808-00413952-00414287 quality material to communities and ahj0XOCExP4-01809-00414288-00414487 plant it on their own land and then some ahj0XOCExP4-01810-00414488-00414687 of my colleagues in nairobi are also ahj0XOCExP4-01811-00414688-00414878 working on this you know developing ahj0XOCExP4-01812-00414879-00415199 multiple species uh improved ahj0XOCExP4-01813-00415200-00415303 improved ahj0XOCExP4-01814-00415304-00415543 um approaches so that ahj0XOCExP4-01815-00415543-00415726 um you know you're not making the best ahj0XOCExP4-01816-00415727-00415951 possible germ uh germplasm and genetic ahj0XOCExP4-01817-00415952-00416126 material but you're making stuff that is ahj0XOCExP4-01818-00416127-00416303 much better than what is generally ahj0XOCExP4-01819-00416304-00416478 available so ahj0XOCExP4-01820-00416479-00416718 giving that you know giving the power to ahj0XOCExP4-01821-00416719-00417022 to um local communities to ahj0XOCExP4-01822-00417023-00417191 join in on ahj0XOCExP4-01823-00417192-00417455 landscape rehabilitation reforestation ahj0XOCExP4-01824-00417456-00417591 improvement of ahj0XOCExP4-01825-00417592-00417878 the uh forest and tree ahj0XOCExP4-01826-00417879-00417999 value chains ahj0XOCExP4-01827-00418000-00418334 so ahj0XOCExP4-01828-00418335-00418534 okay hopefully that's thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01829-00418535-00418943 yeah thank you thank you jim and also ahj0XOCExP4-01830-00418943-00419174 uh eve for for your presentations and ahj0XOCExP4-01831-00419175-00419422 answers so i think now we can move to ahj0XOCExP4-01832-00419423-00419583 the short minute we have ahj0XOCExP4-01833-00419584-00419903 15 minutes left before the closure ahj0XOCExP4-01834-00419904-00420143 but perhaps the best way to do it a bit ahj0XOCExP4-01835-00420143-00420463 more interactively if the three ahj0XOCExP4-01836-00420464-00420766 panelists could go to the the ahj0XOCExP4-01837-00420767-00420927 because the of the mics i think the ahj0XOCExP4-01838-00420928-00421191 three mic microphones they work so we ahj0XOCExP4-01839-00421192-00421414 can save a little bit of time ahj0XOCExP4-01840-00421415-00421518 if ahj0XOCExP4-01841-00421519-00421791 both uh robert nazi ahj0XOCExP4-01842-00421792-00422159 uh luke uh bulkley and dr usana ahj0XOCExP4-01843-00422160-00423175 biambazulen yes please take this ahj0XOCExP4-01844-00423176-00423455 so ahj0XOCExP4-01845-00423456-00423735 to kick off to kick off uh ahj0XOCExP4-01846-00423735-00424031 this discussion just to introduce uh ahj0XOCExP4-01847-00424032-00424279 luke berkeley he's the director of ahj0XOCExP4-01848-00424280-00424447 plantation and innovation in the ahj0XOCExP4-01849-00424447-00424670 department of agriculture water and the ahj0XOCExP4-01850-00424671-00424807 environment of the government of ahj0XOCExP4-01851-00424808-00424966 australia and i think the two other ahj0XOCExP4-01852-00424967-00425231 speakers were previously introduced ahj0XOCExP4-01853-00425232-00425527 and eve and jim and shayla are also a ahj0XOCExP4-01854-00425528-00425870 virtual panelist member so just just to ahj0XOCExP4-01855-00425871-00426143 kick off this this discussion what's ahj0XOCExP4-01856-00426143-00426383 one question perhaps ahj0XOCExP4-01857-00426384-00426414 to ahj0XOCExP4-01858-00426416-00426751 [Music] ahj0XOCExP4-01859-00426752-00426943 we've seen these two very comprehensive ahj0XOCExP4-01860-00426943-00427166 roadmaps and many of options and we see ahj0XOCExP4-01861-00427167-00427295 for instance ahj0XOCExP4-01862-00427296-00427583 when we look at a primary forest as eva ahj0XOCExP4-01863-00427584-00427751 said in his first slide ahj0XOCExP4-01864-00427752-00428055 almost 10 percent loss over 20 years i ahj0XOCExP4-01865-00428056-00428135 mean ahj0XOCExP4-01866-00428135-00428359 accelerating somehow ahj0XOCExP4-01867-00428360-00428687 uh the manual option is comprehensive i ahj0XOCExP4-01868-00428688-00428918 think that the toolbox is there from ahj0XOCExP4-01869-00428919-00429079 actions in landscape and especially ahj0XOCExP4-01870-00429080-00429303 around primary forest that's ahj0XOCExP4-01871-00429304-00429503 value chain trade production and ahj0XOCExP4-01872-00429504-00429735 consumption ahj0XOCExP4-01873-00429735-00429983 governance ahj0XOCExP4-01874-00429984-00430143 critical gaps that may we have been ahj0XOCExP4-01875-00430143-00430455 forgotten like the maps so what's ahj0XOCExP4-01876-00430456-00430566 what's the ahj0XOCExP4-01877-00430567-00430775 what's the problem in fact what's what's ahj0XOCExP4-01878-00430776-00430935 missing what ahj0XOCExP4-01879-00430935-00431110 where should we start from for this ahj0XOCExP4-01880-00431112-00431366 agenda ahj0XOCExP4-01881-00431367-00432383 any any views or perspectives ahj0XOCExP4-01882-00432384-00432566 okay ahj0XOCExP4-01883-00432567-00432855 so uh thank you very much and ahj0XOCExP4-01884-00432856-00433127 those who are online and also on-site ahj0XOCExP4-01885-00433128-00433383 participate in this event ahj0XOCExP4-01886-00433384-00433718 and the first i want to commend fau and ahj0XOCExP4-01887-00433719-00433935 c4 for their hard work ahj0XOCExP4-01888-00433935-00434159 for these last two years ahj0XOCExP4-01889-00434160-00434414 to follow up the recommendations of our ahj0XOCExP4-01890-00434415-00434718 third asia pacific forest sector outlook ahj0XOCExP4-01891-00434719-00435063 study which is released in 2019 ahj0XOCExP4-01892-00435064-00435366 let me also share with some of ahj0XOCExP4-01893-00435367-00435622 my personal thoughts the building upon ahj0XOCExP4-01894-00435623-00435863 what we have heard today ahj0XOCExP4-01895-00435864-00436014 as highlighted ahj0XOCExP4-01896-00436015-00436335 in the studies presented today our large ahj0XOCExP4-01897-00436335-00436703 asia pacific region is very diverse as ahj0XOCExP4-01898-00436704-00436935 many of our categories were also ahj0XOCExP4-01899-00436935-00437039 indicated ahj0XOCExP4-01900-00437039-00437287 diversity of natural ecosystems and ahj0XOCExP4-01901-00437288-00437455 forest formations ahj0XOCExP4-01902-00437456-00437695 diversity of traffic and climate ahj0XOCExP4-01903-00437696-00437966 conditions diversity of threats and ahj0XOCExP4-01904-00437967-00438239 pressures on natural ecosystems ahj0XOCExP4-01905-00438239-00438447 and also diversity of social and ahj0XOCExP4-01906-00438447-00438622 economic contexts ahj0XOCExP4-01907-00438623-00438855 the diversity of education level and ahj0XOCExP4-01908-00438856-00439070 innovative capacities ahj0XOCExP4-01909-00439071-00439295 and diversity of political and ahj0XOCExP4-01910-00439296-00439510 institutional environments ahj0XOCExP4-01911-00439512-00439783 and there are wide range of innovations ahj0XOCExP4-01912-00439784-00440070 that can be mobilized and combined to ahj0XOCExP4-01913-00440071-00440375 foster sustainable force management ahj0XOCExP4-01914-00440376-00440495 there can be ahj0XOCExP4-01915-00440496-00440799 no silver bullet bullet solution ahj0XOCExP4-01916-00440800-00441087 applicable across all this region but a ahj0XOCExP4-01917-00441088-00441463 portfolio of options for each context ahj0XOCExP4-01918-00441464-00441647 building upon the overarching ahj0XOCExP4-01919-00441647-00441935 recommendations and for the first ever ahj0XOCExP4-01920-00441935-00442151 road map implementation process ahj0XOCExP4-01921-00442152-00442391 presented today each country will have ahj0XOCExP4-01922-00442392-00442679 to develop its own road maps adapted to ahj0XOCExP4-01923-00442680-00442966 its specific circumstances ahj0XOCExP4-01924-00442967-00443183 at national and local levels ahj0XOCExP4-01925-00443184-00443383 there is however range of activities ahj0XOCExP4-01926-00443384-00443575 that you can be developed at the ahj0XOCExP4-01927-00443576-00443895 regional level to support countries ahj0XOCExP4-01928-00443896-00444095 first offering a space of dialogue ahj0XOCExP4-01929-00444096-00444335 between member countries involving as ahj0XOCExP4-01930-00444335-00444631 appropriate non-stop the state actors to ahj0XOCExP4-01931-00444632-00444870 exchange on the road map and refine its ahj0XOCExP4-01932-00444871-00445295 progressively based on lessons learned ahj0XOCExP4-01933-00445296-00445447 and then ahj0XOCExP4-01934-00445447-00445727 nexon is supporting member countries in ahj0XOCExP4-01935-00445728-00446070 policy design and strategy development ahj0XOCExP4-01936-00446071-00446270 strengthening regional cooperation as ahj0XOCExP4-01937-00446271-00446583 many issues are transpondering nature ahj0XOCExP4-01938-00446584-00446822 encouraging research development and ahj0XOCExP4-01939-00446823-00447087 capacity building the facilitating ahj0XOCExP4-01940-00447088-00447359 technology transfer between innovative ahj0XOCExP4-01941-00447360-00447735 countries and countries more in need ahj0XOCExP4-01942-00447735-00447959 enhancing resource mobilization of ahj0XOCExP4-01943-00447960-00448070 course the ahj0XOCExP4-01944-00448071-00448287 important one as highlighted in two ahj0XOCExP4-01945-00448288-00448591 studies presented today time is running ahj0XOCExP4-01946-00448592-00448870 which all agree the coordinated action ahj0XOCExP4-01947-00448871-00449103 at all levels is urgently needed to ahj0XOCExP4-01948-00449104-00449414 effectively protect primary force and ahj0XOCExP4-01949-00449415-00449727 advance sustainable force management in ahj0XOCExP4-01950-00449728-00449991 asia and the pacific before it is too ahj0XOCExP4-01951-00449992-00450103 late ahj0XOCExP4-01952-00450104-00450287 and estimate colleagues and friends ahj0XOCExP4-01953-00450288-00450551 let's continue to work together and make ahj0XOCExP4-01954-00450552-00450807 sensible progress in these issues that ahj0XOCExP4-01955-00450808-00450983 was in front ahj0XOCExP4-01956-00450984-00451263 from my point of view thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01957-00451264-00451391 thank you ahj0XOCExP4-01958-00451392-00451527 uh ahj0XOCExP4-01959-00451528-00451622 mr ahj0XOCExP4-01960-00451623-00451839 ambassador and and perhaps that that ahj0XOCExP4-01961-00451839-00452055 invites a question or ahj0XOCExP4-01962-00452056-00452207 also to i don't know who would like to ahj0XOCExP4-01963-00452208-00452407 take the floor rebel but also to look ahj0XOCExP4-01964-00452408-00452647 forward to to try to ahj0XOCExP4-01965-00452647-00452903 to answer your questions i mean we have ahj0XOCExP4-01966-00452904-00453175 a very nice um ahj0XOCExP4-01967-00453176-00453422 menu of recommendation and option a ahj0XOCExP4-01968-00453423-00453583 minute sort of and then you're a bit ahj0XOCExP4-01969-00453584-00453718 like when you are in the chinese ahj0XOCExP4-01970-00453719-00453983 restaurant with sort of you have a 35 ahj0XOCExP4-01971-00453984-00454175 page menu and they say what am i going ahj0XOCExP4-01972-00454176-00454366 to choose to eat i mean ahj0XOCExP4-01973-00454367-00454575 and what is missing in this menu is how ahj0XOCExP4-01974-00454576-00454783 much you have to pay ahj0XOCExP4-01975-00454784-00455063 on the right side in terms of using the ahj0XOCExP4-01976-00455064-00455343 recommendation and then the action ahj0XOCExP4-01977-00455343-00455495 and and ahj0XOCExP4-01978-00455496-00455703 so that that's the problem we have we ahj0XOCExP4-01979-00455704-00455943 are facing a minute sort of ahj0XOCExP4-01980-00455943-00456135 how we move ahj0XOCExP4-01981-00456135-00456303 not ahj0XOCExP4-01982-00456304-00456495 true for everything that we have said or ahj0XOCExP4-01983-00456496-00456670 earth for during this week or we move ahj0XOCExP4-01984-00456671-00456943 from the thing that we should do that ahj0XOCExP4-01985-00456943-00457095 to ahj0XOCExP4-01986-00457096-00457270 just do it ahj0XOCExP4-01987-00457271-00457503 and uh and that's where we are still ahj0XOCExP4-01988-00457504-00457743 facing a problem and it's not simply ahj0XOCExP4-01989-00457743-00457991 a problem of lack of finance i mean ahj0XOCExP4-01990-00457992-00458135 there is money ahj0XOCExP4-01991-00458135-00458383 it's it's also a story of matchmaker i ahj0XOCExP4-01992-00458384-00458718 mean how can we convince a ahj0XOCExP4-01993-00458719-00459055 a very innovative startup uh in in ahj0XOCExP4-01994-00459056-00459199 singapore ahj0XOCExP4-01995-00459200-00459663 uh to work with a pretty butt-headed ahj0XOCExP4-01996-00459664-00459847 logging company ahj0XOCExP4-01997-00459847-00460063 in the middle of borneo in terms of ahj0XOCExP4-01998-00460064-00460351 showing the logging company that ahj0XOCExP4-01999-00460352-00460663 using innovative technology first could ahj0XOCExP4-02000-00460664-00460943 let them in terms of ahj0XOCExP4-02001-00460943-00461239 being better efficient wasting less ahj0XOCExP4-02002-00461239-00461359 resources ahj0XOCExP4-02003-00461360-00461622 uh ultimately making more money and then ahj0XOCExP4-02004-00461623-00461822 sometimes being more sustainable and ahj0XOCExP4-02005-00461823-00462070 having a good pr relation and that's ahj0XOCExP4-02006-00462071-00462255 that's something that ahj0XOCExP4-02007-00462256-00462535 that is missing uh and that's something ahj0XOCExP4-02008-00462535-00462751 that that you don't really see i was in ahj0XOCExP4-02009-00462752-00462847 a ahj0XOCExP4-02010-00462847-00463110 in a seminar organized by the ahj0XOCExP4-02011-00463112-00463318 indonesian uh ahj0XOCExP4-02012-00463319-00463583 forestry association in terms of can you ahj0XOCExP4-02013-00463584-00463807 present us the result of the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-02014-00463808-00463999 technology and then you see that there ahj0XOCExP4-02015-00464000-00464270 is no ahj0XOCExP4-02016-00464271-00464487 no link no ahj0XOCExP4-02017-00464488-00464631 no ahj0XOCExP4-02018-00464632-00464935 traction on that sort of ahj0XOCExP4-02019-00464935-00465087 and and and ahj0XOCExP4-02020-00465088-00465255 except in some sectors but the pulp and ahj0XOCExP4-02021-00465256-00465495 paper sector for example is a very ahj0XOCExP4-02022-00465496-00465631 very uh ahj0XOCExP4-02023-00465632-00465847 big adopter new technology the ahj0XOCExP4-02024-00465847-00466055 traditional logging sector and ahj0XOCExP4-02025-00466056-00466310 the illegal sector as andrew said is a ahj0XOCExP4-02026-00466312-00466583 very uh very adept in new technology how ahj0XOCExP4-02027-00466584-00466710 you can avoid ahj0XOCExP4-02028-00466712-00467055 uh being prosecuted or or you can manage ahj0XOCExP4-02029-00467056-00467166 to sell ahj0XOCExP4-02030-00467167-00467414 illegal birds online i mean a sort of ahj0XOCExP4-02031-00467415-00467614 they are master of it i mean that's also ahj0XOCExP4-02032-00467615-00467775 so i think we need to ahj0XOCExP4-02033-00467776-00468014 really think for me the next step is is ahj0XOCExP4-02034-00468015-00468255 really thinking also how can we ahj0XOCExP4-02035-00468256-00468391 implement ahj0XOCExP4-02036-00468392-00468622 one part of the the action where uh and ahj0XOCExP4-02037-00468623-00468839 and and which we're putting some money ahj0XOCExP4-02038-00468839-00468991 on the table to pay for the dish that ahj0XOCExP4-02039-00468992-00469295 you've ordered on the menu uh putting ahj0XOCExP4-02040-00469296-00469495 two chefs together to develop a new dish ahj0XOCExP4-02041-00469496-00469814 for the menu or simply say that ahj0XOCExP4-02042-00469815-00469975 this is something different and has to ahj0XOCExP4-02043-00469976-00470063 be ahj0XOCExP4-02044-00470064-00470279 decided by as their country and the ahj0XOCExP4-02045-00470280-00470439 political power to put in place ahj0XOCExP4-02046-00470439-00470670 something that is a ahj0XOCExP4-02047-00470671-00471070 constraining legal framework ahj0XOCExP4-02048-00471071-00471231 thank you robert and perhaps i guess ahj0XOCExP4-02049-00471232-00471407 that luke will clear as you're the ahj0XOCExP4-02050-00471408-00471551 director of innovation and ahj0XOCExP4-02051-00471552-00471735 implementation maybe you have views on ahj0XOCExP4-02052-00471735-00471918 on how we could bring the the left and ahj0XOCExP4-02053-00471919-00472143 the right that ahj0XOCExP4-02054-00472143-00472422 just mentioned ahj0XOCExP4-02055-00472423-00472607 yes thank you vincent and thank you for ahj0XOCExP4-02056-00472608-00472831 the opportunity to to speak here at your ahj0XOCExP4-02057-00472832-00472951 panel today ahj0XOCExP4-02058-00472952-00473159 and i would also like to applaud the the ahj0XOCExP4-02059-00473160-00473303 efforts of the students and the young ahj0XOCExP4-02060-00473304-00473495 professionals that contributed to the ahj0XOCExP4-02061-00473496-00473679 making of the roadmap the innovation ahj0XOCExP4-02062-00473680-00473807 roadmap ahj0XOCExP4-02063-00473808-00474031 their energy you could see and tuesday's ahj0XOCExP4-02064-00474032-00474255 side event it was clear to see ahj0XOCExP4-02065-00474256-00474503 so in 2008 in australia ahj0XOCExP4-02066-00474504-00474718 the prime minister launched the national ahj0XOCExP4-02067-00474719-00474895 forest industries plan ahj0XOCExP4-02068-00474896-00475103 and the plan supports australian forest ahj0XOCExP4-02069-00475104-00475287 industries to meet challenges of the ahj0XOCExP4-02070-00475288-00475383 future ahj0XOCExP4-02071-00475384-00475622 underpin growth in renewable timber and ahj0XOCExP4-02072-00475623-00475927 wood fibre industries and innovate for ahj0XOCExP4-02073-00475928-00476222 forest resources to use them smarter and ahj0XOCExP4-02074-00476223-00476535 also to expand our plantation estate ahj0XOCExP4-02075-00476535-00476743 and i want to give one example ahj0XOCExP4-02076-00476743-00476903 of the measures being implemented ahj0XOCExP4-02077-00476904-00477135 through that plan and that is what we ahj0XOCExP4-02078-00477135-00477391 call the nifties and it's quite relevant ahj0XOCExP4-02079-00477392-00477591 to recommendation six that james ahj0XOCExP4-02080-00477592-00477718 presented ahj0XOCExP4-02081-00477719-00477951 a nifty is a national institute of ahj0XOCExP4-02082-00477952-00478231 forest product innovation center and ahj0XOCExP4-02083-00478232-00478351 there are three of them across the ahj0XOCExP4-02084-00478352-00478470 country ahj0XOCExP4-02085-00478471-00478639 and there are three points i'd like to ahj0XOCExP4-02086-00478639-00478870 point out for you about the nifties ahj0XOCExP4-02087-00478871-00479143 firstly the their purpose is quite clear ahj0XOCExP4-02088-00479143-00479366 they focus on research which supports ahj0XOCExP4-02089-00479367-00479479 innovation ahj0XOCExP4-02090-00479480-00479687 in sustainable forest management ahj0XOCExP4-02091-00479688-00479887 also timber processing ahj0XOCExP4-02092-00479888-00480103 and we have wood fiber recovery ahj0XOCExP4-02093-00480104-00480351 recovery advanced manufacturing and the ahj0XOCExP4-02094-00480352-00480559 bioeconomy ahj0XOCExP4-02095-00480560-00480662 secondly ahj0XOCExP4-02096-00480663-00480935 the nippy's are joint funded by the ahj0XOCExP4-02097-00480935-00481103 australian government and the state ahj0XOCExP4-02098-00481104-00481487 governments and also industry ahj0XOCExP4-02099-00481488-00481814 and thirdly each nifty is led by a local ahj0XOCExP4-02100-00481815-00482070 a local regional advisory committee ahj0XOCExP4-02101-00482071-00482262 that is industry-led ahj0XOCExP4-02102-00482263-00482527 and that helps it determine the research ahj0XOCExP4-02103-00482528-00482710 priorities for that area and the ahj0XOCExP4-02104-00482712-00482959 projects that are relevant ahj0XOCExP4-02105-00482960-00483183 and to date there are over 40 projects ahj0XOCExP4-02106-00483184-00483462 have been undertaken or ongoing by the ahj0XOCExP4-02107-00483463-00483575 nifties ahj0XOCExP4-02108-00483576-00483727 and they're supporting fostering ahj0XOCExP4-02109-00483728-00483959 collaboration boosting innovation ahj0XOCExP4-02110-00483960-00484175 increasing profitability all the things ahj0XOCExP4-02111-00484176-00484366 that you would expect from innovation ahj0XOCExP4-02112-00484367-00484687 also growing the market maintaining jobs ahj0XOCExP4-02113-00484688-00484927 so many of the digital technologies ahj0XOCExP4-02114-00484928-00485151 mentioned during james's presentation ahj0XOCExP4-02115-00485152-00485343 are actually some of the focuses of ahj0XOCExP4-02116-00485343-00485487 those projects ahj0XOCExP4-02117-00485488-00485679 so if you the audience would like to ahj0XOCExP4-02118-00485680-00485966 explore those projects i urge you to ahj0XOCExP4-02119-00485967-00486231 look up the uh nifty website ahj0XOCExP4-02120-00486232-00486551 ahj0XOCExP4-02121-00486552-00486670 and you can ahj0XOCExP4-02122-00486671-00486895 see plenty of extra information there ahj0XOCExP4-02123-00486896-00487055 thank you ahj0XOCExP4-02124-00487056-00487414 thank you luke for pointing to a nice ahj0XOCExP4-02125-00487415-00487599 example that that in fact could be one ahj0XOCExP4-02126-00487600-00487751 of the models of the elements of the ahj0XOCExP4-02127-00487752-00487895 roadmap where we look at capacity ahj0XOCExP4-02128-00487896-00488159 building and doing things on demands of ahj0XOCExP4-02129-00488160-00488366 local communities and also linkages with ahj0XOCExP4-02130-00488367-00488535 the private sector ahj0XOCExP4-02131-00488535-00488751 as well i think that that could be ahj0XOCExP4-02132-00488752-00489039 one one good uh good way to to study i ahj0XOCExP4-02133-00489039-00489270 think one some of the actors ahj0XOCExP4-02134-00489271-00489462 in the world in involved in the roadmap ahj0XOCExP4-02135-00489463-00489766 including uh the asia pacific uh ahj0XOCExP4-02136-00489767-00490039 forestry uh cooperation organization ahj0XOCExP4-02137-00490039-00490191 could be could also play a role into ahj0XOCExP4-02138-00490192-00490343 that perhaps ahj0XOCExP4-02139-00490343-00490518 uh ahj0XOCExP4-02140-00490519-00490622 um ahj0XOCExP4-02141-00490623-00490791 i don't know how how are we doing with ahj0XOCExP4-02142-00490792-00490983 time i think we have three minutes left ahj0XOCExP4-02143-00490984-00491318 before the end of of uh of the of the ahj0XOCExP4-02144-00491319-00491599 panel so perhaps is there any other ahj0XOCExP4-02145-00491600-00491847 perspective or question or even from ahj0XOCExP4-02146-00491847-00492007 from the audience or from the virtual ahj0XOCExP4-02147-00492008-00492231 panelists shayla eve ahj0XOCExP4-02148-00492232-00492631 and jim ahj0XOCExP4-02149-00492632-00492727 someone ahj0XOCExP4-02150-00492728-00492943 wants to bring an additional perspective ahj0XOCExP4-02151-00492943-00493366 oh yes ahj0XOCExP4-02152-00493367-00493775 hi uh good afternoon i am uh clarence ahj0XOCExP4-02153-00493776-00494047 uh from the philippines and i'm one of ahj0XOCExP4-02154-00494047-00494375 the youth authors co-authors of the ahj0XOCExP4-02155-00494376-00494710 asia-pacific youth roadmap ahj0XOCExP4-02156-00494712-00494951 this is a good roadmap for ahj0XOCExP4-02157-00494952-00495183 since we have been engaged for at least ahj0XOCExP4-02158-00495184-00495327 a year that we've been doing ahj0XOCExP4-02159-00495328-00495543 consultations workshops for ahj0XOCExP4-02160-00495543-00495887 virtually and adjust to uh wonder just ahj0XOCExP4-02161-00495888-00496135 wondering that uh ahj0XOCExP4-02162-00496135-00496375 moving forward or after publishing the ahj0XOCExP4-02163-00496376-00496566 roadmap is there like ahj0XOCExP4-02164-00496567-00496743 a specific ahj0XOCExP4-02165-00496743-00496822 uh ahj0XOCExP4-02166-00496823-00496959 thing for ahj0XOCExP4-02167-00496960-00497039 this ahj0XOCExP4-02168-00497039-00497270 youth uh authors youth researchers who ahj0XOCExP4-02169-00497271-00497495 are involved in developing the roadmap ahj0XOCExP4-02170-00497496-00497591 after ahj0XOCExP4-02171-00497592-00497927 they developed this uh roadmap like is ahj0XOCExP4-02172-00497928-00498287 there uh an opportunity or somewhat uh ahj0XOCExP4-02173-00498288-00498383 some ahj0XOCExP4-02174-00498384-00498670 activities or initiatives that will be ahj0XOCExP4-02175-00498671-00498903 uh like the follow-up activities like ahj0XOCExP4-02176-00498904-00499118 after we publish the roadmap like uh ahj0XOCExP4-02177-00499119-00499222 what's the ahj0XOCExP4-02178-00499223-00499503 plan uh moving forward or basically ahj0XOCExP4-02179-00499504-00499759 what's next thank you ahj0XOCExP4-02180-00499760-00499910 well in fact that is an excellent ahj0XOCExP4-02181-00499912-00500143 question because it was ahj0XOCExP4-02182-00500143-00500414 something that the the two next ahj0XOCExP4-02183-00500415-00500591 concluding speakers ahj0XOCExP4-02184-00500592-00500903 uh will will in fact uh be be talking ahj0XOCExP4-02185-00500904-00501118 about i guess but ahj0XOCExP4-02186-00501119-00501399 either if there are any other ahj0XOCExP4-02187-00501400-00501575 if they are perspective from the other ahj0XOCExP4-02188-00501576-00501943 panelists then uh doctor um ahj0XOCExP4-02189-00501943-00502183 and shayla on that we can take that and ahj0XOCExP4-02190-00502184-00502343 then i'm sure that in their speaking ahj0XOCExP4-02191-00502343-00502462 points ahj0XOCExP4-02192-00502463-00502631 they will address the answer ahj0XOCExP4-02193-00502632-00502759 yeah ahj0XOCExP4-02194-00502760-00503031 i think it's uh it's really relevant i ahj0XOCExP4-02195-00503032-00503231 mean so we have this very good reports ahj0XOCExP4-02196-00503232-00503462 policy brief and so what i mean ahj0XOCExP4-02197-00503463-00503607 they're going to stand on the shelf to ahj0XOCExP4-02198-00503608-00503799 be eaten by the termite or are we going ahj0XOCExP4-02199-00503800-00503999 to do something about it ahj0XOCExP4-02200-00504000-00504310 and uh and i think that uh yes we should ahj0XOCExP4-02201-00504312-00504510 do something about it ahj0XOCExP4-02202-00504512-00504639 what i ahj0XOCExP4-02203-00504639-00504814 also believe is that we will not be able ahj0XOCExP4-02204-00504815-00505031 to do something about everything ahj0XOCExP4-02205-00505032-00505143 so that ahj0XOCExP4-02206-00505143-00505310 we need now at this stage we have this ahj0XOCExP4-02207-00505312-00505479 list of recommendations we need to have ahj0XOCExP4-02208-00505480-00505599 a sort of a ahj0XOCExP4-02209-00505600-00505855 triage exercises okay what is it that is ahj0XOCExP4-02210-00505856-00506055 the longing fruit that we can start what ahj0XOCExP4-02211-00506056-00506231 is it that is no longer termed that we ahj0XOCExP4-02212-00506232-00506422 should for the time being put on the ahj0XOCExP4-02213-00506423-00506607 shelf i mean it's sort of ahj0XOCExP4-02214-00506608-00506766 because uh ahj0XOCExP4-02215-00506767-00506927 it may have a ahj0XOCExP4-02216-00506928-00507110 if it works it could have a snowball ahj0XOCExP4-02217-00507112-00507262 effect that you start something and you ahj0XOCExP4-02218-00507263-00507503 show people that it is working uh then ahj0XOCExP4-02219-00507504-00507631 then they will adopt something else ahj0XOCExP4-02220-00507632-00507775 something so but uh ahj0XOCExP4-02221-00507776-00507943 it's it's ahj0XOCExP4-02222-00507943-00508143 it will require some uh ahj0XOCExP4-02223-00508143-00508503 some motivation some uh dedication some ahj0XOCExP4-02224-00508504-00508703 finance and some so but ahj0XOCExP4-02225-00508704-00508831 i think it's the ahj0XOCExP4-02226-00508832-00509022 the only way otherwise we will have yet ahj0XOCExP4-02227-00509023-00509239 another good study that tells us what we ahj0XOCExP4-02228-00509239-00509822 should do ahj0XOCExP4-02229-00509823-00509999 yes ahj0XOCExP4-02230-00510000-00510279 thank you robert any other ahj0XOCExP4-02231-00510280-00510518 point of view on on ahj0XOCExP4-02232-00510519-00510751 from the other panelists on on that ahj0XOCExP4-02233-00510752-00510895 otherwise we ahj0XOCExP4-02234-00510896-00511118 we passed to the ahj0XOCExP4-02235-00511119-00511470 to the final speakers okay so i i think ahj0XOCExP4-02236-00511471-00511743 um we can i think still ahj0XOCExP4-02237-00511743-00511951 give a hand of applause to the ahj0XOCExP4-02238-00511952-00512110 to the finalists ahj0XOCExP4-02239-00512112-00512199 and ahj0XOCExP4-02240-00512200-00512639 the presenters and over uh to ahj0XOCExP4-02241-00512639-00512791 maybe yes ahj0XOCExP4-02242-00512792-00513095 doctor bienvenue can maybe stay ahj0XOCExP4-02243-00513096-00513295 on the podium ahj0XOCExP4-02244-00513296-00513639 and the floor is yours ahj0XOCExP4-02245-00513639-00513943 again thank you very much ahj0XOCExP4-02246-00513943-00514110 especially the ahj0XOCExP4-02247-00514112-00514327 the team members already here and ahj0XOCExP4-02248-00514328-00514495 raising what ahj0XOCExP4-02249-00514496-00514703 is the next step which is very important ahj0XOCExP4-02250-00514704-00515007 question and dear colleagues let me ahj0XOCExP4-02251-00515008-00515310 make a closing remarks in this ahj0XOCExP4-02252-00515312-00515518 session i would like to highlight two ahj0XOCExP4-02253-00515519-00515743 points in conclusion of our meeting ahj0XOCExP4-02254-00515743-00516014 today first beyond the high scientific ahj0XOCExP4-02255-00516015-00516231 and technical quality of two studies ahj0XOCExP4-02256-00516232-00516479 presented today i would like to commend ahj0XOCExP4-02257-00516480-00516551 uh ahj0XOCExP4-02258-00516552-00516727 commence the collective and ahj0XOCExP4-02259-00516728-00516991 participatory process which involved ahj0XOCExP4-02260-00516992-00517279 more than 400 regional stakeholders ahj0XOCExP4-02261-00517280-00517591 youth and experts stating ahj0XOCExP4-02262-00517592-00517759 non-state actors ahj0XOCExP4-02263-00517760-00517918 that led ahj0XOCExP4-02264-00517919-00518118 to the overarching recommendations ahj0XOCExP4-02265-00518119-00518470 presented today by fao and c4 ahj0XOCExP4-02266-00518471-00518679 let's build on this collective momentum ahj0XOCExP4-02267-00518680-00519031 for our future work uh let's ahj0XOCExP4-02268-00519032-00519310 see how we could can better involve ahj0XOCExP4-02269-00519312-00519662 non-state actors in our discussions and ahj0XOCExP4-02270-00519663-00519943 give more voice to the youth ahj0XOCExP4-02271-00519943-00520255 who are the forest managers of tomorrow ahj0XOCExP4-02272-00520256-00520551 the second the public today of the two ahj0XOCExP4-02273-00520552-00520847 technical studies and uh publication i'm ahj0XOCExP4-02274-00520847-00521151 sorry and studies and the corresponding ahj0XOCExP4-02275-00521152-00521407 policy briefs as a milestone ahj0XOCExP4-02276-00521408-00521703 achievement but certainly not ahj0XOCExP4-02277-00521704-00521918 the end of the process ahj0XOCExP4-02278-00521919-00522191 building upon the four ahj0XOCExP4-02279-00522192-00522479 step roadmap implementation process ahj0XOCExP4-02280-00522480-00522822 suggested today by fao and c4 it is our ahj0XOCExP4-02281-00522823-00523095 role now to follow up ahj0XOCExP4-02282-00523096-00523487 and develop context specific road maps ahj0XOCExP4-02283-00523488-00523647 and the strategic ahj0XOCExP4-02284-00523647-00523887 strategies at regional national and ahj0XOCExP4-02285-00523888-00524143 local levels i'm ready to work with you ahj0XOCExP4-02286-00524143-00524383 all to enhance primary force protection ahj0XOCExP4-02287-00524384-00524583 and sustainable force management in our ahj0XOCExP4-02288-00524584-00524727 region ahj0XOCExP4-02289-00524728-00525007 over to sheila now to conclude our event ahj0XOCExP4-02290-00525008-00525166 today ahj0XOCExP4-02291-00525167-00525359 thank you ahj0XOCExP4-02292-00525360-00525695 thank you mr yuntsana thank you ahj0XOCExP4-02293-00525696-00525918 um colleagues i have a less ahj0XOCExP4-02294-00525919-00526183 scripted uh closing rosing remarks but ahj0XOCExP4-02295-00526184-00526518 maybe just a few takeaways one is that ahj0XOCExP4-02296-00526519-00526822 first really to say that those two road ahj0XOCExP4-02297-00526823-00526983 maps um ahj0XOCExP4-02298-00526984-00527166 prepared for the asia-pacific context ahj0XOCExP4-02299-00527167-00527431 really are pertinent and this was also ahj0XOCExP4-02300-00527432-00527662 recognized today so a big thank you to ahj0XOCExP4-02301-00527663-00527935 all the collaborators involved and again ahj0XOCExP4-02302-00527936-00528151 to see for our partner in this so i ahj0XOCExP4-02303-00528152-00528351 think it is they will be published soon ahj0XOCExP4-02304-00528352-00528535 that is the intention you will see this ahj0XOCExP4-02305-00528536-00528670 in the chat as well that in the ahj0XOCExP4-02306-00528671-00528870 information so this this is really ahj0XOCExP4-02307-00528871-00529047 fantastic and now we have no time to go ahj0XOCExP4-02308-00529048-00529335 into the details second as robert also ahj0XOCExP4-02309-00529336-00529583 said and i'm really behind that message ahj0XOCExP4-02310-00529584-00529870 as well we need implementation we need ahj0XOCExP4-02311-00529871-00530118 application on the ground and this ahj0XOCExP4-02312-00530119-00530303 requires i mean it's good to have this ahj0XOCExP4-02313-00530304-00530439 information now that we have in the ahj0XOCExP4-02314-00530440-00530631 roadmaps but in order to apply and ahj0XOCExP4-02315-00530632-00530839 implement we need commitment we need ahj0XOCExP4-02316-00530840-00531095 political commitment a national local ahj0XOCExP4-02317-00531096-00531295 level in addition to finance ahj0XOCExP4-02318-00531296-00531455 but luckily on the finance but also on ahj0XOCExP4-02319-00531456-00531766 the commitment side at least globally we ahj0XOCExP4-02320-00531767-00532039 do have a positive signs i mean ahj0XOCExP4-02321-00532040-00532270 just as an example the cop 26 glasgow ahj0XOCExP4-02322-00532271-00532591 cop 26 um declaration what was it the ahj0XOCExP4-02323-00532592-00532766 leaders declaration of forest and land ahj0XOCExP4-02324-00532767-00533087 use um is very much in favor of uh of ahj0XOCExP4-02325-00533088-00533270 again halting deforestation and ahj0XOCExP4-02326-00533271-00533518 advancing restoration but recognizing ahj0XOCExP4-02327-00533519-00533670 the role of sustainable forest ahj0XOCExP4-02328-00533671-00533855 management so this is a wonderful entry ahj0XOCExP4-02329-00533856-00534191 point also to uh to to to to seize the ahj0XOCExP4-02330-00534192-00534414 momentum there and then secondly on the ahj0XOCExP4-02331-00534415-00534647 primary forest i mean this matters very ahj0XOCExP4-02332-00534648-00534895 much for biodiversity conservation and ahj0XOCExP4-02333-00534896-00535047 therefore the political momentum is ahj0XOCExP4-02334-00535048-00535391 coming also with the post-2020 um global ahj0XOCExP4-02335-00535392-00535559 biodiversity framework we could expect ahj0XOCExP4-02336-00535560-00535791 it to be adopted later this year ahj0XOCExP4-02337-00535792-00536031 and then finally the question was raised ahj0XOCExP4-02338-00536032-00536318 about the next steps ahj0XOCExP4-02339-00536319-00536511 specifically and concretely and these ahj0XOCExP4-02340-00536512-00536655 are just some thoughts i would share ahj0XOCExP4-02341-00536656-00536855 from from my side i mean obviously now ahj0XOCExP4-02342-00536856-00536979 that with the ahj0XOCExP4-02343-00536980-00537135 finalization ahj0XOCExP4-02344-00537136-00537566 of the these publications it is first of ahj0XOCExP4-02345-00537567-00537718 all a matter of outreach and ahj0XOCExP4-02346-00537719-00537895 dissemination we've started it here at ahj0XOCExP4-02347-00537896-00538118 the world forestry congress but uh ahj0XOCExP4-02348-00538119-00538222 continuing the outreach and ahj0XOCExP4-02349-00538223-00538422 dissemination to relevant stakeholders ahj0XOCExP4-02350-00538423-00538679 and processes also the regional level we ahj0XOCExP4-02351-00538680-00538814 heard the importance of regional ahj0XOCExP4-02352-00538815-00539039 processes i'd like to also explore ahj0XOCExP4-02353-00539040-00539214 whether ahj0XOCExP4-02354-00539215-00539391 how we can bring this back also to asia ahj0XOCExP4-02355-00539392-00539599 pacific forestry commission meeting ahj0XOCExP4-02356-00539600-00539807 which we'll have next year this next ahj0XOCExP4-02357-00539808-00539975 session actually australia will be ahj0XOCExP4-02358-00539976-00540191 hosting so i'm glad to see that we have ahj0XOCExP4-02359-00540192-00540343 our colleague from australia in the ahj0XOCExP4-02360-00540344-00540462 panel ahj0XOCExP4-02361-00540463-00540662 second next step we did hear about ahj0XOCExP4-02362-00540663-00540870 knowledge gaps that still persist uh ahj0XOCExP4-02363-00540871-00541022 especially in regards to the primary ahj0XOCExP4-02364-00541023-00541175 forest i think maybe this is something ahj0XOCExP4-02365-00541176-00541343 also for the scientific community to ahj0XOCExP4-02366-00541344-00541543 take up like organizations like cfo and ahj0XOCExP4-02367-00541544-00541814 others potentially and then then thirdly ahj0XOCExP4-02368-00541815-00542047 on the in terms of next steps in terms ahj0XOCExP4-02369-00542048-00542222 of implementation ahj0XOCExP4-02370-00542223-00542551 um technical agencies like fao they can ahj0XOCExP4-02371-00542552-00542911 support member countries interested in ahj0XOCExP4-02372-00542912-00543079 um ahj0XOCExP4-02373-00543080-00543207 in ahj0XOCExP4-02374-00543208-00543399 applying these at the the the ahj0XOCExP4-02375-00543400-00543559 information the knowledge that we have ahj0XOCExP4-02376-00543560-00543822 in these in these uh road maps on ahj0XOCExP4-02377-00543823-00543983 practical action on the ground for ahj0XOCExP4-02378-00543984-00544247 example through actions uh ahj0XOCExP4-02379-00544248-00544487 for from the jeff eight pipeline and i ahj0XOCExP4-02380-00544488-00544718 wanted to highlight there as part of the ahj0XOCExP4-02381-00544719-00544918 the jeff aide portfolio there is a focus ahj0XOCExP4-02382-00544919-00545159 on critical forest biomes which to me ahj0XOCExP4-02383-00545160-00545343 sounds like a fantastic entry point to ahj0XOCExP4-02384-00545344-00545559 pursue work on primary forest and then ahj0XOCExP4-02385-00545560-00545727 combining them with the the innovative ahj0XOCExP4-02386-00545728-00545911 forest technologies should there be ahj0XOCExP4-02387-00545912-00546159 interest by by countries and we very ahj0XOCExP4-02388-00546160-00546343 much hope that there will be and we ahj0XOCExP4-02389-00546344-00546566 stand ready to support and work closer ahj0XOCExP4-02390-00546567-00546735 together with countries in this regard ahj0XOCExP4-02391-00546736-00547055 so please if you're here interest and ahj0XOCExP4-02392-00547056-00547335 let's let's continue the discussion and ahj0XOCExP4-02393-00547336-00547431 move ahj0XOCExP4-02394-00547432-00547639 forward together thank you very much ahj0XOCExP4-02395-00547640-00547918 again to all who are here today and ahj0XOCExP4-02396-00547919-00548135 and again to all the collaborators to do ahj0XOCExP4-02397-00548136-00548351 this work and let's not have it ended ahj0XOCExP4-02398-00548352-00548614 here but let's continue working together ahj0XOCExP4-02399-00548615-00548940 thank you akeUplCg9xy-00000-00000000-00001207 [Music] akeUplCg9xy-00001-00001208-00001478 the benefits of yoga they're undeniable akeUplCg9xy-00002-00001479-00001687 increased strength gain flexibility akeUplCg9xy-00003-00001688-00001926 reduce stress prevent chronic