Q28uj90LEfk-00000-00000077-00000260 all right guys so as you can imagine Q28uj90LEfk-00001-00000261-00000413 using your standard shovel is really Q28uj90LEfk-00002-00000413-00000566 very simple but there are a few things Q28uj90LEfk-00003-00000567-00000805 to note first of all make sure to help Q28uj90LEfk-00004-00000806-00000944 yourself out you're wearing the right Q28uj90LEfk-00005-00000944-00001127 Footwear now the right Footwear is gonna Q28uj90LEfk-00006-00001128-00001319 be some kind of sturdy tennis shoe or Q28uj90LEfk-00007-00001320-00001474 boot once you got the proper footwear Q28uj90LEfk-00008-00001475-00001627 how you're gonna use this really very Q28uj90LEfk-00009-00001628-00001847 simple you're gonna put the Spade of the Q28uj90LEfk-00010-00001848-00002005 shovel on the ground where you want it Q28uj90LEfk-00011-00002007-00002227 you're going to use one foot and then Q28uj90LEfk-00012-00002228-00002372 you're gonna use your body weight to Q28uj90LEfk-00013-00002373-00002579 plunge the blade into the ground so what Q28uj90LEfk-00014-00002580-00002738 does this look like well if I want to Q28uj90LEfk-00015-00002739-00003023 dig right here I'm gonna come up and I'm Q28uj90LEfk-00016-00003024-00003206 gonna put my foot on the thing and I'm Q28uj90LEfk-00017-00003207-00003476 gonna jump and jam the front into the Q28uj90LEfk-00018-00003477-00003647 ground now what I'm gonna do next is Q28uj90LEfk-00019-00003647-00003922 simply pry upwards stoop forwards and Q28uj90LEfk-00020-00003923-00004226 lift up whatever I have done so let's Q28uj90LEfk-00021-00004227-00004361 get a closer look at that and let's see Q28uj90LEfk-00022-00004362-00004565 how that looks from a first-person point Q28uj90LEfk-00023-00004566-00004706 of view alright guys so what this looks Q28uj90LEfk-00024-00004707-00004852 like is if I want to dig right here I'm Q28uj90LEfk-00025-00004853-00005027 gonna put the Spade in my shovel I'm Q28uj90LEfk-00026-00005028-00005174 gonna put my foot on the back of the Q28uj90LEfk-00027-00005175-00005422 shovel and I'm simply going to jump sort Q28uj90LEfk-00028-00005423-00005606 of jump forward and put all my weight on Q28uj90LEfk-00029-00005607-00005861 the Spade so you can see that what I've Q28uj90LEfk-00030-00005862-00006106 done is I've lunged upwards and I've Jam Q28uj90LEfk-00031-00006107-00006263 my foot downward onto the blade what Q28uj90LEfk-00032-00006264-00006403 that does is it plunges the blade into Q28uj90LEfk-00033-00006404-00006638 the ground at a good angle then you're Q28uj90LEfk-00034-00006639-00006820 gonna simply pry up while pushing in Q28uj90LEfk-00035-00006822-00006980 with your foot and then you're gonna use Q28uj90LEfk-00036-00006981-00007202 her other hand scoop upwards and you've Q28uj90LEfk-00037-00007203-00007400 got yourself the start of a hole alright Q28uj90LEfk-00038-00007401-00007645 guys so honestly that is the main motion Q28uj90LEfk-00039-00007647-00007792 you're going to use with the shovel it Q28uj90LEfk-00040-00007793-00008056 simply put your foot on jump forward and Q28uj90LEfk-00041-00008058-00008213 jam downwards that is how you're gonna Q28uj90LEfk-00042-00008214-00008374 get the blade in the ground properly now Q28uj90LEfk-00043-00008375-00008519 let's look at some common mistakes Q28uj90LEfk-00044-00008520-00008710 people make well one of the biggest Q28uj90LEfk-00045-00008711-00008867 mistakes they make is only using their Q28uj90LEfk-00046-00008868-00009035 upper body not using their feet so what Q28uj90LEfk-00047-00009036-00009227 does that look like well that's jamming Q28uj90LEfk-00048-00009228-00009449 your shovel in and trying to use only Q28uj90LEfk-00049-00009450-00009695 your shoulders and your arms to jam your Q28uj90LEfk-00050-00009696-00009899 shovel into the ground now why that's Q28uj90LEfk-00051-00009900-00010070 not effective is because it's not using Q28uj90LEfk-00052-00010071-00010277 your body weight on the shovel so when Q28uj90LEfk-00053-00010278-00010469 you're doing this the only force you're Q28uj90LEfk-00054-00010470-00010631 getting is from your shoulders and your Q28uj90LEfk-00055-00010632-00010808 upper body you're not using any of your Q28uj90LEfk-00056-00010809-00010985 lower body to jam the shovel into the Q28uj90LEfk-00057-00010986-00011149 ground so reiji my shovel like this I'm Q28uj90LEfk-00058-00011150-00011330 getting exponentially more than 180 Q28uj90LEfk-00059-00011331-00011480 pounds of force because that's all my Q28uj90LEfk-00060-00011481-00011653 body weight but it's all my body weight Q28uj90LEfk-00061-00011654-00011881 generated in a downward plunge which Q28uj90LEfk-00062-00011882-00012074 exponentially increases the amount of Q28uj90LEfk-00063-00012075-00012346 force on the shovel itself so that's why Q28uj90LEfk-00064-00012347-00012476 it's effective so that's why you're Q28uj90LEfk-00065-00012477-00012659 jamming your shovel in like this and Q28uj90LEfk-00066-00012660-00012871 trying to dig it's not going to get you Q28uj90LEfk-00067-00012872-00012985 anywhere it's not going to get you the Q28uj90LEfk-00068-00012986-00013259 results you need another thing people do Q28uj90LEfk-00069-00013260-00013493 they hold far too low on the shovel and Q28uj90LEfk-00070-00013494-00013685 they try to swing it in like this now Q28uj90LEfk-00071-00013686-00013901 that's sort of effective if you're in a Q28uj90LEfk-00072-00013902-00014105 trench situation if you're already in Q28uj90LEfk-00073-00014106-00014243 the hole but when you're starting out Q28uj90LEfk-00074-00014244-00014501 you want to scut start upwards and work Q28uj90LEfk-00075-00014502-00014690 downwards you're gonna use your body Q28uj90LEfk-00076-00014691-00014876 weight to plunge it downwards you're Q28uj90LEfk-00077-00014877-00015053 gonna use the upper part of the shovel Q28uj90LEfk-00078-00015054-00015308 to pry up using your foot to plunge it Q28uj90LEfk-00079-00015309-00015506 further and then you're gonna scoop up Q28uj90LEfk-00080-00015507-00015743 and that's going to be effective so Q28uj90LEfk-00081-00015744-00015959 there you go guys that is a super basic Q28uj90LEfk-00082-00015960-00016190 tutorial on how to just use a garden Q28uj90LEfk-00083-00016191-00016394 shovel effectively to get your job done Q28uj90LEfk-00084-00016395-00016592 as quickly as possible now if you like Q28uj90LEfk-00085-00016593-00016772 this video do me a huge favor let me Q28uj90LEfk-00086-00016773-00016916 know in the comments hit that subscribe Q28uj90LEfk-00087-00016917-00017102 button hit that like button and honestly Q28uj90LEfk-00088-00017103-00017279 if you want more tutorials on how to use Q28uj90LEfk-00089-00017280-00017426 shovels or any other kind of equipment Q28uj90LEfk-00090-00017427-00017606 let me know I'd love to hear from you Q28uj90LEfk-00091-00017607-00017801 guys other than that have an awesome day Q28uj90LEfk-00092-00017802-00018041 I'll see in the next video take it easy Q28uj90LEfk-00093-00018042-00019288 [Music] Q3pXTTaqJxo-00000-00000048-00000157 [Music] Q3pXTTaqJxo-00001-00000158-00000467 is there intelligent life in the Q3pXTTaqJxo-00002-00000468-00000607 universe Q3pXTTaqJxo-00003-00000608-00001324 how about earth farms villages towns and Q3pXTTaqJxo-00004-00001325-00001723 cities our art and culture stories and Q3pXTTaqJxo-00005-00001725-00002085 music science and engineering education Q3pXTTaqJxo-00006-00002086-00002387 society everything we know and love Q3pXTTaqJxo-00007-00002388-00002668 today developed on a stable resilient Q3pXTTaqJxo-00008-00002669-00003075 planet it wasn't too hot not too cold Q3pXTTaqJxo-00009-00003076-00003322 scientific evidence shows that global Q3pXTTaqJxo-00010-00003323-00003515 average temperatures changed no more Q3pXTTaqJxo-00011-00003515-00003851 than plus minus one degrees Celsius but Q3pXTTaqJxo-00012-00003852-00004127 something stirred here 60 years ago and Q3pXTTaqJxo-00013-00004128-00004601 still grows exponentially we now use an Q3pXTTaqJxo-00014-00004602-00004811 area the size of South America for our Q3pXTTaqJxo-00015-00004812-00005036 crops and the size of Africa for our Q3pXTTaqJxo-00016-00005037-00005297 livestock we've produced enough concrete Q3pXTTaqJxo-00017-00005298-00005576 to cover the earth and enough plastic to Q3pXTTaqJxo-00018-00005577-00005891 cling talent international research Q3pXTTaqJxo-00019-00005892-00006131 shows the atmosphere the oceans and the Q3pXTTaqJxo-00020-00006132-00006488 lands are changing at alarming rains up Q3pXTTaqJxo-00021-00006489-00006884 to this point 2014 is the third warmest Q3pXTTaqJxo-00022-00006884-00007195 year on record 2015 is the second Q3pXTTaqJxo-00023-00007197-00007589 warmest and yes you guessed right 2016 Q3pXTTaqJxo-00024-00007590-00007945 is the warmest year ever measured Q3pXTTaqJxo-00025-00007947-00008217 human-induced climate change is no Q3pXTTaqJxo-00026-00008218-00008658 longer very our Dixie ice is collapsing Q3pXTTaqJxo-00027-00008659-00009024 rapidly coral reefs are dying fish Q3pXTTaqJxo-00028-00009025-00009221 stocks that feed three billion people Q3pXTTaqJxo-00029-00009222-00009362 are at capacity Q3pXTTaqJxo-00030-00009363-00009710 choking clouds whooshing stretch across Q3pXTTaqJxo-00031-00009711-00010053 continents global average temperature is Q3pXTTaqJxo-00032-00010054-00010589 now 1.1 degrees Celsius we are smashing Q3pXTTaqJxo-00033-00010590-00010863 through planetary boundaries climate Q3pXTTaqJxo-00034-00010864-00011133 deforestation fertilizer use Q3pXTTaqJxo-00035-00011134-00011444 biodiversity we are approaching Q3pXTTaqJxo-00036-00011445-00011699 irreversible tipping point in the Amazon Q3pXTTaqJxo-00037-00011700-00011982 the Arctic and Antarctica Q3pXTTaqJxo-00038-00011983-00012347 we are causing the sixth mass extinction Q3pXTTaqJxo-00039-00012348-00012935 so is there intelligent life on earth Q3pXTTaqJxo-00040-00012936-00013212 scientific evidence shows carbon dioxide Q3pXTTaqJxo-00041-00013213-00013404 emissions growth has stalled in the last Q3pXTTaqJxo-00042-00013405-00013644 three years the ozone hole is Q3pXTTaqJxo-00043-00013644-00013875 stabilizing and may fully recover Q3pXTTaqJxo-00044-00013876-00014193 we're eradicating diseases life Q3pXTTaqJxo-00045-00014194-00014544 expectancy globally is now 71 years the Q3pXTTaqJxo-00046-00014544-00014769 average number of children per woman in Q3pXTTaqJxo-00047-00014769-00015333 the world is down to 2.5 every child's Q3pXTTaqJxo-00048-00015334-00015794 birthright is a stable resilient during Q3pXTTaqJxo-00049-00015794-00016247 this is now it lists we need science and Q3pXTTaqJxo-00050-00016249-00016431 society to work together for a Q3pXTTaqJxo-00051-00016432-00016698 sustainable planet we need a worldview Q3pXTTaqJxo-00052-00016699-00016953 based on facts not fiction Q3pXTTaqJxo-00053-00016954-00017211 we need development at stores carbon Q3pXTTaqJxo-00054-00017212-00017619 matte emitted that purifies water soil Q3pXTTaqJxo-00055-00017620-00018041 and air not Palouse vents that enhances Q3pXTTaqJxo-00056-00018042-00018456 biodiversity not destroys it and right Q3pXTTaqJxo-00057-00018457-00018743 then we might just find intelligent life Q3pXTTaqJxo-00058-00018744-00018904 honored Q3pXTTaqJxo-00059-00018905-00020131 [Music] Q3pXTTaqJxo-00060-00020132-00020866 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00000-00000172-00002574 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00002-00006295-00007168 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00003-00007169-00008573 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00004-00008574-00009069 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00005-00009070-00009832 Oh Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00007-00014055-00014981 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00008-00014982-00015684 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00009-00015685-00016568 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00010-00016569-00017524 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00011-00017525-00018580 [Music] Q3Q2Jt67fdk-00012-00018581-00018887 [Music] Q4JhJuxkEF0-00000-00000535-00000726 in our previous video called let's know Q4JhJuxkEF0-00001-00000727-00000790 more about Q4JhJuxkEF0-00002-00000791-00001007 map we showed you how modified Q4JhJuxkEF0-00003-00001008-00001150 atmosphere packaging Q4JhJuxkEF0-00004-00001151-00001374 or map for short increases the full Q4JhJuxkEF0-00005-00001375-00001470 shelf life Q4JhJuxkEF0-00006-00001471-00001655 and sellability as well as maintaining Q4JhJuxkEF0-00007-00001655-00001871 the food quality during its storage Q4JhJuxkEF0-00008-00001872-00001982 period Q4JhJuxkEF0-00009-00001984-00002199 we have provided a link to that video in Q4JhJuxkEF0-00010-00002200-00002375 the description if you intend to watch Q4JhJuxkEF0-00011-00002376-00002518 it again Q4JhJuxkEF0-00012-00002519-00002847 but how do we implement optimal map Q4JhJuxkEF0-00013-00002848-00003031 this is what we aim to answer in this Q4JhJuxkEF0-00014-00003032-00003286 video so please stay with us to the end Q4JhJuxkEF0-00015-00003288-00003486 to find out more about the details Q4JhJuxkEF0-00016-00003488-00003815 and equipment of an ideal map system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00017-00003815-00003967 if you are watching this video on Q4JhJuxkEF0-00018-00003968-00004151 youtube please press the subscribe Q4JhJuxkEF0-00019-00004152-00004206 button Q4JhJuxkEF0-00020-00004207-00004406 and the bell to receive notifications of Q4JhJuxkEF0-00021-00004407-00004775 new videos by vive and gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00022-00004776-00004991 this simple schematic gives an overview Q4JhJuxkEF0-00023-00004992-00005295 of the whole structure of an map system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00024-00005296-00005454 as you can see it is composed of Q4JhJuxkEF0-00025-00005455-00005606 different parts Q4JhJuxkEF0-00026-00005607-00005822 to better understand this structure Q4JhJuxkEF0-00027-00005823-00006038 let's focus on each part of this system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00028-00006039-00006351 one by one at the very beginning there Q4JhJuxkEF0-00029-00006352-00006591 are the gas sources Q4JhJuxkEF0-00030-00006592-00006887 by gas they mean nitrogen carbon dioxide Q4JhJuxkEF0-00031-00006888-00006951 and of course Q4JhJuxkEF0-00032-00006952-00007270 oxygen these gas sources can be in the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00033-00007272-00007406 form of cylinders Q4JhJuxkEF0-00034-00007408-00007678 cryogenic tanks or in some cases gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00035-00007679-00008046 generators Q4JhJuxkEF0-00036-00008047-00008278 to start the process these gases get Q4JhJuxkEF0-00037-00008279-00008446 transferred into the gas mixer Q4JhJuxkEF0-00038-00008447-00008607 to create the desired mixture of Q4JhJuxkEF0-00039-00008608-00008871 nitrogen carbon dioxide and oxygen for Q4JhJuxkEF0-00040-00008872-00009071 different types of foods Q4JhJuxkEF0-00041-00009072-00009295 to achieve this we can adjust the gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00042-00009296-00009391 mix percentage Q4JhJuxkEF0-00043-00009392-00009831 using different methods Q4JhJuxkEF0-00044-00009832-00010031 for example using mechanical dials on Q4JhJuxkEF0-00045-00010032-00010423 the mixer Q4JhJuxkEF0-00046-00010424-00010623 or using the electromechanical mixing Q4JhJuxkEF0-00047-00010624-00011078 valves Q4JhJuxkEF0-00048-00011079-00011295 as you can see these types of mixers can Q4JhJuxkEF0-00049-00011296-00011478 be connected to a programmable logic Q4JhJuxkEF0-00050-00011479-00011551 controller Q4JhJuxkEF0-00051-00011552-00011799 or plc so they can be controlled via Q4JhJuxkEF0-00052-00011800-00012303 electrical signals Q4JhJuxkEF0-00053-00012304-00012646 the next component is the gas analyzer Q4JhJuxkEF0-00054-00012647-00012815 which could be integrated into the gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00055-00012816-00013071 mixer or could be used as a standalone Q4JhJuxkEF0-00056-00013072-00013135 unit Q4JhJuxkEF0-00057-00013136-00013311 for monitoring the exact real-time Q4JhJuxkEF0-00058-00013312-00013703 percentages of the gases Q4JhJuxkEF0-00059-00013704-00013886 equipped with measurement sensors the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00060-00013887-00014079 analyzer will work in conjunction with Q4JhJuxkEF0-00061-00014080-00014151 the mixer Q4JhJuxkEF0-00062-00014152-00014351 and in case of any anomalies in the gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00063-00014352-00014591 mixture it will inform the operator Q4JhJuxkEF0-00064-00014591-00014903 through activating an alarm Q4JhJuxkEF0-00065-00014904-00015119 or will directly shut down the hole or a Q4JhJuxkEF0-00066-00015119-00015350 specific part of the system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00067-00015351-00015566 of course the analyzer can be connected Q4JhJuxkEF0-00068-00015568-00015711 to a plc as well Q4JhJuxkEF0-00069-00015712-00015911 and be integrated into the main control Q4JhJuxkEF0-00070-00015912-00016150 system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00071-00016151-00016383 after achieving the perfect mixture the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00072-00016384-00016591 gas mixture at the required pressure Q4JhJuxkEF0-00073-00016592-00016783 will enter the next step which is the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00074-00016784-00017127 packaging step Q4JhJuxkEF0-00075-00017128-00017286 the food product can be packed with Q4JhJuxkEF0-00076-00017287-00017439 different techniques depending on the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00077-00017440-00017663 machine we use Q4JhJuxkEF0-00078-00017664-00017967 the first method is called gas flushing Q4JhJuxkEF0-00079-00017968-00018158 in that we insert the pressurized gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00080-00018159-00018303 stream into the food package Q4JhJuxkEF0-00081-00018304-00018527 so that the desired gas mixture replaces Q4JhJuxkEF0-00082-00018528-00018791 the air inside Q4JhJuxkEF0-00083-00018792-00019047 using an inline analyzer is possible to Q4JhJuxkEF0-00084-00019048-00019207 reduce the amount of gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00085-00019208-00019407 and by this to save money in flow pack Q4JhJuxkEF0-00086-00019408-00019535 machines Q4JhJuxkEF0-00087-00019536-00019750 by means of lens the sample is taken Q4JhJuxkEF0-00088-00019751-00019943 continuously from the pillow back Q4JhJuxkEF0-00089-00019944-00020230 and analyzed as long as the oxygen value Q4JhJuxkEF0-00090-00020231-00020407 is below the set limit value Q4JhJuxkEF0-00091-00020408-00020591 the amount of the supplied protective Q4JhJuxkEF0-00092-00020592-00020775 gas is reduced Q4JhJuxkEF0-00093-00020776-00020967 if the oxygen content approaches the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00094-00020968-00021086 limit value Q4JhJuxkEF0-00095-00021087-00021271 the protective gas quantity is Q4JhJuxkEF0-00096-00021272-00021703 automatically increased Q4JhJuxkEF0-00097-00021704-00021927 the second method is called compensated Q4JhJuxkEF0-00098-00021928-00022086 vacuum Q4JhJuxkEF0-00099-00022087-00022319 in this method the machine first removes Q4JhJuxkEF0-00100-00022320-00022527 the air inside by pulling a vacuum Q4JhJuxkEF0-00101-00022528-00022767 on the atmosphere within the package and Q4JhJuxkEF0-00102-00022768-00022967 then breaks the vacuum with the desired Q4JhJuxkEF0-00103-00022968-00023222 gas mixtures Q4JhJuxkEF0-00104-00023223-00023558 finally we have our food packed but wait Q4JhJuxkEF0-00105-00023559-00023942 it is not the end as our product quality Q4JhJuxkEF0-00106-00023943-00024119 will be dramatically affected by Q4JhJuxkEF0-00107-00024120-00024214 leakages Q4JhJuxkEF0-00108-00024215-00024471 we have to be sure it is sealed properly Q4JhJuxkEF0-00109-00024472-00024542 so the next Q4JhJuxkEF0-00110-00024543-00024703 stage is to make sure the product Q4JhJuxkEF0-00111-00024704-00024911 package is free from any leakages Q4JhJuxkEF0-00112-00024912-00025286 using a leak detection machine Q4JhJuxkEF0-00113-00025287-00025519 the devices used for this purpose could Q4JhJuxkEF0-00114-00025520-00025622 be inline Q4JhJuxkEF0-00115-00025623-00025774 or the ones that we use in the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00116-00025775-00026143 laboratory Q4JhJuxkEF0-00117-00026144-00026351 inline leak detection machines work with Q4JhJuxkEF0-00118-00026352-00026574 integrated high technology sensors which Q4JhJuxkEF0-00119-00026575-00026702 detect trace gases Q4JhJuxkEF0-00120-00026704-00027007 like carbon dioxide Q4JhJuxkEF0-00121-00027008-00027207 co2 is already part of the modified Q4JhJuxkEF0-00122-00027208-00027455 atmosphere it delivers the best results Q4JhJuxkEF0-00123-00027456-00027631 in terms of relevant leak size Q4JhJuxkEF0-00124-00027632-00027918 and is not expensive installed on the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00125-00027919-00028118 production line they can detect even the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00126-00028119-00028343 smallest leaks in a fraction of a second Q4JhJuxkEF0-00127-00028344-00028527 when the trace gases escapes from the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00128-00028527-00028927 packages Q4JhJuxkEF0-00129-00028927-00029143 they can also automatically remove the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00130-00029144-00029527 faulty packs from the production line Q4JhJuxkEF0-00131-00029527-00029695 in addition to the mentioned equipment Q4JhJuxkEF0-00132-00029695-00029879 in the production line laboratory Q4JhJuxkEF0-00133-00029880-00029983 testing devices Q4JhJuxkEF0-00134-00029983-00030255 are used as well in this case quality Q4JhJuxkEF0-00135-00030256-00030455 control will perform some tests on Q4JhJuxkEF0-00136-00030456-00030614 randomly chosen packages Q4JhJuxkEF0-00137-00030616-00030883 to make sure about quality and market Q4JhJuxkEF0-00138-00030883-00031255 acceptance Q4JhJuxkEF0-00139-00031256-00031439 along with some other accessories like Q4JhJuxkEF0-00140-00031439-00031718 campieser tabletop or portable gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00141-00031719-00031927 analyzers could be used for analyzing Q4JhJuxkEF0-00142-00031927-00032062 the gas concentration Q4JhJuxkEF0-00143-00032063-00032383 inside different kinds of packages Q4JhJuxkEF0-00144-00032383-00032518 portable analyzers Q4JhJuxkEF0-00145-00032519-00032727 are highly applicable and very easy to Q4JhJuxkEF0-00146-00032727-00032823 use Q4JhJuxkEF0-00147-00032824-00033023 they can be used for analyzing the gas Q4JhJuxkEF0-00148-00033024-00033343 within the laboratory Q4JhJuxkEF0-00149-00033344-00033718 or directly on the production line Q4JhJuxkEF0-00150-00033719-00033967 on the other hand tabletop analyzers can Q4JhJuxkEF0-00151-00033968-00034231 have other options like auto calibration Q4JhJuxkEF0-00152-00034232-00034446 long life measuring cells and more Q4JhJuxkEF0-00153-00034447-00034990 communication ports Q4JhJuxkEF0-00154-00034991-00035151 one of the most common methods for Q4JhJuxkEF0-00155-00035152-00035295 packaged leak detection Q4JhJuxkEF0-00156-00035296-00035590 is using a vacuum chamber two kinds of Q4JhJuxkEF0-00157-00035591-00035767 tests could be performed with a vacuum Q4JhJuxkEF0-00158-00035768-00036046 leak detection machine in the laboratory Q4JhJuxkEF0-00159-00036047-00036287 the first one as you see is a leak test Q4JhJuxkEF0-00160-00036288-00036446 inside the water Q4JhJuxkEF0-00161-00036447-00036646 so when there is a leak you can see that Q4JhJuxkEF0-00162-00036647-00036855 clearly through small bubbles coming out Q4JhJuxkEF0-00163-00036856-00037383 of the package Q4JhJuxkEF0-00164-00037384-00037590 the second test is called the cargo test Q4JhJuxkEF0-00165-00037591-00037767 and its purpose is to check the package Q4JhJuxkEF0-00166-00037768-00037959 resistance in the situation of high Q4JhJuxkEF0-00167-00037960-00038527 altitude Q4JhJuxkEF0-00168-00038528-00038735 in this way we ensure that the product Q4JhJuxkEF0-00169-00038736-00038918 package will remain safe during air Q4JhJuxkEF0-00170-00038919-00039535 fighting at a specific altitudes Q4JhJuxkEF0-00171-00039536-00039727 in this video we have gained a good Q4JhJuxkEF0-00172-00039728-00039887 understanding of different parts of the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00173-00039888-00040062 map system Q4JhJuxkEF0-00174-00040063-00040399 first we started with the gas sources Q4JhJuxkEF0-00175-00040400-00040615 next we made our desired gas mixtures Q4JhJuxkEF0-00176-00040616-00040743 using the gas mixer Q4JhJuxkEF0-00177-00040744-00040935 and then we packed our product with the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00178-00040936-00041215 most suitable mixture of gases Q4JhJuxkEF0-00179-00041216-00041399 finally we ended up by testing our Q4JhJuxkEF0-00180-00041400-00041590 package for any possible leakage Q4JhJuxkEF0-00181-00041591-00041887 with the leak detection machine if our Q4JhJuxkEF0-00182-00041888-00042095 package is flawless and has no leaks Q4JhJuxkEF0-00183-00042096-00042262 we can deliver food products of the Q4JhJuxkEF0-00184-00042263-00042455 highest quality to the customers Q4JhJuxkEF0-00185-00042456-00042983 thanks to the map method Q4JhJuxkEF0-00186-00042984-00043135 we hope you have learned something new Q4JhJuxkEF0-00187-00043136-00043367 from this video if there are any Q4JhJuxkEF0-00188-00043368-00043558 unanswered questions about any of these Q4JhJuxkEF0-00189-00043559-00043630 devices Q4JhJuxkEF0-00190-00043631-00043807 or you want to learn more about our Q4JhJuxkEF0-00191-00043808-00044030 services we will be very pleased to hear Q4JhJuxkEF0-00192-00044031-00045184 from you Q572YRjMaZE-00000-00000000-00000316 go back go back go back go back go back Q572YRjMaZE-00001-00000317-00001253 [Applause] Q572YRjMaZE-00002-00001254-00001457 hey look guys today we're gonna play Q572YRjMaZE-00003-00001458-00001823 zombie attack Q572YRjMaZE-00004-00001823-00002113 um Q572YRjMaZE-00005-00002114-00002489 video and which is never end oh my God Q572YRjMaZE-00006-00002490-00002687 why are you here no no no go back go Q572YRjMaZE-00007-00002688-00002981 back go back go back go back Q572YRjMaZE-00008-00002982-00003751 oh Q572YRjMaZE-00009-00003752-00004459 I died Q572YRjMaZE-00010-00004460-00004921 wow you make this video ahead Q9qJ923qD18-00000-00000000-00000281 foreign Q9qJ923qD18-00001-00000282-00001405 [Music] QqIzV-YM-CY-00000-00000791-00000943 hello all QqIzV-YM-CY-00001-00000944-00001127 this presentation is meant to provide QqIzV-YM-CY-00002-00001128-00001350 you with some local ideas and a set of QqIzV-YM-CY-00003-00001351-00001679 curated resources toward developing cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00004-00001680-00001959 documents that you can draw on QqIzV-YM-CY-00005-00001960-00002199 as you respond to academic job postings QqIzV-YM-CY-00006-00002200-00002383 while you're doing an academic job QqIzV-YM-CY-00007-00002384-00003102 search QqIzV-YM-CY-00008-00003103-00003343 let's start with the idea of experience QqIzV-YM-CY-00009-00003344-00003631 and specifically here with jimi hendrix QqIzV-YM-CY-00010-00003632-00003903 are you experienced QqIzV-YM-CY-00011-00003904-00004222 recorded and released in 1967 justice QqIzV-YM-CY-00012-00004223-00004399 hendricks was entering into the world of QqIzV-YM-CY-00013-00004400-00004486 music QqIzV-YM-CY-00014-00004487-00004799 this album marked his unique space QqIzV-YM-CY-00015-00004800-00004951 in music he was doing things with a QqIzV-YM-CY-00016-00004952-00005127 guitar that no one else had thought to QqIzV-YM-CY-00017-00005128-00005199 do QqIzV-YM-CY-00018-00005200-00005415 creating a musical sound from specific QqIzV-YM-CY-00019-00005416-00005679 knowledge skills performances and QqIzV-YM-CY-00020-00005680-00006015 compositions he uniquely created so yes QqIzV-YM-CY-00021-00006016-00006206 he was uniquely experienced with a QqIzV-YM-CY-00022-00006207-00006503 unique professional story to tell as are QqIzV-YM-CY-00023-00006504-00007159 you QqIzV-YM-CY-00024-00007159-00007375 hendricks is reported to have said that QqIzV-YM-CY-00025-00007376-00007623 in the lyrics of are you experienced QqIzV-YM-CY-00026-00007623-00007774 that he hoped to convey the importance QqIzV-YM-CY-00027-00007775-00008006 of taking time to view yourself QqIzV-YM-CY-00028-00008008-00008255 by looking at your life from the outside QqIzV-YM-CY-00029-00008256-00008455 as supporters might see you QqIzV-YM-CY-00030-00008456-00008646 as you might see yourself in moments of QqIzV-YM-CY-00031-00008647-00008935 feeling at peace with yourself QqIzV-YM-CY-00032-00008936-00009174 this is an app description for the type QqIzV-YM-CY-00033-00009175-00009374 of context you want to create as you QqIzV-YM-CY-00034-00009375-00009791 begin drafting a cv com cv document QqIzV-YM-CY-00035-00009792-00010071 in this academic context i'd add QqIzV-YM-CY-00036-00010072-00010327 that like a musician needed to create QqIzV-YM-CY-00037-00010328-00010606 a team to produce a soundtrack QqIzV-YM-CY-00038-00010607-00010831 you will need to work in a collaboration QqIzV-YM-CY-00039-00010832-00011046 with other people with people who care QqIzV-YM-CY-00040-00011047-00011287 about you and your work who can help you QqIzV-YM-CY-00041-00011288-00011487 step outside of yourself to tell your QqIzV-YM-CY-00042-00011488-00011695 academic life story QqIzV-YM-CY-00043-00011696-00011903 well at least the story that began to QqIzV-YM-CY-00044-00011904-00012183 unfold with your undergraduate education QqIzV-YM-CY-00045-00012184-00012951 and its closing QqIzV-YM-CY-00046-00012952-00013199 the story that your cv needs to tell is QqIzV-YM-CY-00047-00013200-00013366 a true story QqIzV-YM-CY-00048-00013368-00013622 where true is about correctly lining up QqIzV-YM-CY-00049-00013623-00013879 the elements of your cv document QqIzV-YM-CY-00050-00013880-00014151 so that the details of your work align QqIzV-YM-CY-00051-00014152-00014358 with the position announcement the QqIzV-YM-CY-00052-00014359-00014558 requirements and the college or QqIzV-YM-CY-00053-00014559-00014863 university's institutional historical QqIzV-YM-CY-00054-00014863-00015111 and community context QqIzV-YM-CY-00055-00015112-00015294 this true story QqIzV-YM-CY-00056-00015295-00015503 sets out the broad context of what QqIzV-YM-CY-00057-00015504-00015735 you've done as an academic the knowledge QqIzV-YM-CY-00058-00015736-00015855 you've gained the skills you've QqIzV-YM-CY-00059-00015856-00016086 developed the abilities QqIzV-YM-CY-00060-00016087-00016263 you've honed in QqIzV-YM-CY-00061-00016263-00016486 using the knowledge and skills together QqIzV-YM-CY-00062-00016487-00016703 the leadership you've provided within QqIzV-YM-CY-00063-00016704-00016950 your university and outside of it the QqIzV-YM-CY-00064-00016951-00017239 research focus and its development QqIzV-YM-CY-00065-00017240-00017486 likely through collaboration and often QqIzV-YM-CY-00066-00017487-00018367 also expressed in teaching innovations QqIzV-YM-CY-00067-00018368-00018607 while the cvu create is going to list QqIzV-YM-CY-00068-00018608-00018919 several things about your academic story QqIzV-YM-CY-00069-00018920-00019135 how you tell that story QqIzV-YM-CY-00070-00019136-00019399 also matters it shows your communication QqIzV-YM-CY-00071-00019400-00019630 skills and your interpersonal skills how QqIzV-YM-CY-00072-00019631-00019847 does it show this through the words you QqIzV-YM-CY-00073-00019848-00020127 choose how you set up headings verb QqIzV-YM-CY-00074-00020128-00020455 choices the tone that you convey as you QqIzV-YM-CY-00075-00020456-00020735 describe your roles and responsibilities QqIzV-YM-CY-00076-00020736-00020983 these are all verbal cues this is the QqIzV-YM-CY-00077-00020984-00021222 body language of a written document as QqIzV-YM-CY-00078-00021223-00021439 you set out your accomplishments but QqIzV-YM-CY-00079-00021440-00021886 also set out who you are and how you QqIzV-YM-CY-00080-00021887-00022158 developed as a human being to tell this QqIzV-YM-CY-00081-00022159-00022799 story QqIzV-YM-CY-00082-00022800-00022999 just a bit ago i mentioned that each QqIzV-YM-CY-00083-00023000-00023175 college or university has an QqIzV-YM-CY-00084-00023176-00023439 institutional historical and community QqIzV-YM-CY-00085-00023440-00023558 context QqIzV-YM-CY-00086-00023559-00023767 you can learn more about this especially QqIzV-YM-CY-00087-00023768-00024014 the institutional context via the QqIzV-YM-CY-00088-00024015-00024303 carnegie classification of institutions QqIzV-YM-CY-00089-00024304-00024783 the url showing up on this slide QqIzV-YM-CY-00090-00024784-00025055 in all there are four general categories QqIzV-YM-CY-00091-00025056-00025230 a research institution like the QqIzV-YM-CY-00092-00025231-00025519 university of minnesota a liberal arts QqIzV-YM-CY-00093-00025520-00025743 institution like mcallister over in QqIzV-YM-CY-00094-00025744-00025878 saint paul QqIzV-YM-CY-00095-00025879-00026174 a comprehensive university like hamlin QqIzV-YM-CY-00096-00026175-00026487 or minnesota's state university system QqIzV-YM-CY-00097-00026488-00026735 and a community college QqIzV-YM-CY-00098-00026736-00026918 the four different types require QqIzV-YM-CY-00099-00026919-00027231 different versions of research teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00100-00027232-00027735 and service QqIzV-YM-CY-00101-00027736-00027951 if we look at a research university in a QqIzV-YM-CY-00102-00027952-00028102 community college QqIzV-YM-CY-00103-00028104-00028335 you'll see some of the differences in a QqIzV-YM-CY-00104-00028336-00028535 research university and in the job QqIzV-YM-CY-00105-00028536-00028727 postings that you'll see for positions QqIzV-YM-CY-00106-00028727-00028927 at research universities QqIzV-YM-CY-00107-00028927-00029223 you will often see that expertise and QqIzV-YM-CY-00108-00029224-00029470 requirements are built around research QqIzV-YM-CY-00109-00029472-00029735 followed by teaching and service QqIzV-YM-CY-00110-00029736-00029958 increasingly research universities are QqIzV-YM-CY-00111-00029960-00030183 looking for people who are teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00112-00030183-00030399 ready even if they haven't had teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00113-00030400-00030527 experience QqIzV-YM-CY-00114-00030527-00030862 though the emphasis remains on research QqIzV-YM-CY-00115-00030863-00031046 at a community college QqIzV-YM-CY-00116-00031047-00031246 the emphasis is on teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00117-00031247-00031558 and then service and then research often QqIzV-YM-CY-00118-00031560-00031774 that service at a community college is QqIzV-YM-CY-00119-00031775-00032070 locally within the university itself QqIzV-YM-CY-00120-00032072-00032283 and also in the nearby QqIzV-YM-CY-00121-00032283-00032583 community why know these things if you QqIzV-YM-CY-00122-00032583-00032807 set up a cv that puts research at the QqIzV-YM-CY-00123-00032808-00033079 very top is the first thing someone sees QqIzV-YM-CY-00124-00033080-00033223 and you're applying for a community QqIzV-YM-CY-00125-00033224-00033487 college job you will generally lose that QqIzV-YM-CY-00126-00033488-00033687 person's attention QqIzV-YM-CY-00127-00033688-00033767 and QqIzV-YM-CY-00128-00033768-00033974 in its reverse thinking QqIzV-YM-CY-00129-00033975-00034199 if for a research university you put QqIzV-YM-CY-00130-00034200-00034351 teaching up front QqIzV-YM-CY-00131-00034352-00034487 you're going to probably lose the QqIzV-YM-CY-00132-00034488-00034679 attention of people who are looking to QqIzV-YM-CY-00133-00034680-00034974 understand your research skills capacity QqIzV-YM-CY-00134-00034975-00036630 capabilities and future direction QqIzV-YM-CY-00135-00036631-00036871 let's turn our attention now to creating QqIzV-YM-CY-00136-00036872-00037046 a cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00137-00037047-00037255 in creating our cv our advice is really QqIzV-YM-CY-00138-00037256-00037446 to create at least two distinct QqIzV-YM-CY-00139-00037447-00037767 documents a static and a dynamic QqIzV-YM-CY-00140-00037768-00037902 document QqIzV-YM-CY-00141-00037903-00038118 the static document is akin to gathering QqIzV-YM-CY-00142-00038119-00038399 your entire musical collection into a QqIzV-YM-CY-00143-00038400-00038862 single physical or digital space QqIzV-YM-CY-00144-00038863-00039127 the static document includes everything QqIzV-YM-CY-00145-00039128-00039390 you've done or created that could be QqIzV-YM-CY-00146-00039391-00039646 pertinent to your planned and potential QqIzV-YM-CY-00147-00039647-00039799 career paths QqIzV-YM-CY-00148-00039800-00040046 this isn't a listi list you're going to QqIzV-YM-CY-00149-00040047-00040279 want start want to start making use of QqIzV-YM-CY-00150-00040280-00040559 vivid verbs record accurate descriptions QqIzV-YM-CY-00151-00040560-00040846 of roles the who what when where QqIzV-YM-CY-00152-00040847-00041118 and start writing pithy descriptions of QqIzV-YM-CY-00153-00041119-00041695 your responsibilities what how and why QqIzV-YM-CY-00154-00041696-00041862 when you're generating that static QqIzV-YM-CY-00155-00041863-00042118 document you want to think big from a to QqIzV-YM-CY-00156-00042119-00042374 z as implied by the chart here QqIzV-YM-CY-00157-00042375-00042527 you want to start to think of the QqIzV-YM-CY-00158-00042528-00042695 different ways you might word headings QqIzV-YM-CY-00159-00042696-00042887 for major sections and those will be QqIzV-YM-CY-00160-00042888-00043062 guided by QqIzV-YM-CY-00161-00043063-00043358 those three roles research teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00162-00043359-00043527 service QqIzV-YM-CY-00163-00043528-00043799 teaching research service depending on QqIzV-YM-CY-00164-00043800-00044030 the institutional type QqIzV-YM-CY-00165-00044031-00044311 when you are generating that QqIzV-YM-CY-00166-00044312-00044551 static document then you want to begin QqIzV-YM-CY-00167-00044552-00044807 adding in all the things you do all the QqIzV-YM-CY-00168-00044808-00045030 things you've accomplished go back to QqIzV-YM-CY-00169-00045031-00045271 old calendars and emails to find details QqIzV-YM-CY-00170-00045272-00045495 about presentations professional QqIzV-YM-CY-00171-00045496-00045735 development activities academic service QqIzV-YM-CY-00172-00045736-00045943 on or beyond campus QqIzV-YM-CY-00173-00045944-00046151 in and outside of your field QqIzV-YM-CY-00174-00046152-00046343 you want to develop an organization QqIzV-YM-CY-00175-00046344-00046630 within within the sections maybe overall QqIzV-YM-CY-00176-00046631-00046958 by chronology with the most recent first QqIzV-YM-CY-00177-00046959-00047223 or maybe by categories for example QqIzV-YM-CY-00178-00047224-00047423 some presentations are conference papers QqIzV-YM-CY-00179-00047424-00047646 some are invited presentations some are QqIzV-YM-CY-00180-00047647-00047879 abstracts again you want to think as QqIzV-YM-CY-00181-00047880-00048127 you're beginning to build this static QqIzV-YM-CY-00182-00048128-00048439 document about the who what when where QqIzV-YM-CY-00183-00048440-00048590 why and how QqIzV-YM-CY-00184-00048591-00048807 of things that you did online and in QqIzV-YM-CY-00185-00048808-00049055 person that contributed to your QqIzV-YM-CY-00186-00049056-00049246 development as an academic professional QqIzV-YM-CY-00187-00049247-00049479 and where you contributed to QqIzV-YM-CY-00188-00049480-00052014 academic worlds lives and ideas QqIzV-YM-CY-00189-00052015-00052223 and with this slide we're shifting into QqIzV-YM-CY-00190-00052224-00052479 the dynamic cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00191-00052479-00052694 which is like the playlist that you QqIzV-YM-CY-00192-00052695-00052966 develop from that static really large QqIzV-YM-CY-00193-00052967-00053279 music collection really large academic QqIzV-YM-CY-00194-00053279-00053503 true and strong story that you've QqIzV-YM-CY-00195-00053504-00053638 collected QqIzV-YM-CY-00196-00053639-00053926 in a static cv so we're talking dynamic QqIzV-YM-CY-00197-00053927-00054150 here and in talking dynamic what you're QqIzV-YM-CY-00198-00054151-00054375 going to think about is how you pull QqIzV-YM-CY-00199-00054376-00054519 together QqIzV-YM-CY-00200-00054520-00054791 from that static material a dynamic QqIzV-YM-CY-00201-00054791-00055030 document that's developed to align with QqIzV-YM-CY-00202-00055032-00055366 the job post specifics the institutional QqIzV-YM-CY-00203-00055367-00055615 type and some linked context which might QqIzV-YM-CY-00204-00055616-00055823 include QqIzV-YM-CY-00205-00055824-00056103 the kinds of future directions that they QqIzV-YM-CY-00206-00056104-00056582 would like this candidate to be taking QqIzV-YM-CY-00207-00056583-00056823 in doing that cv organization again i QqIzV-YM-CY-00208-00056824-00057047 want to emphasize that how you pull QqIzV-YM-CY-00209-00057048-00057294 together this dynamic one QqIzV-YM-CY-00210-00057295-00057487 is QqIzV-YM-CY-00211-00057488-00057815 controlled is guided should be guided by QqIzV-YM-CY-00212-00057816-00058047 both the job advertisement and what you QqIzV-YM-CY-00213-00058048-00058335 can learn about the institution itself QqIzV-YM-CY-00214-00058336-00058566 is it a research university a community QqIzV-YM-CY-00215-00058567-00058799 college a liberal arts or comprehensive QqIzV-YM-CY-00216-00058800-00058935 university QqIzV-YM-CY-00217-00058936-00059119 within that carnegie QqIzV-YM-CY-00218-00059120-00059382 resource i shared you can even look for QqIzV-YM-CY-00219-00059383-00059638 specific institutions to find out more QqIzV-YM-CY-00220-00059639-00059871 about them so if i'm applying for a QqIzV-YM-CY-00221-00059872-00060119 research job at a research institution QqIzV-YM-CY-00222-00060120-00060350 or a research driven job i am going to QqIzV-YM-CY-00223-00060351-00060535 organize my cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00224-00060536-00060742 to tell the research story first and QqIzV-YM-CY-00225-00060744-00061015 address all the unique things about QqIzV-YM-CY-00226-00061016-00061206 research that that job QqIzV-YM-CY-00227-00061207-00061487 position announcement calls for then i'm QqIzV-YM-CY-00228-00061488-00061671 going to address teaching and then i'm QqIzV-YM-CY-00229-00061672-00061847 going to address service QqIzV-YM-CY-00230-00061848-00062006 if i'm applying for that community QqIzV-YM-CY-00231-00062007-00062247 college job i'm going to put my teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00232-00062248-00062471 up front and make sure i name in my QqIzV-YM-CY-00233-00062472-00062647 teaching the kinds of QqIzV-YM-CY-00234-00062648-00062830 responsibilities i've held that meet QqIzV-YM-CY-00235-00062832-00063082 their job requirements and their job QqIzV-YM-CY-00236-00063083-00063279 recommendations and then i'm going to QqIzV-YM-CY-00237-00063279-00065831 talk about service and research QqIzV-YM-CY-00238-00065832-00066079 because academic and non-academic QqIzV-YM-CY-00239-00066080-00066335 institutions fields and departments are QqIzV-YM-CY-00240-00066336-00066447 unique QqIzV-YM-CY-00241-00066448-00066663 there are cv variations QqIzV-YM-CY-00242-00066664-00066831 sometimes you'll be asked to submit a QqIzV-YM-CY-00243-00066832-00067031 business type resume QqIzV-YM-CY-00244-00067032-00067191 other times you'll be asked to submit QqIzV-YM-CY-00245-00067192-00067463 what are called industry seat industry QqIzV-YM-CY-00246-00067464-00067759 cvs or academic resumes QqIzV-YM-CY-00247-00067760-00067926 rather than get into the weeds here in QqIzV-YM-CY-00248-00067927-00068111 this presentation QqIzV-YM-CY-00249-00068112-00068335 and provide you with details of each QqIzV-YM-CY-00250-00068336-00068575 i've added targeted resources into the QqIzV-YM-CY-00251-00068576-00068782 resource document that you will be able QqIzV-YM-CY-00252-00068783-00068903 to access QqIzV-YM-CY-00253-00068904-00069103 in the google folder that accompanies QqIzV-YM-CY-00254-00069104-00070687 this presentation QqIzV-YM-CY-00255-00070688-00070935 for the remainder of this presentation QqIzV-YM-CY-00256-00070936-00071262 i'll share with you images cvs QqIzV-YM-CY-00257-00071263-00071455 these will help provide a quick visual QqIzV-YM-CY-00258-00071456-00071815 cue about key aspects of cv development QqIzV-YM-CY-00259-00071816-00072006 rather than have you scrutinize these QqIzV-YM-CY-00260-00072007-00072215 particular slides we have created that QqIzV-YM-CY-00261-00072216-00072494 google folder with resources to support QqIzV-YM-CY-00262-00072495-00072735 you in the development of your cvs QqIzV-YM-CY-00263-00072736-00072903 in that folder you will find three QqIzV-YM-CY-00264-00072904-00073087 examples that are linked to recent QqIzV-YM-CY-00265-00073088-00073382 successful searches conducted by recent QqIzV-YM-CY-00266-00073383-00073559 graduate students who've allowed us to QqIzV-YM-CY-00267-00073560-00073799 share their documents i've included that QqIzV-YM-CY-00268-00073800-00074094 url in a typed note here and i'll say it QqIzV-YM-CY-00269-00074095-00074255 aloud as well QqIzV-YM-CY-00270-00074256-00074503 the url is z QqIzV-YM-CY-00271-00074504-00074655 dot umn QqIzV-YM-CY-00272-00074656-00074823 dot edu QqIzV-YM-CY-00273-00074824-00074982 slash QqIzV-YM-CY-00274-00074983-00075150 cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00275-00075151-00075399 resources grad school QqIzV-YM-CY-00276-00075400-00075726 all of that is one word so again QqIzV-YM-CY-00277-00075727-00076126 z.umn.edu QqIzV-YM-CY-00278-00076127-00076391 followed by this phrases one word QqIzV-YM-CY-00279-00076392-00076503 cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00280-00076504-00077543 resources grad school QqIzV-YM-CY-00281-00077544-00077806 the next five slides set out some key QqIzV-YM-CY-00282-00077807-00078062 ideas the first of these is to create a QqIzV-YM-CY-00283-00078063-00078343 document that's easy to scan QqIzV-YM-CY-00284-00078344-00078519 and we mean that in two ways it needs to QqIzV-YM-CY-00285-00078520-00078767 be easy to scan visually and it also QqIzV-YM-CY-00286-00078768-00079062 needs to be easy to scan in QqIzV-YM-CY-00287-00079063-00079343 optical optical character recognition QqIzV-YM-CY-00288-00079344-00079550 converting something that might be a QqIzV-YM-CY-00289-00079551-00079823 photographic image or a pdf image into QqIzV-YM-CY-00290-00079824-00080103 something that can be scanned with QqIzV-YM-CY-00291-00080104-00080303 assistive technology QqIzV-YM-CY-00292-00080304-00080479 so you want to have a document that's QqIzV-YM-CY-00293-00080480-00080623 clean QqIzV-YM-CY-00294-00080624-00080959 the one on the left is an example of QqIzV-YM-CY-00295-00080960-00081159 something that you might find in an QqIzV-YM-CY-00296-00081160-00081375 academic resume on the right it's more QqIzV-YM-CY-00297-00081376-00081535 of a cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00298-00081536-00081759 in both cases the authors have tried to QqIzV-YM-CY-00299-00081760-00081991 set up something that my eyes or your QqIzV-YM-CY-00300-00081992-00082215 eyes can move down QqIzV-YM-CY-00301-00082216-00082375 it's easy to move there are ample QqIzV-YM-CY-00302-00082376-00082703 margins they've used 12 point type QqIzV-YM-CY-00303-00082704-00082943 and for the most part QqIzV-YM-CY-00304-00082944-00083167 they've put things together so that i QqIzV-YM-CY-00305-00083168-00083311 can add notes QqIzV-YM-CY-00306-00083312-00083567 those margins or if it's pdf document i QqIzV-YM-CY-00307-00083568-00083838 could add a sticky note of my own QqIzV-YM-CY-00308-00083839-00083975 they've also made sure that i can QqIzV-YM-CY-00309-00083976-00084143 distinguish between a heading for QqIzV-YM-CY-00310-00084144-00084255 education QqIzV-YM-CY-00311-00084256-00084503 and a subheading that might follow QqIzV-YM-CY-00312-00084504-00084703 they've also made sure that i can easily QqIzV-YM-CY-00313-00084704-00084918 find information about how to contact QqIzV-YM-CY-00314-00084919-00085206 the person and i know on the front page QqIzV-YM-CY-00315-00085207-00085431 what they think my position is about and QqIzV-YM-CY-00316-00085432-00085599 how they're tailoring or making this QqIzV-YM-CY-00317-00085600-00085943 dynamic document to suit those purposes QqIzV-YM-CY-00318-00085944-00086167 professional experience on the left is QqIzV-YM-CY-00319-00086168-00086294 right away QqIzV-YM-CY-00320-00086295-00086631 research experience higher up on QqIzV-YM-CY-00321-00086632-00086926 the document on the right QqIzV-YM-CY-00322-00086927-00087231 all of this makes it easy to scan QqIzV-YM-CY-00323-00087232-00087415 my eyes can move around on the front QqIzV-YM-CY-00324-00087416-00088238 page and take in basic information QqIzV-YM-CY-00325-00088239-00088438 and in these two documents i want to QqIzV-YM-CY-00326-00088439-00088647 call attention to the use of parallel QqIzV-YM-CY-00327-00088648-00088855 construction that is QqIzV-YM-CY-00328-00088856-00089055 the elements are the same for things QqIzV-YM-CY-00329-00089056-00089223 that are in common QqIzV-YM-CY-00330-00089224-00089423 on the left the writer sets up parallel QqIzV-YM-CY-00331-00089424-00089806 headings gray boxes and capital letters QqIzV-YM-CY-00332-00089807-00090006 underneath what's parallel are the ways QqIzV-YM-CY-00333-00090007-00090215 the person will set out their jobs a QqIzV-YM-CY-00334-00090216-00090431 description on the left the dates on the QqIzV-YM-CY-00335-00090432-00090791 right some key roles named on some key QqIzV-YM-CY-00336-00090792-00090975 achievements listed QqIzV-YM-CY-00337-00090976-00091167 overall this is more of a resume than a QqIzV-YM-CY-00338-00091168-00091343 cv document QqIzV-YM-CY-00339-00091344-00091631 on the right the writer uses a cv mode QqIzV-YM-CY-00340-00091632-00091950 and it's again careful QqIzV-YM-CY-00341-00091951-00092215 to set up parallel elements QqIzV-YM-CY-00342-00092216-00092431 they name the position QqIzV-YM-CY-00343-00092432-00092655 they name where it was they named the QqIzV-YM-CY-00344-00092656-00092879 place and again some attributes about QqIzV-YM-CY-00345-00092880-00093087 roles and responsibilities as well as QqIzV-YM-CY-00346-00093088-00093255 dates are listed QqIzV-YM-CY-00347-00093256-00093471 these constructions remain QqIzV-YM-CY-00348-00093472-00093638 the same throughout each of their QqIzV-YM-CY-00349-00093639-00093935 documents QqIzV-YM-CY-00350-00093936-00094199 let me add to this by pointing out that QqIzV-YM-CY-00351-00094200-00094382 both of these documents QqIzV-YM-CY-00352-00094383-00094535 show QqIzV-YM-CY-00353-00094536-00094759 a bit of a problem with scan QqIzV-YM-CY-00354-00094760-00095047 each has top margins that are too small QqIzV-YM-CY-00355-00095048-00095231 and right margins that are also too QqIzV-YM-CY-00356-00095232-00095582 small again it's probably better to have QqIzV-YM-CY-00357-00095583-00095974 a longer cv and let your readers have QqIzV-YM-CY-00358-00095975-00096191 a restful read as they scan your QqIzV-YM-CY-00359-00096192-00096911 document QqIzV-YM-CY-00360-00096912-00097126 location matters that's part of the QqIzV-YM-CY-00361-00097127-00097262 point in thinking about the QqIzV-YM-CY-00362-00097263-00097518 institutional type and the job search QqIzV-YM-CY-00363-00097519-00097767 and what it sets out the first thing QqIzV-YM-CY-00364-00097768-00097935 that's listed in a job search QqIzV-YM-CY-00365-00097936-00098167 advertisement is about teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00366-00098168-00098359 that's a cue that teaching is probably QqIzV-YM-CY-00367-00098360-00098647 what you want to put up top if it says QqIzV-YM-CY-00368-00098648-00098855 research that's the cue for putting QqIzV-YM-CY-00369-00098856-00099182 research again think about location QqIzV-YM-CY-00370-00099183-00099415 as you develop your cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00371-00099416-00099574 let's look at these two examples QqIzV-YM-CY-00372-00099575-00099726 specifically QqIzV-YM-CY-00373-00099727-00099943 the example on the left is meant to be QqIzV-YM-CY-00374-00099944-00100247 shared broadly within a research setting QqIzV-YM-CY-00375-00100248-00100406 the training through education and QqIzV-YM-CY-00376-00100407-00100687 research points are listed first and the QqIzV-YM-CY-00377-00100688-00100879 teaching experience follows to QqIzV-YM-CY-00378-00100880-00101055 demonstrate that this person will be a QqIzV-YM-CY-00379-00101056-00101231 quick starter in meeting the teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00380-00101232-00101438 role expectations QqIzV-YM-CY-00381-00101439-00101638 the writer tells us about her academic QqIzV-YM-CY-00382-00101639-00101847 experience and several different roles QqIzV-YM-CY-00383-00101848-00102094 she has taken to show the comprehensive QqIzV-YM-CY-00384-00102095-00102367 span of her academic experience QqIzV-YM-CY-00385-00102368-00102606 exactly what that advertised position QqIzV-YM-CY-00386-00102607-00102894 noted is required she's made sure to lay QqIzV-YM-CY-00387-00102895-00103094 those things out QqIzV-YM-CY-00388-00103095-00103254 from this the reader can turn to the QqIzV-YM-CY-00389-00103255-00103590 pages that follow for a fuller story QqIzV-YM-CY-00390-00103591-00103790 then one on the right puts a recently QqIzV-YM-CY-00391-00103791-00104047 completed funded project opportunity up QqIzV-YM-CY-00392-00104048-00104278 front with educational and teaching QqIzV-YM-CY-00393-00104279-00104534 experience on either side as this QqIzV-YM-CY-00394-00104535-00104678 position called for someone with QqIzV-YM-CY-00395-00104679-00104902 teaching experience who is also QqIzV-YM-CY-00396-00104903-00105086 positioned to take on research QqIzV-YM-CY-00397-00105088-00106102 responsibilities for an emerging project QqIzV-YM-CY-00398-00106103-00106278 where to write an informal heading for QqIzV-YM-CY-00399-00106279-00106686 this slide it would be use your words QqIzV-YM-CY-00400-00106688-00106871 the one on the left QqIzV-YM-CY-00401-00106872-00107071 is what most job search committees would QqIzV-YM-CY-00402-00107072-00107278 call a listi list QqIzV-YM-CY-00403-00107279-00107486 it works a bit like a listing of tracks QqIzV-YM-CY-00404-00107488-00107695 on a cd or a sequence of turns and QqIzV-YM-CY-00405-00107696-00107886 maneuvers you're following in a virtual QqIzV-YM-CY-00406-00107888-00108175 map the writer of the first document QqIzV-YM-CY-00407-00108176-00108327 uses their words in the program QqIzV-YM-CY-00408-00108328-00108615 development section about midway in the QqIzV-YM-CY-00409-00108616-00108734 view QqIzV-YM-CY-00410-00108735-00108951 but not so much elsewhere QqIzV-YM-CY-00411-00108952-00109166 and the parallel construction falls off QqIzV-YM-CY-00412-00109167-00109439 in the professional experience section QqIzV-YM-CY-00413-00109440-00109654 on either side of these two segments i QqIzV-YM-CY-00414-00109655-00109878 see only lists and not a person who's QqIzV-YM-CY-00415-00109879-00110071 doing or has done the work QqIzV-YM-CY-00416-00110072-00110263 as a reader i will have to think about QqIzV-YM-CY-00417-00110264-00110510 how i will have to think hard about how QqIzV-YM-CY-00418-00110511-00110807 and whether the items listed align with QqIzV-YM-CY-00419-00110808-00110958 the job call QqIzV-YM-CY-00420-00110959-00111207 with the example on the right a reader QqIzV-YM-CY-00421-00111208-00111534 might be thinking as i did oh that's QqIzV-YM-CY-00422-00111535-00111783 what he did and that would be useful QqIzV-YM-CY-00423-00111783-00111951 here QqIzV-YM-CY-00424-00111952-00112302 again use your words use strong verbs to QqIzV-YM-CY-00425-00112303-00112583 describe what you did QqIzV-YM-CY-00426-00112583-00112678 use QqIzV-YM-CY-00427-00112679-00112975 active language to show you doing the QqIzV-YM-CY-00428-00112976-00113063 work QqIzV-YM-CY-00429-00113064-00113254 and use parallel construction and an QqIzV-YM-CY-00430-00113255-00113454 easy scan to help people move through QqIzV-YM-CY-00431-00113455-00114166 and take in your story QqIzV-YM-CY-00432-00114167-00114439 and finally this would seem obvious but QqIzV-YM-CY-00433-00114440-00114599 it's not always QqIzV-YM-CY-00434-00114600-00114823 format entries for publications and QqIzV-YM-CY-00435-00114824-00115047 conference materials and other academic QqIzV-YM-CY-00436-00115048-00115286 materials you've created or co-created QqIzV-YM-CY-00437-00115288-00115599 as you would a citation in your field QqIzV-YM-CY-00438-00115600-00115790 as you make decisions about whether to QqIzV-YM-CY-00439-00115791-00115999 abbreviate journal titles or use QqIzV-YM-CY-00440-00116000-00116283 acronyms for organizations keep this in QqIzV-YM-CY-00441-00116283-00116575 mind most job search committees include QqIzV-YM-CY-00442-00116576-00116807 at least one person whose work is QqIzV-YM-CY-00443-00116808-00117047 outside whatever might be most relevant QqIzV-YM-CY-00444-00117048-00117375 in your field or your area of expertise QqIzV-YM-CY-00445-00117376-00117558 don't make them work too hard to make QqIzV-YM-CY-00446-00117559-00117815 sense of your academic story by giving QqIzV-YM-CY-00447-00117816-00118127 them a jargon filled listing alphabet QqIzV-YM-CY-00448-00118128-00118375 soup listing of organizations and QqIzV-YM-CY-00449-00118376-00119166 journal titles QqIzV-YM-CY-00450-00119167-00119454 as we close remember this whatever your QqIzV-YM-CY-00451-00119455-00119678 experience whatever document you're QqIzV-YM-CY-00452-00119679-00119790 creating QqIzV-YM-CY-00453-00119791-00119951 whether it's the whole musical QqIzV-YM-CY-00454-00119952-00120063 collection QqIzV-YM-CY-00455-00120064-00120271 in a static cv QqIzV-YM-CY-00456-00120272-00120551 or that more tailored playlist for a QqIzV-YM-CY-00457-00120552-00120895 dynamic cv in a specific context QqIzV-YM-CY-00458-00120896-00121071 you'll be writing a document that needs QqIzV-YM-CY-00459-00121072-00121286 to follow rhetorical conventions linked QqIzV-YM-CY-00460-00121288-00121454 to organization QqIzV-YM-CY-00461-00121455-00121607 and you'll need to be attentive to QqIzV-YM-CY-00462-00121608-00121839 making rhetorical choices QqIzV-YM-CY-00463-00121840-00122110 use your words do all of this to show QqIzV-YM-CY-00464-00122111-00122343 your audience who you are QqIzV-YM-CY-00465-00122344-00122614 by showing how your academic story QqIzV-YM-CY-00466-00122615-00124190 aligns with that job posting QqIzV-YM-CY-00467-00124191-00124400 you QuPH2y1bDB0-00000-00000664-00001453 [Music] QuPH2y1bDB0-00001-00001454-00002711 [Music] QuPH2y1bDB0-00003-00005900-00008110 foreign foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00004-00008111-00011069 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00005-00011070-00012496 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00007-00017328-00018113 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00008-00018114-00020027 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00012-00033308-00033479 the team QuPH2y1bDB0-00013-00033480-00034683 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00015-00039474-00040568 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00016-00040569-00041966 [Music] QuPH2y1bDB0-00018-00049466-00052054 foreign foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00020-00055164-00056704 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00024-00075576-00078347 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00029-00101330-00103796 foreign foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00031-00107429-00110416 foreign QuPH2y1bDB0-00034-00117754-00118536 [Music] QuPH2y1bDB0-00035-00118538-00118764 [Music] QwickXKjnl0-00000-00000105-00001100 [Music] QwickXKjnl0-00001-00001101-00001433 [Applause] QwickXKjnl0-00002-00001434-00001702 [Music] QwickXKjnl0-00003-00001703-00001847 hello everyone QwickXKjnl0-00004-00001848-00002223 i welcome you all for today's class QwickXKjnl0-00005-00002224-00002487 i hope that you got the opportunity to QwickXKjnl0-00006-00002488-00002558 go through QwickXKjnl0-00007-00002559-00002926 the last class the where i discussed QwickXKjnl0-00008-00002927-00003158 some aspects of asymmetric epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00009-00003159-00003390 so we will briefly look at QwickXKjnl0-00010-00003392-00003638 what we did in the last class and then QwickXKjnl0-00011-00003639-00003783 proceed further QwickXKjnl0-00012-00003784-00004127 for other aspects of asymmetric QwickXKjnl0-00013-00004128-00004454 reactions last time we discussed the QwickXKjnl0-00014-00004455-00004615 shabbos epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00015-00004616-00004951 and as i told you that if QwickXKjnl0-00016-00004952-00005351 we have an allylic alcohol which is QwickXKjnl0-00017-00005352-00005679 a pro chiral molecule and then QwickXKjnl0-00018-00005680-00005991 we can epoxidize that QwickXKjnl0-00019-00005992-00006327 using a protocol developed by sharpness QwickXKjnl0-00020-00006328-00006559 namely that it involves tertiary QwickXKjnl0-00021-00006559-00006695 hydroperoxide QwickXKjnl0-00022-00006695-00007095 titanium isopropoxide and of course QwickXKjnl0-00023-00007095-00007406 molecular sieves to remove water or QwickXKjnl0-00024-00007408-00007559 isopropanol QwickXKjnl0-00025-00007559-00007910 and the main reagent that is required QwickXKjnl0-00026-00007911-00008174 which that guides the enhanced QwickXKjnl0-00027-00008175-00008263 selectivity QwickXKjnl0-00028-00008264-00008583 is a diethyl data rate optically active QwickXKjnl0-00029-00008584-00008927 formed ah if we take l plus QwickXKjnl0-00030-00008928-00009278 d t and orient the QwickXKjnl0-00031-00009279-00009599 allelic alcohol in this fashion where we QwickXKjnl0-00032-00009600-00009735 have the double bond QwickXKjnl0-00033-00009736-00009983 like a vertically oriented and then on QwickXKjnl0-00034-00009984-00010119 the right hand side QwickXKjnl0-00035-00010120-00010367 on from the lower part of it we have the QwickXKjnl0-00036-00010368-00010471 ch2oh QwickXKjnl0-00037-00010472-00010783 like this then of course the QwickXKjnl0-00038-00010784-00011110 l plus d t allows the epoxidation to QwickXKjnl0-00039-00011111-00011246 take place from the QwickXKjnl0-00040-00011247-00011591 alpha side as you can see it here QwickXKjnl0-00041-00011592-00011927 on the other hand if we take d QwickXKjnl0-00042-00011928-00012270 minus di delta alterate then of course QwickXKjnl0-00043-00012271-00012519 we get the epoxidation from the QwickXKjnl0-00044-00012520-00012894 beta side and we discussed in detail QwickXKjnl0-00045-00012895-00013294 how the mechanism allows the QwickXKjnl0-00046-00013295-00013686 formation of these epoxides in a highly QwickXKjnl0-00047-00013687-00013975 stereo selective fashion and obviously QwickXKjnl0-00048-00013976-00014015 ah QwickXKjnl0-00049-00014016-00014415 they give enantiomerically pure epoxide QwickXKjnl0-00050-00014416-00014775 and we also looked at how QwickXKjnl0-00051-00014776-00015022 if we start with a molecule that QwickXKjnl0-00052-00015023-00015238 contains an asymmetric center QwickXKjnl0-00053-00015240-00015558 and of course we can resolve them in a QwickXKjnl0-00054-00015559-00015703 kinetic fashion QwickXKjnl0-00055-00015704-00016030 so i have shown here the mechanism which QwickXKjnl0-00056-00016031-00016375 i need not emphasize too much but just QwickXKjnl0-00057-00016376-00016639 to as a recap as you can see that the QwickXKjnl0-00058-00016640-00016743 tertiary brittle QwickXKjnl0-00059-00016744-00017047 hydroperoxide attaches ah from the QwickXKjnl0-00060-00017048-00017191 equatorial side QwickXKjnl0-00061-00017192-00017535 first to the titanium and then it has a QwickXKjnl0-00062-00017536-00017615 choice QwickXKjnl0-00063-00017616-00017935 to attach the tertiary butyl oxy QwickXKjnl0-00064-00017936-00018279 ah this particular moiety QwickXKjnl0-00065-00018280-00018558 to the titanium from the lower side or QwickXKjnl0-00066-00018559-00018679 from the top side QwickXKjnl0-00067-00018680-00018935 but since in the dimeric species we have QwickXKjnl0-00068-00018936-00019103 the ester moiety here QwickXKjnl0-00069-00019104-00019463 which is beta oriented and therefore the QwickXKjnl0-00070-00019464-00019814 titanium oxygen tertial bond formation QwickXKjnl0-00071-00019815-00020094 occurs from the alpha side and that QwickXKjnl0-00072-00020095-00020207 decides QwickXKjnl0-00073-00020208-00020535 the that the allelic alcohol attaches QwickXKjnl0-00074-00020536-00020783 from the beta side and therefore QwickXKjnl0-00075-00020784-00020950 epoxidation occurs QwickXKjnl0-00076-00020951-00021175 to the double bond which is oriented in QwickXKjnl0-00077-00021176-00021278 this fashion QwickXKjnl0-00078-00021279-00021543 from the alpha side and that leads to QwickXKjnl0-00079-00021544-00021591 the QwickXKjnl0-00080-00021592-00021863 formation of the product like this and QwickXKjnl0-00081-00021864-00021894 which QwickXKjnl0-00082-00021895-00022127 can be written up by simply rotation in QwickXKjnl0-00083-00022128-00022303 the plane of the paper QwickXKjnl0-00084-00022304-00022535 to give this particular product and QwickXKjnl0-00085-00022536-00022630 exactly QwickXKjnl0-00086-00022631-00022958 opposite of that occurs when we take the QwickXKjnl0-00087-00022959-00023286 d minus d t and of course we get the QwickXKjnl0-00088-00023287-00023350 product QwickXKjnl0-00089-00023351-00023583 like this because the tertiary beta QwickXKjnl0-00090-00023584-00023791 hydroperoxide now attacks QwickXKjnl0-00091-00023792-00024142 attaches from the top side that means QwickXKjnl0-00092-00024143-00024399 once the titanium oxygen bond of the QwickXKjnl0-00093-00024400-00024558 ship butyl hydroperoxide has QwickXKjnl0-00094-00024559-00024847 taken place from the equatorial side the QwickXKjnl0-00095-00024848-00024894 other QwickXKjnl0-00096-00024895-00025158 oxygen and the ship it will that QwickXKjnl0-00097-00025159-00025278 particular bond QwickXKjnl0-00098-00025279-00025599 the oxygen ah the attachment takes this QwickXKjnl0-00099-00025600-00025927 opposite side to the QwickXKjnl0-00100-00025927-00026239 the um side from where QwickXKjnl0-00101-00026239-00026455 the allyl alcohol will attach and that QwickXKjnl0-00102-00026456-00026646 of course as i mentioned depends upon QwickXKjnl0-00103-00026647-00026862 the ester group of the dimeric species QwickXKjnl0-00104-00026863-00027087 and in this particular case when we are QwickXKjnl0-00105-00027088-00027223 dealing with d minus QwickXKjnl0-00106-00027224-00027495 that will iterate the tertiary brittle o QwickXKjnl0-00107-00027495-00027574 bond QwickXKjnl0-00108-00027575-00027735 attachment occurs from the top and QwickXKjnl0-00109-00027736-00028007 therefore the allelic alcohol attaches QwickXKjnl0-00110-00028008-00028158 from the alpha side QwickXKjnl0-00111-00028160-00028518 and therefore the ah oxidation occurs QwickXKjnl0-00112-00028519-00028607 from the QwickXKjnl0-00113-00028608-00028879 beta side like this which leads to the QwickXKjnl0-00114-00028880-00029095 formation of this particular QwickXKjnl0-00115-00029095-00029358 epoxy alcohol which is exactly opposite QwickXKjnl0-00116-00029360-00029551 from the QwickXKjnl0-00117-00029552-00029862 product that we have got from l plus d QwickXKjnl0-00118-00029863-00030183 t now we come to the kinetic resolution QwickXKjnl0-00119-00030183-00030255 part QwickXKjnl0-00120-00030256-00030462 we need not spend much time we already QwickXKjnl0-00121-00030463-00030558 have seen QwickXKjnl0-00122-00030560-00030902 that if we take l plus d t for example QwickXKjnl0-00123-00030903-00031239 l plus d t as the QwickXKjnl0-00124-00031239-00031551 tartarate ester QwickXKjnl0-00125-00031552-00031958 then of course the two racemic molecules QwickXKjnl0-00126-00031960-00032095 which are here QwickXKjnl0-00127-00032095-00032502 the because of the group r1 QwickXKjnl0-00128-00032503-00032846 they exist in racemic form and we are QwickXKjnl0-00129-00032847-00033055 taking a racemic molecule QwickXKjnl0-00130-00033056-00033318 and then we are trying to react it with QwickXKjnl0-00131-00033319-00033446 l plus QwickXKjnl0-00132-00033447-00033783 dt and of course that name isopropoxide QwickXKjnl0-00133-00033784-00033974 intestinal hydroperoxide QwickXKjnl0-00134-00033975-00034295 the one in which the r1 group is away QwickXKjnl0-00135-00034296-00034455 from the ester group QwickXKjnl0-00136-00034456-00034655 in the transition state that gets QwickXKjnl0-00137-00034656-00034935 epoxidized faster and therefore QwickXKjnl0-00138-00034936-00035287 we get this particular epoxy alcohol and QwickXKjnl0-00139-00035288-00035567 this particular allylic alcohol remains QwickXKjnl0-00140-00035568-00035767 unreacted QwickXKjnl0-00141-00035768-00036023 so this is how we can do the kinetic QwickXKjnl0-00142-00036024-00036255 resolution as i mentioned earlier QwickXKjnl0-00143-00036256-00036551 that if we allow the reaction to go for QwickXKjnl0-00144-00036552-00036599 a longer QwickXKjnl0-00145-00036600-00036911 time then of course the both the allelic QwickXKjnl0-00146-00036912-00037118 alcohols will get epoxidized so that is QwickXKjnl0-00147-00037119-00037215 the reason QwickXKjnl0-00148-00037216-00037479 why it is called as a kinetic resolution QwickXKjnl0-00149-00037480-00037687 because it all depends upon QwickXKjnl0-00150-00037688-00038015 which allelic alcohol reacts faster QwickXKjnl0-00151-00038016-00038359 we also looked at the utility of the QwickXKjnl0-00152-00038360-00038518 epoxides QwickXKjnl0-00153-00038519-00038887 basically via the epoxide ring opening QwickXKjnl0-00154-00038888-00039215 now if we can look at the epoxy alcohol QwickXKjnl0-00155-00039216-00039295 we see QwickXKjnl0-00156-00039296-00039543 there are three sites where the QwickXKjnl0-00157-00039544-00039790 nucleophile can attack QwickXKjnl0-00158-00039791-00040023 that is carbon number one carbon number QwickXKjnl0-00159-00040024-00040215 two and carbon number three QwickXKjnl0-00160-00040216-00040527 and we looked at all the possibilities QwickXKjnl0-00161-00040528-00040879 including the pain rearrangement where QwickXKjnl0-00162-00040880-00041246 we could transpose the internal epoxide QwickXKjnl0-00163-00041247-00041551 into a terminal epoxide and then the QwickXKjnl0-00164-00041552-00041615 reaction QwickXKjnl0-00165-00041616-00041871 easily occurs at the terminal end of the QwickXKjnl0-00166-00041872-00042062 epoxide because that is sterically less QwickXKjnl0-00167-00042063-00042158 hindered QwickXKjnl0-00168-00042159-00042390 and therefore the sn2 reaction takes QwickXKjnl0-00169-00042391-00042574 place as i have shown it here QwickXKjnl0-00170-00042575-00042823 so if we start with this epoxy alcohol QwickXKjnl0-00171-00042824-00042974 under the base condition QwickXKjnl0-00172-00042975-00043279 basic conditions here o h minus ah QwickXKjnl0-00173-00043280-00043583 water tertiary butanol medium we get the QwickXKjnl0-00174-00043584-00043774 epoxide which is the terminal one and QwickXKjnl0-00175-00043775-00043911 then the nucleophile QwickXKjnl0-00176-00043912-00044095 in this particular case will be o h QwickXKjnl0-00177-00044096-00044287 minus but any other nucleophile we QwickXKjnl0-00178-00044288-00044399 discuss like QwickXKjnl0-00179-00044400-00044702 thiols or amine then they can attack on QwickXKjnl0-00180-00044703-00044895 to this end of the QwickXKjnl0-00181-00044896-00045223 epoxide and form this particular QwickXKjnl0-00182-00045224-00045462 diol with a nucleophile being there at QwickXKjnl0-00183-00045463-00045655 the terminal end of the epoxide and QwickXKjnl0-00184-00045656-00045743 eventually QwickXKjnl0-00185-00045744-00046087 we get this product so like this QwickXKjnl0-00186-00046088-00046415 one can easily ah transform the QwickXKjnl0-00187-00046416-00046702 epoxy alcohol which is almost 100 QwickXKjnl0-00188-00046703-00046799 optically pure QwickXKjnl0-00189-00046800-00047079 into a large number of different types QwickXKjnl0-00190-00047080-00047215 of molecules which are QwickXKjnl0-00191-00047216-00047551 highly functionalized molecules QwickXKjnl0-00192-00047552-00047935 now so far we discussed the epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00193-00047936-00048351 of allelic alcohol so in the in the QwickXKjnl0-00194-00048352-00048599 epoxidation or using sharpness QwickXKjnl0-00195-00048600-00048735 conditions QwickXKjnl0-00196-00048736-00049079 the requirement was that allahic alcohol QwickXKjnl0-00197-00049080-00049423 is a must that means the QwickXKjnl0-00198-00049424-00049639 o h group has to be at the allergic QwickXKjnl0-00199-00049640-00049871 position and very close to the QwickXKjnl0-00200-00049872-00050158 double bond it has been found that they QwickXKjnl0-00201-00050159-00050423 also have studied the epoxy QwickXKjnl0-00202-00050424-00050767 epoxidation of homolylic alcohol QwickXKjnl0-00203-00050768-00051071 but of course the epoxidation ah drops QwickXKjnl0-00204-00051072-00051151 down QwickXKjnl0-00205-00051152-00051487 because the ah attachment to uh the QwickXKjnl0-00206-00051488-00051614 titanium of this QwickXKjnl0-00207-00051615-00051942 o h group ah allows QwickXKjnl0-00208-00051944-00052230 the transfer of the oxygen from tertiary QwickXKjnl0-00209-00052232-00052366 hydro peroxide QwickXKjnl0-00210-00052367-00052559 on a double bond which is one more QwickXKjnl0-00211-00052560-00052894 carbon away from the allelic alcohol so QwickXKjnl0-00212-00052895-00053207 the possibility of high QwickXKjnl0-00213-00053208-00053630 stereo selectivity is ah somewhat less QwickXKjnl0-00214-00053632-00054015 ah worst is or even more difficult is QwickXKjnl0-00215-00054016-00054407 is epoxidation of such kind of olefins QwickXKjnl0-00216-00054408-00054726 which are not functionalized and how to QwickXKjnl0-00217-00054727-00054903 carry out epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00218-00054904-00055287 to give the epoxide either this QwickXKjnl0-00219-00055288-00055607 or this they are basically enantiomers QwickXKjnl0-00220-00055608-00055750 of each other QwickXKjnl0-00221-00055751-00056119 now in this respect katsuki QwickXKjnl0-00222-00056120-00056575 and jacobson have almost the same time QwickXKjnl0-00223-00056576-00056926 developed method uh of epoxidation of QwickXKjnl0-00224-00056927-00057263 these olefins using chiral QwickXKjnl0-00225-00057264-00057575 cell and complexes this is a chiral cell QwickXKjnl0-00226-00057576-00057607 and QwickXKjnl0-00227-00057608-00057815 complex of course these kind of QwickXKjnl0-00228-00057816-00057966 complexes were QwickXKjnl0-00229-00057967-00058303 originally described by QwickXKjnl0-00230-00058304-00058719 kochi however the asymmetric question QwickXKjnl0-00231-00058720-00059063 has now been developed by katsuki and QwickXKjnl0-00232-00059064-00059182 jacobson QwickXKjnl0-00233-00059183-00059599 so um as you can see it here you we have QwickXKjnl0-00234-00059600-00059863 the assailant complex in which if you QwickXKjnl0-00235-00059864-00059935 look at the QwickXKjnl0-00236-00059936-00060238 this particular part on the QwickXKjnl0-00237-00060239-00060530 aromatic part here this is basically a QwickXKjnl0-00238-00060532-00060654 salicylide QwickXKjnl0-00239-00060655-00060991 derivative and if we look at the QwickXKjnl0-00240-00060991-00061215 upper part that is this particular part QwickXKjnl0-00241-00061216-00061342 here QwickXKjnl0-00242-00061344-00061606 this particular part comes from the c QwickXKjnl0-00243-00061607-00061823 two symmetry based QwickXKjnl0-00244-00061824-00062247 chiral amine so what we have here is QwickXKjnl0-00245-00062248-00062606 here you have nh2 and here also you have QwickXKjnl0-00246-00062607-00062719 an nh2 QwickXKjnl0-00247-00062720-00062959 and of course you have hydrogen here QwickXKjnl0-00248-00062960-00063079 which is beta QwickXKjnl0-00249-00063079-00063382 and the hydrogen here is alpha so you QwickXKjnl0-00250-00063383-00063454 have a QwickXKjnl0-00251-00063455-00063782 c2 symmetry basically so such QwickXKjnl0-00252-00063783-00064159 c2 symmetry based one two diamines QwickXKjnl0-00253-00064160-00064438 also have been utilized to prepare such QwickXKjnl0-00254-00064439-00064694 a complex and this complex QwickXKjnl0-00255-00064695-00065103 ah then when it is present QwickXKjnl0-00256-00065104-00065454 having a manganese at the QwickXKjnl0-00257-00065455-00065799 core then of course the oxo QwickXKjnl0-00258-00065800-00066167 manganese complex allows the QwickXKjnl0-00259-00066168-00066463 oxidation to take place we will study QwickXKjnl0-00260-00066464-00066647 the mechanistic aspects QwickXKjnl0-00261-00066648-00066950 ah in detail now QwickXKjnl0-00262-00066951-00067279 how do we make this kind of ah QwickXKjnl0-00263-00067280-00067567 cell and complex or and how do we QwickXKjnl0-00264-00067568-00067679 incorporate the QwickXKjnl0-00265-00067680-00068023 metal manganese into it first of all we QwickXKjnl0-00266-00068024-00068335 we start with this ah c two symmetric QwickXKjnl0-00267-00068336-00068487 based diamine QwickXKjnl0-00268-00068488-00068743 and we take the tertiary butanol and as QwickXKjnl0-00269-00068744-00068879 i have written here QwickXKjnl0-00270-00068880-00069150 we mix them together in the presence of QwickXKjnl0-00271-00069151-00069326 potassium carbonate QwickXKjnl0-00272-00069327-00069767 and of course water ethanol we remove QwickXKjnl0-00273-00069768-00069982 basically it allows the condensation to QwickXKjnl0-00274-00069983-00070071 take place QwickXKjnl0-00275-00070072-00070382 and we get this particular ah QwickXKjnl0-00276-00070383-00070687 molecule as you can see two QwickXKjnl0-00277-00070688-00071023 ah molecules of salicyldehyde derivative QwickXKjnl0-00278-00071024-00071335 have reacted with the primary amine and QwickXKjnl0-00279-00071336-00071615 of course we got the immune com amin QwickXKjnl0-00280-00071616-00071903 immuno molecule which upon reaction with QwickXKjnl0-00281-00071904-00071991 manganese QwickXKjnl0-00282-00071992-00072311 triacetate at 80 degrees in the presence QwickXKjnl0-00283-00072312-00072367 of QwickXKjnl0-00284-00072368-00072815 sodium chloride we get here manganese 3 QwickXKjnl0-00285-00072816-00073182 and such a complex is formed which can QwickXKjnl0-00286-00073183-00073606 now be oxidized to the corresponding QwickXKjnl0-00287-00073607-00073959 oxo complex here ah using QwickXKjnl0-00288-00073960-00074287 an oxidant such as sodium hypochlorite QwickXKjnl0-00289-00074288-00074711 or iodoso benzene QwickXKjnl0-00290-00074712-00075047 as oxidant and of course this exists QwickXKjnl0-00291-00075048-00075382 in the manganese 5 form now this is the QwickXKjnl0-00292-00075383-00075423 one QwickXKjnl0-00293-00075424-00075823 that is utilized for the epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00294-00075824-00076199 of olefins which are unfunctionalized QwickXKjnl0-00295-00076200-00076503 now how do we get this particular QwickXKjnl0-00296-00076504-00076775 molecule here there are several methods QwickXKjnl0-00297-00076776-00076903 that have been QwickXKjnl0-00298-00076904-00077119 developed in the recent past but one of QwickXKjnl0-00299-00077120-00077350 the oldest ones is that we can start QwickXKjnl0-00300-00077351-00077438 with a QwickXKjnl0-00301-00077439-00077799 racemic molecule of course it has to be QwickXKjnl0-00302-00077800-00078103 a trans oriented but then it would be QwickXKjnl0-00303-00078104-00078591 a mixture of this and QwickXKjnl0-00304-00078592-00078950 the it's enantiomer so we have mixture QwickXKjnl0-00305-00078951-00079071 of these QwickXKjnl0-00306-00079072-00079415 and this so this is how it QwickXKjnl0-00307-00079416-00079679 is here uh i have not shown any QwickXKjnl0-00308-00079680-00079823 stereochemistry here but QwickXKjnl0-00309-00079824-00080167 we ex we mean that this is going to be QwickXKjnl0-00310-00080168-00080479 a mixture of these two enantiomers as a QwickXKjnl0-00311-00080480-00080638 racemic molecule QwickXKjnl0-00312-00080639-00080894 and when this is treated with dietary QwickXKjnl0-00313-00080895-00080999 acid which is an QwickXKjnl0-00314-00081000-00081382 optically active ah dye acid QwickXKjnl0-00315-00081383-00081687 that allows the resolution to take place QwickXKjnl0-00316-00081688-00081831 and QwickXKjnl0-00317-00081832-00082167 we get of course one of them coming out QwickXKjnl0-00318-00082168-00082294 as a crystal QwickXKjnl0-00319-00082295-00082615 which we can recrystallize QwickXKjnl0-00320-00082616-00082975 and separate out and then we can QwickXKjnl0-00321-00082976-00083255 kind of specify it in order to release QwickXKjnl0-00322-00083256-00083382 the corresponding QwickXKjnl0-00323-00083383-00083711 free amine that is what is utilized here QwickXKjnl0-00324-00083712-00083935 but then there are several methods which QwickXKjnl0-00325-00083936-00084038 can be employed QwickXKjnl0-00326-00084039-00084247 to get to this particular one two QwickXKjnl0-00327-00084248-00084494 diamine QwickXKjnl0-00328-00084495-00084815 now ah how do we get the corresponding QwickXKjnl0-00329-00084816-00084943 aldehyde this is a QwickXKjnl0-00330-00084944-00085231 a little bit of a little difficult QwickXKjnl0-00331-00085232-00085511 aldehyde or salicylide height to get it QwickXKjnl0-00332-00085512-00085815 but one of the ways by which we can QwickXKjnl0-00333-00085816-00085894 introduce QwickXKjnl0-00334-00085895-00086262 the aldehyde group into an aromatic QwickXKjnl0-00335-00086263-00086335 molecule QwickXKjnl0-00336-00086336-00086671 is by reacting the QwickXKjnl0-00337-00086672-00087079 aromatic moiety with hexamethylene QwickXKjnl0-00338-00087080-00087494 tetramine so hexamethyltetramine has QwickXKjnl0-00339-00087495-00087750 this cyclic structure as you can see QwickXKjnl0-00340-00087751-00087838 there are four QwickXKjnl0-00341-00087839-00088191 nitrogens and six methylene QwickXKjnl0-00342-00088192-00088511 groups which are present when the QwickXKjnl0-00343-00088512-00088831 phenol which is already substituted at QwickXKjnl0-00344-00088832-00088887 the QwickXKjnl0-00345-00088888-00089118 proper position is allowed to react with QwickXKjnl0-00346-00089119-00089262 this exomethylene QwickXKjnl0-00347-00089263-00089550 tetramine ah in the presence of acetic QwickXKjnl0-00348-00089551-00089782 acid at 130 degrees followed by of QwickXKjnl0-00349-00089783-00089959 course hydrolysis QwickXKjnl0-00350-00089960-00090262 using sulphuric acid and in degrees QwickXKjnl0-00351-00090263-00090575 we get the corresponding aldehyde now QwickXKjnl0-00352-00090576-00090879 ah what exactly is the mechanism and how QwickXKjnl0-00353-00090880-00090991 does this QwickXKjnl0-00354-00090992-00091367 act as a source of ah formal group QwickXKjnl0-00355-00091368-00091606 is something that is shown here if we QwickXKjnl0-00356-00091607-00091894 take this ah hexameter intertramine QwickXKjnl0-00357-00091895-00092191 and it gets protonated ah it can get QwickXKjnl0-00358-00092192-00092406 protonated at any position but we are QwickXKjnl0-00359-00092407-00092655 writing it here on the top so QwickXKjnl0-00360-00092656-00093047 we protonate this and we form this QwickXKjnl0-00361-00093048-00093462 ammonium ion and then we have this QwickXKjnl0-00362-00093463-00093774 pair of electrons here which allow QwickXKjnl0-00363-00093775-00094038 the opening of the particular carbon QwickXKjnl0-00364-00094039-00094238 nitrogen bond which is QwickXKjnl0-00365-00094239-00094543 next to the ammonium ion and then you QwickXKjnl0-00366-00094544-00094687 generate this particular QwickXKjnl0-00367-00094688-00094999 species in which now we have this QwickXKjnl0-00368-00095000-00095262 electrophilic carbon here and therefore QwickXKjnl0-00369-00095263-00095567 the aromatic group will attack and then QwickXKjnl0-00370-00095568-00095911 we get this particular part QwickXKjnl0-00371-00095912-00096262 where now the aromatic group has QwickXKjnl0-00372-00096263-00096447 attached to the QwickXKjnl0-00373-00096448-00096782 hexamethylene tetramine and of course it QwickXKjnl0-00374-00096783-00096926 re QwickXKjnl0-00375-00096927-00097279 gains the aromaticity and we get this QwickXKjnl0-00376-00097280-00097462 particular molecule QwickXKjnl0-00377-00097463-00097823 and this molecule which is now basically QwickXKjnl0-00378-00097824-00098199 an ortho substituted ah QwickXKjnl0-00379-00098200-00098615 amine which will now get QwickXKjnl0-00380-00098616-00098991 reprotonated onto this particular QwickXKjnl0-00381-00098992-00099350 nitrogen atom and we can push this QwickXKjnl0-00382-00099351-00099711 out from here as you can see it here QwickXKjnl0-00383-00099712-00100062 then we can push it out and neutralize QwickXKjnl0-00384-00100063-00100215 the positive charge QwickXKjnl0-00385-00100216-00100526 generating this species which is now QwickXKjnl0-00386-00100527-00100599 having QwickXKjnl0-00387-00100600-00100959 an electrophilic carbon present at this QwickXKjnl0-00388-00100960-00101271 position and now we have QwickXKjnl0-00389-00101272-00101647 a very uh kind of vulnerable QwickXKjnl0-00390-00101648-00101974 carbon hydrogen bonds two of them QwickXKjnl0-00391-00101975-00102262 one is it is benzylic carbon and second QwickXKjnl0-00392-00102263-00102454 is it is next to the nitrogen QwickXKjnl0-00393-00102455-00102758 and therefore it is ready to undergo QwickXKjnl0-00394-00102759-00103158 a kind of ah QwickXKjnl0-00395-00103159-00103478 hydride transfer to ah form QwickXKjnl0-00396-00103479-00103918 the methyl group here and neutralize the QwickXKjnl0-00397-00103919-00104158 positive charge on the nitrogen and of QwickXKjnl0-00398-00104159-00104230 course you QwickXKjnl0-00399-00104231-00104654 generate this ammonium ion QwickXKjnl0-00400-00104655-00105031 and this can be hydrolyzed QwickXKjnl0-00401-00105032-00105263 that is what is the next step sulfuric QwickXKjnl0-00402-00105264-00105334 acid QwickXKjnl0-00403-00105335-00105599 ah in the presence of water hydrolyzes QwickXKjnl0-00404-00105600-00105727 and releases QwickXKjnl0-00405-00105728-00106054 the corresponding aldehyde and of course QwickXKjnl0-00406-00106055-00106358 you can get the the amine which is QwickXKjnl0-00407-00106359-00106663 released from hexa methylene QwickXKjnl0-00408-00106664-00106983 tetramine so this is how the mechanism QwickXKjnl0-00409-00106983-00107358 of the transfer of aldehyde QwickXKjnl0-00410-00107359-00107686 occurs on to the aromatic ring system QwickXKjnl0-00411-00107688-00108054 using hexamethylene tetramine QwickXKjnl0-00412-00108055-00108407 now if we take this particular QwickXKjnl0-00413-00108408-00108710 amine we get this complex in which we QwickXKjnl0-00414-00108711-00108790 have the QwickXKjnl0-00415-00108791-00109207 configuration here as ss and if we take QwickXKjnl0-00416-00109208-00109390 this particular amine then of course we QwickXKjnl0-00417-00109391-00109534 have exactly opposite QwickXKjnl0-00418-00109535-00109886 we have this rr configurated QwickXKjnl0-00419-00109888-00110215 oxo manganese complex QwickXKjnl0-00420-00110216-00110543 ah in addition to this particular cyclo QwickXKjnl0-00421-00110544-00110871 cyclic means QwickXKjnl0-00422-00110872-00111199 these amines also have been employed QwickXKjnl0-00423-00111200-00111527 and they can also be readily prepared QwickXKjnl0-00424-00111528-00111823 by kinetic resolution method or many QwickXKjnl0-00425-00111824-00111886 other QwickXKjnl0-00426-00111888-00112199 chemical methods so again we QwickXKjnl0-00427-00112200-00112583 have two possibilities we have here rr QwickXKjnl0-00428-00112583-00112886 giving us this complex and ss QwickXKjnl0-00429-00112888-00113158 giving us this particular complex so QwickXKjnl0-00430-00113159-00113271 these are the four QwickXKjnl0-00431-00113272-00113607 different types of ah oxo QwickXKjnl0-00432-00113608-00113943 complexes that have been employed in the QwickXKjnl0-00433-00113944-00114263 katsuki jacobson epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00434-00114264-00114615 of course you can see that substituents QwickXKjnl0-00435-00114616-00114671 could be QwickXKjnl0-00436-00114672-00114895 different like here they have put two QwickXKjnl0-00437-00114896-00115071 methyls and then you have a tertiary QwickXKjnl0-00438-00115072-00115183 butyl QwickXKjnl0-00439-00115183-00115343 but in this case there are tertiary QwickXKjnl0-00440-00115344-00115551 butyl so one can play QwickXKjnl0-00441-00115552-00115831 with with the substituents which are QwickXKjnl0-00442-00115832-00115951 present QwickXKjnl0-00443-00115952-00116199 ah onto the aromatic ring particularly QwickXKjnl0-00444-00116200-00116351 at the ortho and the QwickXKjnl0-00445-00116352-00116695 para position next to ah compared to the QwickXKjnl0-00446-00116696-00117023 hydroxy group and QwickXKjnl0-00447-00117024-00117231 these lead to a variety of different QwickXKjnl0-00448-00117232-00117454 possibilities and therefore QwickXKjnl0-00449-00117455-00117807 we can impose static hindrance QwickXKjnl0-00450-00117808-00118263 or electronic factors into it QwickXKjnl0-00451-00118264-00118575 now if we try and look at the um this QwickXKjnl0-00452-00118576-00118678 particular QwickXKjnl0-00453-00118679-00119015 oxo complex for the epoxidation of QwickXKjnl0-00454-00119016-00119343 simple olefin like this ah QwickXKjnl0-00455-00119344-00119671 then what we see that QwickXKjnl0-00456-00119672-00120007 the epoxidation is QwickXKjnl0-00457-00120008-00120343 possible from four different sites so if QwickXKjnl0-00458-00120344-00120486 this is the manganese QwickXKjnl0-00459-00120488-00120814 oxocomplex which is there so QwickXKjnl0-00460-00120815-00120990 which is kind of orthogonal the QwickXKjnl0-00461-00120991-00121247 manganese oxygen bond is orthogonal QwickXKjnl0-00462-00121248-00121583 ah to the plane of the entire molecule QwickXKjnl0-00463-00121583-00121999 and then the olefin can attack QwickXKjnl0-00464-00122000-00122334 ah from either say QwickXKjnl0-00465-00122335-00122551 this side from the top side which is QwickXKjnl0-00466-00122552-00122727 which i have referred as d QwickXKjnl0-00467-00122728-00123054 side or it can be from the b side or it QwickXKjnl0-00468-00123055-00123158 can be from the c QwickXKjnl0-00469-00123159-00123463 side or it can be from the a side QwickXKjnl0-00470-00123464-00123775 so if this phenyl group here and this QwickXKjnl0-00471-00123776-00123919 phenyl group here QwickXKjnl0-00472-00123920-00124239 they are oppositely oriented one is QwickXKjnl0-00473-00124240-00124319 alpha QwickXKjnl0-00474-00124320-00124583 and the other one is beta however when QwickXKjnl0-00475-00124583-00124654 the olefin QwickXKjnl0-00476-00124655-00124886 is trying to come from this side QwickXKjnl0-00477-00124888-00125086 obviously the olefin will have an QwickXKjnl0-00478-00125088-00125231 interaction with this QwickXKjnl0-00479-00125232-00125463 particular phenyl group and also from QwickXKjnl0-00480-00125464-00125614 the back side the phenyl group but QwickXKjnl0-00481-00125615-00125799 particularly this phenyl group will have QwickXKjnl0-00482-00125800-00125854 a QwickXKjnl0-00483-00125855-00126199 interaction in a similar fashion when QwickXKjnl0-00484-00126200-00126423 ah from this side when the reaction is QwickXKjnl0-00485-00126424-00126510 occurring QwickXKjnl0-00486-00126511-00126758 then we can see that again the phenyl QwickXKjnl0-00487-00126759-00126839 group will QwickXKjnl0-00488-00126840-00127143 will have the steric hindrance QwickXKjnl0-00489-00127144-00127383 and then if we look at from the bottom QwickXKjnl0-00490-00127383-00127686 side from this side attack QwickXKjnl0-00491-00127688-00127943 if we are looking at the approach of the QwickXKjnl0-00492-00127944-00128110 olefin towards the QwickXKjnl0-00493-00128111-00128414 m n double bond o then of course it will QwickXKjnl0-00494-00128415-00128551 also come across QwickXKjnl0-00495-00128552-00128871 two big tertiary butyl groups so the QwickXKjnl0-00496-00128872-00128958 sides QwickXKjnl0-00497-00128959-00129366 b c d are blocked or kind of sterically QwickXKjnl0-00498-00129367-00129447 congested QwickXKjnl0-00499-00129448-00129727 and hindered and therefore the olefins QwickXKjnl0-00500-00129728-00129927 no matter which way you orient it would QwickXKjnl0-00501-00129928-00130023 not QwickXKjnl0-00502-00130024-00130327 approach easily on the other hand if we QwickXKjnl0-00503-00130328-00130414 look at QwickXKjnl0-00504-00130415-00130766 from the a side ah if we look at from QwickXKjnl0-00505-00130767-00130863 this side QwickXKjnl0-00506-00130864-00131223 we see that if we orient the large QwickXKjnl0-00507-00131224-00131566 phenyl group on the other side of the QwickXKjnl0-00508-00131567-00131799 ah of the molecule that is on the top QwickXKjnl0-00509-00131800-00131935 side of the molecule QwickXKjnl0-00510-00131936-00132231 and leave the small group towards the QwickXKjnl0-00511-00132232-00132423 lower side of the molecule QwickXKjnl0-00512-00132424-00132831 then the approach would not come in QwickXKjnl0-00513-00132832-00133031 the way like for example the phenyl QwickXKjnl0-00514-00133032-00133287 group will not be ah QwickXKjnl0-00515-00133288-00133599 putting a steric hindrance ah but since QwickXKjnl0-00516-00133600-00133751 it is going to be alpha oriented QwickXKjnl0-00517-00133752-00133935 therefore this pointing downward QwickXKjnl0-00518-00133936-00134311 and if we have the hydrogens going down QwickXKjnl0-00519-00134312-00134447 and the phenyl and the methyl is QwickXKjnl0-00520-00134448-00134687 pointing up and then that molecule is QwickXKjnl0-00521-00134688-00134775 approaching QwickXKjnl0-00522-00134776-00135111 towards this manganese double bond o QwickXKjnl0-00523-00135112-00135414 then we do not anticipate any steady QwickXKjnl0-00524-00135415-00135607 condense particularly when we have put QwickXKjnl0-00525-00135608-00135663 here QwickXKjnl0-00526-00135664-00136087 the small methyl group and therefore QwickXKjnl0-00527-00136088-00136335 in that situation when the epoxidation QwickXKjnl0-00528-00136336-00136431 occurs QwickXKjnl0-00529-00136432-00136751 ah into the plane of the uh QwickXKjnl0-00530-00136752-00137102 this particular black board or paper QwickXKjnl0-00531-00137103-00137287 then of course we expect that the QwickXKjnl0-00532-00137288-00137447 epoxidation will give QwickXKjnl0-00533-00137448-00137702 a geometry being like this where the QwickXKjnl0-00534-00137703-00137839 phenyl group is QwickXKjnl0-00535-00137840-00138031 on the top side methyl group is on the QwickXKjnl0-00536-00138032-00138166 lower side QwickXKjnl0-00537-00138167-00138487 of the plane and of course both of them QwickXKjnl0-00538-00138488-00138711 are pointing towards the beta side the QwickXKjnl0-00539-00138712-00138871 hydrogens are pointing QwickXKjnl0-00540-00138872-00139127 alpha side and the epoxidation has QwickXKjnl0-00541-00139128-00139207 occurred QwickXKjnl0-00542-00139208-00139439 into the plane it has transferred the QwickXKjnl0-00543-00139440-00139663 oxygen into the plane QwickXKjnl0-00544-00139664-00139854 and this so this is the product that we QwickXKjnl0-00545-00139855-00140207 get it which is what is 2s3r QwickXKjnl0-00546-00140208-00140551 that means you have 1 2 QwickXKjnl0-00547-00140552-00140895 and 3 so you have here 2s QwickXKjnl0-00548-00140896-00141223 and 3r is actually the QwickXKjnl0-00549-00141224-00141478 configuration at the newly formed QwickXKjnl0-00550-00141479-00141735 asymmetric center QwickXKjnl0-00551-00141736-00142102 so this is ah something to do with the QwickXKjnl0-00552-00142103-00142447 catalyst that is derived from ah QwickXKjnl0-00553-00142448-00142799 this particular chiral amine QwickXKjnl0-00554-00142800-00143078 which is t2 which is also c 2 symmetric QwickXKjnl0-00555-00143079-00143207 and it is QwickXKjnl0-00556-00143208-00143535 basically it is it should be QwickXKjnl0-00557-00143536-00143983 like this here and particular QwickXKjnl0-00558-00143984-00144439 diameter we can also take the other QwickXKjnl0-00559-00144440-00144614 diamine and of course get QwickXKjnl0-00560-00144615-00144911 opposite of the this particular quantity QwickXKjnl0-00561-00144912-00145175 ingredient QwickXKjnl0-00562-00145176-00145502 now um if we look at QwickXKjnl0-00563-00145503-00145839 the cyclic amine based QwickXKjnl0-00564-00145840-00146159 complex like for example this particular QwickXKjnl0-00565-00146160-00146287 one here QwickXKjnl0-00566-00146288-00146590 where we have s and s QwickXKjnl0-00567-00146591-00146895 as configurations ah then QwickXKjnl0-00568-00146896-00147199 we can see how the olefin QwickXKjnl0-00569-00147200-00147551 approaches now if we can see the QwickXKjnl0-00570-00147552-00147647 substituents QwickXKjnl0-00571-00147648-00147990 on the aromatic ring they have put here QwickXKjnl0-00572-00147991-00148351 potassium butyl groups ortho to the QwickXKjnl0-00573-00148352-00148735 o h bond of the of the particular QwickXKjnl0-00574-00148736-00149071 ah aldehyde which is what is QwickXKjnl0-00575-00149072-00149335 this particular aldehyde so if we have QwickXKjnl0-00576-00149336-00149511 the carbon oxygen bond which is a QwickXKjnl0-00577-00149512-00149590 phenolic QwickXKjnl0-00578-00149591-00149854 o h bond next to that tertiary butyl QwickXKjnl0-00579-00149855-00150014 groups are put and QwickXKjnl0-00580-00150015-00150263 para to that r group is put which r QwickXKjnl0-00581-00150264-00150399 group is either QwickXKjnl0-00582-00150400-00150799 tertiary butyl or o tri isopropyl QwickXKjnl0-00583-00150800-00151119 so basically i try isopropyl cylinder so QwickXKjnl0-00584-00151120-00151283 you have the QwickXKjnl0-00585-00151284-00151660 os i QwickXKjnl0-00586-00151661-00151783 [Music] QwickXKjnl0-00587-00151784-00152183 isopropyl isopropyl QwickXKjnl0-00588-00152184-00152599 and isopropyl QwickXKjnl0-00589-00152600-00153007 so we we can put this bulky substituents QwickXKjnl0-00590-00153008-00153351 uh around or QwickXKjnl0-00591-00153352-00153726 so that they they kind of ah impart QwickXKjnl0-00592-00153727-00153999 lot of steric indents so we can see now QwickXKjnl0-00593-00154000-00154175 that if the olefin is trying to QwickXKjnl0-00594-00154176-00154511 approach from a side here then we have QwickXKjnl0-00595-00154512-00154583 the QwickXKjnl0-00596-00154584-00154766 the tertiary brittle group which is not QwickXKjnl0-00597-00154767-00154902 going to be favoring QwickXKjnl0-00598-00154903-00155143 similarly on the b side the tertiary QwickXKjnl0-00599-00155144-00155335 brittle group will not favor QwickXKjnl0-00600-00155336-00155559 and of course from the sea side we have QwickXKjnl0-00601-00155560-00155775 these tertiary butyl groups QwickXKjnl0-00602-00155776-00156119 not favoring so from a b and c QwickXKjnl0-00603-00156120-00156399 sides as we can very clearly see that QwickXKjnl0-00604-00156400-00156543 the tertiary brittle groups which are QwickXKjnl0-00605-00156544-00156654 deliberately put QwickXKjnl0-00606-00156655-00157023 or o tri ice isopropyl silent group QwickXKjnl0-00607-00157024-00157119 which is put QwickXKjnl0-00608-00157120-00157463 ah specifically because of QwickXKjnl0-00609-00157464-00157766 alloying the blockage of the attachment QwickXKjnl0-00610-00157767-00158054 of the olefin from these three sides QwickXKjnl0-00611-00158055-00158295 and therefore now what is left is only QwickXKjnl0-00612-00158296-00158447 the top side QwickXKjnl0-00613-00158448-00158759 the d side where the olefin can approach QwickXKjnl0-00614-00158760-00159047 now olefin can orient the way i have QwickXKjnl0-00615-00159048-00159175 shown it here QwickXKjnl0-00616-00159176-00159471 or it can also be oriented ah in this QwickXKjnl0-00617-00159472-00159590 particular fashion QwickXKjnl0-00618-00159591-00159895 that means on the phenyl group is put QwickXKjnl0-00619-00159896-00160190 on the right side so we can have the QwickXKjnl0-00620-00160191-00160375 hydrogen here QwickXKjnl0-00621-00160376-00160614 and of course a double bond here so we QwickXKjnl0-00622-00160615-00160766 can either have this QwickXKjnl0-00623-00160767-00161078 or we can have this now what is found is QwickXKjnl0-00624-00161079-00161190 that QwickXKjnl0-00625-00161191-00161454 this particular hydrogen here in this QwickXKjnl0-00626-00161455-00161502 case QwickXKjnl0-00627-00161503-00161823 is actually beta oriented QwickXKjnl0-00628-00161824-00162039 in an actual fashion so it is an QwickXKjnl0-00629-00162040-00162199 actually oriented QwickXKjnl0-00630-00162200-00162590 hydrogen and therefore ah it is assumed QwickXKjnl0-00631-00162591-00162783 that this comes into the way QwickXKjnl0-00632-00162784-00163126 and therefore the olefin tries to orient QwickXKjnl0-00633-00163127-00163463 in this way that the large r group is QwickXKjnl0-00634-00163464-00163823 avoiding this particular hydrogen here QwickXKjnl0-00635-00163824-00164023 and therefore it goes on the left hand QwickXKjnl0-00636-00164024-00164135 side where QwickXKjnl0-00637-00164136-00164519 the hydrogen is pointing downward QwickXKjnl0-00638-00164520-00164854 and therefore the epoxidation occurs QwickXKjnl0-00639-00164855-00165207 ah to give this particular QwickXKjnl0-00640-00165208-00165543 epoxide where the phenyl group is on the QwickXKjnl0-00641-00165544-00165623 left hand side QwickXKjnl0-00642-00165624-00165878 methyl group is on the right hand side QwickXKjnl0-00643-00165879-00165975 and QwickXKjnl0-00644-00165976-00166378 that particular epoxide is having QwickXKjnl0-00645-00166379-00166671 2r3s configuration QwickXKjnl0-00646-00166672-00166975 if we want exactly opposite of that QwickXKjnl0-00647-00166976-00167271 to happen then of course we can take the QwickXKjnl0-00648-00167272-00167471 the QwickXKjnl0-00649-00167472-00167631 in place of this we can take the QwickXKjnl0-00650-00167632-00167823 corresponding r QwickXKjnl0-00651-00167824-00168135 configurated amine we can take it QwickXKjnl0-00652-00168136-00168438 now what exactly is the mechanism in QwickXKjnl0-00653-00168439-00168519 brief QwickXKjnl0-00654-00168520-00168878 basically we are starting with this QwickXKjnl0-00655-00168879-00169207 manganese 3 complex QwickXKjnl0-00656-00169208-00169526 and oxidized during the process say for QwickXKjnl0-00657-00169527-00169583 example QwickXKjnl0-00658-00169584-00169959 using this particular phio as an QwickXKjnl0-00659-00169960-00170047 occident QwickXKjnl0-00660-00170048-00170375 so the manganese 3 gets converted to the QwickXKjnl0-00661-00170376-00170543 corresponding manganese 5 QwickXKjnl0-00662-00170544-00170847 oxocomplex in the process you QwickXKjnl0-00663-00170848-00171175 release iodo benzene and QwickXKjnl0-00664-00171176-00171487 the double bond gets epoxidized QwickXKjnl0-00665-00171488-00171799 to the corresponding oxidane QwickXKjnl0-00666-00171800-00172159 or the epoxide and of course we release QwickXKjnl0-00667-00172160-00172399 the manganese tree in the process which QwickXKjnl0-00668-00172400-00172502 is again QwickXKjnl0-00669-00172503-00172831 reoxidized to the corresponding QwickXKjnl0-00670-00172832-00173175 manganese oxo complex QwickXKjnl0-00671-00173176-00173575 now what is the explanation for such a QwickXKjnl0-00672-00173576-00173871 reaction jacobson has a slightly QwickXKjnl0-00673-00173872-00173966 different view QwickXKjnl0-00674-00173967-00174271 than the kotsuki but both of them arrive QwickXKjnl0-00675-00174272-00174343 at the QwickXKjnl0-00676-00174344-00174695 same conclusion for example jacobson QwickXKjnl0-00677-00174696-00174799 says that QwickXKjnl0-00678-00174800-00175054 as i did mention earlier that this QwickXKjnl0-00679-00175055-00175199 particular hydrogen QwickXKjnl0-00680-00175200-00175471 which is actually oriented does not QwickXKjnl0-00681-00175472-00175559 allow QwickXKjnl0-00682-00175560-00175847 the r large group that is the larger QwickXKjnl0-00683-00175848-00175943 substituent QwickXKjnl0-00684-00175944-00176143 on the right hand side therefore the QwickXKjnl0-00685-00176144-00176326 smaller substituent QwickXKjnl0-00686-00176327-00176623 is kept on the right side and the large QwickXKjnl0-00687-00176624-00176751 substituent goes QwickXKjnl0-00688-00176752-00176983 on the left hand side to avoid the QwickXKjnl0-00689-00176984-00177111 interaction QwickXKjnl0-00690-00177112-00177359 ah with this particular hydrogen which QwickXKjnl0-00691-00177360-00177543 is beta oriented here QwickXKjnl0-00692-00177544-00177814 and alpha oriented here so on the other QwickXKjnl0-00693-00177815-00177990 hand katsuki QwickXKjnl0-00694-00177991-00178351 says that the approach of the olefin QwickXKjnl0-00695-00178352-00178766 is towards the amine so that there is a QwickXKjnl0-00696-00178767-00179071 pipe interaction and QwickXKjnl0-00697-00179072-00179478 pipe interaction is such that QwickXKjnl0-00698-00179479-00179838 that allows the olefin to be closer to QwickXKjnl0-00699-00179839-00179911 the QwickXKjnl0-00700-00179912-00180231 oxo complex but during the process QwickXKjnl0-00701-00180232-00180447 what is seen that the large tertiability QwickXKjnl0-00702-00180448-00180631 group here QwickXKjnl0-00703-00180632-00180975 kind of repels the um larger substituent QwickXKjnl0-00704-00180976-00181199 on the other side like this so QwickXKjnl0-00705-00181200-00181311 eventually QwickXKjnl0-00706-00181312-00181719 ah this the result of the approximation QwickXKjnl0-00707-00181720-00182063 is the same and in irrespective of QwickXKjnl0-00708-00182064-00182407 which way one looks at it whether it is QwickXKjnl0-00709-00182408-00182687 through the pipe interaction of the QwickXKjnl0-00710-00182688-00182743 olefin QwickXKjnl0-00711-00182744-00183038 and the amine or is it because of the QwickXKjnl0-00712-00183039-00183135 double bond QwickXKjnl0-00713-00183136-00183375 trying to avoid the actual hydrogen of QwickXKjnl0-00714-00183376-00183487 the cyclo QwickXKjnl0-00715-00183488-00183831 hexel one two diami ah it it gives the QwickXKjnl0-00716-00183832-00183959 same QwickXKjnl0-00717-00183960-00184302 ah epoxidation and as you can see QwickXKjnl0-00718-00184303-00184671 that with iss this is what the situation QwickXKjnl0-00719-00184672-00184838 is and with rr QwickXKjnl0-00720-00184839-00185214 ah complexes we see that the QwickXKjnl0-00721-00185215-00185471 rl group the large group in both the QwickXKjnl0-00722-00185472-00185551 cases QwickXKjnl0-00723-00185552-00185895 jakobson adverse katsuki case ah avoids QwickXKjnl0-00724-00185896-00186159 the hydrogen and orients to the right QwickXKjnl0-00725-00186160-00186295 hand side that means QwickXKjnl0-00726-00186296-00186566 wherever there is a hydrogen which is QwickXKjnl0-00727-00186567-00186607 not QwickXKjnl0-00728-00186608-00186854 axial towards that side the large group QwickXKjnl0-00729-00186855-00186926 grows QwickXKjnl0-00730-00186927-00187126 ah and the smaller group grows on the QwickXKjnl0-00731-00187127-00187319 side when there is a hydrogen which is QwickXKjnl0-00732-00187320-00187678 actually oriented so we will stop it QwickXKjnl0-00733-00187679-00188031 at this ah stage today and look at QwickXKjnl0-00734-00188032-00188311 uh other aspects of this katsuki jig of QwickXKjnl0-00735-00188312-00188366 some QwickXKjnl0-00736-00188367-00188719 epoxidation in our next class till then QwickXKjnl0-00737-00188720-00188966 you can go through this whatever i have QwickXKjnl0-00738-00188967-00189023 told QwickXKjnl0-00739-00189024-00191065 and and thank you for today's class QwickXKjnl0-00740-00191066-00192298 [Music] QwickXKjnl0-00741-00192299-00192519 [Applause] QwickXKjnl0-00742-00192520-00192727 you Qy47IJQGHck-00000-00000068-00000324 criticism of religion as criticism of Qy47IJQGHck-00001-00000325-00000533 the ideas the truth or the practice of Qy47IJQGHck-00002-00000534-00000732 religion including its political and Qy47IJQGHck-00003-00000733-00000965 social implications historical records Qy47IJQGHck-00004-00000966-00001194 of criticism of religion goes back to at Qy47IJQGHck-00005-00001195-00001440 least 5th century BCE in ancient Greece Qy47IJQGHck-00006-00001441-00001784 with Diagoras the atheist of Melos in Qy47IJQGHck-00007-00001785-00002027 ancient Rome an early known example is Qy47IJQGHck-00008-00002028-00002243 Lucretia Sturm natura from the 1st Qy47IJQGHck-00009-00002244-00002627 century BCE every exclusive religion on Qy47IJQGHck-00010-00002628-00002801 earth that promotes exclusive truth Qy47IJQGHck-00011-00002802-00003030 claims necessarily denigrates the truth Qy47IJQGHck-00012-00003031-00003300 claims of other religions critics of Qy47IJQGHck-00013-00003301-00003483 religion in general often regard Qy47IJQGHck-00014-00003484-00003684 religion as outdated harmful to the Qy47IJQGHck-00015-00003685-00003890 