JuThF35HS6k-00000-00000089-00000356 thank you very much and I'm pleased to JuThF35HS6k-00001-00000357-00000671 be here in Canberra and participating in JuThF35HS6k-00002-00000672-00000965 the outlook conference my remarks cover JuThF35HS6k-00003-00000966-00001258 long-term drivers of global markets and JuThF35HS6k-00004-00001259-00001535 US policies and I'll make the case that JuThF35HS6k-00005-00001536-00001892 while macroeconomic conditions and have JuThF35HS6k-00006-00001893-00002118 changed and commodity prices have fallen JuThF35HS6k-00007-00002119-00002500 the overall forces shaping markets in JuThF35HS6k-00008-00002501-00002741 the world in the u.s. remain largely the JuThF35HS6k-00009-00002742-00002975 same I'm going to review some of these JuThF35HS6k-00010-00002976-00003251 trends and then turn to recent JuThF35HS6k-00011-00003252-00003527 developments in u.s. foreign policy in JuThF35HS6k-00012-00003528-00003911 the 2014 farm bill and conclude by JuThF35HS6k-00013-00003911-00004418 looking forward USDA's annual baseline JuThF35HS6k-00014-00004419-00004718 provides a framework to assess drivers JuThF35HS6k-00015-00004719-00005084 of global markets on February 19th we JuThF35HS6k-00016-00005085-00005375 release the market projections for 10 JuThF35HS6k-00017-00005376-00005792 years out to 2025 and they are based on JuThF35HS6k-00018-00005793-00006101 specific assumptions about macroeconomic JuThF35HS6k-00019-00006102-00006368 conditions policy weather and JuThF35HS6k-00020-00006369-00006614 international developments with no JuThF35HS6k-00021-00006615-00006878 domestic or external shocks assumed to JuThF35HS6k-00022-00006879-00007120 occur to global markets in terms of JuThF35HS6k-00023-00007122-00007384 policies the baseline assumes that JuThF35HS6k-00024-00007386-00007642 current policies continue throughout the JuThF35HS6k-00025-00007643-00007999 period including the 2014 farm bill and JuThF35HS6k-00026-00008000-00008351 as such this is one scenario that's JuThF35HS6k-00027-00008352-00008674 based on a combination of our models and JuThF35HS6k-00028-00008675-00008942 some expert judgement the first chart JuThF35HS6k-00029-00008943-00009167 here shows the macro economic JuThF35HS6k-00030-00009168-00009419 projections for gross domestic product JuThF35HS6k-00031-00009420-00009758 or GDP and the global growth throughout JuThF35HS6k-00032-00009759-00009995 the period averages three-point-one JuThF35HS6k-00033-00009996-00010244 percent which is slightly below the JuThF35HS6k-00034-00010245-00010555 long-term trend prior to the 2008 JuThF35HS6k-00035-00010556-00010910 financial crisis there's two lines here JuThF35HS6k-00036-00010911-00011153 on top and green is developing countries JuThF35HS6k-00037-00011154-00011435 on the bottom developed countries and we JuThF35HS6k-00038-00011436-00011681 see we project higher rates of growth in JuThF35HS6k-00039-00011682-00011945 developing countries this combined with JuThF35HS6k-00040-00011946-00012178 higher rates of population growth JuThF35HS6k-00041-00012179-00012460 reinforce a shift towards developing JuThF35HS6k-00042-00012461-00012763 countries as the drivers of Ag markets JuThF35HS6k-00043-00012764-00013322 and trade JuThF35HS6k-00044-00013324-00013606 to other significant drivers of JuThF35HS6k-00045-00013607-00013840 agricultural markets are oil prices and JuThF35HS6k-00046-00013841-00014169 exchange rates on the left you see crude JuThF35HS6k-00047-00014171-00014512 oil prices which are assumed to increase JuThF35HS6k-00048-00014513-00014737 from recent lows at rates that are JuThF35HS6k-00049-00014738-00014926 higher than the general rate of JuThF35HS6k-00050-00014927-00015309 inflation on the right is the awaited us JuThF35HS6k-00051-00015310-00015604 agricultural exchange rate and you can JuThF35HS6k-00052-00015605-00015853 see the recent appreciation of the JuThF35HS6k-00053-00015854-00016159 dollar which we assume will continue JuThF35HS6k-00054-00016160-00016584 into 2017 and then begin a slow gradual JuThF35HS6k-00055-00016585-00016840 depreciation through the end of the JuThF35HS6k-00056-00016841-00017107 projection period this is the average JuThF35HS6k-00057-00017108-00017380 but we the baseline assumes different JuThF35HS6k-00058-00017381-00017605 rates of appreciation these are the JuThF35HS6k-00059-00017606-00017851 countries around the world one of the JuThF35HS6k-00060-00017852-00018106 smaller ones is for China given the JuThF35HS6k-00061-00018107-00018364 Chinese management of their foreign JuThF35HS6k-00062-00018365-00018592 exchange rates the largest real JuThF35HS6k-00063-00018593-00018832 appreciation of the dollar takes place JuThF35HS6k-00064-00018833-00019123 against Russia and other former Soviet JuThF35HS6k-00065-00019124-00019465 Union countries on average on balance in JuThF35HS6k-00066-00019466-00019602 the exchange rate the dollar JuThF35HS6k-00067-00019603-00020005 appreciation reduces US exports we've JuThF35HS6k-00068-00020006-00020212 seen that already and this is especially JuThF35HS6k-00069-00020213-00020446 true for basic commodities and JuThF35HS6k-00070-00020447-00020668 intermediate products less so for JuThF35HS6k-00071-00020669-00021147 process products in terms of other Paul JuThF35HS6k-00072-00021148-00021439 important policies renewable energy JuThF35HS6k-00073-00021440-00021718 policies remain a significant driver of JuThF35HS6k-00074-00021719-00021940 markets within the u.s. in the JuThF35HS6k-00075-00021941-00022267 projection period ethanol continues to JuThF35HS6k-00076-00022268-00022540 account for about a third of total u.s. JuThF35HS6k-00077-00022541-00023005 corn use this drops slightly due to the JuThF35HS6k-00078-00023006-00023222 ability to blend ethanol into gasoline JuThF35HS6k-00079-00023223-00023528 but nonetheless it remains important JuThF35HS6k-00080-00023529-00023883 globally biofuels are projected JuThF35HS6k-00081-00023884-00024144 production is expected to increase in JuThF35HS6k-00082-00024145-00024375 the next 10 years although at a slower JuThF35HS6k-00083-00024376-00024705 rate than in the past now that's the JuThF35HS6k-00084-00024706-00025030 macroeconomic background and they lead JuThF35HS6k-00085-00025031-00025330 to a slow recovery in global growth in JuThF35HS6k-00086-00025331-00025537 global demand for agricultural JuThF35HS6k-00087-00025538-00025908 commodities USDA baseline also assumes JuThF35HS6k-00088-00025909-00026214 rates of technological improvement and JuThF35HS6k-00089-00026216-00026506 they continue to grow if you bring this JuThF35HS6k-00090-00026507-00026833 demand and supply side together that JuThF35HS6k-00091-00026833-00027094 implies that we see slowly recovering JuThF35HS6k-00092-00027095-00027426 prices then this is us farm prices for JuThF35HS6k-00093-00027427-00027745 soybeans wheat and corn and here you JuThF35HS6k-00094-00027745-00027922 have a line that shows where the JuThF35HS6k-00095-00027923-00028249 projection period starts among the three JuThF35HS6k-00096-00028250-00028591 soybean prices rise the most reflecting JuThF35HS6k-00097-00028592-00028894 increased demand for soy products linked JuThF35HS6k-00098-00028895-00029320 to growing meet demand to meet increased JuThF35HS6k-00099-00029320-00029626 demand in developing countries um you JuThF35HS6k-00100-00029627-00029922 see a similar story on the meat side and JuThF35HS6k-00101-00029923-00030258 on the left-hand side you see us JuThF35HS6k-00102-00030260-00030577 production of poultry and green beef in JuThF35HS6k-00103-00030577-00030927 red and pork and blue and on all three JuThF35HS6k-00104-00030929-00031233 we see growth in projection in the u.s. JuThF35HS6k-00105-00031233-00031539 partly linked to lower feed prices that JuThF35HS6k-00106-00031541-00031827 make it more competitive we also assume JuThF35HS6k-00107-00031829-00032155 increased technological improvements and JuThF35HS6k-00108-00032156-00032452 if the key component is the growth in JuThF35HS6k-00109-00032452-00032701 international demand I don't include JuThF35HS6k-00110-00032702-00032890 dairy production but that's also JuThF35HS6k-00111-00032891-00033232 projected to grow on the right-hand side JuThF35HS6k-00112-00033233-00033541 you see us per capita demand for these JuThF35HS6k-00113-00033542-00033814 three meats and they rise ever so JuThF35HS6k-00114-00033815-00034192 slightly and this is even as the JuThF35HS6k-00115-00034193-00034459 baseline also includes declining nominal JuThF35HS6k-00116-00034460-00034735 prices for meat in fact the declining JuThF35HS6k-00117-00034736-00035020 price for beef is slightly more than JuThF35HS6k-00118-00035021-00035278 other meats which helps arrest the fall JuThF35HS6k-00119-00035279-00035632 and per capita beef consumption so you JuThF35HS6k-00120-00035633-00035989 the real action in beef for US producers JuThF35HS6k-00121-00035990-00036286 is in global markets and this chart JuThF35HS6k-00122-00036287-00036739 shows total exports from allah major JuThF35HS6k-00123-00036740-00037015 exporting countries and you can see that JuThF35HS6k-00124-00037016-00037282 that grows over time for all of the JuThF35HS6k-00125-00037283-00037552 different major meat products what we JuThF35HS6k-00126-00037553-00037762 don't see in this chart is that there JuThF35HS6k-00127-00037763-00038082 are shifts among the exporter's and I JuThF35HS6k-00128-00038083-00038425 it's a second point that Jaime also made JuThF35HS6k-00129-00038426-00038647 that an important trend in global JuThF35HS6k-00130-00038648-00038977 markets is increasing competition from JuThF35HS6k-00131-00038978-00039220 developing countries that are growing as JuThF35HS6k-00132-00039221-00039568 both importers and exporters for example JuThF35HS6k-00133-00039569-00039794 in 2014 in JuThF35HS6k-00134-00039795-00040085 became the world's largest beef exporter JuThF35HS6k-00135-00040086-00040310 and its exports are projected to JuThF35HS6k-00136-00040311-00040580 increase by 30 percent over the next JuThF35HS6k-00137-00040581-00041054 decade I think I've only mentioned China JuThF35HS6k-00138-00041055-00041375 once in terms of its exchange rate but JuThF35HS6k-00139-00041376-00041660 China remains a powerful force in global JuThF35HS6k-00140-00041661-00041929 agricultural markets this chart shows JuThF35HS6k-00141-00041930-00042338 soybeans imports and for round the world JuThF35HS6k-00142-00042339-00042611 and green shows that China already has JuThF35HS6k-00143-00042612-00042836 become a dominant force and global JuThF35HS6k-00144-00042837-00043190 soybean him as a global soybean importer JuThF35HS6k-00145-00043191-00043523 and that's projected to increase as such JuThF35HS6k-00146-00043524-00043775 Chinese macroeconomic conditions and JuThF35HS6k-00147-00043776-00044015 policies are going to shape the markets JuThF35HS6k-00148-00044016-00044270 for soybeans and other products another JuThF35HS6k-00149-00044271-00044585 example of a market that's important to JuThF35HS6k-00150-00044586-00044828 the US is cotton and china is the JuThF35HS6k-00151-00044829-00045110 world's largest cotton importer and also JuThF35HS6k-00152-00045111-00045488 holds record levels of stocks my one JuThF35HS6k-00153-00045489-00045794 final chart on the baseline reinforces JuThF35HS6k-00154-00045795-00046103 this point about competitiveness across JuThF35HS6k-00155-00046104-00046406 for exporting countries and here you see JuThF35HS6k-00156-00046407-00046736 global corn exports where the US remains JuThF35HS6k-00157-00046737-00047024 a large producer and exporter of corn JuThF35HS6k-00158-00047025-00047309 but in response to higher prices in JuThF35HS6k-00159-00047310-00047549 recent years you can see the growth in JuThF35HS6k-00160-00047550-00047921 exports from the former Soviet Union in JuThF35HS6k-00161-00047922-00048209 green Brazil in black and Argentina and JuThF35HS6k-00162-00048210-00048704 gray and I I think this growth in JuThF35HS6k-00163-00048705-00048929 competitors around the world in all JuThF35HS6k-00164-00048930-00049202 products means that the US needs to JuThF35HS6k-00165-00049203-00049405 invest in technology and management JuThF35HS6k-00166-00049406-00049730 strategies in order to manage costs to JuThF35HS6k-00167-00049731-00050072 remain a competitive exporter I'm going JuThF35HS6k-00168-00050073-00050360 to tie up a few key points of the JuThF35HS6k-00169-00050361-00050657 drivers from the baseline and the US JuThF35HS6k-00170-00050658-00050981 economy before turning to farm policy JuThF35HS6k-00171-00050982-00051314 and one trend that I've talked about JuThF35HS6k-00172-00051315-00051527 that we've heard also at this conference JuThF35HS6k-00173-00051528-00051764 is the growing importance of developing JuThF35HS6k-00174-00051765-00052121 countries as a source of demand in blue JuThF35HS6k-00175-00052122-00052382 on this chart you see the growth in u.s. JuThF35HS6k-00176-00052383-00052622 AG exports that have taken place over JuThF35HS6k-00177-00052623-00052966 the past several years with a decreased JuThF35HS6k-00178-00052967-00053165 last year largely due to the JuThF35HS6k-00179-00053166-00053441 exchange rate changes and what's JuThF35HS6k-00180-00053441-00053704 interesting here is in green you have JuThF35HS6k-00181-00053705-00053960 the share of exports going to developing JuThF35HS6k-00182-00053961-00054238 countries in red to develop countries JuThF35HS6k-00183-00054239-00054574 and these lines crossed in 2003 and JuThF35HS6k-00184-00054575-00054892 while we see some dip in the most recent JuThF35HS6k-00185-00054893-00055223 year I think the baseline in common and JuThF35HS6k-00186-00055224-00055460 wisdom in the u.s. is that developing JuThF35HS6k-00187-00055461-00055654 countries are going to remain the JuThF35HS6k-00188-00055655-00055915 largest source of growth for JuThF35HS6k-00189-00055916-00056149 agricultural markets and for US JuThF35HS6k-00190-00056150-00056654 producers a second key factor that is JuThF35HS6k-00191-00056654-00056909 behind the baseline and you can see in JuThF35HS6k-00192-00056910-00057211 recent trends is that growth and JuThF35HS6k-00193-00057212-00057412 agricultural output depends on JuThF35HS6k-00194-00057413-00057749 productivity and new technologies on the JuThF35HS6k-00195-00057750-00058057 left hand side you can see results for JuThF35HS6k-00196-00058058-00058298 the United States and this is an index JuThF35HS6k-00197-00058299-00058675 of total output total inputs and total JuThF35HS6k-00198-00058676-00058949 factor productivity which is a ratio of JuThF35HS6k-00199-00058950-00059399 outputs over inputs the lines for total JuThF35HS6k-00200-00059400-00059617 factor productivity and total output JuThF35HS6k-00201-00059618-00059924 really lie on top of each other and you JuThF35HS6k-00202-00059925-00060163 see at the bottom in light blue total JuThF35HS6k-00203-00060164-00060428 inputs which change little over time and JuThF35HS6k-00204-00060429-00060749 this goes back to nineteen fifty showing JuThF35HS6k-00205-00060750-00060959 that for decades the growth in u.s. JuThF35HS6k-00206-00060960-00061253 agricultural output has been driven by JuThF35HS6k-00207-00061254-00061634 changes in technology in the world if JuThF35HS6k-00208-00061635-00061847 you look back and this goes the chart on JuThF35HS6k-00209-00061848-00062005 the right hand side goes back to JuThF35HS6k-00210-00062006-00062299 nineteen sixty that wasn't true globally JuThF35HS6k-00211-00062300-00062666 changes in inputs more driving increases JuThF35HS6k-00212-00062666-00062980 in output on average globally into the JuThF35HS6k-00213-00062981-00063203 60s but if you look in the most recent JuThF35HS6k-00214-00063204-00063691 period we have data for 2002-2012 its JuThF35HS6k-00215-00063692-00063982 total factor productivity that's now on JuThF35HS6k-00216-00063983-00064265 average globally driving the increase in JuThF35HS6k-00217-00064266-00064478 production and that's the green bar JuThF35HS6k-00218-00064479-00064855 where you see in bright orange total JuThF35HS6k-00219-00064856-00065210 input growth gray is irrigation in light JuThF35HS6k-00220-00065211-00065510 orange is more a gland so going forward JuThF35HS6k-00221-00065511-00065867 the role of investments in research that JuThF35HS6k-00222-00065868-00066172 lead to new technologies and farmers JuThF35HS6k-00223-00066173-00066410 innovations and management practices JuThF35HS6k-00224-00066411-00066548 will be critical JuThF35HS6k-00225-00066549-00066982 to increase agricultural output another JuThF35HS6k-00226-00066983-00067247 important dimension that drives us JuThF35HS6k-00227-00067248-00067628 policy decisions is the nature of farms JuThF35HS6k-00228-00067629-00067894 that underlies these supply curves and JuThF35HS6k-00229-00067895-00068119 in the u.s. they see two somewhat JuThF35HS6k-00230-00068120-00068429 seemingly contradictory think trends at JuThF35HS6k-00231-00068430-00068729 the same time one is growing size of JuThF35HS6k-00232-00068730-00069032 farms and here I'm providing a measure JuThF35HS6k-00233-00069033-00069284 that the economic research developed JuThF35HS6k-00234-00069285-00069587 using calling the midpoint acre above JuThF35HS6k-00235-00069588-00069938 this line half of production is on acres JuThF35HS6k-00236-00069939-00070175 of farms greater than that size half JuThF35HS6k-00237-00070176-00070490 below and in the most recent period year JuThF35HS6k-00238-00070491-00070951 measured 2012 that's 1,200 acres I think JuThF35HS6k-00239-00070952-00071099 we think that's a better measure than JuThF35HS6k-00240-00071100-00071357 average acreage which is below because JuThF35HS6k-00241-00071358-00071663 there are many very small farms and JuThF35HS6k-00242-00071664-00071957 their changes in numbers can distort the JuThF35HS6k-00243-00071958-00072200 measure of the increasing size of JuThF35HS6k-00244-00072201-00072491 operations and we don't in our looking JuThF35HS6k-00245-00072492-00072818 at the data on the cost of different JuThF35HS6k-00246-00072819-00073088 sizes of operations the economic seemed JuThF35HS6k-00247-00073089-00073316 to suggest that farms will grow in size JuThF35HS6k-00248-00073317-00073588 however at the same time we see more JuThF35HS6k-00249-00073589-00073891 farms engaging in non-traditional JuThF35HS6k-00250-00073892-00074198 activities and this shows changes JuThF35HS6k-00251-00074199-00074624 between 2007 and 2012 of different focal JuThF35HS6k-00252-00074625-00074869 points including direct sales to JuThF35HS6k-00253-00074870-00075167 consumers and Agri tourism and in all JuThF35HS6k-00254-00075168-00075380 these categories there's more farmers JuThF35HS6k-00255-00075381-00075629 engaging in these activities and this JuThF35HS6k-00256-00075630-00075854 reflects a growth in consumer interest JuThF35HS6k-00257-00075855-00076148 in there further food come from and how JuThF35HS6k-00258-00076149-00076351 wanting to have a stronger connection to JuThF35HS6k-00259-00076352-00076610 farming and both of these trends the JuThF35HS6k-00260-00076611-00076859 cell growth in the size of farms as well JuThF35HS6k-00261-00076860-00077141 as consumer interest in food are shaping JuThF35HS6k-00262-00077142-00077488 farm policy going forward so let me turn JuThF35HS6k-00263-00077489-00078011 lost to us AG policy directions and I'm JuThF35HS6k-00264-00078012-00078266 going to start by looking at the 2014 JuThF35HS6k-00265-00078267-00078551 farm act and for those of you not JuThF35HS6k-00266-00078552-00078872 familiar with us AG policy this goes in JuThF35HS6k-00267-00078873-00079226 five year cycles the most recent farm JuThF35HS6k-00268-00079227-00079475 act was passed and signed by the JuThF35HS6k-00269-00079476-00079946 president in early 2014 and this plight JuThF35HS6k-00270-00079947-00080225 remote represents an estimate for total JuThF35HS6k-00271-00080226-00080495 spending over the five years that was JuThF35HS6k-00272-00080496-00080849 updated in John January 2016 by the JuThF35HS6k-00273-00080850-00081131 Congressional Budget Office and you'll JuThF35HS6k-00274-00081132-00081293 see that the Lord you see that the JuThF35HS6k-00275-00081294-00081569 largest share in blue is for USDA's JuThF35HS6k-00276-00081570-00081830 nutrition programs which provide JuThF35HS6k-00277-00081831-00082124 assistance for low-income Americans in JuThF35HS6k-00278-00082125-00082510 meeting their nutrition needs you JuThF35HS6k-00279-00082511-00082775 commodities account for five percent JuThF35HS6k-00280-00082776-00083051 commodity programs crop insurance nine JuThF35HS6k-00281-00083052-00083321 percent of the spending and conservation JuThF35HS6k-00282-00083322-00083627 six percent the other one percent JuThF35HS6k-00283-00083628-00084005 category in yellow this represents trade JuThF35HS6k-00284-00084006-00084220 programs credit Rural Development JuThF35HS6k-00285-00084221-00084536 Research and Extension including my JuThF35HS6k-00286-00084537-00084905 agency which is located here energy and JuThF35HS6k-00287-00084906-00085274 miscellaneous programs so with within JuThF35HS6k-00288-00085275-00085526 USDA the spending is dominated by JuThF35HS6k-00289-00085527-00085814 nutrition programs and these three farm JuThF35HS6k-00290-00085815-00086096 programs are also an important share of JuThF35HS6k-00291-00086097-00086477 what is invested in by Congress let me JuThF35HS6k-00292-00086478-00086696 turn now and I'm going to focus on the JuThF35HS6k-00293-00086697-00087145 chrome farm and insurance programs JuThF35HS6k-00294-00087146-00087386 conservation is important but I'll leave JuThF35HS6k-00295-00087387-00087788 that aside today if you then start I'll JuThF35HS6k-00296-00087789-00088067 start with the commodity programs the JuThF35HS6k-00297-00088068-00088460 USDA has a forecast for farm income and JuThF35HS6k-00298-00088461-00088696 the first forecast was produced in JuThF35HS6k-00299-00088697-00089087 February 2016 and it includes estimates JuThF35HS6k-00300-00089088-00089300 of different types of spending for JuThF35HS6k-00301-00089301-00089549 commodity programs this doesn't include JuThF35HS6k-00302-00089550-00089858 the insurance programs and the light JuThF35HS6k-00303-00089859-00090146 green color represents prices where JuThF35HS6k-00304-00090147-00090548 payments depend on prices and while the JuThF35HS6k-00305-00090549-00090764 slide says there's a transition from JuThF35HS6k-00306-00090765-00091001 fixed to price dependent programs it's JuThF35HS6k-00307-00091002-00091319 really an evolution and this shares have JuThF35HS6k-00308-00091320-00091610 shifted over time under different farm JuThF35HS6k-00309-00091611-00091832 policy regimes and different market JuThF35HS6k-00310-00091833-00092291 conditions in 2016 payments that depend JuThF35HS6k-00311-00092292-00092615 on prices are projected at over 10 Don JuThF35HS6k-00312-00092616-00092855 billion dollars these payments are JuThF35HS6k-00313-00092856-00093304 largely based on some fixed or program JuThF35HS6k-00314-00093305-00093673 edge and not the production isn't linked JuThF35HS6k-00315-00093674-00093940 to prices in the market at the in each JuThF35HS6k-00316-00093941-00094342 year you also see over time growth in JuThF35HS6k-00317-00094343-00094651 conservation programs and within these JuThF35HS6k-00318-00094652-00094861 programs there are more payments going JuThF35HS6k-00319-00094862-00095176 to working lands versus land retirement JuThF35HS6k-00320-00095177-00095665 programs the recent farm bill introduced JuThF35HS6k-00321-00095666-00095971 new programs there are some special JuThF35HS6k-00322-00095972-00096211 programs for cotton that I'm not going JuThF35HS6k-00323-00096212-00096502 to discuss but three new programs that JuThF35HS6k-00324-00096503-00096814 were introduced for field crops are the JuThF35HS6k-00325-00096815-00097132 price loss coverage or PLC program and JuThF35HS6k-00326-00097133-00097402 the agricultural risk coverage aarc JuThF35HS6k-00327-00097403-00097747 which has two variants one based on JuThF35HS6k-00328-00097748-00097945 county yields and one based on JuThF35HS6k-00329-00097946-00098449 individual yields and this each farmer JuThF35HS6k-00330-00098450-00098710 in the US had to decide at the beginning JuThF35HS6k-00331-00098711-00098965 of the farm bill what program they would JuThF35HS6k-00332-00098966-00099169 choose and then stay with that program JuThF35HS6k-00333-00099170-00099409 throughout the duration of the farm bill JuThF35HS6k-00334-00099410-00099745 and this shows the choices that farmers JuThF35HS6k-00335-00099746-00100072 made and it varies by product you see JuThF35HS6k-00336-00100073-00100528 that soybeans corn oats chose mainly the JuThF35HS6k-00337-00100529-00100900 aarc county program rice and peanut JuThF35HS6k-00338-00100901-00101197 chose mainly the PLC program and wheat JuThF35HS6k-00339-00101198-00101487 producers split their decisions and JuThF35HS6k-00340-00101488-00101821 analysis by Farm extension agents and JuThF35HS6k-00341-00101822-00102076 economists show that as one might think JuThF35HS6k-00342-00102077-00102382 the expected payments under each program JuThF35HS6k-00343-00102383-00102780 were the key driving factor for farmers JuThF35HS6k-00344-00102781-00103063 one thing that is interesting is that JuThF35HS6k-00345-00103064-00103393 less than 1% of farmers chose the JuThF35HS6k-00346-00103394-00103702 individual coverage option and i think JuThF35HS6k-00347-00103703-00104008 the analysis around this indicates that JuThF35HS6k-00348-00104009-00104308 that's a couple things one it was a it's JuThF35HS6k-00349-00104309-00104683 a more complex program it may be JuThF35HS6k-00350-00104684-00104950 producers may have good close substitute JuThF35HS6k-00351-00104951-00105226 in the crop insurance programs it also JuThF35HS6k-00352-00105227-00105523 had a lower payout based on sixty-five JuThF35HS6k-00353-00105524-00105763 percent of the base or program acres JuThF35HS6k-00354-00105764-00106031 versus eighty-five percent in the county JuThF35HS6k-00355-00106032-00106469 average so I think this is you know we JuThF35HS6k-00356-00106470-00106697 have what were widely called JuThF35HS6k-00357-00106698-00106976 or complex programs but farmers were JuThF35HS6k-00358-00106977-00107254 able to make decisions and choose which JuThF35HS6k-00359-00107255-00107633 program to participate in let me turn JuThF35HS6k-00360-00107633-00108038 now to crop insurance and over time the JuThF35HS6k-00361-00108039-00108395 growth of crop insurance and has crop JuThF35HS6k-00362-00108396-00108593 insurance has grown and covers more JuThF35HS6k-00363-00108594-00108851 acreage and more farmers this trend JuThF35HS6k-00364-00108852-00109106 shows millions of acres covered over JuThF35HS6k-00365-00109107-00109607 time starting in 1994 through 2015 in JuThF35HS6k-00366-00109608-00109793 addition to the growth you see a JuThF35HS6k-00367-00109794-00110161 changing type of crop insurance plan in JuThF35HS6k-00368-00110163-00110428 blue our revenue insurance products JuThF35HS6k-00369-00110429-00110789 based not only on yield but also prices JuThF35HS6k-00370-00110790-00111053 and you see the growth of these revenue JuThF35HS6k-00371-00111054-00111535 products over time another trend in crop JuThF35HS6k-00372-00111536-00111766 insurance policies in the u.s. is JuThF35HS6k-00373-00111767-00111985 expanding coverage beyond the major JuThF35HS6k-00374-00111986-00112408 field crops and in gray our insurance JuThF35HS6k-00375-00112409-00112802 policies written to the non big crops of JuThF35HS6k-00376-00112803-00113147 corn soybeans and wheat the other in JuThF35HS6k-00377-00113148-00113807 gray and we see in the last but we see JuThF35HS6k-00378-00113808-00114079 over recent times that the share of the JuThF35HS6k-00379-00114080-00114281 major crops has fallen by ten percent JuThF35HS6k-00380-00114282-00114668 and this variety of policies doesn't JuThF35HS6k-00381-00114669-00114979 just apply to the type of crops but also JuThF35HS6k-00382-00114980-00115178 to the way of production as there's a JuThF35HS6k-00383-00115179-00115399 growing number of crop insurance JuThF35HS6k-00384-00115400-00115802 policies for organic products and then I JuThF35HS6k-00385-00115803-00116027 have one final point that it make that JuThF35HS6k-00386-00116028-00116324 as a driver of us farm policy and that's JuThF35HS6k-00387-00116325-00116533 the distribution of payments to JuThF35HS6k-00388-00116534-00116836 different sizes and types of farms and JuThF35HS6k-00389-00116838-00117188 in the last few farm bill discussions JuThF35HS6k-00390-00117189-00117400 there's been concern about whether JuThF35HS6k-00391-00117401-00117661 payments from the government are going JuThF35HS6k-00392-00117663-00117902 to much so and this is a value judgment JuThF35HS6k-00393-00117903-00118199 to large farms that may be commercial JuThF35HS6k-00394-00118200-00118589 operations with high incomes and I think JuThF35HS6k-00395-00118590-00118853 this is really linked closely to the JuThF35HS6k-00396-00118854-00119116 fact that payments are directed towards JuThF35HS6k-00397-00119117-00119345 production crop insurance is Lincoln JuThF35HS6k-00398-00119346-00119566 towards production if you produce more JuThF35HS6k-00399-00119567-00119860 you insure more but at the same time as JuThF35HS6k-00400-00119861-00120033 we saw earlier thus I JuThF35HS6k-00401-00120033-00120348 of farms are growing on average so to JuThF35HS6k-00402-00120349-00120551 the extent that the program's remain JuThF35HS6k-00403-00120552-00120764 linked to production we're going to see JuThF35HS6k-00404-00120765-00121050 I think an ongoing concern about more JuThF35HS6k-00405-00121051-00121374 payments going to higher levels of JuThF35HS6k-00406-00121375-00121634 production and higher income and in this JuThF35HS6k-00407-00121635-00121916 chart you see the share of payments in JuThF35HS6k-00408-00121917-00122196 green and the scale of the farms JuThF35HS6k-00409-00122197-00122591 increases from left to right so it's the JuThF35HS6k-00410-00122592-00122876 more payments going to larger operations JuThF35HS6k-00411-00122877-00123266 let me conclude by looking forward at JuThF35HS6k-00412-00123267-00123474 some of the drivers of food and farm JuThF35HS6k-00413-00123475-00123747 policy in the United States today I JuThF35HS6k-00414-00123748-00123957 focused on markets and some of the JuThF35HS6k-00415-00123958-00124206 traditional farm policies and these JuThF35HS6k-00416-00124207-00124431 issues will remain important you hear JuThF35HS6k-00417-00124432-00124661 them being discussed already on an JuThF35HS6k-00418-00124663-00124947 ongoing basis in Washington concerns JuThF35HS6k-00419-00124948-00125279 about whether the insurance or revenue JuThF35HS6k-00420-00125280-00125483 protection that creates what's called a JuThF35HS6k-00421-00125484-00125888 safety net is sufficiently effective the JuThF35HS6k-00422-00125889-00126089 discussions about competitiveness the JuThF35HS6k-00423-00126090-00126386 role of the US and international markets JuThF35HS6k-00424-00126388-00126716 on average the US exports about twenty JuThF35HS6k-00425-00126717-00126918 percent of its production every year so JuThF35HS6k-00426-00126919-00127234 these markets are very important we see JuThF35HS6k-00427-00127235-00127463 discussion of competitiveness and JuThF35HS6k-00428-00127464-00127797 Technology of the structure and size and JuThF35HS6k-00429-00127798-00127991 scale of farms and whether it should be JuThF35HS6k-00430-00127992-00128307 limits on payments but and we see JuThF35HS6k-00431-00128308-00128574 conservation policy discussed and being JuThF35HS6k-00432-00128575-00128765 looked at as a way to meet commitments JuThF35HS6k-00433-00128766-00129138 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but JuThF35HS6k-00434-00129139-00129318 as I alluded to earlier there's also JuThF35HS6k-00435-00129319-00129558 increasing interest and discussion in JuThF35HS6k-00436-00129558-00129839 the US of consumer concerns about the JuThF35HS6k-00437-00129840-00130109 way farm products are produced and right JuThF35HS6k-00438-00130110-00130347 now there's an ongoing debate on the JuThF35HS6k-00439-00130348-00130613 government's role in labeling for JuThF35HS6k-00440-00130614-00130868 genetically engineered or products of JuThF35HS6k-00441-00130869-00131151 biotechnology so all in all I think it's JuThF35HS6k-00442-00131152-00131429 a really interesting time to be working JuThF35HS6k-00443-00131430-00131676 in food and egg policy there's a lot of JuThF35HS6k-00444-00131677-00132000 research issues that we're seeing in the JuThF35HS6k-00445-00132001-00132237 US and other countries and it seems like JuThF35HS6k-00446-00132238-00132462 that's also true in Australia thank you JuThF35HS6k-00447-00132463-00132771 very much JuThF35HS6k-00448-00132772-00132978 you JvEjjjwMSN8-00000-00000025-00001018 [Music] JvEjjjwMSN8-00001-00001019-00001297 I've never met a person who was not JvEjjjwMSN8-00002-00001298-00001579 successful that didn't have a great JvEjjjwMSN8-00003-00001580-00001745 amount of self-discipline within their JvEjjjwMSN8-00004-00001746-00002132 life self-discipline and being able to JvEjjjwMSN8-00005-00002133-00002416 perform and being able to keep your life JvEjjjwMSN8-00006-00002417-00002599 on schedule and being able to keep JvEjjjwMSN8-00007-00002600-00002785 commitments and promises and meet JvEjjjwMSN8-00008-00002786-00003122 deadlines is essential to success the JvEjjjwMSN8-00009-00003123-00003395 Great's do things when they don't always JvEjjjwMSN8-00010-00003396-00003668 want to I think that's what separates JvEjjjwMSN8-00011-00003669-00004133 good from great there are days you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00012-00004134-00004289 not gonna want to do it enjoy and JvEjjjwMSN8-00013-00004290-00004490 everybody has those days but it's what JvEjjjwMSN8-00014-00004491-00004763 you do on those days that help you move JvEjjjwMSN8-00015-00004764-00005069 forward the work ethic is the number one JvEjjjwMSN8-00016-00005070-00005408 variable you know zero people on earth JvEjjjwMSN8-00017-00005409-00005624 that have been really successful that JvEjjjwMSN8-00018-00005625-00005714 happened put him to work JvEjjjwMSN8-00019-00005715-00005960 zero mommy and daddy gave them a JvEjjjwMSN8-00020-00005961-00006197 crapload of money cool but anybody who's JvEjjjwMSN8-00021-00006198-00006569 ever earned it put in the work if it was JvEjjjwMSN8-00022-00006570-00006820 easy everybody would be doing it they're JvEjjjwMSN8-00023-00006822-00006962 always gonna be ups and downs but I JvEjjjwMSN8-00024-00006963-00007135 think it's really how you get back on JvEjjjwMSN8-00025-00007136-00007348 your horse and keep going forward and JvEjjjwMSN8-00026-00007348-00007681 never give up they have to work for it JvEjjjwMSN8-00027-00007683-00007919 yeah it's not going to be easy but if JvEjjjwMSN8-00028-00007920-00008039 you want it bad enough they'll do JvEjjjwMSN8-00029-00008040-00008249 whatever it takes to get there it's a JvEjjjwMSN8-00030-00008250-00008558 one-person game and here's that game do JvEjjjwMSN8-00031-00008559-00008678 you think that somebody owes you JvEjjjwMSN8-00032-00008679-00008993 something or don't you if you think JvEjjjwMSN8-00033-00008994-00009128 somebody owes you something then you get JvEjjjwMSN8-00034-00009129-00009353 lazy and you're entitled if you can JvEjjjwMSN8-00035-00009354-00009524 weaken it it's soft and you're gonna JvEjjjwMSN8-00036-00009525-00009782 lose if you think that nobody owes you JvEjjjwMSN8-00037-00009783-00010142 anything then you get to work dreams JvEjjjwMSN8-00038-00010143-00010471 require sacrifices they don't get to the JvEjjjwMSN8-00039-00010472-00010718 1% way you can't get to that onion for JvEjjjwMSN8-00040-00010719-00010776 going JvEjjjwMSN8-00041-00010777-00010917 of happiness you don't get to live your JvEjjjwMSN8-00042-00010918-00011195 dream you're not entitled to your dream JvEjjjwMSN8-00043-00011196-00011537 you're gonna believe for your booty I JvEjjjwMSN8-00044-00011538-00011823 listen and listen well because no truer JvEjjjwMSN8-00045-00011824-00012259 words are ever gonna be spoken JvEjjjwMSN8-00046-00012260-00012563 you can do anything you want without JvEjjjwMSN8-00047-00012564-00012855 limitation whatever it is that you JvEjjjwMSN8-00048-00012856-00013032 decide you want to make come true in JvEjjjwMSN8-00049-00013033-00013335 your life you can do that it is gonna JvEjjjwMSN8-00050-00013336-00013494 take an inhuman amount of work you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00051-00013494-00013605 gonna have to be prepared to break JvEjjjwMSN8-00052-00013606-00013758 yourself in half you are going to have JvEjjjwMSN8-00053-00013759-00013875 to learn more than anyone has ever JvEjjjwMSN8-00054-00013876-00013965 learned you're gonna have to push JvEjjjwMSN8-00055-00013966-00014124 yourself harder than anyone has ever JvEjjjwMSN8-00056-00014125-00014325 asked you to push yourself before you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00057-00014326-00014544 gonna go way beyond your breaking point JvEjjjwMSN8-00058-00014544-00014708 you're gonna run until you vomit you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00059-00014709-00014850 gonna study until you fall asleep JvEjjjwMSN8-00060-00014851-00015090 you're going to push and push and push JvEjjjwMSN8-00061-00015091-00015312 and then you're gonna push some JvEjjjwMSN8-00062-00015313-00015453 more and when you hit the limit you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00063-00015454-00015594 gonna push again beyond that you're JvEjjjwMSN8-00064-00015594-00015722 gonna force yourself to an adaptation JvEjjjwMSN8-00065-00015723-00016221 response and why because it's Malcolm X JvEjjjwMSN8-00066-00016222-00016472 said the future belongs to those who JvEjjjwMSN8-00067-00016473-00016658 prepare for it today JvEjjjwMSN8-00068-00016659-00017052 so if you don't put the work in today if JvEjjjwMSN8-00069-00017053-00017386 you don't do the onion JvEjjjwMSN8-00070-00017387-00017649 back-breaking work of developing JvEjjjwMSN8-00071-00017650-00017850 yourself into something greater the JvEjjjwMSN8-00072-00017851-00018057 world is gonna pass you by the people JvEjjjwMSN8-00073-00018058-00018177 that are going to own it are going to be JvEjjjwMSN8-00074-00018178-00018429 the ones that did that work and the one JvEjjjwMSN8-00075-00018430-00018672 promise that I can make you right now is JvEjjjwMSN8-00076-00018673-00018990 that somebody somebody out there is JvEjjjwMSN8-00077-00018991-00019374 outlet somebody right now is doing the JvEjjjwMSN8-00078-00019375-00019578 things that I'm saying somebody right JvEjjjwMSN8-00079-00019579-00020028 now is doing the work of failing and JvEjjjwMSN8-00080-00020029-00020244 getting up and getting better and JvEjjjwMSN8-00081-00020245-00020480 pushing themselves and triggering that JvEjjjwMSN8-00082-00020481-00020750 glorious adaptation response that makes JvEjjjwMSN8-00083-00020751-00020981 humans the apex predator someone right JvEjjjwMSN8-00084-00020982-00021390 now they're putting in that work and if JvEjjjwMSN8-00085-00021391-00021656 you don't the future is gonna belong to JvEjjjwMSN8-00086-00021657-00022003 them and as Martin Luther King jr. said JvEjjjwMSN8-00087-00022004-00022425 you can't fly than one if you can't run JvEjjjwMSN8-00088-00022426-00022674 then walk if you can't walk then fall JvEjjjwMSN8-00089-00022675-00023003 but whatever you do you have to keep JvEjjjwMSN8-00090-00023004-00023442 moving forward it's not okay to make JvEjjjwMSN8-00091-00023443-00023658 excuses it's not gonna slow people down JvEjjjwMSN8-00092-00023659-00023903 it's not okay to ask the world to stop JvEjjjwMSN8-00093-00023904-00024105 so that you can step out front it's not JvEjjjwMSN8-00094-00024106-00024380 okay to expect little of yourself and JvEjjjwMSN8-00095-00024381-00024708 demand great rewards the only thing JvEjjjwMSN8-00096-00024709-00024966 that's okay is to be in line with the JvEjjjwMSN8-00097-00024967-00025152 way that the world really works and if JvEjjjwMSN8-00098-00025153-00025275 you want to be great you've got to JvEjjjwMSN8-00099-00025276-00025542 become capable of greatness you've got JvEjjjwMSN8-00100-00025543-00025787 to develop your skill set you've got to JvEjjjwMSN8-00101-00025788-00025950 take what you have now JvEjjjwMSN8-00102-00025951-00026120 and if that's crawling than JvEjjjwMSN8-00103-00026122-00026376 crawl but you drag yourself ever forward JvEjjjwMSN8-00104-00026377-00026700 to a vision of yourself that is so clear JvEjjjwMSN8-00105-00026701-00027014 and so specific that nothing could not JvEjjjwMSN8-00106-00027016-00027239 do off your path because you my friend JvEjjjwMSN8-00107-00027241-00027417 you know exactly where you're going JvEjjjwMSN8-00108-00027418-00027645 you're willing to pay whatever price it JvEjjjwMSN8-00109-00027645-00027807 takes to get there and no matter what JvEjjjwMSN8-00110-00027808-00027977 anybody says no matter how many JvEjjjwMSN8-00111-00027979-00028155 hecklers come for you no matter how many JvEjjjwMSN8-00112-00028156-00028358 people try to flow dirt on you try to JvEjjjwMSN8-00113-00028360-00028548 stop and try to knock you down no matter JvEjjjwMSN8-00114-00028549-00028812 how many people come for you at JvEjjjwMSN8-00115-00028813-00029070 night while you sleep you will run and JvEjjjwMSN8-00116-00029070-00029268 you will keep pushing forward and you JvEjjjwMSN8-00117-00029269-00029477 will get better every day and no matter JvEjjjwMSN8-00118-00029479-00029655 how many times people chopping you the JvEjjjwMSN8-00119-00029656-00029862 knocking down knock you off the path you JvEjjjwMSN8-00120-00029863-00030093 will get back on you will crawl so you JvEjjjwMSN8-00121-00030094-00030273 can walk you will walk till you run and JvEjjjwMSN8-00122-00030274-00030468 then you will run until you fly and that JvEjjjwMSN8-00123-00030469-00030723 my friends is the only path forward so JvEjjjwMSN8-00124-00030724-00030939 if you want a future that makes JvEjjjwMSN8-00125-00030939-00031127 you happy if you want a world that JvEjjjwMSN8-00126-00031129-00031341 you're excited about get your ass out JvEjjjwMSN8-00127-00031342-00033397 there and earn it JvEjjjwMSN8-00128-00033398-00033604 you JxJvbU3lsbU-00000-00000075-00002071 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00001-00002072-00002637 Skip to My Lou my darling JxJvbU3lsbU-00002-00002638-00003108 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00003-00003109-00003836 my darling JxJvbU3lsbU-00004-00003836-00004671 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00005-00004672-00005531 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00006-00005532-00005718 foreign JxJvbU3lsbU-00007-00005719-00006662 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00008-00006663-00007583 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00009-00007584-00008187 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00010-00008188-00009964 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00011-00009965-00011312 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00012-00011313-00012251 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00013-00012252-00012613 foreign JxJvbU3lsbU-00014-00012614-00013861 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00015-00013862-00014854 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00016-00014855-00015735 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00017-00015736-00016563 [Music] JxJvbU3lsbU-00018-00016564-00016883 [Music] JxWUpucSmSM-00001-00018920-00020569 do JxWUpucSmSM-00002-00020570-00021391 [Music] JzwigkJ48Ay-00000-00000053-00000316 hello in this video I'm going to answer JzwigkJ48Ay-00001-00000317-00000584 one of my readers questions so here it JzwigkJ48Ay-00002-00000585-00000869 is hiya so my friend recently has been JzwigkJ48Ay-00003-00000869-00001040 opening up to me about her ex-boyfriend JzwigkJ48Ay-00004-00001041-00001256 and aren't concerned about their JzwigkJ48Ay-00005-00001257-00001337 relationship JzwigkJ48Ay-00006-00001338-00001523 he seems very controlling and JzwigkJ48Ay-00007-00001524-00001817 manipulative still to this day she's 15 JzwigkJ48Ay-00008-00001818-00002035 and he's 16 and he took her virginity JzwigkJ48Ay-00009-00002036-00002312 last week and offered her a drug they JzwigkJ48Ay-00010-00002313-00002459 were both on it but that was her first JzwigkJ48Ay-00011-00002460-00002690 time ever using drugs and he has done it JzwigkJ48Ay-00012-00002691-00002921 so many times before now he is using JzwigkJ48Ay-00013-00002922-00003133 threatening behavior and telling her JzwigkJ48Ay-00014-00003134-00003350 that he is going to expose her and she JzwigkJ48Ay-00015-00003351-00003503 doesn't feel comfortable with everyone JzwigkJ48Ay-00016-00003504-00003686 knowing about her private information I JzwigkJ48Ay-00017-00003686-00003899 don't think she understands the severity JzwigkJ48Ay-00018-00003900-00004145 of it and how he is bullying her in JzwigkJ48Ay-00019-00004146-00004604 plain sight so I say this seems like it JzwigkJ48Ay-00020-00004605-00004838 is bullying abusive manipulative JzwigkJ48Ay-00021-00004839-00005117 controlling and just awful behavior on JzwigkJ48Ay-00022-00005118-00005363 his part so I have the same concerns as JzwigkJ48Ay-00023-00005364-00005558 you about your friend I guess the JzwigkJ48Ay-00024-00005559-00005722 question is what can you do to support JzwigkJ48Ay-00025-00005723-00006079 her so understanding what is happening JzwigkJ48Ay-00026-00006080-00006356 you say that he is her ex yet they had JzwigkJ48Ay-00027-00006357-00006566 sex last week something doesn't feel JzwigkJ48Ay-00028-00006567-00006842 right about that as you say he took her JzwigkJ48Ay-00029-00006843-00007019 virginity after they broke up if I've JzwigkJ48Ay-00030-00007020-00007267 got that right often first time sex is a JzwigkJ48Ay-00031-00007268-00007475 big deal for people and if they didn't JzwigkJ48Ay-00032-00007476-00007592 have sex when they were in a JzwigkJ48Ay-00033-00007593-00007808 relationship because she wasn't wanting JzwigkJ48Ay-00034-00007809-00008056 to what has changed since they broke up JzwigkJ48Ay-00035-00008058-00008369 did he manipulate her into sex do you JzwigkJ48Ay-00036-00008370-00008528 think the sex that they had was JzwigkJ48Ay-00037-00008529-00008785 consensual it can be a lot harder to JzwigkJ48Ay-00038-00008786-00008933 consent if someone is under the JzwigkJ48Ay-00039-00008934-00009023 influence of drugs JzwigkJ48Ay-00040-00009024-00009238 sickly if they are out of it or JzwigkJ48Ay-00041-00009239-00009514 incapacitated particularly if it was JzwigkJ48Ay-00042-00009515-00009653 someone's first time taking that drug JzwigkJ48Ay-00043-00009654-00009839 because they might not know what their JzwigkJ48Ay-00044-00009840-00010220 own limits of enough drugs now are are JzwigkJ48Ay-00045-00010221-00010388 they on the same page about the JzwigkJ48Ay-00046-00010389-00010606 relationship ending it sounds like maybe JzwigkJ48Ay-00047-00010607-00010799 she wanted to end it but that he wasn't JzwigkJ48Ay-00048-00010800-00011045 having it is that true if he's JzwigkJ48Ay-00049-00011046-00011242 manipulating her into having drugs and JzwigkJ48Ay-00050-00011243-00011444 having sex it also sounds like he's JzwigkJ48Ay-00051-00011445-00011603 manipulating her into being in a JzwigkJ48Ay-00052-00011604-00011863 relationship sometimes people don't JzwigkJ48Ay-00053-00011864-00012010 accept that someone has broken up with JzwigkJ48Ay-00054-00012011-00012194 them maybe this is what's happening with JzwigkJ48Ay-00055-00012195-00012578 him often men behave in this way during JzwigkJ48Ay-00056-00012579-00012752 breakup with women because they don't JzwigkJ48Ay-00057-00012753-00012899 have anyone else they can be intimate JzwigkJ48Ay-00058-00012900-00013121 with or emotional with if he was writing JzwigkJ48Ay-00059-00013122-00013286 to me asking for advice JzwigkJ48Ay-00060-00013287-00013483 in a situation I'd be caring JzwigkJ48Ay-00061-00013484-00013700 understanding and also I'd be JzwigkJ48Ay-00062-00013701-00013816 challenging him to be better JzwigkJ48Ay-00063-00013816-00014285 however he isn't so if he is JzwigkJ48Ay-00064-00014286-00014441 threatening to expose their sex life to JzwigkJ48Ay-00065-00014441-00014644 people then that is classic slut-shaming JzwigkJ48Ay-00066-00014644-00014891 because men get status for having sex JzwigkJ48Ay-00067-00014891-00015133 and women get stigma ie get called names JzwigkJ48Ay-00068-00015134-00015344 then men can use the fact that women JzwigkJ48Ay-00069-00015344-00015494 have sex with them in order to control JzwigkJ48Ay-00070-00015494-00015749 them and shame them this can also be JzwigkJ48Ay-00071-00015750-00015925 true about the taking drugs thing JzwigkJ48Ay-00072-00015926-00016091 because there is a different set of JzwigkJ48Ay-00073-00016091-00016408 rules for as expected of nice girls what JzwigkJ48Ay-00074-00016409-00016715 is expected of naughty boys so he is JzwigkJ48Ay-00075-00016716-00017066 using this to his advantage what can you JzwigkJ48Ay-00076-00017067-00017311 do I'm not sure there's anything you can JzwigkJ48Ay-00077-00017312-00017519 do without her consent that it's going JzwigkJ48Ay-00078-00017520-00017722 to help her for example if you were to JzwigkJ48Ay-00079-00017723-00017894 go to the police about him giving her JzwigkJ48Ay-00080-00017895-00018075 drugs or having sex with the under-16 JzwigkJ48Ay-00081-00018076-00018308 without her agreed to it then she may JzwigkJ48Ay-00082-00018309-00018556 get angry and not cooperate and not give JzwigkJ48Ay-00083-00018557-00018749 a statement or make a complaint JzwigkJ48Ay-00084-00018750-00018958 same goes for if this is happening JzwigkJ48Ay-00085-00018959-00019169 within a school or college situation and JzwigkJ48Ay-00086-00019170-00019456 you wanted to report it to someone so I JzwigkJ48Ay-00087-00019457-00019643 think the thing to try to do is to be an JzwigkJ48Ay-00088-00019644-00019805 excellent friend to her and keep the JzwigkJ48Ay-00089-00019806-00020053 conversation open about this make it JzwigkJ48Ay-00090-00020054-00020240 clear that you have her back you have JzwigkJ48Ay-00091-00020241-00020372 that you have concerns about their JzwigkJ48Ay-00092-00020373-00020561 relationship and then you're willing to JzwigkJ48Ay-00093-00020562-00020690 try to give her the support that she JzwigkJ48Ay-00094-00020691-00021002 needs sometimes with friends if we just JzwigkJ48Ay-00095-00021003-00021172 tell them what to do and nag them out of JzwigkJ48Ay-00096-00021173-00021331 a relationship then they don't really JzwigkJ48Ay-00097-00021332-00021487 listen and might just want to share the JzwigkJ48Ay-00098-00021488-00021743 conversation down and these cases is JzwigkJ48Ay-00099-00021744-00021980 often a good idea just to listen give JzwigkJ48Ay-00100-00021981-00022118 them space to say what they want to say JzwigkJ48Ay-00101-00022119-00022408 and offer gentle advice get really good JzwigkJ48Ay-00102-00022409-00022711 at doing a listening face ask her if you JzwigkJ48Ay-00103-00022712-00022843 can get someone else close to you JzwigkJ48Ay-00104-00022844-00023150 involved to help to help out in these JzwigkJ48Ay-00105-00023151-00023300 situations it's great if someone feels JzwigkJ48Ay-00106-00023301-00023522 like they have a team of two or three or JzwigkJ48Ay-00107-00023523-00023761 four people on the side coaches in her JzwigkJ48Ay-00108-00023762-00023933 corner telling her that she's great and JzwigkJ48Ay-00109-00023934-00024017 that she can get out of this JzwigkJ48Ay-00110-00024018-00024256 relationship or being a better one if JzwigkJ48Ay-00111-00024257-00024365 she just wants to keep this issue JzwigkJ48Ay-00112-00024366-00024580 between you two then you need to be JzwigkJ48Ay-00113-00024581-00024767 careful about not offering too much JzwigkJ48Ay-00114-00024768-00024958 because you might end up running out of JzwigkJ48Ay-00115-00024959-00025217 your energy time and resources to help JzwigkJ48Ay-00116-00025218-00025475 her it can also affect your relationship JzwigkJ48Ay-00117-00025476-00025771 with her it can be really really JzwigkJ48Ay-00118-00025772-00025978 difficult to do this for someone else by JzwigkJ48Ay-00119-00025979-00026134 being worried about her and offering JzwigkJ48Ay-00120-00026135-00026306 their support you are using up a lot of JzwigkJ48Ay-00121-00026307-00026515 your energy talent resources so make JzwigkJ48Ay-00122-00026516-00026620 sure you have someone that JzwigkJ48Ay-00123-00026622-00026882 poor you ideally she would give you JzwigkJ48Ay-00124-00026883-00027044 permissions talk to someone that you can JzwigkJ48Ay-00125-00027045-00027251 trust but if not you could talk to JzwigkJ48Ay-00126-00027252-00027422 someone who can give you confidential JzwigkJ48Ay-00127-00027423-00027650 advice or someone that you can trust who JzwigkJ48Ay-00128-00027651-00027860 doesn't know this person so that you JzwigkJ48Ay-00129-00027861-00028064 would be able to keep it anonymous so it JzwigkJ48Ay-00130-00028064-00028262 could be like a teacher counselor a JzwigkJ48Ay-00131-00028263-00028489 youth support worker or a local young JzwigkJ48Ay-00132-00028491-00028808 people service you could also just talk JzwigkJ48Ay-00133-00028808-00028997 about relationships in general for JzwigkJ48Ay-00134-00028998-00029156 example talking about your relationships JzwigkJ48Ay-00135-00029157-00029426 romantic friendship family etc and JzwigkJ48Ay-00136-00029427-00029570 talking about what you would find the JzwigkJ48Ay-00137-00029570-00029741 acceptable and unacceptable in a JzwigkJ48Ay-00138-00029742-00029945 relationship what makes for a healthy JzwigkJ48Ay-00139-00029945-00030145 relationship how to make relationships JzwigkJ48Ay-00140-00030147-00030314 more healthy you could even talk about JzwigkJ48Ay-00141-00030314-00030467 fictional relationships and what you JzwigkJ48Ay-00142-00030468-00030710 both think about them sometimes talking JzwigkJ48Ay-00143-00030711-00030860 about relationships other than the one JzwigkJ48Ay-00144-00030861-00031061 that you have concerns about can help JzwigkJ48Ay-00145-00031062-00031195 them to open up about their own JzwigkJ48Ay-00146-00031197-00031352 relationship and realize what is going JzwigkJ48Ay-00147-00031352-00031667 on when people are in abusive situations JzwigkJ48Ay-00148-00031668-00031883 like this it can make them feel less JzwigkJ48Ay-00149-00031883-00032135 confident about asserting themselves and JzwigkJ48Ay-00150-00032136-00032273 it can make it harder for them to do the JzwigkJ48Ay-00151-00032274-00032515 right thing for them the difficult thing JzwigkJ48Ay-00152-00032516-00032738 for you is that you want to keep us safe JzwigkJ48Ay-00153-00032739-00032975 and help us see what's going on whilst JzwigkJ48Ay-00154-00032976-00033206 also being kind consensual and listening JzwigkJ48Ay-00155-00033207-00033446 to what she wants or needs so it's a JzwigkJ48Ay-00156-00033447-00033659 gentle balance of you being there and JzwigkJ48Ay-00157-00033660-00033902 offering support whilst also sometimes JzwigkJ48Ay-00158-00033903-00034124 being able to say look this is clearly a JzwigkJ48Ay-00159-00034125-00034400 sign of someone who's being abusive you JzwigkJ48Ay-00160-00034401-00034535 can even ask her to give someone else JzwigkJ48Ay-00161-00034536-00034682 advice if they were in a similar JzwigkJ48Ay-00162-00034683-00035078 situation to her I've got a few links JzwigkJ48Ay-00163-00035079-00035204 that there might be hell for you JzwigkJ48Ay-00164-00035205-00035480 to read and maybe for her to I'll leave JzwigkJ48Ay-00165-00035481-00035726 these in the comments you can also see JzwigkJ48Ay-00166-00035727-00035879 all the links in the articles I've JzwigkJ48Ay-00167-00035880-00036083 written a dish which I'll also link to I JzwigkJ48Ay-00168-00036084-00036500 hope that helps bye J_5hQ8OIHkA-00000-00000041-00000278 bubbles is an arcade video game J_5hQ8OIHkA-00001-00000279-00000494 developed by Williams Electronics and J_5hQ8OIHkA-00002-00000495-00000808 released in 1982 the player uses a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00003-00000809-00000989 joystick to control a bubble in a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00004-00000990-00001073 kitchen sink J_5hQ8OIHkA-00005-00001074-00001316 the object is to progress through levels J_5hQ8OIHkA-00006-00001317-00001474 by cleaning the sink while avoiding J_5hQ8OIHkA-00007-00001475-00001712 enemies the game received a mixed J_5hQ8OIHkA-00008-00001713-00002026 reception from critics development was J_5hQ8OIHkA-00009-00002027-00002234 handled by John Cutler akin Python J_5hQ8OIHkA-00010-00002235-00002500 Angela caloric wanted to create a non J_5hQ8OIHkA-00011-00002501-00002798 violent game inspired by pac-man Angelo J_5hQ8OIHkA-00012-00002799-00003001 designed the game's artwork in scenario J_5hQ8OIHkA-00013-00003002-00003217 as well as a special plastic cabinet J_5hQ8OIHkA-00014-00003218-00003494 that saw limited use bubbles was not J_5hQ8OIHkA-00015-00003495-00003719 ported to any contemporary systems but J_5hQ8OIHkA-00016-00003720-00003872 was later released as a web-based J_5hQ8OIHkA-00017-00003872-00004088 version and on home consoles as part of J_5hQ8OIHkA-00018-00004089-00004724 arcade compilations J_5hQ8OIHkA-00019-00004725-00005247 topic gameplay J_5hQ8OIHkA-00020-00005248-00005476 bubbles is an action game with puzzle J_5hQ8OIHkA-00021-00005477-00005650 elements where the player controls the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00022-00005651-00005847 protagonist a soap bubble from a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00023-00005848-00006124 top-down perspective the object is to J_5hQ8OIHkA-00024-00006125-00006300 clean a kitchen sink by maneuvering over J_5hQ8OIHkA-00025-00006301-00006559 ant crumbs and grease spots to absorb J_5hQ8OIHkA-00026-00006559-00006735 them before they slide into the drain as J_5hQ8OIHkA-00027-00006736-00007045 the bubble absorbs more objects it grows J_5hQ8OIHkA-00028-00007045-00007291 in size eventually acquiring first eyes J_5hQ8OIHkA-00029-00007292-00007524 and then a smiling mouth at the same J_5hQ8OIHkA-00030-00007525-00007783 time sponges and scrub brushes slowly J_5hQ8OIHkA-00031-00007784-00007954 move around the sink cleaning it on J_5hQ8OIHkA-00032-00007955-00008156 their own in competition with the player J_5hQ8OIHkA-00033-00008158-00008407 touching either of these enemies costs a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00034-00008408-00008590 player one life unless the bubble is J_5hQ8OIHkA-00035-00008591-00008788 large enough to have a complete face in J_5hQ8OIHkA-00036-00008789-00009055 this case the enemy will be mocked away J_5hQ8OIHkA-00037-00009056-00009321 and the bubble will shrink sponges and J_5hQ8OIHkA-00038-00009322-00009484 brushes can be knocked into the drain J_5hQ8OIHkA-00039-00009485-00009673 for bonus points eliminating them from J_5hQ8OIHkA-00040-00009674-00009973 play to other enemies in the sink or J_5hQ8OIHkA-00041-00009974-00010191 stationary razor blades and roaches that J_5hQ8OIHkA-00042-00010192-00010441 crawl out of the drain contact with a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00043-00010442-00010645 blade is always fatal while the bubble J_5hQ8OIHkA-00044-00010646-00010827 can safely touch the roach only while J_5hQ8OIHkA-00045-00010828-00010987 carrying a broom which will kill the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00046-00010988-00011221 roach with one hit the broom can be J_5hQ8OIHkA-00047-00011222-00011419 acquired by running over a cleaning lady J_5hQ8OIHkA-00048-00011420-00011608 who appears in the sink from time to J_5hQ8OIHkA-00049-00011609-00011788 time a level ends when all of the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00050-00011789-00011971 points-scoring objects are gone either J_5hQ8OIHkA-00051-00011972-00012187 lost down the drain cleaned by sponges J_5hQ8OIHkA-00052-00012188-00012435 brushes eaten by roaches or absorbed by J_5hQ8OIHkA-00053-00012436-00012696 the bubble at this point if the bubble J_5hQ8OIHkA-00054-00012697-00012849 is large enough to have the complete J_5hQ8OIHkA-00055-00012850-00013041 face the player moves on to the next J_5hQ8OIHkA-00056-00013042-00013281 level otherwise one life is lost and the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00057-00013282-00013540 level must be replayed in addition J_5hQ8OIHkA-00058-00013541-00013750 whenever the bubble has a face the drain J_5hQ8OIHkA-00059-00013751-00013941 flashes green giving the player a chance J_5hQ8OIHkA-00060-00013943-00014150 to enter it and skip the next level J_5hQ8OIHkA-00061-00014151-00014377 entering the drain while the bubble is J_5hQ8OIHkA-00062-00014378-00015049 too small costs one life J_5hQ8OIHkA-00063-00015050-00015563 topic development J_5hQ8OIHkA-00064-00015565-00015788 the game features monaural sound in J_5hQ8OIHkA-00065-00015790-00016086 pixel graphics on a 19-inch CRT monitor J_5hQ8OIHkA-00066-00016087-00016364 the initial concept was conceived by J_5hQ8OIHkA-00067-00016365-00016566 John choleric who aimed to create a non J_5hQ8OIHkA-00068-00016567-00016872 violent game inspired by pac-man he J_5hQ8OIHkA-00069-00016873-00017069 envisioned similar gameplay in an open J_5hQ8OIHkA-00070-00017070-00017267 playing field rather than in a maze J_5hQ8OIHkA-00071-00017268-00017535 Python and cello furthered the concept J_5hQ8OIHkA-00072-00017536-00017741 by creating artwork in a scenario J_5hQ8OIHkA-00073-00017742-00017975 choleric designed the protagonist to J_5hQ8OIHkA-00074-00017976-00018125 have fluid movement like it was J_5hQ8OIHkA-00075-00018126-00018363 travelling on a slick surface the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00076-00018364-00018558 control scheme allows the digital input J_5hQ8OIHkA-00077-00018559-00018867 to operate similar to an analogue one he J_5hQ8OIHkA-00078-00018868-00019053 programmed the bubble to accelerate in J_5hQ8OIHkA-00079-00019054-00019319 the direction the joystick is held once J_5hQ8OIHkA-00080-00019320-00019491 the joystick returns to its neutral J_5hQ8OIHkA-00081-00019492-00019694 position the bubble will Coast as the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00082-00019695-00019989 velocity slowly decreases Angelo J_5hQ8OIHkA-00083-00019990-00020144 designed the artwork for the wooden J_5hQ8OIHkA-00084-00020145-00020339 cabinets as well as a new cylindrical J_5hQ8OIHkA-00085-00020340-00020672 plastic cabinet gary Burge a mechanical J_5hQ8OIHkA-00086-00020673-00020894 engineer created the new cabinets with a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00087-00020895-00021565 rotational molding process J_5hQ8OIHkA-00088-00021566-00022082 topic reception J_5hQ8OIHkA-00089-00022083-00022304 the game received a mixed reception from J_5hQ8OIHkA-00090-00022305-00022379 critics J_5hQ8OIHkA-00091-00022380-00022613 author John sellers listed it among the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00092-00022614-00022850 weirder arcade games released Claire J_5hQ8OIHkA-00093-00022851-00023009 Edgeley of computer and video games J_5hQ8OIHkA-00094-00023010-00023303 echoed similar statements she criticized J_5hQ8OIHkA-00095-00023304-00023507 the game stating that the constant blue J_5hQ8OIHkA-00096-00023508-00023687 background was dull in the game lacked J_5hQ8OIHkA-00097-00023688-00023987 longevity retro gamers Darren Jones J_5hQ8OIHkA-00098-00023988-00024176 described the game as engrossing and J_5hQ8OIHkA-00099-00024177-00024428 obscure he also expressed disappointment J_5hQ8OIHkA-00100-00024429-00024683 that few people remember it brett alan J_5hQ8OIHkA-00101-00024684-00024854 weiss of all game called bubbles a J_5hQ8OIHkA-00102-00024855-00025094 slightly underrated game he stated that J_5hQ8OIHkA-00103-00025095-00025268 while it lacked excitement its gameplay J_5hQ8OIHkA-00104-00025269-00025562 was enjoyable weiss further commented J_5hQ8OIHkA-00105-00025563-00025733 that the control scheme was unique for J_5hQ8OIHkA-00106-00025733-00025856 its time and that the number of J_5hQ8OIHkA-00107-00025857-00026072 on-screen objects moving smoothly was J_5hQ8OIHkA-00108-00026073-00026630 impressive J_5hQ8OIHkA-00109-00026631-00027151 topic legacy J_5hQ8OIHkA-00110-00027152-00027445 in 2000 a web-based version of bubbles J_5hQ8OIHkA-00111-00027445-00027639 along with nine other classic arcade J_5hQ8OIHkA-00112-00027641-00027876 games was published on shockwave calm J_5hQ8OIHkA-00113-00027877-00028140 four years later Midway Games also J_5hQ8OIHkA-00114-00028141-00028314 launched a website featuring the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00115-00028316-00028614 shockwave versions Williams electronics J_5hQ8OIHkA-00116-00028616-00028792 included bubbles in several of its J_5hQ8OIHkA-00117-00028793-00029101 arcade compilations the 1996 Williams J_5hQ8OIHkA-00118-00029102-00029352 arcades greatest hits the 2000 Midway's J_5hQ8OIHkA-00119-00029353-00029562 greatest arcade hits Dreamcast version J_5hQ8OIHkA-00120-00029563-00029833 only the 2003 Midway arcade treasures J_5hQ8OIHkA-00121-00029833-00030099 and the 2012 Midway arcade origins J_5hQ8OIHkA-00122-00030100-00030343 bubbles arcade cabinets have varying J_5hQ8OIHkA-00123-00030344-00030598 degrees of rarity the cocktail and J_5hQ8OIHkA-00124-00030599-00030787 cabaret are the rarest followed by the J_5hQ8OIHkA-00125-00030788-00031120 plastic and upright versions the plastic J_5hQ8OIHkA-00126-00031120-00031273 models are more valuable among J_5hQ8OIHkA-00127-00031274-00031539 collectors though the plastic cabinets J_5hQ8OIHkA-00128-00031540-00031732 were very durable they would shrink over J_5hQ8OIHkA-00129-00031733-00031939 time sometimes causing the device to J_5hQ8OIHkA-00130-00031939-00032045 become inoperable J_5hQ8OIHkA-00131-00032047-00032332 Williams electronics used this cabinet J_5hQ8OIHkA-00132-00032333-00032664 for only one other game blaster J_5hQ8OIHkA-00133-00032664-00033009 equals equals notes J_pMSMK5lxU-00000-00000919-00001277 wow J_pMSMK5lxU-00001-00001278-00002302 [Music] J_pMSMK5lxU-00002-00002303-00002603 foreign J_u-dDpdldg-00000-00000000-00000221 hey what's going on my pigeon flying J_u-dDpdldg-00001-00000222-00000419 friends it's Brandon Fisher here and in J_u-dDpdldg-00002-00000420-00000676 today's video we have an exciting J_u-dDpdldg-00003-00000677-00000893 announcement that I wanted to uh J_u-dDpdldg-00004-00000894-00001054 publicly just be able to let you know J_u-dDpdldg-00005-00001055-00001403 about right here right now so uh let's J_u-dDpdldg-00006-00001404-00001570 just jump into this this is something J_u-dDpdldg-00007-00001571-00001925 that uh man from the beginning of this J_u-dDpdldg-00008-00001926-00002129 last year uh there was two things that I J_u-dDpdldg-00009-00002130-00002291 told the team that we want to focus on J_u-dDpdldg-00010-00002292-00002549 this year and it's Automation and J_u-dDpdldg-00011-00002550-00002771 engagement and what's been interesting J_u-dDpdldg-00012-00002772-00002968 is we've released some pretty cool tools J_u-dDpdldg-00013-00002969-00003263 on the automation side of things in fact J_u-dDpdldg-00014-00003264-00003449 if you're not I would encourage you to J_u-dDpdldg-00015-00003450-00003635 subscribe to our YouTube channel where J_u-dDpdldg-00016-00003636-00003881 you can get up-to-date information on J_u-dDpdldg-00017-00003882-00004067 new features and things like that that J_u-dDpdldg-00018-00004068-00004265 we're going to be rolling out we have a J_u-dDpdldg-00019-00004266-00004385 whole new video series that we're going J_u-dDpdldg-00020-00004386-00004565 to be start starting to push out before J_u-dDpdldg-00021-00004566-00004727 the end of the year and I want to make J_u-dDpdldg-00022-00004728-00004943 sure you don't miss that the other thing J_u-dDpdldg-00023-00004944-00005170 I wanted to let you know is J_u-dDpdldg-00024-00005171-00005506 um talking about engagement so right now J_u-dDpdldg-00025-00005507-00005717 inside of live pigeon I'm here right now J_u-dDpdldg-00026-00005718-00005885 in fact you can see we have another J_u-dDpdldg-00027-00005886-00006101 button that we have added it here on the J_u-dDpdldg-00028-00006102-00006334 home page in fact I've just gone ahead J_u-dDpdldg-00029-00006335-00006628 and I've connected to Facebook and now J_u-dDpdldg-00030-00006629-00006856 we have this new button which is webcam J_u-dDpdldg-00031-00006858-00007156 and I cannot wait to show you why this J_u-dDpdldg-00032-00007158-00007360 is so cool and why we're going to be J_u-dDpdldg-00033-00007361-00007559 talking about it today so I'm going to J_u-dDpdldg-00034-00007559-00007798 go ahead and click this button here J_u-dDpdldg-00035-00007800-00010169 just gonna fill this out J_u-dDpdldg-00036-00010170-00010306 and then when I'm done we're going to go J_u-dDpdldg-00037-00010307-00010637 ahead and click next J_u-dDpdldg-00038-00010638-00010877 and from here I'm just going to type in J_u-dDpdldg-00039-00010878-00011141 where I want to go live J_u-dDpdldg-00040-00011142-00011278 I'm going to go live to my live pigeon J_u-dDpdldg-00041-00011279-00011524 page now also if you guys are not J_u-dDpdldg-00042-00011525-00011710 connected to us J_u-dDpdldg-00043-00011711-00011974 um over on Facebook we actually have our J_u-dDpdldg-00044-00011975-00012335 live pigeon page uh you know come and uh J_u-dDpdldg-00045-00012336-00012496 subscribe to that we want to make sure J_u-dDpdldg-00046-00012497-00012713 that you're up to date on everything uh J_u-dDpdldg-00047-00012714-00012941 we want to start focusing on building uh J_u-dDpdldg-00048-00012941-00013144 our live pigeon Community where if you J_u-dDpdldg-00049-00013145-00013349 guys run into things or if we can share J_u-dDpdldg-00050-00013350-00013547 uh strategies on how to go live and J_u-dDpdldg-00051-00013547-00013679 things like that that's what we want to J_u-dDpdldg-00052-00013680-00013799 do J_u-dDpdldg-00053-00013800-00014105 let's see the other one is yeah so we J_u-dDpdldg-00054-00014106-00014236 have a Facebook group and a Facebook J_u-dDpdldg-00055-00014237-00014458 page like I said make sure you're J_u-dDpdldg-00056-00014459-00014722 following us over there if you want uh J_u-dDpdldg-00057-00014723-00014915 uh if you want to see these videos so J_u-dDpdldg-00058-00014916-00015286 I'm going to go ahead and hit next J_u-dDpdldg-00059-00015287-00015461 I'm going to go ahead and allow my J_u-dDpdldg-00060-00015462-00015833 webcam J_u-dDpdldg-00061-00015834-00016121 all right and J_u-dDpdldg-00062-00016122-00016283 I'm going to go ahead and click save and J_u-dDpdldg-00063-00016284-00016522 enter this is the webcam as you can see J_u-dDpdldg-00064-00016523-00016703 in fact I've got a double webcam going J_u-dDpdldg-00065-00016704-00017044 right now and uh what else is this is J_u-dDpdldg-00066-00017045-00017297 just the preview this should look pretty J_u-dDpdldg-00067-00017298-00017483 familiar with other pages that we have J_u-dDpdldg-00068-00017484-00017758 inside of live pigeon the cool thing is J_u-dDpdldg-00069-00017759-00017963 you can see that you know how you look J_u-dDpdldg-00070-00017964-00018119 on your webcam J_u-dDpdldg-00071-00018120-00018329 uh and then down below here you can J_u-dDpdldg-00072-00018330-00018580 actually add a video now why this is so J_u-dDpdldg-00073-00018581-00018827 amazing is because this is something J_u-dDpdldg-00074-00018828-00019019 that we've already been good at doing is J_u-dDpdldg-00075-00019020-00019283 taking your pre-recorded videos and then J_u-dDpdldg-00076-00019284-00019547 pushing them as if they're Live Well now J_u-dDpdldg-00077-00019548-00019786 the ability to have a webcam you can J_u-dDpdldg-00078-00019787-00019949 connect with your audience ahead of time J_u-dDpdldg-00079-00019950-00020477 you can uh you know do a live q a uh you J_u-dDpdldg-00080-00020478-00020729 can actually call people out by name and J_u-dDpdldg-00081-00020730-00020872 then when you're ready you can actually J_u-dDpdldg-00082-00020873-00021119 go ahead and press live on a video so I J_u-dDpdldg-00083-00021120-00021425 have a video here I'm going to load up J_u-dDpdldg-00084-00021426-00021664 and I'm just gonna go live into the J_u-dDpdldg-00085-00021665-00021833 group letting them know about this new J_u-dDpdldg-00086-00021834-00022030 announcement so you're going to see me J_u-dDpdldg-00087-00022031-00022169 doing the process that you're going to J_u-dDpdldg-00088-00022170-00022336 be able to do yourselves so now I'm J_u-dDpdldg-00089-00022337-00024467 going to go ahead and click go live J_u-dDpdldg-00090-00024468-00024683 hey what's going on you guys over on J_u-dDpdldg-00091-00024684-00024880 Facebook I'm super excited today because J_u-dDpdldg-00092-00024881-00025114 we have a new announcement that we are J_u-dDpdldg-00093-00025115-00025427 doing and this is for our new webcam J_u-dDpdldg-00094-00025428-00025667 feature and again this is so that you're J_u-dDpdldg-00095-00025668-00025906 able to not only go live with a J_u-dDpdldg-00096-00025907-00026128 pre-recorded video but now you can also J_u-dDpdldg-00097-00026129-00026387 go live with a webcam where you can J_u-dDpdldg-00098-00026388-00026596 actually be able to get that maximum J_u-dDpdldg-00099-00026597-00026849 engagement with your with your audience J_u-dDpdldg-00100-00026850-00027017 now what we've been able to do in the J_u-dDpdldg-00101-00027018-00027305 past is we've had uh comments and chat J_u-dDpdldg-00102-00027306-00027533 that you could do before J_u-dDpdldg-00103-00027533-00027670 um but this is going to be able to take J_u-dDpdldg-00104-00027672-00027845 it to another level and we're just super J_u-dDpdldg-00105-00027845-00028145 excited to be able to offer this today J_u-dDpdldg-00106-00028145-00028349 um and you know what better way of doing J_u-dDpdldg-00107-00028350-00028612 this than to be able to demo uh how this J_u-dDpdldg-00108-00028613-00028937 works so I actually have a I'm going J_u-dDpdldg-00109-00028938-00029170 live with my webcam M and when I'm ready J_u-dDpdldg-00110-00029172-00029374 I'm actually going to be able to hit and J_u-dDpdldg-00111-00029375-00029561 click on this video button right here J_u-dDpdldg-00112-00029562-00029677 where I'm just going to play the video J_u-dDpdldg-00113-00029677-00029977 and this is a video from Garrett J White J_u-dDpdldg-00114-00029977-00030323 uh he has an amazing strategy and how he J_u-dDpdldg-00115-00030324-00030646 uses uh live pigeon in his business in J_u-dDpdldg-00116-00030647-00030820 fact I wanted to take the time right now J_u-dDpdldg-00117-00030822-00031073 just to show you this video because it's J_u-dDpdldg-00118-00031074-00031277 such a powerful video J_u-dDpdldg-00119-00031277-00031493 and I can't wait for you to watch it so J_u-dDpdldg-00120-00031494-00032008 here it is J_u-dDpdldg-00121-00032010-00032237 okay so you guys I am actually going J_u-dDpdldg-00122-00032238-00032440 live right now with this video in fact J_u-dDpdldg-00123-00032441-00032645 if I go over and I click this button J_u-dDpdldg-00124-00032645-00032885 here it's going to open up Facebook and J_u-dDpdldg-00125-00032886-00033952 show the live stream J_u-dDpdldg-00126-00033953-00034151 and look at that that's the video that J_u-dDpdldg-00127-00034152-00034390 I'm playing right now J_u-dDpdldg-00128-00034391-00034618 and again I've got three minutes and 25 J_u-dDpdldg-00129-00034619-00034840 seconds until it's gonna come back to J_u-dDpdldg-00130-00034841-00035111 the webcam uh I do have a couple options J_u-dDpdldg-00131-00035112-00035429 here uh I can either uh end the stream J_u-dDpdldg-00132-00035430-00035717 after the video ends in fact maybe I'll J_u-dDpdldg-00133-00035718-00035945 just do that uh just so that you guys J_u-dDpdldg-00134-00035946-00036107 don't have to be on this video for a J_u-dDpdldg-00135-00036108-00036352 really long time but what else is cool J_u-dDpdldg-00136-00036353-00036640 is the the default is once this video is J_u-dDpdldg-00137-00036641-00036790 done playing it's going to come back to J_u-dDpdldg-00138-00036791-00037024 my webcam and then I can resume the J_u-dDpdldg-00139-00037025-00037277 stream and so uh what's really cool J_u-dDpdldg-00140-00037278-00037529 about this is you can go live with the J_u-dDpdldg-00141-00037530-00037787 webcam you can then uh play a J_u-dDpdldg-00142-00037788-00037955 pre-recorded video you can then have it J_u-dDpdldg-00143-00037956-00038177 come back to you on the webcam and you J_u-dDpdldg-00144-00038178-00038351 can then load up another video and you J_u-dDpdldg-00145-00038352-00038621 can just keep doing that if you want J_u-dDpdldg-00146-00038622-00038830 um or you can do uh just get that J_u-dDpdldg-00147-00038831-00039107 engagement up front play your video and J_u-dDpdldg-00148-00039108-00039335 then the live stream will end J_u-dDpdldg-00149-00039336-00039635 um at the end of your video J_u-dDpdldg-00150-00039636-00039905 so let's see I've got about two minutes J_u-dDpdldg-00151-00039906-00040085 left here J_u-dDpdldg-00152-00040086-00040271 um in fact I might just pause this video J_u-dDpdldg-00153-00040272-00040421 just so you don't have to sit here for J_u-dDpdldg-00154-00040422-00040612 the whole thing but I would encourage J_u-dDpdldg-00155-00040613-00040967 you to go over uh you know to our J_u-dDpdldg-00156-00040968-00041189 Facebook page and see how it see how it J_u-dDpdldg-00157-00041190-00041440 looks see how it's testing out uh which J_u-dDpdldg-00158-00041441-00041657 is actually really cool J_u-dDpdldg-00159-00041658-00041927 okay so what I'm gonna do is I will be J_u-dDpdldg-00160-00041928-00042346 back in just a second J_u-dDpdldg-00161-00042347-00042562 all right you guys I'm back in fact J_u-dDpdldg-00162-00042563-00042749 afterwards it should come back to my J_u-dDpdldg-00163-00042750-00043049 webcam now J_u-dDpdldg-00164-00043050-00043739 give it just a second here J_u-dDpdldg-00165-00043740-00043912 all right you guys so what did you think J_u-dDpdldg-00166-00043913-00044189 of that video was that not amazing like J_u-dDpdldg-00167-00044190-00044417 I absolutely love what Garrett white was J_u-dDpdldg-00168-00044418-00044717 saying in his strategy and how he goes J_u-dDpdldg-00169-00044718-00044993 live and so uh thanks for tuning in you J_u-dDpdldg-00170-00044994-00045173 guys for this video we're super excited J_u-dDpdldg-00171-00045174-00045395 for you to be able to go and get started J_u-dDpdldg-00172-00045396-00045635 using webcam yourself so that you can J_u-dDpdldg-00173-00045636-00045815 test out this new tool and see how J_u-dDpdldg-00174-00045816-00045935 you're going to be able to do this to J_u-dDpdldg-00175-00045936-00046168 help get your message out into the world J_u-dDpdldg-00176-00046169-00046379 but more importantly being able to J_u-dDpdldg-00177-00046380-00046624 engage better with your audience that's J_u-dDpdldg-00178-00046625-00046757 it for this video you guys thanks so J_u-dDpdldg-00179-00046758-00046930 much for tuning in and I'll talk to you J_u-dDpdldg-00180-00046931-00047483 next time J_u-dDpdldg-00181-00047484-00047752 all right you guys so if I come back now J_u-dDpdldg-00182-00047753-00048023 to Facebook J_u-dDpdldg-00183-00048024-00048305 perfect my live stream has already ended J_u-dDpdldg-00184-00048306-00048587 look at that it's uh it's completed J_u-dDpdldg-00185-00048588-00048862 again you guys this is the power of this J_u-dDpdldg-00186-00048863-00049037 tool I cannot wait for you to be able to J_u-dDpdldg-00187-00049038-00049265 get in and try this out yourself I'm J_u-dDpdldg-00188-00049266-00049427 excited to hear your feedback on this J_u-dDpdldg-00189-00049428-00049751 like let us know what you think again uh J_u-dDpdldg-00190-00049752-00049967 if you come back to almost any of one of J_u-dDpdldg-00191-00049968-00050165 our Pages you can click on the support J_u-dDpdldg-00192-00050166-00050477 or you can call us by phone or reach out J_u-dDpdldg-00193-00050478-00050765 to us through chat we're here uh to J_u-dDpdldg-00194-00050766-00050939 listen to you we're here to be able to J_u-dDpdldg-00195-00050940-00051118 answer any questions you have and more J_u-dDpdldg-00196-00051119-00051263 importantly if this is something that J_u-dDpdldg-00197-00051264-00051437 you are super excited about please let J_u-dDpdldg-00198-00051438-00051640 us know because again this is something J_u-dDpdldg-00199-00051641-00051802 that we've been working really hard at J_u-dDpdldg-00200-00051803-00052199 and uh man it is finally here and we're J_u-dDpdldg-00201-00052200-00052396 just super excited so what I want you to J_u-dDpdldg-00202-00052397-00052582 do now jump into your live pigeon J_u-dDpdldg-00203-00052583-00052823 account give it give it a test let us J_u-dDpdldg-00204-00052824-00053075 know what you think and uh that's it for J_u-dDpdldg-00205-00053076-00053426 this video until next time JCzBTClG9TY-00000-00000336-00000815 [Music] JCzBTClG9TY-00001-00000816-00001223 cycle JCzBTClG9TY-00002-00001224-00001712 is JCzBTClG9TY-00004-00008285-00008942 [Music] JCzBTClG9TY-00005-00008943-00009127 cycloid JCzBTClG9TY-00006-00009128-00010463 [Music] JCzBTClG9TY-00007-00010464-00010853 so JCzBTClG9TY-00008-00010854-00013094 [Music] JCzBTClG9TY-00009-00013095-00013787 so JCzBTClG9TY-00011-00017072-00017486 cyclic JCzBTClG9TY-00012-00017487-00017668 is JCzBTClG9TY-00014-00021559-00021768 you JFGpPbzPK20-00000-00001034-00001333 right tooth project is about advocacy JFGpPbzPK20-00001-00001334-00001549 and training on a responsible research JFGpPbzPK20-00002-00001550-00001889 and innovation in Europe and I believe JFGpPbzPK20-00003-00001889-00002174 these are the tools to set up and build JFGpPbzPK20-00004-00002175-00002387 a community of practice starting from JFGpPbzPK20-00005-00002388-00002732 the consortium itself so they have JFGpPbzPK20-00006-00002733-00003058 become a community in this two years JFGpPbzPK20-00007-00003059-00003494 period and now we are setting up other JFGpPbzPK20-00008-00003495-00003776 communities all around Europe which are JFGpPbzPK20-00009-00003777-00004100 becoming multipliers and this is the JFGpPbzPK20-00010-00004101-00004461 main objective I believe of a project JFGpPbzPK20-00011-00004462-00004997 which is to spread the error I concept JFGpPbzPK20-00012-00004998-00005333 all around Europe and to have an impact JFGpPbzPK20-00013-00005334-00005816 and transform maybe a society from JFGpPbzPK20-00014-00005817-00006043 mindset point of view from behavior JFGpPbzPK20-00015-00006044-00006311 front of you I think going creating a JFGpPbzPK20-00016-00006312-00006506 better society so and it's not only JFGpPbzPK20-00017-00006506-00006778 about the right tools project we have JFGpPbzPK20-00018-00006779-00007112 many projects around going in the same JFGpPbzPK20-00019-00007113-00007388 direction engaging people asking people JFGpPbzPK20-00020-00007389-00007606 to be involved in agendas acting's JFGpPbzPK20-00021-00007608-00007753 especially research and innovation JFGpPbzPK20-00022-00007754-00008110 agenda settings and and actually we JFGpPbzPK20-00023-00008111-00008357 should Feder ate all these communities JFGpPbzPK20-00024-00008358-00008705 together to to a maximum impact on JFGpPbzPK20-00025-00008706-00009101 society and this is a one of tractors of JFGpPbzPK20-00026-00009102-00009410 the global vision about a new society JFGpPbzPK20-00027-00009411-00009983 right tools is a good fantastic start up JFGpPbzPK20-00028-00009984-00010538 for a new concept and I wish to the ABS JFGpPbzPK20-00029-00010539-00010921 all the best for a future and for their JFGpPbzPK20-00030-00010922-00011234 impact on society JGXsJEVzYTI-00000-00002276-00002705 make them remember Jason make them JGXsJEVzYTI-00001-00002706-00003233 suffer JGXsJEVzYTI-00004-00010793-00011445 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00005-00011446-00013563 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00006-00013563-00014331 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00007-00014332-00014741 don't stop Jason they deserve to die JGXsJEVzYTI-00008-00014743-00016237 make them suffer like we did JGXsJEVzYTI-00009-00016238-00017931 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00010-00017932-00018889 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00011-00018890-00021662 you can never die don't stop Jason they JGXsJEVzYTI-00012-00021663-00021983 deserve to die make them suffer like JGXsJEVzYTI-00013-00021984-00022868 weed JGXsJEVzYTI-00014-00022869-00022985 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00015-00022986-00023440 [Laughter] JGXsJEVzYTI-00017-00031036-00031352 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00019-00035266-00035281 [Laughter] JGXsJEVzYTI-00020-00035282-00036756 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00021-00036757-00037099 Jason my boy do you know what your gift JGXsJEVzYTI-00022-00037100-00037438 is no matter what they do to you you JGXsJEVzYTI-00023-00037439-00037567 cannot die JGXsJEVzYTI-00024-00037568-00039013 you can never die JGXsJEVzYTI-00025-00039014-00040058 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00026-00040059-00041943 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00027-00041944-00042412 you're what's the more get up Jason find JGXsJEVzYTI-00028-00042413-00043460 them kill them JGXsJEVzYTI-00029-00043461-00043661 yeah JGXsJEVzYTI-00030-00043662-00044021 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00031-00044022-00045040 take you from me Jason JGXsJEVzYTI-00032-00045041-00045793 don't let them JGXsJEVzYTI-00033-00045794-00046513 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00034-00046514-00048449 yeah he'll for mother fix it I'm outta JGXsJEVzYTI-00036-00051632-00052340 that's my session boy it started JGXsJEVzYTI-00037-00052341-00054548 [Music] JGXsJEVzYTI-00038-00054549-00056057 my G that's my special special boy JGXsJEVzYTI-00039-00056058-00056467 don't stop Jason they deserve to die JGXsJEVzYTI-00041-00064829-00065241 don't stop Jason they deserve to die JGXsJEVzYTI-00042-00065242-00066128 make them suffer like we did that's my JGXsJEVzYTI-00043-00066129-00066601 good boy mommy has a reward for you come JGXsJEVzYTI-00044-00066602-00066905 home sweetie JGXsJEVzYTI-00045-00066906-00067369 [Laughter] JH6jG_V_SDu-00000-00000065-00000413 foreign JH6jG_V_SDu-00001-00000415-00001891 [Music] JH6jG_V_SDu-00002-00001892-00002255 this year 2022 diviners Fest will be JH6jG_V_SDu-00003-00002256-00002645 very super special because JH6jG_V_SDu-00004-00002646-00002818 we are collaborating internationally JH6jG_V_SDu-00005-00002819-00003142 with all American artists and also JH6jG_V_SDu-00006-00003143-00003340 wisdom speakers JH6jG_V_SDu-00007-00003342-00003706 celebration means a combination of JH6jG_V_SDu-00008-00003707-00004547 collaboration and contribution JH6jG_V_SDu-00010-00008438-00008954 conscious celebration heals the world JHRvXkFESVE-00000-00000023-00000347 Papa duels Spanish pronunciation Papa JHRvXkFESVE-00001-00000348-00000572 sewells Mexican Spanish from Mayan JHRvXkFESVE-00002-00000573-00000788 puppets you les is a traditional dish JHRvXkFESVE-00003-00000789-00000983 from the Yucatan Peninsula resembling JHRvXkFESVE-00004-00000984-00001256 enchiladas in its simplest form it JHRvXkFESVE-00005-00001257-00001453 consists of corn tortillas dipped in a JHRvXkFESVE-00006-00001454-00001673 sauce of Pepita pumpkin seeds filled JHRvXkFESVE-00007-00001673-00001864 with hard boiled eggs and garnished with JHRvXkFESVE-00008-00001866-00002529 a cooked tomato pepper sauce JHRvXkFESVE-00009-00002530-00003064 topic etymology JHRvXkFESVE-00010-00003065-00003313 two theories exist about the origin of JHRvXkFESVE-00011-00003314-00003561 the name Diana Kennedy says it derives JHRvXkFESVE-00012-00003563-00003790 from a phrase meaning food of the Lord's JHRvXkFESVE-00013-00003790-00004054 because this dish was reportedly fed to JHRvXkFESVE-00014-00004054-00004261 the Spaniards variations of this JHRvXkFESVE-00015-00004262-00004518 etymology appear elsewhere the second JHRvXkFESVE-00016-00004519-00004720 theory posits that it derives from Mayan JHRvXkFESVE-00017-00004721-00004963 papac to anoint her smear and sewell to JHRvXkFESVE-00018-00004964-00005131 soak or drench making the meaning JHRvXkFESVE-00019-00005132-00005350 something along the lines of smeared and JHRvXkFESVE-00020-00005351-00005909 drenched JHRvXkFESVE-00021-00005910-00006407 topic history JHRvXkFESVE-00022-00006408-00006633 Papa Diesel's are said to be a very JHRvXkFESVE-00023-00006634-00006795 ancient dish the forerunner of modern JHRvXkFESVE-00024-00006795-00007142 and geladas even however it isn't clear JHRvXkFESVE-00025-00007143-00007316 that this dish was actually made in JHRvXkFESVE-00026-00007317-00007533 pre-hispanic times at least in the way JHRvXkFESVE-00027-00007534-00007796 it is made today first there is a lack JHRvXkFESVE-00028-00007797-00007988 of Komal's in the archaeological record JHRvXkFESVE-00029-00007989-00008202 of the Yucatan implying that the Mayans JHRvXkFESVE-00030-00008203-00008385 didn't make the thin tortillas required JHRvXkFESVE-00031-00008386-00008681 for filling second the historical record JHRvXkFESVE-00032-00008682-00008838 seems to indicate that the Mayans JHRvXkFESVE-00033-00008839-00008996 preferred making thicker tortillas JHRvXkFESVE-00034-00008997-00009266 cooked in ashes these thicker tortillas JHRvXkFESVE-00035-00009267-00009444 depending on how thick they were would JHRvXkFESVE-00036-00009445-00009696 have been harder to fill the modern PIM JHRvXkFESVE-00037-00009697-00009888 Mayan thick tortilla can range in JHRvXkFESVE-00038-00009889-00010026 thickness from the height of three JHRvXkFESVE-00039-00010027-00010233 tortillas up to approximately half an JHRvXkFESVE-00040-00010234-00010419 inch regardless of whether or not the JHRvXkFESVE-00041-00010420-00010608 dish was constructed in the pre-hispanic JHRvXkFESVE-00042-00010609-00010835 period as it is today the ancient Mayans JHRvXkFESVE-00043-00010836-00010988 would have had access to all of the JHRvXkFESVE-00044-00010989-00011153 basic ingredients used in the modern JHRvXkFESVE-00045-00011154-00011489 dish corn tomatoes and chilies were all JHRvXkFESVE-00046-00011490-00011795 staples in the Mesoamerican diet pumpkin JHRvXkFESVE-00047-00011796-00012005 seeds likewise were an important part of JHRvXkFESVE-00048-00012006-00012269 the Mayan diet chicken eggs were unknown JHRvXkFESVE-00049-00012270-00012488 to pre-hispanic Mayans but several other JHRvXkFESVE-00050-00012489-00012683 fowl capable of providing eggs were JHRvXkFESVE-00051-00012684-00012953 known in Eden turkeys and muscovy ducks JHRvXkFESVE-00052-00012954-00013184 were both domesticated and both produce JHRvXkFESVE-00053-00013185-00013455 edible eggs in addition to that the JHRvXkFESVE-00054-00013456-00013637 Mayans ate non-domesticated fowl JHRvXkFESVE-00055-00013638-00013853 including the coração crested Guan JHRvXkFESVE-00056-00013854-00014118 horned guan chachalaca and oscillated JHRvXkFESVE-00057-00014119-00014328 turkey although it is unclear the extent JHRvXkFESVE-00058-00014329-00014472 to which edible eggs could have been JHRvXkFESVE-00059-00014472-00014741 obtained from these birds aside from the JHRvXkFESVE-00060-00014743-00014984 eggs of fowl iguana eggs were also used JHRvXkFESVE-00061-00014985-00015155 in Mayan cooking and could conceivably JHRvXkFESVE-00062-00015156-00015825 have been used to make this dish JHRvXkFESVE-00063-00015826-00016338 topic preparation JHRvXkFESVE-00064-00016338-00016584 Papa Diesel's are prepared by filling a JHRvXkFESVE-00065-00016585-00016776 tortilla dipped in a pumpkin seed sauce JHRvXkFESVE-00066-00016777-00017055 with chopped hard-boiled eggs the sauce JHRvXkFESVE-00067-00017056-00017265 is created by toasting pumpkin seeds JHRvXkFESVE-00068-00017266-00017475 grinding them to a powder and blending JHRvXkFESVE-00069-00017476-00017754 with a broth of epazote however prior to JHRvXkFESVE-00070-00017755-00017973 blending the toasted ground seeds have JHRvXkFESVE-00071-00017974-00018165 their oil extracted by mixing the powder JHRvXkFESVE-00072-00018166-00018336 with a small amount of water and JHRvXkFESVE-00073-00018337-00018504 squeezing the resulting paste with your JHRvXkFESVE-00074-00018505-00018792 hands this oil is collected and reserved JHRvXkFESVE-00075-00018793-00018912 for use as a garnish JHRvXkFESVE-00076-00018913-00019119 after the tortillas have been dipped in JHRvXkFESVE-00077-00019120-00019311 the pumpkin seed sauce and filled the JHRvXkFESVE-00078-00019312-00019455 dish is topped with a cooked tomato JHRvXkFESVE-00079-00019456-00019776 chili sauce traditionally the chili used JHRvXkFESVE-00080-00019777-00020022 in this sauce as the habanero finally JHRvXkFESVE-00081-00020023-00020253 the reserved oil is sprinkled on top in JHRvXkFESVE-00082-00020254-00020487 the Yucatan a specific type of pumpkin JHRvXkFESVE-00083-00020488-00020763 seed called XTF Mayan or Pepito gruza JHRvXkFESVE-00084-00020764-00020955 Spanish is used for this dish JHRvXkFESVE-00085-00020956-00021168 these seeds come from the type of JHRvXkFESVE-00086-00021169-00021765 pumpkin called xcall JHRvXkFESVE-00087-00021766-00022304 topic see also JHRvXkFESVE-00088-00022305-00022676 list of ancient dishes and foods list of JHRvXkFESVE-00089-00022677-00022946 Mexican dishes JJ9ZguGULjk-00000-00000053-00000323 the Shannon hydroelectric scheme was a JJ9ZguGULjk-00001-00000324-00000554 major development by the Irish Free JJ9ZguGULjk-00002-00000555-00000844 State in the 1920s to harness the power JJ9ZguGULjk-00003-00000846-00001181 of the river Shannon its product the art JJ9ZguGULjk-00004-00001182-00001466 necrosha powerplant is a hydroelectric JJ9ZguGULjk-00005-00001467-00001697 power station which is still producing JJ9ZguGULjk-00006-00001698-00001946 power today and is located near our know JJ9ZguGULjk-00007-00001947-00002108 crusher within county clare JJ9ZguGULjk-00008-00002109-00002510 approximately 2.4 kilometers 1.5 miles JJ9ZguGULjk-00009-00002511-00002846 from the Limerick border it is Ireland's JJ9ZguGULjk-00010-00002847-00003098 largest River hydroelectric scheme and JJ9ZguGULjk-00011-00003099-00003338 is operated on a purpose-built head race JJ9ZguGULjk-00012-00003339-00003643 connected to the river Shannon the plant JJ9ZguGULjk-00013-00003644-00003884 includes fish ladders so that returning JJ9ZguGULjk-00014-00003885-00004145 fish such as salmon can climb the river JJ9ZguGULjk-00015-00004146-00004541 safely past the Power Station completed JJ9ZguGULjk-00016-00004542-00004786 within seven years of Irish independence JJ9ZguGULjk-00017-00004787-00005080 in 1922 at a cost which was equivalent JJ9ZguGULjk-00018-00005081-00005341 to one-fifth of the Irish state's annual JJ9ZguGULjk-00019-00005342-00005578 budget the plant enabled an enormous JJ9ZguGULjk-00020-00005579-00005827 surge in demand for electricity across JJ9ZguGULjk-00021-00005828-00006031 the country and demonstrated the ability JJ9ZguGULjk-00022-00006032-00006277 of the new government to develop during JJ9ZguGULjk-00023-00006278-00006608 a difficult financial period the plant JJ9ZguGULjk-00024-00006609-00006830 was constructed by the German company JJ9ZguGULjk-00025-00006831-00007073 Siemens shewket although much of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00026-00007073-00007337 design was done by Irish engineers and JJ9ZguGULjk-00027-00007338-00007594 Ireland provided most of the labor force JJ9ZguGULjk-00028-00007595-00007919 the scheme involved changes to the flow JJ9ZguGULjk-00029-00007920-00008150 of the whole river multiple dams and JJ9ZguGULjk-00030-00008151-00008336 bridges and the construction of a JJ9ZguGULjk-00031-00008337-00008693 national power grid the generating plant JJ9ZguGULjk-00032-00008694-00008942 at our necrosha is composed of three JJ9ZguGULjk-00033-00008943-00009161 vertical shaft Francis turbine JJ9ZguGULjk-00034-00009162-00009503 generators commissioned in 1929 and one JJ9ZguGULjk-00035-00009504-00009767 vertical shaft cap and turbine generator JJ9ZguGULjk-00036-00009768-00010103 commissioned in 1934 operating under an JJ9ZguGULjk-00037-00010104-00010511 average head of 28.5 metres the scheme JJ9ZguGULjk-00038-00010512-00010769 originally was designed for six turbines JJ9ZguGULjk-00039-00010770-00011126 with four turbines fitted the 85 JJ9ZguGULjk-00040-00011127-00011381 megawatts of generating plant in Arden a JJ9ZguGULjk-00041-00011382-00011564 crusher was adequate to meet the JJ9ZguGULjk-00042-00011565-00011828 electricity demand of the entire country JJ9ZguGULjk-00043-00011829-00012095 in the early years the full output JJ9ZguGULjk-00044-00012096-00012317 equates to about three hundred and JJ9ZguGULjk-00045-00012318-00012539 thirty-two thousand megawatt hours JJ9ZguGULjk-00046-00012540-00012874 generated on an annual basis aDNA JJ9ZguGULjk-00047-00012875-00013144 Crusher generates a ten point five kilo JJ9ZguGULjk-00048-00013145-00013427 volts kV but this is transformed JJ9ZguGULjk-00049-00013428-00013634 thirty-eight kilo volts for local JJ9ZguGULjk-00050-00013635-00013963 distribution and to 110 kilo volts for JJ9ZguGULjk-00051-00013965-00014641 long-distance transmission JJ9ZguGULjk-00052-00014641-00015199 topic background JJ9ZguGULjk-00053-00015200-00015454 the first plan to harness the Shannons JJ9ZguGULjk-00054-00015455-00015697 power between lockberg and limerick was JJ9ZguGULjk-00055-00015697-00016068 published in 1844 by Sir Robert Kane JJ9ZguGULjk-00056-00016069-00016483 inspired by Nikola Tesla's 1896 project JJ9ZguGULjk-00057-00016484-00016782 and my agra Falls phrases scheme JJ9ZguGULjk-00058-00016783-00017059 proposed a head race canal ending at JJ9ZguGULjk-00059-00017060-00017349 Dunas and was sanctioned by the 1901 JJ9ZguGULjk-00060-00017350-00017694 shannon water and electric power act JJ9ZguGULjk-00061-00017695-00017998 this envisaged a seasonal scheme with a JJ9ZguGULjk-00062-00017999-00018169 backup steam turbine to generate JJ9ZguGULjk-00063-00018170-00018406 electricity in the summer but the JJ9ZguGULjk-00064-00018407-00018652 overall cost was considered too great JJ9ZguGULjk-00065-00018653-00019063 and the act was shelved in 1902 SF dick JJ9ZguGULjk-00066-00019064-00019399 proposed a sharper fall at Dunas the JJ9ZguGULjk-00067-00019400-00019612 British Board of Trade appointed a JJ9ZguGULjk-00068-00019613-00019837 committee in 1918 which approved JJ9ZguGULjk-00069-00019838-00020092 proposals by Theodore Stevens and JJ9ZguGULjk-00070-00020093-00020437 published a report in 1922 this JJ9ZguGULjk-00071-00020438-00020689 envisaged altering upper lake levels to JJ9ZguGULjk-00072-00020690-00020950 create extra storage of 10,000 million JJ9ZguGULjk-00073-00020951-00021256 cubic feet at a cost of 2.6 million JJ9ZguGULjk-00074-00021257-00021597 pounds at the same time the first oil JJ9ZguGULjk-00075-00021598-00021856 saw the possibilities and Shawn wall JJ9ZguGULjk-00076-00021857-00022111 chairman of Limerick County Council in JJ9ZguGULjk-00077-00022112-00022387 1920 and commander of the East Limerick JJ9ZguGULjk-00078-00022388-00022618 IRA asked the council to make another JJ9ZguGULjk-00079-00022619-00022876 survey of river levels but was killed in JJ9ZguGULjk-00080-00022877-00023326 a gunfight at an okati in May 1921 at JJ9ZguGULjk-00081-00023327-00023692 the end of 1923 the engineer dr. Thomas JJ9ZguGULjk-00082-00023693-00023919 McLaughlin approached the new Irish free JJ9ZguGULjk-00083-00023920-00024115 states Minister for industry and JJ9ZguGULjk-00084-00024116-00024316 commerce Patrick McGill again with a JJ9ZguGULjk-00085-00024317-00024519 proposal for a much more ambitious JJ9ZguGULjk-00086-00024520-00024874 project dr. McLaughlin had started JJ9ZguGULjk-00087-00024875-00025093 working for Siemens shewket a large JJ9ZguGULjk-00088-00025094-00025456 German engineering firm in late 1922 and JJ9ZguGULjk-00089-00025457-00025665 his scheme would exploit the full height JJ9ZguGULjk-00090-00025666-00025867 difference between Loch Allen and the JJ9ZguGULjk-00091-00025868-00026239 sea he drew on the analysis of 25 years JJ9ZguGULjk-00092-00026239-00026427 of flow at the we're at Killaloe JJ9ZguGULjk-00093-00026429-00026664 published by john Challinor smith an JJ9ZguGULjk-00094-00026666-00026860 engineer with the commissioners of JJ9ZguGULjk-00095-00026861-00027135 Public Works McGill agon was JJ9ZguGULjk-00096-00027136-00027460 enthusiastic although WT cosgrave the JJ9ZguGULjk-00097-00027461-00027793 premier was more cautious the scheme was JJ9ZguGULjk-00098-00027794-00028135 published by Siemens in September 1924 JJ9ZguGULjk-00099-00028136-00028342 and the government appointed a team of JJ9ZguGULjk-00100-00028343-00028573 experts from Norway and Switzerland JJ9ZguGULjk-00101-00028574-00028855 to check its viability it caused JJ9ZguGULjk-00102-00028856-00029098 considerable political controversy as JJ9ZguGULjk-00103-00029099-00029386 the cost of 5.2 million pounds was a JJ9ZguGULjk-00104-00029387-00029605 large part of the new state's entire JJ9ZguGULjk-00105-00029606-00030010 budget in 1925 of 25 million pounds and JJ9ZguGULjk-00106-00030011-00030217 interests in Dublin preferred more JJ9ZguGULjk-00107-00030218-00030526 localized solution but the experts JJ9ZguGULjk-00108-00030527-00030771 supported the centralized solution which JJ9ZguGULjk-00109-00030772-00030990 would require a distribution grid all JJ9ZguGULjk-00110-00030991-00031198 over the country but recommended a JJ9ZguGULjk-00111-00031199-00031417 two-stage implementation of the power JJ9ZguGULjk-00112-00031418-00031749 generators the government accepted this JJ9ZguGULjk-00113-00031750-00032070 and by April 1925 had introduced the JJ9ZguGULjk-00114-00032072-00032958 Chanin electricity act 1925 in the Doyle JJ9ZguGULjk-00115-00032959-00033523 topic construction JJ9ZguGULjk-00116-00033524-00033910 in 1925 Siemens started the works with JJ9ZguGULjk-00117-00033911-00034183 dr. mclachlan as managing director and JJ9ZguGULjk-00118-00034184-00034501 professor Frank shaman rich Werth who JJ9ZguGULjk-00119-00034502-00034743 took a leave of absence from University JJ9ZguGULjk-00120-00034744-00035082 College Galway as chief civil engineer a JJ9ZguGULjk-00121-00035083-00035329 completion time limit of three and a JJ9ZguGULjk-00122-00035330-00035565 half years with penalty clauses for JJ9ZguGULjk-00123-00035566-00035802 failure of adherence to this limit was JJ9ZguGULjk-00124-00035803-00036220 written into the contract around 150 of JJ9ZguGULjk-00125-00036221-00036439 the skilled workers and engineers on the JJ9ZguGULjk-00126-00036440-00036787 power station were Germans a camp was JJ9ZguGULjk-00127-00036788-00036996 set up for the workers that included JJ9ZguGULjk-00128-00036997-00037339 living quarters for 750 men and a dining JJ9ZguGULjk-00129-00037340-00037657 room that seated 600 initially JJ9ZguGULjk-00130-00037658-00037945 employment for 700 was provided whilst JJ9ZguGULjk-00131-00037946-00038271 at its peak there were 5200 employed JJ9ZguGULjk-00132-00038272-00038499 during the construction phase with this JJ9ZguGULjk-00133-00038500-00038912 dropping back to 2,500 near completion JJ9ZguGULjk-00134-00038913-00039189 Siemens had to import a vast array of JJ9ZguGULjk-00135-00039190-00039436 machinery from Bremen and Hamburg and JJ9ZguGULjk-00136-00039437-00039693 built a 96 kilometers narrow gauge JJ9ZguGULjk-00137-00039694-00039924 railway from the docks in Limerick to JJ9ZguGULjk-00138-00039925-00040135 the site to bring in supplies which JJ9ZguGULjk-00139-00040136-00040504 included 76 steam locomotives the JJ9ZguGULjk-00140-00040505-00040702 government made good the local roads JJ9ZguGULjk-00141-00040703-00040989 which were in an appalling State the JJ9ZguGULjk-00142-00040990-00041220 head race involved building embankments JJ9ZguGULjk-00143-00041221-00041539 up to 25 metres high over a distance of JJ9ZguGULjk-00144-00041540-00041751 10 kilometers and many unforeseen JJ9ZguGULjk-00145-00041752-00042195 geological problems were encountered 7.6 JJ9ZguGULjk-00146-00042196-00042433 million cubic meters nine point nine JJ9ZguGULjk-00147-00042434-00042787 times 10 to the 6 CU yd of soil had to JJ9ZguGULjk-00148-00042788-00043080 be moved and 1.2 million cubic meters JJ9ZguGULjk-00149-00043081-00043587 1.6 times 10 to the 6 CU yd of rock four JJ9ZguGULjk-00150-00043588-00043818 major bridges were built and nine JJ9ZguGULjk-00151-00043819-00044120 diverted as well as numerous streams JJ9ZguGULjk-00152-00044121-00044418 three large Parsons turbines were JJ9ZguGULjk-00153-00044419-00044632 installed at the base of the dam which JJ9ZguGULjk-00154-00044633-00044905 could generate 35 megawatts more than JJ9ZguGULjk-00155-00044906-00045223 the entire public supply of the time in JJ9ZguGULjk-00156-00045224-00045556 addition as supply network of 110 kilo JJ9ZguGULjk-00157-00045557-00045787 volts power lines was installed to JJ9ZguGULjk-00158-00045788-00046129 Dublin Cork and other centres the JJ9ZguGULjk-00159-00046130-00046342 construction project was not without JJ9ZguGULjk-00160-00046343-00046665 controversy unskilled laborers were only JJ9ZguGULjk-00161-00046666-00046909 paid agricultural wages produced JJ9ZguGULjk-00162-00046910-00047170 strikes national and governmental debate JJ9ZguGULjk-00163-00047171-00047452 over wages conditions and spending JJ9ZguGULjk-00164-00047453-00047809 overruns despite this there was a final JJ9ZguGULjk-00165-00047810-00048172 cost overrun for Siemens of 150 thousand JJ9ZguGULjk-00166-00048173-00048427 pounds the site attracted a huge number JJ9ZguGULjk-00167-00048428-00048703 of sightseers transported by excursion JJ9ZguGULjk-00168-00048704-00049123 trains from all parts of Ireland by 1929 JJ9ZguGULjk-00169-00049124-00049495 it reckoned that 250,000 spectators had JJ9ZguGULjk-00170-00049496-00050192 been guided over the works JJ9ZguGULjk-00171-00050193-00050814 topic electrifying Ireland JJ9ZguGULjk-00172-00050815-00051240 in 1927 the ESB was established and took JJ9ZguGULjk-00173-00051241-00051454 control of the scheming electricity JJ9ZguGULjk-00174-00051454-00051787 supply and generation generally dr. JJ9ZguGULjk-00175-00051788-00052074 mclachlan became the managing director JJ9ZguGULjk-00176-00052075-00052383 the Shanon scheme was officially opened JJ9ZguGULjk-00177-00052384-00052866 at Party nan the 22nd of July 1929 one JJ9ZguGULjk-00178-00052867-00053094 of the largest engineering projects of JJ9ZguGULjk-00179-00053095-00053284 its day it served as a model for JJ9ZguGULjk-00180-00053285-00053544 large-scale electrification projects JJ9ZguGULjk-00181-00053545-00053880 worldwide operated by the electricity JJ9ZguGULjk-00182-00053881-00054091 supply board of Ireland it had an JJ9ZguGULjk-00183-00054091-00054361 immediate impact on the social economic JJ9ZguGULjk-00184-00054362-00054701 and industrial development of Ireland by JJ9ZguGULjk-00185-00054702-00055024 1935 it was producing 80 percent of JJ9ZguGULjk-00186-00055025-00055356 Ireland's electricity it continues to JJ9ZguGULjk-00187-00055357-00055581 supply this power in the 21st century JJ9ZguGULjk-00188-00055582-00055885 although its contribution is now only 2 JJ9ZguGULjk-00189-00055886-00056181 percent at the time it was the largest JJ9ZguGULjk-00190-00056182-00056391 hydroelectric station in the world JJ9ZguGULjk-00191-00056392-00056643 though this was soon superseded by the JJ9ZguGULjk-00192-00056644-00056836 Hoover Dam which commenced construction JJ9ZguGULjk-00193-00056837-00057306 in 1930 the influential London Financial JJ9ZguGULjk-00194-00057307-00057549 Times was highly impressed with the JJ9ZguGULjk-00195-00057550-00057879 result commenting they have thrown on JJ9ZguGULjk-00196-00057880-00058101 their shoulders the not easy task of JJ9ZguGULjk-00197-00058102-00058341 breaking what is in reality an enormous JJ9ZguGULjk-00198-00058342-00058569 inferiority complex and the Shannons JJ9ZguGULjk-00199-00058570-00058782 scheme is one and probably the most JJ9ZguGULjk-00200-00058783-00059011 vital of their methods of doing it JJ9ZguGULjk-00201-00059012-00059221 within three years the demand for JJ9ZguGULjk-00202-00059222-00059497 electricity in Ireland had expanded so JJ9ZguGULjk-00203-00059498-00059768 much that Stage two was initiated JJ9ZguGULjk-00204-00059769-00060016 instead of the planned three extra JJ9ZguGULjk-00205-00060016-00060288 penstocks only one was used but it used JJ9ZguGULjk-00206-00060289-00060565 a new 30 megawatts Caplin turbine with JJ9ZguGULjk-00207-00060566-00060766 seven blades which produces high JJ9ZguGULjk-00208-00060766-00061009 efficiency on the relatively small head JJ9ZguGULjk-00209-00061010-00061228 and therefore increased the capacity of JJ9ZguGULjk-00210-00061229-00061730 the station to 75 megawatts by 1933 in JJ9ZguGULjk-00211-00061731-00062062 1937 the Pula força reservoir hydro JJ9ZguGULjk-00212-00062063-00062280 plant on the Liffey was constructed JJ9ZguGULjk-00213-00062281-00062781 adding another 35 megawatts in 2002 on JJ9ZguGULjk-00214-00062782-00063061 the 75th anniversary of the plant its JJ9ZguGULjk-00215-00063062-00063318 historic status was recognized by the JJ9ZguGULjk-00216-00063319-00063576 Institute of Electrical and Electronic JJ9ZguGULjk-00217-00063577-00063790 engineers in partnership with the JJ9ZguGULjk-00218-00063791-00064066 American Society of Civil Engineers who JJ9ZguGULjk-00219-00064066-00064200 marked the facility JJ9ZguGULjk-00220-00064201-00064431 an engineering milestone of the 20th JJ9ZguGULjk-00221-00064432-00065011 century JJ9ZguGULjk-00222-00065012-00065701 topic environmental consequences JJ9ZguGULjk-00223-00065702-00065926 the opening of the scheme had and JJ9ZguGULjk-00224-00065927-00066139 continues to have a significant JJ9ZguGULjk-00225-00066140-00066352 environmental effect on the part of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00226-00066353-00066592 Shannon bypass by the head race canal JJ9ZguGULjk-00227-00066593-00066835 from part in villa north of O'Briens JJ9ZguGULjk-00228-00066836-00067081 bridge to about a mile north of limerick JJ9ZguGULjk-00229-00067082-00067336 city this length of river especially JJ9ZguGULjk-00230-00067337-00067612 that running past castle Connell in the JJ9ZguGULjk-00231-00067613-00067867 Falls of dunas was in the 19th and early JJ9ZguGULjk-00232-00067868-00068161 20th centuries world famous for fishing JJ9ZguGULjk-00233-00068162-00068449 particularly salmon fishing the JJ9ZguGULjk-00234-00068450-00068656 diverting of water to the power station JJ9ZguGULjk-00235-00068657-00068974 had a disastrous effect on this for two JJ9ZguGULjk-00236-00068975-00069070 main reasons JJ9ZguGULjk-00237-00069071-00069328 initially there was no fish pass a JJ9ZguGULjk-00238-00069329-00069529 no crusher to allow the salmon to JJ9ZguGULjk-00239-00069530-00069745 migrate further up the river this was JJ9ZguGULjk-00240-00069746-00070108 later rectified secondly the reduction JJ9ZguGULjk-00241-00070109-00070345 in water flow down the natural channel JJ9ZguGULjk-00242-00070346-00070579 encouraged more fish to either migrate JJ9ZguGULjk-00243-00070580-00070813 towards the head race canal or to the JJ9ZguGULjk-00244-00070814-00071104 mulcair River instead the problem JJ9ZguGULjk-00245-00071105-00071338 continues to this day and the salmon JJ9ZguGULjk-00246-00071339-00071563 fishing is no longer comparable with the JJ9ZguGULjk-00247-00071564-00071962 period up to the 1920s other species of JJ9ZguGULjk-00248-00071963-00072232 native fish have also been affected by JJ9ZguGULjk-00249-00072233-00072880 the low water levels JJ9ZguGULjk-00250-00072881-00073210 topic effects on the bypassed river JJ9ZguGULjk-00251-00073211-00073584 channel JJ9ZguGULjk-00252-00073585-00073919 you JJ9ZguGULjk-00253-00073920-00074587 topic reduction in water flow once JJ9ZguGULjk-00254-00074588-00074800 opened the great majority of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00255-00074801-00075062 Shannons water was diverted via the head JJ9ZguGULjk-00256-00075063-00075400 race canal to the power station the ESB JJ9ZguGULjk-00257-00075401-00075692 are required by law to allow ten cubic JJ9ZguGULjk-00258-00075693-00075935 meters per second ten cubic meters per JJ9ZguGULjk-00259-00075936-00076207 second to flow down the natural channel JJ9ZguGULjk-00260-00076208-00076505 this is roughly what the natural flow JJ9ZguGULjk-00261-00076506-00076756 would be during dry summer periods prior JJ9ZguGULjk-00262-00076757-00077081 to the we're being built all surplus JJ9ZguGULjk-00263-00077082-00077297 water can be diverted for power JJ9ZguGULjk-00264-00077298-00077600 generation the maximum capacity of our JJ9ZguGULjk-00265-00077601-00077875 de NOC Russia is approximately 400 cubic JJ9ZguGULjk-00266-00077876-00078175 meters per second 40 times that which is JJ9ZguGULjk-00267-00078176-00078374 required to flow down the natural JJ9ZguGULjk-00268-00078375-00078605 channel although the power station does JJ9ZguGULjk-00269-00078606-00078850 not necessarily run at this capacity at JJ9ZguGULjk-00270-00078851-00079199 all times for the first few years after JJ9ZguGULjk-00271-00079200-00079403 the opening of the scheme water was JJ9ZguGULjk-00272-00079404-00079646 diverted to the power station only as JJ9ZguGULjk-00273-00079647-00079906 necessary for the electricity demand at JJ9ZguGULjk-00274-00079907-00080113 the time and thus the impact on the JJ9ZguGULjk-00275-00080114-00080425 river was not initially severe however JJ9ZguGULjk-00276-00080426-00080701 as demand increased more and more water JJ9ZguGULjk-00277-00080702-00080936 was diverted until eventually a JJ9ZguGULjk-00278-00080937-00081203 situation was reached where at all times JJ9ZguGULjk-00279-00081204-00081481 all available water was diverted for JJ9ZguGULjk-00280-00081482-00081725 power generation and the natural channel JJ9ZguGULjk-00281-00081726-00081935 was permanently reduced to the minimum JJ9ZguGULjk-00282-00081936-00082207 water flow allowed except during extreme JJ9ZguGULjk-00283-00082208-00082543 conditions in exceptionally wet periods JJ9ZguGULjk-00284-00082544-00082799 the flow of water out of Lough durg is JJ9ZguGULjk-00285-00082800-00083096 greater than 400 cubic meters per second JJ9ZguGULjk-00286-00083097-00083326 and it is then necessary for the surplus JJ9ZguGULjk-00287-00083327-00083567 to be a release down the natural channel JJ9ZguGULjk-00288-00083568-00083828 through castle Connell during these JJ9ZguGULjk-00289-00083829-00084094 brief periods the Falls of Dunas are JJ9ZguGULjk-00290-00084095-00084260 temporarily restored to their former JJ9ZguGULjk-00291-00084261-00084659 glory how often this occurs depends on JJ9ZguGULjk-00292-00084660-00084899 seasonal weather patterns some years JJ9ZguGULjk-00293-00084900-00085109 there is no increase above the minimum JJ9ZguGULjk-00294-00085110-00085391 flow at all this has led to a JJ9ZguGULjk-00295-00085392-00085685 substantially dried-up riverbed the most JJ9ZguGULjk-00296-00085686-00085912 obvious result on the river south of JJ9ZguGULjk-00297-00085913-00086141 parting villa always being kept at JJ9ZguGULjk-00298-00086142-00086378 summer levels is the silting of many of JJ9ZguGULjk-00299-00086379-00086585 the old salmon pools and the growth of JJ9ZguGULjk-00300-00086586-00086840 trees and bushes in many parts of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00301-00086841-00087000 former riverbed thus significantly JJ9ZguGULjk-00302-00087001-00087266 altering both the appearance and JJ9ZguGULjk-00303-00087267-00087575 of the river when built art necrosha had JJ9ZguGULjk-00304-00087576-00087803 the capacity to supply power for the JJ9ZguGULjk-00305-00087804-00088160 entire country currently it accounts for JJ9ZguGULjk-00306-00088161-00088424 around two to three percent of the ESB s JJ9ZguGULjk-00307-00088425-00088739 overall power output given the small JJ9ZguGULjk-00308-00088740-00088988 overall amount of power produced per JJ9ZguGULjk-00309-00088989-00089243 cubic meter there is a substantial case JJ9ZguGULjk-00310-00089244-00089498 for increasing water flow to the natural JJ9ZguGULjk-00311-00089499-00089705 channel now that our Newark Russia is JJ9ZguGULjk-00312-00089706-00089966 producing so smaller proportion of ES JJ9ZguGULjk-00313-00089967-00090317 B's power for example increasing the JJ9ZguGULjk-00314-00090318-00090557 flow of the river 250 cubic meters per JJ9ZguGULjk-00315-00090558-00090779 second would reduce our Newark Russia's JJ9ZguGULjk-00316-00090780-00091115 capacity by 1/10 flow reduced by 40 JJ9ZguGULjk-00317-00091116-00091382 cubic meters per second or 8 megawatts JJ9ZguGULjk-00318-00091383-00091751 less than 0.3% of es B's national JJ9ZguGULjk-00319-00091752-00091982 capacity whilst increasing the water JJ9ZguGULjk-00320-00091983-00092233 flowed to the natural channel fivefold JJ9ZguGULjk-00321-00092234-00092501 this would have a major beneficial JJ9ZguGULjk-00322-00092502-00092681 effect on the condition of the river JJ9ZguGULjk-00323-00092682-00093335 south of O'Briens bridge JJ9ZguGULjk-00324-00093336-00094018 topic navigation the navigable section JJ9ZguGULjk-00325-00094019-00094201 of water from the southern end of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00326-00094202-00094403 Killaloe canal to World's End JJ9ZguGULjk-00327-00094404-00094597 Castle Connell was linked to Limerick JJ9ZguGULjk-00328-00094598-00094847 via the lateral Plassey erener canal JJ9ZguGULjk-00329-00094848-00095147 which had six locks this became JJ9ZguGULjk-00330-00095148-00095347 redundant with the construction of the JJ9ZguGULjk-00331-00095348-00095623 new canal to art necrosha was d watered JJ9ZguGULjk-00332-00095624-00095886 and subsequently became derelict JJ9ZguGULjk-00333-00095887-00096140 recently several sections have been JJ9ZguGULjk-00334-00096141-00096394 cleared and it is now possible to walk JJ9ZguGULjk-00335-00096395-00096613 from O'Brien's bridge to Erin the lock JJ9ZguGULjk-00336-00096614-00096971 along the old toe path as there is no JJ9ZguGULjk-00337-00096972-00097162 lock at parting we're linking the JJ9ZguGULjk-00338-00097163-00097399 natural channel to locked ERG it is no JJ9ZguGULjk-00339-00097400-00097654 longer possible for any watercraft to JJ9ZguGULjk-00340-00097655-00097916 enter by water this part of the Shannon JJ9ZguGULjk-00341-00097917-00098153 navigation of the Shannon is now by the JJ9ZguGULjk-00342-00098154-00098449 head race canal which is 90 meters 300 JJ9ZguGULjk-00343-00098450-00098785 feet wide when all turbines are JJ9ZguGULjk-00344-00098786-00099110 operating the speed of the water is 1.5 JJ9ZguGULjk-00345-00099111-00099416 meters per second 3.4 miles per hour JJ9ZguGULjk-00346-00099417-00099607 which can be challenging in both JJ9ZguGULjk-00347-00099608-00099693 directions JJ9ZguGULjk-00348-00099694-00099988 this leads to the double lock at Arnaud JJ9ZguGULjk-00349-00099989-00100267 Prussia which will take boats 32.2 JJ9ZguGULjk-00350-00100268-00100628 metres 106 feet long and six point one JJ9ZguGULjk-00351-00100629-00101005 meters 20 feet wide the two locks have a JJ9ZguGULjk-00352-00101006-00101386 combined drop of up to 34 metres 112 JJ9ZguGULjk-00353-00101387-00101902 feet JJ9ZguGULjk-00354-00101903-00102545 topic shannon ill management program JJ9ZguGULjk-00355-00102546-00102848 a trap and transport scheme is in force JJ9ZguGULjk-00356-00102849-00103036 on