disease akeUplCg9xy-00004-00001927-00002134 and pain all while connecting with your akeUplCg9xy-00005-00002135-00002350 inner spirituality akeUplCg9xy-00006-00002351-00002599 it's more than just a type of exercise akeUplCg9xy-00007-00002600-00002807 it's a lifestyle that liberates both akeUplCg9xy-00008-00002808-00003095 your body and mind we invite you to come akeUplCg9xy-00009-00003096-00003647 experience the art of yoga with us akeUplCg9xy-00010-00003647-00003863 start your journey by signing up to one akeUplCg9xy-00011-00003864-00004151 of the many classes that we offer below akeUplCg9xy-00012-00004152-00004538 we'll see you soon akeUplCg9xy-00013-00004539-00006454 [Music] akeUplCg9xy-00014-00006455-00007023 do akeUplCg9xy-00015-00007025-00009614 [Music] akeUplCg9xy-00016-00009615-00009824 you b6cSo95gD74-00000-00002884-00003679 oh b6cSo95gD74-00001-00003679-00003895 there is a stable conspiracy belief that b6cSo95gD74-00002-00003896-00004127 the illuminati ruled the world b6cSo95gD74-00003-00004128-00004351 conspiracy theorists associate many b6cSo95gD74-00004-00004352-00004543 conspiracy theories with the secret b6cSo95gD74-00005-00004544-00004735 societies of the illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00006-00004736-00004895 considering as their motivation the b6cSo95gD74-00007-00004896-00005070 thirst for world domination b6cSo95gD74-00008-00005071-00005311 total control over human scientific and b6cSo95gD74-00009-00005312-00005511 financial resources b6cSo95gD74-00010-00005512-00005727 the further away the ideas become b6cSo95gD74-00011-00005728-00005911 crazier and crazier b6cSo95gD74-00012-00005912-00006086 some believe that the illuminati are b6cSo95gD74-00013-00006087-00006238 subordinate to entities from the b6cSo95gD74-00014-00006239-00006463 immaterial dimension of the cosmos b6cSo95gD74-00015-00006464-00006606 who control a huge number of b6cSo95gD74-00016-00006608-00006798 civilizations in the universe b6cSo95gD74-00017-00006800-00006934 playing their games with each other b6cSo95gD74-00018-00006936-00007183 through the material dimension itself b6cSo95gD74-00019-00007184-00007334 someone believes that even these b6cSo95gD74-00020-00007336-00007534 entities are in an endless corridor of b6cSo95gD74-00021-00007536-00007759 bondage of higher entities b6cSo95gD74-00022-00007759-00007974 for example the modern conspiracy b6cSo95gD74-00023-00007975-00008151 picture looks something like this b6cSo95gD74-00024-00008152-00008383 the illuminati as terrible servants of b6cSo95gD74-00025-00008384-00008471 the devil b6cSo95gD74-00026-00008472-00008623 drinking the blood of children at the b6cSo95gD74-00027-00008624-00008871 dinner table make decisions dictated to b6cSo95gD74-00028-00008872-00009063 them by aliens who are captive to other b6cSo95gD74-00029-00009064-00009142 aliens b6cSo95gD74-00030-00009143-00009351 who in turn are manipulated by cosmic b6cSo95gD74-00031-00009352-00009574 civilizations enslaved by artificial b6cSo95gD74-00032-00009575-00009735 intelligence from another dimension of b6cSo95gD74-00033-00009736-00009831 the universe b6cSo95gD74-00034-00009832-00009967 which is controlled by another b6cSo95gD74-00035-00009968-00010206 artificial intelligence subordinate to b6cSo95gD74-00036-00010207-00010406 the will of immaterial entities fighting b6cSo95gD74-00037-00010407-00010542 with each other for power in their b6cSo95gD74-00038-00010543-00010663 dimension b6cSo95gD74-00039-00010664-00010846 those who are religious add that these b6cSo95gD74-00040-00010847-00011006 entities are fighting with each other b6cSo95gD74-00041-00011007-00011167 because some are controlled by the will b6cSo95gD74-00042-00011168-00011246 of the devil b6cSo95gD74-00043-00011247-00011414 and others are controlled by one or b6cSo95gD74-00044-00011415-00011559 another god b6cSo95gD74-00045-00011560-00011791 someone even adds multiverses to explain b6cSo95gD74-00046-00011792-00011983 that the battle takes place at once in b6cSo95gD74-00047-00011984-00012191 all parallel worlds at all levels b6cSo95gD74-00048-00012192-00012367 and that the universes themselves were b6cSo95gD74-00049-00012368-00012567 made by these invisible entities to feed b6cSo95gD74-00050-00012568-00012663 on energy b6cSo95gD74-00051-00012664-00012902 using them by and large as robots use b6cSo95gD74-00052-00012903-00013102 people in the matrix movie b6cSo95gD74-00053-00013103-00013271 this nonsense can be continued b6cSo95gD74-00054-00013272-00013511 indefinitely the point of this video is b6cSo95gD74-00055-00013512-00013663 to make it clear that the world has b6cSo95gD74-00056-00013663-00013855 never been ruled and will not be ruled b6cSo95gD74-00057-00013856-00013991 by any illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00058-00013991-00014175 because illumination has nothing to do b6cSo95gD74-00059-00014176-00014366 with the human desire to control other b6cSo95gD74-00060-00014368-00014471 people b6cSo95gD74-00061-00014472-00014679 of course there are certain elite orders b6cSo95gD74-00062-00014680-00014838 in the world whose interests compete b6cSo95gD74-00063-00014840-00014975 with each other b6cSo95gD74-00064-00014976-00015143 and if you are already developing some b6cSo95gD74-00065-00015144-00015343 conspiracy theory then you should use b6cSo95gD74-00066-00015344-00015494 the correct terminology b6cSo95gD74-00067-00015495-00015686 because calling someone illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00068-00015687-00015935 without understanding what illumination b6cSo95gD74-00069-00015936-00016150 itself means in nature is like calling b6cSo95gD74-00070-00016151-00016247 the earth the sun b6cSo95gD74-00071-00016247-00016407 and assuming that the earth is not a b6cSo95gD74-00072-00016408-00016599 planet but a star b6cSo95gD74-00073-00016600-00016839 so to begin with let's take a closer b6cSo95gD74-00074-00016840-00016991 look at the origin of the word b6cSo95gD74-00075-00016992-00017199 illuminati from the german illuminate b6cSo95gD74-00076-00017200-00017407 norden and from the latin illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00077-00017408-00017735 also enlightened from lat illuminatus b6cSo95gD74-00078-00017736-00017991 illuminated enlightened enlightened let b6cSo95gD74-00079-00017992-00018167 me remind you that it follows from the b6cSo95gD74-00080-00018168-00018358 theories of conspiracy theorists that b6cSo95gD74-00081-00018359-00018575 the main motivation of the illuminati is b6cSo95gD74-00082-00018576-00018767 the thirst for world domination b6cSo95gD74-00083-00018768-00019007 total control over human scientific and b6cSo95gD74-00084-00019008-00019207 financial resources b6cSo95gD74-00085-00019208-00019383 don't you find a direct contradiction b6cSo95gD74-00086-00019384-00019583 here this sounds as stupid as b6cSo95gD74-00087-00019584-00019847 for example post-modernism it is well b6cSo95gD74-00088-00019848-00019975 known that the philosophy of b6cSo95gD74-00089-00019976-00020175 postmodernism spoke about the death of b6cSo95gD74-00090-00020176-00020247 the author b6cSo95gD74-00091-00020248-00020430 about the destruction of authorities and b6cSo95gD74-00092-00020431-00020655 about the contextuality of truth b6cSo95gD74-00093-00020656-00020878 that is truth is not universal and b6cSo95gD74-00094-00020879-00021127 depends on certain circumstances b6cSo95gD74-00095-00021128-00021327 this relativism in which there are no b6cSo95gD74-00096-00021328-00021527 facts but only points of view and b6cSo95gD74-00097-00021528-00021630 interpretations b6cSo95gD74-00098-00021631-00021871 gave rise to modern culture if b6cSo95gD74-00099-00021872-00022078 post-modernism declares that there is no b6cSo95gD74-00100-00022079-00022319 objective truth that is uniform for all b6cSo95gD74-00101-00022320-00022519 then this statement itself cannot be an b6cSo95gD74-00102-00022520-00022735 objective uniform truth b6cSo95gD74-00103-00022736-00022958 just as postmodernism begins to stumble b6cSo95gD74-00104-00022959-00023055 over itself b6cSo95gD74-00105-00023056-00023230 so the illuminati limp along with the b6cSo95gD74-00106-00023231-00023471 illumination how can the enlightened one b6cSo95gD74-00107-00023472-00023591 from lat b6cSo95gD74-00108-00023592-00023871 illuminatus enlighten a person to have a b6cSo95gD74-00109-00023872-00024071 thirst for world domination b6cSo95gD74-00110-00024072-00024303 no way kant believed that enlightenment b6cSo95gD74-00111-00024304-00024439 requires only freedom b6cSo95gD74-00112-00024440-00024622 and such freedom that in any case one b6cSo95gD74-00113-00024623-00024871 can publicly use one's own mind b6cSo95gD74-00114-00024872-00025063 a person who wants to drink the blood of b6cSo95gD74-00115-00025064-00025230 children and rule the world has no b6cSo95gD74-00116-00025231-00025311 compassion b6cSo95gD74-00117-00025312-00025478 and therefore such a person is not b6cSo95gD74-00118-00025479-00025662 enlightened and therefore he cannot be b6cSo95gD74-00119-00025663-00025870 considered an illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00120-00025872-00026078 enlightenment does not exist outside of b6cSo95gD74-00121-00026079-00026255 compassion because there is no b6cSo95gD74-00122-00026256-00026470 enlightenment outside of compassion b6cSo95gD74-00123-00026472-00026670 the only way of spiritual development b6cSo95gD74-00124-00026672-00026831 lies in the depth and breadth of the b6cSo95gD74-00125-00026832-00027127 ability to sympathize with living beings b6cSo95gD74-00126-00027127-00027311 compassion is the condition of every b6cSo95gD74-00127-00027312-00027462 evolution of the mind b6cSo95gD74-00128-00027463-00027679 any other path that excludes compassion b6cSo95gD74-00129-00027680-00027862 or does not give it priority does not b6cSo95gD74-00130-00027863-00028046 apply to illumination b6cSo95gD74-00131-00028047-00028246 each of us can practice outwardly and be b6cSo95gD74-00132-00028247-00028374 interested in anything b6cSo95gD74-00133-00028375-00028583 but if our hearts are dead inside then b6cSo95gD74-00134-00028583-00028758 we have not even begun to walk on the b6cSo95gD74-00135-00028760-00028974 spiritual path of awakening b6cSo95gD74-00136-00028975-00029151 if someone believes that he was once b6cSo95gD74-00137-00029152-00029343 very sensitive and then lost this b6cSo95gD74-00138-00029344-00029518 ability to natural empathy b6cSo95gD74-00139-00029519-00029695 then he is greatly mistaken about the b6cSo95gD74-00140-00029695-00029870 fact that he originally went somewhere b6cSo95gD74-00141-00029872-00030102 on his spiritual path at all b6cSo95gD74-00142-00030103-00030407 true compassion like a real pure sincere b6cSo95gD74-00143-00030408-00030455 heart b6cSo95gD74-00144-00030456-00030631 cannot be turned off or turned on at b6cSo95gD74-00145-00030632-00030887 will that's not how it works b6cSo95gD74-00146-00030888-00031095 compassion is a living stream that never b6cSo95gD74-00147-00031095-00031190 runs out b6cSo95gD74-00148-00031191-00031414 it controls you and you don't control it b6cSo95gD74-00149-00031416-00031558 because there is no separate you in b6cSo95gD74-00150-00031560-00031790 compassion and there never was b6cSo95gD74-00151-00031791-00032023 in fact true compassion makes little b6cSo95gD74-00152-00032024-00032270 difference between oneself and others b6cSo95gD74-00153-00032272-00032470 we naturally feel that we are a part of b6cSo95gD74-00154-00032472-00032695 others and they are a part of us b6cSo95gD74-00155-00032695-00032871 we can feel their suffering one hundred b6cSo95gD74-00156-00032872-00033062 percent or at least we really know what b6cSo95gD74-00157-00033063-00033135 it's like b6cSo95gD74-00158-00033136-00033327 and therefore we can take on all or most b6cSo95gD74-00159-00033328-00033462 of their burden b6cSo95gD74-00160-00033463-00033623 this is the potential that we need to b6cSo95gD74-00161-00033624-00033799 develop this means that we b6cSo95gD74-00162-00033800-00034007 practically do not feel the gap between b6cSo95gD74-00163-00034008-00034143 ourselves and others b6cSo95gD74-00164-00034144-00034343 there is no separation between ourselves b6cSo95gD74-00165-00034344-00034502 and the other because the feeling of b6cSo95gD74-00166-00034503-00034759 dual separation has disappeared b6cSo95gD74-00167-00034760-00035031 galva karmapa therefore when i hear that b6cSo95gD74-00168-00035032-00035239 a person considers himself an initiate b6cSo95gD74-00169-00035240-00035390 or is considered enlightened b6cSo95gD74-00170-00035391-00035711 because he eats healthy food prays daily b6cSo95gD74-00171-00035712-00035927 meditates knows how to sit for hours in b6cSo95gD74-00172-00035928-00036062 the lotus position b6cSo95gD74-00173-00036063-00036279 knows everything by heart from astrology b6cSo95gD74-00174-00036280-00036415 to cosmo energetics b6cSo95gD74-00175-00036416-00036646 has read all religious philosophical and b6cSo95gD74-00176-00036647-00036767 mystical books b6cSo95gD74-00177-00036768-00037023 manages all his dreams is outwardly pure b6cSo95gD74-00178-00037024-00037143 and abstemious b6cSo95gD74-00179-00037144-00037327 but at the same time as indifferent to b6cSo95gD74-00180-00037328-00037511 the misfortunes of other living beings b6cSo95gD74-00181-00037512-00037702 that go beyond his focus of selfish b6cSo95gD74-00182-00037703-00037783 empathy b6cSo95gD74-00183-00037784-00038015 a person for me of course is not an b6cSo95gD74-00184-00038016-00038102 illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00185-00038103-00038311 but simply a good or not very good b6cSo95gD74-00186-00038312-00038462 depending on how you look at it b6cSo95gD74-00187-00038463-00038735 a cosplayer or a spiritual faker so who b6cSo95gD74-00188-00038736-00038871 are the illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00189-00038872-00039102 it's pretty simple illumination happens b6cSo95gD74-00190-00039103-00039287 to us when we are compassionate b6cSo95gD74-00191-00039288-00039471 because in those moments when our souls b6cSo95gD74-00192-00039472-00039679 are naked we are enlightened b6cSo95gD74-00193-00039680-00039839 the one who has established his b6cSo95gD74-00194-00039840-00040046 consciousness and compassion is truly an b6cSo95gD74-00195-00040047-00040183 illuminati b6cSo95gD74-00196-00040184-00040383 you cannot know all the occult books by b6cSo95gD74-00197-00040384-00040615 heart not be initiated into the secret b6cSo95gD74-00198-00040616-00040799 lines of knowledge transmission b6cSo95gD74-00199-00040800-00041030 not understand what kabbalah is at all b6cSo95gD74-00200-00041031-00041190 never meditate in your life b6cSo95gD74-00201-00041191-00041383 but at the same time throw yourself into b6cSo95gD74-00202-00041384-00041558 the river for a drowning child b6cSo95gD74-00203-00041559-00041751 risking the cost of your own life and b6cSo95gD74-00204-00041752-00041943 saving him to become an illuminati in b6cSo95gD74-00205-00041944-00042143 the true sense of the word b6cSo95gD74-00206-00042144-00042295 teachers in schools who could not b6cSo95gD74-00207-00042296-00042527 understand anything either in esoterism b6cSo95gD74-00208-00042528-00042743 or in spiritual systems as such b6cSo95gD74-00209-00042744-00042911 protecting their children from bullets b6cSo95gD74-00210-00042912-00043046 with their bodies were really b6cSo95gD74-00211-00043047-00043167 enlightened b6cSo95gD74-00212-00043168-00043423 history knows many such examples your b6cSo95gD74-00213-00043424-00043615 story reminded me of a friend b6cSo95gD74-00214-00043616-00043790 in the same days when i escaped from b6cSo95gD74-00215-00043791-00044007 tibet he was sent to a chinese labor b6cSo95gD74-00216-00044008-00044102 camp b6cSo95gD74-00217-00044103-00044302 before escaping from the norbington b6cSo95gD74-00218-00044303-00044527 palace asterisk i decided to visit the b6cSo95gD74-00219-00044528-00044702 chapel and pay my respects b6cSo95gD74-00220-00044703-00044862 assuming that i was going there for the b6cSo95gD74-00221-00044863-00045111 last time there i met a friend who was b6cSo95gD74-00222-00045112-00045295 already a senior monk of the namgul b6cSo95gD74-00223-00045296-00045495 monastery at that time b6cSo95gD74-00224-00045496-00045718 lopanla as the monks affectionately b6cSo95gD74-00225-00045719-00045951 called him did not know that it was me b6cSo95gD74-00226-00045952-00046127 my visit was kept in the strictest b6cSo95gD74-00227-00046128-00046407 secret and it was impossible to open up b6cSo95gD74-00228-00046408-00046502 even to him b6cSo95gD74-00229-00046503-00046735 as soon as i left the palace the chinese b6cSo95gD74-00230-00046736-00046807 attacked b6cSo95gD74-00231-00046808-00047007 they arrested a lot of people and sent b6cSo95gD74-00232-00047008-00047279 130 people to a very remote area b6cSo95gD74-00233-00047280-00047607 as stalin once exiled to siberia after b6cSo95gD74-00234-00047608-00047895 18 years of hard labor lopanla was able b6cSo95gD74-00235-00047896-00048071 to escape to india b6cSo95gD74-00236-00048072-00048223 that's how i found out what happened in b6cSo95gD74-00237-00048224-00048462 the labor camp lopandla said that the b6cSo95gD74-00238-00048463-00048558 prisoners had no b6cSo95gD74-00239-00048559-00048727 shoes and went barefoot even on the b6cSo95gD74-00240-00048728-00048895 coldest days b6cSo95gD74-00241-00048896-00049102 sometimes it was so cold that the spit b6cSo95gD74-00242-00049103-00049271 turned into ice before it reached the b6cSo95gD74-00243-00049272-00049383 ground b6cSo95gD74-00244-00049384-00049630 the prisoners were always hungry once b6cSo95gD74-00245-00049631-00049886 lopanla experienced such a brutal hunger b6cSo95gD74-00246-00049887-00050071 that he tried to gnaw the body of a dead b6cSo95gD74-00247-00050072-00050190 comrade b6cSo95gD74-00248-00050191-00050367 but the flesh was frozen and he could b6cSo95gD74-00249-00050368-00050527 not bite it off b6cSo95gD74-00250-00050528-00050695 all this time the prisoners were b6cSo95gD74-00251-00050696-00050902 tortured these were soviet-style b6cSo95gD74-00252-00050903-00050967 tortures b6cSo95gD74-00253-00050968-00051223 japanese and chinese in this camp they b6cSo95gD74-00254-00051224-00051311 were united b6cSo95gD74-00255-00051312-00051526 creating a particularly cruel torture b6cSo95gD74-00256-00051527-00051630 system b6cSo95gD74-00257-00051632-00051854 by the time my friend was released only b6cSo95gD74-00258-00051855-00051999 20 out of 130 b6cSo95gD74-00259-00052000-00052246 people were left alive he said that he b6cSo95gD74-00260-00052247-00052463 had been in real danger for all these 18 b6cSo95gD74-00261-00052464-00052582 years b6cSo95gD74-00262-00052583-00052750 naturally i thought that it was about b6cSo95gD74-00263-00052751-00052942 the danger to his life b6cSo95gD74-00264-00052944-00053111 but he replied that he was afraid of b6cSo95gD74-00265-00053112-00053415 losing sympathy for his chinese captors b6cSo95gD74-00266-00053416-00053623 everyone in the room held their breath b6cSo95gD74-00267-00053624-00053775 this was incredible b6cSo95gD74-00268-00053776-00053975 this man considered the loss of empathy b6cSo95gD74-00269-00053976-00054230 to be the greatest danger to himself b6cSo95gD74-00270-00054232-00054399 the loss of their cordiality and b6cSo95gD74-00271-00054400-00054647 humanity my friend is still alive b6cSo95gD74-00272-00054648-00054911 now he is 97 years old and his mind is b6cSo95gD74-00273-00054912-00054991 still clear b6cSo95gD74-00274-00054991-00055311 sharp and healthy as you said spiritual b6cSo95gD74-00275-00055312-00055526 experiences and experiences have only b6cSo95gD74-00276-00055527-00055742 strengthened his capacity for compassion b6cSo95gD74-00277-00055744-00055959 and the best human qualities b6cSo95gD74-00278-00055960-00056223 the dalai lama 14 a dialogue with b6cSo95gD74-00279-00056224-00056454 archbishop desmond tutu about the power b6cSo95gD74-00280-00056455-00056654 of genuine compassion b6cSo95gD74-00281-00056655-00056942 2015 the material is taken from the book b6cSo95gD74-00282-00056944-00057103 the book of joy b6cSo95gD74-00283-00057104-00057342 how to be happy in a changing world by b6cSo95gD74-00284-00057344-00057471 douglas abrams b6cSo95gD74-00285-00057472-00057679 cosmic illumination is a way out of the b6cSo95gD74-00286-00057679-00057847 subject object dualism b6cSo95gD74-00287-00057848-00058030 which is the highest illusion on the way b6cSo95gD74-00288-00058032-00058223 to understanding the true nature of the b6cSo95gD74-00289-00058224-00058423 reality of the universe b6cSo95gD74-00290-00058424-00058671 overcoming this subject object dualism b6cSo95gD74-00291-00058672-00058838 should become the main priority of b6cSo95gD74-00292-00058839-00058999 transformation in the interests of b6cSo95gD74-00293-00059000-00059142 humanity b6cSo95gD74-00294-00059144-00059366 compassion is the highest form of love b6cSo95gD74-00295-00059367-00059526 and here we are not talking about some b6cSo95gD74-00296-00059527-00059735 egoistic feeling for one person or b6cSo95gD74-00297-00059736-00059799 animal b6cSo95gD74-00298-00059800-00059991 but about a genuine all-encompassing b6cSo95gD74-00299-00059991-00060191 love that gradually and consistently b6cSo95gD74-00300-00060191-00060366 expands from a smaller circle to a b6cSo95gD74-00301-00060367-00060454 larger one b6cSo95gD74-00302-00060455-00060599 from family and friends to the b6cSo95gD74-00303-00060600-00060791 population of a city and an entire b6cSo95gD74-00304-00060791-00060863 country b6cSo95gD74-00305-00060864-00061079 from the population of an entire country b6cSo95gD74-00306-00061079-00061279 to all living beings on the planet b6cSo95gD74-00307-00061279-00061471 from all living beings on the planet to b6cSo95gD74-00308-00061472-00061679 the cosmos as a whole b6cSo95gD74-00309-00061679-00063082 love is a state of true unity with the b6cSo95gD74-00310-00063083-00063630 universe b6cSo95gD74-00311-00063632-00063839 you br8xyELUecg-00000-00000000-00000102 laughs br8xyELUecg-00001-00000103-00002237 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00002-00002238-00003150 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00003-00003151-00003877 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00004-00003878-00004722 thank you br8xyELUecg-00005-00004723-00005643 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00006-00005644-00007751 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00007-00007752-00007980 foreign br8xyELUecg-00008-00007981-00010391 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00009-00010392-00011351 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00010-00011352-00013357 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00011-00013358-00013694 thank you br8xyELUecg-00012-00013694-00014327 [Music] br8xyELUecg-00013-00014328-00015056 laughs br8xyELUecg-00015-00019981-00021017 thank you br8xyELUecg-00016-00021018-00021314 foreign br8xyELUecg-00018-00026066-00026693 la la la br8xyELUecg-00019-00026694-00026957 eyes br8xyELUecg-00020-00026958-00028826 [Music] bsnNzljn8_Y-00000-00000024-00000245 hi everyone and welcome to football bsnNzljn8_Y-00001-00000246-00000473 service for a new video that should give bsnNzljn8_Y-00002-00000474-00000695 a bit more sense to one of the playlists bsnNzljn8_Y-00003-00000696-00000935 of my channel the one about positional bsnNzljn8_Y-00004-00000936-00001211 play as I have already published two bsnNzljn8_Y-00005-00001212-00001427 videos about game phases that can be bsnNzljn8_Y-00006-00001428-00001714 associated with positional play Without bsnNzljn8_Y-00007-00001716-00002002 Really defining what it is so that's bsnNzljn8_Y-00008-00002003-00002213 what we're going to try to do now before bsnNzljn8_Y-00009-00002214-00002381 looking at a different positional play bsnNzljn8_Y-00010-00002382-00002675 Concepts that I know so far so I lost bsnNzljn8_Y-00011-00002676-00002945 for you Indulgence as this is a subject bsnNzljn8_Y-00012-00002946-00003166 that is still being terrorized and bsnNzljn8_Y-00013-00003167-00003347 debated today bsnNzljn8_Y-00014-00003347-00003569 so let's start by trying to give a bsnNzljn8_Y-00015-00003570-00003665 definition bsnNzljn8_Y-00016-00003665-00003899 because there are different definitions bsnNzljn8_Y-00017-00003900-00004241 so I try to take something from all the bsnNzljn8_Y-00018-00004242-00004433 best ones to tell you now that I would bsnNzljn8_Y-00019-00004434-00004720 say positional play is the style and the bsnNzljn8_Y-00020-00004721-00005051 way of playing that aims to maximize the bsnNzljn8_Y-00021-00005052-00005315 possible superiority of the team in bsnNzljn8_Y-00022-00005316-00005561 question over its open end through a bsnNzljn8_Y-00023-00005562-00005872 rational occupation of space bsnNzljn8_Y-00024-00005873-00006118 it may seem like gibberish at first bsnNzljn8_Y-00025-00006119-00006286 glance but it will become much clearer bsnNzljn8_Y-00026-00006287-00006587 as the video goes on you'll see bsnNzljn8_Y-00027-00006588-00006887 in fact the term position refers here bsnNzljn8_Y-00028-00006888-00007096 not only to where the players are bsnNzljn8_Y-00029-00007097-00007325 located on the field but also to the way bsnNzljn8_Y-00030-00007326-00007583 they are located and the position of the bsnNzljn8_Y-00031-00007584-00007709 body in space bsnNzljn8_Y-00032-00007709-00008003 in English the word positioners indeed bsnNzljn8_Y-00033-00008004-00008219 this double meaning but this is not bsnNzljn8_Y-00034-00008220-00008501 really the case in Spanish since as Juan bsnNzljn8_Y-00035-00008502-00008801 Manuel Leo explains it is rather the bsnNzljn8_Y-00036-00008802-00009107 term Ubi catheon that should be chosen bsnNzljn8_Y-00037-00009108-00009269 which is why you can find the two bsnNzljn8_Y-00038-00009270-00009539 nomenclatures for some years now bsnNzljn8_Y-00039-00009540-00009809 so theoretically and we can very well bsnNzljn8_Y-00040-00009810-00010037 talk about the team as positional play bsnNzljn8_Y-00041-00010038-00010271 during its off the ball phases but it's bsnNzljn8_Y-00042-00010272-00010463 not really done anymore because any good bsnNzljn8_Y-00043-00010464-00010691 low middle or eye block pressing or bsnNzljn8_Y-00044-00010692-00010864 counter pressing can be rational bsnNzljn8_Y-00045-00010865-00011164 occupations of space where whereas with bsnNzljn8_Y-00046-00011165-00011374 the ball the objective is clear behind bsnNzljn8_Y-00047-00011375-00011723 this rational uh occupation of space to bsnNzljn8_Y-00048-00011724-00011927 keep the ball in order to score a goal bsnNzljn8_Y-00049-00011928-00012437 and not just to to keep it bsnNzljn8_Y-00050-00012438-00012683 positional play is precisely not bsnNzljn8_Y-00051-00012684-00012994 possession play or Ticky Tech as it as bsnNzljn8_Y-00052-00012995-00013307 it is often mistakenly called which is bsnNzljn8_Y-00053-00013308-00013649 why cordial S8 he hates tikitaka because bsnNzljn8_Y-00054-00013650-00013997 every pass must have an intention and bsnNzljn8_Y-00055-00013997-00014383 that intention must not obviously and bsnNzljn8_Y-00056-00014384-00014657 Mr obviously not be to to create or bsnNzljn8_Y-00057-00014658-00015029 continue a rhythmic Tic-Tac noise having bsnNzljn8_Y-00058-00015030-00015293 the ball is not a goal itself in fact bsnNzljn8_Y-00059-00015294-00015580 it's it's the way to score goals but bsnNzljn8_Y-00060-00015581-00015803 that doesn't mean neglecting the the bsnNzljn8_Y-00061-00015804-00016019 opponents and the risks of losing the bsnNzljn8_Y-00062-00016019-00016277 the neither which is why when in bsnNzljn8_Y-00063-00016278-00016517 possession teams that are associated bsnNzljn8_Y-00064-00016518-00016786 with positional play tend to build a bsnNzljn8_Y-00065-00016787-00017039 sort of pyramid as shown here because we bsnNzljn8_Y-00066-00017040-00017297 have Defenders who will close enough to bsnNzljn8_Y-00067-00017298-00017555 each other to avoid making long passes bsnNzljn8_Y-00068-00017556-00017849 in these areas that would allow the the bsnNzljn8_Y-00069-00017850-00018108 opponent to recover several Balls by bsnNzljn8_Y-00070-00018109-00018425 anticipating these build ups and we also bsnNzljn8_Y-00071-00018426-00018749 have this amplitude higher up the field bsnNzljn8_Y-00072-00018750-00019067 to stretch the the line of opponent bsnNzljn8_Y-00073-00019068-00019199 Defenders bsnNzljn8_Y-00074-00019200-00019507 because if the ladder refused to stretch bsnNzljn8_Y-00075-00019508-00019847 and to stretch out the the Winger can bsnNzljn8_Y-00076-00019848-00020039 easily receive the ball so there's bsnNzljn8_Y-00077-00020040-00020261 progression and if they do want to bsnNzljn8_Y-00078-00020262-00020453 prevent this bus by spreading out a bsnNzljn8_Y-00079-00020454-00020657 little more there's more space in the bsnNzljn8_Y-00080-00020658-00020863 middle for the players on the inside bsnNzljn8_Y-00081-00020864-00021130 hence the concept of not having a bsnNzljn8_Y-00082-00021131-00021364 teammate in the same Lane on the same bsnNzljn8_Y-00083-00021365-00021599 vertical line bsnNzljn8_Y-00084-00021600-00022061 here the amplitude that Sterling gives bsnNzljn8_Y-00085-00022062-00022313 will allow zinchenko to become a passing bsnNzljn8_Y-00086-00022314-00022505 option as soon as the player between the bsnNzljn8_Y-00087-00022506-00022835 two ex-citizens will prepare himself to bsnNzljn8_Y-00088-00022836-00023117 intercept a possible pass to the English bsnNzljn8_Y-00089-00023118-00023447 Winger and if this were to happen bsnNzljn8_Y-00090-00023448-00023603 it could also be partly due to the fact bsnNzljn8_Y-00091-00023604-00023836 that in order to run at Sterling the bsnNzljn8_Y-00092-00023837-00024017 opening in question would not only move bsnNzljn8_Y-00093-00024018-00024227 to the opposite side of zinchenko but bsnNzljn8_Y-00094-00024228-00024569 also but also to the back while the bsnNzljn8_Y-00095-00024570-00024844 Ukrainian is rather in front of him bsnNzljn8_Y-00096-00024845-00025091 so why there is also the the concept of bsnNzljn8_Y-00097-00025092-00025336 no of not having a teammate at the same bsnNzljn8_Y-00098-00025337-00025672 height although like for its false twin bsnNzljn8_Y-00099-00025673-00025937 uh if I can say this concept should be bsnNzljn8_Y-00100-00025938-00026164 considered in hindsight because even bsnNzljn8_Y-00101-00026166-00026435 though it's in fact search for players bsnNzljn8_Y-00102-00026436-00026639 close to the ball it is of course bsnNzljn8_Y-00103-00026639-00026843 sometimes possible to let the balls bsnNzljn8_Y-00104-00026844-00027107 through uh to the players to the player bsnNzljn8_Y-00105-00027108-00027389 um to a player who would be further back bsnNzljn8_Y-00106-00027389-00027874 on the same passing line bsnNzljn8_Y-00107-00027875-00028187 but if the amplitude is generally rather bsnNzljn8_Y-00108-00028188-00028427 eye of the pitch I up on the on the bsnNzljn8_Y-00109-00028427-00028690 field on the pitch because the the idea bsnNzljn8_Y-00110-00028691-00028901 behind this switch is to progress at bsnNzljn8_Y-00111-00028902-00029074 least first bsnNzljn8_Y-00112-00029075-00029237 um at least first through the center bsnNzljn8_Y-00113-00029238-00029423 because you have more passing options bsnNzljn8_Y-00114-00029424-00029627 you can more easily play to the left or bsnNzljn8_Y-00115-00029627-00029867 to the right where from one side joining bsnNzljn8_Y-00116-00029868-00030137 the other means longer passes so it is bsnNzljn8_Y-00117-00030138-00030407 practically impossible to surprise the bsnNzljn8_Y-00118-00030408-00030670 the opponent with deep passes since bsnNzljn8_Y-00119-00030672-00030751 um bsnNzljn8_Y-00120-00030752-00030989 since they normally end up being bsnNzljn8_Y-00121-00030989-00031217 intercepted because Defenders have bsnNzljn8_Y-00122-00031218-00031408 enough time to bsnNzljn8_Y-00123-00031410-00031714 however switching sides and generally bsnNzljn8_Y-00124-00031716-00031961 playing to Winger can be the quickest bsnNzljn8_Y-00125-00031962-00032261 route to goal even if many believe that bsnNzljn8_Y-00126-00032262-00032518 it is always through the center as it bsnNzljn8_Y-00127-00032519-00032752 may be that the most difference a team bsnNzljn8_Y-00128-00032753-00033077 makes is on the wings my video and bsnNzljn8_Y-00129-00033078-00033323 Travis Balsa from the first weeks we saw bsnNzljn8_Y-00130-00033324-00033521 three ways to favor bsnNzljn8_Y-00131-00033522-00033815 um one-on-ones superiority and on the bsnNzljn8_Y-00132-00033816-00034085 flanks when you have a good dribbler bsnNzljn8_Y-00133-00034086-00034433 so there's no reason to avoid this kind bsnNzljn8_Y-00134-00034434-00034631 of means if you have it as it would go bsnNzljn8_Y-00135-00034632-00034817 against the nature of of the game which bsnNzljn8_Y-00136-00034818-00035062 is to try to take advantage of the the bsnNzljn8_Y-00137-00035063-00035417 different types of superiority or and or bsnNzljn8_Y-00138-00035418-00035633 Advantage possible bsnNzljn8_Y-00139-00035634-00035962 the Spanish Literature recognizes four bsnNzljn8_Y-00140-00035963-00036205 of them with technical or qualitative bsnNzljn8_Y-00141-00036206-00036515 numerical positional and socio-effective bsnNzljn8_Y-00142-00036516-00036761 superiority but I think we could also bsnNzljn8_Y-00143-00036762-00037096 talk about a dynamic Advantage I'll bsnNzljn8_Y-00144-00037097-00037289 probably do a video one day on these bsnNzljn8_Y-00145-00037290-00037474 five Concepts but you should know that bsnNzljn8_Y-00146-00037475-00037727 there's already a lot to learn on the bsnNzljn8_Y-00147-00037728-00037937 internet anyway all that to say that bsnNzljn8_Y-00148-00037938-00038201 this rational occupation of space which bsnNzljn8_Y-00149-00038202-00038368 is what we are looking bsnNzljn8_Y-00150-00038369-00038645 um for when we we have positional player bsnNzljn8_Y-00151-00038646-00039035 as our objective is even more rational bsnNzljn8_Y-00152-00039036-00039299 when we take into account who our bsnNzljn8_Y-00153-00039300-00039833 players or teammates are bsnNzljn8_Y-00154-00039834-00040145 so in fact there's not only one system bsnNzljn8_Y-00155-00040146-00040396 that allows this kind of football and bsnNzljn8_Y-00156-00040397-00040577 all can do it but some are more bsnNzljn8_Y-00157-00040578-00040757 demanding than others for example bsnNzljn8_Y-00158-00040758-00040955 murdering you said that with the full bsnNzljn8_Y-00159-00040956-00041123 series 3 there there's a perfectly bsnNzljn8_Y-00160-00041124-00041374 balanced occupation of space whereas bsnNzljn8_Y-00161-00041375-00041783 with the 442 tight Diamond you have to bsnNzljn8_Y-00162-00041784-00041974 think a lot more because the the pitch bsnNzljn8_Y-00163-00041975-00042371 is occupied in an irrational way and in bsnNzljn8_Y-00164-00042372-00042568 particular he says that in this bsnNzljn8_Y-00165-00042569-00042779 configuration if the the fullbacks go bsnNzljn8_Y-00166-00042780-00042887 deep bsnNzljn8_Y-00167-00042888-00043073 um you need more adjustments to bsnNzljn8_Y-00168-00043074-00043301 compensate for for that defensively and bsnNzljn8_Y-00169-00043302-00043517 it's the same when players from the bsnNzljn8_Y-00170-00043518-00043751 diamond move to the wings bsnNzljn8_Y-00171-00043752-00043924 but even if some systems are more bsnNzljn8_Y-00172-00043925-00044140 complex to master than others positional bsnNzljn8_Y-00173-00044141-00044374 position on play is always synonymous bsnNzljn8_Y-00174-00044375-00044740 with positional rigor with accuracy at bsnNzljn8_Y-00175-00044741-00045017 this level notably with the concept and bsnNzljn8_Y-00176-00045018-00045208 with the concept of distances of bsnNzljn8_Y-00177-00045209-00045490 relation which is not only preventive in bsnNzljn8_Y-00178-00045491-00045755 case of ball losses bsnNzljn8_Y-00179-00045756-00046030 because this idea stands we should bsnNzljn8_Y-00180-00046031-00046295 actually be at a certain distance from bsnNzljn8_Y-00181-00046296-00046523 our teammates depending on who they are bsnNzljn8_Y-00182-00046524-00046702 and where the ball is bsnNzljn8_Y-00183-00046703-00046973 an example of this is Miss you after bsnNzljn8_Y-00184-00046974-00047152 some time playing in the center under bsnNzljn8_Y-00185-00047153-00047452 Godzilla tended to have an opponent bsnNzljn8_Y-00186-00047453-00047680 directly in his back when he received bsnNzljn8_Y-00187-00047681-00047945 the ball so that he couldn't turn around bsnNzljn8_Y-00188-00047946-00048196 um and so depending on on the situation bsnNzljn8_Y-00189-00048197-00048407 the solution was to have several bsnNzljn8_Y-00190-00048408-00048658 teammates very close to Messi to reduce bsnNzljn8_Y-00191-00048659-00048845 the distance and therefore the passing bsnNzljn8_Y-00192-00048846-00048935 time bsnNzljn8_Y-00193-00048936-00049205 and so if you're positioned correctly bsnNzljn8_Y-00194-00049206-00049427 it's better not to move in certain bsnNzljn8_Y-00195-00049428-00049589 situations because to do so would mean bsnNzljn8_Y-00196-00049590-00049805 not respecting your your fraction your bsnNzljn8_Y-00197-00049806-00050039 function anymore bsnNzljn8_Y-00198-00050040-00050285 Harvey says that in Barcelona you you bsnNzljn8_Y-00199-00050286-00050465 learn to wait for the ball rather than bsnNzljn8_Y-00200-00050466-00050686 to drop back and ask for for it because bsnNzljn8_Y-00201-00050687-00050890 this few meters could mean you won't bsnNzljn8_Y-00202-00050891-00051208 break an opponents line uh anymore for bsnNzljn8_Y-00203-00051209-00051479 example bsnNzljn8_Y-00204-00051479-00051694 also makes sense after making a pass if bsnNzljn8_Y-00205-00051695-00051875 your marker goes somewhere else or if bsnNzljn8_Y-00206-00051876-00052049 you want him to to stay with you so that bsnNzljn8_Y-00207-00052050-00052270 he doesn't even a teammate with a better bsnNzljn8_Y-00208-00052271-00052366 position bsnNzljn8_Y-00209-00052367-00052697 we saw the tokoi memory I touch and I bsnNzljn8_Y-00210-00052698-00052919 move in my analysis of Argentina and bsnNzljn8_Y-00211-00052920-00053207 well sometimes you you also have to to bsnNzljn8_Y-00212-00053208-00053938 touch and and stay bsnNzljn8_Y-00213-00053939-00054125 let's move on to something more concrete bsnNzljn8_Y-00214-00054126-00054371 as animations are needed this time so bsnNzljn8_Y-00215-00054372-00054580 that you can fully understand the bsnNzljn8_Y-00216-00054582-00054838 concepts that follow the first of this bsnNzljn8_Y-00217-00054839-00055103 is the Freeman as there's usually uh the bsnNzljn8_Y-00218-00055104-00055409 possibility to uh of having a numerical bsnNzljn8_Y-00219-00055410-00055715 superiority and for having a free man bsnNzljn8_Y-00220-00055716-00055954 indeed many teams when they don't have bsnNzljn8_Y-00221-00055955-00056159 the ball make sure they have one more bsnNzljn8_Y-00222-00056160-00056387 player than their opponent at the height bsnNzljn8_Y-00223-00056388-00056675 of their line of Defenders bsnNzljn8_Y-00224-00056676-00056987 and if this is not the case anymore bsnNzljn8_Y-00225-00056988-00057091 um bsnNzljn8_Y-00226-00057091-00057421 and everyone defends a specific player bsnNzljn8_Y-00227-00057422-00057688 man marking there's always the bsnNzljn8_Y-00228-00057689-00057941 