fTYJoFaK7Wo-00000-00000535-00000711 hello my name is tamar freidman director fTYJoFaK7Wo-00001-00000712-00000854 of peer programs at jewish funders fTYJoFaK7Wo-00002-00000855-00001007 network and on behalf of jfn fTYJoFaK7Wo-00003-00001008-00001150 i'm happy to welcome you to today's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00004-00001151-00001399 program kovid's impact on philanthropic fTYJoFaK7Wo-00005-00001400-00001511 relationships fTYJoFaK7Wo-00006-00001512-00001798 what can we learn from moving and moving fTYJoFaK7Wo-00007-00001800-00001855 forward fTYJoFaK7Wo-00008-00001855-00002055 this program is part of a new joint fTYJoFaK7Wo-00009-00002056-00002183 project of jfn fTYJoFaK7Wo-00010-00002184-00002375 upstart called granted stronger fTYJoFaK7Wo-00011-00002376-00002542 relationships greater impact fTYJoFaK7Wo-00012-00002543-00002775 which we launched in march in addition fTYJoFaK7Wo-00013-00002776-00002950 to organizing monthly programs such as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00014-00002951-00003023 this one fTYJoFaK7Wo-00015-00003024-00003247 and facilitated conversations granted fTYJoFaK7Wo-00016-00003247-00003383 offers a wide fTYJoFaK7Wo-00017-00003384-00003590 range of tools articles and case studies fTYJoFaK7Wo-00018-00003592-00003790 and other resources on our website fTYJoFaK7Wo-00019-00003792-00004022 so please go check it out after this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00020-00004023-00004247 webinar jaygranted.org fTYJoFaK7Wo-00021-00004248-00004383 today we'll be able to hear an fTYJoFaK7Wo-00022-00004384-00004583 interactive discussion between two grant fTYJoFaK7Wo-00023-00004584-00004743 maker or grand secret pairs fTYJoFaK7Wo-00024-00004744-00004902 as they reflect on the ways that the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00025-00004903-00005054 covid19 pandemic fTYJoFaK7Wo-00026-00005055-00005254 has impacted their relationships we will fTYJoFaK7Wo-00027-00005255-00005463 just we will discuss how grantmakers fTYJoFaK7Wo-00028-00005464-00005670 philanthropic practices have changed fTYJoFaK7Wo-00029-00005671-00005822 from the start of the pandemic to the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00030-00005823-00005918 current day fTYJoFaK7Wo-00031-00005919-00006127 and what's to come in particular we'll fTYJoFaK7Wo-00032-00006128-00006295 focus on what lessons we've learned in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00033-00006296-00006391 the past year fTYJoFaK7Wo-00034-00006392-00006655 and what practices um we can institute fTYJoFaK7Wo-00035-00006656-00006791 as a result of pivot fTYJoFaK7Wo-00036-00006792-00007078 as that we might want to make permanent fTYJoFaK7Wo-00037-00007079-00007223 and with that i'm very fTYJoFaK7Wo-00038-00007223-00007503 glad to introduce jonathan horowitz from fTYJoFaK7Wo-00039-00007504-00007639 the carmen foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00040-00007640-00007855 who will moderate today's conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00041-00007856-00007998 thank you so much jonathan fTYJoFaK7Wo-00042-00008000-00008255 hi everyone it is so great to be with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00043-00008256-00008439 all of you thank you tamar fTYJoFaK7Wo-00044-00008440-00008559 uh jonathan horowitz here with the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00045-00008560-00008719 clarman foundation in the context of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00046-00008720-00008967 this conversation also a very proud fTYJoFaK7Wo-00047-00008968-00009142 upstart board member so really excited fTYJoFaK7Wo-00048-00009143-00009278 to kind of wear a couple hats fTYJoFaK7Wo-00049-00009279-00009574 in this conversation and super excited fTYJoFaK7Wo-00050-00009575-00009678 to be here with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00051-00009679-00009919 alana ruske kidd and john adam ross two fTYJoFaK7Wo-00052-00009920-00010023 incredible fTYJoFaK7Wo-00053-00010024-00010246 jewish social entrepreneurs who do deep fTYJoFaK7Wo-00054-00010247-00010438 amazing work and joanie blenderman and i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00055-00010439-00010535 alone elijah fTYJoFaK7Wo-00056-00010536-00010774 from two incredible jewish foundations fTYJoFaK7Wo-00057-00010775-00010991 covenant foundation whitman camphor fTYJoFaK7Wo-00058-00010992-00011295 foundation for lemontor for living torah fTYJoFaK7Wo-00059-00011296-00011519 and uh i will just say i had a chance to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00060-00011520-00011687 be with all four of you a few weeks ago fTYJoFaK7Wo-00061-00011688-00011799 and everyone should fTYJoFaK7Wo-00062-00011800-00012031 grab your water get your notebook ready fTYJoFaK7Wo-00063-00012032-00012174 you're not gonna want to miss a minute fTYJoFaK7Wo-00064-00012175-00012278 of this this is like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00065-00012279-00012623 very fun group of wise joyful fTYJoFaK7Wo-00066-00012624-00012855 hopeful people with a lot of just like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00067-00012856-00013007 deep wisdom to share you're not going to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00068-00013008-00013135 want to miss fTYJoFaK7Wo-00069-00013136-00013375 any of this and i do want to express um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00070-00013376-00013527 before we kind of dive in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00071-00013528-00013711 just a little gratitude to the four of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00072-00013712-00013855 you because fTYJoFaK7Wo-00073-00013856-00013999 talking about relationships talking fTYJoFaK7Wo-00074-00014000-00014158 about anything fraught these days is a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00075-00014159-00014351 little bit hard and a little sensitive fTYJoFaK7Wo-00076-00014352-00014415 even fTYJoFaK7Wo-00077-00014416-00014607 privately so certainly to do that in a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00078-00014608-00014838 fishbowl is not an easy thing and this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00079-00014840-00015007 requires a lot of candor fTYJoFaK7Wo-00080-00015008-00015166 and all four of you said that what was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00081-00015168-00015311 going to matter to you the most in this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00082-00015312-00015422 conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00083-00015423-00015671 was that you could be authentic and so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00084-00015672-00015847 just expressing that that's actually not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00085-00015847-00016015 an easy thing to do these days to in a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00086-00016016-00016094 webinar fTYJoFaK7Wo-00087-00016095-00016319 in a fishbowl be authentic and honest so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00088-00016319-00016415 thank you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00089-00016416-00016583 and i would say even like especially fTYJoFaK7Wo-00090-00016584-00016727 thank you to alana and john because fTYJoFaK7Wo-00091-00016728-00016879 there's more maybe at stake in terms of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00092-00016880-00017015 being a non-profit leader fTYJoFaK7Wo-00093-00017016-00017222 in a conversation jfn hosts about you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00094-00017223-00017399 know with that honesty so thank you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00095-00017400-00017527 especially fTYJoFaK7Wo-00096-00017528-00017847 um and i'm gonna borrow one thing i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00097-00017848-00018039 learned recently from andy hanauer who fTYJoFaK7Wo-00098-00018040-00018207 runs the one america fTYJoFaK7Wo-00099-00018208-00018486 which is a great organization andy now fTYJoFaK7Wo-00100-00018487-00018550 starts fTYJoFaK7Wo-00101-00018551-00018767 complicated conversation by asking fTYJoFaK7Wo-00102-00018768-00018927 everyone to take a pause fTYJoFaK7Wo-00103-00018928-00019103 and inside their own head saying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00104-00019104-00019263 themselves out loud fTYJoFaK7Wo-00105-00019264-00019503 i am the smartest person in the room i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00106-00019504-00019686 have nothing to learn from everyone and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00107-00019687-00019903 i am the most right fTYJoFaK7Wo-00108-00019904-00020047 and i think if we say that out loud fTYJoFaK7Wo-00109-00020048-00020214 right everyone is smiling and laughing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00110-00020215-00020391 because it's just so absurd fTYJoFaK7Wo-00111-00020392-00020550 and i just want to ask us all to sort of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00112-00020551-00020694 do that because it'll maybe kind of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00113-00020695-00020871 shake us out of our critical fTYJoFaK7Wo-00114-00020872-00021063 uh mindsets and a little bit more in a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00115-00021064-00021199 deep listening and empathy fTYJoFaK7Wo-00116-00021200-00021350 mindset which is probably what we need fTYJoFaK7Wo-00117-00021351-00021550 for this kind of a conversation about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00118-00021551-00021614 funder fTYJoFaK7Wo-00119-00021615-00021855 and non-profit relationships so like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00120-00021856-00021983 with that i'm going to try to get out of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00121-00021984-00022214 the way and get the conversation going fTYJoFaK7Wo-00122-00022215-00022414 um opening question that is really to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00123-00022415-00022575 all four of you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00124-00022576-00022814 when you think about funder and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00125-00022815-00023055 non-profit relationships and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00126-00023056-00023271 that often gets really flattened to the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00127-00023272-00023486 transaction of like grant making or gift fTYJoFaK7Wo-00128-00023487-00023591 making like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00129-00023592-00023783 site visits cumbersome reporting but fTYJoFaK7Wo-00130-00023784-00023894 like get out of that because fTYJoFaK7Wo-00131-00023895-00024039 relationships are not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00132-00024040-00024191 the process of giving money the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00133-00024192-00024335 relationship is the thing that happens fTYJoFaK7Wo-00134-00024336-00024535 the other 364 fTYJoFaK7Wo-00135-00024536-00024775 days in a year when we're actually in in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00136-00024776-00025007 a relationship with each other like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00137-00025008-00025375 for you what does a strong equitable fTYJoFaK7Wo-00138-00025376-00025527 good healthy relationship fTYJoFaK7Wo-00139-00025528-00025734 look like between non-profits and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00140-00025735-00025918 funders like what does that actually fTYJoFaK7Wo-00141-00025919-00025974 look like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00142-00025975-00026183 and feel like for you all of the time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00143-00026183-00026327 not just in that process of trying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00144-00026327-00026518 get the money or give the money fTYJoFaK7Wo-00145-00026519-00026711 um open to anyone who wants to jump in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00146-00026712-00026902 and start fTYJoFaK7Wo-00147-00026904-00027158 joanie why don't you kick us off i knew fTYJoFaK7Wo-00148-00027160-00027343 it i was gonna do it myself anyway but fTYJoFaK7Wo-00149-00027344-00027431 then fTYJoFaK7Wo-00150-00027432-00027751 okay there you go um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00151-00027752-00028031 i i agree completely with uh the way you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00152-00028032-00028135 sort of set out fTYJoFaK7Wo-00153-00028136-00028311 the question that there's all this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00154-00028312-00028479 transactional stuff that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00155-00028480-00028783 going on um around reporting fTYJoFaK7Wo-00156-00028783-00029007 around the proposals around the review fTYJoFaK7Wo-00157-00029008-00029087 around the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00158-00029088-00029327 board meetings et cetera but what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00159-00029327-00029446 really important fTYJoFaK7Wo-00160-00029447-00029727 and some of that is it is important fTYJoFaK7Wo-00161-00029727-00029814 needs to happen fTYJoFaK7Wo-00162-00029816-00030095 we have fiduciary responsibilities etc fTYJoFaK7Wo-00163-00030095-00030262 so we need to know what's happening and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00164-00030263-00030358 so on with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00165-00030360-00030558 you know the the issue of the seminar fTYJoFaK7Wo-00166-00030560-00030727 reports for us fTYJoFaK7Wo-00167-00030727-00031023 uh become important for reflection for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00168-00031024-00031118 the grantee fTYJoFaK7Wo-00169-00031119-00031335 and for us to learn and have questions fTYJoFaK7Wo-00170-00031336-00031614 and so on have that dialogue fTYJoFaK7Wo-00171-00031616-00031855 what i think really is and and i learned fTYJoFaK7Wo-00172-00031856-00032055 this i've been in philanthropy twice fTYJoFaK7Wo-00173-00032056-00032223 it's been half my time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00174-00032224-00032383 as a professional in philanthropy and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00175-00032383-00032590 half my time in the field fTYJoFaK7Wo-00176-00032591-00032895 and i did it with big spreads in between fTYJoFaK7Wo-00177-00032896-00033071 when i first entered philanthropy fTYJoFaK7Wo-00178-00033072-00033343 honestly i i have people on my shoulders fTYJoFaK7Wo-00179-00033344-00033431 from fTYJoFaK7Wo-00180-00033432-00033646 carnegie corporation from rockefeller fTYJoFaK7Wo-00181-00033647-00034023 brothers from the refs and foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00182-00034024-00034367 deeply who taught me fTYJoFaK7Wo-00183-00034368-00034679 the need to have deep respect to start fTYJoFaK7Wo-00184-00034680-00034831 with deep respect fTYJoFaK7Wo-00185-00034832-00035039 around what people are thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00186-00035040-00035183 and what they're doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00187-00035184-00035439 in the field and to come at every fTYJoFaK7Wo-00188-00035440-00035527 conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00189-00035528-00035783 like that and the thing that this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00190-00035784-00035951 morning when i was thinking about this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00191-00035952-00036159 a bit i thought of that first fTYJoFaK7Wo-00192-00036160-00036279 conversation i don't know if it's the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00193-00036280-00036462 first time i met you john fTYJoFaK7Wo-00194-00036463-00036743 um but the first conversation we had fTYJoFaK7Wo-00195-00036744-00036902 with harleen fTYJoFaK7Wo-00196-00036903-00037174 in her office what are you thinking fTYJoFaK7Wo-00197-00037175-00037230 about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00198-00037231-00037590 what are you dreaming about and honestly fTYJoFaK7Wo-00199-00037591-00037887 i've never heard a process you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-00200-00037888-00038007 thing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00201-00038008-00038207 right as you're describing your whole fTYJoFaK7Wo-00202-00038208-00038318 process and that the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00203-00038319-00038607 end result of a of a theater production fTYJoFaK7Wo-00204-00038608-00038751 or something isn't what it's all about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00205-00038752-00038862 it's what happens fTYJoFaK7Wo-00206-00038863-00039095 with the people in the community and you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00207-00039096-00039287 were talking about this thing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00208-00039288-00039615 and we were like great write it up let's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00209-00039616-00039655 let's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00210-00039656-00039999 let's go in in between the let's go and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00211-00040000-00040046 and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00212-00040047-00040311 you know here's your first check john fTYJoFaK7Wo-00213-00040312-00040462 and i went back and forth fTYJoFaK7Wo-00214-00040463-00040759 around the proposal the writing of it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00215-00040760-00040974 wasn't about the direction fTYJoFaK7Wo-00216-00040975-00041207 that i thought john should be taking it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00217-00041208-00041374 was about how to make sure that it was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00218-00041375-00041558 articulated in a way that others would fTYJoFaK7Wo-00219-00041559-00041687 understand fTYJoFaK7Wo-00220-00041688-00041999 so it's that deep respect and enabling fTYJoFaK7Wo-00221-00042000-00042262 that dream to come forward you bet on fTYJoFaK7Wo-00222-00042263-00042479 people and you bet on big ideas fTYJoFaK7Wo-00223-00042480-00042774 hopefully they come from the same person fTYJoFaK7Wo-00224-00042775-00042927 and it did in that case and certainly fTYJoFaK7Wo-00225-00042928-00043007 with elena fTYJoFaK7Wo-00226-00043008-00043327 uh russ gay kid as well that's what i i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00227-00043328-00043495 think it is that's how we enter fTYJoFaK7Wo-00228-00043496-00043639 that's what makes it important that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00229-00043640-00043871 what enables me to say john how's jamie fTYJoFaK7Wo-00230-00043872-00044007 who's seven months old fTYJoFaK7Wo-00231-00044008-00044287 um right we know about each other we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00232-00044288-00044471 respect each other we care about each fTYJoFaK7Wo-00233-00044472-00044567 other fTYJoFaK7Wo-00234-00044568-00044702 i think it's the same with every other fTYJoFaK7Wo-00235-00044703-00044883 relationship that all of us are involved fTYJoFaK7Wo-00236-00044884-00045007 in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00237-00045008-00045127 john do you want to take this one oh fTYJoFaK7Wo-00238-00045128-00045271 lana go ahead looks like about to jump fTYJoFaK7Wo-00239-00045272-00045407 in right in um yeah i'll join bin fTYJoFaK7Wo-00240-00045408-00045639 i guess i would say also obviously i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00241-00045640-00045807 think that trust and respect are a huge fTYJoFaK7Wo-00242-00045808-00045951 piece and a sense of sort of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00243-00045952-00046079 transparency fTYJoFaK7Wo-00244-00046080-00046327 that we don't have to feel like we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00245-00046328-00046399 pretending fTYJoFaK7Wo-00246-00046400-00046590 or everything is perfect or we got this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00247-00046591-00046774 all worked out and particularly i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00248-00046775-00046902 and john's nodding a lot i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00249-00046903-00047030 particularly as a relatively young fTYJoFaK7Wo-00250-00047031-00047190 organization but i'm sure it's true in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00251-00047191-00047311 old organizations too fTYJoFaK7Wo-00252-00047312-00047527 they're bumps and i think assuming that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00253-00047528-00047679 they're going to be bums and assuming fTYJoFaK7Wo-00254-00047680-00047735 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00255-00047736-00047983 a sign of a strong organization is not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00256-00047984-00048190 oh we have no bumps but it's that we can fTYJoFaK7Wo-00257-00048191-00048390 manage them and no one we all have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00258-00048391-00048607 experience over the last 15 months a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00259-00048608-00048839 very big bump that none of us expected fTYJoFaK7Wo-00260-00048840-00049046 um but i think again the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00261-00049047-00049215 the organizations that were able to sort fTYJoFaK7Wo-00262-00049216-00049462 of survive and maybe even flourish fTYJoFaK7Wo-00263-00049463-00049686 um because of it or in spite of it is a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00264-00049687-00049767 piece of it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00265-00049768-00049974 the other thing i guess i just um wanted fTYJoFaK7Wo-00266-00049975-00050102 to say is you know when you talk fTYJoFaK7Wo-00267-00050103-00050279 jonathan about this sort of transaction fTYJoFaK7Wo-00268-00050280-00050462 and there's somewhat of a negative fTYJoFaK7Wo-00269-00050463-00050646 connotation in it i think there should fTYJoFaK7Wo-00270-00050647-00050839 be a positive connotation in it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00271-00050840-00051246 um i think that the the giving of that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00272-00051247-00051607 check is holy and it's not dirty and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00273-00051608-00051799 it's not like an aside and it's what fTYJoFaK7Wo-00274-00051800-00051870 like allow fTYJoFaK7Wo-00275-00051871-00052094 dreams to happen and i would say like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00276-00052095-00052287 i'm very moved both having fTYJoFaK7Wo-00277-00052288-00052511 joni on the on the phone on the call fTYJoFaK7Wo-00278-00052512-00052687 here where we obviously i spent a lot of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00279-00052688-00052726 time with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00280-00052727-00052926 you and harleen really helping to sort fTYJoFaK7Wo-00281-00052927-00053087 of think about the dream from before it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00282-00053088-00053263 began and jonathan fTYJoFaK7Wo-00283-00053264-00053438 um when you were in your old i mean you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00284-00053439-00053582 know the story of me and jonathan is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00285-00053583-00053742 that i met jonathan before this chef fTYJoFaK7Wo-00286-00053744-00053879 school had a name fTYJoFaK7Wo-00287-00053879-00053982 and you're working for a different fTYJoFaK7Wo-00288-00053983-00054215 foundation and that 50 000 fTYJoFaK7Wo-00289-00054216-00054463 grant that you gave us was probably the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00290-00054464-00054582 more the most important gifts that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00291-00054583-00054671 got fTYJoFaK7Wo-00292-00054672-00054942 because it it it both the money was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00293-00054944-00055023 helpful but fTYJoFaK7Wo-00294-00055024-00055230 also putting some stamp of some fTYJoFaK7Wo-00295-00055232-00055382 foundation that thought this was a good fTYJoFaK7Wo-00296-00055383-00055471 idea fTYJoFaK7Wo-00297-00055472-00055623 and that it was someone then the next fTYJoFaK7Wo-00298-00055624-00055799 person didn't have to put the first fTYJoFaK7Wo-00299-00055800-00056087 dollar in was like tremendous and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00300-00056088-00056150 allowed fTYJoFaK7Wo-00301-00056151-00056423 a dream to flourish and so and gave not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00302-00056424-00056582 just me but hopefully outside people fTYJoFaK7Wo-00303-00056583-00056671 also a sense like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00304-00056672-00056823 yeah i believe in this someone else fTYJoFaK7Wo-00305-00056824-00057015 should believe in this too and so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00306-00057016-00057230 i do really think that this transaction fTYJoFaK7Wo-00307-00057232-00057359 should be elevated fTYJoFaK7Wo-00308-00057360-00057511 and we shouldn't necessarily have to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00309-00057512-00057654 feel badly about the fact that we both fTYJoFaK7Wo-00310-00057655-00057791 need the resources fTYJoFaK7Wo-00311-00057791-00058007 and that you guys really would by fTYJoFaK7Wo-00312-00058008-00058119 providing them it's a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00313-00058120-00058430 it's just a tremendous um gift um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00314-00058432-00058630 obviously not just to us but to all them fTYJoFaK7Wo-00315-00058632-00058823 the users who are able to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00316-00058824-00059094 sort of appreciate the the idea that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00317-00059095-00059182 becomes fTYJoFaK7Wo-00318-00059183-00059487 goes from an idea into a reality if i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00319-00059488-00059742 can follow up on that i i want to second fTYJoFaK7Wo-00320-00059744-00059799 the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00321-00059800-00060054 transparency notion that you just shared fTYJoFaK7Wo-00322-00060055-00060126 alana fTYJoFaK7Wo-00323-00060127-00060479 uh and i wanna i wanna deepen fTYJoFaK7Wo-00324-00060479-00060647 a conversation about transparency fTYJoFaK7Wo-00325-00060648-00060791 because i also think it's really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00326-00060791-00060991 important as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00327-00060991-00061311 a young organization it's easy to follow fTYJoFaK7Wo-00328-00061312-00061415 the resources fTYJoFaK7Wo-00329-00061416-00061791 and morph and change to what's available fTYJoFaK7Wo-00330-00061791-00061887 to you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00331-00061888-00062159 uh and and uh one of the things that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00332-00062160-00062294 i've really appreciated fTYJoFaK7Wo-00333-00062295-00062511 in the relationships i've had both with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00334-00062512-00062694 the covenant foundation and with whitman fTYJoFaK7Wo-00335-00062695-00062791 camphor fTYJoFaK7Wo-00336-00062791-00063166 is the transparency around fTYJoFaK7Wo-00337-00063167-00063375 really genuinely wanting to know what it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00338-00063376-00063575 is we do and how it is we are trying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00339-00063576-00063719 do it and the impact we're trying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00340-00063720-00063750 have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00341-00063751-00064079 through our process um but also fTYJoFaK7Wo-00342-00064079-00064382 uh being fully transparent from the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00343-00064383-00064647 the grantor side from the foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00344-00064648-00064719 side fTYJoFaK7Wo-00345-00064720-00065175 in terms of what you're interested in um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00346-00065176-00065447 as the funder and acknowledging that our fTYJoFaK7Wo-00347-00065448-00065663 venn diagrams might not overlap fTYJoFaK7Wo-00348-00065664-00065863 right but that we're not going to try fTYJoFaK7Wo-00349-00065864-00066031 and morph the circle fTYJoFaK7Wo-00350-00066032-00066335 of our shape on the venn diagram to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00351-00066336-00066526 create to force an overlap fTYJoFaK7Wo-00352-00066527-00066719 but if we're honest and transparent with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00353-00066720-00066838 each other fTYJoFaK7Wo-00354-00066839-00067126 then it's easier to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00355-00067127-00067279 [Music] fTYJoFaK7Wo-00356-00067280-00067494 down the road when there are bumps down fTYJoFaK7Wo-00357-00067495-00067623 the road when there are fTYJoFaK7Wo-00358-00067624-00067831 new things we learn about how we want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00359-00067832-00067959 do our work or fTYJoFaK7Wo-00360-00067960-00068231 how we can be more useful going back to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00361-00068232-00068471 those relationships that started from a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00362-00068472-00068682 transparent place of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00363-00068683-00068967 of uh being honest about what we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00364-00068968-00069119 trying to do and what you're trying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00365-00069120-00069206 support fTYJoFaK7Wo-00366-00069207-00069463 um just builds a trust that that makes fTYJoFaK7Wo-00367-00069464-00069631 the relationship stronger when the bumps fTYJoFaK7Wo-00368-00069632-00069743 do occur fTYJoFaK7Wo-00369-00069744-00070006 i feel like everyone has made any point fTYJoFaK7Wo-00370-00070007-00070103 i would have made in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00371-00070104-00070294 far more articulate words than i could fTYJoFaK7Wo-00372-00070295-00070455 have i just love fTYJoFaK7Wo-00373-00070456-00070791 to add a little bit of color to uh what fTYJoFaK7Wo-00374-00070792-00071135 john just said um from our particular fTYJoFaK7Wo-00375-00071136-00071406 partnership in terms of the the venn fTYJoFaK7Wo-00376-00071407-00071471 diagram fTYJoFaK7Wo-00377-00071472-00071767 of the foundation's priorities and the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00378-00071768-00071935 organization's priorities and how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00379-00071936-00072199 trust and honesty and openness really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00380-00072200-00072294 comes from fTYJoFaK7Wo-00381-00072295-00072503 being honest about where we each are in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00382-00072504-00072606 terms of those two places fTYJoFaK7Wo-00383-00072607-00072791 and looking for that overlap and not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00384-00072792-00073079 trying to push either side to get there fTYJoFaK7Wo-00385-00073080-00073415 and i think one of the most powerful um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00386-00073416-00073550 not really a moment because this has fTYJoFaK7Wo-00387-00073551-00073767 been sort of a um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00388-00073768-00073991 building theme in in the partnership fTYJoFaK7Wo-00389-00073992-00074126 that we have is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00390-00074127-00074335 um the way in which that has taken place fTYJoFaK7Wo-00391-00074336-00074519 and and the story i want to share is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00392-00074520-00074559 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00393-00074560-00074967 um we ran a prize competition fTYJoFaK7Wo-00394-00074968-00075150 a few years ago called the living camper fTYJoFaK7Wo-00395-00075151-00075382 prize for applied jewish wisdom fTYJoFaK7Wo-00396-00075383-00075671 and in the process we were receiving a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00397-00075672-00075879 lot of applications but we noticed fTYJoFaK7Wo-00398-00075880-00076103 that we hadn't received one um from the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00399-00076104-00076287 inheritance project and there were some fTYJoFaK7Wo-00400-00076288-00076431 it seemed like it might have been a good fTYJoFaK7Wo-00401-00076432-00076575 candidate we had no idea if it would fTYJoFaK7Wo-00402-00076576-00076735 have any chance because we weren't even fTYJoFaK7Wo-00403-00076736-00076806 making the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00404-00076807-00076991 evaluations we had a whole team of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00405-00076992-00077215 judges but we were curious fTYJoFaK7Wo-00406-00077216-00077350 why they hadn't applied so i reached out fTYJoFaK7Wo-00407-00077351-00077559 to to john um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00408-00077560-00077782 and what he told me was that uh he just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00409-00077783-00077926 wasn't sure that this was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00410-00077927-00078143 you know the the right time or the right fTYJoFaK7Wo-00411-00078144-00078262 um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00412-00078263-00078559 uh project to be to be applying for and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00413-00078560-00078638 the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00414-00078639-00078911 the openness and transparency and really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00415-00078912-00079103 taking into account where they were at fTYJoFaK7Wo-00416-00079104-00079231 and where we were at fTYJoFaK7Wo-00417-00079232-00079406 um i think was one of those building fTYJoFaK7Wo-00418-00079407-00079567 blocks of building that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00419-00079568-00079815 for all of our future conversations so i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00420-00079816-00079879 just want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00421-00079880-00080062 share a very concrete way in which that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00422-00080063-00080182 played out for us fTYJoFaK7Wo-00423-00080183-00080350 this is why i told everyone not to you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00424-00080351-00080494 know get your water in advance because fTYJoFaK7Wo-00425-00080495-00080582 you're not going to want to miss a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00426-00080583-00080735 second of this so this is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00427-00080736-00080862 great i already have a half a page of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00428-00080863-00081079 notes i've taken here um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00429-00081080-00081231 alana you are referencing you know sort fTYJoFaK7Wo-00430-00081232-00081438 of the past year or the past year and a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00431-00081439-00081494 half and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00432-00081495-00081631 i just you know obviously we're not out fTYJoFaK7Wo-00433-00081632-00081782 of the woods we're still very much in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00434-00081783-00081879 this you run a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00435-00081880-00082079 school we were just talking before that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00436-00082080-00082238 you know this is still very much a live fTYJoFaK7Wo-00437-00082239-00082382 thing all the things we're going through fTYJoFaK7Wo-00438-00082383-00082455 in this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00439-00082456-00082703 world in the pandemic um but you know we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00440-00082704-00082862 know that in the pandemic and what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00441-00082863-00082887 been fTYJoFaK7Wo-00442-00082888-00082991 happening the past year and half that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00443-00082992-00083231 it's required a lot of adaptability fTYJoFaK7Wo-00444-00083232-00083399 that nonprofit leaders have stretched fTYJoFaK7Wo-00445-00083400-00083550 themselves that funders have stepped to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00446-00083551-00083679 the plate in a lot fTYJoFaK7Wo-00447-00083680-00083838 of ways and this is just required a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00448-00083839-00083975 different way of doing business and a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00449-00083976-00084038 different fTYJoFaK7Wo-00450-00084039-00084271 way of being in relationship and i just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00451-00084272-00084479 wonder if anyone might reflect on fTYJoFaK7Wo-00452-00084480-00084638 you all sort of setting the ground just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00453-00084639-00084791 this is how you want to do business all fTYJoFaK7Wo-00454-00084792-00084887 the time and in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00455-00084888-00085031 you know earlier years but kind of right fTYJoFaK7Wo-00456-00085032-00085175 now if you were thinking about the past fTYJoFaK7Wo-00457-00085176-00085318 year year and a half like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00458-00085319-00085455 what's been different in those fTYJoFaK7Wo-00459-00085456-00085647 relationships for you between fTYJoFaK7Wo-00460-00085648-00085815 you know non-profits and funders and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00461-00085816-00085999 feel free to reflect on you know a story fTYJoFaK7Wo-00462-00086000-00086118 a lesson something you're kind of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00463-00086119-00086271 holding on to that's all really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00464-00086272-00086582 kind of meaningful to you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00465-00086583-00087047 john you want to start us off fTYJoFaK7Wo-00466-00087048-00087350 uh um i'll go back to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00467-00087351-00087623 um what we were talking about earlier in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00468-00087624-00087759 terms of bumps in the road fTYJoFaK7Wo-00469-00087760-00088047 right kovid gave us a year where bumps fTYJoFaK7Wo-00470-00088048-00088159 in the road were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00471-00088160-00088511 foreseeable and forgivable by any funder fTYJoFaK7Wo-00472-00088512-00088838 or or grantor in terms of the work that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00473-00088839-00089023 any organization is doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00474-00089024-00089359 and i think that that made for um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00475-00089360-00089623 a much more comfortable conversation for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00476-00089624-00089679 me fTYJoFaK7Wo-00477-00089680-00089926 to reach out to the the funders that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00478-00089927-00090079 are in partnership with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00479-00090080-00090271 uh to talk about how we're trying to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00480-00090272-00090415 adapt and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00481-00090416-00090694 i what one thing i would love to remain fTYJoFaK7Wo-00482-00090695-00090799 out of this year fTYJoFaK7Wo-00483-00090800-00090999 is that comfort level of understanding fTYJoFaK7Wo-00484-00091000-00091159 that we're constantly adapting we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00485-00091160-00091279 constantly fTYJoFaK7Wo-00486-00091280-00091599 learning things and facing bumps that uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-00487-00091600-00091950 inspire us to try um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00488-00091951-00092175 different strategies to get through what fTYJoFaK7Wo-00489-00092176-00092367 we're trying to accomplish fTYJoFaK7Wo-00490-00092368-00092694 and knowing that that openness to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00491-00092695-00093015 to process that doesn't go exactly how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00492-00093016-00093143 you expected it to go fTYJoFaK7Wo-00493-00093144-00093447 i think is um would just be such a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00494-00093448-00093631 wonderful thing and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00495-00093632-00094015 in terms of concrete examples um uh i'll fTYJoFaK7Wo-00496-00094016-00094087 say that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00497-00094088-00094350 you know i alone you reached out to me fTYJoFaK7Wo-00498-00094351-00094415 um uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-00499-00094416-00094543 the inheritance project was doing a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00500-00094544-00094759 project in palm beach and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00501-00094760-00095015 um that project the event in palm beach fTYJoFaK7Wo-00502-00095016-00095191 that the inheritance project project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00503-00095192-00095382 the project we were doing was created fTYJoFaK7Wo-00504-00095383-00095543 around got cancelled fTYJoFaK7Wo-00505-00095544-00095791 um and you reached out to me and said fTYJoFaK7Wo-00506-00095792-00095974 hey we weren't funding that project that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00507-00095975-00096103 you were doing in palm beach but i know fTYJoFaK7Wo-00508-00096104-00096231 about it and we were wondering if you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00509-00096232-00096294 had any fTYJoFaK7Wo-00510-00096295-00096494 sunk costs related to that project that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00511-00096495-00096615 we could be helpful with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00512-00096616-00096806 and our situation was that we had the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00513-00096807-00096991 funding for the project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00514-00096992-00097206 and we had these artists we had hired to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00515-00097207-00097415 do the work and we could have paid them fTYJoFaK7Wo-00516-00097416-00097591 what was remaining in the money we had fTYJoFaK7Wo-00517-00097592-00097735 raised to finish the project so they fTYJoFaK7Wo-00518-00097736-00097903 would get what their expected income fTYJoFaK7Wo-00519-00097904-00097982 would be fTYJoFaK7Wo-00520-00097983-00098159 for the months of march and april and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00521-00098160-00098335 2020 but then we wouldn't have had the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00522-00098336-00098511 money to go back and finish the project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00523-00098512-00098694 which now we are going to get to do fTYJoFaK7Wo-00524-00098695-00098974 in the spring of 2022 um and we would fTYJoFaK7Wo-00525-00098975-00099126 have had to refund raise more fTYJoFaK7Wo-00526-00099127-00099350 resources to do that and the whitman fTYJoFaK7Wo-00527-00099351-00099535 camper foundation was able to help fTYJoFaK7Wo-00528-00099536-00099950 us meet that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00529-00099951-00100126 meet that commitment to the artists that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00530-00100127-00100391 we had already hired to do that work fTYJoFaK7Wo-00531-00100392-00100687 while preserving the funding that we had fTYJoFaK7Wo-00532-00100688-00100862 in part from the covenant foundation to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00533-00100863-00100974 finish the project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00534-00100975-00101262 in uh in the future and so that's just a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00535-00101263-00101694 concrete example of the ways in which fTYJoFaK7Wo-00536-00101695-00101823 the bumps in the road have been fTYJoFaK7Wo-00537-00101824-00102015 navigated this year i want to say one fTYJoFaK7Wo-00538-00102016-00102174 last thing about this year because it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00539-00102175-00102343 wasn't just covid for the inheritance fTYJoFaK7Wo-00540-00102344-00102423 project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00541-00102424-00102727 especially the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00542-00102728-00103086 awakening around black lives and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00543-00103088-00103247 the violence against black lives has fTYJoFaK7Wo-00544-00103248-00103599 really impacted fTYJoFaK7Wo-00545-00103600-00103790 the work that we do and the communities fTYJoFaK7Wo-00546-00103791-00103927 that are reaching out to us to do the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00547-00103928-00104047 work that we do fTYJoFaK7Wo-00548-00104048-00104271 and when something like that happens fTYJoFaK7Wo-00549-00104272-00104510 there's a change in society that impacts fTYJoFaK7Wo-00550-00104511-00104830 the role your um or the scale of the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00551-00104831-00104990 role that your organization can play in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00552-00104991-00105207 a society it can be super frightening fTYJoFaK7Wo-00553-00105208-00105375 uh as a small nonprofit arts fTYJoFaK7Wo-00554-00105376-00105543 organization um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00555-00105544-00105727 and what hasn't been frightening is all fTYJoFaK7Wo-00556-00105728-00105919 at all is reaching out to joanie and to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00557-00105920-00105990 i alone fTYJoFaK7Wo-00558-00105991-00106327 and and to the the funders with whom we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00559-00106328-00106375 have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00560-00106376-00106623 honest transparent relationships to say fTYJoFaK7Wo-00561-00106624-00106799 this is what we're navigating and we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00562-00106800-00106951 would love your help in figuring out how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00563-00106952-00107023 to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00564-00107024-00107383 how to navigate it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00565-00107383-00107590 um i would echo a little bit of what fTYJoFaK7Wo-00566-00107591-00107847 sorry alone you could speak fTYJoFaK7Wo-00567-00107848-00108015 um i was going to echo some of what john fTYJoFaK7Wo-00568-00108016-00108151 said i would say we also were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00569-00108152-00108278 moved chris will actually very much fTYJoFaK7Wo-00570-00108279-00108495 remember the call that you made joni in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00571-00108496-00108686 i remember what month april or whatever fTYJoFaK7Wo-00572-00108688-00108847 it was to say how are you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00573-00108848-00109119 and i really appreciated that um that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00574-00109120-00109286 sort of proactive fTYJoFaK7Wo-00575-00109288-00109486 um response and i would say you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-00576-00109488-00109590 that there have been funding fTYJoFaK7Wo-00577-00109591-00109783 opportunities i'd say on two sides one fTYJoFaK7Wo-00578-00109783-00109839 is like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00579-00109840-00110015 what do you need because like all of a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00580-00110016-00110166 sudden our expenses are different and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00581-00110167-00110239 certainly as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00582-00110240-00110415 in as a school we had all you know all fTYJoFaK7Wo-00583-00110416-00110590 of a sudden i'm buying thermometers and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00584-00110591-00110743 masks and more fTYJoFaK7Wo-00585-00110744-00110886 teachers and all kinds of things that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00586-00110888-00111102 couldn't possibly anticipate their costs fTYJoFaK7Wo-00587-00111103-00111247 and also on the other side we've had fTYJoFaK7Wo-00588-00111248-00111383 funding opportunities where people have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00589-00111383-00111534 said like we want you to be able to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00590-00111535-00111702 maintain the things that you are doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00591-00111703-00111895 already and i've appreciated that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00592-00111896-00112102 also i'm sort of like don't lose the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00593-00112103-00112223 things that are important whether fTYJoFaK7Wo-00594-00112224-00112366 there's infrastructure or other pieces fTYJoFaK7Wo-00595-00112367-00112463 so i really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00596-00112464-00112623 um and then i guess i would also say fTYJoFaK7Wo-00597-00112624-00112815 sort of giving permission fTYJoFaK7Wo-00598-00112816-00113047 to to mess up or to say i'm not when we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00599-00113048-00113231 just can't do this right now fTYJoFaK7Wo-00600-00113232-00113415 um and i would say that the funders have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00601-00113416-00113566 actually often been more forgiving than fTYJoFaK7Wo-00602-00113567-00113639 we have ours fTYJoFaK7Wo-00603-00113640-00113815 of ourselves of feeling somehow fTYJoFaK7Wo-00604-00113816-00113975 defensive as if we were supposed to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-00605-00113976-00114127 able to continue to have business as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00606-00114128-00114223 usual and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00607-00114224-00114502 dream big dreams while every day you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00608-00114503-00114590 know maintaining fTYJoFaK7Wo-00609-00114591-00114758 you know covet testing and all kinds of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00610-00114759-00114910 other pieces so i've appreciated that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00611-00114911-00115054 that has been the messaging i guess i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00612-00115055-00115271 would say on the other side and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00613-00115272-00115543 present company not um excluded has been fTYJoFaK7Wo-00614-00115544-00115590 that they're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00615-00115591-00115702 starting to feel like there's sort of an fTYJoFaK7Wo-00616-00115703-00115943 impatience now of sort of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00617-00115944-00116166 from not a lot of funders but i'm fTYJoFaK7Wo-00618-00116167-00116247 starting to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00619-00116248-00116415 you know hear that also like okay now fTYJoFaK7Wo-00620-00116416-00116558 what are you gonna do in september fTYJoFaK7Wo-00621-00116559-00116710 and it's like well you're right fTYJoFaK7Wo-00622-00116711-00116863 hopefully in september things will start fTYJoFaK7Wo-00623-00116864-00117031 to feel normal but we're still fTYJoFaK7Wo-00624-00117032-00117278 you know managing certainly in a school fTYJoFaK7Wo-00625-00117279-00117366 covid fTYJoFaK7Wo-00626-00117367-00117607 um and so no there has not been a huge fTYJoFaK7Wo-00627-00117608-00117799 amount of time to kind of imagine fTYJoFaK7Wo-00628-00117800-00118007 life after covenant and i also don't fTYJoFaK7Wo-00629-00118008-00118127 think it's healthy fTYJoFaK7Wo-00630-00118128-00118278 to rush it because i think there's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00631-00118279-00118447 actually a lot of learnings fTYJoFaK7Wo-00632-00118448-00118631 um and one of the things that we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00633-00118632-00118839 seeing is you know we had a parent book fTYJoFaK7Wo-00634-00118840-00118943 club this week fTYJoFaK7Wo-00635-00118944-00119247 with many more participants than we ever fTYJoFaK7Wo-00636-00119248-00119351 had in the building fTYJoFaK7Wo-00637-00119352-00119575 on a tuesday evening at seven o'clock fTYJoFaK7Wo-00638-00119576-00119743 because it's on zoom now fTYJoFaK7Wo-00639-00119744-00119919 right so if we quickly start to figure fTYJoFaK7Wo-00640-00119920-00120134 out what go how to go back fTYJoFaK7Wo-00641-00120135-00120351 we've lost all and that's a teeny fTYJoFaK7Wo-00642-00120352-00120486 example right but there are millions and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00643-00120488-00120639 i know every both person and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00644-00120640-00120790 organization is thinking about what did fTYJoFaK7Wo-00645-00120791-00120919 we learn what were the good things that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00646-00120920-00120951 came fTYJoFaK7Wo-00647-00120952-00121095 out of this year and a half year and a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00648-00121096-00121239 quarter and i don't think we want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00649-00121240-00121295 rush fTYJoFaK7Wo-00650-00121296-00121486 too quickly to come to the answer of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00651-00121488-00121631 what post covert looks like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00652-00121632-00121807 um without giving ourselves ample time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00653-00121808-00122014 to really reflect and appreciate fTYJoFaK7Wo-00654-00122015-00122183 um what are the parts that we and and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00655-00122183-00122334 where it's responsive so it's not just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00656-00122335-00122463 like what the sheffield school wants to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00657-00122464-00122534 do it's that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00658-00122535-00122799 as each one of you all make decisions um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00659-00122800-00122983 and the world makes decisions about how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00660-00122983-00123127 much they're in the office and how many fTYJoFaK7Wo-00661-00123128-00123271 a million other things we're gonna have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00662-00123272-00123431 to continue to stay fTYJoFaK7Wo-00663-00123432-00123654 nimble and not to just go back into like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00664-00123655-00123799 oh well let's just go back to where we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00665-00123800-00123934 thought we were before it's not the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00666-00123935-00124110 right answer i don't believe fTYJoFaK7Wo-00667-00124111-00124463 yeah one thing i'll just add to this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00668-00124464-00124878 is like we've seen in the broader world fTYJoFaK7Wo-00669-00124879-00125078 with regard to kovid that what it's done fTYJoFaK7Wo-00670-00125079-00125190 is brought fTYJoFaK7Wo-00671-00125191-00125447 challenges and opportunities into fTYJoFaK7Wo-00672-00125448-00125614 starker focus fTYJoFaK7Wo-00673-00125615-00125734 things that were already there fTYJoFaK7Wo-00674-00125735-00125999 beforehand we've definitely as a team fTYJoFaK7Wo-00675-00126000-00126302 at the foundation been trying to see how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00676-00126303-00126390 this has been fTYJoFaK7Wo-00677-00126391-00126583 um bringing into focus issues that have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00678-00126583-00126751 always been there and try to be more fTYJoFaK7Wo-00679-00126752-00126895 sensitive to them and pay attention to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00680-00126896-00126927 them fTYJoFaK7Wo-00681-00126928-00127223 so to give a very concrete example again fTYJoFaK7Wo-00682-00127224-00127439 uh one of the things that we've really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00683-00127440-00127623 been paying attention to a lot during fTYJoFaK7Wo-00684-00127624-00127758 covid is that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00685-00127759-00128047 our partners are incredibly stretched fTYJoFaK7Wo-00686-00128048-00128199 and stretched incredibly thin fTYJoFaK7Wo-00687-00128200-00128502 they are doing amazing amazing work fTYJoFaK7Wo-00688-00128503-00128831 um over time you know every fTYJoFaK7Wo-00689-00128832-00129023 everyone at these amazing organizations fTYJoFaK7Wo-00690-00129024-00129166 is is doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00691-00129167-00129375 um pulling their their weight and then fTYJoFaK7Wo-00692-00129376-00129471 so much more fTYJoFaK7Wo-00693-00129472-00129654 and one of the things we've been asking fTYJoFaK7Wo-00694-00129655-00129783 ourselves is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00695-00129783-00130063 how can we support our partners um in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00696-00130064-00130283 the most helpful way and in the least fTYJoFaK7Wo-00697-00130283-00130551 um burdensome way where we're not fTYJoFaK7Wo-00698-00130552-00130631 contributing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00699-00130632-00130927 to um making things harder for them in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00700-00130928-00131063 some way and so one of the ways we've fTYJoFaK7Wo-00701-00131064-00131111 been fTYJoFaK7Wo-00702-00131112-00131423 trying to do that um during covid fTYJoFaK7Wo-00703-00131424-00131695 is to minimize during this period the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00704-00131696-00131878 reporting requirements that we've fTYJoFaK7Wo-00705-00131879-00132159 had for for our grantees um and that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00706-00132160-00132319 really been part of a larger process fTYJoFaK7Wo-00707-00132320-00132431 that we've been engaged in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00708-00132432-00132663 before covet started and that we hope to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00709-00132664-00132854 continue after which is thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00710-00132855-00133063 when we're asking grantees for something fTYJoFaK7Wo-00711-00133064-00133271 going back to the venn diagrams that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00712-00133272-00133390 were talking about before fTYJoFaK7Wo-00713-00133391-00133519 because i think this really touches on fTYJoFaK7Wo-00714-00133520-00133695 everything fTYJoFaK7Wo-00715-00133696-00133831 when we're asking for something we want fTYJoFaK7Wo-00716-00133832-00134023 to make sure that it's both helping fTYJoFaK7Wo-00717-00134024-00134214 us achieve the things we need to achieve fTYJoFaK7Wo-00718-00134215-00134359 but that it's also helping fTYJoFaK7Wo-00719-00134360-00134566 our partners achieve something that they fTYJoFaK7Wo-00720-00134567-00134663 need to achieve fTYJoFaK7Wo-00721-00134664-00134854 and if it's only in one of those circles fTYJoFaK7Wo-00722-00134855-00135047 um that that should be pause for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00723-00135048-00135487 reflection about how we can do it better fTYJoFaK7Wo-00724-00135488-00135743 i would just add a couple of things uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-00725-00135744-00135814 to this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00726-00135815-00136135 um one um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00727-00136136-00136487 during covet and alana alluded to um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00728-00136488-00136663 the you know the conversation the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00729-00136664-00136871 outreach uh we did that with all our fTYJoFaK7Wo-00730-00136872-00136951 grantees fTYJoFaK7Wo-00731-00136952-00137327 in april and early may you know um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00732-00137328-00137543 for everybody and to some of our award fTYJoFaK7Wo-00733-00137544-00137695 recipients and pomegranate price fTYJoFaK7Wo-00734-00137696-00137878 recipients as well but primarily fTYJoFaK7Wo-00735-00137879-00138254 the concern was with our grantees fTYJoFaK7Wo-00736-00138255-00138551 and it's because we were all like what fTYJoFaK7Wo-00737-00138552-00138663 just happened fTYJoFaK7Wo-00738-00138664-00138919 and we're trying to let people know it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00739-00138920-00138990 so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00740-00138991-00139327 it's okay we're all in this relax fTYJoFaK7Wo-00741-00139328-00139711 um and what are your priorities or go fTYJoFaK7Wo-00742-00139712-00139759 about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00743-00139760-00139927 your priorities and we'll figure the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00744-00139928-00140095 rest out together fTYJoFaK7Wo-00745-00140096-00140454 don't worry and uh the watch word was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00746-00140455-00140790 or phrase was lead with empathy period fTYJoFaK7Wo-00747-00140791-00141095 lead with empathy that was for our staff fTYJoFaK7Wo-00748-00141096-00141399 and that was for our grantees and listen fTYJoFaK7Wo-00749-00141400-00141623 and try to understand and for those that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00750-00141624-00141743 really were having fTYJoFaK7Wo-00751-00141744-00142023 a rough patch pretty much everybody went fTYJoFaK7Wo-00752-00142024-00142135 through something fTYJoFaK7Wo-00753-00142136-00142359 that wasn't so simple but then there was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00754-00142360-00142454 another layer fTYJoFaK7Wo-00755-00142455-00142671 in some cases where people were doing a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00756-00142672-00142847 lot of direct service fTYJoFaK7Wo-00757-00142848-00143151 it became really challenging to do it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00758-00143152-00143423 um elderly you know all this stuff and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00759-00143424-00143614 so we kept in touch with them much more fTYJoFaK7Wo-00760-00143615-00143902 um to help them through and orient funds fTYJoFaK7Wo-00761-00143903-00144063 in a different way fTYJoFaK7Wo-00762-00144064-00144271 additional funds whatever kind of took fTYJoFaK7Wo-00763-00144272-00144399 whatever we could do fTYJoFaK7Wo-00764-00144400-00144831 that's that's one thing i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00765-00144832-00145214 that the other thing was what can we do fTYJoFaK7Wo-00766-00145215-00145478 for those within what we might call the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00767-00145479-00145614 covenant family fTYJoFaK7Wo-00768-00145615-00145951 what can we do for those folks grantees fTYJoFaK7Wo-00769-00145952-00146039 and others fTYJoFaK7Wo-00770-00146040-00146375 who um are really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00771-00146376-00146575 all of a sudden incredibly creative fTYJoFaK7Wo-00772-00146576-00146726 during this period fTYJoFaK7Wo-00773-00146727-00147078 um how can we lift them up not only to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00774-00147079-00147199 be creative fTYJoFaK7Wo-00775-00147200-00147431 and institute all kinds of new fTYJoFaK7Wo-00776-00147432-00147614 initiatives or whatever it's going to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-00777-00147615-00147863 or even tiny things during this period fTYJoFaK7Wo-00778-00147864-00148111 but who's looking out over the horizon fTYJoFaK7Wo-00779-00148112-00148414 to alana's point um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00780-00148415-00148663 let's stop and what what what's it going fTYJoFaK7Wo-00781-00148664-00148863 to be what's it going to look like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00782-00148864-00149071 after that and there were people who we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00783-00149072-00149223 were engaged with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00784-00149224-00149478 who were coming to us who were going to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00785-00149479-00149639 involved in various conversations in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00786-00149640-00149766 various places fTYJoFaK7Wo-00787-00149767-00150007 and it was what are you thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00788-00150008-00150119 on the horizon fTYJoFaK7Wo-00789-00150120-00150414 how might what you're doing now play fTYJoFaK7Wo-00790-00150415-00150526 later fTYJoFaK7Wo-00791-00150527-00150726 because we're all getting out of this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00792-00150727-00150839 through some portal fTYJoFaK7Wo-00793-00150840-00151231 somehow um over so many months fTYJoFaK7Wo-00794-00151232-00151487 going forward even from now and that was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00795-00151488-00151654 the other thing with opportunity fTYJoFaK7Wo-00796-00151655-00151871 with with challenges come opportunities fTYJoFaK7Wo-00797-00151872-00152047 and we kept our eye on that prize as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00798-00152048-00152111 well fTYJoFaK7Wo-00799-00152112-00152287 some of it was for right now how you're fTYJoFaK7Wo-00800-00152288-00152487 going to get through the next six months fTYJoFaK7Wo-00801-00152488-00152759 and some of it was where are we looking fTYJoFaK7Wo-00802-00152760-00152999 out over the horizon fTYJoFaK7Wo-00803-00153000-00153231 the empathy sat in how we're getting fTYJoFaK7Wo-00804-00153232-00153414 through the next six months or year fTYJoFaK7Wo-00805-00153415-00153663 the excitement and the inspiration said fTYJoFaK7Wo-00806-00153664-00153831 and what are we looking at over the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00807-00153832-00153919 horizon fTYJoFaK7Wo-00808-00153920-00154119 and that that's how i would i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00809-00154120-00154311 about this particular period fTYJoFaK7Wo-00810-00154312-00154799 and it's continuing unfortunately fTYJoFaK7Wo-00811-00154800-00154943 i think that's so right and i kind of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00812-00154944-00155095 feel like i'll just say in terms of this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00813-00155096-00155207 conversation what are we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00814-00155208-00155423 learning and the empathy like there's a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00815-00155424-00155559 real mutuality here right like part of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00816-00155560-00155599 what was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00817-00155600-00155759 revealed in this group is no one had the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00818-00155760-00155935 answers right like nonprofits were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00819-00155936-00156063 trying to figure it out funders we were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00820-00156064-00156223 all trying to figure it out as much as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00821-00156224-00156311 it might be that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00822-00156312-00156487 you know i think there were these really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00823-00156488-00156663 powerful examples of funders reaching fTYJoFaK7Wo-00824-00156664-00156807 out saying we care about you we have fTYJoFaK7Wo-00825-00156808-00157023 your back how do we support you frankly fTYJoFaK7Wo-00826-00157024-00157166 i can think about many times in the past fTYJoFaK7Wo-00827-00157167-00157231 year where fTYJoFaK7Wo-00828-00157232-00157407 i had non-profit leaders call me saying fTYJoFaK7Wo-00829-00157408-00157559 we're learning this we're figuring fTYJoFaK7Wo-00830-00157560-00157766 stuff this is the conversation we're in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00831-00157767-00157943 you need to know this because this is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00832-00157944-00158111 going to help inform your thinking and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00833-00158112-00158207 your planning and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00834-00158208-00158407 the things you can do i needed like i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00835-00158408-00158543 couldn't figure it out just by sitting fTYJoFaK7Wo-00836-00158544-00158702 in my room with the whiteboard with my fTYJoFaK7Wo-00837-00158703-00158814 colleagues i needed fTYJoFaK7Wo-00838-00158815-00158926 the knowledge that it was being fTYJoFaK7Wo-00839-00158927-00159111 generated from you know leaders in the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00840-00159112-00159214 field so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00841-00159215-00159366 i i think we should kind of hold on to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00842-00159367-00159511 that mutuality and that's what i'm fTYJoFaK7Wo-00843-00159512-00159654 hoping will take forward that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00844-00159655-00159766 it doesn't feel like when we sit down fTYJoFaK7Wo-00845-00159767-00159935 together that there's a sense of you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00846-00159936-00159990 know fTYJoFaK7Wo-00847-00159991-00160135 one player has the knowledge and the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00848-00160136-00160335 other player has the resource or vice fTYJoFaK7Wo-00849-00160336-00160575 versa but like we're really in it fTYJoFaK7Wo-00850-00160576-00160926 together um just maybe turning the page fTYJoFaK7Wo-00851-00160927-00161126 uh i know when we were talking a few fTYJoFaK7Wo-00852-00161127-00161263 weeks ago kind of in preparation for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00853-00161264-00161375 this in different ways fTYJoFaK7Wo-00854-00161376-00161599 each of you actually reflected in really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00855-00161600-00161775 interesting ways about the concept of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00856-00161776-00161871 time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00857-00161872-00162102 and how time has felt different in this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00858-00162103-00162175 period and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00859-00162176-00162302 i think we kind of hear that sometimes fTYJoFaK7Wo-00860-00162303-00162471 in a very cliche way where someone goes fTYJoFaK7Wo-00861-00162472-00162695 i don't know if it's tuesday or january fTYJoFaK7Wo-00862-00162696-00162895 but actually like what we meant by that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00863-00162896-00163143 what i heard in this group was time has fTYJoFaK7Wo-00864-00163144-00163295 you know in some ways expanded fTYJoFaK7Wo-00865-00163296-00163502 and refracted and contracted and it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-00866-00163503-00163623 just felt fTYJoFaK7Wo-00867-00163624-00163807 different not only in terms of like how fTYJoFaK7Wo-00868-00163808-00163990 we operationalize our work and how we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00869-00163991-00164190 feel in our lives but actually like fTYJoFaK7Wo-00870-00164191-00164447 time in our relationships has felt fTYJoFaK7Wo-00871-00164448-00164559 different and so i just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00872-00164560-00164759 you know i open that to any of you and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00873-00164760-00164935 all of you who might want to comment on fTYJoFaK7Wo-00874-00164936-00165014 that because i thought there was just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00875-00165015-00165199 some real interesting um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00876-00165200-00165366 observations that you you'd offered in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00877-00165367-00165511 insights there fTYJoFaK7Wo-00878-00165512-00165790 so i think one of the ways in which time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00879-00165791-00165863 has fTYJoFaK7Wo-00880-00165864-00166223 really changed during kovid fTYJoFaK7Wo-00881-00166224-00166438 is in terms of its relationship to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00882-00166439-00166590 predictability fTYJoFaK7Wo-00883-00166591-00166799 that a big part of our experience of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00884-00166800-00166935 time is that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-00885-00166936-00167143 know or we have an idea of what happens fTYJoFaK7Wo-00886-00167144-00167302 in the next minute in the next hour fTYJoFaK7Wo-00887-00167303-00167471 and the next day and the next week and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00888-00167472-00167726 so on um but covet has really thrown us fTYJoFaK7Wo-00889-00167727-00167814 for a loop fTYJoFaK7Wo-00890-00167815-00168126 in not knowing um and it's really been a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00891-00168127-00168231 profound humbling fTYJoFaK7Wo-00892-00168232-00168463 in reminding us that as much control as fTYJoFaK7Wo-00893-00168464-00168695 we thought or think we have in life fTYJoFaK7Wo-00894-00168696-00169078 um that we actually don't and so much of fTYJoFaK7Wo-00895-00169079-00169287 i think any relationship and any fTYJoFaK7Wo-00896-00169288-00169407 partnership especially fTYJoFaK7Wo-00897-00169408-00169847 a funder grantee partner relationship fTYJoFaK7Wo-00898-00169848-00170126 is really about how to navigate the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00899-00170127-00170263 unpredictable fTYJoFaK7Wo-00900-00170264-00170438 because the predictable is the stuff fTYJoFaK7Wo-00901-00170439-00170695 that you can plan for beforehand the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00902-00170696-00170854 the challenging stuff is what happens fTYJoFaK7Wo-00903-00170855-00171007 when things come up that we didn't know fTYJoFaK7Wo-00904-00171008-00171102 about and this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00905-00171103-00171295 has been a huge reminder that there is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00906-00171296-00171431 so much more of that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00907-00171432-00171759 um than we often um take into account fTYJoFaK7Wo-00908-00171760-00172095 and one one of the things that i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00909-00172096-00172423 again to try to make it as personal and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00910-00172424-00172726 um concrete as possible with fTYJoFaK7Wo-00911-00172727-00172999 uh in terms of our partnership with the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00912-00173000-00173135 inheritance project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00913-00173136-00173519 um john reached out and was very fTYJoFaK7Wo-00914-00173520-00173854 clear and um open that um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00915-00173855-00174023 some of the plans that we had had for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00916-00174024-00174183 the um for the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00917-00174184-00174407 projects that we're partnering on just fTYJoFaK7Wo-00918-00174408-00174575 wouldn't be able to happen in the time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00919-00174576-00174878 frame that we had talked about um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00920-00174879-00175159 and what we talked about together was fTYJoFaK7Wo-00921-00175160-00175326 how we can do this in a way and move fTYJoFaK7Wo-00922-00175327-00175454 forward in a way fTYJoFaK7Wo-00923-00175455-00175775 um that was really honest and supportive fTYJoFaK7Wo-00924-00175776-00175831 of their fTYJoFaK7Wo-00925-00175832-00176190 their process um and taking into account fTYJoFaK7Wo-00926-00176191-00176319 the possibility of further fTYJoFaK7Wo-00927-00176320-00176511 unpredictability um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00928-00176512-00176751 and so i think that's a reminder across fTYJoFaK7Wo-00929-00176752-00176863 the board but it was just something that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00930-00176864-00176935 certainly fTYJoFaK7Wo-00931-00176936-00177063 came up over here and i don't know john fTYJoFaK7Wo-00932-00177064-00177238 if you want to talk a little bit more to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00933-00177239-00177343 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00934-00177344-00177551 yeah thank you for saying that and this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00935-00177552-00177654 goes back to something fTYJoFaK7Wo-00936-00177655-00177926 joni you were uh saying as well earlier fTYJoFaK7Wo-00937-00177927-00178078 but um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00938-00178079-00178375 about the right now in the future and i fTYJoFaK7Wo-00939-00178376-00178575 i think islam one of the things fTYJoFaK7Wo-00940-00178576-00178887 that um uh has been really fTYJoFaK7Wo-00941-00178888-00179102 meaningful about our relationship is fTYJoFaK7Wo-00942-00179103-00179319 that you made a multi-year commitment to fTYJoFaK7Wo-00943-00179320-00179438 the work fTYJoFaK7Wo-00944-00179439-00179702 and and i i just you know we were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00945-00179703-00179831 talking earlier about what could come fTYJoFaK7Wo-00946-00179832-00179935 out of covid fTYJoFaK7Wo-00947-00179936-00180199 in terms of our relationships moving fTYJoFaK7Wo-00948-00180200-00180271 forward fTYJoFaK7Wo-00949-00180272-00180478 i think knowing that we have a long term fTYJoFaK7Wo-00950-00180479-00180614 that we are in relationship fTYJoFaK7Wo-00951-00180615-00180943 long term and not just uh for this six fTYJoFaK7Wo-00952-00180944-00181143 months or for this one project or for fTYJoFaK7Wo-00953-00181144-00181207 this fTYJoFaK7Wo-00954-00181208-00181583 um is um uh now the terms of that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00955-00181584-00181759 relationship had to change for us fTYJoFaK7Wo-00956-00181760-00181838 because fTYJoFaK7Wo-00957-00181839-00182047 instead of you know finishing a project fTYJoFaK7Wo-00958-00182048-00182287 in 2020 that project is now finishing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00959-00182288-00182478 this coming june and then the next fTYJoFaK7Wo-00960-00182479-00182590 project will be fTYJoFaK7Wo-00961-00182591-00182926 um after that inevitably but um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00962-00182927-00183111 but so i just i i just want to make a fTYJoFaK7Wo-00963-00183112-00183247 point that that fTYJoFaK7Wo-00964-00183248-00183526 it was it was really welcoming when you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00965-00183527-00183726 came to us and said fTYJoFaK7Wo-00966-00183727-00183902 that you had flexibility in terms of the fTYJoFaK7Wo-00967-00183903-00184095 timeline of that multi-year commitment fTYJoFaK7Wo-00968-00184096-00184247 that helped us fTYJoFaK7Wo-00969-00184248-00184623 plan um for knowing that we could plan fTYJoFaK7Wo-00970-00184624-00184807 for the future later allowed us to plan fTYJoFaK7Wo-00971-00184808-00185047 for the right now right now um and so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00972-00185048-00185302 joni back to your you know the the doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-00973-00185303-00185454 both at the same time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00974-00185455-00185614 the other thing i just want to name and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00975-00185615-00185750 i won you brought this up at the very fTYJoFaK7Wo-00976-00185751-00185919 beginning but i think it speaks jonathan fTYJoFaK7Wo-00977-00185920-00185999 to the time fTYJoFaK7Wo-00978-00186000-00186375 question is um uh and joni is what you fTYJoFaK7Wo-00979-00186376-00186399 said fTYJoFaK7Wo-00980-00186400-00186599 in about our first conversation i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-00981-00186600-00186959 we we moved at the speed of trust fTYJoFaK7Wo-00982-00186960-00187287 right that that um when when i went joni fTYJoFaK7Wo-00983-00187288-00187399 when we first met fTYJoFaK7Wo-00984-00187400-00187719 i had no knowledge or pre-knowledge or fTYJoFaK7Wo-00985-00187720-00187919 any knowledge nor did it ever come up in fTYJoFaK7Wo-00986-00187920-00188047 our first conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00987-00188048-00188366 about a deadline a grant cycle uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-00988-00188367-00188663 or whatever and i alone after we um fTYJoFaK7Wo-00989-00188664-00188847 declined to apply for that prize which fTYJoFaK7Wo-00990-00188848-00188990 did have a deadline our first fTYJoFaK7Wo-00991-00188991-00189102 conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-00992-00189103-00189366 wasn't about a deadline or a grant cycle fTYJoFaK7Wo-00993-00189367-00189454 or whatever fTYJoFaK7Wo-00994-00189455-00189678 but rather we sat and we talked about fTYJoFaK7Wo-00995-00189679-00189775 what we were fTYJoFaK7Wo-00996-00189776-00190063 you know what we were working on um and fTYJoFaK7Wo-00997-00190064-00190278 we took the time to build the trust fTYJoFaK7Wo-00998-00190279-00190702 that led to the partnerships so fTYJoFaK7Wo-00999-00190703-00190895 i just want to raise that up as a as a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01000-00190896-00191111 time element that i think could also be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01001-00191112-00191350 a frame for moving and if you hear in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01002-00191351-00191431 the background fTYJoFaK7Wo-01003-00191432-00191687 uh jamie the seven month old it's uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01004-00191688-00191895 it's nap time so i apologize for that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01005-00191896-00192078 i'm happy to say to jump in here i mean fTYJoFaK7Wo-01006-00192079-00192263 i think one of the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01007-00192264-00192559 things about this these last 16 months fTYJoFaK7Wo-01008-00192560-00192599 which is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01009-00192600-00192807 which is true about time also someone fTYJoFaK7Wo-01010-00192808-00192950 someone used the metaphor that we've all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01011-00192951-00193126 experienced the same storm but we're in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01012-00193127-00193271 different boats fTYJoFaK7Wo-01013-00193272-00193511 um and i find that to be a very helpful fTYJoFaK7Wo-01014-00193512-00193663 metaphor in terms of what this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01015-00193664-00193871 last experience has been because we are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01016-00193872-00194078 not all having the same experience fTYJoFaK7Wo-01017-00194079-00194287 um and i would say that certainly being fTYJoFaK7Wo-01018-00194288-00194471 in a school we have very much felt kind fTYJoFaK7Wo-01019-00194472-00194559 of out of step fTYJoFaK7Wo-01020-00194560-00194726 for most people you know i joke that i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01021-00194727-00194935 put on pants and shoes every day fTYJoFaK7Wo-01022-00194936-00195078 most people do not put on pants and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01023-00195079-00195326 shoes every day for the last 15 months fTYJoFaK7Wo-01024-00195327-00195526 and that that and certainly in this last fTYJoFaK7Wo-01025-00195527-00195647 spring we were home but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01026-00195648-00195807 you know since the summer we have been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01027-00195808-00195926 planning and we've been kind of in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01028-00195927-00196102 person and the pace has actually been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01029-00196103-00196454 excruciatingly fast um and we're like on fTYJoFaK7Wo-01030-00196455-00196599 a different like we're on super speed fTYJoFaK7Wo-01031-00196600-00196759 we're doing three times as much fTYJoFaK7Wo-01032-00196760-00196943 um and other people are finding like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01033-00196944-00197199 there's mu it's much slower and so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01034-00197200-00197375 i think you know i find that in my fTYJoFaK7Wo-01035-00197376-00197487 personal relationships i want to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01036-00197488-00197638 careful not to assume either people had fTYJoFaK7Wo-01037-00197639-00197799 a horrible 15 months or they had a great fTYJoFaK7Wo-01038-00197800-00197975 15 months it really depended fTYJoFaK7Wo-01039-00197976-00198254 on a million different factors stage of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01040-00198255-00198335 life fTYJoFaK7Wo-01041-00198336-00198502 a million things that that were not fTYJoFaK7Wo-01042-00198503-00198671 necessarily predictable fTYJoFaK7Wo-01043-00198672-00198854 um and i think that's true around fTYJoFaK7Wo-01044-00198855-00199014 organizational life fTYJoFaK7Wo-01045-00199015-00199254 also uh depending on what field you were fTYJoFaK7Wo-01046-00199255-00199399 in you know schools in some ways were fTYJoFaK7Wo-01047-00199400-00199502 hit really hard and other ways we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01048-00199503-00199654 weren't hit hard at all because our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01049-00199655-00199831 business kept operating and no one said fTYJoFaK7Wo-01050-00199832-00199999 well do it does my child need school fTYJoFaK7Wo-01051-00200000-00200126 anymore fTYJoFaK7Wo-01052-00200127-00200302 which they might have said about lots of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01053-00200303-00200463 other not-for-profit you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01054-00200464-00200647 organizations are doing wonderful things fTYJoFaK7Wo-01055-00200648-00200854 but um so i just think that that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01056-00200855-00201054 appreciation also of just checking in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01057-00201055-00201231 and saying what has the last 15 months fTYJoFaK7Wo-01058-00201232-00201431 been for you i think is very important fTYJoFaK7Wo-01059-00201432-00201566 um in terms of thinking fTYJoFaK7Wo-01060-00201567-00201959 about i i just have one comment it's not fTYJoFaK7Wo-01061-00201960-00202111 so much about time although i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01062-00202112-00202359 totally appreciate the way that uh john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01063-00202360-00202535 and alana just described fTYJoFaK7Wo-01064-00202536-00202887 sort of the time of trust and then time fTYJoFaK7Wo-01065-00202888-00203038 how different people had different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01066-00203039-00203223 experiences over this time you can't fTYJoFaK7Wo-01067-00203224-00203263 assume fTYJoFaK7Wo-01068-00203264-00203454 anything i just want to go back to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01069-00203455-00203590 something that both john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01070-00203591-00203831 and alana said at the very beginning fTYJoFaK7Wo-01071-00203832-00204063 which is a term i never use fTYJoFaK7Wo-01072-00204064-00204423 um but which i totally understand fTYJoFaK7Wo-01073-00204424-00204719 this idea of bumps in the road right fTYJoFaK7Wo-01074-00204720-00204903 understanding bumps in the road fTYJoFaK7Wo-01075-00204904-00205255 so what i would say there is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01076-00205256-00205614 the bumps in the road are the road right fTYJoFaK7Wo-01077-00205615-00205934 they're they're the dynamism the beauty fTYJoFaK7Wo-01078-00205935-00206271 and the challenge of the dynamism of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01079-00206271-00206558 our life on you know working in the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01080-00206559-00206606 field fTYJoFaK7Wo-01081-00206607-00206879 on the ground and so when when i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-01082-00206880-00206975 of and we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01083-00206976-00207294 as the foundation think about the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01084-00207296-00207542 kind of dynamism on the ground it feels fTYJoFaK7Wo-01085-00207544-00207719 exciting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01086-00207719-00208079 to us you know that's the muck fTYJoFaK7Wo-01087-00208080-00208382 that's the oh let's kind of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01088-00208383-00208751 make a left turn over here or hey joni fTYJoFaK7Wo-01089-00208752-00209086 this isn't working at all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01090-00209087-00209310 so let's you know figure it out this is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01091-00209311-00209438 what we're you know what we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01092-00209439-00209510 understanding fTYJoFaK7Wo-01093-00209511-00209734 so i guess i would just i want you to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01094-00209735-00209887 point it out because i don't i don't fTYJoFaK7Wo-01095-00209888-00210055 want to think about it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01096-00210056-00210246 i don't want to think about it as a bump fTYJoFaK7Wo-01097-00210248-00210398 in the road i want to think about it as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01098-00210400-00210671 the excitement of the dynamism of what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01099-00210671-00210782 going on fTYJoFaK7Wo-01100-00210783-00211127 and that's like oh i'm in you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01101-00211128-00211342 what what are you thinking about um so i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01102-00211344-00211527 just kind of wanted to point that out fTYJoFaK7Wo-01103-00211528-00211623 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01104-00211623-00211942 it's always that way it is the road fTYJoFaK7Wo-01105-00211944-00212294 um you know anyway just for the for the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01106-00212296-00212503 record for you guys and for anybody else fTYJoFaK7Wo-01107-00212504-00212694 who has i love that reframe fTYJoFaK7Wo-01108-00212696-00212839 that's awesome we're all gonna become fTYJoFaK7Wo-01109-00212840-00213287 mountain bikers we're all like one fTYJoFaK7Wo-01110-00213288-00213439 this is great and i also i would just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01111-00213440-00213606 say like one thing that um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01112-00213607-00213742 i'm thinking about is when we talk about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01113-00213744-00213894 the idea that something that's happened fTYJoFaK7Wo-01114-00213896-00214046 recently is this idea that we've been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01115-00214048-00214239 more comfortable i think on all sides fTYJoFaK7Wo-01116-00214240-00214391 letting our guard down and being honest fTYJoFaK7Wo-01117-00214392-00214631 i feel like that accelerated a lot like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01118-00214632-00214719 that really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01119-00214719-00214934 it just felt so much safer earlier in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01120-00214935-00215087 relationships to kind of say fTYJoFaK7Wo-01121-00215088-00215263 we're not okay or like this is where fTYJoFaK7Wo-01122-00215264-00215423 we're challenged and i'm like that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01123-00215423-00215591 something i'm hoping will stick around fTYJoFaK7Wo-01124-00215592-00215671 that we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01125-00215671-00215879 don't have to say okay finally after fTYJoFaK7Wo-01126-00215880-00216046 four or five years of being a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01127-00216048-00216182 relationship then we can kind of be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01128-00216183-00216334 really honest with each other that that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01129-00216335-00216567 transparency could potentially happen fTYJoFaK7Wo-01130-00216567-00216767 faster in a sense that you know i'm fTYJoFaK7Wo-01131-00216767-00216887 hoping for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01132-00216888-00217055 for that i'm going to give a signal to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01133-00217056-00217198 um the folks fTYJoFaK7Wo-01134-00217200-00217382 watching at home that you can um you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01135-00217383-00217558 know begin if you have queuing up fTYJoFaK7Wo-01136-00217559-00217655 questions fTYJoFaK7Wo-01137-00217656-00217775 which tomorrow is going to be paying fTYJoFaK7Wo-01138-00217776-00217894 attention to we're going to get to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01139-00217896-00218071 questions in just a few fTYJoFaK7Wo-01140-00218071-00218351 minutes but let me um turn to joanie and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01141-00218352-00218510 to i alone as two people in the color fTYJoFaK7Wo-01142-00218511-00218727 present kind of thunder or the donor fTYJoFaK7Wo-01143-00218728-00218846 hat like when you're thinking fTYJoFaK7Wo-01144-00218848-00219087 specifically about that role like we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01145-00219088-00219239 know i know there's challenges in that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01146-00219240-00219334 role in terms of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01147-00219335-00219527 the power dynamics like there's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01148-00219528-00219679 challenges in terms of how do you get fTYJoFaK7Wo-01149-00219680-00219791 really great feedback fTYJoFaK7Wo-01150-00219792-00219951 how do you have a great accountability fTYJoFaK7Wo-01151-00219952-00220103 and just what are you thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01152-00220104-00220215 differently you started to talk about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01153-00220216-00220303 some of those things fTYJoFaK7Wo-01154-00220304-00220479 and i really appreciate this point about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01155-00220480-00220679 questioning like is our reporting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01156-00220680-00220855 uh the right kind of structure but just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01157-00220856-00220991 generally is they're thinking about your fTYJoFaK7Wo-01158-00220992-00221263 own role and what you might want to do fTYJoFaK7Wo-01159-00221264-00221391 differently or think about differently fTYJoFaK7Wo-01160-00221392-00221575 going forward has you how you show up in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01161-00221576-00221671 this work fTYJoFaK7Wo-01162-00221671-00221910 kind of just open-ended reflections or fTYJoFaK7Wo-01163-00221911-00222134 things that are on your on your mind fTYJoFaK7Wo-01164-00222135-00222327 are you alone you have some immediate fTYJoFaK7Wo-01165-00222328-00222631 thoughts okay fTYJoFaK7Wo-01166-00222632-00222991 that's trying um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01167-00222992-00223351 um you know i i'd like to go back to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01168-00223352-00223391 what fTYJoFaK7Wo-01169-00223392-00223727 alana said uh about um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01170-00223728-00223934 don't make the transactional like a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01171-00223935-00224082 negative fTYJoFaK7Wo-01172-00224083-00224406 um uh sure fTYJoFaK7Wo-01173-00224407-00224710 could our um letters of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01174-00224711-00224919 inquiry from other two pages so it's not fTYJoFaK7Wo-01175-00224919-00225046 a whole lot but you know could our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01176-00225048-00225231 proposal somehow be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01177-00225232-00225671 uh less less could our um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01178-00225671-00226055 our uh reporting uh twice a year fTYJoFaK7Wo-01179-00226056-00226231 you know for the accountability so to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01180-00226232-00226431 speak um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01181-00226432-00226839 uh be less i guess so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01182-00226840-00227087 um but in you know that's what i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-01183-00227088-00227158 of in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01184-00227159-00227406 in terms of you know at least the bottom fTYJoFaK7Wo-01185-00227407-00227663 layer of this question fTYJoFaK7Wo-01186-00227664-00228031 i just think the grantee learns a lot fTYJoFaK7Wo-01187-00228032-00228198 when they're asked to really sit and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01188-00228200-00228398 reflect i think that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01189-00228400-00228598 we learn a lot when we see their fTYJoFaK7Wo-01190-00228600-00228767 reflection fTYJoFaK7Wo-01191-00228767-00229015 um i think we learn a lot when we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01192-00229016-00229158 understand when they're looking out the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01193-00229159-00229391 next six months if they're really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01194-00229392-00229671 like taking it seriously and thinking fTYJoFaK7Wo-01195-00229671-00229823 about what might change fTYJoFaK7Wo-01196-00229823-00230055 what might be different what new idea fTYJoFaK7Wo-01197-00230056-00230151 popped fTYJoFaK7Wo-01198-00230152-00230510 it's inspiring um it may give them fTYJoFaK7Wo-01199-00230511-00230671 permission fTYJoFaK7Wo-01200-00230671-00231015 to say okay they're asking you know and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01201-00231016-00231279 so far they haven't been so scary so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01202-00231280-00231623 let's let's go with it so i like that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01203-00231623-00231671 stuff fTYJoFaK7Wo-01204-00231671-00231903 i mean i've been on the other end also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01205-00231904-00232071 you know i know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01206-00232071-00232223 this isn't really convenient right now fTYJoFaK7Wo-01207-00232223-00232391 i'd like to do it next month but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01208-00232392-00232742 oh it's two in two weeks um so i get it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01209-00232744-00232982 but i think that that taking that moment fTYJoFaK7Wo-01210-00232983-00233182 to stop and reflect like we do in our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01211-00233183-00233351 lives is important fTYJoFaK7Wo-01212-00233352-00233606 to do different i just hold on to this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01213-00233607-00233775 thing about leading with empathy fTYJoFaK7Wo-01214-00233776-00233991 leading with inspiration leading with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01215-00233992-00234223 excitement leading with openness fTYJoFaK7Wo-01216-00234223-00234542 i think it became like oh oh that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01217-00234544-00234798 yes of course why weren't we using this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01218-00234800-00235079 language before even if we were doing it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01219-00235080-00235406 it is just dug in so deep into the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01220-00235407-00235575 psyche of the foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01221-00235576-00235798 and to i know carlene as well certainly fTYJoFaK7Wo-01222-00235800-00235942 to my psyche fTYJoFaK7Wo-01223-00235944-00236310 like okay let's double down on all that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01224-00236311-00236551 this is real this is what relationships fTYJoFaK7Wo-01225-00236552-00236671 are about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01226-00236671-00236975 um that's really you know it's so basic fTYJoFaK7Wo-01227-00236976-00237279 it's ridiculous on some level but i i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01228-00237280-00237406 just think that's what it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01229-00237407-00237767 is um that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01230-00237767-00238119 that taking it all in and um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01231-00238119-00238423 just to build on that maybe a little um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01232-00238423-00238782 i think that um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01233-00238783-00239087 one of the things in being in the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01234-00239088-00239287 in the grant making position that we try fTYJoFaK7Wo-01235-00239288-00239455 to pay attention to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01236-00239456-00239679 um especially in terms of those power fTYJoFaK7Wo-01237-00239680-00239831 dynamics that you mentioned fTYJoFaK7Wo-01238-00239832-00240206 jonathan is looking for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01239-00240207-00240519 signals um which are sometimes hard to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01240-00240519-00240863 to pick up especially if if it's it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01241-00240864-00241094 totally understand why it would be hard fTYJoFaK7Wo-01242-00241096-00241175 for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01243-00241176-00241398 um grantees to sometimes share them in a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01244-00241400-00241494 more explicit ways fTYJoFaK7Wo-01245-00241496-00241727 but to try and pick up on signals often fTYJoFaK7Wo-01246-00241728-00241863 from ourselves fTYJoFaK7Wo-01247-00241864-00242151 of when those those that power imbalance fTYJoFaK7Wo-01248-00242152-00242279 may be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01249-00242280-00242487 off kilter and something maybe going in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01250-00242488-00242679 the wrong direction so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01251-00242680-00242894 if we find ourselves stepping into a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01252-00242896-00243039 dynamic where fTYJoFaK7Wo-01253-00243040-00243358 um it's turning into a feeling of being fTYJoFaK7Wo-01254-00243359-00243623 more directive telling an organization fTYJoFaK7Wo-01255-00243623-00243679 what fTYJoFaK7Wo-01256-00243680-00243967 what where we think they should be going fTYJoFaK7Wo-01257-00243967-00244175 or pushing them to go in that direction fTYJoFaK7Wo-01258-00244176-00244319 now that's a signal it doesn't mean that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01259-00244319-00244551 something is is broken but it's a signal fTYJoFaK7Wo-01260-00244552-00244710 that we should be reflecting on on why fTYJoFaK7Wo-01261-00244711-00244815 have we gotten to this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01262-00244816-00245134 to this place um and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01263-00245135-00245382 the the same substance of that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01264-00245383-00245503 conversation could look fTYJoFaK7Wo-01265-00245504-00245671 very different if it's coming from a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01266-00245671-00245823 place of um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01267-00245823-00246119 shared interest and exploration and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01268-00246119-00246246 hoping for the same things and just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01269-00246248-00246294 thinking fTYJoFaK7Wo-01270-00246296-00246503 about different ways of going there um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01271-00246504-00246630 and it could look very different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01272-00246631-00246823 if where it's coming from is a place of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01273-00246823-00246958 trying to impose one fTYJoFaK7Wo-01274-00246959-00247342 one vision on on someone else um and i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01275-00247344-00247591 the the way that i think we try to to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01276-00247592-00247687 navigate that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01277-00247688-00247942 um is through that openness and and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01278-00247944-00248127 trust that we've talked about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01279-00248128-00248439 um but also again by by trying to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01280-00248440-00248806 um to pay attention to to to those fTYJoFaK7Wo-01281-00248807-00249103 dynamics and seeing when um they've fTYJoFaK7Wo-01282-00249104-00249182 really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01283-00249183-00249455 um tilted too heavily in one direction fTYJoFaK7Wo-01284-00249456-00249727 so i guess i'd ask sort of almost the uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01285-00249728-00250015 the flip question to alana and to john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01286-00250016-00250167 right like when you're thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01287-00250167-00250382 the seats the seats you're in in this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01288-00250383-00250558 dynamic or this relationship fTYJoFaK7Wo-01289-00250559-00250710 like what are you thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01290-00250711-00250846 differently what do you need from fTYJoFaK7Wo-01291-00250848-00251071 funders i i've heard both of you say fTYJoFaK7Wo-01292-00251071-00251351 in this conversation that you really get fTYJoFaK7Wo-01293-00251352-00251519 a lot out of these relationships with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01294-00251519-00251646 funders you're not looking for this to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01295-00251648-00251846 be transactional you value the wisdom fTYJoFaK7Wo-01296-00251848-00252015 but also you have a north star you're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01297-00252016-00252206 going for you want to avoid you know we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01298-00252207-00252375 all want to avoid mission creep we all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01299-00252376-00252527 want to kind of stay true to our own fTYJoFaK7Wo-01300-00252528-00252710 organizational goals as leaders so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01301-00252711-00252863 like just what are you what are you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01302-00252864-00252982 thinking about kind of in this moment fTYJoFaK7Wo-01303-00252983-00253103 and what you need fTYJoFaK7Wo-01304-00253104-00253230 you know from yourself and from the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01305-00253231-00253646 funders you're in a relationship with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01306-00253648-00253967 um i think like as i'm imagining it like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01307-00253967-00254294 what's my fantasy it's like big sales fTYJoFaK7Wo-01308-00254296-00254582 it's like give us wind give us room like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01309-00254583-00254775 i think that there's been like a lot of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01310-00254776-00254894 feeling of constraint fTYJoFaK7Wo-01311-00254896-00255215 in all kinds of ways and i guess fTYJoFaK7Wo-01312-00255216-00255415 like i feel like we've all worked really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01313-00255416-00255527 hard over these last fTYJoFaK7Wo-01314-00255528-00255767 years and to sort of build a sense of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01315-00255767-00255863 trust fTYJoFaK7Wo-01316-00255864-00256182 um and i think that that like things fTYJoFaK7Wo-01317-00256183-00256310 have been messy and i think there are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01318-00256311-00256471 opportunities which i really appreciate fTYJoFaK7Wo-01319-00256471-00256551 this group has fTYJoFaK7Wo-01320-00256552-00256823 really shared about that mess and like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01321-00256823-00256863 not fTYJoFaK7Wo-01322-00256864-00257087 like how can we kind of harness it you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01323-00257088-00257294 know with some big sales and not getting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01324-00257296-00257327 too fTYJoFaK7Wo-01325-00257328-00257623 caught up in um the map may be a little fTYJoFaK7Wo-01326-00257623-00257719 bit unknown fTYJoFaK7Wo-01327-00257719-00257871 and i think it's an opportunity to do a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01328-00257871-00258039 little bit of messing about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01329-00258040-00258327 um and learning from trying that and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01330-00258328-00258455 knowing that we don't know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01331-00258456-00258742 and like can we kind of sink into that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01332-00258744-00258958 experience of knowing that we don't know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01333-00258959-00259198 and sort of allowing that to be a place fTYJoFaK7Wo-01334-00259200-00259319 part of the north star fTYJoFaK7Wo-01335-00259319-00259663 of it all um and i think that i know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01336-00259664-00259806 that certainly some funders have also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01337-00259807-00259863 really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01338-00259864-00260063 been strapped by trying to save and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01339-00260064-00260239 protect the organizations that they care fTYJoFaK7Wo-01340-00260240-00260382 about and making sure that the status fTYJoFaK7Wo-01341-00260383-00260503 quo has been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01342-00260504-00260710 stable and i really appreciate that and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01343-00260711-00260919 i've we've been on that side and at the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01344-00260919-00261015 same time fTYJoFaK7Wo-01345-00261016-00261167 like wanting to have enough room and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01346-00261167-00261319 space for some of the as you know which fTYJoFaK7Wo-01347-00261319-00261430 has also been alluded to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01348-00261431-00261663 the new big ideas that um that are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01349-00261664-00261823 coming and to make sure that there's not fTYJoFaK7Wo-01350-00261823-00262015 too much constraint in our ability fTYJoFaK7Wo-01351-00262016-00262287 as we go back into those open seas um to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01352-00262288-00262567 sort of have space to do that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01353-00262568-00262727 i just want to say when you said big fTYJoFaK7Wo-01354-00262728-00262915 sales i heard that first as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01355-00262916-00263206 s-a-l-e-s and then i realized you meant fTYJoFaK7Wo-01356-00263207-00263255 essay fTYJoFaK7Wo-01357-00263256-00263582 ils and i think that that could be both fTYJoFaK7Wo-01358-00263583-00263743 to be the motto for the whole normals fTYJoFaK7Wo-01359-00263744-00263871 we're trying to have like less big sales fTYJoFaK7Wo-01360-00263872-00263934 more big fTYJoFaK7Wo-01361-00263935-00264271 sales so i love fTYJoFaK7Wo-01362-00264272-00264463 that um we've gotten a couple questions fTYJoFaK7Wo-01363-00264464-00264630 in the chat can i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01364-00264631-00264863 think can i can i just pop in to give an fTYJoFaK7Wo-01365-00264864-00264999 answer real quick fTYJoFaK7Wo-01366-00265000-00265230 the uh alana you were talking about the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01367-00265231-00265391 mess and i would just say from fTYJoFaK7Wo-01368-00265392-00265615 from my perspective and our perspective fTYJoFaK7Wo-01369-00265616-00265695 um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01370-00265696-00266079 uh it's an honor of uh it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01371-00266080-00266415 placing value on process um and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01372-00266416-00266582 uh you know joanie you told the story fTYJoFaK7Wo-01373-00266583-00266791 about how the first time i sat with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01374-00266792-00267063 you and arlene and tried to explain fTYJoFaK7Wo-01375-00267064-00267295 devised theater in this open way fTYJoFaK7Wo-01376-00267296-00267487 that we that we make it um where fTYJoFaK7Wo-01377-00267488-00267647 everybody's in the room as it's being fTYJoFaK7Wo-01378-00267648-00267855 made and that being the process being fTYJoFaK7Wo-01379-00267856-00267943 the product fTYJoFaK7Wo-01380-00267944-00268095 the play is just the gift we give back fTYJoFaK7Wo-01381-00268096-00268271 to the community at the end fTYJoFaK7Wo-01382-00268272-00268639 um but uh but that's a metaphor for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01383-00268640-00268927 what alana was just saying right we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01384-00268928-00268999 practicing that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01385-00269000-00269334 as artists uh and community engagers and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01386-00269335-00269439 educators fTYJoFaK7Wo-01387-00269440-00269775 but um but as uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01388-00269776-00270143 as an organization uh the process is our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01389-00270144-00270239 practice fTYJoFaK7Wo-01390-00270240-00270543 and um and i think that uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01391-00270544-00270758 what would be what has been useful and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01392-00270759-00270967 would continue to be useful fTYJoFaK7Wo-01393-00270968-00271310 is a partnership with funders who fTYJoFaK7Wo-01394-00271311-00271671 are invested in the process as much as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01395-00271672-00271887 what comes out of the process at the end fTYJoFaK7Wo-01396-00271888-00272015 which um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01397-00272016-00272158 uh can look like a lot of different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01398-00272159-00272295 things uh depending on what you're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01399-00272296-00272399 working on so i just wanted to thank fTYJoFaK7Wo-01400-00272400-00272519 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01401-00272520-00272671 thank you jonathan sorry about that no fTYJoFaK7Wo-01402-00272672-00272830 no please i'm glad you added that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01403-00272831-00273134 in um we've gotten a couple questions fTYJoFaK7Wo-01404-00273135-00273255 and a few differences i'm going to try fTYJoFaK7Wo-01405-00273256-00273367 to thread together and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01406-00273368-00273575 maybe paraphrase and i hope i'm doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01407-00273576-00273727 justice to them but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01408-00273728-00273830 at the beginning of the whole time about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01409-00273831-00274006 that venn diagram that you don't want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01410-00274007-00274063 really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01411-00274064-00274199 ever want to be authentic funders should fTYJoFaK7Wo-01412-00274200-00274382 be authentic about their priorities fTYJoFaK7Wo-01413-00274383-00274495 non-profit leaders about their fTYJoFaK7Wo-01414-00274496-00274615 priorities and hopefully the magic fTYJoFaK7Wo-01415-00274616-00274743 happens when we realize we have there's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01416-00274744-00274879 some overlap fTYJoFaK7Wo-01417-00274880-00275079 there but kind of acknowledging that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01418-00275080-00275247 that there's still challenges right like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01419-00275248-00275382 there's still challenges even if there fTYJoFaK7Wo-01420-00275383-00275575 you have that perfect venn diagram fTYJoFaK7Wo-01421-00275576-00275719 where not everyone is necessarily in an fTYJoFaK7Wo-01422-00275720-00275879 equal spot in terms of their ability fTYJoFaK7Wo-01423-00275880-00276143 necessarily gain access or visibility fTYJoFaK7Wo-01424-00276144-00276279 um you know particularly if you're grant fTYJoFaK7Wo-01425-00276280-00276423 seeking to someone who's in a position fTYJoFaK7Wo-01426-00276424-00276519 of giving fTYJoFaK7Wo-01427-00276520-00276687 resources whether that's an individual fTYJoFaK7Wo-01428-00276688-00276847 donor or a foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01429-00276848-00277015 i think people are kind of asking for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01430-00277016-00277206 some guidance they're like what does fTYJoFaK7Wo-01431-00277207-00277327 that look like to broker that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01432-00277328-00277455 relationship and i think there's also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01433-00277456-00277582 some acknowledgement i'm seeing in some fTYJoFaK7Wo-01434-00277583-00277687 of the questions of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01435-00277688-00277871 perhaps some of the the inequities and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01436-00277872-00277991 that that there can be you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01437-00277992-00278110 depending on where you're located fTYJoFaK7Wo-01438-00278111-00278303 geographically or from a class position fTYJoFaK7Wo-01439-00278304-00278447 or the type of work you're doing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01440-00278448-00278615 you might not be an identity you hold fTYJoFaK7Wo-01441-00278616-00278830 you might not be in the same uh even you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01442-00278831-00278910 know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01443-00278911-00279191 let's call it the metaphoric uh cocktail fTYJoFaK7Wo-01444-00279192-00279358 party to kind of meet people and get fTYJoFaK7Wo-01445-00279359-00279534 that credibility that other people sort fTYJoFaK7Wo-01446-00279535-00279695 of easily can move into fTYJoFaK7Wo-01447-00279696-00279879 and i'm i'm happy with joni island for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01448-00279880-00280055 you to answer that but also frankly alan fTYJoFaK7Wo-01449-00280056-00280199 and john like both of you in different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01450-00280200-00280375 ways i think do work fTYJoFaK7Wo-01451-00280376-00280599 that i would say historically has been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01452-00280600-00280758 sometimes under fTYJoFaK7Wo-01453-00280759-00281015 valued and not centered in jewish life fTYJoFaK7Wo-01454-00281016-00281182 so you may also have thoughts in terms fTYJoFaK7Wo-01455-00281183-00281287 of what that looks like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01456-00281288-00281527 to kind of call attention to work that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01457-00281528-00281710 is deeply important to our jewish values fTYJoFaK7Wo-01458-00281711-00281879 but may not always fTYJoFaK7Wo-01459-00281880-00282047 be the stuff that has historically been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01460-00282048-00282158 front and center in the mind of some fTYJoFaK7Wo-01461-00282159-00282351 donor so i'm open to anyone who wants to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01462-00282352-00282487 jump in with some guidance fTYJoFaK7Wo-01463-00282488-00282799 to folks on the line i'll just start by fTYJoFaK7Wo-01464-00282800-00282991 saying i i don't know if this is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01465-00282992-00283095 guidance fTYJoFaK7Wo-01466-00283096-00283447 i want to hold up the question um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01467-00283448-00283671 and from the grant making side to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01468-00283672-00283767 recognize the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01469-00283768-00284158 the challenge and to own the challenge fTYJoFaK7Wo-01470-00284159-00284423 and say you know that's something we um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01471-00284424-00284534 are striving to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01472-00284535-00284847 address more fully i um i think it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01473-00284848-00284934 going to take fTYJoFaK7Wo-01474-00284935-00285206 time and effort for us and all and by us fTYJoFaK7Wo-01475-00285207-00285367 i mean all grant makers to figure out fTYJoFaK7Wo-01476-00285368-00285454 how fTYJoFaK7Wo-01477-00285455-00285751 um to do that more more effectively but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01478-00285752-00285799 um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01479-00285800-00286103 i want to um say you know certainly the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01480-00286104-00286279 goal is to try to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01481-00286280-00286582 make sure that um the most fTYJoFaK7Wo-01482-00286583-00286734 aligned projects wherever they're coming fTYJoFaK7Wo-01483-00286735-00286943 from um are the ones fTYJoFaK7Wo-01484-00286944-00287127 um that we're seeing and we want that as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01485-00287128-00287263 much as you know as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01486-00287264-00287454 much as the grand seekers we we want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01487-00287455-00287639 find those those projects fTYJoFaK7Wo-01488-00287640-00287951 that may not be on our radar and um the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01489-00287952-00288271 challenges on on both ends fTYJoFaK7Wo-01490-00288272-00288606 thanks um you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01491-00288607-00288951 uh i think we would all agree um and i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01492-00288952-00289015 learned fTYJoFaK7Wo-01493-00289016-00289382 long ago uh from mentors and others that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01494-00289383-00289503 i alluded to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01495-00289504-00289847 in my first remarks um that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01496-00289848-00290158 uh part of the job of a philanthropy is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01497-00290159-00290430 uh is to be knowledge seekers right fTYJoFaK7Wo-01498-00290431-00290623 we're knowledge gatherers fTYJoFaK7Wo-01499-00290624-00290815 um you know people talk about you're 30 fTYJoFaK7Wo-01500-00290816-00290958 fasts and feet up you're seeing what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01501-00290959-00291095 going on fTYJoFaK7Wo-01502-00291096-00291447 that's a job that's a job um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01503-00291448-00291799 and it's a primary job the thing that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01504-00291800-00292015 works i didn't invent it god knows it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01505-00292016-00292199 was uh geranium witcher fTYJoFaK7Wo-01506-00292200-00292558 and um and uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01507-00292559-00292799 judith ginsberg the founding director of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01508-00292800-00293182 the covenant foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01509-00293183-00293479 decided that we would receive letters of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01510-00293480-00293606 inquiry over the transom fTYJoFaK7Wo-01511-00293607-00293839 anybody anywhere doing jewish education fTYJoFaK7Wo-01512-00293840-00294039 from this end of the continuum to that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01513-00294040-00294223 from up here to down there wherever it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01514-00294224-00294295 was fTYJoFaK7Wo-01515-00294296-00294543 you were welcome to submit and each one fTYJoFaK7Wo-01516-00294544-00294663 of those fTYJoFaK7Wo-01517-00294664-00295023 no surprise obviously each one of those fTYJoFaK7Wo-01518-00295024-00295406 lois is read by staff read by multiple fTYJoFaK7Wo-01519-00295407-00295806 reviewers um back to staff fTYJoFaK7Wo-01520-00295807-00296030 i mean you've got 15 people looking at fTYJoFaK7Wo-01521-00296031-00296175 each one of these things before fTYJoFaK7Wo-01522-00296176-00296423 before a decision is made through a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01523-00296424-00296534 whole fTYJoFaK7Wo-01524-00296535-00296919 dynamic process whose will be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01525-00296920-00297158 uh those that will be requested for full fTYJoFaK7Wo-01526-00297159-00297263 proposal fTYJoFaK7Wo-01527-00297264-00297567 and then we go through it all over again fTYJoFaK7Wo-01528-00297568-00297982 so there are still even with that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01529-00297983-00298279 even with that there is still those uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01530-00298280-00298399 folks in different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01531-00298400-00298703 organizations uh you know jewish fTYJoFaK7Wo-01532-00298704-00298887 organizations that do educational work fTYJoFaK7Wo-01533-00298888-00299054 jewish educational you know however you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01534-00299055-00299095 want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01535-00299096-00299406 put that um who don't know about us who fTYJoFaK7Wo-01536-00299407-00299519 don't know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01537-00299520-00299775 about libman camphor or don't know about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01538-00299776-00299830 um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01539-00299831-00300030 who are casting about hoping they have a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01540-00300031-00300239 great idea it's very local fTYJoFaK7Wo-01541-00300240-00300406 they can't get money locally you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01542-00300407-00300606 you can go on and on i don't want to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01543-00300607-00300815 bother to do that right now with the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01544-00300816-00301023 time limit limit we have fTYJoFaK7Wo-01545-00301024-00301430 um that it's incumbent upon us not only fTYJoFaK7Wo-01546-00301431-00301606 to gather knowledge to understand what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01547-00301607-00301823 going on as best we can fTYJoFaK7Wo-01548-00301824-00302175 around the country but also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01549-00302176-00302510 to find a way to let people know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01550-00302511-00302727 in these local communities in these fTYJoFaK7Wo-01551-00302728-00302967 small organizations fTYJoFaK7Wo-01552-00302968-00303199 okay we're one we're one foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01553-00303200-00303319 among many fTYJoFaK7Wo-01554-00303320-00303703 but apply try it two pages fTYJoFaK7Wo-01555-00303704-00304063 a budget and a cover page it's not a lot fTYJoFaK7Wo-01556-00304064-00304303 if you have an idea we have we have fTYJoFaK7Wo-01557-00304304-00304454 mission we have fTYJoFaK7Wo-01558-00304455-00304879 uh uh you know uh not processes but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01559-00304880-00305143 um what it needs to be you know an fTYJoFaK7Wo-01560-00305144-00305351 innovative something a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01561-00305352-00305639 new idea or a new spin on an old idea fTYJoFaK7Wo-01562-00305640-00305839 that's in a nutshell what it is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01563-00305840-00306047 so it's coming upon us to do two things fTYJoFaK7Wo-01564-00306048-00306230 get out there and prospect fTYJoFaK7Wo-01565-00306231-00306527 who's doing what and two let people know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01566-00306528-00306663 that we exist fTYJoFaK7Wo-01567-00306664-00306839 and on top of it gather the knowledge fTYJoFaK7Wo-01568-00306840-00307006 about the best and brightest ideas that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01569-00307007-00307110 are happening around the country in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01570-00307111-00307230 jewish education fTYJoFaK7Wo-01571-00307231-00307439 it's really that nexus for us that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01572-00307440-00307575 where the inequality comes fTYJoFaK7Wo-01573-00307576-00307854 comes through people don't know and they fTYJoFaK7Wo-01574-00307855-00307927 don't have fTYJoFaK7Wo-01575-00307928-00308191 access that's tough that's a real tough fTYJoFaK7Wo-01576-00308192-00308358 one fTYJoFaK7Wo-01577-00308359-00308647 can i can i add to that journey um just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01578-00308648-00308839 to say that that um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01579-00308840-00309119 uh and i'm really glad we get to answer fTYJoFaK7Wo-01580-00309120-00309215 this question too fTYJoFaK7Wo-01581-00309216-00309487 jonathan because um i feel an immense fTYJoFaK7Wo-01582-00309488-00309599 responsibility to hold fTYJoFaK7Wo-01583-00309600-00309958 the door open and and as joni knows fTYJoFaK7Wo-01584-00309959-00310110 i mean there may be a dozen different fTYJoFaK7Wo-01585-00310111-00310287 artists over the course of the last fTYJoFaK7Wo-01586-00310288-00310391 seven years that we've been in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01587-00310392-00310647 relationship that i have set up with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01588-00310648-00310839 meetings with somebody from the covenant fTYJoFaK7Wo-01589-00310840-00311015 foundation because fTYJoFaK7Wo-01590-00311016-00311215 um i thought they were doing something fTYJoFaK7Wo-01591-00311216-00311382 in the field of jewish education that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01592-00311383-00311510 might be interesting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01593-00311511-00311647 and worth the covenant foundation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01594-00311648-00311782 knowing about i mean definitely fTYJoFaK7Wo-01595-00311783-00311847 interesting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01596-00311848-00312023 and we're commonly foundation knowing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01597-00312024-00312223 about and the other thing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01598-00312224-00312479 that i uh and it's not just me i've done fTYJoFaK7Wo-01599-00312480-00312599 this in partnership with some of the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01600-00312600-00312710 other artists that the covenant fTYJoFaK7Wo-01601-00312711-00312830 foundation has funded fTYJoFaK7Wo-01602-00312831-00313110 is that we we advocated for ourselves to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01603-00313111-00313319 the covenant foundation that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01604-00313320-00313510 we needed our own convenience we needed fTYJoFaK7Wo-01605-00313511-00313710 our own community of practice you know fTYJoFaK7Wo-01606-00313711-00313863 the covenant foundation has this project fTYJoFaK7Wo-01607-00313864-00313999 director's meeting every year for the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01608-00314000-00314151 grantees fTYJoFaK7Wo-01609-00314152-00314351 most of whom are not working as artists fTYJoFaK7Wo-01610-00314352-00314463 they're working in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01611-00314464-00314639 other ways of professional jewish fTYJoFaK7Wo-01612-00314640-00314775 education and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01613-00314776-00314982 uh we were attending those meetings and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01614-00314983-00315095 and finding fTYJoFaK7Wo-01615-00315096-00315327 each other in the hallways and and and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01616-00315328-00315454 to your credit joni fTYJoFaK7Wo-01617-00315455-00315767 you all made space for us um uh and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01618-00315768-00315958 you every time i've introduced somebody fTYJoFaK7Wo-01619-00315959-00316143 to to you or arlene or fTYJoFaK7Wo-01620-00316144-00316358 or anybody at the foundation somebody fTYJoFaK7Wo-01621-00316359-00316471 has met with them fTYJoFaK7Wo-01622-00316472-00316719 um and um but it's incumbent upon fTYJoFaK7Wo-01623-00316720-00316815 grantees i think fTYJoFaK7Wo-01624-00316816-00317054 also to hold the door open and uh once fTYJoFaK7Wo-01625-00317055-00317351 we get access to share that access with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01626-00317352-00317591 with other folks who are who are also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01627-00317592-00317775 doing really compelling work um because fTYJoFaK7Wo-01628-00317776-00317943 there's just not enough of us who are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01629-00317944-00318215 who are uh supported and funded fTYJoFaK7Wo-01630-00318216-00318382 i i appreciate that i don't i don't want fTYJoFaK7Wo-01631-00318383-00318558 to add other than to say thank you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01632-00318559-00318871 yes yes grantees are are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01633-00318872-00319071 absolutely front and center in being fTYJoFaK7Wo-01634-00319072-00319247 able to have that happen so that that's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01635-00319248-00319439 great john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01636-00319440-00319639 i guess i would just also say like as a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01637-00319640-00319751 grantee fTYJoFaK7Wo-01638-00319752-00320015 um you know i think that people my fTYJoFaK7Wo-01639-00320016-00320151 grandfather used to say everyone's in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01640-00320152-00320239 sales fTYJoFaK7Wo-01641-00320240-00320591 sales s-a-l-e-s um and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01642-00320592-00320791 i think that like kind of coming to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01643-00320792-00321023 accept that is not so easy fTYJoFaK7Wo-01644-00321024-00321167 you know you think you're going in to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01645-00321168-00321351 an artist to be an educator and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01646-00321352-00321471 and the truth is first of all it's an fTYJoFaK7Wo-01647-00321472-00321575 artist or an educator you're also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01648-00321576-00321671 selling something you're selling fTYJoFaK7Wo-01649-00321672-00321758 something to your audience you're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01650-00321759-00321895 selling to your students fTYJoFaK7Wo-01651-00321896-00322071 but i think that sort of coming to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01652-00322072-00322287 accept that part of the work is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01653-00322288-00322615 is selling it um and that that and that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01654-00322616-00322679 when you say fTYJoFaK7Wo-01655-00322680-00322823 selling it though again that just like a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01656-00322824-00323015 transaction isn't a dirty word that this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01657-00323016-00323182 isn't a dirty word and that it requires fTYJoFaK7Wo-01658-00323183-00323399 also an education and absolutely like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01659-00323400-00323487 certainly fTYJoFaK7Wo-01660-00323488-00323671 it sounds like your experience with with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01661-00323672-00323806 jodi and hurling was like you tried to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01662-00323807-00323967 explain what you do fTYJoFaK7Wo-01663-00323968-00324158 and certainly you know i've many times fTYJoFaK7Wo-01664-00324159-00324319 had to start by saying let me back up fTYJoFaK7Wo-01665-00324320-00324423 let me tell you about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01666-00324424-00324558 kids with learning disabilities let me fTYJoFaK7Wo-01667-00324559-00324679 tell you what that looks like let me fTYJoFaK7Wo-01668-00324680-00324775 tell you what it looks like when they're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01669-00324776-00324934 in a school where they're not well met fTYJoFaK7Wo-01670-00324935-00325215 well served um and that that does fTYJoFaK7Wo-01671-00325216-00325327 require time fTYJoFaK7Wo-01672-00325328-00325527 and it's it's actually holy work and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01673-00325528-00325647 they may or may not at the end of the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01674-00325648-00325751 day be interested fTYJoFaK7Wo-01675-00325752-00325943 ultimately in funding it but if nothing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01676-00325944-00326143 else like your your cause is much bigger fTYJoFaK7Wo-01677-00326144-00326279 than just getting a check fTYJoFaK7Wo-01678-00326280-00326487 your cause is also that their mind is is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01679-00326488-00326654 expanded and it may affect the next fTYJoFaK7Wo-01680-00326655-00326791 the next choice that they make or the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01681-00326792-00327023 next person that they meet um and just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01682-00327024-00327151 to sort of you have to a little bit fTYJoFaK7Wo-01683-00327152-00327295 reframe what you think your fTYJoFaK7Wo-01684-00327296-00327575 job is um and to sort of not just accept fTYJoFaK7Wo-01685-00327576-00327623 it but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01686-00327624-00327830 even perhaps love it because it becomes fTYJoFaK7Wo-01687-00327831-00327991 a part of how you then are able to do fTYJoFaK7Wo-01688-00327992-00328078 the work that you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01689-00328079-00328239 do and i think that you know the more fTYJoFaK7Wo-01690-00328240-00328423 funders are open to having those fTYJoFaK7Wo-01691-00328424-00328606 conversations i think it is true that i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01692-00328607-00328647 can fTYJoFaK7Wo-01693-00328648-00328815 i both appreciate sometimes when funders fTYJoFaK7Wo-01694-00328816-00329078 say you're not what we're interested in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01695-00329079-00329287 um and and it's like you know much as fTYJoFaK7Wo-01696-00329288-00329430 it's disappointing in some ways it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01697-00329431-00329527 helpful fTYJoFaK7Wo-01698-00329528-00329806 to be able to be clear and sometimes to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01699-00329807-00329967 think about when or is it on that margin fTYJoFaK7Wo-01700-00329968-00330103 that it's worth the conversation because fTYJoFaK7Wo-01701-00330104-00330254 you never know and you may be that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01702-00330255-00330406 person who writes a 50 000 fTYJoFaK7Wo-01703-00330407-00330543 check to a school that doesn't have a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01704-00330544-00330775 name and um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01705-00330776-00330919 you know seven years later we're in a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01706-00330920-00331078 very different position fTYJoFaK7Wo-01707-00331079-00331295 so i think it's that's a balance for all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01708-00331296-00331551 of us fTYJoFaK7Wo-01709-00331552-00331727 um i think that's right and i'm so glad fTYJoFaK7Wo-01710-00331728-00331863 that john and alan are sort of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01711-00331864-00332006 offering this idea that you can help fTYJoFaK7Wo-01712-00332007-00332175 hold the door or send the elevator back fTYJoFaK7Wo-01713-00332176-00332295 down for someone fTYJoFaK7Wo-01714-00332296-00332439 else and i also think funders can do fTYJoFaK7Wo-01715-00332440-00332527 that that we're not always in the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01716-00332528-00332630 position to be able to support fTYJoFaK7Wo-01717-00332631-00332710 everything but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01718-00332711-00332878 our ability at johnny kenya describing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01719-00332879-00333030 us being talent scouts means we need to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01720-00333031-00333167 know what other funders are interested fTYJoFaK7Wo-01721-00333168-00333303 in that we might also help with some of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01722-00333304-00333351 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01723-00333352-00333567 kind of referral and door opening fTYJoFaK7Wo-01724-00333568-00333751 process so we're really kind of just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01725-00333752-00333895 now like the time is flying we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01726-00333896-00334095 basically closed out on time and i just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01727-00334096-00334247 want to give everyone here fTYJoFaK7Wo-01728-00334248-00334439 the four of you a chance to offer any fTYJoFaK7Wo-01729-00334440-00334678 final words as you're thinking about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01730-00334679-00334878 the future what's exciting what's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01731-00334879-00334999 challenging or just something you're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01732-00335000-00335110 kind of holding on to from this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01733-00335111-00335287 conversation as a closing fTYJoFaK7Wo-01734-00335288-00335454 thought or id that you wanna you wanna fTYJoFaK7Wo-01735-00335455-00335647 help us end and on fTYJoFaK7Wo-01736-00335648-00335919 i don't know i'll start uh just i love fTYJoFaK7Wo-01737-00335920-00336039 the conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01738-00336040-00336191 i love being in conversation with i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01739-00336192-00336358 alone alana and john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01740-00336359-00336623 and to meet you jonathan um known about fTYJoFaK7Wo-01741-00336624-00336806 the clariment foundation for a very long fTYJoFaK7Wo-01742-00336807-00336991 time from my friends at facing history fTYJoFaK7Wo-01743-00336992-00337071 so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01744-00337072-00337375 uh yeah so it's been a long road uh with fTYJoFaK7Wo-01745-00337376-00337487 them with you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01746-00337488-00337791 which gives me pleasure to reflect on uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01747-00337792-00337854 i would fTYJoFaK7Wo-01748-00337855-00338158 just say you know this has been a really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01749-00338159-00338303 emotional time fTYJoFaK7Wo-01750-00338304-00338575 these last 14 15 months it's it's been fTYJoFaK7Wo-01751-00338576-00338743 rough whether you went through it easily fTYJoFaK7Wo-01752-00338744-00338863 or you didn't fTYJoFaK7Wo-01753-00338864-00339167 um the world kind of fell apart and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01754-00339168-00339415 we all derive strength from our friends fTYJoFaK7Wo-01755-00339416-00339630 our colleagues our family fTYJoFaK7Wo-01756-00339631-00339830 to keep going and i've been very lucky fTYJoFaK7Wo-01757-00339831-00339975 not to have been affected fTYJoFaK7Wo-01758-00339976-00340271 virtually at all in terms of my health fTYJoFaK7Wo-01759-00340272-00340423 and the health of my family fTYJoFaK7Wo-01760-00340424-00340591 but it's been an emotional time and so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01761-00340592-00340815 it heightened emotion fTYJoFaK7Wo-01762-00340816-00341023 it heightened what's important if you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01763-00341024-00341127 can hold on to it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01764-00341128-00341406 and sometimes it's hard day to day today fTYJoFaK7Wo-01765-00341407-00341495 let me tell you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01766-00341496-00341806 i'm sure you can all agree but fTYJoFaK7Wo-01767-00341807-00342006 it's what i it's what i sort of said fTYJoFaK7Wo-01768-00342007-00342206 earlier just holding on to the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01769-00342207-00342534 respect the empathy the relationship fTYJoFaK7Wo-01770-00342535-00342863 the power of it um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01771-00342864-00343239 you know it that's what sustains us all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01772-00343240-00343358 whether it's personally or fTYJoFaK7Wo-01773-00343359-00343630 professionally and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01774-00343631-00343839 that's what matters yeah it's all the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01775-00343840-00344006 other stuff we're knowledge gatherers fTYJoFaK7Wo-01776-00344007-00344223 we're all smart we're all whatever you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01777-00344224-00344367 started with jonathan fTYJoFaK7Wo-01778-00344368-00344695 you know this thing um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01779-00344696-00344878 yeah yeah we're all smart we're all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01780-00344879-00345023 creative we're all something else fTYJoFaK7Wo-01781-00345024-00345334 whatever it is you know great um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01782-00345335-00345639 but but in the bottom line honestly it's fTYJoFaK7Wo-01783-00345640-00345839 nothing more than the relationships and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01784-00345840-00345910 that's what i'm fTYJoFaK7Wo-01785-00345911-00346191 holding tightly to it's what gives me fTYJoFaK7Wo-01786-00346192-00346391 the oomph to get up in the morning fTYJoFaK7Wo-01787-00346392-00346719 um that's why i love the work fTYJoFaK7Wo-01788-00346720-00347006 got lucky really privileged really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01789-00347007-00347119 privileged fTYJoFaK7Wo-01790-00347120-00347423 um that's that's all i'm really yeah fTYJoFaK7Wo-01791-00347424-00347567 that's what i'd like to say fTYJoFaK7Wo-01792-00347568-00347895 to close out who wants to go island go fTYJoFaK7Wo-01793-00347896-00347934 ahead fTYJoFaK7Wo-01794-00347935-00348175 or i'll just i'll