individual harmful to society an Qy47IJQGHck-00016-00003892-00004079 impediment to the progress of science Qy47IJQGHck-00017-00004081-00004284 the source of immoral acts or customs Qy47IJQGHck-00018-00004285-00004795 and a political tool for social control Qy47IJQGHck-00019-00004796-00005441 topic history of criticism of religion Qy47IJQGHck-00020-00005442-00005695 in his work Durham Natura the first Qy47IJQGHck-00021-00005696-00005972 century BCE Roman poet Titus Lucretia Qy47IJQGHck-00022-00005973-00006229 scarus wrote but does that same religion Qy47IJQGHck-00023-00006230-00006436 often her far hath bred the fowl and Qy47IJQGHck-00024-00006437-00006758 Piatt D's of man a philosopher of the Qy47IJQGHck-00025-00006759-00007013 epicurean school Lucretius believed the Qy47IJQGHck-00026-00007014-00007210 world was composed solely of matter and Qy47IJQGHck-00027-00007211-00007376 void and that all phenomena could be Qy47IJQGHck-00028-00007377-00007546 understood as resulting from purely Qy47IJQGHck-00029-00007547-00007826 natural causes despite believing in Qy47IJQGHck-00030-00007827-00008092 God's Lucretius like Epicurus felt that Qy47IJQGHck-00031-00008093-00008252 religion was born of fear and ignorance Qy47IJQGHck-00032-00008253-00008467 and that understanding the natural world Qy47IJQGHck-00033-00008468-00008744 would free people of its shackles he was Qy47IJQGHck-00034-00008745-00008921 not against religion in and of itself Qy47IJQGHck-00035-00008922-00009127 but against traditional religion which Qy47IJQGHck-00036-00009128-00009326 he saw is superstition for teaching that Qy47IJQGHck-00037-00009327-00009514 gods interfered with the world at the Qy47IJQGHck-00038-00009515-00009691 beginning of the sixteenth century Qy47IJQGHck-00039-00009692-00009977 niccolò machiavelli said we Italians are Qy47IJQGHck-00040-00009978-00010311 irreligious and corrupt above others Qy47IJQGHck-00041-00010312-00010482 because the church and her Qy47IJQGHck-00042-00010483-00010677 representatives have set us the worst Qy47IJQGHck-00043-00010678-00011037 example to Machiavelli religion was Qy47IJQGHck-00044-00011038-00011277 merely a tool useful for a ruler wishing Qy47IJQGHck-00045-00011278-00011502 to manipulate public opinion in the 18th Qy47IJQGHck-00046-00011503-00011715 century Voltaire was a deist and was Qy47IJQGHck-00047-00011716-00011871 strongly critical of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00048-00011872-00012126 intolerance Voltaire complained about Qy47IJQGHck-00049-00012127-00012363 Jews killed by other Jews for worshiping Qy47IJQGHck-00050-00012364-00012582 a golden calf and similar actions he Qy47IJQGHck-00051-00012583-00012744 also condemned how Christians killed Qy47IJQGHck-00052-00012745-00012903 other Christians over religious Qy47IJQGHck-00053-00012904-00013077 differences and how Christians killed Qy47IJQGHck-00054-00013078-00013331 Native Americans for not being baptized Qy47IJQGHck-00055-00013332-00013547 Voltaire claimed the real reason for Qy47IJQGHck-00056-00013549-00013707 these killings was that Christians Qy47IJQGHck-00057-00013708-00013851 wanted to plunder the wealth of those Qy47IJQGHck-00058-00013852-00014133 killed Voltaire was also critical of Qy47IJQGHck-00059-00014134-00014358 Muslim intolerance also in the 18th Qy47IJQGHck-00060-00014359-00014549 century David Hume criticized Qy47IJQGHck-00061-00014550-00014856 teleological arguments for religion Hume Qy47IJQGHck-00062-00014857-00015060 claimed that natural explanations for Qy47IJQGHck-00063-00015061-00015186 the order in the universe were Qy47IJQGHck-00064-00015187-00015407 reasonable see design argument an Qy47IJQGHck-00065-00015408-00015638 important dame of Humes writings was Qy47IJQGHck-00066-00015640-00015819 demonstrating the unsoundness of the Qy47IJQGHck-00067-00015819-00016125 philosophical basis for religion in the Qy47IJQGHck-00068-00016126-00016356 early 21st century the New Atheists Qy47IJQGHck-00069-00016357-00016572 became focal polemicists in modern Qy47IJQGHck-00070-00016573-00016844 criticism of religion the four authors Qy47IJQGHck-00071-00016845-00016994 come from widely different backgrounds Qy47IJQGHck-00072-00016995-00017199 and have published books which have been Qy47IJQGHck-00073-00017200-00017346 the focus of criticism of religion Qy47IJQGHck-00074-00017347-00017597 narratives with over 100 books and Qy47IJQGHck-00075-00017598-00017751 hundreds of scholarly articles Qy47IJQGHck-00076-00017752-00017931 commenting on and katika ng the four Qy47IJQGHck-00077-00017932-00018165 horsemen's works their books and Qy47IJQGHck-00078-00018166-00018381 articles have spawned debate in multiple Qy47IJQGHck-00079-00018382-00018588 fields of inquiry and are heavily quoted Qy47IJQGHck-00080-00018589-00018837 in popular media online forums YouTube Qy47IJQGHck-00081-00018838-00019146 television and popular philosophy in the Qy47IJQGHck-00082-00019147-00019338 end of faith philosopher Sam Harris Qy47IJQGHck-00083-00019339-00019569 focuses on violence among other toxic Qy47IJQGHck-00084-00019570-00019821 qualities of religion in breaking the Qy47IJQGHck-00085-00019822-00020064 spell philosopher Daniel Dennett focuses Qy47IJQGHck-00086-00020065-00020253 on the question of why we believe Qy47IJQGHck-00087-00020254-00020534 strange things in The God Delusion Qy47IJQGHck-00088-00020535-00020781 biologist Richard Dawkins covers almost Qy47IJQGHck-00089-00020782-00021009 every facet of religion injecting both Qy47IJQGHck-00090-00021010-00021306 snarky irony and humor in God is not Qy47IJQGHck-00091-00021307-00021480 great journalist and polemicist Qy47IJQGHck-00092-00021481-00021647 Christopher Hitchens focused on how Qy47IJQGHck-00093-00021648-00021849 religious forces attacks human dignity Qy47IJQGHck-00094-00021850-00022011 and the corruption of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00095-00022012-00022314 organizations in the oxford handbook of Qy47IJQGHck-00096-00022315-00022590 atheism according to Thomas Ziyi NC the Qy47IJQGHck-00097-00022591-00022767 four books were published during a time Qy47IJQGHck-00098-00022768-00023000 of intense debate on political religious Qy47IJQGHck-00099-00023001-00023283 and sociological questions the works Qy47IJQGHck-00100-00023284-00023484 share many common themes yet notably Qy47IJQGHck-00101-00023485-00023721 differ in scope style and content Qy47IJQGHck-00102-00023722-00023955 while according to ze and see the Qy47IJQGHck-00103-00023956-00024126 beginnings of a broader narrative new Qy47IJQGHck-00104-00024127-00024330 atheism seems to have emerged it does Qy47IJQGHck-00105-00024331-00024531 not stand up to the full definition of a Qy47IJQGHck-00106-00024532-00024842 movement Qy47IJQGHck-00107-00024843-00025156 topic response to general criticism of Qy47IJQGHck-00108-00025157-00025656 religion in an historical context Qy47IJQGHck-00109-00025657-00025936 today religion is broadly conceived as Qy47IJQGHck-00110-00025937-00026124 an abstraction which entails beliefs Qy47IJQGHck-00111-00026125-00026404 doctrines and sacred places even though Qy47IJQGHck-00112-00026405-00026583 the ancient and medieval cultures that Qy47IJQGHck-00113-00026584-00026802 produced religious texts like the Bible Qy47IJQGHck-00114-00026803-00026958 or the Koran did not have such Qy47IJQGHck-00115-00026959-00027180 conceptions or ideas in their languages Qy47IJQGHck-00116-00027181-00027486 cultures or histories however there is Qy47IJQGHck-00117-00027487-00027696 still no scholarly consensus over what a Qy47IJQGHck-00118-00027697-00027895 religion is before the 17th century Qy47IJQGHck-00119-00027895-00028095 religion was conflated with everyday Qy47IJQGHck-00120-00028096-00028161 life Qy47IJQGHck-00121-00028162-00028426 religion as a modern Western concept Qy47IJQGHck-00122-00028427-00028661 developed from the 17th century onwards Qy47IJQGHck-00123-00028662-00028882 for example in Asia Qy47IJQGHck-00124-00028883-00029070 no 1 before the 19th century Qy47IJQGHck-00125-00029071-00029374 self-identified as a Hindu or other Qy47IJQGHck-00126-00029375-00029593 similar identities with the existence of Qy47IJQGHck-00127-00029594-00029818 diverse modern categories of religion Qy47IJQGHck-00128-00029819-00030085 such as monotheism polytheism pantheism Qy47IJQGHck-00129-00030086-00030307 non-theism and diverse specific Qy47IJQGHck-00130-00030308-00030526 religions such as Christianity Judaism Qy47IJQGHck-00131-00030527-00030849 Islam taoism buddhism and many others it Qy47IJQGHck-00132-00030850-00031005 is not always clear to whom the Qy47IJQGHck-00133-00031006-00031161 criticisms are aimed at or to what Qy47IJQGHck-00134-00031162-00031308 extent they are applicable to other Qy47IJQGHck-00135-00031309-00031739 religions Qy47IJQGHck-00136-00031740-00032323 topic criticism of religious concepts Qy47IJQGHck-00137-00032324-00032560 some criticisms of monotheistic Qy47IJQGHck-00138-00032561-00032857 religions have been religion as wrong as Qy47IJQGHck-00139-00032858-00033033 it is in conflict with science ie Qy47IJQGHck-00140-00033034-00033370 Genesis creation myth revelations may Qy47IJQGHck-00141-00033371-00033592 conflict internally ie discrepancies in Qy47IJQGHck-00142-00033593-00033796 the Bible among the four Gospels of the Qy47IJQGHck-00143-00033797-00034080 New Testament conflicting claims about Qy47IJQGHck-00144-00034081-00034296 the one true faith also see argument Qy47IJQGHck-00145-00034297-00034757 from inconsistent revelations Qy47IJQGHck-00146-00034758-00035051 topic explanations is non divine in Qy47IJQGHck-00147-00035052-00035431 origin Qy47IJQGHck-00148-00035432-00035971 topic social construct Qy47IJQGHck-00149-00035972-00036184 Dennett and harris have asserted that Qy47IJQGHck-00150-00036185-00036346 theists religions and their scriptures Qy47IJQGHck-00151-00036347-00036526 are not divinely inspired Qy47IJQGHck-00152-00036527-00036685 but man-made to fulfill social Qy47IJQGHck-00153-00036686-00037000 biological and political needs Dawkins Qy47IJQGHck-00154-00037001-00037192 balances the benefits of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00155-00037193-00037435 beliefs mental solace community building Qy47IJQGHck-00156-00037436-00037606 and promotion of virtuous behavior Qy47IJQGHck-00157-00037607-00037909 against the drawbacks such criticisms Qy47IJQGHck-00158-00037910-00038137 treat religion as a social construct and Qy47IJQGHck-00159-00038138-00038608 thus just another human ideology Qy47IJQGHck-00160-00038609-00038902 topic narratives to provide comfort and Qy47IJQGHck-00161-00038903-00039243 meaning Qy47IJQGHck-00162-00039244-00039474 David Hume argued that religion Qy47IJQGHck-00163-00039475-00039654 developed as a source of comfort in the Qy47IJQGHck-00164-00039655-00039864 face of the adversity not as an honest Qy47IJQGHck-00165-00039865-00040155 grappling with verifiable truth religion Qy47IJQGHck-00166-00040156-00040371 is therefore an unsophisticated form of Qy47IJQGHck-00167-00040372-00040585 reasoning Daniel Dennett has argued that Qy47IJQGHck-00168-00040586-00040746 with the exception of more modern Qy47IJQGHck-00169-00040747-00040976 religions such as realism Mormonism Qy47IJQGHck-00170-00040977-00041208 Scientology and the Baha'i faith most Qy47IJQGHck-00171-00041209-00041424 religions were formulated at a time when Qy47IJQGHck-00172-00041425-00041614 the origin of life the workings of the Qy47IJQGHck-00173-00041615-00041796 body and the nature of the stars and Qy47IJQGHck-00174-00041797-00042042 planets were poorly understood these Qy47IJQGHck-00175-00042043-00042229 narratives were intended to give solace Qy47IJQGHck-00176-00042230-00042445 in a sense of relationship with larger Qy47IJQGHck-00177-00042446-00042705 forces as such they may have served Qy47IJQGHck-00178-00042706-00042904 several important functions in ancient Qy47IJQGHck-00179-00042905-00043189 societies examples include the views Qy47IJQGHck-00180-00043190-00043411 many religions traditionally had towards Qy47IJQGHck-00181-00043412-00043585 solar and lunar eclipses and the Qy47IJQGHck-00182-00043586-00043817 appearance of comets forms of astrology Qy47IJQGHck-00183-00043818-00044043 given current understanding of the Qy47IJQGHck-00184-00044044-00044251 physical world where human knowledge has Qy47IJQGHck-00185-00044252-00044433 increased dramatically Dawkins and Qy47IJQGHck-00186-00044434-00044646 French atheist philosopher Michel Ann Qy47IJQGHck-00187-00044647-00044845 Frey contend that continuing to hold on Qy47IJQGHck-00188-00044846-00045001 to these belief systems is irrational Qy47IJQGHck-00189-00045002-00045394 and no longer useful Qy47IJQGHck-00190-00045395-00046000 topic opium of the people religious Qy47IJQGHck-00191-00046001-00046177 suffering is at the same time the Qy47IJQGHck-00192-00046178-00046345 expression of real suffering and a Qy47IJQGHck-00193-00046346-00046624 protest against real suffering religion Qy47IJQGHck-00194-00046625-00046777 is the sigh of the oppressed creature Qy47IJQGHck-00195-00046778-00046966 the heart of a heartless world and the Qy47IJQGHck-00196-00046967-00047227 soul of soulless conditions it is the Qy47IJQGHck-00197-00047228-00047560 opium of the people according to Karl Qy47IJQGHck-00198-00047561-00047856 Marx the father of scientific socialism Qy47IJQGHck-00199-00047857-00048112 religion as a tool used by the ruling Qy47IJQGHck-00200-00048113-00048319 classes whereby the masses can shortly Qy47IJQGHck-00201-00048320-00048493 relieve their suffering via the act of Qy47IJQGHck-00202-00048494-00048802 experiencing religious emotions it is in Qy47IJQGHck-00203-00048803-00048976 the interest of the ruling classes to Qy47IJQGHck-00204-00048977-00049147 instill in the masses the religious Qy47IJQGHck-00205-00049148-00049315 conviction that their current suffering Qy47IJQGHck-00206-00049316-00049470 will lead to eventual happiness Qy47IJQGHck-00207-00049471-00049756 therefore as long as the public believes Qy47IJQGHck-00208-00049757-00049927 in religion they will not attempt to Qy47IJQGHck-00209-00049928-00050122 make any genuine effort to understand Qy47IJQGHck-00210-00050123-00050293 and overcome the real source of their Qy47IJQGHck-00211-00050294-00050479 suffering which in Marx's opinion was Qy47IJQGHck-00212-00050480-00050755 their capitalist economic system in this Qy47IJQGHck-00213-00050756-00050941 perspective Marx saw religion as Qy47IJQGHck-00214-00050942-00051175 escapism Marx also viewed the Christian Qy47IJQGHck-00215-00051176-00051364 doctrine of original sin as being deeply Qy47IJQGHck-00216-00051365-00051552 antisocial in character Qy47IJQGHck-00217-00051553-00051859 original sin he argued convinces people Qy47IJQGHck-00218-00051860-00052027 that the source of their misery lies in Qy47IJQGHck-00219-00052028-00052249 the inherent and unchangeable sinfulness Qy47IJQGHck-00220-00052250-00052525 of humanity rather than in the forms of Qy47IJQGHck-00221-00052526-00052741 social organization and institutions Qy47IJQGHck-00222-00052741-00052939 which Marx argued can be changed through Qy47IJQGHck-00223-00052940-00053122 the application of collective social Qy47IJQGHck-00224-00053123-00053434 planning Qy47IJQGHck-00225-00053435-00053971 topic viruses of the mind Qy47IJQGHck-00226-00053972-00054288 in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene Qy47IJQGHck-00227-00054289-00054501 richard dawkins coined the term means to Qy47IJQGHck-00228-00054502-00054717 describe informational units that can be Qy47IJQGHck-00229-00054718-00054912 transmitted culturally analogous to Qy47IJQGHck-00230-00054913-00055204 genes he later used this concept in the Qy47IJQGHck-00231-00055204-00055536 essay viruses of the mind to explain the Qy47IJQGHck-00232-00055537-00055761 persistence of religious ideas in human Qy47IJQGHck-00233-00055762-00056059 culture Qy47IJQGHck-00234-00056060-00056337 topic response to virus of the mind Qy47IJQGHck-00235-00056338-00056685 criticism Qy47IJQGHck-00236-00056686-00056937 both the religious and non-religious are Qy47IJQGHck-00237-00056938-00057129 critical of Dawkins meme theory which Qy47IJQGHck-00238-00057129-00057273 has mostly been abandoned Qy47IJQGHck-00239-00057274-00057609 John bokor criticized the idea that God Qy47IJQGHck-00240-00057610-00057954 and faith are viruses of the mind Qy47IJQGHck-00241-00057954-00058191 suggesting that Dawkins account of Qy47IJQGHck-00242-00058191-00058463 religious motivation Qy47IJQGHck-00243-00058464-00058868 is far removed from evidence and data Qy47IJQGHck-00244-00058869-00059172 that it is unreasonable to extract Qy47IJQGHck-00245-00059173-00059330 certain behaviors solely through Qy47IJQGHck-00246-00059331-00059618 religious memes Alister McGrath has Qy47IJQGHck-00247-00059619-00059882 responded by arguing that memes have no Qy47IJQGHck-00248-00059883-00060147 place in serious scientific reflection Qy47IJQGHck-00249-00060148-00060386 that there is strong evidence that such Qy47IJQGHck-00250-00060387-00060611 ideas are not spread by random processes Qy47IJQGHck-00251-00060612-00060828 but by deliberate intentional actions Qy47IJQGHck-00252-00060829-00061124 that evolution of ideas as more Qy47IJQGHck-00253-00061125-00061310 Lamarckian than Darwinian and that there Qy47IJQGHck-00254-00061311-00061505 is no evidence and certainly none in the Qy47IJQGHck-00255-00061506-00061712 essay that epidemiological models Qy47IJQGHck-00256-00061713-00061910 usefully explain the spread of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00257-00061911-00062213 ideas McGrath also points out that it is Qy47IJQGHck-00258-00062214-00062417 surveys in the United States report a Qy47IJQGHck-00259-00062418-00062612 high life satisfaction rate among the Qy47IJQGHck-00260-00062613-00063102 religious as not comparable with a virus Qy47IJQGHck-00261-00063103-00063646 topic mental illness or delusion Qy47IJQGHck-00262-00063647-00063931 sam harris compares religion to mental Qy47IJQGHck-00263-00063932-00064148 illness saying it allows otherwise Qy47IJQGHck-00264-00064149-00064375 normal human beings to reap the fruits Qy47IJQGHck-00265-00064376-00064666 of madness and consider them holy Qy47IJQGHck-00266-00064666-00064916 according to a retrospective study on Qy47IJQGHck-00267-00064916-00065167 Abraham Moses Jesus Christ and the Qy47IJQGHck-00268-00065169-00065380 Apostle Paul they may have had psychotic Qy47IJQGHck-00269-00065382-00065585 disorders that contributed inspiration Qy47IJQGHck-00270-00065586-00065828 for their revelations they conclude that Qy47IJQGHck-00271-00065829-00066005 people with such disorders have had a Qy47IJQGHck-00272-00066006-00066226 monumental influence on civilization Qy47IJQGHck-00273-00066227-00066410 psychological studies into the Qy47IJQGHck-00274-00066411-00066575 phenomenon of mysticism linked Qy47IJQGHck-00275-00066576-00066779 disturbing aspects of certain mystics Qy47IJQGHck-00276-00066780-00066981 experiences to childhood abuse Qy47IJQGHck-00277-00066982-00067223 Clifford APIC / found evidence Qy47IJQGHck-00278-00067224-00067381 suggesting that temporal lobe epilepsy Qy47IJQGHck-00279-00067382-00067604 may be linked to a variety of so-called Qy47IJQGHck-00280-00067605-00067997 spiritual or otherworldly experiences Qy47IJQGHck-00281-00067998-00068243 such as spiritual possession originating Qy47IJQGHck-00282-00068244-00068429 from altered electrical activity in the Qy47IJQGHck-00283-00068430-00068719 brain Carl Sagan in his last book the Qy47IJQGHck-00284-00068720-00068960 demon haunted world science as a candle Qy47IJQGHck-00285-00068961-00069137 in the dark presented his case for the Qy47IJQGHck-00286-00069138-00069305 miraculous sightings of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00287-00069306-00069503 figures and modern sightings of UFOs Qy47IJQGHck-00288-00069504-00069682 coming from the same mental disorder Qy47IJQGHck-00289-00069683-00070034 Vili under s Ramachandran suggests it's Qy47IJQGHck-00290-00070035-00070255 possible that many great religious Qy47IJQGHck-00291-00070256-00070496 leaders had temporal lobe seizures and Qy47IJQGHck-00292-00070497-00070724 this predisposes them to having visions Qy47IJQGHck-00293-00070725-00071107 having mystical experiences michael Qy47IJQGHck-00294-00071108-00071309 persinger stimulated the temporal lobes Qy47IJQGHck-00295-00071310-00071459 of the brain artificially with a Qy47IJQGHck-00296-00071460-00071675 magnetic field using a device nicknamed Qy47IJQGHck-00297-00071676-00071921 the god helmet and was able to Qy47IJQGHck-00298-00071922-00072086 artificially induce religious Qy47IJQGHck-00299-00072087-00072262 experiences along with near-death Qy47IJQGHck-00300-00072263-00072468 experiences and ghost sightings Qy47IJQGHck-00301-00072469-00072791 according to John Bradshaw some forms of Qy47IJQGHck-00302-00072792-00073034 temporal lobe tumors her epilepsy are Qy47IJQGHck-00303-00073035-00073336 associated with extreme religiosity in Qy47IJQGHck-00304-00073337-00073612 his research recent brain imaging of Qy47IJQGHck-00305-00073613-00073790 religious subjects praying or meditating Qy47IJQGHck-00306-00073791-00074021 show identical activity in the Qy47IJQGHck-00307-00074022-00074210 respective human section of the brain Qy47IJQGHck-00308-00074211-00074497 which Ramachandran calls God spots Qy47IJQGHck-00309-00074498-00074768 psilocybin from mushrooms effect regions Qy47IJQGHck-00310-00074769-00074948 of the brain including the serotonergic Qy47IJQGHck-00311-00074949-00075155 system which generating a sense of Qy47IJQGHck-00312-00075156-00075347 strong religious meaning unity and Qy47IJQGHck-00313-00075348-00075641 ecstasy certain physical rituals may Qy47IJQGHck-00314-00075642-00075844 generate similar feelings in Michael Qy47IJQGHck-00315-00075845-00075992 schirmer's book why people believe Qy47IJQGHck-00316-00075993-00076199 strange things he theorizes on how Qy47IJQGHck-00317-00076200-00076375 emerging mankind imposed made-up Qy47IJQGHck-00318-00076376-00076586 explanations and bizarre rituals for Qy47IJQGHck-00319-00076587-00076748 natural phenomena they didn't and Qy47IJQGHck-00320-00076749-00076868 couldn't understand Qy47IJQGHck-00321-00076869-00077093 this is similar to the arguments made by Qy47IJQGHck-00322-00077094-00077273 Daniel Dennett in breaking the spell Qy47IJQGHck-00323-00077274-00077480 however schirmer's argument goes further Qy47IJQGHck-00324-00077481-00077645 in that the peculiar and at times Qy47IJQGHck-00325-00077646-00077840 frightening rituals of religion are but Qy47IJQGHck-00326-00077841-00078038 one of many forms of strange customs Qy47IJQGHck-00327-00078039-00078488 that survive to this day Qy47IJQGHck-00328-00078489-00078707 topic immature stage of societal Qy47IJQGHck-00329-00078708-00079106 development Qy47IJQGHck-00330-00079107-00079337 philosopher Augusto compte posited that Qy47IJQGHck-00331-00079338-00079556 many societal constructs passed through Qy47IJQGHck-00332-00079557-00079712 three stages and that religion Qy47IJQGHck-00333-00079713-00079922 corresponds to the two earlier or more Qy47IJQGHck-00334-00079923-00080144 primitive stages by stating from the Qy47IJQGHck-00335-00080145-00080333 study of the development of human Qy47IJQGHck-00336-00080334-00080543 intelligence in all directions and Qy47IJQGHck-00337-00080544-00080657 through all times Qy47IJQGHck-00338-00080658-00080855 the discovery arises of a great Qy47IJQGHck-00339-00080856-00081044 fundamental law to which it is Qy47IJQGHck-00340-00081045-00081266 necessarily subject and which has a Qy47IJQGHck-00341-00081267-00081518 solid foundation of proof both in the Qy47IJQGHck-00342-00081519-00081731 facts of our organization and in our Qy47IJQGHck-00343-00081732-00082052 historical experience the law is this Qy47IJQGHck-00344-00082053-00082250 that each of our leading conceptions Qy47IJQGHck-00345-00082251-00082472 each branch of our knowledge passes Qy47IJQGHck-00346-00082473-00082649 successively through three different Qy47IJQGHck-00347-00082650-00082925 theoretical conditions the theological Qy47IJQGHck-00348-00082926-00083147 or fictitious the metaphysical or Qy47IJQGHck-00349-00083148-00083651 abstract and the scientific or positive Qy47IJQGHck-00350-00083652-00083806 you Qy47IJQGHck-00351-00083807-00084357 topic responds to criticism Qy47IJQGHck-00352-00084358-00084612 in his book is religion dangerous Keith Qy47IJQGHck-00353-00084613-00084819 Ward notes that not all false opinions Qy47IJQGHck-00354-00084820-00084999 are delusions and that belief in God is Qy47IJQGHck-00355-00085000-00085227 different as many great minds and people Qy47IJQGHck-00356-00085228-00085410 who live ordinary lives and believe in Qy47IJQGHck-00357-00085411-00085671 God are not irrational people hyper Qy47IJQGHck-00358-00085672-00085980 religiosity or even intensely professed Qy47IJQGHck-00359-00085981-00086241 atheism can emerge from emotional Qy47IJQGHck-00360-00086242-00086433 disturbances involving temporal lobe Qy47IJQGHck-00361-00086434-00086807 epilepsy Qy47IJQGHck-00362-00086808-00087363 topic harm to individuals Qy47IJQGHck-00363-00087364-00087582 some have criticized the effects of Qy47IJQGHck-00364-00087583-00087783 adherence to dangerous practices such as Qy47IJQGHck-00365-00087784-00088238 self-sacrifice Qy47IJQGHck-00366-00088239-00088738 topic inadequate medical care Qy47IJQGHck-00367-00088739-00089119 a detailed study in 1998 found 140 Qy47IJQGHck-00368-00089120-00089308 instances of deaths of children due to Qy47IJQGHck-00369-00089309-00089593 religion-based medical neglect most of Qy47IJQGHck-00370-00089594-00089797 these cases involved Christian parents Qy47IJQGHck-00371-00089798-00089971 relying on prayer to cure the child's Qy47IJQGHck-00372-00089972-00090437 disease and withholding medical care Qy47IJQGHck-00373-00090438-00090996 topic Jerusalem syndrome Qy47IJQGHck-00374-00090997-00091212 Jerusalem has loaned its name to a Qy47IJQGHck-00375-00091213-00091428 unique psychological phenomenon where Qy47IJQGHck-00376-00091429-00091626 Jewish or Christian individuals who Qy47IJQGHck-00377-00091627-00091854 develop obsessive religious themed ideas Qy47IJQGHck-00378-00091855-00092037 or delusions sometimes believing Qy47IJQGHck-00379-00092038-00092256 themselves to be Jesus Christ or another Qy47IJQGHck-00380-00092257-00092457 prophet will feel compelled to travel to Qy47IJQGHck-00381-00092458-00092703 Jerusalem during a period of 13 years Qy47IJQGHck-00382-00092704-00093046 1980 to 1993 for which admissions to the Qy47IJQGHck-00383-00093047-00093288 kfar sha mental health center in Qy47IJQGHck-00384-00093289-00093519 jerusalem were analyzed it was reported Qy47IJQGHck-00385-00093520-00093774 that 1,200 tourists with severe Qy47IJQGHck-00386-00093775-00093984 jerusalem themed mental problems were Qy47IJQGHck-00387-00093985-00094321 referred to this clinic of these 470 Qy47IJQGHck-00388-00094322-00094609 were admitted to hospital on average 100 Qy47IJQGHck-00389-00094610-00094828 such tourists have been seen annually 40 Qy47IJQGHck-00390-00094829-00095024 of them requiring admission to hospital Qy47IJQGHck-00391-00095025-00095301 about 2 million tourists visit Jerusalem Qy47IJQGHck-00392-00095302-00095601 each year kalian and wisdom note that as Qy47IJQGHck-00393-00095602-00095766 a proportion of the total numbers of Qy47IJQGHck-00394-00095767-00095988 tourists visiting the city this is not Qy47IJQGHck-00395-00095989-00096162 significantly different from any other Qy47IJQGHck-00396-00096163-00096444 city the statements of these claims has Qy47IJQGHck-00397-00096445-00096648 however been disputed with the arguments Qy47IJQGHck-00398-00096649-00096831 that experiencers of the Jerusalem Qy47IJQGHck-00399-00096832-00097336 syndrome already were mentally ill Qy47IJQGHck-00400-00097337-00097843 topic honor killings and stony Qy47IJQGHck-00401-00097844-00098065 honor killings once well-known in the Qy47IJQGHck-00402-00098066-00098254 western are now extremely rare however Qy47IJQGHck-00403-00098255-00098449 they still occur in other parts of the Qy47IJQGHck-00404-00098450-00098698 world an honor is when a person is Qy47IJQGHck-00405-00098699-00098872 killed by family for bringing dishonor Qy47IJQGHck-00406-00098873-00099097 or shame upon the family stoning is a Qy47IJQGHck-00407-00099098-00099295 form of capital punishment whereby a Qy47IJQGHck-00408-00099296-00099505 group throws stones at a person until Qy47IJQGHck-00409-00099506-00099805 death ensues as of September 2010 Qy47IJQGHck-00410-00099806-00100045 stoning is a punishment that is included Qy47IJQGHck-00411-00100046-00100207 in the laws in some countries including Qy47IJQGHck-00412-00100208-00100537 Saudi Arabia Sudan Yemen the United Arab Qy47IJQGHck-00413-00100538-00100759 Emirates and some states in Nigeria as Qy47IJQGHck-00414-00100760-00101002 punishment for zina Almo zina adultery Qy47IJQGHck-00415-00101003-00101323 of married persons while stoning may not Qy47IJQGHck-00416-00101324-00101551 be codified in the laws of Afghanistan Qy47IJQGHck-00417-00101552-00101749 and Somalia both countries have seen Qy47IJQGHck-00418-00101750-00101914 several incidents of stoning to death Qy47IJQGHck-00419-00101915-00102163 until the early 2000s stoning was a Qy47IJQGHck-00420-00102164-00102388 legal form of capital punishment in Iran Qy47IJQGHck-00421-00102389-00102792 in 2002 the Iranian judiciary officially Qy47IJQGHck-00422-00102793-00103134 placed a moratorium on stoning in 2005 Qy47IJQGHck-00423-00103135-00103378 judiciary spokesmen Jamal Kareem Irit Qy47IJQGHck-00424-00103379-00103651 stated that in the Islamic Republic we Qy47IJQGHck-00425-00103652-00103842 do not see such punishments being Qy47IJQGHck-00426-00103843-00104116 carried out further adding that if Qy47IJQGHck-00427-00104117-00104307 stoning sentences were passed by lower Qy47IJQGHck-00428-00104308-00104365 courts Qy47IJQGHck-00429-00104366-00104551 they were overruled by higher courts and Qy47IJQGHck-00430-00104552-00104773 no such verdicts have been carried out Qy47IJQGHck-00431-00104774-00105163 in 2008 the judiciary decided to fully Qy47IJQGHck-00432-00105164-00105336 scrap the punishment from the books and Qy47IJQGHck-00433-00105338-00105529 legislation submitted to Parliament for Qy47IJQGHck-00434-00105530-00105853 approval in early 2013 iranian Qy47IJQGHck-00435-00105854-00106039 parliament published official report Qy47IJQGHck-00436-00106040-00106225 about excluding stoning from Penal Code Qy47IJQGHck-00437-00106226-00106423 and it accused Western media for Qy47IJQGHck-00438-00106424-00106714 spreading noisy propaganda about the Qy47IJQGHck-00439-00106715-00107032 case Qy47IJQGHck-00440-00107033-00107304 topic genital modification and Qy47IJQGHck-00441-00107305-00107664 mutilation Qy47IJQGHck-00442-00107665-00107823 according to the World Health Qy47IJQGHck-00443-00107824-00108007 Organization female genital mutilation Qy47IJQGHck-00444-00108008-00108222 has no health benefits and is a Qy47IJQGHck-00445-00108223-00108508 violation of basic human rights though Qy47IJQGHck-00446-00108508-00108733 no first tier religious texts prescribed Qy47IJQGHck-00447-00108733-00108919 the practice some practitioners do Qy47IJQGHck-00448-00108920-00109089 believe there is religious support for Qy47IJQGHck-00449-00109090-00109347 it while it is mostly found in Muslim Qy47IJQGHck-00450-00109348-00109558 countries it is also practiced by some Qy47IJQGHck-00451-00109558-00109756 Christian and animist countries mostly Qy47IJQGHck-00452-00109757-00110100 in Africa gfa is not widely practiced in Qy47IJQGHck-00453-00110101-00110259 some Muslim countries making it Qy47IJQGHck-00454-00110260-00110409 difficult to separate religion from Qy47IJQGHck-00455-00110410-00110700 culture some religious leaders promote Qy47IJQGHck-00456-00110701-00110865 it some consider it irrelevant to Qy47IJQGHck-00457-00110866-00111048 religion and others contribute to its Qy47IJQGHck-00458-00111049-00111312 elimination the practice is illegal in Qy47IJQGHck-00459-00111313-00111489 all Western countries and it is also Qy47IJQGHck-00460-00111490-00111690 illegal to transport a girl to another Qy47IJQGHck-00461-00111691-00111987 country to carry out FGM multiple Qy47IJQGHck-00462-00111988-00112158 parents have been charged for committing Qy47IJQGHck-00463-00112159-00112333 this crime in the United Kingdom with Qy47IJQGHck-00464-00112333-00112524 those charged being exclusively from Qy47IJQGHck-00465-00112525-00112746 Muslim countries male circumcision is a Qy47IJQGHck-00466-00112747-00112906 cost-effective way for disease Qy47IJQGHck-00467-00112907-00113088 prevention and helps reduce medical Qy47IJQGHck-00468-00113089-00113361 costs overall the health benefits of Qy47IJQGHck-00469-00113362-00113538 male circumcision exceed the health Qy47IJQGHck-00470-00113539-00113778 risks by at least 100 to 1 and there are Qy47IJQGHck-00471-00113779-00113983 no long-term adverse effect in terms of Qy47IJQGHck-00472-00113983-00114297 sexual function or pleasure as such some Qy47IJQGHck-00473-00114298-00114493 have argued that failure to circumcise a Qy47IJQGHck-00474-00114494-00114696 baby boy may be unethical because it Qy47IJQGHck-00475-00114697-00115123 diminishes his right to good health Qy47IJQGHck-00476-00115124-00115408 topic counter-arguments - religion as Qy47IJQGHck-00477-00115408-00115853 harmful to individuals Qy47IJQGHck-00478-00115854-00116177 a matter view of 850 research papers on Qy47IJQGHck-00479-00116178-00116386 religion in the United States concluded Qy47IJQGHck-00480-00116388-00116618 that the majority of well conducted Qy47IJQGHck-00481-00116619-00116816 studies found that higher levels of Qy47IJQGHck-00482-00116817-00117034 religious involvement are positively Qy47IJQGHck-00483-00117035-00117233 associated with indicators of Qy47IJQGHck-00484-00117233-00117416 psychological well-being life Qy47IJQGHck-00485-00117417-00117725 satisfaction happiness positive effect Qy47IJQGHck-00486-00117726-00117944 and higher morale and with lower rates Qy47IJQGHck-00487-00117945-00118175 of depression suicidal thoughts and Qy47IJQGHck-00488-00118176-00118558 behavior and drug alcohol use abuse in Qy47IJQGHck-00489-00118558-00118826 addition various surveys done by major Qy47IJQGHck-00490-00118827-00119066 opinion poll organizations in the United Qy47IJQGHck-00491-00119067-00119321 States including Gallup a review of 200 Qy47IJQGHck-00492-00119322-00119591 papers a meta-analysis of 35 surveys Qy47IJQGHck-00493-00119592-00119876 another review of 498 papers in the Qy47IJQGHck-00494-00119877-00120158 handbook of religion surveys suggest a Qy47IJQGHck-00495-00120158-00120358 strong link between faith and altruism Qy47IJQGHck-00496-00120359-00120692 and a meta-analysis of 34 recent studies Qy47IJQGHck-00497-00120693-00120869 showing that membership of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00498-00120870-00121036 groups in the United States was Qy47IJQGHck-00499-00121038-00121258 positively correlated with membership of Qy47IJQGHck-00500-00121259-00121493 voluntary organizations higher level of Qy47IJQGHck-00501-00121494-00121703 commitment better self esteem are twice Qy47IJQGHck-00502-00121704-00121928 as likely to have a more satisfying sex Qy47IJQGHck-00503-00121929-00122144 life and lower risk of suicide higher Qy47IJQGHck-00504-00122145-00122405 level self esteem self-actualization and Qy47IJQGHck-00505-00122406-00122707 life satisfaction across national Qy47IJQGHck-00506-00122708-00122903 investigation on subjective well-being Qy47IJQGHck-00507-00122904-00123155 has noted that globally religious people Qy47IJQGHck-00508-00123156-00123341 are usually happier than non-religious Qy47IJQGHck-00509-00123342-00123524 people though non-religious people also Qy47IJQGHck-00510-00123525-00123731 reach high levels of happiness it should Qy47IJQGHck-00511-00123732-00124031 be noted almost all OFA s of 2001 these Qy47IJQGHck-00512-00124032-00124217 studies were conducted within the United Qy47IJQGHck-00513-00124218-00124376 States and deal with subjectively Qy47IJQGHck-00514-00124377-00124636 reported life happiness there is no Qy47IJQGHck-00515-00124638-00124783 significant correlation between Qy47IJQGHck-00516-00124784-00125051 religiosity and individual happiness in Qy47IJQGHck-00517-00125052-00125243 Denmark in the Netherlands countries Qy47IJQGHck-00518-00125244-00125432 that have lower rates of religion lower Qy47IJQGHck-00519-00125433-00125635 discrimination against atheists and Qy47IJQGHck-00520-00125636-00125758 where both the religious and Qy47IJQGHck-00521-00125759-00125911 non-religious are normative Qy47IJQGHck-00522-00125913-00126242 the 2013 world happiness report mentions Qy47IJQGHck-00523-00126243-00126425 that one screwed factors are taken into Qy47IJQGHck-00524-00126426-00126623 account there are no differences in life Qy47IJQGHck-00525-00126624-00126839 satisfaction between religious and less Qy47IJQGHck-00526-00126840-00127118 religious countries despite honor Qy47IJQGHck-00527-00127119-00127316 killings occurring in multiple cultures Qy47IJQGHck-00528-00127317-00127541 and religions Islam as frequently blamed Qy47IJQGHck-00529-00127542-00127761 for their institution and persistence Qy47IJQGHck-00530-00127763-00128027 professor - here a shade Khan notes that Qy47IJQGHck-00531-00128028-00128150 there is nothing in the Quran that Qy47IJQGHck-00532-00128151-00128357 permits or sanctions honor killings Qy47IJQGHck-00533-00128358-00128573 attributes it to broader attitudes that Qy47IJQGHck-00534-00128574-00128771 view women as property with no rights as Qy47IJQGHck-00535-00128772-00129044 the explanation for honor killings Khan Qy47IJQGHck-00536-00129045-00129239 also argues that this view result Qy47IJQGHck-00537-00129240-00129409 in violence against women and they're Qy47IJQGHck-00538-00129410-00129661 being turned into a commodity which can Qy47IJQGHck-00539-00129663-00130025 be exchanged bought and sold Qy47IJQGHck-00540-00130026-00130204 you Qy47IJQGHck-00541-00130205-00130759 topic harm to society Qy47IJQGHck-00542-00130760-00131008 some aspects of religion are criticized Qy47IJQGHck-00543-00131009-00131231 on the basis that they damage society as Qy47IJQGHck-00544-00131232-00131299 a whole Qy47IJQGHck-00545-00131300-00131578 Steven Weinberg for example states it Qy47IJQGHck-00546-00131579-00131753 takes religion to make good people do Qy47IJQGHck-00547-00131754-00132002 evil Bertrand Russell and Richard Qy47IJQGHck-00548-00132003-00132229 Dawkins cite religiously inspired or Qy47IJQGHck-00549-00132230-00132473 justified violence resistance to social Qy47IJQGHck-00550-00132474-00132703 change attacks on science repression of Qy47IJQGHck-00551-00132704-00132926 women and homophobia Harding has claimed Qy47IJQGHck-00552-00132927-00133124 that major religious moral codes can Qy47IJQGHck-00553-00133125-00133394 lead to us versus them group solidarity Qy47IJQGHck-00554-00133395-00133661 and mentality which can dehumanize or Qy47IJQGHck-00555-00133662-00133868 demonize individuals outside their group Qy47IJQGHck-00556-00133869-00134162 as not fully human or less worthy Qy47IJQGHck-00557-00134163-00134345 results can vary from mild Qy47IJQGHck-00558-00134346-00134561 discrimination to outright genocide a Qy47IJQGHck-00559-00134562-00134828 poll by the Guardian noted that 82% of Qy47IJQGHck-00560-00134829-00135040 the British people believe that religion Qy47IJQGHck-00561-00135041-00135215 is socially divisive and that this Qy47IJQGHck-00562-00135216-00135365 effect is harmful despite the Qy47IJQGHck-00563-00135366-00135578 observation that non-believers outnumber Qy47IJQGHck-00564-00135579-00135790 believers two-to-one according to one Qy47IJQGHck-00565-00135791-00135977 study membership of a religious group Qy47IJQGHck-00566-00135978-00136240 can accentuate biases in behavior toward Qy47IJQGHck-00567-00136241-00136478 in-group vs. out group members which may Qy47IJQGHck-00568-00136479-00136652 explain the lower number of interracial Qy47IJQGHck-00569-00136653-00136865 friends and greater approval of torture Qy47IJQGHck-00570-00136866-00137296 among church members Qy47IJQGHck-00571-00137297-00137869 topic holy war and religious terrorism Qy47IJQGHck-00572-00137870-00138154 while terrorism is a complex subject it Qy47IJQGHck-00573-00138155-00138349 is argued that terrorists are partially Qy47IJQGHck-00574-00138350-00138526 reassured by their religious views of Qy47IJQGHck-00575-00138527-00138688 God's support and reward for their Qy47IJQGHck-00576-00138689-00138874 actions these conflicts are among the Qy47IJQGHck-00577-00138875-00139078 most difficult to resolve particularly Qy47IJQGHck-00578-00139079-00139273 where both sides believe that God is on Qy47IJQGHck-00579-00139274-00139447 their side and has endorsed the moral Qy47IJQGHck-00580-00139448-00139684 righteousness of their claims one of the Qy47IJQGHck-00581-00139685-00139891 most infamous quotes associated with Qy47IJQGHck-00582-00139892-00140131 religious fanaticism was made in 1209 Qy47IJQGHck-00583-00140132-00140362 during the siege of beiges a crusader Qy47IJQGHck-00584-00140363-00140587 asked the papal legged Arno amalric how Qy47IJQGHck-00585-00140588-00140788 to tell Catholics from Cathars when the Qy47IJQGHck-00586-00140789-00141001 city was taken to which Amalric replied Qy47IJQGHck-00587-00141002-00141334 to as les tus do you reckon a troll SCN Qy47IJQGHck-00588-00141335-00141691 or kill them all God will recognize his Qy47IJQGHck-00589-00141692-00141979 own theoretical physicist Michio Kaku Qy47IJQGHck-00590-00141980-00142213 considers religious terrorism as one of Qy47IJQGHck-00591-00142214-00142423 the main threats in humanity's evolution Qy47IJQGHck-00592-00142424-00142561 from a type zero to type one Qy47IJQGHck-00593-00142562-00143015 civilization Qy47IJQGHck-00594-00143016-00143652 topic suppression of scientific progress Qy47IJQGHck-00595-00143653-00143901 John William Draper and Andrew Dixon Qy47IJQGHck-00596-00143902-00144087 white authors of the conflict thesis Qy47IJQGHck-00597-00144088-00144285 have argued that when a religion offers Qy47IJQGHck-00598-00144286-00144447 a complete set of answers to the Qy47IJQGHck-00599-00144448-00144711 problems of purpose morality origins or Qy47IJQGHck-00600-00144712-00144783 science Qy47IJQGHck-00601-00144784-00144984 it often discourages exploration of Qy47IJQGHck-00602-00144985-00145215 those areas by suppressing curiosity Qy47IJQGHck-00603-00145216-00145359 denies its followers a broader Qy47IJQGHck-00604-00145360-00145587 perspective and can prevent social moral Qy47IJQGHck-00605-00145588-00145890 and scientific progress examples cited Qy47IJQGHck-00606-00145891-00146076 in their writings include the trial of Qy47IJQGHck-00607-00146077-00146363 Galileo and Giordano Bruno is execution Qy47IJQGHck-00608-00146364-00146649 during the 19th century the conflict Qy47IJQGHck-00609-00146650-00146871 thesis developed according to this model Qy47IJQGHck-00610-00146872-00147087 any interaction between religion and Qy47IJQGHck-00611-00147088-00147294 science must inevitably lead to open Qy47IJQGHck-00612-00147295-00147513 hostility with religion usually taking Qy47IJQGHck-00613-00147514-00147669 the part of the aggressor against new Qy47IJQGHck-00614-00147670-00147993 scientific ideas the historical conflict Qy47IJQGHck-00615-00147994-00148179 thesis was a popular historiographical Qy47IJQGHck-00616-00148180-00148377 approach in the history of science Qy47IJQGHck-00617-00148378-00148587 during the late 19th and early 20th Qy47IJQGHck-00618-00148588-00148800 centuries but its original form is Qy47IJQGHck-00619-00148801-00149007 almost entirely discarded by scholars Qy47IJQGHck-00620-00149008-00149289 today despite that conflict theory Qy47IJQGHck-00621-00149290-00149487 remains a popular view among the general Qy47IJQGHck-00622-00149488-00149688 public and has been publicized by the Qy47IJQGHck-00623-00149689-00149856 success of books such as The God Qy47IJQGHck-00624-00149857-00150192 Delusion historians of science including Qy47IJQGHck-00625-00150193-00150384 John Headley Brooke and Ronald numbers Qy47IJQGHck-00626-00150385-00150653 consider the religion versus science Qy47IJQGHck-00627-00150654-00150891 concept and oversimplification and Qy47IJQGHck-00628-00150892-00151083 prefer to take a more nuanced view of Qy47IJQGHck-00629-00151084-00151365 the subject these historians cite for Qy47IJQGHck-00630-00151366-00151569 example the Galileo affair and the Qy47IJQGHck-00631-00151570-00151752 Scopes trial and assert that these were Qy47IJQGHck-00632-00151753-00151947 not purely instances of conflict between Qy47IJQGHck-00633-00151948-00152160 science and religion as personal and Qy47IJQGHck-00634-00152161-00152343 political factors also weighed heavily Qy47IJQGHck-00635-00152344-00152622 in the development of each in addition Qy47IJQGHck-00636-00152623-00152838 some historians contend that religious Qy47IJQGHck-00637-00152839-00153051 organizations figure prominently in the Qy47IJQGHck-00638-00153052-00153267 broader histories of many Sciences with Qy47IJQGHck-00639-00153268-00153462 many of the scientific minds until the Qy47IJQGHck-00640-00153463-00153651 professionalization of scientific Qy47IJQGHck-00641-00153652-00153870 enterprise in the 19th century being Qy47IJQGHck-00642-00153871-00154164 clergy and other religious thinkers some Qy47IJQGHck-00643-00154165-00154380 historians contend that many scientific Qy47IJQGHck-00644-00154381-00154599 developments such as Kepler's laws in Qy47IJQGHck-00645-00154600-00154806 the 19th century reformulation of Qy47IJQGHck-00646-00154807-00154962 physics in terms of energy were Qy47IJQGHck-00647-00154963-00155243 explicitly driven by religious ideas Qy47IJQGHck-00648-00155244-00155484 recent examples of tensions have been Qy47IJQGHck-00649-00155485-00155688 the creation/evolution controversy Qy47IJQGHck-00650-00155689-00155874 controversies over the use of birth Qy47IJQGHck-00651-00155875-00156093 control opposition to research into Qy47IJQGHck-00652-00156094-00156294 embryonic stem cells or theological Qy47IJQGHck-00653-00156295-00156573 objections to vaccination anesthesia and Qy47IJQGHck-00654-00156574-00156944 blood transfusion Qy47IJQGHck-00655-00156945-00157235 topic counter-arguments - religion as Qy47IJQGHck-00656-00157236-00157661 harmful to society Qy47IJQGHck-00657-00157662-00157925 some studies show some positive links in Qy47IJQGHck-00658-00157926-00158135 the relationship between religiosity and Qy47IJQGHck-00659-00158136-00158453 moral behavior and altruism some studies Qy47IJQGHck-00660-00158454-00158639 have shown similar correlations between Qy47IJQGHck-00661-00158640-00158876 religiosity and giving some argue that Qy47IJQGHck-00662-00158877-00159101 religious violence confuses religious Qy47IJQGHck-00663-00159102-00159275 moral rules and behavior with non Qy47IJQGHck-00664-00159276-00159545 religious factors this includes the Qy47IJQGHck-00665-00159546-00159695 claim that events like terrorist Qy47IJQGHck-00666-00159696-00159851 bombings are more politically motivated Qy47IJQGHck-00667-00159852-00160184 than religious mark Jurgen Smyre argues Qy47IJQGHck-00668-00160185-00160418 that religion does not ordinarily lead Qy47IJQGHck-00669-00160419-00160679 to violence that happens only with the Qy47IJQGHck-00670-00160680-00160889 coalescence of a peculiar set of Qy47IJQGHck-00671-00160890-00161204 circumstances political social and Qy47IJQGHck-00672-00161205-00161543 ideological when religion becomes fused Qy47IJQGHck-00673-00161544-00161756 with violent expressions of social Qy47IJQGHck-00674-00161757-00162026 aspirations personal pride and movements Qy47IJQGHck-00675-00162027-00162302 for political change and that it is Qy47IJQGHck-00676-00162303-00162496 unreasonable to attempt to differentiate Qy47IJQGHck-00677-00162497-00162896 religious violence and secular violence Qy47IJQGHck-00678-00162897-00163169 as separate categories while others Qy47IJQGHck-00679-00163170-00163346 assert religion is not inherently Qy47IJQGHck-00680-00163347-00163526 violent and while the two are compatible Qy47IJQGHck-00681-00163527-00163670 they are not essential and that Qy47IJQGHck-00682-00163671-00163862 religious violence can be compared with Qy47IJQGHck-00683-00163863-00164009 non-religious violence Qy47IJQGHck-00684-00164010-00164336 see s louis suggests that all religions Qy47IJQGHck-00685-00164337-00164531 by definition involve faith or a belief Qy47IJQGHck-00686-00164532-00164768 in concepts that cannot be proven or Qy47IJQGHck-00687-00164769-00165026 disproven by the sciences not all Qy47IJQGHck-00688-00165027-00165209 religious people subscribe to the idea Qy47IJQGHck-00689-00165210-00165443 that religion and science are mutually Qy47IJQGHck-00690-00165444-00165679 exclusive non-overlapping magisteria as Qy47IJQGHck-00691-00165680-00165893 do some atheists including Stephen Jay Qy47IJQGHck-00692-00165894-00166214 Gould biologist Richard Dawkins has said Qy47IJQGHck-00693-00166215-00166409 that religious practitioners often do Qy47IJQGHck-00694-00166410-00166520 not believe in the view of Qy47IJQGHck-00695-00166521-00166679 non-overlapping magisteria Qy47IJQGHck-00696-00166680-00166868 according to a survey most religious Qy47IJQGHck-00697-00166869-00167045 groups in the United States have no Qy47IJQGHck-00698-00167046-00167254 general epistemological conflict with Qy47IJQGHck-00699-00167255-00167411 science or with the seeking out of Qy47IJQGHck-00700-00167412-00167591 scientific knowledge even if there are Qy47IJQGHck-00701-00167592-00167795 epistemic or moral conflicts with their Qy47IJQGHck-00702-00167796-00167840 faith Qy47IJQGHck-00703-00167841-00168098 strict creationists tend to have very Qy47IJQGHck-00704-00168099-00168296 favorable views on many of the different Qy47IJQGHck-00705-00168297-00168602 Sciences a study on a national sample of Qy47IJQGHck-00706-00168603-00168803 United States college students found Qy47IJQGHck-00707-00168804-00168998 that the majority of undergraduates in Qy47IJQGHck-00708-00168999-00169214 both the natural and Social Sciences do Qy47IJQGHck-00709-00169215-00169403 not see conflict between science and Qy47IJQGHck-00710-00169404-00169691 religion cross national studies pulled Qy47IJQGHck-00711-00169692-00169991 from 1981 to 2001 on views of science Qy47IJQGHck-00712-00169992-00170189 and religion have noted that countries Qy47IJQGHck-00713-00170190-00170393 with higher religiosity have stronger Qy47IJQGHck-00714-00170394-00170788 trust in science Qy47IJQGHck-00715-00170789-00171288 topic morality Qy47IJQGHck-00716-00171289-00171536 Richard Dawkins contends that theistic Qy47IJQGHck-00717-00171537-00171766 religions devalue human compassion and Qy47IJQGHck-00718-00171767-00172031 morality in his view the Bible contains Qy47IJQGHck-00719-00172032-00172235 many injunctions against following one's Qy47IJQGHck-00720-00172236-00172438 conscience over scripture and positive Qy47IJQGHck-00721-00172439-00172625 actions are supposed to originate not Qy47IJQGHck-00722-00172626-00172789 from compassion but from the fear of Qy47IJQGHck-00723-00172790-00173077 punishment Albert Einstein stated that Qy47IJQGHck-00724-00173078-00173290 no religious basis is needed in order to Qy47IJQGHck-00725-00173291-00173534 display ethical behavior survey research Qy47IJQGHck-00726-00173535-00173735 suggests that believers do tend to hold Qy47IJQGHck-00727-00173736-00173926 different views than non-believers on a Qy47IJQGHck-00728-00173927-00174122 variety of social ethical and moral Qy47IJQGHck-00729-00174123-00174485 questions according to a 2003 survey Qy47IJQGHck-00730-00174486-00174671 conducted in the United States by the Qy47IJQGHck-00731-00174672-00174829 Barna Group those who described Qy47IJQGHck-00732-00174830-00175049 themselves as believers were less likely Qy47IJQGHck-00733-00175050-00175208 than those describing themselves as Qy47IJQGHck-00734-00175209-00175429 atheists or agnostics to consider the Qy47IJQGHck-00735-00175430-00175626 following behaviors morally acceptable Qy47IJQGHck-00736-00175627-00175799 cohabitating with someone of the Qy47IJQGHck-00737-00175800-00175943 opposite sex outside of marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00738-00175944-00176203 enjoying sexual fantasies having an Qy47IJQGHck-00739-00176204-00176447 abortion sexual relationships outside of Qy47IJQGHck-00740-00176448-00176483 marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00741-00176484-00176732 gambling consuming marijuana looking at Qy47IJQGHck-00742-00176733-00176969 pictures of nudity or explicit sexual Qy47IJQGHck-00743-00176970-00177194 behavior getting drunk in having a Qy47IJQGHck-00744-00177195-00177413 sexual relationship with someone of the Qy47IJQGHck-00745-00177414-00177682 same sex Qy47IJQGHck-00746-00177683-00177839 you Qy47IJQGHck-00747-00177840-00178316 topic children Qy47IJQGHck-00748-00178317-00178586 in the 19th century philosopher Arthur Qy47IJQGHck-00749-00178587-00178796 Schopenhauer argued that teaching some Qy47IJQGHck-00750-00178797-00178997 ideas to children at a young age could Qy47IJQGHck-00751-00178998-00179162 foster resistance to doubting those Qy47IJQGHck-00752-00179163-00179396 ideas later on Islam has permitted the Qy47IJQGHck-00753-00179397-00179594 child marriage of older men to girls as Qy47IJQGHck-00754-00179595-00179855 young as nine years of age Baptist Qy47IJQGHck-00755-00179856-00180083 pastor Jerry vines denounced Muhammad as Qy47IJQGHck-00756-00180084-00180293 a pedophile for marrying and having had Qy47IJQGHck-00757-00180294-00180488 sex with a nine year old referring to Qy47IJQGHck-00758-00180489-00180743 Muhammad as a demon-possessed pedophile Qy47IJQGHck-00759-00180744-00181037 for example one organisation cites the Qy47IJQGHck-00760-00181038-00181211 case of a ten year old girl who was Qy47IJQGHck-00761-00181212-00181412 forced to marry and was raped in Yemen Qy47IJQGHck-00762-00181413-00181673 the dude Ali a 13 year old Yemeni girl Qy47IJQGHck-00763-00181674-00181856 dying of internal bleeding three days Qy47IJQGHck-00764-00181857-00182042 after marriage and a 12 year old girl Qy47IJQGHck-00765-00182043-00182254 dying in childbirth after marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00766-00182255-00182462 Yemen currently does not have the Qy47IJQGHck-00767-00182463-00182627 minimum age for marriage latter-day Qy47IJQGHck-00768-00182628-00182816 Saint Church founder Joseph Smith Qy47IJQGHck-00769-00182817-00183095 married girls as young as 13 and 14 and Qy47IJQGHck-00770-00183096-00183293 other latter-day saints married girls as Qy47IJQGHck-00771-00183294-00183545 young as 10 the Church of Jesus Christ Qy47IJQGHck-00772-00183546-00183740 of latter-day saints eliminated Qy47IJQGHck-00773-00183741-00183932 underaged marriages in the 19th century Qy47IJQGHck-00774-00183933-00184163 but several branches of Mormonism Qy47IJQGHck-00775-00184164-00184543 continued the practice Qy47IJQGHck-00776-00184544-00185088 topic homosexuals Qy47IJQGHck-00777-00185089-00185371 homosexuality is unambiguously condemned Qy47IJQGHck-00778-00185372-00185611 in Abrahamic religions where prohibition Qy47IJQGHck-00779-00185612-00185782 and execution of those who engage in Qy47IJQGHck-00780-00185783-00186010 male homosexual activity are found in Qy47IJQGHck-00781-00186011-00186184 the Old Testament of the Bible and in Qy47IJQGHck-00782-00186185-00186496 the Quran homosexuals are also condemned Qy47IJQGHck-00783-00186497-00186691 in the New Testament several times but Qy47IJQGHck-00784-00186692-00186937 without obligatory punishment in the Qy47IJQGHck-00785-00186938-00187147 United States conservative Christian Qy47IJQGHck-00786-00187148-00187339 Reich groups such as the Christian Legal Qy47IJQGHck-00787-00187340-00187555 Society and the Alliance Defense Fund Qy47IJQGHck-00788-00187556-00187750 have filed numerous lawsuits against Qy47IJQGHck-00789-00187751-00187960 public universities aimed at overturning Qy47IJQGHck-00790-00187961-00188197 policies that protect homosexuals from Qy47IJQGHck-00791-00188198-00188461 discrimination and hate speech these Qy47IJQGHck-00792-00188462-00188692 groups argue that such policies infringe Qy47IJQGHck-00793-00188693-00188893 their right to freely exercise religion Qy47IJQGHck-00794-00188894-00189019 as guaranteed by the Free Exercise Qy47IJQGHck-00795-00189020-00189232 Clause of the First Amendment of the Qy47IJQGHck-00796-00189233-00189400 United States Constitution Qy47IJQGHck-00797-00189401-00189607 most secularized Christian countries Qy47IJQGHck-00798-00189608-00189838 have legalized homosexual activity and Qy47IJQGHck-00799-00189839-00190077 several have legalized same-sex marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00800-00190078-00190363 however not all historically Christian Qy47IJQGHck-00801-00190364-00190534 countries have done so such as Russia Qy47IJQGHck-00802-00190535-00190720 and Uganda which have introduces Qy47IJQGHck-00803-00190721-00190933 discriminatory laws ranging from anti Qy47IJQGHck-00804-00190934-00191235 propaganda laws to corporal punishment Qy47IJQGHck-00805-00191236-00191455 homosexuality is still illegal in most Qy47IJQGHck-00806-00191456-00191650 Muslim countries and several of these Qy47IJQGHck-00807-00191651-00191851 countries impose the death penalty for Qy47IJQGHck-00808-00191852-00192238 homosexual behavior in July 2005 two Qy47IJQGHck-00809-00192239-00192487 Iranian men aged 16 and 18 were Qy47IJQGHck-00810-00192488-00192688 supposedly hanged for homosexuality Qy47IJQGHck-00811-00192689-00193024 causing an international outcry they Qy47IJQGHck-00812-00193025-00193213 were executed after being convicted by Qy47IJQGHck-00813-00193214-00193339 the court of having raped a Qy47IJQGHck-00814-00193340-00193624 thirteen-year-old boy the case attracted Qy47IJQGHck-00815-00193625-00193834 international media attention the Qy47IJQGHck-00816-00193835-00194065 British lesbian gay and bisexual group Qy47IJQGHck-00817-00194066-00194278 outraged alleged that the teenagers were Qy47IJQGHck-00818-00194279-00194521 executed for consensual homosexual acts Qy47IJQGHck-00819-00194522-00194865 and not rape Qy47IJQGHck-00820-00194866-00195348 topic racism Qy47IJQGHck-00821-00195349-00195603 in line with other findings suggesting Qy47IJQGHck-00822-00195604-00195791 that religious humanitarianism is Qy47IJQGHck-00823-00195792-00195948 largely directed at in-group members Qy47IJQGHck-00824-00195949-00196212 greater religious identification greater Qy47IJQGHck-00825-00196213-00196419 extrinsic religiosity and greater Qy47IJQGHck-00826-00196420-00196650 religious fundamentalism were associated Qy47IJQGHck-00827-00196651-00196902 with racial prejudice this is congruent Qy47IJQGHck-00828-00196903-00197141 with the fact that 50% of religious Qy47IJQGHck-00829-00197142-00197349 congregations in the u.s. are racially Qy47IJQGHck-00830-00197350-00197601 segregated and only 12% have a degree of Qy47IJQGHck-00831-00197602-00197820 diversity religion has been used by some Qy47IJQGHck-00832-00197821-00198078 as justification for advocating racism Qy47IJQGHck-00833-00198079-00198336 the Christian identity movement has been Qy47IJQGHck-00834-00198337-00198603 associated with racism however there are Qy47IJQGHck-00835-00198604-00198798 arguments that these positions may be as Qy47IJQGHck-00836-00198799-00199002 much reflections of contemporary social Qy47IJQGHck-00837-00199003-00199152 views as of what has been called Qy47IJQGHck-00838-00199153-00199350 scientific racism the Church of Jesus Qy47IJQGHck-00839-00199351-00199595 Christ of latter-day saints had excluded Qy47IJQGHck-00840-00199596-00199766 african-americans from the priesthood Qy47IJQGHck-00841-00199767-00200190 from 1860 to 1978 most fundamentalist Qy47IJQGHck-00842-00200191-00200400 Mormon sects within the Latter day Saint Qy47IJQGHck-00843-00200401-00200664 movement rejected the church's 1978 Qy47IJQGHck-00844-00200665-00200879 decision to allow african-americans to Qy47IJQGHck-00845-00200880-00201054 hold the priesthood and continue to deny Qy47IJQGHck-00846-00201055-00201345 activity in the church due to race due Qy47IJQGHck-00847-00201346-00201602 to these beliefs in its spring 2005 Qy47IJQGHck-00848-00201603-00201903 intelligence report the Southern Poverty Qy47IJQGHck-00849-00201904-00202146 Law Center added the church to its hate Qy47IJQGHck-00850-00202147-00202395 group listing because of the Church's Qy47IJQGHck-00851-00202396-00202599 teachings on race which include a strong Qy47IJQGHck-00852-00202600-00202731 condemnation of interracial Qy47IJQGHck-00853-00202732-00203100 relationships Qy47IJQGHck-00854-00203101-00203564 topic women Qy47IJQGHck-00855-00203565-00203768 the content of the holy books of Qy47IJQGHck-00856-00203769-00203972 Abrahamic religions contains severe Qy47IJQGHck-00857-00203973-00204113 restrictions on the rights of women Qy47IJQGHck-00858-00204114-00204305 ranging from prohibiting women from Qy47IJQGHck-00859-00204306-00204500 certain behavior and activities to Qy47IJQGHck-00860-00204501-00204677 requiring women to submit to the will of Qy47IJQGHck-00861-00204678-00204980 their father and/or husband according to Qy47IJQGHck-00862-00204981-00205196 Pauli Toynbee religion interferes with Qy47IJQGHck-00863-00205196-00205412 bodily autonomy for both genders and Qy47IJQGHck-00864-00205413-00205628 fosters particularly negative attitudes Qy47IJQGHck-00865-00205629-00205907 towards women's bodies Toynbee writes Qy47IJQGHck-00866-00205908-00206207 women's bodies are always the issue two Qy47IJQGHck-00867-00206208-00206429 unclean to be bishops and dangerous Qy47IJQGHck-00868-00206430-00206651 enough to be covered up by Islam and Qy47IJQGHck-00869-00206652-00206933 mikvah by Judy ism Qy47IJQGHck-00870-00206934-00207158 it is argued that religious sexual Qy47IJQGHck-00871-00207159-00207323 discrimination leads to unequal Qy47IJQGHck-00872-00207323-00207469 relations in marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00873-00207471-00207650 creating norms which subordinate the Qy47IJQGHck-00874-00207651-00207956 wife to the husband the word BL Bob back Qy47IJQGHck-00875-00207957-00208271 quote al Hebrew for husband used Qy47IJQGHck-00876-00208271-00208448 throughout the Bible is synonymous with Qy47IJQGHck-00877-00208448-00208859 owner and master this mirrors the Qy47IJQGHck-00878-00208860-00209063 Abrahamic view of God as an omnipotent Qy47IJQGHck-00879-00209064-00209300 perfect power where this power is one of Qy47IJQGHck-00880-00209301-00209471 domination which is persistently Qy47IJQGHck-00881-00209471-00209669 associated with the characteristics of Qy47IJQGHck-00882-00209669-00209800 ideal masculinity Qy47IJQGHck-00883-00209801-00210128 Sheila Jeffries argues religion gives Qy47IJQGHck-00884-00210129-00210373 authority to traditional patriarchal Qy47IJQGHck-00885-00210375-00210539 beliefs about the essentially Qy47IJQGHck-00886-00210540-00210737 subordinate nature of women and they're Qy47IJQGHck-00887-00210738-00210971 naturally separate roles such as the Qy47IJQGHck-00888-00210971-00211151 need for women to be confined to the Qy47IJQGHck-00889-00211152-00211340 private world of the home and family Qy47IJQGHck-00890-00211341-00211573 that women should be obedient to their Qy47IJQGHck-00891-00211575-00211784 husbands that women's sexuality should Qy47IJQGHck-00892-00211785-00212009 be modest and under the control of their Qy47IJQGHck-00893-00212010-00212217 menfolk and that women should not use Qy47IJQGHck-00894-00212219-00212459 contraception or abortion to limit their Qy47IJQGHck-00895-00212460-00212726 childbearing the practice of such Qy47IJQGHck-00896-00212727-00212957 ancient beliefs interferes profoundly Qy47IJQGHck-00897-00212958-00213194 with women's abilities to exercise their Qy47IJQGHck-00898-00213194-00213463 human rights Qy47IJQGHck-00899-00213464-00213629 you Qy47IJQGHck-00900-00213630-00214292 topic Islam feminist Julie bindle argues Qy47IJQGHck-00901-00214292-00214471 that religions encourage the domination Qy47IJQGHck-00902-00214473-00214648 of men over women and that Islam Qy47IJQGHck-00903-00214650-00214819 promotes the submission of women to Qy47IJQGHck-00904-00214821-00215015 their husbands and encourages practices Qy47IJQGHck-00905-00215016-00215146 such as child marriage Qy47IJQGHck-00906-00215148-00215365 she wrote that religion promotes Qy47IJQGHck-00907-00215366-00215675 inequality between men and women that Qy47IJQGHck-00908-00215676-00215873 Islam's message for a woman includes Qy47IJQGHck-00909-00215873-00216094 that she will be subservient to her Qy47IJQGHck-00910-00216096-00216298 husband and devote her life to pleasing Qy47IJQGHck-00911-00216300-00216596 him and that Islam's obsession with Qy47IJQGHck-00912-00216596-00216791 virginity and childbirth has led to Qy47IJQGHck-00913-00216792-00217004 gender segregation and early marriage is Qy47IJQGHck-00914-00217005-00217214 Lama Claus have been criticized by human Qy47IJQGHck-00915-00217215-00217457 rights organizations for exposing women Qy47IJQGHck-00916-00217458-00217667 to mistreatment and violence preventing Qy47IJQGHck-00917-00217667-00217826 women from reporting rape and Qy47IJQGHck-00918-00217827-00217996 contributing to the discrimination of Qy47IJQGHck-00919-00217998-00218285 women the United Nations say that Islam Qy47IJQGHck-00920-00218286-00218507 is used to justify unnecessary and Qy47IJQGHck-00921-00218508-00218735 harmful female genital mutilation when Qy47IJQGHck-00922-00218736-00218933 the purposes range from deprivation of Qy47IJQGHck-00923-00218934-00219128 sexual satisfaction to discourage Qy47IJQGHck-00924-00219129-00219329 adultery ensuring virginity to their Qy47IJQGHck-00925-00219330-00219521 husbands or generating appearance of Qy47IJQGHck-00926-00219521-00219796 virginity Maryam namazi argues that Qy47IJQGHck-00927-00219798-00220001 women are victimized under Sharia law Qy47IJQGHck-00928-00220002-00220181 both in criminal matters such as Qy47IJQGHck-00929-00220182-00220388 punishment for improper veiling and in Qy47IJQGHck-00930-00220389-00220589 civil matters and also that women have Qy47IJQGHck-00931-00220590-00220771 judicial hurdles that are lenient or Qy47IJQGHck-00932-00220773-00220948 advantageous for men according to Qy47IJQGHck-00933-00220950-00221177 Phyllis chess ler Islam is connected to Qy47IJQGHck-00934-00221178-00221384 violence against women especially in the Qy47IJQGHck-00935-00221385-00221660 form of honor killings she rejects the Qy47IJQGHck-00936-00221661-00221831 argument that honor killings are not Qy47IJQGHck-00937-00221832-00222038 related to Islam and claims that while Qy47IJQGHck-00938-00222039-00222248 fundamentalists of all religions place Qy47IJQGHck-00939-00222248-00222491 restrictions on women in Islam not only Qy47IJQGHck-00940-00222492-00222673 are these restrictions harsher but Islam Qy47IJQGHck-00941-00222675-00222902 also reacts more violently when these Qy47IJQGHck-00942-00222903-00223306 rules are broken Qy47IJQGHck-00943-00223307-00223756 topic Christianity Qy47IJQGHck-00944-00223757-00223969 Christianity has been criticized for Qy47IJQGHck-00945-00223971-00224171 painting women as sinful untrustful Qy47IJQGHck-00946-00224171-00224392 deceiving and desiring to seduce and Qy47IJQGHck-00947-00224394-00224692 incite men into sexual sin Katherine M Qy47IJQGHck-00948-00224694-00224891 Rogers argues that Christianity is Qy47IJQGHck-00949-00224892-00225101 misogynistic and that the dread of Qy47IJQGHck-00950-00225102-00225373 female seduction can be found in st. Qy47IJQGHck-00951-00225375-00225646 Paul's epistles KK Rothman argues that Qy47IJQGHck-00952-00225648-00225938 the legacy of Christian misogyny was Qy47IJQGHck-00953-00225939-00226187 consolidated by the so called Fathers of Qy47IJQGHck-00954-00226188-00226244 the Church Qy47IJQGHck-00955-00226244-00226460 like Tertullian who thought a woman was Qy47IJQGHck-00956-00226461-00226682 not only the gateway of the devil but Qy47IJQGHck-00957-00226683-00227060 also a temple built over a sewer Jack Qy47IJQGHck-00958-00227061-00227273 Holland argues the concept of fall of Qy47IJQGHck-00959-00227273-00227513 man as misogynistic as a myth that Qy47IJQGHck-00960-00227514-00227729 blames woman for the ills and sufferings Qy47IJQGHck-00961-00227730-00228062 of mankind Christian religious figures Qy47IJQGHck-00962-00228063-00228221 have been involved in the Middle Ages Qy47IJQGHck-00963-00228221-00228455 and early modern period witch trials Qy47IJQGHck-00964-00228456-00228611 which were generally used to punish Qy47IJQGHck-00965-00228612-00228815 assertive or independent women such as Qy47IJQGHck-00966-00228816-00229040 midwives since witchcraft was often not Qy47IJQGHck-00967-00229041-00229530 in evidence or activists Qy47IJQGHck-00968-00229531-00229948 topic animals Qy47IJQGHck-00969-00229948-00230167 kosher slaughter has historically Qy47IJQGHck-00970-00230167-00230389 attracted criticism from non-jews as Qy47IJQGHck-00971-00230390-00230619 allegedly being inhumane and unsanitary Qy47IJQGHck-00972-00230621-00230835 in part as an anti-semitic canard that Qy47IJQGHck-00973-00230836-00231013 eating ritually slaughtered meat caused Qy47IJQGHck-00974-00231014-00231216 degeneration and in part out of economic Qy47IJQGHck-00975-00231217-00231448 motivation to remove Jews from the meat Qy47IJQGHck-00976-00231448-00231748 industry sometimes these criticisms were Qy47IJQGHck-00977-00231748-00231975 directed at Judaism as a religion in Qy47IJQGHck-00978-00231976-00232260 1893 animal advocates campaigning Qy47IJQGHck-00979-00232261-00232446 against kosher slaughter in Aberdeen Qy47IJQGHck-00980-00232448-00232630 attempted to link cruelty with Jewish Qy47IJQGHck-00981-00232631-00232971 religious practice in the 1920s Polish Qy47IJQGHck-00982-00232973-00233158 critics of kosher slaughter claimed that Qy47IJQGHck-00983-00233159-00233350 the practice actually had no basis in Qy47IJQGHck-00984-00233351-00233428 Scripture Qy47IJQGHck-00985-00233429-00233721 in contrast Jewish authorities argue Qy47IJQGHck-00986-00233723-00233860 that the slaughter methods are based Qy47IJQGHck-00987-00233861-00234151 directly upon Genesis 6:3 in that these Qy47IJQGHck-00988-00234152-00234448 laws are binding on juice today while Qy47IJQGHck-00989-00234448-00234648 supporters of kosher slaughter counter Qy47IJQGHck-00990-00234650-00234838 that Judaism requires the practice Qy47IJQGHck-00991-00234839-00235003 precisely because it is considered Qy47IJQGHck-00992-00235004-00235234 humane research conducted by Temple Qy47IJQGHck-00993-00235235-00235528 Grandin and Jo M Regenstein in 1994 Qy47IJQGHck-00994-00235529-00235765 concluded that practiced correctly with Qy47IJQGHck-00995-00235766-00235998 proper restraint systems kosher Qy47IJQGHck-00996-00236000-00236188 slaughter results in little pain and Qy47IJQGHck-00997-00236189-00236353 suffering and notes that behavioral Qy47IJQGHck-00998-00236354-00236535 reactions to the incision made during Qy47IJQGHck-00999-00236536-00236721 kosher slaughter are less than those two Qy47IJQGHck-01000-00236723-00236892 noises such as clanging or hissing Qy47IJQGHck-01001-00236894-00237123 inversion or pressure during restraint Qy47IJQGHck-01002-00237125-00237294 those who practice and subscribe Qy47IJQGHck-01003-00237296-00237496 religiously and philosophically to Qy47IJQGHck-01004-00237496-00237742 Jewish vegetarianism disagree stating Qy47IJQGHck-01005-00237742-00237907 that such slaughter is not required Qy47IJQGHck-01006-00237908-00238087 while a number including medieval Qy47IJQGHck-01007-00238088-00238342 scholars of Judaism such as Josef albo Qy47IJQGHck-01008-00238342-00238606 and Isaac Rama regard vegetarianism as a Qy47IJQGHck-01009-00238607-00238807 moral ideal not just out of a concern Qy47IJQGHck-01010-00238808-00239002 for animal welfare but also the Qy47IJQGHck-01011-00239003-00239176 slaughterer other forms of ritual Qy47IJQGHck-01012-00239177-00239371 slaughter such as Islamic ritual Qy47IJQGHck-01013-00239371-00239515 slaughter have also come under Qy47IJQGHck-01014-00239516-00239767 controversy writing for PETA Qy47IJQGHck-01015-00239767-00239938 Logan Shearer said that animals Qy47IJQGHck-01016-00239939-00240166 sacrificed according to Islamic law can Qy47IJQGHck-01017-00240167-00240317 not be stunned before they are killed Qy47IJQGHck-01018-00240319-00240565 Muslims are only allowed to eat meat Qy47IJQGHck-01019-00240566-00240727 that has been killed according to Sharia Qy47IJQGHck-01020-00240728-00240952 law and they say that Islamic law and Qy47IJQGHck-01021-00240953-00241138 ritual slaughter is designed to reduce Qy47IJQGHck-01022-00241139-00241323 the pain and distress that the animal Qy47IJQGHck-01023-00241325-00241525 suffers according to the farm animal Qy47IJQGHck-01024-00241526-00241681 welfare committee halal and kosher Qy47IJQGHck-01025-00241682-00241884 practices should be banned because when Qy47IJQGHck-01026-00241885-00242050 animals are not stunned before death Qy47IJQGHck-01027-00242051-00242248 they suffer needless pain for up to two Qy47IJQGHck-01028-00242248-00242416 minutes despite some Muslims and Jews Qy47IJQGHck-01029-00242417-00242659 arguing that loss of blood from slash to Qy47IJQGHck-01030-00242660-00242791 the throat renders the animals Qy47IJQGHck-01031-00242792-00243232 unconscious relatively quickly Qy47IJQGHck-01032-00243233-00243871 topic responds to criticism of morality Qy47IJQGHck-01033-00243871-00244083 not all religions are hostile to Qy47IJQGHck-01034-00244084-00244390 homosexuality both Reform Judaism and Qy47IJQGHck-01035-00244391-00244573 the Unitarian Universalist Association Qy47IJQGHck-01036-00244573-00244828 have advocated for equal rights for gay Qy47IJQGHck-01037-00244829-00245117 and lesbian people since the 1970s Qy47IJQGHck-01038-00245119-00245407 Hinduism does not view homosexuality as Qy47IJQGHck-01039-00245408-00245592 an issue many Christians have made Qy47IJQGHck-01040-00245594-00245782 efforts toward establishing racial Qy47IJQGHck-01041-00245783-00245965 equality contributing to the civil Qy47IJQGHck-01042-00245966-00246217 rights movement the African American Qy47IJQGHck-01043-00246217-00246384 review sees as important the role Qy47IJQGHck-01044-00246385-00246592 Christian revivalism in the black church Qy47IJQGHck-01045-00246592-00246762 played in the civil rights movement Qy47IJQGHck-01046-00246763-00247044 Martin Luther King jr. an ordained Qy47IJQGHck-01047-00247046-00247246 Baptist minister was a leader of the Qy47IJQGHck-01048-00247246-00247426 American civil rights movement and Qy47IJQGHck-01049-00247427-00247584 president of the Southern Christian Qy47IJQGHck-01050-00247585-00247792 Leadership Conference a Christian civil Qy47IJQGHck-01051-00247792-00248189 rights organization Qy47IJQGHck-01052-00248190-00248798 topic corrupt purposes of leaders Qy47IJQGHck-01053-00248800-00249376 topic corrupt or immoral leaders Qy47IJQGHck-01054-00249377-00249860 topic dominionism Qy47IJQGHck-01055-00249861-00250215 the term dominionism is often used to Qy47IJQGHck-01056-00250216-00250385 describe a political movement among Qy47IJQGHck-01057-00250386-00250623 fundamentalist Christians critics view Qy47IJQGHck-01058-00250623-00250842 dominionism as an attempt to improperly Qy47IJQGHck-01059-00250842-00251046 impose Christianity as the National Qy47IJQGHck-01060-00251046-00251333 faith of the United States it emerged in Qy47IJQGHck-01061-00251334-00251600 the late 1980s inspired by the book film Qy47IJQGHck-01062-00251601-00251838 and lecture series whatever happened to Qy47IJQGHck-01063-00251839-00252144 the human race by Francis a Scheffer and Qy47IJQGHck-01064-00252144-00252348 C everett Koop Schafer's views Qy47IJQGHck-01065-00252348-00252540 influenced conservatives like Jerry Qy47IJQGHck-01066-00252541-00252875 Falwell Pat Robertson Tim LaHaye John W Qy47IJQGHck-01067-00252876-00253049 Whitehead and although they represent Qy47IJQGHck-01068-00253050-00253199 different theological and political Qy47IJQGHck-01069-00253200-00253424 ideas dominionists believe they have a Qy47IJQGHck-01070-00253425-00253658 Christian duty to take control of a Qy47IJQGHck-01071-00253659-00253973 sinful secular society either by putting Qy47IJQGHck-01072-00253974-00254192 fundamentalist Christians in office or Qy47IJQGHck-01073-00254194-00254402 by introducing biblical law into the Qy47IJQGHck-01074-00254403-00254681 secular sphere social scientists have Qy47IJQGHck-01075-00254682-00254960 used the word dominionism to refer to Qy47IJQGHck-01076-00254961-00255182 adherence to Dominion theology as well Qy47IJQGHck-01077-00255183-00255323 as to the influence in the broader Qy47IJQGHck-01078-00255324-00255533 Christian Rite of ideas inspired by Qy47IJQGHck-01079-00255534-00255871 Dominion theology in the early 1990s Qy47IJQGHck-01080-00255873-00256116 sociologist Sarah diamond and journalist Qy47IJQGHck-01081-00256117-00256352 Frederick Clarkson defined dominionism Qy47IJQGHck-01082-00256353-00256563 as a movement that while including Qy47IJQGHck-01083-00256564-00256754 Dominion theology and Christian Qy47IJQGHck-01084-00256755-00256976 reconstruction ism as subsets it is much Qy47IJQGHck-01085-00256977-00257183 broader in scope extending to much of Qy47IJQGHck-01086-00257184-00257483 the Christian Right beginning in 2004 Qy47IJQGHck-01087-00257484-00257705 with essayist Katherine Eureka a group Qy47IJQGHck-01088-00257706-00257900 of authors including journalist Chris Qy47IJQGHck-01089-00257901-00258162 Hedges Marion Maddox James Rudin Sam Qy47IJQGHck-01090-00258163-00258344 Harris and the group theocracy watch Qy47IJQGHck-01091-00258346-00258530 began applying the term to a broader Qy47IJQGHck-01092-00258531-00258673 spectrum of people than have Qy47IJQGHck-01093-00258674-00259094 sociologists such as Diamond Qy47IJQGHck-01094-00259094-00259357 topic responds to criticism of Qy47IJQGHck-01095-00259358-00259710 dominionism Qy47IJQGHck-01096-00259711-00259896 there are a few full adherents to Qy47IJQGHck-01097-00259898-00260076 reconstruction ISM are limited to Qy47IJQGHck-01098-00260077-00260346 conservative Christians the terms Qy47IJQGHck-01099-00260346-00260746 dominionist and dominionism are rarely Qy47IJQGHck-01100-00260746-00260917 used for self description and their Qy47IJQGHck-01101-00260917-00261094 usage has been attacked from several Qy47IJQGHck-01102-00261094-00261265 quarters noting that the term is vague Qy47IJQGHck-01103-00261266-00261471 unfairly links of angelical z' to Qy47IJQGHck-01104-00261473-00261712 extremism is highly exaggerated and are Qy47IJQGHck-01105-00261713-00261900 more akin to conservative smear in the Qy47IJQGHck-01106-00261901-00262189 likes of a conspiracy theory journalist Qy47IJQGHck-01107-00262190-00262356 anthony williams charged that its Qy47IJQGHck-01108-00262357-00262632 purpose us to smear the republican party Qy47IJQGHck-01109-00262633-00262908 as the party of domestic theocracy facts Qy47IJQGHck-01110-00262909-00263248 be damned Kurtz also complained about a Qy47IJQGHck-01111-00263249-00263464 perceived link between average christian Qy47IJQGHck-01112-00263465-00263673 evangelicals and extremism such as Qy47IJQGHck-01113-00263674-00264105 christian reconstruction ism Qy47IJQGHck-01114-00264106-00264692 topic notable critics of religion Qy47IJQGHck-01115-00264693-00265215 topic see also Qy47IJQGHck-01116-00265216-00265529 topic criticism of specific religions Qy47IJQGHck-01117-00265530-00265946 and worldviews Qy47IJQGHck-01118-00265947-00266443 topic notes Qy47IJQGHck-01119-00266444-00266959 topic references Qy47IJQGHck-01120-00266960-00267483 topic further reading Qy47IJQGHck-01121-00267484-00267924 Menken HL 1930 treatise on the gods the Qy47IJQGHck-01122-00267925-00268257 johns hopkins university press ISBN o Qy47IJQGHck-01123-00268258-00268589 801 eight eight five three six one Qy47IJQGHck-01124-00268590-00268989 Russell Bertrand 1957 why I am NOT a Qy47IJQGHck-01125-00268990-00269376 Christian Barlow press ISBN one 409 Qy47IJQGHck-01126-00269377-00269679 seven two seven two one one Ellen's J Qy47IJQGHck-01127-00269680-00270021 Harold 2002 the destructive power of Qy47IJQGHck-01128-00270022-00270219 religion violence in Judaism Qy47IJQGHck-01129-00270220-00270390 Christianity and Islam Qy47IJQGHck-01130-00270391-00270693 Praeger publishers ISBN Oh Qy47IJQGHck-01131-00270694-00271254 275 nine nine seven oh eight one Qy47IJQGHck-01132-00271255-00271802 topic external links Qy47IJQGHck-01133-00271803-00272072 a historical outline of modern religious Qy47IJQGHck-01134-00272073-00272335 criticism in Western civilization the Qy47IJQGHck-01135-00272336-00272719 science of religion by Gregory s Paul Qy47IJQGHck-01136-00272720-00273002 the poverty of theistic morality by Qy47IJQGHck-01137-00273003-00273305 Adolph grun bomb is there an artificial Qy47IJQGHck-01138-00273306-00273602 God by Douglas Adams Qy5oiCzIBYI-00000-00001448-00001591 just feel the weight of the weapon Qy5oiCzIBYI-00001-00001592-00001767 sweetheart Qy5oiCzIBYI-00002-00001768-00001918 i could feel the weight of someone's Qy5oiCzIBYI-00003-00001919-00002142 weapon hey you don't want to blame on Qy5oiCzIBYI-00004-00002143-00002383 that front can i [__] go now our Qy5oiCzIBYI-00005-00002384-00002647 [__] what Qy5oiCzIBYI-00006-00002648-00003079 oh you [__] [__] right in the [__] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00007-00003080-00003286 happy sack Qy5oiCzIBYI-00008-00003288-00003438 perhaps you'll be cured your little Qy5oiCzIBYI-00009-00003439-00003751 anti-social condition mate carl Qy5oiCzIBYI-00010-00003752-00004079 my man mr leon looks like this piece of Qy5oiCzIBYI-00011-00004079-00004335 [__] was right you did a real number on Qy5oiCzIBYI-00012-00004336-00004535 those ferrelli losers Qy5oiCzIBYI-00013-00004536-00004711 now it's time that ferrelli's found out Qy5oiCzIBYI-00014-00004712-00004911 what it means to screw with salvatore Qy5oiCzIBYI-00015-00004912-00005022 leone Qy5oiCzIBYI-00016-00005023-00005159 how would you like to hit the saint Qy5oiCzIBYI-00017-00005160-00005470 mark's bistro a hidden liberty city cool Qy5oiCzIBYI-00018-00005471-00005695 but i'ma need some backup take who you Qy5oiCzIBYI-00019-00005696-00005934 want Qy5oiCzIBYI-00020-00005935-00006183 well i usually use these two Qy5oiCzIBYI-00021-00006184-00006359 hey hey remember all those jobs we did Qy5oiCzIBYI-00022-00006360-00006542 together huh huh you and me carl Qy5oiCzIBYI-00023-00006543-00006727 remember huh you know you used to call Qy5oiCzIBYI-00024-00006728-00006991 me killer ken can the killer kill her Qy5oiCzIBYI-00025-00006992-00007263 ice cold ken that's me and him too i Qy5oiCzIBYI-00026-00007264-00007959 guess Qy5oiCzIBYI-00027-00007959-00008110 all right you guys better get out of los Qy5oiCzIBYI-00028-00008111-00008391 venturas fast i'll be in touch what Qy5oiCzIBYI-00029-00008392-00008567 about you back up man will you be all Qy5oiCzIBYI-00030-00008568-00008814 right without us of course he will you Qy5oiCzIBYI-00031-00008815-00011446 [__] [__] come on Qy5oiCzIBYI-00032-00011447-00012423 hey Qy5oiCzIBYI-00033-00012424-00014144 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00034-00014146-00016647 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00035-00016648-00018271 private function invitation only oh yeah Qy5oiCzIBYI-00036-00018272-00018610 maniac fool Qy5oiCzIBYI-00037-00018611-00019030 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00038-00019031-00019176 what you say blair Qy5oiCzIBYI-00039-00019177-00019750 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00040-00019751-00019919 you should go away Qy5oiCzIBYI-00041-00019920-00020211 cj run thanks now Qy5oiCzIBYI-00042-00020212-00021111 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00043-00021112-00021550 i'm a straight killer [__] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00044-00021551-00023927 let's get that grill going Qy5oiCzIBYI-00045-00023928-00024175 this is flight cj 101 out of liberty Qy5oiCzIBYI-00046-00024176-00024407 city requesting final approach to lost Qy5oiCzIBYI-00047-00024408-00024799 ventura international over flight cj 101 Qy5oiCzIBYI-00048-00024800-00025365 you are clear Qy5oiCzIBYI-00049-00025366-00025892 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00050-00025893-00026943 [Music] Qy5oiCzIBYI-00051-00026944-00027152 you QyiGMp0nKkc-00000-00000000-00000281 first people I've ever known when will QyiGMp0nKkc-00001-00000282-00000430 was determined to continue his own QyiGMp0nKkc-00002-00000431-00000659 education which he did by attending UC QyiGMp0nKkc-00003-00000660-00000839 Santa Cruz where he earned his QyiGMp0nKkc-00004-00000840-00000989 bachelor's degree in economics and QyiGMp0nKkc-00005-00000990-00001265 creative writings he later earned a PhD QyiGMp0nKkc-00006-00001266-00001429 in economics from the University of QyiGMp0nKkc-00007-00001430-00001718 Massachusetts at Amherst and he began a QyiGMp0nKkc-00008-00001719-00001880 career dedicated to learning more about QyiGMp0nKkc-00009-00001880-00002017 how we can help neighborhoods QyiGMp0nKkc-00010-00002018-00002213 communities and individuals achieve QyiGMp0nKkc-00011-00002214-00002500 their full potential his research QyiGMp0nKkc-00012-00002501-00002696 focuses on issues of environmental QyiGMp0nKkc-00013-00002697-00002950 justice regional inclusion and the QyiGMp0nKkc-00014-00002951-00003125 economic and social conditions facing QyiGMp0nKkc-00015-00003126-00003431 low-income urban communities he speaks QyiGMp0nKkc-00016-00003432-00003670 frequently on issues of demographic QyiGMp0nKkc-00017-00003671-00003986 change economic inequality and community QyiGMp0nKkc-00018-00003986-00004190 empowerment and has contributed opinion QyiGMp0nKkc-00019-00004191-00004397 pieces to major newspapers across the QyiGMp0nKkc-00020-00004398-00004822 state his most recent book just growth QyiGMp0nKkc-00021-00004823-00005093 inclusion and prosperity in America's QyiGMp0nKkc-00022-00005094-00005333 metropolitan regions co-authored with QyiGMp0nKkc-00023-00005334-00005651 Chris Brenner Benner offers a strategy QyiGMp0nKkc-00024-00005652-00005966 to link economic growth and equity one QyiGMp0nKkc-00025-00005967-00006125 of his previous books has particular QyiGMp0nKkc-00026-00006126-00006308 resonance in light of the polarizing QyiGMp0nKkc-00027-00006309-00006538 racial controversies of the past year QyiGMp0nKkc-00028-00006539-00006809 uncommon common ground race and QyiGMp0nKkc-00029-00006809-00007078 America's future co-authored with Angela QyiGMp0nKkc-00030-00007079-00007391 Grover Blackwell and steward quote this QyiGMp0nKkc-00031-00007392-00007570 book examines the gap between progress QyiGMp0nKkc-00032-00007572-00007745 and racial attitudes and racial QyiGMp0nKkc-00033-00007745-00008071 realities on a personal note I have QyiGMp0nKkc-00034-00008072-00008246 known man well as both friend and QyiGMp0nKkc-00035-00008247-00008452 colleague for close to 30 years in QyiGMp0nKkc-00036-00008453-00008639 particular back when the dinosaurs QyiGMp0nKkc-00037-00008640-00009119 roamed the earth thank 1989 manual and I QyiGMp0nKkc-00038-00009120-00009256 were members of a group in Los Angeles QyiGMp0nKkc-00039-00009257-00009553 called the new majority taskforce this QyiGMp0nKkc-00040-00009554-00009719 multi ethnic group included such QyiGMp0nKkc-00041-00009720-00009881 notables as his aforementioned QyiGMp0nKkc-00042-00009882-00010171 co-authors Stewart quo who was the QyiGMp0nKkc-00043-00010172-00010328 founder and director of the Asian QyiGMp0nKkc-00044-00010329-00010652 Pacific American Legal Center and mark QyiGMp0nKkc-00045-00010653-00010910 ridley-thomas former state senator QyiGMp0nKkc-00046-00010911-00011164 Assemblyman and current LA County QyiGMp0nKkc-00047-00011165-00011444 Supervisor from the new majority task QyiGMp0nKkc-00048-00011445-00011635 forces activities emerged the concept QyiGMp0nKkc-00049-00011636-00011845 that the demographic and economic shifts QyiGMp0nKkc-00050-00011846-00012106 in Southern California required minority QyiGMp0nKkc-00051-00012107-00012289 communities to go beyond grassroots QyiGMp0nKkc-00052-00012290-00012553 organizing and take proactive leadership QyiGMp0nKkc-00053-00012554-00012721 in charting the future of the region QyiGMp0nKkc-00054-00012722-00012935 that concept has only become QyiGMp0nKkc-00055-00012936-00013154 increasingly relevant as those changing QyiGMp0nKkc-00056-00013155-00013330 realities have spread to the state and QyiGMp0nKkc-00057-00013331-00013369 the name QyiGMp0nKkc-00058-00013371-00013644 asian and has continued to inform inform QyiGMp0nKkc-00059-00013646-00014066 all of us alumni of the task force given QyiGMp0nKkc-00060-00014066-00014246 all this I'm especially pleased to have QyiGMp0nKkc-00061-00014247-00014522 Manuel join us today following his QyiGMp0nKkc-00062-00014522-00014747 presentation dr. paster will respond to QyiGMp0nKkc-00063-00014747-00014947 questions from the audience please write QyiGMp0nKkc-00064-00014949-00015137 questions on cards and hand them to the QyiGMp0nKkc-00065-00015138-00015359 staff members who will be circulating QyiGMp0nKkc-00066-00015360-00015616 the audience during the talk now please QyiGMp0nKkc-00067-00015618-00016721 join me in welcoming Manuel pastor QyiGMp0nKkc-00068-00016722-00017106 so I want to thank God for that kind QyiGMp0nKkc-00069-00017107-00017457 introduction actually one part of the QyiGMp0nKkc-00070-00017458-00017670 story that if President of Chile left QyiGMp0nKkc-00071-00017671-00018102 out is that in one of those meetings it QyiGMp0nKkc-00072-00018103-00018348 was at waddell who said you know all of QyiGMp0nKkc-00073-00018349-00018546 our communities are really looking at QyiGMp0nKkc-00074-00018547-00018720 the neighborhood level we should be QyiGMp0nKkc-00075-00018721-00018924 looking at the region and it was such a QyiGMp0nKkc-00076-00018925-00019310 great idea that I stole it and wound up QyiGMp0nKkc-00077-00019311-00019644 writing a book when regions work looking QyiGMp0nKkc-00078-00019645-00019853 at the connection between neighborhoods QyiGMp0nKkc-00079-00019854-00020220 and regions and it really sort of QyiGMp0nKkc-00080-00020221-00020433 chartered a whole path for my research QyiGMp0nKkc-00081-00020434-00020718 moving forward so basically I have my QyiGMp0nKkc-00082-00020719-00021171 career to thank ahead of job so I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-00083-00021172-00021342 pleased to be with you today you can QyiGMp0nKkc-00084-00021343-00021902 bring the flight up if you can QyiGMp0nKkc-00085-00021903-00022134 powerpoints work much better when QyiGMp0nKkc-00086-00022135-00022446 there's power so we'll see what that QyiGMp0nKkc-00087-00022447-00023019 happens hello Joel figure that out and QyiGMp0nKkc-00088-00023020-00023247 I'll set up a couple things while we're QyiGMp0nKkc-00089-00023248-00023589 going so first again really pleased to QyiGMp0nKkc-00090-00023590-00023844 be with you I was asked today as the QyiGMp0nKkc-00091-00023845-00024021 president said to speak about QyiGMp0nKkc-00092-00024022-00024366 demographic change I was asked to speak QyiGMp0nKkc-00093-00024367-00024624 about economic inequality I was asked to QyiGMp0nKkc-00094-00024625-00024873 speak about sort of the future of the QyiGMp0nKkc-00095-00024874-00025314 state I was asked to zero in on the QyiGMp0nKkc-00096-00025315-00025784 Monterey Bay I was asked to predict your QyiGMp0nKkc-00097-00025785-00026069 housing prices over the next year with QyiGMp0nKkc-00098-00026070-00026325 the special reference to whether or not QyiGMp0nKkc-00099-00026326-00026564 you'd be able to refinance in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00100-00026566-00026829 immediate future at least some of you I QyiGMp0nKkc-00101-00026830-00027164 was asked to talk about but I think I QyiGMp0nKkc-00102-00027166-00027360 got scooped today whether or not Mitt QyiGMp0nKkc-00103-00027361-00027573 Romney would once again run for the QyiGMp0nKkc-00104-00027574-00027879 president because gosh twice is QyiGMp0nKkc-00105-00027880-00028149 definitely not enough and then finally I QyiGMp0nKkc-00106-00028150-00028364 was asked to just on the way in QyiGMp0nKkc-00107-00028364-00028766 speculate about the super bowl and QyiGMp0nKkc-00108-00028767-00029027 whether or not the Patriots could win QyiGMp0nKkc-00109-00029027-00029591 with fully inflated balls ah that's a QyiGMp0nKkc-00110-00029592-00029894 lot to talk about in a what's supposed QyiGMp0nKkc-00111-00029895-00030083 to be a fairly short keynote or what we QyiGMp0nKkc-00112-00030083-00030587 in Spanish call a keynote dito so what QyiGMp0nKkc-00113-00030588-00030872 I'm going to do instead is just pick up QyiGMp0nKkc-00114-00030873-00031076 on a little bit of it there'll be quite QyiGMp0nKkc-00115-00031077-00031292 a bit of information thinking about the QyiGMp0nKkc-00116-00031293-00031535 demographic changes thinking about this QyiGMp0nKkc-00117-00031536-00031835 issue of inequality and trying to make a QyiGMp0nKkc-00118-00031836-00032083 connection between the fact that while QyiGMp0nKkc-00119-00032085-00032339 we're looking at a new demography we're QyiGMp0nKkc-00120-00032339-00032462 actually also looking at a new QyiGMp0nKkc-00121-00032463-00032762 relationship between economic inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-00122-00032763-00032951 and economic growth one that actually QyiGMp0nKkc-00123-00032952-00033215 opens up the possibilities for thinking QyiGMp0nKkc-00124-00033216-00033371 about a very different model moving QyiGMp0nKkc-00125-00033372-00033551 forward and I'll talk a little bit about QyiGMp0nKkc-00126-00033552-00033662 what that might look like in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00127-00033663-00034025 California context before i get started QyiGMp0nKkc-00128-00034026-00034283 i always like to let audiences know that QyiGMp0nKkc-00129-00034284-00034583 while I'm speaking my voice might break QyiGMp0nKkc-00130-00034584-00034778 a little bit or tire out a little bit QyiGMp0nKkc-00131-00034779-00034892 you might hear a little bit of harshness QyiGMp0nKkc-00132-00034893-00035312 right now it's not the breaking that I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-00133-00035313-00035651 emotional being with you although what QyiGMp0nKkc-00134-00035652-00035843 could be more fulfilling than being at QyiGMp0nKkc-00135-00035844-00036116 Cal State Monterey Bay with a friend QyiGMp0nKkc-00136-00036117-00036350 from 30 years it's actually that I've QyiGMp0nKkc-00137-00036351-00036659 got a speech condition that's called QyiGMp0nKkc-00138-00036660-00036953 spasmodic dysphonia it spasms around QyiGMp0nKkc-00139-00036954-00037244 your voice box some famous people have QyiGMp0nKkc-00140-00037245-00037499 it Diane Rehm on NPR some of you may QyiGMp0nKkc-00141-00037500-00037742 have heard of her Robert Kennedy Jr more QyiGMp0nKkc-00142-00037743-00038225 of heard of him and and now me and I was QyiGMp0nKkc-00143-00038226-00038405 like to reassure audiences that it gets QyiGMp0nKkc-00144-00038406-00038696 treated once a month believe it or not QyiGMp0nKkc-00145-00038697-00039113 with Botox to relax the muscles because QyiGMp0nKkc-00146-00039114-00039230 that's how we treat everything in Los QyiGMp0nKkc-00147-00039231-00039813 Angeles so QyiGMp0nKkc-00148-00039814-00040156 so for some of you the happiest day of QyiGMp0nKkc-00149-00040157-00040474 the year is your birthday or Christmas QyiGMp0nKkc-00150-00040475-00040699 or the first night of Hanukkah or the QyiGMp0nKkc-00151-00040700-00040906 last night of Ramadan when you can heat QyiGMp0nKkc-00152-00040907-00041317 a perlier or some other special holiday QyiGMp0nKkc-00153-00041318-00041662 for someone like me the happiest day of QyiGMp0nKkc-00154-00041663-00041965 the year is the day the census releases QyiGMp0nKkc-00155-00041966-00042274 its statistics and of course when the QyiGMp0nKkc-00156-00042275-00042645 census released its statistics from the QyiGMp0nKkc-00157-00042646-00043030 2010 census what we found out was some QyiGMp0nKkc-00158-00043031-00043243 extraordinary numbers that the growth QyiGMp0nKkc-00159-00043244-00043441 rate in that last decade this is QyiGMp0nKkc-00160-00043442-00043762 nationwide for Latinos was forty-three QyiGMp0nKkc-00161-00043763-00044014 percent the growth rate for Asian QyiGMp0nKkc-00162-00044015-00044164 Pacific I owners over that same period QyiGMp0nKkc-00163-00044165-00044530 of time forty-three percent remarkable QyiGMp0nKkc-00164-00044531-00044773 coincidence they must have been QyiGMp0nKkc-00165-00044774-00045100 coordinating the growth rate for QyiGMp0nKkc-00166-00045101-00045334 african-americans about eleven percent QyiGMp0nKkc-00167-00045335-00045598 the growth rate for non-hispanic whites QyiGMp0nKkc-00168-00045599-00046006 one percent so forty-three percent one QyiGMp0nKkc-00169-00046007-00046252 percent that's a pretty big difference QyiGMp0nKkc-00170-00046253-00046486 and those of us who'd been paying QyiGMp0nKkc-00171-00046487-00046756 attention to it were not as surprised as QyiGMp0nKkc-00172-00046757-00047026 the commentators when president obama QyiGMp0nKkc-00173-00047027-00047269 won election pre election was only QyiGMp0nKkc-00174-00047270-00047392 thirty-nine percent of the white vote QyiGMp0nKkc-00175-00047393-00047650 some of you may have remembered those QyiGMp0nKkc-00176-00047651-00047884 news commentators going my god the QyiGMp0nKkc-00177-00047885-00048058 country's change the country's changed QyiGMp0nKkc-00178-00048059-00048280 people like me were going well where QyiGMp0nKkc-00179-00048281-00048544 were you the last couple of years when I QyiGMp0nKkc-00180-00048545-00048715 was giving speeches about this all over QyiGMp0nKkc-00181-00048716-00048895 the country now the other interesting QyiGMp0nKkc-00182-00048896-00049189 thing about this demographic change QyiGMp0nKkc-00183-00049190-00049438 particularly nationwide and you'll see QyiGMp0nKkc-00184-00049439-00049537 what's interesting about it in QyiGMp0nKkc-00185-00049538-00049873 California is that when people see in QyiGMp0nKkc-00186-00049874-00050044 particularly growth rate of Latinos and QyiGMp0nKkc-00187-00050045-00050374 api's Asian Pacific Islanders they tend QyiGMp0nKkc-00188-00050375-00050616 to think what factor is driving them QyiGMp0nKkc-00189-00050617-00050866 what most people think is driving a QyiGMp0nKkc-00190-00050867-00051265 demographic change someone said economic QyiGMp0nKkc-00191-00051266-00051390 sir that's closer to being right QyiGMp0nKkc-00192-00051391-00051696 immigration and that answer the second QyiGMp0nKkc-00193-00051697-00051954 answer immigration is just wrong in fact QyiGMp0nKkc-00194-00051955-00052177 immigration into the country has been QyiGMp0nKkc-00195-00052178-00052395 slowing down the last four years it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00196-00052396-00052540 partly a function of increased border QyiGMp0nKkc-00197-00052541-00052622 enforcement QyiGMp0nKkc-00198-00052623-00052877 in a slower economy but it's actually a QyiGMp0nKkc-00199-00052878-00053104 function of some other really important QyiGMp0nKkc-00200-00053105-00053575 factors as well for the last three years QyiGMp0nKkc-00201-00053576-00053933 net migration from our largest sending QyiGMp0nKkc-00202-00053934-00054350 country Mexico net migration has been QyiGMp0nKkc-00203-00054351-00054677 zero there's as many Mexicans returning QyiGMp0nKkc-00204-00054678-00054979 to Mexico as coming to the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00205-00054980-00055376 and the fundamental reason for that some QyiGMp0nKkc-00206-00055377-00055694 is economics but a lot of it is the fact QyiGMp0nKkc-00207-00055695-00055855 that the fertility rates in Mexico have QyiGMp0nKkc-00208-00055857-00056240 changed dramatically 3540 years ago over QyiGMp0nKkc-00209-00056241-00056450 the course of her lifetime a Mexican QyiGMp0nKkc-00210-00056451-00056714 woman would have five children now the QyiGMp0nKkc-00211-00056715-00057041 fertility rate in Mexico is 2.3 the QyiGMp0nKkc-00212-00057041-00057182 fertility rate of the United States is QyiGMp0nKkc-00213-00057183-00057485 1.7 as those two come closer together QyiGMp0nKkc-00214-00057486-00057800 there's less of a long-term push factor QyiGMp0nKkc-00215-00057801-00058058 and so less migration from Mexico in QyiGMp0nKkc-00216-00058059-00058388 fact for example while many people this QyiGMp0nKkc-00217-00058389-00058763 summer were surprised by the crisis of QyiGMp0nKkc-00218-00058764-00058934 the unaccompanied minor children coming QyiGMp0nKkc-00219-00058935-00059165 from Central America it's actually a QyiGMp0nKkc-00220-00059166-00059408 logical outcome of the fact that with QyiGMp0nKkc-00221-00059409-00059699 less people coming from Mexico that guy QyiGMp0nKkc-00222-00059700-00059927 otays on the border the people who QyiGMp0nKkc-00223-00059928-00060164 traffic folks are trying to drum up new QyiGMp0nKkc-00224-00060165-00060440 traffic by going to Central America and QyiGMp0nKkc-00225-00060441-00060766 encouraging people to come from there so QyiGMp0nKkc-00226-00060767-00061016 and last year was the first year that QyiGMp0nKkc-00227-00061016-00061267 migration from Asia topped migration QyiGMp0nKkc-00228-00061269-00061616 from Latin America since the 1980s so QyiGMp0nKkc-00229-00061616-00061835 what's driving it as you'll see in a QyiGMp0nKkc-00230-00061836-00062104 minute it's children of those immigrants QyiGMp0nKkc-00231-00062105-00062276 and not really those immigrants what QyiGMp0nKkc-00232-00062277-00062422 does this look like in California QyiGMp0nKkc-00233-00062423-00062696 important to realize the growth rate for QyiGMp0nKkc-00234-00062697-00062936 Latinos and Asian Pacific Islanders is QyiGMp0nKkc-00235-00062937-00063221 actually lower than it was in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00236-00063222-00063437 country as a whole african american QyiGMp0nKkc-00237-00063438-00063710 population slightly diminishing the QyiGMp0nKkc-00238-00063711-00063938 non-hispanic white population in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00239-00063939-00064754 state going down by five percent for the QyiGMp0nKkc-00240-00064754-00065063 Monterey Bay Area which technically is QyiGMp0nKkc-00241-00065064-00065444 the Salinas Metro in the way that the QyiGMp0nKkc-00242-00065445-00065651 Census count you all you might think QyiGMp0nKkc-00243-00065652-00065780 your Monterey but they think your QyiGMp0nKkc-00244-00065781-00065960 silliness QyiGMp0nKkc-00245-00065961-00066260 so you can see that what's going on here QyiGMp0nKkc-00246-00066261-00066491 has been a sharp decline in the white QyiGMp0nKkc-00247-00066492-00066710 population sharp declines in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00248-00066711-00066935 african-american population a lot of QyiGMp0nKkc-00249-00066936-00067300 that due to the closure of Fort Ord so QyiGMp0nKkc-00250-00067301-00067699 folks who are working here etc and also QyiGMp0nKkc-00251-00067700-00068069 located here growth but slowing down QyiGMp0nKkc-00252-00068070-00068257 growth in the Latino in the Asian QyiGMp0nKkc-00253-00068258-00068494 Pacific Islander population in the last QyiGMp0nKkc-00254-00068495-00068909 decade so for this area though in terms QyiGMp0nKkc-00255-00068910-00069305 of net growth the sort of orangey colors QyiGMp0nKkc-00256-00069306-00069568 are people of color in various decades QyiGMp0nKkc-00257-00069569-00069809 non-hispanic whites and you can see that QyiGMp0nKkc-00258-00069810-00070126 what is shaping your he cannot your QyiGMp0nKkc-00259-00070127-00070349 demographic growth are these folks of QyiGMp0nKkc-00260-00070350-00070669 color so what does that mean nationally QyiGMp0nKkc-00261-00070670-00070871 I said it was children so what this QyiGMp0nKkc-00262-00070872-00071081 shows you is what happened between 2000 QyiGMp0nKkc-00263-00071082-00071471 and 2010 in terms of the number of young QyiGMp0nKkc-00264-00071472-00071765 people in the United States so the QyiGMp0nKkc-00265-00071766-00072062 number of young whites folks under the QyiGMp0nKkc-00266-00072063-00072461 age of 18 actually fell by 4.3 million QyiGMp0nKkc-00267-00072462-00072815 in that decade now I always like to QyiGMp0nKkc-00268-00072816-00073130 reassure audiences that does not mean QyiGMp0nKkc-00269-00073131-00073654 that 4.3 million young white people died QyiGMp0nKkc-00270-00073655-00074017 we would have noticed that QyiGMp0nKkc-00271-00074018-00074251 it would have been reported on Fox News QyiGMp0nKkc-00272-00074252-00074542 and it would have been blamed QyiGMp0nKkc-00273-00074543-00074775 preemptively on Obamacare right i mean QyiGMp0nKkc-00274-00074776-00075061 people just dying at the idea that did QyiGMp0nKkc-00275-00075062-00075426 it be forced into that system and by the QyiGMp0nKkc-00276-00075427-00075574 way if you don't think i'm fair and QyiGMp0nKkc-00277-00075575-00075880 balanced i would make fun of MSNBC if QyiGMp0nKkc-00278-00075881-00076438 someone watched them but so so what it QyiGMp0nKkc-00279-00076439-00076567 means is that more people are moving QyiGMp0nKkc-00280-00076568-00076840 into 19 and 20 center moving into one QyiGMp0nKkc-00281-00076841-00077035 and two so the number of young whites QyiGMp0nKkc-00282-00077036-00077185 falls the number of young QyiGMp0nKkc-00283-00077186-00077422 african-americans fell a bit some of QyiGMp0nKkc-00284-00077423-00077581 that sorry designation into the multi QyiGMp0nKkc-00285-00077582-00077794 racial category although seems like a QyiGMp0nKkc-00286-00077795-00078013 lot less that's going on then we would QyiGMp0nKkc-00287-00078014-00078213 have thought the number of young Latinos QyiGMp0nKkc-00288-00078214-00078412 in the country went up by four point QyiGMp0nKkc-00289-00078413-00078568 eight million the number of Asian QyiGMp0nKkc-00290-00078569-00078844 Pacific Islanders up by eight hundred QyiGMp0nKkc-00291-00078845-00079185 thousand that's the next America and QyiGMp0nKkc-00292-00079186-00079465 that next America can be seen QyiGMp0nKkc-00293-00079466-00079863 interestingly in California this is the QyiGMp0nKkc-00294-00079864-00080203 sort of percentage growth for net change QyiGMp0nKkc-00295-00080204-00080431 in the youth population so you can see QyiGMp0nKkc-00296-00080432-00080578 the percentage change for the United QyiGMp0nKkc-00297-00080579-00080734 States one of the things you're going to QyiGMp0nKkc-00298-00080735-00080901 notice about California it's an QyiGMp0nKkc-00299-00080902-00081057 important story to keep in mind it will QyiGMp0nKkc-00300-00081058-00081301 close the story here in a second is that QyiGMp0nKkc-00301-00081302-00081475 those growth rates are actually slower QyiGMp0nKkc-00302-00081476-00081664 in California than they are in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00303-00081665-00081955 nation as a whole and you can see that QyiGMp0nKkc-00304-00081956-00082321 in a second by looking at the QyiGMp0nKkc-00305-00082322-00082462 demographic change in the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00306-00082463-00082861 as a whole the United States was and QyiGMp0nKkc-00307-00082862-00083029 you'll see why I've got those circle in QyiGMp0nKkc-00308-00083030-00083278 just a second but the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00309-00083279-00083760 eighty percent non-hispanic white in QyiGMp0nKkc-00310-00083761-00084148 1980 its projected by the year twenty QyiGMp0nKkc-00311-00084149-00084505 forty two three four somewhere in there QyiGMp0nKkc-00312-00084506-00084772 that the United States will become QyiGMp0nKkc-00313-00084773-00085099 so-called majority minority or as I like QyiGMp0nKkc-00314-00085100-00085366 to think of it all minority all the time QyiGMp0nKkc-00315-00085367-00085804 so all of us being a minority group so QyiGMp0nKkc-00316-00085805-00086082 that change is going to happen slowly QyiGMp0nKkc-00317-00086083-00086319 but the interesting thing about this is QyiGMp0nKkc-00318-00086320-00086578 if you look at that demographic change QyiGMp0nKkc-00319-00086579-00086860 between the year two thousand and twenty QyiGMp0nKkc-00320-00086861-00087001 forty and by the way if we took it out QyiGMp0nKkc-00321-00087002-00087389 to 2050 that number would be about 46 QyiGMp0nKkc-00322-00087390-00087663 non-hispanic white so keep those numbers QyiGMp0nKkc-00323-00087664-00088242 in mind that is basically the change QyiGMp0nKkc-00324-00088243-00088401 that California went through between QyiGMp0nKkc-00325-00088402-00088862 1980 and 2000 that's why this is called QyiGMp0nKkc-00326-00088863-00089157 California as America fast forward right QyiGMp0nKkc-00327-00089158-00089601 I mean those 20 years in California's QyiGMp0nKkc-00328-00089602-00089870 history are basically the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00329-00089871-00090414 going from 2020 50 and those were bumpy QyiGMp0nKkc-00330-00090415-00090729 years and California's race relations QyiGMp0nKkc-00331-00090730-00091104 they were years of massive immigration QyiGMp0nKkc-00332-00091105-00091407 flows that were new and somewhat QyiGMp0nKkc-00333-00091408-00091653 frightening for some populations they