possibility to have a numerical bsnNzljn8_Y-00229-00057941-00058216 superiority by using the goalkeeper as bsnNzljn8_Y-00230-00058217-00058409 as long as one of the 10 field players bsnNzljn8_Y-00231-00058410-00058792 jumps out on him so first the team has bsnNzljn8_Y-00232-00058794-00059026 to be ready to offer pass passing bsnNzljn8_Y-00233-00059027-00059254 options if if there is pressure or if bsnNzljn8_Y-00234-00059255-00059476 pressure is going to come since you will bsnNzljn8_Y-00235-00059477-00059711 maybe have to attract it with the bsnNzljn8_Y-00236-00059712-00060023 numerous means that exist the first bsnNzljn8_Y-00237-00060024-00060365 being a rather slow pass that could make bsnNzljn8_Y-00238-00060366-00060749 um an open and think for a moment that bsnNzljn8_Y-00239-00060750-00060971 the goalkeeper will come too late when bsnNzljn8_Y-00240-00060972-00061204 in fact he won't so that the opponent is bsnNzljn8_Y-00241-00061205-00061391 going to leave his player and then bsnNzljn8_Y-00242-00061391-00061637 hesitate perhaps giving the goalkeeper bsnNzljn8_Y-00243-00061638-00061876 time to pass to the player he has to bsnNzljn8_Y-00244-00061877-00062015 mark bsnNzljn8_Y-00245-00062016-00062254 if this is not enough and you need to bsnNzljn8_Y-00246-00062255-00062500 attract a player out even more waiting bsnNzljn8_Y-00247-00062501-00062729 for the ball to come to you and making a bsnNzljn8_Y-00248-00062729-00063004 Bowser a break especially by controlling bsnNzljn8_Y-00249-00063005-00063187 it with the soul of the foot which bsnNzljn8_Y-00250-00063188-00063454 Roberto deservedi recommends is a good bsnNzljn8_Y-00251-00063455-00063730 way too because it gives the impression bsnNzljn8_Y-00252-00063732-00063923 of being carefree and therefore you can bsnNzljn8_Y-00253-00063924-00064211 be underestimated bsnNzljn8_Y-00254-00064212-00064553 The Last Resort is called conduction in bsnNzljn8_Y-00255-00064554-00064811 Spanish driving forward with the ball bsnNzljn8_Y-00256-00064812-00064891 um bsnNzljn8_Y-00257-00064891-00065237 until an opponent comes out and to make bsnNzljn8_Y-00258-00065238-00065500 this kind of magnetization stronger bsnNzljn8_Y-00259-00065501-00065800 I advise the ball carrier to lower his bsnNzljn8_Y-00260-00065801-00066094 head until he reaches a limit of bsnNzljn8_Y-00261-00066095-00066293 prediction of his field of vision that bsnNzljn8_Y-00262-00066294-00066419 he must know bsnNzljn8_Y-00263-00066420-00066635 in order to still be able to perceive bsnNzljn8_Y-00264-00066636-00066809 his environment bsnNzljn8_Y-00265-00066810-00067000 the opposing player might fall they bsnNzljn8_Y-00266-00067001-00067247 might fall into the Trap and arrive at bsnNzljn8_Y-00267-00067248-00067438 full speed meaning more time would be bsnNzljn8_Y-00268-00067439-00067703 needed for him to turn around especially bsnNzljn8_Y-00269-00067704-00067913 if the keeper gives the ball away at the bsnNzljn8_Y-00270-00067914-00068105 last at the very last moment because the bsnNzljn8_Y-00271-00068106-00068356 closer the pressure is and the further bsnNzljn8_Y-00272-00068357-00068579 away he will be from the receiver bsnNzljn8_Y-00273-00068580-00068999 usually bsnNzljn8_Y-00274-00069000-00069203 and should the Freeman still be in the bsnNzljn8_Y-00275-00069204-00069365 shadow of the open and when the pass is bsnNzljn8_Y-00276-00069366-00069623 about to being played the alternative is bsnNzljn8_Y-00277-00069624-00069838 called the third man secret bsnNzljn8_Y-00278-00069839-00070073 um since through another player the bsnNzljn8_Y-00279-00070074-00070247 Freeman can be found and is therefore bsnNzljn8_Y-00280-00070248-00070535 also a certain man in this combination bsnNzljn8_Y-00281-00070536-00070882 that's right we associate positional bsnNzljn8_Y-00282-00070883-00071093 play with the formation of triangles bsnNzljn8_Y-00283-00071094-00071297 around the ball carrier but what is bsnNzljn8_Y-00284-00071298-00071537 decisive is how these triangles are not bsnNzljn8_Y-00285-00071538-00071656 the fact that there are triangles bsnNzljn8_Y-00286-00071657-00071819 because you can take any team and bsnNzljn8_Y-00287-00071820-00071987 connect its players in such a way that bsnNzljn8_Y-00288-00071988-00072203 there are triangles without it being bsnNzljn8_Y-00289-00072204-00072509 positional play anyway bsnNzljn8_Y-00290-00072510-00072737 sometimes it's also possible to extend bsnNzljn8_Y-00291-00072738-00072994 discernment Concepts to the falseman bsnNzljn8_Y-00292-00072995-00073331 concept as I demonstrated in my video on bsnNzljn8_Y-00293-00073332-00073511 Travis borsa but this implies that bsnNzljn8_Y-00294-00073512-00073703 you're already involved in the game bsnNzljn8_Y-00295-00073704-00073906 before the Sunman gets the ball and bsnNzljn8_Y-00296-00073907-00074044 that's what I would like to talk about bsnNzljn8_Y-00297-00074045-00074303 now the the idea that each player has a bsnNzljn8_Y-00298-00074304-00074549 role at all times even when the when we bsnNzljn8_Y-00299-00074550-00074771 have the ball on the other side bsnNzljn8_Y-00300-00074772-00075071 after the Sunman combination let's image bsnNzljn8_Y-00301-00075072-00075305 industry that this opponent jumps out bsnNzljn8_Y-00302-00075306-00075605 onto the ball carrier preventing the bsnNzljn8_Y-00303-00075606-00075791 pass to the fullback bsnNzljn8_Y-00304-00075792-00076103 since since it's now impossible to play bsnNzljn8_Y-00305-00076104-00076319 towards the next free man because in bsnNzljn8_Y-00306-00076320-00076588 he's in the shadow of the pressure thus bsnNzljn8_Y-00307-00076589-00076882 a new conduct Theon and there comes bsnNzljn8_Y-00308-00076883-00077219 precisely the concept of uh viajar bsnNzljn8_Y-00309-00077220-00077537 juntos traveling together which does bsnNzljn8_Y-00310-00077538-00077794 requires the the players to always form bsnNzljn8_Y-00311-00077795-00078106 a group to a Unity to to progress bsnNzljn8_Y-00312-00078107-00078394 notably here to prevent a ball lost bsnNzljn8_Y-00313-00078395-00078676 since the central Defender left his bsnNzljn8_Y-00314-00078677-00078905 position bsnNzljn8_Y-00315-00078906-00079126 and this concept is synonymous with bsnNzljn8_Y-00316-00079127-00079597 passions with passions when the bsnNzljn8_Y-00317-00079598-00079847 when the opposing team defends well with bsnNzljn8_Y-00318-00079848-00080044 the weight and see approach approach bsnNzljn8_Y-00319-00080045-00080309 since in in these conditions the bsnNzljn8_Y-00320-00080310-00080597 position will play style leads you to bsnNzljn8_Y-00321-00080598-00080897 not force anything until you have made bsnNzljn8_Y-00322-00080898-00081149 maximum progression on the pitch and bsnNzljn8_Y-00323-00081150-00081359 it's by the sides that you have to do it bsnNzljn8_Y-00324-00081360-00081688 because that's where there's space left bsnNzljn8_Y-00325-00081689-00082044 so it's often a repetition of passes to bsnNzljn8_Y-00326-00082045-00082361 attract the opponent and thus regrouping bsnNzljn8_Y-00327-00082362-00082565 on one side P4 trying to play as bsnNzljn8_Y-00328-00082566-00082691 directly bsnNzljn8_Y-00329-00082692-00082894 um as possible to the other to take bsnNzljn8_Y-00330-00082895-00083111 advantage of of the shift the sliding bsnNzljn8_Y-00331-00083112-00083249 that the opposing players have to bsnNzljn8_Y-00332-00083250-00083506 operate it's indeed a delicate moment bsnNzljn8_Y-00333-00083507-00083699 for them because they have to reorient bsnNzljn8_Y-00334-00083700-00083932 themselves and sometimes even change the bsnNzljn8_Y-00335-00083933-00084191 player or the players they are marking bsnNzljn8_Y-00336-00084192-00084485 so a gap can be found bsnNzljn8_Y-00337-00084486-00084856 or also possible the opponents can feel bsnNzljn8_Y-00338-00084857-00085117 in Checker in in this kind of situation bsnNzljn8_Y-00339-00085118-00085391 so that their first reflex bsnNzljn8_Y-00340-00085392-00085644 can be to drop back which means bsnNzljn8_Y-00341-00085645-00086819 progression can be made bsnNzljn8_Y-00342-00086820-00087088 but if you even if it is if it's mainly bsnNzljn8_Y-00343-00087089-00087317 this kind of circuit that Low Blocks bsnNzljn8_Y-00344-00087318-00087587 allow the players must not forget to bsnNzljn8_Y-00345-00087588-00087881 always look far away for uh first to see bsnNzljn8_Y-00346-00087882-00088067 if there's a better passing possibility bsnNzljn8_Y-00347-00088068-00088367 because knowing how to be passionate bsnNzljn8_Y-00348-00088368-00088571 with the ball doesn't mean you can't bsnNzljn8_Y-00349-00088572-00088775 recognize and and be able to bsnNzljn8_Y-00350-00088776-00088991 um to go directly to the code when when bsnNzljn8_Y-00351-00088992-00089129 it's possible bsnNzljn8_Y-00352-00089130-00089435 raising the ad up to look far away was bsnNzljn8_Y-00353-00089436-00089668 the reflex that Creve asked in that bsnNzljn8_Y-00354-00089669-00089944 cordiller asks of his players but you bsnNzljn8_Y-00355-00089945-00090100 have to know that even if we are talking bsnNzljn8_Y-00356-00090101-00090299 about two of the most influential bsnNzljn8_Y-00357-00090300-00090593 figures of positional play here in my bsnNzljn8_Y-00358-00090594-00090815 opinion we have two Nuance uh the play bsnNzljn8_Y-00359-00090816-00091037 of their teams and even their countries bsnNzljn8_Y-00360-00091038-00091249 teams the one of their countries teams bsnNzljn8_Y-00361-00091250-00091499 which are sometimes automatically bsnNzljn8_Y-00362-00091500-00091709 defined as positional play bsnNzljn8_Y-00363-00091710-00091925 indeed I think it's better to see bsnNzljn8_Y-00364-00091926-00092176 positional player as an ideal with teams bsnNzljn8_Y-00365-00092177-00092482 that like in a fuel voucher come more or bsnNzljn8_Y-00366-00092483-00092699 less close to it by using the these bsnNzljn8_Y-00367-00092700-00092999 Concepts correctly at a certain freaking bsnNzljn8_Y-00368-00093000-00093262 frequency bsnNzljn8_Y-00369-00093263-00093515 because it will look at the image of bsnNzljn8_Y-00370-00093516-00093797 Guardiola City again we see that for bsnNzljn8_Y-00371-00093798-00093994 example Bernardo Silva and de bruyne two bsnNzljn8_Y-00372-00093995-00094303 players known for their intelligence bsnNzljn8_Y-00373-00094304-00094600 and are surprisingly surprisingly not bsnNzljn8_Y-00374-00094601-00094853 well positioned the Portuguese is too bsnNzljn8_Y-00375-00094854-00095087 far away to pose a dilemma for for the bsnNzljn8_Y-00376-00095088-00095362 defender so he can follow gundu anvos bsnNzljn8_Y-00377-00095363-00095644 who's dropping back while the Belgian bsnNzljn8_Y-00378-00095645-00095909 should occupy the half space given that bsnNzljn8_Y-00379-00095910-00096197 Maurice is already on the flank bsnNzljn8_Y-00380-00096198-00096497 and after that being well oriented and bsnNzljn8_Y-00381-00096498-00096676 in the right place is only the first bsnNzljn8_Y-00382-00096677-00096905 step because you have to be able to take bsnNzljn8_Y-00383-00096906-00097109 the necessary information from the game bsnNzljn8_Y-00384-00097110-00097493 to to decide and and play correctly then bsnNzljn8_Y-00385-00097494-00097750 one concept that stems from this concern bsnNzljn8_Y-00386-00097751-00097973 for the right orientation for example is bsnNzljn8_Y-00387-00097974-00098200 effect of speaking communicating through bsnNzljn8_Y-00388-00098201-00098309 the past bsnNzljn8_Y-00389-00098310-00098615 someone who's oriented sideways in order bsnNzljn8_Y-00390-00098616-00098837 to go forward you want to give him the bsnNzljn8_Y-00391-00098838-00099011 ball on his back foot but if we see it bsnNzljn8_Y-00392-00099012-00099226 as an opponent is coming we'll give it bsnNzljn8_Y-00393-00099227-00099437 to him on the other foot so that he bsnNzljn8_Y-00394-00099438-00099724 doesn't lose it and as time goes by the bsnNzljn8_Y-00395-00099725-00099959 players will be able to interpret this bsnNzljn8_Y-00396-00099960-00100312 as a signal bsnNzljn8_Y-00397-00100313-00100588 well as I think that's all I can say bsnNzljn8_Y-00398-00100589-00100859 about positional play so far without bsnNzljn8_Y-00399-00100860-00101093 mentioning the theoretical elements of bsnNzljn8_Y-00400-00101094-00101356 say roll low so um to to which I I'll bsnNzljn8_Y-00401-00101357-00101644 surely devote a video one day and I also bsnNzljn8_Y-00402-00101645-00101837 intend to go more in depth in other bsnNzljn8_Y-00403-00101838-00102076 video with some of the concepts that I bsnNzljn8_Y-00404-00102077-00102371 mentioned uh today including how to bsnNzljn8_Y-00405-00102372-00102592 train them with um the Rondo also bsnNzljn8_Y-00406-00102593-00102808 reserving one but I won't say anymore bsnNzljn8_Y-00407-00102809-00102989 um I won't say more you simply have to bsnNzljn8_Y-00408-00102990-00103168 subscribe if you if you don't want to bsnNzljn8_Y-00409-00103169-00103451 miss all that and new Tactical analysis bsnNzljn8_Y-00410-00103452-00103630 of teams players and matches are coming bsnNzljn8_Y-00411-00103631-00103913 so I I hope it can interest you as well bsnNzljn8_Y-00412-00103914-00104209 bye-bye btauiPwVGyE-00000-00000000-00000122 hey guys before I start this video I btauiPwVGyE-00001-00000123-00000250 just want to give a quick shout out to btauiPwVGyE-00002-00000252-00000524 one of my lucky patrons Silvia Letizia btauiPwVGyE-00003-00000525-00000790 thank you so much for being a patreon btauiPwVGyE-00004-00000791-00000928 and continue your support for the btauiPwVGyE-00005-00000930-00001178 channel I also apologize as well for btauiPwVGyE-00006-00001179-00001345 taking so long to actually give you a btauiPwVGyE-00007-00001346-00001634 shout out yeah it's just been a lot btauiPwVGyE-00008-00001635-00001829 going on on my end but but the Bailey's btauiPwVGyE-00009-00001830-00001970 thank you so much for your continued btauiPwVGyE-00010-00001971-00002005 support btauiPwVGyE-00011-00002007-00002282 it honestly means a lot to me just to btauiPwVGyE-00012-00002283-00002434 quickly mention as well I know it's been btauiPwVGyE-00013-00002435-00002582 bothering quite a few people about the btauiPwVGyE-00014-00002583-00002963 fact that my my intro is like of btauiPwVGyE-00015-00002964-00003224 quote-unquote like bad quality end quote btauiPwVGyE-00016-00003225-00003428 and stuff I just wanna let you guys know btauiPwVGyE-00017-00003429-00003776 that I am looking to change it sooner or btauiPwVGyE-00018-00003777-00003979 later at the very least I have upgraded btauiPwVGyE-00019-00003980-00004190 the audio quality I don't know whether btauiPwVGyE-00020-00004191-00004381 or not I'm gonna actually change the btauiPwVGyE-00021-00004382-00004652 entire intro itself or if I'm just going btauiPwVGyE-00022-00004653-00004838 to keep it the same and just replace the btauiPwVGyE-00023-00004839-00005027 images so that ways of more like higher btauiPwVGyE-00024-00005028-00005227 resolution and stuff I'm probably gonna btauiPwVGyE-00025-00005228-00005570 lean towards the the ladder but we'll btauiPwVGyE-00026-00005571-00005801 see for now but I just want to quickly btauiPwVGyE-00027-00005802-00005990 mention that that it is like it is going btauiPwVGyE-00028-00005991-00006191 to be in the works other than that let's btauiPwVGyE-00029-00006192-00006651 go ahead and start the video btauiPwVGyE-00030-00006652-00007259 [Music] btauiPwVGyE-00031-00007261-00007492 hey guys welcome back to the channel my btauiPwVGyE-00032-00007493-00007627 name is Brian Franken watching across btauiPwVGyE-00033-00007628-00007845 nation and for today's video we're gonna btauiPwVGyE-00034-00007847-00008352 be going over the new nominee e x+ deal btauiPwVGyE-00035-00008353-00008668 that's currently out in the global btauiPwVGyE-00036-00008669-00008878 version of the game and cuz you don't btauiPwVGyE-00037-00008879-00009109 know each time you pull from the banner btauiPwVGyE-00038-00009110-00009301 you're guaranteed a 6 star version of btauiPwVGyE-00039-00009302-00009696 the new prime Riku versus Roxas metal btauiPwVGyE-00040-00009697-00010042 with a mercy pool at five poles to get btauiPwVGyE-00041-00010043-00010264 the seven star version of it and within btauiPwVGyE-00042-00010265-00010524 the banner deal you have a chance of btauiPwVGyE-00043-00010525-00010813 obtaining the new nominate e ex plus btauiPwVGyE-00044-00010814-00011176 metal as well okay and I basically want btauiPwVGyE-00045-00011177-00011287 to give you guys some advice as to btauiPwVGyE-00046-00011288-00011410 whether or not you should pull from this btauiPwVGyE-00047-00011411-00011677 or not as well as I want to quickly nip btauiPwVGyE-00048-00011678-00012112 in the butt some what most people are btauiPwVGyE-00049-00012113-00012354 probably thinking about this metal btauiPwVGyE-00050-00012355-00012601 because I mean to be honest every time btauiPwVGyE-00051-00012602-00012763 metals come out metals like these to btauiPwVGyE-00052-00012764-00013119 come out it's pretty easy to predict btauiPwVGyE-00053-00013120-00013258 what most people are gonna be thinking btauiPwVGyE-00054-00013259-00013482 especially once I see the same people btauiPwVGyE-00055-00013483-00013696 basically saying what I'm gonna predict btauiPwVGyE-00056-00013697-00013909 that they're gonna say in like my btauiPwVGyE-00057-00013910-00014122 discord or unlike Twitter and online and btauiPwVGyE-00058-00014122-00014250 stuff like that so I kind of just want btauiPwVGyE-00059-00014251-00014478 to dispel some some type of like btauiPwVGyE-00060-00014479-00014674 misinformation that you may may be btauiPwVGyE-00061-00014675-00014857 thinking but like after you think about btauiPwVGyE-00062-00014858-00015082 it like just a little bit it's actually btauiPwVGyE-00063-00015083-00015535 not that great but anyways let's get on btauiPwVGyE-00064-00015536-00015787 with it okay so first of all in terms of btauiPwVGyE-00065-00015788-00016060 the banner itself my advice for the btauiPwVGyE-00066-00016061-00016338 banner hasn't changed at all okay when btauiPwVGyE-00067-00016340-00016543 it comes to the prime metals my my btauiPwVGyE-00068-00016544-00016719 advice for the prime house are the exact btauiPwVGyE-00069-00016720-00017031 same it has not changed at all ever btauiPwVGyE-00070-00017032-00017212 since the tear form prime metal so first btauiPwVGyE-00071-00017213-00017386 came out which is essentially that if btauiPwVGyE-00072-00017387-00017587 they guarantee a 6 star version of btauiPwVGyE-00073-00017588-00017965 itself within like within each pull of btauiPwVGyE-00074-00017966-00018169 the banner then I would recommend to btauiPwVGyE-00075-00018170-00018484 pull up to one time and that's it and btauiPwVGyE-00076-00018485-00018606 then you can skip the banner for the btauiPwVGyE-00077-00018607-00018814 rest of the time this is just the best btauiPwVGyE-00078-00018815-00018940 way to save jewels while the same time btauiPwVGyE-00079-00018941-00019213 guaranteeing a copy the metal to me btauiPwVGyE-00080-00019214-00019506 personally I've always firmly believed btauiPwVGyE-00081-00019507-00019708 that guaranteeing a copy of the metal btauiPwVGyE-00082-00019709-00019906 when possible without like you know btauiPwVGyE-00083-00019907-00020094 breaking the bank or anything within btauiPwVGyE-00084-00020095-00020280 reasonable means like to me that's btauiPwVGyE-00085-00020281-00020410 always more worth btauiPwVGyE-00086-00020411-00020677 doing compared to try and get like the btauiPwVGyE-00087-00020678-00020854 seven star version like I've mentioned btauiPwVGyE-00088-00020855-00021040 before in the past you guys don't need btauiPwVGyE-00089-00021041-00021283 seven star medals you don't okay btauiPwVGyE-00090-00021284-00021526 like realistically seven star versions btauiPwVGyE-00091-00021527-00021826 of any metal is mostly meant for meta btauiPwVGyE-00092-00021827-00022030 purposes so when it comes to like these btauiPwVGyE-00093-00022031-00022204 prime metal banners especially because btauiPwVGyE-00094-00022205-00022432 the fact we get literally like one every btauiPwVGyE-00095-00022433-00022798 single week okay I am not expecting btauiPwVGyE-00096-00022799-00023104 anybody to mercy pole every single prime btauiPwVGyE-00097-00023105-00023332 metal banner every single week like it's btauiPwVGyE-00098-00023333-00023677 just not it's just unrealistic so to btauiPwVGyE-00099-00023678-00023887 that end just like always btauiPwVGyE-00100-00023888-00024144 I do recommend pull once and then skip btauiPwVGyE-00101-00024145-00024337 the banner okay that's what I'm doing btauiPwVGyE-00102-00024338-00024466 that's what I've been doing and that's btauiPwVGyE-00103-00024467-00024751 what I've been suggesting and will btauiPwVGyE-00104-00024752-00024883 always be my suggestion for future btauiPwVGyE-00105-00024884-00025135 banners like this one if you really want btauiPwVGyE-00106-00025136-00025354 to get to seven star I recommend just btauiPwVGyE-00107-00025355-00025708 saving up your your fairy evolution btauiPwVGyE-00108-00025708-00025936 material medals as much as possible so btauiPwVGyE-00109-00025937-00026089 that way you can evolve it later on and btauiPwVGyE-00110-00026089-00026362 the same thing applies to any Fantasia btauiPwVGyE-00111-00026363-00026577 Mickey B's they obtain just a kind of btauiPwVGyE-00112-00026579-00026779 throne as well I do believe that prime btauiPwVGyE-00113-00026780-00026962 metals are going to be replaced like btauiPwVGyE-00114-00026963-00027252 sooner or later I'm even even just this btauiPwVGyE-00115-00027254-00027451 one right here the prime Riku and Roxas btauiPwVGyE-00116-00027452-00027688 metal itself already straight-up btauiPwVGyE-00117-00027689-00027958 replaces the old key arts seventeen btauiPwVGyE-00118-00027958-00028129 prime metal that was a four tier four btauiPwVGyE-00119-00028130-00028276 and who's to say they're not gonna btauiPwVGyE-00120-00028277-00028504 release more that basically are gonna be btauiPwVGyE-00121-00028505-00028648 replacements of the Tier four and like btauiPwVGyE-00122-00028649-00028930 other attributes and who's not to say btauiPwVGyE-00123-00028931-00029137 that like they're they're gonna release btauiPwVGyE-00124-00029138-00029398 tier six prime metals they're gonna btauiPwVGyE-00125-00029399-00029670 replace tier five prime metals like like btauiPwVGyE-00126-00029672-00029836 realistically they're gonna end up btauiPwVGyE-00127-00029837-00030015 replacing each other like realistically btauiPwVGyE-00128-00030016-00030157 I'm expecting a lot of these prime btauiPwVGyE-00129-00030158-00030307 metals and stuff to easily be replaced btauiPwVGyE-00130-00030308-00030568 fairly soon so for me it's not worth to btauiPwVGyE-00131-00030569-00030712 heavily jump the gun now for a btauiPwVGyE-00132-00030713-00030915 short-term benefit the last thing I want btauiPwVGyE-00133-00030916-00031077 to kind of quickly talk about before in btauiPwVGyE-00134-00031079-00031435 this video is about the nominee ax plus btauiPwVGyE-00135-00031436-00031608 metal herself okay btauiPwVGyE-00136-00031610-00031804 and this is just because of the fact btauiPwVGyE-00137-00031805-00032110 that I know what a lot of people's btauiPwVGyE-00138-00032111-00032293 thought process is gonna be when I first btauiPwVGyE-00139-00032294-00032563 see this metal and in case you don't btauiPwVGyE-00140-00032564-00032863 know what she does as of right now let btauiPwVGyE-00141-00032864-00033037 me go ahead and read it to you for three btauiPwVGyE-00142-00033038-00033096 turns btauiPwVGyE-00143-00033097-00033301 okay she increases your general strength btauiPwVGyE-00144-00033302-00033477 by seven tears or upgrade strength by btauiPwVGyE-00145-00033478-00033715 seven tears your PSM strength by seven btauiPwVGyE-00146-00033716-00033785 tears btauiPwVGyE-00147-00033786-00033952 you're a general defense by two tiers btauiPwVGyE-00148-00033953-00034252 and your PSM defense by three tiers sure btauiPwVGyE-00149-00034253-00034436 raises your special your guilt bonus by btauiPwVGyE-00150-00034437-00034924 90% adds +5 counters does fix damage and btauiPwVGyE-00151-00034925-00035180 this is and this next one right here is btauiPwVGyE-00152-00035181-00035314 that is the century that's making btauiPwVGyE-00153-00035315-00035582 people's you know fantasies go wild btauiPwVGyE-00154-00035583-00035780 which is she also changes the next btauiPwVGyE-00155-00035781-00036136 metals target type to a AoE so basically btauiPwVGyE-00156-00036137-00036430 if the metal after nominate a x+ is a btauiPwVGyE-00157-00036431-00036820 random or single target metal it'll btauiPwVGyE-00158-00036821-00037064 actually be an AoE metal instead for btauiPwVGyE-00159-00037065-00037255 just that metal and just a quick btauiPwVGyE-00160-00037256-00037555 clarification as well from what I've btauiPwVGyE-00161-00037556-00037811 been told and I have not been able to btauiPwVGyE-00162-00037812-00037982 confirm this myself but at least from btauiPwVGyE-00163-00037983-00038152 what I've been told btauiPwVGyE-00164-00038153-00038498 copy metals that are copying the metal btauiPwVGyE-00165-00038499-00038842 that becomes a weed from nomina ax plus btauiPwVGyE-00166-00038843-00039064 will not the copy metal itself will not btauiPwVGyE-00167-00039065-00039305 become EI we - so like taking a look at btauiPwVGyE-00168-00039306-00039485 the screen right here for example now if btauiPwVGyE-00169-00039486-00039680 we use now I'm gonna expose right here btauiPwVGyE-00170-00039681-00039917 in the fourth slot to make Warrior of btauiPwVGyE-00171-00039918-00040130 Light and a wee metal okay btauiPwVGyE-00172-00040131-00040448 this HT riku replica is not going to btauiPwVGyE-00173-00040449-00040714 become an AoE metal okay only the metal btauiPwVGyE-00174-00040715-00040943 that gets affected by nominate DX plus btauiPwVGyE-00175-00040944-00041308 itself will become a we the copper metal btauiPwVGyE-00176-00041309-00041660 itself still copies what the metal btauiPwVGyE-00177-00041661-00041746 itself btauiPwVGyE-00178-00041747-00042161 is originally like the target type so btauiPwVGyE-00179-00042162-00042280 because the fact we're of light is btauiPwVGyE-00180-00042281-00042499 originally a single target target target btauiPwVGyE-00181-00042500-00042782 type that's mouthful actually reprove btauiPwVGyE-00182-00042783-00043010 replica is going to become a single btauiPwVGyE-00183-00043011-00043292 target version of Y of light despite btauiPwVGyE-00184-00043293-00043499 this warrior of light being AoE from btauiPwVGyE-00185-00043500-00043690 nominate X plus so they'll just brief btauiPwVGyE-00186-00043691-00043895 disclaimer right there okay so real btauiPwVGyE-00187-00043896-00044045 quick this is what I want to talk about btauiPwVGyE-00188-00044046-00044257 I know a lot of people's first btauiPwVGyE-00189-00044258-00044530 impression when they come to see the btauiPwVGyE-00190-00044531-00044749 nomina ax plus medal is the fact that btauiPwVGyE-00191-00044750-00044954 they are going to think they're like btauiPwVGyE-00192-00044955-00045193 holy crap she makes single target medals btauiPwVGyE-00193-00045194-00045424 and a week so now I can basically take btauiPwVGyE-00194-00045425-00045682 my strongest damage medals like warrior btauiPwVGyE-00195-00045683-00045980 of light for example put it put them in btauiPwVGyE-00196-00045981-00046180 the back of my keyblade make it a OEM btauiPwVGyE-00197-00046181-00046436 bling I am solid I'm gonna do the most btauiPwVGyE-00198-00046437-00046673 insane amount of damage ever I he's some btauiPwVGyE-00199-00046674-00046868 of my best single target medals for like btauiPwVGyE-00200-00046869-00047083 you know PvE purposes now okay btauiPwVGyE-00201-00047084-00047260 I just basically want to tell you guys btauiPwVGyE-00202-00047261-00047527 like as exciting as that is at first btauiPwVGyE-00203-00047528-00047810 thought realistically it's actually not btauiPwVGyE-00204-00047811-00048013 not efficient at all what so it's btauiPwVGyE-00205-00048014-00048295 actually very bad for a variety reasons btauiPwVGyE-00206-00048296-00048482 I'm gonna go ahead and give you and show btauiPwVGyE-00207-00048483-00048655 you guys an example okay so right here btauiPwVGyE-00208-00048656-00048808 on the screen I went ahead and made a btauiPwVGyE-00209-00048809-00049048 finra setup utilizing the new nominate btauiPwVGyE-00210-00049049-00049304 ax plus medal in a way that I figure btauiPwVGyE-00211-00049305-00049546 most people were kind of thinking along btauiPwVGyE-00212-00049547-00049754 the lines of how to use her which is the btauiPwVGyE-00213-00049755-00049870 fact that you're thinking about using btauiPwVGyE-00214-00049871-00050065 her you know some of your best single btauiPwVGyE-00215-00050066-00050194 target damage medals like warrior of btauiPwVGyE-00216-00050195-00050335 light right here in the fist side you btauiPwVGyE-00217-00050336-00050510 can put nominee like in the four slot btauiPwVGyE-00218-00050511-00050794 making me annually and then ya go to btauiPwVGyE-00219-00050795-00051037 town with that okay but there's a few btauiPwVGyE-00220-00051038-00051260 problems with this okay one of the main btauiPwVGyE-00221-00051261-00051538 problems is the fact that nominate a X btauiPwVGyE-00222-00051539-00051779 plus herself only does fix damage and btauiPwVGyE-00223-00051779-00052061 that's it she doesn't do a lot of damage btauiPwVGyE-00224-00052062-00052318 herself and for all practical purposes btauiPwVGyE-00225-00052319-00052616 she's basically a main buffer metal and btauiPwVGyE-00226-00052616-00052784 the main issue with this is the fact btauiPwVGyE-00227-00052785-00052951 that main buffer members are not meant btauiPwVGyE-00228-00052952-00053066 for damage at all whatsoever btauiPwVGyE-00229-00053066-00053326 and another problem with this as well is btauiPwVGyE-00230-00053327-00053626 that because the fact that if you're btauiPwVGyE-00231-00053627-00053849 gonna try and use her in the later slots btauiPwVGyE-00232-00053850-00053999 to make your main damage medals like btauiPwVGyE-00233-00054000-00054304 warrior of light over here any we what btauiPwVGyE-00234-00054305-00054461 that basically means is that you you btauiPwVGyE-00235-00054462-00054694 basically just left your first few slots btauiPwVGyE-00236-00054695-00054947 over here without buffers so that means btauiPwVGyE-00237-00054948-00055211 you're gonna need more buffer D buffer btauiPwVGyE-00238-00055212-00055375 meadows within your first slots to make btauiPwVGyE-00239-00055376-00055657 up for that such as like the Kyrie X for btauiPwVGyE-00240-00055658-00055932 example okay essentially in a nutshell btauiPwVGyE-00241-00055933-00056099 nominate ix+ btauiPwVGyE-00242-00056100-00056275 trying to use her in a setup like this btauiPwVGyE-00243-00056276-00056534 just makes your setup super awkward and btauiPwVGyE-00244-00056535-00056731 janky to the point where it's just not btauiPwVGyE-00245-00056732-00056929 even efficient like you're literally btauiPwVGyE-00246-00056930-00057112 sacrificing this for slot right here btauiPwVGyE-00247-00057113-00057440 just to try and get the AoE out of way btauiPwVGyE-00248-00057441-00057647 of light and to be honest this this btauiPwVGyE-00249-00057648-00057884 setup right here is actually gonna do btauiPwVGyE-00250-00057885-00058103 less damage instead of just doing a btauiPwVGyE-00251-00058104-00058322 normal set up like a normal Universal btauiPwVGyE-00252-00058323-00058496 set up instead and the reason why I say btauiPwVGyE-00253-00058497-00058646 Universal set up is because the fact btauiPwVGyE-00254-00058647-00058799 well the whole reason you would want to btauiPwVGyE-00255-00058800-00058930 use a nominee like right here in this btauiPwVGyE-00256-00058931-00059116 type of situation in the first place is btauiPwVGyE-00257-00059117-00059354 for AoE purposes so yeah you're better btauiPwVGyE-00258-00059354-00059551 off just making a normal a oh we set up btauiPwVGyE-00259-00059552-00059716 in the first place instead of using btauiPwVGyE-00260-00059717-00060043 nomine e^x + so if you really want to btauiPwVGyE-00261-00060044-00060344 use a nominate e^x + btauiPwVGyE-00262-00060345-00060560 in a setup for AoE purposes you're btauiPwVGyE-00263-00060561-00060764 actually better off using her as a main btauiPwVGyE-00264-00060765-00061030 buffer metal instead instead of trying btauiPwVGyE-00265-00061032-00061244 to use her like towards the back for btauiPwVGyE-00266-00061245-00061516 your main damage metals and a good btauiPwVGyE-00267-00061517-00061829 example of what I mean is like with this btauiPwVGyE-00268-00061829-00061970 setup right here that I've also created btauiPwVGyE-00269-00061971-00062230 okay and basically what I'm doing right btauiPwVGyE-00270-00062232-00062375 here is that because the fact nominate btauiPwVGyE-00271-00062376-00062660 ix+ provides literally all buffs for up btauiPwVGyE-00272-00062661-00063004 right it provides no debuffs at all btauiPwVGyE-00273-00063005-00063241 so being her being single target herself btauiPwVGyE-00274-00063242-00063419 is not a big deal she also provides some btauiPwVGyE-00275-00063420-00063722 defense bus which is nice okay so in btauiPwVGyE-00276-00063723-00063896 this case right here you can actually btauiPwVGyE-00277-00063897-00064034 use nominate you express as a main btauiPwVGyE-00278-00064035-00064235 buffer herself and then what you btauiPwVGyE-00279-00064236-00064504 actually want to do instead is put one btauiPwVGyE-00280-00064505-00064748 of those like single target D bar for btauiPwVGyE-00281-00064749-00064940 metals that you normally don't use in btauiPwVGyE-00282-00064941-00065195 AoE purposes and you can actually put btauiPwVGyE-00283-00065196-00065447 that in the second slot since nominate btauiPwVGyE-00284-00065448-00065609 you express herself is gonna make that btauiPwVGyE-00285-00065610-00065897 single target D buffer metal and AoE btauiPwVGyE-00286-00065898-00066074 metal okay so like right here in this btauiPwVGyE-00287-00066075-00066281 situation for Fenrir for example i went btauiPwVGyE-00288-00066282-00066467 ahead and put prime Lee and isit because btauiPwVGyE-00289-00066468-00066695 that's a single target D buffer metal btauiPwVGyE-00290-00066696-00066890 okay some notable mentions that you can btauiPwVGyE-00291-00066891-00067103 basically do this type of combo with as btauiPwVGyE-00292-00067104-00067301 well just to con thrown them out there btauiPwVGyE-00293-00067302-00067484 are gonna be metals like I showed in the btauiPwVGyE-00294-00067485-00067769 example R prime Lee and ice ax prime btauiPwVGyE-00295-00067770-00068072 Illustrated axial Illustrated invisible btauiPwVGyE-00296-00068073-00068339 because remember he does debuff general btauiPwVGyE-00297-00068340-00068564 defense by seven tears scrooge mcduck btauiPwVGyE-00298-00068565-00068795 himself and he's probably honestly going btauiPwVGyE-00299-00068796-00069041 to be the best metal to make AOE to be btauiPwVGyE-00300-00069042-00069368 honest as well as miguel and dante like btauiPwVGyE-00301-00069369-00069665 he's also a very good possible candidate btauiPwVGyE-00302-00069666-00069800 depending on the Keyblade like starlight btauiPwVGyE-00303-00069801-00069980 or something now unfortunately because btauiPwVGyE-00304-00069981-00070274 the fact that she still only affects one btauiPwVGyE-00305-00070275-00070484 metal period that does mean like in this btauiPwVGyE-00306-00070485-00070643 setup for example I still have to use btauiPwVGyE-00307-00070644-00070871 buzz over here in the third slide just btauiPwVGyE-00308-00070872-00071102 to keep to the a Oh eNOS of you know the btauiPwVGyE-00309-00071103-00071336 setup but this this right here this btauiPwVGyE-00310-00071337-00071477 first two slot thing right here this btauiPwVGyE-00311-00071478-00071642 come this is honestly going to be your btauiPwVGyE-00312-00071643-00071828 best bet in terms of like how you want btauiPwVGyE-00313-00071829-00072122 to best utilize nominate ax plus in btauiPwVGyE-00314-00072123-00072365 terms for a damage setup anyways because btauiPwVGyE-00315-00072366-00072542 like even if we can just look at the btauiPwVGyE-00316-00072543-00072764 damage I have right here for these two btauiPwVGyE-00317-00072765-00072926 steps like going back okay the first btauiPwVGyE-00318-00072927-00073121 setup I showed you which is kind of what btauiPwVGyE-00319-00073122-00073241 people were thinking about doing in the btauiPwVGyE-00320-00073242-00073562 first place this this setup does about btauiPwVGyE-00321-00073563-00073730 like 22 and btauiPwVGyE-00322-00073731-00073958 1/2 million damage okay if I go to the btauiPwVGyE-00323-00073959-00074126 second setup where I use nómine as a btauiPwVGyE-00324-00074127-00074423 buffer metal instead to act on top of btauiPwVGyE-00325-00074424-00074717 making my single target D buffer an AoE btauiPwVGyE-00326-00074718-00074963 instead this does it but this does about btauiPwVGyE-00327-00074964-00075089 27 million btauiPwVGyE-00328-00075090-00075341 okay that's literally like a five ish btauiPwVGyE-00329-00075342-00075509 million difference right there btauiPwVGyE-00330-00075510-00075650 so quite realistically you're better off btauiPwVGyE-00331-00075651-00075986 using her as a main buffer metal to also btauiPwVGyE-00332-00075987-00076282 affect any single target debuff for btauiPwVGyE-00333-00076283-00076565 metals you own instead of trying to use btauiPwVGyE-00334-00076566-00076880 her as a like utility to make your btauiPwVGyE-00335-00076881-00077117 strong damaged single target and metals btauiPwVGyE-00336-00077118-00077363 and we instead you're much better off btauiPwVGyE-00337-00077364-00077567 doing it like this the last thing I want btauiPwVGyE-00338-00077568-00077681 to point out as well in terms of btauiPwVGyE-00339-00077682-00077903 nominate ax+ is that aside from the fact btauiPwVGyE-00340-00077904-00078157 she's actually not very good for a we btauiPwVGyE-00341-00078158-00078359 set ups in the first place she's btauiPwVGyE-00342-00078360-00078635 actually going to be most utilized and btauiPwVGyE-00343-00078636-00078944 best for for PvP okay mainly because btauiPwVGyE-00344-00078945-00079226 effect she actually heavily influences btauiPwVGyE-00345-00079227-00079562 the turtle setups now for like the meta btauiPwVGyE-00346-00079563-00079841 turtle setups within PvP which is the btauiPwVGyE-00347-00079842-00080081 fact that like previously you would have btauiPwVGyE-00348-00080082-00080345 like just these three metals right here btauiPwVGyE-00349-00080346-00080648 for the meta turtle strat in the game btauiPwVGyE-00350-00080649-00080981 okay whereas the violet using our twice btauiPwVGyE-00351-00080982-00081172 we're pretty much near max all your btauiPwVGyE-00352-00081173-00081404 defense buffs and then you have mrs. btauiPwVGyE-00353-00081405-00081644 incredible over here to completely over btauiPwVGyE-00354-00081645-00081887 right and max debuff your opponent's btauiPwVGyE-00355-00081888-00082112 strength the yes strength debuff okay btauiPwVGyE-00356-00082113-00082382 and the whole purpose of having the btauiPwVGyE-00357-00082383-00082679 nominee ax plus here is one should btauiPwVGyE-00358-00082680-00082982 provides full buffs like strength buffs