just say uh first of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01795-00348176-00348334 all really grateful fTYJoFaK7Wo-01796-00348335-00348703 uh jonathan for hosting this and um or fTYJoFaK7Wo-01797-00348704-00348975 uh facilitating this and tamar and jfn fTYJoFaK7Wo-01798-00348976-00349063 for hosting it fTYJoFaK7Wo-01799-00349064-00349415 and really to to joanie ilana and john fTYJoFaK7Wo-01800-00349416-00349495 for such a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01801-00349496-00349775 rich conversation and i'll say what uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01802-00349776-00349847 leaves me fTYJoFaK7Wo-01803-00349848-00350158 where i'm what i'm feeling now is um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01804-00350159-00350439 the sort of feeling energized and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01805-00350440-00350615 excited about the fact that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01806-00350616-00350934 we're i and we are part of a community fTYJoFaK7Wo-01807-00350935-00351047 that is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01808-00351048-00351375 so dedicated to doing this work fTYJoFaK7Wo-01809-00351376-00351567 as well as we can and it doesn't mean we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01810-00351568-00351719 always do but that we're fTYJoFaK7Wo-01811-00351720-00351830 so committed to doing it as well as we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01812-00351831-00351927 can that we want to have these fTYJoFaK7Wo-01813-00351928-00352103 conversations we want to learn from each fTYJoFaK7Wo-01814-00352104-00352199 other fTYJoFaK7Wo-01815-00352200-00352399 and we're really we're striving for for fTYJoFaK7Wo-01816-00352400-00352582 something great and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01817-00352583-00352934 um that that commitment i find really fTYJoFaK7Wo-01818-00352935-00353158 exciting and empowering especially when fTYJoFaK7Wo-01819-00353159-00353495 we go through challenging times fTYJoFaK7Wo-01820-00353496-00353695 yeah i guess i would say that that this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01821-00353696-00353910 process has been helpful i think that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01822-00353911-00354199 we as a society are so quickly often fTYJoFaK7Wo-01823-00354200-00354254 right now fTYJoFaK7Wo-01824-00354255-00354478 into two sides everyone goes to their fTYJoFaK7Wo-01825-00354479-00354599 camp on fTYJoFaK7Wo-01826-00354600-00354839 almost any issue right now which is just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01827-00354840-00355023 depressing and and difficult fTYJoFaK7Wo-01828-00355024-00355254 and i think this was helpful for me fTYJoFaK7Wo-01829-00355255-00355327 certainly in fTYJoFaK7Wo-01830-00355328-00355471 and and i think that you know you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01831-00355472-00355599 obviously that was the point of this fTYJoFaK7Wo-01832-00355600-00355734 thing was that the sort of funders and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01833-00355735-00355847 grantees can also fTYJoFaK7Wo-01834-00355848-00356167 see themselves as sort of into camps um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01835-00356168-00356423 and so it's just it's very comforting fTYJoFaK7Wo-01836-00356424-00356551 and and i appreciate fTYJoFaK7Wo-01837-00356552-00356695 being reminded once again that we are fTYJoFaK7Wo-01838-00356696-00356871 not in two camps we are very much on the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01839-00356872-00357047 same in the same camp doing trying to do fTYJoFaK7Wo-01840-00357048-00357110 the same fTYJoFaK7Wo-01841-00357111-00357423 um good work and um and and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01842-00357424-00357567 i think we've seen i think we've seen a fTYJoFaK7Wo-01843-00357568-00357734 lot of the strengths of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01844-00357735-00357934 these the relationships and what is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01845-00357935-00358078 possible what gets unearthed fTYJoFaK7Wo-01846-00358079-00358358 um in difficult times and um the sort of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01847-00358359-00358519 tremendous beauty that that i think has fTYJoFaK7Wo-01848-00358520-00358727 been exposed fTYJoFaK7Wo-01849-00358728-00359078 and i'll i'll just say uh pulling from fTYJoFaK7Wo-01850-00359079-00359375 everything wise all the wise things that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01851-00359376-00359615 that my three friends just shared fTYJoFaK7Wo-01852-00359616-00359854 is that um you know what the last 15 fTYJoFaK7Wo-01853-00359855-00360063 months happened to everybody fTYJoFaK7Wo-01854-00360064-00360343 and uh it doesn't matter what side of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01855-00360344-00360382 what fTYJoFaK7Wo-01856-00360383-00360551 conversation you're on you all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01857-00360552-00360919 experience the last 15 months fTYJoFaK7Wo-01858-00360920-00361030 you know we were all in the storm fTYJoFaK7Wo-01859-00361031-00361230 together as alana said and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01860-00361231-00361558 and um uh uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01861-00361559-00361719 i've been thinking a lot about the fact fTYJoFaK7Wo-01862-00361720-00361863 and and and uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01863-00361864-00362030 we've been talking as as a team in our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01864-00362031-00362199 organization about the fact that we feel fTYJoFaK7Wo-01865-00362200-00362295 like fTYJoFaK7Wo-01866-00362296-00362671 this is this is a moment when we can be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01867-00362672-00362910 a part of a global conversation a human fTYJoFaK7Wo-01868-00362911-00363006 conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01869-00363007-00363199 uh you know that we cannot accomplish fTYJoFaK7Wo-01870-00363200-00363367 the work of tikkun alam if we are only fTYJoFaK7Wo-01871-00363368-00363575 doing the work of deconstruct fTYJoFaK7Wo-01872-00363576-00363903 um and uh and so i fTYJoFaK7Wo-01873-00363904-00364143 you know uh it it and you can't do that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01874-00364144-00364215 work alone fTYJoFaK7Wo-01875-00364216-00364423 you can't do any of this work alone so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01876-00364424-00364527 um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01877-00364528-00364895 so i i'm feeling really uh energized and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01878-00364896-00365054 comforted by the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01879-00365055-00365334 uh the friendships and partnerships um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01880-00365335-00365623 that help make the work happen fTYJoFaK7Wo-01881-00365624-00365782 thank you all and we've got tamar to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01882-00365783-00365927 close us out i just want to express so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01883-00365928-00365967 much fTYJoFaK7Wo-01884-00365968-00366167 gratitude to the four of you for the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01885-00366168-00366310 just the humanity and the dignity of fTYJoFaK7Wo-01886-00366311-00366447 this conversation and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01887-00366448-00366599 regardless of any hats we wear our fTYJoFaK7Wo-01888-00366600-00366734 chairs we're sitting at like we're all fTYJoFaK7Wo-01889-00366735-00366934 human beings in this work and i just fTYJoFaK7Wo-01890-00366935-00367143 really feel that in this so i'm i'm so fTYJoFaK7Wo-01891-00367144-00367295 appreciative of that and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01892-00367296-00367463 and i think we said at the beginning fTYJoFaK7Wo-01893-00367464-00367558 what we were striving for was fTYJoFaK7Wo-01894-00367559-00367767 authenticity and i really felt like we fTYJoFaK7Wo-01895-00367768-00367951 we achieved that here so thank you uh fTYJoFaK7Wo-01896-00367952-00368078 tamar let me turn it over to you thank fTYJoFaK7Wo-01897-00368079-00368271 you thank you so much john and thank you fTYJoFaK7Wo-01898-00368272-00368654 joni lana i alone and john adam fTYJoFaK7Wo-01899-00368655-00368823 what a beautiful conversation what an fTYJoFaK7Wo-01900-00368824-00368991 energizing conversation fTYJoFaK7Wo-01901-00368992-00369254 jonathan you were right get it i filled fTYJoFaK7Wo-01902-00369255-00369423 a few pages worth of notes fTYJoFaK7Wo-01903-00369424-00369630 i have so many pearls of wisdom and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01904-00369631-00369799 snippets that i'm taking from today and fTYJoFaK7Wo-01905-00369800-00369982 i'm sure everybody on the line is taking fTYJoFaK7Wo-01906-00369983-00370047 that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01907-00370048-00370375 as well so thank you all for for your fTYJoFaK7Wo-01908-00370376-00370527 for your honesty and openness and thank fTYJoFaK7Wo-01909-00370528-00370719 you everybody for joining us and please fTYJoFaK7Wo-01910-00370720-00370830 join us again at fTYJoFaK7Wo-01911-00370831-00371103 future granted programs our next one is fTYJoFaK7Wo-01912-00371104-00371303 wednesday june 16th from 12 fTYJoFaK7Wo-01913-00371304-00371687 1 uh eastern time um we are going to be fTYJoFaK7Wo-01914-00371688-00371927 talking about a new self-assessment tool fTYJoFaK7Wo-01915-00371928-00372119 that granted worked with exponent fTYJoFaK7Wo-01916-00372120-00372327 philanthropy to rejigger for the jewish fTYJoFaK7Wo-01917-00372328-00372415 community fTYJoFaK7Wo-01918-00372416-00372623 to create the best relationships that fTYJoFaK7Wo-01919-00372624-00372758 you possibly can fTYJoFaK7Wo-01920-00372759-00372967 you can have and improve your fTYJoFaK7Wo-01921-00372968-00373110 relationships so please fTYJoFaK7Wo-01922-00373111-00373439 look at our jaygranted.org website to fTYJoFaK7Wo-01923-00373440-00373582 sign up for that and to see all the fTYJoFaK7Wo-01924-00373583-00373758 other resources um fTYJoFaK7Wo-01925-00373759-00373951 thank you all again and have a wonderful fTYJoFaK7Wo-01926-00373952-00374183 day fVtE05FNt-g-00000-00000115-00000401 you know fVtE05FNt-g-00001-00000403-00001567 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00002-00001568-00001784 Paradise you're crazy fVtE05FNt-g-00003-00001785-00002965 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00004-00002966-00003038 [Applause] fVtE05FNt-g-00005-00003039-00003383 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00006-00003384-00003600 foreign fVtE05FNt-g-00007-00003601-00006587 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00008-00006588-00006925 foreign fVtE05FNt-g-00009-00006926-00007769 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00010-00007770-00008109 [Applause] fVtE05FNt-g-00011-00008111-00008971 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00012-00008972-00009200 [Applause] fVtE05FNt-g-00013-00009201-00010570 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00014-00010571-00010685 [Applause] fVtE05FNt-g-00015-00010686-00010800 foreign fVtE05FNt-g-00016-00010801-00012103 [Music] fVtE05FNt-g-00017-00012104-00012358 [Applause] fVtE05FNt-g-00018-00012359-00012954 [Music] fVz9HsJmYB8-00000-00000770-00001049 thank you fVz9HsJmYB8-00001-00001050-00001277 alrighty everyone welcome back happy May fVz9HsJmYB8-00002-00001278-00001420 the 4th everybody I hope you're all fVz9HsJmYB8-00003-00001421-00001636 having an amazing week so far as we get fVz9HsJmYB8-00004-00001637-00001864 closer to the weekend there's a lot of fVz9HsJmYB8-00005-00001866-00002068 things really Brewing behind closed fVz9HsJmYB8-00006-00002069-00002249 doors over at Disney and lucasfilm fVz9HsJmYB8-00007-00002250-00002489 ranging from what John and Dave are fVz9HsJmYB8-00008-00002490-00002692 developing to what Kathleen Kennedy is fVz9HsJmYB8-00009-00002693-00002915 having issues with when it comes to fVz9HsJmYB8-00010-00002916-00003149 Acolyte and skeleton crew and fVz9HsJmYB8-00011-00003150-00003347 specifically everything related to the fVz9HsJmYB8-00012-00003347-00003599 Pedro Pascal situation which we will be fVz9HsJmYB8-00013-00003600-00003845 chiming in right now again as more fVz9HsJmYB8-00014-00003846-00004049 further developments are arising out of fVz9HsJmYB8-00015-00004050-00004265 this whole scenario between Kathy fVz9HsJmYB8-00016-00004266-00004588 Kennedy and Pedro himself this is Mike fVz9HsJmYB8-00017-00004589-00004817 zero subscribe if you're new and like fVz9HsJmYB8-00018-00004818-00004997 this video to see future Star Wars fVz9HsJmYB8-00019-00004998-00005375 updates I'm also on Twitter at mike01 I fVz9HsJmYB8-00020-00005376-00005531 thank you also very much for the great fVz9HsJmYB8-00021-00005532-00005813 and kind support so the whole Pedro fVz9HsJmYB8-00022-00005814-00006041 Pascal situation in case you guys have fVz9HsJmYB8-00023-00006042-00006281 not been caught up to really kind of fVz9HsJmYB8-00024-00006282-00006503 make things real simple he was fired fVz9HsJmYB8-00025-00006504-00006827 from the Skeleton Crew specifically and fVz9HsJmYB8-00026-00006828-00007103 strictly he's still okay with mando 4 fVz9HsJmYB8-00027-00007104-00007313 and other projects but for this one fVz9HsJmYB8-00028-00007314-00007606 project in particular he was let go by fVz9HsJmYB8-00029-00007608-00007792 Kathleen Kennedy and as it turns out fVz9HsJmYB8-00030-00007793-00008063 there's more to the story than what was fVz9HsJmYB8-00031-00008064-00008314 actually you know Brewing beforehand fVz9HsJmYB8-00032-00008315-00008639 between himself John Watts and Kathy fVz9HsJmYB8-00033-00008640-00008921 Kennedy now jumping right into the fVz9HsJmYB8-00034-00008922-00009160 subject here while many Star Wars shows fVz9HsJmYB8-00035-00009161-00009378 are in different phases of development fVz9HsJmYB8-00036-00009379-00009641 however one of the big projects that fVz9HsJmYB8-00037-00009642-00009827 Kathy is involved in and that led to fVz9HsJmYB8-00038-00009828-00010049 Pascal's exit due to creative fVz9HsJmYB8-00039-00010050-00010277 differences and other factors only gets fVz9HsJmYB8-00040-00010278-00010445 more complicated for the actor and the fVz9HsJmYB8-00041-00010446-00010727 audience as it turns out one of the fVz9HsJmYB8-00042-00010728-00011033 other main factors that came into the fVz9HsJmYB8-00043-00011034-00011296 play of firing Pascal from Skeleton Crew fVz9HsJmYB8-00044-00011297-00011537 strictly for his cameos had much to do fVz9HsJmYB8-00045-00011538-00011855 with Pascal standing up for himself and fVz9HsJmYB8-00046-00011856-00012167 refusing to act a very comedic in his fVz9HsJmYB8-00047-00012168-00012437 Cameo scenes the idea came from both fVz9HsJmYB8-00048-00012438-00012695 Kathleen Kennedy and John Watts who fVz9HsJmYB8-00049-00012696-00012941 wanted to essentially marvelize the fVz9HsJmYB8-00050-00012941-00013229 injarin into Tony Stark type figure of fVz9HsJmYB8-00051-00013230-00013499 humor now though use of dialogue of fVz9HsJmYB8-00052-00013500-00013697 course was going to be the main focus as fVz9HsJmYB8-00053-00013697-00013925 well as body language this was Kennedy's fVz9HsJmYB8-00054-00013926-00014225 plan to attract din to an even younger fVz9HsJmYB8-00055-00014226-00014507 audience to expand their demographic who fVz9HsJmYB8-00056-00014508-00014680 would enjoy this character that would fVz9HsJmYB8-00057-00014681-00014866 lead to more merchandise sales and fVz9HsJmYB8-00058-00014868-00015083 purchases such as figures and fVz9HsJmYB8-00059-00015084-00015299 miscellaneous products featuring din fVz9HsJmYB8-00060-00015300-00015593 jarin now here's the deal about this fVz9HsJmYB8-00061-00015594-00015833 quickly guys is that this just goes to fVz9HsJmYB8-00062-00015834-00016085 show you that Kathleen Kennedy has poor fVz9HsJmYB8-00063-00016086-00016385 ethics and partly to blame about all of fVz9HsJmYB8-00064-00016386-00016721 this John Watts too you know look John fVz9HsJmYB8-00065-00016722-00016871 Watts he did great on the Spider-Man fVz9HsJmYB8-00066-00016872-00017086 films you know there's no doubt about fVz9HsJmYB8-00067-00017087-00017327 that he's had great success with those fVz9HsJmYB8-00068-00017328-00017669 movies but I just don't feel that John fVz9HsJmYB8-00069-00017670-00017969 Watts is really fit for a Star Wars fVz9HsJmYB8-00070-00017970-00018257 project that's just my take on things uh fVz9HsJmYB8-00071-00018258-00018503 the fact that he was in full agreement fVz9HsJmYB8-00072-00018504-00018713 with Kathleen Kennedy on marvelizing fVz9HsJmYB8-00073-00018714-00019013 dinjarin and making him into a comedic fVz9HsJmYB8-00074-00019014-00019235 character after specifically turning him fVz9HsJmYB8-00075-00019236-00019589 into this Tony stark-esque type of humor fVz9HsJmYB8-00076-00019590-00019949 to be presented by din it wouldn't have fVz9HsJmYB8-00077-00019950-00020080 matched the character it would have fVz9HsJmYB8-00078-00020081-00020357 completely changed the character and in fVz9HsJmYB8-00079-00020358-00020567 Kathleen Kennedy's eyes fVz9HsJmYB8-00080-00020568-00020807 she wanted to adapt the character's fVz9HsJmYB8-00081-00020808-00021071 personality because Skeleton Crew is fVz9HsJmYB8-00082-00021072-00021358 reportedly going to have a ton jump and fVz9HsJmYB8-00083-00021359-00021539 that just still makes no sense to me I fVz9HsJmYB8-00084-00021540-00021761 mean din is din you know it doesn't fVz9HsJmYB8-00085-00021762-00021971 matter you know who he is you got to fVz9HsJmYB8-00086-00021972-00022157 keep the personality that John and Dave fVz9HsJmYB8-00087-00022158-00022517 wrote for the character it just works so fVz9HsJmYB8-00088-00022518-00022750 this is where you fall into more issues fVz9HsJmYB8-00089-00022751-00022991 I'm happy that Pedro Pascal stood up for fVz9HsJmYB8-00090-00022992-00023194 himself and I've been very much forward fVz9HsJmYB8-00091-00023195-00023453 about this that I'm not the biggest fan fVz9HsJmYB8-00092-00023454-00023669 of Pedro as a person but I think he's a fVz9HsJmYB8-00093-00023670-00023836 great actor I think he does a great job fVz9HsJmYB8-00094-00023837-00024130 there with many of his projects like the fVz9HsJmYB8-00095-00024131-00024263 last of us fVz9HsJmYB8-00096-00024264-00024491 um the unbearable weight of massive fVz9HsJmYB8-00097-00024492-00024700 Talent great comedy film with Nick Cage fVz9HsJmYB8-00098-00024701-00024899 he did a great job on that check it out fVz9HsJmYB8-00099-00024900-00025103 but there's a lot of other things that fVz9HsJmYB8-00100-00025104-00025294 have actually been going into this whole fVz9HsJmYB8-00101-00025295-00025571 scenario between you know Pascal and fVz9HsJmYB8-00102-00025572-00025781 Kathleen Kennedy so moving on to the fVz9HsJmYB8-00103-00025782-00026075 next thing here is that Pedro was also fVz9HsJmYB8-00104-00026076-00026333 repulsed by this idea coming from both fVz9HsJmYB8-00105-00026333-00026608 watts and Kennedy and it led to very big fVz9HsJmYB8-00106-00026610-00026885 complications Pedro yes wanted to have fVz9HsJmYB8-00107-00026886-00027124 his mask off many times and that too led fVz9HsJmYB8-00108-00027125-00027352 to his removal from the show but the fVz9HsJmYB8-00109-00027354-00027617 creative differences of turning din into fVz9HsJmYB8-00110-00027618-00027881 a comedic and marvelized character was fVz9HsJmYB8-00111-00027882-00028133 the nail in the coffin for Pedro where fVz9HsJmYB8-00112-00028133-00028324 he broke loose and stood up for himself fVz9HsJmYB8-00113-00028325-00028589 to not just kind of but to the Disney fVz9HsJmYB8-00114-00028589-00028864 Executives now keep in mind I'm very fVz9HsJmYB8-00115-00028866-00029033 happy that Pedro stood up for himself fVz9HsJmYB8-00116-00029033-00029249 and knew what was right for the fVz9HsJmYB8-00117-00029250-00029464 character and for the fans so I really fVz9HsJmYB8-00118-00029466-00029645 got to give Pedro a lot of credit on fVz9HsJmYB8-00119-00029645-00029914 that part the fact that he really cared fVz9HsJmYB8-00120-00029916-00030064 about the fandom enough to the point fVz9HsJmYB8-00121-00030066-00030262 where he was willing to really fVz9HsJmYB8-00122-00030263-00030640 jeopardize his role as din jarin in fVz9HsJmYB8-00123-00030641-00030851 Skeleton Crew in which you know fVz9HsJmYB8-00124-00030852-00031079 technically he did jeopardize it you fVz9HsJmYB8-00125-00031080-00031295 know he got fired from the show and let fVz9HsJmYB8-00126-00031295-00031618 go now granted that he only had cameos fVz9HsJmYB8-00127-00031619-00031918 all right two major cameos fVz9HsJmYB8-00128-00031919-00032152 um you know reportedly in one episode in fVz9HsJmYB8-00129-00032154-00032368 the beginning and one episode toward the fVz9HsJmYB8-00130-00032369-00032620 very end of skeleton crew and it was all fVz9HsJmYB8-00131-00032622-00032902 linked toward saving the children and fVz9HsJmYB8-00132-00032903-00033112 Jude Law's character who is called fVz9HsJmYB8-00133-00033113-00033527 teacher who is or was a Jedi so the fVz9HsJmYB8-00134-00033528-00033796 thing about this though too is once fVz9HsJmYB8-00135-00033797-00033977 again this is just going to show you fVz9HsJmYB8-00136-00033978-00034211 that Kathleen Kennedy does indeed have fVz9HsJmYB8-00137-00034212-00034415 very poor ethics this is where things fVz9HsJmYB8-00138-00034416-00034601 begin going to expand further is that fVz9HsJmYB8-00139-00034602-00034835 given Kennedy has almost full control fVz9HsJmYB8-00140-00034836-00035129 over the show Disney was able to only do fVz9HsJmYB8-00141-00035130-00035440 so much even John Watts surprisingly was fVz9HsJmYB8-00142-00035441-00035621 open to dropping the comedic style fVz9HsJmYB8-00143-00035622-00035915 toward dinjar but Kennedy also had fVz9HsJmYB8-00144-00035916-00036149 arguments with John Watts on challenging fVz9HsJmYB8-00145-00036150-00036377 that and was sticking to her plan fVz9HsJmYB8-00146-00036378-00036677 regardless right now her plan is to do a fVz9HsJmYB8-00147-00036678-00036971 full-on recast of din to move on with fVz9HsJmYB8-00148-00036972-00037157 the plan the feature din as a comedic fVz9HsJmYB8-00149-00037158-00037451 figure in the Skeleton Crew Show when he fVz9HsJmYB8-00150-00037452-00037649 saved the children from a pirate gang fVz9HsJmYB8-00151-00037650-00037835 and eventually is taken away by fVz9HsJmYB8-00152-00037836-00038087 Necromancer Stormtroopers led by Grand fVz9HsJmYB8-00153-00038088-00038411 Admiral thrawn himself as of now Pedro fVz9HsJmYB8-00154-00038412-00038609 Still Remains fire from Skeleton Crew fVz9HsJmYB8-00155-00038610-00038824 and is only focused on Jon and Dave's fVz9HsJmYB8-00156-00038825-00039137 projects such as Mando season 4 and fVz9HsJmYB8-00157-00039138-00039418 Ahsoka season 2. so once again I mean fVz9HsJmYB8-00158-00039419-00039701 din is not going anywhere in the general fVz9HsJmYB8-00159-00039702-00040018 sense but he is not going to really be fVz9HsJmYB8-00160-00040019-00040289 used in the way that fans love in fVz9HsJmYB8-00161-00040290-00040511 Skeleton Crew and Pedro isn't no more fVz9HsJmYB8-00162-00040512-00040745 for Skeleton Crew so Pedro's still on fVz9HsJmYB8-00163-00040746-00041033 for Mando season 4 and Ahsoka season 2 fVz9HsJmYB8-00164-00041034-00041255 which by the way John and Dave are now fVz9HsJmYB8-00165-00041256-00041471 just brainstorming a script is not yet fVz9HsJmYB8-00166-00041472-00041668 complete for that especially with the fVz9HsJmYB8-00167-00041669-00041993 current writers strike so Pedro Pascal fVz9HsJmYB8-00168-00041994-00042190 really did the right thing here I think fVz9HsJmYB8-00169-00042191-00042443 that at the end of the day he dodged a fVz9HsJmYB8-00170-00042444-00042671 major bullet in fact he dodged a missile fVz9HsJmYB8-00171-00042672-00042929 here by not agreeing with Kathleen fVz9HsJmYB8-00172-00042930-00043205 Kennedy and not allowing himself to fVz9HsJmYB8-00173-00043206-00043493 become a part of that comedic take on fVz9HsJmYB8-00174-00043494-00043757 din John now Disney executives are fVz9HsJmYB8-00175-00043758-00043912 already trying to get in Kathleen fVz9HsJmYB8-00176-00043913-00044171 Kennedy's way of convincing her to not fVz9HsJmYB8-00177-00044172-00044351 do this recast fVz9HsJmYB8-00178-00044352-00044573 and they are warning her that it's going fVz9HsJmYB8-00179-00044574-00044843 to create full-on backlash from the fans fVz9HsJmYB8-00180-00044844-00045118 and it's creating a big standstill for fVz9HsJmYB8-00181-00045119-00045305 Kathleen Kennedy on whether or not she fVz9HsJmYB8-00182-00045306-00045551 really wants to pull the trigger and fVz9HsJmYB8-00183-00045552-00045808 recast dingarn not just through the fVz9HsJmYB8-00184-00045809-00046108 voice but also for who's in the suit so fVz9HsJmYB8-00185-00046109-00046390 granted that Pedro was never always in fVz9HsJmYB8-00186-00046391-00046577 the suit even during the Mandalorian fVz9HsJmYB8-00187-00046578-00046783 show you have two other actors at least fVz9HsJmYB8-00188-00046784-00047135 that actually are in the suit of din jar fVz9HsJmYB8-00189-00047136-00047351 and you know playing the role Pedro was fVz9HsJmYB8-00190-00047352-00047543 in a couple of scenes here and there at fVz9HsJmYB8-00191-00047544-00047790 most so that doesn't necessarily matter fVz9HsJmYB8-00192-00047791-00048202 but in Skeleton Crew I don't believe fVz9HsJmYB8-00193-00048203-00048407 eventually that Kathleen Kennedy is fVz9HsJmYB8-00194-00048408-00048580 going to be able to do this she's very fVz9HsJmYB8-00195-00048581-00048851 much fully aware about the backlash fVz9HsJmYB8-00196-00048852-00049073 about Pedro not being involved in fVz9HsJmYB8-00197-00049074-00049307 Skeleton Crew it would only turn on her fVz9HsJmYB8-00198-00049308-00049577 so guys I would not be too surprised if fVz9HsJmYB8-00199-00049578-00049739 she ends up just getting rid of the fVz9HsJmYB8-00200-00049740-00049930 whole idea of din jarn appearing fVz9HsJmYB8-00201-00049931-00050146 altogether that would be led by another fVz9HsJmYB8-00202-00050147-00050543 actor so anyways I am really much fVz9HsJmYB8-00203-00050544-00050723 invested to hear what you guys have to fVz9HsJmYB8-00204-00050724-00051011 say about this whole entire situation fVz9HsJmYB8-00205-00051012-00051167 Below in the comments and if you guys fVz9HsJmYB8-00206-00051168-00051394 did enjoy the content for today make fVz9HsJmYB8-00207-00051395-00051526 sure to drop a thumbs up on this video fVz9HsJmYB8-00208-00051527-00051749 to support the channel and I will catch fVz9HsJmYB8-00209-00051750-00052426 you guys next time fVz9HsJmYB8-00210-00052427-00053280 [Music] fVz9HsJmYB8-00211-00053282-00053569 Alone Again fVz9HsJmYB8-00212-00053570-00054498 [Music] fWGx3ECq_yA-00000-00000041-00000367 Haitian Vodou French vodoo also written fWGx3ECq_yA-00001-00000368-00000578 as Vadhu known commonly as voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00002-00000579-00000862 sometimes as Vodun Vaadin voodoo or Vado fWGx3ECq_yA-00003-00000863-00001040 is a syncretic religion practiced fWGx3ECq_yA-00004-00001041-00001327 chiefly in haiti in the Haitian diaspora fWGx3ECq_yA-00005-00001328-00001589 practitioners are called voto ist's fWGx3ECq_yA-00006-00001590-00001834 French voodoo since voodoo is or fWGx3ECq_yA-00007-00001835-00002141 servants of the spirits Haitian Creole fWGx3ECq_yA-00008-00002142-00002390 Semite Voe duysts believe in a distant fWGx3ECq_yA-00009-00002391-00002608 and unknowable Supreme creator Bondi fWGx3ECq_yA-00010-00002609-00002816 derived from the French term bond you fWGx3ECq_yA-00011-00002817-00003122 meaning good God according to vote fWGx3ECq_yA-00012-00003123-00003356 duysts Bondi does not intercede in human fWGx3ECq_yA-00013-00003357-00003520 affairs and thus they direct their fWGx3ECq_yA-00014-00003521-00003715 worship towards spirits subservient to fWGx3ECq_yA-00015-00003717-00003850 Bondi called Lowa fWGx3ECq_yA-00016-00003851-00004097 every Lola is responsible for a fWGx3ECq_yA-00017-00004098-00004292 particular aspect of life with the fWGx3ECq_yA-00018-00004293-00004486 dynamic and changing personalities of fWGx3ECq_yA-00019-00004487-00004645 each Lowa reflecting the many fWGx3ECq_yA-00020-00004646-00004865 possibilities inherent to the aspects of fWGx3ECq_yA-00021-00004866-00005147 life over which they preside to navigate fWGx3ECq_yA-00022-00005148-00005393 daily life Vau duysts cultivate personal fWGx3ECq_yA-00023-00005394-00005563 relationships with the lower through the fWGx3ECq_yA-00024-00005564-00005777 presentation of offerings the creation fWGx3ECq_yA-00025-00005778-00005951 of personal altars and devotional fWGx3ECq_yA-00026-00005952-00006191 objects and participation in elaborate fWGx3ECq_yA-00027-00006192-00006428 ceremonies of music dance and spirit fWGx3ECq_yA-00028-00006429-00006631 possession voodoo originated in what is fWGx3ECq_yA-00029-00006633-00006842 now benign republic and developed in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00030-00006843-00007045 French colonial empire in the 18th fWGx3ECq_yA-00031-00007047-00007262 century among West African peoples who fWGx3ECq_yA-00032-00007263-00007453 were enslaved when African religious fWGx3ECq_yA-00033-00007454-00007642 practice was actively suppressed and fWGx3ECq_yA-00034-00007643-00007834 enslaved Africans were forced to convert fWGx3ECq_yA-00035-00007836-00008153 to Christianity religious practices of fWGx3ECq_yA-00036-00008154-00008330 contemporary voodoo are descended from fWGx3ECq_yA-00037-00008331-00008582 and closely related to West African fWGx3ECq_yA-00038-00008583-00008798 Vodun as practiced by the Fon and you fWGx3ECq_yA-00039-00008799-00009074 voodoo also incorporates elements and fWGx3ECq_yA-00040-00009075-00009278 symbolism from other African peoples fWGx3ECq_yA-00041-00009279-00009494 including the Yoruba and Congo as well fWGx3ECq_yA-00042-00009495-00009692 as Taino religious beliefs Roman fWGx3ECq_yA-00043-00009693-00009941 Catholicism and European spirituality fWGx3ECq_yA-00044-00009942-00010156 including mysticism and other influences fWGx3ECq_yA-00045-00010157-00010385 in Haiti some Roman Catholics combine fWGx3ECq_yA-00046-00010386-00010634 their faith with aspects of Voodoo this fWGx3ECq_yA-00047-00010635-00010856 practice is denounced as diabolical by fWGx3ECq_yA-00048-00010857-00011341 virtually all Haitian Protestants fWGx3ECq_yA-00049-00011342-00011923 topic names and etymology fWGx3ECq_yA-00050-00011924-00012274 topic voodoo is a Haitian Creole word fWGx3ECq_yA-00051-00012275-00012471 that formerly referred to only a small fWGx3ECq_yA-00052-00012472-00012733 subset of Haitian rituals the word fWGx3ECq_yA-00053-00012734-00012937 derives from an azo word referring to fWGx3ECq_yA-00054-00012938-00013171 mysterious forces or powers that govern fWGx3ECq_yA-00055-00013172-00013318 the world in the lives of those who fWGx3ECq_yA-00056-00013319-00013510 reside within it but also a range of fWGx3ECq_yA-00057-00013511-00013680 artistic forms that function in fWGx3ECq_yA-00058-00013681-00013857 conjunction with these votin energies fWGx3ECq_yA-00059-00013858-00014155 two of the major speaking populations of fWGx3ECq_yA-00060-00014156-00014419 azo are the you and the fun European fWGx3ECq_yA-00061-00014419-00014704 slavers called both the errata these two fWGx3ECq_yA-00062-00014705-00014913 peoples composed a sizable number of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00063-00014915-00015112 early enslaved population in Saint fWGx3ECq_yA-00064-00015113-00015372 Dominique in Haiti practitioners fWGx3ECq_yA-00065-00015373-00015669 occasionally use voodoo to refer to fWGx3ECq_yA-00066-00015670-00015880 Haitian religion generically but it is fWGx3ECq_yA-00067-00015881-00016072 more common for practitioners to refer fWGx3ECq_yA-00068-00016072-00016279 to themselves as those who serve the fWGx3ECq_yA-00069-00016280-00016558 spirits Semite by participating in fWGx3ECq_yA-00070-00016559-00016768 ritual ceremonies usually called a fWGx3ECq_yA-00071-00016769-00017092 service to the lower SEVIS lwa fWGx3ECq_yA-00072-00017093-00017458 or an african service SEVIS join these fWGx3ECq_yA-00073-00017459-00017659 terms also refer to the religion as a fWGx3ECq_yA-00074-00017660-00017747 whole fWGx3ECq_yA-00075-00017748-00018034 outside of haiti the term voodoo refers fWGx3ECq_yA-00076-00018035-00018235 to the entirety of traditional haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00077-00018236-00018541 religious practice originally written as fWGx3ECq_yA-00078-00018542-00018760 Vodun it is first recorded in doctrina fWGx3ECq_yA-00079-00018761-00019050 Christiana a 1658 document written by fWGx3ECq_yA-00080-00019051-00019243 the king of a lot his ambassador to the fWGx3ECq_yA-00081-00019244-00019425 court of Philip the fourth of Spain in fWGx3ECq_yA-00082-00019426-00019666 the following centuries voodoo was fWGx3ECq_yA-00083-00019667-00019888 eventually taken up by non Haitians as a fWGx3ECq_yA-00084-00019889-00020100 generic descriptive term for traditional fWGx3ECq_yA-00085-00020101-00020335 Haitian religion there are many used fWGx3ECq_yA-00086-00020336-00020590 orthographies for this word today the fWGx3ECq_yA-00087-00020591-00020767 spelling voodoo is the most commonly fWGx3ECq_yA-00088-00020768-00020968 accepted orthography in English fWGx3ECq_yA-00089-00020969-00021253 other potential spellings include Vaadin fWGx3ECq_yA-00090-00021254-00021478 voodoo and voodoo with vow or view fWGx3ECq_yA-00091-00021479-00021675 prefix variants reflecting French fWGx3ECq_yA-00092-00021676-00021906 orthography and a final end reflecting fWGx3ECq_yA-00093-00021907-00022138 the nasal vowel in West African or older fWGx3ECq_yA-00094-00022139-00022303 non-urbanized Haitian Creole fWGx3ECq_yA-00095-00022304-00022633 pronunciations the spelling voodoo once fWGx3ECq_yA-00096-00022634-00022872 very common is now generally avoided by fWGx3ECq_yA-00097-00022873-00023074 Haitian practitioners and scholars when fWGx3ECq_yA-00098-00023075-00023311 referring to the Haitian religion this fWGx3ECq_yA-00099-00023312-00023481 is both to avoid confusion with fWGx3ECq_yA-00100-00023482-00023737 Louisiana voodoo a related but distinct fWGx3ECq_yA-00101-00023738-00023944 set of religious practices as well as fWGx3ECq_yA-00102-00023945-00024109 two separate Haitian voodoo from the fWGx3ECq_yA-00103-00024110-00024325 negative connotations and misconceptions fWGx3ECq_yA-00104-00024326-00024640 the term voodoo has acquired in popular fWGx3ECq_yA-00105-00024641-00024903 culture over the years practitioners and fWGx3ECq_yA-00106-00024904-00025075 their supporters have called on various fWGx3ECq_yA-00107-00025076-00025327 institutions including The Associated fWGx3ECq_yA-00108-00025328-00025525 to redress this misrepresentation by fWGx3ECq_yA-00109-00025526-00025809 adopting voodoo in reference to the fWGx3ECq_yA-00110-00025810-00026097 Haitian religion in October 2012 the fWGx3ECq_yA-00111-00026098-00026295 Library of Congress decided to change fWGx3ECq_yA-00112-00026297-00026589 their subject heading from voodooism to fWGx3ECq_yA-00113-00026591-00026796 voodoo in response to a petition by a fWGx3ECq_yA-00114-00026797-00027001 group of scholars and practitioners in fWGx3ECq_yA-00115-00027002-00027258 collaboration with ko si n ba the fWGx3ECq_yA-00116-00027260-00027460 scholarly Association for the study of fWGx3ECq_yA-00117-00027461-00027673 Haitian voodoo based at University of fWGx3ECq_yA-00118-00027674-00028123 California Santa Barbara fWGx3ECq_yA-00119-00028124-00028626 topic beliefs fWGx3ECq_yA-00120-00028627-00028998 topic voodoo is popularly described as fWGx3ECq_yA-00121-00028999-00029190 not simply a religion but rather an fWGx3ECq_yA-00122-00029191-00029376 experience that ties body and soul fWGx3ECq_yA-00123-00029377-00029631 together the concept of tying that fWGx3ECq_yA-00124-00029632-00029844 exists in Haitian religious culture as fWGx3ECq_yA-00125-00029845-00030042 derived from the Congolese tradition of fWGx3ECq_yA-00126-00030043-00030243 kanga the practice of tying one's soul fWGx3ECq_yA-00127-00030244-00030579 to something tangible this tying of soul fWGx3ECq_yA-00128-00030580-00030825 is evident in many Haitian voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00129-00030826-00031326 practices that are still exercise today fWGx3ECq_yA-00130-00031327-00031818 topic spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00131-00031819-00032118 topic though do since believe in a fWGx3ECq_yA-00132-00032119-00032348 supreme God called Bondi from the French fWGx3ECq_yA-00133-00032349-00032610 when it came in contact with Roman fWGx3ECq_yA-00134-00032611-00032817 Catholicism the supreme creator was fWGx3ECq_yA-00135-00032818-00033018 associated with the Christian God and fWGx3ECq_yA-00136-00033019-00033454 the lola associated with the Saints fWGx3ECq_yA-00137-00033455-00033900 topic Lowa fWGx3ECq_yA-00138-00033901-00034284 topic since bond I got is considered fWGx3ECq_yA-00139-00034285-00034449 unreachable vodoo since aim their fWGx3ECq_yA-00140-00034450-00034650 prayers to lesser entities the spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00141-00034651-00034728 known as Lowa fWGx3ECq_yA-00142-00034729-00035019 or mist the most notable Lowa include fWGx3ECq_yA-00143-00035020-00035256 Papa Legba guardian of the crossroads or fWGx3ECq_yA-00144-00035257-00035499 Zhu Li Freda the spirit of love Simbi fWGx3ECq_yA-00145-00035500-00035733 the spirit of rain and magicians Cozens fWGx3ECq_yA-00146-00035734-00035940 akka the spirit of Agriculture and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00147-00035941-00036189 murasa divine twins considered to be the fWGx3ECq_yA-00148-00036190-00036411 first children of Bondi these Lola can fWGx3ECq_yA-00149-00036412-00036663 be divided into 21 nations which include fWGx3ECq_yA-00150-00036664-00036948 the petrol Rada Congo and Nago each of fWGx3ECq_yA-00151-00036949-00037125 the Lowa is associated with a particular fWGx3ECq_yA-00152-00037126-00037467 Roman Catholic saint for example Legba fWGx3ECq_yA-00153-00037468-00037656 is associated with Saint Anthony the fWGx3ECq_yA-00154-00037657-00037857 Hermit and damballa is associated with fWGx3ECq_yA-00155-00037858-00038091 Saint Patrick the lower also fall into fWGx3ECq_yA-00156-00038092-00038298 family groups who share a surname such fWGx3ECq_yA-00157-00038299-00038748 as o gue easily as akka or gay day for fWGx3ECq_yA-00158-00038749-00039129 instance easily is a family easily donto fWGx3ECq_yA-00159-00039130-00039324 and easily Freda are two individual fWGx3ECq_yA-00160-00039325-00039600 spirits in that family each family is fWGx3ECq_yA-00161-00039601-00039831 associated with a specific aspect for fWGx3ECq_yA-00162-00039832-00040059 instance the o gu family or soldiers the fWGx3ECq_yA-00163-00040060-00040239 easily governed the feminine spheres of fWGx3ECq_yA-00164-00040240-00040482 life the Isaiah governed agriculture the fWGx3ECq_yA-00165-00040483-00040644 gay day governed the sphere of death and fWGx3ECq_yA-00166-00040645-00040980 fertility fWGx3ECq_yA-00167-00040981-00041465 topic morality fWGx3ECq_yA-00168-00041466-00041936 topic voodoo s moral code focuses on the fWGx3ECq_yA-00169-00041937-00042195 vices of dishonor and greed there is fWGx3ECq_yA-00170-00042196-00042449 also a notion of relative propriety and fWGx3ECq_yA-00171-00042450-00042686 what is appropriate to someone with fWGx3ECq_yA-00172-00042687-00042879 damballa weto as their head may be fWGx3ECq_yA-00173-00042880-00043101 different from someone with a goof array fWGx3ECq_yA-00174-00043102-00043436 as their head for example one spirit is fWGx3ECq_yA-00175-00043437-00043693 very cool and the other is very hot fWGx3ECq_yA-00176-00043694-00044018 coolness overall is valued and so is the fWGx3ECq_yA-00177-00044019-00044220 ability and inclination to protect fWGx3ECq_yA-00178-00044221-00044636 oneself in one s own if necessary love fWGx3ECq_yA-00179-00044637-00044801 and support within the family of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00180-00044802-00044976 Voodoo society seem to be the most fWGx3ECq_yA-00181-00044977-00045296 important considerations generosity and fWGx3ECq_yA-00182-00045297-00045467 giving to the community and to the poor fWGx3ECq_yA-00183-00045468-00045855 is also an important value 1s blessings fWGx3ECq_yA-00184-00045856-00046026 come through the community and one fWGx3ECq_yA-00185-00046027-00046289 should be willing to give back there are fWGx3ECq_yA-00186-00046290-00046620 no solitaries in voodoo only people fWGx3ECq_yA-00187-00046621-00046820 separated geographically from their fWGx3ECq_yA-00188-00046821-00047108 elders in house a person without a fWGx3ECq_yA-00189-00047109-00047336 relationship of some kind with elders fWGx3ECq_yA-00190-00047337-00047532 does not practice voodoo as it is fWGx3ECq_yA-00191-00047533-00047762 understood in haiti and among Haitians fWGx3ECq_yA-00192-00047763-00048017 additionally Haitian voodoo emphasizes fWGx3ECq_yA-00193-00048018-00048308 that wholeness of being not just with fWGx3ECq_yA-00194-00048309-00048507 elders in the material world but also fWGx3ECq_yA-00195-00048508-00048726 unity with the interconnected forces of fWGx3ECq_yA-00196-00048727-00048924 nature there is a diversity of practice fWGx3ECq_yA-00197-00048925-00049127 in Voodoo across the country of Haiti in fWGx3ECq_yA-00198-00049128-00049415 the Haitian diaspora for instance in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00199-00049416-00049680 north of Haiti the lave Tet head washing fWGx3ECq_yA-00200-00049681-00049920 or Ken's way maybe the only initiation fWGx3ECq_yA-00201-00049921-00050136 as it is in the Dominican Republic in fWGx3ECq_yA-00202-00050137-00050345 Cuba whereas in port-au-prince in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00203-00050346-00050520 south they practice the Kenzel rites fWGx3ECq_yA-00204-00050521-00050786 with three grades of initiation Kenzo SE fWGx3ECq_yA-00205-00050787-00051129 and p CP w en ana sog way and the latter fWGx3ECq_yA-00206-00051130-00051317 is the most familiar mode of practice fWGx3ECq_yA-00207-00051319-00051602 outside haiti some lineages combined fWGx3ECq_yA-00208-00051603-00051825 both as mambo katherine dunham reports fWGx3ECq_yA-00209-00051826-00052023 from her personal experience in her book fWGx3ECq_yA-00210-00052024-00052277 island possessed while the overall fWGx3ECq_yA-00211-00052278-00052497 tendency in voodoo is conservative in fWGx3ECq_yA-00212-00052498-00052688 accord with its african roots there is fWGx3ECq_yA-00213-00052689-00052919 no singular definitive form only what is fWGx3ECq_yA-00214-00052920-00053135 right in a particular house or lineage fWGx3ECq_yA-00215-00053136-00053424 small details of service and the spirit fWGx3ECq_yA-00216-00053425-00053616 served vary from house to house and fWGx3ECq_yA-00217-00053616-00053829 information in books or on the internet fWGx3ECq_yA-00218-00053829-00054084 therefore may seem contradictory there fWGx3ECq_yA-00219-00054085-00054321 is no central authority or Pope in fWGx3ECq_yA-00220-00054322-00054648 Haitian Vodou since every Mambo and fWGx3ECq_yA-00221-00054649-00054870 hong-an as the head of their own house fWGx3ECq_yA-00222-00054871-00055191 as a popular Haitian saying goes another fWGx3ECq_yA-00223-00055191-00055383 consideration in terms of Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00224-00055384-00055596 diversity are the many sects besides the fWGx3ECq_yA-00225-00055597-00055803 seve giant in Haiti such as the Micaiah fWGx3ECq_yA-00226-00055804-00056105 Rara and other secret societies each of fWGx3ECq_yA-00227-00056107-00056295 which has its own distinct pantheon of fWGx3ECq_yA-00228-00056296-00056620 spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00229-00056621-00057099 topic Seoul fWGx3ECq_yA-00230-00057100-00057429 topic according to voodoo the soul fWGx3ECq_yA-00231-00057429-00057636 consists of two aspects in a type of fWGx3ECq_yA-00232-00057637-00057903 soul dualism the gross bun Ange big good fWGx3ECq_yA-00233-00057904-00058110 angel and the T bon Ange little good fWGx3ECq_yA-00234-00058111-00058394 angel the gross bun aims is the part of fWGx3ECq_yA-00235-00058395-00058554 the soul that is essentially responsible fWGx3ECq_yA-00236-00058554-00058811 for the basic biological functions such fWGx3ECq_yA-00237-00058812-00058986 as the flow of blood through the body fWGx3ECq_yA-00238-00058987-00059253 and breathing on the other hand the T fWGx3ECq_yA-00239-00059254-00059454 bond Ange is the source of personality fWGx3ECq_yA-00240-00059454-00059724 character and willpower as the gross bon fWGx3ECq_yA-00241-00059725-00059946 Ange provides each person with the power fWGx3ECq_yA-00242-00059947-00060204 to act it is the T bon Ange that molds fWGx3ECq_yA-00243-00060204-00060475 the individual sentiment within each act fWGx3ECq_yA-00244-00060476-00060711 while the latter is an essential element fWGx3ECq_yA-00245-00060712-00060921 for the survival of one's individual fWGx3ECq_yA-00246-00060922-00061151 identity it is not necessary to keep the fWGx3ECq_yA-00247-00061152-00061349 body functioning properly in biological fWGx3ECq_yA-00248-00061350-00061556 terms and therefore a person can fWGx3ECq_yA-00249-00061557-00061999 continue to exist without it fWGx3ECq_yA-00250-00062000-00062509 topic practices fWGx3ECq_yA-00251-00062510-00062878 topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00252-00062879-00063422 topic liturgy and practice fWGx3ECq_yA-00253-00063423-00063785 topic a Haitian Vodou temple is called a fWGx3ECq_yA-00254-00063786-00063998 Paris till after a day or two of fWGx3ECq_yA-00255-00063999-00064190 preparation setting up altars at in fWGx3ECq_yA-00256-00064191-00064388 hound fur ritually preparing and cooking fWGx3ECq_yA-00257-00064389-00064685 fowl and other foods etc a Haitian Vodou fWGx3ECq_yA-00258-00064686-00064886 service begins with a series of prayers fWGx3ECq_yA-00259-00064887-00065096 and songs in French then a litany in fWGx3ECq_yA-00260-00065097-00065279 Haitian Creole and language that goes fWGx3ECq_yA-00261-00065279-00065426 through all the European and African fWGx3ECq_yA-00262-00065427-00065543 saints and Lowa fWGx3ECq_yA-00263-00065544-00065720 honored by the house and then a series fWGx3ECq_yA-00264-00065721-00065915 of verses for all the main spirits of fWGx3ECq_yA-00265-00065916-00066278 the house this is called de prea Jain or fWGx3ECq_yA-00266-00066279-00066491 the African prayer after more fWGx3ECq_yA-00267-00066492-00066668 introductory songs beginning with fWGx3ECq_yA-00268-00066669-00066887 saluting juntao the spirit of the drums fWGx3ECq_yA-00269-00066888-00067115 the songs for all the individual spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00270-00067116-00067325 are sung starting with the Legba family fWGx3ECq_yA-00271-00067326-00067508 through all the rata spirits then there fWGx3ECq_yA-00272-00067509-00067673 is a break and the petrol part of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00273-00067674-00067868 service begins which ends with the songs fWGx3ECq_yA-00274-00067869-00068159 for the gede family as the songs are fWGx3ECq_yA-00275-00068160-00068366 sung participants believe that spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00276-00068367-00068570 come to visit the ceremony by taking fWGx3ECq_yA-00277-00068571-00068768 possession of individuals and speaking fWGx3ECq_yA-00278-00068769-00069002 and acting through them when a ceremony fWGx3ECq_yA-00279-00069003-00069173 is made only the family of those fWGx3ECq_yA-00280-00069174-00069449 possessed is benefited at this time it fWGx3ECq_yA-00281-00069450-00069653 is believed that devious Mambo or hung fWGx3ECq_yA-00282-00069654-00069785 and can take away the luck of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00283-00069786-00069979 worshipers through particular actions fWGx3ECq_yA-00284-00069980-00070250 for instance if a priest asks for a fWGx3ECq_yA-00285-00070251-00070469 drink of champagne a wise participant fWGx3ECq_yA-00286-00070470-00070769 refuses sometimes these ceremonies may fWGx3ECq_yA-00287-00070770-00070964 include dispute among the singers as to fWGx3ECq_yA-00288-00070965-00071240 how a hymn is to be sung in Haiti these fWGx3ECq_yA-00289-00071241-00071429 voodoo ceremonies depending on the fWGx3ECq_yA-00290-00071430-00071585 priest or priestess may be more fWGx3ECq_yA-00291-00071586-00071879 organized but in the United States many fWGx3ECq_yA-00292-00071880-00072098 vote duysts and clergy take it as a sort fWGx3ECq_yA-00293-00072099-00072425 of non serious party or folly in a fWGx3ECq_yA-00294-00072426-00072650 serious right each spirit is saluted and fWGx3ECq_yA-00295-00072651-00072854 greeted by the initiate spread and gives fWGx3ECq_yA-00296-00072855-00073079 readings advice and cures to those who fWGx3ECq_yA-00297-00073080-00073397 ask for help many hours later as morning fWGx3ECq_yA-00298-00073398-00073637 Dawn's the last song is sung the guests fWGx3ECq_yA-00299-00073638-00073841 leave and the exhausted houses pound fWGx3ECq_yA-00300-00073842-00074053 guns and Mambo's can go to sleep fWGx3ECq_yA-00301-00074054-00074321 voodoo practitioners believe that if one fWGx3ECq_yA-00302-00074322-00074504 follows all taboos imposed by their fWGx3ECq_yA-00303-00074505-00074729 particular Lowa and is punctilious about fWGx3ECq_yA-00304-00074730-00074930 all offerings and ceremonies the lower fWGx3ECq_yA-00305-00074931-00075191 will aid them buddhu practitioners also fWGx3ECq_yA-00306-00075192-00075380 believe that if someone ignores their fWGx3ECq_yA-00307-00075381-00075566 lower it can result in sickness the fWGx3ECq_yA-00308-00075567-00075776 failure of crops the death of relatives fWGx3ECq_yA-00309-00075777-00076064 and other misfortunes animals are fWGx3ECq_yA-00310-00076065-00076301 sometimes sacrificed in Haitian Vodou a fWGx3ECq_yA-00311-00076302-00076580 variety of animals are sacrificed such fWGx3ECq_yA-00312-00076581-00076877 as pigs goats chickens and bull fWGx3ECq_yA-00313-00076878-00077183 the intent and emphasis of sacrifice is fWGx3ECq_yA-00314-00077184-00077384 not upon the death of the animal it is fWGx3ECq_yA-00315-00077385-00077630 upon the transfusion of its life to the fWGx3ECq_yA-00316-00077631-00077807 lower for the understanding is that fWGx3ECq_yA-00317-00077808-00078023 flesh and blood are of the essence of fWGx3ECq_yA-00318-00078024-00078221 life and vigor and these will restore fWGx3ECq_yA-00319-00078222-00078533 the divine energy of the God on the fWGx3ECq_yA-00320-00078534-00078827 individual s household level Avvo deuce fWGx3ECq_yA-00321-00078828-00079088 endorsed a vite servitor may have one or fWGx3ECq_yA-00322-00079089-00079292 more tables set out for their ancestors fWGx3ECq_yA-00323-00079293-00079496 and the spirit or spirits that they fWGx3ECq_yA-00324-00079497-00079721 serve with pictures or statues of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00325-00079722-00079994 spirits perfumes foods and other things fWGx3ECq_yA-00326-00079995-00080315 favoured by their spirits the most basic fWGx3ECq_yA-00327-00080316-00080534 set up as just a white candle and a fWGx3ECq_yA-00328-00080535-00080792 clear glass of water and perhaps flowers fWGx3ECq_yA-00329-00080793-00081200 on a particular spirit s day one lights fWGx3ECq_yA-00330-00081201-00081416 a candle and says an our Father and Hail fWGx3ECq_yA-00331-00081417-00081467 Mary fWGx3ECq_yA-00332-00081468-00081674 salutes Papa Legba and asks him to open fWGx3ECq_yA-00333-00081675-00081881 the gate and then one salutes and speaks fWGx3ECq_yA-00334-00081882-00082067 to the particular spirit as an elder fWGx3ECq_yA-00335-00082068-00082334 family member ancestors are approached fWGx3ECq_yA-00336-00082335-00082547 directly without the mediating of Papa fWGx3ECq_yA-00337-00082548-00082766 Legba since they are said to be in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00338-00082767-00082909 blood fWGx3ECq_yA-00339-00082910-00083119 in a voodoo home often the only fWGx3ECq_yA-00340-00083120-00083356 recognizable religious items are images fWGx3ECq_yA-00341-00083357-00083554 of saints and candles with a rosary in fWGx3ECq_yA-00342-00083555-00083833 other homes where people may more openly fWGx3ECq_yA-00343-00083834-00083995 show their devotion to the spirits fWGx3ECq_yA-00344-00083996-00084214 noticeable items may include an altar fWGx3ECq_yA-00345-00084215-00084406 with Catholic saints and iconographies fWGx3ECq_yA-00346-00084407-00084730 rosaries bottles jars rattles perfumes fWGx3ECq_yA-00347-00084731-00085084 oils and dolls some voodoo devotees have fWGx3ECq_yA-00348-00085085-00085249 less paraphernalia in their homes fWGx3ECq_yA-00349-00085250-00085408 because until recently voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00350-00085409-00085606 practitioners had no option but to hide fWGx3ECq_yA-00351-00085607-00085900 their beliefs katie is a rural society fWGx3ECq_yA-00352-00085901-00086071 and the cult of ancestors guard the fWGx3ECq_yA-00353-00086072-00086268 traditional values of the peasant class fWGx3ECq_yA-00354-00086269-00086548 the ancestors are linked to family life fWGx3ECq_yA-00355-00086549-00086779 in the land Haitian peasants served the fWGx3ECq_yA-00356-00086780-00086986 spirits daily and sometime gather with fWGx3ECq_yA-00357-00086987-00087163 their extended family on special fWGx3ECq_yA-00358-00087164-00087343 occasions for ceremonies which may fWGx3ECq_yA-00359-00087344-00087550 celebrate the birthday of a spirit or a fWGx3ECq_yA-00360-00087551-00087805 particular event in very remote areas fWGx3ECq_yA-00361-00087806-00088048 people may walk for days to partake in fWGx3ECq_yA-00362-00088049-00088255 ceremonies that take place as often as fWGx3ECq_yA-00363-00088256-00088366 several times a month fWGx3ECq_yA-00364-00088367-00088636 voodoo is closely tied to the division fWGx3ECq_yA-00365-00088637-00088840 and administration of land as well as to fWGx3ECq_yA-00366-00088841-00089128 the residential economy the cemeteries fWGx3ECq_yA-00367-00089129-00089299 and many crossroads are meaningful fWGx3ECq_yA-00368-00089300-00089530 places for worship the cemetery acts as fWGx3ECq_yA-00369-00089531-00089707 a repository of spirits and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00370-00089708-00089902 crossroads acts as points of access to fWGx3ECq_yA-00371-00089903-00090305 the world of the invisible fWGx3ECq_yA-00372-00090306-00090795 topic priests fWGx3ECq_yA-00373-00090796-00091167 topic hungins male voodoo priest or fWGx3ECq_yA-00374-00091168-00091419 Mambo's female voodoo priest are usually fWGx3ECq_yA-00375-00091420-00091569 people who were chosen by the dead fWGx3ECq_yA-00376-00091570-00091749 ancestors and received the divination fWGx3ECq_yA-00377-00091750-00091926 from the deities while he or she was fWGx3ECq_yA-00378-00091927-00092201 possessed his or her tendency is to do fWGx3ECq_yA-00379-00092202-00092370 good by helping and protecting others fWGx3ECq_yA-00380-00092371-00092472 from spells fWGx3ECq_yA-00381-00092473-00092619 however they sometimes use their fWGx3ECq_yA-00382-00092620-00092784 supernatural power to hurt or kill fWGx3ECq_yA-00383-00092785-00092841 people fWGx3ECq_yA-00384-00092842-00093096 they also conduct ceremonies that fWGx3ECq_yA-00385-00093097-00093198 usually take place fWGx3ECq_yA-00386-00093199-00093537 Amba Parris still under a voodoo temple fWGx3ECq_yA-00387-00093538-00093786 however non hung and or non Mambo is fWGx3ECq_yA-00388-00093787-00093975 voodoo since are not initiated and are fWGx3ECq_yA-00389-00093976-00094281 referred to as being bah Sal it is not a fWGx3ECq_yA-00390-00094282-00094463 requirement to be an initiate to serve fWGx3ECq_yA-00391-00094464-00094734 one spirits there are clergy in Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00392-00094735-00094959 voodoo whose responsibility it is to fWGx3ECq_yA-00393-00094960-00095136 preserve the rituals and songs and fWGx3ECq_yA-00394-00095137-00095304 maintain the relationship between the fWGx3ECq_yA-00395-00095305-00095460 spirits and the community as a whole fWGx3ECq_yA-00396-00095461-00095598 though some of this is the fWGx3ECq_yA-00397-00095599-00095801 responsibility of the whole community as fWGx3ECq_yA-00398-00095802-00096060 well they are entrusted with leading the fWGx3ECq_yA-00399-00096061-00096228 service of all of the spirits of their fWGx3ECq_yA-00400-00096229-00096606 lineage sometimes they are called to fWGx3ECq_yA-00401-00096607-00096759 serve in a process called being fWGx3ECq_yA-00402-00096760-00096971 reclaimed which they may resist at first fWGx3ECq_yA-00403-00096972-00097212 below the hound goons and Mambo's are fWGx3ECq_yA-00404-00097213-00097410 the houses who are initiates who act as fWGx3ECq_yA-00405-00097411-00097605 assistants during ceremonies and who are fWGx3ECq_yA-00406-00097606-00097734 dedicated to their own personal fWGx3ECq_yA-00407-00097735-00098091 mysteries the acid calabash rattle is fWGx3ECq_yA-00408-00098092-00098276 the symbol for one who has acquired the fWGx3ECq_yA-00409-00098277-00098493 status of hung and/or Mambo priest or fWGx3ECq_yA-00410-00098494-00098772 priestess in Haitian voodoo the calabash fWGx3ECq_yA-00411-00098773-00098988 is taken from the calabash current or fWGx3ECq_yA-00412-00098989-00099165 calabash ordinary tree which is fWGx3ECq_yA-00413-00099166-00099462 associated with Dan Bala we do a hung fWGx3ECq_yA-00414-00099463-00099690 ander Mambo traditionally holds the acid fWGx3ECq_yA-00415-00099691-00099849 in their hand along with a clochette fWGx3ECq_yA-00416-00099850-00100164 Bell the Assam contains stones and snake fWGx3ECq_yA-00417-00100165-00100407 vertebrae that give it its sound the fWGx3ECq_yA-00418-00100408-00100599 hacen is covered with a web of porcelain fWGx3ECq_yA-00419-00100600-00100854 beads a bokor as a sorcerer or magician fWGx3ECq_yA-00420-00100855-00101130 who cast spells on request they are not fWGx3ECq_yA-00421-00101131-00101310 necessarily priests and may be fWGx3ECq_yA-00422-00101311-00101619 practitioners of darker things and are fWGx3ECq_yA-00423-00101620-00101819 often not accepted by the Mambo or the fWGx3ECq_yA-00424-00101820-00102138 Hagen bokor can also be a Haitian term fWGx3ECq_yA-00425-00102139-00102279 for a voodoo priest or other fWGx3ECq_yA-00426-00102280-00102453 practitioner who works with both the fWGx3ECq_yA-00427-00102454-00102734 light and dark arts of magic the bokor fWGx3ECq_yA-00428-00102735-00102980 in that sense deals in baka malevolent fWGx3ECq_yA-00429-00102981-00103164 spirits contained in the form of various fWGx3ECq_yA-00430-00103165-00103494 animals fWGx3ECq_yA-00431-00103495-00104045 topic death in the afterlife fWGx3ECq_yA-00432-00104046-00104393 topic practitioners of Voodoo revered fWGx3ECq_yA-00433-00104394-00104540 death and believe it is a great fWGx3ECq_yA-00434-00104541-00104747 transition from one life to another or fWGx3ECq_yA-00435-00104748-00104842 to the afterlife fWGx3ECq_yA-00436-00104843-00105085 some voodoo families believe that a fWGx3ECq_yA-00437-00105086-00105296 person's spirit leaves the body but is fWGx3ECq_yA-00438-00105297-00105484 trapped in water over mountains in fWGx3ECq_yA-00439-00105485-00105755 grottoes or anywhere else a voice may fWGx3ECq_yA-00440-00105756-00106033 call out an echo for one year in one day fWGx3ECq_yA-00441-00106033-00106325 after then a ceremonial celebration fWGx3ECq_yA-00442-00106326-00106486 commemorates the deceased for being fWGx3ECq_yA-00443-00106488-00106667 released into the world to live again in fWGx3ECq_yA-00444-00106668-00106949 the words of Edwidge Danticat author of fWGx3ECq_yA-00445-00106950-00107291 a year in a day an article about death fWGx3ECq_yA-00446-00107292-00107498 in Haitian society published in The New fWGx3ECq_yA-00447-00107499-00107771 Yorker and a voodoo practitioner the fWGx3ECq_yA-00448-00107772-00107996 year in a day commemoration as seen in fWGx3ECq_yA-00449-00107997-00108233 families that believe in it and practice fWGx3ECq_yA-00450-00108233-00108443 it as a tremendous obligation an fWGx3ECq_yA-00451-00108444-00108665 honorable duty in part because it fWGx3ECq_yA-00452-00108666-00108902 assures a transcendental continuity of fWGx3ECq_yA-00453-00108903-00109124 the kind that has kept us Haitians no fWGx3ECq_yA-00454-00109125-00109295 matter where we live linked to our fWGx3ECq_yA-00455-00109296-00109658 ancestors for generations after the soul fWGx3ECq_yA-00456-00109658-00109847 of the deceased leaves its resting place fWGx3ECq_yA-00457-00109848-00110083 it can occupy trees and even become a fWGx3ECq_yA-00458-00110084-00110318 hushed voice on the wind though other fWGx3ECq_yA-00459-00110319-00110509 Haitian and West African families fWGx3ECq_yA-00460-00110510-00110663 believe there is an afterlife in fWGx3ECq_yA-00461-00110664-00111207 paradise in the realm of God fWGx3ECq_yA-00462-00111208-00111620 history fWGx3ECq_yA-00463-00111621-00111989 topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00464-00111990-00112343 topic before 1685 from Africa to the fWGx3ECq_yA-00465-00112344-00112714 Caribbean fWGx3ECq_yA-00466-00112715-00113074 topic the cultural area of the font you fWGx3ECq_yA-00467-00113075-00113290 and Yoruba peoples share a common fWGx3ECq_yA-00468-00113291-00113469 metaphysical conception of a dual fWGx3ECq_yA-00469-00113470-00113722 cosmological divine principle consisting fWGx3ECq_yA-00470-00113723-00113938 of naina Bullock ooh the God Creator and fWGx3ECq_yA-00471-00113939-00114157 the votans our God actors daughters and fWGx3ECq_yA-00472-00114158-00114367 sons of the creators twin children mooo fWGx3ECq_yA-00473-00114368-00114595 goddess of the moon and Lisa God of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00474-00114596-00114868 Sun the god creator is the cosmogony fWGx3ECq_yA-00475-00114869-00115069 coal principle and is not trifle with fWGx3ECq_yA-00476-00115070-00115228 the mundane the votans are the god fWGx3ECq_yA-00477-00115229-00115417 actors who actually govern earthly fWGx3ECq_yA-00478-00115418-00115702 issues the pantheon of Vaadin is quite fWGx3ECq_yA-00479-00115703-00116077 large in complex west-african Vodun has fWGx3ECq_yA-00480-00116078-00116310 its primary emphasis on ancestors with fWGx3ECq_yA-00481-00116311-00116488 each family of spirits having its own fWGx3ECq_yA-00482-00116489-00116701 specialized priest and priestess which fWGx3ECq_yA-00483-00116702-00116958 are often hereditary in many African fWGx3ECq_yA-00484-00116959-00117210 clans deities might include mami wata fWGx3ECq_yA-00485-00117211-00117429 who are gods and goddesses of the waters fWGx3ECq_yA-00486-00117430-00117646 Legba who in some clans is virile and fWGx3ECq_yA-00487-00117647-00117871 young in contrast to the old man form he fWGx3ECq_yA-00488-00117872-00118123 takes in Hadean in many parts of togo GU fWGx3ECq_yA-00489-00118124-00118333 Oro goon ruling iron and Smith craft fWGx3ECq_yA-00490-00118333-00118603 sack bata who rules diseases and many fWGx3ECq_yA-00491-00118604-00118785 other spirits distinct in their own way fWGx3ECq_yA-00492-00118786-00119119 to West Africa a significant portion of fWGx3ECq_yA-00493-00119120-00119302 Haitian Vodou often overlooked by fWGx3ECq_yA-00494-00119303-00119503 scholars until recently as the input fWGx3ECq_yA-00495-00119504-00119791 from the Congo the entire northern area fWGx3ECq_yA-00496-00119792-00120016 of Haiti is heavily influenced by Congo fWGx3ECq_yA-00497-00120017-00120309 practices in northern Haiti it is often fWGx3ECq_yA-00498-00120310-00120520 called the Congo writer Lamba from the fWGx3ECq_yA-00499-00120521-00120727 lembeh rituals of the Luongo area and fWGx3ECq_yA-00500-00120728-00121045 Mayombe in the south congo influence is fWGx3ECq_yA-00501-00121046-00121270 called petrol petrol many Lowa fWGx3ECq_yA-00502-00121271-00121507 a key Congo term are of Congo origin fWGx3ECq_yA-00503-00121508-00121678 such as Basim blaa belonging to the fWGx3ECq_yA-00504-00121679-00121897 vasila people and the lembeh in addition fWGx3ECq_yA-00505-00121898-00122065 the vote and religion distinct from fWGx3ECq_yA-00506-00122066-00122259 haitian vodou already existed in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00507-00122260-00122473 United States previously to Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00508-00122474-00122638 immigration having been brought by fWGx3ECq_yA-00509-00122639-00122890 enslaved West Africans specifically from fWGx3ECq_yA-00510-00122891-00123028 the u Fon Mena fWGx3ECq_yA-00511-00123029-00123340 Cobb ia and nago groups some of the more fWGx3ECq_yA-00512-00123341-00123508 enduring forms survive in the Gullah fWGx3ECq_yA-00513-00123508-00123871 islands European colonialism followed by fWGx3ECq_yA-00514-00123872-00124108 totalitarian regimes in West Africa fWGx3ECq_yA-00515-00124108-00124300 suppress voting as well as other forms fWGx3ECq_yA-00516-00124301-00124554 of the religion however because the fWGx3ECq_yA-00517-00124555-00124756 voting deities are born to each African fWGx3ECq_yA-00518-00124757-00124959 Klan group and its clergy is central to fWGx3ECq_yA-00519-00124960-00125136 maintaining the moral social and fWGx3ECq_yA-00520-00125138-00125377 political order an ancestral foundation fWGx3ECq_yA-00521-00125378-00125527 of its villagers it proved to be fWGx3ECq_yA-00522-00125528-00125989 impossible to eradicate the religion fWGx3ECq_yA-00523-00125990-00126478 topic 1685 to 1791 voodoo in colonial fWGx3ECq_yA-00524-00126479-00126897 saint domain fWGx3ECq_yA-00525-00126898-00127245 topic the majority of the Africans who fWGx3ECq_yA-00526-00127246-00127401 were brought as slaves to Haiti were fWGx3ECq_yA-00527-00127402-00127658 from Western and Central Africa the fWGx3ECq_yA-00528-00127659-00127845 survival of the belief systems in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00529-00127846-00127980 new world is remarkable fWGx3ECq_yA-00530-00127981-00128130 although the traditions have changed fWGx3ECq_yA-00531-00128131-00128316 with time and have even taken on some fWGx3ECq_yA-00532-00128317-00128595 Catholic forms of worship two important fWGx3ECq_yA-00533-00128596-00128786 factors however characterized the fWGx3ECq_yA-00534-00128788-00128994 uniqueness of Haitian Vodou as compared fWGx3ECq_yA-00535-00128995-00129189 to African Vodun the transplanted fWGx3ECq_yA-00536-00129190-00129396 Africans of Haiti similar to those of fWGx3ECq_yA-00537-00129397-00129615 Cuba and Brazil were obliged to disguise fWGx3ECq_yA-00538-00129616-00129828 their lower spirits as Roman Catholic fWGx3ECq_yA-00539-00129829-00130020 saints an element of a process called fWGx3ECq_yA-00540-00130021-00130329 syncretism two keys provisions of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00541-00130330-00130602 code noir by king louis xiv of france in fWGx3ECq_yA-00542-00130603-00130883 1685 severely limited the ability of fWGx3ECq_yA-00543-00130884-00131091 enslaved africans in saint doming to fWGx3ECq_yA-00544-00131092-00131367 practice african religions first the fWGx3ECq_yA-00545-00131368-00131592 code noir explicitly forbade the open fWGx3ECq_yA-00546-00131593-00131898 practice of all African religions second fWGx3ECq_yA-00547-00131899-00132093 it forced all slaveholders to convert fWGx3ECq_yA-00548-00132094-00132285 their slaves to Catholicism within eight fWGx3ECq_yA-00549-00132286-00132479 days of their arrival in st. domain fWGx3ECq_yA-00550-00132480-00132777 despite French efforts enslaved Africans fWGx3ECq_yA-00551-00132778-00132966 in st. doming were able to cultivate fWGx3ECq_yA-00552-00132967-00133236 their own religious practices enslaved fWGx3ECq_yA-00553-00133237-00133431 Africans spent their Sunday and holiday fWGx3ECq_yA-00554-00133432-00133662 nights expressing themselves while fWGx3ECq_yA-00555-00133663-00133881 bodily autonomy was strictly controlled fWGx3ECq_yA-00556-00133882-00134043 during the day at night the enslaved fWGx3ECq_yA-00557-00134044-00134352 Africans wielded a degree of agency they fWGx3ECq_yA-00558-00134353-00134505 began to continue their religious fWGx3ECq_yA-00559-00134506-00134700 practices but also used the time to fWGx3ECq_yA-00560-00134701-00134901 cultivate community and reconnect the fWGx3ECq_yA-00561-00134902-00135066 fragmented pieces of their various fWGx3ECq_yA-00562-00135067-00135330 Heritage's these late-night reprieves fWGx3ECq_yA-00563-00135331-00135525 were a form of resistance against white fWGx3ECq_yA-00564-00135526-00135750 domination and also created community fWGx3ECq_yA-00565-00135751-00135945 cohesion between people from vastly fWGx3ECq_yA-00566-00135946-00136167 different ethnic groups while fWGx3ECq_yA-00567-00136168-00136350 Catholicism was used as a tool for fWGx3ECq_yA-00568-00136351-00136599 suppression enslaved Haitians partly out fWGx3ECq_yA-00569-00136600-00136809 of necessity would go on to incorporate fWGx3ECq_yA-00570-00136810-00136989 aspects of Christianity into their fWGx3ECq_yA-00571-00136990-00137298 voodoo madera clois a lemur Eau de Saint fWGx3ECq_yA-00572-00137299-00137598 Mary a French observer writing in 1797 fWGx3ECq_yA-00573-00137599-00137753 noted this religious syncretism fWGx3ECq_yA-00574-00137754-00137955 commenting that the Catholic style fWGx3ECq_yA-00575-00137956-00138135 altars and votive candles used by fWGx3ECq_yA-00576-00138136-00138306 Africans in Haiti were meant to conceal fWGx3ECq_yA-00577-00138307-00138489 the Africanist of the religion but the fWGx3ECq_yA-00578-00138490-00138654 connection goes much further than that fWGx3ECq_yA-00579-00138655-00138960 vote unist superimposed Catholic saints fWGx3ECq_yA-00580-00138961-00139206 and figures under the IWA Iowa major fWGx3ECq_yA-00581-00139207-00139407 spirits that work as agents of the grand fWGx3ECq_yA-00582-00139408-00139686 met some examples of major Catholic fWGx3ECq_yA-00583-00139687-00139944 idols reimagined as IWA are the Virgin fWGx3ECq_yA-00584-00139945-00140286 Mary being seen as easily st. Jacques Oh fWGx3ECq_yA-00585-00140287-00140538 and st. Patrick is damballa voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00586-00140539-00140793 ceremonies and rituals also incorporated fWGx3ECq_yA-00587-00140794-00140961 some Catholic elements such as the fWGx3ECq_yA-00588-00140962-00141156 adoption of the Catholic calendar the fWGx3ECq_yA-00589-00141157-00141366 use of holy water in purification fWGx3ECq_yA-00590-00141367-00141522 rituals singing hymns and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00591-00141523-00141720 introduction of Latin loanwords into fWGx3ECq_yA-00592-00141721-00142156 voodoo lexicon fWGx3ECq_yA-00593-00142157-00142575 topic 1791 to 1804 the Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00594-00142576-00142955 Revolution fWGx3ECq_yA-00595-00142956-00143306 topic the most historically iconic fWGx3ECq_yA-00596-00143307-00143519 voodoo ceremony in Haitian history was fWGx3ECq_yA-00597-00143520-00143801 the Bois caiman ceremony of August 1791 fWGx3ECq_yA-00598-00143802-00143984 that took place on the eve of a slave fWGx3ECq_yA-00599-00143985-00144158 rebellion that predated the Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00600-00144159-00144407 Revolution during the ceremony the fWGx3ECq_yA-00601-00144408-00144584 spirit easily dander possessed a fWGx3ECq_yA-00602-00144585-00144791 priestess and received a black pig as an fWGx3ECq_yA-00603-00144792-00144965 offering and all those present pledged fWGx3ECq_yA-00604-00144966-00145114 themselves to the fight for freedom fWGx3ECq_yA-00605-00145115-00145370 while there is debate on whether or not fWGx3ECq_yA-00606-00145371-00145544 Bois caiman was truly a voodoo ritual fWGx3ECq_yA-00607-00145545-00145793 the ceremony also served as a covert fWGx3ECq_yA-00608-00145794-00145961 meeting to iron out details regarding fWGx3ECq_yA-00609-00145962-00146279 the revolt voodoo ceremonies often held fWGx3ECq_yA-00610-00146280-00146465 a political secondary function that fWGx3ECq_yA-00611-00146466-00146678 strengthen bonds between enslaved people fWGx3ECq_yA-00612-00146679-00146876 while providing space for organizing fWGx3ECq_yA-00613-00146877-00147134 within the community political leaders fWGx3ECq_yA-00614-00147135-00147335 such as Bachmann duddy a slave who fWGx3ECq_yA-00615-00147336-00147620 helped plan the 1791 revolt also served fWGx3ECq_yA-00616-00147621-00147812 as religious leader connecting voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00617-00147813-00148103 spirituality with political action dois fWGx3ECq_yA-00618-00148104-00148325 Kaman has often been cited as the start fWGx3ECq_yA-00619-00148326-00148511 of the Haitian Revolution but the slave fWGx3ECq_yA-00620-00148512-00148709 uprising had already been planned weeks fWGx3ECq_yA-00621-00148710-00148895 in advance proving that the thirst for fWGx3ECq_yA-00622-00148896-00149150 freedom had always been present the fWGx3ECq_yA-00623-00149151-00149327 revolution would free the Haitian people fWGx3ECq_yA-00624-00149328-00149612 from French colonial rule in 1804 and fWGx3ECq_yA-00625-00149613-00149807 established the first black people s fWGx3ECq_yA-00626-00149808-00150068 Republic in the history of the world and fWGx3ECq_yA-00627-00150069-00150257 the second independent nation in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00628-00150258-00150563 Americas Haitian nationalists have fWGx3ECq_yA-00629-00150564-00150764 frequently drawn inspiration by fWGx3ECq_yA-00630-00150765-00151052 imagining their ancestors gathering of fWGx3ECq_yA-00631-00151053-00151361 unity and courage since the 1990s some fWGx3ECq_yA-00632-00151362-00151565 neo evangelicals have interpreted the fWGx3ECq_yA-00633-00151566-00151766 political religious ceremony at Bois fWGx3ECq_yA-00634-00151767-00151946 caiman to have been a pact with demons fWGx3ECq_yA-00635-00151947-00152228 this extremist view is not considered fWGx3ECq_yA-00636-00152229-00152420 credible by mainstream Protestants fWGx3ECq_yA-00637-00152421-00152606 however conservatives such as Pat fWGx3ECq_yA-00638-00152607-00153092 Robertson repeat the idea fWGx3ECq_yA-00639-00153093-00153669 topic voodoo in nineteenth-century Haiti fWGx3ECq_yA-00640-00153670-00154016 topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00641-00154017-00154715 topic 1804 liberty isolation boycott fWGx3ECq_yA-00642-00154716-00155144 topic on the 1st of January 1804 the fWGx3ECq_yA-00643-00155145-00155396 former slave jean-jacques Dessalines as fWGx3ECq_yA-00644-00155397-00155600 Jacques I declared the independence of fWGx3ECq_yA-00645-00155601-00155837 st. doming as the first black Empire two fWGx3ECq_yA-00646-00155838-00156053 years later after his assassination it fWGx3ECq_yA-00647-00156054-00156320 became the Republic of Haiti this was fWGx3ECq_yA-00648-00156321-00156458 the second nation to gain independence fWGx3ECq_yA-00649-00156459-00156701 from European rule after the United fWGx3ECq_yA-00650-00156702-00156890 States and the only state to have arisen fWGx3ECq_yA-00651-00156891-00157184 from the liberation of slaves no nation fWGx3ECq_yA-00652-00157185-00157358 recognized the new state which was fWGx3ECq_yA-00653-00157359-00157573 instead met with isolation and boycotts fWGx3ECq_yA-00654-00157574-00157850 this exclusion from the global market fWGx3ECq_yA-00655-00157851-00158069 led to major economic difficulties for fWGx3ECq_yA-00656-00158070-00158345 the new state many of the leaders of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00657-00158346-00158558 revolt disassociated themselves from fWGx3ECq_yA-00658-00158559-00158777 voodoo they strived to be accepted as fWGx3ECq_yA-00659-00158778-00158975 Frenchmen and good Catholics rather than fWGx3ECq_yA-00660-00158976-00159242 as free Haitians yet most practitioners fWGx3ECq_yA-00661-00159243-00159458 of voodoo saw and still see no fWGx3ECq_yA-00662-00159459-00159626 contradiction between voodoo and fWGx3ECq_yA-00663-00159627-00159833 Catholicism and also take part in fWGx3ECq_yA-00664-00159834-00160240 Catholic masses fWGx3ECq_yA-00665-00160241-00160582 topic 1835 voodoo made punishable secret fWGx3ECq_yA-00666-00160583-00160943 societies fWGx3ECq_yA-00667-00160944-00161270 topic the new Haitian state did not fWGx3ECq_yA-00668-00161271-00161465 recognize voodoo as an official religion fWGx3ECq_yA-00669-00161466-00161825 in 1835 the government made practicing fWGx3ECq_yA-00670-00161826-00162035 voodoo punishable secret voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00671-00162036-00162227 societies therefore continued to be fWGx3ECq_yA-00672-00162228-00162497 important these societies also provided fWGx3ECq_yA-00673-00162498-00162692 the poor with protection and solidarity fWGx3ECq_yA-00674-00162693-00162902 against the exercising of power by the fWGx3ECq_yA-00675-00162903-00163148 elite they had their own symbols and fWGx3ECq_yA-00676-00163149-00163471 codes fWGx3ECq_yA-00677-00163472-00164074 topic 20th century to the present fWGx3ECq_yA-00678-00164075-00164458 topic today voodoo is practiced not only fWGx3ECq_yA-00679-00164459-00164683 by Haitians but by Americans and people fWGx3ECq_yA-00680-00164684-00164839 of many other nations who have been fWGx3ECq_yA-00681-00164840-00165102 exposed to Haitian culture Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00682-00165103-00165322 Creole forms of Voodoo exist in Haiti fWGx3ECq_yA-00683-00165323-00165568 the Dominican Republic Cuba some of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00684-00165569-00165784 outer islands of the Bahamas the United fWGx3ECq_yA-00685-00165785-00165943 States and other places to which fWGx3ECq_yA-00686-00165944-00166186 Haitians have immigrated there has been fWGx3ECq_yA-00687-00166187-00166402 a rien sub the voting traditions in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00688-00166403-00166590 United States maintaining the same fWGx3ECq_yA-00689-00166591-00166822 ritual in cosmological elements as in fWGx3ECq_yA-00690-00166823-00167089 West Africa these and other African fWGx3ECq_yA-00691-00167090-00167328 diasporic religions such as Lukumi or fWGx3ECq_yA-00692-00167329-00167569 Regla de OCHA also known as Santeria in fWGx3ECq_yA-00693-00167570-00167833 Cuba and candle a anoon banda in brazil fWGx3ECq_yA-00694-00167834-00168003 have evolved among descendants of fWGx3ECq_yA-00695-00168004-00168252 transplanted Africans in the Americas fWGx3ECq_yA-00696-00168253-00168516 former President of Haiti Francois de fWGx3ECq_yA-00697-00168517-00168739 valor' also known as Papa Doc played a fWGx3ECq_yA-00698-00168740-00168943 role in elevating the status of Voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00699-00168944-00169213 into a national doctrine do valor was fWGx3ECq_yA-00700-00169214-00169396 involved in the noe reeseman movement fWGx3ECq_yA-00701-00169397-00169602 and hoped to revalue cultural practices fWGx3ECq_yA-00702-00169603-00169854 that had their origins in Africa do fWGx3ECq_yA-00703-00169855-00170052 valor manipulated voodoo to suit his fWGx3ECq_yA-00704-00170053-00170226 purposes throughout his reign of terror fWGx3ECq_yA-00705-00170227-00170506 he organized the Voodoo priests in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00706-00170507-00170686 countryside and had them advance his fWGx3ECq_yA-00707-00170687-00170908 agenda instilling fear through promoting fWGx3ECq_yA-00708-00170909-00171046 the belief that he had supernatural fWGx3ECq_yA-00709-00171047-00171244 powers playing into the religions fWGx3ECq_yA-00710-00171245-00171460 mysticism many Haitians involved in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00711-00171461-00171613 practice of voodoo have been initiated fWGx3ECq_yA-00712-00171614-00171985 as handguns or Mambo's in January 2010 fWGx3ECq_yA-00713-00171986-00172191 after the Haiti earthquake traditional fWGx3ECq_yA-00714-00172192-00172396 ceremonies were organized to appease the fWGx3ECq_yA-00715-00172397-00172549 spirits and seek the blessing of fWGx3ECq_yA-00716-00172550-00172810 ancestors for the Haitians also a fWGx3ECq_yA-00717-00172811-00173149 purification ceremony was planned for fWGx3ECq_yA-00718-00173150-00173467 Haiti fWGx3ECq_yA-00719-00173468-00173761 topic controversy after the 2010 fWGx3ECq_yA-00720-00173762-00174138 earthquake fWGx3ECq_yA-00721-00174139-00174465 topic following the 2010 Haiti fWGx3ECq_yA-00722-00174466-00174624 earthquake there were verbal and fWGx3ECq_yA-00723-00174625-00174783 physical attacks against voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00724-00174784-00174978 practitioners in Haiti perpetrated by fWGx3ECq_yA-00725-00174979-00175137 those who felt that vote duysts were fWGx3ECq_yA-00726-00175138-00175335 partially responsible for the natural fWGx3ECq_yA-00727-00175336-00175590 disaster furthermore during a cholera fWGx3ECq_yA-00728-00175591-00175869 outbreak in 2010 several voodoo priests fWGx3ECq_yA-00729-00175870-00176031 were lynched by mobs who believed them fWGx3ECq_yA-00730-00176032-00176450 to be spreading the disease fWGx3ECq_yA-00731-00176451-00176735 topic demographics and geographic fWGx3ECq_yA-00732-00176736-00177136 distribution fWGx3ECq_yA-00733-00177137-00177430 topic because of the religious fWGx3ECq_yA-00734-00177431-00177628 syncretism between catholicism and fWGx3ECq_yA-00735-00177629-00177823 voodoo it is difficult to estimate the fWGx3ECq_yA-00736-00177824-00178096 number of votes in haiti the CIA fWGx3ECq_yA-00737-00178097-00178258 currently estimates that approximately fWGx3ECq_yA-00738-00178259-00178651 50% of Haiti s population practices fWGx3ECq_yA-00739-00178652-00178873 voodoo with nearly all vote duysts fWGx3ECq_yA-00740-00178874-00179176 participating in one of Haiti s fWGx3ECq_yA-00741-00179177-00179638 Christian denominations fWGx3ECq_yA-00742-00179639-00180297 topic gallery of Haitian Vodou objects fWGx3ECq_yA-00743-00180298-00180683 topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00744-00180684-00181261 topic myths and misconceptions fWGx3ECq_yA-00745-00181262-00181626 topic voodoo has often been associated fWGx3ECq_yA-00746-00181627-00181795 in popular culture with Satanism fWGx3ECq_yA-00747-00181796-00182112 witchcraft zombies in voodoo dolls fWGx3ECq_yA-00748-00182113-00182362 zombie creation has been referenced fWGx3ECq_yA-00749-00182363-00182557 within rural Haitian culture but is not fWGx3ECq_yA-00750-00182558-00182794 a part of Voodoo such manifestations fWGx3ECq_yA-00751-00182795-00183043 fall under the auspices of the bokor or fWGx3ECq_yA-00752-00183044-00183223 sorcerer rather than the priest of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00753-00183224-00183493 Lowa the practice of sticking pins in fWGx3ECq_yA-00754-00183494-00183697 voodoo dolls has history and folk magic fWGx3ECq_yA-00755-00183698-00184033 voodoo dolls are often associated with fWGx3ECq_yA-00756-00184034-00184234 New Orleans Voodoo and hoodoo as well fWGx3ECq_yA-00757-00184235-00184426 the magical devices of the puppet and fWGx3ECq_yA-00758-00184427-00184641 the in kisi or bozo of West and Central fWGx3ECq_yA-00759-00184642-00184972 Africa the general fear of Voodoo in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00760-00184973-00185158 u.s. can be traced back to the end of fWGx3ECq_yA-00761-00185159-00185482 the Haitian Revolution 1791 to 1804 fWGx3ECq_yA-00762-00185483-00185707 there is a legend that Haitians were fWGx3ECq_yA-00763-00185708-00185860 able to beat the French during the fWGx3ECq_yA-00764-00185861-00186034 Haitian Revolution because their voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00765-00186035-00186313 deities made them invincible the u.s. fWGx3ECq_yA-00766-00186314-00186511 seeing the tremendous potential voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00767-00186512-00186678 had for rallying its followers and fWGx3ECq_yA-00768-00186679-00186847 inciting them to action feared the fWGx3ECq_yA-00769-00186848-00187029 events at Bois caiman could spill over fWGx3ECq_yA-00770-00187030-00187150 onto American soil fWGx3ECq_yA-00771-00187151-00187384 after the Haitian Revolution many fWGx3ECq_yA-00772-00187385-00187623 Haitians fled as refugees to New Orleans fWGx3ECq_yA-00773-00187624-00187885 free and enslaved Haitians who moved to fWGx3ECq_yA-00774-00187886-00188044 New Orleans brought their religious fWGx3ECq_yA-00775-00188045-00188233 beliefs with them and reinvigorated the fWGx3ECq_yA-00776-00188234-00188391 voodoo practices that were already fWGx3ECq_yA-00777-00188392-00188698 present in the city eventually voodoo in fWGx3ECq_yA-00778-00188699-00188863 New Orleans became hidden and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00779-00188864-00189061 magical components were left present in fWGx3ECq_yA-00780-00189062-00189310 the public sphere this created what is fWGx3ECq_yA-00781-00189311-00189484 called hoodoo in the southern part of fWGx3ECq_yA-00782-00189485-00189769 the United States because hoodoo as folk fWGx3ECq_yA-00783-00189770-00189988 magic voodoo and Afro diasporic fWGx3ECq_yA-00784-00189989-00190156 religions in the u.s. became synonymous fWGx3ECq_yA-00785-00190157-00190452 with fraud this is one origin of the fWGx3ECq_yA-00786-00190453-00190653 stereotype that Haitian voodoo New fWGx3ECq_yA-00787-00190654-00190873 Orleans Voodoo and hoodoo are all tricks fWGx3ECq_yA-00788-00190874-00191040 used to make money off of the gullible fWGx3ECq_yA-00789-00191041-00191197 the elites preferred to view it as fWGx3ECq_yA-00790-00191198-00191364 folklore in an attempt to render it fWGx3ECq_yA-00791-00191365-00191584 relatively harmless as a curiosity that fWGx3ECq_yA-00792-00191585-00191766 might continue to inspire music and fWGx3ECq_yA-00793-00191767-00192037 dance fearing an uprising in opposition fWGx3ECq_yA-00794-00192038-00192373 to the u.s. occupation of Haiti 1915 to fWGx3ECq_yA-00795-00192374-00192643 1934 political and religious elites fWGx3ECq_yA-00796-00192644-00192811 along with Hollywood and the film fWGx3ECq_yA-00797-00192812-00192994 industry sought to trivialize the fWGx3ECq_yA-00798-00192995-00193249 practice of Voodoo Hollywood often fWGx3ECq_yA-00799-00193250-00193452 depicts voodoo as evil and having ties fWGx3ECq_yA-00800-00193453-00193675 to satanic practices in movies such as fWGx3ECq_yA-00801-00193676-00193957 white zombie the devil s advocate the fWGx3ECq_yA-00802-00193958-00194182 Blair Witch Project the Serpent and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00803-00194183-00194407 rainbow child fWGx3ECq_yA-00804-00194408-00194608 s play Live and Let Die and in fWGx3ECq_yA-00805-00194609-00194775 children's movies like The Princess and fWGx3ECq_yA-00806-00194776-00194925 the Frog though this last example fWGx3ECq_yA-00807-00194926-00195112 countered this trope with a kindly fWGx3ECq_yA-00808-00195113-00195274 voodoo priestess who helps the main fWGx3ECq_yA-00809-00195275-00195702 characters in 2010 a 7.0 earthquake that fWGx3ECq_yA-00810-00195703-00195876 devastated Haiti brought negative fWGx3ECq_yA-00811-00195877-00196144 attention to voodoo televangelist Pat fWGx3ECq_yA-00812-00196145-00196360 Robertson stated that the country had fWGx3ECq_yA-00813-00196361-00196546 cursed itself after the events at voix fWGx3ECq_yA-00814-00196547-00196699 caiman because he claimed they had fWGx3ECq_yA-00815-00196700-00196902 engaged in satanic practices in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00816-00196903-00197059 ceremony preceding the Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00817-00197060-00197263 Revolution they were under the heel of fWGx3ECq_yA-00818-00197264-00197470 the French you know Napoleon the third fWGx3ECq_yA-00819-00197471-00197775 and whatever and they got together and fWGx3ECq_yA-00820-00197776-00198043 swore a pact to the devil they said we fWGx3ECq_yA-00821-00198044-00198220 will serve you if you will get us free fWGx3ECq_yA-00822-00198221-00198535 from the Prince true story and so the fWGx3ECq_yA-00823-00198536-00198772 devil said okay it's a deal and they fWGx3ECq_yA-00824-00198773-00199029 kicked the French out the Haitians fWGx3ECq_yA-00825-00199030-00199207 revolted and got something themselves fWGx3ECq_yA-00826-00199208-00199452 free but ever since they have been fWGx3ECq_yA-00827-00199453-00200052 cursed by one thing after another fWGx3ECq_yA-00828-00200053-00200668 topic Kos a and B a fWGx3ECq_yA-00829-00200669-00201024 topic scholarly research on voodoo and fWGx3ECq_yA-00830-00201025-00201232 other African spiritual retentions in fWGx3ECq_yA-00831-00201233-00201459 Haiti started in the early 20th century fWGx3ECq_yA-00832-00201460-00201619 with chronicles such as Zora Neale fWGx3ECq_yA-00833-00201620-00201978 Hurston's tell my horse amongst others fWGx3ECq_yA-00834-00201979-00202203 other notable early scholars of Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00835-00202204-00202398 Vodou one could cite are milo rego fWGx3ECq_yA-00836-00202399-00202647 Alfred Metro and Maya Deren for example fWGx3ECq_yA-00837-00202648-00203052 in April 1997 13 scholars gathered at fWGx3ECq_yA-00838-00203053-00203238 the University of California Santa fWGx3ECq_yA-00839-00203239-00203433 Barbara for a colloquium on Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00840-00203434-00203691 Vodou from that meeting the Congress of fWGx3ECq_yA-00841-00203692-00203904 Santa Barbara was created also known as fWGx3ECq_yA-00842-00203905-00204261 kos a NBA these scholars felt there was fWGx3ECq_yA-00843-00204262-00204481 a need for access to scholarly resources fWGx3ECq_yA-00844-00204482-00204682 and course offerings studying Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00845-00204683-00205086 Vodou and pledged less than pre greater fWGx3ECq_yA-00846-00205087-00205341 than pre greater than dot-dot-dot to fWGx3ECq_yA-00847-00205342-00205560 create a space where scholarship on fWGx3ECq_yA-00848-00205561-00205852 voodoo can be augmented as further fWGx3ECq_yA-00849-00205853-00206073 described in the Congress's declaration fWGx3ECq_yA-00850-00206073-00206382 the president's role and importance of fWGx3ECq_yA-00851-00206383-00206646 Voodoo in Haitian history society and fWGx3ECq_yA-00852-00206648-00206928 culture are unarguable and recognizably fWGx3ECq_yA-00853-00206929-00207252 a part of the national ethos the impact fWGx3ECq_yA-00854-00207253-00207462 of the religion cost spiritual and fWGx3ECq_yA-00855-00207463-00207681 intellectual disciplines on popular fWGx3ECq_yA-00856-00207682-00207954 national institutions human and gender fWGx3ECq_yA-00857-00207955-00208215 relations the family that plastic arts fWGx3ECq_yA-00858-00208216-00208458 philosophy and ethics oral and written fWGx3ECq_yA-00859-00208459-00208737 literature language popular and sacred fWGx3ECq_yA-00860-00208738-00208975 music Science and Technology and the fWGx3ECq_yA-00861-00208976-00209298 healing arts is indisputable it is the fWGx3ECq_yA-00862-00209300-00209511 belief of the Congress that voodoo plays fWGx3ECq_yA-00863-00209512-00209742 and shall continue to play a major role fWGx3ECq_yA-00864-00209744-00209944 in the grand scheme of Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00865-00209944-00210112 development and in the socio-economic fWGx3ECq_yA-00866-00210113-00210446 political and cultural arenas fWGx3ECq_yA-00867-00210448-00210715 development when real and successful fWGx3ECq_yA-00868-00210716-00210948 always comes from the modernization of fWGx3ECq_yA-00869-00210950-00211162 ancestral traditions anchored in the fWGx3ECq_yA-00870-00211163-00211425 rich cultural expressions of a people in fWGx3ECq_yA-00871-00211426-00211867 the fall of 2012 Kos a NBA successfully fWGx3ECq_yA-00872-00211867-00212038 petitioned the Library of Congress to fWGx3ECq_yA-00873-00212039-00212140 change the terms fWGx3ECq_yA-00874-00212141-00212523 buddhu and voodooism to the correct fWGx3ECq_yA-00875-00212525-00212817 spelling voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00876-00212819-00212996 you fWGx3ECq_yA-00877-00212996-00213550 topic organizations fWGx3ECq_yA-00878-00213551-00213901 topic in the aftermath of the Francois fWGx3ECq_yA-00879-00213902-00214084 de valor' dictatorship a number of fWGx3ECq_yA-00880-00214085-00214315 individuals including many Hagen sought fWGx3ECq_yA-00881-00214316-00214513 to organize means of Defense for Haitian fWGx3ECq_yA-00882-00214514-00214698 Vodou from defamation by Christian fWGx3ECq_yA-00883-00214700-00214963 missionaries and congregations one of fWGx3ECq_yA-00884-00214964-00215137 the first leading hung and to formally fWGx3ECq_yA-00885-00215138-00215346 organized other hung and in solidarity fWGx3ECq_yA-00886-00215348-00215731 was Wesner miranti 1959 to 2007 who fWGx3ECq_yA-00887-00215732-00215908 established the Voodoo Church of Haiti fWGx3ECq_yA-00888-00215909-00216217 in 1998 registered in 2001 by the fWGx3ECq_yA-00889-00216217-00216412 Ministry of Justice and the Commission fWGx3ECq_yA-00890-00216413-00216619 Nationale a poreless structuration to fWGx3ECq_yA-00891-00216619-00216984 voodoo co and AVO another individual who fWGx3ECq_yA-00892-00216985-00217185 has pursued the organization of Hong in fWGx3ECq_yA-00893-00217186-00217398 as Max Beauvoir who established and fWGx3ECq_yA-00894-00217400-00217573 heads the National Confederation of fWGx3ECq_yA-00895-00217573-00217876 Haitian Vodou topics see also topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00896-00217877-00218125 afro-american religion Haitian mythology fWGx3ECq_yA-00897-00218126-00218367 Haitian voodoo art hoodoo juju Louisiana fWGx3ECq_yA-00898-00218369-00218602 voodoo West African vote in witch doctor fWGx3ECq_yA-00899-00218603-00218848 topic footnotes topic topic reference s fWGx3ECq_yA-00900-00218848-00219067 topic topic further reading topic topic fWGx3ECq_yA-00901-00219067-00219259 external links topic Haiti and Cuba fWGx3ECq_yA-00902-00219260-00219565 voodoo racism and domination by Dmitri fWGx3ECq_yA-00903-00219566-00219721 Prieto Havana times fWGx3ECq_yA-00904-00219721-00220153 June 8 2009 rara voodoo power and fWGx3ECq_yA-00905-00220154-00220367 performance in haiti and its diaspora fWGx3ECq_yA-00906-00220369-00220606 voodoo brings solace to grieving fWGx3ECq_yA-00907-00220607-00220869 Haitians All Things Considered from NPR fWGx3ECq_yA-00908-00220869-00221257 audio and transcript January 20th 2010 fWGx3ECq_yA-00909-00221258-00221506 living voodoo speaking of faith from fWGx3ECq_yA-00910-00221507-00221748 American public media audio and fWGx3ECq_yA-00911-00221750-00222123 transcript February 4th 2010 voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00912-00222125-00222394 alive and well in Haiti slideshow by the fWGx3ECq_yA-00913-00222394-00222692 first post inside Haitian voodoo fWGx3ECq_yA-00914-00222694-00223039 slideshow by Life fXgBhJR9yro-00000-00000152-00000390 okay so this is a shave horse properly fXgBhJR9yro-00001-00000391-00000686 called a chair bodges shave horse fXgBhJR9yro-00002-00000687-00000999 not commonly used there and it's a vice fXgBhJR9yro-00003-00001000-00001287 to hold the work that you're working on fXgBhJR9yro-00004-00001288-00001366 and fXgBhJR9yro-00005-00001367-00001574 in this case i'm going to use a draw fXgBhJR9yro-00006-00001575-00001775 knife which was hand made by a local fXgBhJR9yro-00007-00001776-00002191 person and fXgBhJR9yro-00008-00002192-00002510 this shaves off thin layers fXgBhJR9yro-00009-00002511-00002702 of timber this this is actually going to fXgBhJR9yro-00010-00002703-00003015 be a knife fXgBhJR9yro-00011-00003016-00003447 for one of my grandsons fXgBhJR9yro-00012-00003447-00003695 and when we actually start with a piece fXgBhJR9yro-00013-00003696-00003951 of wood we start fXgBhJR9yro-00014-00003952-00004191 using an axe fXgBhJR9yro-00015-00004192-00004486 this is a hand forged axe it's extremely fXgBhJR9yro-00016-00004487-00004695 sharp and these are hand forward fXgBhJR9yro-00017-00004696-00004951 hand-forged hand-made in sweden and each fXgBhJR9yro-00018-00004952-00005238 of the axes actually has the initials of fXgBhJR9yro-00019-00005239-00005502 the maker stamped on them fXgBhJR9yro-00020-00005503-00005854 most of the axes you buy now are made fXgBhJR9yro-00021-00005855-00006022 they come from china or from other third fXgBhJR9yro-00022-00006023-00006134 world countries and they're mass fXgBhJR9yro-00023-00006135-00006367 produced these are really beautiful fXgBhJR9yro-00024-00006368-00006598 craftspersons axes and this particular fXgBhJR9yro-00025-00006600-00006863 one is extremely light so all the ladies fXgBhJR9yro-00026-00006864-00007046 who go to spoon club get to use my fXgBhJR9yro-00027-00007047-00007191 little axe because it's much easier to fXgBhJR9yro-00028-00007192-00007492 handle fXGjWw85QQk-00000-00000119-00000318 hello friends welcome to pioneer of fXGjWw85QQk-00001-00000319-00000543 success we are conducting the series fXGjWw85QQk-00002-00000544-00000790 particle tracing for fluid flow we have fXGjWw85QQk-00003-00000791-00000999 already uploaded two videos in this fXGjWw85QQk-00004-00001000-00001262 series and in the first video we talked fXGjWw85QQk-00005-00001263-00001591 about various scopes of modeling with fXGjWw85QQk-00006-00001592-00001847 this particular physics and in the next fXGjWw85QQk-00007-00001848-00002118 video we talked about brownian dynamics fXGjWw85QQk-00008-00002119-00002326 we took brownian force in the particle fXGjWw85QQk-00009-00002327-00002558 tracing module and we have shown how fXGjWw85QQk-00010-00002559-00002871 exactly brownian dynamics happen in this fXGjWw85QQk-00011-00002872-00003079 video we'll be talking about competing fXGjWw85QQk-00012-00003080-00003351 force suppose we have a particle and two fXGjWw85QQk-00013-00003352-00003631 competing forces are acting one force is fXGjWw85QQk-00014-00003632-00003911 trying to pull it down and other force fXGjWw85QQk-00015-00003911-00004159 is is trying to say fXGjWw85QQk-00016-00004160-00004495 keep it upwards so what happens if we fXGjWw85QQk-00017-00004496-00004759 change the magnitude we can visualize fXGjWw85QQk-00018-00004760-00005006 in that case the dynamics of the fXGjWw85QQk-00019-00005007-00005183 particle will be governed by the fXGjWw85QQk-00020-00005184-00005470 resultant force and we will exactly look fXGjWw85QQk-00021-00005471-00005654 at this particular thing here this is fXGjWw85QQk-00022-00005655-00005783 very simple fXGjWw85QQk-00023-00005784-00005863 in the fXGjWw85QQk-00024-00005864-00006079 with respect to thinking but how to fXGjWw85QQk-00025-00006080-00006286 implement it in fpd that is important fXGjWw85QQk-00026-00006287-00006495 because you will be fXGjWw85QQk-00027-00006495-00006734 working with various force fields only fXGjWw85QQk-00028-00006736-00006934 you may have different force field fXGjWw85QQk-00029-00006936-00007183 coming from your optics coming from your fXGjWw85QQk-00030-00007184-00007463 electrode dynamics hydrodynamics or many fXGjWw85QQk-00031-00007464-00007767 other things you can put those forces fXGjWw85QQk-00032-00007768-00008023 you can customize your forces so it is fXGjWw85QQk-00033-00008023-00008246 it is it is it is fXGjWw85QQk-00034-00008247-00008478 important to know how exactly those fXGjWw85QQk-00035-00008479-00008791 forces act on a particle so we go to fXGjWw85QQk-00036-00008792-00009127 model wizard 2d let us take fXGjWw85QQk-00037-00009128-00009406 particle tracing for fluid flows fXGjWw85QQk-00038-00009407-00009663 and time dependent i choose fXGjWw85QQk-00039-00009664-00010095 now fXGjWw85QQk-00040-00010096-00010206 let me fXGjWw85QQk-00041-00010207-00010463 go to particle tracing for fluid flow fXGjWw85QQk-00042-00010464-00010663 once again i'll show you this is the fXGjWw85QQk-00043-00010664-00010999 second law of neutron and we are fXGjWw85QQk-00044-00011000-00011246 actually solving for it and this ft fXGjWw85QQk-00045-00011247-00011623 represents total force that might be the fXGjWw85QQk-00046-00011624-00011927 sum or algebraic sum of various forces fXGjWw85QQk-00047-00011928-00012238 you choose or you define manually fXGjWw85QQk-00048-00012239-00012495 so today we will be taking two forces so fXGjWw85QQk-00049-00012496-00012670 i right click on fXGjWw85QQk-00050-00012671-00012838 particle tracing fXGjWw85QQk-00051-00012839-00013055 and the first force will be gravity fXGjWw85QQk-00052-00013056-00013183 force fXGjWw85QQk-00053-00013184-00013375 and the second force fXGjWw85QQk-00054-00013376-00013494 will be fXGjWw85QQk-00055-00013495-00013783 say we choose electric force electric fXGjWw85QQk-00056-00013784-00014038 field force this one fXGjWw85QQk-00057-00014040-00014351 now two things are important first is fXGjWw85QQk-00058-00014352-00014575 you should have a geometry which we have fXGjWw85QQk-00059-00014576-00014943 not taken so i right click on geometry fXGjWw85QQk-00060-00014944-00015143 take a square fXGjWw85QQk-00061-00015144-00015447 build selected yeah the square is taken fXGjWw85QQk-00062-00015447-00015743 now the second thing is you should fXGjWw85QQk-00063-00015744-00015975 always choose the domain of your force fXGjWw85QQk-00064-00015976-00016055 so fXGjWw85QQk-00065-00016056-00016271 gravity is acting here so you should fXGjWw85QQk-00066-00016272-00016486 define it otherwise there will be an fXGjWw85QQk-00067-00016487-00016750 error symbol similarly electric field fXGjWw85QQk-00068-00016751-00017015 force you should choose it so in this fXGjWw85QQk-00069-00017016-00017230 tutorial i will fXGjWw85QQk-00070-00017231-00017383 i i will fXGjWw85QQk-00071-00017384-00017686 intentionally have some errors just to fXGjWw85QQk-00072-00017687-00017958 tell you if you come across those errors fXGjWw85QQk-00073-00017959-00018207 how to get rid of those things so fXGjWw85QQk-00074-00018208-00018422 i'll run the simulation multiple times fXGjWw85QQk-00075-00018423-00018686 and it will show multiple errors and fXGjWw85QQk-00076-00018687-00018871 will be looking into the errors and fXGjWw85QQk-00077-00018872-00019007 solving it fXGjWw85QQk-00078-00019008-00019079 so fXGjWw85QQk-00079-00019080-00019303 what are the things i have chosen i have fXGjWw85QQk-00080-00019304-00019503 chosen two forces fXGjWw85QQk-00081-00019504-00019791 uh i know that particle properties fXGjWw85QQk-00082-00019792-00020183 should be given so let me fXGjWw85QQk-00083-00020184-00020439 take it 50 fXGjWw85QQk-00084-00020440-00020591 and fXGjWw85QQk-00085-00020592-00020886 material that is the density let me take fXGjWw85QQk-00086-00020887-00021255 user defined automatically it takes 2200 fXGjWw85QQk-00087-00021256-00021543 it is okay let us go ahead with this fXGjWw85QQk-00088-00021544-00021783 this has a electric field force so it fXGjWw85QQk-00089-00021784-00022111 should be having certain electric field fXGjWw85QQk-00090-00022112-00022478 so we go to electric force and we define fXGjWw85QQk-00091-00022479-00022750 an electric field now the idea is fXGjWw85QQk-00092-00022751-00022999 gravity will try to fXGjWw85QQk-00093-00023000-00023278 pull down the object so we should have fXGjWw85QQk-00094-00023279-00023583 our electric force acting upwards so fXGjWw85QQk-00095-00023584-00023847 that the resultant i mean so that if fXGjWw85QQk-00096-00023848-00024063 these two forces become competent to fXGjWw85QQk-00097-00024064-00024399 each other and that's why what we do is fXGjWw85QQk-00098-00024400-00024607 we act fXGjWw85QQk-00099-00024608-00024822 an electric field in the positive y fXGjWw85QQk-00100-00024823-00025158 direction let me take it thousand fXGjWw85QQk-00101-00025159-00025558 any arbitrary value i am taking and see fXGjWw85QQk-00102-00025559-00025831 the force due to electric field is equal fXGjWw85QQk-00103-00025832-00026183 to qe you might have read it in your fXGjWw85QQk-00104-00026183-00026470 plus two level or i mean in the fXGjWw85QQk-00105-00026472-00026727 graduation level so we need to define fXGjWw85QQk-00106-00026727-00026990 the charge so how to define the charge i fXGjWw85QQk-00107-00026991-00027223 go to particle property you see fXGjWw85QQk-00108-00027224-00027470 there is an option charge number this is fXGjWw85QQk-00109-00027472-00027655 the number i mean that will be fXGjWw85QQk-00110-00027656-00027935 multiplied by electronic charge so this fXGjWw85QQk-00111-00027936-00028318 also i take thousand an arbitrary value fXGjWw85QQk-00112-00028319-00028583 now what i do i have to do meshing let fXGjWw85QQk-00113-00028583-00028774 me go ahead with fXGjWw85QQk-00114-00028775-00029087 finer mesh fXGjWw85QQk-00115-00029088-00029199 not good fXGjWw85QQk-00116-00029200-00029558 let me do extra fine this is okay fXGjWw85QQk-00117-00029560-00029783 now what i will be doing i will run my fXGjWw85QQk-00118-00029783-00030062 simulation and it will show me one by fXGjWw85QQk-00119-00030063-00030335 one error and i will just rectify fXGjWw85QQk-00120-00030336-00030518 those errors and i will explain the fXGjWw85QQk-00121-00030519-00030623 errors fXGjWw85QQk-00122-00030624-00030831 so try to compute it fXGjWw85QQk-00123-00030832-00031135 so what it is showing no particle inlet fXGjWw85QQk-00124-00031136-00031383 or release defined fXGjWw85QQk-00125-00031383-00031711 and an inlet or it is a release feature fXGjWw85QQk-00126-00031712-00031990 so what it means basically i have not fXGjWw85QQk-00127-00031991-00032239 chosen any particle so i mean it should fXGjWw85QQk-00128-00032239-00032495 not solve for anything so what i need to fXGjWw85QQk-00129-00032495-00032774 do is i need to right click on it and i fXGjWw85QQk-00130-00032775-00032983 need to choose particles fXGjWw85QQk-00131-00032984-00033231 now you need you can choose particles fXGjWw85QQk-00132-00033232-00033446 from various options you can have an fXGjWw85QQk-00133-00033447-00033631 inlet and you can define fXGjWw85QQk-00134-00033632-00033862 the particle inlet or you can have an fXGjWw85QQk-00135-00033863-00034023 option of release fXGjWw85QQk-00136-00034024-00034207 i'll go ahead with this option for the fXGjWw85QQk-00137-00034208-00034462 time being release means you have a fXGjWw85QQk-00138-00034463-00034751 domain from this domain it will fXGjWw85QQk-00139-00034752-00035023 uniformly release your particle you can fXGjWw85QQk-00140-00035024-00035262 define your number of particles fXGjWw85QQk-00141-00035263-00035446 now i will be defining the number of fXGjWw85QQk-00142-00035447-00035783 particles initially it is mesh based let fXGjWw85QQk-00143-00035784-00036079 me change it to density and i only fXGjWw85QQk-00144-00036080-00036311 choose one particle so it will be fXGjWw85QQk-00145-00036312-00036599 somewhere here releasing somewhere here fXGjWw85QQk-00146-00036600-00036862 and you have release time also you can fXGjWw85QQk-00147-00036863-00037159 define at what time of your simulation fXGjWw85QQk-00148-00037160-00037479 the particle will be released so i have fXGjWw85QQk-00149-00037480-00037718 chosen release in this domain fXGjWw85QQk-00150-00037719-00037983 now again let me run it it will show fXGjWw85QQk-00151-00037984-00038311 another error fXGjWw85QQk-00152-00038312-00038407 see fXGjWw85QQk-00153-00038408-00038679 what it is showing undefined material fXGjWw85QQk-00154-00038680-00039007 property row required by gravity force fXGjWw85QQk-00155-00039008-00039159 what does it mean fXGjWw85QQk-00156-00039160-00039551 you have taken a gravity force but in fXGjWw85QQk-00157-00039552-00039839 that gravity force the density is not fXGjWw85QQk-00158-00039840-00040199 given i mean gravity g is given if you fXGjWw85QQk-00159-00040200-00040311 go fXGjWw85QQk-00160-00040312-00040487 and you can see fXGjWw85QQk-00161-00040488-00040711 minus g constant is given this is the fXGjWw85QQk-00162-00040712-00040879 acceleration due to gravity which is fXGjWw85QQk-00163-00040880-00041111 acting in the negative y direction so it fXGjWw85QQk-00164-00041112-00041415 is defined but gravity is what mass fXGjWw85QQk-00165-00041416-00041727 multiplied by your fXGjWw85QQk-00166-00041728-00041799 g fXGjWw85QQk-00167-00041800-00041879 so fXGjWw85QQk-00168-00041880-00042111 you have your particle diameter from fXGjWw85QQk-00169-00042112-00042318 there you can define the volume of the fXGjWw85QQk-00170-00042319-00042574 particle but for calculating mass you fXGjWw85QQk-00171-00042575-00042862 need density of the particle so fXGjWw85QQk-00172-00042863-00043111 density of the material so this this fXGjWw85QQk-00173-00043112-00043358 density you should define so fXGjWw85QQk-00174-00043359-00043671 what i do is i choose user defined fXGjWw85QQk-00175-00043672-00043846 this is also 2 fXGjWw85QQk-00176-00043847-00044046 200 because the pro it should be equal fXGjWw85QQk-00177-00044047-00044455 to the particle so it is 2 200 here also fXGjWw85QQk-00178-00044456-00044727 i define 2 200 fXGjWw85QQk-00179-00044728-00045087 now it should work if it gives i mean fXGjWw85QQk-00180-00045088-00045318 further errors will rectify it fXGjWw85QQk-00181-00045319-00045615 so i click here yeah it worked fXGjWw85QQk-00182-00045616-00045735 and it fXGjWw85QQk-00183-00045736-00045943 simulated fXGjWw85QQk-00184-00045944-00046199 the fXGjWw85QQk-00185-00046200-00046295 seed fXGjWw85QQk-00186-00046296-00046735 initially i mean i let me look at where fXGjWw85QQk-00187-00046736-00046983 the particle was initially fXGjWw85QQk-00188-00046984-00047239 so yeah this is the particle fXGjWw85QQk-00189-00047240-00047551 if i fXGjWw85QQk-00190-00047552-00047683 if i change fXGjWw85QQk-00191-00047684-00048055 time it is changing location let me fXGjWw85QQk-00192-00048056-00048223 take some fXGjWw85QQk-00193-00048224-00048567 more time interval say 10 second and let fXGjWw85QQk-00194-00048568-00048871 me compute it so that i can understand fXGjWw85QQk-00195-00048872-00049207 it fXGjWw85QQk-00196-00049208-00049615 so you see fXGjWw85QQk-00197-00049616-00049983 the particle has become somewhat stable fXGjWw85QQk-00198-00049984-00050183 but it is moving somewhat i will change fXGjWw85QQk-00199-00050184-00050518 the parameter and then you will be fXGjWw85QQk-00200-00050519-00050774 you cannot see it is moving fXGjWw85QQk-00201-00050775-00050855 but fXGjWw85QQk-00202-00050856-00051183 i choose the fXGjWw85QQk-00203-00051184-00051446 force such a way that it has become like fXGjWw85QQk-00204-00051447-00051742 this and it is slowly moving and moving fXGjWw85QQk-00205-00051744-00051894 upwards fXGjWw85QQk-00206-00051895-00052142 and the release option is working fXGjWw85QQk-00207-00052144-00052454 randomly so the initial particle fXGjWw85QQk-00208-00052455-00052742 randomly chosen here fXGjWw85QQk-00209-00052744-00052975 it was chosen here fXGjWw85QQk-00210-00052976-00053303 and then you see it is moving fXGjWw85QQk-00211-00053304-00053566 upward now what i can do is i can vary fXGjWw85QQk-00212-00053567-00053887 the electric field force and sometime it fXGjWw85QQk-00213-00053888-00054142 will go upward sometime downward and we fXGjWw85QQk-00214-00054144-00054438 can look into this for that fXGjWw85QQk-00215-00054439-00054682 i click on study right fXGjWw85QQk-00216-00054683-00054982 click there is an option parametric fXGjWw85QQk-00217-00054983-00055087 sweep fXGjWw85QQk-00218-00055088-00055247 what i do is fXGjWw85QQk-00219-00055248-00055591 i define some parameters say fXGjWw85QQk-00220-00055591-00055863 in the parameter let me define the fXGjWw85QQk-00221-00055864-00056007 charge fXGjWw85QQk-00222-00056008-00056159 say fXGjWw85QQk-00223-00056160-00056399 or you can define electric field also fXGjWw85QQk-00224-00056400-00056694 say e y that is a y directional electric fXGjWw85QQk-00225-00056695-00056894 field i can fXGjWw85QQk-00226-00056895-00057142 for the time being let me take it 10 fXGjWw85QQk-00227-00057144-00057399 volt per meter fXGjWw85QQk-00228-00057400-00057638 and what you can do is you go to fXGjWw85QQk-00229-00057639-00057838 electric force fXGjWw85QQk-00230-00057839-00058254 and you can define it as e y because e y fXGjWw85QQk-00231-00058255-00058415 is defined there fXGjWw85QQk-00232-00058416-00058641 now in the parametric sweep if you fXGjWw85QQk-00233-00058642-00058750 [Music] fXGjWw85QQk-00234-00058751-00059150 you have the option of e y now this e y fXGjWw85QQk-00235-00059151-00059471 can be varied from say i can make it fXGjWw85QQk-00236-00059472-00059775 point one i can make it one i can make fXGjWw85QQk-00237-00059776-00059991 it ten i can make it fXGjWw85QQk-00238-00059991-00060223 so in the log scale i am moving hundred fXGjWw85QQk-00239-00060224-00060471 thousand i have already simulated so let fXGjWw85QQk-00240-00060472-00060550 me fXGjWw85QQk-00241-00060551-00060799 compute for this options fXGjWw85QQk-00242-00060800-00061279 so i click on compute fXGjWw85QQk-00243-00061279-00061566 so yeah you can see the initial particle fXGjWw85QQk-00244-00061567-00061742 is somewhere here fXGjWw85QQk-00245-00061744-00061959 so let me fXGjWw85QQk-00246-00061960-00062254 yeah let me focus on this fXGjWw85QQk-00247-00062255-00062630 now what i do is i go to fXGjWw85QQk-00248-00062632-00062903 initial time fXGjWw85QQk-00249-00062904-00062991 here fXGjWw85QQk-00250-00062991-00063150 now slowly fXGjWw85QQk-00251-00063151-00063487 if i move see the particle is fXGjWw85QQk-00252-00063488-00063799 not moving or it is moving very slowly fXGjWw85QQk-00253-00063800-00064054 upwards so if i zoom more fXGjWw85QQk-00254-00064055-00064271 you can see what is happening with the fXGjWw85QQk-00255-00064272-00064430 particle fXGjWw85QQk-00256-00064432-00064791 yeah it is slowly moving upward fXGjWw85QQk-00257-00064791-00065006 so what is happening this fXGjWw85QQk-00258-00065007-00065342 force is acting in the upward direction fXGjWw85QQk-00259-00065344-00065631 and it is moving slowly now what you do fXGjWw85QQk-00260-00065632-00065943 you make it point one it is now the ui fXGjWw85QQk-00261-00065944-00066287 value is now 100 if i make it 0.1 fXGjWw85QQk-00262-00066288-00066494 the force electric field force will go fXGjWw85QQk-00263-00066495-00066759 down now the particle should fall under fXGjWw85QQk-00264-00066760-00066967 gravity let me check it whether it is fXGjWw85QQk-00265-00066968-00067623 happening or not so fXGjWw85QQk-00266-00067624-00067903 this is here fXGjWw85QQk-00267-00067904-00068319 if i change the time fXGjWw85QQk-00268-00068320-00068550 it has become somewhat neutral kind it fXGjWw85QQk-00269-00068551-00068791 is not moving downward mod not moving fXGjWw85QQk-00270-00068792-00068894 upward fXGjWw85QQk-00271-00068895-00069143 you can check it fXGjWw85QQk-00272-00069144-00069382 i mean somehow i calculated and it is fXGjWw85QQk-00273-00069383-00069599 becoming a kind of balance it's kind of fXGjWw85QQk-00274-00069600-00069743 levitated fXGjWw85QQk-00275-00069744-00069950 particle fXGjWw85QQk-00276-00069951-00070263 now if i change it to 10 fXGjWw85QQk-00277-00070264-00070535 ui value and plot it fXGjWw85QQk-00278-00070536-00070838 now it will move so initially we go to fXGjWw85QQk-00279-00070839-00070991 zero time fXGjWw85QQk-00280-00070992-00071167 again we plot fXGjWw85QQk-00281-00071168-00071359 you see fXGjWw85QQk-00282-00071360-00071703 slowly it moves upward if i fXGjWw85QQk-00283-00071704-00071950 choose a higher time you can realize fXGjWw85QQk-00284-00071951-00072191 just look at the particle it will go fXGjWw85QQk-00285-00072192-00072382 upward fXGjWw85QQk-00286-00072383-00072662 yeah it has gone slightly upward now fXGjWw85QQk-00287-00072663-00072999 what we do is we randomly change the fXGjWw85QQk-00288-00073000-00073094 value fXGjWw85QQk-00289-00073095-00073350 to higher value say fXGjWw85QQk-00290-00073351-00073711 1 e3 that is 1000 1 e5 fXGjWw85QQk-00291-00073712-00074111 1 e7 and then again we simulate it so we fXGjWw85QQk-00292-00074112-00074303 are changing increasing the electric fXGjWw85QQk-00293-00074304-00074447 field fXGjWw85QQk-00294-00074448-00074631 so you see what happens the particle is fXGjWw85QQk-00295-00074632-00074767 vanished fXGjWw85QQk-00296-00074768-00075119 what does it mean it has gone it has got fXGjWw85QQk-00297-00075120-00075238 a very fXGjWw85QQk-00298-00075239-00075406 huge force fXGjWw85QQk-00299-00075407-00075806 and let me see the particle fXGjWw85QQk-00300-00075807-00076031 for thousand i am looking at i have fXGjWw85QQk-00301-00076032-00076247 already looked at four thousand let me fXGjWw85QQk-00302-00076248-00076382 look at for fXGjWw85QQk-00303-00076383-00076662 ten to the power five so initially it is fXGjWw85QQk-00304-00076663-00076991 here let me zoom it fXGjWw85QQk-00305-00076992-00077159 yes fXGjWw85QQk-00306-00077160-00077438 we can zoom further fXGjWw85QQk-00307-00077439-00077591 now slowly fXGjWw85QQk-00308-00077592-00077838 see how fast it is moving so we are fXGjWw85QQk-00309-00077839-00078135 increasing the fXGjWw85QQk-00310-00078136-00078262 force fXGjWw85QQk-00311-00078263-00078550 now what happens if i make fXGjWw85QQk-00312-00078551-00078806 this 0 suppose i am making the electric fXGjWw85QQk-00313-00078807-00079055 field 0 so there is no fXGjWw85QQk-00314-00079056-00079391 force acting fXGjWw85QQk-00315-00079392-00079750 so what happens if i make the electric fXGjWw85QQk-00316-00079751-00079943 field 0 fXGjWw85QQk-00317-00079944-00080191 so i have already made it this is zero fXGjWw85QQk-00318-00080192-00080375 electric field fXGjWw85QQk-00319-00080376-00080791 so you can see the particle here fXGjWw85QQk-00320-00080792-00080943 yes fXGjWw85QQk-00321-00080944-00081231 initially i go to zero fXGjWw85QQk-00322-00081232-00081455 it was here fXGjWw85QQk-00323-00081456-00081750 now if you if you change fXGjWw85QQk-00324-00081751-00082006 the time fXGjWw85QQk-00325-00082007-00082367 you can look at it fXGjWw85QQk-00326-00082368-00082806 yes fXGjWw85QQk-00327-00082807-00083103 gravity should act and it should go down fXGjWw85QQk-00328-00083104-00083271 slowly fXGjWw85QQk-00329-00083272-00083391 so fXGjWw85QQk-00330-00083392-00083775 the particle we can visualize it if we fXGjWw85QQk-00331-00083776-00084038 if we increase the fXGjWw85QQk-00332-00084039-00084255 mass of the particle so that can be fXGjWw85QQk-00333-00084256-00084511 increased either by changing the fXGjWw85QQk-00334-00084512-00084894 dimensions so let me make it 500 micron fXGjWw85QQk-00335-00084895-00084999 so fXGjWw85QQk-00336-00085000-00085238 again i compute it there is no fXGjWw85QQk-00337-00085239-00085550 electric force for the time being fXGjWw85QQk-00338-00085551-00085806 and now you see the initially the fXGjWw85QQk-00339-00085807-00085991 particle is here fXGjWw85QQk-00340-00085992-00086599 at fXGjWw85QQk-00341-00086600-00087575 and you can actually fXGjWw85QQk-00342-00087576-00087750 you can actually see the particle is not fXGjWw85QQk-00343-00087751-00088006 moving upward so actually the thing is fXGjWw85QQk-00344-00088007-00088167 you have to play around with this fXGjWw85QQk-00345-00088168-00088303 parameters fXGjWw85QQk-00346-00088304-00088511 and if you play around fXGjWw85QQk-00347-00088512-00088799 it will show different kind of motions fXGjWw85QQk-00348-00088800-00089111 so i have not calculated systematically fXGjWw85QQk-00349-00089112-00089287 and that's why fXGjWw85QQk-00350-00089288-00089423 i cannot show fXGjWw85QQk-00351-00089424-00089647 i mean the i mean desired velocity but fXGjWw85QQk-00352-00089648-00089815 you can just play around with this fXGjWw85QQk-00353-00089816-00090062 magnitudes and you will get fXGjWw85QQk-00354-00090063-00090326 a nice profile of velocity fXGjWw85QQk-00355-00090327-00090550 so today i am stopping here i hope this fXGjWw85QQk-00356-00090551-00090759 video was helpful fXGjWw85QQk-00357-00090760-00090975 if it was helpful please subscribe to fXGjWw85QQk-00358-00090976-00091135 our channel so that i fXGjWw85QQk-00359-00091136-00091391 we get more motivation to upload videos fXGjWw85QQk-00360-00091392-00091704 thank you fZEmk-LlEX0-00000-00000299-00000910 [Music] fZEmk-LlEX0-00001-00000911-00001148 hey guys welcome back to the channel my fZEmk-LlEX0-00002-00001149-00001303 name is Brown Frankie my team cross fZEmk-LlEX0-00003-00001304-00001630 nation for today's video fZEmk-LlEX0-00004-00001632-00001829 I kinda just wanted to talk about an fZEmk-LlEX0-00005-00001830-00002209 issue that's kind of on everybody's mind fZEmk-LlEX0-00006-00002210-00002508 as of right now in terms of PvP fZEmk-LlEX0-00007-00002509-00002729 primarily discussing some of the fZEmk-LlEX0-00008-00002730-00003016 promised changes that we were supposed fZEmk-LlEX0-00009-00003017-00003428 to have seen like expectedly by now and fZEmk-LlEX0-00010-00003429-00003599 we have not yet seen them so this is fZEmk-LlEX0-00011-00003600-00003725 pretty much kind of like an updating fZEmk-LlEX0-00012-00003726-00003913 everything it just kind of like talked fZEmk-LlEX0-00013-00003914-00004090 about things and like our feelings about fZEmk-LlEX0-00014-00004092-00004354 it cuz like it's it's at a point where fZEmk-LlEX0-00015-00004355-00004768 like I'm so used to and so tired of fZEmk-LlEX0-00016-00004769-00005122 being like used and lied to and taken fZEmk-LlEX0-00017-00005123-00005345 advantage of basically that like it's fZEmk-LlEX0-00018-00005346-00005506 like it's kind of one of those moments fZEmk-LlEX0-00019-00005507-00006043 where I'm just kind of like it's tough fZEmk-LlEX0-00020-00006044-00006254 it's kind of one of those moments where fZEmk-LlEX0-00021-00006255-00006470 I I do kind of just I just kind of feel fZEmk-LlEX0-00022-00006470-00006760 a little bit dead inside from how much fZEmk-LlEX0-00023-00006761-00006967 I'm just like I've had to deal with this fZEmk-LlEX0-00024-00006968-00007253 already and like it honestly doesn't fZEmk-LlEX0-00025-00007254-00007470 feel good it feels more like we're just fZEmk-LlEX0-00026-00007472-00007723 constantly living with the fact that fZEmk-LlEX0-00027-00007723-00007948 we're just never gonna get what we're fZEmk-LlEX0-00028-00007948-00008239 expected or promised or just told in fZEmk-LlEX0-00029-00008240-00008546 general and it just yeah it just doesn't fZEmk-LlEX0-00030-00008547-00008720 feel good I apologize in advance by the fZEmk-LlEX0-00031-00008721-00008921 way if if I happen to come across as a fZEmk-LlEX0-00032-00008922-00009131 little bit depressing in regards to this fZEmk-LlEX0-00033-00009132-00009371 because I mean I can't help it like it fZEmk-LlEX0-00034-00009372-00009413 is fZEmk-LlEX0-00035-00009414-00009660 it is pretty depressing it's sad to see fZEmk-LlEX0-00036-00009661-00010042 when like a highly respected company fZEmk-LlEX0-00037-00010043-00010238 like Square Enix can't even do something fZEmk-LlEX0-00038-00010239-00010463 as simple as just communicate fit fZEmk-LlEX0-00039-00010464-00010678 properly with their fanbase let alone fZEmk-LlEX0-00040-00010679-00010864 just do what they say that they're gonna fZEmk-LlEX0-00041-00010865-00012977 do fZEmk-LlEX0-00042-00012978-00013241 but anyways just to kind of quickly fZEmk-LlEX0-00043-00013243-00013455 review and go over things in case you've fZEmk-LlEX0-00044-00013456-00013605 been living underneath a rock the fZEmk-LlEX0-00045-00013606-00013752 Kingdom Hearts II and crossed Twitter fZEmk-LlEX0-00046-00013753-00013988 account as well as was posted on reddit fZEmk-LlEX0-00047-00013990-00014244 too as well had made an announcement fZEmk-LlEX0-00048-00014244-00014553 about like six days ago or so at the fZEmk-LlEX0-00049-00014554-00014835 time of making this video basically in a fZEmk-LlEX0-00050-00014836-00015087 nutshell saying that PvP would be fZEmk-LlEX0-00051-00015088-00015300 addressed in the form of that the link fZEmk-LlEX0-00052-00015301-00015615 of the rank lot issue would be fixed in fZEmk-LlEX0-00053-00015616-00015927 the form of where the players that pop fZEmk-LlEX0-00054-00015928-00016197 up on your screen would actually be more fZEmk-LlEX0-00055-00016197-00016392 likely to be ones that are outside of fZEmk-LlEX0-00056-00016393-00016521 battle that you can actually go ahead fZEmk-LlEX0-00057-00016522-00016749 and challenge from that one as well as fZEmk-LlEX0-00058-00016750-00016962 the fact that they did say that they fZEmk-LlEX0-00059-00016963-00017322 have expanded the tier list for players fZEmk-LlEX0-00060-00017323-00017451 to have more of an opportunity to fZEmk-LlEX0-00061-00017452-00017655 receive rewards from their own within fZEmk-LlEX0-00062-00017656-00017871 their own brackets okay now I heard he fZEmk-LlEX0-00063-00017872-00018060 stated in my last video discussing this fZEmk-LlEX0-00064-00018061-00018231 that it just sounded to me like they're fZEmk-LlEX0-00065-00018232-00018450 just kind of like rewording what the fZEmk-LlEX0-00066-00018451-00018786 luxury week already is so in that regard fZEmk-LlEX0-00067-00018787-00018942 I was just kind of expecting that maybe fZEmk-LlEX0-00068-00018943-00019140 they broke up the tier brackets kind of fZEmk-LlEX0-00069-00019141-00019329 like how they do for luxury week and so fZEmk-LlEX0-00070-00019330-00019527 but it was just super vague as to like fZEmk-LlEX0-00071-00019528-00019722 what the heck they were trying to like fZEmk-LlEX0-00072-00019723-00019977 exactly saying right there but fZEmk-LlEX0-00073-00019978-00020244 nonetheless we were expecting changes of fZEmk-LlEX0-00074-00020245-00020442 some sort okay fZEmk-LlEX0-00075-00020443-00020763 and of course and obviously by now we've fZEmk-LlEX0-00076-00020764-00020994 seen it like that that at the very least fZEmk-LlEX0-00077-00020995-00021153 it comes across like that was just fZEmk-LlEX0-00078-00021154-00021459 complete BS they didn't do anything in fZEmk-LlEX0-00079-00021460-00021657 regards in towards the tier listing or fZEmk-LlEX0-00080-00021658-00021921 rewards or anything okay as far as I can fZEmk-LlEX0-00081-00021922-00022140 tell from looking at the game the tier fZEmk-LlEX0-00082-00022141-00022319 listings and rewards for each of tiers fZEmk-LlEX0-00083-00022320-00022560 are the exact same as they have been fZEmk-LlEX0-00084-00022561-00022944 ever since PvP first came out so I like fZEmk-LlEX0-00085-00022945-00023147 I don't know what's going on and it's fZEmk-LlEX0-00086-00023148-00023271 just like it's just at the point where fZEmk-LlEX0-00087-00023272-00023428 like I'm just so used to being lied to fZEmk-LlEX0-00088-00023429-00023747 and taken advantage of from Square Enix fZEmk-LlEX0-00089-00023748-00024060 in terms of Union cross that like it's fZEmk-LlEX0-00090-00024061-00024219 very similar to kind of like an abusive fZEmk-LlEX0-00091-00024220-00024396 relationship you keep going in the hopes fZEmk-LlEX0-00092-00024397-00024672 that something something better is gonna fZEmk-LlEX0-00093-00024673-00024885 happen something will change and it just fZEmk-LlEX0-00094-00024886-00025100 never does at least not that we've seen fZEmk-LlEX0-00095-00025101-00025185 so far fZEmk-LlEX0-00096-00025186-00025552 so but anyways uh they did notice well fZEmk-LlEX0-00097-00025553-00025879 in their little like announcement saying fZEmk-LlEX0-00098-00025880-00026005 that please note that these are not fZEmk-LlEX0-00099-00026006-00026182 necessarily permanent changes we ask fZEmk-LlEX0-00100-00026183-00026323 that you please keep this in mind as we fZEmk-LlEX0-00101-00026324-00026554 refine the PvP system to reflect the fZEmk-LlEX0-00102-00026555-00026770 desires of our community thank you as fZEmk-LlEX0-00103-00026770-00026929 well as the fight that did follow up fZEmk-LlEX0-00104-00026930-00027163 with that as well stating that also fZEmk-LlEX0-00105-00027164-00027283 please keep in mind that the current fZEmk-LlEX0-00106-00027283-00027502 special ranking week is still affect so fZEmk-LlEX0-00107-00027502-00027670 changes may not be as apparent until the fZEmk-LlEX0-00108-00027670-00027877 start of the next ranking week okay well fZEmk-LlEX0-00109-00027877-00028066 now the next Rinka week is here like fZEmk-LlEX0-00110-00028067-00028222 we're already in the next ranking week fZEmk-LlEX0-00111-00028223-00028461 okay and we still have not seen any fZEmk-LlEX0-00112-00028462-00028717 changes at all whatsoever so I have no fZEmk-LlEX0-00113-00028718-00028911 idea what the heck they're talking about fZEmk-LlEX0-00114-00028912-00029212 in terms of this like they they fZEmk-LlEX0-00115-00029213-00029536 basically egg you Wang and Dingell like fZEmk-LlEX0-00116-00029537-00029704 a like a carrot in front of your nose fZEmk-LlEX0-00117-00029705-00029929 expecting something to happen and then fZEmk-LlEX0-00118-00029930-00030039 like when you actually reach the fZEmk-LlEX0-00119-00030041-00030370 destination oh sorry the carrots no fZEmk-LlEX0-00120-00030370-00030616 longer there like it's it's it's very fZEmk-LlEX0-00121-00030617-00030870 depressing frustrating like to deal with fZEmk-LlEX0-00122-00030872-00031099 and look at it it's just squared/x fZEmk-LlEX0-00123-00031100-00031279 please just just do what you're gonna fZEmk-LlEX0-00124-00031280-00031474 say like it's honestly not that hard to fZEmk-LlEX0-00125-00031475-00031714 just you know fulfill your customers fZEmk-LlEX0-00126-00031714-00031999 expectations let alone desire the very fZEmk-LlEX0-00127-00032000-00032185 least I don't know about you guys but fZEmk-LlEX0-00128-00032186-00032320 from what I understand about how fZEmk-LlEX0-00129-00032320-00032527 business has been done for the last few fZEmk-LlEX0-00130-00032527-00032839 centuries or so is that if the consumer fZEmk-LlEX0-00131-00032840-00033097 has something that they desire that's an fZEmk-LlEX0-00132-00033098-00033271 opportunity for you to take advantage of fZEmk-LlEX0-00133-00033272-00033577 it create that for that consumer for fZEmk-LlEX0-00134-00033578-00033790 them to consume alright but I have fZEmk-LlEX0-00135-00033791-00033937 absolutely no idea what's going on with fZEmk-LlEX0-00136-00033938-00034156 Square Enix I guess state maybe they fZEmk-LlEX0-00137-00034157-00034276 just really are just completely fZEmk-LlEX0-00138-00034277-00034534 disconnected with the community just and fZEmk-LlEX0-00139-00034535-00034726 just period to the fact that they don't fZEmk-LlEX0-00140-00034727-00034852 even know what the heck we want even fZEmk-LlEX0-00141-00034853-00035023 though we are practically screaming at fZEmk-LlEX0-00142-00035024-00035278 them what we want we're being told that fZEmk-LlEX0-00143-00035279-00035641 the PR team is telling them what we want fZEmk-LlEX0-00144-00035642-00035965 get very little actually ever changes or fZEmk-LlEX0-00145-00035966-00036241 if they do change it's like a year later fZEmk-LlEX0-00146-00036242-00036436 when it's like already kind of too late fZEmk-LlEX0-00147-00036437-00036637 for them to have changed if that makes fZEmk-LlEX0-00148-00036638-00036673 sense fZEmk-LlEX0-00149-00036674-00036868 bothering that I kind of just want to fZEmk-LlEX0-00150-00036869-00037153 like talk about the lobe a little bit at fZEmk-LlEX0-00151-00037154-00037363 least like get a little bit off my chest fZEmk-LlEX0-00152-00037364-00037600 I'm sorry again if it may have been a fZEmk-LlEX0-00153-00037601-00037900 little bit depressing to listen to but I fZEmk-LlEX0-00154-00037901-00038017 would love to hear your guys thoughts fZEmk-LlEX0-00155-00038018-00038212 about it in the comment section down fZEmk-LlEX0-00156-00038213-00038286 below fZEmk-LlEX0-00157-00038287-00038451 if you enjoyed the episode please leave fZEmk-LlEX0-00158-00038452-00038610 a like subscribe and hit that Bell fZEmk-LlEX0-00159-00038611-00038757 button is the best way I know when I fZEmk-LlEX0-00160-00038758-00038979 upload more videos such as this one but fZEmk-LlEX0-00161-00038980-00039123 other than that my name is Brian for kid fZEmk-LlEX0-00162-00039124-00039276 marching across nation and I will see fZEmk-LlEX0-00163-00039277-00039748 you guys in the next episode peace fZEmk-LlEX0-00164-00039749-00041783 [Music] fbJYW2iUTng-00000-00000183-00001031 [Music] fbJYW2iUTng-00001-00001032-00002943 run it up fbJYW2iUTng-00005-00017880-00018087 you fc23I9n5sdo-00001-00006080-00006399 not to mention customs imports but as fc23I9n5sdo-00002-00006400-00006663 herpes say we italy turn up at your fc23I9n5sdo-00003-00006664-00006823 doorstep fc23I9n5sdo-00004-00006823-00007031 don't want our next mother cry don't fc23I9n5sdo-00005-00007031-00007493 wanna next fc23I9n5sdo-00006-00007494-00009903 [Music] fc23I9n5sdo-00007-00009904-00010167 by the boat not to mention cost comes fc23I9n5sdo-00008-00010168-00010431 imports both as herpes fc23I9n5sdo-00009-00010432-00010735 we until they turn up at your doorstep fc23I9n5sdo-00010-00010736-00010983 no one our next mother cry don't wanna fc23I9n5sdo-00011-00010984-00011231 next rule yeah yeah yeah fc23I9n5sdo-00012-00011232-00011511 six foot six fcrR4RPIljo-00000-00000023-00000642 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00001-00000643-00001015 [Applause] fcrR4RPIljo-00002-00001016-00001119 hello comrades fcrR4RPIljo-00003-00001120-00001343 today i thought i should talk a little fcrR4RPIljo-00004-00001344-00001454 bit about class fcrR4RPIljo-00005-00001455-00001663 and in today's video i'm going to be fcrR4RPIljo-00006-00001664-00001814 distinguishing between fcrR4RPIljo-00007-00001816-00002063 petty bourgeois people and capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00008-00002064-00002126 because fcrR4RPIljo-00009-00002127-00002295 there is a difference between the two fcrR4RPIljo-00010-00002296-00002495 marx and engels did talk about this fcrR4RPIljo-00011-00002496-00002679 and they explained that the petty fcrR4RPIljo-00012-00002680-00002902 bourgeois class is a dying class fcrR4RPIljo-00013-00002903-00003055 they're not going to be around forever fcrR4RPIljo-00014-00003056-00003215 under capitalism there are the fcrR4RPIljo-00015-00003215-00003367 capitalists who own fcrR4RPIljo-00016-00003368-00003559 the means of production by the labor fcrR4RPIljo-00017-00003560-00003703 power of the workers and they fcrR4RPIljo-00018-00003704-00003911 essentially just invest in the company fcrR4RPIljo-00019-00003911-00004143 they don't generate any value at all fcrR4RPIljo-00020-00004144-00004343 because they don't perform any labor fcrR4RPIljo-00021-00004344-00004415 themselves fcrR4RPIljo-00022-00004416-00004606 and they profit from extracting what's fcrR4RPIljo-00023-00004607-00004838 called surplus value from the workers fcrR4RPIljo-00024-00004839-00005022 in order to be a capitalist you have to fcrR4RPIljo-00025-00005023-00005222 have a decent amount of wealth to begin fcrR4RPIljo-00026-00005223-00005254 with fcrR4RPIljo-00027-00005255-00005415 because not only do you have to have fcrR4RPIljo-00028-00005416-00005575 means of production but you have to fcrR4RPIljo-00029-00005576-00005767 invest in the tools the labor power of fcrR4RPIljo-00030-00005768-00005934 the workers that you'll hire to do fcrR4RPIljo-00031-00005935-00006031 everything for you fcrR4RPIljo-00032-00006032-00006206 and you'll essentially be trying to get fcrR4RPIljo-00033-00006207-00006414 the biggest share in the market by fcrR4RPIljo-00034-00006415-00006598 competing with other capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00035-00006600-00006814 that's where supply and demand comes in fcrR4RPIljo-00036-00006815-00007046 the supply is essentially how much stuff fcrR4RPIljo-00037-00007047-00007119 there is fcrR4RPIljo-00038-00007120-00007319 and the demand is how many people fcrR4RPIljo-00039-00007320-00007495 actually go and buy it if there is too fcrR4RPIljo-00040-00007495-00007591 much supply fcrR4RPIljo-00041-00007592-00007831 the prices of things will typically drop fcrR4RPIljo-00042-00007831-00008063 however if there is too much demand fcrR4RPIljo-00043-00008064-00008310 then the prices of things will typically fcrR4RPIljo-00044-00008311-00008399 skyrocket fcrR4RPIljo-00045-00008400-00008631 the value itself doesn't change because fcrR4RPIljo-00046-00008632-00008814 that was created by workers fcrR4RPIljo-00047-00008815-00009023 and value was measured by something fcrR4RPIljo-00048-00009024-00009255 called socially necessary labor time but fcrR4RPIljo-00049-00009256-00009391 the exchange value fcrR4RPIljo-00050-00009392-00009583 does change this is why there is a fcrR4RPIljo-00051-00009584-00009767 massive contradiction between fcrR4RPIljo-00052-00009768-00010031 use value and exchange value under fcrR4RPIljo-00053-00010032-00010119 capitalism fcrR4RPIljo-00054-00010120-00010359 use value is basically how useful you fcrR4RPIljo-00055-00010360-00010478 see something to be fcrR4RPIljo-00056-00010479-00010671 which then makes you go out and buy it fcrR4RPIljo-00057-00010672-00010935 well the exchange value is basically the fcrR4RPIljo-00058-00010936-00010991 price fcrR4RPIljo-00059-00010992-00011223 under capitalism things are never fcrR4RPIljo-00060-00011224-00011399 produced and distributed for fcrR4RPIljo-00061-00011400-00011631 use or because people need it they are fcrR4RPIljo-00062-00011632-00011846 produced and distributed for profit fcrR4RPIljo-00063-00011847-00012078 of course things need a use value so fcrR4RPIljo-00064-00012079-00012255 that you go out and buy it that's kind fcrR4RPIljo-00065-00012256-00012446 of how advertising works but the fcrR4RPIljo-00066-00012447-00012663 capitalist doesn't get the workers to fcrR4RPIljo-00067-00012664-00012799 make all of this stuff fcrR4RPIljo-00068-00012800-00012991 so that they themselves or the workers fcrR4RPIljo-00069-00012991-00013183 who make the stuff can use it fcrR4RPIljo-00070-00013184-00013447 no the capitalist gets their workers to fcrR4RPIljo-00071-00013447-00013575 make all of that stuff fcrR4RPIljo-00072-00013576-00013799 so that they can be sold in a socialist fcrR4RPIljo-00073-00013800-00013991 economy and also even a communist fcrR4RPIljo-00074-00013991-00014071 society fcrR4RPIljo-00075-00014072-00014286 and the communist society has never been fcrR4RPIljo-00076-00014287-00014511 seen yet because we haven't reached fcrR4RPIljo-00077-00014512-00014751 post scarcity and communism is the fcrR4RPIljo-00078-00014752-00014943 abolition of classes altogether fcrR4RPIljo-00079-00014944-00015143 things under socialism and also under fcrR4RPIljo-00080-00015144-00015311 communism are only produced fcrR4RPIljo-00081-00015312-00015519 purely for use this is why planned fcrR4RPIljo-00082-00015519-00015719 economies work in the way that they do fcrR4RPIljo-00083-00015719-00015919 with things like food housing and fcrR4RPIljo-00084-00015919-00016079 basically all of the things that you fcrR4RPIljo-00085-00016080-00016166 need to live fcrR4RPIljo-00086-00016168-00016391 are either very cheap or even free of fcrR4RPIljo-00087-00016392-00016647 charge while the luxury items are things fcrR4RPIljo-00088-00016648-00016750 that are expensive fcrR4RPIljo-00089-00016751-00017071 like vodka or plasma tvs or fancy shoes fcrR4RPIljo-00090-00017072-00017207 because you don't really need those fcrR4RPIljo-00091-00017208-00017358 things to live there are plenty of fcrR4RPIljo-00092-00017359-00017535 people who would love to have food to fcrR4RPIljo-00093-00017536-00017583 eat and fcrR4RPIljo-00094-00017584-00017830 water to drink but because of capitalism fcrR4RPIljo-00095-00017831-00017991 they can't afford it which is why fcrR4RPIljo-00096-00017992-00018094 starvation fcrR4RPIljo-00097-00018095-00018375 and dehydration is a massive problem fcrR4RPIljo-00098-00018376-00018543 throughout the world there are plenty of fcrR4RPIljo-00099-00018544-00018703 people who would love to have a house to fcrR4RPIljo-00100-00018704-00018911 live in but because of capitalism there fcrR4RPIljo-00101-00018912-00019127 are far more empty houses than there are fcrR4RPIljo-00102-00019128-00019214 homeless people fcrR4RPIljo-00103-00019215-00019414 so you have capitalists and then you fcrR4RPIljo-00104-00019415-00019550 have proletarians fcrR4RPIljo-00105-00019551-00019830 and proletarians are very specific kinds fcrR4RPIljo-00106-00019831-00019903 of workers fcrR4RPIljo-00107-00019904-00020119 because they have no ownership over the fcrR4RPIljo-00108-00020120-00020230 means of production fcrR4RPIljo-00109-00020231-00020430 and means of production are basically fcrR4RPIljo-00110-00020431-00020591 workplaces the only things that fcrR4RPIljo-00111-00020592-00020727 proletarians own fcrR4RPIljo-00112-00020728-00020935 is their labor power which is what they fcrR4RPIljo-00113-00020936-00021111 sell to a capitalist by becoming fcrR4RPIljo-00114-00021112-00021278 employed the proletarians are fcrR4RPIljo-00115-00021279-00021430 essentially wage workers fcrR4RPIljo-00116-00021431-00021678 this is why capitalists will try and fcrR4RPIljo-00117-00021679-00021814 look for cheap labor fcrR4RPIljo-00118-00021815-00022055 and pay workers as little as possible fcrR4RPIljo-00119-00022056-00022271 even though the surplus value which fcrR4RPIljo-00120-00022272-00022511 these workers produce is far higher than fcrR4RPIljo-00121-00022512-00022614 what they get paid fcrR4RPIljo-00122-00022615-00022847 the surplus value is realized when a fcrR4RPIljo-00123-00022848-00023022 capitalist makes a profit fcrR4RPIljo-00124-00023023-00023255 this is called exploitation so the fcrR4RPIljo-00125-00023256-00023350 capitalist fcrR4RPIljo-00126-00023351-00023542 doesn't even need to do anything they fcrR4RPIljo-00127-00023543-00023663 don't even have to step fcrR4RPIljo-00128-00023664-00023871 foot into the workplace but how do they fcrR4RPIljo-00129-00023872-00024071 know what's going on in the workplace fcrR4RPIljo-00130-00024072-00024263 well that is a good question but the fcrR4RPIljo-00131-00024264-00024494 best answer here is that the capitalist fcrR4RPIljo-00132-00024495-00024735 just hires managers to run the workplace fcrR4RPIljo-00133-00024736-00024927 for them it's basically the workers who fcrR4RPIljo-00134-00024928-00025014 do everything fcrR4RPIljo-00135-00025015-00025167 and the capitalist just reaps the fcrR4RPIljo-00136-00025168-00025342 benefits that would then beg the fcrR4RPIljo-00137-00025343-00025422 question fcrR4RPIljo-00138-00025423-00025662 well why do we need capitalists if they fcrR4RPIljo-00139-00025663-00025750 don't do anything fcrR4RPIljo-00140-00025751-00026062 but they just own big companies well the fcrR4RPIljo-00141-00026063-00026223 simple answer is that you don't fcrR4RPIljo-00142-00026224-00026423 you don't need capitalists that's the fcrR4RPIljo-00143-00026424-00026574 simple answer and that's kind of the fcrR4RPIljo-00144-00026575-00026727 whole point of communism fcrR4RPIljo-00145-00026727-00026983 under capitalism classes are becoming fcrR4RPIljo-00146-00026983-00027158 separated into two camps fcrR4RPIljo-00147-00027160-00027431 owners and those who don't own any means fcrR4RPIljo-00148-00027432-00027495 of production fcrR4RPIljo-00149-00027495-00027758 bourgeois and proletarians bourgeois is fcrR4RPIljo-00150-00027760-00027967 the fancy word for capitalist fcrR4RPIljo-00151-00027968-00028239 and proletarian is the fancy word for a fcrR4RPIljo-00152-00028239-00028423 particular kind of worker so a wage fcrR4RPIljo-00153-00028424-00028567 worker but this is where fcrR4RPIljo-00154-00028568-00028799 things kind of get a little bit messy as fcrR4RPIljo-00155-00028800-00029023 in between these two classes there is a fcrR4RPIljo-00156-00029024-00029223 different category of owners called fcrR4RPIljo-00157-00029224-00029318 petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00158-00029319-00029527 petty bourgeois people are basically the fcrR4RPIljo-00159-00029527-00029695 little mom and pop shops or the fcrR4RPIljo-00160-00029695-00029823 self-employed people fcrR4RPIljo-00161-00029824-00030087 examples of these would be obviously the fcrR4RPIljo-00162-00030088-00030239 little mom and pop shops fcrR4RPIljo-00163-00030239-00030446 maybe the local plumber or the local fcrR4RPIljo-00164-00030447-00030599 window cleaner or someone who has a fcrR4RPIljo-00165-00030600-00030783 cleaning business or a freelancer fcrR4RPIljo-00166-00030783-00030999 there are two specific kinds of petty fcrR4RPIljo-00167-00031000-00031167 bourgeois people there are the petty fcrR4RPIljo-00168-00031168-00031374 bourgeois people who are basically these fcrR4RPIljo-00169-00031375-00031567 self-employed people so they own their fcrR4RPIljo-00170-00031568-00031646 own company fcrR4RPIljo-00171-00031647-00031831 but they don't employ anybody else fcrR4RPIljo-00172-00031832-00031999 meaning that all the wealth that they fcrR4RPIljo-00173-00032000-00032070 have fcrR4RPIljo-00174-00032072-00032223 has come from their own labor fcrR4RPIljo-00175-00032224-00032399 freelancers would be like this fcrR4RPIljo-00176-00032400-00032599 the local window cleaner would be like fcrR4RPIljo-00177-00032600-00032774 this and in feudal times fcrR4RPIljo-00178-00032775-00033007 so before capitalism this is what fcrR4RPIljo-00179-00033008-00033111 peasants were like fcrR4RPIljo-00180-00033112-00033311 then you would have the petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00181-00033312-00033471 people who own their own means of fcrR4RPIljo-00182-00033472-00033535 production fcrR4RPIljo-00183-00033536-00033718 and they employ just a few people to fcrR4RPIljo-00184-00033719-00033911 work for them these would be your fcrR4RPIljo-00185-00033912-00034118 little mom and pop shops or the small fcrR4RPIljo-00186-00034119-00034343 cafes but where these petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00187-00034344-00034559 people differ from capitalists are that fcrR4RPIljo-00188-00034560-00034662 they actually have fcrR4RPIljo-00189-00034663-00034871 wealth from their own labor too and they fcrR4RPIljo-00190-00034872-00035087 also have wealth that was created by fcrR4RPIljo-00191-00035088-00035207 workers so they've they've fcrR4RPIljo-00192-00035208-00035407 actually exploited workers as well this fcrR4RPIljo-00193-00035408-00035511 means that fcrR4RPIljo-00194-00035512-00035727 they're not exactly capitalists but fcrR4RPIljo-00195-00035728-00035951 they're not exactly proletarians either fcrR4RPIljo-00196-00035952-00036095 petty bourgeois people fcrR4RPIljo-00197-00036096-00036383 they can be classed as workers so how do fcrR4RPIljo-00198-00036384-00036590 petty bourgeois people differ from fcrR4RPIljo-00199-00036591-00036687 capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00200-00036688-00036918 well when i talk about capitalists the fcrR4RPIljo-00201-00036919-00037095 people who fit this description fcrR4RPIljo-00202-00037096-00037367 are the ones who own like multinational fcrR4RPIljo-00203-00037368-00037518 corporations who export fcrR4RPIljo-00204-00037519-00037735 jobs from a certain country to a third fcrR4RPIljo-00205-00037736-00037823 world country fcrR4RPIljo-00206-00037824-00038015 where the wages of workers are much fcrR4RPIljo-00207-00038016-00038255 cheaper who burn down rainforests and fcrR4RPIljo-00208-00038256-00038287 kick fcrR4RPIljo-00209-00038288-00038495 indigenous people off of their land to fcrR4RPIljo-00210-00038496-00038679 make a giant coffee plantation fcrR4RPIljo-00211-00038680-00038990 who control politics who start wars and fcrR4RPIljo-00212-00038991-00039062 who control fcrR4RPIljo-00213-00039063-00039246 puppet governments to take over the fcrR4RPIljo-00214-00039247-00039407 markets of other countries fcrR4RPIljo-00215-00039408-00039702 and above all those who merely own means fcrR4RPIljo-00216-00039703-00039895 of production yet contribute nothing to fcrR4RPIljo-00217-00039896-00039927 them fcrR4RPIljo-00218-00039928-00040095 not even having to step foot into the fcrR4RPIljo-00219-00040096-00040295 workplace people like this would be fcrR4RPIljo-00220-00040296-00040518 richard branson elon musk mark fcrR4RPIljo-00221-00040519-00040599 zuckerberg fcrR4RPIljo-00222-00040600-00040902 jeff bezos bill gates people like that fcrR4RPIljo-00223-00040903-00041111 their mere function which makes them a fcrR4RPIljo-00224-00041112-00041302 hindrance is that the wealth that they fcrR4RPIljo-00225-00041303-00041351 gain fcrR4RPIljo-00226-00041352-00041558 isn't even theirs they take what the fcrR4RPIljo-00227-00041559-00041655 workers produce fcrR4RPIljo-00228-00041656-00041879 the petty bourgeois people so the little fcrR4RPIljo-00229-00041880-00042055 mom and pop shops or the small fcrR4RPIljo-00230-00042056-00042335 cafes or the little window cleaners they fcrR4RPIljo-00231-00042336-00042446 don't [__] do that fcrR4RPIljo-00232-00042447-00042727 so the capitalists they are the problem fcrR4RPIljo-00233-00042728-00042871 they are the ones who would get the fcrR4RPIljo-00234-00042872-00043079 bullet so to speak the petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00235-00043080-00043143 people fcrR4RPIljo-00236-00043144-00043343 they are not the priority at all in fcrR4RPIljo-00237-00043344-00043599 terms of differentiating between a petty fcrR4RPIljo-00238-00043600-00043830 bourgeois and a capitalist there is a fcrR4RPIljo-00239-00043831-00044087 scale if you earn the majority of your fcrR4RPIljo-00240-00044088-00044151 income fcrR4RPIljo-00241-00044152-00044343 through your own work which many petty fcrR4RPIljo-00242-00044344-00044471 bourgeois people do fcrR4RPIljo-00243-00044472-00044679 then you would be classed as a worker fcrR4RPIljo-00244-00044680-00044887 but not exactly a proletarian fcrR4RPIljo-00245-00044888-00045055 unless of course you're a wage worker fcrR4RPIljo-00246-00045056-00045223 but if you earned the majority of your fcrR4RPIljo-00247-00045224-00045271 wealth fcrR4RPIljo-00248-00045272-00045495 through owning means of production then fcrR4RPIljo-00249-00045496-00045615 you'd be a capitalist fcrR4RPIljo-00250-00045616-00045830 kulaks were like this the kulaks were fcrR4RPIljo-00251-00045831-00046023 wealthy farmers who worked on their own fcrR4RPIljo-00252-00046024-00046135 land but they also fcrR4RPIljo-00253-00046136-00046318 owned a lot of other land where they fcrR4RPIljo-00254-00046319-00046527 employed a ton of people to work on and fcrR4RPIljo-00255-00046528-00046695 they got the majority of their wealth fcrR4RPIljo-00256-00046696-00046758 through that fcrR4RPIljo-00257-00046759-00046967 kulaks are different from landlords fcrR4RPIljo-00258-00046968-00047127 though who merely own land fcrR4RPIljo-00259-00047128-00047295 the reason why is because if you're a fcrR4RPIljo-00260-00047296-00047511 landlord you just own a bunch of land fcrR4RPIljo-00261-00047512-00047695 and rent that land out to people who fcrR4RPIljo-00262-00047696-00047895 farm it and you profit from doing that fcrR4RPIljo-00263-00047896-00048102 plenty of right wingers say oh fcrR4RPIljo-00264-00048103-00048302 capitalists work really hard and that's fcrR4RPIljo-00265-00048303-00048390 why they're rich fcrR4RPIljo-00266-00048391-00048567 they take a loan from the bank and start fcrR4RPIljo-00267-00048568-00048702 a small business fcrR4RPIljo-00268-00048703-00048943 no capitalists don't do that small fcrR4RPIljo-00269-00048944-00049062 business owners do that fcrR4RPIljo-00270-00049063-00049239 and small business owners are not fcrR4RPIljo-00271-00049240-00049439 necessarily even capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00272-00049440-00049623 because the amount of private property fcrR4RPIljo-00273-00049624-00049807 they own so means of production fcrR4RPIljo-00274-00049808-00050039 is so small so there's no real point of fcrR4RPIljo-00275-00050040-00050246 actually going for them at all that said fcrR4RPIljo-00276-00050247-00050423 the petty bourgeois class fcrR4RPIljo-00277-00050424-00050615 is not really going to be around forever fcrR4RPIljo-00278-00050616-00050839 anyway just as capitalism is not going fcrR4RPIljo-00279-00050840-00051039 to be around forever the petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00280-00051040-00051102 people fcrR4RPIljo-00281-00051103-00051302 have been splitting into two camps with fcrR4RPIljo-00282-00051303-00051463 the huge majority of them fcrR4RPIljo-00283-00051464-00051670 having to become proletarians because fcrR4RPIljo-00284-00051671-00051854 they can't compete in the market fcrR4RPIljo-00285-00051855-00052111 with big capitalists while only a small fcrR4RPIljo-00286-00052112-00052366 