QyiGMp0nKkc-00334-00091654-00091854 were years of the reaction to that who QyiGMp0nKkc-00335-00091855-00092270 is prop 187 which sought to strip away QyiGMp0nKkc-00336-00092271-00092562 access to public service including QyiGMp0nKkc-00337-00092563-00092802 education for undocumented immigrants QyiGMp0nKkc-00338-00092803-00093081 fights around affirmative action and of QyiGMp0nKkc-00339-00093082-00093438 course the LA civil unrest but what's QyiGMp0nKkc-00340-00093439-00093591 interesting is that that was a very QyiGMp0nKkc-00341-00093592-00093855 bumpy period but as I'll argue in a QyiGMp0nKkc-00342-00093856-00094026 while we seem to be stabilizing our way QyiGMp0nKkc-00343-00094027-00094287 out of that this is a state that just QyiGMp0nKkc-00344-00094288-00094479 passed driver's licenses for QyiGMp0nKkc-00345-00094480-00094689 undocumented residents passed the QyiGMp0nKkc-00346-00094690-00095207 california trust act so that it would QyiGMp0nKkc-00347-00095208-00095517 secure local police not cooperating with QyiGMp0nKkc-00348-00095518-00095693 immigrations and Customs Enforcement QyiGMp0nKkc-00349-00095694-00095919 it's a place where it's hard to get QyiGMp0nKkc-00350-00095920-00096155 worked up around the immigration debate QyiGMp0nKkc-00351-00096156-00096768 it's a place where far from sort of just QyiGMp0nKkc-00352-00096769-00096954 letting the inequality slip by people QyiGMp0nKkc-00353-00096955-00097121 are beginning to be concerned about them QyiGMp0nKkc-00354-00097122-00097451 1980 is right after prop 13 got past QyiGMp0nKkc-00355-00097452-00097755 2012 is when prop 30 gets passed QyiGMp0nKkc-00356-00097756-00097947 beginning to remedy some of the damage QyiGMp0nKkc-00357-00097948-00098262 we've come through this but the rest of QyiGMp0nKkc-00358-00098263-00098505 the country is actually just beginning QyiGMp0nKkc-00359-00098506-00098748 to experience this and I actually QyiGMp0nKkc-00360-00098749-00099159 remember when we became a majority QyiGMp0nKkc-00361-00099160-00099489 minority state I was actually living in QyiGMp0nKkc-00362-00099490-00099786 santa cruz at a time and I kept this was QyiGMp0nKkc-00363-00099787-00100014 December fifteenth nineteen ninety nine QyiGMp0nKkc-00364-00100015-00100209 you know demographers do that they say QyiGMp0nKkc-00365-00100210-00100416 they know the exact day the three QyiGMp0nKkc-00366-00100417-00100663 hundred millionth baby was born QyiGMp0nKkc-00367-00100664-00101119 his name is Jose right he's from Seaside QyiGMp0nKkc-00368-00101120-00101257 right you're like how do you know that QyiGMp0nKkc-00369-00101258-00101542 right so in December 15 1999 some QyiGMp0nKkc-00370-00101543-00101723 demographer had made the prediction that QyiGMp0nKkc-00371-00101724-00101932 we were you know majority-minority QyiGMp0nKkc-00372-00101933-00102112 mistake they're probably off a little QyiGMp0nKkc-00373-00102113-00102292 bit but I kept getting calls from QyiGMp0nKkc-00374-00102293-00102493 reporters all day long or majority QyiGMp0nKkc-00375-00102494-00102727 minority or majority minority what's it QyiGMp0nKkc-00376-00102728-00102943 mean what's it mean what's a neem a tone QyiGMp0nKkc-00377-00102944-00103238 of anxiety in their voice and finally I QyiGMp0nKkc-00378-00103239-00103700 said I mean I don't know but there's no QyiGMp0nKkc-00379-00103701-00103843 salsa party my house tonight to QyiGMp0nKkc-00380-00103844-00104410 celebrate in the spirit of the new QyiGMp0nKkc-00381-00104411-00104707 California everyone's invited right but QyiGMp0nKkc-00382-00104708-00104873 they just need to learn a new step and QyiGMp0nKkc-00383-00104874-00105107 that's part of what we're doing is sort QyiGMp0nKkc-00384-00105108-00105253 of learning a new step now the QyiGMp0nKkc-00385-00105254-00105443 interesting thing about California is QyiGMp0nKkc-00386-00105444-00105735 when people saw that demographic change QyiGMp0nKkc-00387-00105736-00105961 essentially what he could see it's kind QyiGMp0nKkc-00388-00105963-00106108 of a straight line with the share of QyiGMp0nKkc-00389-00106109-00106397 non-hispanic whites declining and the QyiGMp0nKkc-00390-00106398-00106646 share of Latinos rising and people began QyiGMp0nKkc-00391-00106647-00106973 to imagine that what was going to go on QyiGMp0nKkc-00392-00106974-00107254 was that California was about to become QyiGMp0nKkc-00393-00107255-00107623 one hundred and fifty percent of Latino QyiGMp0nKkc-00394-00107624-00107858 right that people would have to say QyiGMp0nKkc-00395-00107858-00108182 California the right way right that QyiGMp0nKkc-00396-00108183-00108466 seaside would be put a level two damash QyiGMp0nKkc-00397-00108467-00108841 right that Salinas would be Salinas QyiGMp0nKkc-00398-00108842-00109148 right with great pride of course Oakland QyiGMp0nKkc-00399-00109149-00109291 would always be Oakland because that's QyiGMp0nKkc-00400-00109292-00109532 just the way that Oakland is but here's QyiGMp0nKkc-00401-00109533-00109672 really what it's looking like in QyiGMp0nKkc-00402-00109673-00110002 California is they were sort of coasting QyiGMp0nKkc-00403-00110003-00110333 to an equilibrium kind of population and QyiGMp0nKkc-00404-00110333-00110801 one way to think about this is through a QyiGMp0nKkc-00405-00110802-00111127 fun fact to know and by the way if you QyiGMp0nKkc-00406-00111128-00111354 want to be a hit at a cocktail party QyiGMp0nKkc-00407-00111355-00111601 demographic facts really are your entree QyiGMp0nKkc-00408-00111602-00111910 right i mean people love demographic QyiGMp0nKkc-00409-00111911-00112111 facts at cocktail parties they will not QyiGMp0nKkc-00410-00112113-00112370 run away quite the opposite so what do QyiGMp0nKkc-00411-00112371-00112538 you think is the only large metro area QyiGMp0nKkc-00412-00112539-00112753 in the last ten years in the united QyiGMp0nKkc-00413-00112754-00113072 states large metro areas being sort of QyiGMp0nKkc-00414-00113073-00113381 you know baltimore in detroit in atlanta QyiGMp0nKkc-00415-00113382-00113657 and philadelphia and denver miami etc QyiGMp0nKkc-00416-00113658-00113839 what's the only large metro area in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00417-00113840-00113928 last ten years QyiGMp0nKkc-00418-00113929-00114138 that did not see an increase in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00419-00114139-00114702 number of Hispanic children la yeah QyiGMp0nKkc-00420-00114703-00114956 someone said salt lake city completely QyiGMp0nKkc-00421-00114957-00115215 which everyone comes up with which is QyiGMp0nKkc-00422-00115216-00115416 fascinating you know what Salt Lake QyiGMp0nKkc-00423-00115417-00115586 City's not what you think hit it it is QyiGMp0nKkc-00424-00115588-00115845 what you thought right hey or what you QyiGMp0nKkc-00425-00115846-00116108 thought it was is what it was so in 1980 QyiGMp0nKkc-00426-00116109-00116358 salt lake was ninety-five percent white QyiGMp0nKkc-00427-00116358-00116703 and like really mormons so sort of super QyiGMp0nKkc-00428-00116704-00117440 white right like shiny white right so QyiGMp0nKkc-00429-00117441-00117705 and i love the mormons and if you can't QyiGMp0nKkc-00430-00117706-00117981 take a joke this is not to talk for you QyiGMp0nKkc-00431-00117982-00118776 so but salt lake city's population is QyiGMp0nKkc-00432-00118777-00119139 increasing really dramatically by 2035 QyiGMp0nKkc-00433-00119140-00119483 it will be majority minority and utah as QyiGMp0nKkc-00434-00119484-00119649 a whole and most of this is happening in QyiGMp0nKkc-00435-00119650-00119895 salt lake is now the 11th most latino QyiGMp0nKkc-00436-00119896-00120185 state in the united states so a lot of QyiGMp0nKkc-00437-00120186-00120399 people coming partly because the mormon QyiGMp0nKkc-00438-00120400-00120608 church has been somewhat welcoming QyiGMp0nKkc-00439-00120609-00120792 because of its missionary tradition QyiGMp0nKkc-00440-00120793-00121002 going out and experiencing being the QyiGMp0nKkc-00441-00121003-00121194 neighbor they've been more welcoming to QyiGMp0nKkc-00442-00121195-00121446 the neighbor but this is where QyiGMp0nKkc-00443-00121447-00121605 California is headed in the future it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00444-00121606-00121919 sort of stabilizing as we move forward QyiGMp0nKkc-00445-00121920-00122256 this is Salinas which is slated to be a QyiGMp0nKkc-00446-00122257-00122430 little bit more straight line the QyiGMp0nKkc-00447-00122431-00122733 Monterey Bay Area and one important part QyiGMp0nKkc-00448-00122733-00122958 of this is beginning to recognize again QyiGMp0nKkc-00449-00122958-00123257 that what's driving us is no longer QyiGMp0nKkc-00450-00123258-00123509 immigration in fact immigration is QyiGMp0nKkc-00451-00123510-00123648 slowed down at the United States and QyiGMp0nKkc-00452-00123649-00123843 immigration the share of the foreign QyiGMp0nKkc-00453-00123844-00124160 born in California is actually dropping QyiGMp0nKkc-00454-00124161-00124374 the last year or two and it's been QyiGMp0nKkc-00455-00124375-00124497 dropping for the last three or four QyiGMp0nKkc-00456-00124498-00124728 years in traditional receiving areas QyiGMp0nKkc-00457-00124729-00125118 like Los Angeles and San Francisco we QyiGMp0nKkc-00458-00125119-00125411 also have one of the most settled QyiGMp0nKkc-00459-00125413-00125673 immigrant populations so these are the QyiGMp0nKkc-00460-00125674-00125946 states of the United States a raid by QyiGMp0nKkc-00461-00125947-00126117 the share of the immigrant population QyiGMp0nKkc-00462-00126118-00126540 that's been here since 1999 2000 or QyiGMp0nKkc-00463-00126541-00126843 longer you can see that we have the most QyiGMp0nKkc-00464-00126844-00127179 settled immigrant population about QyiGMp0nKkc-00465-00127180-00127308 seventy two percent of QyiGMp0nKkc-00466-00127308-00127548 immigrants have been in the country for QyiGMp0nKkc-00467-00127549-00127890 longer than 10 years and in fact about QyiGMp0nKkc-00468-00127891-00128142 half of our undocumented have been in QyiGMp0nKkc-00469-00128143-00128517 the country for longer than 10 years the QyiGMp0nKkc-00470-00128518-00128691 state that's got the most second-most QyiGMp0nKkc-00471-00128692-00128964 settled immigrants surprisingly is QyiGMp0nKkc-00472-00128965-00129279 Vermont and that's because they have two QyiGMp0nKkc-00473-00129280-00129570 immigrants and QyiGMp0nKkc-00474-00129571-00129809 they're they're both bosnian and they've QyiGMp0nKkc-00475-00129810-00130178 been there it's party no now there you QyiGMp0nKkc-00476-00130179-00130427 can see that they are really down low on QyiGMp0nKkc-00477-00130428-00130634 the share vermont in maine in terms of QyiGMp0nKkc-00478-00130635-00130910 the share of immigrants this california QyiGMp0nKkc-00479-00130911-00131088 is unique got a large share the QyiGMp0nKkc-00480-00131089-00131400 foreign-born and very settled and in QyiGMp0nKkc-00481-00131401-00131673 fact you've also particularly here in QyiGMp0nKkc-00482-00131674-00131903 Monterey County got in a very large QyiGMp0nKkc-00483-00131904-00132191 undocumented population sixty-two QyiGMp0nKkc-00484-00132192-00132420 thousand residents about seventeen QyiGMp0nKkc-00485-00132421-00132657 percent of the workforce approximately QyiGMp0nKkc-00486-00132658-00132897 one in four children in the Salinas QyiGMp0nKkc-00487-00132898-00133137 metro area have at least one parent who QyiGMp0nKkc-00488-00133138-00133446 is undocumented that's the N QyiGMp0nKkc-00489-00133447-00133676 eighty-three percent our citizens that's QyiGMp0nKkc-00490-00133677-00133952 sort of the future of the metro area QyiGMp0nKkc-00491-00133953-00134373 it's the future of California and it QyiGMp0nKkc-00492-00134374-00134562 does imply that we need to be thinking QyiGMp0nKkc-00493-00134563-00134726 about comprehensive immigration reform QyiGMp0nKkc-00494-00134727-00135084 and certainly how the executive action QyiGMp0nKkc-00495-00135085-00135276 that the president announced is going to QyiGMp0nKkc-00496-00135277-00135813 be rolled out so same thing here so QyiGMp0nKkc-00497-00135814-00136026 Latinos are driving your demographic QyiGMp0nKkc-00498-00136027-00136463 growth both in terms of density and size QyiGMp0nKkc-00499-00136464-00136809 here are the yellowish dots are Latinos QyiGMp0nKkc-00500-00136810-00137065 and you can see that both it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00501-00137066-00137322 intensified around selling us and then QyiGMp0nKkc-00502-00137323-00137676 moved into the Monterey area and you've QyiGMp0nKkc-00503-00137677-00137919 got a very large share of us-born QyiGMp0nKkc-00504-00137920-00138201 Latinos compared to the immigrant QyiGMp0nKkc-00505-00138202-00138404 Latinos even though large share of those QyiGMp0nKkc-00506-00138405-00138675 are undocumented now this just shows you QyiGMp0nKkc-00507-00138676-00138984 the demography for the state as a whole QyiGMp0nKkc-00508-00138985-00139298 and gives you an idea of the fact that QyiGMp0nKkc-00509-00139299-00139551 it's going to be happening all over the QyiGMp0nKkc-00510-00139552-00139887 state because again people sometimes QyiGMp0nKkc-00511-00139888-00140097 visualize that this is only happening in QyiGMp0nKkc-00512-00140098-00140394 certain locations so this is the state QyiGMp0nKkc-00513-00140395-00140745 as of 1980 it's a very easy map to QyiGMp0nKkc-00514-00140746-00141036 interpret the browner the county the QyiGMp0nKkc-00515-00141037-00141398 browner the county so QyiGMp0nKkc-00516-00141399-00141747 so shades people of color so interesting QyiGMp0nKkc-00517-00141748-00142002 thing to note here only Imperial County QyiGMp0nKkc-00518-00142003-00142413 in 1980 had greater than fifty percent QyiGMp0nKkc-00519-00142414-00142695 people of color Los Angeles had not QyiGMp0nKkc-00520-00142696-00142911 crossed that threshold here's this day QyiGMp0nKkc-00521-00142912-00143394 looks like in 2010 and here's what the QyiGMp0nKkc-00522-00143395-00144036 state looks like in 20 40 which leads me QyiGMp0nKkc-00523-00144037-00144339 to two questions first what's up with QyiGMp0nKkc-00524-00144340-00144786 Sierra right so I mean came with the QyiGMp0nKkc-00525-00144787-00145113 party right so but the second thing is QyiGMp0nKkc-00526-00145114-00145287 that this is demographic change QyiGMp0nKkc-00527-00145288-00145491 occurring all over the state so QyiGMp0nKkc-00528-00145492-00145674 diversity is coming to a theater near QyiGMp0nKkc-00529-00145675-00145950 you right and it's certainly coming to a QyiGMp0nKkc-00530-00145951-00146499 school a city hall and an educational QyiGMp0nKkc-00531-00146500-00146922 institution and this is what you look QyiGMp0nKkc-00532-00146923-00147225 like in terms of the percent people of QyiGMp0nKkc-00533-00147226-00147570 color in Salinas these are where your QyiGMp0nKkc-00534-00147571-00147876 low-income communities are concentrated QyiGMp0nKkc-00535-00147877-00148107 in parts of Monterey also certainly in QyiGMp0nKkc-00536-00148108-00148341 Salinas and then this big southern plush QyiGMp0nKkc-00537-00148342-00149001 here so let me start to close up to QyiGMp0nKkc-00538-00149002-00149186 demography and then shift to the QyiGMp0nKkc-00539-00149187-00149361 equality should but let me ask you a QyiGMp0nKkc-00540-00149362-00149469 question where some of those packs QyiGMp0nKkc-00541-00149470-00149978 interesting cool none of those facts is QyiGMp0nKkc-00542-00149979-00150354 as interesting or salient as this one QyiGMp0nKkc-00543-00150355-00150570 and it has to do with the age profile of QyiGMp0nKkc-00544-00150571-00151167 the population in 2010 the median age QyiGMp0nKkc-00545-00151168-00151515 half older half younger of non-hispanic QyiGMp0nKkc-00546-00151516-00151982 whites in the country was 42 years for QyiGMp0nKkc-00547-00151983-00152505 California 45 for Asians 35 for QyiGMp0nKkc-00548-00152506-00152964 african-americans 32 for Native QyiGMp0nKkc-00549-00152965-00153123 Americans and Pacific Islanders around QyiGMp0nKkc-00550-00153124-00153930 30 for Latinos 27 4227 it's 15 years QyiGMp0nKkc-00551-00153931-00154233 it's a generation gap QyiGMp0nKkc-00552-00154234-00154524 and it explains two things number one it QyiGMp0nKkc-00553-00154525-00154797 explains our demographic change because QyiGMp0nKkc-00554-00154798-00155094 when you're 27 you're in prime family QyiGMp0nKkc-00555-00155095-00155453 formation age when you're 42 you think QyiGMp0nKkc-00556-00155454-00155625 you're in Bryan family formation age QyiGMp0nKkc-00557-00155626-00156009 right godspeed you may be there might be QyiGMp0nKkc-00558-00156010-00156447 alternatives though so it helps explain QyiGMp0nKkc-00559-00156448-00156645 our demographic change that also QyiGMp0nKkc-00560-00156646-00156894 explains a particular kind of distance QyiGMp0nKkc-00561-00156895-00157107 between an older generation and a QyiGMp0nKkc-00562-00157108-00157265 younger generation looking at itself QyiGMp0nKkc-00563-00157266-00157446 that's demographically very different QyiGMp0nKkc-00564-00157447-00158102 and therefore plus eager to make QyiGMp0nKkc-00565-00158103-00158465 investments in the future and lest you QyiGMp0nKkc-00566-00158466-00158801 think that that's sort of just anecdotal QyiGMp0nKkc-00567-00158802-00159075 two things one which is an anecdote but QyiGMp0nKkc-00568-00159076-00159387 it's interesting and another good QyiGMp0nKkc-00569-00159388-00159594 demographic fact for your cocktail party QyiGMp0nKkc-00570-00159595-00159878 by the way so what state in the United QyiGMp0nKkc-00571-00159879-00160062 States do you think has the biggest QyiGMp0nKkc-00572-00160063-00160316 generation gap the widest holes and QyiGMp0nKkc-00573-00160317-00160775 Briana's young perfect it's Arizona and QyiGMp0nKkc-00574-00160776-00161007 think about the politics of Arizona QyiGMp0nKkc-00575-00161008-00161271 around immigration ethnic studies in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00576-00161272-00161465 schools and then think about the fact QyiGMp0nKkc-00577-00161466-00161688 that Arizona in the last five years had QyiGMp0nKkc-00578-00161689-00161910 the third largest per capita cuts in QyiGMp0nKkc-00579-00161911-00162222 k-12 spending and the largest percentage QyiGMp0nKkc-00580-00162223-00162711 cuts in its university spending right QyiGMp0nKkc-00581-00162712-00163083 and you can see this also in the nation QyiGMp0nKkc-00582-00163084-00163454 as a whole this is local spending per QyiGMp0nKkc-00583-00163455-00163944 child in 2008 and the darker areas more QyiGMp0nKkc-00584-00163945-00164191 spending per child this says the QyiGMp0nKkc-00585-00164192-00165041 generation gap and it's nearly a photo- QyiGMp0nKkc-00586-00165042-00165372 right now some of you may be looking at QyiGMp0nKkc-00587-00165373-00165672 that insane gosh I don't know maybe it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00588-00165673-00165924 a visual trick that the lefty professor QyiGMp0nKkc-00589-00165925-00166182 from Southern California is plain on us QyiGMp0nKkc-00590-00166183-00166482 after all he used to work at UC Santa QyiGMp0nKkc-00591-00166483-00166618 Cruz QyiGMp0nKkc-00592-00166619-00167250 how can we trust a slug so those results QyiGMp0nKkc-00593-00167251-00167569 hold up when we do a cross-section time QyiGMp0nKkc-00594-00167570-00167877 series fixed effects regression in which QyiGMp0nKkc-00595-00167878-00168046 we control for the other determinants of QyiGMp0nKkc-00596-00168047-00168271 spending that should be affecting local QyiGMp0nKkc-00597-00168272-00168513 spending per child we still find that QyiGMp0nKkc-00598-00168514-00168704 the racial generation gap has a QyiGMp0nKkc-00599-00168705-00168939 important and statistically significant QyiGMp0nKkc-00600-00168940-00169471 impact on spending per kid now for those QyiGMp0nKkc-00601-00169472-00169606 of you who took statistics and QyiGMp0nKkc-00602-00169607-00169807 understand that that was your little QyiGMp0nKkc-00603-00169808-00170088 moment in the Sun for those who didn't QyiGMp0nKkc-00604-00170089-00170299 understand it what it means is I'm right QyiGMp0nKkc-00605-00170300-00170995 so so all of this is more even more QyiGMp0nKkc-00606-00170996-00171276 important because this issue of a QyiGMp0nKkc-00607-00171277-00171532 changing demography this issue of a QyiGMp0nKkc-00608-00171533-00171699 generation gap and under investment in QyiGMp0nKkc-00609-00171700-00171973 the future is happening just as the QyiGMp0nKkc-00610-00171974-00172306 United States is experiencing very high QyiGMp0nKkc-00611-00172307-00172636 levels of inequality historically high QyiGMp0nKkc-00612-00172637-00172965 levels of inequality this is the share QyiGMp0nKkc-00613-00172966-00173236 of income going to the top 1% there are QyiGMp0nKkc-00614-00173237-00173707 two peaks in those pattern one is 1928 QyiGMp0nKkc-00615-00173708-00173988 right prior to the Great Depression and QyiGMp0nKkc-00616-00173989-00174399 the other is 2007 right prior to the QyiGMp0nKkc-00617-00174400-00174654 Great Recession people are beginning to QyiGMp0nKkc-00618-00174655-00175033 think gosh those might be connected and QyiGMp0nKkc-00619-00175034-00175243 I'll talk a little bit about that but QyiGMp0nKkc-00620-00175244-00175483 there's these two huge peaks and what's QyiGMp0nKkc-00621-00175484-00175686 interesting about this is of course it QyiGMp0nKkc-00622-00175687-00176004 spawned an important set of concerns QyiGMp0nKkc-00623-00176005-00176325 about income inequality but also a bit QyiGMp0nKkc-00624-00176326-00176661 of a muddle and confusion about income QyiGMp0nKkc-00625-00176662-00176896 inequality and I want to suggest to you QyiGMp0nKkc-00626-00176897-00177193 that one thing that goes on with it is QyiGMp0nKkc-00627-00177194-00177460 that people look at the income QyiGMp0nKkc-00628-00177461-00177828 inequality and they say first well we're QyiGMp0nKkc-00629-00177829-00178036 not sure we've got a lot of income QyiGMp0nKkc-00630-00178037-00178273 inequality but it's okay because we're a QyiGMp0nKkc-00631-00178274-00178641 highly mobile society that is we think QyiGMp0nKkc-00632-00178642-00178885 well it's unequal but people can make QyiGMp0nKkc-00633-00178886-00179226 progress over time so this is a chart QyiGMp0nKkc-00634-00179227-00179509 showing you intergenerational zup QyiGMp0nKkc-00635-00179510-00179727 earnings elasticity and a measure of QyiGMp0nKkc-00636-00179728-00179898 income inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-00637-00179899-00180069 it's a pretty hard variable to interpret QyiGMp0nKkc-00638-00180070-00180249 but essentially what it means is class QyiGMp0nKkc-00639-00180250-00180516 ticking us which is how likely is it QyiGMp0nKkc-00640-00180517-00180738 that if you start at the bottom of the QyiGMp0nKkc-00641-00180739-00180906 income distribution you'll end up there QyiGMp0nKkc-00642-00180907-00181176 how likely it is that if you start at QyiGMp0nKkc-00643-00181177-00181493 the top that you'll end up there as well QyiGMp0nKkc-00644-00181494-00181800 measured against inequality and one of QyiGMp0nKkc-00645-00181801-00181947 the things you're going to notice is a QyiGMp0nKkc-00646-00181948-00182195 monthly advanced capitalist countries QyiGMp0nKkc-00647-00182196-00182582 where the most unequal and we're second QyiGMp0nKkc-00648-00182583-00182790 actually there's another country which QyiGMp0nKkc-00649-00182791-00183090 is not up here the only two countries QyiGMp0nKkc-00650-00183091-00183347 actually that are more immobilize QyiGMp0nKkc-00651-00183348-00183558 meaning people have less likelihood of QyiGMp0nKkc-00652-00183559-00183866 getting ahead are the United Kingdom and QyiGMp0nKkc-00653-00183867-00184379 they have a queen and then Italy and QyiGMp0nKkc-00654-00184380-00184665 they have Serbia Silvio Berlusconi which QyiGMp0nKkc-00655-00184666-00184841 is kind of like having a queen right so QyiGMp0nKkc-00656-00184842-00185274 guy owns and guy owns the media right on QyiGMp0nKkc-00657-00185275-00185676 the government for a while etc so very a QyiGMp0nKkc-00658-00185677-00185984 mobile immobility in our society and QyiGMp0nKkc-00659-00185985-00186171 California which used to be a place of QyiGMp0nKkc-00660-00186172-00186624 grace great mobility now has amongst the QyiGMp0nKkc-00661-00186625-00186828 highest levels of income inequality in QyiGMp0nKkc-00662-00186829-00187265 the country outpacing places like QyiGMp0nKkc-00663-00187266-00187683 Alabama and Georgia places we've always QyiGMp0nKkc-00664-00187684-00188039 looked to as beacons of social justice QyiGMp0nKkc-00665-00188040-00188375 and certainly we've got tremendous QyiGMp0nKkc-00666-00188376-00188666 levels of racial inequality these shows QyiGMp0nKkc-00667-00188667-00189041 you the sort of poverty rate people QyiGMp0nKkc-00668-00189042-00189302 living below one hundred and fifty QyiGMp0nKkc-00669-00189303-00189485 percent of the poverty rate by race and QyiGMp0nKkc-00670-00189486-00189704 ethnicity and you can see that we QyiGMp0nKkc-00671-00189705-00189869 haven't made much progress in the state QyiGMp0nKkc-00672-00189870-00190190 and that it's also quite severe for QyiGMp0nKkc-00673-00190191-00190451 african-americans and Latinos also QyiGMp0nKkc-00674-00190452-00190682 higher for Asian Pacific Islanders than QyiGMp0nKkc-00675-00190683-00190880 most people think because that's a QyiGMp0nKkc-00676-00190881-00191141 bifurcated community some group doing QyiGMp0nKkc-00677-00191142-00191417 some groups doing very well because of QyiGMp0nKkc-00678-00191418-00191626 education placement in the labor market QyiGMp0nKkc-00679-00191627-00191921 many in particular refugee groups not QyiGMp0nKkc-00680-00191922-00192518 doing well so what's driving that which QyiGMp0nKkc-00681-00192519-00193013 is interesting is two things one in QyiGMp0nKkc-00682-00193014-00193316 terms of the symptom inequality it is QyiGMp0nKkc-00683-00193317-00193556 partly that the top is doing better than QyiGMp0nKkc-00684-00193557-00193850 they ever did and some of that has to do QyiGMp0nKkc-00685-00193851-00194282 with compensation for chief executive QyiGMp0nKkc-00686-00194283-00194492 officers some of it has to do with QyiGMp0nKkc-00687-00194493-00195071 financialization but even if we taxed QyiGMp0nKkc-00688-00195072-00195304 the richest people in the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00689-00195305-00195698 we wouldn't which you know I probably be QyiGMp0nKkc-00690-00195699-00196028 in support of raising taxes there as QyiGMp0nKkc-00691-00196029-00196220 well to be able to finance certain QyiGMp0nKkc-00692-00196221-00196517 things we would not get rid of one QyiGMp0nKkc-00693-00196518-00196699 aspect of the fundamental inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-00694-00196700-00196985 unless we recognized that there's QyiGMp0nKkc-00695-00196986-00197306 another big element of inequality and it QyiGMp0nKkc-00696-00197307-00197696 is educational inequality because what's QyiGMp0nKkc-00697-00197697-00197921 happened in the modern labor market is QyiGMp0nKkc-00698-00197922-00198293 that getting a degree now is more QyiGMp0nKkc-00699-00198294-00198542 important than ever before for your QyiGMp0nKkc-00700-00198543-00198923 earnings so what this chart does as you QyiGMp0nKkc-00701-00198924-00199270 might guess I like charts is look at QyiGMp0nKkc-00702-00199271-00199715 earning Xin 1979 in California if you QyiGMp0nKkc-00703-00199716-00199937 had a high school degree at less than QyiGMp0nKkc-00704-00199938-00200123 high school degree had a high school QyiGMp0nKkc-00705-00200124-00200381 degree a little bit of college and a a QyiGMp0nKkc-00706-00200382-00200768 or a be a or better one thing you're QyiGMp0nKkc-00707-00200769-00200903 going to notice about that is getting an QyiGMp0nKkc-00708-00200904-00201264 education drove wages up make sense QyiGMp0nKkc-00709-00201265-00201531 but what the second thing shows you in QyiGMp0nKkc-00710-00201532-00201896 2009 is that that gradient is steeper QyiGMp0nKkc-00711-00201897-00202212 that is that if you don't have a high QyiGMp0nKkc-00712-00202213-00202464 school degree your earnings actually QyiGMp0nKkc-00713-00202465-00202725 went down in real terms if you gotta be QyiGMp0nKkc-00714-00202726-00203024 a earnings went up in real terms QyiGMp0nKkc-00715-00203025-00203194 education which has always been QyiGMp0nKkc-00716-00203195-00203407 important is more important than ever QyiGMp0nKkc-00717-00203408-00203706 because the labor market is giving very QyiGMp0nKkc-00718-00203707-00204009 different returns now because of QyiGMp0nKkc-00719-00204010-00204283 globalization because of Technology QyiGMp0nKkc-00720-00204284-00204525 because of the change in the skill set QyiGMp0nKkc-00721-00204526-00204850 so we really need to address educational QyiGMp0nKkc-00722-00204851-00205126 inequality and you can see here by QyiGMp0nKkc-00723-00205127-00205338 looking at the Salinas metropolitan area QyiGMp0nKkc-00724-00205339-00205814 that for those who are adults 25 to 64 QyiGMp0nKkc-00725-00205815-00206119 forty percent of your white population QyiGMp0nKkc-00726-00206119-00206425 has a PA forty percent of your Asian QyiGMp0nKkc-00727-00206426-00206673 Pacific Islander population has the PA QyiGMp0nKkc-00728-00206675-00206982 but you've got significant failure to QyiGMp0nKkc-00729-00206983-00207223 complete high school for the QyiGMp0nKkc-00730-00207223-00207492 african-american and Latino population QyiGMp0nKkc-00731-00207494-00207796 some of that Latino population are QyiGMp0nKkc-00732-00207796-00207994 immigrants who arrived without a high QyiGMp0nKkc-00733-00207994-00208201 school degree but it's also the case QyiGMp0nKkc-00734-00208202-00208541 that you've got a very high dropout rate QyiGMp0nKkc-00735-00208542-00208791 particularly for the Latino population QyiGMp0nKkc-00736-00208792-00209310 and that's affecting those statistics as QyiGMp0nKkc-00737-00209311-00209592 well I'm jumping over these because a QyiGMp0nKkc-00738-00209594-00209823 lot of those statistics so far have been QyiGMp0nKkc-00739-00209825-00210279 a bummer so I want to deliver something QyiGMp0nKkc-00740-00210280-00210531 that I think is both new and good news QyiGMp0nKkc-00741-00210532-00210912 and the new and good news is that a QyiGMp0nKkc-00742-00210913-00211257 fundamental shift is occurring in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00743-00211258-00211653 field of economics we used to in QyiGMp0nKkc-00744-00211654-00212112 economics buy into the notion that QyiGMp0nKkc-00745-00212113-00212379 inequality might be good for economic QyiGMp0nKkc-00746-00212380-00212751 growth that and in some extent it is you QyiGMp0nKkc-00747-00212752-00212992 know some degree of inequality that's QyiGMp0nKkc-00748-00212992-00213187 associated with differential returns to QyiGMp0nKkc-00749-00213188-00213609 skill education talent and drive are a QyiGMp0nKkc-00750-00213610-00213885 degree of inequality we can live with QyiGMp0nKkc-00751-00213886-00214083 but what's gone on in the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00752-00214084-00214492 as we've sort of gone to an extreme in QyiGMp0nKkc-00753-00214492-00214651 terms of inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-00754-00214652-00214941 and there's been a bubbling up of QyiGMp0nKkc-00755-00214942-00215260 research first starting from the QyiGMp0nKkc-00756-00215261-00215542 developing world and now coming from the QyiGMp0nKkc-00757-00215542-00215827 United States that is looking at the QyiGMp0nKkc-00758-00215828-00216052 relationship between inequality and QyiGMp0nKkc-00759-00216053-00216313 economic growth and first the QyiGMp0nKkc-00760-00216314-00216562 international research done by none QyiGMp0nKkc-00761-00216563-00216805 other than the international monetary QyiGMp0nKkc-00762-00216806-00217231 fund an international association always QyiGMp0nKkc-00763-00217232-00217765 associated with economic justice HS QyiGMp0nKkc-00764-00217766-00218110 released a study the last series of QyiGMp0nKkc-00765-00218111-00218259 studies the last couple of years and QyiGMp0nKkc-00766-00218260-00218523 what they found was that those countries QyiGMp0nKkc-00767-00218525-00218788 that were more equitable actually had QyiGMp0nKkc-00768-00218789-00218973 more sustainable economic growth over QyiGMp0nKkc-00769-00218975-00219280 time and in fact the single most QyiGMp0nKkc-00770-00219281-00219532 important factor that predicted growth QyiGMp0nKkc-00771-00219533-00219784 sustainability over time was whether or QyiGMp0nKkc-00772-00219785-00219940 not you started with a more equal base QyiGMp0nKkc-00773-00219941-00220189 at the beginning and what the QyiGMp0nKkc-00774-00220190-00220419 hypothesized with it a more equal base QyiGMp0nKkc-00775-00220421-00220948 ment better education it meant generally QyiGMp0nKkc-00776-00220948-00221110 the constituencies would invest in QyiGMp0nKkc-00777-00221111-00221356 widespread education and also less QyiGMp0nKkc-00778-00221357-00221784 political conflict over economic models QyiGMp0nKkc-00779-00221785-00222157 this has spawned a whole wave of QyiGMp0nKkc-00780-00222158-00222496 research on inequality the most recent QyiGMp0nKkc-00781-00222496-00222751 of which is this book that came out last QyiGMp0nKkc-00782-00222752-00223141 year capital by Thomas Piketty let me QyiGMp0nKkc-00783-00223142-00223279 ask you a question how many of you have QyiGMp0nKkc-00784-00223280-00223477 read that how many of you heard of that QyiGMp0nKkc-00785-00223478-00223951 book how many of you read that book okay QyiGMp0nKkc-00786-00223952-00224404 very good ah this is a book that spawned QyiGMp0nKkc-00787-00224405-00224707 more conversation than reading it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00788-00224708-00224881 written by a French economist and it QyiGMp0nKkc-00789-00224882-00225262 reads like it and this by the way amazon QyiGMp0nKkc-00790-00225263-00225471 tells us is the most on redbook they've QyiGMp0nKkc-00791-00225473-00225784 ever sold and they can tell because QyiGMp0nKkc-00792-00225785-00225937 people download it to their Kindle QyiGMp0nKkc-00793-00225938-00226162 device and I know how far you went like QyiGMp0nKkc-00794-00226163-00226396 people went to page 19 Oh went why QyiGMp0nKkc-00795-00226396-00226888 did I buy this right so huh but what it QyiGMp0nKkc-00796-00226889-00227089 has spawned at least reviewing like me QyiGMp0nKkc-00797-00227090-00227337 who read the whole thing is a QyiGMp0nKkc-00798-00227338-00227587 conversation about the degree of QyiGMp0nKkc-00799-00227588-00227848 inequality and the corrosive effects of QyiGMp0nKkc-00800-00227848-00227994 inequality on QyiGMp0nKkc-00801-00227996-00228234 social solidarity and economic growth QyiGMp0nKkc-00802-00228235-00228601 and it's lifted up work by jose de klutz QyiGMp0nKkc-00803-00228602-00228757 who's written about the price of QyiGMp0nKkc-00804-00228758-00229042 inequality and how economic inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-00805-00229042-00229330 led to excess financialization and that QyiGMp0nKkc-00806-00229331-00229758 helped lead to the crash of 2008 it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00807-00229759-00230098 led to the World Economic Forum last QyiGMp0nKkc-00808-00230098-00230323 year in Davos the number one issue that QyiGMp0nKkc-00809-00230323-00230788 considered was inequality and led the it QyiGMp0nKkc-00810-00230789-00231139 led us to be researching on this both in QyiGMp0nKkc-00811-00231140-00231382 work with policy link and the book that QyiGMp0nKkc-00812-00231383-00231619 President Ochoa mentioned just growth QyiGMp0nKkc-00813-00231619-00231862 which I heard he was planning on buying QyiGMp0nKkc-00814-00231863-00232746 for all the faculty so that it could be QyiGMp0nKkc-00815-00232748-00233235 the second most on redbook and for those QyiGMp0nKkc-00816-00233236-00233380 of you are not readers don't worry it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00817-00233381-00233506 about to be made into a major motion QyiGMp0nKkc-00818-00233507-00233887 picture it's what I was doing yesterday QyiGMp0nKkc-00819-00233888-00234192 in LA negotiating the movie rights I was QyiGMp0nKkc-00820-00234194-00234342 supposed to be portrayed by Antonio QyiGMp0nKkc-00821-00234344-00234588 Banderas QyiGMp0nKkc-00822-00234589-00234835 very excited it turns out it's going to QyiGMp0nKkc-00823-00234836-00235363 be gentle puck George Lopez but still QyiGMp0nKkc-00824-00235364-00235633 it'll be a movie and we actually cover a QyiGMp0nKkc-00825-00235634-00235852 lot of his research including research QyiGMp0nKkc-00826-00235853-00236065 of our own but also researched by the QyiGMp0nKkc-00827-00236066-00236292 Cleveland Federal Reserve which did QyiGMp0nKkc-00828-00236294-00236623 research for civic actors in Cleveland QyiGMp0nKkc-00829-00236623-00236781 and found out much to their surprise QyiGMp0nKkc-00830-00236782-00237076 that three key determinants limiting QyiGMp0nKkc-00831-00237077-00237352 growth for mid-sized reasons what's the QyiGMp0nKkc-00832-00237353-00237655 size and composition of Cleveland were QyiGMp0nKkc-00833-00237656-00238017 lots of inequality limited growth lots QyiGMp0nKkc-00834-00238019-00238279 of residential segregation and lots of QyiGMp0nKkc-00835-00238280-00238521 City suburban differentials limited the QyiGMp0nKkc-00836-00238523-00238756 ability to grow over time and this QyiGMp0nKkc-00837-00238757-00239011 message that we need to invest in equity QyiGMp0nKkc-00838-00239012-00239355 and inclusion is becoming quite popular QyiGMp0nKkc-00839-00239356-00239683 now think about what the president QyiGMp0nKkc-00840-00239684-00239887 talked about in the state of the union QyiGMp0nKkc-00841-00239888-00240084 talking about middle-class economics QyiGMp0nKkc-00842-00240085-00240423 think about the fact that even bankers QyiGMp0nKkc-00843-00240425-00240742 and Standard and Poor's put a report QyiGMp0nKkc-00844-00240742-00240865 last year saying that the main QyiGMp0nKkc-00845-00240866-00241138 impediment to getting both going was the QyiGMp0nKkc-00846-00241139-00241360 level of income inequality in the United QyiGMp0nKkc-00847-00241361-00241548 States there's a sense that something is QyiGMp0nKkc-00848-00241550-00241933 wrong than we need to begin to reconnect QyiGMp0nKkc-00849-00241934-00242200 with one another we begin to deal with QyiGMp0nKkc-00850-00242201-00242539 social tensions and we need to come up QyiGMp0nKkc-00851-00242540-00242851 with systems that could actually change QyiGMp0nKkc-00852-00242852-00243094 these things so what I want to do is QyiGMp0nKkc-00853-00243094-00243492 kind of come to a stirring and emotional QyiGMp0nKkc-00854-00243494-00244173 conclusion by lifting up for things that QyiGMp0nKkc-00855-00244175-00244555 I think should emerge from what I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-00856-00244556-00244813 talking about and should guide us for QyiGMp0nKkc-00857-00244814-00245140 the future let me say first the reason QyiGMp0nKkc-00858-00245141-00245458 for combining the new mog raphy the QyiGMp0nKkc-00859-00245459-00245742 social disconnection and inequality and QyiGMp0nKkc-00860-00245744-00246102 it's corrosive effect on the economy QyiGMp0nKkc-00861-00246103-00246400 those things are very connected you know QyiGMp0nKkc-00862-00246401-00246696 one thing that's interesting is if you QyiGMp0nKkc-00863-00246698-00247075 thought about the demography of the past QyiGMp0nKkc-00864-00247076-00247254 when we were coming out of World War two QyiGMp0nKkc-00865-00247255-00247494 we add what was in the United States QyiGMp0nKkc-00866-00247496-00247826 called a classic age pyramid QyiGMp0nKkc-00867-00247827-00248153 lots of young people and then it thinned QyiGMp0nKkc-00868-00248154-00248315 out as you moved into the older groups QyiGMp0nKkc-00869-00248316-00248603 and then as you moved into 70 and 80 it QyiGMp0nKkc-00870-00248604-00249059 got very thin if you look at that QyiGMp0nKkc-00871-00249060-00249319 demography going from about nineteen QyiGMp0nKkc-00872-00249321-00249725 fifteen to twenty fifty that age pyramid QyiGMp0nKkc-00873-00249726-00249973 is increasingly becoming an aged QyiGMp0nKkc-00874-00249973-00250394 cylinder older people are living longer QyiGMp0nKkc-00875-00250394-00250856 than ever there's less young people QyiGMp0nKkc-00876-00250857-00251167 being born and we're going to have less QyiGMp0nKkc-00877-00251169-00251461 migrants filling in the middle QyiGMp0nKkc-00878-00251462-00251714 immigration is slowed as i mentioned QyiGMp0nKkc-00879-00251715-00251917 overall it's likely we'll come up with QyiGMp0nKkc-00880-00251919-00252061 some sort of comprehensive immigration QyiGMp0nKkc-00881-00252062-00252398 reform which is not going to swell new QyiGMp0nKkc-00882-00252398-00252596 migrants coming in something we can talk QyiGMp0nKkc-00883-00252596-00252871 about but as that an age pyramid becomes QyiGMp0nKkc-00884-00252873-00253073 an eight cylinder what it means is that QyiGMp0nKkc-00885-00253073-00253340 every young person has to be much more QyiGMp0nKkc-00886-00253341-00253616 productive in the evermore it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00887-00253617-00253873 predicted now that the dependency ratio QyiGMp0nKkc-00888-00253875-00254105 in the california is going to go up by QyiGMp0nKkc-00889-00254106-00254359 sixty percent over the next 20 years QyiGMp0nKkc-00890-00254360-00254585 that means that young people graduating QyiGMp0nKkc-00891-00254586-00254753 are going to have to be more productive QyiGMp0nKkc-00892-00254754-00255019 than ever before if we want the QyiGMp0nKkc-00893-00255021-00255269 California economy fewest economy to QyiGMp0nKkc-00894-00255269-00255512 succeed so what do I think it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00895-00255513-00255641 important in terms of moving this QyiGMp0nKkc-00896-00255642-00255938 forward I think there's sort of four QyiGMp0nKkc-00897-00255939-00256229 things to keep in mind one is to QyiGMp0nKkc-00898-00256230-00256475 recognize something that's really key QyiGMp0nKkc-00899-00256476-00256829 about this generation coming up many QyiGMp0nKkc-00900-00256830-00257162 people on the right portray this as a QyiGMp0nKkc-00901-00257163-00257507 group of angry minorities coming to take QyiGMp0nKkc-00902-00257508-00257852 someone's tough many people on the Left QyiGMp0nKkc-00903-00257853-00258239 go wow great angry minorities coming to QyiGMp0nKkc-00904-00258240-00258563 take people's stuff right but if you QyiGMp0nKkc-00905-00258564-00258707 talk to the young people and you work QyiGMp0nKkc-00906-00258708-00259208 with them they're not that angry they QyiGMp0nKkc-00907-00259209-00259433 ought to be when you think about the QyiGMp0nKkc-00908-00259434-00259673 educational system we've allowed them to QyiGMp0nKkc-00909-00259673-00259946 come up through when you think about the QyiGMp0nKkc-00910-00259946-00260255 over incarceration of young black men in QyiGMp0nKkc-00911-00260256-00260426 particular that has become QyiGMp0nKkc-00912-00260427-00260666 characteristic of California United QyiGMp0nKkc-00913-00260667-00261100 States if you think about us maintaining QyiGMp0nKkc-00914-00261101-00261507 an immigration system in which kids are QyiGMp0nKkc-00915-00261508-00261721 feeling the fear every day that they QyiGMp0nKkc-00916-00261721-00261871 might come home and find their parents QyiGMp0nKkc-00917-00261871-00262261 deported they ought to be angry but QyiGMp0nKkc-00918-00262262-00262588 they're not they're aspirational they're QyiGMp0nKkc-00919-00262589-00262924 hopeful about who they are the world QyiGMp0nKkc-00920-00262925-00263140 they're coming into and the fact that QyiGMp0nKkc-00921-00263141-00263302 they can change that world if you think QyiGMp0nKkc-00922-00263303-00263599 about the dreamers movement and all of QyiGMp0nKkc-00923-00263600-00263749 the challenges and obstacles that they QyiGMp0nKkc-00924-00263750-00263971 faced but the aspirations that they QyiGMp0nKkc-00925-00263972-00264220 speak to and what that means is that if QyiGMp0nKkc-00926-00264221-00264439 we're going to move change we need to QyiGMp0nKkc-00927-00264440-00264667 speak to people's aspirations and not QyiGMp0nKkc-00928-00264668-00264916 just their anger we often allow QyiGMp0nKkc-00929-00264917-00265294 ourselves to kind of go to simply being QyiGMp0nKkc-00930-00265295-00265486 mad at the other side rather than QyiGMp0nKkc-00931-00265487-00265756 speaking to people's aspirations the QyiGMp0nKkc-00932-00265757-00266026 second thing I think we need to do is to QyiGMp0nKkc-00933-00266027-00266281 shift away from a simple justice QyiGMp0nKkc-00934-00266282-00266698 perspective to stressing that equity and QyiGMp0nKkc-00935-00266699-00266995 inclusion are fundamental to meet our QyiGMp0nKkc-00936-00266996-00267190 demographic challenges and to QyiGMp0nKkc-00937-00267191-00267508 resuscitate our overall economy it's not QyiGMp0nKkc-00938-00267509-00267724 just a question of being fair it's a QyiGMp0nKkc-00939-00267725-00268008 question of being smart about the future QyiGMp0nKkc-00940-00268009-00268249 the third thing that I think is QyiGMp0nKkc-00941-00268250-00268690 important is that we need to talk a lot QyiGMp0nKkc-00942-00268691-00269071 more about bridging generations because QyiGMp0nKkc-00943-00269072-00269358 part of this is that unless we make sure QyiGMp0nKkc-00944-00269359-00269716 that an older demographic sees itself in QyiGMp0nKkc-00945-00269717-00269929 a younger demographic something that QyiGMp0nKkc-00946-00269930-00270130 happens through conscious organizing QyiGMp0nKkc-00947-00270131-00270409 about what the common values in common QyiGMp0nKkc-00948-00270410-00270598 interests are we're not going to create QyiGMp0nKkc-00949-00270599-00270847 the changes that allow us to do this and QyiGMp0nKkc-00950-00270848-00271132 then finally we need to be really QyiGMp0nKkc-00951-00271133-00271506 careful about the stories we tell QyiGMp0nKkc-00952-00271507-00271903 because we so often tell stories about QyiGMp0nKkc-00953-00271904-00272158 people beating the odds and not so much QyiGMp0nKkc-00954-00272159-00272398 stories about people changing the odds QyiGMp0nKkc-00955-00272399-00272701 we talk about those young people coming QyiGMp0nKkc-00956-00272702-00273154 up but we don't emphasize as much what QyiGMp0nKkc-00957-00273155-00273403 they might do along the way have some QyiGMp0nKkc-00958-00273404-00273745 organizers and in order to think about QyiGMp0nKkc-00959-00273746-00274045 this let me close with the story it's QyiGMp0nKkc-00960-00274046-00274267 one I used to tell a lot haven't told in QyiGMp0nKkc-00961-00274268-00274370 a while QyiGMp0nKkc-00962-00274371-00274604 they told another session just a little QyiGMp0nKkc-00963-00274605-00274984 while ago and it's my story and it's a QyiGMp0nKkc-00964-00274985-00275233 story that much like people like me QyiGMp0nKkc-00965-00275234-00275600 actually begins a generation before when QyiGMp0nKkc-00966-00275601-00275849 my dad came to the United States in the QyiGMp0nKkc-00967-00275850-00276466 1930s with papers that were imperfect QyiGMp0nKkc-00968-00276467-00276827 when world war two game he was given a QyiGMp0nKkc-00969-00276828-00277076 choice between being deported and QyiGMp0nKkc-00970-00277077-00277637 joining the US Army and a true story he QyiGMp0nKkc-00971-00277638-00277880 couldn't decide what to do so he gave a QyiGMp0nKkc-00972-00277881-00278114 penny to my cousin gud Leto's who QyiGMp0nKkc-00973-00278115-00278456 flipped it and that was the decision my QyiGMp0nKkc-00974-00278457-00278797 dad made he and the fini went to the war QyiGMp0nKkc-00975-00278798-00279113 both came back safe and a generation QyiGMp0nKkc-00976-00279114-00279428 later his son has a full professor at QyiGMp0nKkc-00977-00279429-00280300 the University of Southern California QyiGMp0nKkc-00978-00280301-00280541 which would be even more of achievement QyiGMp0nKkc-00979-00280542-00280691 more of an achievement if I had season QyiGMp0nKkc-00980-00280692-00280903 tickets to the football games but still QyiGMp0nKkc-00981-00280904-00281168 it's pretty good what I like to tell QyiGMp0nKkc-00982-00281169-00281449 people is that that's a great story QyiGMp0nKkc-00983-00281450-00281822 that's an American story and it's the QyiGMp0nKkc-00984-00281823-00282085 wrong story it's the wrong story because QyiGMp0nKkc-00985-00282086-00282398 when we tell it like that what it seems QyiGMp0nKkc-00986-00282399-00282682 to emphasize as a family and they're QyiGMp0nKkc-00987-00282683-00283016 gone as their desires to get ahead and I QyiGMp0nKkc-00988-00283017-00283463 don't negate that my dad had that or my QyiGMp0nKkc-00989-00283464-00284105 mom and so did I but what it leaves out QyiGMp0nKkc-00990-00284106-00284438 is that in the 1930s when my dad had no QyiGMp0nKkc-00991-00284439-00284720 papers he had a union that defended his QyiGMp0nKkc-00992-00284721-00284981 rights at work and when he came back QyiGMp0nKkc-00993-00284982-00285518 from the war there was a GI Bill and the QyiGMp0nKkc-00994-00285519-00285929 GI Bill meant two things one is that he QyiGMp0nKkc-00995-00285930-00286132 could go a guy with a sixth grade QyiGMp0nKkc-00996-00286133-00286360 education as president Oh Joe mentioned QyiGMp0nKkc-00997-00286361-00286625 he could go with the sixth grade QyiGMp0nKkc-00998-00286626-00286901 education to la trade tech a community QyiGMp0nKkc-00999-00286902-00287134 college in the heart of LA and learn QyiGMp0nKkc-01000-00287135-00287414 about electricity a subject that by the QyiGMp0nKkc-01001-00287415-00287598 way still baffles me QyiGMp0nKkc-01002-00287599-00287883 and by learning that he could go from QyiGMp0nKkc-01003-00287884-00288048 being a janitor to meet an air QyiGMp0nKkc-01004-00288049-00288333 conditioner repairman and with the GI QyiGMp0nKkc-01005-00288334-00288795 Bill he was able to buy a house in a QyiGMp0nKkc-01006-00288796-00289160 month in la puente in the San Gabriel QyiGMp0nKkc-01007-00289161-00289371 Valley get a piece of the American dream QyiGMp0nKkc-01008-00289372-00289731 and we were able to go to decent public QyiGMp0nKkc-01009-00289732-00289992 schools because people were investing in QyiGMp0nKkc-01010-00289993-00290256 them at that time and I was able to go QyiGMp0nKkc-01011-00290257-00290547 as an undergraduate to the University of QyiGMp0nKkc-01012-00290548-00290880 California Santa Cruz because there was QyiGMp0nKkc-01013-00290881-00291135 affirmative action to take a chance on a QyiGMp0nKkc-01014-00291136-00291351 kid like me that did not fit the QyiGMp0nKkc-01015-00291352-00291630 difficult profile and that I would QyiGMp0nKkc-01016-00291631-00292744 submit to you is the American story QyiGMp0nKkc-01017-00292745-00293066 it is a story of individuals but it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01018-00293067-00293369 also a story of policies and structures QyiGMp0nKkc-01019-00293370-00293549 that we put in place so that people can QyiGMp0nKkc-01020-00293550-00293831 succeed so that their neighborhoods are QyiGMp0nKkc-01021-00293832-00294109 safe so that they don't feel in fear of QyiGMp0nKkc-01022-00294110-00294385 the police or immigration authorities so QyiGMp0nKkc-01023-00294386-00294641 that they can learn and thrive so we've QyiGMp0nKkc-01024-00294642-00294907 built a structure of higher ed that QyiGMp0nKkc-01025-00294908-00295193 includes community colleges and the QyiGMp0nKkc-01026-00295194-00295397 California State University system and QyiGMp0nKkc-01027-00295398-00295782 the UC system and it's also a story QyiGMp0nKkc-01028-00295783-00296069 importantly of the social movements that QyiGMp0nKkc-01029-00296070-00296276 put those things in place the labor QyiGMp0nKkc-01030-00296277-00296528 movement they gave us unions the QyiGMp0nKkc-01031-00296529-00296750 veterans movement there was one that put QyiGMp0nKkc-01032-00296751-00296978 in a place the GI Bill people were QyiGMp0nKkc-01033-00296979-00297232 struggling for educational equity and QyiGMp0nKkc-01034-00297233-00297467 excellence the civil rights movement QyiGMp0nKkc-01035-00297468-00297653 that made sure there was affirmative QyiGMp0nKkc-01036-00297654-00297845 action in the lifting of racially QyiGMp0nKkc-01037-00297846-00298043 restrictive covenants so we could buy a QyiGMp0nKkc-01038-00298044-00298309 house in the valley and so as important QyiGMp0nKkc-01039-00298310-00298556 as it is for you to help individual QyiGMp0nKkc-01040-00298557-00298783 students succeed as important it is for QyiGMp0nKkc-01041-00298784-00299021 you to make sure that this structure and QyiGMp0nKkc-01042-00299022-00299273 platform is there and functioning it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01043-00299274-00299543 also important for you for me for the QyiGMp0nKkc-01044-00299544-00299801 students for all of us to be leaders and QyiGMp0nKkc-01045-00299802-00300010 fighters for social justice and QyiGMp0nKkc-01046-00300011-00301641 opportunity for the new California thank QyiGMp0nKkc-01047-00301642-00301834 Thank You Manuel for I'm very QyiGMp0nKkc-01048-00301835-00302302 informative and stirring talk we have a QyiGMp0nKkc-01049-00302303-00302431 few questions some of them were QyiGMp0nKkc-01050-00302432-00302674 pre-prepared others will be flowing in QyiGMp0nKkc-01051-00302675-00302935 here from the audience let me get the QyiGMp0nKkc-01052-00302936-00303286 ball rolling here with this one what are QyiGMp0nKkc-01053-00303287-00303430 the prospects of the Congress will pass QyiGMp0nKkc-01054-00303431-00303721 comprehensive immigration reform I guess QyiGMp0nKkc-01055-00303722-00303895 I'm guessing it'll be a handicapper QyiGMp0nKkc-01056-00303896-00304234 again and if it doesn't pass up the QyiGMp0nKkc-01057-00304235-00304384 federal level are the things that state QyiGMp0nKkc-01058-00304385-00304543 local governments can do to address the QyiGMp0nKkc-01059-00304544-00304903 issue I'm trying to think of what an QyiGMp0nKkc-01060-00304904-00305302 analogy is for this I think it's you QyiGMp0nKkc-01061-00305303-00305461 know the old days we would have said QyiGMp0nKkc-01062-00305462-00305632 when the snow caps melt but that seems QyiGMp0nKkc-01063-00305633-00305940 likely these days with climate change QyiGMp0nKkc-01064-00305941-00306217 this Congress is not likely to pass QyiGMp0nKkc-01065-00306218-00306409 comprehensive immigration reform it had QyiGMp0nKkc-01066-00306410-00306631 a really good chance and the stars were QyiGMp0nKkc-01067-00306632-00306985 aligned in the last Congress because the QyiGMp0nKkc-01068-00306986-00307153 Senate bill represented a pretty artful QyiGMp0nKkc-01069-00307154-00307387 compromise between the three elements QyiGMp0nKkc-01070-00307388-00307531 that need to be part of comprehensive QyiGMp0nKkc-01071-00307532-00307800 immigration reform one of course is QyiGMp0nKkc-01072-00307801-00308104 better enforcement which means a QyiGMp0nKkc-01073-00308105-00308317 stronger border security and enforcement QyiGMp0nKkc-01074-00308318-00308662 at the workplace a second has to do with QyiGMp0nKkc-01075-00308663-00309031 creating a pathway to legalization in my QyiGMp0nKkc-01076-00309032-00309211 view citizenship for undocumented QyiGMp0nKkc-01077-00309212-00309466 residents and a third is trying to QyiGMp0nKkc-01078-00309467-00309685 figure out what formal systems need to QyiGMp0nKkc-01079-00309686-00309832 be in place to have paper flows in the QyiGMp0nKkc-01080-00309833-00310063 future and you know really virtually QyiGMp0nKkc-01081-00310064-00310174 anybody who studies this issue QyiGMp0nKkc-01082-00310175-00310354 understands that that's the compromise QyiGMp0nKkc-01083-00310355-00310549 that needs to be struck that's the QyiGMp0nKkc-01084-00310550-00310681 compromises the Senate struck QyiGMp0nKkc-01085-00310682-00310923 compromised the house would not take up QyiGMp0nKkc-01086-00310924-00311395 this Congress it's a house move first QyiGMp0nKkc-01087-00311396-00311779 its first move was to try to remove QyiGMp0nKkc-01088-00311780-00311872 deferred action for childhood QyiGMp0nKkc-01089-00311873-00312088 adjustments for the young people who'd QyiGMp0nKkc-01090-00312089-00312322 gotten it under the president two years QyiGMp0nKkc-01091-00312323-00312667 ago and then to roll back the executive QyiGMp0nKkc-01092-00312668-00312799 action for those who don't know in QyiGMp0nKkc-01093-00312800-00313000 November to President issued an QyiGMp0nKkc-01094-00313001-00313270 executive action which basically its QyiGMp0nKkc-01095-00313271-00313603 biggest impact is that parents who have QyiGMp0nKkc-01096-00313604-00313807 lived in the country parents of us-born QyiGMp0nKkc-01097-00313808-00313990 children who have lived in the country QyiGMp0nKkc-01098-00313991-00314179 for longer than five years and could QyiGMp0nKkc-01099-00314180-00314285 prove they don't have a criminal QyiGMp0nKkc-01100-00314286-00314594 Kurt will be given a work permit to stay QyiGMp0nKkc-01101-00314595-00314992 in the country so the con was just best QyiGMp0nKkc-01102-00314993-00315203 you know that the big fight in QyiGMp0nKkc-01103-00315204-00315332 February's going to be whether out to QyiGMp0nKkc-01104-00315333-00315569 fund the Department of Homeland Security QyiGMp0nKkc-01105-00315570-00315824 because presumably that's what's QyiGMp0nKkc-01106-00315825-00316151 supposed to enforce us which by the way QyiGMp0nKkc-01107-00316152-00316283 it's complete less understanding of QyiGMp0nKkc-01108-00316284-00316463 what's going on because the agency that QyiGMp0nKkc-01109-00316464-00316730 enforces this is one that's funded by QyiGMp0nKkc-01110-00316731-00316934 its own piece so I don't think of QyiGMp0nKkc-01111-00316935-00317090 reactive immigration reform is going to QyiGMp0nKkc-01112-00317091-00317459 pass but here's what's interesting it QyiGMp0nKkc-01113-00317460-00317714 will pass in the future because QyiGMp0nKkc-01114-00317715-00317857 filmography of the country is changing QyiGMp0nKkc-01115-00317858-00318152 the voters are changing and I think it QyiGMp0nKkc-01116-00318153-00318422 will pass in the meanwhile we do have QyiGMp0nKkc-01117-00318423-00318626 this executive action and I think it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01118-00318627-00318887 incumbent on the state of California to QyiGMp0nKkc-01119-00318888-00319205 make sure that it's successful and it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01120-00319206-00319349 particularly important for California QyiGMp0nKkc-01121-00319350-00319637 because of the undocumented residents in QyiGMp0nKkc-01122-00319638-00319987 the United States we have one quarter QyiGMp0nKkc-01123-00319988-00320525 about 2.8 23 million we have a very QyiGMp0nKkc-01124-00320526-00320714 large share of the children who have QyiGMp0nKkc-01125-00320715-00321055 undocumented parents and it's very clear QyiGMp0nKkc-01126-00321056-00321347 so again more than fifty percent of QyiGMp0nKkc-01127-00321348-00321532 lived here for longer than ten years QyiGMp0nKkc-01128-00321533-00321980 fifteen percent are homeowners it's very QyiGMp0nKkc-01129-00321981-00322208 clear that they're deeply rooted in the QyiGMp0nKkc-01130-00322209-00322436 fabric of California in the fabric of QyiGMp0nKkc-01131-00322437-00322712 Salinas they are part of California's QyiGMp0nKkc-01132-00322713-00322996 future they are undocumented QyiGMp0nKkc-01133-00322997-00323312 Californians and we need to prepare for QyiGMp0nKkc-01134-00323313-00323549 the future by making life a little bit QyiGMp0nKkc-01135-00323550-00323801 easier for them I know some people I'd QyiGMp0nKkc-01136-00323802-00324014 say that's a controversial position but QyiGMp0nKkc-01137-00324015-00324275 I simply believe that it it's inevitable QyiGMp0nKkc-01138-00324276-00324431 there will get comprehensive immigration QyiGMp0nKkc-01139-00324432-00324647 reform and we need to begin preparing QyiGMp0nKkc-01140-00324648-00325114 for it QyiGMp0nKkc-01141-00325115-00325391 well looking at some of the questions QyiGMp0nKkc-01142-00325392-00325787 that have come in and these are all sort QyiGMp0nKkc-01143-00325788-00326179 of different ways of you know inserting QyiGMp0nKkc-01144-00326180-00326345 ourselves into the big question that QyiGMp0nKkc-01145-00326346-00326651 you've put on the table let me try this QyiGMp0nKkc-01146-00326652-00326849 one in light of the demographic shifts QyiGMp0nKkc-01147-00326850-00327167 toward an increasing Latino population QyiGMp0nKkc-01148-00327168-00327320 what should we be doing to ensure QyiGMp0nKkc-01149-00327321-00327437 Latinos are in a better place QyiGMp0nKkc-01150-00327438-00327698 educational economically to help QyiGMp0nKkc-01151-00327699-00328006 california lee california in the nation QyiGMp0nKkc-01152-00328007-00328271 into the future it spit this person is QyiGMp0nKkc-01153-00328272-00328435 interested in what specific policies we QyiGMp0nKkc-01154-00328436-00328858 should adopt yeah well I mean finishing QyiGMp0nKkc-01155-00328859-00329399 for Latinos in particular both President QyiGMp0nKkc-01156-00329400-00329822 Joe and I are economists ha which is not QyiGMp0nKkc-01157-00329823-00330089 necessarily a good thing as you know if QyiGMp0nKkc-01158-00330090-00330290 you took all the economy to go he comes QyiGMp0nKkc-01159-00330291-00330484 in the world and laid him in to end how QyiGMp0nKkc-01160-00330485-00330633 they still couldn't reach a conclusion QyiGMp0nKkc-01161-00330634-00330938 and others have said if he to go he QyiGMp0nKkc-01162-00330939-00331145 comes in the world in latham intend it QyiGMp0nKkc-01163-00331146-00331526 would be a good thing but one thing that QyiGMp0nKkc-01164-00331527-00331729 does seem to emerge is that if you look QyiGMp0nKkc-01165-00331730-00332090 at the income disparities particularly QyiGMp0nKkc-01166-00332091-00332516 for african-americans and Latinos about QyiGMp0nKkc-01167-00332517-00332728 half of the income disparity for QyiGMp0nKkc-01168-00332729-00332969 african-americans looks like it's still QyiGMp0nKkc-01169-00332970-00333200 explained by discrimination that is QyiGMp0nKkc-01170-00333201-00333353 there's pretty active discrimination in QyiGMp0nKkc-01171-00333354-00333634 labor markets housing a number of other QyiGMp0nKkc-01172-00333635-00333907 arenas for Latinos how about eighty QyiGMp0nKkc-01173-00333908-00334132 percent of the differential has actually QyiGMp0nKkc-01174-00334133-00334394 explained by education so you can really QyiGMp0nKkc-01175-00334395-00334646 move the needle on Latino economic QyiGMp0nKkc-01176-00334647-00334826 performance I'm not indicating that QyiGMp0nKkc-01177-00334827-00334970 there's discrimination against Latinos QyiGMp0nKkc-01178-00334971-00335308 in labor markets housing etc but you can QyiGMp0nKkc-01179-00335309-00335495 really move a needle by moving the QyiGMp0nKkc-01180-00335496-00335704 needle in education so I think that QyiGMp0nKkc-01181-00335705-00335932 that's really one of the prime things QyiGMp0nKkc-01182-00335933-00336218 that needs to happen I want to QyiGMp0nKkc-01183-00336219-00336406 complicate that just a little bit QyiGMp0nKkc-01184-00336407-00336604 because I think there's a tendency when QyiGMp0nKkc-01185-00336605-00336827 we say education to think that it's got QyiGMp0nKkc-01186-00336828-00337081 to be the K through 12 system we sort of QyiGMp0nKkc-01187-00337082-00337199 imagine what are we going to do with the QyiGMp0nKkc-01188-00337200-00337376 children may not submit to you that QyiGMp0nKkc-01189-00337377-00337678 that's partly because little children QyiGMp0nKkc-01190-00337679-00337914 are cuter QyiGMp0nKkc-01191-00337915-00338323 then day laborers but day laborers and QyiGMp0nKkc-01192-00338324-00338461 agricultural laborers are someone's QyiGMp0nKkc-01193-00338462-00338803 parents and unless we also improve their QyiGMp0nKkc-01194-00338804-00339058 situation we're not going to be able to QyiGMp0nKkc-01195-00339059-00339343 make sure that the children live in QyiGMp0nKkc-01196-00339344-00339637 slightly bigger apartments are able to QyiGMp0nKkc-01197-00339638-00339841 have the room to study etc and that QyiGMp0nKkc-01198-00339842-00340000 means that means I think we need to be QyiGMp0nKkc-01199-00340001-00340297 paying a lot more attention to adult QyiGMp0nKkc-01200-00340298-00340516 education English as a Second Language QyiGMp0nKkc-01201-00340517-00340735 and all the stuff they can help parents QyiGMp0nKkc-01202-00340736-00340977 with their career mobility as well QyiGMp0nKkc-01203-00340978-00341245 finally none of this is going to happen QyiGMp0nKkc-01204-00341246-00341587 unless Latinos get involved civically QyiGMp0nKkc-01205-00341588-00341905 and what that means then is doing the QyiGMp0nKkc-01206-00341906-00342088 kind of leadership training capacity QyiGMp0nKkc-01207-00342089-00342340 building so communities can get their QyiGMp0nKkc-01208-00342341-00343458 voice in the public today so one of our QyiGMp0nKkc-01209-00343459-00343923 one of our members of the audience is QyiGMp0nKkc-01210-00343924-00344275 skeptical about redistributed policies QyiGMp0nKkc-01211-00344276-00344683 about redistributed taxation certainly QyiGMp0nKkc-01212-00344684-00344857 there have been commentators that that QyiGMp0nKkc-01213-00344858-00345028 are proposing that in fact biggity QyiGMp0nKkc-01214-00345029-00345438 himself as a way to address the QyiGMp0nKkc-01215-00345439-00345649 inequality that is reaching levels that QyiGMp0nKkc-01216-00345650-00345790 are becoming dysfunctional for the QyiGMp0nKkc-01217-00345791-00346144 economy what would your I mean how would QyiGMp0nKkc-01218-00346145-00346396 you would you argue in support of it and QyiGMp0nKkc-01219-00346397-00346612 what would be the arguments pro con and QyiGMp0nKkc-01220-00346613-00347026 what do you come down on that one so QyiGMp0nKkc-01221-00347027-00347152 first I think it's important to QyiGMp0nKkc-01222-00347153-00347320 understand the following thing I think QyiGMp0nKkc-01223-00347321-00347506 it's the easiest way to understand it an QyiGMp0nKkc-01224-00347507-00347721 economy that's got too much equality QyiGMp0nKkc-01225-00347722-00347980 underperforms an economy that's got too QyiGMp0nKkc-01226-00347981-00348172 much inequality underperforms as well QyiGMp0nKkc-01227-00348173-00348412 everything about the Soviet Union where QyiGMp0nKkc-01228-00348413-00348640 the foreseen equality kind of removes QyiGMp0nKkc-01229-00348641-00348882 all incentives for people to invest QyiGMp0nKkc-01230-00348883-00349189 innovate etcetera that's on one side of QyiGMp0nKkc-01231-00349190-00349537 the balance the kind of economy we've QyiGMp0nKkc-01232-00349538-00349738 gotten to is on the other side of the QyiGMp0nKkc-01233-00349739-00349909 balance we've got too much inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-01234-00349910-00350197 and it's also suppressing things so it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01235-00350198-00350413 really a question of trying to find a QyiGMp0nKkc-01236-00350414-00350671 different model of different sort of QyiGMp0nKkc-01237-00350672-00350830 balance than we've been at in recent QyiGMp0nKkc-01238-00350831-00351088 years how do we do that I mean part of QyiGMp0nKkc-01239-00351089-00351248 it fundamentally will QyiGMp0nKkc-01240-00351249-00351698 come from taxation if we rolled back tax QyiGMp0nKkc-01241-00351699-00352118 rates on the wealthy post in terms of QyiGMp0nKkc-01242-00352119-00352454 wealth and income that's one part of QyiGMp0nKkc-01243-00352455-00352682 redistribution but it's not going to QyiGMp0nKkc-01244-00352683-00352868 make a difference how most people are QyiGMp0nKkc-01245-00352869-00353153 interested in social justice also think QyiGMp0nKkc-01246-00353154-00353447 about where money gets invested so the QyiGMp0nKkc-01247-00353448-00353756 way I think about this is that extending QyiGMp0nKkc-01248-00353757-00353987 welfare is not necessarily going to QyiGMp0nKkc-01249-00353988-00354229 improve economic growth in the long run QyiGMp0nKkc-01250-00354230-00354791 extending ESL adult dead pre-k all of QyiGMp0nKkc-01251-00354792-00355019 that stuff's going to improve economics QyiGMp0nKkc-01252-00355020-00355208 in the future so I think it's really QyiGMp0nKkc-01253-00355209-00355451 important to do sort of redistribution QyiGMp0nKkc-01254-00355452-00355835 in terms of taxes with an eye in mind to QyiGMp0nKkc-01255-00355836-00356015 what it is you're spending money on I QyiGMp0nKkc-01256-00356016-00356288 mean this is the state that achieved QyiGMp0nKkc-01257-00356289-00356705 it's a economic growth through investing QyiGMp0nKkc-01258-00356706-00357017 in a marvelous education system that it QyiGMp0nKkc-01259-00357018-00357221 adds for the last few decades really QyiGMp0nKkc-01260-00357222-00357416 starved and it needs to be able to spend QyiGMp0nKkc-01261-00357417-00357695 more resources on that and you need to QyiGMp0nKkc-01262-00357696-00357776 figure out where you're getting the QyiGMp0nKkc-01263-00357777-00358960 resources from so we have a question QyiGMp0nKkc-01264-00358961-00359184 here about the distinction between QyiGMp0nKkc-01265-00359185-00359405 income inequality and wealth inequality QyiGMp0nKkc-01266-00359406-00360160 and I guess the question is is one the QyiGMp0nKkc-01267-00360161-00360362 consequence of the other which one's QyiGMp0nKkc-01268-00360363-00360674 driving which and which one is in terms QyiGMp0nKkc-01269-00360675-00360893 of the economy functionally which one is QyiGMp0nKkc-01270-00360894-00361244 the one problematic one well it's time QyiGMp0nKkc-01271-00361245-00361370 to give that some really complicated QyiGMp0nKkc-01272-00361371-00361748 thinkers in your audience's so my two by QyiGMp0nKkc-01273-00361749-00362309 the way recommend if you read to read QyiGMp0nKkc-01274-00362310-00362537 the pickety book have you started to QyiGMp0nKkc-01275-00362538-00362651 read it to continue to struggle through QyiGMp0nKkc-01276-00362652-00363017 it there's a couple of reasons why first QyiGMp0nKkc-01277-00363018-00363158 it against marvelously insightful in QyiGMp0nKkc-01278-00363159-00363460 these issues but the second how well i QyiGMp0nKkc-01279-00363461-00363685 was reading that the other person i was QyiGMp0nKkc-01280-00363686-00363983 reading it with was perhaps not he would QyiGMp0nKkc-01281-00363984-00364331 expect it's a guy who's head of an QyiGMp0nKkc-01282-00364332-00364375 orchid QyiGMp0nKkc-01283-00364376-00364498 in group called Community Coalition QyiGMp0nKkc-01284-00364499-00364771 south away african-american guy that I QyiGMp0nKkc-01285-00364772-00365074 lift weights with and so we would like QyiGMp0nKkc-01286-00365075-00365281 read chapters of picketing and discuss QyiGMp0nKkc-01287-00365282-00365466 them while we were lifting weights QyiGMp0nKkc-01288-00365467-00366040 Piketty made us stronger but one of the QyiGMp0nKkc-01289-00366041-00366301 things that I think is striking that he QyiGMp0nKkc-01290-00366302-00366649 actually came up with as a sane is a QyiGMp0nKkc-01291-00366650-00366919 picketing moment and what a biggity QyiGMp0nKkc-01292-00366920-00367128 moment is when the facts are so QyiGMp0nKkc-01293-00367129-00367366 incontrovertible that you simply have to QyiGMp0nKkc-01294-00367367-00367587 deal with that so it's on QyiGMp0nKkc-01295-00367588-00367801 incontrovertible that our income QyiGMp0nKkc-01296-00367802-00368032 inequality is the historic eyes but that QyiGMp0nKkc-01297-00368033-00368242 even worse or work wealth inequality as QyiGMp0nKkc-01298-00368243-00368524 an historic eyes one of the things I QyiGMp0nKkc-01299-00368525-00368752 think that it happens with that is that QyiGMp0nKkc-01300-00368753-00369169 you wind up conferring advantage over QyiGMp0nKkc-01301-00369170-00369505 generations in a way that is really QyiGMp0nKkc-01302-00369506-00369811 problematic so one of the examples that QyiGMp0nKkc-01303-00369812-00370356 picket he uses deep in the book is that QyiGMp0nKkc-01304-00370357-00370842 the wealth that Bill Gates has acquired QyiGMp0nKkc-01305-00370843-00371227 which actually he acquired for the most QyiGMp0nKkc-01306-00371228-00371611 part through starting a corporation that QyiGMp0nKkc-01307-00371612-00371950 launched a project a product that's done QyiGMp0nKkc-01308-00371951-00372262 remarkably well Gates himself as well as QyiGMp0nKkc-01309-00372263-00372484 his father has been in favor of a much QyiGMp0nKkc-01310-00372485-00372826 higher has state tax on the wealthy and QyiGMp0nKkc-01311-00372827-00372994 of course now he's taking a lot of his QyiGMp0nKkc-01312-00372995-00373192 accumulated wealth and using a QyiGMp0nKkc-01313-00373193-00373474 foundation to address some issues well QyiGMp0nKkc-01314-00373475-00374119 the wealth that Gates created is exactly QyiGMp0nKkc-01315-00374120-00374338 the amount of wealth that the heirs to QyiGMp0nKkc-01316-00374339-00374866 the Chanel perfume brand in France and QyiGMp0nKkc-01317-00374867-00375097 they've done nothing to get it they QyiGMp0nKkc-01318-00375098-00375379 simply accumulated it have kept it and QyiGMp0nKkc-01319-00375380-00375643 their income goes up for no nothing QyiGMp0nKkc-01320-00375644-00375895 other than the accident of birth to whom QyiGMp0nKkc-01321-00375896-00376168 they were born so there's a real sort of QyiGMp0nKkc-01322-00376169-00376396 wealth accumulation effect the second QyiGMp0nKkc-01323-00376397-00376561 thing that's an important distinction QyiGMp0nKkc-01324-00376562-00376852 between income inequality and wealth QyiGMp0nKkc-01325-00376853-00377149 inequality is that it's responsible for QyiGMp0nKkc-01326-00377150-00377577 tremendous wealth inequality by race QyiGMp0nKkc-01327-00377578-00378000 United States so the average the net the QyiGMp0nKkc-01328-00378001-00378231 median wealth for a white family United QyiGMp0nKkc-01329-00378232-00378818 States currently is 130 140 thousand QyiGMp0nKkc-01330-00378819-00379203 dollars for an african-american family QyiGMp0nKkc-01331-00379204-00379575 it's 15,000 for a Latino Family pretty QyiGMp0nKkc-01332-00379576-00379896 close to 15,000 and that's because those QyiGMp0nKkc-01333-00379897-00380103 families acquired their wealth more QyiGMp0nKkc-01334-00380104-00380346 recently usually in the form of housing QyiGMp0nKkc-01335-00380347-00380631 wealth God melted away to the subprime QyiGMp0nKkc-01336-00380632-00380982 crisis so there's tremendous disparity QyiGMp0nKkc-01337-00380983-00381279 in terms of wealth inequality it helps QyiGMp0nKkc-01338-00381280-00381447 to explain a lot of our racial QyiGMp0nKkc-01339-00381448-00381876 inequality important question it's a QyiGMp0nKkc-01340-00381877-00382275 question that you touched on earlier to QyiGMp0nKkc-01341-00382276-00382512 some extent but what is the impact of QyiGMp0nKkc-01342-00382513-00382974 technological change and globalization QyiGMp0nKkc-01343-00382975-00383274 on the inequality divide and how to keep QyiGMp0nKkc-01344-00383275-00383757 that impact from out of how to minimize QyiGMp0nKkc-01345-00383758-00384177 it or or reduce it so I'm I hope that QyiGMp0nKkc-01346-00384178-00384450 what I'm portrayed as a complex reality QyiGMp0nKkc-01347-00384451-00384897 to all these questions so when the QyiGMp0nKkc-01348-00384898-00385110 question about simply texting the wealth QyiGMp0nKkc-01349-00385111-00385323 to redistribute can be really popular QyiGMp0nKkc-01350-00385324-00385536 idea but it's not going to do anything QyiGMp0nKkc-01351-00385537-00385860 unless we really address some of how we QyiGMp0nKkc-01352-00385861-00386115 take that resources we might acquire QyiGMp0nKkc-01353-00386116-00386307 from that and actually figure out how we QyiGMp0nKkc-01354-00386308-00386628 invest it I do think that there has QyiGMp0nKkc-01355-00386629-00387255 become a sort of really important impact QyiGMp0nKkc-01356-00387256-00387818 of globalization and its rewards to QyiGMp0nKkc-01357-00387819-00388088 education particularly given technology QyiGMp0nKkc-01358-00388089-00388299 one thing I think it's important in QyiGMp0nKkc-01359-00388300-00388590 piketty makes the point along with his QyiGMp0nKkc-01360-00388591-00388803 colleague Emmanuel sighs is there QyiGMp0nKkc-01361-00388804-00388938 another thing that's gone on and I get QyiGMp0nKkc-01362-00388939-00389241 to the globalization in a second is the QyiGMp0nKkc-01363-00389242-00389460 way in which we change the tax structure QyiGMp0nKkc-01364-00389461-00389670 in the United States and one of the QyiGMp0nKkc-01365-00389671-00389949 things that we've done is create an QyiGMp0nKkc-01366-00389950-00390126 opportunity to meet it used to be QyiGMp0nKkc-01367-00390127-00390495 because we text a wealth the wealth of QyiGMp0nKkc-01368-00390496-00390708 the richest pretty heavily in QyiGMp0nKkc-01369-00390709-00390900 the richest have like people added QyiGMp0nKkc-01370-00390901-00391101 corporations had very little incentive QyiGMp0nKkc-01371-00391102-00391521 task for hire and I are peg but has that QyiGMp0nKkc-01372-00391522-00391758 changed they they had more of an QyiGMp0nKkc-01373-00391759-00391996 incentive to reinvest in a company to QyiGMp0nKkc-01374-00391997-00392239 acquire stocks and become wealthy as the QyiGMp0nKkc-01375-00392240-00392496 company became wealthy as we change the QyiGMp0nKkc-01376-00392497-00392716 tax structure so you could get more and QyiGMp0nKkc-01377-00392717-00392907 more of the bay they've asked for more QyiGMp0nKkc-01378-00392908-00393246 and more pay so in the 1960s the average QyiGMp0nKkc-01379-00393247-00393531 CEO make 20 times what the average QyiGMp0nKkc-01380-00393532-00394012 worker in his firm made at that time now QyiGMp0nKkc-01381-00394013-00394294 the average CEO make its but makes about QyiGMp0nKkc-01382-00394295-00394615 250 times what the average worker makes QyiGMp0nKkc-01383-00394616-00394867 in his firm why because they're able to QyiGMp0nKkc-01384-00394868-00395065 keep more and more of that instead of QyiGMp0nKkc-01385-00395066-00395392 just acquire stocks so we really do need QyiGMp0nKkc-01386-00395393-00395641 to think about the wealthiest and we QyiGMp0nKkc-01387-00395642-00395869 know the wealthiest often blame QyiGMp0nKkc-01388-00395870-00396150 everything on education right as though QyiGMp0nKkc-01389-00396151-00396396 they're sort of super educated they're QyiGMp0nKkc-01390-00396397-00396678 not super educated however education QyiGMp0nKkc-01391-00396679-00396999 makes a big difference and globalization QyiGMp0nKkc-01392-00397000-00397537 has created very differential returns to QyiGMp0nKkc-01393-00397538-00397758 education particularly a lot of QyiGMp0nKkc-01394-00397759-00398130 technological skills I think that one of QyiGMp0nKkc-01395-00398131-00398317 the things that's important is to QyiGMp0nKkc-01396-00398318-00398566 recognize that and then to think about QyiGMp0nKkc-01397-00398567-00398778 what we might do about it in a new and QyiGMp0nKkc-01398-00398779-00399042 creative way a lot of people think that QyiGMp0nKkc-01399-00399043-00399270 you know because we're highly globalized QyiGMp0nKkc-01400-00399271-00399650 that that simply means that it's a run QyiGMp0nKkc-01401-00399651-00399963 down to the lowest common denominator QyiGMp0nKkc-01402-00399964-00400393 but if that was true does Silicon Valley QyiGMp0nKkc-01403-00400394-00400659 which is highly globalized wouldn't be QyiGMp0nKkc-01404-00400660-00400950 the wealthy place it is today people QyiGMp0nKkc-01405-00400951-00401250 flock to the valley and they're able to QyiGMp0nKkc-01406-00401251-00401467 make more money by the nature of the QyiGMp0nKkc-01407-00401468-00401665 different populations that are brought QyiGMp0nKkc-01408-00401666-00401904 to bear there and I think we need to QyiGMp0nKkc-01409-00401905-00402135 know how to live with globalization QyiGMp0nKkc-01410-00402136-00402402 teach people to compete in it and then QyiGMp0nKkc-01411-00402403-00402975 to address the inequalities with it QyiGMp0nKkc-01412-00402976-00403176 one of our members of the audience QyiGMp0nKkc-01413-00403177-00403414 raised the question of Social Security QyiGMp0nKkc-01414-00403415-00403885 and young Latinos Andy the interface of QyiGMp0nKkc-01415-00403886-00404245 the demographics shifts that we have and QyiGMp0nKkc-01416-00404246-00404566 in terms of contributors versus QyiGMp0nKkc-01417-00404567-00404830 recipients and you know how that QyiGMp0nKkc-01418-00404831-00405064 correlates to demographics what are some QyiGMp0nKkc-01419-00405065-00405205 of the some conclusions you could draw QyiGMp0nKkc-01420-00405206-00405382 from the full picture of the future QyiGMp0nKkc-01421-00405383-00405642 there's also what appears to be a and QyiGMp0nKkc-01422-00405643-00406026 alleged crisis in social security and QyiGMp0nKkc-01423-00406027-00406477 Trust Fund and so forth yeah boy your QyiGMp0nKkc-01424-00406478-00406870 audience has two tough questions I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-01425-00406871-00407005 making him a little tough room I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-01426-00407006-00407266 surrounding him that's what i get for QyiGMp0nKkc-01427-00407267-00407617 knowing a lot of four years right no I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-01428-00407618-00408147 getting back for that time you so QyiGMp0nKkc-01429-00408148-00408382 fascinating to tissue that's fascinating QyiGMp0nKkc-01430-00408383-00408493 to me and I think by the way it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01431-00408494-00408784 something we need to repair quickly it's QyiGMp0nKkc-01432-00408785-00409114 anything that'll explain now some of you QyiGMp0nKkc-01433-00409115-00409594 may remember when the Tea Party really QyiGMp0nKkc-01434-00409595-00409999 first rolled out in the year 2010 there QyiGMp0nKkc-01435-00410000-00410317 was a wonderful photo taken of a tea QyiGMp0nKkc-01436-00410318-00410610 party protest her with a sign she was QyiGMp0nKkc-01437-00410612-00410791 holding up that said keep your QyiGMp0nKkc-01438-00410792-00411342 government hands off my Medicare QyiGMp0nKkc-01439-00411343-00411580 which of course truck people is funny QyiGMp0nKkc-01440-00411581-00411766 since that occurs a government program QyiGMp0nKkc-01441-00411767-00412063 and and I know that well because my dad QyiGMp0nKkc-01442-00412064-00412351 definitely benefited from that the QyiGMp0nKkc-01443-00412352-00412588 Medicare program that paid for hospice QyiGMp0nKkc-01444-00412589-00412999 at the end of his life but while that QyiGMp0nKkc-01445-00413000-00413137 signal is certain kind of your QyiGMp0nKkc-01446-00413138-00413422 rationality that sign really what it QyiGMp0nKkc-01447-00413422-00413785 meant was lift up the drawbridges just QyiGMp0nKkc-01448-00413785-00414052 as a new generation is arriving protect QyiGMp0nKkc-01449-00414053-00414418 Medicare protect Social Security defund QyiGMp0nKkc-01450-00414418-00414745 education if you need to to make sure we QyiGMp0nKkc-01451-00414746-00414924 can protect these services for the old QyiGMp0nKkc-01452-00414925-00415225 the thing that I'm one really worried QyiGMp0nKkc-01453-00415226-00415597 about is a kind of dangerous QyiGMp0nKkc-01454-00415597-00415855 generational warfare that we need to QyiGMp0nKkc-01455-00415856-00416214 address because we've gotten older and QyiGMp0nKkc-01456-00416216-00416566 retired group eager that no politician QyiGMp0nKkc-01457-00416567-00417024 ever touch Social Security or Medicare QyiGMp0nKkc-01458-00417025-00417368 we've got a baby boomer generation I QyiGMp0nKkc-01459-00417370-00417868 guess we're part of it that is like the QyiGMp0nKkc-01460-00417868-00418245 most selfish generation I've ever seen QyiGMp0nKkc-01461-00418246-00418828 highly highly successful because it is QyiGMp0nKkc-01462-00418829-00419128 great public university system the QyiGMp0nKkc-01463-00419129-00419325 massive investments in infrastructure QyiGMp0nKkc-01464-00419326-00419650 etc and we don't want to pay a single QyiGMp0nKkc-01465-00419651-00419902 doll or an extra taxes because we figure QyiGMp0nKkc-01466-00419903-00420295 we earned it you've gotten generation QyiGMp0nKkc-01467-00420296-00420835 just below them sort of 25 to 45 who hit QyiGMp0nKkc-01468-00420835-00421045 the labor market at some of the worst QyiGMp0nKkc-01469-00421046-00421405 possible times in US history and you got QyiGMp0nKkc-01470-00421406-00421702 a generation below them who's getting QyiGMp0nKkc-01471-00421703-00422085 ready to labor market on the basis of a QyiGMp0nKkc-01472-00422087-00422380 very disinvestment educational QyiGMp0nKkc-01473-00422381-00422667 infrastructure that's a recipe for QyiGMp0nKkc-01474-00422668-00422932 generational conflict that's a recipe QyiGMp0nKkc-01475-00422933-00423313 for people as they begin to shift their QyiGMp0nKkc-01476-00423314-00423553 share of votes going after Social QyiGMp0nKkc-01477-00423554-00423853 Security and Medicare I don't think I QyiGMp0nKkc-01478-00423854-00424197 want that to happen for two reasons 1 QyiGMp0nKkc-01479-00424199-00424634 i'm about to receive those things QyiGMp0nKkc-01480-00424635-00424851 it's going to take selling yours but I'm QyiGMp0nKkc-01481-00424852-00425127 about to receive those things 58 the QyiGMp0nKkc-01482-00425128-00425343 second thing as that's not the world I QyiGMp0nKkc-01483-00425343-00425574 want to live in I don't want to live in QyiGMp0nKkc-01484-00425575-00425859 a world where people are divided by QyiGMp0nKkc-01485-00425860-00426291 geography by generation by race I want QyiGMp0nKkc-01486-00426292-00426560 to live in a world in which people QyiGMp0nKkc-01487-00426562-00426903 recognize their common interests and QyiGMp0nKkc-01488-00426904-00427206 common values and I think that that QyiGMp0nKkc-01489-00427207-00427604 means we need to spend some time QyiGMp0nKkc-01490-00427605-00427992 beginning to build those interests when QyiGMp0nKkc-01491-00427993-00428379 I speak to younger crowds you know one QyiGMp0nKkc-01492-00428380-00428610 of the messages i give is go find an old QyiGMp0nKkc-01493-00428610-00428943 white person talk to them and it sounds QyiGMp0nKkc-01494-00428943-00429260 funny but and it is funny but what I QyiGMp0nKkc-01495-00429262-00429657 mean is beginning to think about groups QyiGMp0nKkc-01496-00429658-00429879 in churches think about community QyiGMp0nKkc-01497-00429880-00430077 organizing groups think about ways to QyiGMp0nKkc-01498-00430078-00430407 build generations similarly how can QyiGMp0nKkc-01499-00430408-00430692 young people can older generations get QyiGMp0nKkc-01500-00430693-00430980 involved one of the things that we've QyiGMp0nKkc-01501-00430981-00431304 seen that's a big game changer think QyiGMp0nKkc-01502-00431305-00431564 about it is to bring people to QyiGMp0nKkc-01503-00431566-00432002 naturalization service when they see QyiGMp0nKkc-01504-00432003-00432371 immigrants so eager to become Americans QyiGMp0nKkc-01505-00432372-00432684 when they understand by listening to one QyiGMp0nKkc-01506-00432685-00432893 of those ceremonies as did I QyiGMp0nKkc-01507-00432893-00433205 interestingly at the george bush library QyiGMp0nKkc-01508-00433206-00433626 with george bush present that this is a QyiGMp0nKkc-01509-00433627-00433851 unique country because it's the country QyiGMp0nKkc-01510-00433852-00434301 where you can decide to belong based on QyiGMp0nKkc-01511-00434302-00434601 holding some values in common with other QyiGMp0nKkc-01512-00434602-00434871 people who belong that's a really unique QyiGMp0nKkc-01513-00434872-00435216 thing when you see those things you QyiGMp0nKkc-01514-00435217-00435471 begin to build ties so i really think we QyiGMp0nKkc-01515-00435472-00435699 need to do a lot of organizing and QyiGMp0nKkc-01516-00435700-00435933 leadership development to bring the QyiGMp0nKkc-01517-00435934-00436134 generations together or we're going to QyiGMp0nKkc-01518-00436135-00436568 face a very dangerous future you know QyiGMp0nKkc-01519-00436570-00436914 your story is in this last point you QyiGMp0nKkc-01520-00436914-00437135 made is moving to me because I was one QyiGMp0nKkc-01521-00437137-00437292 of those immigrants that went through QyiGMp0nKkc-01522-00437293-00437589 that ceremony and you know my parents QyiGMp0nKkc-01523-00437589-00437810 came here when I was 14 QyiGMp0nKkc-01524-00437812-00438078 and it wasn't my choice I was not happy QyiGMp0nKkc-01525-00438079-00438366 to leave all my friends so it took me a QyiGMp0nKkc-01526-00438367-00438726 number of years to really accept and QyiGMp0nKkc-01527-00438727-00438914 recognize that I had become an American QyiGMp0nKkc-01528-00438916-00439101 and then I finally went through and I QyiGMp0nKkc-01529-00439102-00439362 did that and it was you know it on when QyiGMp0nKkc-01530-00439363-00439488 I hadn't you think oh it's just a QyiGMp0nKkc-01531-00439489-00439758 formality it's a ceremony but it was QyiGMp0nKkc-01532-00439759-00439938 quite moving and it was significant than QyiGMp0nKkc-01533-00439939-00440409 it was a landmark in my life so I think QyiGMp0nKkc-01534-00440410-00440556 I think that's a very good of the QyiGMp0nKkc-01535-00440557-00440714 mission today yeah I mean it's a QyiGMp0nKkc-01536-00440716-00440991 landmark that people go through it and QyiGMp0nKkc-01537-00440992-00441138 it's a landmark for the people who watch QyiGMp0nKkc-01538-00441139-00441606 it and somehow begin to understand the QyiGMp0nKkc-01539-00441607-00441962 aspirations of folks their desires to QyiGMp0nKkc-01540-00441963-00442155 integrate and become part of the country QyiGMp0nKkc-01541-00442156-00442572 and their claim you know I I mean I I QyiGMp0nKkc-01542-00442572-00442770 think that the thing is it really gets QyiGMp0nKkc-01543-00442771-00442941 back to this generational stuff I was QyiGMp0nKkc-01544-00442942-00443264 talking about we often seek to bring QyiGMp0nKkc-01545-00443266-00443526 people together on their common QyiGMp0nKkc-01546-00443527-00443810 interests and that often drives us to QyiGMp0nKkc-01547-00443812-00444039 the lowest common denominator of what QyiGMp0nKkc-01548-00444039-00444347 people can agree on the book that you QyiGMp0nKkc-01549-00444349-00444647 cited and thank you a lot for mentioning QyiGMp0nKkc-01550-00444649-00444914 two books just growth in our uncommon QyiGMp0nKkc-01551-00444916-00445118 common ground book that one you can bind QyiGMp0nKkc-01552-00445120-00445535 your own you know we chose that title QyiGMp0nKkc-01553-00445537-00445776 pretty consciously because we think that QyiGMp0nKkc-01554-00445777-00445992 people often go to the lowest common QyiGMp0nKkc-01555-00445993-00446241 denominator rather than reaching for the QyiGMp0nKkc-01556-00446242-00446535 uncommon common ground and the way that QyiGMp0nKkc-01557-00446535-00446733 you do that is by thinking about your QyiGMp0nKkc-01558-00446734-00447089 common values and not just your common QyiGMp0nKkc-01559-00447091-00447318 interests because values will persist QyiGMp0nKkc-01560-00447318-00447843 even when interest change so let me ask QyiGMp0nKkc-01561-00447843-00448077 you one last question because I you know QyiGMp0nKkc-01562-00448078-00448310 we're hitting such high notes now that QyiGMp0nKkc-01563-00448312-00448512 it's anticlimactic to continue much QyiGMp0nKkc-01564-00448513-00448650 longer QyiGMp0nKkc-01565-00448651-00449197 so I'll just end with this question how QyiGMp0nKkc-01566-00449197-00449434 do what role do you see a university QyiGMp0nKkc-01567-00449435-00449695 like CSUMB playing in this process and QyiGMp0nKkc-01568-00449696-00450417 the region that we serve you know I say QyiGMp0nKkc-01569-00450418-00450907 three important roles for universities QyiGMp0nKkc-01570-00450908-00451279 and they've been quite durable here's QyiGMp0nKkc-01571-00451280-00451675 one these I think fit many universities QyiGMp0nKkc-01572-00451676-00451914 and I'll say a minute in a minute what I QyiGMp0nKkc-01573-00451916-00452485 think they mean for CSUMB but I they're QyiGMp0nKkc-01574-00452485-00453037 all based on a fundamental notion which QyiGMp0nKkc-01575-00453038-00453447 is that the old adage of the University QyiGMp0nKkc-01576-00453447-00453714 quickly for professors seeking tenure QyiGMp0nKkc-01577-00453714-00454255 was publish or perish I'd you had to put QyiGMp0nKkc-01578-00454256-00454560 lots of articles in the journal of in QyiGMp0nKkc-01579-00454562-00454910 significant results QyiGMp0nKkc-01580-00454910-00455637 and infrequently read articles or you QyiGMp0nKkc-01581-00455638-00455853 wouldn't be able to get tenure and i QyiGMp0nKkc-01582-00455854-00456183 think that the adage now for the modern QyiGMp0nKkc-01583-00456184-00456539 university needs to be public or perish QyiGMp0nKkc-01584-00456539-00456864 then we need to make ourselves relevant QyiGMp0nKkc-01585-00456864-00457116 to the public and the public purpose and QyiGMp0nKkc-01586-00457117-00457497 that is true of CSUMB that requires QyiGMp0nKkc-01587-00457497-00457839 public support it's also tree true of QyiGMp0nKkc-01588-00457839-00458108 the University of Southern California QyiGMp0nKkc-01589-00458109-00458468 which has I think the need to find QyiGMp0nKkc-01590-00458469-00458777 itself as a major actor in Los Angeles QyiGMp0nKkc-01591-00458778-00459114 so the three things i think that seems QyiGMp0nKkc-01592-00459114-00459347 human be can do that are really QyiGMp0nKkc-01593-00459348-00459600 important i think they're true of QyiGMp0nKkc-01594-00459601-00460022 everyone is educate and teach this next QyiGMp0nKkc-01595-00460023-00460425 generation and ensure and you're doing a QyiGMp0nKkc-01596-00460426-00460622 good job of it that you're bringing in QyiGMp0nKkc-01597-00460623-00460895 the first generation that you're QyiGMp0nKkc-01598-00460896-00461154 bringing in unlikely suspects that QyiGMp0nKkc-01599-00461155-00461364 people wouldn't have brought into the QyiGMp0nKkc-01600-00461364-00461595 university that you're taking the chance QyiGMp0nKkc-01601-00461596-00461904 that people took on me and probably took QyiGMp0nKkc-01602-00461905-00462272 on you and the places that you went and QyiGMp0nKkc-01603-00462273-00462459 every place that you've gone so i think QyiGMp0nKkc-01604-00462460-00462738 that teaching part is important and i'm QyiGMp0nKkc-01605-00462739-00463026 really heartened by the way in which QyiGMp0nKkc-01606-00463027-00463310 you've got community service as an QyiGMp0nKkc-01607-00463312-00463506 important part of what you do because i QyiGMp0nKkc-01608-00463507-00463737 think that's teaching not just what's in QyiGMp0nKkc-01609-00463738-00464052 the book but what's in the community and QyiGMp0nKkc-01610-00464053-00464514 what's you know part of what students QyiGMp0nKkc-01611-00464514-00464754 need to learn to lead i think the second QyiGMp0nKkc-01612-00464755-00465041 thing is doing research that's relevant QyiGMp0nKkc-01613-00465042-00465408 to public policy concerns so I think QyiGMp0nKkc-01614-00465409-00465789 it's really critical that the state QyiGMp0nKkc-01615-00465789-00466029 universities aren't just seen as QyiGMp0nKkc-01616-00466030-00466251 teaching places but they're also seen as QyiGMp0nKkc-01617-00466252-00466493 places where knowledge is generated QyiGMp0nKkc-01618-00466494-00466806 particularly knowledge that meets the QyiGMp0nKkc-01619-00466807-00467085 public purpose and then finally and I QyiGMp0nKkc-01620-00467085-00467235 think you guys are unique to be able to QyiGMp0nKkc-01621-00467235-00467579 do this is to play the role of convener QyiGMp0nKkc-01622-00467580-00467885 that is to bring together not just QyiGMp0nKkc-01623-00467885-00468032 educators QyiGMp0nKkc-01624-00468033-00468263 but to bring together people driving QyiGMp0nKkc-01625-00468264-00468497 economic development people are thinking QyiGMp0nKkc-01626-00468497-00468803 about racial relations in the Monterey QyiGMp0nKkc-01627-00468804-00469042 Bay people are thinking about QyiGMp0nKkc-01628-00469043-00469292 generational work and you have a QyiGMp0nKkc-01629-00469293-00469628 particular opportunity to do it for a QyiGMp0nKkc-01630-00469629-00469904 couple of different reasons you're you QyiGMp0nKkc-01631-00469905-00470120 know traffic wise you're at the QyiGMp0nKkc-01632-00470121-00470585 crossroads right you are created out of QyiGMp0nKkc-01633-00470585-00470855 a public purpose and assigned a public QyiGMp0nKkc-01634-00470856-00471379 purpose and you had a public purpose of QyiGMp0nKkc-01635-00471380-00471647 meeting the needs of social justice and QyiGMp0nKkc-01636-00471647-00472037 doing social justice learning so I know QyiGMp0nKkc-01637-00472038-00472282 you're doing some of this I'd like to QyiGMp0nKkc-01638-00472283-00472784 encourage you to do even more to really QyiGMp0nKkc-01639-00472785-00473120 step up to being a regional convener QyiGMp0nKkc-01640-00473121-00473420 around the economy around the future of QyiGMp0nKkc-01641-00473421-00473831 the region to help people visualize what QyiGMp0nKkc-01642-00473832-00474113 Monterey Bay could be and the role but QyiGMp0nKkc-01643-00474114-00475427 the CSU will plan QyiGMp0nKkc-01644-00475428-00475629 well I don't know about you but I really QyiGMp0nKkc-01645-00475630-00476004 feel validated that's wonderful thank QyiGMp0nKkc-01646-00476005-00476195 you very much thinking that once again QyiGMp0nKkc-01647-00476196-00477003 our secret america please join us QyiGMp0nKkc-01648-00477004-00477368 outside for a reception thank Q-Qtglu3yIo-00000-00000000-00000185 done the head of new business Q-Qtglu3yIo-00001-00000186-00000337 development and my role is really Q-Qtglu3yIo-00002-00000338-00000632 looking at sourcing or technology Q-Qtglu3yIo-00003-00000633-00000858 technology scouting in Australia and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00004-00000859-00001075 trying to put that into our global R&D Q-Qtglu3yIo-00005-00001076-00001378 effort my presentation this morning will Q-Qtglu3yIo-00006-00001379-00001507 attempt to give a slightly different Q-Qtglu3yIo-00007-00001508-00001657 view which is the view were they coming Q-Qtglu3yIo-00008-00001659-00001930 from the other side you know painting a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00009-00001932-00002051 picture of the global innovation Q-Qtglu3yIo-00010-00002052-00002246 environment and pose the question as to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00011-00002247-00002524 whether you know australian AG Q-Qtglu3yIo-00012-00002525-00002776 investment is it an opportunity or a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00013-00002777-00003025 challenge for us all of some personal Q-Qtglu3yIo-00014-00003026-00003392 suggestions on that may benefit us all Q-Qtglu3yIo-00015-00003393-00003656 working in this field it's sort of a map Q-Qtglu3yIo-00016-00003657-00003767 of what i'm going to do i think i just Q-Qtglu3yIo-00017-00003768-00004202 get into it so just a brief introduction Q-Qtglu3yIo-00018-00004203-00004709 to Bayer so Bayer is a life science Q-Qtglu3yIo-00019-00004710-00005056 innovation company where 150 years old a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00020-00005057-00005254 couple of years ago actually and we have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00021-00005255-00005422 core competencies in healthcare and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00022-00005423-00005768 agriculture we believe our products are Q-Qtglu3yIo-00023-00005769-00005933 really helping to contribute to face Q-Qtglu3yIo-00024-00005934-00006074 some of the critical challenges we're Q-Qtglu3yIo-00025-00006075-00006236 all facing which is a growing and aging Q-Qtglu3yIo-00026-00006237-00006475 world population which requiring is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00027-00006476-00006683 certainly improved medical care and an Q-Qtglu3yIo-00028-00006684-00006830 adequate supply of food I think we're Q-Qtglu3yIo-00029-00006831-00007034 all aware of the challenge of food Q-Qtglu3yIo-00030-00007034-00007246 production going forward we're very much Q-Qtglu3yIo-00031-00007247-00007466 innovation based our mission statement Q-Qtglu3yIo-00032-00007467-00007876 it reads as science for a better life Q-Qtglu3yIo-00033-00007877-00008219 just a few figures to give you some Q-Qtglu3yIo-00034-00008220-00008546 dimensions I mean you may we're based in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00035-00008547-00008921 north western Germany and it's it's a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00036-00008922-00009046 pretty big company it's actually the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00037-00009047-00009526 biggest German company by market cap now Q-Qtglu3yIo-00038-00009527-00009809 we are investing around about 3.5 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00039-00009810-00010145 billion euros in our DP 104,000 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00040-00010146-00010430 employees 302 subsidiaries around the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00041-00010431-00010774 world and 41 billion euros of turnover Q-Qtglu3yIo-00042-00010775-00011273 so not a small beast agriculture broadly Q-Qtglu3yIo-00043-00011274-00011501 is twenty-five percent of that you can Q-Qtglu3yIo-00044-00011502-00011635 just draw a line right right down Q-Qtglu3yIo-00045-00011636-00011858 through the middle you know and all the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00046-00011859-00012026 figures divided by 4 is roughly what Q-Qtglu3yIo-00047-00012027-00012331 what we're doing in agriculture and just Q-Qtglu3yIo-00048-00012332-00012608 for reference Australia we do about a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00049-00012609-00012851 billion dollars of turnover so we're Q-Qtglu3yIo-00050-00012852-00013071 around about 0.7% of the world Q-Qtglu3yIo-00051-00013072-00013607 of the whole the whole company so yeah Q-Qtglu3yIo-00052-00013608-00013922 so if we look at crop science we have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00053-00013924-00014112 three business units that the core of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00054-00014113-00014315 our activities is still crop protection Q-Qtglu3yIo-00055-00014316-00014638 insecticides fungicides herbicides etc Q-Qtglu3yIo-00056-00014640-00014894 we have been building up our seeds Q-Qtglu3yIo-00057-00014896-00015087 division vegetable seeds and in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00058-00015088-00015351 particular in cotton canola rice wheat Q-Qtglu3yIo-00059-00015352-00015582 and soybeans and the associated traits Q-Qtglu3yIo-00060-00015583-00015813 and we have environmental products which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00061-00015813-00015927 of the products you use in the home Q-Qtglu3yIo-00062-00015928-00016313 around the home in golf courses forestry Q-Qtglu3yIo-00063-00016313-00017016 and and so on so after 89 years of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00064-00017017-00017193 operation in Australia Bayer CropScience Q-Qtglu3yIo-00065-00017194-00017454 is one of the leading crop science Q-Qtglu3yIo-00066-00017455-00017853 companies in Australia our 250 staff are Q-Qtglu3yIo-00067-00017854-00018098 committed to our local mission which we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00068-00018099-00018330 state as advancing Australian Q-Qtglu3yIo-00069-00018331-00018594 agriculture we had the largest in-house Q-Qtglu3yIo-00070-00018595-00018837 development team in the industry which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00071-00018838-00019019 test completely all of our products for Q-Qtglu3yIo-00072-00019020-00019275 their performance and safety we are one Q-Qtglu3yIo-00073-00019276-00019485 of only two international companies that Q-Qtglu3yIo-00074-00019486-00019671 have our own dedicated production Q-Qtglu3yIo-00075-00019672-00019833 facilities in Australian we have two Q-Qtglu3yIo-00076-00019834-00020061 factories producing around about 200 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00077-00020062-00020514 products in 2014 we opened a 14 million Q-Qtglu3yIo-00078-00020515-00020649 dollar wheat and all seed breeding Q-Qtglu3yIo-00079-00020650-00020871 station on the long run on campus in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00080-00020872-00021125 ocean and finally we have extensive Q-Qtglu3yIo-00081-00021126-00021414 sustainability programs including five Q-Qtglu3yIo-00082-00021415-00021675 separate AG education programs we sought Q-Qtglu3yIo-00083-00021676-00021960 several support several rural mental and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00084-00021961-00022242 physical health initiatives and we're a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00085-00022243-00022422 core member of the sustainable Q-Qtglu3yIo-00086-00022423-00022581 agriculture initiative of Australia Q-Qtglu3yIo-00087-00022582-00022892 along with a lot of large food companies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00088-00022893-00023169 so I think overall these investments Q-Qtglu3yIo-00089-00023170-00023378 long-term investments you know emphasize Q-Qtglu3yIo-00090-00023379-00023594 that we have a long-term commitment to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00091-00023595-00024042 Australian agriculture so I don't want Q-Qtglu3yIo-00092-00024043-00024312 to make it a product presentation but I Q-Qtglu3yIo-00093-00024313-00024477 just thought I'd highlight some of our Q-Qtglu3yIo-00094-00024478-00024717 recent product launches which sort of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00095-00024718-00024936 indicate the diversity of technologies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00096-00024937-00025284 that we've been recently introducing so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00097-00025285-00025428 in fact over the last five years we've Q-Qtglu3yIo-00098-00025429-00025709 introduced 22 new products four of which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00099-00025710-00025908 are based on new active ingredients a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00100-00025908-00026100 highlight on the top left hand side Q-Qtglu3yIo-00101-00026101-00026264 Sakura which is a new herbicide Q-Qtglu3yIo-00102-00026266-00026345 controlling Q-Qtglu3yIo-00103-00026347-00026622 resistant ryegrass which is a key Q-Qtglu3yIo-00104-00026623-00026793 resistant weed management tool in the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00105-00026794-00026982 Australian the weak weak production Q-Qtglu3yIo-00106-00026983-00027120 systems and I think it's probably the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00107-00027120-00027357 biggest product sold in Australia at the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00108-00027358-00027657 moment belt is a new selective Q-Qtglu3yIo-00109-00027658-00027873 insecticide that allows pest control Q-Qtglu3yIo-00110-00027874-00028119 programs incorporating biological Q-Qtglu3yIo-00111-00028120-00028323 products and these programs are this Q-Qtglu3yIo-00112-00028324-00028500 programs are actually recognized in with Q-Qtglu3yIo-00113-00028501-00028716 two national awards over the last couple Q-Qtglu3yIo-00114-00028717-00028923 of years for the innovative way in which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00115-00028924-00029124 we put a whole consortium of different Q-Qtglu3yIo-00116-00029125-00029418 companies and products together pod yard Q-Qtglu3yIo-00117-00029419-00029766 canola is a new variety launched last Q-Qtglu3yIo-00118-00029767-00029967 year which reduces the natural process Q-Qtglu3yIo-00119-00029968-00030243 of pod chatter in canola so direct Q-Qtglu3yIo-00120-00030244-00030432 heading of canola as possible which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00121-00030433-00030707 reduces the seed and yield losses and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00122-00030708-00030945 finally at lunar sensation is a new Q-Qtglu3yIo-00123-00030945-00031152 generation fungicide which can extend Q-Qtglu3yIo-00124-00031152-00031317 the shelf life of different fruit Q-Qtglu3yIo-00125-00031318-00031542 through exceptional in crop Disease Q-Qtglu3yIo-00126-00031543-00031814 Control so such innovations help Q-Qtglu3yIo-00127-00031816-00032001 Australian farmers keep at the cutting Q-Qtglu3yIo-00128-00032002-00032286 edge of low impact sustainable and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00129-00032287-00032651 globally competitive farming systems I Q-Qtglu3yIo-00130-00032652-00033006 took a little bit now about innovation Q-Qtglu3yIo-00131-00033007-00033186 pipeline sort of going forward I mean Q-Qtglu3yIo-00132-00033187-00033438 those products are sort of classically Q-Qtglu3yIo-00133-00033439-00033579 in where you might expect us to be Q-Qtglu3yIo-00134-00033580-00033795 developing products but there's a lot of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00135-00033796-00034155 activity more broadly looking forward so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00136-00034156-00034415 our historical strength has and I'll Q-Qtglu3yIo-00137-00034416-00034569 just comment that this is the sort of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00138-00034570-00034686 