the Shannon as part of an eel JJ9ZguGULjk-00357-00103038-00103232 management program following the JJ9ZguGULjk-00358-00103233-00103480 discovery of a reduced eel population JJ9ZguGULjk-00359-00103481-00103810 this scheme ensures safe passage for JJ9ZguGULjk-00360-00103811-00104460 young yields past are no crusher JJ9ZguGULjk-00361-00104461-00105120 topic effects upriver from the scheme JJ9ZguGULjk-00362-00105121-00105447 you JJ9ZguGULjk-00363-00105448-00105938 topic flooding JJ9ZguGULjk-00364-00105939-00106208 the maximum capacity of our Dena crusher JJ9ZguGULjk-00365-00106208-00106534 is approximately 400 cubic meters per JJ9ZguGULjk-00366-00106535-00106847 second as this is much greater than is JJ9ZguGULjk-00367-00106848-00107059 available during summer months during JJ9ZguGULjk-00368-00107060-00107329 the early years of operation water was JJ9ZguGULjk-00369-00107330-00107540 stored in the major lakes on the Shannon JJ9ZguGULjk-00370-00107541-00107779 Locke durg lockrey and Locke Allen JJ9ZguGULjk-00371-00107780-00107983 because our de NOC Russia provided a JJ9ZguGULjk-00372-00107984-00108215 significant contribution to meeting the JJ9ZguGULjk-00373-00108216-00108454 nation's electricity requirements during JJ9ZguGULjk-00374-00108455-00108770 that period by holding these lakes at a JJ9ZguGULjk-00375-00108771-00109007 higher than natural level by means of JJ9ZguGULjk-00376-00109008-00109268 Weir's water accumulated during the wet JJ9ZguGULjk-00377-00109269-00109475 winter months could be released during JJ9ZguGULjk-00378-00109476-00109741 drier periods to maintain supply to the JJ9ZguGULjk-00379-00109742-00110090 power station Weir's already existed at JJ9ZguGULjk-00380-00110091-00110321 Killaloe and Athlone to control lake JJ9ZguGULjk-00381-00110322-00110531 levels in lockberg and lockrey JJ9ZguGULjk-00382-00110532-00110840 respectively upon completion of our JJ9ZguGULjk-00383-00110841-00111061 dinner crusher the we're at athlone was JJ9ZguGULjk-00384-00111063-00111338 modified and brought under ESB control JJ9ZguGULjk-00385-00111339-00111551 and a new we're built at the mouth of JJ9ZguGULjk-00386-00111552-00111773 Loch Allen to further regulate water JJ9ZguGULjk-00387-00111774-00112031 levels but we're at Killaloe was removed JJ9ZguGULjk-00388-00112032-00112268 as Loch Doug's water level is now JJ9ZguGULjk-00389-00112269-00112601 controlled by part in wear itself in JJ9ZguGULjk-00390-00112602-00112814 more recent decades Arno crushes JJ9ZguGULjk-00391-00112815-00113033 significance for electricity production JJ9ZguGULjk-00392-00113033-00113294 has decreased and water is no longer JJ9ZguGULjk-00393-00113295-00113509 stored on the Shannon Lakes for JJ9ZguGULjk-00394-00113510-00114142 electricity generation JJ9ZguGULjk-00395-00114143-00114820 topic navigation the scheme simplified JJ9ZguGULjk-00396-00114821-00115075 navigation between Killaloe and Limerick JJ9ZguGULjk-00397-00115076-00115335 as watercraft need to traverse just one JJ9ZguGULjk-00398-00115336-00115507 double lock a necrosha JJ9ZguGULjk-00399-00115508-00115816 the majority of the Killaloe canal was JJ9ZguGULjk-00400-00115817-00116017 submerged under the new lake that JJ9ZguGULjk-00401-00116018-00116230 flooded section south of Killaloe JJ9ZguGULjk-00402-00116231-00116488 allowing direct access to the head race JJ9ZguGULjk-00403-00116489-00116842 canal the ESB is responsible for JJ9ZguGULjk-00404-00116843-00117082 maintaining water levels for navigation JJ9ZguGULjk-00405-00117083-00117244 throughout the Chanin to between JJ9ZguGULjk-00406-00117245-00117469 predetermined limits but they have the JJ9ZguGULjk-00407-00117470-00117682 right to prioritize levels for JJ9ZguGULjk-00408-00117683-00117895 electricity generation should water JJ9ZguGULjk-00409-00117896-00118572 shortages arise JJ9ZguGULjk-00410-00118573-00119130 topic C also JJ9ZguGULjk-00411-00119131-00119580 River Shannon to Dublin pipeline JKSZd-bty30-00000-00000047-00001104 [Music] JKSZd-bty30-00001-00001105-00001572 thank you JKSZd-bty30-00002-00001573-00002929 [Music] JKSZd-bty30-00003-00002930-00003293 welcome to psychic medium Tony Green I JKSZd-bty30-00004-00003294-00003749 am Tony Green the psychic medium and JKSZd-bty30-00005-00003750-00003869 channel JKSZd-bty30-00006-00003870-00004151 so on today's show I will be taking JKSZd-bty30-00007-00004152-00004451 colors live answering their questions JKSZd-bty30-00008-00004452-00004675 about life love JKSZd-bty30-00009-00004676-00004985 finances career JKSZd-bty30-00010-00004986-00005327 anything you want to ask you can ask I JKSZd-bty30-00011-00005328-00005506 will also be taking JKSZd-bty30-00012-00005507-00005920 um questions on YouTube chat JKSZd-bty30-00013-00005921-00006286 so for those of you who are new here uh JKSZd-bty30-00014-00006287-00006628 this show does air on TV wses rude JKSZd-bty30-00015-00006629-00007001 Rangers TV and another a number of other JKSZd-bty30-00016-00007002-00007264 a number of other streaming channels yep JKSZd-bty30-00017-00007265-00007505 that's how it said girl JKSZd-bty30-00018-00007506-00007678 um it also JKSZd-bty30-00019-00007679-00008164 um airs on almost every single podcast JKSZd-bty30-00020-00008165-00008585 and JKSZd-bty30-00021-00008586-00008987 radio stations okay there you go if JKSZd-bty30-00022-00008988-00009155 you'd like to connect with me there are JKSZd-bty30-00023-00009156-00009442 links in the bio JKSZd-bty30-00024-00009443-00009737 um I'm on Facebook Instagram JKSZd-bty30-00025-00009738-00010045 and uh Tic Tac I do a JKSZd-bty30-00026-00010046-00010451 plethora of healings on Tick Tock and JKSZd-bty30-00027-00010452-00010739 clearing so if you're on Tic Tac chup JKSZd-bty30-00028-00010740-00010864 with me there JKSZd-bty30-00029-00010865-00011105 um you get a ton of free healings and JKSZd-bty30-00030-00011106-00011260 clearings JKSZd-bty30-00031-00011261-00011321 um JKSZd-bty30-00032-00011322-00011771 and a number of other social media JKSZd-bty30-00033-00011772-00012083 um things so who JKSZd-bty30-00034-00012084-00012419 okay in a moment I'm gonna get this the JKSZd-bty30-00035-00012420-00012695 show started I will start taking callers JKSZd-bty30-00036-00012696-00012946 if you would like to join the show live JKSZd-bty30-00037-00012947-00013211 I'm here every Monday and Wednesday for JKSZd-bty30-00038-00013212-00013480 a minimum of 30 minutes I try to make it JKSZd-bty30-00039-00013481-00013811 60. and I JKSZd-bty30-00040-00013812-00013894 um JKSZd-bty30-00041-00013895-00014461 you can call in and ask questions at JKSZd-bty30-00042-00014462-00014771 845-277-9131 if you are watching you can JKSZd-bty30-00043-00014772-00014963 uh if you want to watch live you can JKSZd-bty30-00044-00014963-00015425 watch on YouTube YouTube live that's JKSZd-bty30-00045-00015426-00015611 where I am JKSZd-bty30-00046-00015612-00016066 yes okay so before we get started I want JKSZd-bty30-00047-00016068-00016247 to say hello to everybody on YouTube JKSZd-bty30-00048-00016247-00016530 live thank you guys for being here um JKSZd-bty30-00049-00016531-00016817 everybody's here today I love it uh JKSZd-bty30-00050-00016818-00017135 shell Steve Patrick JKSZd-bty30-00051-00017136-00017519 um Sal Heather Frankie Genevieve I need JKSZd-bty30-00052-00017520-00017777 to scroll up a little bit to catch JKSZd-bty30-00053-00017778-00018053 everybody Fawn a number of other people JKSZd-bty30-00054-00018054-00018286 are here joining us live on YouTube JKSZd-bty30-00055-00018287-00018563 thank you so very much for spending this JKSZd-bty30-00056-00018564-00018922 time with me and um the songs I was JKSZd-bty30-00057-00018923-00019114 hearing this morning and the way the JKSZd-bty30-00058-00019115-00019361 songs work is songs are always messages JKSZd-bty30-00059-00019362-00019636 from loved ones on the other side and JKSZd-bty30-00060-00019637-00019930 the first song I woke up to this song JKSZd-bty30-00061-00019931-00020080 um JKSZd-bty30-00062-00020081-00020314 I clear my throat as though that's gonna JKSZd-bty30-00063-00020315-00020680 make me a better singer it is not the JKSZd-bty30-00064-00020681-00020944 first song I woke up to was that song in JKSZd-bty30-00065-00020945-00021407 my head in my head in my head JKSZd-bty30-00066-00021408-00021671 they're all whatever JKSZd-bty30-00067-00021672-00021761 um JKSZd-bty30-00068-00021762-00022019 all the I can hear the song in my head JKSZd-bty30-00069-00022020-00022199 in my head JKSZd-bty30-00070-00022200-00022294 um JKSZd-bty30-00071-00022295-00022607 they are fighting JKSZd-bty30-00072-00022608-00022972 with their guns and their tanks and JKSZd-bty30-00073-00022973-00023122 there's something I can't hear all of JKSZd-bty30-00074-00023123-00023297 the words as they're bringing it through JKSZd-bty30-00075-00023298-00023477 but yes JKSZd-bty30-00076-00023478-00023578 foreign JKSZd-bty30-00077-00023579-00023944 that was the song I woke up to so JKSZd-bty30-00078-00023945-00024161 someone on the other side wanted to make JKSZd-bty30-00079-00024162-00024436 sure that I brought that song through if JKSZd-bty30-00080-00024437-00024593 somebody you know on the other side JKSZd-bty30-00081-00024594-00024893 either and the message I got with that JKSZd-bty30-00082-00024894-00025067 song JKSZd-bty30-00083-00025068-00025367 um was not JKSZd-bty30-00084-00025368-00025655 maybe this was this person's song maybe JKSZd-bty30-00085-00025656-00025931 they loved this song but the bigger JKSZd-bty30-00086-00025932-00026212 message I got was that they couldn't JKSZd-bty30-00087-00026213-00026518 take what was going on in their head any JKSZd-bty30-00088-00026519-00026764 longer JKSZd-bty30-00089-00026766-00027017 um the constant conflict in their head JKSZd-bty30-00090-00027018-00027455 okay so whoever that message is for JKSZd-bty30-00091-00027456-00027677 um that the song may be relevant or the JKSZd-bty30-00092-00027677-00027899 content of the song may be relevant the JKSZd-bty30-00093-00027900-00028133 second song is I don't know what you JKSZd-bty30-00094-00028133-00028457 heard about me but you can't get a JKSZd-bty30-00095-00028458-00028877 dollar out of me something p-i-m-p I'm a JKSZd-bty30-00096-00028877-00029255 mother effing p-i-m-p that's it and that JKSZd-bty30-00097-00029256-00029489 just makes to go from one to the other JKSZd-bty30-00098-00029489-00029867 it just makes me laugh so freaking hard JKSZd-bty30-00099-00029868-00030070 because then they were like having a JKSZd-bty30-00100-00030072-00030317 song battle going back and forth no my JKSZd-bty30-00101-00030318-00030623 song no my song and you both you're both JKSZd-bty30-00102-00030624-00030862 up right here we got you both JKSZd-bty30-00103-00030863-00031337 um hey Amy uh Patrick hey Genevieve JKSZd-bty30-00104-00031338-00031583 um the random person I know right it's JKSZd-bty30-00105-00031583-00031823 so funny right JKSZd-bty30-00106-00031824-00032129 okay and then the the what the last song JKSZd-bty30-00107-00032130-00032362 I heard this morning prior to coming on JKSZd-bty30-00108-00032363-00032635 was JKSZd-bty30-00109-00032636-00032896 and I know these words are really JKSZd-bty30-00110-00032897-00033239 probably correct but just JKSZd-bty30-00111-00033240-00033449 um me I know the song is called hot JKSZd-bty30-00112-00033450-00033574 stepper JKSZd-bty30-00113-00033575-00033779 um I think it's called hot stepper JKSZd-bty30-00114-00033780-00033983 um but me singing it even if I'm singing JKSZd-bty30-00115-00033984-00034289 the wrong words sometimes I think people JKSZd-bty30-00116-00034290-00034487 know what song it is so if your loved JKSZd-bty30-00117-00034488-00034679 one loved that song JKSZd-bty30-00118-00034680-00034967 they're bringing that song to you and JKSZd-bty30-00119-00034968-00035224 then the one person's name I only heard JKSZd-bty30-00120-00035225-00035417 one name this morning and it was JKSZd-bty30-00121-00035418-00035855 Michaela Michaela Michaela Michaela and JKSZd-bty30-00122-00035856-00036083 um I'm hearing I love you Michaela I JKSZd-bty30-00123-00036084-00036274 love you Michaela JKSZd-bty30-00124-00036275-00036557 so that is the messages that I was JKSZd-bty30-00125-00036558-00036767 getting this morning JKSZd-bty30-00126-00036768-00037031 um I went on this morning and I put a JKSZd-bty30-00127-00037032-00037312 healing on Tic Tac for psychological JKSZd-bty30-00128-00037313-00037427 health JKSZd-bty30-00129-00037428-00037637 and um I think it was psychological JKSZd-bty30-00130-00037638-00037768 health or it's like something JKSZd-bty30-00131-00037769-00038183 psychological and then I did this little JKSZd-bty30-00132-00038184-00038429 thing that I just want to elaborate for JKSZd-bty30-00133-00038430-00038740 two seconds right now on JKSZd-bty30-00134-00038741-00039040 um when we get into a relationship with JKSZd-bty30-00135-00039041-00039227 someone when we start a relationship or JKSZd-bty30-00136-00039228-00039430 we're in a relationship JKSZd-bty30-00137-00039431-00039509 um JKSZd-bty30-00138-00039510-00039695 we're always worried about if we're JKSZd-bty30-00139-00039696-00039949 sexually compatible with the person JKSZd-bty30-00140-00039950-00040337 that's that is it's a valid concern like JKSZd-bty30-00141-00040338-00040552 we want to make sure the yin and the JKSZd-bty30-00142-00040553-00040849 Yang are yinging and yanging JKSZd-bty30-00143-00040850-00041261 copacetically nicely we like the same JKSZd-bty30-00144-00041262-00041495 things right JKSZd-bty30-00145-00041496-00041902 so we're always in a hurry to JKSZd-bty30-00146-00041903-00042035 um JKSZd-bty30-00147-00042036-00042395 make sure we're sexually some people are JKSZd-bty30-00148-00042396-00042677 um sorry my nose is itching JKSZd-bty30-00149-00042678-00042874 um make sure that we are sexually JKSZd-bty30-00150-00042875-00043193 compatible right but the problem with JKSZd-bty30-00151-00043194-00043487 this is here's here's one of the small JKSZd-bty30-00152-00043488-00043721 little Bitties what that is once you JKSZd-bty30-00153-00043722-00044002 sexually JKSZd-bty30-00154-00044003-00044305 sex somebody I don't JKSZd-bty30-00155-00044306-00044555 once you have sex JKSZd-bty30-00156-00044556-00044921 with somebody the bonding starts so we JKSZd-bty30-00157-00044922-00045190 create emotional bonds and you know JKSZd-bty30-00158-00045191-00045508 women we know three times JKSZd-bty30-00159-00045509-00045887 um all that uh good juices not those JKSZd-bty30-00160-00045888-00046055 good juices these good juices in our JKSZd-bty30-00161-00046056-00046168 head JKSZd-bty30-00162-00046169-00046595 um the dopamine releases from by the JKSZd-bty30-00163-00046596-00046924 third time which is a chemical thing JKSZd-bty30-00164-00046925-00047201 it's been scientifically proven we are JKSZd-bty30-00165-00047202-00047549 connected and in love with this person JKSZd-bty30-00166-00047550-00047758 we want to make sure going into JKSZd-bty30-00167-00047759-00048023 relationships as much as sexual JKSZd-bty30-00168-00048024-00048287 compatibility is important we also want JKSZd-bty30-00169-00048288-00048487 to make sure that we are emotionally JKSZd-bty30-00170-00048488-00048685 psychologically JKSZd-bty30-00171-00048686-00049055 mentally financially spiritually JKSZd-bty30-00172-00049056-00049355 um compatible with this person also JKSZd-bty30-00173-00049356-00049480 now JKSZd-bty30-00174-00049481-00049787 I'm going to use Financial as an example JKSZd-bty30-00175-00049788-00049955 we want to make sure we're financially JKSZd-bty30-00176-00049956-00050267 compatible in a way that you know we JKSZd-bty30-00177-00050268-00050477 both we both don't have to have the same JKSZd-bty30-00178-00050478-00050633 amount of money JKSZd-bty30-00179-00050634-00050905 but we should have like similar JKSZd-bty30-00180-00050906-00051263 Financial beliefs and financial spending JKSZd-bty30-00181-00051264-00051707 habits and patterns if one person JKSZd-bty30-00182-00051708-00051857 um is trying to save and the other JKSZd-bty30-00183-00051858-00052126 person's a spender that might that's not JKSZd-bty30-00184-00052127-00052465 a financial compatibility if one person JKSZd-bty30-00185-00052466-00053021 wants to build like this a certain thing JKSZd-bty30-00186-00053022-00053111 um JKSZd-bty30-00187-00053112-00053380 or you know believes and just let's just JKSZd-bty30-00188-00053382-00053591 I I don't know I'm just going to use JKSZd-bty30-00189-00053591-00053921 that for an example now emotional and JKSZd-bty30-00190-00053922-00054107 psychological and mental we want to make JKSZd-bty30-00191-00054108-00054419 sure we're we're equally healthy in JKSZd-bty30-00192-00054420-00054797 those areas and strong and mature in JKSZd-bty30-00193-00054798-00055066 those areas and we can only find that JKSZd-bty30-00194-00055067-00055421 out with a little bit of time and JKSZd-bty30-00195-00055422-00055588 um conversation we want to make sure JKSZd-bty30-00196-00055589-00055847 we're intellectually compatible with the JKSZd-bty30-00197-00055848-00056137 person that we want to be sexually JKSZd-bty30-00198-00056138-00056350 compatible with if we're not JKSZd-bty30-00199-00056351-00056741 intellectually compatible yeah the sex JKSZd-bty30-00200-00056741-00057016 is good but the rest of the time we're JKSZd-bty30-00201-00057017-00057185 either going to be fighting or have JKSZd-bty30-00202-00057186-00057461 nothing to talk about so these are JKSZd-bty30-00203-00057462-00057641 really important things to consider JKSZd-bty30-00204-00057641-00057899 moving forward in a relationship so JKSZd-bty30-00205-00057900-00058030 please JKSZd-bty30-00206-00058032-00058276 um just a little food for thought for JKSZd-bty30-00207-00058277-00058535 you uh in your relationship and if JKSZd-bty30-00208-00058536-00058763 you're not compatible on a level with JKSZd-bty30-00209-00058764-00058937 somebody it doesn't mean that can't JKSZd-bty30-00210-00058938-00059104 happen JKSZd-bty30-00211-00059105-00059507 it means work on it work on it that JKSZd-bty30-00212-00059508-00059813 means okay I recognize these are also JKSZd-bty30-00213-00059814-00060047 goals in the relationship other than the JKSZd-bty30-00214-00060048-00060371 Big O's so we're going to work on these JKSZd-bty30-00215-00060372-00060665 things too okay alrighty now I'm gonna JKSZd-bty30-00216-00060666-00061025 start to try color JKSZd-bty30-00217-00061026-00061447 it's such a dork but I like it I like it JKSZd-bty30-00218-00061448-00061775 I really really like it okay JKSZd-bty30-00219-00061776-00061921 um JKSZd-bty30-00220-00061922-00062321 uh when I call out your area code JKSZd-bty30-00221-00062322-00062632 um please let me know JKSZd-bty30-00222-00062633-00062903 um what your what's your first name and JKSZd-bty30-00223-00062904-00063094 where you are calling from and then have JKSZd-bty30-00224-00063095-00063382 a question ready for me the way I I get JKSZd-bty30-00225-00063383-00063592 into your JKSZd-bty30-00226-00063594-00063799 um your energy JKSZd-bty30-00227-00063800-00064175 is by starting with a question it's JKSZd-bty30-00228-00064176-00064337 almost like you're giving me permission JKSZd-bty30-00229-00064338-00064750 to to work that's just the way I work I JKSZd-bty30-00230-00064751-00065038 know I'm a weirdo okay I'm gonna go to JKSZd-bty30-00231-00065039-00065219 the first color I want to say hey to JKSZd-bty30-00232-00065220-00065435 Stevie my brother and I also want to say JKSZd-bty30-00233-00065436-00065663 happy birthday Gianna my niece's JKSZd-bty30-00234-00065664-00065813 birthday is tomorrow I'm gonna go to JKSZd-bty30-00235-00065814-00065993 eight one four eight one four what's JKSZd-bty30-00236-00065994-00066419 your name where are you calling from JKSZd-bty30-00237-00066420-00066671 hi this is Amy and I'm calling from JKSZd-bty30-00238-00066672-00066881 Pennsylvania JKSZd-bty30-00239-00066882-00067163 awesome Amy how can I help you JKSZd-bty30-00240-00067164-00067505 yeah go ahead love JKSZd-bty30-00241-00067506-00068003 my question is I got a job offer and I I JKSZd-bty30-00242-00068004-00068188 just want to make sure do you see JKSZd-bty30-00243-00068189-00068482 everything going like JKSZd-bty30-00244-00068483-00068729 everything's going well with the job JKSZd-bty30-00245-00068730-00068956 okay so the first thing I took on their JKSZd-bty30-00246-00068957-00069155 background check right now JKSZd-bty30-00247-00069156-00069341 uh JKSZd-bty30-00248-00069342-00069587 okay I want to make a joke but but I'm JKSZd-bty30-00249-00069588-00069731 gonna tell you the first thing I heard JKSZd-bty30-00250-00069732-00069988 is you're in like you're in like Flynn JKSZd-bty30-00251-00069989-00070229 okay you're in like Flynn whatever that JKSZd-bty30-00252-00070230-00070450 means so the background check I'm gonna JKSZd-bty30-00253-00070451-00070661 guess the background check is going to JKSZd-bty30-00254-00070662-00070847 go well I feel like you are in like JKSZd-bty30-00255-00070848-00071081 Flynn I feel like you're gonna do really JKSZd-bty30-00256-00071082-00071387 well at this position I feel like you JKSZd-bty30-00257-00071388-00071555 are going to have JKSZd-bty30-00258-00071556-00071861 um JKSZd-bty30-00259-00071862-00072155 I'm not gonna call it luck because it's JKSZd-bty30-00260-00072156-00072461 not lock it's it's divine timing and you JKSZd-bty30-00261-00072462-00072700 deserve this because you've paid your JKSZd-bty30-00262-00072701-00072971 dues you've put everything in I am gonna JKSZd-bty30-00263-00072972-00073175 say it's gonna go really well it's gonna JKSZd-bty30-00264-00073176-00073487 be like uh a pretty smooth the first JKSZd-bty30-00265-00073488-00073767 week you're going to have a a JKSZd-bty30-00266-00073768-00074099 [Music] JKSZd-bty30-00267-00074100-00074269 it's gonna be JKSZd-bty30-00268-00074270-00074675 chaotic but not at the job like for you JKSZd-bty30-00269-00074676-00074956 personally like maybe you're um you're JKSZd-bty30-00270-00074957-00075185 gonna be a little bit stressed going in JKSZd-bty30-00271-00075186-00075515 and be wondering constantly am I good JKSZd-bty30-00272-00075516-00075743 enough so right now let's do this for JKSZd-bty30-00273-00075744-00075959 you everybody watching re-watching JKSZd-bty30-00274-00075960-00076211 listening re-listening JKSZd-bty30-00275-00076212-00076517 um we're gonna do the I I think feel no JKSZd-bty30-00276-00076518-00076744 believe I'm good enough I get a note JKSZd-bty30-00277-00076745-00076912 we're going to clear that and I JKSZd-bty30-00278-00076913-00077141 instantly feel that in my tummy I never JKSZd-bty30-00279-00077142-00077375 feel it in my tummy JKSZd-bty30-00280-00077376-00077656 but that's nervousness right folks JKSZd-bty30-00281-00077657-00077987 oh let's clear all of that out like get JKSZd-bty30-00282-00077988-00078203 it out and then JKSZd-bty30-00283-00078204-00078455 um all that started this wherever JKSZd-bty30-00284-00078456-00078719 whatever started this has healed I get a JKSZd-bty30-00285-00078720-00079115 note let's let's uh clear that and heal JKSZd-bty30-00286-00079116-00079403 that oh that's kept it here has healed JKSZd-bty30-00287-00079404-00079541 and cleared I get to know let's get JKSZd-bty30-00288-00079542-00079715 let's get rid of all of this because we JKSZd-bty30-00289-00079716-00080165 are we are like we are not put in rooms JKSZd-bty30-00290-00080166-00080476 jobs with people we are not supposed to JKSZd-bty30-00291-00080477-00080759 be with okay if if we never think JKSZd-bty30-00292-00080760-00080950 something is better than you because if JKSZd-bty30-00293-00080951-00081179 you were put there your chair was there JKSZd-bty30-00294-00081180-00081365 before you were you're supposed to be JKSZd-bty30-00295-00081366-00081694 there that's your space okay JKSZd-bty30-00296-00081695-00081779 um JKSZd-bty30-00297-00081780-00081947 so I want you to be filled with JKSZd-bty30-00298-00081948-00082121 confidence so we're going to do the next JKSZd-bty30-00299-00082122-00082355 healing and or clearing JKSZd-bty30-00300-00082356-00082643 I am self-confident I get a no and when JKSZd-bty30-00301-00082644-00082823 I'm testing it I'm testing for everybody JKSZd-bty30-00302-00082824-00083081 that is listening watching would listen JKSZd-bty30-00303-00083082-00083297 and watch so JKSZd-bty30-00304-00083298-00083537 um maybe some of you are self-confident JKSZd-bty30-00305-00083538-00083681 and JKSZd-bty30-00306-00083682-00083849 um that's awesome this will just JKSZd-bty30-00307-00083850-00084112 strengthen that but obviously someone is JKSZd-bty30-00308-00084113-00084329 not so let's heal and clear that all JKSZd-bty30-00309-00084330-00084515 that started this JKSZd-bty30-00310-00084516-00084749 who has cleared and healed I get to know JKSZd-bty30-00311-00084750-00084894 so let's JKSZd-bty30-00312-00084895-00085150 heal and clear that JKSZd-bty30-00313-00085151-00085421 okay Amy JKSZd-bty30-00314-00085422-00085582 um come back and listen to this again JKSZd-bty30-00315-00085583-00085847 it's uh at about the 12 and a half JKSZd-bty30-00316-00085848-00086050 minute Mark of the show and for anybody JKSZd-bty30-00317-00086051-00086255 who wants to replay either one of these JKSZd-bty30-00318-00086256-00086405 it's at about the 12 and a half minute JKSZd-bty30-00319-00086406-00086669 Mark of the show I'm going to tell you JKSZd-bty30-00320-00086670-00086879 on ever for those of you who are new to JKSZd-bty30-00321-00086880-00087100 my show yes I answer questions I love JKSZd-bty30-00322-00087101-00087323 answering questions I I will connect you JKSZd-bty30-00323-00087324-00087485 with loved ones on the other side I love JKSZd-bty30-00324-00087486-00087694 doing that but I also want us all to be JKSZd-bty30-00325-00087695-00087976 healthy happy functioning little beings JKSZd-bty30-00326-00087977-00088331 running around on this big old plane so JKSZd-bty30-00327-00088332-00088643 my show every single show is full of JKSZd-bty30-00328-00088644-00088943 healings and clearing so if you go back JKSZd-bty30-00329-00088944-00089153 and listen to other shows you will find JKSZd-bty30-00330-00089154-00089459 phenomenal healings and clearings as JKSZd-bty30-00331-00089460-00089668 well as on Tick Tock okay I hope that JKSZd-bty30-00332-00089669-00089885 was helpful love was that helpful for JKSZd-bty30-00333-00089886-00090179 you did that answer you yeah okay JKSZd-bty30-00334-00090180-00090485 beautiful girls thank you no thank you JKSZd-bty30-00335-00090486-00090688 for calling in I hope you have an JKSZd-bty30-00336-00090689-00091037 absolutely amazing rest of the day JKSZd-bty30-00337-00091038-00091487 um and a congratulations okay love JKSZd-bty30-00338-00091488-00091894 thank you you are welcome I'm gonna go JKSZd-bty30-00339-00091895-00092087 directly to the next caller if you would JKSZd-bty30-00340-00092088-00092338 like to be one of my callers today eight JKSZd-bty30-00341-00092339-00092681 four five two seven seven nine one three JKSZd-bty30-00342-00092682-00092981 one is the number JKSZd-bty30-00343-00092982-00093244 oh you can also ask questions on YouTube JKSZd-bty30-00344-00093245-00093443 if you would JKSZd-bty30-00345-00093444-00093743 like to the next caller is four zero JKSZd-bty30-00346-00093744-00094150 five four zero five oh what's your name JKSZd-bty30-00347-00094151-00094541 where you from JKSZd-bty30-00348-00094542-00094882 this is Shelly p and I'm in Oklahoma hey JKSZd-bty30-00349-00094883-00095368 Shelly how can I help you today JKSZd-bty30-00350-00095369-00095555 I'm already getting emotional JKSZd-bty30-00351-00095556-00095747 um I wanted to see if you could connect JKSZd-bty30-00352-00095748-00096011 my brother Matt and see if he has a JKSZd-bty30-00353-00096012-00096143 message for me JKSZd-bty30-00354-00096144-00096299 okay yes JKSZd-bty30-00355-00096300-00096617 okay so Shelly I instantly am hearing JKSZd-bty30-00356-00096618-00096832 the song oh and I'm getting Goosebumps JKSZd-bty30-00357-00096833-00097091 I'm instantly hearing the song I was JKSZd-bty30-00358-00097092-00097476 talking about in your head in your head JKSZd-bty30-00359-00097477-00097967 there is it dying or crying zombie yeah JKSZd-bty30-00360-00097968-00098344 okay bye zombie yeah okay so JKSZd-bty30-00361-00098345-00098591 I'm gonna tell you JKSZd-bty30-00362-00098592-00098891 um first I want to ask you do you have a JKSZd-bty30-00363-00098892-00099149 question comment something you want to JKSZd-bty30-00364-00099150-00099455 ask him like a what um I keep getting JKSZd-bty30-00365-00099456-00099688 like a why what do you want to know from JKSZd-bty30-00366-00099689-00100006 him he's good he's good oh my God the JKSZd-bty30-00367-00100007-00100168 Goosebumps I feel like I need to pull JKSZd-bty30-00368-00100169-00100403 one of the 20 blankets on my couch over JKSZd-bty30-00369-00100404-00100582 me right now JKSZd-bty30-00370-00100583-00100787 um he's here he's his energy is very JKSZd-bty30-00371-00100788-00101015 strong please tell me what do you can JKSZd-bty30-00372-00101016-00101200 what do you want to know from him for JKSZd-bty30-00373-00101201-00101476 real for real JKSZd-bty30-00374-00101477-00101668 if he forgives me JKSZd-bty30-00375-00101669-00101915 absolutely wanna he's saying there's JKSZd-bty30-00376-00101916-00102185 nothing to be forgiven there's nothing JKSZd-bty30-00377-00102186-00102397 to be forgiven JKSZd-bty30-00378-00102398-00102640 there's nothing JKSZd-bty30-00379-00102641-00102989 there's nothing to be forgiven JKSZd-bty30-00380-00102990-00103318 that's what he says that's okay he's JKSZd-bty30-00381-00103319-00103486 saying this this is what he's saying JKSZd-bty30-00382-00103488-00103703 that's what kids do that's what siblings JKSZd-bty30-00383-00103704-00103978 do that's that's just the way it is JKSZd-bty30-00384-00103979-00104308 that's just the way it is that's just JKSZd-bty30-00385-00104309-00104573 the way it is you didn't care there's JKSZd-bty30-00386-00104574-00105004 nothing to be forgiven and he okay so if JKSZd-bty30-00387-00105005-00105347 he's going even a step further JKSZd-bty30-00388-00105348-00105719 he's saying this and I hope this helps JKSZd-bty30-00389-00105720-00106078 you he's saying I know who I was JKSZd-bty30-00390-00106079-00106690 I know who I was and I know how I was JKSZd-bty30-00391-00106691-00106852 so JKSZd-bty30-00392-00106853-00107345 he is taking stock in his part of it JKSZd-bty30-00393-00107346-00107657 he's like taking responsibility for his JKSZd-bty30-00394-00107658-00107878 part of this okay love JKSZd-bty30-00395-00107879-00108190 he's taking he says okay JKSZd-bty30-00396-00108191-00108401 and then this the other statement he's JKSZd-bty30-00397-00108402-00108695 saying it always it takes uh he's JKSZd-bty30-00398-00108696-00108989 singing this song It Takes Two it takes JKSZd-bty30-00399-00108990-00109301 two me and you so it's he's like saying JKSZd-bty30-00400-00109302-00109463 it always takes two whether it goes JKSZd-bty30-00401-00109464-00109678 right wrong in different everything JKSZd-bty30-00402-00109679-00109890 takes two people JKSZd-bty30-00403-00109891-00110333 nothing nothing is always on one person JKSZd-bty30-00404-00110333-00110573 and he I feel like JKSZd-bty30-00405-00110574-00110999 um JKSZd-bty30-00406-00111000-00111377 was I and and I'm sorry but I'm I'm just JKSZd-bty30-00407-00111378-00111707 gonna ask was his mind as far as you JKSZd-bty30-00408-00111708-00112036 know was his mind okay and there's a JKSZd-bty30-00409-00112038-00112589 reason I'm asking this JKSZd-bty30-00410-00112590-00112675 okay JKSZd-bty30-00411-00112676-00112828 was JKSZd-bty30-00412-00112829-00113021 um sweetie that that was a question was JKSZd-bty30-00413-00113022-00113375 his mind okay prior to his passing was JKSZd-bty30-00414-00113376-00113807 his mind okay JKSZd-bty30-00415-00113808-00114377 um he he was conflicted yeah yeah so JKSZd-bty30-00416-00114378-00114599 that song makes perfect sense and what I JKSZd-bty30-00417-00114600-00114784 said in the beginning of the show when I JKSZd-bty30-00418-00114785-00115066 was talking about that show about that JKSZd-bty30-00419-00115067-00115343 song with somebody in their mind they JKSZd-bty30-00420-00115344-00115660 were not so don't in your head yeah in JKSZd-bty30-00421-00115661-00115919 your head don't take this on this was JKSZd-bty30-00422-00115920-00116308 this is his this was this was seriously JKSZd-bty30-00423-00116309-00116710 his okay so don't take it on that it was JKSZd-bty30-00424-00116711-00116849 um JKSZd-bty30-00425-00116850-00117101 this had anything to do with you this JKSZd-bty30-00426-00117102-00117304 was all JKSZd-bty30-00427-00117305-00117460 it JKSZd-bty30-00428-00117461-00117701 um I think you get what I'm saying right JKSZd-bty30-00429-00117702-00117910 you understand what he's saying not what JKSZd-bty30-00430-00117911-00118060 I'm saying what he's saying right so JKSZd-bty30-00431-00118061-00118510 please no he is he is telling you JKSZd-bty30-00432-00118511-00118733 and the biggest message he could give JKSZd-bty30-00433-00118733-00118984 you right now is I'm at peace I'm JKSZd-bty30-00434-00118985-00119278 finally at peace all the voices JKSZd-bty30-00435-00119279-00119369 um JKSZd-bty30-00436-00119370-00119699 have all the conflict all of it has JKSZd-bty30-00437-00119700-00120058 stopped am I yeah I am at peas not am I JKSZd-bty30-00438-00120059-00120325 at peace but I am at peace JKSZd-bty30-00439-00120326-00120901 and I am I am good I am good okay love JKSZd-bty30-00440-00120902-00121121 okay that makes me feel a little bit JKSZd-bty30-00441-00121122-00121325 better thank you so much you are so JKSZd-bty30-00442-00121326-00121469 welcome and he wants you to know he JKSZd-bty30-00443-00121470-00121895 loves you he please don't he loves you JKSZd-bty30-00444-00121896-00122375 so much and you have more JKSZd-bty30-00445-00122376-00122752 than you can handle on your plate and he JKSZd-bty30-00446-00122753-00123136 he gets that okay love JKSZd-bty30-00447-00123138-00123484 okay thank you all right thank you so JKSZd-bty30-00448-00123485-00123695 much for your time you are so welcome JKSZd-bty30-00449-00123696-00124186 and I hope this was helpful for you JKSZd-bty30-00450-00124188-00124540 thank you so much you are so welcome JKSZd-bty30-00451-00124541-00124697 um and thank you so much for calling in JKSZd-bty30-00452-00124698-00125021 the next caller is going to be 203. I JKSZd-bty30-00453-00125022-00125140 just want to go JKSZd-bty30-00454-00125141-00125371 um JKSZd-bty30-00455-00125372-00125789 uh if I found my purpose or am I Aaron JKSZd-bty30-00456-00125790-00126016 on YouTube wants to know what career do JKSZd-bty30-00457-00126017-00126173 you see me in JKSZd-bty30-00458-00126174-00126454 have I found my purpose or am I JKSZd-bty30-00459-00126455-00126743 hindering my potential okay Erin I'm JKSZd-bty30-00460-00126744-00127090 going to say to you JKSZd-bty30-00461-00127091-00127283 you have found your purpose is she JKSZd-bty30-00462-00127283-00127499 working in her purpose not quite yet JKSZd-bty30-00463-00127500-00127745 you're on your way there JKSZd-bty30-00464-00127746-00128002 um where you are now is a stepping stone JKSZd-bty30-00465-00128003-00128297 to your where you're going to be with JKSZd-bty30-00466-00128298-00128549 your purpose so keep going JKSZd-bty30-00467-00128550-00128825 um this is one step and then JKSZd-bty30-00468-00128826-00128897 um JKSZd-bty30-00469-00128898-00129202 you'll be there soon and Aaron when you JKSZd-bty30-00470-00129203-00129413 say have I found my purpose I don't know JKSZd-bty30-00471-00129414-00129790 why I see this now I see a book now this JKSZd-bty30-00472-00129791-00129947 could mean you're supposed to write JKSZd-bty30-00473-00129948-00130054 books JKSZd-bty30-00474-00130055-00130234 um this could mean maybe you teach JKSZd-bty30-00475-00130235-00130414 reading or teach JKSZd-bty30-00476-00130415-00130823 um but something with books is part JKSZd-bty30-00477-00130824-00131207 part of your purpose part of your JKSZd-bty30-00478-00131208-00131501 purpose JKSZd-bty30-00479-00131502-00131735 Erin it's not your whole purpose you JKSZd-bty30-00480-00131736-00132059 don't have one thing as your purpose you JKSZd-bty30-00481-00132060-00132293 have several things as your purpose I'm JKSZd-bty30-00482-00132294-00132701 going to go to 203 now 203 what's your JKSZd-bty30-00483-00132702-00133313 name little girl what's your name JKSZd-bty30-00484-00133314-00133840 I'm sorry 2003 JKSZd-bty30-00485-00133841-00134201 hello 203 JKSZd-bty30-00486-00134202-00134519 okay we're gonna go to the next caller JKSZd-bty30-00487-00134520-00134783 um who is eight five six and maybe they JKSZd-bty30-00488-00134784-00135127 didn't like my song JKSZd-bty30-00489-00135128-00135461 five six JKSZd-bty30-00490-00135462-00135666 what's your name JKSZd-bty30-00491-00135667-00136078 I'm good how are you love JKSZd-bty30-00492-00136079-00136223 doing good JKSZd-bty30-00493-00136224-00136469 that's Maria from Jersey JKSZd-bty30-00494-00136470-00136666 um I don't know what messages I've been JKSZd-bty30-00495-00136667-00136804 getting it's kind of weird the last JKSZd-bty30-00496-00136805-00136954 couple weeks um JKSZd-bty30-00497-00136955-00137116 28th I got JKSZd-bty30-00498-00137117-00137561 two it's called what chloride ID blocked JKSZd-bty30-00499-00137562-00137807 and I don't know who it is and JKSZd-bty30-00500-00137808-00138035 I was at work last Friday and I get a JKSZd-bty30-00501-00138036-00138161 call in JKSZd-bty30-00502-00138162-00138335 I don't know who it was I was trying to JKSZd-bty30-00503-00138336-00138466 get a hold of me at work they don't JKSZd-bty30-00504-00138467-00138713 usually call there but I was wondering JKSZd-bty30-00505-00138714-00139025 what messages is supposed to JKSZd-bty30-00506-00139026-00139366 be mean about that your name is Rosemary JKSZd-bty30-00507-00139367-00139733 right JKSZd-bty30-00508-00139734-00139913 thank you JKSZd-bty30-00509-00139914-00140104 um instantly JKSZd-bty30-00510-00140105-00140177 um JKSZd-bty30-00511-00140178-00141664 foreign JKSZd-bty30-00512-00141665-00142181 I hear now this is this is what I'm JKSZd-bty30-00513-00142182-00142295 gonna say JKSZd-bty30-00514-00142296-00142631 it's um there's a JKSZd-bty30-00515-00142632-00143140 there's a grandma on the other side JKSZd-bty30-00516-00143141-00143519 that's trying to JKSZd-bty30-00517-00143520-00143945 let you know she's with you now I first JKSZd-bty30-00518-00143946-00144131 of all this might be the call this might JKSZd-bty30-00519-00144132-00144328 not be the call but there's a grandma on JKSZd-bty30-00520-00144329-00144509 the other side that's trying to let you JKSZd-bty30-00521-00144510-00144749 know she is with you JKSZd-bty30-00522-00144750-00145090 and I feel like it's the grandma who's JKSZd-bty30-00523-00145091-00145445 been on the other side the longest JKSZd-bty30-00524-00145446-00145690 that's the message I'm getting if you JKSZd-bty30-00525-00145691-00145859 have more than one grandma on the other JKSZd-bty30-00526-00145860-00145961 side JKSZd-bty30-00527-00145962-00146177 it's the grandma who's been on the other JKSZd-bty30-00528-00146178-00146740 side the longest now having said that JKSZd-bty30-00529-00146741-00146933 um JKSZd-bty30-00530-00146934-00147328 what is the phone call then JKSZd-bty30-00531-00147329-00147604 I'm not sure if she's pushing the phone JKSZd-bty30-00532-00147605-00147851 call through or if it's some something JKSZd-bty30-00533-00147852-00148013 else JKSZd-bty30-00534-00148014-00148181 um JKSZd-bty30-00535-00148182-00148487 but I know there is a grandma on the JKSZd-bty30-00536-00148488-00148697 other side trying to get you a message JKSZd-bty30-00537-00148698-00149177 and the message that I'm getting is the JKSZd-bty30-00538-00149178-00149459 um wow that's funny JKSZd-bty30-00539-00149460-00149728 um the first song I hear is don't worry JKSZd-bty30-00540-00149729-00150064 be happy and then and I don't think I JKSZd-bty30-00541-00150065-00150235 need to sing that I think everybody JKSZd-bty30-00542-00150236-00150502 knows that song JKSZd-bty30-00543-00150503-00150983 um and then the second thing that your JKSZd-bty30-00544-00150984-00151228 grandmother is is saying it's a JKSZd-bty30-00545-00151229-00151414 statement it's all going to take care of JKSZd-bty30-00546-00151415-00151714 itself and it all comes out in the wash JKSZd-bty30-00547-00151715-00152183 so whatever is going on in your life JKSZd-bty30-00548-00152184-00152543 and I know right now life is not JKSZd-bty30-00549-00152544-00152999 um easy for for it's not as easy as it JKSZd-bty30-00550-00153000-00153209 could be for most people JKSZd-bty30-00551-00153210-00153443 um it's all going to take care of itself JKSZd-bty30-00552-00153444-00153726 and it all comes out in the wash so JKSZd-bty30-00553-00153727-00153995 don't worry everything's gonna work JKSZd-bty30-00554-00153996-00154259 itself out is basically what she wants JKSZd-bty30-00555-00154260-00154583 you to know and I feel like I I'm gonna JKSZd-bty30-00556-00154584-00154919 ask you something have you been looking JKSZd-bty30-00557-00154920-00155137 have you been trying to figure out JKSZd-bty30-00558-00155138-00155399 something have you been trying to figure JKSZd-bty30-00559-00155400-00155792 out something JKSZd-bty30-00560-00155793-00156066 [Music] JKSZd-bty30-00561-00156067-00156275 they can always hit and I was trying to JKSZd-bty30-00562-00156276-00156473 get a hold of me and try to open a JKSZd-bty30-00563-00156474-00156611 business with them JKSZd-bty30-00564-00156612-00156773 stuff and JKSZd-bty30-00565-00156774-00156959 it's not petting out and not returning JKSZd-bty30-00566-00156960-00157157 calls and all that so JKSZd-bty30-00567-00157158-00157439 so we get out where I'm at from work JKSZd-bty30-00568-00157440-00157793 okay so what I'm hearing JKSZd-bty30-00569-00157794-00158028 is don't JKSZd-bty30-00570-00158029-00158237 don't do it JKSZd-bty30-00571-00158238-00158537 I can't tell people what to do I'm not JKSZd-bty30-00572-00158538-00158752 personally me I'm not telling you what JKSZd-bty30-00573-00158753-00158951 to do but if you're listening to your JKSZd-bty30-00574-00158952-00159323 loved ones or Angels on the other side JKSZd-bty30-00575-00159324-00159826 um I'm hearing don't do it because it JKSZd-bty30-00576-00159827-00160121 you will regret it okay anything you JKSZd-bty30-00577-00160122-00160366 want to do you can do JKSZd-bty30-00578-00160367-00160637 you're you're better on your own than JKSZd-bty30-00579-00160638-00160864 you are JKSZd-bty30-00580-00160865-00161135 you're you're stronger on your own you JKSZd-bty30-00581-00161136-00161323 don't you're JKSZd-bty30-00582-00161324-00161573 what I'm hearing is JKSZd-bty30-00583-00161574-00161801 you have everything you need to do this JKSZd-bty30-00584-00161802-00162064 you have everything you need to do this JKSZd-bty30-00585-00162065-00162376 you don't need JKSZd-bty30-00586-00162377-00162778 somebody else or first yeah I just hear JKSZd-bty30-00587-00162779-00163037 you're better on your own don't don't go JKSZd-bty30-00588-00163038-00163378 back your future is not where your butt JKSZd-bty30-00589-00163379-00164135 is JKSZd-bty30-00590-00164136-00164435 for future is you know just keep looking JKSZd-bty30-00591-00164436-00164723 forward and I think what they meant by JKSZd-bty30-00592-00164724-00165023 that is your future is not where your JKSZd-bty30-00593-00165024-00165257 booty is is that maybe they're calling JKSZd-bty30-00594-00165258-00165575 that past person out saying he might be JKSZd-bty30-00595-00165576-00165802 a bit of a booty if you get what I mean JKSZd-bty30-00596-00165803-00166049 or they might be a bit of a booty JKSZd-bty30-00597-00166050-00166283 whatever that means all I'm saying is JKSZd-bty30-00598-00166284-00166597 keep looking forward the right people JKSZd-bty30-00599-00166598-00166949 will come in and not hold you Hostage to JKSZd-bty30-00600-00166950-00167326 things okay beautiful JKSZd-bty30-00601-00167327-00167716 okay okay I hope this is helpful and I JKSZd-bty30-00602-00167717-00167902 hope that you JKSZd-bty30-00603-00167903-00168299 you listen to them because it's anything JKSZd-bty30-00604-00168300-00168635 you want and that's meant for you will JKSZd-bty30-00605-00168636-00168904 come together without chaos okay love JKSZd-bty30-00606-00168905-00169187 and without being held hostage and JKSZd-bty30-00607-00169188-00169349 without being held hostage okay JKSZd-bty30-00608-00169350-00169643 beautiful JKSZd-bty30-00609-00169644-00169901 okay okay thank you so much for calling JKSZd-bty30-00610-00169902-00170189 in I hope this was helpful for you JKSZd-bty30-00611-00170190-00170452 okay JKSZd-bty30-00612-00170453-00170707 yeah if it's ever well that happened JKSZd-bty30-00613-00170708-00171095 thanks you are so welcome you have an JKSZd-bty30-00614-00171096-00171425 amazing rest of the day again thank you JKSZd-bty30-00615-00171426-00171604 everybody on YouTube everybody who JKSZd-bty30-00616-00171605-00171778 called in everybody who's listening and JKSZd-bty30-00617-00171779-00172054 watching I just adore each and every one JKSZd-bty30-00618-00172055-00172626 of you until next time big hugs JKSZd-bty30-00619-00172627-00173716 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00000-00000624-00001145 oh JMsMsvuMJ3o-00001-00001146-00001553 okay my food got this JMsMsvuMJ3o-00002-00001554-00003233 okay I got it JMsMsvuMJ3o-00003-00003234-00003881 oh JMsMsvuMJ3o-00004-00003882-00005315 tab you walk in yoga class JMsMsvuMJ3o-00005-00005316-00005767 oh JMsMsvuMJ3o-00006-00005768-00006433 my God oh JMsMsvuMJ3o-00007-00006434-00006631 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00008-00006631-00007139 my God JMsMsvuMJ3o-00009-00007140-00008605 foreign JMsMsvuMJ3o-00010-00008606-00009039 put your legs up like that JMsMsvuMJ3o-00011-00009040-00009455 [Laughter] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00012-00009456-00009695 I think you're very guessing JMsMsvuMJ3o-00013-00009696-00010453 yeah JMsMsvuMJ3o-00014-00010454-00010974 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00016-00014340-00014466 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00017-00014468-00014861 okay so you hop yeah JMsMsvuMJ3o-00018-00014862-00015455 ha JMsMsvuMJ3o-00019-00015456-00017215 hmm JMsMsvuMJ3o-00020-00017216-00017729 sorry let me go go let me go let me go JMsMsvuMJ3o-00021-00017730-00019541 all right JMsMsvuMJ3o-00022-00019542-00019730 laughs JMsMsvuMJ3o-00023-00019731-00020489 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00024-00020490-00022414 okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00025-00022415-00023164 laughs JMsMsvuMJ3o-00026-00023165-00023428 I'm okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00027-00023429-00023933 jump oh okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00028-00023934-00024392 okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00030-00027554-00028264 crazy moms Unleashed JMsMsvuMJ3o-00031-00028266-00029489 oops JMsMsvuMJ3o-00032-00029489-00031483 foreign JMsMsvuMJ3o-00033-00031485-00032723 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00034-00032724-00035190 this is what we're gonna try to do JMsMsvuMJ3o-00035-00035191-00035489 oh my God JMsMsvuMJ3o-00036-00035490-00035785 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00037-00035786-00037133 anyway you kind of like bend down okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00038-00037134-00038735 I don't know JMsMsvuMJ3o-00039-00038736-00039253 okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00040-00039254-00039467 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00041-00039468-00039695 hello I'm your instructor Felicia for JMsMsvuMJ3o-00042-00039696-00041410 yoga JMsMsvuMJ3o-00043-00041411-00041610 [Laughter] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00044-00041611-00042037 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00045-00042038-00042911 thank you JMsMsvuMJ3o-00046-00042912-00044477 [Laughter] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00047-00044478-00044717 so what are you gonna do I'm gonna run JMsMsvuMJ3o-00048-00044718-00044974 across to that wallet hit the wall and JMsMsvuMJ3o-00049-00044975-00045196 then jump on that wall in a matter of JMsMsvuMJ3o-00050-00045197-00045389 seconds I'll like dive over it all right JMsMsvuMJ3o-00051-00045390-00045827 go JMsMsvuMJ3o-00052-00045828-00046627 wait JMsMsvuMJ3o-00053-00046628-00046937 just break your hand it's your mother do JMsMsvuMJ3o-00054-00046938-00047123 it again JMsMsvuMJ3o-00055-00047124-00047543 I don't understand why I can't do it JMsMsvuMJ3o-00056-00047544-00048077 okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00057-00048078-00048407 are you ready what yeah see Kylie Jenner JMsMsvuMJ3o-00058-00048408-00048599 and tiger are fishing over JMsMsvuMJ3o-00059-00048600-00048836 oh okay JMsMsvuMJ3o-00060-00048837-00049733 [Laughter] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00061-00049734-00049979 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00062-00049980-00050099 cow JMsMsvuMJ3o-00063-00050100-00050795 yeah JMsMsvuMJ3o-00064-00050796-00051415 one two one JMsMsvuMJ3o-00065-00051416-00051526 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00066-00051527-00051911 let's see JMsMsvuMJ3o-00067-00051912-00053177 foreign JMsMsvuMJ3o-00068-00053178-00055529 [Laughter] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00069-00055530-00055666 [Music] JMsMsvuMJ3o-00070-00055667-00055988 yeah there's a bus JM-CTfskWoU-00000-00000061-00001223 [Music] JM-CTfskWoU-00001-00001224-00001407 hi john what are you doing JM-CTfskWoU-00002-00001408-00001687 hi rosa i'm planning the apprenticeship JM-CTfskWoU-00003-00001688-00001743 for JM-CTfskWoU-00004-00001744-00001959 the new apprentices who are joining us JM-CTfskWoU-00005-00001960-00002087 this year JM-CTfskWoU-00006-00002088-00002350 they arrived next week yes i know and i JM-CTfskWoU-00007-00002351-00002567 wanted to tell you something about that JM-CTfskWoU-00008-00002568-00002758 you will get a call for a meeting that JM-CTfskWoU-00009-00002759-00002926 i'm organizing with the other 4 JM-CTfskWoU-00010-00002927-00003199 section managers i want to review some JM-CTfskWoU-00011-00003200-00003254 important JM-CTfskWoU-00012-00003255-00003447 information with you on health and JM-CTfskWoU-00013-00003447-00003647 safety quality standards JM-CTfskWoU-00014-00003647-00003943 recycling and environmental policies as JM-CTfskWoU-00015-00003944-00004135 far as i know nothing similar has been JM-CTfskWoU-00016-00004136-00004231 done before JM-CTfskWoU-00017-00004232-00004454 you are right but the boss told me that JM-CTfskWoU-00018-00004455-00004679 this year we have to do it better JM-CTfskWoU-00019-00004680-00004911 last year we received some complaints JM-CTfskWoU-00020-00004912-00005079 from a training center JM-CTfskWoU-00021-00005080-00005263 because one of the apprentices didn't JM-CTfskWoU-00022-00005264-00005502 know how to react when he had an JM-CTfskWoU-00023-00005503-00005575 accident JM-CTfskWoU-00024-00005576-00005902 at the workshop yes i know safety issues JM-CTfskWoU-00025-00005903-00006199 most important okay i will have to check JM-CTfskWoU-00026-00006200-00006254 all that JM-CTfskWoU-00027-00006255-00006542 all that stuff again i think that we JM-CTfskWoU-00028-00006543-00006639 already have JM-CTfskWoU-00029-00006640-00006991 signals information and posters in all JM-CTfskWoU-00030-00006992-00007127 our workshops JM-CTfskWoU-00031-00007128-00007439 they are in basque and spanish maybe we JM-CTfskWoU-00032-00007440-00007646 should make new ones in english JM-CTfskWoU-00033-00007647-00007959 because i know that some of the new JM-CTfskWoU-00034-00007959-00008046 apprentices JM-CTfskWoU-00035-00008047-00008319 are foreigners i know and we will also JM-CTfskWoU-00036-00008320-00008495 have to check the personal protective JM-CTfskWoU-00037-00008496-00008727 equipment do you remember if we have JM-CTfskWoU-00038-00008728-00008831 enough masks JM-CTfskWoU-00039-00008832-00009151 goggles safety boots and helmets JM-CTfskWoU-00040-00009152-00009439 yes i met mike last week and he told me JM-CTfskWoU-00041-00009440-00009567 that he had renewed JM-CTfskWoU-00042-00009568-00009887 all that stuff because the ones we had JM-CTfskWoU-00043-00009888-00010231 were already old and worn out i think JM-CTfskWoU-00044-00010232-00010423 that he also brought some new JM-CTfskWoU-00045-00010424-00010687 safety vests safety is one of our main JM-CTfskWoU-00046-00010688-00010951 concerns when training apprentices JM-CTfskWoU-00047-00010952-00011246 yes true young people are not aware of JM-CTfskWoU-00048-00011247-00011295 risk JM-CTfskWoU-00049-00011296-00011623 and hazard at work yeah i'm thinking JM-CTfskWoU-00050-00011624-00011695 that maybe JM-CTfskWoU-00051-00011696-00011959 we could speak with mike and organize JM-CTfskWoU-00052-00011960-00012055 some kind of JM-CTfskWoU-00053-00012056-00012374 training session and have evidence JM-CTfskWoU-00054-00012375-00012703 of have trained these apprentices i will JM-CTfskWoU-00055-00012704-00012966 organize a meeting when everybody is in JM-CTfskWoU-00056-00012967-00013158 and i will inform them about the JM-CTfskWoU-00057-00013159-00013407 company's activities and policies JM-CTfskWoU-00058-00013408-00013615 and we will also work on quality JM-CTfskWoU-00059-00013616-00013791 management issues JM-CTfskWoU-00060-00013791-00014007 in the audits they always ask for JM-CTfskWoU-00061-00014008-00014215 evidences on this kind of training JM-CTfskWoU-00062-00014216-00014327 initiatives JM-CTfskWoU-00063-00014328-00014558 okay then you will inform them about JM-CTfskWoU-00064-00014559-00014711 certifications JM-CTfskWoU-00065-00014712-00014966 don't forget to introduce them to sandra JM-CTfskWoU-00066-00014968-00015094 the quality manager JM-CTfskWoU-00067-00015095-00015279 she has always everything very well JM-CTfskWoU-00068-00015280-00015415 organized and JM-CTfskWoU-00069-00015416-00015599 if i'm not mistaken she prepared last JM-CTfskWoU-00070-00015600-00015727 year some kind of JM-CTfskWoU-00071-00015728-00016015 leaflet for the apprentices regarding to JM-CTfskWoU-00072-00016016-00016047 the JM-CTfskWoU-00073-00016047-00016350 safety issues yes and we will also have JM-CTfskWoU-00074-00016351-00016599 to verify if they have the certification JM-CTfskWoU-00075-00016600-00016630 for JM-CTfskWoU-00076-00016631-00016943 special activities apprentices may work JM-CTfskWoU-00077-00016944-00017303 at the heights or may drive a forklift JM-CTfskWoU-00078-00017304-00017583 oh yes that's true they are not allowed JM-CTfskWoU-00079-00017584-00017743 to perform these activities JM-CTfskWoU-00080-00017744-00017894 unless they have the updated JM-CTfskWoU-00081-00017895-00018094 certifications yes JM-CTfskWoU-00082-00018095-00018383 i will ask the supervisor to include JM-CTfskWoU-00083-00018384-00018422 this JM-CTfskWoU-00084-00018423-00018671 certification on the apprentices JM-CTfskWoU-00085-00018672-00018814 curriculum vitae JM-CTfskWoU-00086-00018815-00019030 what about the environmental policy i JM-CTfskWoU-00087-00019031-00019191 heard that something must be done JM-CTfskWoU-00088-00019192-00019407 about it because it's included in the JM-CTfskWoU-00089-00019408-00019575 quality policy of the company JM-CTfskWoU-00090-00019576-00019839 and all the staff must know about it yes JM-CTfskWoU-00091-00019840-00020086 well that topic is victor's concerned JM-CTfskWoU-00092-00020087-00020255 i know that he has planned some JM-CTfskWoU-00093-00020256-00020503 activities and some extra homework for JM-CTfskWoU-00094-00020504-00020622 the apprentices JM-CTfskWoU-00095-00020623-00020863 we have to share all the information JM-CTfskWoU-00096-00020864-00020999 some plans we have JM-CTfskWoU-00097-00021000-00021278 on green competences we also have to JM-CTfskWoU-00098-00021279-00021350 encourage them JM-CTfskWoU-00099-00021351-00021727 to follow our recycling managing policy JM-CTfskWoU-00100-00021728-00022039 all the bins and posters are visible in JM-CTfskWoU-00101-00022040-00022319 the different workshops yes i think we JM-CTfskWoU-00102-00022320-00022350 have JM-CTfskWoU-00103-00022351-00022663 all previous work quite well organized JM-CTfskWoU-00104-00022664-00023256 okay i will wait for your meeting call JMaLvnLlxfy-00000-00000051-00000266 the Shara dynasty was one of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00001-00000267-00000455 principal lineages in the early history JMaLvnLlxfy-00002-00000456-00000674 of the present-day states of Kerala and JMaLvnLlxfy-00003-00000675-00000874 Tamil Nadu and union territory of JMaLvnLlxfy-00004-00000875-00001135 Puducherry in southern India together JMaLvnLlxfy-00005-00001136-00001369 with the cholas of Urrea in the pandyas JMaLvnLlxfy-00006-00001370-00001429 of Madurai JMaLvnLlxfy-00007-00001430-00001610 the early Cera's were known as one of JMaLvnLlxfy-00008-00001611-00001814 the three major political powers of JMaLvnLlxfy-00009-00001814-00002012 ancient to me like M southern India in JMaLvnLlxfy-00010-00002013-00002189 the early centuries of the Common Era JMaLvnLlxfy-00011-00002190-00002374 the Cheras owed their importance to JMaLvnLlxfy-00012-00002375-00002584 exchange of spices and other products JMaLvnLlxfy-00013-00002585-00002701 with the Middle Eastern and JMaLvnLlxfy-00014-00002702-00003010 Mediterranean greco-roman merchants the JMaLvnLlxfy-00015-00003011-00003197 geographical advantages like the JMaLvnLlxfy-00016-00003198-00003406 favorable monsoon winds which carried JMaLvnLlxfy-00017-00003407-00003590 ships directly from the Arabia to JMaLvnLlxfy-00018-00003590-00003772 southern India as well as the abundance JMaLvnLlxfy-00019-00003773-00003992 of exotic spices in the interior got JMaLvnLlxfy-00020-00003993-00004163 mountains and the presence of a large JMaLvnLlxfy-00021-00004164-00004336 number of rivers connecting the Ghats JMaLvnLlxfy-00022-00004337-00004529 with the Arabian Sea combined to make JMaLvnLlxfy-00023-00004530-00004700 the chair as a major power in ancient JMaLvnLlxfy-00024-00004701-00004906 southern India along with the I've ELLs JMaLvnLlxfy-00025-00004907-00005066 in the south and the easy himalaya JMaLvnLlxfy-00026-00005067-00005263 Shaka's in the north the early chair has JMaLvnLlxfy-00027-00005264-00005431 formed the three principal ruling JMaLvnLlxfy-00028-00005432-00005708 polities of ancient kerala the age and JMaLvnLlxfy-00029-00005709-00005906 antiquity of the Cheras is difficult to JMaLvnLlxfy-00030-00005907-00006149 establish the exact location of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00031-00006150-00006325 Shara homeland is also a matter of JMaLvnLlxfy-00032-00006326-00006611 scholarly debate the early chair is of JMaLvnLlxfy-00033-00006612-00006800 the early historical period early JMaLvnLlxfy-00034-00006801-00007004 centuries of the Common Era are known to JMaLvnLlxfy-00035-00007005-00007178 have established bases at various JMaLvnLlxfy-00036-00007179-00007433 locations such as van Chi Kirov or mu JMaLvnLlxfy-00037-00007434-00007472 Chiri JMaLvnLlxfy-00038-00007473-00007688 muzie eros and thunder tin Dee's among JMaLvnLlxfy-00039-00007689-00007928 others after the end of the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00040-00007929-00008108 historical period around the fifth JMaLvnLlxfy-00041-00008109-00008333 century CE II there seems to be a period JMaLvnLlxfy-00042-00008334-00008495 where the Cheras power declined JMaLvnLlxfy-00043-00008496-00008735 considerably the anthology early tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00044-00008736-00008942 poems known as the Sangam the academy JMaLvnLlxfy-00045-00008943-00009110 literature mentions the names of a JMaLvnLlxfy-00046-00009111-00009299 number of Charis and the court poets who JMaLvnLlxfy-00047-00009300-00009545 extolled them the path the true path who JMaLvnLlxfy-00048-00009546-00009737 is devoted exclusively to the Sheryl JMaLvnLlxfy-00049-00009738-00009977 Royals the internal chronology of this JMaLvnLlxfy-00050-00009978-00010169 collection is still far from completely JMaLvnLlxfy-00051-00010170-00010352 settled and a connected account of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00052-00010353-00010541 history of the period as an area of JMaLvnLlxfy-00053-00010542-00010841 active research lúthien charile medam JMaLvnLlxfy-00054-00010842-00011033 cheralathan and cheng a Tuvan are some JMaLvnLlxfy-00055-00011034-00011204 of the rulers referred to in the tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00056-00011205-00011489 literature chengdu Tuvan Shara the most JMaLvnLlxfy-00057-00011490-00011693 renowned of the early Charis is also JMaLvnLlxfy-00058-00011694-00011834 famous for the traditions surrounding JMaLvnLlxfy-00059-00011835-00012104 kanaky the principal female character of JMaLvnLlxfy-00060-00012105-00012311 the tamil epic poem chil epatha karim JMaLvnLlxfy-00061-00012312-00012557 other sources for the early Cera's JMaLvnLlxfy-00062-00012558-00012755 include Tamil Brahmi cave label JMaLvnLlxfy-00063-00012756-00012964 inscriptions and coins classical JMaLvnLlxfy-00064-00012965-00013120 Sanskrit works and accounts by JMaLvnLlxfy-00065-00013121-00013369 greco-roman writers the konbu Cera's are JMaLvnLlxfy-00066-00013370-00013418 also JMaLvnLlxfy-00067-00013419-00013588 to have controlled caravan she in JMaLvnLlxfy-00068-00013590-00013811 central Tamilnadu at various points in JMaLvnLlxfy-00069-00013812-00014119 time the Cheras of Makati Khalsa Kara's JMaLvnLlxfy-00070-00014121-00014330 former mooch Erie modern coding dollar JMaLvnLlxfy-00071-00014331-00014641 were in power between C 9th and 12th JMaLvnLlxfy-00072-00014643-00014909 century in Kerala the exact nature of JMaLvnLlxfy-00073-00014910-00015083 the relationships between the various JMaLvnLlxfy-00074-00015084-00015260 lines of Shara rulers is somewhat JMaLvnLlxfy-00075-00015261-00015518 unclear it is known that the Cheras were JMaLvnLlxfy-00076-00015519-00015688 intermittently subject to the pandya JMaLvnLlxfy-00077-00015690-00015857 kingdom and the chola empire among JMaLvnLlxfy-00078-00015858-00016144 others the rulers of vana do based out JMaLvnLlxfy-00079-00016146-00016346 of the port of colum in southern Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00080-00016347-00016523 claimed their ancestry from the coton JMaLvnLlxfy-00081-00016524-00016769 dollar Charis ravi varma kulasekhara JMaLvnLlxfy-00082-00016770-00017045 their most ambitious ruler set out to JMaLvnLlxfy-00083-00017046-00017255 expand his kingdom by annexing the ruins JMaLvnLlxfy-00084-00017256-00017471 of the other southern kingdoms in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00085-00017472-00017705 modern period the rulers of Cochin and JMaLvnLlxfy-00086-00017706-00017924 Travancore in Kerala also claimed the JMaLvnLlxfy-00087-00017925-00018542 title Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00088-00018543-00019078 topic etymology JMaLvnLlxfy-00089-00019079-00019333 the term sharra and its variant form JMaLvnLlxfy-00090-00019334-00019644 kerala stands for the ruling lineage in JMaLvnLlxfy-00091-00019645-00019816 the country associated with them the JMaLvnLlxfy-00092-00019817-00020136 etymology Shara is still a matter of JMaLvnLlxfy-00093-00020137-00020299 considerable speculation among JMaLvnLlxfy-00094-00020300-00020544 historians one approach proposes that JMaLvnLlxfy-00095-00020545-00020725 the word is derived from charile a JMaLvnLlxfy-00096-00020726-00020935 corruption of Carroll meaning declivity JMaLvnLlxfy-00097-00020936-00021219 of a mountain in Tamil suggesting a JMaLvnLlxfy-00098-00021220-00021336 connection with the mountainous JMaLvnLlxfy-00099-00021337-00021480 geography of Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00100-00021481-00021753 another theory argues that the chair JMaLvnLlxfy-00101-00021754-00022147 Alam is derived from share sand and a JMaLvnLlxfy-00102-00022148-00022513 lamb region literally meaning the slushy JMaLvnLlxfy-00103-00022514-00022764 land quote got apart from the JMaLvnLlxfy-00104-00022765-00022999 speculations mentioned a number of other JMaLvnLlxfy-00105-00023000-00023253 theories do appear in historical studies JMaLvnLlxfy-00106-00023254-00023530 in ancient non tamil sources the Cheras JMaLvnLlxfy-00107-00023531-00023818 are referred to by various names the JMaLvnLlxfy-00108-00023819-00024028 Cheras are referred as kettle a puto JMaLvnLlxfy-00109-00024029-00024369 sanskrit kerala Putra in the emperor JMaLvnLlxfy-00110-00024370-00024702 ashoka spa li edicts third century BCE JMaLvnLlxfy-00111-00024703-00024975 while Pliny the Elder and Claudius JMaLvnLlxfy-00112-00024976-00025200 Ptolemy refer to the Cheras as kalo JMaLvnLlxfy-00113-00025201-00025483 botros and Carib otros respectively the JMaLvnLlxfy-00114-00025484-00025774 greco-roman trade map periplus Marisa JMaLvnLlxfy-00115-00025775-00025981 Ruth ray refers to the Cheras as kepro JMaLvnLlxfy-00116-00025982-00026332 buttress all these greco-roman names are JMaLvnLlxfy-00117-00026333-00026629 evidently corruptions of kadala puto JMaLvnLlxfy-00118-00026630-00026905 Kerala Putra probably received through JMaLvnLlxfy-00119-00026906-00027177 relations with northern India the term JMaLvnLlxfy-00120-00027178-00027451 chair Alam to view or chair and TIV you JMaLvnLlxfy-00121-00027452-00027781 and its cognates meaning the island of JMaLvnLlxfy-00122-00027782-00028027 the Shara Kings is a classical Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00123-00028027-00028267 name of sri lanka that takes root from JMaLvnLlxfy-00124-00028268-00028935 the term Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00125-00028936-00029433 topic history JMaLvnLlxfy-00126-00029435-00029774 you JMaLvnLlxfy-00127-00029775-00030402 topic Cera's of ancient south india JMaLvnLlxfy-00128-00030402-00030676 recent theories on ancient south indian JMaLvnLlxfy-00129-00030677-00030852 history suggests that the three major JMaLvnLlxfy-00130-00030853-00031068 rulers the pandya the shara and the JMaLvnLlxfy-00131-00031069-00031279 chola based at their original bases in JMaLvnLlxfy-00132-00031280-00031495 the interior tamil nadu namely madurai JMaLvnLlxfy-00133-00031495-00031732 car van Chi and yer a year respectively JMaLvnLlxfy-00134-00031733-00032127 had established a strategic outlets to JMaLvnLlxfy-00135-00032128-00032370 the Indian Ocean namely cork I mu cheery JMaLvnLlxfy-00136-00032372-00032574 mu series and Kaveri pump a tandem JMaLvnLlxfy-00137-00032575-00032845 respectively territory of the Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00138-00032846-00033058 Kingdom of the early historical period JMaLvnLlxfy-00139-00033059-00033268 consisted of the present-day Paulo cod JMaLvnLlxfy-00140-00033269-00033465 Thrissur and Malappuram districts of JMaLvnLlxfy-00141-00033466-00033682 Kerala and the Coimbatore tyrick IRA JMaLvnLlxfy-00142-00033683-00033886 Polly and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu JMaLvnLlxfy-00143-00033887-00034099 the Cheras are referred as kettle of JMaLvnLlxfy-00144-00034100-00034408 Budo Sanskrit Kerala Putra in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00145-00034409-00034608 emperor Ashoka is Polly edicts third JMaLvnLlxfy-00146-00034609-00034951 century BCE the earliest Greek Oh Roman JMaLvnLlxfy-00147-00034952-00035133 accounts referring to the Cera's are by JMaLvnLlxfy-00148-00035134-00035332 Pliny the Elder in the first century CE JMaLvnLlxfy-00149-00035333-00035557 II in the periplus of the first century JMaLvnLlxfy-00150-00035558-00035827 CE II and by Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd JMaLvnLlxfy-00151-00035828-00036099 century CE II Greeks and Romans are JMaLvnLlxfy-00152-00036100-00036145 called JMaLvnLlxfy-00153-00036146-00036448 yavanas in early Indian literature a JMaLvnLlxfy-00154-00036449-00036643 number of sanskrit works does mention JMaLvnLlxfy-00155-00036644-00036793 the family and land of the Cheras JMaLvnLlxfy-00156-00036794-00036995 careless whether the particular JMaLvnLlxfy-00157-00036996-00037215 references were present in the earliest JMaLvnLlxfy-00158-00037216-00037446 oral forms or were added subsequently as JMaLvnLlxfy-00159-00037447-00037711 a matter of considerable discourse the JMaLvnLlxfy-00160-00037712-00037890 present form of a thoria aaron yeah JMaLvnLlxfy-00161-00037891-00038083 connotes the chera pada as one of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00162-00038084-00038262 three peoples who did not follow some JMaLvnLlxfy-00163-00038263-00038542 ancient injunctions the Aaron yuccas are JMaLvnLlxfy-00164-00038543-00038718 a later development of the brahmanas JMaLvnLlxfy-00165-00038719-00038911 explanations of the Vedas which were JMaLvnLlxfy-00166-00038912-00039249 originally composed C 7th 8th century JMaLvnLlxfy-00167-00039250-00039318 BCE JMaLvnLlxfy-00168-00039319-00039558 there are also brief references in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00169-00039559-00039757 present forms of the works by author and JMaLvnLlxfy-00170-00039758-00040042 commentator Cathy Anna C 3rd 4th century JMaLvnLlxfy-00171-00040043-00040314 BCE author and philosopher Pathan jolly JMaLvnLlxfy-00172-00040315-00040648 C 2nd century BCE and Moria statesman JMaLvnLlxfy-00173-00040649-00040942 and philosopher catelleya Chanakya C 3rd JMaLvnLlxfy-00174-00040943-00041176 4th century BCE those Sanskrit JMaLvnLlxfy-00175-00041177-00041439 grammarian pondan e C 6th 5th century JMaLvnLlxfy-00176-00041440-00041658 BCE does not mention either the people JMaLvnLlxfy-00177-00041659-00041911 or the land a large body of Tamil works JMaLvnLlxfy-00178-00041912-00042093 collectively known as the Sangam the JMaLvnLlxfy-00179-00042094-00042387 Academy literature C 1st 4th century CE JMaLvnLlxfy-00180-00042388-00042627 II describes a number of Shara Pangaea JMaLvnLlxfy-00181-00042628-00042895 and chola rulers among them the most JMaLvnLlxfy-00182-00042896-00043083 important sources for the Cheras JMaLvnLlxfy-00183-00043084-00043251 the path the true path to the Econo JMaLvnLlxfy-00184-00043252-00043521 Nehru and the piranha rail the path the JMaLvnLlxfy-00185-00043522-00043698 true path ooh the fourth book in the a JMaLvnLlxfy-00186-00043699-00043917 tooth acai anthology mentions a number JMaLvnLlxfy-00187-00043918-00044085 of rulers and heirs apparent of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00188-00044086-00044373 Sherriff family each ruler is praised in JMaLvnLlxfy-00189-00044374-00044670 10 songs sung by a court poet however JMaLvnLlxfy-00190-00044671-00044862 the book is not worked into connected JMaLvnLlxfy-00191-00044863-00045101 history and settled chronology so far JMaLvnLlxfy-00192-00045102-00045385 lúthien charile medam cheralathan and JMaLvnLlxfy-00193-00045386-00045537 cheng a Tuvan are some of the rulers JMaLvnLlxfy-00194-00045538-00045732 referred to in the tamil literature a JMaLvnLlxfy-00195-00045733-00046014 method known as Gaja bahu cheng ative in JMaLvnLlxfy-00196-00046015-00046185 synchronism is used by some historians JMaLvnLlxfy-00197-00046186-00046395 to date the events described in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00198-00046396-00046729 early tamil literature to the C 1st 2nd JMaLvnLlxfy-00199-00046730-00046992 century CE II despite its dependency on JMaLvnLlxfy-00200-00046993-00047185 numerous conjectures the method is JMaLvnLlxfy-00201-00047186-00047352 considered as the sheet anchor for the JMaLvnLlxfy-00202-00047353-00047511 purpose of dating the events in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00203-00047512-00047782 early Tamil literature I Lang go at JMaLvnLlxfy-00204-00047783-00048010 Eagle author of the legendary Tamil epic JMaLvnLlxfy-00205-00048011-00048240 poem chil epatha Karim describes Changa JMaLvnLlxfy-00206-00048241-00048480 Tuvan as his elder brother he also JMaLvnLlxfy-00207-00048481-00048687 mentions Chengdu tuvans decision to JMaLvnLlxfy-00208-00048688-00048904 propitiate a temple lyrically for the JMaLvnLlxfy-00209-00048905-00049151 goddess Patti me kanaky at Vinci a JMaLvnLlxfy-00210-00049152-00049435 certain king called Gaja ba who often JMaLvnLlxfy-00211-00049436-00049671 identified with gods Abajo king of Sri JMaLvnLlxfy-00212-00049672-00049944 Lanka 2nd century CE II was present at JMaLvnLlxfy-00213-00049945-00050118 the patentee Festival advance she in JMaLvnLlxfy-00214-00050119-00050412 this context Changa Toobin can be dated JMaLvnLlxfy-00215-00050413-00050589 to either the first or last quarter of JMaLvnLlxfy-00216-00050590-00051187 the 2nd century CE II JMaLvnLlxfy-00217-00051188-00051798 topic archaeological discoveries JMaLvnLlxfy-00218-00051799-00052044 archeology has found epigraphic and JMaLvnLlxfy-00219-00052045-00052254 numismatic evidence of the early Charis JMaLvnLlxfy-00220-00052255-00052498 two almost identical inscriptions JMaLvnLlxfy-00221-00052499-00052723 discovered from puggle er near car dated JMaLvnLlxfy-00222-00052724-00053007 to the c 1st 2nd century ce e described JMaLvnLlxfy-00223-00053008-00053224 three generations of Shera rulers of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00224-00053225-00053463 Iram pora clan they record the JMaLvnLlxfy-00225-00053464-00053631 construction of a rock shelter for JMaLvnLlxfy-00226-00053632-00053769 Jane's on the occasion of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00227-00053770-00054034 investiture of Ilam Cadden go son of JMaLvnLlxfy-00228-00054035-00054250 param ki dong go and the grandson of co JMaLvnLlxfy-00229-00054251-00054553 8th and Jarrell I romper I a short Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00230-00054554-00054748 Brahmin inscription containing the word JMaLvnLlxfy-00231-00054749-00054843 Shera JMaLvnLlxfy-00232-00054844-00055072 was found at Eid Akal in the Western JMaLvnLlxfy-00233-00055073-00055240 Ghats an ancient trade route from JMaLvnLlxfy-00234-00055241-00055482 coastal settlements in Kerala such as mu JMaLvnLlxfy-00235-00055483-00055680 cheery or thon D through the pal cat gap JMaLvnLlxfy-00236-00055682-00055909 to car in interior Tamil Nadu can be JMaLvnLlxfy-00237-00055910-00056098 traced with the help of archaeological JMaLvnLlxfy-00238-00056099-00056376 evidence historians are yet to precisely JMaLvnLlxfy-00239-00056377-00056643 locate mu cirrus known in Tamil as mu JMaLvnLlxfy-00240-00056644-00056937 cheery a base of the share of rulers JMaLvnLlxfy-00241-00056938-00057162 archaeological excavations at putana JMaLvnLlxfy-00242-00057163-00057397 near Cochin suggest a strong case of JMaLvnLlxfy-00243-00057398-00057673 identification of the location Roman JMaLvnLlxfy-00244-00057674-00057879 coins have over a period of time been JMaLvnLlxfy-00245-00057880-00058090 discovered in large numbers from Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00246-00058091-00058281 and the Coimbatore Cairo region from JMaLvnLlxfy-00247-00058282-00058512 locations such as KDM caner Valley JMaLvnLlxfy-00248-00058513-00058924 Valley iyy al valor in katakana a number JMaLvnLlxfy-00249-00058925-00059118 of coins assumed to be of the Charis JMaLvnLlxfy-00250-00059119-00059335 mostly found in the 'martha the riverbed JMaLvnLlxfy-00251-00059336-00059503 are a major source early Shera JMaLvnLlxfy-00252-00059504-00059781 historiography this include a number of JMaLvnLlxfy-00253-00059782-00059976 punch marked coins discovered from a JMaLvnLlxfy-00254-00059977-00060247 Marva the riverbed the issuing of punch JMaLvnLlxfy-00255-00060248-00060436 marked coins were followed by square JMaLvnLlxfy-00256-00060437-00060618 coins of copper and it's alloys or JMaLvnLlxfy-00257-00060619-00060898 silver most of these early square coins JMaLvnLlxfy-00258-00060899-00061104 show a bow and arrow the traditional JMaLvnLlxfy-00259-00061105-00061312 emblem of the Cheras on the obverse with JMaLvnLlxfy-00260-00061313-00061600 or without any legend a copper coin with JMaLvnLlxfy-00261-00061601-00061782 a bow and arrow elephant goad an JMaLvnLlxfy-00262-00061783-00061978 elephant was discovered from Pathan Dom JMaLvnLlxfy-00263-00061979-00062250 in central Kerala a bronze die for JMaLvnLlxfy-00264-00062251-00062398 minting punch marked coins was JMaLvnLlxfy-00265-00062399-00062562 discovered from the riverbed in car JMaLvnLlxfy-00266-00062563-00062775 other discoveries include a coin with a JMaLvnLlxfy-00267-00062776-00062998 portrait and the legend mocked coat eye JMaLvnLlxfy-00268-00062999-00063262 above it and another one with a portrait JMaLvnLlxfy-00269-00063263-00063565 and the legend ku Tuvan coat eye above JMaLvnLlxfy-00270-00063566-00063768 it both in pure silver coins are JMaLvnLlxfy-00271-00063769-00064029 tentatively dated to see first century JMaLvnLlxfy-00272-00064030-00064285 CE II or a little later the reverse side JMaLvnLlxfy-00273-00064286-00064510 of both coins are blank the impure JMaLvnLlxfy-00274-00064511-00064731 silver coins bearing the legend call a JMaLvnLlxfy-00275-00064732-00065134 poor eye and coli rump or I was also JMaLvnLlxfy-00276-00065135-00065173 disc JMaLvnLlxfy-00277-00065174-00065413 heard from Cara all legends assumed to JMaLvnLlxfy-00278-00065414-00065605 be the names of the shara rulers were in JMaLvnLlxfy-00279-00065606-00065802 Tamil Brahmi characters on the obverse JMaLvnLlxfy-00280-00065803-00066094 the macro analysis of the Mokpo Thai JMaLvnLlxfy-00281-00066095-00066301 coin shows close similarities with the JMaLvnLlxfy-00282-00066302-00066604 contemporary Roman silver coin a silver JMaLvnLlxfy-00283-00066605-00066775 coin with the portrait of a person JMaLvnLlxfy-00284-00066776-00066955 wearing a Roman type bristled crown JMaLvnLlxfy-00285-00066956-00067156 helmet was also discovered from a Marv JMaLvnLlxfy-00286-00067157-00067432 at the riverbed in car reverse side of JMaLvnLlxfy-00287-00067433-00067639 the coin depicts a bow and arrow the JMaLvnLlxfy-00288-00067640-00068297 traditional symbol of the sheriff family JMaLvnLlxfy-00289-00068298-00068585 topic major Cera's according to the JMaLvnLlxfy-00290-00068586-00069016 early Tamil literature JMaLvnLlxfy-00291-00069017-00069305 lúthien cheralathan earliest-known ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00292-00069306-00069497 of the sheriff family lúthien charile JMaLvnLlxfy-00293-00069498-00069718 was also known as van of robin JMaLvnLlxfy-00294-00069719-00069845 cheralathan JMaLvnLlxfy-00295-00069846-00070037 his headquarters was at KU Zoomer in JMaLvnLlxfy-00296-00070038-00070286 Kuta not he is sometimes identified with JMaLvnLlxfy-00297-00070287-00070511 the shara ruler who prepared food for JMaLvnLlxfy-00298-00070512-00070730 the warring cousins at kuruksetra war in JMaLvnLlxfy-00299-00070731-00071015 the epic Mahabharata economy Rou in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00300-00071016-00071207 battle of veni lúthien cherrylle was JMaLvnLlxfy-00301-00071208-00071393 wounded on the back by the chola ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00302-00071394-00071638 Caracalla unable to bear the disgrace JMaLvnLlxfy-00303-00071639-00071885 the shara committed suicide by slow JMaLvnLlxfy-00304-00071886-00072232 starvation nedum cheralathan amaya JMaLvnLlxfy-00305-00072233-00072544 vermin medam cheralathan son of Afyon JMaLvnLlxfy-00306-00072545-00072761 cheralathan is the hero of the second JMaLvnLlxfy-00307-00072762-00072929 decade of path the true path to which JMaLvnLlxfy-00308-00072930-00073207 was composed by the poet canon ER in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00309-00073208-00073438 poems medam cheralathan is praised for JMaLvnLlxfy-00310-00073439-00073760 having subdued seven crowned kings to JMaLvnLlxfy-00311-00073761-00073979 achieve the title of a D Raja with JMaLvnLlxfy-00312-00073980-00074201 characteristic exaggeration Canon are JMaLvnLlxfy-00313-00074202-00074405 also LODs the sheriff or conquering foes JMaLvnLlxfy-00314-00074406-00074672 from kumari to the Himalayas nedum JMaLvnLlxfy-00315-00074673-00074882 cheralathan famous for his hospitality JMaLvnLlxfy-00316-00074883-00075107 gifted Canon ER with a part of um Barca JMaLvnLlxfy-00317-00075108-00075350 to the greatest of his enemies were the JMaLvnLlxfy-00318-00075351-00075542 Kadam bus' whom he defeated in battles JMaLvnLlxfy-00319-00075543-00075824 he also attacked Yavana ships and held JMaLvnLlxfy-00320-00075825-00076025 yvonna traders ransom nedum cheralathan JMaLvnLlxfy-00321-00076026-00076259 was killed in a battle with a chola JMaLvnLlxfy-00322-00076260-00076523 ruler the chola is also said to have JMaLvnLlxfy-00323-00076524-00076694 been killed by a spear thrown at him by JMaLvnLlxfy-00324-00076695-00076982 nedum cheralathan subsequently both JMaLvnLlxfy-00325-00076983-00077201 queens performed such a in respect of JMaLvnLlxfy-00326-00077202-00077482 their husbands Palli ani cell keller JMaLvnLlxfy-00327-00077483-00077701 couch even son of a-- theand cheralathan JMaLvnLlxfy-00328-00077702-00077987 credited as the Conqueror of Kangoo hero JMaLvnLlxfy-00329-00077988-00078203 of the third decade by polite Katamon JMaLvnLlxfy-00330-00078204-00078530 are calanque akane normandy charile hero JMaLvnLlxfy-00331-00078531-00078791 of the fourth decade by capya - cuca P&R JMaLvnLlxfy-00332-00078792-00078974 led an expedition against the adhigam JMaLvnLlxfy-00333-00078975-00079271 and angie of tag être initially defeated JMaLvnLlxfy-00334-00079272-00079481 by nanana VZ him allah in the battle of JMaLvnLlxfy-00335-00079482-00079721 posi later defeated and killed nanan in JMaLvnLlxfy-00336-00079722-00080042 the Battle of Viki paramter I Changa JMaLvnLlxfy-00337-00080043-00080326 Tuvan identified with kadal pura cotija JMaLvnLlxfy-00338-00080327-00080597 vel Kazuki Tuvan son of nedum JMaLvnLlxfy-00339-00080598-00080867 cheralathan celebrated by poet Parana in JMaLvnLlxfy-00340-00080868-00081050 the fifth decade ascended to the shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00341-00081051-00081317 throne after the death of his father vel JMaLvnLlxfy-00342-00081318-00081530 Kazuko Tuvan is often identified with JMaLvnLlxfy-00343-00081531-00081848 the legendary Changa - van Shara the JMaLvnLlxfy-00344-00081849-00082031 most illustrious ruler of the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00345-00082032-00082250 Charis under his reign the Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00346-00082251-00082326 territory JMaLvnLlxfy-00347-00082327-00082542 extended from column a lie near caravan JMaLvnLlxfy-00348-00082543-00082737 chi in the east tooth on D and Manti JMaLvnLlxfy-00349-00082738-00083043 Kerala on the western coast the wife of JMaLvnLlxfy-00350-00083044-00083244 Chengdu Tuvan was Elango venmo the JMaLvnLlxfy-00351-00083245-00083529 daughter of a Valier chief in the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00352-00083530-00083697 years of his rule the coup Tuvan JMaLvnLlxfy-00353-00083698-00083886 successfully intervened in a succession JMaLvnLlxfy-00354-00083887-00084090 dispute in the chola territory and JMaLvnLlxfy-00355-00084091-00084270 established his relative chili on the JMaLvnLlxfy-00356-00084271-00084534 chola throne the rivals of kilee were JMaLvnLlxfy-00357-00084535-00084702 defeated in the battle of narrow Vale JMaLvnLlxfy-00358-00084703-00085017 Urrea the Kadam Bazaar described as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00359-00085018-00085311 arch enemies of the cher ruler who Tuvan JMaLvnLlxfy-00360-00085312-00085485 was able to defeat them in the Battle of JMaLvnLlxfy-00361-00085486-00085851 I double the layer the fort of Kedah JMaLvnLlxfy-00362-00085852-00086061 core in which the Kadamba Warriors took JMaLvnLlxfy-00363-00086062-00086301 shelter was stormed later the Kadamba is JMaLvnLlxfy-00364-00086302-00086478 helped by the yavanas attacked coup JMaLvnLlxfy-00365-00086479-00086661 Tuvan by sea but the Shara ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00366-00086662-00086919 destroyed their fleet ku Tuvan is said JMaLvnLlxfy-00367-00086920-00087111 to have defeated the Kangoo people and a JMaLvnLlxfy-00368-00087112-00087420 warrior called mugger Manon a Duke code JMaLvnLlxfy-00369-00087421-00087681 cheralathan successor of vel cazuca JMaLvnLlxfy-00370-00087682-00087882 Tuvan hero of the sixth decade by JMaLvnLlxfy-00371-00087883-00088118 poetess piped in ER Nichelle I our JMaLvnLlxfy-00372-00088119-00088449 selves academ Cavalia Athan Salva Kadam JMaLvnLlxfy-00373-00088450-00088656 Cavalia Athan was the son of antiphon JMaLvnLlxfy-00374-00088657-00088854 Jarrell in the hero of the seventh set JMaLvnLlxfy-00375-00088855-00089124 of poems composed by capillar his JMaLvnLlxfy-00376-00089125-00089361 residence was at the city of thon D he JMaLvnLlxfy-00377-00089362-00089535 married the sister of the wife of nedum JMaLvnLlxfy-00378-00089536-00089805 cheralathan Selva Kadam Co defeated the JMaLvnLlxfy-00379-00089806-00089991 combined armies of the pandyas in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00380-00089992-00090294 Cholas he is sometimes identified as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00381-00090295-00090501 co 8th and Jarrell Iram poor I mentioned JMaLvnLlxfy-00382-00090502-00090675 in the errand a dermal eye inscription JMaLvnLlxfy-00383-00090676-00091048 of pug ler C 2nd century CE II JMaLvnLlxfy-00384-00091049-00091396 perum cheral irumporai tagger Dora Renta JMaLvnLlxfy-00385-00091397-00091663 perum cheral irumporai defeated the JMaLvnLlxfy-00386-00091664-00091882 combined armies of the pandyas Chile's JMaLvnLlxfy-00387-00091883-00092070 in that of the chief of tag etre JMaLvnLlxfy-00388-00092071-00092347 celebrated by poet original kazar in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00389-00092348-00092566 eighth decade he captured tag leader JMaLvnLlxfy-00390-00092567-00092746 which was ruled by the powerful ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00391-00092747-00093088 adhigam an easy hni he is also called JMaLvnLlxfy-00392-00093089-00093397 the Lord of poo Gina doin the lord of JMaLvnLlxfy-00393-00093398-00093691 column alai and the Lord of pump bahar JMaLvnLlxfy-00394-00093692-00093991 bahar was the chola headquarters perum JMaLvnLlxfy-00395-00093992-00094207 cheral irumporai also annexed the JMaLvnLlxfy-00396-00094208-00094414 territories of a minor chief called Kalu JMaLvnLlxfy-00397-00094415-00094717 ville Ilham charile Iram por I praised JMaLvnLlxfy-00398-00094718-00094906 in the ninth decade by poor encounter JMaLvnLlxfy-00399-00094907-00095134 kazar Ilham charile Iram por I defeated JMaLvnLlxfy-00400-00095135-00095305 the pandyas in the Cholas and brought JMaLvnLlxfy-00401-00095306-00095602 immense wealth to his base van Shi Yoon JMaLvnLlxfy-00402-00095603-00095830 I catch I mentor and Jerell I romper I JMaLvnLlxfy-00403-00095831-00096046 mentor and cherrylle Iram poor I ruled JMaLvnLlxfy-00404-00096047-00096253 from column a lie near Caravan chi in JMaLvnLlxfy-00405-00096254-00096439 the east tooth on D and Manti on the JMaLvnLlxfy-00406-00096440-00096730 western coast he defeated his enemies in JMaLvnLlxfy-00407-00096731-00096931 a battle at villain call the famous JMaLvnLlxfy-00408-00096932-00097150 panda ruler medam chesh in early 3rd JMaLvnLlxfy-00409-00097151-00097345 century ce e captured man Thorin JMaLvnLlxfy-00410-00097346-00097606 cherrylle as a prisoner however he JMaLvnLlxfy-00411-00097607-00097786 managed to escape and regain the lost JMaLvnLlxfy-00412-00097787-00098143 territories koneko i rump or iconically JMaLvnLlxfy-00413-00098144-00098347 r employer is said to have defeated a JMaLvnLlxfy-00414-00098348-00098542 chief called movin and imprisoned in him JMaLvnLlxfy-00415-00098543-00098785 the shara then brutally pulled out the JMaLvnLlxfy-00416-00098786-00098950 teeth of the prisoner and planted them JMaLvnLlxfy-00417-00098951-00099220 on the gates of the city of thon D upon JMaLvnLlxfy-00418-00099221-00099427 capture by the chola ruler sangun and JMaLvnLlxfy-00419-00099428-00100125 conical committed suicide by starvation JMaLvnLlxfy-00420-00100126-00100719 topic Cera's in medieval period JMaLvnLlxfy-00421-00100720-00100926 after the end of the early historical JMaLvnLlxfy-00422-00100927-00101199 period see the 5th century CE II there JMaLvnLlxfy-00423-00101200-00101379 seems to be a period where the Sherriff JMaLvnLlxfy-00424-00101380-00101554 family's political prestige and JMaLvnLlxfy-00425-00101555-00101823 influence declined considerably it is JMaLvnLlxfy-00426-00101824-00101988 possible that with the decline of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00427-00101989-00102180 Roman trade in the fifth century there JMaLvnLlxfy-00428-00102181-00102385 was corresponding fall in the stature of JMaLvnLlxfy-00429-00102386-00102630 the Charis the chairs of the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00430-00102631-00102876 historical period had an important basic JMaLvnLlxfy-00431-00102877-00103110 car probably same as the early tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00432-00103111-00103338 literature Age Vinci itself in central JMaLvnLlxfy-00433-00103339-00103632 Tamilnadu gradually towards the end of JMaLvnLlxfy-00434-00103633-00103869 the early historical period car seems to JMaLvnLlxfy-00435-00103870-00104103 have acquired much prominence by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00436-00104104-00104286 eighth ninth centuries it came to be JMaLvnLlxfy-00437-00104288-00104619 known as van G car little is known for JMaLvnLlxfy-00438-00104620-00104800 certain about the Sherriff family during JMaLvnLlxfy-00439-00104801-00105054 this period tradition tells that the JMaLvnLlxfy-00440-00105055-00105238 caliber at calve our rulers kept the JMaLvnLlxfy-00441-00105239-00105441 Shara Chola and Pandya rulers in their JMaLvnLlxfy-00442-00105442-00105651 confinement the calibers were JMaLvnLlxfy-00443-00105652-00105913 marginalized see the 5th century by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00444-00105914-00106108 rise of the Chou Lucas and the Paulo vez JMaLvnLlxfy-00445-00106108-00106377 the rashtrakutas were other major power JMaLvnLlxfy-00446-00106378-00106618 in southern India they all claim to have JMaLvnLlxfy-00447-00106619-00106873 overrun the Cheras careless a number of JMaLvnLlxfy-00448-00106874-00107056 inscriptions mentions their victories JMaLvnLlxfy-00449-00107057-00107323 over the king of share a country small JMaLvnLlxfy-00450-00107324-00107526 buffer polities such as that of the I've JMaLvnLlxfy-00451-00107527-00107733 ELLs oscillated their allegiance in this JMaLvnLlxfy-00452-00107734-00107916 period between major rulers by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00453-00107917-00108090 seventh in the eighth centuries large JMaLvnLlxfy-00454-00108091-00108288 portions of southern India was under the JMaLvnLlxfy-00455-00108289-00108489 control of the pala VII and Pandy rulers JMaLvnLlxfy-00456-00108490-00108765 it is likely that the surviving share a JMaLvnLlxfy-00457-00108766-00108958 Kerala Royals were the vassals of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00458-00108958-00109209 pala vez and the pandyas several JMaLvnLlxfy-00459-00109210-00109434 inscriptions of the Kangoo Charis i.e JMaLvnLlxfy-00460-00109435-00109720 Cera's ruling from car in copper and JMaLvnLlxfy-00461-00109721-00109957 stone mostly placed between 9th and 10th JMaLvnLlxfy-00462-00109958-00110160 centuries are found in central tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00463-00110161-00110449 nadu this line of Kings was increasingly JMaLvnLlxfy-00464-00110450-00110644 coming under the Pandya influence and a JMaLvnLlxfy-00465-00110645-00110853 new share a kingdom kalasa kara was JMaLvnLlxfy-00466-00110854-00111148 taking shape in modern Kerala Cera's of JMaLvnLlxfy-00467-00111149-00111333 car are described as members of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00468-00111334-00111678 Chandra DG Akula kalasa Kara's coding JMaLvnLlxfy-00469-00111679-00111850 dollar Cera's generally describes JMaLvnLlxfy-00470-00111851-00112168 themselves as members of Surya vamsa it JMaLvnLlxfy-00471-00112169-00112353 is innocuous to conclude that by 8th JMaLvnLlxfy-00472-00112354-00112560 century CE II the old share a territory JMaLvnLlxfy-00473-00112561-00112813 was split into two separate kingdoms one JMaLvnLlxfy-00474-00112814-00113032 based at car in central tamil nadu and JMaLvnLlxfy-00475-00113033-00113229 the other one based at code on dollar in JMaLvnLlxfy-00476-00113230-00113511 kerala royal inscriptions and temple JMaLvnLlxfy-00477-00113513-00113688 grants the major source of information JMaLvnLlxfy-00478-00113689-00113865 about the rulers of this period JMaLvnLlxfy-00479-00113866-00114078 obnoxiously refer both clans as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00480-00114079-00114106 chair JMaLvnLlxfy-00481-00114107-00114429 careless identification of the Cheras in JMaLvnLlxfy-00482-00114430-00114583 each record as a matter of major JMaLvnLlxfy-00483-00114583-00114879 scholarly discourse the exact nature of JMaLvnLlxfy-00484-00114880-00115096 the relation between the Cheras of Congo JMaLvnLlxfy-00485-00115097-00115306 and the colossi cars Cera's of koden JMaLvnLlxfy-00486-00115307-00115882 dollar remains obscure JMaLvnLlxfy-00487-00115883-00116520 topic cohdon galore Charis kalasa chorus JMaLvnLlxfy-00488-00116521-00116763 a line of rulers described in royal JMaLvnLlxfy-00489-00116764-00116970 charters and temple inscriptions as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00490-00116971-00117152 shara kings are known to have ruled what JMaLvnLlxfy-00491-00117153-00117458 is now Kerala between C 9th and 12th JMaLvnLlxfy-00492-00117459-00117728 century AD the base of their rule was JMaLvnLlxfy-00493-00117729-00117972 the city of Mecca type Vinci Sanskrit JMaLvnLlxfy-00494-00117973-00118269 mahodayapuram modern code on collar the JMaLvnLlxfy-00495-00118270-00118482 history of Kerala during this period as JMaLvnLlxfy-00496-00118483-00118703 an active area of scholarly research and JMaLvnLlxfy-00497-00118704-00118934 debate historians tend to identify JMaLvnLlxfy-00498-00118935-00119247 Nayanar st. German perumal and Alwar st. JMaLvnLlxfy-00499-00119248-00119429 kulasekhara Alwar with some of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00500-00119430-00119607 earliest rulers of this kingdom the JMaLvnLlxfy-00501-00119608-00119793 nature of kulasekhara state as an JMaLvnLlxfy-00502-00119794-00120072 ongoing academic discourse an earlier JMaLvnLlxfy-00503-00120073-00120282 version of historiography had believed JMaLvnLlxfy-00504-00120283-00120572 that this second Shera Empire or JMaLvnLlxfy-00505-00120573-00120902 kulasekhara Empire was a highly JMaLvnLlxfy-00506-00120903-00121151 centralized Kingdom however critical JMaLvnLlxfy-00507-00121152-00121376 research in the late 1960s and early JMaLvnLlxfy-00508-00121377-00121688 1970s offered a major corrective to this JMaLvnLlxfy-00509-00121689-00121950 recently suggestions pointing to the JMaLvnLlxfy-00510-00121951-00122124 other extreme that the king at codon JMaLvnLlxfy-00511-00122125-00122394 Galler had only a ritual sovereignty and JMaLvnLlxfy-00512-00122395-00122670 the actual political power rested with a JMaLvnLlxfy-00513-00122671-00123021 bold and visible Brahmin oligarchy has JMaLvnLlxfy-00514-00123022-00123236 emerged while the earlier model of a JMaLvnLlxfy-00515-00123238-00123566 highly centralized Empire is considered JMaLvnLlxfy-00516-00123567-00123791 not acceptable by historians the third JMaLvnLlxfy-00517-00123792-00123996 model is yet to be endorsed by them the JMaLvnLlxfy-00518-00123997-00124133 cheras of koden dollar were JMaLvnLlxfy-00519-00124134-00124304 intermittently subject to the pandyas JMaLvnLlxfy-00520-00124305-00124533 and the chola empire they strategically JMaLvnLlxfy-00521-00124533-00124788 fought battles and formed alliances with JMaLvnLlxfy-00522-00124789-00125039 the pandyas in the Cholas the shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00523-00125040-00125256 kingdom was eventually dissolved in 12th JMaLvnLlxfy-00524-00125257-00125438 century and most of its autonomous JMaLvnLlxfy-00525-00125439-00125735 chiefdoms became independent the Nadu in JMaLvnLlxfy-00526-00125736-00125885 southern Kerala was one of these JMaLvnLlxfy-00527-00125886-00126120 daughter states in the modern period the JMaLvnLlxfy-00528-00126121-00126335 rulers of Cochin and Travancore in JMaLvnLlxfy-00529-00126336-00127064 Kerala also claimed the title Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00530-00127065-00127735 topic end of coding galore Shara dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00531-00127736-00127991 the villa var Tamil Shara dynasty came JMaLvnLlxfy-00532-00127992-00128260 to an end in 1102 following an attack of JMaLvnLlxfy-00533-00128261-00128468 a tulu invader called kulasekhara JMaLvnLlxfy-00534-00128469-00128753 1102 ad and his successor been a primal JMaLvnLlxfy-00535-00128754-00129119 11:20 ad Carol el pati mentions that a JMaLvnLlxfy-00536-00129120-00129332 tulu invader called been a primal who JMaLvnLlxfy-00537-00129333-00129542 was the brother of to luke inca v raja JMaLvnLlxfy-00538-00129543-00129800 singen kavya loop andhra eleven ten to JMaLvnLlxfy-00539-00129801-00130142 eleven seventy ad of a lupus Pandiyan JMaLvnLlxfy-00540-00130143-00130301 kingdom of to luna do with a large JMaLvnLlxfy-00541-00130302-00130526 narrow army commanded by pademelon air JMaLvnLlxfy-00542-00130527-00130778 when a per mole became the king of all JMaLvnLlxfy-00543-00130779-00131058 kerala for a brief period for 36 years JMaLvnLlxfy-00544-00131059-00131447 1122 1156 ad and established his capital JMaLvnLlxfy-00545-00131448-00131753 at Vala Pathan Emir caner this to Lubin JMaLvnLlxfy-00546-00131754-00131951 a primal is otherwise called pally been JMaLvnLlxfy-00547-00131952-00132179 a primal and also known as last chairman JMaLvnLlxfy-00548-00132180-00132437 perumal in Kerala legends after JMaLvnLlxfy-00549-00132438-00132647 executing his general padam all and air JMaLvnLlxfy-00550-00132648-00132866 facing opposition from his own army been JMaLvnLlxfy-00551-00132867-00133052 a primal who had the support of arabs JMaLvnLlxfy-00552-00133053-00133220 surrendered and left for Arabia JMaLvnLlxfy-00553-00133221-00133535 his son was Kara Petukhov ilaha to UD JMaLvnLlxfy-00554-00133536-00133697 you vermin cola theory who was called JMaLvnLlxfy-00555-00133698-00133904 according to Carol el pati as chairman JMaLvnLlxfy-00556-00133905-00134210 Vatican perumal the cola theory dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00557-00134211-00134414 started by the to Luba no rulers were JMaLvnLlxfy-00558-00134415-00134621 supported by Brahmins and Nagas armies JMaLvnLlxfy-00559-00134622-00134801 from a he chakra who had been brought to JMaLvnLlxfy-00560-00134802-00135041 Kadam abba dynasty by King my Rivera in JMaLvnLlxfy-00561-00135042-00135326 345 ad to fight Tamil villa var Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00562-00135327-00135647 dynasty kulasekhara title was used by JMaLvnLlxfy-00563-00135648-00135866 villa VAR earlier tamil villa var kings JMaLvnLlxfy-00564-00135867-00136061 of Shara dynasty as well as to Louie JMaLvnLlxfy-00565-00136062-00136295 Lupe's Bona invaders used kalasa car a JMaLvnLlxfy-00566-00136296-00136604 title to Luba no rulers were supported JMaLvnLlxfy-00567-00136605-00136790 by a he taught room Brahmins and Tulu JMaLvnLlxfy-00568-00136791-00137051 bunt community subgroups such as nayara JMaLvnLlxfy-00569-00137052-00137264 merinov Ikaruga and Samantha controlled JMaLvnLlxfy-00570-00137265-00137456 northern Kerala with capital at Ville a JMaLvnLlxfy-00571-00137457-00137786 patent Emir caner facing opposition from JMaLvnLlxfy-00572-00137787-00137999 the tulu invaders the tamil code angle JMaLvnLlxfy-00573-00138000-00138218 or Shara dynasty was shifted to colum JMaLvnLlxfy-00574-00138219-00138401 where the Shara dynasty merged with the JMaLvnLlxfy-00575-00138402-00138620 I kingdom forming the Shara I dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00576-00138621-00139390 who ruled Vinod from 1102 to 1314 JMaLvnLlxfy-00577-00139391-00139729 topic the NAD Cera's late-medieval to JMaLvnLlxfy-00578-00139730-00140087 early-modern JMaLvnLlxfy-00579-00140088-00140349 when the coding dollar Shara colosso JMaLvnLlxfy-00580-00140350-00140568 Cara kingdom was eventually dissolved in JMaLvnLlxfy-00581-00140569-00140772 12th century most of its autonomous JMaLvnLlxfy-00582-00140773-00140952 chiefdoms including Vinod became JMaLvnLlxfy-00583-00140953-00141243 independent the rulers of Vinay do based JMaLvnLlxfy-00584-00141244-00141420 out of the port of Coulomb in southern JMaLvnLlxfy-00585-00141421-00141609 Kerala claimed their ancestry from the JMaLvnLlxfy-00586-00141610-00141906 codon Galler Charis the Vinod rulers had JMaLvnLlxfy-00587-00141907-00142083 an oscillating relationship with their JMaLvnLlxfy-00588-00142084-00142269 powerful Eastern neighbours the Pena's JMaLvnLlxfy-00589-00142270-00142554 of Madurai with Cola the Nadu in JMaLvnLlxfy-00590-00142555-00142734 northern Kerala it remained the most JMaLvnLlxfy-00591-00142735-00142932 significant kingdom in Kerala till the JMaLvnLlxfy-00592-00142933-00143094 emergence of the zamorin's of quarry JMaLvnLlxfy-00593-00143095-00143406 code ravi varma kulasekhara the most JMaLvnLlxfy-00594-00143407-00143622 ambitious ruler of Coulomb carried out a JMaLvnLlxfy-00595-00143623-00143835 successful military expedition to JMaLvnLlxfy-00596-00143836-00144021 Pangaea and chola lands in the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00597-00144022-00144647 14th century AD JMaLvnLlxfy-00598-00144648-00145233 topic pangaean rule of Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00599-00145234-00145458 after the fall of coding galore Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00600-00145459-00145683 dynasty the pan yin dynasty became the JMaLvnLlxfy-00601-00145684-00145913 rulers of Kerala in the 12th century the JMaLvnLlxfy-00602-00145914-00146175 Vinod's Shara eye dynasty became a JMaLvnLlxfy-00603-00146176-00146370 vassal of the pangaean dynasty as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00604-00146371-00146574 whole of Kerala was under Pandya ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00605-00146575-00146769 Mara vermin sundara pandyan and his JMaLvnLlxfy-00606-00146770-00147066 successors the Vinod Cera's had marital JMaLvnLlxfy-00607-00147067-00147267 relationships with the Pandiyan dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00608-00147268-00147555 as both were Tamil kingdoms pangaean JMaLvnLlxfy-00609-00147556-00147747 rule over whole of Kerala ended after JMaLvnLlxfy-00610-00147748-00147915 the pangaean defeat at the hands of JMaLvnLlxfy-00611-00147916-00148107 Malik Kafur of the Delhi Sultanate in JMaLvnLlxfy-00612-00148108-00148452 1310 ad after this period all tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00613-00148453-00148659 dynasties came to an end and well placed JMaLvnLlxfy-00614-00148660-00148854 by matrilineal to Lu dynasty's JMaLvnLlxfy-00615-00148855-00149046 originating from coal a theory kingdom JMaLvnLlxfy-00616-00149047-00149349 of Kola the Nadu the last Tamil ruler of JMaLvnLlxfy-00617-00149350-00149547 an ad was Veera uh daya Marthanda Varma JMaLvnLlxfy-00618-00149548-00149796 with the title veerapandiyan son of Ravi JMaLvnLlxfy-00619-00149797-00149970 vermin kulasekhara was forced to JMaLvnLlxfy-00620-00149971-00150219 abdicate in favor of two tulu princesses JMaLvnLlxfy-00621-00150220-00150390 from coal a theory kingdom called a JMaLvnLlxfy-00622-00150391-00150582 tingle and khun amel Rainey's whose sons JMaLvnLlxfy-00623-00150583-00151363 became the kings of an ad after 1314 ad JMaLvnLlxfy-00624-00151364-00152013 topic Tolu Nepalese rule of Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00625-00152014-00152244 the Thule migration to Kerala will JMaLvnLlxfy-00626-00152245-00152406 change the culture and language after JMaLvnLlxfy-00627-00152407-00152739 1310 ad nares mentioned in barker JMaLvnLlxfy-00628-00152740-00152922 inscriptions and until Luna do gramma JMaLvnLlxfy-00629-00152923-00153126 pad Hattie as residents of to Luna do JMaLvnLlxfy-00630-00153127-00153327 were last mentioned in the early 14th JMaLvnLlxfy-00631-00153328-00153528 century from an inscription of a Lupus JMaLvnLlxfy-00632-00153529-00153813 kingdom to loo script Tiggle re script JMaLvnLlxfy-00633-00153814-00154050 was used by the ruling tulu aristocracy JMaLvnLlxfy-00634-00154051-00154236 eventually replacing the malayalam JMaLvnLlxfy-00635-00154237-00154494 writing system Sanskrit Hindi and JMaLvnLlxfy-00636-00154495-00154695 Nepalese words will be incorporated into JMaLvnLlxfy-00637-00154696-00154989 the Malayalam language a matriarchy JMaLvnLlxfy-00638-00154990-00155204 polyandry and metro lineal succession JMaLvnLlxfy-00639-00155205-00155448 came to Vinod after this period the two JMaLvnLlxfy-00640-00155449-00155697 Lucia Trias Brahmins and sudras occupied JMaLvnLlxfy-00641-00155698-00155879 much higher position than indigenous JMaLvnLlxfy-00642-00155880-00156234 malleolus after 1310 to Luba naka JMaLvnLlxfy-00643-00156235-00156432 Kshatriya dynasty freely mixed with a JMaLvnLlxfy-00644-00156433-00156648 heated room Brahmins and nares resulting JMaLvnLlxfy-00645-00156649-00156861 a ruling aristocracy of Brahmin swore JMaLvnLlxfy-00646-00156862-00157065 pam's in an elevated class of nares JMaLvnLlxfy-00647-00157066-00157344 called Samantha mares the support of JMaLvnLlxfy-00648-00157345-00157553 European colonial rulers made them very JMaLvnLlxfy-00649-00157554-00158183 powerful in Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00650-00158184-00158824 topic vinod after 1314 JMaLvnLlxfy-00651-00158825-00159094 Vinod's tamil villa var Shara dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00652-00159095-00159322 was replaced by a to Liu dynasty started JMaLvnLlxfy-00653-00159323-00159538 by acting bull Ronni Ancona Mel Rani in JMaLvnLlxfy-00654-00159539-00159910 1314 ad the first matrilineal King to JMaLvnLlxfy-00655-00159911-00160128 come to power in Vinod was Kanna melody JMaLvnLlxfy-00656-00160129-00160510 Guevara in 1335 this matrilineal to Liu JMaLvnLlxfy-00657-00160511-00160696 dynasty in which after a king his JMaLvnLlxfy-00658-00160697-00160894 sister's son became the king continued JMaLvnLlxfy-00659-00160895-00161101 until a rival dynasty with old Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00660-00161102-00161293 links called Jaya Simha vamp sham was JMaLvnLlxfy-00661-00161294-00161482 formed which ruled from southern Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00662-00161483-00161695 Nadu at Calicut ambasamudram JMaLvnLlxfy-00663-00161696-00161896 Charron Madhavi Khalid eikichi was JMaLvnLlxfy-00664-00161897-00162339 formed these kings between 1444 to 1575 JMaLvnLlxfy-00665-00162340-00162652 married among old tamil dynasties after JMaLvnLlxfy-00666-00162653-00162856 the arrival of Portuguese the European JMaLvnLlxfy-00667-00162857-00163060 colonial rulers strongly supported the JMaLvnLlxfy-00668-00163061-00163309 tulu Nepalese kingdoms spice trade and JMaLvnLlxfy-00669-00163310-00163515 modern weapons provided by the Europeans JMaLvnLlxfy-00670-00163516-00163675 strengthened the tulu dynasties in JMaLvnLlxfy-00671-00163676-00164044 Kerala the tulu a tingle Swarup am kana JMaLvnLlxfy-00672-00164045-00164281 Mel Swarup a man per octave AZ of Nedim JMaLvnLlxfy-00673-00164282-00164470 in God were stinking by the adoption of JMaLvnLlxfy-00674-00164471-00164671 princes and princesses from : three JMaLvnLlxfy-00675-00164672-00164938 Kingdom and Kochi kingdom the rulers of JMaLvnLlxfy-00676-00164939-00165136 Kola Theory Kochi and Sami theory JMaLvnLlxfy-00677-00165137-00165322 kingdoms were formed by the mixture of JMaLvnLlxfy-00678-00165323-00165516 Nambu Theory Brahmins with the bondic a JMaLvnLlxfy-00679-00165517-00165811 Kshatriya tirumal pad mombi Audrey and JMaLvnLlxfy-00680-00165812-00166002 pander Ethel were the titles of Brahmin JMaLvnLlxfy-00681-00166003-00166278 rulers of Kochi and quarry code during JMaLvnLlxfy-00682-00166279-00166573 the Portuguese rule in 1575 Vinod JMaLvnLlxfy-00683-00166574-00166756 adopted many princes from the kola JMaLvnLlxfy-00684-00166757-00166924 through nod and from the Valera Pali JMaLvnLlxfy-00685-00166925-00167143 covilhã Kem which was a brahmin dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00686-00167144-00167434 a brahmin dynasty was established in JMaLvnLlxfy-00687-00167435-00167640 Vinod the Kings were called pander ethel JMaLvnLlxfy-00688-00167641-00167827 and queens were called nan Bharati are JMaLvnLlxfy-00689-00167828-00168015 the brahman member at the are dynasty JMaLvnLlxfy-00690-00168016-00168226 ruled Vinod between sixteen ten to JMaLvnLlxfy-00691-00168227-00168516 sixteen ninety six a tingle queens were JMaLvnLlxfy-00692-00168517-00168733 Namba ready are in that period though JMaLvnLlxfy-00693-00168734-00168915 these Brahmin kings brought the practice JMaLvnLlxfy-00694-00168916-00169183 of adding birth star to their names this JMaLvnLlxfy-00695-00169184-00169363 Brahmin dynasty was opposed by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00696-00169364-00169590 Vilela mixed Nair warlords called a to JMaLvnLlxfy-00697-00169591-00169728 Vidal Pelham are who preferred JMaLvnLlxfy-00698-00169729-00170044 perogative ozzie of Nedim in God ooh my JMaLvnLlxfy-00699-00170045-00170236 Amma Ronnie the last ruler of the NAMM JMaLvnLlxfy-00700-00170237-00170422 beretti our dynasty facing opposition JMaLvnLlxfy-00701-00170423-00170626 from a to beetle pill amar brought more JMaLvnLlxfy-00702-00170627-00170821 of brahmin pander ethel princes from the JMaLvnLlxfy-00703-00170822-00171046 Valera Pali covilhã camp from Kochi as JMaLvnLlxfy-00704-00171047-00171196 well she brought princes and princesses JMaLvnLlxfy-00705-00171197-00171460 sons of Itamar Raja of by poor who were JMaLvnLlxfy-00706-00171461-00171673 part of the Pali covilhã kam a branch of JMaLvnLlxfy-00707-00171674-00171954 kala theory kingdom ooh my AMA Rani was JMaLvnLlxfy-00708-00171955-00172108 supported by the British East India JMaLvnLlxfy-00709-00172109-00172234 Company JMaLvnLlxfy-00710-00172235-00172519 Rama Varma of vinod was the first ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00711-00172520-00172720 of this dynasty followed by Marthanda JMaLvnLlxfy-00712-00172721-00172941 Varma supported by British Travancore JMaLvnLlxfy-00713-00172942-00173127 Kingdom established by Marthanda Varma JMaLvnLlxfy-00714-00173128-00173383 used the Kadamba insignia of conch and JMaLvnLlxfy-00715-00173384-00173584 wheel which were originally the insignia JMaLvnLlxfy-00716-00173585-00173812 of the Kodama the dynasty of Karnataka JMaLvnLlxfy-00717-00173813-00174061 Dovan ad Kings after 1310 ad called JMaLvnLlxfy-00718-00174062-00174247 themselves kalasa car as they are not JMaLvnLlxfy-00719-00174248-00174421 ethnically related to Tamil villa JMaLvnLlxfy-00720-00174422-00174750 varkala Saqqara Shara dynasty the tulu JMaLvnLlxfy-00721-00174751-00174954 kings promoted Grantham Malayalam a JMaLvnLlxfy-00722-00174955-00175188 highly sanskrit eyes form of malayalam JMaLvnLlxfy-00723-00175189-00175360 written with two lute eagle ari script JMaLvnLlxfy-00724-00175361-00175638 the language of western Tamils of Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00725-00175639-00175899 dynasty the Malayalam Tamil Mali yanma JMaLvnLlxfy-00726-00175900-00176131 lingua Malabar Tamil was replaced to JMaLvnLlxfy-00727-00176132-00176296 grant the Malayalam in the nineteenth JMaLvnLlxfy-00728-00176297-00176470 century when the European missionaries JMaLvnLlxfy-00729-00176471-00176754 started promoting this language most of JMaLvnLlxfy-00730-00176755-00176944 the indigenous Dravidian Mali alleys JMaLvnLlxfy-00731-00176945-00177114 including Villa vars who once ruled JMaLvnLlxfy-00732-00177115-00177300 Kerala were the slaves of this northern JMaLvnLlxfy-00733-00177301-00177603 regime until independence the rulers of JMaLvnLlxfy-00734-00177604-00177784 vinod owed their importance to exchange JMaLvnLlxfy-00735-00177785-00177990 of spices and other products with the JMaLvnLlxfy-00736-00177991-00178202 Middle Eastern and Chinese merchants JMaLvnLlxfy-00737-00178203-00178476 Venetian adventurer Marco Polo claimed JMaLvnLlxfy-00738-00178477-00178720 to have visited vinod Capital : a major JMaLvnLlxfy-00739-00178721-00178914 center of commerce and trade with East JMaLvnLlxfy-00740-00178915-00179245 in West Asia European colonizers arrived JMaLvnLlxfy-00741-00179246-00179485 at colum the late 15th century primarily JMaLvnLlxfy-00742-00179486-00179710 in pursuit of the Indian spices and JMaLvnLlxfy-00743-00179711-00180031 textiles in vinod royal family like most JMaLvnLlxfy-00744-00180032-00180256 of other royal houses in Kerala law of JMaLvnLlxfy-00745-00180257-00180418 succession followed was based on JMaLvnLlxfy-00746-00180419-00180706 matrilineal inheritance the eldest son JMaLvnLlxfy-00747-00180707-00180903 of the sister of the ruling King not his JMaLvnLlxfy-00748-00180904-00181099 own son had the legal right to ascend JMaLvnLlxfy-00749-00181100-00181251 the throne after the death of the king JMaLvnLlxfy-00750-00181252-00181546 in the modern period the rulers of an ad JMaLvnLlxfy-00751-00181547-00181735 paid an annual tribute to the rulers of JMaLvnLlxfy-00752-00181736-00182047 Madurai by this time the old state of an JMaLvnLlxfy-00753-00182048-00182269 ad was divided into several autonomous JMaLvnLlxfy-00754-00182270-00182482 collateral branches such as trip a poor JMaLvnLlxfy-00755-00182483-00182700 Travancore Alea de thoux Kottarakara JMaLvnLlxfy-00756-00182701-00183010 Desson gonnit colum and paraca the Bazzi JMaLvnLlxfy-00757-00183011-00183254 met him in god in the 18th century JMaLvnLlxfy-00758-00183255-00183711 marthanda varma 1706 to 1758 of the trip JMaLvnLlxfy-00759-00183712-00183954 a port Travancore successfully developed JMaLvnLlxfy-00760-00183955-00184234 the state of Travancore Varma routed all JMaLvnLlxfy-00761-00184235-00184435 of major NER Nobles in Travancore JMaLvnLlxfy-00762-00184436-00184674 organised a standing army defeated most JMaLvnLlxfy-00763-00184675-00184861 of the chiefdoms in central Kerala JMaLvnLlxfy-00764-00184862-00185059 entered into strategic alliances with JMaLvnLlxfy-00765-00185060-00185289 Europeans supported Kerala traders in JMaLvnLlxfy-00766-00185290-00185427 the place of the Europeans and JMaLvnLlxfy-00767-00185428-00185600 eventually formed one of the fur JMaLvnLlxfy-00768-00185601-00185783 two modern states of southern India in JMaLvnLlxfy-00769-00185784-00186056 the modern period the rulers of traffic JMaLvnLlxfy-00770-00186057-00186788 or also claimed the title Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00771-00186789-00187290 topic government JMaLvnLlxfy-00772-00187291-00187536 the extend and nature of state formation JMaLvnLlxfy-00773-00187537-00187731 of the shara kingdoms from ancient JMaLvnLlxfy-00774-00187732-00187959 period to early modern period cannot be JMaLvnLlxfy-00775-00187960-00188160 interpreted neither in a linear nor in a JMaLvnLlxfy-00776-00188161-00188463 monochromatic way each ruling family had JMaLvnLlxfy-00777-00188464-00188640 its own political prestige and influence JMaLvnLlxfy-00778-00188641-00188877 in southern india over their lifespans JMaLvnLlxfy-00779-00188878-00189096 the extent of political formation in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00780-00189097-00189291 early historical southern India was a JMaLvnLlxfy-00781-00189292-00189471 matter of considerable debate among JMaLvnLlxfy-00782-00189472-00189756 historians although earlier historians JMaLvnLlxfy-00783-00189757-00189999 visualized early historical polities as JMaLvnLlxfy-00784-00190000-00190200 full-fledged kingdoms some of the recent JMaLvnLlxfy-00785-00190201-00190380 studies rule out the possibility of JMaLvnLlxfy-00786-00190381-00190656 state formation according to historian JMaLvnLlxfy-00787-00190657-00190878 Rajan Gurukul the ancient South India JMaLvnLlxfy-00788-00190879-00191109 was a combination of several unevenly JMaLvnLlxfy-00789-00191110-00191319 evolved and kinship base tree JMaLvnLlxfy-00790-00191320-00191555 distributive economies of chiefdoms JMaLvnLlxfy-00791-00191556-00191802 these polities were structured by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00792-00191803-00192018 dominance of agro pastoral means of JMaLvnLlxfy-00793-00192019-00192251 subsistence and predatory politics JMaLvnLlxfy-00794-00192252-00192498 Kesavan Bela that another prominent JMaLvnLlxfy-00795-00192499-00192738 historian of South India uses the term JMaLvnLlxfy-00796-00192739-00193143 chief and chiefdom for the share a ruler JMaLvnLlxfy-00797-00193144-00193299 and share a polity of the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00798-00193300-00193455 historical South India respectively JMaLvnLlxfy-00799-00193456-00193692 reaching any conclusions based on the JMaLvnLlxfy-00800-00193693-00193899 early Tamil poems and archaeological JMaLvnLlxfy-00801-00193900-00194115 evidences as another topic disagreement JMaLvnLlxfy-00802-00194116-00194364 it is assumed that the institution of JMaLvnLlxfy-00803-00194365-00194610 sabha in South Indian villages for local JMaLvnLlxfy-00804-00194611-00194814 administration was first surfaced during JMaLvnLlxfy-00805-00194815-00195468 the early historical period JMaLvnLlxfy-00806-00195469-00195989 topic economy JMaLvnLlxfy-00807-00195990-00196244 the early Shera economy can be described JMaLvnLlxfy-00808-00196245-00196460 as a predominantly pastoral come JMaLvnLlxfy-00809-00196461-00196754 agrarian based system the emphasis on JMaLvnLlxfy-00810-00196755-00196943 agriculture increased with time and JMaLvnLlxfy-00811-00196944-00197664 provided base for larger economic change JMaLvnLlxfy-00812-00197665-00198176 topic spice trade JMaLvnLlxfy-00813-00198177-00198404 Indian Ocean spice trade with the JMaLvnLlxfy-00814-00198405-00198686 yavanas and trade with the North India JMaLvnLlxfy-00815-00198687-00198929 provided considerable economic momentum JMaLvnLlxfy-00816-00198930-00199229 for share apology overseas trade was the JMaLvnLlxfy-00817-00199230-00199469 major economic activity there is some JMaLvnLlxfy-00818-00199470-00199652 difference of opinion with regard to the JMaLvnLlxfy-00819-00199653-00199811 nature of the spice trade in ancient JMaLvnLlxfy-00820-00199812-00200111 Shara territories it is disputed whether JMaLvnLlxfy-00821-00200112-00200297 this trade with the Mediterranean world JMaLvnLlxfy-00822-00200298-00200516 was managed on equal terms by the Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00823-00200517-00200714 merchants in view of the existence of JMaLvnLlxfy-00824-00200715-00200876 apparently unequal political JMaLvnLlxfy-00825-00200877-00201089 institutions in the South India and in JMaLvnLlxfy-00826-00201090-00201287 view of the insufficient amount of tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00827-00201288-00201488 coinage to match the gold standards of JMaLvnLlxfy-00828-00201489-00201686 the Mediterranean coins share a spice JMaLvnLlxfy-00829-00201687-00201866 exchange with the Middle Eastern and JMaLvnLlxfy-00830-00201867-00202124 