minority end up becoming capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00287-00052367-00052647 so the little mom and pop shops the fcrR4RPIljo-00288-00052648-00052879 plumbers the little cafes the window fcrR4RPIljo-00289-00052879-00052935 cleaners fcrR4RPIljo-00290-00052936-00053135 they're gonna get [__] by capitalism fcrR4RPIljo-00291-00053136-00053366 under socialism so when capitalism has fcrR4RPIljo-00292-00053367-00053471 been overthrown fcrR4RPIljo-00293-00053472-00053679 these small business owners are gonna be fcrR4RPIljo-00294-00053679-00053887 around for a pretty long time but they'd fcrR4RPIljo-00295-00053888-00054135 very much be advised to transition to fcrR4RPIljo-00296-00054136-00054335 the cooperative sector more and more so fcrR4RPIljo-00297-00054336-00054503 that they move away from the private fcrR4RPIljo-00298-00054504-00054719 sector the basis of someone being a fcrR4RPIljo-00299-00054720-00054830 petty bourgeois fcrR4RPIljo-00300-00054832-00055047 is to employ themselves because they fcrR4RPIljo-00301-00055048-00055238 come up with an idea for a company and fcrR4RPIljo-00302-00055239-00055303 work in it fcrR4RPIljo-00303-00055304-00055494 the fact that a minority of their fcrR4RPIljo-00304-00055495-00055711 activities are capitalistic is a mere fcrR4RPIljo-00305-00055712-00055791 coincidence fcrR4RPIljo-00306-00055791-00055959 so the fact that they employ a small fcrR4RPIljo-00307-00055960-00056166 number of people as the company grows is fcrR4RPIljo-00308-00056167-00056326 just a bit like a side effect fcrR4RPIljo-00309-00056327-00056599 since capitalism functions on the basis fcrR4RPIljo-00310-00056600-00056719 of private property fcrR4RPIljo-00311-00056720-00056919 these kinds of people who come up with fcrR4RPIljo-00312-00056920-00057135 an idea for a product or a service fcrR4RPIljo-00313-00057136-00057319 and then start a small company they are fcrR4RPIljo-00314-00057320-00057447 going to be very useful fcrR4RPIljo-00315-00057448-00057654 under socialism as well but in the co-op fcrR4RPIljo-00316-00057655-00057871 sector this is because they basically do fcrR4RPIljo-00317-00057872-00058071 something the basis of their activity fcrR4RPIljo-00318-00058072-00058238 is not just investing in a big fcrR4RPIljo-00319-00058239-00058463 enterprise and they're not even working fcrR4RPIljo-00320-00058464-00058638 in said enterprise but just getting fcrR4RPIljo-00321-00058639-00058815 workers to do everything for them fcrR4RPIljo-00322-00058816-00058999 while they just reap the benefits fcrR4RPIljo-00323-00059000-00059191 because that's what capitalists do fcrR4RPIljo-00324-00059191-00059391 this is basically the reason why the fcrR4RPIljo-00325-00059391-00059526 petty bourgeois class fcrR4RPIljo-00326-00059527-00059735 is really just gonna go away now a lot fcrR4RPIljo-00327-00059736-00059950 of people have the very funny idea that fcrR4RPIljo-00328-00059951-00060142 when communists come to power that fcrR4RPIljo-00329-00060144-00060206 they'll just fcrR4RPIljo-00330-00060207-00060406 instantly take everyone's stuff but they fcrR4RPIljo-00331-00060407-00060647 get this idea from the soviet union and fcrR4RPIljo-00332-00060648-00060694 china fcrR4RPIljo-00333-00060695-00060959 in the soviet union and china capitalism fcrR4RPIljo-00334-00060960-00061103 was not fully developed fcrR4RPIljo-00335-00061104-00061326 and they were just coming out of very fcrR4RPIljo-00336-00061327-00061494 semi-feudal backwaters fcrR4RPIljo-00337-00061495-00061703 where most people were peasants so they fcrR4RPIljo-00338-00061704-00061799 collectivized the fcrR4RPIljo-00339-00061800-00061966 property of the small peasants and the fcrR4RPIljo-00340-00061967-00062126 middle peasants to improve their fcrR4RPIljo-00341-00062127-00062303 countries to produce more food fcrR4RPIljo-00342-00062304-00062511 this wasn't done to attack the peasants fcrR4RPIljo-00343-00062512-00062679 themselves it was done to attack the fcrR4RPIljo-00344-00062679-00062911 kulaks this was also accompanied with fcrR4RPIljo-00345-00062912-00063094 providing mechanized equipment fcrR4RPIljo-00346-00063095-00063382 and pesticides etc now here in the west fcrR4RPIljo-00347-00063383-00063430 we are fcrR4RPIljo-00348-00063432-00063647 already quite developed so there would fcrR4RPIljo-00349-00063648-00063903 be no need for rapid industrialization fcrR4RPIljo-00350-00063904-00064111 drives and rapid collectivization fcrR4RPIljo-00351-00064112-00064326 therefore what happens here in the west fcrR4RPIljo-00352-00064327-00064582 is not gonna happen exactly like it did fcrR4RPIljo-00353-00064583-00064775 in the soviet union and china fcrR4RPIljo-00354-00064776-00064942 different countries have different fcrR4RPIljo-00355-00064944-00065079 material conditions fcrR4RPIljo-00356-00065079-00065287 so while we can look at the soviet union fcrR4RPIljo-00357-00065288-00065471 as a great example to learn from we fcrR4RPIljo-00358-00065472-00065671 can't just copy and paste everything so fcrR4RPIljo-00359-00065672-00065726 to speak fcrR4RPIljo-00360-00065727-00065950 here in the west we have industries we fcrR4RPIljo-00361-00065951-00066135 have big farms but we don't have fcrR4RPIljo-00362-00066136-00066335 peasants anymore so we don't need to do fcrR4RPIljo-00363-00066336-00066406 these fcrR4RPIljo-00364-00066407-00066703 really crazy drives for modernization if fcrR4RPIljo-00365-00066704-00066926 communists came to power in the west fcrR4RPIljo-00366-00066927-00067167 what would realistically happen is big fcrR4RPIljo-00367-00067168-00067399 industries would get nationalized and fcrR4RPIljo-00368-00067400-00067615 socialized and we'd immediately fcrR4RPIljo-00369-00067616-00067719 expropriate fcrR4RPIljo-00370-00067720-00067959 from multinational corporations so we fcrR4RPIljo-00371-00067960-00068063 take their assets fcrR4RPIljo-00372-00068064-00068343 inside the country and impose very heavy fcrR4RPIljo-00373-00068344-00068415 taxes fcrR4RPIljo-00374-00068416-00068655 onto national capitalists until they go fcrR4RPIljo-00375-00068656-00068806 away so we'd crack down fcrR4RPIljo-00376-00068807-00069015 on the national capitalists with the fcrR4RPIljo-00377-00069016-00069191 dictatorship of the proletariat fcrR4RPIljo-00378-00069192-00069399 until they either flee or until we're fcrR4RPIljo-00379-00069400-00069503 basically forced fcrR4RPIljo-00380-00069504-00069687 to deal with them the dictatorship of fcrR4RPIljo-00381-00069688-00069887 the proletariat is not like a literal fcrR4RPIljo-00382-00069888-00070143 dictatorship of one guy over everyone fcrR4RPIljo-00383-00070144-00070367 it's the dictatorship of the workers fcrR4RPIljo-00384-00070368-00070582 over the capitalists so it's the workers fcrR4RPIljo-00385-00070583-00070775 who control the means of production and fcrR4RPIljo-00386-00070776-00070967 it's the workers who control the state fcrR4RPIljo-00387-00070968-00071150 this is really the main element we'd fcrR4RPIljo-00388-00071151-00071406 copy from the soviet union and china the fcrR4RPIljo-00389-00071407-00071679 workers would basically play a huge role fcrR4RPIljo-00390-00071680-00071903 in the running of the country so instead fcrR4RPIljo-00391-00071904-00072038 of the capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00392-00072039-00072223 lobbying the government it will be the fcrR4RPIljo-00393-00072224-00072391 workers lobbying the government fcrR4RPIljo-00394-00072392-00072591 the only reason why the dictatorship of fcrR4RPIljo-00395-00072592-00072799 the proletariat would exist in the first fcrR4RPIljo-00396-00072800-00072847 place fcrR4RPIljo-00397-00072848-00073159 is because overthrowing capitalism is no fcrR4RPIljo-00398-00073160-00073391 easy task even after the capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00399-00073392-00073511 have been overthrown fcrR4RPIljo-00400-00073512-00073694 they're gonna fight back in fact the fcrR4RPIljo-00401-00073695-00073871 struggle between the workers and the fcrR4RPIljo-00402-00073872-00074126 capitalists will be super intense under fcrR4RPIljo-00403-00074127-00074319 socialism because there will be the fcrR4RPIljo-00404-00074320-00074367 threat fcrR4RPIljo-00405-00074368-00074567 of the national capitalists having the fcrR4RPIljo-00406-00074568-00074735 backing of capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00407-00074736-00074982 from other countries which would lead to fcrR4RPIljo-00408-00074983-00075167 other countries invading and that's fcrR4RPIljo-00409-00075168-00075375 another reason why the soviet union in fcrR4RPIljo-00410-00075376-00075438 particular fcrR4RPIljo-00411-00075439-00075662 did the rapid industrialization that it fcrR4RPIljo-00412-00075663-00075806 did because it was faced fcrR4RPIljo-00413-00075807-00075967 with those particular material fcrR4RPIljo-00414-00075968-00076215 conditions of being trapped in a feudal fcrR4RPIljo-00415-00076216-00076382 society it was coming out of fcrR4RPIljo-00416-00076383-00076662 so to summarize petty bourgeois people fcrR4RPIljo-00417-00076663-00076855 they're not exactly capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00418-00076856-00077062 they are a dying class the basis of fcrR4RPIljo-00419-00077063-00077159 their activity fcrR4RPIljo-00420-00077160-00077350 is that they are just there to employ fcrR4RPIljo-00421-00077351-00077550 themselves petty bourgeois people are fcrR4RPIljo-00422-00077551-00077687 not capitalists fcrR4RPIljo-00423-00077688-00077871 not necessarily they're not like fcrR4RPIljo-00424-00077872-00077999 capitalists who are fcrR4RPIljo-00425-00078000-00078199 incredibly wealthy anyway and just fcrR4RPIljo-00426-00078200-00078406 invest in a big enterprise whilst not fcrR4RPIljo-00427-00078407-00078615 even working in said enterprise petty fcrR4RPIljo-00428-00078616-00078711 bourgeois people fcrR4RPIljo-00429-00078712-00078919 are usually pretty hard working and fcrR4RPIljo-00430-00078920-00079143 because of the nature of capitalism fcrR4RPIljo-00431-00079144-00079359 petty bourgeois people often do struggle fcrR4RPIljo-00432-00079360-00079550 to compete in the market and therefore fcrR4RPIljo-00433-00079551-00079759 have to become proletarians because they fcrR4RPIljo-00434-00079760-00079911 go out of business so they're not gonna fcrR4RPIljo-00435-00079912-00080006 be around forever fcrR4RPIljo-00436-00080007-00080199 they are a dying class and they are just fcrR4RPIljo-00437-00080200-00081388 gonna go away fcrR4RPIljo-00438-00081389-00081441 [Applause] fcrR4RPIljo-00439-00081442-00082058 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00440-00082059-00082105 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00441-00082106-00082682 [Applause] fcrR4RPIljo-00442-00082683-00083566 me fcrR4RPIljo-00443-00083567-00083781 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00444-00083782-00084082 [Applause] fcrR4RPIljo-00445-00084083-00086457 oh fcrR4RPIljo-00446-00086458-00086587 [Applause] fcrR4RPIljo-00447-00086588-00088282 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00448-00088283-00088997 foreign fcrR4RPIljo-00449-00088998-00089682 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00450-00089683-00089817 wow fcrR4RPIljo-00451-00089818-00091082 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00452-00091083-00092434 wow fcrR4RPIljo-00453-00092435-00093882 [Music] fcrR4RPIljo-00454-00093883-00094006 uh fcrR4RPIljo-00455-00094007-00094216 you fdxslc07afI-00000-00000016-00000231 top 10 friendliest dog breeds dot there fdxslc07afI-00001-00000231-00000375 is no doubt in the loyalty and fdxslc07afI-00002-00000376-00000519 friendliness of dogs fdxslc07afI-00003-00000520-00000711 but not all breeds can be friendly with fdxslc07afI-00004-00000712-00000894 all members and other pets in your fdxslc07afI-00005-00000896-00000983 family fdxslc07afI-00006-00000984-00001158 some breeds can be unpredictable and fdxslc07afI-00007-00001159-00001358 aggressive here the list of 10 fdxslc07afI-00008-00001359-00001641 friendliest dog reads fdxslc07afI-00009-00001642-00002479 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00010-00002480-00002695 beagle you will fall in love with this fdxslc07afI-00011-00002696-00002887 breed from the first look itself fdxslc07afI-00012-00002888-00003110 that cute and lovely beagles are the fdxslc07afI-00013-00003111-00003295 good look alone can't make any dog a fdxslc07afI-00014-00003296-00003422 good companion fdxslc07afI-00015-00003423-00003654 it defines by the temperament with early fdxslc07afI-00016-00003655-00003767 socialization fdxslc07afI-00017-00003768-00003959 beagle can be a great companion for your fdxslc07afI-00018-00003960-00004143 family they are active fdxslc07afI-00019-00004144-00004399 gentle and playful beagles also have fdxslc07afI-00020-00004400-00004591 that great character of making a strong fdxslc07afI-00021-00004592-00006249 bond with every member of the family fdxslc07afI-00022-00006250-00008483 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00023-00008484-00009002 do fdxslc07afI-00024-00009003-00009206 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00025-00009207-00009455 pug is a breed that bred to be a fdxslc07afI-00026-00009456-00009583 companion dog fdxslc07afI-00027-00009584-00009783 they have very friendly charming and fdxslc07afI-00028-00009784-00009910 quiet nature fdxslc07afI-00029-00009911-00010071 these good temperaments along with their fdxslc07afI-00030-00010072-00010342 tiny size make pug a good house dog fdxslc07afI-00031-00010343-00010591 they like to be surrounded by the family fdxslc07afI-00032-00010592-00010663 in fact fdxslc07afI-00033-00010664-00010903 that's what pugs wanted the most this fdxslc07afI-00034-00010904-00011095 friendly breed can also get along well fdxslc07afI-00035-00011096-00011548 with children and other pets fdxslc07afI-00036-00011549-00012082 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00037-00012083-00012220 [Applause] fdxslc07afI-00038-00012221-00013541 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00039-00013541-00013811 [Applause] fdxslc07afI-00040-00013812-00015415 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00041-00015416-00015647 irish setter is a large dog with a fdxslc07afI-00042-00015647-00015822 stimly beautiful coat fdxslc07afI-00043-00015823-00016015 apart from the look this breed is known fdxslc07afI-00044-00016016-00016166 for their good temperament fdxslc07afI-00045-00016168-00016430 they are energetic lively and playful fdxslc07afI-00046-00016431-00016622 irish settlers become so close to the fdxslc07afI-00047-00016623-00016711 family fdxslc07afI-00048-00016712-00016894 they like to be with the family always fdxslc07afI-00049-00016895-00017094 and never want to be left alone fdxslc07afI-00050-00017095-00017294 a well-raised irish setter can even be fdxslc07afI-00051-00017295-00017581 friendly with other dogs and cats in the fdxslc07afI-00052-00017582-00018283 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00053-00018284-00018543 family fdxslc07afI-00054-00018544-00020797 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00055-00020798-00021775 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00056-00021776-00022127 collie an extremely loyal active gentle fdxslc07afI-00057-00022128-00022375 intelligent and protective dog collies fdxslc07afI-00058-00022376-00022478 are quick learners fdxslc07afI-00059-00022479-00022735 so that can be trained easily in short fdxslc07afI-00060-00022736-00022903 time they will make a strong bond with fdxslc07afI-00061-00022904-00023030 the whole family fdxslc07afI-00062-00023031-00023255 collies are very caring and they try to fdxslc07afI-00063-00023256-00023471 please the family with their playfulness fdxslc07afI-00064-00023472-00023630 a well-trained colleague can remain fdxslc07afI-00065-00023631-00023855 quiet indoors.they also like to be with fdxslc07afI-00066-00023856-00024103 the family always callies can also be fdxslc07afI-00067-00024104-00025807 very comfortable with the children fdxslc07afI-00068-00025808-00028502 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00069-00028504-00028758 is a cute affectionate intelligent fdxslc07afI-00070-00028760-00028967 active and highly trainable breed fdxslc07afI-00071-00028968-00029174 it's a great family dog with exceptional fdxslc07afI-00072-00029175-00029270 loyalty fdxslc07afI-00073-00029272-00029462 poodles are always ready to join in any fdxslc07afI-00074-00029463-00029623 activities or games fdxslc07afI-00075-00029624-00029823 they like to get your attention and make fdxslc07afI-00076-00029824-00030031 you smile with their playful nature fdxslc07afI-00077-00030032-00030246 poodles can keep this friendly nature fdxslc07afI-00078-00030247-00030383 not only with the adults fdxslc07afI-00079-00030383-00031474 but also with the children in the family fdxslc07afI-00080-00031475-00034285 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00081-00034286-00034759 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00082-00034760-00035007 cavalier king charles spaniel the small fdxslc07afI-00083-00035008-00035215 adorable cavalier is a true companion fdxslc07afI-00084-00035216-00035390 dog who loves to follow you wherever you fdxslc07afI-00085-00035391-00035471 go fdxslc07afI-00086-00035472-00035702 no other role is suited for this breed fdxslc07afI-00087-00035703-00035902 but as a companion cavaliers will do an fdxslc07afI-00088-00035903-00036030 exceptional job fdxslc07afI-00089-00036031-00036199 they can be peaceful with everyone in fdxslc07afI-00090-00036200-00036446 the family kids adults and the age dot fdxslc07afI-00091-00036447-00036623 this lovely dog can even be friendly fdxslc07afI-00092-00036624-00036799 with other dogs or cats fdxslc07afI-00093-00036800-00037007 your companionship is very important for fdxslc07afI-00094-00037008-00037111 this breed fdxslc07afI-00095-00037112-00037343 long time separation from the family can fdxslc07afI-00096-00037344-00038586 cause separation anxiety and cavaliers fdxslc07afI-00097-00038587-00041230 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00098-00041231-00041462 newfoundland gentle giantess may be the fdxslc07afI-00099-00041463-00041623 best name suit for the newfoundland fdxslc07afI-00100-00041624-00041695 breed fdxslc07afI-00101-00041696-00041902 because this large dog has attractive fdxslc07afI-00102-00041903-00041999 temperaments fdxslc07afI-00103-00042000-00042255 they are calm sweet and companionable fdxslc07afI-00104-00042256-00042423 newfoundlands can be comfortable with fdxslc07afI-00105-00042424-00042543 everyone in the family fdxslc07afI-00106-00042544-00042783 even with the kids but your supervision fdxslc07afI-00107-00042784-00042939 is needed when kids are around the fdxslc07afI-00108-00042940-00043183 dog.newfoundlands become very energetic fdxslc07afI-00109-00043184-00043430 when the family is with them yes your fdxslc07afI-00110-00043431-00043599 companionship is very important fdxslc07afI-00111-00043600-00045220 to them fdxslc07afI-00112-00045221-00047096 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00113-00047097-00047711 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00114-00047712-00047902 a small cute dog with the thick silky fdxslc07afI-00115-00047903-00048127 coat the personality of the havanese fdxslc07afI-00116-00048128-00048335 breed is as attractive as its look fdxslc07afI-00117-00048336-00048590 they are gentle playful and affectionate fdxslc07afI-00118-00048591-00048815 havanese is an ideal family dog who can fdxslc07afI-00119-00048816-00048967 remain pleasant and peaceful with fdxslc07afI-00120-00048968-00049118 everyone in the family fdxslc07afI-00121-00049119-00049262 more than the playfulness you will be fdxslc07afI-00122-00049263-00049486 amazed by the affection of this breed fdxslc07afI-00123-00049487-00049718 he wants to be with you every time at fdxslc07afI-00124-00049719-00049823 the same time fdxslc07afI-00125-00049824-00049999 long separation from the family can fdxslc07afI-00126-00050000-00050859 badly affect this breed fdxslc07afI-00127-00050860-00052766 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00128-00052767-00053032 [Applause] fdxslc07afI-00129-00053033-00053982 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00130-00053983-00054230 labrador retriever no other breed is fdxslc07afI-00131-00054232-00054463 more popular than labrador retriever fdxslc07afI-00132-00054464-00054726 it's for a solid reason the contribution fdxslc07afI-00133-00054727-00054799 of labradors fdxslc07afI-00134-00054800-00055030 in different fields is just exceptional fdxslc07afI-00135-00055032-00055166 they can be a guide dog fdxslc07afI-00136-00055167-00055447 sniffer dog sniffer dog show dog and of fdxslc07afI-00137-00055448-00055654 course a great great family dog fdxslc07afI-00138-00055655-00055823 this week nature's breed can be fdxslc07afI-00139-00055824-00055938 comfortable with the whole fdxslc07afI-00140-00055939-00056142 family.labradors will join you for any fdxslc07afI-00141-00056144-00056230 activities fdxslc07afI-00142-00056232-00056535 walk run swimming or hiking they like to fdxslc07afI-00143-00056536-00056607 follow you fdxslc07afI-00144-00056608-00056854 and make you happy labradors can learn a fdxslc07afI-00145-00056855-00056999 wide range of things fdxslc07afI-00146-00057000-00057175 but it depends on the training they get fdxslc07afI-00147-00057176-00057399 in the childhood the good news is they fdxslc07afI-00148-00057400-00057635 will learn the command so easily fdxslc07afI-00149-00057636-00060438 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00150-00060439-00060663 golden retriever the friendliness of fdxslc07afI-00151-00060664-00060782 golden retrievers fdxslc07afI-00152-00060783-00061023 is as famous as its cuteness they are fdxslc07afI-00153-00061024-00061087 cheerful fdxslc07afI-00154-00061088-00061342 confident and calm golden retrievers fdxslc07afI-00155-00061344-00061494 keep their friendly attitude with fdxslc07afI-00156-00061495-00061582 everyone fdxslc07afI-00157-00061583-00061791 more importantly they even become fdxslc07afI-00158-00061791-00061950 friendly with strangers but golden fdxslc07afI-00159-00061951-00062175 retrievers are devoted to the family fdxslc07afI-00160-00062176-00062342 they always show the eagerness to please fdxslc07afI-00161-00062344-00062542 the family undoubtedly they are fdxslc07afI-00162-00062544-00062679 kid-friendly dog fdxslc07afI-00163-00062679-00062871 but your supervision is needed when kids fdxslc07afI-00164-00062872-00063038 are with the dog daddy well-trained fdxslc07afI-00165-00063039-00063215 golden retriever won't show any bad fdxslc07afI-00166-00063216-00063415 behavior like chewing objects fdxslc07afI-00167-00063416-00063591 include him in the outdoor activities fdxslc07afI-00168-00063591-00063830 you are doing they are very active fdxslc07afI-00169-00063832-00064006 and show outstanding willingness in fdxslc07afI-00170-00064007-00064199 playing games and engage in walking fdxslc07afI-00171-00064200-00064689 running and hiking fdxslc07afI-00172-00064690-00066917 [Music] fdxslc07afI-00173-00066918-00067567 [Applause] fdxslc07afI-00174-00067568-00067776 you fdCn-SGLUQI-00000-00000045-00000311 in the oldest texts of Buddhism Dhyana fdCn-SGLUQI-00001-00000312-00000580 Sanskrit or jhana Pali is a series of fdCn-SGLUQI-00002-00000581-00000794 cultivated states of mind commonly fdCn-SGLUQI-00003-00000795-00001015 translated as meditation which lead to a fdCn-SGLUQI-00004-00001016-00001235 state of perfect equanimity and fdCn-SGLUQI-00005-00001236-00001504 awareness you pecky sati puris ooodle fdCn-SGLUQI-00006-00001505-00001742 Dhyana may have been the core practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00007-00001743-00001961 of pre sectarian Buddhism together with fdCn-SGLUQI-00008-00001962-00002171 several preceding practices which lead fdCn-SGLUQI-00009-00002172-00002345 to calm and detachment and are fully fdCn-SGLUQI-00010-00002346-00002594 realized with th practice of Dhyana in fdCn-SGLUQI-00011-00002595-00002786 the later commentarial tradition which fdCn-SGLUQI-00012-00002787-00002978 has survived in present-day Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-00013-00002979-00003274 Dhyana is equated with concentration a fdCn-SGLUQI-00014-00003275-00003524 state of one-pointed absorption in which fdCn-SGLUQI-00015-00003525-00003686 there is a diminished awareness of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00016-00003686-00003893 surroundings in the contemporary fdCn-SGLUQI-00017-00003894-00004151 Theravada based Vipassana movement this fdCn-SGLUQI-00018-00004152-00004355 absorbed state of mind as regarded as fdCn-SGLUQI-00019-00004356-00004592 unnecessary and even non beneficial for fdCn-SGLUQI-00020-00004593-00004769 awakening which has to be reached by fdCn-SGLUQI-00021-00004770-00004955 mindfulness of the body and Vipassana fdCn-SGLUQI-00022-00004956-00005231 insight into impermanence since the fdCn-SGLUQI-00023-00005232-00005480 1980s scholars and practitioners have fdCn-SGLUQI-00024-00005481-00005647 started to question this equation fdCn-SGLUQI-00025-00005648-00005843 arguing for a more comprehensive and fdCn-SGLUQI-00026-00005844-00006026 integrated understanding and approach fdCn-SGLUQI-00027-00006027-00006206 based on the oldest descriptions of fdCn-SGLUQI-00028-00006207-00006541 Dhyana in the suttas in Chan and Zen the fdCn-SGLUQI-00029-00006542-00006724 Chinese and Japanese renderings of fdCn-SGLUQI-00030-00006725-00006952 Dhyana Dhyana as the central practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00031-00006953-00007156 which is ultimately based on service to fdCn-SGLUQI-00032-00007157-00007360 vada meditation practices and has been fdCn-SGLUQI-00033-00007361-00007528 transmitted since the beginning of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00034-00007529-00007889 Common Era fdCn-SGLUQI-00035-00007890-00008416 topic etymology fdCn-SGLUQI-00036-00008417-00008662 diana is commonly translated as fdCn-SGLUQI-00037-00008663-00008895 meditation and is often equated with fdCn-SGLUQI-00038-00008896-00009148 concentration though meditation may fdCn-SGLUQI-00039-00009149-00009382 refer to a wider Skala of exercises for fdCn-SGLUQI-00040-00009383-00009709 Bhavana development diana can also mean fdCn-SGLUQI-00041-00009710-00009960 attention thought refulgent fdCn-SGLUQI-00042-00009961-00010276 according to Buddha Gaza the term jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00043-00010277-00010578 s cady diana is derived from the verb fdCn-SGLUQI-00044-00010579-00010896 Jyoti to think or meditate while the fdCn-SGLUQI-00045-00010897-00011227 verb japa T to burn up explicates its fdCn-SGLUQI-00046-00011228-00011407 function namely burning up opposing fdCn-SGLUQI-00047-00011408-00011646 states burning up or destroying the fdCn-SGLUQI-00048-00011647-00011988 mental defilements preventing the fdCn-SGLUQI-00049-00011989-00012554 development of serenity and insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00050-00012555-00013065 topic the Jonas fdCn-SGLUQI-00051-00013066-00013344 the Pali Canon describes for progressive fdCn-SGLUQI-00052-00013344-00013593 states of john de called rupa jhana form fdCn-SGLUQI-00053-00013594-00013847 jhana and for additional meditative fdCn-SGLUQI-00054-00013849-00014234 States called a Rupa without form fdCn-SGLUQI-00055-00014235-00014388 you fdCn-SGLUQI-00056-00014390-00014968 topic preparatory practices fdCn-SGLUQI-00057-00014969-00015179 meditation and contemplation are fdCn-SGLUQI-00058-00015180-00015404 preceded by preparatory practices which fdCn-SGLUQI-00059-00015405-00015581 are fully realized with the practice of fdCn-SGLUQI-00060-00015582-00015824 Diana as described in the Noble fdCn-SGLUQI-00061-00015825-00016004 Eightfold Path right view leads to fdCn-SGLUQI-00062-00016005-00016178 leaving the household life and becoming fdCn-SGLUQI-00063-00016179-00016526 a wandering monk sila morality comprises fdCn-SGLUQI-00064-00016527-00016748 the rules for right conduct right effort fdCn-SGLUQI-00065-00016749-00017015 seek you the for right efforts aimed to fdCn-SGLUQI-00066-00017016-00017180 prevent the arising of unwholesome fdCn-SGLUQI-00067-00017181-00017374 states and to generate wholesome States fdCn-SGLUQI-00068-00017375-00017663 this includes indriya Sambora sense fdCn-SGLUQI-00069-00017664-00017861 restraint controlling the response to fdCn-SGLUQI-00070-00017862-00018047 sensual perceptions not giving in to fdCn-SGLUQI-00071-00018048-00018260 lust and aversion but simply noticing fdCn-SGLUQI-00072-00018261-00018461 the objects of perception as they appear fdCn-SGLUQI-00073-00018462-00018713 right effort and mindfulness calm the fdCn-SGLUQI-00074-00018714-00018950 mind body complex releasing unwholesome fdCn-SGLUQI-00075-00018951-00019130 states and habitual patterns and fdCn-SGLUQI-00076-00019131-00019313 encouraging the development of wholesome fdCn-SGLUQI-00077-00019314-00019607 States and non automatic responses by fdCn-SGLUQI-00078-00019608-00019793 following these cumulative steps and fdCn-SGLUQI-00079-00019794-00019994 practices the mind becomes set almost fdCn-SGLUQI-00080-00019995-00020297 naturally for the practice of Dhyana the fdCn-SGLUQI-00081-00020298-00020498 practice of Dhyana reinforces the fdCn-SGLUQI-00082-00020499-00020687 development of wholesome States leading fdCn-SGLUQI-00083-00020688-00021254 to you Pecha equanimity and mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00084-00021255-00021720 topic the Rupa Janice fdCn-SGLUQI-00085-00021721-00022291 topic qualities of the ruh pajamas fdCn-SGLUQI-00086-00022292-00022513 the practice of Dhyana is aided by fdCn-SGLUQI-00087-00022514-00022765 anapanasati mindfulness of breathing the fdCn-SGLUQI-00088-00022766-00023047 sutta pitaka and the agamas described fdCn-SGLUQI-00089-00023048-00023323 four stages of Rupa jhana Rupa refers to fdCn-SGLUQI-00090-00023324-00023530 the material realm in a neutral stance fdCn-SGLUQI-00091-00023531-00023758 as different form the common realm lust fdCn-SGLUQI-00092-00023759-00024037 desire and the Aruba realm non material fdCn-SGLUQI-00093-00024038-00024319 realm each jhana is characterized by a fdCn-SGLUQI-00094-00024320-00024508 set of qualities which are present in fdCn-SGLUQI-00095-00024509-00024844 that jhana first Diana the first Diana fdCn-SGLUQI-00096-00024845-00025027 can be entered when one is secluded from fdCn-SGLUQI-00097-00025028-00025279 sensuality and unskillful qualities due fdCn-SGLUQI-00098-00025280-00025519 to withdrawal and right effort there is fdCn-SGLUQI-00099-00025520-00025843 pity rapture and non sensual suka fdCn-SGLUQI-00100-00025844-00026115 pleasure as the result of seclusion fdCn-SGLUQI-00101-00026116-00026406 while vitarka vicara discursive thought fdCn-SGLUQI-00102-00026407-00026761 continues second diana there is pity fdCn-SGLUQI-00103-00026762-00027160 rapture and non sensual suka pleasure as fdCn-SGLUQI-00104-00027161-00027457 the result of concentration Samadhi G fdCn-SGLUQI-00105-00027458-00027811 born of Samadhi eka gotta unification of fdCn-SGLUQI-00106-00027812-00028005 awareness free from vitarka vicara fdCn-SGLUQI-00107-00028006-00028333 discursive thought Sam pasadena inner fdCn-SGLUQI-00108-00028333-00028689 tranquility third Diana you pekka fdCn-SGLUQI-00109-00028691-00029056 Aquinas affective detachment mindful and fdCn-SGLUQI-00110-00029057-00029301 alert and senses pleasure with the body fdCn-SGLUQI-00111-00029302-00029595 fourth Diana you Peck asada para su T fdCn-SGLUQI-00112-00029597-00029794 purity of equanimity and mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00113-00029795-00030108 neither pleasure nor pain traditionally fdCn-SGLUQI-00114-00030110-00030268 the fourth jhana is seen as the fdCn-SGLUQI-00115-00030269-00030457 beginning of attaining psychic powers fdCn-SGLUQI-00116-00030458-00030841 Abbie Gia fdCn-SGLUQI-00117-00030842-00031036 topic interpretation of the four fdCn-SGLUQI-00118-00031037-00031383 Dianna's fdCn-SGLUQI-00119-00031384-00031620 while the jhanas are often understood as fdCn-SGLUQI-00120-00031621-00031839 deepening states of concentration due to fdCn-SGLUQI-00121-00031840-00031977 its description as such in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00122-00031978-00032179 abhidhamma and the vision Omega since fdCn-SGLUQI-00123-00032180-00032433 the 1980s scholars and modern theravadan fdCn-SGLUQI-00124-00032434-00032565 s have started to question this fdCn-SGLUQI-00125-00032566-00032886 understanding roderick s Bucknell notes fdCn-SGLUQI-00126-00032887-00033104 that vitarka and vicara may refer to fdCn-SGLUQI-00127-00033105-00033345 probably nothing other than the normal fdCn-SGLUQI-00128-00033346-00033546 process of discursive thought the fdCn-SGLUQI-00129-00033547-00033801 familiar but usually unnoticed stream of fdCn-SGLUQI-00130-00033802-00034055 mental imagery and verbalization fdCn-SGLUQI-00131-00034056-00034410 Bucknell further note is that t hese fdCn-SGLUQI-00132-00034411-00034662 conclusions conflict with the widespread fdCn-SGLUQI-00133-00034663-00034914 conception of the first jhana as a state fdCn-SGLUQI-00134-00034915-00035205 of deep concentration according to fdCn-SGLUQI-00135-00035206-00035427 Stuart Fox the abhidhamma separated fdCn-SGLUQI-00136-00035428-00035652 vitarka from vicara and eka gada one fdCn-SGLUQI-00137-00035653-00035854 pointedness was added to the description fdCn-SGLUQI-00138-00035855-00036039 first Dhyana to give an equal number of fdCn-SGLUQI-00139-00036040-00036345 five hindrances and five antidotes the fdCn-SGLUQI-00140-00036346-00036532 commentarial tradition regards the fdCn-SGLUQI-00141-00036533-00036708 kalidahs of the first Dhyana to be fdCn-SGLUQI-00142-00036709-00036915 antidotes to the five hindrances and eka fdCn-SGLUQI-00143-00036916-00037080 gada may have been added to the first fdCn-SGLUQI-00144-00037081-00037305 Dhyana to give exactly five antidotes fdCn-SGLUQI-00145-00037306-00037575 for the five hindrances Stuart Fox fdCn-SGLUQI-00146-00037576-00037764 further notes that vitarka being fdCn-SGLUQI-00147-00037765-00037942 discursive thought will do very little fdCn-SGLUQI-00148-00037943-00038148 as an antidote for sloth and torpor fdCn-SGLUQI-00149-00038149-00038337 reflecting the inconsistencies which fdCn-SGLUQI-00150-00038338-00038499 were introduced by the Scholastic's fdCn-SGLUQI-00151-00038500-00038710 fetter Gombrich and Wynn note that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00152-00038711-00038898 first and second jhana represent the fdCn-SGLUQI-00153-00038899-00039111 onset of Dhyana due to withdrawal and fdCn-SGLUQI-00154-00039112-00039360 right effort C Q the fore right efforts fdCn-SGLUQI-00155-00039361-00039573 followed by concentration whereas the fdCn-SGLUQI-00156-00039574-00039726 third and fourth jhana combined fdCn-SGLUQI-00157-00039727-00040002 concentration with mindfulness Pollock fdCn-SGLUQI-00158-00040003-00040215 elaborating on Vetter notes that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00159-00040216-00040429 onset of the first Dhyana is described fdCn-SGLUQI-00160-00040430-00040635 as a quite natural process due to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00161-00040636-00040833 preceding efforts to restrain the senses fdCn-SGLUQI-00162-00040834-00041018 and the nurturing of wholesome states fdCn-SGLUQI-00163-00041019-00041265 regarding Samadhi as the eighth step of fdCn-SGLUQI-00164-00041266-00041445 the Noble Eightfold Path Vetter notes fdCn-SGLUQI-00165-00041446-00041649 that Samadhi consists of the four stages fdCn-SGLUQI-00166-00041650-00041930 of Dhyana meditation but fdCn-SGLUQI-00167-00041931-00042158 to put it more accurately the first fdCn-SGLUQI-00168-00042159-00042410 Diana seems to provide after some time a fdCn-SGLUQI-00169-00042411-00042617 state of strong concentration from which fdCn-SGLUQI-00170-00042618-00042827 the other stages come forth the second fdCn-SGLUQI-00171-00042828-00043223 stage is called Samadhi a born from fdCn-SGLUQI-00172-00043224-00043324 Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00173-00043325-00043541 according to Richard Gombrich the fdCn-SGLUQI-00174-00043542-00043715 sequence of the four Rupa jaundice fdCn-SGLUQI-00175-00043716-00043919 describes two different cognitive states fdCn-SGLUQI-00176-00043920-00044162 I know this is controversial but it fdCn-SGLUQI-00177-00044163-00044345 seems to me that the third and fourth fdCn-SGLUQI-00178-00044346-00044504 jaundice are thus quite unlike the fdCn-SGLUQI-00179-00044505-00044831 second Gombrich and Wynn note that while fdCn-SGLUQI-00180-00044832-00045002 the second jhana denotes a state of fdCn-SGLUQI-00181-00045003-00045194 absorption in the third and fourth jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00182-00045195-00045404 one comes out of this absorption being fdCn-SGLUQI-00183-00045405-00045587 mindfully awareness of objects while fdCn-SGLUQI-00184-00045588-00045821 being indifferent it according to fdCn-SGLUQI-00185-00045822-00046037 Gombrich the later tradition has fdCn-SGLUQI-00186-00046038-00046292 falsified the jhana by classifying them fdCn-SGLUQI-00187-00046293-00046505 as the quintessence of the concentrated fdCn-SGLUQI-00188-00046506-00046769 calming kind of meditation ignoring the fdCn-SGLUQI-00189-00046770-00047009 other and indeed higher element gebben fdCn-SGLUQI-00190-00047010-00047240 followed by pollock and arbol further fdCn-SGLUQI-00191-00047241-00047555 notes that there is a definite affinity fdCn-SGLUQI-00192-00047556-00047783 between the four jaundice and the bow fdCn-SGLUQI-00193-00047784-00048064 cheongha the seven factors of awakening fdCn-SGLUQI-00194-00048065-00048329 according to gavin the early buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00195-00048330-00048611 texts have a broadly consistent vision fdCn-SGLUQI-00196-00048612-00048920 regarding meditation practice various fdCn-SGLUQI-00197-00048921-00049154 practices lead to the development of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00198-00049155-00049367 factors of awakening which are not only fdCn-SGLUQI-00199-00049368-00049628 the means to but also the constituents fdCn-SGLUQI-00200-00049629-00049886 of awakening according to gavin fdCn-SGLUQI-00201-00049887-00050204 satipatthana and anapanasati are related fdCn-SGLUQI-00202-00050205-00050405 to a formula that summarizes the fdCn-SGLUQI-00203-00050406-00050750 Buddhist path to awakening as abandoning fdCn-SGLUQI-00204-00050751-00051125 the hindrances establishing mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00205-00051126-00051311 and developing the seven factors of fdCn-SGLUQI-00206-00051312-00051572 awakening quote this results in a fdCn-SGLUQI-00207-00051573-00051847 heightened awareness quote quote fdCn-SGLUQI-00208-00051848-00052085 overcoming distracting and disturbing fdCn-SGLUQI-00209-00052086-00052301 emotions which are not particularly fdCn-SGLUQI-00210-00052302-00052535 ments of the path to awakening but fdCn-SGLUQI-00211-00052536-00052769 rather common disturbing and distracting fdCn-SGLUQI-00212-00052770-00053128 emotions Deven further states that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00213-00053129-00053357 exegetical literature is essentially fdCn-SGLUQI-00214-00053358-00053522 true to the vision of meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00215-00053523-00053759 presented in the nakaya's applying the fdCn-SGLUQI-00216-00053760-00054004 perfect mindfulness stillness and fdCn-SGLUQI-00217-00054005-00054200 lucidity of the jhanas to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00218-00054201-00054505 contemplation of reality of the way fdCn-SGLUQI-00219-00054507-00054722 things really are as temporary and fdCn-SGLUQI-00220-00054723-00054812 ever-changing fdCn-SGLUQI-00221-00054813-00055141 it is in this sense that the John fdCn-SGLUQI-00222-00055142-00055357 state has the transcendent transforming fdCn-SGLUQI-00223-00055358-00055544 quality of awakening you Pekka fdCn-SGLUQI-00224-00055545-00055778 equanimity which is perfected in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00225-00055779-00056012 fourth diana is one of the four brahma fdCn-SGLUQI-00226-00056013-00056338 vihara while the commentarial tradition fdCn-SGLUQI-00227-00056339-00056530 downplayed the importance of the brahma fdCn-SGLUQI-00228-00056532-00056776 vihara Gombrich notes that the buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00229-00056777-00057026 usage of the brahma vihara originally fdCn-SGLUQI-00230-00057027-00057226 referred to an awakened state of mind fdCn-SGLUQI-00231-00057227-00057446 and a concrete attitude toward other fdCn-SGLUQI-00232-00057447-00057769 beings which was equal to living with fdCn-SGLUQI-00233-00057770-00058063 brahman here and now the later tradition fdCn-SGLUQI-00234-00058064-00058255 took those descriptions to literally fdCn-SGLUQI-00235-00058257-00058463 linking them to cosmology and fdCn-SGLUQI-00236-00058464-00058748 understanding them as living with fdCn-SGLUQI-00237-00058749-00059001 Brahman by rebirth in the Brahma world fdCn-SGLUQI-00238-00059002-00059300 according to Gombrich the Buddha taught fdCn-SGLUQI-00239-00059301-00059488 that kindness what Christians tend to fdCn-SGLUQI-00240-00059489-00059675 call love was a way to salvation fdCn-SGLUQI-00241-00059676-00059885 Alexander wind states that the Dianna's fdCn-SGLUQI-00242-00059886-00060161 scheme is poorly understood according to fdCn-SGLUQI-00243-00060162-00060371 win words expressing the implication of fdCn-SGLUQI-00244-00060372-00060607 awareness such as such a sample Hondo fdCn-SGLUQI-00245-00060608-00060815 and you Pekka are mistranslated or fdCn-SGLUQI-00246-00060816-00061010 understood as particular factors of fdCn-SGLUQI-00247-00061011-00061207 meditative States whereas they refer to fdCn-SGLUQI-00248-00061208-00061405 a particular way of perceiving the sense fdCn-SGLUQI-00249-00061407-00061721 objects thus the expression sano-sama fdCn-SGLUQI-00250-00061722-00061916 hanno in the third jhana must denote a fdCn-SGLUQI-00251-00061916-00062087 state of awareness different from the fdCn-SGLUQI-00252-00062088-00062264 meditative absorption of the second fdCn-SGLUQI-00253-00062265-00062423 jhana cetas o echo de bhava fdCn-SGLUQI-00254-00062424-00062675 it suggests that the subject is doing fdCn-SGLUQI-00255-00062676-00062851 something different from remaining in a fdCn-SGLUQI-00256-00062852-00063055 meditative state ie that he has come out fdCn-SGLUQI-00257-00063057-00063248 of his absorption and is now once again fdCn-SGLUQI-00258-00063249-00063541 aware of objects the same is true of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00259-00063542-00063728 word you picked que ha it does not fdCn-SGLUQI-00260-00063729-00063941 denote an abstract equanimity but it fdCn-SGLUQI-00261-00063941-00064094 means to be aware of something and fdCn-SGLUQI-00262-00064095-00064269 indifferent to it fdCn-SGLUQI-00263-00064270-00064533 closing square bracket the third and fdCn-SGLUQI-00264-00064534-00064728 fourth jhana s as it seems to me fdCn-SGLUQI-00265-00064729-00064953 describe the process of directing states fdCn-SGLUQI-00266-00064954-00065139 of meditative absorption towards the fdCn-SGLUQI-00267-00065140-00065454 mindful awareness of objects Danis ro fdCn-SGLUQI-00268-00065454-00065664 Baku a Western teacher in the Thai fdCn-SGLUQI-00269-00065665-00065868 forest tradition argues that the vision fdCn-SGLUQI-00270-00065869-00066072 Omega deviates from the Pali Canon in fdCn-SGLUQI-00271-00066073-00066222 its description of the jaundice and fdCn-SGLUQI-00272-00066223-00066411 warns against the development of strong fdCn-SGLUQI-00273-00066412-00066699 states of concentration árbol describes fdCn-SGLUQI-00274-00066700-00066966 the fourth jhana as nonreactive and fdCn-SGLUQI-00275-00066967-00067266 lucid awareness not as a state of deep fdCn-SGLUQI-00276-00067267-00067702 concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00277-00067703-00068119 pick the Aruba's fdCn-SGLUQI-00278-00068120-00068354 grouped into the jhana scheme or for fdCn-SGLUQI-00279-00068355-00068540 meditative States referred to in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00280-00068541-00068804 early texts as Erebus these are also fdCn-SGLUQI-00281-00068805-00069016 referred to in commentarial literature fdCn-SGLUQI-00282-00069017-00069221 as immaterial formless jaundice era fdCn-SGLUQI-00283-00069222-00069475 páginas also translated as the formless fdCn-SGLUQI-00284-00069476-00069676 dimensions in distinction from the first fdCn-SGLUQI-00285-00069677-00069967 four jhanas rupa jhanas in the Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00286-00069968-00070298 canonical texts the word jhana is never fdCn-SGLUQI-00287-00070299-00070501 explicitly used to denote them they are fdCn-SGLUQI-00288-00070502-00070784 instead referred to as AI Itano however fdCn-SGLUQI-00289-00070785-00070987 they are sometimes mentioned in sequence fdCn-SGLUQI-00290-00070988-00071241 after the first four jhanas other texts fdCn-SGLUQI-00291-00071242-00071635 EG m and 121 treat them as a distinct fdCn-SGLUQI-00292-00071636-00071816 set of attainment and thus came to be fdCn-SGLUQI-00293-00071817-00072104 treated by later exegetes as jhanas the fdCn-SGLUQI-00294-00072105-00072310 immaterial are related to or derived fdCn-SGLUQI-00295-00072311-00072529 from yogic meditation while the jaundice fdCn-SGLUQI-00296-00072530-00072734 proper are related to the cultivation of fdCn-SGLUQI-00297-00072735-00072988 the mind the state of complete dwelling fdCn-SGLUQI-00298-00072989-00073148 and emptiness has reached when the 8th fdCn-SGLUQI-00299-00073149-00073466 jhana is transcended the four Aruba's fdCn-SGLUQI-00300-00073467-00073807 are fifth jhana infinite space Polyakov fdCn-SGLUQI-00301-00073808-00074238 sanam Cayetana SKT a consonant chetana fdCn-SGLUQI-00302-00074239-00074536 6th jhana infinite consciousness Pali fdCn-SGLUQI-00303-00074537-00074743 vijnanam Cayetana SKT fdCn-SGLUQI-00304-00074744-00075124 Vidya Nanaji etana 7th jhana infinite fdCn-SGLUQI-00305-00075125-00075440 nothingness polyak in Konya Tana SKT a fdCn-SGLUQI-00306-00075441-00075740 Kim Kenya Tana 8th jhana neither fdCn-SGLUQI-00307-00075741-00075979 perception nor non-perception paulina fdCn-SGLUQI-00308-00075980-00076318 Hassan Jana Sania Tana SKT naive a Samia fdCn-SGLUQI-00309-00076319-00076417 Samia Tana fdCn-SGLUQI-00310-00076418-00076598 although the dimension of nothingness fdCn-SGLUQI-00311-00076599-00076900 and the dimension of neither perception fdCn-SGLUQI-00312-00076901-00077230 nor non-perception are included in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00313-00077231-00077410 list of 9 John is taught by the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00314-00077411-00077581 they are not included in the Noble fdCn-SGLUQI-00315-00077582-00077881 Eightfold Path noble path number 8 is fdCn-SGLUQI-00316-00077882-00078217 sama Samadhi right concentration and fdCn-SGLUQI-00317-00078218-00078376 only the first for jaundice are fdCn-SGLUQI-00318-00078377-00078685 considered right concentration if he fdCn-SGLUQI-00319-00078686-00078823 takes a disciple through all the fdCn-SGLUQI-00320-00078824-00078976 jaundice the emphasis is on the fdCn-SGLUQI-00321-00078977-00079248 cessation of feelings and perceptions fdCn-SGLUQI-00322-00079249-00079474 rather than stopping short Atta fdCn-SGLUQI-00323-00079475-00079693 dimension of neither perception nor fdCn-SGLUQI-00324-00079694-00079990 non-perception fdCn-SGLUQI-00325-00079991-00080144 you fdCn-SGLUQI-00326-00080145-00080701 topic nirodha samapatti fdCn-SGLUQI-00327-00080702-00080872 beyond the dimension of neither fdCn-SGLUQI-00328-00080873-00081088 perception nor non-perception lies a fdCn-SGLUQI-00329-00081089-00081307 state called nirodha samapatti the fdCn-SGLUQI-00330-00081308-00081589 cessation of perception feelings and fdCn-SGLUQI-00331-00081590-00081794 consciousness fdCn-SGLUQI-00332-00081795-00082025 only in commentarial and scholarly fdCn-SGLUQI-00333-00082026-00082223 literature this sometimes is called the fdCn-SGLUQI-00334-00082224-00082496 ninth jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00335-00082497-00082673 you fdCn-SGLUQI-00336-00082674-00083189 topic origins fdCn-SGLUQI-00337-00083190-00083417 the time of the Buddha saw the rise of fdCn-SGLUQI-00338-00083418-00083567 the sramana movement ascetic fdCn-SGLUQI-00339-00083568-00083744 practitioners with a body of shared fdCn-SGLUQI-00340-00083745-00084002 teachings and practices the strict fdCn-SGLUQI-00341-00084003-00084176 delineation of this movement into fdCn-SGLUQI-00342-00084177-00084371 Jainism Buddhism and Brahmanical fdCn-SGLUQI-00343-00084372-00084563 upanishadic traditions as a later fdCn-SGLUQI-00344-00084564-00084824 development topic invention or fdCn-SGLUQI-00345-00084825-00085028 incorporation according to Bronckhorst fdCn-SGLUQI-00346-00085029-00085214 the practice of the four Dianna's may fdCn-SGLUQI-00347-00085215-00085397 have been an original contribution by fdCn-SGLUQI-00348-00085398-00085553 God Amma Buddha to the religious fdCn-SGLUQI-00349-00085554-00085760 practices of ancient India in response fdCn-SGLUQI-00350-00085761-00085981 to the ascetic practices of the Jains fdCn-SGLUQI-00351-00085982-00086219 kelapa honda argues that the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00352-00086220-00086426 reverted to the meditational practices fdCn-SGLUQI-00353-00086427-00086615 he had learned from a radical Amma and fdCn-SGLUQI-00354-00086616-00086879 you decorum a Buddha when argues that a fdCn-SGLUQI-00355-00086880-00087089 radical Amma and you decorum a Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00356-00087090-00087272 were brahmanical teachers and that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00357-00087273-00087446 attainment of the formless meditative fdCn-SGLUQI-00358-00087447-00087611 absorption was incorporated from fdCn-SGLUQI-00359-00087612-00087902 Brahmanical practices these practices fdCn-SGLUQI-00360-00087903-00088076 were paired to mindfulness and insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00361-00088077-00088322 and given a new interpretation the fdCn-SGLUQI-00362-00088323-00088526 stratification of particular Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00363-00088527-00088751 experiences into the four jhanas seems fdCn-SGLUQI-00364-00088752-00089006 to be a Buddhist innovation it was then fdCn-SGLUQI-00365-00089007-00089186 borrowed and presented in an incomplete fdCn-SGLUQI-00366-00089187-00089408 form in the moxa Dharma a part of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00367-00089409-00089645 Mahabharata Thomas William Rees David's fdCn-SGLUQI-00368-00089646-00089825 and Maurice Walsh agreed that the term fdCn-SGLUQI-00369-00089826-00090038 Samadhi is not found in any pre Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00370-00090039-00090203 text but his first mentioned in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00371-00090204-00090467 tippet aka it was later incorporated fdCn-SGLUQI-00372-00090468-00090707 into later texts such as the Maitreya no fdCn-SGLUQI-00373-00090708-00091004 you pani shot but according to Matsumoto fdCn-SGLUQI-00374-00091005-00091253 the terms Diana and Sam ajita entering fdCn-SGLUQI-00375-00091254-00091475 Samadhi appear already in upanishadic fdCn-SGLUQI-00376-00091476-00091661 texts that predate the origins of fdCn-SGLUQI-00377-00091662-00091964 Buddhism topic Buddhist origins the Maha fdCn-SGLUQI-00378-00091965-00092282 Sakic USADA majima nakiya 36 narrates fdCn-SGLUQI-00379-00092283-00092461 the story of the Buddha's awakening fdCn-SGLUQI-00380-00092462-00092642 according to this story fdCn-SGLUQI-00381-00092643-00092846 he learned two kinds of meditation which fdCn-SGLUQI-00382-00092847-00093083 did not lead to enlightenment he then fdCn-SGLUQI-00383-00093084-00093284 underwent harsh ascetic practices with fdCn-SGLUQI-00384-00093285-00093449 which he eventually also became fdCn-SGLUQI-00385-00093450-00093719 disillusioned the Buddha then recalled a fdCn-SGLUQI-00386-00093720-00093926 meditative state he entered by chance as fdCn-SGLUQI-00387-00093927-00094148 a child I thought I recall once when my fdCn-SGLUQI-00388-00094149-00094331 father the sake Anu was working and I fdCn-SGLUQI-00389-00094332-00094496 was sitting in the cool shade of a rose fdCn-SGLUQI-00390-00094497-00094712 apple tree then quite secluded from fdCn-SGLUQI-00391-00094713-00094949 sensuality secluded from unskillful fdCn-SGLUQI-00392-00094950-00095141 mental qualities I entered and remained fdCn-SGLUQI-00393-00095142-00095306 in the first jhana rapture and pleasure fdCn-SGLUQI-00394-00095307-00095519 born from seclusion accompanied by fdCn-SGLUQI-00395-00095520-00095783 directed thought and evaluation could fdCn-SGLUQI-00396-00095784-00095948 that be the path to awakening then fdCn-SGLUQI-00397-00095949-00096107 following on that memory came the fdCn-SGLUQI-00398-00096108-00096281 realization that is the path to fdCn-SGLUQI-00399-00096282-00096476 awakening originally the practice of fdCn-SGLUQI-00400-00096477-00096566 Dhyana it Sal fdCn-SGLUQI-00401-00096567-00096770 may have constituted the core liberating fdCn-SGLUQI-00402-00096771-00096974 practice of early Buddhism since in this fdCn-SGLUQI-00403-00096975-00097201 state all pleasure and pain had wane fdCn-SGLUQI-00404-00097202-00097484 according to Vedder P robably the word fdCn-SGLUQI-00405-00097485-00097745 immortality Amada was used by the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00406-00097746-00097913 for the first interpretation of this fdCn-SGLUQI-00407-00097914-00098135 experience and not the term cessation of fdCn-SGLUQI-00408-00098136-00098312 suffering that belongs to the Four Noble fdCn-SGLUQI-00409-00098313-00098504 Truths the Buddha did not achieve the fdCn-SGLUQI-00410-00098505-00098711 experience of salvation by discerning fdCn-SGLUQI-00411-00098712-00098908 the Four Noble Truths and/or other data fdCn-SGLUQI-00412-00098909-00099158 but his experience must have been of fdCn-SGLUQI-00413-00099159-00099302 such a nature that it could bear the fdCn-SGLUQI-00414-00099303-00099532 interpretation achieving immortality fdCn-SGLUQI-00415-00099533-00099839 topic Brahmanical influences Alexander fdCn-SGLUQI-00416-00099840-00100031 Wynne attempted to find parallels in fdCn-SGLUQI-00417-00100032-00100226 Brahmanical texts to the meditative fdCn-SGLUQI-00418-00100227-00100397 goals the two teachers claimed to have fdCn-SGLUQI-00419-00100398-00100592 taught drawing especially on some of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00420-00100593-00100814 Upanishads in the moksha Dharma chapter fdCn-SGLUQI-00421-00100815-00101087 of the Mahabharata topic Utica Rama fdCn-SGLUQI-00422-00101088-00101294 Buddha and Alara Kalama the suttas fdCn-SGLUQI-00423-00101295-00101429 described how the buddha learned fdCn-SGLUQI-00424-00101430-00101624 meditative practices from two teachers fdCn-SGLUQI-00425-00101625-00101981 Utica Rama puja and Alara Kalama Alex fdCn-SGLUQI-00426-00101982-00102179 Wynne argues that Utica Rama putas fdCn-SGLUQI-00427-00102180-00102368 belong to the pre Buddhist tradition fdCn-SGLUQI-00428-00102369-00102557 portrayed by the Buddhist and romantic fdCn-SGLUQI-00429-00102558-00102755 sources in which the philosophical fdCn-SGLUQI-00430-00102756-00102958 formulations of the early Upanishads fdCn-SGLUQI-00431-00102959-00103148 were accepted and the meditative state fdCn-SGLUQI-00432-00103149-00103283 of neither perception nor non-perception fdCn-SGLUQI-00433-00103283-00103619 was equated with the self when further fdCn-SGLUQI-00434-00103620-00103850 argues that the goal of Alara Kalama was fdCn-SGLUQI-00435-00103851-00104129 a Brahminical concept evidence in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00436-00104130-00104321 chandogya upanishad and the taittiriya fdCn-SGLUQI-00437-00104322-00104552 upanishad suggests that a different fdCn-SGLUQI-00438-00104553-00104761 early Brahmanic philosophical tradition fdCn-SGLUQI-00439-00104763-00104954 held the view that the unmanifest state fdCn-SGLUQI-00440-00104955-00105183 of brahman was a form of non-existence fdCn-SGLUQI-00441-00105184-00105422 according to when it thus seems likely fdCn-SGLUQI-00442-00105423-00105583 that both element and formless fdCn-SGLUQI-00443-00105584-00105758 meditation was learned by the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00444-00105758-00105857 from his two teachers fdCn-SGLUQI-00445-00105858-00106369 and adapted by him to his own system fdCn-SGLUQI-00446-00106370-00106831 topic brahmanical practices fdCn-SGLUQI-00447-00106832-00107295 topic formless spheres fdCn-SGLUQI-00448-00107296-00107558 it appears that in early Brahmanic yoga fdCn-SGLUQI-00449-00107559-00107711 the formless spheres were attained fdCn-SGLUQI-00450-00107713-00107963 following element meditation this is fdCn-SGLUQI-00451-00107964-00108144 also taught as an option in the early fdCn-SGLUQI-00452-00108145-00108428 Buddhist texts the primary method taught fdCn-SGLUQI-00453-00108429-00108606 to achieve the formless attainment in fdCn-SGLUQI-00454-00108607-00108783 early Buddhist scriptures on the other fdCn-SGLUQI-00455-00108783-00108969 hand is to proceed to the sphere of fdCn-SGLUQI-00456-00108970-00109133 infinite space following the fourth fdCn-SGLUQI-00457-00109134-00109459 jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00458-00109460-00109678 topic reversal of the creation of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00459-00109679-00109851 world fdCn-SGLUQI-00460-00109852-00109986 you fdCn-SGLUQI-00461-00109987-00110232 when claimed that Brahmanic passages on fdCn-SGLUQI-00462-00110233-00110457 meditation suggest that the most basic fdCn-SGLUQI-00463-00110458-00110688 presupposition of early brahmanical yoga fdCn-SGLUQI-00464-00110689-00110868 is that the creation of the world must fdCn-SGLUQI-00465-00110869-00111009 be reversed through a series of fdCn-SGLUQI-00466-00111010-00111225 meditative States by the yogin who seeks fdCn-SGLUQI-00467-00111226-00111504 the realization of the self these states fdCn-SGLUQI-00468-00111505-00111696 were given doctrinal background in early fdCn-SGLUQI-00469-00111697-00111924 Brahminical mala G's which classified fdCn-SGLUQI-00470-00111925-00112113 the world into successively coarser fdCn-SGLUQI-00471-00112114-00112416 strata one such stratification is found fdCn-SGLUQI-00472-00112417-00112863 at 22.1 & MBH 12.1 95 and proceeds as fdCn-SGLUQI-00473-00112864-00113240 follows self space wind fire water earth fdCn-SGLUQI-00474-00113241-00113529 MBH twelve point two to four gives fdCn-SGLUQI-00475-00113530-00113802 alternatively Brahman mind space wind fdCn-SGLUQI-00476-00113803-00114075 fire water earth in Brahmanical thought fdCn-SGLUQI-00477-00114076-00114228 the meditative states of consciousness fdCn-SGLUQI-00478-00114229-00114411 were thought to be identical to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00479-00114412-00114684 subtle strata of the cosmos there is no fdCn-SGLUQI-00480-00114685-00114870 similar theoretical background to fdCn-SGLUQI-00481-00114871-00115071 element meditation in the early Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00482-00115072-00115278 texts where the elements appears simply fdCn-SGLUQI-00483-00115279-00115557 as suitable objects of meditation it is fdCn-SGLUQI-00484-00115558-00115761 likely that the Brahmanic practices of fdCn-SGLUQI-00485-00115762-00115947 element meditation were borrowed and fdCn-SGLUQI-00486-00115948-00116133 adapted by early Buddhists with the fdCn-SGLUQI-00487-00116134-00116325 original romantic ideology of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00488-00116326-00116779 practices being discarded in the process fdCn-SGLUQI-00489-00116780-00117291 topic investigation of self fdCn-SGLUQI-00490-00117292-00117492 on this point it is thought that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00491-00117493-00117681 uses of the elements in early Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00492-00117682-00117884 literature have in general very little fdCn-SGLUQI-00493-00117885-00118050 connection to Brahmanical thought in fdCn-SGLUQI-00494-00118051-00118233 most places they occur in teachings fdCn-SGLUQI-00495-00118233-00118377 where they form the objects of a fdCn-SGLUQI-00496-00118378-00118557 detailed contemplation of the human fdCn-SGLUQI-00497-00118558-00118764 being the aim of these contemplations fdCn-SGLUQI-00498-00118765-00118968 seems to have been to bring about the fdCn-SGLUQI-00499-00118969-00119148 correct understanding that the various fdCn-SGLUQI-00500-00119149-00119370 perceived aspects of a human being when fdCn-SGLUQI-00501-00119371-00119561 taken together nevertheless do not fdCn-SGLUQI-00502-00119563-00119678 comprise itself fdCn-SGLUQI-00503-00119679-00119964 moreover the self is conceptualized in fdCn-SGLUQI-00504-00119965-00120224 terms similar to both nothingness and fdCn-SGLUQI-00505-00120225-00120536 neither perception nor non-perception fdCn-SGLUQI-00506-00120538-00120792 at different places in early Upanishad fdCn-SGLUQI-00507-00120793-00121029 ik literature the latter corresponds to fdCn-SGLUQI-00508-00121030-00121242 yajnavalkya x' definition of the self in fdCn-SGLUQI-00509-00121243-00121443 his famous dialogue with mate ray in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00510-00121444-00121641 brihadaranyaka upanishad and the fdCn-SGLUQI-00511-00121642-00121830 definition given in the post Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00512-00121831-00122121 mandu ki Upanishad this is mentioned as fdCn-SGLUQI-00513-00122122-00122316 a claim of non-buddhist ascetics and fdCn-SGLUQI-00514-00122317-00122538 Brahmans in the pond katha asada majima fdCn-SGLUQI-00515-00122539-00122936 na kaya 100 2.2 in the same dialogue in fdCn-SGLUQI-00516-00122938-00123161 the brihadaranyaka upanishad yajnavalkya fdCn-SGLUQI-00517-00123163-00123375 draws the conclusions that the self that fdCn-SGLUQI-00518-00123376-00123533 is neither perceptive nor non-perception fdCn-SGLUQI-00519-00123534-00123738 as a state of consciousness without fdCn-SGLUQI-00520-00123739-00124005 object the early Buddhist evidence fdCn-SGLUQI-00521-00124006-00124182 suggests much the same thing for the fdCn-SGLUQI-00522-00124183-00124361 state of neither perception nor fdCn-SGLUQI-00523-00124363-00124680 non-perception it is a state without an fdCn-SGLUQI-00524-00124681-00124886 object of awareness that is not devoid fdCn-SGLUQI-00525-00124888-00125148 of awareness the state following it in fdCn-SGLUQI-00526-00125149-00125376 the Buddhist scheme the cessation of fdCn-SGLUQI-00527-00125377-00125679 perception and sensation is devoid not fdCn-SGLUQI-00528-00125680-00125898 only of objectivity but of subjectivity fdCn-SGLUQI-00529-00125899-00126274 as well fdCn-SGLUQI-00530-00126275-00126724 topic criticism of win fdCn-SGLUQI-00531-00126725-00126964 the Brahmanical text cited by wynn fdCn-SGLUQI-00532-00126965-00127168 assumed their final form long after the fdCn-SGLUQI-00533-00127169-00127414 Buddha's life time the moksha Dharma fdCn-SGLUQI-00534-00127415-00127797 post dates him fdCn-SGLUQI-00535-00127798-00128327 topic early Buddhism fdCn-SGLUQI-00536-00128328-00128573 the Buddhist tradition has incorporated fdCn-SGLUQI-00537-00128574-00128734 two traditions regarding the use of fdCn-SGLUQI-00538-00128735-00129010 jhana there is a tradition that stresses fdCn-SGLUQI-00539-00129011-00129286 attaining insight Bodhi proj 'no kensho fdCn-SGLUQI-00540-00129288-00129490 as the means to Awakening and liberation fdCn-SGLUQI-00541-00129491-00129733 but the Buddhist tradition has also fdCn-SGLUQI-00542-00129734-00129938 incorporated the yogic tradition as fdCn-SGLUQI-00543-00129939-00130142 reflected in the use of jhana which is fdCn-SGLUQI-00544-00130143-00130309 rejected in other sutras as not fdCn-SGLUQI-00545-00130310-00130472 resulting in the final result of fdCn-SGLUQI-00546-00130473-00130715 liberation one solution to this fdCn-SGLUQI-00547-00130716-00130922 contradiction as the conjunctive use of fdCn-SGLUQI-00548-00130923-00131376 Vipassana and samatha fdCn-SGLUQI-00549-00131377-00131644 topic 5 possibilities regarding jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00550-00131645-00132057 and liberation fdCn-SGLUQI-00551-00132058-00132258 Schmidt housing notes that the mention fdCn-SGLUQI-00552-00132259-00132468 of the Four Noble Truths is constituting fdCn-SGLUQI-00553-00132469-00132750 liberating insight which is attained fdCn-SGLUQI-00554-00132751-00132939 after mastering the Rupa Janice is a fdCn-SGLUQI-00555-00132940-00133167 later addition to text such as majima fdCn-SGLUQI-00556-00133168-00133509 Nokia 36 Schmidt housing discerns three fdCn-SGLUQI-00557-00133510-00133695 possible roads to liberation as fdCn-SGLUQI-00558-00133696-00133887 described in the suttas to which Vedder fdCn-SGLUQI-00559-00133888-00134034 adds a fourth possibility fdCn-SGLUQI-00560-00134035-00134172 while the attainment of nirodha fdCn-SGLUQI-00561-00134173-00134364 samapatti may constitute a fifth fdCn-SGLUQI-00562-00134365-00134667 possibility mastering the four John is fdCn-SGLUQI-00563-00134668-00134910 where after liberating insight is fdCn-SGLUQI-00564-00134911-00135056 attained fdCn-SGLUQI-00565-00135057-00135291 mastering the four jaundice and the four fdCn-SGLUQI-00566-00135292-00135552 aruba's where after liberating insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00567-00135553-00135918 is attained liberating insight itself fdCn-SGLUQI-00568-00135919-00136221 suffices the four John is themselves fdCn-SGLUQI-00569-00136222-00136440 constituted the core liberating practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00570-00136441-00136754 of early Buddhism see Q the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00571-00136755-00136959 liberation is attained in nirodha fdCn-SGLUQI-00572-00136960-00137355 samapatti fdCn-SGLUQI-00573-00137356-00137589 topic roopa Jonna followed by liberating fdCn-SGLUQI-00574-00137590-00137957 insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00575-00137958-00138188 according to the Theravada tradition the fdCn-SGLUQI-00576-00138189-00138398 meditator uses the jhana state to bring fdCn-SGLUQI-00577-00138399-00138581 the mind to rest and to strengthen and fdCn-SGLUQI-00578-00138582-00138779 sharpen the mind in order to investigate fdCn-SGLUQI-00579-00138780-00138992 the true nature of phenomena Dhamma and fdCn-SGLUQI-00580-00138993-00139163 to gain insight into impermanence fdCn-SGLUQI-00581-00139164-00139439 suffering the nut self according to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00582-00139440-00139667 Theravada tradition the arahant is aware fdCn-SGLUQI-00583-00139668-00139810 that the John is our ultimately fdCn-SGLUQI-00584-00139811-00140009 unsatisfactory realizing that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00585-00140010-00140195 meditative attainments are also anita fdCn-SGLUQI-00586-00140196-00140420 impermanent in the maha suhaka sutta fdCn-SGLUQI-00587-00140421-00140687 majima nicaya 36 which narrates the fdCn-SGLUQI-00588-00140688-00140876 story of the Buddha's awakening Dhyana fdCn-SGLUQI-00589-00140877-00141062 is followed by insight into the Four fdCn-SGLUQI-00590-00141063-00141317 Noble Truths the mention of the Four fdCn-SGLUQI-00591-00141318-00141578 Noble Truths is constituting liberating fdCn-SGLUQI-00592-00141579-00141845 insight is probably a later edition fdCn-SGLUQI-00593-00141846-00142067 veter notes that such insight is not fdCn-SGLUQI-00594-00142068-00142265 possible in a state of Dhyana when fdCn-SGLUQI-00595-00142266-00142454 interpreted as concentration since fdCn-SGLUQI-00596-00142455-00142643 discursive thinking is eliminated in fdCn-SGLUQI-00597-00142644-00142892 such a state he also notes that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00598-00142893-00143222 emphasis on liberating insight developed fdCn-SGLUQI-00599-00143223-00143411 only after the Four Noble Truths were fdCn-SGLUQI-00600-00143412-00143600 introduced as an expression of what this fdCn-SGLUQI-00601-00143601-00143969 liberating insight constituted in time fdCn-SGLUQI-00602-00143970-00144143 other expressions took over this fdCn-SGLUQI-00603-00144144-00144392 function such as pratityasamutpada and fdCn-SGLUQI-00604-00144393-00144819 the emptiness of the south fdCn-SGLUQI-00605-00144820-00145035 topic Rupa Jean de and the aruba's fdCn-SGLUQI-00606-00145036-00145490 followed by liberating insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00607-00145491-00145748 this scheme is rejected by scholars as a fdCn-SGLUQI-00608-00145749-00145952 later development since the Aruba's are fdCn-SGLUQI-00609-00145953-00146133 akin to non Buddhist practices and fdCn-SGLUQI-00610-00146134-00146625 rejected elsewhere in the Canon fdCn-SGLUQI-00611-00146626-00147085 back inside alone suffices fdCn-SGLUQI-00612-00147086-00147453 the emphasis on liberating insight along fdCn-SGLUQI-00613-00147454-00147634 seems to be a later development in fdCn-SGLUQI-00614-00147635-00147826 response to developments in Indian fdCn-SGLUQI-00615-00147827-00148066 religious thought which saw liberating fdCn-SGLUQI-00616-00148067-00148363 insight as essential to liberation this fdCn-SGLUQI-00617-00148364-00148528 may also have been due to an over fdCn-SGLUQI-00618-00148529-00148696 literal interpretation by later fdCn-SGLUQI-00619-00148697-00148915 scholastics of the terminology used by fdCn-SGLUQI-00620-00148916-00149107 the Buddha and to the problems involved fdCn-SGLUQI-00621-00149108-00149293 with the practice of Dhyana and the need fdCn-SGLUQI-00622-00149294-00149509 to develop an easier method contemporary fdCn-SGLUQI-00623-00149510-00149656 scholars have discerned a broader fdCn-SGLUQI-00624-00149657-00149863 application of jhana in historical fdCn-SGLUQI-00625-00149864-00150148 Buddhist practice according to Alexander fdCn-SGLUQI-00626-00150149-00150364 win the ultimate aim of Diana was the fdCn-SGLUQI-00627-00150365-00150504 attainment of insight and the fdCn-SGLUQI-00628-00150505-00150700 application of the meditative state to fdCn-SGLUQI-00629-00150701-00150852 the practice of mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00630-00150853-00151116 according to FRA Wallner mindfulness was fdCn-SGLUQI-00631-00151117-00151278 a means to prevent the arising of fdCn-SGLUQI-00632-00151279-00151465 craving which resulted simply from fdCn-SGLUQI-00633-00151466-00151636 contact between the senses and their fdCn-SGLUQI-00634-00151637-00151915 objects according to FRA Wallner this fdCn-SGLUQI-00635-00151916-00152129 may have been the Buddha's original idea fdCn-SGLUQI-00636-00152130-00152353 according to win this stress on fdCn-SGLUQI-00637-00152354-00152490 mindfulness may have led to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00638-00152491-00152691 intellectualism which favored insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00639-00152692-00153177 over the practice of Dhyana fdCn-SGLUQI-00640-00153178-00153713 topic Johnna itself is liberating fdCn-SGLUQI-00641-00153714-00153968 both Schmidt Heusen and Bronckhorst note fdCn-SGLUQI-00642-00153969-00154151 that the attainment of insight which is fdCn-SGLUQI-00643-00154152-00154382 a cognitive activity can be possible in fdCn-SGLUQI-00644-00154383-00154601 a state where in all cognitive acid evie fdCn-SGLUQI-00645-00154602-00154681 has ceased fdCn-SGLUQI-00646-00154682-00154937 according to Vetter the practice of Rupa fdCn-SGLUQI-00647-00154938-00155138 jhana itself may have constituted the fdCn-SGLUQI-00648-00155139-00155330 core practice of early Buddhism with fdCn-SGLUQI-00649-00155331-00155534 practices such as sila and mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00650-00155535-00155786 aiding to its development it is the fdCn-SGLUQI-00651-00155787-00156061 middle way between self-mortification fdCn-SGLUQI-00652-00156062-00156326 described by Bronckhorst to Jainism and fdCn-SGLUQI-00653-00156327-00156599 indulgence in sensual pleasure veter fdCn-SGLUQI-00654-00156600-00156836 emphasizes that Dhyana is a form of non fdCn-SGLUQI-00655-00156837-00157112 sensual happiness the Eightfold Path can fdCn-SGLUQI-00656-00157113-00157304 be seen as a path of preparation which fdCn-SGLUQI-00657-00157305-00157720 leads to the practice of Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00658-00157721-00158337 topic liberation in nirodha samapatti fdCn-SGLUQI-00659-00158338-00158506 according to some texts after fdCn-SGLUQI-00660-00158507-00158682 progressing through the eight jaundice fdCn-SGLUQI-00661-00158683-00158886 in the stage of nirodha samapatti a fdCn-SGLUQI-00662-00158887-00159150 person is liberated according to some fdCn-SGLUQI-00663-00159151-00159339 traditions someone attaining the state fdCn-SGLUQI-00664-00159340-00159582 of nirodha samapatti as an Anna gommi or fdCn-SGLUQI-00665-00159583-00159858 an era hand in the Anu pata Sutra the fdCn-SGLUQI-00666-00159859-00160056 Buddha narrates that sorry pata became fdCn-SGLUQI-00667-00160057-00160529 an arahant upon reaching it fdCn-SGLUQI-00668-00160530-00161008 topic Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-00669-00161009-00161574 topic Dianna's concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00670-00161575-00161826 Buddha Gauss's vision Omega considers fdCn-SGLUQI-00671-00161827-00162060 jhana to be an exercise in concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00672-00162061-00162294 meditation his views together with the fdCn-SGLUQI-00673-00162295-00162480 satipatthana sutta inspired the fdCn-SGLUQI-00674-00162481-00162732 development in the 19th and 20th century fdCn-SGLUQI-00675-00162733-00162918 of new meditation techniques which fdCn-SGLUQI-00676-00162919-00163095 gained a great popularity among lay fdCn-SGLUQI-00677-00163096-00163317 audiences in the second half of the 20th fdCn-SGLUQI-00678-00163318-00163693 century fdCn-SGLUQI-00679-00163694-00164076 epic Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00680-00164077-00164334 according to henna pull a gun Ratana the fdCn-SGLUQI-00681-00164335-00164616 term Jonna is closely connected with fdCn-SGLUQI-00682-00164617-00164963 Samadhi which is generally rendered as fdCn-SGLUQI-00683-00164964-00165390 concentration the word Samadhi is almost fdCn-SGLUQI-00684-00165391-00165644 interchangeable with the word samatha fdCn-SGLUQI-00685-00165645-00165942 serenity according to gunaratana in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00686-00165943-00166143 widest sense the word Samadhi is being fdCn-SGLUQI-00687-00166144-00166332 used for the practices which lead to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00688-00166333-00166593 development of serenity in this sense fdCn-SGLUQI-00689-00166594-00166755 Samadhi and John des are close in fdCn-SGLUQI-00690-00166756-00166965 meaning nevertheless they are not fdCn-SGLUQI-00691-00166966-00167193 exactly identical since certain fdCn-SGLUQI-00692-00167194-00167403 differences in their suggested and fdCn-SGLUQI-00693-00167404-00167666 contextual meanings prevent unqualified fdCn-SGLUQI-00694-00167667-00168024 identification of the two terms Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00695-00168025-00168264 signifies only one mental factor namely fdCn-SGLUQI-00696-00168265-00168536 one pointedness while the word jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00697-00168537-00168714 encompasses the whole state of fdCn-SGLUQI-00698-00168715-00168918 consciousness or at least the whole fdCn-SGLUQI-00699-00168919-00169164 group of mental factors individuating fdCn-SGLUQI-00700-00169165-00169421 that meditative state as a jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00701-00169422-00169632 furthermore according to gunaratana fdCn-SGLUQI-00702-00169633-00169911 Samadhi involves a wider range of fdCn-SGLUQI-00703-00169912-00170196 reference than jhana noting that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00704-00170197-00170472 Pali exegetical tradition recognises fdCn-SGLUQI-00705-00170473-00170711 three levels of Samadhi preliminary fdCn-SGLUQI-00706-00170712-00171092 concentration parikamma Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00707-00171093-00171537 access concentration OOP acara Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00708-00171538-00171771 an absorption concentration upon a fdCn-SGLUQI-00709-00171772-00172171 samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00710-00172172-00172453 topic development and application of fdCn-SGLUQI-00711-00172454-00172840 concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00712-00172841-00173065 according to the Pali Canon commentary fdCn-SGLUQI-00713-00173066-00173290 access neighborhood concentration OOP fdCn-SGLUQI-00714-00173291-00173527 acara Samadhi is a stage of meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00715-00173528-00173686 that the meditator reaches before fdCn-SGLUQI-00716-00173687-00173945 entering into jhana the overcoming of fdCn-SGLUQI-00717-00173946-00174124 the five hindrances marked the entry fdCn-SGLUQI-00718-00174125-00174397 into access concentration access fdCn-SGLUQI-00719-00174398-00174593 concentration has not mentioned in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00720-00174594-00174763 discourses of the Buddha but there are fdCn-SGLUQI-00721-00174764-00174944 several studies where a person gains fdCn-SGLUQI-00722-00174945-00175121 insight into the Dhamma on hearing a fdCn-SGLUQI-00723-00175122-00175234 teaching from the Buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00724-00175235-00175447 according to Zhi Fuquan at the state of fdCn-SGLUQI-00725-00175448-00175684 access concentration some meditators may fdCn-SGLUQI-00726-00175685-00175909 experience vivid mental imagery which is fdCn-SGLUQI-00727-00175910-00176149 similar to a vivid dream they are as fdCn-SGLUQI-00728-00176150-00176338 vivid as if seen by the eye but in this fdCn-SGLUQI-00729-00176339-00176527 case the meditator is fully aware and fdCn-SGLUQI-00730-00176528-00176696 conscious that they are seeing mental fdCn-SGLUQI-00731-00176697-00177010 images according to Zhi Fuquan this is fdCn-SGLUQI-00732-00177011-00177172 discussed in the early texts and fdCn-SGLUQI-00733-00177173-00177431 expanded upon in Theravada commentaries fdCn-SGLUQI-00734-00177432-00177637 according to venerable su Jeeva as the fdCn-SGLUQI-00735-00177638-00177826 concentration becomes stronger the fdCn-SGLUQI-00736-00177827-00177997 feelings of breathing and of having a fdCn-SGLUQI-00737-00177998-00178169 physical body will completely disappear fdCn-SGLUQI-00738-00178170-00178469 leaving only pure awareness at this fdCn-SGLUQI-00739-00178470-00178675 stage in experienced meditators may fdCn-SGLUQI-00740-00178676-00178832 become afraid thinking that they are fdCn-SGLUQI-00741-00178833-00178975 going to die if they continue the fdCn-SGLUQI-00742-00178976-00179159 concentration because the feeling of fdCn-SGLUQI-00743-00179160-00179314 breathing and the feeling of having a fdCn-SGLUQI-00744-00179315-00179522 physical body has completely disappeared fdCn-SGLUQI-00745-00179523-00179776 they should not be so afraid and should fdCn-SGLUQI-00746-00179777-00179972 continue their concentration in order to fdCn-SGLUQI-00747-00179973-00180257 reach full concentration jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00748-00180258-00180443 a meditator should first master the fdCn-SGLUQI-00749-00180444-00180620 lower jaundice before they can go into fdCn-SGLUQI-00750-00180621-00180859 the higher jonus according to Nathan fdCn-SGLUQI-00751-00180860-00181097 Katz the early studies state that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00752-00181098-00181399 most exquisite of recklessness is able fdCn-SGLUQI-00753-00181400-00181579 to attain any of the jaundice and abide fdCn-SGLUQI-00754-00181580-00181772 in them without difficulty according to fdCn-SGLUQI-00755-00181773-00181972 the contemporary Vipassana movement the fdCn-SGLUQI-00756-00181973-00182179 jaundice state cannot by itself lead to fdCn-SGLUQI-00757-00182180-00182369 enlightenment as it only suppresses the fdCn-SGLUQI-00758-00182370-00182641 defilements meditators must use the fdCn-SGLUQI-00759-00182642-00182797 jaundice state as an instrument for fdCn-SGLUQI-00760-00182798-00183025 developing wisdom by cultivating insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00761-00183026-00183211 and use it to penetrate the true nature fdCn-SGLUQI-00762-00183212-00183424 of phenomena through direct cognition fdCn-SGLUQI-00763-00183425-00183559 which will lead to cutting off the fdCn-SGLUQI-00764-00183560-00183758 defilements in Nibbana according to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00765-00183759-00183971 later Theravada common toriel tradition fdCn-SGLUQI-00766-00183972-00184174 as outlined by buddha Gosa in his vision fdCn-SGLUQI-00767-00184175-00184343 omega after coming out of the state of fdCn-SGLUQI-00768-00184344-00184544 jhana the meditator will be in the state fdCn-SGLUQI-00769-00184545-00184759 of post jhana access concentration in fdCn-SGLUQI-00770-00184760-00184999 this state the investigation and fdCn-SGLUQI-00771-00185000-00185219 analysis of the true nature of phenomena fdCn-SGLUQI-00772-00185220-00185422 begins which leads to insight into the fdCn-SGLUQI-00773-00185423-00185558 characteristics of impermanence fdCn-SGLUQI-00774-00185559-00186088 suffering and not self arises fdCn-SGLUQI-00775-00186089-00186325 topic contemporary reassessment the fdCn-SGLUQI-00776-00186326-00186800 jhana Wars fdCn-SGLUQI-00777-00186801-00187016 while Theravada meditation was fdCn-SGLUQI-00778-00187017-00187196 introduced to the West as Vipassana fdCn-SGLUQI-00779-00187197-00187421 meditation which rejected the usefulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00780-00187422-00187571 of jhana there is a growing interest fdCn-SGLUQI-00781-00187572-00187811 among Western Vipassana practitioners in fdCn-SGLUQI-00782-00187812-00187850 jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00783-00187851-00188102 the nature and practice of jhana as a fdCn-SGLUQI-00784-00188103-00188306 topic of debate and contentment among fdCn-SGLUQI-00785-00188307-00188537 Western convert theravadan to the extent fdCn-SGLUQI-00786-00188538-00188696 that the disputes have even been called fdCn-SGLUQI-00787-00188697-00189041 the jhana Wars both academic scholars fdCn-SGLUQI-00788-00189042-00189224 and contemporary practitioners have fdCn-SGLUQI-00789-00189225-00189347 raised questions about the fdCn-SGLUQI-00790-00189348-00189536 interpretation of the jaundice as being fdCn-SGLUQI-00791-00189537-00189701 states of absorption which are not fdCn-SGLUQI-00792-00189702-00189857 necessary for the attainment of fdCn-SGLUQI-00793-00189858-00190109 liberation while groundbreaking research fdCn-SGLUQI-00794-00190110-00190325 on this topic has been done by Baro fdCn-SGLUQI-00795-00190326-00190616 Schmidt Heusen Stuart Fox but no fetter fdCn-SGLUQI-00796-00190617-00190814 bronckhorst and Wynn Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-00797-00190815-00191054 practitioners have also scrutinized and fdCn-SGLUQI-00798-00191055-00191222 criticized the samatha Vipassana fdCn-SGLUQI-00799-00191223-00191459 distinction reassessments of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00800-00191460-00191630 description of John De in the suttas fdCn-SGLUQI-00801-00191631-00191840 consider Jonna and Vipassana to be an fdCn-SGLUQI-00802-00191841-00192008 integrated practice leading to a fdCn-SGLUQI-00803-00192009-00192278 tranquil and Economist's awareness of fdCn-SGLUQI-00804-00192279-00192458 whatever arises in the field of fdCn-SGLUQI-00805-00192459-00192923 experience fdCn-SGLUQI-00806-00192924-00193416 topic criticism of Vasudha manga fdCn-SGLUQI-00807-00193417-00193685 the vision Omega and the pioneering fdCn-SGLUQI-00808-00193686-00193998 popularizing work of Daniel Goleman has fdCn-SGLUQI-00809-00193999-00194235 been influential in the MS understanding fdCn-SGLUQI-00810-00194236-00194451 of Diana being a form of concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00811-00194452-00194722 meditation the vision Omega is centered fdCn-SGLUQI-00812-00194723-00194932 around cocina meditation a form of fdCn-SGLUQI-00813-00194933-00195138 concentration meditation in which the fdCn-SGLUQI-00814-00195139-00195360 mind is focused on a mental object fdCn-SGLUQI-00815-00195361-00195721 according to thany surah bakra t he text fdCn-SGLUQI-00816-00195722-00195939 then tries to fit all other meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00817-00195940-00196179 methods into the mold of cocina practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00818-00196180-00196389 so that they to give rise to counter fdCn-SGLUQI-00819-00196390-00196558 signs but even by its own admission fdCn-SGLUQI-00820-00196559-00196834 breath meditation does not fit well into fdCn-SGLUQI-00821-00196835-00196949 the mold fdCn-SGLUQI-00822-00196950-00197211 according to Thanos Arabic wheel the fdCn-SGLUQI-00823-00197212-00197436 vision Omega uses a very different fdCn-SGLUQI-00824-00197437-00197659 paradigm for concentration from what you fdCn-SGLUQI-00825-00197660-00197959 find in the Canon in its emphasis on fdCn-SGLUQI-00826-00197960-00198153 cocina meditation the vision Omega fdCn-SGLUQI-00827-00198154-00198354 departs from the Pali Canon in which fdCn-SGLUQI-00828-00198355-00198588 Diana as the central meditative practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00829-00198589-00198844 indicating that what jhana means in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00830-00198845-00199011 commentaries as something quite fdCn-SGLUQI-00831-00199012-00199168 different from what it means in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00832-00199169-00199495 Canon Vaughn Teahen apolog on Rotonda fdCn-SGLUQI-00833-00199496-00199723 also notes that what the suttas say is fdCn-SGLUQI-00834-00199724-00199909 not the same as what the vision Omega fdCn-SGLUQI-00835-00199910-00200086 says fdCn-SGLUQI-00836-00200087-00200431 they are actually different leading to a fdCn-SGLUQI-00837-00200432-00200572 divergence between a traditional fdCn-SGLUQI-00838-00200573-00200812 scholarly understanding and a practical fdCn-SGLUQI-00839-00200813-00200998 understanding based on meditative fdCn-SGLUQI-00840-00200999-00201274 experience gunnar a ton of further notes fdCn-SGLUQI-00841-00201275-00201481 that buddha Gosa invented several key fdCn-SGLUQI-00842-00201482-00201661 meditation terms which are not to be fdCn-SGLUQI-00843-00201662-00201898 found in the suttas such as parikamma fdCn-SGLUQI-00844-00201899-00202183 samadhi preparatory concentration who fdCn-SGLUQI-00845-00202184-00202495 pucara samadhi access concentration upon fdCn-SGLUQI-00846-00202496-00202785 his samadhi absorption concentration fdCn-SGLUQI-00847-00202786-00203047 gunaratana also notes that the buddha fdCn-SGLUQI-00848-00203048-00203287 Xhosas emphasis on Cocina meditation is fdCn-SGLUQI-00849-00203288-00203449 not to be found in the suttas where fdCn-SGLUQI-00850-00203450-00203604 Dhyana is always combined with fdCn-SGLUQI-00851-00203605-00203851 mindfulness according to Vetter Diana as fdCn-SGLUQI-00852-00203852-00204061 a preparation of discriminating insight fdCn-SGLUQI-00853-00204062-00204232 must have been different from the Dhyana fdCn-SGLUQI-00854-00204233-00204448 practice introduced by the Buddha using fdCn-SGLUQI-00855-00204449-00204679 Cocina exercises to produce a more fdCn-SGLUQI-00856-00204680-00204982 artificially produced Dhyana resulting fdCn-SGLUQI-00857-00204983-00205167 in the cessation of a perceptions and fdCn-SGLUQI-00858-00205169-00205467 feelings Cocina exercises are propagated fdCn-SGLUQI-00859-00205469-00205665 in Buddha Xhosas vision Omega which has fdCn-SGLUQI-00860-00205666-00205861 considered the authoritative commentary fdCn-SGLUQI-00861-00205862-00206071 on meditation practice in the Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-00862-00206071-00206238 tradition but differs from the Pali fdCn-SGLUQI-00863-00206239-00206434 Canon in its description of Jonah fdCn-SGLUQI-00864-00206435-00206640 while the suttas connect samadhi to fdCn-SGLUQI-00865-00206641-00206823 mindfulness and awareness of the body fdCn-SGLUQI-00866-00206825-00207039 for buddha go see jhana as a purely fdCn-SGLUQI-00867-00207040-00207246 mental exercise in which one pointed fdCn-SGLUQI-00868-00207248-00207438 concentration leads to a narrowing of fdCn-SGLUQI-00869-00207439-00207735 attention fdCn-SGLUQI-00870-00207736-00208296 topic jean de as integrated practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00871-00208298-00208546 several Western teachers Cannizzaro fdCn-SGLUQI-00872-00208548-00208796 bhiku li brazing ttan richard Shankman fdCn-SGLUQI-00873-00208796-00208960 make a distinction between sutta fdCn-SGLUQI-00874-00208961-00209219 oriented jhana and vision Omega oriented fdCn-SGLUQI-00875-00209219-00209563 jhana dubbed minimalists and maimie fdCn-SGLUQI-00876-00209564-00209876 lists by Kenneth Rose Tana sorrow Baku fdCn-SGLUQI-00877-00209877-00210062 has repeatedly argued that the Pali fdCn-SGLUQI-00878-00210063-00210235 Canon and the vision Omega give fdCn-SGLUQI-00879-00210236-00210407 different descriptions of the jaundice fdCn-SGLUQI-00880-00210408-00210614 regarding the vision Omega descri Ocean fdCn-SGLUQI-00881-00210615-00210788 to be incorrect according to Richard fdCn-SGLUQI-00882-00210789-00210965 Shankman the sudden descriptions of fdCn-SGLUQI-00883-00210966-00211130 jhana practice explained that the fdCn-SGLUQI-00884-00211131-00211325 meditator does not emerge from jhana to fdCn-SGLUQI-00885-00211326-00211510 practice Vipassana but rather the work fdCn-SGLUQI-00886-00211511-00211688 of insight as done whilst in jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-00887-00211689-00211985 itself in particular the meditator is fdCn-SGLUQI-00888-00211986-00212213 instructed to enter and remain in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00889-00212214-00212483 fourth jhana before commencing the work fdCn-SGLUQI-00890-00212484-00212654 of insight in order to approve the fdCn-SGLUQI-00891-00212655-00212840 mental defilements Karin árbol has fdCn-SGLUQI-00892-00212841-00213026 conducted extensive research on the fdCn-SGLUQI-00893-00213027-00213230 jaundice and the contemporary criticisms fdCn-SGLUQI-00894-00213231-00213485 of the commentarial interpretation based fdCn-SGLUQI-00895-00213486-00213698 on this research and her own experience fdCn-SGLUQI-00896-00213698-00213910 as a senior meditation teacher she gives fdCn-SGLUQI-00897-00213911-00214103 a reconstructed account of the original fdCn-SGLUQI-00898-00214104-00214346 meaning of the Dianna's she argues that fdCn-SGLUQI-00899-00214346-00214535 jhana is an integrated practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00900-00214536-00214702 describing the fourth jhana as fdCn-SGLUQI-00901-00214703-00215084 nonreactive and lucid awareness not as a fdCn-SGLUQI-00902-00215085-00215327 state of deep concentration according to fdCn-SGLUQI-00903-00215328-00215528 arbol it develops a mind which is not fdCn-SGLUQI-00904-00215529-00215723 conditioned by habitual reaction fdCn-SGLUQI-00905-00215723-00216006 patterns of likes and dislikes fdCn-SGLUQI-00906-00216007-00216267 a profoundly wise relation to experience fdCn-SGLUQI-00907-00216269-00216439 not tainted by any kind of wrong fdCn-SGLUQI-00908-00216440-00216657 perception and mental reactivity rooted fdCn-SGLUQI-00909-00216658-00216930 in craving Tana according to Kenneth fdCn-SGLUQI-00910-00216931-00217124 Rose the vision Omega oriented fdCn-SGLUQI-00911-00217125-00217410 maximalist approach is a return to fdCn-SGLUQI-00912-00217411-00217669 ancient Indian mainstream practices in fdCn-SGLUQI-00913-00217669-00217891 which physical and mental and mobility fdCn-SGLUQI-00914-00217892-00218085 was thought to lead to liberation from fdCn-SGLUQI-00915-00218086-00218358 samsara and rebirth this approach was fdCn-SGLUQI-00916-00218359-00218535 rejected by the Buddha turning to a fdCn-SGLUQI-00917-00218536-00218724 gentler approach which results in you fdCn-SGLUQI-00918-00218725-00218955 Pecha and sati aquino miss awareness of fdCn-SGLUQI-00919-00218956-00219317 experience fdCn-SGLUQI-00920-00219319-00219903 topic in Mahayana traditions fdCn-SGLUQI-00921-00219904-00220158 Mahayana Buddhism includes numerous fdCn-SGLUQI-00922-00220159-00220386 schools of practice each draw upon fdCn-SGLUQI-00923-00220387-00220619 various Buddhist sutras philosophical fdCn-SGLUQI-00924-00220621-00220842 treatises and commentaries and each has fdCn-SGLUQI-00925-00220842-00221055 its own emphasis mode of expression and fdCn-SGLUQI-00926-00221056-00221337 philosophical outlook accordingly each fdCn-SGLUQI-00927-00221338-00221550 school has its own meditation methods fdCn-SGLUQI-00928-00221551-00221727 for the purpose of developing Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-00929-00221728-00221901 and Praja with the goal of ultimately fdCn-SGLUQI-00930-00221902-00222312 attaining enlightenment fdCn-SGLUQI-00931-00222313-00222819 topic Chan Buddhism fdCn-SGLUQI-00932-00222819-00223085 diana is a central aspect of buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-00933-00223086-00223323 practice in jan necessary for progress fdCn-SGLUQI-00934-00223323-00223542 on the path in true entry into the fdCn-SGLUQI-00935-00223542-00223996 dharma fdCn-SGLUQI-00936-00223998-00224342 origins fdCn-SGLUQI-00937-00224344-00224621 in China the word Dhyana was originally fdCn-SGLUQI-00938-00224623-00224885 transliterated with Chinese Chan opinion fdCn-SGLUQI-00939-00224886-00225119 chana and shortened to just pinyin Chan fdCn-SGLUQI-00940-00225121-00225402 in common usage the word in the practice fdCn-SGLUQI-00941-00225403-00225591 of meditation entered into Chinese fdCn-SGLUQI-00942-00225592-00225771 through the translations of in Shekau fdCn-SGLUQI-00943-00225771-00226239 Florida C 148 to 180 c e and kumara fdCn-SGLUQI-00944-00226240-00226671 Jeeva 334 to 413 C II who translated fdCn-SGLUQI-00945-00226671-00226863 Dianna sutras which were influential fdCn-SGLUQI-00946-00226864-00227123 early meditation texts mostly based on fdCn-SGLUQI-00947-00227125-00227327 the yogacara meditation teachings of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00948-00227328-00227531 Sarvis Nevada school of Kashmir circa fdCn-SGLUQI-00949-00227532-00227846 1st 4th century CE II the word Chan fdCn-SGLUQI-00950-00227848-00228035 became the designation for Chan Buddhism fdCn-SGLUQI-00951-00228036-00228438 Korean Sohn Zen while Diana in a strict fdCn-SGLUQI-00952-00228439-00228632 sense refers to the four Dianna's in fdCn-SGLUQI-00953-00228633-00228854 chinese buddhism diana may refer to fdCn-SGLUQI-00954-00228855-00229062 various kinds of meditation techniques fdCn-SGLUQI-00955-00229063-00229251 and their preparatory practices which fdCn-SGLUQI-00956-00229252-00229542 are necessary to practice diana the five fdCn-SGLUQI-00957-00229542-00229752 main types of meditation in the diana fdCn-SGLUQI-00958-00229753-00230009 sutras are anapanasati mindfulness of fdCn-SGLUQI-00959-00230010-00230054 breathing fdCn-SGLUQI-00960-00230055-00230262 p'tee Kalama nasi cara meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00961-00230263-00230451 mindfulness of the impurities of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00962-00230452-00230684 body loving-kindness Maitri meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00963-00230685-00230882 the contemplation on the twelve links of fdCn-SGLUQI-00964-00230883-00231092 pratityasamutpada and the contemplation fdCn-SGLUQI-00965-00231094-00231225 on the boot is thirty-two fdCn-SGLUQI-00966-00231226-00231563 characteristics fdCn-SGLUQI-00967-00231564-00232032 topic mindfulness fdCn-SGLUQI-00968-00232033-00232506 topic observing the breath fdCn-SGLUQI-00969-00232507-00232734 during sitting meditation practitioners fdCn-SGLUQI-00970-00232735-00232977 usually assume a position such as the fdCn-SGLUQI-00971-00232978-00233211 lotus position half Lotus Burmese or fdCn-SGLUQI-00972-00233212-00233538 yoga postures using the Dhyana mudra to fdCn-SGLUQI-00973-00233539-00233751 regulate the mind awareness is directed fdCn-SGLUQI-00974-00233752-00233934 towards counting or watching the breath fdCn-SGLUQI-00975-00233935-00234108 or by bringing that awareness to the fdCn-SGLUQI-00976-00234109-00234267 energy center below the navel fdCn-SGLUQI-00977-00234267-00234588 see also and apana sati often a square fdCn-SGLUQI-00978-00234589-00234816 around cushion placed on a padded mat is fdCn-SGLUQI-00979-00234817-00235017 used to sit on in some other cases a fdCn-SGLUQI-00980-00235017-00235290 chair may be used this practice may fdCn-SGLUQI-00981-00235291-00235509 simply be called sitting diana which is fdCn-SGLUQI-00982-00235510-00235767 suicune zuo Qian in Chinese and zazen fdCn-SGLUQI-00983-00235767-00236085 Zuo Qian in Japanese Juwan Zuo Qian in fdCn-SGLUQI-00984-00236086-00236403 Korean fdCn-SGLUQI-00985-00236404-00236821 topic observing the mind fdCn-SGLUQI-00986-00236821-00237076 in the Soto school of Zen meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-00987-00237077-00237328 with no objects anchors or content is fdCn-SGLUQI-00988-00237329-00237585 the primary form of practice the fdCn-SGLUQI-00989-00237586-00237771 meditator strives to be aware of the fdCn-SGLUQI-00990-00237773-00237933 stream of thoughts allowing them to fdCn-SGLUQI-00991-00237934-00238200 arise and pass away without interference fdCn-SGLUQI-00992-00238201-00238471 considerable textual philosophical and fdCn-SGLUQI-00993-00238471-00238696 phenomenological justification of this fdCn-SGLUQI-00994-00238696-00238876 practice can be found throughout Dogon fdCn-SGLUQI-00995-00238877-00239083 Shobha Genzo as for example in the fdCn-SGLUQI-00996-00239084-00239448 principles of zazen and the universally fdCn-SGLUQI-00997-00239450-00239677 recommended instructions for zazen in fdCn-SGLUQI-00998-00239678-00239967 the japanese language this practice is fdCn-SGLUQI-00999-00239969-00240308 called chicon tazza fdCn-SGLUQI-01000-00240309-00240766 topic insight fdCn-SGLUQI-01001-00240767-00241294 topic pointing to the nature of the mind fdCn-SGLUQI-01002-00241296-00241502 according to Charles luck in the fdCn-SGLUQI-01003-00241503-00241708 earliest traditions of Chan there was no fdCn-SGLUQI-01004-00241709-00241904 fixed method or formula for teaching fdCn-SGLUQI-01005-00241905-00242092 meditation and all instructions were fdCn-SGLUQI-01006-00242094-00242303 simply heuristic methods to point to the fdCn-SGLUQI-01007-00242304-00242494 true nature of the mind also known as fdCn-SGLUQI-01008-00242496-00242750 Buddha nature according to luck fdCn-SGLUQI-01009-00242751-00242957 this method is referred to as the mind fdCn-SGLUQI-01010-00242958-00243223 dharma and exemplified in the story of fdCn-SGLUQI-01011-00243225-00243404 Sakyamuni Buddha holding up a flower fdCn-SGLUQI-01012-00243405-00243665 silently and maha kassapa smiling as he fdCn-SGLUQI-01013-00243666-00243950 understood a traditional formula of this fdCn-SGLUQI-01014-00243951-00244210 us Chan points directly to the human fdCn-SGLUQI-01015-00244211-00244444 mind to enable people to see their true fdCn-SGLUQI-01016-00244446-00244904 nature and become Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01017-00244905-00245371 topic Co on practice fdCn-SGLUQI-01018-00245371-00245566 at the beginning of the song dynasty fdCn-SGLUQI-01019-00245567-00245794 practice with the Cohen method became fdCn-SGLUQI-01020-00245794-00246069 popular whereas others practiced silent fdCn-SGLUQI-01021-00246071-00246319 elimination this became the source of fdCn-SGLUQI-01022-00246319-00246510 some differences in practice between the fdCn-SGLUQI-01023-00246511-00246819 linji and cow dung schools account fdCn-SGLUQI-01024-00246821-00247141 literally public case is a story or fdCn-SGLUQI-01025-00247142-00247339 dialogue describing an interaction fdCn-SGLUQI-01026-00247340-00247603 between a Zen master and a student these fdCn-SGLUQI-01027-00247604-00247804 anecdotes give a demonstration of the fdCn-SGLUQI-01028-00247805-00248065 Masters insight Cohen's emphasized the fdCn-SGLUQI-01029-00248066-00248235 non conceptional insight that the fdCn-SGLUQI-01030-00248236-00248406 Buddhist teachings are pointing to fdCn-SGLUQI-01031-00248407-00248694 Cohen's can be used to provoke the great fdCn-SGLUQI-01032-00248696-00248962 doubt and test a student's progress in fdCn-SGLUQI-01033-00248963-00249253 Zen practice Kalon inquiry may be fdCn-SGLUQI-01034-00249254-00249423 practiced during zazen sitting fdCn-SGLUQI-01035-00249425-00249691 meditation Kenan walking meditation and fdCn-SGLUQI-01036-00249692-00249856 throughout all the activities of daily fdCn-SGLUQI-01037-00249857-00250162 life Cohen practice is particularly fdCn-SGLUQI-01038-00250163-00250383 emphasized by the Japanese rinzai school fdCn-SGLUQI-01039-00250384-00250594 but it also occurs in other schools or fdCn-SGLUQI-01040-00250594-00250744 branches of Zen depending on the fdCn-SGLUQI-01041-00250744-00250944 teaching line the Zen students mastery fdCn-SGLUQI-01042-00250946-00251125 of a given Cohen is presented to the fdCn-SGLUQI-01043-00251126-00251302 teacher in a private interview referred fdCn-SGLUQI-01044-00251303-00251503 to in Japanese as doukasen Duke and fdCn-SGLUQI-01045-00251504-00251767 eizan die kinder Sanson content while fdCn-SGLUQI-01046-00251767-00251956 there is no unique answer to a KO on fdCn-SGLUQI-01047-00251957-00252121 practitioners are expected to fdCn-SGLUQI-01048-00252121-00252285 demonstrate their understanding of the fdCn-SGLUQI-01049-00252286-00252475 cohen and of zen through their responses fdCn-SGLUQI-01050-00252476-00252754 the teacher may approve or disapprove of fdCn-SGLUQI-01051-00252755-00252921 the answer and guide the student in the fdCn-SGLUQI-01052-00252923-00253171 right direction the interaction with the fdCn-SGLUQI-01053-00253171-00253378 Zen teacher is central in Zen but makes fdCn-SGLUQI-01054-00253379-00253557 Zen practice also vulnerable to fdCn-SGLUQI-01055-00253558-00254088 misunderstanding and exploitation fdCn-SGLUQI-01056-00254089-00254525 topic Vajrayana fdCn-SGLUQI-01057-00254526-00254780 be Alan Wallace holds that modern fdCn-SGLUQI-01058-00254781-00254969 Tibetan Buddhism lacks emphasis on fdCn-SGLUQI-01059-00254969-00255176 achieving levels of concentration higher fdCn-SGLUQI-01060-00255177-00255446 than access concentration according to fdCn-SGLUQI-01061-00255446-00255659 Wallace one possible explanation for fdCn-SGLUQI-01062-00255660-00255851 this situation is that virtually all fdCn-SGLUQI-01063-00255852-00256055 Tibetan Buddhist meditators seek to fdCn-SGLUQI-01064-00256056-00256184 become enlightened through the use of fdCn-SGLUQI-01065-00256185-00256469 tantric practices these require the fdCn-SGLUQI-01066-00256469-00256685 presence of sense desire and passion in fdCn-SGLUQI-01067-00256686-00256835 one's consciousness but jhana fdCn-SGLUQI-01068-00256836-00257027 effectively inhibits these phenomena fdCn-SGLUQI-01069-00257028-00257192 while few Tibetan Buddhists either fdCn-SGLUQI-01070-00257192-00257387 inside or outside Tibet devote fdCn-SGLUQI-01071-00257388-00257528 themselves to the practice of fdCn-SGLUQI-01072-00257529-00257698 concentration Tibetan Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01073-00257700-00257876 literature does provide extensive fdCn-SGLUQI-01074-00257877-00258056 instructions on it and great Tibetan fdCn-SGLUQI-01075-00258057-00258263 meditators of earlier times stressed its fdCn-SGLUQI-01076-00258264-00258667 importance fdCn-SGLUQI-01077-00258669-00258902 topic related concepts in indian fdCn-SGLUQI-01078-00258903-00259296 religions fdCn-SGLUQI-01079-00259296-00259563 diana is an important ancient practice fdCn-SGLUQI-01080-00259564-00259752 mentioned in the Vedic and post Vedic fdCn-SGLUQI-01081-00259753-00259971 literature of Hinduism as well as early fdCn-SGLUQI-01082-00259971-00260256 texts of Jainism diana in buddhism fdCn-SGLUQI-01083-00260257-00260430 influenced these practices as well as fdCn-SGLUQI-01084-00260431-00260625 was influenced by them likely in its fdCn-SGLUQI-01085-00260626-00261067 origins and its later development fdCn-SGLUQI-01086-00261069-00261404 topic parallels with Patanjali Ashtanga fdCn-SGLUQI-01087-00261405-00261757 Yoga fdCn-SGLUQI-01088-00261758-00261967 there are parallels with the fourth to fdCn-SGLUQI-01089-00261967-00262189 eighth stages of Patanjali ashtanga yoga fdCn-SGLUQI-01090-00262190-00262450 as mentioned in his classical work Yoga fdCn-SGLUQI-01091-00262451-00262663 Sutras of Patanjali which were compiled fdCn-SGLUQI-01092-00262664-00262966 around 400 CD by taking materials about fdCn-SGLUQI-01093-00262967-00263131 yoga from older traditions fdCn-SGLUQI-01094-00263132-00263368 Patanjali discerns bahir Onga external fdCn-SGLUQI-01095-00263369-00263638 aspects of yoga namely yama niyama asana fdCn-SGLUQI-01096-00263639-00263917 pranayama and beyond Turanga internal fdCn-SGLUQI-01097-00263918-00264184 yoga having actualized the pratyahara fdCn-SGLUQI-01098-00264185-00264394 stage a practitioner is able to fdCn-SGLUQI-01099-00264395-00264580 effectively engage into the practice of fdCn-SGLUQI-01100-00264581-00264892 samyama at the stage of pratyahara the fdCn-SGLUQI-01101-00264893-00265060 consciousness of the individual is fdCn-SGLUQI-01102-00265061-00265210 internalized in order that the fdCn-SGLUQI-01103-00265211-00265384 sensations from the senses of taste fdCn-SGLUQI-01104-00265385-00265609 touch sight hearing and smell don't fdCn-SGLUQI-01105-00265610-00265768 reach their respective centers in the fdCn-SGLUQI-01106-00265769-00265987 brain and takes the sadaqa practitioner fdCn-SGLUQI-01107-00265988-00266221 to next stages of yoga namely Dharana fdCn-SGLUQI-01108-00266222-00266482 concentration Dhyana meditation and fdCn-SGLUQI-01109-00266483-00266713 Samadhi mystical absorption being the fdCn-SGLUQI-01110-00266714-00266908 aim of all yogic practices the eight fdCn-SGLUQI-01111-00266909-00267124 limbs of the Yoga Sutras show Samadhi as fdCn-SGLUQI-01112-00267125-00267376 one of its limbs the eight limbs of the fdCn-SGLUQI-01113-00267377-00267588 yoga Sutra was influenced by Buddhism fdCn-SGLUQI-01114-00267589-00267886 vyasa's yoga Pasha the commentary to the fdCn-SGLUQI-01115-00267887-00268129 Yoga Sutras and Vik a spa team is result fdCn-SGLUQI-01116-00268130-00268324 meant restate directly that the samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-01117-00268325-00268498 techniques are directly borrowed from fdCn-SGLUQI-01118-00268499-00268681 the Buddhists jhana with the addition of fdCn-SGLUQI-01119-00268682-00268879 the mystical and divine interpretations fdCn-SGLUQI-01120-00268880-00269164 of mental absorption however it is also fdCn-SGLUQI-01121-00269165-00269350 to be noted that the yoga Sutra fdCn-SGLUQI-01122-00269351-00269530 especially the fourth segment of fdCn-SGLUQI-01123-00269531-00269776 kaivalya pada contains several polemical fdCn-SGLUQI-01124-00269777-00270004 verses critical of Buddhism particularly fdCn-SGLUQI-01125-00270005-00270169 the Virginia Nevada School of Vasa fdCn-SGLUQI-01126-00270170-00270355 bandeau the studies showed that during fdCn-SGLUQI-01127-00270356-00270526 the time of the Buddha nigantha nada fdCn-SGLUQI-01128-00270527-00270715 pada the Jain leader did not even fdCn-SGLUQI-01129-00270716-00270898 believe that it is possible to enter a fdCn-SGLUQI-01130-00270899-00271084 state where the thoughts and examination fdCn-SGLUQI-01131-00271085-00271372 stopped topic scientific studies there fdCn-SGLUQI-01132-00271373-00271546 has been little scientific study of fdCn-SGLUQI-01133-00271547-00271903 these mental states in 2008 an egg study fdCn-SGLUQI-01134-00271904-00272098 found strong significant and consistent fdCn-SGLUQI-01135-00272099-00272296 differences in specific brain regions fdCn-SGLUQI-01136-00272297-00272530 when the meditator is in a jhana state fdCn-SGLUQI-01137-00272531-00272760 compared to normal resting consciousness fdCn-SGLUQI-01138-00272761-00273046 tentative hypotheses on the neurological fdCn-SGLUQI-01139-00273047-00273244 correlates have been proposed but lack fdCn-SGLUQI-01140-00273245-00273508 supporting evidence topic see also fdCn-SGLUQI-01141-00273509-00273733 research on meditation neuroplasticity fdCn-SGLUQI-01142-00273734-00273961 altered state of consciousness jane jana fdCn-SGLUQI-01143-00273962-00274198 topic notes topic references topic fdCn-SGLUQI-01144-00274199-00274381 sources topic further reading scholarly fdCn-SGLUQI-01145-00274382-00274648 phil illogical historical stuart fox fdCn-SGLUQI-01146-00274649-00274918 martin 1989 jhana and buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01147-00274919-00275077 scholasticism Journal of the fdCn-SGLUQI-01148-00275078-00275146 International fdCn-SGLUQI-01149-00275147-00275422 association of buddhist studies vol 12 fdCn-SGLUQI-01150-00275423-00275759 1988 number to Bucknell robert south fdCn-SGLUQI-01151-00275760-00276055 1993 reinterpreting the jhanas Journal fdCn-SGLUQI-01152-00276056-00276244 of the International Association of fdCn-SGLUQI-01153-00276245-00276549 Buddhist studies vol 16 number 2 winter fdCn-SGLUQI-01154-00276550-00276957 1993 Bronckhorst johannes 1993 the two fdCn-SGLUQI-01155-00276958-00277131 traditions of meditation in ancient fdCn-SGLUQI-01156-00277132-00277198 India fdCn-SGLUQI-01157-00277199-00277570 motilal banarsidass PU BL Vetter tilman fdCn-SGLUQI-01158-00277571-00277879 1988 the ideas and meditative practices fdCn-SGLUQI-01159-00277880-00278065 of early Buddhism Brill win fdCn-SGLUQI-01160-00278066-00278362 Alexander 2007 the origin of Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01161-00278363-00278430 meditation fdCn-SGLUQI-01162-00278431-00278722 routledge Pollock 2011 re-examining John fdCn-SGLUQI-01163-00278723-00278980 de Anna Leo 2017 early Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01164-00278981-00279159 meditation studies defence of fdCn-SGLUQI-01165-00279160-00279330 traditional Theravada position fdCn-SGLUQI-01166-00279331-00279553 reassessment of jhana in Theravada CLE fdCn-SGLUQI-01167-00279554-00279810 Nathalie 2008 multiple Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01168-00279811-00280045 modernism's jhana in convert Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-01169-00280046-00280549 PDF Pacific world tend to 225 - 249 fdCn-SGLUQI-01170-00280550-00280837 Shankman 2008 the experience of Samadhi fdCn-SGLUQI-01171-00280838-00281104 Karen árbol 2017 early Buddhist fdCn-SGLUQI-01172-00281105-00281341 meditation Taylor & Francis topic fdCn-SGLUQI-01173-00281342-00281605 external links sutras jhana 2005 fdCn-SGLUQI-01174-00281606-00281827 descriptions and similes from the Pali fdCn-SGLUQI-01175-00281828-00282004 Canon Zhang guitar and IKEA and fdCn-SGLUQI-01176-00282005-00282255 Dhammapada by John T bullet jhana Wars fdCn-SGLUQI-01177-00282256-00282499 Li Brighton interpretations of the John fdCn-SGLUQI-01178-00282500-00282705 is John Dewar's simple suttas sutta fdCn-SGLUQI-01179-00282706-00282868 style John is a Western phenomenon fdCn-SGLUQI-01180-00282869-00283134 Dhamma will Western Theravada vision fdCn-SGLUQI-01181-00283135-00283359 Amega oriented ajahn Brahm vamsa fdCn-SGLUQI-01182-00283360-00283573 travelogue to the for John is ajahn fdCn-SGLUQI-01183-00283574-00283813 Brahm vamsa the Jonas Western Theravada fdCn-SGLUQI-01184-00283814-00284092 sada oriented Panesar Oba coot jhana not fdCn-SGLUQI-01185-00284093-00284317 by the numbers Bunty Vimala Ramsey Maha fdCn-SGLUQI-01186-00284318-00284638 Thera MN 111 one by one as they occurred fdCn-SGLUQI-01187-00284639-00284926 a new pot asada Dhamma talks on the ANU fdCn-SGLUQI-01188-00284927-00285142 pot asada this provides a highly fdCn-SGLUQI-01189-00285143-00285282 detailed account of the progression fdCn-SGLUQI-01190-00285283-00285745 through the jhanas Zen Zen site feWafiVWlUg-00000-00000068-00000337 pelagonija ancient Greek path Laconia feWafiVWlUg-00001-00000338-00000584 pelagonia modern pronunciation Paulo feWafiVWlUg-00002-00000585-00000788 Gonia turkish path leg Anna was an feWafiVWlUg-00003-00000789-00000994 ancient area on the Black Sea coast of feWafiVWlUg-00004-00000996-00001216 north central Anatolia situated between feWafiVWlUg-00005-00001217-00001445 Bithynia to the west and pondus to the feWafiVWlUg-00006-00001446-00001655 east and separated from Phrygia later feWafiVWlUg-00007-00001655-00001898 Galatia by a prolongation to the east of feWafiVWlUg-00008-00001898-00002147 the bit dynein olympus according to feWafiVWlUg-00009-00002148-00002405 Strabo the river parthenium the Western feWafiVWlUg-00010-00002406-00002582 limit of the region and it was bounded feWafiVWlUg-00011-00002583-00002851 on the east by the Halley's River the feWafiVWlUg-00012-00002852-00003043 named path Laconia is derived in the feWafiVWlUg-00013-00003044-00003226 legends from path leg on a son of feWafiVWlUg-00014-00003227-00003697 Phineas used to add horn to e 851 ad feWafiVWlUg-00015-00003698-00004902 Dion / 787 staff B TV const port of mi7 feWafiVWlUg-00016-00004903-00005429 topic geography feWafiVWlUg-00017-00005430-00005658 the greater part of path Laguna is a feWafiVWlUg-00018-00005659-00005831 rugged mountainous country but it feWafiVWlUg-00019-00005832-00006036 contains fertile valleys and produces a feWafiVWlUg-00020-00006037-00006231 great abundance of hazelnuts and fruit feWafiVWlUg-00021-00006232-00006467 particularly plums cherries and pears feWafiVWlUg-00022-00006468-00006705 the mountains are clothed with dense feWafiVWlUg-00023-00006706-00006912 forests conspicuous for the quantity of feWafiVWlUg-00024-00006913-00007176 boxwood that they furnish hence its feWafiVWlUg-00025-00007177-00007383 coasts were occupied by Greeks from an feWafiVWlUg-00026-00007384-00007670 early period among these the flourishing feWafiVWlUg-00027-00007672-00007884 city of Sinop founded from Miletus about feWafiVWlUg-00028-00007884-00008235 630 BC stood pre-eminent the Maas trees feWafiVWlUg-00029-00008236-00008460 a few miles east of the parthenium feWafiVWlUg-00030-00008461-00008631 became important under the rule of the feWafiVWlUg-00031-00008632-00008852 Macedonian monarchs while a masseuse a feWafiVWlUg-00032-00008853-00009051 colony of Sinop situated a short feWafiVWlUg-00033-00009052-00009234 distance east of the Halley's River and feWafiVWlUg-00034-00009235-00009449 therefore not strictly in path Laguna as feWafiVWlUg-00035-00009450-00009660 defined by Strabo grew to become almost feWafiVWlUg-00036-00009661-00009960 a rival of its parent City the most feWafiVWlUg-00037-00009961-00010160 considerable towns of the interior were feWafiVWlUg-00038-00010161-00010388 Ganga in ancient times the capital of feWafiVWlUg-00039-00010389-00010571 the path laconian kings afterwards feWafiVWlUg-00040-00010572-00010799 called germanica place situated near the feWafiVWlUg-00041-00010800-00011027 frontier of Galatia and Pompey appleís feWafiVWlUg-00042-00011028-00011226 in the valley of the Omni Eze River near feWafiVWlUg-00043-00011227-00011421 extensive mines of the mineral called by feWafiVWlUg-00044-00011422-00011673 Strabo sand rake red arsenic or arsenic feWafiVWlUg-00045-00011674-00012392 sulfide largely exported from sinop feWafiVWlUg-00046-00012393-00012896 topic history feWafiVWlUg-00047-00012897-00013094 the path Lagoon Ian's were one of the feWafiVWlUg-00048-00013095-00013286 most ancient nations of Anatolia and feWafiVWlUg-00049-00013287-00013497 listed among the allies of the Trojans feWafiVWlUg-00050-00013497-00013821 in the Trojan War CA 1200 BC where their feWafiVWlUg-00051-00013822-00014030 King Polly meme's and his son harp alien feWafiVWlUg-00052-00014031-00014607 perished Iliad II 851 857 according to feWafiVWlUg-00053-00014608-00014811 Homer and Livy a group of paths Lagoon feWafiVWlUg-00054-00014812-00014963 Ian's called the Anat while in Greek feWafiVWlUg-00055-00014965-00015144 were expelled from their homeland during feWafiVWlUg-00056-00015144-00015393 a revolution with a group of defeated feWafiVWlUg-00057-00015394-00015561 Trojans under the leadership of the feWafiVWlUg-00058-00015562-00015771 Trojan Prince antenor they emigrated to feWafiVWlUg-00059-00015772-00015933 the northern end of the adriatic coast feWafiVWlUg-00060-00015934-00016152 and later merged with indigenous you can feWafiVWlUg-00061-00016153-00016332 a giving the name Venetia to the area feWafiVWlUg-00062-00016333-00016587 they settled in the time of the Hittites feWafiVWlUg-00063-00016588-00016847 path Laguna was inhabited by the Koshka feWafiVWlUg-00064-00016848-00017052 people whose exact ethnic relation to feWafiVWlUg-00065-00017053-00017283 the path Laguna ins is uncertain it feWafiVWlUg-00066-00017284-00017463 seems perhaps that they were related to feWafiVWlUg-00067-00017464-00017630 the people of the adjoining country feWafiVWlUg-00068-00017631-00017844 Cappadocia who were speakers of one of feWafiVWlUg-00069-00017845-00017981 the Anatolian branch of the feWafiVWlUg-00070-00017982-00018252 indo-european languages their language feWafiVWlUg-00071-00018253-00018465 would appear from strabos testimony to feWafiVWlUg-00072-00018466-00018735 have been distinctive paths Lagoon Ian's feWafiVWlUg-00073-00018736-00018921 were mentioned by Herodotus among the feWafiVWlUg-00074-00018922-00019116 peoples conquered by Croesus and they feWafiVWlUg-00075-00019117-00019311 sent an important contingent to the army feWafiVWlUg-00076-00019312-00019677 of Xerxes in 480 BC Xenophon speaks of feWafiVWlUg-00077-00019678-00019839 them as being governed by a prince of feWafiVWlUg-00078-00019840-00020006 their own without any reference to the feWafiVWlUg-00079-00020007-00020205 neighbouring satraps a freedom perhaps feWafiVWlUg-00080-00020206-00020378 due to the nature of their country with feWafiVWlUg-00081-00020379-00020571 its lofty mountain ranges and difficult feWafiVWlUg-00082-00020572-00020837 passes all these rulers appear to have feWafiVWlUg-00083-00020838-00021024 born the name pile I mean ease as a sign feWafiVWlUg-00084-00021025-00021150 that they claim descent from the feWafiVWlUg-00085-00021151-00021327 chieftain of that name who figures in feWafiVWlUg-00086-00021328-00021480 the Iliad as leader of the path leg feWafiVWlUg-00087-00021481-00022005 onions feWafiVWlUg-00088-00022006-00022598 topic under the kingdom of Pontus feWafiVWlUg-00089-00022599-00022856 at a later period Pavla Gonia passed feWafiVWlUg-00090-00022857-00023003 under the control of the Macedonian feWafiVWlUg-00091-00023004-00023210 Kings and after the death of Alexander feWafiVWlUg-00092-00023211-00023303 the Great feWafiVWlUg-00093-00023304-00023492 it was assigned together with Cappadocia feWafiVWlUg-00094-00023493-00023777 and Maha - you means however it feWafiVWlUg-00095-00023778-00023939 continued to be governed by native feWafiVWlUg-00096-00023940-00024119 princes until it was absorbed by the feWafiVWlUg-00097-00024120-00024401 encroaching power of Pontus the rulers feWafiVWlUg-00098-00024402-00024605 of that dynasty became masters of the feWafiVWlUg-00099-00024606-00024815 greater part of path laguna as early as feWafiVWlUg-00100-00024816-00025073 the reign of Mithradates city-states 302 feWafiVWlUg-00101-00025074-00025505 to 266 BC but it was not until 183 B see feWafiVWlUg-00102-00025506-00025694 that farness has reduced the Greek city feWafiVWlUg-00103-00025695-00025943 of Sinop under their control from that feWafiVWlUg-00104-00025944-00026162 time the whole province was incorporated feWafiVWlUg-00105-00026163-00026330 into the kingdom of pondus until the feWafiVWlUg-00106-00026331-00027042 fall of Mithradates 65 BC feWafiVWlUg-00107-00027043-00027652 topic Roman and Byzantine empires feWafiVWlUg-00108-00027654-00027899 Pompey United the coastal districts of feWafiVWlUg-00109-00027900-00028067 path leg Ania along with the greater feWafiVWlUg-00110-00028068-00028268 part of pondus with the Roman province feWafiVWlUg-00111-00028269-00028477 of Bithynia but left the interior of the feWafiVWlUg-00112-00028479-00028652 country under the native princess until feWafiVWlUg-00113-00028652-00028868 the dynasty became extinct in the whole feWafiVWlUg-00114-00028869-00029048 country was incorporated into the Roman feWafiVWlUg-00115-00029049-00029320 Empire the name was still retained by feWafiVWlUg-00116-00029322-00029507 geographers though its boundaries are feWafiVWlUg-00117-00029508-00029681 not distinctly defined by the geographer feWafiVWlUg-00118-00029682-00029827 Claudius Ptolemy feWafiVWlUg-00119-00029827-00030083 Pavla Gonia reappeared as a separate feWafiVWlUg-00120-00030083-00030248 province in the 5th century AD feWafiVWlUg-00121-00030249-00030650 hierarchies sénèque thomas c-33 in the feWafiVWlUg-00122-00030651-00030860 7th century it became part of the theme feWafiVWlUg-00123-00030861-00031049 of op Seguin and later of the butyl feWafiVWlUg-00124-00031050-00031330 Aryan theme before being split off see feWafiVWlUg-00125-00031331-00031583 820 to form a separate province once feWafiVWlUg-00126-00031583-00032090 again feWafiVWlUg-00127-00032091-00032639 topic notable people feWafiVWlUg-00128-00032639-00032930 our talk sirs 5th century BC eunuch feWafiVWlUg-00129-00032931-00033161 envoy of Persian kings artaxerxes the feWafiVWlUg-00130-00033162-00033496 1st and Darius the 2nd Diogenes of feWafiVWlUg-00131-00033497-00033712 Sinope 4th century BC Greek philosopher feWafiVWlUg-00132-00033713-00034060 one of the founders of cynic philosophy feWafiVWlUg-00133-00034061-00034568 Alexander of Abaco tychicus C 105 C 1 70 feWafiVWlUg-00134-00034569-00034811 AD also called Alexander the path leg feWafiVWlUg-00135-00034812-00035146 onion or the false prophet Alexander st. feWafiVWlUg-00136-00035147-00035495 filler Eidos 8th century Theodora 9th feWafiVWlUg-00137-00035496-00035696 century wife of the Byzantine Emperor feWafiVWlUg-00138-00035697-00036040 Theophilus John more AAPIs 11th century feWafiVWlUg-00139-00036041-00036356 Greek poet and author Michael the fourth feWafiVWlUg-00140-00036357-00036640 the path Lagoon Ian you means of kardea feWafiVWlUg-00141-00036641-00036851 until he decided to leave for troja and feWafiVWlUg-00142-00036852-00037350 return to cardia feWafiVWlUg-00143-00037351-00038034 topic see also ancient regions of feWafiVWlUg-00144-00038035-00038429 Anatolia list of rulers of Pavle Gonia feWafiVWlUg-00145-00038430-00038997 adriatic vanetti feWafiVWlUg-00146-00038998-00039548 topic external links feWafiVWlUg-00147-00039549-00040139 bargain English path Laconia SD u DK feWafiVWlUg-00148-00040140-00040446 Haley's a geographical and historical feWafiVWlUg-00149-00040447-00040679 description of Asia Minor by John feWafiVWlUg-00150-00040680-00040952 Anthony Cramer ffiEwmvCNc4-00000-00000074-00001639 [Music] ffiEwmvCNc4-00001-00001639-00001847 so to now i'm going to talk about uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00002-00001848-00002118 calcium through my tutorial uh just ffiEwmvCNc4-00003-00002119-00002367 wanted to reiterate this all this so ffiEwmvCNc4-00004-00002368-00002575 we'll be showing a vegetarian and ffiEwmvCNc4-00005-00002576-00002807 non-western recipes of all these ffiEwmvCNc4-00006-00002808-00003095 nutrients but they are of course meant ffiEwmvCNc4-00007-00003096-00003238 for adult ffiEwmvCNc4-00008-00003239-00003527 but young children you know you can we ffiEwmvCNc4-00009-00003528-00003735 have created different recipes for young ffiEwmvCNc4-00010-00003736-00003959 children starting from seven months of ffiEwmvCNc4-00011-00003960-00004119 age you know completion of six months of ffiEwmvCNc4-00012-00004120-00004375 age uh but older children say from nine ffiEwmvCNc4-00013-00004376-00004438 to ffiEwmvCNc4-00014-00004439-00004686 nine months onward they can uh eat some ffiEwmvCNc4-00015-00004687-00004879 of this uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00016-00004880-00005175 recipes that we have created but ffiEwmvCNc4-00017-00005176-00005286 it's ffiEwmvCNc4-00018-00005287-00005518 normally it is meant or primarily it is ffiEwmvCNc4-00019-00005519-00005783 meant for adults okay so just want to ffiEwmvCNc4-00020-00005784-00006095 rate it so today i'm going to uh discuss ffiEwmvCNc4-00021-00006096-00006431 about calcium uh look at what is the use ffiEwmvCNc4-00022-00006431-00006751 of calcium uh i do recommend that people ffiEwmvCNc4-00023-00006752-00007063 get calcium mainly from food ffiEwmvCNc4-00024-00007064-00007310 yes pregnant mothers will need calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00025-00007311-00007551 uh because the requirement is high but ffiEwmvCNc4-00026-00007552-00007855 uh for uh primarily for most of most of ffiEwmvCNc4-00027-00007856-00008014 people uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00028-00008015-00008287 we recommend that calcium comes from ffiEwmvCNc4-00029-00008288-00008519 food rather than supplements because ffiEwmvCNc4-00030-00008520-00008655 there are a lot of studies which are ffiEwmvCNc4-00031-00008656-00008927 done which showed that uh if on taking ffiEwmvCNc4-00032-00008928-00009167 calcium supplements uh you know they do ffiEwmvCNc4-00033-00009168-00009383 have uh more risk of ffiEwmvCNc4-00034-00009384-00009559 you know calcification and coronary ffiEwmvCNc4-00035-00009560-00009903 arteries you know specifically in men so ffiEwmvCNc4-00036-00009904-00010206 do i don't recommend taking calcium uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00037-00010207-00010431 just look at all this recipe include ffiEwmvCNc4-00038-00010432-00010671 dairy include some seeds which are high ffiEwmvCNc4-00039-00010672-00010863 in calcium some leafy vegetables that ffiEwmvCNc4-00040-00010864-00011095 are very high in calcium you know uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00041-00011096-00011214 some of those ffiEwmvCNc4-00042-00011215-00011542 seafood are high in calcium too so just ffiEwmvCNc4-00043-00011543-00011759 have a look and see what ffiEwmvCNc4-00044-00011760-00012342 what you can learn from it thank you ffiEwmvCNc4-00045-00012343-00012559 welcome to the spoken tutorial on the ffiEwmvCNc4-00046-00012560-00012935 importance of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00047-00012936-00013207 in this tutorial we will learn about ffiEwmvCNc4-00048-00013208-00013471 role of calcium and its requirement in ffiEwmvCNc4-00049-00013472-00013663 our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00050-00013663-00013983 symptoms of its deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00051-00013984-00014383 and calcium-rich food sources ffiEwmvCNc4-00052-00014384-00014622 calcium is the most abundant mineral in ffiEwmvCNc4-00053-00014623-00014791 our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00054-00014791-00014999 ninety-nine percent of the body's ffiEwmvCNc4-00055-00015000-00015407 calcium is found in bones and teeth ffiEwmvCNc4-00056-00015408-00015663 the remaining one percent is present in ffiEwmvCNc4-00057-00015663-00015783 our blood ffiEwmvCNc4-00058-00015784-00016047 it gets excreted from our body through ffiEwmvCNc4-00059-00016047-00016463 stool urine and sweat ffiEwmvCNc4-00060-00016464-00016694 calcium serves many functions in our ffiEwmvCNc4-00061-00016695-00016839 body ffiEwmvCNc4-00062-00016840-00017135 the key function is the development and ffiEwmvCNc4-00063-00017136-00017471 maintenance of bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00064-00017472-00017711 if there is an excess of calcium in the ffiEwmvCNc4-00065-00017712-00018119 body it gets deposited in the bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00066-00018120-00018414 in case of deficiency it can be taken ffiEwmvCNc4-00067-00018415-00018663 from the bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00068-00018664-00018950 calcium is essential for the transfer of ffiEwmvCNc4-00069-00018951-00019247 nerve signals in our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00070-00019248-00019535 it helps in muscle contraction and its ffiEwmvCNc4-00071-00019536-00019711 movement ffiEwmvCNc4-00072-00019712-00019975 it also helps in stopping the blood flow ffiEwmvCNc4-00073-00019976-00020183 after a cut ffiEwmvCNc4-00074-00020184-00020422 calcium is needed for the secretion of ffiEwmvCNc4-00075-00020423-00021014 hormones like insulin and adrenaline ffiEwmvCNc4-00076-00021015-00021263 other benefits are maintaining body ffiEwmvCNc4-00077-00021264-00021758 weight blood pressure and heart health ffiEwmvCNc4-00078-00021759-00022071 daily recommended intake for calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00079-00022072-00022422 varies for different age groups ffiEwmvCNc4-00080-00022423-00022678 it is higher during periods of rapid ffiEwmvCNc4-00081-00022679-00023222 growth such as childhood and adolescence ffiEwmvCNc4-00082-00023223-00023511 for infants until 12 months 500 ffiEwmvCNc4-00083-00023512-00023807 milligrams of calcium per day is ffiEwmvCNc4-00084-00023808-00024030 recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00085-00024031-00024303 for children up to 9 years 600 ffiEwmvCNc4-00086-00024304-00024639 milligrams per day is recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00087-00024640-00024903 the requirements increase up to 800 ffiEwmvCNc4-00088-00024904-00025342 milligrams per day during adolescence ffiEwmvCNc4-00089-00025343-00025846 for adults it is 600 milligrams per day ffiEwmvCNc4-00090-00025847-00026094 the calcium requirements are also high ffiEwmvCNc4-00091-00026095-00026479 during pregnancy and lactation ffiEwmvCNc4-00092-00026480-00026787 during pregnancy and lactation ffiEwmvCNc4-00093-00026788-00027223 1200 milligrams is recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00094-00027224-00027479 let us now discuss the effects of ffiEwmvCNc4-00095-00027480-00027774 calcium deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00096-00027775-00028079 deficiency of calcium during pregnancy ffiEwmvCNc4-00097-00028080-00028590 can result in a rise in blood pressure ffiEwmvCNc4-00098-00028591-00028967 swelling in hands and feet can be seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00099-00028968-00029295 inadequate calcium intake by mothers may ffiEwmvCNc4-00100-00029295-00029623 affect the baby also ffiEwmvCNc4-00101-00029624-00029862 their birth weight may be low and their ffiEwmvCNc4-00102-00029863-00030151 growth can be ffiEwmvCNc4-00103-00030152-00030407 their physical and cognitive development ffiEwmvCNc4-00104-00030408-00030639 can be damaged ffiEwmvCNc4-00105-00030639-00030943 in children calcium deficiency can cause ffiEwmvCNc4-00106-00030944-00031127 rickets ffiEwmvCNc4-00107-00031127-00031390 ricketts is a disorder of the skeletal ffiEwmvCNc4-00108-00031391-00031543 system ffiEwmvCNc4-00109-00031544-00031799 the growth gets stunted and there are ffiEwmvCNc4-00110-00031800-00032151 changes in the shape of the spine ffiEwmvCNc4-00111-00032152-00032495 other signs are sunken ribs protruding ffiEwmvCNc4-00112-00032495-00032943 forehead and bow shaped bent legs ffiEwmvCNc4-00113-00032944-00033231 short height widening of the wrist elbow ffiEwmvCNc4-00114-00033232-00033702 knee and ankle joints can be seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00115-00033703-00033951 in adults early signs of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00116-00033952-00034374 deficiency are muscle cramps ffiEwmvCNc4-00117-00034375-00034590 numbness or tingling sensation of ffiEwmvCNc4-00118-00034591-00034918 fingers is also seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00119-00034919-00035083 mental confusion ffiEwmvCNc4-00120-00035084-00035487 irritability dry skin brittle nails and ffiEwmvCNc4-00121-00035488-00035846 tooth decay can also occur ffiEwmvCNc4-00122-00035847-00036087 long-term deficiency of calcium can ffiEwmvCNc4-00123-00036088-00036399 result in osteoporosis ffiEwmvCNc4-00124-00036400-00036711 in osteoporosis the bone density is ffiEwmvCNc4-00125-00036712-00036902 reduced ffiEwmvCNc4-00126-00036903-00037174 the bones become fragile and prone to ffiEwmvCNc4-00127-00037175-00037374 fractures ffiEwmvCNc4-00128-00037375-00037718 other symptoms are stooped posture loss ffiEwmvCNc4-00129-00037719-00038102 of height and back pain ffiEwmvCNc4-00130-00038103-00038359 the risk of osteoporosis is higher in ffiEwmvCNc4-00131-00038360-00038639 women as compared to men ffiEwmvCNc4-00132-00038640-00038943 this is because estrogen levels in women ffiEwmvCNc4-00133-00038944-00039262 decrease after menopause ffiEwmvCNc4-00134-00039263-00039590 thereby calcium absorption decreases and ffiEwmvCNc4-00135-00039591-00040015 its excretion through urine increases ffiEwmvCNc4-00136-00040016-00040302 to avoid calcium deficiency adequate ffiEwmvCNc4-00137-00040303-00040711 intake of calcium-rich food is essential ffiEwmvCNc4-00138-00040712-00041015 the best sources are milk and milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00139-00041016-00041167 products ffiEwmvCNc4-00140-00041168-00041599 this includes curd paneer cheese and ffiEwmvCNc4-00141-00041600-00041799 khoya ffiEwmvCNc4-00142-00041800-00042079 calcium obtained from them gets easily ffiEwmvCNc4-00143-00042080-00042351 absorbed in our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00144-00042352-00042715 200 milliliter of cow's milk provides ffiEwmvCNc4-00145-00042716-00043015 236 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00146-00043016-00043379 100 grams of curd from cow's milk has ffiEwmvCNc4-00147-00043380-00043702 150 milligrams calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00148-00043703-00044074 30 grams of paneer from cow's milk has ffiEwmvCNc4-00149-00044075-00044430 142 milligrams calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00150-00044431-00044695 few non-vegetarian food are also rich in ffiEwmvCNc4-00151-00044696-00044871 calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00152-00044872-00045199 for example dried shrimp bombay duck ffiEwmvCNc4-00153-00045200-00045695 prawns lobsters and dried bony fishes ffiEwmvCNc4-00154-00045696-00046071 100 grams of prawns will give 67 ffiEwmvCNc4-00155-00046072-00046318 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00156-00046319-00046702 20 grams of dried shrimp has 73 ffiEwmvCNc4-00157-00046703-00046974 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00158-00046975-00047395 15 grams of dried bombiduc fish has ffiEwmvCNc4-00159-00047396-00047767 208 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00160-00047768-00048095 seeds are an excellent source of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00161-00048096-00048462 for example sesame seeds niger seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00162-00048463-00048871 flax seeds dill seeds and poppy seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00163-00048872-00049262 one tablespoon or five grams of sesame ffiEwmvCNc4-00164-00049263-00049751 seeds has 64 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00165-00049752-00050111 apart from these nuts like almonds and ffiEwmvCNc4-00166-00050112-00050486 walnuts are also rich in calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00167-00050487-00050735 many green leafy vegetables have good ffiEwmvCNc4-00168-00050736-00050958 amount of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00169-00050959-00051335 for example leaves of amaranth agathi ffiEwmvCNc4-00170-00051336-00051623 drumstick and fenugreek ffiEwmvCNc4-00171-00051624-00051919 even radish leaves colocasia leaves and ffiEwmvCNc4-00172-00051920-00052254 mustard leaves are good sources ffiEwmvCNc4-00173-00052255-00052571 100 grams of amaranth leaves has ffiEwmvCNc4-00174-00052572-00052903 330 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00175-00052904-00053235 100 grams of fenugreek leaves has ffiEwmvCNc4-00176-00053236-00053582 274 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00177-00053583-00053847 calcium is present in some beans like ffiEwmvCNc4-00178-00053848-00054294 soya bean horse gram and mort beans ffiEwmvCNc4-00179-00054295-00054642 50 grams of horse gram gives ffiEwmvCNc4-00180-00054644-00055015 135 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00181-00055016-00055279 finger millet is also a rich source of ffiEwmvCNc4-00182-00055279-00055438 calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00183-00055439-00055847 30 grams of finger millet provides 110 ffiEwmvCNc4-00184-00055848-00056103 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00185-00056104-00056326 along with food intake calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00186-00056327-00056694 absorption is equally important ffiEwmvCNc4-00187-00056695-00057054 presence of oxalates phytates and fiber ffiEwmvCNc4-00188-00057055-00057375 affect calcium absorption ffiEwmvCNc4-00189-00057376-00057703 they are present in nuts seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00190-00057704-00058135 beans and green leafy vegetables ffiEwmvCNc4-00191-00058136-00058423 these substances may bind with calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00192-00058424-00058799 to form an insoluble complex ffiEwmvCNc4-00193-00058800-00059054 as a result calcium absorption in the ffiEwmvCNc4-00194-00059055-00059342 body is inhibited ffiEwmvCNc4-00195-00059344-00059638 the absorption can be enhanced by using ffiEwmvCNc4-00196-00059639-00059942 various cooking techniques ffiEwmvCNc4-00197-00059944-00060071 for example ffiEwmvCNc4-00198-00060072-00060303 soaking sprouting ffiEwmvCNc4-00199-00060304-00060791 boiling roasting and fermentation ffiEwmvCNc4-00200-00060791-00061142 for calcium absorption avoid tea ffiEwmvCNc4-00201-00061144-00061638 coffee and cola with calcium-rich food ffiEwmvCNc4-00202-00061639-00061903 they contain caffeine which enhances ffiEwmvCNc4-00203-00061904-00062319 calcium excretion through urine ffiEwmvCNc4-00204-00062320-00062606 for maximum calcium absorption few other ffiEwmvCNc4-00205-00062607-00062863 nutrients are required ffiEwmvCNc4-00206-00062864-00063199 for example vitamin d magnesium ffiEwmvCNc4-00207-00063200-00063511 potassium and phosphorus ffiEwmvCNc4-00208-00063512-00063791 apart from nutrients adequate physical ffiEwmvCNc4-00209-00063791-00064206 activity and exercise are also required ffiEwmvCNc4-00210-00064207-00064535 this will enhance the bone mass and bone ffiEwmvCNc4-00211-00064536-00064719 strength ffiEwmvCNc4-00212-00064720-00064991 in addition to all this age also ffiEwmvCNc4-00213-00064991-00065366 influences calcium absorption ffiEwmvCNc4-00214-00065367-00065615 it is highest during infancy and ffiEwmvCNc4-00215-00065616-00065815 childhood ffiEwmvCNc4-00216-00065816-00066119 during adulthood absorption is moderate ffiEwmvCNc4-00217-00066120-00066535 and then it decreases with age ffiEwmvCNc4-00218-00066536-00066726 therefore adequate intake of ffiEwmvCNc4-00219-00066727-00067006 calcium-rich food from an early age is ffiEwmvCNc4-00220-00067007-00067215 essential ffiEwmvCNc4-00221-00067216-00067406 this brings us to the end of the ffiEwmvCNc4-00222-00067407-00067775 tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-00223-00067776-00067855 so ffiEwmvCNc4-00224-00067856-00068079 we watched calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00225-00068080-00068391 but now we're going to watch vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00226-00068392-00068631 why do we need vitamin d one of the most ffiEwmvCNc4-00227-00068632-00068815 important ffiEwmvCNc4-00228-00068816-00069055 vitamin that we need you know for our ffiEwmvCNc4-00229-00069056-00069175 body ffiEwmvCNc4-00230-00069176-00069455 vitamin d is actually ffiEwmvCNc4-00231-00069456-00069679 most of your vitamin d you get it from ffiEwmvCNc4-00232-00069680-00069975 sun you know but there is a myth ffiEwmvCNc4-00233-00069976-00070255 in the community that uh morning sun ffiEwmvCNc4-00234-00070256-00070503 gives you vitamin d uh and i want to ffiEwmvCNc4-00235-00070504-00070726 kind of break that myth and ffiEwmvCNc4-00236-00070727-00071006 let community know that it's not morning ffiEwmvCNc4-00237-00071007-00071271 sun which will give you a vitamin d from ffiEwmvCNc4-00238-00071272-00071511 the sun but it would be uh say mid ffiEwmvCNc4-00239-00071512-00071735 afternoon so uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00240-00071736-00071879 just remember that you know whenever you ffiEwmvCNc4-00241-00071880-00072199 talk to any any of your uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00242-00072200-00072511 you know mothers or family members or ffiEwmvCNc4-00243-00072512-00072831 whoever you know patients uh it's from ffiEwmvCNc4-00244-00072832-00073215 11 to around to 2 30 p.m in at least our ffiEwmvCNc4-00245-00073216-00073343 country ffiEwmvCNc4-00246-00073344-00073567 second thing is you know uh not many ffiEwmvCNc4-00247-00073568-00073862 people know that the windows which we ffiEwmvCNc4-00248-00073863-00074031 have glass windows ffiEwmvCNc4-00249-00074032-00074294 that will prevent uvb ffiEwmvCNc4-00250-00074295-00074606 radiation to come in you know uh so we ffiEwmvCNc4-00251-00074607-00074815 need to make sure that you know if you ffiEwmvCNc4-00252-00074816-00075079 want to get exposed to a sun it should ffiEwmvCNc4-00253-00075080-00075303 be direct sunlight not not through glass ffiEwmvCNc4-00254-00075304-00075535 windows ffiEwmvCNc4-00255-00075536-00075703 there are few ffiEwmvCNc4-00256-00075704-00075991 food which you can get vitamin d from um ffiEwmvCNc4-00257-00075992-00076326 jelly i prefer you know dried mushrooms ffiEwmvCNc4-00258-00076327-00076503 so if you have ffiEwmvCNc4-00259-00076504-00076671 access to mushrooms you can just ffiEwmvCNc4-00260-00076672-00076919 basically try it in sun and those dry ffiEwmvCNc4-00261-00076920-00077247 mushroom is they are high in vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00262-00077248-00077638 uh another important aspect of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00263-00077639-00077991 is that it helps in a lot of ffiEwmvCNc4-00264-00077992-00078119 functions in the body you know ffiEwmvCNc4-00265-00078120-00078238 especially ffiEwmvCNc4-00266-00078239-00078503 in calcium metabolism uh in calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00267-00078504-00078791 absorption and also another thing what ffiEwmvCNc4-00268-00078792-00079031 it does is uh it helps in immunity it ffiEwmvCNc4-00269-00079032-00079215 helps in prevention of cancer it does ffiEwmvCNc4-00270-00079216-00079326 pretty much ffiEwmvCNc4-00271-00079327-00079567 so many things actually you know so we ffiEwmvCNc4-00272-00079568-00079735 have created this tutorial it took us a ffiEwmvCNc4-00273-00079736-00079911 long time to make this you know we have ffiEwmvCNc4-00274-00079912-00080047 done a lot of research ffiEwmvCNc4-00275-00080048-00080471 so do do understand uh about vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00276-00080472-00080823 uh we still don't have uh tutorials on ffiEwmvCNc4-00277-00080824-00081087 recipes but i think the best recipe that ffiEwmvCNc4-00278-00081088-00081367 you can have is to get exposed to sun ffiEwmvCNc4-00279-00081368-00081599 and do that for young children also ffiEwmvCNc4-00280-00081600-00081806 young babies you know because they need ffiEwmvCNc4-00281-00081807-00081943 their bones are growing and they need ffiEwmvCNc4-00282-00081944-00082182 vitamin d so what i recommend is just ffiEwmvCNc4-00283-00082183-00082438 maybe 15 minutes or so you know expose ffiEwmvCNc4-00284-00082439-00082575 them to ffiEwmvCNc4-00285-00082576-00082799 sun uh don't make them wear too many ffiEwmvCNc4-00286-00082800-00083071 clothes you know make sure that the the ffiEwmvCNc4-00287-00083072-00083303 eyes are not exposed to sun you know so ffiEwmvCNc4-00288-00083304-00083382 don't ffiEwmvCNc4-00289-00083383-00083550 make them look at sun you know it should ffiEwmvCNc4-00290-00083551-00083799 be up in opposite direction uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00291-00083800-00084094 exposure to skin is important not uh ffiEwmvCNc4-00292-00084095-00084262 normally you know i don't recommend ffiEwmvCNc4-00293-00084263-00084455 making them wear too many clothes when ffiEwmvCNc4-00294-00084456-00084623 they're another thing what i recommend ffiEwmvCNc4-00295-00084624-00084831 in the community is to do massage ffiEwmvCNc4-00296-00084832-00084982 because they do a lot of this children ffiEwmvCNc4-00297-00084983-00085199 massage baby massage so i tell them they ffiEwmvCNc4-00298-00085200-00085487 do it in the sun outside at around 11 11 ffiEwmvCNc4-00299-00085488-00085735 30 you know so that way babies are ffiEwmvCNc4-00300-00085736-00085911 getting that beautiful ffiEwmvCNc4-00301-00085912-00086079 uh you know ffiEwmvCNc4-00302-00086080-00086326 touch no skin to skin touch also ffiEwmvCNc4-00303-00086327-00086550 and they get massage ffiEwmvCNc4-00304-00086551-00086862 and of course exposure to vitamin d so ffiEwmvCNc4-00305-00086863-00087111 enjoy and let me know how you like this ffiEwmvCNc4-00306-00087112-00087703 tutorial thank you ffiEwmvCNc4-00307-00087704-00087959 welcome to the spoken tutorial about the ffiEwmvCNc4-00308-00087960-00088326 importance of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00309-00088327-00088655 in this tutorial we will learn about ffiEwmvCNc4-00310-00088656-00089038 role of vitamin d in the body ffiEwmvCNc4-00311-00089039-00089326 symptoms of its deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00312-00089327-00089567 recommended intake ffiEwmvCNc4-00313-00089568-00089847 food sources ffiEwmvCNc4-00314-00089848-00090118 let us begin by briefly understanding ffiEwmvCNc4-00315-00090119-00090438 what is vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00316-00090439-00090871 vitamin d is a fat soluble vitamin ffiEwmvCNc4-00317-00090872-00091318 it exists in two forms vitamin d3 and ffiEwmvCNc4-00318-00091319-00091606 vitamin d2 ffiEwmvCNc4-00319-00091607-00091959 d3 is mainly produced by the skin on ffiEwmvCNc4-00320-00091960-00092206 exposure to uvb ffiEwmvCNc4-00321-00092207-00092526 rays from sunlight ffiEwmvCNc4-00322-00092527-00093079 uvb is known as ultraviolet b rays ffiEwmvCNc4-00323-00093080-00093526 it is one of the three types of sun rays ffiEwmvCNc4-00324-00093527-00093862 you can also get small amounts of d3 ffiEwmvCNc4-00325-00093863-00094215 from non-vegetarian foods ffiEwmvCNc4-00326-00094216-00094599 vitamin d2 however is present in a few ffiEwmvCNc4-00327-00094600-00094887 vegetarian foods ffiEwmvCNc4-00328-00094888-00095294 supplements of both vitamin d2 and d3 ffiEwmvCNc4-00329-00095295-00095687 are available in the market easily ffiEwmvCNc4-00330-00095688-00095991 interestingly vitamin d obtained from ffiEwmvCNc4-00331-00095992-00096391 all these sources is inactive ffiEwmvCNc4-00332-00096392-00096750 to become active it has to undergo two ffiEwmvCNc4-00333-00096751-00096950 processes ffiEwmvCNc4-00334-00096951-00097279 first process of activation is in the ffiEwmvCNc4-00335-00097280-00097694 liver and the second is in the kidney ffiEwmvCNc4-00336-00097695-00097959 active form of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00337-00097960-00098318 also known as calcitriol is formed in ffiEwmvCNc4-00338-00098319-00098550 the kidney ffiEwmvCNc4-00339-00098551-00098918 once vitamin d gets activated it plays ffiEwmvCNc4-00340-00098919-00099247 several roles in the body ffiEwmvCNc4-00341-00099248-00099606 one of the major roles is formation and ffiEwmvCNc4-00342-00099607-00099967 maintenance of strong bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00343-00099968-00100287 another is the absorption of calcium in ffiEwmvCNc4-00344-00100288-00100494 the intestine ffiEwmvCNc4-00345-00100495-00100759 maintaining the levels of calcium and ffiEwmvCNc4-00346-00100760-00101191 phosphate in the blood is another role ffiEwmvCNc4-00347-00101192-00101462 these two nutrients are required for ffiEwmvCNc4-00348-00101463-00101847 growth and repair of bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00349-00101848-00102118 they help in maintaining the correct ffiEwmvCNc4-00350-00102119-00102502 bone density in our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00351-00102503-00102823 apart from bones they also help in ffiEwmvCNc4-00352-00102824-00103286 maintaining strong teeth and muscles ffiEwmvCNc4-00353-00103288-00103734 vitamin d is an immunomodulator ffiEwmvCNc4-00354-00103735-00104039 this means that it helps in controlling ffiEwmvCNc4-00355-00104040-00104423 and supporting the immune system ffiEwmvCNc4-00356-00104424-00104727 it helps to activate the body's natural ffiEwmvCNc4-00357-00104728-00105102 response to fight diseases ffiEwmvCNc4-00358-00105103-00105407 vitamin d protects the body against ffiEwmvCNc4-00359-00105408-00105775 several respiratory infections ffiEwmvCNc4-00360-00105776-00106039 for example pneumonia ffiEwmvCNc4-00361-00106040-00106215 influenza ffiEwmvCNc4-00362-00106216-00106399 tuberculosis ffiEwmvCNc4-00363-00106400-00106710 and covid19 ffiEwmvCNc4-00364-00106711-00107031 reduction in inflammation in the body is ffiEwmvCNc4-00365-00107032-00107327 aided by vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00366-00107328-00107607 its other properties are to protect the ffiEwmvCNc4-00367-00107608-00108183 body from viruses bacteria and fungi ffiEwmvCNc4-00368-00108183-00108502 vitamin d is found to improve insulin ffiEwmvCNc4-00369-00108503-00108702 sensitivity ffiEwmvCNc4-00370-00108703-00109063 therefore it helps in managing diabetes ffiEwmvCNc4-00371-00109064-00109463 blood pressure and body weight ffiEwmvCNc4-00372-00109464-00109886 it also maintains good heart health ffiEwmvCNc4-00373-00109888-00110263 it does so by helping in relaxation of ffiEwmvCNc4-00374-00110264-00110558 blood vessels in the heart ffiEwmvCNc4-00375-00110559-00110823 for many other functions in the body ffiEwmvCNc4-00376-00110824-00111143 vitamin d is essential ffiEwmvCNc4-00377-00111144-00111295 for example ffiEwmvCNc4-00378-00111296-00111447 cell division ffiEwmvCNc4-00379-00111448-00111766 brain development and prevention of ffiEwmvCNc4-00380-00111767-00111951 cancer ffiEwmvCNc4-00381-00111952-00112310 if the requirements of vitamin d are not ffiEwmvCNc4-00382-00112311-00112686 met there can be a deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00383-00112688-00112990 let us see what factors put someone at ffiEwmvCNc4-00384-00112991-00113415 risk for vitamin d deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00385-00113416-00113775 inadequate exposure to sunlight is one ffiEwmvCNc4-00386-00113776-00114078 of the major risk factors ffiEwmvCNc4-00387-00114079-00114502 uvb rays from sunlight are required to ffiEwmvCNc4-00388-00114503-00114902 produce vitamin d in the skin ffiEwmvCNc4-00389-00114903-00115271 glass windows block these uvb rays in ffiEwmvCNc4-00390-00115272-00115454 the house ffiEwmvCNc4-00391-00115455-00115758 hence people with limited exposure to ffiEwmvCNc4-00392-00115759-00116239 sunlight are at a risk of deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00393-00116240-00116631 for example old people and people mostly ffiEwmvCNc4-00394-00116632-00116895 working indoors ffiEwmvCNc4-00395-00116896-00117247 vitamin d deficiency is common in winter ffiEwmvCNc4-00396-00117248-00117615 or in regions with cold climates ffiEwmvCNc4-00397-00117616-00117975 the risk of deficiency is high in dark ffiEwmvCNc4-00398-00117976-00118223 skinned people ffiEwmvCNc4-00399-00118224-00118439 they have high amounts of a pigment ffiEwmvCNc4-00400-00118440-00118775 called melanin in their skin ffiEwmvCNc4-00401-00118776-00119110 this reduces the ability of their skin ffiEwmvCNc4-00402-00119111-00119599 to produce