general trends we're doing it but Q-Qtglu3yIo-00139-00034687-00034806 certainly some of the other companies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00140-00034807-00035124 are doing it as well by as historical Q-Qtglu3yIo-00141-00035125-00035315 strength has been in chemistry as and as Q-Qtglu3yIo-00142-00035316-00035484 product production and biological Q-Qtglu3yIo-00143-00035485-00035754 systems evolved there's a continual need Q-Qtglu3yIo-00144-00035755-00035955 for better more targeted in safer Q-Qtglu3yIo-00145-00035956-00036180 chemistry and we've kept a lot of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00146-00036181-00036492 activity in that space since 1990 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00147-00036493-00036669 there's been a strong focus on seeds and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00148-00036670-00037008 traits along with many companies trade Q-Qtglu3yIo-00149-00037009-00037233 targets have now moved from herbicide Q-Qtglu3yIo-00150-00037234-00037419 insecticide resistance to yield Q-Qtglu3yIo-00151-00037420-00037632 optimization photosynthetic efficiency Q-Qtglu3yIo-00152-00037633-00037974 and drought tolerance sorry that should Q-Qtglu3yIo-00153-00037975-00038246 have been there sorry excuse me the last Q-Qtglu3yIo-00154-00038247-00038484 10 years have seen you know almost an Q-Qtglu3yIo-00155-00038485-00038807 explosion of different types of tools Q-Qtglu3yIo-00156-00038808-00039017 that have really opened up possibilities Q-Qtglu3yIo-00157-00039018-00039150 in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00158-00039151-00039314 an area so molecular greeting Q-Qtglu3yIo-00159-00039315-00039572 computational biology diagnostic tools Q-Qtglu3yIo-00160-00039573-00039903 proteomics epigenetics that next one I Q-Qtglu3yIo-00161-00039904-00040188 can ever say and synthetic synthetic Q-Qtglu3yIo-00162-00040189-00040521 biology you know we are getting a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00163-00040522-00040746 picture of biology in a way that we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00164-00040747-00040983 never really had in the past and that is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00165-00040984-00041216 opening really new areas of research Q-Qtglu3yIo-00166-00041217-00041529 appointed the second one first biologics Q-Qtglu3yIo-00167-00041530-00041703 where we're now one of the leading Q-Qtglu3yIo-00168-00041704-00041913 companies in biological pest control and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00169-00041914-00042120 again you know our understanding of how Q-Qtglu3yIo-00170-00042121-00042369 these this biological agents work is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00171-00042370-00042519 much better than ever was so we can Q-Qtglu3yIo-00172-00042520-00042651 actually start to use those to have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00173-00042652-00042921 really effective pest control crop Q-Qtglu3yIo-00174-00042922-00043110 efficiency is directly impacting the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00175-00043111-00043299 stress factors that are occurring in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00176-00043300-00043587 crop of course digital agriculture new Q-Qtglu3yIo-00177-00043588-00043770 breeding technologies we've all heard Q-Qtglu3yIo-00178-00043771-00044064 about crisper and various other new Q-Qtglu3yIo-00179-00044065-00044205 breeding very precise breeding Q-Qtglu3yIo-00180-00044206-00044382 technologies that are where there's a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00181-00044383-00044598 lot of effort going into and finally Q-Qtglu3yIo-00182-00044599-00044769 sustainability research which really Q-Qtglu3yIo-00183-00044770-00044952 emphasizes that we're really doing a lot Q-Qtglu3yIo-00184-00044953-00045123 of activity and research about the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00185-00045124-00045321 actual long long or into end Q-Qtglu3yIo-00186-00045322-00045462 sustainability impact of these Q-Qtglu3yIo-00187-00045463-00045695 technologies and integrating them in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00188-00045696-00046001 integrated systems that ensure that the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00189-00046002-00046215 long-term sustainability of those Q-Qtglu3yIo-00190-00046216-00046590 systems with the broadening of these rd Q-Qtglu3yIo-00191-00046591-00046818 fields global R&D companies have rapidly Q-Qtglu3yIo-00192-00046819-00047043 included increase their R&D spending so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00193-00047044-00047262 this recent report indicates that the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00194-00047263-00047499 top six companies which actually in a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00195-00047500-00047655 few days will be the top five companies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00196-00047656-00047927 and possibly the top 4 and now in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00197-00047928-00048213 investing in excess of 8 billion u.s. Q-Qtglu3yIo-00198-00048214-00048570 dollars per year in nrd in these spaces Q-Qtglu3yIo-00199-00048571-00048902 so it's a very substantial amount of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00200-00048903-00049335 money you know you may wonder how you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00201-00049336-00049518 can get to spend so much money so I Q-Qtglu3yIo-00202-00049519-00049653 thought I'd just show you a couple of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00203-00049654-00049854 pictures just looking at the chemistry Q-Qtglu3yIo-00204-00049855-00050139 research and this is our headquarters in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00205-00050140-00050493 monheim in northeastern Germany around Q-Qtglu3yIo-00206-00050494-00050742 2,000 people work at this site and and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00207-00050743-00050952 but the process across the whole site Q-Qtglu3yIo-00208-00050953-00051153 but the process actually starts at a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00209-00051154-00051426 very unimpressive building which which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00210-00051427-00051639 is really a glorified shed which we call Q-Qtglu3yIo-00211-00051640-00051983 our sample logistics facility so that Q-Qtglu3yIo-00212-00051984-00052152 that building is actually a robotic Q-Qtglu3yIo-00213-00052153-00052445 building which stores 1.5 million Q-Qtglu3yIo-00214-00052446-00052745 viles a small of chemicals which is the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00215-00052746-00052879 accumulated history of more than a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00216-00052880-00053029 hundred research hundred years of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00217-00053030-00053317 research at Bayer CropScience about Q-Qtglu3yIo-00218-00053319-00053522 50,000 bottles are added each year and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00219-00053523-00053704 that bubbles are sampled continuously Q-Qtglu3yIo-00220-00053705-00053924 the five robots each travel five Q-Qtglu3yIo-00221-00053925-00054119 thousand columns per year continuously Q-Qtglu3yIo-00222-00054120-00054398 sorting in what is called a lovely Q-Qtglu3yIo-00223-00054399-00054602 german english translation of double Q-Qtglu3yIo-00224-00054603-00054911 chaotic system so the bottles are often Q-Qtglu3yIo-00225-00054912-00055042 receives and you talk about the building Q-Qtglu3yIo-00226-00055044-00055163 or the company as a whole but you know Q-Qtglu3yIo-00227-00055164-00055502 don't tend to get that joke the bottles Q-Qtglu3yIo-00228-00055503-00055682 are randomly sorted in the trays and the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00229-00055683-00055820 trays are randomly sorted in the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00230-00055821-00055988 building to continually minimize the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00231-00055989-00056261 space that's required so the building is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00232-00056262-00056429 worth 110 million dollars in the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00233-00056429-00056627 contents is worth well over a billion a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00234-00056628-00056888 billion dollars so the capital Q-Qtglu3yIo-00235-00056889-00057020 investment and that's just the start of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00236-00057021-00057194 the process I mean you know actually you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00237-00057195-00057379 know we screened about 100,000 molecules Q-Qtglu3yIo-00238-00057380-00057590 in years so as you go through its Q-Qtglu3yIo-00239-00057591-00057766 replicated or all around the world so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00240-00057767-00057959 there's massive you know capital Q-Qtglu3yIo-00241-00057960-00058115 investment required to develop these Q-Qtglu3yIo-00242-00058116-00058421 these products and it's done over a long Q-Qtglu3yIo-00243-00058422-00058579 time frame you may have seen this sort Q-Qtglu3yIo-00244-00058580-00058832 of graph it's roughly ten years of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00245-00058833-00059084 extensive trials all around the world to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00246-00059085-00059372 bring one of these products to market Q-Qtglu3yIo-00247-00059373-00059830 and and the cost consequently huge you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00248-00059832-00060098 know this external study done seven Q-Qtglu3yIo-00249-00060099-00060359 years ago showed that the cost was 250 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00250-00060360-00060551 million dollars per product I believe we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00251-00060552-00060710 basically think about 500 million Q-Qtglu3yIo-00252-00060711-00060890 dollars per product now to bring one Q-Qtglu3yIo-00253-00060891-00061127 active ingredient to market I want to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00254-00061128-00061429 stop and make a point about genetic Q-Qtglu3yIo-00255-00061430-00061613 genetic traits about what they would Q-Qtglu3yIo-00256-00061614-00061867 cost superficially they should be Q-Qtglu3yIo-00257-00061869-00062069 relatively cheap but when we consider Q-Qtglu3yIo-00258-00062070-00062273 all of the money that's been sunk and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00259-00062274-00062491 Jim crops over the last 20 years and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00260-00062492-00062654 fact that there probably are only five Q-Qtglu3yIo-00261-00062654-00062849 or seven or eight events that have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00262-00062850-00063104 actually been deregulated all around the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00263-00063104-00063410 world the cost is probably the same the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00264-00063411-00063730 same or higher / / genetic event so you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00265-00063732-00063899 get something like 500 million dollars Q-Qtglu3yIo-00266-00063900-00064112 right foot by reference in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00267-00064113-00064286 pharmaceuticals they always talk about a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00268-00064287-00064439 billion dollars for it for a new a new Q-Qtglu3yIo-00269-00064440-00064964 drug so the costs are very very high so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00270-00064965-00065132 an increasingly strong feature about Q-Qtglu3yIo-00271-00065133-00065329 these global R&D efforts is that the the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00272-00065330-00065584 IP is increasingly broadly held Q-Qtglu3yIo-00273-00065585-00065763 which necessitates international Q-Qtglu3yIo-00274-00065764-00065968 collaboration leading Australian Q-Qtglu3yIo-00275-00065969-00066168 scientists can legitimately be part of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00276-00066169-00066318 these collaborations and can help shape Q-Qtglu3yIo-00277-00066319-00066517 the direction of the research and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00278-00066518-00066669 increase the chance that the outcomes Q-Qtglu3yIo-00279-00066670-00066886 are more directly applicable to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00280-00066887-00067155 Australia Australia however faces some Q-Qtglu3yIo-00281-00067156-00067449 real challenges in in these Q-Qtglu3yIo-00282-00067450-00067636 collaborations and I just want to reach Q-Qtglu3yIo-00283-00067637-00067800 should be very clear-eyed about what Q-Qtglu3yIo-00284-00067801-00068043 they are the first one of course is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00285-00068044-00068284 dollars you know transformational rd Q-Qtglu3yIo-00286-00068285-00068491 requires real money as you've seen and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00287-00068492-00068737 we we have a limited amount of it but Q-Qtglu3yIo-00288-00068738-00068887 having said that I think they are Q-Qtglu3yIo-00289-00068888-00069097 particularly through the RDC system Q-Qtglu3yIo-00290-00069098-00069249 which really funnel some money through a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00291-00069250-00069547 numbers a small smaller number of doors Q-Qtglu3yIo-00292-00069548-00069829 it can be effectively allocated and it's Q-Qtglu3yIo-00293-00069830-00069993 still very attractive to international Q-Qtglu3yIo-00294-00069994-00070476 players the second is the challenge of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00295-00070477-00070699 distance kilometres time market size Q-Qtglu3yIo-00296-00070700-00070962 culture this sign at Kooyong I saw it Q-Qtglu3yIo-00297-00070963-00071116 Keanu I think it's fantastic it just Q-Qtglu3yIo-00298-00071117-00071278 indicates it we're 16,000 kilometers Q-Qtglu3yIo-00299-00071279-00071560 from everywhere where we're a small Q-Qtglu3yIo-00300-00071561-00071761 distant player we are point three Q-Qtglu3yIo-00301-00071762-00072049 percent of the global population we do Q-Qtglu3yIo-00302-00072050-00072229 well we feed point nine percent of the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00303-00072230-00072448 world population on you know on a good Q-Qtglu3yIo-00304-00072449-00072924 day and we invest a few percent of the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00305-00072925-00073198 rd it basically means that global major Q-Qtglu3yIo-00306-00073199-00073392 companies are not developing technology Q-Qtglu3yIo-00307-00073393-00073648 directly for Australia so we really have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00308-00073649-00073800 to figure out how we can engage with Q-Qtglu3yIo-00309-00073801-00074175 them to get there an interest having Q-Qtglu3yIo-00310-00074176-00074337 said that it can be done and I'll give Q-Qtglu3yIo-00311-00074338-00074548 you some examples of how it has been Q-Qtglu3yIo-00312-00074549-00074737 done I think the biggest challenge Q-Qtglu3yIo-00313-00074738-00074953 though however I've invented a new word Q-Qtglu3yIo-00314-00074954-00075192 called disc collaboration we are Q-Qtglu3yIo-00315-00075193-00075448 demonstrably not very good at setting up Q-Qtglu3yIo-00316-00075449-00075600 these and managing these types of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00317-00075601-00075963 collaborations this problem really Q-Qtglu3yIo-00318-00075964-00076342 started came to light in 2014 with the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00319-00076343-00076603 popular the the publication of the OECD Q-Qtglu3yIo-00320-00076604-00076873 STI server which are science technology Q-Qtglu3yIo-00321-00076874-00077065 and innovation which indicated that Q-Qtglu3yIo-00322-00077066-00077262 Australian companies were third last in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00323-00077263-00077469 the in the OECD in terms of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00324-00077470-00077751 international collaborations however we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00325-00077752-00077998 led the world in a negative sense when Q-Qtglu3yIo-00326-00077999-00078231 it came to business and collaboration Q-Qtglu3yIo-00327-00078232-00078529 between business and academia where we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00328-00078530-00078907 were stone dead last behind Mexico Q-Qtglu3yIo-00329-00078908-00079317 and and and chilly this has impacts and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00330-00079318-00079681 we saw that that it was picked up by Q-Qtglu3yIo-00331-00079682-00080059 Larry Marshall in the CSIRO strategy and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00332-00080060-00080164 then also picked up by the Prime Q-Qtglu3yIo-00333-00080165-00080335 Minister pointing out that we ranked Q-Qtglu3yIo-00334-00080336-00080500 10th in the world in terms of innovation Q-Qtglu3yIo-00335-00080501-00080716 input we are 81st in the world which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00336-00080717-00080926 will be well behind behind many third Q-Qtglu3yIo-00337-00080927-00081073 world countries in terms of our Q-Qtglu3yIo-00338-00081074-00081271 innovation efficiency that is bringing Q-Qtglu3yIo-00339-00081272-00081481 my products to market from the dollars Q-Qtglu3yIo-00340-00081482-00081751 that we spend in R&D and it even got Q-Qtglu3yIo-00341-00081752-00081988 coverage in the Economist on January the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00342-00081989-00082291 ninth which pointed out that there are a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00343-00082292-00082450 few innovation-based startups in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00344-00082451-00082678 Australia and only one to two percent of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00345-00082679-00082873 companies can be described as innovating Q-Qtglu3yIo-00346-00082874-00083146 thought that was pretty harsh however we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00347-00083147-00083374 you know for whatever it is whatever the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00348-00083375-00083506 reason we are starting to build a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00349-00083507-00083713 reputation they're not for the good Q-Qtglu3yIo-00350-00083714-00084016 reasons not for good reasons whatever Q-Qtglu3yIo-00351-00084017-00084208 the background we as a country and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00352-00084209-00084466 individuals need actively to take these Q-Qtglu3yIo-00353-00084467-00084727 challenges on and do do better seek seek Q-Qtglu3yIo-00354-00084728-00084973 how we can solve them probably best to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00355-00084974-00085171 forget you know the reasons for this and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00356-00085172-00085312 really look at what are our strengths Q-Qtglu3yIo-00357-00085313-00085510 that we can leverage going forward so Q-Qtglu3yIo-00358-00085511-00085870 what are these opportunities and this is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00359-00085871-00086227 just my opinions I think we should start Q-Qtglu3yIo-00360-00086228-00086419 from the fact that we have great rd Q-Qtglu3yIo-00361-00086420-00086581 there's absolutely no doubt we have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00362-00086582-00086809 apparently nine of the top 100 global Q-Qtglu3yIo-00363-00086810-00087088 life sciences universities conducting Q-Qtglu3yIo-00364-00087089-00087403 world-class research CSIRO is undeniably Q-Qtglu3yIo-00365-00087404-00087622 a world leader and and a world leading Q-Qtglu3yIo-00366-00087623-00088027 brand as well the Australian environment Q-Qtglu3yIo-00367-00088028-00088192 creates some specific set of outcomes Q-Qtglu3yIo-00368-00088193-00088453 which are of interest globally we have Q-Qtglu3yIo-00369-00088454-00088654 established skills skills in low input Q-Qtglu3yIo-00370-00088655-00088888 dryland agriculture which will become Q-Qtglu3yIo-00371-00088889-00089104 increasingly relevant under a climate Q-Qtglu3yIo-00372-00089105-00089455 changing world secondly we have a focus Q-Qtglu3yIo-00373-00089456-00089647 on efficient agriculture driven by a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00374-00089648-00089839 complete lack of government subsidies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00375-00089840-00090133 there is an upside we you know we are Q-Qtglu3yIo-00376-00090134-00090415 very efficient in what we do and you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00377-00090416-00090526 know when we do something it needs Q-Qtglu3yIo-00378-00090527-00090811 really it really produces result on the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00379-00090812-00091171 ground and not to support sellin too Q-Qtglu3yIo-00380-00091172-00091342 much but point out that the perd act and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00381-00091343-00091716 the idea at the RDCs are really a great Q-Qtglu3yIo-00382-00091717-00092037 a great innovation you know in an Q-Qtglu3yIo-00383-00092038-00092244 organizational sense it provides a one Q-Qtglu3yIo-00384-00092245-00092448 door entrance point for companies such Q-Qtglu3yIo-00385-00092449-00092625 as Bayer which would it cannot be Q-Qtglu3yIo-00386-00092626-00092811 underestimated you can go there you can Q-Qtglu3yIo-00387-00092812-00093044 get a picture of all of the R&D Q-Qtglu3yIo-00388-00093045-00093174 activities in the country and there is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00389-00093175-00093468 the opportunity for some potential Co Co Q-Qtglu3yIo-00390-00093469-00093810 funding so to give you hope I want to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00391-00093811-00093950 give you some examples of what we've Q-Qtglu3yIo-00392-00093951-00094215 done at Bayer through you know intensive Q-Qtglu3yIo-00393-00094216-00094440 engagement from our from outside and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00394-00094441-00094671 tremendous support from the Institute's Q-Qtglu3yIo-00395-00094672-00094911 and the RDCs involved we've managed to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00396-00094912-00095067 attract some strong focus from our Q-Qtglu3yIo-00397-00095068-00095430 global rd organization over over the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00398-00095431-00095726 preceding years we'll start with the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00399-00095727-00095943 example of CSIRO we've collaborated with Q-Qtglu3yIo-00400-00095944-00096182 CSI over some 20 years in cotton and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00401-00096183-00096378 wheat breeding research as well as Q-Qtglu3yIo-00402-00096379-00096567 fundamental science research such as the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00403-00096568-00096786 invention or the demonstration of gene Q-Qtglu3yIo-00404-00096787-00097017 silencing in plants in the middle of the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00405-00097018-00097313 last decade bayer has marketed CSIRO Q-Qtglu3yIo-00406-00097314-00097544 cotton varieties in US and around the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00407-00097545-00097830 world since 1997 which has returned Q-Qtglu3yIo-00408-00097831-00098073 royalties to underpin further Australian Q-Qtglu3yIo-00409-00098074-00098418 Research this in other collaborators Q-Qtglu3yIo-00410-00098419-00098613 were key in convincing our company to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00411-00098614-00098760 invest the 14 million dollars necessary Q-Qtglu3yIo-00412-00098761-00099162 at long run on which which is supporting Q-Qtglu3yIo-00413-00099163-00099378 the revitalized revitalization of that Q-Qtglu3yIo-00414-00099379-00099600 historic agricultural campus but more Q-Qtglu3yIo-00415-00099601-00099776 importantly of all you know turning the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00416-00099777-00099987 research into reality for farmers you Q-Qtglu3yIo-00417-00099988-00100131 know creating the varieties that they Q-Qtglu3yIo-00418-00100132-00100376 can use on their farms and I point out Q-Qtglu3yIo-00419-00100377-00100596 that we we cooperated with those various Q-Qtglu3yIo-00420-00100597-00100746 organizations on the bottom right hand Q-Qtglu3yIo-00421-00100747-00101178 side in the in that partnership most Q-Qtglu3yIo-00422-00101179-00101543 recently we announced the bio GRDC Q-Qtglu3yIo-00423-00101544-00101787 herbicide innovation partnership last Q-Qtglu3yIo-00424-00101788-00102030 year which saw the signing of a 45 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00425-00102031-00102216 million dollar herbicide a global Q-Qtglu3yIo-00426-00102217-00102404 herbicide innovation partnership which Q-Qtglu3yIo-00427-00102405-00102617 will see Australia raised to the top Q-Qtglu3yIo-00428-00102618-00102915 tier can a top-tier country and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00429-00102916-00103184 herbicide focus for for Bayer including Q-Qtglu3yIo-00430-00103185-00103425 local testing of early candidates in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00431-00103426-00103757 Germany the subsequent testing of all of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00432-00103758-00103902 these candidates in Australia much Q-Qtglu3yIo-00433-00103903-00104052 earlier than then has been done in the Q-Qtglu3yIo-00434-00104053-00104313 past and the training of 30 Australian Q-Qtglu3yIo-00435-00104314-00104507 postdoctoral fellow fellows in advanced Q-Qtglu3yIo-00436-00104508-00104732 herbicide research and you see two happy Q-Qtglu3yIo-00437-00104733-00104949 people from Curtin University Q-Qtglu3yIo-00438-00104950-00105185 who are over there now they started on Q-Qtglu3yIo-00439-00105186-00105372 the first of December last year we're Q-Qtglu3yIo-00440-00105373-00105546 opening it next opening that laboratory Q-Qtglu3yIo-00441-00105547-00105774 next Wednesday it's a unique Q-Qtglu3yIo-00442-00105775-00105935 collaboration which are you know places Q-Qtglu3yIo-00443-00105936-00106184 Australia at the cutting edge of that Q-Qtglu3yIo-00444-00106185-00106632 activity of herbicide research so just Q-Qtglu3yIo-00445-00106633-00107148 to finalize so is it a challenge or an Q-Qtglu3yIo-00446-00107149-00107258 opportunity well I think it's a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00447-00107259-00107558 challenging opportunity transformative Q-Qtglu3yIo-00448-00107559-00107777 AG innovation is a global activity Q-Qtglu3yIo-00449-00107778-00108054 Australia needs to access global Q-Qtglu3yIo-00450-00108055-00108213 technologies to meet local local Q-Qtglu3yIo-00451-00108214-00108456 challenges are indeed collaboration is Q-Qtglu3yIo-00452-00108457-00108696 critical cross country cross institution Q-Qtglu3yIo-00453-00108697-00108966 cross company Australia has unique Q-Qtglu3yIo-00454-00108967-00109143 opportunities based on our special Q-Qtglu3yIo-00455-00109144-00109503 skills and an environment the perd and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00456-00109504-00109783 and the IRC systems are real assets Q-Qtglu3yIo-00457-00109784-00109992 Australia however faces some key Q-Qtglu3yIo-00458-00109993-00110091 challenges which shouldn't be Q-Qtglu3yIo-00459-00110092-00110268 underestimated the distance the dollars Q-Qtglu3yIo-00460-00110269-00110574 the disk collaboration we must develop a Q-Qtglu3yIo-00461-00110575-00110817 global innovation mindset defend and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00462-00110818-00111000 grow our core structures universities Q-Qtglu3yIo-00463-00111001-00111219 CSIRO and appeared the third Q-Qtglu3yIo-00464-00111220-00111540 institutions it's absolutely critical Q-Qtglu3yIo-00465-00111541-00111792 that we at least in certain areas we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00466-00111793-00111996 remain world-leading and then we can Q-Qtglu3yIo-00467-00111997-00112160 attract the interest of global companies Q-Qtglu3yIo-00468-00112161-00112491 we need to build a global long-term Q-Qtglu3yIo-00469-00112492-00112808 skills in global collaboration you know Q-Qtglu3yIo-00470-00112809-00112977 it's not for the faint-hearted dealing Q-Qtglu3yIo-00471-00112978-00113223 with the big companies I admit that but Q-Qtglu3yIo-00472-00113224-00113343 you know it's something that has to be Q-Qtglu3yIo-00473-00113344-00113582 done and we need to build those skills Q-Qtglu3yIo-00474-00113583-00113805 and where we are a global leader we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00475-00113806-00113940 really should take up the cudgel we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00476-00113941-00114233 should lead you know at a global level Q-Qtglu3yIo-00477-00114233-00114683 so I'd like to finish with my side of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00478-00114684-00114828 the global you thik summit held in Q-Qtglu3yIo-00479-00114829-00114993 Australia last year another type of Q-Qtglu3yIo-00480-00114994-00115239 broad broad base to collaboration and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00481-00115240-00115494 you can see the various institutes we we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00482-00115495-00115653 collaborated with there we had a hundred Q-Qtglu3yIo-00483-00115654-00115872 young people from around the world and Q-Qtglu3yIo-00484-00115873-00116133 they discuss the issue of a global food Q-Qtglu3yIo-00485-00116133-00116520 security we developed or they developed Q-Qtglu3yIo-00486-00116521-00116739 a global youth egg declaration which we Q-Qtglu3yIo-00487-00116740-00117030 took to the FAO and it resulted in 300 Q-Qtglu3yIo-00488-00117031-00117177 international news articles and more Q-Qtglu3yIo-00489-00117178-00117465 than 24 million social hits social media Q-Qtglu3yIo-00490-00117466-00117686 hits as far as we can see all of them Q-Qtglu3yIo-00491-00117688-00117939 were positive so it's an example of what Q-Qtglu3yIo-00492-00117940-00118136 we I think we all need to do we need to Q-Qtglu3yIo-00493-00118138-00118213 actively promote Q-Qtglu3yIo-00494-00118214-00118528 country to the world if we don't do it Q-Qtglu3yIo-00495-00118529-00118959 no one else will thank you very much Q_BpHygjLVy-00000-00000000-00000233 in the making of This Nation we have Q_BpHygjLVy-00001-00000234-00000539 made some serious mistakes when I say Q_BpHygjLVy-00002-00000540-00000719 serious mistakes Q_BpHygjLVy-00003-00000720-00001097 see as as a republic we are born in Q_BpHygjLVy-00004-00001098-00001541 47 75 years Q_BpHygjLVy-00005-00001542-00001810 what was the subcontinent Q_BpHygjLVy-00006-00001811-00002087 either by ignorance or by Design we Q_BpHygjLVy-00007-00002088-00002249 don't know how I don't want to make Q_BpHygjLVy-00008-00002250-00002542 judgments on people of those times but Q_BpHygjLVy-00009-00002543-00002963 we turned a subcontinent in an island Q_BpHygjLVy-00010-00002964-00003269 right now in this country you can only Q_BpHygjLVy-00011-00003270-00003725 trade through either oceans or Q_BpHygjLVy-00012-00003726-00004036 by flying out there are no roads there Q_BpHygjLVy-00013-00004037-00004235 are no Railways there are no pipelines Q_BpHygjLVy-00014-00004236-00004456 bringing gas or petroleum anything for Q_BpHygjLVy-00015-00004457-00004769 us because we are an island what was the Q_BpHygjLVy-00016-00004770-00004972 subcontinent we turned it into an island Q_BpHygjLVy-00017-00004973-00005309 it's a disaster that you cannot fix at Q_BpHygjLVy-00018-00005310-00005429 least right now Q_BpHygjLVy-00019-00005430-00005688 so we have to become super Innovative Q_BpHygjLVy-00020-00005689-00005927 fortunately for us information Q_BpHygjLVy-00021-00005928-00006215 technology came which doesn't need a Q_BpHygjLVy-00022-00006216-00006527 railway or a roadway or a pipeline it Q_BpHygjLVy-00023-00006528-00006773 just flew in the air it's because of Q_BpHygjLVy-00024-00006773-00007110 that we are doing well hello Q_BpHygjLVy-00025-00007111-00007378 otherwise just see everything has to Q_BpHygjLVy-00026-00007379-00007577 come by see Q_BpHygjLVy-00027-00007578-00007787 anything that weighs more than 10 tons Q_BpHygjLVy-00028-00007788-00008069 has to come by sea you cannot bring it Q_BpHygjLVy-00029-00008070-00008459 by Road or by land Roots at all a nation Q_BpHygjLVy-00030-00008460-00008639 which has been trading through these Q_BpHygjLVy-00031-00008640-00008896 roots for thousands of years we shut off Q_BpHygjLVy-00032-00008897-00009185 everything and turn our subcontinent Q_BpHygjLVy-00033-00009186-00009539 into an island Q_BpHygjLVy-00034-00009540-00009714 this is something else Q_BpHygjLVy-00035-00009715-00009989 anyway because such things have been Q_BpHygjLVy-00036-00009990-00010235 done in the past we need to be super Q_BpHygjLVy-00037-00010236-00010577 Innovative about what we create in this Q_BpHygjLVy-00038-00010578-00010985 world today now this is important what Q_BpHygjLVy-00039-00010986-00011237 kind of nation we craft in the next 10 Q_BpHygjLVy-00040-00011238-00011591 15 years time is very very important if Q_BpHygjLVy-00041-00011592-00011771 we want to live in a nation that we will Q_BpHygjLVy-00042-00011772-00012028 be proud of living in we must do the Q_BpHygjLVy-00043-00012029-00012126 right things Q_BpHygjLVy-00044-00012127-00012666 [Applause] QA7XVxn5RqI-00000-00000348-00000599 recently you have probably heard me QA7XVxn5RqI-00001-00000600-00000831 talking quite a bit about history quite QA7XVxn5RqI-00002-00000832-00001110 a bit about the lost nation of Tarte QA7XVxn5RqI-00003-00001111-00001418 area a nation that existed in Europe QA7XVxn5RqI-00004-00001419-00001586 that nobody seems to know about it's a QA7XVxn5RqI-00005-00001587-00001776 nation that's been expunged from history QA7XVxn5RqI-00006-00001777-00002159 and yet axilla desists on many maps and QA7XVxn5RqI-00007-00002160-00002394 something else you've heard me talking QA7XVxn5RqI-00008-00002395-00002658 about a great deal is the evidence QA7XVxn5RqI-00009-00002659-00002967 suggesting a worldwide mud flood that QA7XVxn5RqI-00010-00002968-00003341 happened as recently as 150 to 200 years QA7XVxn5RqI-00011-00003342-00003570 ago as I've mentioned before there's a QA7XVxn5RqI-00012-00003571-00003747 Russian Channel rumba man called Philip QA7XVxn5RqI-00013-00003747-00003938 drusen and who is covering this quite QA7XVxn5RqI-00014-00003939-00004154 extensively and I do recommend you go QA7XVxn5RqI-00015-00004155-00004329 and look at the research he's done on QA7XVxn5RqI-00016-00004330-00004545 this because it is quite compelling and QA7XVxn5RqI-00017-00004546-00004718 you'll find it there is evidence of this QA7XVxn5RqI-00018-00004719-00004895 mud flood that exists everywhere I mean QA7XVxn5RqI-00019-00004896-00005091 it did happen folks and it was a QA7XVxn5RqI-00020-00005092-00005306 physical flood but it was not water and QA7XVxn5RqI-00021-00005307-00005493 it was an event that covered virtually QA7XVxn5RqI-00022-00005494-00005654 the entire world is we can find evidence QA7XVxn5RqI-00023-00005655-00005852 of this flood across Europe across the QA7XVxn5RqI-00024-00005853-00006256 Americas even here in Australia and QA7XVxn5RqI-00025-00006257-00006506 evidence of this flood appears as QA7XVxn5RqI-00026-00006508-00006773 buildings that have a sub level a level QA7XVxn5RqI-00027-00006775-00007098 below ground and also as many of the QA7XVxn5RqI-00028-00007098-00007227 buildings that look like they were QA7XVxn5RqI-00029-00007228-00007545 carved into rock faces or clay or carved QA7XVxn5RqI-00030-00007545-00007698 into cliffs there's very real QA7XVxn5RqI-00031-00007698-00007887 possibility that they weren't carved QA7XVxn5RqI-00032-00007888-00008058 into the cliffs but simply the cliffs QA7XVxn5RqI-00033-00008059-00008313 flowed over them or perhaps the cliffs QA7XVxn5RqI-00034-00008314-00008646 even became molten around them but QA7XVxn5RqI-00035-00008647-00008790 however it happened and however it QA7XVxn5RqI-00036-00008791-00008997 manifested suffice to say there is a QA7XVxn5RqI-00037-00008998-00009168 good deal of evidence to indicate that QA7XVxn5RqI-00038-00009169-00009441 the mud flood is a very very genuine QA7XVxn5RqI-00039-00009442-00009660 event and it's very likely that it QA7XVxn5RqI-00040-00009661-00010122 occurred in the mid to late 1840s and QA7XVxn5RqI-00041-00010123-00010212 there's a lot of people who've been QA7XVxn5RqI-00042-00010213-00010419 putting a lot of research into this and QA7XVxn5RqI-00043-00010420-00010632 a lot of information is being uncovered QA7XVxn5RqI-00044-00010633-00010860 about what has truly happened in the QA7XVxn5RqI-00045-00010861-00011160 past and our history appears to be very QA7XVxn5RqI-00046-00011161-00011382 very different to what the mainstream QA7XVxn5RqI-00047-00011383-00011559 has taught us to what we've learned in QA7XVxn5RqI-00048-00011560-00011757 academic institutions what we learned in QA7XVxn5RqI-00049-00011758-00011991 schools in fact none of what we are QA7XVxn5RqI-00050-00011992-00012177 taught in schools of what our history is QA7XVxn5RqI-00051-00012178-00012402 is backed up by physical evidence all QA7XVxn5RqI-00052-00012403-00012585 the physical evidence says something QA7XVxn5RqI-00053-00012586-00012771 quite different QA7XVxn5RqI-00054-00012772-00012996 and there may be some people that would QA7XVxn5RqI-00055-00012997-00013156 debate that that say well now I've got a QA7XVxn5RqI-00056-00013157-00013321 lot of physical evidence to support the QA7XVxn5RqI-00057-00013322-00013483 official timeline but really when you QA7XVxn5RqI-00058-00013484-00013603 look at the physical evidence you can QA7XVxn5RqI-00059-00013604-00013840 construct any story you want to make it QA7XVxn5RqI-00060-00013841-00014104 sort of fit with the evidence but you QA7XVxn5RqI-00061-00014105-00014227 have to leave a great deal of it out QA7XVxn5RqI-00062-00014228-00014368 which is why there's so many great QA7XVxn5RqI-00063-00014369-00014602 mysteries and anomalous objects and all QA7XVxn5RqI-00064-00014603-00014740 the names they think up for all the QA7XVxn5RqI-00065-00014741-00014983 things they can't explain you know and QA7XVxn5RqI-00066-00014984-00015208 ultimately folks if there's one artifact QA7XVxn5RqI-00067-00015209-00015403 that is out of place then the official QA7XVxn5RqI-00068-00015404-00015640 version is wrong and there are literally QA7XVxn5RqI-00069-00015641-00015802 hundreds of artifacts that are out of QA7XVxn5RqI-00070-00015803-00016033 place if the official version is to be QA7XVxn5RqI-00071-00016034-00016234 believed at all and again these are all QA7XVxn5RqI-00072-00016235-00016474 sort of listed as anomalous objects and QA7XVxn5RqI-00073-00016475-00016696 great mysteries and all shrouded in QA7XVxn5RqI-00074-00016697-00016846 secrecy and presented as something that QA7XVxn5RqI-00075-00016847-00017023 we just don't know how they did it but QA7XVxn5RqI-00076-00017024-00017242 really if you can face the very real QA7XVxn5RqI-00077-00017243-00017431 possibility that they don't fit because QA7XVxn5RqI-00078-00017432-00017620 the timeline and the history that we're QA7XVxn5RqI-00079-00017621-00017845 given is completely wrong then you begin QA7XVxn5RqI-00080-00017846-00018034 to see a little bit of the bigger QA7XVxn5RqI-00081-00018035-00018322 picture and is wrong folks our history QA7XVxn5RqI-00082-00018323-00018493 is wrong I have no qualms in saying that QA7XVxn5RqI-00083-00018494-00018628 it's completely wrong most of it has QA7XVxn5RqI-00084-00018629-00018793 been completely fabricated and I would QA7XVxn5RqI-00085-00018794-00018936 suggest has been done absolutely QA7XVxn5RqI-00086-00018937-00019266 deliberately for a very specific reason QA7XVxn5RqI-00087-00019267-00019579 the question is how did they do it how QA7XVxn5RqI-00088-00019580-00019863 today erase history so effectively and QA7XVxn5RqI-00089-00019864-00021667 what really happened QA7XVxn5RqI-00090-00021668-00021918 [Music] QA7XVxn5RqI-00091-00021919-00022227 this brings me to my newest conspiracy QA7XVxn5RqI-00092-00022228-00022530 theory and it's kind of like a rant it's QA7XVxn5RqI-00093-00022531-00022740 a brand new one it's sweeping YouTube QA7XVxn5RqI-00094-00022741-00023064 okay I love this one it's so interesting QA7XVxn5RqI-00095-00023065-00023289 to me because there's so much evidence QA7XVxn5RqI-00096-00023290-00023427 on the planet that you can go see QA7XVxn5RqI-00097-00023428-00023688 yourself I actually just went to Austin QA7XVxn5RqI-00098-00023689-00023937 Texas and I saw me some goddamn mud QA7XVxn5RqI-00099-00023938-00024393 flood buildings all right this one is QA7XVxn5RqI-00100-00024394-00024732 called the mud flood okay please look QA7XVxn5RqI-00101-00024733-00024891 this up I love this I love love love QA7XVxn5RqI-00102-00024892-00025188 this okay basically let me give you the QA7XVxn5RqI-00103-00025189-00025439 rundown not too long in our recent past QA7XVxn5RqI-00104-00025440-00025853 there was a massive massive empire that QA7XVxn5RqI-00105-00025854-00026085 spanned across the entire globe okay QA7XVxn5RqI-00106-00026086-00026289 it's the biggest civilization that we QA7XVxn5RqI-00107-00026289-00026574 have record of ever no civilization that QA7XVxn5RqI-00108-00026575-00026727 we know of has ever been as large as QA7XVxn5RqI-00109-00026727-00027202 this one unfortunately between 1850 and QA7XVxn5RqI-00110-00027204-00027699 1865 there was this massive reset or mud QA7XVxn5RqI-00111-00027700-00027906 flood on the planet let me give you the QA7XVxn5RqI-00112-00027907-00028077 who what where and what this supposed QA7XVxn5RqI-00113-00028077-00028389 empire was called the tartarean empire QA7XVxn5RqI-00114-00028389-00028719 or tartar II it's not in textbooks it's QA7XVxn5RqI-00115-00028720-00028845 not in history books but if you really QA7XVxn5RqI-00116-00028845-00029043 dig for it you see evidence of it you QA7XVxn5RqI-00117-00029044-00029256 see evidence of their flag on old maps QA7XVxn5RqI-00118-00029257-00029514 you can see evidence of their empire and QA7XVxn5RqI-00119-00029514-00029720 they were massive it was pretty much the QA7XVxn5RqI-00120-00029722-00030030 entire area of Asia and Russia plus QA7XVxn5RqI-00121-00030031-00030273 areas all over the world because their QA7XVxn5RqI-00122-00030274-00030507 architecture is all over the world we QA7XVxn5RqI-00123-00030508-00030648 recognize it we tend to call it QA7XVxn5RqI-00124-00030649-00030981 greco-roman style but that's what we've QA7XVxn5RqI-00125-00030982-00031314 been told it is according to this theory QA7XVxn5RqI-00126-00031314-00031530 you can recognize these buildings QA7XVxn5RqI-00127-00031531-00031713 because first of all they're massive QA7XVxn5RqI-00128-00031714-00032060 buildings they have insane beautiful QA7XVxn5RqI-00129-00032061-00032526 detailed stone architecture almost like QA7XVxn5RqI-00130-00032527-00032781 laser-cut there's massive archways QA7XVxn5RqI-00131-00032782-00033170 massive ceilings huge stairs huge stones QA7XVxn5RqI-00132-00033171-00033774 towers domes like there think of QA7XVxn5RqI-00133-00033775-00033891 I'll give you an example QA7XVxn5RqI-00134-00033892-00034125 um the Capitol building Oh pretty much QA7XVxn5RqI-00135-00034126-00034257 all the Capitol buildings in the United QA7XVxn5RqI-00136-00034258-00034394 States like QA7XVxn5RqI-00137-00034395-00034673 the dome the way it's structured the QA7XVxn5RqI-00138-00034674-00034922 columns all of that there's buildings QA7XVxn5RqI-00139-00034923-00035135 like that all over the world you see QA7XVxn5RqI-00140-00035136-00035474 them in South America United States all QA7XVxn5RqI-00141-00035475-00035705 over Europe and Asia it's just insane QA7XVxn5RqI-00142-00035706-00035927 this this beautiful it's it's it's QA7XVxn5RqI-00143-00035928-00036290 massively beautiful architecture what QA7XVxn5RqI-00144-00036291-00036527 they tell us is that these buildings QA7XVxn5RqI-00145-00036528-00036971 were built in the mid to late 1800s now QA7XVxn5RqI-00146-00036972-00037223 I can believe that over in from Europe QA7XVxn5RqI-00147-00037224-00037358 from the timeline I live in that's QA7XVxn5RqI-00148-00037359-00037706 plausible but these buildings exist in QA7XVxn5RqI-00149-00037707-00037907 the United States there's a few things QA7XVxn5RqI-00150-00037908-00038027 about these buildings that's what that QA7XVxn5RqI-00151-00038028-00038204 really stands out and why is so weird QA7XVxn5RqI-00152-00038205-00038444 first of all they're out of place in the QA7XVxn5RqI-00153-00038445-00038696 timeline they don't make sense they come QA7XVxn5RqI-00154-00038697-00038843 from a time when they're telling us that QA7XVxn5RqI-00155-00038844-00039056 people were settling they were migrating QA7XVxn5RqI-00156-00039057-00039251 and they were looking for gold so they QA7XVxn5RqI-00157-00039252-00039482 were there exploring this country they QA7XVxn5RqI-00158-00039483-00039806 weren't setting permanent roots and if QA7XVxn5RqI-00159-00039807-00039941 they were they certainly weren't QA7XVxn5RqI-00160-00039942-00040250 building these monolithic structures QA7XVxn5RqI-00161-00040251-00040517 with materials that they didn't have QA7XVxn5RqI-00162-00040518-00040745 anywhere near and machinery that didn't QA7XVxn5RqI-00163-00040746-00041087 supposedly exist yet so it just it just QA7XVxn5RqI-00164-00041088-00041339 raised a lot of flags like the fact that QA7XVxn5RqI-00165-00041340-00041507 our country is supposedly only so old QA7XVxn5RqI-00166-00041508-00041708 and yet you have you know cities like QA7XVxn5RqI-00167-00041709-00042032 New York that are way older way older QA7XVxn5RqI-00168-00042033-00042431 they supposedly say they are just I mean QA7XVxn5RqI-00169-00042432-00042680 just built out for millions of people QA7XVxn5RqI-00170-00042681-00043022 why would someone come to a brand-new QA7XVxn5RqI-00171-00043023-00043304 country with a couple thousand people QA7XVxn5RqI-00172-00043305-00043655 and build it up for millions before it QA7XVxn5RqI-00173-00043656-00043793 was before they knew it would be QA7XVxn5RqI-00174-00043794-00043928 populated with that many people it just QA7XVxn5RqI-00175-00043929-00044225 doesn't make any sense for them to build QA7XVxn5RqI-00176-00044226-00044459 out a city like San Francisco to the QA7XVxn5RqI-00177-00044460-00044645 same exact grid structure that they use QA7XVxn5RqI-00178-00044646-00045020 to this day in a mid-1800s when they're QA7XVxn5RqI-00179-00045021-00045278 supposedly 1,000 settlers there they're QA7XVxn5RqI-00180-00045279-00045512 gridded for millions of people it just QA7XVxn5RqI-00181-00045513-00045755 it just does not make sense and this is QA7XVxn5RqI-00182-00045756-00045869 the best part of it this is where the QA7XVxn5RqI-00183-00045870-00046092 mudflat part comes in QA7XVxn5RqI-00184-00046093-00046306 have you ever seen those buildings QA7XVxn5RqI-00185-00046307-00046462 they're always old and they're usually QA7XVxn5RqI-00186-00046463-00046630 downtown buildings in big cities all QA7XVxn5RqI-00187-00046631-00046693 over the world QA7XVxn5RqI-00188-00046694-00047002 and this the the street kind of slants QA7XVxn5RqI-00189-00047003-00047239 down but the building doesn't slant with QA7XVxn5RqI-00190-00047240-00047533 it and the building is almost like built QA7XVxn5RqI-00191-00047534-00047848 into the the ground to where the point QA7XVxn5RqI-00192-00047849-00048043 where the windows like come out of the QA7XVxn5RqI-00193-00048044-00048190 ground and so you'll have like a little QA7XVxn5RqI-00194-00048191-00048379 bit of a window and the next window will QA7XVxn5RqI-00195-00048380-00048540 be a little more showing and then the QA7XVxn5RqI-00196-00048541-00048693 next one have a little more showing and QA7XVxn5RqI-00197-00048694-00048984 you're like who the put windows QA7XVxn5RqI-00198-00048985-00049255 into the ground it doesn't make any QA7XVxn5RqI-00199-00049256-00049606 sense so that's how you spot about flood QA7XVxn5RqI-00200-00049607-00049812 building a lot of times they've been QA7XVxn5RqI-00201-00049813-00050196 torn down or reconstructed to look a QA7XVxn5RqI-00202-00050197-00050404 little bit different or to look new or QA7XVxn5RqI-00203-00050405-00050581 to hide the fact that you know they QA7XVxn5RqI-00204-00050582-00050914 weren't built by us so I really QA7XVxn5RqI-00205-00050915-00051076 encourage you to look up videos about QA7XVxn5RqI-00206-00051077-00051327 this because you have to see the photos QA7XVxn5RqI-00207-00051328-00051574 to understand you have to see the QA7XVxn5RqI-00208-00051575-00051879 pictures from cities all over the world QA7XVxn5RqI-00209-00051880-00052225 from the 1800s that are empty and it's QA7XVxn5RqI-00210-00052226-00052401 all over the world like the biggest QA7XVxn5RqI-00211-00052402-00052569 cities the world's not a soul on the QA7XVxn5RqI-00212-00052570-00052834 street 11:00 a.m. in the daytime when QA7XVxn5RqI-00213-00052835-00053050 did that picture get taken and it's not QA7XVxn5RqI-00214-00053051-00053232 something that's just unique to one or QA7XVxn5RqI-00215-00053233-00053446 two places it's all over the QA7XVxn5RqI-00216-00053447-00053724 world and there's like these high-def QA7XVxn5RqI-00217-00053725-00054064 super crisp photos from back when a time QA7XVxn5RqI-00218-00054065-00054178 when we weren't supposed to have that QA7XVxn5RqI-00219-00054179-00054532 technology there's just it's just a lot QA7XVxn5RqI-00220-00054533-00054676 of things just don't add up and that's QA7XVxn5RqI-00221-00054677-00054874 why this one's so interesting so the QA7XVxn5RqI-00222-00054875-00055237 story goes there was this empire tart QA7XVxn5RqI-00223-00055238-00055629 aria tartar tartar II and they were this QA7XVxn5RqI-00224-00055630-00055854 great massive Empire has spanned the QA7XVxn5RqI-00225-00055855-00056086 globe and they were using things like QA7XVxn5RqI-00226-00056087-00056353 free energy they did not have a QA7XVxn5RqI-00227-00056354-00056497 capitalist system they were drawing QA7XVxn5RqI-00228-00056498-00056816 energy out of the air and Tesla liked QA7XVxn5RqI-00229-00056817-00056994 instruments so if you know anything QA7XVxn5RqI-00230-00056995-00057235 about Nikola Tesla he actually ties into QA7XVxn5RqI-00231-00057236-00057364 this because a lot of people think that QA7XVxn5RqI-00232-00057365-00057646 he was a tartarean or his technology was QA7XVxn5RqI-00233-00057647-00057919 strictly from the Tartarian empire QA7XVxn5RqI-00234-00057920-00058176 because if you look at the buildings and QA7XVxn5RqI-00235-00058177-00058339 what what they used to look like they QA7XVxn5RqI-00236-00058340-00058776 appear to have energy drawing QA7XVxn5RqI-00237-00058777-00059091 technology on these buildings so it's QA7XVxn5RqI-00238-00059092-00059233 believed that they were using free QA7XVxn5RqI-00239-00059234-00059395 energy they were doing all the D all of QA7XVxn5RqI-00240-00059396-00059557 these amazing things that we would love QA7XVxn5RqI-00241-00059558-00060016 to have now and somebody thought that QA7XVxn5RqI-00242-00060016-00060241 that shouldn't be free anymore and they QA7XVxn5RqI-00243-00060241-00060385 should charge for it and they want to QA7XVxn5RqI-00244-00060386-00060695 capitalize on it QA7XVxn5RqI-00247-00067947-00068153 you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00000-00000098-00000804 [Music] QCB1Vz5v-QA-00001-00000805-00001062 thank you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00002-00001063-00001807 [Music] QCB1Vz5v-QA-00003-00001807-00001955 I see QCB1Vz5v-QA-00004-00001955-00003965 [Music] QCB1Vz5v-QA-00005-00003965-00004246 thank you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00007-00008828-00008989 thank you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00008-00008990-00011460 [Music] QCB1Vz5v-QA-00009-00011461-00011648 thank you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00011-00014904-00015071 thank you QCB1Vz5v-QA-00012-00015072-00015290 foreign QCB1Vz5v-QA-00013-00015291-00016262 [Music] QGI1ieUlKFo-00001-00007309-00008508 [Music] QGI1ieUlKFo-00003-00017652-00020615 [Music] QHGzdvmTkk4-00000-00000281-00000398 topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00001-00000399-00001003 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00002-00001005-00001586 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00003-00001587-00002195 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00004-00002196-00002776 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00005-00002777-00003386 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00006-00003386-00003968 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00007-00003969-00004577 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00008-00004578-00005195 samples are being compared topic see QHGzdvmTkk4-00009-00005196-00005765 also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00010-00005766-00006347 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00011-00006348-00006956 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00012-00006956-00007573 samples are being compared topic see QHGzdvmTkk4-00013-00007575-00008146 also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00014-00008147-00008728 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00015-00008729-00009338 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00016-00009339-00009956 samples are being compared topic see QHGzdvmTkk4-00017-00009957-00010528 also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00018-00010529-00011146 samples are being compared topic see QHGzdvmTkk4-00019-00011147-00011717 also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00020-00011718-00012338 samples are being compared topic see QHGzdvmTkk4-00021-00012339-00012708 also QHGzdvmTkk4-00022-00012709-00012957 pair difference test when two samples QHGzdvmTkk4-00023-00012958-00013491 are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00024-00013491-00014100 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00025-00014101-00014682 samples are being compared topic QHGzdvmTkk4-00026-00014683-00015288 see also pair difference test when two QHGzdvmTkk4-00027-00015288-00015623 samples are being compared QHLa-I62y8M-00000-00000967-00001500 thank you QHLa-I62y8M-00001-00001501-00003245 [Music] QHLa-I62y8M-00002-00003246-00003509 good evening everyone and welcome back QHLa-I62y8M-00003-00003510-00003713 we are in the sunshine education QHLa-I62y8M-00004-00003714-00003893 Coalition and tonight we're going to be QHLa-I62y8M-00005-00003894-00004097 discussing uh well first of all a whole QHLa-I62y8M-00006-00004098-00004229 month is deals with the collective QHLa-I62y8M-00007-00004230-00004517 voices for our youth but tonight's topic QHLa-I62y8M-00008-00004518-00004822 deals with black culture and black QHLa-I62y8M-00009-00004823-00005081 education in the classroom and the lack QHLa-I62y8M-00010-00005082-00005279 of it and what how can we address that QHLa-I62y8M-00011-00005280-00005554 issue in terms of people addressing QHLa-I62y8M-00012-00005555-00005783 these issues inside of the classroom so QHLa-I62y8M-00013-00005784-00005993 we're going to talk about valuing the QHLa-I62y8M-00014-00005994-00006161 black voice and the black language in QHLa-I62y8M-00015-00006162-00006395 the classroom so on this evening I'd QHLa-I62y8M-00016-00006396-00006610 like to introduce our chair who is April QHLa-I62y8M-00017-00006611-00006784 Cobb QHLa-I62y8M-00018-00006786-00007073 all right I am the co-chair my name is QHLa-I62y8M-00019-00007073-00007306 Denise Thomas and directly below we have QHLa-I62y8M-00020-00007308-00007517 Angela Sherman Dr Andrew Schroeder who QHLa-I62y8M-00021-00007518-00007781 is our secretary so good evening ladies QHLa-I62y8M-00022-00007781-00007992 and welcome QHLa-I62y8M-00023-00007993-00008405 dang hello great introductions QHLa-I62y8M-00024-00008406-00008473 um QHLa-I62y8M-00025-00008474-00008728 we apologize for being tardy to the QHLa-I62y8M-00026-00008729-00009005 party but conference night took right QHLa-I62y8M-00027-00009006-00009395 tonight and yes and I'm a woman one QHLa-I62y8M-00028-00009396-00009664 piece so yeah we are so grateful for QHLa-I62y8M-00029-00009665-00009905 that okay because April is our Tech Guru QHLa-I62y8M-00030-00009906-00010127 at this particular time because I know I QHLa-I62y8M-00031-00010128-00010342 would invest this completely up all QHLa-I62y8M-00032-00010343-00010613 right so good evening everyone and QHLa-I62y8M-00033-00010614-00010906 welcome again our topic is valuing black QHLa-I62y8M-00034-00010907-00011099 language and culture in the classroom QHLa-I62y8M-00035-00011100-00011219 and so we're going to talk about QHLa-I62y8M-00036-00011220-00011446 especially being that we are um we've QHLa-I62y8M-00037-00011447-00011645 been in the classroom so long but we QHLa-I62y8M-00038-00011646-00011873 also have uh the specialist in terms of QHLa-I62y8M-00039-00011874-00012095 reading in terms of mathematics and in QHLa-I62y8M-00040-00012096-00012335 terms of just general curriculum and so QHLa-I62y8M-00041-00012336-00012496 that that's where we are where we're QHLa-I62y8M-00042-00012497-00012683 highly effective we were very proud to QHLa-I62y8M-00043-00012684-00012869 say that and we really want to get into QHLa-I62y8M-00044-00012869-00013033 this conversation about what what QHLa-I62y8M-00045-00013034-00013258 especially based on the attacks that are QHLa-I62y8M-00046-00013259-00013438 happening on education in particular QHLa-I62y8M-00047-00013440-00013708 African-American history let's talk QHLa-I62y8M-00048-00013709-00013822 about that so we're going to jump right QHLa-I62y8M-00049-00013823-00014003 into this first question I have for you QHLa-I62y8M-00050-00014004-00014321 ladies why is learning black history QHLa-I62y8M-00051-00014322-00014530 important QHLa-I62y8M-00052-00014531-00014741 let's start with you Angela why is that QHLa-I62y8M-00053-00014741-00014938 important QHLa-I62y8M-00054-00014940-00015088 if QHLa-I62y8M-00055-00015090-00015479 well because it's history right like it QHLa-I62y8M-00056-00015480-00015671 is it is American history and there's QHLa-I62y8M-00057-00015672-00016108 there is also a long history of QHLa-I62y8M-00058-00016109-00016261 um QHLa-I62y8M-00059-00016262-00016630 successful black culture way before QHLa-I62y8M-00060-00016631-00016883 anybody was stolen and brought here QHLa-I62y8M-00061-00016884-00017141 right so like we can just touch on the QHLa-I62y8M-00062-00017142-00017303 fact that it's not even talked about in QHLa-I62y8M-00063-00017304-00017525 this country which could not be possible QHLa-I62y8M-00064-00017526-00017711 without black people QHLa-I62y8M-00065-00017712-00017944 so let's just all start with that with QHLa-I62y8M-00066-00017945-00018100 that piece QHLa-I62y8M-00067-00018101-00018311 um and I don't want to because I know we QHLa-I62y8M-00068-00018312-00018443 have like this other question that's QHLa-I62y8M-00069-00018444-00018629 coming up so I don't want to like get QHLa-I62y8M-00070-00018630-00018929 into that one but QHLa-I62y8M-00071-00018930-00019150 I I'm gonna keep repeating the same QHLa-I62y8M-00072-00019151-00019379 thing QHLa-I62y8M-00073-00019380-00019739 if you erase an entire an intentionally QHLa-I62y8M-00074-00019740-00020207 silence an entire group of people QHLa-I62y8M-00075-00020208-00020585 it will just perpetuate right so and QHLa-I62y8M-00076-00020586-00020819 it's it's so I'm there I'm gonna stop QHLa-I62y8M-00077-00020820-00021022 because I got a whole bunch of things QHLa-I62y8M-00078-00021023-00021161 like that I already have written down so QHLa-I62y8M-00079-00021162-00021383 I'm gonna stop but in general it's QHLa-I62y8M-00080-00021384-00021580 because QHLa-I62y8M-00081-00021581-00022019 our kids deserve to learn about it all QHLa-I62y8M-00082-00022020-00022378 of them all every single kid that's QHLa-I62y8M-00083-00022379-00022822 there deserves to hear about it QHLa-I62y8M-00084-00022823-00023044 and I totally agree with everything that QHLa-I62y8M-00085-00023045-00023147 you said QHLa-I62y8M-00086-00023148-00023411 um from the lens as an African-American QHLa-I62y8M-00087-00023412-00023777 woman African-American mother aunt just QHLa-I62y8M-00088-00023778-00024113 name all the possibilities of the impact QHLa-I62y8M-00089-00024114-00024449 that from the younger generation in my QHLa-I62y8M-00090-00024450-00024550 family QHLa-I62y8M-00091-00024551-00024730 it validates QHLa-I62y8M-00092-00024731-00025061 if we erase the historical value that we QHLa-I62y8M-00093-00025062-00025385 brought to the table whether it been um QHLa-I62y8M-00094-00025386-00025696 intentional or by force QHLa-I62y8M-00095-00025697-00025870 um it just QHLa-I62y8M-00096-00025872-00026111 it just doesn't make any sense not to QHLa-I62y8M-00097-00026112-00026362 think that our QHLa-I62y8M-00098-00026363-00026681 existence doesn't matter enough to where QHLa-I62y8M-00099-00026682-00026896 we bring forth QHLa-I62y8M-00100-00026897-00027131 conversation around QHLa-I62y8M-00101-00027132-00027520 our how and our why we exist here in QHLa-I62y8M-00102-00027522-00027893 this country so again it matters it QHLa-I62y8M-00103-00027894-00028162 matters a lot and QHLa-I62y8M-00104-00028163-00028373 it's just heartbreaking you know y'all QHLa-I62y8M-00105-00028374-00028564 know I get upset and angry when I start QHLa-I62y8M-00106-00028566-00028823 talking about this that there are people QHLa-I62y8M-00107-00028824-00029020 to think that QHLa-I62y8M-00108-00029022-00029224 collectively QHLa-I62y8M-00109-00029225-00029431 our history just doesn't matter enough QHLa-I62y8M-00110-00029432-00029724 it's like when does enough become enough QHLa-I62y8M-00111-00029725-00030095 like my ancestors ancestors that died QHLa-I62y8M-00112-00030095-00030305 was that not enough QHLa-I62y8M-00113-00030306-00030490 where they pick cotton so their fingers QHLa-I62y8M-00114-00030491-00030820 bled infections feet like you name it QHLa-I62y8M-00115-00030822-00031012 was that not enough QHLa-I62y8M-00116-00031013-00031318 so when does enough become QHLa-I62y8M-00117-00031319-00031487 enough QHLa-I62y8M-00118-00031488-00031870 so that we are as a people validate QHLa-I62y8M-00119-00031872-00032087 and not that we need to be validated by QHLa-I62y8M-00120-00032088-00032327 others let me correct that it's just a QHLa-I62y8M-00121-00032327-00032440 matter of QHLa-I62y8M-00122-00032441-00032668 the validation of why our historical QHLa-I62y8M-00123-00032669-00032915 values are not let's say important QHLa-I62y8M-00124-00032916-00033227 enough I'll leave it at that QHLa-I62y8M-00125-00033228-00033461 other things one of the things that that QHLa-I62y8M-00126-00033462-00033785 um we what is specifically why we need QHLa-I62y8M-00127-00033786-00034109 to discuss black history in school is QHLa-I62y8M-00128-00034110-00034361 because first of all racism still exists QHLa-I62y8M-00129-00034362-00034607 and I mean that that didn't go away QHLa-I62y8M-00130-00034608-00034865 anytime soon I mean okay yes the 13th QHLa-I62y8M-00131-00034866-00035105 amendment was passed and and the slaves QHLa-I62y8M-00132-00035106-00035465 are now become um uh free emancipated QHLa-I62y8M-00133-00035466-00035729 however uh you can see blatant examples QHLa-I62y8M-00134-00035730-00036052 of racism right now as as we I mean we QHLa-I62y8M-00135-00036053-00036245 just had another young man get shot and QHLa-I62y8M-00136-00036246-00036496 killed uh you just you just see it it's QHLa-I62y8M-00137-00036497-00036707 everywhere I mean try to look get a job QHLa-I62y8M-00138-00036708-00037115 try to uh purchase a home try to uh you QHLa-I62y8M-00139-00037116-00037373 know just do basically everyday life the QHLa-I62y8M-00140-00037374-00037517 fact you have to have talks with your QHLa-I62y8M-00141-00037518-00037709 children before you they leave the house QHLa-I62y8M-00142-00037710-00037979 and and make sure that your car is is QHLa-I62y8M-00143-00037980-00038230 correct is running correctly before you QHLa-I62y8M-00144-00038231-00038399 you get on the road I'll do all the QHLa-I62y8M-00145-00038400-00038573 lights work you know I need to make sure QHLa-I62y8M-00146-00038574-00038771 that that you know that'll have a broken QHLa-I62y8M-00147-00038772-00038987 tail light that you you're just afraid QHLa-I62y8M-00148-00038988-00039202 to be out and about I mean there's and QHLa-I62y8M-00149-00039203-00039401 then of course just to exist in in Black QHLa-I62y8M-00150-00039402-00039587 in spaces where you are the only black QHLa-I62y8M-00151-00039588-00039773 person there or you are one of a few QHLa-I62y8M-00152-00039774-00039952 black people that are there so that's QHLa-I62y8M-00153-00039953-00040061 something else to take into QHLa-I62y8M-00154-00040062-00040345 consideration I mean racism number one QHLa-I62y8M-00155-00040346-00040565 exists and and that's part of the reason QHLa-I62y8M-00156-00040566-00040768 why um but we need to teach uh black QHLa-I62y8M-00157-00040769-00041249 history but also to make youth more QHLa-I62y8M-00158-00041250-00041512 understanding less than a full bit QHLa-I62y8M-00159-00041513-00041717 so because if you teach children that QHLa-I62y8M-00160-00041718-00041951 all cultures matter and all all Races QHLa-I62y8M-00161-00041952-00042215 matter and everything matters where QHLa-I62y8M-00162-00042216-00042443 you should be able to enjoy the the QHLa-I62y8M-00163-00042444-00042640 fruits of other people's culture then QHLa-I62y8M-00164-00042641-00042815 you're gonna have less racism you're QHLa-I62y8M-00165-00042816-00043049 creating a less racist Society because QHLa-I62y8M-00166-00043050-00043307 kids are not able to experience other QHLa-I62y8M-00167-00043308-00043577 racism on where they are who they are so QHLa-I62y8M-00168-00043578-00043709 that's it that's a key right there QHLa-I62y8M-00169-00043710-00043924 anything you wanted to add as well QHLa-I62y8M-00170-00043925-00044062 because I have several points to talk QHLa-I62y8M-00171-00044063-00044340 about QHLa-I62y8M-00172-00044341-00044615 like I I have to keep coming back to QHLa-I62y8M-00173-00044616-00044818 that inherent in the definition of QHLa-I62y8M-00174-00044819-00045011 racism is there's always going to be QHLa-I62y8M-00175-00045012-00045262 power right there's a there's a power QHLa-I62y8M-00176-00045263-00045629 structure inherently involved and so QHLa-I62y8M-00177-00045630-00045940 while all three of us and and so many QHLa-I62y8M-00178-00045941-00046174 people you know that would be watching QHLa-I62y8M-00179-00046175-00046505 or you know that we are that we are in QHLa-I62y8M-00180-00046506-00046985 company with agree that ending racism is QHLa-I62y8M-00181-00046986-00047230 is one of the primary reasons why you QHLa-I62y8M-00182-00047231-00047489 would teach it I also think about that QHLa-I62y8M-00183-00047490-00047729 on the flip that is also one of the QHLa-I62y8M-00184-00047730-00048058 primary reasons they whoever that they QHLa-I62y8M-00185-00048059-00048407 are all right whoever that they are the QHLa-I62y8M-00186-00048408-00048724 people in power are trying to not teach QHLa-I62y8M-00187-00048725-00048808 it QHLa-I62y8M-00188-00048809-00049043 because if all of a sudden you start QHLa-I62y8M-00189-00049044-00049337 saying look at the contributions look at QHLa-I62y8M-00190-00049338-00049583 the magic that these people bring right QHLa-I62y8M-00191-00049584-00049846 then all of a sudden I have to share my QHLa-I62y8M-00192-00049847-00049973 power QHLa-I62y8M-00193-00049974-00050158 and that's it I don't want to share my QHLa-I62y8M-00194-00050159-00050386 right I don't want to share my power QHLa-I62y8M-00195-00050387-00050657 because with power comes all of the good QHLa-I62y8M-00196-00050658-00050945 things QHLa-I62y8M-00197-00050946-00051208 exactly and another key point to that is QHLa-I62y8M-00198-00051209-00051407 you know because QHLa-I62y8M-00199-00051408-00051664 parents well the expectations of the QHLa-I62y8M-00200-00051665-00051779 parents will be communicating with their QHLa-I62y8M-00201-00051779-00051970 children at home as well so you're QHLa-I62y8M-00202-00051971-00052157 looking at the fact that okay well if a QHLa-I62y8M-00203-00052158-00052385 child learns about black history in QHLa-I62y8M-00204-00052386-00052529 school they can go home and share this QHLa-I62y8M-00205-00052529-00052769 information with their family and so now QHLa-I62y8M-00206-00052770-00052942 you're you're as they call it they call QHLa-I62y8M-00207-00052944-00053159 it the 2-4 now you're getting more than QHLa-I62y8M-00208-00053160-00053344 just one child being educated you're QHLa-I62y8M-00209-00053345-00053561 educating your entire household and QHLa-I62y8M-00210-00053562-00053765 that's how that that that knowledge is QHLa-I62y8M-00211-00053766-00053921 going to spread that's how that QHLa-I62y8M-00212-00053922-00054100 knowledge is going to just expand out to QHLa-I62y8M-00213-00054101-00054292 everyone and then now you have okay well QHLa-I62y8M-00214-00054294-00054419 here's a neighborhood and a community QHLa-I62y8M-00215-00054420-00054647 and people who understand okay you know QHLa-I62y8M-00216-00054648-00054803 what that person across the street is QHLa-I62y8M-00217-00054804-00055025 not by enemy that's somebody that has a QHLa-I62y8M-00218-00055026-00055187 wealth of culture that I could bring and QHLa-I62y8M-00219-00055188-00055391 that can talk to and I can share with QHLa-I62y8M-00220-00055391-00055565 and okay now I can learn more about them QHLa-I62y8M-00221-00055566-00055780 and I'm less afraid of them especially QHLa-I62y8M-00222-00055782-00056003 since the news if you just stuck to if QHLa-I62y8M-00223-00056004-00056237 all you knew about black people was the QHLa-I62y8M-00224-00056238-00056566 news uh movies and television shows I QHLa-I62y8M-00225-00056567-00056711 mean you you two would have a very QHLa-I62y8M-00226-00056712-00056975 limited view of black people I mean QHLa-I62y8M-00227-00056976-00057130 we're grateful that Rihanna got on that QHLa-I62y8M-00228-00057132-00057275 stage and and showed the world that you QHLa-I62y8M-00229-00057276-00057479 know hey hey when women can some stuff QHLa-I62y8M-00230-00057479-00057694 okay but at the same time that's one QHLa-I62y8M-00231-00057695-00057804 person QHLa-I62y8M-00232-00057805-00058144 one person so I mean and that's that QHLa-I62y8M-00233-00058145-00058307 that's the also the issue that we have QHLa-I62y8M-00234-00058308-00058487 why we need to teach black history QHLa-I62y8M-00235-00058488-00058726 because black people are always seen as QHLa-I62y8M-00236-00058727-00058949 exceptional you know okay well the these QHLa-I62y8M-00237-00058950-00059147 black people over here are okay but like QHLa-I62y8M-00238-00059148-00059332 I like I like the the MJS I like the QHLa-I62y8M-00239-00059333-00059459 Michael Jackson and then Michael Jordan QHLa-I62y8M-00240-00059460-00059657 but I you know this guy that across the QHLa-I62y8M-00241-00059658-00059771 street right here that looked kind of QHLa-I62y8M-00242-00059772-00059957 like him I don't know him so he he must QHLa-I62y8M-00243-00059958-00060130 be a criminal that's that's part of the QHLa-I62y8M-00244-00060132-00060257 reason why we need to teach black QHLa-I62y8M-00245-00060258-00060407 history so that everyone can feel QHLa-I62y8M-00246-00060408-00060611 empowered and I you know I just just see QHLa-I62y8M-00247-00060612-00060730 that that's a QHLa-I62y8M-00248-00060732-00060959 that's a major um Factor right there for QHLa-I62y8M-00249-00060960-00061157 us QHLa-I62y8M-00250-00061158-00061319 uh April did you want to add anything QHLa-I62y8M-00251-00061320-00061444 else on that QHLa-I62y8M-00252-00061445-00061666 no man y'all said it well QHLa-I62y8M-00253-00061667-00061861 all right then okay well guess what QHLa-I62y8M-00254-00061862-00062153 leads me to my next question okay what QHLa-I62y8M-00255-00062154-00062471 factors prevent black history from being QHLa-I62y8M-00256-00062472-00062711 taught in the classroom QHLa-I62y8M-00257-00062712-00062891 and I'm not and I'm gonna give the QHLa-I62y8M-00258-00062891-00063203 specific toward politics and it and the QHLa-I62y8M-00259-00063204-00063376 actual teacher so I want you to y'all to QHLa-I62y8M-00260-00063377-00063682 speak on that QHLa-I62y8M-00261-00063683-00063850 um I'm gonna say I'm gonna repeat this QHLa-I62y8M-00262-00063851-00063994 every week QHLa-I62y8M-00263-00063995-00064187 um because I hear this is this is kind QHLa-I62y8M-00264-00064188-00064432 of the refrain that we keep hearing QHLa-I62y8M-00265-00064433-00064606 um in general QHLa-I62y8M-00266-00064607-00064823 um that education shouldn't be political QHLa-I62y8M-00267-00064824-00065099 education you know we're not here to QHLa-I62y8M-00268-00065100-00065344 indoctrinate so let's be super clear QHLa-I62y8M-00269-00065345-00065717 education is always political it has QHLa-I62y8M-00270-00065718-00065969 always been political QHLa-I62y8M-00271-00065970-00066329 it hasn't always been outright up front QHLa-I62y8M-00272-00066330-00066569 out loud as it is right now QHLa-I62y8M-00273-00066570-00066869 right and like I like I keep thinking QHLa-I62y8M-00274-00066870-00067159 about you know certain groups that are QHLa-I62y8M-00275-00067160-00067517 moms for whatever insert whatever word QHLa-I62y8M-00276-00067518-00067781 you want to go oh it is a hundred QHLa-I62y8M-00277-00067782-00068038 percent political for them it's a QHLa-I62y8M-00278-00068039-00068249 hundred percent political that's why QHLa-I62y8M-00279-00068250-00068441 there was this big movement to have them QHLa-I62y8M-00280-00068442-00068609 elected to school boards QHLa-I62y8M-00281-00068610-00068837 to do political things QHLa-I62y8M-00282-00068838-00069065 right so it is 100 political so let's QHLa-I62y8M-00283-00069066-00069263 just establish that QHLa-I62y8M-00284-00069264-00069563 um but I I think one of the re the QHLa-I62y8M-00285-00069564-00069809 factors that prevent the so right like QHLa-I62y8M-00286-00069810-00070000 political means I have passed QHLa-I62y8M-00287-00070001-00070115 legislation and we're going to talk QHLa-I62y8M-00288-00070116-00070253 about that I know like in a little bit QHLa-I62y8M-00289-00070254-00070505 that prevents it from actually happening QHLa-I62y8M-00290-00070506-00070835 but I also wanted to bring up the idea QHLa-I62y8M-00291-00070836-00071194 of that there is a lack of knowledge QHLa-I62y8M-00292-00071195-00071488 in the adults that are running our QHLa-I62y8M-00293-00071489-00071813 school systems Beyond QHLa-I62y8M-00294-00071814-00072071 Martin Luther King Rosa Parks Harriet QHLa-I62y8M-00295-00072072-00072238 Tubman QHLa-I62y8M-00296-00072239-00072461 um we might get a baseball player thrown QHLa-I62y8M-00297-00072462-00072659 in Roberto Clemente like we might get QHLa-I62y8M-00298-00072660-00072959 that but like that's the Trinity of what QHLa-I62y8M-00299-00072960-00073229 people learn about black history in QHLa-I62y8M-00300-00073230-00073475 general in most of our schools and so QHLa-I62y8M-00301-00073476-00073787 when there is a lack of knowledge a QHLa-I62y8M-00302-00073788-00073894 teacher can't teach where they don't QHLa-I62y8M-00303-00073895-00073997 know QHLa-I62y8M-00304-00073998-00074309 you can't teach what you don't know and QHLa-I62y8M-00305-00074310-00074626 so I think that's what makes this QHLa-I62y8M-00306-00074627-00074903 particular movement QHLa-I62y8M-00307-00074904-00075191 moment in our in our system specifically QHLa-I62y8M-00308-00075192-00075491 here in Florida particularly QHLa-I62y8M-00309-00075492-00075755 um egregious is with the intentional QHLa-I62y8M-00310-00075756-00076169 silencing and erasing of black history QHLa-I62y8M-00311-00076170-00076361 um is that QHLa-I62y8M-00312-00076362-00076600 if we have then another generation of QHLa-I62y8M-00313-00076601-00076762 kids QHLa-I62y8M-00314-00076763-00077038 that grow up not learning it we have QHLa-I62y8M-00315-00077039-00077309 then repeated the cycle of having QHLa-I62y8M-00316-00077310-00077662 not knowledgeable adults right so it I QHLa-I62y8M-00317-00077663-00078103 think that is the part that is QHLa-I62y8M-00318-00078104-00078497 particularly harmful and again all done QHLa-I62y8M-00319-00078498-00078773 on purpose QHLa-I62y8M-00320-00078774-00078994 yeah absolutely because when you uh when QHLa-I62y8M-00321-00078995-00079312 you erase knowledge and when you you QHLa-I62y8M-00322-00079313-00079529 remove that and so now people know they QHLa-I62y8M-00323-00079530-00079697 have that sense of empowerment they QHLa-I62y8M-00324-00079698-00079888 don't know who they are to just just fit QHLa-I62y8M-00325-00079889-00080153 into whatever Society uh does to them QHLa-I62y8M-00326-00080154-00080332 and then they still can't understand why QHLa-I62y8M-00327-00080333-00080555 can't I make advances wait a minute it's QHLa-I62y8M-00328-00080556-00080693 something about this something I'm QHLa-I62y8M-00329-00080694-00080855 missing a key piece that I'm missing QHLa-I62y8M-00330-00080856-00081094 right there but but you you hit a very QHLa-I62y8M-00331-00081095-00081359 important topic it the adults themselves QHLa-I62y8M-00332-00081360-00081569 don't know how to teach black history QHLa-I62y8M-00333-00081570-00081779 and so that's that's a broader problem QHLa-I62y8M-00334-00081780-00081917 right there so that's why there's always QHLa-I62y8M-00335-00081918-00082121 that just like you said a trifecta okay QHLa-I62y8M-00336-00082122-00082282 always the same thing over and over QHLa-I62y8M-00337-00082283-00082444 again I'm telling you like today I don't QHLa-I62y8M-00338-00082445-00082637 want to hear about Martin Luther King or QHLa-I62y8M-00339-00082638-00082841 Rosa Parks this black history month I QHLa-I62y8M-00340-00082842-00083021 mean I don't I don't want it on my walls QHLa-I62y8M-00341-00083022-00083171 I don't want it anywhere we are going QHLa-I62y8M-00342-00083172-00083429 with everybody else outside of that QHLa-I62y8M-00343-00083430-00083561 Kevin can I get can I get a little QHLa-I62y8M-00344-00083562-00083693 Farrakhan or something like that can I QHLa-I62y8M-00345-00083694-00083855 get a little bit of Malcolm X I mean I QHLa-I62y8M-00346-00083856-00084149 just need somebody else that because the QHLa-I62y8M-00347-00084150-00084353 kids just don't know I mean and even so QHLa-I62y8M-00348-00084354-00084497 they don't even know about the African QHLa-I62y8M-00349-00084498-00084700 kings and queens they don't know about QHLa-I62y8M-00350-00084701-00084862 you know science test and they don't QHLa-I62y8M-00351-00084863-00085006 know about the doctors and they just QHLa-I62y8M-00352-00085007-00085175 don't know about engineers and they're QHLa-I62y8M-00353-00085176-00085337 saying we're at a stem school and many QHLa-I62y8M-00354-00085338-00085462 of them don't even understand that the QHLa-I62y8M-00355-00085463-00085691 name of the school the school was named QHLa-I62y8M-00356-00085692-00085961 after somebody was who's big on stem QHLa-I62y8M-00357-00085962-00086243 okay so it's just that that's the QHLa-I62y8M-00358-00086244-00086447 problem is that when you don't when you QHLa-I62y8M-00359-00086448-00086650 the teachers don't know they're they're QHLa-I62y8M-00360-00086651-00086759 just gonna stick with a little bit of QHLa-I62y8M-00361-00086760-00086938 information that they have and that goes QHLa-I62y8M-00362-00086939-00087100 now that takes you all the way back over QHLa-I62y8M-00363-00087101-00087382 to you know the inclusiveness and having QHLa-I62y8M-00364-00087383-00087532 people really being able to say Hey QHLa-I62y8M-00365-00087533-00087665 listen I need you to understand the QHLa-I62y8M-00366-00087666-00087899 diversity that's taking place in your QHLa-I62y8M-00367-00087900-00088073 classroom and that you should also be QHLa-I62y8M-00368-00088074-00088355 just as diverse and April I want you to QHLa-I62y8M-00369-00088356-00088762 jump in QHLa-I62y8M-00370-00088763-00089111 so QHLa-I62y8M-00371-00089112-00089500 as I already said it's political so in QHLa-I62y8M-00372-00089501-00089626 that QHLa-I62y8M-00373-00089627-00089867 minorities do not represent the majority QHLa-I62y8M-00374-00089868-00090023 in power QHLa-I62y8M-00375-00090024-00090317 to make decisions as it relates to this QHLa-I62y8M-00376-00090318-00090432 whole QHLa-I62y8M-00377-00090433-00090647 hodgepodge of foolishness that's what QHLa-I62y8M-00378-00090648-00090965 that's all it is just foolishness then QHLa-I62y8M-00379-00090966-00091253 um unfortunately QHLa-I62y8M-00380-00091254-00091511 we're going to be settling into this QHLa-I62y8M-00381-00091512-00091787 and and have to figure out how to QHLa-I62y8M-00382-00091788-00091931 navigate QHLa-I62y8M-00383-00091932-00092188 a new way that's just the bottom line QHLa-I62y8M-00384-00092189-00092447 because QHLa-I62y8M-00385-00092448-00092741 the root of why we got here has QHLa-I62y8M-00386-00092742-00092950 literally has nothing to do with QHLa-I62y8M-00387-00092951-00093137 any of the decisions that's being made QHLa-I62y8M-00388-00093138-00093412 it's just a to me it's just revengeful QHLa-I62y8M-00389-00093413-00093731 they just want to seek revenge for um QHLa-I62y8M-00390-00093732-00093923 the former president that was in office QHLa-I62y8M-00391-00093924-00094199 and you know I'm not a political person QHLa-I62y8M-00392-00094200-00094468 I just kind of look for people to do QHLa-I62y8M-00393-00094469-00094768 what's right for the majority and it QHLa-I62y8M-00394-00094769-00095093 just has not worked out in my favor yet QHLa-I62y8M-00395-00095094-00095459 so with that being said um unfortunately QHLa-I62y8M-00396-00095460-00095632 we're going to be have to learn how to QHLa-I62y8M-00397-00095633-00095843 settle in this and learn how to navigate QHLa-I62y8M-00398-00095844-00096047 indifferently but as it relates to the QHLa-I62y8M-00399-00096048-00096173 classroom QHLa-I62y8M-00400-00096174-00096479 I'm not a um literacy teacher I'm not a QHLa-I62y8M-00401-00096480-00096982 history teacher I teach math but again QHLa-I62y8M-00402-00096983-00097265 even in the classroom there are moments QHLa-I62y8M-00403-00097266-00097517 where I can bring forth and I always do QHLa-I62y8M-00404-00097518-00097762 about something historical that QHLa-I62y8M-00405-00097763-00097925 African-American people done what we QHLa-I62y8M-00406-00097926-00098129 brought to the table and even with QHLa-I62y8M-00407-00098130-00098297 Hispanic um QHLa-I62y8M-00408-00098298-00098579 people as well and anytime those QHLa-I62y8M-00409-00098580-00098723 opportunities QHLa-I62y8M-00410-00098724-00098932 um afford themselves to present QHLa-I62y8M-00411-00098933-00099149 themselves I just do it and it's natural QHLa-I62y8M-00412-00099150-00099371 for me because I'm trying to do what's QHLa-I62y8M-00413-00099372-00099593 best for all children it's that's that's QHLa-I62y8M-00414-00099594-00099838 my nature all children QHLa-I62y8M-00415-00099839-00100115 I don't hand pick to say what's best for QHLa-I62y8M-00416-00100116-00100223 black children QHLa-I62y8M-00417-00100224-00100409 I don't have people say what's best for QHLa-I62y8M-00418-00100410-00100691 girls I had picked to say what's best QHLa-I62y8M-00419-00100692-00100900 for all children that's gonna be for the QHLa-I62y8M-00420-00100901-00101093 betterment of when they become young QHLa-I62y8M-00421-00101094-00101387 adults and then adults so that it QHLa-I62y8M-00422-00101388-00101573 doesn't have that undertone of teaching QHLa-I62y8M-00423-00101574-00101771 hate because realistically that's what's QHLa-I62y8M-00424-00101772-00101981 happening there's an undertone of hate QHLa-I62y8M-00425-00101982-00102209 being taught and it's supposed to be QHLa-I62y8M-00426-00102210-00102425 it's being presented as though they're QHLa-I62y8M-00427-00102426-00102647 trying to prevent it it's a preventative QHLa-I62y8M-00428-00102648-00102886 measure but that's not what it's doing QHLa-I62y8M-00429-00102888-00103253 it's doing the actual opposite QHLa-I62y8M-00430-00103254-00103540 agreed agree and um and you know the QHLa-I62y8M-00431-00103541-00103739 additional factors like you mentioned QHLa-I62y8M-00432-00103740-00103925 and answered the other moms all the QHLa-I62y8M-00433-00103926-00104182 these moms who are opposed to this and QHLa-I62y8M-00434-00104183-00104351 opposed to that and and it's all about QHLa-I62y8M-00435-00104352-00104644 the sensitivity and what presenting what QHLa-I62y8M-00436-00104645-00104836 they consider uh non-factual information QHLa-I62y8M-00437-00104838-00105040 uh we're gonna where you are gonna get QHLa-I62y8M-00438-00105041-00105215 down because there is a question that I QHLa-I62y8M-00439-00105216-00105358 have for you all that you know really QHLa-I62y8M-00440-00105359-00105557 we're going to jump into that one a QHLa-I62y8M-00441-00105558-00105725 little bit later but but you're right I QHLa-I62y8M-00442-00105726-00106060 mean um in terms of people using using QHLa-I62y8M-00443-00106061-00106289 education as an actual platform QHLa-I62y8M-00444-00106290-00106721 to promote their political agenda QHLa-I62y8M-00445-00106722-00106954 but um you can do it with something else QHLa-I62y8M-00446-00106955-00107147 because education is not something to be QHLa-I62y8M-00447-00107148-00107315 taken likely a man with when you that's QHLa-I62y8M-00448-00107316-00107434 one thing you can't take away from QHLa-I62y8M-00449-00107435-00107627 somebody's their education but guess QHLa-I62y8M-00450-00107628-00107777 what when you do take away their QHLa-I62y8M-00451-00107778-00107986 education you're you're crippling them QHLa-I62y8M-00452-00107988-00108245 as a as a well-rounded individual and QHLa-I62y8M-00453-00108246-00108443 and like I said uh to Echo what the QHLa-I62y8M-00454-00108444-00108616 sentiment that April said QHLa-I62y8M-00455-00108617-00108851 um this is for all children when you QHLa-I62y8M-00456-00108852-00109127 introduce books into the curriculum that QHLa-I62y8M-00457-00109128-00109301 uh that that are appealing to all QHLa-I62y8M-00458-00109302-00109439 children doesn't matter what color that QHLa-I62y8M-00459-00109440-00109613 they the main character is but that book QHLa-I62y8M-00460-00109614-00109751 is then now appealing to everyone and QHLa-I62y8M-00461-00109752-00109871 you can start to see people in different QHLa-I62y8M-00462-00109872-00110152 lights that's why I love books of all QHLa-I62y8M-00463-00110153-00110393 types because now kids can see QHLa-I62y8M-00464-00110394-00110686 themselves in the books that are in the QHLa-I62y8M-00465-00110688-00110860 room and you know it's hard for children QHLa-I62y8M-00466-00110861-00111071 to make connections when they don't see QHLa-I62y8M-00467-00111072-00111245 themselves at all and then that's that's QHLa-I62y8M-00468-00111246-00111395 the thing right there that's that's the QHLa-I62y8M-00469-00111396-00111557 problem imagine you know this is us QHLa-I62y8M-00470-00111558-00111683 growing up when you grew up and QHLa-I62y8M-00471-00111683-00111886 everything on TV was pretty much white QHLa-I62y8M-00472-00111888-00112054 and it's like well where do I see myself QHLa-I62y8M-00473-00112055-00112271 which is the reason why it's such a good QHLa-I62y8M-00474-00112272-00112504 time in in in just in I guess for QHLa-I62y8M-00475-00112505-00112673 entertainment because you're starting to QHLa-I62y8M-00476-00112674-00112847 see a lot of of black characters out QHLa-I62y8M-00477-00112848-00113093 there that are more than just okay a QHLa-I62y8M-00478-00113094-00113327 drug dealer a pimp a prostitute you know QHLa-I62y8M-00479-00113328-00113543 that that's it they are actually you QHLa-I62y8M-00480-00113544-00113704 know superheroes now you know and so QHLa-I62y8M-00481-00113705-00113854 that's this is where we want our QHLa-I62y8M-00482-00113855-00114107 children to to be exposed to that and QHLa-I62y8M-00483-00114108-00114263 it's it's sad to say that Hollywood is QHLa-I62y8M-00484-00114264-00114640 is taking a a cue but yet education here QHLa-I62y8M-00485-00114641-00114886 in Florida is not so you know you're how QHLa-I62y8M-00486-00114888-00115078 are you validating a child's self-worth QHLa-I62y8M-00487-00115079-00115265 by you know showing them that so that's QHLa-I62y8M-00488-00115266-00115397 that's you know pretty much where we're QHLa-I62y8M-00489-00115398-00115690 at with that but um now let me let me QHLa-I62y8M-00490-00115691-00115823 ask this question oppose this question QHLa-I62y8M-00491-00115824-00116134 to you ladies so what can Educators do QHLa-I62y8M-00492-00116135-00116357 to embrace and and make their classroom QHLa-I62y8M-00493-00116358-00116597 more inclusive to African-American QHLa-I62y8M-00494-00116598-00116813 language to studies everything in the QHLa-I62y8M-00495-00116814-00117160 classroom what can they do QHLa-I62y8M-00496-00117161-00117551 I mean I I would always start with QHLa-I62y8M-00497-00117552-00117701 you know because I want to be realistic QHLa-I62y8M-00498-00117702-00117958 about this answer right like there are QHLa-I62y8M-00499-00117959-00118228 people that are genuinely in fear for QHLa-I62y8M-00500-00118229-00118475 losing their jobs and and that there are QHLa-I62y8M-00501-00118476-00118708 groups of people that will you know go QHLa-I62y8M-00502-00118709-00118889 after teachers so I don't I don't want QHLa-I62y8M-00503-00118890-00119147 to be flippant about this response QHLa-I62y8M-00504-00119148-00119471 so my first part of that response is QHLa-I62y8M-00505-00119472-00119783 what they need to do is read this read QHLa-I62y8M-00506-00119783-00120047 the law read the legislation read the QHLa-I62y8M-00507-00120048-00120401 statute and recognize what you can and QHLa-I62y8M-00508-00120402-00120652 can't do and what it says QHLa-I62y8M-00509-00120653-00120857 and QHLa-I62y8M-00510-00120858-00121121 and you know so I'm thinking you know QHLa-I62y8M-00511-00121122-00121373 like just the one that comes to mind is QHLa-I62y8M-00512-00121374-00121547 make sure you read House Bill seven QHLa-I62y8M-00513-00121548-00121786 right because that's the one about the QHLa-I62y8M-00514-00121788-00121936 individual freedom QHLa-I62y8M-00515-00121938-00122231 and then reading QHLa-I62y8M-00516-00122232-00122321 um QHLa-I62y8M-00517-00122322-00122465 I mean QHLa-I62y8M-00518-00122466-00122657 I I think they should read House Bill QHLa-I62y8M-00519-00122658-00122866 241 it's really that's the parents Bill QHLa-I62y8M-00520-00122867-00123071 of Rights one but they should read it so QHLa-I62y8M-00521-00123072-00123310 they understand what can come after them QHLa-I62y8M-00522-00123311-00123563 if that makes any sense QHLa-I62y8M-00523-00123564-00123881 but you know even thinking about how QHLa-I62y8M-00524-00123882-00124084 spill seven let me see because I've got QHLa-I62y8M-00525-00124085-00124295 the language right here QHLa-I62y8M-00526-00124296-00124684 the bill authorizes discussion and QHLa-I62y8M-00527-00124685-00124925 curricula in an age-appropriate manner QHLa-I62y8M-00528-00124926-00125219 regarding topics such as sexism slavery QHLa-I62y8M-00529-00125220-00125519 racial oppression racial segregation and QHLa-I62y8M-00530-00125520-00125747 racial discrimination QHLa-I62y8M-00531-00125748-00126040 okay so you can't not talk about they're QHLa-I62y8M-00532-00126041-00126233 not telling you you can't not talk about QHLa-I62y8M-00533-00126233-00126460 it here's the however right because QHLa-I62y8M-00534-00126461-00126658 that's always the author's clue of oh QHLa-I62y8M-00535-00126659-00126893 but there's this other thing however the QHLa-I62y8M-00536-00126894-00127084 bill specifies that instruction and QHLa-I62y8M-00537-00127085-00127301 curricula may not be used to QHLa-I62y8M-00538-00127302-00127547 indoctrinate or persuade students to a QHLa-I62y8M-00539-00127548-00127702 particular point of view QHLa-I62y8M-00540-00127703-00127852 so QHLa-I62y8M-00541-00127853-00128110 the conversations need to happen the QHLa-I62y8M-00542-00128111-00128452 accurate history can be taught it QHLa-I62y8M-00543-00128453-00128831 happened it was what it was right QHLa-I62y8M-00544-00128832-00129125 um I I think it's it's learning what QHLa-I62y8M-00545-00129126-00129347 language and being aware of the language QHLa-I62y8M-00546-00129348-00129725 that we're using so for example if I am QHLa-I62y8M-00547-00129726-00130014 a teacher and I'm talking about QHLa-I62y8M-00548-00130015-00130481 insert any I don't know anything right I QHLa-I62y8M-00549-00130482-00130660 don't have to call it racist QHLa-I62y8M-00550-00130661-00131002 all I have to do is provide kids QHLa-I62y8M-00551-00131003-00131290 here are the facts tell me what you QHLa-I62y8M-00552-00131291-00131585 think about that and they will QHLa-I62y8M-00553-00131586-00131866 yeah oh yes that's a question so it's QHLa-I62y8M-00554-00131867-00132004 you know like I said I'm really trying QHLa-I62y8M-00555-00132005-00132190 not to be flippant because it's a hot QHLa-I62y8M-00556-00132191-00132413 mess and that is and that's being nice QHLa-I62y8M-00557-00132414-00132652 about it but it is those two things it QHLa-I62y8M-00558-00132653-00132814 is understanding what the the QHLa-I62y8M-00559-00132815-00133121 legislation says and then what language QHLa-I62y8M-00560-00133122-00133528 am I using when I present these things QHLa-I62y8M-00561-00133529-00133745 so that nobody you know no kid can QHLa-I62y8M-00562-00133746-00133919 record you and go back and say you know QHLa-I62y8M-00563-00133920-00134099 they were trying to indoctrinate me or QHLa-I62y8M-00564-00134100-00134201 whomever QHLa-I62y8M-00565-00134202-00134573 all right April but the average child QHLa-I62y8M-00566-00134574-00134749 I'm just trying to wait for the moment QHLa-I62y8M-00567-00134750-00135011 well a child would say oh they tried to QHLa-I62y8M-00568-00135012-00135269 make me think that this is what they QHLa-I62y8M-00569-00135270-00135563 wanted me to believe or indoctrine QHLa-I62y8M-00570-00135564-00135971 where is that happening at where QHLa-I62y8M-00571-00135972-00136085 I was like we've been trying to QHLa-I62y8M-00572-00136086-00136259 indoctrinate them to get like work done QHLa-I62y8M-00573-00136260-00136516 for years QHLa-I62y8M-00574-00136517-00137490 foreign QHLa-I62y8M-00575-00137491-00137681 pencils already I just want to let you QHLa-I62y8M-00576-00137682-00137890 know a thousand but if I am not QHLa-I62y8M-00577-00137891-00138071 indoctrinated them everybody would have QHLa-I62y8M-00578-00138072-00138652 them in class right right so if we're if QHLa-I62y8M-00579-00138653-00138935 we're that good at being if we were that QHLa-I62y8M-00580-00138936-00139259 good at being persuased persuasive we QHLa-I62y8M-00581-00139260-00139499 would not be where we're at so I surely QHLa-I62y8M-00582-00139500-00139799 don't think we have time to QHLa-I62y8M-00583-00139800-00140128 I'm done y'all can hear y'all with that QHLa-I62y8M-00584-00140129-00140389 question QHLa-I62y8M-00585-00140390-00140639 if I indoctrinated the kids I mean I QHLa-I62y8M-00586-00140640-00140795 would have a Starbucks every day as soon QHLa-I62y8M-00587-00140796-00140981 as I walked in the door here you go Miss QHLa-I62y8M-00588-00140982-00141199 thank you for being my favorite teacher QHLa-I62y8M-00589-00141200-00141466 that's really Dr Nation but that has to QHLa-I62y8M-00590-00141467-00141569 happen right QHLa-I62y8M-00591-00141570-00141737 all I want them to do is just no QHLa-I62y8M-00592-00141738-00142001 multiplication facts and how to regroup QHLa-I62y8M-00593-00142002-00142187 and you know borrow properly I want to QHLa-I62y8M-00594-00142188-00142331 indoctrinate that QHLa-I62y8M-00595-00142332-00142535 and good behaviors QHLa-I62y8M-00596-00142536-00142799 not to punch slap kick your friends oh QHLa-I62y8M-00597-00142800-00143087 my friends absolutely that is he's a QHLa-I62y8M-00598-00143088-00143449 human just be a good human right yes QHLa-I62y8M-00599-00143450-00143711 in school just just follow the rule and QHLa-I62y8M-00600-00143712-00143849 that that's the thing and then no no QHLa-I62y8M-00601-00143850-00144173 look keeping in terms with that QHLa-I62y8M-00602-00144174-00144335 we're gonna just switch a little bit QHLa-I62y8M-00603-00144336-00144575 with the language right QHLa-I62y8M-00604-00144576-00144737 um understanding being able to QHLa-I62y8M-00605-00144738-00144881 understand even though we might not QHLa-I62y8M-00606-00144882-00145037 understand every single single bit of QHLa-I62y8M-00607-00145038-00145175 slang that comes out of the kid's mouth QHLa-I62y8M-00608-00145176-00145319 but just being able to understand QHLa-I62y8M-00609-00145320-00145552 sometimes they're going to speak in in a QHLa-I62y8M-00610-00145553-00145757 turn in uh using terminology that you QHLa-I62y8M-00611-00145758-00145954 know you may not get I think some QHLa-I62y8M-00612-00145955-00146147 teachers become offended but you have to QHLa-I62y8M-00613-00146148-00146302 realize you have to just try try your QHLa-I62y8M-00614-00146303-00146543 best to learn the student's language I QHLa-I62y8M-00615-00146544-00146693 mean this is just just how they talk you QHLa-I62y8M-00616-00146694-00146866 know and I'm not gonna I'm not talking QHLa-I62y8M-00617-00146867-00146969 about profanity I'm just talking about QHLa-I62y8M-00618-00146970-00147089 sometimes they just come with some stuff QHLa-I62y8M-00619-00147090-00147263 that's cat you know it took me a minute QHLa-I62y8M-00620-00147264-00147401 I'm like that's capitalist thing for QHLa-I62y8M-00621-00147402-00147616 cabinet okay okay all right QHLa-I62y8M-00622-00147617-00147863 yeah it's crazy okay all right so QHLa-I62y8M-00623-00147864-00148054 sometimes you just have to understand if QHLa-I62y8M-00624-00148055-00148240 you start to make yourself available QHLa-I62y8M-00625-00148241-00148433 make yourself teachable to some of the QHLa-I62y8M-00626-00148434-00148564 things that they're saying and then you QHLa-I62y8M-00627-00148565-00148816 can you yourself can then translate it QHLa-I62y8M-00628-00148817-00148997 into how appropriate language should be QHLa-I62y8M-00629-00148998-00149111 spoken in the classroom that's that's QHLa-I62y8M-00630-00149112-00149278 the key because I think that's where the QHLa-I62y8M-00631-00149279-00149495 biases um lie as well with with some QHLa-I62y8M-00632-00149496-00149614 teachers because they'll they'll just QHLa-I62y8M-00633-00149615-00149740 like oh I just dismissed the child QHLa-I62y8M-00634-00149741-00149831 because they don't think the child QHLa-I62y8M-00635-00149832-00149969 speaks speaks the language that you want QHLa-I62y8M-00636-00149970-00150149 them to speak so that's a big that's a QHLa-I62y8M-00637-00150150-00150352 big issue right there but um I think QHLa-I62y8M-00638-00150353-00150604 that um in terms of for me personally in QHLa-I62y8M-00639-00150605-00150839 terms of making things more um inclusive QHLa-I62y8M-00640-00150840-00151085 in the classroom for as a reading QHLa-I62y8M-00641-00151086-00151313 teacher I always try to have as many QHLa-I62y8M-00642-00151314-00151511 different types of books in the QHLa-I62y8M-00643-00151512-00151714 classroom I mean there was uh there's a QHLa-I62y8M-00644-00151715-00151859 book that we well the story that we QHLa-I62y8M-00645-00151860-00152081 recently uh read which was a uh QHLa-I62y8M-00646-00152082-00152428 Algonquin Indian Cinderella tale well we QHLa-I62y8M-00647-00152429-00152747 also follow I also found an African uh QHLa-I62y8M-00648-00152748-00152902 Cinderella tale called mafaro's QHLa-I62y8M-00649-00152903-00153161 beautiful daughters and um and I wanted QHLa-I62y8M-00650-00153162-00153311 to make sure that they said you see up QHLa-I62y8M-00651-00153312-00153454 there's so many versions Asian version QHLa-I62y8M-00652-00153455-00153575 there's a British version there's QHLa-I62y8M-00653-00153576-00153719 different I said you see how many QHLa-I62y8M-00654-00153720-00153887 versions of this one particular story QHLa-I62y8M-00655-00153888-00154078 because it's there's like 700 versions QHLa-I62y8M-00656-00154079-00154390 across the um the world it tells the QHLa-I62y8M-00657-00154391-00154613 same tale same theme same characters but QHLa-I62y8M-00658-00154614-00154726 look at how we can look at it from QHLa-I62y8M-00659-00154727-00154864 different cultural different cultural QHLa-I62y8M-00660-00154865-00155087 perspectives so that would be um QHLa-I62y8M-00661-00155088-00155231 something that you know for reading QHLa-I62y8M-00662-00155232-00155423 language arts you know just anyone you QHLa-I62y8M-00663-00155424-00155597 can bring those those Concepts and those QHLa-I62y8M-00664-00155598-00155801 ideas in and even in the principles of QHLa-I62y8M-00665-00155802-00155987 stem going to talk about engineering you QHLa-I62y8M-00666-00155988-00156178 can say well hey this this company built QHLa-I62y8M-00667-00156179-00156311 this particular windmill but that's also QHLa-I62y8M-00668-00156312-00156478 a little boy in Africa who built a QHLa-I62y8M-00669-00156479-00156659 windmill from just scraps and and look QHLa-I62y8M-00670-00156660-00156839 at how he was able to do that and and QHLa-I62y8M-00671-00156840-00157090 his engineering and genius mindset is QHLa-I62y8M-00672-00157091-00157264 what he was able to do so that's that's QHLa-I62y8M-00673-00157265-00157457 a big thing and for for what I would QHLa-I62y8M-00674-00157458-00157601 look at in terms of how I would bring QHLa-I62y8M-00675-00157602-00157840 that inclusiveness into the classroom uh QHLa-I62y8M-00676-00157841-00158063 when it comes to to language and African QHLa-I62y8M-00677-00158064-00158326 um culture African history okay QHLa-I62y8M-00678-00158327-00158704 so so what um so you tell me and I I QHLa-I62y8M-00679-00158705-00158831 think I always throw this question out QHLa-I62y8M-00680-00158832-00159059 there uh what is the ideal classroom QHLa-I62y8M-00681-00159060-00159166 look like QHLa-I62y8M-00682-00159167-00159443 and then what in terms of well no let me QHLa-I62y8M-00683-00159444-00159575 not say anything I'm just gonna say what QHLa-I62y8M-00684-00159576-00159797 do you think an ideal classroom would QHLa-I62y8M-00685-00159798-00160169 look like QHLa-I62y8M-00686-00160170-00160354 are you meaning like the makeup of the QHLa-I62y8M-00687-00160355-00160511 children are you talking about the QHLa-I62y8M-00688-00160512-00160709 resources in the class what do you mean QHLa-I62y8M-00689-00160710-00160969 I mean I'm thinking more lines of QHLa-I62y8M-00690-00160970-00161309 resources as well as the educator you QHLa-I62y8M-00691-00161310-00161519 know how how the how the material is QHLa-I62y8M-00692-00161520-00161776 presented things like that well that's QHLa-I62y8M-00693-00161777-00162125 going to vary like for instance at my QHLa-I62y8M-00694-00162126-00162395 school site even though my school is not QHLa-I62y8M-00695-00162396-00162719 my my school is not in the inner city my QHLa-I62y8M-00696-00162720-00163157 school site demographics make up is our QHLa-I62y8M-00697-00163158-00163385 inner city children QHLa-I62y8M-00698-00163386-00163654 so what my school what what the typical QHLa-I62y8M-00699-00163655-00163925 classroom should look like is you know QHLa-I62y8M-00700-00163926-00164231 some shades of brown and the imagery QHLa-I62y8M-00701-00164232-00164483 posters that are you know displayed in QHLa-I62y8M-00702-00164484-00164723 the classroom throughout the hallways QHLa-I62y8M-00703-00164724-00164885 you know QHLa-I62y8M-00704-00164886-00164963 um QHLa-I62y8M-00705-00164964-00165659 foreign QHLa-I62y8M-00706-00165660-00165887 I just think that QHLa-I62y8M-00707-00165888-00166102 when you enter a space the room should QHLa-I62y8M-00708-00166103-00166307 not look like your home it should look QHLa-I62y8M-00709-00166308-00166619 like a collective body of our home QHLa-I62y8M-00710-00166620-00166859 and unfortunately that doesn't always QHLa-I62y8M-00711-00166860-00167140 happen like yes the flowers in the room QHLa-I62y8M-00712-00167141-00167423 and the decor is nice but the kids QHLa-I62y8M-00713-00167424-00167681 should walk in and feel like this is our QHLa-I62y8M-00714-00167682-00167981 classroom not just my class not just the QHLa-I62y8M-00715-00167982-00168185 teacher's space where you all visit QHLa-I62y8M-00716-00168186-00168473 momentarily and unfortunately that QHLa-I62y8M-00717-00168474-00168839 doesn't always appear to be happening QHLa-I62y8M-00718-00168840-00169114 and that might be because some teachers QHLa-I62y8M-00719-00169115-00169337 just come and QHLa-I62y8M-00720-00169338-00169552 they teach and they leave there's no QHLa-I62y8M-00721-00169553-00169781 connections to the children that they're QHLa-I62y8M-00722-00169782-00169907 serving QHLa-I62y8M-00723-00169908-00170063 um their colleagues that they work with QHLa-I62y8M-00724-00170064-00170333 it's just the extra funds that might be QHLa-I62y8M-00725-00170334-00170483 because they work at this specific QHLa-I62y8M-00726-00170484-00170609 School QHLa-I62y8M-00727-00170610-00170885 and it also could be simply because they QHLa-I62y8M-00728-00170886-00171040 were placed there and they didn't want QHLa-I62y8M-00729-00171041-00171287 to be there but because they were cut QHLa-I62y8M-00730-00171288-00171478 their position was cut at another school QHLa-I62y8M-00731-00171479-00171731 so now I'm just here I'm not gonna act QHLa-I62y8M-00732-00171732-00171863 like I want to be here I'm not putting QHLa-I62y8M-00733-00171864-00172043 nothing on the walls I'm not going to QHLa-I62y8M-00734-00172044-00172319 make the kids feel as though this is our QHLa-I62y8M-00735-00172320-00172433 space QHLa-I62y8M-00736-00172434-00172733 and resources once again should align QHLa-I62y8M-00737-00172734-00172901 with what the needs of the children are QHLa-I62y8M-00738-00172902-00173231 yes academics are important I get that QHLa-I62y8M-00739-00173232-00173537 that's the first priority of school QHLa-I62y8M-00740-00173538-00173969 however if the child lacks food QHLa-I62y8M-00741-00173970-00174437 safety clothing shelter none of that QHLa-I62y8M-00742-00174438-00174737 matters none of it because they're going QHLa-I62y8M-00743-00174738-00174952 to enter into the space where all those QHLa-I62y8M-00744-00174953-00175121 things on their mind that's at the front QHLa-I62y8M-00745-00175122-00175345 of their mind so again QHLa-I62y8M-00746-00175346-00175619 resources wraparound resources are a QHLa-I62y8M-00747-00175620-00175888 necessity at some schools more so than QHLa-I62y8M-00748-00175889-00176159 others all School Chef some format a QHLa-I62y8M-00749-00176160-00176447 wrap around but some schools need more QHLa-I62y8M-00750-00176448-00176723 parts than others and y'all know I could QHLa-I62y8M-00751-00176724-00176902 go on and on with that because that's my QHLa-I62y8M-00752-00176903-00177119 passion but I'm gonna leave it there but QHLa-I62y8M-00753-00177120-00177269 I do think that QHLa-I62y8M-00754-00177270-00177588 some of my colleagues QHLa-I62y8M-00755-00177589-00177821 district-wide could definitely do a QHLa-I62y8M-00756-00177822-00178097 better job with creating a more invited QHLa-I62y8M-00757-00178098-00178264 environment where when they walk in the QHLa-I62y8M-00758-00178265-00178564 room it looks like QHLa-I62y8M-00759-00178565-00178859 that I'm glad to see you here today I QHLa-I62y8M-00760-00178860-00179075 fuss every day now but they do know that QHLa-I62y8M-00761-00179076-00179261 I love them and I'm glad to see you're QHLa-I62y8M-00762-00179262-00179428 here and when they're not there I want QHLa-I62y8M-00763-00179429-00179687 to know what happened where you've been QHLa-I62y8M-00764-00179688-00179885 and so what about that what about that QHLa-I62y8M-00765-00179886-00180052 question QHLa-I62y8M-00766-00180053-00180238 so so obviously I would second QHLa-I62y8M-00767-00180239-00180407 everything that y'all talked about is QHLa-I62y8M-00768-00180408-00180563 you know especially through the lens of QHLa-I62y8M-00769-00180564-00180785 of literacy Denise QHLa-I62y8M-00770-00180786-00181078 um you know that I like to joke like and QHLa-I62y8M-00771-00181079-00181264 nobody's getting a medal for it but like QHLa-I62y8M-00772-00181265-00181576 at the very least can we have books that QHLa-I62y8M-00773-00181577-00181913 represent the kids that we serve or that