btauiPwVGyE-00359-00082983-00083360 so that means that the turtle metals btauiPwVGyE-00360-00083361-00083615 themselves for this setup can actually btauiPwVGyE-00361-00083616-00083861 do some damage that's the main reason btauiPwVGyE-00362-00083862-00084056 for her there the other reason is for btauiPwVGyE-00363-00084057-00084194 the plus 90 percent guilt which again btauiPwVGyE-00364-00084195-00084434 also lets the turtle metals do some btauiPwVGyE-00365-00084435-00084809 damage and the third reason is because btauiPwVGyE-00366-00084810-00084992 the factor her buffs her strength was btauiPwVGyE-00367-00084993-00085340 actually less for three turns those are btauiPwVGyE-00368-00085341-00085523 the primary reasons why she's actually btauiPwVGyE-00369-00085524-00085847 gonna be mostly useful for PvP out of btauiPwVGyE-00370-00085848-00086194 anything else now granted you can use a btauiPwVGyE-00371-00086195-00086419 turtle setup like this as well but btauiPwVGyE-00372-00086420-00086621 you're honestly honestly if we're going btauiPwVGyE-00373-00086622-00086822 to use a setup like this outside of PvP btauiPwVGyE-00374-00086823-00087088 we're much better off just using a btauiPwVGyE-00375-00087089-00087388 normal Kyrie or she own ix+ btauiPwVGyE-00376-00087389-00087710 instead or even just a normal Kyrie e^x btauiPwVGyE-00377-00087711-00087904 instead instead of trying to use the btauiPwVGyE-00378-00087905-00088154 Nominating e^x + it's it's not it's not btauiPwVGyE-00379-00088155-00088367 that worth it whether or not that's btauiPwVGyE-00380-00088368-00088529 difference today guys I just wanted to btauiPwVGyE-00381-00088530-00088823 quickly dispel some of those thoughts btauiPwVGyE-00382-00088824-00088960 because I know that's that's immediately btauiPwVGyE-00383-00088961-00089143 jump into most people heads but other btauiPwVGyE-00384-00089144-00089230 than that if you enjoyed the episode btauiPwVGyE-00385-00089231-00089419 please leave a like and subscribe and btauiPwVGyE-00386-00089420-00089566 hit that bill but it's the best way I btauiPwVGyE-00387-00089567-00089680 know when I upload more videos such as btauiPwVGyE-00388-00089681-00090049 this one I'm sorry by the way for my btauiPwVGyE-00389-00090050-00090292 lack be able to keep up with the metal btauiPwVGyE-00390-00090293-00090623 analysis videos I was kind of burnt out btauiPwVGyE-00391-00090624-00090872 by the fact that like you know they did btauiPwVGyE-00392-00090873-00091273 release six prime like incredible metals btauiPwVGyE-00393-00091274-00091504 like all at the same time on top of like btauiPwVGyE-00394-00091505-00091666 you know all the other metals on top of btauiPwVGyE-00395-00091667-00091906 it so it's like I I'm behind so what am btauiPwVGyE-00396-00091907-00092116 i end up doing instead is actually just btauiPwVGyE-00397-00092117-00092392 released the previous metals who've been btauiPwVGyE-00398-00092393-00092641 out for a while already on my website btauiPwVGyE-00399-00092642-00092830 and just leave the articles there I btauiPwVGyE-00400-00092831-00093106 might not make a video I'm not sure yet btauiPwVGyE-00401-00093107-00093353 but at the very least I'll have the btauiPwVGyE-00402-00093354-00093611 articles up on my website and I'll have btauiPwVGyE-00403-00093612-00094000 the videos for the more recent metals btauiPwVGyE-00404-00094001-00094190 that come up such as like nominee X plus btauiPwVGyE-00405-00094191-00094385 all of those ones come out so that way btauiPwVGyE-00406-00094386-00094630 and the main the main reason for this is btauiPwVGyE-00407-00094631-00094798 simply because effect it's it's throwing btauiPwVGyE-00408-00094799-00095029 my schedule way off because I'm so btauiPwVGyE-00409-00095030-00095285 behind cuz they literally just like they btauiPwVGyE-00410-00095286-00095548 literally just bust it out like you know btauiPwVGyE-00411-00095549-00095828 like 10 metals within like two weeks it btauiPwVGyE-00412-00095829-00095966 like two three weeks and it's just like btauiPwVGyE-00413-00095967-00096215 it's it's it's too much for me to keep btauiPwVGyE-00414-00096216-00096365 up all at once especially when I came btauiPwVGyE-00415-00096366-00096836 back from our two-week hiatus without me btauiPwVGyE-00416-00096837-00097060 being constantly feeling burnt out so btauiPwVGyE-00417-00097061-00097304 I'm sorry for the lack of the videos I btauiPwVGyE-00418-00097305-00097474 will be having the articles out though btauiPwVGyE-00419-00097475-00097666 mother no my name is Bryan freakin btauiPwVGyE-00420-00097667-00097811 emerging across nation and I will see btauiPwVGyE-00421-00097812-00098279 you guys in the next video peace btauiPwVGyE-00422-00098280-00099168 [Music] btauiPwVGyE-00423-00099169-00100185 [Music] bvGFEc0pgmk-00000-00000082-00000509 hi again today we have a challenge to bvGFEc0pgmk-00001-00000509-00000974 solve one simple club we need to solve bvGFEc0pgmk-00002-00000975-00001579 this little exercise which says how to bvGFEc0pgmk-00003-00001580-00001855 make the function with the while loop bvGFEc0pgmk-00004-00001857-00002231 that runs so long as the maximum value bvGFEc0pgmk-00005-00002232-00002567 of least one is greater than the minimum bvGFEc0pgmk-00006-00002568-00003050 value of least two in each iteration you bvGFEc0pgmk-00007-00003051-00003361 need to remove the maximum from least bvGFEc0pgmk-00008-00003363-00003676 one and the minimum from list to bvGFEc0pgmk-00009-00003677-00004072 returning value of that function will be bvGFEc0pgmk-00010-00004073-00004844 number of iterations of while loop you bvGFEc0pgmk-00011-00004845-00005256 can pause this video and try to solve bvGFEc0pgmk-00012-00005257-00005777 this simple problem by your own and bvGFEc0pgmk-00013-00005778-00006154 later you can come back and click my bvGFEc0pgmk-00014-00006155-00006685 solution may be your solution will be bvGFEc0pgmk-00015-00006686-00007001 better than mine because this problem bvGFEc0pgmk-00016-00007002-00007459 gives a lot of solutions first we need bvGFEc0pgmk-00017-00007461-00007895 to make function with a while loop into bvGFEc0pgmk-00018-00007895-00008910 it and we need to work with two lists ok bvGFEc0pgmk-00019-00008911-00009320 let's make for example two lists and bvGFEc0pgmk-00020-00009321-00009563 let's populate them for example let's bvGFEc0pgmk-00021-00009564-00010037 say that we have list one with elements bvGFEc0pgmk-00022-00010038-00010496 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 list to read elements bvGFEc0pgmk-00023-00010497-00011410 2 4 6 8 it doesn't matter I don't know bvGFEc0pgmk-00024-00011411-00012005 did I use to do they use good numbers or bvGFEc0pgmk-00025-00012006-00012563 bed how to make a function with the wire bvGFEc0pgmk-00026-00012564-00012994 book well now let's make a function this bvGFEc0pgmk-00027-00012995-00013419 function will take for example bvGFEc0pgmk-00028-00013419-00014196 arguments and these arguments will be bvGFEc0pgmk-00029-00014197-00014731 his list let's define now function let's bvGFEc0pgmk-00030-00014732-00015228 call it we need to do it or function bvGFEc0pgmk-00031-00015229-00015505 returning value of that function will be bvGFEc0pgmk-00032-00015506-00016132 number iteration of while okay let's say bvGFEc0pgmk-00033-00016133-00016893 number of iterations let's make it as bvGFEc0pgmk-00034-00016894-00017568 much descriptive as possible inside our bvGFEc0pgmk-00035-00017569-00017986 function will put two arguments list 1 bvGFEc0pgmk-00036-00017987-00018574 and list too we need to have a while bvGFEc0pgmk-00037-00018575-00019051 loop that will look a while certain bvGFEc0pgmk-00038-00019052-00019597 condition is true in each iteration will bvGFEc0pgmk-00039-00019598-00020206 do something and will return value that bvGFEc0pgmk-00040-00020207-00020672 will show trust number of iterations so bvGFEc0pgmk-00041-00020673-00022066 let a number of assay creation number it bvGFEc0pgmk-00042-00022067-00022440 equals to zero at the beginning and bvGFEc0pgmk-00043-00022441-00022709 let's define while bvGFEc0pgmk-00044-00022710-00023330 [Music] bvGFEc0pgmk-00045-00023331-00023763 while loop runs so long as the maximum bvGFEc0pgmk-00046-00023764-00024086 value of least one is greater than the bvGFEc0pgmk-00047-00024087-00024431 meaning value of list too so we have bvGFEc0pgmk-00048-00024432-00024978 maximum value of waste one while maximum bvGFEc0pgmk-00049-00024979-00025819 value of least one is what is greater bvGFEc0pgmk-00050-00025820-00026514 then the minimum value of list to use bvGFEc0pgmk-00051-00026514-00027293 minimum value of this two and then will bvGFEc0pgmk-00052-00027294-00027962 iterate our while loop in it reparation bvGFEc0pgmk-00053-00027963-00028337 you need to remove the maximum from list bvGFEc0pgmk-00054-00028338-00028782 one and the minimum prom list too so in bvGFEc0pgmk-00055-00028783-00029165 each iteration we will remove the bvGFEc0pgmk-00056-00029166-00029987 maximum from list one will say a list 1 bvGFEc0pgmk-00057-00029988-00030633 dot remove and let's find maximum bvGFEc0pgmk-00058-00030633-00031352 element maximum the maximum element of bvGFEc0pgmk-00059-00031352-00032127 that list soil sale list 1 dot no excuse bvGFEc0pgmk-00060-00032127-00032708 me will say max of least one so we will bvGFEc0pgmk-00061-00032709-00033096 remove the maximum of least one from our bvGFEc0pgmk-00062-00033097-00033852 list and we'll remove I think minimum of bvGFEc0pgmk-00063-00033853-00034571 list two in the minimum from our list bvGFEc0pgmk-00064-00034572-00034955 too bvGFEc0pgmk-00065-00034956-00035617 and we need to return the value of that bvGFEc0pgmk-00066-00035618-00035837 function will be the number of bvGFEc0pgmk-00067-00035838-00036402 iterations so in every while look Beth bvGFEc0pgmk-00068-00036403-00037499 we need to increase our iteration number bvGFEc0pgmk-00069-00037500-00037986 variable solo Federation's number those bvGFEc0pgmk-00070-00037987-00038930 all 21 and that's it for our while loop bvGFEc0pgmk-00071-00038931-00039471 and inside outside of our while loop we bvGFEc0pgmk-00072-00039472-00040233 want to return iterations number ok I bvGFEc0pgmk-00073-00040234-00041208 think that's it ok and let's try to call bvGFEc0pgmk-00074-00041209-00041686 our function let's call our function bvGFEc0pgmk-00075-00041687-00042460 number of iterations with arguments lift bvGFEc0pgmk-00076-00042461-00043270 one end list too and we will get as a bvGFEc0pgmk-00077-00043271-00043989 result number two so we have two bvGFEc0pgmk-00078-00043990-00044392 iterations let me check that first we bvGFEc0pgmk-00079-00044393-00044704 have one two three four five six seven bvGFEc0pgmk-00080-00044705-00045226 eight and first list and in second we bvGFEc0pgmk-00081-00045227-00045879 have two or six and eight in / special bvGFEc0pgmk-00082-00045880-00046602 or iteration we will remove maximum from bvGFEc0pgmk-00083-00046603-00047124 list one and we will remove minimum from bvGFEc0pgmk-00084-00047125-00047698 list too and the next iteration we want bvGFEc0pgmk-00085-00047699-00048170 to track it is the maximum of list 167 bvGFEc0pgmk-00086-00048171-00048713 is greater than minimum of list too it bvGFEc0pgmk-00087-00048714-00048989 is for that's true because seven is bvGFEc0pgmk-00088-00048990-00049505 greater than for cocaine the next test bvGFEc0pgmk-00089-00049506-00050099 we will delete a maximum at least one bvGFEc0pgmk-00090-00050100-00050612 and minimum of listen to and now in the bvGFEc0pgmk-00091-00050613-00050924 next iteration if we want to check if bvGFEc0pgmk-00092-00050925-00051221 maximum element of least one is greater bvGFEc0pgmk-00093-00051222-00051779 than the minimum element of list too but bvGFEc0pgmk-00094-00051779-00052253 they're equal so we will have just two bvGFEc0pgmk-00095-00052254-00052925 iterations in our while loop okay so bvGFEc0pgmk-00096-00052926-00053530 that's it all this challenge see you in bvGFEc0pgmk-00097-00053532-00053980 the next challenge yet decoding bz0g6VCUHjQ-00000-00000168-00000407 huh that's right we are playing with the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00001-00000408-00000707 speakers bz0g6VCUHjQ-00002-00000708-00000857 honestly I don't think it's a big deal bz0g6VCUHjQ-00003-00000858-00001019 if it's still in sync then it shouldn't bz0g6VCUHjQ-00004-00001019-00001216 be a problem since this isn't a PC or bz0g6VCUHjQ-00005-00001217-00001607 two yeah you're right yeah yeah so [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00006-00001607-00001889 I press it first that's how you record bz0g6VCUHjQ-00007-00001889-00002195 you what the first is first and what do bz0g6VCUHjQ-00008-00002196-00002692 you quote see bz0g6VCUHjQ-00009-00002693-00002958 oh [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00010-00002959-00003263 I hope I picked the right color the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00011-00003264-00003419 certain color of you girls I like it's bz0g6VCUHjQ-00012-00003420-00003786 it's reminiscent of his uh br1 default bz0g6VCUHjQ-00013-00003788-00004120 he was wearing blue and red I think I bz0g6VCUHjQ-00014-00004121-00004235 think a circle that's like my other bz0g6VCUHjQ-00015-00004236-00004566 favorite color if it is in this game bz0g6VCUHjQ-00016-00004567-00004891 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00018-00007922-00008170 I went to bz0g6VCUHjQ-00019-00008172-00009210 be trying to do that bz0g6VCUHjQ-00020-00009211-00009460 if you land that kick you're guaranteed bz0g6VCUHjQ-00021-00009461-00010435 to get three punches bz0g6VCUHjQ-00022-00010436-00010763 how the [__] was that not a punish bz0g6VCUHjQ-00023-00010764-00011201 run bz0g6VCUHjQ-00024-00011202-00012196 all right bz0g6VCUHjQ-00025-00012197-00012335 [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00026-00012336-00012527 yo imagine if hyper Beast was in this bz0g6VCUHjQ-00027-00012528-00012706 game bro that just froze the clock bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00028-00012707-00013060 that [__] will be broken bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00029-00013061-00013558 okay good all right bz0g6VCUHjQ-00030-00013559-00013835 no bz0g6VCUHjQ-00031-00013836-00014093 my Crouch though bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00032-00014094-00014680 this is some [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00033-00014681-00015161 yo you want these few stances bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00034-00015162-00016350 oh my God bz0g6VCUHjQ-00035-00016351-00016721 gender violence bz0g6VCUHjQ-00036-00016722-00017453 am I dead yeah I'm not bz0g6VCUHjQ-00037-00017454-00018347 overhead bz0g6VCUHjQ-00038-00018348-00020500 damn it bz0g6VCUHjQ-00039-00020501-00022350 that's where I dug that bz0g6VCUHjQ-00040-00022351-00022950 yay yay bz0g6VCUHjQ-00041-00022951-00024103 oh don't hit me [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00042-00024104-00024467 what the heck bz0g6VCUHjQ-00043-00024468-00025091 what yo stop hitting me bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00044-00025092-00025733 you're gonna stop touching me bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00045-00025733-00026040 yeah you're a [__] [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00046-00026041-00026317 oh my [__] gosh bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00047-00026318-00026674 I'm [__] doing that damn super bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00048-00026675-00026879 and I know you're not manually inputting bz0g6VCUHjQ-00049-00026880-00026999 either you're pressing the one button bz0g6VCUHjQ-00050-00027000-00027168 Beast you're manually bz0g6VCUHjQ-00051-00027169-00027762 wow look at you the real Bloody War fan bz0g6VCUHjQ-00052-00027763-00028001 I did that with the animal with the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00053-00028002-00028211 analog stick of course the one time I bz0g6VCUHjQ-00054-00028212-00028324 want to do my Beast drive that [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00055-00028325-00028762 don't come out bz0g6VCUHjQ-00056-00028763-00029029 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00057-00029030-00029429 come here oh my God for us hug season bz0g6VCUHjQ-00058-00029430-00029849 right now we ain't getting none bz0g6VCUHjQ-00059-00029850-00030118 I'm so glad grab ranges got fixed in the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00060-00030119-00030329 later games bro because holy [__] you bz0g6VCUHjQ-00061-00030330-00030461 cannot land a grab in this game bz0g6VCUHjQ-00062-00030462-00030808 sometimes bz0g6VCUHjQ-00063-00030810-00031052 I read that come here bz0g6VCUHjQ-00064-00031054-00031270 [Laughter] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00065-00031272-00031514 I got the crowds throw finally bz0g6VCUHjQ-00066-00031514-00031702 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00067-00031704-00032302 we both crossed through what the [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00068-00032303-00032531 oh she doing it she doing a guarantee bz0g6VCUHjQ-00069-00032532-00032771 [__] now come here oh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00070-00032772-00033011 that move is actually gone like be glad bz0g6VCUHjQ-00071-00033012-00033137 Fang don't have that and bloody word bz0g6VCUHjQ-00072-00033138-00033262 extreme bro you would have been mad bz0g6VCUHjQ-00073-00033263-00034457 annoying more annoying bz0g6VCUHjQ-00074-00034458-00034715 [__] I could literally feel your hand bz0g6VCUHjQ-00075-00034716-00035068 near my face don't slap me bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00076-00035069-00036035 guard attack bz0g6VCUHjQ-00077-00036036-00037637 that hop was lucky bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00078-00037638-00038501 [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00079-00038502-00039568 oh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00080-00039569-00039871 my God bz0g6VCUHjQ-00081-00039872-00041074 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00082-00041075-00042707 what the [__] why did I come out bz0g6VCUHjQ-00083-00042708-00043061 oh my God bro that that was intense yeah bz0g6VCUHjQ-00084-00043062-00043223 yeah that was actually ridiculously bz0g6VCUHjQ-00085-00043224-00043811 intensive right yeah bz0g6VCUHjQ-00086-00043812-00045017 damn bz0g6VCUHjQ-00087-00045018-00045227 I know it bz0g6VCUHjQ-00088-00045228-00045718 it's not really bz0g6VCUHjQ-00089-00045719-00045989 oh my what the [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00090-00045990-00046121 hey bz0g6VCUHjQ-00091-00046122-00046457 I despise you right now I'm alive I bz0g6VCUHjQ-00092-00046458-00046817 still describe you bz0g6VCUHjQ-00093-00046818-00046949 you're cheap I know what you're trying bz0g6VCUHjQ-00094-00046950-00047897 to do bz0g6VCUHjQ-00095-00047898-00048473 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00096-00048474-00048677 that [__] counter hit me I got counter bz0g6VCUHjQ-00097-00048678-00049367 hit twice bz0g6VCUHjQ-00098-00049368-00049499 yeah we running that back we ain't bz0g6VCUHjQ-00099-00049500-00049618 saying [__] about that we running that bz0g6VCUHjQ-00100-00049619-00049817 all the way pick the pick the third bz0g6VCUHjQ-00101-00049818-00050212 costume that you wanted bz0g6VCUHjQ-00102-00050213-00050380 no I don't know what happened I played bz0g6VCUHjQ-00103-00050381-00050512 too much bloody or extreme that's what bz0g6VCUHjQ-00104-00050513-00051107 the [__] happened [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00105-00051108-00051714 oh [__] no bz0g6VCUHjQ-00106-00051715-00051935 you gotta close the [__] whole bz0g6VCUHjQ-00107-00051936-00052114 computer you're gonna shut down the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00108-00052115-00052438 whole computer if I landed that [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00109-00052439-00052630 of course you would bz0g6VCUHjQ-00110-00052632-00052865 oh give me that stop hitting me [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00111-00052866-00054254 hit me in the game not in real life bz0g6VCUHjQ-00112-00054255-00054750 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00113-00054751-00055571 she was about to hit me again bz0g6VCUHjQ-00114-00055572-00055787 bro I can see your [__] Shadow when bz0g6VCUHjQ-00115-00055788-00055930 you're about to hit me bro even if I'm bz0g6VCUHjQ-00116-00055932-00056200 looking at the game bz0g6VCUHjQ-00117-00056201-00056482 oh yeah you can cancel that bz0g6VCUHjQ-00118-00056483-00056657 she only has that in this game in this bz0g6VCUHjQ-00119-00056658-00056765 game bz0g6VCUHjQ-00120-00056766-00057041 yeah see that [__] is really good for bz0g6VCUHjQ-00121-00057041-00057425 pressures for pressure bz0g6VCUHjQ-00122-00057426-00057599 hey press the [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00123-00057600-00058159 oh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00124-00058160-00058897 what what the [__] happened bz0g6VCUHjQ-00125-00058898-00059129 I don't remember how to please write for bz0g6VCUHjQ-00126-00059129-00059213 her bz0g6VCUHjQ-00127-00059214-00059416 I don't remember either I think it's oh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00128-00059417-00059861 I think it's quarter Circle back twice bz0g6VCUHjQ-00129-00059862-00060004 forward and back bz0g6VCUHjQ-00130-00060005-00060257 oh yeah it's back bz0g6VCUHjQ-00131-00060258-00060742 it just this is being stupid bz0g6VCUHjQ-00132-00060744-00060935 yeah one more gonna get a random stage bz0g6VCUHjQ-00133-00060936-00061037 how much you want to bet we're gonna get bz0g6VCUHjQ-00134-00061038-00061253 the city again bz0g6VCUHjQ-00135-00061254-00061415 we're gonna get the city the aquarium bz0g6VCUHjQ-00136-00061416-00061763 the tatami or that one orange ass stage bz0g6VCUHjQ-00137-00061764-00061925 I forgot what it's called bz0g6VCUHjQ-00138-00061926-00062092 the long one bz0g6VCUHjQ-00139-00062094-00062291 we got the city again bz0g6VCUHjQ-00140-00062291-00063142 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00141-00063144-00063365 damn it my air throw didn't work bz0g6VCUHjQ-00142-00063366-00064013 hey yo a grab Tech bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00143-00064014-00064157 that is fair bz0g6VCUHjQ-00144-00064158-00065521 yes it is bz0g6VCUHjQ-00145-00065522-00065794 what that was a well-timed back kick on bz0g6VCUHjQ-00146-00065795-00067026 my part bz0g6VCUHjQ-00147-00067027-00067415 I got it I think I still would have won bz0g6VCUHjQ-00148-00067416-00067547 but like that was still kind of close bz0g6VCUHjQ-00149-00067548-00068009 very close bz0g6VCUHjQ-00150-00068010-00068182 oh no you were buffalo you were doing bz0g6VCUHjQ-00151-00068183-00069313 some input right there bz0g6VCUHjQ-00152-00069314-00069581 oh my bz0g6VCUHjQ-00153-00069582-00070091 God what a [__] anti-air bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00154-00070092-00070223 in bloody works right now with a fat bz0g6VCUHjQ-00155-00070224-00070432 elbow with a OTG bruh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00156-00070433-00070582 you found your bloody or extreme [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00157-00070583-00070775 here bz0g6VCUHjQ-00158-00070776-00071326 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00159-00071327-00071597 the cap bz0g6VCUHjQ-00160-00071598-00071891 I see you with the 2K that's a good tool bz0g6VCUHjQ-00161-00071892-00072005 too bz0g6VCUHjQ-00162-00072006-00072185 yeah bz0g6VCUHjQ-00163-00072186-00072538 oh my God [__] I thought bz0g6VCUHjQ-00164-00072539-00073608 I thought I bought that bz0g6VCUHjQ-00165-00073609-00073750 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00166-00073751-00073991 oh my God bruh see what I wanted to do bz0g6VCUHjQ-00167-00073992-00074147 was do the Crouch throw which I got when bz0g6VCUHjQ-00168-00074148-00074326 she pulled your arm and then I was gonna bz0g6VCUHjQ-00169-00074327-00074500 run and do the dashing thing The Dashing bz0g6VCUHjQ-00170-00074501-00074693 punch bz0g6VCUHjQ-00171-00074694-00074885 that's what I was gonna do bz0g6VCUHjQ-00172-00074886-00075149 yeah oh my I literally forgot she had bz0g6VCUHjQ-00173-00075150-00075491 that move until you just did it bro bz0g6VCUHjQ-00174-00075492-00075617 good on you for not using it because bz0g6VCUHjQ-00175-00075618-00075779 it's not really safe you're [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00176-00075780-00076013 crazy bruh don't hit me bruh don't hit bz0g6VCUHjQ-00177-00076014-00076150 me because I ain't run into your beef bz0g6VCUHjQ-00178-00076151-00076847 drive like you wanted me to bz0g6VCUHjQ-00179-00076848-00077194 press a button bz0g6VCUHjQ-00180-00077195-00079362 oh my God bz0g6VCUHjQ-00181-00079363-00079499 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00182-00079500-00079931 good bz0g6VCUHjQ-00183-00079932-00080338 luck bz0g6VCUHjQ-00184-00080339-00080693 I wanted a better punish bz0g6VCUHjQ-00185-00080694-00081023 let's go bz0g6VCUHjQ-00186-00081024-00081232 it ain't cool you hate me for nothing it bz0g6VCUHjQ-00187-00081233-00081832 didn't even kill bz0g6VCUHjQ-00188-00081833-00082126 bro where the [__] was Minecraft bz0g6VCUHjQ-00189-00082127-00082931 yeah bz0g6VCUHjQ-00190-00082932-00083081 this thing can hit me with all of the bz0g6VCUHjQ-00191-00083082-00084065 food stances bz0g6VCUHjQ-00192-00084066-00084475 yo what the [__] all right bz0g6VCUHjQ-00193-00084476-00085055 what the [__] yo bz0g6VCUHjQ-00194-00085056-00085218 all right bro we're done we're done bz0g6VCUHjQ-00195-00085219-00085344 [Music] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00196-00085345-00085606 I can't but I have never seen that in my bz0g6VCUHjQ-00197-00085607-00085912 life [__] my girlfriend just [__] bz0g6VCUHjQ-00198-00085913-00086291 back through urico's 66b bz0g6VCUHjQ-00199-00086292-00086488 what the [__] can you do that [__] in bz0g6VCUHjQ-00200-00086489-00086705 extreme uh bz0g6VCUHjQ-00201-00086706-00087106 yeah you can actually grab it it's bz0g6VCUHjQ-00202-00087107-00087299 so this is much more refined and extreme bz0g6VCUHjQ-00203-00087300-00087575 than it was until and I'm pretty sure bz0g6VCUHjQ-00204-00087576-00087785 the same applies to bloody World 3 as bz0g6VCUHjQ-00205-00087786-00087869 well bz0g6VCUHjQ-00206-00087870-00088073 since these games have the same frame bz0g6VCUHjQ-00207-00088074-00088625 data but two is a whole different bz0g6VCUHjQ-00208-00088626-00088811 um yeah you can light guard Crouch block bz0g6VCUHjQ-00209-00088812-00089003 this and heavy guard crowd to block it bz0g6VCUHjQ-00210-00089004-00089243 that was a light guard Crouch block by bz0g6VCUHjQ-00211-00089244-00089476 just tapping down now this is holding bz0g6VCUHjQ-00212-00089477-00089693 down back see there was more blocks done bz0g6VCUHjQ-00213-00089694-00090005 there so it works uh in extreme uh in bz0g6VCUHjQ-00214-00090006-00090161 extreme you have the of a mechanic and bz0g6VCUHjQ-00215-00090162-00090343 bloody world too you didn't have this so bz0g6VCUHjQ-00216-00090344-00090659 uh really it was just a bz0g6VCUHjQ-00217-00090660-00091012 a very well-timed throw bz0g6VCUHjQ-00218-00091013-00091391 that I'm still sorry bz0g6VCUHjQ-00219-00091392-00091600 I mean even if you quote unquote mashed bz0g6VCUHjQ-00220-00091601-00091835 it it was still like well timed he bz0g6VCUHjQ-00221-00091836-00092056 grabbed me at the right time yeah guys bz0g6VCUHjQ-00222-00092057-00092237 if you try to grab while she's coming at bz0g6VCUHjQ-00223-00092238-00092315 you bz0g6VCUHjQ-00224-00092316-00092525 boom you're gonna get counter hit so bz0g6VCUHjQ-00225-00092526-00092794 yeah it works bz0g6VCUHjQ-00226-00092795-00093068 you got it b_8spXXyIP0-00000-00000006-00000200 hello everyone thank you for tuning in b_8spXXyIP0-00001-00000200-00000361 to another episode of the carb strong b_8spXXyIP0-00002-00000362-00000641 cast I'm really excited to share this b_8spXXyIP0-00003-00000642-00000827 episode with you but at the same time a b_8spXXyIP0-00004-00000827-00001058 little bit disappointed a volunteer of b_8spXXyIP0-00005-00001059-00001337 mine lost the audio for this podcast and b_8spXXyIP0-00006-00001338-00001616 I was very upset about that b_8spXXyIP0-00007-00001617-00001852 James ASPI and I are very good friends b_8spXXyIP0-00008-00001853-00002092 and we are rarely in the same country b_8spXXyIP0-00009-00002093-00002474 together although we lost the podcast b_8spXXyIP0-00010-00002475-00002851 audio we didn't lose the video and there b_8spXXyIP0-00011-00002852-00003158 was some microphones on the cameras that b_8spXXyIP0-00012-00003159-00003395 are not the best audio but they captured b_8spXXyIP0-00013-00003396-00003715 what we said now for me I have an b_8spXXyIP0-00014-00003717-00003992 expectation of quality for my content b_8spXXyIP0-00015-00003993-00004313 and it's disappointing in a way to b_8spXXyIP0-00016-00004314-00004619 upload this but I do believe that the b_8spXXyIP0-00017-00004620-00004958 conversation was valuable and if you b_8spXXyIP0-00018-00004959-00005263 don't mind the audio being a bit shabby b_8spXXyIP0-00019-00005264-00005465 and you still want to listen to what was b_8spXXyIP0-00020-00005466-00005738 said then please do tune in to this b_8spXXyIP0-00021-00005739-00006013 podcast but once again I apologize for b_8spXXyIP0-00022-00006014-00006197 the bad audio after what I would upload b_8spXXyIP0-00023-00006198-00006460 anyway because I believe you guys will b_8spXXyIP0-00024-00006461-00006803 get some value from this and again the b_8spXXyIP0-00025-00006804-00007031 next one will be better audio quality I b_8spXXyIP0-00026-00007031-00007214 really love James we had a really good b_8spXXyIP0-00027-00007215-00007470 emotionally deep and thoughtful b_8spXXyIP0-00028-00007472-00007826 conversation and thank you again for b_8spXXyIP0-00029-00007827-00008114 your support very disappointed but at b_8spXXyIP0-00030-00008115-00008312 the same time it was still a great combo b_8spXXyIP0-00031-00008313-00008510 so I hope you enjoy thanks a lot guys b_8spXXyIP0-00032-00008511-00008831 show me a better way to reduce suffering b_8spXXyIP0-00033-00008832-00009071 on this planet at this magnitude just b_8spXXyIP0-00034-00009072-00009284 someone changing their diet someone b_8spXXyIP0-00035-00009285-00009481 changing instead of cars move to get soy b_8spXXyIP0-00036-00009482-00009685 or rice or almond or coconut milk having b_8spXXyIP0-00037-00009686-00009917 beans or tofu or tempeh instead of meat b_8spXXyIP0-00038-00009918-00010210 that is so simple show me an easier way b_8spXXyIP0-00039-00010211-00010442 to save so many lives to reduce so much b_8spXXyIP0-00040-00010443-00010641 suffering there isn't one b_8spXXyIP0-00041-00010642-00011295 [Music] b_8spXXyIP0-00042-00011296-00011428 here we are b_8spXXyIP0-00043-00011429-00011722 James Asti my brother this is the coffe b_8spXXyIP0-00044-00011723-00011875 strong cast I just started at the other b_8spXXyIP0-00045-00011876-00012358 day sort of yeah now I just wanted to b_8spXXyIP0-00046-00012359-00012487 get this done because I thought what we b_8spXXyIP0-00047-00012488-00012616 might there might be a little bit of an b_8spXXyIP0-00048-00012617-00012769 innings between seeing each other again b_8spXXyIP0-00049-00012770-00012934 so I wanted to have more of a long-form b_8spXXyIP0-00050-00012935-00013084 conversation we didn't see where you're b_8spXXyIP0-00051-00013085-00013282 at see where your mind sets at see what b_8spXXyIP0-00052-00013283-00013474 your focus is at the moment absolutely b_8spXXyIP0-00053-00013475-00013744 brother so we could talk about where you b_8spXXyIP0-00054-00013744-00013903 come from where you're out like but I b_8spXXyIP0-00055-00013904-00014161 think most people probably go maybe a b_8spXXyIP0-00056-00014162-00014524 brief overview I was someone who never b_8spXXyIP0-00057-00014525-00014722 cared about important issues really b_8spXXyIP0-00058-00014722-00014857 because I didn't have any affecting my b_8spXXyIP0-00059-00014858-00015286 life personally I got cancer I started b_8spXXyIP0-00060-00015287-00015441 caring a little more about the suffering b_8spXXyIP0-00061-00015443-00015619 of others and become a personal trainer b_8spXXyIP0-00062-00015619-00015853 trying to help where I could I had b_8spXXyIP0-00063-00015854-00016009 worked on a cruise ship somebody told me b_8spXXyIP0-00064-00016010-00016191 eating animals is bad karma I never b_8spXXyIP0-00065-00016193-00016432 cared about animals so it wasn't really b_8spXXyIP0-00066-00016433-00016762 about them but I did choose to start b_8spXXyIP0-00067-00016763-00016939 making different choices because I b_8spXXyIP0-00068-00016940-00017125 wanted better calm if that was even a b_8spXXyIP0-00069-00017126-00017242 thing that I didn't necessarily believe b_8spXXyIP0-00070-00017243-00017485 in that led me to learning that we can b_8spXXyIP0-00071-00017486-00017669 be so much healthier and thrive and b_8spXXyIP0-00072-00017670-00017844 reduce our Chancellor of so many b_8spXXyIP0-00073-00017845-00018109 diseases on a plant-based diet and then b_8spXXyIP0-00074-00018110-00018547 I looked into the violence that's behind b_8spXXyIP0-00075-00018548-00018856 every single animal product and realized b_8spXXyIP0-00076-00018857-00018946 that that was completely out of b_8spXXyIP0-00077-00018947-00019087 alignment we had that peaceful b_8spXXyIP0-00078-00019088-00019390 compassionate good person that I was b_8spXXyIP0-00079-00019391-00019732 raised to be and strive to be and so I b_8spXXyIP0-00080-00019733-00020077 knew I needed to become vegan I on the b_8spXXyIP0-00081-00020078-00020266 same day I finally went vegan after b_8spXXyIP0-00082-00020267-00020431 about a year being vegetarian and trying b_8spXXyIP0-00083-00020432-00020566 to figure it out and see if there's any b_8spXXyIP0-00084-00020567-00020794 reason not to be vegan I did a year-long b_8spXXyIP0-00085-00020795-00021016 vow of silence I spoke for the first b_8spXXyIP0-00086-00021017-00021297 time on a morning TV show the bow stance b_8spXXyIP0-00087-00021298-00021433 was to raise awareness for animals I b_8spXXyIP0-00088-00021434-00021715 blocked the whole time and raised b_8spXXyIP0-00089-00021716-00021894 awareness about the things I learned b_8spXXyIP0-00090-00021895-00022090 when I spoke for the first time that b_8spXXyIP0-00091-00022091-00022240 interview was seen by over 10 million b_8spXXyIP0-00092-00022241-00022549 people it was a very carefully thought b_8spXXyIP0-00093-00022550-00022786 through animal rights message a plea to b_8spXXyIP0-00094-00022787-00022942 the world to align their actions with b_8spXXyIP0-00095-00022943-00023164 their values and leave violence off the b_8spXXyIP0-00096-00023165-00023371 menu we can live in such a better way b_8spXXyIP0-00097-00023372-00023580 and since then I traveled the world b_8spXXyIP0-00098-00023581-00023880 keeping I'm probably as close to 400 b_8spXXyIP0-00099-00023881-00024112 speeches now all for free b_8spXXyIP0-00100-00024113-00024271 attending events trying to rally up the b_8spXXyIP0-00101-00024272-00024553 troops man and just inspire non-vegans b_8spXXyIP0-00102-00024554-00024781 to be vegan and vegans to become active b_8spXXyIP0-00103-00024782-00024985 you were with me one time and we did a b_8spXXyIP0-00104-00024986-00025087 25-hour b_8spXXyIP0-00105-00025088-00025285 Tiger session to raise money for charity b_8spXXyIP0-00106-00025286-00025540 and you know just basically trying to b_8spXXyIP0-00107-00025541-00025789 put content out most days if not every b_8spXXyIP0-00108-00025789-00026122 day to light up the world man just to b_8spXXyIP0-00109-00026123-00026380 shed light on this atrocity and just b_8spXXyIP0-00110-00026381-00026536 show people how easy and how much better b_8spXXyIP0-00111-00026537-00026767 life can be when we all just switch to a b_8spXXyIP0-00112-00026768-00026979 plant-based diet and choose vegan b_8spXXyIP0-00113-00026980-00027247 products and yeah that's what I'm all b_8spXXyIP0-00114-00027248-00027376 about man that's what I'm trying to do b_8spXXyIP0-00115-00027377-00027763 and yeah I'm loving it I someone was b_8spXXyIP0-00116-00027764-00027925 like I feel so sore you get so much hate b_8spXXyIP0-00117-00027926-00028126 and it's a tough job you've got and b_8spXXyIP0-00118-00028127-00028344 obviously there's that part of it but b_8spXXyIP0-00119-00028345-00028618 could not feel more grateful to be b_8spXXyIP0-00120-00028619-00028806 contributing to such an important and b_8spXXyIP0-00121-00028807-00028926 [Music] b_8spXXyIP0-00122-00028927-00029104 revolution I like that we can b_8spXXyIP0-00123-00029105-00029338 revolutionize the world so in this such b_8spXXyIP0-00124-00029339-00029583 a positive way I'm so grateful to have a b_8spXXyIP0-00125-00029585-00029704 part in that and a part in people's b_8spXXyIP0-00126-00029705-00029977 journeys and image does such a great b_8spXXyIP0-00127-00029977-00030189 thing to be a part of so it seems like b_8spXXyIP0-00128-00030191-00030301 you've got a really good perspective b_8spXXyIP0-00129-00030302-00030487 let's talk about perspective let's talk b_8spXXyIP0-00130-00030488-00030789 about like when you were diagnosed with b_8spXXyIP0-00131-00030791-00031114 cancer like obviously you could probably b_8spXXyIP0-00132-00031114-00031335 think oh my god like I could die here b_8spXXyIP0-00133-00031336-00031699 what does that type of perspective do to b_8spXXyIP0-00134-00031700-00031876 you the way you perceive the world and b_8spXXyIP0-00135-00031877-00032107 the way you perceive life and gratitude b_8spXXyIP0-00136-00032108-00032323 and how does that see but then you look b_8spXXyIP0-00137-00032324-00032500 at other people who are suffering other b_8spXXyIP0-00138-00032501-00032652 animals that are suffering I'm trying to b_8spXXyIP0-00139-00032654-00032794 get into the psychology how about what b_8spXXyIP0-00140-00032795-00033004 that change is about someone I think b_8spXXyIP0-00141-00033005-00033412 that perspective is crucial in regards b_8spXXyIP0-00142-00033413-00033742 to your state of happiness and your b_8spXXyIP0-00143-00033743-00033979 health as well because I think it all b_8spXXyIP0-00144-00033980-00034114 plays with all your thoughts create your b_8spXXyIP0-00145-00034115-00034297 reality and whether they're positive or b_8spXXyIP0-00146-00034298-00034483 negative can impact whether you are b_8spXXyIP0-00147-00034484-00034819 healthy or unhealthy and also your b_8spXXyIP0-00148-00034820-00034987 motivation if you think the world's b_8spXXyIP0-00149-00034988-00035149 never gonna change you're not gonna be b_8spXXyIP0-00150-00035150-00035398 that inclined to want to try to bother b_8spXXyIP0-00151-00035399-00035587 because it was never gonna change why b_8spXXyIP0-00152-00035588-00035836 even make the effort when I had cancer b_8spXXyIP0-00153-00035837-00036280 my first thoughts were cool okay I've b_8spXXyIP0-00154-00036281-00036484 got cancer but this isn't gonna kill me b_8spXXyIP0-00155-00036485-00036661 how could it I'm too young and a lot of b_8spXXyIP0-00156-00036662-00036859 that was actually just ignorant I didn't b_8spXXyIP0-00157-00036860-00037033 really understand where I was at in b_8spXXyIP0-00158-00037034-00037327 terms of my health at