Mediterranean greco-roman navigators can JMaLvnLlxfy-00831-00202125-00202310 be traced back to before the Common Era JMaLvnLlxfy-00832-00202311-00202526 and was substantially consolidated in JMaLvnLlxfy-00833-00202527-00202775 the early years of the Common Era in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00834-00202776-00203009 1st century of the Common Era the Romans JMaLvnLlxfy-00835-00203010-00203165 conquered Egypt which helped them to JMaLvnLlxfy-00836-00203166-00203360 establish dominance in the Indian Ocean JMaLvnLlxfy-00837-00203361-00203630 spice trade the earliest greco-roman JMaLvnLlxfy-00838-00203631-00203846 accounts referring to the Cheras are by JMaLvnLlxfy-00839-00203847-00204065 Pliny the Elder in the 1st century CE e JMaLvnLlxfy-00840-00204066-00204320 in Perry + Marisa Ruth ray of the 1st JMaLvnLlxfy-00841-00204321-00204575 century CE II and by Claudius Ptolemy in JMaLvnLlxfy-00842-00204576-00204836 the 2nd century CE II the periplus JMaLvnLlxfy-00843-00204837-00205061 Marisa Ruth ray portrays the trade in JMaLvnLlxfy-00844-00205062-00205282 the territory of kep robot resin detail JMaLvnLlxfy-00845-00205283-00205564 mu serous Tamil Moochie Rhee was the JMaLvnLlxfy-00846-00205565-00205751 most important Centre in the Malabar JMaLvnLlxfy-00847-00205752-00205919 Coast which according to the periplus JMaLvnLlxfy-00848-00205919-00206144 abounded with large ships of Romans JMaLvnLlxfy-00849-00206144-00206464 Arabs and Greeks bulk spices ivory JMaLvnLlxfy-00850-00206465-00206705 timber pearls and gems were exported JMaLvnLlxfy-00851-00206706-00206876 from the Shara region to the Middle East JMaLvnLlxfy-00852-00206877-00207083 and Mediterranean kingdoms it is known JMaLvnLlxfy-00853-00207084-00207260 that the Romans brought vast amounts of JMaLvnLlxfy-00854-00207261-00207446 gold in exchange for black pepper JMaLvnLlxfy-00855-00207446-00207710 this is testified by the Roman coin JMaLvnLlxfy-00856-00207711-00207881 hoards that have been found in various JMaLvnLlxfy-00857-00207882-00208178 parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu plenty JMaLvnLlxfy-00858-00208179-00208385 the elder in the 1st century CE he JMaLvnLlxfy-00859-00208386-00208573 laments about the drain of Roman gold JMaLvnLlxfy-00860-00208575-00208775 into India and China for luxuries such JMaLvnLlxfy-00861-00208776-00209092 as spices silk and muslin the spice JMaLvnLlxfy-00862-00209094-00209300 trade across the Indian Ocean dwindled JMaLvnLlxfy-00863-00209301-00209486 with the decline of the Roman Empire in JMaLvnLlxfy-00864-00209487-00209828 the sea 3rd 4th century CE II with the JMaLvnLlxfy-00865-00209829-00210032 exit of the Mediterraneans in the spice JMaLvnLlxfy-00866-00210033-00210206 trade their space was picked up by the JMaLvnLlxfy-00867-00210207-00210530 Chinese and Arab navigators JMaLvnLlxfy-00868-00210531-00210882 you JMaLvnLlxfy-00869-00210883-00211471 topic society and culture JMaLvnLlxfy-00870-00211471-00211823 you JMaLvnLlxfy-00871-00211825-00212344 topic early Cera's JMaLvnLlxfy-00872-00212346-00212540 in general early Tamil literature JMaLvnLlxfy-00873-00212541-00212798 reflect the Dravidian cultural tradition JMaLvnLlxfy-00874-00212798-00212975 as well as elements of the arrival of JMaLvnLlxfy-00875-00212976-00213191 the northern Indian sanskritic cultural JMaLvnLlxfy-00876-00213192-00213373 tradition which by now was beginning to JMaLvnLlxfy-00877-00213375-00213566 come into contact with the Tamila camp JMaLvnLlxfy-00878-00213567-00213842 it is logical to conclude that most of JMaLvnLlxfy-00879-00213842-00214033 the shara population followed native JMaLvnLlxfy-00880-00214034-00214321 Dravidian religions religious practice JMaLvnLlxfy-00881-00214323-00214526 consisted predominantly in conducting JMaLvnLlxfy-00882-00214527-00214783 sacrifices to various gods such as to JMaLvnLlxfy-00883-00214784-00215054 the preeminent god Murugan the worship JMaLvnLlxfy-00884-00215055-00215252 of departed heroes was also a common JMaLvnLlxfy-00885-00215253-00215477 practice in the shara territory along JMaLvnLlxfy-00886-00215478-00215654 with tree worship and other kinds of JMaLvnLlxfy-00887-00215655-00215951 ancestor worship the war goddess Kota I JMaLvnLlxfy-00888-00215952-00216181 was propitiated with elaborate offerings JMaLvnLlxfy-00889-00216182-00216440 of meat and toddy it is theorized that JMaLvnLlxfy-00890-00216441-00216629 Kota I was assimilated into the JMaLvnLlxfy-00891-00216630-00216892 present-day form of the goddess Durga it JMaLvnLlxfy-00892-00216894-00217042 is thought that the first wave of JMaLvnLlxfy-00893-00217044-00217217 Brahman migration came to the Shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00894-00217217-00217448 territory around the 3rd century BCE JMaLvnLlxfy-00895-00217448-00217648 with or behind the Jain and Buddhist JMaLvnLlxfy-00896-00217650-00217925 missionaries it was only in the sea JMaLvnLlxfy-00897-00217926-00218179 8th century CE II that the Aryan ization JMaLvnLlxfy-00898-00218180-00218344 of the Shara country reached its JMaLvnLlxfy-00899-00218346-00218588 organized form though the vast majority JMaLvnLlxfy-00900-00218589-00218806 of the population followed native JMaLvnLlxfy-00901-00218807-00219044 Dravidian practices a small percentage JMaLvnLlxfy-00902-00219044-00219235 of the population mainly migrants JMaLvnLlxfy-00903-00219236-00219473 followed Jainism Buddhism and Brahmanism JMaLvnLlxfy-00904-00219473-00219709 these three philosophies came from JMaLvnLlxfy-00905-00219710-00219904 regions in northern India to the shara JMaLvnLlxfy-00906-00219905-00220027 territory JMaLvnLlxfy-00907-00220028-00220265 populations of Jews and Christians were JMaLvnLlxfy-00908-00220266-00220480 also known to have lived in kerala early JMaLvnLlxfy-00909-00220481-00220667 Tamil literature does make a number of JMaLvnLlxfy-00910-00220667-00220885 references to social stratification as JMaLvnLlxfy-00911-00220886-00221123 expressed by use of the word Kuti group JMaLvnLlxfy-00912-00221123-00221458 to denote caste a striking feature of JMaLvnLlxfy-00913-00221459-00221632 the social life of the early historical JMaLvnLlxfy-00914-00221633-00221852 period as the high status accorded to JMaLvnLlxfy-00915-00221853-00222140 women agriculture and pastoralism were JMaLvnLlxfy-00916-00222141-00222338 the primary occupations of the people JMaLvnLlxfy-00917-00222339-00222617 various agricultural occupations such as JMaLvnLlxfy-00918-00222617-00222817 harvesting threshing and drying are JMaLvnLlxfy-00919-00222819-00223032 described in the early tamil literature JMaLvnLlxfy-00920-00223033-00223282 poets and musicians were held in high JMaLvnLlxfy-00921-00223283-00223534 regard in society early Tamil literature JMaLvnLlxfy-00922-00223535-00223759 is full of references about the lavish JMaLvnLlxfy-00923-00223760-00224042 patronage extended to court poets there JMaLvnLlxfy-00924-00224042-00224257 were professional poets and poet as who JMaLvnLlxfy-00925-00224258-00224465 composed poems praising their patrons JMaLvnLlxfy-00926-00224466-00225127 and were generously rewarded for this JMaLvnLlxfy-00927-00225128-00225785 topic codon galore Charis kalasa chorus JMaLvnLlxfy-00928-00225786-00226019 a cultural identity different from the JMaLvnLlxfy-00929-00226019-00226205 Tamil speaking people in the east of JMaLvnLlxfy-00930-00226206-00226415 Western got mountains gradually emerged JMaLvnLlxfy-00931-00226416-00226715 in Kerala in the medieval period oldest JMaLvnLlxfy-00932-00226716-00226931 forms of Malayalam language also are JMaLvnLlxfy-00933-00226932-00227161 attested in the era of Calais acara's JMaLvnLlxfy-00934-00227162-00227386 organized forms of nambudiri brahmin JMaLvnLlxfy-00935-00227387-00227633 influence in all aspects of life in JMaLvnLlxfy-00936-00227634-00227867 Kerala also emerged during this period a JMaLvnLlxfy-00937-00227867-00228161 new calendar system known as colum era JMaLvnLlxfy-00938-00228162-00228442 is also seen in medieval Kerala the JMaLvnLlxfy-00939-00228444-00228704 famous Advaita philosopher Shankara was JMaLvnLlxfy-00940-00228705-00228911 born at Khiladi on the banks of Periyar JMaLvnLlxfy-00941-00228912-00229235 a multicultural and multi-ethnic society JMaLvnLlxfy-00942-00229236-00229448 with the presence of Jews Christians and JMaLvnLlxfy-00943-00229448-00229694 Muslims coexisted in relative peaceful JMaLvnLlxfy-00944-00229694-00229961 conditions in Kerala several notable JMaLvnLlxfy-00945-00229962-00230183 literary works in Sanskrit and Tamil JMaLvnLlxfy-00946-00230184-00230366 were composed during this period under JMaLvnLlxfy-00947-00230367-00230552 the patronage of the shara rulers who JMaLvnLlxfy-00948-00230553-00230744 themselves indulged in authoring several JMaLvnLlxfy-00949-00230744-00230827 works JMaLvnLlxfy-00950-00230828-00231077 cohdon gawler was centre of learning and JMaLvnLlxfy-00951-00231078-00231239 science in medieval period an JMaLvnLlxfy-00952-00231240-00231469 observatory functioned at the capital JMaLvnLlxfy-00953-00231471-00231715 under the charge of shankaranarayana see JMaLvnLlxfy-00954-00231716-00232067 840 see 900 AD an astronomer in the JMaLvnLlxfy-00955-00232067-00232379 court of Shara Kingston II Ravi Narayana JMaLvnLlxfy-00956-00232380-00232616 is the author of lagu Bhaskar II of yaja JMaLvnLlxfy-00957-00232617-00232832 a commentary on the works of bass cry JMaLvnLlxfy-00958-00232833-00233111 early 6th century AD a disciple of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00959-00233112-00233441 famous polymath Aryabhata himself we can JMaLvnLlxfy-00960-00233442-00233627 find references to an instrument called JMaLvnLlxfy-00961-00233628-00234017 Rashi chakra marked by a Yantra Valaya JMaLvnLlxfy-00962-00234017-00234292 in lagu Bhaskar II of yaja this JMaLvnLlxfy-00963-00234294-00234461 instrument might be the same as the JMaLvnLlxfy-00964-00234462-00234671 Gullah Yantra or chakra Yantra mentioned JMaLvnLlxfy-00965-00234671-00234938 by area bada the chakra Yantra was JMaLvnLlxfy-00966-00234939-00235112 developed further and called falaka JMaLvnLlxfy-00967-00235113-00235331 Yantra by Bhaskara I it seems that JMaLvnLlxfy-00968-00235332-00235496 arrangements had been made in the city JMaLvnLlxfy-00969-00235496-00235640 for recording correct time and JMaLvnLlxfy-00970-00235641-00235798 announcing it to the public from JMaLvnLlxfy-00971-00235800-00235955 different centres by the tolling of JMaLvnLlxfy-00972-00235956-00236167 bells at regular intervals of a god iike JMaLvnLlxfy-00973-00236169-00236507 25 minutes this practice known as Naja JMaLvnLlxfy-00974-00236508-00236744 cockatoo continued until the early 15th JMaLvnLlxfy-00975-00236744-00236909 century much like of the early JMaLvnLlxfy-00976-00236910-00237167 historical period Charis Shera rulers of JMaLvnLlxfy-00977-00237167-00237350 koden gawler heavily depended on the JMaLvnLlxfy-00978-00237351-00237557 spice trade for sustaining their economy JMaLvnLlxfy-00979-00237558-00237823 the share estate had extensive trade JMaLvnLlxfy-00980-00237825-00237998 relations with regions in the Middle JMaLvnLlxfy-00981-00237998-00238262 East and China the region acted as JMaLvnLlxfy-00982-00238263-00238423 connecting hub for the merchants from JMaLvnLlxfy-00983-00238425-00238691 western and eastern parts of Asia the JMaLvnLlxfy-00984-00238692-00238892 important caralove ports of this period JMaLvnLlxfy-00985-00238892-00239090 were Pantha lay on the coulomb codon JMaLvnLlxfy-00986-00239091-00239167 Gawler coal JMaLvnLlxfy-00987-00239169-00239446 and vision Jam Arab travelers who JMaLvnLlxfy-00988-00239448-00239627 visited the Malabar Coast during the JMaLvnLlxfy-00989-00239628-00239816 period have testified to the high degree JMaLvnLlxfy-00990-00239817-00240034 of economic prosperity achieved from JMaLvnLlxfy-00991-00240035-00240305 foreign trade a number of copper plates JMaLvnLlxfy-00992-00240306-00240517 charters and inscriptions testified to JMaLvnLlxfy-00993-00240519-00240677 the high importance given to trade JMaLvnLlxfy-00994-00240678-00240931 guilds the intimate relations of the JMaLvnLlxfy-00995-00240932-00241123 Shara rulers and their feudatories with JMaLvnLlxfy-00996-00241125-00241316 Jews and Christian merchants are seen in JMaLvnLlxfy-00997-00241317-00241669 Cochin jewish copperplate c 1000 AD and JMaLvnLlxfy-00998-00241671-00242564 therisa Palli copper plates see 849 ad JMaLvnLlxfy-00999-00242565-00242944 topic see also JMaLvnLlxfy-01000-00242944-00243098 you JMaLvnLlxfy-01001-00243100-00243564 cholo dynasty Pangaea dynasty equals JMaLvnLlxfy-01002-00243565-00243831 equals modes JQhhdjcDAkU-00000-00000421-00000771 hello my name is Ron Miller poverty JQhhdjcDAkU-00001-00000772-00000997 I'm a senior education specialist JQhhdjcDAkU-00002-00000998-00001237 working and we're learning in Washington JQhhdjcDAkU-00003-00001238-00001531 DC on behalf of the world Learning Team JQhhdjcDAkU-00004-00001532-00001752 who took part in the creation of this JQhhdjcDAkU-00005-00001753-00002010 course I would like to welcome you to JQhhdjcDAkU-00006-00002011-00002367 teaching grandma communicate in this JQhhdjcDAkU-00007-00002368-00002680 introductory video I will share some JQhhdjcDAkU-00008-00002681-00002864 general information about the course JQhhdjcDAkU-00009-00002865-00003183 tell you a little bit how we it worth JQhhdjcDAkU-00010-00003184-00003417 learning and vision the role of JQhhdjcDAkU-00011-00003418-00003820 moderator I'm given some guidelines on JQhhdjcDAkU-00012-00003821-00004468 how to make the most that start from the JQhhdjcDAkU-00013-00004469-00004809 main aim of the course together with a JQhhdjcDAkU-00014-00004810-00005100 course moderator and the following eight JQhhdjcDAkU-00015-00005101-00005440 weeks you will explore what teaching JQhhdjcDAkU-00016-00005441-00005643 grammar communicatively JQhhdjcDAkU-00017-00005644-00005907 involves and what approaches and JQhhdjcDAkU-00018-00005908-00006241 techniques can work for you and your JQhhdjcDAkU-00019-00006242-00006658 students we are not going to give you a JQhhdjcDAkU-00020-00006659-00007023 recipe or a magic formula to be followed JQhhdjcDAkU-00021-00007025-00007291 closely this because that you think does JQhhdjcDAkU-00022-00007292-00007406 not exist JQhhdjcDAkU-00023-00007408-00007783 teaching is a very complex job you know JQhhdjcDAkU-00024-00007784-00008191 that all too well for this reason there JQhhdjcDAkU-00025-00008192-00008590 are no simple solutions that said it JQhhdjcDAkU-00026-00008591-00008833 doesn't mean that anything goes in the JQhhdjcDAkU-00027-00008834-00009202 classroom we are hoping to achieve in JQhhdjcDAkU-00028-00009203-00009484 this course is to look at the recent JQhhdjcDAkU-00029-00009485-00009760 research-based evidence take into JQhhdjcDAkU-00030-00009761-00010084 account the accumulated knowledge gained JQhhdjcDAkU-00031-00010085-00010312 through reflective teaching practice and JQhhdjcDAkU-00032-00010313-00010699 try to figure out what you can do at JQhhdjcDAkU-00033-00010700-00011035 this point of your career to help your JQhhdjcDAkU-00034-00011036-00011287 students improve their how to achieve an JQhhdjcDAkU-00035-00011288-00011647 accuracy we will learn from many experts JQhhdjcDAkU-00036-00011648-00011890 in the field both scholars and JQhhdjcDAkU-00037-00011891-00012235 practitioners we will share effective JQhhdjcDAkU-00038-00012236-00012529 practices know best practices effective JQhhdjcDAkU-00039-00012530-00012822 practices and together we will explore JQhhdjcDAkU-00040-00012823-00013113 what you can do to incorporate some of JQhhdjcDAkU-00041-00013115-00013384 these ideas into your daily teaching so JQhhdjcDAkU-00042-00013385-00013660 that yours too JQhhdjcDAkU-00043-00013661-00013925 your learning will be guided and JQhhdjcDAkU-00044-00013926-00014303 supported by a course moderator one word JQhhdjcDAkU-00045-00014304-00014636 learning teacher trains the moderators JQhhdjcDAkU-00046-00014637-00014964 role is to initiate and guide JQhhdjcDAkU-00047-00014965-00015341 discussions provide clarifications when JQhhdjcDAkU-00048-00015341-00015658 needed prompt you to think more deeply JQhhdjcDAkU-00049-00015659-00016121 and participate more actively summarize JQhhdjcDAkU-00050-00016122-00016385 discussions challenge you to do your JQhhdjcDAkU-00051-00016386-00016672 best support you when you need it most JQhhdjcDAkU-00052-00016673-00017138 in a word to create safe productive and JQhhdjcDAkU-00053-00017139-00017378 enjoyable learning space for all JQhhdjcDAkU-00054-00017379-00017786 participants please keep in mind that JQhhdjcDAkU-00055-00017787-00018008 the moderator is your best friend who JQhhdjcDAkU-00056-00018009-00018225 shares the same goal with you JQhhdjcDAkU-00057-00018226-00018628 successful course completion to achieve JQhhdjcDAkU-00058-00018629-00018978 this goal he or she will need your help JQhhdjcDAkU-00059-00018979-00019292 after watching this video please JQhhdjcDAkU-00060-00019293-00019550 download and read the document general JQhhdjcDAkU-00061-00019551-00019805 information about the course it contains JQhhdjcDAkU-00062-00019806-00020018 guidelines on course protected JQhhdjcDAkU-00063-00020019-00020305 participation and tips for studying JQhhdjcDAkU-00064-00020306-00020608 online please don't forget to download JQhhdjcDAkU-00065-00020609-00021005 and read the course syllabus as well we JQhhdjcDAkU-00066-00021006-00021269 hope you will enjoy this course and JQhhdjcDAkU-00067-00021270-00021403 benefit from it JQhhdjcDAkU-00068-00021404-00021743 both personally and professionally JQki4664nVg-00000-00000000-00000357 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00001-00000358-00001064 elta company presents I've lived with JQki4664nVg-00002-00001065-00001625 diabetes for 16 years 21 13 23 425 JQki4664nVg-00003-00001626-00001829 million people live with diabetes in the JQki4664nVg-00004-00001830-00002071 world today diabetes is unpredictable JQki4664nVg-00005-00002072-00002326 insidious and surrounded by myths and JQki4664nVg-00006-00002327-00002546 Prejudice it is often described as a JQki4664nVg-00007-00002547-00002896 verdict no way there can be no verdict JQki4664nVg-00008-00002897-00003113 diabetes is not a reason to give up on JQki4664nVg-00009-00003114-00003447 your life diet challenge began in 2018 JQki4664nVg-00010-00003448-00003704 the participants of the project would JQki4664nVg-00011-00003704-00003878 have to show what it is like to be JQki4664nVg-00012-00003879-00004372 unafraid and to take action to seriously JQki4664nVg-00013-00004373-00004681 change many aspects of your life three JQki4664nVg-00014-00004682-00005090 experts six months of hard work one big JQki4664nVg-00015-00005091-00005420 goal they will be able to control their JQki4664nVg-00016-00005421-00006059 diabetes and understand themselves we JQki4664nVg-00017-00006060-00006592 challenged ourselves have you diet JQki4664nVg-00018-00006593-00006803 challenge is a six-month transformation JQki4664nVg-00019-00006804-00007139 process it is a unique reality project JQki4664nVg-00020-00007140-00007313 where the participants challenge JQki4664nVg-00021-00007314-00007552 themselves to reach their set goals JQki4664nVg-00022-00007553-00007853 despite their serious condition and they JQki4664nVg-00023-00007854-00008327 proved that it is possible I can proudly JQki4664nVg-00024-00008328-00008749 announce that I am one of them come on JQki4664nVg-00025-00008750-00009209 Dasha yeah I was very afraid of failing JQki4664nVg-00026-00009210-00009481 then I would give up on everything it JQki4664nVg-00027-00009482-00009881 did not happen that way I did it my JQki4664nVg-00028-00009882-00010124 question will be about hypoglycemia what JQki4664nVg-00029-00010125-00010363 is the formula to treat hypose thank you JQki4664nVg-00030-00010364-00010774 for the question but faster how much did JQki4664nVg-00031-00010775-00010867 you lose JQki4664nVg-00032-00010868-00011117 according to my profile I filled out JQki4664nVg-00033-00011118-00011387 forecasting I was at 68 kilos this JQki4664nVg-00034-00011388-00011774 morning I weighed 54 kilos meal bolus is JQki4664nVg-00035-00011775-00011992 properly adjusted however there is a lot JQki4664nVg-00036-00011993-00012227 of the basal Nebo or we have active JQki4664nVg-00037-00012228-00012701 insulin from the previous meal yes I JQki4664nVg-00038-00012702-00012827 feel like I was born again JQki4664nVg-00039-00012828-00013032 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00040-00013033-00013719 look my consciousness has changed I feel JQki4664nVg-00041-00013721-00014116 refreshed and confident that's right I JQki4664nVg-00042-00014116-00014466 feel the same what perfect nothing to JQki4664nVg-00043-00014468-00014926 pick at a perfect lunch Yana deuce JQki4664nVg-00044-00014927-00015124 I hope this project will inspire many JQki4664nVg-00045-00015125-00015451 people inspire them to never give up and JQki4664nVg-00046-00015452-00015763 to keep working that's it this is the JQki4664nVg-00047-00015763-00016357 last one the last yeah when I look back JQki4664nVg-00048-00016358-00016753 I can't believe that was me you're all JQki4664nVg-00049-00016754-00016936 different the pump does not work the JQki4664nVg-00050-00016937-00017314 same for everyone not at all I think JQki4664nVg-00051-00017315-00017725 that was some other nuts that master did JQki4664nVg-00052-00017726-00018123 not watch her nutrition nor her sugars JQki4664nVg-00053-00018124-00018339 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00054-00018340-00018625 during the three months the participants JQki4664nVg-00055-00018626-00018781 were learning to control their diabetes JQki4664nVg-00056-00018782-00018979 under the supervision of an under JQki4664nVg-00057-00018980-00019150 chronologist a trainer and a JQki4664nVg-00058-00019151-00019441 psychologist they spent another three JQki4664nVg-00059-00019442-00019644 months on independent work without the JQki4664nVg-00060-00019645-00019944 experts it is time to take the final JQki4664nVg-00061-00019945-00020334 medical exam and to total it all up JQki4664nVg-00062-00020335-00020506 hello Veronica JQki4664nVg-00063-00020507-00020734 how are you doing you look great and the JQki4664nVg-00064-00020735-00021043 belly how do you feel I'm okay much JQki4664nVg-00065-00021044-00021181 better than it was in my second JQki4664nVg-00066-00021182-00021400 trimester how are your glucose levels JQki4664nVg-00067-00021401-00021832 more or less but with 50% of carbs I get JQki4664nVg-00068-00021833-00022272 about 20 bread units so 150 insulin JQki4664nVg-00069-00022273-00022725 units per day is that normal it's JQki4664nVg-00070-00022726-00023062 pregnancy when I first came to you my JQki4664nVg-00071-00023063-00023247 main concern was becoming pregnant and JQki4664nVg-00072-00023248-00023644 having a child I was very worried about JQki4664nVg-00073-00023645-00023946 the baby's health and my own JQki4664nVg-00074-00023947-00024192 just the thought of what could go wrong JQki4664nVg-00075-00024193-00024513 gave me chills it's funny to even talk JQki4664nVg-00076-00024514-00024855 about it now it was may 6th or 9th when JQki4664nVg-00077-00024856-00025089 we first had the conversation according JQki4664nVg-00078-00025090-00025242 to the ultrasound the moment of JQki4664nVg-00079-00025243-00025557 conception was on May 16th so it was a JQki4664nVg-00080-00025558-00025749 week after we talked and somebody up JQki4664nVg-00081-00025750-00026088 there decided that it was time veronica JQki4664nVg-00082-00026089-00026313 is great I have no complaints about her JQki4664nVg-00083-00026314-00026535 in terms of her compensation as far as I JQki4664nVg-00084-00026536-00026714 know her current under chronologiste JQki4664nVg-00085-00026716-00026907 feels the same way I have some minor JQki4664nVg-00086-00026908-00027126 questions in terms of her nutrition she JQki4664nVg-00087-00027127-00027320 began to feel sorry for herself a little JQki4664nVg-00088-00027322-00027726 bit spaghetti cheese yogurt before night JQki4664nVg-00089-00027727-00028029 yes you need carbs but I don't like how JQki4664nVg-00090-00028030-00028212 you spread them out if you think that JQki4664nVg-00091-00028213-00028386 you will have spaghetti for dinner then JQki4664nVg-00092-00028387-00028639 have your yogurt earlier in the day I JQki4664nVg-00093-00028641-00028889 wish to all of the people with diabetes JQki4664nVg-00094-00028891-00029145 to believe in themselves to never give JQki4664nVg-00095-00029145-00029355 up and to always remember that all of JQki4664nVg-00096-00029356-00029562 the fears and difficulties are only in JQki4664nVg-00097-00029563-00029793 our heads each one of us can overcome JQki4664nVg-00098-00029794-00029948 anything in the world JQki4664nVg-00099-00029949-00030426 hello Dasha how are you doing I would JQki4664nVg-00100-00030427-00030672 feel better if I was not sick do you JQki4664nVg-00101-00030673-00030987 have a temperature no what's wrong just JQki4664nVg-00102-00030988-00031052 a cough JQki4664nVg-00103-00031054-00031445 how are you sugars doing well when I was JQki4664nVg-00104-00031447-00031707 sick they were always high I could not JQki4664nVg-00105-00031708-00032286 lower them she came a long way she truly JQki4664nVg-00106-00032287-00032643 learned a lot I want to be like ona or JQki4664nVg-00107-00032644-00032838 Dina already to always know what to do JQki4664nVg-00108-00032839-00033009 but I'm still struggling to figure JQki4664nVg-00109-00033010-00033243 everything out no how long did it take JQki4664nVg-00110-00033244-00033645 order to figure it out have you ever JQki4664nVg-00111-00033646-00033940 asked her that question no one I haven't JQki4664nVg-00112-00033941-00034271 how long did it take Dina Dina please JQki4664nVg-00113-00034272-00034533 tell us your story yes I was diagnosed JQki4664nVg-00114-00034534-00034887 in 1997 back then all we had was animal JQki4664nVg-00115-00034888-00035151 insulin later on insolence like act JQki4664nVg-00116-00035152-00035465 rapid and profound became available they JQki4664nVg-00117-00035466-00035696 were good but were difficult in terms of JQki4664nVg-00118-00035697-00035961 compensation at that time everybody JQki4664nVg-00119-00035962-00036165 would adjust their food to match their JQki4664nVg-00120-00036166-00036381 insulin instead of the other way around JQki4664nVg-00121-00036382-00036457 so JQki4664nVg-00122-00036458-00036658 would inject four units of act rapid at JQki4664nVg-00123-00036659-00036843 lunch for breakfast JQki4664nVg-00124-00036844-00037111 and four at dinner naturally your body JQki4664nVg-00125-00037112-00037317 is very sensitive especially if you're a JQki4664nVg-00126-00037318-00037587 child everything would constantly change JQki4664nVg-00127-00037588-00037743 and I would have to go back to the JQki4664nVg-00128-00037744-00037980 hospital and readjust my insulin to JQki4664nVg-00129-00037981-00038421 match the hospital food of course my JQki4664nVg-00130-00038422-00038626 glucose levels would jump and I would JQki4664nVg-00131-00038627-00038892 feel terribly even when I was 9 or 10 JQki4664nVg-00132-00038893-00039111 years old it was obvious to me that a JQki4664nVg-00133-00039112-00039246 different amount of insulin was JQki4664nVg-00134-00039247-00039502 necessary something had to be done about JQki4664nVg-00135-00039503-00039846 high glucose levels this is why I began JQki4664nVg-00136-00039847-00040186 to inject insulin on my own early on my JQki4664nVg-00137-00040187-00040445 parents did not even know about it just JQki4664nVg-00138-00040446-00040683 recently I carried out an interesting JQki4664nVg-00139-00040684-00040927 experiment we were having a regional JQki4664nVg-00140-00040928-00041127 conference and I decided to have an JQki4664nVg-00141-00041128-00041392 experiment I used to always hide my JQki4664nVg-00142-00041393-00041661 insulin pump so nobody would see it this JQki4664nVg-00143-00041662-00041880 time I decided to do the opposite I JQki4664nVg-00144-00041881-00042118 decided to show it off to everybody to JQki4664nVg-00145-00042119-00042255 see how many people would ask me JQki4664nVg-00146-00042256-00042417 questions by the end of the two-day JQki4664nVg-00147-00042418-00042736 event it was quite surprising but I did JQki4664nVg-00148-00042737-00042970 not receive a single question my only be JQki4664nVg-00149-00042971-00043207 my favorite quote in Latin is per aspera JQki4664nVg-00150-00043208-00043599 odd hasta through hardships to the stars JQki4664nVg-00151-00043600-00043836 this is why I would like to wish JQki4664nVg-00152-00043837-00044017 everybody regardless of what JQki4664nVg-00153-00044018-00044193 circumstances they might encounter JQki4664nVg-00154-00044194-00044574 always try for their highest goals never JQki4664nVg-00155-00044575-00044715 be afraid to set the bar high for JQki4664nVg-00156-00044716-00045111 themselves and always achieve them hello JQki4664nVg-00157-00045112-00045477 Nora hello I'm fine just a bit sick got JQki4664nVg-00158-00045478-00045829 a cold why are all of you sick you will JQki4664nVg-00159-00045830-00046048 make the doctor sick too so what's going JQki4664nVg-00160-00046049-00046399 on what about your glucose level did you JQki4664nVg-00161-00046400-00046758 just get sick no I hope it's almost over JQki4664nVg-00162-00046759-00047011 it's been three weeks like this oh my JQki4664nVg-00163-00047012-00047130 gosh yes JQki4664nVg-00164-00047131-00047327 this time it's hard do you have a cough JQki4664nVg-00165-00047328-00047689 no no coughs just all stuffed up my nose JQki4664nVg-00166-00047690-00048014 ears and my head everything JQki4664nVg-00167-00048015-00048321 the humanist I see impressed me with her JQki4664nVg-00168-00048322-00048717 patience the way she is and not with all JQki4664nVg-00169-00048718-00049113 of us of course there were those myself JQki4664nVg-00170-00049114-00049332 included that she had to battle with JQki4664nVg-00171-00049333-00049695 over and over and over to break down JQki4664nVg-00172-00049696-00050187 this wall to make us people with a long JQki4664nVg-00173-00050188-00050526 history of diabetes to turn around and JQki4664nVg-00174-00050527-00050721 try different paths from the one that JQki4664nVg-00175-00050722-00051141 we've been on the last 30 20 years dear JQki4664nVg-00176-00051142-00051732 friends do I need these words okay I'm JQki4664nVg-00177-00051733-00052154 ready I would like to wish our died JQki4664nVg-00178-00052155-00052689 challenged audience to never give up to JQki4664nVg-00179-00052690-00052977 never ever give up on you on future with JQki4664nVg-00180-00052978-00053564 you go after your goals and your dreams JQki4664nVg-00181-00053565-00053709 that's all JQki4664nVg-00182-00053710-00053997 is that enough hello Dima how are you JQki4664nVg-00183-00053998-00054414 doing right now everything is great how JQki4664nVg-00184-00054415-00054714 do you feel fantastic you remember how JQki4664nVg-00185-00054715-00055065 you felt when we first met not bad tell JQki4664nVg-00186-00055066-00055290 me has anything changed since then or is JQki4664nVg-00187-00055291-00055494 everything the same some things did JQki4664nVg-00188-00055495-00055863 change we have an expert on beneath JQki4664nVg-00189-00055864-00056388 these changes his name is Nikita please JQki4664nVg-00190-00056389-00056691 tell us in your own words how do you JQki4664nVg-00191-00056691-00056862 think your father has changed in the JQki4664nVg-00192-00056863-00057542 last six months yes before when his JQki4664nVg-00193-00057544-00057933 sugars dropped he behaved aggressively JQki4664nVg-00194-00057934-00058441 without realising that he was doing it JQki4664nVg-00195-00058442-00059064 now he feels when he's having a hypo but JQki4664nVg-00196-00059065-00059271 honestly he barely has high posts JQki4664nVg-00197-00059272-00059325 anymore JQki4664nVg-00198-00059326-00059616 NEPA leukemia was a Wyatt hyperglycemia JQki4664nVg-00199-00059616-00059847 causes aggression and misunderstandings JQki4664nVg-00200-00059848-00060266 of course it's not good for the family JQki4664nVg-00201-00060267-00060576 and your initial policy of course some JQki4664nVg-00202-00060577-00060900 questions will always remain but for now JQki4664nVg-00203-00060901-00061329 the difference is immense I never JQki4664nVg-00204-00061329-00061449 thought that it would be this JQki4664nVg-00205-00061450-00061824 comprehensive so serious and deep let's JQki4664nVg-00206-00061825-00062051 discuss this further look you had some JQki4664nVg-00207-00062052-00062369 cottage cheese a mango and milk in your JQki4664nVg-00208-00062370-00062700 opinion should you count the fat protein JQki4664nVg-00209-00062701-00063060 units yes for the cottage cheese how JQki4664nVg-00210-00063061-00063275 much cottage cheese was there 200 grams JQki4664nVg-00211-00063276-00063504 with cottage cheese I always do one unit JQki4664nVg-00212-00063504-00063992 and it works all right for you yes how JQki4664nVg-00213-00063994-00064394 long was your pause 60 minutes good for JQki4664nVg-00214-00064395-00064430 you JQki4664nVg-00215-00064432-00064712 she loves being a part of a team she JQki4664nVg-00216-00064713-00064898 gets a kick out of it JQki4664nVg-00217-00064899-00066356 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00218-00066357-00066965 you have to be careful the emotional JQki4664nVg-00219-00066966-00067150 moments that we experienced here JQki4664nVg-00220-00067151-00067511 the tears of joy I think will stick with JQki4664nVg-00221-00067512-00067892 us for life I achieved the goal that I JQki4664nVg-00222-00067893-00068455 was after now for my next goal one I JQki4664nVg-00223-00068456-00068932 want to have a second child I want a JQki4664nVg-00224-00068933-00069607 girl I want to wish everyone who lives JQki4664nVg-00225-00069608-00069868 with diabetes JQki4664nVg-00226-00069869-00070426 never lose hope and self-control fight JQki4664nVg-00227-00070427-00070849 for your life go after your goals and JQki4664nVg-00228-00070850-00071198 everything will be fine do you have any JQki4664nVg-00229-00071199-00071711 questions for me how are you sugars in JQki4664nVg-00230-00071712-00072124 terms of my glucose level all week I JQki4664nVg-00231-00072125-00072751 veggies and proteins for dinner and my JQki4664nVg-00232-00072752-00073049 sugar would fall in the morning how low JQki4664nVg-00233-00073050-00073282 does it go to an apparent hyperglycemia JQki4664nVg-00234-00073283-00073507 when I get up why don't you lower your JQki4664nVg-00235-00073508-00073807 basal by about 10% change your temporary JQki4664nVg-00236-00073808-00074105 basal rate I did change it I set it to JQki4664nVg-00237-00074106-00074474 40% I experimented for 3 days I don't JQki4664nVg-00238-00074475-00074768 think 40 is enough it shot right back up JQki4664nVg-00239-00074769-00075167 at 40 but when I had it at 80% it would JQki4664nVg-00240-00075168-00075544 fall and go down dear colleagues I am JQki4664nVg-00241-00075545-00075905 happy to see you the 3 month period of JQki4664nVg-00242-00075906-00076274 the second stage has ended tell me about JQki4664nVg-00243-00076275-00076484 those 3 months what were our JQki4664nVg-00244-00076485-00076754 participants up to what are your JQki4664nVg-00245-00076755-00077067 impressions who is the winner of stage 2 JQki4664nVg-00246-00077068-00077317 the discussion of the results of the JQki4664nVg-00247-00077318-00077549 second stage of the project lasted for JQki4664nVg-00248-00077550-00077869 four hours it is difficult to choose one JQki4664nVg-00249-00077870-00078110 when everyone has achieved his or her JQki4664nVg-00250-00078111-00078424 goals throughout their entire period of JQki4664nVg-00251-00078425-00078643 independent work the participants JQki4664nVg-00252-00078644-00078842 continued to post reports in the diet JQki4664nVg-00253-00078843-00078900 challenge JQki4664nVg-00254-00078901-00079206 and ask questions it was this JQki4664nVg-00255-00079207-00079419 information that helped the experts come JQki4664nVg-00256-00079420-00080100 to a final decision in my opinion Dalia JQki4664nVg-00257-00080101-00080280 showed the most noticeable effort and JQki4664nVg-00258-00080281-00080880 result NASA also got very involved in JQki4664nVg-00259-00080881-00081237 the work I would say that the second JQki4664nVg-00260-00081238-00081630 stage somehow slowed down if you look at JQki4664nVg-00261-00081631-00081837 the videos that the participants posted JQki4664nVg-00262-00081838-00082076 in the second stage there were fewer of JQki4664nVg-00263-00082077-00082268 them you thought was really young Lee JQki4664nVg-00264-00082269-00082575 employed my three favorites are Dima JQki4664nVg-00265-00082576-00082906 he continues regular posting nasta and JQki4664nVg-00266-00082907-00083131 Dasha JQki4664nVg-00267-00083132-00083675 aura also posts but less frequently Dima JQki4664nVg-00268-00083676-00083882 has no issues with his compensation i JQki4664nVg-00269-00083883-00084266 have no bones to pick with him Dima I JQki4664nVg-00270-00084267-00084932 would like master to weigh my she's very JQki4664nVg-00271-00084933-00085268 young and I think this is not the last JQki4664nVg-00272-00085269-00085544 time we hear of her who would I JQki4664nVg-00273-00085545-00085800 personally choose I would say Dmitry JQki4664nVg-00274-00085801-00086130 chef Knopf Noura is quite productive and JQki4664nVg-00275-00086131-00086426 has great work potential she's always JQki4664nVg-00276-00086427-00086628 ready to take on long training sessions JQki4664nVg-00277-00086629-00086946 I can see now that by the end of the JQki4664nVg-00278-00086947-00087056 project JQki4664nVg-00279-00087057-00087485 she made the move to be more open well JQki4664nVg-00280-00087486-00087765 so many things happen with neuro from my JQki4664nVg-00281-00087766-00088244 side we were changing insolence JQki4664nVg-00282-00088245-00088593 throughout the project I think it is JQki4664nVg-00283-00088594-00088826 between Dasha and Dina in my opinion JQki4664nVg-00284-00088827-00089081 both of them did a lot if I had to vote JQki4664nVg-00285-00089082-00089363 I would give my vote to one of the two JQki4664nVg-00286-00089364-00089817 let's talk about Dina after the terms of JQki4664nVg-00287-00089818-00090194 the second stage were announced she did JQki4664nVg-00288-00090195-00090368 not like having to report to the diet JQki4664nVg-00289-00090369-00090830 challenge group she said she would not JQki4664nVg-00290-00090831-00091016 do that JQki4664nVg-00291-00091017-00091386 this of course stands in the way of JQki4664nVg-00292-00091387-00091660 objectively assessing her results JQki4664nVg-00293-00091661-00091954 for who is going to be the winner of dye JQki4664nVg-00294-00091955-00092950 challenge that's my guess when it comes JQki4664nVg-00295-00092951-00093148 to Dasha I would like to praise her for JQki4664nVg-00296-00093149-00093415 her eating habits George she's a fighter JQki4664nVg-00297-00093416-00093592 she truly fought for it I have no JQki4664nVg-00298-00093593-00093835 complaints by and large you chose her JQki4664nVg-00299-00093836-00094165 for her perseverance yes she's trying JQki4664nVg-00300-00094166-00094380 that's a fact JQki4664nVg-00301-00094381-00094740 so it's either Dmitri or Dasha and JQki4664nVg-00302-00094741-00094931 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00303-00094932-00095305 Veronica Dina tomorrow is our last day JQki4664nVg-00304-00095306-00095494 filming who's going to be the winner in JQki4664nVg-00305-00095495-00096201 your opinion I don't know dear JQki4664nVg-00306-00096202-00096550 participants I am very happy to see all JQki4664nVg-00307-00096551-00096966 of you today we spoke with the experts JQki4664nVg-00308-00096967-00097330 and each one of them spoke of your work JQki4664nVg-00309-00097331-00097705 in the last three months each one of you JQki4664nVg-00310-00097706-00098056 showed him or herself differently there JQki4664nVg-00311-00098057-00098247 Anika is going to have a baby JQki4664nVg-00312-00098248-00098821 Dima no longer has sugar spikes honest I JQki4664nVg-00313-00098822-00099255 see you lost weight and began to cook JQki4664nVg-00314-00099256-00099519 you as the winner of the first stage JQki4664nVg-00315-00099520-00099768 showed us a tremendous well to success JQki4664nVg-00316-00099769-00100218 and to transform in a short time Yelena JQki4664nVg-00317-00100219-00100963 also transformed became happy Dasha you JQki4664nVg-00318-00100964-00101479 have come a long way some circumstances JQki4664nVg-00319-00101480-00101734 could have shaken your confidence while JQki4664nVg-00320-00101735-00102100 participating in the project but you JQki4664nVg-00321-00102101-00102628 carried on Noura I think you can see the JQki4664nVg-00322-00102629-00102933 changes in yourself your new JQki4664nVg-00323-00102934-00103114 understanding of yourself and your JQki4664nVg-00324-00103115-00103578 diabetes inna initially showed deep JQki4664nVg-00325-00103579-00104038 knowledge in the field of diabetes you JQki4664nVg-00326-00104039-00104144 look great JQki4664nVg-00327-00104145-00104318 Thanks JQki4664nVg-00328-00104319-00104627 you have lost weight although experts do JQki4664nVg-00329-00104628-00104801 not quite agree that this is good for JQki4664nVg-00330-00104802-00105164 you a new phase of your life begins now JQki4664nVg-00331-00105165-00105824 a truly independent phase from this day JQki4664nVg-00332-00105825-00106354 on no more reports JQki4664nVg-00333-00106355-00106855 that's a bit it is now time to announce JQki4664nVg-00334-00106856-00107130 the winner JQki4664nVg-00335-00107131-00107764 I'll even reveal a secret during the JQki4664nVg-00336-00107765-00108103 first stage this person was one of the JQki4664nVg-00337-00108104-00108397 top contenders but it was too early to JQki4664nVg-00338-00108398-00109182 become a winner yeah the second stage JQki4664nVg-00339-00109183-00109780 showed that this person gave it all that JQki4664nVg-00340-00109781-00110457 she had and this person is Dasha JQki4664nVg-00341-00110458-00110951 congratulations JQki4664nVg-00342-00110952-00111164 get up JQki4664nVg-00343-00111165-00111713 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00344-00111714-00112056 congratulations oh my god I completely JQki4664nVg-00345-00112057-00113059 did not expect that really well done JQki4664nVg-00346-00113060-00113233 thank you JQki4664nVg-00347-00113234-00113564 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00348-00113565-00113946 [Applause] JQki4664nVg-00349-00113947-00114420 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00350-00114421-00114810 common shock tell us now how do you feel JQki4664nVg-00351-00114811-00115645 right now thank you I did not expect JQki4664nVg-00352-00115646-00115993 this really I'm a fan of crying on JQki4664nVg-00353-00115994-00117019 camera I'm so grateful to you you helped JQki4664nVg-00354-00117020-00117568 me in change in my life this is truly JQki4664nVg-00355-00117569-00117856 the beginning this is a huge beginning JQki4664nVg-00356-00117857-00118365 of my life a great magical kick I am no JQki4664nVg-00357-00118366-00118650 longer afraid I am seriously not scared JQki4664nVg-00358-00118651-00118998 I know that even if I don't get JQki4664nVg-00359-00118999-00119249 everything right that I have all of you JQki4664nVg-00360-00119250-00119547 there are so many of you I have never JQki4664nVg-00361-00119548-00119852 had this many people in my life before JQki4664nVg-00362-00119853-00120268 thank you let's applaud JQki4664nVg-00363-00120269-00120474 [Applause] JQki4664nVg-00364-00120475-00121304 oh my god every process in this life has JQki4664nVg-00365-00121305-00121664 a completion completion is the beginning JQki4664nVg-00366-00121665-00121784 of something new JQki4664nVg-00367-00121785-00122159 I want your relationship with diabetes JQki4664nVg-00368-00122160-00122408 to mature as fast as possible JQki4664nVg-00369-00122409-00122834 I wish you all success perseverance and JQki4664nVg-00370-00122835-00123246 may the Stars help you let this not be JQki4664nVg-00371-00123247-00123546 some short-term stage in your life let JQki4664nVg-00372-00123547-00123771 it be with you for the rest of your life JQki4664nVg-00373-00123772-00123941 that is the skills and the knowledge JQki4664nVg-00374-00123942-00124235 that you received on the project do not JQki4664nVg-00375-00124236-00124364 be afraid to use them JQki4664nVg-00376-00124365-00124647 be sure to do it take care of yourself JQki4664nVg-00377-00124648-00124914 and your health may everything work out JQki4664nVg-00378-00124915-00125202 for you in your life I wish you all good JQki4664nVg-00379-00125203-00125465 health a narrow corridor in terms of JQki4664nVg-00380-00125466-00125718 glucose levels good luck and we are JQki4664nVg-00381-00125719-00125810 always here for you JQki4664nVg-00382-00125811-00126081 [Applause] JQki4664nVg-00383-00126082-00126921 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00384-00126922-00127182 again Lourdes you cannot ask me to say JQki4664nVg-00385-00127183-00127484 the phrase never give up so never give JQki4664nVg-00386-00127485-00127794 up you can never give up never give up JQki4664nVg-00387-00127795-00128079 you can never give up never give up you JQki4664nVg-00388-00128080-00128315 don't give up we challenged ourselves JQki4664nVg-00389-00128316-00129076 have you done thank you JQki4664nVg-00390-00129077-00130096 well done JQki4664nVg-00391-00130097-00130841 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00392-00130842-00131619 [Music] JQki4664nVg-00393-00131620-00131946 [Music] JRW8_W71HiU-00000-00000000-00000286 from the cube studios in Palo Alto in JRW8_W71HiU-00001-00000287-00000509 Boston bringing you data-driven insights JRW8_W71HiU-00002-00000509-00000821 from the Cuban ETR this is breaking JRW8_W71HiU-00003-00000822-00001133 analysis with Dave vellante JRW8_W71HiU-00004-00001134-00001361 welcome to this week's wikibon Cube JRW8_W71HiU-00005-00001362-00001697 insights powered by ETR as we exited the JRW8_W71HiU-00006-00001698-00001907 isolation economy last year supercloud JRW8_W71HiU-00007-00001907-00002105 is a term that we introduced to describe JRW8_W71HiU-00008-00002106-00002255 something JRW8_W71HiU-00009-00002256-00002537 new that was happening in the world of JRW8_W71HiU-00010-00002538-00002747 cloud and this breaking analysis we JRW8_W71HiU-00011-00002748-00003107 address the 10 most frequently asked JRW8_W71HiU-00012-00003108-00003485 questions we get around supercloud JRW8_W71HiU-00013-00003486-00003803 okay let's review these frequently asked JRW8_W71HiU-00014-00003804-00003935 questions on super cloud that we're JRW8_W71HiU-00015-00003936-00004115 going to try to answer today JRW8_W71HiU-00016-00004116-00004367 look at an industry that's full of hype JRW8_W71HiU-00017-00004368-00004679 and buzzwords why the hell does anyone JRW8_W71HiU-00018-00004680-00004985 need a new term aren't hyperscalers JRW8_W71HiU-00019-00004986-00005243 building out super clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00020-00005244-00005470 we'll try to answer why the term super JRW8_W71HiU-00021-00005471-00005729 cloud connotes something different from JRW8_W71HiU-00022-00005730-00005881 hyperscale clouds and we'll talk about JRW8_W71HiU-00023-00005882-00006202 the problems that super clouds solve JRW8_W71HiU-00024-00006203-00006370 specifically JRW8_W71HiU-00025-00006371-00006539 and we'll further Define the critical JRW8_W71HiU-00026-00006540-00006833 aspects of a super cloud architecture JRW8_W71HiU-00027-00006834-00007048 we often get asked isn't this just JRW8_W71HiU-00028-00007050-00007306 multi-cloud well we don't think so and JRW8_W71HiU-00029-00007308-00007456 we'll explain why in this breaking JRW8_W71HiU-00030-00007458-00007703 analysis now in an earlier episode we JRW8_W71HiU-00031-00007704-00007906 introduced the notion of a super Paz JRW8_W71HiU-00032-00007908-00008249 well isn't a plain vanilla Paz already a JRW8_W71HiU-00033-00008250-00008459 superpass again we don't think so and JRW8_W71HiU-00034-00008460-00008596 we'll explain why JRW8_W71HiU-00035-00008597-00008842 who will actually build and who are the JRW8_W71HiU-00036-00008843-00009160 players currently building super clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00037-00009161-00009455 what workloads and services will run on JRW8_W71HiU-00038-00009456-00009796 super clouds and 8A or number nine what JRW8_W71HiU-00039-00009797-00010060 are some examples that we can share of JRW8_W71HiU-00040-00010061-00010373 supercloud and finally we'll answer what JRW8_W71HiU-00041-00010374-00010606 you can expect next from us on JRW8_W71HiU-00042-00010607-00010727 supercloud JRW8_W71HiU-00043-00010728-00010846 okay JRW8_W71HiU-00044-00010847-00011233 let's get started why do we need another JRW8_W71HiU-00045-00011234-00011645 buzzword Well late last year ahead of re JRW8_W71HiU-00046-00011646-00011909 invent we were inspired by a post from JRW8_W71HiU-00047-00011910-00012137 Jerry Chen called castles in the cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00048-00012138-00012395 now in that blog post he introduced the JRW8_W71HiU-00049-00012396-00012688 idea that there were sub-markets JRW8_W71HiU-00050-00012689-00012857 emerging in Cloud that presented JRW8_W71HiU-00051-00012858-00013007 opportunities for investors and JRW8_W71HiU-00052-00013008-00013121 entrepreneurs JRW8_W71HiU-00053-00013122-00013349 that the cloud wasn't going to suck the JRW8_W71HiU-00054-00013350-00013505 hyperscalers weren't going to suck all JRW8_W71HiU-00055-00013506-00013733 the value out of the industry and so we JRW8_W71HiU-00056-00013734-00013913 introduced this notion of supercloud to JRW8_W71HiU-00057-00013913-00014279 describe what we saw as a value layer JRW8_W71HiU-00058-00014280-00014608 emerging above the hyperscalers capex JRW8_W71HiU-00059-00014609-00014879 gift we sometimes call it now it turns JRW8_W71HiU-00060-00014880-00015161 out that we weren't the only ones using JRW8_W71HiU-00061-00015162-00015472 the term as both Cornell and MIT have JRW8_W71HiU-00062-00015473-00015694 used the phrase in somewhat similar but JRW8_W71HiU-00063-00015695-00015947 different contexts the point is JRW8_W71HiU-00064-00015947-00016271 something new was happening in the AWS JRW8_W71HiU-00065-00016272-00016553 and other ecosystems it was more than is JRW8_W71HiU-00066-00016554-00016919 and Paz and wasn't just SAS JRW8_W71HiU-00067-00016920-00017183 running in the cloud it was a new JRW8_W71HiU-00068-00017184-00017291 architecture that integrates JRW8_W71HiU-00069-00017292-00017603 infrastructure platform and software as JRW8_W71HiU-00070-00017604-00017819 services to solve new problems at the JRW8_W71HiU-00071-00017820-00017963 cloud vendors and our view weren't JRW8_W71HiU-00072-00017964-00018221 addressing by themselves it seemed to us JRW8_W71HiU-00073-00018222-00018419 that the ecosystem was pursuing JRW8_W71HiU-00074-00018420-00018677 opportunities across clouds that went JRW8_W71HiU-00075-00018678-00019013 beyond conventional implementations of JRW8_W71HiU-00076-00019014-00019247 multi-cloud and we felt there was a JRW8_W71HiU-00077-00019248-00019499 structural change going on at the JRW8_W71HiU-00078-00019500-00019680 industry level the supercloud JRW8_W71HiU-00079-00019681-00019979 metaphorically was highlighting so JRW8_W71HiU-00080-00019980-00020261 that's the background on why we felt a JRW8_W71HiU-00081-00020262-00020513 new catchphrase was warranted love it or JRW8_W71HiU-00082-00020514-00020735 hate it it's memorable and it's what we JRW8_W71HiU-00083-00020736-00020917 chose now to that last point about JRW8_W71HiU-00084-00020918-00021197 structural industry transformation JRW8_W71HiU-00085-00021198-00021485 Andy Rappaport is sometimes an often JRW8_W71HiU-00086-00021486-00021707 credited with identifying the shift from JRW8_W71HiU-00087-00021708-00021994 the vertically integrated IBM Mainframe JRW8_W71HiU-00088-00021995-00022319 era to the fragmented PC microprocessor JRW8_W71HiU-00089-00022320-00022444 based era JRW8_W71HiU-00090-00022445-00022925 in his hbr article in 1991. JRW8_W71HiU-00091-00022926-00023249 in fact it was David michella who at the JRW8_W71HiU-00092-00023250-00023441 time was an IDC analyst who first JRW8_W71HiU-00093-00023442-00023789 introduced the concept in 1987 four JRW8_W71HiU-00094-00023790-00023986 years before rappaport's article was JRW8_W71HiU-00095-00023987-00024239 published Michelle saw that it was clear JRW8_W71HiU-00096-00024240-00024539 that Intel Microsoft C8 and others would JRW8_W71HiU-00097-00024540-00024827 replace the system vendors and put that JRW8_W71HiU-00098-00024828-00025055 forth in a graphic that looked similar JRW8_W71HiU-00099-00025056-00025372 to the first two on this chart JRW8_W71HiU-00100-00025373-00025528 we don't have to review the shift from JRW8_W71HiU-00101-00025529-00025702 IBM as the center of the industry to JRW8_W71HiU-00102-00025704-00025949 Intel that's well understood what isn't JRW8_W71HiU-00103-00025950-00026134 as well known or accepted is what JRW8_W71HiU-00104-00026135-00026370 Michelle put out in his 2018 JRW8_W71HiU-00105-00026372-00026668 book called seeing digital which JRW8_W71HiU-00106-00026669-00026879 introduced the idea of the Matrix that's JRW8_W71HiU-00107-00026880-00027023 shown on the right hand side of this JRW8_W71HiU-00108-00027024-00027262 chart Michelle apposited that new JRW8_W71HiU-00109-00027263-00027545 Services were emerging built on top of JRW8_W71HiU-00110-00027545-00027862 the internet and hyperscale clouds that JRW8_W71HiU-00111-00027863-00028085 would integrate other Innovations and JRW8_W71HiU-00112-00028086-00028307 would Define the next era of computing JRW8_W71HiU-00113-00028308-00028601 he used the term Matrix because the JRW8_W71HiU-00114-00028602-00028901 conceptual depiction included not only JRW8_W71HiU-00115-00028902-00029237 horizontal technology Rose like the JRW8_W71HiU-00116-00029238-00029452 cloud and the internet but for the first JRW8_W71HiU-00117-00029454-00029767 time included connected industry JRW8_W71HiU-00118-00029768-00030023 verticals The Columns in this chart JRW8_W71HiU-00119-00030024-00030214 Michelle pointed out that whereas JRW8_W71HiU-00120-00030216-00030389 historically industry verticals at a JRW8_W71HiU-00121-00030389-00030724 closed value chain or stack an ecosystem JRW8_W71HiU-00122-00030725-00030989 of r d and production and Manufacturing JRW8_W71HiU-00123-00030989-00031193 and distribution and if if you were in JRW8_W71HiU-00124-00031194-00031462 that industry the expertise within that JRW8_W71HiU-00125-00031463-00031667 vertical generally stayed within that JRW8_W71HiU-00126-00031668-00031937 vertical and was critical to success but JRW8_W71HiU-00127-00031938-00032183 because of digital and data for the JRW8_W71HiU-00128-00032183-00032345 first time companies were able to JRW8_W71HiU-00129-00032345-00032549 Traverse Industries jump across JRW8_W71HiU-00130-00032550-00032867 Industries and compete because data JRW8_W71HiU-00131-00032868-00033083 enabled them to do that examples Amazon JRW8_W71HiU-00132-00033084-00033479 and content payments groceries apple and JRW8_W71HiU-00133-00033480-00033712 payments and content and so forth there JRW8_W71HiU-00134-00033713-00034007 are many examples data was now this JRW8_W71HiU-00135-00034008-00034205 unifying enabler JRW8_W71HiU-00136-00034206-00034468 and this marked a change in the JRW8_W71HiU-00137-00034469-00034690 structure of the technology landscape JRW8_W71HiU-00138-00034691-00034889 and super cloud is meant to imply more JRW8_W71HiU-00139-00034890-00035195 than running in hyperscale clouds rather JRW8_W71HiU-00140-00035196-00035368 it's the combination of multiple JRW8_W71HiU-00141-00035369-00035705 Technologies enabled by Cloud scale with JRW8_W71HiU-00142-00035706-00035951 new industry participants from those JRW8_W71HiU-00143-00035952-00036095 verticals financial services and JRW8_W71HiU-00144-00036096-00036293 Healthcare manufacturing energy media JRW8_W71HiU-00145-00036294-00036568 and virtually all in any industry JRW8_W71HiU-00146-00036569-00036880 kind of an extension of every company is JRW8_W71HiU-00147-00036881-00037073 a software company basically every JRW8_W71HiU-00148-00037074-00037265 company now has the opportunity to build JRW8_W71HiU-00149-00037266-00037523 their own cloud or super cloud and we'll JRW8_W71HiU-00150-00037524-00037649 come back to that JRW8_W71HiU-00151-00037650-00037823 let's first address what's different JRW8_W71HiU-00152-00037824-00038093 about super clouds relative to JRW8_W71HiU-00153-00038094-00038327 hyperscale clouds now this one's pretty JRW8_W71HiU-00154-00038328-00038512 straightforward and obvious I think JRW8_W71HiU-00155-00038513-00038771 hyperscale clouds they're walled Gardens JRW8_W71HiU-00156-00038772-00038980 where they want your data in their cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00157-00038981-00039190 and they want to keep you there sure JRW8_W71HiU-00158-00039191-00039490 every cloud player realizes that not all JRW8_W71HiU-00159-00039491-00039737 data will go to their particular Cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00160-00039738-00039935 so they're meeting customers where their JRW8_W71HiU-00161-00039936-00040090 data lives with initiatives like Amazon JRW8_W71HiU-00162-00040091-00040390 outposts and Azure Arc and Google anthos JRW8_W71HiU-00163-00040391-00040602 but at the end of the day the more JRW8_W71HiU-00164-00040603-00040823 homogeneous they can make their JRW8_W71HiU-00165-00040824-00041095 environments the better control security JRW8_W71HiU-00166-00041096-00041518 cost and performance they can deliver JRW8_W71HiU-00167-00041519-00041723 the more complex the environment the JRW8_W71HiU-00168-00041724-00041939 more difficult it is to deliver on their JRW8_W71HiU-00169-00041940-00042185 brand promises and of course the less a JRW8_W71HiU-00170-00042186-00042461 margin that's left for them to capture JRW8_W71HiU-00171-00042462-00042652 will the hyperscalers get more serious JRW8_W71HiU-00172-00042653-00042995 about cross-cloud Services maybe but JRW8_W71HiU-00173-00042996-00043211 they have plenty to work plenty of work JRW8_W71HiU-00174-00043212-00043433 to do within their own clouds and within JRW8_W71HiU-00175-00043434-00043624 enabling their own ecosystems they had a JRW8_W71HiU-00176-00043625-00043883 long way to go a lot of Runway so let's JRW8_W71HiU-00177-00043884-00044165 talk about specifically what problems JRW8_W71HiU-00178-00044166-00044465 super clouds solve JRW8_W71HiU-00179-00044466-00044746 we've all seen the stats from IDC or JRW8_W71HiU-00180-00044747-00044987 Gartner or whomever that customers on JRW8_W71HiU-00181-00044988-00045173 average use more than one Cloud you know JRW8_W71HiU-00182-00045174-00045340 two clouds three clouds five clouds 20 JRW8_W71HiU-00183-00045341-00045455 clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00184-00045456-00045665 and we know these clouds operated JRW8_W71HiU-00185-00045666-00045929 operate in disconnected silos for the JRW8_W71HiU-00186-00045930-00046102 most part and that's a problem because JRW8_W71HiU-00187-00046103-00046367 each Cloud requires different skills JRW8_W71HiU-00188-00046368-00046565 because the development environment is JRW8_W71HiU-00189-00046566-00046696 different as is the operating JRW8_W71HiU-00190-00046697-00046805 environment JRW8_W71HiU-00191-00046806-00046990 they have different apis different JRW8_W71HiU-00192-00046991-00047135 Primitives and different management JRW8_W71HiU-00193-00047136-00047386 tools that are optimized for each JRW8_W71HiU-00194-00047387-00047627 respective hyperscale cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00195-00047628-00047962 their functions and value props don't JRW8_W71HiU-00196-00047963-00048317 extend to their competitors clouds for JRW8_W71HiU-00197-00048318-00048557 the most part I mean why would they as a JRW8_W71HiU-00198-00048558-00048736 result there's friction when moving JRW8_W71HiU-00199-00048737-00048958 between different clouds it's hard to JRW8_W71HiU-00200-00048959-00049205 share data it's hard to move work it's JRW8_W71HiU-00201-00049206-00049427 hard to secure and govern data it's hard JRW8_W71HiU-00202-00049428-00049643 to enforce organizational edicts and JRW8_W71HiU-00203-00049644-00049943 policies across these clouds and on-prem JRW8_W71HiU-00204-00049944-00050195 super cloud is an architecture designed JRW8_W71HiU-00205-00050196-00050429 to create a single environment that JRW8_W71HiU-00206-00050430-00050686 enables management of workloads and data JRW8_W71HiU-00207-00050687-00050974 across clouds in an effort to take out JRW8_W71HiU-00208-00050975-00051257 complexity accelerate application JRW8_W71HiU-00209-00051258-00051599 development streamline operations and JRW8_W71HiU-00210-00051600-00051935 shared data safely irrespective of JRW8_W71HiU-00211-00051936-00052030 location JRW8_W71HiU-00212-00052032-00052157 it's pretty straightforward but JRW8_W71HiU-00213-00052158-00052499 non-trivial which is why I always ask a JRW8_W71HiU-00214-00052500-00052721 Company CEO and Executives if stock JRW8_W71HiU-00215-00052722-00052919 BuyBacks and dividends will yield as JRW8_W71HiU-00216-00052920-00053099 much return as building out super clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00217-00053100-00053350 that solve really specific and hard JRW8_W71HiU-00218-00053351-00053687 problems and create differentiable value JRW8_W71HiU-00219-00053688-00054023 okay let's dig a bit more into the JRW8_W71HiU-00220-00054024-00054215 architectural aspects of super cloud in JRW8_W71HiU-00221-00054216-00054388 other words what are the Salient JRW8_W71HiU-00222-00054389-00054742 attributes of super cloud so first and JRW8_W71HiU-00223-00054744-00054976 foremost a super cloud runs a set of JRW8_W71HiU-00224-00054977-00055241 specific Services designed to solve a JRW8_W71HiU-00225-00055241-00055594 unique problem and it can do so in more JRW8_W71HiU-00226-00055595-00055894 than one Cloud super clouds leverage the JRW8_W71HiU-00227-00055895-00056104 underlying Cloud native tooling of a JRW8_W71HiU-00228-00056105-00056507 hyperscale cloud but they're optimized JRW8_W71HiU-00229-00056508-00056692 for a specific objective that aligns JRW8_W71HiU-00230-00056694-00056866 with the problem that they're trying to JRW8_W71HiU-00231-00056867-00057130 solve for example it might be Optima JRW8_W71HiU-00232-00057132-00057365 supercloud might be optimized for lowest JRW8_W71HiU-00233-00057366-00057803 cost or lowest latency or sharing data JRW8_W71HiU-00234-00057804-00058157 or governing or securing that data or JRW8_W71HiU-00235-00058158-00058415 higher performance for networking for JRW8_W71HiU-00236-00058416-00058685 example but the point is the collection JRW8_W71HiU-00237-00058686-00058913 of services that is being delivered is JRW8_W71HiU-00238-00058914-00059182 focused on a unique value proposition JRW8_W71HiU-00239-00059183-00059369 that is not being delivered by the JRW8_W71HiU-00240-00059370-00059700 hyperscalers across clouds a super cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00241-00059701-00060016 abstracts the underlying and siled JRW8_W71HiU-00242-00060017-00060400 Primitives of the Native paths layer JRW8_W71HiU-00243-00060401-00060653 from the hyperscale cloud and then using JRW8_W71HiU-00244-00060654-00060935 its own specific platform as a service JRW8_W71HiU-00245-00060936-00061235 tooling creates a common experience JRW8_W71HiU-00246-00061236-00061559 across clouds for developers and users JRW8_W71HiU-00247-00061560-00061853 and it does so in a very in the most JRW8_W71HiU-00248-00061854-00062021 efficient manner meaning it has the JRW8_W71HiU-00249-00062022-00062191 metadata knowledge and management JRW8_W71HiU-00250-00062191-00062476 capabilities that can optimize for JRW8_W71HiU-00251-00062477-00062819 latency bandwidth or recovery or data JRW8_W71HiU-00252-00062820-00062999 sovereignty or whatever unique value JRW8_W71HiU-00253-00063000-00063232 that super cloud is delivering for the JRW8_W71HiU-00254-00063233-00063526 specific use case in their domain and a JRW8_W71HiU-00255-00063527-00063809 supercloud comprises a super Pas JRW8_W71HiU-00256-00063810-00063959 capability that allows ecosystem JRW8_W71HiU-00257-00063960-00064294 Partners through apis to add incremental JRW8_W71HiU-00258-00064295-00064553 value on top of the supercloud platform JRW8_W71HiU-00259-00064554-00064816 to fill gaps accelerate features and of JRW8_W71HiU-00260-00064817-00064961 course innovate JRW8_W71HiU-00261-00064962-00065254 the services can be infrastructure JRW8_W71HiU-00262-00065255-00065399 related they could be application JRW8_W71HiU-00263-00065400-00065555 Services they could be data services JRW8_W71HiU-00264-00065556-00065875 Security Services user Services Etc JRW8_W71HiU-00265-00065876-00066137 designed and packaged to bring unique JRW8_W71HiU-00266-00066138-00066341 value to customers again that JRW8_W71HiU-00267-00066342-00066538 hyperscalers are not delivering across JRW8_W71HiU-00268-00066539-00066755 clouds or on premises JRW8_W71HiU-00269-00066756-00066953 okay so another common question we get JRW8_W71HiU-00270-00066954-00067319 is isn't that just multi-cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00271-00067320-00067559 and what we'd say to that is yeah yes JRW8_W71HiU-00272-00067560-00067882 but no you can call it multi-cloud 2.0 JRW8_W71HiU-00273-00067883-00068069 if you want if you want to use a it's JRW8_W71HiU-00274-00068070-00068338 kind of a commonly used rubric but as JRW8_W71HiU-00275-00068339-00068609 Dell's Chuck Witten proclaimed at Dell JRW8_W71HiU-00276-00068610-00068806 Technologies world this year multi-cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00277-00068807-00069106 by Design is different than multi-cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00278-00069107-00069521 by default meaning to date multi-cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00279-00069522-00069832 has largely been a symptom of what we've JRW8_W71HiU-00280-00069833-00070156 called multi-vendor or of M A you buy a JRW8_W71HiU-00281-00070157-00070282 company and they happen to use Google JRW8_W71HiU-00282-00070283-00070469 cloud and so you bring it in and when JRW8_W71HiU-00283-00070470-00070697 you look at most so-called multi-cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00284-00070698-00070955 implementations you see things like an JRW8_W71HiU-00285-00070956-00071200 on-prem stack which is wrapped in a JRW8_W71HiU-00286-00071201-00071381 container and hosted on a specific cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00287-00071382-00071662 or increasingly a technology vendor will JRW8_W71HiU-00288-00071663-00071861 do the has done the work of building a JRW8_W71HiU-00289-00071862-00072017 cloud native version of their stack and JRW8_W71HiU-00290-00072018-00072226 running it on a specific Cloud but JRW8_W71HiU-00291-00072227-00072371 historically it's been a unique JRW8_W71HiU-00292-00072372-00072665 experience within each cloud with JRW8_W71HiU-00293-00072666-00072929 virtually no connection between the JRW8_W71HiU-00294-00072930-00073229 cloud silos super cloud sets out to JRW8_W71HiU-00295-00073230-00073456 build incremental value across clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00296-00073457-00073721 and above hyperscale capex that goes JRW8_W71HiU-00297-00073722-00074003 beyond Cloud compatibility within each JRW8_W71HiU-00298-00074004-00074105 Cloud so JRW8_W71HiU-00299-00074106-00074291 if you want to call it multi-cloud 2.0 JRW8_W71HiU-00300-00074292-00074471 that's fine but we chose to call it JRW8_W71HiU-00301-00074472-00074597 super cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00302-00074598-00074806 okay so at this point you may be asking JRW8_W71HiU-00303-00074807-00075094 well isn't Paz already JRW8_W71HiU-00304-00075095-00075335 a version of super cloud and again we JRW8_W71HiU-00305-00075336-00075532 would say no that super cloud and its JRW8_W71HiU-00306-00075533-00075809 corresponding super Paz layer which is a JRW8_W71HiU-00307-00075810-00076069 prerequisite gives the freedom to store JRW8_W71HiU-00308-00076070-00076456 process and manage and secure and JRW8_W71HiU-00309-00076457-00076726 connect islands of data across a JRW8_W71HiU-00310-00076727-00076919 Continuum with a common experience JRW8_W71HiU-00311-00076920-00077249 across clouds and the services offered JRW8_W71HiU-00312-00077250-00077506 are specific to that super cloud and JRW8_W71HiU-00313-00077507-00077753 will vary by each offering you know JRW8_W71HiU-00314-00077754-00077938 openshift for example can be used to JRW8_W71HiU-00315-00077939-00078149 construct a superpass but in and of JRW8_W71HiU-00316-00078150-00078461 itself isn't a superpass it's generic a JRW8_W71HiU-00317-00078462-00078706 superpass might be developed to support JRW8_W71HiU-00318-00078707-00078899 for example for instance ultra low JRW8_W71HiU-00319-00078900-00079259 latency databases work it would unlikely JRW8_W71HiU-00320-00079260-00079511 again taking the openshift example is JRW8_W71HiU-00321-00079512-00079894 unlikely that off the shelf open shift JRW8_W71HiU-00322-00079895-00080147 would be used to develop such a low JRW8_W71HiU-00323-00080148-00080488 latency super Paz layer for ultra low JRW8_W71HiU-00324-00080489-00080656 latency database work JRW8_W71HiU-00325-00080657-00080825 the point is super cloud and its JRW8_W71HiU-00326-00080826-00081065 inherent super paths will be optimized JRW8_W71HiU-00327-00081066-00081335 to solve specific problems like that low JRW8_W71HiU-00328-00081336-00081526 latency example for distributed JRW8_W71HiU-00329-00081527-00081787 databases or fast backup and recovery JRW8_W71HiU-00330-00081788-00082135 for for data protection and ransomware JRW8_W71HiU-00331-00082136-00082456 or data sharing or data governance JRW8_W71HiU-00332-00082457-00082685 highly specific use cases that the super JRW8_W71HiU-00333-00082686-00082967 cloud is designed to solve for JRW8_W71HiU-00334-00082968-00083165 okay another question we often get is JRW8_W71HiU-00335-00083166-00083435 who has a super cloud today and who's JRW8_W71HiU-00336-00083436-00083585 building a super cloud and who are the JRW8_W71HiU-00337-00083586-00083800 contenders well most companies that JRW8_W71HiU-00338-00083801-00083975 consider themselves Cloud players will JRW8_W71HiU-00339-00083976-00084173 we believe be building or are building JRW8_W71HiU-00340-00084174-00084443 super clouds here's a common ETR graphic JRW8_W71HiU-00341-00084444-00084617 that we like to show with Net score or JRW8_W71HiU-00342-00084618-00084875 spending momentum on the y-axis and JRW8_W71HiU-00343-00084876-00085121 overlap or pervasiveness in the ETR JRW8_W71HiU-00344-00085122-00085367 surveys on the x-axis and we've randomly JRW8_W71HiU-00345-00085368-00085571 chosen a number of players that we think JRW8_W71HiU-00346-00085572-00085793 are in the supercloud mix and we've JRW8_W71HiU-00347-00085794-00086026 included the hyperscale is because they JRW8_W71HiU-00348-00086027-00086200 are enablers now remember this is a JRW8_W71HiU-00349-00086201-00086399 spectrum the maturity it's a maturity JRW8_W71HiU-00350-00086400-00086656 model and we've added some of those JRW8_W71HiU-00351-00086657-00086897 industry players that we see building JRW8_W71HiU-00352-00086898-00087221 super clouds like Capital One Goldman JRW8_W71HiU-00353-00087222-00087437 Sachs Walmart this is indifference to JRW8_W71HiU-00354-00087438-00087737 Michelle's observation around the Matrix JRW8_W71HiU-00355-00087738-00087947 and the industry structural changes that JRW8_W71HiU-00356-00087948-00088150 are going on this goes back to every JRW8_W71HiU-00357-00088151-00088312 company being a software company and JRW8_W71HiU-00358-00088313-00088565 rather than pattern match an outdated JRW8_W71HiU-00359-00088566-00088894 SAS model we see new industry structures JRW8_W71HiU-00360-00088895-00089141 emerging we're software and data and JRW8_W71HiU-00361-00089142-00089423 tools specific to an industry will lead JRW8_W71HiU-00362-00089424-00089759 the next wave of innovation and bring in JRW8_W71HiU-00363-00089760-00089993 new value that traditional technology JRW8_W71HiU-00364-00089994-00090197 companies aren't going to solve and the JRW8_W71HiU-00365-00090198-00090443 hyperscalers aren't going to solve JRW8_W71HiU-00366-00090444-00090562 you know we've talked a lot about JRW8_W71HiU-00367-00090563-00090761 snowflakes data Cloud as an example of JRW8_W71HiU-00368-00090762-00090982 super super cloud after being at JRW8_W71HiU-00369-00090983-00091144 snowflake summit we're more convinced JRW8_W71HiU-00370-00091145-00091265 than ever that they're headed in this JRW8_W71HiU-00371-00091266-00091350 direction JRW8_W71HiU-00372-00091351-00091591 VMware is clearly going after JRW8_W71HiU-00373-00091592-00091918 cross-cloud Services you know perhaps JRW8_W71HiU-00374-00091919-00092267 creating a new category basically every JRW8_W71HiU-00375-00092268-00092531 large company we see either pursuing JRW8_W71HiU-00376-00092532-00092681 super cloud initiatives or thinking JRW8_W71HiU-00377-00092682-00092962 about it Dell showed project Alpine a JRW8_W71HiU-00378-00092963-00093126 Dell tech world that's a super cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00379-00093127-00093449 snowflake introducing a new application JRW8_W71HiU-00380-00093450-00093635 development capability based on their JRW8_W71HiU-00381-00093636-00093832 super paths our term of course they JRW8_W71HiU-00382-00093833-00094115 don't use the phrase couch based JRW8_W71HiU-00383-00094116-00094481 nutanix Pure Storage veeam crowdstrike JRW8_W71HiU-00384-00094482-00094871 OCTA zscaler yeah all of those guys and JRW8_W71HiU-00385-00094872-00095362 yes Cisco and hpe even though on the JRW8_W71HiU-00386-00095363-00095632 cube at hpe Discover fidelma Russo said JRW8_W71HiU-00387-00095633-00095987 on the cube she wasn't a fan of cloaking JRW8_W71HiU-00388-00095988-00096335 mechanisms but then we talked to hpe's JRW8_W71HiU-00389-00096336-00096611 head of storage services Omer Assad it JRW8_W71HiU-00390-00096612-00096773 was clearly headed in the direction that JRW8_W71HiU-00391-00096774-00096959 we would consider super cloud again JRW8_W71HiU-00392-00096960-00097150 those cross-cloud Services of course JRW8_W71HiU-00393-00097151-00097349 these their emphasis is connecting as JRW8_W71HiU-00394-00097350-00097529 well on-prem that single experience JRW8_W71HiU-00395-00097530-00097879 which traditionally has not existed with JRW8_W71HiU-00396-00097880-00098188 multi-cloud or hybrid and we're seeing JRW8_W71HiU-00397-00098189-00098441 the emerging emergence of companies JRW8_W71HiU-00398-00098442-00098650 smaller companies like aviatrix and JRW8_W71HiU-00399-00098651-00098837 Starburst and clumio and others that are JRW8_W71HiU-00400-00098838-00099053 building versions of super clouds that JRW8_W71HiU-00401-00099054-00099274 solve for a specific problem for their JRW8_W71HiU-00402-00099275-00099376 customers JRW8_W71HiU-00403-00099377-00099785 even isvs like Adobe ADP we've talked to JRW8_W71HiU-00404-00099786-00100000 uipath they seem to be looking at new JRW8_W71HiU-00405-00100001-00100193 ways to go beyond the SAS model and add JRW8_W71HiU-00406-00100194-00100343 value within their Cloud ecosystem JRW8_W71HiU-00407-00100344-00100715 specifically around data as part of JRW8_W71HiU-00408-00100716-00100859 their and their customers digital JRW8_W71HiU-00409-00100860-00101038 Transformations so yeah pretty much JRW8_W71HiU-00410-00101039-00101249 every Tech vendor with any size or JRW8_W71HiU-00411-00101250-00101500 momentum and new industry players are JRW8_W71HiU-00412-00101501-00101687 coming out of hiding and competing JRW8_W71HiU-00413-00101688-00101956 building super clouds that look a lot JRW8_W71HiU-00414-00101957-00102185 like Michelle's Matrix with machine JRW8_W71HiU-00415-00102186-00102442 intelligence and blockchains and virtual JRW8_W71HiU-00416-00102443-00102766 realities and gaming all enabled by the JRW8_W71HiU-00417-00102767-00103199 internet and hyperscale Cloud capex so JRW8_W71HiU-00418-00103200-00103421 it's moving fast and it's the future in JRW8_W71HiU-00419-00103422-00103601 our opinion so don't get too caught up JRW8_W71HiU-00420-00103602-00103756 in the past or you'll be left behind JRW8_W71HiU-00421-00103757-00104086 okay what about examples we've given a JRW8_W71HiU-00422-00104088-00104260 number in the past but let's try to be a JRW8_W71HiU-00423-00104261-00104458 little bit more specific JRW8_W71HiU-00424-00104459-00104656 here are a few we've selected and we're JRW8_W71HiU-00425-00104657-00104854 going to answer the two questions in one JRW8_W71HiU-00426-00104855-00105028 one section here what workloads and JRW8_W71HiU-00427-00105029-00105178 services will run in super clouds and JRW8_W71HiU-00428-00105179-00105365 what are some examples let's start with JRW8_W71HiU-00429-00105366-00105527 analytics our favorite example is JRW8_W71HiU-00430-00105528-00105743 snowflake it's one of the furthest along JRW8_W71HiU-00431-00105744-00105940 with its data cloud in our view JRW8_W71HiU-00432-00105941-00106186 it's a super cloud optimized for data JRW8_W71HiU-00433-00106188-00106397 sharing and governance and query JRW8_W71HiU-00434-00106398-00106631 performance and security and and JRW8_W71HiU-00435-00106632-00106828 ecosystem enablement when you do things JRW8_W71HiU-00436-00106829-00107213 inside of that data Cloud what we call a JRW8_W71HiU-00437-00107214-00107410 super data Cloud again our term not JRW8_W71HiU-00438-00107411-00107501 theirs JRW8_W71HiU-00439-00107502-00107747 you can do things that you could not do JRW8_W71HiU-00440-00107748-00108154 in a single Cloud you can't do this with JRW8_W71HiU-00441-00108155-00108389 with with redshift you can't new you JRW8_W71HiU-00442-00108390-00108634 can't do this with SQL server and JRW8_W71HiU-00443-00108635-00108910 they're bringing new data types now with JRW8_W71HiU-00444-00108911-00109271 with uh merging analytics or at least JRW8_W71HiU-00445-00109272-00109457 accommodating analytics and transaction JRW8_W71HiU-00446-00109458-00109715 type data and bringing open source JRW8_W71HiU-00447-00109716-00110045 tooling with things like Apache Iceberg JRW8_W71HiU-00448-00110046-00110297 and so it ticks the boxes we laid out JRW8_W71HiU-00449-00110298-00110536 earlier I would say that a company like JRW8_W71HiU-00450-00110538-00110819 databricks is also in that mix doing it JRW8_W71HiU-00451-00110820-00110975 you know coming at it from a data JRW8_W71HiU-00452-00110976-00111119 science perspective trying to create JRW8_W71HiU-00453-00111120-00111431 that consistent experience for data JRW8_W71HiU-00454-00111432-00111707 scientists and data engineering across JRW8_W71HiU-00455-00111708-00111815 clouds JRW8_W71HiU-00456-00111816-00112025 converge databases running transaction JRW8_W71HiU-00457-00112026-00112169 and analytic workloads is another JRW8_W71HiU-00458-00112170-00112331 example take a look at what couchbase is JRW8_W71HiU-00459-00112332-00112528 doing with capella and how it's enabling JRW8_W71HiU-00460-00112529-00112816 stretching the cloud to the edge with JRW8_W71HiU-00461-00112817-00113033 arm-based platforms and optimizing for JRW8_W71HiU-00462-00113033-00113284 low latency across clouds and even out JRW8_W71HiU-00463-00113285-00113525 to the edge JRW8_W71HiU-00464-00113526-00113723 document database workloads look at JRW8_W71HiU-00465-00113724-00113951 mongodb a very developer friendly JRW8_W71HiU-00466-00113952-00114160 platform that with Atlas is moving JRW8_W71HiU-00467-00114161-00114371 toward a super cloud model running JRW8_W71HiU-00468-00114372-00114766 document databases very very efficiently JRW8_W71HiU-00469-00114767-00115025 how about general purpose workloads this JRW8_W71HiU-00470-00115026-00115252 is where you know VMware comes into play JRW8_W71HiU-00471-00115253-00115451 very clearly there's a need to create a JRW8_W71HiU-00472-00115452-00115601 common operating environment across JRW8_W71HiU-00473-00115602-00115865 clouds and on-prem and out to the edge JRW8_W71HiU-00474-00115866-00116099 and I say VMware is hard at work on that JRW8_W71HiU-00475-00116100-00116327 managing and moving workloads and JRW8_W71HiU-00476-00116328-00116489 balancing workloads and being able to JRW8_W71HiU-00477-00116490-00116734 recover very quickly across clouds for JRW8_W71HiU-00478-00116735-00116951 everyday applications JRW8_W71HiU-00479-00116952-00117107 Network routing take a look at what JRW8_W71HiU-00480-00117108-00117286 aviatrix is doing across Cloud's JRW8_W71HiU-00481-00117288-00117490 industry workloads we see Capital One it JRW8_W71HiU-00482-00117491-00117689 announced its cost optimization platform JRW8_W71HiU-00483-00117690-00117886 for snowflake piggybacking on snowflake JRW8_W71HiU-00484-00117888-00118199 super cloud or super data cloud and in JRW8_W71HiU-00485-00118200-00118384 in our view it's very clearly going to JRW8_W71HiU-00486-00118385-00118757 go after uh the other markets is going JRW8_W71HiU-00487-00118758-00119008 to test it out with with snowflake you JRW8_W71HiU-00488-00119009-00119266 know running optimizing an AWS and it's JRW8_W71HiU-00489-00119267-00119452 going to expand to other clouds as JRW8_W71HiU-00490-00119453-00119669 snowflake snowflakes business and those JRW8_W71HiU-00491-00119670-00119866 other clouds grows Walmart working with JRW8_W71HiU-00492-00119867-00120083 Microsoft to create an on-prem to Azure JRW8_W71HiU-00493-00120083-00120299 experience that's seamless JRW8_W71HiU-00494-00120300-00120581 yes that counts on-prem counts if you JRW8_W71HiU-00495-00120582-00120754 can create that seamless and and JRW8_W71HiU-00496-00120755-00120923 continuous experience identical JRW8_W71HiU-00497-00120924-00121210 experience from on-prem to to a JRW8_W71HiU-00498-00121211-00121433 hyperscale cloud we would include that JRW8_W71HiU-00499-00121433-00121619 as a super cloud JRW8_W71HiU-00500-00121620-00121721 you know we've written about what JRW8_W71HiU-00501-00121722-00121990 Goldman is doing again connecting its JRW8_W71HiU-00502-00121991-00122254 on-prem data and software tooling and JRW8_W71HiU-00503-00122255-00122801 and and other capabilities to AWS so for JRW8_W71HiU-00504-00122802-00122951 scale JRW8_W71HiU-00505-00122952-00123119 um and you can bet dollars to Donuts JRW8_W71HiU-00506-00123120-00123245 that Oracle will be building a super JRW8_W71HiU-00507-00123246-00123413 cloud in healthcare with its Cerner JRW8_W71HiU-00508-00123414-00123689 acquisition super cloud is everywhere JRW8_W71HiU-00509-00123690-00123910 you look so I'm sorry naysayers it's JRW8_W71HiU-00510-00123911-00124145 happening all around us so what's next JRW8_W71HiU-00511-00124146-00124493 well with all the industry buzz and JRW8_W71HiU-00512-00124494-00124690 debate about the future John Furrier and JRW8_W71HiU-00513-00124691-00124954 I have decided to host an event JRW8_W71HiU-00514-00124955-00125207 in Palo Alto we're motivated and JRW8_W71HiU-00515-00125208-00125416 inspired to further this conversation JRW8_W71HiU-00516-00125417-00125758 and we welcome all points of view JRW8_W71HiU-00517-00125759-00126108 positive you know negative JRW8_W71HiU-00518-00126109-00126484 multi-cloud super cloud hyper Cloud all JRW8_W71HiU-00519-00126485-00126814 welcome so the cube on supercloud is JRW8_W71HiU-00520-00126815-00127066 coming on August 9th out of our Palo JRW8_W71HiU-00521-00127067-00127331 Alto Studios we'll be running a live JRW8_W71HiU-00522-00127332-00127528 program on the topic we've reached out JRW8_W71HiU-00523-00127529-00127697 to a number of Industry participants JRW8_W71HiU-00524-00127698-00127966 VMware snowflake confluent sky high JRW8_W71HiU-00525-00127967-00128093 security JRW8_W71HiU-00526-00128094-00128314 G rittenhouse's new company hashicorp JRW8_W71HiU-00527-00128315-00128602 cloudflare we've hit up red hat and we JRW8_W71HiU-00528-00128603-00128819 expect many of these folks will be in JRW8_W71HiU-00529-00128820-00129143 our Studios on uh August 9th and we've JRW8_W71HiU-00530-00129144-00129275 invited a number of Industry JRW8_W71HiU-00531-00129276-00129454 participants as well that we're excited JRW8_W71HiU-00532-00129455-00129725 to have on from industry from financial JRW8_W71HiU-00533-00129726-00129971 services from Healthcare from retail JRW8_W71HiU-00534-00129972-00130234 we're inviting analysts thought leaders JRW8_W71HiU-00535-00130235-00130397 investors we're going to have more JRW8_W71HiU-00536-00130398-00130547 detail in the coming weeks but for now JRW8_W71HiU-00537-00130548-00130739 if you're interested please reach out to JRW8_W71HiU-00538-00130740-00131069 me or John with how you think you can JRW8_W71HiU-00539-00131070-00131266 advance the discussion JRW8_W71HiU-00540-00131267-00131554 and we'll see if we can fit you in so JRW8_W71HiU-00541-00131555-00131777 mark your calendars stay tuned for more JRW8_W71HiU-00542-00131778-00131890 information JRW8_W71HiU-00543-00131891-00132101 okay that's it for today thanks to Alex JRW8_W71HiU-00544-00132102-00132340 Meyerson who handles production and JRW8_W71HiU-00545-00132341-00132502 manages the podcast for breaking JRW8_W71HiU-00546-00132503-00132743 analysis and I want to thank Kristen JRW8_W71HiU-00547-00132744-00132928 Martin and Cheryl Knight they helped get JRW8_W71HiU-00548-00132929-00133127 the word out on social and in our JRW8_W71HiU-00549-00133128-00133343 newsletters and Rob Hof is our JRW8_W71HiU-00550-00133344-00133547 editor-in-chief over at siliconangle who JRW8_W71HiU-00551-00133548-00133757 does a lot of editing and appreciate you JRW8_W71HiU-00552-00133758-00133961 posting on siliconangle Rob thanks to JRW8_W71HiU-00553-00133962-00134057 all of you JRW8_W71HiU-00554-00134058-00134309 remember all these episodes are JRW8_W71HiU-00555-00134310-00134477 available as podcasts wherever you JRW8_W71HiU-00556-00134478-00134573 listen all you gotta do is search JRW8_W71HiU-00557-00134574-00134747 breaking analysis podcast I could JRW8_W71HiU-00558-00134748-00134951 publish each week on wikibon.com and JRW8_W71HiU-00559-00134952-00135161 siliconangle.com you can email me JRW8_W71HiU-00560-00135162-00135323 directly at david.palante at JRW8_W71HiU-00561-00135324-00135604 siliconangle.com or DM me at divalante JRW8_W71HiU-00562-00135605-00135814 or comment on my LinkedIn posts and JRW8_W71HiU-00563-00135815-00136127 please do check out etr.a for the best JRW8_W71HiU-00564-00136128-00136421 survey data in the Enterprise Tech JRW8_W71HiU-00565-00136422-00137027 business will be at AWS NYC Summit next JRW8_W71HiU-00566-00137028-00137314 Tuesday uh July 12th so if you're there JRW8_W71HiU-00567-00137315-00137489 please do stop by and say hello to the JRW8_W71HiU-00568-00137490-00137657 cube it's at the Javits Center this is JRW8_W71HiU-00569-00137658-00137807 Dave vellante for the cube insights JRW8_W71HiU-00570-00137808-00138052 powered by ETR thanks for watching and JRW8_W71HiU-00571-00138053-00138202 we'll see you next time on breaking JRW8_W71HiU-00572-00138203-00138611 analysis JRW8_W71HiU-00573-00138612-00138936 foreign JRW8_W71HiU-00574-00138937-00139248 [Music] JTh92iia4a8-00000-00000260-00000437 Conquer crepes JTh92iia4a8-00001-00000438-00000722 we just learned me block and breast cell JTh92iia4a8-00002-00000723-00001125 DNA damage by blocking the binding of JTh92iia4a8-00003-00001126-00001366 carcinogens to our DNA in the first JTh92iia4a8-00004-00001367-00001491 place JTh92iia4a8-00005-00001492-00001787 almonds and Brussels sprouts likewise JTh92iia4a8-00006-00001788-00002099 may protect against DNA damage by JTh92iia4a8-00007-00002100-00002480 boosting our own DNA repair mechanisms JTh92iia4a8-00008-00002481-00002780 there's actually this enzyme in all of JTh92iia4a8-00009-00002781-00003074 us whose sole purpose is to just travel JTh92iia4a8-00010-00003075-00003472 up and down our DNA patching up holes as JTh92iia4a8-00011-00003472-00003886 we age we accumulate breaks in our DNA JTh92iia4a8-00012-00003887-00004127 actual physical breaks in our JTh92iia4a8-00013-00004128-00004361 chromosomes which may be one of the JTh92iia4a8-00014-00004362-00004661 reasons we get cancer why our organs JTh92iia4a8-00015-00004662-00004870 tend to break down as we get older JTh92iia4a8-00016-00004871-00005188 now with the understanding that even JTh92iia4a8-00017-00005189-00005567 plants protects our DNA and eating JTh92iia4a8-00018-00005568-00005831 animals may damage it as I talked about JTh92iia4a8-00019-00005832-00006193 in previous reviews this year JTh92iia4a8-00020-00006194-00006556 Slovakian researchers measured the total JTh92iia4a8-00021-00006558-00006828 number of DNA breaks and vegetarians JTh92iia4a8-00022-00006829-00007420 compared to meat-eaters led by a doctor JTh92iia4a8-00023-00007420-00008092 dr. k they counted DNA breaks in both JTh92iia4a8-00024-00008093-00008542 omnivores and vegetarians at 25 years of JTh92iia4a8-00025-00008543-00009095 age through 65 here are the meteors as JTh92iia4a8-00026-00009096-00009428 you can see a sharp rise in DNA breakage JTh92iia4a8-00027-00009429-00009739 as they age to adulthood in middle age JTh92iia4a8-00028-00009740-00010135 here are the vegetarians and I noticed JTh92iia4a8-00029-00010136-00010466 two things not only is that slope much JTh92iia4a8-00030-00010467-00010823 more gradual less DNA breakage as you JTh92iia4a8-00031-00010824-00011420 age but vegetarians at age 65 seemed to JTh92iia4a8-00032-00011421-00011911 have the DNA of a 25 year old JTh92iia4a8-00033-00011912-00012118 you JXaSOU6HOCE-00000-00000143-00000430 aloha youtube this is your boy crypto JXaSOU6HOCE-00001-00000431-00000630 roots and i'm back at it again spitting JXaSOU6HOCE-00002-00000631-00000839 mo crypto game i ain't never left JXaSOU6HOCE-00003-00000840-00001015 i've been going hard damn nearly four JXaSOU6HOCE-00004-00001016-00001270 years straight studying smart contracts JXaSOU6HOCE-00005-00001271-00001327 joining JXaSOU6HOCE-00006-00001328-00001558 decentralized autonomous organizations JXaSOU6HOCE-00007-00001559-00001734 started my own liquidity pools got my JXaSOU6HOCE-00008-00001735-00001830 own tokens JXaSOU6HOCE-00009-00001832-00001975 you know i'm saying i've been doing JXaSOU6HOCE-00010-00001976-00002207 crypto mentorships just learning about JXaSOU6HOCE-00011-00002208-00002383 all types of investments teaching JXaSOU6HOCE-00012-00002384-00002431 students JXaSOU6HOCE-00013-00002432-00002623 kids parents they don't even matter and JXaSOU6HOCE-00014-00002624-00002791 i'm telling you right now the d5 b's JXaSOU6HOCE-00015-00002792-00002863 just woke JXaSOU6HOCE-00016-00002864-00003206 up again up again the d5 beast JXaSOU6HOCE-00017-00003207-00003399 most of these coins are in my portfolio JXaSOU6HOCE-00018-00003400-00003559 right now so yes JXaSOU6HOCE-00019-00003560-00003711 it's called a sea of green yes that JXaSOU6HOCE-00020-00003711-00003886 means i'm making money JXaSOU6HOCE-00021-00003887-00004022 look at these charts JXaSOU6HOCE-00022-00004023-00004286 amazing amazing don't turn your back on JXaSOU6HOCE-00023-00004287-00004343 wi-fi JXaSOU6HOCE-00024-00004344-00004695 wi-fi will be 50k it will be 50k JXaSOU6HOCE-00025-00004696-00004983 it went from 8 000 to 15 000 in a matter JXaSOU6HOCE-00026-00004984-00005070 of a couple JXaSOU6HOCE-00027-00005071-00005367 uh days man i'm telling you do not turn JXaSOU6HOCE-00028-00005368-00005502 your back on wi-fi JXaSOU6HOCE-00029-00005503-00005751 i got your back hit your boy up for the JXaSOU6HOCE-00030-00005752-00005975 crypto roots mentorship i got my JXaSOU6HOCE-00031-00005976-00006191 private crypto chat i'm just letting you JXaSOU6HOCE-00032-00006192-00006343 know this is where the breads at don't JXaSOU6HOCE-00033-00006344-00006446 turn your back JXaSOU6HOCE-00034-00006447-00006606 and i'm gonna teach you how to play and JXaSOU6HOCE-00035-00006608-00007120 hustle these markets peace Jc43cQXZZFY-00000-00000008-00001108 hey Jc43cQXZZFY-00002-00004200-00004613 foreign Jc43cQXZZFY-00004-00007831-00009351 me Jc43cQXZZFY-00005-00009352-00009724 so Jc43cQXZZFY-00006-00009725-00011846 [Music] Jc43cQXZZFY-00007-00011847-00012185 is Jc43cQXZZFY-00008-00012186-00012781 [Music] Jc43cQXZZFY-00009-00012782-00012977 [Applause] Jc43cQXZZFY-00010-00012978-00013350 [Music] Jc43cQXZZFY-00011-00013351-00013415 [Applause] Jc43cQXZZFY-00012-00013416-00013525 [Music] Jc43cQXZZFY-00013-00013526-00013628 [Applause] Jc43cQXZZFY-00014-00013629-00016071 [Music] Jc43cQXZZFY-00015-00016072-00016172 me Jc43cQXZZFY-00017-00023285-00024032 [Music] Jdwa3JjClaY-00000-00000150-00000473 hello everybody so in front of me is the Jdwa3JjClaY-00001-00000474-00000743 uh Ariana thinker SE and you can see Jdwa3JjClaY-00002-00000744-00000923 obviously that I have the hot end off Jdwa3JjClaY-00003-00000924-00001108 I've got the BL touch off the side I Jdwa3JjClaY-00004-00001109-00001300 remove the part cooling duct Jdwa3JjClaY-00005-00001301-00001636 let me give you a rundown on why and Jdwa3JjClaY-00006-00001637-00001852 what I'm going to do to this machine Jdwa3JjClaY-00007-00001853-00002147 so this is a Bowden fed setup uh with a Jdwa3JjClaY-00008-00002148-00002315 very inexpensive hot end that's been Jdwa3JjClaY-00009-00002316-00002555 very problematic two things this Jdwa3JjClaY-00010-00002556-00002789 extruder has a notorious habit of the Jdwa3JjClaY-00011-00002790-00003041 set screw coming glues and slipping and Jdwa3JjClaY-00012-00003042-00003263 the other issue is this hot end you Jdwa3JjClaY-00013-00003264-00003401 sometimes you have to add an insert Jdwa3JjClaY-00014-00003402-00003545 inside of here because sometimes you can Jdwa3JjClaY-00015-00003546-00003838 get some popping so it's just a classic Jdwa3JjClaY-00016-00003839-00004138 case of a nice little printer with a Jdwa3JjClaY-00017-00004139-00004427 really lousy extruder and hot end so Jdwa3JjClaY-00018-00004428-00004631 let's start there now Jdwa3JjClaY-00019-00004632-00005129 these fans that make up the hot end the Jdwa3JjClaY-00020-00005130-00005272 one that's always on and the part Jdwa3JjClaY-00021-00005273-00005627 cooling fans are both five volt fans and Jdwa3JjClaY-00022-00005628-00005854 what's interesting about this board is Jdwa3JjClaY-00023-00005855-00006029 there's a jumper where you can change Jdwa3JjClaY-00024-00006030-00006322 that from 5 volt to 24 volt so that will Jdwa3JjClaY-00025-00006323-00006569 prove very important here in the next Jdwa3JjClaY-00026-00006570-00006803 few steps now Jdwa3JjClaY-00027-00006804-00006977 there's a couple other things I could do Jdwa3JjClaY-00028-00006978-00007156 if I really wanted to go crazy upgrading Jdwa3JjClaY-00029-00007158-00007613 this machine I do have an SKR uh mini E3 Jdwa3JjClaY-00030-00007614-00007828 V2 if I wanted to do a motherboard swap Jdwa3JjClaY-00031-00007829-00008105 but I want to just see what a reliable Jdwa3JjClaY-00032-00008106-00008399 hot end will do for this machine so the Jdwa3JjClaY-00033-00008400-00008657 steps to do this is on several of my Jdwa3JjClaY-00034-00008658-00008969 cr-10s I have the creality DDS which is Jdwa3JjClaY-00035-00008970-00009203 the precursor to the DDX but it's Jdwa3JjClaY-00036-00009204-00009539 basically a complete solution it has you Jdwa3JjClaY-00037-00009540-00009796 know the mount that attaches to a cr-10 Jdwa3JjClaY-00038-00009797-00010109 carriage which coincidentally I have and Jdwa3JjClaY-00039-00010110-00010306 well you know size wise is going to fit Jdwa3JjClaY-00040-00010307-00010595 it might be a little long here but we Jdwa3JjClaY-00041-00010596-00010792 can adjust the belt tension with that so Jdwa3JjClaY-00042-00010793-00010996 this will be going on the beautiful Jdwa3JjClaY-00043-00010997-00011242 thing with the DDS is it has everything Jdwa3JjClaY-00044-00011243-00011459 it needs on it it's got part cooling fan Jdwa3JjClaY-00045-00011460-00011669 it's got a BL touch Mount and it has Jdwa3JjClaY-00046-00011670-00012010 always on fan and those parts and pieces Jdwa3JjClaY-00047-00012011-00012353 are over here and has its own motor so Jdwa3JjClaY-00048-00012354-00012670 and I got this special from Bond Tech Jdwa3JjClaY-00049-00012671-00013024 without the e3d and a half and a half an Jdwa3JjClaY-00050-00013025-00013241 e3d right here so I'll be putting that Jdwa3JjClaY-00051-00013241-00013547 together and this is a 24 volt heater so Jdwa3JjClaY-00052-00013547-00013811 we're good there and the fans that Bond Jdwa3JjClaY-00053-00013812-00013997 Tech has included which I do have in the Jdwa3JjClaY-00054-00013997-00014249 Box for the park cooling are 24 volt Jdwa3JjClaY-00055-00014250-00014411 fans so I don't have to run any Buck Jdwa3JjClaY-00056-00014412-00014603 converters or anything like that I just Jdwa3JjClaY-00057-00014604-00015053 have to jumper the voltage so the e3d V6 Jdwa3JjClaY-00058-00015054-00015305 will go inside here everything should Jdwa3JjClaY-00059-00015306-00015580 bolt on top and the BL touch Mount Jdwa3JjClaY-00060-00015581-00015869 fortunately because it was already on uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00061-00015869-00016115 the right side is going to be pretty Jdwa3JjClaY-00062-00016116-00016288 much in the identical position as far as Jdwa3JjClaY-00063-00016290-00016672 offset goes so when it comes to dealing Jdwa3JjClaY-00064-00016673-00016883 with the firmware the only thing that Jdwa3JjClaY-00065-00016884-00017044 should have to be changed is the fact Jdwa3JjClaY-00066-00017045-00017177 that we're going to be using the thermal Jdwa3JjClaY-00067-00017178-00017447 resistor for the e3d and that's a type Jdwa3JjClaY-00068-00017448-00017777 5. so literally that's the only change I Jdwa3JjClaY-00069-00017778-00017939 have to make outside of doing the Jdwa3JjClaY-00070-00017940-00018280 e-steps the PID Auto Tune on the hot end Jdwa3JjClaY-00071-00018281-00018622 and that should be it so on paper it Jdwa3JjClaY-00072-00018623-00018863 looks like it should be a not a terrible Jdwa3JjClaY-00073-00018864-00019127 upgrade and again I'm still questioning Jdwa3JjClaY-00074-00019128-00019247 you know how the board is going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00075-00019248-00019517 handle it it's a very inexpensive board Jdwa3JjClaY-00076-00019518-00019889 in here so you know we'll see uh this Jdwa3JjClaY-00077-00019890-00020027 stuff will all come off as well too Jdwa3JjClaY-00078-00020028-00020153 because we don't need to have this Jdwa3JjClaY-00079-00020154-00020489 extruder we already have our BLT wiring Jdwa3JjClaY-00080-00020490-00020608 because we're just going to reuse that Jdwa3JjClaY-00081-00020609-00020830 now this hot end just to give you an Jdwa3JjClaY-00082-00020831-00021064 idea let me just take the silicone sock Jdwa3JjClaY-00083-00021065-00021286 off of this one if I can get it off of Jdwa3JjClaY-00084-00021287-00021839 here easy enough Jdwa3JjClaY-00085-00021840-00022294 so the issue is this therm resistor is Jdwa3JjClaY-00086-00022295-00022589 held in place by the silicone sock so Jdwa3JjClaY-00087-00022590-00022750 that was one of the other issues I was Jdwa3JjClaY-00088-00022751-00022919 getting a lot of Under and Over Jdwa3JjClaY-00089-00022920-00023093 Extrusion and I believe what's happening Jdwa3JjClaY-00090-00023094-00023249 is as this print head is bouncing around Jdwa3JjClaY-00091-00023250-00023507 and moving and doing its printing this Jdwa3JjClaY-00092-00023508-00023728 guy's moving around as well too A better Jdwa3JjClaY-00093-00023729-00023908 hot end would have some sort of set Jdwa3JjClaY-00094-00023909-00024143 screw holding this in place but again Jdwa3JjClaY-00095-00024144-00024377 for whatever reason Arion decided to go Jdwa3JjClaY-00096-00024378-00024713 with a silicone sock probably just Jdwa3JjClaY-00097-00024714-00025091 for the cost to hold it in place and the Jdwa3JjClaY-00098-00025092-00025372 ER 20 and The Thinker s also have this Jdwa3JjClaY-00099-00025373-00025505 weakness as well Jdwa3JjClaY-00100-00025506-00025618 so Jdwa3JjClaY-00101-00025619-00025943 my next steps are going to be to remove Jdwa3JjClaY-00102-00025944-00026231 this I'll be able to reuse as Heater Jdwa3JjClaY-00103-00026232-00026464 wire I can just solder in the new one Jdwa3JjClaY-00104-00026466-00026652 from the e3d Jdwa3JjClaY-00105-00026654-00026962 I'm probably going to run new wire for Jdwa3JjClaY-00106-00026963-00027112 the thermal resistor just because this Jdwa3JjClaY-00107-00027113-00027317 is cheap and I just don't trust it Jdwa3JjClaY-00108-00027318-00027514 so that'll be direct wire all the way to Jdwa3JjClaY-00109-00027516-00027887 the board as well too and the other Jdwa3JjClaY-00110-00027888-00028024 thing I have to do is I've already Jdwa3JjClaY-00111-00028025-00028211 labeled these as you can see this says Jdwa3JjClaY-00112-00028212-00028523 part uh hot always on fan and part fan Jdwa3JjClaY-00113-00028524-00028757 so what I needed to do is make sure I Jdwa3JjClaY-00114-00028758-00028961 label these and I'll have to splice in Jdwa3JjClaY-00115-00028962-00029087 uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00116-00029088-00029483 the fans that go to the DDS from those Jdwa3JjClaY-00117-00029483-00029699 leads all those will use those leads I Jdwa3JjClaY-00118-00029700-00029914 do have some of the solder connectors Jdwa3JjClaY-00119-00029916-00030118 but I don't have them that will work Jdwa3JjClaY-00120-00030119-00030383 that well with these very thin wires and Jdwa3JjClaY-00121-00030383-00030568 frankly it's better to use the Western Jdwa3JjClaY-00122-00030569-00030881 Union you know tie them together solder Jdwa3JjClaY-00123-00030882-00031240 them and then put the heat shrink on top Jdwa3JjClaY-00124-00031241-00031540 of that so that's my plan that's my hope Jdwa3JjClaY-00125-00031541-00031818 maybe this will go well we shall seek Jdwa3JjClaY-00126-00031819-00033011 [Music] Jdwa3JjClaY-00127-00033012-00033251 first step in the process is getting the Jdwa3JjClaY-00128-00033252-00033533 e3d v6 put together I'm just going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00129-00033534-00033743 give the the video a quick watch again Jdwa3JjClaY-00130-00033744-00033907 to make sure I do it all properly Jdwa3JjClaY-00131-00033908-00034187 everything you see there's a PTFE Jdwa3JjClaY-00132-00034188-00034415 sitting right here I'm not going to use Jdwa3JjClaY-00133-00034416-00034612 that we're going to use the Capricorn Jdwa3JjClaY-00134-00034613-00034805 tubing I like that better it's a Jdwa3JjClaY-00135-00034806-00035159 slipperier has better tolerances so uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00136-00035160-00035393 that the tube that goes in here has to Jdwa3JjClaY-00137-00035394-00035681 be a certain distance 53 millimeters Jdwa3JjClaY-00138-00035682-00035945 this is what bontec said because we have Jdwa3JjClaY-00139-00035946-00036095 a have a little bit of tube that goes Jdwa3JjClaY-00140-00036096-00036383 from this to the entry of the bontec so Jdwa3JjClaY-00141-00036384-00036527 that's fine Jdwa3JjClaY-00142-00036528-00036695 next step is going to be to get this all Jdwa3JjClaY-00143-00036696-00036929 together and when we come back that will Jdwa3JjClaY-00144-00036930-00037121 be done Jdwa3JjClaY-00145-00037122-00037445 the V6 is assembled I still got to do Jdwa3JjClaY-00146-00037446-00037667 the silicone sock and everything that'll Jdwa3JjClaY-00147-00037668-00037831 be the last part of all those process Jdwa3JjClaY-00148-00037832-00038171 next up is to review the process of Jdwa3JjClaY-00149-00038172-00038435 getting this installed inside the bontec Jdwa3JjClaY-00150-00038436-00038567 DDS that's going to pull up those Jdwa3JjClaY-00151-00038568-00038896 instructions as a refresher Jdwa3JjClaY-00152-00038897-00039346 e3d V6 is in position and Jdwa3JjClaY-00153-00039347-00039695 let's see that's uh Capricorn tube is Jdwa3JjClaY-00154-00039696-00039833 the right distance Jdwa3JjClaY-00155-00039834-00040012 so the next step is going to be Jdwa3JjClaY-00156-00040013-00040229 preparing the carriage so I'll have to Jdwa3JjClaY-00157-00040230-00040405 be jumping back over to the printer Jdwa3JjClaY-00158-00040406-00040733 because in order to go to the next parts Jdwa3JjClaY-00159-00040734-00040990 of this assemble uh this gets attached Jdwa3JjClaY-00160-00040991-00041237 to that Carriage so the cr10 style Jdwa3JjClaY-00161-00041238-00041585 Carriage needs to be installed Jdwa3JjClaY-00162-00041586-00041849 all Carriage is out see our 10 carriages Jdwa3JjClaY-00163-00041850-00042124 in getting the uh belt undone was a Jdwa3JjClaY-00164-00042125-00042293 little tricky with this old because they Jdwa3JjClaY-00165-00042294-00042461 got these really weird teeth in here so Jdwa3JjClaY-00166-00042462-00042749 interesting design uh as you can see on Jdwa3JjClaY-00167-00042750-00042899 the bottom wheel uh there is no Jdwa3JjClaY-00168-00042900-00043079 eccentric nut uh just a whole bunch of Jdwa3JjClaY-00169-00043080-00043324 debris stuck to it the cr10 carriage Jdwa3JjClaY-00170-00043325-00043493 went on with ease I basically just Jdwa3JjClaY-00171-00043494-00043721 loosened up the the bottom wheel put it Jdwa3JjClaY-00172-00043722-00043967 on there then tightened it up the uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00173-00043968-00044152 right here is a tensioner so when these Jdwa3JjClaY-00174-00044153-00044357 two screws come out uh This Is A Little Jdwa3JjClaY-00175-00044358-00044596 Wheel here for the tension and that's Jdwa3JjClaY-00176-00044597-00044867 fine and this belt is a little slack but Jdwa3JjClaY-00177-00044868-00045046 that's why I can tighten that up a Jdwa3JjClaY-00178-00045047-00045161 little bit later so good forward Jdwa3JjClaY-00179-00045162-00045457 progress now I can work on getting the Jdwa3JjClaY-00180-00045458-00045761 bontecds attached to this and we'll get Jdwa3JjClaY-00181-00045762-00045923 to all the wiring fun here in a little Jdwa3JjClaY-00182-00045924-00046283 bit but uh yeah more progress Jdwa3JjClaY-00183-00046284-00046630 mounted to the carriage now the carriage Jdwa3JjClaY-00184-00046631-00046829 that I bought the cr-10 carriage I Jdwa3JjClaY-00185-00046830-00047195 bought it just has the two openings here Jdwa3JjClaY-00186-00047196-00047530 most cr-10s have a third one and that's Jdwa3JjClaY-00187-00047531-00047830 what this would occupy since that Jdwa3JjClaY-00188-00047831-00047999 doesn't have it it's basically staying Jdwa3JjClaY-00189-00048000-00048251 on here by the the two posts that are Jdwa3JjClaY-00190-00048252-00048496 part of that Carriage so that should be Jdwa3JjClaY-00191-00048497-00048802 fine now it's time to get the e3d V6 Jdwa3JjClaY-00192-00048803-00049127 inside here and close this up then we're Jdwa3JjClaY-00193-00049128-00049330 going to deal with wiring Jdwa3JjClaY-00194-00049331-00049558 this step has been just basically Jdwa3JjClaY-00195-00049559-00049871 getting this guy closed up Jdwa3JjClaY-00196-00049872-00050051 it's got a little wiggle because of the Jdwa3JjClaY-00197-00050052-00050218 carriage isn't tightened up so that's Jdwa3JjClaY-00198-00050219-00050477 fine uh there's some room behind here so Jdwa3JjClaY-00199-00050478-00050621 if you're wondering if I've kind of Jdwa3JjClaY-00200-00050622-00050957 screwed myself no uh so I just have to Jdwa3JjClaY-00201-00050958-00051155 figure out what I want to do as far as Jdwa3JjClaY-00202-00051156-00051449 wiring and how I want to Route these Jdwa3JjClaY-00203-00051450-00051652 cables and uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00204-00051653-00051863 the original kit you know comes with Jdwa3JjClaY-00205-00051864-00052102 everything you know the plugs all set to Jdwa3JjClaY-00206-00052103-00052385 go goes directly to the cr-10 box so Jdwa3JjClaY-00207-00052386-00052661 that's uh that would be nice the other Jdwa3JjClaY-00208-00052662-00052925 part of this that this is the part Jdwa3JjClaY-00209-00052926-00053080 cooling fan duct Jdwa3JjClaY-00210-00053082-00053273 I don't want to put this in until I've Jdwa3JjClaY-00211-00053274-00053507 had a chance to heat up the hot end and Jdwa3JjClaY-00212-00053508-00053669 then tightened it up which is also why Jdwa3JjClaY-00213-00053670-00053921 the silicone sock is sitting here so Jdwa3JjClaY-00214-00053922-00054161 there's a few things I'm going to do a Jdwa3JjClaY-00215-00054162-00054359 little bit out of order but yeah this Jdwa3JjClaY-00216-00054360-00054611 looks pretty good up here just going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00217-00054612-00054779 remove that stuff and make some Jdwa3JjClaY-00218-00054779-00055019 decisions on wire Jdwa3JjClaY-00219-00055020-00055363 okay build touch you can stay Jdwa3JjClaY-00220-00055364-00055594 thermal resistor Jdwa3JjClaY-00221-00055595-00055853 I'm gonna cut you right here Jdwa3JjClaY-00222-00055854-00056141 heater wires I'm going to cut you right Jdwa3JjClaY-00223-00056141-00056254 here and Jdwa3JjClaY-00224-00056255-00056392 here Jdwa3JjClaY-00225-00056394-00056650 okay hot end is done Jdwa3JjClaY-00226-00056651-00056926 okay this is part fan which has been Jdwa3JjClaY-00227-00056927-00057100 labeled Jdwa3JjClaY-00228-00057101-00057275 and I don't think I'm ever going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00229-00057276-00057676 reuse this fan so I'm just gonna Jdwa3JjClaY-00230-00057677-00057880 if you right there Jdwa3JjClaY-00231-00057882-00058037 Park Fan Jdwa3JjClaY-00232-00058038-00058199 I'll leave a little bit of a lead on you Jdwa3JjClaY-00233-00058200-00058385 just in case I want to reuse you on Jdwa3JjClaY-00234-00058386-00059225 something else Jdwa3JjClaY-00235-00059226-00059459 all right Jdwa3JjClaY-00236-00059460-00059704 so the only thing that's really a riddle Jdwa3JjClaY-00237-00059705-00059987 for me is Jdwa3JjClaY-00238-00059988-00060238 what I want to do with therm resistor do Jdwa3JjClaY-00239-00060239-00060544 I want to into this wire or like I said Jdwa3JjClaY-00240-00060545-00060826 earlier go with a new one Jdwa3JjClaY-00241-00060827-00060899 um Jdwa3JjClaY-00242-00060900-00061085 how long is my Jdwa3JjClaY-00243-00061086-00061342 wire that gave me isn't terribly long I Jdwa3JjClaY-00244-00061344-00061499 have some other I could use some Jdwa3JjClaY-00245-00061500-00061673 silicone wire or something Jdwa3JjClaY-00246-00061674-00061961 but I'm gonna I'm gonna ponder that at Jdwa3JjClaY-00247-00061962-00062261 least this is done Jdwa3JjClaY-00248-00062262-00062663 that is done and I do have a new CR2 Jdwa3JjClaY-00249-00062664-00063130 stand uh sorry BL touch Mount that will Jdwa3JjClaY-00250-00063132-00063365 go on this once I get all this Jdwa3JjClaY-00251-00063366-00063592 put away Jdwa3JjClaY-00252-00063594-00064030 oh boy a soldering fun so front fan uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00253-00064032-00064225 the connector to the rear fan Jdwa3JjClaY-00254-00064226-00064571 it had a jst connector and the female Jdwa3JjClaY-00255-00064572-00064775 connector it was a real challenge to get Jdwa3JjClaY-00256-00064776-00065106 those pins out and then put them back in Jdwa3JjClaY-00257-00065107-00065279 embarrassingly I was about an hour and a Jdwa3JjClaY-00258-00065279-00065453 half process Jdwa3JjClaY-00259-00065454-00065776 um these are just 26 24 gauge wire so Jdwa3JjClaY-00260-00065777-00066041 I'm comfortable using these uh uh you Jdwa3JjClaY-00261-00066042-00066288 know heat shrink tubing connectors Jdwa3JjClaY-00262-00066289-00066485 pretty thin wire so you're going to be Jdwa3JjClaY-00263-00066486-00066761 careful how much heat this is the therm Jdwa3JjClaY-00264-00066762-00067049 resistor wire that has got the connector Jdwa3JjClaY-00265-00067050-00067199 here so it can connect Jdwa3JjClaY-00266-00067200-00067421 over and Jdwa3JjClaY-00267-00067422-00067732 the only thing I have left now is the Jdwa3JjClaY-00268-00067733-00068099 heater and like I said I'm going to do Jdwa3JjClaY-00269-00068100-00068231 the connection for that I'm not going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00270-00068232-00068435 use the heat shrink for that Jdwa3JjClaY-00271-00068436-00068603 um and then as a matter of trying to Jdwa3JjClaY-00272-00068604-00068776 tidy all this up and then finish putting Jdwa3JjClaY-00273-00068777-00068915 this together Jdwa3JjClaY-00274-00068916-00069256 pardon my mess so we now have this is Jdwa3JjClaY-00275-00069257-00069449 the VL touch connector and a BL touch Jdwa3JjClaY-00276-00069450-00069779 down here uh so the 24 volts this is the Jdwa3JjClaY-00277-00069780-00070000 part cooling fan on the back side is a Jdwa3JjClaY-00278-00070001-00070169 connector here right here is the Jdwa3JjClaY-00279-00070170-00070456 always-on 24 volt fan that keeps the hot Jdwa3JjClaY-00280-00070457-00070900 end happy uh see the back behind here is Jdwa3JjClaY-00281-00070901-00071135 where I did my I did my NASA certified Jdwa3JjClaY-00282-00071136-00071356 soldering I've Twisted the wires and Jdwa3JjClaY-00283-00071357-00071500 then did all the soldering and heat Jdwa3JjClaY-00284-00071501-00071605 shrink Jdwa3JjClaY-00285-00071606-00071861 these other little guys they're just Jdwa3JjClaY-00286-00071862-00072161 thin little 26 28 gauge wires so as I Jdwa3JjClaY-00287-00072162-00072449 mentioned the previous step here I'm Jdwa3JjClaY-00288-00072450-00072671 happy with them I was a little concerned Jdwa3JjClaY-00289-00072672-00072815 because I was thinking to myself okay Jdwa3JjClaY-00290-00072816-00073091 when I put the motor here is this wire Jdwa3JjClaY-00291-00073092-00073235 going to make it over here and then it Jdwa3JjClaY-00292-00073236-00073493 dawned on me that no bond Tech includes Jdwa3JjClaY-00293-00073494-00073894 an extension wire so there we go of Jdwa3JjClaY-00294-00073895-00074015 course one of the things we'll have to Jdwa3JjClaY-00295-00074016-00074237 check is I make sure that the motor is Jdwa3JjClaY-00296-00074238-00074363 going in the correct direction we can Jdwa3JjClaY-00297-00074364-00074506 change that in firmware if we have to Jdwa3JjClaY-00298-00074507-00074855 but we'll get there so we're not going Jdwa3JjClaY-00299-00074856-00075059 to do too much more assembly of this the Jdwa3JjClaY-00300-00075060-00075413 BL touch will go on because why not I Jdwa3JjClaY-00301-00075414-00075611 want to keep this open so that once we Jdwa3JjClaY-00302-00075612-00075815 have the firmware updated Jdwa3JjClaY-00303-00075816-00075988 we also got to change the jumper to 24 Jdwa3JjClaY-00304-00075989-00076288 volts so that all this works then we Jdwa3JjClaY-00305-00076289-00076505 have to tighten up the nozzle into the Jdwa3JjClaY-00306-00076506-00076691 hot end this has a little bit of Wiggle Jdwa3JjClaY-00307-00076692-00076811 that's because of the carriage because Jdwa3JjClaY-00308-00076812-00076949 the whole thing's shaking Jdwa3JjClaY-00309-00076950-00077176 but uh yeah so we're kind of getting Jdwa3JjClaY-00310-00077177-00077362 there this is going to be good uh this Jdwa3JjClaY-00311-00077363-00077494 motor can come out there's no need for Jdwa3JjClaY-00312-00077495-00077723 that to be over there and as I mentioned Jdwa3JjClaY-00313-00077724-00077950 you know this is kind of a mess and it's Jdwa3JjClaY-00314-00077951-00078082 going to continue to get messy but we'll Jdwa3JjClaY-00315-00078083-00078226 find a way Jdwa3JjClaY-00316-00078227-00078509 time for an update so I mentioned uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00317-00078510-00078700 previously uh that I wasn't going to put Jdwa3JjClaY-00318-00078701-00078911 the part cooling fan duct or fan in Jdwa3JjClaY-00319-00078912-00079067 because I wanted to make sure I was able Jdwa3JjClaY-00320-00079068-00079312 to access the nozzle because we have to Jdwa3JjClaY-00321-00079313-00079456 heat that up and tighten it up at a Jdwa3JjClaY-00322-00079457-00079726 later stage of the build here upon Jdwa3JjClaY-00323-00079727-00079894 looking through here I have plenty of Jdwa3JjClaY-00324-00079895-00080171 room to access what I need to to tighten Jdwa3JjClaY-00325-00080172-00080303 it up so I went ahead and did that Jdwa3JjClaY-00326-00080304-00080494 because it really can't do too much more Jdwa3JjClaY-00327-00080495-00080759 to this until this guy's installed with Jdwa3JjClaY-00328-00080760-00080944 this installed I just have to Route this Jdwa3JjClaY-00329-00080945-00081209 wire around the BL touch can go in this Jdwa3JjClaY-00330-00081210-00081425 is a BL touch Mount that I printed out Jdwa3JjClaY-00331-00081426-00081767 of co-polyester color 5 engine so since Jdwa3JjClaY-00332-00081768-00081929 this printable it's inside an enclosure Jdwa3JjClaY-00333-00081930-00082085 I didn't think pla would be a good Jdwa3JjClaY-00334-00082086-00082229 choice because it's warmer in the Jdwa3JjClaY-00335-00082230-00082517 enclosure and as you can see I've got Jdwa3JjClaY-00336-00082518-00082667 some of the wires already stinked around Jdwa3JjClaY-00337-00082668-00082829 the back here I'm just going to get Jdwa3JjClaY-00338-00082830-00082979 creative about this therm resistor Jdwa3JjClaY-00339-00082980-00083194 connector it'll probably have to just Jdwa3JjClaY-00340-00083195-00083393 sit out here fortunately there's nothing Jdwa3JjClaY-00341-00083394-00083626 over here to collide with I do still Jdwa3JjClaY-00342-00083627-00083759 have a little bit of a wiggle and I Jdwa3JjClaY-00343-00083760-00083938 thought it was my eccentric nut but what Jdwa3JjClaY-00344-00083939-00084155 it is is when I I'm spinning the tire Jdwa3JjClaY-00345-00084156-00084456 here too so when I uh put this together Jdwa3JjClaY-00346-00084457-00084875 when I adjusted the bolt and the nut I Jdwa3JjClaY-00347-00084876-00085049 didn't have it perfectly centered so I Jdwa3JjClaY-00348-00085050-00085265 just have to loosen that realign it Jdwa3JjClaY-00349-00085266-00085444 re-tighten it and then I can do The Jdwa3JjClaY-00350-00085445-00085612 Eccentric nut and get that properly Jdwa3JjClaY-00351-00085613-00085744 tightened and that's why I have this out Jdwa3JjClaY-00352-00085745-00085823 for Jdwa3JjClaY-00353-00085824-00086171 so making good progress the motor is in Jdwa3JjClaY-00354-00086172-00086399 everything is freely moving so that's Jdwa3JjClaY-00355-00086400-00086597 good I went through and I back checked a Jdwa3JjClaY-00356-00086598-00086723 few of the steps to make sure I hadn't Jdwa3JjClaY-00357-00086724-00086826 missed any hardware Jdwa3JjClaY-00358-00086827-00087238 this can come out the stepper wire is Jdwa3JjClaY-00359-00087239-00087425 going to be connecting right here so Jdwa3JjClaY-00360-00087426-00087685 that it can affix to the cable Loom here Jdwa3JjClaY-00361-00087686-00087893 and then I just have to remove this Jdwa3JjClaY-00362-00087894-00088121 motor so those are the next steps next Jdwa3JjClaY-00363-00088122-00088253 steps Beyond this is going to be getting Jdwa3JjClaY-00364-00088254-00088465 the firmware ready adjusting the jumpers Jdwa3JjClaY-00365-00088466-00088894 and see what else comes up Jdwa3JjClaY-00366-00088895-00089206 couple updates so the wire that goes Jdwa3JjClaY-00367-00089207-00089381 into this little opening here part of Jdwa3JjClaY-00368-00089382-00089765 this uh you know piece here the wires go