QHLa-I62y8M-00774-00181914-00182171 are in this like nation and world like QHLa-I62y8M-00775-00182172-00182452 ah right uh QHLa-I62y8M-00776-00182453-00182609 um so at the very least we should have QHLa-I62y8M-00777-00182610-00182699 that QHLa-I62y8M-00778-00182700-00183035 um but I I think you know uh April was QHLa-I62y8M-00779-00183036-00183238 sharing something and it made me think QHLa-I62y8M-00780-00183239-00183425 of the idea of QHLa-I62y8M-00781-00183426-00183695 that there should be so much evidence QHLa-I62y8M-00782-00183696-00184102 that children are in this space QHLa-I62y8M-00783-00184103-00184433 so evidence of children's learning and QHLa-I62y8M-00784-00184434-00184685 thoughts and words and that they have QHLa-I62y8M-00785-00184686-00185152 had input into what would make me feel QHLa-I62y8M-00786-00185153-00185363 like being here QHLa-I62y8M-00787-00185364-00185543 right like when is the last time that QHLa-I62y8M-00788-00185544-00185728 we've ever asked kids hey you have to QHLa-I62y8M-00789-00185729-00185975 come to this space for 180 days QHLa-I62y8M-00790-00185976-00186316 like what would you want it to be QHLa-I62y8M-00791-00186317-00186533 right and so that whole idea of like QHLa-I62y8M-00792-00186534-00186925 access and choice and input into QHLa-I62y8M-00793-00186926-00187181 essentially what they're being forced to QHLa-I62y8M-00794-00187182-00187402 do and then you know and I will include QHLa-I62y8M-00795-00187403-00187540 myself in this sometimes like you know QHLa-I62y8M-00796-00187541-00187709 we complain about oh they're not engaged QHLa-I62y8M-00797-00187710-00187943 they're not well no kidding because they QHLa-I62y8M-00798-00187944-00188226 don't have any choice over anything QHLa-I62y8M-00799-00188227-00188651 anything at all and so you know it's and QHLa-I62y8M-00800-00188652-00188837 it's it's a sweet spot right it's not QHLa-I62y8M-00801-00188838-00189161 just Mayhem but it really is taking into QHLa-I62y8M-00802-00189162-00189425 consideration what are we trying to do QHLa-I62y8M-00803-00189426-00189563 here we're all going to live in this QHLa-I62y8M-00804-00189564-00189743 space and you know it's going back to QHLa-I62y8M-00805-00189744-00190051 what April said about QHLa-I62y8M-00806-00190052-00190421 Educators over the last you know two to QHLa-I62y8M-00807-00190422-00190654 three decades like we have to fix QHLa-I62y8M-00808-00190655-00190757 everything QHLa-I62y8M-00809-00190758-00190985 we have to fix everything that Society QHLa-I62y8M-00810-00190986-00191381 is not willing to fix poverty hunger all QHLa-I62y8M-00811-00191382-00191645 of it so okay if we're gonna do that QHLa-I62y8M-00812-00191646-00191897 then just give us the resources I'll let QHLa-I62y8M-00813-00191898-00192083 them eat in class I don't care but don't QHLa-I62y8M-00814-00192084-00192340 make me pay for it right like it's but QHLa-I62y8M-00815-00192341-00192521 it's crazy so I would have all those QHLa-I62y8M-00816-00192522-00192635 things QHLa-I62y8M-00817-00192636-00192875 all those things QHLa-I62y8M-00818-00192876-00193102 and I want to add one thing for it as QHLa-I62y8M-00819-00193103-00193288 well and these ladies do pay for it I'm QHLa-I62y8M-00820-00193289-00193523 just saying like yeah QHLa-I62y8M-00821-00193524-00193873 so one additional thing so for example QHLa-I62y8M-00822-00193874-00194093 we do something called lunch you learn QHLa-I62y8M-00823-00194094-00194243 at my school site and I'll go to school QHLa-I62y8M-00824-00194244-00194440 a lot of school sites do it for whatever QHLa-I62y8M-00825-00194441-00194638 reason but our initial reason started QHLa-I62y8M-00826-00194639-00194878 out because we wanted to make sure that QHLa-I62y8M-00827-00194879-00195131 we capture those students QHLa-I62y8M-00828-00195132-00195347 um that need additional supports and um QHLa-I62y8M-00829-00195348-00195551 strands that they did not demonstrate QHLa-I62y8M-00830-00195552-00195664 proficiency QHLa-I62y8M-00831-00195665-00195978 foreign QHLa-I62y8M-00832-00195979-00196252 it's like pulling teeth to get them QHLa-I62y8M-00833-00196253-00196390 there QHLa-I62y8M-00834-00196391-00196625 at the first couple of times QHLa-I62y8M-00835-00196626-00196883 it's like a punishment like you need to QHLa-I62y8M-00836-00196884-00197123 come because you were absent we want to QHLa-I62y8M-00837-00197124-00197326 make sure you get caught up because you QHLa-I62y8M-00838-00197327-00197476 did poorly on the test that you need to QHLa-I62y8M-00839-00197477-00197723 do corrections because QHLa-I62y8M-00840-00197724-00198035 so once you get Beyond QHLa-I62y8M-00841-00198036-00198323 them understanding that this is not a QHLa-I62y8M-00842-00198324-00198635 punishment this is to help you do better QHLa-I62y8M-00843-00198636-00198911 in front for yourself number one and QHLa-I62y8M-00844-00198912-00199175 then show um that your peers that you're QHLa-I62y8M-00845-00199176-00199373 you're getting this more so QHLa-I62y8M-00846-00199374-00199600 so where's that that you having constant QHLa-I62y8M-00847-00199601-00199895 behavior issues so now I can't get rid QHLa-I62y8M-00848-00199896-00200231 of them they they beg for lunch and QHLa-I62y8M-00849-00200232-00200452 learn I'll be like I only want I started QHLa-I62y8M-00850-00200453-00200663 out two days a week we have four y'all QHLa-I62y8M-00851-00200664-00200866 we have four QHLa-I62y8M-00852-00200867-00201131 so I'm eating my lunch while going to QHLa-I62y8M-00853-00201132-00201449 pick them up and take them back QHLa-I62y8M-00854-00201450-00201623 and if they could do five they would QHLa-I62y8M-00855-00201624-00201899 they trying to get me in on Fridays QHLa-I62y8M-00856-00201900-00202145 but the reason why they love it it's not QHLa-I62y8M-00857-00202146-00202402 because math isn't being taught QHLa-I62y8M-00858-00202403-00202583 they love us it doesn't have that QHLa-I62y8M-00859-00202584-00202925 rigorous structure of sit down we got to QHLa-I62y8M-00860-00202926-00203111 learn this objective you got to do it QHLa-I62y8M-00861-00203112-00203647 this way QHLa-I62y8M-00862-00203648-00204052 right as if humans can exist that way no QHLa-I62y8M-00863-00204053-00204281 adult that I know QHLa-I62y8M-00864-00204282-00204581 that worked in a building downtown was QHLa-I62y8M-00865-00204582-00204881 build a bell I'm just saying QHLa-I62y8M-00866-00204882-00205031 correct and that's that's how uh QHLa-I62y8M-00867-00205032-00205198 tutoring sessions are as well it's just QHLa-I62y8M-00868-00205200-00205427 like okay it's more relaxed it's more QHLa-I62y8M-00869-00205428-00205684 okay you I can sit and talk and go over QHLa-I62y8M-00870-00205685-00205942 things and they really understand a lot QHLa-I62y8M-00871-00205944-00206248 more because it's like okay the the QHLa-I62y8M-00872-00206250-00206464 weight of the rest of the classes off of QHLa-I62y8M-00873-00206465-00206669 them it's just let's just talk about QHLa-I62y8M-00874-00206669-00206927 where where you didn't understand what QHLa-I62y8M-00875-00206928-00207179 was happening and and how you're in a QHLa-I62y8M-00876-00207180-00207281 much more comfortable place and of QHLa-I62y8M-00877-00207282-00207448 course they they love to eat too they're QHLa-I62y8M-00878-00207450-00207592 gonna sit to eat and go through QHLa-I62y8M-00879-00207594-00207701 everything that they need to go through QHLa-I62y8M-00880-00207702-00207929 so yeah that's that's that's the key and QHLa-I62y8M-00881-00207930-00208210 that's that would be where your ideal QHLa-I62y8M-00882-00208211-00208355 situation comes in where it's like okay QHLa-I62y8M-00883-00208356-00208588 now I feel like my child this child can QHLa-I62y8M-00884-00208589-00208919 make gains now because the the pressure QHLa-I62y8M-00885-00208919-00209140 of it is off and able to be comfortable QHLa-I62y8M-00886-00209141-00209303 and so that that's that's the key right QHLa-I62y8M-00887-00209304-00209488 there that's the the Comfort level but QHLa-I62y8M-00888-00209489-00209698 but that go back to again you know we QHLa-I62y8M-00889-00209700-00209921 take up or of our own time to do these QHLa-I62y8M-00890-00209921-00210167 things right but um but that's where we QHLa-I62y8M-00891-00210167-00210394 were seeing the lack of resources that QHLa-I62y8M-00892-00210396-00210665 if they would just funnel as opposed to QHLa-I62y8M-00893-00210666-00210832 three billion dollars a year they throw QHLa-I62y8M-00894-00210833-00211067 they funnel in into um the prison system QHLa-I62y8M-00895-00211067-00211253 how about we slide some of that money QHLa-I62y8M-00896-00211254-00211444 into education QHLa-I62y8M-00897-00211446-00211732 because I might actually have a society QHLa-I62y8M-00898-00211733-00211894 that actually looks QHLa-I62y8M-00899-00211896-00212206 different where everyone is is thriving QHLa-I62y8M-00900-00212207-00212465 uh April you want to say something QHLa-I62y8M-00901-00212466-00212644 I just said they would never QHLa-I62y8M-00902-00212646-00212758 yeah QHLa-I62y8M-00903-00212759-00212915 and you know QHLa-I62y8M-00904-00212916-00213334 I I would even argue that while I 100 QHLa-I62y8M-00905-00213335-00213682 every we all know that education in QHLa-I62y8M-00906-00213683-00213863 general in the nation but specifically QHLa-I62y8M-00907-00213864-00214246 in the state is way underfunded like way QHLa-I62y8M-00908-00214248-00214492 but I would even argue even if you QHLa-I62y8M-00909-00214494-00214648 weren't going to give us money QHLa-I62y8M-00910-00214650-00215021 if you would change the mindset of the QHLa-I62y8M-00911-00215021-00215296 system that's free QHLa-I62y8M-00912-00215298-00215531 you have to pay any more money to do QHLa-I62y8M-00913-00215532-00215621 that QHLa-I62y8M-00914-00215621-00216155 but like amen we the amount of times I QHLa-I62y8M-00915-00216156-00216379 have heard people talk about QHLa-I62y8M-00916-00216380-00216727 SEL and and I'm gonna QHLa-I62y8M-00917-00216728-00216965 get your trigger for me right I know QHLa-I62y8M-00918-00216966-00217234 that is such a trick this isn't geared QHLa-I62y8M-00919-00217235-00217355 towards you but like Mental Health QHLa-I62y8M-00920-00217356-00217625 Services or the wraparound services that QHLa-I62y8M-00921-00217626-00217873 you were talking about QHLa-I62y8M-00922-00217873-00218232 but in the same breath we have people QHLa-I62y8M-00923-00218233-00218537 walking through schools why aren't you QHLa-I62y8M-00924-00218538-00218806 teaching Bell to Bell what QHLa-I62y8M-00925-00218807-00219113 um how is that helping the mental this QHLa-I62y8M-00926-00219114-00219269 kid's on the edge QHLa-I62y8M-00927-00219269-00219484 right somebody got shot two days ago QHLa-I62y8M-00928-00219485-00219796 maybe they haven't eaten I don't know do QHLa-I62y8M-00929-00219798-00220001 you think we can take a minute QHLa-I62y8M-00930-00220002-00220325 like to ask how are you so it's like QHLa-I62y8M-00931-00220326-00220589 when you look at it in reality of what's QHLa-I62y8M-00932-00220590-00220787 happening so much of it doesn't make QHLa-I62y8M-00933-00220788-00221056 sense so much of it doesn't make sense QHLa-I62y8M-00934-00221057-00221296 but then we just keep again going around QHLa-I62y8M-00935-00221298-00221441 the mountain going around the mountain QHLa-I62y8M-00936-00221442-00221694 you know and and you're you're QHLa-I62y8M-00937-00221696-00221956 they they mentioned to us uh just QHLa-I62y8M-00938-00221957-00222094 recently okay you know your eighth QHLa-I62y8M-00939-00222096-00222275 graders are are really falling behind QHLa-I62y8M-00940-00222276-00222473 well well let me help you do do some QHLa-I62y8M-00941-00222473-00222658 math on this real quick well these QHLa-I62y8M-00942-00222659-00222905 eighth graders happen to be the sixth QHLa-I62y8M-00943-00222906-00223073 grade covered babies did you know know QHLa-I62y8M-00944-00223073-00223229 that did you even take into QHLa-I62y8M-00945-00223230-00223439 consideration that these eighth graders QHLa-I62y8M-00946-00223440-00223642 right now who are reading four reading QHLa-I62y8M-00947-00223644-00223937 levels behind are the the coming coming QHLa-I62y8M-00948-00223938-00224165 off of fifth grade going into sixth QHLa-I62y8M-00949-00224166-00224363 grade covet babies who have to spend a QHLa-I62y8M-00950-00224364-00224567 year learning online and all they know QHLa-I62y8M-00951-00224567-00224771 how to do is use a phone as opposed to QHLa-I62y8M-00952-00224771-00225131 using a computer so I mean yeah two okay QHLa-I62y8M-00953-00225132-00225401 but we're in 2023 and apparently uh QHLa-I62y8M-00954-00225402-00225623 remember we still behind that's that's QHLa-I62y8M-00955-00225623-00225892 three solid years and we still behind so QHLa-I62y8M-00956-00225894-00226175 you don't have yes top of 2023 but still QHLa-I62y8M-00957-00226176-00226469 I mean are we are we even considering QHLa-I62y8M-00958-00226469-00226606 that before we start this rigorous QHLa-I62y8M-00959-00226607-00226781 testing process all over no we didn't QHLa-I62y8M-00960-00226782-00226955 learn a thing we just doubled down I QHLa-I62y8M-00961-00226956-00227134 mean really we didn't learn a thing we QHLa-I62y8M-00962-00227135-00227260 just doubled down QHLa-I62y8M-00963-00227261-00227446 but let's go back to this thought QHLa-I62y8M-00964-00227448-00227669 process that we used to have you know QHLa-I62y8M-00965-00227669-00227741 about QHLa-I62y8M-00966-00227742-00228106 between five to ten years ago with um QHLa-I62y8M-00967-00228107-00228269 you know everybody learn at their own QHLa-I62y8M-00968-00228269-00228491 pace you know QHLa-I62y8M-00969-00228492-00228713 everybody is capable of demonstrating QHLa-I62y8M-00970-00228714-00229037 gains at their own rate QHLa-I62y8M-00971-00229038-00229282 but then you just group us all group the QHLa-I62y8M-00972-00229283-00229432 kids all together and say but you didn't QHLa-I62y8M-00973-00229433-00229589 do it and you didn't make it you didn't QHLa-I62y8M-00974-00229590-00229823 get enough but but what happened to that QHLa-I62y8M-00975-00229823-00230165 thought process was it just in theory QHLa-I62y8M-00976-00230166-00230339 I thought as long as they demonstrated QHLa-I62y8M-00977-00230340-00230723 games they were on the right track QHLa-I62y8M-00978-00230723-00230927 and yes I understand QHLa-I62y8M-00979-00230928-00231142 that when I got sick get every year that QHLa-I62y8M-00980-00231144-00231425 I get sixth graders that they are three QHLa-I62y8M-00981-00231426-00231755 to four grade levels behind QHLa-I62y8M-00982-00231756-00232144 I didn't do it and I did not not do it QHLa-I62y8M-00983-00232146-00232505 either right meaning I was not standing QHLa-I62y8M-00984-00232506-00232858 before them for five and sometimes six QHLa-I62y8M-00985-00232859-00233141 years before they got to me QHLa-I62y8M-00986-00233142-00233363 somebody should have caught that a long QHLa-I62y8M-00987-00233364-00233531 time ago QHLa-I62y8M-00988-00233532-00233819 if they didn't catch it in first grade QHLa-I62y8M-00989-00233819-00234089 second and Brian's the third now you QHLa-I62y8M-00990-00234090-00234221 think you've been got some time in QHLa-I62y8M-00991-00234221-00234467 between the second but prior to third QHLa-I62y8M-00992-00234467-00234677 somebody should have caught it QHLa-I62y8M-00993-00234678-00234994 so when they magically end up in Middle QHLa-I62y8M-00994-00234996-00235192 School sixth grade QHLa-I62y8M-00995-00235194-00235469 and you say to me QHLa-I62y8M-00996-00235469-00235708 we can't slow down QHLa-I62y8M-00997-00235709-00236069 you just gotta keep pushing through the QHLa-I62y8M-00998-00236069-00236237 curriculum QHLa-I62y8M-00999-00236238-00236471 and they will get it QHLa-I62y8M-01000-00236471-00236705 at some point QHLa-I62y8M-01001-00236706-00236831 now QHLa-I62y8M-01002-00236832-00237023 I'm going to accelerate until I run him QHLa-I62y8M-01003-00237023-00237323 over I mean really that's like I like QHLa-I62y8M-01004-00237323-00237403 that QHLa-I62y8M-01005-00237404-00237737 I'm accelerating that QHLa-I62y8M-01006-00237738-00237923 how do QHLa-I62y8M-01007-00237923-00238175 a child that don't have basic number QHLa-I62y8M-01008-00238176-00238529 sets build their Foundation QHLa-I62y8M-01009-00238530-00238673 oh QHLa-I62y8M-01010-00238673-00238871 if you can't if you don't know your QHLa-I62y8M-01011-00238871-00239123 multiplication facts there's no way you QHLa-I62y8M-01012-00239123-00239344 can multiply multi-digit numbers you QHLa-I62y8M-01013-00239346-00239603 just can't right and I I used to use QHLa-I62y8M-01014-00239604-00239771 that example of like if you don't even QHLa-I62y8M-01015-00239771-00240203 understand repeated addition like yeah QHLa-I62y8M-01016-00240204-00240491 like well okay I mean I guess you can QHLa-I62y8M-01017-00240492-00240641 memorize them I guess yeah I mean you QHLa-I62y8M-01018-00240642-00240887 can memorize them but QHLa-I62y8M-01019-00240888-00241151 yeah QHLa-I62y8M-01020-00241152-00241523 well I just I just sit back and now QHLa-I62y8M-01021-00241523-00241834 and I hear what everyone is saying but I QHLa-I62y8M-01022-00241835-00242039 have went back to my genuine way of QHLa-I62y8M-01023-00242040-00242429 doing things we take notes it worked it QHLa-I62y8M-01024-00242430-00242579 definitely showed Improvement and QHLa-I62y8M-01025-00242580-00242753 progression for students QHLa-I62y8M-01026-00242754-00243017 we take um what we say we do what they QHLa-I62y8M-01027-00243017-00243191 what set it all is not my lunch and QHLa-I62y8M-01028-00243192-00243455 learn that's what it is and all children QHLa-I62y8M-01029-00243456-00243713 are invited not specific populations of QHLa-I62y8M-01030-00243714-00243929 children based on the games you want to QHLa-I62y8M-01031-00243930-00244144 see them have because QHLa-I62y8M-01032-00244146-00244205 um QHLa-I62y8M-01033-00244206-00244432 me trying it that way for the last two QHLa-I62y8M-01034-00244433-00244703 years didn't work my students it did not QHLa-I62y8M-01035-00244704-00245075 work and it cost me financially and my QHLa-I62y8M-01036-00245076-00245260 drive isn't even about financials but it QHLa-I62y8M-01037-00245261-00245477 cost me so therefore I want to go back QHLa-I62y8M-01038-00245478-00245663 to the way that I used to do things it QHLa-I62y8M-01039-00245664-00245944 worked for the demographic of kids that QHLa-I62y8M-01040-00245946-00246053 I serve QHLa-I62y8M-01041-00246054-00246358 and until we collectively as a district QHLa-I62y8M-01042-00246359-00246671 start viewing things in that lens that QHLa-I62y8M-01043-00246671-00246898 different schools need different things QHLa-I62y8M-01044-00246900-00247091 because they're serving different QHLa-I62y8M-01045-00247092-00247325 populations of children we're going to QHLa-I62y8M-01046-00247326-00247463 continue to be here QHLa-I62y8M-01047-00247464-00247775 saying the same damn thing over and over QHLa-I62y8M-01048-00247776-00248171 like a broken record we are defining QHLa-I62y8M-01049-00248171-00248560 Insanity we Define insanity every day QHLa-I62y8M-01050-00248561-00248867 right yeah and you know I'll add QHLa-I62y8M-01051-00248867-00249058 something to your to what you just said QHLa-I62y8M-01052-00249059-00249287 April that whole idea of and I know that QHLa-I62y8M-01053-00249288-00249491 y'all probably hear it QHLa-I62y8M-01054-00249492-00249808 um uh many times I was just at the QHLa-I62y8M-01055-00249809-00250048 um first parent meeting you know at the QHLa-I62y8M-01056-00250050-00250289 middle school where my child will be QHLa-I62y8M-01057-00250290-00250727 going next year and and thought I heard QHLa-I62y8M-01058-00250728-00250955 something about like different groups of QHLa-I62y8M-01059-00250956-00251141 kids in the same room but it's okay QHLa-I62y8M-01060-00251142-00251327 because we're differentiating right so QHLa-I62y8M-01061-00251328-00251531 this whole idea of differentiation that QHLa-I62y8M-01062-00251532-00251669 you know like teachers you got to QHLa-I62y8M-01063-00251669-00251825 differentiate for all the levels in your QHLa-I62y8M-01064-00251826-00252094 room and yet QHLa-I62y8M-01065-00252096-00252263 and yet QHLa-I62y8M-01066-00252264-00252455 you know and I'll I'm just going to take QHLa-I62y8M-01067-00252456-00252773 it down the elementary level every every QHLa-I62y8M-01068-00252773-00252958 for the most part Elementary School in QHLa-I62y8M-01069-00252959-00253217 this District regardless of need QHLa-I62y8M-01070-00253217-00253475 has the same minutes QHLa-I62y8M-01071-00253476-00253660 has the exact there is no QHLa-I62y8M-01072-00253661-00253979 differentiation based on need when it QHLa-I62y8M-01073-00253980-00254182 comes to minutes QHLa-I62y8M-01074-00254183-00254489 so it again you can if you when you step QHLa-I62y8M-01075-00254490-00254729 out of it and you look at QHLa-I62y8M-01076-00254730-00254951 things that happen you're like well that QHLa-I62y8M-01077-00254952-00255184 is illogical like that that doesn't even QHLa-I62y8M-01078-00255185-00255377 make any sense that you would expect QHLa-I62y8M-01079-00255378-00255581 this group of children that walked in QHLa-I62y8M-01080-00255582-00255803 the door reading and this group of QHLa-I62y8M-01081-00255804-00255958 children who really are still struggling QHLa-I62y8M-01082-00255959-00256205 with you know um early emergent literacy QHLa-I62y8M-01083-00256206-00256367 things you all get the same amount of QHLa-I62y8M-01084-00256367-00256444 time QHLa-I62y8M-01085-00256446-00256691 same things same amount of time QHLa-I62y8M-01086-00256692-00257248 so it it's it's just it is illogical QHLa-I62y8M-01087-00257250-00257446 but you know if we don't call it out QHLa-I62y8M-01088-00257448-00257644 then you get to say that public schools QHLa-I62y8M-01089-00257646-00258010 don't work and then we can privatize it QHLa-I62y8M-01090-00258011-00258151 just saying QHLa-I62y8M-01091-00258152-00258544 people have been calling it out oh yeah QHLa-I62y8M-01092-00258546-00258823 the individuals that are in position QHLa-I62y8M-01093-00258823-00259030 put on their QHLa-I62y8M-01094-00259031-00259325 what you call it um the noise what y'all QHLa-I62y8M-01095-00259326-00259932 got the iPod the airpods QHLa-I62y8M-01096-00259933-00260291 like noise oh yeah noise canceling what QHLa-I62y8M-01097-00260292-00260560 they do immediately when they hear QHLa-I62y8M-01098-00260561-00260717 something that's not in the line with QHLa-I62y8M-01099-00260717-00261058 their agenda they noise cancel anything QHLa-I62y8M-01100-00261059-00261271 that's going to be for the betterment of QHLa-I62y8M-01101-00261271-00261610 all children whether it be intentional QHLa-I62y8M-01102-00261611-00261982 or unintentional the bottom line is that QHLa-I62y8M-01103-00261983-00262247 you know it exists mm-hmm QHLa-I62y8M-01104-00262248-00262649 it is more precedent in other QHLa-I62y8M-01105-00262650-00262841 um QHLa-I62y8M-01106-00262842-00263206 demographics of children than it is for QHLa-I62y8M-01107-00263207-00263513 others and we still QHLa-I62y8M-01108-00263514-00263765 now no oh no no wait wait I'm wrong now QHLa-I62y8M-01109-00263766-00263975 I'm wrong because we've come up with a QHLa-I62y8M-01110-00263976-00264149 solution we're going to close down some QHLa-I62y8M-01111-00264150-00264299 of the schools and send the kids over to QHLa-I62y8M-01112-00264300-00264449 the other schools and you know that's QHLa-I62y8M-01113-00264450-00264665 the answer I forgot wait I'm wrong my QHLa-I62y8M-01114-00264666-00264937 bad carry on QHLa-I62y8M-01115-00264938-00265163 do they really seriously think that that QHLa-I62y8M-01116-00265164-00265343 is going to work I mean you're going to QHLa-I62y8M-01117-00265344-00265708 take because you're going to take QHLa-I62y8M-01118-00265709-00265895 I I had a conversation with a kid the QHLa-I62y8M-01119-00265896-00265991 other day and I said you know you're QHLa-I62y8M-01120-00265992-00266219 going to take you wherever you go no QHLa-I62y8M-01121-00266220-00266453 matter where you go you're gonna take QHLa-I62y8M-01122-00266454-00266734 you there or what that mean me and that QHLa-I62y8M-01123-00266735-00266945 listen that attitude that you have QHLa-I62y8M-01124-00266946-00267173 that behavior issue you have all of that QHLa-I62y8M-01125-00267174-00267425 is not going to change unless you change QHLa-I62y8M-01126-00267426-00267610 yourself because you're gonna take that QHLa-I62y8M-01127-00267611-00267803 to you and deposit it into somebody QHLa-I62y8M-01128-00267804-00267934 else's school and they're not going to QHLa-I62y8M-01129-00267935-00268229 be as lenient as we are with you I mean QHLa-I62y8M-01130-00268230-00268373 we give you a chance after chance after QHLa-I62y8M-01131-00268374-00268637 10 15 000 Behavior trackers and notes QHLa-I62y8M-01132-00268638-00268775 and all this stuff like that before you QHLa-I62y8M-01133-00268776-00269008 get to your parent conference and and QHLa-I62y8M-01134-00269009-00269153 team meeting and all that before we get QHLa-I62y8M-01135-00269154-00269423 to their first referral them people over QHLa-I62y8M-01136-00269424-00269603 there ain't gonna go no they see you QHLa-I62y8M-01137-00269604-00269806 crank up one time and what's gonna QHLa-I62y8M-01138-00269807-00269945 happen you gone QHLa-I62y8M-01139-00269946-00270221 mm-hmm and it's so interesting that you QHLa-I62y8M-01140-00270222-00270551 say that Denise because it's not like QHLa-I62y8M-01141-00270552-00270773 we don't know that for fact we know it QHLa-I62y8M-01142-00270774-00271055 for fact because we have children and uh QHLa-I62y8M-01143-00271056-00271306 we are friends that have children and um QHLa-I62y8M-01144-00271307-00271571 more affluent communities where their QHLa-I62y8M-01145-00271572-00271906 child can do one thing you would have QHLa-I62y8M-01146-00271907-00272230 thought they burned down the school you QHLa-I62y8M-01147-00272231-00272471 get five days for QHLa-I62y8M-01148-00272472-00272734 what was that one thing slamming the QHLa-I62y8M-01149-00272735-00273049 door or something like that I'm like QHLa-I62y8M-01150-00273050-00273406 five whole days like I teach you how to QHLa-I62y8M-01151-00273407-00273580 break for five days QHLa-I62y8M-01152-00273581-00273845 but we we didn't got a cussed out slam QHLa-I62y8M-01153-00273846-00274025 what I mean you name it the the QHLa-I62y8M-01154-00274026-00274306 everything just increased with the QHLa-I62y8M-01155-00274307-00274510 amount of behaviors that we not only QHLa-I62y8M-01156-00274511-00274769 tolerate but try to demonstrate the QHLa-I62y8M-01157-00274770-00275021 necessary um empathy QHLa-I62y8M-01158-00275022-00275267 for those kids and try to introduce QHLa-I62y8M-01159-00275268-00275513 restorative practices the only thing QHLa-I62y8M-01160-00275514-00275680 they restore is your opportunity to QHLa-I62y8M-01161-00275681-00275932 re-enter that building and do better at QHLa-I62y8M-01162-00275933-00276071 certain schools there's nothing QHLa-I62y8M-01163-00276072-00276425 restorative happening right and all I QHLa-I62y8M-01164-00276426-00276671 know is sometimes I want a five day QHLa-I62y8M-01165-00276672-00276869 break right you know what that five day QHLa-I62y8M-01166-00276870-00277019 break is going to do to that child's QHLa-I62y8M-01167-00277020-00277277 overall academics it's going to make QHLa-I62y8M-01168-00277278-00277445 that learning Gap just get even bigger QHLa-I62y8M-01169-00277446-00277619 for the unit that they're going to miss QHLa-I62y8M-01170-00277620-00278203 that week so I I get it but I'm like QHLa-I62y8M-01171-00278204-00278506 because most of those we got got the arm QHLa-I62y8M-01172-00278507-00278699 on it where you if you push your heart QHLa-I62y8M-01173-00278700-00279001 it's just gonna give a thumb yeah QHLa-I62y8M-01174-00279002-00279329 a quiet close a quiet close let's fix QHLa-I62y8M-01175-00279330-00279641 the door so it can't be slammed right QHLa-I62y8M-01176-00279642-00279803 that would be a possible solution QHLa-I62y8M-01177-00279804-00280001 correct as opposed to just okay I'm QHLa-I62y8M-01178-00280002-00280134 gonna give this kid if I did but I mean QHLa-I62y8M-01179-00280135-00280451 and like you said we go through so much QHLa-I62y8M-01180-00280452-00280805 and and I mean I mean so much and QHLa-I62y8M-01181-00280806-00280984 parents come through with armies of QHLa-I62y8M-01182-00280985-00281177 people for the IEP meetings and to to QHLa-I62y8M-01183-00281178-00281332 say why their child even though he QHLa-I62y8M-01184-00281333-00281560 slapped everybody in the entire eighth QHLa-I62y8M-01185-00281561-00281747 grade why he could still come to school QHLa-I62y8M-01186-00281748-00281982 but yet it's like what QHLa-I62y8M-01187-00281983-00282334 no you know so I I I just don't get it QHLa-I62y8M-01188-00282335-00282497 but um not to get completely off track QHLa-I62y8M-01189-00282498-00282665 I'm trying to keep cognizant of the time QHLa-I62y8M-01190-00282666-00282869 there is a question I do have for both QHLa-I62y8M-01191-00282870-00282995 of you QHLa-I62y8M-01192-00282996-00283163 he's just happened just the other day I QHLa-I62y8M-01193-00283164-00283325 don't think it's even it's even 48 Hours QHLa-I62y8M-01194-00283326-00283715 old okay so recently Roberto Clemente's QHLa-I62y8M-01195-00283716-00283901 book has been removed from Florida's QHLa-I62y8M-01196-00283902-00284080 schools pending review over QHLa-I62y8M-01197-00284081-00284351 discrimination references QHLa-I62y8M-01198-00284352-00284573 how does the removal of a historical QHLa-I62y8M-01199-00284574-00284903 fact negate a person's value or QHLa-I62y8M-01200-00284904-00285149 experiences QHLa-I62y8M-01201-00285150-00285317 I'd like y'all to go first before I jump QHLa-I62y8M-01202-00285318-00285856 in QHLa-I62y8M-01203-00285857-00286067 who's going first or should I just jump QHLa-I62y8M-01204-00286068-00286277 right in no I QHLa-I62y8M-01205-00286278-00286480 I like it's it's almost hard for me to QHLa-I62y8M-01206-00286481-00286697 answer because it's so ridiculous I mean QHLa-I62y8M-01207-00286698-00286882 like I think that's that's kind of where QHLa-I62y8M-01208-00286883-00287110 I was struggling there for a second but QHLa-I62y8M-01209-00287111-00287356 you know one of the things that QHLa-I62y8M-01210-00287357-00287687 um that the team and I that I worked QHLa-I62y8M-01211-00287688-00288058 with in my previous my previous role QHLa-I62y8M-01212-00288059-00288508 um that we were really open about was as QHLa-I62y8M-01213-00288509-00288641 much as we could when we were in front QHLa-I62y8M-01214-00288642-00288863 of teachers or whatever audience right QHLa-I62y8M-01215-00288864-00289079 whatever audience I did it for parents QHLa-I62y8M-01216-00289080-00289301 school board members principals you know QHLa-I62y8M-01217-00289302-00289415 administrators QHLa-I62y8M-01218-00289416-00289775 to keep reminding them what message does QHLa-I62y8M-01219-00289776-00289871 it send QHLa-I62y8M-01220-00289872-00290032 to children QHLa-I62y8M-01221-00290033-00290237 when they don't see themselves in the QHLa-I62y8M-01222-00290238-00290591 curriculum you don't have to say a word QHLa-I62y8M-01223-00290592-00290765 and it's telling them everything they QHLa-I62y8M-01224-00290766-00290921 need to know about the space that QHLa-I62y8M-01225-00290922-00291623 they're in a hundred percent and so QHLa-I62y8M-01226-00291624-00291779 I I QHLa-I62y8M-01227-00291780-00292037 it's a wonder we have anybody show up at QHLa-I62y8M-01228-00292038-00292258 all in some places QHLa-I62y8M-01229-00292259-00292523 I I mean really it is a wonder that we QHLa-I62y8M-01230-00292524-00292787 have anybody that's willing to keep QHLa-I62y8M-01231-00292788-00293051 coming back to a place QHLa-I62y8M-01232-00293052-00293339 that just isn't for them QHLa-I62y8M-01233-00293340-00293573 and very clearly not for them and I'm QHLa-I62y8M-01234-00293574-00293734 thinking about there's this great great QHLa-I62y8M-01235-00293735-00294023 book if anybody's watching or QHLa-I62y8M-01236-00294024-00294341 um it's a I don't even know what her QHLa-I62y8M-01237-00294342-00294484 position is but her name is Carla QHLa-I62y8M-01238-00294485-00294689 shalaby and she wrote this amazing book QHLa-I62y8M-01239-00294690-00294875 called troublemakers QHLa-I62y8M-01240-00294876-00295193 and it's it is a series of like five QHLa-I62y8M-01241-00295194-00295415 kids that she focuses on QHLa-I62y8M-01242-00295416-00295601 she does work in a school QHLa-I62y8M-01243-00295602-00295810 and they are the five that are referred QHLa-I62y8M-01244-00295811-00296051 to obviously as the troublemakers QHLa-I62y8M-01245-00296052-00296387 and she tells like their story and her QHLa-I62y8M-01246-00296388-00296513 work with them QHLa-I62y8M-01247-00296514-00296663 and I thought about it through the lens QHLa-I62y8M-01248-00296664-00296855 of having my own child with special QHLa-I62y8M-01249-00296856-00296999 needs QHLa-I62y8M-01250-00297000-00297310 and she uses the reference QHLa-I62y8M-01251-00297311-00297580 these troublemakers are like that Canary QHLa-I62y8M-01252-00297581-00297821 in the coal mine QHLa-I62y8M-01253-00297822-00298258 they are highly sensitive to anything in QHLa-I62y8M-01254-00298259-00298601 their environment that isn't okay QHLa-I62y8M-01255-00298602-00298955 and they will respond and react to that QHLa-I62y8M-01256-00298956-00299441 and it totally changed my Paradigm about QHLa-I62y8M-01257-00299442-00299795 um thinking about like kids acting out QHLa-I62y8M-01258-00299796-00300005 notice I didn't say misbehaving acting QHLa-I62y8M-01259-00300006-00300191 out because it's not always a choice for QHLa-I62y8M-01260-00300192-00300358 a lot of our kids QHLa-I62y8M-01261-00300359-00300563 um it is a survival Instinct because QHLa-I62y8M-01262-00300564-00300719 they're trying to figure out how do I QHLa-I62y8M-01263-00300720-00300965 navigate this space where I never see QHLa-I62y8M-01264-00300966-00301145 myself ever QHLa-I62y8M-01265-00301146-00301373 and we're we're moving to where if you QHLa-I62y8M-01266-00301374-00301571 are a black child you're not even going QHLa-I62y8M-01267-00301572-00301858 to hear that referenced QHLa-I62y8M-01268-00301859-00301979 you're not going to see you're not even QHLa-I62y8M-01269-00301980-00302260 going to hear a reference at all QHLa-I62y8M-01270-00302261-00302453 right and the QHLa-I62y8M-01271-00302454-00302734 and the general understanding is when QHLa-I62y8M-01272-00302735-00302897 people are referencing anything in QHLa-I62y8M-01273-00302898-00303113 culture or the world they are QHLa-I62y8M-01274-00303114-00303341 referencing it through a white gaze QHLa-I62y8M-01275-00303342-00303749 bottom line they are QHLa-I62y8M-01276-00303750-00304751 April QHLa-I62y8M-01277-00304752-00304960 it's like somebody wakes up in the QHLa-I62y8M-01278-00304961-00305123 morning and say QHLa-I62y8M-01279-00305124-00305477 in order to get the biggest reaction on QHLa-I62y8M-01280-00305478-00305699 social media I have to do something QHLa-I62y8M-01281-00305700-00305891 that's going to create QHLa-I62y8M-01282-00305892-00306197 you know a high impact Buzz QHLa-I62y8M-01283-00306198-00306593 so again it's it's absolute foolishness QHLa-I62y8M-01284-00306594-00306845 to me it doesn't make any sense QHLa-I62y8M-01285-00306846-00307060 how can you devalue something that has QHLa-I62y8M-01286-00307061-00307241 so much value QHLa-I62y8M-01287-00307242-00307553 that it was it was identified as a res a QHLa-I62y8M-01288-00307554-00308051 collective resource that QHLa-I62y8M-01289-00308052-00308315 they wanted to have a um what you call QHLa-I62y8M-01290-00308316-00308645 it um something to go viral well it did QHLa-I62y8M-01291-00308646-00308897 that that was that's my only reason why QHLa-I62y8M-01292-00308898-00309184 they done it because how did it become QHLa-I62y8M-01293-00309185-00309473 race how did racism become a a priority QHLa-I62y8M-01294-00309474-00309641 in that QHLa-I62y8M-01295-00309642-00309943 um body of work now like why why QHLa-I62y8M-01296-00309944-00310258 is it being highlighted now QHLa-I62y8M-01297-00310259-00310415 April are you talking about the AP QHLa-I62y8M-01298-00310416-00310854 course QHLa-I62y8M-01299-00310855-00311147 okay got it sorry sorry because I mean QHLa-I62y8M-01300-00311148-00311260 you talk about the man who's been around QHLa-I62y8M-01301-00311261-00311554 forever so all of a sudden now is a QHLa-I62y8M-01302-00311555-00311879 problem yes so how like that would make QHLa-I62y8M-01303-00311880-00312179 my that's my questions would be how and QHLa-I62y8M-01304-00312180-00312419 why now outside if you wanted something QHLa-I62y8M-01305-00312420-00312832 to be viral around this whole QHLa-I62y8M-01306-00312833-00313151 big picture of we are dismantling QHLa-I62y8M-01307-00313152-00313384 anything associated with the possibility QHLa-I62y8M-01308-00313385-00313630 of making another QHLa-I62y8M-01309-00313631-00313925 group of a specific party of children QHLa-I62y8M-01310-00313926-00314303 feel uncomfortable about racism QHLa-I62y8M-01311-00314304-00314484 right QHLa-I62y8M-01312-00314485-00314699 yeah I'm assuming the book wasn't QHLa-I62y8M-01313-00314700-00314884 published this year QHLa-I62y8M-01314-00314885-00315030 so QHLa-I62y8M-01315-00315031-00315425 why weren't you why years ago why QHLa-I62y8M-01316-00315426-00315643 weren't you five years ago QHLa-I62y8M-01317-00315644-00315856 and and the thing and the thing about it QHLa-I62y8M-01318-00315857-00316091 is too it's the the that pain the QHLa-I62y8M-01319-00316092-00316367 painful part to me is the invalidation QHLa-I62y8M-01320-00316368-00316751 of your experiences that's the thing so QHLa-I62y8M-01321-00316752-00316967 if you're telling me I know somebody QHLa-I62y8M-01322-00316968-00317225 didn't like until you know we hold on to QHLa-I62y8M-01323-00317226-00317482 memory of painful events you can just QHLa-I62y8M-01324-00317483-00317710 recall them immediately I know like when QHLa-I62y8M-01325-00317711-00317879 I was in college and I went to the shoe QHLa-I62y8M-01326-00317880-00318034 store and laid in you know bypassed QHLa-I62y8M-01327-00318035-00318310 everybody else to sell their shoes to QHLa-I62y8M-01328-00318311-00318515 everybody else and I'm like well wait oh QHLa-I62y8M-01329-00318516-00318695 so this is racism okay because obviously QHLa-I62y8M-01330-00318696-00318845 I've been here for more than 15 minutes QHLa-I62y8M-01331-00318846-00319067 and no one has come to check on on me I QHLa-I62y8M-01332-00319068-00319229 understood that's my feeling that's what QHLa-I62y8M-01333-00319230-00319523 I under I felt bad about it I was I was QHLa-I62y8M-01334-00319524-00319787 I felt insulted I felt undervalued as a QHLa-I62y8M-01335-00319788-00319979 human being so you're saying that my QHLa-I62y8M-01336-00319980-00320279 feelings then are not valid that by by QHLa-I62y8M-01337-00320280-00320477 you saying that this this gentleman QHLa-I62y8M-01338-00320478-00320663 about him speaking out about what QHLa-I62y8M-01339-00320664-00320777 happened to him because it doesn't give QHLa-I62y8M-01340-00320778-00320945 him a whole another country can't see QHLa-I62y8M-01341-00320946-00321101 the United States to play to play on QHLa-I62y8M-01342-00321102-00321334 baseball was and felt rejection many QHLa-I62y8M-01343-00321335-00321545 times so you're saying that the feelings QHLa-I62y8M-01344-00321546-00321880 that he had had no value okay he just QHLa-I62y8M-01345-00321881-00322013 came here and he was immediately a QHLa-I62y8M-01346-00322014-00322217 superstar he had no problems QHLa-I62y8M-01347-00322218-00322451 so now what what this what concerns me QHLa-I62y8M-01348-00322452-00322582 is okay well if you can talk about QHLa-I62y8M-01349-00322583-00322721 Roberto Clemente and we're talking about QHLa-I62y8M-01350-00322722-00322954 sports oh well how about Hank Aaron QHLa-I62y8M-01351-00322955-00323167 mm-hmm you know okay QHLa-I62y8M-01352-00323168-00323434 what about what about uh all these other QHLa-I62y8M-01353-00323435-00323639 great ball players out there that broke QHLa-I62y8M-01354-00323640-00323765 the color line QHLa-I62y8M-01355-00323766-00324023 okay so so what what they didn't QHLa-I62y8M-01356-00324024-00324173 experience racism QHLa-I62y8M-01357-00324174-00324419 so that's that's the part that's the QHLa-I62y8M-01358-00324420-00324599 part that that as this as man said QHLa-I62y8M-01359-00324600-00324899 behooves me because even Serena Williams QHLa-I62y8M-01360-00324900-00325121 spoke about it they told her well um QHLa-I62y8M-01361-00325122-00325234 aren't you tired of making political QHLa-I62y8M-01362-00325235-00325432 statement she said well when racism ends QHLa-I62y8M-01363-00325433-00325595 I'll stop talking about it right about QHLa-I62y8M-01364-00325596-00325708 that QHLa-I62y8M-01365-00325709-00325930 and I you know I was 100 with her on QHLa-I62y8M-01366-00325931-00326093 that one I mean well you're you're QHLa-I62y8M-01367-00326094-00326369 you're you're expecting me to not QHLa-I62y8M-01368-00326370-00326591 believe what I see on television every QHLa-I62y8M-01369-00326592-00326710 day you're expecting me not to believe QHLa-I62y8M-01370-00326711-00326927 how I personally feel when I have to QHLa-I62y8M-01371-00326928-00327184 step out of my car and and and you know QHLa-I62y8M-01372-00327185-00327395 be concerned about where I'm going what QHLa-I62y8M-01373-00327396-00327545 and the fact that I have to check where QHLa-I62y8M-01374-00327546-00327737 I'm going before I get there you know I QHLa-I62y8M-01375-00327738-00327887 got to make sure that everything is is QHLa-I62y8M-01376-00327888-00328097 clear and and you know I feel QHLa-I62y8M-01377-00328098-00328241 comfortable before I go into a QHLa-I62y8M-01378-00328242-00328403 particular space I mean so you're saying QHLa-I62y8M-01379-00328404-00328601 that my feelings are not valid and QHLa-I62y8M-01380-00328602-00328756 that's that's what you're saying here to QHLa-I62y8M-01381-00328757-00329008 to about this particular book but also QHLa-I62y8M-01382-00329009-00329230 what you're saying to Children is that QHLa-I62y8M-01383-00329231-00329525 they their experiences have no value and QHLa-I62y8M-01384-00329526-00329729 that right there is a soul crushing for QHLa-I62y8M-01385-00329730-00330191 lack of a better word it really is QHLa-I62y8M-01386-00330192-00330299 okay QHLa-I62y8M-01387-00330300-00330491 any additional thoughts on that ladies QHLa-I62y8M-01388-00330492-00330984 before I go into my next question QHLa-I62y8M-01389-00330985-00331465 last question okay now hmm QHLa-I62y8M-01390-00331466-00331793 we know that the attacks on on AP QHLa-I62y8M-01391-00331794-00332045 History the actual curriculum QHLa-I62y8M-01392-00332046-00332213 that exists QHLa-I62y8M-01393-00332214-00332560 is in direct conflict with Florida's QHLa-I62y8M-01394-00332561-00332717 current legislation QHLa-I62y8M-01395-00332718-00332921 okay QHLa-I62y8M-01396-00332922-00333101 so I just want to have as a final QHLa-I62y8M-01397-00333102-00333310 thought I just want to know somebody QHLa-I62y8M-01398-00333311-00333580 made your final thoughts are about that QHLa-I62y8M-01399-00333581-00333677 foreign QHLa-I62y8M-01400-00333678-00333910 make it make sense that's that's it QHLa-I62y8M-01401-00333911-00334067 that's the only thing you can say is QHLa-I62y8M-01402-00334068-00334451 make it make sense because if it's law QHLa-I62y8M-01403-00334452-00335003 how do you go and QHLa-I62y8M-01404-00335004-00335119 um QHLa-I62y8M-01405-00335120-00335429 so just for the good of the audience QHLa-I62y8M-01406-00335430-00335603 right I always feel like one of the QHLa-I62y8M-01407-00335604-00335879 things that we bring is QHLa-I62y8M-01408-00335880-00336258 facts right and and accurate information QHLa-I62y8M-01409-00336259-00336665 and the most current so I don't know if QHLa-I62y8M-01410-00336666-00336917 anyone out there has you know has seen QHLa-I62y8M-01411-00336918-00337049 this because y'all know how I feel about QHLa-I62y8M-01412-00337050-00337282 the twitters like it is a learning space QHLa-I62y8M-01413-00337283-00337475 for me because I have curated my Twitter QHLa-I62y8M-01414-00337476-00337654 feed so it is a learning space it's not QHLa-I62y8M-01415-00337655-00337882 like a hellhole QHLa-I62y8M-01416-00337883-00338308 um you know the AP board actually had a QHLa-I62y8M-01417-00338309-00338530 response there was the first response QHLa-I62y8M-01418-00338531-00338849 that was fairly lukewarm and then they QHLa-I62y8M-01419-00338850-00339119 put out a second response that was the QHLa-I62y8M-01420-00339120-00339269 opposite of that QHLa-I62y8M-01421-00339270-00339665 and in that response to the doe a few QHLa-I62y8M-01422-00339666-00339923 things that they talked about so you QHLa-I62y8M-01423-00339924-00340079 know this kind of circles back to I know QHLa-I62y8M-01424-00340080-00340229 that we're wrapping up but it circles QHLa-I62y8M-01425-00340230-00340541 back to how we started that this is this QHLa-I62y8M-01426-00340542-00340775 is political you know like make no QHLa-I62y8M-01427-00340776-00340960 mistake this is political QHLa-I62y8M-01428-00340961-00341267 and so the AP board said QHLa-I62y8M-01429-00341268-00341513 um we never I'm quoting we never QHLa-I62y8M-01430-00341514-00341704 received written feedback from the QHLa-I62y8M-01431-00341705-00341904 Florida Department of Education QHLa-I62y8M-01432-00341905-00342221 specifying how our course violated QHLa-I62y8M-01433-00342222-00342689 Florida law despite repeated requests on QHLa-I62y8M-01434-00342690-00342893 three occasions beginning in September QHLa-I62y8M-01435-00342894-00343115 2022 we requested that specific QHLa-I62y8M-01436-00343116-00343360 information about why the course was QHLa-I62y8M-01437-00343361-00343637 deemed out of compliance we received a QHLa-I62y8M-01438-00343638-00343780 commitment that feedback would be QHLa-I62y8M-01439-00343781-00344189 provided and it never was the first and QHLa-I62y8M-01440-00344190-00344380 only written feedback we have received QHLa-I62y8M-01441-00344381-00344627 was through a tweet from commissioner QHLa-I62y8M-01442-00344628-00345180 Diaz posted on January 20th QHLa-I62y8M-01443-00345181-00345460 so and it goes on I mean it's long like QHLa-I62y8M-01444-00345461-00345695 they are they laid it out and so I QHLa-I62y8M-01445-00345696-00345875 highly recommend if anybody's out there QHLa-I62y8M-01446-00345876-00346279 and wants to that you Google AP board QHLa-I62y8M-01447-00346280-00346727 response to Florida doe because QHLa-I62y8M-01448-00346728-00346997 um oh and they said finally we need to QHLa-I62y8M-01449-00346998-00347297 clarify that none of the topics were QHLa-I62y8M-01450-00347298-00347495 removed because they lacked educational QHLa-I62y8M-01451-00347496-00347621 value QHLa-I62y8M-01452-00347622-00347843 we believe every student should have the QHLa-I62y8M-01453-00347844-00348058 opportunity to immerse themselves in the QHLa-I62y8M-01454-00348059-00348208 facts and evidence of the QHLa-I62y8M-01455-00348209-00348437 African-American experience regardless QHLa-I62y8M-01456-00348438-00348882 of where those students live QHLa-I62y8M-01457-00348883-00349180 you can't you can't argue with facts I QHLa-I62y8M-01458-00349181-00349432 mean I I know I know one one of my QHLa-I62y8M-01459-00349433-00349667 favorite quotes from uh the late great QHLa-I62y8M-01460-00349668-00349858 Robert Nestor Marley Bob Marley is that QHLa-I62y8M-01461-00349859-00350129 you know the truth is an offense that QHLa-I62y8M-01462-00350130-00350321 that's that's what it is the truth is an QHLa-I62y8M-01463-00350322-00350554 offense and the truth can do one of two QHLa-I62y8M-01464-00350555-00350699 things it's gonna make you mad that's QHLa-I62y8M-01465-00350700-00350921 first but it also should make you think QHLa-I62y8M-01466-00350922-00351203 and say to yourself okay why is this QHLa-I62y8M-01467-00351204-00351430 offensive to me or now how can I learn QHLa-I62y8M-01468-00351431-00351658 from this but the truth is I was going QHLa-I62y8M-01469-00351659-00351815 to be offensive that that's just the QHLa-I62y8M-01470-00351816-00352013 bottom line because because it's not QHLa-I62y8M-01471-00352014-00352163 what you want to hear it's not what you QHLa-I62y8M-01472-00352164-00352291 want to deal with I mean so imagine QHLa-I62y8M-01473-00352292-00352595 imagine you are you the slaves weren't QHLa-I62y8M-01474-00352596-00352721 allowed to read QHLa-I62y8M-01475-00352722-00352991 but yet you are forbidding people from QHLa-I62y8M-01476-00352992-00353141 learning that the slaves won't allowed QHLa-I62y8M-01477-00353142-00353560 you QHLa-I62y8M-01478-00353561-00354023 say it all the time QHLa-I62y8M-01479-00354024-00354384 making me QHLa-I62y8M-01480-00354385-00354593 just April do you have any final QHLa-I62y8M-01481-00354594-00355187 thoughts because I just I can't QHLa-I62y8M-01482-00355188-00355667 at this point say earlier on QHLa-I62y8M-01483-00355668-00355858 we gotta have to learn how to settle in QHLa-I62y8M-01484-00355859-00356123 this and navigate differently we can't QHLa-I62y8M-01485-00356124-00356410 we are not the majority QHLa-I62y8M-01486-00356411-00356621 when it comes to making the decisions QHLa-I62y8M-01487-00356622-00356854 necessary that's going to be beneficial QHLa-I62y8M-01488-00356855-00357047 all children that's just that's the QHLa-I62y8M-01489-00357048-00357232 reality like you said in the beginning QHLa-I62y8M-01490-00357233-00357371 it's political QHLa-I62y8M-01491-00357372-00357653 and unfortunately politics is going to QHLa-I62y8M-01492-00357654-00357877 be here when we are QHLa-I62y8M-01493-00357878-00358073 dusting the ground QHLa-I62y8M-01494-00358074-00358360 or ashes under my on the uh mantle it's QHLa-I62y8M-01495-00358361-00358756 it's just going to be there and QHLa-I62y8M-01496-00358757-00359032 I'm not going to kill myself QHLa-I62y8M-01497-00359033-00359291 trying to figure this out either we just QHLa-I62y8M-01498-00359292-00359530 have to do what's best for children in QHLa-I62y8M-01499-00359531-00359717 our classrooms to the best of our QHLa-I62y8M-01500-00359718-00359956 ability and making certain that we're QHLa-I62y8M-01501-00359957-00360178 not trying to sway them to believe QHLa-I62y8M-01502-00360179-00360382 things that we believe simply because QHLa-I62y8M-01503-00360383-00360647 that's what we were taught because I was QHLa-I62y8M-01504-00360648-00360808 to reinforce some of the things that my QHLa-I62y8M-01505-00360809-00361078 grandmother embedded in me QHLa-I62y8M-01506-00361079-00361343 I definitely wouldn't be right here on QHLa-I62y8M-01507-00361344-00361619 you know this live with Angela sharing QHLa-I62y8M-01508-00361620-00361810 some of the same Collective views that's QHLa-I62y8M-01509-00361811-00362021 just the reality right because she just QHLa-I62y8M-01510-00362022-00362254 did not involve herself with white QHLa-I62y8M-01511-00362255-00362441 people because she felt that they were QHLa-I62y8M-01512-00362442-00362765 always bring her on and that's just the QHLa-I62y8M-01513-00362766-00363065 way it was for her seeing what they did QHLa-I62y8M-01514-00363066-00363347 to her mother and father you know what QHLa-I62y8M-01515-00363348-00363713 I'm saying so again we just gotta QHLa-I62y8M-01516-00363714-00363953 we have to think indifferently and QHLa-I62y8M-01517-00363954-00364084 what's going to be for the betterment of QHLa-I62y8M-01518-00364085-00364427 all people especially children mm-hmm QHLa-I62y8M-01519-00364428-00366558 foreign QHLa-I62y8M-01520-00366559-00366965 you know I like I I felt compelled QHLa-I62y8M-01521-00366966-00367145 because um April just said something QHLa-I62y8M-01522-00367146-00367354 that I was like and you know when she QHLa-I62y8M-01523-00367355-00367595 said we're not in the majority of you QHLa-I62y8M-01524-00367596-00367775 know those who have the power and are in QHLa-I62y8M-01525-00367776-00368080 control and often QHLa-I62y8M-01526-00368081-00368287 that the majority looks like I do QHLa-I62y8M-01527-00368288-00368627 they're white and so I think my call to QHLa-I62y8M-01528-00368628-00368963 action is having fellow white people QHLa-I62y8M-01529-00368964-00369317 you take that house bill and you go to a QHLa-I62y8M-01530-00369318-00369593 school board meeting and you say I don't QHLa-I62y8M-01531-00369594-00369851 want my child in a place where they QHLa-I62y8M-01532-00369852-00370019 aren't going to learn black history QHLa-I62y8M-01533-00370020-00370175 uh-huh QHLa-I62y8M-01534-00370176-00370451 right that that parental Bill of Rights QHLa-I62y8M-01535-00370452-00370691 has a lot of power QHLa-I62y8M-01536-00370692-00371117 if we can get other people using it yes QHLa-I62y8M-01537-00371118-00371578 there is a very loud loud vocal and QHLa-I62y8M-01538-00371579-00371854 consistent I mean they are organized and QHLa-I62y8M-01539-00371855-00372089 consistent and they show up all the time QHLa-I62y8M-01540-00372090-00372377 and so I think that is you know what I QHLa-I62y8M-01541-00372378-00372582 would say my call to action to people QHLa-I62y8M-01542-00372583-00372845 you're gonna have to pick up the mantle QHLa-I62y8M-01543-00372846-00373043 like you're gonna have to go and say QHLa-I62y8M-01544-00373044-00373254 something QHLa-I62y8M-01545-00373255-00373528 absolutely absolutely and I just said QHLa-I62y8M-01546-00373529-00373678 that's that's I think that's a that's a QHLa-I62y8M-01547-00373679-00373930 great a great way to do that next week QHLa-I62y8M-01548-00373931-00374077 because yeah QHLa-I62y8M-01549-00374078-00374327 that's right matter of fact let's let's QHLa-I62y8M-01550-00374328-00374530 get that on our calendar make sure we QHLa-I62y8M-01551-00374531-00374656 all know that we get the school board QHLa-I62y8M-01552-00374657-00374795 meeting that's a great great place to go QHLa-I62y8M-01553-00374796-00374956 a school board meeting it would be it QHLa-I62y8M-01554-00374957-00375203 would take place uh QHLa-I62y8M-01555-00375204-00375406 uh calendar hold on one second since QHLa-I62y8M-01556-00375407-00375730 we're a year it is the 20 yep the 21st QHLa-I62y8M-01557-00375731-00375971 at three o'clock so we want to see you QHLa-I62y8M-01558-00375972-00376204 all there and please yeah raise your QHLa-I62y8M-01559-00376205-00376397 voices I mean the the worst thing that QHLa-I62y8M-01560-00376398-00376547 we could possibly do is sit there and be QHLa-I62y8M-01561-00376548-00376660 silent that's why you need to be QHLa-I62y8M-01562-00376661-00376804 advocate for yourself advocate for QHLa-I62y8M-01563-00376805-00377027 someone else it is important that we go QHLa-I62y8M-01564-00377028-00377291 out and raise our voices because we're QHLa-I62y8M-01565-00377292-00377489 telling you that you this is this is QHLa-I62y8M-01566-00377490-00377621 what's happening right now and when QHLa-I62y8M-01567-00377622-00377903 you're in the minority you're you're not QHLa-I62y8M-01568-00377904-00378023 going to be heard but if you come QHLa-I62y8M-01569-00378024-00378191 collectively together like we're doing QHLa-I62y8M-01570-00378192-00378419 this month to raise awareness is going QHLa-I62y8M-01571-00378420-00378587 to be uh beneficial and before we wrap QHLa-I62y8M-01572-00378588-00378749 up I do want to mention that I'm gonna QHLa-I62y8M-01573-00378750-00378887 let them April talk about it just for a QHLa-I62y8M-01574-00378888-00379187 second this is our um this Friday QHLa-I62y8M-01575-00379188-00379325 um even though Friday is typically a QHLa-I62y8M-01576-00379326-00379534 fair day but um a lot of the um the QHLa-I62y8M-01577-00379535-00379751 rules are unfair they have changed they QHLa-I62y8M-01578-00379752-00379901 will know no longer be I think free QHLa-I62y8M-01579-00379902-00379997 tickets QHLa-I62y8M-01580-00379998-00380171 um your kids have to go there with their QHLa-I62y8M-01581-00380172-00380375 with an adult an adult must be up over QHLa-I62y8M-01582-00380376-00380621 21 so it can't be a cousin in them who QHLa-I62y8M-01583-00380622-00380753 just barely two years older than you QHLa-I62y8M-01584-00380754-00381017 know it has to be an adult that's 21 and QHLa-I62y8M-01585-00381018-00381317 above so in lieu of that that we figure QHLa-I62y8M-01586-00381318-00381478 a lot of kids may not be able to go to QHLa-I62y8M-01587-00381479-00381695 the fair at this time we do have an QHLa-I62y8M-01588-00381696-00381784 event QHLa-I62y8M-01589-00381785-00381977 at the yet Center and April is going to QHLa-I62y8M-01590-00381978-00382253 talk about that is the I am valued uh I QHLa-I62y8M-01591-00382254-00382499 am valued experience okay go ahead April QHLa-I62y8M-01592-00382500-00382625 tell us about that QHLa-I62y8M-01593-00382626-00382906 so on this upcoming Friday we have the I QHLa-I62y8M-01594-00382907-00383249 am value youth Symposium it is going to QHLa-I62y8M-01595-00383250-00383530 be an all-day event we have some QHLa-I62y8M-01596-00383531-00383717 phenomenal speakers that's going to be QHLa-I62y8M-01597-00383718-00383975 bringing forth information to the youth QHLa-I62y8M-01598-00383976-00384215 about topics that can Empower them QHLa-I62y8M-01599-00384216-00384484 moving forward in their academics along QHLa-I62y8M-01600-00384485-00384706 with their everyday lives QHLa-I62y8M-01601-00384707-00384904 so we have vision board QHLa-I62y8M-01602-00384905-00385151 um setting goal board set setting we QHLa-I62y8M-01603-00385152-00385319 have um how to be safe in your QHLa-I62y8M-01604-00385320-00385589 communities we have relation healthy QHLa-I62y8M-01605-00385590-00385841 relationship building so on and so forth QHLa-I62y8M-01606-00385842-00386130 breakfast and lunch is provided QHLa-I62y8M-01607-00386131-00386441 registration is acts um to be done but QHLa-I62y8M-01608-00386442-00386663 it's not a necessity we want all QHLa-I62y8M-01609-00386664-00386945 children to arrive at least by 9 30 in QHLa-I62y8M-01610-00386946-00387101 order to get their breakfast so we can QHLa-I62y8M-01611-00387102-00387389 kick off and get started by 10 a.m our QHLa-I62y8M-01612-00387390-00387713 last closeout session is at 3 30 with QHLa-I62y8M-01613-00387714-00387953 expectation for parents to pick up by 4 QHLa-I62y8M-01614-00387954-00388313 P.M but again it's a safe space for your QHLa-I62y8M-01615-00388314-00388421 children QHLa-I62y8M-01616-00388422-00388654 from grades third all the way up through QHLa-I62y8M-01617-00388655-00388882 high school and efforts for them to be QHLa-I62y8M-01618-00388883-00389093 able to do something meaningful over the QHLa-I62y8M-01619-00389094-00389321 day that they have off and I know some QHLa-I62y8M-01620-00389322-00389447 parents QHLa-I62y8M-01621-00389448-00389704 in the past your children can slide in QHLa-I62y8M-01622-00389705-00389939 with a 10 year old 17 year old brother QHLa-I62y8M-01623-00389940-00390299 sister this year not happening they must QHLa-I62y8M-01624-00390300-00390641 present an ID that they are 21 years of QHLa-I62y8M-01625-00390642-00390869 age and older so let's not have our QHLa-I62y8M-01626-00390870-00391067 children just stay home and possibly get QHLa-I62y8M-01627-00391068-00391282 a Mischief let's have them join us over QHLa-I62y8M-01628-00391283-00391601 at the yet Center QHLa-I62y8M-01629-00391602-00391804 they're gonna have a good time QHLa-I62y8M-01630-00391805-00392051 great thank you April all right everyone QHLa-I62y8M-01631-00392052-00392284 thank you so much for joining us I know QHLa-I62y8M-01632-00392285-00392489 as we talked about it valuing our our QHLa-I62y8M-01633-00392490-00392651 black language and culture in the QHLa-I62y8M-01634-00392652-00392860 classroom we want you to continue to QHLa-I62y8M-01635-00392861-00393204 follow us on www.sunshine QHLa-I62y8M-01636-00393205-00393377 educationcoalition.org and follow us on QHLa-I62y8M-01637-00393378-00393658 Facebook and we will be back again next QHLa-I62y8M-01638-00393659-00393851 actually the school board meeting on the QHLa-I62y8M-01639-00393852-00394151 21st and so we'll see you then and until QHLa-I62y8M-01640-00394152-00394330 the such time we'd like to wish you a QHLa-I62y8M-01641-00394331-00394716 wonderful and safe evening QHLa-I62y8M-01642-00394717-00396019 [Music] QHLa-I62y8M-01643-00396020-00396514 thank you foreign QHLa-I62y8M-01644-00396515-00397993 [Music] QIiN_0IIQvc-00000-00000024-00000335 god be coming through honey jesus loves QIiN_0IIQvc-00001-00000336-00000399 me QIiN_0IIQvc-00002-00000400-00000711 this i know for the bible QIiN_0IIQvc-00003-00000712-00001207 tells me so QIiN_0IIQvc-00004-00001208-00001399 thank god i'm not drinking hitting why i QIiN_0IIQvc-00005-00001400-00001519 had to be there QIiN_0IIQvc-00006-00001520-00001830 well i had to entertain your [__] why QIiN_0IIQvc-00007-00001832-00002071 did i have to entertain your [__] what QIiN_0IIQvc-00008-00002072-00002255 the [__] writing these questions you QIiN_0IIQvc-00009-00002256-00002567 you know the vibes QIiN_0IIQvc-00010-00002568-00002783 it's j hand me the lighter i'm about to QIiN_0IIQvc-00011-00002784-00003191 get litter than a QIiN_0IIQvc-00012-00003192-00003406 these hoes are acting all delirious and QIiN_0IIQvc-00013-00003407-00003767 i ain't you know the vibes QIiN_0IIQvc-00014-00003768-00003975 it's jay what's going on j squad plum QIiN_0IIQvc-00015-00003976-00004127 squad and she goes jay you already know QIiN_0IIQvc-00016-00004128-00004183 welcome QIiN_0IIQvc-00017-00004184-00004431 back to jay there's a whole lot of great QIiN_0IIQvc-00018-00004432-00004583 vlogs going on big period QIiN_0IIQvc-00019-00004584-00005399 and today is vlogmas day 10 QIiN_0IIQvc-00020-00005400-00005615 your girl is consistent and i'm lit QIiN_0IIQvc-00021-00005616-00005822 today's video is going to be a truth or QIiN_0IIQvc-00022-00005823-00006134 drink and this is all because of you poo QIiN_0IIQvc-00023-00006135-00006302 anywho before i get into this video you QIiN_0IIQvc-00024-00006303-00006406 already know i gotta hit on some QIiN_0IIQvc-00025-00006408-00006559 comments from yesterday's video which is QIiN_0IIQvc-00026-00006559-00006703 vlogmas day nine QIiN_0IIQvc-00027-00006704-00006903 so let's get into it first comment this QIiN_0IIQvc-00028-00006904-00007087 is from ship and smith QIiN_0IIQvc-00029-00007088-00007414 she said j vox yes girl she said i tried QIiN_0IIQvc-00030-00007415-00007551 that carrot juice drink QIiN_0IIQvc-00031-00007552-00007831 oh yes it's real good thank you thank QIiN_0IIQvc-00032-00007831-00007870 you QIiN_0IIQvc-00033-00007872-00008087 for showing the juices you be drinking QIiN_0IIQvc-00034-00008088-00008246 my grandma actually put me on that juice QIiN_0IIQvc-00035-00008247-00008414 so thank you to my grandma if you don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00036-00008415-00008559 know what juice i'm talking about it's QIiN_0IIQvc-00037-00008560-00008687 the mystic drinks QIiN_0IIQvc-00038-00008688-00008863 and it's literally the orange carrot QIiN_0IIQvc-00039-00008864-00009110 flavor go try it it's so good i know it QIiN_0IIQvc-00040-00009111-00009167 look QIiN_0IIQvc-00041-00009168-00009487 a little thick but it ain't thick it's QIiN_0IIQvc-00042-00009488-00009542 tasty QIiN_0IIQvc-00043-00009543-00009783 it's yummy second comment is gonna come QIiN_0IIQvc-00044-00009784-00009951 from you need me QIiN_0IIQvc-00045-00009952-00010159 i'm reading the comments you looking at QIiN_0IIQvc-00046-00010160-00010263 me QIiN_0IIQvc-00047-00010264-00010631 you're beautiful that's all i want to QIiN_0IIQvc-00048-00010632-00010703 say QIiN_0IIQvc-00049-00010704-00011199 thank you QIiN_0IIQvc-00050-00011200-00011478 so sweet this is from pretty life kayla QIiN_0IIQvc-00051-00011479-00011614 she said easy was QIiN_0IIQvc-00052-00011615-00011967 lit ass and she was she said now QIiN_0IIQvc-00053-00011968-00012238 i know natalie has a nipple piercing QIiN_0IIQvc-00054-00012239-00012310 like QIiN_0IIQvc-00055-00012311-00012495 right i cannot get that out of my head QIiN_0IIQvc-00056-00012496-00012655 neither girl but you nasty QIiN_0IIQvc-00057-00012656-00012822 and then she was like i love your nails QIiN_0IIQvc-00058-00012823-00013022 jay QIiN_0IIQvc-00059-00013023-00013263 thank you by the way i love you jay with QIiN_0IIQvc-00060-00013263-00013415 your goofy self worth a lot of great QIiN_0IIQvc-00061-00013416-00013615 vibes going on big period QIiN_0IIQvc-00062-00013616-00013847 now last comment you guys is gonna come QIiN_0IIQvc-00063-00013847-00013958 from QIiN_0IIQvc-00064-00013959-00014343 trojan all i can see is trojan i i don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00065-00014344-00014527 even know what the rest is supposed to QIiN_0IIQvc-00066-00014528-00014566 say QIiN_0IIQvc-00067-00014568-00014911 omg i'm wearing a burst name i cannot QIiN_0IIQvc-00068-00014912-00014966 talk i QIiN_0IIQvc-00069-00014968-00015319 have not taken any shots yet neither omg QIiN_0IIQvc-00070-00015319-00015479 i'm wearing a birthstone ring my mama QIiN_0IIQvc-00071-00015480-00015750 gave me two and people get so confused QIiN_0IIQvc-00072-00015751-00016007 lol i'm like chill i'm not married or QIiN_0IIQvc-00073-00016008-00016119 engaged QIiN_0IIQvc-00074-00016119-00016303 you guys thank you so much for being QIiN_0IIQvc-00075-00016304-00016455 engaged in the comment section to QIiN_0IIQvc-00076-00016456-00016558 everyone else QIiN_0IIQvc-00077-00016559-00016719 if you don't know if this is your first QIiN_0IIQvc-00078-00016720-00016863 time looking at my videos QIiN_0IIQvc-00079-00016864-00017167 i am doing vlogmas obviously QIiN_0IIQvc-00080-00017168-00017343 and i do three comments from the QIiN_0IIQvc-00081-00017344-00017511 previous day QIiN_0IIQvc-00082-00017512-00017703 just to let you know that i'm in these QIiN_0IIQvc-00083-00017704-00017863 comments sections with you guys i love QIiN_0IIQvc-00084-00017864-00018007 it when you guys are engaged when you QIiN_0IIQvc-00085-00018008-00018119 comment down below QIiN_0IIQvc-00086-00018120-00018255 please make sure you are subscribed to QIiN_0IIQvc-00087-00018256-00018430 my channels like comment share all that QIiN_0IIQvc-00088-00018431-00018607 good stuff QIiN_0IIQvc-00089-00018608-00018879 the goal is not to get to the bottom of QIiN_0IIQvc-00090-00018880-00018919 the QIiN_0IIQvc-00091-00018920-00019263 other and i could not do this QIiN_0IIQvc-00092-00019264-00019494 video without getting my rainbow shot QIiN_0IIQvc-00093-00019495-00019599 cup QIiN_0IIQvc-00094-00019600-00019799 just in case things get a little dirty i QIiN_0IIQvc-00095-00019800-00020030 got me a little chasing i know i'ma get QIiN_0IIQvc-00096-00020031-00020175 lit to the point where i'm gonna need a QIiN_0IIQvc-00097-00020176-00020391 hookah and y'all i have my own i have my QIiN_0IIQvc-00098-00020392-00020607 own hookah tip this is so QIiN_0IIQvc-00099-00020608-00020871 cute why did i not think of this and QIiN_0IIQvc-00100-00020872-00021086 invest in this myself i think i should QIiN_0IIQvc-00101-00021087-00021335 invest in my own hookah tips but this is QIiN_0IIQvc-00102-00021336-00021543 so cute so wherever i go QIiN_0IIQvc-00103-00021544-00021791 i'm taking my own hookah this is covet QIiN_0IIQvc-00104-00021792-00021927 19 QIiN_0IIQvc-00105-00021928-00022111 safe get your own hookah tail when you QIiN_0IIQvc-00106-00022112-00022743 go to the project on QIiN_0IIQvc-00107-00022744-00023103 lit super lit i'm nervous QIiN_0IIQvc-00108-00023104-00023335 let's get into these questions first QIiN_0IIQvc-00109-00023336-00023407 truth or QIiN_0IIQvc-00110-00023408-00023758 drink question is coming from the best QIiN_0IIQvc-00111-00023759-00024039 mommy ever she said hey jay is the best QIiN_0IIQvc-00112-00024040-00024150 mommy ever QIiN_0IIQvc-00113-00024151-00024447 slash d you already told me that just QIiN_0IIQvc-00114-00024448-00024655 showing you some love and texting QIiN_0IIQvc-00115-00024656-00024942 you to say i love you here's a question QIiN_0IIQvc-00116-00024943-00024999 have you QIiN_0IIQvc-00117-00025000-00025183 ever watched any of your subscribers QIiN_0IIQvc-00118-00025184-00025486 videos and decided to subscribe QIiN_0IIQvc-00119-00025487-00025639 you know i'ma tell the truth on that i QIiN_0IIQvc-00120-00025639-00025887 do subscribe to my supporters and if you QIiN_0IIQvc-00121-00025888-00025974 don't know QIiN_0IIQvc-00122-00025975-00026190 now you know literally i can show you a QIiN_0IIQvc-00123-00026191-00026374 screen recording i literally QIiN_0IIQvc-00124-00026375-00026574 go and subscribe to everyone that QIiN_0IIQvc-00125-00026575-00026727 subscribed to me QIiN_0IIQvc-00126-00026727-00027031 no cat but yes i subscribe to QIiN_0IIQvc-00127-00027032-00027239 a lot of my supporters uh youtube QIiN_0IIQvc-00128-00027239-00027374 channels and QIiN_0IIQvc-00129-00027375-00027758 i've watched a few videos here in there QIiN_0IIQvc-00130-00027760-00027983 and yeah that's the truth she also QIiN_0IIQvc-00131-00027983-00028095 wanted to ask me what does she have to QIiN_0IIQvc-00132-00028095-00028302 do to get a promo and is it expensive QIiN_0IIQvc-00133-00028304-00028535 you guys i am doing 40 promos and that's QIiN_0IIQvc-00134-00028536-00028735 my set price like that's my set price QIiN_0IIQvc-00135-00028736-00028855 until the price go up QIiN_0IIQvc-00136-00028856-00029135 i 40 for the promo and let me tell you QIiN_0IIQvc-00137-00029136-00029190 something QIiN_0IIQvc-00138-00029191-00029431 if you think that's expensive then you QIiN_0IIQvc-00139-00029432-00029614 crazy because literally i ain't going to QIiN_0IIQvc-00140-00029616-00029774 tell you who but i don't did QIiN_0IIQvc-00141-00029775-00030167 i did two promos i didn't pay two people QIiN_0IIQvc-00142-00030168-00030455 that have over a hundred and some QIiN_0IIQvc-00143-00030456-00030590 subscribers than me QIiN_0IIQvc-00144-00030591-00031046 and i barely got 20 20 subs but i want QIiN_0IIQvc-00145-00031047-00031158 you to know when QIiN_0IIQvc-00146-00031160-00031414 promos come from me people get literally QIiN_0IIQvc-00147-00031416-00031487 like over QIiN_0IIQvc-00148-00031488-00031855 50 over 100 subs so 40 for the promo QIiN_0IIQvc-00149-00031856-00032014 if you need a promo make sure you text QIiN_0IIQvc-00150-00032016-00032262 me at 704-430-9603 QIiN_0IIQvc-00151-00032263-00032390 and i'll let you know what i need from QIiN_0IIQvc-00152-00032391-00032599 you to get a promo from me let me send QIiN_0IIQvc-00153-00032600-00032799 her back my reply cuz i already QIiN_0IIQvc-00154-00032800-00032967 wrote it up now let's get into these QIiN_0IIQvc-00155-00032968-00033118 questions sheesh QIiN_0IIQvc-00156-00033119-00033471 the game starts now this is from texas QIiN_0IIQvc-00157-00033472-00033574 johnson QIiN_0IIQvc-00158-00033575-00033927 j bob's naughty or nice truth QIiN_0IIQvc-00159-00033928-00034590 questions nice QIiN_0IIQvc-00160-00034591-00034927 what i'm confused QIiN_0IIQvc-00161-00034928-00035135 okay it says who makes the best food QIiN_0IIQvc-00162-00035136-00035302 ever during holidays QIiN_0IIQvc-00163-00035303-00035662 your mom or your mother-in-law nope QIiN_0IIQvc-00164-00035663-00035902 you or the person reading the question QIiN_0IIQvc-00165-00035903-00035999 got to answer QIiN_0IIQvc-00166-00036000-00036255 honestly or take a shot i know how to QIiN_0IIQvc-00167-00036256-00036462 play the game QIiN_0IIQvc-00168-00036463-00036735 but this is the thing i don't have a QIiN_0IIQvc-00169-00036736-00036943 mother-in-law QIiN_0IIQvc-00170-00036944-00037190 but if i did have a mother-in-law ma i'm QIiN_0IIQvc-00171-00037191-00037246 sorry QIiN_0IIQvc-00172-00037247-00037446 my mama don't cook my mama tell you QIiN_0IIQvc-00173-00037447-00037607 herself she don't like to cook she don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00174-00037608-00037790 cook okay the last time i even ate a QIiN_0IIQvc-00175-00037791-00037935 meal from my mom was probably some QIiN_0IIQvc-00176-00037936-00038015 spaghetti QIiN_0IIQvc-00177-00038016-00038246 or lasagna or it was probably some QIiN_0IIQvc-00178-00038247-00038399 frozen salisbury steak QIiN_0IIQvc-00179-00038400-00038662 that came from the frozen dinner section QIiN_0IIQvc-00180-00038663-00038799 my mama don't cook she don't like to QIiN_0IIQvc-00181-00038800-00038967 cook and i found that out recently QIiN_0IIQvc-00182-00038968-00039095 because she was talking QIiN_0IIQvc-00183-00039096-00039262 a little bit too much for herself and QIiN_0IIQvc-00184-00039263-00039430 she confessed it that she don't like to QIiN_0IIQvc-00185-00039431-00039471 cook QIiN_0IIQvc-00186-00039472-00039607 and i never knew that but then when i QIiN_0IIQvc-00187-00039608-00039751 started putting two and two together i QIiN_0IIQvc-00188-00039752-00039911 got four and i was like dang that's why QIiN_0IIQvc-00189-00039912-00040079 you never cook for us QIiN_0IIQvc-00190-00040080-00040311 second question if you could do one QIiN_0IIQvc-00191-00040312-00040655 thing really nice for your ex-friend QIiN_0IIQvc-00192-00040656-00040911 girl that ex be throwing me off what QIiN_0IIQvc-00193-00040912-00041039 would it be QIiN_0IIQvc-00194-00041040-00041711 if you found out they are homeless QIiN_0IIQvc-00195-00041712-00043935 a ex-friend and they were homeless QIiN_0IIQvc-00196-00043936-00044223 next question what's three of your most QIiN_0IIQvc-00197-00044224-00044351 favorite gifts QIiN_0IIQvc-00198-00044352-00044558 and three of your most least favorite QIiN_0IIQvc-00199-00044559-00045295 gifts and you gotta tell who it's from QIiN_0IIQvc-00200-00045296-00045471 you had me at you know tell you my QIiN_0IIQvc-00201-00045472-00045599 favorite gifts and my least favorite QIiN_0IIQvc-00202-00045600-00045718 gifts but then i got to tell you who QIiN_0IIQvc-00203-00045719-00045799 it's from QIiN_0IIQvc-00204-00045800-00046551 then i got to tell you who it's from QIiN_0IIQvc-00205-00046552-00047015 you want to be disqualified from QIiN_0IIQvc-00206-00047016-00047199 thank god i'm not drinking honey next QIiN_0IIQvc-00207-00047200-00047367 question tell QIiN_0IIQvc-00208-00047368-00047702 one personal things QIiN_0IIQvc-00209-00047703-00048071 baby your words literally what it says QIiN_0IIQvc-00210-00048072-00048271 tell one personal thing describing what QIiN_0IIQvc-00211-00048272-00048511 you love most about your crush and QIiN_0IIQvc-00212-00048512-00048727 what's one you don't like during the QIiN_0IIQvc-00213-00048728-00048830 holidays QIiN_0IIQvc-00214-00048831-00049367 what tell one personal thing describing QIiN_0IIQvc-00215-00049368-00049639 what you love about your crush and QIiN_0IIQvc-00216-00049640-00049695 what's QIiN_0IIQvc-00217-00049696-00049990 one you don't like during the holidays QIiN_0IIQvc-00218-00049991-00050143 one thing that i love QIiN_0IIQvc-00219-00050144-00050383 you say love a like [__] because by this QIiN_0IIQvc-00220-00050384-00050511 time okay look QIiN_0IIQvc-00221-00050512-00050767 one thing i love and my crush is my baby QIiN_0IIQvc-00222-00050768-00050846 that's my crush QIiN_0IIQvc-00223-00050847-00051095 okay big period i'm not i don't even QIiN_0IIQvc-00224-00051096-00051279 have eyes for nobody i'm not interested QIiN_0IIQvc-00225-00051279-00051446 in nobody and i'm not talking to nobody QIiN_0IIQvc-00226-00051447-00051711 and i'm not texting nobody and i'm not QIiN_0IIQvc-00227-00051712-00052023 nobody but one thing that i love about QIiN_0IIQvc-00228-00052024-00052070 her QIiN_0IIQvc-00229-00052071-00052414 like it's so many freaking things QIiN_0IIQvc-00230-00052415-00052599 uh i'm not gonna tell you one that i QIiN_0IIQvc-00231-00052600-00052759 already told you something else that i QIiN_0IIQvc-00232-00052760-00052999 love about her is how she pays attention QIiN_0IIQvc-00233-00053000-00053038 to QIiN_0IIQvc-00234-00053039-00053342 detail of so many things like QIiN_0IIQvc-00235-00053344-00053550 she can look at me and know what's going QIiN_0IIQvc-00236-00053551-00053679 on like QIiN_0IIQvc-00237-00053679-00054030 it's crazy she knows QIiN_0IIQvc-00238-00054032-00054350 things without me having to even QIiN_0IIQvc-00239-00054351-00054719 say anything i love that QIiN_0IIQvc-00240-00054720-00054982 i love it and something that i don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00241-00054983-00055047 like QIiN_0IIQvc-00242-00055048-00055207 i didn't understand that part something QIiN_0IIQvc-00243-00055208-00055438 that i don't like during the holidays oh QIiN_0IIQvc-00244-00055439-00055559 what's one thing you don't like during QIiN_0IIQvc-00245-00055560-00055807 the holidays um one thing that i don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00246-00055808-00055935 like during the holidays QIiN_0IIQvc-00247-00055936-00056150 is that my family is very dysfunctional QIiN_0IIQvc-00248-00056151-00056375 and i literally feel torn when it comes QIiN_0IIQvc-00249-00056376-00056415 to QIiN_0IIQvc-00250-00056416-00056599 want to spend time with my family QIiN_0IIQvc-00251-00056600-00056775 because i literally would like to have QIiN_0IIQvc-00252-00056776-00056935 them all under one roof QIiN_0IIQvc-00253-00056936-00057103 but that's just not the case because my QIiN_0IIQvc-00254-00057104-00057303 parents are divorced some of my family's QIiN_0IIQvc-00255-00057304-00057350 days QIiN_0IIQvc-00256-00057351-00057511 in north carolina some of my family QIiN_0IIQvc-00257-00057512-00057711 stays in south carolina i got family in QIiN_0IIQvc-00258-00057712-00057911 new jersey that i never met i got family QIiN_0IIQvc-00259-00057912-00057982 in texas QIiN_0IIQvc-00260-00057983-00058191 that i never visited but i've seen QIiN_0IIQvc-00261-00058191-00058447 before but i just never visited in texas QIiN_0IIQvc-00262-00058448-00058638 i have family all over the place and i QIiN_0IIQvc-00263-00058639-00058807 literally just want them all under one QIiN_0IIQvc-00264-00058808-00058854 roof QIiN_0IIQvc-00265-00058855-00059223 eating at the table at one long big ass QIiN_0IIQvc-00266-00059224-00059566 wide table okay long and wide QIiN_0IIQvc-00267-00059567-00059782 the table has to be long and it got to QIiN_0IIQvc-00268-00059783-00059871 be wide QIiN_0IIQvc-00269-00059872-00060175 next question share a truth about QIiN_0IIQvc-00270-00060176-00060591 what what if i write these questions you QIiN_0IIQvc-00271-00060591-00060942 your niece your nephew your uncle QIiN_0IIQvc-00272-00060944-00061119 y'all i'm reading i don't want you to QIiN_0IIQvc-00273-00061120-00061326 think i mean my english is [__] up QIiN_0IIQvc-00274-00061327-00061671 but baby girl can't write english QIiN_0IIQvc-00275-00061672-00061911 correctly okay and i know it was a lot QIiN_0IIQvc-00276-00061912-00062047 that you had to write and i know QIiN_0IIQvc-00277-00062048-00062382 maybe autocorrect was loving okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00278-00062383-00062663 share our truth about what something you QIiN_0IIQvc-00279-00062664-00062791 wasn't supposed to do during the QIiN_0IIQvc-00280-00062791-00063082 holidays but it worked out in good QIiN_0IIQvc-00281-00063083-00063326 favor something i wasn't supposed to do QIiN_0IIQvc-00282-00063327-00063535 during the holidays oh QIiN_0IIQvc-00283-00063536-00063791 i know i know i know i know i wasn't QIiN_0IIQvc-00284-00063791-00063935 supposed to go see your [__] QIiN_0IIQvc-00285-00063936-00064206 yeah yours not this no no no no no no no QIiN_0IIQvc-00286-00064207-00064366 this wasn't recent this was QIiN_0IIQvc-00287-00064367-00064647 last year i wasn't supposed to have been QIiN_0IIQvc-00288-00064648-00064815 there girl why you while you wasn't with QIiN_0IIQvc-00289-00064816-00064966 your girlfriend QIiN_0IIQvc-00290-00064967-00065199 why i had to be there well i had to QIiN_0IIQvc-00291-00065200-00065375 entertain your [__] QIiN_0IIQvc-00292-00065376-00065631 why did i have to entertain your [__] QIiN_0IIQvc-00293-00065632-00065687 why QIiN_0IIQvc-00294-00065688-00065911 that was last year and then like maybe QIiN_0IIQvc-00295-00065912-00065999 who's counting QIiN_0IIQvc-00296-00066000-00066191 i don't know some other years ago during QIiN_0IIQvc-00297-00066192-00066447 the holidays i was visiting my hometown QIiN_0IIQvc-00298-00066448-00066606 i guess you can call it my hometown it's QIiN_0IIQvc-00299-00066607-00066735 really my sister hometown it's not my QIiN_0IIQvc-00300-00066736-00066863 hometown my sister's hometown QIiN_0IIQvc-00301-00066864-00067150 i was visiting and i had messed around QIiN_0IIQvc-00302-00067151-00067343 and tried to mess around with one of my QIiN_0IIQvc-00303-00067344-00067399 childhood QIiN_0IIQvc-00304-00067400-00067719 friends and we were like no but we had QIiN_0IIQvc-00305-00067720-00067903 to literally get to the point QIiN_0IIQvc-00306-00067904-00068126 of body the body and it was like yo QIiN_0IIQvc-00307-00068127-00068271 you're hurting me QIiN_0IIQvc-00308-00068272-00068606 stop leave me alone i love you QIiN_0IIQvc-00309-00068607-00068871 you might be my brother all right we QIiN_0IIQvc-00310-00068872-00068975 ain't gonna do this no more QIiN_0IIQvc-00311-00068976-00069375 and yeah yeah yeah okay so now that i've QIiN_0IIQvc-00312-00069376-00069455 got through QIiN_0IIQvc-00313-00069456-00069638 these questions i understand what she QIiN_0IIQvc-00314-00069639-00069831 was trying to say she was trying to be QIiN_0IIQvc-00315-00069832-00070015 nice with those questions QIiN_0IIQvc-00316-00070016-00070167 now we're about to get into the naughty QIiN_0IIQvc-00317-00070168-00070470 part QIiN_0IIQvc-00318-00070471-00070623 [Music] QIiN_0IIQvc-00319-00070624-00070935 sheesh these are their questions oh QIiN_0IIQvc-00320-00070936-00071191 and she got a note oh tay you get on my QIiN_0IIQvc-00321-00071192-00071391 nerves girl you getting on my nerves QIiN_0IIQvc-00322-00071392-00071638 no you pick a number whatever number you QIiN_0IIQvc-00323-00071639-00071847 pick out the bow is the dare QIiN_0IIQvc-00324-00071848-00072159 you have to do or take a shot what QIiN_0IIQvc-00325-00072160-00072479 girl what you giving me rules QIiN_0IIQvc-00326-00072480-00072623 let me read it again cause i don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00327-00072624-00072831 understand you pick a number QIiN_0IIQvc-00328-00072832-00072999 whatever number you pick out the bowl QIiN_0IIQvc-00329-00073000-00073206 with the dare you have to do or take a QIiN_0IIQvc-00330-00073207-00073238 shot QIiN_0IIQvc-00331-00073239-00073543 oh oh okay so one two three oh okay okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00332-00073544-00073591 okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00333-00073592-00073694 i can do that i can do that i can do QIiN_0IIQvc-00334-00073695-00073894 that QIiN_0IIQvc-00335-00073895-00074247 paper pen QIiN_0IIQvc-00336-00074248-00074359 [__] i ain't got no ball i got QIiN_0IIQvc-00337-00074360-00075006 something i got a titty cup QIiN_0IIQvc-00338-00075007-00075423 one two and three okay i'mma QIiN_0IIQvc-00339-00075424-00076519 rip that rip back QIiN_0IIQvc-00340-00076520-00076679 i gotta make it spicy so then i'm gonna QIiN_0IIQvc-00341-00076680-00076919 just QIiN_0IIQvc-00342-00076920-00077135 rip it i'm gonna rip it three more times QIiN_0IIQvc-00343-00077136-00077343 and just QIiN_0IIQvc-00344-00077344-00077823 ball it up and put it in there QIiN_0IIQvc-00345-00077824-00078038 oh shoot that one fail hold on hold on i QIiN_0IIQvc-00346-00078039-00078182 gotta get some more paper QIiN_0IIQvc-00347-00078183-00078550 oh yeah this is my freestyle book you're QIiN_0IIQvc-00348-00078551-00078606 wasting my QIiN_0IIQvc-00349-00078607-00079031 freestyle paper QIiN_0IIQvc-00350-00079032-00079343 okay okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00351-00079344-00079631 okay i'm gonna shake it i don't even QIiN_0IIQvc-00352-00079632-00079743 know if it's getting sick QIiN_0IIQvc-00353-00079744-00079882 i'm gonna take it out and just toss it QIiN_0IIQvc-00354-00079883-00080189 around QIiN_0IIQvc-00355-00080190-00080319 [Music] QIiN_0IIQvc-00356-00080320-00081215 okay my titty cup too small QIiN_0IIQvc-00357-00081216-00081886 ain't nothing on this paper QIiN_0IIQvc-00358-00081887-00082462 [Music] QIiN_0IIQvc-00359-00082463-00082682 there ain't nothing on this paper QIiN_0IIQvc-00360-00082683-00082918 neither okay okay okay okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00361-00082919-00083262 okay maybe i gotta get to the bottom of QIiN_0IIQvc-00362-00083263-00084311 the city QIiN_0IIQvc-00363-00084312-00084718 there's nothing on this paper i promise QIiN_0IIQvc-00364-00084719-00084887 you i wrote down the number okay i don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00365-00084888-00085135 know come on come clean my room let me QIiN_0IIQvc-00366-00085136-00085223 tell you something QIiN_0IIQvc-00367-00085224-00085447 every time i do a video and every time i QIiN_0IIQvc-00368-00085448-00085838 do something that's extra QIiN_0IIQvc-00369-00085839-00086038 my room be a mess who gonna clean this QIiN_0IIQvc-00370-00086039-00086223 up who gonna edit the video who gonna QIiN_0IIQvc-00371-00086224-00086311 pour the shot QIiN_0IIQvc-00372-00086312-00086455 who gonna take care of my body when i QIiN_0IIQvc-00373-00086456-00086623 get drunk y'all gonna be thinking about QIiN_0IIQvc-00374-00086624-00086662 that QIiN_0IIQvc-00375-00086663-00087735 y'all don't be caring about that QIiN_0IIQvc-00376-00087736-00087959 you can't see it but it says it says QIiN_0IIQvc-00377-00087960-00088199 number one number one says sing QIiN_0IIQvc-00378-00088200-00088559 sing along what's the odds sing along QIiN_0IIQvc-00379-00088560-00088791 sing any christmas song while getting QIiN_0IIQvc-00380-00088792-00088982 kissed on anywhere by your partner QIiN_0IIQvc-00381-00088983-00089126 finish the song without kissing your QIiN_0IIQvc-00382-00089127-00089382 partner i ain't got no partner here QIiN_0IIQvc-00383-00089383-00089806 damn let me tell you a song first of all QIiN_0IIQvc-00384-00089807-00090103 i have way more questions so like i was QIiN_0IIQvc-00385-00090104-00090150 saying QIiN_0IIQvc-00386-00090151-00090335 in my last video if you haven't watched QIiN_0IIQvc-00387-00090336-00090494 it make sure you watch it i'm going to QIiN_0IIQvc-00388-00090495-00090662 do a part two QIiN_0IIQvc-00389-00090663-00090791 and i don't even think it's gonna be a QIiN_0IIQvc-00390-00090792-00090943 part three it's probably gonna be a part QIiN_0IIQvc-00391-00090944-00091071 one and part two this is part one QIiN_0IIQvc-00392-00091072-00091215 probably gonna be a part two but the way QIiN_0IIQvc-00393-00091216-00091343 these questions are set up QIiN_0IIQvc-00394-00091344-00091567 she need to be she need to be right here QIiN_0IIQvc-00395-00091568-00091694 i was gonna do it QIiN_0IIQvc-00396-00091695-00091967 virtually so i might invite her over QIiN_0IIQvc-00397-00091968-00092999 because she'd been home QIiN_0IIQvc-00398-00093000-00093406 ah anywho i can't do that one QIiN_0IIQvc-00399-00093407-00094352 okay let me see listen lizzy QIiN_0IIQvc-00400-00094353-00094471 [Music] QIiN_0IIQvc-00401-00094472-00094799 that says three QIiN_0IIQvc-00402-00094800-00095111 three says secretly QIiN_0IIQvc-00403-00095112-00095455 what is secretly is secretly a word QIiN_0IIQvc-00404-00095456-00095750 secretly dear santa write a letter to QIiN_0IIQvc-00405-00095751-00095943 your crush about something you want them QIiN_0IIQvc-00406-00095944-00096079 to do to you QIiN_0IIQvc-00407-00096080-00096255 for christmas without them knowing is QIiN_0IIQvc-00408-00096256-00096543 from you only if you dare to be naughty QIiN_0IIQvc-00409-00096544-00096918 you know what's crazy it's not crazy QIiN_0IIQvc-00410-00096919-00097223 it is crazy it's crazy it's wild and QIiN_0IIQvc-00411-00097224-00097438 it's a blessing at the same time QIiN_0IIQvc-00412-00097439-00097711 let me tell you something for the past QIiN_0IIQvc-00413-00097712-00097782 months QIiN_0IIQvc-00414-00097783-00098167 weeks things have been happening to me QIiN_0IIQvc-00415-00098168-00098543 right on time i've been either having a QIiN_0IIQvc-00416-00098544-00098655 dream QIiN_0IIQvc-00417-00098656-00098959 i've been either thinking something QIiN_0IIQvc-00418-00098960-00099303 i either set a timer QIiN_0IIQvc-00419-00099304-00099750 i either tell someone something and then QIiN_0IIQvc-00420-00099751-00100055 later on it happens it happens QIiN_0IIQvc-00421-00100056-00100326 it comes up in conversation i literally QIiN_0IIQvc-00422-00100327-00100431 told QIiN_0IIQvc-00423-00100432-00100767 my crush my bae i told her that i was QIiN_0IIQvc-00424-00100768-00100950 gonna write her a letter QIiN_0IIQvc-00425-00100951-00101359 because she took okay she asked me to QIiN_0IIQvc-00426-00101360-00101526 write a list of all the things that i QIiN_0IIQvc-00427-00101527-00101694 like and i don't like QIiN_0IIQvc-00428-00101695-00102006 to be gifted or it's hard for me to QIiN_0IIQvc-00429-00102007-00102079 receive QIiN_0IIQvc-00430-00102080-00102391 gifts because i don't know like i'm not QIiN_0IIQvc-00431-00102392-00102478 a material QIiN_0IIQvc-00432-00102479-00102694 person so it's kind of like you don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00433-00102695-00102830 have to do that like you don't have to QIiN_0IIQvc-00434-00102831-00102927 buy me a gift QIiN_0IIQvc-00435-00102928-00103166 you can literally bring me some fries in QIiN_0IIQvc-00436-00103167-00103358 a cup of honey mustard and i'm gonna be QIiN_0IIQvc-00437-00103359-00103582 like oh my gosh QIiN_0IIQvc-00438-00103583-00103839 kiss me in my mouth like it's the simple QIiN_0IIQvc-00439-00103840-00103942 things for me QIiN_0IIQvc-00440-00103943-00104063 but i literally told her i was gonna QIiN_0IIQvc-00441-00104064-00104230 write her a note and tell all the things QIiN_0IIQvc-00442-00104231-00104294 that i like QIiN_0IIQvc-00443-00104295-00104590 so for you to tell me or for me to have QIiN_0IIQvc-00444-00104591-00104678 to QIiN_0IIQvc-00445-00104679-00104830 write her a letter of all the things i QIiN_0IIQvc-00446-00104831-00105071 want want her to do to me QIiN_0IIQvc-00447-00105072-00105239 and i was gonna spice it up i was gonna QIiN_0IIQvc-00448-00105240-00105407 be like okay i like this i like that QIiN_0IIQvc-00449-00105408-00105702 i was literally gonna like spice it up QIiN_0IIQvc-00450-00105703-00105775 but QIiN_0IIQvc-00451-00105776-00106078 i just got chills oh my god QIiN_0IIQvc-00452-00106079-00106295 when you align with your life and QIiN_0IIQvc-00453-00106296-00106383 everything that you QIiN_0IIQvc-00454-00106383-00106823 literally manifest won't QIiN_0IIQvc-00455-00106824-00107078 when you work your ass off and it's what QIiN_0IIQvc-00456-00107079-00107254 you deserve QIiN_0IIQvc-00457-00107255-00107575 god be coming through honey jesus loves QIiN_0IIQvc-00458-00107576-00107639 me QIiN_0IIQvc-00459-00107640-00107943 this i know or the bible QIiN_0IIQvc-00460-00107944-00108286 tells me so QIiN_0IIQvc-00461-00108288-00108607 i'm screaming okay okay okay you guys QIiN_0IIQvc-00462-00108608-00108902 that is that's it that's that's it she QIiN_0IIQvc-00463-00108903-00109143 literally said after that so far these QIiN_0IIQvc-00464-00109144-00109175 are QIiN_0IIQvc-00465-00109176-00109399 a few of the questions me and my QIiN_0IIQvc-00466-00109400-00109575 girlfriend and some friends made up QIiN_0IIQvc-00467-00109576-00109775 and played one night drunk i hope these QIiN_0IIQvc-00468-00109776-00109958 are youtube appropriate i think it will QIiN_0IIQvc-00469-00109959-00110015 be a QIiN_0IIQvc-00470-00110016-00110278 fun and interesting video to make with QIiN_0IIQvc-00471-00110279-00110358 your friends QIiN_0IIQvc-00472-00110359-00110695 or your boo and you can add on more QIiN_0IIQvc-00473-00110696-00110910 i think she said more to that but my QIiN_0IIQvc-00474-00110911-00111110 screenshot didn't get all of that QIiN_0IIQvc-00475-00111111-00111247 and i just want to say thank you thank QIiN_0IIQvc-00476-00111248-00111431 you thank you thanks so much hey johnson QIiN_0IIQvc-00477-00111432-00111583 i definitely appreciate you but tell QIiN_0IIQvc-00478-00111583-00111663 your niece QIiN_0IIQvc-00479-00111664-00111990 to stop writing these for you okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00480-00111991-00112383 i'm just playing with you i'm tipsy i'm QIiN_0IIQvc-00481-00112383-00112463 not drunk QIiN_0IIQvc-00482-00112464-00112783 but i'm tipsy because my back my stomach QIiN_0IIQvc-00483-00112783-00112815 is QIiN_0IIQvc-00484-00112816-00113086 hot my underarms are sweating but i have QIiN_0IIQvc-00485-00113088-00113175 chills QIiN_0IIQvc-00486-00113176-00113390 like make it make sense right but this QIiN_0IIQvc-00487-00113391-00113599 is the exact vibe that i wanted to get QIiN_0IIQvc-00488-00113600-00113951 at i'm so glad i'm not drinking honey QIiN_0IIQvc-00489-00113952-00114134 because i have been drunk but you guys QIiN_0IIQvc-00490-00114135-00114295 this is the end of this video this video QIiN_0IIQvc-00491-00114296-00114383 was definitely QIiN_0IIQvc-00492-00114383-00114739 lit definitely lit definitely QIiN_0IIQvc-00493-00114740-00115071 definitely why am i saying lily QIiN_0IIQvc-00494-00115072-00115415 what this video was lit thank you so QIiN_0IIQvc-00495-00115416-00115471 much QIiN_0IIQvc-00496-00115472-00115831 tay and for everyone else dee and debbie QIiN_0IIQvc-00497-00115832-00116134 your questions will be part two okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00498-00116135-00116415 because you literally wrote a lot QIiN_0IIQvc-00499-00116416-00116702 you wrote a lot and to my baby girl when QIiN_0IIQvc-00500-00116703-00116919 i did the q a i'm so sorry that i turned QIiN_0IIQvc-00501-00116920-00117007 your questions QIiN_0IIQvc-00502-00117008-00117310 into a q a the nerve QIiN_0IIQvc-00503-00117311-00117551 of me i was so excited to literally QIiN_0IIQvc-00504-00117552-00117702 drink QIiN_0IIQvc-00505-00117703-00117886 and answer questions that i didn't even QIiN_0IIQvc-00506-00117888-00118031 understand the game but QIiN_0IIQvc-00507-00118032-00118343 now that i understand it you guys QIiN_0IIQvc-00508-00118344-00118519 send me questions if you want a part QIiN_0IIQvc-00509-00118520-00118663 three you wanna part four QIiN_0IIQvc-00510-00118664-00118886 you wanna part five send me questions QIiN_0IIQvc-00511-00118888-00118983 send me questions QIiN_0IIQvc-00512-00118983-00119151 you can send me questions in the QIiN_0IIQvc-00513-00119152-00119451 comments section or you can text me QIiN_0IIQvc-00514-00119452-00119583 704-430-9603 QIiN_0IIQvc-00515-00119583-00119766 okay i'm paying for two phones and i QIiN_0IIQvc-00516-00119767-00119934 ain't paying two phone bills for no QIiN_0IIQvc-00517-00119935-00120039 reason okay QIiN_0IIQvc-00518-00120040-00120271 the second phone number is for you so QIiN_0IIQvc-00519-00120272-00120502 text me don't harass me QIiN_0IIQvc-00520-00120503-00120886 text me with love respect QIiN_0IIQvc-00521-00120888-00121039 love respect and a whole lot of great QIiN_0IIQvc-00522-00121040-00121231 vibes going on big period please don't QIiN_0IIQvc-00523-00121232-00121663 harass me QIiN_0IIQvc-00524-00121664-00121863 cause you're not paying a bill unless QIiN_0IIQvc-00525-00121864-00122023 you want to help me pay this bill QIiN_0IIQvc-00526-00122024-00122271 cash at me first lady moves okay it can QIiN_0IIQvc-00527-00122272-00122527 be five dollars it can be 99 QIiN_0IIQvc-00528-00122528-00122647 okay because that's how much your QIiN_0IIQvc-00529-00122648-00122902 storage cost 99 cents for the storage QIiN_0IIQvc-00530-00122903-00123119 16 for the apple music because yeah i'm QIiN_0IIQvc-00531-00123120-00123278 paying for my sister and my daddy QIiN_0IIQvc-00532-00123279-00123454 to play apple music and i don't think QIiN_0IIQvc-00533-00123455-00123599 that they play apple music QIiN_0IIQvc-00534-00123600-00123758 i don't think that they pay it i'm about QIiN_0IIQvc-00535-00123759-00123919 to downgrade let me tell you something QIiN_0IIQvc-00536-00123920-00124007 cut and pack QIiN_0IIQvc-00537-00124008-00124207 y'all in my business i'm telling too QIiN_0IIQvc-00538-00124208-00124447 much i'm about to get off of here i QIiN_0IIQvc-00539-00124448-00124631 appreciate you if ain't nobody tell you QIiN_0IIQvc-00540-00124632-00124863 today let me tell you first i love you QIiN_0IIQvc-00541-00124864-00125078 okay please subscribe like comment share QIiN_0IIQvc-00542-00125079-00125183 all that good stuff QIiN_0IIQvc-00543-00125183-00125543 and um yeah baby looking at me QIiN_0IIQvc-00544-00125544-00125814 and she's so fine and i bet you she QIiN_0IIQvc-00545-00125815-00125951 can't even read my lips QIiN_0IIQvc-00546-00125952-00126719 but let me tell you something QIiN_0IIQvc-00547-00126720-00127054 she is so beautiful QIiN_0IIQvc-00548-00127055-00127486 i'm supposed to be on that couch QIiN_0IIQvc-00549-00127488-00127686 anywho you guys i might hear today's QIiN_0IIQvc-00550-00127688-00127854 video be safe i love you QIiN_0IIQvc-00551-00127855-00127999 have a great night a lot of great vlogs QIiN_0IIQvc-00552-00128000-00128199 going on big period please make sure QIiN_0IIQvc-00553-00128200-00128343 that you are being safe QIiN_0IIQvc-00554-00128344-00128654 colbit19 safe go get tested QIiN_0IIQvc-00555-00128655-00128831 safe and make sure you hit your family QIiN_0IIQvc-00556-00128832-00129095 member up today or tonight or tomorrow QIiN_0IIQvc-00557-00129096-00129295 because literally tomorrow and the next QIiN_0IIQvc-00558-00129296-00129486 day after tomorrow QIiN_0IIQvc-00559-00129488-00129663 next week next year because that's just QIiN_0IIQvc-00560-00129664-00129863 a few weeks away it's not promised QIiN_0IIQvc-00561-00129864-00130039 but i'm not here because y'all i'm QIiN_0IIQvc-00562-00130040-00130190 getting lit and this is just ridiculous QIiN_0IIQvc-00563-00130191-00130302 and at this point like QIiN_0IIQvc-00564-00130303-00130607 why is there paper all over my floor nah QIiN_0IIQvc-00565-00130608-00130902 i ain't conceded i'm a different breeder QIiN_0IIQvc-00566-00130903-00131071 catch you flipping best believe QIiN_0IIQvc-00567-00131072-00131343 i don't need no reason imma cut the ties QIiN_0IIQvc-00568-00131344-00131383 hoe QIiN_0IIQvc-00569-00131384-00131639 turn your wife to my hoe just focus on QIiN_0IIQvc-00570-00131640-00131727 you QIiN_0IIQvc-00571-00131728-00132039 baby girl j bobs QIiN_0IIQvc-00572-00132040-00132223 you know the vibes you know the [__] QIiN_0IIQvc-00573-00132224-00132431 going on and i'm out this QIiN_0IIQvc-00574-00132432-00132719 [__] take a bow like my name rihanna QIiN_0IIQvc-00575-00132720-00133083 now she buying seven rings like i'm QIiN_0IIQvc-00576-00133084-00133207 ariana QIiN_0IIQvc-00577-00133208-00133952 a lot of great buffs QMvUtXDi-4A-00000-00000048-00000223 stories and content in weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-00001-00000224-00000423 can be disturbing for some listeners and QMvUtXDi-4A-00002-00000424-00000638 is intended for mature audiences only QMvUtXDi-4A-00003-00000639-00001126 parental discretion is strongly advised QMvUtXDi-4A-00004-00001127-00001254 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00005-00001255-00001511 if you're sensitive to sibling drama QMvUtXDi-4A-00006-00001512-00001718 you'll want to stay off one particular QMvUtXDi-4A-00007-00001719-00001934 road in nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00008-00001935-00002151 this old road is the location of one of QMvUtXDi-4A-00009-00002152-00002367 the most gruesome legends to come out of QMvUtXDi-4A-00010-00002368-00002639 the wholesome farmlands of nebraska QMvUtXDi-4A-00011-00002640-00002926 nebraska city is an hour south of omaha QMvUtXDi-4A-00012-00002927-00003206 ask anyone in this town of 7 000 and QMvUtXDi-4A-00013-00003207-00003438 you'll be cautioned to avoid seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00014-00003439-00003583 sisters road QMvUtXDi-4A-00015-00003584-00003735 legend has it that almost a hundred QMvUtXDi-4A-00016-00003736-00003943 years ago a brother and his seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00017-00003944-00004167 sisters were living in the hills outside QMvUtXDi-4A-00018-00004168-00004311 the city QMvUtXDi-4A-00019-00004312-00004551 for reasons no one has ever known one QMvUtXDi-4A-00020-00004552-00004775 night the brother came home palm QMvUtXDi-4A-00021-00004776-00005015 twitching mad poisonous thoughts QMvUtXDi-4A-00022-00005016-00005206 swirling through his mind QMvUtXDi-4A-00023-00005207-00005383 slipping deeper and deeper into QMvUtXDi-4A-00024-00005384-00005663 psychosis the darkness finally overtook QMvUtXDi-4A-00025-00005664-00006063 him and unimaginably he dragged each one QMvUtXDi-4A-00026-00006064-00006263 of his innocent sisters to a separate QMvUtXDi-4A-00027-00006264-00006542 hilltop and hung them all QMvUtXDi-4A-00028-00006543-00006767 locals now warn unsuspecting visitors QMvUtXDi-4A-00029-00006768-00006983 that strange things happen on the road QMvUtXDi-4A-00030-00006984-00007206 that curves through those seven forlorn QMvUtXDi-4A-00031-00007208-00007327 hills QMvUtXDi-4A-00032-00007328-00007559 many brave souls who have dared to drive QMvUtXDi-4A-00033-00007559-00007823 here report cars suddenly drained of QMvUtXDi-4A-00034-00007823-00007919 power QMvUtXDi-4A-00035-00007920-00008159 engines stalling and headlights dimming QMvUtXDi-4A-00036-00008159-00008439 as if in warning to get away QMvUtXDi-4A-00037-00008440-00008678 these hills are not a place to be after QMvUtXDi-4A-00038-00008679-00008767 dark QMvUtXDi-4A-00039-00008768-00009031 but if you insist and you park your car QMvUtXDi-4A-00040-00009032-00009223 out on the road long enough QMvUtXDi-4A-00041-00009224-00009503 you may just hear the wailing screams of QMvUtXDi-4A-00042-00009504-00009895 those seven sisters out in the distance QMvUtXDi-4A-00043-00009896-00010135 i'm darren marlar and this QMvUtXDi-4A-00044-00010136-00011095 is weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-00045-00011096-00011359 welcome weirdos i'm darren marlar and QMvUtXDi-4A-00046-00011360-00011591 this is weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-00047-00011592-00011727 here you'll find stories of the QMvUtXDi-4A-00048-00011728-00012063 paranormal supernatural legends QMvUtXDi-4A-00049-00012064-00012167 lore QMvUtXDi-4A-00050-00012168-00012574 crime conspiracy mysterious macabre QMvUtXDi-4A-00051-00012575-00012886 unsolved and unexplained and if you're QMvUtXDi-4A-00052-00012887-00013102 already a member of this weirdo family QMvUtXDi-4A-00053-00013103-00013358 please take a moment and invite someone QMvUtXDi-4A-00054-00013359-00013479 else to listen QMvUtXDi-4A-00055-00013480-00013679 recommending us to others helps make it QMvUtXDi-4A-00056-00013680-00013911 possible for me to keep doing the show QMvUtXDi-4A-00057-00013912-00014086 and while you're listening be sure to QMvUtXDi-4A-00058-00014087-00014279 check out weirddarkness.com where you QMvUtXDi-4A-00059-00014280-00014455 can find me on facebook twitter QMvUtXDi-4A-00060-00014456-00014743 instagram miwi and more QMvUtXDi-4A-00061-00014744-00015030 coming up in this episode QMvUtXDi-4A-00062-00015031-00015238 the restaurant is a bit dated with the QMvUtXDi-4A-00063-00015240-00015430 servers wearing old-fashioned black and QMvUtXDi-4A-00064-00015431-00015558 white aprons QMvUtXDi-4A-00065-00015559-00015775 the food was incredible the place was QMvUtXDi-4A-00066-00015776-00015935 spotlessly clean QMvUtXDi-4A-00067-00015936-00016119 it's definitely a restaurant you'll want QMvUtXDi-4A-00068-00016119-00016319 to visit again when you pass that way QMvUtXDi-4A-00069-00016319-00016447 again QMvUtXDi-4A-00070-00016448-00016655 unfortunately the restaurant won't be QMvUtXDi-4A-00071-00016656-00016758 there QMvUtXDi-4A-00072-00016759-00017063 because it never was QMvUtXDi-4A-00073-00017064-00017335 they say chivalry is dead but that was QMvUtXDi-4A-00074-00017336-00017583 not so in 1875 QMvUtXDi-4A-00075-00017584-00017783 standing up to someone on behalf of your QMvUtXDi-4A-00076-00017784-00018135 wife was not only common but expected QMvUtXDi-4A-00077-00018136-00018479 even to the point of murder QMvUtXDi-4A-00078-00018480-00018767 hawaii's mackenzie state park boasts QMvUtXDi-4A-00079-00018768-00018983 beautiful scenery pleasant weather for QMvUtXDi-4A-00080-00018984-00019175 outdoor activities like hiking and QMvUtXDi-4A-00081-00019176-00019399 fishing and it's a favorite of locals QMvUtXDi-4A-00082-00019400-00019558 and tourists alike QMvUtXDi-4A-00083-00019559-00019799 but when the sun goes down mackenzie QMvUtXDi-4A-00084-00019800-00020007 park reveals its truth QMvUtXDi-4A-00085-00020008-00020358 it is extremely haunted QMvUtXDi-4A-00086-00020359-00020471 but first QMvUtXDi-4A-00087-00020472-00020678 there are many legends from nebraska QMvUtXDi-4A-00088-00020679-00020935 involving supernatural entities but one QMvUtXDi-4A-00089-00020936-00021167 of the eerier accounts out there is the QMvUtXDi-4A-00090-00021168-00021486 story of nebraska's haunted l street QMvUtXDi-4A-00091-00021487-00021727 according to legend seven women were QMvUtXDi-4A-00092-00021728-00022030 murdered on this road in the 1900s QMvUtXDi-4A-00093-00022031-00022230 ever since the road and surrounding QMvUtXDi-4A-00094-00022231-00022407 hills have been a rumored hotbed of QMvUtXDi-4A-00095-00022408-00022735 paranormal activity it's labeled as l QMvUtXDi-4A-00096-00022736-00022894 street on the map QMvUtXDi-4A-00097-00022895-00023247 but locals call it seven sisters road QMvUtXDi-4A-00098-00023248-00023550 we begin there QMvUtXDi-4A-00099-00023551-00023750 now bolt your doors QMvUtXDi-4A-00100-00023751-00023911 lock your windows QMvUtXDi-4A-00101-00023912-00024063 turn off your lights QMvUtXDi-4A-00102-00024064-00024819 and come with me into the weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-00103-00024820-00025535 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00104-00025536-00025670 want to receive the commercial free QMvUtXDi-4A-00105-00025672-00025855 version of weird darkness every day for QMvUtXDi-4A-00106-00025856-00026014 just five dollars per month you can QMvUtXDi-4A-00107-00026016-00026295 become a patron at weirddarkness.com QMvUtXDi-4A-00108-00026295-00026462 as a patron you get commercial free QMvUtXDi-4A-00109-00026463-00026679 episodes of weird darkness every day QMvUtXDi-4A-00110-00026680-00026855 bonus audio and you also receive QMvUtXDi-4A-00111-00026856-00027055 chapters of audio books as i narrate QMvUtXDi-4A-00112-00027056-00027231 them even before the authors and QMvUtXDi-4A-00113-00027232-00027439 publishers hear them but more than that QMvUtXDi-4A-00114-00027439-00027646 as a patron you're also helping to reach QMvUtXDi-4A-00115-00027647-00027807 people who are desperately hurting with QMvUtXDi-4A-00116-00027808-00027999 depression and anxiety you get the QMvUtXDi-4A-00117-00028000-00028262 benefits of being a patron and you also QMvUtXDi-4A-00118-00028263-00028423 benefit others who are hurting at the QMvUtXDi-4A-00119-00028424-00028662 same time become a patron at QMvUtXDi-4A-00120-00028663-00028958 weirddarkness.com QMvUtXDi-4A-00121-00028960-00030935 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00122-00030936-00031079 there is an old QMvUtXDi-4A-00123-00031080-00031335 dark historical event that's been kept QMvUtXDi-4A-00124-00031336-00031631 in dark secrecy locked behind every door QMvUtXDi-4A-00125-00031632-00031911 in an old urban city nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00126-00031912-00032070 nebraska QMvUtXDi-4A-00127-00032072-00032335 nebraska city is known as the home of QMvUtXDi-4A-00128-00032336-00032607 arbor day due to its close proximity to QMvUtXDi-4A-00129-00032608-00032879 arbor lodge home of the first secretary QMvUtXDi-4A-00130-00032880-00033118 of agriculture of the united states j QMvUtXDi-4A-00131-00033119-00033359 sterling morton who enthusiastically QMvUtXDi-4A-00132-00033360-00033543 promoted the planting of trees on the QMvUtXDi-4A-00133-00033544-00033911 prairie for shade fruit and wind breaks QMvUtXDi-4A-00134-00033912-00034102 the national arbor day foundation has QMvUtXDi-4A-00135-00034103-00034255 its headquarters near his home in QMvUtXDi-4A-00136-00034256-00034423 nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00137-00034424-00034623 slaves were first bought and sold in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00138-00034624-00034911 1850s in nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00139-00034912-00035255 in 1854 the kansas nebraska act allowed QMvUtXDi-4A-00140-00035256-00035511 legal settlement in the regional area QMvUtXDi-4A-00141-00035512-00035718 three townships were incorporated by QMvUtXDi-4A-00142-00035719-00036023 settlers nebraska city and kearney city QMvUtXDi-4A-00143-00036024-00036327 were incorporated in 1855 and south QMvUtXDi-4A-00144-00036328-00036702 nebraska city was incorporated in 1856 QMvUtXDi-4A-00145-00036703-00037007 