that time but that b_8spXXyIP0-00159-00037328-00037483 positive mindset was b_8spXXyIP0-00160-00037484-00037756 defaulted stayed with me and it's b_8spXXyIP0-00161-00037757-00037936 something that I have since tried to b_8spXXyIP0-00162-00037937-00038164 build upon because I've seen the value b_8spXXyIP0-00163-00038165-00038415 in it one of the I think one of the b_8spXXyIP0-00164-00038416-00038683 things that I've brought to my audience b_8spXXyIP0-00165-00038684-00038950 of people following my journey is that b_8spXXyIP0-00166-00038951-00039106 mindset a lot of people feel so much b_8spXXyIP0-00167-00039107-00039382 despair about the state of the world and b_8spXXyIP0-00168-00039383-00039568 obviously that is one perspective and b_8spXXyIP0-00169-00039569-00039817 that is a totally accurate perspective b_8spXXyIP0-00170-00039818-00040159 thinking in regards to the fact of what b_8spXXyIP0-00171-00040160-00040246 is happening b_8spXXyIP0-00172-00040247-00040456 it's absolutely unfathomable the amount b_8spXXyIP0-00173-00040457-00040648 of needless suffering and Vance that is b_8spXXyIP0-00174-00040649-00040792 kind of taking place it could be b_8spXXyIP0-00175-00040793-00040981 eliminated like that if people were just b_8spXXyIP0-00176-00040982-00041176 doing what vegans are already doing b_8spXXyIP0-00177-00041177-00041440 which is having a mad time and eating b_8spXXyIP0-00178-00041441-00041851 delicious food and it's easy but I think b_8spXXyIP0-00179-00041852-00041989 what I put to the table for a lot of b_8spXXyIP0-00180-00041990-00042187 people that are following my journey is b_8spXXyIP0-00181-00042188-00042460 a different perspective that you can b_8spXXyIP0-00182-00042461-00042751 focus on the good you don't need to make b_8spXXyIP0-00183-00042752-00042937 yourself suffer because so many others b_8spXXyIP0-00184-00042938-00043111 are suffering in fact I don't think b_8spXXyIP0-00185-00043112-00043273 that's helpful I think that's half into b_8spXXyIP0-00186-00043274-00043618 you helping to create change unless you b_8spXXyIP0-00187-00043619-00043783 channel it in a specific way but I think b_8spXXyIP0-00188-00043784-00044059 overall if you can have the perspective b_8spXXyIP0-00189-00044060-00044398 of yes this is the facts but here are b_8spXXyIP0-00190-00044399-00044584 also some other facts things are b_8spXXyIP0-00191-00044585-00044727 changing things are changing so fast b_8spXXyIP0-00192-00044728-00044917 compared to how they were even five b_8spXXyIP0-00193-00044918-00045283 years ago we have vegan meat that is b_8spXXyIP0-00194-00045284-00045520 becoming mainstream and popular in some b_8spXXyIP0-00195-00045521-00045832 of the most world-famous popular b_8spXXyIP0-00196-00045833-00045973 fast-food chains and all around the b_8spXXyIP0-00197-00045974-00046279 world we are seeing veganism in the b_8spXXyIP0-00198-00046280-00046635 media constantly we are seeing more b_8spXXyIP0-00199-00046636-00046870 transparency forced upon the dairy b_8spXXyIP0-00200-00046871-00047035 industry the egg industry people start b_8spXXyIP0-00201-00047036-00047215 to learn the facts there's more and more b_8spXXyIP0-00202-00047216-00047386 information coming out about that pate b_8spXXyIP0-00203-00047387-00047627 about the health benefits and the b_8spXXyIP0-00204-00047628-00047937 disastrous impacts of on health when we b_8spXXyIP0-00205-00047938-00048307 consume flesh and eggs and cow's milk so b_8spXXyIP0-00206-00048308-00048583 I just think that the perspective that b_8spXXyIP0-00207-00048584-00048892 helps more is to see the change that's b_8spXXyIP0-00208-00048893-00049069 happening to put your attention on all b_8spXXyIP0-00209-00049070-00049258 the good that's happening to realize b_8spXXyIP0-00210-00049259-00049495 that change is happening it's because of b_8spXXyIP0-00211-00049496-00049758 all of our combined actions collective b_8spXXyIP0-00212-00049759-00050161 actions as a team of people all around b_8spXXyIP0-00213-00050162-00050314 the world who could see a better way to b_8spXXyIP0-00214-00050315-00050626 live and yeah that perspective keeps me b_8spXXyIP0-00215-00050627-00050713 cyanic b_8spXXyIP0-00216-00050714-00051025 to me happy it keeps me motivated and I b_8spXXyIP0-00217-00051026-00051289 think that's just so key to getting up b_8spXXyIP0-00218-00051290-00051415 in the morning doing it all over again b_8spXXyIP0-00219-00051416-00051553 and answering the same questions all b_8spXXyIP0-00220-00051554-00051862 over again and viewing their footage and b_8spXXyIP0-00221-00051863-00052108 being there all over again knowing that b_8spXXyIP0-00222-00052109-00052321 it is making an impact and it's going to b_8spXXyIP0-00223-00052322-00052375 happen b_8spXXyIP0-00224-00052376-00052546 interesting how like they collected the b_8spXXyIP0-00225-00052547-00052711 consciousness especially for this b_8spXXyIP0-00226-00052712-00052852 movement in particular like whether we b_8spXXyIP0-00227-00052853-00053047 think is possible can either drive b_8spXXyIP0-00228-00053048-00053239 motivation or suck away motivation and b_8spXXyIP0-00229-00053240-00053454 like anyone who ever believed they could b_8spXXyIP0-00230-00053455-00053611 achieve something first they thought it b_8spXXyIP0-00231-00053612-00053779 was possible first and there was just an b_8spXXyIP0-00232-00053779-00054049 idea so if we if we are focusing on oh b_8spXXyIP0-00233-00054050-00054214 my god this is an impossible task I b_8spXXyIP0-00234-00054215-00054346 don't think that that's a helpful b_8spXXyIP0-00235-00054347-00054607 perspective to drive the change that we b_8spXXyIP0-00236-00054608-00054796 want yeah of course and actually enjoy I b_8spXXyIP0-00237-00054797-00054928 remember it's probably a couple of years b_8spXXyIP0-00238-00054929-00055195 ago now remember you telling me that you b_8spXXyIP0-00239-00055196-00055414 saw the you saw it so clearly in your b_8spXXyIP0-00240-00055415-00055627 mind the vegan world it's already b_8spXXyIP0-00241-00055628-00055801 happened you're saying it's me that b_8spXXyIP0-00242-00055802-00056032 helped me I thought yeah we need to keep b_8spXXyIP0-00243-00056033-00056257 that image clear in our minds like is b_8spXXyIP0-00244-00056258-00056452 this what way is this fight going to go b_8spXXyIP0-00245-00056453-00056716 are we gonna make it like what yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00246-00056716-00056932 horse it's already done yes is b_8spXXyIP0-00247-00056933-00057157 inevitable yet a matter of time yeah and b_8spXXyIP0-00248-00057158-00057322 let's make this as soon as possible b_8spXXyIP0-00249-00057323-00057553 because so many lives can still be saved b_8spXXyIP0-00250-00057554-00057775 but yeah I think I think your b_8spXXyIP0-00251-00057776-00057913 perspective fact that helped me a lot b_8spXXyIP0-00252-00057914-00058177 keep a very clear picture in your head b_8spXXyIP0-00253-00058178-00058441 that this is how it's gonna be and the b_8spXXyIP0-00254-00058441-00058615 more the more clear you can make that b_8spXXyIP0-00255-00058616-00058870 picture the more you new manifest so b_8spXXyIP0-00256-00058871-00059023 yeah yeah because I think we get caught b_8spXXyIP0-00257-00059024-00059338 up in the how how are we gonna do this I b_8spXXyIP0-00258-00059339-00059587 think we need to focus on our intention b_8spXXyIP0-00259-00059588-00059803 and what the manifested result looks b_8spXXyIP0-00260-00059804-00060127 like I remember my first speech right at b_8spXXyIP0-00261-00060128-00061234 the beacon camp our 2017 and do you have b_8spXXyIP0-00262-00061235-00061369 any advice for me James you go well b_8spXXyIP0-00263-00061370-00061579 what's your intention and it was like b_8spXXyIP0-00264-00061579-00062101 wow that's what we should all focus on b_8spXXyIP0-00265-00062102-00062266 what is your intention you just thrown b_8spXXyIP0-00266-00062266-00062422 out there shooting in the wind or do you b_8spXXyIP0-00267-00062423-00062611 have a clear intention that you wake up b_8spXXyIP0-00268-00062612-00062710 to every morning what is your b_8spXXyIP0-00269-00062711-00062878 perspective on intention yeah absolutely b_8spXXyIP0-00270-00062879-00063229 I think that that is so key because when b_8spXXyIP0-00271-00063229-00063424 you have the right intention the actions b_8spXXyIP0-00272-00063425-00063642 will follow the hell will come there b_8spXXyIP0-00273-00063644-00063802 need to stress as much about the how b_8spXXyIP0-00274-00063803-00064080 you'll figure it out I think the b_8spXXyIP0-00275-00064081-00064224 point is definitely have the intention b_8spXXyIP0-00276-00064225-00064521 that's the only way that I've ever done b_8spXXyIP0-00277-00064522-00064716 my speeches for example when I found out b_8spXXyIP0-00278-00064717-00064984 I was speaking at the campout about six b_8spXXyIP0-00279-00064985-00065169 months ago or something like that I was b_8spXXyIP0-00280-00065170-00065304 asked to speak again I thought okay I b_8spXXyIP0-00281-00065305-00065487 will speak again I'm sure I'll have b_8spXXyIP0-00282-00065488-00065649 something valuable I can think of to say b_8spXXyIP0-00283-00065650-00065847 but it's six months away I don't want to b_8spXXyIP0-00284-00065848-00066090 do the same speech I did to them last b_8spXXyIP0-00285-00066091-00066213 time even though the facts haven't b_8spXXyIP0-00286-00066214-00066390 changed my opinions are basically the b_8spXXyIP0-00287-00066391-00066678 same what am I going to do and the same b_8spXXyIP0-00288-00066679-00066816 thing I just thought will I'm just going b_8spXXyIP0-00289-00066817-00066984 to create my intention and my intentions b_8spXXyIP0-00290-00066985-00067167 with something like to leave people b_8spXXyIP0-00291-00067168-00067321 feeling motivated I want them to b_8spXXyIP0-00292-00067322-00067488 remember what I went doing this I want b_8spXXyIP0-00293-00067489-00067818 them to feel that they have not only a b_8spXXyIP0-00294-00067819-00068088 responsibility and a duty but also they b_8spXXyIP0-00295-00068089-00068424 have power to create an impact and then b_8spXXyIP0-00296-00068425-00068622 my speech is Florida and happy right ok b_8spXXyIP0-00297-00068623-00068751 for the first few minutes when I talk b_8spXXyIP0-00298-00068752-00068949 about this time I talk about that it was b_8spXXyIP0-00299-00068950-00069171 it was much more useful for me to think b_8spXXyIP0-00300-00069172-00069336 about my intention and I think that goes b_8spXXyIP0-00301-00069337-00069579 with you know all of our actions when b_8spXXyIP0-00302-00069580-00069750 you're interacting with people when b_8spXXyIP0-00303-00069751-00069865 you're writing a post when you're b_8spXXyIP0-00304-00069866-00070104 creating your video if you and sometimes b_8spXXyIP0-00305-00070105-00070287 it gets so exhausting what I'm gonna b_8spXXyIP0-00306-00070288-00070557 write about today I don't know scroll b_8spXXyIP0-00307-00070558-00070759 through photos what can I post about and b_8spXXyIP0-00308-00070760-00070971 then if you just bring it back to what b_8spXXyIP0-00309-00070972-00071209 is the point in me doing this at all the b_8spXXyIP0-00310-00071210-00071481 motivation comes so fast when you speak b_8spXXyIP0-00311-00071482-00071565 from your heart b_8spXXyIP0-00312-00071566-00071790 and from that place of knowing in front b_8spXXyIP0-00313-00071791-00071922 of three-day attention it's almost b_8spXXyIP0-00314-00071923-00072039 effortless isn't it b_8spXXyIP0-00315-00072040-00072279 totally man yeah it just opens up a b_8spXXyIP0-00316-00072280-00072646 different channel for that the words to b_8spXXyIP0-00317-00072647-00072912 come and the yeah that energy flows in a b_8spXXyIP0-00318-00072913-00073227 different way and you you're doing it b_8spXXyIP0-00319-00073228-00073365 for all the right reasons yes and b_8spXXyIP0-00320-00073366-00073569 sometimes I forget sometimes I I don't b_8spXXyIP0-00321-00073570-00073773 have as clear an intention you know like b_8spXXyIP0-00322-00073774-00073944 working with beings we go through flow b_8spXXyIP0-00323-00073945-00074221 yeah but yeah I think it's a great point b_8spXXyIP0-00324-00074222-00074430 to mention that it's you know to have b_8spXXyIP0-00325-00074431-00074568 your intention very clear for a long b_8spXXyIP0-00326-00074569-00074778 time for a long time my initial b_8spXXyIP0-00327-00074779-00074934 intention when I got into animal rights b_8spXXyIP0-00328-00074935-00075591 was to contribute to causing a kind of b_8spXXyIP0-00329-00075592-00075822 more peaceful world for us all to live b_8spXXyIP0-00330-00075823-00076022 that's my intention probably the first b_8spXXyIP0-00331-00076023-00076299 four years or something like that and b_8spXXyIP0-00332-00076300-00076521 now my intention is also that but I've b_8spXXyIP0-00333-00076522-00076764 added to that I want to do as much good b_8spXXyIP0-00334-00076765-00077181 as possible while living as good of a b_8spXXyIP0-00335-00077182-00077485 life for myself as possible pauravaraj b_8spXXyIP0-00336-00077486-00077734 in regards to when it comes to social b_8spXXyIP0-00337-00077735-00078010 media people want to see people living a b_8spXXyIP0-00338-00078011-00078199 happy life they don't want to just see b_8spXXyIP0-00339-00078200-00078373 the violence and things like that I'm b_8spXXyIP0-00340-00078374-00078663 just going off how I've seen other b_8spXXyIP0-00341-00078664-00078958 channels and accounts grow to the b_8spXXyIP0-00342-00078959-00079165 mainstream so that's a strategy okay so b_8spXXyIP0-00343-00079166-00079324 I need to put some of my life out there b_8spXXyIP0-00344-00079325-00079450 I need to do interesting things I don't b_8spXXyIP0-00345-00079451-00079666 need to have a good life but also it's b_8spXXyIP0-00346-00079667-00079903 from its strategy from different b_8spXXyIP0-00347-00079904-00080083 perspective of seeing that so many b_8spXXyIP0-00348-00080084-00080326 activists burnout doing this it's a it's b_8spXXyIP0-00349-00080327-00080659 a horrible job in a way I mean in many b_8spXXyIP0-00350-00080660-00081075 ways to be constantly focused on cruelty b_8spXXyIP0-00351-00081076-00081565 suffering apathy ignorance aggression b_8spXXyIP0-00352-00081566-00081859 you know it's yeah obviously that is can b_8spXXyIP0-00353-00081860-00082075 take its toll on the person and so the b_8spXXyIP0-00354-00082076-00082249 reason why it's not just to do as much b_8spXXyIP0-00355-00082250-00082393 good as possible but also delivers as b_8spXXyIP0-00356-00082394-00082564 good a life for myself as possible is b_8spXXyIP0-00357-00082565-00082813 because in the long run you know if this b_8spXXyIP0-00358-00082814-00082993 isn't something that is over in a decade b_8spXXyIP0-00359-00082994-00083233 and it does take multiple decades of my b_8spXXyIP0-00360-00083234-00083470 life which we will be here forever we b_8spXXyIP0-00361-00083471-00083689 won't stop until it's done or we've done b_8spXXyIP0-00362-00083690-00083953 as much as we possibly can then I want b_8spXXyIP0-00363-00083954-00084160 to be able to be my best for the long b_8spXXyIP0-00364-00084161-00084508 haul and how I've seen certain people b_8spXXyIP0-00365-00084509-00084871 burn out you know who who I've been b_8spXXyIP0-00366-00084872-00085207 close with over time myself personally I b_8spXXyIP0-00367-00085208-00085444 feel that I am much better than I've b_8spXXyIP0-00368-00085445-00085633 ever been right now in in regards to b_8spXXyIP0-00369-00085634-00085873 mental health and and clarity in the b_8spXXyIP0-00370-00085874-00086149 message and effectiveness and I think b_8spXXyIP0-00371-00086150-00086335 that's because now I have more balance b_8spXXyIP0-00372-00086336-00086854 of this this intention where I felt like b_8spXXyIP0-00373-00086855-00087064 also I needed to really do so much for b_8spXXyIP0-00374-00087065-00087271 them and nothing for myself I was b_8spXXyIP0-00375-00087272-00087577 burning out of what I I wasn't feeling b_8spXXyIP0-00376-00087578-00087844 good the world got very dark for a while b_8spXXyIP0-00377-00087845-00088069 there and I realized that actually b_8spXXyIP0-00378-00088070-00088228 didn't work for me okay because I'm but b_8spXXyIP0-00379-00088229-00088414 I felt like that dedication was very b_8spXXyIP0-00380-00088415-00088755 important because it just solidified my b_8spXXyIP0-00381-00088756-00089407 deep my deep need to need to do whatever b_8spXXyIP0-00382-00089408-00089647 I can and I felt a responsibility to the b_8spXXyIP0-00383-00089648-00089887 animals which I still do now but yeah I b_8spXXyIP0-00384-00089888-00090025 guess I'm just finding you know and b_8spXXyIP0-00385-00090026-00090175 it'll continue to change I show up or b_8spXXyIP0-00386-00090176-00090400 just finding ways to do this sustainably b_8spXXyIP0-00387-00090401-00090620 be as effective as possible b_8spXXyIP0-00388-00090621-00090911 and continue to keep on yeah I think b_8spXXyIP0-00389-00090912-00091109 you're looking at the long game here and b_8spXXyIP0-00390-00091110-00091397 I think that's a wise move because I was b_8spXXyIP0-00391-00091398-00091535 around for the about the time when you b_8spXXyIP0-00392-00091536-00091718 went a little bit downhill and that's b_8spXXyIP0-00393-00091719-00092036 because I feel like you were it was like b_8spXXyIP0-00394-00092037-00092225 you were using your energy in not the b_8spXXyIP0-00395-00092226-00092435 most effective way you are bouncing b_8spXXyIP0-00396-00092436-00092603 around the world doing speech after b_8spXXyIP0-00397-00092604-00092782 speech up dividual apt and then you're b_8spXXyIP0-00398-00092783-00093011 talking to hundreds of people after b_8spXXyIP0-00399-00093012-00093224 every speech and just using your energy b_8spXXyIP0-00400-00093225-00093451 and not a very it was a very b_8spXXyIP0-00401-00093452-00093676 unsustainable way you're giving too much b_8spXXyIP0-00402-00093677-00093836 of yourself before you'd filled your cut b_8spXXyIP0-00403-00093837-00094037 back up and there are ways where you b_8spXXyIP0-00404-00094038-00094205 couldn't give to thousands of people b_8spXXyIP0-00405-00094206-00094331 without putting out that type of b_8spXXyIP0-00406-00094332-00094631 physical energy in the moment and I felt b_8spXXyIP0-00407-00094632-00094882 like maybe that was just a misuse of b_8spXXyIP0-00408-00094883-00095194 your energy absolutely I feel like it b_8spXXyIP0-00409-00095195-00095399 was not the most productive way to be b_8spXXyIP0-00410-00095400-00095561 and I still don't feel like I'm doing b_8spXXyIP0-00411-00095562-00095726 things as productive as possible b_8spXXyIP0-00412-00095727-00095924 I'm still bouncing around the world and b_8spXXyIP0-00413-00095925-00096137 I'm still you know it's hard to say no b_8spXXyIP0-00414-00096138-00096305 to opportunities when Sam says come and b_8spXXyIP0-00415-00096306-00096509 speak about animal rights it's hard to b_8spXXyIP0-00416-00096510-00096899 be like nah I'm just I think I I can't b_8spXXyIP0-00417-00096900-00097307 man like my my my main skill is public b_8spXXyIP0-00418-00097308-00097565 speaking yeah about this yeah I've done b_8spXXyIP0-00419-00097566-00097726 so many speeches I've thought about this b_8spXXyIP0-00420-00097727-00097835 so much b_8spXXyIP0-00421-00097836-00098063 I hear the feedback from people after a b_8spXXyIP0-00422-00098064-00098240 speech I know how well it works b_8spXXyIP0-00423-00098241-00098482 yeah it's hard to say no but on the b_8spXXyIP0-00424-00098483-00098705 other hand I know how far-reaching one b_8spXXyIP0-00425-00098706-00098869 single video can be from the comfort of b_8spXXyIP0-00426-00098870-00099113 my own home yeah so yeah and this is b_8spXXyIP0-00427-00099114-00099248 something that I'm working towards to b_8spXXyIP0-00428-00099249-00099482 take it even more sustainable and and b_8spXXyIP0-00429-00099483-00099617 not just more sustainable but have a b_8spXXyIP0-00430-00099618-00099812 further reach yeah by setting up b_8spXXyIP0-00431-00099813-00100055 something more of our home base which I b_8spXXyIP0-00432-00100056-00100223 haven't had since I became an activist b_8spXXyIP0-00433-00100224-00100432 I've been bouncing around constantly I b_8spXXyIP0-00434-00100433-00100886 spent and spent two months anywhere for b_8spXXyIP0-00435-00100887-00101072 six years now and I'm hoping that next b_8spXXyIP0-00436-00101073-00101273 year I can just settle down a little bit b_8spXXyIP0-00437-00101274-00101528 and focus more on content rather than me b_8spXXyIP0-00438-00101529-00101744 in person being in all these places and b_8spXXyIP0-00439-00101745-00101900 giving so much yeah I think yeah that's b_8spXXyIP0-00440-00101901-00102053 I think what you're doing actually is b_8spXXyIP0-00441-00102054-00102248 Gregg Mac you've I've been trying to b_8spXXyIP0-00442-00102249-00102382 I've been aspiring to this although b_8spXXyIP0-00443-00102383-00102580 schedulers haven't hasn't permitted but b_8spXXyIP0-00444-00102581-00102728 this is the goal I think what you do is b_8spXXyIP0-00445-00102729-00102926 very very smart very very productive b_8spXXyIP0-00446-00102927-00103231 ineffective you go hard you go to a b_8spXXyIP0-00447-00103232-00103490 two-hour you record so much then you b_8spXXyIP0-00448-00103491-00103871 come back and you put it all together I b_8spXXyIP0-00449-00103872-00104042 go hard in a different way b_8spXXyIP0-00450-00104043-00104201 exercising a different muscle and a b_8spXXyIP0-00451-00104202-00104342 different form of stress which is like b_8spXXyIP0-00452-00104343-00104533 there's one form of strip like I b_8spXXyIP0-00453-00104534-00104683 actually worked out like with the Europe b_8spXXyIP0-00454-00104684-00104822 tour that really taught me a lot because b_8spXXyIP0-00455-00104823-00104999 I push myself to the absolute limit and b_8spXXyIP0-00456-00105000-00105160 I was really a breaking point because of b_8spXXyIP0-00457-00105161-00105353 the flats were so close together and I b_8spXXyIP0-00458-00105354-00105614 was doing like three events a day and b_8spXXyIP0-00459-00105615-00105890 like so 15 cities in three weeks and I b_8spXXyIP0-00460-00105891-00106046 was just like thinking I'm gonna go as b_8spXXyIP0-00461-00106047-00106280 hard as I can but I got a lot of content b_8spXXyIP0-00462-00106281-00106445 out of that got a lot of footage another b_8spXXyIP0-00463-00106446-00106628 night I made a big change but it made me b_8spXXyIP0-00464-00106629-00106853 think like one second like I could have b_8spXXyIP0-00465-00106854-00107270 been based right here in London going to b_8spXXyIP0-00466-00107271-00107600 exactly the same amount of events b_8spXXyIP0-00467-00107601-00107785 filming exactly the same amount of b_8spXXyIP0-00468-00107786-00108023 content having a good sleep training in b_8spXXyIP0-00469-00108024-00108058 the morning b_8spXXyIP0-00470-00108059-00108293 yeah and peppering that content out on b_8spXXyIP0-00471-00108294-00108484 social media it was just a bad use of my b_8spXXyIP0-00472-00108485-00108709 energy and I learned that and I've b_8spXXyIP0-00473-00108710-00108866 learnt when to say no and I've learned b_8spXXyIP0-00474-00108867-00109036 to do this thing called evaluation where b_8spXXyIP0-00475-00109038-00109214 I'm like okay what's the cost-benefit b_8spXXyIP0-00476-00109215-00109463 ratio here you know could I make a b_8spXXyIP0-00477-00109464-00109739 bigger impact for animals right here or b_8spXXyIP0-00478-00109740-00109936 should I fly across the world to this b_8spXXyIP0-00479-00109938-00110120 place to do a speech to the vegan b_8spXXyIP0-00480-00110121-00110258 festival it's just not gonna be a good b_8spXXyIP0-00481-00110258-00110528 use of my funding or time or energy so I b_8spXXyIP0-00482-00110529-00110816 think though I totally agree with what b_8spXXyIP0-00483-00110817-00111026 you just said that is something always b_8spXXyIP0-00484-00111027-00111409 to consider but you just never know as b_8spXXyIP0-00485-00111410-00111620 well what's coming yeah and sometimes b_8spXXyIP0-00486-00111621-00111808 you just sort of have to use it in two b_8spXXyIP0-00487-00111809-00112103 ways yeah signs that you can evaluate to b_8spXXyIP0-00488-00112104-00112295 the best of your ability based on the b_8spXXyIP0-00489-00112296-00112481 information you've got yeah but that's b_8spXXyIP0-00490-00112482-00112667 always gonna be lacking a full knowledge b_8spXXyIP0-00491-00112668-00112834 of what might be coming yeah for example b_8spXXyIP0-00492-00112835-00113129 I was invited to do a speech in Norway b_8spXXyIP0-00493-00113130-00113468 and I got there I was J like I looked at b_8spXXyIP0-00494-00113469-00113603 the crowd that was literally twenty b_8spXXyIP0-00495-00113604-00113765 people that yeah I thought oh my god I b_8spXXyIP0-00496-00113766-00113882 can't believe I've flown all the way b_8spXXyIP0-00497-00113883-00114068 across the world to give this speech I b_8spXXyIP0-00498-00114069-00114269 was told it was gonna be way more people b_8spXXyIP0-00499-00114270-00114725 here I felt angry you know just a stupid b_8spXXyIP0-00500-00114726-00114983 I shouldn't have done this and a video b_8spXXyIP0-00501-00114983-00115186 came out of that vegan verse Christian b_8spXXyIP0-00502-00115188-00115364 oh yeah yeah that reach over a million b_8spXXyIP0-00503-00115365-00115622 Peter and so okay I traveled across the b_8spXXyIP0-00504-00115623-00115805 world it cost money there was a lot of b_8spXXyIP0-00505-00115806-00116015 time I was very tired over a million b_8spXXyIP0-00506-00116016-00116258 people got the vegan message knows of b_8spXXyIP0-00507-00116258-00116471 that and it did have an impact that I b_8spXXyIP0-00508-00116472-00116789 was absolutely not expecting so b_8spXXyIP0-00509-00116790-00117005 sometimes yeah yeah like you know you b_8spXXyIP0-00510-00117006-00117194 can you can try to weigh that up also b_8spXXyIP0-00511-00117195-00117431 there's the benefit of you know b_8spXXyIP0-00512-00117432-00117740 people people who are following our b_8spXXyIP0-00513-00117741-00117934 journey which is a lot of people yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00514-00117935-00118421 they they want to meet and you know just b_8spXXyIP0-00515-00118422-00118718 just say hi to us and tell us that they b_8spXXyIP0-00516-00118719-00118946 appreciate a video that we made or share b_8spXXyIP0-00517-00118947-00119191 their own stories or whatever it is and b_8spXXyIP0-00518-00119192-00119549 you know if we can also do the rounds b_8spXXyIP0-00519-00119550-00119833 from time to time yeah to draw more b_8spXXyIP0-00520-00119834-00120034 people to these events for example so b_8spXXyIP0-00521-00120035-00120149 many people come and say this is the b_8spXXyIP0-00522-00120150-00120293 first video I've ever been trying here b_8spXXyIP0-00523-00120294-00120398 because you put it on your Instagram b_8spXXyIP0-00524-00120399-00120746 story then I'm gonna say great and b_8spXXyIP0-00525-00120747-00120869 please don't let this be the only b_8spXXyIP0-00526-00120870-00120995 picture that you come to just because b_8spXXyIP0-00527-00120996-00121157 I'm here please come back and often b_8spXXyIP0-00528-00121158-00121301 they'll be like I I won't now that I'm b_8spXXyIP0-00529-00121302-00121481 here and I see how it works I thought b_8spXXyIP0-00530-00121482-00121649 it's gonna be so extreme and it would be b_8spXXyIP0-00531-00121650-00121904 far more aggressive little activist but b_8spXXyIP0-00532-00121905-00122177 it's peaceful and it's effective you b_8spXXyIP0-00533-00122178-00122330 know that might resonate a little people b_8spXXyIP0-00534-00122331-00122495 and then they will be back again and b_8spXXyIP0-00535-00122496-00122657 again again and then they you know you b_8spXXyIP0-00536-00122658-00122951 hear people saying yeah I've been b_8spXXyIP0-00537-00122952-00123203 activist for five one go last night I b_8spXXyIP0-00538-00123204-00123374 met four and a half years ago I watched b_8spXXyIP0-00539-00123375-00123563 you two go I've been an activist ever b_8spXXyIP0-00540-00123564-00123788 since I've done this I have family this b_8spXXyIP0-00541-00123789-00124007 that I'm sorry people ha I'm so glad b_8spXXyIP0-00542-00124008-00124229 that you know we made the effort yeah um b_8spXXyIP0-00543-00124230-00124406 but yeah it's hard to call and again it b_8spXXyIP0-00544-00124407-00124571 comes down to what you've got to offer b_8spXXyIP0-00545-00124572-00124810 and trying to evaluate to the best of b_8spXXyIP0-00546-00124811-00124964 your ability I guess when I was touring b_8spXXyIP0-00547-00124965-00125195 constantly living out of suitcases our b_8spXXyIP0-00548-00125196-00125366 offices wherever I was that kind of b_8spXXyIP0-00549-00125367-00125645 thing they're like I just got to make a b_8spXXyIP0-00550-00125646-00125884 good balance between that a different b_8spXXyIP0-00551-00125885-00126044 view on burnout do want to hear oh yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00552-00126045-00126206 of course of it I think it's I think b_8spXXyIP0-00553-00126207-00126599 it's a little bit over pumped into the b_8spXXyIP0-00554-00126600-00126797 activist I think that you have to be b_8spXXyIP0-00555-00126798-00126985 doing enough activism first before you b_8spXXyIP0-00556-00126986-00127238 even consider the better now I think in b_8spXXyIP0-00557-00127239-00127553 from my perspective right people go out b_8spXXyIP0-00558-00127554-00127838 and they work jobs like 17 hours a day b_8spXXyIP0-00559-00127839-00128015 there might be entrepreneurs and they're b_8spXXyIP0-00560-00128016-00128308 pumping they're there their whole life b_8spXXyIP0-00561-00128309-00128573 into this job for money all right and b_8spXXyIP0-00562-00128574-00128785 you know they do this for 50 years and b_8spXXyIP0-00563-00128786-00129008 they am burning out you know um it just b_8spXXyIP0-00564-00129008-00129314 it just depends on whether you love what b_8spXXyIP0-00565-00129315-00129527 you do I think that that should be the b_8spXXyIP0-00566-00129528-00129674 driving force but if you've got this b_8spXXyIP0-00567-00129675-00129833 purpose like I've got this purpose b_8spXXyIP0-00568-00129833-00130049 driving me and yeah it can be tough but b_8spXXyIP0-00569-00130050-00130166 I wouldn't see myself doing anything b_8spXXyIP0-00570-00130167-00130463 else so so that so for me that that I b_8spXXyIP0-00571-00130464-00130760 don't even have the burnout in Drive b_8spXXyIP0-00572-00130761-00131103 I'm careful I'm not silly but I don't I b_8spXXyIP0-00573-00131104-00131334 don't focus on that burnout aspect of it b_8spXXyIP0-00574-00131335-00131601 for me because I just think well I love b_8spXXyIP0-00575-00131602-00131901 this so much I'll wake up for it if if I b_8spXXyIP0-00576-00131902-00132093 didn't have this driving me forwards as b_8spXXyIP0-00577-00132094-00132456 a purpose you know my life would be so b_8spXXyIP0-00578-00132457-00132669 much more dull so I'm so grateful for b_8spXXyIP0-00579-00132670-00132906 the opportunity constantly to be b_8spXXyIP0-00580-00132907-00133236 hammering this work out so my view on on b_8spXXyIP0-00581-00133237-00133458 burnout is a little bit you know it's b_8spXXyIP0-00582-00133459-00133683 changed a lot it's changed a lot you b_8spXXyIP0-00583-00133684-00133884 know I think um we can push ourselves b_8spXXyIP0-00584-00133885-00134019 further than we give ourselves credit b_8spXXyIP0-00585-00134020-00134361 for and I think that you know obviously b_8spXXyIP0-00586-00134362-00134526 there's a level that you can reach where b_8spXXyIP0-00587-00134527-00134775 you can push too hard but for me a lot b_8spXXyIP0-00588-00134776-00134922 of people might not be reaching their b_8spXXyIP0-00589-00134923-00135426 full potential yet and you're actually b_8spXXyIP0-00590-00135427-00135641 more capable than them you think and you b_8spXXyIP0-00591-00135642-00135789 can push yourself a little bit harder b_8spXXyIP0-00592-00135790-00135987 than what you think and yeah I just want b_8spXXyIP0-00593-00135988-00136128 to make sure that you know before we b_8spXXyIP0-00594-00136129-00136275 start talking about burnout let's just b_8spXXyIP0-00595-00136276-00136316 see b_8spXXyIP0-00596-00136317-00136563 I do feel in your heart that you're b_8spXXyIP0-00597-00136564-00136788 putting in enough effort you know enough b_8spXXyIP0-00598-00136789-00136947 work and yeah that's the way I look at b_8spXXyIP0-00599-00136948-00137211 it I think as well time to consider is b_8spXXyIP0-00600-00137212-00137427 that you're a strong person man you've b_8spXXyIP0-00601-00137428-00137544 been through a lot in your life already b_8spXXyIP0-00602-00137545-00137799 which has hardened you in certain ways b_8spXXyIP0-00603-00137800-00137970 I don't even hardened is the right way b_8spXXyIP0-00604-00137971-00138126 because you're also very soft in certain b_8spXXyIP0-00605-00138127-00138231 ways when it comes down to being b_8spXXyIP0-00606-00138232-00138420 sensitive to the plight of animals which b_8spXXyIP0-00607-00138421-00138681 a lot of people are not but yeah you've b_8spXXyIP0-00608-00138682-00138841 seen a lot you've been through a lot b_8spXXyIP0-00609-00138842-00139113 you've put yourself right there face to b_8spXXyIP0-00610-00139114-00139440 face with it all a lot of people can't b_8spXXyIP0-00611-00139441-00139632 even get anywhere near that close and I b_8spXXyIP0-00612-00139633-00139916 think I think you know Bona for you b_8spXXyIP0-00613-00139917-00140082 would look very different to somebody b_8spXXyIP0-00614-00140083-00140610 who is not so accustomed to violence to b_8spXXyIP0-00615-00140611-00140820 that kind of thing so I think that when b_8spXXyIP0-00616-00140821-00141191 it comes to animal rights activists you b_8spXXyIP0-00617-00141192-00141561 know like someone could just maybe maybe b_8spXXyIP0-00618-00141562-00141735 but I wasn't necessarily the word but b_8spXXyIP0-00619-00141736-00142035 almost like push medic stressful yes b_8spXXyIP0-00620-00142036-00142341 trauma from from witnessing even just b_8spXXyIP0-00621-00142342-00142620 going to a vigil and witnessing having a b_8spXXyIP0-00622-00142621-00142770 moment yeah acting with one of these b_8spXXyIP0-00623-00142771-00142922 animals they look you in the eyes b_8spXXyIP0-00624-00142923-00143136 pleading with you yeah you're looking b_8spXXyIP0-00625-00143137-00143373 back at them helpless to you can't do b_8spXXyIP0-00626-00143374-00143499 anything in that moment for this b_8spXXyIP0-00627-00143500-00143700 individual yeah except for share this b_8spXXyIP0-00628-00143701-00144052 story that maybe it's not burnout but b_8spXXyIP0-00629-00144053-00144297 that would be different right it would b_8spXXyIP0-00630-00144298-00144534 be your psychological you know response b_8spXXyIP0-00631-00144535-00144774 to seeing something traumatic when I'm b_8spXXyIP0-00632-00144775-00144896 thinking of burnout I'm thinking of b_8spXXyIP0-00633-00144897-00145110 repetitive work to the point that you b_8spXXyIP0-00634-00145111-00145350 mentally cannot deal with it anymore b_8spXXyIP0-00635-00145351-00145599 because you've just overrun the folks at b_8spXXyIP0-00636-00145600-00145809 the point where you're burnt out and I b_8spXXyIP0-00637-00145810-00146066 hate this I hate this but the way I was b_8spXXyIP0-00638-00146067-00146264 looking at it is like so with activism b_8spXXyIP0-00639-00146265-00146382 there's obviously a thousand different b_8spXXyIP0-00640-00146383-00146613 forms of activism so you could be doing b_8spXXyIP0-00641-00146614-00146775 different forms of advocacy that you've b_8spXXyIP0-00642-00146776-00146949 been - weaved into your your work like b_8spXXyIP0-00643-00146950-00147081 you could be you know promoting the b_8spXXyIP0-00644-00147082-00147227 message on social media you know the b_8spXXyIP0-00645-00147228-00147554 thousands of ways you can advocate if b_8spXXyIP0-00646-00147555-00147801 you love this if you really want to make b_8spXXyIP0-00647-00147802-00147924 a change and you love this and this is b_8spXXyIP0-00648-00147925-00148035 your purpose obviously you don't have to b_8spXXyIP0-00649-00148036-00148200 go facing animals every single day but b_8spXXyIP0-00650-00148201-00148350 there's ways you can incorporate b_8spXXyIP0-00651-00148351-00148518 activism to your lifestyle without b_8spXXyIP0-00652-00148519-00148829 burning out forever you know and the way b_8spXXyIP0-00653-00148830-00148968 that I was seeing is that people were b_8spXXyIP0-00654-00148969-00149126 forced to go work a job that they hate b_8spXXyIP0-00655-00149127-00149388 till they retire and they're working b_8spXXyIP0-00656-00149389-00149637 12-hour days you know and they ain't b_8spXXyIP0-00657-00149638-00149796 burning up because they have to do it b_8spXXyIP0-00658-00149797-00150012 they have to do it for me there's no b_8spXXyIP0-00659-00150013-00150060 question b_8spXXyIP0-00660-00150061-00150270 oh I'm committed I have to do this and b_8spXXyIP0-00661-00150271-00150594 it's also my purpose so for me like it I b_8spXXyIP0-00662-00150595-00150803 guess we have to separate the idea of b_8spXXyIP0-00663-00150804-00151119 burning out with psychological trauma b_8spXXyIP0-00664-00151120-00151275 from facing what the animals are going b_8spXXyIP0-00665-00151276-00151299 through b_8spXXyIP0-00666-00151300-00151526 well again yes absolutely but again I b_8spXXyIP0-00667-00151527-00151725 think that you have a great it comes b_8spXXyIP0-00668-00151726-00151845 back to perspective yeah and your b_8spXXyIP0-00669-00151846-00152088 perspective is I love this you know I b_8spXXyIP0-00670-00152089-00152256 love getting up in the morning having a b_8spXXyIP0-00671-00152257-00152448 purpose being able to help reduce b_8spXXyIP0-00672-00152449-00152666 suffering on this planet now to see b_8spXXyIP0-00673-00152667-00152976 tangible my tangible impact and receive b_8spXXyIP0-00674-00152977-00153357 from people stories about how your b_8spXXyIP0-00675-00153358-00153590 videos have helped these people you b_8spXXyIP0-00676-00153591-00153834 loved you found the love in there yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00677-00153835-00154001 you know you're not just an activist b_8spXXyIP0-00678-00154002-00154313 hating hating your way through it and I b_8spXXyIP0-00679-00154314-00154518 think that's so important man like find b_8spXXyIP0-00680-00154519-00154688 a way you can be an activist that you b_8spXXyIP0-00681-00154689-00155025 love it or yeah oh just find the good in b_8spXXyIP0-00682-00155026-00155201 whatever it is that you're doing this is b_8spXXyIP0-00683-00155202-00155406 so much good to be found and that's just b_8spXXyIP0-00684-00155407-00155625 a school to learn yeah yeah about about b_8spXXyIP0-00685-00155626-00155816 I'm having a practice in your life of b_8spXXyIP0-00686-00155817-00156029 you might as well love it if you're b_8spXXyIP0-00687-00156030-00156168 gonna do it anyway this is the way b_8spXXyIP0-00688-00156169-00156377 you've chosen to do it yeah how you b_8spXXyIP0-00689-00156378-00156543 gonna make how you gonna yeah I think I b_8spXXyIP0-00690-00156544-00156677 suffer through what every day we're b_8spXXyIP0-00691-00156678-00156852 gonna love through it every day and I b_8spXXyIP0-00692-00156853-00157103 think that's a testament