vitamin d from sunlight ffiEwmvCNc4-00403-00119600-00119934 they require longer exposure to sunlight ffiEwmvCNc4-00404-00119935-00120366 as compared to light-skinned people ffiEwmvCNc4-00405-00120367-00120671 inadequate intake of vitamin d from the ffiEwmvCNc4-00406-00120672-00121047 diet is another risk factor ffiEwmvCNc4-00407-00121048-00121447 additionally vitamin d requires fat for ffiEwmvCNc4-00408-00121448-00121686 its absorption ffiEwmvCNc4-00409-00121688-00121990 hence people with reduced ability to ffiEwmvCNc4-00410-00121991-00122486 absorb fat can suffer from deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00411-00122488-00122743 this can occur in people with ffiEwmvCNc4-00412-00122744-00123223 gallbladder or intestinal diseases ffiEwmvCNc4-00413-00123224-00123478 individuals with liver or kidney ffiEwmvCNc4-00414-00123479-00123743 diseases are also at a risk of ffiEwmvCNc4-00415-00123744-00123958 deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00416-00123959-00124295 conversion of vitamin d to active form ffiEwmvCNc4-00417-00124296-00124702 takes place in the kidney and liver ffiEwmvCNc4-00418-00124703-00124975 hence people with liver or kidney ffiEwmvCNc4-00419-00124976-00125271 diseases are also at a risk of ffiEwmvCNc4-00420-00125272-00125510 deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00421-00125511-00125790 obese people and those who have had ffiEwmvCNc4-00422-00125791-00126263 bypass surgery can also become deficient ffiEwmvCNc4-00423-00126264-00126551 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers need ffiEwmvCNc4-00424-00126552-00127014 vitamin d for the fetus and the infant ffiEwmvCNc4-00425-00127015-00127327 otherwise the mother is at risk of ffiEwmvCNc4-00426-00127328-00127799 becoming deficient in vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00427-00127800-00128054 next let us understand the effects of ffiEwmvCNc4-00428-00128055-00128358 vitamin d deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00429-00128359-00128639 signs of deficiency may vary with ffiEwmvCNc4-00430-00128640-00128943 severity and age group ffiEwmvCNc4-00431-00128944-00129295 some of the general signs are fatigue ffiEwmvCNc4-00432-00129296-00129686 mood swings and poor immunity ffiEwmvCNc4-00433-00129688-00130063 muscle cramps spasms and seizures are ffiEwmvCNc4-00434-00130064-00130295 also seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00435-00130296-00130639 without adequate vitamin d bones become ffiEwmvCNc4-00436-00130640-00130727 thin ffiEwmvCNc4-00437-00130728-00131047 soft and brittle ffiEwmvCNc4-00438-00131048-00131478 low vitamin d impairs the immune system ffiEwmvCNc4-00439-00131479-00131775 thus there is an increased chance of ffiEwmvCNc4-00440-00131776-00132014 catching infections ffiEwmvCNc4-00441-00132015-00132311 it also results in an increase in ffiEwmvCNc4-00442-00132312-00132590 inflammation in the body ffiEwmvCNc4-00443-00132591-00132902 all this makes a person more susceptible ffiEwmvCNc4-00444-00132903-00133319 to getting infected with covid19 ffiEwmvCNc4-00445-00133320-00133711 the severity of effects of covid19 and ffiEwmvCNc4-00446-00133712-00133799 death ffiEwmvCNc4-00447-00133800-00134223 due to it rises with deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00448-00134224-00134543 the risks of several cancers also ffiEwmvCNc4-00449-00134544-00134807 increase due to the deficiency of ffiEwmvCNc4-00450-00134808-00135054 vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00451-00135055-00135495 cancer of colon prostate and breast are ffiEwmvCNc4-00452-00135496-00135783 a few examples ffiEwmvCNc4-00453-00135784-00136071 low vitamin d levels can raise the risk ffiEwmvCNc4-00454-00136072-00136366 of multiple sclerosis ffiEwmvCNc4-00455-00136367-00136647 it is a condition in which protective ffiEwmvCNc4-00456-00136648-00137007 covering of the nerve is damaged ffiEwmvCNc4-00457-00137008-00137254 this disrupts the communication between ffiEwmvCNc4-00458-00137255-00137543 the brain and body ffiEwmvCNc4-00459-00137544-00137911 it affects the brain spinal cord and ffiEwmvCNc4-00460-00137912-00138127 optic nerves ffiEwmvCNc4-00461-00138128-00138487 deficiency of vitamin d during pregnancy ffiEwmvCNc4-00462-00138488-00138871 can result in a rise in blood pressure ffiEwmvCNc4-00463-00138872-00139175 it can have negative effects on the baby ffiEwmvCNc4-00464-00139176-00139343 also ffiEwmvCNc4-00465-00139344-00139583 there can be an increased risk of ffiEwmvCNc4-00466-00139584-00139902 premature birth and low birth weight ffiEwmvCNc4-00467-00139903-00140078 babies ffiEwmvCNc4-00468-00140079-00140407 babies born to mothers with vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00469-00140408-00140839 deficiency will also be deficient ffiEwmvCNc4-00470-00140840-00141207 vitamin d deficiency can cause rickets ffiEwmvCNc4-00471-00141208-00141519 in infants and children ffiEwmvCNc4-00472-00141520-00141823 ricketts is a disorder of the skeletal ffiEwmvCNc4-00473-00141824-00141983 system ffiEwmvCNc4-00474-00141984-00142247 the growth gets stunted and there are ffiEwmvCNc4-00475-00142248-00142590 changes in the shape of the spine ffiEwmvCNc4-00476-00142591-00142951 other signs are sunken ribs protruding ffiEwmvCNc4-00477-00142952-00143063 forehead ffiEwmvCNc4-00478-00143064-00143390 and bow shaped bent legs ffiEwmvCNc4-00479-00143391-00143575 widening of the wrist ffiEwmvCNc4-00480-00143576-00143678 elbow ffiEwmvCNc4-00481-00143679-00144159 knee and ankle joints can be seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00482-00144160-00144383 children with ricketts are also at a ffiEwmvCNc4-00483-00144384-00144702 risk of getting infectious disease ffiEwmvCNc4-00484-00144703-00145071 there is a delay in tooth eruption ffiEwmvCNc4-00485-00145072-00145414 a pot belly and an abnormal walk is also ffiEwmvCNc4-00486-00145415-00145543 seen ffiEwmvCNc4-00487-00145544-00145683 muscle pain ffiEwmvCNc4-00488-00145684-00145966 irritability and increased sweating are ffiEwmvCNc4-00489-00145967-00146175 other signs ffiEwmvCNc4-00490-00146176-00146487 in adolescents and adults deficiency ffiEwmvCNc4-00491-00146488-00146799 causes osteomalacia ffiEwmvCNc4-00492-00146800-00147087 it is a condition of weakening and ffiEwmvCNc4-00493-00147088-00147335 softening of bones ffiEwmvCNc4-00494-00147336-00147551 the bones become easily prone to ffiEwmvCNc4-00495-00147552-00147711 fractures ffiEwmvCNc4-00496-00147712-00147919 severe pain in back ffiEwmvCNc4-00497-00147920-00148375 hips pelvis and legs can occur ffiEwmvCNc4-00498-00148376-00148671 other signs include muscle weakness and ffiEwmvCNc4-00499-00148672-00148878 spasms ffiEwmvCNc4-00500-00148879-00149190 to avoid deficiency getting adequate ffiEwmvCNc4-00501-00149191-00149511 vitamin d is important ffiEwmvCNc4-00502-00149512-00149678 for infants of ffiEwmvCNc4-00503-00149679-00150119 0-12 months 400 international units ffiEwmvCNc4-00504-00150120-00150207 or ffiEwmvCNc4-00505-00150208-00150654 10 micrograms per day is recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00506-00150655-00151126 600 international units or 15 micrograms ffiEwmvCNc4-00507-00151127-00151478 per day is recommended for people of age ffiEwmvCNc4-00508-00151479-00151871 group 1 to 70 years ffiEwmvCNc4-00509-00151872-00152207 this includes children adolescents ffiEwmvCNc4-00510-00152208-00152319 adults ffiEwmvCNc4-00511-00152320-00152678 pregnant and lactating mothers ffiEwmvCNc4-00512-00152679-00153102 for men and women above 70 years 800 ffiEwmvCNc4-00513-00153103-00153487 international units or 20 micrograms is ffiEwmvCNc4-00514-00153488-00153678 recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00515-00153679-00154119 many experts recommend much higher doses ffiEwmvCNc4-00516-00154120-00154407 let us now learn how to get adequate ffiEwmvCNc4-00517-00154408-00154631 vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00518-00154632-00154943 our body can produce it on exposure to ffiEwmvCNc4-00519-00154944-00155271 uvb rays of the sunlight ffiEwmvCNc4-00520-00155272-00155751 the best time to get maximum uvb rays is ffiEwmvCNc4-00521-00155752-00156223 from 11 am to 2 pm ffiEwmvCNc4-00522-00156224-00156599 15 to 20 minutes of daily exposure to ffiEwmvCNc4-00523-00156600-00156951 midday sunlight is recommended ffiEwmvCNc4-00524-00156952-00157302 for dark skinned people 3 to 5 times ffiEwmvCNc4-00525-00157303-00157678 longer exposure in sunlight is needed ffiEwmvCNc4-00526-00157679-00158031 approximately 10 000 international units ffiEwmvCNc4-00527-00158032-00158366 of vitamin d is generated during this ffiEwmvCNc4-00528-00158367-00158526 time ffiEwmvCNc4-00529-00158527-00158847 note that the body can't make vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00530-00158848-00159239 if you are seated indoors by the window ffiEwmvCNc4-00531-00159240-00159583 this is because the glass blocks the uvb ffiEwmvCNc4-00532-00159584-00159726 rays ffiEwmvCNc4-00533-00159727-00159975 hence you should get sunlight from ffiEwmvCNc4-00534-00159976-00160159 outdoors ffiEwmvCNc4-00535-00160160-00160439 you can even keep the windows open and ffiEwmvCNc4-00536-00160440-00160687 let the sunshine in ffiEwmvCNc4-00537-00160688-00160983 next let us look at food sources of ffiEwmvCNc4-00538-00160984-00161423 vitamin d only a small amount of vitamin ffiEwmvCNc4-00539-00161424-00161807 d can be obtained from foods ffiEwmvCNc4-00540-00161808-00162207 among which fish are the best sources ffiEwmvCNc4-00541-00162208-00162543 for example sardine herring black ffiEwmvCNc4-00542-00162544-00162943 pomfret salmon and cod ffiEwmvCNc4-00543-00162944-00163454 100 grams of sardines has 3.5 microgram ffiEwmvCNc4-00544-00163455-00163719 of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00545-00163720-00164102 100 grams of herring fish has about 5 ffiEwmvCNc4-00546-00164103-00164463 microgram of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00547-00164464-00164838 other seafood like prawns and crabs also ffiEwmvCNc4-00548-00164839-00165214 have little amounts of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00549-00165215-00165566 100 grams of prawns have about 1 ffiEwmvCNc4-00550-00165567-00165783 microgram ffiEwmvCNc4-00551-00165784-00166071 other non-vegetarian sources of vitamin ffiEwmvCNc4-00552-00166072-00166526 d are egg yolk and chicken liver ffiEwmvCNc4-00553-00166527-00166838 100 grams of chicken liver has about ffiEwmvCNc4-00554-00166839-00167326 2.6 microgram of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00555-00167327-00167631 two egg yolks of about 40 grams have ffiEwmvCNc4-00556-00167632-00167983 nearly 1.3 micrograms ffiEwmvCNc4-00557-00167984-00168311 few vegetarian foods have vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00558-00168312-00168678 for example mushroom soya bean ffiEwmvCNc4-00559-00168679-00168999 finger millet sesame seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00560-00169000-00169359 100 grams of mushroom has around 20 ffiEwmvCNc4-00561-00169360-00169519 micrograms ffiEwmvCNc4-00562-00169520-00170087 50 grams of soya bean has 33 micrograms ffiEwmvCNc4-00563-00170088-00170447 however along with intake absorption is ffiEwmvCNc4-00564-00170448-00170647 very important ffiEwmvCNc4-00565-00170648-00170959 vitamin d3 is better absorbed and used ffiEwmvCNc4-00566-00170960-00171447 in the body as compared to d2 ffiEwmvCNc4-00567-00171448-00171766 hence sunlight and non-vegetarian food ffiEwmvCNc4-00568-00171767-00172111 are best sources of vitamin d ffiEwmvCNc4-00569-00172112-00172390 please consult your doctor before taking ffiEwmvCNc4-00570-00172391-00172607 any supplements ffiEwmvCNc4-00571-00172608-00172831 this brings us to the end of the ffiEwmvCNc4-00572-00172832-00173471 tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-00573-00173472-00173695 welcome to the spoken tutorial on ffiEwmvCNc4-00574-00173696-00174175 calcium-rich vegetarian recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00575-00174176-00174487 in this tutorial we will learn about ffiEwmvCNc4-00576-00174488-00174799 food sources of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00577-00174800-00174999 cooking techniques to enhance calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00578-00175000-00175175 absorption ffiEwmvCNc4-00579-00175176-00175390 preparation of calcium rich vegetarian ffiEwmvCNc4-00580-00175391-00175614 recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00581-00175615-00175999 calcium content of these recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00582-00176000-00176231 calcium is the most abundant mineral in ffiEwmvCNc4-00583-00176232-00176454 our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00584-00176455-00176735 99 percent of the body's calcium is ffiEwmvCNc4-00585-00176736-00177023 found in bones and teeth ffiEwmvCNc4-00586-00177024-00177247 the remaining one percent is present in ffiEwmvCNc4-00587-00177248-00177407 the blood ffiEwmvCNc4-00588-00177408-00177654 the role of calcium in our body has been ffiEwmvCNc4-00589-00177655-00177883 explained in another ffiEwmvCNc4-00590-00177884-00178159 tutorial please visit our website for ffiEwmvCNc4-00591-00178160-00178390 these tutorials ffiEwmvCNc4-00592-00178391-00178647 adequate intake of calcium through diet ffiEwmvCNc4-00593-00178648-00178975 is necessary from an early age ffiEwmvCNc4-00594-00178976-00179214 dairy products are excellent sources of ffiEwmvCNc4-00595-00179215-00179399 calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00596-00179400-00179590 this includes milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00597-00179591-00179695 curd ffiEwmvCNc4-00598-00179696-00179814 paneer ffiEwmvCNc4-00599-00179815-00180071 cheese and khoa ffiEwmvCNc4-00600-00180072-00180383 calcium is also present in some nuts ffiEwmvCNc4-00601-00180384-00180847 seeds legumes and green leafy vegetables ffiEwmvCNc4-00602-00180848-00181095 along with a calcium-rich diet ffiEwmvCNc4-00603-00181096-00181359 calcium absorption by the body is also ffiEwmvCNc4-00604-00181360-00181583 important ffiEwmvCNc4-00605-00181584-00181887 calcium absorption can be enhanced using ffiEwmvCNc4-00606-00181888-00182095 soaking sprouting ffiEwmvCNc4-00607-00182096-00182383 and fermentation ffiEwmvCNc4-00608-00182384-00182631 even boiling roasting and other cooking ffiEwmvCNc4-00609-00182632-00182926 techniques will help ffiEwmvCNc4-00610-00182927-00183151 note that in all the recipes shown in ffiEwmvCNc4-00611-00183152-00183295 this tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-00612-00183296-00183647 one cup is 200 milliliters ffiEwmvCNc4-00613-00183648-00183887 the first recipe is sprouted finger ffiEwmvCNc4-00614-00183888-00184135 millet dosa ffiEwmvCNc4-00615-00184136-00184326 ingredients required to prepare this ffiEwmvCNc4-00616-00184327-00184495 recipe are ffiEwmvCNc4-00617-00184496-00184935 1 4 cup or 30 grams of finger millet ffiEwmvCNc4-00618-00184936-00185407 1 4 cup or 30 grams of split black gram ffiEwmvCNc4-00619-00185408-00185695 half teaspoon fenugreek seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00620-00185696-00186038 half teaspoon roasted flax seed powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00621-00186039-00186278 1 tablespoon curd ffiEwmvCNc4-00622-00186279-00186519 salt to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00623-00186520-00186847 1 teaspoon oil or butter ffiEwmvCNc4-00624-00186848-00186999 procedure ffiEwmvCNc4-00625-00187000-00187326 wash and soak finger millet overnight ffiEwmvCNc4-00626-00187327-00187702 strain out excess water using a strainer ffiEwmvCNc4-00627-00187703-00187990 then allow them to sprout ffiEwmvCNc4-00628-00187991-00188207 it may take approximately two days for ffiEwmvCNc4-00629-00188208-00188414 them to sprout ffiEwmvCNc4-00630-00188415-00188663 once the finger millet sprouts dry it in ffiEwmvCNc4-00631-00188664-00188799 sunlight ffiEwmvCNc4-00632-00188800-00188990 if there isn't enough sunlight you can ffiEwmvCNc4-00633-00188991-00189311 even roast them on a pan without oil ffiEwmvCNc4-00634-00189312-00189607 grind it to make a fine powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00635-00189608-00189895 on the other hand soak split black gram ffiEwmvCNc4-00636-00189896-00190238 and fenugreek seeds for 3 to 4 hours ffiEwmvCNc4-00637-00190239-00190502 grind it by adding some water to make a ffiEwmvCNc4-00638-00190503-00190719 smooth batter ffiEwmvCNc4-00639-00190720-00190935 add finger millet powder roasted ffiEwmvCNc4-00640-00190936-00191326 flaxseed powder and salt to the batter ffiEwmvCNc4-00641-00191327-00191511 mix it well ffiEwmvCNc4-00642-00191512-00191743 cover the batter and keep it overnight ffiEwmvCNc4-00643-00191744-00191975 to ferment ffiEwmvCNc4-00644-00191976-00192238 once the batter rises add curd and ffiEwmvCNc4-00645-00192239-00192638 little water to adjust the consistency ffiEwmvCNc4-00646-00192639-00192975 take a pan and heat oil or ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00647-00192976-00193231 spread oil all over the pan using half ffiEwmvCNc4-00648-00193232-00193423 an onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00649-00193424-00193766 drop a ladle of batter into the pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00650-00193767-00193975 spread batter in a circular motion on ffiEwmvCNc4-00651-00193976-00194126 the pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00652-00194127-00194350 cook the dosa on both sides on a low ffiEwmvCNc4-00653-00194351-00194447 flame ffiEwmvCNc4-00654-00194448-00194823 sprouted finger millet dosa is ready one ffiEwmvCNc4-00655-00194824-00195123 serving of this recipe will give around ffiEwmvCNc4-00656-00195124-00195463 185 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00657-00195464-00195719 you can have this dosa with buttermilk ffiEwmvCNc4-00658-00195720-00196031 or sesame seed chutney powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00659-00196032-00196278 let us now see how to make sesame seed ffiEwmvCNc4-00660-00196279-00196471 chutney powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00661-00196472-00196631 for this you will need ffiEwmvCNc4-00662-00196632-00196950 2 tablespoons white sesame seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00663-00196951-00197254 1 tablespoon split bengal gram ffiEwmvCNc4-00664-00197255-00197463 1 dried red chilli ffiEwmvCNc4-00665-00197464-00197759 2 small pieces of fresh coconut ffiEwmvCNc4-00666-00197760-00198007 2-3 garlic pods ffiEwmvCNc4-00667-00198008-00198238 1 lemon size tamarind ffiEwmvCNc4-00668-00198239-00198495 salt to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00669-00198496-00198799 roast sesame seeds split bengal gram red ffiEwmvCNc4-00670-00198800-00199247 chilli coconut and garlic in a pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00671-00199248-00199495 keep stirring it continuously to avoid ffiEwmvCNc4-00672-00199496-00199902 the sesame seeds from getting burnt ffiEwmvCNc4-00673-00199903-00200159 next remove them from the pan and allow ffiEwmvCNc4-00674-00200160-00200350 it to cool ffiEwmvCNc4-00675-00200351-00200719 after cooling add tamarind and salt ffiEwmvCNc4-00676-00200720-00200975 then grind it using a mixer or mortar ffiEwmvCNc4-00677-00200976-00201135 and pestle ffiEwmvCNc4-00678-00201136-00201511 sesame seed chutney powder is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00679-00201512-00201750 1 4 cup of this chutney powder gives ffiEwmvCNc4-00680-00201751-00202159 around 131 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00681-00202160-00202366 you can have it two to three times a day ffiEwmvCNc4-00682-00202367-00202590 with your meals ffiEwmvCNc4-00683-00202591-00202799 instead of white sesame seeds you can ffiEwmvCNc4-00684-00202800-00203054 use other seeds as well ffiEwmvCNc4-00685-00203055-00203390 for example black sesame seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00686-00203391-00203543 flax seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00687-00203544-00203871 poppy seeds or niger seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00688-00203872-00204111 our third recipe is horse gram and ffiEwmvCNc4-00689-00204112-00204447 amaranth leaves curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00690-00204448-00204671 ingredients required to make this recipe ffiEwmvCNc4-00691-00204672-00204750 are ffiEwmvCNc4-00692-00204751-00205031 1 4 cup horse gram ffiEwmvCNc4-00693-00205032-00205446 50 gram or 1 4 bundle of amaranth leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00694-00205448-00205623 half onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00695-00205623-00205814 half tomato ffiEwmvCNc4-00696-00205815-00206062 you will also need the spices ffiEwmvCNc4-00697-00206063-00206303 1 teaspoon cumin seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00698-00206304-00206566 half teaspoon ginger garlic paste ffiEwmvCNc4-00699-00206567-00206831 half teaspoon turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00700-00206832-00207110 half teaspoon red chilli powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00701-00207111-00207406 half teaspoon coriander powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00702-00207407-00207598 salt to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00703-00207600-00207855 you will also require 2 teaspoon oil or ffiEwmvCNc4-00704-00207856-00207998 ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00705-00208000-00208142 procedure ffiEwmvCNc4-00706-00208144-00208398 soak horse gram overnight ffiEwmvCNc4-00707-00208400-00208631 the next day strain the excess water ffiEwmvCNc4-00708-00208632-00208846 using a strainer ffiEwmvCNc4-00709-00208848-00209086 keep the horse gram in a dry place away ffiEwmvCNc4-00710-00209087-00209406 from heat until sprouts appear ffiEwmvCNc4-00711-00209407-00209655 once the sprouts appear boil them in a ffiEwmvCNc4-00712-00209656-00209863 pressure cooker ffiEwmvCNc4-00713-00209864-00210182 to boil add half cup of water salt and ffiEwmvCNc4-00714-00210183-00210406 turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00715-00210407-00210606 pressure cook on high flame until one ffiEwmvCNc4-00716-00210607-00210775 whistle ffiEwmvCNc4-00717-00210776-00211158 then cook on low flame for 10 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00718-00211159-00211358 let the pressure release from the cooker ffiEwmvCNc4-00719-00211359-00211679 on its own and then open it ffiEwmvCNc4-00720-00211680-00211982 meanwhile heat oil in a pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00721-00211983-00212358 add cumin seeds and ginger garlic paste ffiEwmvCNc4-00722-00212359-00212742 then add the chopped onions and saute ffiEwmvCNc4-00723-00212744-00213071 add the rest of the spices and tomatoes ffiEwmvCNc4-00724-00213071-00213294 mix well ffiEwmvCNc4-00725-00213296-00213527 add washed and chopped amaranth leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00726-00213528-00213823 and sprouted horse gram ffiEwmvCNc4-00727-00213823-00214006 stir it and cook for three to five ffiEwmvCNc4-00728-00214007-00214279 minutes on medium flame ffiEwmvCNc4-00729-00214280-00214510 sprouted horse gram and amaranth leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00730-00214511-00214758 curry is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00731-00214759-00214967 one serving of this curry will give ffiEwmvCNc4-00732-00214967-00215058 around ffiEwmvCNc4-00733-00215059-00215446 256 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00734-00215448-00215694 if horse gram is not available then you ffiEwmvCNc4-00735-00215696-00216055 can use soybean or moth beans ffiEwmvCNc4-00736-00216056-00216279 instead of amaranth leaves you can use ffiEwmvCNc4-00737-00216280-00216598 other green leafy vegetables too ffiEwmvCNc4-00738-00216600-00216903 for example drumstick leaves fenugreek ffiEwmvCNc4-00739-00216904-00217082 leaves or radish ffiEwmvCNc4-00740-00217083-00217567 leaves next recipe is scrambled paneer ffiEwmvCNc4-00741-00217567-00217887 to prepare scrambled paneer you require ffiEwmvCNc4-00742-00217888-00218191 80 grams or half cup of paneer ffiEwmvCNc4-00743-00218192-00218358 half onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00744-00218359-00218542 half tomato ffiEwmvCNc4-00745-00218544-00218734 1 green chili ffiEwmvCNc4-00746-00218735-00219031 half teaspoon cumin seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00747-00219032-00219334 half teaspoon garam masala powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00748-00219335-00219639 half teaspoon turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00749-00219640-00219882 take salt according to your ffiEwmvCNc4-00750-00219883-00220158 taste a handful of coriander leaves will ffiEwmvCNc4-00751-00220159-00220455 be required for garnishing ffiEwmvCNc4-00752-00220456-00220646 the recipe can be prepared in 2 ffiEwmvCNc4-00753-00220648-00221127 teaspoons of oil ghee or butter ffiEwmvCNc4-00754-00221128-00221398 if paneer is not available you can make ffiEwmvCNc4-00755-00221400-00221719 it from cow or buffalo's milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00756-00221719-00222046 to prepare the paneer boil 400 ml or two ffiEwmvCNc4-00757-00222048-00222287 glasses of milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00758-00222288-00222503 after the milk boils switch off the ffiEwmvCNc4-00759-00222504-00222742 flame and add 1 tablespoon of lemon ffiEwmvCNc4-00760-00222744-00222998 juice or vinegar ffiEwmvCNc4-00761-00223000-00223215 stir it well until you see the milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00762-00223216-00223446 starts to curdle ffiEwmvCNc4-00763-00223448-00223782 keep it aside and let it cool ffiEwmvCNc4-00764-00223783-00224055 keep a cotton cloth or muslin cloth on a ffiEwmvCNc4-00765-00224056-00224415 strainer and strain the curd ffiEwmvCNc4-00766-00224416-00224639 gather up the corners of the cloth and ffiEwmvCNc4-00767-00224640-00224831 squeeze out excess liquid from the ffiEwmvCNc4-00768-00224832-00225006 paneer ffiEwmvCNc4-00769-00225007-00225215 keep a bowl underneath the strainer to ffiEwmvCNc4-00770-00225216-00225431 collect the liquid ffiEwmvCNc4-00771-00225432-00225687 you can use this liquid to knead dough ffiEwmvCNc4-00772-00225688-00226046 make dals or cook vegetables ffiEwmvCNc4-00773-00226048-00226255 press the paneer to make a round disc ffiEwmvCNc4-00774-00226256-00226406 shape ffiEwmvCNc4-00775-00226407-00226703 refrigerate the paneer to set ffiEwmvCNc4-00776-00226704-00227023 to prepare the scrambled paneer heat oil ffiEwmvCNc4-00777-00227023-00227367 or ghee or butter in a pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00778-00227367-00227687 add cumin seeds and chopped onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00779-00227688-00227919 saute till the onions become light ffiEwmvCNc4-00780-00227919-00228087 golden ffiEwmvCNc4-00781-00228088-00228398 add chopped tomatoes green chili salt ffiEwmvCNc4-00782-00228400-00228615 and spices ffiEwmvCNc4-00783-00228616-00228958 crumble the paneer and add in the pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00784-00228959-00229127 mix well ffiEwmvCNc4-00785-00229128-00229415 cook it for 2-3 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00786-00229416-00229703 garnish with coriander leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00787-00229704-00230015 scrambled paneer is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00788-00230016-00230246 one serving of this recipe will give ffiEwmvCNc4-00789-00230248-00230703 around 380 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00790-00230704-00231094 all these recipes are rich in calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00791-00231096-00231334 it is necessary to include calcium in ffiEwmvCNc4-00792-00231335-00231639 our daily diet for our good health ffiEwmvCNc4-00793-00231640-00231806 this brings us to the end of the ffiEwmvCNc4-00794-00231807-00232471 tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-00795-00232471-00232687 welcome to the spoken tutorial on ffiEwmvCNc4-00796-00232688-00233079 calcium-rich non-vegetarian recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00797-00233080-00233327 in this tutorial we will learn about few ffiEwmvCNc4-00798-00233328-00233727 calcium-rich non-vegetarian recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00799-00233728-00233991 calcium is the most abundant mineral in ffiEwmvCNc4-00800-00233992-00234151 our body ffiEwmvCNc4-00801-00234152-00234342 ninety-nine percent of the body's ffiEwmvCNc4-00802-00234344-00234719 calcium is found in bones and teeth ffiEwmvCNc4-00803-00234719-00234967 the remaining one percent is present in ffiEwmvCNc4-00804-00234967-00235142 the blood ffiEwmvCNc4-00805-00235144-00235375 the role of calcium in our body has been ffiEwmvCNc4-00806-00235376-00235639 explained in another tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-00807-00235640-00235815 please visit our website for these ffiEwmvCNc4-00808-00235816-00235982 tutorials ffiEwmvCNc4-00809-00235983-00236191 it is necessary to take good amount of ffiEwmvCNc4-00810-00236192-00236423 calcium through diet ffiEwmvCNc4-00811-00236423-00236703 calcium is found in some non-vegetarian ffiEwmvCNc4-00812-00236704-00236839 food ffiEwmvCNc4-00813-00236840-00237255 for example prawns lobsters bombay duck ffiEwmvCNc4-00814-00237256-00237663 dried shrimp and dried bony fishes ffiEwmvCNc4-00815-00237664-00237903 other sources of calcium are ffiEwmvCNc4-00816-00237904-00238358 milk milk products nuts and seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00817-00238359-00238631 calcium is also present in green leafy ffiEwmvCNc4-00818-00238632-00238951 vegetables and some legumes ffiEwmvCNc4-00819-00238952-00239110 let us see some calcium-rich ffiEwmvCNc4-00820-00239111-00239406 non-vegetarian recipes ffiEwmvCNc4-00821-00239407-00239798 the first recipe is dried shrimp curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00822-00239800-00240039 to prepare this recipe you need ffiEwmvCNc4-00823-00240040-00240310 20 grams or 3 tablespoons of dried ffiEwmvCNc4-00824-00240311-00240455 shrimp ffiEwmvCNc4-00825-00240456-00240591 half onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00826-00240592-00240734 half tomato ffiEwmvCNc4-00827-00240735-00241167 3 to 4 garlic pods 1 lemon size tamarind ffiEwmvCNc4-00828-00241167-00241463 1 sprig of curry leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00829-00241464-00241751 the spices needed for this recipe are ffiEwmvCNc4-00830-00241752-00242015 1 4 tsp turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00831-00242016-00242319 half teaspoon red chilli powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00832-00242319-00242598 half teaspoon coriander powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00833-00242600-00242934 half teaspoon mustard seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00834-00242935-00243294 you will need 2 teaspoons of oil or ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00835-00243296-00243682 and salt according to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00836-00243683-00243982 procedure soak the dried shrimp in water ffiEwmvCNc4-00837-00243983-00244182 for 15 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00838-00244183-00244471 meanwhile heat the oil in a vessel and ffiEwmvCNc4-00839-00244471-00244679 add mustard seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00840-00244680-00244927 as this start to crackle add curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00841-00244928-00245198 leaves and chopped garlic ffiEwmvCNc4-00842-00245200-00245471 then add chopped onions ffiEwmvCNc4-00843-00245471-00245687 saute the mixture until it becomes ffiEwmvCNc4-00844-00245688-00245887 slight golden ffiEwmvCNc4-00845-00245888-00246215 next add the tomatoes and spices ffiEwmvCNc4-00846-00246216-00246398 mix it well ffiEwmvCNc4-00847-00246400-00246639 add half cup of water ffiEwmvCNc4-00848-00246640-00246927 let it cook for two to three minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00849-00246928-00247175 strain the dried shrimp in a sieve for ffiEwmvCNc4-00850-00247176-00247358 few minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00851-00247359-00247646 add this to the mixture in the pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00852-00247648-00247919 cover and cook on low flame for 5 to 6 ffiEwmvCNc4-00853-00247919-00248087 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00854-00248088-00248382 dried shrimp curry is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00855-00248383-00248682 one serving of this recipe gives around ffiEwmvCNc4-00856-00248683-00249030 876 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00857-00249031-00249271 our next recipe is bombay duck fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00858-00249271-00249463 curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00859-00249464-00249627 for this you need ffiEwmvCNc4-00860-00249628-00249975 150 grams of bombay duck fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00861-00249976-00250110 half onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00862-00250111-00250367 2 to 3 garlic pods ffiEwmvCNc4-00863-00250367-00250575 1 to 2 green chilies ffiEwmvCNc4-00864-00250576-00250982 1 teaspoon cumin seeds you also need ffiEwmvCNc4-00865-00250983-00251294 2-3 kokum or dry mango pieces or ffiEwmvCNc4-00866-00251296-00251430 tamarind ffiEwmvCNc4-00867-00251431-00251655 1 4 fresh coconut ffiEwmvCNc4-00868-00251656-00251887 handful of coriander leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00869-00251888-00252142 half teaspoon turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00870-00252144-00252319 salt to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00871-00252319-00252558 2 teaspoon oiler ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00872-00252559-00252830 half lemon for marination ffiEwmvCNc4-00873-00252831-00252951 procedure ffiEwmvCNc4-00874-00252952-00253127 clean and wash the fish pieces ffiEwmvCNc4-00875-00253128-00253246 thoroughly ffiEwmvCNc4-00876-00253248-00253471 marinate the fish pieces with salt and ffiEwmvCNc4-00877-00253471-00253839 lemon juice keep it aside for 15 to 30 ffiEwmvCNc4-00878-00253840-00253991 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00879-00253992-00254198 let us see how to prepare the coconut ffiEwmvCNc4-00880-00254200-00254351 milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00881-00254352-00254575 grind coconut pieces with half cup of ffiEwmvCNc4-00882-00254576-00254782 lukewarm water ffiEwmvCNc4-00883-00254783-00255110 strain the coconut mixture in a sieve ffiEwmvCNc4-00884-00255111-00255446 collect the coconut milk in a bowl ffiEwmvCNc4-00885-00255448-00255679 squeeze the coconut residues with clean ffiEwmvCNc4-00886-00255680-00255998 hands to extract maximum milk ffiEwmvCNc4-00887-00256000-00256191 put back the coconut residue in the ffiEwmvCNc4-00888-00256192-00256334 mixer ffiEwmvCNc4-00889-00256335-00256615 add half cup of lukewarm water and grind ffiEwmvCNc4-00890-00256616-00256758 it again ffiEwmvCNc4-00891-00256759-00256927 strain it ffiEwmvCNc4-00892-00256928-00257134 collect the coconut milk for the second ffiEwmvCNc4-00893-00257135-00257287 time ffiEwmvCNc4-00894-00257288-00257575 repeat the procedure one more time ffiEwmvCNc4-00895-00257576-00257951 keep the collected coconut milk aside ffiEwmvCNc4-00896-00257952-00258223 do not throw away the coconut residue ffiEwmvCNc4-00897-00258223-00258630 i will tell you what to do with it later ffiEwmvCNc4-00898-00258631-00258975 next grind onion chili cumin seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00899-00258976-00259246 garlic and coriander leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00900-00259248-00259639 add a little water to make a thick paste ffiEwmvCNc4-00901-00259640-00259958 take a pan and heat oil or ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00902-00259959-00260191 add the paste to it ffiEwmvCNc4-00903-00260192-00260487 saute it for 2-3 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00904-00260488-00260767 add curry leaves kokum and turmeric ffiEwmvCNc4-00905-00260767-00260903 powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00906-00260904-00261071 mix well ffiEwmvCNc4-00907-00261071-00261319 add half cup of water ffiEwmvCNc4-00908-00261319-00261534 add the marinated fish pieces to the ffiEwmvCNc4-00909-00261535-00261663 curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00910-00261664-00261910 cover the pan and cook on low flame for ffiEwmvCNc4-00911-00261911-00262167 7 to 10 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00912-00262168-00262375 add the prepared coconut milk to the ffiEwmvCNc4-00913-00262376-00262615 curry and stir it ffiEwmvCNc4-00914-00262616-00262806 cook for 2 minutes and switch off the ffiEwmvCNc4-00915-00262807-00262943 flame ffiEwmvCNc4-00916-00262944-00263239 bombay duck fish curry is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00917-00263240-00263515 one serving of this curry gives around ffiEwmvCNc4-00918-00263516-00263879 280 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00919-00263880-00264134 if bombay duck is not available then you ffiEwmvCNc4-00920-00264135-00264430 can use any of the following ffiEwmvCNc4-00921-00264431-00264606 tangra fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00922-00264607-00264743 seal fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00923-00264744-00264919 indian herring fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00924-00264920-00265167 indian jew fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00925-00265168-00265351 let me tell you about the coconut ffiEwmvCNc4-00926-00265352-00265695 residue which we had saved earlier ffiEwmvCNc4-00927-00265696-00265975 you can roast it and store it ffiEwmvCNc4-00928-00265976-00266239 this roasted coconut flakes can be added ffiEwmvCNc4-00929-00266240-00266551 in curries or cheela batter ffiEwmvCNc4-00930-00266552-00266782 it can even be used to make dry chutney ffiEwmvCNc4-00931-00266783-00267110 powder with nuts and seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00932-00267111-00267415 it can be added to the flour of rotis ffiEwmvCNc4-00933-00267416-00267606 and parathas ffiEwmvCNc4-00934-00267607-00267871 adding the roasted coconut enhances the ffiEwmvCNc4-00935-00267872-00268191 fiber content and flavor ffiEwmvCNc4-00936-00268192-00268534 our third recipe is prawn curry ffiEwmvCNc4-00937-00268535-00268767 for this recipe take the following ffiEwmvCNc4-00938-00268768-00268927 ingredients ffiEwmvCNc4-00939-00268928-00269143 80 grams of prawns ffiEwmvCNc4-00940-00269144-00269367 half medium sized onion ffiEwmvCNc4-00941-00269368-00269606 half medium sized tomato ffiEwmvCNc4-00942-00269607-00269887 3 teaspoons of sesame seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00943-00269888-00270119 few curry leaves ffiEwmvCNc4-00944-00270120-00270479 spices required for this recipe are ffiEwmvCNc4-00945-00270480-00270727 half teaspoon red chilli powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00946-00270728-00270975 half teaspoon turmeric powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00947-00270976-00271223 half teaspoon coriander powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00948-00271224-00271510 half teaspoon garam masala powder ffiEwmvCNc4-00949-00271511-00271847 you will need half lemon salt according ffiEwmvCNc4-00950-00271848-00272239 to taste and 2 teaspoon oil or ghee ffiEwmvCNc4-00951-00272240-00272503 procedure clean and wash the prawns ffiEwmvCNc4-00952-00272504-00272671 properly ffiEwmvCNc4-00953-00272672-00273023 make a slit on the back side of prawns ffiEwmvCNc4-00954-00273024-00273351 now pull out the black thread from it ffiEwmvCNc4-00955-00273352-00273582 this black thread has to be removed from ffiEwmvCNc4-00956-00273583-00273895 the other side also if found ffiEwmvCNc4-00957-00273896-00274134 marinate the prawns with salt and some ffiEwmvCNc4-00958-00274135-00274319 lemon juice ffiEwmvCNc4-00959-00274320-00274727 keep it aside for 15 to 30 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00960-00274728-00275055 next dry roast the sesame seeds in a pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00961-00275056-00275239 on medium heat ffiEwmvCNc4-00962-00275240-00275423 let it cool ffiEwmvCNc4-00963-00275424-00275719 keep one teaspoon of sesame seeds aside ffiEwmvCNc4-00964-00275720-00275910 for garnishing ffiEwmvCNc4-00965-00275911-00276239 grind the onions tomatoes and 2 teaspoon ffiEwmvCNc4-00966-00276240-00276543 roasted sesame seeds in a mixer ffiEwmvCNc4-00967-00276544-00276751 make a thick paste ffiEwmvCNc4-00968-00276752-00276975 heat oil in a pan ffiEwmvCNc4-00969-00276976-00277263 add curry leaves and the paste ffiEwmvCNc4-00970-00277264-00277671 saute this mixture well for 2-3 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00971-00277672-00278023 then add the spices and mix well ffiEwmvCNc4-00972-00278024-00278279 add half cup of water and cook for 5 ffiEwmvCNc4-00973-00278280-00278463 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00974-00278464-00278855 next add the prawns and mix well cover ffiEwmvCNc4-00975-00278856-00279087 the pan and cook on low flame for 10 ffiEwmvCNc4-00976-00279088-00279247 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-00977-00279248-00279463 garnish with one teaspoon of roasted ffiEwmvCNc4-00978-00279464-00279671 sesame seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00979-00279672-00279919 prawn curry is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-00980-00279920-00280210 one serving of prawn curry gives around ffiEwmvCNc4-00981-00280211-00280582 250 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-00982-00280583-00280855 if prawns are not available you can also ffiEwmvCNc4-00983-00280856-00281158 use lobsters for this recipe ffiEwmvCNc4-00984-00281159-00281482 the next recipe is dried fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00985-00281483-00281895 powder you will need 15 grams or about 1 ffiEwmvCNc4-00986-00281896-00282182 4 cup of dried fish ffiEwmvCNc4-00987-00282183-00282439 examples of some calcium rich dried ffiEwmvCNc4-00988-00282440-00282710 fishes are as follows ffiEwmvCNc4-00989-00282711-00283279 ribbon fish kingfish tengra fish etc ffiEwmvCNc4-00990-00283280-00283527 for this recipe we have used dried ffiEwmvCNc4-00991-00283528-00283719 bombay duck ffiEwmvCNc4-00992-00283720-00283927 other ingredients required to make the ffiEwmvCNc4-00993-00283928-00284079 powder are ffiEwmvCNc4-00994-00284080-00284287 1 to 2 red chili ffiEwmvCNc4-00995-00284288-00284534 3 to 4 garlic pods ffiEwmvCNc4-00996-00284535-00284791 1 lemon size tamarind ffiEwmvCNc4-00997-00284792-00285030 1 teaspoon cumin seeds ffiEwmvCNc4-00998-00285031-00285303 and salt to taste ffiEwmvCNc4-00999-00285304-00285519 dry roast the dried fish pieces on ffiEwmvCNc4-01000-00285520-00285751 medium flame for 2 minutes ffiEwmvCNc4-01001-00285752-00286015 keep it aside to cool ffiEwmvCNc4-01002-00286016-00286230 grind the roasted dried fish and the ffiEwmvCNc4-01003-00286231-00286551 rest of the ingredients in a grinder ffiEwmvCNc4-01004-00286552-00286806 dried fish powder is ready ffiEwmvCNc4-01005-00286807-00287079 you can have this powder 2-3 times a day ffiEwmvCNc4-01006-00287080-00287271 with your meals ffiEwmvCNc4-01007-00287272-00287471 quarter bowl of dried fish powder ffiEwmvCNc4-01008-00287472-00287958 contains 208 milligrams of calcium ffiEwmvCNc4-01009-00287959-00288215 all these recipes are also a good source ffiEwmvCNc4-01010-00288216-00288482 of the following nutrients ffiEwmvCNc4-01011-00288483-00288647 protein ffiEwmvCNc4-01012-00288648-00288815 zinc ffiEwmvCNc4-01013-00288816-00288982 folate ffiEwmvCNc4-01014-00288983-00289182 phosphorus ffiEwmvCNc4-01015-00289183-00289310 iron ffiEwmvCNc4-01016-00289311-00289519 omega-3 fatty acid ffiEwmvCNc4-01017-00289520-00289775 it is necessary to have these nutrients ffiEwmvCNc4-01018-00289776-00290134 in our daily diet for our good health ffiEwmvCNc4-01019-00290135-00290310 this brings us to the end of the ffiEwmvCNc4-01020-00290311-00290734 tutorial ffiEwmvCNc4-01021-00290735-00291934 [Music] ffiEwmvCNc4-01022-00291935-00292273 do ffiEwmvCNc4-01023-00292274-00294382 [Music] ffiEwmvCNc4-01024-00294383-00294592 you fh7MMv2HRIM-00000-00000425-00000601 I think fh7MMv2HRIM-00001-00000602-00002968 you can sit with the Encore team fh7MMv2HRIM-00002-00002969-00003274 all right good morning everybody fh7MMv2HRIM-00003-00003275-00003743 and welcome to Rev 2022. fh7MMv2HRIM-00004-00003744-00003922 my name is Chad Farrell and I'm with fh7MMv2HRIM-00005-00003923-00004163 Encore renewable energy I'm also here fh7MMv2HRIM-00006-00004164-00004343 representing the board of directors for fh7MMv2HRIM-00007-00004344-00004577 Renewable Energy Vermont and of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00008-00004578-00004763 honor of serving as this year's fh7MMv2HRIM-00009-00004764-00004961 conference co-chair along with my friend fh7MMv2HRIM-00010-00004962-00005159 Jen Green from the Burlington electric fh7MMv2HRIM-00011-00005160-00005333 Department whom you will all hear from fh7MMv2HRIM-00012-00005334-00005597 momentarily fh7MMv2HRIM-00013-00005598-00005825 on behalf of rev thank you all for fh7MMv2HRIM-00014-00005826-00005981 attending what we believe will be a fh7MMv2HRIM-00015-00005982-00006245 fantastic conference from energy policy fh7MMv2HRIM-00016-00006246-00006436 to regulations fh7MMv2HRIM-00017-00006437-00006755 from Finance to energy storage from fh7MMv2HRIM-00018-00006756-00007096 diversifying our Workforce to new and fh7MMv2HRIM-00019-00007097-00007337 evolving Technologies such as EVS green fh7MMv2HRIM-00020-00007338-00007451 hydrogen fh7MMv2HRIM-00021-00007452-00007673 and advanced wood heating we've got fh7MMv2HRIM-00022-00007673-00007853 something here for everyone can't wait fh7MMv2HRIM-00023-00007854-00008159 to get started and of course a hearty fh7MMv2HRIM-00024-00008159-00008369 thank you to all of our sponsors for fh7MMv2HRIM-00025-00008370-00008651 making this year's event possible fh7MMv2HRIM-00026-00008652-00008813 and what a time to be gathering in fh7MMv2HRIM-00027-00008814-00008903 person fh7MMv2HRIM-00028-00008904-00009214 for the first time since 2019 and in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00029-00009215-00009413 wake of finally getting the largest fh7MMv2HRIM-00030-00009414-00009653 climate bill ever in the United States fh7MMv2HRIM-00031-00009654-00009942 signed into law fh7MMv2HRIM-00032-00009943-00010273 foreign fh7MMv2HRIM-00033-00010274-00010528 legislation that finally puts the United fh7MMv2HRIM-00034-00010529-00010751 States back on the playing field to fh7MMv2HRIM-00035-00010752-00010919 address the ever-increasing climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00036-00010920-00011123 crisis while at the same time providing fh7MMv2HRIM-00037-00011124-00011309 an Avenue for the creation of millions fh7MMv2HRIM-00038-00011310-00011591 of new jobs and a more just and fh7MMv2HRIM-00039-00011592-00011891 Equitable energy economy simply stated fh7MMv2HRIM-00040-00011892-00012196 the inflation reduction Act of 2022 is fh7MMv2HRIM-00041-00012197-00012364 the most significant Federal climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00042-00012365-00012574 Bill to be signed into law since many of fh7MMv2HRIM-00043-00012575-00012821 us entered this business fh7MMv2HRIM-00044-00012822-00013055 with the market signals to support the fh7MMv2HRIM-00045-00013056-00013201 continued growth of our sector fh7MMv2HRIM-00046-00013202-00013463 essentially until we solve the climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00047-00013463-00013613 crisis fh7MMv2HRIM-00048-00013613-00013871 at the same time our industry similar to fh7MMv2HRIM-00049-00013872-00014099 many others has been exposed to fh7MMv2HRIM-00050-00014100-00014308 challenging macroeconomic conditions fh7MMv2HRIM-00051-00014309-00014585 largely due to the Black Swan event that fh7MMv2HRIM-00052-00014586-00014788 is and was coveted fh7MMv2HRIM-00053-00014790-00014980 we are currently weathering surging fh7MMv2HRIM-00054-00014981-00015227 inflation with steel copper and fh7MMv2HRIM-00055-00015228-00015419 polysilicon costs still well above fh7MMv2HRIM-00056-00015419-00015629 pre-pandemic levels fh7MMv2HRIM-00057-00015630-00015869 we are navigating rapidly escalating fh7MMv2HRIM-00058-00015869-00016133 interest rates to levels not seen in fh7MMv2HRIM-00059-00016134-00016403 nearly two decades and we are also fh7MMv2HRIM-00060-00016404-00016577 reacting to equipment delays and fh7MMv2HRIM-00061-00016578-00016775 transportation challenges due to coveted fh7MMv2HRIM-00062-00016776-00016943 shutdowns overseas fh7MMv2HRIM-00063-00016944-00017165 and transportation a shortage of fh7MMv2HRIM-00064-00017166-00017386 Transportation professionals here in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00065-00017387-00017513 United States fh7MMv2HRIM-00066-00017514-00017813 yet still even with all of these fh7MMv2HRIM-00067-00017814-00018071 challenges the predictable fixed costs fh7MMv2HRIM-00068-00018072-00018203 associated with renewable energy fh7MMv2HRIM-00069-00018204-00018539 generation is still a very attractive fh7MMv2HRIM-00070-00018540-00018713 hedge against other forms of more fh7MMv2HRIM-00071-00018714-00018983 traditional forms of energy generation fh7MMv2HRIM-00072-00018984-00019253 just look at the recent natural gas fh7MMv2HRIM-00073-00019254-00019469 prices on the wholesale rates in New fh7MMv2HRIM-00074-00019470-00019739 England and for an example right here fh7MMv2HRIM-00075-00019740-00020117 from home throughout 2022 Vermont's fh7MMv2HRIM-00076-00020118-00020363 standard offer solar program provided fh7MMv2HRIM-00077-00020364-00020614 electricity for vermonters at rates well fh7MMv2HRIM-00078-00020615-00020825 below the costs of electricity from fh7MMv2HRIM-00079-00020826-00021155 natural gas the same is predicted fh7MMv2HRIM-00080-00021156-00021394 to be true fh7MMv2HRIM-00081-00021395-00021689 for 2023 and Beyond fh7MMv2HRIM-00082-00021690-00021875 so while the environmental benefits are fh7MMv2HRIM-00083-00021876-00022078 unquestioned it's these economic fh7MMv2HRIM-00084-00022079-00022283 advantages of Renewables that are now fh7MMv2HRIM-00085-00022284-00022475 driving the significant uptick in fh7MMv2HRIM-00086-00022476-00022589 interest fh7MMv2HRIM-00087-00022590-00022936 for uh customers from the residential to fh7MMv2HRIM-00088-00022937-00023225 the utility scale fh7MMv2HRIM-00089-00023226-00023393 so the bottom line is we've got a lot of fh7MMv2HRIM-00090-00023394-00023597 work ahead of us and since we are all fh7MMv2HRIM-00091-00023598-00023849 trying to acclimate ourselves to fh7MMv2HRIM-00092-00023850-00024077 in-person conference events and perhaps fh7MMv2HRIM-00093-00024078-00024244 shaking off some of that rust to get fh7MMv2HRIM-00094-00024245-00024461 ready for an engaging couple of days fh7MMv2HRIM-00095-00024462-00024641 together we'd like to start the fh7MMv2HRIM-00096-00024642-00024808 conference off with a bit of an fh7MMv2HRIM-00097-00024809-00025121 interactive ice breaking exercise fh7MMv2HRIM-00098-00025122-00025397 you'll see on the tables before you fh7MMv2HRIM-00099-00025398-00025618 uh different sticky different colored fh7MMv2HRIM-00100-00025619-00025834 sticky notes we'd love to hear fh7MMv2HRIM-00101-00025835-00026081 everyone's thoughts on the green colored fh7MMv2HRIM-00102-00026082-00026393 sticky note regarding what is making you fh7MMv2HRIM-00103-00026394-00026681 what is creating hope and excitement fh7MMv2HRIM-00104-00026682-00026981 regarding where we are uh at this point fh7MMv2HRIM-00105-00026982-00027137 in our March toward addressing the fh7MMv2HRIM-00106-00027138-00027383 climate crisis both here in Vermont and fh7MMv2HRIM-00107-00027383-00027707 Beyond and then on the other red colored fh7MMv2HRIM-00108-00027708-00027917 sticky note we'd like to we'd like to fh7MMv2HRIM-00109-00027918-00028114 have you write down one thing that is fh7MMv2HRIM-00110-00028116-00028217 giving you the greatest amount of fh7MMv2HRIM-00111-00028218-00028570 anxiety as to where we sit in this fh7MMv2HRIM-00112-00028572-00028793 current current place fh7MMv2HRIM-00113-00028794-00028931 um fh7MMv2HRIM-00114-00028932-00029273 so after this morning's keynote address fh7MMv2HRIM-00115-00029274-00029489 we will place all of these comments on fh7MMv2HRIM-00116-00029489-00029723 large boards near the registration table fh7MMv2HRIM-00117-00029724-00029914 for everyone to read during the fh7MMv2HRIM-00118-00029916-00030161 conference so as we move forward with an fh7MMv2HRIM-00119-00030162-00030358 exciting two days together please check fh7MMv2HRIM-00120-00030360-00030562 out these boards to read what your peers fh7MMv2HRIM-00121-00030563-00030820 and colleagues are thinking and continue fh7MMv2HRIM-00122-00030822-00031151 to add your hopes and concerns about our fh7MMv2HRIM-00123-00031152-00031312 Renewable Energy Future fh7MMv2HRIM-00124-00031313-00031517 we look forward to incorporating these fh7MMv2HRIM-00125-00031518-00031673 thoughts into discussions in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00126-00031674-00031877 legislature with our regulatory fh7MMv2HRIM-00127-00031877-00032135 community and amongst ourselves so we fh7MMv2HRIM-00128-00032136-00032339 can collectively work to decarbonize our fh7MMv2HRIM-00129-00032339-00032573 economy as effectively and as fh7MMv2HRIM-00130-00032574-00032807 efficiently and as immediately as fh7MMv2HRIM-00131-00032808-00033101 possible fh7MMv2HRIM-00132-00033102-00033383 so thanks for your engagement there and fh7MMv2HRIM-00133-00033384-00033521 before the gears get spinning too fh7MMv2HRIM-00134-00033522-00033743 quickly in your minds I also wanted to fh7MMv2HRIM-00135-00033744-00033929 acknowledge a new and exciting element fh7MMv2HRIM-00136-00033930-00034229 of the Rev conference this year fh7MMv2HRIM-00137-00034230-00034451 if you look around now and during the fh7MMv2HRIM-00138-00034452-00034631 conference you should notice a large fh7MMv2HRIM-00139-00034632-00034931 number of students from area high fh7MMv2HRIM-00140-00034932-00035146 schools colleges and graduate degree fh7MMv2HRIM-00141-00035147-00035423 programs at this year's conference fh7MMv2HRIM-00142-00035424-00035645 we invite you all to mingle and network fh7MMv2HRIM-00143-00035646-00035849 and learn from one another I know that fh7MMv2HRIM-00144-00035850-00036040 members of this community fh7MMv2HRIM-00145-00036041-00036287 always benefit from speaking with the fh7MMv2HRIM-00146-00036288-00036533 younger folks Among Us the folks that fh7MMv2HRIM-00147-00036534-00036695 will be living on this planet long after fh7MMv2HRIM-00148-00036696-00036868 many of us are gone fh7MMv2HRIM-00149-00036869-00037055 and hopefully the younger folks Among Us fh7MMv2HRIM-00150-00037056-00037273 can learn more about this exciting fh7MMv2HRIM-00151-00037274-00037589 Dynamic and fast-paced Industry as we fh7MMv2HRIM-00152-00037590-00037762 are going to need all the help we can fh7MMv2HRIM-00153-00037763-00037967 get to finally Bend back the curve on fh7MMv2HRIM-00154-00037968-00038279 carbon and realize all of this Economic fh7MMv2HRIM-00155-00038280-00038446 Opportunity fh7MMv2HRIM-00156-00038447-00038674 so with that acknowledgment and with all fh7MMv2HRIM-00157-00038675-00038861 these young folks in attendance I would fh7MMv2HRIM-00158-00038862-00039052 also like to reflect on the fact that fh7MMv2HRIM-00159-00039053-00039287 much of the heavy lifting around getting fh7MMv2HRIM-00160-00039288-00039461 Vermont's own global warming Solutions fh7MMv2HRIM-00161-00039462-00039743 Act passed into law in 2020 fh7MMv2HRIM-00162-00039744-00039965 and ultimately getting this huge Federal fh7MMv2HRIM-00163-00039966-00040187 climate bill passed into law this summer fh7MMv2HRIM-00164-00040188-00040421 in Washington was done by the younger fh7MMv2HRIM-00165-00040422-00040655 Generations Among Us with groups such as fh7MMv2HRIM-00166-00040656-00041002 the Sunrise movement 350.org fh7MMv2HRIM-00167-00041003-00041237 sustain U.S leading the way at the fh7MMv2HRIM-00168-00041238-00041459 national level and the Vermont youth fh7MMv2HRIM-00169-00041460-00041674 Lobby leading the way here locally at fh7MMv2HRIM-00170-00041675-00041890 home fh7MMv2HRIM-00171-00041891-00042173 um so it's great to see so many students fh7MMv2HRIM-00172-00042174-00042245 here fh7MMv2HRIM-00173-00042246-00042527 this is all about your future and the fh7MMv2HRIM-00174-00042528-00042749 IRA is your bill fh7MMv2HRIM-00175-00042750-00042995 thank you all for speaking up getting fh7MMv2HRIM-00176-00042996-00043229 engaged and joining in the effort to fh7MMv2HRIM-00177-00043230-00043427 combat the worst effects of climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00178-00043428-00043768 change and climate Injustice fh7MMv2HRIM-00179-00043769-00044027 in order to recognize the importance of fh7MMv2HRIM-00180-00044028-00044189 the continued engagement from our fh7MMv2HRIM-00181-00044190-00044405 younger Generations I now have the fh7MMv2HRIM-00182-00044406-00044639 privilege of introducing you all to Lily fh7MMv2HRIM-00183-00044640-00044939 Terry of Norwich Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00184-00044940-00045215 Lily is a junior at the Hanover High fh7MMv2HRIM-00185-00045216-00045424 School come on up Lily and a fellow fh7MMv2HRIM-00186-00045425-00045593 member of the Vermont climate Council fh7MMv2HRIM-00187-00045594-00045839 representing Young vermonters fh7MMv2HRIM-00188-00045840-00046007 Lily's going to share with us a few fh7MMv2HRIM-00189-00046008-00046193 words from her generation's perspective fh7MMv2HRIM-00190-00046194-00046468 as we look around not only as we look fh7MMv2HRIM-00191-00046469-00046643 around not only the greatest challenge fh7MMv2HRIM-00192-00046644-00046889 of many of our lifetimes but also the fh7MMv2HRIM-00193-00046890-00047027 greatest opportunity fh7MMv2HRIM-00194-00047028-00047118 Lily Terry fh7MMv2HRIM-00195-00047119-00047902 [Applause] fh7MMv2HRIM-00196-00047903-00048149 hi I'm Lily thank you so much for this fh7MMv2HRIM-00197-00048150-00048329 opportunity fh7MMv2HRIM-00198-00048330-00048539 um living in a state like Vermont it fh7MMv2HRIM-00199-00048540-00048767 would make sense that climate change and fh7MMv2HRIM-00200-00048768-00048935 its consequences would be talked about fh7MMv2HRIM-00201-00048936-00049157 from an early age but I only really fh7MMv2HRIM-00202-00049158-00049408 became aware of the severity of these fh7MMv2HRIM-00203-00049409-00049727 issues in seventh grade when our teacher fh7MMv2HRIM-00204-00049728-00049930 gave us a presentation on ocean fh7MMv2HRIM-00205-00049931-00050140 pollution fh7MMv2HRIM-00206-00050141-00050473 um the fact that by 2050 fh7MMv2HRIM-00207-00050474-00050711 there will be more plastic in the Ocean fh7MMv2HRIM-00208-00050712-00051011 than fish was front and center fh7MMv2HRIM-00209-00051012-00051226 this idea seemed crazy to me at the time fh7MMv2HRIM-00210-00051227-00051538 how is it possible that this was true fh7MMv2HRIM-00211-00051539-00051719 and yet companies were still producing fh7MMv2HRIM-00212-00051720-00051982 so much trash everyone in the room while fh7MMv2HRIM-00213-00051983-00052151 we were giving while we were listening fh7MMv2HRIM-00214-00052152-00052342 to this presentation was still using fh7MMv2HRIM-00215-00052344-00052529 plastic bags and drinking out of plastic fh7MMv2HRIM-00216-00052529-00052859 water bottles even the teacher who was fh7MMv2HRIM-00217-00052860-00053116 giving us the presentation fh7MMv2HRIM-00218-00053117-00053387 after this I became determined that I fh7MMv2HRIM-00219-00053388-00053609 would become one of the people who would fh7MMv2HRIM-00220-00053610-00053753 Implement change fh7MMv2HRIM-00221-00053754-00053932 even if the others around me didn't fh7MMv2HRIM-00222-00053933-00054221 always support me or understand the fh7MMv2HRIM-00223-00054222-00054466 impact that we can have fh7MMv2HRIM-00224-00054467-00054761 since I've moved to Vermont in 2006 I've fh7MMv2HRIM-00225-00054762-00054947 witnessed so many changes to the local fh7MMv2HRIM-00226-00054948-00055066 climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00227-00055067-00055271 from increases in droughts to a fh7MMv2HRIM-00228-00055272-00055504 reduction in the annual snowfall fh7MMv2HRIM-00229-00055505-00055661 some of these changes have had Direct fh7MMv2HRIM-00230-00055662-00055991 impacts on me and my community as each fh7MMv2HRIM-00231-00055991-00056350 year our local Wells continue to run dry fh7MMv2HRIM-00232-00056351-00056597 more and more frequently fh7MMv2HRIM-00233-00056598-00056765 and this is nothing compared to the fh7MMv2HRIM-00234-00056766-00056938 issues faced by other parts of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00235-00056939-00057041 country fh7MMv2HRIM-00236-00057041-00057287 and the world everyone has heard the fh7MMv2HRIM-00237-00057288-00057461 statistics but have they really stopped fh7MMv2HRIM-00238-00057462-00057671 to consider the actual effects of these fh7MMv2HRIM-00239-00057672-00057779 numbers fh7MMv2HRIM-00240-00057779-00058049 what impact does a two degree increase fh7MMv2HRIM-00241-00058050-00058319 in temperature really have fh7MMv2HRIM-00242-00058320-00058588 it looks like an increase in the number fh7MMv2HRIM-00243-00058589-00058835 of ticks leading to an increase in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00244-00058836-00059038 amount of cases of Lyme disease in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00245-00059039-00059254 in this country fh7MMv2HRIM-00246-00059255-00059494 it looks like a decrease in Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00247-00059495-00059729 Industries such as apples and maple fh7MMv2HRIM-00248-00059729-00059992 syrup production and it looks like more fh7MMv2HRIM-00249-00059994-00060304 frequent cases of extreme weather events fh7MMv2HRIM-00250-00060305-00060521 my generation is growing up in a fh7MMv2HRIM-00251-00060522-00060647 critical period fh7MMv2HRIM-00252-00060648-00060826 we've been able to witness some of these fh7MMv2HRIM-00253-00060827-00060994 changes in real time fh7MMv2HRIM-00254-00060995-00061204 watch the things predicted by scientists fh7MMv2HRIM-00255-00061205-00061409 play out watch all of this happening fh7MMv2HRIM-00256-00061410-00061642 while many others join us in feeling fh7MMv2HRIM-00257-00061644-00061915 powerless as Spectators to the disaster fh7MMv2HRIM-00258-00061916-00062237 we need to act now we cannot spend the fh7MMv2HRIM-00259-00062238-00062435 next five or ten years just planning our fh7MMv2HRIM-00260-00062436-00062687 mitigation strategies running tests and fh7MMv2HRIM-00261-00062688-00062837 collecting data fh7MMv2HRIM-00262-00062838-00063047 these things are important but so is fh7MMv2HRIM-00263-00063048-00063275 action each day we get closer to fh7MMv2HRIM-00264-00063276-00063557 irreversible destruction each day a new fh7MMv2HRIM-00265-00063558-00063832 species goes extinct fh7MMv2HRIM-00266-00063833-00064069 um the Civil levels rise a little bit fh7MMv2HRIM-00267-00064070-00064415 the snow coverage decreases fh7MMv2HRIM-00268-00064416-00064691 we need to find a way to stop this to fh7MMv2HRIM-00269-00064691-00064961 increase awareness about these issues to fh7MMv2HRIM-00270-00064962-00065165 decrease the amount of pollutants pumped fh7MMv2HRIM-00271-00065166-00065429 into the atmosphere each day we need to fh7MMv2HRIM-00272-00065429-00065626 create a sustainable alternatives to fh7MMv2HRIM-00273-00065627-00065885 Everyday processes and products fh7MMv2HRIM-00274-00065886-00066059 to increase accountability for the fh7MMv2HRIM-00275-00066060-00066299 hundred corporations responsible for the fh7MMv2HRIM-00276-00066300-00066599 bulk of fossil fuel emissions fh7MMv2HRIM-00277-00066600-00066815 my generation is ready to implement fh7MMv2HRIM-00278-00066816-00066911 change fh7MMv2HRIM-00279-00066912-00067121 but in order to do this we need support fh7MMv2HRIM-00280-00067122-00067361 and we need people to be willing to fh7MMv2HRIM-00281-00067362-00067523 change fh7MMv2HRIM-00282-00067524-00067721 youth voices have been shown to make a fh7MMv2HRIM-00283-00067722-00067894 difference but in order to do this fh7MMv2HRIM-00284-00067895-00068087 somebody has to listen fh7MMv2HRIM-00285-00068088-00068297 these destructive systems have been fh7MMv2HRIM-00286-00068298-00068531 ingrained in our society fh7MMv2HRIM-00287-00068532-00068831 but at this point we can't take fh7MMv2HRIM-00288-00068832-00069137 um our time implementing change we need fh7MMv2HRIM-00289-00069138-00069347 to stop discussing these issues and fh7MMv2HRIM-00290-00069348-00069563 instead Implement political fh7MMv2HRIM-00291-00069564-00069850 reforms to curb emissions fh7MMv2HRIM-00292-00069851-00070300 thank you fh7MMv2HRIM-00293-00070301-00070835 thank you fh7MMv2HRIM-00294-00070836-00071194 all right thank you very much Lily fh7MMv2HRIM-00295-00071195-00071453 uh and at this moment I've been asked to fh7MMv2HRIM-00296-00071454-00071621 uh a little public service announcement fh7MMv2HRIM-00297-00071622-00071800 to All the Young Folks all the students fh7MMv2HRIM-00298-00071801-00072029 in the room uh and at the conference fh7MMv2HRIM-00299-00072030-00072461 we'd like to do a photograph at 11 45 so fh7MMv2HRIM-00300-00072462-00072773 if folks could go into the main lobby fh7MMv2HRIM-00301-00072774-00073061 area near the registration uh table I fh7MMv2HRIM-00302-00073062-00073211 think we'll do a photograph maybe going fh7MMv2HRIM-00303-00073212-00073379 down the stairs down to the main lobby fh7MMv2HRIM-00304-00073380-00073588 so just before lunch if we could gather fh7MMv2HRIM-00305-00073589-00073865 all the students at 11 45 that'd be fh7MMv2HRIM-00306-00073866-00073967 terrific fh7MMv2HRIM-00307-00073968-00074249 and now we're going to continue with the fh7MMv2HRIM-00308-00074250-00074506 program and it's my honor to introduce fh7MMv2HRIM-00309-00074507-00074687 you all to the speaker of the Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00310-00074688-00074879 House of Representatives fh7MMv2HRIM-00311-00074880-00075025 Jill karwinski fh7MMv2HRIM-00312-00075026-00076211 [Applause] fh7MMv2HRIM-00313-00076212-00076493 good morning I am so thrilled to have fh7MMv2HRIM-00314-00076494-00076697 the opportunity to join you here and fh7MMv2HRIM-00315-00076698-00076865 Lily I look forward to working with you fh7MMv2HRIM-00316-00076866-00077117 at the State House in January fh7MMv2HRIM-00317-00077118-00077356 it's so exciting to be here in person fh7MMv2HRIM-00318-00077357-00077615 and kick off the 2022 rev annual fh7MMv2HRIM-00319-00077616-00077806 conference and to see such a great fh7MMv2HRIM-00320-00077807-00078035 diverse group of individuals here to fh7MMv2HRIM-00321-00078036-00078359 discuss our Clean Energy Future fh7MMv2HRIM-00322-00078360-00078538 every year this conference brings fh7MMv2HRIM-00323-00078539-00078749 together great organizations in Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00324-00078750-00078947 with the opportunity to hear from fh7MMv2HRIM-00325-00078948-00079199 experts on how we continue to think fh7MMv2HRIM-00326-00079200-00079355 about the future of our state while fh7MMv2HRIM-00327-00079356-00079606 Leading The Way by creating resilient fh7MMv2HRIM-00328-00079607-00079811 green communities fh7MMv2HRIM-00329-00079812-00080105 it is critical that we remain focused on fh7MMv2HRIM-00330-00080106-00080291 mitigating the impacts of climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00331-00080292-00080549 in our wonderful state is we know that fh7MMv2HRIM-00332-00080550-00080879 our economy from maple syrup to skiing fh7MMv2HRIM-00333-00080880-00081179 to our best Fall Foliage are all climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00334-00081180-00081317 dependent fh7MMv2HRIM-00335-00081318-00081509 we also know that storms like Hurricane fh7MMv2HRIM-00336-00081510-00081725 Irene will be more prevalent Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00337-00081726-00081923 needs to make smart investments in order fh7MMv2HRIM-00338-00081924-00082162 to build stronger more resilient fh7MMv2HRIM-00339-00082163-00082306 communities fh7MMv2HRIM-00340-00082307-00082559 as I travel around the state and talk fh7MMv2HRIM-00341-00082560-00082732 with vermonters about what issues they fh7MMv2HRIM-00342-00082733-00083044 care about I hear the need for more fh7MMv2HRIM-00343-00083045-00083303 affordable housing and child care more fh7MMv2HRIM-00344-00083304-00083494 work on climate change and concerns fh7MMv2HRIM-00345-00083495-00083765 about the state of our democracy fh7MMv2HRIM-00346-00083766-00084035 our I believe that our work on climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00347-00084036-00084226 change is at the core of all we do it's fh7MMv2HRIM-00348-00084227-00084425 part of our work in the energy committee fh7MMv2HRIM-00349-00084426-00084581 that AG committee the Human Services fh7MMv2HRIM-00350-00084582-00084791 committee the transportation committee fh7MMv2HRIM-00351-00084792-00084929 and so on fh7MMv2HRIM-00352-00084930-00085156 our work on climate change is just so fh7MMv2HRIM-00353-00085157-00085432 critical for our future all of us here fh7MMv2HRIM-00354-00085433-00085744 know the impacts will only worsen if we fh7MMv2HRIM-00355-00085745-00085967 can't all work together and make the fh7MMv2HRIM-00356-00085968-00086182 necessary changes to preserve our state fh7MMv2HRIM-00357-00086183-00086482 our country and our world as a whole fh7MMv2HRIM-00358-00086483-00086794 from this incredible crisis fh7MMv2HRIM-00359-00086795-00086975 what's become obvious is that the fh7MMv2HRIM-00360-00086976-00087125 climate crisis takes an incredible fh7MMv2HRIM-00361-00087126-00087437 effort in buy-in from all vermonters we fh7MMv2HRIM-00362-00087438-00087653 need fresh ideas and willingness to fh7MMv2HRIM-00363-00087654-00087821 sacrifice some of the things we have fh7MMv2HRIM-00364-00087822-00088097 grown used to while pivoting to a more fh7MMv2HRIM-00365-00088098-00088265 environment to more environmentally fh7MMv2HRIM-00366-00088266-00088606 friendly practices I have heard from fh7MMv2HRIM-00367-00088607-00088876 some vermonters that say the task seems fh7MMv2HRIM-00368-00088877-00089056 too daunting and question whether it's fh7MMv2HRIM-00369-00089057-00089309 too late to make changes to save our fh7MMv2HRIM-00370-00089310-00089621 planet and while it's difficult I fh7MMv2HRIM-00371-00089622-00089800 believe that Vermont has the opportunity fh7MMv2HRIM-00372-00089801-00090082 to show Real impactful Change Is fh7MMv2HRIM-00373-00090083-00090341 Possible here over the last two years fh7MMv2HRIM-00374-00090342-00090544 the legislature made historic fh7MMv2HRIM-00375-00090545-00090743 investments in climate chain mitigations fh7MMv2HRIM-00376-00090744-00091000 climate change mitigation programs and fh7MMv2HRIM-00377-00091001-00091217 resources to help our cities and towns fh7MMv2HRIM-00378-00091218-00091456 from Brattleboro to Burlington with the fh7MMv2HRIM-00379-00091457-00091600 tools they need to support their fh7MMv2HRIM-00380-00091601-00091709 communities fh7MMv2HRIM-00381-00091710-00091937 our investments in weatherization to fh7MMv2HRIM-00382-00091938-00092165 lower and moderate income families our fh7MMv2HRIM-00383-00092166-00092344 investments in flood mitigation and fh7MMv2HRIM-00384-00092345-00092567 resilience funds for Vermont for fh7MMv2HRIM-00385-00092568-00092825 vermonters to access electrical upgrades fh7MMv2HRIM-00386-00092826-00093047 and energy saving technology like heat fh7MMv2HRIM-00387-00093048-00093299 pumps and the largest investment in our fh7MMv2HRIM-00388-00093300-00093550 electrical vehicle infrastructure and fh7MMv2HRIM-00389-00093551-00093832 public transportation will only move us fh7MMv2HRIM-00390-00093833-00093976 forward fh7MMv2HRIM-00391-00093977-00094276 but I know and you know there is much fh7MMv2HRIM-00392-00094277-00094487 more that needs to be done fh7MMv2HRIM-00393-00094488-00094715 we've worked hard to bring policies fh7MMv2HRIM-00394-00094716-00094894 before the legislative body fh7MMv2HRIM-00395-00094895-00095159 that we know will make real great change fh7MMv2HRIM-00396-00095160-00095362 and support our climate efforts to fh7MMv2HRIM-00397-00095363-00095621 reduce our carbon footprint and meet our fh7MMv2HRIM-00398-00095622-00095782 climate change goals fh7MMv2HRIM-00399-00095783-00095909 however fh7MMv2HRIM-00400-00095910-00096137 it is not easy as having a majority of fh7MMv2HRIM-00401-00096138-00096437 members in each chamber and we have seen fh7MMv2HRIM-00402-00096438-00096665 the power of the governor's veto that fh7MMv2HRIM-00403-00096666-00096868 stalls us from enacting meaningful fh7MMv2HRIM-00404-00096869-00097085 policy to address the climate issues fh7MMv2HRIM-00405-00097086-00097343 before us we are working hard to fh7MMv2HRIM-00406-00097344-00097600 re-elect strong climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00407-00097601-00097912 majorities that will help us fh7MMv2HRIM-00408-00097913-00098099 so I'm going to just go off script here fh7MMv2HRIM-00409-00098100-00098279 for a second because fh7MMv2HRIM-00410-00098280-00098503 I'm out there on the campaign Trail fh7MMv2HRIM-00411-00098504-00098849 we're getting close to election day and fh7MMv2HRIM-00412-00098850-00099011 I just think it's really important to fh7MMv2HRIM-00413-00099012-00099221 realize that we all have to work fh7MMv2HRIM-00414-00099222-00099515 together to ensure that we pass policies fh7MMv2HRIM-00415-00099516-00099821 that don't get vetoed I want to work fh7MMv2HRIM-00416-00099822-00100055 together with the governor to get things fh7MMv2HRIM-00417-00100056-00100337 done but that takes all of us really fh7MMv2HRIM-00418-00100338-00100565 putting forward the effort and I hope fh7MMv2HRIM-00419-00100566-00100787 that we have a partner in this upcoming fh7MMv2HRIM-00420-00100788-00100997 Administration fh7MMv2HRIM-00421-00100998-00101218 legislating with the threat of a veto fh7MMv2HRIM-00422-00101219-00101393 even when we come to a consensus fh7MMv2HRIM-00423-00101394-00101621 agreement with the administration is not fh7MMv2HRIM-00424-00101622-00101837 how we should be supporting vermonters fh7MMv2HRIM-00425-00101838-00102047 but I know that we can work together and fh7MMv2HRIM-00426-00102048-00102226 while there are many policies that need fh7MMv2HRIM-00427-00102227-00102418 to be examined I believe it is very fh7MMv2HRIM-00428-00102419-00102640 important that we start the conversation fh7MMv2HRIM-00429-00102641-00102947 about our renewable energy standard it fh7MMv2HRIM-00430-00102948-00103090 is imperative that there are multiple fh7MMv2HRIM-00431-00103091-00103318 Pathways renewable energy to come along fh7MMv2HRIM-00432-00103319-00103601 and that we have the ability to add as fh7MMv2HRIM-00433-00103602-00103810 much additional green infrastructure as fh7MMv2HRIM-00434-00103811-00103936 possible fh7MMv2HRIM-00435-00103938-00104213 it is time for these conversations fh7MMv2HRIM-00436-00104214-00104477 and we must move forward and we must do fh7MMv2HRIM-00437-00104478-00104692 it together we must act quickly to fh7MMv2HRIM-00438-00104693-00104878 mitigate further negative impacts of fh7MMv2HRIM-00439-00104879-00105083 climate change on our state but we can't fh7MMv2HRIM-00440-00105083-00105263 go through this process without hearing fh7MMv2HRIM-00441-00105264-00105466 from all of our communities fh7MMv2HRIM-00442-00105467-00105695 I believe that our state not only fh7MMv2HRIM-00443-00105696-00105899 wholeheartedly believes in climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00444-00105900-00106102 change but we have passionate vermonters fh7MMv2HRIM-00445-00106103-00106331 ready to take up the important work to fh7MMv2HRIM-00446-00106332-00106649 get this done we can enact the necessary fh7MMv2HRIM-00447-00106650-00106966 policies to protect our great state for fh7MMv2HRIM-00448-00106967-00107140 generations to come and use this fh7MMv2HRIM-00449-00107141-00107410 opportunity as a time to lift up fh7MMv2HRIM-00450-00107411-00107639 communities in need that have been fh7MMv2HRIM-00451-00107640-00107843 historically not included in this fh7MMv2HRIM-00452-00107844-00108004 conversation fh7MMv2HRIM-00453-00108005-00108328 and the one thing I find so inspiring is fh7MMv2HRIM-00454-00108329-00108586 the voices in action of young vermonters fh7MMv2HRIM-00455-00108588-00108808 in their work to change the trajectory fh7MMv2HRIM-00456-00108809-00109108 in which we are headed and the push for fh7MMv2HRIM-00457-00109109-00109301 a Greener future fh7MMv2HRIM-00458-00109302-00109619 we have no time to waste in moving to a fh7MMv2HRIM-00459-00109620-00109852 Greener more renewable Vermont future fh7MMv2HRIM-00460-00109853-00110207 and I know with your help we can make it fh7MMv2HRIM-00461-00110208-00110321 happen fh7MMv2HRIM-00462-00110322-00110543 our future will be more Equitable for fh7MMv2HRIM-00463-00110544-00110789 those that come and live in our state fh7MMv2HRIM-00464-00110790-00111113 and we will work with all voices to fh7MMv2HRIM-00465-00111114-00111316 provide hope for our climate future fh7MMv2HRIM-00466-00111317-00111484 again fh7MMv2HRIM-00467-00111485-00111658 it has been wonderful to speak with all fh7MMv2HRIM-00468-00111659-00111863 of you here today to kick off the 2022 fh7MMv2HRIM-00469-00111864-00112145 rev conference and I look forward to fh7MMv2HRIM-00470-00112146-00112354 continuing to work with all of you and I fh7MMv2HRIM-00471-00112355-00112528 thank you for all you do to make Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00472-00112529-00112745 a better place to live and to visit fh7MMv2HRIM-00473-00112746-00113433 thank you be well and stay safe fh7MMv2HRIM-00474-00113433-00113999 [Applause] fh7MMv2HRIM-00475-00114000-00114178 um so thank you very much speaker fh7MMv2HRIM-00476-00114179-00114358 kowinski those who are encouraging and fh7MMv2HRIM-00477-00114359-00114527 inspiring words fh7MMv2HRIM-00478-00114528-00114869 um and so the final uh introductory fh7MMv2HRIM-00479-00114870-00115102 um uh speaker this morning I have the fh7MMv2HRIM-00480-00115103-00115278 honor of introducing you all to Michael fh7MMv2HRIM-00481-00115279-00115601 pitzafari of hydro Quebec who's going to fh7MMv2HRIM-00482-00115602-00115786 share a few words on the importance of fh7MMv2HRIM-00483-00115788-00116110 the regional cooperation fh7MMv2HRIM-00484-00116111-00116616 all right fh7MMv2HRIM-00485-00116617-00116866 important Precision I'm from the Quebec fh7MMv2HRIM-00486-00116867-00117113 government not from Hydro Quebec but we fh7MMv2HRIM-00487-00117114-00117334 are proud to sponsor partner with our fh7MMv2HRIM-00488-00117335-00117593 friends at Hydro Quebec who are an fh7MMv2HRIM-00489-00117594-00117766 essential partner to Quebec's own fh7MMv2HRIM-00490-00117767-00118102 decarbonization efforts and I have to fh7MMv2HRIM-00491-00118103-00118301 say it's it's really a pleasure to be fh7MMv2HRIM-00492-00118302-00118534 with you all here today unfortunately fh7MMv2HRIM-00493-00118535-00118723 many of you know fh7MMv2HRIM-00494-00118724-00118984 could not be with us her father is fh7MMv2HRIM-00495-00118985-00119236 pretty sick and she's in Quebec City and fh7MMv2HRIM-00496-00119238-00119501 I know that she is particularly saddened fh7MMv2HRIM-00497-00119502-00119771 to miss this conference fh7MMv2HRIM-00498-00119772-00120107 it is however for me so good to be back fh7MMv2HRIM-00499-00120108-00120275 in Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00500-00120276-00120586 so much of what I know about energy I fh7MMv2HRIM-00501-00120588-00120845 learned in this room and I joined the fh7MMv2HRIM-00502-00120846-00121049 Quebec government I think about six fh7MMv2HRIM-00503-00121050-00121247 years ago and in that time I've never fh7MMv2HRIM-00504-00121248-00121457 missed a REV conference because it is fh7MMv2HRIM-00505-00121458-00121666 truly a fantastic event fh7MMv2HRIM-00506-00121667-00121966 and well everyone I think enjoys fh7MMv2HRIM-00507-00121967-00122219 visiting Vermont in October fh7MMv2HRIM-00508-00122220-00122410 we also come for the insightful fh7MMv2HRIM-00509-00122411-00122699 conversations the in-depth research and fh7MMv2HRIM-00510-00122700-00122860 the Innovative companies that call the fh7MMv2HRIM-00511-00122861-00123040 Green Mountain State home fh7MMv2HRIM-00512-00123041-00123304 I really commend the Rev team the board fh7MMv2HRIM-00513-00123305-00123581 the staff especially kit wherever she is fh7MMv2HRIM-00514-00123582-00123847 probably running the show back somewhere fh7MMv2HRIM-00515-00123848-00124115 for once again organizing a fantastic fh7MMv2HRIM-00516-00124116-00124439 conference this room truly reflects fh7MMv2HRIM-00517-00124440-00124631 Vermont's National and International fh7MMv2HRIM-00518-00124632-00124949 Leadership in climate action and thanks fh7MMv2HRIM-00519-00124950-00125177 to the work of so many of you Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00520-00125178-00125321 can be proud of all that it's fh7MMv2HRIM-00521-00125322-00125597 accomplished to blaze a trail truly for fh7MMv2HRIM-00522-00125598-00125831 ever more ambitious climate action and fh7MMv2HRIM-00523-00125832-00125963 that's why the Quebec government is fh7MMv2HRIM-00524-00125964-00126154 proud for the fourth year in a row to fh7MMv2HRIM-00525-00126155-00126407 sponsor this conference fh7MMv2HRIM-00526-00126408-00126671 I'm confident that all of us we may not fh7MMv2HRIM-00527-00126672-00126869 all be leaving Burlington but all of us fh7MMv2HRIM-00528-00126870-00127133 will leave Burlington tomorrow feeling fh7MMv2HRIM-00529-00127133-00127360 ever more inspired and ready to tackle fh7MMv2HRIM-00530-00127361-00127583 the biggest challenge facing our region fh7MMv2HRIM-00531-00127583-00127804 climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00532-00127805-00128027 the next generation of climate activists fh7MMv2HRIM-00533-00128028-00128278 as we heard from Lily fh7MMv2HRIM-00534-00128279-00128501 don't need to be reminded of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00535-00128502-00128669 importance fh7MMv2HRIM-00536-00128670-00129010 like so many of us often do of climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00537-00129011-00129358 action that is resilient secure and fh7MMv2HRIM-00538-00129359-00129521 inclusive fh7MMv2HRIM-00539-00129522-00129851 we applaud Lily's work especially in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00540-00129852-00130014 work of so many other young people fh7MMv2HRIM-00541-00130015-00130313 across Vermont Quebec and around the fh7MMv2HRIM-00542-00130314-00130571 world who push us to meet the climate fh7MMv2HRIM-00543-00130572-00130943 crisis with the urgency that it demands fh7MMv2HRIM-00544-00130944-00131213 as you know of course that plane might fh7MMv2HRIM-00545-00131214-00131477 be flying to Quebec right now we have fh7MMv2HRIM-00546-00131478-00131728 more American Neighbors in Quebec than fh7MMv2HRIM-00547-00131729-00131939 Canadian ones fh7MMv2HRIM-00548-00131940-00132214 we share a border with the New York New fh7MMv2HRIM-00549-00132215-00132599 Hampshire Maine and of course Vermont so fh7MMv2HRIM-00550-00132600-00132821 when Quebec thinks about climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00551-00132822-00133187 we immediately think regionally we share fh7MMv2HRIM-00552-00133188-00133414 the same Waters from Lake Champlain like fh7MMv2HRIM-00553-00133415-00133709 men from Magog and the same air and we fh7MMv2HRIM-00554-00133710-00133931 also increasingly share the same fh7MMv2HRIM-00555-00133932-00134087 electricity fh7MMv2HRIM-00556-00134088-00134278 while the threats from climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00557-00134279-00134423 have grown fh7MMv2HRIM-00558-00134424-00134687 we are fortunate that we now have the fh7MMv2HRIM-00559-00134688-00134897 Technologies at hand to tackle this fh7MMv2HRIM-00560-00134898-00135149 climate crisis but only if we do it fh7MMv2HRIM-00561-00135150-00135269 together fh7MMv2HRIM-00562-00135270-00135581 the Northeast with programs like Reggie fh7MMv2HRIM-00563-00135582-00135797 has drastically reduced emissions from fh7MMv2HRIM-00564-00135798-00136078 the power sector and resulted in huge fh7MMv2HRIM-00565-00136079-00136247 Investments that make this one of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00566-00136248-00136433 most energy efficient regions in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00567-00136434-00136601 world and there's a lot that Quebec fh7MMv2HRIM-00568-00136602-00136745 could learn from what New England does fh7MMv2HRIM-00569-00136746-00136901 in that space fh7MMv2HRIM-00570-00136902-00137207 moreover the Eastern Seaboard itself is fh7MMv2HRIM-00571-00137208-00137477 on the cusp of an energy Revolution the fh7MMv2HRIM-00572-00137478-00137699 offshore wind potential of this region fh7MMv2HRIM-00573-00137700-00138035 20 000 megawatts by some estimates is fh7MMv2HRIM-00574-00138036-00138190 tremendous and this is without fh7MMv2HRIM-00575-00138191-00138347 mentioning I'm sitting with the folks fh7MMv2HRIM-00576-00138348-00138502 from encore fh7MMv2HRIM-00577-00138503-00138761 the incredible growth of smaller scale fh7MMv2HRIM-00578-00138762-00138964 Renewables especially right here in fh7MMv2HRIM-00579-00138965-00139145 Vermont which is leading the country in fh7MMv2HRIM-00580-00139146-00139349 so many ways but as New England fh7MMv2HRIM-00581-00139350-00139589 transitions away from fossil fuels for fh7MMv2HRIM-00582-00139590-00139847 electricity use we are simultaneously fh7MMv2HRIM-00583-00139848-00140063 decarbonizing our most polluting sectors fh7MMv2HRIM-00584-00140064-00140309 including transportation and buildings fh7MMv2HRIM-00585-00140310-00140554 in most cases we're electrifying them fh7MMv2HRIM-00586-00140555-00140795 that means that overall electricity use fh7MMv2HRIM-00587-00140796-00141119 here in New England is going to grow fh7MMv2HRIM-00588-00141120-00141335 and to meet this demand and to fh7MMv2HRIM-00589-00141336-00141623 decarbonize in the way that we must this fh7MMv2HRIM-00590-00141624-00141869 is not a question of either or it's a fh7MMv2HRIM-00591-00141870-00142121 question of both and fh7MMv2HRIM-00592-00142122-00142307 New England's strength is an Energy fh7MMv2HRIM-00593-00142308-00142631 Efficiency wind solar offshore winds fh7MMv2HRIM-00594-00142632-00142925 soon and Quebec strength is hydro fh7MMv2HRIM-00595-00142926-00143128 but for our respective strengths to fh7MMv2HRIM-00596-00143129-00143345 benefit everyone our transmission system fh7MMv2HRIM-00597-00143346-00143513 needs to grow fh7MMv2HRIM-00598-00143514-00143723 and we need our markets and our policies fh7MMv2HRIM-00599-00143724-00143963 to communicate more effectively fh7MMv2HRIM-00600-00143964-00144209 we must also rethink how we tackle fh7MMv2HRIM-00601-00144210-00144466 large-scale energy projects fh7MMv2HRIM-00602-00144467-00144604 some of you may have heard of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00603-00144605-00144802 Champlain Hudson power Express project fh7MMv2HRIM-00604-00144803-00145133 which will soon provide 1250 megawatts fh7MMv2HRIM-00605-00145134-00145385 of clean renewable electricity directly fh7MMv2HRIM-00606-00145386-00145583 to New York City fh7MMv2HRIM-00607-00145584-00145907 this transmission line was developed in fh7MMv2HRIM-00608-00145908-00146099 partnership with the Mohawk Council of fh7MMv2HRIM-00609-00146100-00146249 kanawage fh7MMv2HRIM-00610-00146250-00146525 the Quebec portion of the line will be fh7MMv2HRIM-00611-00146526-00146771 jointly owned by hydroquobec and by fh7MMv2HRIM-00612-00146772-00147125 kanawage on their traditional lands this fh7MMv2HRIM-00613-00147126-00147340 is really a joint partnership and a true fh7MMv2HRIM-00614-00147341-00147652 co-ownership that is groundbreaking in fh7MMv2HRIM-00615-00147653-00147845 so many ways and perhaps offers a path fh7MMv2HRIM-00616-00147846-00148114 forward for all of us a few months ago fh7MMv2HRIM-00617-00148115-00148427 Grand Chief Sky deer of kanawage fh7MMv2HRIM-00618-00148428-00148625 shared her excitement about this project fh7MMv2HRIM-00619-00148626-00148840 with Jonathan Rabb who many of you may fh7MMv2HRIM-00620-00148841-00148931 know fh7MMv2HRIM-00621-00148932-00149225 she said this partnership is changing fh7MMv2HRIM-00622-00149226-00149440 the narrative because indigenous people fh7MMv2HRIM-00623-00149441-00149777 are a partner in this project and we are fh7MMv2HRIM-00624-00149778-00150040 business partners she says that this fh7MMv2HRIM-00625-00150041-00150245 project shows what can happen fh7MMv2HRIM-00626-00150246-00150557 when relationships are built on respect fh7MMv2HRIM-00627-00150558-00150857 and communication with one another fh7MMv2HRIM-00628-00150858-00151063 hydroquoback Zone CEO fh7MMv2HRIM-00629-00151064-00151264 shared with Jonathan how this fh7MMv2HRIM-00630-00151265-00151487 partnership has changed Hydro Quebec's fh7MMv2HRIM-00631-00151488-00151745 own approach to project development and fh7MMv2HRIM-00632-00151746-00151907 allowed the company to truly understand fh7MMv2HRIM-00633-00151908-00152171 the indigenous perspective fh7MMv2HRIM-00634-00152172-00152404 Sophie bushu and Grand Chief skydia are fh7MMv2HRIM-00635-00152405-00152626 both also the first women in their fh7MMv2HRIM-00636-00152627-00152789 respective roles fh7MMv2HRIM-00637-00152790-00153011 and they are history makers in more ways fh7MMv2HRIM-00638-00153012-00153119 than one fh7MMv2HRIM-00639-00153120-00153293 on that topic fh7MMv2HRIM-00640-00153294-00153514 and in closing we look forward to fh7MMv2HRIM-00641-00153515-00153707 joining the exceptional women of Vermont fh7MMv2HRIM-00642-00153708-00153887 tomorrow for the women in energy lunch fh7MMv2HRIM-00643-00153888-00154181 which is a part of this event that our fh7MMv2HRIM-00644-00154182-00154354 office actually helped to launch about fh7MMv2HRIM-00645-00154355-00154559 four years ago and I know that Mary fh7MMv2HRIM-00646-00154560-00154775 Claude is particularly disappointed to fh7MMv2HRIM-00647-00154776-00154919 miss that I think she was the first fh7MMv2HRIM-00648-00154920-00155147 Speaker four years ago when that event fh7MMv2HRIM-00649-00155148-00155476 took off this region truly of the world fh7MMv2HRIM-00650-00155477-00155699 has everything it needs to meet the fh7MMv2HRIM-00651-00155700-00155885 challenges of climate change fh7MMv2HRIM-00652-00155886-00156166 we have the resources the talent the fh7MMv2HRIM-00653-00156167-00156359 leadership and the communities to meet fh7MMv2HRIM-00654-00156360-00156611 this moment some of Quebec's leading fh7MMv2HRIM-00655-00156612-00156773 innovators and change makers are fh7MMv2HRIM-00656-00156774-00156983 participating in the conversations over fh7MMv2HRIM-00657-00156984-00157175 the next few days you will hear from fh7MMv2HRIM-00658-00157176-00157504 France a globally recognized leader on fh7MMv2HRIM-00659-00157505-00157721 transport electrification during today's fh7MMv2HRIM-00660-00157722-00158002 plenary session Patrick javais from Lion fh7MMv2HRIM-00661-00158003-00158195 electric will also be there fh7MMv2HRIM-00662-00158196-00158381 and we'll discuss how we can Electrify fh7MMv2HRIM-00663-00158382-00158687 our school buses delivery trucks and so fh7MMv2HRIM-00664-00158688-00158825 much more fh7MMv2HRIM-00665-00158826-00159095 for those of you and many of you for fh7MMv2HRIM-00666-00159096-00159251 many of you this room this might be the fh7MMv2HRIM-00667-00159252-00159478 case interested in transportation of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00668-00159479-00159713 more fun variety I really encourage you fh7MMv2HRIM-00669-00159714-00159887 to say hello to Isabel CIA who's in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00670-00159888-00160145 front here from Tiger Motors the maker fh7MMv2HRIM-00671-00160146-00160445 of electric snowmobiles and jet skis and fh7MMv2HRIM-00672-00160446-00160601 if you take away one thing from fh7MMv2HRIM-00673-00160602-00160775 everything that I've just said one fun fh7MMv2HRIM-00674-00160776-00161081 fact the first ever electric snowmobile fh7MMv2HRIM-00675-00161082-00161357 sold in the United States was a tiger fh7MMv2HRIM-00676-00161358-00161633 electric snowmobile and it was sold to a fh7MMv2HRIM-00677-00161634-00161945 vermonter right here fh7MMv2HRIM-00678-00161946-00162173 I do want to sincerely thank each of you fh7MMv2HRIM-00679-00162174-00162407 for the work that you do and the fh7MMv2HRIM-00680-00162408-00162563 openness that you have to work in with fh7MMv2HRIM-00681-00162564-00162683 Quebec fh7MMv2HRIM-00682-00162684-00162923 Vermont and vermonters of every stripe fh7MMv2HRIM-00683-00162924-00163139 so many of you in this room fh7MMv2HRIM-00684-00163140-00163385 are Beyond welcoming to your quebecois fh7MMv2HRIM-00685-00163386-00163564 neighbors and we are incredibly grateful fh7MMv2HRIM-00686-00163565-00163849 for that merci beaucoup fh7MMv2HRIM-00687-00163850-00164902 [Applause] fh7MMv2HRIM-00688-00164903-00165071 all right great well thank you very much fh7MMv2HRIM-00689-00165072-00165347 Michael that was that was fantastic uh fh7MMv2HRIM-00690-00165348-00165575 we're gonna move into our keynote fh7MMv2HRIM-00691-00165576-00165773 um address this morning and I'd like to fh7MMv2HRIM-00692-00165774-00165983 invite Jen Green from the Burlington fh7MMv2HRIM-00693-00165984-00166283 electric department and Alicia Barton uh fh7MMv2HRIM-00694-00166284-00166426 Jen's going to say a few words and then fh7MMv2HRIM-00695-00166427-00166583 Alicia is going to join join the fh7MMv2HRIM-00696-00166584-00166775 fireside chat portion of this morning's fh7MMv2HRIM-00697-00166776-00166975 presentation so fh7MMv2HRIM-00698-00166976-00167333 yeah I get the fun job I think I get the fh7MMv2HRIM-00699-00167334-00167489 fun job because I get to introduce the fh7MMv2HRIM-00700-00167490-00167626 keynote fh7MMv2HRIM-00701-00167627-00167890 um but first let me just say um I'm fh7MMv2HRIM-00702-00167891-00167999 really excited about this conference fh7MMv2HRIM-00703-00168000-00168137 Chad it's been such a pleasure working fh7MMv2HRIM-00704-00168138-00168364 with you and the red rev team is amazing fh7MMv2HRIM-00705-00168365-00168509 I'm I think it's going to be a great fh7MMv2HRIM-00706-00168510-00168664 couple days together I think we're all fh7MMv2HRIM-00707-00168665-00168833 feeling really energized by being in fh7MMv2HRIM-00708-00168834-00169085 this space together so fh7MMv2HRIM-00709-00169086-00169259 um as Chad mentioned I'm Jen green I'm fh7MMv2HRIM-00710-00169260-00169426 the director of sustainability I'm fh7MMv2HRIM-00711-00169427-00169564 housed at the Burlington electric fh7MMv2HRIM-00712-00169565-00169685 Department fh7MMv2HRIM-00713-00169686-00169937 where I support our team in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00714-00169938-00170140 transition away from fossil fuels in the fh7MMv2HRIM-00715-00170141-00170243 built environment and ground fh7MMv2HRIM-00716-00170244-00170464 transportation sectors fh7MMv2HRIM-00717-00170465-00170704 so before we begin I need to thank fh7MMv2HRIM-00718-00170705-00170926 greenbacker Renewable Energy company for fh7MMv2HRIM-00719-00170927-00171143 their sponsorship of the keynote event I fh7MMv2HRIM-00720-00171144-00171328 don't know if there anybody if anybody fh7MMv2HRIM-00721-00171329-00171514 is here from greenbacker but we'd love fh7MMv2HRIM-00722-00171515-00171731 to just recognize you yeah thank you so fh7MMv2HRIM-00723-00171732-00171904 much for your support fh7MMv2HRIM-00724-00171905-00172090 we know that greenbacker Renewable fh7MMv2HRIM-00725-00172091-00172354 Energy company is an infrastructure fh7MMv2HRIM-00726-00172355-00172589 company that acquires owns and operates fh7MMv2HRIM-00727-00172590-00172816 income producing renewable energy and fh7MMv2HRIM-00728-00172817-00173021 other energy related businesses fh7MMv2HRIM-00729-00173022-00173314 including solar and wind farms fh7MMv2HRIM-00730-00173315-00173507 greenbacker renewable energy also fh7MMv2HRIM-00731-00173508-00173776 provides Asset Management Services to fh7MMv2HRIM-00732-00173777-00173951 other renewable energy investment fh7MMv2HRIM-00733-00173952-00174161 vehicles through its wholly owned fh7MMv2HRIM-00734-00174162-00174323 subsidiary greenbacker Capital fh7MMv2HRIM-00735-00174324-00174485 Management so thank you again we fh7MMv2HRIM-00736-00174486-00174628 appreciate your your support and fh7MMv2HRIM-00737-00174629-00174761 sponsorship fh7MMv2HRIM-00738-00174762-00175037 so before I introduce Alicia I just want fh7MMv2HRIM-00739-00175038-00175204 to tell you about our program and what fh7MMv2HRIM-00740-00175205-00175481 we have sort of on the docket so you'll fh7MMv2HRIM-00741-00175482-00175702 see on the table White cards different fh7MMv2HRIM-00742-00175703-00175895 from the pink or the red and the green fh7MMv2HRIM-00743-00175896-00176099 that that Chad mentioned the White cards fh7MMv2HRIM-00744-00176100-00176338 are for your questions so Alicia will fh7MMv2HRIM-00745-00176339-00176590 will share her expertise insight and fh7MMv2HRIM-00746-00176591-00176740 Thoughts with us for about 20 minutes fh7MMv2HRIM-00747-00176741-00176945 with a PowerPoint we invite you to write fh7MMv2HRIM-00748-00176946-00177202 your questions down on those cards rev fh7MMv2HRIM-00749-00177203-00177364 team board members and others will pick fh7MMv2HRIM-00750-00177365-00177538 up those cards and then we'll move over fh7MMv2HRIM-00751-00177539-00177731 to the chairs where we use those to fh7MMv2HRIM-00752-00177732-00177983 facilitate our our q a so thanks in fh7MMv2HRIM-00753-00177984-00178114 advance for thinking about your fh7MMv2HRIM-00754-00178115-00178307 questions and capturing them on those fh7MMv2HRIM-00755-00178308-00178433 cards fh7MMv2HRIM-00756-00178434-00178595 now I get the real fun part of fh7MMv2HRIM-00757-00178596-00178823 introducing Alicia Barton fh7MMv2HRIM-00758-00178824-00179111 Alicia has dedicated her career to fh7MMv2HRIM-00759-00179112-00179297 fighting climate change and advancing fh7MMv2HRIM-00760-00179298-00179519 Clean Energy Solutions fh7MMv2HRIM-00761-00179520-00179776 and brings extensive energy leadership fh7MMv2HRIM-00762-00179777-00179909 experience fh7MMv2HRIM-00763-00179910-00180275 to her role as CEO of First Light power fh7MMv2HRIM-00764-00180276-00180526 Alicia has held many high-level Public fh7MMv2HRIM-00765-00180527-00180761 Service roles most recently serving as fh7MMv2HRIM-00766-00180762-00180940 the president and the CEO of the New fh7MMv2HRIM-00767-00180941-00181085 York energy research and development fh7MMv2HRIM-00768-00181086-00181390 Authority nyserda and previously as CEO fh7MMv2HRIM-00769-00181391-00181625 of the mass Clean Energy Center Mass CC fh7MMv2HRIM-00770-00181626-00181883 where she helped both New York and fh7MMv2HRIM-00771-00181884-00182125 Massachusetts advance and Implement fh7MMv2HRIM-00772-00182126-00182452 nation-leading clean energy strategies fh7MMv2HRIM-00773-00182453-00182687 Alicia served as the co-chair of the fh7MMv2HRIM-00774-00182688-00182878 energy and clean tech practice at Foley fh7MMv2HRIM-00775-00182879-00183143 Hogue LLP and is a chief operating fh7MMv2HRIM-00776-00183144-00183352 officer with global business with the fh7MMv2HRIM-00777-00183353-00183604 global business unit at Sun Edison where fh7MMv2HRIM-00778-00183605-00183809 Alicia oversaw teams building utility fh7MMv2HRIM-00779-00183810-00184097 scale wind and solar projects fh7MMv2HRIM-00780-00184098-00184301 Alicia serves on the board of directors fh7MMv2HRIM-00781-00184302-00184564 of several prominent climate-focused fh7MMv2HRIM-00782-00184565-00184759 organizations and private companies fh7MMv2HRIM-00783-00184760-00185033 including as chair of the board of Green fh7MMv2HRIM-00784-00185034-00185302 Town Labs the largest climate Tech fh7MMv2HRIM-00785-00185303-00185525 startup in North America fh7MMv2HRIM-00786-00185526-00185807 incubator startup so I know Alicia in fh7MMv2HRIM-00787-00185808-00186101 your free time you also hike fh7MMv2HRIM-00788-00186102-00186340 cross-country ski and paddle and enjoy fh7MMv2HRIM-00789-00186341-00186478 introducing your son to the outside fh7MMv2HRIM-00790-00186479-00186688 world and we know another trivia fh7MMv2HRIM-00791-00186689-00186814 question to go along with Mike's fh7MMv2HRIM-00792-00186815-00186995 regarding the fh7MMv2HRIM-00793-00186996-00187259 um Electric fh7MMv2HRIM-00794-00187260-00187414 snowmobile thing so I'm going to snow fh7MMv2HRIM-00795-00187415-00187613 blowers electric snowmobile fh7MMv2HRIM-00796-00187614-00187835 um you are an Ohio State Buccaneers fan fh7MMv2HRIM-00797-00187836-00188176 Buckeyes fan yeah Buckeyes thanks Alicia fh7MMv2HRIM-00798-00188177-00188346 we're really happy that you're here fh7MMv2HRIM-00799-00188347-00189052 [Applause] fh7MMv2HRIM-00800-00189053-00189316 well good morning everyone and uh Jen fh7MMv2HRIM-00801-00189317-00189538 thank you for that very very generous fh7MMv2HRIM-00802-00189539-00189683 introduction fh7MMv2HRIM-00803-00189684-00189857 um and it's just honestly a pleasure fh7MMv2HRIM-00804-00189858-00190001 thank you for inviting me to be here fh7MMv2HRIM-00805-00190002-00190271 congratulations to Chad and kit and fh7MMv2HRIM-00806-00190272-00190421 everyone who helped organize this fh7MMv2HRIM-00807-00190422-00190601 conference what a fantastic room it's fh7MMv2HRIM-00808-00190602-00190793 it's amazing to see so many people here fh7MMv2HRIM-00809-00190794-00191081 really dialed into such an important set fh7MMv2HRIM-00810-00191082-00191225 of conversations about how to advance fh7MMv2HRIM-00811-00191226-00191513 Vermont and how to advance the region I fh7MMv2HRIM-00812-00191514-00191621 have to say I'm already a little fh7MMv2HRIM-00813-00191622-00191885 intimidated to follow the speakers that fh7MMv2HRIM-00814-00191886-00192166 already came uh Lily speaker kroowowski fh7MMv2HRIM-00815-00192167-00192419 and and uh Michael that was fantastic fh7MMv2HRIM-00816-00192420-00192695 and inspirational frankly about the work fh7MMv2HRIM-00817-00192696-00192838 that you're doing here in Vermont and fh7MMv2HRIM-00818-00192839-00193151 hopefully part of what I can do is um fh7MMv2HRIM-00819-00193152-00193378 maybe in in complimenting the discussion fh7MMv2HRIM-00820-00193379-00193654 about the regional collaboration with uh fh7MMv2HRIM-00821-00193655-00193823 our friends and Neighbors in Quebec to fh7MMv2HRIM-00822-00193824-00194021 talk a bit about the New England and New fh7MMv2HRIM-00823-00194022-00194233 York Region as a whole and kind of put fh7MMv2HRIM-00824-00194234-00194537 the work to advance Vermont into some of fh7MMv2HRIM-00825-00194538-00194693 that context fh7MMv2HRIM-00826-00194694-00194981 um and I'm sorry I'm looking for the fh7MMv2HRIM-00827-00194982-00195461 the oh here it is okay so fh7MMv2HRIM-00828-00195462-00195754 um just give me a second hopefully there fh7MMv2HRIM-00829-00195755-00196121 we go so that's me I'm I'm Alicia and uh fh7MMv2HRIM-00830-00196122-00196313 really thrilled to be here and wanted to fh7MMv2HRIM-00831-00196314-00196552 just start maybe uh before I dive into fh7MMv2HRIM-00832-00196553-00196733 some thoughts about how we approach that fh7MMv2HRIM-00833-00196734-00196925 Regional Opera set of opportunities and fh7MMv2HRIM-00834-00196926-00197069 challenges just give you a little bit of fh7MMv2HRIM-00835-00197070-00197326 a background on our company and I know fh7MMv2HRIM-00836-00197327-00197609 it's like super far in the back so fh7MMv2HRIM-00837-00197610-00197735 um I promise there are not a lot of fh7MMv2HRIM-00838-00197736-00197902 words in this PowerPoint it's mostly fh7MMv2HRIM-00839-00197903-00198047 pictures fh7MMv2HRIM-00840-00198048-00198281 um but just to start by Framing that you fh7MMv2HRIM-00841-00198282-00198454 know for my company that I'm honored to fh7MMv2HRIM-00842-00198455-00198707 lead our mission is to accelerate the fh7MMv2HRIM-00843-00198708-00198911 decarbonization of the electric grid and fh7MMv2HRIM-00844-00198912-00199109 to create a grid that's uh clean fh7MMv2HRIM-00845-00199110-00199397 affordable reliable and Equitable so we fh7MMv2HRIM-00846-00199398-00199547 are very much aligned with the fh7MMv2HRIM-00847-00199548-00199823 perspective of states in the region on fh7MMv2HRIM-00848-00199824-00200081 doing that work we are also I think fh7MMv2HRIM-00849-00200082-00200345 aligned with uh rev and the advocacy fh7MMv2HRIM-00850-00200346-00200495 that you've been doing to advance fh7MMv2HRIM-00851-00200496-00200764 Vermont to 100 percent uh Renewable fh7MMv2HRIM-00852-00200765-00201088 Energy System including with significant fh7MMv2HRIM-00853-00201089-00201371 participation by in-state resources fh7MMv2HRIM-00854-00201372-00201604 which I want to strongly applaud as a fh7MMv2HRIM-00855-00201605-00201769 focus fh7MMv2HRIM-00856-00201770-00202066 and you know all saying all of this is fh7MMv2HRIM-00857-00202067-00202271 quite easy but all of you are the fh7MMv2HRIM-00858-00202272-00202421 audience that are here today are doing fh7MMv2HRIM-00859-00202422-00202595 the work and know that it it can be fh7MMv2HRIM-00860-00202596-00202799 quite hard to actually take the concrete fh7MMv2HRIM-00861-00202800-00203057 steps forward that get us to these fh7MMv2HRIM-00862-00203058-00203249 really important goals fh7MMv2HRIM-00863-00203250-00203447 um just a snapshot of our portfolio and fh7MMv2HRIM-00864-00203448-00203645 the perspective that we bring we are fh7MMv2HRIM-00865-00203646-00203873 actually the largest operator today of fh7MMv2HRIM-00866-00203874-00204100 renewable energy and storage assets in fh7MMv2HRIM-00867-00204101-00204311 New England so our portfolio is 1400 fh7MMv2HRIM-00868-00204312-00204611 megawatts of solar batteries hydro and fh7MMv2HRIM-00869-00204612-00204869 pumped Hydro we don't have any assets in fh7MMv2HRIM-00870-00204869-00205025 Vermont and I'm not even sure if you can fh7MMv2HRIM-00871-00205026-00205223 see the the state lines on the slide it fh7MMv2HRIM-00872-00205223-00205342 looks a little faint from where I'm fh7MMv2HRIM-00873-00205344-00205546 standing but you know essentially we are fh7MMv2HRIM-00874-00205548-00205708 spread out all over Massachusetts fh7MMv2HRIM-00875-00205709-00205894 Connecticut and have assets in fh7MMv2HRIM-00876-00205896-00206146 Pennsylvania we would love to be part of fh7MMv2HRIM-00877-00206148-00206369 growing local Solutions in Vermont in fh7MMv2HRIM-00878-00206369-00206698 the in the years ahead leveraging uh our fh7MMv2HRIM-00879-00206700-00206951 footprint which is already quite large fh7MMv2HRIM-00880-00206952-00207208 today and hopefully strikes you as as fh7MMv2HRIM-00881-00207209-00207371 interesting in the fact that we do have fh7MMv2HRIM-00882-00207371-00207569 quite a number of different Technologies fh7MMv2HRIM-00883-00207569-00207808 in our portfolio again a large a large fh7MMv2HRIM-00884-00207809-00208084 base of installed Hydro the largest fh7MMv2HRIM-00885-00208085-00208294 pumped Hydro asset in the region fh7MMv2HRIM-00886-00208296-00208469 Northfield Mountain which is a nearly fh7MMv2HRIM-00887-00208469-00208769 1200 megawatt battery and the largest fh7MMv2HRIM-00888-00208769-00209051 energy storage asset in New England as fh7MMv2HRIM-00889-00209052-00209266 well as solar and batteries and we are fh7MMv2HRIM-00890-00209267-00209440 actively developing a significant fh7MMv2HRIM-00891-00209441-00209596 additional pipeline of solar and fh7MMv2HRIM-00892-00209598-00209741 batteries trying to bring additional fh7MMv2HRIM-00893-00209742-00210010 Clean Energy Solutions at that portfolio fh7MMv2HRIM-00894-00210011-00210282 level to the New England states fh7MMv2HRIM-00895-00210283-00210594 we also recently had an exciting fh7MMv2HRIM-00896-00210596-00210910 investment in offshore wind to add to fh7MMv2HRIM-00897-00210911-00211271 that portfolio we participated as the fh7MMv2HRIM-00898-00211271-00211558 largest owner of the project that's fh7MMv2HRIM-00899-00211559-00211853 being led by invenergy to secure a lease fh7MMv2HRIM-00900-00211854-00212021 and Advance a project in the New York fh7MMv2HRIM-00901-00212021-00212255 byte that would secure that would serve fh7MMv2HRIM-00902-00212256-00212537 New York excuse me and New Jersey and fh7MMv2HRIM-00903-00212538-00212687 and I think hopefully you know all of fh7MMv2HRIM-00904-00212688-00212837 this provides just a little bit of fh7MMv2HRIM-00905-00212838-00213137 context around the fact that there are a fh7MMv2HRIM-00906-00213138-00213275 lot of things that we are going to have fh7MMv2HRIM-00907-00213276-00213460 to do to put together together the fh7MMv2HRIM-00908-00213461-00213677 pieces that allow us to actually get to fh7MMv2HRIM-00909-00213678-00213881 that fully decarbonized Grid it's not fh7MMv2HRIM-00910-00213882-00214042 going to be one solution there isn't a fh7MMv2HRIM-00911-00214044-00214403 silver bullet and you know the progress fh7MMv2HRIM-00912-00214404-00214703 at times is is hard so I think there's fh7MMv2HRIM-00913-00214704-00214889 you know to start with the good news and fh7MMv2HRIM-00914-00214890-00215087 maybe to inspire some of the things you fh7MMv2HRIM-00915-00215088-00215225 all are thinking about on your green fh7MMv2HRIM-00916-00215226-00215573 sticky notes the uh the region has made fh7MMv2HRIM-00917-00215573-00215855 made very significant steps forward so fh7MMv2HRIM-00918-00215856-00216017 there are a number of states that have fh7MMv2HRIM-00919-00216017-00216371 adopted 100 clean electricity targets fh7MMv2HRIM-00920-00216371-00216725 um uh and I I would particularly uh you fh7MMv2HRIM-00921-00216726-00216881 know with some some pride of fh7MMv2HRIM-00922-00216882-00217060 participation shout out the work that fh7MMv2HRIM-00923-00217061-00217229 has been done in recent Years in New fh7MMv2HRIM-00924-00217230-00217565 York to advance a a extremely large fh7MMv2HRIM-00925-00217566-00217889 pipeline of renewable energy projects so fh7MMv2HRIM-00926-00217890-00218075 earlier this year nyserda announced and fh7MMv2HRIM-00927-00218076-00218267 I have to admit even even having worked fh7MMv2HRIM-00928-00218267-00218446 on it myself caught me off guard that fh7MMv2HRIM-00929-00218448-00218741 they have already put under contract fh7MMv2HRIM-00930-00218742-00218963 and sorry about the noise hopefully you fh7MMv2HRIM-00931-00218964-00219323 could hear but the hopefully uh uh hear fh7MMv2HRIM-00932-00219323-00219419 that fh7MMv2HRIM-00933-00219419-00219598 um in that announcement they made clear fh7MMv2HRIM-00934-00219600-00219815 that they've already contracted 14.5 fh7MMv2HRIM-00935-00219816-00220042 gigawatts of new renewable energy so fh7MMv2HRIM-00936-00220044-00220306 that's land-based wind solar and fh7MMv2HRIM-00937-00220307-00220565 offshore wind in combination fh7MMv2HRIM-00938-00220566-00220763 it really struck me when I read that fh7MMv2HRIM-00939-00220764-00220925 because it's such a big number and I fh7MMv2HRIM-00940-00220926-00221141 pulled out my phone that day and you fh7MMv2HRIM-00941-00221142-00221351 know maybe like some of you I check you fh7MMv2HRIM-00942-00221352-00221584 know pretty frequently the iso to go app fh7MMv2HRIM-00943-00221585-00221771 on my phone and look at look at what the fh7MMv2HRIM-00944-00221771-00221939 Market's doing and what what our grid fh7MMv2HRIM-00945-00221940-00222191 mix is that day Peak load was forecast fh7MMv2HRIM-00946-00222192-00222479 at 14.5 gigawatts for all of New England fh7MMv2HRIM-00947-00222480-00222665 on that same day that night that I fh7MMv2HRIM-00948-00222666-00222827 surveyed that announcement just to put fh7MMv2HRIM-00949-00222828-00223037 it in context we kicked off that fh7MMv2HRIM-00950-00223038-00223360 Contracting in 2017 and this was this fh7MMv2HRIM-00951-00223361-00223505 was an announcement made I think May or fh7MMv2HRIM-00952-00223506-00223877 June 2022. So within five years we fh7MMv2HRIM-00953-00223878-00224075 actually were able to fh7MMv2HRIM-00954-00224076-00224332 um you know go to a truly massive supply fh7MMv2HRIM-00955-00224333-00224542 of new renewable energy resources and fh7MMv2HRIM-00956-00224544-00224746 New York's not done with that and I want fh7MMv2HRIM-00957-00224748-00224891 to be clear not all those projects are fh7MMv2HRIM-00958-00224892-00225058 built in fact the vast majority of them fh7MMv2HRIM-00959-00225059-00225269 have not been built yet so there is a fh7MMv2HRIM-00960-00225269-00225641 lot of work left to do but it I do think fh7MMv2HRIM-00961-00225642-00225815 it provides an interesting snapshot of fh7MMv2HRIM-00962-00225816-00226042 like harnessing you know a sense of fh7MMv2HRIM-00963-00226044-00226253 urgency and a sense of mission you can fh7MMv2HRIM-00964-00226254-00226487 actually take big steps forward in a fh7MMv2HRIM-00965-00226488-00226703 relatively short amount amount of time fh7MMv2HRIM-00966-00226704-00226894 on the other hand we have seen you know fh7MMv2HRIM-00967-00226896-00227110 setbacks as well we know that you know fh7MMv2HRIM-00968-00227111-00227369 individual projects including projects fh7MMv2HRIM-00969-00227369-00227542 that are very large and important to the fh7MMv2HRIM-00970-00227544-00227746 to the future of of the New England fh7MMv2HRIM-00971-00227748-00227944 region have struggled to get over the fh7MMv2HRIM-00972-00227946-00228173 finish line and fh7MMv2HRIM-00973-00228173-00228275 um you know we are going to have to fh7MMv2HRIM-00974-00228276-00228515 think hard about what that means for our fh7MMv2HRIM-00975-00228516-00228832 ability to to move forward and and Chad fh7MMv2HRIM-00976-00228833-00229048 thank you for framing up the inflation fh7MMv2HRIM-00977-00229050-00229408 reduction act it is it is such a huge uh fh7MMv2HRIM-00978-00229409-00229739 new uh new amount of wind at our backs fh7MMv2HRIM-00979-00229740-00230008 and doing this work admitting that you fh7MMv2HRIM-00980-00230009-00230284 know again we we really do have to roll fh7MMv2HRIM-00981-00230285-00230465 up our sleeves and if I have one thing fh7MMv2HRIM-00982-00230466-00230746 to kind of offer the audience today as fh7MMv2HRIM-00983-00230748-00230956 you go through this next couple days of fh7MMv2HRIM-00984-00230957-00231179 fantastic conversations and debate about fh7MMv2HRIM-00985-00231180-00231527 you know how to put Solutions forward fh7MMv2HRIM-00986-00231528-00231839 it really would be to to keep in mind fh7MMv2HRIM-00987-00231840-00232115 both that sense of urgency that's needed fh7MMv2HRIM-00988-00232116-00232282 and and that we have to harness in order fh7MMv2HRIM-00989-00232283-00232534 to make progress but also to think think fh7MMv2HRIM-00990-00232535-00232696 to the Future fh7MMv2HRIM-00991-00232698-00232865 um we really have several things that fh7MMv2HRIM-00992-00232866-00233056 we've got to do at once now because of fh7MMv2HRIM-00993-00233057-00233279 the fact that we haven't made progress fh7MMv2HRIM-00994-00233280-00233548 as fast as we would have liked so you fh7MMv2HRIM-00995-00233550-00233729 know from where I sit decarbonizing the fh7MMv2HRIM-00996-00233730-00233908 electric grid is the most urgent fh7MMv2HRIM-00997-00233909-00234077 priority and of course we need to focus fh7MMv2HRIM-00998-00234078-00234160 on fh7MMv2HRIM-00999-00234161-00234421 um electrification and demand reduction fh7MMv2HRIM-01000-00234421-00234791 and decarbonizing you know uh heavy fh7MMv2HRIM-01001-00234792-00234958 industry and lots and lots of hard fh7MMv2HRIM-01002-00234959-00235169 things but a lot of that does ride on a fh7MMv2HRIM-01003-00235169-00235429 backbone of a clean affordable reliable fh7MMv2HRIM-01004-00235430-00235739 uh electric grid and so if we can you fh7MMv2HRIM-01005-00235740-00236044 know provide solutions to get to that we fh7MMv2HRIM-01006-00236046-00236284 will uh really leverage our impact fh7MMv2HRIM-01007-00236285-00236501 across the broader economy-wide fh7MMv2HRIM-01008-00236502-00236796 necessity of reducing carbon emissions fh7MMv2HRIM-01009-00236798-00237137 and unfortunately again we don't have a fh7MMv2HRIM-01010-00237138-00237389 lot of time in doing that a lot of goals fh7MMv2HRIM-01011-00237390-00237646 including I think the ones that rev is fh7MMv2HRIM-01012-00237648-00237892 advocating for really on a 2030 timeline fh7MMv2HRIM-01013-00237894-00238115 and for those of us that have been you fh7MMv2HRIM-01014-00238116-00238294 know in this in this business for a fh7MMv2HRIM-01015-00238296-00238481 while like I have looking back eight fh7MMv2HRIM-01016-00238482-00238810 years it's it really does go by fast and fh7MMv2HRIM-01017-00238811-00238996 we are we are going to have to rapidly fh7MMv2HRIM-01018-00238998-00239231 accelerate our actual on the ground pace fh7MMv2HRIM-01019-00239232-00239434 of progress and I think the challenge fh7MMv2HRIM-01020-00239435-00239656 that it would put to all of us is how do fh7MMv2HRIM-01021-00239657-00239879 we do multiple things at once because fh7MMv2HRIM-01022-00239880-00240113 we've run out of time for sequencing so fh7MMv2HRIM-01023-00240114-00240329 essentially we have to yes we have to fh7MMv2HRIM-01024-00240330-00240532 build a lot more new Renewables new fh7MMv2HRIM-01025-00240533-00240796 clean electrons and and and that is fh7MMv2HRIM-01026-00240798-00240989 imperative and we are making progress fh7MMv2HRIM-01027-00240990-00241234 there and again the IRA will provide you fh7MMv2HRIM-01028-00241235-00241463 know some some strong support but we fh7MMv2HRIM-01029-00241464-00241708 also do have to leverage existing fh7MMv2HRIM-01030-00241709-00241889 infrastructure much better than we have fh7MMv2HRIM-01031-00241890-00242087 to date and I'll talk a little bit about fh7MMv2HRIM-01032-00242088-00242392 that in just a moment as well as fh7MMv2HRIM-01033-00242394-00242782 um uh you know to um fh7MMv2HRIM-01034-00242783-00243139 uh make sure that clean electrons are fh7MMv2HRIM-01035-00243140-00243365 deployed in the smartest way possible fh7MMv2HRIM-01036-00243366-00243653 that we are are trying to not only fh7MMv2HRIM-01037-00243654-00243977 deliver electrons Anytime Anyplace but fh7MMv2HRIM-01038-00243978-00244277 to to Really Channel them to the largest fh7MMv2HRIM-01039-00244278-00244510 impact they can have on the grid and fh7MMv2HRIM-01040-00244511-00244715 this is particularly important now as fh7MMv2HRIM-01041-00244716-00244906 we've confronted as a region some very fh7MMv2HRIM-01042-00244907-00245182 hard questions about winter reliability fh7MMv2HRIM-01043-00245183-00245617 about high natural gas prices and I fh7MMv2HRIM-01044-00245617-00245860 really worry the thing that I will put fh7MMv2HRIM-01045-00245861-00246221 on behind my red sticky note is that we fh7MMv2HRIM-01046-00246221-00246442 have started down a path in this region fh7MMv2HRIM-01047-00246444-00246808 of locking in uh essentially two systems fh7MMv2HRIM-01048-00246809-00247055 one is providing renewable energy for fh7MMv2HRIM-01049-00247056-00247229 day-to-day needs and the other is fh7MMv2HRIM-01050-00247230-00247469 locking in fossil fuel infrastructure to fh7MMv2HRIM-01051-00247469-00247846 provide our reliability needs and um fh7MMv2HRIM-01052-00247848-00248171 that really is I think uh you know a fh7MMv2HRIM-01053-00248171-00248387 bridge that we need to Gap in order to fh7MMv2HRIM-01054-00248388-00248615 figure out how do we maximize our fh7MMv2HRIM-01055-00248616-00248734 investments into Clean Energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01056-00248735-00248956 Technologies in a clean energy projects fh7MMv2HRIM-01057-00248957-00249275 in a way that will actually deliver all fh7MMv2HRIM-01058-00249276-00249527 of our goals including again making the fh7MMv2HRIM-01059-00249528-00249796 the grid as reliable as possible as we fh7MMv2HRIM-01060-00249798-00249965 look to scale up electrification and fh7MMv2HRIM-01061-00249966-00250175 become more reliant on the grid in the fh7MMv2HRIM-01062-00250176-00250331 future so I'm just going to run through fh7MMv2HRIM-01063-00250332-00250546 a couple of examples about how our fh7MMv2HRIM-01064-00250548-00250708 company is trying to approach that fh7MMv2HRIM-01065-00250709-00250931 particular challenge of again getting to fh7MMv2HRIM-01066-00250932-00251201 both clean and reliable fh7MMv2HRIM-01067-00251202-00251608 so uh the first is I mentioned our our fh7MMv2HRIM-01068-00251609-00251777 investment in offshore wind and the fact fh7MMv2HRIM-01069-00251778-00251903 that we own and operate the largest fh7MMv2HRIM-01070-00251904-00252179 pumped Hydro in the region focusing on fh7MMv2HRIM-01071-00252180-00252377 large-scale combinations of renewable fh7MMv2HRIM-01072-00252378-00252598 energy and energy storage is one of the fh7MMv2HRIM-01073-00252600-00252803 things that I you know just incredibly fh7MMv2HRIM-01074-00252804-00253055 passionate about and see just vast fh7MMv2HRIM-01075-00253056-00253348 amount of untapped potential for fh7MMv2HRIM-01076-00253350-00253582 um our our pumped Hydro storage asset fh7MMv2HRIM-01077-00253583-00253810 that I mentioned is uh it's built it's fh7MMv2HRIM-01078-00253811-00253948 been operating for 50 years we fh7MMv2HRIM-01079-00253950-00254141 celebrated our 50th Anniversary earlier fh7MMv2HRIM-01080-00254142-00254341 this year very proud of that Milestone fh7MMv2HRIM-01081-00254342-00254615 but we are also significantly fh7MMv2HRIM-01082-00254616-00254921 underutilized we operated about 25 of fh7MMv2HRIM-01083-00254921-00255142 the total potential output of that fh7MMv2HRIM-01084-00255144-00255431 facility each year due to participation fh7MMv2HRIM-01085-00255432-00255653 in wholesale energy markets and and how fh7MMv2HRIM-01086-00255654-00255946 we find market opportunity through you fh7MMv2HRIM-01087-00255948-00256132 know new structures things like fh7MMv2HRIM-01088-00256133-00256271 Contracting and actually the fh7MMv2HRIM-01089-00256271-00256451 Massachusetts legislature has leaned fh7MMv2HRIM-01090-00256452-00256625 into this a bit in the recent climate fh7MMv2HRIM-01091-00256626-00256710 bill fh7MMv2HRIM-01092-00256711-00256984 we can find combinations that will allow fh7MMv2HRIM-01093-00256985-00257296 us to leverage better uh our investments fh7MMv2HRIM-01094-00257298-00257482 in offshore wind one of the things that fh7MMv2HRIM-01095-00257483-00257771 I am extremely worried about is seeing fh7MMv2HRIM-01096-00257771-00257969 you know the the first several thousand fh7MMv2HRIM-01097-00257969-00258137 megawatts of offshore wind that will be fh7MMv2HRIM-01098-00258138-00258292 coming into New England in the next few fh7MMv2HRIM-01099-00258294-00258484 years and it is almost here the first fh7MMv2HRIM-01100-00258485-00258682 project is under construction which is fh7MMv2HRIM-01101-00258683-00258823 really good news fh7MMv2HRIM-01102-00258823-00259073 but those contracts are actually fh7MMv2HRIM-01103-00259073-00259289 structured so that if there is too much fh7MMv2HRIM-01104-00259290-00259541 Shore wind meaning if the region moves fh7MMv2HRIM-01105-00259542-00259708 into negative pricing that those fh7MMv2HRIM-01106-00259709-00259906 projects need to curtail so they will be fh7MMv2HRIM-01107-00259907-00260123 turned off at that point and essentially fh7MMv2HRIM-01108-00260123-00260380 wasting offshore wind that could in fact fh7MMv2HRIM-01109-00260381-00260621 be stored by lots of forms of energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01110-00260621-00260837 storage and delivered back to the Grid fh7MMv2HRIM-01111-00260838-00261113 at another time when it's needed and we fh7MMv2HRIM-01112-00261114-00261256 are already seeing I don't know how many fh7MMv2HRIM-01113-00261257-00261473 people pay attention to this but with fh7MMv2HRIM-01114-00261473-00261641 the amount of distributed solar that we fh7MMv2HRIM-01115-00261642-00261851 have in the region today we see a lot of fh7MMv2HRIM-01116-00261852-00262048 negative pricing driven by solar fh7MMv2HRIM-01117-00262050-00262247 penetration which again is like a really fh7MMv2HRIM-01118-00262248-00262408 interesting thing and it's just showing fh7MMv2HRIM-01119-00262409-00262673 up in the last couple of years but you fh7MMv2HRIM-01120-00262674-00262834 know for storage operators like fh7MMv2HRIM-01121-00262835-00263134 ourselves that's a great opportunity to fh7MMv2HRIM-01122-00263135-00263332 respond to that to that signal that fh7MMv2HRIM-01123-00263333-00263503 there's too much solar fh7MMv2HRIM-01124-00263504-00263758 store that energy and then put it back fh7MMv2HRIM-01125-00263759-00263921 on the grid after the sun's going down fh7MMv2HRIM-01126-00263922-00264179 when we hit that evening Peak and solar fh7MMv2HRIM-01127-00264180-00264341 is coming off at the same time we do fh7MMv2HRIM-01128-00264342-00264551 actually have that that duck curve thing fh7MMv2HRIM-01129-00264552-00264737 that they talk about in California going fh7MMv2HRIM-01130-00264738-00264982 on in New England already today and it's fh7MMv2HRIM-01131-00264983-00265258 going to get so much more exacerbated as fh7MMv2HRIM-01132-00265259-00265571 we look to the future of more solar and fh7MMv2HRIM-01133-00265572-00265793 more offshore wind so finding finding fh7MMv2HRIM-01134-00265794-00265984 public policy interventions that will fh7MMv2HRIM-01135-00265985-00266225 allow us to harness fh7MMv2HRIM-01136-00266226-00266453 um uh the best attributes of renewable fh7MMv2HRIM-01137-00266454-00266663 energy and to say offshore wind can be a fh7MMv2HRIM-01138-00266664-00266939 backbone of our Energy System and not fh7MMv2HRIM-01139-00266940-00267353 let you know some some of the early fh7MMv2HRIM-01140-00267354-00267551 policy choices we've made stand in the fh7MMv2HRIM-01141-00267552-00267725 way of that we've got to get more mature fh7MMv2HRIM-01142-00267726-00267893 as an industry we've got to get more fh7MMv2HRIM-01143-00267894-00268163 mature as solution providers and people fh7MMv2HRIM-01144-00268164-00268403 that deliver these Solutions and this is fh7MMv2HRIM-01145-00268404-00268697 one example the other one is kind of fh7MMv2HRIM-01146-00268698-00268877 along the same vein but you know really fh7MMv2HRIM-01147-00268878-00269063 thinking about you know again how do you fh7MMv2HRIM-01148-00269064-00269260 get from clean electrons anywhere fh7MMv2HRIM-01149-00269261-00269525 anytime to really something that works fh7MMv2HRIM-01150-00269526-00269734 for a customer or works for the grid and fh7MMv2HRIM-01151-00269735-00269963 I'm really I'm talking about hopefully fh7MMv2HRIM-01152-00269964-00270119 something a lot of you but hearing about fh7MMv2HRIM-01153-00270120-00270460 which is more 24 7 type approaches to fh7MMv2HRIM-01154-00270461-00270719 delivering bundled clean energy prod fh7MMv2HRIM-01155-00270720-00270880 projects and that's something we are fh7MMv2HRIM-01156-00270881-00271091 actively working on I talked about our fh7MMv2HRIM-01157-00271092-00271319 portfolio we are we are trying to to fh7MMv2HRIM-01158-00271320-00271505 provide products to customers that would fh7MMv2HRIM-01159-00271506-00271805 leverage for example a high capacity fh7MMv2HRIM-01160-00271806-00272177 Factor existing Hydro with new new build fh7MMv2HRIM-01161-00272178-00272393 solar as well as an ability to shape fh7MMv2HRIM-01162-00272394-00272621 that product through battery storage to fh7MMv2HRIM-01163-00272622-00272903 actually better meet the the shape of fh7MMv2HRIM-01164-00272904-00273256 demand of for example you know a utility fh7MMv2HRIM-01165-00273257-00273451 we're very proud that we have fh7MMv2HRIM-01166-00273452-00273689 significant relationships with Municipal fh7MMv2HRIM-01167-00273690-00273910 Utilities in the region many of whom are fh7MMv2HRIM-01168-00273911-00274127 Contracting with ourselves and and fh7MMv2HRIM-01169-00274128-00274367 developers like all of you to secure fh7MMv2HRIM-01170-00274368-00274553 renewable energy to help them meet their fh7MMv2HRIM-01171-00274554-00274727 targets and deliver that power to New fh7MMv2HRIM-01172-00274728-00274919 England homes and businesses but fh7MMv2HRIM-01173-00274920-00275158 thinking about how do we get from siled fh7MMv2HRIM-01174-00275159-00275375 procurements to bundled products is fh7MMv2HRIM-01175-00275376-00275567 something that again I'm you know very fh7MMv2HRIM-01176-00275568-00275806 eager to discuss and and and find fh7MMv2HRIM-01177-00275807-00276023 partners for and challenge each of us to fh7MMv2HRIM-01178-00276024-00276382 think about as we look ahead it is again fh7MMv2HRIM-01179-00276383-00276580 really critical that we do that so that fh7MMv2HRIM-01180-00276581-00276917 we're not you know minimizing the impact fh7MMv2HRIM-01181-00276918-00277103 of the next marginal clean energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01182-00277104-00277313 resource that comes on but instead said fh7MMv2HRIM-01183-00277314-00277469 putting those pieces of the puzzle fh7MMv2HRIM-01184-00277470-00277673 together where you build from the ground fh7MMv2HRIM-01185-00277674-00277913 up something that resembles more the fh7MMv2HRIM-01186-00277914-00278171 load shape that we need and then what fh7MMv2HRIM-01187-00278172-00278399 you do at that point is really minimize fh7MMv2HRIM-01188-00278400-00278603 the amount of fossil peaking and fossil fh7MMv2HRIM-01189-00278604-00278825 generation that would be needed to to fh7MMv2HRIM-01190-00278826-00279130 provide reliability and flexibility fh7MMv2HRIM-01191-00279131-00279317 and that was really the last example I fh7MMv2HRIM-01192-00279318-00279539 wanted to provide which is a project fh7MMv2HRIM-01193-00279540-00279725 that we had oust recently that I'm super fh7MMv2HRIM-01194-00279726-00279977 proud of which is that we're retiring fh7MMv2HRIM-01195-00279978-00280253 the sole Legacy fossil asset and our fh7MMv2HRIM-01196-00280254-00280487 operating portfolio which is 17 megawatt fh7MMv2HRIM-01197-00280488-00280756 kerosene fired peaker plant in Preston fh7MMv2HRIM-01198-00280757-00280991 Connecticut which is an environmental fh7MMv2HRIM-01199-00280992-00281291 justice neighborhood and planning to fh7MMv2HRIM-01200-00281292-00281458 repower that as a battery peaking fh7MMv2HRIM-01201-00281459-00281747 project and this is a project that I fh7MMv2HRIM-01202-00281748-00281951 think can be really emblematic of the fh7MMv2HRIM-01203-00281952-00282137 transition that we need to go through in fh7MMv2HRIM-01204-00282138-00282365 New England but because we're working on fh7MMv2HRIM-01205-00282366-00282629 it on the ground we I have to have to fh7MMv2HRIM-01206-00282630-00282773 point out some of the things that are fh7MMv2HRIM-01207-00282774-00282910 really standing in the way of other fh7MMv2HRIM-01208-00282911-00283180 projects going forward along these lines fh7MMv2HRIM-01209-00283181-00283403 this project is not automatic we are fh7MMv2HRIM-01210-00283404-00283619 advancing it because we believe in this fh7MMv2HRIM-01211-00283620-00283823 transition we believe that not models fh7MMv2HRIM-01212-00283824-00284075 need to be proven but the way energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01213-00284076-00284255 markets work today there's lots of fh7MMv2HRIM-01214-00284256-00284537 incentive for that 17 megawatt kerosene fh7MMv2HRIM-01215-00284538-00284837 fired peaker which I should say rarely fh7MMv2HRIM-01216-00284838-00285113 runs provides very little grid value fh7MMv2HRIM-01217-00285114-00285334 um I was looking at the numbers and I fh7MMv2HRIM-01218-00285335-00285508 think over the last five years we've fh7MMv2HRIM-01219-00285509-00285767 averaged less than 24 hours in a year so fh7MMv2HRIM-01220-00285768-00286019 less less than a day a year of total fh7MMv2HRIM-01221-00286020-00286205 total dispatch fh7MMv2HRIM-01222-00286206-00286397 um and from from one perspective I've fh7MMv2HRIM-01223-00286398-00286510 heard people say that's a really good fh7MMv2HRIM-01224-00286511-00286684 thing our fossil peekers are not running fh7MMv2HRIM-01225-00286685-00286889 that often that means there's less fh7MMv2HRIM-01226-00286890-00287165 pollution and that is a good thing but fh7MMv2HRIM-01227-00287166-00287356 what is happening is we are still fh7MMv2HRIM-01228-00287357-00287584 devoting a significant amount of our fh7MMv2HRIM-01229-00287585-00287782 Collective Energy bill to keeping those fh7MMv2HRIM-01230-00287783-00288010 resources around even though they fh7MMv2HRIM-01231-00288011-00288155 provide fh7MMv2HRIM-01232-00288156-00288365 um you know again some amount of fh7MMv2HRIM-01233-00288366-00288587 reliability backup that we do need but fh7MMv2HRIM-01234-00288588-00288784 relatively little day-to-day energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01235-00288785-00289097 needs or practically none in fact and fh7MMv2HRIM-01236-00289098-00289301 what we're doing at the same time is is fh7MMv2HRIM-01237-00289302-00289493 something that is is bad for clean fh7MMv2HRIM-01238-00289494-00289763 energy so first of all we are tying up fh7MMv2HRIM-01239-00289764-00290008 the most valuable in uh real estate so fh7MMv2HRIM-01240-00290009-00290165 to speak on the grid in terms of fh7MMv2HRIM-01241-00290166-00290410 interconnection with these assets which fh7MMv2HRIM-01242-00290411-00290567 if there are not better retirement fh7MMv2HRIM-01243-00290568-00290837 signals in the region for us to convert fh7MMv2HRIM-01244-00290838-00291058 those resources to new types of fh7MMv2HRIM-01245-00291059-00291245 facilities including potentially hybrid fh7MMv2HRIM-01246-00291246-00291497 fossil renewable facilities and other fh7MMv2HRIM-01247-00291498-00291784 flexible type resources they will they fh7MMv2HRIM-01248-00291785-00291941 will continue to be there and drive fh7MMv2HRIM-01249-00291942-00292193 renewable energy development to weaker fh7MMv2HRIM-01250-00292194-00292349 parts of the grid places that will be fh7MMv2HRIM-01251-00292350-00292463 more expensive in terms of fh7MMv2HRIM-01252-00292464-00292775 interconnection upgrades and fail to fh7MMv2HRIM-01253-00292776-00292997 leverage this uh the established fh7MMv2HRIM-01254-00292998-00293171 interconnection infrastructure that we fh7MMv2HRIM-01255-00293172-00293387 have so that's bad for Renewables it's fh7MMv2HRIM-01256-00293388-00293579 also really bad for people particularly fh7MMv2HRIM-01257-00293580-00293758 the people that live in the communities fh7MMv2HRIM-01258-00293759-00293945 that have hosted fh7MMv2HRIM-01259-00293946-00294305 um the uh the the the the the fh7MMv2HRIM-01260-00294306-00294358 um fh7MMv2HRIM-01261-00294359-00294623 the portfolio of fossil resources that fh7MMv2HRIM-01262-00294624-00294829 we have in this region that we know fh7MMv2HRIM-01263-00294830-00295091 candidly we have to admit are poisoning fh7MMv2HRIM-01264-00295092-00295247 the people that live around them air fh7MMv2HRIM-01265-00295248-00295499 pollution is incredibly incredibly bad fh7MMv2HRIM-01266-00295500-00295889 for surrounding communities and those fh7MMv2HRIM-01267-00295890-00296225 communities have uh obviously shouldered fh7MMv2HRIM-01268-00296226-00296441 the burden of our energy needs as a fh7MMv2HRIM-01269-00296442-00296645 region and as we look forward to this fh7MMv2HRIM-01270-00296646-00296891 remarkable moment of opportunity for fh7MMv2HRIM-01271-00296892-00297077 reinvestment you know driven by the fh7MMv2HRIM-01272-00297078-00297269 inflation reduction act State policies fh7MMv2HRIM-01273-00297270-00297556 and everything else if we don't have fh7MMv2HRIM-01274-00297557-00297851 clear signals to retire those assets fh7MMv2HRIM-01275-00297852-00298030 whether it's through again the market fh7MMv2HRIM-01276-00298031-00298295 rules I just talked about or barriers in fh7MMv2HRIM-01277-00298296-00298493 the interconnection process that we're fh7MMv2HRIM-01278-00298494-00298649 trying to navigate at our site you would fh7MMv2HRIM-01279-00298650-00298865 think you know taking out a 17 megawatt fh7MMv2HRIM-01280-00298866-00298991 resource and putting another one in fh7MMv2HRIM-01281-00298992-00299195 would be simple but it's not if we don't fh7MMv2HRIM-01282-00299196-00299405 fix those things those communities that fh7MMv2HRIM-01283-00299406-00299723 have shouldered that burden will miss fh7MMv2HRIM-01284-00299724-00299951 out on the economic reinvestment that is fh7MMv2HRIM-01285-00299952-00300221 going to happen those those facilities fh7MMv2HRIM-01286-00300222-00300395 by and large again because they're not fh7MMv2HRIM-01287-00300396-00300539 running often they don't pay a lot in fh7MMv2HRIM-01288-00300540-00300719 property taxes they don't necessarily fh7MMv2HRIM-01289-00300720-00300989 have a lot of employees some larger fh7MMv2HRIM-01290-00300990-00301241 fossil plants certainly do but there are fh7MMv2HRIM-01291-00301242-00301456 thousands of megawatts across the region fh7MMv2HRIM-01292-00301457-00301630 of these smaller facilities that are fh7MMv2HRIM-01293-00301631-00301853 doing very little for their neighbors in fh7MMv2HRIM-01294-00301854-00302045 those communities except pollution on fh7MMv2HRIM-01295-00302046-00302225 the infrequent times that they do run fh7MMv2HRIM-01296-00302226-00302560 and so if we can figure out how to say fh7MMv2HRIM-01297-00302561-00302987 what if we targeted solar battery new fh7MMv2HRIM-01298-00302988-00303160 investment and the jobs that come along fh7MMv2HRIM-01299-00303161-00303358 with those opportunities to these fh7MMv2HRIM-01300-00303359-00303665 communities that would be such a huge fh7MMv2HRIM-01301-00303666-00303934 way to start to address our Equity goals fh7MMv2HRIM-01302-00303935-00304127 collectively in the context of our of fh7MMv2HRIM-01303-00304128-00304289 our climate progress fh7MMv2HRIM-01304-00304290-00304480 so these are you know just a couple of fh7MMv2HRIM-01305-00304481-00304595 examples fh7MMv2HRIM-01306-00304596-00304829 um that we're working on and fh7MMv2HRIM-01307-00304830-00305087 um I'm happy uh to to answer more fh7MMv2HRIM-01308-00305088-00305267 questions about those but really I want fh7MMv2HRIM-01309-00305268-00305434 to segue into the conversation with Jen fh7MMv2HRIM-01310-00305435-00305669 and hear a lot of perspectives these are fh7MMv2HRIM-01311-00305670-00305879 not the only solutions that will be fh7MMv2HRIM-01312-00305880-00306101 needed by any stretch but I hope they fh7MMv2HRIM-01313-00306102-00306275 provide at least a little bit of fh7MMv2HRIM-01314-00306276-00306575 inspiration of trying to figure out you fh7MMv2HRIM-01315-00306576-00306893 know how do we deliver uh you know not fh7MMv2HRIM-01316-00306894-00307145 only faster but but better tailored fh7MMv2HRIM-01317-00307146-00307330 solutions that again will make sure that fh7MMv2HRIM-01318-00307331-00307517 we do get the most out of our renewable fh7MMv2HRIM-01319-00307518-00307775 energy Investments as we confront the fh7MMv2HRIM-01320-00307776-00307960 challenges of winter reliability and fh7MMv2HRIM-01321-00307961-00308213 fossil fuel transition in the region in fh7MMv2HRIM-01322-00308214-00308375 the in the years ahead it's incredibly fh7MMv2HRIM-01323-00308376-00308554 important that we do that and we have to fh7MMv2HRIM-01324-00308555-00308782 start that thinking now we can't we just fh7MMv2HRIM-01325-00308783-00308945 can't do it on two tracks let's think fh7MMv2HRIM-01326-00308946-00309143 about building clean while we also Shore fh7MMv2HRIM-01327-00309144-00309343 up you know fh7MMv2HRIM-01328-00309344-00309623 an enhanced Reliance on fossil fuel fh7MMv2HRIM-01329-00309624-00309863 resources we've got to confront how to fh7MMv2HRIM-01330-00309864-00310030 do both at the same time fh7MMv2HRIM-01331-00310031-00310223 so thanks thanks for having me and Jen fh7MMv2HRIM-01332-00310224-00310349 I'm looking forward to hearing the fh7MMv2HRIM-01333-00310350-00310853 questions and discussion fh7MMv2HRIM-01334-00310854-00311099 Alicia the students here want to know fh7MMv2HRIM-01335-00311100-00311458 what ISO stands for thanks and and sorry fh7MMv2HRIM-01336-00311459-00311723 sorry to uh have that bad habit of fh7MMv2HRIM-01337-00311724-00311980 slipping into energy jargon so the iso fh7MMv2HRIM-01338-00311981-00312263 is the independent system operator so fh7MMv2HRIM-01339-00312264-00312437 they are essentially the non-profit fh7MMv2HRIM-01340-00312438-00312689 organization that is charged with in a fh7MMv2HRIM-01341-00312690-00312856 simplistic way keeping the lights on in fh7MMv2HRIM-01342-00312857-00313103 New England so they uh they coordinate fh7MMv2HRIM-01343-00313104-00313343 uh really the balance between supply and fh7MMv2HRIM-01344-00313344-00313553 demand on a daily basis and set Energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01345-00313554-00313721 prices fh7MMv2HRIM-01346-00313722-00313997 um so that's uh that's an important fh7MMv2HRIM-01347-00313998-00314165 player in the regional considerations fh7MMv2HRIM-01348-00314166-00314387 and essentially they set Market rules fh7MMv2HRIM-01349-00314388-00314645 that dictate the economics of lots of fh7MMv2HRIM-01350-00314646-00314797 different clean energy resources fh7MMv2HRIM-01351-00314798-00315065 importantly and this is at the heart of fh7MMv2HRIM-01352-00315066-00315310 a lot of regional debate they don't have fh7MMv2HRIM-01353-00315311-00315479 their mission really comes from federal fh7MMv2HRIM-01354-00315480-00315754 statute from the federal power act which fh7MMv2HRIM-01355-00315755-00316115 governs uh uh deregulated electricity fh7MMv2HRIM-01356-00316116-00316271 markets like the ones we have in New fh7MMv2HRIM-01357-00316272-00316493 England which does not consider fh7MMv2HRIM-01358-00316494-00316703 explicitly the impacts of carbon or any fh7MMv2HRIM-01359-00316704-00316930 environmental impacts there their their fh7MMv2HRIM-01360-00316931-00317177 mission really as they are convened is fh7MMv2HRIM-01361-00317178-00317465 to deliver reliability and low cost and fh7MMv2HRIM-01362-00317466-00317627 so this tension between how you deliver fh7MMv2HRIM-01363-00317628-00317813 reliability and low cost at the same fh7MMv2HRIM-01364-00317814-00318023 time you deliver the climate goals of fh7MMv2HRIM-01365-00318024-00318203 the states who make up that region are fh7MMv2HRIM-01366-00318204-00318443 insisting on is really fh7MMv2HRIM-01367-00318444-00318610 um it's been at the heart of a lot of fh7MMv2HRIM-01368-00318611-00318845 regional debates and and and part of fh7MMv2HRIM-01369-00318846-00319067 what makes this so so tricky yeah thank fh7MMv2HRIM-01370-00319068-00319265 you for that so here's our second fh7MMv2HRIM-01371-00319266-00319475 question can you talk about specific fh7MMv2HRIM-01372-00319476-00319679 policies that would allow offshore wind fh7MMv2HRIM-01373-00319680-00319882 to avoid curtailments and be fully fh7MMv2HRIM-01374-00319883-00320165 utilized yeah so what I what I was fh7MMv2HRIM-01375-00320166-00320410 talking about is the fact that um you fh7MMv2HRIM-01376-00320411-00320537 know the New England states have gone fh7MMv2HRIM-01377-00320538-00320729 about uh spurring the development of fh7MMv2HRIM-01378-00320730-00320975 offshore Wind Through uh procurements fh7MMv2HRIM-01379-00320976-00321101 and you've probably heard about those fh7MMv2HRIM-01380-00321102-00321334 Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island fh7MMv2HRIM-01381-00321335-00321623 in particular as well as New York that fh7MMv2HRIM-01382-00321624-00321953 uh that I referenced uh is is overseeing fh7MMv2HRIM-01383-00321954-00322091 significant fh7MMv2HRIM-01384-00322092-00322319 um uh procurements they'll go out and fh7MMv2HRIM-01385-00322320-00322660 say we want 800 megawatts we want 1600 fh7MMv2HRIM-01386-00322661-00322889 megawatts even 2 000 megawatts at a time fh7MMv2HRIM-01387-00322890-00323099 of offshore wind and companies compete fh7MMv2HRIM-01388-00323100-00323351 to provide that in New England the way fh7MMv2HRIM-01389-00323352-00323519 those procurements have been structured fh7MMv2HRIM-01390-00323520-00323699 is that what the offshore wind developer fh7MMv2HRIM-01391-00323700-00324125 offers is all of the the electricity of fh7MMv2HRIM-01392-00324126-00324353 output of their facility and the wrecks fh7MMv2HRIM-01393-00324354-00324539 the renewable energy certificates that fh7MMv2HRIM-01394-00324540-00324725 go along with that fh7MMv2HRIM-01395-00324726-00325001 um but the contracts again specify that fh7MMv2HRIM-01396-00325002-00325204 because the customers in that case the fh7MMv2HRIM-01397-00325205-00325456 utilities don't want to take the risk of fh7MMv2HRIM-01398-00325457-00325739 negative pricing that um if that happens fh7MMv2HRIM-01399-00325740-00325991 essentially if there's too much energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01400-00325992-00326201 on the system which would be maybe too fh7MMv2HRIM-01401-00326202-00326369 much offshore wind but too many too much fh7MMv2HRIM-01402-00326370-00326584 other things as well that they they need fh7MMv2HRIM-01403-00326585-00326879 to curtail that operation so it really fh7MMv2HRIM-01404-00326880-00327041 gets to changing the procurement fh7MMv2HRIM-01405-00327042-00327304 structure and the contract structure we fh7MMv2HRIM-01406-00327305-00327508 did that to a degree in New York fh7MMv2HRIM-01407-00327509-00327869 um which I you know you know I'm uh fh7MMv2HRIM-01408-00327870-00328091 happy with how that's gone so far we fh7MMv2HRIM-01409-00328092-00328297 actually moved to a very complex fh7MMv2HRIM-01410-00328298-00328510 different type of Contracting system fh7MMv2HRIM-01411-00328511-00328703 though that does leave more risk of fh7MMv2HRIM-01412-00328704-00328877 actual performance on the generator fh7MMv2HRIM-01413-00328878-00329093 which really gives those offshore wind fh7MMv2HRIM-01414-00329094-00329369 generators and incentive again not to uh fh7MMv2HRIM-01415-00329370-00329704 not to curtail or or waste offshore fh7MMv2HRIM-01416-00329705-00329867 women to pair with storage and deliver fh7MMv2HRIM-01417-00329868-00330047 at times when the energy will be most fh7MMv2HRIM-01418-00330048-00330287 valuable yeah great thank you fh7MMv2HRIM-01419-00330288-00330491 so with your experience in New York and fh7MMv2HRIM-01420-00330492-00330677 New England what are the top reasons fh7MMv2HRIM-01421-00330678-00330845 clean energy development takes so much fh7MMv2HRIM-01422-00330846-00331187 time it's uh there's a lot of answers to fh7MMv2HRIM-01423-00331188-00331445 that question and I'm sure every you fh7MMv2HRIM-01424-00331446-00331643 know many of you in this room are living fh7MMv2HRIM-01425-00331644-00331919 various versions of these things fh7MMv2HRIM-01426-00331920-00332201 um it can be you know uh public policy fh7MMv2HRIM-01427-00332202-00332410 you know moving slow and going through fh7MMv2HRIM-01428-00332411-00332734 you know regulatory processes it can be fh7MMv2HRIM-01429-00332735-00332927 procurements and customers going slow fh7MMv2HRIM-01430-00332928-00333191 things that are new you know take time fh7MMv2HRIM-01431-00333192-00333545 to understand but by far I think the the fh7MMv2HRIM-01432-00333546-00333784 the biggest headwind that is causing fh7MMv2HRIM-01433-00333785-00334187 elongated timelines is is permitting and fh7MMv2HRIM-01434-00334188-00334434 um in many cases unfortunately fh7MMv2HRIM-01435-00334435-00334691 opposition to citing renewable energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01436-00334692-00334954 projects so there's a collective sense fh7MMv2HRIM-01437-00334955-00335171 of wanting the region to move forward fh7MMv2HRIM-01438-00335172-00335567 and then a fairly widespread sense that fh7MMv2HRIM-01439-00335568-00335704 people want that to happen somewhere fh7MMv2HRIM-01440-00335705-00336047 other than right where they live and so fh7MMv2HRIM-01441-00336048-00336221 you know we've just seen this time and fh7MMv2HRIM-01442-00336222-00336377 time again fh7MMv2HRIM-01443-00336378-00336563 um you know going back to the early days fh7MMv2HRIM-01444-00336564-00336856 of offshore wind and opposition from uh fh7MMv2HRIM-01445-00336857-00337084 you know neighbors and butters including fh7MMv2HRIM-01446-00337085-00337301 you know very powerful ones on on Cape fh7MMv2HRIM-01447-00337302-00337415 Cod fh7MMv2HRIM-01448-00337416-00337703 um to you know uh a very obviously fh7MMv2HRIM-01449-00337704-00337973 contentious project in the region the uh fh7MMv2HRIM-01450-00337974-00338332 the um any CEC line that uh face the fh7MMv2HRIM-01451-00338333-00338554 spoder referendum in Maine fh7MMv2HRIM-01452-00338555-00338873 um for people not wanting to to see that fh7MMv2HRIM-01453-00338874-00339089 transmission line built uh in the way fh7MMv2HRIM-01454-00339090-00339329 that it was proposed so fh7MMv2HRIM-01455-00339330-00339532 um I don't I don't you know want to pick fh7MMv2HRIM-01456-00339533-00339760 on specific examples because it's very fh7MMv2HRIM-01457-00339761-00339965 widespread we see Solar Development fh7MMv2HRIM-01458-00339966-00340204 moratoriums and communities in a in a fh7MMv2HRIM-01459-00340205-00340354 bunch of different parts of the region fh7MMv2HRIM-01460-00340355-00340493 including in New York and in fh7MMv2HRIM-01461-00340494-00340621 Massachusetts fh7MMv2HRIM-01462-00340622-00340925 there's just you know it's not always fh7MMv2HRIM-01463-00340926-00341182 easy to to do things that are new to get fh7MMv2HRIM-01464-00341183-00341453 public acceptance and buy into fh7MMv2HRIM-01465-00341454-00341669 um you know the fact that we are going fh7MMv2HRIM-01466-00341670-00341806 to have to think differently about fh7MMv2HRIM-01467-00341807-00342029 infrastructure and how we relate to it fh7MMv2HRIM-01468-00342030-00342191 in our region fh7MMv2HRIM-01469-00342192-00342358 great we have a lot of good questions fh7MMv2HRIM-01470-00342359-00342539 and I I we're not going to get through fh7MMv2HRIM-01471-00342540-00342706 them all so maybe we could put them on fh7MMv2HRIM-01472-00342707-00342899 the table and folks can gather around fh7MMv2HRIM-01473-00342900-00343115 and you can answer what we don't get to fh7MMv2HRIM-01474-00343116-00343391 because these are some heavy questions fh7MMv2HRIM-01475-00343392-00343517 um can you speak more about the missing fh7MMv2HRIM-01476-00343518-00343660 price signals that would force fossil fh7MMv2HRIM-01477-00343661-00343895 fuel Peak or plant retirement yeah I fh7MMv2HRIM-01478-00343896-00343960 mean fh7MMv2HRIM-01479-00343961-00344201 I mean it's really gets out is that you fh7MMv2HRIM-01480-00344202-00344356 know fh7MMv2HRIM-01481-00344357-00344537 it's called a capacity fh7MMv2HRIM-01482-00344538-00344704 and it does something very important fh7MMv2HRIM-01483-00344705-00344879 which is try to ensure that there's fh7MMv2HRIM-01484-00344880-00345160 enough installed capacity of energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01485-00345161-00345371 generating resources in the region to fh7MMv2HRIM-01486-00345372-00345503 keep the lights on fh7MMv2HRIM-01487-00345504-00345730 what it doesn't do very well in my fh7MMv2HRIM-01488-00345731-00346006 opinion is differentiate between really fh7MMv2HRIM-01489-00346007-00346253 valuable resources and resources that fh7MMv2HRIM-01490-00346254-00346499 are less valuable so and and our fh7MMv2HRIM-01491-00346500-00346775 portfolio is just again I think a very fh7MMv2HRIM-01492-00346776-00346973 um specific but like particularly fh7MMv2HRIM-01493-00346974-00347230 noteworthy example where we had this 17 fh7MMv2HRIM-01494-00347231-00347465 megawatt kerosene fire peaker which will fh7MMv2HRIM-01495-00347466-00347723 be retired next year as I mentioned it fh7MMv2HRIM-01496-00347724-00347932 runs almost never fh7MMv2HRIM-01497-00347933-00348106 um and then we also happen to own the fh7MMv2HRIM-01498-00348107-00348275 