on december 31 1857 QMvUtXDi-4A-00146-00037008-00037223 these three town sites along with QMvUtXDi-4A-00147-00037224-00037535 prairie city joined incorporating as QMvUtXDi-4A-00148-00037536-00037839 present day nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00149-00037840-00038071 steamboats were the vitalizing force QMvUtXDi-4A-00150-00038072-00038255 behind nebraska city's growth in QMvUtXDi-4A-00151-00038256-00038502 bringing commerce people and freight to QMvUtXDi-4A-00152-00038503-00038630 the west QMvUtXDi-4A-00153-00038631-00038943 in the spring of 1858 russell majors and QMvUtXDi-4A-00154-00038944-00039183 waddell started freighting from nebraska QMvUtXDi-4A-00155-00039184-00039374 city on a government contract to QMvUtXDi-4A-00156-00039375-00039607 transport all provisions for all western QMvUtXDi-4A-00157-00039608-00039718 forts QMvUtXDi-4A-00158-00039719-00039862 the supplies were brought up the QMvUtXDi-4A-00159-00039863-00040095 missouri river by steamboat and then QMvUtXDi-4A-00160-00040096-00040335 taken out by wagon train QMvUtXDi-4A-00161-00040336-00040559 nebraska city's favorable position and QMvUtXDi-4A-00162-00040560-00040807 good trail made it an important link to QMvUtXDi-4A-00163-00040808-00040967 the west QMvUtXDi-4A-00164-00040968-00041183 a once well-respected farmer whose name QMvUtXDi-4A-00165-00041184-00041390 i am changing for respectful reasons QMvUtXDi-4A-00166-00041391-00041671 named alex behrens owned a large amount QMvUtXDi-4A-00167-00041672-00041918 of land the missouri river flowed QMvUtXDi-4A-00168-00041919-00042143 through two miles of his land which made QMvUtXDi-4A-00169-00042144-00042335 him uneasy to allow the city to let QMvUtXDi-4A-00170-00042336-00042607 passengers on steamboats travel through QMvUtXDi-4A-00171-00042608-00042823 he would not give up his rights to do so QMvUtXDi-4A-00172-00042824-00043007 even though the city was willing to pay QMvUtXDi-4A-00173-00043008-00043287 a large sum to buy the property QMvUtXDi-4A-00174-00043288-00043543 alex had seven sisters whose names have QMvUtXDi-4A-00175-00043544-00043846 also been changed who all but one never QMvUtXDi-4A-00176-00043847-00043943 married QMvUtXDi-4A-00177-00043944-00044199 from youngest to oldest was heather QMvUtXDi-4A-00178-00044200-00044374 sarah sue QMvUtXDi-4A-00179-00044375-00044655 mandy erica and betty QMvUtXDi-4A-00180-00044656-00044879 the oldest one who was married was mrs QMvUtXDi-4A-00181-00044880-00045039 gloria boyd QMvUtXDi-4A-00182-00045040-00045279 all seven of his sisters lived together QMvUtXDi-4A-00183-00045280-00045487 after the death of gloria's husband who QMvUtXDi-4A-00184-00045488-00045662 died of the flu QMvUtXDi-4A-00185-00045663-00045918 together they worked as teachers store QMvUtXDi-4A-00186-00045919-00046167 clerks bartender and every knight would QMvUtXDi-4A-00187-00046168-00046358 work in the fields to harvest corn when QMvUtXDi-4A-00188-00046359-00046535 the seasons were right QMvUtXDi-4A-00189-00046536-00046767 it was a tough time for them but the QMvUtXDi-4A-00190-00046768-00046974 people of nebraska city did whatever QMvUtXDi-4A-00191-00046975-00047215 they could to help out QMvUtXDi-4A-00192-00047216-00047415 alex argued with the court that under QMvUtXDi-4A-00193-00047416-00047662 any circumstances he will not allow the QMvUtXDi-4A-00194-00047663-00047935 city to take away his land and or allow QMvUtXDi-4A-00195-00047936-00048174 any steamboats to pour illegally through QMvUtXDi-4A-00196-00048175-00048439 his owned portion of the river QMvUtXDi-4A-00197-00048440-00048671 the court testified that no person shall QMvUtXDi-4A-00198-00048672-00048862 own property of the river and it was QMvUtXDi-4A-00199-00048863-00049083 given to all right to travelers to cross QMvUtXDi-4A-00200-00049084-00049383 through alex again testified and fought QMvUtXDi-4A-00201-00049384-00049502 with the system QMvUtXDi-4A-00202-00049503-00049727 he swore that he will have his revenge QMvUtXDi-4A-00203-00049728-00049951 upon anyone who steamboats through his QMvUtXDi-4A-00204-00049952-00050079 land QMvUtXDi-4A-00205-00050080-00050262 at harsh times the steamboat traveled QMvUtXDi-4A-00206-00050263-00050423 but once a week QMvUtXDi-4A-00207-00050424-00050574 work was lacking and people were QMvUtXDi-4A-00208-00050575-00050815 beginning to run dry of resources and or QMvUtXDi-4A-00209-00050816-00051062 work but people still managed to travel QMvUtXDi-4A-00210-00051063-00051311 by steamboat from time to time QMvUtXDi-4A-00211-00051312-00051558 as for alex's revenge QMvUtXDi-4A-00212-00051559-00051782 every time he spotted a steamboat across QMvUtXDi-4A-00213-00051783-00052054 his portion of the river he would become QMvUtXDi-4A-00214-00052055-00052238 outraged with anger QMvUtXDi-4A-00215-00052239-00052423 his sisters constantly fought with him QMvUtXDi-4A-00216-00052424-00052599 into selling or giving the land to the QMvUtXDi-4A-00217-00052600-00052830 city and moving to better grounds QMvUtXDi-4A-00218-00052832-00053038 but alex refused QMvUtXDi-4A-00219-00053039-00053191 he felt as though his sisters were QMvUtXDi-4A-00220-00053191-00053423 against him he feared the city had tried QMvUtXDi-4A-00221-00053424-00053607 talking sense into them QMvUtXDi-4A-00222-00053608-00053750 they fought QMvUtXDi-4A-00223-00053751-00053966 all alex could think of was hatred and QMvUtXDi-4A-00224-00053967-00054111 revenge QMvUtXDi-4A-00225-00054112-00054287 alex truly believed the courts QMvUtXDi-4A-00226-00054288-00054591 manipulated his sisters into giving up QMvUtXDi-4A-00227-00054591-00054719 his land QMvUtXDi-4A-00228-00054720-00055054 and for what a conspiracy QMvUtXDi-4A-00229-00055055-00055238 what made things worse was that the city QMvUtXDi-4A-00230-00055239-00055430 was building a road that would pretty QMvUtXDi-4A-00231-00055432-00055630 much cover the remaining portion of what QMvUtXDi-4A-00232-00055632-00055791 alex had owned QMvUtXDi-4A-00233-00055791-00056119 he was furious he would not allow anyone QMvUtXDi-4A-00234-00056120-00056326 to cross his land QMvUtXDi-4A-00235-00056327-00056550 the four hills that alex once viewed the QMvUtXDi-4A-00236-00056551-00056766 sunrise every morning from was where he QMvUtXDi-4A-00237-00056767-00057030 would cast his warning to the city QMvUtXDi-4A-00238-00057032-00057223 one night alex drugged his sister's QMvUtXDi-4A-00239-00057224-00057399 water during supper QMvUtXDi-4A-00240-00057400-00057679 they died from the poison alex then QMvUtXDi-4A-00241-00057679-00057894 dragged their bodies one by one to the QMvUtXDi-4A-00242-00057895-00058087 top of the hills and hung them by their QMvUtXDi-4A-00243-00058088-00058247 necks QMvUtXDi-4A-00244-00058248-00058503 it was dawn a small group of people from QMvUtXDi-4A-00245-00058504-00058694 a local church had planned a service of QMvUtXDi-4A-00246-00058695-00058903 christian worship at the hills QMvUtXDi-4A-00247-00058904-00059159 the cool early summer morning breeze was QMvUtXDi-4A-00248-00059160-00059350 a good place for service QMvUtXDi-4A-00249-00059351-00059559 but a hell they didn't realize they had QMvUtXDi-4A-00250-00059560-00059719 walked into QMvUtXDi-4A-00251-00059720-00059991 to their surprise of a horrifying sight QMvUtXDi-4A-00252-00059991-00060191 the church group stood in horror as QMvUtXDi-4A-00253-00060191-00060454 betty's body swung from a single tree on QMvUtXDi-4A-00254-00060455-00060606 an east hill QMvUtXDi-4A-00255-00060607-00060854 her neck had broken QMvUtXDi-4A-00256-00060855-00061047 sue's body swung from one of the trees QMvUtXDi-4A-00257-00061048-00061319 on a west hill her face was badly beaten QMvUtXDi-4A-00258-00061320-00061423 in QMvUtXDi-4A-00259-00061424-00061638 mandy and erica's bodies both swung from QMvUtXDi-4A-00260-00061639-00061823 two different trees on a northwestern QMvUtXDi-4A-00261-00061824-00062038 hill while heather and sarah's bodies QMvUtXDi-4A-00262-00062039-00062319 swung from a tree on a northeastern hill QMvUtXDi-4A-00263-00062320-00062542 all their throats were slashed open as QMvUtXDi-4A-00264-00062544-00062815 their dead bodies swung while tied by a QMvUtXDi-4A-00265-00062816-00063038 rope around their necks QMvUtXDi-4A-00266-00063039-00063303 later gloria's body was found by city QMvUtXDi-4A-00267-00063304-00063566 officials hanging by her feet in a tree QMvUtXDi-4A-00268-00063567-00063791 on a fifth and center hill approximately QMvUtXDi-4A-00269-00063791-00064023 60 yards from the other bodies QMvUtXDi-4A-00270-00064024-00064215 from a distance they could see that her QMvUtXDi-4A-00271-00064216-00064423 stomach was cut open with her intestines QMvUtXDi-4A-00272-00064424-00064742 hanging out after shooing away wild QMvUtXDi-4A-00273-00064744-00064975 crows and a dog the sheriff soon QMvUtXDi-4A-00274-00064976-00065206 discovered another body QMvUtXDi-4A-00275-00065207-00065438 dead on the ground under gloria's QMvUtXDi-4A-00276-00065439-00065599 swinging corpse QMvUtXDi-4A-00277-00065600-00065815 it was her unborn child QMvUtXDi-4A-00278-00065816-00066063 gloria was seven months pregnant QMvUtXDi-4A-00279-00066064-00066287 alex was later executed after his QMvUtXDi-4A-00280-00066288-00066519 confession of his murderous actions QMvUtXDi-4A-00281-00066520-00066694 he warned the court that all he wanted QMvUtXDi-4A-00282-00066695-00066855 was to keep the promise that he gave his QMvUtXDi-4A-00283-00066856-00067047 father when he once owned the land QMvUtXDi-4A-00284-00067048-00067303 before it was handed down to him do not QMvUtXDi-4A-00285-00067304-00067526 give away my land that i worked so hard QMvUtXDi-4A-00286-00067527-00067806 for no matter what the cause QMvUtXDi-4A-00287-00067807-00068006 but did that give a reason as to killing QMvUtXDi-4A-00288-00068007-00068231 his sisters QMvUtXDi-4A-00289-00068232-00068423 seven sisters road was built through the QMvUtXDi-4A-00290-00068424-00068719 hills years after the rumored murders QMvUtXDi-4A-00291-00068720-00068863 and the trees that had displayed the QMvUtXDi-4A-00292-00068864-00069071 sisters bodies were supposedly chopped QMvUtXDi-4A-00293-00069072-00069191 down QMvUtXDi-4A-00294-00069192-00069367 perhaps because their places of death QMvUtXDi-4A-00295-00069368-00069582 were disturbed as soon as the road QMvUtXDi-4A-00296-00069583-00069767 opened people began reporting QMvUtXDi-4A-00297-00069768-00070038 supernatural occurrences QMvUtXDi-4A-00298-00070039-00070263 today people call that road seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00299-00070264-00070406 sisters road QMvUtXDi-4A-00300-00070407-00070638 at night passing vehicles headlights had QMvUtXDi-4A-00301-00070639-00070887 flickered or burned out cars and trucks QMvUtXDi-4A-00302-00070888-00071119 of all sizes had stalled or broken down QMvUtXDi-4A-00303-00071120-00071359 to unexplainable causes QMvUtXDi-4A-00304-00071360-00071591 many visitors to seven sisters road say QMvUtXDi-4A-00305-00071592-00071791 they hear the eerie sound of bells QMvUtXDi-4A-00306-00071792-00071919 ringing QMvUtXDi-4A-00307-00071920-00072103 the sound supposedly comes from an old QMvUtXDi-4A-00308-00072104-00072311 cemetery and has been known to last for QMvUtXDi-4A-00309-00072312-00072438 30 minutes QMvUtXDi-4A-00310-00072439-00072662 there's no explanation for the screams QMvUtXDi-4A-00311-00072663-00072862 and pleas QMvUtXDi-4A-00312-00072863-00073038 one traveler said that on a trip through QMvUtXDi-4A-00313-00073039-00073238 nebraska city he heard the story of QMvUtXDi-4A-00314-00073239-00073511 seven sisters rode at a local diner QMvUtXDi-4A-00315-00073512-00073711 curious he decided to drive up to the QMvUtXDi-4A-00316-00073712-00073855 hills himself QMvUtXDi-4A-00317-00073856-00074071 when he turned the radio on the door's QMvUtXDi-4A-00318-00074072-00074415 song this is the end was playing while QMvUtXDi-4A-00319-00074416-00074638 likely just a coincidence the traveler QMvUtXDi-4A-00320-00074639-00074871 was spooked enough to turn around right QMvUtXDi-4A-00321-00074872-00075047 there QMvUtXDi-4A-00322-00075048-00075238 if you visit the spot at night you may QMvUtXDi-4A-00323-00075239-00075391 hear screams QMvUtXDi-4A-00324-00075392-00075550 many say they do QMvUtXDi-4A-00325-00075551-00075871 they are loud and nearby yet just out of QMvUtXDi-4A-00326-00075872-00075967 reach QMvUtXDi-4A-00327-00075968-00076215 and these high-pitched piercing screams QMvUtXDi-4A-00328-00076216-00076415 aren't the only phenomena associated QMvUtXDi-4A-00329-00076416-00076575 with this legend QMvUtXDi-4A-00330-00076576-00076855 headlights dim speedometers freeze QMvUtXDi-4A-00331-00076856-00077111 windows roll up and down on their own QMvUtXDi-4A-00332-00077112-00077415 cell service drops the wind changes and QMvUtXDi-4A-00333-00077416-00077623 shadowy figures dart around in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00334-00077624-00077759 darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-00335-00077760-00077959 some have heard those bells QMvUtXDi-4A-00336-00077960-00078335 others have seen red eyes in the shadows QMvUtXDi-4A-00337-00078336-00078606 in november 1968 a series of strange QMvUtXDi-4A-00338-00078607-00078855 reports were made along this road QMvUtXDi-4A-00339-00078856-00079062 every night for a week a deputy QMvUtXDi-4A-00340-00079063-00079247 responded to calls about a monster in QMvUtXDi-4A-00341-00079248-00079375 the hills QMvUtXDi-4A-00342-00079376-00079599 around 11 pm the monster would come QMvUtXDi-4A-00343-00079600-00079823 alive according to a nebraska city news QMvUtXDi-4A-00344-00079824-00080087 press account from that year at six feet QMvUtXDi-4A-00345-00080088-00080294 tall the monster was said to resemble a QMvUtXDi-4A-00346-00080295-00080559 bear with a wolf face QMvUtXDi-4A-00347-00080560-00080735 one account told by locals and QMvUtXDi-4A-00348-00080736-00080991 referenced in the 1968 article was QMvUtXDi-4A-00349-00080992-00081191 particularly jarring QMvUtXDi-4A-00350-00081192-00081375 a group of teenagers were partying in QMvUtXDi-4A-00351-00081376-00081599 the area when they saw glowing red eyes QMvUtXDi-4A-00352-00081600-00081726 in the distance QMvUtXDi-4A-00353-00081727-00081918 they tore off down the gravel road QMvUtXDi-4A-00354-00081919-00082159 kicking up rocks as they sped off QMvUtXDi-4A-00355-00082160-00082415 the beast barreling after grabbed hold QMvUtXDi-4A-00356-00082416-00082606 of the bumper and stopped the car with QMvUtXDi-4A-00357-00082607-00082806 such force that the back window QMvUtXDi-4A-00358-00082807-00083047 shattered locals say QMvUtXDi-4A-00359-00083048-00083231 according to the article one person QMvUtXDi-4A-00360-00083232-00083415 reported that a boy was grabbed by the QMvUtXDi-4A-00361-00083416-00083631 monster scratched up and thrown in a QMvUtXDi-4A-00362-00083632-00083767 ditch QMvUtXDi-4A-00363-00083768-00084055 half a century later the legend is still QMvUtXDi-4A-00364-00084056-00084215 alive QMvUtXDi-4A-00365-00084216-00084423 another to experience the phenomenon is QMvUtXDi-4A-00366-00084424-00084599 cheryl ann fletcher QMvUtXDi-4A-00367-00084600-00084815 she saw the bodies hanging by nooses QMvUtXDi-4A-00368-00084816-00085055 from the trees their chests blown open QMvUtXDi-4A-00369-00085056-00085231 by gunshots QMvUtXDi-4A-00370-00085232-00085438 seven hung there dangling above the QMvUtXDi-4A-00371-00085439-00085662 graveyard in the woods QMvUtXDi-4A-00372-00085663-00085815 the other people walking with her on QMvUtXDi-4A-00373-00085816-00086135 that day saw only trees and leaves but QMvUtXDi-4A-00374-00086136-00086382 to cheryl and fletcher this was no QMvUtXDi-4A-00375-00086383-00086543 hallucination QMvUtXDi-4A-00376-00086544-00086806 it was clear as day as if it were you QMvUtXDi-4A-00377-00086807-00087079 and me standing right here said fletcher QMvUtXDi-4A-00378-00087080-00087271 a medium based in lincoln QMvUtXDi-4A-00379-00087272-00087462 there were seven bodies males and QMvUtXDi-4A-00380-00087463-00087703 females mixed the one that captured my QMvUtXDi-4A-00381-00087704-00087855 attention was a little boy who was QMvUtXDi-4A-00382-00087856-00088182 blonde he was about seven years old QMvUtXDi-4A-00383-00088183-00088415 fletcher's account is one of many you'll QMvUtXDi-4A-00384-00088416-00088623 hear from those around nebraska city QMvUtXDi-4A-00385-00088624-00088815 who've visited the site near seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00386-00088816-00088950 sisters road QMvUtXDi-4A-00387-00088951-00089150 for some it's a ghost story to tell the QMvUtXDi-4A-00388-00089151-00089367 kids something to send a chill down QMvUtXDi-4A-00389-00089368-00089487 their spine QMvUtXDi-4A-00390-00089488-00089726 for others it's much more than just a QMvUtXDi-4A-00391-00089727-00089935 scary story QMvUtXDi-4A-00392-00089936-00090126 during her first visit to the site QMvUtXDi-4A-00393-00090127-00090318 fletcher said she felt the young boy's QMvUtXDi-4A-00394-00090319-00090550 fingers wrap around her arm when she QMvUtXDi-4A-00395-00090551-00090759 looked down she saw white depressions QMvUtXDi-4A-00396-00090760-00090911 form on her skin QMvUtXDi-4A-00397-00090912-00091103 then felt a tug QMvUtXDi-4A-00398-00091104-00091382 the spirit pulled and gripped tighter QMvUtXDi-4A-00399-00091383-00091575 leading her toward a gravestone without QMvUtXDi-4A-00400-00091576-00091718 inscription QMvUtXDi-4A-00401-00091719-00091903 there at the weathered stone the little QMvUtXDi-4A-00402-00091904-00092094 boy introduced himself QMvUtXDi-4A-00403-00092095-00092223 matthew QMvUtXDi-4A-00404-00092224-00092423 the two conversed until fletcher left QMvUtXDi-4A-00405-00092424-00092694 the graveyard and went home QMvUtXDi-4A-00406-00092695-00092879 it took me a couple of days to recover QMvUtXDi-4A-00407-00092880-00093055 after the first initial meeting of the QMvUtXDi-4A-00408-00093056-00093318 afterlife there fletcher said but the QMvUtXDi-4A-00409-00093319-00093518 second time QMvUtXDi-4A-00410-00093519-00093743 fletcher returned this time with a crew QMvUtXDi-4A-00411-00093744-00093967 tasked with trying to document any QMvUtXDi-4A-00412-00093968-00094174 paranormal activity QMvUtXDi-4A-00413-00094175-00094343 the property owner led fletcher through QMvUtXDi-4A-00414-00094344-00094615 the trees beyond matthew's grave to an QMvUtXDi-4A-00415-00094616-00094750 open field QMvUtXDi-4A-00416-00094751-00094926 there they stopped and the landowner QMvUtXDi-4A-00417-00094927-00095135 turned around pointed to a tree with a QMvUtXDi-4A-00418-00095136-00095471 small hunting stand and shared a story QMvUtXDi-4A-00419-00095472-00095750 it was at this spot one quiet day before QMvUtXDi-4A-00420-00095751-00096055 dawn where armed with a bow and arrow he QMvUtXDi-4A-00421-00096056-00096303 watched as a creature walked upright QMvUtXDi-4A-00422-00096304-00096615 slowly as if a wolf were stalking prey QMvUtXDi-4A-00423-00096616-00096894 directly toward him through the fog he QMvUtXDi-4A-00424-00096895-00097215 saw only the beast's glowing red eyes QMvUtXDi-4A-00425-00097216-00097455 shining like rubies QMvUtXDi-4A-00426-00097456-00097655 then the creature broke east and headed QMvUtXDi-4A-00427-00097656-00097991 off over the hill and out of view QMvUtXDi-4A-00428-00097992-00098215 as his story progressed fletcher said QMvUtXDi-4A-00429-00098216-00098487 she began to feel hot breath on her neck QMvUtXDi-4A-00430-00098488-00098711 petrified she stood still QMvUtXDi-4A-00431-00098712-00098879 i knew i would be face to face with QMvUtXDi-4A-00432-00098880-00099103 something demonic she said QMvUtXDi-4A-00433-00099104-00099359 so she walked away never turning around QMvUtXDi-4A-00434-00099360-00099679 and hasn't been back since QMvUtXDi-4A-00435-00099680-00099879 it seems just about everyone living in QMvUtXDi-4A-00436-00099880-00100103 the nebraska city area has had an QMvUtXDi-4A-00437-00100104-00100343 encounter at least once QMvUtXDi-4A-00438-00100344-00100567 at nebraska city high school steps away QMvUtXDi-4A-00439-00100568-00100806 from arbor lodge state historical park QMvUtXDi-4A-00440-00100807-00101055 guidance assistant don liu beeps into QMvUtXDi-4A-00441-00101056-00101174 the intercom QMvUtXDi-4A-00442-00101175-00101406 attention students anybody who has a QMvUtXDi-4A-00443-00101407-00101606 story about seven sisters needs to QMvUtXDi-4A-00444-00101607-00101831 report to the guidance office QMvUtXDi-4A-00445-00101832-00102055 students came running QMvUtXDi-4A-00446-00102056-00102271 soon a crowd had formed around lou's QMvUtXDi-4A-00447-00102272-00102527 office including 16 year old natalie QMvUtXDi-4A-00448-00102528-00102630 sturm QMvUtXDi-4A-00449-00102631-00102871 her name was one of the first on lou's QMvUtXDi-4A-00450-00102872-00103006 list QMvUtXDi-4A-00451-00103007-00103286 sturm's family owns the land alongside QMvUtXDi-4A-00452-00103288-00103558 seven sisters road with no trespassing QMvUtXDi-4A-00453-00103559-00103863 signs posted around the perimeter deep QMvUtXDi-4A-00454-00103864-00104127 into the woods on a muddy winding trail QMvUtXDi-4A-00455-00104128-00104406 sits a private graveyard atop a hill QMvUtXDi-4A-00456-00104407-00104630 the same one where fletcher says she saw QMvUtXDi-4A-00457-00104631-00104839 the bodies hanging QMvUtXDi-4A-00458-00104840-00105039 the sturms don't like intruders on their QMvUtXDi-4A-00459-00105040-00105207 property and it's difficult to find the QMvUtXDi-4A-00460-00105208-00105375 graveyard on your own QMvUtXDi-4A-00461-00105376-00105654 the sturms lead tours for friends family QMvUtXDi-4A-00462-00105655-00105919 and most curious passers-by QMvUtXDi-4A-00463-00105920-00106151 natalie's dad estimated that he's given QMvUtXDi-4A-00464-00106152-00106361 the same tour a hundred times QMvUtXDi-4A-00465-00106363-00106486 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00466-00106488-00106695 many of natalie's high school classmates QMvUtXDi-4A-00467-00106696-00106863 have taken those tours QMvUtXDi-4A-00468-00106864-00107078 some think the ghost stories are cool QMvUtXDi-4A-00469-00107079-00107271 some don't believe them QMvUtXDi-4A-00470-00107272-00107463 when people say it's not haunted down QMvUtXDi-4A-00471-00107464-00107775 there it makes me mad sturm said QMvUtXDi-4A-00472-00107776-00107958 she and her friend sarah sullivan have QMvUtXDi-4A-00473-00107959-00108215 heard the bells the screams and the QMvUtXDi-4A-00474-00108216-00108423 muffled whispers in the forest countless QMvUtXDi-4A-00475-00108424-00108519 times QMvUtXDi-4A-00476-00108520-00108878 so often that they're almost used to it QMvUtXDi-4A-00477-00108879-00109071 almost QMvUtXDi-4A-00478-00109072-00109295 one halloween natalie's parents nate and QMvUtXDi-4A-00479-00109296-00109566 becky were in the forest after dark QMvUtXDi-4A-00480-00109567-00109823 changing winds voices shadows they can QMvUtXDi-4A-00481-00109824-00110047 handle all of that they'll usually stick QMvUtXDi-4A-00482-00110048-00110134 it out QMvUtXDi-4A-00483-00110135-00110366 but this night they fled when they heard QMvUtXDi-4A-00484-00110367-00110663 a scream at point-blank range QMvUtXDi-4A-00485-00110664-00110910 it was curdling nate said it was not a QMvUtXDi-4A-00486-00110911-00111158 bobcat it was definitely a woman QMvUtXDi-4A-00487-00111159-00111431 screaming it was crazy QMvUtXDi-4A-00488-00111432-00111631 recently becky's truck stalled in front QMvUtXDi-4A-00489-00111632-00111823 of their property refusing to go even QMvUtXDi-4A-00490-00111824-00111958 with a jump start QMvUtXDi-4A-00491-00111959-00112231 but in the morning it fired right up QMvUtXDi-4A-00492-00112232-00112463 it's far from the first report of this QMvUtXDi-4A-00493-00112464-00112631 phenomenon QMvUtXDi-4A-00494-00112632-00112823 on occasion the storms tend to the QMvUtXDi-4A-00495-00112824-00113078 graveyard raking pulling weeds and QMvUtXDi-4A-00496-00113079-00113302 clearing the gravestones it's their way QMvUtXDi-4A-00497-00113303-00113534 to try and keep the peace QMvUtXDi-4A-00498-00113535-00113743 they know the stories about this place QMvUtXDi-4A-00499-00113744-00113919 and they've done research QMvUtXDi-4A-00500-00113920-00114127 they can't find concrete evidence of QMvUtXDi-4A-00501-00114128-00114334 exactly what happened here but one QMvUtXDi-4A-00502-00114335-00114631 gravestone could offer hints QMvUtXDi-4A-00503-00114632-00114839 the largest and most ornate stone in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00504-00114840-00115054 cemetery which has broken from its base QMvUtXDi-4A-00505-00115055-00115295 and sunk into the grass bears the name QMvUtXDi-4A-00506-00115296-00115534 john and julia warden QMvUtXDi-4A-00507-00115535-00115999 julia died in 1880 john in 1901 QMvUtXDi-4A-00508-00116000-00116239 genealogy records show that the wardens QMvUtXDi-4A-00509-00116240-00116583 had seven daughters and one son QMvUtXDi-4A-00510-00116583-00116671 seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00511-00116672-00116815 daughters QMvUtXDi-4A-00512-00116816-00117071 is he the madman the one who fired the QMvUtXDi-4A-00513-00117072-00117334 shots and strung the rope QMvUtXDi-4A-00514-00117335-00117558 probably not QMvUtXDi-4A-00515-00117559-00117743 there's no report of such a horrible QMvUtXDi-4A-00516-00117744-00118007 incident ever actually occurring QMvUtXDi-4A-00517-00118008-00118254 and even in the late 1880s when warden QMvUtXDi-4A-00518-00118255-00118431 homesteaded the property after arriving QMvUtXDi-4A-00519-00118432-00118615 from virginia incidents of this QMvUtXDi-4A-00520-00118616-00118934 magnitude didn't go unreported QMvUtXDi-4A-00521-00118935-00119143 there's another catch each ward and QMvUtXDi-4A-00522-00119144-00119478 daughter has a different date of death QMvUtXDi-4A-00523-00119479-00119743 one letha warden wilhelm lived to be QMvUtXDi-4A-00524-00119744-00119927 almost 90. QMvUtXDi-4A-00525-00119928-00120127 there are a lot of questionable tales in QMvUtXDi-4A-00526-00120128-00120358 the warden and wilhelm families but i've QMvUtXDi-4A-00527-00120359-00120558 never heard this one connected to them QMvUtXDi-4A-00528-00120559-00120758 said barbara boardman wilhelm who QMvUtXDi-4A-00529-00120759-00120943 married into the family and has studied QMvUtXDi-4A-00530-00120944-00121110 its genealogy QMvUtXDi-4A-00531-00121111-00121319 there are no reports of hangings ever QMvUtXDi-4A-00532-00121320-00121590 occurring along this stretch of road QMvUtXDi-4A-00533-00121591-00121783 others buried in this private cemetery QMvUtXDi-4A-00534-00121783-00121966 have no reasonable connection to such a QMvUtXDi-4A-00535-00121967-00122175 story either QMvUtXDi-4A-00536-00122176-00122407 otto county sheriff jim gress who grew QMvUtXDi-4A-00537-00122408-00122590 up less than a block from seven sisters QMvUtXDi-4A-00538-00122591-00122839 road said there is no record of anyone QMvUtXDi-4A-00539-00122840-00123047 getting seriously hurt or killed along QMvUtXDi-4A-00540-00123048-00123158 the road QMvUtXDi-4A-00541-00123159-00123463 it never did scare me grass said i know QMvUtXDi-4A-00542-00123464-00123663 people before they cut the hills down QMvUtXDi-4A-00543-00123664-00123839 they'd go over the hills pretty fast QMvUtXDi-4A-00544-00123840-00123975 because they could get airborne with QMvUtXDi-4A-00545-00123976-00124271 them that was scary QMvUtXDi-4A-00546-00124272-00124486 but just because there is no evidence of QMvUtXDi-4A-00547-00124488-00124695 a crime doesn't mean the tail is QMvUtXDi-4A-00548-00124696-00124927 entirely fabricated either QMvUtXDi-4A-00549-00124928-00125214 legends can warp over time in fireside QMvUtXDi-4A-00550-00125215-00125383 games of telephone QMvUtXDi-4A-00551-00125383-00125695 names change locations change details QMvUtXDi-4A-00552-00125696-00125847 are embellished QMvUtXDi-4A-00553-00125848-00126054 one person reported that he and his wife QMvUtXDi-4A-00554-00126055-00126247 had traveled along a mysterious road QMvUtXDi-4A-00555-00126248-00126447 when all of a sudden their car broke QMvUtXDi-4A-00556-00126448-00126719 down the man got out of his car to pop QMvUtXDi-4A-00557-00126720-00126910 open the hood and check the engine for QMvUtXDi-4A-00558-00126911-00127086 any vehicle problems QMvUtXDi-4A-00559-00127088-00127286 a short while later his wife got out of QMvUtXDi-4A-00560-00127288-00127471 the car to help out QMvUtXDi-4A-00561-00127472-00127654 after examining the engine for a short QMvUtXDi-4A-00562-00127655-00127934 time the man found no problems he closed QMvUtXDi-4A-00563-00127935-00128183 the hood and then eerie screams came QMvUtXDi-4A-00564-00128183-00128390 from a distance from the west QMvUtXDi-4A-00565-00128391-00128607 the evening sun was setting the couple QMvUtXDi-4A-00566-00128608-00128823 had looked to the west from where the QMvUtXDi-4A-00567-00128824-00129047 screams were coming from they saw five QMvUtXDi-4A-00568-00129048-00129343 hills aligned in a v-shape QMvUtXDi-4A-00569-00129344-00129519 after the screams faded away their QMvUtXDi-4A-00570-00129520-00129743 vehicle started up on its own QMvUtXDi-4A-00571-00129744-00129951 they quickly jumped back into the car QMvUtXDi-4A-00572-00129952-00130134 and sped off QMvUtXDi-4A-00573-00130135-00130295 since then they claimed that they have QMvUtXDi-4A-00574-00130296-00130695 never driven down that road ever again QMvUtXDi-4A-00575-00130696-00130902 there might be a way to explain the QMvUtXDi-4A-00576-00130903-00131127 legend of seven sisters road QMvUtXDi-4A-00577-00131128-00131414 in the late 1800s angry mobs of masked QMvUtXDi-4A-00578-00131415-00131654 vigilantes began taking justice into QMvUtXDi-4A-00579-00131655-00131927 their own hands no rural town in QMvUtXDi-4A-00580-00131928-00132127 nebraska had more lynchings than QMvUtXDi-4A-00581-00132128-00132375 nebraska city during that time QMvUtXDi-4A-00582-00132376-00132723 five men were hanged between 1866 and QMvUtXDi-4A-00583-00132724-00132911 1887. QMvUtXDi-4A-00584-00132912-00133095 one of those lives lost was a QMvUtXDi-4A-00585-00133096-00133366 homesteader who lived not far from this QMvUtXDi-4A-00586-00133367-00133511 road QMvUtXDi-4A-00587-00133512-00133759 that man was lee shellenberger who sat QMvUtXDi-4A-00588-00133760-00133951 in the courthouse jail awaiting trial QMvUtXDi-4A-00589-00133952-00134078 for murder QMvUtXDi-4A-00590-00134079-00134287 schellenberger was accused of slicing QMvUtXDi-4A-00591-00134288-00134519 his 11-year-old daughter maggie's throat QMvUtXDi-4A-00592-00134520-00134727 according to an omaha daily bee account QMvUtXDi-4A-00593-00134728-00134863 at the time QMvUtXDi-4A-00594-00134864-00135054 the masked mob is said to have stormed QMvUtXDi-4A-00595-00135055-00135287 the jail overpowered the guard and QMvUtXDi-4A-00596-00135288-00135439 carved through the floor above QMvUtXDi-4A-00597-00135440-00135590 schallenberger's cell QMvUtXDi-4A-00598-00135591-00135783 they pulled him out and tied a rope QMvUtXDi-4A-00599-00135784-00135935 around his neck QMvUtXDi-4A-00600-00135936-00136078 schellenberger's final words QMvUtXDi-4A-00601-00136079-00136407 reverberated i'll haunt you sobs if i QMvUtXDi-4A-00602-00136408-00136599 can QMvUtXDi-4A-00603-00136600-00136854 seven sisters road is an inherently QMvUtXDi-4A-00604-00136855-00137014 creepy trail QMvUtXDi-4A-00605-00137015-00137327 tall looping hills shaved down in later QMvUtXDi-4A-00606-00137328-00137559 years create mystery with each coming QMvUtXDi-4A-00607-00137560-00137671 valley QMvUtXDi-4A-00608-00137672-00138071 twisted trees creak in rural silence QMvUtXDi-4A-00609-00138072-00138327 whether or not ghosts and beasts truly QMvUtXDi-4A-00610-00138328-00138566 haunt this land it's the kind of place QMvUtXDi-4A-00611-00138567-00138831 that deserves a backstory QMvUtXDi-4A-00612-00138832-00138990 it's possible that the culture of QMvUtXDi-4A-00613-00138991-00139231 hangings and the schellenberger story QMvUtXDi-4A-00614-00139232-00139463 somehow evolved into the legend of the QMvUtXDi-4A-00615-00139464-00139614 seven sisters QMvUtXDi-4A-00616-00139615-00139839 over the years each telling could add or QMvUtXDi-4A-00617-00139840-00140102 confuse a detail and somehow a slit QMvUtXDi-4A-00618-00140103-00140359 throat became a lynching QMvUtXDi-4A-00619-00140360-00140614 one daughter became seven perhaps to QMvUtXDi-4A-00620-00140615-00140814 better link the story to an already QMvUtXDi-4A-00621-00140815-00141078 spooky place nearby QMvUtXDi-4A-00622-00141079-00141263 it's not unreasonable to believe QMvUtXDi-4A-00623-00141264-00141527 retellings transformed the story bit by QMvUtXDi-4A-00624-00141528-00141735 bit over the last century QMvUtXDi-4A-00625-00141736-00141943 that the backstory can't be entirely QMvUtXDi-4A-00626-00141944-00142263 proved or disproved adds to the mystique QMvUtXDi-4A-00627-00142264-00142463 helping keep the legend strong all these QMvUtXDi-4A-00628-00142464-00142614 years QMvUtXDi-4A-00629-00142615-00142878 seemingly everybody in town has a seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00630-00142879-00143175 sisters story and those who don't should QMvUtXDi-4A-00631-00143176-00143414 go back for another visit natalie sturm QMvUtXDi-4A-00632-00143415-00143502 says QMvUtXDi-4A-00633-00143503-00143902 the second time is when it all starts QMvUtXDi-4A-00634-00143903-00144078 three miles to the south of nebraska QMvUtXDi-4A-00635-00144079-00144359 city lays the camp creek cemetery where QMvUtXDi-4A-00636-00144360-00144559 it is said that the seven sisters and QMvUtXDi-4A-00637-00144560-00144783 alex barrons are buried QMvUtXDi-4A-00638-00144784-00145023 no report is documented of gloria's baby QMvUtXDi-4A-00639-00145024-00145183 being buried there QMvUtXDi-4A-00640-00145184-00145447 but one thing still remains a mystery QMvUtXDi-4A-00641-00145448-00145663 hundreds of people have reported hearing QMvUtXDi-4A-00642-00145664-00145959 a baby crying in the camp creek cemetery QMvUtXDi-4A-00643-00145960-00146143 and then suddenly stops QMvUtXDi-4A-00644-00146144-00146502 as if its cry had been cut silent QMvUtXDi-4A-00645-00146503-00146759 today only four of the supposed seven QMvUtXDi-4A-00646-00146760-00147039 original hills are really prominent QMvUtXDi-4A-00647-00147040-00147359 the ghosts however seem to be as present QMvUtXDi-4A-00648-00147360-00148487 as ever QMvUtXDi-4A-00649-00148488-00148735 when weird darkness returns hawaii's QMvUtXDi-4A-00650-00148736-00148975 mackenzie state park boasts a beautiful QMvUtXDi-4A-00651-00148976-00149207 scenery pleasant weather for outdoor QMvUtXDi-4A-00652-00149208-00149454 activities like hiking and fishing and QMvUtXDi-4A-00653-00149455-00149663 it's a favorite of locals and tourists QMvUtXDi-4A-00654-00149664-00149766 alike QMvUtXDi-4A-00655-00149767-00149999 but when the sun goes down mackenzie QMvUtXDi-4A-00656-00150000-00150287 park reveals its truth that it is QMvUtXDi-4A-00657-00150288-00150535 extremely haunted QMvUtXDi-4A-00658-00150536-00150814 but first they say chivalry is dead but QMvUtXDi-4A-00659-00150815-00151078 that was not so in 1875 QMvUtXDi-4A-00660-00151079-00151278 standing up to someone on behalf of your QMvUtXDi-4A-00661-00151279-00151575 wife was not only common but expected QMvUtXDi-4A-00662-00151576-00151790 even to the point of murder QMvUtXDi-4A-00663-00151791-00152055 that story is up next QMvUtXDi-4A-00664-00152056-00152846 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00665-00152847-00153311 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00666-00153312-00153478 if you or someone you know struggles QMvUtXDi-4A-00667-00153479-00153711 with depression or dark thoughts i'd QMvUtXDi-4A-00668-00153712-00153871 like to recommend the hope in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00669-00153872-00154083 darkness page at QMvUtXDi-4A-00670-00154084-00154278 weirddarkness.com there i've gathered QMvUtXDi-4A-00671-00154279-00154511 resources to help fight depression with QMvUtXDi-4A-00672-00154512-00154726 the seven cups app connecting you with QMvUtXDi-4A-00673-00154727-00154871 people who've also struggled with QMvUtXDi-4A-00674-00154872-00155135 depression and are there to lift you up QMvUtXDi-4A-00675-00155136-00155326 even professional listeners there to QMvUtXDi-4A-00676-00155327-00155559 listen at all hours of the day if you're QMvUtXDi-4A-00677-00155560-00155783 having dark thoughts of harming yourself QMvUtXDi-4A-00678-00155784-00156007 or worse there's the suicide prevention QMvUtXDi-4A-00679-00156008-00156231 lifeline that you can either call or QMvUtXDi-4A-00680-00156232-00156575 chat online with any time 24 7. QMvUtXDi-4A-00681-00156576-00156799 the folks at ifred.org are doing what QMvUtXDi-4A-00682-00156800-00157007 they can with research and education on QMvUtXDi-4A-00683-00157008-00157278 depression to give us the tools we need QMvUtXDi-4A-00684-00157279-00157551 to fight against it in the days ahead QMvUtXDi-4A-00685-00157552-00157814 these resources are absolutely free and QMvUtXDi-4A-00686-00157815-00158007 there when you need them on the hope in QMvUtXDi-4A-00687-00158008-00159863 the darkness page at weirddarkness.com QMvUtXDi-4A-00688-00159864-00160663 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00689-00160664-00161014 on the morning of march 19 1875 QMvUtXDi-4A-00690-00161015-00161223 charles k landis entered the office of QMvUtXDi-4A-00691-00161224-00161471 the vineland independent and demanded to QMvUtXDi-4A-00692-00161472-00161678 see the paper's editor and publisher QMvUtXDi-4A-00693-00161679-00161823 yuri karath QMvUtXDi-4A-00694-00161824-00162007 when carroth entered the room landis QMvUtXDi-4A-00695-00162008-00162166 approached him waving a newspaper QMvUtXDi-4A-00696-00162167-00162439 clipping mr kareth did you write that QMvUtXDi-4A-00697-00162440-00162726 landis shouted i did and i'll do it QMvUtXDi-4A-00698-00162727-00162975 again said kareth will you promise not QMvUtXDi-4A-00699-00162976-00163199 to attack my wife in the future QMvUtXDi-4A-00700-00163200-00163295 no QMvUtXDi-4A-00701-00163296-00163543 defend yourself then said landis drawing QMvUtXDi-4A-00702-00163544-00163687 a revolver QMvUtXDi-4A-00703-00163688-00163895 he chased kereth into the composing room QMvUtXDi-4A-00704-00163896-00164126 of the newspaper and there shot him in QMvUtXDi-4A-00705-00164127-00164359 the head i've killed him i've killed him QMvUtXDi-4A-00706-00164360-00164575 i was obliged to do it i killed him in QMvUtXDi-4A-00707-00164576-00164783 the cause of god and humanity said QMvUtXDi-4A-00708-00164784-00164990 landis as he surrendered himself to the QMvUtXDi-4A-00709-00164991-00165183 deputy sheriff QMvUtXDi-4A-00710-00165184-00165390 the offending article seems frivolous on QMvUtXDi-4A-00711-00165391-00165526 its face QMvUtXDi-4A-00712-00165527-00165719 a prominent violander sat down by the QMvUtXDi-4A-00713-00165720-00165935 side of his loving wife on the sofa and QMvUtXDi-4A-00714-00165936-00166151 looked up in her eyes and called her a QMvUtXDi-4A-00715-00166152-00166399 duck and a birdie and rabbit and all the QMvUtXDi-4A-00716-00166400-00166566 other endearing names QMvUtXDi-4A-00717-00166567-00166751 and he told her he wanted she should QMvUtXDi-4A-00718-00166752-00166951 learn to use a revolver so that in his QMvUtXDi-4A-00719-00166952-00167159 absence she could protect their home and QMvUtXDi-4A-00720-00167160-00167335 silverware and defend the honor of QMvUtXDi-4A-00721-00167336-00167471 vineland QMvUtXDi-4A-00722-00167472-00167663 then he went off and bought an elegant QMvUtXDi-4A-00723-00167664-00167895 seven shooter and a nice target QMvUtXDi-4A-00724-00167896-00168078 then he set up the target in one end of QMvUtXDi-4A-00725-00168079-00168295 the parlor and gave her a first lesson QMvUtXDi-4A-00726-00168296-00168390 shooting QMvUtXDi-4A-00727-00168391-00168590 then he told her he wanted she should QMvUtXDi-4A-00728-00168591-00168735 practice every day QMvUtXDi-4A-00729-00168736-00168926 then he went away for a week when he QMvUtXDi-4A-00730-00168927-00169095 returned he found the revolver on the QMvUtXDi-4A-00731-00169096-00169287 other side of the looking glass the QMvUtXDi-4A-00732-00169288-00169495 parlor door resembled a bad case of QMvUtXDi-4A-00733-00169496-00169695 smallpox and the furniture looked as QMvUtXDi-4A-00734-00169696-00169838 though it had been indulging in a QMvUtXDi-4A-00735-00169839-00169975 wrestle with a burlington county QMvUtXDi-4A-00736-00169976-00170111 hailstorm QMvUtXDi-4A-00737-00170112-00170302 did he walk up to his wife and sicken QMvUtXDi-4A-00738-00170303-00170471 her with the endearing names of all the QMvUtXDi-4A-00739-00170472-00170663 birds and four-footed beasts QMvUtXDi-4A-00740-00170664-00170902 not much he barks down into the street QMvUtXDi-4A-00741-00170903-00171135 in his shirt sleeves with but one boot QMvUtXDi-4A-00742-00171136-00171399 on and then patched over the big toe QMvUtXDi-4A-00743-00171400-00171599 then he went galloping up and down QMvUtXDi-4A-00744-00171600-00171790 telling every man he met confidently QMvUtXDi-4A-00745-00171791-00172047 that his wife was crazy then he went off QMvUtXDi-4A-00746-00172048-00172199 and tried to get her into a private QMvUtXDi-4A-00747-00172200-00172663 insane asylum yes he did the wretch QMvUtXDi-4A-00748-00172664-00172919 though neither landis nor his wife were QMvUtXDi-4A-00749-00172920-00173175 mentioned by name in the article QMvUtXDi-4A-00750-00173176-00173390 everyone in vineland knew who the QMvUtXDi-4A-00751-00173391-00173599 article referred to QMvUtXDi-4A-00752-00173600-00173854 landis and kerruff had a long-standing QMvUtXDi-4A-00753-00173855-00174023 feud and the independent had been QMvUtXDi-4A-00754-00174024-00174207 attacking landis and his family for QMvUtXDi-4A-00755-00174208-00174319 years QMvUtXDi-4A-00756-00174320-00174607 this was the last straw QMvUtXDi-4A-00757-00174608-00174807 charles landis was an attorney and land QMvUtXDi-4A-00758-00174808-00175143 speculator who in 1861 purchased 50 000 QMvUtXDi-4A-00759-00175144-00175390 acres of new jersey wilderness and there QMvUtXDi-4A-00760-00175391-00175614 founded the town of vineland QMvUtXDi-4A-00761-00175615-00175823 persuasive advertising in america and QMvUtXDi-4A-00762-00175824-00176023 europe induced people to settle in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00763-00176024-00176278 new town but property deeds included QMvUtXDi-4A-00764-00176279-00176471 many harsh conditions QMvUtXDi-4A-00765-00176472-00176663 most notably a prohibition on the sale QMvUtXDi-4A-00766-00176664-00176878 of intoxicating liquors QMvUtXDi-4A-00767-00176879-00177071 violation of any of the burdensome QMvUtXDi-4A-00768-00177072-00177278 restrictions could result in forfeiture QMvUtXDi-4A-00769-00177279-00177543 of the property landowners were hardly QMvUtXDi-4A-00770-00177544-00177831 more than tenants of landis QMvUtXDi-4A-00771-00177832-00178063 despite the restrictions vineland grew QMvUtXDi-4A-00772-00178064-00178343 quickly and by 1875 at a population of QMvUtXDi-4A-00773-00178344-00178502 15 000 QMvUtXDi-4A-00774-00178503-00178759 but as the population increased so did QMvUtXDi-4A-00775-00178760-00178999 discontent in vineland QMvUtXDi-4A-00776-00179000-00179295 in 1868 the violent independent began QMvUtXDi-4A-00777-00179296-00179478 publishing with the goal of telling the QMvUtXDi-4A-00778-00179479-00179711 truth about life in vineland and QMvUtXDi-4A-00779-00179712-00179959 discouraging careless investment by poor QMvUtXDi-4A-00780-00179960-00180214 people in the poor lands QMvUtXDi-4A-00781-00180215-00180407 from the beginning the independent was QMvUtXDi-4A-00782-00180408-00180678 in conflict with charles landis but the QMvUtXDi-4A-00783-00180679-00180983 real trouble began in 1870 when yuri QMvUtXDi-4A-00784-00180984-00181254 kareth purchased the newspaper QMvUtXDi-4A-00785-00181255-00181631 yuri carreth 50 years old in 1875 was an QMvUtXDi-4A-00786-00181632-00181814 attorney with publishing experience in QMvUtXDi-4A-00787-00181815-00181999 michigan who was known to be a QMvUtXDi-4A-00788-00182000-00182263 vindictive and combative man QMvUtXDi-4A-00789-00182264-00182454 attacks on landis and the independent QMvUtXDi-4A-00790-00182455-00182711 went beyond criticizing his policies and QMvUtXDi-4A-00791-00182712-00182895 were meant to humiliate landis and his QMvUtXDi-4A-00792-00182896-00182990 family QMvUtXDi-4A-00793-00182991-00183223 he was neither witty nor humorous nor QMvUtXDi-4A-00794-00183224-00183390 sarcastic nor bitter said the QMvUtXDi-4A-00795-00183391-00183678 massachusetts spy of kareth but coarsely QMvUtXDi-4A-00796-00183679-00183871 and stupidly impertinent telling his QMvUtXDi-4A-00797-00183872-00184078 paper silly pointless stories of landis QMvUtXDi-4A-00798-00184079-00184287 and his family QMvUtXDi-4A-00799-00184288-00184559 in 1869 landis had eloped with the QMvUtXDi-4A-00800-00184560-00184766 daughter of commodore mead of the u.s QMvUtXDi-4A-00801-00184767-00184871 navy QMvUtXDi-4A-00802-00184872-00185159 mrs landis had a very excitable nature QMvUtXDi-4A-00803-00185160-00185351 and had spent some time in an insane QMvUtXDi-4A-00804-00185352-00185471 asylum QMvUtXDi-4A-00805-00185472-00185678 the mental problems of mrs landis were QMvUtXDi-4A-00806-00185679-00185887 well known in violent and she was often QMvUtXDi-4A-00807-00185888-00186166 the butt of carroth's attempts at humor QMvUtXDi-4A-00808-00186167-00186350 mrs landis found these articles so QMvUtXDi-4A-00809-00186351-00186550 distressing that her husband worked to QMvUtXDi-4A-00810-00186551-00186823 keep the independent out of their house QMvUtXDi-4A-00811-00186824-00187023 despite his precautions copies of these QMvUtXDi-4A-00812-00187024-00187247 articles were thrust under the door or QMvUtXDi-4A-00813-00187248-00187478 thrown into windows mrs landis would QMvUtXDi-4A-00814-00187479-00187726 read them and become dangerously violent QMvUtXDi-4A-00815-00187727-00188135 remaining insane for a week at a time QMvUtXDi-4A-00816-00188136-00188295 at the time of the offending article in QMvUtXDi-4A-00817-00188296-00188447 1875 QMvUtXDi-4A-00818-00188448-00188695 mrs landis was pregnant and her doctor QMvUtXDi-4A-00819-00188696-00188831 said that her reason would be QMvUtXDi-4A-00820-00188832-00189054 permanently overthrown if the excitement QMvUtXDi-4A-00821-00189055-00189335 were not removed charles landis viewed QMvUtXDi-4A-00822-00189336-00189519 kareth's article as an attack on his QMvUtXDi-4A-00823-00189520-00189735 wife's health and well-being QMvUtXDi-4A-00824-00189736-00189935 according to landis public statement he QMvUtXDi-4A-00825-00189936-00190135 became so distraught that he put a QMvUtXDi-4A-00826-00190136-00190295 pistol to his head and pulled the QMvUtXDi-4A-00827-00190296-00190383 trigger QMvUtXDi-4A-00828-00190384-00190654 when the gun misfired he realized he was QMvUtXDi-4A-00829-00190655-00190847 shooting the wrong man he took his QMvUtXDi-4A-00830-00190848-00191054 better pistol an english revolver and QMvUtXDi-4A-00831-00191055-00191254 went to see kereth QMvUtXDi-4A-00832-00191255-00191478 the shot did not kill kereth though QMvUtXDi-4A-00833-00191479-00191663 doctors continued to probe his skull QMvUtXDi-4A-00834-00191664-00191838 looking for the bullet it appeared that QMvUtXDi-4A-00835-00191839-00192038 kareth would recover and could live with QMvUtXDi-4A-00836-00192039-00192238 the ball still in his head QMvUtXDi-4A-00837-00192239-00192423 landis was released from jail on fifty QMvUtXDi-4A-00838-00192424-00192623 thousand dollars bail and was trying to QMvUtXDi-4A-00839-00192624-00192759 arrange a financial settlement with QMvUtXDi-4A-00840-00192760-00192999 kereth to drop the charges against him QMvUtXDi-4A-00841-00193000-00193214 he offered kareth five thousand dollars QMvUtXDi-4A-00842-00193215-00193519 and 380 acres of land which kereth QMvUtXDi-4A-00843-00193520-00193766 indignantly refused QMvUtXDi-4A-00844-00193767-00194014 for the next four months kerith seemed QMvUtXDi-4A-00845-00194015-00194231 to be improving physically but his QMvUtXDi-4A-00846-00194232-00194478 finances were in shambles QMvUtXDi-4A-00847-00194479-00194702 friends said he and landis had agreed to QMvUtXDi-4A-00848-00194703-00194863 a settlement of twelve thousand dollars QMvUtXDi-4A-00849-00194864-00195063 in cash and securities and were waiting QMvUtXDi-4A-00850-00195064-00195295 for landis signature when kereth took a QMvUtXDi-4A-00851-00195296-00195502 turn for the worse and died on october QMvUtXDi-4A-00852-00195503-00195631 24th QMvUtXDi-4A-00853-00195632-00195863 landis was re-arrested and charged with QMvUtXDi-4A-00854-00195864-00196047 first-degree murder QMvUtXDi-4A-00855-00196048-00196271 at his trial the following january QMvUtXDi-4A-00856-00196272-00196519 landis gave a three-point defense QMvUtXDi-4A-00857-00196520-00196814 one he was insane when he shot kereth QMvUtXDi-4A-00858-00196815-00197063 two kereth's death was not caused by the QMvUtXDi-4A-00859-00197064-00197350 bullet but by unskilled treatment and QMvUtXDi-4A-00860-00197351-00197583 three carrots provocation was such to QMvUtXDi-4A-00861-00197584-00197847 reduce the offense to manslaughter QMvUtXDi-4A-00862-00197848-00198095 evidence of insanity was slim witnesses QMvUtXDi-4A-00863-00198096-00198295 testified to landis's excited and QMvUtXDi-4A-00864-00198296-00198447 nervous demeanor QMvUtXDi-4A-00865-00198448-00198623 to the second point an autopsy showed QMvUtXDi-4A-00866-00198624-00198775 the bullet had become completely QMvUtXDi-4A-00867-00198776-00199014 insistent and had not caused carroth's QMvUtXDi-4A-00868-00199015-00199126 death QMvUtXDi-4A-00869-00199127-00199295 the immediate cause of death had been an QMvUtXDi-4A-00870-00199296-00199454 abscess in the brain caused by QMvUtXDi-4A-00871-00199455-00199671 physicians probing his head in the wrong QMvUtXDi-4A-00872-00199672-00199911 area looking for the bullet QMvUtXDi-4A-00873-00199912-00200078 landis attorneys were confident of QMvUtXDi-4A-00874-00200079-00200295 victory and did not seriously address QMvUtXDi-4A-00875-00200296-00200511 that third point QMvUtXDi-4A-00876-00200512-00200726 the jury acquitted charles landis of QMvUtXDi-4A-00877-00200727-00200935 murder and the community remained QMvUtXDi-4A-00878-00200936-00201126 divided over whether the verdict was QMvUtXDi-4A-00879-00201127-00201254 just QMvUtXDi-4A-00880-00201255-00201447 some saw it as an example of unequal QMvUtXDi-4A-00881-00201448-00201663 justice where a rich man could get away QMvUtXDi-4A-00882-00201664-00201966 with murder most however agreed with QMvUtXDi-4A-00883-00201967-00202143 forney's weekly press QMvUtXDi-4A-00884-00202144-00202423 mr carroth's effort to be spicy QMvUtXDi-4A-00885-00202424-00202623 unbacked by ability to be anything more QMvUtXDi-4A-00886-00202624-00202854 than grossly indecorous brought him to QMvUtXDi-4A-00887-00202855-00203071 his death and the verdict of popular QMvUtXDi-4A-00888-00203072-00203311 opinion already registered is QMvUtXDi-4A-00889-00203312-00203947 served him right QMvUtXDi-4A-00890-00203948-00204631 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-00891-00204632-00204831 along the breathtakingly scenic puna QMvUtXDi-4A-00892-00204832-00205086 coastline of opihiko and hawaiian island QMvUtXDi-4A-00893-00205087-00205334 in hawaii is what's called kalapana QMvUtXDi-4A-00894-00205335-00205631 kapoho road or more commonly the red QMvUtXDi-4A-00895-00205632-00205823 road which meanders along through the QMvUtXDi-4A-00896-00205823-00206046 rugged landscape of cliffs lava QMvUtXDi-4A-00897-00206048-00206366 outcroppings waves and the azure sea and QMvUtXDi-4A-00898-00206367-00206614 at one point passes a 13 acre expanse of QMvUtXDi-4A-00899-00206615-00206831 ironwood trees called mackenzie state QMvUtXDi-4A-00900-00206832-00207055 park part of the malamakai forest QMvUtXDi-4A-00901-00207056-00207175 reserve QMvUtXDi-4A-00902-00207176-00207375 with its gorgeous vistas and peaceful QMvUtXDi-4A-00903-00207376-00207598 atmosphere the park is a popular place QMvUtXDi-4A-00904-00207600-00207862 for visitors to enjoy picnicking hiking QMvUtXDi-4A-00905-00207863-00208055 fishing camping and other outdoor QMvUtXDi-4A-00906-00208056-00208255 activities in a secluded quiet QMvUtXDi-4A-00907-00208256-00208398 environment QMvUtXDi-4A-00908-00208400-00208606 however while it is undoubtedly a place QMvUtXDi-4A-00909-00208607-00208846 of great solitude and beauty mckenzie QMvUtXDi-4A-00910-00208848-00209127 state park is also known for its rather QMvUtXDi-4A-00911-00209128-00209431 dark history and its sinister reputation QMvUtXDi-4A-00912-00209432-00209694 as being one of the most haunted places QMvUtXDi-4A-00913-00209696-00209863 in hawaii QMvUtXDi-4A-00914-00209864-00210006 the park itself was officially QMvUtXDi-4A-00915-00210007-00210246 established in the 1930s after the QMvUtXDi-4A-00916-00210248-00210510 park's namesake ranger albert j mckenzie QMvUtXDi-4A-00917-00210511-00210758 planted a grove of ironwood trees here QMvUtXDi-4A-00918-00210759-00210967 but the history of the area goes back to QMvUtXDi-4A-00919-00210967-00211158 the 1800s QMvUtXDi-4A-00920-00211159-00211439 in the 1850s numerous prison convicts QMvUtXDi-4A-00921-00211440-00211606 were brought here from honolulu for the QMvUtXDi-4A-00922-00211607-00211846 purpose of working on sugar plantations QMvUtXDi-4A-00923-00211848-00212023 clearing land of the thick jungle QMvUtXDi-4A-00924-00212023-00212239 undergrowth and maintaining the historic QMvUtXDi-4A-00925-00212240-00212487 coastal trail called the king's highway QMvUtXDi-4A-00926-00212488-00212679 originally built by the former hawaiian QMvUtXDi-4A-00927-00212680-00212894 ruler king kamehameha the great in the QMvUtXDi-4A-00928-00212896-00213175 early 1800s and which served as a major QMvUtXDi-4A-00929-00213176-00213487 path for crossing the island at the time QMvUtXDi-4A-00930-00213488-00213727 at this point the area was already long QMvUtXDi-4A-00931-00213728-00213958 said by locals to be haunted by restless QMvUtXDi-4A-00932-00213959-00214246 spirits the hawaiians called the uwani QMvUtXDi-4A-00933-00214248-00214471 as well as by spectral processions of QMvUtXDi-4A-00934-00214471-00214703 ghostly figures with torches and drums QMvUtXDi-4A-00935-00214704-00214958 called the night marchers who were said QMvUtXDi-4A-00936-00214959-00215158 to come out on nights of the full moon QMvUtXDi-4A-00937-00215159-00215358 and unleash battle cries QMvUtXDi-4A-00938-00215359-00215551 yet with the coming of the prisoners the QMvUtXDi-4A-00939-00215552-00215798 area would take on an even more gruesome QMvUtXDi-4A-00940-00215800-00215982 reputation QMvUtXDi-4A-00941-00215983-00216151 working conditions here were less than QMvUtXDi-4A-00942-00216152-00216415 ideal with the inhospitable terrain lack QMvUtXDi-4A-00943-00216416-00216631 of clean water disease and harsh QMvUtXDi-4A-00944-00216632-00216806 treatment they suffered all taking its QMvUtXDi-4A-00945-00216807-00216927 toll QMvUtXDi-4A-00946-00216928-00217071 it's said that hundreds of these QMvUtXDi-4A-00947-00217071-00217287 prisoners died over the years their QMvUtXDi-4A-00948-00217288-00217510 bodies typically unceremoniously buried QMvUtXDi-4A-00949-00217511-00217791 in unmarked graves out in the wilderness QMvUtXDi-4A-00950-00217792-00217975 the ghosts of these prisoners have ever QMvUtXDi-4A-00951-00217976-00218206 since been said to roam the park QMvUtXDi-4A-00952-00218207-00218391 typically appearing as the apparitions QMvUtXDi-4A-00953-00218392-00218703 of filthy pale and bedraggled looking QMvUtXDi-4A-00954-00218704-00218839 phantom men QMvUtXDi-4A-00955-00218840-00219087 sickly and thin wandering about carrying QMvUtXDi-4A-00956-00219088-00219342 various work equipment only to vanish QMvUtXDi-4A-00957-00219344-00219534 into thin air QMvUtXDi-4A-00958-00219535-00219703 there are also frequent reports of QMvUtXDi-4A-00959-00219704-00219887 hikers hearing footsteps behind them QMvUtXDi-4A-00960-00219888-00220046 when no one is there QMvUtXDi-4A-00961-00220048-00220287 or seeing shadow figures moving about in QMvUtXDi-4A-00962-00220288-00220519 the trees as if following them QMvUtXDi-4A-00963-00220519-00220791 and dogs are allegedly spooked at unseen QMvUtXDi-4A-00964-00220792-00221046 threats or downright too terrified to go QMvUtXDi-4A-00965-00221048-00221271 anywhere near the area QMvUtXDi-4A-00966-00221271-00221534 the spectral prisoners are also said to QMvUtXDi-4A-00967-00221535-00221727 prowl about outside of the tents of QMvUtXDi-4A-00968-00221728-00221942 campers in the park whispering and QMvUtXDi-4A-00969-00221944-00222175 walking about only for the tent occupant QMvUtXDi-4A-00970-00222176-00222415 to look out and see no one there and QMvUtXDi-4A-00971-00222416-00222606 they have even been seen to set up their QMvUtXDi-4A-00972-00222607-00222839 own camps complete with campfires which QMvUtXDi-4A-00973-00222840-00223015 fade out of existence if one is to QMvUtXDi-4A-00974-00223016-00223167 approach QMvUtXDi-4A-00975-00223167-00223334 more frightening reports describe QMvUtXDi-4A-00976-00223335-00223591 screams and groans emanating from the QMvUtXDi-4A-00977-00223592-00223839 darkness tents being shaken or QMvUtXDi-4A-00978-00223840-00224023 apparitions of the prisoners appearing QMvUtXDi-4A-00979-00224023-00224206 within tents to attack the occupants QMvUtXDi-4A-00980-00224207-00224398 before vanishing QMvUtXDi-4A-00981-00224400-00224558 a hawaiian paranormal research QMvUtXDi-4A-00982-00224559-00224782 organization called the kahuna research QMvUtXDi-4A-00983-00224783-00225110 group investigated the park in 2013 and QMvUtXDi-4A-00984-00225111-00225319 allegedly witnessed all manner of QMvUtXDi-4A-00985-00225319-00225575 strange phenomena including weird evp QMvUtXDi-4A-00986-00225576-00225823 readings strange anomalous images caught QMvUtXDi-4A-00987-00225823-00226055 on camera and even purportedly making QMvUtXDi-4A-00988-00226056-00226294 contact with some of these spirits QMvUtXDi-4A-00989-00226296-00226439 one was apparently the ghost of a QMvUtXDi-4A-00990-00226440-00226671 portuguese prisoner called louis which QMvUtXDi-4A-00991-00226671-00226871 allegedly spoke to the group via one of QMvUtXDi-4A-00992-00226871-00227094 the team members a spirit medium named QMvUtXDi-4A-00993-00227096-00227239 marcy grover QMvUtXDi-4A-00994-00227240-00227423 she would say of this encounter i QMvUtXDi-4A-00995-00227423-00227623 immediately made contact with a spirit QMvUtXDi-4A-00996-00227623-00227927 named louie or lewis who i sensed was a QMvUtXDi-4A-00997-00227928-00228110 portuguese prisoner laborer from the QMvUtXDi-4A-00998-00228111-00228398 crew who built the park in the 1850s he QMvUtXDi-4A-00999-00228400-00228575 indicated there were four other such QMvUtXDi-4A-01000-00228576-00228791 spirits there with him he had created QMvUtXDi-4A-01001-00228792-00229023 his own purgatory and would not go to QMvUtXDi-4A-01002-00229023-00229255 the light due to his catholic upbringing QMvUtXDi-4A-01003-00229256-00229431 he indicated that he had killed a fellow QMvUtXDi-4A-01004-00229432-00229679 laborer due to lack of provisions QMvUtXDi-4A-01005-00229680-00229871 i believe he died a few weeks after that QMvUtXDi-4A-01006-00229871-00229967 incident QMvUtXDi-4A-01007-00229967-00230191 after hours of seemingly playing tag QMvUtXDi-4A-01008-00230192-00230406 with the spirits someone suggested we go QMvUtXDi-4A-01009-00230407-00230567 completely dark and use the small QMvUtXDi-4A-01010-00230567-00230751 indicator lights on the ion detector QMvUtXDi-4A-01011-00230752-00231023 only to note activity we had immediate QMvUtXDi-4A-01012-00231023-00231127 success QMvUtXDi-4A-01013-00231128-00231279 i asked the spirits if they could light QMvUtXDi-4A-01014-00231280-00231479 up the devices once for yes and twice QMvUtXDi-4A-01015-00231480-00231727 for no and we again had an immediate QMvUtXDi-4A-01016-00231728-00231839 response QMvUtXDi-4A-01017-00231840-00232046 the device remained blank when no QMvUtXDi-4A-01018-00232048-00232319 questions were asked QMvUtXDi-4A-01019-00232319-00232534 adding to the park's ominous reputation QMvUtXDi-4A-01020-00232535-00232751 and its ghosts are all of the strange QMvUtXDi-4A-01021-00232752-00232942 accidents and crimes that have occurred QMvUtXDi-4A-01022-00232944-00233182 here over the years to the point that QMvUtXDi-4A-01023-00233183-00233406 rumors have spread that it is actually a QMvUtXDi-4A-01024-00233407-00233591 cursed place QMvUtXDi-4A-01025-00233592-00233775 perhaps the most famous incident QMvUtXDi-4A-01026-00233776-00233967 occurred at the park in 1980 when a QMvUtXDi-4A-01027-00233967-00234142 couple was camping here and were QMvUtXDi-4A-01028-00234144-00234327 attacked one evening by a mysterious QMvUtXDi-4A-01029-00234328-00234606 intruder who savagely beat them killing QMvUtXDi-4A-01030-00234607-00234934 the man and seriously injuring the woman QMvUtXDi-4A-01031-00234935-00235158 no suspect has ever been found and there QMvUtXDi-4A-01032-00235159-00235382 has never been determined any motive for QMvUtXDi-4A-01033-00235383-00235694 the gruesome senseless crime QMvUtXDi-4A-01034-00235696-00235975 in 1993 there was also the tragic death QMvUtXDi-4A-01035-00235976-00236246 of a 16 year old girl who was beaten and QMvUtXDi-4A-01036-00236248-00236479 sexually assaulted by three men before QMvUtXDi-4A-01037-00236480-00236687 being thrown over a cliff into the sea QMvUtXDi-4A-01038-00236688-00236887 while she was still alive QMvUtXDi-4A-01039-00236888-00237151 her body has never been found QMvUtXDi-4A-01040-00237152-00237367 in 2008 there was the strange case of QMvUtXDi-4A-01041-00237367-00237575 the body of a local surfer found at the QMvUtXDi-4A-01042-00237576-00237775 base of a cliff by the cast and crew of QMvUtXDi-4A-01043-00237776-00238006 the film the tempest which was shooting QMvUtXDi-4A-01044-00238007-00238271 on location at mckenzie state park QMvUtXDi-4A-01045-00238271-00238494 the man had reportedly been shot many QMvUtXDi-4A-01046-00238496-00238719 times but no one has ever been arrested QMvUtXDi-4A-01047-00238719-00238927 in connection with the crime QMvUtXDi-4A-01048-00238928-00239151 on top of these unsolved crimes are the QMvUtXDi-4A-01049-00239152-00239319 many drownings that have occurred here QMvUtXDi-4A-01050-00239319-00239446 over the years QMvUtXDi-4A-01051-00239448-00239639 although this is most likely due to the QMvUtXDi-4A-01052-00239640-00239871 rough waves and strong currents QMvUtXDi-4A-01053-00239871-00240039 there are warnings posted against QMvUtXDi-4A-01054-00240040-00240246 swimming but people do it anyway and QMvUtXDi-4A-01055-00240248-00240415 fishermen on the rocks are sometimes QMvUtXDi-4A-01056-00240416-00240639 swept out to sea by sudden powerful QMvUtXDi-4A-01057-00240640-00240879 waves with many of the bodies never QMvUtXDi-4A-01058-00240880-00241055 found QMvUtXDi-4A-01059-00241056-00241294 all of this death and violent history QMvUtXDi-4A-01060-00241296-00241487 stands in stark contrast to the QMvUtXDi-4A-01061-00241488-00241703 otherwise enchanting beauty of this QMvUtXDi-4A-01062-00241704-00241798 place QMvUtXDi-4A-01063-00241800-00242030 it also ensures that there are plenty of QMvUtXDi-4A-01064-00242031-00242367 spooky rumors and phenomena to go around QMvUtXDi-4A-01065-00242367-00242575 in addition to the ancient spirits night QMvUtXDi-4A-01066-00242576-00242775 marchers and apparitions of dead QMvUtXDi-4A-01067-00242776-00242982 prisoners here mysterious lights or QMvUtXDi-4A-01068-00242983-00243206 fireballs are often seen floating about QMvUtXDi-4A-01069-00243207-00243398 through the twisted and gnarled ironwood QMvUtXDi-4A-01070-00243400-00243639 trees or even bobbing about on the waves QMvUtXDi-4A-01071-00243640-00243855 of the nearby sea and there are many QMvUtXDi-4A-01072-00243856-00244119 reports of voices and howls issuing QMvUtXDi-4A-01073-00244119-00244415 forth from the area's many lava tubes QMvUtXDi-4A-01074-00244416-00244623 it is all rather interesting considering QMvUtXDi-4A-01075-00244623-00244815 that with the sheer natural splendor of QMvUtXDi-4A-01076-00244816-00245030 the park it looks more like something QMvUtXDi-4A-01077-00245031-00245271 out of a travel brochure and one of the QMvUtXDi-4A-01078-00245271-00245494 last places one might expect to be so QMvUtXDi-4A-01079-00245496-00245687 intensely haunted QMvUtXDi-4A-01080-00245688-00246030 indeed many visitors have no idea about QMvUtXDi-4A-01081-00246031-00246158 any of this QMvUtXDi-4A-01082-00246159-00246334 making it all the more startling when QMvUtXDi-4A-01083-00246335-00246527 they encounter these strange phenomena QMvUtXDi-4A-01084-00246528-00246719 for themselves QMvUtXDi-4A-01085-00246719-00246903 whether any of the stories of ghosts are QMvUtXDi-4A-01086-00246904-00247175 true or not mackenzie state park is QMvUtXDi-4A-01087-00247176-00247423 certainly a place of great beauty QMvUtXDi-4A-01088-00247423-00248142 under which a certain darkness pulses QMvUtXDi-4A-01089-00248144-00248398 coming up the restaurant is a bit dated QMvUtXDi-4A-01090-00248400-00248575 with the servers wearing old-fashioned QMvUtXDi-4A-01091-00248576-00248782 black and white aprons the food was QMvUtXDi-4A-01092-00248783-00248991 incredible the place was spotlessly QMvUtXDi-4A-01093-00248992-00249206 clean it's definitely a restaurant QMvUtXDi-4A-01094-00249207-00249351 you'll want to visit when you pass that QMvUtXDi-4A-01095-00249352-00249510 way again QMvUtXDi-4A-01096-00249511-00249727 unfortunately the restaurant won't be QMvUtXDi-4A-01097-00249728-00249823 there QMvUtXDi-4A-01098-00249823-00250079 because it never was QMvUtXDi-4A-01099-00250080-00250417 that story when weird darkness returns QMvUtXDi-4A-01100-00250419-00251830 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-01101-00251831-00251927 coffee QMvUtXDi-4A-01102-00251928-00252079 it's a necessity QMvUtXDi-4A-01103-00252080-00252255 most of us can't be bothered to even be QMvUtXDi-4A-01104-00252256-00252479 civil to our families until we've had QMvUtXDi-4A-01105-00252480-00252639 our first cup of joe QMvUtXDi-4A-01106-00252640-00252879 i can drink coffee all day and often do QMvUtXDi-4A-01107-00252880-00253158 and now i've chosen an exclusive coffee QMvUtXDi-4A-01108-00253159-00253423 just for the task weird dark roast QMvUtXDi-4A-01109-00253423-00253630 coffee i love chocolate i mean who QMvUtXDi-4A-01110-00253631-00253839 doesn't so i specifically asked for a QMvUtXDi-4A-01111-00253840-00254071 blend with at least a hint of cocoa and QMvUtXDi-4A-01112-00254071-00254319 evansville coffee who roasts each bag to QMvUtXDi-4A-01113-00254319-00254542 order knocked it out of the park when QMvUtXDi-4A-01114-00254544-00254710 they sent me a bag to taste test for QMvUtXDi-4A-01115-00254711-00254823 approval QMvUtXDi-4A-01116-00254823-00255079 weird dark roast coffee has deep notes QMvUtXDi-4A-01117-00255080-00255191 of cocoa QMvUtXDi-4A-01118-00255192-00255391 caramel and a touch of sinister QMvUtXDi-4A-01119-00255392-00255623 sweetness that makes it great hot or QMvUtXDi-4A-01120-00255623-00255719 cold QMvUtXDi-4A-01121-00255719-00255910 personally i like to put a little milk QMvUtXDi-4A-01122-00255911-00256094 in it when i'm drinking it hot but it is QMvUtXDi-4A-01123-00256096-00256391 amazing black and poured over ice well QMvUtXDi-4A-01124-00256392-00256567 now you can drink it too and the only QMvUtXDi-4A-01125-00256567-00256727 place you can find weird dark roast QMvUtXDi-4A-01126-00256728-00256991 coffee is at weirddarkness.com QMvUtXDi-4A-01127-00256992-00257151 i'm so sure you'll love it that we've QMvUtXDi-4A-01128-00257152-00257310 even set it up for you to get free QMvUtXDi-4A-01129-00257311-00257503 delivery on your first order if you use QMvUtXDi-4A-01130-00257504-00258057 the promo code weird QMvUtXDi-4A-01131-00258058-00259067 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-01132-00259067-00259923 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-01133-00259923-00260003 [Applause] QMvUtXDi-4A-01134-00260004-00261134 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-01135-00261135-00261342 there are many accounts of unexplained QMvUtXDi-4A-01136-00261344-00261615 and unexpected sightings of humans QMvUtXDi-4A-01137-00261616-00261839 buildings and events reported by people QMvUtXDi-4A-01138-00261840-00262039 who journeyed through time by unknown QMvUtXDi-4A-01139-00262040-00262167 means QMvUtXDi-4A-01140-00262168-00262391 such time slips are often very confusing QMvUtXDi-4A-01141-00262392-00262615 to the observer who sees something that QMvUtXDi-4A-01142-00262616-00262863 doesn't belong in our reality QMvUtXDi-4A-01143-00262864-00263119 nevertheless studies of time slips can QMvUtXDi-4A-01144-00263120-00263287 eventually give us a better QMvUtXDi-4A-01145-00263288-00263495 understanding of the universe and our QMvUtXDi-4A-01146-00263496-00263655 place in it QMvUtXDi-4A-01147-00263656-00263910 how can something from a different time QMvUtXDi-4A-01148-00263911-00264182 and place be right there before you only QMvUtXDi-4A-01149-00264183-00264503 to be gone without a trace later QMvUtXDi-4A-01150-00264504-00264734 people who experience time slips say QMvUtXDi-4A-01151-00264735-00264951 everything they saw seemed as real as QMvUtXDi-4A-01152-00264952-00265239 the physical world we live in right now QMvUtXDi-4A-01153-00265240-00265463 did these people enter another dimension QMvUtXDi-4A-01154-00265464-00265734 through an invisible barrier QMvUtXDi-4A-01155-00265735-00265951 many scientists are convinced there can QMvUtXDi-4A-01156-00265952-00266167 be countless invisible worlds QMvUtXDi-4A-01157-00266168-00266382 co-existing next to our own QMvUtXDi-4A-01158-00266383-00266591 the parallel universe theory is still QMvUtXDi-4A-01159-00266592-00266782 just a theory but our knowledge of QMvUtXDi-4A-01160-00266783-00267055 space-time is still limited QMvUtXDi-4A-01161-00267056-00267239 many people who've experienced time QMvUtXDi-4A-01162-00267240-00267423 slips are often reluctant to come QMvUtXDi-4A-01163-00267424-00267599 forward and share their stories for fear QMvUtXDi-4A-01164-00267600-00267919 of being ridiculed or labeled crazy QMvUtXDi-4A-01165-00267920-00268095 it's worth remembering that contrary to QMvUtXDi-4A-01166-00268096-00268351 what some think such time slips have not QMvUtXDi-4A-01167-00268352-00268606 only been reported in modern times QMvUtXDi-4A-01168-00268607-00268775 accounts of perplexing time slips have QMvUtXDi-4A-01169-00268776-00268967 been recorded throughout history and QMvUtXDi-4A-01170-00268968-00269167 there are many stories in the quran QMvUtXDi-4A-01171-00269168-00269430 bible and other ancient texts that tell QMvUtXDi-4A-01172-00269431-00269567 of these stories QMvUtXDi-4A-01173-00269568-00269775 not to mention several old myths and QMvUtXDi-4A-01174-00269776-00269951 legends QMvUtXDi-4A-01175-00269952-00270143 this curious event took place in march QMvUtXDi-4A-01176-00270144-00270479 1959 in wyoming usa QMvUtXDi-4A-01177-00270480-00270679 the story is about three friends who QMvUtXDi-4A-01178-00270680-00270958 together experienced something truly QMvUtXDi-4A-01179-00270959-00271134 remarkable QMvUtXDi-4A-01180-00271135-00271319 bob wetzel who was stationed at lowry QMvUtXDi-4A-01181-00271320-00271534 air force base in denver colorado was QMvUtXDi-4A-01182-00271535-00271727 traveling together with john and dee QMvUtXDi-4A-01183-00271728-00271967 greely to visit bob's wife sharon who QMvUtXDi-4A-01184-00271968-00272127 lived in warland QMvUtXDi-4A-01185-00272128-00272295 the three men left the outskirts of the QMvUtXDi-4A-01186-00272296-00272510 city of cheyenne when suddenly a QMvUtXDi-4A-01187-00272511-00272758 snowstorm with a thick fog appeared QMvUtXDi-4A-01188-00272759-00272927 making their short trip almost QMvUtXDi-4A-01189-00272928-00273127 impossible to continue QMvUtXDi-4A-01190-00273128-00273319 the road was covered with ice and they QMvUtXDi-4A-01191-00273320-00273534 drove very slowly QMvUtXDi-4A-01192-00273535-00273703 under normal conditions the trip from QMvUtXDi-4A-01193-00273704-00273927 cheyenne to chugwater should take only QMvUtXDi-4A-01194-00273928-00274182 30 minutes but the weather was so bad QMvUtXDi-4A-01195-00274183-00274487 the journey lasted 90 minutes the storm QMvUtXDi-4A-01196-00274488-00274671 increased but they continued their QMvUtXDi-4A-01197-00274672-00274782 journey QMvUtXDi-4A-01198-00274783-00274991 suddenly something strange happened QMvUtXDi-4A-01199-00274992-00275255 something completely unexpected QMvUtXDi-4A-01200-00275256-00275439 hidden by the sign of the road in the QMvUtXDi-4A-01201-00275440-00275719 blowing snow the three men noticed a QMvUtXDi-4A-01202-00275720-00275847 restaurant QMvUtXDi-4A-01203-00275848-00276023 they stopped the car in the parking lot QMvUtXDi-4A-01204-00276024-00276182 and entered the restaurant QMvUtXDi-4A-01205-00276183-00276375 we were so glad to find a place to come QMvUtXDi-4A-01206-00276376-00276551 in out of the storm and have dinner bob QMvUtXDi-4A-01207-00276552-00276791 wetzel began his unbelievable story QMvUtXDi-4A-01208-00276792-00276943 we pulled off to the left side of the QMvUtXDi-4A-01209-00276944-00277167 road and walked across the street then QMvUtXDi-4A-01210-00277168-00277334 we ran up some steps leading into the QMvUtXDi-4A-01211-00277335-00277527 building i believe we went through some QMvUtXDi-4A-01212-00277528-00277719 swinging doors there in the front and i QMvUtXDi-4A-01213-00277720-00277934 remember we were the only three having QMvUtXDi-4A-01214-00277935-00278063 dinner at the time QMvUtXDi-4A-01215-00278064-00278295 the help was there the cook dishwasher QMvUtXDi-4A-01216-00278296-00278415 and others but we were the only QMvUtXDi-4A-01217-00278416-00278591 customers QMvUtXDi-4A-01218-00278592-00278782 the restaurant was clean and the staff QMvUtXDi-4A-01219-00278783-00279006 consisted of two young women dressed in QMvUtXDi-4A-01220-00279007-00279206 long white dresses with black and white QMvUtXDi-4A-01221-00279207-00279334 aprons QMvUtXDi-4A-01222-00279335-00279591 being hungry and exhausted the three men QMvUtXDi-4A-01223-00279592-00279863 ordered steaks chicken and beer QMvUtXDi-4A-01224-00279864-00280055 the meal was delicious and everything QMvUtXDi-4A-01225-00280056-00280263 seemed normal there was no reason to QMvUtXDi-4A-01226-00280264-00280543 suspect this was an unusual restaurant QMvUtXDi-4A-01227-00280544-00280727 when it was time to pay for the meal the QMvUtXDi-4A-01228-00280728-00280958 three men were very surprised to see the QMvUtXDi-4A-01229-00280959-00281143 tab on their bill QMvUtXDi-4A-01230-00281144-00281406 bill recalled it came to nine dollars QMvUtXDi-4A-01231-00281407-00281543 for the three of us QMvUtXDi-4A-01232-00281544-00281758 i was so pleased i left five one dollar QMvUtXDi-4A-01233-00281759-00281975 bills as a tip and you should have seen QMvUtXDi-4A-01234-00281976-00282255 how surprised the waitresses were QMvUtXDi-4A-01235-00282256-00282471 they thanked me walked us to the door QMvUtXDi-4A-01236-00282472-00282630 and told us to be careful since it was QMvUtXDi-4A-01237-00282631-00282799 still snowing QMvUtXDi-4A-01238-00282800-00282958 the three friends continued their QMvUtXDi-4A-01239-00282959-00283110 journey to sharon QMvUtXDi-4A-01240-00283111-00283303 weather conditions were much better now QMvUtXDi-4A-01241-00283304-00283487 and they made it to worland with no QMvUtXDi-4A-01242-00283488-00283647 difficulties QMvUtXDi-4A-01243-00283648-00283830 when we got there we told my wife sharon QMvUtXDi-4A-01244-00283831-00283951 and her parents about the nice QMvUtXDi-4A-01245-00283952-00284127 restaurant we found and so we decided to QMvUtXDi-4A-01246-00284128-00284282 stop there again on our way back to QMvUtXDi-4A-01247-00284283-00284519 denver when sharon made the return trip QMvUtXDi-4A-01248-00284520-00284703 with us the weather was clear and we had QMvUtXDi-4A-01249-00284704-00284903 no trouble getting to chugwater QMvUtXDi-4A-01250-00284904-00285119 this was before the highways were fixed QMvUtXDi-4A-01251-00285120-00285279 and you had to drive right through the QMvUtXDi-4A-01252-00285280-00285503 middle of town i remember that as we had QMvUtXDi-4A-01253-00285504-00285687 come down the hill from denver heading QMvUtXDi-4A-01254-00285688-00285879 north the restaurant had been the third QMvUtXDi-4A-01255-00285880-00286047 or fourth business on the left-hand side QMvUtXDi-4A-01256-00286048-00286199 of the street QMvUtXDi-4A-01257-00286200-00286367 once bob and his wife reached the spot QMvUtXDi-4A-01258-00286368-00286503 where the restaurant was supposed to be QMvUtXDi-4A-01259-00286504-00286734 located there was a problem QMvUtXDi-4A-01260-00286735-00287063 the restaurant wasn't there any longer QMvUtXDi-4A-01261-00287064-00287263 bob decided to find out why he couldn't QMvUtXDi-4A-01262-00287264-00287439 see the building anywhere and headed QMvUtXDi-4A-01263-00287440-00287639 over to a local hamburger stand to get QMvUtXDi-4A-01264-00287640-00287791 some information QMvUtXDi-4A-01265-00287792-00287975 he spoke to an elderly local man whose QMvUtXDi-4A-01266-00287976-00288151 name was charlie and told him about his QMvUtXDi-4A-01267-00288152-00288358 unbelievable experience QMvUtXDi-4A-01268-00288359-00288615 the man was very surprised are you sure QMvUtXDi-4A-01269-00288616-00288799 this was where you were QMvUtXDi-4A-01270-00288800-00289006 i said i'm positive that's right where i QMvUtXDi-4A-01271-00289007-00289143 parked QMvUtXDi-4A-01272-00289144-00289382 when was this charlie asked with a funny QMvUtXDi-4A-01273-00289383-00289543 look on his face QMvUtXDi-4A-01274-00289544-00289854 eight to ten days ago i told him QMvUtXDi-4A-01275-00289855-00290071 and then he dropped the bombshell QMvUtXDi-4A-01276-00290072-00290167 son QMvUtXDi-4A-01277-00290168-00290382 the place that you described burned down QMvUtXDi-4A-01278-00290383-00290582 years and years ago and this has been a QMvUtXDi-4A-01279-00290583-00290823 vacant lot since then QMvUtXDi-4A-01280-00290824-00291071 there's no way i said we were just in QMvUtXDi-4A-01281-00291072-00291167 there QMvUtXDi-4A-01282-00291168-00291334 i began to describe both of the QMvUtXDi-4A-01283-00291335-00291551 waitresses who had served us QMvUtXDi-4A-01284-00291552-00291806 son the man said again a place burned QMvUtXDi-4A-01285-00291807-00292006 down and the two people you described QMvUtXDi-4A-01286-00292007-00292230 perished in the fire but that was years QMvUtXDi-4A-01287-00292231-00292463 and years ago QMvUtXDi-4A-01288-00292464-00292582 bob has often thought about the QMvUtXDi-4A-01289-00292583-00292751 mysterious restaurants that vanished QMvUtXDi-4A-01290-00292752-00292895 into thin air QMvUtXDi-4A-01291-00292896-00293079 like most people who experienced time QMvUtXDi-4A-01292-00293080-00293406 slips bomb felt everything seemed real QMvUtXDi-4A-01293-00293407-00293606 nothing was ghost-like at all QMvUtXDi-4A-01294-00293607-00293839 the food was real and the people he met QMvUtXDi-4A-01295-00293840-00294039 were not fandoms QMvUtXDi-4A-01296-00294040-00294223 it's a bizarre incident that shows it QMvUtXDi-4A-01297-00294224-00294519 may occasionally be possible to interact QMvUtXDi-4A-01298-00294520-00295710 with people from different timelines QMvUtXDi-4A-01299-00295711-00295847 thanks for listening QMvUtXDi-4A-01300-00295848-00296030 feel free to email me anytime with your QMvUtXDi-4A-01301-00296031-00296243 questions or comments at darren QMvUtXDi-4A-01302-00296244-00296606 weirddarkness.com darren is d-a-r-r-e-n QMvUtXDi-4A-01303-00296607-00296799 you can also find all of my social media QMvUtXDi-4A-01304-00296800-00296967 and a link to the weird darkness weirdos QMvUtXDi-4A-01305-00296968-00297167 facebook group on the contact page of QMvUtXDi-4A-01306-00297168-00297279 the website QMvUtXDi-4A-01307-00297280-00297423 if you're listening to weird darkness on QMvUtXDi-4A-01308-00297424-00297639 the radio on a streaming station or on QMvUtXDi-4A-01309-00297640-00297847 youtube be sure to subscribe to weird QMvUtXDi-4A-01310-00297848-00298039 darkness in your favorite podcast app QMvUtXDi-4A-01311-00298040-00298119 too QMvUtXDi-4A-01312-00298120-00298319 and share weird darkness with somebody QMvUtXDi-4A-01313-00298320-00298510 you know who loves the paranormal or QMvUtXDi-4A-01314-00298511-00298799 strange stories true crime monsters or QMvUtXDi-4A-01315-00298800-00299030 unsolved mysteries like you do QMvUtXDi-4A-01316-00299031-00299230 do you have a dark tale to tell of your QMvUtXDi-4A-01317-00299231-00299479 own click on tell your story on the QMvUtXDi-4A-01318-00299480-00299682 website and i might use it in a future QMvUtXDi-4A-01319-00299683-00299934 episode all stories in weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-01320-00299935-00300134 are purported to be true unless stated QMvUtXDi-4A-01321-00300135-00300343 otherwise and you can find source links QMvUtXDi-4A-01322-00300344-00300510 or links to the authors in the show QMvUtXDi-4A-01323-00300511-00300615 notes QMvUtXDi-4A-01324-00300616-00300815 the terror of seven sisters road was QMvUtXDi-4A-01325-00300816-00300999 written by sarah buchholz for antique QMvUtXDi-4A-01326-00301000-00301230 archaeology chris peters for the omaha QMvUtXDi-4A-01327-00301231-00301479 world herald nick downes and aaron QMvUtXDi-4A-01328-00301480-00301734 whisty for graveyard shift QMvUtXDi-4A-01329-00301735-00301951 tragedy at finland was by robert wilhelm QMvUtXDi-4A-01330-00301952-00302175 for murder by gaslight QMvUtXDi-4A-01331-00302176-00302367 the restaurant that disappeared is by QMvUtXDi-4A-01332-00302368-00302630 ellen lloyd from message to eagle and QMvUtXDi-4A-01333-00302631-00302847 hawaii's haunted mackenzie park was QMvUtXDi-4A-01334-00302848-00303071 written by brett swanser for mysterious QMvUtXDi-4A-01335-00303072-00303239 universe QMvUtXDi-4A-01336-00303240-00303423 weird darkness is a production of marlar QMvUtXDi-4A-01337-00303424-00303606 house productions QMvUtXDi-4A-01338-00303607-00303734 and now that we're coming out of the QMvUtXDi-4A-01339-00303735-00304023 dark i'll leave you with a little light QMvUtXDi-4A-01340-00304024-00304319 first chronicles 16 verse 34 QMvUtXDi-4A-01341-00304320-00304599 give thanks to the lord for he is good QMvUtXDi-4A-01342-00304600-00304887 his love endures forever QMvUtXDi-4A-01343-00304888-00305030 and a final thought QMvUtXDi-4A-01344-00305031-00305254 when you're in a dark place you tend to QMvUtXDi-4A-01345-00305255-00305519 think you've been buried perhaps you've QMvUtXDi-4A-01346-00305520-00305695 been planted QMvUtXDi-4A-01347-00305696-00305879 bloom QMvUtXDi-4A-01348-00305880-00306167 i'm darren marlar thanks for joining me QMvUtXDi-4A-01349-00306168-00306861 in the weird darkness QMvUtXDi-4A-01350-00306862-00307223 [Music] QMvUtXDi-4A-01351-00307224-00307431 you QO1tq4LQ1zk-00000-00000455-00002426 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00002-00006472-00006762 do QO1tq4LQ1zk-00003-00006763-00007943 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00004-00007944-00008335 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00005-00008336-00008776 do QO1tq4LQ1zk-00006-00008777-00011370 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00007-00011371-00011895 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00008-00011896-00012175 do QO1tq4LQ1zk-00010-00016759-00016967 hmm QO1tq4LQ1zk-00011-00016968-00017279 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00012-00017280-00017477 so QO1tq4LQ1zk-00013-00017478-00019539 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00016-00026056-00028477 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00017-00028477-00028862 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00018-00028863-00028968 so QO1tq4LQ1zk-00019-00028969-00031727 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00020-00031727-00032560 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00021-00032561-00034502 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00022-00034503-00035153 do QO1tq4LQ1zk-00023-00035154-00036446 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00024-00036447-00036912 one QO1tq4LQ1zk-00026-00040690-00041630 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00027-00041631-00041781 do QO1tq4LQ1zk-00029-00046551-00047236 [Applause] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00031-00051215-00051535 so QO1tq4LQ1zk-00032-00051536-00053116 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00033-00053116-00053439 [Applause] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00034-00053440-00054005 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00036-00060695-00061652 so QO1tq4LQ1zk-00037-00061653-00064175 [Music] QO1tq4LQ1zk-00038-00064176-00064383 you QP4z42aGKmc-00000-00000222-00000743 to a bonus episode of tunic QP4z42aGKmc-00001-00000744-00001103 and today today today today QP4z42aGKmc-00002-00001104-00001337 we are QP4z42aGKmc-00003-00001338-00001643 simply looking at the language again and QP4z42aGKmc-00004-00001644-00001798 trying to understand a little bit more QP4z42aGKmc-00005-00001800-00002141 of it now I did spend a bit of time this QP4z42aGKmc-00006-00002142-00002260 morning QP4z42aGKmc-00007-00002261-00002489 looking at some of the stuff QP4z42aGKmc-00008-00002490-00002699 and if I pull up QP4z42aGKmc-00009-00002700-00002992 this picture here QP4z42aGKmc-00010-00002993-00003304 and in particular zoom in here so QP4z42aGKmc-00011-00003305-00003454 I was going through some stuff this is QP4z42aGKmc-00012-00003455-00003761 my notepad and QP4z42aGKmc-00013-00003761-00003970 I have been able to kind of put some QP4z42aGKmc-00014-00003971-00004090 stuff together and I think I've QP4z42aGKmc-00015-00004092-00004343 identified some new QP4z42aGKmc-00016-00004344-00004661 um some new letters from last night QP4z42aGKmc-00017-00004662-00004877 and this is basically my workings out as QP4z42aGKmc-00018-00004878-00005249 you can see so I took those three lines QP4z42aGKmc-00019-00005250-00005543 from page one that we're currently QP4z42aGKmc-00020-00005544-00005722 working on QP4z42aGKmc-00021-00005723-00005927 and QP4z42aGKmc-00022-00005928-00006095 I kind of tried to translate it now the QP4z42aGKmc-00023-00006096-00006304 first line This is the first line here QP4z42aGKmc-00024-00006305-00006496 as you can see QP4z42aGKmc-00025-00006497-00006773 um this isn't really QP4z42aGKmc-00026-00006773-00006989 I'm a bit stuck at this I know it starts QP4z42aGKmc-00027-00006990-00007156 with the but that's all I know at the QP4z42aGKmc-00028-00007158-00007325 minute QP4z42aGKmc-00029-00007326-00007853 line two gave me k k or QP4z42aGKmc-00030-00007854-00008201 e k t e d QP4z42aGKmc-00031-00008202-00008392 that's the first word QP4z42aGKmc-00032-00008393-00008585 now I've actually think that means QP4z42aGKmc-00033-00008586-00009131 corrected core EK tid corrected and then QP4z42aGKmc-00034-00009132-00009496 we have this e-l-e something e n QP4z42aGKmc-00035-00009497-00009695 looking at what letters were back on the QP4z42aGKmc-00036-00009696-00009856 sheet that will be gave me and provided QP4z42aGKmc-00037-00009857-00010133 to me yesterday I think that's a v QP4z42aGKmc-00038-00010134-00010523 so I think that's corrected 11. QP4z42aGKmc-00039-00010524-00010877 and then here I've actually put in three QP4z42aGKmc-00040-00010878-00011195 letters which I believe QP4z42aGKmc-00041-00011196-00011453 is times QP4z42aGKmc-00042-00011454-00011824 hey Mika what's going on welcome welcome QP4z42aGKmc-00043-00011825-00011974 um just a bit of an overview at the QP4z42aGKmc-00044-00011975-00012131 moment as to where where we are and what QP4z42aGKmc-00045-00012132-00012377 we're doing so I believe I've translated QP4z42aGKmc-00046-00012378-00012569 successfully translated the second line QP4z42aGKmc-00047-00012570-00013024 to say corrected 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-00048-00013025-00013288 now looking at the third line again I've QP4z42aGKmc-00049-00013290-00013565 taken an educated guess here as well and QP4z42aGKmc-00050-00013566-00013780 this is basically we've got the M from QP4z42aGKmc-00051-00013781-00013997 um this one here but look here we got we QP4z42aGKmc-00052-00013997-00014141 got d QP4z42aGKmc-00053-00014141-00014477 P something Ted QP4z42aGKmc-00054-00014478-00014686 now again I looked at what vowels are QP4z42aGKmc-00055-00014687-00014836 available and the only thing that made QP4z42aGKmc-00056-00014837-00015179 sense was departed so that was an AR the QP4z42aGKmc-00057-00015180-00015557 r sound so we've got departed got what QP4z42aGKmc-00058-00015558-00015743 when when's QP4z42aGKmc-00059-00015744-00016163 which I think is once departed once QP4z42aGKmc-00060-00016163-00016372 more QP4z42aGKmc-00061-00016373-00016685 so we've got corrected 11 times departed QP4z42aGKmc-00062-00016686-00016853 once more QP4z42aGKmc-00063-00016854-00017093 is lines two and three as I have written QP4z42aGKmc-00064-00017094-00017239 them here QP4z42aGKmc-00065-00017240-00017393 so QP4z42aGKmc-00066-00017394-00017471 um QP4z42aGKmc-00067-00017472-00017921 if I go back quickly to my QP4z42aGKmc-00068-00017922-00018149 um this is my sheet QP4z42aGKmc-00069-00018150-00018377 I was working on QP4z42aGKmc-00070-00018378-00018575 where I've got all my letters at the QP4z42aGKmc-00071-00018576-00018850 minute so the ones in Orange here are QP4z42aGKmc-00072-00018851-00019036 ones that I believe I've worked out QP4z42aGKmc-00073-00019037-00019150 today QP4z42aGKmc-00074-00019151-00019300 this morning QP4z42aGKmc-00075-00019301-00019661 so that's the r sound this is an i as in QP4z42aGKmc-00076-00019662-00020008 guy we've got the Z here the V here and QP4z42aGKmc-00077-00020009-00020230 the M here QP4z42aGKmc-00078-00020231-00020393 so QP4z42aGKmc-00079-00020394-00020669 that's basically Where We Are QP4z42aGKmc-00080-00020670-00020986 in comparison to where we were QP4z42aGKmc-00081-00020987-00021155 last night QP4z42aGKmc-00082-00021156-00021550 so yeah I'm really excited QP4z42aGKmc-00083-00021551-00021875 um that we may be kind of QP4z42aGKmc-00084-00021876-00022175 really making progress with this the QP4z42aGKmc-00085-00022176-00022607 only thing I am still worried about QP4z42aGKmc-00086-00022608-00022864 is the fact that um QP4z42aGKmc-00087-00022865-00023189 still not 100 certain QP4z42aGKmc-00088-00023190-00023555 where we go from here QP4z42aGKmc-00089-00023556-00023855 so this is my tunic folder QP4z42aGKmc-00090-00023856-00024083 um this is my current sheet that I am QP4z42aGKmc-00091-00024084-00024347 working on QP4z42aGKmc-00092-00024348-00024514 which I probably want to open in paint QP4z42aGKmc-00093-00024515-00024653 actually because we're going to be doing QP4z42aGKmc-00094-00024654-00024808 hopefully finding some more of these QP4z42aGKmc-00095-00024809-00025157 things and doing some edits and let's QP4z42aGKmc-00096-00025158-00025355 start off with page one because this is QP4z42aGKmc-00097-00025356-00025655 what we've been translating QP4z42aGKmc-00098-00025656-00026183 so far so let me do this one QP4z42aGKmc-00099-00026183-00026417 how's your Sunday been Mika hope uh hope QP4z42aGKmc-00100-00026418-00026567 you're up to some QP4z42aGKmc-00101-00026568-00027046 good nice relaxing stuff QP4z42aGKmc-00102-00027047-00027293 okay so it's light line one is is like QP4z42aGKmc-00103-00027294-00027437 the one that we are QP4z42aGKmc-00104-00027438-00027796 we are concentrating on here QP4z42aGKmc-00105-00027797-00028318 we've got basically got three words QP4z42aGKmc-00106-00028319-00028570 we've got the first word is there we QP4z42aGKmc-00107-00028572-00028708 know that because we know that we've QP4z42aGKmc-00108-00028710-00028883 already identified that that first word QP4z42aGKmc-00109-00028883-00029099 is the QP4z42aGKmc-00110-00029100-00029389 let me snip this QP4z42aGKmc-00111-00029391-00029585 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00112-00029586-00029914 and we'll zoom in a little bit and then QP4z42aGKmc-00113-00029916-00030161 we can separate these off QP4z42aGKmc-00114-00030162-00030352 that's the QP4z42aGKmc-00115-00030354-00030677 a bit of a Inner Line Please Snipping QP4z42aGKmc-00116-00030677-00031031 Tool that's the first line QP4z42aGKmc-00117-00031032-00031295 first syllable QP4z42aGKmc-00118-00031295-00031655 second syllable QP4z42aGKmc-00119-00031656-00032033 third syllable QP4z42aGKmc-00120-00032033-00032351 off and then fifth QP4z42aGKmc-00121-00032352-00032585 then here we've just got literally just QP4z42aGKmc-00122-00032586-00032789 got two QP4z42aGKmc-00123-00032790-00032962 which is that's a bit of a poor line QP4z42aGKmc-00124-00032963-00033215 because I can't actually see there QP4z42aGKmc-00125-00033216-00033659 the um QP4z42aGKmc-00126-00033660-00033940 better now I can see that bit there okay QP4z42aGKmc-00127-00033941-00034277 so we know QP4z42aGKmc-00128-00034278-00034499 I know QP4z42aGKmc-00129-00034500-00034895 this is the QP4z42aGKmc-00130-00034896-00035224 okay so let's look at this first one QP4z42aGKmc-00131-00035225-00035602 what can we decipher from this QP4z42aGKmc-00132-00035603-00035933 this is QP4z42aGKmc-00133-00035934-00036605 the ah sounds in r QP4z42aGKmc-00134-00036606-00036959 that's good it's good to have uh it's QP4z42aGKmc-00135-00036960-00037211 good to have a bit of downtime maker QP4z42aGKmc-00136-00037212-00037805 that's a as in QP4z42aGKmc-00137-00037806-00037973 r QP4z42aGKmc-00138-00037974-00038380 hello hold on that is R okay QP4z42aGKmc-00139-00038381-00038590 and then QP4z42aGKmc-00140-00038591-00039107 that is s QP4z42aGKmc-00141-00039108-00039373 we've got s QP4z42aGKmc-00142-00039374-00039743 r or s a QP4z42aGKmc-00143-00039744-00039995 we don't have a vowel in the next next QP4z42aGKmc-00144-00039996-00040261 letter QP4z42aGKmc-00145-00040262-00040517 and don't even know that we actually we QP4z42aGKmc-00146-00040518-00040949 don't think we have that letter do we QP4z42aGKmc-00147-00040950-00041411 um yeah no it's an s QP4z42aGKmc-00148-00041412-00042173 okay yeah that's an S so QP4z42aGKmc-00149-00042174-00042551 oh that's not an S though is it QP4z42aGKmc-00150-00042552-00043180 now this isn't an s QP4z42aGKmc-00151-00043181-00043517 yes I I was doing some this morning and QP4z42aGKmc-00152-00043518-00043685 then I kind of like well I don't really QP4z42aGKmc-00153-00043686-00043829 know QP4z42aGKmc-00154-00043830-00044045 I I've I think I've got these first two QP4z42aGKmc-00155-00044046-00044315 lines I found a few extra QP4z42aGKmc-00156-00044316-00044417 um QP4z42aGKmc-00157-00044418-00044608 letters these are the ones in Orange on QP4z42aGKmc-00158-00044609-00044855 this sheet here Mika QP4z42aGKmc-00159-00044856-00045029 um but it's this first line that I'm QP4z42aGKmc-00160-00045030-00045167 struggling with I don't know that I've QP4z42aGKmc-00161-00045168-00045358 got enough information at the minute QP4z42aGKmc-00162-00045359-00045580 oh Rector rocks is here what's going on QP4z42aGKmc-00163-00045581-00045730 Rector QP4z42aGKmc-00164-00045731-00046127 how you doing welcome welcome QP4z42aGKmc-00165-00046128-00046462 to translating with knock understanding QP4z42aGKmc-00166-00046463-00046739 languages QP4z42aGKmc-00167-00046740-00046961 all right so they've got an e here how QP4z42aGKmc-00168-00046962-00047230 you doing dude how's your Sunday been QP4z42aGKmc-00169-00047231-00047471 is it still Sunday or are you almost QP4z42aGKmc-00170-00047472-00047633 nothing you're almost into Monday though QP4z42aGKmc-00171-00047634-00047765 aren't you QP4z42aGKmc-00172-00047766-00047974 so here we got QP4z42aGKmc-00173-00047975-00048280 T and E QP4z42aGKmc-00174-00048281-00048551 t and a QP4z42aGKmc-00175-00048552-00048707 s QP4z42aGKmc-00176-00048708-00049583 t QP4z42aGKmc-00177-00049584-00050146 uh so that sounds like an R QP4z42aGKmc-00178-00050147-00050362 yeah I'm good thanks Rector QP4z42aGKmc-00179-00050363-00050627 I'm gonna get my head around this QP4z42aGKmc-00180-00050628-00050980 so this this symbol here QP4z42aGKmc-00181-00050981-00051287 this R sound here QP4z42aGKmc-00182-00051288-00051496 we think about it in the context of swan QP4z42aGKmc-00183-00051497-00051887 ah so sir ah QP4z42aGKmc-00184-00051888-00052170 something test QP4z42aGKmc-00185-00052171-00052613 are test what could that be QP4z42aGKmc-00186-00052614-00052942 subtest softchest QP4z42aGKmc-00187-00052944-00053225 softest QP4z42aGKmc-00188-00053226-00053549 softest possibly QP4z42aGKmc-00189-00053550-00053975 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00190-00053976-00054100 I think that's the only one that makes QP4z42aGKmc-00191-00054101-00054275 sense QP4z42aGKmc-00192-00054276-00054532 that we don't have QP4z42aGKmc-00193-00054533-00054725 okay let's QP4z42aGKmc-00194-00054726-00054982 let's say QP4z42aGKmc-00195-00054983-00055187 for now we're doing all these in Orange QP4z42aGKmc-00196-00055188-00055330 because these are like the new ones I've QP4z42aGKmc-00197-00055332-00055529 worked I think I worked out today but QP4z42aGKmc-00198-00055529-00055919 I'm still not 100 sure on QP4z42aGKmc-00199-00055920-00056075 um QP4z42aGKmc-00200-00056076-00056225 so we're going to say that this symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00201-00056226-00056488 here is an F QP4z42aGKmc-00202-00056489-00056735 so then that makes this QP4z42aGKmc-00203-00056736-00056897 the QP4z42aGKmc-00204-00056898-00057226 softest QP4z42aGKmc-00205-00057227-00057473 because that becomes an O because it's QP4z42aGKmc-00206-00057474-00057688 phonetic QP4z42aGKmc-00207-00057689-00058200 as in QP4z42aGKmc-00208-00058201-00058487 yeah okay okay QP4z42aGKmc-00209-00058488-00058966 so that potentially becomes the softest QP4z42aGKmc-00210-00058967-00059230 so the softest something corrected 11 QP4z42aGKmc-00211-00059232-00059525 times departed once more QP4z42aGKmc-00212-00059526-00059842 okay so what is this last word here QP4z42aGKmc-00213-00059844-00060053 let's have a look QP4z42aGKmc-00214-00060054-00060179 um QP4z42aGKmc-00215-00060179-00060587 so we've got an e QP4z42aGKmc-00216-00060588-00060803 and that's an F QP4z42aGKmc-00217-00060804-00061000 so fair QP4z42aGKmc-00218-00061001-00061415 air QP4z42aGKmc-00219-00061416-00062416 got another air there QP4z42aGKmc-00220-00062417-00063600 then what is that symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00221-00063601-00064294 softest something QP4z42aGKmc-00222-00064295-00064685 so the symbol we're looking for is QP4z42aGKmc-00223-00064686-00065026 this one we need to translate this one QP4z42aGKmc-00224-00065027-00065555 now it almost looks like QP4z42aGKmc-00225-00065556-00066550 it almost looks like our th QP4z42aGKmc-00226-00066551-00066767 but it's got an extra QP4z42aGKmc-00227-00066768-00068321 it's got that extra bit on the top QP4z42aGKmc-00228-00068322-00068788 hmm QP4z42aGKmc-00229-00068789-00069005 softest QP4z42aGKmc-00230-00069006-00069587 uh QP4z42aGKmc-00231-00069588-00069911 would that be oh hold on no no QP4z42aGKmc-00232-00069912-00070276 that is a th QP4z42aGKmc-00233-00070277-00070853 I've misread that that's not an e QP4z42aGKmc-00234-00070854-00071219 softest fev QP4z42aGKmc-00235-00071220-00072149 softest fev QP4z42aGKmc-00236-00072150-00072456 uh QP4z42aGKmc-00237-00072457-00072791 softest ever QP4z42aGKmc-00238-00072792-00072959 so it's not that's that we're not QP4z42aGKmc-00239-00072960-00073169 looking for that symbol there QP4z42aGKmc-00240-00073170-00073417 we're actually looking for the vowel QP4z42aGKmc-00241-00073418-00073750 that is QP4z42aGKmc-00242-00073751-00074153 this symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00243-00074154-00074471 which we don't have at the minute QP4z42aGKmc-00244-00074472-00074699 it's almost like this e QP4z42aGKmc-00245-00074700-00076631 but it's got the extra bit there QP4z42aGKmc-00246-00076632-00076835 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00247-00076836-00077056 let's make a note of what we think this QP4z42aGKmc-00248-00077057-00077297 might be the QP4z42aGKmc-00249-00077298-00077632 softest QP4z42aGKmc-00250-00077633-00078005 and we've got f e t h we just don't know QP4z42aGKmc-00251-00078006-00078826 what the last part of that last word is QP4z42aGKmc-00252-00078827-00079049 okay so we are looking for this symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00253-00079050-00079444 can we find anywhere else QP4z42aGKmc-00254-00079445-00080519 that symbol in play QP4z42aGKmc-00255-00080520-00080705 I'm just trying to like think can I see QP4z42aGKmc-00256-00080706-00081226 that anywhere else that's being used QP4z42aGKmc-00257-00081227-00081412 so that I could then try and maybe like QP4z42aGKmc-00258-00081413-00081635 work out the rest of that line QP4z42aGKmc-00259-00081636-00081893 and make a logical guess or a logical QP4z42aGKmc-00260-00081894-00082019 reasoning QP4z42aGKmc-00261-00082020-00084755 as to what that might be QP4z42aGKmc-00262-00084756-00085576 seems a pretty it's not a common symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00263-00085577-00085750 and The Lure thing at the end of the QP4z42aGKmc-00264-00085751-00086044 sentence QP4z42aGKmc-00265-00086045-00086494 this one Mika QP4z42aGKmc-00266-00086495-00086843 now that is slightly different QP4z42aGKmc-00267-00086844-00087017 um QP4z42aGKmc-00268-00087018-00087365 we're looking for this what that symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00269-00087366-00087623 is is actually it doesn't have a break QP4z42aGKmc-00270-00087624-00087737 in it QP4z42aGKmc-00271-00087738-00087850 so that's kind of like an all the way QP4z42aGKmc-00272-00087851-00088229 around which is the o sound here QP4z42aGKmc-00273-00088230-00088955 I believe let me just check that QP4z42aGKmc-00274-00088956-00089093 yeah QP4z42aGKmc-00275-00089094-00089999 it's a good good spot though Mika QP4z42aGKmc-00276-00090000-00090317 you get stainless cream van QP4z42aGKmc-00277-00090318-00090532 no it's fine it's fine I appreciate you QP4z42aGKmc-00278-00090533-00090647 calling it out to be fair because I QP4z42aGKmc-00279-00090648-00091499 might have missed it QP4z42aGKmc-00280-00091500-00091715 not looking though like it's a commonly QP4z42aGKmc-00281-00091716-00092038 used QP4z42aGKmc-00282-00092039-00092591 symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00283-00092592-00092867 so if it's not a commonly used symbol I QP4z42aGKmc-00284-00092868-00093100 wonder like looking here at what we've QP4z42aGKmc-00285-00093101-00094073 got left in the vowels QP4z42aGKmc-00286-00094074-00094631 what would be QP4z42aGKmc-00287-00094632-00096100 what would be like the least common QP4z42aGKmc-00288-00096101-00096256 I really want to translate this I was QP4z42aGKmc-00289-00096257-00096431 looking at this one earlier on oh it's QP4z42aGKmc-00290-00096432-00096641 there it's actually there QP4z42aGKmc-00291-00096642-00096826 wow that's interesting it's actually QP4z42aGKmc-00292-00096827-00096976 there but I was looking at like this QP4z42aGKmc-00293-00096977-00097132 sentence with the bomb this last bomb QP4z42aGKmc-00294-00097133-00097300 here earlier on and I was like okay what QP4z42aGKmc-00295-00097301-00097481 does that mean and it says that this QP4z42aGKmc-00296-00097482-00097738 last bit is basically it says end ow ow QP4z42aGKmc-00297-00097739-00097894 ow QP4z42aGKmc-00298-00097895-00098081 so I'm wondering if like someone's like QP4z42aGKmc-00299-00098082-00098344 be careful with the bomb QP4z42aGKmc-00300-00098345-00098488 um or else you'll hurt yourself in the QP4z42aGKmc-00301-00098489-00098776 end QP4z42aGKmc-00302-00098777-00098938 I just found like that line right there QP4z42aGKmc-00303-00098939-00099209 like really quite amusing that there was QP4z42aGKmc-00304-00099210-00099341 like written in the manual like that but QP4z42aGKmc-00305-00099342-00099544 anyway we have it here this is our QP4z42aGKmc-00306-00099545-00099749 symbol here that we're looking for QP4z42aGKmc-00307-00099750-00100199 can we translate this first bit QP4z42aGKmc-00308-00100200-00100553 so QP4z42aGKmc-00309-00100554-00100824 bring this over here QP4z42aGKmc-00310-00100825-00100981 symbol QP4z42aGKmc-00311-00100982-00101447 we are looking for first is QP4z42aGKmc-00312-00101448-00101700 that which we don't have QP4z42aGKmc-00313-00101701-00102017 and this this QP4z42aGKmc-00314-00102018-00102226 and this now I'm pretty sure we have QP4z42aGKmc-00315-00102227-00102628 that QP4z42aGKmc-00316-00102629-00103013 sure I've seen that somewhere QP4z42aGKmc-00317-00103014-00104957 maybe not QP4z42aGKmc-00318-00104958-00105652 that's h QP4z42aGKmc-00319-00105653-00105833 oh actually I've got this wrong I've QP4z42aGKmc-00320-00105833-00106019 looked this wrong no I'm not looking for QP4z42aGKmc-00321-00106020-00106151 that vowel sound QP4z42aGKmc-00322-00106152-00106402 I'm looking for this vowel sound and I QP4z42aGKmc-00323-00106403-00106558 might have that one QP4z42aGKmc-00324-00106559-00106840 that's I as in guy QP4z42aGKmc-00325-00106841-00107410 like a an ie QP4z42aGKmc-00326-00107411-00109493 so what is that first bit Translate to QP4z42aGKmc-00327-00109494-00109997 it's almost like the fire from the fox QP4z42aGKmc-00328-00109998-00110213 um there it is I've I've got it okay QP4z42aGKmc-00329-00110214-00110513 okay oh okay okay back up back up a QP4z42aGKmc-00330-00110514-00110795 minute QP4z42aGKmc-00331-00110796-00110945 this is my fault because I didn't QP4z42aGKmc-00332-00110946-00111136 correctly write this one down that needs QP4z42aGKmc-00333-00111138-00111269 to be like that QP4z42aGKmc-00334-00111270-00111527 okay so that's an F QP4z42aGKmc-00335-00111528-00111784 so this is QP4z42aGKmc-00336-00111785-00112007 I guess this is QP4z42aGKmc-00337-00112008-00112223 I QP4z42aGKmc-00338-00112224-00112601 ER QP4z42aGKmc-00339-00112602-00112984 well this isn't some sort of er sound QP4z42aGKmc-00340-00112985-00113321 which is this one here QP4z42aGKmc-00341-00113322-00113525 which means QP4z42aGKmc-00342-00113526-00113975 that last word's going to be feather QP4z42aGKmc-00343-00113976-00114460 feather QP4z42aGKmc-00344-00114461-00114760 be uh QP4z42aGKmc-00345-00114761-00115366 there's not ER QP4z42aGKmc-00346-00115367-00115799 feather would ER in feather sound like QP4z42aGKmc-00347-00115800-00116189 eh QP4z42aGKmc-00348-00116190-00116393 all right but I think we've got it I QP4z42aGKmc-00349-00116394-00116543 think this translates then this first QP4z42aGKmc-00350-00116544-00116849 line translates to the softest feather QP4z42aGKmc-00351-00116850-00117527 corrected 11 times departed once more QP4z42aGKmc-00352-00117528-00117808 which is great QP4z42aGKmc-00353-00117809-00117971 but QP4z42aGKmc-00354-00117972-00118366 what does it mean QP4z42aGKmc-00355-00118367-00118523 so I've got a couple here I'm just going QP4z42aGKmc-00356-00118524-00118649 to mark on here because I don't actually QP4z42aGKmc-00357-00118650-00118781 have QP4z42aGKmc-00358-00118782-00118984 these um QP4z42aGKmc-00359-00118985-00119297 listed anywhere that's an e QP4z42aGKmc-00360-00119298-00119843 some description QP4z42aGKmc-00361-00119844-00120797 um QP4z42aGKmc-00362-00120798-00121060 so that's an a QP4z42aGKmc-00363-00121061-00121366 so then we've got this QP4z42aGKmc-00364-00121367-00121631 there QP4z42aGKmc-00365-00121632-00122783 there QP4z42aGKmc-00366-00122783-00123040 that's going to be QP4z42aGKmc-00367-00123041-00123275 ER QP4z42aGKmc-00368-00123276-00123484 so there two that I've got on my sheet QP4z42aGKmc-00369-00123485-00123731 but I haven't really decided where they QP4z42aGKmc-00370-00123732-00124595 sit on here QP4z42aGKmc-00371-00124596-00124884 I mean am I being stupid where would QP4z42aGKmc-00372-00124885-00125213 but uh QP4z42aGKmc-00373-00125214-00125543 with a feather the urine feather be the QP4z42aGKmc-00374-00125544-00125795 same as the urine bird QP4z42aGKmc-00375-00125796-00126473 uh feather QP4z42aGKmc-00376-00126474-00126947 by uh QP4z42aGKmc-00377-00126948-00127804 possibly QP4z42aGKmc-00378-00127805-00128152 okay let me QP4z42aGKmc-00379-00128153-00128369 let's let's go with that then just for QP4z42aGKmc-00380-00128370-00128602 now I I don't know if this is QP4z42aGKmc-00381-00128603-00128908 right or not QP4z42aGKmc-00382-00128909-00129275 taking a punt QP4z42aGKmc-00383-00129276-00129604 what it could be QP4z42aGKmc-00384-00129605-00130157 uh QP4z42aGKmc-00385-00130158-00130757 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00386-00130758-00130889 all right so we've tried all right let's QP4z42aGKmc-00387-00130890-00131183 let's now QP4z42aGKmc-00388-00131184-00131345 let's put the brakes on this for a QP4z42aGKmc-00389-00131346-00131464 minute let me just put a cross through QP4z42aGKmc-00390-00131465-00131566 that because I think I've dealt with QP4z42aGKmc-00391-00131567-00131740 that QP4z42aGKmc-00392-00131741-00132059 let's put the brakes on this a minute QP4z42aGKmc-00393-00132060-00132857 let's actually go back to the game QP4z42aGKmc-00394-00132858-00133019 um QP4z42aGKmc-00395-00133020-00133354 