to your b_8spXXyIP0-00693-00157104-00157294 perspective issue b_8spXXyIP0-00694-00157295-00157633 to finding how to love to work you do b_8spXXyIP0-00695-00157634-00157858 because if somebody else being in front b_8spXXyIP0-00696-00157859-00158029 of the camera and going to b_8spXXyIP0-00697-00158030-00158332 slaughterhouses responding to a bunch of b_8spXXyIP0-00698-00158333-00158631 hate you know people criticizing you b_8spXXyIP0-00699-00158632-00158910 just there all the ups and downs a bit b_8spXXyIP0-00700-00158911-00159160 thanks so many people would not want b_8spXXyIP0-00701-00159161-00159370 that genomic and you may not have as b_8spXXyIP0-00702-00159371-00159499 well if you had to do a perspective of b_8spXXyIP0-00703-00159500-00159646 it but I think it's really great that b_8spXXyIP0-00704-00159647-00159901 you've found a way to love your work at b_8spXXyIP0-00705-00159902-00160106 this that's why I was trying to get to b_8spXXyIP0-00706-00160107-00160276 your office because you pulled yourself b_8spXXyIP0-00707-00160277-00160489 out of suffering and I pulled myself out b_8spXXyIP0-00708-00160490-00160648 of suffering to you suicidal drug b_8spXXyIP0-00709-00160649-00160819 addiction a very violent hectic b_8spXXyIP0-00710-00160820-00161002 environment like my life wasn't very b_8spXXyIP0-00711-00161003-00161452 very scary and riddled anxiety and b_8spXXyIP0-00712-00161453-00161632 dissension and violence constantly I b_8spXXyIP0-00713-00161633-00161764 didn't know whether I was gonna live or b_8spXXyIP0-00714-00161765-00161993 die the next day and you know people b_8spXXyIP0-00715-00161994-00162268 being assaulted and kidnapped and just b_8spXXyIP0-00716-00162269-00162523 war going on all the time paranoid and b_8spXXyIP0-00717-00162524-00162907 it was a very nightmarish reality for me b_8spXXyIP0-00718-00162908-00163108 pulling myself out of that suffering and b_8spXXyIP0-00719-00163109-00163279 the gratitude I experienced and like wow b_8spXXyIP0-00720-00163280-00163471 I've got to give back now like this this b_8spXXyIP0-00721-00163472-00163798 burning desire to make sure my life was b_8spXXyIP0-00722-00163799-00164026 enough you complete failure and like b_8spXXyIP0-00723-00164027-00164155 make sure that I'm you know giving back b_8spXXyIP0-00724-00164156-00164578 so you had a very you know impending b_8spXXyIP0-00725-00164579-00164857 sense of your own demise and has that b_8spXXyIP0-00726-00164858-00165139 helped you like with your perspective on b_8spXXyIP0-00727-00165140-00165562 things like well I'm sure it has in many b_8spXXyIP0-00728-00165563-00165916 ways I think for me you know every day b_8spXXyIP0-00729-00165917-00166161 is an opportunity to do something and b_8spXXyIP0-00730-00166162-00166423 you only have a certain amount b_8spXXyIP0-00731-00166424-00166597 opportunities this tattoo I've got on my b_8spXXyIP0-00732-00166598-00166810 fingers actually it is the numbers five b_8spXXyIP0-00733-00166811-00167101 to five nine four eight seven six it's b_8spXXyIP0-00734-00167102-00167257 the amount of minutes in a hundred years b_8spXXyIP0-00735-00167258-00167581 and it is based off the Dalai Lama quote b_8spXXyIP0-00736-00167582-00167845 that says we visitors on this planet for b_8spXXyIP0-00737-00167846-00168058 89 years max kind of thing b_8spXXyIP0-00738-00168059-00168218 yeah and during that time we should do b_8spXXyIP0-00739-00168219-00168372 something meaningful with our lives b_8spXXyIP0-00740-00168373-00168547 contributing to the happiness of others b_8spXXyIP0-00741-00168548-00168709 is the most meaningful thing you can do b_8spXXyIP0-00742-00168710-00169299 so I think you know having death is so b_8spXXyIP0-00743-00169300-00169525 avoided in our society we don't look at b_8spXXyIP0-00744-00169526-00169699 dead bodies we in certain cultures b_8spXXyIP0-00745-00169700-00169882 you've burned the dead bodies as part of b_8spXXyIP0-00746-00169883-00170138 ceremony we don't we're so at b_8spXXyIP0-00747-00170139-00170486 detached from it all and I think yeah I b_8spXXyIP0-00748-00170487-00170782 guess I helped me have some sort of b_8spXXyIP0-00749-00170783-00171008 attachment to the idea that I'm gonna b_8spXXyIP0-00750-00171009-00171215 die I'm not here forever b_8spXXyIP0-00751-00171216-00171470 continue to remember that because you b_8spXXyIP0-00752-00171471-00171724 may just use your days differently and b_8spXXyIP0-00753-00171725-00171950 how do I want to use my day I want to b_8spXXyIP0-00754-00171951-00172172 contribute to doing something good that b_8spXXyIP0-00755-00172173-00172511 I can do and you know I think for sure b_8spXXyIP0-00756-00172512-00172757 what I just put a post up then actually b_8spXXyIP0-00757-00172758-00173162 just on the way here was a photo of a 67 b_8spXXyIP0-00758-00173163-00173468 year old man and a young woman they were b_8spXXyIP0-00759-00173469-00173741 both marching side-by-side at the animal b_8spXXyIP0-00760-00173742-00174005 rights march I believe it was 67 years b_8spXXyIP0-00761-00174006-00174368 old approximately a hundred and fifty b_8spXXyIP0-00762-00174369-00174566 animals are eaten by each individual b_8spXXyIP0-00763-00174567-00175069 every single year so this individual has b_8spXXyIP0-00764-00175070-00175309 illuminated his contribution to the b_8spXXyIP0-00765-00175310-00175757 direct death of 10,000 other individuals b_8spXXyIP0-00766-00175758-00176120 and man that's one thing that guy did b_8spXXyIP0-00767-00176121-00176396 that that did so much good every single b_8spXXyIP0-00768-00176397-00176585 day if you just made that play based b_8spXXyIP0-00769-00176586-00176828 diet kind of thing we have even more b_8spXXyIP0-00770-00176829-00177107 power than that at this point when we b_8spXXyIP0-00771-00177108-00177431 have social media when we ever reach 200 b_8spXXyIP0-00772-00177432-00177602 people a thousand people ten thousand a b_8spXXyIP0-00773-00177603-00177767 hundred thousand some of us have reached b_8spXXyIP0-00774-00177768-00177995 to a million people to be able to do b_8spXXyIP0-00775-00177996-00178211 that there's no but that's what I said b_8spXXyIP0-00776-00178212-00178511 in my post show me a better way to b_8spXXyIP0-00777-00178512-00178715 reduce suffering on this planet at this b_8spXXyIP0-00778-00178716-00178940 magnitude just someone changing their b_8spXXyIP0-00779-00178941-00179153 diet someone changing instead of cars b_8spXXyIP0-00780-00179154-00179318 moved to get soy or rice or almond or b_8spXXyIP0-00781-00179319-00179537 coconut milk having beans or tofu or b_8spXXyIP0-00782-00179538-00179690 tempeh instead of meat b_8spXXyIP0-00783-00179691-00180065 having tofu scramble instead of eggs or b_8spXXyIP0-00784-00180066-00180227 abakada on toast or peanut butter on b_8spXXyIP0-00785-00180228-00180476 toast instead of eggs that is so simple b_8spXXyIP0-00786-00180477-00180689 show me an easier way to save so many b_8spXXyIP0-00787-00180690-00180923 lives to reduce so much suffering there b_8spXXyIP0-00788-00180924-00181283 isn't one and so that's why each day now b_8spXXyIP0-00789-00181284-00181469 that I haven't been more perspective b_8spXXyIP0-00790-00181470-00181634 okay I'm going to die so how do I want b_8spXXyIP0-00791-00181635-00181829 to spend my days or I do want to enjoy b_8spXXyIP0-00792-00181830-00182000 my life I think that's important to it b_8spXXyIP0-00793-00182001-00182192 for strategic reasons when it comes to b_8spXXyIP0-00794-00182193-00182360 primary animal rights also just for my b_8spXXyIP0-00795-00182361-00182570 own personal I want to see what I can do b_8spXXyIP0-00796-00182571-00182930 with my life in different ways but the b_8spXXyIP0-00797-00182931-00183170 vast majority of the dedication is going b_8spXXyIP0-00798-00183171-00183399 to lifting the bottom up how b_8spXXyIP0-00799-00183400-00183678 the ones right at the bottom and there's b_8spXXyIP0-00800-00183679-00183825 many groups that are suffering in this b_8spXXyIP0-00801-00183826-00184128 world when it comes to and I want them b_8spXXyIP0-00802-00184129-00184281 all to be helped b_8spXXyIP0-00803-00184282-00184443 and I'm glad that there's activists for b_8spXXyIP0-00804-00184444-00184548 many different causes I don't want b_8spXXyIP0-00805-00184549-00184641 everyone to just jump on an b_8spXXyIP0-00806-00184642-00184872 animal-rights I want everyone to be b_8spXXyIP0-00807-00184873-00185055 helped we're all you know there's much b_8spXXyIP0-00808-00185056-00185271 suffering going on but when it comes to b_8spXXyIP0-00809-00185272-00185484 the easiest way to reduce suffering to b_8spXXyIP0-00810-00185485-00185709 reduce violence to improve the health of b_8spXXyIP0-00811-00185710-00185859 the planet to improve the health of b_8spXXyIP0-00812-00185860-00186195 humanity spiritually and physically I b_8spXXyIP0-00813-00186196-00186507 can't think of an easier way than just b_8spXXyIP0-00814-00186508-00186720 promoting a plant-based diet to fear b_8spXXyIP0-00815-00186721-00186918 each other and then to our audiences as b_8spXXyIP0-00816-00186919-00187146 well and and wow what a gift okay so b_8spXXyIP0-00817-00187147-00187293 what we have to do we write a post each b_8spXXyIP0-00818-00187294-00187473 a we make a video we have these b_8spXXyIP0-00819-00187474-00187782 conversations literally your words you b_8spXXyIP0-00820-00187783-00187935 no need to go to war you don't need a b_8spXXyIP0-00821-00187936-00188169 battle for this in a way to battle but b_8spXXyIP0-00822-00188170-00188376 also you can just I was on the train on b_8spXXyIP0-00823-00188377-00188631 the way here Bros where am i vegan hat b_8spXXyIP0-00824-00188632-00188961 this dude goes to me sits dalek sort of b_8spXXyIP0-00825-00188962-00189264 hard looking do guys like your hat bro I b_8spXXyIP0-00826-00189265-00189480 gotta thanks bro I appreciate that b_8spXXyIP0-00827-00189481-00189663 I'm just children thought asleep see who b_8spXXyIP0-00828-00189664-00189861 says anything else because my b_8spXXyIP0-00829-00189862-00190185 nine-year-old my nine-year-old girl is b_8spXXyIP0-00830-00190186-00190557 vegan I'm like whoa smart go he goes b_8spXXyIP0-00831-00190558-00190947 yeah my baby mama she is she's been b_8spXXyIP0-00832-00190948-00191076 vegan for like five years b_8spXXyIP0-00833-00191077-00191316 I said well good for her man you know b_8spXXyIP0-00834-00191317-00191706 being vegan is such a lifestyle upgrade b_8spXXyIP0-00835-00191707-00191994 it's so good for you man I feel so what b_8spXXyIP0-00836-00191995-00192225 I'm so grateful that I'm not dining on b_8spXXyIP0-00837-00192226-00192522 the corpses of murdered tortured animals b_8spXXyIP0-00838-00192523-00192917 anymore bro I got cell yeah good I feel b_8spXXyIP0-00839-00192918-00193083 whoa b_8spXXyIP0-00840-00193084-00193452 and he's just like really like aa frog b_8spXXyIP0-00841-00193453-00193707 promise you the food is so because I see b_8spXXyIP0-00842-00193708-00193869 some good vegan feeling laughs you got a b_8spXXyIP0-00843-00193870-00194241 taste man and he leaves there in his b_8spXXyIP0-00844-00194242-00194451 life thanks for the chat bro am i right b_8spXXyIP0-00845-00194452-00195168 yeah all right and he rolls out I'm like b_8spXXyIP0-00846-00195169-00195384 ooh we spent two minutes talking this b_8spXXyIP0-00847-00195385-00195573 dude is definitely way more feeling b_8spXXyIP0-00848-00195574-00195789 veganism than before what does that mean b_8spXXyIP0-00849-00195790-00195863 that we had that conversation b_8spXXyIP0-00850-00195864-00196314 potentially 150 innocent beings who feel b_8spXXyIP0-00851-00196315-00196501 pain and suffer just like us why b_8spXXyIP0-00852-00196502-00196690 being murdered because of this guy now b_8spXXyIP0-00853-00196691-00197070 um yeah actually gave you energy that b_8spXXyIP0-00854-00197071-00197302 was like do you feel like when you b_8spXXyIP0-00855-00197303-00197494 having these outreach conversations even b_8spXXyIP0-00856-00197495-00197641 to the dead like you feel energized b_8spXXyIP0-00857-00197642-00198190 after these conversations generally it b_8spXXyIP0-00858-00198191-00198366 was a positive interaction I just feel b_8spXXyIP0-00859-00198367-00198649 like oh so positive and I was I you know b_8spXXyIP0-00860-00198650-00198832 I feel energized where necessary so he b_8spXXyIP0-00861-00198833-00198940 gave me energy b_8spXXyIP0-00862-00198941-00199183 I just felt so grateful to have that b_8spXXyIP0-00863-00199184-00199387 information yeah CheY man so I just b_8spXXyIP0-00864-00199388-00199525 helped my brother I don't know this guy b_8spXXyIP0-00865-00199526-00199798 I just helped this guy make such a vital b_8spXXyIP0-00866-00199799-00200091 connection to his compassion that's b_8spXXyIP0-00867-00200092-00200338 gonna help his health forget the animals b_8spXXyIP0-00868-00200339-00200524 for two seconds I helped his health so b_8spXXyIP0-00869-00200525-00200686 much so you can connect with his door b_8spXXyIP0-00870-00200687-00200893 and more and more compassionate level b_8spXXyIP0-00871-00200894-00201121 but then for the animals so they don't b_8spXXyIP0-00872-00201122-00201262 get their throats slit so don't get a b_8spXXyIP0-00873-00201263-00201484 baby storm from them and hooked up to b_8spXXyIP0-00874-00201485-00201676 these machines and slaughter in all b_8spXXyIP0-00875-00201677-00202063 these horrific ways yeah yeah man I felt b_8spXXyIP0-00876-00202064-00202306 I just felt like wow this little bit of b_8spXXyIP0-00877-00202307-00202729 information I know if you like this this b_8spXXyIP0-00878-00202730-00202900 is all it comes down to you can get b_8spXXyIP0-00879-00202901-00203071 every single essential nutrient you need b_8spXXyIP0-00880-00203072-00203344 from plants they're for any type of b_8spXXyIP0-00881-00203345-00203587 animal consumption is completely b_8spXXyIP0-00882-00203588-00203833 needlessly unnecessary and because every b_8spXXyIP0-00883-00203834-00204123 single animal product comes from b_8spXXyIP0-00884-00204124-00204448 violence needless violence then b_8spXXyIP0-00885-00204449-00204726 therefore it is inherently immoral and b_8spXXyIP0-00886-00204727-00205003 unnecessary that that's it b_8spXXyIP0-00887-00205004-00205177 so they're having that information and b_8spXXyIP0-00888-00205178-00205473 just being able to share that and that b_8spXXyIP0-00889-00205475-00205675 being able to do so much good I'm just b_8spXXyIP0-00890-00205676-00205948 like wow every vegan is sitting on such b_8spXXyIP0-00891-00205948-00206230 a goldmine of information that can be b_8spXXyIP0-00892-00206231-00206428 articulated so simply that is so b_8spXXyIP0-00893-00206429-00206650 illogical and impossible to argue b_8spXXyIP0-00894-00206651-00206937 against I'm just so happy to have it so b_8spXXyIP0-00895-00206938-00207135 when he left I was sorry b_8spXXyIP0-00896-00207136-00207348 I'm so glad I know this I'm so that I b_8spXXyIP0-00897-00207350-00207628 can share I'm so grateful for how much b_8spXXyIP0-00898-00207629-00207765 good veganism can do for the world b_8spXXyIP0-00899-00207766-00207934 that's what I thought about you make it b_8spXXyIP0-00900-00207935-00208153 sound so simple so it doesn't always b_8spXXyIP0-00901-00208154-00208869 turn out that you know it doesn't it b_8spXXyIP0-00902-00208871-00209112 doesn't turn out that simply but I think b_8spXXyIP0-00903-00209113-00209336 it's almost impossible for somebody to b_8spXXyIP0-00904-00209337-00209688 speak to an educator to fee again no b_8spXXyIP0-00905-00209689-00209863 matter how they respond in the moment b_8spXXyIP0-00906-00209864-00210007 without going away and thinking about b_8spXXyIP0-00907-00210008-00210262 the hypocritical claims they just made b_8spXXyIP0-00908-00210263-00210766 yeah I mean the the main thing I hear is b_8spXXyIP0-00909-00210767-00210931 like that vegans are hypocrites because b_8spXXyIP0-00910-00210932-00211221 they cause harm and but anything that b_8spXXyIP0-00911-00211223-00211486 they can say against a vegan can be you b_8spXXyIP0-00912-00211487-00211678 know said to the magnitude of ten back b_8spXXyIP0-00913-00211679-00211869 to the person who's also paying for b_8spXXyIP0-00914-00211871-00212023 animals to be stabbed on top of the harm b_8spXXyIP0-00915-00212023-00212314 that they caused so like what the only b_8spXXyIP0-00916-00212315-00212608 like where people what is the main thing b_8spXXyIP0-00917-00212609-00212898 that you hear the main objection the b_8spXXyIP0-00918-00212900-00213100 main justification that you hear on a b_8spXXyIP0-00919-00213101-00213535 day-to-day basis first was on that point b_8spXXyIP0-00920-00213536-00213766 vegans aren't being hypocritical in b_8spXXyIP0-00921-00213767-00214003 asking everyone else to reduce their b_8spXXyIP0-00922-00214004-00214173 suffering aspires practically possible b_8spXXyIP0-00923-00214175-00214354 just because we can't be perfect yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00924-00214355-00214594 veganism doesn't claim veganism is the b_8spXXyIP0-00925-00214594-00215014 path to perfection and and Zero Harm b_8spXXyIP0-00926-00215015-00215266 that's not what veganism is I don't know b_8spXXyIP0-00927-00215267-00215614 if there's some sort of group that claim b_8spXXyIP0-00928-00215615-00215773 that I don't think it's possible so I b_8spXXyIP0-00929-00215773-00215863 assume not b_8spXXyIP0-00930-00215864-00216106 veganism is the path because the least b_8spXXyIP0-00931-00216107-00216246 amount of harm is practically possible b_8spXXyIP0-00932-00216248-00216466 so it's not hypocritical to be vegan and b_8spXXyIP0-00933-00216467-00216700 to us everyone else to strive to reduce b_8spXXyIP0-00934-00216701-00216934 harm the vast majority of harm is food b_8spXXyIP0-00935-00216935-00217135 animals and other animals that are b_8spXXyIP0-00936-00217136-00217273 tested on and exploited for b_8spXXyIP0-00937-00217273-00217429 entertainment doing things the vast b_8spXXyIP0-00938-00217430-00217678 majority of it is in food yeah and so b_8spXXyIP0-00939-00217679-00217984 it's not it's not at all people who ask b_8spXXyIP0-00940-00217985-00218104 people to make this very simple b_8spXXyIP0-00941-00218105-00218377 lifestyle change of just choosing the b_8spXXyIP0-00942-00218378-00218626 thing next the soy milk instead of the b_8spXXyIP0-00943-00218627-00218836 cow's milk for example that's a very b_8spXXyIP0-00944-00218837-00219096 valid reasonable thing to ask for yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00945-00219098-00219325 and it doesn't make us hypocritical that b_8spXXyIP0-00946-00219326-00219519 we still step on ants when we go for a b_8spXXyIP0-00947-00219521-00219754 walk or we drive on a road that has a b_8spXXyIP0-00948-00219755-00219886 tunnel parks you know we're being the b_8spXXyIP0-00949-00219887-00220084 best vegans we can be in and not yet b_8spXXyIP0-00950-00220085-00220327 beacon world and as soon as a road opens b_8spXXyIP0-00951-00220328-00220525 up it's a vegan road with no animal b_8spXXyIP0-00952-00220526-00220723 products in it anything so me first on b_8spXXyIP0-00953-00220723-00221338 that road awesome now when it comes to b_8spXXyIP0-00954-00221339-00221908 the most common objection I hear um I b_8spXXyIP0-00955-00221909-00222061 think the most common objection that b_8spXXyIP0-00956-00222062-00222267 exists is probably just people don't b_8spXXyIP0-00957-00222269-00222469 think it's healthy whether that's the b_8spXXyIP0-00958-00222469-00222634 most likely or not I think that's b_8spXXyIP0-00959-00222635-00222877 probably I think the probably the main b_8spXXyIP0-00960-00222878-00223086 ones that are stopping people from being b_8spXXyIP0-00961-00223087-00223377 is one they don't think they can do it b_8spXXyIP0-00962-00223378-00223646 in a healthy way met they believe it's b_8spXXyIP0-00963-00223648-00223806 not healthy they've been told their b_8spXXyIP0-00964-00223807-00224028 whole life they need meat for protein b_8spXXyIP0-00965-00224029-00224262 and they need dairy for customer than b_8spXXyIP0-00966-00224263-00224444 eat eggs for omegas and there's just no b_8spXXyIP0-00967-00224446-00224573 such thing as a healthy vegan I read b_8spXXyIP0-00968-00224575-00224766 this study I saw this clickbait headline b_8spXXyIP0-00969-00224767-00225003 yeah it just can't be done I think b_8spXXyIP0-00970-00225004-00225282 there's I think then a very very big b_8spXXyIP0-00971-00225283-00225540 reason why people I'm switching to being b_8spXXyIP0-00972-00225541-00225717 ism it's like think they can't I don't b_8spXXyIP0-00973-00225717-00225888 have it in them I've been eating this b_8spXXyIP0-00974-00225889-00226121 food my whole life I love steak I love b_8spXXyIP0-00975-00226123-00226373 chicken I love eating eggs how am I b_8spXXyIP0-00976-00226375-00226539 gonna stop eating these foods what am I b_8spXXyIP0-00977-00226540-00226758 gonna eat just sell it all the time they b_8spXXyIP0-00978-00226759-00227048 have no idea how easy it is Judy how b_8spXXyIP0-00979-00227050-00227289 many delicious literally millions of b_8spXXyIP0-00980-00227290-00227460 vegan meals are out there that are just b_8spXXyIP0-00981-00227461-00227742 as satisfying just as tasty just as b_8spXXyIP0-00982-00227742-00227871 feeling yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00983-00227871-00228027 they got no idea that is saying I can b_8spXXyIP0-00984-00228028-00228210 just live off lettuce man I don't even b_8spXXyIP0-00985-00228211-00228402 like tofu how am I gonna be vegan yeah b_8spXXyIP0-00986-00228403-00228642 you know I'm allergic to soy cool b_8spXXyIP0-00987-00228642-00228840 I don't swear that often but you don't b_8spXXyIP0-00988-00228841-00229067 need to enjoy tofu to be vegan we know a b_8spXXyIP0-00989-00229069-00229305 little all we can make literally every b_8spXXyIP0-00990-00229306-00229530 fruit that you enjoy is there's a vegan b_8spXXyIP0-00991-00229531-00229716 version of it at a few clicks of your b_8spXXyIP0-00992-00229717-00230001 fingers on your phone or laptop away but b_8spXXyIP0-00993-00230002-00230166 I think that's a really major concern b_8spXXyIP0-00994-00230167-00230406 people I kind of want to go vegan but b_8spXXyIP0-00995-00230407-00230646 I'm afraid that I'll fail and if I fail b_8spXXyIP0-00996-00230646-00230792 what I don't want to watch that footage b_8spXXyIP0-00997-00230794-00231054 because if I watch that footage I'm b_8spXXyIP0-00998-00231055-00231357 gonna become yeah I'm gonna feel b_8spXXyIP0-00999-00231358-00231561 compelled to change and I don't want to b_8spXXyIP0-01000-00231562-00231719 feel compelled to change because I don't b_8spXXyIP0-01001-00231721-00231903 think I actually can change I don't have b_8spXXyIP0-01002-00231904-00232092 it eating me to do what these vegans do b_8spXXyIP0-01003-00232092-00232332 I don't have that willpower now the b_8spXXyIP0-01004-00232333-00232509 truth is you don't need willpower you b_8spXXyIP0-01005-00232510-00232707 need motivation and you need to know how b_8spXXyIP0-01006-00232708-00232848 to do it in a sustainable way so don't b_8spXXyIP0-01007-00232848-00233088 just go vegan for a week eater a totally b_8spXXyIP0-01008-00233089-00233301 raw food diet not get the nutrients you b_8spXXyIP0-01009-00233302-00233481 need and then fail and they are big you b_8spXXyIP0-01010-00233482-00233751 know some isn't for me I should go back b_8spXXyIP0-01011-00233752-00233934 to eating animals know you there's a b_8spXXyIP0-01012-00233935-00234189 very simple way to eat healthy on a b_8spXXyIP0-01013-00234190-00234419 vegan diet a whole food plant-based diet b_8spXXyIP0-01014-00234421-00234588 is what you should look into that's a b_8spXXyIP0-01015-00234589-00234750 ideal vegan diet you can add a little b_8spXXyIP0-01016-00234751-00234903 bit of processed food in there from time b_8spXXyIP0-01017-00234904-00235046 to time it's not going to cure you but b_8spXXyIP0-01018-00235048-00235239 ideally what you're sticking to is a b_8spXXyIP0-01019-00235240-00235425 whole food plant-based diet and fruits b_8spXXyIP0-01020-00235426-00235617 vegetables nuts grains seeds beans this b_8spXXyIP0-01021-00235617-00235988 can turn into pastures burgers pizzas b_8spXXyIP0-01022-00235989-00236211 vegan ice cream all kinds of different b_8spXXyIP0-01023-00236212-00236344 delicious amazing food b_8spXXyIP0-01024-00236344-00236539 we made from these very simple basic yes b_8spXXyIP0-01025-00236540-00236782 and so I guess what you're saying is b_8spXXyIP0-01026-00236783-00237082 it's more of a practical issue for b_8spXXyIP0-01027-00237083-00237391 people versus a principle issue which b_8spXXyIP0-01028-00237392-00237655 would be like in principle they believe b_8spXXyIP0-01029-00237656-00237862 that veganism is more ethical obviously b_8spXXyIP0-01030-00237863-00237991 if they see that the slaughterhouse b_8spXXyIP0-01031-00237992-00238105 footage and they're like well in b_8spXXyIP0-01032-00238106-00238326 principle I agree with you but b_8spXXyIP0-01033-00238327-00238519 practically I don't think I can achieve b_8spXXyIP0-01034-00238519-00238719 it and is it healthy but these are all b_8spXXyIP0-01035-00238721-00238948 practical things that can be solved yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01036-00238948-00239121 absolutely and I think that that took me b_8spXXyIP0-01037-00239123-00239494 a while to get to the point of it really b_8spXXyIP0-01038-00239494-00239800 advocating for well in that way we have b_8spXXyIP0-01039-00239801-00239977 that knowledge for a long time I was b_8spXXyIP0-01040-00239978-00240208 just only focused on animal rights and b_8spXXyIP0-01041-00240209-00240396 this is why we should all be vegan these b_8spXXyIP0-01042-00240398-00240565 individuals are why we should all be b_8spXXyIP0-01043-00240566-00240817 vegan the facts that figures the graphic b_8spXXyIP0-01044-00240817-00241156 cruelty and then I started hearing from b_8spXXyIP0-01045-00241157-00241369 actually from friends from school a lot b_8spXXyIP0-01046-00241369-00241579 of friends from school said I'm with you b_8spXXyIP0-01047-00241580-00241975 man I get sure veganism is the way how I b_8spXXyIP0-01048-00241976-00242142 can't I don't know how to do it like b_8spXXyIP0-01049-00242144-00242296 [__] I haven't told anybody how to do it b_8spXXyIP0-01050-00242296-00242611 yeah okay how do you go vegan you you b_8spXXyIP0-01051-00242612-00242788 know actually the first time I realized b_8spXXyIP0-01052-00242789-00243058 this I was almost finished my valve b_8spXXyIP0-01053-00243059-00243241 science the first year that I went vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01054-00243242-00243454 yeah we started activism on the desk b_8spXXyIP0-01055-00243455-00243883 went B again I've been writing a blog b_8spXXyIP0-01056-00243884-00244183 every day man up to a point where I b_8spXXyIP0-01057-00244184-00244339 started cycling across Australia I b_8spXXyIP0-01058-00244340-00244483 couldn't do it every day but I've this b_8spXXyIP0-01059-00244484-00244711 final written every single day this rack b_8spXXyIP0-01060-00244712-00244828 was the dairy industry this is what b_8spXXyIP0-01061-00244829-00244960 happens here this is that this is that b_8spXXyIP0-01062-00244961-00245242 and then I I got all the way into the b_8spXXyIP0-01063-00245242-00245491 chute I realize I'm gonna never told my b_8spXXyIP0-01064-00245492-00245800 audience how do it and I said god I'm so b_8spXXyIP0-01065-00245801-00246044 sorry b_8spXXyIP0-01066-00246046-00246271 these things these are the products of b_8spXXyIP0-01067-00246271-00246523 tomorrow here's some recipes they've b_8spXXyIP0-01068-00246523-00246928 been so patient and then I'm actually a b_8spXXyIP0-01069-00246929-00247108 couple of years ago I heard from a b_8spXXyIP0-01070-00247109-00247213 friend of mine who was a good friend in b_8spXXyIP0-01071-00247214-00247465 school and she said I'm with you man I b_8spXXyIP0-01072-00247466-00247666 think what you're saying makes so much b_8spXXyIP0-01073-00247667-00247969 sense it's so logical I love animals I b_8spXXyIP0-01074-00247969-00248107 don't want to cause this harm to them b_8spXXyIP0-01075-00248108-00248302 can you share all the recipes can you b_8spXXyIP0-01076-00248303-00248578 can you share more practical suggestions b_8spXXyIP0-01077-00248579-00248821 yeah and and yeah and then I started b_8spXXyIP0-01078-00248821-00248946 thinking about okay so how did I go to b_8spXXyIP0-01079-00248948-00249328 vegan well I went vegetarian first and b_8spXXyIP0-01080-00249329-00249506 then that opened me up again b_8spXXyIP0-01081-00249507-00249776 - you know I was always just go vegan go b_8spXXyIP0-01082-00249777-00250127 vegan and now my approach has change and b_8spXXyIP0-01083-00250128-00250413 I say go vegan that's what you got to do b_8spXXyIP0-01084-00250414-00250628 that is the least issue do don't even b_8spXXyIP0-01085-00250629-00250839 sit as an end goal that's the starting b_8spXXyIP0-01086-00250840-00251006 point I should be the least we should do b_8spXXyIP0-01087-00251007-00251249 now a moral baseline in society stop b_8spXXyIP0-01088-00251250-00251425 harming the innocent yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01089-00251426-00251684 it's anti-slavery it's anti oppression b_8spXXyIP0-01090-00251685-00251801 it's anti bonds b_8spXXyIP0-01091-00251802-00251972 it's an alignment we've lost we already b_8spXXyIP0-01092-00251973-00252107 have it's just extending those laws to b_8spXXyIP0-01093-00252108-00252320 Peaks cows chickens and fish and all the b_8spXXyIP0-01094-00252321-00252687 other animals that we legally exploit so b_8spXXyIP0-01095-00252688-00252854 that's just totally obvious and logical b_8spXXyIP0-01096-00252855-00253052 and then on top of that you can you know b_8spXXyIP0-01097-00253053-00253271 spread the message hopefully in b_8spXXyIP0-01098-00253272-00253778 countless different ways but when it b_8spXXyIP0-01099-00253779-00254064 comes to now that's my friend thought b_8spXXyIP0-01100-00254065-00254364 was I saying practical yes when it comes b_8spXXyIP0-01101-00254365-00254603 so so thanking you thank you so when it b_8spXXyIP0-01102-00254604-00254849 comes to how to get to being vegan now b_8spXXyIP0-01103-00254850-00255144 my suggestions have changed now I do say b_8spXXyIP0-01104-00255144-00255305 this like I said we totally guessed I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01105-00255306-00255524 saying you know person dependent I'd b_8spXXyIP0-01106-00255525-00255746 gauge a person based on where they're at b_8spXXyIP0-01107-00255747-00256025 well given every option that has been b_8spXXyIP0-01108-00256026-00256217 known to work for people going b_8spXXyIP0-01109-00256219-00256427 vegetarian has been known to work for b_8spXXyIP0-01110-00256428-00256637 countless people when I did a speech in b_8spXXyIP0-01111-00256638-00256949 Ottawa at the Parliament building a from b_8spXXyIP0-01112-00256950-00257088 the Parliament building after a March b_8spXXyIP0-01113-00257089-00257378 last year huge crowd of vegans and I b_8spXXyIP0-01114-00257379-00257660 said put your hand up if I was curious b_8spXXyIP0-01115-00257661-00257810 for myself put your hand up if you ain't b_8spXXyIP0-01116-00257811-00257996 vegan before if you want vegetarian b_8spXXyIP0-01117-00257997-00258218 before going vegan nearly every single b_8spXXyIP0-01118-00258219-00258428 person put their hand up I thought wow b_8spXXyIP0-01119-00258429-00258620 okay we don't need to demonize b_8spXXyIP0-01120-00258621-00258899 vegetarianism so much it is a stepping b_8spXXyIP0-01121-00258900-00259113 stone yes some people get stuck there b_8spXXyIP0-01122-00259114-00259328 way too long and management saying we b_8spXXyIP0-01123-00259329-00259563 should support or say yeah just go b_8spXXyIP0-01124-00259564-00259778 vegetarian and take your time it's not b_8spXXyIP0-01125-00259779-00260012 like that it's you can still suggest b_8spXXyIP0-01126-00260013-00260420 paths to veganism that are practical but b_8spXXyIP0-01127-00260421-00260603 in a way that isn't selling out on the b_8spXXyIP0-01128-00260604-00260879 animals it's in a way that's just giving b_8spXXyIP0-01129-00260880-00261083 people something to do that has some b_8spXXyIP0-01130-00261084-00261257 momentum to take them to the next step b_8spXXyIP0-01131-00261258-00261485 and they say I want to know how they b_8spXXyIP0-01132-00261486-00261674 receive the message though because for b_8spXXyIP0-01133-00261675-00261899 me a lot of people it's very obvious b_8spXXyIP0-01134-00261900-00262169 that meat is hacked off of an animal so b_8spXXyIP0-01135-00262170-00262328 they might make the decision to go b_8spXXyIP0-01136-00262329-00262682 vegetarian intuitively did they get the b_8spXXyIP0-01137-00262683-00262851 full message before going bed b_8spXXyIP0-01138-00262852-00263190 Terry and like because a lot of vegetal b_8spXXyIP0-01139-00263191-00263316 and what does it take to push a b_8spXXyIP0-01140-00263317-00263519 vegetarian out of that comfort zone b_8spXXyIP0-01141-00263520-00263829 great questions I think that look a lot b_8spXXyIP0-01142-00263830-00263997 of the time I wanted to do this as well b_8spXXyIP0-01143-00263998-00264144 let me just say a lot of the time I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01144-00264145-00264321 not saying in all my posts and videos b_8spXXyIP0-01145-00264322-00264552 going to tell you first to this good b_8spXXyIP0-01146-00264553-00264765 midlist Monday first eat vegan for b_8spXXyIP0-01147-00264766-00264846 breakfast first b_8spXXyIP0-01148-00264847-00265017 and lunch these are options that I think b_8spXXyIP0-01149-00265018-00265241 it can be useful to getting people to b_8spXXyIP0-01150-00265242-00265590 being vegan um but I don't always do b_8spXXyIP0-01151-00265591-00265746 that because I also know that there's a b_8spXXyIP0-01152-00265747-00265887 lot of people who just need the message b_8spXXyIP0-01153-00265888-00266340 go vegan tomorrow now like very very as b_8spXXyIP0-01154-00266341-00266568 soon as possible and they will just b_8spXXyIP0-01155-00266569-00266775 figure that out and do it but I think b_8spXXyIP0-01156-00266776-00267048 there's also a I'd say probably just b_8spXXyIP0-01157-00267049-00267219 based on experience in interacting with b_8spXXyIP0-01158-00267220-00267495 people a larger group of people the more b_8spXXyIP0-01159-00267496-00267735 mainstream people who do have maybe less b_8spXXyIP0-01160-00267736-00268191 of a motivation or feeling of ability to b_8spXXyIP0-01161-00268192-00268443 be able to make this change I think b_8spXXyIP0-01162-00268444-00268659 that's a large group of people who are b_8spXXyIP0-01163-00268660-00268854 totally scared off by the idea of being b_8spXXyIP0-01164-00268855-00269136 vegan and to the point where you've got b_8spXXyIP0-01165-00269137-00269283 it written right here don't let perfect b_8spXXyIP0-01166-00269284-00269601 be the enemy of good they are doing that b_8spXXyIP0-01167-00269602-00269793 like I can't be perfect I can't be vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01168-00269794-00270045 so I'm just gonna stay and do what I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01169-00270046-00270228 doing you know I don't necessarily want b_8spXXyIP0-01170-00270229-00270396 to be here but I don't think I can get b_8spXXyIP0-01171-00270397-00270579 there so I'm sure now I think it's b_8spXXyIP0-01172-00270580-00270795 important go well I know that seems like b_8spXXyIP0-01173-00270796-00271029 a big jump but how about this jump you b_8spXXyIP0-01174-00271030-00271242 think you cut out meat or you cut out me b_8spXXyIP0-01175-00271243-00271368 for a week b_8spXXyIP0-01176-00271369-00271554 see how easy that is how good the food b_8spXXyIP0-01177-00271555-00271758 is and then maybe next week you cut out b_8spXXyIP0-01178-00271759-00271875 eggs and then maybe the next week you b_8spXXyIP0-01179-00271876-00272079 cut out dairy and in three weeks you'll b_8spXXyIP0-01180-00272080-00272256 be there and I know you can do that do b_8spXXyIP0-01181-00272257-00272481 use a sound more achievable for you and b_8spXXyIP0-01182-00272482-00272715 to a lot of people they say yeah thanks b_8spXXyIP0-01183-00272716-00272922 for giving me some steps how to go vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01184-00272923-00273183 overnight that's that's we know we can b_8spXXyIP0-01185-00273184-00273441 people can do it but I can understand b_8spXXyIP0-01186-00273442-00273588 why it seems daunting to a lot of people b_8spXXyIP0-01187-00273589-00273945 feels like a huge lifestyle shift yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01188-00273946-00274185 upheaval and I'm gonna throw it on my b_8spXXyIP0-01189-00274186-00274350 staff and I'm not gonna be perfect vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01190-00274351-00274479 so maybe I should be being a nice LED b_8spXXyIP0-01191-00274480-00274644 products that'll be tested on animals in b_8spXXyIP0-01192-00274645-00274800 I don't know what about my washing b_8spXXyIP0-01193-00274801-00275040 liquid and it's like you get to that b_8spXXyIP0-01194-00275041-00275208 yeah you'll get to that next time you b_8spXXyIP0-01195-00275209-00275370 write on a washing liquid just look up b_8spXXyIP0-01196-00275371-00275550 vegan washing liquid at the supermarket b_8spXXyIP0-01197-00275551-00275766 you shot back in the meantime what can b_8spXXyIP0-01198-00275767-00275898 you do tomorrow do you think next time b_8spXXyIP0-01199-00275899-00276147 you go by you go shopping you can get b_8spXXyIP0-01200-00276148-00276327 coconut milk or almond milk or soy milk b_8spXXyIP0-01201-00276328-00276513 instead of cow's milk is that achievable b_8spXXyIP0-01202-00276514-00276753 for you okay yeah that I can do okay b_8spXXyIP0-01203-00276754-00276990 cool cool so that's almost dairy done b_8spXXyIP0-01204-00276991-00277170 like there's there's really very few b_8spXXyIP0-01205-00277171-00277362 steps to get there and that's why yeah I b_8spXXyIP0-01206-00277363-00277569 got to a point where I just think from b_8spXXyIP0-01207-00277570-00277785 time to time with the right people or in b_8spXXyIP0-01208-00277786-00278181 the right way it has saying it's proven b_8spXXyIP0-01209-00278182-00278424 useful to give people different paths b_8spXXyIP0-01210-00278425-00278652 see the same goal of course so you b_8spXXyIP0-01211-00278653-00278916 you're you're obviously advocating for b_8spXXyIP0-01212-00278917-00279123 veganism there's just a path that you b_8spXXyIP0-01213-00279124-00279312 know depending on the person the path b_8spXXyIP0-01214-00279313-00279471 that they take to get there but you're b_8spXXyIP0-01215-00279472-00279630 always explicit about what the end goal b_8spXXyIP0-01216-00279631-00280086 of closes oh never ever you know the b_8spXXyIP0-01217-00280087-00281358 dairy industry it's not veganism isn't b_8spXXyIP0-01218-00281359-00281529 perfect in and of itself isn't because b_8spXXyIP0-01219-00281530-00281718 we are obviously still contributing to b_8spXXyIP0-01220-00281719-00282042 some by existing and you know I want to b_8spXXyIP0-01221-00282043-00282144 talk to you about this because this has b_8spXXyIP0-01222-00282145-00282273 been a little bit of a topic