Jdwa3JjClaY-00369-00089766-00089921 in but they can easily come back out Jdwa3JjClaY-00370-00089922-00090094 because they're so thin they're like 26 Jdwa3JjClaY-00371-00090095-00090299 gauge so I get some electrical tape here Jdwa3JjClaY-00372-00090300-00090599 covering this up also no more wiggle I Jdwa3JjClaY-00373-00090600-00090929 loosened up the uh wheel and made sure Jdwa3JjClaY-00374-00090930-00091144 the wheel was centered in the v-slot Jdwa3JjClaY-00375-00091145-00091385 here for the Extrusion so that's been Jdwa3JjClaY-00376-00091386-00091631 done with that aligned I was able to use Jdwa3JjClaY-00377-00091632-00091799 the eccentric nut didn't have those Jdwa3JjClaY-00378-00091800-00092038 before and get that tightened up and Jdwa3JjClaY-00379-00092039-00092200 this thing is solid I mean the whole Jdwa3JjClaY-00380-00092201-00092459 printer moves when I tug on it now and Jdwa3JjClaY-00381-00092460-00092687 the BL touch is ready to go in I got Jdwa3JjClaY-00382-00092688-00093017 that wired up and set to go and as I Jdwa3JjClaY-00383-00093018-00093215 just mentioned uh I also got the thumb Jdwa3JjClaY-00384-00093216-00093431 screw here too it's just a matter of Jdwa3JjClaY-00385-00093432-00093712 cleaning up these wires and getting rid Jdwa3JjClaY-00386-00093713-00094018 of the old extruder and step by step Jdwa3JjClaY-00387-00094019-00094217 we're getting there Jdwa3JjClaY-00388-00094218-00094487 did a little bit of uh wire management Jdwa3JjClaY-00389-00094488-00094679 uh Jdwa3JjClaY-00390-00094680-00094906 kind of ran out a small the small guys Jdwa3JjClaY-00391-00094907-00095225 but my concern was this guy and I'm Jdwa3JjClaY-00392-00095226-00095375 still going to tuck him around at a Jdwa3JjClaY-00393-00095376-00095603 front a little bit here but uh going to Jdwa3JjClaY-00394-00095604-00095909 the full travel he's okay I do need to Jdwa3JjClaY-00395-00095910-00096137 get this uh heater wire a little further Jdwa3JjClaY-00396-00096138-00096221 back Jdwa3JjClaY-00397-00096222-00096697 there we go uh and then onto the back Jdwa3JjClaY-00398-00096698-00097061 you can see here I've Jdwa3JjClaY-00399-00097062-00097444 done a lot as far as wire management I Jdwa3JjClaY-00400-00097445-00097625 do have the motor unplugged it's going Jdwa3JjClaY-00401-00097626-00097888 into the little adapter here and Jdwa3JjClaY-00402-00097889-00098237 everything is secured back here so Jdwa3JjClaY-00403-00098238-00098326 um Jdwa3JjClaY-00404-00098327-00098465 yeah I don't know if I'm gonna need to Jdwa3JjClaY-00405-00098466-00098615 put some sort of you know one of those Jdwa3JjClaY-00406-00098616-00098794 retractable keychain things here to help Jdwa3JjClaY-00407-00098795-00099076 hold that in place but for right now Jdwa3JjClaY-00408-00099077-00099400 it's looking pretty good Jdwa3JjClaY-00409-00099401-00099712 with the motor removed no more extruder Jdwa3JjClaY-00410-00099713-00100006 no more uh anything and so this is a Jdwa3JjClaY-00411-00100007-00100271 nice empty spot I put a big I'm not sure Jdwa3JjClaY-00412-00100272-00100409 if I have to tighten this or loosen this Jdwa3JjClaY-00413-00100410-00100594 to make sure it has enough slack to get Jdwa3JjClaY-00414-00100595-00100871 down to the bottom or not but if I have Jdwa3JjClaY-00415-00100872-00101056 to cut this and replace it no biggie but Jdwa3JjClaY-00416-00101057-00101176 yeah it's nice that it has a little Jdwa3JjClaY-00417-00101177-00101394 support here to help hold this in place Jdwa3JjClaY-00418-00101395-00101609 and yeah Jdwa3JjClaY-00419-00101610-00101843 another step here is the jumper I gotta Jdwa3JjClaY-00420-00101844-00101993 change Jdwa3JjClaY-00421-00101994-00102815 a little tough to get at Jdwa3JjClaY-00422-00102816-00103054 all right so here it is everything is Jdwa3JjClaY-00423-00103055-00103240 together I've made sure through the Jdwa3JjClaY-00424-00103241-00103390 control panel everything's moving around Jdwa3JjClaY-00425-00103391-00103601 just the way it should uh now we're Jdwa3JjClaY-00426-00103602-00103804 waiting for the firmware and uh one of Jdwa3JjClaY-00427-00103805-00103918 the gentlemen from the Facebook group Jdwa3JjClaY-00428-00103919-00104242 for the Arion thinkers uh he's the one Jdwa3JjClaY-00429-00104243-00104434 that crafted the first one uh the first Jdwa3JjClaY-00430-00104435-00104578 version that's on here which has done a Jdwa3JjClaY-00431-00104579-00104873 pretty good job and he indicated uh when Jdwa3JjClaY-00432-00104874-00105053 I inquired on the group that he's Jdwa3JjClaY-00433-00105054-00105203 working on a newer version taking Jdwa3JjClaY-00434-00105204-00105334 advantage of some of the changes in Jdwa3JjClaY-00435-00105335-00105599 Maryland so once he has that done he'll Jdwa3JjClaY-00436-00105600-00105766 provide me with a copy I'll make a few Jdwa3JjClaY-00437-00105767-00105952 tweaks to accommodate for the the Jdwa3JjClaY-00438-00105953-00106258 settings on this hot end and then we can Jdwa3JjClaY-00439-00106259-00106469 start doing some fine tuning and get it Jdwa3JjClaY-00440-00106470-00106799 Printing and maybe maybe this thing will Jdwa3JjClaY-00441-00106800-00106997 turn into a reliable machine which I Jdwa3JjClaY-00442-00106998-00107189 really need it to be because I have all Jdwa3JjClaY-00443-00107190-00107357 kinds of cool projects I'm working on I Jdwa3JjClaY-00444-00107358-00107501 really need I like the idea that it's Jdwa3JjClaY-00445-00107502-00107752 300 by 300 by 400. Jdwa3JjClaY-00446-00107753-00107945 um Iron Man you know 3PO and all the Jdwa3JjClaY-00447-00107946-00108113 other products I would like to make some Jdwa3JjClaY-00448-00108114-00108425 good Headway on uh really like these Jdwa3JjClaY-00449-00108426-00108586 size printers and if I can make this a Jdwa3JjClaY-00450-00108588-00108881 reliable machine then great otherwise it Jdwa3JjClaY-00451-00108882-00109115 goes away so what do you think do you Jdwa3JjClaY-00452-00109116-00109271 like videos like this where we tackle Jdwa3JjClaY-00453-00109272-00109499 these our little upgrade projects let me Jdwa3JjClaY-00454-00109500-00109673 know in the comment section down below Jdwa3JjClaY-00455-00109674-00109847 if you want to see what I'm up to make Jdwa3JjClaY-00456-00109848-00110015 sure you check my social media I'm Jdwa3JjClaY-00457-00110016-00110207 active on Facebook Instagram and of Jdwa3JjClaY-00458-00110208-00110357 course the website where nerdy is Jdwa3JjClaY-00459-00110358-00110578 cool.com I'm also out there is Twitter Jdwa3JjClaY-00460-00110579-00110771 if I mention Twitter Jdwa3JjClaY-00461-00110772-00110915 um the other thing I just wanted to Jdwa3JjClaY-00462-00110916-00111095 mention is be sure to check out our 3D Jdwa3JjClaY-00463-00111096-00111257 printing forums there's a link in the Jdwa3JjClaY-00464-00111258-00111454 description down below if you're into Jdwa3JjClaY-00465-00111455-00111634 the web forums have questions about 3D Jdwa3JjClaY-00466-00111635-00111790 printing or just want to browse or want Jdwa3JjClaY-00467-00111791-00111983 to get away from social media check out Jdwa3JjClaY-00468-00111983-00112247 the Forum that's it for this time I Jdwa3JjClaY-00469-00112248-00112428 thank you guys for watching and remember Jdwa3JjClaY-00470-00112429-00112702 this is where nerdy is cool please print Jdwa3JjClaY-00471-00112703-00112933 safe JhiEFvKoLs8-00000-00001174-00001362 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00001-00001363-00001437 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00002-00001438-00002428 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00003-00002429-00002496 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00004-00002497-00005105 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00005-00005106-00005289 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00006-00005290-00005386 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00007-00005387-00006303 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00008-00006304-00006461 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00010-00009626-00010575 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00011-00010576-00010760 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00012-00010761-00010994 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00013-00010995-00011313 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00014-00011314-00011574 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00015-00011575-00013562 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00019-00036527-00037380 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00020-00037381-00039262 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00021-00039263-00041159 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00023-00044355-00046443 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00026-00054208-00054795 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00027-00054796-00055510 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00028-00055511-00055622 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00029-00055623-00056316 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00033-00079548-00079689 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00034-00079690-00080202 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00035-00080203-00080448 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00036-00080449-00083303 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00037-00083304-00085708 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00039-00090116-00091349 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00040-00091350-00093403 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00041-00093404-00093578 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00042-00093579-00094065 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00043-00094066-00094699 [Applause] JhiEFvKoLs8-00044-00094700-00095310 [Music] JhiEFvKoLs8-00045-00095311-00096137 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00000-00000090-00000409 foreign JhcLC_uXdXy-00001-00000411-00001065 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00002-00001066-00002301 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00003-00002302-00003201 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00004-00003202-00004219 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00005-00004220-00004438 each other JhcLC_uXdXy-00006-00004439-00005023 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00007-00005024-00006670 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00008-00006672-00006875 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00009-00006876-00007137 laughs JhcLC_uXdXy-00010-00007138-00008377 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00011-00008378-00009666 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00012-00009667-00010357 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00013-00010358-00012004 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00014-00012005-00013180 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00015-00013181-00013615 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00016-00013616-00013891 thank you JhcLC_uXdXy-00017-00013893-00014886 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00018-00014887-00015690 come on JhcLC_uXdXy-00019-00015691-00016714 [Music] JhcLC_uXdXy-00020-00016715-00016968 [Music] Ji_kbI035c0-00000-00000166-00000434 yeah yeah everyone welcome to another Ji_kbI035c0-00001-00000434-00000767 fortnight a video I'm gonna go I'm gonna Ji_kbI035c0-00002-00000768-00000937 go where am I going we're old I don't Ji_kbI035c0-00003-00000938-00001097 know I'm thinking I was thinking I'm Ji_kbI035c0-00004-00001098-00001518 gonna mess around more so how about Ji_kbI035c0-00005-00001519-00002122 doesn't perk wait wait wait wait wait Ji_kbI035c0-00006-00002123-00002897 hey sweaty sands okay alright so I know Ji_kbI035c0-00007-00002898-00003269 that I have decided on the drop we do Ji_kbI035c0-00008-00003270-00003800 love drop and we are off and as you Ji_kbI035c0-00009-00003801-00004034 could probably guess this is another Ji_kbI035c0-00010-00004035-00004279 wind which I'm pleased with 100 players Ji_kbI035c0-00011-00004280-00004552 in the game including myself so it's all Ji_kbI035c0-00012-00004553-00004711 maxed out Ji_kbI035c0-00013-00004712-00004963 unless there's BOTS then I'm not sure Ji_kbI035c0-00014-00004964-00005104 you can count that as a player but Ji_kbI035c0-00015-00005105-00005360 anyway I wasn't one of my best drops as Ji_kbI035c0-00016-00005361-00005720 you could see is I couldn't yeah I want Ji_kbI035c0-00017-00005721-00006059 to land as quick as possible but I'm Ji_kbI035c0-00018-00006060-00006284 kind of forced to hang here but there's Ji_kbI035c0-00019-00006285-00006421 no one wrong anyway so I'm just kind of Ji_kbI035c0-00020-00006422-00006631 like okay fine I'll just relax have a Ji_kbI035c0-00021-00006633-00006906 good time you have this medkit get some Ji_kbI035c0-00022-00006908-00007217 giblets here and open up this chest Ji_kbI035c0-00023-00007218-00007534 anyway though their assault rifle that I Ji_kbI035c0-00024-00007536-00007858 can use and I'm listening I am listening Ji_kbI035c0-00025-00007859-00008201 there's something around here there's Ji_kbI035c0-00026-00008202-00008596 something somewhere it's up here it's in Ji_kbI035c0-00027-00008597-00008881 the elevator shaft this is that building Ji_kbI035c0-00028-00008882-00009041 that I mentioned was in Paradise Palms Ji_kbI035c0-00029-00009042-00009310 before in the original game and yeah Ji_kbI035c0-00030-00009311-00009514 that is typically a place or a chestful Ji_kbI035c0-00031-00009515-00009863 spawn and thus I'm just basically doing Ji_kbI035c0-00032-00009864-00010046 some looting since it's the early game Ji_kbI035c0-00033-00010047-00010271 you know the deal and I show you what Ji_kbI035c0-00034-00010272-00010488 I'm looting here because it's like well Ji_kbI035c0-00035-00010489-00010802 well got to show you what I got after Ji_kbI035c0-00036-00010803-00011035 all otherwise you don't know what the Ji_kbI035c0-00037-00011036-00011485 poop I'm going for and I just like yeah Ji_kbI035c0-00038-00011486-00011728 okay let's get more materials dig back Ji_kbI035c0-00039-00011729-00012131 down go back layer by layer again I was Ji_kbI035c0-00040-00012132-00012295 like oh wait ah yeah I kind of did that Ji_kbI035c0-00041-00012296-00012514 layer pretty good okay and there's Ji_kbI035c0-00042-00012515-00012701 something behind this wall definitely Ji_kbI035c0-00043-00012702-00013016 you can hear the twinkles of the chests Ji_kbI035c0-00044-00013016-00013236 and when I hear twinkles Ji_kbI035c0-00045-00013237-00013530 I will give the winkles or something Ji_kbI035c0-00046-00013531-00013749 like that I don't know forget it forget Ji_kbI035c0-00047-00013750-00013911 it and I'm like okay what should I swap Ji_kbI035c0-00048-00013912-00014108 in case someone comes that should be Ji_kbI035c0-00049-00014109-00014258 okay because the pistol is a pretty Ji_kbI035c0-00050-00014259-00014610 quick firing and I'm like okay do I want Ji_kbI035c0-00051-00014611-00014988 the bolt action do I want I think I want Ji_kbI035c0-00052-00014988-00015425 and thus I take and yeah I typically Ji_kbI035c0-00053-00015426-00015615 just don't use grenades all that off and Ji_kbI035c0-00054-00015616-00015800 I'm there okay for destroying structures Ji_kbI035c0-00055-00015801-00015972 but you're not typically gonna damage Ji_kbI035c0-00056-00015972-00016266 people at them I prefer rocket launchers Ji_kbI035c0-00057-00016266-00016430 and rocket launchers are pretty common Ji_kbI035c0-00058-00016431-00016697 so I was like yeah yeah I think I get Ji_kbI035c0-00059-00016698-00016866 afford to leave the grenades behind I Ji_kbI035c0-00060-00016867-00017115 got a good loadout here and and I'm at Ji_kbI035c0-00061-00017116-00017519 full health I don't know why I'm not Ji_kbI035c0-00062-00017520-00017766 grabbing those bandages but okay I Ji_kbI035c0-00063-00017767-00018315 grabbed them I figured Maris I should Ji_kbI035c0-00064-00018316-00018528 say maybe I figured that I was like Ji_kbI035c0-00065-00018529-00018711 maybe I'll find something else because I Ji_kbI035c0-00066-00018712-00018975 already got the med kit yeah anyway I Ji_kbI035c0-00067-00018976-00019149 think that's enough looting saw I Ji_kbI035c0-00068-00019150-00019452 decided to go flop around look at other Ji_kbI035c0-00069-00019453-00019746 areas I haven't quite been to before Ji_kbI035c0-00070-00019747-00019931 well of course watching for people and Ji_kbI035c0-00071-00019932-00020124 what that I could just put a barricade Ji_kbI035c0-00072-00020125-00020462 captain carp I could just put a Ji_kbI035c0-00073-00020463-00020684 barricade you know in front of myself Ji_kbI035c0-00074-00020685-00020981 along the way but I don't think there's Ji_kbI035c0-00075-00020982-00021431 anyone else here there's a chest hanging Ji_kbI035c0-00076-00021432-00021639 out in this garage and I'm like ooh Ji_kbI035c0-00077-00021640-00021903 tactical I will take that and you're Ji_kbI035c0-00078-00021904-00022069 like wait wait watch it why aren't you Ji_kbI035c0-00079-00022070-00022609 okay there you go why don't you drop the Ji_kbI035c0-00080-00022610-00022955 assault rifle instead of the pistol Ji_kbI035c0-00081-00022956-00023084 while I'm actually doing a challenge Ji_kbI035c0-00082-00023085-00023277 here you know those challenges that that Ji_kbI035c0-00083-00023278-00023724 happen on that you get experience points Ji_kbI035c0-00084-00023725-00023844 and stuff like I'm just seeing if I can Ji_kbI035c0-00085-00023845-00024042 pull off any doing as many of these as I Ji_kbI035c0-00086-00024043-00024258 possibly can and in this the case of Ji_kbI035c0-00087-00024259-00024387 this one you're supposed to do damage Ji_kbI035c0-00088-00024388-00024903 with a pistol shotgun and a SMG in the Ji_kbI035c0-00089-00024904-00025103 same match you know submachine gun and I Ji_kbI035c0-00090-00025104-00025350 just upgraded my pistol there still no Ji_kbI035c0-00091-00025351-00025670 kills but it seemed like I dropped so Ji_kbI035c0-00092-00025672-00025852 far away from her room Ji_kbI035c0-00093-00025852-00026143 so I upgrade my submachine gun look Ji_kbI035c0-00094-00026144-00026302 around for peeps nope nope nope nope Ji_kbI035c0-00095-00026302-00026581 no no no they're just gonna test chest Ji_kbI035c0-00096-00026582-00026839 in a little shack just in a little shack Ji_kbI035c0-00097-00026839-00027570 yes oh oh and we're off again and all Ji_kbI035c0-00098-00027572-00027967 shoot oh shoot I've seen that watch for Ji_kbI035c0-00099-00027968-00028537 the head shots aim true yeah see I can Ji_kbI035c0-00100-00028538-00028792 really aim if I want to there's a Ji_kbI035c0-00101-00028793-00029313 sometimes I swear I forget how to aim Ji_kbI035c0-00102-00029314-00029587 and I'm not doing any cutsies well I Ji_kbI035c0-00103-00029588-00029770 should say speed up seas here because Ji_kbI035c0-00104-00029770-00030052 I'm like I think I think there's a chest Ji_kbI035c0-00105-00030052-00030436 over here yes there is it's up there and Ji_kbI035c0-00106-00030437-00030633 there's also going to be another another Ji_kbI035c0-00107-00030635-00030895 thing that I hear off to the side and Ji_kbI035c0-00108-00030895-00031054 I'm like should I grab that she'll put Ji_kbI035c0-00109-00031055-00031239 on I don't know I always get shield Ji_kbI035c0-00110-00031241-00031492 potions when I kill people off anyway so Ji_kbI035c0-00111-00031493-00031680 it's like okay I'll just stick with my Ji_kbI035c0-00112-00031681-00032052 for gun combo here I heard someone Ji_kbI035c0-00113-00032054-00032386 I heard someone someone somewhere oh Ji_kbI035c0-00114-00032387-00032623 geez I was a goner wrong direction so Ji_kbI035c0-00115-00032624-00032733 there's some we're all in that direction Ji_kbI035c0-00116-00032735-00032982 but I hear someone off to my rights Ji_kbI035c0-00117-00032983-00033277 trying to break in so I'm like okay I'll Ji_kbI035c0-00118-00033278-00033865 sneak around that turned out to be a Ji_kbI035c0-00119-00033866-00034129 good decision and I'm still wondering Ji_kbI035c0-00120-00034130-00034390 about that guy or girl I was on this Ji_kbI035c0-00121-00034391-00034588 side there's a barricade over there I Ji_kbI035c0-00122-00034589-00034714 don't know if that's where the person is Ji_kbI035c0-00123-00034715-00034999 or not I'm trying to like beat him out Ji_kbI035c0-00124-00035000-00035344 like show some movement still kind of Ji_kbI035c0-00125-00035345-00035539 hide behind the car I don't know where Ji_kbI035c0-00126-00035540-00035623 the person went Ji_kbI035c0-00127-00035624-00036037 I am befuddled I never did find where Ji_kbI035c0-00128-00036038-00036270 that person went so I just end up Ji_kbI035c0-00129-00036271-00036505 speeding the footage back up again about Ji_kbI035c0-00130-00036506-00036771 here somewhere around there so it's like Ji_kbI035c0-00131-00036772-00036958 it's coming up yeah oh yeah that's right Ji_kbI035c0-00132-00036959-00037102 I shot the bush to see if they hidden Ji_kbI035c0-00133-00037103-00037234 there and I was like okay that's enough Ji_kbI035c0-00134-00037235-00037375 yeah there's no one else here i Ji_kbI035c0-00135-00037376-00037687 exhausted my possibilities you see I Ji_kbI035c0-00136-00037688-00037888 don't know I got a shot all the bushes Ji_kbI035c0-00137-00037889-00038140 but I was like yeah I figured just one Ji_kbI035c0-00138-00038141-00038421 would do I don't know why Ji_kbI035c0-00139-00038422-00038829 and we begin again you see someone I'm Ji_kbI035c0-00140-00038830-00039021 trying to get the damage with the SMG Ji_kbI035c0-00141-00039022-00039156 because I still haven't done that yet Ji_kbI035c0-00142-00039157-00039579 and thus I did and thus the challenge is Ji_kbI035c0-00143-00039580-00039825 now completed as you see on the map at Ji_kbI035c0-00144-00039826-00040038 the upper-left corner there SMG shotguns Ji_kbI035c0-00145-00040039-00040266 and pistols in the same match yeah so Ji_kbI035c0-00146-00040267-00040650 now I can basically do whatever I have Ji_kbI035c0-00147-00040651-00040854 done but I wanted to do and at this Ji_kbI035c0-00148-00040855-00041489 point I was like hmm could I win a game Ji_kbI035c0-00149-00041490-00041745 just by sneak attacking in bushes Ji_kbI035c0-00150-00041746-00041880 because I think that would be pretty Ji_kbI035c0-00151-00041881-00042144 funny so I'm like okay let's try doing Ji_kbI035c0-00152-00042145-00042569 that is this something I could do maybe Ji_kbI035c0-00153-00042570-00042777 well I noticed that there's no one else Ji_kbI035c0-00154-00042778-00042957 around here so I'm fighting like yeah I Ji_kbI035c0-00155-00042958-00043083 could probably get this about putting up Ji_kbI035c0-00156-00043084-00043236 a barrier see what the poops are wrong Ji_kbI035c0-00157-00043237-00043725 here and I decide well maybe I'll keep Ji_kbI035c0-00158-00043726-00043896 my low dog because I got all sorts of Ji_kbI035c0-00159-00043897-00044192 stuff except for you know that the Ji_kbI035c0-00160-00044193-00044598 pistol there I'm like in fact that I Ji_kbI035c0-00161-00044599-00044913 think I think we've outgrown the pistol Ji_kbI035c0-00162-00044914-00045179 now since we did the challenge you know Ji_kbI035c0-00163-00045180-00045654 and back in the bush reorganize my stuff Ji_kbI035c0-00164-00045655-00046056 and I take a peek see around and thus Ji_kbI035c0-00165-00046057-00046419 the waiting game begins again but all oh Ji_kbI035c0-00166-00046420-00046818 no no no no no no not quite not quite Ji_kbI035c0-00167-00046819-00047061 the speed ups this time so we're in the Ji_kbI035c0-00168-00047062-00047331 the final giblets of the game here don't Ji_kbI035c0-00169-00047332-00047460 peek again you know you had a shoot Ji_kbI035c0-00170-00047461-00047679 ahead where they're walking don't don't Ji_kbI035c0-00171-00047680-00047805 shoot and so you've done the tracking Ji_kbI035c0-00172-00047806-00048039 and this one is a clear just very clean Ji_kbI035c0-00173-00048040-00048246 shot so I was like yeah coming straight Ji_kbI035c0-00174-00048247-00048438 towards me I can definitely take that Ji_kbI035c0-00175-00048439-00048771 and I'll go for another shot on this Ji_kbI035c0-00176-00048772-00049110 Deuter if possible oh very close I Ji_kbI035c0-00177-00049111-00049248 thought I was gonna go towards me based Ji_kbI035c0-00178-00049249-00049428 on the angle he was moving you know like Ji_kbI035c0-00179-00049429-00049770 nope not quite just barely missed just Ji_kbI035c0-00180-00049771-00049911 barely missed yeah Ji_kbI035c0-00181-00049912-00050460 oh no oh oh I'll get him or her I can't Ji_kbI035c0-00182-00050461-00050712 tell by skins other characters alone Ji_kbI035c0-00183-00050713-00051212 okay here yup that's how it's done Ji_kbI035c0-00184-00051213-00051582 and I'm like okay weird there wasn't Ji_kbI035c0-00185-00051583-00051688 even gone in that direction Ji_kbI035c0-00186-00051689-00052067 I thought sore she okay there it is and Ji_kbI035c0-00187-00052069-00052462 victory is mine I don't know this is a Ji_kbI035c0-00188-00052463-00052819 chief strategy or not because it's it's Ji_kbI035c0-00189-00052820-00053151 easy to bypass this pretty well like if Ji_kbI035c0-00190-00053152-00053350 you know someone's in the bush you just Ji_kbI035c0-00191-00053351-00053526 start shooting into the bush and if you Ji_kbI035c0-00192-00053527-00053671 see a number pop up then you start Ji_kbI035c0-00193-00053672-00053821 shooting with that number pop top and Ji_kbI035c0-00194-00053822-00054079 yeah so but you know the person in the Ji_kbI035c0-00195-00054079-00054213 bush will typically get the first shot Ji_kbI035c0-00196-00054214-00054466 though and you can't build when you're Ji_kbI035c0-00197-00054466-00054613 in the bush although I still carefully Ji_kbI035c0-00198-00054614-00054886 place your position in the bush so like Ji_kbI035c0-00199-00054887-00055182 hmm hmm and yeah that was not enough to Ji_kbI035c0-00200-00055183-00055309 break the wall this is not a heavy Ji_kbI035c0-00201-00055310-00055525 sniper I was like okay let's try and Ji_kbI035c0-00202-00055526-00055690 Nick in there with my submachine gun Ji_kbI035c0-00203-00055691-00055822 this is what I said you could use this Ji_kbI035c0-00204-00055823-00056074 for before I was like okay let's go Ji_kbI035c0-00205-00056075-00056316 ahead and okay now kind of Nick a thatch Ji_kbI035c0-00206-00056317-00056653 I get Nick's on the person okay let's Ji_kbI035c0-00207-00056654-00056869 try and take this wall now by quickly Ji_kbI035c0-00208-00056870-00057057 destroying the wall and and replacing it Ji_kbI035c0-00209-00057058-00057329 with my own wall but no it's failing me Ji_kbI035c0-00210-00057330-00057712 let's try it again is tight again ah Ji_kbI035c0-00211-00057713-00057981 dang it I'm like okay maybe I'll just Ji_kbI035c0-00212-00057982-00058153 keep submachine going the person because Ji_kbI035c0-00213-00058154-00058309 he's holding his ground or she's holding Ji_kbI035c0-00214-00058310-00058534 her ground and I'm like okay so I have Ji_kbI035c0-00215-00058535-00058723 to reload this I'll just keep firing at Ji_kbI035c0-00216-00058724-00058948 the person's head and of course a bullet Ji_kbI035c0-00217-00058949-00059113 gets through each time because there's a Ji_kbI035c0-00218-00059114-00059248 little bit of a delay before you can do Ji_kbI035c0-00219-00059249-00059616 a build saw voila that's five for the Ji_kbI035c0-00220-00059617-00059763 match there's only one person left I'm Ji_kbI035c0-00221-00059764-00059998 not exactly sure where the person is Ji_kbI035c0-00222-00059999-00060199 just left I hear the hear the builds Ji_kbI035c0-00223-00060200-00060525 going on up there go here we go where is Ji_kbI035c0-00224-00060526-00060574 it Ji_kbI035c0-00225-00060575-00060850 are you coming where are you going okay Ji_kbI035c0-00226-00060851-00061176 I'll take a shot when I can way way too Ji_kbI035c0-00227-00061177-00061513 late their peak again but luckily the Ji_kbI035c0-00228-00061514-00061723 person ended up going into the bush Ji_kbI035c0-00229-00061724-00061926 where I was thinking it's a hiding spot Ji_kbI035c0-00230-00061927-00062247 but I was right there Ji_kbI035c0-00231-00062248-00062863 and I win a stupid strategy but it works Ji_kbI035c0-00232-00062864-00063370 somehow thanks for watching I hope you Ji_kbI035c0-00233-00063371-00063757 enjoyed and I will see you later Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00000-00000082-00000466 sometimes we see an exponential equation Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00001-00000467-00000821 that is not written in base multiplier Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00002-00000822-00001157 form but we would like to write it in Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00003-00001158-00001460 base multiplier form because we would Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00004-00001461-00001714 like to interpret the multiplier in some Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00005-00001716-00002348 way how can we rewrite an exponential Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00006-00002349-00002672 equation so that it's in precisely base Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00007-00002673-00003160 multiplier form suppose we have this Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00008-00003161-00003503 equation and we would like to rewrite Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00009-00003504-00003954 the equation in base multiplier form in Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00010-00003955-00004400 particular since I doubt that it's going Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00011-00004401-00004724 to work out too nicely we'll round the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00012-00004725-00005113 multiplier to three decimal places how Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00013-00005114-00005654 could we do this the 37 isn't really Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00014-00005655-00006034 going to do anything in this process we Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00015-00006035-00006259 want to look at just the exponent part Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00016-00006260-00006973 and we want to write 2 to the x over Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00017-00006973-00007974 11.4 as something to just the X power Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00018-00007975-00008467 how could we do that well two to the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00019-00008468-00009339 power x over 11.4 that's 2 to the power Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00020-00009340-00010358 1 over 11.4 times X right that's what it Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00021-00010359-00010742 means to have x over 11.4 and if i read Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00022-00010743-00011137 the x over 1 that becomes more obvious Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00023-00011138-00011460 but now the power of the power rule says Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00024-00011461-00011819 that we can instead of multiplying the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00025-00011820-00012174 exponents apply the first exponent and Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00026-00012175-00012680 then apply the second exponent 2 to the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00027-00012681-00013115 1 over 11.4 though that's just a number Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00028-00013116-00013333 we can use our calculator to figure out Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00029-00013334-00013376 what Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00030-00013377-00014458 is will say 2 to the power 1 over 11.4 Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00031-00014459-00015107 there we go the instructions tell us to Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00032-00015108-00015266 round that number to three decimal Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00033-00015266-00016457 places will have 1.06 3 now we want to Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00034-00016458-00016655 be kind of careful using this in Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00035-00016656-00016952 calculation check this out I'm going to Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00036-00016953-00017351 actually compare the original equation Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00037-00017352-00017788 that we got to the rewritten equation Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00038-00017789-00018266 which just uses the X power so we Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00039-00018267-00018971 started with 37 times 2 to the power x Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00040-00018972-00019412 over 11.4 and we ended up with the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00041-00019413-00020309 equation 37 x 1.0 6 3 to the X I'm going Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00042-00020310-00020741 to look at the table now when X is real Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00043-00020742-00020978 small these are pretty much the same but Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00044-00020979-00021404 as X gets bigger they start to get a Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00045-00021405-00021802 little further apart what's happening Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00046-00021803-00022294 well remember this was rounded when Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00047-00022295-00022484 we're making this move we will want to Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00048-00022485-00022787 use the original equation for any Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00049-00022788-00023189 calculations but use the rewritten Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00050-00023190-00023480 multiplier for comparisons or Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00051-00023481-00023903 interpretations for example suppose we Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00052-00023904-00024140 know the population of bacteria and one Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00053-00024141-00024533 dish doubles every 2.2 hours and in Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00054-00024534-00024725 another dish the population triples Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00055-00024726-00025109 every three point three hours we wonder Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00056-00025110-00025559 which population grows faster our Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00057-00025560-00026030 variables are P the population that's Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00058-00026031-00026469 dependent and T Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00059-00026470-00026937 time that's independent in the first Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00060-00026938-00027432 dish the population equals it doesn't Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00061-00027433-00027698 tell us what the starting population is Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00062-00027699-00028645 it's just something times 2 to the power Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00063-00028647-00029064 we multiply by 2 every time 2.2 hours Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00064-00029064-00029525 pass in the second dish our population Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00065-00029526-00030014 is some starting value not necessarily Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00066-00030016-00030399 the same i'll call it be but that Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00067-00030400-00030795 population is going to be x 3 how many Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00068-00030795-00031283 times once every time three point three Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00069-00031285-00032100 hours pass in the first dish well our Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00070-00032101-00032769 exponential part is two to the T over Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00071-00032770-00033833 2.2 that's 2 to the 1 over 2.2 to the T Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00072-00033834-00034671 which is about 1.37 to the T in the Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00073-00034672-00035175 second dish our multiplier we've got Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00074-00035176-00036024 three to the T over 3.3 so that'll be 3 Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00075-00036025-00036717 to the 1 over 3.3 to the T which is Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00076-00036718-00037511 about 3 to the 1 over 3.3 that's about Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00077-00037512-00038183 1.40 to the T which one grows faster Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00078-00038184-00038801 well this is the bigger multiplier so Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00079-00038802-00039126 the population of the second dish grows Jkv3FFbbwoQ-00080-00039127-00039396 faster JkMnNGEpB_g-00000-00000170-00000691 i was working i met some people in our JkMnNGEpB_g-00001-00000692-00001011 town who were intelligent and active JkMnNGEpB_g-00002-00001012-00001512 women and they said oh you need to JkMnNGEpB_g-00003-00001513-00001698 belong to the League of Women Voters and JkMnNGEpB_g-00004-00001698-00002170 so I joined the league and many of those JkMnNGEpB_g-00005-00002171-00002449 women are still my good friends many JkMnNGEpB_g-00006-00002450-00002737 many years later for years but my JkMnNGEpB_g-00007-00002738-00002917 children were young I always say I'm JkMnNGEpB_g-00008-00002918-00003121 going to join the league when I was a JkMnNGEpB_g-00009-00003122-00003343 teenager I would watch the league of JkMnNGEpB_g-00010-00003344-00003711 women voters do the presidential debate JkMnNGEpB_g-00011-00003713-00003964 and be the moderators for those and I JkMnNGEpB_g-00012-00003965-00004165 was always so impressed by what they did JkMnNGEpB_g-00013-00004166-00004942 how knowledgeable these women were so JkMnNGEpB_g-00014-00004943-00005131 it's with great respect that i'm a JkMnNGEpB_g-00015-00005132-00005368 member of the league it is the gold JkMnNGEpB_g-00016-00005369-00005650 standard in my opinion when it comes to JkMnNGEpB_g-00017-00005651-00006047 opinion on political issues unbiased JkMnNGEpB_g-00018-00006048-00006859 carefully thought through there are very JkMnNGEpB_g-00019-00006859-00007255 few nonpartisan organizations in the JkMnNGEpB_g-00020-00007256-00007530 state that are working for the JkMnNGEpB_g-00021-00007531-00007798 fundamentals of democracy our process JkMnNGEpB_g-00022-00007798-00008127 and trying to find a balanced view on JkMnNGEpB_g-00023-00008128-00008448 issues the League of Women Voters is the JkMnNGEpB_g-00024-00008449-00008730 most trusted organization in that JkMnNGEpB_g-00025-00008731-00009009 category the work of the league is JkMnNGEpB_g-00026-00009010-00009358 critically important we need your JkMnNGEpB_g-00027-00009359-00009603 financial support to help keep that JkMnNGEpB_g-00028-00009604-00010078 going JkMnNGEpB_g-00029-00010079-00010292 your support of the league of women JkMnNGEpB_g-00030-00010293-00010463 voters of California makes a tremendous JkMnNGEpB_g-00031-00010464-00010844 difference thank you so much K28hOEZYyHA-00000-00000320-00001062 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00001-00001063-00001307 interact with the Dulles corpse in our K28hOEZYyHA-00002-00001308-00001507 Katraj dungeon and accept a mysterious K28hOEZYyHA-00003-00001508-00002853 portent K28hOEZYyHA-00004-00002854-00003103 use your hearthstone to reach the shrine K28hOEZYyHA-00005-00003104-00004434 of seven stars or of two moons K28hOEZYyHA-00006-00004435-00004925 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00007-00004926-00005147 go to the city's portal room and click K28hOEZYyHA-00008-00005148-00005708 the portal to Shot Roth K28hOEZYyHA-00009-00005709-00006903 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00010-00006904-00007102 interact with the Griffin flight master K28hOEZYyHA-00011-00007103-00007905 in a trawl at 63 41 K28hOEZYyHA-00012-00007906-00008145 altar players will fly to the altar of K28hOEZYyHA-00013-00008146-00008362 are whereas square players will fly K28hOEZYyHA-00014-00008363-00008488 to the sanctum of the stars in K28hOEZYyHA-00015-00008489-00009735 Shadowmoon Valley K28hOEZYyHA-00016-00009736-00011635 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00017-00011636-00011899 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00018-00011900-00012166 fly to the warden's cage at coordinates K28hOEZYyHA-00019-00012167-00014616 57:49 K28hOEZYyHA-00020-00014616-00014841 enter the wardens cage and follow the K28hOEZYyHA-00021-00014843-00015040 underground underwater passage where you K28hOEZYyHA-00022-00015041-00015253 will turn in the quest to a comma at 58 K28hOEZYyHA-00023-00015254-00015360 48 K28hOEZYyHA-00024-00015361-00017547 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00025-00017548-00018172 our walls are impervious light is our K28hOEZYyHA-00026-00018173-00019072 strength K28hOEZYyHA-00027-00019073-00020350 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00028-00020351-00020869 [Music] K28hOEZYyHA-00029-00020870-00021175 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00000-00000088-00000359 there was no help K3_i5m3JsdA-00001-00000360-00000567 they couldn't treat me K3_i5m3JsdA-00002-00000568-00000871 i found myself in houston after trying K3_i5m3JsdA-00003-00000872-00001023 all the doctors K3_i5m3JsdA-00004-00001024-00001262 i was there for three months that wasn't K3_i5m3JsdA-00005-00001263-00001399 i see you K3_i5m3JsdA-00006-00001400-00001863 you don't have to know that i'm standing K3_i5m3JsdA-00007-00001864-00002183 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00008-00002184-00002399 and i remembered when the devil was K3_i5m3JsdA-00009-00002400-00002783 trying to mess up with my mind K3_i5m3JsdA-00010-00002784-00002902 guys K3_i5m3JsdA-00011-00002903-00003087 i didn't pray K3_i5m3JsdA-00012-00003088-00003335 you know my kind of prayer K3_i5m3JsdA-00013-00003336-00003711 they said the devil you are mad K3_i5m3JsdA-00014-00003711-00004038 see you are crazy you are stupid K3_i5m3JsdA-00015-00004039-00004159 that was my K3_i5m3JsdA-00016-00004160-00004415 yeah it's still me K3_i5m3JsdA-00017-00004416-00004711 that was that devil did not need K3_i5m3JsdA-00018-00004712-00004943 me saying get out no no no you just need K3_i5m3JsdA-00019-00004944-00005215 to know how stupid he is for even trying K3_i5m3JsdA-00020-00005216-00005399 in the first place K3_i5m3JsdA-00021-00005400-00005663 he's so stupid K3_i5m3JsdA-00022-00005664-00005943 scripture says if they are known K3_i5m3JsdA-00023-00005944-00006167 if they are known can you see the height K3_i5m3JsdA-00024-00006168-00006406 of stupidity can you see the art of K3_i5m3JsdA-00025-00006408-00006759 foolishness if they are no no K3_i5m3JsdA-00026-00006759-00007006 if they are known they won't touch you K3_i5m3JsdA-00027-00007006-00007223 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00028-00007223-00007431 because every time they touch you they K3_i5m3JsdA-00029-00007431-00007646 allow god K3_i5m3JsdA-00030-00007647-00007855 to arise K3_i5m3JsdA-00031-00007856-00008151 every time they touch you they allow god K3_i5m3JsdA-00032-00008152-00008431 to fight on your behalf he said you will K3_i5m3JsdA-00033-00008432-00008799 hold your peace and i will fight K3_i5m3JsdA-00034-00008800-00009271 for you K3_i5m3JsdA-00035-00009272-00009423 so i'm not afraid of them touching me K3_i5m3JsdA-00036-00009424-00009519 come K3_i5m3JsdA-00037-00009520-00009695 come and touch K3_i5m3JsdA-00038-00009696-00009935 you are looking for trouble K3_i5m3JsdA-00039-00009936-00010255 that you will not survive from K3_i5m3JsdA-00040-00010256-00010519 because when you touch me K3_i5m3JsdA-00041-00010520-00010678 you touch him K3_i5m3JsdA-00042-00010679-00010878 scripture says K3_i5m3JsdA-00043-00010879-00011046 touch not K3_i5m3JsdA-00044-00011047-00011255 my anointed K3_i5m3JsdA-00045-00011256-00011559 that is not limited to pastors K3_i5m3JsdA-00046-00011560-00011838 everyone called and chosen is the K3_i5m3JsdA-00047-00011839-00012078 anointed of the lord K3_i5m3JsdA-00048-00012079-00012278 if you have been bought by the blood you K3_i5m3JsdA-00049-00012279-00012455 are the anointed of the lord and K3_i5m3JsdA-00050-00012456-00012719 scripture says touch not my anointed K3_i5m3JsdA-00051-00012720-00013351 unto my prophet no one K3_i5m3JsdA-00052-00013352-00013599 so i did not speak K3_i5m3JsdA-00053-00013600-00013758 normal blessing you are mad you are K3_i5m3JsdA-00054-00013759-00014007 stupid how dare you are you mad K3_i5m3JsdA-00055-00014008-00014286 that was my prayer that was i said i K3_i5m3JsdA-00056-00014287-00014375 said K3_i5m3JsdA-00057-00014376-00014503 you are mad K3_i5m3JsdA-00058-00014504-00014655 and i wasn't saying it like this i was K3_i5m3JsdA-00059-00014656-00014927 shouting i don't i want to spare you K3_i5m3JsdA-00060-00014928-00015150 i was shouting K3_i5m3JsdA-00061-00015151-00015375 because there comes a time K3_i5m3JsdA-00062-00015376-00015663 when you go back to scripture K3_i5m3JsdA-00063-00015663-00015950 and you replace scripture K3_i5m3JsdA-00064-00015951-00016222 and you see it working your life K3_i5m3JsdA-00065-00016223-00016535 if we don't believe this book K3_i5m3JsdA-00066-00016536-00017055 then there is no use for our salvation K3_i5m3JsdA-00067-00017056-00017279 i believe it K3_i5m3JsdA-00068-00017280-00017639 i believe the bible K3_i5m3JsdA-00069-00017640-00017886 it's enough to save me K3_i5m3JsdA-00070-00017887-00018111 the information in it is not to deliver K3_i5m3JsdA-00071-00018112-00018222 us K3_i5m3JsdA-00072-00018223-00018525 from any kind of virus K3_i5m3JsdA-00073-00018526-00018719 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00074-00018720-00018822 yeah K3_i5m3JsdA-00075-00018823-00019038 yeah K3_i5m3JsdA-00076-00019039-00019294 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00077-00019295-00019489 i couldn't earn it K3_i5m3JsdA-00078-00019490-00019599 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00079-00019600-00019894 you don't deserve it K3_i5m3JsdA-00080-00019895-00020054 still K3_i5m3JsdA-00081-00020055-00021694 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00082-00021695-00021989 that's why i say when i think K3_i5m3JsdA-00083-00021990-00022663 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00084-00022664-00022958 and your faithfulness K3_i5m3JsdA-00085-00022959-00023123 is K3_i5m3JsdA-00086-00023124-00023799 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00087-00023800-00023883 not K3_i5m3JsdA-00088-00023884-00024486 because i am worthy K3_i5m3JsdA-00089-00024487-00024703 to receive K3_i5m3JsdA-00090-00024704-00024927 the kind of love K3_i5m3JsdA-00091-00024928-00026287 that you give to me K3_i5m3JsdA-00092-00026288-00026730 and i am K3_i5m3JsdA-00093-00026731-00028774 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00094-00028775-00029570 so what do you say K3_i5m3JsdA-00095-00029572-00030774 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00096-00030775-00031207 imma K3_i5m3JsdA-00097-00031208-00031419 thank you jesus K3_i5m3JsdA-00098-00031420-00032427 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00099-00032427-00033087 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00100-00033088-00033528 let him hear you K3_i5m3JsdA-00101-00033529-00034383 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00102-00034384-00034639 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00103-00034640-00034878 amen K3_i5m3JsdA-00104-00034879-00035415 [Music] K3_i5m3JsdA-00105-00035416-00035515 more K3_i5m3JsdA-00106-00035516-00036150 [Music] K3EoNjiefoo-00000-00000026-00000320 hello everyone this is close from the K3EoNjiefoo-00001-00000321-00000593 universal school but this is experiment K3EoNjiefoo-00002-00000594-00000836 designs for computer science lecture K3EoNjiefoo-00003-00000836-00001115 three video three statistical inference K3EoNjiefoo-00004-00001116-00001412 so in this in the last video we talked K3EoNjiefoo-00005-00001413-00001748 about what was statistical testing and K3EoNjiefoo-00006-00001748-00002005 what was hypothesis testing and many K3EoNjiefoo-00007-00002007-00002174 things that we have to keep in mind when K3EoNjiefoo-00008-00002175-00002414 we're doing our hypothesis test in this K3EoNjiefoo-00009-00002415-00002642 video we will up to the go through a few K3EoNjiefoo-00010-00002643-00002893 examples of static our new hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00011-00002894-00003146 testing so first let's start with the K3EoNjiefoo-00012-00003147-00003379 general procedure of a hypothesis test K3EoNjiefoo-00013-00003380-00003640 the idea is that first we delete Phi K3EoNjiefoo-00014-00003642-00004253 which parameter we are interested or we K3EoNjiefoo-00015-00004254-00004466 need Phi which parameter we are K3EoNjiefoo-00016-00004467-00004763 interested in analyzing and based on K3EoNjiefoo-00017-00004764-00005020 this parameter we define the null K3EoNjiefoo-00018-00005021-00005231 hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00019-00005232-00005441 and we also define when we are defining K3EoNjiefoo-00020-00005442-00005591 the alternate hypothesis if it's K3EoNjiefoo-00021-00005592-00005845 one-sided in other words if the K3EoNjiefoo-00022-00005846-00006161 alternate hypothesis is the value of the K3EoNjiefoo-00023-00006162-00006547 parameter is different from X or 1 or K3EoNjiefoo-00024-00006548-00006998 two-sided sorry one-sided is the value K3EoNjiefoo-00025-00006998-00007241 of the parameter is below or above X or K3EoNjiefoo-00026-00007242-00007487 two-sided the value of poly parameter is K3EoNjiefoo-00027-00007488-00007720 different in X the difference between K3EoNjiefoo-00028-00007722-00007964 one side and in society is a very small K3EoNjiefoo-00029-00007965-00008117 difference in calculation so we're not K3EoNjiefoo-00030-00008118-00008374 going to focus this on this on this K3EoNjiefoo-00031-00008375-00008660 course you can easily see the difference K3EoNjiefoo-00032-00008661-00008935 by looking at the help the help file of K3EoNjiefoo-00033-00008936-00009176 functions that calculate the tests that K3EoNjiefoo-00034-00009177-00009367 the digits right here K3EoNjiefoo-00035-00009368-00009835 now we determine the designer alpha and K3EoNjiefoo-00036-00009836-00010103 better and we define the minimum K3EoNjiefoo-00037-00010104-00010528 interesting effect size Delta after all K3EoNjiefoo-00038-00010529-00010685 of this we calculate the sample size K3EoNjiefoo-00039-00010686-00010880 we're not going to calculate the sample K3EoNjiefoo-00040-00010881-00011056 size of this lecture this will be in a K3EoNjiefoo-00041-00011057-00011345 future lecture and we did to remind the K3EoNjiefoo-00042-00011346-00011555 test statistic and great collusion K3EoNjiefoo-00043-00011556-00011770 remember that test statistic here is a K3EoNjiefoo-00044-00011771-00012013 function calculated on the sample data K3EoNjiefoo-00045-00012014-00012608 and critical region is the area of the K3EoNjiefoo-00046-00012609-00012871 the value of the test statistic that we K3EoNjiefoo-00047-00012872-00013151 use to define whether we reject the null K3EoNjiefoo-00048-00013152-00013376 hypothesis or if do not K3EoNjiefoo-00049-00013377-00013880 reject any hypothesis now finally we use K3EoNjiefoo-00050-00013881-00014113 the calculate a statistic from the data K3EoNjiefoo-00051-00014115-00014411 and we use this information to decide K3EoNjiefoo-00052-00014412-00014566 whether or not to reject the null K3EoNjiefoo-00053-00014568-00014947 hypothesis so let's imagine a second K3EoNjiefoo-00054-00014949-00015251 example this time we're gonna use the K3EoNjiefoo-00055-00015252-00015404 following example for a certain friend K3EoNjiefoo-00056-00015405-00015683 of peace we want to X determine if there K3EoNjiefoo-00057-00015684-00015956 is any significant deviation from the K3EoNjiefoo-00058-00015957-00016244 mean weight of the sax from from an K3EoNjiefoo-00059-00016244-00016448 advertisement so there's a brand that is K3EoNjiefoo-00060-00016449-00016652 selling peace and they are divert eyes K3EoNjiefoo-00061-00016653-00017021 that the mean value is 50 kilos you want K3EoNjiefoo-00062-00017022-00017240 to take those piece and you want to K3EoNjiefoo-00063-00017241-00017498 calculate if these advertisement is true K3EoNjiefoo-00064-00017499-00017753 or false so in this case your new K3EoNjiefoo-00065-00017754-00018065 hypothesis is yes the advertisement is K3EoNjiefoo-00066-00018066-00018434 true and the mean weight of the sax is K3EoNjiefoo-00067-00018435-00018713 50 kilos your alternate hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00068-00018714-00018941 that no the advertisement is not true K3EoNjiefoo-00069-00018942-00019208 and the value of the sax is different K3EoNjiefoo-00070-00019209-00019511 from 50 kilos let's say that for this K3EoNjiefoo-00071-00019512-00019877 test you decided that the significance K3EoNjiefoo-00072-00019878-00020207 level that you accept is 0.05 so your K3EoNjiefoo-00073-00020208-00020660 alpha is 0.05 with these characteristics K3EoNjiefoo-00074-00020661-00021011 we expect the dissenting distribution of K3EoNjiefoo-00075-00021012-00021356 the estimate of the mean sample follows K3EoNjiefoo-00076-00021357-00021815 a normal distribution with various x hat K3EoNjiefoo-00077-00021816-00022103 that's equal to Sigma square divided by K3EoNjiefoo-00078-00022104-00022532 N and if the null hypothesis is true the K3EoNjiefoo-00079-00022533-00022934 mean of this distribution is 15 which is K3EoNjiefoo-00080-00022935-00023267 the mean of the null hypothesis why is K3EoNjiefoo-00081-00023268-00023644 this normal because following the K3EoNjiefoo-00082-00023645-00023873 central limit theorem that we talked K3EoNjiefoo-00083-00023874-00024146 about in the last class the sampling K3EoNjiefoo-00084-00024147-00024449 distribution follows in general form of K3EoNjiefoo-00085-00024450-00024602 the normal distribution we don't talk K3EoNjiefoo-00086-00024603-00024782 about this a little bit later in this K3EoNjiefoo-00087-00024783-00025043 previous lecture and these vary in this K3EoNjiefoo-00088-00025044-00025415 variance is the various the Sigma the K3EoNjiefoo-00089-00025416-00025769 the Sigma is the true is the variance K3EoNjiefoo-00090-00025770-00025943 Sigma square is the variance of the K3EoNjiefoo-00091-00025944-00026233 population and this n is the size of K3EoNjiefoo-00092-00026235-00026422 your sample K3EoNjiefoo-00093-00026423-00026752 so given all these characteristics let's K3EoNjiefoo-00094-00026754-00027035 define this random variable this random K3EoNjiefoo-00095-00027036-00027329 variable Z 0 is taking the estimated K3EoNjiefoo-00096-00027330-00027652 mean of the sample and resizing it to a K3EoNjiefoo-00097-00027654-00027914 normal distribution so because we're K3EoNjiefoo-00098-00027914-00028244 estimating that the mean is mu 0 the new K3EoNjiefoo-00099-00028245-00028586 hypothesis mean we can subtract X from K3EoNjiefoo-00100-00028587-00028895 the new 0 and we divide this by the K3EoNjiefoo-00101-00028895-00029170 variance which is Sigma divided by K3EoNjiefoo-00102-00029172-00029672 square root of M now if we get this and K3EoNjiefoo-00103-00029673-00029885 the sample mean that is normally K3EoNjiefoo-00104-00029886-00030143 distribution with these various and this K3EoNjiefoo-00105-00030144-00030344 mean if we subtract this from this mean K3EoNjiefoo-00106-00030345-00030839 and we divided by this value then Z 0 K3EoNjiefoo-00107-00030839-00031136 will be a random variable that will be K3EoNjiefoo-00108-00031137-00031430 distributed following a normal K3EoNjiefoo-00109-00031431-00031667 distribution with mean 0 and variance 1 K3EoNjiefoo-00110-00031668-00032144 and standard deviation 1 sorry notice K3EoNjiefoo-00111-00032145-00032342 that this is under the null hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00112-00032343-00032608 ok if the null hypothesis is not K3EoNjiefoo-00113-00032610-00032972 actually true then this value of Z will K3EoNjiefoo-00114-00032973-00033239 follow will will fall somewhere else but K3EoNjiefoo-00115-00033240-00033461 if the null hypothesis is true this K3EoNjiefoo-00116-00033462-00033749 equation will generate a random variable K3EoNjiefoo-00117-00033750-00034264 that follows n 0 1 ok so because of this K3EoNjiefoo-00118-00034265-00034553 we have the probability of the value of K3EoNjiefoo-00119-00034554-00034886 Z should be between alpha divided by 2 K3EoNjiefoo-00120-00034887-00035180 and 1 minus alpha divided by 2 quantiles K3EoNjiefoo-00121-00035181-00035522 is as follows so the probability that Z K3EoNjiefoo-00122-00035523-00035840 will be smaller than the alpha divided K3EoNjiefoo-00123-00035841-00036143 by 2 quartile or bigger than the 1 minus K3EoNjiefoo-00124-00036144-00036578 alpha sorry the probability that Z will K3EoNjiefoo-00125-00036579-00036776 fall will fall between this alpha K3EoNjiefoo-00126-00036777-00037013 divided by Chi quartile and the 1 minus K3EoNjiefoo-00127-00037014-00037337 alpha divided by 2 pi oh if the null K3EoNjiefoo-00128-00037338-00037646 hypothesis is true is 1 minus alpha so K3EoNjiefoo-00129-00037647-00037928 basically the quantiles we get versus K3EoNjiefoo-00130-00037929-00038195 let's say that we have 0.05 so we take K3EoNjiefoo-00131-00038196-00038555 this 0.25 compile and the 9 seven points K3EoNjiefoo-00132-00038556-00038693 mappoint sorry K3EoNjiefoo-00133-00038694-00039245 the 97.5 profile and if the probability K3EoNjiefoo-00134-00039246-00039467 that Z will follow between these two K3EoNjiefoo-00135-00039468-00039776 limits is 0.95 K3EoNjiefoo-00136-00039777-00040165 so that's our extreme region okay so K3EoNjiefoo-00137-00040166-00040343 this result allows us to calculate a K3EoNjiefoo-00138-00040344-00040915 critical zone for 8 0 & 1 if Z it if the K3EoNjiefoo-00139-00040916-00041198 quantile alpha divided by 2 FC is bigger K3EoNjiefoo-00140-00041199-00041507 than 0 or the quantile of 1 minus alpha K3EoNjiefoo-00141-00041508-00041765 divided by 2 is smaller than Z 0 then we K3EoNjiefoo-00142-00041766-00042110 can reject the null hypothesis with K3EoNjiefoo-00143-00042111-00042542 confidence 1 minus alpha if not then we K3EoNjiefoo-00144-00042543-00042724 don't have enough information to reject K3EoNjiefoo-00145-00042725-00042893 the null hypothesis so we must not K3EoNjiefoo-00146-00042894-00043220 reject the null hypothesis let's K3EoNjiefoo-00147-00043221-00043526 calculate this so assume that we took 10 K3EoNjiefoo-00148-00043527-00043748 observations so or n is 10 and we K3EoNjiefoo-00149-00043749-00044045 calculate our point estimator so our K3EoNjiefoo-00150-00044046-00044396 sample mean is 49 point six five also K3EoNjiefoo-00151-00044397-00044651 let's assume that we know that the K3EoNjiefoo-00152-00044652-00044912 populations the population of error is K3EoNjiefoo-00153-00044913-00045268 population Sigma is 1 kilo so let's plug K3EoNjiefoo-00154-00045269-00045433 those values in the equation so we have K3EoNjiefoo-00155-00045434-00045785 49 point six five minus 50 divided by 1 K3EoNjiefoo-00156-00045786-00046133 square root of 10 and our value will be K3EoNjiefoo-00157-00046134-00046539 minus one point one one three now K3EoNjiefoo-00158-00046540-00046795 remember that we wanted our significance K3EoNjiefoo-00159-00046796-00047189 to be 0.05 so we take the quantiles of Z K3EoNjiefoo-00160-00047190-00047524 so the 0 of 0 25 quartile and the zero K3EoNjiefoo-00161-00047525-00047746 975 for Tyrone these values are minus K3EoNjiefoo-00162-00047747-00048145 1.96 and 1.96 so these are our critical K3EoNjiefoo-00163-00048146-00048692 values if this Z 0 falls between these K3EoNjiefoo-00164-00048693-00048929 critical values we cannot reject the K3EoNjiefoo-00165-00048930-00049198 null hypothesis but if it falls outside K3EoNjiefoo-00166-00049199-00049589 of this these are these extreme values K3EoNjiefoo-00167-00049590-00049846 then we must reject the null hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00168-00049847-00050230 now in this case minus one point one is K3EoNjiefoo-00169-00050231-00050452 between one point minus one complaining K3EoNjiefoo-00170-00050453-00050758 or point nine so we conclude that the K3EoNjiefoo-00171-00050759-00051023 data does not support the rejection of K3EoNjiefoo-00172-00051024-00051427 the null hypothesis let's think of a K3EoNjiefoo-00173-00051428-00051633 different example now let's say that we K3EoNjiefoo-00174-00051634-00051986 don't know the real various in general K3EoNjiefoo-00175-00051987-00052151 like we don't know the values of the K3EoNjiefoo-00176-00052152-00052366 population so let's imagine we don't K3EoNjiefoo-00177-00052367-00052529 know Sigma we don't know the real K3EoNjiefoo-00178-00052529-00052688 variance so how do we do this K3EoNjiefoo-00179-00052689-00053005 calculation okay also let's just change K3EoNjiefoo-00180-00053007-00053146 a little bit and say K3EoNjiefoo-00181-00053147-00053428 we're going to use alpha 0.01 so we want K3EoNjiefoo-00182-00053429-00053878 a test with more confidence now the test K3EoNjiefoo-00183-00053879-00054244 hypotheses are the same new hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00184-00054245-00054478 is 50 kilos alternate hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00185-00054479-00054867 different than 50 kilos however because K3EoNjiefoo-00186-00054869-00055222 we don't know the variance we cannot use K3EoNjiefoo-00187-00055223-00055435 the normal distribution we have to K3EoNjiefoo-00188-00055436-00055813 estimate the variance so to estimate the K3EoNjiefoo-00189-00055814-00056107 variance the estimation of the various K3EoNjiefoo-00190-00056108-00056362 from the sample will change depending on K3EoNjiefoo-00191-00056363-00056611 the size of the sample so we want to use K3EoNjiefoo-00192-00056612-00056908 the t-distribution because the shape of K3EoNjiefoo-00193-00056909-00057199 the tip distribution also changes with K3EoNjiefoo-00194-00057200-00057417 the numbers of degrees of freedom which K3EoNjiefoo-00195-00057419-00057673 is the numbers of observations in our K3EoNjiefoo-00196-00057674-00058080 sample so in our case our formula is t 0 K3EoNjiefoo-00197-00058082-00058557 or test statistic is X minus mu of 0 K3EoNjiefoo-00198-00058558-00058983 divided by s divided by square root of n K3EoNjiefoo-00199-00058984-00059374 this should come from this is similar to K3EoNjiefoo-00200-00059375-00059728 a T distribution with n minus 1 degrees K3EoNjiefoo-00201-00059729-00059829 of freedom K3EoNjiefoo-00202-00059829-00060184 ok so this distribution of n minus 1 K3EoNjiefoo-00203-00060185-00060265 degrees of freedom K3EoNjiefoo-00204-00060266-00060460 indicates how much information do we K3EoNjiefoo-00205-00060461-00060666 have available to calculate this K3EoNjiefoo-00206-00060667-00061258 distribution so if we plot again so K3EoNjiefoo-00207-00061259-00061486 we'll use the same data as before we K3EoNjiefoo-00208-00061487-00061798 have the mean of the estimated mean is K3EoNjiefoo-00209-00061799-00062191 49 point six and stem and let's say that K3EoNjiefoo-00210-00062191-00062437 the sample error the error of the sample K3EoNjiefoo-00211-00062438-00062730 is zero point six ninety seven so now we K3EoNjiefoo-00212-00062732-00063030 calculate our test statistic 49 minus 50 K3EoNjiefoo-00213-00063032-00063310 zero points X square root of 10 and the K3EoNjiefoo-00214-00063311-00063492 result is minus one point five nine K3EoNjiefoo-00215-00063494-00063859 seven so that's our statistic okay K3EoNjiefoo-00216-00063860-00064075 now we need to calculate the critical K3EoNjiefoo-00217-00064076-00064407 values so we have the same way we have K3EoNjiefoo-00218-00064408-00064663 the quantile for the T distribution with K3EoNjiefoo-00219-00064664-00064954 n minus 1 degrees of freedom so it's the K3EoNjiefoo-00220-00064954-00065347 quantile of 0.005 with 9 degrees of K3EoNjiefoo-00221-00065348-00065701 freedom is mind-state 3.24 and because K3EoNjiefoo-00222-00065702-00065998 the T distribution like the like the K3EoNjiefoo-00223-00065999-00066235 normal distribution is symmetrical we K3EoNjiefoo-00224-00066236-00066363 know that K3EoNjiefoo-00225-00066364-00066630 the extreme the extreme values this - K3EoNjiefoo-00226-00066631-00067066 3.24 and people 24 so under the new K3EoNjiefoo-00227-00067067-00067392 hypothesis there's a 99% chance that the K3EoNjiefoo-00228-00067393-00067684 test statistic will fall between minus K3EoNjiefoo-00229-00067685-00068128 3.2 and 3.2 now if we look at this value K3EoNjiefoo-00230-00068129-00068682 minus 1.5 is inside the crit collision K3EoNjiefoo-00231-00068683-00069016 so is inside a non rejecting region so K3EoNjiefoo-00232-00069017-00069267 the result of this test is that we K3EoNjiefoo-00233-00069268-00069553 cannot reject the null hypothesis at the K3EoNjiefoo-00234-00069554-00069812 99% confidence level K3EoNjiefoo-00235-00069813-00070482 okay we can use this test in our so you K3EoNjiefoo-00236-00070483-00070692 can test this insulin are so we can K3EoNjiefoo-00237-00070693-00070935 generate a sample and we can reach the K3EoNjiefoo-00238-00070936-00071187 Taylor versus here we have a dataset I K3EoNjiefoo-00239-00071188-00071373 will upload this data set to the code K3EoNjiefoo-00240-00071374-00071538 later so you can test yourself or you K3EoNjiefoo-00241-00071539-00071754 can generate your own data so these K3EoNjiefoo-00242-00071755-00071941 could be the data from your experiment K3EoNjiefoo-00243-00071942-00072216 and the t-test function will calculate K3EoNjiefoo-00244-00072217-00072472 that so my sample is your sample it K3EoNjiefoo-00245-00072473-00072747 automatically the sample size K3EoNjiefoo-00246-00072748-00073125 alternative means if we are testing if K3EoNjiefoo-00247-00073126-00073493 our out or alternative hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00248-00073494-00073887 different throw up value less than a K3EoNjiefoo-00249-00073888-00074071 value or more than a value so for this K3EoNjiefoo-00250-00074072-00074400 example we're using a one-sided test so K3EoNjiefoo-00251-00074401-00074730 we're testing whether these values is K3EoNjiefoo-00252-00074731-00075103 less than these new hypothesis means so K3EoNjiefoo-00253-00075104-00075304 this is mu zero so this is the new K3EoNjiefoo-00254-00075305-00075579 hypothesis mean and our confidence level K3EoNjiefoo-00255-00075580-00076056 here is 0.99 so our set one sample K3EoNjiefoo-00256-00076057-00076536 t-test the data it says that the data K3EoNjiefoo-00257-00076537-00076728 comes from this variable my sample it K3EoNjiefoo-00258-00076729-00077100 calculates the T value - 1 5 9 6 9 with K3EoNjiefoo-00259-00077101-00077487 9 degrees of freedom and it so it says K3EoNjiefoo-00260-00077488-00077923 here that the 99% confidence interval is K3EoNjiefoo-00261-00077924-00078237 minus 250 and says that the calculated K3EoNjiefoo-00262-00078238-00078432 means for inaction we decide the K3EoNjiefoo-00263-00078433-00079103 confidence interval okay K3EoNjiefoo-00264-00079104-00079457 so when we describe the results of the K3EoNjiefoo-00265-00079458-00079703 hypothesis test what we usually say is K3EoNjiefoo-00266-00079704-00079979 that we have insufficient sufficient K3EoNjiefoo-00267-00079980-00080207 evidence to reject the null hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00268-00080208-00080474 or sufficient evidence to reject a null K3EoNjiefoo-00269-00080475-00080699 hypothesis at the significance level K3EoNjiefoo-00270-00080700-00081071 alpha okay this is this description is K3EoNjiefoo-00271-00081072-00081266 like the minimum description of course K3EoNjiefoo-00272-00081267-00081431 there's some mini missing information K3EoNjiefoo-00273-00081432-00081638 here for example when we say oh we don't K3EoNjiefoo-00274-00081639-00081830 have enough time to test for to reject K3EoNjiefoo-00275-00081831-00082112 the null hypothesis it does not say that K3EoNjiefoo-00276-00082113-00082415 if this lack of evidence is strong or K3EoNjiefoo-00277-00082416-00082648 weak or if there is a pedestrian K3EoNjiefoo-00278-00082649-00082919 hypothesis we don't know if we rejected K3EoNjiefoo-00279-00082920-00083087 the null hypothesis by a little bit more K3EoNjiefoo-00280-00083088-00083321 or by a lot and this is usually useful K3EoNjiefoo-00281-00083322-00083714 to know right also when we say we just K3EoNjiefoo-00282-00083715-00084152 say we have sufficient evidence we say K3EoNjiefoo-00283-00084153-00084400 that these alpha level is appropriate K3EoNjiefoo-00284-00084401-00084707 but maybe the person who is reading once K3EoNjiefoo-00285-00084708-00085013 no okay but what if we do a more strict K3EoNjiefoo-00286-00085014-00085250 test or what if we do a less strict test K3EoNjiefoo-00287-00085251-00085523 does this conclusion changes so maybe K3EoNjiefoo-00288-00085524-00085838 the really wants to know that also there K3EoNjiefoo-00289-00085839-00086027 is no information about the magnitude of K3EoNjiefoo-00290-00086028-00086399 the effect observed so we can add more K3EoNjiefoo-00291-00086400-00086753 information here to show that your own K3EoNjiefoo-00292-00086754-00087215 report of the hypothesis test so let's K3EoNjiefoo-00293-00087216-00087497 talk about the p-value so what is the K3EoNjiefoo-00294-00087498-00087797 peak value the definition of the p-value K3EoNjiefoo-00295-00087798-00088027 is that a value is the lowest K3EoNjiefoo-00296-00088028-00088415 significant level that would lead to the K3EoNjiefoo-00297-00088416-00088628 rejection of the new hypothesis given K3EoNjiefoo-00298-00088629-00088973 the data that we used so one way to K3EoNjiefoo-00299-00088974-00089171 interpret test is that the p-value is K3EoNjiefoo-00300-00089172-00089378 the probability under the null K3EoNjiefoo-00301-00089379-00089669 hypothesis that the test statistic would K3EoNjiefoo-00302-00089670-00090005 be at least as Extreme as the value that K3EoNjiefoo-00303-00090006-00090347 we observed for example we can calculate K3EoNjiefoo-00304-00090348-00090548 the p-value on the previous act and the K3EoNjiefoo-00305-00090549-00090800 previous example as heat value is the K3EoNjiefoo-00306-00090801-00091037 probability that the test statistic is K3EoNjiefoo-00307-00091038-00091451 smaller than 1.5 97 which the value we K3EoNjiefoo-00308-00091452-00091724 observed when the null hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00309-00091725-00092021 true so this would be the integral from K3EoNjiefoo-00310-00092022-00092285 minus infinity to minus 197 and this is K3EoNjiefoo-00311-00092286-00092371 for the one side K3EoNjiefoo-00312-00092372-00093018 test of the after that the the t9 from K3EoNjiefoo-00313-00093019-00093511 zero from minus infinity to one point K3EoNjiefoo-00314-00093512-00093703 five nine being equal to zero and this K3EoNjiefoo-00315-00093704-00094017 probability is zero point seven two K3EoNjiefoo-00316-00094018-00094321 three seven okay so one way to interpret K3EoNjiefoo-00317-00094322-00094567 this value is how surprised we see so K3EoNjiefoo-00318-00094568-00094780 the probability if the null hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00319-00094781-00094968 is true the probability that we would K3EoNjiefoo-00320-00094969-00095221 see this value or even a smaller value K3EoNjiefoo-00321-00095222-00095536 is zero point zero seven so this p value K3EoNjiefoo-00322-00095537-00095761 zero point zero seven is how surprised K3EoNjiefoo-00323-00095762-00096051 we are to see his result in this case we K3EoNjiefoo-00324-00096052-00096346 are very surprised but not enough to K3EoNjiefoo-00325-00096347-00096657 reject the null hypothesis so it K3EoNjiefoo-00326-00096658-00096892 modifies the strength of the rejection K3EoNjiefoo-00327-00096893-00097206 or they strength of no rejection note K3EoNjiefoo-00328-00097207-00097430 though that even though we have the move K3EoNjiefoo-00329-00097431-00097717 even though the p-value is related to K3EoNjiefoo-00330-00097718-00097999 alpha it's still important to define K3EoNjiefoo-00331-00098000-00098280 alpha during experiment design you K3EoNjiefoo-00332-00098281-00098560 cannot calculate the p-value first and K3EoNjiefoo-00333-00098561-00098742 then decide if it's significant or not K3EoNjiefoo-00334-00098743-00099006 before you calculate the p-value you K3EoNjiefoo-00335-00099007-00099379 have to decide oh this is the value that K3EoNjiefoo-00336-00099380-00099649 I will say it's significant if you K3EoNjiefoo-00337-00099650-00099861 define a significant level after you K3EoNjiefoo-00338-00099862-00100141 calculate the p-value you are doing what K3EoNjiefoo-00339-00100142-00100437 people normally say us moving the goal K3EoNjiefoo-00340-00100438-00100678 posts so we calculate the p-value and K3EoNjiefoo-00341-00100679-00100887 you see that your p-value is 0.1 and you K3EoNjiefoo-00342-00100888-00101337 say oh my significance value is 0.05 or K3EoNjiefoo-00343-00101338-00101679 you see that your p-value is 0.001 you K3EoNjiefoo-00344-00101680-00101868 say no no my significance value for this K3EoNjiefoo-00345-00101869-00102342 test is 0.001 know first to define the K3EoNjiefoo-00346-00102343-00102561 significance level and after that you K3EoNjiefoo-00347-00102563-00102707 calculate the p-value K3EoNjiefoo-00348-00102708-00103068 because of this it's also sometimes you K3EoNjiefoo-00349-00103069-00103341 see paper people create tables of K3EoNjiefoo-00350-00103342-00103428 p-values K3EoNjiefoo-00351-00103429-00103680 tables of p-values don't give you any K3EoNjiefoo-00352-00103681-00103836 information if you don't determine K3EoNjiefoo-00353-00103838-00104136 what's the desired significance level a K3EoNjiefoo-00354-00104138-00104227 priori K3EoNjiefoo-00355-00104228-00104764 okay so remember that we can adjust the K3EoNjiefoo-00356-00104765-00105039 rejection area for alpha by changing the K3EoNjiefoo-00357-00105040-00105322 number of observations so this means K3EoNjiefoo-00358-00105323-00105639 that you can create a big value as as K3EoNjiefoo-00359-00105640-00105766 small as you want K3EoNjiefoo-00360-00105767-00106048 if you can increase the number of K3EoNjiefoo-00361-00106049-00106335 observations in your sample for example K3EoNjiefoo-00362-00106336-00106584 let's say that our new hypothesis is 500 K3EoNjiefoo-00363-00106585-00106927 and the alternate hypothesis is mean K3EoNjiefoo-00364-00106928-00107418 divided with 500 let's say that our n is K3EoNjiefoo-00365-00107419-00107746 5000 so we have 5000 observations in our K3EoNjiefoo-00366-00107747-00108208 sample the mean of our sample is 499 so K3EoNjiefoo-00367-00108208-00108483 this is our estimated mean and the error K3EoNjiefoo-00368-00108484-00108786 of our sample is 5 notice that the error K3EoNjiefoo-00369-00108788-00109069 here is much bigger than the difference K3EoNjiefoo-00370-00109070-00109383 between the sample mean and the new K3EoNjiefoo-00371-00109384-00109710 hypothesis so if we think of it as K3EoNjiefoo-00372-00109711-00109908 common sense this difference is not so K3EoNjiefoo-00373-00109909-00110158 important however when we calculate the K3EoNjiefoo-00374-00110158-00110529 p-value we see that our p-value will be K3EoNjiefoo-00375-00110530-00111036 1.2 times 10 to the minus 23 so this K3EoNjiefoo-00376-00111038-00111241 would be zero point zero zero zero zero K3EoNjiefoo-00377-00111242-00112006 zero zero 23 zeroes my 1 ok it's almost K3EoNjiefoo-00378-00112007-00112213 like one mole of p-value K3EoNjiefoo-00379-00112214-00112690 so this p-value is very significant but K3EoNjiefoo-00380-00112691-00113184 the difference is not meaningful ok this K3EoNjiefoo-00381-00113185-00113332 is especially important for computer K3EoNjiefoo-00382-00113333-00113583 science in computer science many times K3EoNjiefoo-00383-00113584-00113818 you can increase the end very easily by K3EoNjiefoo-00384-00113819-00113998 just repeating your experiment you leave K3EoNjiefoo-00385-00113999-00114226 your computer running for a 1 month and K3EoNjiefoo-00386-00114227-00114463 you have 5000 experiments 10,000 K3EoNjiefoo-00387-00114464-00114625 experiments in those cases it's very K3EoNjiefoo-00388-00114626-00114898 easy should have an arbitrarily small K3EoNjiefoo-00389-00114899-00115279 p-value so it's important before you K3EoNjiefoo-00390-00115280-00115525 begin your experiments to determine what K3EoNjiefoo-00391-00115526-00115948 is your n why your n is that size what K3EoNjiefoo-00392-00115949-00116155 is your desire to value and what are the K3EoNjiefoo-00393-00116156-00116467 expected values of P that you can expect K3EoNjiefoo-00394-00116468-00116704 you you can you are hoping to see with K3EoNjiefoo-00395-00116705-00117226 that sample size okay so be very careful K3EoNjiefoo-00396-00117227-00117410 to not artificially inflate your p-value K3EoNjiefoo-00397-00117411-00117766 this is also called P hacking in the K3EoNjiefoo-00398-00117767-00118345 literature okay so to tell the whole K3EoNjiefoo-00399-00118346-00118618 story of the experiment is necessary to K3EoNjiefoo-00400-00118619-00118927 use effect size estimators so effect K3EoNjiefoo-00401-00118928-00119188 size estimators K3EoNjiefoo-00402-00119189-00119402 there's there people who write home K3EoNjiefoo-00403-00119403-00119700 books on the subject but their ideas K3EoNjiefoo-00404-00119701-00119949 quite simple the idea of an effect size K3EoNjiefoo-00405-00119950-00120266 estimator is what is the difference K3EoNjiefoo-00406-00120267-00120503 between the alternate hypothesis and the K3EoNjiefoo-00407-00120504-00120699 new hypothesis that we are kinda K3EoNjiefoo-00408-00120700-00120972 expecting with this experiment first K3EoNjiefoo-00409-00120973-00121221 it's one way to estimate the effect size K3EoNjiefoo-00410-00121222-00121497 is to simply sell differ calculate the K3EoNjiefoo-00411-00121498-00121683 difference between the sample mean and K3EoNjiefoo-00412-00121683-00122019 the new hypothesis mean in the example K3EoNjiefoo-00413-00122020-00122244 for the previous page the difference is K3EoNjiefoo-00414-00122245-00122508 one gram and this difference is a K3EoNjiefoo-00415-00122508-00122769 smaller than the error of the mean so K3EoNjiefoo-00416-00122770-00123088 this looks like a very small effect size K3EoNjiefoo-00417-00123089-00123389 another way is to do the dimensionality K3EoNjiefoo-00418-00123390-00123618 estimator so that the estimator is the K3EoNjiefoo-00419-00123619-00123774 difference between the sample mean and K3EoNjiefoo-00420-00123775-00124146 the new hypothesis mean divided by the K3EoNjiefoo-00421-00124147-00124533 sample error okay so this quantifies the K3EoNjiefoo-00422-00124533-00124715 difference in terms of standard K3EoNjiefoo-00423-00124716-00125309 deviations so the idea is that the point K3EoNjiefoo-00424-00125310-00125504 estimator and the confidence interval K3EoNjiefoo-00425-00125505-00125684 will tell you the magnitude of the K3EoNjiefoo-00426-00125685-00125876 effects so when you're reporting your K3EoNjiefoo-00427-00125877-00126123 results of course you have to report K3EoNjiefoo-00428-00126124-00126345 your p-value you have to report the K3EoNjiefoo-00429-00126346-00126546 significance of your test but you also K3EoNjiefoo-00430-00126547-00126803 have to report the estimated sample K3EoNjiefoo-00431-00126804-00127173 effect to say how important is the K3EoNjiefoo-00432-00127174-00127454 significant effect that you found okay K3EoNjiefoo-00433-00127455-00127719 so let's suppose that we're testing the K3EoNjiefoo-00434-00127720-00128124 new hypothesis the use mu 50 against an K3EoNjiefoo-00435-00128125-00128402 alternate hypothesis mu does different K3EoNjiefoo-00436-00128403-00128753 from 50 with 10 samples and alpha 0.01 K3EoNjiefoo-00437-00128754-00128963 and then we calculated from the my K3EoNjiefoo-00438-00128964-00129161 sample we have the same values and we K3EoNjiefoo-00439-00129163-00129311 can see here that when you are K3EoNjiefoo-00440-00129313-00129606 calculating the t-test in R and I think K3EoNjiefoo-00441-00129607-00129758 that it's probably the same thing for K3EoNjiefoo-00442-00129759-00130184 all the statistical programs you get not K3EoNjiefoo-00443-00130185-00130364 only the p-value so here you have the K3EoNjiefoo-00444-00130365-00130733 people nu 0.01 so if your alpha is 0.01 K3EoNjiefoo-00445-00130734-00130899 you already know that you cannot reject K3EoNjiefoo-00446-00130900-00131145 this null hypothesis however this is not K3EoNjiefoo-00447-00131146-00131346 the whole story we can also calculate K3EoNjiefoo-00448-00131347-00131718 the M we can also calculate the K3EoNjiefoo-00449-00131719-00131978 confidence interval so the confidence K3EoNjiefoo-00450-00131979-00132198 interval says that with 99% of K3EoNjiefoo-00451-00132199-00132330 confidence K3EoNjiefoo-00452-00132331-00132645 true value of the mean is between forty K3EoNjiefoo-00453-00132646-00132870 eight point nine and fifty point three K3EoNjiefoo-00454-00132871-00133197 okay we cannot reject the hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00455-00133198-00133482 that it might be exactly 50 but if it's K3EoNjiefoo-00456-00133483-00133737 not 50 it shot will probably be between K3EoNjiefoo-00457-00133738-00134351 these values okay all right K3EoNjiefoo-00458-00134352-00134685 remember though that as we mentioned in K3EoNjiefoo-00459-00134686-00134916 the previous video this statistical test K3EoNjiefoo-00460-00134917-00135249 has many assumptions technical K3EoNjiefoo-00461-00135250-00135401 assumptions and statistical assumptions K3EoNjiefoo-00462-00135402-00135642 for instance we have the assumption of K3EoNjiefoo-00463-00135643-00135939 normal T there's a typo here we have K3EoNjiefoo-00464-00135940-00136155 assumption of Independence assumption of K3EoNjiefoo-00465-00136156-00136350 the value of various assumptions about K3EoNjiefoo-00466-00136351-00136728 the process etc so we need after we do K3EoNjiefoo-00467-00136729-00136917 the analysis we need to validate the K3EoNjiefoo-00468-00136918-00137256 assumptions to avoid bad surprises for K3EoNjiefoo-00469-00137257-00137442 instance you are assuming that your data K3EoNjiefoo-00470-00137443-00137703 is normal but when you analyze it it's K3EoNjiefoo-00471-00137704-00137943 actually not normal or actually the K3EoNjiefoo-00472-00137944-00138120 variance is much bigger than you were K3EoNjiefoo-00473-00138121-00138186 expecting K3EoNjiefoo-00474-00138187-00138408 so if these assumptions are not K3EoNjiefoo-00475-00138409-00138696 validated your conclusions might be K3EoNjiefoo-00476-00138697-00138948 wrong okay so it's very important to K3EoNjiefoo-00477-00138949-00139197 validate your assumptions when they can K3EoNjiefoo-00478-00139198-00139398 be validated through the analysis of K3EoNjiefoo-00479-00139399-00139587 your sample data we're gonna look at K3EoNjiefoo-00480-00139588-00139767 some of the validation of the K3EoNjiefoo-00481-00139768-00140007 assumptions we're gonna talk about more K3EoNjiefoo-00482-00140008-00140211 assumptions in future lectures when you K3EoNjiefoo-00483-00140212-00140454 talk about all the tests in the case of K3EoNjiefoo-00484-00140455-00140691 the Z test and the T test that we K3EoNjiefoo-00485-00140692-00141012 studied in this lecture we have first K3EoNjiefoo-00486-00141013-00141261 the assumption of normal T so the K3EoNjiefoo-00487-00141262-00141624 assumption of normal T okay it's not K3EoNjiefoo-00488-00141625-00141885 about the observations it's not that the K3EoNjiefoo-00489-00141886-00142047 observations form on a normal K3EoNjiefoo-00490-00142048-00142314 distribution the assumptions of normal T K3EoNjiefoo-00491-00142315-00142692 is that the estimation of the mean in K3EoNjiefoo-00492-00142693-00142893 other words the statistic that you K3EoNjiefoo-00493-00142894-00143052 calculate from your sample that K3EoNjiefoo-00494-00143053-00143283 calculates the estimated mean of the K3EoNjiefoo-00495-00143284-00143588 population from the mean of sample is K3EoNjiefoo-00496-00143589-00144027 follows a normal distribution now this K3EoNjiefoo-00497-00144028-00144234 thing that we might we have to remember K3EoNjiefoo-00498-00144235-00144968 is that in general we can expect the K3EoNjiefoo-00499-00144969-00145331 estimation of no knows the K3EoNjiefoo-00500-00145332-00145625 the assumption of normalcy should be K3EoNjiefoo-00501-00145626-00145829 followed because the CLT is actually K3EoNjiefoo-00502-00145830-00146082 quite strong however there are other K3EoNjiefoo-00503-00146083-00146457 cases that we are not we don't we don't K3EoNjiefoo-00504-00146458-00146834 care only about the normal T of the K3EoNjiefoo-00505-00146835-00147108 sample mean but we also worry about the K3EoNjiefoo-00506-00147109-00147447 normalcy of the observations in that K3EoNjiefoo-00507-00147448-00147684 case there are many ways to achieve that K3EoNjiefoo-00508-00147685-00147926 you test if the observations follow a K3EoNjiefoo-00509-00147927-00148170 normal distribution or not first is one K3EoNjiefoo-00510-00148171-00148509 way to estimate to check if the esta if K3EoNjiefoo-00511-00148510-00148628 the observations follow a normal K3EoNjiefoo-00512-00148629-00148845 distribution or not we stood watching to K3EoNjiefoo-00513-00148846-00149129 plot a QQ plot which means quantile K3EoNjiefoo-00514-00149130-00149331 quantile plot is this plot that we are K3EoNjiefoo-00515-00149332-00149735 looking right here in the slide it plots K3EoNjiefoo-00516-00149736-00150149 one set of data against another set of K3EoNjiefoo-00517-00150150-00150488 data and when one of the set of data is K3EoNjiefoo-00518-00150489-00150788 the theoretical normal quantile and the K3EoNjiefoo-00519-00150789-00151056 other set of data is the data from your K3EoNjiefoo-00520-00151057-00151446 experiment they put to plot you show if K3EoNjiefoo-00521-00151447-00151661 the data from the experiment roughly K3EoNjiefoo-00522-00151662-00152012 follows a normal distribution or not ok K3EoNjiefoo-00523-00152013-00152249 so if the plot if the data follows a K3EoNjiefoo-00524-00152250-00152462 normal distribution it will generally K3EoNjiefoo-00525-00152463-00152769 stay close to this line it will be a K3EoNjiefoo-00526-00152770-00152966 straight line this case we see some K3EoNjiefoo-00527-00152967-00153285 minor deviations from normal so here we K3EoNjiefoo-00528-00153286-00153602 can see that this data it might slightly K3EoNjiefoo-00529-00153603-00154112 different from normal and extremes okay K3EoNjiefoo-00530-00154113-00154352 of course because the CLT is very robust K3EoNjiefoo-00531-00154353-00154584 is small definitions of small deviations K3EoNjiefoo-00532-00154585-00154889 of normal are still okay for the za beta K3EoNjiefoo-00533-00154890-00155172 test however other tests might require K3EoNjiefoo-00534-00155173-00155438 stronger assumptions of novelty you have K3EoNjiefoo-00535-00155439-00155643 to check that depending on the test that K3EoNjiefoo-00536-00155644-00156156 you are actually using if you want to K3EoNjiefoo-00537-00156157-00156329 test normal tea like the visual K3EoNjiefoo-00538-00156330-00156629 inspection is of course not very strong K3EoNjiefoo-00539-00156630-00156948 you need to do a decision like how much K3EoNjiefoo-00540-00156949-00157361 deviation from here should you should K3EoNjiefoo-00541-00157362-00157652 you accept so you can do a statistical K3EoNjiefoo-00542-00157653-00158051 test to test if a date if a set of data K3EoNjiefoo-00543-00158052-00158225 follows normal distribution or now there K3EoNjiefoo-00544-00158226-00158448 are several tests of knowledge such as K3EoNjiefoo-00545-00158449-00158661 the shuttle will test K3EoNjiefoo-00546-00158662-00158910 the Anderson darling test the comb-over K3EoNjiefoo-00547-00158911-00159251 of test etc in this course we're going K3EoNjiefoo-00548-00159252-00159420 to recommend a shakira we're going to K3EoNjiefoo-00549-00159421-00159701 use the Shapiro milk but depending on K3EoNjiefoo-00550-00159702-00159870 the situation you might want to use the K3EoNjiefoo-00551-00159871-00160088 other test so it's worth taking a look K3EoNjiefoo-00552-00160089-00160223 at them and seeing what are the K3EoNjiefoo-00553-00160224-00160485 assumptions what are the conditions the K3EoNjiefoo-00554-00160486-00160676 procedures of these tests is the same K3EoNjiefoo-00555-00160677-00160937 new hypothesis testing procedure that we K3EoNjiefoo-00556-00160938-00161186 had before here the new hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00557-00161187-00161429 that the population from which the K3EoNjiefoo-00558-00161430-00161661 observations were taken follows a normal K3EoNjiefoo-00559-00161662-00161835 distribution and they alternate K3EoNjiefoo-00560-00161836-00162038 hypothesis is that the population from K3EoNjiefoo-00561-00162039-00162231 which the note the observations were K3EoNjiefoo-00562-00162232-00162440 taken does not follow a normal K3EoNjiefoo-00563-00162441-00162689 distribution and in this case a K3EoNjiefoo-00564-00162690-00162902 rejection of the null hypothesis is K3EoNjiefoo-00565-00162903-00163178 evidence that a sample came from the K3EoNjiefoo-00566-00163179-00163407 normal distribution however as I said K3EoNjiefoo-00567-00163408-00163703 before if the sample is big enough the K3EoNjiefoo-00568-00163704-00163910 CLT might guarantee are normally K3EoNjiefoo-00569-00163911-00164404 distributed sample mean estimate okay K3EoNjiefoo-00570-00164405-00164801 now a more important and more stronger K3EoNjiefoo-00571-00164802-00164985 assumption is the assumption of K3EoNjiefoo-00572-00164986-00165260 Independence used in a t-test and the Z K3EoNjiefoo-00573-00165261-00165546 test so the idea of the assumption of K3EoNjiefoo-00574-00165547-00165866 Independence is that each observation is K3EoNjiefoo-00575-00165867-00166112 not dependent the value of each K3EoNjiefoo-00576-00166113-00166310 observation does not depend on the K3EoNjiefoo-00577-00166311-00166553 values of the other observations the K3EoNjiefoo-00578-00166554-00166766 value of the each observation depends K3EoNjiefoo-00579-00166767-00167098 only on the parameters of the population K3EoNjiefoo-00580-00167099-00167378 when does this happen for instance let's K3EoNjiefoo-00581-00167379-00167561 say that we are you have a robot and we K3EoNjiefoo-00582-00167562-00167726 are measuring the value of the robot K3EoNjiefoo-00583-00167727-00168010 however this robot has a battery and K3EoNjiefoo-00584-00168011-00168282 because you did not charge the battery K3EoNjiefoo-00585-00168283-00168534 before Dexter before the experiment the K3EoNjiefoo-00586-00168535-00168798 battery of the robot is weak because the K3EoNjiefoo-00587-00168799-00169059 battery of the robots weak the first the K3EoNjiefoo-00588-00169060-00169296 first the first time the robot runs it K3EoNjiefoo-00589-00169297-00169535 runs at full speed the second time it K3EoNjiefoo-00590-00169536-00169722 runs a little bit slower the third time K3EoNjiefoo-00591-00169723-00169893 it was a little bit slower the fourth K3EoNjiefoo-00592-00169894-00170106 time it runs a little bit slower now K3EoNjiefoo-00593-00170107-00170406 every time it's run slower it's running K3EoNjiefoo-00594-00170407-00170634 slower because the previous observation K3EoNjiefoo-00595-00170635-00170820 use the battery so there is a K3EoNjiefoo-00596-00170821-00171093 relationship between the observations so K3EoNjiefoo-00597-00171094-00171398 the observations are not independent K3EoNjiefoo-00598-00171399-00171795 okay now a second example let's say that K3EoNjiefoo-00599-00171796-00172040 we are we develop an hour K3EoNjiefoo-00600-00172041-00172370 to do time series prediction okay so our K3EoNjiefoo-00601-00172371-00172612 algorithm does time series prediction K3EoNjiefoo-00602-00172613-00172973 however so to test this algorithm we get K3EoNjiefoo-00603-00172974-00173309 20 different time series and we try to K3EoNjiefoo-00604-00173310-00173600 predict all the story time series and we K3EoNjiefoo-00605-00173601-00173821 see how well they all believe the victim K3EoNjiefoo-00606-00173822-00174188 however five of this time series comes K3EoNjiefoo-00607-00174189-00174380 from the same model let's say that we K3EoNjiefoo-00608-00174381-00174608 have five time series from solar data of K3EoNjiefoo-00609-00174609-00174854 different day of different eight years K3EoNjiefoo-00610-00174855-00175163 and the other 50 time series are from K3EoNjiefoo-00611-00175164-00175346 completely different cases each times K3EoNjiefoo-00612-00175347-00175568 here each of the 15 different each of K3EoNjiefoo-00613-00175569-00175778 the 15 other time series is from a K3EoNjiefoo-00614-00175779-00176024 completely different domain what happens K3EoNjiefoo-00615-00176025-00176363 is that this five time series that comes K3EoNjiefoo-00616-00176364-00176600 from the Sun data they are very K3EoNjiefoo-00617-00176601-00176951 correlated so the value their values is K3EoNjiefoo-00618-00176952-00177247 much closer than the values of the mast K3EoNjiefoo-00619-00177248-00177689 so this five time series they come from K3EoNjiefoo-00620-00177690-00177947 one distribution and the other 15 they K3EoNjiefoo-00621-00177948-00178210 come from another distribution so this K3EoNjiefoo-00622-00178211-00178522 invalidates the independent system it is K3EoNjiefoo-00623-00178523-00178753 assumption of the t-test K3EoNjiefoo-00624-00178754-00179084 so in general we want to guarantee the K3EoNjiefoo-00625-00179085-00179300 independence assumption however it's K3EoNjiefoo-00626-00179301-00179603 very hard to do as the analytical test K3EoNjiefoo-00627-00179604-00179900 for independence the best way to K3EoNjiefoo-00628-00179901-00180128 guarantee independence is to make sure K3EoNjiefoo-00629-00180129-00180497 that in your experiment design level K3EoNjiefoo-00630-00180498-00180698 regarding independence you make sure K3EoNjiefoo-00631-00180699-00180908 that you charge the battery of the robot K3EoNjiefoo-00632-00180909-00181100 or even better you charge the battery K3EoNjiefoo-00633-00181101-00181400 before every experiment and you make K3EoNjiefoo-00634-00181401-00181661 sure that all your time series they are K3EoNjiefoo-00635-00181662-00181937 either all from the same class category K3EoNjiefoo-00636-00181938-00182132 or they're all from different class K3EoNjiefoo-00637-00182133-00182300 category you don't have some from K3EoNjiefoo-00638-00182301-00182495 different class categories and some from K3EoNjiefoo-00639-00182496-00182651 the same class categories because then K3EoNjiefoo-00640-00182652-00182731 you're gonna have different K3EoNjiefoo-00641-00182732-00183230 distributions if you have there is a the K3EoNjiefoo-00642-00183231-00183422 derby mob some test is a test that can K3EoNjiefoo-00643-00183423-00183677 calculate autocorrelation so it can test K3EoNjiefoo-00644-00183678-00184019 if the first observation is related to K3EoNjiefoo-00645-00184020-00184190 the second observation that is related a K3EoNjiefoo-00646-00184191-00184439 third observation so the d double task K3EoNjiefoo-00647-00184440-00184739 would move the tact correctly the first K3EoNjiefoo-00648-00184740-00185039 violation of the first example of K3EoNjiefoo-00649-00185040-00185327 violation of Independence but the D K3EoNjiefoo-00650-00185328-00185447 double test would K3EoNjiefoo-00651-00185448-00185708 to detect the second example of K3EoNjiefoo-00652-00185709-00186008 violation of Independence okay so it's K3EoNjiefoo-00653-00186009-00186314 kind of hard to rely only on statistical K3EoNjiefoo-00654-00186315-00186509 tests to the net violation of deputies K3EoNjiefoo-00655-00186510-00186719 you need really to really be careful K3EoNjiefoo-00656-00186720-00187376 when you design your experiment okay so K3EoNjiefoo-00657-00187377-00187577 to conclude this lecture in this lecture K3EoNjiefoo-00658-00187578-00187862 we described a framework for statistical K3EoNjiefoo-00659-00187863-00188104 testing we introduced the concept of K3EoNjiefoo-00660-00188105-00188417 hypothesis testing which is a way to use K3EoNjiefoo-00661-00188418-00188699 data obtained from an experiment to make K3EoNjiefoo-00662-00188700-00188933 a conclusion about a population this K3EoNjiefoo-00663-00188934-00189146 puts two hypotheses against each other K3EoNjiefoo-00664-00189147-00189395 our null hypothesis there is no any K3EoNjiefoo-00665-00189396-00189683 special or effect and an alternate K3EoNjiefoo-00666-00189684-00189896 hypothesis there is a special effect K3EoNjiefoo-00667-00189897-00190213 that we have observed okay should do K3EoNjiefoo-00668-00190214-00190520 then the null hypothesis testing we K3EoNjiefoo-00669-00190521-00190817 follow the following steps first we K3EoNjiefoo-00670-00190818-00191003 formulated the question of interest we K3EoNjiefoo-00671-00191004-00191189 create the null hypothesis that we are K3EoNjiefoo-00672-00191190-00191651 studying second we defined the minimally K3EoNjiefoo-00673-00191652-00191879 interesting effect so we define what is K3EoNjiefoo-00674-00191880-00192146 the minimum value that we are interested K3EoNjiefoo-00675-00192147-00192452 in observing based on the DOE hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00676-00192453-00192680 and the minimal interesting effect we K3EoNjiefoo-00677-00192681-00192875 define what is the confluence what is K3EoNjiefoo-00678-00192876-00193049 the Alpha that we desire for this test K3EoNjiefoo-00679-00193050-00193271 and what is the power what is the better K3EoNjiefoo-00680-00193272-00193625 that we desire for this test so we K3EoNjiefoo-00681-00193626-00193844 calculate based on alpha bear and better K3EoNjiefoo-00682-00193845-00194048 we calculate the sample size how many K3EoNjiefoo-00683-00194049-00194264 observations we need for a sample now K3EoNjiefoo-00684-00194265-00194420 notice that we did not talk today about K3EoNjiefoo-00685-00194421-00194651 population of sample size there will be K3EoNjiefoo-00686-00194652-00194855 a future lecture that will focus on this K3EoNjiefoo-00687-00194856-00195436 topic okay then we collect the data so K3EoNjiefoo-00688-00195437-00195692 after we calculate the sample size now K3EoNjiefoo-00689-00195693-00195860 we can do the experiment we know that we K3EoNjiefoo-00690-00195861-00196142 need 20 samples or 15 samples or 70 K3EoNjiefoo-00691-00196143-00196454 samples okay after we collect the data K3EoNjiefoo-00692-00196455-00196640 we do the statistical analysis we K3EoNjiefoo-00693-00196641-00196868 calculate a statistic busy statistic or K3EoNjiefoo-00694-00196869-00197189 the T statistic and we also calculate K3EoNjiefoo-00695-00197190-00197435 the assumptions we calculate if the data K3EoNjiefoo-00696-00197436-00197726 is normal we don't lay the variance that K3EoNjiefoo-00697-00197727-00198197 here some assumed etc finally based on a K3EoNjiefoo-00698-00198198-00198383 statistic on the T statistic or the Z K3EoNjiefoo-00699-00198384-00198779 statistic we can calculate our p-value K3EoNjiefoo-00700-00198780-00199037 we can calculate or effect size and K3EoNjiefoo-00701-00199038-00199277 based on the p-value and effect size we K3EoNjiefoo-00702-00199278-00199487 can say oh we reject the null hypothesis K3EoNjiefoo-00703-00199488-00199652 and we estimate that the difference K3EoNjiefoo-00704-00199653-00199916 between the new mean and the apto mean K3EoNjiefoo-00705-00199917-00200210 is about this much or we can say no we K3EoNjiefoo-00706-00200211-00200525 did not reject a new hypothesis and we K3EoNjiefoo-00707-00200526-00200753 calculate our confidence interval for K3EoNjiefoo-00708-00200754-00201214 the mean of this match okay so this is K3EoNjiefoo-00709-00201215-00201583 the procedure of new hypothesis testing K3EoNjiefoo-00710-00201584-00201950 now in future lectures we will study K3EoNjiefoo-00711-00201951-00202154 variations and special cases of this K3EoNjiefoo-00712-00202155-00202433 testing procedure in this lecture we K3EoNjiefoo-00713-00202434-00202616 talked about the null hypothesis of one K3EoNjiefoo-00714-00202617-00202823 sample in the next lecture we're going K3EoNjiefoo-00715-00202824-00203060 to talk about null hypothesis testing K3EoNjiefoo-00716-00203061-00203234 for two samples when you compare K3EoNjiefoo-00717-00203235-00203444 algorithm eighty and algorithm B how do K3EoNjiefoo-00718-00203445-00203680 you do new hypothesis for that case K3EoNjiefoo-00719-00203681-00203915 also in the lecture after that we're K3EoNjiefoo-00720-00203916-00204056 going to talk about calculation of K3EoNjiefoo-00721-00204057-00204331 sample size K3EoNjiefoo-00722-00204332-00204626 now there's two very recommended reads K3EoNjiefoo-00723-00204627-00204935 for this lecture the first recommended K3EoNjiefoo-00724-00204936-00205184 me read is this statistical significance K3EoNjiefoo-00725-00205185-00205430 versus practical significance and this K3EoNjiefoo-00726-00205431-00205676 is a very nice summary of the topics K3EoNjiefoo-00727-00205677-00205823 that we talked about this lecture what K3EoNjiefoo-00728-00205823-00205990 is no hypothesis what is alternate K3EoNjiefoo-00729-00205991-00206213 hypothesis what is P value what is K3EoNjiefoo-00730-00206214-00206450 confidence what is power so this is a K3EoNjiefoo-00731-00206451-00206606 quick read I think it's like three pages K3EoNjiefoo-00732-00206607-00206801 so make sure to read this first K3EoNjiefoo-00733-00206802-00207148 the second is assumptions of normal T it K3EoNjiefoo-00734-00207150-00207539 says why the normally normal T is K3EoNjiefoo-00735-00207540-00207863 important for the new hypothesis testing K3EoNjiefoo-00736-00207864-00208123 its relationship with the central limit K3EoNjiefoo-00737-00208125-00208415 theorem and when we can expect the no K3EoNjiefoo-00738-00208416-00208786 the this the normal assumption to be K3EoNjiefoo-00739-00208787-00209146 validated and when you cannot expect it K3EoNjiefoo-00740-00209148-00209579 to be to be invalidated so I really K3EoNjiefoo-00741-00209580-00209801 recommend is to Rainey's for this for K3EoNjiefoo-00742-00209802-00210128 this lecture thank you very much and see K3EoNjiefoo-00743-00210129-00210383 you next week K6Pf4cRHEsk-00000-00000284-00001447 [Music] K6Pf4cRHEsk-00001-00001448-00002263 eat that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00002-00002264-00002463 is wonderful K6Pf4cRHEsk-00003-00002464-00002679 guys let's get into it before this K6Pf4cRHEsk-00004-00002680-00002831 boiler starts K6Pf4cRHEsk-00005-00002832-00003470 to regulate K6Pf4cRHEsk-00006-00003471-00004283 last K6Pf4cRHEsk-00007-00004284-00004751 time we're gonna try to eat this K6Pf4cRHEsk-00008-00004752-00004911 i'm doing K6Pf4cRHEsk-00009-00004912-00005670 it doing you ain't doing youtube K6Pf4cRHEsk-00010-00005671-00006927 let's put K6Pf4cRHEsk-00011-00006928-00007263 let's just pour this inside this bowl K6Pf4cRHEsk-00012-00007264-00007646 with all that delicious garlic people K6Pf4cRHEsk-00013-00007647-00007846 they gave me a lot of stuff i'll leave K6Pf4cRHEsk-00014-00007847-00008095 it this way K6Pf4cRHEsk-00015-00008095-00008351 let's say grace K6Pf4cRHEsk-00016-00008352-00008519 let's K6Pf4cRHEsk-00017-00008520-00009199 get into it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00018-00009200-00009551 i'll wait for the glass K6Pf4cRHEsk-00019-00009552-00009783 father thank you for this food i'm about K6Pf4cRHEsk-00020-00009784-00009999 to receive to nourish the body for K6Pf4cRHEsk-00021-00010000-00010295 christ's sake amen that's my family K6Pf4cRHEsk-00022-00010296-00010551 that's the homeless sick shut in K6Pf4cRHEsk-00023-00010552-00010814 that everybody's thankful for meals K6Pf4cRHEsk-00024-00010815-00011038 today amen K6Pf4cRHEsk-00025-00011039-00011263 we used to say i can't hear you i can't K6Pf4cRHEsk-00026-00011264-00011567 hear you but now i guess it's loud K6Pf4cRHEsk-00027-00011568-00011806 enough K6Pf4cRHEsk-00028-00011807-00012070 let's get into this right here look at K6Pf4cRHEsk-00029-00012071-00012287 that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00030-00012288-00013727 look at that yeah K6Pf4cRHEsk-00031-00013728-00014047 yeah what a spoon K6Pf4cRHEsk-00032-00014047-00014232 i can get K6Pf4cRHEsk-00033-00014233-00015271 [Music] K6Pf4cRHEsk-00034-00015272-00015775 is good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00035-00015776-00015991 let's put a K6Pf4cRHEsk-00036-00015991-00017479 muscle on top of that egg K6Pf4cRHEsk-00037-00017480-00018439 hmm K6Pf4cRHEsk-00038-00018440-00020583 the eggs is good though K6Pf4cRHEsk-00039-00020584-00022247 so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00040-00022248-00023599 something simply amazing K6Pf4cRHEsk-00041-00023600-00024671 i want to be on the floor K6Pf4cRHEsk-00042-00024672-00024878 they look like they just simply melted K6Pf4cRHEsk-00043-00024879-00024983 butter K6Pf4cRHEsk-00044-00024984-00025294 i don't know what kind of butter K6Pf4cRHEsk-00045-00025295-00025391 but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00046-00025392-00025567 i think it's the garlic giving it the K6Pf4cRHEsk-00047-00025568-00025750 best flavor K6Pf4cRHEsk-00048-00025751-00026111 i still forgot a knife this time K6Pf4cRHEsk-00049-00026112-00026302 i do have a spoon let me see if i can K6Pf4cRHEsk-00050-00026304-00026495 cut the back of it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00051-00026495-00026718 i thought everything but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00052-00026719-00027743 i'll cut the back of these shrimps K6Pf4cRHEsk-00053-00027744-00027967 people just not ready to send their kids K6Pf4cRHEsk-00054-00027968-00028135 to school K6Pf4cRHEsk-00055-00028136-00028758 what's this sauce on something K6Pf4cRHEsk-00056-00028760-00029279 i haven't even put in the lobster K6Pf4cRHEsk-00057-00029280-00029487 well K6Pf4cRHEsk-00058-00029488-00029727 i guess i don't need them K6Pf4cRHEsk-00059-00029727-00031239 let me start it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00060-00031239-00031655 i'm mr sniff he don't eat no seafood K6Pf4cRHEsk-00061-00031656-00032151 i don't think he eat meat at all K6Pf4cRHEsk-00062-00032152-00032646 let's put it on silence mr smith K6Pf4cRHEsk-00063-00032647-00034567 i'm making so much noise K6Pf4cRHEsk-00064-00034568-00035662 mm-hmm K6Pf4cRHEsk-00065-00035663-00035967 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00066-00035968-00037055 [Music] K6Pf4cRHEsk-00067-00037056-00037215 i think it's better the second time K6Pf4cRHEsk-00068-00037216-00038511 around K6Pf4cRHEsk-00069-00038512-00038695 i mean i don't like to make judgments or K6Pf4cRHEsk-00070-00038696-00038902 talk about the K6Pf4cRHEsk-00071-00038903-00039183 vaccine too much but other than K6Pf4cRHEsk-00072-00039184-00039327 sharing with people that probably K6Pf4cRHEsk-00073-00039328-00040055 haven't been vaccinated i don't like to K6Pf4cRHEsk-00074-00040056-00040207 i don't like to share too much with K6Pf4cRHEsk-00075-00040208-00040367 people that's been vaccinated because it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00076-00040368-00040871 looks as if K6Pf4cRHEsk-00077-00040872-00041911 i'm trying to scare you K6Pf4cRHEsk-00078-00041912-00042095 i think i'm trying to scare you or K6Pf4cRHEsk-00079-00042096-00042487 something K6Pf4cRHEsk-00080-00042488-00042646 i don't like when people try to tell K6Pf4cRHEsk-00081-00042647-00043023 people who need to get vaccinated and K6Pf4cRHEsk-00082-00043024-00043439 who's us K6Pf4cRHEsk-00083-00043440-00044071 that's all that's your choice K6Pf4cRHEsk-00084-00044072-00044783 and always be your choice K6Pf4cRHEsk-00085-00044784-00044999 shouldn't be no government choice K6Pf4cRHEsk-00086-00045000-00045230 shouldn't be people's choice K6Pf4cRHEsk-00087-00045231-00046839 only your choice K6Pf4cRHEsk-00088-00046840-00047062 waiting for you and your family K6Pf4cRHEsk-00089-00047063-00047311 to get through it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00090-00047312-00047599 well this thing is crazy about it other K6Pf4cRHEsk-00091-00047600-00048071 than my opinion but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00092-00048072-00048295 i think the government is just doing K6Pf4cRHEsk-00093-00048296-00048774 way too much K6Pf4cRHEsk-00094-00048775-00048935 they don't way too much they want K6Pf4cRHEsk-00095-00048936-00049111 everybody to be in the uproar about this K6Pf4cRHEsk-00096-00049112-00049302 fight virus or something K6Pf4cRHEsk-00097-00049303-00049446 i'll just K6Pf4cRHEsk-00098-00049447-00049646 one minute you save the next minute K6Pf4cRHEsk-00099-00049647-00049951 ain't it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00100-00049952-00050255 i don't know if it's working cause K6Pf4cRHEsk-00101-00050256-00050502 to me i think if it's working K6Pf4cRHEsk-00102-00050503-00050662 people that's fully vaccinated should K6Pf4cRHEsk-00103-00050663-00050974 need to wear mass they should be good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00104-00050975-00051319 against covet that vaccine for the virus K6Pf4cRHEsk-00105-00051320-00051502 should affect the virus so you don't K6Pf4cRHEsk-00106-00051503-00051719 have to weigh anything K6Pf4cRHEsk-00107-00051720-00052079 you should be good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00108-00052079-00052375 and i don't believe that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00109-00052376-00052726 people who are not fascinated K6Pf4cRHEsk-00110-00052727-00053023 is causing a new variant when K6Pf4cRHEsk-00111-00053024-00053230 most people that's not fascinated no K6Pf4cRHEsk-00112-00053232-00053391 they still need to wear their masks K6Pf4cRHEsk-00113-00053391-00053791 because they're not fascinating so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00114-00053791-00054303 this stuff ain't making noises K6Pf4cRHEsk-00115-00054304-00054999 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00116-00055000-00056511 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00117-00056512-00057750 oh it's so good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00118-00057751-00058550 hmm K6Pf4cRHEsk-00119-00058551-00059087 that's something um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00120-00059088-00059487 they had crabs on sale for like K6Pf4cRHEsk-00121-00059488-00059879 i got three of these um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00122-00059879-00060159 pieces K6Pf4cRHEsk-00123-00060160-00061038 i was on sale was like K6Pf4cRHEsk-00124-00061039-00061303 for two dollars i bought like 16 or 20 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00125-00061304-00062094 cars K6Pf4cRHEsk-00126-00062095-00063823 oh my gosh K6Pf4cRHEsk-00127-00063824-00064023 i've seen this guy in detroit he had a K6Pf4cRHEsk-00128-00064024-00064191 soul food chocolate everything when K6Pf4cRHEsk-00129-00064191-00064630 they're fried green tomatoes K6Pf4cRHEsk-00130-00064632-00064879 yeah K6Pf4cRHEsk-00131-00064879-00065135 i'm making some good food with coconut K6Pf4cRHEsk-00132-00065136-00065382 in the restaurants being closed K6Pf4cRHEsk-00133-00065383-00065711 and go up to a truck and get you up K6Pf4cRHEsk-00134-00065712-00065975 so full meal i think he's K6Pf4cRHEsk-00135-00065976-00066343 i don't forgot what she said honda K6Pf4cRHEsk-00136-00066344-00066599 cotillious concilius and levine or K6Pf4cRHEsk-00137-00066600-00066871 something like that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00138-00066872-00067263 i don't really know detroit but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00139-00067264-00067638 look at a video um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00140-00067639-00067999 soul food on wheels K6Pf4cRHEsk-00141-00068000-00069863 they say that soul food is good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00142-00069864-00070703 that's good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00143-00070704-00072215 potato K6Pf4cRHEsk-00144-00072216-00073494 a lot K6Pf4cRHEsk-00145-00073495-00073862 i think it was in 20 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00146-00073863-00074079 i had got a bag like this when i went K6Pf4cRHEsk-00147-00074080-00074423 out with fifi up in the city K6Pf4cRHEsk-00148-00074424-00074799 that bag was like 47 or 50 dollars so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00149-00074800-00074943 and they have some rice in that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00150-00074944-00075087 restaurant i'm gonna remember the name K6Pf4cRHEsk-00151-00075088-00075367 of the place if K6Pf4cRHEsk-00152-00075368-00075726 if you make it this far in the video um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00153-00075727-00076015 put up a crab K6Pf4cRHEsk-00154-00076016-00076271 for all this good crabs and seafood that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00155-00076272-00076655 i'm not getting that miss fifi is he K6Pf4cRHEsk-00156-00076656-00076838 put a crab up in the comments for a city K6Pf4cRHEsk-00157-00076839-00077119 from warrior K6Pf4cRHEsk-00158-00077120-00077319 oh put a shrimp with some eyes or K6Pf4cRHEsk-00159-00077320-00078271 something K6Pf4cRHEsk-00160-00078272-00078471 but i guess everything's been opened up K6Pf4cRHEsk-00161-00078472-00078919 in the city again K6Pf4cRHEsk-00162-00078920-00080071 that shrimp is soft K6Pf4cRHEsk-00163-00080072-00080406 i don't know why these ones are small or K6Pf4cRHEsk-00164-00080407-00081091 i'm like K6Pf4cRHEsk-00165-00081092-00081494 that noodle K6Pf4cRHEsk-00166-00081495-00082471 don't let that thing in the back K6Pf4cRHEsk-00168-00086200-00086487 oh they've wore some of them too long K6Pf4cRHEsk-00169-00086488-00086911 they looking soft K6Pf4cRHEsk-00170-00086912-00087526 and i don't trust it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00171-00087527-00087750 i don't trust that one is that feeling K6Pf4cRHEsk-00172-00087751-00088079 mushy K6Pf4cRHEsk-00173-00088080-00088247 because strange things supposed to be K6Pf4cRHEsk-00174-00088248-00088718 soft K6Pf4cRHEsk-00175-00088719-00089015 also be hot K6Pf4cRHEsk-00176-00089016-00090415 i like that one K6Pf4cRHEsk-00177-00090416-00092167 so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00178-00092168-00092359 i got some pleasure out of watching the K6Pf4cRHEsk-00179-00092360-00092638 videos that they be doing camping by the K6Pf4cRHEsk-00180-00092639-00092862 snow and by the water K6Pf4cRHEsk-00181-00092863-00093206 so if you watch those kind of videos K6Pf4cRHEsk-00182-00093207-00093638 it's so fun to me K6Pf4cRHEsk-00183-00093639-00094062 i've been watching that lately K6Pf4cRHEsk-00184-00094063-00095159 i'll be watching people eat too K6Pf4cRHEsk-00185-00095160-00096431 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00186-00096432-00097294 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00187-00097295-00098479 so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00188-00098480-00100015 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00189-00100016-00102255 that thing is so good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00190-00102256-00103318 only get one potato K6Pf4cRHEsk-00191-00103319-00104799 thanks so good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00192-00104800-00106390 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00193-00106391-00108375 um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00194-00108376-00108583 tell me how you pay your bill K6Pf4cRHEsk-00195-00108583-00108831 i was just sitting here thinking K6Pf4cRHEsk-00196-00108832-00109127 everybody pay their bill when they come K6Pf4cRHEsk-00197-00109128-00109599 pay the whole bill um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00198-00109600-00109886 you paid at 29 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00199-00109888-00110231 that they say you got to pay every month K6Pf4cRHEsk-00200-00110232-00110631 let me pay your bill K6Pf4cRHEsk-00201-00110632-00110758 i'll tell you who has a couple of K6Pf4cRHEsk-00202-00110759-00110983 delinquent ones K6Pf4cRHEsk-00203-00110983-00111199 delinquent bills K6Pf4cRHEsk-00204-00111200-00111366 i could tell you that those delinquent K6Pf4cRHEsk-00205-00111367-00111502 bills K6Pf4cRHEsk-00206-00111503-00111631 is a no-no K6Pf4cRHEsk-00207-00111632-00111734 that's how they're gonna make their K6Pf4cRHEsk-00208-00111735-00111999 money off of you K6Pf4cRHEsk-00209-00112000-00112119 because K6Pf4cRHEsk-00210-00112120-00112399 they're gonna get your credit K6Pf4cRHEsk-00211-00112400-00112639 delinquent and keep charging your fees K6Pf4cRHEsk-00212-00112640-00112766 and K6Pf4cRHEsk-00213-00112767-00112983 then when they sign off that card K6Pf4cRHEsk-00214-00112983-00113158 there's gonna be a whole lot a whole lot K6Pf4cRHEsk-00215-00113159-00113278 of K6Pf4cRHEsk-00216-00113279-00113447 fees added every minute that you're K6Pf4cRHEsk-00217-00113448-00113678 gonna pay that bill K6Pf4cRHEsk-00218-00113679-00113927 which will eventually K6Pf4cRHEsk-00219-00113928-00114343 affect your credit K6Pf4cRHEsk-00220-00114344-00114710 and if you want K6Pf4cRHEsk-00221-00114711-00114883 i'm telling you from K6Pf4cRHEsk-00222-00114883-00115134 experience if we want your credit to be K6Pf4cRHEsk-00223-00115135-00115878 affected by the way you pay your bill K6Pf4cRHEsk-00224-00115879-00116078 you have to occasionally K6Pf4cRHEsk-00225-00116079-00116319 pay that whole bill K6Pf4cRHEsk-00226-00116320-00116654 i know some of us can't always do that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00227-00116655-00116775 everybody's K6Pf4cRHEsk-00228-00116776-00117023 pocket ain't the same K6Pf4cRHEsk-00229-00117024-00117166 i don't know what's going on with these K6Pf4cRHEsk-00230-00117167-00117358 things looking K6Pf4cRHEsk-00231-00117359-00120078 mushy they got to go K6Pf4cRHEsk-00232-00120079-00120766 what was that saying yeah K6Pf4cRHEsk-00233-00120767-00120975 nobody can tell him right once K6Pf4cRHEsk-00234-00120976-00121151 and then wallet with a guard when you K6Pf4cRHEsk-00235-00121152-00121358 got kids K6Pf4cRHEsk-00236-00121359-00121863 got back from school right now K6Pf4cRHEsk-00237-00121864-00122399 sometime you gotta get a second job K6Pf4cRHEsk-00238-00122400-00122575 paint is hard K6Pf4cRHEsk-00239-00122576-00122783 especially when you have children K6Pf4cRHEsk-00240-00122783-00123014 you just got yourself you gotta worry as K6Pf4cRHEsk-00241-00123015-00123175 hard as K6Pf4cRHEsk-00242-00123176-00123319 you can find what you got in the house K6Pf4cRHEsk-00243-00123320-00123902 to eat K6Pf4cRHEsk-00244-00123903-00124086 you know how to buy yourself nothing new