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00396-00133355-00133523 so QP4z42aGKmc-00397-00133524-00134051 um pause that QP4z42aGKmc-00398-00134052-00134404 yes QP4z42aGKmc-00399-00134405-00134728 time QP4z42aGKmc-00400-00134729-00135047 no QP4z42aGKmc-00401-00135048-00135185 oh QP4z42aGKmc-00402-00135186-00135419 I wish I didn't have so many sound cards QP4z42aGKmc-00403-00135420-00136451 okay so we have that let's now head back QP4z42aGKmc-00404-00136452-00138581 over here can we I think so QP4z42aGKmc-00405-00138582-00138893 okay let's stand here for QP4z42aGKmc-00406-00138894-00139097 we'll just stand here for a minute QP4z42aGKmc-00407-00139098-00139277 just to get that page I don't know if we QP4z42aGKmc-00408-00139278-00140416 need the Page open or not QP4z42aGKmc-00409-00140417-00140614 but um obviously this is the only way we QP4z42aGKmc-00410-00140615-00140783 can see what's written on the page just QP4z42aGKmc-00411-00140784-00142193 stand in the water for a minute QP4z42aGKmc-00412-00142194-00142378 but QP4z42aGKmc-00413-00142379-00142601 yeah this is insane QP4z42aGKmc-00414-00142602-00142757 um QP4z42aGKmc-00415-00142758-00143104 just while we're sort of waiting for QP4z42aGKmc-00416-00143105-00143285 to give you an example this is this is QP4z42aGKmc-00417-00143286-00143399 what I was working on earlier on if QP4z42aGKmc-00418-00143400-00143566 anybody wasn't here QP4z42aGKmc-00419-00143567-00143927 so the bit the pieces at the bottom QP4z42aGKmc-00420-00143928-00144071 pieces at the bottom of the screen right QP4z42aGKmc-00421-00144072-00144173 there QP4z42aGKmc-00422-00144174-00144371 you can kind of see like where the one QP4z42aGKmc-00423-00144372-00144551 and the two is QP4z42aGKmc-00424-00144552-00144737 um it's kind of like what I translated QP4z42aGKmc-00425-00144738-00144869 so you can see like where I got QP4z42aGKmc-00426-00144870-00145025 corrected I actually QP4z42aGKmc-00427-00145026-00145375 trans it translates as QP4z42aGKmc-00428-00145376-00145589 k-o-r-e-e-k-t-e-d I was like well what QP4z42aGKmc-00429-00145590-00145697 what could that be and then what I QP4z42aGKmc-00430-00145698-00145840 thought about it it's like actually core QP4z42aGKmc-00431-00145841-00146075 EK Ted QP4z42aGKmc-00432-00146076-00146261 and we had 11. QP4z42aGKmc-00433-00146262-00146477 and I was like okay well we're missing QP4z42aGKmc-00434-00146478-00146687 one letter and of the only available QP4z42aGKmc-00435-00146688-00146963 letters the V seems like a logical guess QP4z42aGKmc-00436-00146964-00147143 to put in the or the logical thing to QP4z42aGKmc-00437-00147144-00147377 put in there QP4z42aGKmc-00438-00147378-00147521 um QP4z42aGKmc-00439-00147522-00147695 and then like up top QP4z42aGKmc-00440-00147696-00147845 I was kind of like looking at that last QP4z42aGKmc-00441-00147846-00148066 one we've got like oh what can go in in QP4z42aGKmc-00442-00148067-00148373 front of or well I said possibly an m so QP4z42aGKmc-00443-00148374-00148709 that's how I got the M for more QP4z42aGKmc-00444-00148710-00148799 um QP4z42aGKmc-00445-00148800-00148949 went QP4z42aGKmc-00446-00148950-00149087 I kind of thought about that I think QP4z42aGKmc-00447-00149088-00149266 well whence that kind of sounds a bit QP4z42aGKmc-00448-00149267-00149447 like wants QP4z42aGKmc-00449-00149448-00149752 so yeah it's just it's crazy how like QP4z42aGKmc-00450-00149753-00149893 a kind of QP4z42aGKmc-00451-00149894-00150190 got stuff going QP4z42aGKmc-00452-00150191-00150316 um today and that's kind of like what I QP4z42aGKmc-00453-00150317-00150466 wanted to try and get this bonus stream QP4z42aGKmc-00454-00150467-00150821 in because I'd made like some progress QP4z42aGKmc-00455-00150822-00151025 off camera this morning I kind of wanted QP4z42aGKmc-00456-00151026-00151199 to carry on but I didn't want to do too QP4z42aGKmc-00457-00151200-00151331 much off camera QP4z42aGKmc-00458-00151332-00151571 so okay so here is QP4z42aGKmc-00459-00151572-00151901 here is our thing QP4z42aGKmc-00460-00151902-00152345 softest feather corrected 11 times we QP4z42aGKmc-00461-00152346-00152561 parted once more QP4z42aGKmc-00462-00152562-00154276 what does that mean QP4z42aGKmc-00463-00154277-00154487 softest feather QP4z42aGKmc-00464-00154488-00154804 corrected 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-00465-00154805-00155621 art it once more QP4z42aGKmc-00466-00155622-00158428 softest feather not seen any feathers QP4z42aGKmc-00467-00158429-00158663 why does it Point like here as well QP4z42aGKmc-00468-00158664-00159281 specifically QP4z42aGKmc-00469-00159282-00160481 like this part on the drawing QP4z42aGKmc-00470-00160482-00161645 not dispose or eat this document QP4z42aGKmc-00471-00161646-00161897 yeah QP4z42aGKmc-00472-00161898-00162076 tell me about I've been dealing with QP4z42aGKmc-00473-00162077-00162233 freaking feathers earlier on this QP4z42aGKmc-00474-00162234-00162545 morning when I was doing some QP4z42aGKmc-00475-00162546-00162749 practicing of um QP4z42aGKmc-00476-00162750-00164231 the next goldberry QP4z42aGKmc-00477-00164232-00165473 um QP4z42aGKmc-00478-00165474-00167521 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00479-00167522-00167759 let's try and like break this down like QP4z42aGKmc-00480-00167760-00168023 the softest QP4z42aGKmc-00481-00168024-00168671 could it mean by softest QP4z42aGKmc-00482-00168672-00171202 it's off this what QP4z42aGKmc-00483-00171203-00171371 and I'm looking at like the lightning QP4z42aGKmc-00484-00171372-00171485 and they're trying to listen to the QP4z42aGKmc-00485-00171486-00171593 Thunder I don't know if that has QP4z42aGKmc-00486-00171594-00171773 anything to do with it just no I haven't QP4z42aGKmc-00487-00171774-00171952 seen any feathers Mika QP4z42aGKmc-00489-00176627-00176813 see I don't think it's anything to do QP4z42aGKmc-00490-00176814-00176957 with the lightning QP4z42aGKmc-00491-00176958-00177190 I mean I know we're talking feathers but QP4z42aGKmc-00492-00177191-00177497 I'm just trying to sort of QP4z42aGKmc-00493-00177498-00178138 chicken QP4z42aGKmc-00494-00178139-00178373 now whilst I would normally sort of QP4z42aGKmc-00495-00178374-00178547 agree or QP4z42aGKmc-00496-00178548-00178823 say a good shout maker I I think it has QP4z42aGKmc-00497-00178824-00179014 specifically to do with this point QP4z42aGKmc-00498-00179015-00179176 though QP4z42aGKmc-00499-00179177-00179399 hence why QP4z42aGKmc-00500-00179400-00179602 it's like there's that drawing of this QP4z42aGKmc-00501-00179603-00180088 point on this page QP4z42aGKmc-00502-00180089-00180281 or else yeah I would say possibly QP4z42aGKmc-00503-00180282-00180461 something to do with the chicken like QP4z42aGKmc-00504-00180462-00180881 birds at the ruin the toll QP4z42aGKmc-00505-00180882-00183666 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00506-00183667-00183964 like trying to QP4z42aGKmc-00507-00183965-00184637 translate any of this QP4z42aGKmc-00508-00184638-00185728 additional support and secrets QP4z42aGKmc-00509-00185729-00185938 I mean QP4z42aGKmc-00510-00185939-00186575 can't hurt right QP4z42aGKmc-00511-00186576-00186857 see if we can QP4z42aGKmc-00512-00186858-00187031 if we can't get something out of this QP4z42aGKmc-00513-00187032-00187397 maybe QP4z42aGKmc-00514-00187398-00188416 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00515-00188417-00189575 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00516-00189576-00189725 this says QP4z42aGKmc-00517-00189726-00189863 this one is QP4z42aGKmc-00518-00189864-00190169 fine QP4z42aGKmc-00519-00190170-00190690 and D so find QP4z42aGKmc-00520-00190691-00191499 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00521-00191500-00191914 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00522-00191915-00192659 something QP4z42aGKmc-00523-00192660-00193252 I think that might be a u QP4z42aGKmc-00524-00193253-00193559 find some QP4z42aGKmc-00525-00193560-00193757 again just make an educated guesses or QP4z42aGKmc-00526-00193758-00194561 trying to make educated guesses QP4z42aGKmc-00527-00194562-00194866 find some something we don't know what QP4z42aGKmc-00528-00194867-00196061 this word is here QP4z42aGKmc-00529-00196062-00196804 here we have QP4z42aGKmc-00530-00196805-00197675 and we don't have what that is QP4z42aGKmc-00531-00197676-00198178 and that's a g QP4z42aGKmc-00532-00198179-00198359 G QP4z42aGKmc-00533-00198360-00199588 something l QP4z42aGKmc-00534-00199589-00199775 e QP4z42aGKmc-00535-00199776-00200669 a QP4z42aGKmc-00536-00200670-00201004 must be oh QP4z42aGKmc-00537-00201005-00201190 I have got that one QP4z42aGKmc-00538-00201191-00201293 um QP4z42aGKmc-00539-00201294-00202061 find some something golden QP4z42aGKmc-00540-00202062-00202913 s QP4z42aGKmc-00541-00202914-00203225 I don't have the vowel there QP4z42aGKmc-00542-00203226-00203543 that's uh QP4z42aGKmc-00543-00203544-00203902 a QP4z42aGKmc-00544-00203903-00204119 let's see QP4z42aGKmc-00545-00204120-00205025 yeah t QP4z42aGKmc-00546-00205026-00205486 I don't have that QP4z42aGKmc-00547-00205487-00205786 and it's it seems like you're on a QP4z42aGKmc-00548-00205787-00206038 winner and then you come across a load QP4z42aGKmc-00549-00206039-00206236 of letters that you yet to translate or QP4z42aGKmc-00550-00206237-00206860 let yet to work out what they are QP4z42aGKmc-00551-00206861-00207425 so I think that is uh as in bug QP4z42aGKmc-00552-00207426-00207616 uh Ugg QP4z42aGKmc-00553-00207617-00207869 sir oh QP4z42aGKmc-00554-00207869-00208210 um QP4z42aGKmc-00555-00208211-00208414 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00556-00208415-00208612 let's put this in as that QP4z42aGKmc-00557-00208613-00208955 for now something else QP4z42aGKmc-00558-00208956-00209512 find some QP4z42aGKmc-00559-00209513-00209842 and then we don't know what that one is QP4z42aGKmc-00560-00209844-00210365 line down the side and then that one QP4z42aGKmc-00561-00210366-00210521 it's all right we've only been going for QP4z42aGKmc-00562-00210521-00210815 about half an hour QP4z42aGKmc-00563-00210816-00210994 um however QP4z42aGKmc-00564-00210996-00211265 glad you're here QP4z42aGKmc-00565-00211266-00211594 I think I may have translated line one QP4z42aGKmc-00566-00211596-00211739 think QP4z42aGKmc-00567-00211740-00211917 I have translated line one QP4z42aGKmc-00568-00211917-00212092 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00569-00212094-00212260 so I think QP4z42aGKmc-00570-00212261-00212446 we have got QP4z42aGKmc-00571-00212448-00212698 um the whole three lines on page one QP4z42aGKmc-00572-00212700-00212813 read QP4z42aGKmc-00573-00212814-00213058 the softest feather corrected 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-00574-00213059-00213244 departed once more QP4z42aGKmc-00575-00213246-00213587 I believe QP4z42aGKmc-00576-00213588-00213892 and now all of these letters in Orange QP4z42aGKmc-00577-00213894-00214223 here are all my thoughts so I don't this QP4z42aGKmc-00578-00214223-00214451 is what I think and all the black ones QP4z42aGKmc-00579-00214452-00214589 are correct because we confirmed them QP4z42aGKmc-00580-00214590-00214696 last night QP4z42aGKmc-00581-00214698-00215051 it's a successful translation excellent QP4z42aGKmc-00582-00215052-00215369 fantastic QP4z42aGKmc-00583-00215369-00215729 what do we do with it QP4z42aGKmc-00584-00215730-00215891 we just sort of stood there and thinking QP4z42aGKmc-00585-00215892-00216173 okay so the softest feather QP4z42aGKmc-00586-00216173-00216394 what's that mean QP4z42aGKmc-00587-00216396-00216658 I have no idea what that means QP4z42aGKmc-00588-00216659-00217006 at all QP4z42aGKmc-00589-00217007-00217175 um especially like when you I'm kind of QP4z42aGKmc-00590-00217176-00217348 like standing where the picture is in in QP4z42aGKmc-00591-00217350-00217642 the diagram QP4z42aGKmc-00592-00217644-00217871 um see I kind of came back to this for a QP4z42aGKmc-00593-00217871-00218098 little bit just to try and work out some QP4z42aGKmc-00594-00218100-00218615 more letters QP4z42aGKmc-00595-00218616-00219329 that's QP4z42aGKmc-00596-00219330-00220177 BH QP4z42aGKmc-00597-00220178-00220331 bru QP4z42aGKmc-00598-00220332-00220984 h QP4z42aGKmc-00599-00220985-00221477 this is quite difficult QP4z42aGKmc-00600-00221478-00222244 he is the vowel QP4z42aGKmc-00601-00222246-00222803 no it's not it's QP4z42aGKmc-00602-00222804-00223306 that uh sound QP4z42aGKmc-00603-00223307-00223744 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00604-00223746-00224146 which would be we got that QP4z42aGKmc-00605-00224148-00224801 no we haven't got that QP4z42aGKmc-00606-00224802-00225058 uh I don't know I I I'm trying to think QP4z42aGKmc-00607-00225059-00225263 of any QP4z42aGKmc-00608-00225264-00228173 feathers QP4z42aGKmc-00609-00228173-00228713 oh no it's more than the AR there sorry QP4z42aGKmc-00610-00228714-00229667 actually this the o sound QP4z42aGKmc-00611-00229667-00232498 either is it it's either h QP4z42aGKmc-00612-00232500-00232894 something QP4z42aGKmc-00613-00232896-00233231 below QP4z42aGKmc-00614-00233232-00234307 something the glow QP4z42aGKmc-00615-00234308-00236201 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00616-00236202-00237503 would that be QP4z42aGKmc-00617-00237504-00238025 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00618-00238026-00238175 makes sense QP4z42aGKmc-00619-00238176-00238858 t QP4z42aGKmc-00620-00238859-00239501 r QP4z42aGKmc-00621-00239502-00239627 U QP4z42aGKmc-00622-00239628-00239969 draw QP4z42aGKmc-00623-00239969-00240196 true QP4z42aGKmc-00624-00240198-00240353 then we've got that letter we don't know QP4z42aGKmc-00625-00240354-00240803 but then the next one is QP4z42aGKmc-00626-00240804-00240989 ER QP4z42aGKmc-00627-00240990-00241187 m QP4z42aGKmc-00628-00241188-00241708 is it yeah next one is er QP4z42aGKmc-00629-00241709-00242369 there there QP4z42aGKmc-00630-00242369-00242573 was a consonant is before that though QP4z42aGKmc-00631-00242573-00242698 it's like QP4z42aGKmc-00632-00242700-00242951 this QP4z42aGKmc-00633-00242952-00243341 this QP4z42aGKmc-00634-00243342-00243634 and like this QP4z42aGKmc-00635-00243635-00244075 is that not V QP4z42aGKmc-00636-00244076-00244427 Traverse Traverse the goal QP4z42aGKmc-00637-00244428-00244558 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00638-00244559-00244944 Traverse the glow QP4z42aGKmc-00639-00244946-00245344 the Earth Traverse QP4z42aGKmc-00640-00245346-00245651 right QP4z42aGKmc-00641-00245652-00245921 sounds right Traverse the QP4z42aGKmc-00642-00245921-00247319 blow QP4z42aGKmc-00643-00247319-00247648 reverse the glow QP4z42aGKmc-00644-00247650-00248705 something QP4z42aGKmc-00645-00248706-00250475 be a QP4z42aGKmc-00646-00250476-00250732 it's almost like the QP4z42aGKmc-00647-00250733-00250942 V QP4z42aGKmc-00648-00250944-00251105 but it's got like an extra bit at the QP4z42aGKmc-00649-00251106-00251969 bottom QP4z42aGKmc-00650-00251969-00252329 that's a zed QP4z42aGKmc-00651-00252330-00253271 that's right QP4z42aGKmc-00652-00253271-00253469 reverse QP4z42aGKmc-00653-00253469-00253606 the QP4z42aGKmc-00654-00253607-00253792 low QP4z42aGKmc-00655-00253794-00254891 something QP4z42aGKmc-00656-00254892-00255275 reverse the glow to it could be two as QP4z42aGKmc-00657-00255276-00255706 in that could be oh oh QP4z42aGKmc-00658-00255707-00256088 reverse the glow to QP4z42aGKmc-00659-00256089-00257339 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00660-00257340-00257513 visit QP4z42aGKmc-00661-00257514-00258179 visit QP4z42aGKmc-00662-00258180-00258658 okay if that's visit QP4z42aGKmc-00663-00258659-00258929 so that e actually would be this one QP4z42aGKmc-00664-00258930-00259408 here then QP4z42aGKmc-00665-00259409-00259708 okay Traverse QP4z42aGKmc-00666-00259709-00260260 Traverse the glow QP4z42aGKmc-00667-00260261-00260458 then QP4z42aGKmc-00668-00260459-00260789 Traverse the glow something QP4z42aGKmc-00669-00260790-00261587 Traverse the glow then then QP4z42aGKmc-00670-00261588-00262391 visit 12. QP4z42aGKmc-00671-00262392-00262541 so that would be QP4z42aGKmc-00672-00262542-00262751 s QP4z42aGKmc-00673-00262752-00263290 t QP4z42aGKmc-00674-00263291-00264610 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00675-00264611-00265330 of that vowel be there QP4z42aGKmc-00676-00265331-00266219 hold on QP4z42aGKmc-00677-00266220-00266393 that be going up to the top and then QP4z42aGKmc-00678-00266394-00266543 coming off the top so I don't think I QP4z42aGKmc-00679-00266544-00267599 have that letter there QP4z42aGKmc-00680-00267600-00267808 oh man this one this one's pretty tricky QP4z42aGKmc-00681-00267809-00268127 to break up actually QP4z42aGKmc-00682-00268128-00268384 we've got like QP4z42aGKmc-00683-00268385-00268780 that's one I think this breaks here QP4z42aGKmc-00684-00268781-00269584 two that will break there for three QP4z42aGKmc-00685-00269585-00269801 or QP4z42aGKmc-00686-00269802-00269993 five okay I think that's how that one QP4z42aGKmc-00687-00269994-00270299 breaks up QP4z42aGKmc-00688-00270300-00271445 don't know about that that is n QP4z42aGKmc-00689-00271446-00271756 that's a QP4z42aGKmc-00690-00271757-00272651 and QP4z42aGKmc-00691-00272652-00272932 stray QP4z42aGKmc-00692-00272933-00273527 straying QP4z42aGKmc-00693-00273528-00273632 right QP4z42aGKmc-00694-00273633-00274205 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00695-00274206-00274606 strange QP4z42aGKmc-00696-00274607-00276353 Traverse the glow then visit 12 straying QP4z42aGKmc-00697-00276354-00277253 he QP4z42aGKmc-00698-00277254-00277565 question mark QP4z42aGKmc-00699-00277566-00279310 this is reversed QP4z42aGKmc-00700-00279311-00279515 uh QP4z42aGKmc-00701-00279516-00280741 and QP4z42aGKmc-00702-00280742-00281327 that's a zed QP4z42aGKmc-00703-00281328-00281597 s QP4z42aGKmc-00704-00281598-00282491 heaths but what's the constant there QP4z42aGKmc-00705-00282492-00282797 trust the trust the glow then visit 12 QP4z42aGKmc-00706-00282798-00283534 straying QP4z42aGKmc-00707-00283535-00284880 no strange QP4z42aGKmc-00708-00284881-00285125 the question about lb sentence I slept QP4z42aGKmc-00709-00285126-00285293 in late this morning is that also saying QP4z42aGKmc-00710-00285294-00285556 if one's sleeping over some meeting or QP4z42aGKmc-00711-00285557-00285899 lecture QP4z42aGKmc-00712-00285900-00286055 yeah same sort of saying it's the same QP4z42aGKmc-00713-00286056-00286156 thing QP4z42aGKmc-00714-00286157-00286432 so he's basically I think I'll be QP4z42aGKmc-00715-00286433-00286613 basically saying that he slept for QP4z42aGKmc-00716-00286614-00286847 longer than he anticipated or wanted to QP4z42aGKmc-00717-00286848-00287153 sleep so he slept in longer or longer QP4z42aGKmc-00718-00287154-00287645 than he normally would QP4z42aGKmc-00719-00287646-00287956 what is that first QP4z42aGKmc-00720-00287957-00288239 letter QP4z42aGKmc-00721-00288240-00288430 which is QP4z42aGKmc-00722-00288431-00289469 effectively that QP4z42aGKmc-00723-00289470-00290273 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00724-00290274-00290441 oh no QP4z42aGKmc-00725-00290442-00290615 I've just got no it's not it's an eye QP4z42aGKmc-00726-00290616-00290879 that's a b QP4z42aGKmc-00727-00290880-00291251 it's completely looked at that wrong QP4z42aGKmc-00728-00291252-00291443 I've put the wrong thing down but no QP4z42aGKmc-00729-00291444-00291706 it's um that gives us a b QP4z42aGKmc-00730-00291707-00291977 because it basically says QP4z42aGKmc-00731-00291978-00292451 Traverse the glow then visit 12 to QP4z42aGKmc-00732-00292452-00292660 basically what it's saying is QP4z42aGKmc-00733-00292661-00292858 go to night time QP4z42aGKmc-00734-00292859-00293099 Traverse the glowing bridges that only QP4z42aGKmc-00735-00293100-00293956 appear at night time then visit 12. QP4z42aGKmc-00736-00293957-00294101 strange QP4z42aGKmc-00737-00294102-00294473 beings QP4z42aGKmc-00738-00294474-00294856 that's not a th that's an NG QP4z42aGKmc-00739-00294857-00295258 that gives us a b there QP4z42aGKmc-00740-00295259-00295510 all right I need to QP4z42aGKmc-00741-00295511-00296155 I need to write some of this down QP4z42aGKmc-00742-00296156-00296669 I am 99 confidence that's what it said QP4z42aGKmc-00743-00296670-00297017 all right so uh QP4z42aGKmc-00744-00297018-00297665 I've got hint page QP4z42aGKmc-00745-00297666-00298006 one is QP4z42aGKmc-00746-00298007-00298295 find some QP4z42aGKmc-00747-00298296-00298643 golden QP4z42aGKmc-00748-00298644-00298841 something something I I kind of feel QP4z42aGKmc-00749-00298842-00299195 like that's QP4z42aGKmc-00750-00299196-00299488 could be golden stuff QP4z42aGKmc-00751-00299489-00300289 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00752-00300290-00300971 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00753-00300972-00301330 s we got the S and the T and we're QP4z42aGKmc-00754-00301331-00301721 missing the vowel there QP4z42aGKmc-00755-00301722-00302241 that's a zed I didn't put that in before QP4z42aGKmc-00756-00302242-00302873 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00757-00302874-00303203 we don't have this vowel here QP4z42aGKmc-00758-00303204-00304480 nor do we have that consonant there QP4z42aGKmc-00759-00304481-00304745 okay so number two I've got QP4z42aGKmc-00760-00304746-00305267 Traverse QP4z42aGKmc-00761-00305268-00305675 the glow QP4z42aGKmc-00762-00305676-00305956 then QP4z42aGKmc-00763-00305957-00306160 visit QP4z42aGKmc-00764-00306161-00306406 12. it's interesting though we know that QP4z42aGKmc-00765-00306407-00306623 there's no I know obviously we've only QP4z42aGKmc-00766-00306624-00306887 got vowels QP4z42aGKmc-00767-00306888-00307001 um QP4z42aGKmc-00768-00307002-00307253 vowels and constants only but it's nice QP4z42aGKmc-00769-00307254-00307421 that there's no like numbers included QP4z42aGKmc-00770-00307422-00307823 any of the bits and pieces then visit 12 QP4z42aGKmc-00771-00307824-00308129 strange QP4z42aGKmc-00772-00308130-00308734 beings QP4z42aGKmc-00773-00308735-00308915 all right number three can we number QP4z42aGKmc-00774-00308916-00309119 three is quite a beast we know that this QP4z42aGKmc-00775-00309120-00309443 is the golden path QP4z42aGKmc-00776-00309444-00309676 right QP4z42aGKmc-00777-00309677-00309989 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00778-00309990-00310265 it is the legendary lb the man the myth QP4z42aGKmc-00779-00310266-00310678 the legend QP4z42aGKmc-00780-00310679-00311239 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00781-00311240-00311795 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00782-00311796-00312137 that would be QP4z42aGKmc-00783-00312138-00312360 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00784-00312361-00312521 n QP4z42aGKmc-00785-00312522-00312756 in in QP4z42aGKmc-00786-00312757-00314172 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00787-00314173-00315179 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00788-00315180-00315754 don't know what that one is though QP4z42aGKmc-00789-00315755-00316273 do we QP4z42aGKmc-00790-00316274-00317478 insect instead QP4z42aGKmc-00791-00317479-00317975 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00792-00317976-00318269 that's like inset QP4z42aGKmc-00793-00318270-00318469 inset Maybe QP4z42aGKmc-00794-00318470-00319043 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00795-00319044-00319534 set t QP4z42aGKmc-00796-00319535-00320345 again don't know what that letter is QP4z42aGKmc-00797-00320346-00320826 he QP4z42aGKmc-00798-00320827-00321575 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00799-00321576-00321776 it's not an end QP4z42aGKmc-00800-00321777-00322354 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00801-00322355-00322592 the QP4z42aGKmc-00802-00322593-00324580 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00803-00324581-00324923 other QP4z42aGKmc-00804-00324924-00325643 Gray QP4z42aGKmc-00805-00325644-00325841 great QP4z42aGKmc-00806-00325842-00326663 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00807-00326664-00327041 them QP4z42aGKmc-00808-00327042-00327413 the greatest QP4z42aGKmc-00809-00327414-00327593 seen this symbol before somewhere I QP4z42aGKmc-00810-00327594-00327832 think we've had this on our QP4z42aGKmc-00811-00327833-00328175 we have this on our main QP4z42aGKmc-00812-00328176-00329189 thing that we were decoding QP4z42aGKmc-00813-00329190-00329308 yeah QP4z42aGKmc-00814-00329309-00329477 um QP4z42aGKmc-00815-00329478-00330437 part of the first line here isn't it QP4z42aGKmc-00816-00330438-00331384 the S and the O so that's QP4z42aGKmc-00817-00331385-00332739 the greatest QP4z42aGKmc-00818-00332740-00333119 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00819-00333120-00333377 am I blind am I not seeing it QP4z42aGKmc-00820-00333378-00333934 I've got it written down QP4z42aGKmc-00821-00333935-00334510 oh it's here ah QP4z42aGKmc-00822-00334511-00334991 great is soft QP4z42aGKmc-00823-00334992-00335932 no the greatest song QP4z42aGKmc-00824-00335933-00336215 so something something something them QP4z42aGKmc-00825-00336216-00336587 the greatest song QP4z42aGKmc-00826-00336588-00337321 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00827-00337322-00338730 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00828-00338731-00339244 reversed here QP4z42aGKmc-00829-00339245-00340060 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00830-00340061-00340194 song is QP4z42aGKmc-00831-00340195-00340529 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00832-00340530-00341055 the greatest path QP4z42aGKmc-00833-00341056-00341839 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00834-00341840-00342179 no it's not the greatest path QP4z42aGKmc-00835-00342180-00342382 I'm just jumping to conclusions the song QP4z42aGKmc-00836-00342383-00343630 is what what is the song QP4z42aGKmc-00837-00343631-00343846 let's go QP4z42aGKmc-00838-00343847-00344003 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00839-00344004-00344969 golden QP4z42aGKmc-00840-00344970-00345194 is it path QP4z42aGKmc-00841-00345195-00345503 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00842-00345504-00345743 no it is path QP4z42aGKmc-00843-00345744-00345953 golden path sorry I don't know why I QP4z42aGKmc-00844-00345954-00346079 just looked at that and that didn't look QP4z42aGKmc-00845-00346080-00346295 right something about that didn't look QP4z42aGKmc-00846-00346296-00346456 right when I first glanced it I QP4z42aGKmc-00847-00346457-00346637 apologize QP4z42aGKmc-00848-00346638-00346775 um yeah QP4z42aGKmc-00849-00346776-00347031 the song is the golden path QP4z42aGKmc-00850-00347032-00347332 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00851-00347333-00348232 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00852-00348233-00348682 first QP4z42aGKmc-00853-00348683-00348780 um QP4z42aGKmc-00854-00348781-00349306 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00855-00349307-00350063 maybe it's QP4z42aGKmc-00856-00350064-00350928 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00857-00350929-00351125 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00858-00351126-00352328 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00859-00352329-00353275 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00860-00353276-00353489 looking at these symbols and I'm like QP4z42aGKmc-00861-00353490-00353663 they all look so similar when you're QP4z42aGKmc-00862-00353664-00354101 staring at them for such a long time QP4z42aGKmc-00863-00354102-00354251 I don't know what that one is then at QP4z42aGKmc-00864-00354252-00355049 the minute uh oh it's Z QP4z42aGKmc-00865-00355050-00355415 it's maybe it is it's QP4z42aGKmc-00866-00355416-00355649 oh QP4z42aGKmc-00867-00355650-00356045 as maybe as QP4z42aGKmc-00868-00356046-00356639 that could be an a QP4z42aGKmc-00869-00356640-00357019 where else does that appear QP4z42aGKmc-00870-00357020-00358787 let's see at the minute QP4z42aGKmc-00871-00358788-00359141 C QP4z42aGKmc-00872-00359142-00359441 scene QP4z42aGKmc-00873-00359442-00361128 as seen maybe as seen QP4z42aGKmc-00874-00361129-00362087 that'd be hilarious QP4z42aGKmc-00875-00362088-00362383 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00877-00365616-00366160 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00878-00366161-00367073 Within QP4z42aGKmc-00879-00367074-00368219 as seen within QP4z42aGKmc-00880-00368220-00368423 ah QP4z42aGKmc-00881-00368424-00368687 a QP4z42aGKmc-00882-00368688-00370159 spct QP4z42aGKmc-00883-00370160-00370865 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00884-00370866-00371045 all right that's an F I just noticed QP4z42aGKmc-00885-00371046-00371182 that's an F QP4z42aGKmc-00886-00371183-00371932 so as seen from within QP4z42aGKmc-00887-00371933-00372304 all right I'm I'm gonna say this is ah QP4z42aGKmc-00888-00372305-00372580 the ah sound QP4z42aGKmc-00889-00372581-00373974 as in glass QP4z42aGKmc-00890-00373975-00374260 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00891-00374261-00374945 so the the latter part of this is QP4z42aGKmc-00892-00374946-00375089 the QP4z42aGKmc-00893-00375090-00375389 song is QP4z42aGKmc-00894-00375390-00375575 the QP4z42aGKmc-00895-00375576-00376210 golden Earth QP4z42aGKmc-00896-00376211-00376528 as seen QP4z42aGKmc-00897-00376529-00376673 from QP4z42aGKmc-00898-00376674-00378745 Within QP4z42aGKmc-00899-00378746-00379030 what is this vowel here though like on QP4z42aGKmc-00900-00379031-00379843 this one QP4z42aGKmc-00901-00379844-00380417 also like the the pronunciations of this QP4z42aGKmc-00902-00380418-00380975 but this e is actually an eye QP4z42aGKmc-00903-00380976-00381645 something Sith QP4z42aGKmc-00904-00381646-00382295 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00905-00382296-00382463 Now sing QP4z42aGKmc-00906-00382464-00382715 idiot I've done it again I've written QP4z42aGKmc-00907-00382716-00383260 that as th sing something sing QP4z42aGKmc-00908-00383261-00383633 something sing QP4z42aGKmc-00909-00383634-00384323 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00910-00384324-00384910 eh QP4z42aGKmc-00911-00384911-00385541 and sing and sing QP4z42aGKmc-00912-00385542-00385865 is it and sing to them the greatest song QP4z42aGKmc-00913-00385866-00386153 the song is the golden path as from QP4z42aGKmc-00914-00386154-00386353 within QP4z42aGKmc-00915-00386354-00387267 the and QP4z42aGKmc-00916-00387268-00387545 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-00917-00387546-00387737 this ooh QP4z42aGKmc-00918-00387738-00389573 it could be o QP4z42aGKmc-00919-00389574-00389789 something QP4z42aGKmc-00920-00389790-00390065 sing to QP4z42aGKmc-00921-00390066-00390328 no it wouldn't be that QP4z42aGKmc-00922-00390329-00390545 yeah it would be that one I know it QP4z42aGKmc-00923-00390546-00390653 doesn't make QP4z42aGKmc-00924-00390654-00390904 sense from an English standpoint to use QP4z42aGKmc-00925-00390905-00391258 the two o's in that but QP4z42aGKmc-00926-00391259-00391558 it does make sense like phonetically QP4z42aGKmc-00927-00391559-00392830 and sing to them the greatest song QP4z42aGKmc-00928-00392831-00393910 geez QP4z42aGKmc-00929-00393911-00394253 say that tonight QP4z42aGKmc-00930-00394254-00394613 tunic folder QP4z42aGKmc-00931-00394614-00394847 okay QP4z42aGKmc-00932-00394848-00395039 so I think I've actually decoded that QP4z42aGKmc-00933-00395040-00395195 now QP4z42aGKmc-00934-00395196-00395627 all right so QP4z42aGKmc-00935-00395628-00395903 all right I think QP4z42aGKmc-00936-00395904-00396328 I think the play now QP4z42aGKmc-00937-00396329-00397325 we've got to look through here QP4z42aGKmc-00938-00397326-00397534 is there any mention in this Manual of QP4z42aGKmc-00939-00397535-00399856 feathers uh feathers QP4z42aGKmc-00940-00399857-00399995 it's like the thing on my head QP4z42aGKmc-00941-00399996-00400684 technically considered a feather QP4z42aGKmc-00942-00400685-00402934 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00943-00402935-00403834 feathers QP4z42aGKmc-00944-00403835-00403967 it's about the only feathers I know QP4z42aGKmc-00945-00403968-00404123 unless you're talking about ones I put QP4z42aGKmc-00946-00404124-00406217 in pillows or cushions QP4z42aGKmc-00947-00406218-00406456 see me Mika made the point earlier on QP4z42aGKmc-00948-00406457-00406667 about like could it is it to do with QP4z42aGKmc-00949-00406668-00406865 birds and I was thinking like the birds QP4z42aGKmc-00950-00406866-00407015 at the ruined the tall QP4z42aGKmc-00951-00407016-00407278 but what puts me off is the fact that QP4z42aGKmc-00952-00407279-00407710 on page one QP4z42aGKmc-00953-00407711-00408058 it's specifically like pointing to this QP4z42aGKmc-00954-00408059-00408658 location here QP4z42aGKmc-00955-00408659-00408880 which kind of like deters me from QP4z42aGKmc-00956-00408881-00409037 thinking it's anything to do with the QP4z42aGKmc-00957-00409038-00409822 birds in the ruined at all QP4z42aGKmc-00958-00409823-00410051 softest feather corrected 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-00959-00410052-00411101 departed once more QP4z42aGKmc-00960-00411102-00411701 was it okay let's QP4z42aGKmc-00961-00411702-00411874 let's go QP4z42aGKmc-00962-00411875-00412145 change to daytime QP4z42aGKmc-00963-00412146-00413399 let's visit the ruins toll QP4z42aGKmc-00964-00413400-00413620 I don't know maybe maybe the QP4z42aGKmc-00965-00413621-00413813 maybe the location is just throwing me QP4z42aGKmc-00966-00413814-00415216 off QP4z42aGKmc-00967-00415217-00415663 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00968-00415664-00415889 what do I think I'll end up with I think QP4z42aGKmc-00969-00415889-00416020 I'll end up with the final treasure that QP4z42aGKmc-00970-00416021-00418355 I'm missing QP4z42aGKmc-00971-00418356-00419124 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-00972-00419125-00419543 do a d-pad input QP4z42aGKmc-00973-00419543-00419855 right I think QP4z42aGKmc-00974-00419856-00420635 I don't normally put d-pelling button QP4z42aGKmc-00975-00420635-00420995 Okay so QP4z42aGKmc-00976-00420996-00421391 am I barking up the wrong tree then QP4z42aGKmc-00977-00421392-00421649 with the whole QP4z42aGKmc-00978-00421650-00422116 ruined the whole thing QP4z42aGKmc-00979-00422117-00423557 they want to like waste time QP4z42aGKmc-00980-00423558-00425914 location shown here is correct QP4z42aGKmc-00981-00425915-00426209 all right I'm back all right so location QP4z42aGKmc-00982-00426210-00426922 of page one is correct QP4z42aGKmc-00983-00426923-00427097 Okay so QP4z42aGKmc-00984-00427097-00427553 you say what about like QP4z42aGKmc-00985-00427554-00427793 you say that QP4z42aGKmc-00986-00427793-00427883 um QP4z42aGKmc-00987-00427884-00428087 what can I associate birds with uh QP4z42aGKmc-00988-00428088-00428435 feathers with well it's Birds QP4z42aGKmc-00989-00428435-00429214 and this location is correct QP4z42aGKmc-00990-00429215-00429839 okay so this location is correct QP4z42aGKmc-00991-00429839-00430157 this is like completely wild then if I'm QP4z42aGKmc-00992-00430158-00430439 thinking birds and this location QP4z42aGKmc-00993-00430439-00430697 can we hear QP4z42aGKmc-00994-00430697-00432172 birds in the distance I wonder QP4z42aGKmc-00995-00432173-00432491 hmm without headphones let's let's like QP4z42aGKmc-00996-00432492-00432629 listen carefully let's turn off the QP4z42aGKmc-00997-00432630-00432791 music QP4z42aGKmc-00998-00432792-00433060 in game QP4z42aGKmc-00999-00433062-00433541 wow this audio is terrible QP4z42aGKmc-01000-00433542-00434872 ah QP4z42aGKmc-01001-00434873-00436770 uh I think QP4z42aGKmc-01002-00436771-00437183 so what it's really annoying because QP4z42aGKmc-01003-00437184-00437549 some reason I could like unplug my main QP4z42aGKmc-01004-00437550-00437801 a speaker thing from my main sound card QP4z42aGKmc-01005-00437802-00437951 input on my QP4z42aGKmc-01006-00437952-00438149 computer QP4z42aGKmc-01007-00438150-00438514 it um breaks the audio for some reason QP4z42aGKmc-01008-00438515-00439427 and I don't know why QP4z42aGKmc-01009-00439428-00439613 okay there we go QP4z42aGKmc-01010-00439614-00439829 excellent QP4z42aGKmc-01011-00439830-00440770 Okay so QP4z42aGKmc-01012-00440771-00441322 let's just try this first QP4z42aGKmc-01014-00444617-00446818 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-01016-00450752-00451049 so okay I QP4z42aGKmc-01017-00451050-00452753 thinking about the other lines QP4z42aGKmc-01018-00452754-00453353 um corrected 11 times departed once more QP4z42aGKmc-01019-00453354-00453520 is that saying I've got to like press QP4z42aGKmc-01020-00453521-00453766 one button 11 times and another button QP4z42aGKmc-01021-00453767-00456533 once QP4z42aGKmc-01022-00456534-00456683 okay QP4z42aGKmc-01023-00456684-00456899 so then is it just trial and error QP4z42aGKmc-01025-00460056-00460403 no trial and error it's just a riddle QP4z42aGKmc-01026-00460404-00462887 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-01027-00462888-00464030 times QP4z42aGKmc-01028-00464031-00464566 [Music] QP4z42aGKmc-01029-00464567-00466289 baby birds QP4z42aGKmc-01030-00466289-00466463 so thinking about like baby birds we QP4z42aGKmc-01031-00466464-00467068 like talking about like birds flying QP4z42aGKmc-01032-00467069-00467218 so like they QP4z42aGKmc-01033-00467219-00467560 I don't know they try to fly 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-01034-00467562-00467741 and then on the 12th time they actually QP4z42aGKmc-01035-00467742-00470464 get to go QP4z42aGKmc-01036-00470465-00472210 just sort of thinking like QP4z42aGKmc-01037-00472212-00472885 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-01038-00472885-00473195 like directed because it's trying to QP4z42aGKmc-01039-00473196-00473495 maybe learn to do something QP4z42aGKmc-01040-00473496-00474797 but then once it departs the final time QP4z42aGKmc-01041-00474797-00476447 foreign QP4z42aGKmc-01042-00476447-00476837 I mean like like baby feathers right so QP4z42aGKmc-01043-00476838-00477029 or the softest feather it means a baby QP4z42aGKmc-01044-00477030-00477520 bird QP4z42aGKmc-01045-00477521-00477707 that what we're saying softest feather QP4z42aGKmc-01046-00477708-00477863 is baby bear which would make sense QP4z42aGKmc-01047-00477864-00478168 because it's like a brand new newborn QP4z42aGKmc-01048-00478169-00479410 before it gets its like proper feathers QP4z42aGKmc-01049-00479412-00479872 I have no idea what they're called QP4z42aGKmc-01050-00479873-00480779 not a clue lb I'll be honest QP4z42aGKmc-01051-00480780-00481343 ah QP4z42aGKmc-01052-00481343-00481535 I mean I don't know is it safe for me to QP4z42aGKmc-01053-00481535-00481714 Google I don't I don't want to Google QP4z42aGKmc-01054-00481715-00481985 like the softest feather QP4z42aGKmc-01055-00481985-00482549 um QP4z42aGKmc-01056-00482550-00482795 Maybe QP4z42aGKmc-01057-00482796-00483281 third QP4z42aGKmc-01058-00483282-00483779 of uh QP4z42aGKmc-01059-00483780-00484529 cold QP4z42aGKmc-01060-00484530-00484745 ledgling QP4z42aGKmc-01061-00484746-00484972 wow that's just a bird that's lost its QP4z42aGKmc-01062-00484973-00485681 coat of feathers QP4z42aGKmc-01063-00485682-00487313 feathers QP4z42aGKmc-01064-00487314-00487505 no okay well I guess that's not what QP4z42aGKmc-01065-00487506-00488993 it's called QP4z42aGKmc-01066-00488993-00489509 to soft down down QP4z42aGKmc-01067-00489510-00490229 possibly QP4z42aGKmc-01068-00490230-00490672 Okay so QP4z42aGKmc-01069-00490673-00491170 down 11 times QP4z42aGKmc-01070-00491171-00493493 but what does the corrected mean QP4z42aGKmc-01071-00493493-00494218 or is it down QP4z42aGKmc-01072-00494219-00494495 is it down one QP4z42aGKmc-01073-00494496-00495766 the soft down could be down one QP4z42aGKmc-01074-00495767-00495995 corrected QP4z42aGKmc-01075-00495996-00496175 another word QP4z42aGKmc-01076-00496176-00496414 yeah okay I got it I got it I got it I QP4z42aGKmc-01077-00496415-00496751 got it I got it QP4z42aGKmc-01078-00496752-00497051 seven eight nine ten eleven twelve QP4z42aGKmc-01079-00497052-00497459 no a little work what QP4z42aGKmc-01080-00497460-00498064 so I think it should be down down one QP4z42aGKmc-01081-00498065-00498497 corrected is right QP4z42aGKmc-01082-00498497-00498707 so then right QP4z42aGKmc-01083-00498708-00499139 11 departed once more left QP4z42aGKmc-01084-00499139-00499397 one QP4z42aGKmc-01085-00499397-00499583 so it should be down one right eleven QP4z42aGKmc-01086-00499584-00500453 left one QP4z42aGKmc-01087-00500454-00500633 doesn't work QP4z42aGKmc-01088-00500634-00501109 do I need to stand here QP4z42aGKmc-01089-00501110-00501425 down one two three four five six seven QP4z42aGKmc-01090-00501426-00501760 eight nine ten eleven QP4z42aGKmc-01091-00501762-00502385 work QP4z42aGKmc-01092-00502385-00502601 what QP4z42aGKmc-01093-00502602-00502907 what I messed up QP4z42aGKmc-01094-00502908-00504443 I got excited QP4z42aGKmc-01095-00504443-00505013 more QP4z42aGKmc-01096-00505014-00505457 oh QP4z42aGKmc-01097-00505458-00506135 is it saying once more than right QP4z42aGKmc-01098-00506135-00507209 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. QP4z42aGKmc-01099-00507210-00507935 oh my goodness QP4z42aGKmc-01100-00507935-00508327 we unlocked the television QP4z42aGKmc-01101-00508328-00508835 oh my goodness me QP4z42aGKmc-01102-00508835-00509249 that is insane QP4z42aGKmc-01103-00509250-00509951 that is absolutely in freaking insane QP4z42aGKmc-01104-00509952-00510179 that one QP4z42aGKmc-01105-00510180-00510316 puzzle QP4z42aGKmc-01106-00510317-00510563 has taken us five hours QP4z42aGKmc-01107-00510564-00511109 five hours to get that one chest QP4z42aGKmc-01108-00511110-00511414 and a whole lot of language deciphering QP4z42aGKmc-01109-00511415-00511972 holy smokes QP4z42aGKmc-01110-00511973-00512314 but yeah we got all 12. we now have all QP4z42aGKmc-01111-00512315-00512687 12 of the bonus hidden chests oh my QP4z42aGKmc-01112-00512688-00513095 goodness me QP4z42aGKmc-01113-00513096-00513310 that's insane QP4z42aGKmc-01114-00513312-00513514 seriously the puzzles The Riddles QP4z42aGKmc-01115-00513515-00513743 everything about this freaking game has QP4z42aGKmc-01116-00513743-00513929 absolutely blown my mind QP4z42aGKmc-01117-00513930-00514139 seriously it has QP4z42aGKmc-01118-00514139-00514259 all right well that's probably a good QP4z42aGKmc-01119-00514260-00514397 place to leave it because QP4z42aGKmc-01120-00514397-00514564 um I'm glad I've got it because it's QP4z42aGKmc-01121-00514565-00514810 almost dinner time here so um QP4z42aGKmc-01122-00514812-00514979 I got a couple of hungry kids roaming QP4z42aGKmc-01123-00514980-00515075 around the house and I should probably QP4z42aGKmc-01124-00515076-00515249 go and feed them QP4z42aGKmc-01125-00515250-00515566 um yeah I'm pretty I'll be honest I'm QP4z42aGKmc-01126-00515567-00515716 glad that you was kind of here I'll be QP4z42aGKmc-01127-00515717-00515825 because QP4z42aGKmc-01128-00515826-00516191 honestly I don't know that QP4z42aGKmc-01129-00516192-00516322 I don't know that I would have got QP4z42aGKmc-01130-00516323-00516514 necessarily the reference to the birds QP4z42aGKmc-01131-00516515-00517037 like the the baby bird feathers QP4z42aGKmc-01132-00517038-00517210 um QP4z42aGKmc-01133-00517212-00517570 but yeah man what what a riddle what QP4z42aGKmc-01134-00517571-00517841 another fantastic like this this one QP4z42aGKmc-01135-00517842-00518081 particular and the golden path have just QP4z42aGKmc-01136-00518082-00518303 completely blown my mind they really QP4z42aGKmc-01137-00518304-00518435 have QP4z42aGKmc-01138-00518435-00518603 and I know I've said that like multiple QP4z42aGKmc-01139-00518604-00518872 occasions but yeah seriously QP4z42aGKmc-01140-00518873-00519131 just it's way out there QP4z42aGKmc-01141-00519132-00519359 completely out there and These Guys QP4z42aGKmc-01142-00519360-00519629 these developers this this game company QP4z42aGKmc-01143-00519630-00519791 whoever they are these these group of QP4z42aGKmc-01144-00519792-00520066 people I've created something very very QP4z42aGKmc-01145-00520067-00520264 special indeed QP4z42aGKmc-01146-00520265-00520409 um so we're back on Wednesday we were QP4z42aGKmc-01147-00520410-00520564 back on Wednesday QP4z42aGKmc-01148-00520565-00520787 and um yeah it's just I guess it's just QP4z42aGKmc-01149-00520788-00520907 final boss QP4z42aGKmc-01150-00520908-00521075 and QP4z42aGKmc-01151-00521076-00521266 um we've got to go visit this this place QP4z42aGKmc-01152-00521267-00521470 where all the treasures are because see QP4z42aGKmc-01153-00521471-00521735 if anything else has changed there QP4z42aGKmc-01154-00521735-00521789 um QP4z42aGKmc-01155-00521789-00521909 so yeah that's what's going to happen QP4z42aGKmc-01156-00521910-00522160 Wednesday so Wednesday will be I promise QP4z42aGKmc-01157-00522162-00522341 this time Wednesday will be the final QP4z42aGKmc-01158-00522342-00522520 tunic stream QP4z42aGKmc-01159-00522521-00522701 um well yeah thanks everybody for tuning QP4z42aGKmc-01160-00522702-00522910 in for this bonus stream QP4z42aGKmc-01161-00522912-00523109 um greatly appreciated everybody hanging QP4z42aGKmc-01162-00523110-00523325 out and um all the support over the last QP4z42aGKmc-01163-00523326-00523457 couple of streams I know they've been a QP4z42aGKmc-01164-00523458-00523679 bit grindy but I I think a lot a few of QP4z42aGKmc-01165-00523680-00523799 you have definitely found it quite QP4z42aGKmc-01166-00523800-00523972 interesting as much interesting as I am QP4z42aGKmc-01167-00523973-00524122 trying to decipher the language and QP4z42aGKmc-01168-00524123-00524314 understand everything that's going on so QP4z42aGKmc-01169-00524315-00524459 thank you very much everybody for tuning QP4z42aGKmc-01170-00524460-00524603 in and until next time I've been QP4z42aGKmc-01171-00524604-00524747 occuping awesome take care stay safe QP4z42aGKmc-01172-00524748-00525146 happy gaming bye guys QQzKPlviSVI-00000-00000136-00000383 live from las vegas QQzKPlviSVI-00001-00000384-00000582 it's thecube QQzKPlviSVI-00002-00000583-00000815 covering oracle modern customer QQzKPlviSVI-00003-00000816-00001062 experience 2017 QQzKPlviSVI-00004-00001063-00001607 brought to you by oracle QQzKPlviSVI-00005-00001607-00001759 welcome back everyone we are here live QQzKPlviSVI-00006-00001760-00001975 in las vegas the mandalay bay for QQzKPlviSVI-00007-00001976-00002231 oracle's modern cx conference hashtag QQzKPlviSVI-00008-00002232-00002455 modern cx it's thecube i'm john furrier QQzKPlviSVI-00009-00002456-00002599 siliconangle my co-host peter burris for QQzKPlviSVI-00010-00002600-00002783 the two days our next guest is ron QQzKPlviSVI-00011-00002784-00002966 corbusier owner and ceo of relationship QQzKPlviSVI-00012-00002967-00003039 one QQzKPlviSVI-00013-00003040-00003295 back again from last year and uh it was QQzKPlviSVI-00014-00003296-00003463 one of my memorable interviews last year QQzKPlviSVI-00015-00003464-00003638 welcome back thank you for having me on QQzKPlviSVI-00016-00003639-00003831 thecube we went down and dirty last year QQzKPlviSVI-00017-00003832-00003919 i remember we were having a great QQzKPlviSVI-00018-00003920-00004086 conversation about ad tech and QQzKPlviSVI-00019-00004087-00004311 essentially if you take that videos on QQzKPlviSVI-00020-00004312-00004486 youtube and look at it i guarantee you QQzKPlviSVI-00021-00004487-00004606 it's going to play right into what QQzKPlviSVI-00022-00004607-00004927 happened this year so again we QQzKPlviSVI-00023-00004928-00005159 we predicted it we didn't say ai but we QQzKPlviSVI-00024-00005160-00005383 did say we're going to see data really QQzKPlviSVI-00025-00005384-00005599 driving and that's what oracle ended up QQzKPlviSVI-00026-00005600-00005767 locking in on data yeah absolutely i QQzKPlviSVI-00027-00005768-00005927 mean data is going to be QQzKPlviSVI-00028-00005928-00006102 the underlying conversation for the next QQzKPlviSVI-00029-00006103-00006343 few years right so we spoke a lot last QQzKPlviSVI-00030-00006344-00006559 year about martech stack and actually QQzKPlviSVI-00031-00006559-00006775 martech and ad tech kind of colliding QQzKPlviSVI-00032-00006776-00006927 coming together QQzKPlviSVI-00033-00006928-00007142 and all of that is being fueled by the QQzKPlviSVI-00034-00007143-00007351 mass quantities of data that we have as QQzKPlviSVI-00035-00007352-00007510 sales and marketing folks out there to QQzKPlviSVI-00036-00007511-00007623 leverage QQzKPlviSVI-00037-00007623-00007831 and how do you use it it's never about QQzKPlviSVI-00038-00007831-00008006 do i have enough data you know a lot of QQzKPlviSVI-00039-00008008-00008207 times you feel you almost have too much QQzKPlviSVI-00040-00008208-00008359 but it's you know now how can you use it QQzKPlviSVI-00041-00008360-00008535 appropriately we were talking before we QQzKPlviSVI-00042-00008536-00008767 uh came on on camera here about that QQzKPlviSVI-00043-00008768-00008927 that dynamic of ad tech and martech QQzKPlviSVI-00044-00008928-00009103 collision we talked about last year it's QQzKPlviSVI-00045-00009104-00009255 interesting if you just say digital QQzKPlviSVI-00046-00009256-00009463 end-to-end as a fabric then you can QQzKPlviSVI-00047-00009464-00009687 still talk about these pillars of QQzKPlviSVI-00048-00009688-00009919 solutions but they're not silos if you QQzKPlviSVI-00049-00009920-00010103 look at the holistic data approach and QQzKPlviSVI-00050-00010104-00010214 say hey if we're going to have QQzKPlviSVI-00051-00010215-00010487 horizontally scalable data which we want QQzKPlviSVI-00052-00010488-00010719 frictionless less than 150 milliseconds QQzKPlviSVI-00053-00010720-00010935 responses that aced they want to promote QQzKPlviSVI-00054-00010936-00011135 you can still do your pillars but be QQzKPlviSVI-00055-00011136-00011399 open to data sharing versus here's my QQzKPlviSVI-00056-00011400-00011574 siloed stack QQzKPlviSVI-00057-00011575-00011806 i do this i do this that's shifted and QQzKPlviSVI-00058-00011807-00011983 that's what oracle's main news is here QQzKPlviSVI-00059-00011984-00012063 yeah QQzKPlviSVI-00060-00012064-00012263 yeah absolutely so i think i think what QQzKPlviSVI-00061-00012264-00012487 you're seeing even in not only oracle QQzKPlviSVI-00062-00012488-00012646 but at an organizational level people QQzKPlviSVI-00063-00012647-00012943 are kind of taking a a more holistic QQzKPlviSVI-00064-00012944-00013199 view of data that they own and data that QQzKPlviSVI-00065-00013200-00013375 they can enrich with external QQzKPlviSVI-00066-00013376-00013575 information right and how does that QQzKPlviSVI-00067-00013576-00013735 information then QQzKPlviSVI-00068-00013736-00013999 fuel all of these other areas within QQzKPlviSVI-00069-00014000-00014191 customer experience right so within the QQzKPlviSVI-00070-00014191-00014430 cx world so how do you use that to QQzKPlviSVI-00071-00014431-00014599 provide better service how do you do QQzKPlviSVI-00072-00014600-00014855 that use that information to optimize QQzKPlviSVI-00073-00014856-00015030 your sales efforts and and from a QQzKPlviSVI-00074-00015031-00015175 marketing standpoint obviously my QQzKPlviSVI-00075-00015176-00015375 background it's how do we leverage that QQzKPlviSVI-00076-00015376-00015583 to optimize our spend optimize our QQzKPlviSVI-00077-00015584-00015750 communication our orchestration all of QQzKPlviSVI-00078-00015751-00015958 those pieces that all comes down to that QQzKPlviSVI-00079-00015959-00016055 common QQzKPlviSVI-00080-00016056-00016222 you know language of data that we have QQzKPlviSVI-00081-00016223-00016447 access to so about the real time aspect QQzKPlviSVI-00082-00016448-00016655 because we teased on it last time we did QQzKPlviSVI-00083-00016656-00016847 talk about how to leverage some of the QQzKPlviSVI-00084-00016848-00017063 advertising opportunities QQzKPlviSVI-00085-00017064-00017255 and the role of data in real time that's QQzKPlviSVI-00086-00017256-00017430 been a message here from batch to real QQzKPlviSVI-00087-00017431-00017630 time so the consumer's in motion all the QQzKPlviSVI-00088-00017631-00017855 time depending upon their context QQzKPlviSVI-00089-00017856-00018047 yeah well how does real time yeah this QQzKPlviSVI-00090-00018048-00018207 is this is kind of the evolution of what QQzKPlviSVI-00091-00018208-00018350 we're seeing in the technology right QQzKPlviSVI-00092-00018351-00018591 because historically you've built a QQzKPlviSVI-00093-00018592-00018791 campaign you've maybe created some type QQzKPlviSVI-00094-00018792-00018999 of journey or persona you're building QQzKPlviSVI-00095-00019000-00019239 content around very specific elements QQzKPlviSVI-00096-00019240-00019455 within a life cycle structure life QQzKPlviSVI-00097-00019456-00019639 cycles are not linear any longer they QQzKPlviSVI-00098-00019640-00019791 never really were but they're definitely QQzKPlviSVI-00099-00019792-00019903 not now QQzKPlviSVI-00100-00019904-00020063 and you have to adapt very quickly you QQzKPlviSVI-00101-00020064-00020255 have to kind of you know leverage QQzKPlviSVI-00102-00020256-00020463 technology to say what am i QQzKPlviSVI-00103-00020464-00020711 saying communicating in what channel but QQzKPlviSVI-00104-00020712-00020903 in more in a real time thing right you QQzKPlviSVI-00105-00020904-00021078 have to look at what was the last thing QQzKPlviSVI-00106-00021079-00021263 that individual did the activity all of QQzKPlviSVI-00107-00021264-00021486 that historically you haven't had that QQzKPlviSVI-00108-00021487-00021694 depth or degree of QQzKPlviSVI-00109-00021695-00021886 real time list you know it's been more QQzKPlviSVI-00110-00021887-00022143 kind of a structure cadence that doesn't QQzKPlviSVI-00111-00022144-00022286 exist right that's not going to exist QQzKPlviSVI-00112-00022287-00022486 going forward and that's where things QQzKPlviSVI-00113-00022487-00022775 like ai which i always hesitate to use QQzKPlviSVI-00114-00022776-00022958 that term because it's kind of the the QQzKPlviSVI-00115-00022959-00023199 buzzword now of of today QQzKPlviSVI-00116-00023200-00023535 but tools that are more of that QQzKPlviSVI-00117-00023536-00023719 you know augmentation of how we do QQzKPlviSVI-00118-00023720-00023927 things right leveraging the power of QQzKPlviSVI-00119-00023928-00024103 technology that's going to change how we QQzKPlviSVI-00120-00024104-00024278 orchestrate things how we communicate so QQzKPlviSVI-00121-00024279-00024414 i'm just looking at your tweet here i QQzKPlviSVI-00122-00024415-00024542 want to bring this up because you QQzKPlviSVI-00123-00024543-00024678 mentioned ai and we were talking about QQzKPlviSVI-00124-00024679-00024878 it um thanks to all who stopped by my QQzKPlviSVI-00125-00024879-00025150 mme 17 modern marketing experience 17 a QQzKPlviSVI-00126-00025151-00025335 little bit of a jab at the messaging QQzKPlviSVI-00127-00025336-00025463 that's cool like that session on QQzKPlviSVI-00128-00025464-00025670 artificial intelligence loved all the QQzKPlviSVI-00129-00025672-00025911 support from my fellow modern marketers QQzKPlviSVI-00130-00025912-00026078 what do you mean by that were you QQzKPlviSVI-00131-00026079-00026311 um you make a bold statement did you QQzKPlviSVI-00132-00026312-00026446 stand did you have courage you stand QQzKPlviSVI-00133-00026447-00026687 tall did you call out ai what was the QQzKPlviSVI-00134-00026688-00026855 what was the conversation there i did QQzKPlviSVI-00135-00026856-00027087 well i called out kind of the silliness QQzKPlviSVI-00136-00027088-00027351 of the term ai right so i picked on the QQzKPlviSVI-00137-00027352-00027583 marketers but i picked on the term so we QQzKPlviSVI-00138-00027583-00027790 as you know marketers i i call them the QQzKPlviSVI-00139-00027791-00027999 squirrel moments that as marketers we're QQzKPlviSVI-00140-00028000-00028158 always kind of on to the next thing QQzKPlviSVI-00141-00028160-00028399 right and i did i kind of reviewed the QQzKPlviSVI-00142-00028400-00028558 past eight some years of these QQzKPlviSVI-00143-00028560-00028711 conferences and what were the topics QQzKPlviSVI-00144-00028712-00028902 right there were some topics that were QQzKPlviSVI-00145-00028904-00029062 transformational topics you know like QQzKPlviSVI-00146-00029063-00029287 how does marketing automation or or QQzKPlviSVI-00147-00029288-00029462 organizational change or those type of QQzKPlviSVI-00148-00029463-00029639 things right those are things that kind QQzKPlviSVI-00149-00029639-00029758 of stick with you and then there are QQzKPlviSVI-00150-00029760-00029951 things that are more like timely things QQzKPlviSVI-00151-00029952-00030167 like predictive scoring and all of their QQzKPlviSVI-00152-00030168-00030351 tactics they're more things that i use QQzKPlviSVI-00153-00030352-00030679 as a as a marketer or sales person QQzKPlviSVI-00154-00030680-00030927 what i was picking on with ai is that QQzKPlviSVI-00155-00030927-00031151 it's it's the buzzword it gets you QQzKPlviSVI-00156-00031152-00031351 funding it gets you people in a room for QQzKPlviSVI-00157-00031352-00031511 a conference that's great QQzKPlviSVI-00158-00031512-00031711 but it doesn't do anything by itself QQzKPlviSVI-00159-00031712-00031943 it's really an enabler it's a pervasive QQzKPlviSVI-00160-00031944-00032031 thing QQzKPlviSVI-00161-00032032-00032199 that combines QQzKPlviSVI-00162-00032200-00032462 machine cycle and data but you have to QQzKPlviSVI-00163-00032463-00032655 teach it you have to you know QQzKPlviSVI-00164-00032656-00032846 incorporate it into your applications QQzKPlviSVI-00165-00032847-00033071 and as marketers ultimately it's going QQzKPlviSVI-00166-00033072-00033311 to change our tool set to make it better QQzKPlviSVI-00167-00033312-00033495 so it's more of kind of poking fun at QQzKPlviSVI-00168-00033496-00033774 the term yeah and kind of debated we we QQzKPlviSVI-00169-00033775-00033911 always say hey i mean i've said it on QQzKPlviSVI-00170-00033912-00034102 thecube ai's bs although i love a QQzKPlviSVI-00171-00034103-00034335 software guy i love ai because it really QQzKPlviSVI-00172-00034336-00034518 promotes software that has been very QQzKPlviSVI-00173-00034519-00034743 nuanced so iot machine learning this is QQzKPlviSVI-00174-00034744-00034935 very geeky computer science stuff that's QQzKPlviSVI-00175-00034936-00035135 super cool so anything that can take QQzKPlviSVI-00176-00035136-00035311 that mainstream in the software world QQzKPlviSVI-00177-00035312-00035527 i'm a big fan of that being said i think QQzKPlviSVI-00178-00035528-00035695 the augmentation is the real message QQzKPlviSVI-00179-00035696-00035862 which is you can use machine learning QQzKPlviSVI-00180-00035863-00036118 you can use software use some technical QQzKPlviSVI-00181-00036119-00036311 things to make things better you said it QQzKPlviSVI-00182-00036312-00036518 on an earlier segment this morning which QQzKPlviSVI-00183-00036519-00036695 is there's a variety of things that you QQzKPlviSVI-00184-00036696-00036799 can QQzKPlviSVI-00185-00036800-00037095 automate away well yes the the the the QQzKPlviSVI-00186-00037096-00037302 thing it's and and you mentioned earlier QQzKPlviSVI-00187-00037303-00037487 it's it's the ability that we now have QQzKPlviSVI-00188-00037488-00037639 the ability to collect an enormous QQzKPlviSVI-00189-00037640-00037855 amount of data that's relevant important QQzKPlviSVI-00190-00037856-00038015 and we now have the technology to QQzKPlviSVI-00191-00038016-00038199 actually do something with that data but QQzKPlviSVI-00192-00038200-00038327 we still have to apply it and there's a QQzKPlviSVI-00193-00038328-00038502 lot of change that has to happen QQzKPlviSVI-00194-00038503-00038783 um so where where what the way ai is QQzKPlviSVI-00195-00038784-00039015 different from other systems is that QQzKPlviSVI-00196-00039016-00039239 historically systems a financial system QQzKPlviSVI-00197-00039240-00039502 software would deliver an answer and it QQzKPlviSVI-00198-00039503-00039711 was highly stylized and there was rarely QQzKPlviSVI-00199-00039712-00039862 a clear correspondence with the real QQzKPlviSVI-00200-00039863-00040087 world so we closed the books how much QQzKPlviSVI-00201-00040088-00040311 money did we make there was an answer QQzKPlviSVI-00202-00040312-00040439 and it came from a set of data QQzKPlviSVI-00203-00040440-00040607 structures that were defined within the QQzKPlviSVI-00204-00040608-00040695 system QQzKPlviSVI-00205-00040696-00040911 now we're trying to bring in the real QQzKPlviSVI-00206-00040912-00041183 world and have these technologies QQzKPlviSVI-00207-00041184-00041335 focus on the real world and they're QQzKPlviSVI-00208-00041336-00041583 giving ranges of possible options and QQzKPlviSVI-00209-00041584-00041799 that is kind of new and it's and it's QQzKPlviSVI-00210-00041800-00041958 good and it's useful but it does not QQzKPlviSVI-00211-00041959-00042083 take the QQzKPlviSVI-00212-00042084-00042262 discretionary the requirement for QQzKPlviSVI-00213-00042263-00042479 discretion out of the system and that's QQzKPlviSVI-00214-00042480-00042630 why it's the augmentation well ron and i QQzKPlviSVI-00215-00042631-00042855 were talking last last year about this QQzKPlviSVI-00216-00042856-00043046 uh peter and i think you're getting at a QQzKPlviSVI-00217-00043047-00043223 trajectory that i've been saying for a QQzKPlviSVI-00218-00043224-00043399 while and and this is kind of developing QQzKPlviSVI-00219-00043400-00043607 in in real time here on the cube and QQzKPlviSVI-00220-00043608-00043895 also some of our commentary is the role QQzKPlviSVI-00221-00043896-00044102 of software development and devops that QQzKPlviSVI-00222-00044103-00044318 we've seen in cloud is moving into the QQzKPlviSVI-00223-00044319-00044527 front lines of business meaning just QQzKPlviSVI-00224-00044528-00044687 there's their techniques you're seeing QQzKPlviSVI-00225-00044688-00044871 agile already kind of being talked about QQzKPlviSVI-00226-00044872-00045230 you're seeing um standing up campaign so QQzKPlviSVI-00227-00045231-00045430 language i mean you could almost go to QQzKPlviSVI-00228-00045431-00045590 the cloud stack and say QQzKPlviSVI-00229-00045591-00045879 building blocks ec2 s3 kubernetes QQzKPlviSVI-00230-00045880-00046046 containers uh QQzKPlviSVI-00231-00046047-00046223 microservices and apply that to QQzKPlviSVI-00232-00046224-00046390 marketing because there's a lot of QQzKPlviSVI-00233-00046391-00046590 parallels going on to QQzKPlviSVI-00234-00046591-00046671 the QQzKPlviSVI-00235-00046672-00046879 characteristics of the infrastructure QQzKPlviSVI-00236-00046880-00047023 certainly critical infrastructure to new QQzKPlviSVI-00237-00047024-00047190 enabling infrastructure so it's QQzKPlviSVI-00238-00047191-00047358 interesting that seeing marketers QQzKPlviSVI-00239-00047359-00047583 becoming more savvy and being kind of QQzKPlviSVI-00240-00047584-00047743 inundated yeah your thoughts on that QQzKPlviSVI-00241-00047744-00047902 reaction yeah it's the evolution though QQzKPlviSVI-00242-00047903-00048095 i mean if you go back to QQzKPlviSVI-00243-00048096-00048295 you know we as marketers have been using QQzKPlviSVI-00244-00048296-00048455 rules engines we've been using tools QQzKPlviSVI-00245-00048456-00048590 like collaborative filtering you go back QQzKPlviSVI-00246-00048591-00048862 to late 90s early 2000s right when we QQzKPlviSVI-00247-00048863-00049079 were building recommendation engines and QQzKPlviSVI-00248-00049080-00049246 simple right that's that's algorithmic QQzKPlviSVI-00249-00049247-00049415 kind of stuff right no different than QQzKPlviSVI-00250-00049416-00049590 we're doing today with pricing rules and QQzKPlviSVI-00251-00049591-00049911 all that stuff the difference is that uh QQzKPlviSVI-00252-00049912-00050151 you now have more power to do it you QQzKPlviSVI-00253-00050152-00050335 have the ability to do it more real time QQzKPlviSVI-00254-00050336-00050551 and on the fly more gives you far more QQzKPlviSVI-00255-00050552-00050774 data right yeah more computing power and QQzKPlviSVI-00256-00050775-00050958 more data not only your data that you QQzKPlviSVI-00257-00050959-00051158 own the data that you you know leverage QQzKPlviSVI-00258-00051159-00051382 from third party to really understand QQzKPlviSVI-00259-00051383-00051607 people and you have a wider lens right QQzKPlviSVI-00260-00051608-00051807 historically you're making you know QQzKPlviSVI-00261-00051808-00051990 recommendations based on what you had in QQzKPlviSVI-00262-00051991-00052158 a cart or some other things that people QQzKPlviSVI-00263-00052159-00052302 had bought that also had that in the QQzKPlviSVI-00264-00052303-00052479 cart that's different now right with QQzKPlviSVI-00265-00052479-00052671 this type of technology this enabling QQzKPlviSVI-00266-00052672-00052879 kind of world you can look at a lot more QQzKPlviSVI-00267-00052879-00053119 data points to kind of give you that QQzKPlviSVI-00268-00053120-00053311 i was going to say the problem is that QQzKPlviSVI-00269-00053312-00053511 anything around ai requires a couple QQzKPlviSVI-00270-00053512-00053815 things right it requires it is a dumb QQzKPlviSVI-00271-00053816-00054071 system so it's still a computer it's QQzKPlviSVI-00272-00054072-00054311 still a computer so everyone forgets QQzKPlviSVI-00273-00054312-00054542 that for it to work it has to learn QQzKPlviSVI-00274-00054544-00054726 right so i have some friends who have QQzKPlviSVI-00275-00054727-00054966 built marketing tools on top of watson QQzKPlviSVI-00276-00054967-00055215 for example it takes hundreds and QQzKPlviSVI-00277-00055216-00055454 hundreds of hours for it to actually QQzKPlviSVI-00278-00055455-00055638 start doing something right you have to QQzKPlviSVI-00279-00055639-00055791 train it you have to know QQzKPlviSVI-00280-00055791-00055863 even QQzKPlviSVI-00281-00055864-00056230 the word learning and training is QQzKPlviSVI-00282-00056232-00056415 so but because at the end of the day QQzKPlviSVI-00283-00056416-00056679 it's software but what is new is that QQzKPlviSVI-00284-00056679-00056942 it's being applied in richer more QQzKPlviSVI-00285-00056944-00057103 complex domains QQzKPlviSVI-00286-00057104-00057271 uh the recommendation engine used to be QQzKPlviSVI-00287-00057272-00057487 just for recommendation now we're using QQzKPlviSVI-00288-00057488-00057687 those same models and we're combining QQzKPlviSVI-00289-00057688-00057894 them and applying them to richer more QQzKPlviSVI-00290-00057895-00058215 complex domains yet ideally the software QQzKPlviSVI-00291-00058216-00058423 is not getting more difficult to use and QQzKPlviSVI-00292-00058424-00058591 i think what really makes this QQzKPlviSVI-00293-00058591-00058815 compelling as a software engineer is QQzKPlviSVI-00294-00058816-00058959 that we're doing all this more QQzKPlviSVI-00295-00058960-00059247 complexity but we're we're QQzKPlviSVI-00296-00059248-00059511 packaging it and making it simpler and i QQzKPlviSVI-00297-00059512-00059703 think that's the point of where oracle's QQzKPlviSVI-00298-00059704-00059903 going and why they don't call it ai QQzKPlviSVI-00299-00059904-00060119 right they're they're using it more kind QQzKPlviSVI-00300-00060120-00060238 of QQzKPlviSVI-00301-00060239-00060447 adaptive right because they're thinking QQzKPlviSVI-00302-00060448-00060647 of it at kind of the micro service level QQzKPlviSVI-00303-00060648-00060775 right they're thinking of like how can QQzKPlviSVI-00304-00060776-00060975 we make these widgets of functionality QQzKPlviSVI-00305-00060976-00061191 to better the tools we have right to QQzKPlviSVI-00306-00061191-00061535 incorporate it into to not make it so uh QQzKPlviSVI-00307-00061536-00061830 you know a jump forward in our tool set QQzKPlviSVI-00308-00061832-00062126 it's just now uh an augmented component QQzKPlviSVI-00309-00062127-00062263 of what we do today and it's almost a QQzKPlviSVI-00310-00062264-00062415 stack approach you've got foundational QQzKPlviSVI-00311-00062416-00062591 building blocks and at the top is highly QQzKPlviSVI-00312-00062591-00062791 high velocity highly dynamic with apps QQzKPlviSVI-00313-00062791-00062966 and you could argue we were talking that QQzKPlviSVI-00314-00062967-00063111 you know the cmo is going to be an app QQzKPlviSVI-00315-00063112-00063366 shop essentially someday but this begs QQzKPlviSVI-00316-00063367-00063542 the question and i'd like to get your QQzKPlviSVI-00317-00063544-00063694 response both of you guys to weigh in on QQzKPlviSVI-00318-00063695-00063838 this because this is kind of a question QQzKPlviSVI-00319-00063839-00064087 that i'd like to get on the record it's QQzKPlviSVI-00320-00064088-00064319 what is modern marketing these days QQzKPlviSVI-00321-00064320-00064519 define modern marketing because what QQzKPlviSVI-00322-00064520-00064694 we're getting at here is to your point QQzKPlviSVI-00323-00064695-00064838 of the evolution is we've seen this QQzKPlviSVI-00324-00064839-00064959 movie before QQzKPlviSVI-00325-00064960-00065215 okay is it a re-platforming is it a QQzKPlviSVI-00326-00065216-00065471 building block approach what is a modern QQzKPlviSVI-00327-00065472-00065623 marketer what does it modern marketing QQzKPlviSVI-00328-00065624-00065806 mean how do you execute that yeah i QQzKPlviSVI-00329-00065807-00065975 think it's quick and nimble and adaptive QQzKPlviSVI-00330-00065976-00066063 i mean QQzKPlviSVI-00331-00066064-00066279 the whole point of modern marketing is QQzKPlviSVI-00332-00066280-00066503 that you're always kind of looking at QQzKPlviSVI-00333-00066504-00066767 how you can rethink how you can optimize QQzKPlviSVI-00334-00066768-00066943 how you can leverage technology to do QQzKPlviSVI-00335-00066944-00067215 things it's not about you know QQzKPlviSVI-00336-00067216-00067519 replacing head count right uh with a QQzKPlviSVI-00337-00067520-00067806 machine or a tool or or tech it's really QQzKPlviSVI-00338-00067807-00067991 about how do you leverage that headcount QQzKPlviSVI-00339-00067992-00068231 more effectively how can you focus on QQzKPlviSVI-00340-00068232-00068423 optimization using those technologies so QQzKPlviSVI-00341-00068424-00068631 modern marketing is again probably QQzKPlviSVI-00342-00068632-00068815 another buzzword but just like modern QQzKPlviSVI-00343-00068816-00069006 sales modern commerce all of that but QQzKPlviSVI-00344-00069007-00069223 it's really about how do you enable it QQzKPlviSVI-00345-00069224-00069455 with that stack to do better so is it QQzKPlviSVI-00346-00069456-00069623 fashion or is it like hey there's a QQzKPlviSVI-00347-00069624-00069750 modern marketer over there look at what QQzKPlviSVI-00348-00069751-00069982 she's here she's wearing or is it more QQzKPlviSVI-00349-00069983-00070143 technology based that's got some QQzKPlviSVI-00350-00070144-00070294 fundamental QQzKPlviSVI-00351-00070295-00070575 foundational shifts that are being QQzKPlviSVI-00352-00070576-00070831 worked on or both uh it's it's QQzKPlviSVI-00353-00070832-00071023 leveraging technology and it's QQzKPlviSVI-00354-00071024-00071231 leveraging data more effectively and QQzKPlviSVI-00355-00071232-00071535 creatively right and it's not being QQzKPlviSVI-00356-00071536-00071855 stuck with a prescriptive approach on on QQzKPlviSVI-00357-00071856-00072038 campaign and orchestration and building QQzKPlviSVI-00358-00072039-00072191 right you know it still requires QQzKPlviSVI-00359-00072192-00072399 strategy and all of that but it's really QQzKPlviSVI-00360-00072400-00072535 how you approach it that's how you think QQzKPlviSVI-00361-00072536-00072711 this is what you're right you know i i QQzKPlviSVI-00362-00072712-00072871 that's a great question and i was that's QQzKPlviSVI-00363-00072872-00072999 why i giggled about it i think you gave QQzKPlviSVI-00364-00073000-00073199 a great answer you know it's it and and QQzKPlviSVI-00365-00073200-00073375 you know many of the precepts of the the QQzKPlviSVI-00366-00073376-00073606 three key precepts of aboriginal are uh QQzKPlviSVI-00367-00073607-00073815 iterative optimistic and empirical and QQzKPlviSVI-00368-00073816-00074047 it's nimble quick and you know you know QQzKPlviSVI-00369-00074048-00074311 you change but to me i'll i'll i'll QQzKPlviSVI-00370-00074312-00074471 answer the question this way QQzKPlviSVI-00371-00074472-00074679 modern marketing focuses on delivering QQzKPlviSVI-00372-00074680-00074838 value QQzKPlviSVI-00373-00074839-00075062 as opposed to the customer to the QQzKPlviSVI-00374-00075063-00075223 customer not QQzKPlviSVI-00375-00075224-00075471 back into the business now it used to be QQzKPlviSVI-00376-00075472-00075687 that you would deliver into the business QQzKPlviSVI-00377-00075688-00075806 you'd say oh we give you a whole bunch QQzKPlviSVI-00378-00075807-00075919 of new leads we give you a whole bunch QQzKPlviSVI-00379-00075920-00076111 of this and if along the way it created QQzKPlviSVI-00380-00076112-00076294 value for the customer that's okay but QQzKPlviSVI-00381-00076295-00076494 more often than not it was annoying and QQzKPlviSVI-00382-00076495-00076679 as customers can share their experience QQzKPlviSVI-00383-00076680-00076959 and share information about how they QQzKPlviSVI-00384-00076960-00077182 how a brand engaged them that gets QQzKPlviSVI-00385-00077183-00077462 amplified annoying gets amplified and i QQzKPlviSVI-00386-00077463-00077662 think if you focus on are you creating QQzKPlviSVI-00387-00077663-00077862 value for the customer you also end up QQzKPlviSVI-00388-00077863-00078031 with the derivative QQzKPlviSVI-00389-00078032-00078262 uh element that you're accelerating QQzKPlviSVI-00390-00078263-00078447 leads you're you're you have more QQzKPlviSVI-00391-00078448-00078575 visibility to where they are in the QQzKPlviSVI-00392-00078576-00078703 process and where they are in the QQzKPlviSVI-00393-00078704-00078894 journey so i guess way i'd answer it QQzKPlviSVI-00394-00078895-00079150 it's not distinct from yours but the QQzKPlviSVI-00395-00079151-00079415 idea of modern marketing focuses on QQzKPlviSVI-00396-00079416-00079599 creating value for the customer and the QQzKPlviSVI-00397-00079600-00079750 only way you consistently do that is by QQzKPlviSVI-00398-00079751-00080079 being nimble and blah blah blah yeah i i QQzKPlviSVI-00399-00080080-00080326 agree in in the same thing though that a QQzKPlviSVI-00400-00080327-00080462 core tenant if you will of modern QQzKPlviSVI-00401-00080463-00080671 marketing is not only absolutely it is QQzKPlviSVI-00402-00080672-00080919 the value proposition it's also making QQzKPlviSVI-00403-00080920-00081167 sure you understand the impact of the QQzKPlviSVI-00404-00081168-00081350 value proposition right the velocity of QQzKPlviSVI-00405-00081351-00081559 the pipeline the impact on revenue all QQzKPlviSVI-00406-00081560-00081775 of those things right and because if you QQzKPlviSVI-00407-00081776-00081975 if if you're just you know QQzKPlviSVI-00408-00081976-00082071 uh QQzKPlviSVI-00409-00082072-00082271 if it's all about that value which it QQzKPlviSVI-00410-00082272-00082399 has to be right from a customer's QQzKPlviSVI-00411-00082400-00082591 perspective but you're not doing all of QQzKPlviSVI-00412-00082592-00082750 the other pieces you're not going to QQzKPlviSVI-00413-00082751-00082887 justify the spend you're not going to QQzKPlviSVI-00414-00082888-00083031 get you know all over let me see if i QQzKPlviSVI-00415-00083032-00083143 can thread the two points together QQzKPlviSVI-00416-00083144-00083375 because what i'm seeing by listening is QQzKPlviSVI-00417-00083376-00083599 you mentioned that QQzKPlviSVI-00418-00083600-00083759 the main thing in my mind was the data QQzKPlviSVI-00419-00083760-00083911 that's different right you're saying QQzKPlviSVI-00420-00083912-00084047 okay think differently talk to the QQzKPlviSVI-00421-00084048-00084287 customer and the value to the enterprise QQzKPlviSVI-00422-00084288-00084511 value is being created through through a QQzKPlviSVI-00423-00084512-00084671 different mechanism versus just serving QQzKPlviSVI-00424-00084672-00084831 it really not really the fundamental QQzKPlviSVI-00425-00084832-00084999 focus historically of marketing has been QQzKPlviSVI-00426-00085000-00085126 what are we doing for the business what QQzKPlviSVI-00427-00085127-00085406 are we doing for sales what do we do mql QQzKPlviSVI-00428-00085407-00085679 yeah now if we focus on uh now if you QQzKPlviSVI-00429-00085680-00085831 say well no we have to create value for QQzKPlviSVI-00430-00085832-00086006 the customer in everything we do QQzKPlviSVI-00431-00086007-00086199 then we get permission to do things QQzKPlviSVI-00432-00086200-00086399 differently we get more data out of the QQzKPlviSVI-00433-00086400-00086606 customer because the trust is there uh QQzKPlviSVI-00434-00086607-00086806 the customer is ten we are QQzKPlviSVI-00435-00086807-00086999 we're allowed to bias the customer to QQzKPlviSVI-00436-00087000-00087182 the next best so i'm trying to i'm QQzKPlviSVI-00437-00087183-00087391 trying to answer my question so i i i QQzKPlviSVI-00438-00087392-00087711 see that your point my point is this QQzKPlviSVI-00439-00087712-00088006 the modern marketer is defined by doing QQzKPlviSVI-00440-00088007-00088191 it the business practices a little bit QQzKPlviSVI-00441-00088192-00088423 differently to achieve the same thing by QQzKPlviSVI-00442-00088424-00088606 focusing on creating value they have to QQzKPlviSVI-00443-00088607-00088806 do things differently and now they can i QQzKPlviSVI-00444-00088807-00088967 mean we saw time warner they did they QQzKPlviSVI-00445-00088968-00089191 weren't using data prior right that's a QQzKPlviSVI-00446-00089192-00089359 little different right if you go outward QQzKPlviSVI-00447-00089360-00089615 to go in to great value while doing the QQzKPlviSVI-00448-00089616-00089815 table stick stuff it's changing QQzKPlviSVI-00449-00089816-00090015 strategically thinking different of how QQzKPlviSVI-00450-00090016-00090167 you do it right creating that value QQzKPlviSVI-00451-00090168-00090375 proposition is very different and also QQzKPlviSVI-00452-00090376-00090582 being able to measure and optimize are QQzKPlviSVI-00453-00090583-00090759 you doing it correctly is it having QQzKPlviSVI-00454-00090760-00090950 impact on the business right QQzKPlviSVI-00455-00090951-00091111 most of my customers are not not for QQzKPlviSVI-00456-00091112-00091318 profits right they actually have to show QQzKPlviSVI-00457-00091319-00091550 the final line right and an impact so QQzKPlviSVI-00458-00091551-00091823 and and all of that requires data yeah QQzKPlviSVI-00459-00091824-00092023 and the speed and velocity in which we QQzKPlviSVI-00460-00092024-00092215 have to run requires tech and they have QQzKPlviSVI-00461-00092216-00092367 they got gestures in the market with QQzKPlviSVI-00462-00092368-00092559 customers they have that touch point QQzKPlviSVI-00463-00092560-00092694 right they can leverage that here's what QQzKPlviSVI-00464-00092695-00092967 i think we agree modern marketing is not QQzKPlviSVI-00465-00092968-00093175 speeding up and increasing the rate and QQzKPlviSVI-00466-00093176-00093423 lowering the cost of doing bad marketing QQzKPlviSVI-00467-00093424-00093726 no no i mean that that's kind of exactly QQzKPlviSVI-00468-00093727-00093855 his point QQzKPlviSVI-00469-00093856-00093943 right QQzKPlviSVI-00470-00093944-00094103 you can spend a lot of money to do bad QQzKPlviSVI-00471-00094104-00094262 marketing that's that's you know let's QQzKPlviSVI-00472-00094263-00094511 double down on our bad marketing exactly QQzKPlviSVI-00473-00094512-00094679 ron thanks so much uh for coming on QQzKPlviSVI-00474-00094680-00094806 thecube again thanks for sharing the QQzKPlviSVI-00475-00094807-00094950 insight it's always a pleasure to get QQzKPlviSVI-00476-00094951-00095167 down and dirty and and peel back the QQzKPlviSVI-00477-00095168-00095343 onion on some of these things final QQzKPlviSVI-00478-00095344-00095511 question for you what do you expect for QQzKPlviSVI-00479-00095512-00095767 the evolution for this next year oh man QQzKPlviSVI-00480-00095768-00095926 i think ai is going to be with us for a QQzKPlviSVI-00481-00095927-00096087 while you know just because it's the new QQzKPlviSVI-00482-00096088-00096255 buzzword so we've got a couple cycles on QQzKPlviSVI-00483-00096256-00096423 that we've got it reminds me of web 2.0 QQzKPlviSVI-00484-00096424-00096638 what is it well and then that lasted for QQzKPlviSVI-00485-00096639-00096799 a few years as well i think over the QQzKPlviSVI-00486-00096800-00096926 next year or so we're actually going to QQzKPlviSVI-00487-00096927-00097143 see the benefits of that augmentation QQzKPlviSVI-00488-00097144-00097247 right we're going to actually see some QQzKPlviSVI-00489-00097248-00097399 of these micro services if you will QQzKPlviSVI-00490-00097400-00097615 start fueling some of the tools that we QQzKPlviSVI-00491-00097616-00097750 already have QQzKPlviSVI-00492-00097751-00097894 you're also going to see kind of that QQzKPlviSVI-00493-00097895-00098135 further collision of ad tech and martech QQzKPlviSVI-00494-00098136-00098287 right because everything's digital and QQzKPlviSVI-00495-00098288-00098494 and the impact of what that means for us QQzKPlviSVI-00496-00098495-00098623 as marketers i can't wait for the QQzKPlviSVI-00497-00098624-00098823 hashtag marketingnative because QQzKPlviSVI-00498-00098824-00099015 cloudnative is coming and that someone's QQzKPlviSVI-00499-00099016-00099215 going to make it up i hope not that you QQzKPlviSVI-00500-00099216-00099382 did you just did okay you're marketing QQzKPlviSVI-00501-00099383-00099471 native QQzKPlviSVI-00502-00099472-00099606 what does that mean well we'll do a QQzKPlviSVI-00503-00099607-00099782 whole segment on that we'll get ronnie QQzKPlviSVI-00504-00099783-00099894 hey thanks for coming on thecube great QQzKPlviSVI-00505-00099895-00100071 to see you uh i'm john furrier peter QQzKPlviSVI-00506-00100072-00100191 burris here inside the cube getting all QQzKPlviSVI-00507-00100192-00100350 the action extracting the data and QQzKPlviSVI-00508-00100351-00100526 sharing it with you ron thanks to ron QQzKPlviSVI-00509-00100527-00100735 for coming on again twice in a row uh QQzKPlviSVI-00510-00100736-00100862 two years in a row this is thecube we'll QQzKPlviSVI-00511-00100863-00101642 be back with more after this short break QQzKPlviSVI-00512-00101643-00101879 [Music] QQzKPlviSVI-00513-00101880-00102062 robert hershevich people obviously know QQzKPlviSVI-00514-00102063-00102262 you from shark tank but the herchevec QQzKPlviSVI-00515-00102263-00102454 group has been really laser focused on QQzKPlviSVI-00516-00102455-00102678 cyber security so i actually helped to QQzKPlviSVI-00517-00102679-00102878 bring a product called checkpoint to QQzKPlviSVI-00518-00102879-00103190 canada firewalls url filtering that kind QQzKPlviSVI-00519-00103191-00103351 of stuff but you're also an entrepreneur QQzKPlviSVI-00520-00103352-00103471 right and you know the business you've QQzKPlviSVI-00521-00103472-00103654 been in software you detect business and QQzKPlviSVI-00522-00103655-00103823 i'm on saying you get a lot of pitches QQzKPlviSVI-00523-00103824-00104023 as entertainment meets business on our QQzKPlviSVI-00524-00104024-00104239 show we're a bubble we don't do a lot of QQzKPlviSVI-00525-00104240-00104464 tech QT9VTsxmkBQ-00000-00000036-00000250 good afternoon Spencer I'll be the Inger QT9VTsxmkBQ-00001-00000252-00000532 sir good thanks a bit south on the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00002-00000533-00000647 approach I think house we've been safe QT9VTsxmkBQ-00003-00000648-00000998 bodied so far so good feeling really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00004-00000999-00001340 good today so also which job T was it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00005-00001341-00001702 chilling relaxing or you fun Sunday was QT9VTsxmkBQ-00006-00001703-00001895 complete chill they spent a lot of the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00007-00001896-00002057 day outside and just kind of took a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00008-00002058-00002315 break from all my tack right entirely QT9VTsxmkBQ-00009-00002316-00002485 and then yeah Saturday was a good work QT9VTsxmkBQ-00010-00002486-00002668 day so I love those days either like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00011-00002669-00002825 fully grounded in that respect in a way QT9VTsxmkBQ-00012-00002826-00003317 like causing chaos in regards to last QT9VTsxmkBQ-00013-00003318-00003454 because of such first and foremost from QT9VTsxmkBQ-00014-00003456-00003647 me three hi last week and regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00015-00003647-00003788 performance we can henry ford from there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00016-00003789-00004151 my friend let's do it - cool last week QT9VTsxmkBQ-00017-00004152-00004427 let me just I don't want to speak out of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00018-00004428-00004577 context here so let me just back it up QT9VTsxmkBQ-00019-00004578-00004730 with I catch like how you worried by the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00020-00004731-00005444 way that's very cool yeah sure yeah one QT9VTsxmkBQ-00021-00005445-00005624 sec it's just easier for me to pull it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00022-00005625-00006062 up on my end as well yeah last week oh QT9VTsxmkBQ-00023-00006063-00006365 so so basically the past kind of seven QT9VTsxmkBQ-00024-00006366-00006609 eight days I've been doing a lot of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00025-00006611-00006928 testing with just kind of various items QT9VTsxmkBQ-00026-00006929-00007253 sleep times but what ended up happening QT9VTsxmkBQ-00027-00007254-00007586 as you can see on Thursday the 17th and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00028-00007587-00007873 Friday the 18th like ii am asleep time QT9VTsxmkBQ-00029-00007875-00008087 that right here i couldn't fall asleep QT9VTsxmkBQ-00030-00008088-00008276 to save my life and i don't know what it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00031-00008277-00008414 was and so that that's what caused me to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00032-00008415-00008711 wake up at 11:20 but here might i just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00033-00008712-00008852 laid in bed tossing and turning tossing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00034-00008853-00009248 and turning and so last night I finally QT9VTsxmkBQ-00035-00009249-00009398 go I know this isn't last week but QT9VTsxmkBQ-00036-00009399-00009650 obviously last night I finally got for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00037-00009651-00009878 around 43 minutes of REM and I think QT9VTsxmkBQ-00038-00009879-00010148 it's because I took zma which really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00039-00010149-00010436 helped and so that allowed me to just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00040-00010437-00010625 stick you know with now my consistent QT9VTsxmkBQ-00041-00010626-00010880 hopefully 11 asleep eight awake and I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00042-00010881-00011039 can just stay consistent like this from QT9VTsxmkBQ-00043-00011040-00011303 from here on out and finally started QT9VTsxmkBQ-00044-00011304-00011486 showing the shows it's interesting QT9VTsxmkBQ-00045-00011487-00011614 seeing even on this like for example QT9VTsxmkBQ-00046-00011615-00011819 with the bed was more towards at 10:30 QT9VTsxmkBQ-00047-00011820-00012137 or your latest user 20 my miss which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00048-00012138-00012278 fairly high and then oxy as you see down QT9VTsxmkBQ-00049-00012279-00012461 this night in particular for example 17 QT9VTsxmkBQ-00050-00012462-00012620 to 8 times more towards the three-hour QT9VTsxmkBQ-00051-00012621-00012860 bracket which is way too high way way QT9VTsxmkBQ-00052-00012861-00013052 too high I'm soaking up respect there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00053-00013053-00013202 what I don't i developing for yourself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00054-00013203-00013352 is your supplementation protocol sony QT9VTsxmkBQ-00055-00013353-00013403 sent through QT9VTsxmkBQ-00056-00013404-00013594 preparation of that today and we might QT9VTsxmkBQ-00057-00013595-00013753 suppose a slightly different one and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00058-00013754-00013906 we'll add simply obviously look yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00059-00013907-00014134 I'll add some of yours I just wrote down QT9VTsxmkBQ-00060-00014135-00014350 everything that you guys put on yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00061-00014351-00014480 that's awesome so we're actually working QT9VTsxmkBQ-00062-00014481-00014708 together and today this evening and also QT9VTsxmkBQ-00063-00014709-00014800 tomorrow morning in regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00064-00014801-00014941 developing the new protocol for yourself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00065-00014943-00015028 so you don't worry about that too much QT9VTsxmkBQ-00066-00015029-00015233 for now I'm interested in regards to Zed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00067-00015234-00015383 it may inspect things I think that could QT9VTsxmkBQ-00068-00015384-00015556 be of hugely beneficial for yourself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00069-00015557-00015766 obviously incorporating your CV D as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00070-00015768-00015928 well be very important to you as opposed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00071-00015929-00016349 to CVD yet CBD comes in today fuel comes QT9VTsxmkBQ-00072-00016350-00016414 in today QT9VTsxmkBQ-00073-00016415-00016652 and then I'll go through supplements QT9VTsxmkBQ-00074-00016653-00016796 later but a lot of stuff comes in today QT9VTsxmkBQ-00075-00016797-00017044 so yeah I mean in regards to wait time QT9VTsxmkBQ-00076-00017045-00017147 and your response in that with that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00077-00017148-00017252 respected that would obviously QT9VTsxmkBQ-00078-00017253-00017411 depreciate very quickly when you have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00079-00017412-00017647 incorporated something like CBD that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00080-00017648-00017825 made a space of research papers evident QT9VTsxmkBQ-00081-00017826-00017986 across every spectrum it's not like an QT9VTsxmkBQ-00082-00017987-00018167 individual response it's just a mass QT9VTsxmkBQ-00083-00018168-00018350 response so that'd be really interesting QT9VTsxmkBQ-00084-00018351-00018511 to see obviously that point there you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00085-00018512-00018655 can see you deepen your brand this one QT9VTsxmkBQ-00086-00018656-00018797 attained to degree we would like by any QT9VTsxmkBQ-00087-00018798-00018961 means so it's case then further improved QT9VTsxmkBQ-00088-00018962-00019162 aspect things I'm in regards to a daily QT9VTsxmkBQ-00089-00019163-00019349 routine so you said there you'll see QT9VTsxmkBQ-00090-00019350-00019517 starts and end times and more consistent QT9VTsxmkBQ-00091-00019518-00019730 now not equal I kind of like this to be QT9VTsxmkBQ-00092-00019731-00019958 good down a little sorry interrupt if QT9VTsxmkBQ-00093-00019959-00020092 you go down a little bit on this page QT9VTsxmkBQ-00094-00020093-00020339 this is right there so if you can scroll QT9VTsxmkBQ-00095-00020340-00020627 down past the where the blue is yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00096-00020628-00020861 that's kind of my set morning routine as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00097-00020862-00021080 simple as I can make it and my set kind QT9VTsxmkBQ-00098-00021081-00021205 of what I have to do during the day and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00099-00021206-00021446 then my set night routine and that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00100-00021447-00021764 working really well right now because QT9VTsxmkBQ-00101-00021765-00022130 we're deeply decision yeah that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00102-00022131-00022168 awesome QT9VTsxmkBQ-00103-00022169-00022468 I don't usually when I might even remove QT9VTsxmkBQ-00104-00022469-00022675 if the alchemy of cell to maximize QT9VTsxmkBQ-00105-00022676-00023108 okay I've recorded them and was less QT9VTsxmkBQ-00106-00023109-00023347 than bones but awesome I was going to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00107-00023348-00023474 say if this is a case like analyzing a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00108-00023475-00023668 document and ask for different education QT9VTsxmkBQ-00109-00023669-00023908 like an audio then that's cool and yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00110-00023909-00024005 and then from there what rules can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00111-00024006-00024121 incorporate and Alex Knights crossing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00112-00024122-00024250 swab particular with yourself is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00113-00024251-00024412 removing any frequency does four days QT9VTsxmkBQ-00114-00024413-00024692 per week moving forward I'm just calling QT9VTsxmkBQ-00115-00024693-00024800 to see how you respond to that regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00116-00024801-00024980 to HIV metrics team because that Easter QT9VTsxmkBQ-00117-00024981-00025178 and other ways it's funny consistent QT9VTsxmkBQ-00118-00025179-00025364 which is great dude I mean that respect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00119-00025365-00025534 even though you sleep almost the metrics QT9VTsxmkBQ-00120-00025535-00025720 on what we'd like them to be your HIV is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00121-00025722-00025999 really pretty kid which is awesome so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00122-00026000-00026131 from my perspective there we don't need QT9VTsxmkBQ-00123-00026132-00026290 to necessarily be aware of that too much QT9VTsxmkBQ-00124-00026291-00026414 like I mean you've had a meditation QT9VTsxmkBQ-00125-00026414-00026645 coach pretty speaking regard some QT9VTsxmkBQ-00126-00026645-00026787 mitigate some stressful facts which QT9VTsxmkBQ-00127-00026788-00026925 you're mighty very good that's that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00128-00026926-00027186 perfect we really focused on our key QT9VTsxmkBQ-00129-00027187-00027339 metrics to observe this is your REM your QT9VTsxmkBQ-00130-00027339-00027480 deep sleep and then to their wait time QT9VTsxmkBQ-00131-00027481-00027752 so looking at primaries here these three QT9VTsxmkBQ-00132-00027754-00027948 metrics obviously the full metric story QT9VTsxmkBQ-00133-00027949-00028202 and this ignore sly sleep for now and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00134-00028204-00028266 all that now QT9VTsxmkBQ-00135-00028267-00028404 and they say inconsistently asleep QT9VTsxmkBQ-00136-00028405-00028599 starts and end times so I'm glad you put QT9VTsxmkBQ-00137-00028600-00028779 your seat end times eight o'clock again QT9VTsxmkBQ-00138-00028780-00028962 that's thinking positive not respected QT9VTsxmkBQ-00139-00028963-00029082 me she'll see how about them performs in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00140-00029083-00029195 regard still obviously then your QT9VTsxmkBQ-00141-00029197-00029391 acquisition of REM even on this night QT9VTsxmkBQ-00142-00029392-00029643 for example like Tuesday EC had 43 QT9VTsxmkBQ-00143-00029644-00029844 minutes of REM sleep which trauma season QT9VTsxmkBQ-00144-00029845-00030351 last known yeah change that you made it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00145-00030352-00030486 could be interesting seeing regards that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00146-00030487-00030756 response obviously this is he awake QT9VTsxmkBQ-00147-00030757-00030936 times two hours eight minutes so we have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00148-00030937-00031098 to be aware of that of the week and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00149-00031099-00031358 also as we go through that process as I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00150-00031360-00031518 said in regards to immediate actual QT9VTsxmkBQ-00151-00031519-00031677 items Alex and I entrance itself your QT9VTsxmkBQ-00152-00031677-00031860 supplementation protocol and their QT9VTsxmkBQ-00153-00031861-00032001 regards to REM and DBC we're already QT9VTsxmkBQ-00154-00032002-00032189 looking to further improve that and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00155-00032191-00032339 as I said then reducing training QT9VTsxmkBQ-00156-00032341-00032502 frequency down right or maybe even four QT9VTsxmkBQ-00157-00032502-00032643 days per week as opposed to anything too QT9VTsxmkBQ-00158-00032644-00032829 high an aspect we talked about our last QT9VTsxmkBQ-00159-00032830-00033033 week as well that sounds like plans so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00160-00033034-00033177 in regards to your weigh-ins have you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00161-00033178-00033354 updated everything from Hicks's look QT9VTsxmkBQ-00162-00033355-00033486 what you have at the taking these QT9VTsxmkBQ-00163-00033487-00033849 weigh-ins at this point no so I was a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00164-00033850-00033972 little bit mistake and I initially QT9VTsxmkBQ-00165-00033973-00034167 thought that when you highlighted in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00166-00034168-00034410 dark gray that those are the days that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00167-00034411-00034644 you wanted way s and there was another QT9VTsxmkBQ-00168-00034645-00034773 question I was going to ask is when QT9VTsxmkBQ-00169-00034774-00034965 should I be weighing myself first thing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00170-00034966-00035139 in the morning is that the optimal time QT9VTsxmkBQ-00171-00035140-00035481 to yeah yeah absolutely so in on fed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00172-00035482-00035772 States yeah absolutely so it is you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00173-00035773-00035895 would give every variable the same so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00174-00035896-00036003 from there without having used the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00175-00036004-00036114 toilet at that point there although I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00176-00036115-00036297 haven't seen any water in Mycoskie the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00177-00036298-00036465 variables exactly the same some see they QT9VTsxmkBQ-00178-00036466-00036612 they can then be integrated fluctuation QT9VTsxmkBQ-00179-00036613-00036729 all they can then carry through your QT9VTsxmkBQ-00180-00036730-00036903 fluctuation that being said see I've QT9VTsxmkBQ-00181-00036904-00037020 started that makes perfect sense in that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00182-00037021-00037161 respect there also if you just make sure QT9VTsxmkBQ-00183-00037162-00037305 that in these columns here and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00184-00037306-00037410 presumably if you've incorporated QT9VTsxmkBQ-00185-00037411-00037536 intermittent fasting which how many QT9VTsxmkBQ-00186-00037537-00037665 habits but yes like that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00187-00037666-00037842 very very simple okay so we're aware of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00188-00037843-00037974 it regard stove so you can assess that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00189-00037975-00038108 from an outcome perspective QT9VTsxmkBQ-00190-00038109-00038301 outputs it can really heighten which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00191-00038302-00038496 great so he's going to keep that up to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00192-00038497-00038727 not up to scratch I'm gonna be stats QT9VTsxmkBQ-00193-00038728-00038799 from that and they're moving forward QT9VTsxmkBQ-00194-00038800-00038853 from there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00195-00038854-00039036 and they're also regards to updates QT9VTsxmkBQ-00196-00039037-00039150 about a few things update you once so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00197-00039151-00039333 Alex can we send you to loons as opposed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00198-00039334-00039507 to feedback in text I find it more QT9VTsxmkBQ-00199-00039508-00039756 engaging we work with and also you guys QT9VTsxmkBQ-00200-00039757-00039954 can watch on the moon for example so you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00201-00039955-00040129 say to relieve on both Mondays and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00202-00040130-00040285 I'm saying through my limbs on QT9VTsxmkBQ-00203-00040286-00040516 Wednesdays to regards to full up content QT9VTsxmkBQ-00204-00040517-00040717 from our calls and that also you guys QT9VTsxmkBQ-00205-00040718-00040858 the only access to my course this week QT9VTsxmkBQ-00206-00040859-00040990 as well so I've been working that hole QT9VTsxmkBQ-00207-00040991-00041185 in the back and behind the scenes and as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00208-00041186-00041269 well as like a lack of engagement QT9VTsxmkBQ-00209-00041270-00041503 slicer/dicer cork and anthony and suss QT9VTsxmkBQ-00210-00041504-00041734 ones work on chunking I'm so I'm have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00211-00041735-00041866 that really ready instead for you guys QT9VTsxmkBQ-00212-00041867-00042016 Osby trip being that module one module QT9VTsxmkBQ-00213-00042017-00042199 so that would be released on Friday I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00214-00042200-00042367 believe is the plan with that being said QT9VTsxmkBQ-00215-00042368-00042484 I don't essentially come up to London QT9VTsxmkBQ-00216-00042485-00042706 say need to do that so yeah be super QT9VTsxmkBQ-00217-00042707-00042823 excited for that so you guys are back QT9VTsxmkBQ-00218-00042824-00042961 cess to that it's not like a course QT9VTsxmkBQ-00219-00042962-00043087 launch nothing like that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00220-00043088-00043312 it's case of I'm as a resource for the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00221-00043313-00043486 clients we work with so it's not like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00222-00043487-00043633 for example like the emails course he QT9VTsxmkBQ-00223-00043634-00043849 releases like big new products intention QT9VTsxmkBQ-00224-00043850-00044020 the intention is to have as a resource QT9VTsxmkBQ-00225-00044021-00044227 behind our consulting looks y'all cause QT9VTsxmkBQ-00226-00044228-00044395 an accountability so that being really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00227-00044396-00044524 important so you guys can go through to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00228-00044525-00044728 example like okay I see what this needs QT9VTsxmkBQ-00229-00044729-00044887 to then I need to then change or front QT9VTsxmkBQ-00230-00044888-00045025 improve I can then highlight as a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00231-00045026-00045163 resource and we go from there with that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00232-00045164-00045400 big set and so the key of that is that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00233-00045401-00045553 we're gonna help a specific area Steve QT9VTsxmkBQ-00234-00045554-00045748 eyes focus on its individuals and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00235-00045749-00045871 to make sure you aware of that should go QT9VTsxmkBQ-00236-00045872-00046009 for that resource specifically as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00237-00046010-00046195 opposed to for example running through QT9VTsxmkBQ-00238-00046196-00046324 something in the course which isn't so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00239-00046325-00046465 applicable to sell for that time period QT9VTsxmkBQ-00240-00046466-00046717 30 cents QT9VTsxmkBQ-00241-00046718-00046936 yeah okay pocket a good man so from Emma QT9VTsxmkBQ-00242-00046937-00047101 Gossett for the bonobos nutrition aspect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00243-00047102-00047224 things how we're looking the stove are QT9VTsxmkBQ-00244-00047225-00047347 we feeling in that respect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00245-00047348-00047494 obviously regards to increasing food QT9VTsxmkBQ-00246-00047495-00047683 how's that looking for you also get some QT9VTsxmkBQ-00247-00047684-00048246 water yes so yeah if you're working QT9VTsxmkBQ-00248-00048247-00048832 solute yeah okay okay yeah as far as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00249-00048833-00049078 Dino stuff goes really enjoying the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00250-00049079-00049281 bulletproof coffee in the morning and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00251-00049282-00049587 they just I mean I only fill it up QT9VTsxmkBQ-00252-00049588-00049912 halfway maybe the full smoke and that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00253-00049913-00050125 all I I don't really have two three four QT9VTsxmkBQ-00254-00050126-00050392 cups that's yeah right till one to know QT9VTsxmkBQ-00255-00050393-00050614 one so as far as the fasting at that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00256-00050615-00051055 how to nail that's not hard it's getting QT9VTsxmkBQ-00257-00051056-00051283 in the adequate calories before kind of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00258-00051284-00051622 eight nine pm and so that when I go to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00259-00051623-00051745 sleep my body's not thinking about QT9VTsxmkBQ-00260-00051746-00051961 digesting and I feel a little bit you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00261-00051962-00052126 know sick in my stomach because it's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00262-00052127-00052396 just digesting food and so packing in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00263-00052397-00052636 calories because finding out my way in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00264-00052637-00052846 this morning when I weighed in first QT9VTsxmkBQ-00265-00052847-00053137 thing when I woke up was 161 pounds so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00266-00053138-00053308 that's nine ounce or eight pounds off QT9VTsxmkBQ-00267-00053309-00053385 what QT9VTsxmkBQ-00268-00053386-00053531 was a few days ago and I definitely QT9VTsxmkBQ-00269-00053532-00053703 think that's water weight and so since QT9VTsxmkBQ-00270-00053704-00053985 I'm wanting to gain mass right now I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00271-00053986-00054191 think and slowly obviously I'm not QT9VTsxmkBQ-00272-00054192-00054350 looking to you know bro split put on QT9VTsxmkBQ-00273-00054351-00054741 thirty pounds overnight but still yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00274-00054741-00054932 just looking to let makes low strength QT9VTsxmkBQ-00275-00054933-00055263 and weight gains while maintaining QT9VTsxmkBQ-00276-00055264-00055550 intermittent fasting and I'm playing the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00277-00055551-00055722 meals instead of just shoving in food QT9VTsxmkBQ-00278-00055723-00056066 and so that's kind of but but it is has QT9VTsxmkBQ-00279-00056067-00056330 been going well okay for naps like there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00280-00056332-00056510 is to make sure you weigh ins increasing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00281-00056511-00056736 that buttocks Nikki objected there is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00282-00056737-00056916 without compromising your workflow now QT9VTsxmkBQ-00283-00056916-00057123 that being said T is being aware of that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00284-00057124-00057321 