largest energy storage asset in the fh7MMv2HRIM-01499-00348276-00348460 region Northfield Mountain which fh7MMv2HRIM-01500-00348461-00348754 operates uh daily and is a critical fh7MMv2HRIM-01501-00348755-00349060 reliability resource for New England fh7MMv2HRIM-01502-00349061-00349277 um so they're different sizes vastly fh7MMv2HRIM-01503-00349278-00349523 different sizes 17 megawatts and 1200 fh7MMv2HRIM-01504-00349524-00349787 megawatts but on a dollar you know per fh7MMv2HRIM-01505-00349788-00349979 megawatt basis they get paid the same fh7MMv2HRIM-01506-00349980-00350219 value for providing capacity to the fh7MMv2HRIM-01507-00350220-00350447 region and there's just there's no fh7MMv2HRIM-01508-00350448-00350639 version in which these resources are fh7MMv2HRIM-01509-00350640-00350879 providing the same value to the region fh7MMv2HRIM-01510-00350880-00351130 but that's the type of Market that we fh7MMv2HRIM-01511-00351131-00351269 have and so I think it has made it fh7MMv2HRIM-01512-00351270-00351497 rational for many fossil fuel owner fh7MMv2HRIM-01513-00351498-00351749 owners even for older assets that are fh7MMv2HRIM-01514-00351750-00352027 inefficient that may not run frequently fh7MMv2HRIM-01515-00352028-00352258 and that may not even turn on when you fh7MMv2HRIM-01516-00352259-00352510 try and start them candidly because fh7MMv2HRIM-01517-00352511-00352678 um you know they're they're not really fh7MMv2HRIM-01518-00352679-00352937 getting a lot of reinvestment fh7MMv2HRIM-01519-00352938-00353056 um you know they have they have a fh7MMv2HRIM-01520-00353057-00353213 rational economic incentive to keep fh7MMv2HRIM-01521-00353214-00353369 collecting that check in the capacity fh7MMv2HRIM-01522-00353370-00353734 market and so we've seen over the last fh7MMv2HRIM-01523-00353735-00353921 few years capacity prices have come down fh7MMv2HRIM-01524-00353922-00354113 and everyone was expecting through that fh7MMv2HRIM-01525-00354114-00354269 you know will we see a wave of fh7MMv2HRIM-01526-00354270-00354521 retirements will you know will we start fh7MMv2HRIM-01527-00354522-00354773 to see more of that transition happening fh7MMv2HRIM-01528-00354774-00354958 and what we're seeing is transition is fh7MMv2HRIM-01529-00354959-00355060 happening in the sense that we're fh7MMv2HRIM-01530-00355061-00355271 getting new resources coming in which is fh7MMv2HRIM-01531-00355272-00355528 very good but we're not seeing as much fh7MMv2HRIM-01532-00355529-00355847 as I would argue as needed leave because fh7MMv2HRIM-01533-00355848-00356075 again it's not just about fh7MMv2HRIM-01534-00356076-00356243 um you know reliability which is fh7MMv2HRIM-01535-00356244-00356393 important and that's why I think we have fh7MMv2HRIM-01536-00356394-00356543 a responsibility as clean energy fh7MMv2HRIM-01537-00356544-00356723 developers to think about what's the fh7MMv2HRIM-01538-00356724-00356921 reliability benefits of our projects how fh7MMv2HRIM-01539-00356922-00357167 do we make those benefits the most you fh7MMv2HRIM-01540-00357168-00357413 know useful towards solving reliability fh7MMv2HRIM-01541-00357414-00357749 as possible so that we don't say but we fh7MMv2HRIM-01542-00357750-00357893 are really worried about keeping the fh7MMv2HRIM-01543-00357894-00358145 lights on this winter about shortages of fh7MMv2HRIM-01544-00358146-00358378 of natural gas so let's make sure that fh7MMv2HRIM-01545-00358379-00358613 we keep every last megawatt of install fh7MMv2HRIM-01546-00358614-00358817 capacity that we have today in place fh7MMv2HRIM-01547-00358818-00359027 because again we'll we'll just force fh7MMv2HRIM-01548-00359028-00359230 clean energy to the to the margins we'll fh7MMv2HRIM-01549-00359231-00359453 drive up costs and we won't we won't fh7MMv2HRIM-01550-00359454-00359669 really get to the heart of of solving fh7MMv2HRIM-01551-00359670-00359843 some of the equity issues that we that fh7MMv2HRIM-01552-00359844-00360047 we really need to wrestle with fh7MMv2HRIM-01553-00360048-00360227 thank you so much it was really a fh7MMv2HRIM-01554-00360228-00360419 pleasure to have you with us and thanks fh7MMv2HRIM-01555-00360420-00360610 thanks for that again we'll put these on fh7MMv2HRIM-01556-00360611-00360797 the table fh7MMv2HRIM-01557-00360798-00361052 um yeah fhtb-0jIWh4-00001-00008308-00010759 [Music] fhtb-0jIWh4-00002-00010760-00010968 you fi7zYnZJPn0-00000-00000058-00000299 Argentine cuisine is described as a fi7zYnZJPn0-00001-00000300-00000484 cultural blending of Mediterranean fi7zYnZJPn0-00002-00000485-00000688 influences such as those created by fi7zYnZJPn0-00003-00000689-00000928 Italian and Spanish populations within fi7zYnZJPn0-00004-00000930-00001148 very small inflows mainly in border fi7zYnZJPn0-00005-00001149-00001375 areas indigenous within the wide scope fi7zYnZJPn0-00006-00001376-00001547 of agricultural products that are fi7zYnZJPn0-00007-00001548-00001834 abundant in the country Argentine annual fi7zYnZJPn0-00008-00001835-00002072 consumption of beef has averaged 100 fi7zYnZJPn0-00009-00002073-00002339 kilograms 220 pounds per capita fi7zYnZJPn0-00010-00002340-00002750 approaching 180 kilograms 396 pounds per fi7zYnZJPn0-00011-00002751-00002905 capita during the 19th century fi7zYnZJPn0-00012-00002906-00003377 consumption average 67.7 kilograms 149 fi7zYnZJPn0-00013-00003378-00003734 pounds in 2007 beyond asado the fi7zYnZJPn0-00014-00003735-00003961 Argentine barbecue no other dish more fi7zYnZJPn0-00015-00003962-00004188 genuinely matches the national identity fi7zYnZJPn0-00016-00004189-00004484 nevertheless the country's vast area and fi7zYnZJPn0-00017-00004485-00004685 its cultural diversity have led to a fi7zYnZJPn0-00018-00004686-00004963 local cuisine of various dishes the fi7zYnZJPn0-00019-00004964-00005159 great immigrated waves consequently fi7zYnZJPn0-00020-00005160-00005345 imprinted a large influence in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00021-00005346-00005447 Argentine cuisine fi7zYnZJPn0-00022-00005448-00005647 after all Argentina was the second fi7zYnZJPn0-00023-00005648-00005786 country in the world with the most fi7zYnZJPn0-00024-00005787-00006074 immigrants with 6.6 million only second fi7zYnZJPn0-00025-00006075-00006317 to the United States with 27 million and fi7zYnZJPn0-00026-00006318-00006496 ahead of other emigrate or receptor fi7zYnZJPn0-00027-00006497-00006685 countries such as Canada Brazil fi7zYnZJPn0-00028-00006686-00006959 Australia etc Argentine people have a fi7zYnZJPn0-00029-00006959-00007146 reputation for their love of eating fi7zYnZJPn0-00030-00007147-00007400 social gatherings are commonly centered fi7zYnZJPn0-00031-00007401-00007634 on sharing a meal invitations to have fi7zYnZJPn0-00032-00007634-00007820 dinner at home as generally viewed as a fi7zYnZJPn0-00033-00007820-00007996 symbol of friendship warmth and fi7zYnZJPn0-00034-00007997-00008282 integration Sunday family lunch is fi7zYnZJPn0-00035-00008283-00008480 considered the most significant meal of fi7zYnZJPn0-00036-00008481-00008663 the week whose highlights often include fi7zYnZJPn0-00037-00008664-00008876 asado or pasta another feature of fi7zYnZJPn0-00038-00008877-00009095 Argentine cuisine as the preparation of fi7zYnZJPn0-00039-00009096-00009287 homemade foods such as french fries fi7zYnZJPn0-00040-00009288-00009503 patties and pasta to celebrate a special fi7zYnZJPn0-00041-00009504-00009724 occasion to meet friends or to honor fi7zYnZJPn0-00042-00009725-00009977 someone the tradition of locally fi7zYnZJPn0-00043-00009978-00010160 preparing food is passed down from fi7zYnZJPn0-00044-00010161-00010376 generation to generation and homemade fi7zYnZJPn0-00045-00010377-00010567 food is also seen as a way to show fi7zYnZJPn0-00046-00010568-00010784 affection Argentine restaurants include fi7zYnZJPn0-00047-00010785-00011024 a great variety of cuisines prices and fi7zYnZJPn0-00048-00011025-00011299 flavors large cities tend to host fi7zYnZJPn0-00049-00011300-00011495 everything from high-end international fi7zYnZJPn0-00050-00011496-00011717 cuisine to Bodega neighs inexpensive fi7zYnZJPn0-00051-00011718-00011933 traditional hidden taverns less stylish fi7zYnZJPn0-00052-00011934-00012119 restaurants and bars and canteens fi7zYnZJPn0-00053-00012120-00012317 offering a range of dishes at affordable fi7zYnZJPn0-00054-00012318-00012523 prices fi7zYnZJPn0-00055-00012524-00012874 you fi7zYnZJPn0-00056-00012875-00013385 topic history fi7zYnZJPn0-00057-00013386-00013583 Native Americans lived in Argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00058-00013584-00013822 thousands of years before the European fi7zYnZJPn0-00059-00013824-00014105 explorers arrived members of an Indian fi7zYnZJPn0-00060-00014106-00014261 tribe in the southern part of Argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00061-00014262-00014555 were farmers who grew squash melons and fi7zYnZJPn0-00062-00014556-00014876 sweet potatoes Spanish settlers came to fi7zYnZJPn0-00063-00014877-00015391 Argentina in 1536 between 1853 and 1955 fi7zYnZJPn0-00064-00015393-00015659 6.6 million immigrants came to live in fi7zYnZJPn0-00065-00015660-00015869 Argentina from diverse sources such as fi7zYnZJPn0-00066-00015869-00016141 europa book fee ofb geoff d qu the near fi7zYnZJPn0-00067-00016143-00016300 and Middle East Russia and Japan fi7zYnZJPn0-00068-00016301-00016493 contributing to the development of fi7zYnZJPn0-00069-00016494-00016703 Argentine cuisine and making Argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00070-00016704-00016895 the second country with most immigrants fi7zYnZJPn0-00071-00016896-00017186 only second to the United States most of fi7zYnZJPn0-00072-00017187-00017363 the immigrants were from Italy in Spain fi7zYnZJPn0-00073-00017364-00017648 the italians introduced pizza as well as fi7zYnZJPn0-00074-00017649-00017864 a variety of pasta dishes including fi7zYnZJPn0-00075-00017865-00018137 spaghetti and lasagna British German fi7zYnZJPn0-00076-00018138-00018383 Jewish and other immigrants also settled fi7zYnZJPn0-00077-00018384-00018578 in Argentina all bringing their styles fi7zYnZJPn0-00078-00018579-00018752 of cooking and favourite foods with them fi7zYnZJPn0-00079-00018753-00018998 the British brought tea starting the fi7zYnZJPn0-00080-00018999-00019193 tradition of teatime all of these fi7zYnZJPn0-00081-00019194-00019355 cultures influenced the dishes of fi7zYnZJPn0-00082-00019356-00019894 Argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00083-00019895-00020447 topic typical foods fi7zYnZJPn0-00084-00020448-00020699 most regions of Argentina are known for fi7zYnZJPn0-00085-00020700-00020918 their beef oriented diet grilled meat fi7zYnZJPn0-00086-00020919-00021169 from the asado barbecue is a staple with fi7zYnZJPn0-00087-00021170-00021361 steak and beef ribs especially common fi7zYnZJPn0-00088-00021362-00021658 the term asado itself refers to long fi7zYnZJPn0-00089-00021659-00021968 strips of flank cut beef ribs popular fi7zYnZJPn0-00090-00021969-00022214 items such as chorizo pork sausage fi7zYnZJPn0-00091-00022215-00022436 morcilla blood sausage Chincha lines fi7zYnZJPn0-00092-00022437-00022694 chitterlings Malay Haws sweetbreads and fi7zYnZJPn0-00093-00022695-00022850 other parts of the animal are also fi7zYnZJPn0-00094-00022851-00023189 enjoyed in Patagonia however lamb and fi7zYnZJPn0-00095-00023190-00023378 chivito goat are even more frequently fi7zYnZJPn0-00096-00023379-00023642 than beef whole lambs and goats are fi7zYnZJPn0-00097-00023643-00023828 traditionally cooked over an open fire fi7zYnZJPn0-00098-00023829-00024038 in a technique known as asado Allah fi7zYnZJPn0-00099-00024039-00024116 Shaka fi7zYnZJPn0-00100-00024117-00024403 the most common condiment for asado is fi7zYnZJPn0-00101-00024404-00024650 chimichurri a sauce of herbs garlic and fi7zYnZJPn0-00102-00024651-00024703 vinegar fi7zYnZJPn0-00103-00024704-00025003 unlike other preparations Argentines do fi7zYnZJPn0-00104-00025004-00025172 not include chili in their version of fi7zYnZJPn0-00105-00025173-00025463 chimichurri breaded and fried meats fi7zYnZJPn0-00106-00025464-00025753 mullah nieces are used as snacks in fi7zYnZJPn0-00107-00025754-00025952 sandwiches or eaten warm with mashed fi7zYnZJPn0-00108-00025952-00026402 potatoes puree empanadas small pastries fi7zYnZJPn0-00109-00026402-00026654 of meat cheese sweet corn and a hundred fi7zYnZJPn0-00110-00026655-00026861 other fillings are a common sight at fi7zYnZJPn0-00111-00026862-00027089 parties and picnics or as starters to a fi7zYnZJPn0-00112-00027089-00027461 meal a variation de empanada galaga fi7zYnZJPn0-00113-00027462-00027731 Galician empanada is a big round meat fi7zYnZJPn0-00114-00027732-00027914 pie made most commonly with tuna and fi7zYnZJPn0-00115-00027914-00027977 mackerel fi7zYnZJPn0-00116-00027977-00028349 Cabala in Spanish vegetables and salads fi7zYnZJPn0-00117-00028350-00028577 are also eaten by Argentines tomatoes fi7zYnZJPn0-00118-00028577-00028862 onions lettuce eggplants squashes and fi7zYnZJPn0-00119-00028863-00029221 zucchini are common side dishes Italian fi7zYnZJPn0-00120-00029222-00029450 staples such as pizza and pasta are fi7zYnZJPn0-00121-00029451-00029764 eaten as commonly as beef videos noodles fi7zYnZJPn0-00122-00029766-00029975 tolerence fettuccine and tagliatelle fi7zYnZJPn0-00123-00029976-00030287 yogi yogi raviolis and camel ones fi7zYnZJPn0-00124-00030288-00030506 cannelloni can be bought freshly made in fi7zYnZJPn0-00125-00030507-00030751 many establishments in the larger cities fi7zYnZJPn0-00126-00030752-00031007 Italian style ice cream has served in fi7zYnZJPn0-00127-00031008-00031183 large parlors and even drive-through fi7zYnZJPn0-00128-00031184-00031526 businesses into boot the Welsh community fi7zYnZJPn0-00129-00031527-00031712 is known for its tea houses offering fi7zYnZJPn0-00130-00031713-00031925 scones and Tortuga lessa which is rather fi7zYnZJPn0-00131-00031926-00032252 like torta negra sandwiches D'Amigo our fi7zYnZJPn0-00132-00032252-00032444 delicate sandwich is made with crustless fi7zYnZJPn0-00133-00032445-00032665 buttered white bread very thinly sliced fi7zYnZJPn0-00134-00032666-00032855 cured meat cheese and lettuce fi7zYnZJPn0-00135-00032856-00033056 they are often purchased from fi7zYnZJPn0-00136-00033057-00033236 entrepreneurial home cooks and maybe fi7zYnZJPn0-00137-00033237-00033530 even for a light evening meal a sweet fi7zYnZJPn0-00138-00033531-00033727 paste dulce de leche is another fi7zYnZJPn0-00139-00033728-00033827 treasured national fi7zYnZJPn0-00140-00033828-00034034 food used to fill cakes and pancakes fi7zYnZJPn0-00141-00034035-00034244 spread over toasted bread for breakfast fi7zYnZJPn0-00142-00034245-00034541 or served with ice cream alfajores are fi7zYnZJPn0-00143-00034542-00034718 short bread cookies sandwiched together fi7zYnZJPn0-00144-00034719-00034952 with chocolate and dulce de leche or a fi7zYnZJPn0-00145-00034953-00035285 fruit paste the policemen's or fi7zYnZJPn0-00146-00035286-00035642 truckdrivers sweetest cheese with quince fi7zYnZJPn0-00147-00035643-00035924 paste or dulce de membrillo dulce de fi7zYnZJPn0-00148-00035925-00036176 batata is made of sweet potato yam this fi7zYnZJPn0-00149-00036177-00036406 with cheese as the martín Fierro sweet fi7zYnZJPn0-00150-00036407-00036710 apples pears peaches kiwi fruits fi7zYnZJPn0-00151-00036711-00037060 avocados and plums are major exports a fi7zYnZJPn0-00152-00037061-00037301 traditional drink of Argentina as an fi7zYnZJPn0-00153-00037302-00037511 infusion called mate in Spanish mate fi7zYnZJPn0-00154-00037512-00037724 with the accent on the first syllable ma fi7zYnZJPn0-00155-00037725-00038039 teh the name comes from the hollow gourd fi7zYnZJPn0-00156-00038040-00038297 from which it is traditionally drunk the fi7zYnZJPn0-00157-00038298-00038525 mate gourd or other small cup as filled fi7zYnZJPn0-00158-00038526-00038774 about 3/4 full with yerba mate a the fi7zYnZJPn0-00159-00038775-00038935 dried leaves and twigs of the Isle fi7zYnZJPn0-00160-00038936-00039224 experiences the drink which is rather fi7zYnZJPn0-00161-00039225-00039428 bitter is sipped through a metal or cane fi7zYnZJPn0-00162-00039429-00039689 straw called a bombilla mate can be fi7zYnZJPn0-00163-00039690-00039875 sweetened with sugar or flavoured with fi7zYnZJPn0-00164-00039876-00040184 aromatic herbs or dried orange peel hot fi7zYnZJPn0-00165-00040185-00040394 but not boiling water as poured into the fi7zYnZJPn0-00166-00040395-00040583 gourd drunk then the mate is refilled fi7zYnZJPn0-00167-00040584-00040846 the mate is nearly full of leaves fi7zYnZJPn0-00168-00040847-00041045 so each refill only makes a small drink fi7zYnZJPn0-00169-00041046-00041252 but many refills are possible before the fi7zYnZJPn0-00170-00041253-00041549 yerba is spent in small gatherings it is fi7zYnZJPn0-00171-00041550-00041726 traditional for one mate to be passed fi7zYnZJPn0-00172-00041727-00041930 from person to person filled by whoever fi7zYnZJPn0-00173-00041931-00042202 has the kettle it is customary not to fi7zYnZJPn0-00174-00042203-00042404 thank the refill er routinely a final fi7zYnZJPn0-00175-00042405-00042596 gracias thank you implies that the fi7zYnZJPn0-00176-00042597-00042845 drinker has had enough drinking mate fi7zYnZJPn0-00177-00042846-00043061 together as an important social ritual fi7zYnZJPn0-00178-00043062-00043319 mate' cocido is the same leaf which fi7zYnZJPn0-00179-00043320-00043499 rather than brewed is boiled and served fi7zYnZJPn0-00180-00043500-00043738 like tea with milk and sugar to taste fi7zYnZJPn0-00181-00043739-00044006 other typical drinks include wine fi7zYnZJPn0-00182-00044007-00044261 sometimes with soda water added tea and fi7zYnZJPn0-00183-00044262-00044546 coffee are equally important kill mez is fi7zYnZJPn0-00184-00044547-00044762 the national brand of pale lager named fi7zYnZJPn0-00185-00044763-00044990 after the town of kil mez Buenos Aires fi7zYnZJPn0-00186-00044991-00045642 where it was first produced fi7zYnZJPn0-00187-00045643-00046180 topic ingredients fi7zYnZJPn0-00188-00046181-00046433 Argentine cuisine is heavily based on fi7zYnZJPn0-00189-00046434-00046604 the growth of all kinds of cereals fi7zYnZJPn0-00190-00046605-00046877 grains oil seeds fruits and vegetables fi7zYnZJPn0-00191-00046878-00047111 since Argentina is a significantly large fi7zYnZJPn0-00192-00047112-00047417 livestock an agricultural country in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00193-00047418-00047639 Mesopotamia waters River fish such as fi7zYnZJPn0-00194-00047640-00047915 silverside sir Ruby Dorado or boga fi7zYnZJPn0-00195-00047916-00048104 clearly stand out meat products have fi7zYnZJPn0-00196-00048105-00048272 been dominant in the country since the fi7zYnZJPn0-00197-00048273-00048578 16th century the country is regarded as fi7zYnZJPn0-00198-00048579-00048821 a major beef pork and poultry producing fi7zYnZJPn0-00199-00048822-00049067 and consuming country as a matter of fi7zYnZJPn0-00200-00049068-00049331 fact certain areas such as those located fi7zYnZJPn0-00201-00049332-00049517 in the south are usually engaged in fi7zYnZJPn0-00202-00049518-00049706 activities involving sheep and lamb fi7zYnZJPn0-00203-00049707-00049907 breeding and shellfish crustaceans fi7zYnZJPn0-00204-00049908-00050204 molluscs and salmon Knights fishing the fi7zYnZJPn0-00205-00050205-00050408 vast breeding activity involving any fi7zYnZJPn0-00206-00050409-00050645 type of cattle has given rise to a very fi7zYnZJPn0-00207-00050646-00050855 developed dairy industry that includes fi7zYnZJPn0-00208-00050856-00051071 products like cow sheep and camel eyed fi7zYnZJPn0-00209-00051072-00051349 cheese dulce de leche and yogurts fi7zYnZJPn0-00210-00051350-00051599 Argentina can also be conceived as a fi7zYnZJPn0-00211-00051600-00051782 great industry engaged in the production fi7zYnZJPn0-00212-00051783-00052073 of dried fruits olives all types of oils fi7zYnZJPn0-00213-00052074-00052250 and spices when it comes to blending fi7zYnZJPn0-00214-00052251-00052508 ingredients in readapting other latitude fi7zYnZJPn0-00215-00052509-00052705 cuisines traditions the almost unlimited fi7zYnZJPn0-00216-00052707-00052958 source of raw materials above enables fi7zYnZJPn0-00217-00052959-00053108 the existence of a great product fi7zYnZJPn0-00218-00053109-00053699 versatility fi7zYnZJPn0-00219-00053700-00054278 topic regional differences fi7zYnZJPn0-00220-00054279-00054540 Argentine cuisine is heavily influenced fi7zYnZJPn0-00221-00054541-00054716 by its European roots and has regional fi7zYnZJPn0-00222-00054717-00055053 variations asado dulce de leche fi7zYnZJPn0-00223-00055054-00055269 empanadas and yerba mate a are found fi7zYnZJPn0-00224-00055270-00055536 throughout Argentina in many parts of fi7zYnZJPn0-00225-00055537-00055751 the country food is prepared differently fi7zYnZJPn0-00226-00055752-00055923 and different kinds of foods are made fi7zYnZJPn0-00227-00055924-00056132 this includes to a smaller degree food fi7zYnZJPn0-00228-00056133-00056330 from pre-columbian times as in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00229-00056332-00056865 northwest fi7zYnZJPn0-00230-00056866-00057540 topic central region and La Pampa for fi7zYnZJPn0-00231-00057541-00057729 long periods turbine areas such as fi7zYnZJPn0-00232-00057729-00057992 Buenos Aires Rosario and Cordova fi7zYnZJPn0-00233-00057994-00058158 welcomed European immigrants including fi7zYnZJPn0-00234-00058159-00058391 above all those of Italian and Spanish fi7zYnZJPn0-00235-00058392-00058686 descent nevertheless there was also a fi7zYnZJPn0-00236-00058687-00058916 migratory flow of German Swiss and fi7zYnZJPn0-00237-00058917-00059100 Middle Eastern immigrants arriving in fi7zYnZJPn0-00238-00059101-00059370 Argentina among the countless changes fi7zYnZJPn0-00239-00059371-00059529 this melting pot brought was the fi7zYnZJPn0-00240-00059529-00059804 enrichment of the culinary art dishes fi7zYnZJPn0-00241-00059805-00060069 such as pasta pizza pooch arrows stews fi7zYnZJPn0-00242-00060070-00060360 croquetas fritter s sauces Embu d fi7zYnZJPn0-00243-00060361-00060564 dough's sausages and chicken and meat fi7zYnZJPn0-00244-00060565-00060789 courses brought a wider scope of options fi7zYnZJPn0-00245-00060790-00061062 to daily menus furthermore the bread fi7zYnZJPn0-00246-00061063-00061272 making dessert pastry and dairy fi7zYnZJPn0-00247-00061273-00061425 industries have achieved considerable fi7zYnZJPn0-00248-00061426-00061691 development in this region the fi7zYnZJPn0-00249-00061692-00061884 above-mentioned dishes have developed a fi7zYnZJPn0-00250-00061885-00062133 distinctively Argentine nuance that is fi7zYnZJPn0-00251-00062134-00062388 why for example Argentine pasta includes fi7zYnZJPn0-00252-00062389-00062591 a wide variety of dishes ranging from fi7zYnZJPn0-00253-00062592-00062780 spaghetti few Souls fusilli fi7zYnZJPn0-00254-00062782-00063138 yogi yogi ravioli Cintas pasta ribbons fi7zYnZJPn0-00255-00063139-00063315 and lasagna to the Argentine made fi7zYnZJPn0-00256-00063316-00063600 sorentino's agnolotti agnolotti kennel fi7zYnZJPn0-00257-00063601-00063786 ones cannelloni and feta Sheen's fi7zYnZJPn0-00258-00063787-00064179 fettuccine Pizza made with very thin and fi7zYnZJPn0-00259-00064179-00064383 sometimes thick high rising dough's with fi7zYnZJPn0-00260-00064384-00064580 or without cheese cooked in the oven or fi7zYnZJPn0-00261-00064582-00064812 on la Piedra on a stone oven and stuffed fi7zYnZJPn0-00262-00064813-00065034 with numerous ingredients is a dish fi7zYnZJPn0-00263-00065035-00065196 which can be found in nearly every fi7zYnZJPn0-00264-00065197-00065321 corner of the country fi7zYnZJPn0-00265-00065322-00065661 Buenos Aires Rosario and Cordoba also fi7zYnZJPn0-00266-00065662-00065850 serve it with faina which is a chickpea fi7zYnZJPn0-00267-00065851-00066030 flour dough placed over the piece of fi7zYnZJPn0-00268-00066031-00066282 pizza people say that what makes the fi7zYnZJPn0-00269-00066283-00066483 Argentine pizza unique is the blending fi7zYnZJPn0-00270-00066484-00066774 of Italian and Spanish cultures at the fi7zYnZJPn0-00271-00066775-00067005 turn of the 19th century immigrants from fi7zYnZJPn0-00272-00067006-00067218 Naples in Genoa opened the first pizza fi7zYnZJPn0-00273-00067219-00067392 bars those Spanish residents fi7zYnZJPn0-00274-00067393-00067557 subsequently owned most of the pizza fi7zYnZJPn0-00275-00067558-00067872 businesses bread products are consumed fi7zYnZJPn0-00276-00067873-00068097 all around the country the deeply rooted fi7zYnZJPn0-00277-00068098-00068310 bread pastry and dessert making fi7zYnZJPn0-00278-00068311-00068472 tradition derives from blending the fi7zYnZJPn0-00279-00068473-00068772 above nationalities products bakeries fi7zYnZJPn0-00280-00068773-00068973 sell not only a wide scope of breads fi7zYnZJPn0-00281-00068974-00069321 cookies and cakes but also pastries the fi7zYnZJPn0-00282-00069322-00069513 latter resembles a sort of roll pastry fi7zYnZJPn0-00283-00069514-00069687 whose main dough ingredient is either fi7zYnZJPn0-00284-00069688-00069921 butter or fat and which may be simple or fi7zYnZJPn0-00285-00069922-00070161 stuffed with dulce de leche milk jam fi7zYnZJPn0-00286-00070162-00070232 crema fi7zYnZJPn0-00287-00070233-00070428 Hostel era or quince or apple jelly fi7zYnZJPn0-00288-00070429-00070716 among other fillings the most popular fi7zYnZJPn0-00289-00070717-00070886 type of pastry is said to be that of fi7zYnZJPn0-00290-00070887-00071153 media lunes based upon french croissants fi7zYnZJPn0-00291-00071154-00071393 furthermore sandwiches D'Amigo are fi7zYnZJPn0-00292-00071394-00071579 another type of bread products they are fi7zYnZJPn0-00293-00071580-00071738 made only with thin layers of white fi7zYnZJPn0-00294-00071739-00071946 bread generally referred to as crustless fi7zYnZJPn0-00295-00071947-00072123 bread and stuffed with food items fi7zYnZJPn0-00296-00072124-00072305 ranging from ham and cheese to other fi7zYnZJPn0-00297-00072306-00072536 more sophisticated combinations such as fi7zYnZJPn0-00298-00072537-00072810 raw ham tomatoes olives hard-boiled eggs fi7zYnZJPn0-00299-00072811-00073111 tuna lettuce red pepper and the like fi7zYnZJPn0-00300-00073112-00073371 desserts and sweets are usually stuffed fi7zYnZJPn0-00301-00073372-00073643 or covered with dulce de leche the fi7zYnZJPn0-00302-00073644-00073838 latter can be eaten alone or on top of fi7zYnZJPn0-00303-00073839-00074097 cakes alfajores pancakes crepes and fi7zYnZJPn0-00304-00074098-00074306 pastries or as a topping spread over fi7zYnZJPn0-00305-00074307-00074634 flan Chantilly cream is widely consumed fi7zYnZJPn0-00306-00074635-00074817 and used in preparing sweets and fi7zYnZJPn0-00307-00074818-00074905 desserts fi7zYnZJPn0-00308-00074906-00075159 additionally cakes sponge cakes and fi7zYnZJPn0-00309-00075160-00075473 puddings are very popular dishes Italian fi7zYnZJPn0-00310-00075474-00075686 ice creams in this region also achieved fi7zYnZJPn0-00311-00075687-00075891 a significant degree of development by fi7zYnZJPn0-00312-00075892-00076067 adding local flavors that somehow fi7zYnZJPn0-00313-00076068-00076262 preserve the local spirit involved in fi7zYnZJPn0-00314-00076263-00076532 their preparation although asado is fi7zYnZJPn0-00315-00076533-00076736 eaten all over the country its origin fi7zYnZJPn0-00316-00076737-00076982 may be traced back to the Pampas it fi7zYnZJPn0-00317-00076983-00077213 entails manifold types of meat which are fi7zYnZJPn0-00318-00077214-00077415 generally eaten as follows a cure is fi7zYnZJPn0-00319-00077416-00077669 awful or the cow's inner parts morcilla fi7zYnZJPn0-00320-00077670-00077918 blood sausage and sometimes also a pro fi7zYnZJPn0-00321-00077919-00078098 Valletta a piece of provolone cheese fi7zYnZJPn0-00322-00078099-00078266 cooked on the grill with oregano are fi7zYnZJPn0-00323-00078267-00078350 eaten first fi7zYnZJPn0-00324-00078351-00078609 then comes the Torre Pond a kind of fi7zYnZJPn0-00325-00078610-00078806 spiced sausage made with pork or lamb fi7zYnZJPn0-00326-00078807-00079025 and placed between two slices of bread fi7zYnZJPn0-00327-00079026-00079274 and lastly meat such as asado de terre fi7zYnZJPn0-00328-00079275-00079440 vacío flank steak fi7zYnZJPn0-00329-00079441-00079700 Lomo tenderloin caleda de quadrille rump fi7zYnZJPn0-00330-00079701-00079947 matambre rolled stuffed steak cut into fi7zYnZJPn0-00331-00079948-00080154 slices and served cold and tranya fi7zYnZJPn0-00332-00080155-00080369 hanger steak the list is never-ending it fi7zYnZJPn0-00333-00080370-00080628 is quite common to eat and enjoy a dish fi7zYnZJPn0-00334-00080629-00080873 known as cabrito al Assad or roast kid fi7zYnZJPn0-00335-00080874-00081522 or goat in the province of Cordoba fi7zYnZJPn0-00336-00081523-00082088 topic northwest in Kuya fi7zYnZJPn0-00337-00082089-00082337 this region is regarded as perhaps the fi7zYnZJPn0-00338-00082338-00082503 one most influenced by Native Americans fi7zYnZJPn0-00339-00082504-00082748 and it's foods are closely linked to the fi7zYnZJPn0-00340-00082749-00083010 Andean Incan tradition when preparing fi7zYnZJPn0-00341-00083011-00083253 regional dishes potatoes and corn or fi7zYnZJPn0-00342-00083254-00083460 wheat are almost always used including fi7zYnZJPn0-00343-00083461-00083726 quinoa a cereal typically used in Incan fi7zYnZJPn0-00344-00083727-00083954 cuisine peppers squashes and tomatoes fi7zYnZJPn0-00345-00083955-00084263 the most celebrated dishes are humid and fi7zYnZJPn0-00346-00084264-00084482 tamal in which the corn husk is stuffed fi7zYnZJPn0-00347-00084483-00084674 with the corn filling itself seasonings fi7zYnZJPn0-00348-00084675-00084915 are meat this region is the most fi7zYnZJPn0-00349-00084916-00085179 suitable to taste empanadas particularly fi7zYnZJPn0-00350-00085180-00085347 those stuffed with meat and offering fi7zYnZJPn0-00351-00085348-00085529 different types of tempting varieties fi7zYnZJPn0-00352-00085530-00085779 such as the meat empanada salt Ania also fi7zYnZJPn0-00353-00085780-00085991 filled with potatoes or the empanada to fi7zYnZJPn0-00354-00085992-00086184 kumano which is stuffed with matambre fi7zYnZJPn0-00355-00086185-00086385 and cut with a knife or empanadas made fi7zYnZJPn0-00356-00086386-00086666 with cheese empanadas are individual fi7zYnZJPn0-00357-00086667-00086898 sized and closed savory pastries which fi7zYnZJPn0-00358-00086899-00087072 may be fried or baked in the oven and fi7zYnZJPn0-00359-00087073-00087366 are generally eaten with the hands stews fi7zYnZJPn0-00360-00087367-00087654 such as locro carbonara poyo al disco fi7zYnZJPn0-00361-00087655-00087923 and cazuelas casseroles are also typical fi7zYnZJPn0-00362-00087924-00088118 dishes characterizing this region which fi7zYnZJPn0-00363-00088119-00088335 also include pumpkin or potato pudding fi7zYnZJPn0-00364-00088336-00088902 stuffed with meat fi7zYnZJPn0-00365-00088903-00089429 topic Mesopotamia fi7zYnZJPn0-00366-00089430-00089681 the humid and verdant area of Northeast fi7zYnZJPn0-00367-00089682-00089860 Argentina known as Mesopotamia fi7zYnZJPn0-00368-00089861-00090107 comprising the provinces of Corrientes fi7zYnZJPn0-00369-00090108-00090359 Misiones and entre ríos as another area fi7zYnZJPn0-00370-00090360-00090526 influenced by Native Americans fi7zYnZJPn0-00371-00090527-00090763 particularly by the Guarani tribe fi7zYnZJPn0-00372-00090764-00091040 abounding in rivers and Shores it offers fi7zYnZJPn0-00373-00091041-00091271 a wide diversity of fish species such as fi7zYnZJPn0-00374-00091272-00091337 Dorado fi7zYnZJPn0-00375-00091338-00091757 Baku Saru B boga and silverside widely fi7zYnZJPn0-00376-00091758-00091991 grown in this area cassava is typically fi7zYnZJPn0-00377-00091992-00092192 included in the region's dishes as are fi7zYnZJPn0-00378-00092193-00092390 other components of meals such as the fi7zYnZJPn0-00379-00092391-00092693 chiba a cassava and cheese bread however fi7zYnZJPn0-00380-00092694-00092939 in this area cassava is cooked alone - fi7zYnZJPn0-00381-00092940-00093167 boiled or fried often as a side dish for fi7zYnZJPn0-00382-00093168-00093509 asado and empanadas Shilpa Paraguay and fi7zYnZJPn0-00383-00093510-00093770 cheep iguazu also called torta de choclo fi7zYnZJPn0-00384-00093771-00093980 are also commonly eaten and are made fi7zYnZJPn0-00385-00093981-00094271 with corn chipa from cassava is often fi7zYnZJPn0-00386-00094272-00094469 eaten during breakfast with yerba mate a fi7zYnZJPn0-00387-00094470-00094709 prepared with hot water or with Cafe con fi7zYnZJPn0-00388-00094710-00095018 Leche Shilpa Paraguay and tarted a fi7zYnZJPn0-00389-00095019-00095239 choclo are eaten for lunch or dinner as fi7zYnZJPn0-00390-00095240-00095468 regards to products made with sugar fi7zYnZJPn0-00391-00095469-00095732 papaya Mammon in Argentine Spanish Jam fi7zYnZJPn0-00392-00095733-00095965 is typical of the province of corrientes fi7zYnZJPn0-00393-00095966-00096251 the principal product of this region is fi7zYnZJPn0-00394-00096252-00096467 certainly yerba maté a consumed fi7zYnZJPn0-00395-00096468-00096656 countrywide this product features a fi7zYnZJPn0-00396-00096657-00096896 peculiarity of its own in this area it fi7zYnZJPn0-00397-00096897-00097112 is not only prepared with hot water but fi7zYnZJPn0-00398-00097113-00097301 driven by the region's high temperatures fi7zYnZJPn0-00399-00097302-00097481 it is common to see it prepared with fi7zYnZJPn0-00400-00097482-00097685 cold water as well in which case the fi7zYnZJPn0-00401-00097686-00098309 beverage is known as tur RA fi7zYnZJPn0-00402-00098310-00098960 topic Patagonia foods produced in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00403-00098961-00099104 large southern region of Patagonia fi7zYnZJPn0-00404-00099105-00099356 include fish and seafood from the sea fi7zYnZJPn0-00405-00099357-00099539 and rivers and the products of the Sheep fi7zYnZJPn0-00406-00099540-00099869 widely farmed there marine species such fi7zYnZJPn0-00407-00099870-00100118 as salmon spider crabs squid and other fi7zYnZJPn0-00408-00100119-00100307 shellfish and mollusks may be caught in fi7zYnZJPn0-00409-00100308-00100403 the Atlantic Ocean fi7zYnZJPn0-00410-00100404-00100736 there are trout in the rivers the many fi7zYnZJPn0-00411-00100737-00100916 berries grown in the area include fi7zYnZJPn0-00412-00100917-00101168 cherries bill berries strawberries rosa fi7zYnZJPn0-00413-00101169-00101378 mascota and elders which are made into fi7zYnZJPn0-00414-00101379-00101699 jams the northern and central European fi7zYnZJPn0-00415-00101700-00101882 settlements in this region have built up fi7zYnZJPn0-00416-00101883-00102077 large-scale production of chocolate and fi7zYnZJPn0-00417-00102078-00102353 its byproducts Viennese and German fi7zYnZJPn0-00418-00102354-00102581 cuisine and pastries are also typically fi7zYnZJPn0-00419-00102582-00102872 associated with this region mutton and fi7zYnZJPn0-00420-00102873-00102914 lamb fi7zYnZJPn0-00421-00102915-00103121 together with wild boar and venison tend fi7zYnZJPn0-00422-00103122-00103261 to make up the region's meat based fi7zYnZJPn0-00423-00103263-00103574 dishes also typical of southern region fi7zYnZJPn0-00424-00103575-00103778 are smoked products including salmon fi7zYnZJPn0-00425-00103779-00104150 stag wild boar and pheasant Patagonia fi7zYnZJPn0-00426-00104151-00104342 has been profoundly influenced by the fi7zYnZJPn0-00427-00104343-00104501 tribes living there since long before fi7zYnZJPn0-00428-00104502-00104747 Europeans arrived in particular the fi7zYnZJPn0-00429-00104748-00105038 Mapuches in the air ok knows a typical fi7zYnZJPn0-00430-00105039-00105200 dish prepared by the latter as the fi7zYnZJPn0-00431-00105201-00105533 curanto a term meaning hot stone it's fi7zYnZJPn0-00432-00105533-00105767 preparation involves making a fire in a fi7zYnZJPn0-00433-00105768-00106036 hole about 150 centimetres deep in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00434-00106038-00106319 ground and heating stones in it a bed of fi7zYnZJPn0-00435-00106320-00106550 Malka or mckee leaves is arranged on top fi7zYnZJPn0-00436-00106551-00106754 of the stones and ingredients are added fi7zYnZJPn0-00437-00106755-00107063 in turn on top ingredients vary but may fi7zYnZJPn0-00438-00107064-00107354 include beef lamb pork chicken Argentine fi7zYnZJPn0-00439-00107355-00107630 chorizos pork sausages potatoes sweet fi7zYnZJPn0-00440-00107631-00107882 potatoes apples and hold squashes filled fi7zYnZJPn0-00441-00107883-00108173 with cheese cream and peas the food is fi7zYnZJPn0-00442-00108174-00108361 covered with leaves and damp pieces of fi7zYnZJPn0-00443-00108363-00108548 cloth to keep the heat in and covered fi7zYnZJPn0-00444-00108549-00109156 with plenty of soil fi7zYnZJPn0-00445-00109157-00109743 topic alcoholic beverages fi7zYnZJPn0-00446-00109744-00109992 though wine vino has traditionally been fi7zYnZJPn0-00447-00109993-00110223 the most popular alcoholic beverage in fi7zYnZJPn0-00448-00110224-00110415 Argentina beer cerveza fi7zYnZJPn0-00449-00110416-00110636 the Italian birra is frequently used in fi7zYnZJPn0-00450-00110638-00110868 recent decades has competed with wine in fi7zYnZJPn0-00451-00110869-00111126 popularity breweries appeared in fi7zYnZJPn0-00452-00111127-00111354 Argentina at the end of the 1860s fi7zYnZJPn0-00453-00111355-00111675 started by Alsatian colonists the first fi7zYnZJPn0-00454-00111676-00111855 were nearly all in the downtown of fi7zYnZJPn0-00455-00111856-00112080 Buenos Aires el ejido de la ciudad fi7zYnZJPn0-00456-00112081-00112361 autónoma de Buenos Aires and soon polish fi7zYnZJPn0-00457-00112363-00112575 Brewers began industrial production of fi7zYnZJPn0-00458-00112576-00112808 beer San Carlos in the province of Santa fi7zYnZJPn0-00459-00112809-00113055 Fe Rio Segundo and Cordoba in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00460-00113056-00113283 province of Cordoba kil Meza novel all fi7zYnZJPn0-00461-00113283-00113505 on the outskirts of La Plata in Buenos fi7zYnZJPn0-00462-00113506-00113745 Aires province San Miguel de tucumán in fi7zYnZJPn0-00463-00113746-00113904 the province of - cumin and on the fi7zYnZJPn0-00464-00113905-00114096 outskirts of the cities of Mendoza and fi7zYnZJPn0-00465-00114097-00114417 Salta the local consumption of beer has fi7zYnZJPn0-00466-00114418-00114567 risen dramatically in the last fi7zYnZJPn0-00467-00114568-00114654 generation fi7zYnZJPn0-00468-00114655-00114963 Argentines consumed 233 million litres fi7zYnZJPn0-00469-00114964-00115407 in 1980 and 1.57 billion in 2007 40 fi7zYnZJPn0-00470-00115408-00115704 litres per capita outpacing that of wine fi7zYnZJPn0-00471-00115705-00115974 since 2001 the growing production and fi7zYnZJPn0-00472-00115975-00116157 consumption of beer has supported the fi7zYnZJPn0-00473-00116158-00116340 existence of related events for example fi7zYnZJPn0-00474-00116341-00116607 beer festivals called Oktoberfest or fi7zYnZJPn0-00475-00116608-00116970 fiestas de la cerveza in locations that fi7zYnZJPn0-00476-00116971-00117153 have a significant German population fi7zYnZJPn0-00477-00117154-00117426 villa general belgrano in cordoba san fi7zYnZJPn0-00478-00117427-00117651 carlos and Esperanza in the province of fi7zYnZJPn0-00479-00117652-00118026 Santa Fe etc such celebrations copy in fi7zYnZJPn0-00480-00118027-00118263 an Argentine manner Munich's Oktoberfest fi7zYnZJPn0-00481-00118264-00118483 and similarly are tourist attractions fi7zYnZJPn0-00482-00118484-00118709 however the presence of a vigorous fi7zYnZJPn0-00483-00118710-00118965 population of Celtic lineage principally fi7zYnZJPn0-00484-00118966-00119151 of Irish origin has supported the fi7zYnZJPn0-00485-00119152-00119360 creation of other celebrations of beer fi7zYnZJPn0-00486-00119361-00119607 often for marketing purposes such as st. fi7zYnZJPn0-00487-00119608-00119895 Patrick's Day dia de San Patricio patron fi7zYnZJPn0-00488-00119896-00120072 of Ireland which is celebrated with fi7zYnZJPn0-00489-00120073-00120369 abundant libations the consumption of fi7zYnZJPn0-00490-00120370-00120591 alcoholic beverages in Argentina is fi7zYnZJPn0-00491-00120592-00120792 similar to that of the United States and fi7zYnZJPn0-00492-00120793-00120975 somewhat lower than the Western European fi7zYnZJPn0-00493-00120976-00121064 average fi7zYnZJPn0-00494-00121065-00121350 Argentines enjoy a variety of alcoholic fi7zYnZJPn0-00495-00121351-00121559 beverages and Argentina can boast a fi7zYnZJPn0-00496-00121560-00121767 varied array of elaboration ace whether fi7zYnZJPn0-00497-00121768-00122088 industrial or artisanal besides beer and fi7zYnZJPn0-00498-00122089-00122135 wine fi7zYnZJPn0-00499-00122136-00122364 Argentines frequently drink cider here fi7zYnZJPn0-00500-00122365-00122574 again the heritage comes from Spain and fi7zYnZJPn0-00501-00122575-00122805 Italy more precisely from Asturias in fi7zYnZJPn0-00502-00122806-00123078 Campania cider is the most popular fi7zYnZJPn0-00503-00123079-00123129 beverage fi7zYnZJPn0-00504-00123130-00123351 the middle and lower economic classes at fi7zYnZJPn0-00505-00123352-00123531 Christmas and New Year the upper class fi7zYnZJPn0-00506-00123532-00123726 is proverbially preferring to celebrate fi7zYnZJPn0-00507-00123727-00123906 with locally produced champagne fi7zYnZJPn0-00508-00123907-00124142 although real old-line Creole fi7zYnZJPn0-00509-00124143-00124389 aristocrats will still drink cider which fi7zYnZJPn0-00510-00124390-00124671 is much more traditional other widely fi7zYnZJPn0-00511-00124672-00124839 consumed spirits are aguardiente fi7zYnZJPn0-00512-00124840-00125111 firewater made from sugarcane known as fi7zYnZJPn0-00513-00125113-00125469 konyaku ma de burnt cane or simply Konya fi7zYnZJPn0-00514-00125470-00125810 cane a folkloric note about konyaku mada fi7zYnZJPn0-00515-00125811-00126072 until June 21st it is traditional to fi7zYnZJPn0-00516-00126073-00126297 drink konyaku Mata with Rue de Mato a fi7zYnZJPn0-00517-00126298-00126509 variant of common room it is supposed fi7zYnZJPn0-00518-00126510-00126696 that this mixture prevents the flu and fi7zYnZJPn0-00519-00126697-00126791 other illnesses fi7zYnZJPn0-00520-00126792-00127068 kanya competes mainly in rural areas fi7zYnZJPn0-00521-00127069-00127422 with Jen Ginebra as in the Dutch kind of fi7zYnZJPn0-00522-00127423-00127719 gin there are many artisanally produced fi7zYnZJPn0-00523-00127720-00127895 liqueurs distilled flavored alcoholic fi7zYnZJPn0-00524-00127896-00128186 beverages in Argentina for example those fi7zYnZJPn0-00525-00128188-00128415 flavored with orange egg anise coffee fi7zYnZJPn0-00526-00128416-00128786 cherry and inevitably dulce de leche the fi7zYnZJPn0-00527-00128788-00128991 Hesperides as a type of liqueur made fi7zYnZJPn0-00528-00128992-00129222 from orange peels invented in argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00529-00129223-00129519 around 1890 one may also encounter fi7zYnZJPn0-00530-00129520-00129768 chitron chiloe or in italian citroen fi7zYnZJPn0-00531-00129769-00130017 cello based on lemon this beverage fi7zYnZJPn0-00532-00130018-00130158 arrived with immigrants from the fi7zYnZJPn0-00533-00130158-00130344 Mezzogiorno and is produced both fi7zYnZJPn0-00534-00130345-00130575 artisanally and industrially for example fi7zYnZJPn0-00535-00130576-00131189 at Mar del Plata fi7zYnZJPn0-00536-00131190-00131839 topic non-alcoholic specialties fi7zYnZJPn0-00537-00131840-00132081 Argentines enjoy a wide variety of fi7zYnZJPn0-00538-00132082-00132323 non-alcoholic infusions although now and fi7zYnZJPn0-00539-00132324-00132620 then both families are mixed the erbil fi7zYnZJPn0-00540-00132621-00132851 for example is made mixed with Konya or fi7zYnZJPn0-00541-00132852-00132896 gen fi7zYnZJPn0-00542-00132897-00133148 among these made has long been the most fi7zYnZJPn0-00543-00133149-00133523 widely enjoyed in 2006 over 700,000 fi7zYnZJPn0-00544-00133524-00133757 metric tons were harvested in Argentina fi7zYnZJPn0-00545-00133758-00133976 mostly for domestic consumption the fact fi7zYnZJPn0-00546-00133977-00134132 that made is so prevalent in the fi7zYnZJPn0-00547-00134133-00134303 Southern Cone however should not fi7zYnZJPn0-00548-00134304-00134495 necessarily make visitors think that fi7zYnZJPn0-00549-00134496-00134678 other infusions are rare in the region fi7zYnZJPn0-00550-00134679-00134909 in Argentina especially given the strong fi7zYnZJPn0-00551-00134910-00135081 European cultural imprint the fi7zYnZJPn0-00552-00135082-00135290 consumption of coffee is very common fi7zYnZJPn0-00553-00135291-00135671 141 cups per capita annually chocolate fi7zYnZJPn0-00554-00135672-00135890 infusions are also popular the eating of fi7zYnZJPn0-00555-00135891-00136064 chocolate as a Spanish influence fi7zYnZJPn0-00556-00136065-00136220 although the plant originated in fi7zYnZJPn0-00557-00136221-00136481 Mesoamerica this consumption grows fi7zYnZJPn0-00558-00136482-00136682 during autumn and winter or in the cold fi7zYnZJPn0-00559-00136683-00136856 regions of the country there are two fi7zYnZJPn0-00560-00136857-00137036 dates where consumption of chocolate fi7zYnZJPn0-00561-00137037-00137244 infusions as traditional in the primary fi7zYnZJPn0-00562-00137245-00137510 educational centers the 25th of May and fi7zYnZJPn0-00563-00137511-00137702 the 9th of July that is the two national fi7zYnZJPn0-00564-00137703-00138026 dates of Argentina English cultural fi7zYnZJPn0-00565-00138027-00138219 influence reinforced at the end of the fi7zYnZJPn0-00566-00138220-00138456 19th century and beginnings of the 20th fi7zYnZJPn0-00567-00138457-00138644 by British contacts with the Far East fi7zYnZJPn0-00568-00138645-00138836 has also made the consumption of tea fi7zYnZJPn0-00569-00138837-00139157 very common medicinal herbs are common fi7zYnZJPn0-00570-00139158-00139313 in the whole country among the most fi7zYnZJPn0-00571-00139314-00139577 popular are chamomile lanceleaf boldo fi7zYnZJPn0-00572-00139578-00139859 polio pepper ena Carr Khwaja time fi7zYnZJPn0-00573-00139860-00140114 Cancellara rue macho and Hembrough that fi7zYnZJPn0-00574-00140115-00140564 US male and female mallow rosemary fi7zYnZJPn0-00575-00140565-00140840 passionflower burro burro Palin Palin fi7zYnZJPn0-00576-00140841-00141029 moon Yamuna to mention only the main fi7zYnZJPn0-00577-00141030-00141077 ones fi7zYnZJPn0-00578-00141078-00141335 many of these herbs are also used in fi7zYnZJPn0-00579-00141336-00141569 aperitif sand bitters whether alcoholic fi7zYnZJPn0-00580-00141570-00142115 or not fi7zYnZJPn0-00581-00142116-00142745 topic popular short-order dishes fi7zYnZJPn0-00582-00142746-00142985 common restore rains or restaurant a fi7zYnZJPn0-00583-00142986-00143183 Zandro to Syria's Grill restaurants fi7zYnZJPn0-00584-00143184-00143420 nearly anywhere in Argentina today serve fi7zYnZJPn0-00585-00143421-00143627 into the small hours quickly prepared fi7zYnZJPn0-00586-00143628-00143804 meals that in the course of the 20th fi7zYnZJPn0-00587-00143805-00143990 century came to be known as minutest fi7zYnZJPn0-00588-00143991-00144275 short-order dishes some of the dishes fi7zYnZJPn0-00589-00144276-00144503 included in the category of minutos are fi7zYnZJPn0-00590-00144504-00144740 mul aneesa's tarascas beef is beef fi7zYnZJPn0-00591-00144741-00144995 steaks escalopes tolerance ravioli fi7zYnZJPn0-00592-00144996-00145310 ravioli yogi yogi although some are very fi7zYnZJPn0-00593-00145311-00145568 typical of locations that sell food beef fi7zYnZJPn0-00594-00145569-00146015 is and mullah nieces are served a Cabala fi7zYnZJPn0-00595-00146016-00146384 on horseback with fried egg on top fi7zYnZJPn0-00596-00146385-00146723 milanesa completa a milanesa with two fi7zYnZJPn0-00597-00146724-00146996 fried eggs and french fries ravu alto fi7zYnZJPn0-00598-00146997-00147398 gras maja kolchin de Ave Haas an omelet fi7zYnZJPn0-00599-00147399-00147671 made with peas suprema de pollo chicken fi7zYnZJPn0-00600-00147672-00147953 supreme usually bred it as a milanesa fi7zYnZJPn0-00601-00147954-00148264 matam braised lengua a la vinaigre de fi7zYnZJPn0-00602-00148265-00148628 pickled tongue and sandwiches sandwiches fi7zYnZJPn0-00603-00148629-00148841 D'Amigo are made with sliced white bread fi7zYnZJPn0-00604-00148842-00149213 rather than say rolls the most common fi7zYnZJPn0-00605-00149214-00149387 sandwiches are those made of milanesa fi7zYnZJPn0-00606-00149388-00149675 baked ham and cheese panned Amiga toast fi7zYnZJPn0-00607-00149676-00149963 Pepe's Pancho's hot dogs Cory pan ace fi7zYnZJPn0-00608-00149964-00150257 more subpoenas etc from Montevideo comes fi7zYnZJPn0-00609-00150258-00150449 a different species of sandwich called fi7zYnZJPn0-00610-00150450-00150512 the chivito fi7zYnZJPn0-00611-00150513-00150751 even though it contains no goat meat fi7zYnZJPn0-00612-00150752-00151016 pecados which are consumed at home or in fi7zYnZJPn0-00613-00151017-00151433 bars cafes kapha teams and bodega nays fi7zYnZJPn0-00614-00151434-00151700 are also popular they consist of an fi7zYnZJPn0-00615-00151701-00151916 ensemble of plates containing cubes of fi7zYnZJPn0-00616-00151917-00152144 cheese typically from Mar del Plata or fi7zYnZJPn0-00617-00152145-00152408 to boot pieces of salami olives in brine fi7zYnZJPn0-00618-00152409-00152726 french fries manis peanuts etc the fi7zYnZJPn0-00619-00152727-00152882 Coty's are eaten accompanied by an fi7zYnZJPn0-00620-00152883-00153206 alcoholic beverage Fernet beer wine with fi7zYnZJPn0-00621-00153207-00153509 soda to give some common examples the fi7zYnZJPn0-00622-00153510-00153758 people of Argentina greatly enjoy a lot fi7zYnZJPn0-00623-00153759-00153971 o ice creams of Italian lineage or fi7zYnZJPn0-00624-00153972-00154262 sorbet Spanish lineage in Spanish fi7zYnZJPn0-00625-00154263-00154502 colonial times a type of sorbet was made fi7zYnZJPn0-00626-00154503-00155116 from hail or snow fi7zYnZJPn0-00627-00155117-00155662 topic eating habits fi7zYnZJPn0-00628-00155663-00155884 breakfast typically is small and fi7zYnZJPn0-00629-00155885-00156139 consists of coffee or mate and pastry in fi7zYnZJPn0-00630-00156140-00156412 most parts of Argentina lunch is the fi7zYnZJPn0-00631-00156413-00156682 largest meal of the day excluding the fi7zYnZJPn0-00632-00156683-00156949 largest cities such as Buenos Aires most fi7zYnZJPn0-00633-00156950-00157219 towns closed for lunchtime this is when fi7zYnZJPn0-00634-00157220-00157435 most people return home to enjoy a large fi7zYnZJPn0-00635-00157436-00157738 meal in siesta traditional lunches in fi7zYnZJPn0-00636-00157739-00157959 Argentina are long and well-developed fi7zYnZJPn0-00637-00157960-00158194 Argentinians often have a light evening fi7zYnZJPn0-00638-00158195-00158494 snack called a merienda typically a fi7zYnZJPn0-00639-00158495-00158704 coffee or mate and a pastry and it is fi7zYnZJPn0-00640-00158705-00158875 common to not eat dinner until 9:00 at fi7zYnZJPn0-00641-00158876-00159582 night or even later on weekends fi7zYnZJPn0-00642-00159583-00160115 topic see also fi7zYnZJPn0-00643-00160116-00160557 Argentine cuisine portal Italian cuisine fi7zYnZJPn0-00644-00160558-00160956 Spanish cuisine Paraguayan cuisine fi7zYnZJPn0-00645-00160957-00161296 Uruguayan cuisine fninurmh25E-00000-00001711-00002435 happy birthday fninurmh25E-00001-00002436-00002678 [Applause] fninurmh25E-00002-00002679-00002779 [Music] fninurmh25E-00003-00002780-00005373 [Applause] fninurmh25E-00005-00009429-00009983 [Music] fninurmh25E-00006-00009984-00011531 is fninurmh25E-00007-00011532-00012567 [Music] fninurmh25E-00008-00012568-00015311 knowledge fninurmh25E-00009-00015312-00016847 you know fninurmh25E-00010-00016848-00019694 yes fninurmh25E-00011-00019695-00020645 right fninurmh25E-00012-00020646-00023594 [Music] fninurmh25E-00013-00023595-00025587 [Music] fninurmh25E-00014-00025588-00026423 [Music] fninurmh25E-00015-00026424-00027658 um fninurmh25E-00016-00027658-00028945 [Music] fninurmh25E-00017-00028945-00029383 [Music] fninurmh25E-00018-00029383-00029536 is fninurmh25E-00019-00029537-00030846 [Music] fninurmh25E-00020-00030847-00032255 oh yeah fninurmh25E-00021-00032256-00032602 compositions fninurmh25E-00022-00032604-00033361 [Music] fninurmh25E-00023-00033362-00034154 [Applause] fninurmh25E-00024-00034155-00035755 [Music] fninurmh25E-00025-00035756-00036159 [Music] fninurmh25E-00026-00036160-00037727 um fninurmh25E-00027-00037728-00040630 creativity fninurmh25E-00028-00040631-00041150 stay well fninurmh25E-00029-00041151-00042279 [Music] fninurmh25E-00030-00042280-00042580 bye goOeTm4Zk34-00000-00000263-00000303 and goOeTm4Zk34-00001-00000304-00000567 i i wanted to kick off by by saying i i goOeTm4Zk34-00002-00000568-00000719 just congratulations we're almost goOeTm4Zk34-00003-00000720-00000823 through boot camp goOeTm4Zk34-00004-00000824-00001079 um and for whatever what i'm hearing and goOeTm4Zk34-00005-00001080-00001207 what i'm experiencing i'm in the goOeTm4Zk34-00006-00001208-00001319 classroom as well goOeTm4Zk34-00007-00001320-00001511 it's going really well i know how hard goOeTm4Zk34-00008-00001512-00001639 everyone is working goOeTm4Zk34-00009-00001639-00001871 students the staff the faculty and and goOeTm4Zk34-00010-00001872-00001959 i've been goOeTm4Zk34-00011-00001960-00002126 i've been really pleased this is this goOeTm4Zk34-00012-00002127-00002263 has gone surprisingly well goOeTm4Zk34-00013-00002264-00002407 and and i've seen a lot of deep learning goOeTm4Zk34-00014-00002408-00002647 and engagement so i applaud all of you goOeTm4Zk34-00015-00002648-00002679 for goOeTm4Zk34-00016-00002680-00002926 for for getting here to berkeley in goOeTm4Zk34-00017-00002927-00003071 person or virtually and goOeTm4Zk34-00018-00003072-00003238 and your hard work and making this a goOeTm4Zk34-00019-00003239-00003422 fantastic year so goOeTm4Zk34-00020-00003423-00003727 so kudos kudos to all of you and then goOeTm4Zk34-00021-00003728-00003806 moving to the goOeTm4Zk34-00022-00003807-00004079 the the the star and celebrity of of goOeTm4Zk34-00023-00004079-00004191 today's event goOeTm4Zk34-00024-00004192-00004406 uh i'm looking forward to introducing uh goOeTm4Zk34-00025-00004407-00004575 leila seca goOeTm4Zk34-00026-00004576-00004751 uh the most important thing in layla's goOeTm4Zk34-00027-00004752-00004975 biography is that she went to uc davis goOeTm4Zk34-00028-00004976-00005247 and she's an aggie like myself so uh goOeTm4Zk34-00029-00005248-00005279 it's goOeTm4Zk34-00030-00005280-00005567 it's about an hour up the road uh and goOeTm4Zk34-00031-00005568-00005695 that that's very important so goOeTm4Zk34-00032-00005696-00005886 she was born and raised in berkeley so goOeTm4Zk34-00033-00005887-00006006 there's a lot of berkeley uh goOeTm4Zk34-00034-00006007-00006206 fiber in her she spent three years in goOeTm4Zk34-00035-00006207-00006383 the peace corps in mali goOeTm4Zk34-00036-00006384-00006631 uh and then 12 years at salesforce and goOeTm4Zk34-00037-00006631-00006751 her career has been at project goOeTm4Zk34-00038-00006752-00007006 management and and engineering goOeTm4Zk34-00039-00007008-00007159 and so i don't know if everybody can goOeTm4Zk34-00040-00007159-00007295 clap i guess we won't hear the clapping goOeTm4Zk34-00041-00007295-00007319 but goOeTm4Zk34-00042-00007320-00007734 i'll clap for you layla here we go goOeTm4Zk34-00043-00007736-00008151 so um well let me kick us off here um goOeTm4Zk34-00044-00008152-00008287 some of these questions i've got names goOeTm4Zk34-00045-00008288-00008487 for uh and goOeTm4Zk34-00046-00008488-00008646 i'd like this one comes from rebecca goOeTm4Zk34-00047-00008647-00008831 sung uh did the company culture at goOeTm4Zk34-00048-00008832-00008935 salesforce goOeTm4Zk34-00049-00008936-00009151 drastically change after the three goOeTm4Zk34-00050-00009152-00009351 million dollar pledge to close the gap goOeTm4Zk34-00051-00009352-00009527 and and was it a gradual change or an goOeTm4Zk34-00052-00009528-00009663 abrupt change and do you know if it's goOeTm4Zk34-00053-00009664-00009774 still changing today goOeTm4Zk34-00054-00009775-00009951 so what impact did this this whole goOeTm4Zk34-00055-00009952-00010167 effort have on the culture goOeTm4Zk34-00056-00010168-00010431 yeah um yes the company did change the goOeTm4Zk34-00057-00010432-00010599 company changed as soon as we announced goOeTm4Zk34-00058-00010600-00010767 that we were going to look at it goOeTm4Zk34-00059-00010768-00011078 um behavior changed uh the way people goOeTm4Zk34-00060-00011079-00011142 looked at goOeTm4Zk34-00061-00011143-00011367 hiring started changing i actually think goOeTm4Zk34-00062-00011368-00011510 the way people were giving out goOeTm4Zk34-00063-00011511-00011838 raises sort of changed um and goOeTm4Zk34-00064-00011839-00012038 it changed again when we figured out goOeTm4Zk34-00065-00012039-00012199 there was a three million dollar problem goOeTm4Zk34-00066-00012200-00012335 and then again the next year there was goOeTm4Zk34-00067-00012336-00012503 another three million dollar problem and goOeTm4Zk34-00068-00012504-00012638 then the next year goOeTm4Zk34-00069-00012639-00012886 so um yeah it definitely changed the goOeTm4Zk34-00070-00012887-00013038 company because of what we did with goOeTm4Zk34-00071-00013039-00013199 equal pay goOeTm4Zk34-00072-00013200-00013430 mark benioff our boss eventually went goOeTm4Zk34-00073-00013431-00013527 out and hired goOeTm4Zk34-00074-00013528-00013791 the first chief diversity officer that goOeTm4Zk34-00075-00013791-00013927 title didn't exist goOeTm4Zk34-00076-00013928-00014119 and then salesforce hired that a guy goOeTm4Zk34-00077-00014119-00014327 named tony prophet who's still there goOeTm4Zk34-00078-00014328-00014630 um and now almost every software company goOeTm4Zk34-00079-00014631-00014807 of any size has a chief diversity goOeTm4Zk34-00080-00014808-00014863 officer goOeTm4Zk34-00081-00014863-00015038 so yeah not only did we change goOeTm4Zk34-00082-00015040-00015207 salesforce we sort of changed the way goOeTm4Zk34-00083-00015208-00015486 tech thought about how they approached goOeTm4Zk34-00084-00015487-00015775 issues around diversity whether that be goOeTm4Zk34-00085-00015776-00015975 women or people of color or anything goOeTm4Zk34-00086-00015976-00016119 like that goOeTm4Zk34-00087-00016119-00016358 excellent and so that's i think some goOeTm4Zk34-00088-00016359-00016535 very positive things that that your goOeTm4Zk34-00089-00016536-00016583 effort goOeTm4Zk34-00090-00016584-00016911 resulted in uh sahil patel asks did goOeTm4Zk34-00091-00016912-00017079 self's force lose any did you lose any goOeTm4Zk34-00092-00017080-00017303 of your top performing employees goOeTm4Zk34-00093-00017304-00017494 after doing this adjustment did anybody goOeTm4Zk34-00094-00017495-00017615 leave do you think goOeTm4Zk34-00095-00017616-00017767 it's you know maybe hard to assess goOeTm4Zk34-00096-00017768-00017950 causality here did anybody leave because goOeTm4Zk34-00097-00017951-00017975 of goOeTm4Zk34-00098-00017976-00018111 because of this effort or because they goOeTm4Zk34-00099-00018112-00018271 felt i don't think so i don't think goOeTm4Zk34-00100-00018272-00018447 people were proud of this goOeTm4Zk34-00101-00018448-00018647 um there was skepticism and there's goOeTm4Zk34-00102-00018648-00018839 always skepticism when you do something goOeTm4Zk34-00103-00018840-00019047 like this when you break out of the mold goOeTm4Zk34-00104-00019048-00019255 when you step outside of the boundaries goOeTm4Zk34-00105-00019256-00019447 of what's acceptable and what everyone goOeTm4Zk34-00106-00019448-00019622 understands to be okay you know before goOeTm4Zk34-00107-00019623-00019758 this no one was talking about how much goOeTm4Zk34-00108-00019759-00019847 money you made goOeTm4Zk34-00109-00019848-00020071 like it's not okay it was taboo to talk goOeTm4Zk34-00110-00020072-00020286 about you make this much i make that but goOeTm4Zk34-00111-00020287-00020463 no one talked about it so goOeTm4Zk34-00112-00020464-00020694 we weren't just breaking into a gender goOeTm4Zk34-00113-00020695-00020878 conversation we were sort of shifting goOeTm4Zk34-00114-00020879-00020975 through goOeTm4Zk34-00115-00020976-00021183 the way the community and technology goOeTm4Zk34-00116-00021184-00021367 sort of approached making money and goOeTm4Zk34-00117-00021368-00021463 starting to goOeTm4Zk34-00118-00021464-00021663 make that more of a common dialogue goOeTm4Zk34-00119-00021664-00021791 thing so goOeTm4Zk34-00120-00021792-00022007 um i don't think anyone left although goOeTm4Zk34-00121-00022008-00022127 some may have goOeTm4Zk34-00122-00022128-00022286 they certainly wouldn't have told me goOeTm4Zk34-00123-00022287-00022494 that's kind of him goOeTm4Zk34-00124-00022495-00022799 but i do think that it helped us recruit goOeTm4Zk34-00125-00022800-00023158 a lot of women a lot of black executives goOeTm4Zk34-00126-00023159-00023207 or goOeTm4Zk34-00127-00023208-00023391 you know not a lot but more than there goOeTm4Zk34-00128-00023392-00023519 were before goOeTm4Zk34-00129-00023520-00023830 um and and definitely it sort of helped goOeTm4Zk34-00130-00023831-00023958 the company goOeTm4Zk34-00131-00023959-00024175 gain consciousness about this because goOeTm4Zk34-00132-00024176-00024294 before this goOeTm4Zk34-00133-00024295-00024463 everyone was like oh yeah yeah we're goOeTm4Zk34-00134-00024464-00024622 equal it's equal sure goOeTm4Zk34-00135-00024623-00024886 yeah yeah no problem everything's equal goOeTm4Zk34-00136-00024887-00025055 after this that no longer was they goOeTm4Zk34-00137-00025056-00025199 couldn't do that anymore goOeTm4Zk34-00138-00025200-00025486 anywhere so yeah i i think and and most goOeTm4Zk34-00139-00025487-00025662 of the executives felt pretty proud of goOeTm4Zk34-00140-00025663-00025862 the company for standing up and doing goOeTm4Zk34-00141-00025863-00025967 that i felt goOeTm4Zk34-00142-00025968-00026094 you know there were some executives i goOeTm4Zk34-00143-00026095-00026302 did not feel very supported by but most goOeTm4Zk34-00144-00026304-00026558 of them i felt pretty supported by and goOeTm4Zk34-00145-00026560-00026727 they were proud of salesforce and goOeTm4Zk34-00146-00026727-00026951 they're proud of us for doing it goOeTm4Zk34-00147-00026952-00027231 so so after the fact people you know goOeTm4Zk34-00148-00027232-00027327 they got on board goOeTm4Zk34-00149-00027327-00027662 and and and there's lots of uh well goOeTm4Zk34-00150-00027663-00027855 you you were heroin and and everybody goOeTm4Zk34-00151-00027856-00028055 was it wasn't easy though and goOeTm4Zk34-00152-00028056-00028183 you went into that in your earlier goOeTm4Zk34-00153-00028183-00028431 interview goOeTm4Zk34-00154-00028432-00028631 and and looking back here would you do goOeTm4Zk34-00155-00028632-00028799 anything differently strategically or goOeTm4Zk34-00156-00028800-00028911 tactically goOeTm4Zk34-00157-00028912-00029102 if you do this and and how did you goOeTm4Zk34-00158-00029104-00029343 overcome your setbacks goOeTm4Zk34-00159-00029344-00029543 such a good question i'm sure there are goOeTm4Zk34-00160-00029544-00029702 things i would do differently goOeTm4Zk34-00161-00029704-00029902 um it's hard to really articulate goOeTm4Zk34-00162-00029904-00030070 exactly what they were goOeTm4Zk34-00163-00030072-00030287 um but definitely i probably would have goOeTm4Zk34-00164-00030288-00030479 done a little bit more educating to the goOeTm4Zk34-00165-00030480-00030655 other executives while goOeTm4Zk34-00166-00030656-00030831 we were going through it i mean we did goOeTm4Zk34-00167-00030832-00030999 vet it with a couple of goOeTm4Zk34-00168-00031000-00031214 key people in the before we brought it goOeTm4Zk34-00169-00031216-00031367 to our ceo goOeTm4Zk34-00170-00031368-00031607 um but i i don't think i realized how goOeTm4Zk34-00171-00031608-00031790 hard it was going to be for the goOeTm4Zk34-00172-00031791-00032111 white male executives to change goOeTm4Zk34-00173-00032112-00032287 their behavior and and not because they goOeTm4Zk34-00174-00032288-00032439 didn't want to which is because when the goOeTm4Zk34-00175-00032439-00032479 whole goOeTm4Zk34-00176-00032480-00032831 system is set up for you to benefit goOeTm4Zk34-00177-00032832-00033039 it's very hard to see where the problems goOeTm4Zk34-00178-00033040-00033151 are in the system goOeTm4Zk34-00179-00033152-00033311 they were like well you're here layla goOeTm4Zk34-00180-00033312-00033559 and i was like yeah i'm one person goOeTm4Zk34-00181-00033560-00033831 i'm 50 of the population is female like goOeTm4Zk34-00182-00033832-00033990 i'm one human being goOeTm4Zk34-00183-00033991-00034207 it's not like you made it gender equal goOeTm4Zk34-00184-00034208-00034367 because i made it in the room i made it goOeTm4Zk34-00185-00034368-00034446 in the room goOeTm4Zk34-00186-00034447-00034727 because i was tenacious and pushed and goOeTm4Zk34-00187-00034728-00034935 did what i needed to do to get in there goOeTm4Zk34-00188-00034936-00035159 so i think i probably if i were doing it goOeTm4Zk34-00189-00035160-00035327 over again i would have created more of goOeTm4Zk34-00190-00035328-00035551 a playbook for the white men goOeTm4Zk34-00191-00035552-00035783 um i think that they i think they felt a goOeTm4Zk34-00192-00035784-00035959 little scared and a little on their goOeTm4Zk34-00193-00035960-00036039 heels goOeTm4Zk34-00194-00036040-00036199 and because of that i think sometimes goOeTm4Zk34-00195-00036200-00036359 they didn't necessarily act as well as goOeTm4Zk34-00196-00036360-00036518 they could have and i'm not sure goOeTm4Zk34-00197-00036519-00036671 maybe i'm sure with some it was goOeTm4Zk34-00198-00036672-00036839 intentional but um goOeTm4Zk34-00199-00036840-00036983 i think a lot of people just didn't know goOeTm4Zk34-00200-00036984-00037215 what to do so they did nothing goOeTm4Zk34-00201-00037216-00037446 so so when trying to affect change think goOeTm4Zk34-00202-00037447-00037551 about who the change goOeTm4Zk34-00203-00037552-00037911 is going to scare and and understand goOeTm4Zk34-00204-00037912-00038127 why they're scared and think about that goOeTm4Zk34-00205-00038128-00038287 and think about ways you can actually goOeTm4Zk34-00206-00038288-00038479 allay some of those fears and and get goOeTm4Zk34-00207-00038480-00038599 them on board goOeTm4Zk34-00208-00038600-00038815 absolutely yeah okay good and they were goOeTm4Zk34-00209-00038816-00038974 the last people i was thinking about goOeTm4Zk34-00210-00038975-00039102 because at that point i thought it was goOeTm4Zk34-00211-00039103-00039351 their fault i was like no this is your goOeTm4Zk34-00212-00039352-00039430 fault you goOeTm4Zk34-00213-00039431-00039687 did this so and that you know that takes goOeTm4Zk34-00214-00039688-00039895 some maturity and some experience and goOeTm4Zk34-00215-00039896-00040023 some time to get goOeTm4Zk34-00216-00040024-00040230 that level of you know reflection and goOeTm4Zk34-00217-00040231-00040383 empathy but um goOeTm4Zk34-00218-00040384-00040590 yeah i think that they had a harder time goOeTm4Zk34-00219-00040591-00040735 with it than i goOeTm4Zk34-00220-00040736-00040935 ever would have considered or even goOeTm4Zk34-00221-00040936-00041215 thought to be concerned about goOeTm4Zk34-00222-00041216-00041423 uh shout out to claren yvette you can goOeTm4Zk34-00223-00041424-00041623 send me the questions on email i can't goOeTm4Zk34-00224-00041624-00041662 see goOeTm4Zk34-00225-00041663-00041871 if we've set up our q a yet but uh goOeTm4Zk34-00226-00041872-00042007 claire and yvette go ahead and goOeTm4Zk34-00227-00042008-00042167 work that magic behind the scenes and goOeTm4Zk34-00228-00042168-00042351 i'll keep going with layla here goOeTm4Zk34-00229-00042352-00042671 uh this is going beautifully um so goOeTm4Zk34-00230-00042672-00042815 you did say well the next question is goOeTm4Zk34-00231-00042816-00042927 you noticed an improvement in the pool goOeTm4Zk34-00232-00042928-00043087 of hiring talent you're getting goOeTm4Zk34-00233-00043088-00043374 getting a more diverse uh high quality goOeTm4Zk34-00234-00043375-00043446 uh goOeTm4Zk34-00235-00043447-00043687 talent pool um what advice would you goOeTm4Zk34-00236-00043688-00043774 give layla goOeTm4Zk34-00237-00043775-00044055 to startups in supporting equal pay goOeTm4Zk34-00238-00044056-00044118 especially goOeTm4Zk34-00239-00044119-00044430 you know startups are it's rough you goOeTm4Zk34-00240-00044431-00044583 work in startups right now you've got goOeTm4Zk34-00241-00044584-00044862 very very tight budgets like like one goOeTm4Zk34-00242-00044863-00044999 hire can make or break a goOeTm4Zk34-00243-00045000-00045311 firm uh and and you don't have any place goOeTm4Zk34-00244-00045312-00045423 for anybody to hide goOeTm4Zk34-00245-00045424-00045607 everybody has to have to pull more than goOeTm4Zk34-00246-00045608-00045807 their weight to be first for a starter goOeTm4Zk34-00247-00045808-00045911 to be successful goOeTm4Zk34-00248-00045912-00046151 how do you bake in this this culture and goOeTm4Zk34-00249-00046152-00046223 and goOeTm4Zk34-00250-00046224-00046527 do it right from the start right so you goOeTm4Zk34-00251-00046528-00046767 know the one thing mark benioff said he goOeTm4Zk34-00252-00046768-00046990 uh wished he had done differently with goOeTm4Zk34-00253-00046991-00047158 salesforce was he wished he had goOeTm4Zk34-00254-00047159-00047399 implemented equal pay from the beginning goOeTm4Zk34-00255-00047400-00047471 um goOeTm4Zk34-00256-00047472-00047679 so i do think although it is hard for goOeTm4Zk34-00257-00047680-00047839 startups and you have limited money and goOeTm4Zk34-00258-00047840-00047999 i'm a venture capitalist i spend all my goOeTm4Zk34-00259-00048000-00048183 time with startups i do understand the goOeTm4Zk34-00260-00048184-00048415 challenge to the point we made earlier goOeTm4Zk34-00261-00048416-00048679 um this has to become part of the fabric goOeTm4Zk34-00262-00048680-00048839 of your company now of course you know goOeTm4Zk34-00263-00048840-00048999 some people if you need this super goOeTm4Zk34-00264-00049000-00049207 amazing engineer who has a phd goOeTm4Zk34-00265-00049208-00049479 and is a genius video you're going to goOeTm4Zk34-00266-00049480-00049615 hire that phd goOeTm4Zk34-00267-00049616-00049767 right and that's going to cost you more goOeTm4Zk34-00268-00049768-00050055 than say someone who has a va or an mba goOeTm4Zk34-00269-00050056-00050327 or something like that so there are goOeTm4Zk34-00270-00050328-00050511 those rationales but all of those goOeTm4Zk34-00271-00050512-00050702 rationales are the reason why we have goOeTm4Zk34-00272-00050703-00050886 this sort of situation with equal pay goOeTm4Zk34-00273-00050887-00050983 that we do today goOeTm4Zk34-00274-00050984-00051207 you understand so like i've seen a lot goOeTm4Zk34-00275-00051208-00051430 of startups give everyone the same pay goOeTm4Zk34-00276-00051432-00051702 or everyone you know or i've seen you goOeTm4Zk34-00277-00051703-00051750 know goOeTm4Zk34-00278-00051751-00051942 the executive team get something and the goOeTm4Zk34-00279-00051944-00052087 rest of the company gets something the goOeTm4Zk34-00280-00052088-00052302 executive team doesn't take the raise goOeTm4Zk34-00281-00052303-00052479 the executive team stops paying goOeTm4Zk34-00282-00052479-00052711 themselves i've seen a lot of startups goOeTm4Zk34-00283-00052712-00052854 do some interesting stuff and goOeTm4Zk34-00284-00052855-00053054 and quite frankly with kovid you know goOeTm4Zk34-00285-00053055-00053223 we've had to pivot and do some real goOeTm4Zk34-00286-00053224-00053287 freaky goOeTm4Zk34-00287-00053288-00053463 weird stuff because this is quite goOeTm4Zk34-00288-00053464-00053750 different um than we've been in before goOeTm4Zk34-00289-00053751-00054094 i think for startup you have to if you goOeTm4Zk34-00290-00054095-00054319 build it into your consciousness and the goOeTm4Zk34-00291-00054320-00054526 type of company you want to create goOeTm4Zk34-00292-00054527-00054782 if you say that's a priority for you you goOeTm4Zk34-00293-00054783-00054935 will figure out how to make sure it goOeTm4Zk34-00294-00054936-00055111 stays a priority and i think a good goOeTm4Zk34-00295-00055112-00055166 example goOeTm4Zk34-00296-00055167-00055382 on the salesforce side is mark benioff goOeTm4Zk34-00297-00055383-00055599 from the gecko wanted to put a dot org goOeTm4Zk34-00298-00055600-00055719 next to salesforce goOeTm4Zk34-00299-00055720-00055950 that had never been done before you know goOeTm4Zk34-00300-00055951-00056182 like kellogg had a foundation goOeTm4Zk34-00301-00056183-00056454 that they spun out and ford had these goOeTm4Zk34-00302-00056455-00056638 were all run as totally separate goOeTm4Zk34-00303-00056639-00056719 entities goOeTm4Zk34-00304-00056720-00056942 they had nothing to do with the consumer goOeTm4Zk34-00305-00056944-00057094 or the business company goOeTm4Zk34-00306-00057095-00057319 and mark wanted to have a business that goOeTm4Zk34-00307-00057320-00057503 sat right with a philanthropy that sat goOeTm4Zk34-00308-00057504-00057607 right next to it goOeTm4Zk34-00309-00057608-00057815 and sort of spurred the employees on and goOeTm4Zk34-00310-00057816-00057942 he did that right when they started the goOeTm4Zk34-00311-00057944-00058135 company and he always makes a joke like goOeTm4Zk34-00312-00058136-00058279 they gave away one percent of their goOeTm4Zk34-00313-00058279-00058423 equity one percent of their time one goOeTm4Zk34-00314-00058424-00058511 percent of their product goOeTm4Zk34-00315-00058512-00058607 he's like it's really easy in the goOeTm4Zk34-00316-00058608-00058815 beginning because we had nothing we had goOeTm4Zk34-00317-00058816-00058982 no time we had no product we had no goOeTm4Zk34-00318-00058983-00059063 money goOeTm4Zk34-00319-00059064-00059407 um so it's very funny but if you're in a goOeTm4Zk34-00320-00059408-00059479 startup goOeTm4Zk34-00321-00059479-00059638 the type of company you're gonna be goOeTm4Zk34-00322-00059639-00059854 create you're gonna create is gonna be goOeTm4Zk34-00323-00059855-00060119 completely determined by the values you goOeTm4Zk34-00324-00060120-00060382 set forth early and that you hold to goOeTm4Zk34-00325-00060383-00060542 throughout growth and if you do really goOeTm4Zk34-00326-00060544-00060735 well and you grow really fast goOeTm4Zk34-00327-00060736-00060919 that's hard i mean it's awesome it's the goOeTm4Zk34-00328-00060920-00061126 most fun in the world i love doing that goOeTm4Zk34-00329-00061127-00061335 but it is also incredibly difficult and goOeTm4Zk34-00330-00061336-00061542 if you have a strong value system goOeTm4Zk34-00331-00061544-00061719 you will lean on that in those hard goOeTm4Zk34-00332-00061720-00061838 moments and it will help you make the goOeTm4Zk34-00333-00061839-00061991 right decisions goOeTm4Zk34-00334-00061991-00062182 we talked about third house on monday goOeTm4Zk34-00335-00062183-00062311 and we talked about the the goOeTm4Zk34-00336-00062312-00062479 organizational culture and the different goOeTm4Zk34-00337-00062479-00062575 norms and goOeTm4Zk34-00338-00062576-00062863 and and those values and uh just from goOeTm4Zk34-00339-00062864-00063015 the get-go it seemed like they they goOeTm4Zk34-00340-00063016-00063142 didn't set those values goOeTm4Zk34-00341-00063144-00063382 and it just it just snowballed and one goOeTm4Zk34-00342-00063383-00063550 bad thing reinforced another so what goOeTm4Zk34-00343-00063551-00063703 you're saying is goOeTm4Zk34-00344-00063704-00063830 get that straight from the get-go goOeTm4Zk34-00345-00063832-00063982 there's going to be rough times you're goOeTm4Zk34-00346-00063983-00064142 probably going to make mistakes but goOeTm4Zk34-00347-00064144-00064326 but go back to those go back to those goOeTm4Zk34-00348-00064327-00064494 values yeah that's excellent yeah goOeTm4Zk34-00349-00064495-00064726 good and and people are also could you goOeTm4Zk34-00350-00064727-00064830 have done this without goOeTm4Zk34-00351-00064832-00065030 mark benioff sounds like he was no he's goOeTm4Zk34-00352-00065032-00065223 halfway on board from the start goOeTm4Zk34-00353-00065224-00065430 listen without mark benioff it would goOeTm4Zk34-00354-00065432-00065567 have been two goOeTm4Zk34-00355-00065568-00065911 senior women executives complaining goOeTm4Zk34-00356-00065912-00066038 that's how they would have seen it oh goOeTm4Zk34-00357-00066039-00066303 they're complaining they're whining look goOeTm4Zk34-00358-00066304-00066375 at them goOeTm4Zk34-00359-00066376-00066638 whining complaining that's the way women goOeTm4Zk34-00360-00066639-00066815 were categorized you understand goOeTm4Zk34-00361-00066816-00067071 if we fought back we were either goOeTm4Zk34-00362-00067072-00067287 or bossy or complaining goOeTm4Zk34-00363-00067288-00067511 you know like that's why so many of us goOeTm4Zk34-00364-00067512-00067671 just shut up and said thank you and we goOeTm4Zk34-00365-00067672-00067782 got raises goOeTm4Zk34-00366-00067783-00067950 and when we got whatever because we goOeTm4Zk34-00367-00067951-00068119 didn't want to be classified as one of goOeTm4Zk34-00368-00068120-00068231 these things goOeTm4Zk34-00369-00068232-00068511 so no we needed mark the fact that mark goOeTm4Zk34-00370-00068512-00068599 is this goOeTm4Zk34-00371-00068600-00068943 six foot seven giant billionaire white goOeTm4Zk34-00372-00068944-00069015 man goOeTm4Zk34-00373-00069016-00069335 was super helpful okay because when he goOeTm4Zk34-00374-00069336-00069423 said it goOeTm4Zk34-00375-00069424-00069726 no one could hide and i said that to him goOeTm4Zk34-00376-00069727-00069847 you know when we went and talked to him goOeTm4Zk34-00377-00069848-00070103 i said if you do this no one will be goOeTm4Zk34-00378-00070104-00070231 able to hide goOeTm4Zk34-00379-00070232-00070487 from equal pay anymore it will become a goOeTm4Zk34-00380-00070488-00070535 norm goOeTm4Zk34-00381-00070536-00070719 it will become something everyone has to goOeTm4Zk34-00382-00070720-00070903 talk about every ceo goOeTm4Zk34-00383-00070904-00071119 and every interview will be asked about goOeTm4Zk34-00384-00071120-00071287 it this will become part of the culture goOeTm4Zk34-00385-00071288-00071487 of silicon valley and he knew it goOeTm4Zk34-00386-00071488-00071799 right but cindy and i alone no we would goOeTm4Zk34-00387-00071800-00071926 have been whining goOeTm4Zk34-00388-00071927-00072287 women complaining goOeTm4Zk34-00389-00072288-00072487 the world has changed for as much as it goOeTm4Zk34-00390-00072488-00072662 feels like we are as backward as we have goOeTm4Zk34-00391-00072663-00072847 ever been at this moment in time goOeTm4Zk34-00392-00072848-00073062 the world has changed quite a bit in the goOeTm4Zk34-00393-00073063-00073231 last decade when it comes to the way goOeTm4Zk34-00394-00073232-00073406 women are treated in technology and in goOeTm4Zk34-00395-00073407-00073503 the workplace goOeTm4Zk34-00396-00073504-00073671 the way black people are treated it is goOeTm4Zk34-00397-00073672-00073815 nowhere near ready to be goOeTm4Zk34-00398-00073816-00074015 done by any stretch of the imagination goOeTm4Zk34-00399-00074016-00074159 we have a long way to go goOeTm4Zk34-00400-00074160-00074382 but we have made some progress i mean goOeTm4Zk34-00401-00074383-00074599 you know i think of john lewis he always goOeTm4Zk34-00402-00074600-00074671 says like goOeTm4Zk34-00403-00074672-00074894 he got beaten up on the bridge in selma goOeTm4Zk34-00404-00074895-00075055 and then he introduced president barack goOeTm4Zk34-00405-00075056-00075111 obama goOeTm4Zk34-00406-00075112-00075294 40 years later on the bridge and selma goOeTm4Zk34-00407-00075295-00075462 so it doesn't feel like progress but goOeTm4Zk34-00408-00075463-00075599 there is progress goOeTm4Zk34-00409-00075600-00075815 but you know all of these things when we goOeTm4Zk34-00410-00075816-00075982 were doing them no one had ever done goOeTm4Zk34-00411-00075983-00076111 this before goOeTm4Zk34-00412-00076112-00076326 it was this has never been done no two goOeTm4Zk34-00413-00076327-00076550 women had gone to their ceo goOeTm4Zk34-00414-00076551-00076759 of a public company and said you're not goOeTm4Zk34-00415-00076760-00076935 paying us the same as the men goOeTm4Zk34-00416-00076936-00077326 this is unheard of what you know so goOeTm4Zk34-00417-00077327-00077575 so yeah i mean i think and my advice to goOeTm4Zk34-00418-00077576-00077743 you too is like keep in mind when we did goOeTm4Zk34-00419-00077744-00077950 this we were senior vice presidents goOeTm4Zk34-00420-00077951-00078143 i'd worked there for almost a decade so goOeTm4Zk34-00421-00078144-00078382 would she we were well established in goOeTm4Zk34-00422-00078383-00078511 our careers we goOeTm4Zk34-00423-00078512-00078750 had made a little money now this isn't goOeTm4Zk34-00424-00078751-00078926 not every senior manager this isn't goOeTm4Zk34-00425-00078927-00079047 going to be the first thing you do when goOeTm4Zk34-00426-00079048-00079199 you graduate from cal goOeTm4Zk34-00427-00079200-00079415 probably maybe it is maybe you're you're goOeTm4Zk34-00428-00079416-00079615 touched and something special but like goOeTm4Zk34-00429-00079616-00079887 be careful too because as i think i goOeTm4Zk34-00430-00079888-00080079 tried to sort of articulate in the case goOeTm4Zk34-00431-00080080-00080255 there are ramifications for making goOeTm4Zk34-00432-00080256-00080375 decisions like this goOeTm4Zk34-00433-00080376-00080679 and taking the lead and stepping out so goOeTm4Zk34-00434-00080680-00080815 so in this case things goOeTm4Zk34-00435-00080816-00081103 things aligned and and there there was a goOeTm4Zk34-00436-00081104-00081287 certain number of stars in alignment and goOeTm4Zk34-00437-00081288-00081471 you were able to see that and seize that goOeTm4Zk34-00438-00081472-00081606 opportunity and and and goOeTm4Zk34-00439-00081607-00081871 and go with it do you think if it had goOeTm4Zk34-00440-00081872-00082055 been marked benief at the helm goOeTm4Zk34-00441-00082056-00082143 well maybe you would have had a goOeTm4Zk34-00442-00082144-00082350 different career a different firm etc goOeTm4Zk34-00443-00082351-00082479 you would gone somewhere else goOeTm4Zk34-00444-00082480-00082703 so listen our relationship with mark was goOeTm4Zk34-00445-00082704-00082887 a big part of it we were both close to goOeTm4Zk34-00446-00082888-00082943 him goOeTm4Zk34-00447-00082944-00083238 he had been kind to us he had elevated goOeTm4Zk34-00448-00083239-00083423 us up he had mentored us goOeTm4Zk34-00449-00083424-00083638 yeah we've i felt comfortable with him i goOeTm4Zk34-00450-00083639-00083815 felt like i could go to his house and goOeTm4Zk34-00451-00083816-00083926 say this to him goOeTm4Zk34-00452-00083927-00084175 and he might say no and then okay well i goOeTm4Zk34-00453-00084176-00084271 tried goOeTm4Zk34-00454-00084272-00084415 but i felt like there was a pretty good goOeTm4Zk34-00455-00084416-00084623 chance he would say yes too and i had a goOeTm4Zk34-00456-00084624-00084782 really strong relationship with him and goOeTm4Zk34-00457-00084783-00084862 so did cindy goOeTm4Zk34-00458-00084863-00085047 so that's great we're not walking into goOeTm4Zk34-00459-00085048-00085223 some guy's office we'd never talked to goOeTm4Zk34-00460-00085224-00085279 before goOeTm4Zk34-00461-00085280-00085518 and bringing this up you know we knew goOeTm4Zk34-00462-00085519-00085750 him well goOeTm4Zk34-00463-00085751-00086079 okay um a bit of a different change here goOeTm4Zk34-00464-00086080-00086279 um what questions do you think women goOeTm4Zk34-00465-00086280-00086462 need to ask about a company before goOeTm4Zk34-00466-00086463-00086591 accepting a position goOeTm4Zk34-00467-00086592-00086750 and that that's that's much more in line goOeTm4Zk34-00468-00086751-00086982 with with over 40 of our class you who goOeTm4Zk34-00469-00086983-00087094 here who are women goOeTm4Zk34-00470-00087095-00087231 and we're going to be negotiating for a goOeTm4Zk34-00471-00087232-00087447 job shortly how can you set yourself up goOeTm4Zk34-00472-00087448-00087526 to goOeTm4Zk34-00473-00087527-00087879 to get the the pay you you deserve goOeTm4Zk34-00474-00087880-00088087 and then should listen to the men should goOeTm4Zk34-00475-00088088-00088238 listen to you this is for everybody goOeTm4Zk34-00476-00088239-00088462 yeah it's a hard question um and it's goOeTm4Zk34-00477-00088463-00088606 hard because they still aren't being goOeTm4Zk34-00478-00088607-00088767 very transparent about pay goOeTm4Zk34-00479-00088768-00089047 right um so so this this makes it a goOeTm4Zk34-00480-00089048-00089150 little bit difficult goOeTm4Zk34-00481-00089151-00089335 here are some things i would do if this goOeTm4Zk34-00482-00089336-00089503 is something you know for me goOeTm4Zk34-00483-00089504-00089647 like i talked to a lot of people about goOeTm4Zk34-00484-00089648-00089815 joining their boards now goOeTm4Zk34-00485-00089816-00089950 and whenever i talk to them i'm like let goOeTm4Zk34-00486-00089951-00090126 me explain to who i am i'm gonna ask goOeTm4Zk34-00487-00090127-00090271 about your pay practices goOeTm4Zk34-00488-00090272-00090423 i'm gonna look at how many women and how goOeTm4Zk34-00489-00090424-00090606 many black people are on the website and goOeTm4Zk34-00490-00090607-00090711 on the teams goOeTm4Zk34-00491-00090712-00090887 i'm gonna look at who you bring into the goOeTm4Zk34-00492-00090888-00091071 room while we're doing board meetings goOeTm4Zk34-00493-00091072-00091182 and if that's something you're not goOeTm4Zk34-00494-00091183-00091303 interested in then i don't want to sit goOeTm4Zk34-00495-00091304-00091375 on your board goOeTm4Zk34-00496-00091376-00091550 right so i've earned the right to say goOeTm4Zk34-00497-00091551-00091767 that but if you are looking for a job goOeTm4Zk34-00498-00091768-00091943 do look at their management team in goOeTm4Zk34-00499-00091944-00092071 their board of directors goOeTm4Zk34-00500-00092072-00092294 who is sitting on that is it all a whole goOeTm4Zk34-00501-00092295-00092615 bunch of 50 year old white guys goOeTm4Zk34-00502-00092616-00092918 okay well that's something to keep in goOeTm4Zk34-00503-00092919-00092967 mind goOeTm4Zk34-00504-00092968-00093238 right um so there's a lot of information goOeTm4Zk34-00505-00093239-00093406 on companies also don't underestimate goOeTm4Zk34-00506-00093407-00093518 glassdoor goOeTm4Zk34-00507-00093519-00093774 you know and and some of these um you goOeTm4Zk34-00508-00093775-00093903 know there are a lot of sites where goOeTm4Zk34-00509-00093904-00094055 employees sort of talk about the goOeTm4Zk34-00510-00094056-00094215 cultures of companies specifically in goOeTm4Zk34-00511-00094216-00094343 technology where you can goOeTm4Zk34-00512-00094344-00094606 get a lot of information from from these goOeTm4Zk34-00513-00094607-00094671 places goOeTm4Zk34-00514-00094672-00094855 not all of it's true you have to use goOeTm4Zk34-00515-00094856-00095150 your smart cal filter to figure that out goOeTm4Zk34-00516-00095151-00095399 and the other thing i would say is and goOeTm4Zk34-00517-00095400-00095591 this most specifically to the women goOeTm4Zk34-00518-00095592-00095782 whatever you think you're going to ask goOeTm4Zk34-00519-00095783-00095959 for goOeTm4Zk34-00520-00095960-00096087 like whatever you think sort of is like goOeTm4Zk34-00521-00096088-00096238 this is sort of the most i could goOeTm4Zk34-00522-00096239-00096374 possibly ask for goOeTm4Zk34-00523-00096375-00096679 add some on top that's how you start the goOeTm4Zk34-00524-00096680-00096735 game goOeTm4Zk34-00525-00096736-00097006 and whenever anyone gives you a bonus or goOeTm4Zk34-00526-00097007-00097135 a promotion goOeTm4Zk34-00527-00097136-00097447 or some stock ask for more goOeTm4Zk34-00528-00097448-00097606 right because that's the secret thing goOeTm4Zk34-00529-00097607-00097831 that the boys somehow learned along the goOeTm4Zk34-00530-00097832-00097982 way that we didn't goOeTm4Zk34-00531-00097983-00098694 i didn't learn that goOeTm4Zk34-00532-00098695-00099023 but you know there's a real truth to goOeTm4Zk34-00533-00099024-00099087 that goOeTm4Zk34-00534-00099088-00099262 and and so you have to no one's going to goOeTm4Zk34-00535-00099263-00099415 give you anything if you don't ask for goOeTm4Zk34-00536-00099416-00099471 it goOeTm4Zk34-00537-00099472-00099671 okay and and you're not going to get it goOeTm4Zk34-00538-00099672-00099847 because you did a good job goOeTm4Zk34-00539-00099848-00099974 very few people are just going to goOeTm4Zk34-00540-00099975-00100174 recognize that you're amazing goOeTm4Zk34-00541-00100175-00100343 and come and give it to you i hope that goOeTm4Zk34-00542-00100344-00100535 happens to all of you in your careers goOeTm4Zk34-00543-00100536-00100735 and it will sometimes but it's not the goOeTm4Zk34-00544-00100736-00100991 norm the norm is you have to stand up goOeTm4Zk34-00545-00100992-00101167 and tell people what you're doing and goOeTm4Zk34-00546-00101168-00101294 why you're important goOeTm4Zk34-00547-00101295-00101494 and how you contributed and why that's goOeTm4Zk34-00548-00101495-00101703 worth money and why they need to pay you goOeTm4Zk34-00549-00101704-00101767 for that goOeTm4Zk34-00550-00101768-00102006 and that is something that shy people or goOeTm4Zk34-00551-00102007-00102303 introverted people are often cases women goOeTm4Zk34-00552-00102304-00102534 or people from different countries feel goOeTm4Zk34-00553-00102535-00102686 uncomfortable doing goOeTm4Zk34-00554-00102688-00102990 but in this country that is required if goOeTm4Zk34-00555-00102991-00103182 you want to make sure you get paid goOeTm4Zk34-00556-00103183-00103430 equally and like it's still probably it goOeTm4Zk34-00557-00103431-00103599 still probably won't be equal goOeTm4Zk34-00558-00103600-00103742 yeah and i think it's it's even that goOeTm4Zk34-00559-00103743-00103934 that even happens in academia and i goOeTm4Zk34-00560-00103935-00104030 think i'm one of those goOeTm4Zk34-00561-00104031-00104399 shy introverts so yes goOeTm4Zk34-00562-00104400-00104734 so tuan two has asked here uh we got goOeTm4Zk34-00563-00104735-00104806 into a goOeTm4Zk34-00564-00104807-00105047 discussion yesterday uh about well how goOeTm4Zk34-00565-00105048-00105175 what how does one goOeTm4Zk34-00566-00105176-00105447 figure out how to pay equitably uh and goOeTm4Zk34-00567-00105448-00105590 and so how how do you goOeTm4Zk34-00568-00105591-00105847 ensure that you pay equitably across goOeTm4Zk34-00569-00105848-00106039 across jobs and across people do you goOeTm4Zk34-00570-00106040-00106286 this is a hard question it's not do you goOeTm4Zk34-00571-00106288-00106454 have any any goOeTm4Zk34-00572-00106455-00106663 nuggets for us i can tell you this like goOeTm4Zk34-00573-00106664-00106790 first of all this is a complicated goOeTm4Zk34-00574-00106791-00106927 question and it really goOeTm4Zk34-00575-00106928-00107134 harkens back to that value conversation goOeTm4Zk34-00576-00107135-00107254 we were having earlier goOeTm4Zk34-00577-00107255-00107590 right um there are a couple things right goOeTm4Zk34-00578-00107591-00107927 education experience right goOeTm4Zk34-00579-00107928-00108334 uh awards right reputation goOeTm4Zk34-00580-00108335-00108495 there are a couple of these things that goOeTm4Zk34-00581-00108496-00108623 sort of run around and have goOeTm4Zk34-00582-00108624-00108790 traditionally been things that have goOeTm4Zk34-00583-00108791-00109102 people have used a geography right goOeTm4Zk34-00584-00109103-00109399 job title years in role years with the goOeTm4Zk34-00585-00109400-00109471 company goOeTm4Zk34-00586-00109472-00109758 so there are a lot of corporate metrics goOeTm4Zk34-00587-00109759-00109807 around goOeTm4Zk34-00588-00109808-00110207 people um now you're all very smart so goOeTm4Zk34-00589-00110208-00110366 i'm assuming you know this but you can goOeTm4Zk34-00590-00110367-00110510 give me a data set goOeTm4Zk34-00591-00110511-00110863 and i can argue yes or no goOeTm4Zk34-00592-00110864-00111071 on the same data set depending on what i goOeTm4Zk34-00593-00111072-00111215 want to get accomplished right so i goOeTm4Zk34-00594-00111216-00111358 assume you all are smart enough to know goOeTm4Zk34-00595-00111359-00111534 that this trip i can do it i'm sure goOeTm4Zk34-00596-00111535-00111871 you all can too right so goOeTm4Zk34-00597-00111872-00112095 so so knowing that you have to really goOeTm4Zk34-00598-00112096-00112271 think about what are the important goOeTm4Zk34-00599-00112272-00112463 attributes to your company right so you goOeTm4Zk34-00600-00112464-00112639 figure out what those key things are goOeTm4Zk34-00601-00112640-00112839 and then you monitor it like the same goOeTm4Zk34-00602-00112840-00113015 way you would monitor a pipeline goOeTm4Zk34-00603-00113016-00113278 or an engineering build right same way goOeTm4Zk34-00604-00113279-00113431 you would think about those parts of the goOeTm4Zk34-00605-00113432-00113486 business goOeTm4Zk34-00606-00113488-00113678 you monitor the pay scale and if you goOeTm4Zk34-00607-00113679-00113799 start to see that goOeTm4Zk34-00608-00113800-00114071 all the women are starting to fall you goOeTm4Zk34-00609-00114072-00114223 have a problem right you'll notice what goOeTm4Zk34-00610-00114224-00114390 salesforce did we came up with a big goOeTm4Zk34-00611-00114391-00114551 rubric a big metric goOeTm4Zk34-00612-00114552-00114823 huge analysis with mckinsey ran the goOeTm4Zk34-00613-00114824-00114919 first thing goOeTm4Zk34-00614-00114920-00115119 you know three million dollars then we goOeTm4Zk34-00615-00115120-00115327 added more metrics to it like we didn't goOeTm4Zk34-00616-00115328-00115502 do a good enough job on race in the goOeTm4Zk34-00617-00115503-00115575 first one goOeTm4Zk34-00618-00115576-00115758 so we added race and some additional goOeTm4Zk34-00619-00115759-00115951 metrics and we ran it again goOeTm4Zk34-00620-00115952-00116166 the key to doing something like this goOeTm4Zk34-00621-00116167-00116447 effectively is to never stop doing it goOeTm4Zk34-00622-00116448-00116639 it's not like you do it and then it's goOeTm4Zk34-00623-00116640-00116790 done you do this goOeTm4Zk34-00624-00116791-00117054 every year the way you do budgeting and goOeTm4Zk34-00625-00117055-00117190 the way you do goOeTm4Zk34-00626-00117191-00117390 hr planning and the way you do goOeTm4Zk34-00627-00117391-00117558 engineering planning and product goOeTm4Zk34-00628-00117559-00117719 planning release planning goOeTm4Zk34-00629-00117720-00117902 this becomes part of the way your goOeTm4Zk34-00630-00117903-00118054 company functions and goOeTm4Zk34-00631-00118055-00118286 it's an audit right like we do tons of goOeTm4Zk34-00632-00118288-00118478 audits even in teeny little startups we goOeTm4Zk34-00633-00118479-00118615 do little audits right goOeTm4Zk34-00634-00118616-00118783 like the audit how this how's the goOeTm4Zk34-00635-00118783-00118951 marketing doing how's the pipe how's the goOeTm4Zk34-00636-00118952-00118999 sales goOeTm4Zk34-00637-00119000-00119223 how's engineering going how many p0 bugs goOeTm4Zk34-00638-00119224-00119366 how many p1 bugs goOeTm4Zk34-00639-00119367-00119631 what's going on you know so this equal goOeTm4Zk34-00640-00119632-00119727 pay becomes goOeTm4Zk34-00641-00119728-00119966 part of what hr starts to audit for the goOeTm4Zk34-00642-00119967-00120143 company and they have to report on it goOeTm4Zk34-00643-00120144-00120423 every year you have to make it public so goOeTm4Zk34-00644-00120424-00120543 this is part of that culture goOeTm4Zk34-00645-00120544-00120758 that values that starts from day one goOeTm4Zk34-00646-00120759-00120902 that you own goOeTm4Zk34-00647-00120903-00121143 that process you have to have a ceo that goOeTm4Zk34-00648-00121144-00121334 is going to say i prioritize this goOeTm4Zk34-00649-00121335-00121399 because goOeTm4Zk34-00650-00121400-00121623 there will be 10 million other things goOeTm4Zk34-00651-00121624-00121766 that need to happen goOeTm4Zk34-00652-00121767-00121966 and you need to say but this has to goOeTm4Zk34-00653-00121967-00122223 happen this is not a negotiable thing goOeTm4Zk34-00654-00122224-00122390 because there's 10 million other things goOeTm4Zk34-00655-00122391-00122527 to do and you're a startup when you're a goOeTm4Zk34-00656-00122528-00122678 giant company when you're a mid-market goOeTm4Zk34-00657-00122679-00122758 company goOeTm4Zk34-00658-00122759-00122934 so that's why like mark was super goOeTm4Zk34-00659-00122935-00123110 important he's the ceo and chairman of goOeTm4Zk34-00660-00123111-00123223 the board goOeTm4Zk34-00661-00123224-00123447 if he says do it it's going to get done goOeTm4Zk34-00662-00123448-00123599 right goOeTm4Zk34-00663-00123600-00123766 yeah one of the toughest things we we goOeTm4Zk34-00664-00123767-00123943 teach here in the m engine in a short goOeTm4Zk34-00665-00123944-00124110 time period is is judgment as to which goOeTm4Zk34-00666-00124111-00124214 of those 10 goOeTm4Zk34-00667-00124215-00124358 which of those 10 million things are you goOeTm4Zk34-00668-00124359-00124551 going to focus on and that's that's goOeTm4Zk34-00669-00124552-00124727 really tough to do there's no no easy goOeTm4Zk34-00670-00124728-00124910 answer for this goOeTm4Zk34-00671-00124911-00125143 sales force uh if everything's important goOeTm4Zk34-00672-00125144-00125263 nothing's important goOeTm4Zk34-00673-00125264-00125471 yeah you have to be able to choose goOeTm4Zk34-00674-00125472-00125583 absolutely yeah goOeTm4Zk34-00675-00125583-00125766 and that choice is your value add as a goOeTm4Zk34-00676-00125767-00125919 leader it's a huge part of your value goOeTm4Zk34-00677-00125920-00126023 add so goOeTm4Zk34-00678-00126024-00126463 um so do do you worry that we're baking goOeTm4Zk34-00679-00126464-00126751 baking our biases in when we start using goOeTm4Zk34-00680-00126752-00126886 machine learning goOeTm4Zk34-00681-00126888-00127175 uh and artificial intelligence yeah and goOeTm4Zk34-00682-00127176-00127319 do you have any feelings goOeTm4Zk34-00683-00127320-00127623 or thoughts on on that anything that's goOeTm4Zk34-00684-00127624-00127743 programmed by a human goOeTm4Zk34-00685-00127744-00127895 innately is going to have some bias goOeTm4Zk34-00686-00127896-00128078 built into it right and i do goOeTm4Zk34-00687-00128079-00128254 actually spend a lot of time thinking i goOeTm4Zk34-00688-00128255-00128407 actually just invested in a company goOeTm4Zk34-00689-00128408-00128543 about this exact problem goOeTm4Zk34-00690-00128544-00128886 that's an aside but um the data set goOeTm4Zk34-00691-00128888-00129127 right that's really the key what's the goOeTm4Zk34-00692-00129128-00129334 main the main data set we run all of goOeTm4Zk34-00693-00129335-00129486 this across and how do we make sure that goOeTm4Zk34-00694-00129488-00129695 that initial data set is pure goOeTm4Zk34-00695-00129696-00130039 right not not my opinion on this field goOeTm4Zk34-00696-00130040-00130247 and your opinion on that field goOeTm4Zk34-00697-00130248-00130447 your query that pulled this data from goOeTm4Zk34-00698-00130448-00130710 that but like a pure initial data set goOeTm4Zk34-00699-00130711-00130895 for every sort of problem we're going to goOeTm4Zk34-00700-00130896-00131063 face as a society goOeTm4Zk34-00701-00131064-00131295 um so yeah i do worry about that and goOeTm4Zk34-00702-00131296-00131439 this i'm actually investing in this goOeTm4Zk34-00703-00131440-00131590 company it's very small no one's ever goOeTm4Zk34-00704-00131591-00131759 heard of it it's called masterful goOeTm4Zk34-00705-00131760-00131975 it's three really really smart engineers goOeTm4Zk34-00706-00131976-00132111 and they're basically trying to fix this goOeTm4Zk34-00707-00132112-00132319 problem they're trying to figure out goOeTm4Zk34-00708-00132320-00132502 how to automate data set creation goOeTm4Zk34-00709-00132503-00132687 without bias or any like goOeTm4Zk34-00710-00132688-00132951 human sort of push on it that can be goOeTm4Zk34-00711-00132952-00133119 applied in a multitude of different ways goOeTm4Zk34-00712-00133120-00133239 and there are other companies there's goOeTm4Zk34-00713-00133240-00133399 companies like txdo which is another one goOeTm4Zk34-00714-00133400-00133502 of my investments goOeTm4Zk34-00715-00133503-00133719 that runs across all your data and your goOeTm4Zk34-00716-00133720-00133911 job applications and all this stuff to goOeTm4Zk34-00717-00133912-00133983 remove goOeTm4Zk34-00718-00133984-00134166 you know unconscious bias and when goOeTm4Zk34-00719-00134167-00134383 you're slewing a job description for goOeTm4Zk34-00720-00134384-00134678 a male candidate or a female candidate goOeTm4Zk34-00721-00134679-00134751 um so goOeTm4Zk34-00722-00134752-00134983 you know again i guess i'm a technology goOeTm4Zk34-00723-00134984-00135159 optimist because i grew up here and i've goOeTm4Zk34-00724-00135160-00135287 been doing this for so long goOeTm4Zk34-00725-00135288-00135478 i think we'll solve the problem i think goOeTm4Zk34-00726-00135479-00135663 our engineers and all of you i think goOeTm4Zk34-00727-00135664-00135790 we'll figure out a way to goOeTm4Zk34-00728-00135791-00135966 to get the problem in better control goOeTm4Zk34-00729-00135967-00136166 than it's in now but again it will be goOeTm4Zk34-00730-00136167-00136295 one of those things that will need goOeTm4Zk34-00731-00136296-00136566 constant vigilance to to keep it sort of goOeTm4Zk34-00732-00136567-00136663 steady goOeTm4Zk34-00733-00136664-00136839 and and hard work and and using goOeTm4Zk34-00734-00136840-00136990 technology for the better veterans goOeTm4Zk34-00735-00136991-00137047 society goOeTm4Zk34-00736-00137048-00137263 very berkeley sort of thing to do goOeTm4Zk34-00737-00137264-00137454 absolutely yeah absolutely goOeTm4Zk34-00738-00137455-00137647 so do you think silicon valley is ahead goOeTm4Zk34-00739-00137648-00137839 of the country or behind the country goOeTm4Zk34-00740-00137840-00138151 on this goOeTm4Zk34-00741-00138152-00138327 uh i think silicon valley is ahead of goOeTm4Zk34-00742-00138328-00138559 the country because we made them goOeTm4Zk34-00743-00138560-00138751 um i don't think they are actually ahead goOeTm4Zk34-00744-00138752-00138863 of it in practice goOeTm4Zk34-00745-00138864-00139078 they're ahead of it in dialogue here's goOeTm4Zk34-00746-00139079-00139239 the thing lots of times companies will goOeTm4Zk34-00747-00139240-00139359 talk about something before they goOeTm4Zk34-00748-00139360-00139447 actually get it goOeTm4Zk34-00749-00139448-00139663 especially in tech right like what we're goOeTm4Zk34-00750-00139664-00139854 gonna build what's gonna be happening goOeTm4Zk34-00751-00139855-00140135 so i think there are a lot of companies goOeTm4Zk34-00752-00140136-00140311 i think a lot of companies goOeTm4Zk34-00753-00140312-00140471 i think every software company knows goOeTm4Zk34-00754-00140472-00140623 that they will be asked this question at goOeTm4Zk34-00755-00140624-00140807 a certain point in scale so they are goOeTm4Zk34-00756-00140808-00140911 thinking about it goOeTm4Zk34-00757-00140912-00141063 and i don't think that was true before goOeTm4Zk34-00758-00141064-00141278 we did this i think across the rest of goOeTm4Zk34-00759-00141279-00141366 the country goOeTm4Zk34-00760-00141367-00141607 this conversation is this really broke goOeTm4Zk34-00761-00141608-00141831 open with the sony hack in hollywood goOeTm4Zk34-00762-00141832-00142054 right when all the actresses saw that goOeTm4Zk34-00763-00142055-00142151 they were making like goOeTm4Zk34-00764-00142152-00142390 peanuts to the men and doing just as goOeTm4Zk34-00765-00142391-00142551 much work if not more goOeTm4Zk34-00766-00142552-00142766 so i mean the dialogue around equal pay goOeTm4Zk34-00767-00142767-00142943 has moved on to the national level but goOeTm4Zk34-00768-00142944-00143078 let's be clear that was only when we goOeTm4Zk34-00769-00143079-00143183 were doing this goOeTm4Zk34-00770-00143184-00143302 that's why i became friends like goOeTm4Zk34-00771-00143303-00143535 patricia arquette and lily ledbetter and goOeTm4Zk34-00772-00143536-00143663 billie jean king goOeTm4Zk34-00773-00143664-00143951 we're all friends because we all sort of goOeTm4Zk34-00774-00143952-00144039 from different goOeTm4Zk34-00775-00144040-00144351 uh hollywood athletics all these goOeTm4Zk34-00776-00144352-00144543 different places came together goOeTm4Zk34-00777-00144544-00144766 on this issue so i think that the goOeTm4Zk34-00778-00144767-00144943 country is paying more attention to it i goOeTm4Zk34-00779-00144944-00145047 do not think people are goOeTm4Zk34-00780-00145048-00145295 doing it yet i think technology is being goOeTm4Zk34-00781-00145296-00145463 forced to report on it which is making goOeTm4Zk34-00782-00145464-00145495 them goOeTm4Zk34-00783-00145496-00145695 do it more than other industries and i goOeTm4Zk34-00784-00145696-00145831 think technology is being forced to goOeTm4Zk34-00785-00145832-00146071 report on it because salesforce did goOeTm4Zk34-00786-00146072-00146247 interesting so so we talked about google goOeTm4Zk34-00787-00146248-00146463 yesterday google's philosophy goOeTm4Zk34-00788-00146464-00146671 and pay for performance and that was a goOeTm4Zk34-00789-00146672-00147390 fun discussion goOeTm4Zk34-00790-00147391-00147543 do you want to you want to touch on that goOeTm4Zk34-00791-00147544-00147863 or sure you could pass if you'd like goOeTm4Zk34-00792-00147864-00148031 like here's the thing this is why this goOeTm4Zk34-00793-00148032-00148214 is so complicated goOeTm4Zk34-00794-00148215-00148359 this is why some of these business goOeTm4Zk34-00795-00148360-00148463 problems when you're sitting in a goOeTm4Zk34-00796-00148464-00148599 classroom you're like what's wrong with goOeTm4Zk34-00797-00148600-00148783 you of course you pay the women the same goOeTm4Zk34-00798-00148784-00148999 don't be a right but when you're goOeTm4Zk34-00799-00149000-00149126 talking about like goOeTm4Zk34-00800-00149127-00149375 millions hundreds of millions of dollars goOeTm4Zk34-00801-00149376-00149551 in salary that you cannot goOeTm4Zk34-00802-00149552-00149823 pay someone and redirect a whole new goOeTm4Zk34-00803-00149824-00149983 engineering organization and the people goOeTm4Zk34-00804-00149984-00150135 aren't any wiser goOeTm4Zk34-00805-00150136-00150359 you know i i there's a business logic to goOeTm4Zk34-00806-00150360-00150463 it too goOeTm4Zk34-00807-00150464-00150678 i think google is a hard place to work goOeTm4Zk34-00808-00150679-00150878 it's high performance you got to be goOeTm4Zk34-00809-00150879-00151023 really smart you got to know what you're goOeTm4Zk34-00810-00151024-00151087 doing goOeTm4Zk34-00811-00151088-00151254 and because it's always been that way goOeTm4Zk34-00812-00151255-00151454 it's been successful in having that type goOeTm4Zk34-00813-00151455-00151614 of a pay structure because goOeTm4Zk34-00814-00151615-00151743 the people that worked there were goOeTm4Zk34-00815-00151744-00151935 incented by that i think that as goOeTm4Zk34-00816-00151936-00152095 companies grow goOeTm4Zk34-00817-00152096-00152383 and that company is now huge right i i goOeTm4Zk34-00818-00152384-00152583 think of google like 10 15 years ago goOeTm4Zk34-00819-00152584-00152711 that's the google that's in my mind goOeTm4Zk34-00820-00152712-00152854 those are my friends they're all gone goOeTm4Zk34-00821-00152855-00152951 now but like goOeTm4Zk34-00822-00152952-00153175 as companies grow you have to change goOeTm4Zk34-00823-00153176-00153414 right what worked at 10 000 people will goOeTm4Zk34-00824-00153415-00153526 not work at 50 goOeTm4Zk34-00825-00153527-00153726 000 people will not work at 100 000 goOeTm4Zk34-00826-00153727-00153831 people so goOeTm4Zk34-00827-00153832-00154007 you know that's their call they seem to goOeTm4Zk34-00828-00154008-00154199 be doing pretty well so who am i to goOeTm4Zk34-00829-00154200-00154583 judge right but um but that kind of and goOeTm4Zk34-00830-00154584-00154911 that kind of sort of mentality around goOeTm4Zk34-00831-00154912-00155247 pay leads to big inequities typically goOeTm4Zk34-00832-00155248-00155654 yeah and jig deng as asked how do you goOeTm4Zk34-00833-00155655-00155919 quantify something intangible like like goOeTm4Zk34-00834-00155920-00156135 creativity and innovation and that that goOeTm4Zk34-00835-00156136-00156199 is the goOeTm4Zk34-00836-00156200-00156335 that's the heart of what google does goOeTm4Zk34-00837-00156336-00156543 probably possibly i don't mean to goOeTm4Zk34-00838-00156544-00156702 say negative things about salesforce but goOeTm4Zk34-00839-00156703-00156871 maybe more than salesforce even that goOeTm4Zk34-00840-00156872-00157007 they are really in the business of goOeTm4Zk34-00841-00157008-00157126 innovation and goOeTm4Zk34-00842-00157127-00157343 how do you quantify that kind of goOeTm4Zk34-00843-00157344-00157454 intangible goOeTm4Zk34-00844-00157455-00157639 well then i mean i wouldn't go to google goOeTm4Zk34-00845-00157640-00157799 on that because i actually think apple goOeTm4Zk34-00846-00157800-00157935 is more creative goOeTm4Zk34-00847-00157936-00158175 right so like you look at the way apple goOeTm4Zk34-00848-00158176-00158302 treated johnny ive goOeTm4Zk34-00849-00158303-00158502 i mean he's their top designer he left a goOeTm4Zk34-00850-00158503-00158647 couple years ago but he signed the goOeTm4Zk34-00851-00158648-00158839 iphone ipad he did all of it goOeTm4Zk34-00852-00158840-00159078 i mean he was like a celebrity right so goOeTm4Zk34-00853-00159079-00159247 there are companies that have figured goOeTm4Zk34-00854-00159248-00159302 out goOeTm4Zk34-00855-00159303-00159519 how to sort of value that creativity goOeTm4Zk34-00856-00159520-00159687 component i mean again not to goOeTm4Zk34-00857-00159688-00159887 sound like a dead like beat a dead horse goOeTm4Zk34-00858-00159888-00160087 here but it's your values goOeTm4Zk34-00859-00160088-00160335 your values right are you going to put goOeTm4Zk34-00860-00160336-00160390 you know goOeTm4Zk34-00861-00160391-00160590 sales people are corn operated for a goOeTm4Zk34-00862-00160591-00160751 reason right goOeTm4Zk34-00863-00160752-00160911 engineers have to check in a certain goOeTm4Zk34-00864-00160912-00161095 amount of time wait wait sales people goOeTm4Zk34-00865-00161096-00161199 are coin operated for goOeTm4Zk34-00866-00161200-00161559 a reason yeah they make them i love that goOeTm4Zk34-00867-00161560-00161743 they know but they know right their goOeTm4Zk34-00868-00161744-00161926 target is clear goOeTm4Zk34-00869-00161927-00162111 this much money you bring in so much goOeTm4Zk34-00870-00162112-00162295 money you make this much money goOeTm4Zk34-00871-00162296-00162551 engineering is almost easy too you check goOeTm4Zk34-00872-00162552-00162743 in this much code you finish the feature goOeTm4Zk34-00873-00162744-00162878 this few bugs goOeTm4Zk34-00874-00162879-00163207 this yeah yeah yep got it marketing even goOeTm4Zk34-00875-00163208-00163247 to goOeTm4Zk34-00876-00163248-00163590 a lot of every function in the business goOeTm4Zk34-00877-00163591-00163854 has some kind of lever and then there's goOeTm4Zk34-00878-00163855-00163999 the creativity component goOeTm4Zk34-00879-00164000-00164199 on top which makes someone not just a goOeTm4Zk34-00880-00164200-00164414 good engineer but a great engineer goOeTm4Zk34-00881-00164415-00164575 right and not just a good sales person goOeTm4Zk34-00882-00164576-00164743 but a great sales person goOeTm4Zk34-00883-00164744-00164983 so most companies have built into their goOeTm4Zk34-00884-00164984-00165175 rubric their performance rubric how they goOeTm4Zk34-00885-00165176-00165271 view that right goOeTm4Zk34-00886-00165272-00165447 and if there's the numbers but there's goOeTm4Zk34-00887-00165448-00165614 also if you're the best manager if goOeTm4Zk34-00888-00165615-00165783 everyone loves working for you goOeTm4Zk34-00889-00165784-00165999 if you're constantly volunteering and goOeTm4Zk34-00890-00166000-00166223 helping people think well of the company goOeTm4Zk34-00891-00166224-00166414 i mean we had a lot of different metrics goOeTm4Zk34-00892-00166415-00166583 at salesforce to think about because we goOeTm4Zk34-00893-00166584-00166783 had volunteering and all these other goOeTm4Zk34-00894-00166784-00166878 components goOeTm4Zk34-00895-00166879-00167102 we tried to look at the whole person and goOeTm4Zk34-00896-00167103-00167207 i think that was a goOeTm4Zk34-00897-00167208-00167423 that's not traditionally how people have goOeTm4Zk34-00898-00167424-00167519 considered goOeTm4Zk34-00899-00167520-00167783 paying their employees and i think that goOeTm4Zk34-00900-00167784-00167911 was a big difference too goOeTm4Zk34-00901-00167912-00168126 but what's important to salesforce might goOeTm4Zk34-00902-00168127-00168271 be not be important to google goOeTm4Zk34-00903-00168272-00168447 might not be important to apple right goOeTm4Zk34-00904-00168448-00168575 like that's why goOeTm4Zk34-00905-00168576-00168759 it's such a hard problem because there's goOeTm4Zk34-00906-00168760-00168919 no like here's the playbook goOeTm4Zk34-00907-00168920-00169102 everyone pay everyone this way no goOeTm4Zk34-00908-00169103-00169295 conversation that's not really how it goOeTm4Zk34-00909-00169296-00169511 works goOeTm4Zk34-00910-00169512-00169783 how did you is this still a big part of goOeTm4Zk34-00911-00169784-00169911 your life and then the question here goOeTm4Zk34-00912-00169912-00169943 from goOeTm4Zk34-00913-00169944-00170223 shay is is you know it got solved for goOeTm4Zk34-00914-00170224-00170438 you but it still seems to be a big goOeTm4Zk34-00915-00170439-00170583 it still seems to be very important to goOeTm4Zk34-00916-00170584-00170799 you and hasn't it goOeTm4Zk34-00917-00170800-00171031 yeah how how did you keep that goOeTm4Zk34-00918-00171032-00171119 motivation goOeTm4Zk34-00919-00171120-00171487 and and uh fervor goOeTm4Zk34-00920-00171488-00171671 well i have a lot of energy that's one goOeTm4Zk34-00921-00171672-00171847 thing i will say um goOeTm4Zk34-00922-00171848-00172119 listen uh i worked really hard my goOeTm4Zk34-00923-00172120-00172238 parents are immigrants goOeTm4Zk34-00924-00172239-00172463 my you know i came here first generation goOeTm4Zk34-00925-00172464-00172623 my parents went to cal goOeTm4Zk34-00926-00172624-00172887 uh we never really felt like we belonged goOeTm4Zk34-00927-00172888-00172983 in this country goOeTm4Zk34-00928-00172984-00173135 there was sort of this like you belong goOeTm4Zk34-00929-00173136-00173326 but you don't feeling which i was always goOeTm4Zk34-00930-00173327-00173447 a little bit goOeTm4Zk34-00931-00173448-00173766 freaked out by and i worked really hard goOeTm4Zk34-00932-00173767-00173951 like i worked in product management and goOeTm4Zk34-00933-00173952-00174119 engineering there were no goOeTm4Zk34-00934-00174120-00174326 whip this was like 20 years ago i'm a goOeTm4Zk34-00935-00174327-00174478 lot older than all of you like goOeTm4Zk34-00936-00174479-00174695 there were no women in product goOeTm4Zk34-00937-00174696-00174854 management there were no women goOeTm4Zk34-00938-00174855-00175111 in engineering i was alone most of the goOeTm4Zk34-00939-00175112-00175223 time goOeTm4Zk34-00940-00175224-00175407 and i could handle that like i was like goOeTm4Zk34-00941-00175408-00175543 okay i'll break through that goOeTm4Zk34-00942-00175544-00175726 but when i found out they were making goOeTm4Zk34-00943-00175727-00175919 more money than me goOeTm4Zk34-00944-00175920-00176119 man that made me crazy i mean that made goOeTm4Zk34-00945-00176120-00176271 me crazy goOeTm4Zk34-00946-00176272-00176502 like are you kidding how can i ever get goOeTm4Zk34-00947-00176503-00176638 where i want to go goOeTm4Zk34-00948-00176639-00176854 if i'm getting cut out before i even goOeTm4Zk34-00949-00176855-00176959 show up goOeTm4Zk34-00950-00176960-00177135 so like i look i could it would have goOeTm4Zk34-00951-00177136-00177351 been a lot easier for me to just go yell goOeTm4Zk34-00952-00177352-00177495 at them and make them give me goOeTm4Zk34-00953-00177496-00177647 more money and i probably would have goOeTm4Zk34-00954-00177648-00177902 gotten more right in some ways like goOeTm4Zk34-00955-00177903-00178087 but i all of a sudden saw this goOeTm4Zk34-00956-00178088-00178254 opportunity where i had goOeTm4Zk34-00957-00178255-00178583 the connections the ability the platform goOeTm4Zk34-00958-00178584-00178935 the will and and the really the ability goOeTm4Zk34-00959-00178936-00179143 to do this not just for me but for goOeTm4Zk34-00960-00179144-00179390 as many people as i possibly could as goOeTm4Zk34-00961-00179391-00179526 many as possible goOeTm4Zk34-00962-00179527-00179863 and so now this is like this is a huge goOeTm4Zk34-00963-00179864-00179959 part of who i goOeTm4Zk34-00964-00179960-00180278 am i talk about this all the time goOeTm4Zk34-00965-00180279-00180599 i give people advice all the time i goOeTm4Zk34-00966-00180600-00180878 this is like when i die it'll be like goOeTm4Zk34-00967-00180879-00180975 mother goOeTm4Zk34-00968-00180976-00181343 wife equal pay like i mean it i i goOeTm4Zk34-00969-00181344-00181711 i this for me work is hard right that's goOeTm4Zk34-00970-00181712-00181814 why they pay you goOeTm4Zk34-00971-00181815-00181943 it's not supposed to be a super good goOeTm4Zk34-00972-00181944-00182078 time if you can figure out a way to go goOeTm4Zk34-00973-00182079-00182199 to work and have a pretty good time goOeTm4Zk34-00974-00182200-00182399 you're winning if you can figure out a goOeTm4Zk34-00975-00182400-00182535 way to go to work and have a pretty good goOeTm4Zk34-00976-00182536-00182663 time and make money goOeTm4Zk34-00977-00182664-00182999 and do something important for society goOeTm4Zk34-00978-00183000-00183214 then you're really winning then you're goOeTm4Zk34-00979-00183215-00183390 really winning then work doesn't feel goOeTm4Zk34-00980-00183391-00183471 like work goOeTm4Zk34-00981-00183472-00183647 work feels like a purpose work feels goOeTm4Zk34-00982-00183648-00183807 like you're doing something bigger goOeTm4Zk34-00983-00183808-00183999 and look i like money okay i was never goOeTm4Zk34-00984-00184000-00184151 going to work at a non-profit goOeTm4Zk34-00985-00184152-00184319 i i absolutely wanted to make a lot of goOeTm4Zk34-00986-00184320-00184471 money i said that from the time i was a goOeTm4Zk34-00987-00184472-00184566 little girl goOeTm4Zk34-00988-00184567-00184911 on up so you know i didn't want to just goOeTm4Zk34-00989-00184912-00185111 make money and not do anything back and goOeTm4Zk34-00990-00185112-00185254 then when i got the opportunity to do goOeTm4Zk34-00991-00185255-00185399 such a big thing goOeTm4Zk34-00992-00185400-00185654 and to impact so many different ways of goOeTm4Zk34-00993-00185655-00185854 the way women were sort of viewed goOeTm4Zk34-00994-00185855-00186087 it was it was a huge moment and it goOeTm4Zk34-00995-00186088-00186519 continues to be a huge part of who i am goOeTm4Zk34-00996-00186520-00186695 and we've got some other other thoughts goOeTm4Zk34-00997-00186696-00186854 here asking about the goOeTm4Zk34-00998-00186855-00187047 latinx and other other diversity and goOeTm4Zk34-00999-00187048-00187150 that that's part of what you've done goOeTm4Zk34-01000-00187151-00187263 you've expanded goOeTm4Zk34-01001-00187264-00187535 to other other under represented goOeTm4Zk34-01002-00187536-00187631 minorities goOeTm4Zk34-01003-00187632-00187959 so yeah so salesforce after we did equal goOeTm4Zk34-01004-00187960-00188175 pay we hired the chief diversity officer goOeTm4Zk34-01005-00188176-00188390 we started um really engaging in our goOeTm4Zk34-01006-00188391-00188575 employee resource groups more goOeTm4Zk34-01007-00188576-00188799 and um the black employee resource group goOeTm4Zk34-01008-00188800-00188943 at salesforce called bold force goOeTm4Zk34-01009-00188944-00189150 asked me to be their exec sponsor and i goOeTm4Zk34-01010-00189151-00189263 was like goOeTm4Zk34-01011-00189264-00189663 hey you know i'm not black like no like goOeTm4Zk34-01012-00189664-00189823 sure and they were like no no we want goOeTm4Zk34-01013-00189824-00190054 you um and it became goOeTm4Zk34-01014-00190055-00190214 probably one of the most important goOeTm4Zk34-01015-00190215-00190423 relationships of my professional life goOeTm4Zk34-01016-00190424-00190759 i really got to spend a lot of time goOeTm4Zk34-01017-00190760-00190895 focusing on what it felt like to be goOeTm4Zk34-01018-00190896-00191119 black at salesforce black and tech goOeTm4Zk34-01019-00191120-00191423 um black in america and this was years goOeTm4Zk34-01020-00191424-00191550 ago right so goOeTm4Zk34-01021-00191551-00191775 that as well as you know my partner goOeTm4Zk34-01022-00191776-00191943 cindy is latin goOeTm4Zk34-01023-00191944-00192102 that next she's you know she's from goOeTm4Zk34-01024-00192103-00192366 mexico so the whole time through that goOeTm4Zk34-01025-00192367-00192559 was a big part of what you know when we goOeTm4Zk34-01026-00192560-00192726 were doing equal pay that was a big part goOeTm4Zk34-01027-00192727-00192935 of what we were talking about goOeTm4Zk34-01028-00192936-00193095 look i mean this all we all go up goOeTm4Zk34-01029-00193096-00193319 together as far as i'm concerned and goOeTm4Zk34-01030-00193320-00193575 and and so yeah i think that the problem goOeTm4Zk34-01031-00193576-00193766 is more acute for people of color quite goOeTm4Zk34-01032-00193767-00193943 frankly i'm a white woman goOeTm4Zk34-01033-00193944-00194159 i i have a lot of advantage in the fact goOeTm4Zk34-01034-00194160-00194271 that i'm a white woman goOeTm4Zk34-01035-00194272-00194454 i'm there are a lot of things that are goOeTm4Zk34-01036-00194455-00194614 assumed when i walk in the room just goOeTm4Zk34-01037-00194615-00194823 because of the way i look i'm chubby goOeTm4Zk34-01038-00194824-00195111 i'm loud you know i have my own things goOeTm4Zk34-01039-00195112-00195231 that people do goOeTm4Zk34-01040-00195232-00195519 but no i'm white right so i get the goOeTm4Zk34-01041-00195520-00195711 benefit of the doubt from most people goOeTm4Zk34-01042-00195712-00195911 which is weird right and i think goOeTm4Zk34-01043-00195912-00196071 that's where peace corps comes in goOeTm4Zk34-01044-00196072-00196271 because i have actually had an goOeTm4Zk34-01045-00196272-00196502 experience for three years of my life goOeTm4Zk34-01046-00196503-00196735 where i was the only white person and goOeTm4Zk34-01047-00196736-00196807 being white goOeTm4Zk34-01048-00196808-00197014 was the thing that didn't make sense in goOeTm4Zk34-01049-00197015-00197143 this place and i goOeTm4Zk34-01050-00197144-00197366 saw how that felt and how people reacted goOeTm4Zk34-01051-00197367-00197511 to me and so goOeTm4Zk34-01052-00197512-00197759 now these are building these different goOeTm4Zk34-01053-00197760-00197926 types of parts into who you are as a goOeTm4Zk34-01054-00197927-00198078 person and thinking about how you're goOeTm4Zk34-01055-00198079-00198287 going to bring that self to work goOeTm4Zk34-01056-00198288-00198495 is important i wanted to be someone that goOeTm4Zk34-01057-00198496-00198638 stood up for other people goOeTm4Zk34-01058-00198639-00198823 i wanted to be someone who was helping goOeTm4Zk34-01059-00198824-00199023 everyone like yes women of course that goOeTm4Zk34-01060-00199024-00199199 one's easy i'm a woman like goOeTm4Zk34-01061-00199200-00199407 i can completely relate to that but when goOeTm4Zk34-01062-00199408-00199566 i really started thinking about what it goOeTm4Zk34-01063-00199567-00199807 felt like to be black in tech goOeTm4Zk34-01064-00199808-00200207 or hispanic in tech or asian in tech goOeTm4Zk34-01065-00200208-00200526 or indian and tech um it's goOeTm4Zk34-01066-00200527-00200759 it's a it's different right and so goOeTm4Zk34-01067-00200760-00200950 increasing my understanding of that and goOeTm4Zk34-01068-00200951-00201135 helping other people get better about goOeTm4Zk34-01069-00201136-00201190 that goOeTm4Zk34-01070-00201191-00201407 and understand that their role in that goOeTm4Zk34-01071-00201408-00201543 has been important goOeTm4Zk34-01072-00201544-00201711 right i remember and i tell the story i goOeTm4Zk34-01073-00201712-00201863 don't even know what story i told but goOeTm4Zk34-01074-00201864-00202054 um when i was the exact sponsor of bold goOeTm4Zk34-01075-00202055-00202166 force we were in a goOeTm4Zk34-01076-00202167-00202487 uh we were at a high level goOeTm4Zk34-01077-00202488-00202695 meeting with all the execs and we were goOeTm4Zk34-01078-00202696-00202790 talking about goOeTm4Zk34-01079-00202791-00203038 getting more black employees and i said goOeTm4Zk34-01080-00203039-00203214 i was talking black employees like in goOeTm4Zk34-01081-00203215-00203343 place and we went got up to walk to the goOeTm4Zk34-01082-00203344-00203478 bathroom and like four different people goOeTm4Zk34-01083-00203479-00203614 came up to me and they're like hey leila goOeTm4Zk34-01084-00203615-00203743 hey leila i want to tell you something goOeTm4Zk34-01085-00203744-00203838 and i thought they were going to say goOeTm4Zk34-01086-00203839-00204063 good job bringing up that topic we need goOeTm4Zk34-01087-00204064-00204207 to talk about that goOeTm4Zk34-01088-00204208-00204471 so great and they were all like layla goOeTm4Zk34-01089-00204472-00204663 you can't say black goOeTm4Zk34-01090-00204664-00204886 you can't use that word and in my mind i goOeTm4Zk34-01091-00204887-00204998 was like how goOeTm4Zk34-01092-00205000-00205182 you can't change anything if you can't goOeTm4Zk34-01093-00205183-00205366 talk about it right so goOeTm4Zk34-01094-00205367-00205582 wherever i see a way to try to help goOeTm4Zk34-01095-00205583-00205694 other people i do goOeTm4Zk34-01096-00205696-00205966 but it's hard it's the world is set up goOeTm4Zk34-01097-00205967-00206206 for white men at least america is goOeTm4Zk34-01098-00206207-00206375 um so it's going to take a while for us goOeTm4Zk34-01099-00206376-00206631 to break that down and rebuild it but goOeTm4Zk34-01100-00206632-00207014 i believe we are in the process goOeTm4Zk34-01101-00207015-00207390 um a bit of a divergence here for those goOeTm4Zk34-01102-00207391-00207542 of us that are parents goOeTm4Zk34-01103-00207544-00207766 how do you balance a career with goOeTm4Zk34-01104-00207767-00207927 parenting most of our students are a goOeTm4Zk34-01105-00207928-00208071 little young for that goOeTm4Zk34-01106-00208071-00208423 uh but uh if you have any insights there goOeTm4Zk34-01107-00208423-00208662 yeah look first of all my kids are my goOeTm4Zk34-01108-00208663-00208823 greatest accomplishment of everything goOeTm4Zk34-01109-00208823-00208958 i've done that's the thing i'm most goOeTm4Zk34-01110-00208959-00209151 proud of so if you want to have kids you goOeTm4Zk34-01111-00209152-00209238 should have kids goOeTm4Zk34-01112-00209239-00209382 and don't let anyone talk you out of goOeTm4Zk34-01113-00209383-00209614 that ever that's my one little goOeTm4Zk34-01114-00209615-00209903 advertising there um like it was hard goOeTm4Zk34-01115-00209904-00210063 and we had help right we had goOeTm4Zk34-01116-00210064-00210334 nannies and stuff and then eventually goOeTm4Zk34-01117-00210335-00210510 when we turned 40 goOeTm4Zk34-01118-00210511-00210671 my husband was a lawyer and he really goOeTm4Zk34-01119-00210671-00210855 didn't like being a lawyer um goOeTm4Zk34-01120-00210856-00210991 and so he was like i don't want to be a goOeTm4Zk34-01121-00210992-00211134 lawyer anymore i want to go back to goOeTm4Zk34-01122-00211135-00211310 school and i'll take care of the kids goOeTm4Zk34-01123-00211311-00211542 and i was like oh my gosh yes please goOeTm4Zk34-01124-00211544-00211758 please please please as fast as possible goOeTm4Zk34-01125-00211759-00212015 so i have had a lucky lucky thing goOeTm4Zk34-01126-00212016-00212167 because for the last seven years my goOeTm4Zk34-01127-00212167-00212246 husband goOeTm4Zk34-01128-00212248-00212406 has sort of taken the lead as he's goOeTm4Zk34-01129-00212407-00212567 gotten another degree and done some goOeTm4Zk34-01130-00212567-00212655 other stuff goOeTm4Zk34-01131-00212656-00212958 um but it's hard right a lot of the time goOeTm4Zk34-01132-00212959-00213127 i felt like i was a bad mom goOeTm4Zk34-01133-00213128-00213246 and then other times i felt like i was a goOeTm4Zk34-01134-00213248-00213494 bad executive the firm you know the goOeTm4Zk34-01135-00213496-00213582 sales force or goOeTm4Zk34-01136-00213583-00213782 the firm needed me to do something go goOeTm4Zk34-01137-00213783-00213991 fly somewhere to close a deal or go do goOeTm4Zk34-01138-00213992-00214071 something goOeTm4Zk34-01139-00214071-00214246 that means i'm not home helping with goOeTm4Zk34-01140-00214248-00214439 dinner and homework goOeTm4Zk34-01141-00214440-00214734 and bedtime um so i would you know i'm goOeTm4Zk34-01142-00214735-00214863 lucky i had a i have a goOeTm4Zk34-01143-00214864-00215031 great partner and we really talked and goOeTm4Zk34-01144-00215032-00215246 worked out sort of a plan for us goOeTm4Zk34-01145-00215248-00215575 but um it's challenging i i my hope goOeTm4Zk34-01146-00215576-00215927 is that kovid is humanizing goOeTm4Zk34-01147-00215928-00216142 being a parent a little bit in a way goOeTm4Zk34-01148-00216144-00216310 that was never going to happen when we goOeTm4Zk34-01149-00216311-00216439 all ran off to the office goOeTm4Zk34-01150-00216440-00216567 because like i was at a call today and goOeTm4Zk34-01151-00216567-00216791 someone was shaking her baby and i was goOeTm4Zk34-01152-00216792-00216958 it was amazing i was going to kiss the goOeTm4Zk34-01153-00216959-00217158 baby and grab the baby you know like goOeTm4Zk34-01154-00217159-00217375 but that was totally normal to have her goOeTm4Zk34-01155-00217376-00217623 shaking the baby it's interesting goOeTm4Zk34-01156-00217623-00217831 so my hope is and i've been thinking goOeTm4Zk34-01157-00217832-00217975 about this a little bit that perhaps goOeTm4Zk34-01158-00217976-00218182 covid and and sort of like you're goOeTm4Zk34-01159-00218183-00218303 looking in my house goOeTm4Zk34-01160-00218304-00218455 you know you have a different goOeTm4Zk34-01161-00218456-00218719 perspective um perhaps it will normalize goOeTm4Zk34-01162-00218719-00218894 some of those more human behaviors we goOeTm4Zk34-01163-00218896-00219039 have that are often goOeTm4Zk34-01164-00219040-00219198 we feel like we need to push them down goOeTm4Zk34-01165-00219200-00219415 at work i think my hope is some of the goOeTm4Zk34-01166-00219416-00219519 good that will come out of this goOeTm4Zk34-01167-00219519-00219639 nightmare we're in goOeTm4Zk34-01168-00219640-00219831 some of that some of that normalization goOeTm4Zk34-01169-00219832-00219958 that's interesting yeah some silver goOeTm4Zk34-01170-00219959-00220039 lining which goOeTm4Zk34-01171-00220040-00220351 which we all need i think right now goOeTm4Zk34-01172-00220352-00220598 any any last big thoughts you had a nice goOeTm4Zk34-01173-00220600-00220719 thing in the video goOeTm4Zk34-01174-00220719-00220919 i don't know if you could top that one goOeTm4Zk34-01175-00220919-00221110 uh but but give it our give it our goOeTm4Zk34-01176-00221111-00221463 our discussion today any any last uh goOeTm4Zk34-01177-00221464-00221767 pieces of advice it's a hard time goOeTm4Zk34-01178-00221767-00221958 this is a hard time i'm 47 years old goOeTm4Zk34-01179-00221959-00222079 this is the hardest time i've ever lived goOeTm4Zk34-01180-00222080-00222231 through that's a hard time goOeTm4Zk34-01181-00222232-00222479 and you know and and i think my main goOeTm4Zk34-01182-00222480-00222671 advice to you is you're going to be okay goOeTm4Zk34-01183-00222671-00222831 you are going to be okay you are going goOeTm4Zk34-01184-00222832-00223110 to a great school you are super smart goOeTm4Zk34-01185-00223111-00223406 technology is a great thing to do it has goOeTm4Zk34-01186-00223407-00223471 problems goOeTm4Zk34-01187-00223471-00223679 big problems like every business like goOeTm4Zk34-01188-00223680-00223791 every industry goOeTm4Zk34-01189-00223792-00223982 but you are in a great place to do it goOeTm4Zk34-01190-00223983-00224182 you are and and we're going to be okay goOeTm4Zk34-01191-00224183-00224367 we're there's another side to all of goOeTm4Zk34-01192-00224367-00224415 this goOeTm4Zk34-01193-00224416-00224598 and hopefully we'll all be smarter and goOeTm4Zk34-01194-00224600-00224823 hopefully you guys will build some stuff goOeTm4Zk34-01195-00224823-00225046 that will help us get there as a society goOeTm4Zk34-01196-00225048-00225182 better but um goOeTm4Zk34-01197-00225183-00225406 it's a hard time be nice to yourself and goOeTm4Zk34-01198-00225407-00225575 like give yourself a break goOeTm4Zk34-01199-00225576-00225758 and give other people a break because it goOeTm4Zk34-01200-00225759-00225910 really i've never goOeTm4Zk34-01201-00225911-00226063 i mean i thought i lived through some goOeTm4Zk34-01202-00226064-00226303 nothing compared to what's going on goOeTm4Zk34-01203-00226304-00226431 right now goOeTm4Zk34-01204-00226432-00226615 you know i have compassion for you and goOeTm4Zk34-01205-00226616-00226782 you know coming to school and goOeTm4Zk34-01206-00226783-00227031 sitting through class and it's hard goOeTm4Zk34-01207-00227032-00227231 right everything's hard right now so goOeTm4Zk34-01208-00227232-00227287 just goOeTm4Zk34-01209-00227288-00227471 be nice to yourself do something for goOeTm4Zk34-01210-00227471-00227663 yourself go on a smoke walk around goOeTm4Zk34-01211-00227664-00227758 berkeley goOeTm4Zk34-01212-00227759-00227927 have a pack of cigarettes from the goOeTm4Zk34-01213-00227928-00228191 terrible just hang in there is my goOeTm4Zk34-01214-00228192-00228351 main thing and don't worry you're gonna goOeTm4Zk34-01215-00228352-00228471 get a job goOeTm4Zk34-01216-00228471-00228694 okay don't worry don't worry about that goOeTm4Zk34-01217-00228696-00228815 hey stay healthy goOeTm4Zk34-01218-00228816-00228958 focus on getting smarter you're gonna goOeTm4Zk34-01219-00228959-00229158 find a job it's gonna be a great job goOeTm4Zk34-01220-00229159-00229310 your parents will be proud of you you'll goOeTm4Zk34-01221-00229311-00229334 be goOeTm4Zk34-01222-00229335-00229582 happy don't worry don't worry so much goOeTm4Zk34-01223-00229583-00229751 just thank you goOeTm4Zk34-01224-00229752-00230119 good well thank you so very very much goOeTm4Zk34-01225-00230119-00230342 leila seika coleman fung institute goOeTm4Zk34-01226-00230344-00230510 frederick leadership board member goOeTm4Zk34-01227-00230511-00230687 take care everybody see you tomorrow goOeTm4Zk34-01228-00230688-00231082 honestly last day of boot camp take care goOeTm4Zk34-01229-00231083-00231400 everybody you g1COPJeiQey-00000-00000084-00000371 hello everyone today we are going to g1COPJeiQey-00001-00000372-00000724 recite this poem don't be afraid of the g1COPJeiQey-00002-00000725-00000941 dark g1COPJeiQey-00003-00000942-00001241 first I will recite the poem and you g1COPJeiQey-00004-00001242-00001523 have to listen g1COPJeiQey-00005-00001524-00001810 let's start g1COPJeiQey-00006-00001811-00002251 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark little one g1COPJeiQey-00007-00002252-00002713 the Earth must rest when the day is done g1COPJeiQey-00008-00002714-00003107 the sun must be harsh but Moonlight g1COPJeiQey-00009-00003108-00003438 never and those Stars will be shining g1COPJeiQey-00010-00003439-00003772 forever and ever g1COPJeiQey-00011-00003773-00004045 foreign g1COPJeiQey-00012-00004046-00004427 there is nothing to fear just let your g1COPJeiQey-00013-00004428-00004747 thoughts travel to friends far and near g1COPJeiQey-00014-00004748-00005099 by day it does seem that our troubles g1COPJeiQey-00015-00005100-00005441 won't cease but that night late at night g1COPJeiQey-00016-00005442-00005831 the world is at peace this poem is by g1COPJeiQey-00017-00005832-00006191 Ruskin Bond g1COPJeiQey-00018-00006192-00006520 now I have recited the poem g1COPJeiQey-00019-00006522-00006863 now I will recite line by line and you g1COPJeiQey-00020-00006864-00007060 have to listen and you have to recite g1COPJeiQey-00021-00007061-00007241 after me g1COPJeiQey-00022-00007242-00007589 then I will say your turn you have to g1COPJeiQey-00023-00007590-00007877 recite the same line g1COPJeiQey-00024-00007878-00008095 so let's start g1COPJeiQey-00025-00008095-00008645 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark little one g1COPJeiQey-00026-00008646-00009221 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00027-00009222-00009742 the Earth must rest when the day is done g1COPJeiQey-00028-00009743-00010355 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00029-00010356-00010709 the sun must be harsh but Moonlight g1COPJeiQey-00030-00010710-00010889 never g1COPJeiQey-00031-00010890-00011519 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00032-00011520-00011849 and those Stars will be shining forever g1COPJeiQey-00033-00011850-00012010 and ever g1COPJeiQey-00034-00012011-00012751 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00035-00012752-00013066 be friends with the night there is g1COPJeiQey-00036-00013067-00013271 nothing to fear g1COPJeiQey-00037-00013272-00013853 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00038-00013854-00014153 just let your thoughts travel to friends g1COPJeiQey-00039-00014154-00014386 far and near g1COPJeiQey-00040-00014387-00015016 your turn g1COPJeiQey-00041-00015018-00015371 by day it does seem that our troubles g1COPJeiQey-00042-00015372-00016043 won't cease your turn g1COPJeiQey-00043-00016044-00016403 but at night late at night the world is g1COPJeiQey-00044-00016404-00017293 at peace your turn g1COPJeiQey-00045-00017294-00017471 very good g1COPJeiQey-00046-00017472-00017813 now practice it again and again g1COPJeiQey-00047-00017814-00018071 thank you for watching the video if you g1COPJeiQey-00048-00018072-00018263 like the video then subscribe to our g1COPJeiQey-00049-00018264-00018656 Channel learning tools thank you g2fjtebXVqI-00000-00000053-00000269 welcome to epicenter the show which g2fjtebXVqI-00001-00000270-00000443 talks about Technologies projects and g2fjtebXVqI-00002-00000444-00000623 people driving decentralization and the g2fjtebXVqI-00003-00000624-00000797 blockchain revolution I'm Frederica g2fjtebXVqI-00004-00000798-00000916 hands and today I'm speaking with g2fjtebXVqI-00005-00000917-00001115 blueishly Skin tilma Art who are the g2fjtebXVqI-00006-00001116-00001403 founders of gelato a project which makes g2fjtebXVqI-00007-00001404-00001679 blockchain devs lives easier through g2fjtebXVqI-00008-00001680-00001889 Automation and other things we'll talk g2fjtebXVqI-00009-00001889-00002165 about this in just a bit g2fjtebXVqI-00010-00002166-00002363 um but before we do let me tell you g2fjtebXVqI-00011-00002364-00002723 about our sponsor this week Omni is your g2fjtebXVqI-00012-00002724-00002908 new favorite multichain Mobile Wallet g2fjtebXVqI-00013-00002909-00003215 Omni supports more than 25 protocols so g2fjtebXVqI-00014-00003215-00003395 you can manage all of your assets in one g2fjtebXVqI-00015-00003396-00003563 place but what's really special about g2fjtebXVqI-00016-00003564-00003815 Omni is what you can do g2fjtebXVqI-00017-00003815-00004006 um inside the wallet want to get yield g2fjtebXVqI-00018-00004007-00004222 Omni allows you to get the best apis g2fjtebXVqI-00019-00004223-00004433 with zero fees and three tabs need to g2fjtebXVqI-00020-00004434-00004697 swap Omni Aggregates all major Bridges g2fjtebXVqI-00021-00004698-00004931 indexes so you can bridge and swap g2fjtebXVqI-00022-00004932-00005099 across all supported networks in one g2fjtebXVqI-00023-00005100-00005297 transaction directly in your wallet love g2fjtebXVqI-00024-00005298-00005567 nfts Omni offers the broadest nft g2fjtebXVqI-00025-00005568-00005765 support of any wallet so you can collect g2fjtebXVqI-00026-00005766-00005975 and manage your favorite nfts across all g2fjtebXVqI-00027-00005976-00006304 chains all in one place Omni truly is g2fjtebXVqI-00028-00006305-00006532 the easiest way to use web3 and is fully g2fjtebXVqI-00029-00006533-00006725 self-custodial meaning you never have to g2fjtebXVqI-00030-00006726-00006898 trust anyone with your assets other than g2fjtebXVqI-00031-00006900-00007151 yourself and they support Ledger give g2fjtebXVqI-00032-00007152-00007378 Omni a try at Omni dot app g2fjtebXVqI-00033-00007379-00007756 cool it's super nice to have you buy a g2fjtebXVqI-00034-00007758-00008092 both on Louis and Hema we go way way g2fjtebXVqI-00035-00008093-00008221 back g2fjtebXVqI-00036-00008222-00008596 so pretty early on in your web 3 Journey g2fjtebXVqI-00037-00008597-00008824 you guys got a grant from the gnosis g2fjtebXVqI-00038-00008825-00009113 ecosystem fund but we'll get to that g2fjtebXVqI-00039-00009114-00009283 um so maybe maybe tell us about g2fjtebXVqI-00040-00009284-00009592 yourselves and who you were before you g2fjtebXVqI-00041-00009593-00009778 know before blockchain and how you guys g2fjtebXVqI-00042-00009779-00009928 met g2fjtebXVqI-00043-00009929-00010199 oh yeah hi hi Frederica of course first g2fjtebXVqI-00044-00010200-00010367 of all thanks for hosting us here g2fjtebXVqI-00045-00010368-00010564 excited to finally be on the Effie setup g2fjtebXVqI-00046-00010565-00010751 vaultcast g2fjtebXVqI-00047-00010752-00010996 um I remember still listening to it when g2fjtebXVqI-00048-00010997-00011417 uh in the bear Market times 2017 2018. g2fjtebXVqI-00049-00011418-00011591 and of course beyond that so so awesome g2fjtebXVqI-00050-00011592-00011842 to be here yeah maybe I can start giving g2fjtebXVqI-00051-00011843-00012028 it like a quick background what we g2fjtebXVqI-00052-00012029-00012310 actually how we came into this space g2fjtebXVqI-00053-00012311-00012587 um and I think as a sort of context what g2fjtebXVqI-00054-00012588-00012791 is always interesting for me looking g2fjtebXVqI-00055-00012792-00013013 back is like we are all like post g2fjtebXVqI-00056-00013013-00013229 financial crisis sort of generation g2fjtebXVqI-00057-00013230-00013516 after 2028 g2fjtebXVqI-00058-00013518-00013847 and I think this sort of uh had a quite g2fjtebXVqI-00059-00013847-00014051 the impact in how we thought about g2fjtebXVqI-00060-00014052-00014236 financial systems g2fjtebXVqI-00061-00014237-00014603 um and why we we were very eager when D5 g2fjtebXVqI-00062-00014604-00014783 and number three Cameo came around to g2fjtebXVqI-00063-00014784-00015022 sort of participate in that and g2fjtebXVqI-00064-00015023-00015251 um the reason I we met I think we have g2fjtebXVqI-00065-00015252-00015485 like quite the same same Journey uh the g2fjtebXVqI-00066-00015486-00015671 two of us so I could maybe speak for the g2fjtebXVqI-00067-00015672-00015880 both of us we we met him in high school g2fjtebXVqI-00068-00015881-00016150 actually already in the UK g2fjtebXVqI-00069-00016151-00016415 and then both studied in London g2fjtebXVqI-00070-00016416-00016889 um I I studied uh Finance Lewis politics g2fjtebXVqI-00071-00016890-00017063 um he focused more like the game theory g2fjtebXVqI-00072-00017064-00017339 side of things and um yeah we we then g2fjtebXVqI-00073-00017340-00017591 went to Berlin uh because we we both had g2fjtebXVqI-00074-00017592-00017986 sort of like the the the dream to become g2fjtebXVqI-00075-00017987-00018215 um entrepreneurs Founders doing our own g2fjtebXVqI-00076-00018216-00018436 project and so we we started to to learn g2fjtebXVqI-00077-00018437-00018719 the craft in that sense uh in villain in g2fjtebXVqI-00078-00018720-00018965 Berlin and at some point started our g2fjtebXVqI-00079-00018966-00019169 master's degree there as well g2fjtebXVqI-00080-00019170-00019433 uh and there actually we we met a a g2fjtebXVqI-00081-00019434-00019672 colleague of ours who was uh working at g2fjtebXVqI-00082-00019673-00019847 MasterCard and he kept talking about g2fjtebXVqI-00083-00019848-00020099 blockchain back then in like 20 2016 and g2fjtebXVqI-00084-00020100-00020375 so on and it got us quite excited about g2fjtebXVqI-00085-00020376-00020669 it and at the same time the Dow started g2fjtebXVqI-00086-00020670-00020908 and I read this article about it and was g2fjtebXVqI-00087-00020909-00021227 super fascinated by it and yeah we've g2fjtebXVqI-00088-00021228-00021472 participated in the Dao and we I g2fjtebXVqI-00089-00021473-00021749 remember we had to buy eth on on a crack g2fjtebXVqI-00090-00021750-00021899 for the first time when it was like g2fjtebXVqI-00091-00021900-00022030 eight dollars and I was like what is g2fjtebXVqI-00092-00022031-00022175 this eat I just want to participate in g2fjtebXVqI-00093-00022176-00022475 the Dao and um yeah that sort of got us g2fjtebXVqI-00094-00022476-00022630 hooked so so we were like ethereum g2fjtebXVqI-00095-00022631-00022799 natives we didn't we kind of skipped the g2fjtebXVqI-00096-00022800-00023008 Bitcoin part altogether g2fjtebXVqI-00097-00023009-00023333 and yeah from then almost just the the g2fjtebXVqI-00098-00023334-00023686 revital wrote Our Master thesis on like g2fjtebXVqI-00099-00023687-00023914 crypto I think Lewis you want it on on g2fjtebXVqI-00100-00023915-00024257 POS consensus algorithms and g2fjtebXVqI-00101-00024258-00024508 um yeah then we we actually uh soon g2fjtebXVqI-00102-00024509-00024683 after our Master we we started working g2fjtebXVqI-00103-00024684-00024928 at a startup in Berlin that helped g2fjtebXVqI-00104-00024929-00025175 projects like big european-based uh g2fjtebXVqI-00105-00025176-00025469 projects such as uh Bayer Novartis or g2fjtebXVqI-00106-00025470-00025752 others experiments with like uh g2fjtebXVqI-00107-00025754-00026044 blockchains and evm g2fjtebXVqI-00108-00026045-00026218 um private networks and they have we g2fjtebXVqI-00109-00026219-00026446 helped build those up uh but their g2fjtebXVqI-00110-00026447-00026590 private blockchain things where I think g2fjtebXVqI-00111-00026591-00026801 a bit early back then and and I got a g2fjtebXVqI-00112-00026802-00026951 bit boring and so we decided to just g2fjtebXVqI-00113-00026952-00027155 like get out there go back to research g2fjtebXVqI-00114-00027156-00027395 learn more the in-depth engineering of g2fjtebXVqI-00115-00027395-00027611 everything and participate in hackathons g2fjtebXVqI-00116-00027612-00027755 literally went to like three four five g2fjtebXVqI-00117-00027756-00027899 different hackathons all around the g2fjtebXVqI-00118-00027900-00028114 world it's just starting building and g2fjtebXVqI-00119-00028116-00028318 then had this idea about this this stiff g2fjtebXVqI-00120-00028319-00028445 application that we wanted to build g2fjtebXVqI-00121-00028445-00028696 which was like a landing protocol on top g2fjtebXVqI-00122-00028697-00028877 of the Dutch X that we wanted to build g2fjtebXVqI-00123-00028877-00029123 and I think the sort of like ties as in g2fjtebXVqI-00124-00029124-00029423 very nicely into how we met you and the g2fjtebXVqI-00125-00029424-00029668 nurses team and yeah then we remember we g2fjtebXVqI-00126-00029669-00029920 sort of started applying for for Grants g2fjtebXVqI-00127-00029922-00030167 like the gecko one and yeah this is sort g2fjtebXVqI-00128-00030168-00030364 of and how the whole journey officially g2fjtebXVqI-00129-00030366-00030629 started I guess g2fjtebXVqI-00130-00030630-00030862 I think you may have been our most g2fjtebXVqI-00131-00030863-00031258 successful gecko Grand receiver g2fjtebXVqI-00132-00031260-00031373 um you actually g2fjtebXVqI-00133-00031374-00031523 um submitted a proposal for something g2fjtebXVqI-00134-00031524-00031793 called instant DX and I actually checked g2fjtebXVqI-00135-00031794-00031961 it out last night again it's actually g2fjtebXVqI-00136-00031962-00032111 it's pretty cool do you still remember g2fjtebXVqI-00137-00032112-00032302 what it was about g2fjtebXVqI-00138-00032303-00032524 yeah yeah totally g2fjtebXVqI-00139-00032525-00032777 um also uh thank you very much uh g2fjtebXVqI-00140-00032778-00032993 Frederick for hosting us I think Hillman g2fjtebXVqI-00141-00032994-00033190 I completely share g2fjtebXVqI-00142-00033191-00033395 um the history of our private and g2fjtebXVqI-00143-00033396-00033665 business lives of the last 12 years so I g2fjtebXVqI-00144-00033666-00033774 don't have any g2fjtebXVqI-00145-00033775-00033996 basically everything g2fjtebXVqI-00146-00033997-00034343 I do he does and yeah vice versa so so g2fjtebXVqI-00147-00034344-00034499 yeah um g2fjtebXVqI-00148-00034500-00034739 so actually I do remember the instantly g2fjtebXVqI-00149-00034740-00035068 X quite well um which is it was humor's g2fjtebXVqI-00150-00035069-00035381 in my sort of first uh solidity project g2fjtebXVqI-00151-00035382-00035609 other than hackathon projects before and g2fjtebXVqI-00152-00035610-00035837 we we basically looked at the Dutch X g2fjtebXVqI-00153-00035838-00036017 which was a really cool idea back then g2fjtebXVqI-00154-00036018-00036239 as always knows this was very early g2fjtebXVqI-00155-00036240-00036461 maybe even too early with with these g2fjtebXVqI-00156-00036462-00036695 great Innovations uh and the Dutch X was g2fjtebXVqI-00157-00036696-00036977 a decentralized exchange by hypnosis g2fjtebXVqI-00158-00036978-00037229 that was based on a reverse Dutch g2fjtebXVqI-00159-00037230-00037421 auction mechanism and one of the things g2fjtebXVqI-00160-00037422-00037685 there was that um users or participants g2fjtebXVqI-00161-00037686-00037996 in the auction would have to wait 20 up g2fjtebXVqI-00162-00037997-00038218 to 24 hours I would be for clearance and g2fjtebXVqI-00163-00038219-00038362 then they would have to come back and g2fjtebXVqI-00164-00038363-00038596 remember to withdraw their proceeds and g2fjtebXVqI-00165-00038597-00038777 this of course wasn't very great ux it g2fjtebXVqI-00166-00038778-00038945 was very slow you had to wait you were g2fjtebXVqI-00167-00038946-00039215 impatient so we were then thinking okay g2fjtebXVqI-00168-00039216-00039437 how can we sort of make this better g2fjtebXVqI-00169-00039438-00039652 right and the first idea we had was g2fjtebXVqI-00170-00039653-00039965 actually very deep I asked um it was g2fjtebXVqI-00171-00039966-00040327 basically having a pool of liquidity to g2fjtebXVqI-00172-00040328-00040595 front the process of the auction because g2fjtebXVqI-00173-00040596-00040840 you I think you were able to at least by g2fjtebXVqI-00174-00040841-00041111 a margin sort of deterministically g2fjtebXVqI-00175-00041112-00041285 um have a guarantee of roughly how much g2fjtebXVqI-00176-00041286-00041465 a user would get g2fjtebXVqI-00177-00041466-00041705 and yeah we would then instantly expose g2fjtebXVqI-00178-00041706-00041873 was basically fronting this money so you g2fjtebXVqI-00179-00041874-00042065 would be immediately able to withdraw a g2fjtebXVqI-00180-00042066-00042359 portion of of your proceeds and and then g2fjtebXVqI-00181-00042360-00042724 uh yeah uh that that actually turned as g2fjtebXVqI-00182-00042725-00042935 well into thinking about automating the g2fjtebXVqI-00183-00042936-00043127 withdrawals from the auction and that's g2fjtebXVqI-00184-00043128-00043301 really when we stumbled upon the great g2fjtebXVqI-00185-00043302-00043493 uh problem that is smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00186-00043494-00043757 Automation in the constraints of an evm g2fjtebXVqI-00187-00043758-00044002 and that's how we then realized okay g2fjtebXVqI-00188-00044003-00044224 actually automating withdrawals and so g2fjtebXVqI-00189-00044225-00044405 on is actually quite it's not built into g2fjtebXVqI-00190-00044406-00044602 the evm it's not supported natively by