K6Pf4cRHEsk-00245-00124088-00124231 but kids K6Pf4cRHEsk-00246-00124232-00124383 can't keep wearing the same stuff K6Pf4cRHEsk-00247-00124383-00124527 because it's cool K6Pf4cRHEsk-00248-00124528-00124654 pigs and K6Pf4cRHEsk-00249-00124655-00125190 volume K6Pf4cRHEsk-00250-00125191-00125510 i don't believe kids that don't K6Pf4cRHEsk-00251-00125511-00125783 don't bring good grades again K6Pf4cRHEsk-00252-00125783-00126119 michael jordan's thinkers even K6Pf4cRHEsk-00253-00126120-00126631 that's just my own personal opinion K6Pf4cRHEsk-00254-00126632-00126799 but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00255-00126800-00127102 my kids got a certain age like 16 or 18 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00256-00127103-00127483 and they were still at K6Pf4cRHEsk-00257-00127483-00127734 home i say you want michael jordan K6Pf4cRHEsk-00258-00127735-00127927 sneakers i'll give you a hundred dollars K6Pf4cRHEsk-00259-00127928-00128158 if you keeping up your grade K6Pf4cRHEsk-00260-00128159-00128366 but um you're gonna have to get your K6Pf4cRHEsk-00261-00128367-00128743 little job to put the rest K6Pf4cRHEsk-00262-00128744-00128919 i'm just not willing to spend more than K6Pf4cRHEsk-00263-00128920-00129263 a hundred dollars K6Pf4cRHEsk-00264-00129264-00129647 i mean eventually K6Pf4cRHEsk-00265-00129648-00129910 my son got older K6Pf4cRHEsk-00266-00129911-00130110 they were buying their own sneakers and K6Pf4cRHEsk-00267-00130111-00130239 it was like what you want for christmas K6Pf4cRHEsk-00268-00130240-00130471 oh i want to pay sneakers K6Pf4cRHEsk-00269-00130472-00130919 i'm like don't go past 225 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00270-00130920-00131302 i'm sick of expensive K6Pf4cRHEsk-00271-00131303-00132063 ain't paying no 500 for those sneakers K6Pf4cRHEsk-00272-00132064-00132190 i'm not paying those twelve hundred K6Pf4cRHEsk-00273-00132191-00132678 dollars for no game system K6Pf4cRHEsk-00274-00132679-00133023 well i did K6Pf4cRHEsk-00275-00133024-00133247 number one game system nintendo but i K6Pf4cRHEsk-00276-00133248-00133447 don't think it was quite K6Pf4cRHEsk-00277-00133448-00133951 it was about 500 it wasn't 1200 K6Pf4cRHEsk-00278-00133952-00134263 and that was too much K6Pf4cRHEsk-00279-00134264-00135166 that was too much K6Pf4cRHEsk-00280-00135167-00135343 you have to be getting some super double K6Pf4cRHEsk-00281-00135344-00135847 plays K6Pf4cRHEsk-00282-00135848-00136054 for one of them K6Pf4cRHEsk-00283-00136055-00136319 look at playstation four five six i K6Pf4cRHEsk-00284-00136320-00136471 don't know K6Pf4cRHEsk-00285-00136472-00136639 i don't think the expensive thing like K6Pf4cRHEsk-00286-00136640-00136919 1200 how much they cost K6Pf4cRHEsk-00287-00136920-00137463 i don't even want to know K6Pf4cRHEsk-00288-00137464-00137623 i just don't want nobody to ask me to K6Pf4cRHEsk-00289-00137624-00137902 buy one K6Pf4cRHEsk-00290-00137903-00139527 because the answer is no K6Pf4cRHEsk-00291-00139528-00140575 that's enough eggs K6Pf4cRHEsk-00293-00144352-00144647 this is when you're so full K6Pf4cRHEsk-00294-00144648-00147007 it's so good you can't stop K6Pf4cRHEsk-00295-00147008-00147207 my conversation be like so many K6Pf4cRHEsk-00296-00147208-00147383 different topics but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00297-00147384-00147590 i'll be having a lot of my mind K6Pf4cRHEsk-00298-00147591-00147799 and i just come here K6Pf4cRHEsk-00299-00147800-00148759 and talk with you guys K6Pf4cRHEsk-00300-00148760-00150186 good K6Pf4cRHEsk-00301-00150187-00150478 [Music] K6Pf4cRHEsk-00302-00150479-00150807 excuse me K6Pf4cRHEsk-00303-00150808-00150911 guys K6Pf4cRHEsk-00304-00150912-00152695 like comment and subscribe K6Pf4cRHEsk-00305-00152696-00152863 corn is i don't even think i gave you K6Pf4cRHEsk-00306-00152864-00153183 anything now i'm sorry K6Pf4cRHEsk-00307-00153184-00153454 that next thing for war K6Pf4cRHEsk-00308-00153455-00153907 will be K6Pf4cRHEsk-00309-00153908-00155183 good too K6Pf4cRHEsk-00310-00155184-00155399 thumbs up the video K6Pf4cRHEsk-00311-00155400-00155695 like comment and subscribe well like K6Pf4cRHEsk-00312-00155696-00155919 comment and share K6Pf4cRHEsk-00313-00155920-00156111 and if you feel like it and you want to K6Pf4cRHEsk-00314-00156112-00156287 come back K6Pf4cRHEsk-00315-00156288-00156639 subscribe and press the bell K6Pf4cRHEsk-00316-00156640-00156878 and come back K6Pf4cRHEsk-00317-00156879-00157135 i don't do a lot of these seafood oils K6Pf4cRHEsk-00318-00157136-00157247 but K6Pf4cRHEsk-00319-00157248-00157495 when i do this well worth it it's K6Pf4cRHEsk-00320-00157496-00157831 delicious K6Pf4cRHEsk-00321-00157832-00158159 a little costly i need to do um K6Pf4cRHEsk-00322-00158160-00158454 um cucumber or rice and K6Pf4cRHEsk-00323-00158455-00158814 sausage K6Pf4cRHEsk-00324-00158815-00158966 but yeah K6Pf4cRHEsk-00325-00158967-00159326 i cut back on the sausage because of K6Pf4cRHEsk-00326-00159327-00159639 the processed meats K6Pf4cRHEsk-00327-00159640-00159847 and it's bagged up in a whole lot of K6Pf4cRHEsk-00328-00159848-00160014 sodium K6Pf4cRHEsk-00329-00160015-00160207 and i gotta try and stay away from it K6Pf4cRHEsk-00330-00160208-00160423 just for a while so K6Pf4cRHEsk-00331-00160424-00160847 i've been missing that stuff K6Pf4cRHEsk-00332-00160848-00161207 let me toss this little salty thing K6Pf4cRHEsk-00333-00161208-00161447 i'll be tasting that sword K6Pf4cRHEsk-00334-00161448-00161631 immediately K6Pf4cRHEsk-00335-00161632-00161839 i'm going so i can get up and get that K6Pf4cRHEsk-00336-00161840-00162140 water K9lAffgCB8y-00000-00000005-00001262 [Music] K9lAffgCB8y-00001-00001263-00001413 show me K9lAffgCB8y-00003-00004712-00004987 show me K9lAffgCB8y-00004-00004988-00007783 [Music] K9lAffgCB8y-00005-00007784-00008062 show me K9lAffgCB8y-00006-00008063-00010855 [Music] K9lAffgCB8y-00007-00010856-00011097 show me K9lAffgCB8y-00008-00011098-00013927 [Music] K9lAffgCB8y-00009-00013928-00014203 show me K9lAffgCB8y-00010-00014204-00016886 [Music] K9lAffgCB8y-00011-00016887-00017278 what show me K9lAffgCB8y-00012-00017279-00017948 [Music] Ks3S9_86sIy-00000-00000128-00000351 all right had this question come up from Ks3S9_86sIy-00001-00000352-00000671 the students Ks3S9_86sIy-00002-00000672-00000831 has three Ks3S9_86sIy-00003-00000832-00001150 has one spreadsheet that has Ks3S9_86sIy-00004-00001151-00001399 three sheets worth of data the data is a Ks3S9_86sIy-00005-00001400-00001647 little bit different on each sheet but Ks3S9_86sIy-00006-00001648-00001947 the data shares a common Ks3S9_86sIy-00007-00001948-00002271 identification variable Ks3S9_86sIy-00008-00002272-00002855 in the case of id Ks3S9_86sIy-00009-00002856-00003183 and id Ks3S9_86sIy-00010-00003184-00003583 and id Ks3S9_86sIy-00011-00003584-00003719 similarly Ks3S9_86sIy-00012-00003720-00004063 it also has the same gender variable on Ks3S9_86sIy-00013-00004064-00004270 each sheet Ks3S9_86sIy-00014-00004271-00004535 but other than that the variables are Ks3S9_86sIy-00015-00004536-00004695 all different so so here on the sheet Ks3S9_86sIy-00016-00004696-00004847 three we got variable seven eight and Ks3S9_86sIy-00017-00004848-00005151 nine plus id and gender Ks3S9_86sIy-00018-00005152-00005415 uh sheet two we have variables four five Ks3S9_86sIy-00019-00005416-00005575 and six Ks3S9_86sIy-00020-00005576-00005959 and sheet one variables one through Ks3S9_86sIy-00021-00005960-00006070 uh Ks3S9_86sIy-00022-00006071-00006311 one two and three so Ks3S9_86sIy-00023-00006312-00006567 let me um Ks3S9_86sIy-00024-00006568-00006846 close out of this Ks3S9_86sIy-00025-00006847-00006942 well Ks3S9_86sIy-00026-00006943-00007167 so Ks3S9_86sIy-00027-00007168-00007478 what do i do here so Ks3S9_86sIy-00028-00007479-00008214 the first thing i want to do is Ks3S9_86sIy-00029-00008215-00008574 come into my r commander Ks3S9_86sIy-00030-00008575-00008807 and Ks3S9_86sIy-00031-00008808-00009063 import this data into our commander Ks3S9_86sIy-00032-00009064-00009471 using the import excel Ks3S9_86sIy-00033-00009472-00009631 script so Ks3S9_86sIy-00034-00009632-00010087 we'll call this um Ks3S9_86sIy-00035-00010088-00011095 i think step one is what i call it Ks3S9_86sIy-00036-00011096-00011742 so my Ks3S9_86sIy-00037-00011743-00012391 three of a kind Ks3S9_86sIy-00038-00012392-00012470 oh Ks3S9_86sIy-00039-00012471-00012759 sheet one Ks3S9_86sIy-00040-00012760-00012935 so there's sheet one Ks3S9_86sIy-00041-00012936-00013094 um Ks3S9_86sIy-00042-00013095-00013391 to expedite the process which always Ks3S9_86sIy-00043-00013391-00013615 like to expedite the process i could Ks3S9_86sIy-00044-00013616-00013783 just come in here and change this to Ks3S9_86sIy-00045-00013784-00013958 step two Ks3S9_86sIy-00046-00013959-00014294 sheet two Ks3S9_86sIy-00047-00014295-00014455 highlight Ks3S9_86sIy-00048-00014456-00015175 my Ks3S9_86sIy-00049-00015176-00015447 information and Ks3S9_86sIy-00050-00015447-00015671 and then change it to step three sheet Ks3S9_86sIy-00051-00015672-00016622 three Ks3S9_86sIy-00052-00016623-00016830 and i should have three data sets in Ks3S9_86sIy-00053-00016831-00017127 here so Ks3S9_86sIy-00054-00017128-00017319 now i want to bring those Ks3S9_86sIy-00055-00017320-00018158 three sheets together Ks3S9_86sIy-00056-00018159-00018375 combining them by this identification Ks3S9_86sIy-00057-00018376-00018630 number which is common throughout the Ks3S9_86sIy-00058-00018631-00018814 three sheets Ks3S9_86sIy-00059-00018815-00019063 so again i go back to data Ks3S9_86sIy-00060-00019064-00019319 and i go to merge data sets Ks3S9_86sIy-00061-00019320-00019494 so Ks3S9_86sIy-00062-00019495-00019735 that Ks3S9_86sIy-00063-00019736-00020222 temp Ks3S9_86sIy-00064-00020223-00020550 merge columns Ks3S9_86sIy-00065-00020551-00020694 and Ks3S9_86sIy-00066-00020695-00020935 click ok Ks3S9_86sIy-00067-00020936-00021191 and now let's see what i got here oh Ks3S9_86sIy-00068-00021192-00021494 that looks much better Ks3S9_86sIy-00069-00021495-00021743 in a way it looks better but you can see Ks3S9_86sIy-00070-00021744-00021943 what i have here is i've got two id Ks3S9_86sIy-00071-00021944-00022143 variables and two gender Ks3S9_86sIy-00072-00022144-00022278 variables Ks3S9_86sIy-00073-00022279-00022503 so Ks3S9_86sIy-00074-00022504-00022830 i can get rid of those by Ks3S9_86sIy-00075-00022831-00023111 uh using um Ks3S9_86sIy-00076-00023112-00023447 well let me get rid of some of my Ks3S9_86sIy-00077-00023448-00023639 some of my junk here that i just don't Ks3S9_86sIy-00078-00023640-00023894 need Ks3S9_86sIy-00079-00023895-00024111 so um Ks3S9_86sIy-00080-00024112-00024239 i got temp Ks3S9_86sIy-00081-00024240-00024486 equals merge step one step two all Ks3S9_86sIy-00082-00024487-00024591 equals true Ks3S9_86sIy-00083-00024592-00025050 and in my buy i can use my Ks3S9_86sIy-00084-00025051-00025614 concatenate equals Ks3S9_86sIy-00085-00025616-00025862 and i want Ks3S9_86sIy-00086-00025863-00026206 id Ks3S9_86sIy-00087-00026207-00026735 and the other one was gender Ks3S9_86sIy-00088-00026736-00026935 and i should Ks3S9_86sIy-00089-00026936-00027062 now Ks3S9_86sIy-00090-00027063-00027199 have a Ks3S9_86sIy-00091-00027200-00027583 did i do something wrong Ks3S9_86sIy-00092-00027583-00027695 looks like Ks3S9_86sIy-00093-00027695-00027887 it looks like it doesn't like to do that Ks3S9_86sIy-00094-00027888-00028095 concatenation Ks3S9_86sIy-00095-00028095-00028455 oh i forgot my extra Ks3S9_86sIy-00096-00028456-00028983 my extra Ks3S9_86sIy-00097-00028983-00029127 come on Ks3S9_86sIy-00098-00029127-00029446 there we go now let me view the data set Ks3S9_86sIy-00099-00029447-00029679 so you can see it got rid of those extra Ks3S9_86sIy-00100-00029680-00029943 extra variables since since gender is is Ks3S9_86sIy-00101-00029944-00030158 common throughout the the three Ks3S9_86sIy-00102-00030160-00030431 uh data sheets id is common throughout Ks3S9_86sIy-00103-00030432-00030599 the sheet three data sheets i can do Ks3S9_86sIy-00104-00030600-00030687 that Ks3S9_86sIy-00105-00030688-00031039 so now i have i have got um i've got my Ks3S9_86sIy-00106-00031039-00031390 data Ks3S9_86sIy-00107-00031391-00031614 sheet step one and step two merged as Ks3S9_86sIy-00108-00031616-00031718 temp Ks3S9_86sIy-00109-00031719-00032055 and so i can just make my you know Ks3S9_86sIy-00110-00032056-00032262 uh final Ks3S9_86sIy-00111-00032263-00032439 data set Ks3S9_86sIy-00112-00032439-00032639 as merge of Ks3S9_86sIy-00113-00032639-00032735 temp Ks3S9_86sIy-00114-00032736-00032983 which is the new one i just made Ks3S9_86sIy-00115-00032984-00033151 and step Ks3S9_86sIy-00116-00033152-00033462 three which is the Ks3S9_86sIy-00117-00033463-00033623 the third sheet that i haven't yet Ks3S9_86sIy-00118-00033624-00033735 imported Ks3S9_86sIy-00119-00033736-00033879 i can then Ks3S9_86sIy-00120-00033880-00034151 hit submit Ks3S9_86sIy-00121-00034152-00034471 i can go in here and look at final data Ks3S9_86sIy-00122-00034472-00034639 i can view that Ks3S9_86sIy-00123-00034640-00034862 and looky i've got my id my gender Ks3S9_86sIy-00124-00034863-00035143 variables one two three four Ks3S9_86sIy-00125-00035144-00035455 through three through through nine so Ks3S9_86sIy-00126-00035456-00035687 now they're all together Ks3S9_86sIy-00127-00035688-00036028 neat huh Ksj1qzle6Ny-00000-00000091-00001166 [Music] Ksj1qzle6Ny-00001-00001167-00001399 asus rog is really committed on creating Ksj1qzle6Ny-00002-00001400-00001607 awesome peripherals for either gaming or Ksj1qzle6Ny-00003-00001607-00001910 just a daily driver for work and we can Ksj1qzle6Ny-00004-00001911-00002183 tell based on our previous reviews Ksj1qzle6Ny-00005-00002184-00002367 we can see this continuous commitment on Ksj1qzle6Ny-00006-00002368-00002583 their newest full-size keyboard the asus Ksj1qzle6Ny-00007-00002584-00002983 rog strix flare 2 animate i'm saying for Ksj1qzle6Ny-00008-00002984-00003142 today's video we're going to review this Ksj1qzle6Ny-00009-00003143-00003375 keyboard that asus sent us and they have Ksj1qzle6Ny-00010-00003376-00003719 no say on what we have to say whatsoever Ksj1qzle6Ny-00011-00003720-00003919 quick rundown long suspects it's a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00012-00003920-00004111 full-size keyboard with regular nc Ksj1qzle6Ny-00013-00004112-00004391 layout has media and volume controls has Ksj1qzle6Ny-00014-00004392-00004679 windows lucky rgb switch and brightness Ksj1qzle6Ny-00015-00004680-00004935 control on the top left portion of the Ksj1qzle6Ny-00016-00004936-00005247 keyboard none modular usb cable that has Ksj1qzle6Ny-00017-00005248-00005422 two ends one for the keyboard and Ksj1qzle6Ny-00018-00005423-00005638 another for the usb passthrough Ksj1qzle6Ny-00019-00005639-00005951 comes with asus very own nx blues but if Ksj1qzle6Ny-00020-00005952-00006151 you're like nina graduate nasa clickies Ksj1qzle6Ny-00021-00006152-00006383 it can also come with nx reds or cherry Ksj1qzle6Ny-00022-00006384-00006550 mx switches Ksj1qzle6Ny-00023-00006551-00006767 double shot pbt keycaps and here's the Ksj1qzle6Ny-00024-00006768-00007078 good part it is hot swappable they also Ksj1qzle6Ny-00025-00007079-00007263 include their anime matrix led display Ksj1qzle6Ny-00026-00007264-00007439 on the top right portion of the keyboard Ksj1qzle6Ny-00027-00007440-00007623 that you can customize through armory Ksj1qzle6Ny-00028-00007623-00007846 crate for the review i use it for half a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00029-00007847-00008014 month to do my daily tasks here's a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00030-00008015-00008191 store and also to write the script of Ksj1qzle6Ny-00031-00008192-00008383 this video and here's what i like about Ksj1qzle6Ny-00032-00008384-00008503 this keyboard Ksj1qzle6Ny-00033-00008504-00008814 i've been using either 65 or tkl for Ksj1qzle6Ny-00034-00008815-00009031 quite a while now and i forgot how Ksj1qzle6Ny-00035-00009032-00009159 helpful Ksj1qzle6Ny-00036-00009160-00009295 the numpad is Ksj1qzle6Ny-00037-00009296-00009487 especially in our daily routine here's a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00038-00009488-00009678 store my time's not allowing my compute Ksj1qzle6Ny-00039-00009679-00009910 for total amount of purchase and code Ksj1qzle6Ny-00040-00009911-00010135 formulas on our spreadsheet or type Ksj1qzle6Ny-00041-00010136-00010342 multiple strings of digits Ksj1qzle6Ny-00042-00010343-00010503 so this keyboard is for you even though Ksj1qzle6Ny-00043-00010504-00010678 you'll not use it for gaming and its Ksj1qzle6Ny-00044-00010679-00010927 sole purpose is for work not many mods Ksj1qzle6Ny-00045-00010928-00011078 can be made but the switches are hot Ksj1qzle6Ny-00046-00011079-00011278 swappable so you can use your favorite Ksj1qzle6Ny-00047-00011279-00011599 switch here i plugged in a dural t1 aqua Ksj1qzle6Ny-00048-00011600-00011863 sponge and starfish and also another Ksj1qzle6Ny-00049-00011864-00012142 blue just to test the compatibility and Ksj1qzle6Ny-00050-00012143-00012399 all works well as long as cherry mx base Ksj1qzle6Ny-00051-00012400-00012695 switches yungamikun the rgb on this guy Ksj1qzle6Ny-00052-00012696-00012951 is on point even the bottom part of the Ksj1qzle6Ny-00053-00012952-00013230 board has rgb that is diffused by a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00054-00013231-00013438 magnetic strip and that magnetic strip Ksj1qzle6Ny-00055-00013440-00013630 can be removed to make room for a wrist Ksj1qzle6Ny-00056-00013631-00013735 rest Ksj1qzle6Ny-00057-00013736-00013855 and Ksj1qzle6Ny-00058-00013856-00014143 oh rgb didn't engage rest Ksj1qzle6Ny-00059-00014144-00014294 what i don't like about this keyboard Ksj1qzle6Ny-00060-00014295-00014551 are the cushion of the wrist rest is Ksj1qzle6Ny-00061-00014552-00014822 high quality but it's a bit too high for Ksj1qzle6Ny-00062-00014823-00015063 the keyboard elevate yonkamemo from the Ksj1qzle6Ny-00063-00015063-00015279 keycap so you have to tilt your hand Ksj1qzle6Ny-00064-00015280-00015535 down for you to reach the keys it's a Ksj1qzle6Ny-00065-00015536-00015830 bit uncomfortable for me so i opted not Ksj1qzle6Ny-00066-00015831-00016022 to use it while testing they already Ksj1qzle6Ny-00067-00016023-00016279 made this hot swappable so i'm thinking Ksj1qzle6Ny-00068-00016280-00016519 we can already mod the stamps Ksj1qzle6Ny-00069-00016520-00016758 but no they're using their own brand of Ksj1qzle6Ny-00070-00016759-00016975 stamps it's decent in factory pre-loop Ksj1qzle6Ny-00071-00016976-00017230 but the thing is still there it would be Ksj1qzle6Ny-00072-00017231-00017455 great if they use the standard cherry mx Ksj1qzle6Ny-00073-00017456-00017550 tabs Ksj1qzle6Ny-00074-00017551-00017767 so that users and modders can tinker Ksj1qzle6Ny-00075-00017768-00017983 with it if they don't like how it sounds Ksj1qzle6Ny-00076-00017984-00018239 it's a good key overall and i'm giving Ksj1qzle6Ny-00077-00018240-00018519 it a 4 out of 5. everything feels very Ksj1qzle6Ny-00078-00018520-00018822 premium and the features are on point Ksj1qzle6Ny-00079-00018823-00019119 but there is still room for improvement Ksj1qzle6Ny-00080-00019120-00019279 if you like this video hit like Ksj1qzle6Ny-00081-00019280-00019519 subscribe if you haven't already if you Ksj1qzle6Ny-00082-00019520-00019719 want to check our stocks Ksj1qzle6Ny-00083-00019720-00020039 please visit our site at hw sugar.ph our Ksj1qzle6Ny-00084-00020040-00020350 physical store at chino roses makati and Ksj1qzle6Ny-00085-00020351-00020527 if you have questions please visit our Ksj1qzle6Ny-00086-00020528-00020822 forum at pm.hwsugar.ph Ksj1qzle6Ny-00087-00020823-00020975 thanks for watching Ksj1qzle6Ny-00088-00020976-00021167 and thank you to our top fans now for Ksj1qzle6Ny-00089-00021168-00021407 the name Ksj1qzle6Ny-00090-00021408-00021550 thank you to liam Ksj1qzle6Ny-00091-00021551-00021863 ian meru itx addict john ruben ocha Ksj1qzle6Ny-00092-00021864-00022127 christian espinoza and rafael james Ksj1qzle6Ny-00093-00022128-00022548 thank you for supporting the channel Kt1YxBB7wzE-00000-00000006-00000532 today we will be discussing about the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00001-00000533-00001111 work learning theory of Jim passion Kt1YxBB7wzE-00002-00001112-00001429 before that I hope that all of you are Kt1YxBB7wzE-00003-00001430-00001930 doing good staying safe in this time of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00004-00001932-00003820 pandemic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00005-00003821-00004084 we'll be starting just with I hope Kt1YxBB7wzE-00006-00004085-00004686 others also will join for some time Kt1YxBB7wzE-00007-00004687-00004999 anyway this is going to be recorded so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00008-00005000-00005263 those who wanted to see it also can you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00009-00005264-00005491 visit their website sorry Facebook page Kt1YxBB7wzE-00010-00005492-00006145 and they can see later when dr. so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00011-00006146-00006347 missing talk to me about this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00012-00006348-00006694 Facebook life I was in fact a bit busy Kt1YxBB7wzE-00013-00006695-00007049 in the early early time and then I could Kt1YxBB7wzE-00014-00007050-00008008 come for this earlier now so the area Kt1YxBB7wzE-00015-00008009-00008212 that I'm going to discuss is about the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00016-00008213-00008518 learning theory of biology and this area Kt1YxBB7wzE-00017-00008519-00009021 I suggested mainly because I understand Kt1YxBB7wzE-00018-00009022-00009280 that most of the participants and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00019-00009281-00009510 viewers of this particular program of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00020-00009511-00010152 this Facebook like postgraduate students Kt1YxBB7wzE-00021-00010153-00010674 PhD students and even some of you are Kt1YxBB7wzE-00022-00010675-00011254 novice teacher educators so I thought I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00023-00011255-00011737 will discuss this particular topic I am Kt1YxBB7wzE-00024-00011738-00011908 sure that many of you might have come Kt1YxBB7wzE-00025-00011909-00012385 across the works of piace gentiana she Kt1YxBB7wzE-00026-00012386-00012894 was a great psychologist who lived in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00027-00012895-00013246 Switzerland in Switzerland actually Kt1YxBB7wzE-00028-00013247-00013483 because his father was a Swiss citizen Kt1YxBB7wzE-00029-00013484-00013762 and of course he has a good connection Kt1YxBB7wzE-00030-00013763-00014038 with France as well because his mother Kt1YxBB7wzE-00031-00014038-00014658 was French so so in that way he has the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00032-00014659-00015397 culture of both Swiss and French Piaget Kt1YxBB7wzE-00033-00015397-00015679 in fact was a kind of a person who lived Kt1YxBB7wzE-00034-00015680-00016157 the whole life like a like Kt1YxBB7wzE-00035-00016158-00016550 sannyasi rootsy who was thinking and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00036-00016551-00016940 working about about how intellectual Kt1YxBB7wzE-00037-00016941-00017197 development happens how learning happens Kt1YxBB7wzE-00038-00017198-00017687 how knowledge is been generated so the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00039-00017688-00018116 study of generation of knowledge all Kt1YxBB7wzE-00040-00018117-00018557 these are the areas that he worked upon Kt1YxBB7wzE-00041-00018558-00019172 basically you know he was in fact a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00042-00019173-00019628 child prodigy and he has you know even Kt1YxBB7wzE-00043-00019629-00019811 at the early stage just maybe a lot Kt1YxBB7wzE-00044-00019812-00020273 nearly around some 15 years of 10 to 15 Kt1YxBB7wzE-00045-00020274-00020641 years of age itself he started you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00046-00020642-00021218 manifesting the spark of intellectualism Kt1YxBB7wzE-00047-00021219-00021778 in his early studies came up about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00048-00021779-00022067 albino sparrow a kind of a sparrow you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00049-00022068-00022511 know he observed down meticulously and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00050-00022512-00022850 he started listing out the major Kt1YxBB7wzE-00051-00022851-00023338 characteristics of this albino spell and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00052-00023339-00023588 he wrote a paper about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00053-00023589-00023855 Albina sparrow and it was published when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00054-00023856-00024080 he was nearly around some 1012 years Kt1YxBB7wzE-00055-00024081-00024328 each so this could be his first Kt1YxBB7wzE-00056-00024329-00024590 publication I believe so in that way his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00057-00024591-00024997 early in dress wearing wearing biology Kt1YxBB7wzE-00058-00024998-00025328 basically and the nature his studies Kt1YxBB7wzE-00059-00025329-00026134 about snails was quite famous it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00060-00026135-00026429 collected a lot of study about about the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00061-00026430-00026783 life of snails and then he brought out a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00062-00026783-00026933 lot of new information about that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00063-00026933-00027796 particular area as well basically I'll Kt1YxBB7wzE-00064-00027797-00028165 say that you know PR shade a we should Kt1YxBB7wzE-00065-00028166-00028832 thank Jerome is for bringing in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00066-00028833-00029273 rehashing to the academic field because Kt1YxBB7wzE-00067-00029274-00029744 the IG was conducting a load of studies Kt1YxBB7wzE-00068-00029745-00030157 about human intellectual development and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00069-00030158-00030506 he won't allure deep into the genetic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00070-00030507-00030824 epistemology genetic epistemology in the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00071-00030825-00031166 sense that he studies the epistemology Kt1YxBB7wzE-00072-00031167-00031448 of generating knowledge generating Kt1YxBB7wzE-00073-00031449-00031841 epistemology the generation of knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00074-00031842-00032192 construction of knowledge he he one deep Kt1YxBB7wzE-00075-00032193-00032600 into this particular area and he was he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00076-00032601-00032869 was very much in most in this areas but Kt1YxBB7wzE-00077-00032870-00033430 we should know that American academic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00078-00033431-00033836 system is one of the strongest system Kt1YxBB7wzE-00079-00033837-00034241 and not only now even at that time which Kt1YxBB7wzE-00080-00034242-00034490 would not accepted the observations of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00081-00034491-00034820 Piaget at that point of time and it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00082-00034821-00035203 Jerome as Bruner who was a professor at Kt1YxBB7wzE-00083-00035204-00035543 Harvard University's cognitive studies Kt1YxBB7wzE-00084-00035544-00036017 Center it was in fact Jerome is Bruner Kt1YxBB7wzE-00085-00036018-00036602 who who developed a kind of an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00086-00036603-00036977 interesting pair she study and it was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00087-00036978-00037370 Bruner who used piaces works in the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00088-00037371-00037733 academic circle of America and thereby Kt1YxBB7wzE-00089-00037734-00037934 bringing in attention to the work of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00090-00037935-00038009 Rishi Kt1YxBB7wzE-00091-00038010-00038417 so in that way I think that we must Kt1YxBB7wzE-00092-00038418-00038746 thank they must profusely time to the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00093-00038747-00039074 Bruner for bringing in such a wonderful Kt1YxBB7wzE-00094-00039075-00039365 academic to the forefront you know even Kt1YxBB7wzE-00095-00039366-00039617 if that that kind of a great support was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00096-00039618-00039824 not given to the inertia from this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00097-00039825-00040109 American background you know the the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00098-00040110-00040411 hegemony of academia which is going on Kt1YxBB7wzE-00099-00040412-00040919 very still very prevalent even now it's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00100-00040920-00041171 very much hierarchical in its structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00101-00041172-00041480 so if you are not offering something in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00102-00041481-00041717 accordance with the academic culture Kt1YxBB7wzE-00103-00041718-00041993 which is providing in Hoover's or in the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00104-00041994-00042188 dominant countries your academic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00105-00042189-00042246 contribute Kt1YxBB7wzE-00106-00042247-00042705 will not be accepted so in that way PHA Kt1YxBB7wzE-00107-00042706-00042939 has got a good friend in donor and that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00108-00042940-00043260 who has invited him - and you were said Kt1YxBB7wzE-00109-00043261-00043614 that in Bruna used to remind about it in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00110-00043615-00043911 his biography his first meeting with PR Kt1YxBB7wzE-00111-00043912-00044262 she was at Boston and then PR she was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00112-00044263-00044643 there for a lecture and gunda was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00113-00044644-00044958 invited for a dinner the first meeting Kt1YxBB7wzE-00114-00044959-00045177 was so beautiful that's what he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00115-00045178-00045405 mentioned she is my traffic rule of and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00116-00045406-00045849 she said his back and I told you piace Kt1YxBB7wzE-00117-00045850-00046107 has a culture of a say as a connection Kt1YxBB7wzE-00118-00046108-00046908 with the French culture as well and this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00119-00046909-00047118 is quite interesting many of us sort of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00120-00047119-00047571 notice this particular point in the in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00121-00047572-00047877 the life of Piaget all of you might be Kt1YxBB7wzE-00122-00047878-00048584 sure about the the person behind the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00123-00048585-00048938 first intelligence test that means Kt1YxBB7wzE-00124-00048939-00049476 intelligence quotient intelligence Kt1YxBB7wzE-00125-00049477-00050276 quotient so I hope you know who it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00126-00050277-00050694 Binet and Simon they're French citizens Kt1YxBB7wzE-00127-00050695-00051044 and French psychologist building Kt1YxBB7wzE-00128-00051045-00051576 building in fact has become a great Kt1YxBB7wzE-00129-00051577-00051750 source of motivation for P a shame Kt1YxBB7wzE-00130-00051751-00052241 because P ah she came to France and then Kt1YxBB7wzE-00131-00052242-00052649 the actual work to get Binet and Simon Kt1YxBB7wzE-00132-00052650-00052890 for the development of this first Kt1YxBB7wzE-00133-00052891-00053117 intelligence bust intelligence quotient Kt1YxBB7wzE-00134-00053119-00053454 test so this has become a very important Kt1YxBB7wzE-00135-00053454-00053748 cusp in the life of Piaget that he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00136-00053749-00054066 developed an interest in the area of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00137-00054066-00054465 intelligence and his interest in how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00138-00054466-00054779 intelligence is developed in the child Kt1YxBB7wzE-00139-00054780-00055071 and the indeed in the other this has Kt1YxBB7wzE-00140-00055072-00055278 become an immediate interest since his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00141-00055279-00055392 association Kt1YxBB7wzE-00142-00055394-00055825 Simon and beanie so you should remember Kt1YxBB7wzE-00143-00055826-00056263 that the Simon Binet test has a very you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00144-00056264-00056569 know great support of Piaget aspect but Kt1YxBB7wzE-00145-00056570-00056773 we are not mentioning it even though Kt1YxBB7wzE-00146-00056774-00057148 Piazza has a great role in designing the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00147-00057149-00057429 first test of intelligence that we have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00148-00057430-00057790 ever seen in our universe in our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00149-00057791-00058254 academic society so we are a basic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00150-00058255-00058455 impress I told you when he was working Kt1YxBB7wzE-00151-00058457-00058732 with her when he was working with the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00152-00058733-00059247 Binet and Simon was that he noticed that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00153-00059248-00060040 when some kind of thing it can be a ward Kt1YxBB7wzE-00154-00060041-00060465 or it can be an action but when it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00155-00060466-00060787 asked when a child is asked of powerful Kt1YxBB7wzE-00156-00060788-00061213 men usually child will consistently Kt1YxBB7wzE-00157-00061214-00061534 error in it so they may not be able to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00158-00061535-00061854 do it say for example every complicated Kt1YxBB7wzE-00159-00061855-00062182 word say you know in Malayalam we used Kt1YxBB7wzE-00160-00062183-00062515 to say that pabulum is a very difficult Kt1YxBB7wzE-00161-00062516-00062730 word for this marching band to pronounce Kt1YxBB7wzE-00162-00062732-00063066 actually because the postal letter area Kt1YxBB7wzE-00163-00063067-00063427 booyah I think I is not in hindi your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00164-00063428-00063741 eyes noted tunnel and eyes daunting even Kt1YxBB7wzE-00165-00063742-00064090 can the devil so I believe so it's quite Kt1YxBB7wzE-00166-00064091-00064666 a typical Malayala letter so children Kt1YxBB7wzE-00167-00064666-00065041 will consistently failing you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00168-00065041-00065263 pronouncing this particular word any Kt1YxBB7wzE-00169-00065264-00065584 kind of word which has this area this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00170-00065585-00065887 letter of yeah so children will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00171-00065888-00066178 consistently make errors in it and maybe Kt1YxBB7wzE-00172-00066179-00066496 take the case of a small child and ask a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00173-00066497-00066790 child to do a job which only a elder Kt1YxBB7wzE-00174-00066791-00066961 person can do it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00175-00066962-00067165 child will consistently error in it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00176-00067166-00067474 maybe not only one child almost all the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00177-00067475-00067735 time they cross the world will air in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00178-00067736-00067993 doing that particular or we make Kt1YxBB7wzE-00179-00067994-00068221 mistakes in doing that particular task Kt1YxBB7wzE-00180-00068222-00068437 and where Kt1YxBB7wzE-00181-00068438-00068785 this task is given to a elder person or Kt1YxBB7wzE-00182-00068786-00068992 an adulterer present this identity Kt1YxBB7wzE-00183-00068993-00069283 person may not create a kind of a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00184-00069284-00069541 difference they may not create any kind Kt1YxBB7wzE-00185-00069542-00069781 of you know failed liver they may be Kt1YxBB7wzE-00186-00069782-00070030 able to do it even in the first attempt Kt1YxBB7wzE-00187-00070031-00070357 itself so we actually know missed this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00188-00070358-00070588 particular difference and he believed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00189-00070589-00070888 that we should understand that how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00190-00070889-00071161 simple is a hypothesis going or it's not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00191-00071162-00071502 in a very complicated way how simple a a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00192-00071503-00071770 hypothesis of a world renowned Kt1YxBB7wzE-00193-00071771-00072088 psychologist is being developed his idea Kt1YxBB7wzE-00194-00072089-00072388 was that the intelligence the way of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00195-00072389-00072712 thinking or the level of intelligence of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00196-00072713-00073165 the child and this is this is the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00197-00073166-00073507 hypothesis that Piaget has constructed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00198-00073508-00073771 the edifice of his great intellectual Kt1YxBB7wzE-00199-00073772-00074044 work on cognitive development you look Kt1YxBB7wzE-00200-00074045-00074323 how simple and in the coq hypothesis is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00201-00074324-00074578 and you know when in a society like ours Kt1YxBB7wzE-00202-00074579-00075223 when we create hypotheses and then we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00203-00075224-00075595 try to make often as a very complicated Kt1YxBB7wzE-00204-00075596-00076132 in a statement of sin or statement or Kt1YxBB7wzE-00205-00076133-00076561 sentence look at a great world renowned Kt1YxBB7wzE-00206-00076562-00076933 psychologist whose basic assumption when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00207-00076934-00077251 he started with his intellectual work Kt1YxBB7wzE-00208-00077252-00077533 was you know there exists a difference Kt1YxBB7wzE-00209-00077534-00077902 between the level of intelligence of the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00210-00077903-00078181 way of thinking of children and adult so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00211-00078182-00078616 it is from here he started and he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00212-00078617-00078799 developed his interest in this of course Kt1YxBB7wzE-00213-00078800-00079180 I told you his family back the old egg Kt1YxBB7wzE-00214-00079181-00079537 bit and his grandfather was a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00215-00079538-00079861 philosopher and then he wandered piaggio Kt1YxBB7wzE-00216-00079862-00080314 also to be a to be a specialist or an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00217-00080315-00080539 academic in philosophy Kt1YxBB7wzE-00218-00080540-00080809 so because of this interest we actually Kt1YxBB7wzE-00219-00080810-00081103 had little extensive reading in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00220-00081104-00081532 philosophy this has created a kind of an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00221-00081533-00081583 interest Kt1YxBB7wzE-00222-00081584-00081892 about epistemology so when his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00223-00081893-00082147 connection with the Simon and Brittany Kt1YxBB7wzE-00224-00082148-00082498 and this family support that interest of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00225-00082499-00083056 working in philosophy was you know was a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00226-00083057-00083422 kind of a melange in piace and then we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00227-00083423-00083716 have seen that with also fear of a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00228-00083717-00084085 pistol or the epistemology or the or the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00229-00084086-00084271 science of world of the theory of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00230-00084272-00084565 knowledge when it is combined with in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00231-00084566-00085060 deleted we were seeing the the hardening Kt1YxBB7wzE-00232-00085061-00085326 of a new area which was called as Kt1YxBB7wzE-00233-00085327-00085651 genetic epistemology so genetic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00234-00085652-00086092 epistemology is the area that we are she Kt1YxBB7wzE-00235-00086093-00086389 has worked throughout his life I told Kt1YxBB7wzE-00236-00086390-00086614 you I could say that even like a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00237-00086615-00087012 sannyasin Klee work was a very you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00238-00087013-00087805 dedicated scientist in this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00239-00087806-00088228 area and you know very interestingly you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00240-00088229-00088495 know parish is highly of knowledge how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00241-00088496-00088987 this knowledge is be a world he believed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00242-00088988-00089338 that or presented knowledge has evolved Kt1YxBB7wzE-00243-00089339-00089821 over time and she so whatever we have in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00244-00089822-00090193 our knowledge bank is known at the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00245-00090194-00090409 college which is developed in our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00246-00090410-00090592 contemporary society or in our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00247-00090593-00090985 contemporary life instead it is evolved Kt1YxBB7wzE-00248-00090986-00091414 over a period of time and we cannot Kt1YxBB7wzE-00249-00091415-00091636 invent all the knowledge that we use Kt1YxBB7wzE-00250-00091637-00091891 today because it has been evolved over a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00251-00091892-00092140 long period of time when you look at Kt1YxBB7wzE-00252-00092141-00092353 from the period of the origin of the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00253-00092354-00092680 single cell to the even the very latest Kt1YxBB7wzE-00254-00092681-00092956 modern society we can say that we have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00255-00092957-00093163 accumulated a large amount of knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00256-00093164-00093598 and all this knowledge is like addition Kt1YxBB7wzE-00257-00093599-00093874 to the older knowledge so we are adding Kt1YxBB7wzE-00258-00093875-00094063 up adding up adding up and adding up Kt1YxBB7wzE-00259-00094064-00094342 it's just a imagine and the development Kt1YxBB7wzE-00260-00094343-00094603 of the zygote actually you know as I go Kt1YxBB7wzE-00261-00094604-00094858 this is is being developed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00262-00094859-00095068 with single-cell at the time of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00263-00095069-00095377 conception and the single-cell what Kt1YxBB7wzE-00264-00095378-00095677 happens we'll split into the neck this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00265-00095678-00095917 first cell will split in two and the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00266-00095918-00096148 second sent will be formed and this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00267-00096149-00096394 first cell and second cell will again Kt1YxBB7wzE-00268-00096395-00096640 split in again next two cells are formed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00269-00096641-00096991 from all these cells are split into the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00270-00096992-00097264 I got is formed all these cells are Kt1YxBB7wzE-00271-00097265-00097600 again being being in splitter and then a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00272-00097601-00097960 human being is being taken and you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00273-00097961-00098316 what happened when human being are born Kt1YxBB7wzE-00274-00098317-00098614 automatically some older cells will get Kt1YxBB7wzE-00275-00098615-00098683 destroyed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00276-00098684-00098962 so some knowledge will be so you have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00277-00098963-00099199 three frequently trouble some cells will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00278-00099200-00099397 be added some cells will be destroyed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00279-00099398-00099637 this is a continuous process this is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00280-00099638-00099877 quite similar to the way we have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00281-00099878-00100033 developed a knowledge of a period of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00282-00100034-00100444 time knowledge from a single cell to to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00283-00100445-00100720 multiple and over a period of time you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00284-00100721-00101038 know many quantum of knowledge that we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00285-00101039-00101230 have accumulated over a period of pain Kt1YxBB7wzE-00286-00101231-00101581 must have low lowest all so let me Kt1YxBB7wzE-00287-00101582-00101782 should I accept it that's what we used Kt1YxBB7wzE-00288-00101783-00102034 to say that the quantum of knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00289-00102035-00102313 that the traditional Indian society had Kt1YxBB7wzE-00290-00102314-00102628 is what at all there in our you can Kt1YxBB7wzE-00291-00102629-00102853 imagine a period of time where knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00292-00102854-00103204 was developed and there was no facility Kt1YxBB7wzE-00293-00103205-00103498 for preserving the knowledge and there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00294-00103499-00103794 is no book there is no pen there is no Kt1YxBB7wzE-00295-00103795-00104089 material to write we have crossed all Kt1YxBB7wzE-00296-00104090-00104248 those time how much of knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00297-00104249-00104428 movement have lost and how much of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00298-00104429-00104685 knowledge we have and these are quite Kt1YxBB7wzE-00299-00104686-00104944 interesting to think about I just wanted Kt1YxBB7wzE-00300-00104945-00105277 to tell you another analogy of this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00301-00105278-00105445 knowledge addition I mean you have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00302-00105446-00105742 knowledge education by Piaget just Kt1YxBB7wzE-00303-00105743-00106153 imagine a single Vanagon single bogey Kt1YxBB7wzE-00304-00106154-00106522 train a single bogey train will be added Kt1YxBB7wzE-00305-00106523-00106833 with next movie yet another bogey and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00306-00106834-00107133 then it will continue and finally it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00307-00107134-00107449 will be long bogey of trains so it will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00308-00107450-00107695 take the form of a train and gradually Kt1YxBB7wzE-00309-00107696-00107872 what happens if you just imagine this is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00310-00107873-00108193 not happening really from a single Kt1YxBB7wzE-00311-00108194-00108363 automatically and that Bob yours is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00312-00108364-00108643 taking place similarly knowledge is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00313-00108644-00108927 spreading or multiplying from the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00314-00108928-00109308 existing knowledge to two multiples the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00315-00109309-00109527 manifold of knowledge is being developed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00316-00109528-00109807 as a result of text so this was piaces Kt1YxBB7wzE-00317-00109808-00110049 basic idea and this is applicable for Kt1YxBB7wzE-00318-00110050-00110320 human being also and we developed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00319-00110321-00110601 knowledge and this knowledge in our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00320-00110602-00110961 protective structure is like a train or Kt1YxBB7wzE-00321-00110962-00111309 is like as I gotta say single cell we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00322-00111310-00111516 have one basic knowledge that basic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00323-00111517-00111793 knowledge which late into new cells will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00324-00111794-00112029 come up new knowledge will come up how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00325-00112030-00112311 this new knowledge comes up to cells Kt1YxBB7wzE-00326-00112312-00112737 cannot stand independently instead to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00327-00112738-00113061 sense once a cell is the product of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00328-00113062-00113182 another cell Kt1YxBB7wzE-00329-00113183-00113499 so this production process of oneself Kt1YxBB7wzE-00330-00113500-00113850 from another cell is quite quite really Kt1YxBB7wzE-00331-00113851-00114114 important for the theory of reaction one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00332-00114115-00114339 cell is originated from another cell Kt1YxBB7wzE-00333-00114340-00114675 that means one knowledge is originated Kt1YxBB7wzE-00334-00114676-00114912 from another knowledge and this another Kt1YxBB7wzE-00335-00114913-00115215 knowledge is the existing knowledge so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00336-00115216-00115574 every new knowledge is originating from Kt1YxBB7wzE-00337-00115575-00115908 from the from the existing knowledge so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00338-00115909-00116162 that's what the ashes basic idea about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00339-00116163-00116458 evolution of knowledge basically and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00340-00116458-00116964 before going into his poor idea I would Kt1YxBB7wzE-00341-00116965-00117970 say that I think we should I think we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00342-00117971-00118529 should we should look at the basic main Kt1YxBB7wzE-00343-00118530-00119233 concepts of pure shape I would like to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00344-00119233-00119616 bring it your attention I bought mainly Kt1YxBB7wzE-00345-00119617-00119874 for basic and subsidizing before Kt1YxBB7wzE-00346-00119875-00120165 discussing is idea of learning the first Kt1YxBB7wzE-00347-00120166-00120509 basic and service cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00348-00120510-00121109 second one is scheme third one is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00349-00121110-00121483 assimilation and the fourth one is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00350-00121484-00121826 combination and then there are some Kt1YxBB7wzE-00351-00121827-00122179 other more concepts like organization Kt1YxBB7wzE-00352-00122180-00122485 adaptation equilibration Kt1YxBB7wzE-00353-00122486-00122758 and misappropriation this we will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00354-00122759-00123032 discuss in course of time but basically Kt1YxBB7wzE-00355-00123033-00123344 I just wanted to confine it with major Kt1YxBB7wzE-00356-00123345-00123689 four ideas made of four concepts they Kt1YxBB7wzE-00357-00123690-00123976 are cognitive structures schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00358-00123977-00124270 assimilation and accommodation Kt1YxBB7wzE-00359-00124271-00124721 now cognitive structures are the basic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00360-00124722-00125003 mental process people used to make sense Kt1YxBB7wzE-00361-00125004-00125456 of information so it's a very basic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00362-00125457-00125816 mental process people used to make sense Kt1YxBB7wzE-00363-00125817-00126092 of information that means that if there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00364-00126093-00126532 is no cognitive structure you will not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00365-00126533-00127069 derive a meaning out of an information Kt1YxBB7wzE-00366-00127070-00127355 so then what is an information so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00367-00127356-00127694 anything that we come across is the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00368-00127695-00127984 source of an information its source of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00369-00127985-00128300 that information say for example a piece Kt1YxBB7wzE-00370-00128301-00128758 of stone a piece of stone a piece of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00371-00128759-00129149 stone is a piece of stone but it is not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00372-00129150-00129491 only a stone that stone is a store of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00373-00129492-00129932 information as well it consists of it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00374-00129933-00130261 consists of enormous amount of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00375-00130263-00130603 information that geologists has shown us Kt1YxBB7wzE-00376-00130604-00130967 so every piece of stone is ism is a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00377-00130968-00131485 ocean of knowledge as well so this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00378-00131486-00131711 information say for example if this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00379-00131712-00132071 stone wanted to make sense to an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00380-00132072-00132359 individual this individual needs a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00381-00132360-00132536 cognitive structure that's what the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00382-00132537-00132794 basic idea is so we told this basic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00383-00132795-00133052 structure or ability of structure this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00384-00133053-00133265 basic component of cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00385-00133266-00133685 we may not be able to develop sense of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00386-00133686-00133922 information sense meaning of the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00387-00133923-00134407 different you know experiences Kt1YxBB7wzE-00388-00134408-00134738 commodities objects things of that sort Kt1YxBB7wzE-00389-00134739-00134835 which comes Kt1YxBB7wzE-00390-00134836-00135338 it's in conda's and i would like to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00391-00135339-00135690 suggest you know cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00392-00135691-00135894 with a kind of an analogy I just wanted Kt1YxBB7wzE-00393-00135895-00136077 to share with you a neurology affect Kt1YxBB7wzE-00394-00136078-00136553 cognitive structure everyone will have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00395-00136554-00136794 this cognitive structure that's what an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00396-00136795-00136991 important condition of this cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00397-00136992-00137274 structure this cognitive structure is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00398-00137275-00137583 with everyone with every human being I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00399-00137584-00137814 do not know whether I would say that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00400-00137815-00138225 every animal as well but let us limit Kt1YxBB7wzE-00401-00138226-00138489 our discussion with human because when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00402-00138490-00138782 we talk about an evil we are we are Kt1YxBB7wzE-00403-00138783-00139054 sometimes maybe confusing or maybe Kt1YxBB7wzE-00404-00139055-00139428 complicating the issue so I just wanted Kt1YxBB7wzE-00405-00139429-00139715 to confine it with human being so every Kt1YxBB7wzE-00406-00139716-00139932 human being has a copy data structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00407-00139933-00140352 whether it is for n steel and it is for Kt1YxBB7wzE-00408-00140353-00140771 me it's for you or even for a person Kt1YxBB7wzE-00409-00140772-00141154 whom we used to say that he is not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00410-00141155-00141759 mentally performing well he is not you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00411-00141760-00142025 know performing good in a normal society Kt1YxBB7wzE-00412-00142026-00142362 means a person of low measured Kt1YxBB7wzE-00413-00142363-00142733 intelligence so he also will have a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00414-00142734-00143223 person got zero or maybe lowest to mark Kt1YxBB7wzE-00415-00143224-00143493 in a intelligence scale they also will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00416-00143494-00143781 have a cognitive structure so point is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00417-00143782-00144210 like you have a heart like you have an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00418-00144211-00144420 ax mom that we believe in Indian Kt1YxBB7wzE-00419-00144421-00144774 mythology you have a cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00420-00144775-00145140 everyone has a cognitive structure and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00421-00145141-00146015 this cognitive structure and this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00422-00146016-00146357 cognitive structure can be developed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00423-00146358-00146724 that means this group of develop Kt1YxBB7wzE-00424-00146725-00146907 cognitive structure this four greatest Kt1YxBB7wzE-00425-00146908-00147228 artists announced it in a way that it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00426-00147229-00147552 can be elaborated to at any point of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00427-00147553-00147822 level after any point of you know we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00428-00147823-00148004 used to say that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00429-00148005-00148490 Princeton University the brain of an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00430-00148491-00148847 steam was Prasad for a long time you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00431-00148848-00149084 know there is a story that when autopsy Kt1YxBB7wzE-00432-00149085-00149435 of enstein was done the doctor who did Kt1YxBB7wzE-00433-00149436-00149849 autopsy has stolen the brain of Albert Kt1YxBB7wzE-00434-00149850-00150149 Einstein - makes tennis so this was kept Kt1YxBB7wzE-00435-00150150-00150332 for a long time and then he passed away Kt1YxBB7wzE-00436-00150333-00150554 I believe something near me some five Kt1YxBB7wzE-00437-00150555-00150752 six years before this doctor has passed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00438-00150753-00150794 away Kt1YxBB7wzE-00439-00150795-00151169 and then he used to send out results of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00440-00151170-00151432 his observation about the brain of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00441-00151433-00151694 Albert Einstein then he has reported Kt1YxBB7wzE-00442-00151695-00151889 that and steam has used only six Kt1YxBB7wzE-00443-00151890-00152104 percentage of his total brain capacity Kt1YxBB7wzE-00444-00152105-00152528 only six possibilities Baconfest has Kt1YxBB7wzE-00445-00152529-00152846 only used okay six percentage then what Kt1YxBB7wzE-00446-00152847-00153155 could be our percentage of use of our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00447-00153156-00153404 brain we should think about it and then Kt1YxBB7wzE-00448-00153405-00153656 you know this is like this you don't Kt1YxBB7wzE-00449-00153657-00153967 worry about learning so much of facts Kt1YxBB7wzE-00450-00153968-00154421 storing so much of information and you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00451-00154422-00154685 know you don't worry about it it's never Kt1YxBB7wzE-00452-00154686-00154904 going to be filled it is an enormous Kt1YxBB7wzE-00453-00154905-00155276 space enormous space it's something like Kt1YxBB7wzE-00454-00155277-00155531 a bag you go when we go for a long Kt1YxBB7wzE-00455-00155532-00155837 journey we have a bag we put up our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00456-00155838-00156128 dress arranger dress in it then we feel Kt1YxBB7wzE-00457-00156129-00156347 that we have little more dress you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00458-00156348-00156644 then we open first layer and then we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00459-00156645-00156830 open the second layer so the back we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00460-00156831-00157289 drove similarly this is an endless back Kt1YxBB7wzE-00461-00157290-00157664 with lots of sea which can be opened so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00462-00157665-00157841 that don't worry about that's never Kt1YxBB7wzE-00463-00157842-00158168 going to be saturated in the lifetime of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00464-00158169-00158396 a human being so that's what probing Kt1YxBB7wzE-00465-00158397-00158663 destruct is so elastic and it can be it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00466-00158664-00159062 can be elaborated at any point of level Kt1YxBB7wzE-00467-00159063-00159368 it can contain so much of information Kt1YxBB7wzE-00468-00159369-00160109 and I just wanted to connect or maybe to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00469-00160110-00160612 give enology of a structure which is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00470-00160613-00160848 with everyone Kt1YxBB7wzE-00471-00160849-00161007 so this cognitive structure say for Kt1YxBB7wzE-00472-00161008-00161439 example you know em I have a very you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00473-00161440-00161832 know very good margin free market or I'm Kt1YxBB7wzE-00474-00161833-00162084 say supermarket or maybe something of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00475-00162085-00162270 that sort margin free market or a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00476-00162271-00162588 supermarket and this margin free market Kt1YxBB7wzE-00477-00162589-00162983 or not I used to visit Italy maybe once Kt1YxBB7wzE-00478-00162984-00163278 once in a week or something of that sort Kt1YxBB7wzE-00479-00163279-00163494 we used to go for chasing you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00480-00163495-00163908 groceries and other commodities nice Kt1YxBB7wzE-00481-00163909-00164388 quite well arranged market quite village Kt1YxBB7wzE-00482-00164389-00164625 and it has a lot of shelves also when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00483-00164626-00164826 you good margin free market or a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00484-00164827-00165102 supermarket it has a lot of shells in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00485-00165103-00165369 which commodities are arranged Gospels Kt1YxBB7wzE-00486-00165370-00165585 are arranged all in separate separate Kt1YxBB7wzE-00487-00165586-00165918 sections you can see that and I would Kt1YxBB7wzE-00488-00165919-00166146 like to compare the community structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00489-00166147-00166482 to maybe Superman the supermarket or a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00490-00166483-00166782 muffin free market this margin free Kt1YxBB7wzE-00491-00166783-00167034 market of supermarket where I used to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00492-00167035-00167340 visit I told you is a very systematic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00493-00167341-00167649 arrangement of commodities I just love Kt1YxBB7wzE-00494-00167650-00167966 going there you know it's not at all you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00495-00167967-00168222 know Trump see it's very well arranged Kt1YxBB7wzE-00496-00168223-00168450 and then you will feel like roaming Kt1YxBB7wzE-00497-00168451-00168636 around and then collecting a lot of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00498-00168637-00169166 items put in your bag more than what you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00499-00169167-00169503 need sometimes that's what that that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00500-00169504-00169827 shop is like varieties of information so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00501-00169828-00170079 these varieties of commodities and then Kt1YxBB7wzE-00502-00170080-00170279 all these commodities are arranged in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00503-00170280-00170550 very very systematic way that's a good Kt1YxBB7wzE-00504-00170551-00170784 cognitive structure as well because you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00505-00170785-00171162 know when information comes in this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00506-00171163-00171477 information will be sorted and arranged Kt1YxBB7wzE-00507-00171478-00171834 in a particular say for example if you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00508-00171835-00172383 want coconut oil in this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00509-00172384-00172713 madam food market all the coconut or all Kt1YxBB7wzE-00510-00172714-00172926 kinds of oils are kept in a particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00511-00172927-00173279 machine so you can go to that particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00512-00173280-00173460 area and you can collect it and that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00513-00173461-00173523 come back Kt1YxBB7wzE-00514-00173524-00173937 source all the soap detergent solves Kt1YxBB7wzE-00515-00173938-00174255 they're so bad so everything is in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00516-00174256-00174641 single row groceries are in another row Kt1YxBB7wzE-00517-00174642-00175086 so if a person wanted to to take any Kt1YxBB7wzE-00518-00175087-00175353 kind of commodity from this he can Kt1YxBB7wzE-00519-00175354-00175614 immediately lock it and immediately he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00520-00175615-00175911 can take it that is the quality of the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00521-00175912-00176232 good cognitive structure it will arrange Kt1YxBB7wzE-00522-00176233-00176588 the information like a need and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00523-00176589-00176889 systematic supermarket so that there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00524-00176890-00177149 will not be any difficulty for you to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00525-00177150-00177555 collect or recollect I would say when we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00526-00177556-00177726 are talking about cognitive structure we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00527-00177727-00177933 should use the word read collect that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00528-00177934-00178329 information ITC on the other hand I know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00529-00178330-00178653 where my university is working at Kerala Kt1YxBB7wzE-00530-00178654-00179025 it's in and this is a small village and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00531-00179026-00179322 then and then there is a smart in free Kt1YxBB7wzE-00532-00179323-00179703 supermarket very nearby and it's not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00533-00179704-00179924 very well arranged I would say and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00534-00179925-00180189 sometimes it's so clumsy as well and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00535-00180190-00180519 then when I go for shopping and some Kt1YxBB7wzE-00536-00180520-00180786 most often I used to ask him Kt1YxBB7wzE-00537-00180787-00181290 hello where is this so because once the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00538-00181291-00181533 bats up with your voice and explained it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00539-00181534-00181812 will be on the other side and you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00540-00181813-00182097 shells are kept in close by so that you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00541-00182098-00182292 have to walk with little not just money Kt1YxBB7wzE-00542-00182293-00182574 of two so all this kind of and things Kt1YxBB7wzE-00543-00182575-00182775 are going well arrange sometimes things Kt1YxBB7wzE-00544-00182776-00183078 will be you know put in a in a in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00545-00183079-00183306 clumsy way so that it's difficult to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00546-00183307-00183756 select and and this is how so a very Kt1YxBB7wzE-00547-00183757-00184059 poorly arranged community Spectras like Kt1YxBB7wzE-00548-00184060-00184407 this when somebody asks something it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00549-00184408-00184542 will be quite difficult for you to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00550-00184543-00184881 collect it from this market from this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00551-00184882-00185088 shop from your cognitive structure of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00552-00185089-00185412 cognitive structure so this is how a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00553-00185413-00185760 good cognitive structure is so I told Kt1YxBB7wzE-00554-00185761-00185997 you that the assumptions of our greatest Kt1YxBB7wzE-00555-00185998-00186375 except that it is with everyone it has Kt1YxBB7wzE-00556-00186376-00186819 enormous capacity to grow and I told you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00557-00186820-00187077 that the quality of a good cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00558-00187078-00187373 structure is that it will how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00559-00187374-00187752 the information in a very systematic way Kt1YxBB7wzE-00560-00187753-00188172 so that it can be accessed immediately Kt1YxBB7wzE-00561-00188173-00188388 without anything it without any kind of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00562-00188389-00188664 feeling so that is the quality of it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00563-00188665-00188940 cognitive structure so this is the whole Kt1YxBB7wzE-00564-00188941-00189123 concept which I wanted to discuss with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00565-00189124-00189471 you basic idea of ERG and the second Kt1YxBB7wzE-00566-00189472-00189738 idea is schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00567-00189739-00189954 the second major concept is scheme I am Kt1YxBB7wzE-00568-00189955-00190122 sure that most of you might have learned Kt1YxBB7wzE-00569-00190123-00190419 about this this particular notion may be Kt1YxBB7wzE-00570-00190420-00190704 or cure be it level or a mid level and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00571-00190705-00190986 you may be sometimes in Azkaban me but Kt1YxBB7wzE-00572-00190987-00191364 still I was just discussing this with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00573-00191365-00191477 you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00574-00191478-00191757 schema was you know Piaget first use Kt1YxBB7wzE-00575-00191758-00192186 designed in 1923 actually so in him in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00576-00192187-00192372 one of his research paper he used this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00577-00192373-00192690 particular word schema and then for him Kt1YxBB7wzE-00578-00192691-00192948 schema in that particular paper he has Kt1YxBB7wzE-00579-00192949-00193359 defined schema as a basic unit of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00580-00193360-00193674 knowledge that related to all aspects of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00581-00193675-00194076 the world basic units of knowledge that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00582-00194077-00194361 related to all aspects of a basic unit Kt1YxBB7wzE-00583-00194362-00194727 of knowledge the most elementary and the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00584-00194728-00194997 most basic unit of knowledge is the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00585-00194998-00195468 schema that means that you have the very Kt1YxBB7wzE-00586-00195469-00195705 elementary level of a particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00587-00195706-00196115 information so this will be more clear Kt1YxBB7wzE-00588-00196116-00196551 when we say that schema is a kind of a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00589-00196552-00197087 mental representation of an image of an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00590-00197088-00197684 information an object an incident a role Kt1YxBB7wzE-00591-00197685-00198015 on individual and something almost Kt1YxBB7wzE-00592-00198016-00198402 everything so very simplistically when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00593-00198403-00198732 we say moving away from the formal Kt1YxBB7wzE-00594-00198733-00199055 definition of Piaget we would say that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00595-00199056-00199353 schema is nothing but a mental Kt1YxBB7wzE-00596-00199354-00199791 representation or a mental image of this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00597-00199792-00200037 knowledge knowledge can be from anything Kt1YxBB7wzE-00598-00200038-00200241 I told you anything subjective knowledge Kt1YxBB7wzE-00599-00200242-00200472 a stone a water Kt1YxBB7wzE-00600-00200473-00200784 or anything anything is a source of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00601-00200785-00201090 knowledge so it's a mental image or a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00602-00201091-00201336 mental representation of basic source of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00603-00201337-00201735 knowledge now it will be more clear for Kt1YxBB7wzE-00604-00201736-00201929 you when I talk to you about different Kt1YxBB7wzE-00605-00201930-00202241 varieties of schema Piaget talked about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00606-00202242-00202515 there are different types of schema he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00607-00202516-00202818 mentioned that there are object schemas Kt1YxBB7wzE-00608-00202819-00203220 what is object schema I if you ask me a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00609-00203221-00203547 boat pen I only have an image of pen it Kt1YxBB7wzE-00610-00203548-00203802 may might so that is an object in a pen Kt1YxBB7wzE-00611-00203803-00204096 is an object so that object is there bit Kt1YxBB7wzE-00612-00204097-00204327 within my schema so that object is there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00613-00204328-00205010 in me now if you ask me about about book Kt1YxBB7wzE-00614-00205011-00205271 I have a schema in my mind so it's a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00615-00205273-00205533 mental image of a book in my cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00616-00205534-00205688 structure it is there in my cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00617-00205689-00205905 structure I do not know whether Kt1YxBB7wzE-00618-00205906-00206042 conditioner can be ca don't Kt1YxBB7wzE-00619-00206044-00206216 misunderstand me I was just unknowingly Kt1YxBB7wzE-00620-00206217-00206561 pointing my finger today maybe mobility Kt1YxBB7wzE-00621-00206562-00206808 structure there is it locating that we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00622-00206809-00207080 have to ponder over IP okay anything Kt1YxBB7wzE-00623-00207081-00207314 quickly structure itself is a very Kt1YxBB7wzE-00624-00207315-00207491 abstract idea we do not know where it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00625-00207492-00207834 located and you know objects limas other Kt1YxBB7wzE-00626-00207835-00208131 various almost all the objects in this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00627-00208132-00208538 world we will store in our cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00628-00208539-00210225 structure no iceberg Kt1YxBB7wzE-00629-00210226-00210531 have you seen iceberg you know iceberg Kt1YxBB7wzE-00630-00210532-00211008 also in schema seen it all for us we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00631-00211009-00211184 have seen it in TV or something of that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00632-00211185-00211437 sort so almost everything is a schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00633-00211438-00211716 almost every check this administration Kt1YxBB7wzE-00634-00211717-00212166 that we had in a structure so objects Kt1YxBB7wzE-00635-00212167-00212394 Themis other person schemas are there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00636-00212394-00212688 now I believe that I am a schema for all Kt1YxBB7wzE-00637-00212689-00212931 of them or maybe you all will have a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00638-00212932-00213063 scheme of your teacher Kt1YxBB7wzE-00639-00213064-00213339 schema of your father scheme of your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00640-00213340-00213579 mother and different different schemas Kt1YxBB7wzE-00641-00213580-00213762 are there we all have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00642-00213763-00214133 Chema's Abood our relief deals a lot Kt1YxBB7wzE-00643-00214134-00214338 about our own friends and then videos Kt1YxBB7wzE-00644-00214339-00214625 videos people so people that were Kt1YxBB7wzE-00645-00214626-00214869 presented as a schema in our cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00646-00214869-00215105 structure then social schemas are there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00647-00215106-00215364 how we should behave in in particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00648-00215365-00215651 places and events schemas are there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00649-00215652-00215919 say for example Facebook Lyme is an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00650-00215919-00216182 event schema for you or we will meet is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00651-00216183-00216392 an event scheme of oil or the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00652-00216394-00216639 inauguration of a seminar or the seminar Kt1YxBB7wzE-00653-00216640-00216848 itself is a events email for you so you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00654-00216850-00217098 will have an idea how this seminar will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00655-00217098-00217346 be you will have an idea how a Google Kt1YxBB7wzE-00656-00217348-00217638 meet will be so there we that's so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00657-00217639-00217992 direct an event scheme self schemas Kt1YxBB7wzE-00658-00217992-00218271 roles different types of schemas are Kt1YxBB7wzE-00659-00218271-00218528 they almost everything that use that you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00660-00218529-00218774 see is a schema in your mind in your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00661-00218775-00219128 cognitive structure so this cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00662-00219129-00219332 structure is filling the with the schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00663-00219333-00219527 now I'm going to compare this schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00664-00219528-00219932 with groceries and different kinds of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00665-00219933-00220113 commodities which are available in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00666-00220114-00220448 cumulative so in a in a supermarket so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00667-00220450-00220796 if supermarket has different kinds of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00668-00220798-00221159 commodities and articles in need our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00669-00221160-00221428 cognitive structure has different Kt1YxBB7wzE-00670-00221429-00221898 schemas in its in the polka native Kt1YxBB7wzE-00671-00221898-00222353 structure so that is what is called Kt1YxBB7wzE-00672-00222354-00222671 that's what basically an idea of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00673-00222673-00223167 cognitive such an schema so if schema R Kt1YxBB7wzE-00674-00223167-00223421 is been equated with commodities in the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00675-00223423-00223671 supermarket and cognitive structure is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00676-00223671-00223991 being created with or paralleled with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00677-00223992-00224234 Superman so that's what I wanted to tell Kt1YxBB7wzE-00678-00224235-00224578 you about it no now here is the point Kt1YxBB7wzE-00679-00224579-00224787 how do we learn new things Kt1YxBB7wzE-00680-00224788-00225071 that's what psi asked basically lot of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00681-00225073-00225254 very important question that pH enhance Kt1YxBB7wzE-00682-00225255-00225692 how do we learn new things which I have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00683-00225694-00226119 give a very very distant Kingdom but we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00684-00226119-00226424 are coming deep into that Piaget here Kt1YxBB7wzE-00685-00226425-00226757 introduced a particular kind of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00686-00226758-00227180 a structural sequencing he believed that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00687-00227181-00227485 this is a very trusting he believed that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00688-00227486-00227858 we all would like to be in the state of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00689-00227859-00228133 equilibrium in the state of equilibrium Kt1YxBB7wzE-00690-00228134-00228392 what is that equilibrium there is no Kt1YxBB7wzE-00691-00228394-00228465 pressure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00692-00228466-00228857 there is no tension the Tsar has not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00693-00228858-00229205 asked you to submit the project your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00694-00229206-00229437 college when civil has not asked you to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00695-00229438-00229772 submit the report no pressure at all we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00696-00229773-00229962 wanted to be in an equilibrium all the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00697-00229963-00230244 three times we have enough food and your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00698-00230244-00230429 father is not asking you to go to the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00699-00230430-00230609 shop and get something and your mother Kt1YxBB7wzE-00700-00230610-00230879 is not asking you to go to the kitchen Kt1YxBB7wzE-00701-00230880-00231237 and do this job that nothing ever no no Kt1YxBB7wzE-00702-00231238-00231545 botheration for me no botheration and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00703-00231546-00231896 absolutely in a state of equilibrium no Kt1YxBB7wzE-00704-00231897-00232208 fear for me absolutely secure I'm in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00705-00232209-00232451 state of equilibrium but the question is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00706-00232452-00232676 do you would you like to be in that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00707-00232677-00233241 state for a long time I don't because Kt1YxBB7wzE-00708-00233242-00233585 because being in the same kind of a very Kt1YxBB7wzE-00709-00233586-00233846 static position even if it is secured Kt1YxBB7wzE-00710-00233847-00234119 and dakedo created we would like to have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00711-00234121-00234448 changes isn't it your lack of changes Kt1YxBB7wzE-00712-00234449-00234722 human being likes to have changes Kt1YxBB7wzE-00713-00234723-00234977 that's how variation pains came up with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00714-00234978-00235202 any kind of a pain which you need not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00715-00235203-00235669 remove it that will be there 400 maybe Kt1YxBB7wzE-00716-00235671-00236195 you know people rejected it because we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00717-00236196-00236375 want to see different colours in our Kt1YxBB7wzE-00718-00236376-00236819 house paint a house so we live change so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00719-00236821-00237104 even if we are able to world facilities Kt1YxBB7wzE-00720-00237105-00237284 and we are an absolute state of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00721-00237285-00237577 equilibrium we will break the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00722-00237578-00237816 equilibrium and we will get into the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00723-00237817-00238142 signaling as human nature basically if Kt1YxBB7wzE-00724-00238144-00238454 you're like to have changes so when Kt1YxBB7wzE-00725-00238455-00238655 there is an absolute equilibrium you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00726-00238656-00238880 know what we will do we will break that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00727-00238881-00239214 equilibrium and then we get also push Kt1YxBB7wzE-00728-00239215-00239619 I'm also into disick liberation that is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00729-00239619-00239933 what you know when we are in a state of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00730-00239934-00240002 equilibrium Kt1YxBB7wzE-00731-00240003-00240134 you know how this happen Kt1YxBB7wzE-00732-00240135-00240437 this disequilibrium when a new thing Kt1YxBB7wzE-00733-00240438-00240848 when a new thing happens when a new in a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00734-00240849-00241196 new object come forward to us or when a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00735-00241198-00241437 new person come forward or when a new Kt1YxBB7wzE-00736-00241438-00241673 incident comes forward we encounter with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00737-00241674-00242081 all this will break our our attention or Kt1YxBB7wzE-00738-00242082-00242360 equilibration say for example new things Kt1YxBB7wzE-00739-00242361-00242696 comes up we are absolutely in this step Kt1YxBB7wzE-00740-00242698-00243035 what is this how shall I do this say for Kt1YxBB7wzE-00741-00243036-00243194 example when you are more been affirmed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00742-00243196-00243513 is changed say just imagine that your Kt1YxBB7wzE-00743-00243514-00243734 mobile phone is changed a new absolutely Kt1YxBB7wzE-00744-00243735-00243932 new mobile phone has come where it's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00745-00243933-00244140 gone figuration is different you have to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00746-00244141-00244334 study a load something of that zone and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00747-00244335-00244649 your old photos are not there your you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00748-00244650-00244832 have to all the phone numbers are there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00749-00244833-00245192 disturbs you sometimes it gives the kind Kt1YxBB7wzE-00750-00245194-00245459 of a basic education for you so anything Kt1YxBB7wzE-00751-00245460-00245681 which is new will bring into second Kt1YxBB7wzE-00752-00245682-00246044 application so this new has to be Kt1YxBB7wzE-00753-00246046-00246242 accommodated so that our cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00754-00246244-00246446 factor will come to a state of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00755-00246448-00246833 equilibrium so I wanted to tell you this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00756-00246834-00247317 precisely learning is a process whereby Kt1YxBB7wzE-00757-00247317-00247791 an individual move from this equilibrium Kt1YxBB7wzE-00758-00247792-00247972 to equilibrium Kt1YxBB7wzE-00759-00247973-00248340 that's what creation defines learning so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00760-00248341-00248717 for learning to happen there must be in Kt1YxBB7wzE-00761-00248719-00248930 disequilibrium a product of the action Kt1YxBB7wzE-00762-00248931-00249194 so we all in this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00763-00249196-00249503 ICT oriented era do believe that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00764-00249504-00249929 learning is fun learning is and then Kt1YxBB7wzE-00765-00249930-00250307 even we have coined a word and a do Kt1YxBB7wzE-00766-00250308-00250521 tainment means education plus Kt1YxBB7wzE-00767-00250521-00250967 entertainment and then understanding fu Kt1YxBB7wzE-00768-00250969-00251292 and understanding fun plus understanding Kt1YxBB7wzE-00769-00251292-00251582 these are the terminologies that we have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00770-00251583-00251817 brought into our into our academic Kt1YxBB7wzE-00771-00251817-00252244 discussions but you know there is a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00772-00252246-00252506 psychologists who stand out and says Kt1YxBB7wzE-00773-00252507-00252990 that no learning is no more fun learning Kt1YxBB7wzE-00774-00252991-00253403 is disturbance disturbance Kt1YxBB7wzE-00775-00253404-00253634 learning is absolutely Disturbed's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00776-00253635-00253907 nothing more than that and maybe at the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00777-00253908-00254119 end when you kill you create yourself Kt1YxBB7wzE-00778-00254121-00254336 you will have a little pleasure but the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00779-00254337-00254615 whole process of learning is is not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00780-00254616-00254696 possible Kt1YxBB7wzE-00781-00254696-00254980 if you are if you're if you're disturbed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00782-00254981-00255332 because if you are not disturbed you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00783-00255333-00255719 stop there so you wanted to see how you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00784-00255719-00256103 can make yourself equilibrated that's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00785-00256104-00256334 all we learn so we actually believed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00786-00256335-00256589 that disequilibrium too picky Kt1YxBB7wzE-00787-00256590-00256763 lubrication is the process of learning Kt1YxBB7wzE-00788-00256764-00257051 and in between dismissive inebriation to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00789-00257052-00257288 equilibration there are two steps more Kt1YxBB7wzE-00790-00257289-00257537 that's what the ashes is the first one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00791-00257538-00257794 is assimilation and the second one is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00792-00257796-00258110 accommodation I'll tell you about it as Kt1YxBB7wzE-00793-00258111-00258488 emulation technology assimilation is the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00794-00258489-00258779 process of applying the schemas we Kt1YxBB7wzE-00795-00258780-00259025 already process to understand something Kt1YxBB7wzE-00796-00259026-00259369 new so that means that if you have Kt1YxBB7wzE-00797-00259371-00259727 something with you use that thing to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00798-00259728-00260033 acquaint with the new thing so if you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00799-00260034-00260348 used your existing scheme us to acquaint Kt1YxBB7wzE-00800-00260348-00260794 with new schemas that process is called Kt1YxBB7wzE-00801-00260796-00261053 as a simulation use your existing one to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00802-00261054-00261473 a queen that's what this as in Malaysia Kt1YxBB7wzE-00803-00261473-00261716 basically is so if our cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00804-00261717-00261905 structure I told you there are numerous Kt1YxBB7wzE-00805-00261906-00262244 key must be available with you and there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00806-00262245-00262520 is a new schema concept you know use Kt1YxBB7wzE-00807-00262521-00262832 your existing schema to the new schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-00808-00262833-00262997 say for example when it's more on the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00809-00262998-00263615 way who knows about dog he knows about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00810-00263616-00264269 dog and then this dog it may be his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00811-00264270-00264581 domestic one and then when he go to the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00812-00264582-00264869 zoo or a or a museum he happened to see Kt1YxBB7wzE-00813-00264870-00265258 it tiger say for example or maybe a lion Kt1YxBB7wzE-00814-00265259-00265742 yes never seen nor even through pictures Kt1YxBB7wzE-00815-00265743-00265958 or videos never just imagine that that's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00816-00265959-00266207 that's the case so then you know what he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00817-00266208-00266405 will think he knows Kt1YxBB7wzE-00818-00266406-00266765 dog so if somebody asking Kt1YxBB7wzE-00819-00266766-00266993 or he may himself believe that discs on Kt1YxBB7wzE-00820-00266994-00267379 some sort of a dog and then his parents Kt1YxBB7wzE-00821-00267380-00267698 or maybe his mother maybe father will Kt1YxBB7wzE-00822-00267699-00268076 tell him this is is lion or maybe this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00823-00268077-00268616 is Tiger then you know this dog in the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00824-00268617-00269000 mind of the child will gradually split Kt1YxBB7wzE-00825-00269001-00269399 in from this dog to a new kind of an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00826-00269400-00269645 information like a cell is been split Kt1YxBB7wzE-00827-00269646-00269993 from the existing cell so in that way Kt1YxBB7wzE-00828-00269994-00270391 this idea of a new animal needs a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00829-00270392-00270737 substantiation or a base of an existing Kt1YxBB7wzE-00830-00270738-00271064 animal in the mind of a child and this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00831-00271065-00271322 simple process is essential to or the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00832-00271323-00271517 most of learning that's what Piaget Kt1YxBB7wzE-00833-00271518-00271922 since and this process of connecting the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00834-00271923-00272177 existing animal with the new animal is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00835-00272178-00272522 called us of assimilation and second one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00836-00272523-00272853 is second ideas accommodation Kt1YxBB7wzE-00837-00272854-00273116 accommodation is a sin accommodation Kt1YxBB7wzE-00838-00273117-00273368 means the process of changing an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00839-00273369-00273692 existing schema or creating a new one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00840-00273693-00273974 because new information doesn't fit the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00841-00273975-00274354 schemas one already has so the new Kt1YxBB7wzE-00842-00274355-00274622 schema are the new information which is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00843-00274623-00274913 confronting you is not at all with you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00844-00274914-00275288 so you have to accommodate bring in that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00845-00275289-00275573 new schema into your existing operative Kt1YxBB7wzE-00846-00275574-00275897 structure so this process of developing Kt1YxBB7wzE-00847-00275898-00276338 the new idea in your mind is is called Kt1YxBB7wzE-00848-00276339-00276679 as called accomodation according to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00849-00276680-00276845 according to Bruner Kt1YxBB7wzE-00850-00276846-00277201 in this process of assimilation and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00851-00277202-00277472 accommodation you know what Peter says Kt1YxBB7wzE-00852-00277473-00277735 in the process of assimilation there Kt1YxBB7wzE-00853-00277736-00278066 will be a shuttling of schemas which is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00854-00278067-00278243 happening between the cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00855-00278244-00278741 structure and the new schema that has Kt1YxBB7wzE-00856-00278742-00279149 come from that by the individual you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00857-00279150-00279346 know when you come across information Kt1YxBB7wzE-00858-00279347-00279601 that's what I told you about the case of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00859-00279602-00279876 a small boy who knows about Kt1YxBB7wzE-00860-00279877-00280137 a door but who doesn't know about the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00861-00280138-00280416 tiger he knows dog but he doesn't not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00862-00280417-00280731 very good what happens he will shut to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00863-00280732-00281019 you this existing schema existing scheme Kt1YxBB7wzE-00864-00281020-00281367 of dog to this new schema of of course Kt1YxBB7wzE-00865-00281368-00281532 this new schema is not within his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00866-00281533-00281634 cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00867-00281635-00281949 he will shuttle his existing schema to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00868-00281950-00282141 get it connected with the new schema so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00869-00282142-00282384 the dog schema which had filled it to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00870-00282385-00282720 the tiger schema so when this connection Kt1YxBB7wzE-00871-00282721-00282930 is established that your also has four Kt1YxBB7wzE-00872-00282931-00283158 leg it also something like a furry Kt1YxBB7wzE-00873-00283159-00283440 animal it's if you know what happened Kt1YxBB7wzE-00874-00283441-00283794 you know you connect it establish a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00875-00283795-00284019 relationship between this existing and Kt1YxBB7wzE-00876-00284020-00284403 you this process of Shelley is very Kt1YxBB7wzE-00877-00284404-00284663 essential for establishing a connection Kt1YxBB7wzE-00878-00284664-00285003 so elimination essentially consists of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00879-00285004-00285333 this process of shuttling of existing Kt1YxBB7wzE-00880-00285334-00285672 schema with the new schema this is Kt1YxBB7wzE-00881-00285673-00285936 essential and only when this connection Kt1YxBB7wzE-00882-00285937-00286194 is happened accomodation of the new Kt1YxBB7wzE-00883-00286195-00286641 schema will happen I will I'll tell you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00884-00286642-00287151 a very brief example and to help you to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00885-00287152-00287358 understand how this this shuttling Kt1YxBB7wzE-00886-00287359-00287772 process will happen I keep on using this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00887-00287773-00288345 example for my math classes so you just Kt1YxBB7wzE-00888-00288346-00288675 imagine that you are just meeting a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00889-00288676-00288888 strange person let me come to my own Kt1YxBB7wzE-00890-00288889-00289113 example you know I was working with Kt1YxBB7wzE-00891-00289114-00289329 bondage at university for a long period Kt1YxBB7wzE-00892-00289330-00289581 of time I could see many of my old Kt1YxBB7wzE-00893-00289582-00289899 students also saying I hear Prashant Kt1YxBB7wzE-00894-00289900-00290361 Naik and then unleash our there you just Kt1YxBB7wzE-00895-00290362-00290685 imagine that you know and I just going Kt1YxBB7wzE-00896-00290686-00290814 back I'm just going back to my Kt1YxBB7wzE-00897-00290815-00291114 Pondicherry days and just I was one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00898-00291115-00291330 supporting day I was just walking to a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00899-00291331-00291660 very famous market in 2080 which was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00900-00291661-00291969 called as Jade Jade market Kt1YxBB7wzE-00901-00291970-00292275 Jane broad in the sunday market I was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00902-00292276-00292500 just walking without any kind of purpose Kt1YxBB7wzE-00903-00292501-00292833 you can call it as a wandering I was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00904-00292834-00293079 just walking in a Sunday Kt1YxBB7wzE-00905-00293080-00293433 and then somebody came to me and then Kt1YxBB7wzE-00906-00293434-00293730 who just greeted me hallo Hamlet sir how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00907-00293731-00293790 are you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00908-00293791-00294204 and then itís quite wondering I do not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00909-00294205-00294519 know this person you know my cognitive Kt1YxBB7wzE-00910-00294520-00294720 structure I doesn't have this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00911-00294721-00295029 person SS female that's the problem so I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00912-00295030-00295290 am quite funded so what happens my Kt1YxBB7wzE-00913-00295291-00295590 cognitive structures equilibrium got a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00914-00295591-00295896 bit disturbed because I do not know him Kt1YxBB7wzE-00915-00295897-00296229 but he is calling me with me hello good Kt1YxBB7wzE-00916-00296230-00296535 sir how are you how are you doing I said Kt1YxBB7wzE-00917-00296536-00296934 okay I'm fine then he started asking Kt1YxBB7wzE-00918-00296935-00297288 about my you know asking for the Kt1YxBB7wzE-00919-00297289-00297339 question Kt1YxBB7wzE-00920-00297340-00297543 hello sir how is your daughter doing how Kt1YxBB7wzE-00921-00297544-00297762 is your son doing how is your family Kt1YxBB7wzE-00922-00297763-00298034 are they here or are they get at Kerala Kt1YxBB7wzE-00923-00298035-00298326 and then he even started asking the name Kt1YxBB7wzE-00924-00298327-00298623 of my son how I must absolutely Kt1YxBB7wzE-00925-00298624-00298929 wondering no I do not know this person Kt1YxBB7wzE-00926-00298930-00299214 but this person is asking almost hello Kt1YxBB7wzE-00927-00299215-00299451 sir how is Ching my doing and then I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00928-00299452-00299700 Ching - the name of my son he knows Kt1YxBB7wzE-00929-00299701-00300021 Mike's my son's name or honey and I'm Kt1YxBB7wzE-00930-00300022-00300420 doing I am absolutely no wondering I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00931-00300421-00300642 have no I have to answer to him because Kt1YxBB7wzE-00932-00300643-00300912 he knows almost all we're about of mine Kt1YxBB7wzE-00933-00300913-00301203 and then I'm absolutely a blank slate Kt1YxBB7wzE-00934-00301204-00301575 about him who is he Kt1YxBB7wzE-00935-00301576-00301899 this is a disequilibrium for me this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00936-00301900-00302097 happens to you when a new information Kt1YxBB7wzE-00937-00302098-00302382 comes to you it can be a it can be an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00938-00302383-00302603 abstract information it can be a person Kt1YxBB7wzE-00939-00302604-00302946 object it can be a commodity it can be a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00940-00302947-00303171 new role when you wanted to take Kt1YxBB7wzE-00941-00303172-00303312 responsibility off Kt1YxBB7wzE-00942-00303313-00303558 they kept anything of that sort ending Kt1YxBB7wzE-00943-00303559-00303735 that can be a scheme you know what I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00944-00303736-00304005 will do to resolve my equilibrium that's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00945-00304006-00304545 my my genetic you know you know I would Kt1YxBB7wzE-00946-00304546-00304992 say that it reflects acts or maybe Kt1YxBB7wzE-00947-00304993-00305238 reflects a man genetically you know you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00948-00305239-00305535 know condition preserved my my BC globe Kt1YxBB7wzE-00949-00305536-00305688 ratio so that I wanted to solve this Kt1YxBB7wzE-00950-00305689-00305850 product you know he knows everything Kt1YxBB7wzE-00951-00305851-00305997 about me and I do not know anything Kt1YxBB7wzE-00952-00305998-00306201 about him I've never seen him at all so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00953-00306202-00306402 then I asked him back Kt1YxBB7wzE-00954-00306403-00306792 how do you know me say have you been a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00955-00306793-00307059 student of mine for might be when I was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00956-00307060-00307227 teaching impaired or something of that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00957-00307228-00307611 sort Kt1YxBB7wzE-00958-00307612-00308085 how do you know me I asked him do an ru Kt1YxBB7wzE-00959-00308086-00308364 student of me mine when I was teaching Kt1YxBB7wzE-00960-00308365-00308547 for a BA program or something of that Kt1YxBB7wzE-00961-00308548-00308871 sort so I asked him because I was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00962-00308872-00309126 teaching in a particular College it's Kt1YxBB7wzE-00963-00309127-00309378 name was anuses training college I asked Kt1YxBB7wzE-00964-00309379-00309555 him onion student of emesis training Kt1YxBB7wzE-00965-00309556-00310008 college then he said no so when I asked Kt1YxBB7wzE-00966-00310009-00310302 this question of are you student of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00967-00310303-00310575 Venice's training college I am shuttling Kt1YxBB7wzE-00968-00310576-00310872 my full schema to dismiss Kiba because Kt1YxBB7wzE-00969-00310873-00311160 MSS Training College where I was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00970-00311161-00311433 teaching for us for some time is his Kt1YxBB7wzE-00971-00311434-00311721 keema existing in my cognitive structure Kt1YxBB7wzE-00972-00311722-00311934 so I shall tell you this a nurses Kt1YxBB7wzE-00973-00311935-00312114 training ollege to this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-00974-00312115-00312459 person and then he is a no sir I'm not a Kt1YxBB7wzE-00975-00312460-00312879 student affairs so that settling was Kt1YxBB7wzE-00976-00312880-00313347 failed so my basic location continued so Kt1YxBB7wzE-00977-00313348-00313524 that I ask are you student of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00978-00313525-00313677 Pondicherry University some other Kt1YxBB7wzE-00979-00313678-00314043 department so you come across me he said Kt1YxBB7wzE-00980-00314044-00314427 no no I am NOT a student of Pondicherry Kt1YxBB7wzE-00981-00314428-00314856 University I am NOT a student of mine I Kt1YxBB7wzE-00982-00314857-00315309 am NOT a man doing a job here Oh again Kt1YxBB7wzE-00983-00315310-00315501 ponch did you know the diversity behind Kt1YxBB7wzE-00984-00315502-00315786 me and that schema also has got spoiled Kt1YxBB7wzE-00985-00315787-00316118 I tried to shuttle it that also failed Kt1YxBB7wzE-00986-00316119-00316893 and then I asked him had I been in some Kt1YxBB7wzE-00987-00316894-00317148 program where you attended in a seminar Kt1YxBB7wzE-00988-00317149-00317328 something of that sort he said no sir Kt1YxBB7wzE-00989-00317329-00317588 absolutely the thing of that so you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-00990-00317589-00318114 I I am a friend of your this person an Kt1YxBB7wzE-00991-00318115-00318339 expert so he told me I'm a friend of Kt1YxBB7wzE-00992-00318340-00318699 your experts along with him I came to Kt1YxBB7wzE-00993-00318700-00319176 home one day I came to home one day you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00994-00319177-00319566 just imagine that name is name is Nisha Kt1YxBB7wzE-00995-00319567-00319743 for example were not Kt1YxBB7wzE-00996-00319744-00320081 my PhD student submission so a little Kt1YxBB7wzE-00997-00320082-00320298 bit niche and I came to your home one Kt1YxBB7wzE-00998-00320299-00320523 day do you remember on that day you Kt1YxBB7wzE-00999-00320524-00320763 offered a cup of coffee to me some Kt1YxBB7wzE-01000-00320764-00321072 biscuits to me or dis of cake to me do Kt1YxBB7wzE-01001-00321073-00321426 you remember that oh okay I remember it Kt1YxBB7wzE-01002-00321427-00321762 okay because the shanty is an existing Kt1YxBB7wzE-01003-00321763-00322026 scheme by in my mind the shanties Kt1YxBB7wzE-01004-00322027-00322248 already existing in my mind that's a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01005-00322249-00322634 schema with me so then he I he helped me Kt1YxBB7wzE-01006-00322635-00322906 to shuttle the initial schema to him Kt1YxBB7wzE-01007-00322907-00323226 connection is established when this Kt1YxBB7wzE-01008-00323227-00323541 connection is established that state is Kt1YxBB7wzE-01009-00323542-00323838 called as assimilation now you're a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01010-00323839-00324107 friend of Nisshin okay all right Kt1YxBB7wzE-01011-00324108-00324401 this state is called us assimilation and Kt1YxBB7wzE-01012-00324402-00324741 the next step of accommodation starts Kt1YxBB7wzE-01013-00324742-00325116 from there then I mean asking would you Kt1YxBB7wzE-01014-00325117-00325310 please share me or the video please let Kt1YxBB7wzE-01015-00325311-00325583 me know you are and then he will say my Kt1YxBB7wzE-01016-00325584-00326001 name is this one okay this is my name Kt1YxBB7wzE-01017-00326002-00326309 okay then I said okay so where are you Kt1YxBB7wzE-01018-00326310-00326643 from basically then he is I am this Kt1YxBB7wzE-01019-00326644-00326858 particular state or maybe this Kt1YxBB7wzE-01020-00326859-00327165 particular district and then I asked Kt1YxBB7wzE-01021-00327166-00327519 what I'm doing here and he says I'm Kt1YxBB7wzE-01022-00327520-00327717 doing in a particular kind of a business Kt1YxBB7wzE-01023-00327718-00327921 medical business something that so I'm Kt1YxBB7wzE-01024-00327922-00328203 doing a business here anyway okay fine Kt1YxBB7wzE-01025-00328204-00328569 that's good and then now I have learned Kt1YxBB7wzE-01026-00328570-00328671 his name Kt1YxBB7wzE-01027-00328672-00328938 I know from where he is and I know what Kt1YxBB7wzE-01028-00328939-00329282 he is doing and know what he is doing Kt1YxBB7wzE-01029-00329283-00329679 am i audible now somebody's saying some Kt1YxBB7wzE-01030-00329680-00330003 sound problem is it all right now am i Kt1YxBB7wzE-01031-00330004-00330961 audible is it audible now Kt1YxBB7wzE-01032-00330962-00331792 okay so so I know almost and now Kt1YxBB7wzE-01033-00331793-00331990 everything about him you know what I Kt1YxBB7wzE-01034-00331991-00332290 will do now I will take this new person Kt1YxBB7wzE-01035-00332291-00332728 as a schema and I will keep this new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01036-00332729-00332950 schema close to this schema which is Kt1YxBB7wzE-01037-00332951-00333211 existing in my cooking district so I Kt1YxBB7wzE-01038-00333212-00333535 will place it there and this placement Kt1YxBB7wzE-01039-00333536-00334057 of the new schema to the existing schema Kt1YxBB7wzE-01040-00334058-00334546 is called as accommodation so when I do Kt1YxBB7wzE-01041-00334547-00334816 this process of accommodation my Kt1YxBB7wzE-01042-00334817-00335128 learning happens because this particular Kt1YxBB7wzE-01043-00335129-00335479 new schema itself been in gradual course Kt1YxBB7wzE-01044-00335480-00336028 of time will be capable of attaching new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01045-00336029-00336451 schema to it so this is how learning Kt1YxBB7wzE-01046-00336452-00336688 happens according to Piaget that means Kt1YxBB7wzE-01047-00336689-00337080 that we thought having connecting the Kt1YxBB7wzE-01048-00337081-00337453 existing knowledge existing knowledge to Kt1YxBB7wzE-01049-00337454-00337705 the new knowledge means the existing Kt1YxBB7wzE-01050-00337706-00337927 knowledge is a bit off schema new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01051-00337928-00338179 knowledge is under the schema we thought Kt1YxBB7wzE-01052-00338180-00338488 connecting this existing knowledge to Kt1YxBB7wzE-01053-00338489-00338845 the new knowledge and placing this new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01054-00338846-00339196 knowledge I just said or maybe close to Kt1YxBB7wzE-01055-00339197-00339493 the existing knowledge like a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01056-00339494-00339724 supermarket where you keep it say for Kt1YxBB7wzE-01057-00339725-00339874 example if it is a grocery it should Kt1YxBB7wzE-01058-00339875-00340066 keep it along with the grocery if it is Kt1YxBB7wzE-01059-00340067-00340270 a foodstuff you should keep it along Kt1YxBB7wzE-01060-00340271-00340555 with foodstuff so adapting this new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01061-00340556-00340834 schema to the existing schema scorner Kt1YxBB7wzE-01062-00340835-00341085 the existing cognitive structures Kt1YxBB7wzE-01063-00341086-00341479 schemas similar schema scorner you make Kt1YxBB7wzE-01064-00341480-00341764 learning possible and be I should Kt1YxBB7wzE-01065-00341765-00342022 believed that when you make this process Kt1YxBB7wzE-01066-00342023-00342378 of attachment connecting the existing Kt1YxBB7wzE-01067-00342379-00342754 one with the new one and that process of Kt1YxBB7wzE-01068-00342755-00343048 connection will result in a kind of a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01069-00343049-00343432 new schema and this new schema of course Kt1YxBB7wzE-01070-00343433-00343681 will be capable of connecting and Kt1YxBB7wzE-01071-00343682-00343970 accommodating future schemas Kt1YxBB7wzE-01072-00343971-00344230 so that calm learning happens according Kt1YxBB7wzE-01073-00344231-00344525 to Piaget that's all PR say insisted or Kt1YxBB7wzE-01074-00344526-00344864 throughout the life he argued that we Kt1YxBB7wzE-01075-00344865-00345109 don't connecting the existing not Kt1YxBB7wzE-01076-00345110-00345329 existing knowledge with the new Kt1YxBB7wzE-01077-00345330-00345706 knowledge learning will be absolutely Kt1YxBB7wzE-01078-00345707-00346091 impossible so simple and that's what we Kt1YxBB7wzE-01079-00346092-00346403 hace talked about his theory of learning Kt1YxBB7wzE-01080-00346404-00346637 and I have not even touched his theory Kt1YxBB7wzE-01081-00346638-00346885 of development theory of development I Kt1YxBB7wzE-01082-00346886-00347209 haven't explained at all and his theory Kt1YxBB7wzE-01083-00347210-00347492 of moral development of course is is Kt1YxBB7wzE-01084-00347493-00347894 such a notion of knowledge which is very Kt1YxBB7wzE-01085-00347895-00348197 difficult for us to cross him and he has Kt1YxBB7wzE-01086-00348198-00348433 developed his geneva school because most Kt1YxBB7wzE-01087-00348434-00348709 of his studies were conducted on his own Kt1YxBB7wzE-01088-00348710-00348962 children he was observing his own Kt1YxBB7wzE-01089-00348963-00349180 children and of course other children as Kt1YxBB7wzE-01090-00349181-00349442 well and then he started his geneva Kt1YxBB7wzE-01091-00349443-00349691 school and the center for genetic Kt1YxBB7wzE-01092-00349692-00349970 epistemology in geneva oh these are Kt1YxBB7wzE-01093-00349971-00350228 landmark contributions of perishing and Kt1YxBB7wzE-01094-00350229-00350444 of course when you start reading