it's b_8spXXyIP0-01223-00282274-00282390 probably just the topic in the vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01224-00282391-00282537 movement not much but what do you think b_8spXXyIP0-01225-00282538-00282696 about supporting these mainstream b_8spXXyIP0-01226-00282697-00282978 companies that put on a vegan option you b_8spXXyIP0-01227-00282979-00283134 know people go you can't support b_8spXXyIP0-01228-00283135-00283437 companies so that are non vegan but they b_8spXXyIP0-01229-00283438-00283668 put on like a you know this is a KFC b_8spXXyIP0-01230-00283669-00283971 subway you know a McDonald's Tesco they b_8spXXyIP0-01231-00283972-00284250 put it on our vegan range I use someone b_8spXXyIP0-01232-00284251-00284490 who would say you know hell yeah are you b_8spXXyIP0-01233-00284491-00284712 someone who could say no only support b_8spXXyIP0-01234-00284713-00285093 100% ethical businesses I told you I b_8spXXyIP0-01235-00285094-00285288 can't think of a better thing for the b_8spXXyIP0-01236-00285289-00285471 animal rights movement yeah misper I b_8spXXyIP0-01237-00285472-00285720 think one of the biggest issues with b_8spXXyIP0-01238-00285721-00286005 people going vegan is also the b_8spXXyIP0-01239-00286006-00286239 convenience factor yeah it's too hard b_8spXXyIP0-01240-00286240-00286416 we're gonna do this is where I eat I go b_8spXXyIP0-01241-00286417-00286557 to this supermarket I go to this b_8spXXyIP0-01242-00286558-00286869 restaurant I get this fast food I like b_8spXXyIP0-01243-00286870-00287040 they don't have vegan stuff they're what b_8spXXyIP0-01244-00287041-00287316 I must I can't do that yeah my job b_8spXXyIP0-01245-00287317-00287514 there's no vegan places around what do b_8spXXyIP0-01246-00287515-00287691 you want me to do I'm how am I gonna be b_8spXXyIP0-01247-00287692-00287964 be again to be able to have these b_8spXXyIP0-01248-00287965-00288273 options at these such popular b_8spXXyIP0-01249-00288274-00288399 restaurants so it's been really b_8spXXyIP0-01250-00288400-00288645 interesting actually Tim Hortons they b_8spXXyIP0-01251-00288646-00288888 have I think over 7,000 locations in b_8spXXyIP0-01252-00288889-00289338 Canada they put the beyond burger in all b_8spXXyIP0-01253-00289339-00289635 of their stores and they have a tires b_8spXXyIP0-01254-00289636-00289908 that every stridor drive-bys huge b_8spXXyIP0-01255-00289909-00290127 billboards on the highway Mike play b_8spXXyIP0-01256-00290128-00290415 thanks meat options this is amazing wow b_8spXXyIP0-01257-00290416-00290583 they're really normalizing it they're b_8spXXyIP0-01258-00290584-00290787 the convenience factors through the road b_8spXXyIP0-01259-00290788-00291135 yeah incredible cherry absolutely and b_8spXXyIP0-01260-00291136-00291330 they and they're selling out of it yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01261-00291331-00291603 so that's Tim Hortons they do the same b_8spXXyIP0-01262-00291604-00291822 an A&W they were selling out of the b_8spXXyIP0-01263-00291823-00292029 beyond burger yeah they just brought it b_8spXXyIP0-01264-00292030-00292361 in to Subway selling out yep absolutely b_8spXXyIP0-01265-00292362-00292701 dominating there yeah there's so many a b_8spXXyIP0-01266-00292702-00292980 makes a bucks bringing in vegan options b_8spXXyIP0-01267-00292981-00293196 and just so many different places b_8spXXyIP0-01268-00293197-00293490 bringing being options I never heard any b_8spXXyIP0-01269-00293491-00293865 negativity from on my postal is sharing b_8spXXyIP0-01270-00293866-00293994 these as I share every single one of b_8spXXyIP0-01271-00293995-00294204 them telling how amazing I think this is b_8spXXyIP0-01272-00294205-00294426 to have these vegan alternatives in b_8spXXyIP0-01273-00294427-00294648 these such mainstream places we're going b_8spXXyIP0-01274-00294649-00294966 to be like her about vegan stuff or you b_8spXXyIP0-01275-00294967-00295089 go with a vegan friend they're being b_8spXXyIP0-01276-00295090-00295245 friends to just wanting to try it try b_8spXXyIP0-01277-00295246-00295437 this people start seeing well this is b_8spXXyIP0-01278-00295438-00295608 delicious and I feel pretty good that it b_8spXXyIP0-01279-00295609-00295788 isn't actually an animal I don't like b_8spXXyIP0-01280-00295789-00295983 causing animal cruelty I heard these are b_8spXXyIP0-01281-00295984-00296130 healthier as well they're better for the b_8spXXyIP0-01282-00296131-00296193 planet too b_8spXXyIP0-01283-00296194-00296421 they have just as much protein it's huge b_8spXXyIP0-01284-00296422-00296607 makes a lot of sense huge they have b_8spXXyIP0-01285-00296608-00296817 millions of dollars in marketing they b_8spXXyIP0-01286-00296818-00297009 have restaurants all over the world they b_8spXXyIP0-01287-00297010-00297162 can reach the mainstream like no other b_8spXXyIP0-01288-00297163-00297357 they do all the advertising for us yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01289-00297358-00297564 I'm like thanks thanks for spreading the b_8spXXyIP0-01290-00297565-00297762 vegan message for us I'm so stoked the b_8spXXyIP0-01291-00297763-00298095 funny thing is as soon as KFC did it MMA b_8spXXyIP0-01292-00298096-00298386 rather so but not everyone a group of b_8spXXyIP0-01293-00298387-00298755 people the group of figures like no how b_8spXXyIP0-01294-00298756-00298953 can you promote this because Casey's b_8spXXyIP0-01295-00298954-00299223 very obviously selling tortured chicken b_8spXXyIP0-01296-00299224-00299472 by that's what that name run but but I b_8spXXyIP0-01297-00299473-00300014 don't think that KFC are an inherently b_8spXXyIP0-01298-00300015-00300246 they're not morally distinct from b_8spXXyIP0-01299-00300247-00300390 Starbucks of course b_8spXXyIP0-01300-00300391-00300625 so cows dairy all over the world I think b_8spXXyIP0-01301-00300626-00300853 a bit but I saw them saying people who b_8spXXyIP0-01302-00300854-00301165 are emotionally against KFC we're b_8spXXyIP0-01303-00301166-00301312 happily walking to Starbucks and get the b_8spXXyIP0-01304-00301313-00301621 o it get no latte I'm like wait a second b_8spXXyIP0-01305-00301622-00301771 where you getting shopping from here b_8spXXyIP0-01306-00301772-00301933 what's this new attachment you have to b_8spXXyIP0-01307-00301934-00302158 go shopping at you know 100% vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01308-00302159-00302323 businesses this is not achievable and b_8spXXyIP0-01309-00302324-00302449 it's not practical and it's a big b_8spXXyIP0-01310-00302450-00302665 problem - even from my dad I know you b_8spXXyIP0-01311-00302666-00302833 won't see me promoting that because I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01312-00302834-00303109 trying to reach the mainstream I want to b_8spXXyIP0-01313-00303110-00303322 reach those low income families that are b_8spXXyIP0-01314-00303323-00303439 just hitting me they never heard of b_8spXXyIP0-01315-00303440-00303562 vegan before and they got their walk b_8spXXyIP0-01316-00303563-00303724 into McDonald's and there's a big vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01317-00303725-00303931 there and they can choose that over the b_8spXXyIP0-01318-00303932-00304150 slaughtered enslaved dairy cows body b_8spXXyIP0-01319-00304151-00304282 that's a mean stuff in the other burgers b_8spXXyIP0-01320-00304283-00304498 you know absolutely man and I think that b_8spXXyIP0-01321-00304499-00304783 you know yes KFC they killed so many b_8spXXyIP0-01322-00304784-00305062 chicks so many dead chickens my only is b_8spXXyIP0-01323-00305063-00305284 tens of millions it's not it's horrific b_8spXXyIP0-01324-00305285-00305760 yeah but if anyone can change anyone's b_8spXXyIP0-01325-00305761-00306067 house workers change we change people b_8spXXyIP0-01326-00306068-00306316 change businesses change - yeah and when b_8spXXyIP0-01327-00306317-00306562 they see a demand for ethical b_8spXXyIP0-01328-00306563-00306808 alternatives yeah for vegan alternatives b_8spXXyIP0-01329-00306809-00307035 they put one there they see how well it b_8spXXyIP0-01330-00307036-00307234 goes they put another they put another b_8spXXyIP0-01331-00307235-00307543 it's not gonna be long before it's v KFC b_8spXXyIP0-01332-00307544-00307828 yeah you can Kentucky Fried whatever b_8spXXyIP0-01333-00307829-00308041 they want to call it vegan chicken don't b_8spXXyIP0-01334-00308042-00308551 you buy a corn that's right well I don't b_8spXXyIP0-01335-00308552-00308665 want to just boy I don't think b_8spXXyIP0-01336-00308666-00308938 boycotting them is something that it's b_8spXXyIP0-01337-00308939-00309084 kind of work because too many people are b_8spXXyIP0-01338-00309085-00309232 not interested they don't want to go b_8spXXyIP0-01339-00309233-00309424 vegan and eat vegan alternatives a lot b_8spXXyIP0-01340-00309425-00309607 of people to ask them to boycott their b_8spXXyIP0-01341-00309608-00309781 favorite restaurant because they maybe b_8spXXyIP0-01342-00309782-00309960 have some unethical practices it's just b_8spXXyIP0-01343-00309961-00310162 it's not practical it's not pragmatic b_8spXXyIP0-01344-00310163-00310504 it's not gonna happen yeah I wish b_8spXXyIP0-01345-00310505-00310657 everyone would just totally boycott b_8spXXyIP0-01346-00310658-00310882 every fast-food channel only a big in b_8spXXyIP0-01347-00310883-00311020 restaurants but that's just not reality b_8spXXyIP0-01348-00311021-00311266 so let's welcome what's reality what are b_8spXXyIP0-01349-00311267-00311449 people gonna do they can choose a vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01350-00311450-00311685 option of these places and that's what b_8spXXyIP0-01351-00311686-00311866 people will do that's why it's selling b_8spXXyIP0-01352-00311867-00312009 out and yeah and that's what's gonna b_8spXXyIP0-01353-00312010-00312232 motivate them to well I'm expecting that b_8spXXyIP0-01354-00312233-00312499 to do so well let's invest invest some b_8spXXyIP0-01355-00312500-00312646 more money into creating more of these b_8spXXyIP0-01356-00312647-00312826 options well they're selling out true b_8spXXyIP0-01357-00312827-00313039 people want the option it's it's almost b_8spXXyIP0-01358-00313040-00313216 like I was talking to Alex Hirsch aft b_8spXXyIP0-01359-00313217-00313363 and he's been a vegan for 40 years and b_8spXXyIP0-01360-00313364-00313606 in animal rights for you know a lifetime b_8spXXyIP0-01361-00313607-00313864 of longer than we've been here yeah so b_8spXXyIP0-01362-00313865-00313941 and b_8spXXyIP0-01363-00313942-00314258 saying like most people they know that b_8spXXyIP0-01364-00314259-00314493 eating me is cruel factory farming is b_8spXXyIP0-01365-00314494-00314616 cool you don't have to tell them anymore b_8spXXyIP0-01366-00314617-00314838 they just need the convenient food b_8spXXyIP0-01367-00314839-00315104 choice so what we need to do is change b_8spXXyIP0-01368-00315105-00315291 the food system from above so that b_8spXXyIP0-01369-00315292-00315477 there's choices available so people can b_8spXXyIP0-01370-00315478-00315675 you know it's convenient for people to b_8spXXyIP0-01371-00315676-00315849 choose you know like let's just sorta b_8spXXyIP0-01372-00315850-00316272 fried corn kentucky fried corn burger b_8spXXyIP0-01373-00316273-00316497 right there they don't have to you know b_8spXXyIP0-01374-00316498-00316662 they don't reach for anything they have b_8spXXyIP0-01375-00316663-00316848 to go find a vegan restaurant somewhere b_8spXXyIP0-01376-00316849-00317084 it's right there so it's on every corner b_8spXXyIP0-01377-00317085-00317376 on every corner he can make the moral b_8spXXyIP0-01378-00317377-00317571 choice if it's convenient they want to b_8spXXyIP0-01379-00317572-00317705 they want to they're just like that's a b_8spXXyIP0-01380-00317706-00317952 bit hard vegan places we don't have many b_8spXXyIP0-01381-00317953-00318225 around I was at KFC well that I can do b_8spXXyIP0-01382-00318226-00318434 yeah was that subway I can do that too b_8spXXyIP0-01383-00318435-00318600 these are the places that are in every b_8spXXyIP0-01384-00318601-00318822 food court in every shopping center on b_8spXXyIP0-01385-00318823-00319197 every corner and as I said before that b_8spXXyIP0-01386-00319198-00319347 wasn't a thing like where am I gonna get b_8spXXyIP0-01387-00319348-00319551 vegan ever no way wasn't in my b_8spXXyIP0-01388-00319552-00319709 consciousness before I was thought is b_8spXXyIP0-01389-00319710-00319875 impossible to get a vegan burger in b_8spXXyIP0-01390-00319876-00320163 McDonald's or KFC or subway I suck and b_8spXXyIP0-01391-00320164-00320415 it goes through being hard to fly into b_8spXXyIP0-01392-00320416-00320751 being on every corner every country on b_8spXXyIP0-01393-00320752-00321765 Earth Wow X vegans you know people who b_8spXXyIP0-01394-00321766-00322074 go vegan and they're struggling to for b_8spXXyIP0-01395-00322075-00322275 because of convenience or it's you know b_8spXXyIP0-01396-00322276-00322406 that the family issues where their b_8spXXyIP0-01397-00322407-00322569 family is going into a restaurant and b_8spXXyIP0-01398-00322570-00322746 you know there's no vegan options and b_8spXXyIP0-01399-00322747-00322977 and that social pressure but if there's b_8spXXyIP0-01400-00322978-00323187 vegan options in these restaurants and b_8spXXyIP0-01401-00323188-00323316 we're supporting them and promoting them b_8spXXyIP0-01402-00323317-00323475 and you know they're going to KFC their b_8spXXyIP0-01403-00323476-00323609 friends have had a few beers that night b_8spXXyIP0-01404-00323610-00323721 they go on to Casey there's a vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01405-00323722-00323858 option for them it just it's just b_8spXXyIP0-01406-00323859-00324123 helping people stay begin as well of b_8spXXyIP0-01407-00324124-00324324 course it is man yes social pressure is b_8spXXyIP0-01408-00324325-00324678 a you know for certain personality types b_8spXXyIP0-01409-00324679-00324881 yeah and what a lot of people would just b_8spXXyIP0-01410-00324882-00325020 want to fit in and just do what everyone b_8spXXyIP0-01411-00325021-00325101 else is doing b_8spXXyIP0-01412-00325102-00325280 don't don't want to be asked questions b_8spXXyIP0-01413-00325281-00325484 about their lifestyle and you know the b_8spXXyIP0-01414-00325485-00325706 confidence to answer and that's a b_8spXXyIP0-01415-00325707-00325931 legitimate concern for people I'm going b_8spXXyIP0-01416-00325932-00326060 to be different people are going to look b_8spXXyIP0-01417-00326061-00326187 at me different I'm not going to get b_8spXXyIP0-01418-00326188-00326421 invited to things and I'm not gonna be b_8spXXyIP0-01419-00326422-00326553 able to go out to eat with my friends b_8spXXyIP0-01420-00326554-00326694 and my friends won't know why because b_8spXXyIP0-01421-00326695-00326898 there's no vegan option they're like no b_8spXXyIP0-01422-00326899-00327005 you never worry about there's kind of a b_8spXXyIP0-01423-00327006-00327162 big adoption there now you can eat with b_8spXXyIP0-01424-00327163-00327229 them b_8spXXyIP0-01425-00327230-00327439 look the same it's gonna taste the same b_8spXXyIP0-01426-00327440-00327580 in fact it's probably gonna motivate b_8spXXyIP0-01427-00327581-00327784 your friends to eat like you - yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01428-00327785-00327985 maybe out of respect maybe out of b_8spXXyIP0-01429-00327986-00328150 curiosity maybe they'll taste and be b_8spXXyIP0-01430-00328151-00328294 like that's actually delicious and they b_8spXXyIP0-01431-00328295-00328480 care about animals too maybe that would b_8spXXyIP0-01432-00328481-00328633 make changes for the same reasons you do b_8spXXyIP0-01433-00328634-00328861 the convenience factor going through the b_8spXXyIP0-01434-00328862-00329275 roof is for sure I mean I heard that's b_8spXXyIP0-01435-00329276-00329590 one of the biggest consent if everybody b_8spXXyIP0-01436-00329591-00329767 if everybody could just if everybody b_8spXXyIP0-01437-00329768-00329977 could go out right now go to do all the b_8spXXyIP0-01438-00329978-00330130 same shopping they could do eat the b_8spXXyIP0-01439-00330131-00330337 exact same tasting food that they can b_8spXXyIP0-01440-00330338-00330532 and it'd be vegan of course they would b_8spXXyIP0-01441-00330533-00330790 do that they really it would you'd have b_8spXXyIP0-01442-00330791-00331123 you so illogical not to do that what b_8spXXyIP0-01443-00331124-00331342 would they do a fork because I want to b_8spXXyIP0-01444-00331343-00331465 contribute to animal cruelty cuz they b_8spXXyIP0-01445-00331466-00331582 want to destroy the plan because they b_8spXXyIP0-01446-00331583-00331792 want a healthier food we have the same b_8spXXyIP0-01447-00331793-00331954 food that tastes the same the looks are b_8spXXyIP0-01448-00331955-00332149 saying in the exact same location is b_8spXXyIP0-01449-00332150-00332440 where you already eat and it is better b_8spXXyIP0-01450-00332441-00332605 for all the reasons you can live b_8spXXyIP0-01451-00332606-00332848 perfectly healthy honor and it's just as b_8spXXyIP0-01452-00332849-00333121 convenient you would have to what kind b_8spXXyIP0-01453-00333122-00333301 of put some wooden shoes that makes no b_8spXXyIP0-01454-00333302-00333475 sense so it just comes down to but b_8spXXyIP0-01455-00333476-00333646 there's there's certain other factors as b_8spXXyIP0-01456-00333647-00333793 well so it comes out to educating people b_8spXXyIP0-01457-00333794-00333973 that yes this is a healthy choice a b_8spXXyIP0-01458-00333974-00334126 healthier choice it's better for you and b_8spXXyIP0-01459-00334127-00334315 your family make this choice when b_8spXXyIP0-01460-00334316-00334522 possible and that's like it's always b_8spXXyIP0-01461-00334523-00334753 possible you can do this anytime you go b_8spXXyIP0-01462-00334754-00334927 shopping now it's become more convenient b_8spXXyIP0-01463-00334928-00335167 than ever and notice it more convenient b_8spXXyIP0-01464-00335168-00335353 than ever but you can eat the same b_8spXXyIP0-01465-00335354-00335608 things you already eat you like you like b_8spXXyIP0-01466-00335609-00335977 KFC we've got vegan hey you say a KFC go b_8spXXyIP0-01467-00335978-00336157 enjoy you don't have to be a healthy b_8spXXyIP0-01468-00336158-00336259 million if you don't want b_8spXXyIP0-01469-00336260-00336391 we recommend eating a Whole Foods b_8spXXyIP0-01470-00336392-00336559 plant-based diet that's how you'll feel b_8spXXyIP0-01471-00336560-00336730 your best if you don't want to do that b_8spXXyIP0-01472-00336731-00336979 cool just stop killing animals in the b_8spXXyIP0-01473-00336980-00337204 process of you getting your calories and b_8spXXyIP0-01474-00337205-00337441 you can easily do that by choosing the b_8spXXyIP0-01475-00337442-00337584 vegan alternatives b_8spXXyIP0-01476-00337585-00337912 you cannot support KFC you must only get b_8spXXyIP0-01477-00337913-00338173 I just think like we we don't we're not b_8spXXyIP0-01478-00338174-00338383 in a position to have that flexibility b_8spXXyIP0-01479-00338384-00338653 to go you can only buy vegan food from b_8spXXyIP0-01480-00338654-00338788 here we need people buying vegan food b_8spXXyIP0-01481-00338789-00339016 from wherever it's available you know b_8spXXyIP0-01482-00339017-00339286 the world's like God we need radical b_8spXXyIP0-01483-00339287-00339526 change when you've radical change we b_8spXXyIP0-01484-00339527-00339718 need people working from below any b_8spXXyIP0-01485-00339719-00339862 direct action from above when in b_8spXXyIP0-01486-00339863-00340033 corporations putting on vegan options we b_8spXXyIP0-01487-00340034-00340207 need everything working together and the b_8spXXyIP0-01488-00340208-00340405 last thing I'm gonna be doing is like b_8spXXyIP0-01489-00340406-00340932 anti vegan product activism b_8spXXyIP0-01490-00340933-00341242 look like yeah everyone put their heart b_8spXXyIP0-01491-00341243-00341458 in the right place cause you know we all b_8spXXyIP0-01492-00341459-00341746 I just we all want the same thing vegan b_8spXXyIP0-01493-00341747-00341926 world as soon as possible yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01494-00341927-00342124 so I just have different ideas on how to b_8spXXyIP0-01495-00342125-00342448 get there and that's fine it's you know b_8spXXyIP0-01496-00342449-00342565 it's no hater on anybody with that b_8spXXyIP0-01497-00342566-00342856 opinion or anything but um make person b_8spXXyIP0-01498-00342857-00343027 anything that's a logical or consistent b_8spXXyIP0-01499-00343028-00343285 opinion and yeah I definitely I b_8spXXyIP0-01500-00343286-00343467 definitely support vegan options being b_8spXXyIP0-01501-00343468-00343714 it almost feels counterintuitive though b_8spXXyIP0-01502-00343715-00343852 doesn't it because like you have that b_8spXXyIP0-01503-00343853-00344017 like everyone's got this emotional b_8spXXyIP0-01504-00344018-00344173 attachment to place like McDonald's like b_8spXXyIP0-01505-00344174-00344395 I use I hate don't have their own b_8spXXyIP0-01506-00344396-00344575 slaughterhouses you know I mean it but b_8spXXyIP0-01507-00344576-00344739 it's it's it's more of an emotional b_8spXXyIP0-01508-00344740-00345076 reaction it's not a logical one it's not b_8spXXyIP0-01509-00345077-00345241 up here like okay is this going to be b_8spXXyIP0-01510-00345242-00345427 good to have a different option for cows b_8spXXyIP0-01511-00345428-00346564 cows oh yeah that's a great perspective b_8spXXyIP0-01512-00346565-00346839 to look at it from let's talk about b_8spXXyIP0-01513-00346840-00347134 where we're so you've obviously achieved b_8spXXyIP0-01514-00347135-00347368 a lot in a short amount of time you know b_8spXXyIP0-01515-00347369-00347527 you haven't been vegan for ten years b_8spXXyIP0-01516-00347528-00347635 even what you've been digging for five b_8spXXyIP0-01517-00347636-00347842 years six years in general six years in b_8spXXyIP0-01518-00347843-00348028 January and achieved a lot and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01519-00348029-00348253 really grateful that you're still b_8spXXyIP0-01520-00348254-00348394 kicking and still going and still b_8spXXyIP0-01521-00348395-00348493 promoting the message because I know b_8spXXyIP0-01522-00348494-00348655 that it you know just can feel like b_8spXXyIP0-01523-00348656-00348790 there's a weight on your shoulders and b_8spXXyIP0-01524-00348791-00349003 you you did go through a bit of a hard b_8spXXyIP0-01525-00349004-00349153 time there about it because about a year b_8spXXyIP0-01526-00349154-00349279 ago you went for a bit of a hard time b_8spXXyIP0-01527-00349280-00349615 yeah and but now where are you seeing b_8spXXyIP0-01528-00349616-00350026 yourself going from here well I just b_8spXXyIP0-01529-00350027-00350239 feel better than ever man I'm taking b_8spXXyIP0-01530-00350240-00350500 care of myself more than ever before b_8spXXyIP0-01531-00350501-00350686 I actually just healed a neck injury b_8spXXyIP0-01532-00350687-00350977 I've had since I was 17 Wow every single b_8spXXyIP0-01533-00350978-00351220 day it was causing me grief I spent b_8spXXyIP0-01534-00351221-00351454 thousands of dollars on a scene b_8spXXyIP0-01535-00351455-00351652 everybody no one could do anything for b_8spXXyIP0-01536-00351653-00351916 and three months ago I realized I b_8spXXyIP0-01537-00351917-00352102 finally went back a little further b_8spXXyIP0-01538-00352103-00352270 thought I injured it when I was 21 I b_8spXXyIP0-01539-00352271-00352576 went back to when I was 17 and realized b_8spXXyIP0-01540-00352577-00352789 the root cause of what I did and then b_8spXXyIP0-01541-00352790-00353077 just worked with that new understanding b_8spXXyIP0-01542-00353078-00353380 healed my necks and I feel like you know b_8spXXyIP0-01543-00353381-00353603 I feel there's just so much b_8spXXyIP0-01544-00353604-00353795 but I really want to take care of myself b_8spXXyIP0-01545-00353796-00354119 a big part of a big way that we can b_8spXXyIP0-01546-00354120-00354278 spread the messages through our health b_8spXXyIP0-01547-00354279-00354476 because people have this objection you b_8spXXyIP0-01548-00354477-00354680 can't be a healthy vegan so what I am b_8spXXyIP0-01549-00354681-00355238 focusing on right now is finis yes and b_8spXXyIP0-01550-00355239-00355433 health I want to show people how that b_8spXXyIP0-01551-00355434-00355681 you can build a body on a vegan diet I b_8spXXyIP0-01552-00355682-00355961 want to I'm we're about to release an b_8spXXyIP0-01553-00355962-00356183 e-book you've got the you've got a great b_8spXXyIP0-01554-00356184-00356402 recipe in there bro it's a recipe book b_8spXXyIP0-01555-00356403-00356819 with many of many people who are out b_8spXXyIP0-01556-00356820-00357002 there influencing people on how to live b_8spXXyIP0-01557-00357003-00357293 a vegan diet at live vegan lifestyle and b_8spXXyIP0-01558-00357294-00357437 so we've got a collection of everybody b_8spXXyIP0-01559-00357438-00357710 in there just sharing recipes and yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01560-00357711-00357845 because that's a bit more not just why b_8spXXyIP0-01561-00357846-00357992 to go being and we all I want to focus b_8spXXyIP0-01562-00357993-00358190 also on how to go being and how to make b_8spXXyIP0-01563-00358191-00358490 this practical for people as possible I b_8spXXyIP0-01564-00358491-00358643 will continue posting every single day b_8spXXyIP0-01565-00358644-00358790 next year I hope to be a little more set b_8spXXyIP0-01566-00358791-00358964 up so I can focus a bit more on putting b_8spXXyIP0-01567-00358965-00359201 all the content that I do collect into b_8spXXyIP0-01568-00359202-00359456 things that actually finally reach the b_8spXXyIP0-01569-00359457-00359627 world because so much I collect and then b_8spXXyIP0-01570-00359628-00359756 a year later I'm like okay I'm ready to b_8spXXyIP0-01571-00359757-00359894 edit that video now because I haven't b_8spXXyIP0-01572-00359895-00360110 sat down and you know and I like down I b_8spXXyIP0-01573-00360111-00360299 didn't want to put that out because I b_8spXXyIP0-01574-00360300-00360452 don't say it like that I mean yeah it's b_8spXXyIP0-01575-00360453-00360587 like I've evolved the way I think about b_8spXXyIP0-01576-00360588-00360869 it I'm focused as well again back into b_8spXXyIP0-01577-00360870-00361130 meditation of a posture meditation let's b_8spXXyIP0-01578-00361131-00361661 talk about that it's really b_8spXXyIP0-01579-00361662-00361925 life-changing it was my life course my b_8spXXyIP0-01580-00361926-00362132 mouth ten day meditation course I b_8spXXyIP0-01581-00362133-00362408 counted about 1,500 hours of this b_8spXXyIP0-01582-00362409-00362774 particular meditation practice now and I b_8spXXyIP0-01583-00362775-00363020 just see so much value in it man so much b_8spXXyIP0-01584-00363021-00363170 value for humankind b_8spXXyIP0-01585-00363171-00363353 veganism is to liberate animals from b_8spXXyIP0-01586-00363354-00363575 their suffering and for past my b_8spXXyIP0-01587-00363576-00363794 meditation is to liberate humans from b_8spXXyIP0-01588-00363795-00364121 our suffering you see so much value in I b_8spXXyIP0-01589-00364122-00364508 think that when people can learn to b_8spXXyIP0-01590-00364509-00364877 learn something to use some of the b_8spXXyIP0-01591-00364878-00365149 techniques involved in this meditation b_8spXXyIP0-01592-00365150-00365471 and I want to share them that it can be b_8spXXyIP0-01593-00365472-00365672 such good forward for the individual b_8spXXyIP0-01594-00365673-00365921 when we are light up we shine further b_8spXXyIP0-01595-00365922-00366134 into more darkness we can do more good b_8spXXyIP0-01596-00366135-00366341 when we're suffering less we can focus b_8spXXyIP0-01597-00366342-00366548 more on the suffering of others seeing b_8spXXyIP0-01598-00366549-00366722 is extremely valuable for animal rights b_8spXXyIP0-01599-00366723-00367076 and just humanity in general and you b_8spXXyIP0-01600-00367077-00367382 know I'm I have a I feel I guess I feel b_8spXXyIP0-01601-00367383-00367601 similarly to a journey to speaking up b_8spXXyIP0-01602-00367602-00367781 for the animals with the knowledge I've b_8spXXyIP0-01603-00367782-00368063 got I feel a similar duty to speak about b_8spXXyIP0-01604-00368064-00368410 for partner right now because yeah when b_8spXXyIP0-01605-00368411-00368609 you know if you only have sang so good b_8spXXyIP0-01606-00368610-00368876 you want to share with the world and b_8spXXyIP0-01607-00368877-00369155 aside from that you know coming up next b_8spXXyIP0-01608-00369156-00369310 week we're going to Indonesia we have b_8spXXyIP0-01609-00369311-00369557 access to some slaughterhouses so we'll b_8spXXyIP0-01610-00369558-00369734 be getting some powerful footage and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01611-00369735-00369965 sure ton a lot of people vegan who have b_8spXXyIP0-01612-00369966-00370229 maybe not seen such direct violence b_8spXXyIP0-01613-00370230-00370718 because of their choices before and you b_8spXXyIP0-01614-00370719-00370865 know man just mark the usual we have b_8spXXyIP0-01615-00370866-00371087 some speeches lined up at some schools b_8spXXyIP0-01616-00371088-00371309 for the end of the year and I'll just b_8spXXyIP0-01617-00371310-00371540 continue to be accepting as many b_8spXXyIP0-01618-00371541-00371789 opportunities as possible hopefully with b_8spXXyIP0-01619-00371790-00372179 bigger platforms hopefully with people b_8spXXyIP0-01620-00372180-00372356 who aren't vegan I've been talking to b_8spXXyIP0-01621-00372357-00372632 Kelly Slater lately amazing yeah I've b_8spXXyIP0-01622-00372633-00373013 been SOI from listen s so what our b_8spXXyIP0-01623-00373014-00373193 office messaging must amping up today b_8spXXyIP0-01624-00373194-00373540 and we had a little back-and-forth so b_8spXXyIP0-01625-00373541-00373889 yeah I just I'd like to you know I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01626-00373890-00374066 trying to be as approachable as possible b_8spXXyIP0-01627-00374067-00374276 I want to I want people to feel b_8spXXyIP0-01628-00374277-00374414 comfortable with having me on their non b_8spXXyIP0-01629-00374415-00374687 vegan platform so that I can go and just b_8spXXyIP0-01630-00374688-00375005 speak about what what I think the way b_8spXXyIP0-01631-00375006-00375140 that the world needs to shift and how we b_8spXXyIP0-01632-00375141-00375224 can all do it b_8spXXyIP0-01633-00375225-00375431 and aside from that in terms of big b_8spXXyIP0-01634-00375432-00375665 projects you know at this point it's b_8spXXyIP0-01635-00375666-00375845 just more of the same man yes because b_8spXXyIP0-01636-00375846-00376103 what you know I'm happy with the impact b_8spXXyIP0-01637-00376104-00376301 that I had and that I'm having so I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01638-00376302-00376448 just gone with the flow of what I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01639-00376449-00376634 doing working I received messages like b_8spXXyIP0-01640-00376635-00376841 I'm sure you do all day long from people b_8spXXyIP0-01641-00376842-00377035 going vegan and it gives me a lot of b_8spXXyIP0-01642-00377036-00377222 confidence and it also it makes it a lot b_8spXXyIP0-01643-00377223-00377417 easier to block out all the negative b_8spXXyIP0-01644-00377418-00377618 people who tell you you're doing it b_8spXXyIP0-01645-00377619-00377828 wrong don't do it like that you need to b_8spXXyIP0-01646-00377829-00378005 do it like this you shouldn't have said b_8spXXyIP0-01647-00378006-00378200 that I was like okay well show us your b_8spXXyIP0-01648-00378201-00378896 results may we can I just wanted to talk b_8spXXyIP0-01649-00378897-00379214 about like insight you got insight from b_8spXXyIP0-01650-00379215-00379457 your partner b_8spXXyIP0-01651-00379458-00379781 so good okay so the apostille technique b_8spXXyIP0-01652-00379782-00380105 is described as the technique that the b_8spXXyIP0-01653-00380106-00380231 buddha the only thing that brought it b_8spXXyIP0-01654-00380232-00380378 toward once you became enlightened and b_8spXXyIP0-01655-00380379-00380507 this is story I'm not saying I b_8spXXyIP0-01656-00380508-00380627 definitely believe in the story of the b_8spXXyIP0-01657-00380628-00380786 Buddha but this is how its described and b_8spXXyIP0-01658-00380787-00381122 the benefit I've seen from it I feel it b_8spXXyIP0-01659-00381123-00381410 definitely reigns you know there's a lot b_8spXXyIP0-01660-00381411-00381602 of truth to it whether the actual story b_8spXXyIP0-01661-00381603-00381767 of the process of the Buddha's life I b_8spXXyIP0-01662-00381768-00381899 don't know about that but this b_8spXXyIP0-01663-00381900-00382052 particular technique I believe in very b_8spXXyIP0-01664-00382053-00382328 very very strongly the technique is b_8spXXyIP0-01665-00382329-00382649 simple it is to equal parts it is b_8spXXyIP0-01666-00382650-00382880 observation of the physical sensations b_8spXXyIP0-01667-00382881-00383153 on your body and it is equanimity which b_8spXXyIP0-01668-00383154-00383339 means accepting the moment however it b_8spXXyIP0-01669-00383340-00383552 presents itself when you combine those b_8spXXyIP0-01670-00383553-00383726 together the technique means you are b_8spXXyIP0-01671-00383727-00383918 looking you constantly have some b_8spXXyIP0-01672-00383919-00384167 awareness on the physical sensations on b_8spXXyIP0-01673-00384168-00384377 your body bitching tingling pressure b_8spXXyIP0-01674-00384378-00384650 pain whatever is the reason why that's b_8spXXyIP0-01675-00384651-00384854 important and why you're not working b_8spXXyIP0-01676-00384855-00384977 with the thought you have all the b_8spXXyIP0-01677-00384978-00385205 emotions you have is because and this is b_8spXXyIP0-01678-00385206-00385538 the Buddha's contribution when you one b_8spXXyIP0-01679-00385539-00385832 of your senses is here for example you b_8spXXyIP0-01680-00385833-00385984 see something pleasurable and b_8spXXyIP0-01681-00385985-00386237 unpleasurable you think something in b_8spXXyIP0-01682-00386238-00386396 that way good or bad b_8spXXyIP0-01683-00386397-00386783 all your you know touch here smell the b_8spXXyIP0-01684-00386784-00386966 very first thing that happens the b_8spXXyIP0-01685-00386967-00387230 deepest part of your mind when you react b_8spXXyIP0-01686-00387231-00387497 is there is a sensation somewhere on b_8spXXyIP0-01687-00387498-00387761 your body and we are either do one of b_8spXXyIP0-01688-00387762-00387932 two things we either have a sensation b_8spXXyIP0-01689-00387933-00388145 and it's a pleasant sensation because b_8spXXyIP0-01690-00388146-00388364 language saw was good and then we b_8spXXyIP0-01691-00388365-00388529 respond by getting attached to it oh it b_8spXXyIP0-01692-00388530-00388811 feels good but because everything every b_8spXXyIP0-01693-00388812-00389078 sensation as well is impermanent as it b_8spXXyIP0-01694-00389079-00389291 starts to dissipate like that's why b_8spXXyIP0-01695-00389292-00389438 people crave drugs you feel good and b_8spXXyIP0-01696-00389439-00389654 then as the drug hit starts to go like I b_8spXXyIP0-01697-00389655-00390074 want that drug again you have become b_8spXXyIP0-01698-00390075-00390305 attached to that sensation and so you b_8spXXyIP0-01699-00390306-00390458 suffer because of that attachment or b_8spXXyIP0-01700-00390459-00390701 it's a nun pleasurable sensation and you b_8spXXyIP0-01701-00390702-00390845 resist in the moment you suffer b_8spXXyIP0-01702-00390846-00390932 straightaway because there's something b_8spXXyIP0-01703-00390933-00391184 not nice let's say there's pain and not b_8spXXyIP0-01704-00391185-00391397 only is there pain which is just how it b_8spXXyIP0-01705-00391398-00391622 is but you also add to that pain by b_8spXXyIP0-01706-00391623-00391784 going ah this pain I don't want to be in b_8spXXyIP0-01707-00391785-00392042 pain I hate pain pain sucks why me and b_8spXXyIP0-01708-00392043-00392240 technique the technique of a pasta is b_8spXXyIP0-01709-00392241-00392441 instead of reacting to these things to b_8spXXyIP0-01710-00392442-00392683 observe them there is pain b_8spXXyIP0-01711-00392684-00392965 observe feel it go into a face it b_8spXXyIP0-01712-00392966-00393148 because that'll make you stronger so b_8spXXyIP0-01713-00393149-00393490 it's got like a conscious detachment not b_8spXXyIP0-01714-00393491-00393679 gonna eat you emotionally detaching from b_8spXXyIP0-01715-00393680-00393970 like a nobs observer you are detaching b_8spXXyIP0-01716-00393971-00394174 from reacting to it okay you just it is b_8spXXyIP0-01717-00394175-00394432 how it is why why I create a craving b_8spXXyIP0-01718-00394433-00394615 saying that is so temporary b_8spXXyIP0-01719-00394616-00394937 why create a version to something that b_8spXXyIP0-01720-00394938-00395185 is it is already there seemed something b_8spXXyIP0-01721-00395186-00395503 brutal all addiction nearly it is man it b_8spXXyIP0-01722-00395504-00395650 is definitely the path out of addiction b_8spXXyIP0-01723-00395651-00395806 Wow I had an eating disorder the first b_8spXXyIP0-01724-00395807-00396007 time that I went there and I was doing a b_8spXXyIP0-01725-00396008-00396232 lot of drugs yeah leading up to this b_8spXXyIP0-01726-00396233-00396373 part of my life a person I went to a b_8spXXyIP0-01727-00396374-00396865 partner and yeah I that just man it is b_8spXXyIP0-01728-00396866-00397096 perfect addiction therapy it is you know b_8spXXyIP0-01729-00397097-00397252 they do a similar thing called cognitive b_8spXXyIP0-01730-00397253-00397483 behavior therapy CBT works in a very b_8spXXyIP0-01731-00397484-00397744 similar way to Vyazma but this technique b_8spXXyIP0-01732-00397745-00397990 for people with addiction is phenomenal b_8spXXyIP0-01733-00397991-00398185 bro it gets you out of dates that it's b_8spXXyIP0-01734-00398186-00398302 the path doesn't mean you come out in b_8spXXyIP0-01735-00398303-00398470 your first 10 day course but what you b_8spXXyIP0-01736-00398471-00398608 learn in the course is the technique b_8spXXyIP0-01737-00398609-00398743 that you can use every day for the rest b_8spXXyIP0-01738-00398744-00398789 of life b_8spXXyIP0-01739-00398790-00399058 it's also why when I'm talking to b_8spXXyIP0-01740-00399059-00399268 somebody and someone else and this is a b_8spXXyIP0-01741-00399269-00399424 big thing that a lot of people who b_8spXXyIP0-01742-00399425-00399706 follow my journey I think value in the b_8spXXyIP0-01743-00399707-00399883 content I put out how do you stay so b_8spXXyIP0-01744-00399884-00400135 calm bro how did you know if that was me b_8spXXyIP0-01745-00400136-00400337 I would have got so angry I would have b_8spXXyIP0-01746-00400338-00400507 you know said this and said that and b_8spXXyIP0-01747-00400508-00400900 from ages 4 past nah anger comes but I b_8spXXyIP0-01748-00400901-00401179 have a choice to react to that scent b_8spXXyIP0-01749-00401180-00401392 like really the anger comes after the b_8spXXyIP0-01750-00401393-00401588 sensation the sensation of anger is b_8spXXyIP0-01751-00401589-00401813 generally