g2fjtebXVqI-00191-00044603-00044908 ethereum so how how do we do that and g2fjtebXVqI-00192-00044909-00045083 then we realized wait a second there's a g2fjtebXVqI-00193-00045084-00045329 there's like a whole need here for our g2fjtebXVqI-00194-00045330-00045515 generalistic automation protocol to g2fjtebXVqI-00195-00045516-00045785 allow a smart contract applications to g2fjtebXVqI-00196-00045786-00045958 be automated to have automated processes g2fjtebXVqI-00197-00045959-00046162 and that's how we very quickly then g2fjtebXVqI-00198-00046163-00046330 stumbled upon gelato I believe we g2fjtebXVqI-00199-00046331-00046499 already rebranded from instant DX to g2fjtebXVqI-00200-00046500-00046805 gelato in May of 2019 and started the g2fjtebXVqI-00201-00046806-00047087 the grant as gelato back then with our g2fjtebXVqI-00202-00047088-00047237 first mission to automate withdrawals g2fjtebXVqI-00203-00047238-00047440 from the Dutch X g2fjtebXVqI-00204-00047441-00047668 yeah I think it's it's super important g2fjtebXVqI-00205-00047669-00047843 to kind of remember that this was four g2fjtebXVqI-00206-00047844-00048023 years ago and basically all the things g2fjtebXVqI-00207-00048024-00048208 that kind of seem like commonplace now g2fjtebXVqI-00208-00048209-00048527 back then they were uh they were cutting g2fjtebXVqI-00209-00048528-00048690 edge g2fjtebXVqI-00210-00048691-00049102 so as a space we've we've come quite g2fjtebXVqI-00211-00049103-00049355 quite a way uh but kind of the g2fjtebXVqI-00212-00049356-00049511 fundamental problem or one of the g2fjtebXVqI-00213-00049512-00049745 fundamental problems with smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00214-00049746-00049955 automation kind of boils down to the g2fjtebXVqI-00215-00049956-00050140 fact that smart contracts don't do g2fjtebXVqI-00216-00050141-00050440 anything unless they're poked right so I g2fjtebXVqI-00217-00050441-00050621 mean you can't really say if this g2fjtebXVqI-00218-00050622-00050807 happens to that then basically if if g2fjtebXVqI-00219-00050808-00050968 that has happened someone needs to tear g2fjtebXVqI-00220-00050969-00051161 the smart contract hey check again g2fjtebXVqI-00221-00051162-00051358 um sort of thing um so can you talk g2fjtebXVqI-00222-00051359-00051442 about g2fjtebXVqI-00223-00051444-00051682 um that problem that you're trying to g2fjtebXVqI-00224-00051683-00051892 alleviate g2fjtebXVqI-00225-00051894-00052132 yeah maybe maybe I can I can start g2fjtebXVqI-00226-00052133-00052361 losing feel free to jump in of course g2fjtebXVqI-00227-00052362-00052594 um yeah so I think the g2fjtebXVqI-00228-00052595-00052709 um g2fjtebXVqI-00229-00052710-00052949 foundational problem g2fjtebXVqI-00230-00052950-00053200 um that like gelato uh or like the the g2fjtebXVqI-00231-00053201-00053344 initial mission that we wanted to solve g2fjtebXVqI-00232-00053345-00053663 with my contract automation was that g2fjtebXVqI-00233-00053664-00053950 um that the the protected blockchains g2fjtebXVqI-00234-00053951-00054173 the processes run on evm blockchains g2fjtebXVqI-00235-00054174-00054461 like ethereum are a finite so g2fjtebXVqI-00236-00054462-00054725 um if you want to execute a certain g2fjtebXVqI-00237-00054726-00054941 business logic which you encode in a g2fjtebXVqI-00238-00054941-00055180 smart contract let's say you want to g2fjtebXVqI-00239-00055182-00055523 transfer funds to to a friend g2fjtebXVqI-00240-00055524-00055775 um let's say every day for example then g2fjtebXVqI-00241-00055776-00055966 these then you define this sort of logic g2fjtebXVqI-00242-00055967-00056254 within a smart contract and then the g2fjtebXVqI-00243-00056255-00056423 actual business logic of that smart g2fjtebXVqI-00244-00056424-00056699 contract is actually only run if someone g2fjtebXVqI-00245-00056700-00056909 sends a transaction to it right and so g2fjtebXVqI-00246-00056910-00057065 if you think about what automation is g2fjtebXVqI-00247-00057066-00057359 automation is sort of okay at very g2fjtebXVqI-00248-00057360-00057569 granular intervals I would like like g2fjtebXVqI-00249-00057570-00057797 preferably at every block I would like g2fjtebXVqI-00250-00057798-00058000 to run this sort of logic that is in the g2fjtebXVqI-00251-00058001-00058192 smart contract to then determine whether g2fjtebXVqI-00252-00058194-00058547 to send the money to my friend or not g2fjtebXVqI-00253-00058548-00058787 um and then there's like two options how g2fjtebXVqI-00254-00058788-00059032 you can achieve this on on an evm g2fjtebXVqI-00255-00059033-00059254 blockchain uh one is you just send a g2fjtebXVqI-00256-00059255-00059488 transaction at every block to that smart g2fjtebXVqI-00257-00059489-00059765 contract right which of course uh is not g2fjtebXVqI-00258-00059766-00059999 really feasible because we all know g2fjtebXVqI-00259-00060000-00060149 um there's the spam protection mechanism g2fjtebXVqI-00260-00060150-00060311 with having to pay gas for it and g2fjtebXVqI-00261-00060312-00060454 especially once when we start under g2fjtebXVqI-00262-00060455-00060623 ethereum which was completely infeasible g2fjtebXVqI-00263-00060624-00060892 because the transaction can cost like 20 g2fjtebXVqI-00264-00060894-00061109 if you're unlucky g2fjtebXVqI-00265-00061110-00061319 um and so the other g2fjtebXVqI-00266-00061320-00061492 um way of doing this is actually to have g2fjtebXVqI-00267-00061494-00061769 this sort of off-chain computation g2fjtebXVqI-00268-00061770-00062087 Network that does that simulation for g2fjtebXVqI-00269-00062088-00062200 you g2fjtebXVqI-00270-00062201-00062416 um not on chain but off chain and then g2fjtebXVqI-00271-00062417-00062680 once your conditions are met and can be g2fjtebXVqI-00272-00062682-00062963 fulfilled on chain it actually will uh g2fjtebXVqI-00273-00062964-00063149 execute and set the transaction on your g2fjtebXVqI-00274-00063150-00063413 behalf and this is basically what the g2fjtebXVqI-00275-00063414-00063707 the the the the base problem was that we g2fjtebXVqI-00276-00063708-00063892 wanted to solve but we wanted to solve g2fjtebXVqI-00277-00063894-00064103 it in a generalistic way we started with g2fjtebXVqI-00278-00064104-00064319 a sort of withdrawal issue but then we g2fjtebXVqI-00279-00064320-00064571 realized hey it's not only the Dutch X g2fjtebXVqI-00280-00064572-00064721 it has that problem if you want to do a g2fjtebXVqI-00281-00064722-00065038 limit orders on uni swap for example g2fjtebXVqI-00282-00065039-00065230 it's the same problem if you want to do g2fjtebXVqI-00283-00065232-00065416 liquidations for Lending protocols it's g2fjtebXVqI-00284-00065417-00065669 the same problem so we realize that D5 g2fjtebXVqI-00285-00065670-00065921 especially in D5 at the beginning is g2fjtebXVqI-00286-00065922-00066221 like a the the use case array is just g2fjtebXVqI-00287-00066222-00066479 infinite and so that's why we started g2fjtebXVqI-00288-00066480-00066653 then building this generalistic solution g2fjtebXVqI-00289-00066654-00066826 for it g2fjtebXVqI-00290-00066827-00067103 gelato kind of boils down to kind of you g2fjtebXVqI-00291-00067104-00067337 know being this Marketplace but in g2fjtebXVqI-00292-00067338-00067487 principle you could have also just g2fjtebXVqI-00293-00067488-00067919 offered the servers you know as uh as an g2fjtebXVqI-00294-00067920-00068099 infrastructure company right I mean g2fjtebXVqI-00295-00068100-00068303 there's plenty of those out there who g2fjtebXVqI-00296-00068304-00068494 whom you can just contract and they kind g2fjtebXVqI-00297-00068495-00068753 of run you know the devops side of you g2fjtebXVqI-00298-00068754-00068932 know you know the blockchain business g2fjtebXVqI-00299-00068933-00069221 for you what kind of drove you to kind g2fjtebXVqI-00300-00069222-00069305 of g2fjtebXVqI-00301-00069306-00069587 um building this very generalistic g2fjtebXVqI-00302-00069588-00069947 solution g2fjtebXVqI-00303-00069948-00070132 so um g2fjtebXVqI-00304-00070133-00070559 basically our mission here was to g2fjtebXVqI-00305-00070560-00070763 bring smart contract automation without g2fjtebXVqI-00306-00070764-00071087 trading off the core properties of where g2fjtebXVqI-00307-00071088-00071371 three like self-custody you know um g2fjtebXVqI-00308-00071372-00071632 private keys g2fjtebXVqI-00309-00071633-00071921 um so one way to achieve automation is g2fjtebXVqI-00310-00071922-00072287 by giving up access to your private Keys g2fjtebXVqI-00311-00072288-00072550 giving up access to your crypto assets g2fjtebXVqI-00312-00072551-00072791 whatever they be and give them into the g2fjtebXVqI-00313-00072792-00073085 hands of a service server company or g2fjtebXVqI-00314-00073086-00073235 something and they then execute g2fjtebXVqI-00315-00073236-00073403 transactions for you from your account g2fjtebXVqI-00316-00073404-00073613 but that would essentially be like what g2fjtebXVqI-00317-00073614-00073787 banks do nowadays right like they g2fjtebXVqI-00318-00073788-00073967 control all of your assets or or g2fjtebXVqI-00319-00073968-00074165 Facebook controls all of your data and g2fjtebXVqI-00320-00074166-00074291 that's how they can actually bring g2fjtebXVqI-00321-00074292-00074513 Automation in web 2 which is which g2fjtebXVqI-00322-00074514-00074717 brings these very cool web to user g2fjtebXVqI-00323-00074718-00074921 experiences so in web 3 the problem was g2fjtebXVqI-00324-00074922-00075215 okay how can we have automation whilst g2fjtebXVqI-00325-00075216-00075443 not you know forcing users to give up g2fjtebXVqI-00326-00075444-00075682 custody over their funds and so on and g2fjtebXVqI-00327-00075683-00075815 that's why we started with a smart g2fjtebXVqI-00328-00075816-00076037 contract protocol before we even built g2fjtebXVqI-00329-00076038-00076247 any servers we first started with a g2fjtebXVqI-00330-00076248-00076523 smart contract protocol gelato V1 which g2fjtebXVqI-00331-00076524-00076831 had some very uh like I think now g2fjtebXVqI-00332-00076832-00077050 functions that have been copied as well g2fjtebXVqI-00333-00077051-00077249 a lot and so on like it sort of set its g2fjtebXVqI-00334-00077250-00077338 own standard of smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00335-00077339-00077561 automation with these on-chain functions g2fjtebXVqI-00336-00077562-00077855 10 exec so can I execute here on behalf g2fjtebXVqI-00337-00077856-00078137 of a user and then exec and during the g2fjtebXVqI-00338-00078138-00078359 onshine execution I use or an g2fjtebXVqI-00339-00078360-00078473 application would be able to Define g2fjtebXVqI-00340-00078474-00078665 their own business rules into the smart g2fjtebXVqI-00341-00078666-00078935 contract which make it so that you know g2fjtebXVqI-00342-00078936-00079229 the gelato Bots can first of all they g2fjtebXVqI-00343-00079230-00079385 don't need access to your private keys g2fjtebXVqI-00344-00079386-00079588 they can execute for you via Smart g2fjtebXVqI-00345-00079589-00079793 contract mechanisms and also at the same g2fjtebXVqI-00346-00079794-00079943 time these smart contract mechanisms can g2fjtebXVqI-00347-00079944-00080141 enforce certain business rules right so g2fjtebXVqI-00348-00080142-00080356 that the bot cannot just I know for g2fjtebXVqI-00349-00080357-00080626 example in a limit order on uni swap or g2fjtebXVqI-00350-00080627-00080855 on pancake swap which uses to large g2fjtebXVqI-00351-00080856-00081035 limit orders actually g2fjtebXVqI-00352-00081036-00081329 um a user like report abort can only g2fjtebXVqI-00353-00081330-00081473 execute a limit order g2fjtebXVqI-00354-00081474-00081647 um to at the right price right like g2fjtebXVqI-00355-00081648-00081797 these are very important business rules g2fjtebXVqI-00356-00081798-00081976 that are enforced by the smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00357-00081977-00082162 so that a user as a user you don't have g2fjtebXVqI-00358-00082163-00082337 to trust the gelato bot to execute at g2fjtebXVqI-00359-00082338-00082475 the right price like you know that the g2fjtebXVqI-00360-00082476-00082762 smart contract logic protects you and as g2fjtebXVqI-00361-00082763-00082991 a bot you are incentivized to execute at g2fjtebXVqI-00362-00082992-00083099 the right price because then the g2fjtebXVqI-00363-00083100-00083231 transaction will be successful and you g2fjtebXVqI-00364-00083232-00083435 will get a small reward for it so so g2fjtebXVqI-00365-00083436-00083555 these sort of g2fjtebXVqI-00366-00083556-00083879 coding these rules into smart contracts g2fjtebXVqI-00367-00083880-00084059 was essentially what we started with and g2fjtebXVqI-00368-00084060-00084215 that that was like the first big version g2fjtebXVqI-00369-00084216-00084556 of of gelato and interestingly now we g2fjtebXVqI-00370-00084557-00084881 are also looking into how we can remove g2fjtebXVqI-00371-00084882-00085067 um the Reliance on just smart contracts g2fjtebXVqI-00372-00085068-00085312 because smart contracts and blockchain g2fjtebXVqI-00373-00085313-00085481 computation is somewhat limited right g2fjtebXVqI-00374-00085482-00085703 like it doesn't work with heavy g2fjtebXVqI-00375-00085704-00085894 computation and so on and and now we're g2fjtebXVqI-00376-00085895-00086056 also chipping away at the problem of g2fjtebXVqI-00377-00086057-00086249 okay how can we have off-chain g2fjtebXVqI-00378-00086250-00086549 computation be secured and somewhat like g2fjtebXVqI-00379-00086550-00086849 trustless and and yeah so we're working g2fjtebXVqI-00380-00086850-00087088 on that as well g2fjtebXVqI-00381-00087089-00087341 I want to hear about I want to hear more g2fjtebXVqI-00382-00087342-00087532 about this in a little bit that's the g2fjtebXVqI-00383-00087533-00087725 the private beta that you just released g2fjtebXVqI-00384-00087726-00088006 right the the web 3 functions let's g2fjtebXVqI-00385-00088007-00088247 maybe get to the g2fjtebXVqI-00386-00088248-00088312 um g2fjtebXVqI-00387-00088313-00088667 to to the core of it first so g2fjtebXVqI-00388-00088668-00088900 um you just said that basically Bots do g2fjtebXVqI-00389-00088901-00089135 stuff for me if I want to automate stuff g2fjtebXVqI-00390-00089136-00089500 so who controls the Bots and how do I g2fjtebXVqI-00391-00089501-00089897 buy this service from them g2fjtebXVqI-00392-00089898-00090256 so who controls the bot so we have g2fjtebXVqI-00393-00090257-00090382 um what we call sort of like gelato g2fjtebXVqI-00394-00090383-00090623 gelato notes right and and g2fjtebXVqI-00395-00090624-00090935 um from him and and these are basically g2fjtebXVqI-00396-00090936-00091223 entities that are running g2fjtebXVqI-00397-00091224-00091462 um yeah notes for you they're like like g2fjtebXVqI-00398-00091463-00091631 you can think of them as similar as like g2fjtebXVqI-00399-00091632-00091876 an ethereum node for example uh just g2fjtebXVqI-00400-00091877-00092111 with the difference is that they are not g2fjtebXVqI-00401-00092112-00092399 um validating blocks or or proposing g2fjtebXVqI-00402-00092400-00092711 blocks and validating them they are g2fjtebXVqI-00403-00092712-00093076 um verifying and checking certain tasks g2fjtebXVqI-00404-00093077-00093329 on your behalf all the time and then g2fjtebXVqI-00405-00093330-00093479 executing them and making sure g2fjtebXVqI-00406-00093480-00093682 transactions get included into the g2fjtebXVqI-00407-00093683-00094031 blockchain at the right time for you and g2fjtebXVqI-00408-00094032-00094241 then getting getting paid for to to do g2fjtebXVqI-00409-00094242-00094397 that job right so I'm not sure how you g2fjtebXVqI-00410-00094398-00094523 pay g2fjtebXVqI-00411-00094524-00094793 um an ethereum node the transaction fee g2fjtebXVqI-00412-00094794-00095075 of of what you what you uh have to pay g2fjtebXVqI-00413-00095076-00095231 and g2fjtebXVqI-00414-00095232-00095476 and who are running these these notes so g2fjtebXVqI-00415-00095477-00095765 so today and this is actually what we uh g2fjtebXVqI-00416-00095766-00095915 so at the very beginning we were of g2fjtebXVqI-00417-00095916-00096053 course running running the notes g2fjtebXVqI-00418-00096054-00096155 ourselves g2fjtebXVqI-00419-00096156-00096359 um and this was so like the the g2fjtebXVqI-00420-00096360-00096635 bootstrapping phase of gelato and gelato g2fjtebXVqI-00421-00096636-00096785 was always designed to be this sort of g2fjtebXVqI-00422-00096786-00096949 Unstoppable g2fjtebXVqI-00423-00096950-00097271 ethereum-like protocol which tries to g2fjtebXVqI-00424-00097272-00097493 get as close as possible to the trust g2fjtebXVqI-00425-00097494-00097697 minimization guarantees that ethereum g2fjtebXVqI-00426-00097698-00097841 provides g2fjtebXVqI-00427-00097842-00097985 um at the very beginning we we started g2fjtebXVqI-00428-00097986-00098206 like bootstrapping says okay let's build g2fjtebXVqI-00429-00098207-00098350 all the tools first and everything and g2fjtebXVqI-00430-00098351-00098585 then get to that point uh later because g2fjtebXVqI-00431-00098586-00098879 the great thing about how we started g2fjtebXVqI-00432-00098880-00099137 um with is that the trust Minima the g2fjtebXVqI-00433-00099138-00099268 trust assumptions were very little g2fjtebXVqI-00434-00099269-00099479 because we could enforce it all on chain g2fjtebXVqI-00435-00099480-00099659 and smart contracts right so the only g2fjtebXVqI-00436-00099660-00099815 thing gelato could really do for you at g2fjtebXVqI-00437-00099816-00099988 the very beginning was not execute your g2fjtebXVqI-00438-00099989-00100199 transaction at the right time but we we g2fjtebXVqI-00439-00100200-00100379 like we couldn't rag you or something g2fjtebXVqI-00440-00100380-00100541 like the limit order would still always g2fjtebXVqI-00441-00100542-00100685 execute and you would always get the g2fjtebXVqI-00442-00100686-00100894 money or it just wouldn't execute right g2fjtebXVqI-00443-00100895-00101111 so so that was the great thing how we g2fjtebXVqI-00444-00101112-00101338 could start and also not worry too much g2fjtebXVqI-00445-00101339-00101500 about like the decentralization methods g2fjtebXVqI-00446-00101501-00101705 as long as we have reliability uptime g2fjtebXVqI-00447-00101706-00101968 all right and so we've like sort of g2fjtebXVqI-00448-00101969-00102256 perfected that process and now I think g2fjtebXVqI-00449-00102257-00102394 we'll go there probably in a second g2fjtebXVqI-00450-00102395-00102754 we're moving much more into how can we g2fjtebXVqI-00451-00102755-00103054 offload that computation that is done by g2fjtebXVqI-00452-00103055-00103306 smart contracts to enforce certain data g2fjtebXVqI-00453-00103307-00103606 Integrity of like okay what price to use g2fjtebXVqI-00454-00103607-00103792 to execute the transaction or let's say g2fjtebXVqI-00455-00103793-00104021 what route should I use to get the most g2fjtebXVqI-00456-00104022-00104225 optimal Price Right these things that g2fjtebXVqI-00457-00104226-00104501 are very hard to uh enforce on Shane how g2fjtebXVqI-00458-00104502-00104765 can we do that in a trust minimized way g2fjtebXVqI-00459-00104766-00104897 off chain and this is where g2fjtebXVqI-00460-00104898-00105184 decentralization comes into play and g2fjtebXVqI-00461-00105185-00105328 this is where you have to basically g2fjtebXVqI-00462-00105329-00105599 build up a network of node operators g2fjtebXVqI-00463-00105600-00105821 that has Stakes similar to like in g2fjtebXVqI-00464-00105822-00106031 ethereum proof of stake g2fjtebXVqI-00465-00106032-00106175 um and and follows a certain protocol g2fjtebXVqI-00466-00106176-00106534 that is encoded into the clients that if g2fjtebXVqI-00467-00106535-00106775 they break it they will get penalized g2fjtebXVqI-00468-00106776-00106997 and if they follow it they get rewarded g2fjtebXVqI-00469-00106998-00107239 and and this is actually what we are g2fjtebXVqI-00470-00107240-00107507 started launching last December so so g2fjtebXVqI-00471-00107508-00107669 now this is like a major upgrade we'll g2fjtebXVqI-00472-00107670-00107866 actually announce pretty soon is already g2fjtebXVqI-00473-00107867-00108058 conducted and we already have external g2fjtebXVqI-00474-00108059-00108275 node operators running g2fjtebXVqI-00475-00108276-00108490 um on this network today uh for example g2fjtebXVqI-00476-00108491-00108616 staking facilities they're running g2fjtebXVqI-00477-00108617-00108893 lighter nodes and other nodes for other g2fjtebXVqI-00478-00108894-00109084 company other projects g2fjtebXVqI-00479-00109085-00109313 um and like by the end of the year g2fjtebXVqI-00480-00109314-00109558 um yeah it's it's it should be that g2fjtebXVqI-00481-00109559-00109786 there there's no like the Reliance on us g2fjtebXVqI-00482-00109788-00110033 is very little to none and and yeah this g2fjtebXVqI-00483-00110033-00110207 is this is sort of where we are evolving g2fjtebXVqI-00484-00110208-00110416 towards g2fjtebXVqI-00485-00110417-00110657 as someone who kind of wants to automate g2fjtebXVqI-00486-00110658-00111166 a process do I pick one bot provider to g2fjtebXVqI-00487-00111167-00111377 kind of do this for me or is it just a g2fjtebXVqI-00488-00111378-00111652 generalized pool to which all of the bot g2fjtebXVqI-00489-00111653-00111916 providers can all of the node Runners g2fjtebXVqI-00490-00111917-00112121 um can kind of um g2fjtebXVqI-00491-00112122-00112360 tab into g2fjtebXVqI-00492-00112361-00112666 so you can think of gelato as a g2fjtebXVqI-00493-00112667-00113128 marketplace where the demand side is g2fjtebXVqI-00494-00113129-00113358 um you or like smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00495-00113359-00113686 applications that need Automation g2fjtebXVqI-00496-00113688-00113963 Services and the supply side is the g2fjtebXVqI-00497-00113964-00114352 gelato network of nodes and nodes can g2fjtebXVqI-00498-00114353-00114497 offer their services on the gelato g2fjtebXVqI-00499-00114498-00114689 Network they have to run our client g2fjtebXVqI-00500-00114690-00114881 implementation for that g2fjtebXVqI-00501-00114882-00115108 um they have to enter their task g2fjtebXVqI-00502-00115109-00115277 executions via our smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00503-00115278-00115375 protocol g2fjtebXVqI-00504-00115376-00115643 wherein certain rules are enforced like g2fjtebXVqI-00505-00115644-00115840 payouts and so on g2fjtebXVqI-00506-00115841-00116063 um but yeah basically you can think of g2fjtebXVqI-00507-00116064-00116458 gelato as a module that you can plug in g2fjtebXVqI-00508-00116459-00116740 and get access to a decentralized market g2fjtebXVqI-00509-00116741-00117058 of notes so it's not just uh like some g2fjtebXVqI-00510-00117059-00117269 people know that we have relay apis and g2fjtebXVqI-00511-00117270-00117478 they sometimes mistake gelato for a g2fjtebXVqI-00512-00117479-00117766 relayer it's it's not just a relayer it g2fjtebXVqI-00513-00117767-00117995 is a network of relayers so it is a g2fjtebXVqI-00514-00117996-00118216 module that you can plug into your your g2fjtebXVqI-00515-00118217-00118493 flow and get X to a decentralized g2fjtebXVqI-00516-00118494-00118666 network of free layers similar for smart g2fjtebXVqI-00517-00118667-00118871 contract automation yeah so you don't g2fjtebXVqI-00518-00118872-00119063 have to pick one you just pick gelato g2fjtebXVqI-00519-00119064-00119345 the network and all of the basically g2fjtebXVqI-00520-00119346-00119560 what you get out of the box is a g2fjtebXVqI-00521-00119561-00119728 coordination mechanism that coordinates g2fjtebXVqI-00522-00119729-00120034 amongst a set of notes g2fjtebXVqI-00523-00120035-00120328 okay so um I don't I don't have a g2fjtebXVqI-00524-00120329-00120569 personal relationship with anyone uh g2fjtebXVqI-00525-00120570-00120736 gelato node provider it's kind of like g2fjtebXVqI-00526-00120738-00120886 the network as a whole g2fjtebXVqI-00527-00120888-00121121 um does it give me any uh basically what g2fjtebXVqI-00528-00121122-00121451 Legacy a business would call slas or is g2fjtebXVqI-00529-00121452-00121877 this something that uh how how do I know g2fjtebXVqI-00530-00121878-00122134 that if I use uh gelato for my g2fjtebXVqI-00531-00122135-00122308 decentralized backhand that it will g2fjtebXVqI-00532-00122309-00122513 perform g2fjtebXVqI-00533-00122514-00122716 yeah that's a good question so currently g2fjtebXVqI-00534-00122717-00122915 there's no such thing as slas also g2fjtebXVqI-00535-00122916-00123190 because I mean we are sort of an open g2fjtebXVqI-00536-00123191-00123408 web freestyle protocol that you can use g2fjtebXVqI-00537-00123409-00123863 currently I suppose the SLA is uh the g2fjtebXVqI-00538-00123864-00124271 the Mev that not operators get right so g2fjtebXVqI-00539-00124272-00124523 um the way the protocol is designed is g2fjtebXVqI-00540-00124524-00124799 that for successful execution of your g2fjtebXVqI-00541-00124800-00124960 transaction g2fjtebXVqI-00542-00124961-00125140 um you have to pay a fee to cover the g2fjtebXVqI-00543-00125141-00125440 transaction fee and then some profits so g2fjtebXVqI-00544-00125441-00125615 um as long as you believe in like you g2fjtebXVqI-00545-00125616-00125849 know people like or like node operators g2fjtebXVqI-00546-00125850-00126023 wanting to make a profit in this network g2fjtebXVqI-00547-00126024-00126190 you should you should be you know you g2fjtebXVqI-00548-00126191-00126443 can basically sleep well and know that g2fjtebXVqI-00549-00126444-00126623 someone will go and execute your g2fjtebXVqI-00550-00126624-00126893 transactions at all time given that the g2fjtebXVqI-00551-00126894-00127108 core premise of using gelato Network g2fjtebXVqI-00552-00127109-00127252 um the services there is that you have g2fjtebXVqI-00553-00127253-00127457 to pay for it right so you have to pay g2fjtebXVqI-00554-00127458-00127631 the network for performing these g2fjtebXVqI-00555-00127632-00127828 services so so the incentives are g2fjtebXVqI-00556-00127829-00128069 designed in such a way that always you g2fjtebXVqI-00557-00128070-00128416 know similar to how public Mev works or g2fjtebXVqI-00558-00128417-00128597 to how ethereum work works right like g2fjtebXVqI-00559-00128598-00128801 why do people keep mining blocks because g2fjtebXVqI-00560-00128802-00129040 they get a block reward a similar in g2fjtebXVqI-00561-00129041-00129286 gelato why will always will always be g2fjtebXVqI-00562-00129288-00129473 annulled executing your task well g2fjtebXVqI-00563-00129474-00129749 because they get a reward for it g2fjtebXVqI-00564-00129750-00130036 that's completely fair so let's talk g2fjtebXVqI-00565-00130038-00130264 about the people who actually run the g2fjtebXVqI-00566-00130265-00130504 nodes do you do you have any idea how g2fjtebXVqI-00567-00130505-00130786 many different entities there are are g2fjtebXVqI-00568-00130788-00130901 there any g2fjtebXVqI-00569-00130902-00131135 um are there any any requirements I need g2fjtebXVqI-00570-00131136-00131416 to meet in order to run a node so you g2fjtebXVqI-00571-00131417-00131495 said g2fjtebXVqI-00572-00131496-00131723 um like staking providers and so on that g2fjtebXVqI-00573-00131724-00131963 sounds like very involved I mean there's g2fjtebXVqI-00574-00131964-00132257 also things you can kind of do from a g2fjtebXVqI-00575-00132258-00132454 depth node or so at home g2fjtebXVqI-00576-00132455-00132719 um Can can I run gelato on my depth node g2fjtebXVqI-00577-00132720-00132971 and if not what uh what What's the g2fjtebXVqI-00578-00132972-00133169 barrier to entry g2fjtebXVqI-00579-00133170-00133685 well I think in in theory yes in theory g2fjtebXVqI-00580-00133686-00134002 you need an RPC uh so you need a g2fjtebXVqI-00581-00134003-00134147 connection to the blockchain you need g2fjtebXVqI-00582-00134148-00134357 like access to a full note maybe and g2fjtebXVqI-00583-00134358-00134681 then you need some server uh resources g2fjtebXVqI-00584-00134682-00134897 right to run it and this is like the g2fjtebXVqI-00585-00134898-00135154 theoretical part of it now g2fjtebXVqI-00586-00135155-00135389 um in practice of of course gelato the g2fjtebXVqI-00587-00135390-00135514 the sort of like the the client g2fjtebXVqI-00588-00135515-00135809 implementation is fairly diverse and and g2fjtebXVqI-00589-00135810-00136175 actually complex by now and especially g2fjtebXVqI-00590-00136176-00136469 since we started off as okay we have g2fjtebXVqI-00591-00136470-00136507 this g2fjtebXVqI-00592-00136508-00136657 [Music] g2fjtebXVqI-00593-00136658-00136895 node documentation for smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00594-00136896-00137099 automation but since then it expanded g2fjtebXVqI-00595-00137100-00137285 quite a bit and I think we have this g2fjtebXVqI-00596-00137286-00137537 very modular microservices like g2fjtebXVqI-00597-00137538-00137778 architecture for for gelato clients so g2fjtebXVqI-00598-00137779-00138143 you run like running a um running a g2fjtebXVqI-00599-00138144-00138377 gelato note comes with like different g2fjtebXVqI-00600-00138378-00138527 flavors and you can sort of like opt g2fjtebXVqI-00601-00138528-00138743 into certain services that you would g2fjtebXVqI-00602-00138744-00138911 like to support because we have this g2fjtebXVqI-00603-00138912-00139090 automation service which is completely g2fjtebXVqI-00604-00139091-00139301 detached from the the relay service g2fjtebXVqI-00605-00139302-00139607 which is um completely detached from our g2fjtebXVqI-00606-00139608-00139775 new off-chain computation service that g2fjtebXVqI-00607-00139776-00139997 is actually now coming out g2fjtebXVqI-00608-00139998-00140164 um and so it sort of like depends on g2fjtebXVqI-00609-00140165-00140339 sort of what service you want to run if g2fjtebXVqI-00610-00140340-00140483 you want to run like the most simple one g2fjtebXVqI-00611-00140484-00140687 which is basically our execution service g2fjtebXVqI-00612-00140688-00140981 which is just there to get a transaction g2fjtebXVqI-00613-00140982-00141233 and not even do the computation itself g2fjtebXVqI-00614-00141234-00141395 just get the transaction and get it g2fjtebXVqI-00615-00141396-00141743 mined for you then I would say in theory g2fjtebXVqI-00616-00141744-00141983 yes you can do it in practice g2fjtebXVqI-00617-00141984-00142337 um because gelato is also like live on g2fjtebXVqI-00618-00142338-00142564 let's say I think over 10 different evm g2fjtebXVqI-00619-00142565-00142739 trains today right you need like stable g2fjtebXVqI-00620-00142740-00142973 rvcs with most of them of course you g2fjtebXVqI-00621-00142974-00143164 could choose to only serve ethereum for g2fjtebXVqI-00622-00143165-00143537 example and do that and then like later g2fjtebXVqI-00623-00143538-00143854 this year once we go live with our ve g2fjtebXVqI-00624-00143855-00144131 0.1 on staking you could be able to just g2fjtebXVqI-00625-00144132-00144352 like buy some gel stake it and then g2fjtebXVqI-00626-00144353-00144461 participate in actually actually g2fjtebXVqI-00627-00144462-00144773 indecent transactions but then you also g2fjtebXVqI-00628-00144774-00144977 have to guarantee some uptime because if g2fjtebXVqI-00629-00144978-00145145 you're not up when you're supposed to g2fjtebXVqI-00630-00145146-00145402 and if you're not executing transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00631-00145403-00145589 that get allocated to you at a certain g2fjtebXVqI-00632-00145590-00145877 time then you will basically no longer g2fjtebXVqI-00633-00145878-00146087 receive transactions for us for for like g2fjtebXVqI-00634-00146088-00146266 an interval as a punishment so the way g2fjtebXVqI-00635-00146267-00146483 there is like this sort of mechanism in g2fjtebXVqI-00636-00146484-00146885 place which is we um we incentivize you g2fjtebXVqI-00637-00146886-00147035 to stake gel the more you stake the more g2fjtebXVqI-00638-00147036-00147178 transactions you will be able to execute g2fjtebXVqI-00639-00147179-00147523 but also if you get this g2fjtebXVqI-00640-00147524-00147731 executions allocated and you don't g2fjtebXVqI-00641-00147732-00147959 execute them then you will also not get g2fjtebXVqI-00642-00147960-00148247 uh the next one so it's like a game of g2fjtebXVqI-00643-00148248-00148469 more stake and high uptime so as long as g2fjtebXVqI-00644-00148470-00148673 you can guarantee that then yes you will g2fjtebXVqI-00645-00148674-00149004 definitely be able to to participate g2fjtebXVqI-00646-00149005-00149207 you just g2fjtebXVqI-00647-00149208-00149537 um kind of uh touched on the fact that g2fjtebXVqI-00648-00149538-00149711 um I mean mostly so far we've talked g2fjtebXVqI-00649-00149712-00149945 about automation right uh you also kind g2fjtebXVqI-00650-00149946-00150383 of refer to relays just a bit ago can g2fjtebXVqI-00651-00150384-00150725 you kind of explain the distinction g2fjtebXVqI-00652-00150726-00151001 yeah um I can explain the difference g2fjtebXVqI-00653-00151002-00151163 here so g2fjtebXVqI-00654-00151164-00151223 um g2fjtebXVqI-00655-00151224-00151463 I used to call automation deferred g2fjtebXVqI-00656-00151464-00151721 relaying and because automation is also g2fjtebXVqI-00657-00151722-00151954 a form of relaying if you will g2fjtebXVqI-00658-00151955-00152273 um it's this idea that a message an g2fjtebXVqI-00659-00152274-00152554 operation a transaction that a user g2fjtebXVqI-00660-00152555-00152843 wants to see executed is relayed on that g2fjtebXVqI-00661-00152844-00153071 user's behalf so the user g2fjtebXVqI-00662-00153072-00153311 themselves don't have to send this g2fjtebXVqI-00663-00153312-00153539 transaction it's every layer that puts g2fjtebXVqI-00664-00153540-00153737 it on chain for them and automation is g2fjtebXVqI-00665-00153738-00153881 quite interesting because there we g2fjtebXVqI-00666-00153882-00154163 couple this transaction relay to a g2fjtebXVqI-00667-00154164-00154343 condition being fulfilled in the future g2fjtebXVqI-00668-00154344-00154595 and that could be a deterministic g2fjtebXVqI-00669-00154596-00154763 condition like the passage of time right g2fjtebXVqI-00670-00154764-00154997 like every day do something for me or it g2fjtebXVqI-00671-00154998-00155176 could be a com like condition that is g2fjtebXVqI-00672-00155177-00155501 not deterministic like if the price uh g2fjtebXVqI-00673-00155502-00155764 you know reaches this then execute for g2fjtebXVqI-00674-00155765-00155951 me that might never happen actually or g2fjtebXVqI-00675-00155952-00156251 it might so um so automation is this g2fjtebXVqI-00676-00156252-00156521 sort of relaying on steroids if you will g2fjtebXVqI-00677-00156522-00156731 where you you couple the relaying of a g2fjtebXVqI-00678-00156732-00157054 transaction to a arbitrarily user g2fjtebXVqI-00679-00157055-00157307 definable condition on chain and now g2fjtebXVqI-00680-00157308-00157481 also off chain g2fjtebXVqI-00681-00157482-00157673 um yeah and then relaying is really the g2fjtebXVqI-00682-00157674-00157919 simple primitive of just sending a g2fjtebXVqI-00683-00157920-00158116 transaction and usually that is in the g2fjtebXVqI-00684-00158117-00158314 context of real-time relaying and g2fjtebXVqI-00685-00158315-00158519 actually to be honest it's uh it sounds g2fjtebXVqI-00686-00158520-00158651 quite simple and so on so that it's g2fjtebXVqI-00687-00158652-00158807 literally just saying hey put this g2fjtebXVqI-00688-00158808-00159028 transaction for me on chain but it g2fjtebXVqI-00689-00159029-00159304 unlocks looks like this much better ux g2fjtebXVqI-00690-00159305-00159623 for web free users where now technically g2fjtebXVqI-00691-00159624-00159875 you can interact with an application on g2fjtebXVqI-00692-00159876-00160037 a blockchain in real time without g2fjtebXVqI-00693-00160038-00160240 needing to have crypto funds in your g2fjtebXVqI-00694-00160241-00160402 wallet for example this is known as g2fjtebXVqI-00695-00160403-00160535 gasless transactions or meta g2fjtebXVqI-00696-00160536-00160685 transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00697-00160686-00160889 um where where it's great for user g2fjtebXVqI-00698-00160890-00161069 onboarding for example you can you can g2fjtebXVqI-00699-00161070-00161314 use a relayer um and a user can then g2fjtebXVqI-00700-00161315-00161545 come visit your app for the first time g2fjtebXVqI-00701-00161546-00161795 and interact with your smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-00702-00161796-00161981 already without needing to go to a g2fjtebXVqI-00703-00161982-00162190 centralized exchange first do kyc and g2fjtebXVqI-00704-00162191-00162335 buy crypto or something to be able to g2fjtebXVqI-00705-00162336-00162569 send a transaction so so yeah that's but g2fjtebXVqI-00706-00162570-00162773 but it's a bit more this real-time thing g2fjtebXVqI-00707-00162774-00163025 of like hey please do this for me now g2fjtebXVqI-00708-00163026-00163337 relaying is also really cool for um not g2fjtebXVqI-00709-00163338-00163571 just for for users but also for backend g2fjtebXVqI-00710-00163572-00163763 Developers for example that are g2fjtebXVqI-00711-00163764-00163985 multi-chain so for example connect has g2fjtebXVqI-00712-00163986-00164266 been using gelato relay um for over a g2fjtebXVqI-00713-00164267-00164501 year and all basically they're across g2fjtebXVqI-00714-00164502-00164723 Chain Bridge and every connect g2fjtebXVqI-00715-00164724-00164873 transaction is age a lot relay g2fjtebXVqI-00716-00164874-00165119 transaction and for Conex router as they g2fjtebXVqI-00717-00165120-00165340 call them it's very beneficial to use g2fjtebXVqI-00718-00165341-00165587 our relay apis and relay Network because g2fjtebXVqI-00719-00165588-00165875 it makes very easy to get transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00720-00165876-00166169 sent reliably on multiple chains at the g2fjtebXVqI-00721-00166170-00166445 same time at scale so so the relaying is g2fjtebXVqI-00722-00166446-00166714 also for us at least um specializing in g2fjtebXVqI-00723-00166715-00166937 the art of you know um scalable g2fjtebXVqI-00724-00166938-00167093 transactions throughput on multiple g2fjtebXVqI-00725-00167094-00167393 chains and also decoupling payment like g2fjtebXVqI-00726-00167394-00167585 for of native tokens for transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00727-00167586-00167837 and removing this need for developers so g2fjtebXVqI-00728-00167838-00168016 developers can for example nowadays with g2fjtebXVqI-00729-00168017-00168190 our one balance system g2fjtebXVqI-00730-00168191-00168466 put usdc on polygon I balance say 10 000 g2fjtebXVqI-00731-00168467-00168797 usdc and then go and have uh g2fjtebXVqI-00732-00168798-00169019 transactions um in their applications be g2fjtebXVqI-00733-00169020-00169199 executed on multiple different chains g2fjtebXVqI-00734-00169200-00169402 while only paying from the single g2fjtebXVqI-00735-00169403-00169643 balance on one chain so it makes the g2fjtebXVqI-00736-00169644-00169859 management the transaction management uh g2fjtebXVqI-00737-00169860-00169978 in in the tens of thousands of g2fjtebXVqI-00738-00169979-00170278 transactions per day extremely easy when g2fjtebXVqI-00739-00170279-00170554 you use every layer like gelato uh yeah g2fjtebXVqI-00740-00170555-00170776 and here again like gelato is a network g2fjtebXVqI-00741-00170777-00170963 of three layers so you can think of g2fjtebXVqI-00742-00170964-00171143 gelato like as a single entry point for g2fjtebXVqI-00743-00171144-00171304 your relay transaction but in the g2fjtebXVqI-00744-00171305-00171454 background there's multiple relayers g2fjtebXVqI-00745-00171455-00171664 that are competing to execute these g2fjtebXVqI-00746-00171665-00171857 transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00747-00171858-00172193 before we dive into use cases g2fjtebXVqI-00748-00172194-00172325 um a bit deeper g2fjtebXVqI-00749-00172326-00172525 um one final question on the automation g2fjtebXVqI-00750-00172526-00172913 so as a user of the automation g2fjtebXVqI-00751-00172914-00173104 um I don't I only have to pay once it's g2fjtebXVqI-00752-00173105-00173381 executed right so can I can I spam the g2fjtebXVqI-00753-00173382-00173764 system by kind of um I mean basically g2fjtebXVqI-00754-00173765-00173993 because the the the nodes they have to g2fjtebXVqI-00755-00173994-00174364 check the conditions at certain cadences g2fjtebXVqI-00756-00174365-00174689 um so if I just give them a lot of work g2fjtebXVqI-00757-00174690-00174875 um in checking conditions that may never g2fjtebXVqI-00758-00174876-00175121 be met or that that I Engineer such that g2fjtebXVqI-00759-00175122-00175451 they're never met can I kind of uh can I g2fjtebXVqI-00760-00175452-00175661 bring down the network g2fjtebXVqI-00761-00175662-00175973 yes so so what you rightfully said is um g2fjtebXVqI-00762-00175974-00176159 what is automation automation consists g2fjtebXVqI-00763-00176160-00176447 of two parts it's the off-chain g2fjtebXVqI-00764-00176448-00176687 computation that has to be done and then g2fjtebXVqI-00765-00176688-00176878 it's the transaction relaying that has g2fjtebXVqI-00766-00176879-00177263 to be done at the right time g2fjtebXVqI-00767-00177264-00177419 um when the condition is fulfilled right g2fjtebXVqI-00768-00177420-00177587 and g2fjtebXVqI-00769-00177588-00177731 um you're you're very right if you g2fjtebXVqI-00770-00177732-00177940 create let's say like a a hundred g2fjtebXVqI-00771-00177941-00178126 thousand tasks or a million tasks they g2fjtebXVqI-00772-00178127-00178475 would never execute you could bring down g2fjtebXVqI-00773-00178476-00178709 um these sort of networks because yeah g2fjtebXVqI-00774-00178710-00178883 there's no there's a lot of cost but g2fjtebXVqI-00775-00178884-00179088 there will never be a reward that's why g2fjtebXVqI-00776-00179089-00179440 many of like these systems and I think g2fjtebXVqI-00777-00179441-00179716 this is sort of how we we started our V1 g2fjtebXVqI-00778-00179717-00179957 designer anything or better or Alpha we g2fjtebXVqI-00779-00179958-00180113 want to learn of gelato back then which g2fjtebXVqI-00780-00180114-00180316 is hey we sort of put this you put the g2fjtebXVqI-00781-00180317-00180514 Bounty up and this bounty will then pay g2fjtebXVqI-00782-00180515-00180725 for the transaction and then it's I g2fjtebXVqI-00783-00180726-00180964 think everyone started to like take it g2fjtebXVqI-00784-00180965-00181163 and copy it and now it like it turned g2fjtebXVqI-00785-00181164-00181373 into like the standard for contact g2fjtebXVqI-00786-00181374-00181564 automation but it's actually not g2fjtebXVqI-00787-00181565-00181751 scalable and and it's actually quite g2fjtebXVqI-00788-00181752-00182099 flawed and that's why g2fjtebXVqI-00789-00182100-00182164 um g2fjtebXVqI-00790-00182165-00182435 we we realized also and and this is this g2fjtebXVqI-00791-00182436-00182657 is also what is being rolled out right g2fjtebXVqI-00792-00182658-00183035 now and and with our newest release of g2fjtebXVqI-00793-00183036-00183395 um our basically automate 2.0 or also g2fjtebXVqI-00794-00183396-00183569 like web free functions that we'll g2fjtebXVqI-00795-00183570-00183785 probably talk about in a moment g2fjtebXVqI-00796-00183786-00183935 um we already g2fjtebXVqI-00797-00183936-00184169 um redesigned the system to such an g2fjtebXVqI-00798-00184170-00184325 extent that they are basically two g2fjtebXVqI-00799-00184326-00184583 payments you have to do and and or like g2fjtebXVqI-00800-00184584-00184721 there are two g2fjtebXVqI-00801-00184722-00184888 um fees that are being paid and this is g2fjtebXVqI-00802-00184889-00185045 the one fee is for the actual g2fjtebXVqI-00803-00185046-00185393 computation and there it's very like the g2fjtebXVqI-00804-00185394-00185663 analogy is very much basically looking g2fjtebXVqI-00805-00185664-00185938 at gelato is like a decentralized AWS or g2fjtebXVqI-00806-00185939-00186107 Google Cloud g2fjtebXVqI-00807-00186108-00186376 um which is a set of modes uh not one g2fjtebXVqI-00808-00186377-00186628 particular data center somewhere but a g2fjtebXVqI-00809-00186629-00186857 network of like self also not operators g2fjtebXVqI-00810-00186858-00187078 somewhere in the world the way you rent g2fjtebXVqI-00811-00187079-00187366 that computation for your decentralized g2fjtebXVqI-00812-00187367-00187613 application and they run it at the same g2fjtebXVqI-00813-00187614-00187787 they run it all the time as long as you g2fjtebXVqI-00814-00187788-00188087 pay them of course and then they execute g2fjtebXVqI-00815-00188088-00188243 the transaction at the right time right g2fjtebXVqI-00816-00188244-00188387 and the execution of the transaction for g2fjtebXVqI-00817-00188388-00188590 us is actually done by the executor and g2fjtebXVqI-00818-00188591-00188843 the network and the uh and the and the g2fjtebXVqI-00819-00188844-00189040 actual computation by by another part of g2fjtebXVqI-00820-00189041-00189233 of the of the network g2fjtebXVqI-00821-00189234-00189509 and there has to be like it's in order g2fjtebXVqI-00822-00189510-00189790 to make these systems really sustainable g2fjtebXVqI-00823-00189791-00190066 and scalable and work for everything you g2fjtebXVqI-00824-00190067-00190223 need this sort of distinction between g2fjtebXVqI-00825-00190224-00190426 paying for computation and and so this g2fjtebXVqI-00826-00190427-00190661 is actually being rolled out g2fjtebXVqI-00827-00190662-00190811 um right now g2fjtebXVqI-00828-00190812-00191026 um as we as we speak but the cool thing g2fjtebXVqI-00829-00191027-00191147 is g2fjtebXVqI-00830-00191148-00191381 um you don't like you don't need to let g2fjtebXVqI-00831-00191382-00191554 users deal with that right similar to g2fjtebXVqI-00832-00191555-00191897 how users don't pay for the users on g2fjtebXVqI-00833-00191898-00192095 Netflix don't pay for the computation of g2fjtebXVqI-00834-00192096-00192352 AWS in the background right if you watch g2fjtebXVqI-00835-00192353-00192587 a movie there even though they use AWS g2fjtebXVqI-00836-00192588-00192851 similarly like users of g2fjtebXVqI-00837-00192852-00193078 um let's say pancake swap or like a g2fjtebXVqI-00838-00193079-00193325 decks they they are not using they're g2fjtebXVqI-00839-00193326-00193481 not paying for the computation it is g2fjtebXVqI-00840-00193482-00193685 done by gelato they are paying pancakes g2fjtebXVqI-00841-00193686-00193985 for like a 0.1 fee on each limit order g2fjtebXVqI-00842-00193986-00194237 that gets executed and they pay the the g2fjtebXVqI-00843-00194238-00194525 computational fee for example right g2fjtebXVqI-00844-00194526-00194747 let's kind of change course here let's g2fjtebXVqI-00845-00194748-00194957 talk about uh the web 3 functions first g2fjtebXVqI-00846-00194958-00195202 before we talk about use cases you g2fjtebXVqI-00847-00195203-00195413 already kind of led into it g2fjtebXVqI-00848-00195414-00195695 um so how what I mean so now you kind of g2fjtebXVqI-00849-00195696-00195875 you have to pay twice or the payment is g2fjtebXVqI-00850-00195876-00196133 split between kind of submitting g2fjtebXVqI-00851-00196134-00196319 um the automation requests and having it g2fjtebXVqI-00852-00196320-00196685 fulfilled any other updates g2fjtebXVqI-00853-00196686-00196997 yeah so so what three functions is is I g2fjtebXVqI-00854-00196998-00197243 think something we we have been talking g2fjtebXVqI-00855-00197244-00197447 about for for quite some time actually g2fjtebXVqI-00856-00197448-00197663 also in our white paper which is okay g2fjtebXVqI-00857-00197664-00198016 like smart contracts are like it's cool g2fjtebXVqI-00858-00198017-00198166 to automate smart contracts and there's g2fjtebXVqI-00859-00198167-00198323 a lot of stuff you can do on chain and g2fjtebXVqI-00860-00198324-00198485 we'll see an explosion of use cases g2fjtebXVqI-00861-00198486-00198802 which we can talk about in a moment but g2fjtebXVqI-00862-00198803-00199151 um the real cool use cases and the real g2fjtebXVqI-00863-00199152-00199426 efficiency you can gain is when you move g2fjtebXVqI-00864-00199427-00199828 the actual computation from onshine and g2fjtebXVqI-00865-00199829-00200033 to to off chain where you can do much g2fjtebXVqI-00866-00200034-00200459 more plus if you move the data that can g2fjtebXVqI-00867-00200460-00200747 be used to automate your smart contracts g2fjtebXVqI-00868-00200748-00201023 from only being Based on on-chain data g2fjtebXVqI-00869-00201024-00201287 to then off-chain data and this is I g2fjtebXVqI-00870-00201288-00201437 think where it gets really interesting g2fjtebXVqI-00871-00201438-00201652 because now basically what you can think g2fjtebXVqI-00872-00201653-00201754 of g2fjtebXVqI-00873-00201755-00201899 um about like what three functions is g2fjtebXVqI-00874-00201900-00202133 it's like a decentralized cloud function g2fjtebXVqI-00875-00202134-00202373 so it's like a decentralized AWS Lambda g2fjtebXVqI-00876-00202374-00202733 where you as a developer you go and say g2fjtebXVqI-00877-00202734-00202975 hey I need to query g2fjtebXVqI-00878-00202976-00203381 a subgraph for example or like some API g2fjtebXVqI-00879-00203382-00203752 that returns me a list of all the nfts g2fjtebXVqI-00880-00203753-00204040 that that that follow that have a g2fjtebXVqI-00881-00204041-00204233 certain criteria and all the nfts that g2fjtebXVqI-00882-00204234-00204431 have a certain Rarity for example right g2fjtebXVqI-00883-00204432-00204659 and what I want to do is I want to check g2fjtebXVqI-00884-00204660-00205132 all these nfts if they can be g2fjtebXVqI-00885-00205133-00205288 um cuddled with let's say there's a g2fjtebXVqI-00886-00205289-00205444 cuddle function on them right and I have g2fjtebXVqI-00887-00205446-00205673 to check whether they can be cuddled g2fjtebXVqI-00888-00205673-00205840 um and I want to check it and then once g2fjtebXVqI-00889-00205841-00206075 one of them can be cuddled I want to of g2fjtebXVqI-00890-00206076-00206219 course make sure that they get cuddled g2fjtebXVqI-00891-00206219-00206405 at the right time right this is like a g2fjtebXVqI-00892-00206406-00206788 fun use case and um obviously doing this g2fjtebXVqI-00893-00206789-00206975 on chain is impossible you can't just g2fjtebXVqI-00894-00206976-00207275 query all the all the nfts that have g2fjtebXVqI-00895-00207276-00207442 that sort of property and that sort of g2fjtebXVqI-00896-00207444-00207610 Rarity it's like first of all g2fjtebXVqI-00897-00207611-00207796 computational far too expensive and g2fjtebXVqI-00898-00207798-00207994 secondly mostly impossible because g2fjtebXVqI-00899-00207996-00208175 there's no good way of doing it g2fjtebXVqI-00900-00208176-00208427 sometimes certain like data's only visit g2fjtebXVqI-00901-00208428-00208655 my events for example or let's say they g2fjtebXVqI-00902-00208656-00208840 are not even stored on chain like some g2fjtebXVqI-00903-00208841-00208979 information you need to get them from g2fjtebXVqI-00904-00208980-00209248 API like ipfs maybe the metadata is on g2fjtebXVqI-00905-00209250-00209405 ipfs and you need to get it from there g2fjtebXVqI-00906-00209406-00209555 right so g2fjtebXVqI-00907-00209556-00209734 um and what what you can do with three g2fjtebXVqI-00908-00209735-00209891 functions basically you can write a g2fjtebXVqI-00909-00209892-00210107 typescript file like rather than writing g2fjtebXVqI-00910-00210108-00210329 a smart contract that encodes the logic g2fjtebXVqI-00911-00210330-00210557 that determines what data to use and g2fjtebXVqI-00912-00210558-00210701 when to execute transactions you now g2fjtebXVqI-00913-00210702-00210953 write a typescript file that you compile g2fjtebXVqI-00914-00210954-00211265 and deploy to ipfs now this lives on g2fjtebXVqI-00915-00211266-00211505 ipfs or other data availability layers g2fjtebXVqI-00916-00211506-00211763 that you can choose or we can we'll g2fjtebXVqI-00917-00211764-00211919 probably also expand it to other g2fjtebXVqI-00918-00211919-00212141 locations later and you get an ID from g2fjtebXVqI-00919-00212142-00212377 ipfs out of it and then you go to to g2fjtebXVqI-00920-00212378-00212681 gelato and you send a transaction on g2fjtebXVqI-00921-00212682-00212884 chain that says gelato hey g2fjtebXVqI-00922-00212885-00213137 pointing to this ipfs fire hey gelato g2fjtebXVqI-00923-00213138-00213455 notes please run for me this ipfs file g2fjtebXVqI-00924-00213456-00213725 that I just deployed there which g2fjtebXVqI-00925-00213726-00213898 determines the logic that I just g2fjtebXVqI-00926-00213900-00214139 described and then execute transactions g2fjtebXVqI-00927-00214140-00214410 on my behalf to whatever chain I want to g2fjtebXVqI-00928-00214411-00214667 while providing me with certain levels g2fjtebXVqI-00929-00214667-00214877 of data Integrity that the data that is g2fjtebXVqI-00930-00214878-00215056 being generated that is being used is g2fjtebXVqI-00931-00215057-00215284 actually the same and the in the right g2fjtebXVqI-00932-00215285-00215501 one right and and yeah this is this is g2fjtebXVqI-00933-00215502-00215632 what you can do and you can think about g2fjtebXVqI-00934-00215633-00215789 it is g2fjtebXVqI-00935-00215790-00216029 um in allowing smart contracts to access g2fjtebXVqI-00936-00216030-00216329 Cloud functions with like a transaction g2fjtebXVqI-00937-00216330-00216521 and and this is super powerful for these g2fjtebXVqI-00938-00216521-00216706 address applications that don't want to g2fjtebXVqI-00939-00216707-00217037 like have one company that runs a Google g2fjtebXVqI-00940-00217038-00217253 cloud or whatever and if they don't pay g2fjtebXVqI-00941-00217254-00217463 their bills so if they get censored or g2fjtebXVqI-00942-00217464-00217631 whatever then the whole application goes g2fjtebXVqI-00943-00217632-00217805 down that relies on this which many g2fjtebXVqI-00944-00217806-00218044 applications do these days and this is g2fjtebXVqI-00945-00218046-00218225 basically a way to make them like to g2fjtebXVqI-00946-00218226-00218363 decentralize this process and make them g2fjtebXVqI-00947-00218364-00218525 more Unstoppable g2fjtebXVqI-00948-00218526-00218801 that's super powerful but what does that g2fjtebXVqI-00949-00218802-00219053 do to your trust assumption as like you g2fjtebXVqI-00950-00219054-00219401 know a developer who's who uses this g2fjtebXVqI-00951-00219402-00219598 that's a good question and and this is g2fjtebXVqI-00952-00219600-00219784 also like the evolution and why g2fjtebXVqI-00953-00219785-00219971 decentralization for gelato is now g2fjtebXVqI-00954-00219971-00220181 becoming very important and I alluded at g2fjtebXVqI-00955-00220182-00220355 the beginning that the beginning it it g2fjtebXVqI-00956-00220356-00220577 was okay because trust was sort of on g2fjtebXVqI-00957-00220578-00220792 shame right now we're moving to a world g2fjtebXVqI-00958-00220794-00221056 where uh trust assumptions are higher g2fjtebXVqI-00959-00221057-00221369 because gelato nodes are are running g2fjtebXVqI-00960-00221369-00221542 computation for you that you cannot g2fjtebXVqI-00961-00221544-00221741 verify it on chain and you need to you g2fjtebXVqI-00962-00221742-00221891 need to have some sort of trust in it g2fjtebXVqI-00963-00221892-00222215 and so this is where uh staking and the g2fjtebXVqI-00964-00222216-00222473 decentralization of our Network comes in g2fjtebXVqI-00965-00222473-00222641 hand and g2fjtebXVqI-00966-00222642-00222856 um basically how we are envisioning it g2fjtebXVqI-00967-00222857-00223019 is that g2fjtebXVqI-00968-00223019-00223277 um you can Define you have some sort of g2fjtebXVqI-00969-00223278-00223487 comparing this to other Oracle networks g2fjtebXVqI-00970-00223488-00223648 because it's some sort of like you can g2fjtebXVqI-00971-00223650-00223858 you can refer to it as like partially g2fjtebXVqI-00972-00223859-00224141 like a hybrid Oracle Network and um how g2fjtebXVqI-00973-00224142-00224441 we are sort of trying to provide users g2fjtebXVqI-00974-00224442-00224644 with like a like the flexibility of g2fjtebXVqI-00975-00224646-00224777 writing these things is just much g2fjtebXVqI-00976-00224778-00224891 greater than what you're used to in g2fjtebXVqI-00977-00224892-00225058 other networks but what you can also do g2fjtebXVqI-00978-00225059-00225305 is you will be able to Define what sort g2fjtebXVqI-00979-00225306-00225569 of um it Integrity you need for that g2fjtebXVqI-00980-00225569-00225832 data so for example you can say hey I g2fjtebXVqI-00981-00225833-00226132 want to have 50 or 60 percent of the g2fjtebXVqI-00982-00226133-00226444 gelato notes that have staked their gel g2fjtebXVqI-00983-00226446-00226829 to sign off on that data and only if g2fjtebXVqI-00984-00226830-00227075 they're all signed off of that data g2fjtebXVqI-00985-00227076-00227308 um then I then a node can take that g2fjtebXVqI-00986-00227309-00227494 transaction and execute it right and so g2fjtebXVqI-00987-00227496-00227837 that way you have 60 of the gelato stake g2fjtebXVqI-00988-00227838-00228167 that does saying hey I I verified that g2fjtebXVqI-00989-00228167-00228292 data and this is actually data that g2fjtebXVqI-00990-00228294-00228419 should be used g2fjtebXVqI-00991-00228419-00228563 um and then of course if they are g2fjtebXVqI-00992-00228564-00228755 maliciously they will be slash and can g2fjtebXVqI-00993-00228756-00228971 be can be penalized for this but you can g2fjtebXVqI-00994-00228971-00229139 also say let's say my data is not that g2fjtebXVqI-00995-00229140-00229301 important right and I don't need that g2fjtebXVqI-00996-00229302-00229492 sort of Integrity I don't need six g2fjtebXVqI-00997-00229494-00229631 percent of the network to run this g2fjtebXVqI-00998-00229632-00229846 computation I only need two nodes to run g2fjtebXVqI-00999-00229848-00229996 that computation and you could also g2fjtebXVqI-01000-00229998-00230237 Define some some lower thresholds here g2fjtebXVqI-01001-00230238-00230398 for you it depends on the use case but g2fjtebXVqI-01002-00230400-00230698 basically now staking and having a valid g2fjtebXVqI-01003-00230700-00230992 data set becomes very important g2fjtebXVqI-01004-00230994-00231239 okay I think that solves a lot of the g2fjtebXVqI-01005-00231240-00231448 problem but is there some sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01006-00231450-00231677 escalation mechanism so if I'm not happy g2fjtebXVqI-01007-00231678-00231934 with um the execution there's some sort g2fjtebXVqI-01008-00231935-00232132 of arbitration protocol that I can run g2fjtebXVqI-01009-00232133-00232294 because otherwise what you're g2fjtebXVqI-01010-00232296-00232456 incentivizing is g2fjtebXVqI-01011-00232457-00232613 um basically someone performs the g2fjtebXVqI-01012-00232614-00232901 computation maybe maliciously and other g2fjtebXVqI-01013-00232902-00233219 other nodes are not incentivized to g2fjtebXVqI-01014-00233219-00233398 rerun the computation but can just g2fjtebXVqI-01015-00233400-00233560 piggyback right so basically if everyone g2fjtebXVqI-01016-00233561-00233681 agrees g2fjtebXVqI-01017-00233682-00234071 um and uh and it's it's it's wrong but g2fjtebXVqI-01018-00234071-00234287 no one's penalized then that's kind of g2fjtebXVqI-01019-00234288-00234605 uh yeah so can I escalate as a Dev who g2fjtebXVqI-01020-00234606-00234725 uses this g2fjtebXVqI-01021-00234726-00234934 um Oracle g2fjtebXVqI-01022-00234935-00235210 yeah so so for that we have right now g2fjtebXVqI-01023-00235211-00235510 the gelato Dao right so we have uh our g2fjtebXVqI-01024-00235511-00235751 Dao right now where users can basically g2fjtebXVqI-01025-00235752-00236105 come and and say hey this is uh what was g2fjtebXVqI-01026-00236106-00236284 executed g2fjtebXVqI-01027-00236285-00236513 um and and this is actually I rerun the g2fjtebXVqI-01028-00236514-00236669 computation myself and this is actually g2fjtebXVqI-01029-00236669-00236992 what it supposed to return which is not g2fjtebXVqI-01030-00236994-00237365 always 100 it it's not easy to make this g2fjtebXVqI-01031-00237366-00237605 100 objective because if you talk about g2fjtebXVqI-01032-00237606-00237869 generalistic object computation then g2fjtebXVqI-01033-00237869-00238139 it's not only humanistic it's not all g2fjtebXVqI-01034-00238140-00238391 deterministic uh right I think for many g2fjtebXVqI-01035-00238392-00238565 use cases it actually is especially if g2fjtebXVqI-01036-00238566-00238744 you talk about like g2fjtebXVqI-01037-00238746-00239003 um subgraph data or data from other g2fjtebXVqI-01038-00239004-00239177 chains g2fjtebXVqI-01039-00239178-00239477 um there it is deterministic but if you g2fjtebXVqI-01040-00239478-00239771 if you think about let's say API price g2fjtebXVqI-01041-00239771-00239987 data and it depends on which millisecond g2fjtebXVqI-01042-00239988-00240191 or not query is your price right there g2fjtebXVqI-01043-00240192-00240437 you have to like have some sort of um g2fjtebXVqI-01044-00240438-00240719 defined aggregation g2fjtebXVqI-01045-00240719-00240910 um and and sort of consolidation of that g2fjtebXVqI-01046-00240911-00241103 data a process defined and this is what g2fjtebXVqI-01047-00241104-00241313 we meant with this hey you can Define g2fjtebXVqI-01048-00241314-00241481 your own thresholds let's say you can g2fjtebXVqI-01049-00241482-00241817 say hey I want these sort of nodes to to g2fjtebXVqI-01050-00241817-00242087 run this and they have to agree that g2fjtebXVqI-01051-00242088-00242332 this is in a certain range or this is uh g2fjtebXVqI-01052-00242333-00242573 roughly the same in these boundaries and g2fjtebXVqI-01053-00242573-00242794 if it's the case then I'm cool with that g2fjtebXVqI-01054-00242796-00243017 right and then they have to sign it off g2fjtebXVqI-01055-00243017-00243281 and send a transaction right and if you g2fjtebXVqI-01056-00243282-00243491 um look back here and you can say head g2fjtebXVqI-01057-00243492-00243641 was completely different then you can g2fjtebXVqI-01058-00243642-00243803 basically start this escalation process g2fjtebXVqI-01059-00243804-00243965 which is g2fjtebXVqI-01060-00243966-00244217 um hey I I I want to challenge this and g2fjtebXVqI-01061-00244217-00244432 then there is basically uh the dial g2fjtebXVqI-01062-00244433-00244756 doing its job and and validating it g2fjtebXVqI-01063-00244757-00244955 um and and making sure but but right now g2fjtebXVqI-01064-00244956-00245267 like there is no perfect way of sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01065-00245267-00245471 doing it for now which is always g2fjtebXVqI-01066-00245471-00245717 deterministic objective no subjectivity g2fjtebXVqI-01067-00245717-00245884 involved at all so we are taking this g2fjtebXVqI-01068-00245885-00246119 sort of pragmatic approach to this g2fjtebXVqI-01069-00246119-00246358 no it's super exciting so when when is g2fjtebXVqI-01070-00246359-00246665 this uh when is this gonna be rolled out g2fjtebXVqI-01071-00246666-00246994 well actually the beta starts today so g2fjtebXVqI-01072-00246996-00247139 we we're rolling on the web free g2fjtebXVqI-01073-00247140-00247289 functions beta today we actually also g2fjtebXVqI-01074-00247290-00247541 enrolled it yesterday but um today it's g2fjtebXVqI-01075-00247542-00247775 it's going Loud live but g2fjtebXVqI-01076-00247776-00248032 um it is first of all in like a closed g2fjtebXVqI-01077-00248033-00248284 beta so we have around about like 30 g2fjtebXVqI-01078-00248285-00248608 projects 30 projects sign up for it now g2fjtebXVqI-01079-00248609-00248884 that will be immediately using it g2fjtebXVqI-01080-00248885-00249106 um and a lot of really really cool and g2fjtebXVqI-01081-00249107-00249263 amazing use cases that I'm super excited g2fjtebXVqI-01082-00249264-00249617 for like nft perpetuals to g2fjtebXVqI-01083-00249617-00250003 um to to nft lending to uh g2fjtebXVqI-01084-00250004-00250234 decentralized Market making to like a g2fjtebXVqI-01085-00250235-00250432 lot of different things so the use case g2fjtebXVqI-01086-00250433-00250673 area is really huge and the beta is g2fjtebXVqI-01087-00250673-00250792 there because g2fjtebXVqI-01088-00250794-00251003 um yeah there's a lot of stake here g2fjtebXVqI-01089-00251004-00251206 right and and data Integrity is g2fjtebXVqI-01090-00251207-00251471 important and so we are slowly only g2fjtebXVqI-01091-00251471-00251782 onboarding new new users uh to to the g2fjtebXVqI-01092-00251783-00251992 system to make sure we can scale this up g2fjtebXVqI-01093-00251994-00252263 security sufficiently and make it work g2fjtebXVqI-01094-00252264-00252527 uh smoothly for everyone g2fjtebXVqI-01095-00252528-00252671 um so yeah that's why it will probably g2fjtebXVqI-01096-00252671-00252905 still be in a closed beta for at least a g2fjtebXVqI-01097-00252906-00253037 couple of months g2fjtebXVqI-01098-00253038-00253427 cool this is a super nice segue to use g2fjtebXVqI-01099-00253428-00253679 cases so we've talked about kind of like g2fjtebXVqI-01100-00253680-00254032 the the nuts and bolts for the past 40 g2fjtebXVqI-01101-00254033-00254417 minutes so kind of hit hit me with what g2fjtebXVqI-01102-00254417-00254603 what has been built with it because it's g2fjtebXVqI-01103-00254604-00254765 been massively used I mean there's g2fjtebXVqI-01104-00254766-00254992 millions of transactions that have been g2fjtebXVqI-01105-00254994-00255413 uh that have been sent using gelato so g2fjtebXVqI-01106-00255414-00255617 what what are the use cases and what g2fjtebXVqI-01107-00255617-00255773 networks are they on g2fjtebXVqI-01108-00255773-00255917 um and what are what are you g2fjtebXVqI-01109-00255917-00256156 particularly proud of g2fjtebXVqI-01110-00256157-00256408 yeah maybe I can give a little history I g2fjtebXVqI-01111-00256409-00256558 guess of use cases g2fjtebXVqI-01112-00256559-00256708 um and really g2fjtebXVqI-01113-00256709-00256931 um what we discovered four years ago was g2fjtebXVqI-01114-00256932-00257284 that ethereum and other EVMS need this g2fjtebXVqI-01115-00257285-00257471 generalistic g2fjtebXVqI-01116-00257471-00257681 um automation or relay protocol that g2fjtebXVqI-01117-00257682-00257921 lives outside of the the the client g2fjtebXVqI-01118-00257921-00258221 implementation of of the blockchain g2fjtebXVqI-01119-00258221-00258394 um and and really this means that g2fjtebXVqI-01120-00258396-00258634 anything can be built on top of this and g2fjtebXVqI-01121-00258635-00258808 and we've seen this really happening g2fjtebXVqI-01122-00258809-00259067 like there have been use cases that we g2fjtebXVqI-01123-00259067-00259313 didn't foresee and they're they're I g2fjtebXVqI-01124-00259314-00259510 mean it all started with D5 because we g2fjtebXVqI-01125-00259511-00259780 started gelato in 2019 and in 2019 to g2fjtebXVqI-01126-00259781-00260021 2021 I guess there was pretty much g2fjtebXVqI-01127-00260021-00260201 everything was D5 right and then g2fjtebXVqI-01128-00260202-00260441 eventually nfts happened but but it g2fjtebXVqI-01129-00260442-00260741 started with defy and um and there I g2fjtebXVqI-01130-00260742-00260932 mean uh the the first use case actually g2fjtebXVqI-01131-00260933-00261137 were built by instadapt by the g2fjtebXVqI-01132-00261138-00261292 insta-depth team so there are also g2fjtebXVqI-01133-00261294-00261569 legendary members of the gelato Club if g2fjtebXVqI-01134-00261569-00261898 you will and they built together with us g2fjtebXVqI-01135-00261900-00262117 some extremely complex use cases g2fjtebXVqI-01136-00262117-00262391 automated depth refinancing so these g2fjtebXVqI-01137-00262392-00262625 were things like I think automatically g2fjtebXVqI-01138-00262626-00263003 uh or um for example automatically g2fjtebXVqI-01139-00263004-00263213 um moving your other position to g2fjtebXVqI-01140-00263214-00263453 compound if compound has better apis or g2fjtebXVqI-01141-00263454-00263627 something like this I think this was the g2fjtebXVqI-01142-00263628-00263903 number one use case for InStep for a g2fjtebXVqI-01143-00263904-00264082 whole while and I know this is one of g2fjtebXVqI-01144-00264083-00264299 the things that I used interested for it g2fjtebXVqI-01145-00264300-00264473 was just single click and basically it g2fjtebXVqI-01146-00264474-00264629 just you know switched everything over g2fjtebXVqI-01147-00264630-00264947 it was super neat exactly yeah and they g2fjtebXVqI-01148-00264948-00265282 use gelato to automate this um and uh g2fjtebXVqI-01149-00265283-00265499 yeah it was it was very heavy on the D5 g2fjtebXVqI-01150-00265500-00265727 side it was using flash loans and this g2fjtebXVqI-01151-00265728-00265925 and that and uh all of these things were g2fjtebXVqI-01152-00265926-00266177 checked basically like um but all of g2fjtebXVqI-01153-00266178-00266315 these things were gelato conditions like g2fjtebXVqI-01154-00266316-00266453 what flashlight on to use whether from g2fjtebXVqI-01155-00266454-00266801 the ydx uh or from other or whatnot and g2fjtebXVqI-01156-00266802-00266999 yeah so so very heavy D5 things were g2fjtebXVqI-01157-00267000-00267119 built first g2fjtebXVqI-01158-00267120-00267341 um and and then actually one of the g2fjtebXVqI-01159-00267342-00267569 first big use cases that we always saw g2fjtebXVqI-01160-00267570-00267839 were limit orders um of course for amm g2fjtebXVqI-01161-00267840-00268060 so anybody trading on centralized g2fjtebXVqI-01162-00268061-00268210 exchanges would usually place a limit g2fjtebXVqI-01163-00268211-00268379 order when they want to buy it or sell g2fjtebXVqI-01164-00268380-00268619 something right um but on on am it's g2fjtebXVqI-01165-00268620-00268787 like uni swap or Kaiba back then even g2fjtebXVqI-01166-00268788-00268997 you didn't have this enabled so with g2fjtebXVqI-01167-00268998-00269279 gelato uh we built a limit order SDK g2fjtebXVqI-01168-00269280-00269506 that was using a smart contract limit g2fjtebXVqI-01169-00269507-00269669 order protocol g2fjtebXVqI-01170-00269670-00269975 um and uh yeah basically this is how g2fjtebXVqI-01171-00269976-00270232 um big amm's like spooky swap on Phantom g2fjtebXVqI-01172-00270233-00270503 and quick swap on polygon and pancake g2fjtebXVqI-01173-00270504-00270869 swap on BNB chain or by basically we're g2fjtebXVqI-01174-00270870-00271043 able to offer limit orders on their g2fjtebXVqI-01175-00271044-00271247 exchange two users which is in the g2fjtebXVqI-01176-00271248-00271529 background using gelato Automation and g2fjtebXVqI-01177-00271530-00271834 and then from there I mean eventually g2fjtebXVqI-01178-00271835-00271991 once we build our g2fjtebXVqI-01179-00271992-00272225 um automation UI and interface gelato g2fjtebXVqI-01180-00272226-00272519 automate it previously called gelato Ops g2fjtebXVqI-01181-00272520-00272819 um we basically then gave developers a g2fjtebXVqI-01182-00272820-00273034 sort of nice way of you know g2fjtebXVqI-01183-00273035-00273239 self-servicing them and themselves g2fjtebXVqI-01184-00273240-00273467 before I was sort of us you know the g2fjtebXVqI-01185-00273468-00273671 tech was ready like it could be used but g2fjtebXVqI-01186-00273672-00273803 there was a lot of work you as a g2fjtebXVqI-01187-00273804-00273982 developer needed to do and we also g2fjtebXVqI-01188-00273983-00274091 didn't have that much documentation g2fjtebXVqI-01189-00274092-00274330 technically you could have used gelato g2fjtebXVqI-01190-00274331-00274529 to build anything but but you know you g2fjtebXVqI-01191-00274530-00274667 know how it is you have to make g2fjtebXVqI-01192-00274668-00274895 developers lives easier for for them to g2fjtebXVqI-01193-00274896-00275117 actually use it so we built this super g2fjtebXVqI-01194-00275118-00275437 nice Pro UI product where you can come g2fjtebXVqI-01195-00275438-00275647 app.gelato.network and you can basically g2fjtebXVqI-01196-00275648-00275884 start automating your smart contracts g2fjtebXVqI-01197-00275885-00276071 with a click of a mouse button basically g2fjtebXVqI-01198-00276072-00276341 and that really I mean that sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01199-00276342-00276545 opened the floodgates to use cases there g2fjtebXVqI-01200-00276546-00276706 were so many things launching without us g2fjtebXVqI-01201-00276707-00276947 even knowing uh that suddenly we're g2fjtebXVqI-01202-00276948-00277079 using the network g2fjtebXVqI-01203-00277080-00277337 um I remember algorithmic stable coins g2fjtebXVqI-01204-00277338-00277451 using it g2fjtebXVqI-01205-00277452-00277739 um for uh for replacing g2fjtebXVqI-01206-00277740-00277925 um many other things I'm sure Hilma will g2fjtebXVqI-01207-00277926-00278141 give some more colors soon um and then g2fjtebXVqI-01208-00278142-00278501 for for relaying um for relaying uh g2fjtebXVqI-01209-00278502-00278705 initially our approach relaying was a g2fjtebXVqI-01210-00278706-00278945 bit more backend focused so really g2fjtebXVqI-01211-00278946-00279299 focusing on how can we provide uh g2fjtebXVqI-01212-00279300-00279497 back-end projects such as for example g2fjtebXVqI-01213-00279498-00279641 connects the crosstrain messaging g2fjtebXVqI-01214-00279642-00279965 protocol they're using it with a way to g2fjtebXVqI-01215-00279966-00280223 get transactions mined on multiple g2fjtebXVqI-01216-00280224-00280445 chains with high throughput like really g2fjtebXVqI-01217-00280446-00280613 at scale because that's actually quite g2fjtebXVqI-01218-00280614-00280745 hard g2fjtebXVqI-01219-00280746-00280973 um building your own relayer sort of to g2fjtebXVqI-01220-00280974-00281182 send a couple of transactions uh g2fjtebXVqI-01221-00281183-00281351 hundreds of transactions every day is g2fjtebXVqI-01222-00281352-00281753 not that hard but going from there to 40 g2fjtebXVqI-01223-00281754-00281939 000 transactions 100 000 transactions g2fjtebXVqI-01224-00281940-00282073 per day on many different networks g2fjtebXVqI-01225-00282074-00282293 reliably that's done really hard and g2fjtebXVqI-01226-00282294-00282473 that's production software so we sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01227-00282474-00282653 started with that and that has been g2fjtebXVqI-01228-00282654-00282869 successfully used by Connect 4 over a g2fjtebXVqI-01229-00282870-00283279 year without any problems and and g2fjtebXVqI-01230-00283280-00283558 recently in the last half year or so we g2fjtebXVqI-01231-00283559-00283823 also focused a bit more on the UI side g2fjtebXVqI-01232-00283824-00283960 of things for relaying so gasless g2fjtebXVqI-01233-00283961-00284255 transactions um account abstraction all g2fjtebXVqI-01234-00284256-00284345 these things g2fjtebXVqI-01235-00284346-00284584 um making it easy to onboard web 2 users g2fjtebXVqI-01236-00284585-00284939 and not so much the focus on having I g2fjtebXVqI-01237-00284940-00285077 don't know a throughput of 100 000 g2fjtebXVqI-01238-00285078-00285203 transaction per day for your backend g2fjtebXVqI-01239-00285204-00285401 application but rather having these cool g2fjtebXVqI-01240-00285402-00285605 user experiences where as a user you can g2fjtebXVqI-01241-00285606-00285743 interact with smart contracts without g2fjtebXVqI-01242-00285744-00285941 the need of having crypto on your wallet g2fjtebXVqI-01243-00285942-00286079 and so on g2fjtebXVqI-01244-00286080-00286247 um so so there g2fjtebXVqI-01245-00286248-00286475 um there will be a I think some exciting g2fjtebXVqI-01246-00286476-00286756 use cases launching soon g2fjtebXVqI-01247-00286757-00286979 um yeah for example and we're talking to g2fjtebXVqI-01248-00286980-00287213 a betting site or know this chain who g2fjtebXVqI-01249-00287214-00287399 want to make it so that users first time g2fjtebXVqI-01250-00287400-00287597 users first in crypto users can come and g2fjtebXVqI-01251-00287598-00287860 place their bet without needing to to g2fjtebXVqI-01252-00287861-00288208 have crypto in their wallets for example g2fjtebXVqI-01253-00288209-00288508 super cool Emma do you want to add to g2fjtebXVqI-01254-00288509-00288808 the landscape of projects building on g2fjtebXVqI-01255-00288809-00289108 gelato because if if not g2fjtebXVqI-01256-00289109-00289223 um I'd like to talk about account g2fjtebXVqI-01257-00289224-00289379 abstraction g2fjtebXVqI-01258-00289380-00289732 um but Lewis kind of insinuated that you g2fjtebXVqI-01259-00289733-00289984 would that you would want to add some g2fjtebXVqI-01260-00289985-00290153 color and as we heard earlier you're g2fjtebXVqI-01261-00290154-00290387 kind of basically the same person so I I g2fjtebXVqI-01262-00290388-00290575 assume Lewis knows what you want g2fjtebXVqI-01263-00290576-00290819 I think Lou's already covered a lot I g2fjtebXVqI-01264-00290820-00291019 think uh maybe g2fjtebXVqI-01265-00291020-00291323 to add there's like weird things that I g2fjtebXVqI-01266-00291324-00291460 personally didn't anticipate are all g2fjtebXVqI-01267-00291461-00291671 these nft use case because we are both g2fjtebXVqI-01268-00291672-00291858 from like the D5 world but but suddenly g2fjtebXVqI-01269-00291859-00292103 we've seen like tens of thousands or g2fjtebXVqI-01270-00292104-00292265 hundred thousands transactions from like g2fjtebXVqI-01271-00292266-00292529 nft rentals for example I don't know g2fjtebXVqI-01272-00292530-00292684 like I didn't know people rent so many g2fjtebXVqI-01273-00292685-00292960 nfts but they had like these entire nft g2fjtebXVqI-01274-00292961-00293201 rental marketplaces now where you can g2fjtebXVqI-01275-00293202-00293375 get an nfg you can literally get the nft g2fjtebXVqI-01276-00293376-00293591 into your wallet let's say like a board g2fjtebXVqI-01277-00293592-00293837 uh a for example and then you can do g2fjtebXVqI-01278-00293838-00294034 something and then gelato will out of g2fjtebXVqI-01279-00294035-00294203 like there's a function in the transfer g2fjtebXVqI-01280-00294204-00294401 from function there's like a condition g2fjtebXVqI-01281-00294402-00294701 which is gelato can get this nft out of g2fjtebXVqI-01282-00294702-00294863 your wallet in seven days again and g2fjtebXVqI-01283-00294864-00295025 withdraw it back to the original owner g2fjtebXVqI-01284-00295026-00295180 and this is like happening so literally g2fjtebXVqI-01285-00295181-00295493 smart contracts are all of the nfts uh I g2fjtebXVqI-01286-00295494-00295643 give them to you and then they're drawn g2fjtebXVqI-01287-00295644-00295882 back in by gelato and this is happening g2fjtebXVqI-01288-00295883-00296027 every day like tens of thousands of g2fjtebXVqI-01289-00296028-00296356 times on polygon and BNB chain and BNB g2fjtebXVqI-01290-00296357-00296597 and stuff like that so these are things g2fjtebXVqI-01291-00296598-00296860 that Beyond like makeup are using it for g2fjtebXVqI-01292-00296861-00297125 like their collateral management and you g2fjtebXVqI-01293-00297126-00297299 know like stuff like optimism for g2fjtebXVqI-01294-00297300-00297473 topping up sequencer nodes and stuff g2fjtebXVqI-01295-00297474-00297755 like that which are use cases we sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01296-00297756-00298049 seen very early on these are like ones g2fjtebXVqI-01297-00298050-00298319 that did really surprised me personally g2fjtebXVqI-01298-00298320-00298643 seeing rent to Monkey yeah I think I g2fjtebXVqI-01299-00298644-00298834 think what both film and I were quite g2fjtebXVqI-01300-00298835-00299117 happy and proud of is um that we really g2fjtebXVqI-01301-00299118-00299315 saw the you know g2fjtebXVqI-01302-00299316-00299741 uh one one guy team developer using this g2fjtebXVqI-01303-00299742-00299993 up to you know the Blue Chip D5 projects g2fjtebXVqI-01304-00299994-00300256 like other maker g2fjtebXVqI-01305-00300257-00300623 um optimism and and uh and so on so so g2fjtebXVqI-01306-00300624-00300875 really it's for everyone g2fjtebXVqI-01307-00300876-00301210 cool so a current abstraction so I think g2fjtebXVqI-01308-00301211-00301391 a lot of our listeners will kind of know g2fjtebXVqI-01309-00301392-00301627 this in the context of g2fjtebXVqI-01310-00301628-00301882 eip4337 this is actually something that g2fjtebXVqI-01311-00301883-00302147 we're working on together so uh not we g2fjtebXVqI-01312-00302148-00302477 as epicenter but me as gnosis and uh g2fjtebXVqI-01313-00302478-00302651 this is kind of finding an g2fjtebXVqI-01314-00302652-00302921 implementation for account abstraction g2fjtebXVqI-01315-00302922-00303203 um without protocol level changes just g2fjtebXVqI-01316-00303204-00303449 using relayers it's incredibly cool use g2fjtebXVqI-01317-00303450-00303641 case and I actually can see g2fjtebXVqI-01318-00303642-00303821 um so we are committed to kind of g2fjtebXVqI-01319-00303822-00304013 rolling this out on osis chain and I g2fjtebXVqI-01320-00304014-00304384 would kind of assume that this g2fjtebXVqI-01321-00304385-00304721 um this goes well and kind of is taken g2fjtebXVqI-01322-00304722-00304954 over by other chains as well so can you g2fjtebXVqI-01323-00304955-00305182 explain to me how it works g2fjtebXVqI-01324-00305183-00305327 yeah g2fjtebXVqI-01325-00305328-00305651 um so a constraction really is the g2fjtebXVqI-01326-00305652-00306065 concept of trying to move away from g2fjtebXVqI-01327-00306066-00306310 having users interact with smart g2fjtebXVqI-01328-00306311-00306532 contracts with their externally on the g2fjtebXVqI-01329-00306533-00306845 account and rather promoting that they g2fjtebXVqI-01330-00306846-00307121 are interacting with a smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-01331-00307122-00307397 wallet based or is my contract based g2fjtebXVqI-01332-00307398-00307553 account and that these are the two g2fjtebXVqI-01333-00307554-00307691 accounts that are available on ethereum g2fjtebXVqI-01334-00307692-00307949 one is created by your private key g2fjtebXVqI-01335-00307950-00308134 um and then the other one you will have g2fjtebXVqI-01336-00308135-00308506 to deploy yourself let's say the noses g2fjtebXVqI-01337-00308507-00308663 save is probably the most prominent g2fjtebXVqI-01338-00308664-00308903 example of a smart contract wallet g2fjtebXVqI-01339-00308904-00309023 um and the cool thing about the smart g2fjtebXVqI-01340-00309024-00309251 contract wallet is uh I like to compare g2fjtebXVqI-01341-00309252-00309563 them as one is like an old school door g2fjtebXVqI-01342-00309564-00309803 lock where you have like this wooden a g2fjtebXVqI-01343-00309804-00309995 key that you get in and then you can can g2fjtebXVqI-01344-00309996-00310169 kind of like access web free and then g2fjtebXVqI-01345-00310170-00310432 the other ones like this digital g2fjtebXVqI-01346-00310433-00310582 um door lock if we have in our office g2fjtebXVqI-01347-00310583-00310829 here where you can program people to g2fjtebXVqI-01348-00310830-00311021 just like come in for like a day or so g2fjtebXVqI-01349-00311022-00311254 or you need multiple pupils to sign off g2fjtebXVqI-01350-00311255-00311447 to enter the building for example right g2fjtebXVqI-01351-00311448-00311687 and so it's a programmable wallet it's g2fjtebXVqI-01352-00311688-00311849 my contract was programmable wallet g2fjtebXVqI-01353-00311850-00311975 where you can g2fjtebXVqI-01354-00311976-00312173 encode Advanced functionalities for g2fjtebXVqI-01355-00312174-00312358 example that you can make transactions g2fjtebXVqI-01356-00312359-00312701 be fully gasless on behalf of users g2fjtebXVqI-01357-00312702-00312982 without having to change any smart g2fjtebXVqI-01358-00312983-00313204 contract code anymore and g2fjtebXVqI-01359-00313205-00313469 um this just greatly improves the ux of g2fjtebXVqI-01360-00313470-00313691 of users that are especially getting on g2fjtebXVqI-01361-00313692-00313882 board to web3 g2fjtebXVqI-01362-00313883-00314123 um and uh yeah that is this whole array g2fjtebXVqI-01363-00314124-00314279 of like g2fjtebXVqI-01364-00314280-00314513 um feature sets that you want for g2fjtebXVqI-01365-00314514-00314639 example gases transactions account g2fjtebXVqI-01366-00314640-00314908 recovery but also in wallet automation g2fjtebXVqI-01367-00314909-00315113 which I think I'm sort of most bullish g2fjtebXVqI-01368-00315114-00315365 on in a college traction g2fjtebXVqI-01369-00315366-00315695 um and Yeah we actually sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01370-00315696-00315821 experiment and been building a g2fjtebXVqI-01371-00315822-00315977 conversation stuff since the very g2fjtebXVqI-01372-00315978-00316241 beginning gelato was actually started g2fjtebXVqI-01373-00316242-00316517 off as the a module for the noses safe g2fjtebXVqI-01374-00316518-00316673 this was our first implementation of g2fjtebXVqI-01375-00316674-00316943 gelato and it was it was literally hey g2fjtebXVqI-01376-00316944-00317129 you have your smart contract wallet and g2fjtebXVqI-01377-00317130-00317297 now you have like an add-on to the smart g2fjtebXVqI-01378-00317298-00317477 contract wall to make it really really g2fjtebXVqI-01379-00317478-00317704 smart and it could it can automate it g2fjtebXVqI-01380-00317705-00317908 can execute things on your behalf when g2fjtebXVqI-01381-00317909-00318143 you're not there this is for me like a g2fjtebXVqI-01382-00318144-00318334 smart wallet right g2fjtebXVqI-01383-00318335-00318556 um and we actually deployed know the g2fjtebXVqI-01384-00318557-00318784 sales on our first uis back then and had g2fjtebXVqI-01385-00318785-00318934 like had users interact with our g2fjtebXVqI-01386-00318935-00319193 application using their nososafe as a g2fjtebXVqI-01387-00319194-00319319 proxy which is exactly what account g2fjtebXVqI-01388-00319320-00319637 abstraction wants to achieve g2fjtebXVqI-01389-00319638-00320021 um and uh sort of enshrine into uh the g2fjtebXVqI-01390-00320022-00320299 protocol a bit further by with this g2fjtebXVqI-01391-00320300-00320579 esc-437 for example which basically g2fjtebXVqI-01392-00320580-00320899 allows provides people like a public g2fjtebXVqI-01393-00320900-00321232 entry point to then to then say hey I g2fjtebXVqI-01394-00321233-00321377 want to interact with a certain g2fjtebXVqI-01395-00321378-00321706 application and they can Define how they g2fjtebXVqI-01396-00321707-00321845 wanted to act how they want to pay for g2fjtebXVqI-01397-00321846-00321982 it for example and then there's this g2fjtebXVqI-01398-00321983-00322234 public entry point where you can do so g2fjtebXVqI-01399-00322235-00322403 so yeah this is a counter distraction in g2fjtebXVqI-01400-00322404-00322595 Russia but it's a very broad topic so g2fjtebXVqI-01401-00322596-00322721 there are a lot of different parts you g2fjtebXVqI-01402-00322722-00322937 can go into if you want yeah absolutely g2fjtebXVqI-01403-00322938-00323206 it's a it's a super big topic and I g2fjtebXVqI-01404-00323207-00323506 think in terms of kind of making web 3 g2fjtebXVqI-01405-00323507-00323747 usable for numis this is really g2fjtebXVqI-01406-00323748-00324041 something that kind of we need to hit g2fjtebXVqI-01407-00324042-00324263 um because I mean the current onboarding g2fjtebXVqI-01408-00324264-00324395 experience you need to be able to g2fjtebXVqI-01409-00324396-00324754 onboard users with an email or similar g2fjtebXVqI-01410-00324755-00324982 um even if that means lower trust g2fjtebXVqI-01411-00324983-00325199 assumption you you just have to be able g2fjtebXVqI-01412-00325200-00325469 to switch it out later the user has to g2fjtebXVqI-01413-00325470-00325660 be able to switch it out later but you g2fjtebXVqI-01414-00325661-00325823 know this experience where kind of you g2fjtebXVqI-01415-00325824-00326080 you download metamask for someone and g2fjtebXVqI-01416-00326081-00326243 then then you say I'm not going to look g2fjtebXVqI-01417-00326244-00326410 but you have to write down these 12 g2fjtebXVqI-01418-00326411-00326663 words and you can never lose them so g2fjtebXVqI-01419-00326664-00326867 replicate them you know in many places g2fjtebXVqI-01420-00326868-00327106 but you can also never show them to g2fjtebXVqI-01421-00327107-00327479 anyone so replicate them never it's just g2fjtebXVqI-01422-00327480-00327695 it's it's a lot of mixed messages and g2fjtebXVqI-01423-00327696-00327887 people don't get it it's just this is g2fjtebXVqI-01424-00327888-00328115 not how we're gonna onboard like the g2fjtebXVqI-01425-00328116-00328282 next hundred million people or so all g2fjtebXVqI-01426-00328283-00328630 right and until eip4337 actually comes g2fjtebXVqI-01427-00328631-00329008 if it comes I think it'll be an uphill g2fjtebXVqI-01428-00329009-00329237 bad better in terms of g2fjtebXVqI-01429-00329238-00329458 pretty complex and you know backwards g2fjtebXVqI-01430-00329459-00329656 compatibility and such g2fjtebXVqI-01431-00329657-00329860 what other things are you excited for so g2fjtebXVqI-01432-00329861-00330023 I mean with g2fjtebXVqI-01433-00330024-00330384 um the web 3 functions you kind of g2fjtebXVqI-01434-00330385-00330803 you radically enlarge the possibility g2fjtebXVqI-01435-00330804-00331030 space of what can be built using gelato g2fjtebXVqI-01436-00331031-00331253 so what are the cool things you kind of g2fjtebXVqI-01437-00331254-00331751 you foresee and what are you excited for g2fjtebXVqI-01438-00331752-00331991 yeah maybe I could start to lose feel g2fjtebXVqI-01439-00331992-00332189 free to add stuff and so I think maybe g2fjtebXVqI-01440-00332190-00332369 tying it back to the account abstraction g2fjtebXVqI-01441-00332370-00332734 if for for me it is all sort of g2fjtebXVqI-01442-00332735-00333023 for me I with gelato especially I see g2fjtebXVqI-01443-00333024-00333251 all these things converging at some g2fjtebXVqI-01444-00333252-00333551 point so right now g2fjtebXVqI-01445-00333552-00333617 um g2fjtebXVqI-01446-00333618-00334037 to provide users within sort of these g2fjtebXVqI-01447-00334038-00334241 Advanced automated g2fjtebXVqI-01448-00334242-00334487 services or use cases let's say a limit g2fjtebXVqI-01449-00334488-00334817 order on pancake swap or let's say yearn g2fjtebXVqI-01450-00334818-00335080 uh with like hey we always give you the g2fjtebXVqI-01451-00335081-00335303 best rate where whatever g2fjtebXVqI-01452-00335304-00335597 or other other use cases what you always g2fjtebXVqI-01453-00335598-00335837 have to do is you have to build entire g2fjtebXVqI-01454-00335838-00336154 smart contract protocols which logic is g2fjtebXVqI-01455-00336155-00336401 solely based to g2fjtebXVqI-01456-00336402-00336713 provide this sort of automation for g2fjtebXVqI-01457-00336714-00337001 users in a way where they can let's say g2fjtebXVqI-01458-00337002-00337156 they just have to deposit their assets g2fjtebXVqI-01459-00337157-00337415 into like this pool and then from this g2fjtebXVqI-01460-00337416-00337643 pool a little order gets executed or g2fjtebXVqI-01461-00337644-00337810 from this pool g2fjtebXVqI-01462-00337811-00338104 um the the it will be invested in the g2fjtebXVqI-01463-00338105-00338308 best yield generating protocol or g2fjtebXVqI-01464-00338309-00338579 whatnot and mostly the reason why we g2fjtebXVqI-01465-00338580-00338897 have this is because g2fjtebXVqI-01466-00338898-00339125 um you can't automate g2fjtebXVqI-01467-00339126-00339377 the transactions from the users what eoa g2fjtebXVqI-01468-00339378-00339653 wanted right so other than getting their g2fjtebXVqI-01469-00339654-00340006 private key then yeah you basically own g2fjtebXVqI-01470-00340007-00340421 their money right so if we can as a g2fjtebXVqI-01471-00340422-00340513 community g2fjtebXVqI-01472-00340514-00340865 push this concept of a current g2fjtebXVqI-01473-00340866-00341045 abstraction and smart contract wallet g2fjtebXVqI-01474-00341046-00341429 then what we gain is basically g2fjtebXVqI-01475-00341430-00341645 um what I call in wallet automation g2fjtebXVqI-01476-00341646-00341915 which is you don't need to build all of g2fjtebXVqI-01477-00341916-00342275 these protocols anymore you can just tie g2fjtebXVqI-01478-00342276-00342563 your of money or your funds in your g2fjtebXVqI-01479-00342564-00342880 wallet to arbitrary off-chain data g2fjtebXVqI-01480-00342881-00343180 computation or on-chain verifiable data g2fjtebXVqI-01481-00343181-00343379 and computation which gelato for example g2fjtebXVqI-01482-00343380-00343660 and can start getting the best yield g2fjtebXVqI-01483-00343661-00343865 everywhere straight out of your wallet g2fjtebXVqI-01484-00343866-00344045 you don't have to pool them anywhere you g2fjtebXVqI-01485-00344046-00344182 don't have to send them anywhere first g2fjtebXVqI-01486-00344183-00344393 just straight out of the wallet they do g2fjtebXVqI-01487-00344394-00344651 things think about like games for g2fjtebXVqI-01488-00344652-00344958 example right you can build like you can g2fjtebXVqI-01489-00344959-00345347 play strategy games where you run a g2fjtebXVqI-01490-00345348-00345569 script that interacts with your account g2fjtebXVqI-01491-00345570-00345856 on your behalf or with other people's g2fjtebXVqI-01492-00345857-00346043 accounts on their behalf and like direct g2fjtebXVqI-01493-00346044-00346330 their actions in like a Pokemon world g2fjtebXVqI-01494-00346331-00346697 like for me I see NPCs non-player g2fjtebXVqI-01495-00346698-00346960 characters all of them will be like a g2fjtebXVqI-01496-00346961-00347165 smart contract which will attack you g2fjtebXVqI-01497-00347166-00347332 like say a Pokemon game you walk through g2fjtebXVqI-01498-00347333-00347501 the grass and suddenly Pokemon attacks g2fjtebXVqI-01499-00347502-00347645 you it is like an attack function there g2fjtebXVqI-01500-00347646-00347849 and then a gelato sensor transaction the g2fjtebXVqI-01501-00347850-00348034 Pokemon comes attacks you and then it's g2fjtebXVqI-01502-00348035-00348167 like a battle and you fight the Pokemon g2fjtebXVqI-01503-00348168-00348334 even if you might not be at the machine g2fjtebXVqI-01504-00348335-00348551 at the time you define the strategy g2fjtebXVqI-01505-00348552-00348725 beforehand and then you can alter it g2fjtebXVqI-01506-00348726-00349084 over time so I think there g2fjtebXVqI-01507-00349085-00349254 um with account abstraction plus g2fjtebXVqI-01508-00349255-00349523 automation especially leveraging data g2fjtebXVqI-01509-00349524-00349841 from off chain I think you just full g2fjtebXVqI-01510-00349842-00350099 like your 10x or 100x the possibilities g2fjtebXVqI-01511-00350100-00350465 that can be built for web free and it g2fjtebXVqI-01512-00350466-00350699 all ties very nicely together so I'm g2fjtebXVqI-01513-00350700-00350969 super excited about like how this and I g2fjtebXVqI-01514-00350970-00351125 already see a couple of use cases and g2fjtebXVqI-01515-00351126-00351269 projects building first things like g2fjtebXVqI-01516-00351270-00351491 brahmas building basically like a urine g2fjtebXVqI-01517-00351492-00351760 but based on those saves using gelato in g2fjtebXVqI-01518-00351761-00351965 the background so I think I'm super g2fjtebXVqI-01519-00351966-00352151 excited about these type of use cases g2fjtebXVqI-01520-00352152-00352313 and they tie everything very nicely g2fjtebXVqI-01521-00352314-00352504 together g2fjtebXVqI-01522-00352505-00352630 yeah g2fjtebXVqI-01523-00352631-00352871 um one of the big things that I am g2fjtebXVqI-01524-00352872-00352997 excited about g2fjtebXVqI-01525-00352998-00353501 um is uh basically a whole new web free g2fjtebXVqI-01526-00353502-00353777 user experience and we're all wet3 g2fjtebXVqI-01527-00353778-00354077 natives here I know I've known you for g2fjtebXVqI-01528-00354078-00354293 four years now three weeks so you were g2fjtebXVqI-01529-00354294-00354527 definitely very early and probably g2fjtebXVqI-01530-00354528-00354701 um you are used to using metamask and so g2fjtebXVqI-01531-00354702-00354845 on but but you also mentioned here that g2fjtebXVqI-01532-00354846-00355037 it's still very clunky when onboarding g2fjtebXVqI-01533-00355038-00355210 new users it's still always like every g2fjtebXVqI-01534-00355211-00355378 time I onboard a friend g2fjtebXVqI-01535-00355379-00355630 a family member it's I realize how bad g2fjtebXVqI-01536-00355631-00355793 it is and that it will never be g2fjtebXVqI-01537-00355794-00356008 mainstream because it's way too complex g2fjtebXVqI-01538-00356009-00356189 um and one thing g2fjtebXVqI-01539-00356190-00356489 um that we have to hand to web 2 is that g2fjtebXVqI-01540-00356490-00356645 the user experiences there are really g2fjtebXVqI-01541-00356646-00356819 great A lot of times g2fjtebXVqI-01542-00356820-00357160 um and uh and yeah I think we have to g2fjtebXVqI-01543-00357161-00357467 achieve parity with that in web 3 um if g2fjtebXVqI-01544-00357468-00357910 not even surpass it and uh in web3 we g2fjtebXVqI-01545-00357911-00358151 have created these amazing back-end g2fjtebXVqI-01546-00358152-00358295 Technologies g2fjtebXVqI-01547-00358296-00358493 um that make developer experiences very g2fjtebXVqI-01548-00358494-00358625 great right like you can build your own g2fjtebXVqI-01549-00358626-00358913 bank you can build whatever like with a g2fjtebXVqI-01550-00358914-00359063 bunch of lines of code g2fjtebXVqI-01551-00359064-00359273 um but on the front end on the UI level g2fjtebXVqI-01552-00359274-00359591 on the mobile app level it still is very g2fjtebXVqI-01553-00359592-00359939 immature it's it scares people off it's g2fjtebXVqI-01554-00359940-00360178 it's it's clunky it's kind of horrible g2fjtebXVqI-01555-00360179-00360460 to be honest so what I'm what I'm really g2fjtebXVqI-01556-00360461-00360725 hoping for now that as we move up the g2fjtebXVqI-01557-00360726-00360910 stack a bit and we sort of provide g2fjtebXVqI-01558-00360911-00361132 Technologies like the relay apis that we g2fjtebXVqI-01559-00361133-00361319 have account abstraction smart contract g2fjtebXVqI-01560-00361320-00361558 wallets to front-end developers is that g2fjtebXVqI-01561-00361559-00361841 we we finally have a better g2fjtebXVqI-01562-00361842-00362039 front end to web3 as well not just a g2fjtebXVqI-01563-00362040-00362267 good back end and and here what I'm g2fjtebXVqI-01564-00362268-00362441 looking out for hopefully next Bull Run g2fjtebXVqI-01565-00362442-00362741 uh is that we don't have these things g2fjtebXVqI-01566-00362742-00362951 where you definitely know that this is a g2fjtebXVqI-01567-00362952-00363082 web free site where you log in with g2fjtebXVqI-01568-00363083-00363263 metamask you connect to some RPC g2fjtebXVqI-01569-00363264-00363503 everything is slow you can't do anything g2fjtebXVqI-01570-00363504-00363641 because you don't have crypto in your g2fjtebXVqI-01571-00363642-00363808 wallet you have to go visit three other g2fjtebXVqI-01572-00363809-00364151 places uh now to get crypto to do to g2fjtebXVqI-01573-00364152-00364397 configure your wallet to write something g2fjtebXVqI-01574-00364398-00364613 on paper and store it in a save or g2fjtebXVqI-01575-00364614-00364780 something right like all of this should g2fjtebXVqI-01576-00364781-00365027 be gone and hopefully we can build web g2fjtebXVqI-01577-00365028-00365249 free applications where users don't even g2fjtebXVqI-01578-00365250-00365417 know that they're interacting with web3 g2fjtebXVqI-01579-00365418-00365627 only the developers of that site now g2fjtebXVqI-01580-00365628-00365758 because they're using the power of g2fjtebXVqI-01581-00365759-00365980 webpage Technologies to build amazing g2fjtebXVqI-01582-00365981-00366287 back-ends to build amazing applications g2fjtebXVqI-01583-00366288-00366467 um without the need of I don't know web g2fjtebXVqI-01584-00366468-00366803 2 Legacy licensing or so g2fjtebXVqI-01585-00366804-00367043 um so so yeah I really like that's what g2fjtebXVqI-01586-00367044-00367193 I'm really looking forward to and and g2fjtebXVqI-01587-00367194-00367475 here our our basically stake in this g2fjtebXVqI-01588-00367476-00367715 game is our set of relay apis you can g2fjtebXVqI-01589-00367716-00367901 certainly use automation as well to g2fjtebXVqI-01590-00367902-00368117 provide very nice user experiences but g2fjtebXVqI-01591-00368118-00368267 but especially with relaying and account g2fjtebXVqI-01592-00368268-00368578 abstraction you can build amazing new g2fjtebXVqI-01593-00368579-00368878 user experiences where I hope it will g2fjtebXVqI-01594-00368879-00369149 simply be like okay we forget completely g2fjtebXVqI-01595-00369150-00369317 about connecting metamask and whatso g2fjtebXVqI-01596-00369318-00369473 whatsoever like all of this will be gone g2fjtebXVqI-01597-00369474-00369677 it will just be a nice website and you g2fjtebXVqI-01598-00369678-00369827 go to clicking buttons again you g2fjtebXVqI-01599-00369828-00369982 immediately see data and so on and you g2fjtebXVqI-01600-00369983-00370217 don't have to have this extension be g2fjtebXVqI-01601-00370218-00370403 connected and so on at all times like it g2fjtebXVqI-01602-00370404-00370684 should be very smooth sort of instant g2fjtebXVqI-01603-00370685-00370895 feedback as you use a website to g2fjtebXVqI-01604-00370896-00371056 interact with crypto that's really what g2fjtebXVqI-01605-00371057-00371213 I'm looking forward to g2fjtebXVqI-01606-00371214-00371543 me too having web 3 with strictly better g2fjtebXVqI-01607-00371544-00371903 user experience than web 2 this is uh g2fjtebXVqI-01608-00371904-00372347 those are goals g2fjtebXVqI-01609-00372348-00372628 one last question and maybe it's the g2fjtebXVqI-01610-00372629-00372821 most important question that I g2fjtebXVqI-01611-00372822-00373025 considered leading with g2fjtebXVqI-01612-00373026-00373289 what's your favorite flavor of ice cream g2fjtebXVqI-01613-00373290-00373451 you don't you don't get to be quite g2fjtebXVqI-01614-00373452-00373703 gelato without you know having a good g2fjtebXVqI-01615-00373704-00374039 answer to that that's true and I do look g2fjtebXVqI-01616-00374040-00374327 forward to the to the next Defcon and g2fjtebXVqI-01617-00374328-00374584 the the gelato booth there again oh yeah g2fjtebXVqI-01618-00374585-00374843 the most the the favorite Booth of our g2fjtebXVqI-01619-00374844-00375227 depcon attendees where you get gelato g2fjtebXVqI-01620-00375228-00375503 uh we literally saw people going there g2fjtebXVqI-01621-00375504-00375793 eight times in a single day g2fjtebXVqI-01622-00375794-00376084 there was this guy he skipped lunch and g2fjtebXVqI-01623-00376085-00376351 everything it was crazy g2fjtebXVqI-01624-00376352-00376817 lunch was also I think it vegan or maybe g2fjtebXVqI-01625-00376818-00376997 maybe just vegetarian but it was very g2fjtebXVqI-01626-00376998-00377230 healthy so basically this was also one g2fjtebXVqI-01627-00377231-00377410 of the main complaints about depcon this g2fjtebXVqI-01628-00377411-00377608 year that the food was too healthy but g2fjtebXVqI-01629-00377609-00377801 you were there too you were there to you g2fjtebXVqI-01630-00377802-00378089 know to to rescue the stuff attention g2fjtebXVqI-01631-00378090-00378313 save yours yeah g2fjtebXVqI-01632-00378314-00378599 but having having a free ice cream truck g2fjtebXVqI-01633-00378600-00378784 is definitely a Dos Factor that's for g2fjtebXVqI-01634-00378785-00378965 sure g2fjtebXVqI-01635-00378966-00379313 it was yeah we got a grief there g2fjtebXVqI-01636-00379314-00379565 um so from for me if for me my personal g2fjtebXVqI-01637-00379566-00379817 favorite flavor still is g2fjtebXVqI-01638-00379818-00380075 um and this is actually how I what I g2fjtebXVqI-01639-00380076-00380237 ordered when I was a child when I I g2fjtebXVqI-01640-00380238-00380453 spent all my pocket money on on gelato g2fjtebXVqI-01641-00380454-00380758 and um I went to the strata Place uh g2fjtebXVqI-01642-00380759-00381145 close by and I ordered eight Scoops g2fjtebXVqI-01643-00381146-00381443 I ordered Scoops and I I did it on like g2fjtebXVqI-01644-00381444-00381713 like a bi-weekly basis most likely and g2fjtebXVqI-01645-00381714-00381904 uh there were g2fjtebXVqI-01646-00381905-00382151 um lemon chocolate chili a lemon g2fjtebXVqI-01647-00382152-00382408 chocolate cherry so so the so I like g2fjtebXVqI-01648-00382409-00382582 lemon and chocolate and it's g2fjtebXVqI-01649-00382583-00382913 specifically just a hinge of chili and g2fjtebXVqI-01650-00382914-00383110 some sweetness with the cherry and then g2fjtebXVqI-01651-00383111-00383449 you get a uh yeah g2fjtebXVqI-01652-00383450-00383675 what about you g2fjtebXVqI-01653-00383676-00383921 yeah I think for me it's pistachio and g2fjtebXVqI-01654-00383922-00384208 uh by the way I have to plug the amazing g2fjtebXVqI-01655-00384209-00384460 ice cream shop that is next to full note g2fjtebXVqI-01656-00384461-00384613 in Berlin g2fjtebXVqI-01657-00384614-00384910 yes it's it's amazing this is Syrian ice g2fjtebXVqI-01658-00384911-00385199 cream there so um yeah it was the g2fjtebXVqI-01659-00385200-00385415 perfect place to start gelato in 2019 g2fjtebXVqI-01660-00385416-00385673 and have some of the bear Market g2fjtebXVqI-01661-00385674-00385882 bitterness be washed away with some nice g2fjtebXVqI-01662-00385883-00386237 Sweet Gelato from the shop close by g2fjtebXVqI-01663-00386238-00386597 fantastic if people want to find out g2fjtebXVqI-01664-00386598-00386860 more about gelato or use gelato or g2fjtebXVqI-01665-00386861-00387149 become uh active in the gelato Community g2fjtebXVqI-01666-00387150-00387443 where do we send them g2fjtebXVqI-01667-00387444-00387625 and percents so first of all g2fjtebXVqI-01668-00387626-00387856 gelato.network is the website there you g2fjtebXVqI-01669-00387857-00388180 find all the various resources and links g2fjtebXVqI-01670-00388181-00388427 the most active uh channel for us is g2fjtebXVqI-01671-00388428-00388595 Discord there if your web free developer g2fjtebXVqI-01672-00388596-00388751 you're starting out or you're an g2fjtebXVqI-01673-00388752-00388906 advanced person who wants to go deep g2fjtebXVqI-01674-00388907-00389099 into gelato just come there and chat g2fjtebXVqI-01675-00389100-00389321 with us and then of course follow us on g2fjtebXVqI-01676-00389322-00389506 Twitter we are also producing a lot of g2fjtebXVqI-01677-00389507-00389669 video content on YouTube so make sure to g2fjtebXVqI-01678-00389670-00389867 follow us on YouTube as well we'll g2fjtebXVqI-01679-00389868-00390058 probably do some cool Vlogs for each g2fjtebXVqI-01680-00390059-00390251 Denver so if you're not there and can g2fjtebXVqI-01681-00390252-00390401 participate but still want to experience g2fjtebXVqI-01682-00390402-00390671 it make sure to check out our Vlog there g2fjtebXVqI-01683-00390672-00390977 and and yeah so this card is is the best g2fjtebXVqI-01684-00390978-00391180 one and Twitter of course g2fjtebXVqI-01685-00391181-00391427 fantastic thank you both for coming on g2fjtebXVqI-01686-00391428-00391703 this was uh super fun g2fjtebXVqI-01687-00391704-00392072 thanks thank you g35IcHVwFZ0-00000-00001200-00003927 foreign g35IcHVwFZ0-00001-00003928-00005270 um g35IcHVwFZ0-00002-00005271-00006975 is g35IcHVwFZ0-00003-00006976-00007367 foreign g35IcHVwFZ0-00004-00007368-00007668 oh g3nhuuNuGUA-00000-00000003-00000173 after finding the dog in the last g3nhuuNuGUA-00001-00000174-00000350 episode I ventured onto this city and g3nhuuNuGUA-00002-00000351-00000524 ran into some Raiders while killing the g3nhuuNuGUA-00003-00000525-00000701 Raiders you see a man on the balcony who g3nhuuNuGUA-00004-00000702-00000862 looked friendly and asked you for help g3nhuuNuGUA-00005-00000863-00001061 so you then go into the building and g3nhuuNuGUA-00006-00001062-00001232 kill the remaining Raiders on the inside g3nhuuNuGUA-00007-00001233-00003713 oh I suppose shoot him g3nhuuNuGUA-00008-00003714-00004250 go check that out g3nhuuNuGUA-00009-00004251-00006555 age with me let's go no I suppose it g3nhuuNuGUA-00010-00006556-00007659 over here man I don't know who you are g3nhuuNuGUA-00011-00007659-00007962 but Jets Homme is impeccable preston g3nhuuNuGUA-00012-00007963-00008234 garvey Commonwealth Minuteman g3nhuuNuGUA-00013-00008235-00008676 Minutemen detect the people at a minutes g3nhuuNuGUA-00014-00008677-00009002 notice that was the idea so I joined up g3nhuuNuGUA-00015-00009003-00009234 wanted to make a difference and I did g3nhuuNuGUA-00016-00009235-00009618 but things fell apart now it looks like g3nhuuNuGUA-00017-00009619-00009851 I'm the last minute man left standing g3nhuuNuGUA-00018-00009852-00010196 who are these people just folks looking g3nhuuNuGUA-00019-00010197-00010405 for a new home a fresh start g3nhuuNuGUA-00020-00010406-00010673 I've been with them since Quincy g3nhuuNuGUA-00021-00010674-00010883 Lexington look good for a while but the g3nhuuNuGUA-00022-00010884-00011418 ghouls drove us out of there a month ago g3nhuuNuGUA-00023-00011419-00011771 there were 20 of us yesterday there were g3nhuuNuGUA-00024-00011772-00012285 eight now we're five it's just me the g3nhuuNuGUA-00025-00012286-00012582 Long's Marcy and Jay that's all mama g3nhuuNuGUA-00026-00012583-00012699 Murphy on the couch g3nhuuNuGUA-00027-00012700-00013049 and this here Sturgis ghouls what our g3nhuuNuGUA-00028-00013050-00013316 ghouls Wow you really aren't from around g3nhuuNuGUA-00029-00013318-00013410 here are you g3nhuuNuGUA-00030-00013411-00014007 ghouls are irradiated people most and g3nhuuNuGUA-00031-00014008-00014178 just like you and me g3nhuuNuGUA-00032-00014179-00014427 pretty messed up and live for a long g3nhuuNuGUA-00033-00014428-00014786 time but there's still just people the g3nhuuNuGUA-00034-00014787-00015113 ones I'm talking about different the g3nhuuNuGUA-00035-00015115-00015305 radiations rotted their brains made them g3nhuuNuGUA-00036-00015306-00015539 feral they'll rip you apart just as soon g3nhuuNuGUA-00037-00015540-00015963 as look at you anyway we figured conker g3nhuuNuGUA-00038-00015963-00016211 would be a safe place to settle those g3nhuuNuGUA-00039-00016212-00016680 raiders proved us wrong but well we do g3nhuuNuGUA-00040-00016681-00017120 have one idea let's hear it g3nhuuNuGUA-00041-00017121-00017444 Sturgess tell them there's a crash g3nhuuNuGUA-00042-00017445-00017692 vertibird up on the roof old-school g3nhuuNuGUA-00043-00017693-00017994 pre-war you might have seen Oh looks g3nhuuNuGUA-00044-00017995-00018194 like one of its passengers left behind g3nhuuNuGUA-00045-00018195-00018497 us seriously sweet goody we're talking a g3nhuuNuGUA-00046-00018498-00018869 full suit of cherry t45 power armor g3nhuuNuGUA-00047-00018870-00018996 military-issue g3nhuuNuGUA-00048-00018997-00019242 what makes that power armor so special g3nhuuNuGUA-00049-00019243-00019517 holistic internalized servo system g3nhuuNuGUA-00050-00019518-00019836 that's what inside that baby super is g3nhuuNuGUA-00051-00019837-00020069 the new normal you'll be stronger g3nhuuNuGUA-00052-00020070-00020505 tougher get the suit you can rip the g3nhuuNuGUA-00053-00020506-00020789 minigun right off the vertibird do that g3nhuuNuGUA-00054-00020790-00021005 and those Raiders get an express ticket g3nhuuNuGUA-00055-00021006-00021458 to hell you dig and I can use the g3nhuuNuGUA-00056-00021459-00021671 minigun like a right they don't see why g3nhuuNuGUA-00057-00021672-00021702 not g3nhuuNuGUA-00058-00021703-00021989 it'll have a manual trigger just say me g3nhuuNuGUA-00059-00021990-00022175 that the bad guys knew the old g3nhuuNuGUA-00060-00022176-00022514 spray-and-pray as for the armor it's out g3nhuuNuGUA-00061-00022515-00022721 of juice probably has been for a hundred g3nhuuNuGUA-00062-00022722-00023046 years it can be powered up again but g3nhuuNuGUA-00063-00023047-00023511 we're a bit stuck g3nhuuNuGUA-00064-00023512-00023855 so what's the solution what you'll need g3nhuuNuGUA-00065-00023856-00024155 is an old pre-war FC a standardized g3nhuuNuGUA-00066-00024156-00024471 fusion core your high-grade long-term g3nhuuNuGUA-00067-00024472-00024686 nuclear battery used by the military and g3nhuuNuGUA-00068-00024687-00024882 some companies way back but we can't get g3nhuuNuGUA-00069-00024883-00025250 to them it's down in the basement locked g3nhuuNuGUA-00070-00025251-00025556 behind a secure look I fix stuff i g3nhuuNuGUA-00071-00025557-00025871 tinker bypassing security ain't exactly g3nhuuNuGUA-00072-00025872-00026009 my forte g3nhuuNuGUA-00073-00026010-00026382 it's a [__] this man ain't got no thing g3nhuuNuGUA-00074-00026383-00026586 can't be too hard I'll see what I can do g3nhuuNuGUA-00075-00026587-00026693 spend doesn't have a pair of scissors g3nhuuNuGUA-00076-00026694-00027204 you can just cut through that and grab g3nhuuNuGUA-00077-00027205-00027402 that minigun those Raiders and know they g3nhuuNuGUA-00078-00027402-00027662 pick the wrong fight after a bit of g3nhuuNuGUA-00079-00027663-00027870 talking they ask you to open a lock door g3nhuuNuGUA-00080-00027870-00028070 they can't get into so you can get a g3nhuuNuGUA-00081-00028072-00028326 military-grade nuclear battery called g3nhuuNuGUA-00082-00028327-00028485 the fusion core they want to get this g3nhuuNuGUA-00083-00028486-00028731 battery to power up some power armor g3nhuuNuGUA-00084-00028732-00028932 that's stuck on top of the roof before g3nhuuNuGUA-00085-00028933-00029096 getting the armor I talked some crazy g3nhuuNuGUA-00086-00029097-00029310 lady named mama Murphy who I think is a g3nhuuNuGUA-00087-00029311-00030404 psychic who does a lot of drugs so g3nhuuNuGUA-00088-00030405-00031010 [Music] g3nhuuNuGUA-00089-00031011-00032535 friends and you saw it they give old g3nhuuNuGUA-00090-00032536-00032758 mama Murphy g3nhuuNuGUA-00091-00032759-00033060 in that way for as long as I can g3nhuuNuGUA-00092-00033061-00033224 remember g3nhuuNuGUA-00093-00033225-00033618 what's the site I can see a bit of what g3nhuuNuGUA-00094-00033619-00034602 was and what will be g3nhuuNuGUA-00095-00034603-00035127 right now I can see there's something g3nhuuNuGUA-00096-00035128-00036680 coming drawn by the noise and the chaos g3nhuuNuGUA-00097-00036681-00037032 what is it mama Murphy I need more g3nhuuNuGUA-00099-00040680-00042764 I'm nobody pin shot or no one has to do g3nhuuNuGUA-00101-00048922-00049122 after getting the armor you go outside g3nhuuNuGUA-00102-00049123-00049314 and fight a creature called the death g3nhuuNuGUA-00104-00053656-00055340 where's my dog I know you good that was g3nhuuNuGUA-00105-00055341-00055669 a pretty amazing display hunters glad g3nhuuNuGUA-00106-00055670-00056557 you are on our side you guys okay yeah g3nhuuNuGUA-00107-00056558-00056701 for a while anyway g3nhuuNuGUA-00108-00056702-00057175 we listen when we first met you asked g3nhuuNuGUA-00109-00057176-00057422 about the Minutemen one thing you should g3nhuuNuGUA-00110-00057423-00057736 know about us we help out our friends so g3nhuuNuGUA-00111-00057737-00057922 here for everything you've done g3nhuuNuGUA-00112-00057923-00058906 thank you what happens now for the g3nhuuNuGUA-00113-00058907-00058969 longest time g3nhuuNuGUA-00114-00058970-00059186 mama Murphy's had a vision of a place g3nhuuNuGUA-00115-00059187-00059465 called sanctuary some old neighborhood g3nhuuNuGUA-00116-00059466-00059660 but one week why don't you go again I g3nhuuNuGUA-00117-00059661-00060042 could really use your help g3nhuuNuGUA-00118-00060043-00060509 you need to stay strong like you can cuz g3nhuuNuGUA-00119-00060510-00060986 there's more to your destiny I've seen g3nhuuNuGUA-00120-00060987-00061829 it and I know your pain okay out of time g3nhuuNuGUA-00121-00061829-00062263 I would have hope but I was not lost g3nhuuNuGUA-00122-00062264-00062479 I can feel g3nhuuNuGUA-00123-00062479-00063216 your son's energy he's alive where is my g3nhuuNuGUA-00124-00063217-00063579 son where is Sean I wish I know kid I g3nhuuNuGUA-00125-00063580-00063697 really do g3nhuuNuGUA-00126-00063698-00063999 but it's not like I can see your son I g3nhuuNuGUA-00127-00064000-00064473 can just feel his life force his energy g3nhuuNuGUA-00128-00064474-00064713 and even I he's out this site to tell g3nhuuNuGUA-00129-00064714-00064944 you where you should start looking ray g3nhuuNuGUA-00130-00064945-00065322 green jewels are Commonwealth diamond g3nhuuNuGUA-00131-00065323-00065975 city the biggest settlement around g3nhuuNuGUA-00132-00065976-00066403 What's in diamond city sure kid g3nhuuNuGUA-00133-00066404-00066760 I'm tired now maybe you'll bring me some g3nhuuNuGUA-00134-00066761-00067029 Kem's later the site will paint a g3nhuuNuGUA-00135-00067030-00069032 clearer picture we talked about this g3nhuuNuGUA-00136-00069033-00069253 after you've killed the deathclaw you g3nhuuNuGUA-00137-00069254-00069417 talked to Preston Garvey and his crew g3nhuuNuGUA-00138-00069418-00069666 and mama Murphy tells you your son might g3nhuuNuGUA-00139-00069667-00069841 just be in Diamond City g3nhuuNuGUA-00140-00069842-00070098 so you start your long walk to Diamond g3nhuuNuGUA-00141-00070099-00070392 City but along the way you see two g3nhuuNuGUA-00142-00070393-00070609 bandits with guns pointed at an older g3nhuuNuGUA-00143-00070610-00070803 lady inside of a diner you then talk to g3nhuuNuGUA-00144-00070804-00071023 Wolfgang and he says her son bought g3nhuuNuGUA-00145-00071024-00071266 drugs off of him and didn't pay him so g3nhuuNuGUA-00146-00071267-00071515 you go and calm down the situation and g3nhuuNuGUA-00147-00071516-00071691 you make a deal with the lady that makes g3nhuuNuGUA-00148-00071692-00072126 both people happy you stop waving that g3nhuuNuGUA-00149-00072127-00072328 gun in my face or it's gonna involve g3nhuuNuGUA-00150-00072329-00072518 okay okay just take it easy g3nhuuNuGUA-00151-00072519-00072888 we'll lower our weapons all right just g3nhuuNuGUA-00152-00072889-00073234 don't do anything crazy what's going on g3nhuuNuGUA-00153-00073235-00073435 here that's a simple business dispute g3nhuuNuGUA-00154-00073436-00073704 got it Trudy sitting on a pile of goods g3nhuuNuGUA-00155-00073705-00073881 that she owes tried reasoning with her g3nhuuNuGUA-00156-00073882-00074091 but it looks like I gotta take what's g3nhuuNuGUA-00157-00074092-00074318 mine buy for wanna make some easy money g3nhuuNuGUA-00158-00074319-00074728 help me out I could use another gun or g3nhuuNuGUA-00159-00074729-00074886 maybe you think you can talk some sense g3nhuuNuGUA-00160-00074887-00075084 into her g3nhuuNuGUA-00161-00075085-00075366 who's true to see that diner right in g3nhuuNuGUA-00162-00075367-00075585 front of us Trudy owns the place she's g3nhuuNuGUA-00163-00075586-00075736 converted it into a small g3nhuuNuGUA-00164-00075737-00075985 job i sell-- her Kenton's she gives me g3nhuuNuGUA-00165-00075986-00076213 captain parts i and when her son patrick g3nhuuNuGUA-00166-00076214-00076516 had his 18th birthday i might have sold g3nhuuNuGUA-00167-00076517-00076849 him some jet and some more then a lot g3nhuuNuGUA-00168-00076850-00077382 more now he's in debt jet g3nhuuNuGUA-00169-00077383-00077719 what's jets my top seller gives you a g3nhuuNuGUA-00170-00077720-00078025 high like you wouldn't believe my g3nhuuNuGUA-00171-00078026-00078205 customers swear it makes him faster g3nhuuNuGUA-00172-00078206-00078385 always take off I guess Patrick was g3nhuuNuGUA-00173-00078386-00078544 looking to get from under his mama's g3nhuuNuGUA-00174-00078545-00078841 skirt and be like the tough guys so he g3nhuuNuGUA-00175-00078842-00079147 bought some and once you're on it now g3nhuuNuGUA-00176-00079148-00079414 I've sold that boy a lot of my jet and I g3nhuuNuGUA-00177-00079415-00079597 expect someone to make good on his g3nhuuNuGUA-00178-00079598-00080182 promises that I get paid scumbag g3nhuuNuGUA-00179-00080183-00080335 you made him an ad yeah yeah I've heard g3nhuuNuGUA-00180-00080336-00080701 it before look he wanted a product I g3nhuuNuGUA-00181-00080702-00081010 sold him a product and I expect to get g3nhuuNuGUA-00182-00081011-00081229 paid for my you gonna help us out or g3nhuuNuGUA-00183-00081230-00081769 what if I helped I expect to get paid I g3nhuuNuGUA-00184-00081770-00082006 was gonna pay you 100 caps but why don't g3nhuuNuGUA-00185-00082007-00082422 we making 125 g3nhuuNuGUA-00186-00082423-00082696 I'll talk to her maybe we can work this g3nhuuNuGUA-00187-00082697-00082965 out a she ate it if things go sideways g3nhuuNuGUA-00188-00082966-00083805 will back you up g3nhuuNuGUA-00189-00083806-00084276 I saw you in that poison cellar talking g3nhuuNuGUA-00190-00084277-00084932 well he ain't getting his money period g3nhuuNuGUA-00191-00084933-00085176 why what's this all about g3nhuuNuGUA-00192-00085177-00085407 that Ken pusher didn't tell you he got g3nhuuNuGUA-00193-00085408-00085662 my boy hooked on jet sold him a ton of g3nhuuNuGUA-00194-00085663-00085941 junk on credit and now he expects me to g3nhuuNuGUA-00195-00085942-00086913 hang a single damn cap from me look you g3nhuuNuGUA-00196-00086914-00087132 owe the money if you just pay them then g3nhuuNuGUA-00197-00087133-00087330 this will be over everyone walks away g3nhuuNuGUA-00198-00087331-00087612 without getting hurt I'll pay but that g3nhuuNuGUA-00199-00087613-00087783 bastard ain't gonna sell one more drop a g3nhuuNuGUA-00200-00087784-00088077 jet to my boy Wolfgang you'll get your g3nhuuNuGUA-00201-00088078-00088269 damn money but I better not catch you g3nhuuNuGUA-00202-00088270-00088431 selling gems to my boy again g3nhuuNuGUA-00203-00088432-00088704 fine by me Trudy your son's broke as g3nhuuNuGUA-00204-00088705-00088811 [__] all right g3nhuuNuGUA-00205-00088812-00089133 crisis is over if you're here to trade g3nhuuNuGUA-00206-00089134-00089817 step up to the counter hey we get paid g3nhuuNuGUA-00207-00089818-00090072 and I don't even gotta shoot nobody good g3nhuuNuGUA-00208-00090073-00090396 job here now how about I show you all g3nhuuNuGUA-00209-00090397-00091038 the pick-me-ups I have to offer what g3nhuuNuGUA-00210-00091039-00091239 kind of cans do you sell whatever I can g3nhuuNuGUA-00211-00091240-00091512 get a hold of jets popular gives you a g3nhuuNuGUA-00212-00091513-00091758 rush when you need it like when you need g3nhuuNuGUA-00213-00091759-00092535 to hurt somebody thanks for helping us g3nhuuNuGUA-00214-00092536-00092961 out with Trudy you did good now let's g3nhuuNuGUA-00215-00092962-00093194 talk business g3nhuuNuGUA-00216-00093195-00093780 just looking look what hey there g3nhuuNuGUA-00217-00093781-00094062 I'm the muscle babe just don't piss me g3nhuuNuGUA-00218-00094063-00094619 off all right g3nhuuNuGUA-00219-00094620-00094748 [Music] g3nhuuNuGUA-00220-00094749-00095211 stop g3nhuuNuGUA-00221-00095212-00095526 we're open for business again a little g3nhuuNuGUA-00222-00095527-00096917 lighter in the pocket thanks to you g3nhuuNuGUA-00223-00096918-00097284 fair and square Trudy ain't our fault if g3nhuuNuGUA-00224-00097285-00098322 he's strung out whoa whoa easy there g3nhuuNuGUA-00225-00098323-00098730 vault boy this doesn't involve you you g3nhuuNuGUA-00226-00098731-00098952 stop waving that gun in my face or it's g3nhuuNuGUA-00227-00098953-00099951 gonna don't do anything crazy what's g3nhuuNuGUA-00228-00099952-00100131 going on repeat this is a [__] my g3nhuuNuGUA-00229-00100132-00100344 she's a beaut got some sure Trudy g3nhuuNuGUA-00230-00100345-00100509 sitting on a pile of goods that she owes g3nhuuNuGUA-00231-00100510-00100752 tried reasoning with her but it looks g3nhuuNuGUA-00232-00100753-00100929 like I gotta take what's mine buy for g3nhuuNuGUA-00233-00100930-00101229 wanna make some easy money help me out I g3nhuuNuGUA-00234-00101230-00101538 could use another gun or maybe you think g3nhuuNuGUA-00235-00101539-00101876 you can talk some sense into her g3nhuuNuGUA-00236-00101877-00102126 who's Trudy that diner g3nhuuNuGUA-00237-00102127-00102315 she's converted it uh Anne winters g3nhuuNuGUA-00238-00102316-00102675 uh-huh jet let's well I guess Patrick g3nhuuNuGUA-00239-00102676-00103122 now I've sold that scumbag you made him g3nhuuNuGUA-00240-00103123-00103283 an ad yeah yeah I've heard it before g3nhuuNuGUA-00241-00103284-00103656 look he wanted a product I sold him a g3nhuuNuGUA-00242-00103657-00104076 product now you gonna if I help I expect g3nhuuNuGUA-00243-00104077-00105059 to get paid talk to her maybe we can g3nhuuNuGUA-00244-00105060-00105615 work this out her she ate it I saw you g3nhuuNuGUA-00245-00105616-00105945 in that poison cellar talking well he g3nhuuNuGUA-00246-00105946-00106099 ain't get g3nhuuNuGUA-00247-00106100-00106451 look you were alright okay g3nhuuNuGUA-00248-00106452-00106664 but that bastard ain't gonna sell one g3nhuuNuGUA-00249-00106665-00108110 more drop a jet to my boy right crisis g3nhuuNuGUA-00250-00108111-00108383 is over if you're here to trade step up g3nhuuNuGUA-00251-00108384-00109733 to the counter hi we're open for g3nhuuNuGUA-00252-00109734-00109947 business again a little lighter in the g3nhuuNuGUA-00253-00109948-00110220 pocket thanks to you how about you buy g3nhuuNuGUA-00254-00110221-00110520 something and make it up to us once the g3nhuuNuGUA-00255-00110521-00110702 argument is settled you then start g3nhuuNuGUA-00256-00110703-00111132 another long walk Diamond City g5avYNak6oM-00000-00000024-00000279 what's going on my boys how y'all doing g5avYNak6oM-00001-00000280-00000478 this sunday morning g5avYNak6oM-00002-00000479-00000663 it's your boy yt dan back again with g5avYNak6oM-00003-00000664-00000839 another video but we're going to be g5avYNak6oM-00004-00000840-00001047 getting in there today to talk about the g5avYNak6oM-00005-00001048-00001239 new build of the gladiator beast deck g5avYNak6oM-00006-00001240-00001399 we're going to talk about the one card g5avYNak6oM-00007-00001400-00001663 combo that has brought me nine out of g5avYNak6oM-00008-00001664-00001934 ten victories in a seven game win streak g5avYNak6oM-00009-00001935-00002142 and we're going to talk about um how g5avYNak6oM-00010-00002143-00002383 we're combating the meta with these new g5avYNak6oM-00011-00002384-00002567 powers so let's just jump into the deck g5avYNak6oM-00012-00002568-00002783 list and get started g5avYNak6oM-00013-00002784-00003039 so this is gladiator beast try and the g5avYNak6oM-00014-00003040-00003238 reason why i call it gladiator beast try g5avYNak6oM-00015-00003239-00003503 because the gladiator beast and the try g5avYNak6oM-00016-00003504-00003727 brigade monsters have made g5avYNak6oM-00017-00003728-00004031 a full synergistic combination g5avYNak6oM-00018-00004032-00004383 this deck has come a long way and i'll g5avYNak6oM-00019-00004384-00004631 tell you what the g5avYNak6oM-00020-00004632-00004879 epiphany was that brought this deck its g5avYNak6oM-00021-00004880-00005151 win streak victories two things number g5avYNak6oM-00022-00005152-00005495 one realizing and understanding fully g5avYNak6oM-00023-00005496-00005751 that we need a one card combo so we're g5avYNak6oM-00024-00005752-00006038 using rescue cat to facilitate the one g5avYNak6oM-00025-00006039-00006422 card combo to play um rescue cat into g5avYNak6oM-00026-00006423-00006639 the tess panther g5avYNak6oM-00027-00006640-00006975 but that is not all we have more one g5avYNak6oM-00028-00006976-00007319 card combos for wherever there is a tri g5avYNak6oM-00029-00007320-00007583 brigade monster g5avYNak6oM-00030-00007584-00007791 that is not trivia monster but wherever g5avYNak6oM-00031-00007792-00007991 there is a try brigade monster a g5avYNak6oM-00032-00007992-00008342 gladiator beast lies therein because we g5avYNak6oM-00033-00008343-00008623 have gladiator beast dragon s as i told g5avYNak6oM-00034-00008624-00008839 you before banishing two cards from the g5avYNak6oM-00035-00008840-00009039 grave allows you to summon this monster g5avYNak6oM-00036-00009040-00009199 and it lets you special summon two g5avYNak6oM-00037-00009200-00009399 monsters but the two monsters that we g5avYNak6oM-00038-00009400-00009623 special summon have changed g5avYNak6oM-00039-00009624-00009927 dramatically no longer are we 100 g5avYNak6oM-00040-00009928-00010191 relying on the augustus combo to g5avYNak6oM-00041-00010192-00010559 complete our giant board and also um g5avYNak6oM-00042-00010560-00010855 we're not just relying on a turret we've g5avYNak6oM-00043-00010856-00011127 added gladiator beast noxious now this g5avYNak6oM-00044-00011128-00011414 is the one card that changes the entire g5avYNak6oM-00045-00011415-00011678 game this is a level five monster that g5avYNak6oM-00046-00011679-00011927 cannot be destroyed by battle when you g5avYNak6oM-00047-00011928-00012151 use this effect and its effect allows g5avYNak6oM-00048-00012152-00012446 you to uh take it from your hand use it g5avYNak6oM-00049-00012447-00012655 as a hand trap and block an opponent's g5avYNak6oM-00050-00012656-00012927 attack now what's also good about this g5avYNak6oM-00051-00012928-00013111 card is when you summoned by the effect g5avYNak6oM-00052-00013112-00013286 of a gladiator beast it could dump a g5avYNak6oM-00053-00013287-00013543 card from the deck so with this car we g5avYNak6oM-00054-00013544-00013838 are dumping gladiator beast bestiary so g5avYNak6oM-00055-00013840-00014086 that when we complete our combo where it g5avYNak6oM-00056-00014087-00014383 ends off with gladiator beats heraklinos g5avYNak6oM-00057-00014384-00014538 gladiator beast g5avYNak6oM-00058-00014540-00014807 domitianus and then possibly ending off g5avYNak6oM-00059-00014808-00015119 with some morgan apex avian if we did it g5avYNak6oM-00060-00015119-00015358 correctly and utilize noxious g5avYNak6oM-00061-00015359-00015558 during this combo we got an opportunity g5avYNak6oM-00062-00015559-00015822 to summon gazarus and summoning gazarus g5avYNak6oM-00063-00015823-00016055 in the midst of the combo allows us to g5avYNak6oM-00064-00016056-00016286 set up the entire board take away two g5avYNak6oM-00065-00016287-00016583 cards from our opponent and then g5avYNak6oM-00066-00016584-00016839 end our turn with a bunch of negates so g5avYNak6oM-00067-00016840-00017111 this has changed the game this is can g5avYNak6oM-00068-00017112-00017367 literally change the entire day so much g5avYNak6oM-00069-00017368-00017599 so to the point that i've re-engineered g5avYNak6oM-00070-00017600-00017886 it as you can see i've taken away um g5avYNak6oM-00071-00017887-00018167 back row removal and i've taken away the g5avYNak6oM-00072-00018168-00018294 um g5avYNak6oM-00073-00018295-00018471 forbidden droplets and i replace them g5avYNak6oM-00074-00018472-00018663 with evenly match and then of course g5avYNak6oM-00075-00018664-00018950 we're using lightning storm and uh g5avYNak6oM-00076-00018951-00019167 harpy's feather duster to make sure that g5avYNak6oM-00077-00019168-00019271 we can just g5avYNak6oM-00078-00019272-00019575 constantly remove any access cards our g5avYNak6oM-00079-00019576-00019814 opponent tends to accumulate this is g5avYNak6oM-00080-00019815-00020071 definitely a go second deck and with it g5avYNak6oM-00081-00020072-00020399 being a ghost second deck i have been uh g5avYNak6oM-00082-00020400-00020678 very focused on either taking second g5avYNak6oM-00083-00020679-00020839 whenever i get the opportunity and a lot g5avYNak6oM-00084-00020840-00021047 of opponents make me take second because g5avYNak6oM-00085-00021048-00021278 they like to set up their giant boards g5avYNak6oM-00086-00021279-00021503 what i found has been really helpful is g5avYNak6oM-00087-00021504-00021686 that going through our combo on main g5avYNak6oM-00088-00021687-00022039 phase two um this card nibiru uh like g5avYNak6oM-00089-00022040-00022222 during the main phase if your opponent's g5avYNak6oM-00090-00022223-00022399 special summons five or more monsters g5avYNak6oM-00091-00022400-00022655 you can use this effect we have not been g5avYNak6oM-00092-00022656-00022903 to be rude because our combo allows us g5avYNak6oM-00093-00022904-00023239 to get out to mitianus at a point where g5avYNak6oM-00094-00023240-00023439 you know pretty much the opponent's like g5avYNak6oM-00095-00023440-00023719 dang wasn't expecting that g5avYNak6oM-00096-00023720-00023886 and then we're pretty much able to play g5avYNak6oM-00097-00023887-00024175 around it also one more addition i've g5avYNak6oM-00098-00024176-00024414 added this car i've been uh practicing g5avYNak6oM-00099-00024415-00024622 with her playing with it called tauti g5avYNak6oM-00100-00024623-00024839 dragon this card is really good because g5avYNak6oM-00101-00024840-00025047 if you use fusion monsters to link g5avYNak6oM-00102-00025048-00025319 summon it your opponent cannot activate g5avYNak6oM-00103-00025320-00025527 monster effects during the battle phase g5avYNak6oM-00104-00025528-00025806 so it's not necessarily like an amazing g5avYNak6oM-00105-00025807-00026014 card that's gonna break the game but g5avYNak6oM-00106-00026016-00026367 this car is a monster that is you know g5avYNak6oM-00107-00026368-00026623 not a wing beast not a beast warrior not g5avYNak6oM-00108-00026624-00026783 any of those things that mesh with the g5avYNak6oM-00109-00026783-00027087 deck so it can pretty much clear cards g5avYNak6oM-00110-00027088-00027302 off the board so i can use gladiator g5avYNak6oM-00111-00027304-00027518 beast comeback if for whatever reason i g5avYNak6oM-00112-00027519-00027695 have too many beast warriors or too many g5avYNak6oM-00113-00027695-00027879 winged beasts or whatever the case may g5avYNak6oM-00114-00027880-00028127 be my boy but that's it for the deck g5avYNak6oM-00115-00028127-00028367 explanation let's take a look at some of g5avYNak6oM-00116-00028368-00028590 these replays and you can check out the g5avYNak6oM-00117-00028591-00028895 full deck list uh in the comment section g5avYNak6oM-00118-00028895-00028990 below g5avYNak6oM-00119-00028991-00029287 this dual actually is gonna highlight um g5avYNak6oM-00120-00029288-00029631 utilizing gladiator beast notches uh so g5avYNak6oM-00121-00029632-00029823 far you've probably never seen anyone g5avYNak6oM-00122-00029824-00030135 use this car and i definitely uh it's my g5avYNak6oM-00123-00030136-00030407 first few times using this card so first g5avYNak6oM-00124-00030408-00030614 off we're gonna start off like normal g5avYNak6oM-00125-00030616-00030839 and then obviously we're gonna get ash g5avYNak6oM-00126-00030839-00031039 so you kind of count on getting ass you g5avYNak6oM-00127-00031039-00031214 can count on the counter you can count g5avYNak6oM-00128-00031216-00031423 on your first card being negated so g5avYNak6oM-00129-00031424-00031631 don't play your best card as your first g5avYNak6oM-00130-00031632-00031758 card but g5avYNak6oM-00131-00031760-00031958 because he played ash i assumed that he g5avYNak6oM-00132-00031960-00032135 had more so i just went ahead and g5avYNak6oM-00133-00032136-00032487 stopped um and then because uh g5avYNak6oM-00134-00032488-00032679 i have notches in the hand i'm very g5avYNak6oM-00135-00032680-00032943 confident that i'm not gonna die so g5avYNak6oM-00136-00032944-00033159 here he goes with his destiny combos and g5avYNak6oM-00137-00033160-00033446 honestly destiny heroes and uh master g5avYNak6oM-00138-00033447-00033783 dual you know minus uh the the super g5avYNak6oM-00139-00033784-00034031 power cards plays very similar to dual g5avYNak6oM-00140-00034032-00034262 links you're just clearing the board g5avYNak6oM-00141-00034263-00034471 attacking for a ton of damage and then g5avYNak6oM-00142-00034472-00034695 activating the mass change to finish g5avYNak6oM-00143-00034696-00034902 your opponent now what's insane about g5avYNak6oM-00144-00034903-00035127 this he mass chains in the dark law he g5avYNak6oM-00145-00035128-00035302 attacks and i'm going to go ahead and g5avYNak6oM-00146-00035303-00035551 use noxious right here to stop him from g5avYNak6oM-00147-00035552-00035823 vanquishing me then he uses uh the g5avYNak6oM-00148-00035824-00036023 forbidden drop to take not just his g5avYNak6oM-00149-00036024-00036262 effect away mass changes yet again for g5avYNak6oM-00150-00036263-00036574 another dark law and then runs over g5avYNak6oM-00151-00036575-00036887 noxious now notches has been destroyed g5avYNak6oM-00152-00036888-00037190 and my life points you know remain g5avYNak6oM-00153-00037191-00037487 pretty low but i'm in a position where g5avYNak6oM-00154-00037488-00037655 now i have to face off these two dark g5avYNak6oM-00155-00037656-00037799 laws now in case you didn't know what g5avYNak6oM-00156-00037800-00038127 dark law says he says any car sent to g5avYNak6oM-00157-00038128-00038351 the graveyard are banished instead and g5avYNak6oM-00158-00038352-00038559 in addition if i add any cards to my g5avYNak6oM-00159-00038560-00038887 hand it can banish one card at random so g5avYNak6oM-00160-00038888-00039143 with two dark laws on the field if i add g5avYNak6oM-00161-00039144-00039390 one card to my hand he'll banish two g5avYNak6oM-00162-00039391-00039630 cards so when you're looking at these g5avYNak6oM-00163-00039631-00039855 three cards in my hand do you think i g5avYNak6oM-00164-00039856-00040079 have game g5avYNak6oM-00165-00040080-00040262 if you don't see game with those three g5avYNak6oM-00166-00040263-00040511 cards you need to learn more about your g5avYNak6oM-00167-00040512-00040751 gladiator beast my boy but we're going g5avYNak6oM-00168-00040752-00040911 to be getting in there right now and i'm g5avYNak6oM-00169-00040912-00041071 going to show you how we clap those g5avYNak6oM-00170-00041072-00041807 cheeks g5avYNak6oM-00171-00041808-00042030 now first off we're going to get lucky g5avYNak6oM-00172-00042031-00042327 feature g5avYNak6oM-00173-00042328-00042623 fate fortunes the bows so we're gonna go g5avYNak6oM-00174-00042624-00042799 ahead and call that monster out and g5avYNak6oM-00175-00042800-00043007 delete it and then we're gonna get our g5avYNak6oM-00176-00043008-00043271 combo started so we summon dragon this g5avYNak6oM-00177-00043272-00043511 and we're gonna attack and because he g5avYNak6oM-00178-00043512-00043727 can't respond remember this car can't be g5avYNak6oM-00179-00043728-00043895 destroyed by battle and your opponent g5avYNak6oM-00180-00043896-00044127 can't play cards uh when this card is g5avYNak6oM-00181-00044128-00044302 attacking so this attack is going g5avYNak6oM-00182-00044303-00044527 through regard no matter what he has or g5avYNak6oM-00183-00044528-00044727 what he's gonna do so i'm attacking i'm g5avYNak6oM-00184-00044728-00044951 taking 400 damage and then we're going g5avYNak6oM-00185-00044952-00045167 to go ahead and special summon out two g5avYNak6oM-00186-00045168-00045351 monsters then we're going to special g5avYNak6oM-00187-00045352-00045599 summon bestiary from the hand main phase g5avYNak6oM-00188-00045600-00045887 begins yazaris goes bang bang with those g5avYNak6oM-00189-00045888-00046015 dark laws g5avYNak6oM-00190-00046016-00046302 then we summon our tamer editor tamer g5avYNak6oM-00191-00046303-00046543 editor for wta news g5avYNak6oM-00192-00046544-00046758 then you know what's next link him off g5avYNak6oM-00193-00046759-00046911 for the panther g5avYNak6oM-00194-00046912-00047190 then the panther uses its powers to grab g5avYNak6oM-00195-00047191-00047351 the combat g5avYNak6oM-00196-00047352-00047486 then we're going to go ahead and come g5avYNak6oM-00197-00047487-00047702 back and bring back the tamer editor and g5avYNak6oM-00198-00047703-00047839 you know what tamer editor is going to g5avYNak6oM-00199-00047840-00048079 do summon heroclinos g5avYNak6oM-00200-00048080-00048255 then we're going to go ahead and send g5avYNak6oM-00201-00048256-00048446 this card back to the deck take our g5avYNak6oM-00202-00048447-00048735 comeback back with the power of tess g5avYNak6oM-00203-00048736-00049023 uh tiger then test panther and the g5avYNak6oM-00204-00049024-00049351 gladiator beast retiree right rotary if g5avYNak6oM-00205-00049352-00049446 quest g5avYNak6oM-00206-00049447-00049623 is gonna link off and then we're gonna g5avYNak6oM-00207-00049624-00049711 summon g5avYNak6oM-00208-00049712-00050015 uh some more bird of sovereignty and g5avYNak6oM-00209-00050016-00050223 then we're gonna summon the apex avian g5avYNak6oM-00210-00050224-00050486 now this is like the perfect setup where g5avYNak6oM-00211-00050487-00050686 you put the two powerful gladiator g5avYNak6oM-00212-00050687-00050918 grease monsters to the left and then you g5avYNak6oM-00213-00050919-00051151 summon the apex to the right because if g5avYNak6oM-00214-00051152-00051287 you have more winged beasts you want to g5avYNak6oM-00215-00051288-00051479 put them here so they can't be targeted g5avYNak6oM-00216-00051479-00051663 i didn't do this every time but this is g5avYNak6oM-00217-00051664-00051990 the most optimal um version but as you g5avYNak6oM-00218-00051991-00052142 see this is a complete and total g5avYNak6oM-00219-00052144-00052342 turnaround otherwise would have lost g5avYNak6oM-00220-00052344-00052559 this duel if it wasn't for this one card g5avYNak6oM-00221-00052560-00052735 so we need to give it up right now my g5avYNak6oM-00222-00052736-00053047 boy for gladiator beast no chose the g5avYNak6oM-00223-00053048-00053311 most powerful card the most powerful g5avYNak6oM-00224-00053312-00053566 card that you've never heard of it's g5avYNak6oM-00225-00053567-00053759 time to get in there my boy i've got g5avYNak6oM-00226-00053760-00053966 complete and total control of this duel g5avYNak6oM-00227-00053967-00054254 and he's going nowhere and obviously g5avYNak6oM-00228-00054255-00054535 i gave him the dignity g5avYNak6oM-00229-00054536-00054815 and honor of my gladiator beast we g5avYNak6oM-00230-00054816-00054991 didn't doddle we went right in the g5avYNak6oM-00231-00054991-00055199 battle and we wiped them out my boy g5avYNak6oM-00232-00055200-00055342 that's how you're supposed to do it g5avYNak6oM-00233-00055344-00055607 honor your opponent go into battle wipe g5avYNak6oM-00234-00055608-00055863 them out move on to the next duel now g5avYNak6oM-00235-00055864-00056082 let's check out the next g5avYNak6oM-00236-00056083-00056279 example g5avYNak6oM-00237-00056279-00056471 so here's another good one g5avYNak6oM-00238-00056472-00056575 um g5avYNak6oM-00239-00056576-00056791 i think i'm going a second yeah so this g5avYNak6oM-00240-00056791-00056991 is virtual world and you can know how g5avYNak6oM-00241-00056991-00057263 virtual world plays uh very similar to g5avYNak6oM-00242-00057264-00057494 the dark law situation they have a card g5avYNak6oM-00243-00057495-00057719 that says if um g5avYNak6oM-00244-00057720-00058007 a monster goes to the graveyard or cards g5avYNak6oM-00245-00058008-00058150 go to the graveyard they get banished g5avYNak6oM-00246-00058151-00058438 instead so we have to be mindful of that g5avYNak6oM-00247-00058439-00058694 and then also this deck can make a true g5avYNak6oM-00248-00058695-00058942 king of all shenanigans so we gotta look g5avYNak6oM-00249-00058944-00059126 out for that card too but i'm not g5avYNak6oM-00250-00059127-00059303 worried about anything like that y'all g5avYNak6oM-00251-00059304-00059479 know why because i got dark ruler no g5avYNak6oM-00252-00059479-00059654 more now i'm gonna show you the power of g5avYNak6oM-00253-00059655-00059894 the gladiator beast right now remember g5avYNak6oM-00254-00059895-00060159 wherever there is a tri brigade monster g5avYNak6oM-00255-00060160-00060423 there is a gladiator beast therein g5avYNak6oM-00256-00060424-00060703 hiding in the midst my boy so first off g5avYNak6oM-00257-00060704-00060847 we're going to use fractal you're going g5avYNak6oM-00258-00060848-00061063 to get the dump nervous effect going to g5avYNak6oM-00259-00061064-00061294 add a card to hand kerus is going to g5avYNak6oM-00260-00061295-00061375 dump g5avYNak6oM-00261-00061376-00061582 summon and then activate the effect to g5avYNak6oM-00262-00061583-00061799 summon out dragon this now you already g5avYNak6oM-00263-00061800-00061991 know what happened you see here i've g5avYNak6oM-00264-00061991-00062254 i've dark ruler no more i dumped into g5avYNak6oM-00265-00062255-00062487 the grave i've summoned my beast this is g5avYNak6oM-00266-00062488-00062775 all one card still right now i'm at six g5avYNak6oM-00267-00062776-00062991 cards because i had to play my dark g5avYNak6oM-00268-00062991-00063254 ruler no more but right now we're still g5avYNak6oM-00269-00063255-00063526 pretty even in terms of like our hand g5avYNak6oM-00270-00063527-00063703 and field state we haven't lost anything g5avYNak6oM-00271-00063704-00063847 haven't gained anything but now the g5avYNak6oM-00272-00063848-00064015 pluses are about to go we're going to go g5avYNak6oM-00273-00064016-00064215 ahead and attack with dragonos g5avYNak6oM-00274-00064216-00064423 dragonos effects activates and summons g5avYNak6oM-00275-00064424-00064623 out two monsters now this is the most g5avYNak6oM-00276-00064624-00064799 deadly combination in the gladiator g5avYNak6oM-00277-00064800-00065111 beast deck when you summon a toryx and g5avYNak6oM-00278-00065112-00065303 noxious at the same time you're gonna g5avYNak6oM-00279-00065304-00065494 get two dumps to the graveyard and g5avYNak6oM-00280-00065495-00065615 because you get two dumps to the g5avYNak6oM-00281-00065616-00065847 graveyard you've powered up all your try g5avYNak6oM-00282-00065848-00066126 brigade monsters and at the same time g5avYNak6oM-00283-00066127-00066311 giving your gladiator beast monsters g5avYNak6oM-00284-00066312-00066575 enough control to continue this combo g5avYNak6oM-00285-00066576-00066735 because now i get to show you the full g5avYNak6oM-00286-00066736-00067150 power combo this one card has allowed me g5avYNak6oM-00287-00067151-00067335 to summon this entire field that's g5avYNak6oM-00288-00067336-00067647 coming next one card combo equals four g5avYNak6oM-00289-00067648-00067838 monsters to negate no three monsters to g5avYNak6oM-00290-00067839-00068038 the gate with multiple negates so we're g5avYNak6oM-00291-00068039-00068350 going to use noxious to dump bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00292-00068351-00068559 and then we're going to use a torx to g5avYNak6oM-00293-00068560-00068847 dump anybody over five then we're gonna g5avYNak6oM-00294-00068848-00069006 go ahead and contact g5avYNak6oM-00295-00069007-00069206 bring out the uh tamer editor for g5avYNak6oM-00296-00069207-00069382 domitianus g5avYNak6oM-00297-00069383-00069550 then we're gonna link it off for the g5avYNak6oM-00298-00069551-00069735 panther g5avYNak6oM-00299-00069736-00069919 as you do g5avYNak6oM-00300-00069920-00070150 panthers effect activates adding the g5avYNak6oM-00301-00070151-00070319 comeback to the hand g5avYNak6oM-00302-00070320-00070463 come back g5avYNak6oM-00303-00070464-00070735 bring back the tamer editor tamer editor g5avYNak6oM-00304-00070736-00070959 activates the effect summons guyerbee's g5avYNak6oM-00305-00070960-00071167 heroclinos then we're going to send this g5avYNak6oM-00306-00071168-00071455 back and then summon darius then darius g5avYNak6oM-00307-00071456-00071711 is going to bring back bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00308-00071712-00071903 now that's the difference g5avYNak6oM-00309-00071904-00072223 before any time i played this deck i g5avYNak6oM-00310-00072224-00072479 never played darius in combination with g5avYNak6oM-00311-00072480-00072903 bethdiari comboing with gladiator beast g5avYNak6oM-00312-00072904-00073087 noxious which i sent back to the deck at g5avYNak6oM-00313-00073088-00073287 some point g5avYNak6oM-00314-00073288-00073479 this is the moment g5avYNak6oM-00315-00073480-00073799 this is the breaking point this is the g5avYNak6oM-00316-00073800-00074167 changeover this is the revolution g5avYNak6oM-00317-00074168-00074359 this is the combination that changes g5avYNak6oM-00318-00074360-00074503 this deck this is the combination that g5avYNak6oM-00319-00074504-00074855 takes this from some random rogue deck g5avYNak6oM-00320-00074856-00075094 now we're clapping some top tier decks g5avYNak6oM-00321-00075095-00075350 let's continue so we're gonna go ahead g5avYNak6oM-00322-00075351-00075759 and contact fuse bastiari for uh gazarus g5avYNak6oM-00323-00075760-00075982 now remember all you need is a winged g5avYNak6oM-00324-00075983-00076238 beast and a rank two to go into some g5avYNak6oM-00325-00076239-00076367 morgue g5avYNak6oM-00326-00076368-00076582 we have a wing beast we have a rank two g5avYNak6oM-00327-00076583-00076806 we can go into some more we're gonna go g5avYNak6oM-00328-00076807-00077006 ahead and blow that up g5avYNak6oM-00329-00077007-00077375 wing beast and rank two some more g5avYNak6oM-00330-00077376-00077503 so g5avYNak6oM-00331-00077504-00077775 now we can destroy two cards summon some g5avYNak6oM-00332-00077776-00078006 morgue and drop omnigate so now we're g5avYNak6oM-00333-00078007-00078206 gonna have our omni negate we're gonna g5avYNak6oM-00334-00078207-00078399 have our spell trap negate and we're g5avYNak6oM-00335-00078400-00078559 gonna have our monster negate and battle g5avYNak6oM-00336-00078560-00078638 control g5avYNak6oM-00337-00078639-00078838 all on the board so that's gonna give us g5avYNak6oM-00338-00078839-00079111 a total of three four g5avYNak6oM-00339-00079112-00079399 five negate six negates and you can't g5avYNak6oM-00340-00079400-00079726 target my wing beast and you also can't g5avYNak6oM-00341-00079727-00079882 attack me g5avYNak6oM-00342-00079883-00080143 yes so this g5avYNak6oM-00343-00080144-00080406 is the power of my but one card g5avYNak6oM-00344-00080407-00080550 one card g5avYNak6oM-00345-00080551-00080871 gave me all of this emergency teleport g5avYNak6oM-00346-00080872-00080999 no g5avYNak6oM-00347-00081000-00081215 no herc says no g5avYNak6oM-00348-00081216-00081662 no teleport for you turn it off be gone g5avYNak6oM-00349-00081663-00081959 kids effect discard g5avYNak6oM-00350-00081960-00082247 nervel ad kit g5avYNak6oM-00351-00082248-00082487 i'll have two for next turn my boy g5avYNak6oM-00352-00082488-00082703 activates a card in the grave apex g5avYNak6oM-00353-00082704-00082879 negates stuff in the grave because i g5avYNak6oM-00354-00082880-00083079 have two cards that can't touch the g5avYNak6oM-00355-00083080-00083318 grave unless it's a monster effect apex g5avYNak6oM-00356-00083319-00083526 negates that spell in the grave a spell g5avYNak6oM-00357-00083527-00083750 from the hand herx got control of that g5avYNak6oM-00358-00083751-00084082 negate g5avYNak6oM-00359-00084083-00084279 negate g5avYNak6oM-00360-00084280-00084382 oh yes g5avYNak6oM-00361-00084383-00084679 now monster activate the effect no g5avYNak6oM-00362-00084680-00085047 domitiano's has control of that negate g5avYNak6oM-00363-00085048-00085318 wonderful g5avYNak6oM-00364-00085319-00085518 now i'm like well i've got you now boy g5avYNak6oM-00365-00085519-00085806 impossible he's still got plays g5avYNak6oM-00366-00085807-00086079 so he managed to continue after g5avYNak6oM-00367-00086080-00086375 everything he still had plays so it's g5avYNak6oM-00368-00086376-00086831 gonna get spicy my boy so here we go g5avYNak6oM-00369-00086832-00087118 here's this crocodilius g5avYNak6oM-00370-00087119-00087399 and then he's gonna bring back g5avYNak6oM-00371-00087400-00087726 his virtual world cubie g5avYNak6oM-00372-00087727-00087918 and now he can go ahead and hit the true g5avYNak6oM-00373-00087919-00088367 king of all shenanigans g5avYNak6oM-00374-00088368-00088638 now g5avYNak6oM-00375-00088639-00088887 here's something g5avYNak6oM-00376-00088888-00089023 here's something g5avYNak6oM-00377-00089024-00089199 i thought g5avYNak6oM-00378-00089200-00089471 at some point if i'm not mistaken g5avYNak6oM-00379-00089472-00089631 that he was going to use this effect and g5avYNak6oM-00380-00089632-00089862 discard two cards quick effect you can g5avYNak6oM-00381-00089863-00090023 discard two cards and target one card on g5avYNak6oM-00382-00090024-00090191 the field and destroy it i thought he g5avYNak6oM-00383-00090192-00090423 was going to use this effect to kill