Kt1YxBB7wzE-01095-00350445-00350731 parishes I would say that PR is not so Kt1YxBB7wzE-01096-00350732-00351068 friendly for reading his thoughts were Kt1YxBB7wzE-01097-00351069-00351425 so complicated and then so deep so that Kt1YxBB7wzE-01098-00351426-00351692 when you go for understanding Piazza Kt1YxBB7wzE-01099-00351693-00351977 through his original buck you may find Kt1YxBB7wzE-01100-00351978-00352234 it a bit difficult to to read and Kt1YxBB7wzE-01101-00352235-00352466 comprehend because he is not that you Kt1YxBB7wzE-01102-00352467-00352988 know established writer - of course in Kt1YxBB7wzE-01103-00352989-00353179 an established right he's not a sort of Kt1YxBB7wzE-01104-00353180-00353428 a writer who casts the attention of the Kt1YxBB7wzE-01105-00353429-00353710 rapist but when you read Bruner you know Kt1YxBB7wzE-01106-00353711-00353924 he will catch you along with you he will Kt1YxBB7wzE-01107-00353925-00354263 walk Bruner we walk so that's that's Kt1YxBB7wzE-01108-00354264-00354457 what Bruner and Pierre how do they Kt1YxBB7wzE-01109-00354458-00354670 differ in their style of writing Kt1YxBB7wzE-01110-00354671-00355001 basically and then I hope some time data Kt1YxBB7wzE-01111-00355002-00355178 I will share with you his theories of Kt1YxBB7wzE-01112-00355179-00355541 development cognitive development and Kt1YxBB7wzE-01113-00355542-00355967 moral development and so on and I hope I Kt1YxBB7wzE-01114-00355968-00356485 will stop here I should thank you first Kt1YxBB7wzE-01115-00356486-00357079 for watching me if you have any doubt do Kt1YxBB7wzE-01116-00357080-00357250 I need to spend some more time Kt1YxBB7wzE-01117-00357251-00357601 maybe if I - 10 minutes or so if there Kt1YxBB7wzE-01118-00357602-00357895 is any doubt I can just briefly respond Kt1YxBB7wzE-01119-00357896-00358147 otherwise maybe I'll wait what for 3 Kt1YxBB7wzE-01120-00358148-00358330 minutes to see whether there is in it on Kt1YxBB7wzE-01121-00358331-00358462 otherwise I'll stop it Kt1YxBB7wzE-01122-00358463-00358849 so thank you dr. Sol you're doing a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01123-00358850-00359256 great work I appreciate it Kt1YxBB7wzE-01124-00359257-00359638 for those enthusiastic listeners not Kt1YxBB7wzE-01125-00359639-00361250 listening viewers thank you so much Kt1YxBB7wzE-01126-00361251-00361665 okay I think there is no questions Kt1YxBB7wzE-01127-00361666-00362028 coming up I think I'll stop here Kt1YxBB7wzE-01128-00362029-00362400 you can drop even if you wanted to have Kt1YxBB7wzE-01129-00362401-00362595 some questions you can talk to me even Kt1YxBB7wzE-01130-00362596-00363396 to true face thank you so much have a Kt1YxBB7wzE-01131-00363397-00363503 nice day Kt1YxBB7wzE-01132-00363504-00363915 wonderful evening thank you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00000-00000208-00000503 good morning you lot it is let me tell KtwK8QhXLqQ-00001-00000504-00000767 you what time it is it is 10 to 6 in the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00002-00000768-00000950 morning here in the uk KtwK8QhXLqQ-00003-00000951-00001191 so i just got up well got about half an KtwK8QhXLqQ-00004-00001192-00001439 hour ago a little bit late today but KtwK8QhXLqQ-00005-00001440-00001695 before i do a quick live workout for you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00006-00001696-00001887 so good morning facebook people good KtwK8QhXLqQ-00007-00001888-00002023 morning youtube KtwK8QhXLqQ-00008-00002023-00002263 i hope you're well in this video i've KtwK8QhXLqQ-00009-00002264-00002463 got a 10 minute workout we're going to KtwK8QhXLqQ-00010-00002464-00002639 10 minute early morning workout for the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00011-00002640-00002775 early morning crew of you out there so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00012-00002776-00002958 if you're watching this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00013-00002959-00003303 live say hello say hi good morning or KtwK8QhXLqQ-00014-00003304-00003454 good evening good afternoon wherever you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00015-00003455-00003647 are and if you're watching the replay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00016-00003647-00003854 stick a hashtag replay down below so i KtwK8QhXLqQ-00017-00003855-00004038 know that you've seen this video you're KtwK8QhXLqQ-00018-00004039-00004167 on it and you're gonna do this workout KtwK8QhXLqQ-00019-00004168-00004383 with me that's the plan right so maybe KtwK8QhXLqQ-00020-00004384-00004567 you'll do it with me now facebook's KtwK8QhXLqQ-00021-00004568-00004767 comments have been pants recently so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00022-00004768-00004943 they don't come up as soon as they KtwK8QhXLqQ-00023-00004944-00005135 should and sometimes not at all so if KtwK8QhXLqQ-00024-00005136-00005311 you are saying hello and then i KtwK8QhXLqQ-00025-00005312-00005543 appreciate it i'm gonna go up here get KtwK8QhXLqQ-00026-00005544-00005831 to the workout gonna get stuck in oh so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00027-00005832-00006079 maggie's in hey maggie good to see you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00028-00006080-00006206 hope you're well KtwK8QhXLqQ-00029-00006207-00006359 and uh where are you let me know where KtwK8QhXLqQ-00030-00006360-00006470 you're from so anyone who's watching KtwK8QhXLqQ-00031-00006472-00006591 this live let me know where you're from KtwK8QhXLqQ-00032-00006592-00006719 we're gonna get cracking in a minute KtwK8QhXLqQ-00033-00006720-00007014 i've got 10 minute workout five KtwK8QhXLqQ-00034-00007015-00007198 different exercises okay nothing too KtwK8QhXLqQ-00035-00007200-00007310 crazy i'm gonna throw in lots of KtwK8QhXLqQ-00036-00007311-00007495 different options for you just in case KtwK8QhXLqQ-00037-00007495-00007734 you can't do the high impact exercises KtwK8QhXLqQ-00038-00007736-00007814 okay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00039-00007815-00007910 so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00040-00007911-00008063 hopefully you'll be able to get through KtwK8QhXLqQ-00041-00008064-00008239 this with me and even if you can't do it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00042-00008240-00008383 now make sure you come back and watch KtwK8QhXLqQ-00043-00008384-00008607 the replay and do it because it's going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00044-00008608-00008759 to be a good workout KtwK8QhXLqQ-00045-00008760-00008903 good way to start your day get you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00046-00008904-00009135 moving get the blood flowing get ready KtwK8QhXLqQ-00047-00009136-00009351 for action okay now as you can see it's KtwK8QhXLqQ-00048-00009352-00009574 getting dark here in the uk it's very KtwK8QhXLqQ-00049-00009575-00009791 dark outside so it's definitely coming KtwK8QhXLqQ-00050-00009792-00009974 into that part of the year where you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00051-00009975-00010087 want to stay in bed that little bit KtwK8QhXLqQ-00052-00010088-00010287 longer but i'm up i'm here i'm ready for KtwK8QhXLqQ-00053-00010288-00010455 you so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00054-00010456-00010599 come and join me with this one let's see KtwK8QhXLqQ-00055-00010600-00010719 how we get on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00056-00010720-00010887 so our first exercise is stance jack KtwK8QhXLqQ-00057-00010888-00011031 stands tracks look like this so if we KtwK8QhXLqQ-00058-00011032-00011183 start with your feet together i'm just KtwK8QhXLqQ-00059-00011184-00011406 going to hop and drop to the side and KtwK8QhXLqQ-00060-00011407-00011599 back up switch your hand around hop and KtwK8QhXLqQ-00061-00011600-00011870 drop from the side it looks like this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00062-00011871-00012078 now this is a little bit too high impact KtwK8QhXLqQ-00063-00012079-00012263 for you then you can do the step version KtwK8QhXLqQ-00064-00012264-00012431 so the step version i always have to try KtwK8QhXLqQ-00065-00012432-00012527 and KtwK8QhXLqQ-00066-00012528-00012719 get my mind ready for this one step out KtwK8QhXLqQ-00067-00012720-00012958 to the side reach down step back to the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00068-00012959-00013055 middle KtwK8QhXLqQ-00069-00013056-00013286 reach and then you can speed it up so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00070-00013287-00013415 there's always something you can do KtwK8QhXLqQ-00071-00013416-00013591 there's a little bit less impact and as KtwK8QhXLqQ-00072-00013591-00013751 your fitness progresses KtwK8QhXLqQ-00073-00013752-00013991 then you start to bring in the more KtwK8QhXLqQ-00074-00013991-00014335 bouncy version okay so that's our first KtwK8QhXLqQ-00075-00014336-00014591 exercise if you're ready for this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00076-00014591-00014807 whether you're watching live or KtwK8QhXLqQ-00077-00014808-00014966 whether you're on the replay come and do KtwK8QhXLqQ-00078-00014968-00015166 it so maggie hopefully you're gonna get KtwK8QhXLqQ-00079-00015168-00015399 involved with me on this one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00080-00015400-00015630 so let's see how we get on remember say KtwK8QhXLqQ-00081-00015631-00015727 hello KtwK8QhXLqQ-00082-00015728-00015991 like and share share this love get it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00083-00015991-00016119 out there KtwK8QhXLqQ-00084-00016119-00016279 friends family random people in the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00085-00016280-00016422 street let them know hit that like KtwK8QhXLqQ-00086-00016423-00016630 button share it and we'll reach a few KtwK8QhXLqQ-00087-00016631-00016863 more people out there so let's do this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00088-00016864-00017111 50 seconds work 10 seconds rest 10 KtwK8QhXLqQ-00089-00017112-00017271 minutes that is all we're doing just 10 KtwK8QhXLqQ-00090-00017272-00017430 minutes KtwK8QhXLqQ-00091-00017431-00017679 ready for it let's go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00092-00017680-00017950 all right here we go stance jacks KtwK8QhXLqQ-00093-00017951-00018103 i've got to be a little bit quiet KtwK8QhXLqQ-00094-00018104-00018247 actually this morning because the girls KtwK8QhXLqQ-00095-00018248-00018447 are still in bed KtwK8QhXLqQ-00096-00018448-00018630 so i don't want to KtwK8QhXLqQ-00097-00018631-00018783 wake them up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00098-00018784-00019055 halfway through this workout where KtwK8QhXLqQ-00099-00019056-00019455 gracie my six-year-old come in with KtwK8QhXLqQ-00100-00019456-00019639 blurry eyes KtwK8QhXLqQ-00101-00019640-00019903 daddy what you doing oh gotta be a KtwK8QhXLqQ-00102-00019904-00020207 little bit quiet today KtwK8QhXLqQ-00103-00020208-00020463 now stash jacks you're here with me KtwK8QhXLqQ-00104-00020464-00020599 show you from the side because i want to KtwK8QhXLqQ-00105-00020600-00020743 make sure your back is in good shape KtwK8QhXLqQ-00106-00020744-00020943 that a little curve in the smaller back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00107-00020944-00021086 but i'm not rounding the back not going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00108-00021087-00021247 into the hunchback KtwK8QhXLqQ-00109-00021248-00021391 we're here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00110-00021392-00021519 sticking the butt out so it's not a KtwK8QhXLqQ-00111-00021520-00021622 squat KtwK8QhXLqQ-00112-00021623-00021814 knees are bent well i'm not going down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00113-00021815-00022214 here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00114-00022215-00022439 now let's keep it moving KtwK8QhXLqQ-00115-00022440-00022655 so far so good KtwK8QhXLqQ-00116-00022656-00022814 exercise one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00117-00022815-00023039 done all right next up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00118-00023040-00023303 oh cheeky one for you squat and kick who KtwK8QhXLqQ-00119-00023304-00023614 else are we going here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00120-00023615-00023863 enid hey nid great to see you i don't KtwK8QhXLqQ-00121-00023864-00024039 think i've seen you on here before all KtwK8QhXLqQ-00122-00024040-00024303 right the squad kick we come down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00123-00024304-00024486 bang KtwK8QhXLqQ-00124-00024487-00024655 bang now with your squat feet a little KtwK8QhXLqQ-00125-00024656-00024878 bit wider than shoulder width get your KtwK8QhXLqQ-00126-00024879-00025111 butt down low come up tall KtwK8QhXLqQ-00127-00025112-00025294 and kick you can kick as high as you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00128-00025295-00025575 want or as low as you want KtwK8QhXLqQ-00129-00025576-00025911 depends how flexible you are KtwK8QhXLqQ-00130-00025912-00026006 and just KtwK8QhXLqQ-00131-00026007-00026199 launch that leg out in front KtwK8QhXLqQ-00132-00026200-00026367 bang KtwK8QhXLqQ-00133-00026368-00026614 bang give it some give it some whirly KtwK8QhXLqQ-00134-00026616-00026783 again from the side watch that back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00135-00026783-00026887 position KtwK8QhXLqQ-00136-00026888-00027111 making sure you're not here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00137-00027112-00027343 you're down low up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00138-00027344-00027574 kick KtwK8QhXLqQ-00139-00027575-00027870 again as i said give it some welly KtwK8QhXLqQ-00140-00027872-00027983 but the same time you're going at your KtwK8QhXLqQ-00141-00027983-00028143 own pace KtwK8QhXLqQ-00142-00028144-00028279 so you don't have to go a million miles KtwK8QhXLqQ-00143-00028280-00028423 an hour KtwK8QhXLqQ-00144-00028424-00028655 everyone's starting at different KtwK8QhXLqQ-00145-00028656-00028807 fitness levels i'm gonna give it one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00146-00028808-00028927 more KtwK8QhXLqQ-00147-00028927-00029062 all right next one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00148-00029063-00029343 now this is a cheeky one it's got a KtwK8QhXLqQ-00149-00029344-00029462 one-two KtwK8QhXLqQ-00150-00029463-00029695 harness you're going to take two steps KtwK8QhXLqQ-00151-00029695-00030031 bring the inside knee across KtwK8QhXLqQ-00152-00030032-00030255 and you can go as slow as you like KtwK8QhXLqQ-00153-00030256-00030543 i do it super slow for you here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00154-00030544-00030735 one step two KtwK8QhXLqQ-00155-00030736-00031223 knee one two knee one two knee KtwK8QhXLqQ-00156-00031224-00031358 and that's all it is and then once you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00157-00031360-00031511 get into the ribbon KtwK8QhXLqQ-00158-00031512-00031670 speed it up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00159-00031672-00031879 have a good time KtwK8QhXLqQ-00160-00031880-00032302 and we're off we're off to the races KtwK8QhXLqQ-00161-00032303-00032462 now i'm on my mat here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00162-00032463-00032718 kind of perfect guidance for this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00163-00032719-00033039 but you can use your couch KtwK8QhXLqQ-00164-00033040-00033351 your sofa whatever you call it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00165-00033352-00033551 in the uk we call it sofa most of the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00166-00033552-00033787 time KtwK8QhXLqQ-00167-00033788-00033918 [Music] KtwK8QhXLqQ-00168-00033919-00034095 officer t there's a new one for you if KtwK8QhXLqQ-00169-00034096-00034311 you're across the pond KtwK8QhXLqQ-00170-00034312-00034767 last few seconds here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00171-00034768-00034983 all right next up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00172-00034984-00035231 we're gonna burn the fires KtwK8QhXLqQ-00173-00035232-00035415 going to drop down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00174-00035416-00035518 into KtwK8QhXLqQ-00175-00035519-00035718 the squat position KtwK8QhXLqQ-00176-00035719-00035895 so we're down here and all you're going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00177-00035896-00036023 to do KtwK8QhXLqQ-00178-00036024-00036302 is bounce so a little pulsing move KtwK8QhXLqQ-00179-00036303-00036479 now try and keep the weight KtwK8QhXLqQ-00180-00036480-00036574 on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00181-00036575-00036774 your heels KtwK8QhXLqQ-00182-00036775-00037007 so i'm here my head's up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00183-00037008-00037271 shoulders back chest proud KtwK8QhXLqQ-00184-00037272-00037471 if at any point you feel your back going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00185-00037472-00037623 into a hunchback KtwK8QhXLqQ-00186-00037624-00037935 stand tall reset it shoulders back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00187-00037936-00038111 and go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00188-00038112-00038287 so we're just bouncing bouncing bouncing KtwK8QhXLqQ-00189-00038288-00038430 this is going to burn a little bit i'll KtwK8QhXLqQ-00190-00038431-00038535 be honest KtwK8QhXLqQ-00191-00038536-00038702 it's going to burn especially the second KtwK8QhXLqQ-00192-00038703-00038935 round KtwK8QhXLqQ-00193-00038936-00039111 all right keep it coming keep it coming KtwK8QhXLqQ-00194-00039112-00039271 fight it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00195-00039272-00039487 great you'd see bite the tongue do what KtwK8QhXLqQ-00196-00039488-00039574 you can KtwK8QhXLqQ-00197-00039575-00039895 get through this we have 10 more seconds KtwK8QhXLqQ-00198-00039896-00040255 oh yes it's getting a little tasty now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00199-00040256-00040502 come on keep going keep going three KtwK8QhXLqQ-00200-00040503-00040607 two KtwK8QhXLqQ-00201-00040608-00040695 one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00202-00040696-00040951 good stuff shake it out KtwK8QhXLqQ-00203-00040952-00041230 okay from there on to your back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00204-00041231-00041462 so i'm gonna lie down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00205-00041463-00041590 and we're gonna go with some flutter KtwK8QhXLqQ-00206-00041591-00041711 kicks KtwK8QhXLqQ-00207-00041712-00041839 now for flutter kicks i want you keep KtwK8QhXLqQ-00208-00041840-00041983 your head KtwK8QhXLqQ-00209-00041984-00042143 on the mat KtwK8QhXLqQ-00210-00042144-00042367 and hands on you but acting as a bit of KtwK8QhXLqQ-00211-00042368-00042479 a shelf KtwK8QhXLqQ-00212-00042480-00042815 and it's just this movement here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00213-00042816-00042943 now there is flutter kicks where you can KtwK8QhXLqQ-00214-00042944-00043174 come up make it a little bit tougher KtwK8QhXLqQ-00215-00043175-00043446 but for most people KtwK8QhXLqQ-00216-00043447-00043783 who haven't got a strong neck KtwK8QhXLqQ-00217-00043784-00043999 or haven't done any exercise for a long KtwK8QhXLqQ-00218-00044000-00044135 time KtwK8QhXLqQ-00219-00044136-00044351 then this is good enough KtwK8QhXLqQ-00220-00044352-00044518 and you can make it easier by taking KtwK8QhXLqQ-00221-00044519-00044718 your legs higher up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00222-00044719-00044862 you can even bend your knees to a KtwK8QhXLqQ-00223-00044863-00045246 certain degree do a bit of a cycle KtwK8QhXLqQ-00224-00045247-00045574 once you get good enough KtwK8QhXLqQ-00225-00045575-00045830 and then this is what we want KtwK8QhXLqQ-00226-00045831-00046046 a small movement KtwK8QhXLqQ-00227-00046047-00046246 it's working the core KtwK8QhXLqQ-00228-00046247-00046686 getting those abs fired up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00229-00046687-00046862 they should try and keep that lower back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00230-00046863-00047079 push down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00231-00047080-00047302 feel it arching up then take a breather KtwK8QhXLqQ-00232-00047303-00047415 for a second KtwK8QhXLqQ-00233-00047416-00047655 then get back into it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00234-00047656-00047839 all right come on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00235-00047840-00048183 nearly there KtwK8QhXLqQ-00236-00048184-00048590 and relax KtwK8QhXLqQ-00237-00048591-00048702 all right so we're going back to the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00238-00048703-00048895 beginning KtwK8QhXLqQ-00239-00048896-00049118 if i can get my watch sorry there we go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00240-00049119-00049374 right are you ready stash jacks KtwK8QhXLqQ-00241-00049375-00049543 off we go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00242-00049544-00049751 hop and drop KtwK8QhXLqQ-00243-00049752-00049911 reaching down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00244-00049912-00050239 let's keep it going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00245-00050240-00050407 see keep going keep going don't stop KtwK8QhXLqQ-00246-00050408-00050702 don't stop keep pushing it so still KtwK8QhXLqQ-00247-00050703-00050951 moving who else is jumping in here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00248-00050952-00051223 flutter kicks KtwK8QhXLqQ-00249-00051224-00051319 boom KtwK8QhXLqQ-00250-00051320-00051535 yes KtwK8QhXLqQ-00251-00051536-00052102 it does burn it does burn KtwK8QhXLqQ-00252-00052103-00052230 it's good to see i've got a few people KtwK8QhXLqQ-00253-00052232-00052358 on it because i haven't announced this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00254-00052359-00052607 live i've just gone live i wasn't even KtwK8QhXLqQ-00255-00052608-00052766 planning it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00256-00052767-00052942 i'm gonna do my own workout and i'm KtwK8QhXLqQ-00257-00052944-00053094 still gonna do a little bit of KtwK8QhXLqQ-00258-00053095-00053282 stretching KtwK8QhXLqQ-00259-00053283-00053423 some uh KtwK8QhXLqQ-00260-00053424-00053926 some work for my my knees KtwK8QhXLqQ-00261-00053927-00054047 remember if you can't do the jumping KtwK8QhXLqQ-00262-00054048-00054199 version step KtwK8QhXLqQ-00263-00054200-00054542 step we'll try and pick up the pace now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00264-00054544-00054823 deep breaths one kick coming up squat KtwK8QhXLqQ-00265-00054824-00054975 and kick KtwK8QhXLqQ-00266-00054976-00055150 who was that i said it was he needed i KtwK8QhXLqQ-00267-00055151-00055407 didn't need it again KtwK8QhXLqQ-00268-00055408-00055679 all right squat on kick get low KtwK8QhXLqQ-00269-00055679-00055815 bang KtwK8QhXLqQ-00270-00055816-00056079 i said give it some welly KtwK8QhXLqQ-00271-00056079-00056519 get into this one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00272-00056520-00056615 all right KtwK8QhXLqQ-00273-00056616-00056726 i wanna KtwK8QhXLqQ-00274-00056727-00056942 feel warmer now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00275-00056944-00057087 so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00276-00057088-00057254 should be able to push it a little bit KtwK8QhXLqQ-00277-00057255-00057679 further KtwK8QhXLqQ-00278-00057679-00057847 come on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00279-00057848-00058159 get low on that squat sink into it onto KtwK8QhXLqQ-00280-00058160-00058447 your heels get low come up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00281-00058448-00058623 and KtwK8QhXLqQ-00282-00058624-00059087 kung fu kick back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00283-00059088-00059319 all right we are nearly here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00284-00059320-00059647 into the next exercise 10 seconds to go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00285-00059648-00059879 so the legs are starting to feel it now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00286-00059879-00060119 especially after that KtwK8QhXLqQ-00287-00060120-00060282 well after those pulsing KtwK8QhXLqQ-00288-00060283-00060575 squats good relax KtwK8QhXLqQ-00289-00060576-00060679 all right so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00290-00060679-00060894 the one two knee KtwK8QhXLqQ-00291-00060895-00061142 one two inside knee KtwK8QhXLqQ-00292-00061144-00061487 want to get into the rhythm again KtwK8QhXLqQ-00293-00061488-00061694 and here we go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00294-00061695-00062047 so trying to bring your heart rate up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00295-00062048-00062166 so i'm starting to breathe a little bit KtwK8QhXLqQ-00296-00062167-00062487 heavier now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00297-00062488-00063175 waking my body up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00298-00063176-00063294 so as you can see it's just a little KtwK8QhXLqQ-00299-00063295-00063430 stutter step KtwK8QhXLqQ-00300-00063432-00063894 so i'm not doing a big step KtwK8QhXLqQ-00301-00063895-00064119 there's that change of direction KtwK8QhXLqQ-00302-00064120-00064550 that zaps the legs KtwK8QhXLqQ-00303-00064551-00064711 come on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00304-00064712-00064879 keep up now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00305-00064879-00065047 keep pushing KtwK8QhXLqQ-00306-00065048-00065750 go go go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00307-00065751-00066559 nearly there KtwK8QhXLqQ-00308-00066560-00066735 all right KtwK8QhXLqQ-00309-00066736-00067006 and the fun is just about to begin KtwK8QhXLqQ-00310-00067007-00067231 pulsing squat KtwK8QhXLqQ-00311-00067232-00067638 go down low and let's bounce KtwK8QhXLqQ-00312-00067639-00067823 now if at any point you're struggling KtwK8QhXLqQ-00313-00067824-00067959 during this KtwK8QhXLqQ-00314-00067960-00068103 let's come up give yourself three KtwK8QhXLqQ-00315-00068104-00068231 seconds KtwK8QhXLqQ-00316-00068232-00068343 maximum KtwK8QhXLqQ-00317-00068344-00068431 okay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00318-00068432-00068591 just three seconds KtwK8QhXLqQ-00319-00068592-00068863 and then come back down again KtwK8QhXLqQ-00320-00068864-00069015 all right sometimes that's all we need KtwK8QhXLqQ-00321-00069016-00069223 for a mental break KtwK8QhXLqQ-00322-00069224-00069479 rather than just throwing in the towel KtwK8QhXLqQ-00323-00069480-00069694 and giving up completely no KtwK8QhXLqQ-00324-00069695-00069903 you come up one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00325-00069904-00070031 two KtwK8QhXLqQ-00326-00070032-00070167 three go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00327-00070168-00070303 get back into it and that can be the KtwK8QhXLqQ-00328-00070304-00070487 same for any exercise KtwK8QhXLqQ-00329-00070488-00070871 that will really help you push on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00330-00070872-00071103 always keep going keep going bounce KtwK8QhXLqQ-00331-00071104-00071319 bounce bounce KtwK8QhXLqQ-00332-00071320-00071519 ten seconds left KtwK8QhXLqQ-00333-00071520-00071806 oh yes head up now do not look down to KtwK8QhXLqQ-00334-00071807-00071959 the ground keep your head up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00335-00071960-00072215 shoulders back chest proud finish in KtwK8QhXLqQ-00336-00072216-00072350 style KtwK8QhXLqQ-00337-00072351-00072567 and up to the top good stuff KtwK8QhXLqQ-00338-00072568-00072775 shake it out KtwK8QhXLqQ-00339-00072776-00073062 all right down to the mat we have our KtwK8QhXLqQ-00340-00073063-00073231 last one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00341-00073232-00073350 and it is KtwK8QhXLqQ-00342-00073351-00073582 the old flutter kicks KtwK8QhXLqQ-00343-00073583-00073743 so let's bring them up KtwK8QhXLqQ-00344-00073744-00073991 get hands under the butt for a shelf KtwK8QhXLqQ-00345-00073992-00074159 it's gonna help push your lower back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00346-00074160-00074575 down KtwK8QhXLqQ-00347-00074576-00074694 i'm gonna try and keep that lower back KtwK8QhXLqQ-00348-00074695-00074919 pushed in KtwK8QhXLqQ-00349-00074920-00075175 control the breathing KtwK8QhXLqQ-00350-00075176-00075335 and again same thing i just said with KtwK8QhXLqQ-00351-00075336-00075447 the squats KtwK8QhXLqQ-00352-00075448-00075606 if you need to any point give yourself KtwK8QhXLqQ-00353-00075607-00075806 three seconds KtwK8QhXLqQ-00354-00075807-00076062 rest and go again KtwK8QhXLqQ-00355-00076063-00076206 we haven't got a long left though so we KtwK8QhXLqQ-00356-00076207-00076382 don't need to rest right KtwK8QhXLqQ-00357-00076383-00076838 let's keep it going KtwK8QhXLqQ-00358-00076839-00077119 15 seconds KtwK8QhXLqQ-00359-00077120-00077623 hold tight now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00360-00077624-00077871 keep that lower back pushed in KtwK8QhXLqQ-00361-00077872-00078159 go go go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00362-00078160-00078262 two KtwK8QhXLqQ-00363-00078263-00078694 one KtwK8QhXLqQ-00364-00078695-00078911 so there we go KtwK8QhXLqQ-00365-00078912-00079126 that is 10 minutes KtwK8QhXLqQ-00366-00079127-00079238 job done KtwK8QhXLqQ-00367-00079239-00079487 now if there are KtwK8QhXLqQ-00368-00079488-00079694 any exercises KtwK8QhXLqQ-00369-00079695-00079831 in that little routine you think you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00370-00079832-00080031 know what i can't do that just stop it KtwK8QhXLqQ-00371-00080032-00080150 out KtwK8QhXLqQ-00372-00080151-00080287 doesn't mean you don't do the workout at KtwK8QhXLqQ-00373-00080288-00080582 all you just adapt it slightly for you KtwK8QhXLqQ-00374-00080583-00080719 okay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00375-00080720-00080887 let's see rachel's in here having a KtwK8QhXLqQ-00376-00080888-00081087 coffee then off to the gym good stuff KtwK8QhXLqQ-00377-00081088-00081255 rachel you're on the ball KtwK8QhXLqQ-00378-00081256-00081438 i like it i'll be KtwK8QhXLqQ-00379-00081439-00081687 i'll be checking in with you later on so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00380-00081688-00081815 watch out for that so if you're watching KtwK8QhXLqQ-00381-00081816-00082079 this you enjoyed that workout KtwK8QhXLqQ-00382-00082080-00082318 first off hit that like button KtwK8QhXLqQ-00383-00082319-00082582 and then share it with your friends okay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00384-00082583-00082871 and uh if you haven't yet say hello KtwK8QhXLqQ-00385-00082872-00083087 um hashtag replay KtwK8QhXLqQ-00386-00083088-00083247 and KtwK8QhXLqQ-00387-00083248-00083359 i'm gonna KtwK8QhXLqQ-00388-00083360-00083550 have a little chilled out moment now KtwK8QhXLqQ-00389-00083551-00083831 do some stretching do a couple of uh KtwK8QhXLqQ-00390-00083832-00084015 mobility drills for my knees because i KtwK8QhXLqQ-00391-00084016-00084191 get tenderness KtwK8QhXLqQ-00392-00084192-00084455 should i say tendinitis in my my knees KtwK8QhXLqQ-00393-00084456-00084615 and i've got basketball tomorrow so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00394-00084616-00084711 trying to KtwK8QhXLqQ-00395-00084712-00084894 work on that so KtwK8QhXLqQ-00396-00084895-00085062 hope you have a good day KtwK8QhXLqQ-00397-00085063-00085223 and check out some of my other videos on KtwK8QhXLqQ-00398-00085224-00085311 here KtwK8QhXLqQ-00399-00085312-00085559 and i'll see you later all KtwK8QhXLqQ-00400-00085560-00085939 take care for now bye KtBdE-E3yuA-00000-00000000-00000241 how you can reinvest in yourself when KtBdE-E3yuA-00001-00000242-00000994 you're building your empire guys Kim KtBdE-E3yuA-00002-00000996-00001166 Barrett here from your social voice and KtBdE-E3yuA-00003-00001167-00001345 today I really want to talk to you about KtBdE-E3yuA-00004-00001346-00001651 reinvesting in yourself to ensure that KtBdE-E3yuA-00005-00001652-00001909 you can grow your empire now there's two KtBdE-E3yuA-00006-00001910-00002072 different areas and I want to talk about KtBdE-E3yuA-00007-00002073-00002302 here number one is you personally and KtBdE-E3yuA-00008-00002303-00002555 number two is your business because both KtBdE-E3yuA-00009-00002556-00002756 areas need to be invested in if you do KtBdE-E3yuA-00010-00002757-00002948 want to grow something big something KtBdE-E3yuA-00011-00002949-00003211 special for yourself and for the future KtBdE-E3yuA-00012-00003213-00003410 now look this is not for everyone not KtBdE-E3yuA-00013-00003411-00003644 necessarily this everyone want to grow a KtBdE-E3yuA-00014-00003645-00003881 huge Empire build something that's going KtBdE-E3yuA-00015-00003882-00004028 to be bigger than themselves and that's KtBdE-E3yuA-00016-00004029-00004231 okay okay so I don't want you to be KtBdE-E3yuA-00017-00004232-00004349 thinking that just because you hear KtBdE-E3yuA-00018-00004350-00004472 people talking about how they're KtBdE-E3yuA-00019-00004473-00004651 building these multi-million huge KtBdE-E3yuA-00020-00004652-00004822 corporations and companies and KtBdE-E3yuA-00021-00004823-00005051 businesses to leave a legacy or whatever KtBdE-E3yuA-00022-00005052-00005258 that might mean it doesn't mean that you KtBdE-E3yuA-00023-00005259-00005408 have to do that if you're quite happy KtBdE-E3yuA-00024-00005409-00005618 kicking along making you know six KtBdE-E3yuA-00025-00005619-00005788 figures 100 grand seventy grand in your KtBdE-E3yuA-00026-00005789-00005911 business you just want to keep that KtBdE-E3yuA-00027-00005912-00006092 going because it's lifestyle for you and KtBdE-E3yuA-00028-00006093-00006326 your family hey okay I'm not here to KtBdE-E3yuA-00029-00006327-00006500 tell you otherwise I'm just gonna here KtBdE-E3yuA-00030-00006501-00006626 to tell you if you do want to grow KtBdE-E3yuA-00031-00006627-00006803 something big a couple of things that I KtBdE-E3yuA-00032-00006804-00006992 recommend for investing in yourself KtBdE-E3yuA-00033-00006993-00007181 personally and also in the business side KtBdE-E3yuA-00034-00007181-00007391 as well so let's start off with the easy KtBdE-E3yuA-00035-00007392-00007639 one or the hard one depending on how you KtBdE-E3yuA-00036-00007640-00007877 want to look at which is you personally KtBdE-E3yuA-00037-00007878-00008051 now there's a couple of different areas KtBdE-E3yuA-00038-00008052-00008216 when it comes to your personal growth to KtBdE-E3yuA-00039-00008217-00008414 allow you to grow something big that you KtBdE-E3yuA-00040-00008415-00008645 need to think about right it's very very KtBdE-E3yuA-00041-00008646-00008860 very important and now the first one is KtBdE-E3yuA-00042-00008861-00009149 your health I know what sounds shooting KtBdE-E3yuA-00043-00009150-00009284 like in this is a business video you KtBdE-E3yuA-00044-00009285-00009473 have a marketing channel why are you KtBdE-E3yuA-00045-00009474-00009649 talking about your health but it's one KtBdE-E3yuA-00046-00009650-00009830 of the biggest keys to success to allow KtBdE-E3yuA-00047-00009831-00010028 you to grow and move forward it's KtBdE-E3yuA-00048-00010029-00010151 something that I've done well previously KtBdE-E3yuA-00049-00010152-00010376 and done wrong previously as well where KtBdE-E3yuA-00050-00010377-00010544 I took my focus away from my health and KtBdE-E3yuA-00051-00010545-00010774 my result started to drop as well so KtBdE-E3yuA-00052-00010775-00010981 that comes down to physical movement KtBdE-E3yuA-00053-00010982-00011183 moving your body every single day going KtBdE-E3yuA-00054-00011184-00011314 out there and making something happen KtBdE-E3yuA-00055-00011315-00011606 moving around so that your body number KtBdE-E3yuA-00056-00011607-00011788 one has movement has blood flow has KtBdE-E3yuA-00057-00011789-00012056 oxygen number two so that you actually KtBdE-E3yuA-00058-00012057-00012320 start to get healthier your body starts KtBdE-E3yuA-00059-00012321-00012478 to react better you can get up earlier KtBdE-E3yuA-00060-00012479-00012667 you can go longer you know you can KtBdE-E3yuA-00061-00012668-00012830 actually serve your clients better it's KtBdE-E3yuA-00062-00012831-00013049 so so so important and the second one to KtBdE-E3yuA-00063-00013050-00013175 that is your nutrition KtBdE-E3yuA-00064-00013176-00013380 choosing the right foods to go in your KtBdE-E3yuA-00065-00013381-00013580 body every single day because I know we KtBdE-E3yuA-00066-00013581-00013776 can get busy I know it as business KtBdE-E3yuA-00067-00013777-00014133 owners we can get lazy we can go hey we KtBdE-E3yuA-00068-00014134-00014288 can make noise like these guys next door KtBdE-E3yuA-00069-00014290-00014444 who are fixing up the air conditioner KtBdE-E3yuA-00070-00014445-00014604 which is great all right they're out KtBdE-E3yuA-00071-00014605-00014805 there getting that finding 30 guys but KtBdE-E3yuA-00072-00014806-00014910 what you want to focus on with your KtBdE-E3yuA-00073-00014911-00015208 nutrition is having high dense KtBdE-E3yuA-00074-00015209-00015450 nutrient-rich food because well maybe KtBdE-E3yuA-00075-00015451-00015579 when it's along in the end of the day KtBdE-E3yuA-00076-00015580-00015738 you've been screwing in air conditioners KtBdE-E3yuA-00077-00015738-00015905 all day what happens is you want KtBdE-E3yuA-00078-00015906-00016044 something easy the last thing you want KtBdE-E3yuA-00079-00016044-00016191 to do is cook the last thing you want to KtBdE-E3yuA-00080-00016191-00016355 do is make a salad the last thing you KtBdE-E3yuA-00081-00016356-00016521 want to do is to put together a green KtBdE-E3yuA-00082-00016522-00016743 smoothie you want something easy fast KtBdE-E3yuA-00083-00016744-00016965 cheap right because you can't be KtBdE-E3yuA-00084-00016966-00017274 bothered doing anything else but it has KtBdE-E3yuA-00085-00017275-00017505 a detrimental effect right because what KtBdE-E3yuA-00086-00017506-00017664 happens over time as you do that which KtBdE-E3yuA-00087-00017665-00017835 I've learnt which many people have is KtBdE-E3yuA-00088-00017836-00018063 that you body starts to react negatively KtBdE-E3yuA-00089-00018064-00018237 to that you don't have as much energy KtBdE-E3yuA-00090-00018238-00018428 gets to 2 p.m. you need a coffee KtBdE-E3yuA-00091-00018429-00018621 you need a triple espresso right you KtBdE-E3yuA-00092-00018622-00018717 need just to get through the afternoon KtBdE-E3yuA-00093-00018718-00019022 and that's not normal one of the big KtBdE-E3yuA-00094-00019023-00019152 keys though that I've found to help me KtBdE-E3yuA-00095-00019153-00019350 with that is drinking water one of my KtBdE-E3yuA-00096-00019351-00019536 good friends Alex a fan has a natural KtBdE-E3yuA-00097-00019537-00019728 thirst challenge where I think it's 10 KtBdE-E3yuA-00098-00019729-00019992 days all you do is drink water right and KtBdE-E3yuA-00099-00019993-00020213 the coffee is no sparkling water no teas KtBdE-E3yuA-00100-00020214-00020541 just water when you find that to doing KtBdE-E3yuA-00101-00020542-00020755 that is most people are walking around KtBdE-E3yuA-00102-00020756-00021018 dehydrated right which makes their brain KtBdE-E3yuA-00103-00021019-00021153 foggy which makes it hard to make KtBdE-E3yuA-00104-00021154-00021378 decisions all which are important when KtBdE-E3yuA-00105-00021379-00021621 you're running a business so you really KtBdE-E3yuA-00106-00021622-00021762 need to focus on that you really need to KtBdE-E3yuA-00107-00021763-00021905 try and open your mind up to these KtBdE-E3yuA-00108-00021906-00022037 things and most of the time if you're KtBdE-E3yuA-00109-00022038-00022247 hungry drink some more water if you have KtBdE-E3yuA-00110-00022248-00022425 brain fog drink some more water if KtBdE-E3yuA-00111-00022426-00022572 you're feeling tired drink some more KtBdE-E3yuA-00112-00022573-00022775 water and I'm talking like liters of the KtBdE-E3yuA-00113-00022776-00022974 stuff or you know I don't know what the KtBdE-E3yuA-00114-00022975-00023159 measurement is in the u.s. right but KtBdE-E3yuA-00115-00023160-00023334 leaders in Australia we have so we drink KtBdE-E3yuA-00116-00023335-00023577 all the leaders possible five six liters KtBdE-E3yuA-00117-00023578-00023700 a day I'm probably drinking at the KtBdE-E3yuA-00118-00023701-00023874 moment and I still feel drained KtBdE-E3yuA-00119-00023875-00024147 sometimes no foods do feel dehydrated so KtBdE-E3yuA-00120-00024148-00024275 you got to make sure that you get that KtBdE-E3yuA-00121-00024276-00024581 in now that's one side Jenna I'm not an KtBdE-E3yuA-00122-00024582-00024734 expert on those areas understanding this KtBdE-E3yuA-00123-00024735-00024918 scenario you should look at by no means KtBdE-E3yuA-00124-00024919-00025050 you can tell I'm not a personal trainer KtBdE-E3yuA-00125-00025051-00025272 and nutritionist water hydration expert KtBdE-E3yuA-00126-00025273-00025406 I'm just saying they're areas you should KtBdE-E3yuA-00127-00025407-00025628 assess now secondly is your personal KtBdE-E3yuA-00128-00025629-00025820 development right because one of the big KtBdE-E3yuA-00129-00025822-00025997 sayings if you've ever heard is that KtBdE-E3yuA-00130-00025998-00026183 your business will only grow to the KtBdE-E3yuA-00131-00026184-00026283 extent that your will KtBdE-E3yuA-00132-00026283-00026505 to grow yourself which means personal KtBdE-E3yuA-00133-00026506-00026702 development sometimes I said well that's KtBdE-E3yuA-00134-00026704-00026864 a bad word talk about personal KtBdE-E3yuA-00135-00026866-00027095 development no don't talk about emotions KtBdE-E3yuA-00136-00027097-00027227 and things like that but they're so KtBdE-E3yuA-00137-00027229-00027423 important because think about all the KtBdE-E3yuA-00138-00027424-00027561 emotions that you have in a day as a KtBdE-E3yuA-00139-00027562-00027717 business owner you get up you're in a KtBdE-E3yuA-00140-00027718-00027893 high you're happy if you get in started KtBdE-E3yuA-00141-00027894-00028011 something wrong you still have to get KtBdE-E3yuA-00142-00028012-00028173 upset right something else happens you KtBdE-E3yuA-00143-00028174-00028350 get angry you get sad you get tired you KtBdE-E3yuA-00144-00028351-00028554 get frustrated all these emotions if you KtBdE-E3yuA-00145-00028555-00028715 can't master yourself and the way that KtBdE-E3yuA-00146-00028716-00028893 you respond to these things how are you KtBdE-E3yuA-00147-00028894-00029039 ever going to be able to grow business KtBdE-E3yuA-00148-00029041-00029232 beyond just yourself for yourself in a KtBdE-E3yuA-00149-00029233-00029481 small team becomes very hard so you need KtBdE-E3yuA-00150-00029482-00029733 to have that personal mastery I highly KtBdE-E3yuA-00151-00029733-00029889 recommend doing as much personal KtBdE-E3yuA-00152-00029889-00030081 development as you can as you can KtBdE-E3yuA-00153-00030082-00030333 alongside your business development so KtBdE-E3yuA-00154-00030333-00030512 that's going to events in courses KtBdE-E3yuA-00155-00030513-00030708 finding coaches and mentors in that KtBdE-E3yuA-00156-00030708-00030896 space you know looking for people that KtBdE-E3yuA-00157-00030897-00031110 can help you in those key areas because KtBdE-E3yuA-00158-00031111-00031275 if you do you'll find that your KtBdE-E3yuA-00159-00031276-00031458 trajectory of your business really KtBdE-E3yuA-00160-00031458-00031689 starts to take off so you can build that KtBdE-E3yuA-00161-00031689-00031914 Empire now on the other hand let's look KtBdE-E3yuA-00162-00031914-00032168 at the business business growth and KtBdE-E3yuA-00163-00032169-00032337 reinvesting in your business is so KtBdE-E3yuA-00164-00032338-00032564 important also and when I mean reinvest KtBdE-E3yuA-00165-00032566-00032760 in two key areas number one is training KtBdE-E3yuA-00166-00032761-00032979 and mentorship and number two is your KtBdE-E3yuA-00167-00032980-00033150 marketing guys I've said it time and KtBdE-E3yuA-00168-00033151-00033285 time and time again you need to have a KtBdE-E3yuA-00169-00033286-00033452 budget you need to be out there spending KtBdE-E3yuA-00170-00033453-00033582 money on your marketing and advertising KtBdE-E3yuA-00171-00033583-00033837 getting in front of more people if you KtBdE-E3yuA-00172-00033838-00033960 want to grow because if you're not KtBdE-E3yuA-00173-00033961-00034176 growing you're dying so you really need KtBdE-E3yuA-00174-00034177-00034344 to have that as a key focus within your KtBdE-E3yuA-00175-00034345-00034617 business is to spend money on that we've KtBdE-E3yuA-00176-00034618-00034752 had previous years where we've spent KtBdE-E3yuA-00177-00034753-00034980 upwards of don't tell my accountant one KtBdE-E3yuA-00178-00034981-00035102 hundred and twenty thousand dollars plus KtBdE-E3yuA-00179-00035103-00035343 on our business development or mentors KtBdE-E3yuA-00180-00035344-00035558 on courses on trainings not just for KtBdE-E3yuA-00181-00035559-00035771 myself but for my team as well making KtBdE-E3yuA-00182-00035772-00035919 sure that they have the cutting edge KtBdE-E3yuA-00183-00035920-00036171 knowledge ahead of anyone else so the we KtBdE-E3yuA-00184-00036172-00036381 can get the best results we have mentors KtBdE-E3yuA-00185-00036382-00036660 and sales in marketing in finance in all KtBdE-E3yuA-00186-00036661-00036849 the key areas of our business to ensure KtBdE-E3yuA-00187-00036850-00037107 that we can keep growing right so that KtBdE-E3yuA-00188-00037108-00037275 we can sustainably grow over time KtBdE-E3yuA-00189-00037276-00037608 because we know like and I know I don't KtBdE-E3yuA-00190-00037609-00037806 know everything I went to university and KtBdE-E3yuA-00191-00037807-00037983 studied marketing and management but KtBdE-E3yuA-00192-00037984-00038154 there's nothing in university about KtBdE-E3yuA-00193-00038155-00038361 running a digital agency that sort of KtBdE-E3yuA-00194-00038362-00038540 thing right so of course you can't tape KtBdE-E3yuA-00195-00038541-00038736 running an agency 101 that's not a KtBdE-E3yuA-00196-00038737-00038994 course you can go and do so you need to KtBdE-E3yuA-00197-00038995-00039102 get that information and the information KtBdE-E3yuA-00198-00039103-00039351 is easily accessible from people who KtBdE-E3yuA-00199-00039352-00039507 have been there before who have done it KtBdE-E3yuA-00200-00039508-00039574 before KtBdE-E3yuA-00201-00039575-00039763 people who can teach you how to do it in KtBdE-E3yuA-00202-00039764-00040000 the context of the kernel world not they KtBdE-E3yuA-00203-00040001-00040159 wrote a textbook about it ten years ago KtBdE-E3yuA-00204-00040160-00040471 and now suddenly it comes out and over KtBdE-E3yuA-00205-00040472-00040624 time you've got to keep investing in KtBdE-E3yuA-00206-00040625-00040813 your business in mentors and coaches in KtBdE-E3yuA-00207-00040814-00041011 events so that you can keep growing keep KtBdE-E3yuA-00208-00041012-00041185 up to date with what's happening and KtBdE-E3yuA-00209-00041186-00041386 really use that to leverage and grow KtBdE-E3yuA-00210-00041387-00041581 your business because really you're only KtBdE-E3yuA-00211-00041582-00041902 one small thing away from building a KtBdE-E3yuA-00212-00041903-00042097 huge Empire the reason why this video KtBdE-E3yuA-00213-00042098-00042250 was done in behind you can probably a KtBdE-E3yuA-00214-00042251-00042400 little bit see it behind me is it's KtBdE-E3yuA-00215-00042401-00042658 three three canvases and each one of KtBdE-E3yuA-00216-00042659-00042844 those canvas is a reflective of a sales KtBdE-E3yuA-00217-00042845-00043084 letter that was written by each one was KtBdE-E3yuA-00218-00043085-00043234 written by one of the top three you know KtBdE-E3yuA-00219-00043235-00043405 really in my mind copy writers of all KtBdE-E3yuA-00220-00043406-00043696 time being David Ogilvy Gary Halbert and KtBdE-E3yuA-00221-00043697-00043837 then we also have Eugene Schwartz on KtBdE-E3yuA-00222-00043838-00044017 there as well and each one of those KtBdE-E3yuA-00223-00044018-00044176 sales letters is representative of KtBdE-E3yuA-00224-00044177-00044362 millions and millions and millions of KtBdE-E3yuA-00225-00044363-00044611 dollars in sales just one letter that KtBdE-E3yuA-00226-00044612-00044863 leads to use through direct mail so KtBdE-E3yuA-00227-00044864-00045169 you're only one sales letter you're only KtBdE-E3yuA-00228-00045170-00045481 one funnel one ad one successful KtBdE-E3yuA-00229-00045482-00045724 campaign away from achieving everything KtBdE-E3yuA-00230-00045725-00045907 you've ever wanted in your business so KtBdE-E3yuA-00231-00045908-00046065 you need to be prepared for it which KtBdE-E3yuA-00232-00046066-00046294 means investing in testing investing in KtBdE-E3yuA-00233-00046295-00046444 coaching and mentoring and investing in KtBdE-E3yuA-00234-00046445-00046648 yourself to ensure that your body can KtBdE-E3yuA-00235-00046649-00046867 physically handle that right investing KtBdE-E3yuA-00236-00046868-00047074 in time offers well holidays great KtBdE-E3yuA-00237-00047075-00047284 investment guys so hopefully you've got KtBdE-E3yuA-00238-00047285-00047467 a little bit of that from today on how KtBdE-E3yuA-00239-00047468-00047677 you can focus on investing in yourself KtBdE-E3yuA-00240-00047678-00047884 so that you can grow your Empire and if KtBdE-E3yuA-00241-00047885-00048067 you like this video give me a thumbs up KtBdE-E3yuA-00242-00048068-00048235 comment and let me know if you have any KtBdE-E3yuA-00243-00048236-00048463 questions below or if what really KtBdE-E3yuA-00244-00048464-00048613 resonated with you in any other content KtBdE-E3yuA-00245-00048614-00048814 I've shared today let me know and always KtBdE-E3yuA-00246-00048815-00048996 subscribe so you can see this before KtBdE-E3yuA-00247-00048997-00049309 anyone else until next guy next time KtBdE-E3yuA-00248-00049310-00049486 guys I'm Kimber you've been awesome KtBdE-E3yuA-00249-00049487-00049903 adios KtBdE-E3yuA-00250-00049904-00050110 you Kvpv4e-pyfo-00000-00000000-00000422 november sac but essentially I have to Kvpv4e-pyfo-00001-00000423-00000599 sleep under shielding like that you get Kvpv4e-pyfo-00002-00000600-00000932 the idea I mean right now I thumb all Kvpv4e-pyfo-00003-00000933-00001118 over the show because it just fell apart Kvpv4e-pyfo-00004-00001119-00001441 but when I put it together so this is Kvpv4e-pyfo-00005-00001442-00001651 still kind of intact it's more or less Kvpv4e-pyfo-00006-00001652-00002447 field and it works very well inside here Kvpv4e-pyfo-00007-00002448-00002700 you can see it drop back down to greens Kvpv4e-pyfo-00008-00002701-00002977 right because we're dealing with direct Kvpv4e-pyfo-00009-00002978-00003356 beams yeah but there are certain signals Kvpv4e-pyfo-00010-00003357-00003500 you cannot block out because they're Kvpv4e-pyfo-00011-00003501-00004274 more diffuse but nevertheless when they Kvpv4e-pyfo-00012-00004275-00004766 shoot and shoot through so you know the Kvpv4e-pyfo-00013-00004767-00004963 computer tries to find points where Kvpv4e-pyfo-00014-00004964-00005506 their gaps and it shoots through but Kvpv4e-pyfo-00015-00005507-00005668 essentially this is what it's like being Kvpv4e-pyfo-00016-00005669-00006041 a Jew in the 21st century behind my head Kvpv4e-pyfo-00017-00006042-00006641 I've got here this is a metal inert if Kvpv4e-pyfo-00018-00006642-00007073 you can see a metal pan this is solid Kvpv4e-pyfo-00019-00007073-00007270 metal because from that direction I'm Kvpv4e-pyfo-00020-00007272-00007648 shot up sometimes so my head is being Kvpv4e-pyfo-00021-00007650-00007952 protected like that I have surfside the Kvpv4e-pyfo-00022-00007953-00008156 a loose lips they're usually it's just Kvpv4e-pyfo-00023-00008156-00008762 completely covering my head and I have Kvpv4e-pyfo-00024-00008763-00009098 to and I had to sleep like that for by Kvpv4e-pyfo-00025-00009099-00009410 now a year and every single victim of Kvpv4e-pyfo-00026-00009411-00009581 the intelligence agencies who's being Kvpv4e-pyfo-00027-00009582-00009905 shot up by the degenerate laffy has to Kvpv4e-pyfo-00028-00009906-00010486 do the same thing exactly the same thing KyXecUG-KkM-00000-00000003-00000292 step 3 your client submits a payment KyXecUG-KkM-00001-00000293-00000536 let's pretend that we are your client KyXecUG-KkM-00002-00000537-00000784 after your upload your client receives KyXecUG-KkM-00003-00000785-00000994 an email link to your work and clicks on KyXecUG-KkM-00004-00000996-00001178 the link to be directed to the far perch KyXecUG-KkM-00005-00001179-00001262 payment page KyXecUG-KkM-00006-00001263-00001523 of your project your client vents east KyXecUG-KkM-00007-00001524-00001700 of write files and the agreed-upon price KyXecUG-KkM-00008-00001701-00001937 and decides to pay by clicking on the KyXecUG-KkM-00009-00001938-00002242 pay to download button a pop-up appears KyXecUG-KkM-00010-00002243-00002498 let's fill in all the required details KyXecUG-KkM-00011-00002499-00002765 such as first name last name email KyXecUG-KkM-00012-00002766-00002987 address date of birth country of KyXecUG-KkM-00013-00002988-00004965 residence nationality and payment method KyXecUG-KkM-00014-00004966-00005214 the V 80 percentage is determined KyXecUG-KkM-00015-00005215-00005355 through the selected country of KyXecUG-KkM-00016-00005356-00005436 residence KyXecUG-KkM-00017-00005437-00005751 let's select visa / MasterCard for this KyXecUG-KkM-00018-00005752-00006048 instance and complete the payment we are KyXecUG-KkM-00019-00006049-00006267 now directed to the payment page of Visa KyXecUG-KkM-00020-00006268-00006564 and MasterCard let's fill in all the KyXecUG-KkM-00021-00006565-00006753 credit card details and complete this KyXecUG-KkM-00022-00006754-00009306 payment KyXecUG-KkM-00023-00009307-00009742 and we're done paid for the project in KyXecUG-KkM-00024-00009743-00009985 just a few minutes your client has KyXecUG-KkM-00025-00009986-00010171 successfully paid for the project and KyXecUG-KkM-00026-00010172-00010353 will receive a receipt for the KyXecUG-KkM-00027-00010354-00010537 transaction attached to the order KyXecUG-KkM-00028-00010538-00010854 confirmation email KybrrNh9Dwc-00000-00000168-00000383 okay i think we could go ahead and start KybrrNh9Dwc-00001-00000384-00000655 now so um welcome everybody to this uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00002-00000656-00000966 special nhri zoom session KybrrNh9Dwc-00003-00000967-00001047 um KybrrNh9Dwc-00004-00001048-00001415 uh which was organized to give uh folks KybrrNh9Dwc-00005-00001416-00001798 a chance to hear about a very uh special KybrrNh9Dwc-00006-00001800-00002271 event and honor um involving uh our KybrrNh9Dwc-00007-00002272-00002542 former scientific director dan casper KybrrNh9Dwc-00008-00002543-00002687 i'm just going to make some brief KybrrNh9Dwc-00009-00002688-00002958 remarks turn over to dan and then if KybrrNh9Dwc-00010-00002959-00003063 people have questions you should put KybrrNh9Dwc-00011-00003064-00003206 them in we'll have a moderated q a KybrrNh9Dwc-00012-00003207-00003431 session you could put questions in the q KybrrNh9Dwc-00013-00003432-00003503 a KybrrNh9Dwc-00014-00003504-00003806 and um and paul lewis on board as well KybrrNh9Dwc-00015-00003807-00004095 he's going to moderate that discussion KybrrNh9Dwc-00016-00004096-00004431 but um one thing i would say is one of KybrrNh9Dwc-00017-00004432-00004647 the really gratifying KybrrNh9Dwc-00018-00004648-00004967 um experiences i had uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00019-00004968-00005263 since bringing dan kastner over from KybrrNh9Dwc-00020-00005264-00005583 niamhs to nhri when he joined us as our KybrrNh9Dwc-00021-00005584-00005799 scientific director KybrrNh9Dwc-00022-00005800-00006070 was really just being able to sit back KybrrNh9Dwc-00023-00006071-00006270 as you all know a baseball fan just sit KybrrNh9Dwc-00024-00006271-00006439 back and watch KybrrNh9Dwc-00025-00006440-00006759 dan and his group hit home run after KybrrNh9Dwc-00026-00006759-00006967 home run after home run KybrrNh9Dwc-00027-00006968-00007142 in terms of publication scientific KybrrNh9Dwc-00028-00007143-00007359 accomplishments and then watch the KybrrNh9Dwc-00029-00007359-00007574 accolades come in and the honors come in KybrrNh9Dwc-00030-00007575-00007806 and it was just um it was just so KybrrNh9Dwc-00031-00007808-00008095 gratifying to watch and it made nhgri KybrrNh9Dwc-00032-00008095-00008231 just so proud KybrrNh9Dwc-00033-00008232-00008391 to see all of those things of course we KybrrNh9Dwc-00034-00008392-00008551 knew what we were getting when we KybrrNh9Dwc-00035-00008552-00008710 brought dan over KybrrNh9Dwc-00036-00008711-00008927 even at that point he was a member of KybrrNh9Dwc-00037-00008928-00009103 the national academy of sciences at that KybrrNh9Dwc-00038-00009104-00009287 point since then he became i remember KybrrNh9Dwc-00039-00009288-00009535 the national academy of medicine KybrrNh9Dwc-00040-00009536-00009671 most recently i think many of you KybrrNh9Dwc-00041-00009672-00009831 remember he was federal employee of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00042-00009832-00010159 year in 2018 but he also has a list of KybrrNh9Dwc-00043-00010160-00010335 many other honors and honorific KybrrNh9Dwc-00044-00010336-00010678 lecturers and various other KybrrNh9Dwc-00045-00010679-00010887 accolades bestowed upon him including KybrrNh9Dwc-00046-00010888-00011078 the ross prize in molecular medicine in KybrrNh9Dwc-00047-00011079-00011287 2019. KybrrNh9Dwc-00048-00011288-00011551 but then i think completely surprising KybrrNh9Dwc-00049-00011552-00011855 to dan was a phone call that he'll KybrrNh9Dwc-00050-00011856-00012127 probably tell you about um that came uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00051-00012128-00012342 with an unidentified number um that i KybrrNh9Dwc-00052-00012343-00012470 would have never answered the phone KybrrNh9Dwc-00053-00012471-00012623 because i was never answer the phone if KybrrNh9Dwc-00054-00012624-00012838 i can't identify the number but this is KybrrNh9Dwc-00055-00012839-00012974 an example where it's probably a good KybrrNh9Dwc-00056-00012975-00013183 idea every once in a while to take a KybrrNh9Dwc-00057-00013184-00013358 phone call from somebody and just assume KybrrNh9Dwc-00058-00013359-00013599 it's not a telemarketer um and indeed it KybrrNh9Dwc-00059-00013600-00013775 wasn't and he learned that he had been KybrrNh9Dwc-00060-00013776-00013911 selected for this thing called the KybrrNh9Dwc-00061-00013912-00014207 crawford prize um which i want to point KybrrNh9Dwc-00062-00014208-00014319 out to you he's going to tell you much KybrrNh9Dwc-00063-00014319-00014543 more about it but you know this is not KybrrNh9Dwc-00064-00014544-00014711 these prizes are not just all about KybrrNh9Dwc-00065-00014712-00014863 science they give them out in different KybrrNh9Dwc-00066-00014863-00015079 thematic areas mathematics astronomy KybrrNh9Dwc-00067-00015080-00015319 polyarthritis and geosciences KybrrNh9Dwc-00068-00015319-00015607 um and um i don't think it was uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00069-00015608-00015783 something that dan saw coming and so i KybrrNh9Dwc-00070-00015784-00015935 think that almost made it all the more KybrrNh9Dwc-00071-00015936-00016215 pleasurable and it came with an immense KybrrNh9Dwc-00072-00016216-00016622 amount of of of of um pride in part KybrrNh9Dwc-00073-00016623-00016830 because of the incredible honor and also KybrrNh9Dwc-00074-00016831-00017007 because it comes with some money that he KybrrNh9Dwc-00075-00017008-00017175 could actually accept ultimately we KybrrNh9Dwc-00076-00017176-00017358 would get approval for that and it also KybrrNh9Dwc-00077-00017359-00017694 came with a very nice trip uh uh that he KybrrNh9Dwc-00078-00017695-00017911 was able to take to sweden so this is so KybrrNh9Dwc-00079-00017912-00018279 special and so novel um that um dan put KybrrNh9Dwc-00080-00018280-00018471 a powerpoint presentation together to be KybrrNh9Dwc-00081-00018472-00018647 able to summarize it and i know he's KybrrNh9Dwc-00082-00018648-00018791 been meeting with various groups we're KybrrNh9Dwc-00083-00018792-00018975 interested in hearing about this um KybrrNh9Dwc-00084-00018976-00019255 including this uh um group assembled KybrrNh9Dwc-00085-00019256-00019599 here uh uh through zoom um KybrrNh9Dwc-00086-00019600-00019814 involving nhgri staff now i should also KybrrNh9Dwc-00087-00019815-00020022 point out i'm sure dan will will will KybrrNh9Dwc-00088-00020023-00020239 fill in some details this whole thing KybrrNh9Dwc-00089-00020240-00020391 all happened in the pandemic it kept KybrrNh9Dwc-00090-00020392-00020535 getting delayed exactly when he was KybrrNh9Dwc-00091-00020536-00020663 going to be able to go there this that KybrrNh9Dwc-00092-00020664-00020919 the other so it also got drawn out over KybrrNh9Dwc-00093-00020920-00021111 what seemed like a long period of time KybrrNh9Dwc-00094-00021112-00021286 but it finally came to fruition and i KybrrNh9Dwc-00095-00021287-00021503 know it was a very um enjoyable and KybrrNh9Dwc-00096-00021504-00021750 remarkably rewarding trip for dan and we KybrrNh9Dwc-00097-00021751-00021943 want to hear all about it so with that KybrrNh9Dwc-00098-00021944-00022135 i'm going to congratulate dan once again KybrrNh9Dwc-00099-00022136-00022327 on this incredible honor tell them how KybrrNh9Dwc-00100-00022328-00022543 proud all of us are and now we just want KybrrNh9Dwc-00101-00022544-00022775 to hear about your your ticker tape KybrrNh9Dwc-00102-00022776-00022999 parade through sweden KybrrNh9Dwc-00103-00023000-00023271 well eric thank you so so much for that KybrrNh9Dwc-00104-00023272-00023383 really KybrrNh9Dwc-00105-00023384-00023686 kind kind introduction and i have to say KybrrNh9Dwc-00106-00023687-00023814 you know that KybrrNh9Dwc-00107-00023815-00024230 with this sort of thing it it is KybrrNh9Dwc-00108-00024231-00024550 perhaps a recognition of me but it is KybrrNh9Dwc-00109-00024551-00024799 even more so a recognition of all of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00110-00024800-00025191 people who uh work with me in my uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00111-00025192-00025622 laboratory and clinical team it's a a KybrrNh9Dwc-00112-00025623-00025990 real endorsement of of the environment KybrrNh9Dwc-00113-00025991-00026134 that we have KybrrNh9Dwc-00114-00026135-00026287 in the intramural program and KybrrNh9Dwc-00115-00026288-00026543 particularly in the intramural program KybrrNh9Dwc-00116-00026544-00026774 of nhgri KybrrNh9Dwc-00117-00026775-00026935 the support KybrrNh9Dwc-00118-00026936-00027231 that i've had over the years has been KybrrNh9Dwc-00119-00027232-00027574 absolutely wonderful and extraordinary KybrrNh9Dwc-00120-00027575-00027935 and i have to really start out by just KybrrNh9Dwc-00121-00027936-00028335 giving a big thank you uh to you eric KybrrNh9Dwc-00122-00028336-00028679 and to all of my colleagues in nhgri and KybrrNh9Dwc-00123-00028680-00028783 across KybrrNh9Dwc-00124-00028783-00029079 the intramural program of of the nih and KybrrNh9Dwc-00125-00029080-00029262 and more broadly too we certainly have a KybrrNh9Dwc-00126-00029263-00029574 number of collaborators uh elsewhere as KybrrNh9Dwc-00127-00029575-00030023 eric said uh this prize was a total KybrrNh9Dwc-00128-00030024-00030318 shock uh to me yeah when it came in and KybrrNh9Dwc-00129-00030319-00030655 basically uh what happened was that this KybrrNh9Dwc-00130-00030656-00030895 was uh back in uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00131-00030895-00031255 early 2020 uh when uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00132-00031256-00031527 uh when i got the call let's see was it KybrrNh9Dwc-00133-00031527-00031927 early 2020 i guess it was early 2020 um KybrrNh9Dwc-00134-00031927-00032183 no early 2021 you see i've KybrrNh9Dwc-00135-00032183-00032311 i've forgotten KybrrNh9Dwc-00136-00032312-00032439 but in any case KybrrNh9Dwc-00137-00032439-00032535 uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00138-00032536-00032767 we were in the height of the pandemic KybrrNh9Dwc-00139-00032768-00032959 mode at that point and i was actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00140-00032960-00033215 doing a clinical team meeting from home KybrrNh9Dwc-00141-00033216-00033423 it was a wednesday afternoon KybrrNh9Dwc-00142-00033424-00033615 and as eric said KybrrNh9Dwc-00143-00033616-00033918 the the phone uh rang KybrrNh9Dwc-00144-00033919-00034159 and uh as KybrrNh9Dwc-00145-00034160-00034495 had been the habit of my wife who's also KybrrNh9Dwc-00146-00034496-00034743 uh an nih employee and was working from KybrrNh9Dwc-00147-00034744-00035055 home uh as well uh we got so many KybrrNh9Dwc-00148-00035056-00035279 telemarketer calls that we would just KybrrNh9Dwc-00149-00035280-00035695 when the landline would ring we would uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00150-00035696-00035990 answer it but then quickly hang up KybrrNh9Dwc-00151-00035991-00036246 and so i did this you know like three KybrrNh9Dwc-00152-00036247-00036471 times uh you know the person kept KybrrNh9Dwc-00153-00036472-00036711 calling and i kept hanging up and then KybrrNh9Dwc-00154-00036712-00036974 margaret took over and and dished out a KybrrNh9Dwc-00155-00036975-00037367 couple of more hang-ups before finally KybrrNh9Dwc-00156-00037368-00037559 realizing that this person was very KybrrNh9Dwc-00157-00037560-00037799 persistent and KybrrNh9Dwc-00158-00037800-00038039 must have something that they wanted to KybrrNh9Dwc-00159-00038040-00038287 to talk to us about uh she actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00160-00038288-00038535 answered the phone and it was dr dan KybrrNh9Dwc-00161-00038536-00038799 larhammer whom uh margaret had never KybrrNh9Dwc-00162-00038800-00039071 heard of at that point uh from sweden he KybrrNh9Dwc-00163-00039072-00039327 didn't introduce himself in in terms of KybrrNh9Dwc-00164-00039328-00039590 being associated with the crawford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00165-00039591-00039823 or the royal swedish academy of sciences KybrrNh9Dwc-00166-00039824-00040023 he just said he was dr larhamer and he KybrrNh9Dwc-00167-00040024-00040335 needed to talk with dr kastner um KybrrNh9Dwc-00168-00040336-00040718 soon urgently uh and my wife said well KybrrNh9Dwc-00169-00040719-00040974 he's in a meeting and and can i take a KybrrNh9Dwc-00170-00040975-00041311 message and so forth so anyway uh at KybrrNh9Dwc-00171-00041312-00041574 first uh i had said well i'll i'll talk KybrrNh9Dwc-00172-00041575-00041783 with him you know after KybrrNh9Dwc-00173-00041784-00042023 my meetings are over today which would KybrrNh9Dwc-00174-00042024-00042239 be like at five o'clock in the afternoon KybrrNh9Dwc-00175-00042240-00042399 but that would be like 11 o'clock at KybrrNh9Dwc-00176-00042400-00042758 night in sweden so i i thought KybrrNh9Dwc-00177-00042759-00042967 better of that and actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00178-00042968-00043143 played hooky from the wednesday KybrrNh9Dwc-00179-00043144-00043399 afternoon lecture series to KybrrNh9Dwc-00180-00043400-00043687 to take his call and then learn that in KybrrNh9Dwc-00181-00043688-00043951 fact i had won this thing the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-00182-00043952-00044062 prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00183-00044063-00044311 which i knew about uh i knew about the KybrrNh9Dwc-00184-00044312-00044471 crafter prize i didn't know that i was KybrrNh9Dwc-00185-00044472-00044758 going to win the crawford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00186-00044759-00045039 and i was just totally dumbfounded i KybrrNh9Dwc-00187-00045040-00045351 must say it was just an incredible uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00188-00045352-00045455 shock KybrrNh9Dwc-00189-00045456-00045558 when i KybrrNh9Dwc-00190-00045559-00045839 learned about that so anyway so this is KybrrNh9Dwc-00191-00045840-00046151 the story of what happened uh since then KybrrNh9Dwc-00192-00046152-00046383 i'll just start out maybe by telling you KybrrNh9Dwc-00193-00046384-00046639 a little bit about the guy after whom uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00194-00046640-00046958 the crawford prize is named uh and that KybrrNh9Dwc-00195-00046959-00047295 is uh holger crawford and actually uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00196-00047296-00047599 the prize is named after vulgar and uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00197-00047600-00047902 anna greta crawford and it's pronounced KybrrNh9Dwc-00198-00047903-00048158 crawford there's no w in it so to KybrrNh9Dwc-00199-00048159-00048351 pronounce it properly it's the crafter KybrrNh9Dwc-00200-00048352-00048662 advise not the crawford prize um and uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00201-00048663-00048967 holger crawford uh was uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00202-00048968-00049199 uh a KybrrNh9Dwc-00203-00049200-00049518 business executive basically he had had KybrrNh9Dwc-00204-00049519-00049751 been raised in sweden KybrrNh9Dwc-00205-00049752-00049943 by a single mother KybrrNh9Dwc-00206-00049944-00050111 he had gone to KybrrNh9Dwc-00207-00050112-00050430 the swedish school of economics where he KybrrNh9Dwc-00208-00050431-00050623 graduated first in his class and he KybrrNh9Dwc-00209-00050624-00050918 became at a fairly young age the ceo of KybrrNh9Dwc-00210-00050919-00051127 some company called ackerland and KybrrNh9Dwc-00211-00051128-00051246 rousing KybrrNh9Dwc-00212-00051247-00051487 which is a packaging company KybrrNh9Dwc-00213-00051488-00051719 and shortly after he took this job as KybrrNh9Dwc-00214-00051720-00051935 the ceo of the company he came up with KybrrNh9Dwc-00215-00051936-00052046 this idea KybrrNh9Dwc-00216-00052047-00052463 for packaging milk in tetrahedral paper KybrrNh9Dwc-00217-00052464-00052559 uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00218-00052560-00052775 containers which apparently had never KybrrNh9Dwc-00219-00052776-00052926 been done before KybrrNh9Dwc-00220-00052927-00053191 and he called this the tetra pack KybrrNh9Dwc-00221-00053191-00053535 and founded a company called tetrapak uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00222-00053536-00053854 in 1950 and made lots and lots of money KybrrNh9Dwc-00223-00053855-00054303 from tetrapak and uh by the mid-1960s KybrrNh9Dwc-00224-00054304-00054599 he had decided that he wanted to move on KybrrNh9Dwc-00225-00054600-00054999 he spoke with this guy here uh whose KybrrNh9Dwc-00226-00055000-00055150 name is nils KybrrNh9Dwc-00227-00055151-00055487 name was nils owlwall uh who was a KybrrNh9Dwc-00228-00055488-00055742 physician in lund sweden this is where KybrrNh9Dwc-00229-00055744-00055999 the packaging company was and and where KybrrNh9Dwc-00230-00056000-00056263 holder crawford was and KybrrNh9Dwc-00231-00056264-00056438 nils alwal KybrrNh9Dwc-00232-00056439-00056715 had this idea for starting KybrrNh9Dwc-00233-00056716-00056950 hemodialysis and back at that time KybrrNh9Dwc-00234-00056951-00057294 hemodialysis was not something that was KybrrNh9Dwc-00235-00057295-00057582 practicable he developed the dialysis KybrrNh9Dwc-00236-00057583-00057950 machine and uh olga crafford underwrote KybrrNh9Dwc-00237-00057951-00058294 uh the company uh called gambro uh that KybrrNh9Dwc-00238-00058295-00058582 uh made dialysis machines and so holger KybrrNh9Dwc-00239-00058583-00058830 crawford made a lot of money from that KybrrNh9Dwc-00240-00058832-00058911 too KybrrNh9Dwc-00241-00058912-00059287 so uh in 1980 he's he established this KybrrNh9Dwc-00242-00059288-00059559 prize the crawford prize uh and he did KybrrNh9Dwc-00243-00059560-00059742 this in partnership with the royal KybrrNh9Dwc-00244-00059744-00060094 swedish academy of sciences KybrrNh9Dwc-00245-00060095-00060303 and basically the royal swedish academy KybrrNh9Dwc-00246-00060304-00060582 is is responsible for selecting the uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00247-00060583-00060759 prize winners KybrrNh9Dwc-00248-00060760-00060894 and KybrrNh9Dwc-00249-00060895-00061191 now here you know you'll chuckle but the KybrrNh9Dwc-00250-00061191-00061463 prize is awarded on a rotating basis and KybrrNh9Dwc-00251-00061464-00061694 disciplines chosen to complement those KybrrNh9Dwc-00252-00061695-00061950 in which the nobel prizes award is KybrrNh9Dwc-00253-00061951-00062230 awarded astronomy and mathematics KybrrNh9Dwc-00254-00062232-00062575 geosciences biosciences with an emphasis KybrrNh9Dwc-00255-00062576-00062811 on ecology and KybrrNh9Dwc-00256-00062812-00063030 polyarthritis now you might think that KybrrNh9Dwc-00257-00063032-00063311 the first ones astronomy mathematics KybrrNh9Dwc-00258-00063312-00063487 geosciences KybrrNh9Dwc-00259-00063488-00063703 and biosciences KybrrNh9Dwc-00260-00063704-00063919 maybe they are in a calib in the same KybrrNh9Dwc-00261-00063920-00064135 caliber as physics and chemistry and the KybrrNh9Dwc-00262-00064136-00064335 other things for which the nobel prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00263-00064336-00064735 is awarded but polyarthritis i mean KybrrNh9Dwc-00264-00064736-00065023 granted i'm a rheumatologist but even i KybrrNh9Dwc-00265-00065024-00065263 would admit that that's a little bit of KybrrNh9Dwc-00266-00065264-00065559 a stretch uh to have a nobel prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00267-00065560-00065894 equivalent uh in polyarthritis but KybrrNh9Dwc-00268-00065895-00066159 don't look a gift horse in the mouth uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00269-00066160-00066415 with regard to these kinds of things and KybrrNh9Dwc-00270-00066416-00066759 and actually hogar crawford had a KybrrNh9Dwc-00271-00066760-00066975 a reason for doing that and that is that KybrrNh9Dwc-00272-00066976-00067231 he suffered from rheumatoid arthritis in KybrrNh9Dwc-00273-00067232-00067463 his later years and he KybrrNh9Dwc-00274-00067464-00067663 perceived that KybrrNh9Dwc-00275-00067664-00067887 medical progress at least back at that KybrrNh9Dwc-00276-00067888-00068247 time in the early 1980s was not very KybrrNh9Dwc-00277-00068248-00068359 good KybrrNh9Dwc-00278-00068360-00068479 in KybrrNh9Dwc-00279-00068480-00068655 developing treatments for rheumatoid KybrrNh9Dwc-00280-00068656-00068823 arthritis and as a beginning KybrrNh9Dwc-00281-00068824-00069094 rheumatology fellow back at that time i KybrrNh9Dwc-00282-00069095-00069382 can say that that was true KybrrNh9Dwc-00283-00069383-00069638 so so in any case there were these KybrrNh9Dwc-00284-00069639-00069935 prizes the polyarthritis prize actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00285-00069936-00070223 was only to be given if there was some KybrrNh9Dwc-00286-00070224-00070415 progress in the field in other words it KybrrNh9Dwc-00287-00070416-00070694 was not a regular thing that there would KybrrNh9Dwc-00288-00070695-00070887 be a polyarthritis prize they had to KybrrNh9Dwc-00289-00070888-00071047 have a special committee that would KybrrNh9Dwc-00290-00071048-00071255 decide that that there had been KybrrNh9Dwc-00291-00071256-00071494 sufficient progress to do that and and KybrrNh9Dwc-00292-00071495-00071791 in fact there was no polyarthritis prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00293-00071792-00072079 for virtually the first 20 years of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00294-00072080-00072279 crawford prizes because they felt that KybrrNh9Dwc-00295-00072280-00072526 there hadn't been sufficient progress KybrrNh9Dwc-00296-00072527-00072871 but in any case so the the prize uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00297-00072872-00073159 entails six million swedish kroner which KybrrNh9Dwc-00298-00073160-00073431 is a lot of money in u.s dollars too KybrrNh9Dwc-00299-00073432-00073623 it's over six hundred thousand dollars KybrrNh9Dwc-00300-00073624-00073959 so it's it's a lot of money um KybrrNh9Dwc-00301-00073960-00074159 and some of the past laureates i won't KybrrNh9Dwc-00302-00074160-00074311 read off all of them but some of them KybrrNh9Dwc-00303-00074312-00074559 that you might recognize james van allen KybrrNh9Dwc-00304-00074560-00074743 the person who discovered the van allen KybrrNh9Dwc-00305-00074744-00075031 belts uh eo wilson who many of you may KybrrNh9Dwc-00306-00075032-00075215 have heard of uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00307-00075216-00075462 at harvard uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00308-00075463-00075759 and carl woes uh who KybrrNh9Dwc-00309-00075760-00075959 discovered the archaea KybrrNh9Dwc-00310-00075960-00076199 the separate KybrrNh9Dwc-00311-00076200-00076343 kingdom uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00312-00076344-00076662 in phylogeny so a number of fairly KybrrNh9Dwc-00313-00076663-00076838 prominent people have KybrrNh9Dwc-00314-00076839-00077135 won the crawford prize in other fields KybrrNh9Dwc-00315-00077136-00077382 in polyarthritis actually the first of KybrrNh9Dwc-00316-00077383-00077599 the uh prizes that was given in KybrrNh9Dwc-00317-00077600-00077991 polyarthritis was in 2000 and the first KybrrNh9Dwc-00318-00077992-00078326 crawford prize at all was given in 1982 KybrrNh9Dwc-00319-00078327-00078526 so it was almost 20 years KybrrNh9Dwc-00320-00078527-00078855 and that was given to sir ravinder mani KybrrNh9Dwc-00321-00078856-00079071 and sir mark feldman KybrrNh9Dwc-00322-00079072-00079391 who were the two individuals who KybrrNh9Dwc-00323-00079392-00079535 first KybrrNh9Dwc-00324-00079536-00079815 had the idea of using inhibitors of tnf KybrrNh9Dwc-00325-00079816-00080015 tumor necrosis factor for the treatment KybrrNh9Dwc-00326-00080016-00080238 of rheumatoid arthritis which was a KybrrNh9Dwc-00327-00080239-00080575 revolutionary thing and and warranted a KybrrNh9Dwc-00328-00080576-00080767 prize whether it was the crawford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00329-00080768-00081006 or whatever that was a major change in KybrrNh9Dwc-00330-00081007-00081175 the field of rheumatology and KybrrNh9Dwc-00331-00081176-00081367 subsequently there have been prizes that KybrrNh9Dwc-00332-00081368-00081511 have been given KybrrNh9Dwc-00333-00081512-00081679 with regard to KybrrNh9Dwc-00334-00081680-00081950 adhesion molecules KybrrNh9Dwc-00335-00081951-00082255 cytokines the role of hla and KybrrNh9Dwc-00336-00082256-00082455 environmental factors and rheumatoid KybrrNh9Dwc-00337-00082456-00082806 arthritis susceptibility and regulatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00338-00082807-00083135 t cells so uh that's a little bit of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00339-00083136-00083438 background uh on the crawford prize uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00340-00083439-00083726 just to give you a little bit of an idea KybrrNh9Dwc-00341-00083727-00083975 of why did they think that KybrrNh9Dwc-00342-00083976-00084311 maybe i was uh worthy of the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-00343-00084312-00084606 prize well they they gave the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-00344-00084607-00084711 prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00345-00084712-00085047 this year the 2021 crawford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00346-00085048-00085267 for establishing the concept of KybrrNh9Dwc-00347-00085268-00085543 autoinflammatory diseases and so some of KybrrNh9Dwc-00348-00085544-00085759 you will say well what's that KybrrNh9Dwc-00349-00085760-00085838 so KybrrNh9Dwc-00350-00085839-00086094 at least as we first proposed them KybrrNh9Dwc-00351-00086095-00086294 these are a group of disorders that are KybrrNh9Dwc-00352-00086295-00086567 characterized by episodes of seemingly KybrrNh9Dwc-00353-00086568-00086831 unprovoked inflammation but without the KybrrNh9Dwc-00354-00086832-00087094 auto antibodies or antigen specific t KybrrNh9Dwc-00355-00087095-00087247 cells that you'd see KybrrNh9Dwc-00356-00087248-00087462 in the characteristic autoimmune KybrrNh9Dwc-00357-00087463-00087767 diseases um so sort of KybrrNh9Dwc-00358-00087768-00088094 diseases where there's unexplained KybrrNh9Dwc-00359-00088095-00088247 non-infection KybrrNh9Dwc-00360-00088248-00088511 caused not malignancy caused KybrrNh9Dwc-00361-00088512-00088718 inflammation but where you don't have KybrrNh9Dwc-00362-00088719-00089079 the usual features of autoimmunity and KybrrNh9Dwc-00363-00089080-00089382 we now know that these are disorders of KybrrNh9Dwc-00364-00089383-00089694 the innate immune system the autoimmune KybrrNh9Dwc-00365-00089695-00089855 diseases are more KybrrNh9Dwc-00366-00089856-00090182 disorders of the adaptive immune system KybrrNh9Dwc-00367-00090183-00090455 whereas the autoinflammatory disorders KybrrNh9Dwc-00368-00090456-00090550 are more KybrrNh9Dwc-00369-00090551-00090718 disorders of the innate immune system KybrrNh9Dwc-00370-00090719-00090894 and i'll explain that a little bit more KybrrNh9Dwc-00371-00090895-00091038 as we go along KybrrNh9Dwc-00372-00091039-00091175 just to put it in some sort of KybrrNh9Dwc-00373-00091176-00091382 historical perspective actually in the KybrrNh9Dwc-00374-00091383-00091855 early 1900s paul ehrlich who was uh an KybrrNh9Dwc-00375-00091856-00092038 immunologist one of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00376-00092039-00092206 founders i guess of the field of KybrrNh9Dwc-00377-00092207-00092526 immunology and who won the nobel prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00378-00092527-00092815 in medicine back in i think it was 1908 KybrrNh9Dwc-00379-00092816-00092918 uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00380-00092919-00093143 proposed that there was there could be KybrrNh9Dwc-00381-00093144-00093518 no such thing as autoimmune diseases or KybrrNh9Dwc-00382-00093519-00093711 diseases where the immune system would KybrrNh9Dwc-00383-00093712-00093967 attack the host because the immune KybrrNh9Dwc-00384-00093968-00094238 system is so potent that it would be KybrrNh9Dwc-00385-00094239-00094335 uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00386-00094336-00094711 fatal uh and he called that uh idea KybrrNh9Dwc-00387-00094712-00094999 horror autotoxicus you know the terrible KybrrNh9Dwc-00388-00095000-00095206 things that would happen to the host if KybrrNh9Dwc-00389-00095207-00095503 the immune system turned on the host KybrrNh9Dwc-00390-00095504-00095815 by the 1950s it became clear that in KybrrNh9Dwc-00391-00095816-00096055 fact there were autoimmune diseases and KybrrNh9Dwc-00392-00096056-00096294 that in fact diseases like lupus and KybrrNh9Dwc-00393-00096295-00096567 rheumatoid arthritis and thyroiditis in KybrrNh9Dwc-00394-00096568-00096759 those diseases that you could actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00395-00096760-00097023 develop and antibodies against your own KybrrNh9Dwc-00396-00097024-00097406 tissue and and have real pathology and KybrrNh9Dwc-00397-00097407-00097591 not necessarily die from it although KybrrNh9Dwc-00398-00097592-00097815 some people obviously would die from KybrrNh9Dwc-00399-00097816-00097911 that KybrrNh9Dwc-00400-00097912-00098199 and then in 2000 another 50 years later KybrrNh9Dwc-00401-00098200-00098391 was when we proposed this concept of KybrrNh9Dwc-00402-00098392-00098662 autoinflammatory diseases so so it's KybrrNh9Dwc-00403-00098663-00098967 taken a while for this concept uh to KybrrNh9Dwc-00404-00098968-00099303 evolve in terms of the how it happened KybrrNh9Dwc-00405-00099304-00099487 for us and this is KybrrNh9Dwc-00406-00099488-00099782 boiled down to one slide uh there's the KybrrNh9Dwc-00407-00099783-00100118 three stages of discovery that i'll uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00408-00100119-00100447 uh mention to you the first stage uh was KybrrNh9Dwc-00409-00100448-00100894 from 1989 to 1999 and that was the time KybrrNh9Dwc-00410-00100895-00101174 uh when my research group was trying to KybrrNh9Dwc-00411-00101175-00101526 and ultimately did uh find the gene KybrrNh9Dwc-00412-00101527-00101838 mutated in familial mediterranean fever KybrrNh9Dwc-00413-00101839-00102174 uh by positional cloning and at that KybrrNh9Dwc-00414-00102175-00102439 time at least in the the world of KybrrNh9Dwc-00415-00102440-00102606 rheumatology there was a lot of KybrrNh9Dwc-00416-00102607-00102894 skepticism about the the genome project KybrrNh9Dwc-00417-00102895-00103102 and and in fact of course there wasn't KybrrNh9Dwc-00418-00103103-00103310 even a genome institute at least KybrrNh9Dwc-00419-00103311-00103678 initially uh when we uh said underway KybrrNh9Dwc-00420-00103679-00103999 and the idea of familial mediterranean KybrrNh9Dwc-00421-00104000-00104358 fever which is a relatively rare disease KybrrNh9Dwc-00422-00104359-00104599 where patients KybrrNh9Dwc-00423-00104600-00104854 have a recessively inherited disorder KybrrNh9Dwc-00424-00104855-00105083 where they get recurrent fevers and KybrrNh9Dwc-00425-00105083-00105366 arthritis severe abdominal pain and KybrrNh9Dwc-00426-00105367-00105495 sometimes KybrrNh9Dwc-00427-00105496-00105710 severe chest pain and can develop kidney KybrrNh9Dwc-00428-00105711-00105966 failure from it um it was KybrrNh9Dwc-00429-00105967-00106158 thought that that was sort of KybrrNh9Dwc-00430-00106159-00106343 not a very KybrrNh9Dwc-00431-00106344-00106615 relevant disease to be studying and so KybrrNh9Dwc-00432-00106616-00106807 some said that we were KybrrNh9Dwc-00433-00106808-00107095 using an unproven method to study an KybrrNh9Dwc-00434-00107096-00107447 irrelevant disease but we persisted and KybrrNh9Dwc-00435-00107448-00107702 and ultimately did find the gene and it KybrrNh9Dwc-00436-00107703-00107878 turned out that that gene encodes a KybrrNh9Dwc-00437-00107879-00108151 protein that had not been known before KybrrNh9Dwc-00438-00108152-00108319 and and turns out to be sort of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00439-00108320-00108558 prototype for a number of other proteins KybrrNh9Dwc-00440-00108559-00108719 involved in inflammation and then a KybrrNh9Dwc-00441-00108720-00108910 couple of years later we kept seeing KybrrNh9Dwc-00442-00108911-00109127 patients you know with with unexplained KybrrNh9Dwc-00443-00109128-00109358 recurrent fevers and we found that there KybrrNh9Dwc-00444-00109359-00109478 were some of them that didn't have KybrrNh9Dwc-00445-00109479-00109631 mutations in that gene they had the KybrrNh9Dwc-00446-00109632-00109847 mutations in another gene the tnf KybrrNh9Dwc-00447-00109848-00110102 receptor and so we called that condition KybrrNh9Dwc-00448-00110103-00110302 tnf receptor associated periodic KybrrNh9Dwc-00449-00110303-00110583 syndrome or traps uh and then at that KybrrNh9Dwc-00450-00110583-00110878 point the light went on and we figured KybrrNh9Dwc-00451-00110879-00111078 that well there's two of these diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-00452-00111079-00111383 both of them um inherited disorders in KybrrNh9Dwc-00453-00111383-00111583 which patients have recurrent fevers and KybrrNh9Dwc-00454-00111583-00111831 inflammation and no autoantibodies and KybrrNh9Dwc-00455-00111832-00111951 so KybrrNh9Dwc-00456-00111952-00112231 this is the basis for a new family of KybrrNh9Dwc-00457-00112232-00112475 diseases and so we proposed this idea of KybrrNh9Dwc-00458-00112476-00112766 autoinflammatory disease and then uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00459-00112767-00112983 during the epiphany stage you know which KybrrNh9Dwc-00460-00112983-00113175 sort of began at the point where we KybrrNh9Dwc-00461-00113176-00113471 figured that out uh we started to KybrrNh9Dwc-00462-00113472-00113783 sort of KybrrNh9Dwc-00463-00113783-00114071 refine the concept of autoinflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00464-00114072-00114247 disease and to think about all of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00465-00114248-00114471 other diseases besides the ones that we KybrrNh9Dwc-00466-00114472-00114615 had described KybrrNh9Dwc-00467-00114616-00114815 that might fit under the rubric of KybrrNh9Dwc-00468-00114816-00115134 autoinflammatory and so we had a long KybrrNh9Dwc-00469-00115135-00115343 list we we published a paper you know KybrrNh9Dwc-00470-00115344-00115527 with this long list of diseases that we KybrrNh9Dwc-00471-00115528-00115766 thought were autoinflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00472-00115767-00116110 and then within a year after that after KybrrNh9Dwc-00473-00116111-00116399 that happened another group in san diego KybrrNh9Dwc-00474-00116400-00116631 hal hoffman's group in san diego KybrrNh9Dwc-00475-00116632-00116758 discovered KybrrNh9Dwc-00476-00116759-00116983 the gene that's mutated in a couple of KybrrNh9Dwc-00477-00116983-00117207 those diseases that we said you know KybrrNh9Dwc-00478-00117208-00117407 were autoinflammatory and were somehow KybrrNh9Dwc-00479-00117408-00117695 related to fmf and traps KybrrNh9Dwc-00480-00117696-00117927 he found the gene that's mutated in a KybrrNh9Dwc-00481-00117928-00118102 couple of those diseases and lo and KybrrNh9Dwc-00482-00118103-00118390 behold that gene encodes a protein that KybrrNh9Dwc-00483-00118391-00118734 has a domain that is in common KybrrNh9Dwc-00484-00118735-00118990 with the fmf gene and so actually there KybrrNh9Dwc-00485-00118991-00119263 was a connection there and what's more KybrrNh9Dwc-00486-00119264-00119502 uh through work that was going on in KybrrNh9Dwc-00487-00119503-00119751 basic science at the time that gene KybrrNh9Dwc-00488-00119752-00119958 encodes a protein that's a regulator for KybrrNh9Dwc-00489-00119959-00120295 il1 and so we and other people had the KybrrNh9Dwc-00490-00120296-00120478 idea of treating these patients with KybrrNh9Dwc-00491-00120479-00120799 those diseases with il1 inhibitors and KybrrNh9Dwc-00492-00120800-00121095 it was miraculous these patients some of KybrrNh9Dwc-00493-00121096-00121431 whom had terrible disease children with KybrrNh9Dwc-00494-00121432-00121671 one of the variants of it who develop KybrrNh9Dwc-00495-00121672-00121943 meningitis aseptic meningitis KybrrNh9Dwc-00496-00121944-00122190 they go blind they go deaf they develop KybrrNh9Dwc-00497-00122191-00122414 intellectual disability a lot of them KybrrNh9Dwc-00498-00122415-00122654 die in adolescence KybrrNh9Dwc-00499-00122655-00122807 all of a sudden it was like their KybrrNh9Dwc-00500-00122808-00123078 inflammation went away we have kids that KybrrNh9Dwc-00501-00123079-00123358 started on il1 inhibition at that time KybrrNh9Dwc-00502-00123359-00123614 who are now graduating from college it's KybrrNh9Dwc-00503-00123615-00123790 incredible it makes you believe in KybrrNh9Dwc-00504-00123791-00124047 molecular medicine so that's the second KybrrNh9Dwc-00505-00124048-00124319 phase the epiphany stage and then the KybrrNh9Dwc-00506-00124320-00124566 third stage we say a little bit KybrrNh9Dwc-00507-00124567-00124819 whimsically is the horror auto KybrrNh9Dwc-00508-00124820-00125054 inflammaticus stage so rather than KybrrNh9Dwc-00509-00125055-00125286 horror autotoxicus horror auto KybrrNh9Dwc-00510-00125288-00125534 inflammaticus stage uh and so that's KybrrNh9Dwc-00511-00125535-00125878 from 2009 to the present and given the KybrrNh9Dwc-00512-00125879-00126175 wonderful advances in genomics and dna KybrrNh9Dwc-00513-00126176-00126423 sequencing and all of the things that we KybrrNh9Dwc-00514-00126424-00126783 can do now you know we have like over 50 KybrrNh9Dwc-00515-00126783-00127078 auto inflammatory diseases uh we KybrrNh9Dwc-00516-00127079-00127358 recognize now somatic mutations KybrrNh9Dwc-00517-00127359-00127639 can cause autoinflammation so really KybrrNh9Dwc-00518-00127640-00127983 uh just a lot of fun uh so it's been KybrrNh9Dwc-00519-00127983-00128183 great uh and whether there was a KybrrNh9Dwc-00520-00128183-00128366 crawford prize or not i've had a KybrrNh9Dwc-00521-00128367-00128647 wonderful time doing all of this um and KybrrNh9Dwc-00522-00128648-00128883 so there was a crawford prize and KybrrNh9Dwc-00523-00128883-00129134 ultimately uh we ended up going to KybrrNh9Dwc-00524-00129135-00129439 sweden uh my wife and i and actually we KybrrNh9Dwc-00525-00129440-00129719 brought along some of our families on KybrrNh9Dwc-00526-00129720-00129943 both sides of the family KybrrNh9Dwc-00527-00129944-00130023 in KybrrNh9Dwc-00528-00130024-00130263 late april and so KybrrNh9Dwc-00529-00130264-00130510 because of all of the the postponements KybrrNh9Dwc-00530-00130511-00130775 with the pandemics the pandemic they had KybrrNh9Dwc-00531-00130776-00130990 saved up actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00532-00130991-00131263 four crawford prizes to be given at the KybrrNh9Dwc-00533-00131264-00131551 same time usually they do one at a time KybrrNh9Dwc-00534-00131552-00131775 on a rotating basis each year as a KybrrNh9Dwc-00535-00131776-00132031 different discipline but they had saved KybrrNh9Dwc-00536-00132032-00132414 up mathematics astronomy polyarthritis KybrrNh9Dwc-00537-00132415-00132623 and geosciences all to be done at the KybrrNh9Dwc-00538-00132624-00132814 same time which was wonderful because it KybrrNh9Dwc-00539-00132815-00132990 really then did make it like it was a KybrrNh9Dwc-00540-00132991-00133271 smartest board of science that we were KybrrNh9Dwc-00541-00133272-00133566 going to uh over at the end of april so KybrrNh9Dwc-00542-00133567-00133887 we flew over to uh sweden uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00543-00133888-00134111 actually we flew to denmark and then you KybrrNh9Dwc-00544-00134112-00134311 take a a KybrrNh9Dwc-00545-00134312-00134711 car across the bridge to sweden uh and KybrrNh9Dwc-00546-00134712-00135071 uh we did that on a friday evening and i KybrrNh9Dwc-00547-00135072-00135351 forget what it was uh maybe the 22nd or KybrrNh9Dwc-00548-00135352-00135671 something like that of of KybrrNh9Dwc-00549-00135672-00135959 of april and got to this place here that KybrrNh9Dwc-00550-00135960-00136231 you can see called the grand hotel of KybrrNh9Dwc-00551-00136232-00136566 london uh so so we checked in uh to the KybrrNh9Dwc-00552-00136567-00136975 grand hotel of london uh on saturday now KybrrNh9Dwc-00553-00136976-00137223 lund is actually a beautiful historic KybrrNh9Dwc-00554-00137224-00137431 city this is uh the inside of a KybrrNh9Dwc-00555-00137432-00137775 cathedral in lond which is almost 900 KybrrNh9Dwc-00556-00137776-00138031 years old at this point that you can see KybrrNh9Dwc-00557-00138032-00138199 if you visit lund KybrrNh9Dwc-00558-00138200-00138478 but actually i wasn't visiting uh the KybrrNh9Dwc-00559-00138479-00138887 sites of lund because i was uh under you KybrrNh9Dwc-00560-00138888-00139143 know strict uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00561-00139144-00139407 restraints uh you know because of nih KybrrNh9Dwc-00562-00139408-00139743 travel uh policy and so you know as as KybrrNh9Dwc-00563-00139744-00140087 it turned out uh you know the the events KybrrNh9Dwc-00564-00140088-00140239 of the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-00565-00140240-00140575 days started on monday i flew over on a KybrrNh9Dwc-00566-00140576-00140807 friday because the crawford people said KybrrNh9Dwc-00567-00140808-00140966 i should be there on saturday but KybrrNh9Dwc-00568-00140967-00141119 actually they didn't have anything for KybrrNh9Dwc-00569-00141120-00141383 me to do in terms of events they thought KybrrNh9Dwc-00570-00141384-00141599 that maybe one would want to tour london KybrrNh9Dwc-00571-00141600-00141823 but you know i had to have meetings KybrrNh9Dwc-00572-00141824-00141983 scheduled for the saturday and the KybrrNh9Dwc-00573-00141984-00142175 sunday so that you know it could justify KybrrNh9Dwc-00574-00142176-00142495 my being there so i contacted this guy KybrrNh9Dwc-00575-00142496-00142766 frank rolheim who's a rheumatologist in KybrrNh9Dwc-00576-00142767-00143078 lund who's writing a book on his mentor KybrrNh9Dwc-00577-00143079-00143359 jan voldenstrom uh who's since passed KybrrNh9Dwc-00578-00143360-00143626 away the voldenstrom of bolton strom's KybrrNh9Dwc-00579-00143627-00143814 macroglobulinemia it's kind of blood KybrrNh9Dwc-00580-00143815-00144183 cancer and so we met on saturday night KybrrNh9Dwc-00581-00144184-00144414 to talk about this biography of alden KybrrNh9Dwc-00582-00144415-00144623 strong that he's writing and then i had KybrrNh9Dwc-00583-00144624-00144871 some other things i had to do for KybrrNh9Dwc-00584-00144872-00145159 a rheumatology meeting in florida that i KybrrNh9Dwc-00585-00145160-00145407 had to log on to from my hotel room so KybrrNh9Dwc-00586-00145408-00145535 in any case KybrrNh9Dwc-00587-00145536-00145807 my family went and toured lond KybrrNh9Dwc-00588-00145808-00146023 and i talked with frank walheim which KybrrNh9Dwc-00589-00146024-00146311 was very nice he's a delightful guy KybrrNh9Dwc-00590-00146312-00146695 but in any case and then sunday evening KybrrNh9Dwc-00591-00146696-00146871 we had a family dinner and as you can KybrrNh9Dwc-00592-00146872-00147126 see there actually were a lot of family KybrrNh9Dwc-00593-00147127-00147431 members that took us up on the offer uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00594-00147432-00147775 to uh to go over to sweden uh so we had KybrrNh9Dwc-00595-00147776-00148111 a big dinner uh on uh on sunday evening KybrrNh9Dwc-00596-00148112-00148390 and then the next morning uh was the KybrrNh9Dwc-00597-00148391-00148735 beginning of the uh the proceedings the KybrrNh9Dwc-00598-00148736-00148926 crawford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00599-00148927-00149126 lectures and whatnot KybrrNh9Dwc-00600-00149127-00149343 so this was being held in the grand KybrrNh9Dwc-00601-00149344-00149631 auditorium of the luxe building KybrrNh9Dwc-00602-00149632-00150031 at lund university and here i am uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00603-00150032-00150366 before the the actual lectures began and KybrrNh9Dwc-00604-00150367-00150654 i'm uh there with rickard holmdahl and KybrrNh9Dwc-00605-00150655-00151007 olay kempty uh and they were two uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00606-00151008-00151278 members olei actually is the chair of KybrrNh9Dwc-00607-00151279-00151566 the committee that chooses the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-00608-00151567-00151759 prize members uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00609-00151760-00152102 perfect prize winners in polyarthritis KybrrNh9Dwc-00610-00152103-00152263 they're both rheumatologists at the KybrrNh9Dwc-00611-00152264-00152583 karolinska institute uh in stockholm and KybrrNh9Dwc-00612-00152584-00152759 actually are KybrrNh9Dwc-00613-00152760-00152999 also members of of the committee that KybrrNh9Dwc-00614-00153000-00153207 chooses the nobel prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00615-00153208-00153526 in physiology or medicine they were very KybrrNh9Dwc-00616-00153527-00153847 impressed with the nih let me just say KybrrNh9Dwc-00617-00153848-00154247 uh because uh they uh remarked upon the KybrrNh9Dwc-00618-00154248-00154478 letters that they had to write KybrrNh9Dwc-00619-00154479-00154814 indicating that uh in fact the money KybrrNh9Dwc-00620-00154815-00155135 that i might get uh was not forgiving a KybrrNh9Dwc-00621-00155136-00155383 couple of lectures at this meeting but KybrrNh9Dwc-00622-00155384-00155759 in fact uh was in recognition of of my KybrrNh9Dwc-00623-00155760-00156039 work uh but they they certainly were KybrrNh9Dwc-00624-00156040-00156295 impressed that the nih has a KybrrNh9Dwc-00625-00156296-00156535 real set of standards with regard to KybrrNh9Dwc-00626-00156536-00156751 that and just parenthetically i'd like KybrrNh9Dwc-00627-00156752-00157007 to thank ellen rolfes for helping to KybrrNh9Dwc-00628-00157008-00157254 move things along with regard to that KybrrNh9Dwc-00629-00157255-00157535 process and leonard ross for everything KybrrNh9Dwc-00630-00157536-00157735 that he did to help move KybrrNh9Dwc-00631-00157736-00158071 the approval process along as well KybrrNh9Dwc-00632-00158072-00158214 in any case KybrrNh9Dwc-00633-00158215-00158535 once we had some coffee uh then we had a KybrrNh9Dwc-00634-00158536-00158751 series of of lectures so the first of KybrrNh9Dwc-00635-00158752-00159263 the lectures was by enrico uh bombari uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00636-00159264-00159502 from the institute for advanced study in KybrrNh9Dwc-00637-00159503-00159790 princeton uh he gave the mathematics KybrrNh9Dwc-00638-00159791-00159975 lecture and for those of you who KybrrNh9Dwc-00639-00159976-00160254 actually want these slides you can have KybrrNh9Dwc-00640-00160255-00160431 the slides and then you can click on the KybrrNh9Dwc-00641-00160432-00160678 link and you could actually listen to KybrrNh9Dwc-00642-00160679-00161007 professor bombieri's uh lecture but let KybrrNh9Dwc-00643-00161008-00161214 me just tell you that it was very KybrrNh9Dwc-00644-00161215-00161390 complicated and i don't think that there KybrrNh9Dwc-00645-00161391-00161639 were many people in the auditorium that KybrrNh9Dwc-00646-00161640-00161878 understood very much of what he had to KybrrNh9Dwc-00647-00161879-00162166 say he's a very nice man i i must say KybrrNh9Dwc-00648-00162167-00162319 that but KybrrNh9Dwc-00649-00162320-00162535 i didn't understand a lot of it KybrrNh9Dwc-00650-00162536-00162766 he talked about his work on prime KybrrNh9Dwc-00651-00162767-00163014 numbers a lot of his work over the KybrrNh9Dwc-00652-00163015-00163183 course of his career KybrrNh9Dwc-00653-00163184-00163423 has been on number theory and he is a KybrrNh9Dwc-00654-00163424-00163654 very prominent mathematician when he was KybrrNh9Dwc-00655-00163655-00163847 a young man he won the field KybrrNh9Dwc-00656-00163848-00164119 medal uh which is another big prize uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00657-00164120-00164335 in mathematics i'm not going to go KybrrNh9Dwc-00658-00164336-00164654 through i i tried to think of you know a KybrrNh9Dwc-00659-00164655-00164902 little snippet of his talk that i could KybrrNh9Dwc-00660-00164903-00165119 you know just play so that you could get KybrrNh9Dwc-00661-00165120-00165278 a sense of it but KybrrNh9Dwc-00662-00165279-00165511 i failed i just couldn't come up with KybrrNh9Dwc-00663-00165512-00165775 anything this this slide simply shows KybrrNh9Dwc-00664-00165776-00166007 the beginning of his lecture he read his KybrrNh9Dwc-00665-00166008-00166359 lecture in 1859 the epoch making paper KybrrNh9Dwc-00666-00166360-00166583 by riemann on the zeta function appeared KybrrNh9Dwc-00667-00166584-00166702 blah blah blah KybrrNh9Dwc-00668-00166703-00166975 but in any case uh it was KybrrNh9Dwc-00669-00166976-00167238 uh something uh anyway so then the KybrrNh9Dwc-00670-00167239-00167623 second prize uh was the astronomy prize KybrrNh9Dwc-00671-00167624-00167935 and that prize uh was awarded to eugene KybrrNh9Dwc-00672-00167936-00168119 parker KybrrNh9Dwc-00673-00168120-00168375 this was actually the 2020 astronomy KybrrNh9Dwc-00674-00168376-00168638 prize as was the mathematics prize that KybrrNh9Dwc-00675-00168639-00168902 was for 2020 as well KybrrNh9Dwc-00676-00168903-00169166 and so this went to eugene parker but KybrrNh9Dwc-00677-00169167-00169359 unfortunately uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00678-00169360-00169687 uh eugene parker who's a who was a KybrrNh9Dwc-00679-00169688-00169895 professor emeritus at the university of KybrrNh9Dwc-00680-00169896-00170247 chicago passed away about a month or so KybrrNh9Dwc-00681-00170248-00170359 before KybrrNh9Dwc-00682-00170360-00170543 this event happened and he had been in KybrrNh9Dwc-00683-00170544-00170959 ill health anyway so instead KybrrNh9Dwc-00684-00170960-00171254 the person who gave a lecture in KybrrNh9Dwc-00685-00171255-00171631 uh in place of of eugene parker uh was KybrrNh9Dwc-00686-00171632-00171911 this person here nikki fox KybrrNh9Dwc-00687-00171912-00172007 who KybrrNh9Dwc-00688-00172008-00172414 is the director of the nasa heliophysics KybrrNh9Dwc-00689-00172415-00172711 science division and very considerable KybrrNh9Dwc-00690-00172712-00173054 person and it was really an enjoyable uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00691-00173055-00173231 lecture to listen to KybrrNh9Dwc-00692-00173232-00173478 you can see that she's got this KybrrNh9Dwc-00693-00173479-00173614 t-shirt on KybrrNh9Dwc-00694-00173615-00173911 that is the parker space probe she KybrrNh9Dwc-00695-00173912-00174166 actually is the person that's in charge KybrrNh9Dwc-00696-00174167-00174559 of the mission uh they launched a uh a KybrrNh9Dwc-00697-00174560-00174719 space probe to KybrrNh9Dwc-00698-00174720-00174983 measure various uh radiation coming out KybrrNh9Dwc-00699-00174984-00175447 of the sun it orbits the sun between KybrrNh9Dwc-00700-00175448-00175638 just outside of venus and then on the KybrrNh9Dwc-00701-00175639-00175935 other side around the sun and it goes in KybrrNh9Dwc-00702-00175936-00176207 successively smaller orbits so that KybrrNh9Dwc-00703-00176208-00176447 eventually it will burn up but at least KybrrNh9Dwc-00704-00176448-00176671 right now it's still functioning but i KybrrNh9Dwc-00705-00176672-00176902 thought that uh it would be fun at least KybrrNh9Dwc-00706-00176903-00177159 to uh listen to her a little bit in KybrrNh9Dwc-00707-00177160-00177335 terms of some of the things she had to KybrrNh9Dwc-00708-00177336-00177478 say KybrrNh9Dwc-00709-00177479-00177847 um so as as the intro introduction said KybrrNh9Dwc-00710-00177848-00178071 i am the director of nasa's heliophysics KybrrNh9Dwc-00711-00178072-00178423 division and as such i get to uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00712-00178424-00178687 to actually manage and look after a lot KybrrNh9Dwc-00713-00178688-00178943 of missions uh 20 um that are actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00714-00178944-00179166 up up in orbit right now and another 14 KybrrNh9Dwc-00715-00179167-00179414 that are in development all of which are KybrrNh9Dwc-00716-00179415-00179678 really studying science that was driven KybrrNh9Dwc-00717-00179679-00179983 by dr eugene parker KybrrNh9Dwc-00718-00179984-00180263 and so uh heliophysics is indeed the KybrrNh9Dwc-00719-00180264-00180575 study of the sun our closest star KybrrNh9Dwc-00720-00180576-00180814 everything from the very very center of KybrrNh9Dwc-00721-00180815-00181038 the star all the way out to the very KybrrNh9Dwc-00722-00181039-00181343 edge of its influence and indeed beyond KybrrNh9Dwc-00723-00181344-00181519 and so here you see a very familiar KybrrNh9Dwc-00724-00181520-00181783 looking planet the earth and you can see KybrrNh9Dwc-00725-00181784-00182047 that our magnetic field is protecting us KybrrNh9Dwc-00726-00182048-00182311 from all of these this stuff coming from KybrrNh9Dwc-00727-00182312-00182423 the sun KybrrNh9Dwc-00728-00182424-00182671 if we go up and i take you to the poles KybrrNh9Dwc-00729-00182672-00182871 of the sun you can look down on the KybrrNh9Dwc-00730-00182872-00183119 poles and you will see that atmosphere KybrrNh9Dwc-00731-00183120-00183447 starting to uh spread away in a spiral KybrrNh9Dwc-00732-00183448-00183726 shape that spiral known as the parker KybrrNh9Dwc-00733-00183727-00183943 spiral because of course gene predicted KybrrNh9Dwc-00734-00183944-00184111 that would happen KybrrNh9Dwc-00735-00184112-00184335 then we go to the very edge so this is KybrrNh9Dwc-00736-00184336-00184599 now the very edge of our sun's influence KybrrNh9Dwc-00737-00184600-00184823 this is where the solar wind stops and KybrrNh9Dwc-00738-00184824-00185063 it meets interstellar space this is yet KybrrNh9Dwc-00739-00185064-00185351 another prediction of uh gene parker KybrrNh9Dwc-00740-00185352-00185590 that in fact our solar wind would form a KybrrNh9Dwc-00741-00185591-00185895 protective cavity around not just our KybrrNh9Dwc-00742-00185896-00186135 planet and our star but our whole solar KybrrNh9Dwc-00743-00186136-00186390 system so as we are orbiting around the KybrrNh9Dwc-00744-00186391-00186623 milky way the solar wind actually KybrrNh9Dwc-00745-00186624-00186790 protects us from the vagaries of KybrrNh9Dwc-00746-00186791-00186999 interstellar space from particles from KybrrNh9Dwc-00747-00187000-00187231 dust from cosmic rays coming from us and KybrrNh9Dwc-00748-00187232-00187438 so we have a pretty nice life here KybrrNh9Dwc-00749-00187439-00187647 because of the solar wind KybrrNh9Dwc-00750-00187648-00187887 but in 1958 KybrrNh9Dwc-00751-00187888-00188247 using and this is in gene's own words KybrrNh9Dwc-00752-00188248-00188543 he solved four lines of algebra KybrrNh9Dwc-00753-00188544-00188935 that is how eugene parker described KybrrNh9Dwc-00754-00188936-00189159 finding the solar wind he actually said KybrrNh9Dwc-00755-00189160-00189471 to me all i did was solve four equations KybrrNh9Dwc-00756-00189472-00189766 so he solved four lines of algebra KybrrNh9Dwc-00757-00189767-00190031 and and you know it was all uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00758-00190032-00190366 predicated on the biermann study of the KybrrNh9Dwc-00759-00190367-00190550 the comets which was so beautifully KybrrNh9Dwc-00760-00190551-00190790 described to us um KybrrNh9Dwc-00761-00190791-00191063 biermann was actually visiting chicago KybrrNh9Dwc-00762-00191064-00191278 and he was meeting with john simpson who KybrrNh9Dwc-00763-00191279-00191495 was that gene's boss at the time KybrrNh9Dwc-00764-00191496-00191687 and he presented exactly what you just KybrrNh9Dwc-00765-00191688-00191878 saw that the comet tails were always KybrrNh9Dwc-00766-00191879-00192054 pointing away from the sun KybrrNh9Dwc-00767-00192055-00192183 and he actually said well there must be KybrrNh9Dwc-00768-00192184-00192359 something moving out it's some sort of KybrrNh9Dwc-00769-00192360-00192726 he called it corpuscular radiation KybrrNh9Dwc-00770-00192727-00192902 now john simpson kind of dismissed it KybrrNh9Dwc-00771-00192903-00193159 out of hand and said you know KybrrNh9Dwc-00772-00193160-00193302 maybe something comes out occasionally KybrrNh9Dwc-00773-00193303-00193566 but it's not coming out all of the time KybrrNh9Dwc-00774-00193567-00193838 and he also cited a famous scientist at KybrrNh9Dwc-00775-00193839-00194111 the time sydney chapman who had said KybrrNh9Dwc-00776-00194112-00194359 that much like the earth's atmosphere KybrrNh9Dwc-00777-00194360-00194623 the sun's atmosphere would be static KybrrNh9Dwc-00778-00194624-00194766 and so john simpson you know had KybrrNh9Dwc-00779-00194767-00194950 dismissed everything but he passed all KybrrNh9Dwc-00780-00194951-00195231 the work onto gene parker and said see KybrrNh9Dwc-00781-00195232-00195399 what you think about this KybrrNh9Dwc-00782-00195400-00195583 so gene studied it KybrrNh9Dwc-00783-00195584-00195838 he solved his four lines of algebra KybrrNh9Dwc-00784-00195839-00196054 and he came up with um KybrrNh9Dwc-00785-00196055-00196254 different sort of solutions KybrrNh9Dwc-00786-00196255-00196511 for for these four lines of algebra five KybrrNh9Dwc-00787-00196512-00196678 of which were physically not possible KybrrNh9Dwc-00788-00196679-00196919 but the sixth one was KybrrNh9Dwc-00789-00196920-00197087 and i'm i'm actually going to i don't KybrrNh9Dwc-00790-00197088-00197238 usually use notes but i want to make KybrrNh9Dwc-00791-00197239-00197431 sure i get this quote right because i KybrrNh9Dwc-00792-00197432-00197671 love this this is from a paper by kane KybrrNh9Dwc-00793-00197672-00197823 in 2009. KybrrNh9Dwc-00794-00197824-00198087 so uh jean parker went to john simpson KybrrNh9Dwc-00795-00198088-00198287 and said john KybrrNh9Dwc-00796-00198288-00198678 biehmann is right and chapman is wrong KybrrNh9Dwc-00797-00198679-00198871 so john simpson said eugene what is your KybrrNh9Dwc-00798-00198872-00199071 basis for saying this KybrrNh9Dwc-00799-00199072-00199335 well my calculations show that the sun's KybrrNh9Dwc-00800-00199336-00199719 atmosphere is not only not static but KybrrNh9Dwc-00801-00199720-00199895 it's highly dynamic KybrrNh9Dwc-00802-00199896-00200071 and with millions of degrees of coronal KybrrNh9Dwc-00803-00200072-00200231 temperatures the whole place will be KybrrNh9Dwc-00804-00200232-00200438 boiling and some flow would come out KybrrNh9Dwc-00805-00200439-00200719 sometimes more sometimes less but never KybrrNh9Dwc-00806-00200720-00200823 zero KybrrNh9Dwc-00807-00200824-00200959 and i KybrrNh9Dwc-00808-00200960-00201207 eugene parker would like to call it KybrrNh9Dwc-00809-00201208-00201543 solar wind KybrrNh9Dwc-00810-00201544-00201695 so john simpson said so what do you KybrrNh9Dwc-00811-00201696-00201999 propose to do write a paper or something KybrrNh9Dwc-00812-00202000-00202238 gene said well yes unless the university KybrrNh9Dwc-00813-00202239-00202431 prohibits it KybrrNh9Dwc-00814-00202432-00202687 john simpson replied no no no no we're KybrrNh9Dwc-00815-00202688-00203007 very open-minded here do what you like KybrrNh9Dwc-00816-00203008-00203175 publish what you like KybrrNh9Dwc-00817-00203176-00203359 but for heaven's sake KybrrNh9Dwc-00818-00203360-00203711 don't put my name on it KybrrNh9Dwc-00819-00203712-00203999 wonder if he ever regretted that KybrrNh9Dwc-00820-00204000-00204095 so KybrrNh9Dwc-00821-00204096-00204335 so several journals did indeed reject KybrrNh9Dwc-00822-00204336-00204478 this paper KybrrNh9Dwc-00823-00204479-00204790 uh but but luckily um KybrrNh9Dwc-00824-00204791-00204982 an editor did intervene KybrrNh9Dwc-00825-00204983-00205214 but uh one of the the referees went so KybrrNh9Dwc-00826-00205215-00205382 far as to actually say if you're going KybrrNh9Dwc-00827-00205383-00205671 to publish in this area of science KybrrNh9Dwc-00828-00205671-00205823 you might want to go to the library KybrrNh9Dwc-00829-00205823-00205927 first KybrrNh9Dwc-00830-00205928-00206103 and gene told me this and he said oh KybrrNh9Dwc-00831-00206104-00206366 nikki that was the nice review KybrrNh9Dwc-00832-00206367-00206679 so fortunately uh the editor was chandra KybrrNh9Dwc-00833-00206680-00206966 sakhar um who was also at the university KybrrNh9Dwc-00834-00206967-00207303 of chicago and he was uh you know really KybrrNh9Dwc-00835-00207304-00207590 kind of enjoyed the the controversy and KybrrNh9Dwc-00836-00207591-00207751 he said eugene i think this is a KybrrNh9Dwc-00837-00207752-00207990 ridiculous idea but i don't want to see KybrrNh9Dwc-00838-00207991-00208246 it killed so i'll publish it KybrrNh9Dwc-00839-00208248-00208494 and certainly gene got a lot of of you KybrrNh9Dwc-00840-00208496-00208710 know maybe ridicules too strong a word KybrrNh9Dwc-00841-00208711-00208862 but a lot of pushback and a lot of KybrrNh9Dwc-00842-00208863-00209086 goodness what is all this about from KybrrNh9Dwc-00843-00209087-00209198 colleagues KybrrNh9Dwc-00844-00209200-00209494 but then just a few years later in 1962 KybrrNh9Dwc-00845-00209496-00209775 the mariner 2 spacecraft on its way out KybrrNh9Dwc-00846-00209776-00210119 to venus did indeed sense the exact KybrrNh9Dwc-00847-00210119-00210415 solar wind that gene had predicted KybrrNh9Dwc-00848-00210416-00210663 and so the rest is kind of history KybrrNh9Dwc-00849-00210664-00210879 uh but one of my favorite comments that KybrrNh9Dwc-00850-00210880-00211039 gene made was you know if you do KybrrNh9Dwc-00851-00211040-00211279 something new or innovative you should KybrrNh9Dwc-00852-00211280-00211582 expect trouble KybrrNh9Dwc-00853-00211583-00211798 all right well anyway moving on then i KybrrNh9Dwc-00854-00211800-00212087 gave my talk on auto-inflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00855-00212088-00212263 diseases you've already heard at least KybrrNh9Dwc-00856-00212264-00212503 the essence of it here i am delivering KybrrNh9Dwc-00857-00212504-00212806 it uh this is just a slide that is a KybrrNh9Dwc-00858-00212807-00213071 note actually that i wrote on the very KybrrNh9Dwc-00859-00213071-00213310 first patient that i saw with familial KybrrNh9Dwc-00860-00213311-00213567 mediterranean fever as a fellow at the KybrrNh9Dwc-00861-00213567-00213839 nih in 1985 KybrrNh9Dwc-00862-00213840-00214006 then KybrrNh9Dwc-00863-00214007-00214310 eight years eight years 12 years later KybrrNh9Dwc-00864-00214311-00214631 when we found the gene uh for fmf by uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00865-00214632-00214919 positional floating cloning uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00866-00214919-00215206 just a schematic of of uh how we went KybrrNh9Dwc-00867-00215207-00215455 about doing that the fact that uh the KybrrNh9Dwc-00868-00215456-00215742 gene in fact encodes uh what was then a KybrrNh9Dwc-00869-00215744-00215927 novel protein and of course everybody KybrrNh9Dwc-00870-00215928-00216294 very happy uh to have uh made it to that KybrrNh9Dwc-00871-00216296-00216598 point and i might add that uh with the KybrrNh9Dwc-00872-00216600-00216927 advent of the nhgri or as it was called KybrrNh9Dwc-00873-00216928-00217094 the nchgr KybrrNh9Dwc-00874-00217096-00217287 uh at that time KybrrNh9Dwc-00875-00217288-00217471 it really uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00876-00217471-00217679 made a big difference for us in terms of KybrrNh9Dwc-00877-00217680-00217967 being able to to find the gene KybrrNh9Dwc-00878-00217967-00218175 uh it turned out that KybrrNh9Dwc-00879-00218176-00218463 the n-terminal 90 or so amino acids of KybrrNh9Dwc-00880-00218464-00218767 that protein KybrrNh9Dwc-00881-00218767-00219023 form a domain that's found in some 20 KybrrNh9Dwc-00882-00219023-00219198 different proteins that are involved in KybrrNh9Dwc-00883-00219200-00219575 the innate uh immune system and then KybrrNh9Dwc-00884-00219576-00219734 shortly thereafter a couple years KybrrNh9Dwc-00885-00219735-00219855 thereafter KybrrNh9Dwc-00886-00219856-00220103 we after we found the gene for fmf we KybrrNh9Dwc-00887-00220104-00220415 didn't know about this domain right away KybrrNh9Dwc-00888-00220416-00220575 but um KybrrNh9Dwc-00889-00220576-00220798 shortly after we found the gene for fmf KybrrNh9Dwc-00890-00220800-00220998 we found the second gene and proposed KybrrNh9Dwc-00891-00221000-00221231 this concept of autoinflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00892-00221232-00221351 syndromes KybrrNh9Dwc-00893-00221352-00221567 a year or so later published the paper KybrrNh9Dwc-00894-00221567-00221758 in which we uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00895-00221759-00221942 suggested