heat up or tension or b_8spXXyIP0-01752-00401814-00402137 tightness and and that can lead to anger b_8spXXyIP0-01753-00402138-00402358 very quickly or you can just observe b_8spXXyIP0-01754-00402359-00402583 that for what it is and choose to b_8spXXyIP0-01755-00402584-00402829 respond rather than react blindly so b_8spXXyIP0-01756-00402830-00403120 that is a huge part of why I think I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01757-00403121-00403372 able to get through to people I don't b_8spXXyIP0-01758-00403373-00403613 take their [__] I don't and what I b_8spXXyIP0-01759-00403614-00403810 mean by that is they're trying to get me b_8spXXyIP0-01760-00403811-00403954 to react if I can response out if I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01761-00403955-00404200 you keep that I don't it always calms b_8spXXyIP0-01762-00404201-00404410 them down of course it does yeah because b_8spXXyIP0-01763-00404411-00404584 you're not responding on that energy and b_8spXXyIP0-01764-00404585-00404776 they can bring you down or you can bring b_8spXXyIP0-01765-00404777-00404989 them up yeah and yeah so I just think b_8spXXyIP0-01766-00404990-00405274 this is a very valuable thing to to b_8spXXyIP0-01767-00405275-00405526 teach and not just to teach even is to b_8spXXyIP0-01768-00405527-00405713 practice I'm you know I'm committed to b_8spXXyIP0-01769-00405714-00405887 practicing every day at this point which b_8spXXyIP0-01770-00405888-00406015 I have been back and forth in the past b_8spXXyIP0-01771-00406016-00406049 but b_8spXXyIP0-01772-00406050-00406316 now it's very important because for a b_8spXXyIP0-01773-00406317-00406424 lot of people there's a lot of people b_8spXXyIP0-01774-00406425-00406721 following me online and I want to be the b_8spXXyIP0-01775-00406722-00406958 best activist and person I can be the b_8spXXyIP0-01776-00406959-00407372 best representative I can be for those b_8spXXyIP0-01777-00407373-00407648 people to look up to so that you know b_8spXXyIP0-01778-00407649-00407945 like because that's just the reality of b_8spXXyIP0-01779-00407946-00408101 my role right now so there's a b_8spXXyIP0-01780-00408102-00408290 responsibility there to strive to be a b_8spXXyIP0-01781-00408291-00408455 good person yeah we've got a very big b_8spXXyIP0-01782-00408456-00408614 influence you lead by example and you b_8spXXyIP0-01783-00408615-00408809 have influenced me as well like with my b_8spXXyIP0-01784-00408810-00408959 advocacy to just the way that you b_8spXXyIP0-01785-00408960-00409139 connect with people through that your b_8spXXyIP0-01786-00409140-00409352 way I think it's super valuable to the b_8spXXyIP0-01787-00409353-00409550 movement and and also some people can be b_8spXXyIP0-01788-00409551-00409688 turned off by certain approaches and b_8spXXyIP0-01789-00409689-00409814 they come to you and them and you know b_8spXXyIP0-01790-00409814-00410012 you sort of sweep them up with your you b_8spXXyIP0-01791-00410013-00410197 know it's almost like you draw people in b_8spXXyIP0-01792-00410199-00410359 and you don't people don't feel attacked b_8spXXyIP0-01793-00410360-00410513 you know that you've really b_8spXXyIP0-01794-00410514-00410678 understanding it so it's almost like the b_8spXXyIP0-01795-00410679-00410849 energy you generate when you speak as b_8spXXyIP0-01796-00410850-00411097 well isn't isn't aggressive I'm more b_8spXXyIP0-01797-00411099-00411305 assertive and can sort of pull people on b_8spXXyIP0-01798-00411306-00411482 their back for a bit it's really good to b_8spXXyIP0-01799-00411483-00411628 be conscious of how people are the b_8spXXyIP0-01800-00411629-00411826 message is landing on people yeah if I b_8spXXyIP0-01801-00411827-00411976 thought it you know I've tried other b_8spXXyIP0-01802-00411977-00412139 ways and if I thought those other ways b_8spXXyIP0-01803-00412139-00412324 were better for me I would continue to b_8spXXyIP0-01804-00412325-00412549 do them I do whatever felt that was b_8spXXyIP0-01805-00412550-00412766 working best but for me this is by far b_8spXXyIP0-01806-00412767-00412916 proven to be the most effective way of b_8spXXyIP0-01807-00412917-00413074 reaching the heart and mind of people I b_8spXXyIP0-01808-00413075-00413246 think when you attack somebody or they b_8spXXyIP0-01809-00413247-00413582 feel attacked yeah you are forcing them b_8spXXyIP0-01810-00413583-00413734 to put up their defenses and that is a b_8spXXyIP0-01811-00413735-00413926 barrier yeah I mean what you're trying b_8spXXyIP0-01812-00413927-00414122 to tell them and hitting them where it b_8spXXyIP0-01813-00414122-00414332 needs to hit them so yeah this is I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01814-00414333-00414593 gonna be focusing on practicing because b_8spXXyIP0-01815-00414593-00414788 um I think is just going to help me be a b_8spXXyIP0-01816-00414789-00415009 better activist and you know hopefully b_8spXXyIP0-01817-00415010-00415324 continue to show people that this is an b_8spXXyIP0-01818-00415325-00415547 effective way of promoting animal rights b_8spXXyIP0-01819-00415547-00415757 and also it's a way that helps us b_8spXXyIP0-01820-00415758-00415922 because when you're consistently b_8spXXyIP0-01821-00415922-00416162 generating aggression hostility towards b_8spXXyIP0-01822-00416163-00416401 other people yeah that is going to lead b_8spXXyIP0-01823-00416402-00416582 to you feeling frustrated feeling b_8spXXyIP0-01824-00416583-00416728 negative emotions feeling like you don't b_8spXXyIP0-01825-00416729-00416912 want to do it it's not as good having b_8spXXyIP0-01826-00416913-00417239 may be less effective interactions that b_8spXXyIP0-01827-00417239-00417389 maybe make you feel like oh what's the b_8spXXyIP0-01828-00417389-00417614 point and you know so yeah it just comes b_8spXXyIP0-01829-00417614-00417889 down to effective communication and and b_8spXXyIP0-01830-00417891-00418084 live in that because we're asking b_8spXXyIP0-01831-00418085-00418318 everyone to be compassionate to everyone b_8spXXyIP0-01832-00418320-00418424 that's what we're saying be b_8spXXyIP0-01833-00418425-00418553 compassionate to everybody including b_8spXXyIP0-01834-00418554-00418757 piece cast ruins and fish dr. Martin b_8spXXyIP0-01835-00418758-00418907 Luther King said the means we use must b_8spXXyIP0-01836-00418908-00419185 be as pure as the ends we seek so to me b_8spXXyIP0-01837-00419187-00419324 that means you b_8spXXyIP0-01838-00419325-00419504 compassionate world you better show how b_8spXXyIP0-01839-00419505-00419603 that's done because a lot of people b_8spXXyIP0-01840-00419604-00419909 don't really know and so yeah that's I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01841-00419910-00420035 still trying to grow and compassion b_8spXXyIP0-01842-00420035-00420212 everyday men everyone b_8spXXyIP0-01843-00420213-00420602 so you're not a pastor you didn't have b_8spXXyIP0-01844-00420603-00420764 one specific thing that you took away I b_8spXXyIP0-01845-00420764-00421043 had two big things I took things they b_8spXXyIP0-01846-00421043-00421247 were mainly related to the technique b_8spXXyIP0-01847-00421247-00421583 actually so though the first thing was b_8spXXyIP0-01848-00421584-00421778 that um is it first of all it's b_8spXXyIP0-01849-00421779-00421913 completely different course to any other b_8spXXyIP0-01850-00421914-00422210 course I've ever done it's taken me this b_8spXXyIP0-01851-00422210-00422497 long a second it's taken me this long b_8spXXyIP0-01852-00422499-00423074 it's like please meditate now it's taken b_8spXXyIP0-01853-00423075-00423458 this long man nine courses to understand b_8spXXyIP0-01854-00423459-00423602 this technique and it was just b_8spXXyIP0-01855-00423603-00423772 ridiculous because it's so simple my b_8spXXyIP0-01856-00423774-00423884 mind just made it so much more b_8spXXyIP0-01857-00423885-00424097 complicated than it has to be yeah which b_8spXXyIP0-01858-00424097-00424301 is just so funny it's it's as simple as b_8spXXyIP0-01859-00424302-00424454 I already said it if all you're doing is b_8spXXyIP0-01860-00424455-00424784 looking at your sensations and just b_8spXXyIP0-01861-00424785-00424907 being accepting with whatever you find b_8spXXyIP0-01862-00424908-00425105 you're doing but Pastner and this is b_8spXXyIP0-01863-00425106-00425291 where I got confused I thought what past b_8spXXyIP0-01864-00425292-00425528 nah it was something special if I was b_8spXXyIP0-01865-00425529-00425650 doing a person they've been great b_8spXXyIP0-01866-00425651-00425939 vibrating sensations like no you can be b_8spXXyIP0-01867-00425939-00426143 doing for class and feel numb but you're b_8spXXyIP0-01868-00426143-00426278 still doing the technique and that's all b_8spXXyIP0-01869-00426279-00426460 you need to remember to do it's not b_8spXXyIP0-01870-00426462-00426653 about getting if you have pleasurable b_8spXXyIP0-01871-00426654-00426764 sensations that means you're progressing b_8spXXyIP0-01872-00426764-00426959 and if you have negative painful b_8spXXyIP0-01873-00426960-00427118 sensations of an intial regressing not b_8spXXyIP0-01874-00427118-00427379 at all yes that the way that those b_8spXXyIP0-01875-00427380-00427568 sensations manifest is completely b_8spXXyIP0-01876-00427568-00427931 irrelevant to what to where you're at on b_8spXXyIP0-01877-00427932-00428171 your journey right towards enlightenment b_8spXXyIP0-01878-00428172-00428381 or whatever reducing suffering in your b_8spXXyIP0-01879-00428382-00428621 own life it's totally irrelevant so that b_8spXXyIP0-01880-00428622-00428855 was a big lesson for me to stop judging b_8spXXyIP0-01881-00428856-00429056 my sensations and that's what I was b_8spXXyIP0-01882-00429057-00429218 doing I was like oh good sensations yes b_8spXXyIP0-01883-00429218-00429452 I'm doing well I finally shut that off b_8spXXyIP0-01884-00429453-00430988 to nine courses and no I was doing you b_8spXXyIP0-01885-00430989-00431153 know obviously you meditate you do the b_8spXXyIP0-01886-00431154-00431335 technique you scan through your body but b_8spXXyIP0-01887-00431337-00431471 then you discuss are thinking about b_8spXXyIP0-01888-00431472-00431612 something yeah and then you come back b_8spXXyIP0-01889-00431613-00431891 and I do one of two things either go b_8spXXyIP0-01890-00431892-00432155 awesome good work you came back I came b_8spXXyIP0-01891-00432156-00432332 back to meditation and I was I was b_8spXXyIP0-01892-00432333-00432638 judging my return or I'd come back and b_8spXXyIP0-01893-00432639-00432683 be like b_8spXXyIP0-01894-00432684-00432835 damn you were gone for so long if he b_8spXXyIP0-01895-00432836-00433037 didn't mad at a pro get back to work and b_8spXXyIP0-01896-00433038-00433258 judge it as well and this time I started b_8spXXyIP0-01897-00433259-00433447 coming back and just no judgment just b_8spXXyIP0-01898-00433448-00433618 going straight back into the technique I b_8spXXyIP0-01899-00433619-00434089 think that helped me a lot and man was b_8spXXyIP0-01900-00434090-00434525 other thing that I learned yeah I guess b_8spXXyIP0-01901-00434526-00434662 I guess there are probably two main b_8spXXyIP0-01902-00434663-00434900 things broke so yeah it was it was just b_8spXXyIP0-01903-00434901-00435077 you know hopefully come to that and now b_8spXXyIP0-01904-00435078-00435283 I feel like you know different to ever b_8spXXyIP0-01905-00435284-00435572 before I am I'm spending more time with b_8spXXyIP0-01906-00435572-00435854 some awareness inside my body far more b_8spXXyIP0-01907-00435855-00436007 frequently before I booked okay a better b_8spXXyIP0-01908-00436008-00436193 man tonight to sit down and I do that b_8spXXyIP0-01909-00436193-00436337 technique in the night walk away and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01910-00436338-00436583 leaving my meditation spot almost when I b_8spXXyIP0-01911-00436584-00436739 feel like I'm walking around with it a b_8spXXyIP0-01912-00436739-00436931 little more I'm talking to people and b_8spXXyIP0-01913-00436932-00437122 I'm talking to people I'm very conscious b_8spXXyIP0-01914-00437123-00437410 I'm very there but I also have some b_8spXXyIP0-01915-00437411-00437624 awareness inside we spent so much time b_8spXXyIP0-01916-00437625-00437822 being away outside now some awareness of b_8spXXyIP0-01917-00437822-00438002 what's going on inside and that b_8spXXyIP0-01918-00438003-00438191 awareness anchors you into the present b_8spXXyIP0-01919-00438192-00438425 moment it anchors you into your own b_8spXXyIP0-01920-00438426-00438725 personal inner reality and it gives you b_8spXXyIP0-01921-00438726-00438983 the opportunity to just be accepting and b_8spXXyIP0-01922-00438984-00439157 that brings a lot of inner peace b_8spXXyIP0-01923-00439158-00439316 and that's what I'm feeling now more b_8spXXyIP0-01924-00439317-00439580 than ever a level of inner peace that b_8spXXyIP0-01925-00439581-00439820 hasn't been there before it radiates b_8spXXyIP0-01926-00439821-00440041 radios because even when I saw you last b_8spXXyIP0-01927-00440042-00440075 night b_8spXXyIP0-01928-00440076-00440393 as soon as I start talking to you you b_8spXXyIP0-01929-00440393-00440695 come you have a calming presence and you b_8spXXyIP0-01930-00440696-00440891 can you're generating a calming presence b_8spXXyIP0-01931-00440892-00441868 I'm a very intense conversation I always b_8spXXyIP0-01932-00441869-00442100 leave feeling a little bit more chill b_8spXXyIP0-01933-00442101-00442289 and a little bit like you radiating this b_8spXXyIP0-01934-00442289-00442466 true energy so I think it you know b_8spXXyIP0-01935-00442467-00442664 there's definitely a knock-on effect of b_8spXXyIP0-01936-00442664-00442843 you know changing yourself and how you b_8spXXyIP0-01937-00442844-00443030 affect people around you yeah totally b_8spXXyIP0-01938-00443031-00443218 man I think that first of all that's b_8spXXyIP0-01939-00443219-00443366 awesome here and I appreciate that b_8spXXyIP0-01940-00443367-00443608 because you know like I'm so far from b_8spXXyIP0-01941-00443609-00443689 perfect b_8spXXyIP0-01942-00443690-00443860 dude nine courses and I probably need to b_8spXXyIP0-01943-00443861-00444208 do 9,000 more but you know I can b_8spXXyIP0-01944-00444209-00444422 definitely see that this technique is b_8spXXyIP0-01945-00444422-00444812 benefiting me so much like ten days ten b_8spXXyIP0-01946-00444813-00445052 days prior to the meditation and then b_8spXXyIP0-01947-00445053-00445337 thinking about ten days after the change b_8spXXyIP0-01948-00445338-00445554 is just so significant and b_8spXXyIP0-01949-00445555-00445737 from practicing this thing over and over b_8spXXyIP0-01950-00445738-00445889 again it's nothing special I didn't b_8spXXyIP0-01951-00445890-00446114 change my diet I'd do anything different b_8spXXyIP0-01952-00446115-00446376 just added this and it's such a simple b_8spXXyIP0-01953-00446377-00446529 thing it's really not complicated at any b_8spXXyIP0-01954-00446530-00446756 religion can do it you don't it's really b_8spXXyIP0-01955-00446757-00447012 just so beautiful man and so on and yeah b_8spXXyIP0-01956-00447013-00447179 and I think that you know that energy b_8spXXyIP0-01957-00447180-00447375 goes a long way especially when you're b_8spXXyIP0-01958-00447376-00447531 trying to reach the heart and mind of b_8spXXyIP0-01959-00447532-00447675 people you want them to feel comfortable b_8spXXyIP0-01960-00447676-00447893 in your presence you want them to feel I b_8spXXyIP0-01961-00447894-00448172 want them to feel like family bro I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01962-00448173-00448358 wondering I feel like you're my brother b_8spXXyIP0-01963-00448359-00448583 you're my sister we're family I'm here b_8spXXyIP0-01964-00448584-00448824 just to share something what any any of b_8spXXyIP0-01965-00448825-00448985 the anything good I can do for you I b_8spXXyIP0-01966-00448986-00449154 want to do that for you and I hope you b_8spXXyIP0-01967-00449155-00449325 reciprocate and feel the same towards me b_8spXXyIP0-01968-00449326-00449456 and if not that's okay that's not gonna b_8spXXyIP0-01969-00449457-00449687 change how I feel towards you amazing as b_8spXXyIP0-01970-00449688-00449918 I think the way we view our the human b_8spXXyIP0-01971-00449919-00450072 beings is like we can take another b_8spXXyIP0-01972-00450072-00450264 separate us or bring us together and if b_8spXXyIP0-01973-00450264-00450491 we realize like you know we were witness b_8spXXyIP0-01974-00450492-00450720 together or you know I've just realized b_8spXXyIP0-01975-00450721-00450962 something before you have and I want us b_8spXXyIP0-01976-00450963-00451235 to all join hands together and try to b_8spXXyIP0-01977-00451236-00451479 you know we're all against it like have b_8spXXyIP0-01978-00451480-00451670 you ever met anyone that is for what b_8spXXyIP0-01979-00451671-00451829 happens to the animals on the screen b_8spXXyIP0-01980-00451830-00452235 like no it's just always these practical b_8spXXyIP0-01981-00452235-00452577 things people go oh your views I'm like b_8spXXyIP0-01982-00452578-00452820 these aren't my views most people share b_8spXXyIP0-01983-00452821-00453060 the same views as we do this there's b_8spXXyIP0-01984-00453060-00453239 completely acting out of alignment with b_8spXXyIP0-01985-00453240-00453435 that so I think like like for me b_8spXXyIP0-01986-00453435-00453854 personally like after my PTSD therapy b_8spXXyIP0-01987-00453855-00454128 for the last year after you know looking b_8spXXyIP0-01988-00454129-00454395 at people with more it's like a life and b_8spXXyIP0-01989-00454396-00454616 more like well this human beings and b_8spXXyIP0-01990-00454617-00454814 it's like more complex animals and b_8spXXyIP0-01991-00454815-00454979 they've been taught this line they're b_8spXXyIP0-01992-00454980-00455216 sort of they're acting out of alignment b_8spXXyIP0-01993-00455217-00455370 with their heart b_8spXXyIP0-01994-00455371-00455541 usually like for the most of the vast b_8spXXyIP0-01995-00455542-00455781 majority of people that's helped me sort b_8spXXyIP0-01996-00455782-00455901 of bridge the gap with people and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01997-00455902-00456110 walking around at the train station I'm b_8spXXyIP0-01998-00456111-00456762 smiling at people I'm like to be like b_8spXXyIP0-01999-00456763-00456870 looking at things when the animals b_8spXXyIP0-02000-00456871-00456989 perspective all the time and they're b_8spXXyIP0-02001-00456990-00457164 humans are the devil they are you know b_8spXXyIP0-02002-00457164-00457358 but it's almost like they're committing b_8spXXyIP0-02003-00457359-00457551 an act of evil that they they don't know b_8spXXyIP0-02004-00457552-00457728 that they're contributing to so I think b_8spXXyIP0-02005-00457729-00457889 we have to be rational about this we b_8spXXyIP0-02006-00457890-00458064 kind of slagging generating all this b_8spXXyIP0-02007-00458064-00458229 hate towards people who are committing b_8spXXyIP0-02008-00458230-00458385 an unconscious act of evil like they b_8spXXyIP0-02009-00458385-00458577 don't know it's not even if you don't b_8spXXyIP0-02010-00458578-00458718 die b_8spXXyIP0-02011-00458718-00458885 it's not even if you've been taught that b_8spXXyIP0-02012-00458887-00459129 it's okay since you're a child SS er b_8spXXyIP0-02013-00459130-00459324 yeah it's very complicated it's not b_8spXXyIP0-02014-00459325-00459528 enough confusing an animal for fun like b_8spXXyIP0-02015-00459529-00459684 in your bedroom there's a dog there you b_8spXXyIP0-02016-00459685-00459867 you know it's very complex and we need b_8spXXyIP0-02017-00459868-00460047 to look at it like with all of its b_8spXXyIP0-02018-00460047-00460268 nuance and complexity yeah absolutely b_8spXXyIP0-02019-00460269-00460500 man like I couldn't agree more there's a b_8spXXyIP0-02020-00460501-00460650 lot you know there's a lot of broken b_8spXXyIP0-02021-00460651-00460887 people out there and we we've all been b_8spXXyIP0-02022-00460888-00461147 conditioned in different ways and it's b_8spXXyIP0-02023-00461148-00461397 hard to break cycles and some of the b_8spXXyIP0-02024-00461397-00461703 best people I know sometimes do things b_8spXXyIP0-02025-00461704-00461874 that really aren't in alignment with who b_8spXXyIP0-02026-00461875-00462102 they are doesn't make them bad people b_8spXXyIP0-02027-00462103-00462314 and we're all striving to do better and b_8spXXyIP0-02028-00462316-00462516 like you said yeah we all need to like b_8spXXyIP0-02029-00462517-00462714 just join hands but like we're all in b_8spXXyIP0-02030-00462714-00462795 this together b_8spXXyIP0-02031-00462796-00462993 listen what do you know this is what I b_8spXXyIP0-02032-00462993-00463209 know how can you help make this we all b_8spXXyIP0-02033-00463210-00463338 want to better what right more peace b_8spXXyIP0-02034-00463339-00463572 less glass okay so how can we share b_8spXXyIP0-02035-00463572-00463827 information to get us all to a better b_8spXXyIP0-02036-00463828-00463941 place b_8spXXyIP0-02037-00463942-00464262 veganism funny this is the best group b_8spXXyIP0-02038-00464263-00464502 ever because everyone is welcome not b_8spXXyIP0-02039-00464503-00464883 only welcome we're like please Java no b_8spXXyIP0-02040-00464884-00465081 it's not like Oh web beings we want to b_8spXXyIP0-02041-00465082-00465288 be better than everyone no no you're not b_8spXXyIP0-02042-00465289-00465470 for you get enough to come into this for b_8spXXyIP0-02043-00465471-00465699 you can group it's like a no please we b_8spXXyIP0-02044-00465700-00465879 desperately want everyone into this b_8spXXyIP0-02045-00465880-00466008 group we know it's going to be better b_8spXXyIP0-02046-00466009-00466257 for everybody for everything for this b_8spXXyIP0-02047-00466258-00466476 entire planet for countless reasons b_8spXXyIP0-02048-00466477-00466683 please join us here's some of the b_8spXXyIP0-02049-00466684-00466866 reasons work and continue telling you b_8spXXyIP0-02050-00466867-00467045 more and more all day long we can tell b_8spXXyIP0-02051-00467046-00467343 this into a 10-hour podcast but yeah b_8spXXyIP0-02052-00467343-00467631 it's it's about realizing that yeah you b_8spXXyIP0-02053-00467632-00467916 great man I'm so glad that you learned b_8spXXyIP0-02054-00467917-00468068 it before so many people you learn about b_8spXXyIP0-02055-00468069-00468285 veganism person and different things b_8spXXyIP0-02056-00468285-00468504 cool I've learned stuff from so many b_8spXXyIP0-02057-00468505-00468816 other people who who are unaware about b_8spXXyIP0-02058-00468817-00469029 veganism it doesn't mean you go vegan b_8spXXyIP0-02059-00469030-00469131 and you're perfect and you know b_8spXXyIP0-02060-00469132-00469278 everything it's just a thing that you b_8spXXyIP0-02061-00469279-00469491 would had the privilege of understanding b_8spXXyIP0-02062-00469492-00469713 before at this point before the vast b_8spXXyIP0-02063-00469714-00470034 majority of the rest of humanity where b_8spXXyIP0-02064-00470035-00470238 were in the top few percent as a few b_8spXXyIP0-02065-00470239-00470406 percent of something of vegans out there b_8spXXyIP0-02066-00470407-00470793 and it only makes sense that yeah this b_8spXXyIP0-02067-00470793-00471153 rule by I hope and every all the reasons b_8spXXyIP0-02068-00471154-00471279 we've already mentioned this was spread b_8spXXyIP0-02069-00471280-00471627 to 100% of humanity and the people that b_8spXXyIP0-02070-00471628-00471801 it doesn't you know there's always going b_8spXXyIP0-02071-00471802-00471918 to be certain people that are wired a b_8spXXyIP0-02072-00471918-00472047 little bit differently but the b_8spXXyIP0-02073-00472048-00472237 fact is that this is an alignment with b_8spXXyIP0-02074-00472238-00472539 the way that the vast amount of logical b_8spXXyIP0-02075-00472539-00472881 nonviolent people think this isn't b_8spXXyIP0-02076-00472882-00473064 alignment with that and so yeah it just b_8spXXyIP0-02077-00473065-00473350 makes sense that they'll also find the b_8spXXyIP0-02078-00473351-00473547 information that we found realize that b_8spXXyIP0-02079-00473548-00473739 it is logical and the right thing to do b_8spXXyIP0-02080-00473740-00473943 and then as all these other factors come b_8spXXyIP0-02081-00473944-00474177 into play convenience and cost off their b_8spXXyIP0-02082-00474178-00474427 objections they'll join the club and b_8spXXyIP0-02083-00474428-00474633 they'll join the party and that's only b_8spXXyIP0-02084-00474634-00474822 good man we then yeah the more the b_8spXXyIP0-02085-00474823-00475054 better so that's from a vegan advocacy b_8spXXyIP0-02086-00475055-00475227 perspective and hoping that people take b_8spXXyIP0-02087-00475228-00475395 the message and make personal change b_8spXXyIP0-02088-00475396-00475629 what do you think of civil disobedience b_8spXXyIP0-02089-00475630-00475810 and direct action as a way of shaking b_8spXXyIP0-02090-00475810-00475954 the system from above and forcing the b_8spXXyIP0-02091-00475955-00476097 conversation into the you know the b_8spXXyIP0-02092-00476098-00476310 public arena what do you think of like b_8spXXyIP0-02093-00476310-00476633 disrupting the system with protest b_8spXXyIP0-02094-00476634-00476895 training people chaining themselves up b_8spXXyIP0-02095-00476896-00477154 and you know blocking roads and what do b_8spXXyIP0-02096-00477155-00477393 you think about it's excellent um I b_8spXXyIP0-02097-00477394-00477627 can't say that I agree with every single b_8spXXyIP0-02098-00477628-00477925 I wouldn't say that all activism is b_8spXXyIP0-02099-00477926-00478245 necessarily good activism but I very b_8spXXyIP0-02100-00478246-00478441 very rarely see something that I don't b_8spXXyIP0-02101-00478442-00478731 think overall is a good thing I think b_8spXXyIP0-02102-00478732-00479143 that disrupting and you know causing a b_8spXXyIP0-02103-00479143-00479385 disturbance in the norm that forces the b_8spXXyIP0-02104-00479386-00479514 issue on the table b_8spXXyIP0-02105-00479515-00479725 causes people to think forces a b_8spXXyIP0-02106-00479726-00479931 conversation to be had makes people b_8spXXyIP0-02107-00479932-00480187 realize there's a choice what side are b_8spXXyIP0-02108-00480188-00480358 you on their sides most people don't b_8spXXyIP0-02109-00480359-00480510 even know they have a choice b_8spXXyIP0-02110-00480511-00480666 what's fighting on this side that is b_8spXXyIP0-02111-00480667-00480906 ending the animal Holocaust or the side b_8spXXyIP0-02112-00480907-00481047 that is funding the animal Holocaust b_8spXXyIP0-02113-00481048-00481260 you're on one of them maybe you didn't b_8spXXyIP0-02114-00481261-00481450 know before today now you know the b_8spXXyIP0-02115-00481451-00481587 issues on the table are you gonna make a b_8spXXyIP0-02116-00481588-00481827 choice which choice makes more sense to b_8spXXyIP0-02117-00481828-00482037 you I think it's excellent men and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-02118-00482038-00482241 so grateful with this people out there b_8spXXyIP0-02119-00482242-00482485 doing that but I'm also I want everyone b_8spXXyIP0-02120-00482485-00482683 to do that there are so many there are b_8spXXyIP0-02121-00482684-00482854 countless different ways people can use b_8spXXyIP0-02122-00482855-00483258 their skills their talents their yeah b_8spXXyIP0-02123-00483259-00483552 their individuality their uniqueness to b_8spXXyIP0-02124-00483553-00483733 promote animal rights to spread the b_8spXXyIP0-02125-00483734-00484131 vegan message and I hope that we use b_8spXXyIP0-02126-00484132-00484422 every single avenue available including b_8spXXyIP0-02127-00484423-00484658 civil disobedience and disruptions b_8spXXyIP0-02128-00484659-00485106 amazing so I really appreciate you b_8spXXyIP0-02129-00485107-00485260 sitting down and chatting with me James b_8spXXyIP0-02130-00485260-00485356 and b_8spXXyIP0-02131-00485357-00485691 I just want to say that you continue to b_8spXXyIP0-02132-00485692-00485968 inspire me you always have inspired me b_8spXXyIP0-02133-00485968-00486412 and don't ever give up no matter what b_8spXXyIP0-02134-00486413-00486741 and what I've been saying is that I will b_8spXXyIP0-02135-00486742-00487077 make it like an a requirement that I b_8spXXyIP0-02136-00487078-00487189 will never give up because of any b_8spXXyIP0-02137-00487189-00487443 struggles so I hope you feel the same b_8spXXyIP0-02138-00487444-00487625 way because you're a valuable valuable b_8spXXyIP0-02139-00487626-00488004 shining light to this movement and I b_8spXXyIP0-02140-00488005-00488143 don't think it would be the same without b_8spXXyIP0-02141-00488143-00488391 you here so please just keep going and b_8spXXyIP0-02142-00488392-00488602 realize that you inspire more people b_8spXXyIP0-02143-00488603-00488823 than you realise and including other b_8spXXyIP0-02144-00488824-00489070 activists in the movement and yeah just b_8spXXyIP0-02145-00489071-00489143 keep going brother b_8spXXyIP0-02146-00489144-00489331 thanks so much brother I really b_8spXXyIP0-02147-00489332-00489522 appreciate that of course you inspire me b_8spXXyIP0-02148-00489523-00489810 in so many ways this will man and I the b_8spXXyIP0-02149-00489811-00490014 way that you continue to level up and b_8spXXyIP0-02150-00490015-00490441 step it up is you know I've paid a page b_8spXXyIP0-02151-00490442-00490639 that I hope every activist takes from b_8spXXyIP0-02152-00490639-00490800 your book man you're doing such an b_8spXXyIP0-02153-00490801-00491154 amazing job I'm very grateful - yeah - b_8spXXyIP0-02154-00491155-00491370 you know we're so lucky to have the b_8spXXyIP0-02155-00491371-00491629 means we do to be able to spread the b_8spXXyIP0-02156-00491630-00491839 love and spread the message and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-02157-00491839-00492162 really glad that it's being taken you b_8spXXyIP0-02158-00492163-00492406 know taken received well and yeah I b_8spXXyIP0-02159-00492407-00492552 don't you know I've been through many b_8spXXyIP0-02160-00492553-00492850 struggles man um there's been times b_8spXXyIP0-02161-00492851-00493137 where I'm sure a lot of people are you b_8spXXyIP0-02162-00493138-00493314 know a group of people certain people b_8spXXyIP0-02163-00493315-00493552 wish that I would quit and try to get me b_8spXXyIP0-02164-00493553-00493885 to quit in different struggles and I'm b_8spXXyIP0-02165-00493885-00494172 so grateful at the time that was so hard b_8spXXyIP0-02166-00494172-00494497 so hard my really forced me to look at b_8spXXyIP0-02167-00494497-00494739 myself and question myself why am I b_8spXXyIP0-02168-00494740-00495004 doing this yeah I'm so grateful for that b_8spXXyIP0-02169-00495005-00495270 because the answer was so clear I'm b_8spXXyIP0-02170-00495271-00495508 doing this for all the right reasons and b_8spXXyIP0-02171-00495509-00495745 I'll continue to do it for those reasons b_8spXXyIP0-02172-00495746-00496014 and because those reasons are not about b_8spXXyIP0-02173-00496015-00496356 me there's no struggle that I can go b_8spXXyIP0-02174-00496357-00496758 through that will stop me fighting for b_8spXXyIP0-02175-00496759-00497002 them so amazing why about that bro b_8spXXyIP0-02176-00497003-00497158 without the University there'll be no b_8spXXyIP0-02177-00497159-00497295 character booting without the struggle b_8spXXyIP0-02178-00497296-00497445 you can't get stronger you know you're b_8spXXyIP0-02179-00497446-00497693 nothing there are people who are most b_8spXXyIP0-02180-00497694-00498054 built to take you know the hard times I b_8spXXyIP0-02181-00498055-00498289 put there for a reason so yeah doesn't b_8spXXyIP0-02182-00498289-00498367 one b_8spXXyIP0-02183-00498368-00498562 I feel like you've been frosted into the b_8spXXyIP0-02184-00498563-00498796 forefront of this movement so yeah I b_8spXXyIP0-02185-00498797-00499033 think that um we can all you know that's b_8spXXyIP0-02186-00499034-00499285 yeah there was a time where five years b_8spXXyIP0-02187-00499285-00499510 ago knowing near the person that I am b_8spXXyIP0-02188-00499510-00499654 now in terms of what I've been through b_8spXXyIP0-02189-00499655-00499885 and the growth I've had and you know b_8spXXyIP0-02190-00499885-00500059 there's so many I was the worst public b_8spXXyIP0-02191-00500060-00500235 speaker on you for example in high b_8spXXyIP0-02192-00500237-00500626 school yeah so I guess yeah the lesson b_8spXXyIP0-02193-00500627-00500845 there is that you know you know I b_8spXXyIP0-02194-00500846-00501010 remember looking up to activist thinking b_8spXXyIP0-02195-00501010-00501208 how do you say it like that my god I b_8spXXyIP0-02196-00501209-00501364 wish I had the word so it took like a b_8spXXyIP0-02197-00501364-00501543 big message I'm not helping anybody go b_8spXXyIP0-02198-00501545-00501757 vegan with the way I say things and now b_8spXXyIP0-02199-00501758-00501925 people say the exact same thing to me b_8spXXyIP0-02200-00501926-00502120 and you know anybody who's listening to b_8spXXyIP0-02201-00502121-00502408 this you have growth coming and just b_8spXXyIP0-02202-00502409-00502635 continue to put yourself first of all b_8spXXyIP0-02203-00502637-00502864 Craig a clear intention what is it that b_8spXXyIP0-02204-00502864-00503026 you want to contribute to this world how b_8spXXyIP0-02205-00503027-00503182 do you want to live why are you doing b_8spXXyIP0-02206-00503183-00503368 this like what do you want what do you b_8spXXyIP0-02207-00503368-00503637 want to do with your life and then b_8spXXyIP0-02208-00503638-00503863 accept opportunities to push you out of b_8spXXyIP0-02209-00503864-00503992 your comfort zone and that's how you'll b_8spXXyIP0-02210-00503993-00504232 grow say yes to things that you know are b_8spXXyIP0-02211-00504233-00504346 gonna be hard that you know are gonna b_8spXXyIP0-02212-00504347-00504526 make you uncomfortable and then you'll b_8spXXyIP0-02213-00504527-00504655 start becoming comfortable with those b_8spXXyIP0-02214-00504656-00504843 things and then say yes to some new b_8spXXyIP0-02215-00504845-00505006 discomforts that will help you grow as b_8spXXyIP0-02216-00505007-00505249 well and pretty soon you know the more b_8spXXyIP0-02217-00505250-00505537 you do that add the more value the more b_8spXXyIP0-02218-00505538-00505885 value you'll be able to bring and you b_8spXXyIP0-02219-00505885-00506032 know and then that means the more vegans b_8spXXyIP0-02220-00506033-00506230 that will be out there so and we can b_8spXXyIP0-02221-00506231-00506422 change the world together like that yeah b_8spXXyIP0-02222-00506422-00506680 well yeah that's the beauty to men um b_8spXXyIP0-02223-00506681-00506827 you know for example I met a guy last b_8spXXyIP0-02224-00506828-00506992 night he said yeah what should we do as b_8spXXyIP0-02225-00506993-00507187 a few years ago now I'm an AV organizer b_8spXXyIP0-02226-00507188-00507343 and I'd do this and do that b_8spXXyIP0-02227-00507343-00507571 am i cool and guess what I bet you're b_8spXXyIP0-02228-00507572-00507892 now getting those kind of what you're b_8spXXyIP0-02229-00507893-00508039 saying to me I'm sure people are saying b_8spXXyIP0-02230-00508039-00508185 that to you now as well you say well b_8spXXyIP0-02231-00508187-00508366 actually get is that and well you know b_8spXXyIP0-02232-00508367-00508588 it's just paying forward I have people b_8spXXyIP0-02233-00508589-00508768 do that to me I'm just repeating and b_8spXXyIP0-02234-00508768-00508903 sharing the things that I learned from b_8spXXyIP0-02235-00508904-00509050 the people were forming and there's so b_8spXXyIP0-02236-00509051-00509289 many of them and you know we just all b_8spXXyIP0-02237-00509291-00509530 like candles that light each other out b_8spXXyIP0-02238-00509531-00509847 of us and it turns into a beak-like fire b_8spXXyIP0-02239-00509849-00510037 then God's the world and cool fire a b_8spXXyIP0-02240-00510038-00510679 good fire a happy fire of peace not like b_8spXXyIP0-02241-00510680-00510797 the fire that's burning b_8spXXyIP0-02242-00510797-00511079 Amazon - you know deep forest the Amazon b_8spXXyIP0-02243-00511080-00511325 for beef production or how crazy is that b_8spXXyIP0-02244-00511326-00511493 there's so much of the earth you know it b_8spXXyIP0-02245-00511493-00511700 is it's the it's the rain that comes b_8spXXyIP0-02246-00511701-00511918 down on that floor Wow and we're all b_8spXXyIP0-02247-00511920-00512882 droplets you know one thing before we b_8spXXyIP0-02248-00512883-00513110 finish is that that when the lungs of b_8spXXyIP0-02249-00513110-00513289 the earth are on fire that gives the b_8spXXyIP0-02250-00513291-00513503 whole world a sense of urgency that they b_8spXXyIP0-02251-00513504-00513695 just don't get you know ours and b_8spXXyIP0-02252-00513696-00513896 chickens are suffering in a cage so I b_8spXXyIP0-02253-00513897-00514264 think as terrible as that is this might b_8spXXyIP0-02254-00514266-00514393 be the wake-up call the world needs b_8spXXyIP0-02255-00514395-00514559 absolutely I couldn't agree more I'm b_8spXXyIP0-02256-00514560-00514772 very glad to hear the climate science b_8spXXyIP0-02257-00514772-00515042 has come out and say 12 years 12 years a b_8spXXyIP0-02258-00515043-00515110 listening b_8spXXyIP0-02259-00515112-00515318 it's not long we're in agreement that in b_8spXXyIP0-02260-00515318-00515510 12 years we don't do something drastic b_8spXXyIP0-02261-00515510-00515722 to change we're gonna have to be faced b_8spXXyIP0-02262-00515723-00515978 with a climate emergency that is going b_8spXXyIP0-02263-00515979-00516158 to displace millions of people and b_8spXXyIP0-02264-00516159-00516329 people are going to be going to war over b_8spXXyIP0-02265-00516330-00516692 resources like every room water I think b_8spXXyIP0-02266-00516693-00517058 that that's you know a it's a blessing b_8spXXyIP0-02267-00517059-00517208 in disguise for sure it's definitely b_8spXXyIP0-02268-00517209-00517385 more motivational when our survival is b_8spXXyIP0-02269-00517385-00517535 at stake we started this yeah he's b_8spXXyIP0-02270-00517535-00517793 pretty lutely yeah absolutely b_8spXXyIP0-02271-00517793-00518068 so you know as bad as it is it might b_8spXXyIP0-02272-00518070-00518218 just force things to happen sooner b_8spXXyIP0-02273-00518220-00518474 rather than later and hopefully in time b_8spXXyIP0-02274-00518475-00518720 I hope so brother thanks so much joining b_8spXXyIP0-02275-00518721-00518942 me may it love you so much and keep up b_8spXXyIP0-02276-00518943-00519212 the amazing workshops like thank you bro b_8spXXyIP0-02277-00519213-00519468 you're appreciated mom and she's brother b_8spXXyIP0-02278-00519470-00520173 [Music] b_8spXXyIP0-02279-00520174-00520675 BAM boom boom baby sick look at our b_8spXXyIP0-02280-00520676-00520930 pretty minutes we make that rain rain b_8spXXyIP0-02281-00520931-00521479 rain baby I'm good I'm great you got now b_8spXXyIP0-02282-00521480-00521782 alright awesome man really good I've b_8spXXyIP0-02283-00521783-00521971 covered a lot of [__] don't you talking b_8spXXyIP0-02284-00521972-00522229 about reset it b_8spXXyIP0-02285-00522230-00522706 I'm glad we did that yeah