g5avYNak6oM-00384-00090424-00090591 somebody on the board g5avYNak6oM-00385-00090592-00090799 he did not use that effect g5avYNak6oM-00386-00090800-00091079 of the crocodile to kill anybody g5avYNak6oM-00387-00091080-00091255 and i'm guessing he plans on using these g5avYNak6oM-00388-00091256-00091518 two cards but he made a fatal mistake g5avYNak6oM-00389-00091519-00091711 he did not read the power of gladiator g5avYNak6oM-00390-00091712-00092006 beast domitier news that says i can g5avYNak6oM-00391-00092007-00092199 control the battle and because he didn't g5avYNak6oM-00392-00092200-00092382 read he's gonna lose g5avYNak6oM-00393-00092383-00092535 so i'm gonna control the battle make him g5avYNak6oM-00394-00092536-00092750 attack me he's gonna try to negate all g5avYNak6oM-00395-00092751-00092967 the effects but it's too late because g5avYNak6oM-00396-00092968-00093150 the attack target has already been g5avYNak6oM-00397-00093151-00093382 chosen therefore g5avYNak6oM-00398-00093383-00093567 even though my effect is negated you g5avYNak6oM-00399-00093568-00094094 can't change the attack target so g5avYNak6oM-00400-00094095-00094231 yeah g5avYNak6oM-00401-00094232-00094399 all right here we here we have another g5avYNak6oM-00402-00094400-00094623 in my boy as you can see we got many g5avYNak6oM-00403-00094624-00094862 plays we have rescue cat we also have g5avYNak6oM-00404-00094863-00095055 charis and then we have a glare beast in g5avYNak6oM-00405-00095056-00095247 hand so we've got a few different plays g5avYNak6oM-00406-00095248-00095399 here and as you can see we're playing g5avYNak6oM-00407-00095400-00095582 against the golden lord with his golden g5avYNak6oM-00408-00095583-00095806 lands so you know what shenanigans g5avYNak6oM-00409-00095807-00095991 they're gonna be up to set three in the g5avYNak6oM-00410-00095992-00096223 back row g5avYNak6oM-00411-00096224-00096671 puts his golden lord in g5avYNak6oM-00412-00096672-00096991 so we're going to check this guy out g5avYNak6oM-00413-00096992-00097223 he's got rivalry or loralor's goes and g5avYNak6oM-00414-00097224-00097503 match um dumped in the grave g5avYNak6oM-00415-00097504-00097759 and then he has his board set up g5avYNak6oM-00416-00097760-00097982 like so whatever he has back there must g5avYNak6oM-00417-00097983-00098382 be formidable so i've got to be careful g5avYNak6oM-00418-00098383-00098662 he gets another free set good for him g5avYNak6oM-00419-00098663-00098926 and then it's my turn dud g5avYNak6oM-00420-00098927-00099143 oh wonderful exactly what i needed g5avYNak6oM-00421-00099144-00099279 lightning storm get that out of g5avYNak6oM-00422-00099280-00099711 here boy solemn judgment well g5avYNak6oM-00423-00099712-00099862 all right dude g5avYNak6oM-00424-00099863-00100118 solemn judgment stops that g5avYNak6oM-00425-00100119-00100399 he's like stop it rescue caddy he's like g5avYNak6oM-00426-00100400-00100494 um g5avYNak6oM-00427-00100495-00100759 summon the golden lord i'm like uh okay g5avYNak6oM-00428-00100760-00100943 so i'm basically trying to get him to g5avYNak6oM-00429-00100944-00101182 bait out whatever that back row is and g5avYNak6oM-00430-00101183-00101399 my bait is successful now he's negated g5avYNak6oM-00431-00101400-00101662 rescue cat i'm free to do my keras combo g5avYNak6oM-00432-00101663-00101806 into dragon this and you know what's g5avYNak6oM-00433-00101807-00102006 next my boy so let's go ahead and watch g5avYNak6oM-00434-00102007-00102215 me perfectly execute my one card combo g5avYNak6oM-00435-00102216-00102471 yet again we're gonna go ahead g5avYNak6oM-00436-00102472-00102775 summon this beast activate his effect g5avYNak6oM-00437-00102776-00102934 we're gonna call it by the grave and get g5avYNak6oM-00438-00102935-00103118 this up out of here g5avYNak6oM-00439-00103119-00103294 and then we're gonna attack so now that g5avYNak6oM-00440-00103295-00103430 we've attacked we can go ahead and do g5avYNak6oM-00441-00103431-00103551 our combo g5avYNak6oM-00442-00103552-00103694 we're gonna summon our monsters we're g5avYNak6oM-00443-00103695-00103910 going to dump bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00444-00103911-00104071 and then we're going to contact tamer g5avYNak6oM-00445-00104072-00104166 editor g5avYNak6oM-00446-00104167-00104358 tamer editors activate the effect don't g5avYNak6oM-00447-00104359-00104566 meet a news g5avYNak6oM-00448-00104567-00104886 link it off for the panther g5avYNak6oM-00449-00104888-00105119 the panthers going to add the uh g5avYNak6oM-00450-00105120-00105415 comeback comeback's going to bring back g5avYNak6oM-00451-00105416-00105575 my editor g5avYNak6oM-00452-00105576-00105790 hannah edith noshokan g5avYNak6oM-00453-00105791-00105983 tammy editor activates his effect to g5avYNak6oM-00454-00105983-00106134 summon g5avYNak6oM-00455-00106135-00106383 desire beast hurt spin it out g5avYNak6oM-00456-00106383-00106510 daddy use g5avYNak6oM-00457-00106511-00106815 daniels bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00458-00106816-00107039 bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00459-00107040-00107302 okay here's gazarus now i can't kill it g5avYNak6oM-00460-00107303-00107447 due to his effect g5avYNak6oM-00461-00107448-00107639 but you know g5avYNak6oM-00462-00107640-00107807 sucks g5avYNak6oM-00463-00107808-00108110 so we're gonna go into uh the bird of g5avYNak6oM-00464-00108111-00108390 sovereignty now the reason why i did g5avYNak6oM-00465-00108391-00108631 that the way that i did it g5avYNak6oM-00466-00108632-00108751 is because g5avYNak6oM-00467-00108752-00109095 i contact fuse to bring out this gazarus g5avYNak6oM-00468-00109096-00109302 if i ever bring it back from the if i g5avYNak6oM-00469-00109303-00109510 ever have a car like come back g5avYNak6oM-00470-00109511-00109727 to bring it back from the graveyard it's g5avYNak6oM-00471-00109728-00109839 going to be able to use this effect g5avYNak6oM-00472-00109840-00110039 again so that's why it was important to g5avYNak6oM-00473-00110040-00110215 go through the whole rigamarole of g5avYNak6oM-00474-00110216-00110407 summoning it because if i can bring it g5avYNak6oM-00475-00110408-00110558 back i'm going to be able to blow up g5avYNak6oM-00476-00110559-00110854 cards but now i have my board set up i g5avYNak6oM-00477-00110855-00111063 have multiple negates all i'm facing g5avYNak6oM-00478-00111064-00111247 down is the eldritch lord with one car g5avYNak6oM-00479-00111248-00111423 in his hands let's go ahead and negate g5avYNak6oM-00480-00111424-00111719 some stuff apex avian flies up high to g5avYNak6oM-00481-00111720-00111999 negate that graveyard effect because as g5avYNak6oM-00482-00112000-00112199 i told you before don't meet a news and g5avYNak6oM-00483-00112200-00112375 hurt can't reach it because it's a trap g5avYNak6oM-00484-00112376-00112558 car activating in the grave then the g5avYNak6oM-00485-00112559-00112766 rest of the pancreatics isn't enough and g5avYNak6oM-00486-00112767-00112951 scoop phase has been g5avYNak6oM-00487-00112952-00113143 initiated all right my boys this is g5avYNak6oM-00488-00113144-00113375 actually the last duel which is a duel g5avYNak6oM-00489-00113376-00113566 that i think you guys are really gonna g5avYNak6oM-00490-00113567-00113847 be into or interested in this duel is g5avYNak6oM-00491-00113848-00113999 gonna take you back to the old school g5avYNak6oM-00492-00114000-00114143 we'll take you back to dueling's world g5avYNak6oM-00493-00114144-00114399 my boy this duel right here is again the g5avYNak6oM-00494-00114400-00114815 invoca baby this is a dogmatic invoke so g5avYNak6oM-00495-00114816-00115031 we start off with this card's really g5avYNak6oM-00496-00115032-00115286 busted uh magical meltdown pretty much g5avYNak6oM-00497-00115288-00115566 says fusion monsters uh effects can't be g5avYNak6oM-00498-00115567-00115734 responded to and also they can't be g5avYNak6oM-00499-00115735-00115958 negated that's really dangerous against g5avYNak6oM-00500-00115959-00116086 this deck because you know that's my g5avYNak6oM-00501-00116088-00116278 whole thing the gate and their g5avYNak6oM-00502-00116279-00116575 and then um as he goes on with his combo g5avYNak6oM-00503-00116576-00116775 i have no idea what he's doing of course g5avYNak6oM-00504-00116776-00117015 but he looks like he's playing um g5avYNak6oM-00505-00117016-00117343 in invoked with some shadow stuff with g5avYNak6oM-00506-00117344-00117527 some g5avYNak6oM-00507-00117528-00117631 uh g5avYNak6oM-00508-00117632-00117863 dogmatic stuff so g5avYNak6oM-00509-00117864-00118199 you know me same old same old i'm gonna g5avYNak6oM-00510-00118200-00118423 go into my uh g5avYNak6oM-00511-00118424-00118639 full combo here so we're gonna normal g5avYNak6oM-00512-00118640-00118902 summon the nervel and then we're gonna g5avYNak6oM-00513-00118903-00119127 link it off for link one for the uh g5avYNak6oM-00514-00119128-00119319 salomon great all mirage which will add g5avYNak6oM-00515-00119320-00119543 this car to our hand we're gonna dump g5avYNak6oM-00516-00119544-00119743 and then we're gonna go ahead and summon g5avYNak6oM-00517-00119744-00119910 we're gonna get rid of all mirage g5avYNak6oM-00518-00119911-00120095 because our combo is coming up and we're g5avYNak6oM-00519-00120096-00120278 just gonna attack and knock this over g5avYNak6oM-00520-00120279-00120463 now you might be wondering why i don't g5avYNak6oM-00521-00120464-00120710 attack with this car i've learned that g5avYNak6oM-00522-00120711-00120943 attacking with cars that aren't g5avYNak6oM-00523-00120944-00121166 gladiator beasts in this phase of the g5avYNak6oM-00524-00121167-00121383 combo could be detrimental so i just g5avYNak6oM-00525-00121383-00121543 don't do it anymore g5avYNak6oM-00526-00121544-00121719 um g5avYNak6oM-00527-00121720-00121895 so we're gonna go ahead and do the combo g5avYNak6oM-00528-00121896-00122110 we're going to go ahead and dump two g5avYNak6oM-00529-00122111-00122263 we're going to dump a big one and then g5avYNak6oM-00530-00122264-00122414 we're going to go ahead and dump g5avYNak6oM-00531-00122415-00122766 bestiary next g5avYNak6oM-00532-00122767-00122895 and then we're going to go ahead and g5avYNak6oM-00533-00122896-00123095 proceed all right g5avYNak6oM-00534-00123096-00123295 there's tamer editor g5avYNak6oM-00535-00123296-00123527 here's domitianis g5avYNak6oM-00536-00123528-00123647 as you know g5avYNak6oM-00537-00123648-00123775 panther g5avYNak6oM-00538-00123776-00123983 look at this combo so consistent it's so g5avYNak6oM-00539-00123983-00124278 good main face 2 combo's broken look at g5avYNak6oM-00540-00124279-00124439 this g5avYNak6oM-00541-00124440-00124734 guy beast combat tamer editor tamer g5avYNak6oM-00542-00124735-00124951 editor activates his effect to summon g5avYNak6oM-00543-00124952-00125151 her rock linos then we're going to flip g5avYNak6oM-00544-00125152-00125263 it back g5avYNak6oM-00545-00125264-00125478 tag out for dead use dead use for g5avYNak6oM-00546-00125479-00125639 bestiary g5avYNak6oM-00547-00125640-00125910 bestiary negate g5avYNak6oM-00548-00125911-00126095 contact g5avYNak6oM-00549-00126096-00126383 yazaris blow it up g5avYNak6oM-00550-00126383-00126519 link it off g5avYNak6oM-00551-00126520-00126734 y'all know what's coming next my boy the g5avYNak6oM-00552-00126735-00127119 bird of sovereignty g5avYNak6oM-00553-00127120-00127295 and then we're going to summon out the g5avYNak6oM-00554-00127296-00127566 apex avian this beast can fly so high g5avYNak6oM-00555-00127567-00127863 into the sky he can negate any card so g5avYNak6oM-00556-00127864-00128199 now we're facing off against the invoker g5avYNak6oM-00557-00128200-00128478 against the dogmatic invoker he has g5avYNak6oM-00558-00128479-00128766 seven cards in hand and i have g5avYNak6oM-00559-00128767-00129039 one two three four negates in hand for g5avYNak6oM-00560-00129040-00129302 spells i have omni negate that's five g5avYNak6oM-00561-00129303-00129543 negates and then i have domitianus g5avYNak6oM-00562-00129544-00129895 that's six negates my boy let's do this g5avYNak6oM-00563-00129896-00130102 so he's i'm gonna let him get his summon g5avYNak6oM-00564-00130103-00130478 invocation stop it and matter of fact g5avYNak6oM-00565-00130479-00130663 get that alistar out the grave g5avYNak6oM-00566-00130664-00130758 as well g5avYNak6oM-00567-00130759-00131014 now i am baiting him because i want him g5avYNak6oM-00568-00131015-00131199 to use the effect of invocation to put g5avYNak6oM-00569-00131200-00131390 it back into his hand so i'm gonna stop g5avYNak6oM-00570-00131391-00131511 that too g5avYNak6oM-00571-00131512-00131702 but i want him to use it so that he g5avYNak6oM-00572-00131703-00132014 can't you know do that anymore g5avYNak6oM-00573-00132015-00132166 we have to get that alistar out of there g5avYNak6oM-00574-00132167-00132471 too because if he's got alistair you g5avYNak6oM-00575-00132472-00132678 know in the grave he can do all his g5avYNak6oM-00576-00132679-00132871 fusions so we need to go ahead and keep g5avYNak6oM-00577-00132872-00133054 alistair out of the grave as well so g5avYNak6oM-00578-00133055-00133199 we're going to go ahead and apex that g5avYNak6oM-00579-00133200-00133359 keep it down there in the grave my g5avYNak6oM-00580-00133360-00133551 boy and then he's going to invoke i'm g5avYNak6oM-00581-00133552-00133814 going to go ahead and negate that my boy g5avYNak6oM-00582-00133815-00134047 we haven't given him kit yet we have not g5avYNak6oM-00583-00134048-00134247 given him kit yet that means he's not g5avYNak6oM-00584-00134248-00134366 worthy g5avYNak6oM-00585-00134367-00134751 negate oh is that shadows negate g5avYNak6oM-00586-00134752-00134847 sorry g5avYNak6oM-00587-00134848-00135023 i won't let you do it i won't let you g5avYNak6oM-00588-00135024-00135271 get away with it in voca baby you can't g5avYNak6oM-00589-00135272-00135375 do it g5avYNak6oM-00590-00135376-00135590 he's like i just want to invoke dawg g5avYNak6oM-00591-00135591-00135823 shut your ass up g5avYNak6oM-00592-00135824-00135999 there these heroical notes will not g5avYNak6oM-00593-00136000-00136159 allow it my boy g5avYNak6oM-00594-00136160-00136407 i just want to play yu-gi-oh shut yo ass g5avYNak6oM-00595-00136408-00136519 up g5avYNak6oM-00596-00136520-00136631 all right g5avYNak6oM-00597-00136632-00136902 apex avian time well not apex avian time g5avYNak6oM-00598-00136903-00137111 sovereignty time and then we're gonna go g5avYNak6oM-00599-00137112-00137278 ahead and summon another powerful winged g5avYNak6oM-00600-00137279-00137495 beast you know what's coming next we're g5avYNak6oM-00601-00137496-00137751 gonna banish four from the graveyard for g5avYNak6oM-00602-00137752-00137919 the omen g5avYNak6oM-00603-00137920-00138199 banish g5avYNak6oM-00604-00138200-00138375 now it's battle time now this guard g5avYNak6oM-00605-00138376-00138551 can't die by battle but that's g5avYNak6oM-00606-00138552-00138687 absolutely fine we're gonna give it the g5avYNak6oM-00607-00138688-00138839 punishment it deserves g5avYNak6oM-00608-00138840-00138975 i heard rockland else is going to wrap g5avYNak6oM-00609-00138976-00139599 this duel up for us g5avYNak6oM-00610-00139600-00139871 yes g5avYNak6oM-00611-00139872-00140054 so this is the new power of my boy g5avYNak6oM-00612-00140055-00140551 adding that bestiary is disgusting g5avYNak6oM-00613-00140552-00140711 all right my boy so this is the new g5avYNak6oM-00614-00140712-00140887 power of the gladiator beast it has g5avYNak6oM-00615-00140888-00141231 taken me very far and actually gotten me g5avYNak6oM-00616-00141232-00141551 to uh platinum four i plan on trying my g5avYNak6oM-00617-00141552-00141871 best to continue my rank up shenanigans g5avYNak6oM-00618-00141872-00142071 and adventures but next week my boy g5avYNak6oM-00619-00142072-00142207 we're going to be getting in there with g5avYNak6oM-00620-00142208-00142335 a completely new deck we're going to be g5avYNak6oM-00621-00142336-00142575 getting in there with dvd but also on g5avYNak6oM-00622-00142576-00142847 the uh length rider on the ranked ladder g5avYNak6oM-00623-00142848-00143063 i am going gonna still try to clap to g5avYNak6oM-00624-00143064-00143263 complete this uh g5avYNak6oM-00625-00143264-00143526 this uh rank match uh g5avYNak6oM-00626-00143527-00143759 campaign by monday but i'll catch y'all g5avYNak6oM-00627-00143760-00143951 in the next one my boy wish me luck at g5avYNak6oM-00628-00143952-00144841 locals today and as always keep it today g5avYNak6oM-00630-00149064-00149463 so g5avYNak6oM-00631-00149464-00150839 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00632-00150840-00151023 ah g5avYNak6oM-00633-00151024-00151478 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00634-00151479-00151648 uh g5avYNak6oM-00636-00154704-00155533 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00637-00155534-00157351 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00638-00157352-00159162 yes g5avYNak6oM-00640-00162488-00162680 oh g5avYNak6oM-00641-00162681-00164207 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00642-00164208-00166091 oh g5avYNak6oM-00643-00166092-00167543 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00644-00167544-00168065 is g5avYNak6oM-00645-00168066-00169442 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00646-00169443-00170054 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00647-00170055-00172766 so g5avYNak6oM-00648-00172767-00172965 oh g5avYNak6oM-00649-00172966-00174399 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00650-00174400-00177331 oh g5avYNak6oM-00651-00177332-00177487 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00652-00177488-00178362 is g5avYNak6oM-00653-00178363-00179728 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00654-00179729-00180343 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00655-00180344-00182650 so g5avYNak6oM-00656-00182651-00183054 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00657-00183055-00183252 oh g5avYNak6oM-00659-00187618-00189402 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00660-00189403-00189959 [Music] g5avYNak6oM-00661-00189960-00190167 you g6oBCtz-1aE-00000-00000000-00000103 [Music] g6oBCtz-1aE-00001-00000104-00000286 like this is this song here is the g6oBCtz-1aE-00002-00000287-00000455 quintessential western australian g6oBCtz-1aE-00003-00000456-00000623 citizenship test g6oBCtz-1aE-00004-00000624-00000894 like you have to re to become a western g6oBCtz-1aE-00005-00000896-00001103 australian citizen you have to reproduce g6oBCtz-1aE-00006-00001104-00001327 this song with your vocal cords musical g6oBCtz-1aE-00007-00001328-00001495 instruments included g6oBCtz-1aE-00008-00001496-00001726 like you know and you have to try to g6oBCtz-1aE-00009-00001727-00001934 like replicate this has to sound like a g6oBCtz-1aE-00010-00001935-00002126 magpie g6oBCtz-1aE-00011-00002127-00002359 rails red wine g6oBCtz-1aE-00012-00002360-00002550 you know g6oBCtz-1aE-00013-00002551-00003327 smoke clouds hang in the air g6oBCtz-1aE-00014-00003328-00003590 oh it's too powerful it's too powerful g6oBCtz-1aE-00015-00003592-00003775 look at him shifting look at it g6oBCtz-1aE-00016-00003776-00003975 shifted yeah we we kind of went the g6oBCtz-1aE-00017-00003976-00004215 wrong way google done got no g6oBCtz-1aE-00018-00004216-00004431 yeah we're going this is a pilgrimage to g6oBCtz-1aE-00019-00004432-00004647 taco bell i'm like ulysses right now g6oBCtz-1aE-00020-00004648-00004838 yeah he is except instead of killing g6oBCtz-1aE-00021-00004839-00005167 cyclops i'm killing my bowels yeah g6oBCtz-1aE-00022-00005168-00005383 you can tell by the mingo song that's g6oBCtz-1aE-00023-00005384-00005527 playing would definitely go into hinky g6oBCtz-1aE-00024-00005528-00005670 dinky australia what do you think g6oBCtz-1aE-00025-00005671-00005879 midland is most famous for i'd imagine g6oBCtz-1aE-00026-00005880-00006086 midland is g6oBCtz-1aE-00027-00006087-00006343 the wonderful meeting of hipsters and g6oBCtz-1aE-00028-00006344-00006478 hobos g6oBCtz-1aE-00029-00006479-00006734 that's my imagination of it that or it's g6oBCtz-1aE-00030-00006736-00007039 the average australian mum which given g6oBCtz-1aE-00031-00007040-00007559 the famous karen jungus was a perth lee g6oBCtz-1aE-00032-00007559-00007870 oh wow seems quite popular g6oBCtz-1aE-00033-00007872-00008174 yeah there is bear witness the out of g6oBCtz-1aE-00034-00008175-00008399 focus taco bell g6oBCtz-1aE-00035-00008400-00008735 in all of its it's a cinematic shot guys g6oBCtz-1aE-00036-00008736-00009063 hi guys kumar the cameraman here huge g6oBCtz-1aE-00037-00009064-00009351 big shout out to road for completely g6oBCtz-1aE-00038-00009352-00009519 screwing up this episode of bloom's g6oBCtz-1aE-00039-00009520-00009767 lunches but don't worry g6oBCtz-1aE-00040-00009768-00010063 this guy right here has a solution for g6oBCtz-1aE-00041-00010064-00010255 everything he's halfway through his g6oBCtz-1aE-00042-00010256-00010374 front trap g6oBCtz-1aE-00043-00010375-00010471 so g6oBCtz-1aE-00044-00010472-00010742 my quote unquote solution g6oBCtz-1aE-00045-00010743-00011006 was basically to record things multiple g6oBCtz-1aE-00046-00011007-00011327 months after the fact and now i can't g6oBCtz-1aE-00047-00011328-00011463 even remember what the food is called g6oBCtz-1aE-00048-00011464-00011710 let alone how it tastes but i'm sure i g6oBCtz-1aE-00049-00011711-00012046 can make an enjoyable food experience g6oBCtz-1aE-00050-00012047-00012246 for you guys now g6oBCtz-1aE-00051-00012247-00012503 um and apparently uh g6oBCtz-1aE-00052-00012504-00012774 autistically fidget in a line at a taco g6oBCtz-1aE-00053-00012775-00012983 bell a lot okay so when i was at the g6oBCtz-1aE-00054-00012984-00013151 taco bell i decided to try and get g6oBCtz-1aE-00055-00013152-00013343 everything that i could get g6oBCtz-1aE-00056-00013344-00013438 i'm pretty sure there was something g6oBCtz-1aE-00057-00013440-00013607 called a crunchwrap uh that was g6oBCtz-1aE-00058-00013608-00013879 obviously the taco and something i think g6oBCtz-1aE-00059-00013880-00014166 called a quesadilla or enchilada i can't g6oBCtz-1aE-00060-00014168-00014294 remember g6oBCtz-1aE-00061-00014295-00014479 you'll see in a second it took me a few g6oBCtz-1aE-00062-00014480-00014671 minutes to figure out what i needed okay g6oBCtz-1aE-00063-00014672-00014863 i've looked i looked through some scrap g6oBCtz-1aE-00064-00014863-00015183 uh footage and i believe i have consumed g6oBCtz-1aE-00065-00015184-00015471 in this video uh one taco g6oBCtz-1aE-00066-00015472-00015703 one burrito and one quesadilla so that g6oBCtz-1aE-00067-00015704-00015991 is what i will be reviewing i believe at g6oBCtz-1aE-00068-00015991-00016294 the one and only middle and taco bell g6oBCtz-1aE-00069-00016295-00016799 things i liked about midland taco bell g6oBCtz-1aE-00070-00016800-00017079 free drinks g6oBCtz-1aE-00071-00017080-00017375 architecture g6oBCtz-1aE-00072-00017376-00017567 midland g6oBCtz-1aE-00073-00017568-00017894 thus concludes things i like about taco g6oBCtz-1aE-00074-00017895-00018167 bell okay so i picked up my meal hotel g6oBCtz-1aE-00075-00018168-00018494 style with a little buzzer thing and i g6oBCtz-1aE-00076-00018495-00018735 was very eager to eat because i g6oBCtz-1aE-00077-00018736-00018967 decidedly did not eat for the entire day g6oBCtz-1aE-00078-00018968-00019158 until this moment so i had the room to g6oBCtz-1aE-00079-00019159-00019430 handle the sheer quantity of bow g6oBCtz-1aE-00080-00019431-00019822 destroying food at my disposal so you g6oBCtz-1aE-00081-00019823-00019975 can see i'm pulling out g6oBCtz-1aE-00082-00019976-00020214 all three objects i assume those were g6oBCtz-1aE-00083-00020215-00020350 the enchiladas or whatever they're g6oBCtz-1aE-00084-00020351-00020511 called i'm honestly i don't remember g6oBCtz-1aE-00085-00020512-00020711 these names um g6oBCtz-1aE-00086-00020712-00020967 so we started with the burrito because g6oBCtz-1aE-00087-00020968-00021271 that is the tastiest sounding one g6oBCtz-1aE-00088-00021272-00021375 um g6oBCtz-1aE-00089-00021376-00021591 oh no we started with the tacos okay uh g6oBCtz-1aE-00090-00021592-00021814 yes we started with the tacos i mean g6oBCtz-1aE-00091-00021815-00021958 and um g6oBCtz-1aE-00092-00021959-00022191 yeah honestly i didn't like the tacos i g6oBCtz-1aE-00093-00022192-00022391 think i've only ever had old el paso you g6oBCtz-1aE-00094-00022392-00022630 know the old woolies older pasta tigers g6oBCtz-1aE-00095-00022631-00022855 before these ones didn't have near as g6oBCtz-1aE-00096-00022856-00023086 much flavor so i didn't like them the g6oBCtz-1aE-00097-00023087-00023327 burrito on the other hand now that is an g6oBCtz-1aE-00098-00023328-00023591 object of inability not as good as a g6oBCtz-1aE-00099-00023592-00023903 zambreros or a kebab even g6oBCtz-1aE-00100-00023904-00024119 but it's definitely the kind of food i'd g6oBCtz-1aE-00101-00024120-00024327 be happy to eat and chuck in a wrap g6oBCtz-1aE-00102-00024328-00024519 better than what i'd make at home which g6oBCtz-1aE-00103-00024520-00024735 just makes me want to get that stir fry g6oBCtz-1aE-00104-00024736-00024878 made and chug it in a wrap and see if it g6oBCtz-1aE-00105-00024879-00025071 would be as good but i'm not willing to g6oBCtz-1aE-00106-00025072-00025319 try sucked in audience g6oBCtz-1aE-00107-00025320-00025734 um i do eat the entire thing which i was g6oBCtz-1aE-00108-00025735-00025902 really just that hungry on it i didn't g6oBCtz-1aE-00109-00025904-00026031 eat the entire day and i was just g6oBCtz-1aE-00110-00026032-00026223 walking around perth for hours i'm g6oBCtz-1aE-00111-00026224-00026495 pretty sure i was just in a duster and i g6oBCtz-1aE-00112-00026495-00026702 just bought an 8 katana and learned to g6oBCtz-1aE-00113-00026704-00026862 play from little things big things grow g6oBCtz-1aE-00114-00026863-00027055 when i was at perth and just walked g6oBCtz-1aE-00115-00027056-00027255 around doing that in spite of never g6oBCtz-1aE-00116-00027256-00027446 playing guitar before it was great i g6oBCtz-1aE-00117-00027447-00027614 learned the ukulele so i know how to g6oBCtz-1aE-00118-00027616-00027743 strum at least g6oBCtz-1aE-00119-00027744-00027935 um and then we got this little little g6oBCtz-1aE-00120-00027936-00028039 thing i don't know what they i've g6oBCtz-1aE-00121-00028039-00028183 already forgotten what it's called but g6oBCtz-1aE-00122-00028183-00028439 um i gave that a go it was all right it g6oBCtz-1aE-00123-00028439-00028646 was it basically was a cheesy it was one g6oBCtz-1aE-00124-00028647-00028839 of those cheeses you get at friggin at g6oBCtz-1aE-00125-00028839-00029046 primary school early high school that i g6oBCtz-1aE-00126-00029047-00029231 completely forgot existed until i had to g6oBCtz-1aE-00127-00029232-00029543 do slum or not placements and practice g6oBCtz-1aE-00128-00029544-00029831 sessions at a local school for i was g6oBCtz-1aE-00129-00029832-00030174 studying and was like holy crap cheesies g6oBCtz-1aE-00130-00030175-00030351 that the canteen which i didn't know g6oBCtz-1aE-00131-00030352-00030670 existed oh i did but i forgot g6oBCtz-1aE-00132-00030672-00030951 god that took me a trip down memory lane g6oBCtz-1aE-00133-00030952-00031214 um oh and then we got the g6oBCtz-1aE-00134-00031216-00031423 hexacon of doom g6oBCtz-1aE-00135-00031424-00031695 um which i believe was spicy by memory g6oBCtz-1aE-00136-00031695-00031855 but i can't quite remember i was g6oBCtz-1aE-00137-00031856-00032046 struggling at this point i was g6oBCtz-1aE-00138-00032047-00032214 quite full turns out not eating the g6oBCtz-1aE-00139-00032216-00032479 whole day doesn't actually multiply your g6oBCtz-1aE-00140-00032480-00032623 ability to eat because your stomach's g6oBCtz-1aE-00141-00032624-00032902 still the same size that's my review g6oBCtz-1aE-00142-00032903-00033079 so uh g6oBCtz-1aE-00143-00033080-00033407 victory lap g6oBCtz-1aE-00144-00033408-00033559 i feel like g6oBCtz-1aE-00145-00033560-00033871 australia's current immigration policy g6oBCtz-1aE-00146-00033872-00034102 too much is coming in and i just don't g6oBCtz-1aE-00147-00034103-00034655 have the infrastructure to handle it g6oBCtz-1aE-00148-00034656-00034951 be wary traveler g6oBCtz-1aE-00149-00034952-00035285 uh g6oBCtz-1aE-00150-00035286-00036374 [Music] g6oBCtz-1aE-00151-00036375-00036711 give us your review on the taco g6oBCtz-1aE-00152-00036712-00036974 zero old el paso tacos out of ten okay g6oBCtz-1aE-00153-00036975-00037207 why why is the why does the sake have g6oBCtz-1aE-00154-00037208-00037383 zero although faster tacos out there g6oBCtz-1aE-00155-00037384-00037702 because paso taco is better g6oBCtz-1aE-00156-00037703-00037887 fight me in the comments do it it helps g6oBCtz-1aE-00157-00037888-00038062 my algorithm g6oBCtz-1aE-00158-00038063-00038230 what about the burrito g6oBCtz-1aE-00159-00038231-00038783 how would you spoil that g6oBCtz-1aE-00160-00038784-00038959 between four g6oBCtz-1aE-00161-00038960-00039095 and six g6oBCtz-1aE-00162-00039096-00039783 zambreros g6oBCtz-1aE-00163-00039784-00039990 but what about g6oBCtz-1aE-00164-00039991-00040183 why do you think it's a four out of four g6oBCtz-1aE-00165-00040184-00040471 or four out of six embroiderers g6oBCtz-1aE-00166-00040472-00041127 between four and six and whereas g6oBCtz-1aE-00167-00041128-00041318 i don't know but i see dots g6oBCtz-1aE-00168-00041319-00041511 in my eyes g6oBCtz-1aE-00169-00041512-00041695 wow g6oBCtz-1aE-00170-00041696-00041895 he's that full g6oBCtz-1aE-00171-00041896-00042655 uh what about the quesadilla g6oBCtz-1aE-00172-00042656-00042911 its mayonnaise is spicy g6oBCtz-1aE-00173-00042912-00043007 right g6oBCtz-1aE-00174-00043008-00043695 the mayonnaise is spicy g6oBCtz-1aE-00175-00043696-00043887 i wish g6oBCtz-1aE-00176-00043888-00044015 to crawl g6oBCtz-1aE-00177-00044016-00044311 into a fetal position g6oBCtz-1aE-00178-00044312-00044535 and rock back and forth g6oBCtz-1aE-00179-00044536-00045583 until time passes on g6oBCtz-1aE-00180-00045584-00045951 the illegals are coming g6oBCtz-1aE-00181-00045952-00046215 the eulogies are coming g6oBCtz-1aE-00182-00046216-00046543 it's an epic gamer quote g6oBCtz-1aE-00183-00046544-00046718 okay guys say in the comments what's g6oBCtz-1aE-00184-00046719-00046862 better north of the river or south of g6oBCtz-1aE-00185-00046863-00047015 the river g6oBCtz-1aE-00186-00047016-00047327 i'm going to say south ah g6oBCtz-1aE-00187-00047328-00047558 i mean just cause mandra is there g6oBCtz-1aE-00188-00047559-00047767 well not just mandarin you've got kayhol g6oBCtz-1aE-00189-00047768-00047902 town g6oBCtz-1aE-00190-00047903-00048118 oh we're in south of the river are we g6oBCtz-1aE-00191-00048119-00048223 yeah g6oBCtz-1aE-00192-00048224-00048486 oh what the hell's north of the river g6oBCtz-1aE-00193-00048487-00048655 you're north of the river right now g6oBCtz-1aE-00194-00048656-00048830 you're g6oBCtz-1aE-00195-00048831-00049023 why do they call it midland if it's g6oBCtz-1aE-00196-00049024-00049327 normal because it's in the middle of the g6oBCtz-1aE-00197-00049328-00049439 land g6oBCtz-1aE-00198-00049440-00049774 what land i want to eat i know the only g6oBCtz-1aE-00199-00049775-00050363 thing i land these days g6oBCtz-1aE-00200-00050364-00051882 [Music] g6oBCtz-1aE-00201-00051883-00052054 justice g6oBCtz-1aE-00202-00052055-00052294 is it for manufacturing consent or it g6oBCtz-1aE-00203-00052295-00052934 better come again by andy griffin g6oBCtz-1aE-00204-00052935-00053215 [Music] g6oBCtz-1aE-00205-00053216-00053430 oh yeah subscribe to loom shorts it's a g6oBCtz-1aE-00206-00053432-00053591 new channel i made that has all my short g6oBCtz-1aE-00207-00053591-00053782 videos on wow what about the other g6oBCtz-1aE-00208-00053783-00054023 channels g6oBCtz-1aE-00209-00054024-00055034 i just want a suit it's a cellphone g6oBCtz-1aE-00210-00055035-00055654 [Music] g6oBCtz-1aE-00211-00055655-00056148 i'm trying to make a song about tacos g7muFI0cTq4-00000-00000540-00000821 good morning and a warm welcome to the g7muFI0cTq4-00001-00000822-00001049 21st meeting of the Constitution Europe g7muFI0cTq4-00002-00001050-00001229 external Affairs and culture Committee g7muFI0cTq4-00003-00001230-00001589 in 2022 we have received apologies from g7muFI0cTq4-00004-00001590-00001834 Donald Cameron MSP g7muFI0cTq4-00005-00001835-00002002 our first agenda item is to take g7muFI0cTq4-00006-00002003-00002260 evidence on the bpc annual report and g7muFI0cTq4-00007-00002261-00002495 accounts this is an annual event that g7muFI0cTq4-00008-00002496-00002747 the committee undertakes and we welcome g7muFI0cTq4-00009-00002748-00002945 to committee this morning Steve Carson g7muFI0cTq4-00010-00002946-00003256 director of BBC Scotland Louise Thornton g7muFI0cTq4-00011-00003257-00003515 head of commissioning at BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00012-00003515-00003959 and Road Deton Davies BBC director of g7muFI0cTq4-00013-00003960-00004075 Nations g7muFI0cTq4-00014-00004076-00004361 I saw very warm welcome and kidding g7muFI0cTq4-00015-00004362-00004583 right Mr Carson to make an opening g7muFI0cTq4-00016-00004584-00004883 statement thank you convener I'm pleased g7muFI0cTq4-00017-00004884-00005020 after several years of virtual g7muFI0cTq4-00018-00005021-00005236 appearances to uh today my colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-00019-00005237-00005470 and I can attend this Committee in g7muFI0cTq4-00020-00005471-00005675 person and invited that alongside me g7muFI0cTq4-00021-00005676-00005885 this morning I'm joined by Louise and g7muFI0cTq4-00022-00005886-00006238 rodri as as you've noted those virtual g7muFI0cTq4-00023-00006239-00006478 sessions are a reminder are that the g7muFI0cTq4-00024-00006479-00006659 year under review in the annual report g7muFI0cTq4-00025-00006659-00006820 in the current slave before the Scottish g7muFI0cTq4-00026-00006822-00007037 Parliament covers the time when we were g7muFI0cTq4-00027-00007038-00007301 all still working on providing vital g7muFI0cTq4-00028-00007302-00007517 broadcast Services Under coveted rules g7muFI0cTq4-00029-00007518-00007709 and regulations and those Services g7muFI0cTq4-00030-00007709-00008003 included in-depth coverage and Analysis g7muFI0cTq4-00031-00008004-00008153 of the Parliamentary elections in May g7muFI0cTq4-00032-00008154-00008255 last year g7muFI0cTq4-00033-00008256-00008464 the reports and accounts also cover a g7muFI0cTq4-00034-00008465-00008777 time when Scotland hosted cop 26 and BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00035-00008778-00008987 Scotland staff and infrastructure were g7muFI0cTq4-00036-00008988-00009191 at the heart of global coverage of the g7muFI0cTq4-00037-00009192-00009413 climate change conference as well as our g7muFI0cTq4-00038-00009414-00009623 news programming we heard from g7muFI0cTq4-00039-00009624-00009856 Scotland's innovators in our planet now g7muFI0cTq4-00040-00009857-00010085 we looked at Scotland's engagement with g7muFI0cTq4-00041-00010086-00010337 North Sea energy in black black oil and g7muFI0cTq4-00042-00010338-00010601 shared the remarkable story of a life of g7muFI0cTq4-00043-00010602-00010823 solitude in the documentary The Hermit g7muFI0cTq4-00044-00010824-00010913 of trig g7muFI0cTq4-00045-00010914-00011092 while the report covers the last g7muFI0cTq4-00046-00011093-00011255 Financial year it is important I think g7muFI0cTq4-00047-00011256-00011441 also to note that in recent weeks when g7muFI0cTq4-00048-00011442-00011603 the eyes of the world were once again on g7muFI0cTq4-00049-00011604-00011783 Scotland following the death of her g7muFI0cTq4-00050-00011784-00012046 majesty at Balmoral BBC Scotland's teams g7muFI0cTq4-00051-00012047-00012178 were at the heart of bringing those g7muFI0cTq4-00052-00012179-00012419 historic events to a national UK and g7muFI0cTq4-00053-00012420-00012592 Global audience g7muFI0cTq4-00054-00012593-00012827 through the past year the BBC's across g7muFI0cTq4-00055-00012828-00013007 the UK strategy has seen an increase in g7muFI0cTq4-00056-00013008-00013169 network commissions and co-commissions g7muFI0cTq4-00057-00013169-00013403 with some of the BBC's biggest drama g7muFI0cTq4-00058-00013404-00013685 titles including Shetland and vigil set g7muFI0cTq4-00059-00013686-00013955 and produced here vigil itself was the g7muFI0cTq4-00060-00013956-00014165 most watched new drama launch on UK g7muFI0cTq4-00061-00014166-00014375 television in the past three years and a g7muFI0cTq4-00062-00014376-00014603 second series is now confirmed we also g7muFI0cTq4-00063-00014604-00014813 saw the return last Autumn of the g7muFI0cTq4-00064-00014813-00014975 critically acclaimed award-winning drama g7muFI0cTq4-00065-00014976-00015203 guilt with a third series now in the g7muFI0cTq4-00066-00015204-00015407 works and at the end of this year we'll g7muFI0cTq4-00067-00015408-00015622 also be welcoming a new Aberdeen based g7muFI0cTq4-00068-00015623-00015815 drama Granite Harbor to the schedules g7muFI0cTq4-00069-00015816-00016066 this week we've been celebrating uh 20 g7muFI0cTq4-00070-00016068-00016229 years of River City an audience favorite g7muFI0cTq4-00071-00016230-00016499 that plays a significant contribution to g7muFI0cTq4-00072-00016500-00016697 our creative economy developing Talent g7muFI0cTq4-00073-00016698-00016829 on screen and off g7muFI0cTq4-00074-00016830-00017194 in 2022 Scotland has become the BBC's g7muFI0cTq4-00075-00017195-00017399 Center of Excellence for technology g7muFI0cTq4-00076-00017400-00017580 journalism with the move of BBC News g7muFI0cTq4-00077-00017581-00017855 specialist technology team here the g7muFI0cTq4-00078-00017856-00017999 weekly Technology Program click g7muFI0cTq4-00079-00018000-00018286 broadcasts in the UK on BBC One and on g7muFI0cTq4-00080-00018287-00018415 BBC World g7muFI0cTq4-00081-00018416-00018653 across the globe and it's been broadcast g7muFI0cTq4-00082-00018654-00018922 from Scotland since May this year g7muFI0cTq4-00083-00018923-00019108 radio Scotland continues to serve g7muFI0cTq4-00084-00019109-00019283 Scottish audiences across the country g7muFI0cTq4-00085-00019284-00019522 climate deals give a voice to children g7muFI0cTq4-00086-00019523-00019744 and young people sharing their fears and g7muFI0cTq4-00087-00019745-00019936 their aspirations for the planet and the g7muFI0cTq4-00088-00019937-00020093 station is marking our Centenary with g7muFI0cTq4-00089-00020094-00020303 100 Years of Scottish stories where g7muFI0cTq4-00090-00020304-00020507 listeners across Scotland are recording g7muFI0cTq4-00091-00020508-00020650 and sharing the one story that they g7muFI0cTq4-00092-00020651-00020783 would like to pass down to the Next g7muFI0cTq4-00093-00020784-00020897 Generation g7muFI0cTq4-00094-00020898-00021064 and we know and I'm sure we'll come to g7muFI0cTq4-00095-00021065-00021191 it today we know which is how Central g7muFI0cTq4-00096-00021192-00021377 our partnership with screen Scotland has g7muFI0cTq4-00097-00021378-00021563 been in growing the creative economy g7muFI0cTq4-00098-00021564-00021749 here with shared training and g7muFI0cTq4-00099-00021750-00021905 development development initiatives g7muFI0cTq4-00100-00021906-00022133 screen Scotland's recent report on the g7muFI0cTq4-00101-00022134-00022330 economic value of the screen sector here g7muFI0cTq4-00102-00022331-00022583 showed just how important the BBC and g7muFI0cTq4-00103-00022584-00022750 public service broadcasting is to that g7muFI0cTq4-00104-00022751-00022961 and the BBC alone accounting for nearly g7muFI0cTq4-00105-00022962-00023200 three quarters of all PSP spent on g7muFI0cTq4-00106-00023201-00023375 television in the year of their analysis g7muFI0cTq4-00107-00023376-00023597 and partnership is also at the heart of g7muFI0cTq4-00108-00023598-00023867 organic Services alongside mg Alaba g7muFI0cTq4-00109-00023868-00024041 we've launched in the past year speak g7muFI0cTq4-00110-00024042-00024214 gallic a multi-platform language g7muFI0cTq4-00111-00024215-00024389 learning course with programming across g7muFI0cTq4-00112-00024390-00024677 BBC Alba radio Nan Gale and our online g7muFI0cTq4-00113-00024678-00024880 platforms and I think there's more we g7muFI0cTq4-00114-00024881-00025019 hope to be able to share with you today g7muFI0cTq4-00115-00025020-00025228 Louise rodri and I look forward to g7muFI0cTq4-00116-00025229-00025421 discussing the annual report in accounts g7muFI0cTq4-00117-00025422-00025600 and Associated matters with the g7muFI0cTq4-00118-00025601-00025822 committee this morning thank you thank g7muFI0cTq4-00119-00025823-00026122 you very much for for um It's really g7muFI0cTq4-00120-00026123-00026477 informative opening statement and if I g7muFI0cTq4-00121-00026477-00026662 could begin questions g7muFI0cTq4-00122-00026663-00026890 um on impartiality g7muFI0cTq4-00123-00026891-00027112 and the BBC doesn't have to be neutral g7muFI0cTq4-00124-00027113-00027299 in every topic but it must show due g7muFI0cTq4-00125-00027300-00027599 impartiality enough common describes g7muFI0cTq4-00126-00027600-00027911 this as a complex challenge uh g7muFI0cTq4-00127-00027912-00028211 contrasting audiencing ratings g7muFI0cTq4-00128-00028212-00028331 um g7muFI0cTq4-00129-00028332-00028667 for the BBC News highly trust and it's g7muFI0cTq4-00130-00028668-00028931 highly trusted for accuracy but loading g7muFI0cTq4-00131-00028932-00029146 ratings for impartiality and the g7muFI0cTq4-00132-00029147-00029308 regulator has said given the apparent g7muFI0cTq4-00133-00029310-00029561 disparity between audience attitudes and g7muFI0cTq4-00134-00029562-00029795 the BBC's impartiality it's good record g7muFI0cTq4-00135-00029795-00029999 of compliance with the due impartiality g7muFI0cTq4-00136-00030000-00030208 broadcasting rules it's important for g7muFI0cTq4-00137-00030210-00030455 the BBC to find creative and engaging g7muFI0cTq4-00138-00030456-00030743 ways of delivering and demonstrating to g7muFI0cTq4-00139-00030744-00031007 audiences its commitment and its g7muFI0cTq4-00140-00031008-00031252 approach to Due impartiality in order to g7muFI0cTq4-00141-00031254-00031511 retain trust and I just wondered if you g7muFI0cTq4-00142-00031512-00031835 had any Reflections on on the um g7muFI0cTq4-00143-00031836-00032231 The regulator's View on this g7muFI0cTq4-00144-00032232-00032417 the regulator has done their number of g7muFI0cTq4-00145-00032418-00032639 uh studies from media Nations to a g7muFI0cTq4-00146-00032639-00032837 report in June on June partiality and I g7muFI0cTq4-00147-00032838-00032993 think you're right to point out that g7muFI0cTq4-00148-00032994-00033245 they actually know the BBC uh has a very g7muFI0cTq4-00149-00033246-00033545 strong record in geopartiality g7muFI0cTq4-00150-00033546-00033701 um and I think so the research is is g7muFI0cTq4-00151-00033702-00033881 interesting that g7muFI0cTq4-00152-00033882-00034115 um for example the BBC is still g7muFI0cTq4-00153-00034116-00034343 according to our research for the g7muFI0cTq4-00154-00034344-00034487 unreported accounts and of course g7muFI0cTq4-00155-00034488-00034649 research is still a very highly trusted g7muFI0cTq4-00156-00034650-00034840 news source I think one of the figures g7muFI0cTq4-00157-00034841-00034979 in the annual reporting accounts would g7muFI0cTq4-00158-00034980-00035255 be BBC News would be you'll be the the g7muFI0cTq4-00159-00035256-00035489 go-to news source for nearly half the g7muFI0cTq4-00160-00035490-00035740 population other brand name let's put it g7muFI0cTq4-00161-00035741-00035933 that way new sources would be in single g7muFI0cTq4-00162-00035934-00036137 figures and actually when we look at the g7muFI0cTq4-00163-00036138-00036262 difference between trust and g7muFI0cTq4-00164-00036263-00036496 impartiality in Scotland and the rest of g7muFI0cTq4-00165-00036497-00036659 the UK the the figures aren't widely g7muFI0cTq4-00166-00036660-00036893 different so I think as ofcomp pointed g7muFI0cTq4-00167-00036894-00037043 to there I think this is about g7muFI0cTq4-00168-00037044-00037318 Communications and and confidence that g7muFI0cTq4-00169-00037319-00037517 actually you know the way that we can g7muFI0cTq4-00170-00037518-00037649 make sure people g7muFI0cTq4-00171-00037650-00037817 believe that we're impartial is by doing g7muFI0cTq4-00172-00037818-00038021 our jobs well by following our standards g7muFI0cTq4-00173-00038022-00038237 and our guidelines and we do again often g7muFI0cTq4-00174-00038238-00038483 research there back in June looking at g7muFI0cTq4-00175-00038484-00038585 Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00176-00038586-00038795 um talked to what some audiences in g7muFI0cTq4-00177-00038796-00038915 Scotland felt and actually when they g7muFI0cTq4-00178-00038916-00039107 actually sat and watched BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00179-00039108-00039323 programming and STV programming they g7muFI0cTq4-00180-00039324-00039521 actually felt that they were very g7muFI0cTq4-00181-00039522-00039659 similar covering the same subjects and g7muFI0cTq4-00182-00039660-00039917 in some some cases the reports the BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00183-00039918-00040049 were doing better g7muFI0cTq4-00184-00040050-00040217 so I think we always need to be alive to g7muFI0cTq4-00185-00040218-00040361 audience perception I think the figures g7muFI0cTq4-00186-00040362-00040529 in Scotland are not radically different g7muFI0cTq4-00187-00040530-00040829 to the rest of the UK and I think I g7muFI0cTq4-00188-00040830-00040937 think the proof is in the pudding I g7muFI0cTq4-00189-00040938-00041099 think people come to BBC News and BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00190-00041100-00041279 News in Scotland when they they want g7muFI0cTq4-00191-00041280-00041411 that information we saw that during g7muFI0cTq4-00192-00041412-00041693 covid when people came you know the g7muFI0cTq4-00193-00041694-00041830 choice of outlets for public health g7muFI0cTq4-00194-00041831-00042035 information they turned to the BBC on a g7muFI0cTq4-00195-00042036-00042239 BBC Scotland the large numbers at a time g7muFI0cTq4-00196-00042240-00042389 when they really needed to find news g7muFI0cTq4-00197-00042390-00042587 information they can trust g7muFI0cTq4-00198-00042588-00042857 thank you I think Mr Golden wants to g7muFI0cTq4-00199-00042858-00043127 come in uh thank you convener first of g7muFI0cTq4-00200-00043128-00043390 all congratulations to River City for uh g7muFI0cTq4-00201-00043391-00043685 celebrating 20 years and uh showing a g7muFI0cTq4-00202-00043686-00043835 very entertaining and Innovative g7muFI0cTq4-00203-00043836-00044080 anniversary episode it was great to g7muFI0cTq4-00204-00044081-00044387 watch uh just on a interlinked point g7muFI0cTq4-00205-00044388-00044657 around impartiality but looking at the g7muFI0cTq4-00206-00044658-00044957 four nations and their preferred their g7muFI0cTq4-00207-00044958-00045208 views on the prepared news source there g7muFI0cTq4-00208-00045209-00045461 seems to be a clear differential between g7muFI0cTq4-00209-00045462-00045767 Scotland and Northern Ireland versus g7muFI0cTq4-00210-00045768-00046030 England and Wales and England Wales BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00211-00046031-00046408 is significantly ahead of ITV and ITV g7muFI0cTq4-00212-00046409-00046723 Wales in terms of preferred news source g7muFI0cTq4-00213-00046724-00047033 and that differential is flipped with g7muFI0cTq4-00214-00047034-00047243 respect to Scotland which I'm clearly g7muFI0cTq4-00215-00047244-00047533 most interested in I just wondered g7muFI0cTq4-00216-00047534-00047812 whether your thoughts on this and g7muFI0cTq4-00217-00047813-00048089 whether that is those views are g7muFI0cTq4-00218-00048090-00048311 reflective of content or perhaps g7muFI0cTq4-00219-00048312-00048580 actually mirroring Society I think the g7muFI0cTq4-00220-00048581-00048868 ofcom research which is in the the g7muFI0cTq4-00221-00048869-00049055 research pack I think for produce for g7muFI0cTq4-00222-00049056-00049205 the committee I think if you look at it g7muFI0cTq4-00223-00049206-00049337 they're stripping it into Individual g7muFI0cTq4-00224-00049338-00049571 Services so obviously STV news they do g7muFI0cTq4-00225-00049572-00049805 it an excellent service for news g7muFI0cTq4-00226-00049806-00050033 provision in Scotland they've they've g7muFI0cTq4-00227-00050034-00050171 pulled out of other genres really in g7muFI0cTq4-00228-00050172-00050308 terms in terms of their contribution to g7muFI0cTq4-00229-00050309-00050596 the main channel 3 schedule but the g7muFI0cTq4-00230-00050597-00050735 table you're looking at show you sort of g7muFI0cTq4-00231-00050736-00050908 STD news is one single source and then g7muFI0cTq4-00232-00050909-00051040 all the other BBC channels and services g7muFI0cTq4-00233-00051041-00051238 stripped out separately radio Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00234-00051239-00051526 BBC One Scotland uh Scotland Channel g7muFI0cTq4-00235-00051527-00051664 actually when you aggregate all those g7muFI0cTq4-00236-00051665-00051851 sources together in the table I think g7muFI0cTq4-00237-00051852-00052240 it's 58 would be the service of choice g7muFI0cTq4-00238-00052241-00052547 to find news about Scotland in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00239-00052548-00052744 um so I I think it remains a very strong g7muFI0cTq4-00240-00052745-00053041 position here g7muFI0cTq4-00241-00053041-00053303 it's worth going back to what Steve was g7muFI0cTq4-00242-00053304-00053447 saying earlier it's worth bearing in g7muFI0cTq4-00243-00053448-00053741 mind the enduring Trust of the audience g7muFI0cTq4-00244-00053741-00054065 in BBC News services around 80 percent g7muFI0cTq4-00245-00054066-00054347 of the population is coming into BBC new g7muFI0cTq4-00246-00054348-00054587 Services every week g7muFI0cTq4-00247-00054588-00054791 um the breadth that is offered as Steve g7muFI0cTq4-00248-00054791-00054947 mentioned across the BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00249-00054948-00055241 Channel reporting across radio Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00250-00055241-00055571 across online that is a an extraordinary g7muFI0cTq4-00251-00055572-00055829 portfolio of news and current affairs g7muFI0cTq4-00252-00055829-00055915 services g7muFI0cTq4-00253-00055916-00056207 and I think it's a unique position where g7muFI0cTq4-00254-00056208-00056476 we're able to deliver value to news g7muFI0cTq4-00255-00056477-00056813 audiences right across the BBC portfolio g7muFI0cTq4-00256-00056814-00057359 thank you panel thank you Miss mentor g7muFI0cTq4-00257-00057360-00057659 moving along and um 20 years ago gosh g7muFI0cTq4-00258-00057660-00057821 that's quite funny I can remember when g7muFI0cTq4-00259-00057822-00058013 River City was first the first g7muFI0cTq4-00260-00058014-00058271 commissioned and continuing on the g7muFI0cTq4-00261-00058272-00058421 impartiality g7muFI0cTq4-00262-00058422-00058630 um and actually bred the service and g7muFI0cTq4-00263-00058632-00058919 that rodri just introduced there we had g7muFI0cTq4-00264-00058920-00059123 a debate in the chamber on the 3rd of g7muFI0cTq4-00265-00059124-00059465 March this year on um Public Service g7muFI0cTq4-00266-00059466-00059609 um and actually one of our colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-00267-00059610-00059866 Stephen care and said in his speech that g7muFI0cTq4-00268-00059867-00060113 it's 20 years since Devolution and the g7muFI0cTq4-00269-00060114-00060449 BBC has not caught up with that he then g7muFI0cTq4-00270-00060450-00060719 continued to talk about and the coverage g7muFI0cTq4-00271-00060720-00060904 that Westminster he was previously an g7muFI0cTq4-00272-00060905-00061115 MPS you'll know the coverage that g7muFI0cTq4-00273-00061116-00061282 Westminster got compared to what the g7muFI0cTq4-00274-00061283-00061511 coverage that this Parliament gets so g7muFI0cTq4-00275-00061512-00061703 I'm interested to know about your your g7muFI0cTq4-00276-00061704-00061966 thoughts on that and given what could be g7muFI0cTq4-00277-00061967-00062159 happening in the next few years how if g7muFI0cTq4-00278-00062160-00062404 you've got any plans to change how you g7muFI0cTq4-00279-00062405-00062632 cover and what happens g7muFI0cTq4-00280-00062633-00062788 um in this Parliament everything from g7muFI0cTq4-00281-00062789-00063232 fnqs to committee sessions to debates g7muFI0cTq4-00282-00063233-00063454 well I think individual scheduling g7muFI0cTq4-00283-00063455-00063629 decisions can change over time but I g7muFI0cTq4-00284-00063629-00063737 mean our commitment to cover the g7muFI0cTq4-00285-00063738-00063965 workings of this Parliament will is g7muFI0cTq4-00286-00063966-00064157 strong and remain strong as is a key g7muFI0cTq4-00287-00064158-00064294 part of our Public Service in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00288-00064295-00064523 and indeed the work of Scottish members g7muFI0cTq4-00289-00064524-00064691 in Westminster also features within g7muFI0cTq4-00290-00064691-00065021 within our outputs and I think uh in g7muFI0cTq4-00291-00065022-00065230 terms of our our coverage of politics g7muFI0cTq4-00292-00065232-00065459 things considerable investment and one g7muFI0cTq4-00293-00065460-00065632 of our most most talented teams actually g7muFI0cTq4-00294-00065633-00065806 and we've expanded that in a number of g7muFI0cTq4-00295-00065807-00065993 ways obviously for the investment in the g7muFI0cTq4-00296-00065994-00066400 nine I think podcasts like political g7muFI0cTq4-00297-00066401-00066635 a man has to say with you know changing g7muFI0cTq4-00298-00066636-00066809 schedules for for improvement if you g7muFI0cTq4-00299-00066810-00066941 look at the launch for example then of g7muFI0cTq4-00300-00066942-00067103 the Sunday show which is both radio g7muFI0cTq4-00301-00067104-00067288 Scotland and then BBC One Scotland put g7muFI0cTq4-00302-00067289-00067415 in together and I think Louise might g7muFI0cTq4-00303-00067416-00067571 talk about that it's a key thing for us g7muFI0cTq4-00304-00067572-00067756 and BBC Scotland joining our services g7muFI0cTq4-00305-00067757-00067876 together so I think we've actually g7muFI0cTq4-00306-00067877-00068081 deepened improved and enhanced our g7muFI0cTq4-00307-00068082-00068261 political coverage in recent years and I g7muFI0cTq4-00308-00068262-00068482 think the commitment to make sure that g7muFI0cTq4-00309-00068483-00068753 the work of elected representatives of g7muFI0cTq4-00310-00068754-00068915 our audiences in Scotland are property g7muFI0cTq4-00311-00068916-00069091 covered g7muFI0cTq4-00312-00069092-00069365 yeah so um first of all thank you so g7muFI0cTq4-00313-00069366-00069550 much for having me here g7muFI0cTq4-00314-00069551-00069755 um I started as head of commissioning in g7muFI0cTq4-00315-00069756-00070138 December 2020 taking over from Steve and g7muFI0cTq4-00316-00070139-00070409 the channels in a very healthy position g7muFI0cTq4-00317-00070410-00070594 um part of the work that we do within g7muFI0cTq4-00318-00070595-00070787 the commissioning team is to work in a g7muFI0cTq4-00319-00070788-00071135 multi-platform capacity so I manage five g7muFI0cTq4-00320-00071136-00071279 Commissioners g7muFI0cTq4-00321-00071280-00071537 um who all commission certain genres but g7muFI0cTq4-00322-00071538-00071711 we always look across platforms for g7muFI0cTq4-00323-00071712-00071926 opportunity so something like the Sunday g7muFI0cTq4-00324-00071927-00072143 show is an excellent example of where g7muFI0cTq4-00325-00072144-00072323 we're looking for an opportunity to use g7muFI0cTq4-00326-00072324-00072550 talent that can reach a certain audience g7muFI0cTq4-00327-00072551-00072755 through television but it can also speak g7muFI0cTq4-00328-00072756-00072959 to a radio audience as well and g7muFI0cTq4-00329-00072960-00073199 increasingly we're looking to how we g7muFI0cTq4-00330-00073200-00073409 deliver through sounds as well that's a g7muFI0cTq4-00331-00073410-00073594 key priority for us g7muFI0cTq4-00332-00073595-00073823 um political is a fantastic program and g7muFI0cTq4-00333-00073824-00073967 the Sunday show also picks up an g7muFI0cTq4-00334-00073968-00074135 excellent audience through our own g7muFI0cTq4-00335-00074136-00074381 demand and and just to reassure you g7muFI0cTq4-00336-00074382-00074638 digital is a major priority for us so in g7muFI0cTq4-00337-00074639-00074819 terms of how we're delivering news that g7muFI0cTq4-00338-00074820-00074963 is absolutely a consideration going g7muFI0cTq4-00339-00074964-00075100 forward word g7muFI0cTq4-00340-00075101-00075479 thank you thank you hey doctor everyone g7muFI0cTq4-00341-00075480-00075719 I was interested just to hear a bit more g7muFI0cTq4-00342-00075720-00075982 about how you define Scotland specific g7muFI0cTq4-00343-00075983-00076126 programming because obviously you've g7muFI0cTq4-00344-00076127-00076361 produced some statistics around that and g7muFI0cTq4-00345-00076362-00076643 I I must be clear that I'm not calling g7muFI0cTq4-00346-00076644-00076817 for some very purist definition of that g7muFI0cTq4-00347-00076818-00077009 but I'm just a bit unclear what that is g7muFI0cTq4-00348-00077010-00077153 so I mean g7muFI0cTq4-00349-00077154-00077344 um I didn't know for instance that click g7muFI0cTq4-00350-00077345-00077615 was produced in in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00351-00077616-00077926 um but it's all about location or are g7muFI0cTq4-00352-00077927-00078047 there other factors you take into g7muFI0cTq4-00353-00078048-00078235 account so for instance g7muFI0cTq4-00354-00078236-00078635 uh does Ken Bruce count as a Scottish g7muFI0cTq4-00355-00078636-00078826 program you're shaking g7muFI0cTq4-00356-00078827-00079181 um but um g7muFI0cTq4-00357-00079182-00079385 I'm just curious to know what what is g7muFI0cTq4-00358-00079386-00079643 included and what what isn't um uh g7muFI0cTq4-00359-00079644-00079871 incidentally I I also enjoyed vigil once g7muFI0cTq4-00360-00079872-00080087 I'd overcome my rotation with the fact g7muFI0cTq4-00361-00080088-00080279 that the the program's writers seem to g7muFI0cTq4-00362-00080280-00080494 believe we have coroners in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00363-00080495-00080776 um but um I I just wonder if you could g7muFI0cTq4-00364-00080777-00080903 see a bit more about whether it's all g7muFI0cTq4-00365-00080904-00081088 about location and production or whether g7muFI0cTq4-00366-00081089-00081281 it has anything to do with how Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00367-00081282-00081538 is reflected it's a mixture so you'll g7muFI0cTq4-00368-00081539-00081779 see in the annual report on accounts uh g7muFI0cTq4-00369-00081780-00082085 spans directly in control of BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00370-00082086-00082367 Scotland is is reported in in one of the g7muFI0cTq4-00371-00082368-00082667 tables there and that's a Content span g7muFI0cTq4-00372-00082668-00082871 controlled by Louise and her team and g7muFI0cTq4-00373-00082872-00083099 the um BBC News band as well as some g7muFI0cTq4-00374-00083100-00083321 Scotty Symphony Orchestra so the sum g7muFI0cTq4-00375-00083322-00083500 stuff is specifically BBC Scotland's g7muFI0cTq4-00376-00083501-00083855 band then we also coins uh Network spans g7muFI0cTq4-00377-00083856-00084226 in Scotland and that's Divine devised or g7muFI0cTq4-00378-00084227-00084467 defined under rules from ofcom where g7muFI0cTq4-00379-00084468-00084706 there are three three criteria such as g7muFI0cTq4-00380-00084707-00084929 having a sound of Base here a proportion g7muFI0cTq4-00381-00084930-00085109 of the spend here and and on the talent g7muFI0cTq4-00382-00085110-00085294 on the query based here so there's no g7muFI0cTq4-00383-00085295-00085529 from criteria for high spend in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00384-00085530-00085709 is allocated now within that Network's g7muFI0cTq4-00385-00085710-00085925 band I guess there's two types there's g7muFI0cTq4-00386-00085926-00086129 portrayals bands which you'd see in g7muFI0cTq4-00387-00086130-00086362 shetlands and vigil g7muFI0cTq4-00388-00086363-00086555 um two doors down g7muFI0cTq4-00389-00086556-00086776 um which is set in Scotland and and g7muFI0cTq4-00390-00086777-00086987 reflects Scotland and then there's g7muFI0cTq4-00391-00086988-00087238 considerable portion of spend g7muFI0cTq4-00392-00087239-00087485 um like click for example which is made g7muFI0cTq4-00393-00087486-00087815 here our studios in Pacific key are g7muFI0cTq4-00394-00087816-00087959 really one of the centers of excellence g7muFI0cTq4-00395-00087960-00088156 for producing quiz shows for across the g7muFI0cTq4-00396-00088157-00088444 BBC so that's not portrayal the audience g7muFI0cTq4-00397-00088445-00088655 members often come from Scotland but g7muFI0cTq4-00398-00088656-00088841 it's it's valuable economic activity so g7muFI0cTq4-00399-00088842-00088997 there is there is a mixture but the g7muFI0cTq4-00400-00088998-00089255 accounts do separate these these these g7muFI0cTq4-00401-00089256-00089400 things g7muFI0cTq4-00402-00089401-00089621 I mean at this point about mixed ecology g7muFI0cTq4-00403-00089622-00089861 I think is spot on across the network g7muFI0cTq4-00404-00089862-00090023 investment and the money controlled by g7muFI0cTq4-00405-00090024-00090256 BBC Scotland you want that range of work g7muFI0cTq4-00406-00090257-00090461 it helps build the sector it helps build g7muFI0cTq4-00407-00090462-00090718 skills but it is worth saying that in g7muFI0cTq4-00408-00090719-00090959 terms of the plans that the BBC laid out g7muFI0cTq4-00409-00090960-00091276 last year across the UK it is about g7muFI0cTq4-00410-00091277-00091541 transfer of investment outside the M25 g7muFI0cTq4-00411-00091542-00091823 it's about 700 million pounds up to the g7muFI0cTq4-00412-00091824-00092147 period 27.28 but it's also about what is g7muFI0cTq4-00413-00092148-00092368 made and who it reflects so one of the g7muFI0cTq4-00414-00092369-00092506 commitments alongside the financial g7muFI0cTq4-00415-00092507-00092753 movement is that at least a hundred g7muFI0cTq4-00416-00092754-00092987 comedy titles drama titles over the next g7muFI0cTq4-00417-00092988-00093250 three years are authentically rooted now g7muFI0cTq4-00418-00093251-00093371 you can talk about location you can talk g7muFI0cTq4-00419-00093372-00093653 about mindset World viewed acts and g7muFI0cTq4-00420-00093654-00093923 whatever but that they feel and come and g7muFI0cTq4-00421-00093924-00094079 feel authentically rooted and you want g7muFI0cTq4-00422-00094080-00094247 that mix you want that mix of investment g7muFI0cTq4-00423-00094248-00094468 and you want that to ensure that there's g7muFI0cTq4-00424-00094469-00094673 an authentic portrayal of the different g7muFI0cTq4-00425-00094674-00094829 parts of the UK g7muFI0cTq4-00426-00094830-00095032 and finally just on the back of that and g7muFI0cTq4-00427-00095033-00095218 that's that's very helpful I suppose my g7muFI0cTq4-00428-00095219-00095555 an issue of a question I've read before g7muFI0cTq4-00429-00095556-00095729 um has been about writing and promoting g7muFI0cTq4-00430-00095730-00095897 new writing g7muFI0cTq4-00431-00095898-00096011 um when you're talking about whether g7muFI0cTq4-00432-00096012-00096173 talking about portraying Scotland or g7muFI0cTq4-00433-00096174-00096347 saying anything g7muFI0cTq4-00434-00096348-00096556 um but portray it but but g7muFI0cTq4-00435-00096557-00096875 um encouraging new writing um within g7muFI0cTq4-00436-00096876-00097067 Scotland that would g7muFI0cTq4-00437-00097068-00097247 um that would give backbone to the g7muFI0cTq4-00438-00097248-00097373 programs you're talking about so I'm g7muFI0cTq4-00439-00097374-00097529 just just curious to know again what's g7muFI0cTq4-00440-00097530-00097811 being done to to promote that a key part g7muFI0cTq4-00441-00097812-00098171 of what we're here for so yes thank you g7muFI0cTq4-00442-00098172-00098315 for the question g7muFI0cTq4-00443-00098316-00098453 um it's you're absolutely right it's g7muFI0cTq4-00444-00098454-00098626 absolutely key in terms of authentic g7muFI0cTq4-00445-00098627-00098861 portrayal and storytelling that really g7muFI0cTq4-00446-00098862-00099100 reflects a modern Scotland which is what g7muFI0cTq4-00447-00099101-00099394 we're all here for and we have various g7muFI0cTq4-00448-00099395-00099635 ways of developing writing talent and g7muFI0cTq4-00449-00099636-00099791 one that you will probably all be aware g7muFI0cTq4-00450-00099792-00099994 of is BBC writer's room which has been g7muFI0cTq4-00451-00099995-00100199 incredibly successful over the past few g7muFI0cTq4-00452-00100200-00100391 years so we have a close relationship g7muFI0cTq4-00453-00100392-00100576 with them and Gavin Smith who's the g7muFI0cTq4-00454-00100577-00100823 commissioner for scripted in my team and g7muFI0cTq4-00455-00100824-00101009 luxury closely with the writer's room g7muFI0cTq4-00456-00101010-00101356 and some examples of actual programming g7muFI0cTq4-00457-00101357-00101668 that's come from that recently and was a g7muFI0cTq4-00458-00101669-00101843 partnership that we entered into with g7muFI0cTq4-00459-00101844-00102047 screen Scotland which was a short form g7muFI0cTq4-00460-00102048-00102323 drama opportunity in the iPlayer space g7muFI0cTq4-00461-00102324-00102556 and as you know drama is very very g7muFI0cTq4-00462-00102557-00102736 expensive so actually giving somebody g7muFI0cTq4-00463-00102738-00103084 their first writing break on screen and g7muFI0cTq4-00464-00103085-00103289 iPlayer is a fantastic space to be able g7muFI0cTq4-00465-00103290-00103510 to do that and short form again has got g7muFI0cTq4-00466-00103511-00103744 massive appeal to younger audiences so g7muFI0cTq4-00467-00103745-00103894 marrying that up g7muFI0cTq4-00468-00103895-00104068 um with our desire to develop Talent g7muFI0cTq4-00469-00104069-00104297 attract different audiences and we g7muFI0cTq4-00470-00104298-00104518 commissioned Steph Smith and well we g7muFI0cTq4-00471-00104519-00104644 commissioned a range of scripts through g7muFI0cTq4-00472-00104645-00104849 the writer's room and then selected one g7muFI0cTq4-00473-00104850-00105095 script to take to series and which g7muFI0cTq4-00474-00105096-00105245 resulted in a really successful series g7muFI0cTq4-00475-00105246-00105413 called float which you can watch on g7muFI0cTq4-00476-00105414-00105610 iPlayer which has subsequently gone on g7muFI0cTq4-00477-00105611-00105886 to win a screen mirror award now we're g7muFI0cTq4-00478-00105888-00106073 replicating that experience this year g7muFI0cTq4-00479-00106074-00106289 and working with screen Scotland again g7muFI0cTq4-00480-00106290-00106523 and this time we've selected a writer g7muFI0cTq4-00481-00106524-00106702 called James price g7muFI0cTq4-00482-00106703-00106919 um who is a writer from school I'm just g7muFI0cTq4-00483-00106920-00107081 writing a piece all based in Dundee g7muFI0cTq4-00484-00107082-00107357 called Dog Days again in that short form g7muFI0cTq4-00485-00107358-00107621 space where he can have his first chance g7muFI0cTq4-00486-00107622-00107884 at serialized writing that's one example g7muFI0cTq4-00487-00107885-00108113 of how we develop Talent of course we g7muFI0cTq4-00488-00108114-00108263 also have River City which is a g7muFI0cTq4-00489-00108264-00108473 brilliant training ground g7muFI0cTq4-00490-00108474-00108647 um for writing talent and we've seen g7muFI0cTq4-00491-00108648-00108815 writers from River City go on to all g7muFI0cTq4-00492-00108816-00109019 manner of other huge shows I mean our g7muFI0cTq4-00493-00109020-00109127 challenge whatever city is really g7muFI0cTq4-00494-00109128-00109283 hanging on to that talent because they g7muFI0cTq4-00495-00109283-00109463 develop them so well so yes g7muFI0cTq4-00496-00109464-00109673 congratulations to River City 20 years g7muFI0cTq4-00497-00109674-00109901 of fantastic programming and what they g7muFI0cTq4-00498-00109902-00110045 do from the set for the sector in g7muFI0cTq4-00499-00110046-00110297 writing is fantastic thank you very much g7muFI0cTq4-00500-00110298-00110404 thank you g7muFI0cTq4-00501-00110405-00110651 thank you um could you thank Mr Russell g7muFI0cTq4-00502-00110652-00110801 please g7muFI0cTq4-00503-00110802-00110999 um can I ask you about the proposed g7muFI0cTq4-00504-00111000-00111245 sell-off of Channel 4 and what the g7muFI0cTq4-00505-00111246-00111490 impact may be on the BBC either directly g7muFI0cTq4-00506-00111491-00111808 or indirectly g7muFI0cTq4-00507-00111809-00112054 yeah I mean clearly that that's a that's g7muFI0cTq4-00508-00112055-00112133 a matter g7muFI0cTq4-00509-00112133-00112283 um for you UK government and you'll be g7muFI0cTq4-00510-00112283-00112402 seeing g7muFI0cTq4-00511-00112403-00112583 um the debate and discussion around the g7muFI0cTq4-00512-00112583-00112757 future channel for at the moment I mean g7muFI0cTq4-00513-00112758-00113008 our view is that the public sector and g7muFI0cTq4-00514-00113009-00113254 the mix of Public Service broadcasting g7muFI0cTq4-00515-00113255-00113633 in the UK is a very precious thing and g7muFI0cTq4-00516-00113633-00113801 you want and when we think about the g7muFI0cTq4-00517-00113802-00113939 development of the Scottish creative g7muFI0cTq4-00518-00113940-00114383 sector a mix of buyers a mix of funders g7muFI0cTq4-00519-00114383-00114502 a mix of g7muFI0cTq4-00520-00114503-00114778 um a mix of suppliers is crucial in g7muFI0cTq4-00521-00114779-00114928 terms of the sustainability of the g7muFI0cTq4-00522-00114929-00115127 sector but in terms of what the right g7muFI0cTq4-00523-00115128-00115283 structure is for channel four I think g7muFI0cTq4-00524-00115283-00115451 that's a discussion for Channel 4 in the g7muFI0cTq4-00525-00115452-00115601 UK government g7muFI0cTq4-00526-00115602-00115865 we've had some very strong evidence from g7muFI0cTq4-00527-00115866-00116093 the Independent production sector in g7muFI0cTq4-00528-00116094-00116260 this Committee of of the potential g7muFI0cTq4-00529-00116261-00116423 impact g7muFI0cTq4-00530-00116424-00116608 um does does that have where does that g7muFI0cTq4-00531-00116609-00116795 sit within your risk registered do you g7muFI0cTq4-00532-00116796-00117047 have concerns that certain Indies may g7muFI0cTq4-00533-00117048-00117293 not be here in a few years time as a g7muFI0cTq4-00534-00117294-00117515 result of Channel 4 being privatized g7muFI0cTq4-00535-00117516-00117652 would there be a pressure then on the g7muFI0cTq4-00536-00117653-00117965 BBC to to support the independent sector g7muFI0cTq4-00537-00117966-00118199 at a higher level what would be the g7muFI0cTq4-00538-00118200-00118378 budgetary impacts of that what are the g7muFI0cTq4-00539-00118379-00118552 impacts in terms of your own strategy I g7muFI0cTq4-00540-00118553-00118727 mean I know you can't say politically g7muFI0cTq4-00541-00118728-00118943 where what your views might be about g7muFI0cTq4-00542-00118944-00119213 privatization of Channel 4 but surely g7muFI0cTq4-00543-00119214-00119525 for your strategy it could be very g7muFI0cTq4-00544-00119526-00119675 significant I think before handing over g7muFI0cTq4-00545-00119676-00119902 to Louise about the the the the sector g7muFI0cTq4-00546-00119903-00120065 generally I mean I think it is that kind g7muFI0cTq4-00547-00120066-00120316 of mixed ecology you know I I don't g7muFI0cTq4-00548-00120317-00120557 think it's a coincidence that the UK as g7muFI0cTq4-00549-00120558-00120665 a whole and I think increasingly g7muFI0cTq4-00550-00120666-00120821 Scotland now itself g7muFI0cTq4-00551-00120822-00121097 has uh developed a really flourishing g7muFI0cTq4-00552-00121098-00121397 broadcast industry of global strength g7muFI0cTq4-00553-00121398-00121589 with a mixture of the license fee core g7muFI0cTq4-00554-00121590-00121871 funding and a strong independent or g7muFI0cTq4-00555-00121872-00122104 commercial PSB sector including in g7muFI0cTq4-00556-00122105-00122466 channel four and I think both of EBC um g7muFI0cTq4-00557-00122467-00122734 give some examples both the BBC and g7muFI0cTq4-00558-00122735-00122897 channel four have been very focused on g7muFI0cTq4-00559-00122898-00123131 developing The Wider creative sector to g7muFI0cTq4-00560-00123132-00123340 key part I always think of our mission I g7muFI0cTq4-00561-00123341-00123599 often say you know BBC Scotland is is uh g7muFI0cTq4-00562-00123600-00123719 you know we're the largest creative g7muFI0cTq4-00563-00123720-00123899 organization in Scotland but we're not g7muFI0cTq4-00564-00123900-00124108 the only time and really what we want to g7muFI0cTq4-00565-00124109-00124360 be is it sort of a an enabler an anchor g7muFI0cTq4-00566-00124361-00124607 tenant for The Wider sector so we pay g7muFI0cTq4-00567-00124608-00124751 close attention to growing and g7muFI0cTq4-00568-00124752-00124973 developing the independent sector in g7muFI0cTq4-00569-00124974-00125225 Scotland as Channel 4 have as well g7muFI0cTq4-00570-00125226-00125560 um in terms of the future strategy g7muFI0cTq4-00571-00125561-00125740 um yes thanks Steve g7muFI0cTq4-00572-00125741-00125981 um yes I think you know what whatever g7muFI0cTq4-00573-00125982-00126154 happens with this particular issue we're g7muFI0cTq4-00574-00126155-00126365 focused on developing the sector no g7muFI0cTq4-00575-00126366-00126515 matter how that changes over the next g7muFI0cTq4-00576-00126516-00126658 few years g7muFI0cTq4-00577-00126659-00126916 um and part of our strategy is how do we g7muFI0cTq4-00578-00126917-00127108 bring business into Scotland with the g7muFI0cTq4-00579-00127109-00127295 with the budgets that we control how are g7muFI0cTq4-00580-00127296-00127451 we spending that g7muFI0cTq4-00581-00127452-00127702 um in a way that develops uh the sector g7muFI0cTq4-00582-00127703-00127823 in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-00583-00127824-00127984 um returning series that's a massive g7muFI0cTq4-00584-00127985-00128243 priority for us um you know both within g7muFI0cTq4-00585-00128244-00128423 factual and you're looking to bring in g7muFI0cTq4-00586-00128424-00128669 more drama through Scotland as well g7muFI0cTq4-00587-00128670-00128831 um and increasingly we're looking at how g7muFI0cTq4-00588-00128832-00129083 we co-commission with um the likes of g7muFI0cTq4-00589-00129083-00129275 BBC Network so we have a strategy where g7muFI0cTq4-00590-00129276-00129514 we are committed uh to a certain level g7muFI0cTq4-00591-00129515-00129766 of funding per year we will match fund g7muFI0cTq4-00592-00129767-00130073 50 50 50 projects with network and g7muFI0cTq4-00593-00130074-00130264 across all the genres so something like g7muFI0cTq4-00594-00130265-00130552 gout is a fantastic example of that and g7muFI0cTq4-00595-00130553-00130751 Martin comps and Scottish fling which is g7muFI0cTq4-00596-00130752-00130901 out at the moment is a co-commission g7muFI0cTq4-00597-00130902-00131104 with BBC Two g7muFI0cTq4-00598-00131105-00131278 um and we have two more dramas coming g7muFI0cTq4-00599-00131279-00131566 through this Autumn Granite Harbor which g7muFI0cTq4-00600-00131567-00131801 Steve's already mentioned and mayflies g7muFI0cTq4-00601-00131802-00132004 which is an adaptation of the Andrew g7muFI0cTq4-00602-00132005-00132269 Hagen book so in terms of developing the g7muFI0cTq4-00603-00132270-00132473 sector that is our key priority how do g7muFI0cTq4-00604-00132474-00132707 we bring more high impact content g7muFI0cTq4-00605-00132708-00132928 through Scottish and he's developing g7muFI0cTq4-00606-00132929-00133216 Scottish sector and and then the second g7muFI0cTq4-00607-00133217-00133409 part of that is how do we alleviate g7muFI0cTq4-00608-00133410-00133654 other funding for ideas and increasingly g7muFI0cTq4-00609-00133655-00133871 we're looking at other partners in terms g7muFI0cTq4-00610-00133872-00134128 of Distributors and other models where g7muFI0cTq4-00611-00134129-00134297 we can bring additional funding working g7muFI0cTq4-00612-00134298-00134507 with independent sector to bring those g7muFI0cTq4-00613-00134508-00134849 into production budgets g7muFI0cTq4-00614-00134850-00135161 I think I can to tell a positive story g7muFI0cTq4-00615-00135162-00135340 uh I think obviously the work of this g7muFI0cTq4-00616-00135341-00135478 committee looks at the economic impact g7muFI0cTq4-00617-00135479-00135690 as well as cultural and creative g7muFI0cTq4-00618-00135691-00135952 the sector in Scotland with the g7muFI0cTq4-00619-00135953-00136273 investment at the BBC put in from g7muFI0cTq4-00620-00136274-00136571 2018-19 and channel 4 obviously offering g7muFI0cTq4-00621-00136572-00136793 their commitment as well I mean the the g7muFI0cTq4-00622-00136794-00136961 independent the creative sector here in g7muFI0cTq4-00623-00136962-00137104 Scotland really Rose to that challenge g7muFI0cTq4-00624-00137105-00137278 and I think we saw like a very g7muFI0cTq4-00625-00137279-00137459 significant increase not just in in g7muFI0cTq4-00626-00137460-00137681 volume but I think it was fair to say g7muFI0cTq4-00627-00137682-00138004 quality and ambition like covert to have g7muFI0cTq4-00628-00138005-00138233 stopped us in our tracks for a period of g7muFI0cTq4-00629-00138234-00138449 time although the sector ourselves had g7muFI0cTq4-00630-00138450-00138640 other ways to work as as you know but I g7muFI0cTq4-00631-00138641-00138766 think there's a very sort of strong g7muFI0cTq4-00632-00138767-00138947 momentum story building there and I g7muFI0cTq4-00633-00138948-00139066 think the creation of screen Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00634-00139067-00139228 have been part of that as well so I g7muFI0cTq4-00635-00139229-00139409 think you know I think Scotland could be g7muFI0cTq4-00636-00139410-00139589 proud of the creative sector the g7muFI0cTq4-00637-00139590-00139763 independent broadcast sector as well as g7muFI0cTq4-00638-00139764-00139961 our BBC Scotland uh it directly does g7muFI0cTq4-00639-00139962-00140177 itself and I think you know with support g7muFI0cTq4-00640-00140178-00140351 that momentum will continue and continue g7muFI0cTq4-00641-00140352-00140627 to have those positive economic impacts g7muFI0cTq4-00642-00140628-00140957 if Netflix bought Channel 4 what would g7muFI0cTq4-00643-00140958-00141763 be the implications for the BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00644-00141764-00142013 Channel 4 is an independent broadcaster g7muFI0cTq4-00645-00142014-00142175 uh it had its own relationship with g7muFI0cTq4-00646-00142176-00142252 government I don't think it's g7muFI0cTq4-00647-00142253-00142469 appropriate for us to speculate on the g7muFI0cTq4-00648-00142470-00142666 different for us to speculate on on the g7muFI0cTq4-00649-00142667-00143045 different models I think we the BBC has g7muFI0cTq4-00650-00143046-00143339 a view that one about the unique roles g7muFI0cTq4-00651-00143340-00143452 that we have g7muFI0cTq4-00652-00143453-00143740 um is to portray the diversity of the UK g7muFI0cTq4-00653-00143741-00143914 now clearly Netflix does many things g7muFI0cTq4-00654-00143915-00144178 very well but it's authentic portrayal g7muFI0cTq4-00655-00144179-00144395 of the UK isn't is nothing like the g7muFI0cTq4-00656-00144396-00144604 scale of commitment and ambition that g7muFI0cTq4-00657-00144605-00144809 the BBC has and I think we have to be g7muFI0cTq4-00658-00144810-00145133 really honest about the financial g7muFI0cTq4-00659-00145134-00145397 position facing public broadcasting um g7muFI0cTq4-00660-00145398-00145619 at the in in the UK at the moment I mean g7muFI0cTq4-00661-00145620-00145864 we are as you know in high inflationary g7muFI0cTq4-00662-00145865-00146171 times and the BBC is dealing with an g7muFI0cTq4-00663-00146172-00146387 inflation a license fee settlement that g7muFI0cTq4-00664-00146388-00146578 is flat g7muFI0cTq4-00665-00146579-00146752 um now that is incredibly challenging g7muFI0cTq4-00666-00146753-00146945 it's challenging for every organization g7muFI0cTq4-00667-00146946-00147245 but I you know when we set out last last g7muFI0cTq4-00668-00147246-00147497 May that we thought that inflation frees g7muFI0cTq4-00669-00147498-00147863 uh represents about a 285 million pound g7muFI0cTq4-00670-00147864-00148193 funding gap for the BBC through to 2728 g7muFI0cTq4-00671-00148194-00148433 inflation has probably moved that closer g7muFI0cTq4-00672-00148434-00148757 to between 400 and 500 million so we're g7muFI0cTq4-00673-00148758-00148990 ambitious it's fantastic to see added g7muFI0cTq4-00674-00148991-00149183 investment additional investment going g7muFI0cTq4-00675-00149184-00149369 into Scotland year on years we bounce g7muFI0cTq4-00676-00149370-00149543 back from covert and it's great to see g7muFI0cTq4-00677-00149544-00149716 those numbers reflected in the annual g7muFI0cTq4-00678-00149717-00150016 report but we also need to be uh honest g7muFI0cTq4-00679-00150017-00150269 with with the committee that the the g7muFI0cTq4-00680-00150270-00150425 financial challenges facing public g7muFI0cTq4-00681-00150426-00150623 broadcasting in the UK are are g7muFI0cTq4-00682-00150624-00150743 significant g7muFI0cTq4-00683-00150744-00150964 uh and it is only the public g7muFI0cTq4-00684-00150965-00151235 broadcasters that have in their DNA DNA g7muFI0cTq4-00685-00151236-00151451 that commitment to reflect the real g7muFI0cTq4-00686-00151452-00151714 diversity of this country I understand g7muFI0cTq4-00687-00151715-00151931 your reluctance to go on the public g7muFI0cTq4-00688-00151932-00152051 record g7muFI0cTq4-00689-00152052-00152278 um in relation to channel four but I I g7muFI0cTq4-00690-00152279-00152519 would I would hope that the board of the g7muFI0cTq4-00691-00152520-00152681 BBC would be looking very carefully at g7muFI0cTq4-00692-00152682-00152951 this and that the the the Financial Risk g7muFI0cTq4-00693-00152952-00153137 as well as the risk to the to the whole g7muFI0cTq4-00694-00153138-00153311 sector particularly independent sector g7muFI0cTq4-00695-00153312-00153557 would be would be a matter of intense g7muFI0cTq4-00696-00153558-00153785 discussion well I mean there are always g7muFI0cTq4-00697-00153786-00153947 private discussions within the BBC and g7muFI0cTq4-00698-00153948-00154066 there's quite a lot of swirl at the g7muFI0cTq4-00699-00154067-00154259 moment as you'll know uh better than I g7muFI0cTq4-00700-00154260-00154457 in terms of the future shape of Channel g7muFI0cTq4-00701-00154458-00154678 4 and the intent of the UK government I g7muFI0cTq4-00702-00154679-00154811 just don't think g7muFI0cTq4-00703-00154812-00155063 um the BBC publicly discussing different g7muFI0cTq4-00704-00155064-00155333 scenarios is is either helpful or g7muFI0cTq4-00705-00155334-00155531 appropriate for uh given the g7muFI0cTq4-00706-00155532-00155704 independence of Channel 4. we'll have to g7muFI0cTq4-00707-00155705-00155921 guess what the impact is then thanks g7muFI0cTq4-00708-00155922-00156137 so one thing again from an economic g7muFI0cTq4-00709-00156138-00156340 development perspective and again you g7muFI0cTq4-00710-00156341-00156581 know Netflix is great I think probably g7muFI0cTq4-00711-00156582-00156754 all subscribed to it it doesn't g7muFI0cTq4-00712-00156755-00156887 obviously have anything remotely like g7muFI0cTq4-00713-00156888-00157157 the range of bite size or other services g7muFI0cTq4-00714-00157158-00157325 but from an economic development g7muFI0cTq4-00715-00157326-00157469 perspective and I speak as a former g7muFI0cTq4-00716-00157470-00157654 independent producer myself g7muFI0cTq4-00717-00157655-00157919 what you also find in in the UK is the g7muFI0cTq4-00718-00157920-00158111 terms of trade with the independent g7muFI0cTq4-00719-00158112-00158387 company can grow an idea they will then g7muFI0cTq4-00720-00158388-00158590 own the IP and be able to exploit it g7muFI0cTq4-00721-00158591-00158759 with a share coming back to the license g7muFI0cTq4-00722-00158760-00158963 payer and that again has been a hugely g7muFI0cTq4-00723-00158964-00159109 influential part in growing the sector g7muFI0cTq4-00724-00159110-00159466 under terms of trade with primarily U.S g7muFI0cTq4-00725-00159467-00159689 based streamers the producer gets paid g7muFI0cTq4-00726-00159690-00159845 to make the program but all the rights g7muFI0cTq4-00727-00159846-00160097 then are retained that's a fundamentally g7muFI0cTq4-00728-00160098-00160325 different model and it's I think the g7muFI0cTq4-00729-00160326-00160445 model that we have with our terms of g7muFI0cTq4-00730-00160446-00160619 trade has been a huge part in growing up g7muFI0cTq4-00731-00160620-00160859 success story of the of the sector thank g7muFI0cTq4-00732-00160860-00161014 you g7muFI0cTq4-00733-00161015-00161302 display it thanks very much it's good to g7muFI0cTq4-00734-00161303-00161447 read the report I've got a couple of g7muFI0cTq4-00735-00161448-00161633 questions about g7muFI0cTq4-00736-00161634-00161897 um how you effectively Market BBC to g7muFI0cTq4-00737-00161898-00162101 people in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00738-00162102-00162239 um and if you look at the off Quorum g7muFI0cTq4-00739-00162240-00162454 report and when they were looking at BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00740-00162455-00162652 2021 g7muFI0cTq4-00741-00162653-00162826 um they highlighted that some audience g7muFI0cTq4-00742-00162827-00163001 groups have lower satisfaction with the g7muFI0cTq4-00743-00163002-00163247 BBC and they highlighted disabled g7muFI0cTq4-00744-00163248-00163469 audiences those in Scotland and those g7muFI0cTq4-00745-00163470-00163714 from less well-off backgrounds so as to g7muFI0cTq4-00746-00163715-00163859 what extent are you reaching out to g7muFI0cTq4-00747-00163860-00164123 those audiences and we've talked a g7muFI0cTq4-00748-00164124-00164261 little bit about different ways to g7muFI0cTq4-00749-00164262-00164609 access TV but I'm also interested about g7muFI0cTq4-00750-00164610-00164801 the future g7muFI0cTq4-00751-00164802-00165016 um viewers and younger people in g7muFI0cTq4-00752-00165017-00165233 particular so what is your strategy to g7muFI0cTq4-00753-00165234-00165478 address those issues both from a g7muFI0cTq4-00754-00165479-00165664 Scottish context but that diversity g7muFI0cTq4-00755-00165665-00165851 issue in terms of audience ratings g7muFI0cTq4-00756-00165852-00166013 actually g7muFI0cTq4-00757-00166014-00166252 um thank you for the question g7muFI0cTq4-00758-00166253-00166475 um first of all we know that we have g7muFI0cTq4-00759-00166476-00166613 challenges g7muFI0cTq4-00760-00166614-00166828 um and we know that certain groups g7muFI0cTq4-00761-00166829-00167111 um we find harder to reach so that's g7muFI0cTq4-00762-00167112-00167261 absolutely you know something that we g7muFI0cTq4-00763-00167262-00167543 look at within the data and and within g7muFI0cTq4-00764-00167544-00167693 the commissioning team we are all g7muFI0cTq4-00765-00167694-00167921 absolutely alive to g7muFI0cTq4-00766-00167922-00168083 um in terms I'll take the second part of g7muFI0cTq4-00767-00168084-00168293 the question first um about younger g7muFI0cTq4-00768-00168294-00168754 audiences and so younger audiences seem g7muFI0cTq4-00769-00168755-00168935 to be a really hard to reach group but g7muFI0cTq4-00770-00168936-00169145 actually when you look at the data and g7muFI0cTq4-00771-00169146-00169523 we find that 75 of them of them use BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00772-00169524-00169757 iPlayer it's the preferred board so from g7muFI0cTq4-00773-00169758-00169966 that from that start you know I take g7muFI0cTq4-00774-00169967-00170207 heart and and then when I look at the g7muFI0cTq4-00775-00170208-00170411 data on some of the programs that we're g7muFI0cTq4-00776-00170412-00170704 making so for example our sport our g7muFI0cTq4-00777-00170705-00170945 programs our sport output and particular g7muFI0cTq4-00778-00170946-00171185 live sport our championship games on a g7muFI0cTq4-00779-00171186-00171371 Friday bringing High volumes of young g7muFI0cTq4-00780-00171372-00171689 people and as do programs very big g7muFI0cTq4-00781-00171690-00171911 successful programs like murder case g7muFI0cTq4-00782-00171912-00172301 guilt and River City has 25 percent g7muFI0cTq4-00783-00172302-00172499 um of its audience on iPlayer from a g7muFI0cTq4-00784-00172500-00172835 younger age bracket so we we are we are g7muFI0cTq4-00785-00172836-00173009 attracting young audiences I'm not g7muFI0cTq4-00786-00173010-00173159 pretending that we're a young audience g7muFI0cTq4-00787-00173160-00173381 service we're not we're we're abroad you g7muFI0cTq4-00788-00173382-00173645 know Universal service and I can see the g7muFI0cTq4-00789-00173646-00173909 points um in our programming where we do g7muFI0cTq4-00790-00173910-00174137 get we do have younger audiences so our g7muFI0cTq4-00791-00174138-00174311 challenge is how do we retain them and g7muFI0cTq4-00792-00174312-00174478 how do we make them feel that the BBC is g7muFI0cTq4-00793-00174479-00174737 for them and that comes to the second g7muFI0cTq4-00794-00174738-00174959 part of our strategy which is where do g7muFI0cTq4-00795-00174960-00175133 they see themselves on the BBC in g7muFI0cTq4-00796-00175134-00175331 particularly BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00797-00175332-00175493 um so if I take an example of something g7muFI0cTq4-00798-00175494-00175739 like transmit and Scotland's biggest g7muFI0cTq4-00799-00175740-00175888 Music Festival g7muFI0cTq4-00800-00175889-00176087 um fantastic Music Festival I think if g7muFI0cTq4-00801-00176088-00176326 you're 15 years old and possibly not g7muFI0cTq4-00802-00176327-00176476 when you're in your 40s like me and I g7muFI0cTq4-00803-00176477-00176759 went to it but I really really popular g7muFI0cTq4-00804-00176760-00176975 festival with young people and what we g7muFI0cTq4-00805-00176976-00177226 see is a million people are watching it g7muFI0cTq4-00806-00177227-00177401 on our services and half of those are g7muFI0cTq4-00807-00177402-00177575 young people watching g7muFI0cTq4-00808-00177576-00177797 um on iPlayer and that's their that's g7muFI0cTq4-00809-00177798-00178037 their your viewing habits or g7muFI0cTq4-00810-00178038-00178247 um I think we need to make sure iPlayer g7muFI0cTq4-00811-00178248-00178493 strategy is very strong and I think when g7muFI0cTq4-00812-00178494-00178661 we have that content that we know g7muFI0cTq4-00813-00178662-00178852 attracts young people we need to look at g7muFI0cTq4-00814-00178853-00179087 how we Market to so to your marketing g7muFI0cTq4-00815-00179088-00179369 point and our team who led by Jillian g7muFI0cTq4-00816-00179370-00179602 Morrison we've launched recently a tick g7muFI0cTq4-00817-00179603-00179759 tock account g7muFI0cTq4-00818-00179760-00179951 um that that took a while you know with g7muFI0cTq4-00819-00179952-00180149 the BBC just like you know authorize a g7muFI0cTq4-00820-00180150-00180287 tech Talk account but what we're seeing g7muFI0cTq4-00821-00180288-00180502 is younger audiences are finding our g7muFI0cTq4-00822-00180503-00180785 content comedy sport music we know they g7muFI0cTq4-00823-00180786-00181073 will come to us and for for those uh g7muFI0cTq4-00824-00181074-00181276 those genres and we know that Tick Tock g7muFI0cTq4-00825-00181277-00181523 Instagram still Facebook actually as g7muFI0cTq4-00826-00181524-00181697 well we've got a very healthy audience g7muFI0cTq4-00827-00181698-00181828 on Facebook and a very healthy young g7muFI0cTq4-00828-00181829-00182116 audience and we also have the social g7muFI0cTq4-00829-00182117-00182326 which is absolutely targeted at young g7muFI0cTq4-00830-00182327-00182566 people and it's targeted a young g7muFI0cTq4-00831-00182567-00182783 audience in terms of consumption but g7muFI0cTq4-00832-00182784-00182963 it's also targeted a young audience in g7muFI0cTq4-00833-00182964-00183161 terms of them seeing and hearing g7muFI0cTq4-00834-00183162-00183388 themselves and the social g7muFI0cTq4-00835-00183389-00183514 um for those that don't know is a g7muFI0cTq4-00836-00183515-00183719 co-creation project so we have a team g7muFI0cTq4-00837-00183720-00183976 who work all across Scotland working g7muFI0cTq4-00838-00183977-00184109 with young people from all different g7muFI0cTq4-00839-00184110-00184385 backgrounds and and to your diversity g7muFI0cTq4-00840-00184386-00184540 point the social has very strong g7muFI0cTq4-00841-00184541-00184811 diversity targets built in to make sure g7muFI0cTq4-00842-00184812-00184997 that we are hitting those and we are g7muFI0cTq4-00843-00184998-00185213 hearing from underserved audiences g7muFI0cTq4-00844-00185214-00185428 that's how we term it g7muFI0cTq4-00845-00185429-00185687 um and it's within the social they g7muFI0cTq4-00846-00185688-00185873 create hundreds of pieces of content a g7muFI0cTq4-00847-00185874-00186095 year and from all over Scotland from g7muFI0cTq4-00848-00186096-00186293 young people who might not have had a g7muFI0cTq4-00849-00186294-00186449 relationship with the BBC in the past g7muFI0cTq4-00850-00186450-00186640 and what we've seen and it's been going g7muFI0cTq4-00851-00186641-00186887 for several years now and we've seen g7muFI0cTq4-00852-00186888-00187013 that a lot of those young people have g7muFI0cTq4-00853-00187014-00187175 then gone on to work in the industry g7muFI0cTq4-00854-00187176-00187469 which is absolutely fantastic and and g7muFI0cTq4-00855-00187470-00187631 some some of those young people who have g7muFI0cTq4-00856-00187632-00187871 created content for the social have also g7muFI0cTq4-00857-00187872-00188164 then made programs for BBC Scotland and g7muFI0cTq4-00858-00188165-00188387 so for example roaming in the wild was a g7muFI0cTq4-00859-00188388-00188543 program that developed from two young g7muFI0cTq4-00860-00188544-00188740 men who were making short form content g7muFI0cTq4-00861-00188741-00188963 they then got a six part half hour g7muFI0cTq4-00862-00188964-00189263 series on BBC Scotland and coming to g7muFI0cTq4-00863-00189264-00189533 your screen since the town two young g7muFI0cTq4-00864-00189534-00189688 people who are friends and they're going g7muFI0cTq4-00865-00189689-00189976 to go and Sample and food from places in g7muFI0cTq4-00866-00189977-00190102 Scotland that you know you might not g7muFI0cTq4-00867-00190103-00190271 normally go to g7muFI0cTq4-00868-00190272-00190409 um in terms of like you know your g7muFI0cTq4-00869-00190410-00190661 culinary experience so and we have a g7muFI0cTq4-00870-00190662-00190816 really strong strategy in terms of young g7muFI0cTq4-00871-00190817-00191069 audiences and from those types of g7muFI0cTq4-00872-00191070-00191243 projects but we're also looking at the g7muFI0cTq4-00873-00191244-00191447 the bigger programs that do bring in g7muFI0cTq4-00874-00191448-00191638 young audiences we're thinking how do we g7muFI0cTq4-00875-00191639-00191854 do more of those we can see murder case g7muFI0cTq4-00876-00191855-00192047 as well we can see Crime Files does g7muFI0cTq4-00877-00192048-00192269 really well with young audiences and g7muFI0cTq4-00878-00192270-00192514 paramedics on scene where we can see g7muFI0cTq4-00879-00192515-00192695 people from all over Scotland doing g7muFI0cTq4-00880-00192696-00192916 everyday really important jobs again g7muFI0cTq4-00881-00192917-00193181 doing very well with young audiences g7muFI0cTq4-00882-00193182-00193373 um and our relationship with BBC three g7muFI0cTq4-00883-00193374-00193601 is very strong as well and we g7muFI0cTq4-00884-00193602-00193859 co-commissioned two programs g7muFI0cTq4-00885-00193860-00194111 um last year and wild weekends and a g7muFI0cTq4-00886-00194112-00194273 series that's just out at the moment sky g7muFI0cTq4-00887-00194274-00194428 high club which shows the young people g7muFI0cTq4-00888-00194429-00194716 who work in loganair and flying all over g7muFI0cTq4-00889-00194717-00195023 the country again good portrayal we see g7muFI0cTq4-00890-00195024-00195233 young people but it's also the treatment g7muFI0cTq4-00891-00195234-00195413 of that program if you were to watch it g7muFI0cTq4-00892-00195414-00195647 is delivered in a very BBC three type g7muFI0cTq4-00893-00195648-00195971 way so it looks and feels very Young g7muFI0cTq4-00894-00195972-00196187 okay thanks for that the other side of g7muFI0cTq4-00895-00196188-00196378 that in terms of young people as career g7muFI0cTq4-00896-00196379-00196637 opportunities and one day you've talked g7muFI0cTq4-00897-00196638-00196828 a bit about um production in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00898-00196829-00197135 can I get a sense of production across g7muFI0cTq4-00899-00197136-00197357 Scotland because obviously a lot of our g7muFI0cTq4-00900-00197358-00197513 Productions in Glasgow what about the g7muFI0cTq4-00901-00197514-00197740 rest of the country and kind of pick up g7muFI0cTq4-00902-00197741-00198071 the particular issue of BBC News to what g7muFI0cTq4-00903-00198072-00198352 extent is that across the country or g7muFI0cTq4-00904-00198353-00198551 just mainly focused in Glasgow what are g7muFI0cTq4-00905-00198552-00198683 the opportunities for young people g7muFI0cTq4-00906-00198684-00198976 getting into the sector journalism to g7muFI0cTq4-00907-00198977-00199247 act or be behind the camera what are the g7muFI0cTq4-00908-00199248-00199481 opportunities there yeah well I'll I'll g7muFI0cTq4-00909-00199482-00199799 start off on the direct BBC and BBC g7muFI0cTq4-00910-00199800-00200033 Scotland um initiatives we have and then g7muFI0cTq4-00911-00200034-00200249 maybe more broadly the the the the wider g7muFI0cTq4-00912-00200250-00200447 sector support so g7muFI0cTq4-00913-00200448-00200549 um g7muFI0cTq4-00914-00200550-00200795 I I think BBC Scotland is a really g7muFI0cTq4-00915-00200796-00200945 strong track record going going back a g7muFI0cTq4-00916-00200946-00201119 decade or more in apprenticeships and g7muFI0cTq4-00917-00201120-00201371 trainees games are actually it means the g7muFI0cTq4-00918-00201372-00201502 demographics of our Workforce are g7muFI0cTq4-00919-00201503-00201659 actually different g7muFI0cTq4-00920-00201660-00201959 um and I think you know right now uh in g7muFI0cTq4-00921-00201960-00202181 in Scotland there are 60 apprentices and g7muFI0cTq4-00922-00202182-00202373 trainees and that's bases all around g7muFI0cTq4-00923-00202374-00202669 Scotland as you know we have a we've uh g7muFI0cTq4-00924-00202670-00202931 12 bases around Scotland and those g7muFI0cTq4-00925-00202932-00203069 apprenticeships g7muFI0cTq4-00926-00203070-00203309 um 17 started this month and I think g7muFI0cTq4-00927-00203310-00203447 would you just started another 17 in g7muFI0cTq4-00928-00203448-00203614 January and they're right across the uh g7muFI0cTq4-00929-00203615-00203890 the range from journalism production g7muFI0cTq4-00930-00203891-00204016 production management broadcast g7muFI0cTq4-00931-00204017-00204269 engineering software engineering user g7muFI0cTq4-00932-00204270-00204569 design and you know as I say that's a g7muFI0cTq4-00933-00204570-00204814 very big firm commitment but it's also g7muFI0cTq4-00934-00204815-00205060 an enormous bonus for us because the way g7muFI0cTq4-00935-00205061-00205216 you can we can we recruit those g7muFI0cTq4-00936-00205217-00205414 apprentices we deliberately go to people g7muFI0cTq4-00937-00205415-00205558 who maybe wouldn't have ever thought of g7muFI0cTq4-00938-00205559-00205757 the BBC as a career for them and so with g7muFI0cTq4-00939-00205758-00205858 their diversity of thought and g7muFI0cTq4-00940-00205859-00206051 background is incredibly strong and I g7muFI0cTq4-00941-00206052-00206194 think the other thing which is hugely g7muFI0cTq4-00942-00206196-00206405 important in our industry where so much g7muFI0cTq4-00943-00206406-00206603 of it relies on sort of work experience g7muFI0cTq4-00944-00206604-00206771 etc etc is that these are paid g7muFI0cTq4-00945-00206771-00207016 apprenticeships and trainees and that in g7muFI0cTq4-00946-00207017-00207232 itself opens access to people who you g7muFI0cTq4-00947-00207233-00207436 can't afford to live off the bank of mum g7muFI0cTq4-00948-00207437-00207581 and dad so I think that commitment's g7muFI0cTq4-00949-00207582-00207748 there has been hugely valuable to us now g7muFI0cTq4-00950-00207750-00207881 that's our direct employment and g7muFI0cTq4-00951-00207882-00208031 obviously Louise then with our g7muFI0cTq4-00952-00208032-00208186 commissioning hard on works with a g7muFI0cTq4-00953-00208187-00208408 number of other agencies g7muFI0cTq4-00954-00208409-00208534 um thanks Steve g7muFI0cTq4-00955-00208535-00208696 um so I've mentioned the social and g7muFI0cTq4-00956-00208698-00208858 obviously that does a great job in terms g7muFI0cTq4-00957-00208859-00208973 of bringing young people into the g7muFI0cTq4-00958-00208973-00209242 industry and we have a really healthy g7muFI0cTq4-00959-00209244-00209464 partnership with screen Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00960-00209465-00209734 um and within um the mou we have a g7muFI0cTq4-00961-00209735-00209867 screen Scotland we have a number of g7muFI0cTq4-00962-00209867-00210142 initiatives and we've just launched our g7muFI0cTq4-00963-00210144-00210310 new director's initiative which has g7muFI0cTq4-00964-00210311-00210617 aimed at young people and shooting their g7muFI0cTq4-00965-00210617-00210905 first broadcast hour or half hour and g7muFI0cTq4-00966-00210906-00211115 within that initiative we select g7muFI0cTq4-00967-00211116-00211367 candidates from different and diverse g7muFI0cTq4-00968-00211367-00211625 backgrounds and we place them within the g7muFI0cTq4-00969-00211626-00211871 independent sector so that should be g7muFI0cTq4-00970-00211871-00212134 delivering um later on this year and g7muFI0cTq4-00971-00212135-00212398 also within the mou it was in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-00972-00212400-00212615 and there's initiative called format g7muFI0cTq4-00973-00212616-00212831 labs and that's about bringing g7muFI0cTq4-00974-00212832-00213010 um Talent at different levels into g7muFI0cTq4-00975-00213011-00213365 factual programming and and there is the g7muFI0cTq4-00976-00213366-00213682 rad diversity scheme as well and but g7muFI0cTq4-00977-00213683-00213923 beyond that and we're always looking for g7muFI0cTq4-00978-00213923-00214139 opportunities where we can g7muFI0cTq4-00979-00214140-00214331 um bring trainees into some of our g7muFI0cTq4-00980-00214332-00214553 production and so Granite Harbor which g7muFI0cTq4-00981-00214554-00214708 is the drama set in Aberdeen that's g7muFI0cTq4-00982-00214709-00214960 going at least here this year and we had g7muFI0cTq4-00983-00214961-00215194 a training program at the heart of that g7muFI0cTq4-00984-00215196-00215423 and to bring on new Talent Because We g7muFI0cTq4-00985-00215423-00215698 Know Drama is booming in Scotland so we g7muFI0cTq4-00986-00215700-00215860 really need to bring new people in that g7muFI0cTq4-00987-00215861-00216058 way and within River City as well we g7muFI0cTq4-00988-00216059-00216301 have a very very active training program g7muFI0cTq4-00989-00216302-00216551 and where we see lots of you know young g7muFI0cTq4-00990-00216552-00216779 and new people coming through through g7muFI0cTq4-00991-00216780-00217115 that production as well and I was just g7muFI0cTq4-00992-00217116-00217348 going to mention one one more thing g7muFI0cTq4-00993-00217350-00217648 um in October we're launching g7muFI0cTq4-00994-00217650-00217889 um a series for Black History Month and g7muFI0cTq4-00995-00217890-00218153 working with a an indie who's bringing g7muFI0cTq4-00996-00218154-00218387 through young black Talent writing g7muFI0cTq4-00997-00218388-00218675 performing and and directing and so we g7muFI0cTq4-00998-00218676-00218837 really do look for opportunities where g7muFI0cTq4-00999-00218838-00219005 we can do that I think BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01000-00219006-00219173 really is a place where we can develop g7muFI0cTq4-01001-00219173-00219377 new talent and you know and take a risk g7muFI0cTq4-01002-00219378-00219592 sometimes on people as well g7muFI0cTq4-01003-00219594-00219808 I think to your direct point then about g7muFI0cTq4-01004-00219809-00220019 sort of distribution of our journalists g7muFI0cTq4-01005-00220019-00220223 you know we have in all those bases BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01006-00220223-00220396 journalists uh working you know from g7muFI0cTq4-01007-00220398-00220655 Edinburgh Dundee Aberdeen Inverness g7muFI0cTq4-01008-00220656-00221039 portray store Elisha and uh orkney g7muFI0cTq4-01009-00221040-00221273 um to your wider point it's something I g7muFI0cTq4-01010-00221273-00221458 have noticed working in Scotland the the g7muFI0cTq4-01011-00221459-00221632 broad creative sector is very Glasgow g7muFI0cTq4-01012-00221633-00221789 focused and I do think it is part of our g7muFI0cTq4-01013-00221790-00222005 role and through commissioning very g7muFI0cTq4-01014-00222006-00222142 strong as well to make sure we kind of g7muFI0cTq4-01015-00222144-00222310 go outside Glasgow and make sure we g7muFI0cTq4-01016-00222311-00222587 represent uh all of Scotland as a direct g7muFI0cTq4-01017-00222588-00222821 example a few years ago we were pitched g7muFI0cTq4-01018-00222821-00223006 a series about a children's hospital and g7muFI0cTq4-01019-00223007-00223156 it was set here and we said we're g7muFI0cTq4-01020-00223157-00223348 interested in the area but we don't we g7muFI0cTq4-01021-00223350-00223498 don't want it here so actually at that g7muFI0cTq4-01022-00223500-00223660 was then commissioned through Aberdeen g7muFI0cTq4-01023-00223661-00223841 so I think it you know it's it's g7muFI0cTq4-01024-00223842-00224008 something we're constantly focused on we g7muFI0cTq4-01025-00224009-00224129 need to make sure we're representing all g7muFI0cTq4-01026-00224130-00224237 of Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01027-00224238-00224506 okay thank you okay okay I bring him g7muFI0cTq4-01028-00224507-00224794 briefly Dutch Helen yeah just uh briefly g7muFI0cTq4-01029-00224796-00224998 um when you mentioned young audiences um g7muFI0cTq4-01030-00225000-00225173 I was interested in g7muFI0cTq4-01031-00225173-00225329 um the issue of audio content there's g7muFI0cTq4-01032-00225330-00225467 certainly no shortage of interest in g7muFI0cTq4-01033-00225467-00225671 audio content from younger people g7muFI0cTq4-01034-00225671-00226001 podcasts and so on but I don't listen to g7muFI0cTq4-01035-00226002-00226192 Radioactive because I have to I have to g7muFI0cTq4-01036-00226194-00226415 admit if I let's let a younger member of g7muFI0cTq4-01037-00226416-00226696 my family or friends or what colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-01038-00226698-00226805 that have heard something on the radio g7muFI0cTq4-01039-00226806-00227039 they give me a very puzzled look g7muFI0cTq4-01040-00227040-00227332 so audio content for young people g7muFI0cTq4-01041-00227333-00227542 whoever is that live what does the g7muFI0cTq4-01042-00227544-00227692 future of that look like g7muFI0cTq4-01043-00227694-00228017 and thank you for the question and so g7muFI0cTq4-01044-00228017-00228203 where we see young audiences coming to g7muFI0cTq4-01045-00228204-00228460 radio at sport to be honest sports sound g7muFI0cTq4-01046-00228461-00228677 does a brilliant job and we know there's g7muFI0cTq4-01047-00228678-00228887 an audience need for the for sport live g7muFI0cTq4-01048-00228888-00229055 Sport and SportsZone delivers g7muFI0cTq4-01049-00229056-00229258 brilliantly but what we are seeing is a g7muFI0cTq4-01050-00229259-00229391 lot of those young people are picking up g7muFI0cTq4-01051-00229392-00229715 on BBC sounds now so we have seen growth g7muFI0cTq4-01052-00229716-00229901 on that platform g7muFI0cTq4-01053-00229902-00230087 um again today to the earlier question g7muFI0cTq4-01054-00230088-00230279 it's how when people when young people g7muFI0cTq4-01055-00230280-00230446 come to that platform to listen to our g7muFI0cTq4-01056-00230448-00230656 sport content how do we then surface g7muFI0cTq4-01057-00230657-00230891 other content to them g7muFI0cTq4-01058-00230892-00231082 um because we have been investing over g7muFI0cTq4-01059-00231083-00231292 the past few years in podcasts now we g7muFI0cTq4-01060-00231294-00231467 know that's a growth area and we know g7muFI0cTq4-01061-00231467-00231682 it's a growth area for young people and g7muFI0cTq4-01062-00231683-00231821 so one of our podcasts that's done g7muFI0cTq4-01063-00231821-00232060 incredibly well with young people is um g7muFI0cTq4-01064-00232061-00232325 the brewdog podcast we know it's an area g7muFI0cTq4-01065-00232326-00232451 of interest g7muFI0cTq4-01066-00232452-00232648 um and uh you know it's a brand that's g7muFI0cTq4-01067-00232650-00232853 that's known to them so g7muFI0cTq4-01068-00232854-00233092 um within that portfolio also g7muFI0cTq4-01069-00233094-00233303 um True Crime again does very well with g7muFI0cTq4-01070-00233304-00233489 young audiences so we've got a very g7muFI0cTq4-01071-00233490-00233675 successful podcast called who killed EMA g7muFI0cTq4-01072-00233676-00233831 which I think was setting it over a g7muFI0cTq4-01073-00233832-00234034 million downloads and a strong youth g7muFI0cTq4-01074-00234035-00234298 profile and but beyond that in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-01075-00234300-00234389 music g7muFI0cTq4-01076-00234390-00234653 transmit again is a great way in Bella g7muFI0cTq4-01077-00234654-00234827 drum that we co-commissioned with BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01078-00234828-00235144 Alba and as we do with transmit and and g7muFI0cTq4-01079-00235146-00235331 then also we have a very successful g7muFI0cTq4-01080-00235332-00235571 partnership with BBC introducing and g7muFI0cTq4-01081-00235571-00235732 that skew's very young because that's g7muFI0cTq4-01082-00235733-00236015 all about celebrating new music new g7muFI0cTq4-01083-00236016-00236273 artists in Scotland and the way that we g7muFI0cTq4-01084-00236273-00236573 structure that program is um we put it g7muFI0cTq4-01085-00236573-00236975 out live on on radio Scotland and but we g7muFI0cTq4-01086-00236976-00237208 also put it as a podcast on BBC sounds g7muFI0cTq4-01087-00237209-00237617 and and then last year we also extended g7muFI0cTq4-01088-00237617-00237832 that brand and to produce a TV g7muFI0cTq4-01089-00237833-00238037 competition show called Scottish Act of g7muFI0cTq4-01090-00238038-00238229 the year which has done very well with g7muFI0cTq4-01091-00238230-00238367 young people g7muFI0cTq4-01092-00238367-00238594 um and the winner of that was um bims g7muFI0cTq4-01093-00238596-00238775 who's a rap artist from g7muFI0cTq4-01094-00238776-00238889 Ayrshire g7muFI0cTq4-01095-00238890-00239146 um and just a fantastic Talent known to g7muFI0cTq4-01096-00239148-00239417 young people perhaps not known to me but g7muFI0cTq4-01097-00239417-00239615 is now and that that's where we see the g7muFI0cTq4-01098-00239616-00239746 real benefit of something like BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01099-00239748-00239896 introducing that's about Grassroots g7muFI0cTq4-01100-00239898-00240089 Music it's something that BBC does g7muFI0cTq4-01101-00240090-00240298 brilliantly it's a very strong brand for g7muFI0cTq4-01102-00240300-00240527 the BBC and we've really leaned into g7muFI0cTq4-01103-00240528-00240742 that in Scotland and are delivering it g7muFI0cTq4-01104-00240744-00241217 digitally for young people thank you g7muFI0cTq4-01105-00241217-00241456 thank you convener I think we've touched g7muFI0cTq4-01106-00241457-00241631 on some of this and I'm I'm also g7muFI0cTq4-01107-00241632-00241805 conscious of the testing Financial g7muFI0cTq4-01108-00241806-00241996 backdrop but I'm g7muFI0cTq4-01109-00241998-00242291 Keen to get on the record g7muFI0cTq4-01110-00242292-00242506 um how your development plans for g7muFI0cTq4-01111-00242507-00242746 capacity building in the regions if you g7muFI0cTq4-01112-00242748-00242932 like Beyond Glasgow and particularly g7muFI0cTq4-01113-00242933-00243491 focused around Dundee and Aberdeen g7muFI0cTq4-01114-00243492-00243671 um so in terms of how we're building g7muFI0cTq4-01115-00243671-00243892 capacity in Aberdeen we have a very g7muFI0cTq4-01116-00243894-00244091 strong production sector in Aberdeen and g7muFI0cTq4-01117-00244092-00244319 Beech Grove landward you know some of g7muFI0cTq4-01118-00244319-00244553 our our strongest programs and come from g7muFI0cTq4-01119-00244554-00244744 that area so we know there's a there's g7muFI0cTq4-01120-00244746-00245039 Talent there and um we're actually just g7muFI0cTq4-01121-00245040-00245296 about to extend Beech Grove to do um a g7muFI0cTq4-01122-00245298-00245501 run of winter specials again using the g7muFI0cTq4-01123-00245502-00245608 Talon g7muFI0cTq4-01124-00245609-00245867 um from that area but also the fact that g7muFI0cTq4-01125-00245867-00246082 um we did research to find out what g7muFI0cTq4-01126-00246083-00246227 other audiences might like from that g7muFI0cTq4-01127-00246228-00246353 program so we're always thinking about g7muFI0cTq4-01128-00246354-00246448 where we have something that's g7muFI0cTq4-01129-00246450-00246634 successful you know how do we do more g7muFI0cTq4-01130-00246635-00246881 I've mentioned Granite Harbor again that g7muFI0cTq4-01131-00246882-00247079 was about building the sector in g7muFI0cTq4-01132-00247080-00247265 Aberdeen in terms of drama so the g7muFI0cTq4-01133-00247266-00247432 training program we put at the heart of g7muFI0cTq4-01134-00247433-00247648 granite Harbor was absolutely g7muFI0cTq4-01135-00247650-00247829 um about that g7muFI0cTq4-01136-00247830-00248069 um in terms of Dundee g7muFI0cTq4-01137-00248069-00248260 um we did a piece of research recently g7muFI0cTq4-01138-00248261-00248465 that showed that Dundee was perhaps one g7muFI0cTq4-01139-00248466-00248644 of the places in Scotland that felt g7muFI0cTq4-01140-00248646-00248915 underserved by the BBC so with that in g7muFI0cTq4-01141-00248916-00248992 mind g7muFI0cTq4-01142-00248994-00249179 um we have created a strategy that's g7muFI0cTq4-01143-00249180-00249425 looking at local audience answers and g7muFI0cTq4-01144-00249426-00249706 and really kind of um thinking about how g7muFI0cTq4-01145-00249707-00249869 we deliver more value for those g7muFI0cTq4-01146-00249869-00250127 audiences so actually at the moment and g7muFI0cTq4-01147-00250128-00250294 we're running a four-week look what g7muFI0cTq4-01148-00250296-00250546 we're calling our local pilot within the g7muFI0cTq4-01149-00250548-00250810 Dundee and Tay side area g7muFI0cTq4-01150-00250811-00251015 um where we are g7muFI0cTq4-01151-00251016-00251219 um making sure we have a volume of g7muFI0cTq4-01152-00251219-00251392 programming coming from that area g7muFI0cTq4-01153-00251394-00251705 including um an increased digital news g7muFI0cTq4-01154-00251706-00251842 offer g7muFI0cTq4-01155-00251844-00252010 um debate night last night came from g7muFI0cTq4-01156-00252011-00252353 Dundee and we've just uh published a g7muFI0cTq4-01157-00252354-00252569 podcast commissioned by Gareth Hayes g7muFI0cTq4-01158-00252569-00252755 called the cruelty which is a story of g7muFI0cTq4-01159-00252756-00252934 the unknown burn g7muFI0cTq4-01160-00252935-00253169 um from tayport and what we're doing g7muFI0cTq4-01161-00253169-00253373 over the next month and is looking at g7muFI0cTq4-01162-00253373-00253601 our Sports output can also lean into g7muFI0cTq4-01163-00253602-00253834 Dundee and then once we've finished our g7muFI0cTq4-01164-00253835-00254039 pilot what we're going to do is measure g7muFI0cTq4-01165-00254040-00254260 the impact on that increased volume of g7muFI0cTq4-01166-00254261-00254496 content and also with a wrap around g7muFI0cTq4-01167-00254498-00254782 marketing and content Discovery to make g7muFI0cTq4-01168-00254783-00254944 sure that when audiences come to us they g7muFI0cTq4-01169-00254946-00255173 can find other content and hopefully g7muFI0cTq4-01170-00255173-00255425 we'll see a very positive of impact from g7muFI0cTq4-01171-00255426-00255617 that pilot that will allow us to g7muFI0cTq4-01172-00255617-00255929 replicate it in across Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01173-00255930-00256151 thank you it's very useful back to you g7muFI0cTq4-01174-00256152-00256331 convener I've got Miss mentor and then g7muFI0cTq4-01175-00256332-00256439 I'll come to g7muFI0cTq4-01176-00256440-00256558 thank you g7muFI0cTq4-01177-00256559-00256781 um last year I asked about g7muFI0cTq4-01178-00256782-00256967 um program Commissioners being based g7muFI0cTq4-01179-00256967-00257110 Network program commissioner has been g7muFI0cTq4-01180-00257111-00257321 based in Scotland just interested to g7muFI0cTq4-01181-00257321-00257537 hear about the the progress that you've g7muFI0cTq4-01182-00257538-00257717 made there g7muFI0cTq4-01183-00257717-00258082 yes again Louise yes I can see that g7muFI0cTq4-01184-00258083-00258394 um so as I said I I sit with him the g7muFI0cTq4-01185-00258396-00258689 five BBC Scotland Commissioners so um g7muFI0cTq4-01186-00258690-00258892 David Herron commissions factual Gareth g7muFI0cTq4-01187-00258894-00259192 House Radio Gavin Smith scripted Steve g7muFI0cTq4-01188-00259194-00259451 Allen popular fracture and Tony Nelly g7muFI0cTq4-01189-00259452-00259798 Sport and Fat Joe and software reset and g7muFI0cTq4-01190-00259800-00259996 in Pacific key in Glasgow but you know g7muFI0cTq4-01191-00259998-00260158 obviously we're out in the sector quite g7muFI0cTq4-01192-00260159-00260477 a lot as well and we also sit next to g7muFI0cTq4-01193-00260478-00260729 our um Network commissioning colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-01194-00260730-00260891 and our garlic commissioning colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-01195-00260892-00260998 so g7muFI0cTq4-01196-00261000-00261358 um from Network we have I think I think g7muFI0cTq4-01197-00261359-00261556 we have five Network Commissioners and g7muFI0cTq4-01198-00261557-00261706 we've just recruited an assistant g7muFI0cTq4-01199-00261707-00261971 commissioner for drama so Gainer homes g7muFI0cTq4-01200-00261971-00262169 is the network commissioner for drama g7muFI0cTq4-01201-00262170-00262534 and get a Gainer and Gavin and work in g7muFI0cTq4-01202-00262535-00262775 collaboration on projects like Grand g7muFI0cTq4-01203-00262776-00263069 Harbor mayflies and so we've got a very g7muFI0cTq4-01204-00263070-00263308 strong relationship there and Stephanie g7muFI0cTq4-01205-00263309-00263453 Fife has started as the assistant g7muFI0cTq4-01206-00263454-00263663 commissioner again working with Gainer g7muFI0cTq4-01207-00263664-00263873 but also working with Garvin on g7muFI0cTq4-01208-00263874-00264173 developing new writing talent and Muslim g7muFI0cTq4-01209-00264174-00264508 Alim works on daytime so he works in g7muFI0cTq4-01210-00264509-00264682 collaboration and mostly with Steve g7muFI0cTq4-01211-00264683-00265006 Allen and Neil McCallum is entertainment g7muFI0cTq4-01212-00265007-00265265 and we've got some BBC three projects on g7muFI0cTq4-01213-00265266-00265480 the go with Neil at the moment and g7muFI0cTq4-01214-00265481-00265721 Gregor sharp is comedy commissioner and g7muFI0cTq4-01215-00265722-00265882 again Gregor and Governor work really g7muFI0cTq4-01216-00265883-00266080 closely on things like guilt they g7muFI0cTq4-01217-00266081-00266297 co-commission that together and and g7muFI0cTq4-01218-00266298-00266615 Julia Bond also sits in Scotland and she g7muFI0cTq4-01219-00266616-00266723 commissions g7muFI0cTq4-01220-00266724-00266879 um I think she might be based in Skype g7muFI0cTq4-01221-00266880-00267005 I'll have to check that but she g7muFI0cTq4-01222-00267006-00267227 commissions for for a network but out of g7muFI0cTq4-01223-00267228-00267365 Scotland and working with Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01224-00267366-00267677 Indies great thank you it does um sound g7muFI0cTq4-01225-00267678-00267947 like um it feels very joined up in the g7muFI0cTq4-01226-00267948-00268289 way that you're um talking there Louise g7muFI0cTq4-01227-00268290-00268601 and I noticed in the papers today that g7muFI0cTq4-01228-00268602-00268967 um the BBC had a program launch g7muFI0cTq4-01229-00268968-00269153 um and was talking about the cost of g7muFI0cTq4-01230-00269154-00269471 living crisis and has said that it wants g7muFI0cTq4-01231-00269472-00269632 to produce or is going to be g7muFI0cTq4-01232-00269633-00269837 transmitting programs that are escapism g7muFI0cTq4-01233-00269838-00270227 but also resilience and then also cost g7muFI0cTq4-01234-00270228-00270479 of living elements will be throughout g7muFI0cTq4-01235-00270480-00270706 the program so I'm interested to know g7muFI0cTq4-01236-00270707-00270910 what BBC sport fund's planning to do g7muFI0cTq4-01237-00270911-00271079 that because slightly different g7muFI0cTq4-01238-00271080-00271403 environment here g7muFI0cTq4-01239-00271404-00271469 um g7muFI0cTq4-01240-00271470-00271637 I think it's a really really good g7muFI0cTq4-01241-00271638-00271810 question and something that we've been g7muFI0cTq4-01242-00271811-00272069 discussing at length and with with Kate g7muFI0cTq4-01243-00272070-00272279 Phillips who's taken over unscripted in g7muFI0cTq4-01244-00272280-00272597 network and our Approach at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-01245-00272598-00272765 is absolutely to build it through our g7muFI0cTq4-01246-00272766-00273041 output so news will be covering it g7muFI0cTq4-01247-00273042-00273317 extensively and Gareth has the g7muFI0cTq4-01248-00273318-00273527 commissions radio Scotland has has just g7muFI0cTq4-01249-00273528-00273647 built that throughout the entire g7muFI0cTq4-01250-00273648-00273821 schedule so if you listen to radio g7muFI0cTq4-01251-00273822-00274103 Scotland and you'll hear it being you g7muFI0cTq4-01252-00274104-00274355 know all the issues being discussed g7muFI0cTq4-01253-00274356-00274523 um through good morning Scotland but g7muFI0cTq4-01254-00274524-00274745 also through to morning phone in as well g7muFI0cTq4-01255-00274746-00274853 so g7muFI0cTq4-01256-00274854-00275080 um we've been covering the energy crisis g7muFI0cTq4-01257-00275081-00275387 and rent freeze and but then also g7muFI0cTq4-01258-00275388-00275608 looking at um a property surgery as well g7muFI0cTq4-01259-00275609-00275843 so we're thinking actually it's not just g7muFI0cTq4-01260-00275844-00276058 a one program for us it's how do we g7muFI0cTq4-01261-00276059-00276263 build this through the output g7muFI0cTq4-01262-00276264-00276484 um but specifically we'll also be g7muFI0cTq4-01263-00276485-00276701 looking at how debate night can really g7muFI0cTq4-01264-00276702-00276832 lean into that because we want to hear g7muFI0cTq4-01265-00276833-00277103 people's voices as well and as well as g7muFI0cTq4-01266-00277104-00277229 experts but we want to hear real g7muFI0cTq4-01267-00277230-00277577 people's experiences and and the social g7muFI0cTq4-01268-00277578-00277805 will be looking at how the impact on g7muFI0cTq4-01269-00277806-00277967 young people so they'll be producing g7muFI0cTq4-01270-00277968-00278249 short form content again and letting g7muFI0cTq4-01271-00278250-00278410 young people share their their stories g7muFI0cTq4-01272-00278411-00278656 and their voices around about this g7muFI0cTq4-01273-00278657-00279130 um and Beyond um Beyond those programs g7muFI0cTq4-01274-00279131-00279413 um River City always is alive to what's g7muFI0cTq4-01275-00279414-00279658 going on in the world so and they'll be g7muFI0cTq4-01276-00279659-00279784 thinking about how they bring that into g7muFI0cTq4-01277-00279785-00280006 their storyline as well g7muFI0cTq4-01278-00280007-00280169 um so that's the Approach at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-01279-00280170-00280391 but in terms of and but escapism is g7muFI0cTq4-01280-00280392-00280577 absolutely key so I think our Autumn g7muFI0cTq4-01281-00280578-00280756 schedule's looking looking really strong g7muFI0cTq4-01282-00280757-00280991 we've got we've got a mix of kind of you g7muFI0cTq4-01283-00280992-00281201 know the harder hitting the content that g7muFI0cTq4-01284-00281202-00281417 will help you and but then also we've g7muFI0cTq4-01285-00281418-00281645 got some some wonderful programming g7muFI0cTq4-01286-00281646-00281903 about renovating houses traveling around g7muFI0cTq4-01287-00281904-00282167 Scotland you know drama and comedy to g7muFI0cTq4-01288-00282168-00282545 come through as well and um BBC Alaba as g7muFI0cTq4-01289-00282546-00282634 well g7muFI0cTq4-01290-00282635-00282851 um absolutely BBC Alba's got some g7muFI0cTq4-01291-00282852-00283151 fantastic content coming up and they g7muFI0cTq4-01292-00283152-00283360 have a new drama I'm going to try and g7muFI0cTq4-01293-00283361-00283558 pronounce this properly g7muFI0cTq4-01294-00283559-00283877 um and Claw more and I hope I hope g7muFI0cTq4-01295-00283878-00284015 that's the way I pronounce it Margaret g7muFI0cTq4-01296-00284016-00284225 Mary has been very helpful I'm not I'm g7muFI0cTq4-01297-00284226-00284417 not a native speaker g7muFI0cTq4-01298-00284418-00284632 um all about uh Harris Tweed I think g7muFI0cTq4-01299-00284633-00284747 that's going to be a really fantastic g7muFI0cTq4-01300-00284748-00284993 drama for BBC Alba and and their g7muFI0cTq4-01301-00284994-00285191 award-winning documentary series is also g7muFI0cTq4-01302-00285192-00285323 looking at g7muFI0cTq4-01303-00285324-00285527 um a gaming you know in gaming culture g7muFI0cTq4-01304-00285528-00285701 again there maybe so we're really g7muFI0cTq4-01305-00285702-00285821 thinking about how do they push into g7muFI0cTq4-01306-00285822-00286132 younger Galaxy speakers as well g7muFI0cTq4-01307-00286133-00286379 and if I may ask as well g7muFI0cTq4-01308-00286380-00286691 um about the budgets um Roger you g7muFI0cTq4-01309-00286692-00286901 mentioned the fact that BBC Scotland the g7muFI0cTq4-01310-00286902-00287141 BBC budget overall um has his stand g7muFI0cTq4-01311-00287142-00287410 still but you are in the advantage and g7muFI0cTq4-01312-00287411-00287579 that you you know how much money you've g7muFI0cTq4-01313-00287580-00287891 got in the coming years and some like g7muFI0cTq4-01314-00287892-00288184 things I read reading and Gail and BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01315-00288185-00288532 aliba's funding BBC SS funding have g7muFI0cTq4-01316-00288533-00288689 remained g7muFI0cTq4-01317-00288690-00288919 um or appear to remain at the same level g7muFI0cTq4-01318-00288920-00289234 and so no inflationary Rises so I'm just g7muFI0cTq4-01319-00289235-00289534 interested to know how that might impact g7muFI0cTq4-01320-00289535-00289853 on output for example where can the g7muFI0cTq4-01321-00289854-00290093 orchestra continue to travel g7muFI0cTq4-01322-00290094-00290321 well thank you for that I mean the first g7muFI0cTq4-01323-00290322-00290477 thing to say is obviously it's g7muFI0cTq4-01324-00290478-00290729 incredibly encouraging to see the g7muFI0cTq4-01325-00290730-00290891 increase in spend in Scotland over the g7muFI0cTq4-01326-00290892-00291023 last year I know that's been a focus of g7muFI0cTq4-01327-00291024-00291179 attention g7muFI0cTq4-01328-00291180-00291508 um here and I I think the to see that g7muFI0cTq4-01329-00291509-00291713 bounce back from covid across our spend g7muFI0cTq4-01330-00291714-00291923 both in on Scotland Scottish services g7muFI0cTq4-01331-00291924-00292180 but also Network Services it is the g7muFI0cTq4-01332-00292181-00292360 right direction and you know Steve and I g7muFI0cTq4-01333-00292361-00292499 would share the ambition to see that g7muFI0cTq4-01334-00292500-00292660 grow further g7muFI0cTq4-01335-00292661-00292955 um again it's a I guess it's a reality g7muFI0cTq4-01336-00292956-00293153 check this is an organization that has g7muFI0cTq4-01337-00293154-00293495 faced a 30 reduction in real terms uh in g7muFI0cTq4-01338-00293496-00293663 the value of the license fee over the g7muFI0cTq4-01339-00293664-00293837 last 10 years g7muFI0cTq4-01340-00293838-00294029 um that has driven and you know Steve g7muFI0cTq4-01341-00294030-00294263 and I have uh in Daily discussions g7muFI0cTq4-01342-00294264-00294443 around you know how do you how do you g7muFI0cTq4-01343-00294444-00294760 ensure that you put every penny into g7muFI0cTq4-01344-00294761-00295049 content and reduce as much as you can if g7muFI0cTq4-01345-00295050-00295343 you like the costs of doing business g7muFI0cTq4-01346-00295344-00295697 um but as I say the the license fee g7muFI0cTq4-01347-00295698-00295829 settlement g7muFI0cTq4-01348-00295830-00296015 um which was you know not the outcome we g7muFI0cTq4-01349-00296016-00296158 were looking for g7muFI0cTq4-01350-00296159-00296308 um two years flat g7muFI0cTq4-01351-00296309-00296603 um at a generationally high point in g7muFI0cTq4-01352-00296604-00296908 inflation is is difficult and I don't I g7muFI0cTq4-01353-00296909-00297149 don't come here to ask for sympathy it's g7muFI0cTq4-01354-00297150-00297341 every organization across the country is g7muFI0cTq4-01355-00297342-00297587 facing a similar predicament g7muFI0cTq4-01356-00297588-00297701 um but we'll have to look at that and g7muFI0cTq4-01357-00297702-00297851 we're going to have to look at it across g7muFI0cTq4-01358-00297852-00298025 across the board and it's too too early g7muFI0cTq4-01359-00298026-00298265 to speculate how we will go about it as g7muFI0cTq4-01360-00298266-00298529 I say our Focus has always been how do g7muFI0cTq4-01361-00298530-00298829 you drive uh reductions in areas like g7muFI0cTq4-01362-00298830-00299039 procurement areas like distribution g7muFI0cTq4-01363-00299040-00299273 areas which that don't touch and affect g7muFI0cTq4-01364-00299274-00299519 the audience because in the end the real g7muFI0cTq4-01365-00299520-00299717 test for the BBC going into the next g7muFI0cTq4-01366-00299718-00299939 Charter will be what is the value that g7muFI0cTq4-01367-00299940-00300208 people get for the 159 pounds that they g7muFI0cTq4-01368-00300209-00300508 spend on their license fee each year so g7muFI0cTq4-01369-00300509-00300689 you have to protect as far as you can g7muFI0cTq4-01370-00300690-00301013 you'll spend on content but the g7muFI0cTq4-01371-00301014-00301229 challenge we have and which I detailed a g7muFI0cTq4-01372-00301230-00301421 little earlier is that the assumptions g7muFI0cTq4-01373-00301422-00301708 that we made in terms of the impact of g7muFI0cTq4-01374-00301709-00302003 the original license fee deal g7muFI0cTq4-01375-00302004-00302177 um hadn't obviously g7muFI0cTq4-01376-00302178-00302410 um anticipate the level of inflationary g7muFI0cTq4-01377-00302411-00302519 pressure we're seeing whether that's g7muFI0cTq4-01378-00302520-00302753 energy costs whether that's g7muFI0cTq4-01379-00302754-00302921 um the inflate the hyperinflation that g7muFI0cTq4-01380-00302922-00303089 we see in the production sector given g7muFI0cTq4-01381-00303090-00303353 the the demand for skills g7muFI0cTq4-01382-00303354-00303569 um so you know that that that that that g7muFI0cTq4-01383-00303570-00303869 Financial challenge as I say by 27 28 of g7muFI0cTq4-01384-00303870-00304108 between maybe four and 500 million is g7muFI0cTq4-01385-00304109-00304229 something that we're going to have to g7muFI0cTq4-01386-00304230-00304330 Circle g7muFI0cTq4-01387-00304331-00304558 but I I what I would say is we are g7muFI0cTq4-01388-00304559-00304847 ambitious to see Scotland continuing to g7muFI0cTq4-01389-00304848-00305087 grow and continue to thrive but it's g7muFI0cTq4-01390-00305088-00305273 against an incredibly constrained g7muFI0cTq4-01391-00305274-00305356 Financial g7muFI0cTq4-01392-00305357-00305554 um backdrop at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-01393-00305555-00305819 I I would say to your point about g7muFI0cTq4-01394-00305820-00306017 stability at a time if you get back over g7muFI0cTq4-01395-00306018-00306310 successive on your reports at a time g7muFI0cTq4-01396-00306311-00306473 when other budgets other Investments g7muFI0cTq4-01397-00306474-00306610 were going up and dying we've maintained g7muFI0cTq4-01398-00306611-00306791 investments in our organic Services g7muFI0cTq4-01399-00306792-00306971 because we recognize how valuable they g7muFI0cTq4-01400-00306972-00307151 are there was significant investment g7muFI0cTq4-01401-00307152-00307499 came into uh BBC Alba's news news g7muFI0cTq4-01402-00307500-00307679 coverage the weekends over over one g7muFI0cTq4-01403-00307680-00308080 million in 1819 and again through it g7muFI0cTq4-01404-00308081-00308237 through the succeeding years when when g7muFI0cTq4-01405-00308238-00308375 other things were being were being g7muFI0cTq4-01406-00308376-00308651 reduced we've maintained that level of g7muFI0cTq4-01407-00308652-00308806 investment that it has grown on other g7muFI0cTq4-01408-00308807-00309010 incremental things such as speak Gaelic g7muFI0cTq4-01409-00309011-00309215 have been added to it and we we know the g7muFI0cTq4-01410-00309216-00309437 value that those Services both BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01411-00309438-00309658 Albert and radio and Gail have amongst g7muFI0cTq4-01412-00309659-00309773 their target audience they're very very g7muFI0cTq4-01413-00309774-00309947 highly valued and they're usually g7muFI0cTq4-01414-00309948-00310187 important part of our or if I remit g7muFI0cTq4-01415-00310188-00310354 we're currently working g7muFI0cTq4-01416-00310355-00310553 um in terms of the partnership we have g7muFI0cTq4-01417-00310554-00310745 with mgl but we're working with about g7muFI0cTq4-01418-00310746-00310919 organization to see how we make sure we g7muFI0cTq4-01419-00310920-00311201 can continue to offer services on linear g7muFI0cTq4-01420-00311202-00311356 but also increasingly on the on the g7muFI0cTq4-01421-00311357-00311729 digital digital future so we we we know g7muFI0cTq4-01422-00311730-00311854 there's a high demand we know there's a g7muFI0cTq4-01423-00311855-00311993 demand for language learning for example g7muFI0cTq4-01424-00311994-00312304 in garlic which the Duolingo app I think g7muFI0cTq4-01425-00312305-00312443 showed to us g7muFI0cTq4-01426-00312444-00312671 um and I think speak galactan is also a g7muFI0cTq4-01427-00312672-00312869 part of that as well that we can use in g7muFI0cTq4-01428-00312870-00313030 partnership with mg Alba and others we g7muFI0cTq4-01429-00313031-00313247 can use our our platforms our services g7muFI0cTq4-01430-00313248-00313534 to help you know make an impact there g7muFI0cTq4-01431-00313535-00313732 and if only just one very quick question g7muFI0cTq4-01432-00313733-00314027 what what um what do you do with all the g7muFI0cTq4-01433-00314028-00314134 information that you get from g7muFI0cTq4-01434-00314135-00314363 Productions on the Albert g7muFI0cTq4-01435-00314364-00314603 um system you were talking about g7muFI0cTq4-01436-00314604-00314747 um environmental footprints that g7muFI0cTq4-01437-00314748-00314956 Productions have what's happening with g7muFI0cTq4-01438-00314957-00315130 all that information g7muFI0cTq4-01439-00315131-00315460 yeah well it works towards the BBC then g7muFI0cTq4-01440-00315461-00315641 achieving its overall sustainability g7muFI0cTq4-01441-00315642-00315875 commitments so the Albert calculator was g7muFI0cTq4-01442-00315876-00316030 developed by the BBC and then kind of g7muFI0cTq4-01443-00316031-00316247 released out to uh through bacter I g7muFI0cTq4-01444-00316248-00316439 think to the broader sector g7muFI0cTq4-01445-00316440-00316697 um it's a it's now at the point of every g7muFI0cTq4-01446-00316698-00316858 commission I mean Louise could speak to g7muFI0cTq4-01447-00316859-00317153 that I think that this is tracked yes g7muFI0cTq4-01448-00317154-00317339 it's absolutely part of the the g7muFI0cTq4-01449-00317340-00317519 commissioning conversation g7muFI0cTq4-01450-00317520-00317663 um now so g7muFI0cTq4-01451-00317664-00317873 um we have each commissioner will sit g7muFI0cTq4-01452-00317874-00318053 down with the independent company or g7muFI0cTq4-01453-00318054-00318208 producer at the start of the commission g7muFI0cTq4-01454-00318209-00318430 and and talk through what they need to g7muFI0cTq4-01455-00318431-00318539 achieve g7muFI0cTq4-01456-00318540-00318832 um in terms of to to achieve the Albert g7muFI0cTq4-01457-00318833-00319108 certification and and that is monitored g7muFI0cTq4-01458-00319109-00319384 throughout production and and then is is g7muFI0cTq4-01459-00319385-00319577 checked at the end of production g7muFI0cTq4-01460-00319578-00319865 basically and so we're we're it's it's g7muFI0cTq4-01461-00319866-00320182 mandatory from January 22 so g7muFI0cTq4-01462-00320183-00320387 um we're obviously helping companies g7muFI0cTq4-01463-00320388-00320597 just adjust to that now you know in g7muFI0cTq4-01464-00320598-00320789 terms of like what they need to do and g7muFI0cTq4-01465-00320790-00321053 and but we're we are tracking it as g7muFI0cTq4-01466-00321054-00321280 Steve says and you know we we want to g7muFI0cTq4-01467-00321281-00321508 get to 100 with every single production g7muFI0cTq4-01468-00321509-00321760 and are you finding that um independent g7muFI0cTq4-01469-00321761-00322025 companies are learning from what what g7muFI0cTq4-01470-00322026-00322193 their you know the information that g7muFI0cTq4-01471-00322194-00322330 they're putting in and perhaps changing g7muFI0cTq4-01472-00322331-00322469 their behaviors g7muFI0cTq4-01473-00322470-00322654 yes I think there's still some work to g7muFI0cTq4-01474-00322655-00322919 be done to be honest and because as it's g7muFI0cTq4-01475-00322920-00323051 sort of a new g7muFI0cTq4-01476-00323052-00323279 um a new part of the the commission and g7muFI0cTq4-01477-00323280-00323434 but we've been encouraged by the results g7muFI0cTq4-01478-00323435-00323680 we've seen so far and and we're doing a g7muFI0cTq4-01479-00323681-00323867 review of the process just to make sure g7muFI0cTq4-01480-00323868-00324113 that everybody knows what they need to g7muFI0cTq4-01481-00324114-00324365 do and at what point because I think g7muFI0cTq4-01482-00324366-00324497 um everyone we speak to within g7muFI0cTq4-01483-00324498-00324725 production is absolutely committed to g7muFI0cTq4-01484-00324726-00324941 this and you know that there's no g7muFI0cTq4-01485-00324942-00325169 there's no resistance in in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-01486-00325170-00325354 people wanting to do this it's just g7muFI0cTq4-01487-00325355-00325510 making sure that people know how to do g7muFI0cTq4-01488-00325511-00325697 it and making sure at the end of the g7muFI0cTq4-01489-00325698-00325834 production they've achieved what they've g7muFI0cTq4-01490-00325835-00326143 set out to achieve okay g7muFI0cTq4-01491-00326144-00326399 this is not just about the BBC pushing g7muFI0cTq4-01492-00326400-00326632 its sustainability commitments uh in g7muFI0cTq4-01493-00326633-00326801 into the independent production sector g7muFI0cTq4-01494-00326802-00326980 it's also we also need to put our own g7muFI0cTq4-01495-00326981-00327137 house in order g7muFI0cTq4-01496-00327138-00327310 um and as Steve was mentioning we've now g7muFI0cTq4-01497-00327311-00327503 have a very clear Target in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-01498-00327504-00327923 2030 in terms of uh achieving that zero g7muFI0cTq4-01499-00327924-00328097 um that that requires some quite g7muFI0cTq4-01500-00328098-00328241 aggressive work we want to try and g7muFI0cTq4-01501-00328242-00328697 reduce energy costs or energy usage by g7muFI0cTq4-01502-00328698-00328919 about 20 over the next three years and g7muFI0cTq4-01503-00328920-00329206 by 30 by 2030 so there's an awful lot we g7muFI0cTq4-01504-00329207-00329351 need to do in terms of our own estate g7muFI0cTq4-01505-00329352-00329680 across across the BBC and in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-01506-00329681-00329849 our internal working practices but g7muFI0cTq4-01507-00329850-00330221 there's no doubt that Albert has pan has g7muFI0cTq4-01508-00330222-00330449 sexual support and one of the key g7muFI0cTq4-01509-00330450-00330730 reasons why the BBC moved Albert to g7muFI0cTq4-01510-00330731-00330923 bafta was to make sure it was a g7muFI0cTq4-01511-00330924-00331132 genuinely sectoral initiative that g7muFI0cTq4-01512-00331133-00331258 commanded the support of the whole g7muFI0cTq4-01513-00331259-00331463 production Community okay thank you g7muFI0cTq4-01514-00331464-00331684 thank you talk about what BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01515-00331685-00331853 directly is doing g7muFI0cTq4-01516-00331854-00332237 um it's um I'm really delighted that g7muFI0cTq4-01517-00332238-00332387 this is actually coming up not just sort g7muFI0cTq4-01518-00332388-00332513 of some sort of corporate requirement g7muFI0cTq4-01519-00332514-00332897 but in Aberdeen the team there led the g7muFI0cTq4-01520-00332898-00333041 way performing their own Green Team and g7muFI0cTq4-01521-00333042-00333256 coming up with their own solutions to g7muFI0cTq4-01522-00333257-00333479 what we do BBC Scotland's in the advance g7muFI0cTq4-01523-00333480-00333647 of transferring our car Fleet over to g7muFI0cTq4-01524-00333648-00333784 electric vehicles in fact we're not g7muFI0cTq4-01525-00333785-00334037 working with the rest the BBC to pass on g7muFI0cTq4-01526-00334038-00334180 the lessons we've learned if you've been g7muFI0cTq4-01527-00334181-00334325 to Pacific key recently we have an g7muFI0cTq4-01528-00334326-00334613 enormous solar array built which is g7muFI0cTq4-01529-00334614-00334925 taking a significant chunk I think 87 of g7muFI0cTq4-01530-00334926-00335158 our of our energy being generated g7muFI0cTq4-01531-00335159-00335410 directly by that and I think we we've g7muFI0cTq4-01532-00335411-00335525 looked at it over a number of things g7muFI0cTq4-01533-00335526-00335734 we've done over the past few years uh g7muFI0cTq4-01534-00335735-00335903 you know replacing chillers changing g7muFI0cTq4-01535-00335904-00336125 access LED lighting that we you know we g7muFI0cTq4-01536-00336126-00336521 feel we've removed about uh 1800 tons of g7muFI0cTq4-01537-00336522-00336706 carbon dioxide from our own footprint in g7muFI0cTq4-01538-00336707-00337234 one building alone g7muFI0cTq4-01539-00337235-00337537 empties g7muFI0cTq4-01540-00337538-00337745 can I just come back to Louise about g7muFI0cTq4-01541-00337746-00338003 social media strategy I'm interested to g7muFI0cTq4-01542-00338004-00338243 hear BBC is now on Tech talk where where g7muFI0cTq4-01543-00338244-00338387 do you see that going I mean will the g7muFI0cTq4-01544-00338388-00338632 BBC go on to Twitch for example where do g7muFI0cTq4-01545-00338633-00338837 you see the platforms evolving where do g7muFI0cTq4-01546-00338838-00338999 you see the BBC's involvement going g7muFI0cTq4-01547-00339000-00339167 forward g7muFI0cTq4-01548-00339168-00339341 um thank you for the question g7muFI0cTq4-01549-00339342-00339593 um I think that's that's quite hard to g7muFI0cTq4-01550-00339594-00339832 say just given the speed them with Which g7muFI0cTq4-01551-00339833-00340156 social media platforms move and also g7muFI0cTq4-01552-00340157-00340384 um audience behaviors g7muFI0cTq4-01553-00340385-00340565 um at one point when we were looking at g7muFI0cTq4-01554-00340566-00340745 our young audience Behavior we thought g7muFI0cTq4-01555-00340746-00340979 actually they're not on Facebook anymore g7muFI0cTq4-01556-00340980-00341219 we shouldn't we shouldn't be trying to g7muFI0cTq4-01557-00341220-00341429 Target them but actually it's not true a g7muFI0cTq4-01558-00341430-00341632 lot of young people are on Facebook and g7muFI0cTq4-01559-00341633-00341860 across the demographics so g7muFI0cTq4-01560-00341861-00342160 um I think our strategy is g7muFI0cTq4-01561-00342161-00342365 um we know that Instagram has a younger g7muFI0cTq4-01562-00342366-00342658 profile most mostly females so we think g7muFI0cTq4-01563-00342659-00342869 about how we target our content that way g7muFI0cTq4-01564-00342870-00343151 and we know that Tech talk does skew g7muFI0cTq4-01565-00343152-00343384 younger so that's we're taking a sort of g7muFI0cTq4-01566-00343385-00343510 like a targeted approach for their g7muFI0cTq4-01567-00343511-00343667 content Discovery there to think about g7muFI0cTq4-01568-00343668-00343823 the types of content we put on that g7muFI0cTq4-01569-00343824-00344087 platform however I think we're now g7muFI0cTq4-01570-00344088-00344332 seeing a lot of older people consume on g7muFI0cTq4-01571-00344333-00344693 Tech talk now I think um you know when g7muFI0cTq4-01572-00344694-00344873 you see the parents of kids going on to g7muFI0cTq4-01573-00344874-00345034 Tech talk the kids may start leaving g7muFI0cTq4-01574-00345035-00345184 Tech talk but g7muFI0cTq4-01575-00345185-00345449 um but we we do know that it's a great g7muFI0cTq4-01576-00345450-00345634 way of targeting young people and we g7muFI0cTq4-01577-00345635-00345845 don't have any plans for twitch at the g7muFI0cTq4-01578-00345846-00346030 moment but we do g7muFI0cTq4-01579-00346031-00346210 um we do have a comedy channel on g7muFI0cTq4-01580-00346211-00346408 YouTube because we can see there's um g7muFI0cTq4-01581-00346409-00346654 there's great consumption for longer g7muFI0cTq4-01582-00346655-00346871 form sketch type comedy g7muFI0cTq4-01583-00346872-00347056 um on YouTube but we have to be mindful g7muFI0cTq4-01584-00347057-00347332 with our social media media strategy and g7muFI0cTq4-01585-00347333-00347477 when we're working with independent g7muFI0cTq4-01586-00347478-00347669 companies we have to be mindful of Ip g7muFI0cTq4-01587-00347670-00347891 and just in terms of like you know uh g7muFI0cTq4-01588-00347892-00348119 our overall strategy being we would like g7muFI0cTq4-01589-00348120-00348329 people to drive to iPlayer so we're g7muFI0cTq4-01590-00348330-00348658 looking for awareness and attribution of g7muFI0cTq4-01591-00348659-00348934 BBC content on social media but we're g7muFI0cTq4-01592-00348935-00349084 also looking for g7muFI0cTq4-01593-00349085-00349391 um iPlayer growth and BBC sounds growth g7muFI0cTq4-01594-00349392-00349710 as well g7muFI0cTq4-01595-00349711-00350069 mention to this as well which is that g7muFI0cTq4-01596-00350070-00350327 um you know in the in the old money the g7muFI0cTq4-01597-00350328-00350656 BBC's position on the analog Platforms g7muFI0cTq4-01598-00350657-00350897 in television and radio was was very g7muFI0cTq4-01599-00350898-00351149 protected and gave in almost prominence g7muFI0cTq4-01600-00351150-00351395 to Public Service broadcasting g7muFI0cTq4-01601-00351396-00351556 um the question and it goes back to the g7muFI0cTq4-01602-00351557-00351689 audio question we were discussing g7muFI0cTq4-01603-00351690-00351930 earlier the question of how audiences g7muFI0cTq4-01604-00351931-00352228 find and discover content on social g7muFI0cTq4-01605-00352229-00352584 media platforms on new smart televisions g7muFI0cTq4-01606-00352585-00352973 on all these new devices it raises a g7muFI0cTq4-01607-00352974-00353141 critical question of what prominence we g7muFI0cTq4-01608-00353142-00353356 give and and we safeguard for Public g7muFI0cTq4-01609-00353357-00353501 Service Media in the years to come and g7muFI0cTq4-01610-00353502-00353608 so g7muFI0cTq4-01611-00353609-00353860 um the prospect of a digital media Bill g7muFI0cTq4-01612-00353861-00354178 addressing that is really critical not g7muFI0cTq4-01613-00354179-00354310 just for the BBC but for the whole g7muFI0cTq4-01614-00354311-00354556 public service landscape g7muFI0cTq4-01615-00354557-00354767 um because we if if we're serious about g7muFI0cTq4-01616-00354768-00355127 younger audiences having access to g7muFI0cTq4-01617-00355128-00355391 trusted media that is about where they g7muFI0cTq4-01618-00355392-00355684 are then that led that legislation is g7muFI0cTq4-01619-00355685-00355919 essential because because otherwise you g7muFI0cTq4-01620-00355920-00356099 become you know the abundance of content g7muFI0cTq4-01621-00356100-00356278 out there at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-01622-00356279-00356471 um it's very very challenging to cut g7muFI0cTq4-01623-00356472-00356675 through and then the BBC has the g7muFI0cTq4-01624-00356676-00356884 advantage of scale but the prominence g7muFI0cTq4-01625-00356885-00357047 we've enjoyed historically has also been g7muFI0cTq4-01626-00357048-00357263 a critical ingredient and we need to g7muFI0cTq4-01627-00357264-00358060 protect that on the new platforms g7muFI0cTq4-01628-00358061-00358301 um a key theme of the work the committee g7muFI0cTq4-01629-00358302-00358697 has been doing is around well-being g7muFI0cTq4-01630-00358698-00358927 um society and well-being communities g7muFI0cTq4-01631-00358928-00359213 and we have been looking at how cultural g7muFI0cTq4-01632-00359214-00359543 budgets can leverage that within our g7muFI0cTq4-01633-00359544-00359825 communities so in terms of of you know a g7muFI0cTq4-01634-00359826-00360010 big ticket item which I do think it's a g7muFI0cTq4-01635-00360011-00360263 deal in the crown of in the symphony g7muFI0cTq4-01636-00360264-00360623 orchestra is that part of the strategy g7muFI0cTq4-01637-00360624-00360803 for looking at projects and what might g7muFI0cTq4-01638-00360804-00361145 be done in communities and and also um g7muFI0cTq4-01639-00361146-00361410 Jessica is also part of the the g7muFI0cTq4-01640-00361411-00361756 diversity in terms of ordin's Life of g7muFI0cTq4-01641-00361757-00361960 audience participation and some of the g7muFI0cTq4-01642-00361961-00362165 Productions have been done g7muFI0cTq4-01643-00362166-00362519 so I think we're we're very proud of BBC g7muFI0cTq4-01644-00362520-00362687 Scotty's Symphony Orchestra the BBC as a g7muFI0cTq4-01645-00362688-00362819 whole as you know conducted a classical g7muFI0cTq4-01646-00362820-00363095 review earlier this year noting very g7muFI0cTq4-01647-00363096-00363280 broadly the BBC's important role In g7muFI0cTq4-01648-00363281-00363478 classical music but the Scottish g7muFI0cTq4-01649-00363479-00363617 Symphony Orchestra as part of that was g7muFI0cTq4-01650-00363618-00363851 was quite rightly recognized for its uh g7muFI0cTq4-01651-00363852-00364103 its quality it is a big part of our g7muFI0cTq4-01652-00364104-00364265 strategy the Scotty Symphony Orchestra g7muFI0cTq4-01653-00364266-00364469 is an organic part of BBC Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01654-00364470-00364732 Outreach is very important and that's g7muFI0cTq4-01655-00364733-00364906 everything from getting out and about g7muFI0cTq4-01656-00364907-00365063 and touring as much as possible around g7muFI0cTq4-01657-00365064-00365332 Scotland but also working with g7muFI0cTq4-01658-00365333-00365513 organizations like system of Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01659-00365514-00365753 again trying to bring music to to g7muFI0cTq4-01660-00365754-00365903 