that perhaps these two KybrrNh9Dwc-00896-00221944-00222151 diseases familial cold urticaria and KybrrNh9Dwc-00897-00222152-00222319 muckle wells syndrome were somehow KybrrNh9Dwc-00898-00222319-00222591 related to familial mediterranean fever KybrrNh9Dwc-00899-00222592-00222887 it turned out that then a year after KybrrNh9Dwc-00900-00222888-00223167 that hal hoffman in san diego showed KybrrNh9Dwc-00901-00223167-00223423 that in fact the gene that's mutated in KybrrNh9Dwc-00902-00223423-00223775 those two diseases share that n-terminal KybrrNh9Dwc-00903-00223776-00223910 domain KybrrNh9Dwc-00904-00223911-00224158 with the fmf protein KybrrNh9Dwc-00905-00224159-00224406 that in turn led to the KybrrNh9Dwc-00906-00224407-00224646 insights with regard to il1 and this is KybrrNh9Dwc-00907-00224648-00224839 the publication KybrrNh9Dwc-00908-00224840-00225191 in 2006 of the paper in which we showed KybrrNh9Dwc-00909-00225192-00225446 that in fact il1 inhibition is KybrrNh9Dwc-00910-00225448-00225655 absolutely transformative for patients KybrrNh9Dwc-00911-00225656-00225775 that have KybrrNh9Dwc-00912-00225776-00225927 the KybrrNh9Dwc-00913-00225928-00226055 neurologic KybrrNh9Dwc-00914-00226056-00226239 manifestations of this KybrrNh9Dwc-00915-00226240-00226423 condition and then the two flavors of KybrrNh9Dwc-00916-00226423-00226727 immunity adaptive immunity where tnb KybrrNh9Dwc-00917-00226728-00226942 cells are the major players the KybrrNh9Dwc-00918-00226944-00227151 receptors somatically rearrange and KybrrNh9Dwc-00919-00227152-00227398 mutate and the autoimmune diseases are KybrrNh9Dwc-00920-00227400-00227631 characterized by high titrato antibodies KybrrNh9Dwc-00921-00227632-00227855 or antigen specific t cells and the KybrrNh9Dwc-00922-00227856-00228046 innate immune system which was just KybrrNh9Dwc-00923-00228048-00228255 beginning to be recognized at the time KybrrNh9Dwc-00924-00228256-00228479 that these auto inflammatory diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-00925-00228480-00228903 were popping up uh and in these in the KybrrNh9Dwc-00926-00228904-00229175 innate immune system uh myeloid lineage KybrrNh9Dwc-00927-00229176-00229382 cells are the major effectors the KybrrNh9Dwc-00928-00229383-00229623 receptors are hardwired in the germline KybrrNh9Dwc-00929-00229623-00229798 genome and the auto-inflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-00930-00229800-00229967 diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-00931-00229967-00230151 show inflammation unprovoked KybrrNh9Dwc-00932-00230152-00230294 inflammation but without the KybrrNh9Dwc-00933-00230296-00230527 autoantibodies or antigen-specific t KybrrNh9Dwc-00934-00230528-00230631 cells KybrrNh9Dwc-00935-00230632-00230942 then with the uh the cost of sequencing KybrrNh9Dwc-00936-00230944-00231191 coming down dramatically this was a an KybrrNh9Dwc-00937-00231192-00231446 nhgri slide KybrrNh9Dwc-00938-00231448-00231694 we were able and others many others were KybrrNh9Dwc-00939-00231696-00231982 able to find additional uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00940-00231983-00232246 diseases discover additional diseases in KybrrNh9Dwc-00941-00232248-00232479 which there are mutations and genes that KybrrNh9Dwc-00942-00232480-00232671 encode KybrrNh9Dwc-00943-00232671-00232919 either structural proteins in the innate KybrrNh9Dwc-00944-00232919-00233142 immune system or regulatory proteins in KybrrNh9Dwc-00945-00233144-00233327 the innate immune system in this KybrrNh9Dwc-00946-00233328-00233479 particular case KybrrNh9Dwc-00947-00233480-00233639 discovering KybrrNh9Dwc-00948-00233640-00233894 mutations in the ada2 gene and children KybrrNh9Dwc-00949-00233896-00234167 that have recurrent fevers and strokes KybrrNh9Dwc-00950-00234167-00234446 that led subsequently to the discovery KybrrNh9Dwc-00951-00234448-00234767 of tnf inhibitors as a way of preventing KybrrNh9Dwc-00952-00234767-00235015 strokes in these kids which was really a KybrrNh9Dwc-00953-00235016-00235391 big deal at that time mandy umbrella uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00954-00235392-00235623 led those studies and then this is just KybrrNh9Dwc-00955-00235623-00235903 a list of of the various uh genes and KybrrNh9Dwc-00956-00235904-00236191 diseases that we've discovered KybrrNh9Dwc-00957-00236192-00236319 over the years KybrrNh9Dwc-00958-00236319-00236494 at least the ones that we've had a major KybrrNh9Dwc-00959-00236496-00236767 role and there's 16 of them all together KybrrNh9Dwc-00960-00236767-00237046 14 of them actually are are diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-00961-00237048-00237231 that didn't exist at the time that we KybrrNh9Dwc-00962-00237232-00237494 started that were recognized it was just KybrrNh9Dwc-00963-00237496-00237703 a part of doing this work these are all KybrrNh9Dwc-00964-00237704-00237894 monogenic diseases and then there are a KybrrNh9Dwc-00965-00237896-00238151 number of genetically complex disorders KybrrNh9Dwc-00966-00238152-00238463 uh where we've also been uh interested KybrrNh9Dwc-00967-00238464-00238679 in defining some of the susceptibility KybrrNh9Dwc-00968-00238680-00238982 losing so that was that talk uh and then KybrrNh9Dwc-00969-00238983-00239310 the last talk of the day was andrew noel KybrrNh9Dwc-00970-00239311-00239646 and andrew noel uh is a professor of KybrrNh9Dwc-00971-00239648-00239887 natural history KybrrNh9Dwc-00972-00239888-00240006 in the KybrrNh9Dwc-00973-00240007-00240191 department of earth and planetary KybrrNh9Dwc-00974-00240192-00240391 sciences at harvard KybrrNh9Dwc-00975-00240392-00240606 and he got his uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00976-00240607-00240942 crawford prize in geosciences for the KybrrNh9Dwc-00977-00240944-00241155 work that he had done uh KybrrNh9Dwc-00978-00241156-00241446 characterizing uh the first three KybrrNh9Dwc-00979-00241448-00241767 billion years of life on earth and its KybrrNh9Dwc-00980-00241767-00241927 interactions with the physical KybrrNh9Dwc-00981-00241928-00242151 environment and that was a fascinating KybrrNh9Dwc-00982-00242152-00242551 talk as well so basically uh he started KybrrNh9Dwc-00983-00242552-00242823 uh from the standpoint of going back as KybrrNh9Dwc-00984-00242823-00243015 far as you could in the KybrrNh9Dwc-00985-00243016-00243271 fossil record of animals and then trying KybrrNh9Dwc-00986-00243271-00243439 to figure out well what was what was KybrrNh9Dwc-00987-00243440-00243710 life like on earth before KybrrNh9Dwc-00988-00243711-00243887 those fossils were KybrrNh9Dwc-00989-00243888-00244030 were developed KybrrNh9Dwc-00990-00244031-00244287 and so i'll just play a little bit of KybrrNh9Dwc-00991-00244288-00244598 his talk for you KybrrNh9Dwc-00992-00244600-00244927 i'd like to take just a minute to put KybrrNh9Dwc-00993-00244928-00245142 that animal record in fact the animal KybrrNh9Dwc-00994-00245144-00245575 kingdom in in perspective uh in both KybrrNh9Dwc-00995-00245576-00245846 time and space and if you look at that KybrrNh9Dwc-00996-00245848-00246071 diagram in the upper left KybrrNh9Dwc-00997-00246071-00246342 it represents an effort by my friend ron KybrrNh9Dwc-00998-00246344-00246655 milo in tel aviv and his colleagues to KybrrNh9Dwc-00999-00246656-00246806 quantify KybrrNh9Dwc-01000-00246807-00247103 the amount of biomass KybrrNh9Dwc-01001-00247104-00247342 in different groups of organisms and KybrrNh9Dwc-01002-00247344-00247510 when you can see what they come up with KybrrNh9Dwc-01003-00247511-00247806 here is that a majority of the biomass KybrrNh9Dwc-01004-00247807-00248087 on this planet is actually plants with KybrrNh9Dwc-01005-00248088-00248375 bacteria next and then fungi KybrrNh9Dwc-01006-00248376-00248598 then archaea another group of KybrrNh9Dwc-01007-00248600-00248823 microorganisms KybrrNh9Dwc-01008-00248823-00249015 distinct from but organizationally KybrrNh9Dwc-01009-00249016-00249334 similar to bacteria and then protozoans KybrrNh9Dwc-01010-00249335-00249534 and algae and the little box in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01011-00249535-00249703 corner is animals KybrrNh9Dwc-01012-00249704-00249871 much less than one percent of all the KybrrNh9Dwc-01013-00249871-00250103 biomass on this planet KybrrNh9Dwc-01014-00250104-00250375 it turns out that plants actually cheat KybrrNh9Dwc-01015-00250376-00250615 in that if you go outside and actually KybrrNh9Dwc-01016-00250616-00250830 look carefully at one of the trees that KybrrNh9Dwc-01017-00250831-00251055 surrounds us you'll find that more than KybrrNh9Dwc-01018-00251056-00251182 90 percent KybrrNh9Dwc-01019-00251183-00251439 of its mass is not living tissue wood KybrrNh9Dwc-01020-00251440-00251671 does not become functional until the KybrrNh9Dwc-01021-00251671-00251951 cells that created it die so if you only KybrrNh9Dwc-01022-00251952-00252063 include the KybrrNh9Dwc-01023-00252064-00252319 living tissues of plants then we live in KybrrNh9Dwc-01024-00252319-00252598 a bacterial world with plants second and KybrrNh9Dwc-01025-00252600-00252830 animals are still a very small part of KybrrNh9Dwc-01026-00252831-00252927 it KybrrNh9Dwc-01027-00252928-00253119 then let's go to the diagram beneath KybrrNh9Dwc-01028-00253119-00253198 that KybrrNh9Dwc-01029-00253200-00253375 which is what's called a universal KybrrNh9Dwc-01030-00253376-00253679 phylogeny it is an attempt using KybrrNh9Dwc-01031-00253680-00253998 molecular sequence comparisons to build KybrrNh9Dwc-01032-00254000-00254303 really a genealogy that depicts the KybrrNh9Dwc-01033-00254304-00254715 evolutionary relationships of all life KybrrNh9Dwc-01034-00254716-00254927 uncontroversially it suggests that there KybrrNh9Dwc-01035-00254928-00255279 are three major categories of life the KybrrNh9Dwc-01036-00255280-00255423 bacteria KybrrNh9Dwc-01037-00255423-00255694 the eukaryotes which are organisms like KybrrNh9Dwc-01038-00255696-00255982 ourselves that have a membrane-bounded KybrrNh9Dwc-01039-00255983-00256246 nucleus and then a group only really KybrrNh9Dwc-01040-00256248-00256558 discovered to be distinct in 1977 KybrrNh9Dwc-01041-00256559-00256727 called the archaea KybrrNh9Dwc-01042-00256728-00256958 which is organized in a simple way like KybrrNh9Dwc-01043-00256959-00257215 a bacterial cell but is in fact quite KybrrNh9Dwc-01044-00257216-00257351 distinct KybrrNh9Dwc-01045-00257352-00257606 that diagram shows the eukaryotes as KybrrNh9Dwc-01046-00257607-00257919 being a sister group to the archaea KybrrNh9Dwc-01047-00257919-00258103 through work done over the last seven KybrrNh9Dwc-01048-00258104-00258342 years some of it done in sweden KybrrNh9Dwc-01049-00258344-00258551 we actually now think that the KybrrNh9Dwc-01050-00258552-00258846 eukaryotic cell represents a merger KybrrNh9Dwc-01051-00258848-00259055 between a recently discovered group of KybrrNh9Dwc-01052-00259056-00259287 archaea and KybrrNh9Dwc-01053-00259288-00259606 some cells from the bacteria KybrrNh9Dwc-01054-00259607-00259823 in any event the reason for showing this KybrrNh9Dwc-01055-00259823-00260127 is that no matter how you look at this KybrrNh9Dwc-01056-00260128-00260391 set of genealogical relationships KybrrNh9Dwc-01057-00260392-00260606 all of the animals both living and in KybrrNh9Dwc-01058-00260607-00260975 the fossil record reside on one small KybrrNh9Dwc-01059-00260976-00261191 distal branch of the tree KybrrNh9Dwc-01060-00261192-00261494 and the inference from that is that KybrrNh9Dwc-01061-00261496-00261871 there must be a deeper history of life KybrrNh9Dwc-01062-00261871-00262055 than that represented by KybrrNh9Dwc-01063-00262056-00262215 animal fossils KybrrNh9Dwc-01064-00262216-00262399 and that deeper history would be largely KybrrNh9Dwc-01065-00262400-00262534 microbial KybrrNh9Dwc-01066-00262535-00262727 then finally if we look at the KybrrNh9Dwc-01067-00262728-00262951 right hand diagram it's simply a KybrrNh9Dwc-01068-00262952-00263206 geologic timeline KybrrNh9Dwc-01069-00263207-00263471 the oldest evidence for animals that we KybrrNh9Dwc-01070-00263472-00263743 have from the fossil record uh goes back KybrrNh9Dwc-01071-00263744-00263834 about KybrrNh9Dwc-01072-00263835-00264175 575 million years but our planet is more KybrrNh9Dwc-01073-00264176-00264391 than four and a half billion years old KybrrNh9Dwc-01074-00264392-00264647 and so the question that i'll uh address KybrrNh9Dwc-01075-00264648-00264758 today KybrrNh9Dwc-01076-00264759-00265030 is what can we learn KybrrNh9Dwc-01077-00265031-00265215 about KybrrNh9Dwc-01078-00265216-00265423 this long interval of earth history that KybrrNh9Dwc-01079-00265424-00265751 precedes the advent of large KybrrNh9Dwc-01080-00265752-00266095 fossilizable animals KybrrNh9Dwc-01081-00266096-00266334 okay let me then finish up then the the KybrrNh9Dwc-01082-00266335-00266615 punch line of course is that we can we KybrrNh9Dwc-01083-00266616-00266871 actually can reconstruct the deep KybrrNh9Dwc-01084-00266872-00267151 history both physical and biological of KybrrNh9Dwc-01085-00267152-00267319 our own planet KybrrNh9Dwc-01086-00267320-00267527 and now in the last 20 years of other KybrrNh9Dwc-01087-00267528-00267710 planets as well KybrrNh9Dwc-01088-00267711-00267863 that KybrrNh9Dwc-01089-00267864-00268030 there are not only reconstructable KybrrNh9Dwc-01090-00268031-00268247 histories of life and environment but KybrrNh9Dwc-01091-00268248-00268479 clearly life and the environment have KybrrNh9Dwc-01092-00268480-00268695 interacted through KybrrNh9Dwc-01093-00268696-00268887 earth history and so that major KybrrNh9Dwc-01094-00268888-00269191 biological transitions both track and i KybrrNh9Dwc-01095-00269192-00269423 think help to drive environmental KybrrNh9Dwc-01096-00269424-00269534 changes KybrrNh9Dwc-01097-00269535-00269775 in our planet's history KybrrNh9Dwc-01098-00269776-00270015 and this is something that continues uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01099-00270016-00270310 these are just four panels of uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01100-00270311-00270519 changes just over the during the age of KybrrNh9Dwc-01101-00270520-00270799 animals over the last 500 million years KybrrNh9Dwc-01102-00270800-00270967 most of you know that earth is KybrrNh9Dwc-01103-00270968-00271215 characterized by plate tectonics KybrrNh9Dwc-01104-00271216-00271423 so the actual KybrrNh9Dwc-01105-00271424-00271655 geomet or geography of the earth changes KybrrNh9Dwc-01106-00271656-00271855 through time this is what the earth KybrrNh9Dwc-01107-00271856-00271958 looked like KybrrNh9Dwc-01108-00271959-00272215 about 250 million years ago at the time KybrrNh9Dwc-01109-00272216-00272375 of that great mass extinction that KybrrNh9Dwc-01110-00272376-00272647 daniel talked about and it's about KybrrNh9Dwc-01111-00272648-00272919 as as different from our present KybrrNh9Dwc-01112-00272920-00273134 earth surface as it can be that nearly KybrrNh9Dwc-01113-00273135-00273303 all the continents KybrrNh9Dwc-01114-00273304-00273582 are amalgamated into a supercontinent KybrrNh9Dwc-01115-00273583-00273815 and there is a global ocean that's more KybrrNh9Dwc-01116-00273816-00274127 than a hemisphere an extent KybrrNh9Dwc-01117-00274128-00274230 we know KybrrNh9Dwc-01118-00274231-00274495 that atmospheric composition continues KybrrNh9Dwc-01119-00274496-00274687 to change in particular the amount of KybrrNh9Dwc-01120-00274688-00275023 carbon dioxide has changed through time KybrrNh9Dwc-01121-00275024-00275230 we know that climate has changed through KybrrNh9Dwc-01122-00275231-00275447 time this is just a KybrrNh9Dwc-01123-00275448-00275630 drawing of what the earth looked like 20 KybrrNh9Dwc-01124-00275631-00275791 000 years ago when you have ice KybrrNh9Dwc-01125-00275792-00276030 extending south in north america to KybrrNh9Dwc-01126-00276031-00276239 about long island KybrrNh9Dwc-01127-00276240-00276351 covering KybrrNh9Dwc-01128-00276352-00276582 scandinavia things like that and there's KybrrNh9Dwc-01129-00276583-00276791 a series of ice ages KybrrNh9Dwc-01130-00276792-00277030 through time and every once in a while KybrrNh9Dwc-01131-00277031-00277271 bad things happen on short time scales KybrrNh9Dwc-01132-00277272-00277503 this is 66 million years ago here are KybrrNh9Dwc-01133-00277504-00277743 two dinosaurs out on what will surely be KybrrNh9Dwc-01134-00277744-00277927 their last date and there's looking at KybrrNh9Dwc-01135-00277928-00278199 this thing uh going on which in fact as KybrrNh9Dwc-01136-00278200-00278495 as many of you know was an 11 kilometer KybrrNh9Dwc-01137-00278496-00278743 blind that crashed into the earth in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01138-00278744-00279087 yucatan peninsula and precipitated a KybrrNh9Dwc-01139-00279088-00279439 major extinction KybrrNh9Dwc-01140-00279440-00279719 and one has to point out KybrrNh9Dwc-01141-00279720-00279855 that KybrrNh9Dwc-01142-00279856-00280079 we are not living in a static time KybrrNh9Dwc-01143-00280080-00280255 ourselves in fact the evolutionary KybrrNh9Dwc-01144-00280256-00280399 present KybrrNh9Dwc-01145-00280400-00280510 is KybrrNh9Dwc-01146-00280511-00280839 on a geologic time scale a time of very KybrrNh9Dwc-01147-00280840-00281015 rapid environmental KybrrNh9Dwc-01148-00281016-00281223 change i love these diagrams put KybrrNh9Dwc-01149-00281224-00281463 together by a guy named jim barry at the KybrrNh9Dwc-01150-00281464-00281639 monterey bay aquarium KybrrNh9Dwc-01151-00281640-00281934 this is not the amount of co2 KybrrNh9Dwc-01152-00281935-00282247 in the atmosphere but the rate of change KybrrNh9Dwc-01153-00282248-00282567 of co2 over the last 400 000 years it's KybrrNh9Dwc-01154-00282568-00282743 boring it's boring it's boring it's KybrrNh9Dwc-01155-00282744-00282887 boring it's boring it's boring and then KybrrNh9Dwc-01156-00282888-00283087 the industrial age starts and it gets KybrrNh9Dwc-01157-00283088-00283327 really interesting KybrrNh9Dwc-01158-00283328-00283606 here is the ph rate of ph change in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01159-00283607-00283695 ocean KybrrNh9Dwc-01160-00283696-00284006 it wiggles around and again KybrrNh9Dwc-01161-00284007-00284182 this is the phenomenon called ocean KybrrNh9Dwc-01162-00284183-00284479 acidification that the ph of the oceans KybrrNh9Dwc-01163-00284480-00284727 has changed dramatically and that is KybrrNh9Dwc-01164-00284728-00284879 really the context KybrrNh9Dwc-01165-00284880-00284967 that KybrrNh9Dwc-01166-00284968-00285071 in which KybrrNh9Dwc-01167-00285072-00285303 we and our children and grandchildren KybrrNh9Dwc-01168-00285304-00285543 will live and i i think that by KybrrNh9Dwc-01169-00285544-00285743 incorporating the lessons of earth's KybrrNh9Dwc-01170-00285744-00285854 past KybrrNh9Dwc-01171-00285855-00286143 perhaps will be wise enough to deal KybrrNh9Dwc-01172-00286144-00286519 uh intelligently with its future KybrrNh9Dwc-01173-00286520-00286687 well hopefully so KybrrNh9Dwc-01174-00286688-00286982 uh so that was the uh the last of the KybrrNh9Dwc-01175-00286983-00287254 lectures uh for the crafford prize KybrrNh9Dwc-01176-00287255-00287439 symposium KybrrNh9Dwc-01177-00287440-00287710 i then went out to dinner with some of KybrrNh9Dwc-01178-00287711-00287854 the people KybrrNh9Dwc-01179-00287855-00288110 from my lab from the early days of of KybrrNh9Dwc-01180-00288111-00288463 the lab at least a number of them KybrrNh9Dwc-01181-00288464-00288703 so mike mcdermott who was involved in KybrrNh9Dwc-01182-00288704-00288943 the identification of tnf receptor KybrrNh9Dwc-01183-00288944-00289303 mutations and traps uh ivona oxentievic KybrrNh9Dwc-01184-00289304-00289503 who's uh been KybrrNh9Dwc-01185-00289504-00289758 with our research team for KybrrNh9Dwc-01186-00289759-00289982 nearly since the very beginning elon KybrrNh9Dwc-01187-00289983-00290175 pros who was also one of the early KybrrNh9Dwc-01188-00290176-00290391 fellows who's now uh the head of a KybrrNh9Dwc-01189-00290392-00290630 genomics institute uh in tel aviv and KybrrNh9Dwc-01190-00290631-00290806 his wife ariet KybrrNh9Dwc-01191-00290807-00291151 and elaine remembers the next morning KybrrNh9Dwc-01192-00291152-00291439 then uh so this was this was really KybrrNh9Dwc-01193-00291440-00291710 a lot of science uh that we had uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01194-00291711-00292095 during this uh event uh we had uh a set KybrrNh9Dwc-01195-00292096-00292206 of four KybrrNh9Dwc-01196-00292207-00292495 parallel symposia having to do with the KybrrNh9Dwc-01197-00292496-00292695 topics that each of the prize winners KybrrNh9Dwc-01198-00292696-00292999 had so so there was a symposium in uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01199-00293000-00293367 polyarthritis a symposium uh in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01200-00293368-00293623 geosciences a symposium in KybrrNh9Dwc-01201-00293624-00294015 mathematics and a symposium in astronomy KybrrNh9Dwc-01202-00294016-00294310 i'll just uh play you a short clip KybrrNh9Dwc-01203-00294311-00294457 from the beginning KybrrNh9Dwc-01204-00294458-00294951 [Music] KybrrNh9Dwc-01205-00294952-00295287 good morning everyone and welcome to the KybrrNh9Dwc-01206-00295288-00295510 crawford prize symposium KybrrNh9Dwc-01207-00295511-00295775 in polyarthritis and the theme of today KybrrNh9Dwc-01208-00295776-00295867 is KybrrNh9Dwc-01209-00295868-00296134 autoinflammatory diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-01210-00296135-00296343 my name is hans elder grien i'm KybrrNh9Dwc-01211-00296344-00296558 secretary general of the royal swedish KybrrNh9Dwc-01212-00296559-00296799 academy of sciences KybrrNh9Dwc-01213-00296800-00297054 the mission of the royal swedish academy KybrrNh9Dwc-01214-00297055-00297239 of sciences KybrrNh9Dwc-01215-00297240-00297558 prioritize four areas KybrrNh9Dwc-01216-00297559-00297710 the first two KybrrNh9Dwc-01217-00297711-00297903 is to support KybrrNh9Dwc-01218-00297904-00298119 science for policy KybrrNh9Dwc-01219-00298120-00298534 and to influence the policy for science KybrrNh9Dwc-01220-00298535-00298806 the other two is that we want to be a KybrrNh9Dwc-01221-00298807-00299119 meeting place for science and also to KybrrNh9Dwc-01222-00299120-00299534 promote and avoid scientific excellence KybrrNh9Dwc-01223-00299535-00299710 it is the two letter KybrrNh9Dwc-01224-00299711-00300175 aims that we are here for today KybrrNh9Dwc-01225-00300176-00300510 the academy's two most prominent prizes KybrrNh9Dwc-01226-00300511-00300782 are the nobel prize and the graphical KybrrNh9Dwc-01227-00300783-00300943 prize KybrrNh9Dwc-01228-00300944-00301230 we awarded nobel prize in chemistry and KybrrNh9Dwc-01229-00301231-00301358 physics KybrrNh9Dwc-01230-00301359-00301599 and the pricing economy to the memory of KybrrNh9Dwc-01231-00301600-00301863 alfred nobel KybrrNh9Dwc-01232-00301864-00302199 we award the five crawford prizes KybrrNh9Dwc-01233-00302200-00302339 in astronomy KybrrNh9Dwc-01234-00302340-00302495 biosciences KybrrNh9Dwc-01235-00302496-00302695 geosciences KybrrNh9Dwc-01236-00302696-00302879 in mathematics KybrrNh9Dwc-01237-00302880-00302975 and KybrrNh9Dwc-01238-00302976-00303103 and that's of course the reason we're KybrrNh9Dwc-01239-00303104-00303471 here today in polyarthritis KybrrNh9Dwc-01240-00303472-00303751 i hope that you will find this symposium KybrrNh9Dwc-01241-00303752-00303879 rewarding KybrrNh9Dwc-01242-00303880-00304182 i really wish you a great day and i know KybrrNh9Dwc-01243-00304183-00304367 it will be followed by by your dinner KybrrNh9Dwc-01244-00304368-00304558 tonight so there will be plenty of KybrrNh9Dwc-01245-00304559-00304927 opportunity to talk to each other today KybrrNh9Dwc-01246-00304928-00305182 and by that i leave the word to KybrrNh9Dwc-01247-00305183-00305423 professor ole kemp who will introduce KybrrNh9Dwc-01248-00305424-00306006 the prize winner so have a nice day KybrrNh9Dwc-01249-00306007-00306143 all right well i've already been KybrrNh9Dwc-01250-00306144-00306358 introduced so you don't need that KybrrNh9Dwc-01251-00306359-00306447 and KybrrNh9Dwc-01252-00306448-00306558 my talk KybrrNh9Dwc-01253-00306559-00306839 which was to a more specialist audience KybrrNh9Dwc-01254-00306840-00307047 uh dealt with some of the more recent KybrrNh9Dwc-01255-00307048-00307303 things that our research group has done KybrrNh9Dwc-01256-00307304-00307527 i won't go through those uh in detail KybrrNh9Dwc-01257-00307528-00307687 with you uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01258-00307688-00307903 just to flip through uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01259-00307904-00308110 the slides of KybrrNh9Dwc-01260-00308111-00308334 my talk anyway and then there were eight KybrrNh9Dwc-01261-00308335-00308591 other speakers uh that spoke this was a KybrrNh9Dwc-01262-00308592-00308903 day-long symposium uh mo lim camphi KybrrNh9Dwc-01263-00308904-00309167 talking about the inflammasome uh harold KybrrNh9Dwc-01264-00309168-00309463 burkhart talking about KybrrNh9Dwc-01265-00309464-00309703 psoriasis and its relationship to auto KybrrNh9Dwc-01266-00309704-00309982 inflammation janik crowe talking about KybrrNh9Dwc-01267-00309983-00310175 the interferonopathies KybrrNh9Dwc-01268-00310176-00310471 nils landergren talking about autoimmune KybrrNh9Dwc-01269-00310472-00310703 diseases as a counterpoint to KybrrNh9Dwc-01270-00310704-00310910 autoinflammatory diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-01271-00310911-00311134 elaine rammers talked about KybrrNh9Dwc-01272-00311135-00311327 her work on the genetics of betchat's KybrrNh9Dwc-01273-00311328-00311679 disease claudia kemper from nhlbi KybrrNh9Dwc-01274-00311680-00311934 talking about intracellular complement KybrrNh9Dwc-01275-00311935-00312103 ian and bryson KybrrNh9Dwc-01276-00312104-00312303 talking about macrophage activation KybrrNh9Dwc-01277-00312304-00312551 syndrome and KybrrNh9Dwc-01278-00312552-00312887 lymphocyte cytotoxicity and uh jean KybrrNh9Dwc-01279-00312888-00313151 laurent casanova who many of you may KybrrNh9Dwc-01280-00313152-00313319 think of as being more of someone KybrrNh9Dwc-01281-00313320-00313543 involved in immunodeficiency diseases KybrrNh9Dwc-01282-00313544-00313671 which he is KybrrNh9Dwc-01283-00313672-00314071 but actually he has uh also uh a fairly KybrrNh9Dwc-01284-00314072-00314254 uh significant interest in the auto KybrrNh9Dwc-01285-00314255-00314495 inflammatory diseases as well and this KybrrNh9Dwc-01286-00314496-00314727 is just a picture of uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01287-00314728-00314943 the people that i showed you uh earlier KybrrNh9Dwc-01288-00314944-00315295 on the uh dinner uh photo uh a few KybrrNh9Dwc-01289-00315296-00315567 slides ago and then the third day was KybrrNh9Dwc-01290-00315568-00315751 actually the day of pomp and KybrrNh9Dwc-01291-00315752-00315982 circumstance and so we can go through KybrrNh9Dwc-01292-00315983-00316239 this relatively quickly this was held in KybrrNh9Dwc-01293-00316240-00316527 the assembly hall at lund university KybrrNh9Dwc-01294-00316528-00316743 here's a picture of my wife margaret and KybrrNh9Dwc-01295-00316744-00317054 me uh beforehand they made us rehearse KybrrNh9Dwc-01296-00317055-00317247 so that we would do everything uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01297-00317248-00317430 according to schedule KybrrNh9Dwc-01298-00317431-00317782 they had uh books that each of us would KybrrNh9Dwc-01299-00317783-00318006 sign there was a book for the uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01300-00318007-00318279 mathematics uh prize this is uh dr KybrrNh9Dwc-01301-00318280-00318599 bombieri signing that uh the the KybrrNh9Dwc-01302-00318600-00319015 children of eugene parker signing uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01303-00319016-00319271 in his memory uh in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01304-00319272-00319575 astronomy book here i am signing in the KybrrNh9Dwc-01305-00319576-00319758 polyarthritis book and actually KybrrNh9Dwc-01306-00319759-00320006 revealing that i don't have nearly as KybrrNh9Dwc-01307-00320007-00320199 much hair on top of my head as what i KybrrNh9Dwc-01308-00320200-00320503 usually think um and then here is the KybrrNh9Dwc-01309-00320504-00320791 crown princess victoria who is the KybrrNh9Dwc-01310-00320792-00321054 person who gave out the awards talking KybrrNh9Dwc-01311-00321055-00321310 with ebba fisher who's the granddaughter KybrrNh9Dwc-01312-00321311-00321671 of holger crawford uh and uh the chair KybrrNh9Dwc-01313-00321672-00321982 of the uh crawford foundation board KybrrNh9Dwc-01314-00321983-00322334 then just a photo of of some of the KybrrNh9Dwc-01315-00322335-00322487 various people that were involved in KybrrNh9Dwc-01316-00322488-00322695 this this is dan larham or the guy that KybrrNh9Dwc-01317-00322696-00322919 i was hanging up on at the beginning of KybrrNh9Dwc-01318-00322920-00323358 the story and hans ponce uh elegren who KybrrNh9Dwc-01319-00323359-00323623 we saw a moment ago and then just some KybrrNh9Dwc-01320-00323624-00323823 of my colleagues waiting for this to KybrrNh9Dwc-01321-00323824-00324191 start and this is the last of the uh the KybrrNh9Dwc-01322-00324192-00324447 photo snippets uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01323-00324448-00324639 a little bit of the pomp and KybrrNh9Dwc-01324-00324640-00325242 circumstance of the award ceremony KybrrNh9Dwc-01325-00325243-00327647 [Music] KybrrNh9Dwc-01326-00327648-00328022 right KybrrNh9Dwc-01327-00328023-00330021 [Music] KybrrNh9Dwc-01328-00330022-00330483 [Applause] KybrrNh9Dwc-01329-00330484-00331963 [Music] KybrrNh9Dwc-01330-00331964-00332219 [Applause] KybrrNh9Dwc-01331-00332220-00333678 [Music] KybrrNh9Dwc-01332-00333679-00333951 so anyway uh crown princess victoria KybrrNh9Dwc-01333-00333952-00334199 gave out uh all of the uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01334-00334200-00334454 the prizes the the medals the gold KybrrNh9Dwc-01335-00334455-00334743 medals that uh went with uh the crawford KybrrNh9Dwc-01336-00334744-00335078 prize uh and then the ceremony ended uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01337-00335079-00335182 here she's KybrrNh9Dwc-01338-00335183-00335471 walking out with dan larhammer KybrrNh9Dwc-01339-00335472-00335727 there was a banquet then that evening a KybrrNh9Dwc-01340-00335728-00336054 reception after the banquet here's uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01341-00336055-00336334 crown princess victoria with uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01342-00336335-00336551 me and my family this is uh my son KybrrNh9Dwc-01343-00336552-00336919 nathan uh my son ben margaret of course KybrrNh9Dwc-01344-00336920-00337023 um KybrrNh9Dwc-01345-00337024-00337327 and uh and then that was it it was over KybrrNh9Dwc-01346-00337328-00337727 uh the next day we went on to stockholm KybrrNh9Dwc-01347-00337728-00337910 at least in part because my family KybrrNh9Dwc-01348-00337911-00338110 wanted to see stockholm but i had KybrrNh9Dwc-01349-00338111-00338263 arranged KybrrNh9Dwc-01350-00338264-00338623 for speaking events uh in stockholm KybrrNh9Dwc-01351-00338624-00338743 as well KybrrNh9Dwc-01352-00338744-00339071 and so once we got there i had a a KybrrNh9Dwc-01353-00339072-00339310 meeting actually this was something that KybrrNh9Dwc-01354-00339311-00339599 i was quite surprised the ambassador uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01355-00339600-00339719 asked for KybrrNh9Dwc-01356-00339720-00339806 because KybrrNh9Dwc-01357-00339807-00340015 the the embassy looks at all of the KybrrNh9Dwc-01358-00340016-00340223 things for us government employees KybrrNh9Dwc-01359-00340224-00340503 anyway uh for travel and the travel KybrrNh9Dwc-01360-00340504-00340719 permissions and so forth and so they had KybrrNh9Dwc-01361-00340720-00341063 seen that that an nih employee was was KybrrNh9Dwc-01362-00341064-00341343 coming to sweden for an award and so he KybrrNh9Dwc-01363-00341344-00341623 asked to see me and so i gave him a mini KybrrNh9Dwc-01364-00341624-00341791 lecture on auto autoinflammatory KybrrNh9Dwc-01365-00341792-00342023 diseases and and we met KybrrNh9Dwc-01366-00342024-00342278 at the embassy uh and then i gave a talk KybrrNh9Dwc-01367-00342279-00342519 at the karolinska institute and then KybrrNh9Dwc-01368-00342520-00342775 that was it it was over and uh finally KybrrNh9Dwc-01369-00342776-00343006 the last thing that that some people ask KybrrNh9Dwc-01370-00343007-00343175 me is well what did you do with all of KybrrNh9Dwc-01371-00343176-00343295 that money KybrrNh9Dwc-01372-00343296-00343558 well i haven't spent it all at least yet KybrrNh9Dwc-01373-00343559-00343751 but one of the things that i thought was KybrrNh9Dwc-01374-00343752-00343991 really a good thing to do KybrrNh9Dwc-01375-00343992-00344495 is to establish a set of awards myself KybrrNh9Dwc-01376-00344496-00344951 that i've donated money for uh to the KybrrNh9Dwc-01377-00344952-00345167 international society of KybrrNh9Dwc-01378-00345168-00345382 systemic autoinflammatory diseases and KybrrNh9Dwc-01379-00345383-00345623 these awards are named after some of the KybrrNh9Dwc-01380-00345624-00345910 people who are the real heroes of mine KybrrNh9Dwc-01381-00345911-00346158 in some of the things that i've done KybrrNh9Dwc-01382-00346159-00346439 your chop shown here on the left who was KybrrNh9Dwc-01383-00346440-00346734 the discoverer of the inflammasome KybrrNh9Dwc-01384-00346735-00347023 isabel tuatu who was actually one of my KybrrNh9Dwc-01385-00347024-00347182 archrivals KybrrNh9Dwc-01386-00347183-00347471 in finding the gene for fmf mordechai KybrrNh9Dwc-01387-00347472-00347567 cross KybrrNh9Dwc-01388-00347568-00347806 who was my uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01389-00347807-00348110 very uh important uh collaborator and KybrrNh9Dwc-01390-00348111-00348430 the father actually of the lone press uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01391-00348431-00348558 in uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01392-00348559-00348854 getting samples from patients with fmf KybrrNh9Dwc-01393-00348855-00349278 alberto martini who's in genoa and KybrrNh9Dwc-01394-00349279-00349623 has led a large consortium of pediatric KybrrNh9Dwc-01395-00349624-00349791 rheumatology KybrrNh9Dwc-01396-00349792-00350119 clinical trials and charles dinorello KybrrNh9Dwc-01397-00350120-00350447 and so the idea is that younger people KybrrNh9Dwc-01398-00350448-00350710 in the field will get these awards named KybrrNh9Dwc-01399-00350711-00350839 after these KybrrNh9Dwc-01400-00350840-00351127 people that are more senior and and uh KybrrNh9Dwc-01401-00351128-00351415 some of my heroes from the past so with KybrrNh9Dwc-01402-00351416-00351775 that it's over um and uh i think that KybrrNh9Dwc-01403-00351776-00352071 we're over right at the hour so i KybrrNh9Dwc-01404-00352072-00352295 apologize for maybe going a little over KybrrNh9Dwc-01405-00352296-00352582 i guess i can make the excuse uh that i KybrrNh9Dwc-01406-00352583-00352782 played all of those videos and so that's KybrrNh9Dwc-01407-00352783-00352991 what actually took up all of the time KybrrNh9Dwc-01408-00352992-00353158 but i just thought that it would be fun KybrrNh9Dwc-01409-00353159-00353406 because it really was a smorgasbord of KybrrNh9Dwc-01410-00353407-00353630 science and and it was really fantastic KybrrNh9Dwc-01411-00353631-00353854 you know having the opportunity to hear KybrrNh9Dwc-01412-00353855-00354143 what these other guys were doing too and KybrrNh9Dwc-01413-00354144-00354415 and uh certainly i think in the future KybrrNh9Dwc-01414-00354416-00354703 they should actually consider uh having KybrrNh9Dwc-01415-00354704-00355030 combined ceremonies again so in any KybrrNh9Dwc-01416-00355031-00355247 event uh with that i will call it to a KybrrNh9Dwc-01417-00355248-00355551 close paul uh if you want to uh if there KybrrNh9Dwc-01418-00355552-00355719 are any questions i'll try to answer KybrrNh9Dwc-01419-00355720-00355975 them or if they're not uh everybody can KybrrNh9Dwc-01420-00355976-00356127 uh leave a little bit early for the KybrrNh9Dwc-01421-00356128-00356406 weekend KybrrNh9Dwc-01422-00356407-00356615 yeah thank you then very much this is a KybrrNh9Dwc-01423-00356616-00356871 fantastic you know quite a royal trade KybrrNh9Dwc-01424-00356872-00357071 if you will and KybrrNh9Dwc-01425-00357072-00357343 that uh we're so proud of you and all KybrrNh9Dwc-01426-00357344-00357534 the great achievements you'll have made KybrrNh9Dwc-01427-00357535-00357663 and um KybrrNh9Dwc-01428-00357664-00357895 you know making us all you know feel KybrrNh9Dwc-01429-00357896-00357999 like you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01430-00358000-00358167 we're among the KybrrNh9Dwc-01431-00358168-00358391 you know the best uh in science and KybrrNh9Dwc-01432-00358392-00358606 you'll mention you know they were the KybrrNh9Dwc-01433-00358607-00358719 royal KybrrNh9Dwc-01434-00358720-00358903 economy you know they're KybrrNh9Dwc-01435-00358904-00359078 they're impressed by nih i thought they KybrrNh9Dwc-01436-00359079-00359215 were you were going to say they were KybrrNh9Dwc-01437-00359216-00359382 impressed by how many great scientists KybrrNh9Dwc-01438-00359383-00359519 we have here but KybrrNh9Dwc-01439-00359520-00359623 you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01440-00359624-00359815 we do have a you know great you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01441-00359816-00359967 regulations but KybrrNh9Dwc-01442-00359968-00360191 you know i hope you convey that you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01443-00360192-00360423 obviously exemplified what the KybrrNh9Dwc-01444-00360424-00360639 intramural scientist can do KybrrNh9Dwc-01445-00360640-00361303 indeed indeed KybrrNh9Dwc-01446-00361304-00361558 okay i think it's KybrrNh9Dwc-01447-00361559-00361791 um i do have some questions but i can KybrrNh9Dwc-01448-00361792-00361975 ask you later but i don't want to hold KybrrNh9Dwc-01449-00361976-00362239 you know people on a friday afternoon KybrrNh9Dwc-01450-00362240-00362430 but uh you know this is um KybrrNh9Dwc-01451-00362431-00362519 you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01452-00362520-00362958 very impressive and i think you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01453-00362959-00363206 we're we're probably called a close and KybrrNh9Dwc-01454-00363207-00363375 i'll email you with some of the KybrrNh9Dwc-01455-00363376-00363551 questions i have you know KybrrNh9Dwc-01456-00363552-00363934 and uh this is a already KybrrNh9Dwc-01457-00363935-00364399 quite an important discovery and KybrrNh9Dwc-01458-00364400-00364534 thank you very much KybrrNh9Dwc-01459-00364535-00364710 well thank you paul KybrrNh9Dwc-01460-00364711-00364943 thank you all for for being here this KybrrNh9Dwc-01461-00364944-00365167 afternoon as well yeah i'm sure a lot of KybrrNh9Dwc-01462-00365168-00365334 people you know sending their KybrrNh9Dwc-01463-00365335-00365558 congratulations to you and KybrrNh9Dwc-01464-00365559-00366039 including some here in the q a KybrrNh9Dwc-01465-00366040-00366367 thank you very much take care KybrrNh9Dwc-01466-00366368-00366471 bye bye KybrrNh9Dwc-01467-00366472-00367591 bye everybody thank you for attending KybrrNh9Dwc-01468-00367592-00367800 you K-h8-cwSfnA-00000-00000015-00001270 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00001-00001271-00001350 i K-h8-cwSfnA-00002-00001351-00001863 live inside my own world of make-believe K-h8-cwSfnA-00003-00001864-00002199 kids screaming in the cradles K-h8-cwSfnA-00004-00002200-00002434 profanities K-h8-cwSfnA-00005-00002435-00004031 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00006-00004032-00004383 spreading all around my room my world's K-h8-cwSfnA-00007-00004384-00004789 so bright it's hard to breathe K-h8-cwSfnA-00008-00004790-00006542 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00009-00006543-00006923 go K-h8-cwSfnA-00010-00006923-00007616 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00011-00007617-00007703 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00012-00007704-00008217 [Applause] K-h8-cwSfnA-00013-00008218-00008483 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00014-00008484-00008839 i live inside my own world of K-h8-cwSfnA-00015-00008840-00009012 make-believe K-h8-cwSfnA-00016-00009013-00009299 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00017-00009300-00009663 kids profanities K-h8-cwSfnA-00018-00009664-00010093 some days K-h8-cwSfnA-00019-00010094-00010871 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00020-00010872-00011159 i love everything K-h8-cwSfnA-00021-00011160-00011542 fire's spreading all around my room my K-h8-cwSfnA-00022-00011543-00011989 words so bright it's hard to breathe K-h8-cwSfnA-00023-00011990-00012604 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00024-00012605-00013793 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00025-00013794-00014407 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00026-00014408-00017233 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00027-00017234-00018022 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00028-00018023-00018495 i just wanna be carefree K-h8-cwSfnA-00029-00018496-00019311 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00030-00019312-00019607 is K-h8-cwSfnA-00031-00019608-00019791 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00032-00019792-00019820 [Applause] K-h8-cwSfnA-00033-00019821-00020703 [Music] K-h8-cwSfnA-00034-00020704-00021271 in country K-h8-cwSfnA-00035-00021272-00021814 with K-h8-cwSfnA-00036-00021815-00022128 [Music] K-aNCkCExW8-00000-00000602-00000836 do you want a job with a higher salary K-aNCkCExW8-00001-00000836-00001061 great perks and long term growth and K-aNCkCExW8-00002-00001062-00001247 security you should consider a career in K-aNCkCExW8-00003-00001248-00001490 Linux today the Linux operating system K-aNCkCExW8-00004-00001491-00001684 is everywhere powering more than just K-aNCkCExW8-00005-00001685-00002057 servers it may even be running the smart K-aNCkCExW8-00006-00002058-00002315 phone in your pocket right now thousands K-aNCkCExW8-00007-00002316-00002474 of high-paying jobs are going unfilled K-aNCkCExW8-00008-00002475-00002668 because of the lack of qualified Linux K-aNCkCExW8-00009-00002669-00002867 professionals in order to fill these K-aNCkCExW8-00010-00002868-00003067 jobs employers are paying qualified K-aNCkCExW8-00011-00003068-00003251 candidates higher salaries bigger K-aNCkCExW8-00012-00003252-00003461 bonuses and allowing flexible schedules K-aNCkCExW8-00013-00003461-00003688 and telecommuting Junior systems K-aNCkCExW8-00014-00003689-00003847 administrators in Linux are even K-aNCkCExW8-00015-00003848-00003997 starting at more than double the salary K-aNCkCExW8-00016-00003998-00004238 of other junior administrators sound K-aNCkCExW8-00017-00004239-00004947 good learn Linux get certified get ahead K-aNCkCExW8-00018-00004948-00005482 certify with LP I LP I org KBnNu-_a4y4-00000-00000463-00000599 the library has 10 KBnNu-_a4y4-00001-00000600-00000815 group rooms that students can book for a KBnNu-_a4y4-00002-00000816-00000966 study session KBnNu-_a4y4-00003-00000967-00001199 these can hold between 4 and 10 people KBnNu-_a4y4-00004-00001200-00001278 comfortably KBnNu-_a4y4-00005-00001279-00001623 depending on which room you use library KBnNu-_a4y4-00006-00001623-00001814 group rooms are booked through resource KBnNu-_a4y4-00007-00001816-00001910 booker KBnNu-_a4y4-00008-00001911-00002183 to access resource booker either scroll KBnNu-_a4y4-00009-00002184-00002302 down and click on KBnNu-_a4y4-00010-00002303-00003007 book a group room KBnNu-_a4y4-00011-00003008-00004259 or through your student portal under KBnNu-_a4y4-00012-00004260-00004383 tools KBnNu-_a4y4-00013-00004384-00004591 from here select which library you want KBnNu-_a4y4-00014-00004592-00004735 to book a room in KBnNu-_a4y4-00015-00004736-00004935 the hamilton central library has eight KBnNu-_a4y4-00016-00004936-00005054 rooms available KBnNu-_a4y4-00017-00005055-00005711 the teaching resources library has two KBnNu-_a4y4-00018-00005712-00005967 if you know which room you want to book KBnNu-_a4y4-00019-00005968-00006431 click on the room KBnNu-_a4y4-00020-00006431-00006727 select the date and time required give KBnNu-_a4y4-00021-00006728-00006846 your booking a title KBnNu-_a4y4-00022-00006847-00007083 and enter the number of people in your KBnNu-_a4y4-00023-00007084-00007198 booking KBnNu-_a4y4-00024-00007200-00007527 and select book you will receive an KBnNu-_a4y4-00025-00007528-00007734 email confirming your booking KBnNu-_a4y4-00026-00007736-00007967 as can other students if you link them KBnNu-_a4y4-00027-00007968-00008110 as well KBnNu-_a4y4-00028-00008111-00008351 to find out more details about each room KBnNu-_a4y4-00029-00008352-00008574 including how many people it can hold KBnNu-_a4y4-00030-00008575-00008759 click on the information symbol KBnNu-_a4y4-00031-00008760-00009055 to the right of the room number if KBnNu-_a4y4-00032-00009056-00009246 you're not sure which room you want KBnNu-_a4y4-00033-00009247-00009414 you can conduct a search with the KBnNu-_a4y4-00034-00009415-00009591 options on the right KBnNu-_a4y4-00035-00009592-00009910 select a date and time how long you KBnNu-_a4y4-00036-00009911-00009999 require the room KBnNu-_a4y4-00037-00010000-00010342 for KBnNu-_a4y4-00038-00010343-00010591 how many people will be using the room KBnNu-_a4y4-00039-00010592-00010759 and other options KBnNu-_a4y4-00040-00010760-00010903 available rooms that meet your KBnNu-_a4y4-00041-00010904-00011127 requirements will appear here KBnNu-_a4y4-00042-00011128-00011374 select the room you want fill out the KBnNu-_a4y4-00043-00011375-00011431 booking KBnNu-_a4y4-00044-00011432-00012046 and select book KBnNu-_a4y4-00045-00012047-00012255 rooms can only be booked for a maximum KBnNu-_a4y4-00046-00012256-00012495 of two hours at a time per group KBnNu-_a4y4-00047-00012496-00012727 however if you require it for longer and KBnNu-_a4y4-00048-00012728-00012966 there are no bookings after yours KBnNu-_a4y4-00049-00012967-00013311 staff may allow you to extend your time KBnNu-_a4y4-00050-00013312-00013575 the rooms are in high demand so if you KBnNu-_a4y4-00051-00013576-00013766 aren't in the room within 10 minutes of KBnNu-_a4y4-00052-00013768-00013855 your booking KBnNu-_a4y4-00053-00013856-00014063 it will become invalid and the room will KBnNu-_a4y4-00054-00014063-00014399 be available for other people to use KBnNu-_a4y4-00055-00014400-00014671 also book your rooms as early as you can KBnNu-_a4y4-00056-00014672-00014822 to avoid missing out KBnNu-_a4y4-00057-00014823-00015150 you can book up to two weeks in advance KBnNu-_a4y4-00058-00015151-00015350 please be courteous and vacate the room KBnNu-_a4y4-00059-00015351-00015558 on time at the end of your booking KBnNu-_a4y4-00060-00015559-00015775 so other students can make full use of KBnNu-_a4y4-00061-00015776-00016063 their allocated time KBnNu-_a4y4-00062-00016063-00016327 we recommend you watch these videos for KBnNu-_a4y4-00063-00016328-00016407 more assistance KBnNu-_a4y4-00064-00016408-00016984 please contact the library KFESPuVYQtM-00000-00000000-00000299 a little bit about who I am so my name KFESPuVYQtM-00001-00000300-00000695 is Carson as least nicely stated KFESPuVYQtM-00002-00000696-00000904 I'm a Senior Systems engineer and I work KFESPuVYQtM-00003-00000905-00001019 at a KFESPuVYQtM-00004-00001019-00001312 Ikea retail the Inca group it's a KFESPuVYQtM-00005-00001313-00001481 franchise for those of you who don't KFESPuVYQtM-00006-00001482-00001602 know KFESPuVYQtM-00007-00001603-00002017 I'm working in our Cloud hybrid private KFESPuVYQtM-00008-00002018-00002459 team mainly focusing around on-prem data KFESPuVYQtM-00009-00002460-00002717 centers and also service mesh KFESPuVYQtM-00010-00002718-00002968 Technologies and things like that I'm a KFESPuVYQtM-00011-00002969-00003215 firm believer in Kiss keep it simple KFESPuVYQtM-00012-00003215-00003472 stupid KFESPuVYQtM-00013-00003473-00003731 it makes your life easier at least when KFESPuVYQtM-00014-00003732-00003904 you work in infrastructure and then I've KFESPuVYQtM-00015-00003905-00004085 been working in different KFESPuVYQtM-00016-00004086-00004243 things around KFESPuVYQtM-00017-00004244-00004495 lately I've joined the psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00018-00004496-00004811 contributor list KFESPuVYQtM-00019-00004812-00005245 so who are we the Inca group operates KFESPuVYQtM-00020-00005246-00005515 300 and KFESPuVYQtM-00021-00005516-00005956 79 Ikea stores in 31 countries we have KFESPuVYQtM-00022-00005957-00006194 more than 1070 KFESPuVYQtM-00023-00006195-00006311 [Music] KFESPuVYQtM-00024-00006312-00006509 000 co-workers KFESPuVYQtM-00025-00006509-00006863 and in physical year 22 we had a total KFESPuVYQtM-00026-00006864-00007031 revenue of KFESPuVYQtM-00027-00007031-00007541 30 42 billion euros and we saw KFESPuVYQtM-00028-00007542-00007937 some 680 million visitors to our stores KFESPuVYQtM-00029-00007938-00008209 and also 3.8 KFESPuVYQtM-00030-00008210-00008603 billion visitors to our website KFESPuVYQtM-00031-00008604-00008813 um KFESPuVYQtM-00032-00008814-00009046 and the team that I'm working in is the KFESPuVYQtM-00033-00009047-00009419 digital team within Inca and we create KFESPuVYQtM-00034-00009420-00009667 the digital experience of the Ikea KFESPuVYQtM-00035-00009668-00009959 experience for the many people and that KFESPuVYQtM-00036-00009960-00010213 includes customers and co-workers KFESPuVYQtM-00037-00010214-00010535 Financial systems Etc we're currently KFESPuVYQtM-00038-00010536-00010753 around 3 000 people KFESPuVYQtM-00039-00010754-00011074 and if you're interested we are hiring KFESPuVYQtM-00040-00011075-00011410 so you can visit our website on join KFESPuVYQtM-00041-00011411-00011585 inca.com KFESPuVYQtM-00042-00011586-00011981 so let's get into it I have some topics KFESPuVYQtM-00043-00011982-00012131 to discuss today KFESPuVYQtM-00044-00012132-00012485 like most Enterprises we started out in KFESPuVYQtM-00045-00012486-00012774 on-prem is having KFESPuVYQtM-00046-00012775-00013096 been built for operational purposes KFESPuVYQtM-00047-00013097-00013283 rather than consumption KFESPuVYQtM-00048-00013284-00013572 so it included a lot of change process KFESPuVYQtM-00049-00013573-00013883 we like if you wanted to have a VM it KFESPuVYQtM-00050-00013884-00014044 could take weeks if you wanted to have KFESPuVYQtM-00051-00014045-00014333 Network to that VM it also took weeks KFESPuVYQtM-00052-00014334-00014597 Etc so if you're looking at it it's uh KFESPuVYQtM-00053-00014597-00014825 it's a typical case of KFESPuVYQtM-00054-00014826-00015161 how you used to work before cloud KFESPuVYQtM-00055-00015162-00015455 and things would like and team members KFESPuVYQtM-00056-00015456-00015616 and developers especially would like to KFESPuVYQtM-00057-00015618-00015808 have that so KFESPuVYQtM-00058-00015809-00016163 our modernization journey has moved us KFESPuVYQtM-00059-00016163-00016408 towards the public Cloud but an old KFESPuVYQtM-00060-00016409-00016750 company like Ikea you just don't move KFESPuVYQtM-00061-00016751-00017039 everything we had a non-lift and shift KFESPuVYQtM-00062-00017040-00017305 policy so we had to KFESPuVYQtM-00063-00017306-00017639 create new services around in order to KFESPuVYQtM-00064-00017640-00017875 get this up and running KFESPuVYQtM-00065-00017876-00018167 some of the unwanted design that would KFESPuVYQtM-00066-00018168-00018365 happen from this case was to have the KFESPuVYQtM-00067-00018366-00018569 front-end deployed to cloud and all the KFESPuVYQtM-00068-00018570-00018779 back-end including data sitting around KFESPuVYQtM-00069-00018780-00019175 in data centers leaving traffic patterns KFESPuVYQtM-00070-00019176-00019403 that was not really interesting from KFESPuVYQtM-00071-00019404-00019667 that case it also created a much larger KFESPuVYQtM-00072-00019668-00019943 failure domain since you're stretching KFESPuVYQtM-00073-00019944-00020075 your more or less you're stretching your KFESPuVYQtM-00074-00020076-00020350 data center from on-prem to Cloud KFESPuVYQtM-00075-00020351-00020722 so we needed a cloud KFESPuVYQtM-00076-00020723-00021125 like experience on-prem to unlock the KFESPuVYQtM-00077-00021126-00021544 development teams so it's pretty easy to KFESPuVYQtM-00078-00021545-00021713 set up a kubernetes environment on-prem KFESPuVYQtM-00079-00021714-00022139 these days through VMware nutanix or KFESPuVYQtM-00080-00022140-00022477 other platforms that supports running KFESPuVYQtM-00081-00022478-00022780 VMS but we didn't really have a good VM KFESPuVYQtM-00082-00022781-00023050 experience like I just told you pretty KFESPuVYQtM-00083-00023051-00023183 involved KFESPuVYQtM-00084-00023184-00023417 and then also we would like to get out KFESPuVYQtM-00085-00023418-00023677 of some of the classical KFESPuVYQtM-00086-00023678-00024011 networking challenges that you're always KFESPuVYQtM-00087-00024012-00024191 pointing fingers at someone else because KFESPuVYQtM-00088-00024192-00024394 it's always like KFESPuVYQtM-00089-00024395-00024599 the networking team to blame or the KFESPuVYQtM-00090-00024600-00024869 firewall lately we have heard about DNS KFESPuVYQtM-00091-00024870-00025157 a lot right so all of these problems we KFESPuVYQtM-00092-00025158-00025486 wanted to kind of get out of to have a KFESPuVYQtM-00093-00025487-00025661 more consumable networking KFESPuVYQtM-00094-00025662-00025852 infrastructure KFESPuVYQtM-00095-00025854-00026099 there's always the case that it's kind KFESPuVYQtM-00096-00026100-00026273 of an illusion that you don't have any KFESPuVYQtM-00097-00026274-00026399 dependencies because you have KFESPuVYQtM-00098-00026400-00026543 dependencies to everything right you KFESPuVYQtM-00099-00026544-00026729 have your dependencies to the laptop as KFESPuVYQtM-00100-00026730-00027064 I just showed it it doesn't work it just KFESPuVYQtM-00101-00027066-00027383 yeah it's also like you need to be KFESPuVYQtM-00102-00027383-00027557 involved with like you have internet you KFESPuVYQtM-00103-00027558-00027767 have Upstream downstreams Etc so you KFESPuVYQtM-00104-00027768-00027970 have a lot of dependencies KFESPuVYQtM-00105-00027972-00028145 it might not be KFESPuVYQtM-00106-00028145-00028349 as easy to get out of KFESPuVYQtM-00107-00028350-00028523 so in order to get kind of the KFESPuVYQtM-00108-00028524-00028799 foundation right we KFESPuVYQtM-00109-00028800-00028996 we have a critical infrastructure like KFESPuVYQtM-00110-00028997-00029273 any company or other place like the KFESPuVYQtM-00111-00029274-00029561 infrastructure the the foundation needs KFESPuVYQtM-00112-00029562-00029723 to be right or otherwise it's not really KFESPuVYQtM-00113-00029724-00030029 going to work out for you at all KFESPuVYQtM-00114-00030030-00030118 um KFESPuVYQtM-00115-00030119-00030349 so the first thing is that we run our KFESPuVYQtM-00116-00030350-00030640 infrastructure as hyper-converged that KFESPuVYQtM-00117-00030641-00030990 means that we run networking storage KFESPuVYQtM-00118-00030991-00031312 compute all on the same box KFESPuVYQtM-00119-00031313-00031643 then we run software on top of that so KFESPuVYQtM-00120-00031644-00031907 we can basically run a non-branded KFESPuVYQtM-00121-00031908-00032296 Hardware in this setup so we get out of KFESPuVYQtM-00122-00032297-00032512 dependencies towards vendor login and KFESPuVYQtM-00123-00032513-00032764 other things that will just just quote KFESPuVYQtM-00124-00032766-00033040 unquote depending on software and this KFESPuVYQtM-00125-00033041-00033211 stack is based on kubernetes psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00126-00033212-00033562 bird which is a routing demon KFESPuVYQtM-00127-00033563-00034007 and then SEF for storage we also manage KFESPuVYQtM-00128-00034008-00034271 this through some of the other cncf KFESPuVYQtM-00129-00034272-00034624 projects with metal 3 and cluster API KFESPuVYQtM-00130-00034625-00034949 we're doing that with githubs and then KFESPuVYQtM-00131-00034950-00035165 tied together with Argo CD KFESPuVYQtM-00132-00035166-00035345 but we're going to focus around the KFESPuVYQtM-00133-00035346-00035812 networking piece in this talk so network KFESPuVYQtM-00134-00035813-00036149 is like one of the key things to get KFESPuVYQtM-00135-00036150-00036359 right if you cannot get the bits across KFESPuVYQtM-00136-00036360-00036779 the while then what's the point so we KFESPuVYQtM-00137-00036780-00037031 really needed to to look at that also to KFESPuVYQtM-00138-00037032-00037205 get out of the KFESPuVYQtM-00139-00037206-00037517 the blame game so that at least we have KFESPuVYQtM-00140-00037518-00037745 a visibility into our Network for our KFESPuVYQtM-00141-00037746-00038009 development teams we needed new vendor KFESPuVYQtM-00142-00038010-00038173 neutral KFESPuVYQtM-00143-00038174-00038452 networking stack so KFESPuVYQtM-00144-00038453-00038807 we could build around and use software KFESPuVYQtM-00145-00038808-00039118 instead of proprietary software Hardware KFESPuVYQtM-00146-00039119-00039252 protocols KFESPuVYQtM-00147-00039253-00039599 good performance is always a must also KFESPuVYQtM-00148-00039600-00039761 when you move into kubernetes and micro KFESPuVYQtM-00149-00039762-00040018 Services you get a lot more East-West KFESPuVYQtM-00150-00040019-00040235 traffic KFESPuVYQtM-00151-00040236-00040559 we need an easy scale out we are a small KFESPuVYQtM-00152-00040560-00040846 team and we intend to stay that that way KFESPuVYQtM-00153-00040847-00041189 so our scaling characteristics of the KFESPuVYQtM-00154-00041190-00041537 network should be the same as the KFESPuVYQtM-00155-00041538-00041861 the the software that we tries to deploy KFESPuVYQtM-00156-00041862-00042059 so it should be scaled out rather than KFESPuVYQtM-00157-00042060-00042167 scale up KFESPuVYQtM-00158-00042168-00042377 so we're not really interested in buying KFESPuVYQtM-00159-00042378-00042718 new switches Whenever there is a faster KFESPuVYQtM-00160-00042719-00042929 switch coming out with 500 geek KFESPuVYQtM-00161-00042930-00043217 networking also so we wanted to scale KFESPuVYQtM-00162-00043218-00043451 out we wanted to have easy consumption KFESPuVYQtM-00163-00043452-00043687 so things like KFESPuVYQtM-00164-00043688-00043901 increased load balancing and network KFESPuVYQtM-00165-00043902-00044345 policies so that all software defined KFESPuVYQtM-00166-00044346-00044561 and then we needed to KFESPuVYQtM-00167-00044562-00044824 integrate it into our Legacy systems KFESPuVYQtM-00168-00044825-00045035 it's a modernization journey it's not KFESPuVYQtM-00169-00045036-00045299 fully replacement so we need to coexist KFESPuVYQtM-00170-00045300-00045508 the environments for a long period of KFESPuVYQtM-00171-00045509-00045611 time KFESPuVYQtM-00172-00045612-00045929 uh and then also KFESPuVYQtM-00173-00045930-00046240 as previously mentioned ipv4 exhaustion KFESPuVYQtM-00174-00046241-00046480 can happen in our environment we have KFESPuVYQtM-00175-00046481-00046745 like the 400 stores and different Cloud KFESPuVYQtM-00176-00046746-00046924 providers and other things that we run KFESPuVYQtM-00177-00046925-00047189 so we have a lot of consumption around KFESPuVYQtM-00178-00047190-00047362 Network KFESPuVYQtM-00179-00047363-00047629 so the implementation pit KFESPuVYQtM-00180-00047630-00048161 we chose to go with pgp and ecmp to to KFESPuVYQtM-00181-00048162-00048301 get the KFESPuVYQtM-00182-00048302-00048727 redundancy and scalability KFESPuVYQtM-00183-00048728-00049037 equal cost multi-path so it actually KFESPuVYQtM-00184-00049038-00049396 enables you to run multiple nics and KFESPuVYQtM-00185-00049397-00049637 admonix if you if you have a scaling KFESPuVYQtM-00186-00049638-00049877 problem like if you want to read up on KFESPuVYQtM-00187-00049878-00050339 on high scale networking like there's a KFESPuVYQtM-00188-00050340-00050549 different articles around from Facebook KFESPuVYQtM-00189-00050550-00050795 and other Cloud providers how they do KFESPuVYQtM-00190-00050796-00050986 networking KFESPuVYQtM-00191-00050987-00051107 um KFESPuVYQtM-00192-00051108-00051335 and then since we are at psylliumcon KFESPuVYQtM-00193-00051336-00051466 we're going to talk about all the KFESPuVYQtM-00194-00051467-00051719 psyllium features that we use in our KFESPuVYQtM-00195-00051720-00052007 setup so we have cilium deployed we also KFESPuVYQtM-00196-00052008-00052246 use Hubble to get the visibility KFESPuVYQtM-00197-00052247-00052535 we're using the integration between KFESPuVYQtM-00198-00052536-00052888 psyllium and btp and also the newly KFESPuVYQtM-00199-00052889-00053297 featured the lb ipam module that is KFESPuVYQtM-00200-00053298-00053513 being put to come up with I think it was KFESPuVYQtM-00201-00053514-00053776 113 and then also we're using the KFESPuVYQtM-00202-00053777-00053892 Ingress KFESPuVYQtM-00203-00053894-00054094 capabilities of the psyllium service KFESPuVYQtM-00204-00054095-00054485 mesh as well as the egress Gateway and KFESPuVYQtM-00205-00054486-00054815 and we're using the cluster pool ipv KFESPuVYQtM-00206-00054816-00055115 version 2 as it has a lot of KFESPuVYQtM-00207-00055116-00055229 uh KFESPuVYQtM-00208-00055229-00055553 needed a functionality around how to say KFESPuVYQtM-00209-00055554-00055859 by piece when you run in KFESPuVYQtM-00210-00055860-00056111 in a setup like ours KFESPuVYQtM-00211-00056112-00056321 and then let's go into the assembly part KFESPuVYQtM-00212-00056322-00056737 some of you might recognize the format KFESPuVYQtM-00213-00056738-00057197 so we have an Ikea Cloud native assembly KFESPuVYQtM-00214-00057198-00057544 manual it has psyllium and psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00215-00057545-00057821 brings Envoy and then we're using KFESPuVYQtM-00216-00057822-00058079 kubernetes KFESPuVYQtM-00217-00058079-00058450 and for this assembly you would need a KFESPuVYQtM-00218-00058451-00058811 kit with some KFESPuVYQtM-00219-00058812-00059091 um with a bunch of um KFESPuVYQtM-00220-00059092-00059404 [Applause] KFESPuVYQtM-00221-00059405-00059573 with a bunch of Tamil your favorite KFESPuVYQtM-00222-00059574-00059873 programming language we chose to use KFESPuVYQtM-00223-00059874-00060107 Argo CD you could bring all of your KFESPuVYQtM-00224-00060108-00060461 block CD if you rather use that one we KFESPuVYQtM-00225-00060462-00060694 use metal free and then also ansible KFESPuVYQtM-00226-00060695-00060982 and if you have problems assembling this KFESPuVYQtM-00227-00060983-00061315 we have to we are on Slack KFESPuVYQtM-00228-00061316-00061607 so maybe we can answer some of your KFESPuVYQtM-00229-00061608-00061697 questions KFESPuVYQtM-00230-00061698-00061780 um KFESPuVYQtM-00231-00061782-00062026 so you have your Ikea bookshelf and then KFESPuVYQtM-00232-00062027-00062188 you start by putting in some switches KFESPuVYQtM-00233-00062189-00062454 and putting them together KFESPuVYQtM-00234-00062455-00062680 we need to KFESPuVYQtM-00235-00062682-00062897 put in our servers as well and connect KFESPuVYQtM-00236-00062898-00063173 them with the switches KFESPuVYQtM-00237-00063174-00063607 we use ansible to to set up our KFESPuVYQtM-00238-00063608-00063826 switching infrastructure KFESPuVYQtM-00239-00063827-00064103 and we're using we're setting it up with KFESPuVYQtM-00240-00064104-00064541 some urfs and some PTP configuration brf KFESPuVYQtM-00241-00064541-00064804 is a is a way to virtualize your switch KFESPuVYQtM-00242-00064805-00065044 environment so you can run multiple KFESPuVYQtM-00243-00065045-00065326 routing tables and like looks the same KFESPuVYQtM-00244-00065327-00065525 but they can coexist with this KFESPuVYQtM-00245-00065526-00065626 technology KFESPuVYQtM-00246-00065627-00065938 uh and then since we're actually using KFESPuVYQtM-00247-00065939-00066076 psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00248-00066077-00066335 we're putting in this cluster API config KFESPuVYQtM-00249-00066336-00066569 to get our kubernetes environment up KFESPuVYQtM-00250-00066570-00066737 running we're using KFESPuVYQtM-00251-00066738-00067019 so metal free comes with the cube ADM KFESPuVYQtM-00252-00067020-00067303 plug-in from cluster API and we're using KFESPuVYQtM-00253-00067304-00067732 the user data KFESPuVYQtM-00254-00067733-00067997 to put in our bird configuration and KFESPuVYQtM-00255-00067998-00068200 since we won running KFESPuVYQtM-00256-00068201-00068363 um KFESPuVYQtM-00257-00068364-00068675 hyper converged we need the servers to KFESPuVYQtM-00258-00068676-00068926 to become routers before we can actually KFESPuVYQtM-00259-00068927-00069250 install kubernetes so we're putting the KFESPuVYQtM-00260-00069251-00069556 bird configuration on top of that and KFESPuVYQtM-00261-00069557-00069653 then KFESPuVYQtM-00262-00069654-00069971 we're also adding the bgp control plane KFESPuVYQtM-00263-00069972-00070300 when we install KFESPuVYQtM-00264-00070301-00070438 ium KFESPuVYQtM-00265-00070439-00070771 with peering with localhost as we have KFESPuVYQtM-00266-00070772-00071026 bird the routing even running on all KFESPuVYQtM-00267-00071027-00071249 nodes in our environment so we compare KFESPuVYQtM-00268-00071250-00071500 cilium with localhost KFESPuVYQtM-00269-00071501-00071759 as you can only have one peer out of a KFESPuVYQtM-00270-00071760-00071938 given KFESPuVYQtM-00271-00071939-00072143 a server KFESPuVYQtM-00272-00072144-00072341 so let's look at a little it's always KFESPuVYQtM-00273-00072342-00072556 nice to take a step back and look at KFESPuVYQtM-00274-00072557-00072719 what you built so far KFESPuVYQtM-00275-00072720-00073091 and maybe take a coffee break so KFESPuVYQtM-00276-00073092-00073463 we can see that we have now set up our KFESPuVYQtM-00277-00073464-00073744 bird peering with our leaves and KFESPuVYQtM-00278-00073745-00073865 psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00279-00073866-00074038 we can also see from our management KFESPuVYQtM-00280-00074039-00074381 setup that the pot networking is KFESPuVYQtM-00281-00074382-00074741 actually also present in in our KFESPuVYQtM-00282-00074742-00074956 management server and it has the ecmp KFESPuVYQtM-00283-00074957-00075125 environment so you have two routes for KFESPuVYQtM-00284-00075126-00075437 the same network KFESPuVYQtM-00285-00075438-00075676 um so all is good KFESPuVYQtM-00286-00075677-00076049 let's move on to the ipam which is KFESPuVYQtM-00287-00076050-00076421 always enabled so all you need to do is KFESPuVYQtM-00288-00076422-00076771 actually just add a pool to psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00289-00076772-00077105 so we have done that we are running a KFESPuVYQtM-00290-00077106-00077705 single pool in this case and also KFESPuVYQtM-00291-00077706-00077999 we enabled Ingress in the same step to KFESPuVYQtM-00292-00078000-00078443 get both layer 4 and layer 7 load KFESPuVYQtM-00293-00078444-00078719 balancing capabilities KFESPuVYQtM-00294-00078720-00079006 we are using the psyllium Helm chart and KFESPuVYQtM-00295-00079007-00079291 that comes with built-in capabilities of KFESPuVYQtM-00296-00079292-00079591 enabling the Hubble UI KFESPuVYQtM-00297-00079592-00079871 and I guess some of you can recognize it KFESPuVYQtM-00298-00079872-00080165 but we're also using the KFESPuVYQtM-00299-00080166-00080375 research manager to provision our KFESPuVYQtM-00300-00080376-00080665 certificates in this case KFESPuVYQtM-00301-00080666-00080956 and then again we'll have a KFESPuVYQtM-00302-00080957-00081185 look at what we have today now so we KFESPuVYQtM-00303-00081186-00081593 have like I said previously KFESPuVYQtM-00304-00081594-00081905 a case is always good so we keep it to a KFESPuVYQtM-00305-00081906-00082300 single pool as we as we don't have a KFESPuVYQtM-00306-00082301-00082529 strict need to actually KFESPuVYQtM-00307-00082530-00082799 run multiple pools and be able for our KFESPuVYQtM-00308-00082800-00082979 tenants to consume different types of KFESPuVYQtM-00309-00082980-00083267 pools so we have like just a single one KFESPuVYQtM-00310-00083268-00083662 and again it has redundancy with the KFESPuVYQtM-00311-00083663-00083987 ecmp functionality and also we can get KFESPuVYQtM-00312-00083988-00084235 better performance with that KFESPuVYQtM-00313-00084236-00084653 so again we can if we run out of KFESPuVYQtM-00314-00084654-00084838 bandwidth we can always just add KFESPuVYQtM-00315-00084839-00084955 multiple KFESPuVYQtM-00316-00084956-00085276 path to our PDP environment and then you KFESPuVYQtM-00317-00085277-00085475 will have more capacity KFESPuVYQtM-00318-00085476-00085595 then for Ingress KFESPuVYQtM-00319-00085596-00085703 [Music] KFESPuVYQtM-00320-00085704-00085955 when you enable Hubble you you will also KFESPuVYQtM-00321-00085956-00086212 get Ingress KFESPuVYQtM-00322-00086213-00086425 set up KFESPuVYQtM-00323-00086426-00086771 we use the shared KFESPuVYQtM-00324-00086772-00087282 Ingress type as we will save your IP KFESPuVYQtM-00325-00087283-00087617 consumption when you use shared you will KFESPuVYQtM-00326-00087618-00087988 get a single IP that is being used for KFESPuVYQtM-00327-00087989-00088288 all inquest configuration KFESPuVYQtM-00328-00088289-00088567 and um KFESPuVYQtM-00329-00088568-00088900 with that KFESPuVYQtM-00330-00088901-00089153 approach you can also have like the KFESPuVYQtM-00331-00089154-00089362 problems if you overwrite the same KFESPuVYQtM-00332-00089363-00089512 configurations of course so you have to KFESPuVYQtM-00333-00089513-00089843 be somewhat careful when you do this KFESPuVYQtM-00334-00089844-00090226 um but anyway it will it's a effective KFESPuVYQtM-00335-00090227-00090749 way for for us to to create these two KFESPuVYQtM-00336-00090750-00090959 uh KFESPuVYQtM-00337-00090960-00091500 load balancing features we KFESPuVYQtM-00338-00091501-00091871 before we had this incube in kubernetes KFESPuVYQtM-00339-00091872-00092159 we had external load balancing features KFESPuVYQtM-00340-00092160-00092338 and and that was a KFESPuVYQtM-00341-00092339-00092626 not really a nice integration path to KFESPuVYQtM-00342-00092627-00092849 have observability like that because you KFESPuVYQtM-00343-00092850-00092993 don't really you have disconnected KFESPuVYQtM-00344-00092994-00093305 systems with different ways of doing KFESPuVYQtM-00345-00093306-00093641 traffic patterns and other things Hubble KFESPuVYQtM-00346-00093642-00093847 has a nice inspiration KFESPuVYQtM-00347-00093848-00094126 for this so you can actually see your KFESPuVYQtM-00348-00094127-00094576 flow showing up in Hubble KFESPuVYQtM-00349-00094577-00094918 and then we're moving on to egress as KFESPuVYQtM-00350-00094919-00095111 one of the key features that we also KFESPuVYQtM-00351-00095112-00095344 need so we run multi-centered KFESPuVYQtM-00352-00095345-00095717 environments and when you do that you KFESPuVYQtM-00353-00095718-00095993 know when you run kubernetes you usually KFESPuVYQtM-00354-00095994-00096455 you're using node IP ranges to to exit KFESPuVYQtM-00355-00096456-00096835 your cluster for external traffic KFESPuVYQtM-00356-00096836-00097162 it's not really feasible to allow All or KFESPuVYQtM-00357-00097163-00097487 Nothing in to what you are KFESPuVYQtM-00358-00097488-00097776 other on-prem environment so the ecos KFESPuVYQtM-00359-00097777-00098099 Gateway allows us to create policies and KFESPuVYQtM-00360-00098100-00098291 then this is KFESPuVYQtM-00361-00098292-00098632 in this example we have set up a demo KFESPuVYQtM-00362-00098633-00098867 namespace that gets an IP and we're KFESPuVYQtM-00363-00098868-00099305 routing all internet so as soon as SEO KFESPuVYQtM-00364-00099306-00099605 side range in order to get all traffic KFESPuVYQtM-00365-00099606-00099935 leaving the cluster to be matched by KFESPuVYQtM-00366-00099936-00100294 this policy KFESPuVYQtM-00367-00100295-00100438 um KFESPuVYQtM-00368-00100439-00100768 this gives us predict the build IP KFESPuVYQtM-00369-00100769-00101215 addresses towards our KFESPuVYQtM-00370-00101216-00101482 in-consumers that's really needed when KFESPuVYQtM-00371-00101483-00101621 you uh KFESPuVYQtM-00372-00101622-00102005 by setting up your legacy firewalls to KFESPuVYQtM-00373-00102006-00102294 protect usually that's an IP KFESPuVYQtM-00374-00102295-00102586 enabled feature so we can actually do KFESPuVYQtM-00375-00102588-00102863 this we can also be more fine-grained if KFESPuVYQtM-00376-00102864-00103204 you want to run more equal Escape ways KFESPuVYQtM-00377-00103205-00103349 you can easily do that KFESPuVYQtM-00378-00103350-00103432 um KFESPuVYQtM-00379-00103433-00103813 and for the IP KFESPuVYQtM-00380-00103814-00104065 exhaustion KFESPuVYQtM-00381-00104066-00104465 we as I said we enabled this KFESPuVYQtM-00382-00104466-00104713 yes KFESPuVYQtM-00383-00104714-00105095 cluster to V2 in order to to get the KFESPuVYQtM-00384-00105096-00105316 ability to KFESPuVYQtM-00385-00105317-00105499 to KFESPuVYQtM-00386-00105500-00105797 limit the amount of ips that is actually KFESPuVYQtM-00387-00105798-00105913 used KFESPuVYQtM-00388-00105914-00106402 and in our case KFESPuVYQtM-00389-00106403-00106595 we are actually KFESPuVYQtM-00390-00106596-00106889 using pretty large worker nodes so we KFESPuVYQtM-00391-00106890-00107254 can run up more than 500 Parts on each KFESPuVYQtM-00392-00107255-00107440 node KFESPuVYQtM-00393-00107441-00107645 so in order to KFESPuVYQtM-00394-00107646-00107749 to KFESPuVYQtM-00395-00107750-00108227 assign enough IPS to those nodes you'll KFESPuVYQtM-00396-00108228-00108478 need a pretty large networking segment KFESPuVYQtM-00397-00108479-00108784 to attach to every KFESPuVYQtM-00398-00108785-00108952 um KFESPuVYQtM-00399-00108953-00109447 every note that can leave a lot of waste KFESPuVYQtM-00400-00109448-00109721 especially because we're also running a KFESPuVYQtM-00401-00109722-00110008 cube bird in order to run VMS on these KFESPuVYQtM-00402-00110009-00110375 environments so if you have a node that KFESPuVYQtM-00403-00110376-00110789 will run maybe 10 VMS instead of 500 KFESPuVYQtM-00404-00110790-00111083 Parts you have a lot of Ip waste if KFESPuVYQtM-00405-00111083-00111454 you're not running ipv or clusterpool V2 KFESPuVYQtM-00406-00111455-00111683 which actually enables you to to slice KFESPuVYQtM-00407-00111683-00111886 your network in much smaller KFESPuVYQtM-00408-00111888-00112157 Network segments and psyllium will make KFESPuVYQtM-00409-00112158-00112283 sure that it KFESPuVYQtM-00410-00112283-00112499 actually KFESPuVYQtM-00411-00112500-00112643 um KFESPuVYQtM-00412-00112644-00113015 gives you back your IPS back into the KFESPuVYQtM-00413-00113016-00113207 greater pool so it brings a lot of KFESPuVYQtM-00414-00113208-00113393 flexibility KFESPuVYQtM-00415-00113394-00113602 so we KFESPuVYQtM-00416-00113603-00113897 we solve so like major things with this KFESPuVYQtM-00417-00113898-00114136 integration KFESPuVYQtM-00418-00114138-00114299 yeah KFESPuVYQtM-00419-00114300-00114628 I I spoke way too fast I guess I became KFESPuVYQtM-00420-00114629-00114816 a little nervous KFESPuVYQtM-00421-00114817-00115280 but so we have plenty of time for Q a if KFESPuVYQtM-00422-00115281-00115834 [Applause] KFESPuVYQtM-00423-00115835-00116177 can you okay thank you very much and we KFESPuVYQtM-00424-00116178-00116302 have about five minutes four questions KFESPuVYQtM-00425-00116303-00117263 if you if you have questions KFESPuVYQtM-00426-00117264-00118219 foreign KFESPuVYQtM-00427-00118220-00118463 I have been using kubernetes for the KFESPuVYQtM-00428-00118464-00118739 last three four years around and KFESPuVYQtM-00429-00118740-00119002 regarding networking so I see that you KFESPuVYQtM-00430-00119003-00119189 are creating a load balancer and other KFESPuVYQtM-00431-00119190-00119434 stuff so is it the new Engineers Ingress KFESPuVYQtM-00432-00119435-00119723 is it gonna replace or is it the new KFESPuVYQtM-00433-00119724-00119881 Calico KFESPuVYQtM-00434-00119882-00120257 for the network policies so what is the KFESPuVYQtM-00435-00120258-00120460 what is the Viewpoint of celium what is KFESPuVYQtM-00436-00120461-00120827 the scope like you guys are targeting to KFESPuVYQtM-00437-00120828-00121081 really hear the question KFESPuVYQtM-00438-00121082-00121277 so is it KFESPuVYQtM-00439-00121278-00121607 is it gonna replace the market of nginx KFESPuVYQtM-00440-00121608-00121883 what we use in kubernetes for creation KFESPuVYQtM-00441-00121883-00122340 of Ingress and Ingress or is it gonna KFESPuVYQtM-00442-00122341-00122633 it's kind of a it's kind of a creation KFESPuVYQtM-00443-00122633-00122945 of network policies like we have Calico KFESPuVYQtM-00444-00122946-00123169 and Azure cni KFESPuVYQtM-00445-00123170-00123551 bpcc and I like that so what is the KFESPuVYQtM-00446-00123552-00123754 scope of psyllium on KFESPuVYQtM-00447-00123755-00123983 are you gonna incorporate these two KFESPuVYQtM-00448-00123983-00124108 combinations KFESPuVYQtM-00449-00124109-00124378 for the overall networking of kubernetes KFESPuVYQtM-00450-00124379-00124633 architecture KFESPuVYQtM-00451-00124633-00125021 or yeah so that's my question KFESPuVYQtM-00452-00125022-00125225 uh what's your question if we're using KFESPuVYQtM-00453-00125226-00125597 nginx as increase together I want to KFESPuVYQtM-00454-00125598-00125890 replace engineers in Greece So currently KFESPuVYQtM-00455-00125891-00126178 we are leveraging the the psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00456-00126179-00126419 increase capability so we don't have any KFESPuVYQtM-00457-00126420-00126683 nginx running for for Ingress KFESPuVYQtM-00458-00126683-00126949 we're also using psyllium's KFESPuVYQtM-00459-00126950-00127252 networking policies so you wouldn't KFESPuVYQtM-00460-00127253-00127447 really need to have Calico KFESPuVYQtM-00461-00127448-00127763 for that KFESPuVYQtM-00462-00127764-00127877 either KFESPuVYQtM-00463-00127878-00128116 so that means that whether my platform KFESPuVYQtM-00464-00128117-00128489 is in Azure or AWS or Google Cloud I can KFESPuVYQtM-00465-00128490-00128899 get rid of nginx and I can get cilium KFESPuVYQtM-00466-00128900-00129328 for both Network policies Plus for the KFESPuVYQtM-00467-00129329-00129647 increase in Ingress traffic right KFESPuVYQtM-00468-00129648-00130021 so I'm not agree so someone is nodding KFESPuVYQtM-00469-00130022-00130283 I haven't been using psyllium that much KFESPuVYQtM-00470-00130283-00130504 in Cloud so I wouldn't be able to answer KFESPuVYQtM-00471-00130505-00130793 but the people that have is nothing you KFESPuVYQtM-00472-00130794-00131008 can use psyllium for those capabilities KFESPuVYQtM-00473-00131009-00131340 usually with Cloud providers you have in KFESPuVYQtM-00474-00131341-00131609 ability to consume the cloud provider KFESPuVYQtM-00475-00131610-00131914 load balancer so so for some use cases KFESPuVYQtM-00476-00131915-00132083 that might be KFESPuVYQtM-00477-00132084-00132383 a more interesting but KFESPuVYQtM-00478-00132384-00133835 we're using psyllium for that piece KFESPuVYQtM-00479-00133836-00133997 hi KFESPuVYQtM-00480-00133998-00134152 um you specifically said that you are KFESPuVYQtM-00481-00134153-00134416 using the psyllium increased controller KFESPuVYQtM-00482-00134417-00134525 but KFESPuVYQtM-00483-00134526-00134723 um or from the psyllium service mesh but KFESPuVYQtM-00484-00134724-00134921 are you also using the service mesh KFESPuVYQtM-00485-00134922-00135095 capabilities or are using something else KFESPuVYQtM-00486-00135096-00135347 or service mesh or no service mesh at KFESPuVYQtM-00487-00135348-00135601 all or KFESPuVYQtM-00488-00135602-00135821 currently we're only using the psyllium KFESPuVYQtM-00489-00135822-00136193 Ingress controller from service mesh KFESPuVYQtM-00490-00136194-00136493 we have a quiet KFESPuVYQtM-00491-00136494-00136949 I will say involved service mesh story KFESPuVYQtM-00492-00136950-00137278 that psyllium doesn't support yet that I KFESPuVYQtM-00493-00137279-00137452 had a coming around the cluster miss KFESPuVYQtM-00494-00137453-00137669 that will at least solve some of our KFESPuVYQtM-00495-00137670-00137825 problems KFESPuVYQtM-00496-00137826-00138143 with using the psyllium services so that KFESPuVYQtM-00497-00138144-00138311 might be interesting to look into for us KFESPuVYQtM-00498-00138312-00138869 at least KFESPuVYQtM-00499-00138870-00139049 but then again you get like features KFESPuVYQtM-00500-00139050-00139252 with Hubble that you would also have KFESPuVYQtM-00501-00139253-00139475 like this observability that's usually KFESPuVYQtM-00502-00139476-00139661 one of the key things that people are KFESPuVYQtM-00503-00139662-00139907 using for servicemes at least initially KFESPuVYQtM-00504-00139908-00140147 they wanted to have observability in KFESPuVYQtM-00505-00140148-00140399 their service microservices environment KFESPuVYQtM-00506-00140400-00140633 so you actually get that for free just KFESPuVYQtM-00507-00140634-00141287 by installing cilium and using Hubble so KFESPuVYQtM-00508-00141288-00141589 I uh in terms of KFESPuVYQtM-00509-00141590-00141977 efforts timelines how long does KFESPuVYQtM-00510-00141978-00142193 setting up something like that would KFESPuVYQtM-00511-00142194-00142313 take KFESPuVYQtM-00512-00142314-00142739 and what are the difficulties maybe like KFESPuVYQtM-00513-00142740-00143045 people in the organization the network KFESPuVYQtM-00514-00143046-00143339 people how would they accept like KFESPuVYQtM-00515-00143340-00143602 something like that I want to do this KFESPuVYQtM-00516-00143603-00143890 kind of project let's say yeah so KFESPuVYQtM-00517-00143891-00144095 um KFESPuVYQtM-00518-00144096-00144328 to show this off it has been a KFESPuVYQtM-00519-00144329-00144557 multi-year journey especially with the KFESPuVYQtM-00520-00144558-00144695 people KFESPuVYQtM-00521-00144696-00145037 so I like for us it hasn't been a an KFESPuVYQtM-00522-00145038-00145271 easy path it has been KFESPuVYQtM-00523-00145272-00145673 I wouldn't use the word Shadow I.T but KFESPuVYQtM-00524-00145674-00145937 maybe a little bit like get the right KFESPuVYQtM-00525-00145938-00146107 people in the organization KFESPuVYQtM-00526-00146108-00146351 get them interested in this piece KFESPuVYQtM-00527-00146352-00146602 because it's actually as we're removing KFESPuVYQtM-00528-00146603-00146825 some of the obstacles we're also getting KFESPuVYQtM-00529-00146826-00147190 into like this is our domain so why are KFESPuVYQtM-00530-00147191-00147449 you bringing on this functionality in in KFESPuVYQtM-00531-00147450-00147887 your area so we had spend a lot of time KFESPuVYQtM-00532-00147888-00148073 it's also why we're using git because KFESPuVYQtM-00533-00148074-00148240 then you can use pull request and you KFESPuVYQtM-00534-00148241-00148495 can have a code owners so you can KFESPuVYQtM-00535-00148496-00148871 actually get back the responsibility of KFESPuVYQtM-00536-00148872-00149075 key infrastructure pieces we can do that KFESPuVYQtM-00537-00149076-00149237 with code owners and git and then you KFESPuVYQtM-00538-00149238-00149507 can have include like a networking team KFESPuVYQtM-00539-00149508-00149777 to actually be the persons involved in KFESPuVYQtM-00540-00149778-00150161 in those areas so they keep keep kind of KFESPuVYQtM-00541-00150162-00150473 the responsibility for that area it KFESPuVYQtM-00542-00150474-00150731 makes it easier it also requires quite a KFESPuVYQtM-00543-00150732-00151037 bit because usually uh KFESPuVYQtM-00544-00151038-00151421 T those teams at least at Inca hasn't KFESPuVYQtM-00545-00151422-00151685 been used to working with it and pull KFESPuVYQtM-00546-00151686-00151913 requests so that they have been used to KFESPuVYQtM-00547-00151914-00152278 other tools from other vendors and how KFESPuVYQtM-00548-00152279-00152489 so there has been a lot of learning KFESPuVYQtM-00549-00152490-00152681 in different teams in order to kind of KFESPuVYQtM-00550-00152682-00153216 get into this setup KFESPuVYQtM-00551-00153217-00153521 I'm out of time thank you very much KFESPuVYQtM-00552-00153522-00153765 again for your talk KFESPuVYQtM-00553-00153766-00154305 [Applause] KITPCv0xqbg-00000-00000502-00000734 growing public concern about possible KITPCv0xqbg-00001-00000735-00000922 adverse impacts of hazardous substances KITPCv0xqbg-00002-00000923-00001166 has led to usage bans KITPCv0xqbg-00003-00001167-00001391 and limitations of selected harmful KITPCv0xqbg-00004-00001392-00001679 substances during both production and in KITPCv0xqbg-00005-00001680-00002410 end products there are a few essential KITPCv0xqbg-00006-00002411-00002599 steps to understanding and dealing with KITPCv0xqbg-00007-00002600-00002935 such restricted substances first check KITPCv0xqbg-00008-00002936-00003113 the national chemical regulations in KITPCv0xqbg-00009-00003114-00003404 your country regulations differ among KITPCv0xqbg-00010-00003404-00003643 countries check on those where your KITPCv0xqbg-00011-00003644-00003992 factory is located in addition to these KITPCv0xqbg-00012-00003993-00004238 national regulations customers such as KITPCv0xqbg-00013-00004239-00004411 fashion brands may have further KITPCv0xqbg-00014-00004412-00004913 requirements while reviewing customer KITPCv0xqbg-00015-00004914-00005102 and brand requirements you may come KITPCv0xqbg-00016-00005103-00005368 across two different lists the KITPCv0xqbg-00017-00005369-00005675 restricted substance list and the KITPCv0xqbg-00018-00005676-00006045 manufacturing restricted substance list KITPCv0xqbg-00019-00006046-00006347 the restricted substance list aims to KITPCv0xqbg-00020-00006348-00006542 prevent and limit the use of restricted KITPCv0xqbg-00021-00006543-00007006 substances in finished products the KITPCv0xqbg-00022-00007007-00007226 manufacturing restricted substance list KITPCv0xqbg-00023-00007227-00007474 focuses on preventing and restricting KITPCv0xqbg-00024-00007475-00007688 the usage and the presence of specific KITPCv0xqbg-00025-00007689-00007921 hazardous substances throughout the KITPCv0xqbg-00026-00007922-00008258 entire manufacturing process this list KITPCv0xqbg-00027-00008259-00008480 includes process chemicals which may be KITPCv0xqbg-00028-00008481-00008705 used in the manufacturing but are not KITPCv0xqbg-00029-00008706-00009101 present in the end product you can find KITPCv0xqbg-00030-00009102-00009349 more detailed information on our SL and KITPCv0xqbg-00031-00009350-00010192 Mrs L here to understand whether you are KITPCv0xqbg-00032-00010193-00010388 using any restricted substances in your KITPCv0xqbg-00033-00010389-00010652 production prepare an inventory of all KITPCv0xqbg-00034-00010653-00010877 substances in use in your production KITPCv0xqbg-00035-00010878-00011402 process such an inventory is not only KITPCv0xqbg-00036-00011403-00011645 required by your buyers but also forms KITPCv0xqbg-00037-00011646-00011837 the basis for managing the chemicals in KITPCv0xqbg-00038-00011838-00011964 a systematic way KITPCv0xqbg-00039-00011965-00012224 be aware that your buyers may have KITPCv0xqbg-00040-00012225-00012421 specific expectations regarding the KITPCv0xqbg-00041-00012422-00012755 format of such inventory KITPCv0xqbg-00042-00012756-00013013 typically the chemical inventory should KITPCv0xqbg-00043-00013013-00013211 indicate the name and type of chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00044-00013212-00013553 substance the hazard and hazard class KITPCv0xqbg-00045-00013554-00013826 the name of the chemical supplier and KITPCv0xqbg-00046-00013827-00014186 the level of conformance to RSL and Mrs KITPCv0xqbg-00047-00014187-00014458 L the shown inventory is strongly KITPCv0xqbg-00048-00014459-00014680 simplified for an example of an actual KITPCv0xqbg-00049-00014681-00014944 inventory check the inventory format KITPCv0xqbg-00050-00014945-00015125 that is recommended by the partnership KITPCv0xqbg-00051-00015126-00015544 for sustainable textiles above if you KITPCv0xqbg-00052-00015545-00015743 are unsure whether the chemicals conform KITPCv0xqbg-00053-00015744-00016172 to the RSL and Mrs L request a written KITPCv0xqbg-00054-00016172-00016421 conformity declaration from the chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00055-00016422-00016757 supplier let's take a closer look at the KITPCv0xqbg-00056-00016758-00017155 RSL and M RSL many fashion brands have KITPCv0xqbg-00057-00017156-00017543 their own restricted substance list no KITPCv0xqbg-00058-00017544-00017728 matter how different the design of these KITPCv0xqbg-00059-00017729-00018032 lists is they usually show four key KITPCv0xqbg-00060-00018033-00018338 items in a table format the first item KITPCv0xqbg-00061-00018339-00018553 is the name of the restricted chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00062-00018554-00018764 substance or formulation which is KITPCv0xqbg-00063-00018765-00019016 restricted in use or not allowed to be KITPCv0xqbg-00064-00019017-00019325 detected in the end product the second KITPCv0xqbg-00065-00019326-00019684 unit is the CAS number this is a unique KITPCv0xqbg-00066-00019685-00019844 number assigned by the chemicals KITPCv0xqbg-00067-00019845-00020021 abstract service of the American KITPCv0xqbg-00068-00020022-00020134 Chemical Society KITPCv0xqbg-00069-00020135-00020431 the CAS number helps to identify the KITPCv0xqbg-00070-00020432-00020597 respective chemical substance or KITPCv0xqbg-00071-00020598-00021031 components of the formulation the limit KITPCv0xqbg-00072-00021032-00021256 column shows the maximum allowable and KITPCv0xqbg-00073-00021257-00021434 detectable amount of that substance in KITPCv0xqbg-00074-00021435-00021719 the finished product some substances are KITPCv0xqbg-00075-00021720-00021941 completely banned for usage and are not KITPCv0xqbg-00076-00021942-00022103 allowed to be found in the end product KITPCv0xqbg-00077-00022104-00022469 at all the column test method indicates KITPCv0xqbg-00078-00022470-00022678 the specific laboratory tests required KITPCv0xqbg-00079-00022679-00022862 for detecting that substance in the end KITPCv0xqbg-00080-00022863-00023108 product to be able to detect whether KITPCv0xqbg-00081-00023109-00023303 there are restricted substances in your KITPCv0xqbg-00082-00023304-00023494 final products you will have to KITPCv0xqbg-00083-00023495-00023684 collaborate with a certified testing KITPCv0xqbg-00084-00023685-00023969 laboratory this laboratory needs to be KITPCv0xqbg-00085-00023970-00024178 qualified to test the finished product KITPCv0xqbg-00086-00024179-00024419 with the correct test methods the KITPCv0xqbg-00087-00024420-00024647 certified testing laboratory will send KITPCv0xqbg-00088-00024648-00024875 you a test report which you can forward KITPCv0xqbg-00089-00024876-00025105 to your customer as a proof that your KITPCv0xqbg-00090-00025106-00025294 end products fulfill the RSL KITPCv0xqbg-00091-00025295-00025453 requirements KITPCv0xqbg-00092-00025454-00025690 the items shown in a manufacturing KITPCv0xqbg-00093-00025691-00025967 restricted substance list are similar to KITPCv0xqbg-00094-00025968-00026426 those of an RSL for example the CAS KITPCv0xqbg-00095-00026427-00026671 numbers and names of the substances can KITPCv0xqbg-00096-00026672-00027070 also be found in the EM RSL the column KITPCv0xqbg-00097-00027072-00027332 potential uses explains when and for KITPCv0xqbg-00098-00027333-00027412 what purpose KITPCv0xqbg-00099-00027413-00027617 the substance is commonly used during KITPCv0xqbg-00100-00027618-00028045 manufacturing the last column general KITPCv0xqbg-00101-00028047-00028268 technique indicates the laboratory KITPCv0xqbg-00102-00028269-00028481 methods which are required for analyzing KITPCv0xqbg-00103-00028482-00028737 the concentrations of these substances KITPCv0xqbg-00104-00028738-00029012 since you may use multiple chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00105-00029013-00029219 substances as part of the formulations KITPCv0xqbg-00106-00029220-00029531 the Group B column chemical supplier KITPCv0xqbg-00107-00029532-00029804 commercial formulation limit shows the KITPCv0xqbg-00108-00029805-00030026 concentration limits of such substances KITPCv0xqbg-00109-00030027-00030242 in commercially available chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00110-00030243-00030544 formulations from chemical suppliers KITPCv0xqbg-00111-00030545-00030908 substances on the M RSL may also enter KITPCv0xqbg-00112-00030908-00031106 the factory through pathways other than KITPCv0xqbg-00113-00031107-00031376 the supplied chemicals for example as KITPCv0xqbg-00114-00031377-00031652 contaminants in process water or input KITPCv0xqbg-00115-00031652-00031976 materials an analysis of these pathways KITPCv0xqbg-00116-00031977-00032296 as well as of wastewater and sludge will KITPCv0xqbg-00117-00032297-00032585 help you to verify conformance in case KITPCv0xqbg-00118-00032586-00032777 substances are found beyond the limits KITPCv0xqbg-00119-00032778-00033112 on the RSL and M RSL you may need to KITPCv0xqbg-00120-00033113-00033320 take a closer look at the source and use KITPCv0xqbg-00121-00033321-00033461 of the substance in the production KITPCv0xqbg-00122-00033462-00033758 processes adjust your procurement KITPCv0xqbg-00123-00033759-00033952 practices and talk to your chemical KITPCv0xqbg-00124-00033953-00034212 suppliers to find suitable substitutes KITPCv0xqbg-00125-00034213-00034487 such substitutes may be listed on KITPCv0xqbg-00126-00034488-00034742 separate positive lists of buyers or KITPCv0xqbg-00127-00034743-00035065 chemical suppliers since these lists KITPCv0xqbg-00128-00035066-00035308 will be updated regularly make sure to KITPCv0xqbg-00129-00035309-00035582 stay up-to-date about any changes for KITPCv0xqbg-00130-00035583-00035858 more information on M RSL and how to use KITPCv0xqbg-00131-00035859-00036402 these visit the Z DHC website here KITPCv0xqbg-00132-00036403-00036609 you KJqWEY8vMV4-00000-00000028-00000335 green larva known as al nouri armory KJqWEY8vMV4-00001-00000336-00000607 Qinghai tour in Japan and Puri Paley in KJqWEY8vMV4-00002-00000608-00000833 Korean is a type of edible green seaweed KJqWEY8vMV4-00003-00000834-00001075 including species from the general mana KJqWEY8vMV4-00004-00001076-00001337 stroma in over over proliferate / / KJqWEY8vMV4-00005-00001338-00001391 teaser KJqWEY8vMV4-00006-00001392-00001712 Alvar intestinalis it is commercially KJqWEY8vMV4-00007-00001713-00001960 cultivated in some bay areas in Japan KJqWEY8vMV4-00008-00001961-00002345 Korea and Taiwan such as ice Bay it is KJqWEY8vMV4-00009-00002346-00002483 rich in minerals such as calcium KJqWEY8vMV4-00010-00002484-00002804 magnesium lithium vitamins and amino KJqWEY8vMV4-00011-00002805-00003131 acids such as methionine it is also KJqWEY8vMV4-00012-00003132-00003581 called a OSA also elver / - xur in some KJqWEY8vMV4-00013-00003582-00003817 places in Japan KJqWEY8vMV4-00014-00003818-00004181 you KJqWEY8vMV4-00015-00004182-00004755 topic culinary use KJqWEY8vMV4-00016-00004756-00005101 you KJqWEY8vMV4-00017-00005102-00005601 topic Japan KJqWEY8vMV4-00018-00005602-00005841 it is used in its dried form for KJqWEY8vMV4-00019-00005842-00006111 Japanese soups tempura and material for KJqWEY8vMV4-00020-00006112-00006357 manufacturing dried nori and soo kudani KJqWEY8vMV4-00021-00006358-00006702 and rice it is also used in a powdered KJqWEY8vMV4-00022-00006703-00006930 form often blended with other species of KJqWEY8vMV4-00023-00006931-00007370 Elvis I as its production is limited it KJqWEY8vMV4-00024-00007372-00007584 is used commonly for flavoring of some KJqWEY8vMV4-00025-00007584-00007842 Japanese foods usually by sprinkling the KJqWEY8vMV4-00026-00007843-00008114 powder on the hot food for its aroma KJqWEY8vMV4-00027-00008115-00008498 fried noodles yakisoba or yaki udon KJqWEY8vMV4-00028-00008499-00008973 economy yaki Japanese pancake takoyaki KJqWEY8vMV4-00029-00008974-00009344 octopus dumpling ball isube aged KJqWEY8vMV4-00030-00009345-00009641 isube mochi KJqWEY8vMV4-00031-00009642-00009977 shishi me seven spice seasoning KJqWEY8vMV4-00032-00009978-00010752 japanese potato chips Musashi roux KJqWEY8vMV4-00033-00010753-00011238 topic Korea KJqWEY8vMV4-00034-00011239-00011493 in Korea pariahs eaten is enamel KJqWEY8vMV4-00035-00011494-00011772 vegetable it is also used to make game KJqWEY8vMV4-00036-00011773-00012102 dried larva sheets KLBLMAeyq3A-00000-00000000-00000281 hi I'm Whitney Cox I'm a lecturer in the KLBLMAeyq3A-00001-00000282-00000461 world religion side of the philosophy KLBLMAeyq3A-00002-00000462-00000628 and world religions department and one KLBLMAeyq3A-00003-00000629-00000841 of the main things I do is teach intro KLBLMAeyq3A-00004-00000842-00001073 to Bible so I thought I would grab my 60 KLBLMAeyq3A-00005-00001074-00001262 seconds today and talk about a little KLBLMAeyq3A-00006-00001263-00001483 lesson about biblical womanhood this KLBLMAeyq3A-00007-00001484-00001702 story comes from the book of Judges in KLBLMAeyq3A-00008-00001703-00001909 this story we have a prophet by the name KLBLMAeyq3A-00009-00001910-00002167 of Deborah who goes on God's orders to KLBLMAeyq3A-00010-00002168-00002348 talk to a guy named Barack when she gets KLBLMAeyq3A-00011-00002349-00002546 to him she says you need to go take your KLBLMAeyq3A-00012-00002547-00002714 armies and you need to go fight the KLBLMAeyq3A-00013-00002715-00003005 Canaanites Barak the giant weenie says KLBLMAeyq3A-00014-00003006-00003299 well if you go I'll go but if you don't KLBLMAeyq3A-00015-00003300-00003500 go I'm not gonna go so Deborah KLBLMAeyq3A-00016-00003501-00003803 kind of angry says well fine but I tell KLBLMAeyq3A-00017-00003804-00003986 you what because you said this today KLBLMAeyq3A-00018-00003986-00004231 God's gonna give the victory to a woman KLBLMAeyq3A-00019-00004232-00004418 so they fight and they win and the KLBLMAeyq3A-00020-00004419-00004606 general of the Canaanites a guy named KLBLMAeyq3A-00021-00004607-00004852 Sisera runs away from the battle and as KLBLMAeyq3A-00022-00004853-00005038 he's running away there's a woman nearby KLBLMAeyq3A-00023-00005039-00005285 who draws him into her tent her name is KLBLMAeyq3A-00024-00005286-00005497 Yael and she gets him into her tent and KLBLMAeyq3A-00025-00005498-00005713 he asks for water and she gives him milk KLBLMAeyq3A-00026-00005714-00005924 and she covers him up with a rug and she KLBLMAeyq3A-00027-00005925-00006136 lets him lie down and she tells him he's KLBLMAeyq3A-00028-00006137-00006334 safe and then she takes a tent peg and KLBLMAeyq3A-00029-00006335-00006527 drives it through his head and kills him KLBLMAeyq3A-00030-00006528-00006716 just straight-up cold-blooded murders of KLBLMAeyq3A-00031-00006717-00006938 the guy and for this she is remembered KLBLMAeyq3A-00032-00006939-00007238 by the Bible as being most blessed among KLBLMAeyq3A-00033-00007239-00007456 women perhaps a little inspiration today KLBLMAeyq3A-00034-00007458-00007733 for some of us KLTj1xDZhpu-00000-00000000-00000118 in today's video we're going to cover KLTj1xDZhpu-00001-00000119-00000329 the top 13 AliExpress niches and KLTj1xDZhpu-00002-00000330-00000478 products for your Drop Shipping business KLTj1xDZhpu-00003-00000479-00000611 as drop shippers one of the most KLTj1xDZhpu-00004-00000612-00000749 important things that we need to do is KLTj1xDZhpu-00005-00000750-00000947 conduct in-depth product research so KLTj1xDZhpu-00006-00000948-00001079 that way we can always stay up to date KLTj1xDZhpu-00007-00001080-00001247 with the latest trends and hottest KLTj1xDZhpu-00008-00001248-00001385 products that's why in this video we're KLTj1xDZhpu-00009-00001386-00001528 not only going to cover the best niches KLTj1xDZhpu-00010-00001529-00001655 to drop ship we're also going to cover KLTj1xDZhpu-00011-00001655-00001768 some of the best methods that you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00012-00001769-00001913 use to be able to conduct some really KLTj1xDZhpu-00013-00001914-00002105 good in-depth product research so make KLTj1xDZhpu-00014-00002106-00002218 sure you stick around all the way to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00015-00002219-00002351 end because some of these products you KLTj1xDZhpu-00016-00002352-00002483 don't want to miss out on let's run the KLTj1xDZhpu-00017-00002484-00002752 intro really quick and let's get to it KLTj1xDZhpu-00018-00002753-00003221 foreign KLTj1xDZhpu-00019-00003222-00003377 what's going on everyone Mark here with KLTj1xDZhpu-00020-00003378-00003527 auto DS and if you like informative KLTj1xDZhpu-00021-00003528-00003701 videos on the Drop Shipping business as KLTj1xDZhpu-00022-00003702-00003838 well as staying up to date with the most KLTj1xDZhpu-00023-00003839-00003977 trending products make sure to hit that KLTj1xDZhpu-00024-00003978-00004109 subscribe button and ring that little KLTj1xDZhpu-00025-00004110-00004265 bell notification so you don't miss out KLTj1xDZhpu-00026-00004266-00004475 on any future videos we help thousands KLTj1xDZhpu-00027-00004476-00004625 of dropshippers find winning products KLTj1xDZhpu-00028-00004626-00004775 each and every week so make sure you KLTj1xDZhpu-00029-00004776-00004895 subscribe so you don't miss out so let's KLTj1xDZhpu-00030-00004896-00005002 start off with learning how to conduct KLTj1xDZhpu-00031-00005003-00005165 some proper product research and for KLTj1xDZhpu-00032-00005166-00005279 this we have a few different ways to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00033-00005280-00005399 able to do it now to start things off KLTj1xDZhpu-00034-00005400-00005602 you have the basic category search on KLTj1xDZhpu-00035-00005603-00005777 AliExpress so if we look over on the KLTj1xDZhpu-00036-00005778-00005945 left hand side of the screen you can see KLTj1xDZhpu-00037-00005946-00006083 you have a bunch of different categories KLTj1xDZhpu-00038-00006084-00006251 let's take for example phones and KLTj1xDZhpu-00039-00006252-00006406 Telecommunications and let's check out KLTj1xDZhpu-00040-00006408-00006587 case and covers this is assuming that KLTj1xDZhpu-00041-00006588-00006701 you already know what Niche you want to KLTj1xDZhpu-00042-00006702-00006827 sell in and what types of products KLTj1xDZhpu-00043-00006828-00006941 you're looking to sell now once KLTj1xDZhpu-00044-00006942-00007067 AliExpress shows you all the different KLTj1xDZhpu-00045-00007068-00007234 options that they have you can narrow it KLTj1xDZhpu-00046-00007236-00007384 down using a few different filters so to KLTj1xDZhpu-00047-00007386-00007481 start you can check out the price KLTj1xDZhpu-00048-00007481-00007642 minimum and maximum here you can set the KLTj1xDZhpu-00049-00007643-00007775 minimum and maximum price you want to KLTj1xDZhpu-00050-00007776-00007931 pay for each product where it's shipping KLTj1xDZhpu-00051-00007931-00008063 from so you can choose either United KLTj1xDZhpu-00052-00008064-00008237 States turkey or China whether it's a KLTj1xDZhpu-00053-00008238-00008399 plus item or not if the seller offers KLTj1xDZhpu-00054-00008400-00008591 free shipping and to show only four KLTj1xDZhpu-00055-00008592-00008735 stars and up now if you haven't decided KLTj1xDZhpu-00056-00008736-00008849 on a niche or product that you want to KLTj1xDZhpu-00057-00008850-00008969 sell this is a great way to start KLTj1xDZhpu-00058-00008970-00009137 exploring new options another way to KLTj1xDZhpu-00059-00009138-00009292 find some new products is is by checking KLTj1xDZhpu-00060-00009293-00009442 out the for you section on the KLTj1xDZhpu-00061-00009443-00009599 AliExpress product pages so in this case KLTj1xDZhpu-00062-00009600-00009814 I'm looking at a speaker alarm clock and KLTj1xDZhpu-00063-00009815-00009983 if you can see on the right you have the KLTj1xDZhpu-00064-00009984-00010169 recommended for you section here it'll KLTj1xDZhpu-00065-00010170-00010301 show a few different options that are KLTj1xDZhpu-00066-00010302-00010433 similar to what you're currently looking KLTj1xDZhpu-00067-00010434-00010589 at and are also based on your prior KLTj1xDZhpu-00068-00010590-00010739 searches now a third way to find some KLTj1xDZhpu-00069-00010740-00010895 bestsellers is by going on over to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00070-00010896-00011081 AliExpress homepage scrolling a little KLTj1xDZhpu-00071-00011082-00011273 bit down until you hit the top rankings KLTj1xDZhpu-00072-00011274-00011423 section once you reach it you have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00073-00011424-00011542 small preview but then you can just KLTj1xDZhpu-00074-00011543-00011705 click on view more so you can see all of KLTj1xDZhpu-00075-00011706-00011806 the other options and different KLTj1xDZhpu-00076-00011807-00011992 categories the top rankings section has KLTj1xDZhpu-00077-00011993-00012142 some of the current best sellers on KLTj1xDZhpu-00078-00012143-00012317 AliExpress now for our fourth product KLTj1xDZhpu-00079-00012318-00012449 research method what we're going to do KLTj1xDZhpu-00080-00012450-00012628 is head on back over to the AliExpress KLTj1xDZhpu-00081-00012629-00012796 homepage and we're going to scroll down KLTj1xDZhpu-00082-00012797-00012965 a little bit more past the top rankings KLTj1xDZhpu-00083-00012966-00013157 page down to the Mortal love section KLTj1xDZhpu-00084-00013158-00013277 this section features cellular KLTj1xDZhpu-00085-00013278-00013421 recommendations that are shown to you KLTj1xDZhpu-00086-00013422-00013577 based off of previous searches now KLTj1xDZhpu-00087-00013578-00013744 AliExpress also has a browser extension KLTj1xDZhpu-00088-00013745-00013925 called the Ali tools shopping system KLTj1xDZhpu-00089-00013926-00014093 this extension helps you analyze product KLTj1xDZhpu-00090-00014094-00014308 metrics such as customer reviews price KLTj1xDZhpu-00091-00014309-00014543 changes seller ratings similar items and KLTj1xDZhpu-00092-00014544-00014680 more all of which is information that KLTj1xDZhpu-00093-00014681-00014801 you can use to optimize your product KLTj1xDZhpu-00094-00014802-00014951 listings now dropping into our number KLTj1xDZhpu-00095-00014952-00015125 six spot for product research methods is KLTj1xDZhpu-00096-00015126-00015347 the AliExpress Dropship center now here KLTj1xDZhpu-00097-00015347-00015472 you can find a variety of products that KLTj1xDZhpu-00098-00015473-00015629 have been proven to sell and have sold KLTj1xDZhpu-00099-00015630-00015791 in the past and you're able to search KLTj1xDZhpu-00100-00015791-00015905 through them using a variety of KLTj1xDZhpu-00101-00015906-00016049 different filters now the last method KLTj1xDZhpu-00102-00016050-00016144 that we're going to cover for product KLTj1xDZhpu-00103-00016145-00016336 research is going to be the auto DS KLTj1xDZhpu-00104-00016337-00016499 product research Tools in particular I'm KLTj1xDZhpu-00105-00016500-00016577 going to be talking about the winning KLTj1xDZhpu-00106-00016578-00016775 product section over at the out of DS KLTj1xDZhpu-00107-00016776-00016936 platform so let's go on over to our out KLTj1xDZhpu-00108-00016937-00017135 of DS dashboard and here under KLTj1xDZhpu-00109-00017136-00017279 Marketplace we're going to see winning KLTj1xDZhpu-00110-00017280-00017405 products let's just go ahead and click KLTj1xDZhpu-00111-00017406-00017525 on that and once it loads up you're KLTj1xDZhpu-00112-00017526-00017705 going to find tons of winning products KLTj1xDZhpu-00113-00017706-00017855 that have been proven to sell in the KLTj1xDZhpu-00114-00017856-00018022 past and are currently trending now KLTj1xDZhpu-00115-00018023-00018149 let's say for example I wanted to start KLTj1xDZhpu-00116-00018150-00018311 a store based around sunglasses I'm KLTj1xDZhpu-00117-00018312-00018407 searching through the winning product KLTj1xDZhpu-00118-00018408-00018605 section on auto DS and I come across KLTj1xDZhpu-00119-00018606-00018772 these simpark sunglasses they catch my KLTj1xDZhpu-00120-00018773-00018947 attention the style looks pretty nice so KLTj1xDZhpu-00121-00018948-00019067 I want to go ahead and add it to my KLTj1xDZhpu-00122-00019068-00019169 store first thing I'm going to do is go KLTj1xDZhpu-00123-00019170-00019319 ahead and click on it and once the page KLTj1xDZhpu-00124-00019320-00019433 loads up you're going to be prompted KLTj1xDZhpu-00125-00019434-00019649 with tons of valuable information in KLTj1xDZhpu-00126-00019650-00019847 particular product analysis so at the KLTj1xDZhpu-00127-00019848-00019919 start you're going to see all the KLTj1xDZhpu-00128-00019920-00020069 information on the product itself so KLTj1xDZhpu-00129-00020070-00020164 you're going to have the title you're KLTj1xDZhpu-00130-00020165-00020308 going to have the amount of reviews how KLTj1xDZhpu-00131-00020309-00020453 many people have ordered it how much it KLTj1xDZhpu-00132-00020454-00020669 costs which in this case is 4.99 a KLTj1xDZhpu-00133-00020670-00020849 suggested retail price which can always KLTj1xDZhpu-00134-00020850-00021035 be adjusted based on your needs so this KLTj1xDZhpu-00135-00021036-00021239 one is showing as 739 and you're going KLTj1xDZhpu-00136-00021240-00021389 to get the different variations so you KLTj1xDZhpu-00137-00021390-00021514 have the different lens colors and the KLTj1xDZhpu-00138-00021515-00021617 frame colors you're also going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00139-00021618-00021749 prompted with the shipping info so KLTj1xDZhpu-00140-00021750-00021863 you're going to see that this one in KLTj1xDZhpu-00141-00021864-00022025 particular ships from China the shipping KLTj1xDZhpu-00142-00022026-00022193 price is between two dollars and sixty KLTj1xDZhpu-00143-00022194-00022463 cents to about 57 typically that big KLTj1xDZhpu-00144-00022464-00022643 number is for next day shipping which KLTj1xDZhpu-00145-00022644-00022828 usually we don't offer because it's just KLTj1xDZhpu-00146-00022829-00022967 too much and the shipping time which KLTj1xDZhpu-00147-00022968-00023171 varies between 8 to 32 business days now KLTj1xDZhpu-00148-00023172-00023303 scrolling down a bit more is where the KLTj1xDZhpu-00149-00023304-00023453 real juicy information starts to come in KLTj1xDZhpu-00150-00023454-00023597 so you're gonna see what you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00151-00023598-00023783 potentially profit by selling this item KLTj1xDZhpu-00152-00023784-00024011 so in general this item is being sold KLTj1xDZhpu-00153-00024012-00024286 for about 28.98 leaving you with a KLTj1xDZhpu-00154-00024287-00024563 potential profit of 20 and 80 cents per KLTj1xDZhpu-00155-00024564-00024730 product sold right under that you have KLTj1xDZhpu-00156-00024731-00024928 an example of a Facebook ad for these KLTj1xDZhpu-00157-00024929-00025103 particular sunglasses then if you look KLTj1xDZhpu-00158-00025104-00025222 on the top right you have the target KLTj1xDZhpu-00159-00025223-00025433 audience for that Facebook ad so you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00160-00025434-00025594 see that here they actually have about KLTj1xDZhpu-00161-00025595-00025984 4.8 000 interactions about 385 comments KLTj1xDZhpu-00162-00025985-00026273 and over 800 000 people have seen this KLTj1xDZhpu-00163-00026274-00026387 ad so that means that the target KLTj1xDZhpu-00164-00026388-00026501 audience that they have set for this KLTj1xDZhpu-00165-00026502-00026687 Facebook ad is in fact working now you KLTj1xDZhpu-00166-00026688-00026837 want to kind of mimic that so we also KLTj1xDZhpu-00167-00026838-00026968 show you what their target audience is KLTj1xDZhpu-00168-00026969-00027107 as you can see the gender is going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00169-00027108-00027305 for males with an age range between the KLTj1xDZhpu-00170-00027306-00027551 ages of 18 and 85 their marital status KLTj1xDZhpu-00171-00027552-00027677 is going to be both single and married KLTj1xDZhpu-00172-00027677-00027833 their interests are going to include eye KLTj1xDZhpu-00173-00027833-00028079 protection fashion sunglasses and under KLTj1xDZhpu-00174-00028080-00028270 occupations Outdoor Adventures travel KLTj1xDZhpu-00175-00028272-00028439 and work now underneath that you also KLTj1xDZhpu-00176-00028439-00028637 have some extra LDS insights as well as KLTj1xDZhpu-00177-00028638-00028907 a live example of a website that sells KLTj1xDZhpu-00178-00028908-00029045 this particular product so here the KLTj1xDZhpu-00179-00029045-00029212 website is actually called increasingly KLTj1xDZhpu-00180-00029213-00029351 you can see that they have the different KLTj1xDZhpu-00181-00029352-00029674 variations quantity it shows that 275 KLTj1xDZhpu-00182-00029675-00029818 visitors are currently looking at this KLTj1xDZhpu-00183-00029819-00029962 product yeah they're add to cart and buy KLTj1xDZhpu-00184-00029963-00030137 it now and a few different pictures and KLTj1xDZhpu-00185-00030138-00030317 details of the image now this is a real KLTj1xDZhpu-00186-00030318-00030479 example of a Drop Shipping Store that's KLTj1xDZhpu-00187-00030480-00030640 actually currently selling this product KLTj1xDZhpu-00188-00030641-00030808 so I'm convinced I want to add this KLTj1xDZhpu-00189-00030810-00030970 product to my Drop Shipping Store all I KLTj1xDZhpu-00190-00030972-00031145 have to do is over here just click on KLTj1xDZhpu-00191-00031145-00031324 import draft go ahead and choose the KLTj1xDZhpu-00192-00031325-00031468 store that I want to import it to in KLTj1xDZhpu-00193-00031469-00031577 this case I'm just going to import it to KLTj1xDZhpu-00194-00031577-00031774 my eCommerce store click on next and KLTj1xDZhpu-00195-00031775-00031912 that's it the product is going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00196-00031913-00032074 over in our draft section so let's go KLTj1xDZhpu-00197-00032075-00032195 ahead and actually head over to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00198-00032195-00032333 draft section and see what we can do KLTj1xDZhpu-00199-00032333-00032435 there now once we're in our draft KLTj1xDZhpu-00200-00032436-00032608 sections all we have to do is click on KLTj1xDZhpu-00201-00032610-00032771 click to edit and from there you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00202-00032772-00032957 start optimizing the title you can add KLTj1xDZhpu-00203-00032958-00033095 it to any collections you'd like it KLTj1xDZhpu-00204-00033096-00033251 added to you can go ahead and and add KLTj1xDZhpu-00205-00033252-00033407 any tags to it you can change the KLTj1xDZhpu-00206-00033408-00033551 shipping method you're able to change KLTj1xDZhpu-00207-00033552-00033701 the country that it's located in but KLTj1xDZhpu-00208-00033702-00033839 quick tip don't change that because KLTj1xDZhpu-00209-00033840-00033952 that's not actually going to change the KLTj1xDZhpu-00210-00033953-00034102 country that it ships from and the KLTj1xDZhpu-00211-00034103-00034259 default City that it's shipping from you KLTj1xDZhpu-00212-00034260-00034379 also have the option to turn on stock KLTj1xDZhpu-00213-00034380-00034529 monitoring price monitoring and your KLTj1xDZhpu-00214-00034530-00034685 auto orders and if you go on over to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00215-00034686-00034846 other tabs under description you can go KLTj1xDZhpu-00216-00034847-00035002 ahead and edit and optimize the KLTj1xDZhpu-00217-00035003-00035159 description you can change the different KLTj1xDZhpu-00218-00035160-00035339 variants you can go ahead and edit them KLTj1xDZhpu-00219-00035340-00035555 delete them or add multiples if you need KLTj1xDZhpu-00220-00035556-00035759 to you can also click on images and edit KLTj1xDZhpu-00221-00035760-00035885 some of the images with our built-in KLTj1xDZhpu-00222-00035886-00036040 image editor or delete the ones that KLTj1xDZhpu-00223-00036041-00036221 aren't relevant then you can also click KLTj1xDZhpu-00224-00036222-00036412 on item specifications which just gives KLTj1xDZhpu-00225-00036413-00036587 you all the specifics of the item itself KLTj1xDZhpu-00226-00036588-00036731 from there you can either save the draft KLTj1xDZhpu-00227-00036732-00036929 by clicking on save or you can save and KLTj1xDZhpu-00228-00036930-00037121 import and have it go live on your store KLTj1xDZhpu-00229-00037122-00037259 so now we know how to conduct proper KLTj1xDZhpu-00230-00037260-00037390 product research now let's go ahead and KLTj1xDZhpu-00231-00037391-00037565 start talking about the best niches that KLTj1xDZhpu-00232-00037566-00037661 you can start Drop Shipping from KLTj1xDZhpu-00233-00037662-00037840 AliExpress and the products within those KLTj1xDZhpu-00234-00037841-00037985 niches now before we do get started with KLTj1xDZhpu-00235-00037986-00038117 this list I do want to mention that I KLTj1xDZhpu-00236-00038118-00038399 have a 100 free cheat sheet if you want KLTj1xDZhpu-00237-00038400-00038507 access to that all you have to do is KLTj1xDZhpu-00238-00038508-00038746 comment down below AliExpress 2023 along KLTj1xDZhpu-00239-00038747-00038902 with your favorite Niche from this list KLTj1xDZhpu-00240-00038903-00039112 and I'll reply back with a link to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00241-00039113-00039251 sheet so to cook things off the first KLTj1xDZhpu-00242-00039252-00039365 Niche that we're going to cover is KLTj1xDZhpu-00243-00039366-00039580 women's fashion and within that Niche KLTj1xDZhpu-00244-00039581-00039671 the first product that we're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00245-00039672-00039851 cover is going to be the onec seamless KLTj1xDZhpu-00246-00039852-00040018 slim tops these tops come in a few KLTj1xDZhpu-00247-00040019-00040180 different styles long sleeve short KLTj1xDZhpu-00248-00040181-00040367 sleeve tank tops and can be worn KLTj1xDZhpu-00249-00040368-00040523 independently or with other layers of KLTj1xDZhpu-00250-00040524-00040690 clothing next up we have winter velvet KLTj1xDZhpu-00251-00040691-00040835 leggings now these aren't just for the KLTj1xDZhpu-00252-00040836-00040949 winter these are actually used KLTj1xDZhpu-00253-00040950-00041087 year-round they're super comfortable KLTj1xDZhpu-00254-00041088-00041230 come in a wide variety of colors and KLTj1xDZhpu-00255-00041231-00041387 styles and can be used to dress up KLTj1xDZhpu-00256-00041388-00041530 during the cold season next up we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00257-00041531-00041693 the high waist seamless leggings these KLTj1xDZhpu-00258-00041694-00041824 leggings come in a wide variety of KLTj1xDZhpu-00259-00041825-00042005 styles colors and a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00260-00042006-00042161 materials these are pretty much used KLTj1xDZhpu-00261-00042162-00042377 year round regardless of the season and KLTj1xDZhpu-00262-00042378-00042533 overall are just super comfortable to KLTj1xDZhpu-00263-00042534-00042689 use up next we have the corset crop top KLTj1xDZhpu-00264-00042690-00042839 that comes in a few different materials KLTj1xDZhpu-00265-00042840-00043115 