particularly young audiences that might g7muFI0cTq4-01661-00365904-00366203 otherwise access it it's a it's a key g7muFI0cTq4-01662-00366204-00366334 part of the thinking in the orchestra g7muFI0cTq4-01663-00366335-00366725 and in our and our wider strategy g7muFI0cTq4-01664-00366726-00366965 I think that's M concludes questions g7muFI0cTq4-01665-00366966-00367145 from the kids this morning thank you g7muFI0cTq4-01666-00367146-00367295 very much and I'm going to be very g7muFI0cTq4-01667-00367296-00367475 cheeky at the end and saying hope to see g7muFI0cTq4-01668-00367476-00367745 you again next year where one of your um g7muFI0cTq4-01669-00367746-00368051 areas of um interest will be a g7muFI0cTq4-01670-00368052-00368215 Eurovision in class g7muFI0cTq4-01671-00368216-00368434 so thank you very much for your g7muFI0cTq4-01672-00368435-00368560 attendance this morning and we'll g7muFI0cTq4-01673-00368561-00368741 suspend briefly for five minutes thank g7muFI0cTq4-01675-00402355-00402647 welcome back to committee our second g7muFI0cTq4-01676-00402648-00402815 agenda item is to continue taking g7muFI0cTq4-01677-00402816-00403013 evidence as part of a pre-budget g7muFI0cTq4-01678-00403014-00403180 scrutiny on the culture spending g7muFI0cTq4-01679-00403181-00403439 portfolio can I welcome two committee g7muFI0cTq4-01680-00403440-00403619 this morning Sir John Layton director g7muFI0cTq4-01681-00403620-00403780 general of the national galleries of g7muFI0cTq4-01682-00403781-00403882 Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01683-00403883-00404177 Lucy cassette chief executive museums g7muFI0cTq4-01684-00404178-00404482 Gallery Scotland and Alex partisan chief g7muFI0cTq4-01685-00404483-00404680 executive of historic environment g7muFI0cTq4-01686-00404681-00404910 Scotland very warm welcome g7muFI0cTq4-01687-00404911-00405215 could I start the question g7muFI0cTq4-01688-00405216-00405467 so around the financial outlook for your g7muFI0cTq4-01689-00405468-00405743 sectors last week we heard that culture g7muFI0cTq4-01690-00405744-00405952 organizations are experiencing a perfect g7muFI0cTq4-01691-00405953-00406271 storm of rapidly and in some cases g7muFI0cTq4-01692-00406272-00406504 unexpectedly increasing costs and g7muFI0cTq4-01693-00406505-00406756 reduced income and your submissions g7muFI0cTq4-01694-00406757-00406960 would reflect that g7muFI0cTq4-01695-00406961-00407219 um to us today so we could ask each of g7muFI0cTq4-01696-00407220-00407380 you in turn to provide an overview of g7muFI0cTq4-01697-00407381-00407621 the impact of the pandemic course crisis g7muFI0cTq4-01698-00407622-00407854 and other Financial pressures on your g7muFI0cTq4-01699-00407855-00408149 budgets and what do you see the impact g7muFI0cTq4-01700-00408150-00408347 of this will be on the levels of service g7muFI0cTq4-01701-00408348-00408587 you're able to provide and if I could g7muFI0cTq4-01702-00408588-00408749 start please with Sir John Layton thank g7muFI0cTq4-01703-00408750-00408832 you g7muFI0cTq4-01704-00408833-00409091 okay g7muFI0cTq4-01705-00409092-00409295 well thank you very much uh chair and g7muFI0cTq4-01706-00409296-00409499 thank you to the committee for inviting g7muFI0cTq4-01707-00409500-00409793 me to join you this morning g7muFI0cTq4-01708-00409793-00410134 um I wonder if I could just begin with I g7muFI0cTq4-01709-00410135-00410320 know you don't want any grandstanding or g7muFI0cTq4-01710-00410321-00410459 opening statements but perhaps I could g7muFI0cTq4-01711-00410460-00410572 just begin with something positive g7muFI0cTq4-01712-00410573-00410728 because if you're speaking about funding g7muFI0cTq4-01713-00410729-00410860 all morning it's got to be completely g7muFI0cTq4-01714-00410862-00411172 miserable isn't it and I think all of us g7muFI0cTq4-01715-00411173-00411460 represent uh sectors and organizations g7muFI0cTq4-01716-00411462-00411749 which about which there's a huge amount g7muFI0cTq4-01717-00411750-00411910 to be optimistic g7muFI0cTq4-01718-00411912-00412103 um we're all about enhancing people's g7muFI0cTq4-01719-00412104-00412474 lives so indulge me just for a moment g7muFI0cTq4-01720-00412475-00412624 uh g7muFI0cTq4-01721-00412625-00412955 I think stepping back uh there's a huge g7muFI0cTq4-01722-00412956-00413105 amount about which we can be positive g7muFI0cTq4-01723-00413106-00413260 certainly at the national Galleries and g7muFI0cTq4-01724-00413262-00413447 The Wider museums and galleries sector g7muFI0cTq4-01725-00413447-00413764 and interest in what we do levels of g7muFI0cTq4-01726-00413766-00413968 interest in what we do have steadily g7muFI0cTq4-01727-00413969-00414214 increased over the the years and g7muFI0cTq4-01728-00414216-00414430 certainly at the national galleries uh g7muFI0cTq4-01729-00414431-00414605 in the past decade are of us to numbers g7muFI0cTq4-01730-00414606-00414778 to our Edinburgh sites have more or less g7muFI0cTq4-01731-00414779-00415132 doubled in uh and pre-covered we were g7muFI0cTq4-01732-00415133-00415307 welcoming on average two and a half g7muFI0cTq4-01733-00415308-00415582 million visitors to our Edinburgh sites g7muFI0cTq4-01734-00415583-00415805 we also managed to keep National g7muFI0cTq4-01735-00415806-00415972 programs running g7muFI0cTq4-01736-00415973-00416243 we've lent works of art across the g7muFI0cTq4-01737-00416243-00416476 country and exhibitions from Dumfries to g7muFI0cTq4-01738-00416477-00416770 Shetland we've run National programs and g7muFI0cTq4-01739-00416771-00416939 learning and Outreach we've worked with g7muFI0cTq4-01740-00416939-00417143 disadvantaged teenagers in the west and g7muFI0cTq4-01741-00417143-00417280 in the borders g7muFI0cTq4-01742-00417281-00417593 we run all manner of programs for all g7muFI0cTq4-01743-00417593-00417941 ages that are Edinburgh sites from BYOB g7muFI0cTq4-01744-00417942-00418199 bring your own baby through to the g7muFI0cTq4-01745-00418200-00418480 Fantastic Gallery socials for dementia g7muFI0cTq4-01746-00418481-00418607 sufferers g7muFI0cTq4-01747-00418608-00418884 uh and uh we also work internationally g7muFI0cTq4-01748-00418885-00419134 uh lending hundreds of works of art g7muFI0cTq4-01749-00419135-00419435 across the world and also exhibitions g7muFI0cTq4-01750-00419435-00419729 every one of them a mini Ambassador for g7muFI0cTq4-01751-00419730-00419981 Scottish culture and finally activity g7muFI0cTq4-01752-00419982-00420335 online of course has blossomed and uh g7muFI0cTq4-01753-00420335-00420635 our offer online reaches millions of g7muFI0cTq4-01754-00420635-00420875 people across the world and we saw of g7muFI0cTq4-01755-00420876-00421066 course during the pandemic g7muFI0cTq4-01756-00421067-00421433 how important that has has been and has g7muFI0cTq4-01757-00421434-00421660 the potential to be g7muFI0cTq4-01758-00421662-00421943 so as I say lots to be positive about g7muFI0cTq4-01759-00421943-00422153 and we I think we all know that we're uh g7muFI0cTq4-01760-00422154-00422459 we look after uh assets which uh which g7muFI0cTq4-01761-00422460-00422681 are of immense importance for the the g7muFI0cTq4-01762-00422682-00422939 life of people in this country g7muFI0cTq4-01763-00422939-00423109 that's the positive bit g7muFI0cTq4-01764-00423110-00423455 I think when we turn to uh funding of g7muFI0cTq4-01765-00423456-00423814 course uh it is uh inevitably less uh g7muFI0cTq4-01766-00423815-00424060 positive and I'm sure that what you'll g7muFI0cTq4-01767-00424062-00424210 hear this morning g7muFI0cTq4-01768-00424212-00424510 is fairly familiar from uh right across g7muFI0cTq4-01769-00424512-00425014 the the culture uh and Heritage sectors g7muFI0cTq4-01770-00425015-00425447 um in our case I think we Face a funding g7muFI0cTq4-01771-00425447-00425710 challenge the like of which I've never g7muFI0cTq4-01772-00425712-00425827 before g7muFI0cTq4-01773-00425828-00426125 witnessed or indeed imagined g7muFI0cTq4-01774-00426126-00426485 uh already before the events of recent g7muFI0cTq4-01775-00426485-00426803 months we were looking at a pretty g7muFI0cTq4-01776-00426804-00427037 substantial deficit in our budget for g7muFI0cTq4-01777-00427038-00427307 next year and widening in the Years g7muFI0cTq4-01778-00427308-00427468 beyond that g7muFI0cTq4-01779-00427469-00427768 and then when you layer in the lingering g7muFI0cTq4-01780-00427769-00428122 impact of the pandemic when you layer in g7muFI0cTq4-01781-00428123-00428441 the inflationary dramatic inflationary g7muFI0cTq4-01782-00428442-00428705 costs that we're seeing at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-01783-00428706-00429101 the pressure to try and keep a paying a g7muFI0cTq4-01784-00429102-00429433 fair wage to our staff and of course g7muFI0cTq4-01785-00429434-00429791 particularly in our sector the energy g7muFI0cTq4-01786-00429792-00430127 costs which for my organization are g7muFI0cTq4-01787-00430128-00430403 predicted to at least double uh next g7muFI0cTq4-01788-00430404-00430763 year from a a six-figure of sum to a g7muFI0cTq4-01789-00430764-00430901 seven figure sum g7muFI0cTq4-01790-00430902-00431164 then you're really talking about a g7muFI0cTq4-01791-00431165-00431537 crisis that to me feels more serious and g7muFI0cTq4-01792-00431538-00431729 more difficult to deal with than the g7muFI0cTq4-01793-00431730-00432010 pandemic itself g7muFI0cTq4-01794-00432012-00432239 um it would be I think tempting to g7muFI0cTq4-01795-00432239-00432485 relate all this to the immediate context g7muFI0cTq4-01796-00432485-00432820 of uh pandemic of War of inflation of g7muFI0cTq4-01797-00432821-00432935 cost and living g7muFI0cTq4-01798-00432935-00433109 but to my mind g7muFI0cTq4-01799-00433110-00433499 the roots of this go further back g7muFI0cTq4-01800-00433500-00433877 and lie in patterns of funding across a g7muFI0cTq4-01801-00433878-00434053 longer period g7muFI0cTq4-01802-00434054-00434327 and it's fashionable at the moment to g7muFI0cTq4-01803-00434328-00434641 refer back to the financial crash of g7muFI0cTq4-01804-00434642-00434953 2008 but if you go back to that time g7muFI0cTq4-01805-00434954-00435301 when in the aftermath of that particular g7muFI0cTq4-01806-00435302-00435641 period budgets for organizations like g7muFI0cTq4-01807-00435642-00435910 mine were reduced they never really g7muFI0cTq4-01808-00435912-00436301 recovered and what happened uh in the g7muFI0cTq4-01809-00436302-00436714 period uh from say 2011 onwards is a g7muFI0cTq4-01810-00436715-00437141 pattern of if you take out uh increases g7muFI0cTq4-01811-00437142-00437339 that were designed to cover government g7muFI0cTq4-01812-00437339-00437633 pay policy and if you take out the the g7muFI0cTq4-01813-00437634-00437914 more variable Nation nature of capital g7muFI0cTq4-01814-00437915-00438197 funding what happened is more or less g7muFI0cTq4-01815-00438197-00438568 level funding across the piece and like g7muFI0cTq4-01816-00438569-00438760 other organizations we've tried to make g7muFI0cTq4-01817-00438762-00438977 up the difference by peddling ever g7muFI0cTq4-01818-00438978-00439295 harder with self-generated income and g7muFI0cTq4-01819-00439296-00439522 we've worked really really hard at that g7muFI0cTq4-01820-00439523-00439822 we've set up a very successful Trading g7muFI0cTq4-01821-00439823-00440027 Company with revenue from shops and g7muFI0cTq4-01822-00440028-00440477 cafes we've explored venue hire we've g7muFI0cTq4-01823-00440478-00440741 lent commercial exhibitions abroad car g7muFI0cTq4-01824-00440742-00440927 parking charges donations you name it g7muFI0cTq4-01825-00440928-00441113 we've pulled every lever that we can g7muFI0cTq4-01826-00441114-00441203 think of g7muFI0cTq4-01827-00441204-00441487 and with some success and also the model g7muFI0cTq4-01828-00441488-00441853 broadly was of a government subsidy g7muFI0cTq4-01829-00441854-00442151 supplemented by self-generated income g7muFI0cTq4-01830-00442152-00442481 but that government subsidy was covering g7muFI0cTq4-01831-00442482-00442691 less and less of the kind of activity g7muFI0cTq4-01832-00442692-00442889 that activates what we do in which the g7muFI0cTq4-01833-00442889-00443166 public see so we reach a point where now g7muFI0cTq4-01834-00443167-00443501 92 percent of our grant and aid goes to g7muFI0cTq4-01835-00443502-00443699 the salary bill g7muFI0cTq4-01836-00443700-00443914 uh all the other things that make a g7muFI0cTq4-01837-00443915-00444125 difference whether it's displays g7muFI0cTq4-01838-00444126-00444377 exhibitions learning education programs g7muFI0cTq4-01839-00444378-00444647 you name it that is now covered by g7muFI0cTq4-01840-00444647-00444918 earned income and that model g7muFI0cTq4-01841-00444919-00445301 uh broke during the pandemic of course g7muFI0cTq4-01842-00445302-00445660 that income shriveled and we're now in a g7muFI0cTq4-01843-00445662-00445960 period where it has not yet recovered g7muFI0cTq4-01844-00445962-00446260 so with two the two key parts of the g7muFI0cTq4-01845-00446262-00446491 funding Under Pressure the government g7muFI0cTq4-01846-00446492-00446855 subsidy and the self-generated income uh g7muFI0cTq4-01847-00446856-00447263 you face a really a crisis which will in g7muFI0cTq4-01848-00447264-00447670 our case uh I think lead to severely g7muFI0cTq4-01849-00447671-00447941 reduced offer National programs reduced g7muFI0cTq4-01850-00447942-00448163 International programs reduced different g7muFI0cTq4-01851-00448164-00448360 patterns of opening hours partial g7muFI0cTq4-01852-00448362-00448613 closure of those sites and short as we g7muFI0cTq4-01853-00448614-00448807 said in the submission g7muFI0cTq4-01854-00448808-00449129 an offer which is for severely short of g7muFI0cTq4-01855-00449130-00449309 what you would expect from a national g7muFI0cTq4-01856-00449310-00449614 cultural organization g7muFI0cTq4-01857-00449615-00449814 um that sounds Bleak g7muFI0cTq4-01858-00449815-00450233 and it perhaps um uh but I think it g7muFI0cTq4-01859-00450234-00450389 would be no exaggeration to say that as g7muFI0cTq4-01860-00450389-00450587 I look to the uh to next year and Beyond g7muFI0cTq4-01861-00450588-00450718 I'm thinking g7muFI0cTq4-01862-00450719-00450905 this is about how we protect the g7muFI0cTq4-01863-00450906-00451085 collection keep the lights on and the g7muFI0cTq4-01864-00451085-00451505 doors open and that's it g7muFI0cTq4-01865-00451506-00451949 okay g7muFI0cTq4-01866-00451950-00452116 um thank you yeah it was great to hear g7muFI0cTq4-01867-00452117-00452249 um John starting with the positives g7muFI0cTq4-01868-00452250-00452603 because we do um have a fantastic uh g7muFI0cTq4-01869-00452604-00452777 museums and galleries sector in Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-01870-00452778-00452957 and I do want to talk for us all about g7muFI0cTq4-01871-00452958-00453089 the sector before talking a little bit g7muFI0cTq4-01872-00453089-00453257 about about museums Gallery Scotland as g7muFI0cTq4-01873-00453258-00453364 the national development body because g7muFI0cTq4-01874-00453365-00453535 I'm here to very much to represent g7muFI0cTq4-01875-00453535-00453881 represent them um there are 442 museums g7muFI0cTq4-01876-00453882-00454043 and galleries in Scotland currently on g7muFI0cTq4-01877-00454043-00454277 our books and they really are spread g7muFI0cTq4-01878-00454278-00454468 right across the country in all sorts of g7muFI0cTq4-01879-00454469-00454649 communities in g7muFI0cTq4-01880-00454650-00454913 and it's a very diverse sector g7muFI0cTq4-01881-00454914-00455068 um which makes it quite a complex sector g7muFI0cTq4-01882-00455069-00455279 but but the richness in that as well in g7muFI0cTq4-01883-00455280-00455483 terms of its creativity g7muFI0cTq4-01884-00455484-00455663 um so about as well as our fantastic g7muFI0cTq4-01885-00455664-00455831 National institutions that we are g7muFI0cTq4-01886-00455832-00455963 obviously really g7muFI0cTq4-01887-00455964-00456137 um lucky to have here in Scotland the g7muFI0cTq4-01888-00456138-00456329 quality that we have there g7muFI0cTq4-01889-00456330-00456491 um they're about a third of our museums g7muFI0cTq4-01890-00456492-00456695 and galleries are Civic um so either g7muFI0cTq4-01891-00456696-00456959 directly run by uh local authorities or g7muFI0cTq4-01892-00456960-00457145 by the Allies that the arms length g7muFI0cTq4-01893-00457146-00457289 trusts g7muFI0cTq4-01894-00457289-00457570 and about 60 more but more are run as g7muFI0cTq4-01895-00457571-00457810 independent Charities so they face a g7muFI0cTq4-01896-00457812-00458014 different range of issues within that g7muFI0cTq4-01897-00458015-00458183 independent sector g7muFI0cTq4-01898-00458184-00458333 um quite a number of them are run wholly g7muFI0cTq4-01899-00458334-00458507 by volunteers or maybe with one member g7muFI0cTq4-01900-00458508-00458716 of staff so in terms of the support that g7muFI0cTq4-01901-00458717-00458897 the issues that they face and the the g7muFI0cTq4-01902-00458897-00459118 way their ability to respond to those um g7muFI0cTq4-01903-00459119-00459359 is varied as well g7muFI0cTq4-01904-00459360-00459520 um you heard last week from Kirsty g7muFI0cTq4-01905-00459521-00459659 coming from Community Leisure UK about g7muFI0cTq4-01906-00459660-00459833 the loss the pressures facing the Civic g7muFI0cTq4-01907-00459834-00460079 Museum sector it is a huge concern as g7muFI0cTq4-01908-00460080-00460343 Sir John said uh that the issues facing g7muFI0cTq4-01909-00460343-00460522 the Civic Museum sector as a as a g7muFI0cTq4-01910-00460523-00460775 non-statue service have have long been g7muFI0cTq4-01911-00460776-00461057 um were really severe before the impact g7muFI0cTq4-01912-00461058-00461357 of covid and the funding that was made g7muFI0cTq4-01913-00461358-00461579 available during covid that came through g7muFI0cTq4-01914-00461580-00461729 to museums and galleries was not made g7muFI0cTq4-01915-00461730-00461951 available to to the Civic sector g7muFI0cTq4-01916-00461952-00462197 so they um came into this year with with g7muFI0cTq4-01917-00462197-00462395 real issues and I'm very concerned about g7muFI0cTq4-01918-00462396-00462610 the ability to protect uh that g7muFI0cTq4-01919-00462612-00462766 non-statitude service with all the g7muFI0cTq4-01920-00462767-00462953 pressures facing local authorities but I g7muFI0cTq4-01921-00462954-00463085 particularly want to talk about where we g7muFI0cTq4-01922-00463085-00463247 we were supporting and we were very g7muFI0cTq4-01923-00463247-00463379 generously supported by Scottish g7muFI0cTq4-01924-00463380-00463559 government through the pandemic such g7muFI0cTq4-01925-00463560-00463733 that we didn't lose any museums and g7muFI0cTq4-01926-00463734-00463955 galleries as a result of covid g7muFI0cTq4-01927-00463956-00464068 um which I think was quite remarkable g7muFI0cTq4-01928-00464069-00464213 because it's not what we expected to g7muFI0cTq4-01929-00464214-00464483 happen when when that started um g7muFI0cTq4-01930-00464484-00464675 but the last round of funding that we g7muFI0cTq4-01931-00464676-00464813 gave which we hoped was going to be for g7muFI0cTq4-01932-00464814-00465118 the recovery of the sector was based on g7muFI0cTq4-01933-00465119-00465293 keeping these fragile organizations g7muFI0cTq4-01934-00465293-00465463 because they are fragile organizations g7muFI0cTq4-01935-00465464-00465689 such that they would have three months g7muFI0cTq4-01936-00465689-00465959 of reserves come March 2023 so that was g7muFI0cTq4-01937-00465960-00466114 the calculation that was made based on g7muFI0cTq4-01938-00466115-00466343 the estimates of income and expenditure g7muFI0cTq4-01939-00466343-00466631 for this year now we saw a recovery g7muFI0cTq4-01940-00466632-00466703 begin g7muFI0cTq4-01941-00466704-00466931 um this summer but it is now stalled and g7muFI0cTq4-01942-00466932-00467147 we're looking at um those visitors that g7muFI0cTq4-01943-00467147-00467351 are coming spending about half what they g7muFI0cTq4-01944-00467352-00467501 did in the past particularly the g7muFI0cTq4-01945-00467502-00467710 international visitors not returning and g7muFI0cTq4-01946-00467712-00467897 spending to the same level so the levels g7muFI0cTq4-01947-00467897-00468089 of income that have been generated this g7muFI0cTq4-01948-00468089-00468316 year and not what was hoped for and now g7muFI0cTq4-01949-00468317-00468575 we have this cost of living crisis and g7muFI0cTq4-01950-00468576-00468755 energy situation that is meaning that g7muFI0cTq4-01951-00468756-00468922 these organizations that were fragile g7muFI0cTq4-01952-00468923-00469079 going into into g7muFI0cTq4-01953-00469080-00469385 um this year are really in crisis now g7muFI0cTq4-01954-00469385-00469583 and we're being we've we've since the g7muFI0cTq4-01955-00469584-00469720 submission was made we put out another g7muFI0cTq4-01956-00469721-00469949 call for really up-to-date information g7muFI0cTq4-01957-00469950-00470122 so I can share with you some of the g7muFI0cTq4-01958-00470123-00470387 things that came back from that g7muFI0cTq4-01959-00470388-00470525 um organization that is the biggest g7muFI0cTq4-01960-00470526-00470753 crisis threat they've seen to their g7muFI0cTq4-01961-00470754-00470987 organizations for more than 30 years and g7muFI0cTq4-01962-00470988-00471179 organizations that discontinued their g7muFI0cTq4-01963-00471180-00471316 buildings and contents Insurance because g7muFI0cTq4-01964-00471317-00471539 they simply can't afford it g7muFI0cTq4-01965-00471539-00471785 um organizations that are g7muFI0cTq4-01966-00471785-00472060 canceling all but emergency maintenance g7muFI0cTq4-01967-00472062-00472187 and so these are some of the things that g7muFI0cTq4-01968-00472188-00472313 there's just not a sustainable position g7muFI0cTq4-01969-00472314-00472468 when you start making those if you see g7muFI0cTq4-01970-00472469-00472637 the next step for the organizational to g7muFI0cTq4-01971-00472638-00472751 talk about insurance would be public g7muFI0cTq4-01972-00472752-00472901 liability insurance at which point they g7muFI0cTq4-01973-00472902-00473164 close many organizations are reducing g7muFI0cTq4-01974-00473165-00473309 their opening hours g7muFI0cTq4-01975-00473310-00473477 um because that's the choice that they g7muFI0cTq4-01976-00473478-00473675 have to make in terms of reducing costs g7muFI0cTq4-01977-00473676-00473866 just at the time when communities are g7muFI0cTq4-01978-00473867-00474125 calling on them to be those warm spaces g7muFI0cTq4-01979-00474126-00474322 free to access spaces that would be so g7muFI0cTq4-01980-00474323-00474533 valuable if they were able to do that so g7muFI0cTq4-01981-00474534-00474707 I'm really concerned about the position g7muFI0cTq4-01982-00474708-00475007 in our independent Museum sector uh in g7muFI0cTq4-01983-00475008-00475210 terms of the what's facing people at the g7muFI0cTq4-01984-00475212-00475489 moment and they do have that um g7muFI0cTq4-01985-00475489-00475793 obviously obligation to care for their g7muFI0cTq4-01986-00475793-00475937 collections so when these organizations g7muFI0cTq4-01987-00475938-00476141 if they do go into crisis and if they do g7muFI0cTq4-01988-00476142-00476272 fail g7muFI0cTq4-01989-00476273-00476422 um finding a new home for those those g7muFI0cTq4-01990-00476423-00476651 collections which they hold on behalf of g7muFI0cTq4-01991-00476652-00476813 their communities on behalf of the g7muFI0cTq4-01992-00476814-00477077 Scottish public it is something that g7muFI0cTq4-01993-00477078-00477287 that is going to have to be faced up to g7muFI0cTq4-01994-00477288-00477455 in many cases their governing documents g7muFI0cTq4-01995-00477456-00477568 would suggest those collections should g7muFI0cTq4-01996-00477569-00477725 go to either the local authorities or to g7muFI0cTq4-01997-00477726-00477947 our national organizations and so not g7muFI0cTq4-01998-00477947-00478103 easy for those organizations already g7muFI0cTq4-01999-00478104-00478264 struggling to to be in a position to g7muFI0cTq4-02000-00478265-00478510 accept that so I'm sorry that is the g7muFI0cTq4-02001-00478512-00478787 sort of the The Bleak bit um but it is g7muFI0cTq4-02002-00478788-00478979 the reality g7muFI0cTq4-02003-00478980-00479045 um g7muFI0cTq4-02004-00479046-00479320 and it is uh so I suppose thinking about g7muFI0cTq4-02005-00479321-00479477 museums Gallery Scotland the national g7muFI0cTq4-02006-00479478-00479627 development body that supports the g7muFI0cTq4-02007-00479628-00479813 sector and we do distribute funding but g7muFI0cTq4-02008-00479814-00479951 we support the sector in many other ways g7muFI0cTq4-02009-00479952-00480353 as well and we um grew during covid to g7muFI0cTq4-02010-00480354-00480563 be able to support the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02011-00480564-00480718 um so our activities g7muFI0cTq4-02012-00480719-00480875 um particularly in relation to Grant g7muFI0cTq4-02013-00480876-00481145 making got got larger so g7muFI0cTq4-02014-00481146-00481391 um the the cuts that we're looking at g7muFI0cTq4-02015-00481392-00481625 now in are actually not sort of two to g7muFI0cTq4-02016-00481626-00481763 five percent that's being built but g7muFI0cTq4-02017-00481764-00481960 actually more like 30 cut in our budgets g7muFI0cTq4-02018-00481962-00482164 for next year so our ability to support g7muFI0cTq4-02019-00482165-00482339 a sector that perhaps is never needed us g7muFI0cTq4-02020-00482339-00482603 more is definitely a major challenge so g7muFI0cTq4-02021-00482604-00482891 we have increased our work uh in g7muFI0cTq4-02022-00482892-00483113 relation to supporting the sector to in g7muFI0cTq4-02023-00483114-00483310 its journey to Net Zero we've increased g7muFI0cTq4-02024-00483312-00483455 our work in terms of supporting Fair g7muFI0cTq4-02025-00483456-00483641 work practice in the sector but these g7muFI0cTq4-02026-00483642-00483785 are all things that were additional to g7muFI0cTq4-02027-00483785-00484055 our core Grant activity and are now at g7muFI0cTq4-02028-00484056-00484216 risk to see how we can keep doing those g7muFI0cTq4-02029-00484217-00484360 things that are that are so important g7muFI0cTq4-02030-00484362-00484481 and g7muFI0cTq4-02031-00484482-00484666 um we're very agile organizations have g7muFI0cTq4-02032-00484667-00484816 managed to to g7muFI0cTq4-02033-00484817-00485051 um work really hard to reduce our costs g7muFI0cTq4-02034-00485052-00485207 one of the things we did in the last g7muFI0cTq4-02035-00485208-00485416 year was to move our offices we've made g7muFI0cTq4-02036-00485417-00485777 a 67 cut in our costs for our for our um g7muFI0cTq4-02037-00485778-00485981 our running costs in that basis so we've g7muFI0cTq4-02038-00485982-00486113 got very little left g7muFI0cTq4-02039-00486114-00486299 um by way of efficiencies to make g7muFI0cTq4-02040-00486300-00486743 uh so um yeah that's a summary of the g7muFI0cTq4-02041-00486743-00486929 the situations I see it g7muFI0cTq4-02042-00486930-00487060 thank you g7muFI0cTq4-02043-00487062-00487216 um Mr Patterson g7muFI0cTq4-02044-00487217-00487349 thank you g7muFI0cTq4-02045-00487350-00487595 um well I could I could say I I repeat g7muFI0cTq4-02046-00487596-00487805 what my two colleagues to my to my to my g7muFI0cTq4-02047-00487806-00487925 left have said g7muFI0cTq4-02048-00487926-00488093 um trying to sort of come back in the g7muFI0cTq4-02049-00488093-00488279 three points you asked g7muFI0cTq4-02050-00488280-00488470 um corvid the impact of covert and it g7muFI0cTq4-02051-00488471-00488651 was sort of maybe think that covert is g7muFI0cTq4-02052-00488652-00488807 as a way now but it's not it's still g7muFI0cTq4-02053-00488808-00488981 it's still here and the impacts of it g7muFI0cTq4-02054-00488982-00489203 are still being are still being felt so g7muFI0cTq4-02055-00489204-00489449 we did some research amongst the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02056-00489450-00489605 um sort of environment sector at various g7muFI0cTq4-02057-00489606-00489743 points over the last two or three years g7muFI0cTq4-02058-00489743-00489995 we were able to track the impact of it g7muFI0cTq4-02059-00489996-00490241 and um you know feel fully obviously g7muFI0cTq4-02060-00490242-00490529 when 80 of the tourism Market packs up g7muFI0cTq4-02061-00490530-00490709 and goes home then there's a very direct g7muFI0cTq4-02062-00490710-00490925 impact on it I mean from an g7muFI0cTq4-02063-00490926-00491099 organizational point of view 53 million g7muFI0cTq4-02064-00491100-00491291 pounds disappeared over a budget g7muFI0cTq4-02065-00491292-00491537 um just when the global tourism uh g7muFI0cTq4-02066-00491538-00491801 stopped uh and you know we projected it g7muFI0cTq4-02067-00491802-00491993 would take at least until 2025 to get g7muFI0cTq4-02068-00491993-00492305 back to where we are pre-covered now g7muFI0cTq4-02069-00492306-00492449 um I think recovery has probably g7muFI0cTq4-02070-00492450-00492683 happened a bit faster than we had g7muFI0cTq4-02071-00492684-00492929 anticipated visitor numbers back to our g7muFI0cTq4-02072-00492930-00493168 sites across Scotland and are ahead of g7muFI0cTq4-02073-00493169-00493331 where we expect them to be we're g7muFI0cTq4-02074-00493332-00493570 probably now back if I average across g7muFI0cTq4-02075-00493571-00493745 all the sites probably back to close to g7muFI0cTq4-02076-00493746-00494020 60 percent of pre-covered figures which g7muFI0cTq4-02077-00494021-00494272 is which is good to see and a lot of g7muFI0cTq4-02078-00494273-00494435 that has been driven by the return of g7muFI0cTq4-02079-00494435-00494693 international visitors over over the g7muFI0cTq4-02080-00494693-00494993 last um over the last six months but g7muFI0cTq4-02081-00494993-00495251 um that that was a big hit on us and you g7muFI0cTq4-02082-00495252-00495418 know the ripple effect through the g7muFI0cTq4-02083-00495419-00495659 sector uh as well and just when you g7muFI0cTq4-02084-00495660-00495809 think you're into recovery and you can g7muFI0cTq4-02085-00495810-00496079 see maybe some green shoots of recovery g7muFI0cTq4-02086-00496080-00496391 starting to appear uh albeit um not in g7muFI0cTq4-02087-00496392-00496570 any way back to where we were in 2019 g7muFI0cTq4-02088-00496571-00496810 than the cost of living crisis has um g7muFI0cTq4-02089-00496812-00497081 has has come through and uh I was g7muFI0cTq4-02090-00497082-00497231 chairing a sort of meeting of my g7muFI0cTq4-02091-00497232-00497399 opposite numbers from across Europe back g7muFI0cTq4-02092-00497400-00497579 in May and we were asking the questions g7muFI0cTq4-02093-00497580-00497759 of what is looking after culture and g7muFI0cTq4-02094-00497760-00498029 Heritage post pandemic look like in one g7muFI0cTq4-02095-00498030-00498179 of my colleagues said actually covered g7muFI0cTq4-02096-00498180-00498310 is not the issue now it's the cost of g7muFI0cTq4-02097-00498312-00498575 living and I think that for a very g7muFI0cTq4-02098-00498576-00498887 fragile sector having survived if you g7muFI0cTq4-02099-00498888-00499072 like the last couple of years this is g7muFI0cTq4-02100-00499073-00499385 the the the double whammy which is g7muFI0cTq4-02101-00499385-00499547 really really concerning because the g7muFI0cTq4-02102-00499547-00499727 support for the sector that was there g7muFI0cTq4-02103-00499728-00500051 through covert is not is not there um at g7muFI0cTq4-02104-00500052-00500272 the moment and so how does it impact us g7muFI0cTq4-02105-00500273-00500441 I think the cost of living impacts in a g7muFI0cTq4-02106-00500442-00500566 number of ways I mean the most obvious g7muFI0cTq4-02107-00500567-00500789 thing is in terms of costs you know I g7muFI0cTq4-02108-00500789-00501016 can see it you'll all see it through our g7muFI0cTq4-02109-00501017-00501166 different organizations and the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02110-00501167-00501407 sees that material cost increases g7muFI0cTq4-02111-00501408-00501641 difficult to take forward major projects g7muFI0cTq4-02112-00501642-00501841 because you just kind of pin down costs g7muFI0cTq4-02113-00501842-00502157 contractors won't commit to costs or to g7muFI0cTq4-02114-00502158-00502379 prices with any degree of g7muFI0cTq4-02115-00502380-00502643 um forward uh projection g7muFI0cTq4-02116-00502643-00502859 um energy costs you know we're looking g7muFI0cTq4-02117-00502860-00503009 at the moment of potentially a g7muFI0cTq4-02118-00503010-00503213 quadrupling of our Energy bill and other g7muFI0cTq4-02119-00503214-00503416 things might intervene to sort of limit g7muFI0cTq4-02120-00503417-00503675 that but that's that's from our point of g7muFI0cTq4-02121-00503676-00503789 view going from a bit one million to g7muFI0cTq4-02122-00503789-00503909 about four million pounds in energy g7muFI0cTq4-02123-00503910-00504239 costs and then um whenever we arrive at g7muFI0cTq4-02124-00504239-00504460 an outcome with the um with our with the g7muFI0cTq4-02125-00504462-00504713 wage negotiation status extra extra cost g7muFI0cTq4-02126-00504714-00504995 so fixed costs are increasing uh even by g7muFI0cTq4-02127-00504996-00505175 by doing nothing but it's not just a g7muFI0cTq4-02128-00505176-00505349 fixed cost is the other cost there as g7muFI0cTq4-02129-00505350-00505570 well so we run a grants program and a g7muFI0cTq4-02130-00505571-00505703 lot of our grants recipients are now g7muFI0cTq4-02131-00505704-00505937 coming back to see all of these issues g7muFI0cTq4-02132-00505938-00506207 are hitting them so their projects are g7muFI0cTq4-02133-00506208-00506410 being delayed potentially canceled but g7muFI0cTq4-02134-00506412-00506633 the costs are increasing so the cost g7muFI0cTq4-02135-00506634-00506801 side of things is a concern the income g7muFI0cTq4-02136-00506802-00507005 side of things is a concern as well we g7muFI0cTq4-02137-00507006-00507143 already there was some research a couple g7muFI0cTq4-02138-00507143-00507310 of weeks ago that showed that it was at g7muFI0cTq4-02139-00507312-00507653 65 to 70 percent of people in the UK are g7muFI0cTq4-02140-00507654-00507809 already cutting back in disposable g7muFI0cTq4-02141-00507810-00508097 income spend and you know going to a g7muFI0cTq4-02142-00508097-00508216 museum and going to a historic g7muFI0cTq4-02143-00508217-00508403 attraction it falls into that sort of g7muFI0cTq4-02144-00508404-00508637 category so we're we're aware that g7muFI0cTq4-02145-00508638-00508841 disposable income might not be as as g7muFI0cTq4-02146-00508842-00509068 much as perhaps was before and what does g7muFI0cTq4-02147-00509069-00509255 that do when people have to make make g7muFI0cTq4-02148-00509256-00509549 choices Outsiders you know the way the g7muFI0cTq4-02149-00509550-00509687 currency is at the moment it perhaps g7muFI0cTq4-02150-00509688-00509849 makes International tourism a bit g7muFI0cTq4-02151-00509850-00510077 cheaper but that's a very sort of slim g7muFI0cTq4-02152-00510078-00510263 Silver Lining with all the challenges g7muFI0cTq4-02153-00510264-00510370 we've got g7muFI0cTq4-02154-00510371-00510557 and and so what does all that mean going g7muFI0cTq4-02155-00510558-00510791 forward well you know it it means that g7muFI0cTq4-02156-00510792-00510899 you know the Scottish government budget g7muFI0cTq4-02157-00510900-00511043 will be under even more pressure to g7muFI0cTq4-02158-00511043-00511318 address the wage and settlements to g7muFI0cTq4-02159-00511319-00511463 raise the other costs that are there g7muFI0cTq4-02160-00511464-00511757 that will feed through to grant and aid g7muFI0cTq4-02161-00511758-00512020 um funding for ourselves and and other g7muFI0cTq4-02162-00512021-00512260 organizations as well g7muFI0cTq4-02163-00512262-00512416 um we had the resource spending of you g7muFI0cTq4-02164-00512417-00512566 the capital spending review a number of g7muFI0cTq4-02165-00512567-00512705 months ago which was helpful in giving g7muFI0cTq4-02166-00512706-00512945 us indicative budgets going forward but g7muFI0cTq4-02167-00512946-00513118 they are indicative and the world has g7muFI0cTq4-02168-00513119-00513491 changed a lot in intervening months so g7muFI0cTq4-02169-00513492-00513677 um you know while I can look at what's g7muFI0cTq4-02170-00513678-00513868 happening in the visitor market and say g7muFI0cTq4-02171-00513869-00514037 I can see signs of recovery which is g7muFI0cTq4-02172-00514038-00514253 positive from her point of view in terms g7muFI0cTq4-02173-00514254-00514403 of income there are sort of real g7muFI0cTq4-02174-00514404-00514613 challenges also in terms of how much g7muFI0cTq4-02175-00514614-00514810 grant and aid will be available to g7muFI0cTq4-02176-00514812-00515020 support what we do final comment would g7muFI0cTq4-02177-00515021-00515218 probably be you know our budget g7muFI0cTq4-02178-00515219-00515513 pre-covered was about 36 38 funded by g7muFI0cTq4-02179-00515514-00515747 Grant to need the rest was funded by a g7muFI0cTq4-02180-00515747-00515843 commercial g7muFI0cTq4-02181-00515843-00516005 um commercial income g7muFI0cTq4-02182-00516006-00516220 um that's quite a quite a challenge and g7muFI0cTq4-02183-00516221-00516491 quite an exposure frankly a pre-covered g7muFI0cTq4-02184-00516492-00516707 it to take a while to get back to that g7muFI0cTq4-02185-00516708-00516995 sort of level but with the expectations g7muFI0cTq4-02186-00516996-00517175 on the Scottish government budget's been g7muFI0cTq4-02187-00517176-00517343 quite limited g7muFI0cTq4-02188-00517343-00517481 um you know even maintaining that level g7muFI0cTq4-02189-00517482-00517601 of support I think would be quite g7muFI0cTq4-02190-00517602-00517793 challenging so we're in the same boat as g7muFI0cTq4-02191-00517793-00518014 my two colleagues to my left here with g7muFI0cTq4-02192-00518015-00518297 costs increasing with income improving g7muFI0cTq4-02193-00518297-00518495 but with a high degree of uncertainty g7muFI0cTq4-02194-00518496-00518783 you know what what gives in all of that g7muFI0cTq4-02195-00518784-00518951 I guess would be would be the question g7muFI0cTq4-02196-00518952-00519131 that we're asking ourselves g7muFI0cTq4-02197-00519132-00519547 um at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-02198-00519547-00519766 would you like g7muFI0cTq4-02199-00519767-00520025 thank you that was uh very Sovereign g7muFI0cTq4-02200-00520026-00520181 which I think is the word that we used g7muFI0cTq4-02201-00520182-00520595 last week as well when we took evidence g7muFI0cTq4-02202-00520596-00520739 um g7muFI0cTq4-02203-00520739-00521020 I suppose if I could throw back your g7muFI0cTq4-02204-00521021-00521231 question and that you just asked there g7muFI0cTq4-02205-00521232-00521572 and ask what what in given this crisis g7muFI0cTq4-02206-00521573-00521866 how are each of your organizations and g7muFI0cTq4-02207-00521867-00522112 looking at the way that you operate and g7muFI0cTq4-02208-00522113-00522443 Lucy you talked about small museums and g7muFI0cTq4-02209-00522443-00522695 museums that could be looking at you had g7muFI0cTq4-02210-00522696-00522875 been planning Capital work perhaps that g7muFI0cTq4-02211-00522876-00523145 would reduce costs but then g7muFI0cTq4-02212-00523146-00523337 the costs are then increasing because of g7muFI0cTq4-02213-00523338-00523757 the cost of living situation and I was g7muFI0cTq4-02214-00523758-00523943 um reflecting as well on your point g7muFI0cTq4-02215-00523943-00524153 about warm spaces which I think impacts g7muFI0cTq4-02216-00524154-00524375 on all of you as well because g7muFI0cTq4-02217-00524376-00524549 um across my constituency of argyle and g7muFI0cTq4-02218-00524550-00524764 Butte that's what g7muFI0cTq4-02219-00524765-00524939 um local organizations have been looking g7muFI0cTq4-02220-00524940-00525239 at but if if this is going to impact on g7muFI0cTq4-02221-00525240-00525491 these spaces then where where are people g7muFI0cTq4-02222-00525492-00525755 going to go and I suppose then that also g7muFI0cTq4-02223-00525756-00525970 touches on the well-being g7muFI0cTq4-02224-00525971-00526109 um of people g7muFI0cTq4-02225-00526110-00526457 um within within Scotland as well so a g7muFI0cTq4-02226-00526458-00526685 few topics there to explore and that g7muFI0cTq4-02227-00526686-00526841 you've all touched on and perhaps you g7muFI0cTq4-02228-00526842-00527068 could expand on g7muFI0cTq4-02229-00527069-00527327 Lucy do you want to start yes thank you g7muFI0cTq4-02230-00527328-00527470 sir question about what gives and of g7muFI0cTq4-02231-00527471-00527555 course we're talking about a lot of g7muFI0cTq4-02232-00527556-00527699 different organizations so it'll be g7muFI0cTq4-02233-00527700-00527818 different choices but they're all g7muFI0cTq4-02234-00527819-00527981 difficult choices and my fear is what g7muFI0cTq4-02235-00527982-00528299 gives first is all of the activity that g7muFI0cTq4-02236-00528300-00528629 that as as John that animates the g7muFI0cTq4-02237-00528630-00528845 collections and we've talked a lot about g7muFI0cTq4-02238-00528846-00529175 the the potential for Museum Collections g7muFI0cTq4-02239-00529176-00529361 and activity to help with health and g7muFI0cTq4-02240-00529362-00529481 well-being and it's often that g7muFI0cTq4-02241-00529482-00529775 programming that delivers equality as g7muFI0cTq4-02242-00529776-00529925 well because there are programming g7muFI0cTq4-02243-00529926-00530111 around different ways of accessing g7muFI0cTq4-02244-00530112-00530266 collections for g7muFI0cTq4-02245-00530267-00530518 young people families with children with g7muFI0cTq4-02246-00530519-00530729 autism for example and so these are the g7muFI0cTq4-02247-00530730-00530981 programs that are the easiest thing to g7muFI0cTq4-02248-00530982-00531107 lose g7muFI0cTq4-02249-00531108-00531268 um but there's a great cost to that the g7muFI0cTq4-02250-00531269-00531425 opportunity cost from that and all of g7muFI0cTq4-02251-00531426-00531593 the ground that's been gained in terms g7muFI0cTq4-02252-00531594-00531761 of experience and the sharing of g7muFI0cTq4-02253-00531762-00531916 practice and so on so I really worry g7muFI0cTq4-02254-00531917-00532055 about g7muFI0cTq4-02255-00532056-00532277 um that uh that sort of g7muFI0cTq4-02256-00532278-00532361 um g7muFI0cTq4-02257-00532362-00532559 as it is those who who perhaps need g7muFI0cTq4-02258-00532560-00532709 those collections most need that ability g7muFI0cTq4-02259-00532710-00533039 to to to have that opened up to them g7muFI0cTq4-02260-00533040-00533201 um and we get you'll end up with an g7muFI0cTq4-02261-00533202-00533320 audience that is much more the people g7muFI0cTq4-02262-00533321-00533435 who are already confident to access g7muFI0cTq4-02263-00533436-00533708 those Services I think that's a big risk g7muFI0cTq4-02264-00533709-00533764 [Music] g7muFI0cTq4-02265-00533765-00533891 um g7muFI0cTq4-02266-00533892-00534131 for us as an organization g7muFI0cTq4-02267-00534132-00534407 we're looking hard at what is what is g7muFI0cTq4-02268-00534408-00534551 the most important services that we g7muFI0cTq4-02269-00534552-00534809 provide what can we what can we pause g7muFI0cTq4-02270-00534810-00534947 um so we're looking at things like our g7muFI0cTq4-02271-00534948-00535120 recognition program for example which g7muFI0cTq4-02272-00535121-00535199 may be something there are some g7muFI0cTq4-02273-00535200-00535414 activities that perhaps um we could put g7muFI0cTq4-02274-00535415-00535649 on pause to focus on the most urgent g7muFI0cTq4-02275-00535650-00535918 needs and one of the considerations that g7muFI0cTq4-02276-00535919-00536003 we're g7muFI0cTq4-02277-00536004-00536116 uh g7muFI0cTq4-02278-00536117-00536272 you may have seen that we've paused our g7muFI0cTq4-02279-00536273-00536464 grant making program for now so we have g7muFI0cTq4-02280-00536465-00536789 750 000 pounds left and 440 museums in g7muFI0cTq4-02281-00536790-00536999 difficulty so we want to be really g7muFI0cTq4-02282-00537000-00537245 careful about how we spend that g7muFI0cTq4-02283-00537246-00537364 um during covert one of the really g7muFI0cTq4-02284-00537365-00537514 important things we did was to open up g7muFI0cTq4-02285-00537515-00537737 our funding to non-accredited museums so g7muFI0cTq4-02286-00537738-00537875 there are museums that are meet those g7muFI0cTq4-02287-00537876-00538012 Professional Standards which is really g7muFI0cTq4-02288-00538013-00538175 really important part of of the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02289-00538176-00538372 is encouraging those standards but there g7muFI0cTq4-02290-00538373-00538535 are also a large number of really g7muFI0cTq4-02291-00538536-00538697 important Community level museums and g7muFI0cTq4-02292-00538698-00538877 volunteer museums that provide a g7muFI0cTq4-02293-00538878-00539105 fantastic service and asset in those g7muFI0cTq4-02294-00539106-00539297 communities that that are often telling g7muFI0cTq4-02295-00539298-00539435 the stories of those places and the g7muFI0cTq4-02296-00539436-00539657 unique identity of those places and they g7muFI0cTq4-02297-00539658-00539818 are no longer able to access our funding g7muFI0cTq4-02298-00539819-00539999 at present because of we've returned to g7muFI0cTq4-02299-00540000-00540191 our pre-covered funding programs and I g7muFI0cTq4-02300-00540192-00540322 think that's a huge challenge of what do g7muFI0cTq4-02301-00540323-00540407 we value g7muFI0cTq4-02302-00540408-00540629 and it does a difficult choice to say do g7muFI0cTq4-02303-00540630-00540791 we value the most important collections g7muFI0cTq4-02304-00540792-00540983 or do we value that that value that g7muFI0cTq4-02305-00540984-00541187 those museums bring to communities so g7muFI0cTq4-02306-00541188-00541318 we're we're thinking hard we're talking g7muFI0cTq4-02307-00541319-00541420 to our colleagues and Scottish g7muFI0cTq4-02308-00541421-00541570 government but it's g7muFI0cTq4-02309-00541571-00541762 750 000 pounds is not going to solve the g7muFI0cTq4-02310-00541763-00541877 problem so that we'll be about making g7muFI0cTq4-02311-00541878-00542039 those difficult choices g7muFI0cTq4-02312-00542040-00542303 um we haven't quite resolved that yet g7muFI0cTq4-02313-00542304-00542464 thank you and and Sir John in your g7muFI0cTq4-02314-00542465-00542591 introduction you talked about people g7muFI0cTq4-02315-00542592-00542837 making decisions as to g7muFI0cTq4-02316-00542838-00543016 um how they were going to spend their g7muFI0cTq4-02317-00543017-00543197 money and we got that evidence g7muFI0cTq4-02318-00543198-00543383 um on Monday when we had a round table g7muFI0cTq4-02319-00543384-00543575 with various g7muFI0cTq4-02320-00543576-00543851 um Community groups and the the the g7muFI0cTq4-02321-00543852-00544085 Stark point was people will look at 20 g7muFI0cTq4-02322-00544086-00544295 pounds and try to think about how g7muFI0cTq4-02323-00544296-00544505 they're actually going to spend it so g7muFI0cTq4-02324-00544506-00544768 same kind of question to you what what g7muFI0cTq4-02325-00544769-00545003 are you looking at yeah I mean what what g7muFI0cTq4-02326-00545004-00545153 gives us g7muFI0cTq4-02327-00545154-00545477 um uh Lucy has said the first thing that g7muFI0cTq4-02328-00545478-00545716 goes is uh programming g7muFI0cTq4-02329-00545717-00546041 and the activation of the uh the g7muFI0cTq4-02330-00546042-00546137 collection g7muFI0cTq4-02331-00546138-00546335 and the difficulty with that of course g7muFI0cTq4-02332-00546336-00546785 is that not only do you cut back on uh g7muFI0cTq4-02333-00546786-00547079 the uh the offer but that then has an g7muFI0cTq4-02334-00547080-00547307 immediate impact on your ability to g7muFI0cTq4-02335-00547308-00547499 generate income so you get into a g7muFI0cTq4-02336-00547500-00547822 vicious downward spiral so if we don't g7muFI0cTq4-02337-00547823-00548062 do exhibitions for example then we don't g7muFI0cTq4-02338-00548063-00548339 benefit from the exhibition tax credit g7muFI0cTq4-02339-00548340-00548611 which has been so helpful g7muFI0cTq4-02340-00548612-00548849 if we don't have people coming through g7muFI0cTq4-02341-00548850-00549095 the doors and we don't get donations we g7muFI0cTq4-02342-00549096-00549385 don't get gifted etc etc g7muFI0cTq4-02343-00549386-00549659 membership which has been an important g7muFI0cTq4-02344-00549660-00549893 form of income for us is highly g7muFI0cTq4-02345-00549894-00550120 dependent on a form of programming if g7muFI0cTq4-02346-00550121-00550331 there's no if there's no offer that g7muFI0cTq4-02347-00550332-00550816 people want to to pay for see then why g7muFI0cTq4-02348-00550817-00551207 become a member and so um uh that side g7muFI0cTq4-02349-00551208-00551411 of your activity very quickly comes g7muFI0cTq4-02350-00551412-00551561 under pressure g7muFI0cTq4-02351-00551562-00551789 but I think we are looking at g7muFI0cTq4-02352-00551790-00552077 um uh and certainly we're modeling uh g7muFI0cTq4-02353-00552078-00552281 different forms of opening hours uh g7muFI0cTq4-02354-00552282-00552520 closing a couple of days a week at g7muFI0cTq4-02355-00552521-00552737 certain sites perhaps a partial closure g7muFI0cTq4-02356-00552738-00553025 of a site perhaps Closing one site uh g7muFI0cTq4-02357-00553026-00553259 for extended periods remodeling all of g7muFI0cTq4-02358-00553260-00553372 those g7muFI0cTq4-02359-00553373-00553655 um can we earn more income yes you can g7muFI0cTq4-02360-00553656-00553799 always push it hard but we've been g7muFI0cTq4-02361-00553800-00554014 pulling those levers quite hard for the g7muFI0cTq4-02362-00554015-00554279 the past decade can you cut more costs g7muFI0cTq4-02363-00554280-00554549 yes every organization can cut costs but g7muFI0cTq4-02364-00554550-00554681 we've been doing that we've been doing g7muFI0cTq4-02365-00554682-00554837 shared services with the national g7muFI0cTq4-02366-00554838-00555055 libraries with the with the museums g7muFI0cTq4-02367-00555056-00555353 we've run our second voluntary exit g7muFI0cTq4-02368-00555354-00555616 scheme this year in two years we've said g7muFI0cTq4-02369-00555617-00555847 goodbye to over 40 staff g7muFI0cTq4-02370-00555848-00556162 so the creativity g7muFI0cTq4-02371-00556163-00556372 in in this regard begins to run out g7muFI0cTq4-02372-00556373-00556972 after a while g7muFI0cTq4-02373-00556973-00557291 um so I think during during covert we g7muFI0cTq4-02374-00557292-00557459 were all forced to sort of revisit what g7muFI0cTq4-02375-00557460-00557705 a priorities were and we were very g7muFI0cTq4-02376-00557706-00557909 fortunate to be assisted by by the g7muFI0cTq4-02377-00557910-00558035 Scottish government increasing a grant g7muFI0cTq4-02378-00558036-00558335 to need when 85 of our commercial income g7muFI0cTq4-02379-00558336-00558599 uh disappeared like like snow off or die g7muFI0cTq4-02380-00558600-00558970 so you know we have been pulling back on g7muFI0cTq4-02381-00558971-00559133 some of the things some of the things we g7muFI0cTq4-02382-00559134-00559337 do and I think that's just business as g7muFI0cTq4-02383-00559338-00559570 usual now to be honest but if I if I g7muFI0cTq4-02384-00559571-00559745 look forward and say well how might we g7muFI0cTq4-02385-00559746-00559907 deal with the challenges that we see g7muFI0cTq4-02386-00559908-00560093 coming down the track towards us through g7muFI0cTq4-02387-00560094-00560381 cost of living implications I think the g7muFI0cTq4-02388-00560382-00560501 first thing is you focus on the core g7muFI0cTq4-02389-00560502-00560705 business and things that are maybe nice g7muFI0cTq4-02390-00560706-00560968 to do and not essential to do those are g7muFI0cTq4-02391-00560969-00561179 the ones that um that aren't um aren't g7muFI0cTq4-02392-00561180-00561370 prioritized g7muFI0cTq4-02393-00561371-00561629 um and as so John said you know the core g7muFI0cTq4-02394-00561630-00561827 business is critical because of g7muFI0cTq4-02395-00561828-00561964 you know we can't open some of the g7muFI0cTq4-02396-00561965-00562168 castles then you know it is the income g7muFI0cTq4-02397-00562169-00562337 that flows it's a membership offer and g7muFI0cTq4-02398-00562338-00562481 so on so you know looking after the core g7muFI0cTq4-02399-00562482-00562631 businesses g7muFI0cTq4-02400-00562632-00562895 um is really really important I think we g7muFI0cTq4-02401-00562896-00563045 have to find ways of continuing to g7muFI0cTq4-02402-00563046-00563218 invest because a lot of the things that g7muFI0cTq4-02403-00563219-00563489 we look after are by definition historic g7muFI0cTq4-02404-00563490-00563603 assets g7muFI0cTq4-02405-00563604-00563831 um and the the were there long before us g7muFI0cTq4-02406-00563832-00564041 they'll see all of us out but they need g7muFI0cTq4-02407-00564042-00564341 investment and a short term pulling back g7muFI0cTq4-02408-00564342-00564466 in that investment actually has g7muFI0cTq4-02409-00564467-00564670 long-term implications and it's not just g7muFI0cTq4-02410-00564671-00564833 in the capital cost it's things like g7muFI0cTq4-02411-00564834-00565133 skills we're facing a huge crisis in the g7muFI0cTq4-02412-00565134-00565301 sector just now on traditional skills g7muFI0cTq4-02413-00565302-00565564 stone masonry skills so whatever the g7muFI0cTq4-02414-00565565-00565799 short term budgetary challenges are we g7muFI0cTq4-02415-00565800-00565949 need to find creative ways of still g7muFI0cTq4-02416-00565950-00566135 investing because if we if we take a g7muFI0cTq4-02417-00566136-00566416 short term uh view of some of this then g7muFI0cTq4-02418-00566417-00566627 we end up with long-term long-term g7muFI0cTq4-02419-00566628-00566866 challenges further down the line I think g7muFI0cTq4-02420-00566867-00567101 what a lot of this is leading us all g7muFI0cTq4-02421-00567102-00567347 towards is actually asking some pretty g7muFI0cTq4-02422-00567348-00567485 tough questions about what's the g7muFI0cTq4-02423-00567486-00567670 strategy for some of the sectors we look g7muFI0cTq4-02424-00567671-00567899 after are involved in going forward g7muFI0cTq4-02425-00567900-00568127 other strategies that were right in the g7muFI0cTq4-02426-00568128-00568277 past are possible in the past still g7muFI0cTq4-02427-00568278-00568487 possible uh going forward so I think g7muFI0cTq4-02428-00568488-00568607 that some of these bigger strategic g7muFI0cTq4-02429-00568608-00568775 discussions that are actually quite g7muFI0cTq4-02430-00568776-00568979 important and I just offered two other g7muFI0cTq4-02431-00568980-00569291 quick thoughts one is g7muFI0cTq4-02432-00569292-00569507 um I know we as an organization are g7muFI0cTq4-02433-00569508-00569627 perhaps in a slightly different position g7muFI0cTq4-02434-00569628-00569801 than some organizations in the sense g7muFI0cTq4-02435-00569802-00570166 that we have commercial opportunities g7muFI0cTq4-02436-00570167-00570353 but the parameters within which were g7muFI0cTq4-02437-00570354-00570599 asked to operate through our framework g7muFI0cTq4-02438-00570600-00570772 agreement with government doesn't allow g7muFI0cTq4-02439-00570773-00570970 us to pull some of these levers g7muFI0cTq4-02440-00570971-00571270 particularly easily so I think well g7muFI0cTq4-02441-00571271-00571529 we'll have a real challenge I think g7muFI0cTq4-02442-00571530-00571714 there are some opportunities that we'd g7muFI0cTq4-02443-00571715-00571895 like to look at how to do it how can we g7muFI0cTq4-02444-00571896-00572170 encourage more incentivization to do g7muFI0cTq4-02445-00572171-00572345 certain things without it necessarily g7muFI0cTq4-02446-00572346-00572651 having a an immediate um a negative g7muFI0cTq4-02447-00572652-00572891 impact and the final thing is and I just g7muFI0cTq4-02448-00572892-00573118 I would say this whether when I cause a g7muFI0cTq4-02449-00573119-00573364 living crisis or not we just need to g7muFI0cTq4-02450-00573365-00573611 change the narrative around what we as a g7muFI0cTq4-02451-00573612-00573916 sector collectively do you know in our g7muFI0cTq4-02452-00573917-00574072 title we're called historic environment g7muFI0cTq4-02453-00574073-00574277 Scotland people think we work in the g7muFI0cTq4-02454-00574278-00574570 past with the past yeah we do but what g7muFI0cTq4-02455-00574571-00574757 we do is as relevant to today and g7muFI0cTq4-02456-00574758-00574997 tomorrow as it was all these years ago g7muFI0cTq4-02457-00574998-00575285 so we've got to see culture and Heritage g7muFI0cTq4-02458-00575286-00575543 and historic environment not as the nice g7muFI0cTq4-02459-00575544-00575764 to have but actually quite fundamental g7muFI0cTq4-02460-00575765-00575891 to what we're doing it's why in our g7muFI0cTq4-02461-00575892-00576112 submission to the committee we didn't g7muFI0cTq4-02462-00576113-00576316 say too much about us we actually talked g7muFI0cTq4-02463-00576317-00576491 about the contribution that our sector g7muFI0cTq4-02464-00576492-00576772 makes to the economy through income g7muFI0cTq4-02465-00576773-00576941 through tourism through jobs through the g7muFI0cTq4-02466-00576942-00577085 procurement trickle down to lots of g7muFI0cTq4-02467-00577086-00577337 small and lots of small businesses to g7muFI0cTq4-02468-00577338-00577468 the well-being agenda in other words g7muFI0cTq4-02469-00577469-00577727 what we all collectively do isn't in a g7muFI0cTq4-02470-00577728-00577889 nice view box packaged off the left g7muFI0cTq4-02471-00577890-00578141 field here it's fundamental to so many g7muFI0cTq4-02472-00578142-00578291 of the government priorities and it g7muFI0cTq4-02473-00578292-00578501 doesn't get that narrative it doesn't g7muFI0cTq4-02474-00578502-00578753 get seen in that context and the final g7muFI0cTq4-02475-00578754-00578945 one I would just say the whole ambition g7muFI0cTq4-02476-00578946-00579131 around Net Zero and g7muFI0cTq4-02477-00579132-00579412 um and climate change if they could fix g7muFI0cTq4-02478-00579413-00579629 the problems of historic properties not g7muFI0cTq4-02479-00579630-00579959 castles and standing stones but 20 of g7muFI0cTq4-02480-00579960-00580162 the buildings that people live in go to g7muFI0cTq4-02481-00580163-00580468 school in working are in hospital in are g7muFI0cTq4-02482-00580469-00580727 historic buildings they're pre-1919 g7muFI0cTq4-02483-00580728-00580949 which is the definition if you could fix g7muFI0cTq4-02484-00580950-00581195 them retrofit them reuse them make them g7muFI0cTq4-02485-00581196-00581447 Energy Efficiency then you know a lot of g7muFI0cTq4-02486-00581448-00581627 the challenges we've got around NetZero g7muFI0cTq4-02487-00581628-00581861 would be met and that's why what we do g7muFI0cTq4-02488-00581862-00582041 and it's why why investment in this g7muFI0cTq4-02489-00582042-00582227 environment not just us as an g7muFI0cTq4-02490-00582228-00582418 organization but the sector is so g7muFI0cTq4-02491-00582419-00582611 important because it's contributing to g7muFI0cTq4-02492-00582612-00582887 the agendas of today climate Net Zero g7muFI0cTq4-02493-00582888-00583187 well-being inclusion education Economic g7muFI0cTq4-02494-00583188-00583337 Development Community wealth building g7muFI0cTq4-02495-00583338-00583535 and so we need to change the narrative g7muFI0cTq4-02496-00583536-00583727 about saying well we get the crumbs that g7muFI0cTq4-02497-00583728-00583841 are left you know at the end of the g7muFI0cTq4-02498-00583842-00584116 table to actually this is core to what g7muFI0cTq4-02499-00584117-00584249 we're trying to do to build a better g7muFI0cTq4-02500-00584250-00584543 Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-02501-00584544-00584735 attended the international culture g7muFI0cTq4-02502-00584736-00584920 Summit um in the parliament as part of g7muFI0cTq4-02503-00584921-00585125 the festival and that was the key g7muFI0cTq4-02504-00585126-00585268 message that was coming out from that g7muFI0cTq4-02505-00585269-00585503 from across the world so thank you for g7muFI0cTq4-02506-00585504-00585616 that g7muFI0cTq4-02507-00585617-00585857 thank you um good evening Mr Roscoe g7muFI0cTq4-02508-00585858-00586007 please thanks g7muFI0cTq4-02509-00586008-00586079 um g7muFI0cTq4-02510-00586080-00586235 if I can come back to yourself Alex g7muFI0cTq4-02511-00586236-00586511 about the particular issues around g7muFI0cTq4-02512-00586512-00586805 managing the historic assets that are g7muFI0cTq4-02513-00586806-00586979 under your care and particularly the g7muFI0cTq4-02514-00586980-00587153 masonry issues at the moment I mean g7muFI0cTq4-02515-00587154-00587309 we've had a submission from an Institute g7muFI0cTq4-02516-00587310-00587572 for conservation who have said that it's g7muFI0cTq4-02517-00587573-00587764 been a lack of investment for many g7muFI0cTq4-02518-00587765-00588112 decades so this isn't a covid or a or a g7muFI0cTq4-02519-00588113-00588268 cost of living issue it's it's been g7muFI0cTq4-02520-00588269-00588437 evolving over time and that the burden g7muFI0cTq4-02521-00588438-00588616 of Maintenance and Repair is increasing g7muFI0cTq4-02522-00588617-00588839 I mean do you recognize that this is g7muFI0cTq4-02523-00588840-00589066 having quite an impact on certain g7muFI0cTq4-02524-00589067-00589331 communities now and I use the example of g7muFI0cTq4-02525-00589332-00589607 Don Blaine where the Grays at donbling g7muFI0cTq4-02526-00589608-00589811 Cathedral have been fenced off now for g7muFI0cTq4-02527-00589812-00590045 best part of two years and it's starting g7muFI0cTq4-02528-00590046-00590195 to make that historic quarter of the g7muFI0cTq4-02529-00590196-00590387 Town look quite dilapidated and there's g7muFI0cTq4-02530-00590388-00590639 a lot of frustration and impact on you g7muFI0cTq4-02531-00590640-00590849 know the surrounding community so it's a g7muFI0cTq4-02532-00590850-00591155 difficult issue but do you recognize g7muFI0cTq4-02533-00591156-00591377 that and how do you see a way out of g7muFI0cTq4-02534-00591378-00591629 that because some some of our historic g7muFI0cTq4-02535-00591630-00591803 Assets Now are effectively being frozen g7muFI0cTq4-02536-00591804-00592025 and it's having an impact on on many g7muFI0cTq4-02537-00592026-00592187 communities g7muFI0cTq4-02538-00592188-00592451 um absolutely absolutely see that and um g7muFI0cTq4-02539-00592452-00592607 you know what what are the things I've g7muFI0cTq4-02540-00592608-00592805 done a lot in the last few weeks and g7muFI0cTq4-02541-00592806-00592918 months has gone around many of the g7muFI0cTq4-02542-00592919-00593014 communities g7muFI0cTq4-02543-00593015-00593291 um who've got one of our properties in g7muFI0cTq4-02544-00593292-00593483 their midst and it's either closed or g7muFI0cTq4-02545-00593484-00593651 restricted so g7muFI0cTq4-02546-00593652-00593903 um we we absolutely acknowledge g7muFI0cTq4-02547-00593904-00594191 um the impact it it's having g7muFI0cTq4-02548-00594192-00594281 um g7muFI0cTq4-02549-00594282-00594551 the the flip side I would say is that we g7muFI0cTq4-02550-00594552-00594862 almost had no option to do what we've g7muFI0cTq4-02551-00594863-00595055 what we've done g7muFI0cTq4-02552-00595056-00595445 um we we have about 60 odd sites at the g7muFI0cTq4-02553-00595446-00595655 moment where access is restricted and I g7muFI0cTq4-02554-00595656-00595847 use the word access restricted rather g7muFI0cTq4-02555-00595848-00595979 than close because they're not they're g7muFI0cTq4-02556-00595980-00596105 not all closed and actually quite a g7muFI0cTq4-02557-00596106-00596243 number of the site Spirit access is g7muFI0cTq4-02558-00596244-00596459 restricted the visitor numbers are still g7muFI0cTq4-02559-00596460-00596639 really good because they're still a good g7muFI0cTq4-02560-00596640-00596735 offer g7muFI0cTq4-02561-00596736-00596987 um but we obviously no no no g7muFI0cTq4-02562-00596988-00597220 um with no option but to do what we've g7muFI0cTq4-02563-00597221-00597359 done and that's for the for the simple g7muFI0cTq4-02564-00597360-00597497 reason that g7muFI0cTq4-02565-00597498-00597707 um we embarked on a project g7muFI0cTq4-02566-00597708-00598066 um to look at the risk to Life Safety at g7muFI0cTq4-02567-00598067-00598259 all our sites and that comes in various g7muFI0cTq4-02568-00598260-00598511 forms it comes in gravestones it comes g7muFI0cTq4-02569-00598512-00598685 with trees it comes with boats it comes g7muFI0cTq4-02570-00598686-00598883 with all range of things and we wanted g7muFI0cTq4-02571-00598884-00599111 to be assured that we had everything in g7muFI0cTq4-02572-00599112-00599357 place to mitigate those risks last thing g7muFI0cTq4-02573-00599358-00599561 we want is element to suffer an injury g7muFI0cTq4-02574-00599562-00599866 or worse at any of our sites one of the g7muFI0cTq4-02575-00599867-00600083 components of that we call it tier one g7muFI0cTq4-02576-00600084-00600311 program was high level masonry and and g7muFI0cTq4-02577-00600312-00600455 the way in which g7muFI0cTq4-02578-00600456-00600677 high level masonry has been inspected in g7muFI0cTq4-02579-00600678-00600833 the past and we're talking about g7muFI0cTq4-02580-00600834-00601037 buildings typically without roots High g7muFI0cTq4-02581-00601038-00601337 walls and so on was either an inspection g7muFI0cTq4-02582-00601338-00601535 from the ground or you fly a drone over g7muFI0cTq4-02583-00601536-00601727 it and actually neither of these two g7muFI0cTq4-02584-00601728-00601883 methods gave you the level of assurance g7muFI0cTq4-02585-00601884-00602135 that you actually needed and so we did a g7muFI0cTq4-02586-00602136-00602411 couple of pilot um four pilot sites and g7muFI0cTq4-02587-00602412-00602572 we found out yeah we have an issue here g7muFI0cTq4-02588-00602573-00602747 now that issue is down to many things g7muFI0cTq4-02589-00602748-00602975 it's down to lack of investment over g7muFI0cTq4-02590-00602976-00603137 decades g7muFI0cTq4-02591-00603138-00603364 um and as my technical colleagues would g7muFI0cTq4-02592-00603365-00603461 say g7muFI0cTq4-02593-00603462-00603653 um the exposure of some of these sites g7muFI0cTq4-02594-00603654-00603851 to climate change which is which is not g7muFI0cTq4-02595-00603852-00604079 the full cost at full cost but it's it's g7muFI0cTq4-02596-00604080-00604301 accelerated some other Decay we've got g7muFI0cTq4-02597-00604302-00604559 and I spoke to lawyers I'd noticed him g7muFI0cTq4-02598-00604560-00604733 about this and and their advice to me g7muFI0cTq4-02599-00604734-00604925 was if you think there may be a risk you g7muFI0cTq4-02600-00604926-00605087 have to assume there is a risk and you g7muFI0cTq4-02601-00605088-00605309 have to act on that basis so one of the g7muFI0cTq4-02602-00605310-00605489 toughest decisions I've had to take in g7muFI0cTq4-02603-00605490-00605705 this job has been to say actually we g7muFI0cTq4-02604-00605706-00605909 need to put restrictions in place at a g7muFI0cTq4-02605-00605910-00606112 number of sites until we can be assured g7muFI0cTq4-02606-00606113-00606395 that the sites are safe now I would say g7muFI0cTq4-02607-00606396-00606545 that over 80 percent of our sites are g7muFI0cTq4-02608-00606546-00606785 still open and are still accessible so g7muFI0cTq4-02609-00606786-00606989 the narrative often is all your sites g7muFI0cTq4-02610-00606990-00607205 are closed not not true but we've g7muFI0cTq4-02611-00607206-00607337 embarked in our wealth through a program g7muFI0cTq4-02612-00607338-00607612 of inspections to actually see what is g7muFI0cTq4-02613-00607613-00607793 the challenge here and what what do we g7muFI0cTq4-02614-00607794-00607949 need to do to get these sites back open g7muFI0cTq4-02615-00607950-00608147 and the number of sites we have been g7muFI0cTq4-02616-00608148-00608368 able to get reopened g7muFI0cTq4-02617-00608369-00608572 um but the inspection program will run g7muFI0cTq4-02618-00608573-00608735 through the winter or run into next year g7muFI0cTq4-02619-00608736-00609035 and almost until we've done the g7muFI0cTq4-02620-00609036-00609172 inspection to know what we're facing g7muFI0cTq4-02621-00609173-00609305 it's difficult to actually know what the g7muFI0cTq4-02622-00609306-00609485 solutions are some of our sites we've g7muFI0cTq4-02623-00609486-00609599 inspected and we've been able to fix g7muFI0cTq4-02624-00609600-00609845 small problems as we've as we've gone so g7muFI0cTq4-02625-00609846-00610049 Andrew's Castle been a good example and g7muFI0cTq4-02626-00610050-00610270 the site is now is now reopened but we g7muFI0cTq4-02627-00610271-00610559 recognize the impact that it's having g7muFI0cTq4-02628-00610560-00610768 um on on communities and that's why I've g7muFI0cTq4-02629-00610769-00610883 gone out and spoken to a lot of g7muFI0cTq4-02630-00610884-00611014 communities about how can we work g7muFI0cTq4-02631-00611015-00611249 together and to address the challenges g7muFI0cTq4-02632-00611250-00611399 that our closures or our restrictions g7muFI0cTq4-02633-00611400-00611662 are bringing and I think I would say g7muFI0cTq4-02634-00611663-00611789 three things have struck me in this g7muFI0cTq4-02635-00611790-00612101 company these conversations number one g7muFI0cTq4-02636-00612102-00612251 um they don't like their site has been g7muFI0cTq4-02637-00612252-00612425 restricted any more than I do and I've g7muFI0cTq4-02638-00612426-00612610 just a bit upfront and honest and g7muFI0cTq4-02639-00612611-00612814 explained why we've done what we've done g7muFI0cTq4-02640-00612815-00612964 and why what we're doing to try and g7muFI0cTq4-02641-00612965-00613187 address it and that has been appreciated g7muFI0cTq4-02642-00613188-00613420 I think the second thing is we've g7muFI0cTq4-02643-00613421-00613564 explored with them how we can work g7muFI0cTq4-02644-00613565-00613643 together g7muFI0cTq4-02645-00613644-00613883 and that's been a very productive and g7muFI0cTq4-02646-00613884-00614075 fruitful and conversations there are g7muFI0cTq4-02647-00614076-00614243 things that we can do short of our site g7muFI0cTq4-02648-00614244-00614375 has been fully opened with local g7muFI0cTq4-02649-00614376-00614681 communities to still enhance the offer g7muFI0cTq4-02650-00614682-00614920 and provide opportunities g7muFI0cTq4-02651-00614921-00615143 um in those communities and the and the g7muFI0cTq4-02652-00615144-00615347 third thing we've done is make sure that g7muFI0cTq4-02653-00615348-00615575 we're not just restricting access and g7muFI0cTq4-02654-00615576-00615827 saying that's it we have actually put a g7muFI0cTq4-02655-00615828-00616018 fair amount of interpretation into sites g7muFI0cTq4-02656-00616019-00616193 done new things rolled out a whole range g7muFI0cTq4-02657-00616194-00616366 of digital interventions g7muFI0cTq4-02658-00616367-00616618 try and provide a visitor offer and even g7muFI0cTq4-02659-00616619-00616775 where they feel access to the site is g7muFI0cTq4-02660-00616776-00617003 not possible so yes g7muFI0cTq4-02661-00617004-00617266 um I fully accept that this is not where g7muFI0cTq4-02662-00617267-00617549 we want to be fully accept that that g7muFI0cTq4-02663-00617550-00617741 um it will take a bit of time to get the g7muFI0cTq4-02664-00617742-00618005 whole thing resolved I think this is g7muFI0cTq4-02665-00618006-00618172 little consolation g7muFI0cTq4-02666-00618173-00618407 um you know this is not unique to us g7muFI0cTq4-02667-00618408-00618616 other Heritage asset owners across g7muFI0cTq4-02668-00618617-00618839 Scotland and across the world will on g7muFI0cTq4-02669-00618840-00619103 our facing similar problems it doesn't g7muFI0cTq4-02670-00619104-00619295 feel comfortable sometimes but out in g7muFI0cTq4-02671-00619296-00619516 the Vanguard of all of this but it's the g7muFI0cTq4-02672-00619517-00619714 right thing to do I could not sit in g7muFI0cTq4-02673-00619715-00619847 front of you as a committee and say g7muFI0cTq4-02674-00619848-00620009 actually we decided just to leave them g7muFI0cTq4-02675-00620010-00620153 open and somebody's been hit by a small g7muFI0cTq4-02676-00620154-00620351 rock fall into my huge height and g7muFI0cTq4-02677-00620352-00620572 somebody's been badly injured or worse g7muFI0cTq4-02678-00620573-00620987 can't do that risk so that there have g7muFI0cTq4-02679-00620988-00621185 been examples I gave one in relation to g7muFI0cTq4-02680-00621186-00621335 dumbling where communication with the g7muFI0cTq4-02681-00621336-00621551 community has not been ideal and and g7muFI0cTq4-02682-00621552-00621718 actually there are surrounding museums g7muFI0cTq4-02683-00621719-00622037 as well that are affected by that so I I g7muFI0cTq4-02684-00622038-00622235 I maybe if you could take that away in g7muFI0cTq4-02685-00622236-00622391 terms of the consistency of that g7muFI0cTq4-02686-00622392-00622505 approach because I think everybody g7muFI0cTq4-02687-00622506-00622660 understands its budget constraints g7muFI0cTq4-02688-00622661-00622793 everyone understands a difficult time g7muFI0cTq4-02689-00622794-00623020 but that work with the community is g7muFI0cTq4-02690-00623021-00623249 important to understand when something g7muFI0cTq4-02691-00623250-00623555 will be fixed how well look let me I g7muFI0cTq4-02692-00623556-00623687 know we've had some correspondence g7muFI0cTq4-02693-00623688-00623837 recently on Dublin let me take that way g7muFI0cTq4-02694-00623838-00624107 and again right back I'm also happy to g7muFI0cTq4-02695-00624108-00624275 meet with the community of Dublin I'm g7muFI0cTq4-02696-00624276-00624472 very very happy to do great thank you um g7muFI0cTq4-02697-00624473-00624737 can I then move to uh Sir John and Lucy g7muFI0cTq4-02698-00624738-00625049 about another issue um I'm aware that g7muFI0cTq4-02699-00625050-00625253 there's been a program looking at you g7muFI0cTq4-02700-00625254-00625414 know Scotland's Colonial history and g7muFI0cTq4-02701-00625415-00625697 Colonial Legacy and and that's been a g7muFI0cTq4-02702-00625698-00625864 detailed piece of work for museums and g7muFI0cTq4-02703-00625865-00626068 Galleries and one of the recommendations g7muFI0cTq4-02704-00626069-00626249 coming out of that one of the principles g7muFI0cTq4-02705-00626250-00626507 is of you know culturally important g7muFI0cTq4-02706-00626508-00626716 objects being potentially repatriated g7muFI0cTq4-02707-00626717-00626939 and they're being restitution as well g7muFI0cTq4-02708-00626940-00627251 can ask is that is that work progressing g7muFI0cTq4-02709-00627252-00627562 with with your institutions g7muFI0cTq4-02710-00627563-00627737 um and how that's progressing and how g7muFI0cTq4-02711-00627738-00627931 that that is seen right now because g7muFI0cTq4-02712-00627932-00628199 obviously it could be an opportunity to g7muFI0cTq4-02713-00628200-00628481 strengthen cultural links with g7muFI0cTq4-02714-00628482-00628637 um former Colonial g7muFI0cTq4-02715-00628638-00628762 um you know countries and and g7muFI0cTq4-02716-00628763-00629014 communities uh in in the way for example g7muFI0cTq4-02717-00629015-00629218 that was achieved with the the g7muFI0cTq4-02718-00629219-00629453 repatriation of the of the um Ghost g7muFI0cTq4-02719-00629454-00629770 Dance shirt nearly 20 years ago now g7muFI0cTq4-02720-00629771-00629999 um or it could be seen as losing g7muFI0cTq4-02721-00630000-00630389 potential assets from collections which g7muFI0cTq4-02722-00630390-00630575 might be attractive so I'm interested g7muFI0cTq4-02723-00630576-00630718 just to know how that work is g7muFI0cTq4-02724-00630719-00631051 progressing at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-02725-00631052-00631391 yeah so the the project your friend was g7muFI0cTq4-02726-00631392-00631595 uh the project um the Empire slavery g7muFI0cTq4-02727-00631596-00631816 Scotland's museums project g7muFI0cTq4-02728-00631817-00632087 um was uh something that um museums g7muFI0cTq4-02729-00632088-00632272 Gallery Scott was asked to to lead on on g7muFI0cTq4-02730-00632273-00632422 behalf of Scottish Government after the g7muFI0cTq4-02731-00632423-00632657 vote in Parliament about committing to g7muFI0cTq4-02732-00632658-00632866 having a slavery museum for Scotland and g7muFI0cTq4-02733-00632867-00633089 how best to realize that g7muFI0cTq4-02734-00633090-00633245 um the recommendations came forward are g7muFI0cTq4-02735-00633246-00633412 not mgs's recommendations are an g7muFI0cTq4-02736-00633413-00633539 independent Steering group chaired by g7muFI0cTq4-02737-00633540-00633707 Sir Jeff Palmer was created and I spent g7muFI0cTq4-02738-00633708-00633899 18 months looking at that and coming up g7muFI0cTq4-02739-00633900-00634145 with the recommendations uh and behind g7muFI0cTq4-02740-00634146-00634312 that was a huge amount of research there g7muFI0cTq4-02741-00634313-00634427 were nine different strands of research g7muFI0cTq4-02742-00634428-00634591 that happened in the terms of public g7muFI0cTq4-02743-00634592-00634883 research with the museum community and g7muFI0cTq4-02744-00634884-00635147 but also public attitudes and and uh g7muFI0cTq4-02745-00635148-00635243 particularly g7muFI0cTq4-02746-00635244-00635381 um important research with the g7muFI0cTq4-02747-00635382-00635512 communities who are most at risk of g7muFI0cTq4-02748-00635513-00635633 exclusion of those who experience g7muFI0cTq4-02749-00635634-00635849 racialization and the legacies of g7muFI0cTq4-02750-00635850-00636047 slavery and Empire g7muFI0cTq4-02751-00636048-00636197 um so the recommendations are g7muFI0cTq4-02752-00636198-00636341 well-founded in that and but we're g7muFI0cTq4-02753-00636342-00636449 talking about so the sixth g7muFI0cTq4-02754-00636450-00636551 recommendation was around the g7muFI0cTq4-02755-00636552-00636731 collections um and that issue of g7muFI0cTq4-02756-00636732-00636905 potential repatriation g7muFI0cTq4-02757-00636906-00637066 um and g7muFI0cTq4-02758-00637067-00637283 we haven't yet had a the recommendation g7muFI0cTq4-02759-00637284-00637433 there about Scottish government taking a g7muFI0cTq4-02760-00637434-00637559 position on that it's with the welcome g7muFI0cTq4-02761-00637560-00637697 back and we haven't had a response yet g7muFI0cTq4-02762-00637698-00637793 from Scottish government to the g7muFI0cTq4-02763-00637794-00637943 recommendations but in the meantime g7muFI0cTq4-02764-00637944-00638225 there's been quite a number of um cases g7muFI0cTq4-02765-00638226-00638495 of progress being made um by individual g7muFI0cTq4-02766-00638496-00638651 institutions you may have seen that then g7muFI0cTq4-02767-00638652-00638987 the University of Aberdeen repatriated a g7muFI0cTq4-02768-00638988-00639245 bed in bronze um to the to the king of g7muFI0cTq4-02769-00639246-00639364 Benin g7muFI0cTq4-02770-00639365-00639629 um the uh Glasgow museums have g7muFI0cTq4-02771-00639630-00639970 repatriated items um three different uh g7muFI0cTq4-02772-00639971-00640157 three different collections two g7muFI0cTq4-02773-00640158-00640360 different communities g7muFI0cTq4-02774-00640361-00640547 um and there are other cases that are g7muFI0cTq4-02775-00640548-00640685 currently actively in progress as well g7muFI0cTq4-02776-00640686-00640835 so I think we are starting to see more g7muFI0cTq4-02777-00640836-00641051 progress in this area and you're g7muFI0cTq4-02778-00641052-00641141 absolutely right that there's g7muFI0cTq4-02779-00641142-00641320 opportunities to create those g7muFI0cTq4-02780-00641321-00641585 connections and and to really to be seen g7muFI0cTq4-02781-00641586-00641843 to be um g7muFI0cTq4-02782-00641844-00641993 making that's part of our cultural g7muFI0cTq4-02783-00641994-00642191 diplomacy to be to be sharing uh the g7muFI0cTq4-02784-00642192-00642310 skills as well it's not always about g7muFI0cTq4-02785-00642311-00642503 returning objects there's a range of g7muFI0cTq4-02786-00642504-00642616 different things that can happen in g7muFI0cTq4-02787-00642617-00642712 terms of g7muFI0cTq4-02788-00642713-00642899 um sharing expertise and sharing access g7muFI0cTq4-02789-00642900-00643085 and so on they're complicated g7muFI0cTq4-02790-00643086-00643139 um g7muFI0cTq4-02791-00643140-00643331 they're competition complicated issues g7muFI0cTq4-02792-00643332-00643625 but there is a recognized process to go g7muFI0cTq4-02793-00643626-00643781 through in terms of identifying the g7muFI0cTq4-02794-00643782-00644212 right um uh the right owners of those g7muFI0cTq4-02795-00644213-00644368 objects and it's really we're aware g7muFI0cTq4-02796-00644369-00644531 there's a number of objects in our g7muFI0cTq4-02797-00644532-00644675 collections that have been unethically g7muFI0cTq4-02798-00644676-00644860 acquired as I say our collections g7muFI0cTq4-02799-00644861-00645005 because MGS doesn't have any collections g7muFI0cTq4-02800-00645006-00645203 ourselves so for us it's a matter of g7muFI0cTq4-02801-00645204-00645401 supporting museums and galleries to find g7muFI0cTq4-02802-00645402-00645616 the right advice and and what sort of g7muFI0cTq4-02803-00645617-00645743 process and the sharing of the good g7muFI0cTq4-02804-00645744-00645947 practice this is evolving in Scotland I g7muFI0cTq4-02805-00645948-00646037 would say there's some really good g7muFI0cTq4-02806-00646038-00646181 practice going on and there's some live g7muFI0cTq4-02807-00646182-00646427 cases between the universities and the g7muFI0cTq4-02808-00646428-00646631 national museums and uh and the g7muFI0cTq4-02809-00646632-00646805 certainly um Glasgow museums and the g7muFI0cTq4-02810-00646806-00646931 College of Surgeons as well in Edinburgh g7muFI0cTq4-02811-00646932-00647116 have returned some items as well so we g7muFI0cTq4-02812-00647117-00647260 are starting to see progress and I think g7muFI0cTq4-02813-00647261-00647447 that's really really welcome g7muFI0cTq4-02814-00647448-00648007 um g7muFI0cTq4-02815-00648008-00648293 the excellent work that uh museums g7muFI0cTq4-02816-00648294-00648562 gallery of Scotland have done in the um g7muFI0cTq4-02817-00648563-00648760 uh the report makes g7muFI0cTq4-02818-00648761-00649079 um uh excellent reading uh we're in the g7muFI0cTq4-02819-00649080-00649229 position that the nature of our g7muFI0cTq4-02820-00649230-00649445 collections is such that g7muFI0cTq4-02821-00649446-00649775 um uh should I touch wood I'm not g7muFI0cTq4-02822-00649776-00649966 expecting any claims for restitution g7muFI0cTq4-02823-00649967-00650362 because of the the actual nature of it g7muFI0cTq4-02824-00650363-00650585 um not unless they start to want uh g7muFI0cTq4-02825-00650586-00650759 impressionist paintings to be returned g7muFI0cTq4-02826-00650760-00651125 to northern France but um I think we g7muFI0cTq4-02827-00651126-00651316 should be all right in that regard g7muFI0cTq4-02828-00651317-00651593 but what is it very important for us is g7muFI0cTq4-02829-00651594-00651814 the the whole issue of how we present g7muFI0cTq4-02830-00651815-00652193 and interpret uh collections which may g7muFI0cTq4-02831-00652194-00652541 have uh connections with Empire or our g7muFI0cTq4-02832-00652542-00652720 Colonial history g7muFI0cTq4-02833-00652721-00653201 um and uh I suppose catalyzed by uh the g7muFI0cTq4-02834-00653202-00653483 black lives matter movement uh I think g7muFI0cTq4-02835-00653484-00653681 we've all become aware that we need to g7muFI0cTq4-02836-00653682-00653755 be g7muFI0cTq4-02837-00653756-00654049 uh much more g7muFI0cTq4-02838-00654050-00654372 active in g7muFI0cTq4-02839-00654373-00654647 how we tackle issues of the quality g7muFI0cTq4-02840-00654648-00654875 diversion and occlusion across our g7muFI0cTq4-02841-00654876-00654985 collection g7muFI0cTq4-02842-00654986-00655349 who we represent in the collection uh g7muFI0cTq4-02843-00655350-00655805 how that art is across time is presented g7muFI0cTq4-02844-00655806-00656093 so a couple of years ago we embarked on g7muFI0cTq4-02845-00656094-00656368 a complete program of reinterpretation g7muFI0cTq4-02846-00656369-00656659 of the correction starting with g7muFI0cTq4-02847-00656660-00657022 identifying those objects where we had g7muFI0cTq4-02848-00657023-00657312 perhaps been very g7muFI0cTq4-02849-00657313-00657755 uh neutral in how they're presented and g7muFI0cTq4-02850-00657756-00658012 looking again at trying to produce a g7muFI0cTq4-02851-00658013-00658445 more layered uh interpretation there are g7muFI0cTq4-02852-00658446-00658662 balances to strike g7muFI0cTq4-02853-00658663-00658991 so for example uh if you're presenting a g7muFI0cTq4-02854-00658992-00659272 portrait of David Hume uh you can of g7muFI0cTq4-02855-00659273-00659483 course draw attention to his Unix what g7muFI0cTq4-02856-00659484-00659716 were certainly now and always g7muFI0cTq4-02857-00659717-00659957 unacceptable views on race g7muFI0cTq4-02858-00659958-00660191 but you've also got to point out that he g7muFI0cTq4-02859-00660192-00660449 was a great philosopher who had a huge g7muFI0cTq4-02860-00660450-00660659 influence on the pattern of Western g7muFI0cTq4-02861-00660660-00660964 thought so striking the the balance is g7muFI0cTq4-02862-00660965-00661301 sometimes difficult uh the path to g7muFI0cTq4-02863-00661302-00661637 Virtue in these issues has become quite g7muFI0cTq4-02864-00661638-00661907 narrow I think we're fortunate in this g7muFI0cTq4-02865-00661908-00662255 country that it is perhaps less g7muFI0cTq4-02866-00662256-00662441 politically loaded than it has been for g7muFI0cTq4-02867-00662442-00662843 our colleagues down south and so we do g7muFI0cTq4-02868-00662844-00663070 this with the support of government and g7muFI0cTq4-02869-00663071-00663349 I know broad support from g7muFI0cTq4-02870-00663350-00663610 communities and from I'm sure from g7muFI0cTq4-02871-00663611-00663829 people around this table g7muFI0cTq4-02872-00663830-00664085 but getting as I say those balances g7muFI0cTq4-02873-00664086-00664499 right is uh tricky but um uh there is g7muFI0cTq4-02874-00664500-00664757 great work going on and as Lucy has g7muFI0cTq4-02875-00664758-00665022 pointed out some some Active cases g7muFI0cTq4-02876-00665023-00665327 and you can see that happening uh across g7muFI0cTq4-02877-00665328-00665477 the world I'm a trustee of the reichs g7muFI0cTq4-02878-00665478-00665747 museum in Amsterdam and the reichs g7muFI0cTq4-02879-00665748-00666022 museum is part of a Consortium having to g7muFI0cTq4-02880-00666023-00666209 deal with similar issues about their g7muFI0cTq4-02881-00666210-00666587 colonial past in Indonesia so this is uh g7muFI0cTq4-02882-00666588-00666772 this is not something restricted to as g7muFI0cTq4-02883-00666773-00667003 you said to this country it is uh g7muFI0cTq4-02884-00667004-00667325 European wide thank you very much um can g7muFI0cTq4-02885-00667326-00667522 I ask us the final question g7muFI0cTq4-02886-00667523-00667739 um on a very different topic we had g7muFI0cTq4-02887-00667740-00667966 evidence from culture organizations last g7muFI0cTq4-02888-00667967-00668225 week who are pointing to where they may g7muFI0cTq4-02889-00668226-00668441 find additional sources of income going g7muFI0cTq4-02890-00668442-00668614 forward and a number of the g7muFI0cTq4-02891-00668615-00668909 organizations were pointing to the g7muFI0cTq4-02892-00668910-00669070 potential to use a transient visitor g7muFI0cTq4-02893-00669071-00669370 Levy as to raise money directly for for g7muFI0cTq4-02894-00669371-00669514 culture I'm wondering if that's g7muFI0cTq4-02895-00669515-00669695 something that that in in your roles g7muFI0cTq4-02896-00669696-00670066 you've had discussions uh with local g7muFI0cTq4-02897-00670067-00670420 authorities and others about g7muFI0cTq4-02898-00670421-00670870 uh when the um uh there was consultation g7muFI0cTq4-02899-00670871-00671116 on that through Edinburgh city council g7muFI0cTq4-02900-00671117-00671479 uh we got involved in that dialogue g7muFI0cTq4-02901-00671480-00671741 broadly supportive g7muFI0cTq4-02902-00671742-00672125 um and the caveat is as long as it those g7muFI0cTq4-02903-00672126-00672425 monies flow back into cultural provision g7muFI0cTq4-02904-00672426-00672760 and not into the potholes uh that would g7muFI0cTq4-02905-00672761-00672995 be the the main caveat but yeah we're g7muFI0cTq4-02906-00672996-00673175 supportive of it and I think it's been g7muFI0cTq4-02907-00673176-00673385 shown to work in other European centers g7muFI0cTq4-02908-00673386-00673643 and why not here g7muFI0cTq4-02909-00673644-00673870 um yeah we we submitted Evans at the g7muFI0cTq4-02910-00673871-00674081 same time to that um to that g7muFI0cTq4-02911-00674082-00674285 consultation enough that there's a g7muFI0cTq4-02912-00674286-00674441 balance to be struck here there's a fine g7muFI0cTq4-02913-00674442-00674609 balance between g7muFI0cTq4-02914-00674610-00674843 um increasing investment and also making g7muFI0cTq4-02915-00674844-00675049 sure that our tourism and Hospitality g7muFI0cTq4-02916-00675050-00675347 sector remains remains competitive so so g7muFI0cTq4-02917-00675348-00675635 we we offered some some thoughts if you g7muFI0cTq4-02918-00675636-00675814 like more about the design of a scheme g7muFI0cTq4-02919-00675815-00676085 firstly let's make sure that any income g7muFI0cTq4-02920-00676086-00676325 raised is reinvested in in the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02921-00676326-00676672 and not into a into a to a pot and that g7muFI0cTq4-02922-00676673-00676870 there needs to be some transparency as g7muFI0cTq4-02923-00676871-00677053 to how that would be how that would be g7muFI0cTq4-02924-00677054-00677339 done because you know this the sector g7muFI0cTq4-02925-00677340-00677597 tourism culture that needs investment g7muFI0cTq4-02926-00677598-00677843 and that's that's that's not in doubt g7muFI0cTq4-02927-00677844-00677999 but we've got to make sure we do it in a g7muFI0cTq4-02928-00678000-00678233 way that doesn't disadvantage or make g7muFI0cTq4-02929-00678234-00678539 our tourism industry and competitive or g7muFI0cTq4-02930-00678540-00678737 perceived to be uncompetitive so it's g7muFI0cTq4-02931-00678738-00678929 more about the design and the principles g7muFI0cTq4-02932-00678930-00679145 of the scheme would be important um g7muFI0cTq4-02933-00679146-00679312 going forward g7muFI0cTq4-02934-00679313-00679468 um you know that was that was our sort g7muFI0cTq4-02935-00679469-00679547 of g7muFI0cTq4-02936-00679548-00679720 of you g7muFI0cTq4-02937-00679721-00679931 on the same basis really but it's about g7muFI0cTq4-02938-00679932-00680116 where that funding then goes if it's to g7muFI0cTq4-02939-00680117-00680279 be used as a source of income generation g7muFI0cTq4-02940-00680280-00680495 that would be very welcome uh if if that g7muFI0cTq4-02941-00680496-00680614 was to be invested because we have to g7muFI0cTq4-02942-00680615-00680801 recognize the value that that our sector g7muFI0cTq4-02943-00680802-00681041 brings and as a draw for visitors in the g7muFI0cTq4-02944-00681042-00681185 first place and and and our cultural g7muFI0cTq4-02945-00681186-00681389 assets are an enormous role g7muFI0cTq4-02946-00681390-00681575 um for visitors to Scotland and so that g7muFI0cTq4-02947-00681576-00681755 is a could be a virtual Circle if it was g7muFI0cTq4-02948-00681756-00682031 to be done right thank you g7muFI0cTq4-02949-00682032-00682216 and tickled g7muFI0cTq4-02950-00682217-00682535 thank you convener uh just perhaps like g7muFI0cTq4-02951-00682536-00682775 to start with a specific issue with Alex g7muFI0cTq4-02952-00682776-00683045 Patterson if that's okay g7muFI0cTq4-02953-00683046-00683272 um just to follow up with Mark Roscoe's g7muFI0cTq4-02954-00683273-00683705 initial uh question our broth Abbey g7muFI0cTq4-02955-00683706-00683975 um there's been no access to the Abbey g7muFI0cTq4-02956-00683976-00684214 itself for years now is it awaits high g7muFI0cTq4-02957-00684215-00684587 level masonry inspections and clearly g7muFI0cTq4-02958-00684588-00684814 this will have an impact on tourism g7muFI0cTq4-02959-00684815-00685027 around our growth area g7muFI0cTq4-02960-00685028-00685391 and I just wondered what the time scales g7muFI0cTq4-02961-00685392-00685757 could be for the next stage beyond the g7muFI0cTq4-02962-00685758-00686039 inspection and thereafter whether it g7muFI0cTq4-02963-00686040-00686279 might be able to to open up fully and g7muFI0cTq4-02964-00686280-00686422 you're happy if you don't have the g7muFI0cTq4-02965-00686423-00686645 details there to you know receive a g7muFI0cTq4-02966-00686646-00686872 written submission regarding that yeah g7muFI0cTq4-02967-00686873-00687041 thank you for giving me the Gate of g7muFI0cTq4-02968-00687042-00687281 geocadri yeah our growth is on the g7muFI0cTq4-02969-00687282-00687443 inspection list but can I write to you g7muFI0cTq4-02970-00687444-00687670 formally with the with the time scale of g7muFI0cTq4-02971-00687671-00687916 it and and we've tried to do both what g7muFI0cTq4-02972-00687917-00688072 we can do we've opened a new Visitor g7muFI0cTq4-02973-00688073-00688210 Center there there's the scriptorium g7muFI0cTq4-02974-00688211-00688451 which is opened recently so g7muFI0cTq4-02975-00688452-00688618 um back to my point I I made earlier g7muFI0cTq4-02976-00688619-00688895 where we can offer some experience we're g7muFI0cTq4-02977-00688896-00689129 trying to do that but but you're right g7muFI0cTq4-02978-00689130-00689303 um we we need to complete the full g7muFI0cTq4-02979-00689304-00689512 inspection at our Pro so let me write to g7muFI0cTq4-02980-00689513-00689633 you and try and give you some more g7muFI0cTq4-02981-00689634-00689783 information about the time scale and g7muFI0cTq4-02982-00689784-00689962 that thanks that would be really useful g7muFI0cTq4-02983-00689963-00690239 I mean this morning we've heard from Sir g7muFI0cTq4-02984-00690240-00690497 John about energy cost doubling from g7muFI0cTq4-02985-00690498-00690814 Lucy around 30 cotton budget and from g7muFI0cTq4-02986-00690815-00691066 Alex the visitor numbers are just six 60 g7muFI0cTq4-02987-00691067-00691333 percent of pre-covered levels g7muFI0cTq4-02988-00691334-00691787 given this context and the requirement g7muFI0cTq4-02989-00691788-00692129 to meet Net Zero and the you know the g7muFI0cTq4-02990-00692130-00692368 the costs of this I mean there's a g7muFI0cTq4-02991-00692369-00692575 fantastic example just at Hollywood g7muFI0cTq4-02992-00692576-00692903 Lodge which I visited earlier this year g7muFI0cTq4-02993-00692904-00693089 with historic environment Scotland done g7muFI0cTq4-02994-00693090-00693316 some great work but it's it's quite g7muFI0cTq4-02995-00693317-00693460 Niche it's difficult to get the g7muFI0cTq4-02996-00693461-00693755 contractors and I just wondered whether g7muFI0cTq4-02997-00693756-00694057 you've made an assessment at least of g7muFI0cTq4-02998-00694058-00694325 costs of achieving Net Zero through the g7muFI0cTq4-02999-00694326-00694535 building infrastructure and thereafter g7muFI0cTq4-03000-00694536-00694810 how on Earth are we going to manage to g7muFI0cTq4-03001-00694811-00695255 ensure that that Net Zero is achieved g7muFI0cTq4-03002-00695256-00695585 um perhaps to give you a break Alex so g7muFI0cTq4-03003-00695586-00695818 start with Lucy if that's okay g7muFI0cTq4-03004-00695819-00695987 and well the simple answer is no we g7muFI0cTq4-03005-00695988-00696149 don't have an assessment of the cost of g7muFI0cTq4-03006-00696150-00696287 of doing that because g7muFI0cTq4-03007-00696288-00696491 um to be honest there's no g7muFI0cTq4-03008-00696492-00696677 um visible sight of where that funding g7muFI0cTq4-03009-00696678-00696845 would come from so I suppose there's an g7muFI0cTq4-03010-00696846-00697049 exercise that g7muFI0cTq4-03011-00697050-00697337 and we haven't prioritized g7muFI0cTq4-03012-00697338-00697505 um but I think it's really important to g7muFI0cTq4-03013-00697506-00697649 recognize that the the issues we're g7muFI0cTq4-03014-00697650-00697805 having with access to sites such as g7muFI0cTq4-03015-00697806-00697960 dunblain our growth and the other sites g7muFI0cTq4-03016-00697961-00698135 that as we're talking about g7muFI0cTq4-03017-00698136-00698339 it's that historic lack of investment if g7muFI0cTq4-03018-00698340-00698447 we're not able to invest in our g7muFI0cTq4-03019-00698448-00698603 properties we will see these these g7muFI0cTq4-03020-00698604-00698807 problems and these closures and um g7muFI0cTq4-03021-00698808-00698927 certainly is an interesting contrast g7muFI0cTq4-03022-00698928-00699149 where an assessment was done um South of g7muFI0cTq4-03023-00699150-00699239 the Border g7muFI0cTq4-03024-00699240-00699479 um in relation to museum Estates and g7muFI0cTq4-03025-00699480-00699689 that the need to to adapt those and g7muFI0cTq4-03026-00699690-00699851 there's a museum Estates development g7muFI0cTq4-03027-00699852-00700012 funding of 200 million pounds a year g7muFI0cTq4-03028-00700013-00700318 there are capital investment fund is 200 g7muFI0cTq4-03029-00700319-00700487 000 pounds a year across for over 400 g7muFI0cTq4-03030-00700488-00700793 museums so we simply cannot address the g7muFI0cTq4-03031-00700794-00700937 challenges that are there and I don't g7muFI0cTq4-03032-00700938-00701087 see what that where that budget is going g7muFI0cTq4-03033-00701088-00701255 to come out of culture and I don't see g7muFI0cTq4-03034-00701256-00701399 where it's coming from elsewhere either g7muFI0cTq4-03035-00701400-00701639 but it's absolutely g7muFI0cTq4-03036-00701640-00701747 it g7muFI0cTq4-03037-00701748-00701951 it makes perfect sense I mean it's it's g7muFI0cTq4-03038-00701952-00702257 it's a to be able to make those g7muFI0cTq4-03039-00702258-00702407 investments in those buildings to adapt g7muFI0cTq4-03040-00702408-00702664 them to to fight do that net zero g7muFI0cTq4-03041-00702665-00702881 transition is absolutely essential g7muFI0cTq4-03042-00702882-00703012 um but I don't see where the answer is g7muFI0cTq4-03043-00703013-00703162 coming from at the moment we're very g7muFI0cTq4-03044-00703163-00703325 happy to try and do an assessment of the g7muFI0cTq4-03045-00703326-00703583 cost of doing that but uh I don't see g7muFI0cTq4-03046-00703584-00703727 where the funding is coming from at the g7muFI0cTq4-03047-00703728-00703985 moment g7muFI0cTq4-03048-00703986-00704164 we were one of the first national g7muFI0cTq4-03049-00704165-00704416 museums in the UK to employ an g7muFI0cTq4-03050-00704417-00704597 environmental sustainability officer g7muFI0cTq4-03051-00704598-00704962 some years back and so we have costed g7muFI0cTq4-03052-00704963-00705281 out the required investment for our g7muFI0cTq4-03053-00705282-00705610 various grade A 19th century listed g7muFI0cTq4-03054-00705611-00705814 buildings to put them into shape towards g7muFI0cTq4-03055-00705815-00706049 the path to Net Zero and it's g7muFI0cTq4-03056-00706050-00706312 substantial uh and it would be over a g7muFI0cTq4-03057-00706313-00706649 number of years but as yet uh funding g7muFI0cTq4-03058-00706650-00706960 for that is not identified g7muFI0cTq4-03059-00706961-00707022 um g7muFI0cTq4-03060-00707023-00707339 in our environmental response plan there g7muFI0cTq4-03061-00707340-00707525 really uh there's there there are three g7muFI0cTq4-03062-00707526-00707783 headings there is that what we can do as g7muFI0cTq4-03063-00707784-00708058 an organization ourselves to uh become g7muFI0cTq4-03064-00708059-00708341 more um uh environmentally efficient and g7muFI0cTq4-03065-00708342-00708557 our own path to Net Zero g7muFI0cTq4-03066-00708558-00708941 uh there's what we feel needs to be done g7muFI0cTq4-03067-00708942-00709158 and I think this will resonate with um g7muFI0cTq4-03068-00709159-00709547 Mr Patterson about uh how we anticipate g7muFI0cTq4-03069-00709548-00709931 the increasing more dramatic impact of g7muFI0cTq4-03070-00709932-00710153 climate change and what we need to do to g7muFI0cTq4-03071-00710154-00710464 protect the collections uh in in that g7muFI0cTq4-03072-00710465-00710651 regard and then there's a third very g7muFI0cTq4-03073-00710652-00710885 important strain for us is which how can g7muFI0cTq4-03074-00710886-00711101 we play our part in raising awareness of g7muFI0cTq4-03075-00711102-00711305 the issues for example through the g7muFI0cTq4-03076-00711306-00711605 artists and the programming that we have g7muFI0cTq4-03077-00711606-00711839 I often we work extensively with g7muFI0cTq4-03078-00711840-00712043 contemporary artists who I tend to g7muFI0cTq4-03079-00712044-00712247 Regard in some respects as that the g7muFI0cTq4-03080-00712248-00712427 canaries down the coal mine of society g7muFI0cTq4-03081-00712428-00712637 they're often the people who are g7muFI0cTq4-03082-00712638-00712841 responding earliest and first and then g7muFI0cTq4-03083-00712842-00713045 very creative and imaginative ways to g7muFI0cTq4-03084-00713046-00713314 issues that are deeply relevant and of g7muFI0cTq4-03085-00713315-00713687 course many of our artists are very g7muFI0cTq4-03086-00713688-00714022 involved in climate issues so working g7muFI0cTq4-03087-00714023-00714407 with them giving them a platform uh is I g7muFI0cTq4-03088-00714408-00714629 think very important part of what we do g7muFI0cTq4-03089-00714630-00714857 uh but the impact of climate change is g7muFI0cTq4-03090-00714858-00715253 already being uh felt just uh two weeks g7muFI0cTq4-03091-00715254-00715493 ago we had quite a dramatic flood in the g7muFI0cTq4-03092-00715494-00715703 uh gallery of Modern Art as a result of g7muFI0cTq4-03093-00715704-00716039 the uh dramatic downpours that's g7muFI0cTq4-03094-00716040-00716218 happening increasingly so the g7muFI0cTq4-03095-00716219-00716381 collections aren't at incense g7muFI0cTq4-03096-00716382-00716620 increasingly at risk there's nothing g7muFI0cTq4-03097-00716621-00716725 worse g7muFI0cTq4-03098-00716726-00717070 uh short of uh far for precious g7muFI0cTq4-03099-00717071-00717407 collections than water and that is uh as g7muFI0cTq4-03100-00717408-00717605 we're seeing an increasing risk but that g7muFI0cTq4-03101-00717606-00717899 will resonate right across the sector uh g7muFI0cTq4-03102-00717900-00718060 multiplied hundreds of times I'm sure g7muFI0cTq4-03103-00718061-00718385 also in the historic environment g7muFI0cTq4-03104-00718386-00718672 I'm just just a few comments to to add g7muFI0cTq4-03105-00718673-00718858 on to that I mean as an organization we g7muFI0cTq4-03106-00718859-00719237 we um whenever we're looking at g7muFI0cTq4-03107-00719238-00719518 um improving the condition of our sites g7muFI0cTq4-03108-00719519-00719735 um we we are looking at energy efficient g7muFI0cTq4-03109-00719736-00719987 ways of doing that Net Zero and options g7muFI0cTq4-03110-00719988-00720125 the most recent one you might have seen g7muFI0cTq4-03111-00720126-00720395 was the introduction of solar panels on g7muFI0cTq4-03112-00720396-00720527 the roof of the national War Museum g7muFI0cTq4-03113-00720528-00720755 Edinburgh Castle small contribution but g7muFI0cTq4-03114-00720756-00720922 it's in the right direction so as an g7muFI0cTq4-03115-00720923-00721205 organization we are investing in in net g7muFI0cTq4-03116-00721206-00721403 zero and climate change activities we're g7muFI0cTq4-03117-00721404-00721564 going to feel the extensive climate g7muFI0cTq4-03118-00721565-00721708 action plan which is steering our g7muFI0cTq4-03119-00721709-00721997 Direction in that and the wider point do g7muFI0cTq4-03120-00721998-00722266 we know how much it would cost to make g7muFI0cTq4-03121-00722267-00722591 the historic environment sector g7muFI0cTq4-03122-00722592-00722668 um g7muFI0cTq4-03123-00722669-00722993 I suspect my climate change team has a g7muFI0cTq4-03124-00722994-00723197 figure or can give some estimate so I g7muFI0cTq4-03125-00723198-00723401 might in my lengthy letter to you I g7muFI0cTq4-03126-00723402-00723616 might just give some some indication of g7muFI0cTq4-03127-00723617-00723755 that because we have been trying to work g7muFI0cTq4-03128-00723756-00723893 out g7muFI0cTq4-03129-00723894-00724133 um what needs to be done partly for cost g7muFI0cTq4-03130-00724134-00724349 but partly for another thing which I was g7muFI0cTq4-03131-00724350-00724595 mentioned now again which is skills and g7muFI0cTq4-03132-00724596-00724793 it's one thing having the aspiration to g7muFI0cTq4-03133-00724794-00725039 make all these buildings g7muFI0cTq4-03134-00725040-00725212 um energy efficient and wind and water g7muFI0cTq4-03135-00725213-00725416 tight and so on but we don't have the g7muFI0cTq4-03136-00725417-00725566 skills out there and most of the g7muFI0cTq4-03137-00725567-00725710 construction companies do not have g7muFI0cTq4-03138-00725711-00725939 skills in their companies to work in g7muFI0cTq4-03139-00725940-00726058 traditional buildings so we've just g7muFI0cTq4-03140-00726059-00726185 taken on g7muFI0cTq4-03141-00726186-00726341 um in the last couple of weeks our g7muFI0cTq4-03142-00726342-00726599 biggest intake of stone masonry g7muFI0cTq4-03143-00726600-00726760 um apprentices that we've done for a g7muFI0cTq4-03144-00726761-00726970 number of years partly because some of g7muFI0cTq4-03145-00726971-00727079 the colleges are pulling back in g7muFI0cTq4-03146-00727080-00727216 provision g7muFI0cTq4-03147-00727217-00727420 um but secondly it's not just fixing the g7muFI0cTq4-03148-00727421-00727595 castles and the standing stones and all g7muFI0cTq4-03149-00727596-00727739 these sort of things it's the houses g7muFI0cTq4-03150-00727740-00728003 that folk live in and all the g7muFI0cTq4-03151-00728004-00728183 aspirations to be energy efficient and g7muFI0cTq4-03152-00728184-00728393 Net Zero go out the window excuse the g7muFI0cTq4-03153-00728394-00728627 pun if the if the buildings themselves g7muFI0cTq4-03154-00728628-00728807 are not appear to maintain to the g7muFI0cTq4-03155-00728808-00728975 correct sort of standard so that g7muFI0cTq4-03156-00728976-00729197 investment in skills is is really really g7muFI0cTq4-03157-00729198-00729389 important and I think the other thing g7muFI0cTq4-03158-00729390-00729581 just I would say on on Net Zero and g7muFI0cTq4-03159-00729582-00729808 climate is back to the policy drivers g7muFI0cTq4-03160-00729809-00729929 for it g7muFI0cTq4-03161-00729930-00730037 um I used to work in Economic g7muFI0cTq4-03162-00730038-00730247 Development I can understand entirely g7muFI0cTq4-03163-00730248-00730379 why g7muFI0cTq4-03164-00730380-00730445 um g7muFI0cTq4-03165-00730446-00730655 um wind turbines and offshore wind farms g7muFI0cTq4-03166-00730656-00730858 and all the waving tidal things are are g7muFI0cTq4-03167-00730859-00731164 important of course they are but until g7muFI0cTq4-03168-00731165-00731393 we actually address the ReUse and the g7muFI0cTq4-03169-00731394-00731525 retrofit and Energy Efficiency of g7muFI0cTq4-03170-00731526-00731789 traditional buildings will not make the g7muFI0cTq4-03171-00731790-00732016 progress towards net zero that we as a g7muFI0cTq4-03172-00732017-00732251 country aspire to be so I think from a g7muFI0cTq4-03173-00732252-00732485 policy point of view incentivize and g7muFI0cTq4-03174-00732486-00732670 encourage investment in that type of g7muFI0cTq4-03175-00732671-00732833 activity would actually be really g7muFI0cTq4-03176-00732834-00733055 important and my final line I always g7muFI0cTq4-03177-00733056-00733222 mentioned this line and it's not within g7muFI0cTq4-03178-00733223-00733403 Scottish parliament's gift to do g7muFI0cTq4-03179-00733404-00733564 anything about but you know why is there g7muFI0cTq4-03180-00733565-00733889 20 VAT on repairs and maintenance to g7muFI0cTq4-03181-00733890-00734033 listed buildings g7muFI0cTq4-03182-00734034-00734320 for new Builders back free so there's g7muFI0cTq4-03183-00734321-00734512 twenty percent that can be taken off off g7muFI0cTq4-03184-00734513-00734645 a cost g7muFI0cTq4-03185-00734646-00734885 um uh if if that mechanism could be if g7muFI0cTq4-03186-00734886-00735131 that incentive uh could be could be um g7muFI0cTq4-03187-00735132-00735437 it could be um addressed so long answer g7muFI0cTq4-03188-00735438-00735575 to your question but I welcome back with g7muFI0cTq4-03189-00735576-00735718 some hopefully some sort of parameters g7muFI0cTq4-03190-00735719-00735893 around the cost for this environment g7muFI0cTq4-03191-00735894-00736157 thank you panel uh final quick question g7muFI0cTq4-03192-00736158-00736397 if that's permissible convener g7muFI0cTq4-03193-00736398-00736612 um I'm expecting the answer to this to g7muFI0cTq4-03194-00736613-00736847 be low or non-existent but The Courier g7muFI0cTq4-03195-00736848-00737051 reports today that bench is outside the g7muFI0cTq4-03196-00737052-00737297 McManus Gallery in Dundee's Albert g7muFI0cTq4-03197-00737298-00737537 Square have been destroyed Again by g7muFI0cTq4-03198-00737538-00737783 vandals uh tearing strips of wood off g7muFI0cTq4-03199-00737784-00738047 the structures and I just wondered in g7muFI0cTq4-03200-00738048-00738347 terms of your buildings if there is any g7muFI0cTq4-03201-00738348-00738658 instances of criminal activity or g7muFI0cTq4-03202-00738659-00738947 vandalism that you've had to cope with g7muFI0cTq4-03203-00738948-00739103 with anyone g7muFI0cTq4-03204-00739104-00739343 yes g7muFI0cTq4-03205-00739344-00739655 um it does happen and we recently had an g7muFI0cTq4-03206-00739656-00739889 instance of a sculpture in the outside g7muFI0cTq4-03207-00739890-00740147 in the grounds of um the gallery of g7muFI0cTq4-03208-00740148-00740447 Modern Art that was damaged by graffiti g7muFI0cTq4-03209-00740448-00740758 a delicate surface from which it is now g7muFI0cTq4-03210-00740759-00741053 probably impossible to remove the traces g7muFI0cTq4-03211-00741054-00741293 of that graffiti g7muFI0cTq4-03212-00741294-00741683 happily such instances are rare and in g7muFI0cTq4-03213-00741684-00741868 particularly when you put sculpture into g7muFI0cTq4-03214-00741869-00742001 the public domain you're really g7muFI0cTq4-03215-00742002-00742343 dependent on self-pleasing I don't mind g7muFI0cTq4-03216-00742344-00742522 people putting pink bras on the Anthony g7muFI0cTq4-03217-00742523-00742714 Gormley sculptures in the water of Leith g7muFI0cTq4-03218-00742715-00742972 you know that's uh that's fine damage g7muFI0cTq4-03219-00742973-00743225 physical damage is another thing g7muFI0cTq4-03220-00743226-00743441 um but happily it's quite rare thanks g7muFI0cTq4-03221-00743442-00743729 with anyone else yes g7muFI0cTq4-03222-00743730-00743962 um Heritage crime which would Encompass g7muFI0cTq4-03223-00743963-00744185 all of that as growing it's been g7muFI0cTq4-03224-00744186-00744347 increasing year and year for quite a few g7muFI0cTq4-03225-00744348-00744635 years now it ranges from the um g7muFI0cTq4-03226-00744636-00744814 deliberate to the completely innocuous g7muFI0cTq4-03227-00744815-00745097 and you know um unintended but yet at g7muFI0cTq4-03228-00745098-00745331 our sites we have vandalism g7muFI0cTq4-03229-00745332-00745553 um occasionally fire raising g7muFI0cTq4-03230-00745554-00745781 um anti-social Behavior it's it's g7muFI0cTq4-03231-00745782-00745955 unfortunately it's powerful the course g7muFI0cTq4-03232-00745956-00746087 it doesn't happen everywhere but in some g7muFI0cTq4-03233-00746088-00746218 sites it's more prevalent than others g7muFI0cTq4-03234-00746219-00746447 and our teams on the ground uh deal with g7muFI0cTq4-03235-00746448-00746693 it but it's it's it's under the umbrella g7muFI0cTq4-03236-00746694-00746908 of Heritage crime is increasing and we g7muFI0cTq4-03237-00746909-00747041 have a really good working relationship g7muFI0cTq4-03238-00747042-00747257 with police Scotland and the enforcement g7muFI0cTq4-03239-00747258-00747401 agencies g7muFI0cTq4-03240-00747402-00747610 um are taking Heritage crime much more g7muFI0cTq4-03241-00747611-00747772 seriously than perhaps was done in the g7muFI0cTq4-03242-00747773-00747989 past so it's unfortunately it's there g7muFI0cTq4-03243-00747990-00748327 but we just deal with it g7muFI0cTq4-03244-00748328-00748577 operate any sites directly so don't have g7muFI0cTq4-03245-00748578-00748762 that direct experience but um certainly g7muFI0cTq4-03246-00748763-00748907 it does happen and we would support g7muFI0cTq4-03247-00748908-00749147 where we could but it's not a clear role g7muFI0cTq4-03248-00749148-00749308 for us as a national development body in g7muFI0cTq4-03249-00749309-00749483 doing so other than providing advice if g7muFI0cTq4-03250-00749484-00749777 people come to us for that okay thank g7muFI0cTq4-03251-00749778-00750035 you panel it's very worrying but that's g7muFI0cTq4-03252-00750036-00750335 very useful but you can yeah I wonder if g7muFI0cTq4-03253-00750336-00750785 I could just g7muFI0cTq4-03254-00750786-00750970 sort of interest for for two of my g7muFI0cTq4-03255-00750971-00751108 colleagues but if you could share the g7muFI0cTq4-03256-00751109-00751253 wider issues that you were talking about g7muFI0cTq4-03257-00751254-00751637 and copying that later to the the g7muFI0cTq4-03258-00751638-00751901 committee it would be very helpful g7muFI0cTq4-03259-00751902-00752183 um can I invite Miss boyak please thanks g7muFI0cTq4-03260-00752184-00752351 very much convenient I was just going to g7muFI0cTq4-03261-00752352-00752668 Echo that point actually because uh I'm g7muFI0cTq4-03262-00752669-00752872 just to pick up historic environment g7muFI0cTq4-03263-00752873-00753035 Scotland g7muFI0cTq4-03264-00753036-00753197 um I was looking at the annex to g7muFI0cTq4-03265-00753198-00753364 evidence we got today about the key g7muFI0cTq4-03266-00753365-00753605 performance indicators and what really g7muFI0cTq4-03267-00753606-00753814 stands out is g7muFI0cTq4-03268-00753815-00753958 um that in terms of improving and g7muFI0cTq4-03269-00753959-00754103 retaining the state of Scotland's g7muFI0cTq4-03270-00754104-00754355 historic sites and places g7muFI0cTq4-03271-00754356-00754475 um it's red g7muFI0cTq4-03272-00754476-00754768 everything else mostly green g7muFI0cTq4-03273-00754769-00755014 some Amber but that really stands out g7muFI0cTq4-03274-00755015-00755183 and it's been quite a big discussion g7muFI0cTq4-03275-00755184-00755339 today so g7muFI0cTq4-03276-00755340-00755560 um we used to talk about spend to save g7muFI0cTq4-03277-00755561-00755825 as a way of helping future investment g7muFI0cTq4-03278-00755826-00756064 but you're actually talking about g7muFI0cTq4-03279-00756065-00756360 been to save to avoid losing buildings g7muFI0cTq4-03280-00756361-00756647 so I think be very interesting to get g7muFI0cTq4-03281-00756648-00756851 your take on that because the evidence g7muFI0cTq4-03282-00756852-00757108 you gave us was that it's not just good g7muFI0cTq4-03283-00757109-00757312 for who we are and our historic g7muFI0cTq4-03284-00757313-00757666 environment but 4.4 billion goes into g7muFI0cTq4-03285-00757667-00757877 the Scottish economy in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-03286-00757878-00758087 Heritage and half of our International g7muFI0cTq4-03287-00758088-00758495 tourists come to see Heritage and 60 of g7muFI0cTq4-03288-00758496-00758668 the Heritage visits are to Historic g7muFI0cTq4-03289-00758669-00758933 environment Scotland so could you just g7muFI0cTq4-03290-00758934-00759293 give us a sense of what what do you need g7muFI0cTq4-03291-00759294-00759389 to do g7muFI0cTq4-03292-00759390-00759629 to actually deliver that because you've g7muFI0cTq4-03293-00759630-00759868 gone through covet's income reduction g7muFI0cTq4-03294-00759869-00760062 you talked a bit earlier about g7muFI0cTq4-03295-00760063-00760391 flexibility needed levers do you want to g7muFI0cTq4-03296-00760392-00760618 say a bit about public sector funding g7muFI0cTq4-03297-00760619-00760853 and then a bit about flexibility that g7muFI0cTq4-03298-00760854-00760991 you want g7muFI0cTq4-03299-00760992-00761291 that's a big question right um so so I g7muFI0cTq4-03300-00761292-00761410 think the the g7muFI0cTq4-03301-00761411-00761639 um the rag diagram you've got there is g7muFI0cTq4-03302-00761640-00761866 relates to the our place and time it's g7muFI0cTq4-03303-00761867-00762053 not just hairs it's the overall sector g7muFI0cTq4-03304-00762054-00762293 but you're right that that particular g7muFI0cTq4-03305-00762294-00762533 kpi is red and that just reflects the g7muFI0cTq4-03306-00762534-00762757 lack of investment or the lack of g7muFI0cTq4-03307-00762758-00762929 interventions in the historic g7muFI0cTq4-03308-00762930-00763157 environment collectively over over a g7muFI0cTq4-03309-00763158-00763391 period of time exacerbated by covet g7muFI0cTq4-03310-00763392-00763558 there's no doubt that that's that has g7muFI0cTq4-03311-00763559-00763708 exacerbated and some of the comments g7muFI0cTq4-03312-00763709-00763937 that Lucy was making earlier about g7muFI0cTq4-03313-00763938-00764122 um you know what what gives g7muFI0cTq4-03314-00764123-00764279 um you know when when cost of living g7muFI0cTq4-03315-00764280-00764435 increases start to hit you know repair g7muFI0cTq4-03316-00764436-00764585 and maintenance budgets you know that g7muFI0cTq4-03317-00764586-00764758 just exacerbates the the problem we've g7muFI0cTq4-03318-00764759-00764872 got g7muFI0cTq4-03319-00764873-00765047 um I think from what are the g7muFI0cTq4-03320-00765048-00765245 flexibilities I was talking about so I'm g7muFI0cTq4-03321-00765246-00765449 a bit schizophrenic in this g7muFI0cTq4-03322-00765450-00765814 um you know when when covert hit us g7muFI0cTq4-03323-00765815-00765941 um Scottish government colleagues g7muFI0cTq4-03324-00765942-00766049 ministers g7muFI0cTq4-03325-00766050-00766247 um helped us out hugely you know we you g7muFI0cTq4-03326-00766248-00766457 know that that was critical g7muFI0cTq4-03327-00766458-00766558 um g7muFI0cTq4-03328-00766559-00766877 but as an organization we can carry g7muFI0cTq4-03329-00766878-00767189 reserves across multiple years g7muFI0cTq4-03330-00767190-00767525 um we we um there's other restrictions g7muFI0cTq4-03331-00767526-00767939 that we we can't um we can't um operate g7muFI0cTq4-03332-00767940-00768118 out with g7muFI0cTq4-03333-00768119-00768503 the the the upside is and and I know we g7muFI0cTq4-03334-00768504-00768689 are you know if not unique we're in a g7muFI0cTq4-03335-00768690-00768797 very very small category of g7muFI0cTq4-03336-00768798-00768947 organizations but we have commercial g7muFI0cTq4-03337-00768948-00769247 levers you know we have you know sites g7muFI0cTq4-03338-00769248-00769391 that we charge up for we've got a g7muFI0cTq4-03339-00769392-00769553 subsidiary company that runs enough a g7muFI0cTq4-03340-00769554-00769757 lot of ancillary commercial activities g7muFI0cTq4-03341-00769758-00769955 we think there are further fundraising g7muFI0cTq4-03342-00769956-00770099 opportunities out there and other g7muFI0cTq4-03343-00770100-00770266 Partnerships to do g7muFI0cTq4-03344-00770267-00770447 what we operate within some of these g7muFI0cTq4-03345-00770448-00770783 constraints at the moment and I guess g7muFI0cTq4-03346-00770784-00770962 our concern would be that we could g7muFI0cTq4-03347-00770963-00771149 actually go and try and realize many of g7muFI0cTq4-03348-00771150-00771395 these opportunities but if the effect is g7muFI0cTq4-03349-00771396-00771562 not to help us invest in the historic g7muFI0cTq4-03350-00771563-00771683 environment and to improve the g7muFI0cTq4-03351-00771684-00771833 properties and improve the experience g7muFI0cTq4-03352-00771834-00771995 and improve the Outreach and learning we g7muFI0cTq4-03353-00771996-00772312 do but rather it's offset against a g7muFI0cTq4-03354-00772313-00772468 reduction in grant and aid then there's g7muFI0cTq4-03355-00772469-00772691 there's no net benefits so it's an g7muFI0cTq4-03356-00772692-00772822 active discussion we have with with g7muFI0cTq4-03357-00772823-00772960 colleagues in Scottish government at the g7muFI0cTq4-03358-00772961-00773062 moment g7muFI0cTq4-03359-00773063-00773243 um there are you know upsides and g7muFI0cTq4-03360-00773244-00773477 downsides benefits and so on to it but g7muFI0cTq4-03361-00773478-00773668 that's a sort of flexibility where we're g7muFI0cTq4-03362-00773669-00773897 primarily relating to that we think g7muFI0cTq4-03363-00773898-00774107 there are ways in which we could g7muFI0cTq4-03364-00774108-00774412 um generate income if we had the ability g7muFI0cTq4-03365-00774413-00774670 to retain it and invest it g7muFI0cTq4-03366-00774671-00774862 um with into into making the starting g7muFI0cTq4-03367-00774863-00775049 environment both better as a physical g7muFI0cTq4-03368-00775050-00775241 set of assets but also in the experience g7muFI0cTq4-03369-00775242-00775516 that individuals and visitors exam have g7muFI0cTq4-03370-00775517-00775705 of it to be clear it's not in either or g7muFI0cTq4-03371-00775706-00776093 you both need a continued investment in g7muFI0cTq4-03372-00776094-00776351 building in terms of capital as well as g7muFI0cTq4-03373-00776352-00776560 a bit of flexibility because what comes g7muFI0cTq4-03374-00776561-00776831 across really strongly is the g7muFI0cTq4-03375-00776832-00777010 um short-termism in terms of funding g7muFI0cTq4-03376-00777011-00777214 given that it's a whole of our heritage g7muFI0cTq4-03377-00777215-00777437 I'm going to come on to museums and g7muFI0cTq4-03378-00777438-00777731 galleries in a second yes yes and and g7muFI0cTq4-03379-00777732-00777989 you know let's be honest I mean there'll g7muFI0cTq4-03380-00777990-00778145 never be enough money to go around and g7muFI0cTq4-03381-00778146-00778312 do everything that we want to do or any g7muFI0cTq4-03382-00778313-00778510 any of us want to do we think a bit of g7muFI0cTq4-03383-00778511-00778714 flexibility in our model gives us a wee g7muFI0cTq4-03384-00778715-00778895 bit more scope to do that that would g7muFI0cTq4-03385-00778896-00779129 also contribute to investment in you g7muFI0cTq4-03386-00779130-00779375 know capital investment in our sites so g7muFI0cTq4-03387-00779376-00779566 um you know there's all sorts of all g7muFI0cTq4-03388-00779567-00779693 sorts of ways in which that would be g7muFI0cTq4-03389-00779694-00779903 beneficial I think in terms of the the g7muFI0cTq4-03390-00779904-00780172 the the the the the forward-looking and g7muFI0cTq4-03391-00780173-00780377 the budgeting you know the reality is g7muFI0cTq4-03392-00780378-00780562 that budgets are confirmed on an annual g7muFI0cTq4-03393-00780563-00780785 basis but we have to plan on the basis g7muFI0cTq4-03394-00780786-00781031 of multi-year budgeting projects you g7muFI0cTq4-03395-00781032-00781229 know our grants programs you know g7muFI0cTq4-03396-00781230-00781439 projects are over multiple years so we g7muFI0cTq4-03397-00781440-00781601 are working on the basis of multiple g7muFI0cTq4-03398-00781602-00781810 year budgets albeit they're confirmed on g7muFI0cTq4-03399-00781811-00782008 an annual basis what I think would be g7muFI0cTq4-03400-00782009-00782237 helpful and where I think the capital is g7muFI0cTq4-03401-00782238-00782435 um spending a viewing the result there's g7muFI0cTq4-03402-00782436-00782603 no spending if you got it as well some g7muFI0cTq4-03403-00782604-00782849 indicative budgets over over an extended g7muFI0cTq4-03404-00782850-00783077 period of time even even three years and g7muFI0cTq4-03405-00783078-00783251 I just use the phrase indicative budging g7muFI0cTq4-03406-00783252-00783443 budgeting even if it was confirmed in an g7muFI0cTq4-03407-00783444-00783629 annual base is fine but if we had some g7muFI0cTq4-03408-00783630-00783875 some sense as to what the parameters g7muFI0cTq4-03409-00783876-00784055 might be over a three year period Then g7muFI0cTq4-03410-00784056-00784199 it gives us a bit more of a planning g7muFI0cTq4-03411-00784200-00784433 Horizon and it's not just us if if we g7muFI0cTq4-03412-00784434-00784625 have that then we can do it to the g7muFI0cTq4-03413-00784626-00784739 organizations that we support g7muFI0cTq4-03414-00784740-00785093 financially and as well and from their g7muFI0cTq4-03415-00785094-00785297 point of view you know the the cost of g7muFI0cTq4-03416-00785298-00785507 living crisis is biting right now I g7muFI0cTq4-03417-00785508-00785651 think you know there needs to be some g7muFI0cTq4-03418-00785652-00785783 sort of support considered for the g7muFI0cTq4-03419-00785784-00785968 sector who are just trying to recover g7muFI0cTq4-03420-00785969-00786101 from covert and then have been hit by g7muFI0cTq4-03421-00786102-00786227 this again g7muFI0cTq4-03422-00786228-00786449 um but some indicative budget over more g7muFI0cTq4-03423-00786450-00786664 than just one year and undoubtedly give g7muFI0cTq4-03424-00786665-00786887 a sense of of comfort g7muFI0cTq4-03425-00786888-00787066 um that that many at the moment just g7muFI0cTq4-03426-00787067-00787175 don't have g7muFI0cTq4-03427-00787176-00787385 okay thank you and I really want to push g7muFI0cTq4-03428-00787386-00787618 that same issue on to Sir John and Lucy g7muFI0cTq4-03429-00787619-00787816 because in both your evidence g7muFI0cTq4-03430-00787817-00787997 submissions you talk about that g7muFI0cTq4-03431-00787998-00788297 short-termism and I think that the word g7muFI0cTq4-03432-00788298-00788507 uses projectism g7muFI0cTq4-03433-00788508-00788837 um worn off annual spending and one of g7muFI0cTq4-03434-00788838-00788999 the things we've been taking evidence on g7muFI0cTq4-03435-00789000-00789220 is the current abusion of culture to g7muFI0cTq4-03436-00789221-00789431 health and well-being and both the g7muFI0cTq4-03437-00789432-00789683 submissions you've given to us are quite g7muFI0cTq4-03438-00789684-00789868 powerful on that so I was wondering if g7muFI0cTq4-03439-00789869-00790055 you could say a bit more about that g7muFI0cTq4-03440-00790056-00790235 um I think so John you talk about the g7muFI0cTq4-03441-00790236-00790403 need for determined leadership from The g7muFI0cTq4-03442-00790404-00790714 Scorch government we've asked cabinet g7muFI0cTq4-03443-00790715-00790912 secretaries and it's like it's coming at g7muFI0cTq4-03444-00790913-00791158 some point so just out what would that g7muFI0cTq4-03445-00791159-00791375 what would that mean now in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-03446-00791376-00791651 leadership investment that would be g7muFI0cTq4-03447-00791652-00791957 transformative to help you deliver g7muFI0cTq4-03448-00791958-00792095 um what you've got the potential to g7muFI0cTq4-03449-00792096-00792287 deliver g7muFI0cTq4-03450-00792288-00792593 shoulder pups good questions should I g7muFI0cTq4-03451-00792594-00792791 perhaps take it in two parts as the uh g7muFI0cTq4-03452-00792792-00793247 the issue of multi-year funding first g7muFI0cTq4-03453-00793248-00793577 and I think we all had very high hopes g7muFI0cTq4-03454-00793578-00793751 for the spending review which was g7muFI0cTq4-03455-00793752-00793955 launched at the end of last year and g7muFI0cTq4-03456-00793956-00794141 there was a sort of feeling about at g7muFI0cTq4-03457-00794142-00794572 last after years of this short-term g7muFI0cTq4-03458-00794573-00794747 funding this would be an exercise that g7muFI0cTq4-03459-00794748-00794975 would give us a perspective g7muFI0cTq4-03460-00794976-00795227 but unfortunately that exercise seems in g7muFI0cTq4-03461-00795228-00795412 many way aspects have been derailed by g7muFI0cTq4-03462-00795413-00795803 events and uh so as regard my g7muFI0cTq4-03463-00795804-00795995 organization it wouldn't be possible to g7muFI0cTq4-03464-00795996-00796187 take anything from the published figures g7muFI0cTq4-03465-00796188-00796612 apart from the conclusion that it's flat g7muFI0cTq4-03466-00796613-00796716 funding g7muFI0cTq4-03467-00796717-00796975 right the way through g7muFI0cTq4-03468-00796976-00797333 that would be my interpretation of it g7muFI0cTq4-03469-00797334-00797525 um the unfortunate thing I think for us g7muFI0cTq4-03470-00797526-00797860 is that um I regard museums and g7muFI0cTq4-03471-00797861-00798095 galleries as intergenerational g7muFI0cTq4-03472-00798096-00798370 organizations we have a very long-term g7muFI0cTq4-03473-00798371-00798779 Vision We Have Skills knowledge g7muFI0cTq4-03474-00798780-00799127 expertise that we develop over time we g7muFI0cTq4-03475-00799128-00799343 have collections and Estates that have g7muFI0cTq4-03476-00799344-00799643 to be nurtured over a long period we g7muFI0cTq4-03477-00799644-00799853 have activities that require sometimes g7muFI0cTq4-03478-00799854-00800183 years of planning and investment and g7muFI0cTq4-03479-00800184-00800422 none of that none of that responds in g7muFI0cTq4-03480-00800423-00800693 any way well to short-term cycles of g7muFI0cTq4-03481-00800694-00801070 funding we can always adapt to change we g7muFI0cTq4-03482-00801071-00801268 can always adapt to different patterns g7muFI0cTq4-03483-00801269-00801605 of uh funding but that also takes time g7muFI0cTq4-03484-00801606-00801881 uh so I think that's what we've been the g7muFI0cTq4-03485-00801882-00802025 underlying theme of one of the things g7muFI0cTq4-03486-00802026-00802277 that we've been uh talking about here is g7muFI0cTq4-03487-00802278-00802679 that as a sector still in recovery we g7muFI0cTq4-03488-00802680-00802925 need that time to get back to some sort g7muFI0cTq4-03489-00802926-00803231 of position of uh normality uh taking g7muFI0cTq4-03490-00803232-00803627 perhaps 2025 as uh Alex uh mentioned as g7muFI0cTq4-03491-00803628-00803951 a benchmark we need that degree of g7muFI0cTq4-03492-00803952-00804172 certainty to get us back into a position g7muFI0cTq4-03493-00804173-00804508 where we can restore uh some kind of a g7muFI0cTq4-03494-00804509-00804760 sensible business model g7muFI0cTq4-03495-00804761-00805139 so in my view that lack of certainty g7muFI0cTq4-03496-00805140-00805355 that we have it discourages investment g7muFI0cTq4-03497-00805356-00805679 it deters sponsorship uh and also g7muFI0cTq4-03498-00805680-00805906 stifles Innovation and any sense of risk g7muFI0cTq4-03499-00805907-00805991 taking g7muFI0cTq4-03500-00805992-00806375 so I think that that part of it is clear g7muFI0cTq4-03501-00806376-00806722 in terms of health and well-being I g7muFI0cTq4-03502-00806723-00807041 think the the frustration is that we g7muFI0cTq4-03503-00807042-00807468 know from The Works that we do that uh g7muFI0cTq4-03504-00807469-00807731 there's obviously the implicit benefits g7muFI0cTq4-03505-00807732-00808072 of offering safe social spaces and uh in g7muFI0cTq4-03506-00808073-00808355 present context warm safe special social g7muFI0cTq4-03507-00808356-00808547 spaces that people can go to we know all g7muFI0cTq4-03508-00808548-00808943 of that but we know also the potential g7muFI0cTq4-03509-00808944-00809191 benefits of targeted programming g7muFI0cTq4-03510-00809192-00809437 whether it's in uh g7muFI0cTq4-03511-00809438-00809664 helping with the g7muFI0cTq4-03512-00809665-00809941 uh preventative g7muFI0cTq4-03513-00809942-00810262 working with say disadvantaged teenagers g7muFI0cTq4-03514-00810263-00810466 or whether it's dealing with people who g7muFI0cTq4-03515-00810467-00810635 are suffering from actual disease or g7muFI0cTq4-03516-00810636-00810887 suffering from forms of physical and g7muFI0cTq4-03517-00810888-00811031 mental illness we know all that and the g7muFI0cTq4-03518-00811032-00811229 evidence is there g7muFI0cTq4-03519-00811230-00811541 um I think the frustration is that it is g7muFI0cTq4-03520-00811542-00811906 fragmented there is no real sense of any g7muFI0cTq4-03521-00811907-00812279 kind of um National strategy g7muFI0cTq4-03522-00812280-00812512 um and so for an individual organization g7muFI0cTq4-03523-00812513-00812862 we keep on doing our thing which is g7muFI0cTq4-03524-00812863-00813220 where the projectism comes in and g7muFI0cTq4-03525-00813221-00813485 there's so many different examples of g7muFI0cTq4-03526-00813486-00813755 best practice but none of it's really g7muFI0cTq4-03527-00813756-00813947 joined up g7muFI0cTq4-03528-00813948-00814222 um I think the case for the culture and g7muFI0cTq4-03529-00814223-00814505 health being was uh well-being was very g7muFI0cTq4-03530-00814506-00814799 well set out by the report from the g7muFI0cTq4-03531-00814800-00815020 National Partnership of culture all the g7muFI0cTq4-03532-00815021-00815147 different factors and arguments are g7muFI0cTq4-03533-00815148-00815279 there g7muFI0cTq4-03534-00815280-00815477 um the response from Scottish government g7muFI0cTq4-03535-00815478-00815801 was published a day or two ago and I g7muFI0cTq4-03536-00815802-00815999 think the um the message coming from g7muFI0cTq4-03537-00816000-00816203 that is yes it all aligns with what we g7muFI0cTq4-03538-00816204-00816466 want to do but there is no extra funding g7muFI0cTq4-03539-00816467-00816772 in the present fiscal context and I'll g7muFI0cTq4-03540-00816773-00816995 be brutally Frank I'm really not g7muFI0cTq4-03541-00816996-00817222 interested in any new initiatives or any g7muFI0cTq4-03542-00817223-00817595 new uh programs unless they're sometimes g7muFI0cTq4-03543-00817596-00817751 attached to it I just don't have the g7muFI0cTq4-03544-00817752-00817906 resource I don't have the capacity I g7muFI0cTq4-03545-00817907-00818062 don't have the staff we don't have the g7muFI0cTq4-03546-00818063-00818447 time to put divert energy from what Alex g7muFI0cTq4-03547-00818448-00818693 describes as Core Business at the moment g7muFI0cTq4-03548-00818694-00819058 so to be frank a lot of this Stone g7muFI0cTq4-03549-00819059-00819353 sounds as if it's still uh rotating in g7muFI0cTq4-03550-00819354-00819520 mid-air in rhetoric and very g7muFI0cTq4-03551-00819521-00819742 aspirational I don't see any changes g7muFI0cTq4-03552-00819743-00819953 happening actually on the ground g7muFI0cTq4-03553-00819954-00820187 thanks that's really clear and given the g7muFI0cTq4-03554-00820187-00820481 comments to anyway about sobering it g7muFI0cTq4-03555-00820482-00820679 kind of reinforces that terms of the g7muFI0cTq4-03556-00820679-00820919 need for money now and Clarity going g7muFI0cTq4-03557-00820920-00821033 forward g7muFI0cTq4-03558-00821034-00821273 um Lucy it was really striking you g7muFI0cTq4-03559-00821274-00821758 referenced was it 400 over 440 museums g7muFI0cTq4-03560-00821759-00821933 in Scotland the capacity for those g7muFI0cTq4-03561-00821934-00822166 organizations to cope with the cost of g7muFI0cTq4-03562-00822167-00822365 living crisis and and keep the doors g7muFI0cTq4-03563-00822366-00822599 open do you want to say a bit about both g7muFI0cTq4-03564-00822600-00822857 the multi-year funding but also the need g7muFI0cTq4-03565-00822858-00823031 for more funding generally to actually g7muFI0cTq4-03566-00823032-00823327 get through this g7muFI0cTq4-03567-00823328-00823558 I'm just conscious we've only got 10 g7muFI0cTq4-03568-00823559-00823829 minutes or so left of the committee and g7muFI0cTq4-03569-00823829-00823954 I still got another member wanting to g7muFI0cTq4-03570-00823955-00824165 come in so if you could be concise in in g7muFI0cTq4-03571-00824166-00824320 answers before that would be really g7muFI0cTq4-03572-00824321-00824650 helpful thank you uh yes so um g7muFI0cTq4-03573-00824651-00824884 yeah the reality is our our grants g7muFI0cTq4-03574-00824885-00825065 budget is g7muFI0cTq4-03575-00825066-00825425 um 900 000 pounds of Revenue and 200 000 g7muFI0cTq4-03576-00825426-00825658 pounds of capital across those 400 plus g7muFI0cTq4-03577-00825659-00825923 museums so it's already it's very g7muFI0cTq4-03578-00825924-00826042 difficult to do anything very g7muFI0cTq4-03579-00826043-00826223 substantial with that our maximum award g7muFI0cTq4-03580-00826224-00826487 we can make is sixty thousand pounds and g7muFI0cTq4-03581-00826487-00826708 that is annual budget so it's actually a g7muFI0cTq4-03582-00826709-00826804 very different position to that for g7muFI0cTq4-03583-00826805-00826973 example with within the Arts sector g7muFI0cTq4-03584-00826974-00827116 there is the possibility of three-year g7muFI0cTq4-03585-00827117-00827261 funding deals and so on that's simply g7muFI0cTq4-03586-00827262-00827381 not available g7muFI0cTq4-03587-00827382-00827584 um to the museum sector and the biggest g7muFI0cTq4-03588-00827585-00827800 challenge in terms of g7muFI0cTq4-03589-00827801-00828023 um what that the implication of that is g7muFI0cTq4-03590-00828024-00828316 I think we're not unrealistic about the g7muFI0cTq4-03591-00828317-00828431 fact that change is going to have to g7muFI0cTq4-03592-00828432-00828623 happen in the sector and the trouble g7muFI0cTq4-03593-00828624-00828784 with these one-year budgets is you tend g7muFI0cTq4-03594-00828785-00829012 to try and preserve what you have g7muFI0cTq4-03595-00829013-00829162 um because you cannot see have that g7muFI0cTq4-03596-00829163-00829391 longer vision of what how you make that g7muFI0cTq4-03597-00829392-00829546 change not g7muFI0cTq4-03598-00829547-00829625 um g7muFI0cTq4-03599-00829626-00829781 how do we save this one thing that's g7muFI0cTq4-03600-00829782-00829937 currently in crisis today and then the g7muFI0cTq4-03601-00829937-00830020 next thing is something else because g7muFI0cTq4-03602-00830021-00830165 actually we need to see that change we g7muFI0cTq4-03603-00830166-00830320 need to see more collaboration we need g7muFI0cTq4-03604-00830321-00830500 to see more integration we've just found g7muFI0cTq4-03605-00830501-00830615 a lovely project actually where four g7muFI0cTq4-03606-00830616-00830777 museums came together to appoint a g7muFI0cTq4-03607-00830778-00830920 member of staff that they share in g7muFI0cTq4-03608-00830921-00831161 common and that's a great idea and a g7muFI0cTq4-03609-00831162-00831299 sort of model that would be possible but g7muFI0cTq4-03610-00831300-00831557 that that's the result of long-term g7muFI0cTq4-03611-00831558-00831665 partnership working that's already g7muFI0cTq4-03612-00831666-00831887 established that creates that and that g7muFI0cTq4-03613-00831887-00832012 is where the investment is needed if g7muFI0cTq4-03614-00832013-00832199 you've got a longer term Vision you can g7muFI0cTq4-03615-00832200-00832396 see how some of those things might g7muFI0cTq4-03616-00832397-00832588 become possible and that's really what g7muFI0cTq4-03617-00832589-00832679 we would have seen as the greatest g7muFI0cTq4-03618-00832679-00832829 benefit we were able to have a longer g7muFI0cTq4-03619-00832829-00832949 term funding that we could make project g7muFI0cTq4-03620-00832950-00833111 grants over a slightly longer time and g7muFI0cTq4-03621-00833112-00833273 make them to to groups of museums g7muFI0cTq4-03622-00833274-00833416 potentially and we have greater g7muFI0cTq4-03623-00833417-00833561 submission also in relation to Civic g7muFI0cTq4-03624-00833562-00833758 museums who also could have some g7muFI0cTq4-03625-00833759-00833950 potential to collaborate on some g7muFI0cTq4-03626-00833951-00834083 Services if they're not affordable to g7muFI0cTq4-03627-00834084-00834191 everybody to collaborate around g7muFI0cTq4-03628-00834192-00834370 conservation or collaborate around g7muFI0cTq4-03629-00834371-00834683 storage of collections but that takes g7muFI0cTq4-03630-00834684-00834857 takes that bit of investment to make g7muFI0cTq4-03631-00834858-00834995 that change happen that doesn't become g7muFI0cTq4-03632-00834995-00835204 actually strategically planned as g7muFI0cTq4-03633-00835205-00835361 opposed to kind of trying to plug the g7muFI0cTq4-03634-00835362-00835511 gaps which is really where we are at the g7muFI0cTq4-03635-00835512-00835703 moment so it is a real concern and there g7muFI0cTq4-03636-00835704-00835846 would be a great opportunity if we could g7muFI0cTq4-03637-00835847-00836033 see longer term funding to be able to be g7muFI0cTq4-03638-00836034-00836266 more strategic about the change that g7muFI0cTq4-03639-00836267-00836477 will come because it's not realistic to g7muFI0cTq4-03640-00836478-00836627 think that we can save everything and I g7muFI0cTq4-03641-00836628-00836777 think that we've got to let's not be g7muFI0cTq4-03642-00836778-00836903 naive about that g7muFI0cTq4-03643-00836904-00837161 thanks g7muFI0cTq4-03644-00837162-00837520 Dr Allen finally thank you thank you uh g7muFI0cTq4-03645-00837521-00837784 um I will be brief um a friend coming g7muFI0cTq4-03646-00837785-00838096 back to yourself Alec Patterson again g7muFI0cTq4-03647-00838097-00838204 um I g7muFI0cTq4-03648-00838205-00838450 um I hear and I absolutely appreciate g7muFI0cTq4-03649-00838451-00838577 what you're saying about the pressures g7muFI0cTq4-03650-00838578-00838823 that are applying just now inflationary g7muFI0cTq4-03651-00838824-00839038 and other Pleasures Pleasures to you and g7muFI0cTq4-03652-00839039-00839212 to the whole public sector and to the g7muFI0cTq4-03653-00839214-00839423 Scottish government itself so I think g7muFI0cTq4-03654-00839424-00839638 people can can readily appreciate what g7muFI0cTq4-03655-00839639-00839891 you're saying there and I I had vowed g7muFI0cTq4-03656-00839892-00840041 not to mention any building in my g7muFI0cTq4-03657-00840042-00840215 constituency but as everyone else almost g7muFI0cTq4-03658-00840216-00840562 has a well I'm afraid again mentioned g7muFI0cTq4-03659-00840564-00840688 something that we've corresponded about g7muFI0cTq4-03660-00840689-00840857 which is one of the most iconic g7muFI0cTq4-03661-00840858-00841079 buildings in Scotland kishmore castle g7muFI0cTq4-03662-00841079-00841288 and the fact that it's not open to the g7muFI0cTq4-03663-00841289-00841487 public and but more generally my g7muFI0cTq4-03664-00841487-00841769 question was um really I think you g7muFI0cTq4-03665-00841770-00841907 mentioned there were 60 buildings that g7muFI0cTq4-03666-00841908-00842183 had restrictions in terms of their other g7muFI0cTq4-03667-00842184-00842417 um opening at the moment and I just g7muFI0cTq4-03668-00842418-00842669 wondered if given these pressures and g7muFI0cTq4-03669-00842670-00842884 despite these pressures you felt you've g7muFI0cTq4-03670-00842885-00843065 been a position as an organization to g7muFI0cTq4-03671-00843066-00843317 lay out some kind of a plan or time g7muFI0cTq4-03672-00843318-00843659 scale as to when you get to something as g7muFI0cTq4-03673-00843660-00843911 near to full opening as possible another g7muFI0cTq4-03674-00843912-00844192 question briefly just related to that I g7muFI0cTq4-03675-00844193-00844396 suppose is about you mentioned I think g7muFI0cTq4-03676-00844397-00844649 about the importance rightly of of g7muFI0cTq4-03677-00844650-00844912 spending to save or not allowing g7muFI0cTq4-03678-00844914-00845104 problems to grow g7muFI0cTq4-03679-00845106-00845284 um is there are there certain risks g7muFI0cTq4-03680-00845285-00845603 associated with buildings being closed g7muFI0cTq4-03681-00845604-00845915 in terms of maintenance g7muFI0cTq4-03682-00845916-00846215 thank you um well g7muFI0cTq4-03683-00846216-00846401 um we're trying to fix up another g7muFI0cTq4-03684-00846402-00846659 meeting on kismo um uh as well I would g7muFI0cTq4-03685-00846660-00846887 say here is that um we've had teams out g7muFI0cTq4-03686-00846887-00847067 with technical teams and visitor teams g7muFI0cTq4-03687-00847068-00847234 looking at what's what the possible is g7muFI0cTq4-03688-00847235-00847451 in Caseville so we'll we'll pick that up g7muFI0cTq4-03689-00847452-00847673 separately I think in terms of the time g7muFI0cTq4-03690-00847674-00848045 scale for for site um openings g7muFI0cTq4-03691-00848045-00848134 um g7muFI0cTq4-03692-00848135-00848296 that's awful difficult and I'll tell you g7muFI0cTq4-03693-00848297-00848567 why it's difficult until we actually do g7muFI0cTq4-03694-00848568-00848801 the inspections and find out g7muFI0cTq4-03695-00848802-00849023 the scale of the challenge whether great g7muFI0cTq4-03696-00849024-00849323 or small is then difficult to know g7muFI0cTq4-03697-00849324-00849587 um what what the time scale is so I I g7muFI0cTq4-03698-00849587-00849737 suspect there'll be some of the sites g7muFI0cTq4-03699-00849737-00849892 that we inspect where we know actually g7muFI0cTq4-03700-00849893-00850157 this is quite a big task we've got here g7muFI0cTq4-03701-00850158-00850354 and we may have restrictions in place g7muFI0cTq4-03702-00850356-00850553 for a period of time while we develop a g7muFI0cTq4-03703-00850554-00850811 scheme to to consider them there are g7muFI0cTq4-03704-00850812-00850967 other sites I mentioned to Andrews g7muFI0cTq4-03705-00850968-00851188 earlier Burley castle and some others g7muFI0cTq4-03706-00851189-00851362 where we've done the inspections and g7muFI0cTq4-03707-00851364-00851542 we've been able to either open them g7muFI0cTq4-03708-00851543-00851669 because there were no issues or the g7muFI0cTq4-03709-00851670-00851812 issues were quite minor and therefore g7muFI0cTq4-03710-00851814-00851938 they have been um they have been g7muFI0cTq4-03711-00851939-00852088 reopened change the house is opening g7muFI0cTq4-03712-00852089-00852311 again quite quite soon so g7muFI0cTq4-03713-00852312-00852370 um g7muFI0cTq4-03714-00852371-00852683 it's not an it's a it's an inadequate g7muFI0cTq4-03715-00852684-00852929 answer because it's the answer almost is g7muFI0cTq4-03716-00852929-00853180 on a side-by-side basis we need to see g7muFI0cTq4-03717-00853181-00853427 what the inspections throw up and then g7muFI0cTq4-03718-00853428-00853654 we can plan to you know we can plan g7muFI0cTq4-03719-00853656-00853829 going forward what is the what is the g7muFI0cTq4-03720-00853829-00854003 the maintenance what's the repair there g7muFI0cTq4-03721-00854004-00854219 for what is the the time the timing and g7muFI0cTq4-03722-00854220-00854423 opening and it's the question I'm asked g7muFI0cTq4-03723-00854424-00854807 most often when will my site be open and g7muFI0cTq4-03724-00854808-00855065 I can do no more I'm afraid uh other g7muFI0cTq4-03725-00855066-00855233 than say once we know once we've g7muFI0cTq4-03726-00855234-00855377 inspected we'll then know what that g7muFI0cTq4-03727-00855378-00855587 might look like g7muFI0cTq4-03728-00855587-00855953 thank you convenient g7muFI0cTq4-03729-00855954-00856103 was quicker than g7muFI0cTq4-03730-00856104-00856446 it'd be g7muFI0cTq4-03731-00856447-00856715 is it any final question from in the g7muFI0cTq4-03732-00856716-00856877 last few minutes that we have seated you g7muFI0cTq4-03733-00856878-00856951 wouldn't g7muFI0cTq4-03734-00856952-00857207 I suppose it is that issue about it g7muFI0cTq4-03735-00857208-00857429 would be good to get that list off g7muFI0cTq4-03736-00857429-00857725 because you think it was about 20 of our g7muFI0cTq4-03737-00857726-00858065 historic buildings or sites are not able g7muFI0cTq4-03738-00858066-00858275 to be opened at the moment so I think g7muFI0cTq4-03739-00858276-00858461 it'd be useful just to get the scale of g7muFI0cTq4-03740-00858462-00858712 this because that's it's fundamental g7muFI0cTq4-03741-00858714-00858977 it's it's not one or two areas this is g7muFI0cTq4-03742-00858978-00859175 quite significant in terms of rebuilding g7muFI0cTq4-03743-00859176-00859445 tourism as well and just restoring our g7muFI0cTq4-03744-00859445-00859570 culture g7muFI0cTq4-03745-00859571-00859751 um and the other thing was I'd recently g7muFI0cTq4-03746-00859752-00859925 asked some issues about g7muFI0cTq4-03747-00859926-00860129 um employment issues in historic g7muFI0cTq4-03748-00860129-00860315 environment Scotland and what really g7muFI0cTq4-03749-00860316-00860483 came out was g7muFI0cTq4-03750-00860484-00860777 um a real issue in terms of gender in g7muFI0cTq4-03751-00860778-00860945 terms of pay and I just wondering if g7muFI0cTq4-03752-00860945-00861077 you've got any comments on what you're g7muFI0cTq4-03753-00861078-00861365 doing to improve opportunities in the g7muFI0cTq4-03754-00861366-00861557 sector particularly for women because I g7muFI0cTq4-03755-00861558-00861730 think there were I think it was banned g7muFI0cTq4-03756-00861731-00861941 scene one right at the top g7muFI0cTq4-03757-00861942-00862138 um women are doing okay but all the g7muFI0cTq4-03758-00862139-00862396 other bands women are doing really less g7muFI0cTq4-03759-00862397-00862565 well and terms of employment g7muFI0cTq4-03760-00862566-00862720 opportunities g7muFI0cTq4-03761-00862721-00862949 um I would say in terms of our gender g7muFI0cTq4-03762-00862950-00863117 pickup we don't have an issue and g7muFI0cTq4-03763-00863118-00863284 because our gender pay Gap is actually g7muFI0cTq4-03764-00863285-00863525 really really really really small and g7muFI0cTq4-03765-00863526-00863741 there'll be a difference in terms of the g7muFI0cTq4-03766-00863742-00864034 gender profile across some of the the g7muFI0cTq4-03767-00864035-00864209 roles we have so for example a lot of g7muFI0cTq4-03768-00864210-00864545 our Monument conservation unit teams g7muFI0cTq4-03769-00864545-00864719 um our colleagues who are out on our g7muFI0cTq4-03770-00864720-00864862 sites maintaining the sites and looking g7muFI0cTq4-03771-00864864-00865127 after the sites they would predominantly g7muFI0cTq4-03772-00865128-00865349 be male and so there is a profile g7muFI0cTq4-03773-00865350-00865588 difference across across some of the the g7muFI0cTq4-03774-00865589-00865834 roles but you know I'm doing this off g7muFI0cTq4-03775-00865835-00866009 the top of my head I don't think we've g7muFI0cTq4-03776-00866010-00866170 got a major issue in terms of male g7muFI0cTq4-03777-00866171-00866333 female gender split across the g7muFI0cTq4-03778-00866334-00866488 organization it may be at particular g7muFI0cTq4-03779-00866489-00866687 roles and what we're trying to do about g7muFI0cTq4-03780-00866687-00866927 it you know where we have for example g7muFI0cTq4-03781-00866928-00867191 um uh you know uh g7muFI0cTq4-03782-00867192-00867425 maybe an imbalance of the of the gender g7muFI0cTq4-03783-00867426-00867683 profile at some areas particularly in g7muFI0cTq4-03784-00867684-00867988 our conservation teams then we are g7muFI0cTq4-03785-00867989-00868120 encouraging you know female g7muFI0cTq4-03786-00868121-00868312 apprenticeships and others to come and g7muFI0cTq4-03787-00868314-00868433 join us we've got quite a number of g7muFI0cTq4-03788-00868434-00868517 female g7muFI0cTq4-03789-00868518-00868709 um craft fellowships have joined us g7muFI0cTq4-03790-00868710-00868937 recently so I'll take it away and ask g7muFI0cTq4-03791-00868937-00869099 the question of my my people director g7muFI0cTq4-03792-00869100-00869315 but if you ask me do we have a major g7muFI0cTq4-03793-00869316-00869519 problem in terms of either gender g7muFI0cTq4-03794-00869520-00869783 balance or gender pay Gap I don't think g7muFI0cTq4-03795-00869784-00869962 they do g7muFI0cTq4-03796-00869964-00870179 be good to get that feedback thanks just g7muFI0cTq4-03797-00870179-00870407 to compare with the stats that your team g7muFI0cTq4-03798-00870408-00870575 gave me earlier g7muFI0cTq4-03799-00870576-00870779 thank you okay I think that does g7muFI0cTq4-03800-00870779-00870995 conclude questions this morning can I I g7muFI0cTq4-03801-00870995-00871217 thank you all for your attendance g7muFI0cTq4-03802-00871218-00871462 um and um we we are having a final g7muFI0cTq4-03803-00871464-00871817 session on the budget next week uh g7muFI0cTq4-03804-00871818-00871937 followed by session with the cabinet g7muFI0cTq4-03805-00871937-00872051 secretary and the evidence that we've g7muFI0cTq4-03806-00872052-00872230 taken so thank you very much this g7muFI0cTq4-03807-00872231-00872477 morning g7muFI0cTq4-03808-00872478-00872785 I close this meeting