including lace nylon denim leather and KLTj1xDZhpu-00266-00043116-00043229 satin these come in a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00267-00043230-00043379 styles so always remember to offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00268-00043380-00043535 different variations to fit everyone's KLTj1xDZhpu-00269-00043536-00043690 needs next up in our top products for KLTj1xDZhpu-00270-00043691-00043805 women's fashion we have the KLTj1xDZhpu-00271-00043806-00043973 double-breasted Blazer these can be used KLTj1xDZhpu-00272-00043974-00044195 either casually semi-casually or KLTj1xDZhpu-00273-00044196-00044339 professionally and can be worn with KLTj1xDZhpu-00274-00044340-00044471 different types of bottoms including KLTj1xDZhpu-00275-00044472-00044711 pants denim jeans skirts and more these KLTj1xDZhpu-00276-00044712-00044830 come in different lengths as well as KLTj1xDZhpu-00277-00044831-00045077 Styles including plain played printed KLTj1xDZhpu-00278-00045078-00045280 and Chic next up under top Drop Shipping KLTj1xDZhpu-00279-00045281-00045467 niches for AliExpress we have men's KLTj1xDZhpu-00280-00045468-00045640 fashion and to kick things off we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00281-00045641-00045808 the Retro leather jacket these types of KLTj1xDZhpu-00282-00045809-00046067 jackets incorporate a vintage appeal to KLTj1xDZhpu-00283-00046068-00046229 the modern day jackets they come in KLTj1xDZhpu-00284-00046230-00046408 different colors Styles and materials KLTj1xDZhpu-00285-00046409-00046558 but the most common colors are going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00286-00046559-00046696 be black and brown and the most common KLTj1xDZhpu-00287-00046697-00046889 material is going to be leather now you KLTj1xDZhpu-00288-00046890-00047002 can also offer these with two different KLTj1xDZhpu-00289-00047003-00047183 closing variations one being with KLTj1xDZhpu-00290-00047184-00047308 buttons while the other being with KLTj1xDZhpu-00291-00047309-00047501 zippers as a quick tip to upsell you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00292-00047502-00047687 offer a complete the look suggestion and KLTj1xDZhpu-00293-00047688-00047861 offer something like boots next up in KLTj1xDZhpu-00294-00047862-00047980 our second spot we have the two-piece KLTj1xDZhpu-00295-00047981-00048149 hooded t-shirt now this is a regular KLTj1xDZhpu-00296-00048150-00048335 T-shirt with a hood attached to the back KLTj1xDZhpu-00297-00048336-00048533 now since it is a t-shirt you can offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00298-00048534-00048730 it in multiple different styles you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00299-00048731-00048905 have different colors different graphics KLTj1xDZhpu-00300-00048906-00049049 on the front different Graphics in the KLTj1xDZhpu-00301-00049050-00049199 back you can offer a little pocket on KLTj1xDZhpu-00302-00049200-00049390 the side the possibilities with this are KLTj1xDZhpu-00303-00049391-00049535 absolutely endless these come in KLTj1xDZhpu-00304-00049536-00049739 multiple materials such as polyester or KLTj1xDZhpu-00305-00049740-00049943 cotton and can be used pretty much year KLTj1xDZhpu-00306-00049944-00050086 round next up we have a classic in KLTj1xDZhpu-00307-00050087-00050249 pretty much any guy's wardrobe and KLTj1xDZhpu-00308-00050250-00050393 that's going to be the polo shirt these KLTj1xDZhpu-00309-00050394-00050536 are used year-round and can be used KLTj1xDZhpu-00310-00050537-00050729 casually as well as formally now you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00311-00050730-00050861 also get these in a few different kinds KLTj1xDZhpu-00312-00050862-00051011 of materials you can also get these in a KLTj1xDZhpu-00313-00051012-00051136 few different styles as well such as KLTj1xDZhpu-00314-00051137-00051352 long sleeve short sleeve and sportswear KLTj1xDZhpu-00315-00051353-00051479 next up we have the shirt and pants KLTj1xDZhpu-00316-00051479-00051707 Somerset these typically include a shirt KLTj1xDZhpu-00317-00051708-00051904 as well as a matching pair of pants now KLTj1xDZhpu-00318-00051905-00052126 they can match in terms of style color KLTj1xDZhpu-00319-00052127-00052373 or pretty much an entire design so as KLTj1xDZhpu-00320-00052374-00052523 you can see in this example here the KLTj1xDZhpu-00321-00052524-00052715 entire set from head to toe matches in KLTj1xDZhpu-00322-00052716-00052913 the same style and color same thing with KLTj1xDZhpu-00323-00052914-00053057 this one you have matching shorts as KLTj1xDZhpu-00324-00053058-00053207 well as a shirt and the same thing on KLTj1xDZhpu-00325-00053208-00053326 this one you have the same pattern on KLTj1xDZhpu-00326-00053327-00053494 the shirt as well as the shorts now in KLTj1xDZhpu-00327-00053495-00053644 our last spot for men's fashion we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00328-00053645-00053866 the cargo pants these seem to be making KLTj1xDZhpu-00329-00053867-00054065 a comeback from back in the early 2000s KLTj1xDZhpu-00330-00054066-00054244 I remember back then these were all rage KLTj1xDZhpu-00331-00054245-00054413 everyone was using them and then for a KLTj1xDZhpu-00332-00054414-00054538 little bit of time people kind of KLTj1xDZhpu-00333-00054539-00054713 stopped but now they've been making a KLTj1xDZhpu-00334-00054714-00054838 comeback these come in a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00335-00054839-00055109 styles like combat or jogger pants and KLTj1xDZhpu-00336-00055110-00055294 typically include multiple pockets and KLTj1xDZhpu-00337-00055295-00055463 are also kind of baggy they're usually KLTj1xDZhpu-00338-00055464-00055619 not very tight now in our third spot for KLTj1xDZhpu-00339-00055620-00055829 niches we have one that is Everlasting KLTj1xDZhpu-00340-00055829-00055991 and it's only getting bigger and that's KLTj1xDZhpu-00341-00055991-00056099 going to be cell phones and KLTj1xDZhpu-00342-00056100-00056261 Telecommunications so to start things KLTj1xDZhpu-00343-00056262-00056447 off in this Niche we have a tripod with KLTj1xDZhpu-00344-00056448-00056585 a carrying bag typically when it comes KLTj1xDZhpu-00345-00056586-00056753 to tripods people are using them all the KLTj1xDZhpu-00346-00056754-00056879 time especially since they're always KLTj1xDZhpu-00347-00056879-00057059 taking selfies for either Instagram or KLTj1xDZhpu-00348-00057060-00057232 making videos for tick tock now when KLTj1xDZhpu-00349-00057233-00057365 offering these tripods always make sure KLTj1xDZhpu-00350-00057366-00057503 you get a high quality one one that's KLTj1xDZhpu-00351-00057504-00057641 durable and one that's not going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00352-00057641-00057844 either break easy or topple over with a KLTj1xDZhpu-00353-00057845-00057971 little bit of wind same goes for the KLTj1xDZhpu-00354-00057972-00058180 carrying bag try to offer a waterproof KLTj1xDZhpu-00355-00058182-00058354 or a more durable version now this next KLTj1xDZhpu-00356-00058355-00058535 one is going to be a fairly niched down KLTj1xDZhpu-00357-00058536-00058715 product and that's going to be the fiber KLTj1xDZhpu-00358-00058716-00058871 optic cable tester these are usually KLTj1xDZhpu-00359-00058872-00059032 used to test to see if a signal is KLTj1xDZhpu-00360-00059033-00059242 coming out of either a port or a cable KLTj1xDZhpu-00361-00059244-00059399 again this is pretty niched so this is KLTj1xDZhpu-00362-00059400-00059465 something that you're going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00363-00059466-00059626 offering to the more tech savvy consumer KLTj1xDZhpu-00364-00059627-00059765 in our next spot we have a mini KLTj1xDZhpu-00365-00059766-00059944 walkie-talkie now I know that everyone KLTj1xDZhpu-00366-00059945-00060209 has a cell phone and walkie-talkies at KLTj1xDZhpu-00367-00060210-00060347 this point are kind of obsolete but KLTj1xDZhpu-00368-00060348-00060473 there are certain areas that are not KLTj1xDZhpu-00369-00060474-00060629 going to offer any cell phone signal in KLTj1xDZhpu-00370-00060629-00060761 those cases it's best to have some sort KLTj1xDZhpu-00371-00060762-00060971 of communication and a walkie-talkie is KLTj1xDZhpu-00372-00060972-00061079 going to work best these can be KLTj1xDZhpu-00373-00061079-00061216 fantastic options to offer people that KLTj1xDZhpu-00374-00061217-00061438 like to go on Hikes maybe go into caves KLTj1xDZhpu-00375-00061439-00061625 and like to explore typically those KLTj1xDZhpu-00376-00061626-00061750 types of areas are the ones that have KLTj1xDZhpu-00377-00061751-00061888 the least cell phone reception next up KLTj1xDZhpu-00378-00061889-00062044 at number four we have the portable and KLTj1xDZhpu-00379-00062045-00062213 adjustable phone holder now as I KLTj1xDZhpu-00380-00062214-00062363 mentioned earlier with the tripods KLTj1xDZhpu-00381-00062364-00062549 people's off taking selfies people love KLTj1xDZhpu-00382-00062550-00062735 taking videos of themselves and for that KLTj1xDZhpu-00383-00062736-00062849 they need something to be able to hold KLTj1xDZhpu-00384-00062850-00062975 their phone now for those that don't KLTj1xDZhpu-00385-00062976-00063137 need a full-on tripod they also have the KLTj1xDZhpu-00386-00063138-00063311 option to get get a smaller and more KLTj1xDZhpu-00387-00063312-00063473 portable phone holder for the most part KLTj1xDZhpu-00388-00063474-00063611 these phone holders will be used to hold KLTj1xDZhpu-00389-00063612-00063838 a phone either on a table or maybe in a KLTj1xDZhpu-00390-00063839-00063959 car so that the phone can be used KLTj1xDZhpu-00391-00063960-00064109 hands-free now since the phone will be KLTj1xDZhpu-00392-00064110-00064253 used hands-free this is a great KLTj1xDZhpu-00393-00064254-00064426 opportunity to be able to upsell or KLTj1xDZhpu-00394-00064427-00064661 cross-sell and offer a set of earbuds KLTj1xDZhpu-00395-00064662-00064804 people can use a set of earbuds to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00396-00064805-00064991 able to control their phone from afar KLTj1xDZhpu-00397-00064991-00065171 using voice recognition or an assistant KLTj1xDZhpu-00398-00065172-00065411 like Hey Google or Siri now the last KLTj1xDZhpu-00399-00065412-00065500 product that we're going to mention for KLTj1xDZhpu-00400-00065501-00065699 this Niche is the fiber optic cable KLTj1xDZhpu-00401-00065700-00065843 stripper once again this product is KLTj1xDZhpu-00402-00065844-00065993 geared more towards the tech savvy KLTj1xDZhpu-00403-00065994-00066167 consumer and are used to strip away the KLTj1xDZhpu-00404-00066168-00066347 little extra plastic on the outside of a KLTj1xDZhpu-00405-00066348-00066503 cable so that the wires can be exposed KLTj1xDZhpu-00406-00066504-00066694 the next training Niche on AliExpress is KLTj1xDZhpu-00407-00066695-00066856 going to be computer office and security KLTj1xDZhpu-00408-00066857-00067049 and to kick things off in this Niche we KLTj1xDZhpu-00409-00067050-00067156 have the tempered glass screen KLTj1xDZhpu-00410-00067157-00067306 protectors now these can be used for KLTj1xDZhpu-00411-00067307-00067493 either phones or tablets it doesn't KLTj1xDZhpu-00412-00067494-00067655 really matter but ultimately the use of KLTj1xDZhpu-00413-00067656-00067793 this product is going to be to protect KLTj1xDZhpu-00414-00067794-00068009 the screen on the phone or tablet itself KLTj1xDZhpu-00415-00068010-00068200 now there are tons of different tablet KLTj1xDZhpu-00416-00068201-00068350 models with the most popular being the KLTj1xDZhpu-00417-00068351-00068573 iPad but that in itself also comes in a KLTj1xDZhpu-00418-00068574-00068705 bunch of different sizes so when it KLTj1xDZhpu-00419-00068706-00068849 comes to this product it's best to offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00420-00068850-00069041 as many variations as you can also as a KLTj1xDZhpu-00421-00069042-00069161 quick tip to be able to upsell try out KLTj1xDZhpu-00422-00069162-00069323 offering screen wipes next up we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00423-00069324-00069473 the Kindle leather case which not only KLTj1xDZhpu-00424-00069474-00069641 protects the Kindle itself it also gives KLTj1xDZhpu-00425-00069642-00069869 the user a much better grip and a better KLTj1xDZhpu-00426-00069870-00070025 feel when holding the tablet these have KLTj1xDZhpu-00427-00070026-00070150 a few different variations you can get KLTj1xDZhpu-00428-00070151-00070265 them in different types of materials KLTj1xDZhpu-00429-00070266-00070456 such as leather or plastic you can also KLTj1xDZhpu-00430-00070457-00070631 get them with a flip top to be able to KLTj1xDZhpu-00431-00070632-00070799 cover the front of the tablet or just KLTj1xDZhpu-00432-00070800-00070967 cover the back and you can even offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00433-00070968-00071182 variations with a kickstand so that way KLTj1xDZhpu-00434-00071183-00071350 people can use it and read their book KLTj1xDZhpu-00435-00071351-00071531 hands-free next up we have the Samsung KLTj1xDZhpu-00436-00071532-00071723 tablet cover which comes in pretty much KLTj1xDZhpu-00437-00071724-00071873 the same variations that the Kindle one KLTj1xDZhpu-00438-00071874-00072017 does except with this type of tablet you KLTj1xDZhpu-00439-00072018-00072131 have the added benefit to be able to KLTj1xDZhpu-00440-00072132-00072269 offer some cases that include something KLTj1xDZhpu-00441-00072270-00072455 like a magnetic keyboard being an KLTj1xDZhpu-00442-00072456-00072599 Android tablet you do have the option to KLTj1xDZhpu-00443-00072600-00072737 use a keyboard on it so you can sell a KLTj1xDZhpu-00444-00072738-00072869 cover that includes a keyboard already KLTj1xDZhpu-00445-00072870-00073055 or you can offer a keyboard separately KLTj1xDZhpu-00446-00073056-00073217 as an add-on next up in our fourth spot KLTj1xDZhpu-00447-00073218-00073373 we have the paper like screen protector KLTj1xDZhpu-00448-00073374-00073523 now just like the tempered glass screen KLTj1xDZhpu-00449-00073524-00073679 protector this is meant to protect the KLTj1xDZhpu-00450-00073680-00073847 screen of your tablet rather than a KLTj1xDZhpu-00451-00073848-00073961 thick piece of glass on top of your KLTj1xDZhpu-00452-00073962-00074069 screen with this what you're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00453-00074070-00074297 apply is a thin film that thin film KLTj1xDZhpu-00454-00074298-00074459 helps protect the screen from scratches KLTj1xDZhpu-00455-00074460-00074621 or breaking customers also tend to KLTj1xDZhpu-00456-00074622-00074788 purchase these in multiple packs rather KLTj1xDZhpu-00457-00074789-00074915 than singles so this is a great KLTj1xDZhpu-00458-00074916-00075076 opportunity to offer them in sets or KLTj1xDZhpu-00459-00075077-00075256 bundles this is also the perfect upsell KLTj1xDZhpu-00460-00075257-00075473 option for any case the last item in KLTj1xDZhpu-00461-00075474-00075617 this Niche is going to be the four piece KLTj1xDZhpu-00462-00075618-00075844 LED strip lately LEDs have been KLTj1xDZhpu-00463-00075845-00076049 absolutely booming in popularity and KLTj1xDZhpu-00464-00076050-00076193 people have been using them to decorate KLTj1xDZhpu-00465-00076194-00076343 just about anything people have been KLTj1xDZhpu-00466-00076344-00076523 using them to put them up on a room to KLTj1xDZhpu-00467-00076524-00076721 light up their entire room or behind a KLTj1xDZhpu-00468-00076722-00076865 monitor so that way they can create a KLTj1xDZhpu-00469-00076866-00076997 cool effect when they're either watching KLTj1xDZhpu-00470-00076998-00077159 a movie or gaming for this particular KLTj1xDZhpu-00471-00077160-00077338 reason it's best to offer multiple sizes KLTj1xDZhpu-00472-00077339-00077482 you can also offer multiple color KLTj1xDZhpu-00473-00077483-00077705 variations but also keep in mind that a KLTj1xDZhpu-00474-00077706-00077873 lot of these have color changing modes KLTj1xDZhpu-00475-00077874-00078023 and they also come with a remote to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00476-00078024-00078155 able to change the different colors the KLTj1xDZhpu-00477-00078156-00078256 fifth best Niche that we're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00478-00078257-00078437 cover is also one that's consistently KLTj1xDZhpu-00479-00078438-00078653 growing and always expanding and that's KLTj1xDZhpu-00480-00078654-00078844 going to be consumer electronics the KLTj1xDZhpu-00481-00078845-00078953 first product we're going to cover in KLTj1xDZhpu-00482-00078954-00079061 this Niche is going to be the game KLTj1xDZhpu-00483-00079062-00079211 controller finger covers these help KLTj1xDZhpu-00484-00079212-00079379 provide better Precision when playing KLTj1xDZhpu-00485-00079380-00079535 mobile games when selling these products KLTj1xDZhpu-00486-00079536-00079685 always try to offer lightweight as well KLTj1xDZhpu-00487-00079686-00079853 as breathable versions also offer them KLTj1xDZhpu-00488-00079854-00080009 in sets in multiple colors so that way KLTj1xDZhpu-00489-00080010-00080111 you can increase your average order KLTj1xDZhpu-00490-00080112-00080309 value considering the fact that just one KLTj1xDZhpu-00491-00080310-00080500 itself is going to be fairly low priced KLTj1xDZhpu-00492-00080501-00080638 in our second spot we have the long KLTj1xDZhpu-00493-00080639-00080812 lasting battery packs these are perfect KLTj1xDZhpu-00494-00080813-00080999 for the types of consumer electronics KLTj1xDZhpu-00495-00081000-00081149 that are consistently dying and running KLTj1xDZhpu-00496-00081150-00081311 I got a battery now these aren't limited KLTj1xDZhpu-00497-00081312-00081503 to just battery powered or USB charged KLTj1xDZhpu-00498-00081504-00081635 Electronics some of these are also KLTj1xDZhpu-00499-00081636-00081803 available with different plugs as well KLTj1xDZhpu-00500-00081804-00081988 as power outputs next up we have mini KLTj1xDZhpu-00501-00081989-00082181 LED camera lights these are perfect for KLTj1xDZhpu-00502-00082182-00082343 either lighting up a small room or KLTj1xDZhpu-00503-00082344-00082523 lighting up a photo or video These can KLTj1xDZhpu-00504-00082524-00082685 be offered in either your basic white KLTj1xDZhpu-00505-00082686-00082859 with different color temperatures or KLTj1xDZhpu-00506-00082860-00083056 multi-color LEDs now these can come in a KLTj1xDZhpu-00507-00083057-00083206 few different variations but always try KLTj1xDZhpu-00508-00083207-00083350 to offer some that can be attached to KLTj1xDZhpu-00509-00083351-00083525 different Electronics so try to offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00510-00083526-00083656 some that can be attached to either cell KLTj1xDZhpu-00511-00083657-00083837 phone or a camera next up in a fourth KLTj1xDZhpu-00512-00083838-00084005 spot we have waterproof fitness watches KLTj1xDZhpu-00513-00084006-00084191 and lately people have been Fitness KLTj1xDZhpu-00514-00084192-00084382 crazy everyone's been watching their KLTj1xDZhpu-00515-00084383-00084538 health watching what they eat and trying KLTj1xDZhpu-00516-00084539-00084688 to get more exercise in that's where KLTj1xDZhpu-00517-00084689-00084838 this product comes in a fitness watch KLTj1xDZhpu-00518-00084839-00085115 can track activity sleep calories burned KLTj1xDZhpu-00519-00085116-00085282 and more now some of these can be KLTj1xDZhpu-00520-00085283-00085438 waterproof While others are water KLTj1xDZhpu-00521-00085439-00085588 resistant there's a difference between KLTj1xDZhpu-00522-00085589-00085756 water resistant and waterproof being KLTj1xDZhpu-00523-00085757-00085961 that waterproof can go a bit deeper and KLTj1xDZhpu-00524-00085962-00086141 it usually lasts a bit longer underwater KLTj1xDZhpu-00525-00086142-00086350 but either way whether it's resistant or KLTj1xDZhpu-00526-00086351-00086537 proof always included in the item KLTj1xDZhpu-00527-00086538-00086699 description always tell your customers KLTj1xDZhpu-00528-00086700-00086903 how deep it can go and how long it can KLTj1xDZhpu-00529-00086904-00087023 stay down there for these are also KLTj1xDZhpu-00530-00087024-00087173 available with tons of different faces KLTj1xDZhpu-00531-00087174-00087341 different styles and different watch KLTj1xDZhpu-00532-00087342-00087532 bands so try to offer as many variations KLTj1xDZhpu-00533-00087533-00087743 as you can with different brands as KLTj1xDZhpu-00534-00087744-00087887 different accessories now in our last KLTj1xDZhpu-00535-00087888-00088043 spot for Consumer Electronics we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00536-00088044-00088217 the photo studio lighting kit now these KLTj1xDZhpu-00537-00088218-00088397 can range in terms of style and sizes KLTj1xDZhpu-00538-00088398-00088547 sometimes you can have the small ones KLTj1xDZhpu-00539-00088548-00088673 which are just a box where you can place KLTj1xDZhpu-00540-00088674-00088871 a product in and take a picture or you KLTj1xDZhpu-00541-00088872-00089062 can have a full-on studio kit which KLTj1xDZhpu-00542-00089063-00089255 includes a green screen backdrop and two KLTj1xDZhpu-00543-00089256-00089429 studio lights now once again there are KLTj1xDZhpu-00544-00089430-00089632 many variations for many different types KLTj1xDZhpu-00545-00089633-00089776 of needs when it comes to photography KLTj1xDZhpu-00546-00089777-00089993 also these don't necessarily have to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00547-00089994-00090179 geared only towards photographers you KLTj1xDZhpu-00548-00090180-00090311 can even Market these to other drop KLTj1xDZhpu-00549-00090312-00090461 shippers so that way they can order a KLTj1xDZhpu-00550-00090462-00090635 product themselves check it out inspect KLTj1xDZhpu-00551-00090636-00090779 it see how it is and then take the KLTj1xDZhpu-00552-00090780-00090935 pictures themselves as well ultimately KLTj1xDZhpu-00553-00090936-00091138 pretty much any online retailer and KLTj1xDZhpu-00554-00091139-00091325 photographer can benefit from all these KLTj1xDZhpu-00555-00091326-00091444 different types of lighting Products KLTj1xDZhpu-00556-00091445-00091612 intersect spot for top niches to drop KLTj1xDZhpu-00557-00091613-00091823 ship from AliExpress we have jewelry and KLTj1xDZhpu-00558-00091824-00091985 watches now to start things off in this KLTj1xDZhpu-00559-00091986-00092141 list we have lettered charms for KLTj1xDZhpu-00560-00092142-00092326 bracelets these are perfect for kids who KLTj1xDZhpu-00561-00092327-00092482 like to make little friendship bracelets KLTj1xDZhpu-00562-00092483-00092705 or anyone who likes to do DIY these come KLTj1xDZhpu-00563-00092706-00092825 in a bunch of different materials such KLTj1xDZhpu-00564-00092826-00093029 as acrylic metal or plastic and can be KLTj1xDZhpu-00565-00093030-00093209 used for multiple things not just just KLTj1xDZhpu-00566-00093210-00093371 bracelets so these little charms can KLTj1xDZhpu-00567-00093372-00093503 sometimes be even added to things like KLTj1xDZhpu-00568-00093504-00093647 clothing it's also a good idea to offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00569-00093648-00093826 these in multiple colors shapes and KLTj1xDZhpu-00570-00093827-00094006 sizes next up we have a winged pendant KLTj1xDZhpu-00571-00094007-00094162 crystal necklace which comes in a few KLTj1xDZhpu-00572-00094163-00094325 different variations of Styles as well KLTj1xDZhpu-00573-00094326-00094444 as materials they come in different KLTj1xDZhpu-00574-00094445-00094637 crystals and as far as Styles you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00575-00094638-00094787 have some that are bright and colorful KLTj1xDZhpu-00576-00094788-00094900 and then you can have some that are KLTj1xDZhpu-00577-00094901-00095032 darker and a bit more Gothic looking KLTj1xDZhpu-00578-00095033-00095165 they also come with different types of KLTj1xDZhpu-00579-00095166-00095344 chains in terms of material and length KLTj1xDZhpu-00580-00095345-00095500 so it's always best to offer different KLTj1xDZhpu-00581-00095501-00095662 types of variations when offering this KLTj1xDZhpu-00582-00095663-00095806 product now when talking about jewelry KLTj1xDZhpu-00583-00095807-00095968 one thing that absolutely never goes out KLTj1xDZhpu-00584-00095969-00096173 of style are rings but everyone's KLTj1xDZhpu-00585-00096174-00096311 already selling those so the next best KLTj1xDZhpu-00586-00096312-00096473 thing that we can do is offer a ring KLTj1xDZhpu-00587-00096474-00096694 sizer because most people don't know the KLTj1xDZhpu-00588-00096695-00096881 size of the Rings and they just guess KLTj1xDZhpu-00589-00096882-00097025 whenever they place an order so the KLTj1xDZhpu-00590-00097026-00097132 third product on this list is going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00591-00097133-00097271 be a ring sizing tool these have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00592-00097272-00097367 couple different styles that you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00593-00097368-00097529 offer and usually come in either metal KLTj1xDZhpu-00594-00097530-00097697 or acrylic now whether a customers can KLTj1xDZhpu-00595-00097698-00097876 be gifting the jewelry or keeping it for KLTj1xDZhpu-00596-00097877-00097997 themselves they're always going to need KLTj1xDZhpu-00597-00097998-00098135 something to put it in in which case you KLTj1xDZhpu-00598-00098136-00098321 can always offer drawstring jewelry bags KLTj1xDZhpu-00599-00098322-00098459 these come in many different styles KLTj1xDZhpu-00600-00098460-00098650 different materials different colors KLTj1xDZhpu-00601-00098651-00098794 sometimes they're see-through sometimes KLTj1xDZhpu-00602-00098795-00098938 they're not but ultimately these are KLTj1xDZhpu-00603-00098939-00099112 perfect for storing small pieces of KLTj1xDZhpu-00604-00099113-00099250 jewelry these are all also great to KLTj1xDZhpu-00605-00099251-00099400 offer as an add-on when selling smaller KLTj1xDZhpu-00606-00099401-00099653 pieces such as Rings earrings or small KLTj1xDZhpu-00607-00099654-00099797 necklaces these are also great for KLTj1xDZhpu-00608-00099798-00099959 gifting jewelry so if you can offer a KLTj1xDZhpu-00609-00099960-00100097 supplier that customizes them with KLTj1xDZhpu-00610-00100098-00100306 things like names you're all set and you KLTj1xDZhpu-00611-00100307-00100432 can be guaranteed that people are going KLTj1xDZhpu-00612-00100433-00100559 to love these and purchase them as KLTj1xDZhpu-00613-00100560-00100679 add-ons when they purchase their KLTj1xDZhpu-00614-00100680-00100823 different pieces next up we have black KLTj1xDZhpu-00615-00100824-00100979 pendant necklaces which is actually one KLTj1xDZhpu-00616-00100980-00101159 of the best sellers on AliExpress these KLTj1xDZhpu-00617-00101160-00101261 black pendants come in a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00618-00101262-00101482 styles shapes and sizes and you can also KLTj1xDZhpu-00619-00101483-00101656 sell them for a higher profit margin now KLTj1xDZhpu-00620-00101657-00101782 in our seventh Niche we're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00621-00101783-00102023 cover home pets and appliances the KLTj1xDZhpu-00622-00102024-00102124 products on this list are going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00623-00102125-00102323 perfect for pretty much Everyday Use so KLTj1xDZhpu-00624-00102324-00102442 to kick things off we're going to start KLTj1xDZhpu-00625-00102443-00102658 with a golden dinnerware set as a classy KLTj1xDZhpu-00626-00102659-00102839 addition to pretty much any Meal Time a KLTj1xDZhpu-00627-00102840-00103042 golden dimmer set is perfect for events KLTj1xDZhpu-00628-00103043-00103247 small parties or just to have dinner KLTj1xDZhpu-00629-00103248-00103397 with your family now these can be sold KLTj1xDZhpu-00630-00103398-00103540 in different sets as well as different KLTj1xDZhpu-00631-00103541-00103703 quantities so you can either sell just KLTj1xDZhpu-00632-00103704-00103978 Forks just spoons just knives or a mix KLTj1xDZhpu-00633-00103979-00104140 of all three or a mix of two of them KLTj1xDZhpu-00634-00104141-00104297 however you prefer just remember to sell KLTj1xDZhpu-00635-00104298-00104453 the right sets that are appropriate for KLTj1xDZhpu-00636-00104454-00104656 your target audience next up we have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00637-00104657-00104801 portable lint remover to be able to KLTj1xDZhpu-00638-00104802-00104975 remove all that nasty little stuff from KLTj1xDZhpu-00639-00104976-00105119 your clothes not only clothes but you KLTj1xDZhpu-00640-00105120-00105275 can use them on Furniture as well and KLTj1xDZhpu-00641-00105276-00105460 they also come in mechanical and KLTj1xDZhpu-00642-00105461-00105647 automatic versions next up we have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00643-00105648-00105857 pumpkin brush comb this is a perfect KLTj1xDZhpu-00644-00105858-00106073 solution for almost all pets it helps KLTj1xDZhpu-00645-00106074-00106295 groom massage and brush your pet's hair KLTj1xDZhpu-00646-00106296-00106469 remember that people absolutely love KLTj1xDZhpu-00647-00106470-00106625 their pets so anything that you can find KLTj1xDZhpu-00648-00106626-00106823 that can be a cute accessory for people KLTj1xDZhpu-00649-00106824-00107021 to have alongside their pets they're KLTj1xDZhpu-00650-00107022-00107165 gonna go crazy over something like this KLTj1xDZhpu-00651-00107166-00107363 though in particular can have a spike in KLTj1xDZhpu-00652-00107364-00107489 sales during The Fall season KLTj1xDZhpu-00653-00107490-00107651 particularly around the time of KLTj1xDZhpu-00654-00107652-00107843 Halloween because of the pumpkin on it KLTj1xDZhpu-00655-00107844-00107963 next up on this list we have the mini KLTj1xDZhpu-00656-00107964-00108166 beer bottle opener these can come in KLTj1xDZhpu-00657-00108167-00108347 quite a few different variations and KLTj1xDZhpu-00658-00108348-00108484 some are actually pretty cool take this KLTj1xDZhpu-00659-00108485-00108623 one for example it's actually in the KLTj1xDZhpu-00660-00108624-00108797 shape of a ring so all you have to do is KLTj1xDZhpu-00661-00108798-00108952 place your hand on top of the bottle and KLTj1xDZhpu-00662-00108953-00109115 pop it open aside from that you can also KLTj1xDZhpu-00663-00109116-00109277 always offer the more traditional ones KLTj1xDZhpu-00664-00109278-00109475 like the keychains or the magnetic ones KLTj1xDZhpu-00665-00109476-00109613 that can stick onto the fridge these KLTj1xDZhpu-00666-00109614-00109757 come in a ton of different shapes colors KLTj1xDZhpu-00667-00109758-00109931 and sizes and some people even like to KLTj1xDZhpu-00668-00109932-00110093 purchase these as souvenirs in which KLTj1xDZhpu-00669-00110094-00110219 case you can use a print-on-demand KLTj1xDZhpu-00670-00110220-00110393 service to customize it for different KLTj1xDZhpu-00671-00110394-00110578 situations the last option on this list KLTj1xDZhpu-00672-00110579-00110723 is going to be the metal hook Arc KLTj1xDZhpu-00673-00110724-00110890 igniter these are pretty much mini KLTj1xDZhpu-00674-00110891-00111083 lighters that can be used in multiple KLTj1xDZhpu-00675-00111083-00111239 different positions now these can be KLTj1xDZhpu-00676-00111240-00111413 used to either start a fire on your KLTj1xDZhpu-00677-00111414-00111616 stove or your barbecue or even if you're KLTj1xDZhpu-00678-00111617-00111778 out camping you can use it to start a KLTj1xDZhpu-00679-00111779-00111910 campfire the next Niche we're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00680-00111911-00112073 cover in today's AliExpress video is KLTj1xDZhpu-00681-00112074-00112313 bags and shoes with the first option on KLTj1xDZhpu-00682-00112314-00112516 this list being leather ankle boots now KLTj1xDZhpu-00683-00112517-00112666 these boots are suitable for pretty much KLTj1xDZhpu-00684-00112667-00112852 any occasion you can use them out on the KLTj1xDZhpu-00685-00112853-00113057 field you can use them in an office or KLTj1xDZhpu-00686-00113058-00113207 you can use them to just go out and be KLTj1xDZhpu-00687-00113208-00113363 casual these come in tons of different KLTj1xDZhpu-00688-00113364-00113549 colors and styles so make sure you offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00689-00113550-00113699 multiple variations and to help KLTj1xDZhpu-00690-00113700-00113866 customers choose the right one always KLTj1xDZhpu-00691-00113867-00114095 add a sizing chart a sizing chart can KLTj1xDZhpu-00692-00114096-00114221 help your customers choose which one KLTj1xDZhpu-00693-00114222-00114371 would fit them best in our second spot KLTj1xDZhpu-00694-00114372-00114575 we have a crossbody bag for women these KLTj1xDZhpu-00695-00114576-00114754 can come in multiple Styles different KLTj1xDZhpu-00696-00114755-00114940 colors and different amount of pockets KLTj1xDZhpu-00697-00114941-00115115 inside also these can come in different KLTj1xDZhpu-00698-00115116-00115313 materials and different lengths for the KLTj1xDZhpu-00699-00115314-00115469 shoulder straps in our third spot we KLTj1xDZhpu-00700-00115470-00115631 have the insulated lunch bag keeping KLTj1xDZhpu-00701-00115632-00115828 your food either cold or hot these are KLTj1xDZhpu-00702-00115829-00115984 perfect for people to take to work or KLTj1xDZhpu-00703-00115985-00116116 for kids to take their lunch to school KLTj1xDZhpu-00704-00116117-00116260 that being said there are tons of KLTj1xDZhpu-00705-00116261-00116404 different variations some that are meant KLTj1xDZhpu-00706-00116405-00116543 more for kids that have more of a KLTj1xDZhpu-00707-00116544-00116681 cartoony look with different characters KLTj1xDZhpu-00708-00116682-00116831 and then you have some that are geared KLTj1xDZhpu-00709-00116832-00117023 more towards adults which have a more KLTj1xDZhpu-00710-00117024-00117239 simple or modern look to that next up in KLTj1xDZhpu-00711-00117240-00117395 our fourth spot we have the Crocs like KLTj1xDZhpu-00712-00117396-00117581 summer shoes now Crocs lately have been KLTj1xDZhpu-00713-00117582-00117784 absolutely blowing up and everyone wants KLTj1xDZhpu-00714-00117785-00117916 them but the problem with them is that KLTj1xDZhpu-00715-00117917-00118102 they can potentially be a bit expensive KLTj1xDZhpu-00716-00118103-00118216 there are different styles available KLTj1xDZhpu-00717-00118217-00118421 with similar materials but one quick KLTj1xDZhpu-00718-00118422-00118534 suggestion when it comes to selling KLTj1xDZhpu-00719-00118535-00118781 these is never Market them as Crocs KLTj1xDZhpu-00720-00118782-00118973 always Market them as your own brand or KLTj1xDZhpu-00721-00118974-00119140 generic brand but never mention them as KLTj1xDZhpu-00722-00119141-00119308 Crocs because that could potentially KLTj1xDZhpu-00723-00119309-00119525 land you in some legal trouble which is KLTj1xDZhpu-00724-00119526-00119686 best to avoid now in the last spot for KLTj1xDZhpu-00725-00119688-00119854 this Niche we have the small one KLTj1xDZhpu-00726-00119855-00120023 shoulder purse these come in many KLTj1xDZhpu-00727-00120024-00120173 different shapes and colors they also KLTj1xDZhpu-00728-00120174-00120323 come with different straps so you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00729-00120324-00120473 have some straps that are either made KLTj1xDZhpu-00730-00120474-00120640 out of leather while some others are KLTj1xDZhpu-00731-00120641-00120790 going to be in the form of chains and KLTj1xDZhpu-00732-00120791-00120910 you also have different locks on them KLTj1xDZhpu-00733-00120911-00121073 some being magnetic While others are KLTj1xDZhpu-00734-00121074-00121240 zippers moving on to our ninth Niche we KLTj1xDZhpu-00735-00121241-00121469 have toys kids and baby products when it KLTj1xDZhpu-00736-00121470-00121631 comes down to kids toddlers and babies KLTj1xDZhpu-00737-00121632-00121865 parents absolutely love to spoil them so KLTj1xDZhpu-00738-00121866-00121997 this is a niche that's never going to go KLTj1xDZhpu-00739-00121998-00122189 out of style and is consistently going KLTj1xDZhpu-00740-00122190-00122315 to be profiting the first product we're KLTj1xDZhpu-00741-00122316-00122428 going to cover in this list is the baby KLTj1xDZhpu-00742-00122429-00122621 swim trainer these can come in a variety KLTj1xDZhpu-00743-00122622-00122843 of styles colors shapes and sizes and KLTj1xDZhpu-00744-00122844-00123028 they also come in either inflatable or KLTj1xDZhpu-00745-00123029-00123208 non-inflatable versions so census KLTj1xDZhpu-00746-00123209-00123377 product is for kids and babies always KLTj1xDZhpu-00747-00123378-00123586 offer hypoallergenic and BPA free KLTj1xDZhpu-00748-00123588-00123754 options next up we have cotton baby KLTj1xDZhpu-00749-00123755-00123928 short socks to be able to protect our KLTj1xDZhpu-00750-00123929-00124073 little one's feet these are usually made KLTj1xDZhpu-00751-00124074-00124247 for babies with softer materials and KLTj1xDZhpu-00752-00124248-00124390 come in a variety of different sizes KLTj1xDZhpu-00753-00124391-00124601 colors and styles sometimes you can get KLTj1xDZhpu-00754-00124602-00124769 them with little animals or different KLTj1xDZhpu-00755-00124770-00124966 characters next up we have a Twist on an KLTj1xDZhpu-00756-00124967-00125110 old classic and that's going to be the KLTj1xDZhpu-00757-00125111-00125302 Neo Rubik's Cube Rubik's Cubes can help KLTj1xDZhpu-00758-00125303-00125465 a kid's critical thinking skills and KLTj1xDZhpu-00759-00125466-00125639 because of that have a high profit KLTj1xDZhpu-00760-00125640-00125807 potential if marketed right there's KLTj1xDZhpu-00761-00125808-00125915 different variations as well as KLTj1xDZhpu-00762-00125916-00126065 different level of difficulties for KLTj1xDZhpu-00763-00126066-00126257 different ages the 10th category on this KLTj1xDZhpu-00764-00126258-00126425 list is going to be outdoor fun and KLTj1xDZhpu-00765-00126426-00126593 sports and kicking off that category KLTj1xDZhpu-00766-00126594-00126736 we're going to have the mountain bike KLTj1xDZhpu-00767-00126738-00126916 water bottle holder when participating KLTj1xDZhpu-00768-00126917-00127084 in an activity such as mountain biking KLTj1xDZhpu-00769-00127085-00127301 staying hydrated is absolutely crucial KLTj1xDZhpu-00770-00127302-00127457 that's where this product comes in these KLTj1xDZhpu-00771-00127458-00127625 holders come in multiple colors looks KLTj1xDZhpu-00772-00127626-00127775 and styles that can complete the look of KLTj1xDZhpu-00773-00127776-00127913 the bike itself now one quick thing to KLTj1xDZhpu-00774-00127914-00128063 note always offer a durable and KLTj1xDZhpu-00775-00128064-00128213 weatherproof holder since it will be KLTj1xDZhpu-00776-00128214-00128393 constantly exposed to the elements next KLTj1xDZhpu-00777-00128394-00128573 up we have an adjustable heavy hand KLTj1xDZhpu-00778-00128574-00128723 gripper these are mainly used to KLTj1xDZhpu-00779-00128724-00128878 strengthen your grip and are used by KLTj1xDZhpu-00780-00128879-00129023 athletes for the most part these come in KLTj1xDZhpu-00781-00129024-00129131 a few different styles and colors but KLTj1xDZhpu-00782-00129132-00129299 the biggest difference being the KLTj1xDZhpu-00783-00129300-00129443 different tensions some are going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00784-00129444-00129586 have a higher tension than others which KLTj1xDZhpu-00785-00129588-00129701 the higher tensions are going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00786-00129702-00129875 Geared for the people with a stronger KLTj1xDZhpu-00787-00129876-00130031 grip next up for the swimming Enthusiast KLTj1xDZhpu-00788-00130032-00130193 we have professional swimming goggles KLTj1xDZhpu-00789-00130194-00130313 they come in different colors as well as KLTj1xDZhpu-00790-00130314-00130457 different sizes so there's something for KLTj1xDZhpu-00791-00130458-00130625 everyone in the different agents in our KLTj1xDZhpu-00792-00130626-00130781 fourth spot we have rechargeable heated KLTj1xDZhpu-00793-00130782-00130997 insoles these are heating pads that go KLTj1xDZhpu-00794-00130998-00131147 inside your shoe these are usually KLTj1xDZhpu-00795-00131148-00131339 rechargeable with different heat levels KLTj1xDZhpu-00796-00131340-00131549 and can be remote controlled and in our KLTj1xDZhpu-00797-00131550-00131759 last spot for camping enthusiasts you KLTj1xDZhpu-00798-00131760-00131939 have the ultralight camping tent these KLTj1xDZhpu-00799-00131940-00132077 tents are easy to carry around when KLTj1xDZhpu-00800-00132078-00132197 camping they come in a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00801-00132198-00132389 colors as well as Styles and a few KLTj1xDZhpu-00802-00132390-00132533 different sizes they're also made to KLTj1xDZhpu-00803-00132534-00132701 withstand environmental conditions such KLTj1xDZhpu-00804-00132702-00132904 as strong winds or rain now the next KLTj1xDZhpu-00805-00132905-00133043 Nissan we're going to cover is beauty KLTj1xDZhpu-00806-00133044-00133204 health and hair starting off with KLTj1xDZhpu-00807-00133205-00133390 stainless steel nail clippers clippers KLTj1xDZhpu-00808-00133391-00133535 usually come in different sizes whether KLTj1xDZhpu-00809-00133536-00133721 they be smaller or larger for your hands KLTj1xDZhpu-00810-00133722-00133985 or feet for adults or for kids you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00811-00133986-00134135 also sell these as part of a set with KLTj1xDZhpu-00812-00134136-00134339 tweezers and Clippers and when selling KLTj1xDZhpu-00813-00134340-00134489 these always make sure you offer high KLTj1xDZhpu-00814-00134490-00134675 quality stainless steel next up we have KLTj1xDZhpu-00815-00134676-00134837 electric hair clippers which ever since KLTj1xDZhpu-00816-00134838-00135035 a pandemic the sales for these have been KLTj1xDZhpu-00817-00135036-00135209 absolutely booming everyone one started KLTj1xDZhpu-00818-00135210-00135352 doing their hair or their beard at home KLTj1xDZhpu-00819-00135353-00135521 and have continued to do so ever since KLTj1xDZhpu-00820-00135522-00135628 with these you have a few different KLTj1xDZhpu-00821-00135629-00135761 variations you can offer them either KLTj1xDZhpu-00822-00135762-00135928 battery powered and rechargeable or with KLTj1xDZhpu-00823-00135929-00136090 a cord to be consistently powered these KLTj1xDZhpu-00824-00136091-00136223 can also be sold in sets with extra KLTj1xDZhpu-00825-00136224-00136439 blades extra tips or other accessories KLTj1xDZhpu-00826-00136440-00136607 in the third spot we have a medical back KLTj1xDZhpu-00827-00136608-00136787 brace which helps support your back this KLTj1xDZhpu-00828-00136788-00136943 is perfect for people with either bad KLTj1xDZhpu-00829-00136944-00137128 posture or with back problems they can KLTj1xDZhpu-00830-00137129-00137254 come in a few Styles being rigid KLTj1xDZhpu-00831-00137255-00137452 semi-rigid or flexible and can also come KLTj1xDZhpu-00832-00137453-00137578 in a few different materials such as KLTj1xDZhpu-00833-00137579-00137819 plastic metal and elastic when writing KLTj1xDZhpu-00834-00137820-00137951 descriptions for these always be as KLTj1xDZhpu-00835-00137952-00138095 specific as possible so that way your KLTj1xDZhpu-00836-00138096-00138233 customer knows exactly what the KLTj1xDZhpu-00837-00138234-00138359 particular brace they're looking at is KLTj1xDZhpu-00838-00138360-00138557 for next up we have a rechargeable water KLTj1xDZhpu-00839-00138558-00138749 flosser that takes the place of a KLTj1xDZhpu-00840-00138750-00138893 traditional string floss these have KLTj1xDZhpu-00841-00138894-00139025 different Power capacities as well as KLTj1xDZhpu-00842-00139026-00139181 different flossing intensities now KLTj1xDZhpu-00843-00139182-00139343 continuing on with oral care we have the KLTj1xDZhpu-00844-00139344-00139516 ultrasonic tooth cleaner these cleaners KLTj1xDZhpu-00845-00139517-00139702 help remove plaque Tartar and stain KLTj1xDZhpu-00846-00139703-00139840 buildups the next that we're going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00847-00139841-00139954 cover in this list is going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00848-00139955-00140152 Automobiles and motorcycles now the KLTj1xDZhpu-00849-00140153-00140231 first product that we're going to cover KLTj1xDZhpu-00850-00140232-00140339 in this list is going to be the KLTj1xDZhpu-00851-00140340-00140537 universal sound simulator also known as KLTj1xDZhpu-00852-00140538-00140740 a turbo whistle this will make any stock KLTj1xDZhpu-00853-00140741-00140927 car sound like it's turbocharged by KLTj1xDZhpu-00854-00140928-00141071 adding a small whistle sound while it's KLTj1xDZhpu-00855-00141072-00141233 driving in our second spot we have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00856-00141234-00141419 card diagnostic scanner now these are KLTj1xDZhpu-00857-00141420-00141623 extremely helpful and useful items to KLTj1xDZhpu-00858-00141624-00141797 have in your car on the day-to-day if a KLTj1xDZhpu-00859-00141798-00141959 check engine light ever comes on you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00860-00141960-00142127 easily plug one of these in and it'll KLTj1xDZhpu-00861-00142128-00142247 tell you exactly what's wrong with your KLTj1xDZhpu-00862-00142248-00142366 car it'll give you a code that you can KLTj1xDZhpu-00863-00142367-00142528 then search up on Google and find out KLTj1xDZhpu-00864-00142529-00142690 exactly what the issue is now these can KLTj1xDZhpu-00865-00142691-00142840 come in a few different variations some KLTj1xDZhpu-00866-00142841-00142949 of which are going to be Standalone KLTj1xDZhpu-00867-00142950-00143075 devices which come with their own KLTj1xDZhpu-00868-00143076-00143225 scanner While others are going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00869-00143226-00143399 just the piece that plugs up to your OBD KLTj1xDZhpu-00870-00143400-00143573 port in the car and transfers whatever KLTj1xDZhpu-00871-00143574-00143771 information to your phone next up for KLTj1xDZhpu-00872-00143772-00143939 hands-free use in the car you have the KLTj1xDZhpu-00873-00143940-00144083 car vent phone holder these are perfect KLTj1xDZhpu-00874-00144084-00144214 for someone that needs to use their GPS KLTj1xDZhpu-00875-00144215-00144395 while driving and come in a few KLTj1xDZhpu-00876-00144396-00144545 different styles some can attach to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00877-00144546-00144713 vents itself While others can attach to KLTj1xDZhpu-00878-00144714-00144857 the dash these can also come with a few KLTj1xDZhpu-00879-00144858-00144995 different clipping features some of KLTj1xDZhpu-00880-00144996-00145157 which can be magnetic Clips While others KLTj1xDZhpu-00881-00145158-00145325 can just be Snap-on Clips next up we KLTj1xDZhpu-00882-00145326-00145493 have protective film or rear view KLTj1xDZhpu-00883-00145494-00145649 mirrors now these types of films help KLTj1xDZhpu-00884-00145650-00145877 protect against fog moisture and glare KLTj1xDZhpu-00885-00145878-00146033 so it makes driving especially at night KLTj1xDZhpu-00886-00146034-00146219 a lot safer the last item in this Niche KLTj1xDZhpu-00887-00146220-00146363 is going to be the car key shell these KLTj1xDZhpu-00888-00146364-00146507 shells can replace the outer shell over KLTj1xDZhpu-00889-00146508-00146657 your current key and can give it an KLTj1xDZhpu-00890-00146658-00146801 extra little pop they can come in gold KLTj1xDZhpu-00891-00146802-00146993 or silver and a few other materials such KLTj1xDZhpu-00892-00146994-00147214 as plastic or rubber last Niche we're KLTj1xDZhpu-00893-00147215-00147377 going to cover in our 13th spot is going KLTj1xDZhpu-00894-00147378-00147557 to be home improvement and tools the KLTj1xDZhpu-00895-00147558-00147671 first item on this list is going to be KLTj1xDZhpu-00896-00147672-00147863 the five mold shower head for a more KLTj1xDZhpu-00897-00147864-00148043 comfortable and relaxing shower these KLTj1xDZhpu-00898-00148044-00148211 can be handheld or wall mounted and come KLTj1xDZhpu-00899-00148212-00148378 in a variety of styles to fit the KLTj1xDZhpu-00900-00148379-00148504 different types of bathrooms the next KLTj1xDZhpu-00901-00148505-00148643 item on this list is going to be the KLTj1xDZhpu-00902-00148644-00148816 mesh window screen people that love to KLTj1xDZhpu-00903-00148817-00148985 have their windows open to have a nice KLTj1xDZhpu-00904-00148986-00149140 breeze of fresh air also leave their KLTj1xDZhpu-00905-00149141-00149381 house prone to being invaded by bugs now KLTj1xDZhpu-00906-00149382-00149537 nobody wants bugs in their house and KLTj1xDZhpu-00907-00149538-00149663 that's where this product comes in it KLTj1xDZhpu-00908-00149664-00149819 helps keep everything out these are KLTj1xDZhpu-00909-00149820-00149975 typically manually installed but there's KLTj1xDZhpu-00910-00149976-00150119 also some other variations that are a KLTj1xDZhpu-00911-00150120-00150304 lot easier to put on that have magnetic KLTj1xDZhpu-00912-00150305-00150473 Clips up next we have bone brick wall KLTj1xDZhpu-00913-00150474-00150623 stickers these can really help change KLTj1xDZhpu-00914-00150624-00150797 the look of an entire house or room KLTj1xDZhpu-00915-00150798-00150940 these are typically fairly easy to KLTj1xDZhpu-00916-00150941-00151085 install all you have to do is peel off KLTj1xDZhpu-00917-00151086-00151271 the adhesive backing and stick it to the KLTj1xDZhpu-00918-00151272-00151402 wall when offering these you always want KLTj1xDZhpu-00919-00151403-00151547 to make sure that you offer waterproof KLTj1xDZhpu-00920-00151548-00151685 ones just in case people want to have it KLTj1xDZhpu-00921-00151686-00151840 outside so that it could be weatherproof KLTj1xDZhpu-00922-00151841-00152045 up next we have modern house numbers if KLTj1xDZhpu-00923-00152046-00152189 you've ever driven by any regular KLTj1xDZhpu-00924-00152190-00152314 neighborhood you're going to notice that KLTj1xDZhpu-00925-00152315-00152471 they all have the numbers on them and KLTj1xDZhpu-00926-00152472-00152651 most of the time it's pretty plain and KLTj1xDZhpu-00927-00152652-00152807 boring these types of numbers can help KLTj1xDZhpu-00928-00152808-00152987 give a house more of a modern touch to KLTj1xDZhpu-00929-00152988-00153125 it and come in a few different materials KLTj1xDZhpu-00930-00153126-00153376 such as plastic acrylic or metal now as KLTj1xDZhpu-00931-00153377-00153521 an extra tip to be able to upsell a KLTj1xDZhpu-00932-00153522-00153635 little bit always try to offer KLTj1xDZhpu-00933-00153636-00153851 installation materials such as screws or KLTj1xDZhpu-00934-00153852-00154043 tape inner lap spot we have a t-tap KLTj1xDZhpu-00935-00154044-00154169 connector this helps you connect KLTj1xDZhpu-00936-00154170-00154385 different wires together safely now that KLTj1xDZhpu-00937-00154386-00154528 was quite the extensive list of products KLTj1xDZhpu-00938-00154529-00154733 so let's go ahead and go over a few key KLTj1xDZhpu-00939-00154734-00154864 factors that we need to keep in mind KLTj1xDZhpu-00940-00154865-00155009 when picking the products that we want KLTj1xDZhpu-00941-00155010-00155140 to drop ship first and foremost you KLTj1xDZhpu-00942-00155141-00155237 always want to make sure that you abide KLTj1xDZhpu-00943-00155238-00155452 by trademark and copyright laws so that KLTj1xDZhpu-00944-00155453-00155621 means no selling anything that's already KLTj1xDZhpu-00945-00155622-00155843 copyrighted or any Brands themselves KLTj1xDZhpu-00946-00155844-00156028 don't sell knockoff products don't sell KLTj1xDZhpu-00947-00156029-00156178 products that could potentially resemble KLTj1xDZhpu-00948-00156179-00156359 a brand that's already out and make sure KLTj1xDZhpu-00949-00156360-00156485 what you're selling is not already KLTj1xDZhpu-00950-00156486-00156652 copyright selling these types of items KLTj1xDZhpu-00951-00156653-00156839 can potentially land Us in some legal KLTj1xDZhpu-00952-00156840-00157031 troubles that's best to avoid next up KLTj1xDZhpu-00953-00157032-00157157 you also want to make sure that your KLTj1xDZhpu-00954-00157158-00157337 supplier offers e-package shipping that KLTj1xDZhpu-00955-00157338-00157475 usually has some of the best and KLTj1xDZhpu-00956-00157476-00157619 quickest shipping available with KLTj1xDZhpu-00957-00157620-00157745 tracking you also want to take into KLTj1xDZhpu-00958-00157746-00157901 account the reviews for both the product KLTj1xDZhpu-00959-00157902-00158111 and the seller themselves always try to KLTj1xDZhpu-00960-00158112-00158278 aim for sellers or products that have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00961-00158279-00158566 4.5 or 5 Star average rating you also KLTj1xDZhpu-00962-00158567-00158675 want to look for sellers that have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00963-00158676-00158831 higher number of orders typically about KLTj1xDZhpu-00964-00158832-00159004 300 or more when checking out your KLTj1xDZhpu-00965-00159005-00159107 seller's products you always want to KLTj1xDZhpu-00966-00159108-00159299 check out their affordability if their KLTj1xDZhpu-00967-00159300-00159502 products are too high priced then your KLTj1xDZhpu-00968-00159503-00159640 profits are going to be lower or you KLTj1xDZhpu-00969-00159641-00159778 might not even make any profit at all KLTj1xDZhpu-00970-00159779-00159916 always look for sellers that have a KLTj1xDZhpu-00971-00159917-00160097 higher rating with lower prices another KLTj1xDZhpu-00972-00160098-00160223 really important thing to keep in mind KLTj1xDZhpu-00973-00160224-00160361 when choosing your products or your KLTj1xDZhpu-00974-00160362-00160523 suppliers is look for high quality KLTj1xDZhpu-00975-00160524-00160714 photos and videos that you can use in KLTj1xDZhpu-00976-00160715-00160852 your own website or wherever you're KLTj1xDZhpu-00977-00160853-00160985 going to be selling another alternative KLTj1xDZhpu-00978-00160986-00161135 to this is actually just ordering the KLTj1xDZhpu-00979-00161136-00161261 product yourself and then taking your KLTj1xDZhpu-00980-00161262-00161459 own pictures but that takes time it KLTj1xDZhpu-00981-00161460-00161651 takes a bit of money and really if your KLTj1xDZhpu-00982-00161652-00161819 supplier already has some professional KLTj1xDZhpu-00983-00161820-00161987 looking photos you're just going to end KLTj1xDZhpu-00984-00161988-00162143 up saving a lot of time also look for KLTj1xDZhpu-00985-00162144-00162304 sellers with good and comprehensive KLTj1xDZhpu-00986-00162305-00162454 product descriptions most of the time KLTj1xDZhpu-00987-00162455-00162635 since AliExpress others are based out of KLTj1xDZhpu-00988-00162636-00162785 China the descriptions aren't going to KLTj1xDZhpu-00989-00162786-00162916 be the best but you can always use KLTj1xDZhpu-00990-00162917-00163114 something like chat gbt to be able to KLTj1xDZhpu-00991-00163115-00163259 fix it up a bit let's quickly take for KLTj1xDZhpu-00992-00163260-00163493 example this bottle opener in the shape KLTj1xDZhpu-00993-00163494-00163666 of shark so if we look at the product KLTj1xDZhpu-00994-00163667-00163804 description itself it really doesn't KLTj1xDZhpu-00995-00163805-00163985 have much it just has the size the color KLTj1xDZhpu-00996-00163986-00164135 and the fact that it brings four KLTj1xDZhpu-00997-00164136-00164266 keychains and then if you look at the KLTj1xDZhpu-00998-00164267-00164440 specifications it also doesn't give you KLTj1xDZhpu-00999-00164441-00164609 much information as well in this case KLTj1xDZhpu-01000-00164610-00164776 what we can quickly do is just go ahead KLTj1xDZhpu-01001-00164777-00164963 and copy over the description let's go KLTj1xDZhpu-01002-00164964-00165101 ahead and copy that and then let's go KLTj1xDZhpu-01003-00165102-00165316 ahead over to chat gbt and just tell it KLTj1xDZhpu-01004-00165317-00165461 to give us a description so we're just KLTj1xDZhpu-01005-00165462-00165647 going to go ahead and tell it give me a KLTj1xDZhpu-01006-00165648-00165863 product description with the following KLTj1xDZhpu-01007-00165864-00166085 now go ahead and paste that there and KLTj1xDZhpu-01008-00166086-00166259 let's go back to our products page and KLTj1xDZhpu-01009-00166260-00166421 go to specifications and then just go KLTj1xDZhpu-01010-00166422-00166649 ahead and copy all of this as well and KLTj1xDZhpu-01011-00166650-00166859 let's go ahead and add for a metal KLTj1xDZhpu-01012-00166860-00167116 keychain bottle opener shaped like a KLTj1xDZhpu-01013-00167117-00167357 shark also add these and then we're just KLTj1xDZhpu-01014-00167358-00167459 going to paste in the specs that we KLTj1xDZhpu-01015-00167460-00167621 copied over from the products page and KLTj1xDZhpu-01016-00167622-00167759 hit enter and let's see what it gives us KLTj1xDZhpu-01017-00167760-00167890 so right off the bat you can see that it KLTj1xDZhpu-01018-00167891-00168052 gave us a pretty good description so KLTj1xDZhpu-01019-00168053-00168263 this I think it took as the brand so we KLTj1xDZhpu-01020-00168264-00168419 can take that off or rename it whatever KLTj1xDZhpu-01021-00168420-00168587 we want metal keychain bottle opener KLTj1xDZhpu-01022-00168588-00168778 designed in a unique shark shape that's KLTj1xDZhpu-01023-00168779-00168893 sure to catch everyone's attention KLTj1xDZhpu-01024-00168894-00169175 measuring above 135 millimeters by 27 KLTj1xDZhpu-01025-00169176-00169366 millimeters now we can also change those KLTj1xDZhpu-01026-00169367-00169576 millimeters to inches so that way we can KLTj1xDZhpu-01027-00169577-00169702 adjust for different countries that KLTj1xDZhpu-01028-00169703-00169835 we're going to be shipping to such as KLTj1xDZhpu-01029-00169836-00170026 the US now if we keep on screaming KLTj1xDZhpu-01030-00170027-00170171 through this keychain is perfect for KLTj1xDZhpu-01031-00170172-00170290 anyone who wants to add a touch of fun KLTj1xDZhpu-01032-00170291-00170452 to their daily routine each order comes KLTj1xDZhpu-01033-00170453-00170669 with four pieces of keychains randomly KLTj1xDZhpu-01034-00170670-00170837 sent in different colors to add variety KLTj1xDZhpu-01035-00170838-00171028 to your collection so as you can see the KLTj1xDZhpu-01036-00171029-00171161 product description that I came came out KLTj1xDZhpu-01037-00171162-00171407 with is really good and it came out with KLTj1xDZhpu-01038-00171408-00171599 a full-on product description based off KLTj1xDZhpu-01039-00171600-00171797 of just some specifications that we gave KLTj1xDZhpu-01040-00171798-00171947 it from there we can go ahead and fine KLTj1xDZhpu-01041-00171948-00172163 tune it to our needs and optimize it for KLTj1xDZhpu-01042-00172164-00172301 our stores so always keep in mind that KLTj1xDZhpu-01043-00172302-00172511 chat gbt is a great tool to be able to KLTj1xDZhpu-01044-00172512-00172661 use to be able to write your product KLTj1xDZhpu-01045-00172662-00172840 descriptions or at least Aid you in KLTj1xDZhpu-01046-00172841-00172985 writing the descriptions now I did KLTj1xDZhpu-01047-00172986-00173135 mention earlier to stay out of legal KLTj1xDZhpu-01048-00173136-00173297 trouble or just any trouble at all don't KLTj1xDZhpu-01049-00173298-00173495 sell copyright or trademark material but KLTj1xDZhpu-01050-00173496-00173633 there's a few other categories that you KLTj1xDZhpu-01051-00173634-00173747 shouldn't be Drop Shipping just because KLTj1xDZhpu-01052-00173748-00173902 it can cause some potential legal KLTj1xDZhpu-01053-00173903-00174059 problems aside from copyright products KLTj1xDZhpu-01054-00174060-00174154 you also don't want to sell age KLTj1xDZhpu-01055-00174155-00174376 restricted products such as cigarettes KLTj1xDZhpu-01056-00174377-00174563 or a few other things dangerous items KLTj1xDZhpu-01057-00174564-00174749 are also a big no this category can KLTj1xDZhpu-01058-00174750-00174959 include things like airsoft guns or KLTj1xDZhpu-01059-00174960-00175126 knives special categories such as KLTj1xDZhpu-01060-00175127-00175276 supplements should also be something you KLTj1xDZhpu-01061-00175277-00175385 stay away from because they could KLTj1xDZhpu-01062-00175386-00175571 potentially be regulated or they can KLTj1xDZhpu-01063-00175572-00175775 cause some unwanted health effects that KLTj1xDZhpu-01064-00175776-00175997 is best to stay away from and lastly KLTj1xDZhpu-01065-00175998-00176201 stay away from highly Technical and KLTj1xDZhpu-01066-00176202-00176387 complex products so if a product KLTj1xDZhpu-01067-00176388-00176585 involves a lot of installation that can KLTj1xDZhpu-01068-00176586-00176723 pose some problems when the customer KLTj1xDZhpu-01069-00176724-00176902 themselves are installing it resulting KLTj1xDZhpu-01070-00176903-00177178 in a refund so it's best stay away from KLTj1xDZhpu-01071-00177179-00177347 that stay away from overly complicated KLTj1xDZhpu-01072-00177348-00177509 and overly technical products remember KLTj1xDZhpu-01073-00177510-00177652 that for access to everything that I KLTj1xDZhpu-01074-00177653-00177821 just spoke about I have a free cheat KLTj1xDZhpu-01075-00177822-00177959 sheet available to you all you have to KLTj1xDZhpu-01076-00177960-00178111 do is comment down below hashtag KLTj1xDZhpu-01077-00178112-00178295 aliexpress2023 along with your favorite KLTj1xDZhpu-01078-00178296-00178457 Niche from this video and I'll reply KLTj1xDZhpu-01079-00178458-00178583 back with the link once again my name is KLTj1xDZhpu-01080-00178584-00178787 Mario with auto DS and if you enjoyed KLTj1xDZhpu-01081-00178788-00178925 this video if you found it informative KLTj1xDZhpu-01082-00178926-00179051 make sure to hit that subscribe Button KLTj1xDZhpu-01083-00179052-00179152 as well as ring that little bell KLTj1xDZhpu-01084-00179153-00179297 notification so you don't miss out on KLTj1xDZhpu-01085-00179298-00179471 any future videos also if you did like KLTj1xDZhpu-01086-00179472-00179633 the video make sure to leave a like and KLTj1xDZhpu-01087-00179634-00179788 once again I thank all of you for being KLTj1xDZhpu-01088-00179789-00179914 here with me today I wish you all KLTj1xDZhpu-01089-00179915-00180052 nothing but success in your Drop KLTj1xDZhpu-01090-00180053-00180214 Shipping businesses and I'll catch you KLTj1xDZhpu-01091-00180215-00180552 on the next video KLTj1xDZhpu-01092-00180553-00180865 thank you KLboau3Gj4y-00000-00001031-00002023 [Music] KLboau3Gj4y-00001-00002025-00002922 [Music] KLboau3Gj4y-00002-00002923-00004559 [Music] KLboau3Gj4y-00003-00004560-00004989 me KLboau3Gj4y-00005-00008864-00009088 purchase your tracks today KLboau3Gj4y-00007-00016495-00017068 purchase your tracks today KLboau3Gj4y-00009-00021951-00022179 purchase your tracks today KLboau3Gj4y-00011-00026447-00028367 hey KLboau3Gj4y-00012-00028368-00030423 [Music] KLboau3Gj4y-00013-00030424-00030632 you KMfn2yepRwE-00000-00006533-00009423 [Music] KMfn2yepRwE-00001-00009424-00010167 yeah we're good to go KMfn2yepRwE-00002-00010168-00010503 negative KMfn2yepRwE-00003-00010504-00010887 drop your gun all right let's move KMfn2yepRwE-00004-00010888-00011283 okay yeah let's KMfn2yepRwE-00005-00011284-00013135 move KMfn2yepRwE-00007-00016680-00018283 changing mags KMfn2yepRwE-00008-00018284-00019683 is KMfn2yepRwE-00009-00019684-00022483 uh KMfn2yepRwE-00010-00022484-00023883 max KMfn2yepRwE-00011-00023884-00025283 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00012-00025284-00026662 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00013-00026663-00029483 let's it KMfn2yepRwE-00014-00029483-00029658 government KMfn2yepRwE-00015-00029660-00030639 [Music] KMfn2yepRwE-00016-00030639-00031343 i am KMfn2yepRwE-00017-00031344-00033462 over here KMfn2yepRwE-00018-00033463-00036239 watch come out KMfn2yepRwE-00019-00036240-00037374 cover me loading KMfn2yepRwE-00020-00037375-00039283 i'm gonna use KMfn2yepRwE-00021-00039284-00040683 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00022-00040684-00042430 [__] KMfn2yepRwE-00023-00042431-00044883 holy [__] KMfn2yepRwE-00024-00044884-00046283 hey KMfn2yepRwE-00025-00046284-00047683 uh KMfn2yepRwE-00026-00047684-00048927 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00027-00048928-00051882 reloading over here KMfn2yepRwE-00029-00057239-00059559 no way KMfn2yepRwE-00030-00059560-00061682 hey [__] face get back here KMfn2yepRwE-00031-00061683-00064482 okay with me KMfn2yepRwE-00032-00064483-00065703 ah KMfn2yepRwE-00033-00065704-00066694 i'm good KMfn2yepRwE-00034-00066695-00068682 we're losing delta guys KMfn2yepRwE-00035-00068683-00070082 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00036-00070083-00070647 [__] KMfn2yepRwE-00037-00070648-00072882 what are you doing just give up KMfn2yepRwE-00038-00072883-00075631 [__] KMfn2yepRwE-00039-00075632-00076582 we have gone KMfn2yepRwE-00040-00076583-00077082 [__] [__] we need to get over KMfn2yepRwE-00041-00077083-00077406 there KMfn2yepRwE-00042-00077407-00078808 ah nice one KMfn2yepRwE-00043-00078809-00079823 [Applause] KMfn2yepRwE-00044-00079824-00081936 sorry bro KMfn2yepRwE-00045-00081937-00082671 [Applause] KMfn2yepRwE-00046-00082672-00083184 right there KMfn2yepRwE-00047-00083185-00083959 [Applause] KMfn2yepRwE-00048-00083960-00085482 [Applause] KMfn2yepRwE-00049-00085483-00085694 down KMfn2yepRwE-00050-00085695-00087655 come on let me load KMfn2yepRwE-00051-00087656-00089682 good job KMfn2yepRwE-00052-00089683-00091082 one KMfn2yepRwE-00053-00091083-00092482 aah KMfn2yepRwE-00054-00092483-00092606 captured KMfn2yepRwE-00055-00092607-00092974 come here damn you oh hey just a sec KMfn2yepRwE-00056-00092975-00093582 any guys over here no KMfn2yepRwE-00057-00093583-00094503 okay okay we're secured [__] stop KMfn2yepRwE-00058-00094504-00096341 hey are we good i'm up KMfn2yepRwE-00059-00096342-00096682 [Music] KMfn2yepRwE-00060-00096683-00098082 contact KMfn2yepRwE-00061-00098083-00099415 enemies KMfn2yepRwE-00062-00099416-00102282 so do it KMfn2yepRwE-00063-00102283-00103290 uh KMfn2yepRwE-00064-00103291-00103423 [Music] KMfn2yepRwE-00065-00103424-00105083 let's go KMfn2yepRwE-00066-00105083-00106023 yes KMfn2yepRwE-00067-00106024-00107883 reloading yeah KMfn2yepRwE-00068-00107883-00109519 oh KMfn2yepRwE-00069-00109520-00110383 [Applause] KMfn2yepRwE-00070-00110383-00111558 all right hang on KMfn2yepRwE-00071-00111559-00112919 watch your eyes KMfn2yepRwE-00074-00120096-00121883 all right KMfn2yepRwE-00075-00121883-00124702 okay KMfn2yepRwE-00077-00128015-00130283 thank you KMfn2yepRwE-00078-00130283-00131159 is KMfn2yepRwE-00079-00131160-00133168 attack is finished KMfn2yepRwE-00080-00133169-00133478 [Music] KN-naMBkS9c-00000-00000016-00000262 the bible is the word of god but let's KN-naMBkS9c-00001-00000263-00000383 be honest KN-naMBkS9c-00002-00000384-00000574 sometimes it's confusing and it can be KN-naMBkS9c-00003-00000575-00000759 easy to misunderstand what he meant to KN-naMBkS9c-00004-00000760-00000902 communicate KN-naMBkS9c-00005-00000903-00001270 the good news is it doesn't have to be KN-naMBkS9c-00006-00001271-00001423 in this video we will help you KN-naMBkS9c-00007-00001424-00001591 understand how you can approach the KN-naMBkS9c-00008-00001592-00001775 bible in a way that will help it to make KN-naMBkS9c-00009-00001776-00002007 sense KN-naMBkS9c-00010-00002007-00002255 we've all been there someone twisted our KN-naMBkS9c-00011-00002256-00002415 words and misunderstood what we were KN-naMBkS9c-00012-00002416-00002575 trying to say KN-naMBkS9c-00013-00002576-00002767 this never goes well and can lead to all KN-naMBkS9c-00014-00002768-00002918 kinds of problems KN-naMBkS9c-00015-00002919-00003222 hurts or frustrations KN-naMBkS9c-00016-00003223-00003431 if people would only take the time to KN-naMBkS9c-00017-00003432-00003703 understand what we were intending to say KN-naMBkS9c-00018-00003704-00004047 we would avoid so much trouble of course KN-naMBkS9c-00019-00004047-00004463 we need to do this for others as well KN-naMBkS9c-00020-00004464-00004654 the same principle applies when it comes KN-naMBkS9c-00021-00004655-00004783 to the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00022-00004784-00004935 of all things we don't want to KN-naMBkS9c-00023-00004936-00005279 misunderstand and misapply god's word KN-naMBkS9c-00024-00005280-00005486 when we read or study the bible it's our KN-naMBkS9c-00025-00005487-00005638 job to try to understand KN-naMBkS9c-00026-00005639-00005895 what was the original intended meaning KN-naMBkS9c-00027-00005896-00006270 back when the book was written KN-naMBkS9c-00028-00006271-00006527 so how do we do this one of the most KN-naMBkS9c-00029-00006528-00006710 important things that we can do when we KN-naMBkS9c-00030-00006711-00006823 read the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00031-00006823-00007231 is to pay close attention to context KN-naMBkS9c-00032-00007231-00007455 context is the key that unlocks the KN-naMBkS9c-00033-00007456-00007591 meaning of the text KN-naMBkS9c-00034-00007592-00007798 and in turn its potential personal KN-naMBkS9c-00035-00007800-00008214 application for us today KN-naMBkS9c-00036-00008215-00008535 so what is context context refers to the KN-naMBkS9c-00037-00008536-00008799 broader world in which a text is written KN-naMBkS9c-00038-00008800-00008991 when we pay attention to context we are KN-naMBkS9c-00039-00008992-00009159 kind of like detectives KN-naMBkS9c-00040-00009160-00009374 we're not quick to draw a conclusion or KN-naMBkS9c-00041-00009375-00009542 interpretation about something KN-naMBkS9c-00042-00009543-00009751 until we gather as much evidence as we KN-naMBkS9c-00043-00009752-00009974 can so that we can gain a proper KN-naMBkS9c-00044-00009975-00010335 understanding KN-naMBkS9c-00045-00010336-00010519 there are two kinds of context that KN-naMBkS9c-00046-00010520-00010719 every person reading the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00047-00010720-00010983 needs to understand the first one is KN-naMBkS9c-00048-00010984-00011263 called literary context KN-naMBkS9c-00049-00011264-00011438 when we pay attention to literary KN-naMBkS9c-00050-00011439-00011614 context we're looking at KN-naMBkS9c-00051-00011615-00011823 how the verse or passage we're reading KN-naMBkS9c-00052-00011824-00011999 fits into the bigger picture KN-naMBkS9c-00053-00012000-00012310 of what is written around it KN-naMBkS9c-00054-00012311-00012470 this means that we have to understand KN-naMBkS9c-00055-00012471-00012638 passages of the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00056-00012639-00012822 in light of the words and sentences that KN-naMBkS9c-00057-00012823-00012974 surround them KN-naMBkS9c-00058-00012975-00013135 in light of the message of the book that KN-naMBkS9c-00059-00013136-00013335 they're in and KN-naMBkS9c-00060-00013336-00013519 in light of what the bible says as a KN-naMBkS9c-00061-00013519-00013815 whole KN-naMBkS9c-00062-00013816-00014007 literary context is important for KN-naMBkS9c-00063-00014008-00014207 helping us to understand a passage's KN-naMBkS9c-00064-00014208-00014391 original intended meaning KN-naMBkS9c-00065-00014391-00014655 however there is another form of context KN-naMBkS9c-00066-00014656-00014822 that is equally important KN-naMBkS9c-00067-00014823-00015063 yet is often forgotten called historical KN-naMBkS9c-00068-00015063-00015303 context KN-naMBkS9c-00069-00015304-00015422 though the books of the bible are KN-naMBkS9c-00070-00015423-00015663 inspired by god there's a very human KN-naMBkS9c-00071-00015663-00015830 element to them KN-naMBkS9c-00072-00015831-00016063 when we pay attention to this historical KN-naMBkS9c-00073-00016063-00016143 context KN-naMBkS9c-00074-00016144-00016319 we seek to understand the world and KN-naMBkS9c-00075-00016319-00016463 culture of the author KN-naMBkS9c-00076-00016464-00016639 the readers and the people in the KN-naMBkS9c-00077-00016640-00016830 stories back when these books were KN-naMBkS9c-00078-00016831-00017079 originally written KN-naMBkS9c-00079-00017080-00017247 the books of the bible were written by KN-naMBkS9c-00080-00017248-00017471 human beings like us KN-naMBkS9c-00081-00017472-00017686 these authors had a unique divine KN-naMBkS9c-00082-00017687-00017855 inspiration when they were writing these KN-naMBkS9c-00083-00017856-00017943 books KN-naMBkS9c-00084-00017944-00018175 but in most cases that doesn't mean that KN-naMBkS9c-00085-00018176-00018294 what they were writing KN-naMBkS9c-00086-00018295-00018607 was dictated directly from god himself KN-naMBkS9c-00087-00018608-00018903 instead god allowed them to communicate KN-naMBkS9c-00088-00018904-00019014 his message KN-naMBkS9c-00089-00019015-00019222 using their own creativity and writing KN-naMBkS9c-00090-00019223-00019447 style in a way that the people reading KN-naMBkS9c-00091-00019448-00019607 it would understand KN-naMBkS9c-00092-00019608-00019775 the authors were also writing to a KN-naMBkS9c-00093-00019776-00019935 specific group of people KN-naMBkS9c-00094-00019936-00020143 who had their own culture worldview and KN-naMBkS9c-00095-00020144-00020343 background who we call KN-naMBkS9c-00096-00020344-00020694 the original readers these original KN-naMBkS9c-00097-00020695-00020855 readers were facing their own set of KN-naMBkS9c-00098-00020856-00020950 questions KN-naMBkS9c-00099-00020951-00021119 problems and struggles that the author KN-naMBkS9c-00100-00021120-00021303 is trying to answer and to help them to KN-naMBkS9c-00101-00021304-00021463 have god's perspective KN-naMBkS9c-00102-00021464-00021911 and live accordingly KN-naMBkS9c-00103-00021912-00022143 of course we need to recognize that we KN-naMBkS9c-00104-00022144-00022367 are thousands of years removed from the KN-naMBkS9c-00105-00022368-00022558 historical context of the books of the KN-naMBkS9c-00106-00022559-00022630 bible KN-naMBkS9c-00107-00022631-00023094 and we live in a very different world KN-naMBkS9c-00108-00023095-00023278 we need to be careful that we don't read KN-naMBkS9c-00109-00023279-00023614 our world and culture into the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00110-00023615-00023863 so here's what we have to do we need to KN-naMBkS9c-00111-00023864-00023999 first identify and then KN-naMBkS9c-00112-00024000-00024367 lay aside our own biases our own culture KN-naMBkS9c-00113-00024368-00024711 and our own 21st century worldview KN-naMBkS9c-00114-00024712-00024935 we then need to transport ourselves back KN-naMBkS9c-00115-00024936-00025167 into the world and mindset of the author KN-naMBkS9c-00116-00025168-00025327 his readers and the people in the KN-naMBkS9c-00117-00025328-00025511 stories themselves KN-naMBkS9c-00118-00025512-00025694 the better we can immerse ourselves into KN-naMBkS9c-00119-00025695-00025943 their world the more their words start KN-naMBkS9c-00120-00025944-00026174 to make sense to us today KN-naMBkS9c-00121-00026175-00026351 if we don't do our best to understand KN-naMBkS9c-00122-00026352-00026511 them and their world KN-naMBkS9c-00123-00026512-00026727 we may misunderstand god and the message KN-naMBkS9c-00124-00026727-00026983 that he was originally communicating KN-naMBkS9c-00125-00026983-00027174 for instance we can have a hard time KN-naMBkS9c-00126-00027175-00027327 differentiating between the things that KN-naMBkS9c-00127-00027327-00027495 are the timeless truths that god wants KN-naMBkS9c-00128-00027495-00027607 us to apply KN-naMBkS9c-00129-00027608-00027774 versus the things that were cultural for KN-naMBkS9c-00130-00027775-00027967 that time KN-naMBkS9c-00131-00027968-00028151 however the better we can understand the KN-naMBkS9c-00132-00028152-00028399 historical context of each book KN-naMBkS9c-00133-00028400-00028623 the more they will come alive and god's KN-naMBkS9c-00134-00028624-00029143 timeless message will become clear to us KN-naMBkS9c-00135-00029144-00029367 so there are two types of context that KN-naMBkS9c-00136-00029368-00029495 we need to look for when we are reading KN-naMBkS9c-00137-00029495-00029599 the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00138-00029600-00029918 literary context and historical context KN-naMBkS9c-00139-00029919-00030118 when we learn how to use both of these KN-naMBkS9c-00140-00030119-00030311 to understand the original intended KN-naMBkS9c-00141-00030312-00030455 message of the bible KN-naMBkS9c-00142-00030456-00030631 then we will see and experience the KN-naMBkS9c-00143-00030632-00030883 heart of god and his word in a deeper KN-naMBkS9c-00144-00030883-00031183 way KNHLUruBZ-U-00000-00000047-00001104 [Music] KNHLUruBZ-U-00001-00001105-00001572 thank you KNHLUruBZ-U-00002-00001573-00002923 [Music] KNHLUruBZ-U-00003-00002924-00003256 welcome to psychic medium Tony Green I KNHLUruBZ-U-00004-00003257-00003401 am KNHLUruBZ-U-00005-00003402-00003622 said psychic KNHLUruBZ-U-00006-00003623-00004031 medium Tony Green Green I can't even say KNHLUruBZ-U-00007-00004032-00004517 my own last name now or my goodness you KNHLUruBZ-U-00008-00004518-00004865 guys you guys it's December and I live KNHLUruBZ-U-00009-00004866-00005363 in a state where it gets cold and KNHLUruBZ-U-00010-00005364-00005735 snowy does what I have an idea though KNHLUruBZ-U-00011-00005736-00005886 that would KNHLUruBZ-U-00012-00005887-00006172 would anybody like to adopt me for the KNHLUruBZ-U-00013-00006173-00006391 winters KNHLUruBZ-U-00014-00006392-00006695 you must live in a warm State that's all KNHLUruBZ-U-00015-00006695-00006964 I'm saying just adopt me for the winter KNHLUruBZ-U-00016-00006965-00007283 I mean I'm pretty easy to care for not KNHLUruBZ-U-00017-00007284-00007510 easy to maintain but I'm easy to care KNHLUruBZ-U-00018-00007511-00007870 for KNHLUruBZ-U-00019-00007872-00008134 Heather KNHLUruBZ-U-00020-00008136-00008453 so on YouTube we already have some KNHLUruBZ-U-00021-00008454-00008692 amazing people with us I love you guys KNHLUruBZ-U-00022-00008693-00009064 so much we have Nancy hey Nancy KNHLUruBZ-U-00023-00009065-00009371 um and then we have Raphael Brazilian KNHLUruBZ-U-00024-00009372-00009742 Poppy and Raphael KNHLUruBZ-U-00025-00009743-00009917 there are a lot of people in the chat KNHLUruBZ-U-00026-00009918-00010205 that have questions for you you may KNHLUruBZ-U-00027-00010206-00010421 answer their chat questions if you're KNHLUruBZ-U-00028-00010422-00010801 comfortable with that we have Heather KNHLUruBZ-U-00029-00010802-00011051 and fun KNHLUruBZ-U-00030-00011052-00011428 I'm Patrick okay Patrick Shonda hi KNHLUruBZ-U-00031-00011429-00011735 Shonda welcome to the show KNHLUruBZ-U-00032-00011736-00011933 okay you guys if you want to chat KNHLUruBZ-U-00033-00011934-00012173 amongst each other in the chat you can KNHLUruBZ-U-00034-00012174-00012323 go ahead and do that if you want to join KNHLUruBZ-U-00035-00012324-00012527 us live it's every Monday and Wednesday KNHLUruBZ-U-00036-00012528-00012965 at noon Central time for those in the KNHLUruBZ-U-00037-00012966-00013157 chat thank you so much for participating KNHLUruBZ-U-00038-00013158-00013433 if you are watching live on YouTube KNHLUruBZ-U-00039-00013434-00013744 please say Hi join the chat KNHLUruBZ-U-00040-00013745-00014111 um it's actually a lot of fun especially KNHLUruBZ-U-00041-00014112-00014266 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00042-00014268-00014657 for for those who are around all the KNHLUruBZ-U-00043-00014658-00015016 time and are familiar familiar with each KNHLUruBZ-U-00044-00015018-00015227 other it's it's a great time and I love KNHLUruBZ-U-00045-00015228-00015485 going back and reading the chat once I KNHLUruBZ-U-00046-00015486-00015647 start taking calls it's a little bit KNHLUruBZ-U-00047-00015647-00016007 difficult to keep up with the chat and KNHLUruBZ-U-00048-00016008-00016294 the callers but hey we try to make it KNHLUruBZ-U-00049-00016295-00016547 work and I have the greatest people in KNHLUruBZ-U-00050-00016548-00016805 the world so they're always super duper KNHLUruBZ-U-00051-00016806-00017008 patient during KNHLUruBZ-U-00052-00017009-00017272 um the calls and the chat KNHLUruBZ-U-00053-00017273-00017579 um if you are watching live on YouTube KNHLUruBZ-U-00054-00017580-00018089 thank you you can post a question in the KNHLUruBZ-U-00055-00018090-00018413 chat and I will try to get to it if you KNHLUruBZ-U-00056-00018414-00018677 want to call in live on Monday or KNHLUruBZ-U-00057-00018678-00019043 Wednesday at noon Central or after the KNHLUruBZ-U-00058-00019044-00019471 number is 845 KNHLUruBZ-U-00059-00019472-00019811 -277-9131 and yes I do need to close my KNHLUruBZ-U-00060-00019812-00020213 eyes to remember the number to remember KNHLUruBZ-U-00061-00020214-00020669 for some of us who are not like 20 KNHLUruBZ-U-00062-00020670-00020950 how did we remember all those numbers KNHLUruBZ-U-00063-00020951-00021244 Patrick you know what I'm talking about KNHLUruBZ-U-00064-00021245-00021575 like we used to have our top 10 phone KNHLUruBZ-U-00065-00021576-00021808 numbers that we had to have memorized KNHLUruBZ-U-00066-00021809-00022078 there wasn't a a name and a button you KNHLUruBZ-U-00067-00022079-00022421 pushed that remembered it for you what KNHLUruBZ-U-00068-00022422-00022847 what does our brain do now right yes KNHLUruBZ-U-00069-00022848-00023177 Patrick absolutely KNHLUruBZ-U-00070-00023178-00023333 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00071-00023334-00023603 I want to thank rude Rangers and wscs KNHLUruBZ-U-00072-00023604-00024022 you guys I went to the wscs site the KNHLUruBZ-U-00073-00024023-00024377 other day and thank you wscs because KNHLUruBZ-U-00074-00024378-00024850 people on wses online they are like one KNHLUruBZ-U-00075-00024851-00025108 of my videos or one of my shows I should KNHLUruBZ-U-00076-00025109-00025386 say the numbers are KNHLUruBZ-U-00077-00025387-00025744 stacking up over there I was like oh KNHLUruBZ-U-00078-00025745-00025931 look at that I was a little surprised KNHLUruBZ-U-00079-00025932-00026164 but then I looked at another show and KNHLUruBZ-U-00080-00026166-00026452 not so much and it didn't stack up so KNHLUruBZ-U-00081-00026454-00026867 much so yes yes it was a good thing KNHLUruBZ-U-00082-00026868-00027118 though for a minute I was like KNHLUruBZ-U-00083-00027119-00027395 oh my the show is catching on and then I KNHLUruBZ-U-00084-00027395-00027574 looked at the next show that had like KNHLUruBZ-U-00085-00027575-00027790 two views and I was like oh maybe it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00086-00027791-00028012 just this particular show it's good it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00087-00028013-00028217 all good and um KNHLUruBZ-U-00088-00028218-00028529 good Rangers now rude Rangers TV streams KNHLUruBZ-U-00089-00028530-00028943 my shows on podcasts and streaming KNHLUruBZ-U-00090-00028944-00029231 channels like Roku and apple and such KNHLUruBZ-U-00091-00029232-00029405 and KNHLUruBZ-U-00092-00029406-00029567 um thank you Rudy so much for all the KNHLUruBZ-U-00093-00029568-00029761 work you and your team put in on that KNHLUruBZ-U-00094-00029762-00030227 and uh wscs airs by show live on wscs KNHLUruBZ-U-00095-00030227-00030461 and then also on KNHLUruBZ-U-00096-00030462-00030905 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00097-00030906-00031349 oh yes on uh radio stations and podcasts KNHLUruBZ-U-00098-00031350-00031679 so I'm I'm on almost every podcast I do KNHLUruBZ-U-00099-00031680-00031973 believe I'm on every podcast almost the KNHLUruBZ-U-00100-00031974-00032237 ones I know about KNHLUruBZ-U-00101-00032238-00032543 and the ones you know wses and rude KNHLUruBZ-U-00102-00032544-00032849 Rangers know about yeah okay so just for KNHLUruBZ-U-00103-00032850-00033107 those of you who are not aware KNHLUruBZ-U-00104-00033108-00033427 um a couple weeks ago I had a KNHLUruBZ-U-00105-00033428-00033731 concussion still recovering a little bit KNHLUruBZ-U-00106-00033732-00034024 from that so if my words are backwards KNHLUruBZ-U-00107-00034025-00034349 if I I stall out for a moment don't KNHLUruBZ-U-00108-00034350-00034517 worry it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00109-00034518-00034840 it's like that's a It's All Coming Back KNHLUruBZ-U-00110-00034841-00035201 to Me Now why do I when you touch me KNHLUruBZ-U-00111-00035202-00035339 you're like this KNHLUruBZ-U-00112-00035340-00035668 oh Jesus it's gonna be one of those KNHLUruBZ-U-00113-00035669-00036005 shows folks 18 and over please I can KNHLUruBZ-U-00114-00036006-00036299 tell already this is an adult content KNHLUruBZ-U-00115-00036300-00036840 show and I taught you like that KNHLUruBZ-U-00116-00036841-00037152 it's like I'm drunk with no alcohol KNHLUruBZ-U-00117-00037153-00037727 [Laughter] KNHLUruBZ-U-00118-00037728-00037931 I don't know what comes after when I KNHLUruBZ-U-00119-00037932-00038081 touch you like this and you touch me KNHLUruBZ-U-00120-00038082-00038345 well I personally knows what comes after KNHLUruBZ-U-00121-00038346-00038579 when I touch you like this and you touch KNHLUruBZ-U-00122-00038580-00038843 it but I can't remember what comes next KNHLUruBZ-U-00123-00038844-00039293 in the show in the song the song Come On KNHLUruBZ-U-00124-00039294-00039593 brain if I tap it enough will it work KNHLUruBZ-U-00125-00039594-00039874 appropriately KNHLUruBZ-U-00126-00039875-00040193 oh my gosh I hope you guys seriously KNHLUruBZ-U-00127-00040194-00040618 laugh at my content at my attempt at I KNHLUruBZ-U-00128-00040619-00040901 I'm not even trying to be funny a stuff KNHLUruBZ-U-00129-00040902-00041087 stuff just comes out of my mouth and KNHLUruBZ-U-00130-00041088-00041393 yeah I'm like this in real life it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00131-00041394-00042005 difficult at fancy restaurants I think KNHLUruBZ-U-00132-00042006-00042343 I'm not even gonna go KNHLUruBZ-U-00133-00042344-00042846 there was a whole nother comedy thing KNHLUruBZ-U-00134-00042847-00043361 after that that I am not going down no KNHLUruBZ-U-00135-00043362-00043673 okay well I have to keep reminding me KNHLUruBZ-U-00136-00043674-00043852 people are not here because I'm a KNHLUruBZ-U-00137-00043853-00044099 comedian people are here because they KNHLUruBZ-U-00138-00044100-00044267 want to talk to their loved ones on the KNHLUruBZ-U-00139-00044268-00044440 other side and guess what KNHLUruBZ-U-00140-00044441-00044830 we're gonna get to that now KNHLUruBZ-U-00141-00044831-00045161 so if you have a question KNHLUruBZ-U-00142-00045162-00045467 I hate Jennifer post your question if KNHLUruBZ-U-00143-00045468-00045787 you uh or call in KNHLUruBZ-U-00144-00045788-00046037 845-277-9131 and if you'd like to KNHLUruBZ-U-00145-00046038-00046205 connect with a loved one I'm happy to KNHLUruBZ-U-00146-00046206-00046433 help you connect with a loved one KNHLUruBZ-U-00147-00046434-00046708 I just need their first name and their KNHLUruBZ-U-00148-00046709-00047105 relationship to you KNHLUruBZ-U-00149-00047106-00047255 yes KNHLUruBZ-U-00150-00047256-00047507 yes okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00151-00047508-00047740 uh when I say your area code please let KNHLUruBZ-U-00152-00047741-00048515 me know where you're calling from KNHLUruBZ-U-00153-00048516-00048755 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00154-00048756-00048965 where you're calling from KNHLUruBZ-U-00155-00048966-00049145 the rest will fall into place most of KNHLUruBZ-U-00156-00049146-00049355 you know how this works okay because I KNHLUruBZ-U-00157-00049356-00049890 can't remember KNHLUruBZ-U-00158-00049891-00050296 it's not funny it's not so funny oh my KNHLUruBZ-U-00159-00050297-00050795 God okay Genevieve hey Genevieve KNHLUruBZ-U-00160-00050796-00050896 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00161-00050897-00051190 okay so here we go so I'm gonna there KNHLUruBZ-U-00162-00051191-00051485 was one question on the chat KNHLUruBZ-U-00163-00051486-00051851 uh Nancy Ramsey let's see she responded KNHLUruBZ-U-00164-00051852-00052099 down here please answer on air thank you KNHLUruBZ-U-00165-00052100-00052703 Nancy wants to know KNHLUruBZ-U-00166-00052704-00053050 uh Nancy from Oregon do you see me KNHLUruBZ-U-00167-00053051-00053363 finding a love companion in the future KNHLUruBZ-U-00168-00053364-00053891 thank you yes Nancy I do KNHLUruBZ-U-00169-00053891-00054244 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00170-00054245-00054515 okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00171-00054516-00054737 Nancy I actually think you have a KNHLUruBZ-U-00172-00054738-00054976 grandmother here or a mother I'm not KNHLUruBZ-U-00173-00054977-00055325 sure uh she was thinner uh more petite KNHLUruBZ-U-00174-00055326-00055594 and thinner it near the end and her hair KNHLUruBZ-U-00175-00055595-00055907 she kept her uh I see her hair being a KNHLUruBZ-U-00176-00055908-00056044 little bit more KNHLUruBZ-U-00177-00056045-00056344 great and a little a little KNHLUruBZ-U-00178-00056345-00056866 you know not so a little more not so and KNHLUruBZ-U-00179-00056867-00057142 for those of you not watching a little KNHLUruBZ-U-00180-00057144-00057275 uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00181-00057276-00057538 like a curry in her back not not KNHLUruBZ-U-00182-00057539-00057826 shoulders back okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00183-00057827-00058187 and Nancy I hear March April KNHLUruBZ-U-00184-00058188-00058373 um there's the potential for somebody to KNHLUruBZ-U-00185-00058374-00058607 come in in March April now the person KNHLUruBZ-U-00186-00058608-00058847 who's going to come in in March April is KNHLUruBZ-U-00187-00058848-00059147 someone that you KNHLUruBZ-U-00188-00059148-00059429 is is it really KNHLUruBZ-U-00189-00059429-00059842 you may know this person KNHLUruBZ-U-00190-00059844-00060149 or you may have known this person in the KNHLUruBZ-U-00191-00060150-00060665 past KNHLUruBZ-U-00192-00060666-00060911 me about who's coming to you I am not KNHLUruBZ-U-00193-00060912-00061049 sending them KNHLUruBZ-U-00194-00061050-00061294 no and don't say you don't want somebody KNHLUruBZ-U-00195-00061295-00061469 from the past because it doesn't mean KNHLUruBZ-U-00196-00061470-00061709 it's the guy who did you dirty or the KNHLUruBZ-U-00197-00061710-00061954 woman who did you dirty this could be KNHLUruBZ-U-00198-00061955-00062242 somebody that you met KNHLUruBZ-U-00199-00062244-00062579 you know like a year ago and at the time KNHLUruBZ-U-00200-00062579-00062759 they might have been involved with KNHLUruBZ-U-00201-00062760-00063041 someone so nothing ever moved forward or KNHLUruBZ-U-00202-00063041-00063442 somebody that you know KNHLUruBZ-U-00203-00063444-00063682 um that you you know maybe you dated KNHLUruBZ-U-00204-00063683-00063982 them in college I don't know from when KNHLUruBZ-U-00205-00063983-00064397 in your past they are okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00206-00064398-00064732 um or it could even be a past life but I KNHLUruBZ-U-00207-00064733-00065015 don't know so let's just stick with KNHLUruBZ-U-00208-00065016-00065194 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00209-00065195-00065519 foreign KNHLUruBZ-U-00210-00065520-00065771 let's just stick with you know this KNHLUruBZ-U-00211-00065772-00065932 person and it doesn't just because you KNHLUruBZ-U-00212-00065933-00066082 know this person it doesn't mean you KNHLUruBZ-U-00213-00066083-00066329 necessarily have already dated this KNHLUruBZ-U-00214-00066330-00066532 person and gone through the trenches KNHLUruBZ-U-00215-00066533-00066682 with them KNHLUruBZ-U-00216-00066683-00067115 now am I a big fan of taking someone KNHLUruBZ-U-00217-00067116-00067229 back KNHLUruBZ-U-00218-00067230-00067409 it depends KNHLUruBZ-U-00219-00067410-00067649 some people want their ex back or the KNHLUruBZ-U-00220-00067650-00067997 past person back and some people do not KNHLUruBZ-U-00221-00067998-00068267 and it depends on what happened did you KNHLUruBZ-U-00222-00068268-00068459 do them dirty did they do you dirty or KNHLUruBZ-U-00223-00068460-00068609 did it just not work out because of KNHLUruBZ-U-00224-00068610-00068729 timing KNHLUruBZ-U-00225-00068730-00069106 I don't know I don't know it's up to you KNHLUruBZ-U-00226-00069107-00069232 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00227-00069233-00069443 I do say if you are going with someone KNHLUruBZ-U-00228-00069444-00069785 from the past that you dated you really KNHLUruBZ-U-00229-00069786-00069967 need to make sure that whatever KNHLUruBZ-U-00230-00069968-00070199 dissolved the relationship has been KNHLUruBZ-U-00231-00070200-00070432 resolved and that you can move forward KNHLUruBZ-U-00232-00070433-00071147 in a healthy happy way without KNHLUruBZ-U-00233-00071148-00071261 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00234-00071262-00071537 without repeating the past you need to KNHLUruBZ-U-00235-00071538-00071723 have those really good conversations KNHLUruBZ-U-00236-00071724-00072100 first but March April somebody that you KNHLUruBZ-U-00237-00072101-00072263 know KNHLUruBZ-U-00238-00072264-00072653 there's the potential Nancy Nancy Ramsey KNHLUruBZ-U-00239-00072654-00072911 from Oregon I hope you don't mind me KNHLUruBZ-U-00240-00072912-00073115 saying your last name KNHLUruBZ-U-00241-00073116-00073421 um there's the potential for you to KNHLUruBZ-U-00242-00073422-00073661 start something with somebody that you KNHLUruBZ-U-00243-00073662-00073799 already know KNHLUruBZ-U-00244-00073800-00074226 somebody who has been in your life KNHLUruBZ-U-00245-00074227-00074543 previously maybe this person had to KNHLUruBZ-U-00246-00074544-00074741 relocate maybe it's somebody who travels KNHLUruBZ-U-00247-00074742-00074897 for business KNHLUruBZ-U-00248-00074898-00075179 oh maybe it's a pilot and you can fly KNHLUruBZ-U-00249-00075180-00075388 all over the way I don't think it's I'm KNHLUruBZ-U-00250-00075389-00075569 just saying I'm joking KNHLUruBZ-U-00251-00075570-00075856 um I'm seriously joking I'm sorry KNHLUruBZ-U-00252-00075857-00076115 um whomever this person is it's somebody KNHLUruBZ-U-00253-00076116-00076535 that you already know or have known and KNHLUruBZ-U-00254-00076536-00076744 I do feel like it's a really good fit I KNHLUruBZ-U-00255-00076745-00077050 don't feel like you're gonna be like KNHLUruBZ-U-00256-00077051-00077326 when this person shows up I don't feel KNHLUruBZ-U-00257-00077327-00077597 like you're gonna be like KNHLUruBZ-U-00258-00077598-00077962 not you again KNHLUruBZ-U-00259-00077963-00078106 because KNHLUruBZ-U-00260-00078107-00078288 you wouldn't take them back then right KNHLUruBZ-U-00261-00078289-00078617 or date them right and somebody from KNHLUruBZ-U-00262-00078618-00078844 your past doesn't necessarily again mean KNHLUruBZ-U-00263-00078845-00079043 somebody you've already dated it could KNHLUruBZ-U-00264-00079044-00079241 be somebody that you know that it just KNHLUruBZ-U-00265-00079242-00079535 never took off okay that's what I have KNHLUruBZ-U-00266-00079536-00079847 for you KNHLUruBZ-U-00267-00079848-00080050 um she says and Nancy says all of the KNHLUruBZ-U-00268-00080051-00080441 past men that I dated have passed away KNHLUruBZ-U-00269-00080442-00080862 foreign KNHLUruBZ-U-00270-00080863-00081275 you just opened me up for a whole a KNHLUruBZ-U-00271-00081276-00081743 whole I mean a whole box of of little KNHLUruBZ-U-00272-00081744-00081923 um jokes which I am not gonna tell KNHLUruBZ-U-00273-00081924-00082223 because it would be so inappropriate KNHLUruBZ-U-00274-00082224-00082325 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00275-00082326-00082765 I'm sorry Nancy that uh that that KNHLUruBZ-U-00276-00082766-00083075 here's what I'm gonna say KNHLUruBZ-U-00277-00083076-00083393 um they have passed away and I I I I KNHLUruBZ-U-00278-00083394-00083662 apologize you're not a black widow are KNHLUruBZ-U-00279-00083663-00083944 you and that is the only joke I'm I'm KNHLUruBZ-U-00280-00083945-00084209 gonna try to let that be the only joke I KNHLUruBZ-U-00281-00084210-00084431 tell on that Nancy KNHLUruBZ-U-00282-00084432-00084731 um actually it does again it doesn't KNHLUruBZ-U-00283-00084732-00084994 have to be somebody that you literally KNHLUruBZ-U-00284-00084995-00085282 dated in the past KNHLUruBZ-U-00285-00085283-00085697 it could be somebody you know or it KNHLUruBZ-U-00286-00085698-00085973 could be somebody that is KNHLUruBZ-U-00287-00085974-00086200 um an acquaintance KNHLUruBZ-U-00288-00086201-00086411 um it could be a friend of a family KNHLUruBZ-U-00289-00086412-00086729 member that you are KNHLUruBZ-U-00290-00086730-00087179 um like aware of or have met KNHLUruBZ-U-00291-00087180-00087341 um I can't think of the word but but KNHLUruBZ-U-00292-00087342-00087659 it's okay it's okay Nancy uh don't worry KNHLUruBZ-U-00293-00087660-00088093 March April somebody is coming in KNHLUruBZ-U-00294-00088094-00088247 and KNHLUruBZ-U-00295-00088248-00088337 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00296-00088338-00088703 if you do date Nancy I would say stay KNHLUruBZ-U-00297-00088704-00088985 with her because those who don't they KNHLUruBZ-U-00298-00088986-00089279 don't fare what I'm kidding KNHLUruBZ-U-00299-00089280-00089555 sorry Nancy I had to if you know KNHLUruBZ-U-00300-00089556-00089867 anything about my show I I like try to KNHLUruBZ-U-00301-00089868-00090082 make everything a little light-hearted KNHLUruBZ-U-00302-00090083-00090281 and make people laugh because there's KNHLUruBZ-U-00303-00090282-00090611 enough out there making us cry KNHLUruBZ-U-00304-00090612-00090971 that's all I'm saying okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00305-00090972-00091247 I am going to go to the first caller who KNHLUruBZ-U-00306-00091248-00091332 is KNHLUruBZ-U-00307-00091333-00091547 917-917 what's your name and where are KNHLUruBZ-U-00308-00091548-00091829 you calling from KNHLUruBZ-U-00309-00091830-00092255 oh hey Tony this is Bryn I'm from uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00310-00092256-00092537 actually I'm in Encinitas California at KNHLUruBZ-U-00311-00092538-00092718 the moment KNHLUruBZ-U-00312-00092719-00093047 how are you I'm pet friend it's been a KNHLUruBZ-U-00313-00093048-00093406 minute it's been a minute how have you KNHLUruBZ-U-00314-00093407-00093712 been KNHLUruBZ-U-00315-00093713-00094006 I'm okay hanging in there it's been kind KNHLUruBZ-U-00316-00094007-00094211 of a rough year I just KNHLUruBZ-U-00317-00094212-00094582 wanted to see if there's any uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00318-00094583-00094775 sort of thing I need to hear from my KNHLUruBZ-U-00319-00094776-00094997 Spirit guides or dear departed Loveland KNHLUruBZ-U-00320-00094998-00095303 or whether any good message of Hope or KNHLUruBZ-U-00321-00095304-00095479 something coming KNHLUruBZ-U-00322-00095480-00095944 okay so Brynn I feel like for you KNHLUruBZ-U-00323-00095945-00096226 um the first thing I hear is KNHLUruBZ-U-00324-00096227-00096491 um give me a second here KNHLUruBZ-U-00325-00096492-00096959 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00326-00096960-00097847 so Bryn there is going to be some KNHLUruBZ-U-00327-00097848-00098087 I can't say the word KNHLUruBZ-U-00328-00098088-00098326 uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00329-00098327-00098585 I think the I don't understand this KNHLUruBZ-U-00330-00098586-00098879 message but again the message isn't for KNHLUruBZ-U-00331-00098880-00099217 me so I'm personally KNHLUruBZ-U-00332-00099218-00099509 I'm not supposed to understand it but KNHLUruBZ-U-00333-00099510-00099724 I'm just gonna tell you the words I'm KNHLUruBZ-U-00334-00099725-00099832 hearing KNHLUruBZ-U-00335-00099833-00100068 and hopefully KNHLUruBZ-U-00336-00100069-00100343 in some way they won't make sense to you KNHLUruBZ-U-00337-00100344-00100559 so KNHLUruBZ-U-00338-00100560-00100793 I think the word I'm supposed to say is KNHLUruBZ-U-00339-00100794-00101141 oscillating KNHLUruBZ-U-00340-00101142-00101362 congratulations oh interesting KNHLUruBZ-U-00341-00101363-00101674 oscillating so there are some changes KNHLUruBZ-U-00342-00101675-00101999 coming in KNHLUruBZ-U-00343-00102000-00102515 and I don't it I again it's like they're KNHLUruBZ-U-00344-00102516-00102760 using this word Like Everything is KNHLUruBZ-U-00345-00102761-00103054 Everything is KNHLUruBZ-U-00346-00103055-00103354 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00347-00103355-00103601 everything is spinning or going around KNHLUruBZ-U-00348-00103602-00103913 everything is going around but it's not KNHLUruBZ-U-00349-00103914-00104201 going to go around KNHLUruBZ-U-00350-00104202-00104494 the same way that it went around before KNHLUruBZ-U-00351-00104495-00104723 like KNHLUruBZ-U-00352-00104724-00105136 excuse me before it went around in the KNHLUruBZ-U-00353-00105138-00105377 in a circle everything was going around KNHLUruBZ-U-00354-00105378-00105671 like a cycle or a pattern or a pattern KNHLUruBZ-U-00355-00105672-00105910 and then now KNHLUruBZ-U-00356-00105911-00106457 it's a new cycle a new turn of events a KNHLUruBZ-U-00357-00106458-00106810 new thing is coming in so over the next KNHLUruBZ-U-00358-00106811-00107039 six months to a year you're going to KNHLUruBZ-U-00359-00107040-00107416 have a lot of new activities and KNHLUruBZ-U-00360-00107417-00107675 experiences coming in and over the next KNHLUruBZ-U-00361-00107676-00107927 six months to the year you're it and KNHLUruBZ-U-00362-00107928-00108131 again this is pretty well everybody KNHLUruBZ-U-00363-00108132-00108445 listen when I give messages KNHLUruBZ-U-00364-00108446-00108754 you can take these messages and you can KNHLUruBZ-U-00365-00108755-00108971 run with them and when the opportunities KNHLUruBZ-U-00366-00108972-00109265 come in yeah jump on them and you ride KNHLUruBZ-U-00367-00109266-00109619 them like a wild horse okay or KNHLUruBZ-U-00368-00109620-00109810 you can sit on your couch and eat bam KNHLUruBZ-U-00369-00109811-00110134 bons watching repeats of TV shows it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00370-00110135-00110423 up to you I am not the boss of you I am KNHLUruBZ-U-00371-00110424-00110699 not even the boss of my own bladder so KNHLUruBZ-U-00372-00110700-00110939 don't tell me like oh it didn't happen KNHLUruBZ-U-00373-00110940-00111160 well did you get up did you get out what KNHLUruBZ-U-00374-00111161-00111323 did the invitations came did you take KNHLUruBZ-U-00375-00111324-00111515 them or did you sit on your couch and KNHLUruBZ-U-00376-00111516-00111652 eat pizza KNHLUruBZ-U-00377-00111653-00111923 I mean I'm just saying okay so what I KNHLUruBZ-U-00378-00111924-00112133 want to say to you is there are a lot of KNHLUruBZ-U-00379-00112133-00112457 opportunities coming in and you are KNHLUruBZ-U-00380-00112458-00112751 going to have to make those choices to KNHLUruBZ-U-00381-00112752-00113045 say yes when you get the chance I feel KNHLUruBZ-U-00382-00113046-00113195 like there's going to be a little bit KNHLUruBZ-U-00383-00113196-00113363 more KNHLUruBZ-U-00384-00113364-00113752 money coming in over the next six weeks KNHLUruBZ-U-00385-00113753-00113965 or six months because I get the numbers KNHLUruBZ-U-00386-00113966-00114454 that is not six I get the number six KNHLUruBZ-U-00387-00114455-00114815 oh my goodness I over the next six weeks KNHLUruBZ-U-00388-00114816-00115036 or six months you're going to or maybe KNHLUruBZ-U-00389-00115038-00115210 from six weeks to six months you're KNHLUruBZ-U-00390-00115211-00115486 gonna be having more money coming in I KNHLUruBZ-U-00391-00115488-00115619 feel like you're gonna pick up on KNHLUruBZ-U-00392-00115620-00115939 something that's going to help you KNHLUruBZ-U-00393-00115940-00116104 move KNHLUruBZ-U-00394-00116105-00116423 um move forward in a in a more KNHLUruBZ-U-00395-00116424-00116740 productive way whatever you're going to KNHLUruBZ-U-00396-00116741-00117125 do for the next six months is going to KNHLUruBZ-U-00397-00117126-00117521 kind of set you up for a very long time KNHLUruBZ-U-00398-00117522-00117725 so make sure that over the next six KNHLUruBZ-U-00399-00117726-00118001 months you are being KNHLUruBZ-U-00400-00118002-00118302 um very invested KNHLUruBZ-U-00401-00118303-00118684 in whatever it is you're doing next KNHLUruBZ-U-00402-00118685-00118984 be smart with your money moves better if KNHLUruBZ-U-00403-00118985-00119321 you make the money moves you will make KNHLUruBZ-U-00404-00119322-00119477 the money KNHLUruBZ-U-00405-00119478-00119795 oh I hope that helps friend KNHLUruBZ-U-00406-00119796-00120083 I really thank you no that's that's a KNHLUruBZ-U-00407-00120083-00120251 lot a lot of Hope for me because it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00408-00120252-00120334 been KNHLUruBZ-U-00409-00120335-00120604 kind of difficult and yeah the word KNHLUruBZ-U-00410-00120605-00120778 oscillating does KNHLUruBZ-U-00411-00120779-00121081 I feel things are oscillating and KNHLUruBZ-U-00412-00121082-00121384 at this time it's sort of coming in and KNHLUruBZ-U-00413-00121385-00121619 going out but I think it's going to get KNHLUruBZ-U-00414-00121620-00121852 on the track like you said at some point KNHLUruBZ-U-00415-00121853-00122195 soon where uh I get more clarity and KNHLUruBZ-U-00416-00122196-00122333 more KNHLUruBZ-U-00417-00122333-00122669 opportunity you know so yes yeah KNHLUruBZ-U-00418-00122670-00122825 um you know I really appreciate that KNHLUruBZ-U-00419-00122826-00123071 yeah absolutely and the one thing I'm KNHLUruBZ-U-00420-00123072-00123328 getting and again this is a choice and KNHLUruBZ-U-00421-00123329-00123490 I'm not going to KNHLUruBZ-U-00422-00123491-00123827 tell you you know like I said I I can't KNHLUruBZ-U-00423-00123828-00124186 even boss myself around whatever KNHLUruBZ-U-00424-00124188-00124378 um there is the going to be the KNHLUruBZ-U-00425-00124379-00124745 opportunity for relocation now whether KNHLUruBZ-U-00426-00124746-00124973 this means relocating from where you KNHLUruBZ-U-00427-00124974-00125315 live to a new neighborhood a new city a KNHLUruBZ-U-00428-00125316-00125663 new state Province or country KNHLUruBZ-U-00429-00125664-00125734 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00430-00125735-00126258 is up to you I do however feel like this KNHLUruBZ-U-00431-00126259-00126604 relocation might have something to do KNHLUruBZ-U-00432-00126605-00127102 with the money and or work now again KNHLUruBZ-U-00433-00127103-00127366 everything is a choice am I going to KNHLUruBZ-U-00434-00127367-00127607 accept this or am I going to reject it KNHLUruBZ-U-00435-00127608-00127871 is this because I feel like whatever KNHLUruBZ-U-00436-00127872-00128093 this is that comes in KNHLUruBZ-U-00437-00128094-00128531 it's a it might seem like a lot at first KNHLUruBZ-U-00438-00128532-00128908 okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00439-00128909-00129160 okay excellent Bren KNHLUruBZ-U-00440-00129161-00129473 okay yeah yeah okay thank you Tony KNHLUruBZ-U-00441-00129474-00129677 you're talking with me again you're so KNHLUruBZ-U-00442-00129678-00129851 welcome and I love that you called in KNHLUruBZ-U-00443-00129852-00130054 today thank you so much it's been it's KNHLUruBZ-U-00444-00130055-00130301 been a long minute since we've been able KNHLUruBZ-U-00445-00130302-00130631 to chat and I'm so happy yeah it has KNHLUruBZ-U-00446-00130632-00130828 been a while so thank you for touching KNHLUruBZ-U-00447-00130829-00131057 base and if I don't get to talk to you KNHLUruBZ-U-00448-00131058-00131459 beforehand happy holidays KNHLUruBZ-U-00449-00131460-00131747 thank you and many more and have a great KNHLUruBZ-U-00450-00131748-00132035 New Year out for you absolutely thank KNHLUruBZ-U-00451-00132036-00132245 you so much thank you KNHLUruBZ-U-00452-00132246-00132478 thank you okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00453-00132479-00132731 okay thank you friend KNHLUruBZ-U-00454-00132732-00132916 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00455-00132917-00133375 okay I am going to go to Dun Dun KNHLUruBZ-U-00456-00133376-00133589 7 8. KNHLUruBZ-U-00457-00133590-00133740 0 KNHLUruBZ-U-00458-00133741-00134039 and bond I'll get to you next let's go KNHLUruBZ-U-00459-00134040-00134314 to 780 what's your name and where are KNHLUruBZ-U-00460-00134315-00134716 you calling from KNHLUruBZ-U-00461-00134717-00134866 elephant that was great to hear that KNHLUruBZ-U-00462-00134867-00135028 you're getting better you sound a lot KNHLUruBZ-U-00463-00135029-00135564 more livelier thank you so much KNHLUruBZ-U-00464-00135565-00136054 oh yes how can I help you Jay KNHLUruBZ-U-00465-00136055-00136661 you just wanted KNHLUruBZ-U-00466-00136662-00136985 to play lost I lost but it's been for a KNHLUruBZ-U-00467-00136986-00137177 little bit I guess take all of that KNHLUruBZ-U-00468-00137178-00137321 and KNHLUruBZ-U-00469-00137322-00137561 um what happened is that the green KNHLUruBZ-U-00470-00137562-00137789 severance pay but I'm looking for a job KNHLUruBZ-U-00471-00137790-00138095 right now so I just wondered any advice KNHLUruBZ-U-00472-00138096-00138311 from my mother from above or anybody KNHLUruBZ-U-00473-00138312-00138575 who's just coming forward to give me KNHLUruBZ-U-00474-00138576-00138785 advice on what to do now maybe uh wait KNHLUruBZ-U-00475-00138786-00139061 till January but KNHLUruBZ-U-00476-00139062-00139307 um I guess I have to keep on pressing so KNHLUruBZ-U-00477-00139308-00139639 okay so the weird thing KNHLUruBZ-U-00478-00139640-00139961 and I don't know I'm just gonna say what KNHLUruBZ-U-00479-00139962-00140195 I hear stay put for now Something's KNHLUruBZ-U-00480-00140196-00140387 Gonna Come in KNHLUruBZ-U-00481-00140388-00140585 um right around KNHLUruBZ-U-00482-00140586-00140728 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00483-00140729-00140885 February KNHLUruBZ-U-00484-00140886-00141202 end of January February Something's KNHLUruBZ-U-00485-00141203-00141533 Gonna come in but until then KNHLUruBZ-U-00486-00141534-00141640 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00487-00141641-00141931 don't like don't get KNHLUruBZ-U-00488-00141932-00142325 distrust if if if things aren't popping KNHLUruBZ-U-00489-00142326-00142595 or if they're not opening up I don't KNHLUruBZ-U-00490-00142596-00142763 know if that makes sense to you the way KNHLUruBZ-U-00491-00142764-00142961 they're saying it KNHLUruBZ-U-00492-00142962-00143237 um but near the end of January beginning KNHLUruBZ-U-00493-00143238-00143440 of February something's going to come in KNHLUruBZ-U-00494-00143441-00143663 it's going to be KNHLUruBZ-U-00495-00143664-00143747 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00496-00143748-00144016 good I actually hear KNHLUruBZ-U-00497-00144017-00144113 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00498-00144114-00144401 better than it ever was and I hear same KNHLUruBZ-U-00499-00144402-00144664 same I don't know if that means the same KNHLUruBZ-U-00500-00144665-00144964 company the same type of work or the the KNHLUruBZ-U-00501-00144965-00145069 same KNHLUruBZ-U-00502-00145070-00145397 something is going to be the same KNHLUruBZ-U-00503-00145398-00145727 about the new excuse me I'm so sorry KNHLUruBZ-U-00504-00145728-00146014 folks about the new position coming in KNHLUruBZ-U-00505-00146015-00146381 something is going to be the same so KNHLUruBZ-U-00506-00146382-00146687 um Step like study the course KNHLUruBZ-U-00507-00146688-00147173 um and don't panic if you don't get KNHLUruBZ-U-00508-00147174-00147623 a a an offer prior to them does that KNHLUruBZ-U-00509-00147624-00148101 make sense to you KNHLUruBZ-U-00510-00148102-00148366 [Music] KNHLUruBZ-U-00511-00148367-00148649 ambitious different type of company so KNHLUruBZ-U-00512-00148650-00148973 it's a lot more what I'm in for applied KNHLUruBZ-U-00513-00148974-00149152 for a manager KNHLUruBZ-U-00514-00149153-00149428 position as supervisor but uh on some KNHLUruBZ-U-00515-00149429-00149597 top three after you know I think we had KNHLUruBZ-U-00516-00149598-00149740 about 20 KNHLUruBZ-U-00517-00149741-00150040 24 people which is actually pretty good KNHLUruBZ-U-00518-00150041-00150251 um I did my best shot so but I didn't KNHLUruBZ-U-00519-00150252-00150449 receive the job someone else got it but KNHLUruBZ-U-00520-00150450-00150581 I think it was rigged but that's what KNHLUruBZ-U-00521-00150582-00150947 I'm thinking but uh a lot very painful a KNHLUruBZ-U-00522-00150948-00151139 lot of those things are and the biggest KNHLUruBZ-U-00523-00151140-00151559 thing I'm hearing is uh like um Don't KNHLUruBZ-U-00524-00151560-00151847 Panic stay put it's coming it the the KNHLUruBZ-U-00525-00151848-00152183 timeline now I'm gonna say keep applying KNHLUruBZ-U-00526-00152184-00152387 because the the end of January beginning KNHLUruBZ-U-00527-00152388-00152573 of February I don't know if that's when KNHLUruBZ-U-00528-00152574-00152776 the job is coming out or if that's the KNHLUruBZ-U-00529-00152777-00153016 start time so in between now and then KNHLUruBZ-U-00530-00153017-00153233 you may be interviewing and actually KNHLUruBZ-U-00531-00153234-00153449 starting end of January beginning of KNHLUruBZ-U-00532-00153450-00153802 February or they're going to this job is KNHLUruBZ-U-00533-00153803-00154013 going to present end of January KNHLUruBZ-U-00534-00154014-00154289 beginning of February I do see February KNHLUruBZ-U-00535-00154290-00154445 15th KNHLUruBZ-U-00536-00154446-00154589 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00537-00154590-00154909 being KNHLUruBZ-U-00538-00154910-00155231 they are highlighting February 15th so KNHLUruBZ-U-00539-00155232-00155471 maybe that's the start date but again KNHLUruBZ-U-00540-00155472-00155771 I'm not I'm not sure about that but some KNHLUruBZ-U-00541-00155772-00156107 some hiring processes can take a bit of KNHLUruBZ-U-00542-00156108-00156389 time so make sure that you're still KNHLUruBZ-U-00543-00156390-00156569 looking and KNHLUruBZ-U-00544-00156570-00156707 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00545-00156708-00157211 and actively you know uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00546-00157212-00157414 um doing that thing that people do when KNHLUruBZ-U-00547-00157415-00157699 they want a job you know uh filling out KNHLUruBZ-U-00548-00157700-00157997 yes yeah anyway KNHLUruBZ-U-00549-00157998-00158237 um so so just make sure you're doing KNHLUruBZ-U-00550-00158238-00158585 that and everything will fall into place KNHLUruBZ-U-00551-00158586-00158723 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00552-00158724-00159239 and I uh by uh I feel like again end of KNHLUruBZ-U-00553-00159240-00159581 January uh beginning of February you KNHLUruBZ-U-00554-00159582-00159863 should have much better feeling about KNHLUruBZ-U-00555-00159864-00160145 everything okay Jay KNHLUruBZ-U-00556-00160146-00160511 and no problem if you take a look and uh KNHLUruBZ-U-00557-00160512-00160840 and if February 24th is my last day on KNHLUruBZ-U-00558-00160841-00161051 the job I guess severance pay so it may KNHLUruBZ-U-00559-00161052-00161290 come in the line then yeah coming would KNHLUruBZ-U-00560-00161291-00161561 be just perfect yeah and that might be KNHLUruBZ-U-00561-00161562-00161975 and again I hear you know I always I I KNHLUruBZ-U-00562-00161976-00162173 always believe everything is happening KNHLUruBZ-U-00563-00162174-00162551 for us and not to us so if you're KNHLUruBZ-U-00564-00162552-00162790 supposed to and I'm just gonna throw KNHLUruBZ-U-00565-00162791-00163151 this out there as a for example KNHLUruBZ-U-00566-00163152-00163397 if you're supposed to KNHLUruBZ-U-00567-00163398-00163631 um let's just say for example you're KNHLUruBZ-U-00568-00163632-00163745 supposed to collect all of your KNHLUruBZ-U-00569-00163746-00164002 severance pay then maybe the position KNHLUruBZ-U-00570-00164003-00164302 does come in on you know maybe you're KNHLUruBZ-U-00571-00164303-00164507 you're you're interviewing and then on KNHLUruBZ-U-00572-00164508-00164789 February 15th is the date they let you KNHLUruBZ-U-00573-00164790-00165035 know you got the job and then uh you KNHLUruBZ-U-00574-00165036-00165233 don't start until the severance pay is KNHLUruBZ-U-00575-00165234-00165485 done everything happens in an alignment KNHLUruBZ-U-00576-00165486-00165707 and in perfect timing and this time that KNHLUruBZ-U-00577-00165708-00165928 you have don't stress just know KNHLUruBZ-U-00578-00165929-00166133 something is coming in and it will be KNHLUruBZ-U-00579-00166134-00166325 there for you now I am going to say even KNHLUruBZ-U-00580-00166326-00166552 though I believe everything happens KNHLUruBZ-U-00581-00166553-00166793 for us when I'm going through something KNHLUruBZ-U-00582-00166794-00167099 I am like the most KNHLUruBZ-U-00583-00167100-00167195 um KNHLUruBZ-U-00584-00167196-00167459 like asking a million and one questions KNHLUruBZ-U-00585-00167460-00167645 of KNHLUruBZ-U-00586-00167646-00167999 um the spirit and angels and um KNHLUruBZ-U-00587-00168000-00168364 and wanting to know right away how KNHLUruBZ-U-00588-00168365-00168521 everything's gonna play out and they KNHLUruBZ-U-00589-00168522-00168790 they basically laugh at me just so you KNHLUruBZ-U-00590-00168791-00168976 guys know KNHLUruBZ-U-00591-00168977-00169223 I don't get that preferential you can KNHLUruBZ-U-00592-00169224-00169421 talk to us we're going to give you all KNHLUruBZ-U-00593-00169422-00169799 the wisdom in the world treatment I get KNHLUruBZ-U-00594-00169800-00170002 that no you get to suffer just like KNHLUruBZ-U-00595-00170003-00170304 everybody else chica treatment KNHLUruBZ-U-00596-00170305-00170704 so yes there's that KNHLUruBZ-U-00597-00170705-00170843 um anyway KNHLUruBZ-U-00598-00170844-00171131 having said that day just relax KNHLUruBZ-U-00599-00171132-00171545 um send things out uh be a bit uh picky KNHLUruBZ-U-00600-00171546-00171676 about KNHLUruBZ-U-00601-00171677-00171959 um not picky picky but you know you have KNHLUruBZ-U-00602-00171960-00172240 the ability to not be desperate so you KNHLUruBZ-U-00603-00172241-00172414 can choose something or look at KNHLUruBZ-U-00604-00172415-00172685 positions that are in alignment with KNHLUruBZ-U-00605-00172686-00173387 what you really want okay KNHLUruBZ-U-00606-00173388-00173495 yes KNHLUruBZ-U-00607-00173496-00173693 thank you KNHLUruBZ-U-00608-00173694-00173825 I hear from KNHLUruBZ-U-00609-00173826-00174107 a grateful day and a grateful KNHLUruBZ-U-00610-00174108-00174419 holiday season oh my goodness and thank KNHLUruBZ-U-00611-00174420-00174616 you so much for calling in today I'm so KNHLUruBZ-U-00612-00174617-00174899 happy we got to uh we we were able to KNHLUruBZ-U-00613-00174900-00175175 speak with you also thank you so much I KNHLUruBZ-U-00614-00175176-00175354 love each and every one of you so KNHLUruBZ-U-00615-00175355-00175571 stinking much I hope you have an KNHLUruBZ-U-00616-00175572-00175752 absolutely happy KNHLUruBZ-U-00617-00175753-00176135 week and I look forward to seeing you KNHLUruBZ-U-00618-00176136-00176459 guys on Wednesday thank you so much and KNHLUruBZ-U-00619-00176460-00176740 have a great day KNHLUruBZ-U-00620-00176741-00177260 foreign KNHLUruBZ-U-00621-00177261-00177920 [Music]