in regards to see incorporates something QT9VTsxmkBQ-00285-00057322-00057444 like you'll that be hugely beneficial QT9VTsxmkBQ-00286-00057445-00057609 because I mean it's 500 calories just in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00287-00057610-00057804 a shake alone from a really great source QT9VTsxmkBQ-00288-00057804-00057924 so that point that regards to having QT9VTsxmkBQ-00289-00057925-00058055 that in the evening boots on port is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00290-00058057-00058329 very easy to sip on that evening or for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00291-00058329-00058532 nursing be just religious I get at that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00292-00058533-00058688 point there in regards that feed source QT9VTsxmkBQ-00293-00058689-00058832 from a digestive perspective it's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00294-00058833-00059063 awesome it's very very easy to I'm hence QT9VTsxmkBQ-00295-00059064-00059184 why I suggest at all clients we work QT9VTsxmkBQ-00296-00059185-00059375 with especially something too difficult QT9VTsxmkBQ-00297-00059376-00059559 by any means and that make perfect sense QT9VTsxmkBQ-00298-00059560-00059703 to you reversed in those calories in as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00299-00059704-00059888 well so that's awesome I just have to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00300-00059889-00059981 keep going upstate in regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00301-00059982-00060107 weigh-ins and fluctuations that being QT9VTsxmkBQ-00302-00060108-00060297 said to and then from there obviously QT9VTsxmkBQ-00303-00060298-00060392 we're sending through we're sending to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00304-00060394-00060540 repair a few resources for you guys to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00305-00060541-00060750 be to essentially make sure everything's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00306-00060751-00060875 updated so that decrease we've been QT9VTsxmkBQ-00307-00060876-00061011 working on that behind at ease to so I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00308-00061012-00061215 said compensation will die bit more QT9VTsxmkBQ-00309-00061216-00061371 specifically in regards to the nutrition QT9VTsxmkBQ-00310-00061372-00061611 aspect things too but the most important QT9VTsxmkBQ-00311-00061612-00061704 thing is I just want to make sure that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00312-00061704-00061826 we see your weight fluctuates and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00313-00061827-00062022 positive manner as opposed to anything QT9VTsxmkBQ-00314-00062023-00062213 else from expected there in regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00315-00062214-00062351 meditation how he's hitting the sparks QT9VTsxmkBQ-00316-00062352-00062513 of seat there's a degree of a couple QT9VTsxmkBQ-00317-00062514-00062649 days where it's like okay not quite QT9VTsxmkBQ-00318-00062650-00062807 there I'm how he'd feeling it at the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00319-00062808-00063029 time being yourself yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00320-00063030-00063378 right now I have changed meditation to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00321-00063379-00063741 right after I had my first meal I find QT9VTsxmkBQ-00322-00063741-00063972 right after I have that first meal like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00323-00063973-00064079 right in the morning as soon as I wake QT9VTsxmkBQ-00324-00064080-00064323 up I focus on work my morning routine I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00325-00064324-00064394 don't really want to think about QT9VTsxmkBQ-00326-00064395-00064590 meditation and quieting down I want to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00327-00064591-00064812 think about kind of okay let's go work QT9VTsxmkBQ-00328-00064813-00065144 reptile yeah and so right after my first QT9VTsxmkBQ-00329-00065145-00065316 meal I find it's way easier and so that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00330-00065316-00065550 zero was a day that I just I guess I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00331-00065551-00065732 just didn't met today and I find it a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00332-00065733-00065967 lot easier to sit down meditate after I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00333-00065968-00066087 feel a little bit sluggish after I've QT9VTsxmkBQ-00334-00066088-00066380 had some food and then I just that I use QT9VTsxmkBQ-00335-00066381-00066593 that meditation as kind of a focus into QT9VTsxmkBQ-00336-00066594-00066741 my next work block and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00337-00066742-00067011 get right into it okay also do you get QT9VTsxmkBQ-00338-00067012-00067143 mad I mean it's interesting in terms QT9VTsxmkBQ-00339-00067144-00067248 your response from that I personally QT9VTsxmkBQ-00340-00067249-00067392 find laughter meditate first thing in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00341-00067393-00067572 the morning in regards to from a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00342-00067573-00067680 cognitive perspective I pride myself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00343-00067681-00067845 being a little bit too amped in regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00344-00067846-00068064 to day ahead so from there regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00345-00068065-00068187 the thought processes and things I need QT9VTsxmkBQ-00346-00068188-00068448 to be taken care of and more clarity I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00347-00068449-00068583 tend to approach that I can what QT9VTsxmkBQ-00348-00068584-00068745 energetic standpoint so I want to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00349-00068746-00068937 meditate prior to that point I find that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00350-00068938-00069078 more beneficial but from you that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00351-00069079-00069207 awesome and I'm really glad you aware of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00352-00069208-00069327 that which is which is key to an QT9VTsxmkBQ-00353-00069328-00069531 expected there I'm so obviously we're QT9VTsxmkBQ-00354-00069532-00069672 looking just a really realized QT9VTsxmkBQ-00355-00069673-00069807 everything in terms of make sure that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00356-00069808-00070008 our wait time is depreciated I remember QT9VTsxmkBQ-00357-00070009-00070140 times accelerating them to their deep QT9VTsxmkBQ-00358-00070141-00070353 time to the Sun being something a lot so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00359-00070354-00070551 difficult yourself up to you obtaining QT9VTsxmkBQ-00360-00070552-00070695 more towards that 20% bracket which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00361-00070696-00070830 great we're looking really to push that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00362-00070831-00071064 more towards maybe 25 in the future QT9VTsxmkBQ-00363-00071065-00071268 would be to do different key at that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00364-00071269-00071412 point in regards to what our key focuses QT9VTsxmkBQ-00365-00071413-00071616 are I'll keep those as your brand metric QT9VTsxmkBQ-00366-00071617-00071814 and then lt8 the earth looking to then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00367-00071815-00071973 reduce your light time at that point to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00368-00071974-00072207 I think I'm gonna message from Dan bast QT9VTsxmkBQ-00369-00072208-00072411 one of our clients as wait this alone QT9VTsxmkBQ-00370-00072412-00072612 I'm pretty sure his metrics were pretty QT9VTsxmkBQ-00371-00072613-00072837 phenomenal today and again he was QT9VTsxmkBQ-00372-00072838-00073083 somebody else reacting okay whopping at QT9VTsxmkBQ-00373-00073084-00073302 21% and bream and 24% deep sleep last QT9VTsxmkBQ-00374-00073303-00073593 night so I mean that was bigger than him QT9VTsxmkBQ-00375-00073594-00073776 so when we looking so since rats in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00376-00073777-00073995 itself yeah it's pretty cool from a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00377-00073996-00074115 perspective there that's like a really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00378-00074116-00074283 great ratio if anything maybe just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00379-00074284-00074421 reached over from regards to Grandma QT9VTsxmkBQ-00380-00074422-00074607 deep but again that take a little bit QT9VTsxmkBQ-00381-00074608-00074727 time to achieve a down that took like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00382-00074728-00074931 two months or so t to be months from God QT9VTsxmkBQ-00383-00074932-00075012 is getting to that point I've been QT9VTsxmkBQ-00384-00075013-00075192 working it out for four months then that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00385-00075193-00075318 tends to be the case if I'm honest in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00386-00075319-00075486 regards to the way that works and when QT9VTsxmkBQ-00387-00075487-00075678 most people take things slowly and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00388-00075679-00075786 from there they comment a point where QT9VTsxmkBQ-00389-00075787-00075990 just like boom it kind of fine fine hits QT9VTsxmkBQ-00390-00075991-00076161 which is great I'm so we're looking for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00391-00076162-00076287 to occur next couple weeks to yourself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00392-00076288-00076473 as well dude and obviously until that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00393-00076474-00076563 point we've been working a lot on QT9VTsxmkBQ-00394-00076564-00076698 resources and things to provide you guys QT9VTsxmkBQ-00395-00076699-00076866 in the meantime on top of what cools is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00396-00076867-00077004 there anything in particular that you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00397-00077005-00077091 really want to be focusing on for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00398-00077092-00077274 yourself objectively speaking for the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00399-00077275-00077397 next week or so that we need to be aware QT9VTsxmkBQ-00400-00077398-00077562 of because I'll see that's the key with QT9VTsxmkBQ-00401-00077563-00078117 all work together not necessarily for me QT9VTsxmkBQ-00402-00078118-00078402 what helps best is just I have quite a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00403-00078403-00078693 few questions yeah just as we start to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00404-00078694-00078879 close this out and so what I find QT9VTsxmkBQ-00405-00078880-00079074 helpful for me the most is just having QT9VTsxmkBQ-00406-00079075-00079323 this Q&A time rather than like focusing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00407-00079324-00079566 on what I'm saying because last time for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00408-00079567-00079800 example yeah feeling feeling a lot QT9VTsxmkBQ-00409-00079801-00080016 better I find when I put so much QT9VTsxmkBQ-00410-00080017-00080090 pressure on QT9VTsxmkBQ-00411-00080091-00080288 one task or I have to perform better on QT9VTsxmkBQ-00412-00080289-00080456 this I have to get more sleep I have to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00413-00080457-00080771 get more REM then my brain just you know QT9VTsxmkBQ-00414-00080772-00080912 gets a little bit crazy when I try and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00415-00080913-00081071 fall asleep and it's thinking too hard QT9VTsxmkBQ-00416-00081072-00081281 about results so other things you think QT9VTsxmkBQ-00417-00081282-00081437 I mean we can also sensory specific QT9VTsxmkBQ-00418-00081438-00081743 content but as follow-up so yeah that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00419-00081744-00081947 what the cool heads for so please do far QT9VTsxmkBQ-00420-00081948-00082181 away I love it I'm so here I like yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00421-00082182-00082811 yeah so very first thing last night I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00422-00082812-00083183 ended up purchasing a bed jet I found QT9VTsxmkBQ-00423-00083184-00083330 some guy on Craigslist that was just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00424-00083331-00083540 what Craigslist is like buy and sell in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00425-00083541-00083801 Canada yeah I was selling it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00426-00083802-00083906 some guy was selling it for like a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00427-00083907-00084218 hundred and fifty bucks and the v2 so I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00428-00084219-00084482 did end up purchasing it I really liked QT9VTsxmkBQ-00429-00084483-00084629 it last night I don't know if you use QT9VTsxmkBQ-00430-00084630-00084818 one I don't know if Iman or who else QT9VTsxmkBQ-00431-00084819-00085034 uses one but just recommendations for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00432-00085035-00085256 settings and I'm trying to keep my room QT9VTsxmkBQ-00433-00085257-00085586 cold and bed warm but it said my body QT9VTsxmkBQ-00434-00085587-00085910 temp last night was negative 0.5 but I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00435-00085911-00086249 guess I put it on for two hours and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00436-00086250-00086375 it turned off so just recommendations QT9VTsxmkBQ-00437-00086376-00086555 for temperature that kind of thing yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00438-00086556-00086684 of course I mean recommendations QT9VTsxmkBQ-00439-00086685-00086789 temperature I'll set or a second QT9VTsxmkBQ-00440-00086790-00086918 instruction as opposed to anything else QT9VTsxmkBQ-00441-00086919-00087071 I personally don't use a bed jet any QT9VTsxmkBQ-00442-00087072-00087296 reason being because I had my aircon so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00443-00087297-00087428 from apps waited there because of my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00444-00087429-00087569 temperature fluctuations that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00445-00087570-00087764 perfectly fine for me I'm starting to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00446-00087765-00087977 really structures about with that being QT9VTsxmkBQ-00447-00087978-00088124 said but great purchase by the way I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00448-00088125-00088346 love that veggie awesome and when I've QT9VTsxmkBQ-00449-00088347-00088466 worked I've set them in Broadmoor I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00450-00088467-00088652 didn't have this aircon system I I did QT9VTsxmkBQ-00451-00088653-00088805 utilize a bed jet pretty speaking and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00452-00088806-00089039 also the chili pad I've never had a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00453-00089040-00089276 chili pad I've heard of them but yeah I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00454-00089277-00089495 don't like them yeah I mean you got the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00455-00089496-00089837 better products so settings and guide I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00456-00089838-00090047 get perfect that's that done so I can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00457-00090048-00090146 send out through for tomorrow morning's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00458-00090147-00090377 was perfect and yeah I'll say let's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00459-00090378-00090518 cruise like instruction manuals poster QT9VTsxmkBQ-00460-00090519-00090656 like a bubble cubes otherwise just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00461-00090657-00090893 forget it makes more sense now expect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00462-00090894-00091094 cool awesome QT9VTsxmkBQ-00463-00091095-00091487 another one question about a and this is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00464-00091488-00091649 a really weird product that I don't QT9VTsxmkBQ-00465-00091650-00091880 think I know everybody frowns upon QT9VTsxmkBQ-00466-00091881-00092165 putting a television in your room and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00467-00092166-00092312 I'm pretty round about it as well I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00468-00092313-00092447 really don't want to but one thing I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00469-00092448-00092660 found is that sometimes my sleep my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00470-00092661-00092819 girlfriend's house I'm trying not to do QT9VTsxmkBQ-00471-00092820-00092957 that I had all I know it's really bad QT9VTsxmkBQ-00472-00092958-00093272 for what I'm doing and but she has a TV QT9VTsxmkBQ-00473-00093273-00093362 and come just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00474-00093363-00093487 time's documentaries or stuff like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00475-00093488-00093737 playing in the background yeah and that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00476-00093738-00093911 does kind of help me fall asleep but I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00477-00093912-00094091 wonder if going towards maybe a white QT9VTsxmkBQ-00478-00094092-00094346 noise machine or something not TV QT9VTsxmkBQ-00479-00094347-00094618 related well will help I mean like I'll QT9VTsxmkBQ-00480-00094619-00094847 show you this cuz you can see my room so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00481-00094848-00095180 I don't have any second here mhm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00482-00095181-00095324 it's click yeah good I'm Asian we QT9VTsxmkBQ-00483-00095325-00095546 routine there's no tech in here other QT9VTsxmkBQ-00484-00095547-00095867 than my red light therapy to Rajiv as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00485-00095868-00096062 she seen it background there yeah so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00486-00096063-00096221 from that perspective I wouldn't QT9VTsxmkBQ-00487-00096222-00096475 necessarily would suggest incorporating QT9VTsxmkBQ-00488-00096476-00096578 any tech in your room QT9VTsxmkBQ-00489-00096579-00096773 thank you miss minimal as possible in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00490-00096774-00096965 regards to having a like a white noise QT9VTsxmkBQ-00491-00096966-00097223 yes I would definitely utilize that and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00492-00097224-00097513 I utilize that more so if the the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00493-00097514-00097661 environment we are sleeping it is noisy QT9VTsxmkBQ-00494-00097662-00097823 or their surroundings around yourself QT9VTsxmkBQ-00495-00097824-00097973 are disturbing your sleep and obviously QT9VTsxmkBQ-00496-00097974-00098084 as a results that your rates time being QT9VTsxmkBQ-00497-00098085-00098237 quite would you notify that as being QT9VTsxmkBQ-00498-00098238-00098431 something which is you're aware of is a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00499-00098432-00098591 disturbance isn't about some noise or is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00500-00098592-00098816 that something which is a presence no QT9VTsxmkBQ-00501-00098817-00099068 not really enough no okay awesome QT9VTsxmkBQ-00502-00099069-00099185 I mean I'll ask you firstly play either QT9VTsxmkBQ-00503-00099186-00099349 like a binaural beat or something of my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00504-00099350-00099479 classical music I mean I'm fortunate QT9VTsxmkBQ-00505-00099480-00099706 enough to have a Lexus system and so I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00506-00099707-00099929 personally play new you know their QT9VTsxmkBQ-00507-00099930-00100111 composer Ludovico Einaudi QT9VTsxmkBQ-00508-00100112-00100487 no oh is a European composer like I like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00509-00100488-00100811 classical music that means it was a kid QT9VTsxmkBQ-00510-00100812-00100993 so from that I personally don't like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00511-00100994-00101167 having a bunny or beat in place and also QT9VTsxmkBQ-00512-00101168-00101372 in regards to my surroundings I mean you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00513-00101373-00101494 can hear there's no noise like his QT9VTsxmkBQ-00514-00101495-00101684 literary it sound pretty cool so there's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00515-00101685-00101851 nothing here about Sun noise I saw I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00516-00101852-00101990 pledge didn't utilize anything regard QT9VTsxmkBQ-00517-00101991-00102142 some white noise cool and I would QT9VTsxmkBQ-00518-00102143-00102238 definitely recommend that if there's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00519-00102239-00102349 something in regards to seek disturb QT9VTsxmkBQ-00520-00102350-00102484 decision times in the least but maybe QT9VTsxmkBQ-00521-00102485-00102725 not the case for yourself and I test a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00522-00102726-00102863 couple of theories i OB use a biannual QT9VTsxmkBQ-00523-00102864-00102991 beat so you can utilize something like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00524-00102992-00103234 brain FM or even a meditation app and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00525-00103235-00103475 then also use classical music so I point QT9VTsxmkBQ-00526-00103476-00103598 out in regards to my last hour prior to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00527-00103599-00103753 bed I attend zs noise classical music QT9VTsxmkBQ-00528-00103754-00103969 was also reading something which is very QT9VTsxmkBQ-00529-00103970-00104119 lights from across the reading aspect of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00530-00104120-00104257 things and why I find that to be very QT9VTsxmkBQ-00531-00104258-00104407 very enjoyable from that perspective and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00532-00104408-00104714 also might actually I'm still got QT9VTsxmkBQ-00533-00104715-00104911 girlfriend T so she still this is the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00534-00104913-00105107 same music so it's a circle EQ which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00535-00105108-00105229 the same thing which works out really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00536-00105230-00105482 positively so yeah like like me responds QT9VTsxmkBQ-00537-00105483-00105602 in regards to even if you're in a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00538-00105603-00105715 different environment for enlighten for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00539-00105716-00105940 example and in regards to mental key it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00540-00105941-00106054 just tends to be the case because QT9VTsxmkBQ-00541-00106055-00106196 obviously humans are pretty simple with QT9VTsxmkBQ-00542-00106197-00106384 pretty simple beings so in regards that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00543-00106385-00106534 key and responding to that it can be QT9VTsxmkBQ-00544-00106535-00106658 really progressive in that respect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00545-00106658-00106775 yeah so let me QT9VTsxmkBQ-00546-00106776-00107015 epic tried out something like Ludovico QT9VTsxmkBQ-00547-00107016-00107240 Einaudi their major and minor key so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00548-00107241-00107372 something which is too depressing also QT9VTsxmkBQ-00549-00107373-00107528 something which isn't makes you happy so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00550-00107529-00107683 what April like in case of like oh my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00551-00107684-00107893 god I'm really energetic from listeners QT9VTsxmkBQ-00552-00107894-00108010 upset QT9VTsxmkBQ-00553-00108011-00108178 Oh keep you fairly neutral so yeah I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00554-00108179-00108379 said actually all rise name down inside QT9VTsxmkBQ-00555-00108380-00108476 just you can check it out QT9VTsxmkBQ-00556-00108477-00109118 give me the guy and he gave awesome QT9VTsxmkBQ-00557-00109119-00109358 pressure that's like his name along like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00558-00109358-00109534 his name I can't remember exactly QT9VTsxmkBQ-00559-00109535-00110011 dispelling it so yeah yeah I mean I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00560-00110013-00110189 persisted a few things I've got these QT9VTsxmkBQ-00561-00110190-00110335 white noise towards performance of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00562-00110336-00110540 speaking up on your beat tools but yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00563-00110541-00110704 I found that the nudity Korean out is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00564-00110705-00110933 like a classical musician was my thing I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00565-00110933-00111323 enjoyed most yeah that do you know mmhmm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00566-00111324-00111610 yeah okay you cut out a little bit but I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00567-00111611-00111965 got who it was here okay yeah this was QT9VTsxmkBQ-00568-00111966-00112139 the most responsive to myself in because QT9VTsxmkBQ-00569-00112140-00112534 the nature see question cool um and then QT9VTsxmkBQ-00570-00112535-00112793 monitors when you're working I used to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00571-00112794-00112982 have so I'm sure you know the monitor QT9VTsxmkBQ-00572-00112983-00113390 the Iman has the LG 5k yes so I had that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00573-00113391-00113641 I ended up selling it because I really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00574-00113642-00113934 like the built-in camera and the and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00575-00113935-00114221 everything but I found I didn't have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00576-00114222-00114503 enough screen real estate for what I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00577-00114504-00114689 doing I like I but I also don't want a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00578-00114690-00114853 multitask and that's that what I'm kind QT9VTsxmkBQ-00579-00114854-00115135 of torn is do I go 34 inch and have that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00580-00115136-00115285 ability to multitask or do I go to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00581-00115286-00115532 monitor and because I find if I just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00582-00115533-00115729 have one big monitor yes it's good for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00583-00115730-00115915 focusing but when I need to split open QT9VTsxmkBQ-00584-00115916-00116168 for example a video and notes or QT9VTsxmkBQ-00585-00116169-00116353 something like that it or a webinar and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00586-00116354-00116513 it's just hard to do kind of thing so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00587-00116514-00116690 yeah I mean that's the case of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00588-00116691-00116831 preference as well from a visual QT9VTsxmkBQ-00589-00116832-00117050 perspective I personally had my LG 4k QT9VTsxmkBQ-00590-00117051-00117314 monitor the curved screen and and the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00591-00117315-00117553 only thing is not the webcam built-in so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00592-00117554-00117695 any calls from a laptop which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00593-00117696-00117926 annoying but other than that ideal of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00594-00117927-00118040 the screen because in regards the I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00595-00118041-00118186 think it is 34 inches I think you'd be QT9VTsxmkBQ-00596-00118188-00118397 right in saying that both in regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00597-00118398-00118534 technocratic and have two different QT9VTsxmkBQ-00598-00118535-00118565 things QT9VTsxmkBQ-00599-00118566-00118703 on the screen at same time that being to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00600-00118704-00118952 as you said multitask so I personally QT9VTsxmkBQ-00601-00118953-00119123 enjoyed that aspect of things I find QT9VTsxmkBQ-00602-00119124-00119303 emails melody weighty small like I just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00603-00119304-00119570 can't do my work on there at all like it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00604-00119571-00119782 doesn't make sense me and but however QT9VTsxmkBQ-00605-00119783-00119986 again it regards the clients I work with QT9VTsxmkBQ-00606-00119988-00120133 someone had to notice I had one word QT9VTsxmkBQ-00607-00120134-00120323 depends on the clients I have found one QT9VTsxmkBQ-00608-00120324-00120476 more to be the most successful regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00609-00120477-00120614 to focus and outputs because obviously QT9VTsxmkBQ-00610-00120615-00120733 it's like aces like looking for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00611-00120734-00120914 important backward and which work which QT9VTsxmkBQ-00612-00120915-00121127 was well Bob's team ago said you got QT9VTsxmkBQ-00613-00121128-00121252 your standing debts are you getting that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00614-00121253-00121421 in place I knew yeah you know I have one QT9VTsxmkBQ-00615-00121422-00121615 oh yeah okay probably yeah so from that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00616-00121616-00121706 perspective there that's not a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00617-00121707-00122083 difficulty of Agosta that's not QT9VTsxmkBQ-00618-00122084-00122258 difficult in regards to neck rotation or QT9VTsxmkBQ-00619-00122258-00122452 anything like that in terms of focus so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00620-00122453-00122618 yeah I think it's a case of preference QT9VTsxmkBQ-00621-00122619-00122783 at that point there but I person fogging QT9VTsxmkBQ-00622-00122783-00122924 everything with one screen like I don't QT9VTsxmkBQ-00623-00122925-00123109 want any I'm very minimalist so you can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00624-00123110-00123229 see it from like that I don't really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00625-00123230-00123425 have that much I like being things being QT9VTsxmkBQ-00626-00123426-00123668 like very and span so I like having QT9VTsxmkBQ-00627-00123669-00123827 that on one more surprising speaking but QT9VTsxmkBQ-00628-00123828-00124060 yeah there's a preference this sure yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00629-00124061-00124301 I purse I think I prefer the the 34 inch QT9VTsxmkBQ-00630-00124302-00124439 and just having a little bit more room QT9VTsxmkBQ-00631-00124440-00124850 but you're still on one monitor yeah so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00632-00124851-00125089 much it's just yeah it's a beast I love QT9VTsxmkBQ-00633-00125090-00125483 this thing yeah actually yes we so next QT9VTsxmkBQ-00634-00125483-00125819 super important thing I so I am making QT9VTsxmkBQ-00635-00125820-00126091 the decision to get my own flat I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00636-00126092-00126269 super pissed off right now because I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00637-00126270-00126596 found the absolute perfect place and it QT9VTsxmkBQ-00638-00126597-00126802 just got rented out yesterday I'm I've QT9VTsxmkBQ-00639-00126803-00126947 been looking at it for a week two weeks QT9VTsxmkBQ-00640-00126948-00127208 and it was amenities the part like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00641-00127208-00127424 everything was just honestly QT9VTsxmkBQ-00642-00127425-00127744 sick and the rent was twenty two hundred QT9VTsxmkBQ-00643-00127745-00128189 pounds a month I think but yeah and so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00644-00128190-00128341 that so I'm just wondering basically my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00645-00128342-00128629 question what necessities as far as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00646-00128630-00129004 amenities square footage space goes QT9VTsxmkBQ-00647-00129005-00129358 having a den as far as optimizing my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00648-00129359-00129626 life should I think about when looking QT9VTsxmkBQ-00649-00129627-00129835 at a potential flyer like what things QT9VTsxmkBQ-00650-00129836-00130066 are important that have helped you it's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00651-00130067-00130277 cool questions really cool again this QT9VTsxmkBQ-00652-00130278-00130402 all from my own perspective and regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00653-00130403-00130556 the amenities aspect things in regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00654-00130557-00130793 to I'm having a space which for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00655-00130794-00130960 productivity and I'll put while source QT9VTsxmkBQ-00656-00130961-00131041 and making it your living environment QT9VTsxmkBQ-00657-00131042-00131231 this is more so for my clear biohacking QT9VTsxmkBQ-00658-00131232-00131414 standpoint so in regards to amenities I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00659-00131415-00131618 personally enjoyed not being upset not QT9VTsxmkBQ-00660-00131619-00131866 having to leave the facility so if you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00661-00131867-00131981 miss perspective here like you've seen QT9VTsxmkBQ-00662-00131982-00132115 like that right but I'll just show you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00663-00132116-00132253 in more context also dude you're more QT9VTsxmkBQ-00664-00132254-00132356 than work that's kind of crash if you QT9VTsxmkBQ-00665-00132357-00132527 ever come to London by all means I've QT9VTsxmkBQ-00666-00132528-00132734 got one of our clients Orioles coming to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00667-00132735-00132902 stay next week actually from Spain so QT9VTsxmkBQ-00668-00132903-00133157 excited on site so you can see the fat QT9VTsxmkBQ-00669-00133158-00133268 in the background there pretty minimal QT9VTsxmkBQ-00670-00133269-00133412 the kitchen and then from there this is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00671-00133413-00133506 like everything else QT9VTsxmkBQ-00672-00133507-00133698 is what it looks like there's obviously QT9VTsxmkBQ-00673-00133699-00133874 greenery so I really enjoyed the aspect QT9VTsxmkBQ-00674-00133875-00134010 the thing it's perfected was having like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00675-00134011-00134136 a work break and being able to move QT9VTsxmkBQ-00676-00134137-00134349 outside the greenery is great and also QT9VTsxmkBQ-00677-00134350-00134619 having views is also awesome because as QT9VTsxmkBQ-00678-00134620-00134774 I said in my movement breaks I like to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00679-00134775-00134910 go outside as well have some fresh air QT9VTsxmkBQ-00680-00134911-00135144 so that's important to me in regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00681-00135145-00135290 work aspect we can make is very QT9VTsxmkBQ-00682-00135291-00135464 fine-tuned in regards to amenities I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00683-00135465-00135662 having a gym facility will be important QT9VTsxmkBQ-00684-00135663-00135774 because obviously removes element of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00685-00135775-00135957 home to move back and forth which I had QT9VTsxmkBQ-00686-00135958-00136154 previously so this removing any tribal QT9VTsxmkBQ-00687-00136155-00136407 will cost as the Miki I personally have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00688-00136408-00136623 there's a what's called Waitrose which QT9VTsxmkBQ-00689-00136624-00136811 is British like supermarket kind of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00690-00136812-00136947 thing which is very high quality food QT9VTsxmkBQ-00691-00136948-00137090 like whole foods kind of but better QT9VTsxmkBQ-00692-00137091-00137312 actually they haven't downstairs so I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00693-00137313-00137484 let you go two minutes downstairs and I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00694-00137485-00137678 can take out food so that's really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00695-00137679-00137781 that's really key to me because I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00696-00137782-00137999 actually really enjoy cooking so I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00697-00138000-00138135 revising my meal timings obviously I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00698-00138136-00138261 make sure they're planned around my work QT9VTsxmkBQ-00699-00138262-00138425 so my work takes precedence over that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00700-00138426-00138621 but I should enjoy cooking so I can go QT9VTsxmkBQ-00701-00138622-00138749 and get ingredients from there which is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00702-00138750-00139110 cool um yeah so obviously Jim from their QT9VTsxmkBQ-00703-00139111-00139245 food you want to essentially make sure QT9VTsxmkBQ-00704-00139246-00139412 everything's like systemize so you can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00705-00139413-00139749 repeat it on it also pilot and Ivan says QT9VTsxmkBQ-00706-00139750-00139959 anything too much I made like a social QT9VTsxmkBQ-00707-00139960-00140315 space a little sauna yeah because like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00708-00140316-00140481 sauna and steamer for me really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00709-00140482-00140661 important because I think sauna I would QT9VTsxmkBQ-00710-00140662-00140973 definitely help falling asleep I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00711-00140974-00141099 absolutely agree QT9VTsxmkBQ-00712-00141100-00141254 and from that context there because I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00713-00141255-00141396 mean I'll show you an example mint QT9VTsxmkBQ-00714-00141397-00141498 metrics I'll send it to you like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00715-00141499-00141708 tomorrow and in regards to mine like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00716-00141709-00141887 protocol either very very specifically QT9VTsxmkBQ-00717-00141888-00142091 set so from 8 o'clock nothing in regards QT9VTsxmkBQ-00718-00142092-00142308 to work from that I actually make sure I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00719-00142309-00142497 have like a 20 minute swim so I used to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00720-00142498-00142628 be swimmer so I enjoy that aspect of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00721-00142629-00142736 things it keeps you relax QT9VTsxmkBQ-00722-00142737-00143138 I think awesome yeah cool I think goes QT9VTsxmkBQ-00723-00143139-00143298 to sort of for 15 minutes and then from QT9VTsxmkBQ-00724-00143299-00143448 now I did have a cold shower and then I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00725-00143449-00143600 have a steaming between that time for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00726-00143601-00143714 another cold shower for three to five QT9VTsxmkBQ-00727-00143715-00143895 minutes and then from now I've noticed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00728-00143896-00144045 that in regards to this feeling relaxed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00729-00144046-00144156 and actually at ease with everything QT9VTsxmkBQ-00730-00144157-00144318 once I think completing my damn Agosta QT9VTsxmkBQ-00731-00144319-00144536 work increases tenfold so that's really QT9VTsxmkBQ-00732-00144537-00144776 really key then also from a perspective QT9VTsxmkBQ-00733-00144777-00145020 of actually having like a social QT9VTsxmkBQ-00734-00145021-00145151 engagement whilst doing those things for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00735-00145152-00145272 example like having a girlfriend around QT9VTsxmkBQ-00736-00145273-00145427 they can engage with that they can also QT9VTsxmkBQ-00737-00145428-00145632 be productive of you so that works out QT9VTsxmkBQ-00738-00145633-00145739 really well to you which is quite nice QT9VTsxmkBQ-00739-00145740-00145911 as opposed to like being stuck and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00740-00145912-00146049 watching a TV show which is absolute QT9VTsxmkBQ-00741-00146050-00146225 for an hour you can have a like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00742-00146226-00146387 an hour which is productive regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00743-00146388-00146556 like actually wanting to go to bed for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00744-00146557-00146775 example the original really cool tea and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00745-00146776-00146879 in regards to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00746-00146880-00147171 the living space I I mean I'd tearooms QT9VTsxmkBQ-00747-00147172-00147347 that's not like a thing we discussed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00748-00147348-00147534 from there I we can talk about how we QT9VTsxmkBQ-00749-00147535-00147650 buy a how cool room once you get that in QT9VTsxmkBQ-00750-00147651-00147819 place which is cool and then from that I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00751-00147820-00148025 keep this space this is like my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00752-00148026-00148166 obviously my desk area here with my son QT9VTsxmkBQ-00753-00148167-00148364 in desk my bicycle here so I can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00754-00148365-00148604 incorporate movement I have my safe yeah QT9VTsxmkBQ-00755-00148605-00148818 and then from there I'm like the case QT9VTsxmkBQ-00756-00148819-00148986 for the TV on top I only started like QT9VTsxmkBQ-00757-00148987-00149189 documentaries then the really key thing QT9VTsxmkBQ-00758-00149190-00149343 there is that I utilized that when I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00759-00149344-00149544 relaxing so I wouldn't ever watch QT9VTsxmkBQ-00760-00149545-00149733 anything when I'm relaxing on my laptop QT9VTsxmkBQ-00761-00149734-00149864 on my desktop because I want to QT9VTsxmkBQ-00762-00149865-00150048 disassociate that with being workspace QT9VTsxmkBQ-00763-00150049-00150219 and relaxing space so that's important QT9VTsxmkBQ-00764-00150220-00150468 too hence why I saw a TV but yeah I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00765-00150469-00150606 that dude we can all see talk about that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00766-00150607-00150740 for him spectrum of how we buy I had the QT9VTsxmkBQ-00767-00150741-00150873 environments that's being said all right QT9VTsxmkBQ-00768-00150874-00151025 natural sunlight here which is key I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00769-00151026-00151214 don't see ventilation from the balcony QT9VTsxmkBQ-00770-00151215-00151356 which is cool so it works I really want QT9VTsxmkBQ-00771-00151357-00151574 to so yeah I think that did if there's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00772-00151575-00151722 anything you're looking for a plug for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00773-00151723-00151872 what I was looking for then let me know QT9VTsxmkBQ-00774-00151873-00152126 yeah yeah no no that's that's pretty QT9VTsxmkBQ-00775-00152127-00152300 much it is everything I think what's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00776-00152301-00152484 good to is with taxes I don't know if QT9VTsxmkBQ-00777-00152485-00152639 it's the same in London but I can QT9VTsxmkBQ-00778-00152640-00153248 expense half my rent yeah yeah I gonna QT9VTsxmkBQ-00779-00153249-00153423 try and do two bedroom just to do that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00780-00153424-00153674 one bedroom off a space one bedroom it's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00781-00153675-00153890 just purely sleep and so what I have QT9VTsxmkBQ-00782-00153891-00154079 right now kind of is since my office QT9VTsxmkBQ-00783-00154080-00154332 space is kind of set up right here in a QT9VTsxmkBQ-00784-00154333-00154661 corner where my bed is I just have just QT9VTsxmkBQ-00785-00154662-00154904 these bed light the small lights that QT9VTsxmkBQ-00786-00154905-00155121 are kind of closer to red light and QT9VTsxmkBQ-00787-00155122-00155295 that's it like nightstands and so I'm QT9VTsxmkBQ-00788-00155296-00155460 just trying to keep it a similar mate QT9VTsxmkBQ-00789-00155461-00155535 just sleep QT9VTsxmkBQ-00790-00155536-00155678 absolutely actually and you'll be able QT9VTsxmkBQ-00791-00155679-00155798 see a one's from your own space as well QT9VTsxmkBQ-00792-00155799-00155946 I mean I literally never ever go in my QT9VTsxmkBQ-00793-00155947-00156152 room although some weights bed that's QT9VTsxmkBQ-00794-00156153-00156345 the only thing I use it for and actually QT9VTsxmkBQ-00795-00156346-00156471 even took out with my clothes from there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00796-00156472-00156638 which sounds nuts I get that my spare QT9VTsxmkBQ-00797-00156639-00156800 room because I don't beam going in there QT9VTsxmkBQ-00798-00156801-00156986 as well associated asura sleep which QT9VTsxmkBQ-00799-00156987-00157182 sounds crazy but yeah positive is QT9VTsxmkBQ-00800-00157183-00157577 because I I got it yeah I mean well so I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00801-00157578-00157743 mean if I'm changing out gym gear or QT9VTsxmkBQ-00802-00157744-00157853 whatever then it's gonna be in there for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00803-00157854-00158048 a mountain so yeah that's really key T QT9VTsxmkBQ-00804-00158049-00158244 yeah really good quarter I've identified QT9VTsxmkBQ-00805-00158245-00158387 with sent through pure self school QT9VTsxmkBQ-00806-00158388-00158579 Oxford tomorrow obviously not recently I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00807-00158580-00158748 don't resent center is full out for QT9VTsxmkBQ-00808-00158749-00158873 Thursday we can walk around there deed QT9VTsxmkBQ-00809-00158874-00159137 that sounds perfect awesome cool yeah I QT9VTsxmkBQ-00810-00159138-00159263 appreciate all that'll help QT9VTsxmkBQ-00811-00159264-00159404 so first obviously pension my friend QT9VTsxmkBQ-00812-00159405-00159510 absolute pleasure will enjoy the rest of QT9VTsxmkBQ-00813-00159511-00159590 your day and I should look forward QT9VTsxmkBQ-00814-00159591-00159791 saying eatery or follow-up awesome QT9VTsxmkBQ-00815-00159792-00160257 sounds good enjoy buddy Cheers QUSPnXqqjBE-00000-00000129-00001751 [Music] QUSPnXqqjBE-00001-00001752-00002014 hello and welcome back to the coding QUSPnXqqjBE-00002-00002016-00002110 circus QUSPnXqqjBE-00003-00002111-00002318 and today we are going to look at some QUSPnXqqjBE-00004-00002319-00002591 fun stuff in wizard putting information QUSPnXqqjBE-00005-00002592-00002775 on the screen like we have in the past QUSPnXqqjBE-00006-00002776-00003071 but we're going to dive into looking at QUSPnXqqjBE-00007-00003072-00003415 text 3d messages and then we're also QUSPnXqqjBE-00008-00003415-00003570 going to look at QUSPnXqqjBE-00009-00003571-00003759 [Music] QUSPnXqqjBE-00010-00003760-00004031 how to change the message QUSPnXqqjBE-00011-00004032-00004375 once the program has started running so QUSPnXqqjBE-00012-00004376-00005343 let's dive in and look at some code QUSPnXqqjBE-00013-00005344-00005551 there we go QUSPnXqqjBE-00014-00005552-00005702 you can see that i have my viz.go QUSPnXqqjBE-00015-00005703-00005927 message here and there's all my imports QUSPnXqqjBE-00016-00005928-00006079 are above it QUSPnXqqjBE-00017-00006080-00006391 then i have a new thing called text 3d QUSPnXqqjBE-00018-00006392-00006727 and we've seen how to add text to QUSPnXqqjBE-00019-00006728-00007039 the screen on the bottom there but this QUSPnXqqjBE-00020-00007040-00007239 time we're going to add some 3d text and QUSPnXqqjBE-00021-00007240-00007439 you'll see it's very similar to adding QUSPnXqqjBE-00022-00007440-00007606 text on the screen we're going to give QUSPnXqqjBE-00023-00007608-00007759 it the message and we're going to send a QUSPnXqqjBE-00024-00007759-00007951 position but then i also figured i'm QUSPnXqqjBE-00025-00007952-00008271 going to adjust some properties QUSPnXqqjBE-00026-00008272-00008455 of my 3d text QUSPnXqqjBE-00027-00008456-00008703 and i can do it separately by calling QUSPnXqqjBE-00028-00008704-00008910 these methods QUSPnXqqjBE-00029-00008911-00009174 for the text 3d object that we just QUSPnXqqjBE-00030-00009175-00009295 created QUSPnXqqjBE-00031-00009296-00009399 so QUSPnXqqjBE-00032-00009400-00009591 we can set the scale QUSPnXqqjBE-00033-00009592-00009710 and i'm going to make it smaller so it QUSPnXqqjBE-00034-00009711-00009903 doesn't appear really really big i can QUSPnXqqjBE-00035-00009904-00010039 set the alignment QUSPnXqqjBE-00036-00010040-00010335 now a line center bottom is a constant QUSPnXqqjBE-00037-00010336-00010510 that is stored in wizard so it QUSPnXqqjBE-00038-00010511-00010695 automatically knows where the center QUSPnXqqjBE-00039-00010696-00010942 bottom is QUSPnXqqjBE-00040-00010943-00011095 you could also kind of guess where the QUSPnXqqjBE-00041-00011096-00011335 other ones would be there's a center top QUSPnXqqjBE-00042-00011336-00011638 there's a lot there's a left bottom QUSPnXqqjBE-00043-00011639-00011870 there's a left top we can kind of figure QUSPnXqqjBE-00044-00011871-00012023 out what those would be there's a middle QUSPnXqqjBE-00045-00012024-00012391 in there so we can figure all this out QUSPnXqqjBE-00046-00012392-00012599 there's a text color so i'm going to QUSPnXqqjBE-00047-00012600-00012958 change the text to blue QUSPnXqqjBE-00048-00012959-00013135 and then also to show comparison i'm QUSPnXqqjBE-00049-00013136-00013422 going to add in my screen text QUSPnXqqjBE-00050-00013423-00013622 vis.ad text QUSPnXqqjBE-00051-00013623-00013815 and this is going to say text on the QUSPnXqqjBE-00052-00013816-00014030 screen QUSPnXqqjBE-00053-00014031-00014238 and i have to put in that viz.screen so QUSPnXqqjBE-00054-00014240-00014438 i know where it goes right you remember QUSPnXqqjBE-00055-00014440-00014663 how to add that we did that before QUSPnXqqjBE-00056-00014663-00015191 vis.screen puts that text on the screen QUSPnXqqjBE-00057-00015191-00015383 and then i kind of did this out of order QUSPnXqqjBE-00058-00015384-00015647 i'm going to change the message here to QUSPnXqqjBE-00059-00015647-00015830 i can say i can change the message in QUSPnXqqjBE-00060-00015831-00016086 text 3d to hello world if i want to but QUSPnXqqjBE-00061-00016087-00016255 you know that's actually not all that QUSPnXqqjBE-00062-00016256-00016422 useful here because if i do that let me QUSPnXqqjBE-00063-00016423-00016630 just show you QUSPnXqqjBE-00064-00016631-00016830 this is QUSPnXqqjBE-00065-00016831-00017055 the new message QUSPnXqqjBE-00066-00017056-00017199 okay QUSPnXqqjBE-00067-00017200-00017319 i'm gonna QUSPnXqqjBE-00068-00017320-00017439 we're gonna come back to that line in a QUSPnXqqjBE-00069-00017440-00017758 second QUSPnXqqjBE-00070-00017759-00017958 when it starts it's supposed to say QUSPnXqqjBE-00071-00017959-00018199 hello world but when it runs it's gonna QUSPnXqqjBE-00072-00018200-00018430 end up saying this is the new message so QUSPnXqqjBE-00073-00018431-00018591 let's run it QUSPnXqqjBE-00074-00018592-00018743 and you can see it says this is the new QUSPnXqqjBE-00075-00018744-00018847 message QUSPnXqqjBE-00076-00018848-00018975 it's off screen a little bit sorry about QUSPnXqqjBE-00077-00018976-00019207 that but and then at the bottom here we QUSPnXqqjBE-00078-00019208-00019422 can see where it says text on string the QUSPnXqqjBE-00079-00019423-00019750 problem is that we have not QUSPnXqqjBE-00080-00019751-00019999 given any kind of time to allow the QUSPnXqqjBE-00081-00020000-00020214 message to change QUSPnXqqjBE-00082-00020215-00020494 i think i have an extra command in here QUSPnXqqjBE-00083-00020495-00020639 somewhere in here oh yeah i got all this QUSPnXqqjBE-00084-00020640-00020758 stuff i'm going to delete all this i QUSPnXqqjBE-00085-00020759-00021239 don't need all this right now QUSPnXqqjBE-00086-00021240-00022327 give me one second QUSPnXqqjBE-00087-00022328-00022543 okay QUSPnXqqjBE-00088-00022544-00022839 you may have noticed i have down here QUSPnXqqjBE-00089-00022840-00022999 this vizact QUSPnXqqjBE-00090-00023000-00023414 dot on timer this is a built-in QUSPnXqqjBE-00091-00023415-00023727 uh object inside of wizard that allows QUSPnXqqjBE-00092-00023728-00023903 actions to happen QUSPnXqqjBE-00093-00023904-00024230 but the arguments that have to be sent QUSPnXqqjBE-00094-00024231-00024494 to the timer are two arguments the first QUSPnXqqjBE-00095-00024495-00024614 one is a QUSPnXqqjBE-00096-00024615-00024871 time argument that tells us uh how much QUSPnXqqjBE-00097-00024872-00025055 time we want to go by so this time we're QUSPnXqqjBE-00098-00025056-00025222 going to say three seconds and then i QUSPnXqqjBE-00099-00025223-00025463 have to send a function QUSPnXqqjBE-00100-00025464-00025799 that i want to happen QUSPnXqqjBE-00101-00025800-00025974 as a parameter QUSPnXqqjBE-00102-00025975-00026223 to that event QUSPnXqqjBE-00103-00026224-00026455 i don't want to put in all of the stuff QUSPnXqqjBE-00104-00026456-00026758 all the code that goes into that QUSPnXqqjBE-00105-00026760-00026967 event right there i want to create a put QUSPnXqqjBE-00106-00026968-00027111 a function there so it refers to the QUSPnXqqjBE-00107-00027112-00027318 function and calls the function so the QUSPnXqqjBE-00108-00027319-00027423 function in this case is going to be QUSPnXqqjBE-00109-00027424-00027743 called do stuff and if i go up here QUSPnXqqjBE-00110-00027744-00027990 i can see that i defined my do stuff QUSPnXqqjBE-00111-00027991-00028279 and the first thing i wrote is my text QUSPnXqqjBE-00112-00028280-00028502 through the message is going to be it's QUSPnXqqjBE-00113-00028504-00028702 going to say do stuff QUSPnXqqjBE-00114-00028704-00028862 and then my text QUSPnXqqjBE-00115-00028863-00029095 message is going to say on the screen is QUSPnXqqjBE-00116-00029095-00029246 going to say now it's going to do those QUSPnXqqjBE-00117-00029247-00029358 two things QUSPnXqqjBE-00118-00029360-00029495 but it's going to happen after 3 seconds QUSPnXqqjBE-00119-00029495-00029607 goes by so i'm going to leave this as QUSPnXqqjBE-00120-00029608-00029774 hello world let's get rid of this line QUSPnXqqjBE-00121-00029775-00030014 14 so we can see that it's really kind QUSPnXqqjBE-00122-00030016-00030270 of just changing the message for us but QUSPnXqqjBE-00123-00030272-00030455 happens immediately we want to say hello QUSPnXqqjBE-00124-00030456-00030558 world QUSPnXqqjBE-00125-00030560-00030783 and then and we want to say QUSPnXqqjBE-00126-00030783-00030958 text on the screen but then we want to QUSPnXqqjBE-00127-00030960-00031199 wait three seconds and then call the do QUSPnXqqjBE-00128-00031200-00031431 stuff method which will change what is QUSPnXqqjBE-00129-00031432-00031662 said on the screen you also notice that QUSPnXqqjBE-00130-00031663-00031887 i did not add an environment in here QUSPnXqqjBE-00131-00031888-00032079 just to get it to run faster if you QUSPnXqqjBE-00132-00032080-00032255 wanted to add your 3d environment and QUSPnXqqjBE-00133-00032256-00032431 have your text show up in your 3d QUSPnXqqjBE-00134-00032432-00032558 environment you're more than welcome to QUSPnXqqjBE-00135-00032560-00032767 do that i'm just trying to get it to run QUSPnXqqjBE-00136-00032768-00033015 a little bit faster for these demos on QUSPnXqqjBE-00137-00033016-00033295 my laptop QUSPnXqqjBE-00138-00033296-00033559 and you can see it says hello world QUSPnXqqjBE-00139-00033560-00033815 and then bang it switches to do stuff QUSPnXqqjBE-00140-00033816-00034031 and then this down here switches to now QUSPnXqqjBE-00141-00034032-00034231 so this timer event is going to be QUSPnXqqjBE-00142-00034232-00034367 useful for us QUSPnXqqjBE-00143-00034368-00034799 as we create a story within our vd vr QUSPnXqqjBE-00144-00034800-00035071 world maybe we're navigating through QUSPnXqqjBE-00145-00035072-00035207 we're flying through we want different QUSPnXqqjBE-00146-00035208-00035462 things to pop out at different times QUSPnXqqjBE-00147-00035463-00035615 we want different texts to show up at QUSPnXqqjBE-00148-00035616-00035743 different times QUSPnXqqjBE-00149-00035744-00035935 this idea of events QUSPnXqqjBE-00150-00035936-00036174 that are triggered by time QUSPnXqqjBE-00151-00036175-00036415 are going to be very useful for us but QUSPnXqqjBE-00152-00036416-00036599 we're also going to have events that are QUSPnXqqjBE-00153-00036600-00036807 triggered through other things and QUSPnXqqjBE-00154-00036808-00036943 that's going to be the topics that we're QUSPnXqqjBE-00155-00036944-00037102 going to talk about in QUSPnXqqjBE-00156-00037103-00037311 the next QUSPnXqqjBE-00157-00037312-00037415 unit QUSPnXqqjBE-00158-00037416-00037655 this idea of using a function though is QUSPnXqqjBE-00159-00037656-00037830 going to be really important this QUSPnXqqjBE-00160-00037831-00038007 function that we're going to execute for QUSPnXqqjBE-00161-00038008-00038223 this time event is going to be the same QUSPnXqqjBE-00162-00038224-00038351 kind of functions that we're going to QUSPnXqqjBE-00163-00038352-00038671 write to execute for a grabber event or QUSPnXqqjBE-00164-00038672-00038887 to execute for QUSPnXqqjBE-00165-00038888-00039135 other kinds of events that can occur QUSPnXqqjBE-00166-00039136-00039335 inside a wizard that visit can receive QUSPnXqqjBE-00167-00039336-00039535 maybe a mouse click maybe an arrow click QUSPnXqqjBE-00168-00039536-00039799 all those different kinds of events that QUSPnXqqjBE-00169-00039800-00040079 vizard can receive QUSPnXqqjBE-00170-00040080-00040367 so this is all for now this just a QUSPnXqqjBE-00171-00040368-00040527 little bit QUSPnXqqjBE-00172-00040528-00040767 of example and wizard that you can go in QUSPnXqqjBE-00173-00040768-00040951 and play with and then maybe work on an QUSPnXqqjBE-00174-00040952-00041071 assignment QUSPnXqqjBE-00175-00041072-00041383 and i will see you QUSPnXqqjBE-00176-00041384-00041744 next time QUSPnXqqjBE-00177-00041745-00043407 [Music] QUSPnXqqjBE-00178-00043408-00043616 you QVQVCgl1PHU-00000-00000176-00000532 so I'm WWE and I've talked to you about QVQVCgl1PHU-00001-00000533-00000827 Century sport toolkit and in particular QVQVCgl1PHU-00002-00000827-00000923 about QVQVCgl1PHU-00003-00000924-00001211 role of sport in Social inclusion QVQVCgl1PHU-00004-00001212-00001565 and discrimination behaviors and QVQVCgl1PHU-00005-00001566-00002087 how probably 19 affected marginalization QVQVCgl1PHU-00006-00002088-00002245 let's start QVQVCgl1PHU-00007-00002246-00002567 roll of sport in Social inclusion well QVQVCgl1PHU-00008-00002568-00002897 we believe that sport is one of the best QVQVCgl1PHU-00009-00002898-00003215 tools for inclusion uh not because QVQVCgl1PHU-00010-00003215-00003449 obviously the report is free of QVQVCgl1PHU-00011-00003450-00003725 discrimination obviously manager we know QVQVCgl1PHU-00012-00003726-00003911 that there are numerous episode of QVQVCgl1PHU-00013-00003911-00004247 discrimination of intolerance in us when QVQVCgl1PHU-00014-00004248-00004583 the World of Sport but however we think QVQVCgl1PHU-00015-00004584-00004936 that is up to the organization and the QVQVCgl1PHU-00016-00004937-00005249 association that gravitates our Sports QVQVCgl1PHU-00017-00005250-00005381 universe QVQVCgl1PHU-00018-00005382-00005752 to Foster and to promote a culture of QVQVCgl1PHU-00019-00005753-00006052 per play and when I talked about a QVQVCgl1PHU-00020-00006053-00006311 culture of fair play I mean a culture of QVQVCgl1PHU-00021-00006312-00006646 respect the opponent even if it's QVQVCgl1PHU-00022-00006647-00006928 different is a scholar is different his QVQVCgl1PHU-00023-00006929-00007073 belief is different QVQVCgl1PHU-00024-00007073-00007505 Etc so even however we know that a QVQVCgl1PHU-00025-00007506-00007817 culture of a play it must be support is QVQVCgl1PHU-00026-00007818-00008173 a noble intention but however QVQVCgl1PHU-00027-00008173-00008399 we detected QVQVCgl1PHU-00028-00008400-00008710 and then we know that uh in the in the QVQVCgl1PHU-00029-00008711-00008939 sport in the sport war in the sport QVQVCgl1PHU-00030-00008940-00009163 Universe there are a lot of QVQVCgl1PHU-00031-00009164-00009496 numerous of episodes of discrimination QVQVCgl1PHU-00032-00009497-00010078 so now I'll try to uh do a sort of um I QVQVCgl1PHU-00033-00010079-00010342 will try to distinguish take start of QVQVCgl1PHU-00034-00010343-00010559 discrimination QVQVCgl1PHU-00035-00010560-00010714 accessible is discrimination against QVQVCgl1PHU-00036-00010715-00010991 individuals with disabilities as you QVQVCgl1PHU-00037-00010992-00011195 know people with disabilities have long QVQVCgl1PHU-00038-00011196-00011578 been aside and relegated to the margins QVQVCgl1PHU-00039-00011579-00011903 of society so as I said before sporting QVQVCgl1PHU-00040-00011904-00012167 activities is a great tool for inclusion QVQVCgl1PHU-00041-00012168-00012514 and integration for all those who are QVQVCgl1PHU-00042-00012515-00012773 left on the margin of society including QVQVCgl1PHU-00043-00012774-00013096 people with disabilities so um QVQVCgl1PHU-00044-00013097-00013421 I think that it's important to promote QVQVCgl1PHU-00045-00013422-00013775 to guarantee them the opportunity to QVQVCgl1PHU-00046-00013776-00014021 express their skill to the sporting QVQVCgl1PHU-00047-00014022-00014230 activities QVQVCgl1PHU-00048-00014231-00014453 incrimination based on gender identity QVQVCgl1PHU-00049-00014454-00014794 or sexual orientation as you know this QVQVCgl1PHU-00050-00014795-00015016 type of discrimination QVQVCgl1PHU-00051-00015018-00015394 rejects stigmatize and denigrate any QVQVCgl1PHU-00052-00015395-00015733 form of non-heterosexual behavior QVQVCgl1PHU-00053-00015734-00016069 identity relationship or even community QVQVCgl1PHU-00054-00016069-00016422 so this is an exclusion that can be QVQVCgl1PHU-00055-00016423-00016721 legislated as it still happens in some QVQVCgl1PHU-00056-00016722-00017093 countries or implicit to win in which is QVQVCgl1PHU-00057-00017094-00017297 the same QVQVCgl1PHU-00058-00017298-00017644 LGBT people or person that move away QVQVCgl1PHU-00059-00017645-00018005 from Sports to avoid the to avoid QVQVCgl1PHU-00060-00018006-00018436 suffering discrimination and for example QVQVCgl1PHU-00061-00018437-00018749 we can fight discrimination based on QVQVCgl1PHU-00062-00018750-00018983 gender identity or sexual orientation QVQVCgl1PHU-00063-00018984-00019283 for example through awareness campaign QVQVCgl1PHU-00064-00019284-00019607 for LGBT plus issues even in the sports QVQVCgl1PHU-00065-00019608-00019864 fields QVQVCgl1PHU-00066-00019865-00020063 discrimination against individuals QVQVCgl1PHU-00067-00020064-00020297 because of their religion as you know QVQVCgl1PHU-00068-00020298-00020644 the immigratory processes have favored QVQVCgl1PHU-00069-00020645-00020861 Encounter of different between between QVQVCgl1PHU-00070-00020862-00021155 people of different faiths and different QVQVCgl1PHU-00071-00021156-00021419 origin and that in this type of QVQVCgl1PHU-00072-00021420-00021629 discrimination it is the Discrimination QVQVCgl1PHU-00073-00021630-00021899 also present in sport obviously QVQVCgl1PHU-00074-00021900-00022367 which excludes or disfavor people QVQVCgl1PHU-00075-00022368-00022649 for their religious conventions QVQVCgl1PHU-00076-00022650-00022780 so QVQVCgl1PHU-00077-00022781-00023122 um we believe that Sports is sports QVQVCgl1PHU-00078-00023123-00023375 practice should encourage should QVQVCgl1PHU-00079-00023376-00023578 encourage the respect of the opponent QVQVCgl1PHU-00080-00023579-00023903 regardless of their religious belief or QVQVCgl1PHU-00081-00023904-00024150 other as I said before QVQVCgl1PHU-00082-00024151-00024407 determination of citizenship against QVQVCgl1PHU-00083-00024408-00024653 individuals because of the individual's QVQVCgl1PHU-00084-00024654-00024875 birthplace QVQVCgl1PHU-00085-00024876-00025042 um that's this is the type of QVQVCgl1PHU-00086-00025043-00025241 discrimination it's discrimination that QVQVCgl1PHU-00087-00025242-00025600 established a binomial between EU and QVQVCgl1PHU-00088-00025601-00026117 the non-eu citizens and between citizens QVQVCgl1PHU-00089-00026118-00026345 and foreigners QVQVCgl1PHU-00090-00026345-00026687 then therefore those we who have QVQVCgl1PHU-00091-00026688-00026962 citizenship rights and those who do not QVQVCgl1PHU-00092-00026963-00027323 have these rights so those we those with QVQVCgl1PHU-00093-00027324-00027587 the right of citizenship have greater QVQVCgl1PHU-00094-00027588-00027868 freedom of moving movement and therefore QVQVCgl1PHU-00095-00027869-00028037 to practice sport QVQVCgl1PHU-00096-00028038-00028343 at any level and in the absence of their QVQVCgl1PHU-00097-00028344-00028631 of this right however one is QVQVCgl1PHU-00098-00028632-00028852 um forced to QVQVCgl1PHU-00099-00028854-00029131 um on a series of bureaucratic QVQVCgl1PHU-00100-00029132-00029464 directives that make it difficult to QVQVCgl1PHU-00101-00029466-00029752 compete and deliver and obviously or QVQVCgl1PHU-00102-00029754-00030011 struggle and it's struggle for freedom QVQVCgl1PHU-00103-00030012-00030293 of movement so this form of QVQVCgl1PHU-00104-00030294-00030587 discrimination in our mind can be QVQVCgl1PHU-00105-00030588-00030917 conjured by straightening and the QVQVCgl1PHU-00106-00030918-00031168 prevention and recognizing the QVQVCgl1PHU-00107-00031169-00031414 importance of sport activities in QVQVCgl1PHU-00108-00031416-00031667 facilitating the integration the QVQVCgl1PHU-00109-00031668-00031817 integration of QVQVCgl1PHU-00110-00031818-00032158 migrants off on the and people of QVQVCgl1PHU-00111-00032160-00032573 different origins of foreign Origins QVQVCgl1PHU-00112-00032574-00032843 discrimination based on gender QVQVCgl1PHU-00113-00032844-00033149 well this is the unfavorable treatment QVQVCgl1PHU-00114-00033150-00033502 of a person because of his gender and it QVQVCgl1PHU-00115-00033503-00033787 is a discrimination that affects women QVQVCgl1PHU-00116-00033788-00034111 by excluding them from political social QVQVCgl1PHU-00117-00034112-00034451 economic cultural and sports life QVQVCgl1PHU-00118-00034452-00034715 for example in the field of sports we QVQVCgl1PHU-00119-00034716-00034907 detect in many situations which women QVQVCgl1PHU-00120-00034908-00035183 are treated less favorably or QVQVCgl1PHU-00121-00035184-00035537 unfavorably for there being women so for QVQVCgl1PHU-00122-00035538-00035849 example they are not considered to be up QVQVCgl1PHU-00123-00035850-00036209 to the power or could not considering QVQVCgl1PHU-00124-00036210-00036605 strong enough or as good as man and QVQVCgl1PHU-00125-00036606-00036809 that's why that's because QVQVCgl1PHU-00126-00036810-00037145 um there's misconception has QVQVCgl1PHU-00127-00037146-00037433 um that's because sport is still QVQVCgl1PHU-00128-00037434-00037751 considered by many to be an exclusively QVQVCgl1PHU-00129-00037752-00037943 male practice QVQVCgl1PHU-00130-00037944-00038201 so this is this misconception has QVQVCgl1PHU-00131-00038202-00038461 helenated women to practice in sports QVQVCgl1PHU-00132-00038462-00038789 and in some sports women have been QVQVCgl1PHU-00133-00038790-00039071 excluded so gender discrimination must QVQVCgl1PHU-00134-00039072-00039383 be tickled down by facilitating women QVQVCgl1PHU-00135-00039384-00039767 sports access to All Sports QVQVCgl1PHU-00136-00039768-00040073 and the last discrimination today we QVQVCgl1PHU-00137-00040074-00040289 will see is discrimination based upon QVQVCgl1PHU-00138-00040290-00040661 race color and national origin well QVQVCgl1PHU-00139-00040662-00040871 as you know people can be discriminated QVQVCgl1PHU-00140-00040872-00041062 against because of the color of their QVQVCgl1PHU-00141-00041063-00041393 skin because of African ancestry or QVQVCgl1PHU-00142-00041394-00041645 belonging to minority ethnic groups such QVQVCgl1PHU-00143-00041646-00041939 as Roma but in all this case we are QVQVCgl1PHU-00144-00041940-00042107 talking about ethnic racial QVQVCgl1PHU-00145-00042108-00042365 discrimination and in sport for example QVQVCgl1PHU-00146-00042366-00042646 Russia ethnic crucial discrimination is QVQVCgl1PHU-00147-00042647-00042979 revealed through episode of intolerance QVQVCgl1PHU-00148-00042980-00043343 marginalization and of people or QVQVCgl1PHU-00149-00043344-00043673 something or even sometimes by better QVQVCgl1PHU-00150-00043674-00044029 regulations that specifically QVQVCgl1PHU-00151-00044030-00044357 disadvantages sporting practice to for QVQVCgl1PHU-00152-00044358-00044627 minorities people so to counter this QVQVCgl1PHU-00153-00044628-00044896 type of discrimination we must promote a QVQVCgl1PHU-00154-00044897-00045274 sporting culture uh culture of or of QVQVCgl1PHU-00155-00045275-00045683 spur of um fair play that respect the QVQVCgl1PHU-00156-00045684-00045965 opponent regardless their origin or the QVQVCgl1PHU-00157-00045966-00046235 skin color Etc as I said before QVQVCgl1PHU-00158-00046236-00046487 so that's right it's how covenanting QVQVCgl1PHU-00159-00046488-00046774 affected marginalization well as you QVQVCgl1PHU-00160-00046775-00046877 know QVQVCgl1PHU-00161-00046878-00047249 we detected a rising hate hate time hate QVQVCgl1PHU-00162-00047250-00047483 speech and violation of fundamental QVQVCgl1PHU-00163-00047484-00047602 rights QVQVCgl1PHU-00164-00047603-00047824 and many major sporting events have been QVQVCgl1PHU-00165-00047825-00048155 concealed or postponed with UEFA Euro QVQVCgl1PHU-00166-00048156-00048539 2020 won by Italy and uh Tokyo Olympic QVQVCgl1PHU-00167-00048540-00048943 Games 2020 for example but among the QVQVCgl1PHU-00168-00048944-00049229 pandemic are those who were marginalized QVQVCgl1PHU-00169-00049230-00049589 even before Sunset of covid-19 of QVQVCgl1PHU-00170-00049590-00049811 pandemic for example people with QVQVCgl1PHU-00171-00049812-00050165 disabilities migrants minority ethnic QVQVCgl1PHU-00172-00050166-00050471 groups women homeless people QVQVCgl1PHU-00173-00050472-00050980 so in the end the win we saw that when QVQVCgl1PHU-00174-00050981-00051232 19 pandemic was an undemocratic QVQVCgl1PHU-00175-00051233-00051526 phenomenon that affected everyone but QVQVCgl1PHU-00176-00051527-00051979 not in the same way thank you QXhtJkpAcGU-00000-00000073-00000331 xlix United States Congress was a QXhtJkpAcGU-00001-00000332-00000517 meeting of the legislative branch of the QXhtJkpAcGU-00002-00000518-00000659 United States federal government QXhtJkpAcGU-00003-00000660-00000898 consisting of the United States Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00004-00000899-00001036 in the United States House of QXhtJkpAcGU-00005-00001037-00001330 Representatives it met in Washington DC QXhtJkpAcGU-00006-00001331-00001716 from March 4th 1885 to March 4th 1887 QXhtJkpAcGU-00007-00001717-00001917 during the first two years of Grover QXhtJkpAcGU-00008-00001918-00002155 Cleveland's first presidency the QXhtJkpAcGU-00009-00002156-00002334 apportionment of seats in the House of QXhtJkpAcGU-00010-00002335-00002521 Representatives was based on the temp QXhtJkpAcGU-00011-00002522-00002787 census of the United States in 1880 the QXhtJkpAcGU-00012-00002788-00003066 Senate had a Republican majority and the QXhtJkpAcGU-00013-00003067-00003750 house had a Democratic majority QXhtJkpAcGU-00014-00003751-00004288 topic major events QXhtJkpAcGU-00015-00004289-00004639 March 4th 1885 Grover Cleveland became QXhtJkpAcGU-00016-00004640-00004939 President of the United States November QXhtJkpAcGU-00017-00004940-00005292 25th 1885 vice president Thomas a QXhtJkpAcGU-00018-00005293-00005843 Hendrix died QXhtJkpAcGU-00019-00005844-00006418 topic major legislation QXhtJkpAcGU-00020-00006419-00006767 January 19th 1886 presidential QXhtJkpAcGU-00021-00006768-00007333 succession act of 1886 CH 424 stat 1 QXhtJkpAcGU-00022-00007334-00007842 February 3rd 1887 electoral count act CH QXhtJkpAcGU-00023-00007843-00008446 9024 stat 373 February 4th 1887 QXhtJkpAcGU-00024-00008447-00009001 interstate commerce act CH 104 24 stat QXhtJkpAcGU-00025-00009002-00009478 379 February 8 1887 Indian general QXhtJkpAcGU-00026-00009479-00010054 allotment act Dawes Act CH 119 24 stat QXhtJkpAcGU-00027-00010055-00010520 388 March 2nd 1887 Agricultural QXhtJkpAcGU-00028-00010521-00010907 Experiment stations Act of 1887 March QXhtJkpAcGU-00029-00010908-00011555 2nd 1887 Hatch Act of 1887 CH 314 24 QXhtJkpAcGU-00030-00011556-00012235 stat 440 March 3rd 1887 Tucker act CH QXhtJkpAcGU-00031-00012236-00012899 359 24 stat 505 March 3rd 1887 Edmunds QXhtJkpAcGU-00032-00012900-00013926 Tucker act CH 397 24 stat 635 QXhtJkpAcGU-00033-00013927-00014469 topic party summary QXhtJkpAcGU-00034-00014470-00014703 the count below identifies party QXhtJkpAcGU-00035-00014704-00014880 affiliations at the beginning of the QXhtJkpAcGU-00036-00014881-00015052 first session of this Congress and QXhtJkpAcGU-00037-00015053-00015250 includes members from vacancies and QXhtJkpAcGU-00038-00015251-00015405 newly admitted States when they were QXhtJkpAcGU-00039-00015406-00015675 first seated changes resulting from QXhtJkpAcGU-00040-00015676-00015858 subsequent replacements are shown below QXhtJkpAcGU-00041-00015859-00016608 in the changes in membership section QXhtJkpAcGU-00042-00016609-00017060 topic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00043-00017061-00017399 you QXhtJkpAcGU-00044-00017400-00017992 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00045-00017993-00018616 Democratic 182 majority Republican 141 QXhtJkpAcGU-00046-00018617-00018964 National greenback one independent QXhtJkpAcGU-00047-00018965-00019747 democratic one tota L members 325 QXhtJkpAcGU-00048-00019748-00020246 topic leadership QXhtJkpAcGU-00049-00020247-00020586 you QXhtJkpAcGU-00050-00020587-00021057 topic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00051-00021058-00021343 President Thomas a Hendrix D until QXhtJkpAcGU-00052-00021344-00021744 November 25th 1885 vacant thereafter QXhtJkpAcGU-00053-00021745-00022015 President Pro temporary John Sherman our QXhtJkpAcGU-00054-00022016-00022533 December 7th 1885 to February 26 to 1887 QXhtJkpAcGU-00055-00022534-00022918 John J Ingalls our from February 26 to QXhtJkpAcGU-00056-00022919-00023272 1887 Republican Conference chairman QXhtJkpAcGU-00057-00023273-00023587 George F Edmunds Democratic caucus QXhtJkpAcGU-00058-00023588-00023986 chairman James be Beck Democratic QXhtJkpAcGU-00059-00023987-00024193 campaign committee chairman Arthur Pugh QXhtJkpAcGU-00060-00024194-00024613 Gorman QXhtJkpAcGU-00061-00024614-00025017 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00062-00025018-00025203 you QXhtJkpAcGU-00063-00025204-00025656 Speaker John G Carlyle D Democratic QXhtJkpAcGU-00064-00025657-00025937 caucus chairman John Randolph Tucker QXhtJkpAcGU-00065-00025938-00026171 Republican conference chair Joseph QXhtJkpAcGU-00066-00026172-00026654 gurney cannon QXhtJkpAcGU-00067-00026655-00027150 topic members QXhtJkpAcGU-00068-00027151-00027492 you QXhtJkpAcGU-00069-00027493-00027954 topic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00070-00027955-00028170 senators were elected by the state QXhtJkpAcGU-00071-00028172-00028420 legislatures every two years with 1/3 QXhtJkpAcGU-00072-00028420-00028596 beginning new six-year terms with each QXhtJkpAcGU-00073-00028597-00028887 Congress preceding the names in the list QXhtJkpAcGU-00074-00028888-00029089 below our Senate class numbers which QXhtJkpAcGU-00075-00029089-00029274 indicate the cycle of their election in QXhtJkpAcGU-00076-00029275-00029554 this Congress class one meant their term QXhtJkpAcGU-00077-00029555-00029721 ended with this Congress requiring QXhtJkpAcGU-00078-00029722-00030033 re-election in 1886 class 2 meant their QXhtJkpAcGU-00079-00030034-00030205 term began in the last Congress QXhtJkpAcGU-00080-00030206-00030493 requiring re-election in 1888 and class QXhtJkpAcGU-00081-00030494-00030649 3 meant their term began in this QXhtJkpAcGU-00082-00030650-00031402 Congress requiring re-election in 1890 QXhtJkpAcGU-00083-00031403-00031974 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00084-00031975-00032172 the names of members of the House of QXhtJkpAcGU-00085-00032173-00032882 Representatives are listed by district QXhtJkpAcGU-00086-00032883-00033460 topic changes in membership QXhtJkpAcGU-00087-00033461-00033696 the count below reflects changes from QXhtJkpAcGU-00088-00033697-00033858 the beginning of the first session of QXhtJkpAcGU-00089-00033859-00034413 this Congress QXhtJkpAcGU-00090-00034414-00035105 topic Senate replacements seven QXhtJkpAcGU-00091-00035106-00035508 Democratic one seat netgain Republican QXhtJkpAcGU-00092-00035509-00035874 one seat net loss liberal Republican one QXhtJkpAcGU-00093-00035875-00036327 seat net loss deaths three resignations QXhtJkpAcGU-00094-00036328-00036771 six interim appointments one total seats QXhtJkpAcGU-00095-00036772-00037278 with changes nine QXhtJkpAcGU-00096-00037279-00037868 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00097-00037869-00038259 replacements 11 Democratic to seat QXhtJkpAcGU-00098-00038260-00038636 netgain Republican to seat net loss QXhtJkpAcGU-00099-00038637-00039186 deaths 8 resignations 7 contested QXhtJkpAcGU-00100-00039187-00039982 election 1 total seats with changes 16 QXhtJkpAcGU-00101-00039983-00040471 topic committees QXhtJkpAcGU-00102-00040472-00040690 lists of committees and their party QXhtJkpAcGU-00103-00040691-00040904 leaders for members House and Senate of QXhtJkpAcGU-00104-00040905-00041077 the committee's and their assignments go QXhtJkpAcGU-00105-00041078-00041221 into the official congressional QXhtJkpAcGU-00106-00041222-00041377 directory at the bottom of the article QXhtJkpAcGU-00107-00041378-00041602 and click on the link five links in the QXhtJkpAcGU-00108-00041603-00041798 directory after the pages of Terms of QXhtJkpAcGU-00109-00041799-00041957 Service you will see the Committees of QXhtJkpAcGU-00110-00041958-00042121 the Senate house standing with QXhtJkpAcGU-00111-00042122-00042323 subcommittees select and special and QXhtJkpAcGU-00112-00042324-00042524 joint and after the committee pages you QXhtJkpAcGU-00113-00042525-00042671 will see the House Senate committee QXhtJkpAcGU-00114-00042672-00042836 assignments in the directory on the QXhtJkpAcGU-00115-00042837-00043004 committee's section of the House and QXhtJkpAcGU-00116-00043005-00043168 Senate in the official congressional QXhtJkpAcGU-00117-00043169-00043355 directory the committees members on the QXhtJkpAcGU-00118-00043356-00043540 first row on the left side shows the QXhtJkpAcGU-00119-00043541-00043685 chairman of the committee and on the QXhtJkpAcGU-00120-00043686-00043855 right side shows the ranking member of QXhtJkpAcGU-00121-00043856-00044396 the committee QXhtJkpAcGU-00122-00044397-00044853 topic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00123-00044854-00045066 additional accommodations for the QXhtJkpAcGU-00124-00045067-00045408 Library of Congress select Agriculture QXhtJkpAcGU-00125-00045409-00045822 and Forestry appropriations audit and QXhtJkpAcGU-00126-00045823-00046026 control the contingent expenses of the QXhtJkpAcGU-00127-00046027-00046343 Senate civil service and retrenchment QXhtJkpAcGU-00128-00046344-00046892 claims coast defenses commerce QXhtJkpAcGU-00129-00046893-00047106 compensation of members of Congress QXhtJkpAcGU-00130-00047107-00047448 select distributing public revenue among QXhtJkpAcGU-00131-00047449-00047514 the states QXhtJkpAcGU-00132-00047515-00047922 select District of Columbia education QXhtJkpAcGU-00133-00047923-00048413 and labor engrossed bills enrolled bills QXhtJkpAcGU-00134-00048414-00048771 epidemic diseases select examine the QXhtJkpAcGU-00135-00048772-00049019 several branches in the Civil Service QXhtJkpAcGU-00136-00049020-00049349 executive departments methods select QXhtJkpAcGU-00137-00049350-00049739 expenditures of public money finance QXhtJkpAcGU-00138-00049740-00050178 Fisheries Foreign Relations Indian QXhtJkpAcGU-00139-00050179-00050622 Affairs Indian traders select interstate QXhtJkpAcGU-00140-00050623-00050951 commerce select judiciary QXhtJkpAcGU-00141-00050952-00051449 library manufacturers Military Affairs QXhtJkpAcGU-00142-00051450-00051815 mines and mining Mississippi River and QXhtJkpAcGU-00143-00051816-00052199 it's tributaries select naval affairs QXhtJkpAcGU-00144-00052200-00052515 nicaraguan claims select QXhtJkpAcGU-00145-00052516-00053075 and warships select patent pensions post QXhtJkpAcGU-00146-00053076-00053381 office and post roads potomac river QXhtJkpAcGU-00147-00053382-00053772 front select printing private land QXhtJkpAcGU-00148-00053773-00054200 claims privileges and elections public QXhtJkpAcGU-00149-00054201-00054538 buildings and grounds public lands QXhtJkpAcGU-00150-00054539-00054925 railroads revision of the laws QXhtJkpAcGU-00151-00054926-00055349 revolutionary claims rules tariffs QXhtJkpAcGU-00152-00055350-00055738 regulation select ten census select QXhtJkpAcGU-00153-00055739-00056087 territories transportation routes to the QXhtJkpAcGU-00154-00056088-00056869 seaboard whole woman's suffrage select QXhtJkpAcGU-00155-00056870-00057440 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00156-00057441-00057871 accounts admission to the floor select QXhtJkpAcGU-00157-00057872-00058213 agriculture alcoholic liquor traffic QXhtJkpAcGU-00158-00058214-00058626 select American shipbuilding select QXhtJkpAcGU-00159-00058627-00058974 appropriations banking and currency QXhtJkpAcGU-00160-00058975-00059371 claims coinage weights and measures QXhtJkpAcGU-00161-00059372-00059907 Commerce District of Columbia education QXhtJkpAcGU-00162-00059908-00060391 elections enrolled bills expenditures in QXhtJkpAcGU-00163-00060392-00060704 the Interior Department expenditures in QXhtJkpAcGU-00164-00060704-00061004 the Justice Department expenditures in QXhtJkpAcGU-00165-00061004-00061300 the Navy Department expenditures in the QXhtJkpAcGU-00166-00061301-00061616 post office Department expenditures in QXhtJkpAcGU-00167-00061616-00061912 the State Department expenditures in the QXhtJkpAcGU-00168-00061913-00062216 Treasury Department expenditures in the QXhtJkpAcGU-00169-00062216-00062530 War Department expenditures on public QXhtJkpAcGU-00170-00062531-00063006 buildings Foreign Affairs Indian Affairs QXhtJkpAcGU-00171-00063007-00063461 invalid pensions labor levies and QXhtJkpAcGU-00172-00063462-00063703 improvements of the Mississippi River QXhtJkpAcGU-00173-00063704-00064176 manufacturers mileage military affairs QXhtJkpAcGU-00174-00064177-00064690 militia mines and mining naval Affairs QXhtJkpAcGU-00175-00064691-00064942 Pacific Railroad's QXhtJkpAcGU-00176-00064944-00065348 patents pensions post office and post QXhtJkpAcGU-00177-00065349-00065680 roads public buildings and grounds QXhtJkpAcGU-00178-00065681-00066088 public lands railways and canals QXhtJkpAcGU-00179-00066089-00066454 provision of laws rivers and harbors QXhtJkpAcGU-00180-00066455-00066883 rules standards of official conduct QXhtJkpAcGU-00181-00066884-00067354 territories or claims ways and means QXhtJkpAcGU-00182-00067355-00067850 hole QXhtJkpAcGU-00183-00067851-00068367 topic joint committees QXhtJkpAcGU-00184-00068368-00068664 conditions of Indian tribes special QXhtJkpAcGU-00185-00068665-00069264 scientific bureaus QXhtJkpAcGU-00186-00069265-00069798 topic caucuses QXhtJkpAcGU-00187-00069799-00070570 Democratic House Democratic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00188-00070571-00071096 topic employees QXhtJkpAcGU-00189-00071097-00071447 architect of the Capitol Edward Clark QXhtJkpAcGU-00190-00071448-00071662 librarian of Congress Ainsworth ran QXhtJkpAcGU-00191-00071663-00071968 Spofford public printer of the United QXhtJkpAcGU-00192-00071969-00072023 States QXhtJkpAcGU-00193-00072024-00072375 sterling P rounds until 1886 Thomas e QXhtJkpAcGU-00194-00072376-00073016 Benedict starting 1886 QXhtJkpAcGU-00195-00073017-00073485 topic Senate QXhtJkpAcGU-00196-00073486-00073723 Secretary of the Senate and Singhji QXhtJkpAcGU-00197-00073724-00074053 McCook sergeant-at-arms William pica QXhtJkpAcGU-00198-00074054-00074324 naughty chaplain QXhtJkpAcGU-00199-00074325-00074567 Elias D Huntley Methodist elected QXhtJkpAcGU-00200-00074568-00075122 December 18 1883 John G Butler Lutheran QXhtJkpAcGU-00201-00075123-00075750 elected March 15 1886 QXhtJkpAcGU-00202-00075751-00076168 topic House of Representatives QXhtJkpAcGU-00203-00076169-00076333 you QXhtJkpAcGU-00204-00076334-00076665 Chaplin William H Milburn Methodist QXhtJkpAcGU-00205-00076666-00077074 doorkeeper Samuel Donaldson clerk John B QXhtJkpAcGU-00206-00077075-00077353 Clark junior clerk at the speaker's QXhtJkpAcGU-00207-00077354-00077607 table the thanne y'old T Crutchfield QXhtJkpAcGU-00208-00077608-00077947 postmaster like kyrgyz Dalton reading QXhtJkpAcGU-00209-00077948-00078004 clerks QXhtJkpAcGU-00210-00078005-00078349 data unknown missing sergeant-at-arms QXhtJkpAcGU-00211-00078350-00078949 john p ledum QXhtJkpAcGU-00212-00078950-00079474 topic see also QXhtJkpAcGU-00213-00079475-00079838 United States Elections 1884 elections QXhtJkpAcGU-00214-00079839-00080138 leading to this Congress United States QXhtJkpAcGU-00215-00080139-00080549 presidential election 1884 United States QXhtJkpAcGU-00216-00080550-00080924 Senate elections 1884 United States QXhtJkpAcGU-00217-00080925-00081265 House of Representatives elections 1884 QXhtJkpAcGU-00218-00081266-00081635 United States elections 1886 elections QXhtJkpAcGU-00219-00081636-00081826 during this Congress leading to the next QXhtJkpAcGU-00220-00081827-00082147 Congress United States Senate elections QXhtJkpAcGU-00221-00082148-00082481 1886 United States House of QXhtJkpAcGU-00222-00082482-00082925 Representatives elections 1886 QZMg_Qup6kM-00000-00000000-00000443 20 for exercise 17 so the first part of QZMg_Qup6kM-00001-00000444-00000671 this is we need to combine all of these QZMg_Qup6kM-00002-00000672-00000949 capacitors into one equivalent capacitor QZMg_Qup6kM-00003-00000950-00001181 figure out all the details about that QZMg_Qup6kM-00004-00001182-00001433 equivalent capacitor and then split it QZMg_Qup6kM-00005-00001434-00001609 back apart into the individual pieces QZMg_Qup6kM-00006-00001610-00001876 and figure everything out one step at a QZMg_Qup6kM-00007-00001877-00002056 time QZMg_Qup6kM-00008-00002057-00002390 so we've got four of these capacitors QZMg_Qup6kM-00009-00002391-00002492 the ones that we're gonna want to QZMg_Qup6kM-00010-00002493-00003010 combine first are c1 and c2 because QZMg_Qup6kM-00011-00003011-00003173 they're on one isolated branch they're QZMg_Qup6kM-00012-00003174-00003347 in parallel or in series with each other QZMg_Qup6kM-00013-00003347-00003485 so those the ones you want to combine QZMg_Qup6kM-00014-00003486-00003797 first so we'll redraw this circuit with QZMg_Qup6kM-00015-00003797-00004895 those two put together so this one was QZMg_Qup6kM-00016-00004896-00005222 c4 c3 and this one up at the top will QZMg_Qup6kM-00017-00005223-00005585 now be the combination of c1 and c2 now QZMg_Qup6kM-00018-00005586-00005709 since they were in series they add QZMg_Qup6kM-00019-00005710-00006602 inversely for micro farad's each so QZMg_Qup6kM-00020-00006603-00006866 that's 2 over 4 if we invert everything QZMg_Qup6kM-00021-00006867-00007048 that means our equivalent capacitance QZMg_Qup6kM-00022-00007050-00007942 for those two is 2 micro farad's so now QZMg_Qup6kM-00023-00007943-00008516 we want to add that with c3 c3 is 4 QZMg_Qup6kM-00024-00008517-00009927 micro farad's as is c4 QZMg_Qup6kM-00025-00009928-00010138 so this is the circuit we're gonna end QZMg_Qup6kM-00026-00010139-00010360 up with once we combine those two now QZMg_Qup6kM-00027-00010361-00010523 combining capacitors and parallel is QZMg_Qup6kM-00028-00010524-00010759 easy the capacitance just adds together QZMg_Qup6kM-00029-00010760-00011439 so 2 + 4 is 6 the lower one is still 4 QZMg_Qup6kM-00030-00011440-00011770 then as a final step we add those last 2 QZMg_Qup6kM-00031-00011771-00012016 now they're in series so we need 1 over QZMg_Qup6kM-00032-00012017-00012535 6 plus 1 over 4 is 1 over the equivalent QZMg_Qup6kM-00033-00012536-00012841 capacitance so the common denominator QZMg_Qup6kM-00034-00012842-00014666 there is going to be 12 so we end up QZMg_Qup6kM-00035-00014666-00014833 with an overall equivalent capacitance QZMg_Qup6kM-00036-00014834-00015440 of 2 point 4 micro farad's so I can QZMg_Qup6kM-00037-00015441-00015653 represent that entire circuit by this 1 QZMg_Qup6kM-00038-00015654-00016100 equivalent capacitor of 2 point 4 micro QZMg_Qup6kM-00039-00016101-00016418 farad's now we know there's a potential QZMg_Qup6kM-00040-00016419-00016778 difference here of 28 volts that means QZMg_Qup6kM-00041-00016779-00017246 this also has to have 28 volts that's QZMg_Qup6kM-00042-00017247-00017411 the point of reducing it to 1 equivalent QZMg_Qup6kM-00043-00017412-00017530 capacitors it'll have the same QZMg_Qup6kM-00044-00017531-00017908 capacitance as the source and from our QZMg_Qup6kM-00045-00017909-00018325 definition of capacitance we can figure QZMg_Qup6kM-00046-00018326-00018842 out charge which in that case will be QZMg_Qup6kM-00047-00018843-00019528 2.4 times 28 which is 67 point 2 QZMg_Qup6kM-00048-00019529-00019762 microcoulombs QZMg_Qup6kM-00049-00019763-00020114 so this is our equivalent capacitor with QZMg_Qup6kM-00050-00020115-00020305 its voltage and charge and what we're QZMg_Qup6kM-00051-00020306-00020758 gonna do in the next video is work this QZMg_Qup6kM-00052-00020759-00021008 backward go back through this process QZMg_Qup6kM-00053-00021009-00021221 until we have them all individually with QZMg_Qup6kM-00054-00021222-00021572 the charge and voltage on each one QbWXhWsCMHo-00000-00000197-00000782 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00001-00000783-00001015 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00002-00001016-00001158 hi there everybody QbWXhWsCMHo-00003-00001159-00001478 um it's a real pleasure to me to be here QbWXhWsCMHo-00004-00001479-00001839 today i'm chiara siegler working at obc QbWXhWsCMHo-00005-00001839-00001982 trans europa QbWXhWsCMHo-00006-00001984-00002302 and i have the luck to be introducing QbWXhWsCMHo-00007-00002303-00002558 the first episode of our QbWXhWsCMHo-00008-00002559-00002831 short series about the european data QbWXhWsCMHo-00009-00002832-00003087 journalism network QbWXhWsCMHo-00010-00003088-00003375 i'm the project coordinator and today QbWXhWsCMHo-00011-00003376-00003415 i'm QbWXhWsCMHo-00012-00003415-00003670 here together with two colleagues QbWXhWsCMHo-00013-00003671-00003822 gianpaolo accardo QbWXhWsCMHo-00014-00003823-00004167 founder of vox europe and george falcon QbWXhWsCMHo-00015-00004168-00004647 of aerologos our hungarian partner QbWXhWsCMHo-00016-00004648-00004902 yes i'm a co-founder and co-founder QbWXhWsCMHo-00017-00004903-00005006 hello everyone QbWXhWsCMHo-00018-00005007-00005335 i'm also a co-founder of evrologus since QbWXhWsCMHo-00019-00005336-00005775 2012. great so i'm very lucky to be here QbWXhWsCMHo-00020-00005776-00005799 with QbWXhWsCMHo-00021-00005800-00006086 these two special guests and our first QbWXhWsCMHo-00022-00006087-00006238 episode today QbWXhWsCMHo-00023-00006239-00006655 is um is a chance to to tell you about QbWXhWsCMHo-00024-00006656-00006855 why we established the european data QbWXhWsCMHo-00025-00006856-00007063 journalism network and why QbWXhWsCMHo-00026-00007064-00007398 uh we believe that data journalism QbWXhWsCMHo-00027-00007400-00007463 provides QbWXhWsCMHo-00028-00007464-00007814 a good tool and strategy QbWXhWsCMHo-00029-00007815-00008183 to to tell european citizens about QbWXhWsCMHo-00030-00008184-00008414 european stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00031-00008415-00008742 so um it's uh about QbWXhWsCMHo-00032-00008743-00009006 uh three years now since we embarked on QbWXhWsCMHo-00033-00009007-00009055 this QbWXhWsCMHo-00034-00009056-00009423 uh little adventure um so let me first QbWXhWsCMHo-00035-00009424-00009606 tell you a few words about what the QbWXhWsCMHo-00036-00009607-00009774 european data journalism network is QbWXhWsCMHo-00037-00009775-00009831 about QbWXhWsCMHo-00038-00009832-00010119 it's it's a network of independent uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00039-00010120-00010287 news organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00040-00010288-00010591 um and QbWXhWsCMHo-00041-00010592-00010814 our motto is europe explained through QbWXhWsCMHo-00042-00010815-00010919 data QbWXhWsCMHo-00043-00010920-00011255 so um we we produce QbWXhWsCMHo-00044-00011256-00011581 together working in a collaborative way QbWXhWsCMHo-00045-00011582-00011703 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00046-00011704-00012038 stories that help QbWXhWsCMHo-00047-00012039-00012246 bring together different angles on the QbWXhWsCMHo-00048-00012247-00012423 same topic from QbWXhWsCMHo-00049-00012424-00012742 various european contexts and QbWXhWsCMHo-00050-00012743-00013038 we also aim to promote data-driven QbWXhWsCMHo-00051-00013039-00013102 coverage QbWXhWsCMHo-00052-00013103-00013407 of european topics in several languages QbWXhWsCMHo-00053-00013408-00013927 our website is europeandatajournalism.eu QbWXhWsCMHo-00054-00013928-00014127 and we conceive ourselves as a QbWXhWsCMHo-00055-00014128-00014319 collaborative community QbWXhWsCMHo-00056-00014319-00014694 as a platform when where you can find QbWXhWsCMHo-00057-00014695-00015063 various news by the over 30 QbWXhWsCMHo-00058-00015063-00015350 partners of the network and also as a QbWXhWsCMHo-00059-00015351-00015511 learning community because QbWXhWsCMHo-00060-00015512-00015815 since the very beginning we use the QbWXhWsCMHo-00061-00015816-00015991 opportunity of edginet QbWXhWsCMHo-00062-00015991-00016503 to test new ways to do our job QbWXhWsCMHo-00063-00016504-00016703 so i would like to start this QbWXhWsCMHo-00064-00016704-00016886 conversation QbWXhWsCMHo-00065-00016887-00017199 with um one one question starting from QbWXhWsCMHo-00066-00017200-00017471 john paulo who is if you allow me john QbWXhWsCMHo-00067-00017472-00017558 paulo QbWXhWsCMHo-00068-00017559-00017822 one of our oldest friend let's say QbWXhWsCMHo-00069-00017823-00017879 because QbWXhWsCMHo-00070-00017880-00018175 when we started this uh this journey it QbWXhWsCMHo-00071-00018176-00018383 was the two organizations obc trans QbWXhWsCMHo-00072-00018384-00018550 europa and box europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00073-00018551-00018935 uh having the idea to to try to bring QbWXhWsCMHo-00074-00018936-00019199 together a group of of newsrooms QbWXhWsCMHo-00075-00019200-00019503 to to take on this challenge to cover QbWXhWsCMHo-00076-00019504-00019655 european affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00077-00019656-00019991 in a hopefully innovative way so john QbWXhWsCMHo-00078-00019992-00020086 paulo QbWXhWsCMHo-00079-00020087-00020439 one first QbWXhWsCMHo-00080-00020440-00020791 question i would say for us is um QbWXhWsCMHo-00081-00020792-00021111 why why do you believe that data QbWXhWsCMHo-00082-00021112-00021319 journalism is a useful tool to QbWXhWsCMHo-00083-00021320-00021614 to approach european issues and to QbWXhWsCMHo-00084-00021615-00021750 contribute to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00085-00021751-00022030 building of a european public sphere do QbWXhWsCMHo-00086-00022031-00022135 you feel it QbWXhWsCMHo-00087-00022136-00022327 since we felt in the beginning that this QbWXhWsCMHo-00088-00022328-00022471 is a way to go QbWXhWsCMHo-00089-00022472-00022950 and yeah what what's your take on that QbWXhWsCMHo-00090-00022951-00023214 yeah thanks cara and thank you all for QbWXhWsCMHo-00091-00023215-00023358 remembering my age QbWXhWsCMHo-00092-00023359-00023719 uh in terms of being old so QbWXhWsCMHo-00093-00023720-00024055 um to be honest um the QbWXhWsCMHo-00094-00024056-00024391 importance of data journalism for QbWXhWsCMHo-00095-00024392-00024614 telling europe or trying to explain QbWXhWsCMHo-00096-00024615-00024791 europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00097-00024792-00025222 is not let's say it's not completely QbWXhWsCMHo-00098-00025223-00025622 a mine i had a kind of enlightenment a QbWXhWsCMHo-00099-00025623-00025670 few QbWXhWsCMHo-00100-00025672-00025983 years ago when i was thinking about QbWXhWsCMHo-00101-00025983-00026311 how to best tell what is happening QbWXhWsCMHo-00102-00026312-00026623 in europe to um let's say to to yes to QbWXhWsCMHo-00103-00026624-00026846 the average european QbWXhWsCMHo-00104-00026847-00027199 news consumer or reader QbWXhWsCMHo-00105-00027200-00027390 in a way that wouldn't be too QbWXhWsCMHo-00106-00027391-00027574 complicated QbWXhWsCMHo-00107-00027575-00027807 in a way that would help explaining QbWXhWsCMHo-00108-00027808-00027895 complex QbWXhWsCMHo-00109-00027895-00028118 complex issues and in a way that would QbWXhWsCMHo-00110-00028119-00028279 be understandable for QbWXhWsCMHo-00111-00028280-00028583 the largest uh possible number and QbWXhWsCMHo-00112-00028583-00029046 uh i had the the the chance to watch a QbWXhWsCMHo-00113-00029047-00029302 a conference an online it was already QbWXhWsCMHo-00114-00029304-00029431 online at the time QbWXhWsCMHo-00115-00029432-00029790 where one of the first uh pioneers of QbWXhWsCMHo-00116-00029791-00029902 data journalism QbWXhWsCMHo-00117-00029904-00030223 in europe uh nicola casabrill who also QbWXhWsCMHo-00118-00030224-00030399 happens to be a contributor to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00119-00030400-00030567 european data journalism QbWXhWsCMHo-00120-00030568-00030895 uh said that probably QbWXhWsCMHo-00121-00030895-00031167 instead of trying to translate long QbWXhWsCMHo-00122-00031168-00031390 stories into different languages to QbWXhWsCMHo-00123-00031391-00031479 explain how QbWXhWsCMHo-00124-00031480-00031839 europe works using data QbWXhWsCMHo-00125-00031839-00032127 and data journalism would be simpler QbWXhWsCMHo-00126-00032127-00032190 because QbWXhWsCMHo-00127-00032191-00032551 data is understandable across languages QbWXhWsCMHo-00128-00032552-00032790 visualizations are understandable across QbWXhWsCMHo-00129-00032791-00032879 languages QbWXhWsCMHo-00130-00032880-00033255 and so using data and data journalism QbWXhWsCMHo-00131-00033256-00033590 would help europeans QbWXhWsCMHo-00132-00033591-00033783 wherever they are and whatever their QbWXhWsCMHo-00133-00033784-00033911 background is QbWXhWsCMHo-00134-00033912-00034271 to understand more easily QbWXhWsCMHo-00135-00034272-00034590 complex issues that are QbWXhWsCMHo-00136-00034591-00034879 linked to european affair meet the eu or QbWXhWsCMHo-00137-00034880-00034999 other QbWXhWsCMHo-00138-00035000-00035407 issues that are not linked to the eu so QbWXhWsCMHo-00139-00035408-00035767 when the um when the call for project QbWXhWsCMHo-00140-00035768-00036055 uh was issued by the commission to which QbWXhWsCMHo-00141-00036056-00036230 we ended up answering with the QbWXhWsCMHo-00142-00036231-00036607 obesity um it seemed to me uh the best QbWXhWsCMHo-00143-00036608-00036846 possible opportunity to QbWXhWsCMHo-00144-00036847-00037262 concretely uh realize and implement what QbWXhWsCMHo-00145-00037263-00037502 nikola casabil was saying and what i was QbWXhWsCMHo-00146-00037503-00037630 also QbWXhWsCMHo-00147-00037631-00037927 thinking about for quite quite a long QbWXhWsCMHo-00148-00037928-00038239 time QbWXhWsCMHo-00149-00038240-00038502 so maybe let's start the diving a little QbWXhWsCMHo-00150-00038503-00038679 bit deeper in the work we do QbWXhWsCMHo-00151-00038680-00038959 um so john paul i would like to to tell QbWXhWsCMHo-00152-00038960-00039127 our listeners a little bit more about QbWXhWsCMHo-00153-00039128-00039262 the way we QbWXhWsCMHo-00154-00039263-00039711 uh we aim at our QbWXhWsCMHo-00155-00039712-00040087 uh goal meaning explaining europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00156-00040088-00040207 through through data QbWXhWsCMHo-00157-00040208-00040487 so more or less um what sort of stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00158-00040488-00040655 how many stories you can find on our QbWXhWsCMHo-00159-00040656-00040807 platform and QbWXhWsCMHo-00160-00040808-00040999 how do we work together in the sense QbWXhWsCMHo-00161-00041000-00041111 that QbWXhWsCMHo-00162-00041112-00041358 we have these 30 members but of course QbWXhWsCMHo-00163-00041359-00041462 not all of them QbWXhWsCMHo-00164-00041463-00041879 work um all the time all together so QbWXhWsCMHo-00165-00041880-00041990 maybe let's just QbWXhWsCMHo-00166-00041991-00042335 give some hints on on the way we work QbWXhWsCMHo-00167-00042336-00042535 and and maybe if you wish also some of QbWXhWsCMHo-00168-00042536-00042718 the stories that you QbWXhWsCMHo-00169-00042719-00043030 really love to work on collaboratively QbWXhWsCMHo-00170-00043031-00043343 with others within the network okay so QbWXhWsCMHo-00171-00043344-00043671 when we set up this network QbWXhWsCMHo-00172-00043672-00044111 back in the late 2016 QbWXhWsCMHo-00173-00044112-00044439 care if you remember we we had QbWXhWsCMHo-00174-00044440-00044655 more or less two possibilities either go QbWXhWsCMHo-00175-00044656-00044751 for QbWXhWsCMHo-00176-00044752-00045118 very large partners very large news QbWXhWsCMHo-00177-00045119-00045287 media in europe or QbWXhWsCMHo-00178-00045288-00045511 aim for small to medium-sized media QbWXhWsCMHo-00179-00045512-00045623 independent QbWXhWsCMHo-00180-00045624-00045951 most of them and we chose the second QbWXhWsCMHo-00181-00045952-00046055 option QbWXhWsCMHo-00182-00046056-00046246 because we thought it were it would be QbWXhWsCMHo-00183-00046247-00046486 more agile and also QbWXhWsCMHo-00184-00046487-00046951 because we were very much QbWXhWsCMHo-00185-00046952-00047207 looking for working in the most QbWXhWsCMHo-00186-00047208-00047430 collaborative possible way QbWXhWsCMHo-00187-00047431-00047718 between partners and for this you need QbWXhWsCMHo-00188-00047719-00047830 people to QbWXhWsCMHo-00189-00047831-00048158 spend a lot of time together virtually QbWXhWsCMHo-00190-00048159-00048462 most of the time of course and QbWXhWsCMHo-00191-00048463-00048695 that's easier with the small to medium QbWXhWsCMHo-00192-00048696-00048839 organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00193-00048840-00049158 like most of our 30 partners are with QbWXhWsCMHo-00194-00049159-00049551 of course a few exceptions and QbWXhWsCMHo-00195-00049552-00049830 so the purpose is to basically to QbWXhWsCMHo-00196-00049831-00049983 produce QbWXhWsCMHo-00197-00049984-00050311 alone or together in collaboration QbWXhWsCMHo-00198-00050312-00050735 um translate and disseminate and share QbWXhWsCMHo-00199-00050736-00051095 stories on european affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00200-00051096-00051335 stories that would look at european QbWXhWsCMHo-00201-00051336-00051430 affairs through QbWXhWsCMHo-00202-00051432-00051782 a data prism this means that QbWXhWsCMHo-00203-00051783-00052007 the beginning of the story the starting QbWXhWsCMHo-00204-00052008-00052166 point should be QbWXhWsCMHo-00205-00052167-00052487 new possibly new and fresh data on QbWXhWsCMHo-00206-00052488-00052759 whatever issue although we have some QbWXhWsCMHo-00207-00052760-00052950 issues that we prefer to cover QbWXhWsCMHo-00208-00052951-00053254 and then develop the story afterwards QbWXhWsCMHo-00209-00053255-00053575 the issues we covered the most uh are QbWXhWsCMHo-00210-00053576-00053791 also linked to the the sensibility QbWXhWsCMHo-00211-00053791-00054023 uh and the editorial line of our QbWXhWsCMHo-00212-00054024-00054111 partners but QbWXhWsCMHo-00213-00054112-00054566 basically they run around QbWXhWsCMHo-00214-00054567-00054950 social issues inequalities gender issues QbWXhWsCMHo-00215-00054951-00055430 the environment energy transportation QbWXhWsCMHo-00216-00055432-00055766 fundamental rights and QbWXhWsCMHo-00217-00055767-00056023 i'd say those are the the main topics QbWXhWsCMHo-00218-00056024-00056175 that QbWXhWsCMHo-00219-00056176-00056647 that we cover and the idea is every time QbWXhWsCMHo-00220-00056648-00056911 a partner has an idea for a story to QbWXhWsCMHo-00221-00056912-00057079 reach out to the other partners QbWXhWsCMHo-00222-00057079-00057382 and ask them if they QbWXhWsCMHo-00223-00057383-00057630 are interested in jumping in and QbWXhWsCMHo-00224-00057632-00057942 collaborating to the story QbWXhWsCMHo-00225-00057944-00058279 and if so then they work in two three or QbWXhWsCMHo-00226-00058279-00058350 four QbWXhWsCMHo-00227-00058351-00058638 or more people on the same story QbWXhWsCMHo-00228-00058639-00058887 everyone with its own QbWXhWsCMHo-00229-00058888-00059191 capacity and specialization uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00230-00059191-00059519 so to get the maximum possible QbWXhWsCMHo-00231-00059520-00059823 um to take advantage of QbWXhWsCMHo-00232-00059824-00060135 each one speciality specialization QbWXhWsCMHo-00233-00060136-00060463 um and so we we were able to run all in QbWXhWsCMHo-00234-00060464-00060503 all QbWXhWsCMHo-00235-00060504-00060863 uh some 600 stories uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00236-00060864-00061175 until now which is my opinion uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00237-00061176-00061487 fairly a fairly good achievement uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00238-00061488-00061838 of course there are uh let's say smaller QbWXhWsCMHo-00239-00061839-00061935 stories with QbWXhWsCMHo-00240-00061936-00062319 less impact and maybe less uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00241-00062320-00062582 that were less reused by partners and QbWXhWsCMHo-00242-00062583-00062694 then there are QbWXhWsCMHo-00243-00062695-00063030 large investigations who uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00244-00063032-00063350 saw many partners involved QbWXhWsCMHo-00245-00063351-00063623 some even almost all partners were QbWXhWsCMHo-00246-00063624-00063750 involved QbWXhWsCMHo-00247-00063751-00063911 i think about the the large QbWXhWsCMHo-00248-00063912-00064063 investigation QbWXhWsCMHo-00249-00064064-00064359 that was led and coordinated by QbWXhWsCMHo-00250-00064360-00064526 journalism plus plus stockholm QbWXhWsCMHo-00251-00064527-00064838 on the uh change in temperatures in QbWXhWsCMHo-00252-00064839-00064903 europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00253-00064904-00065206 over more than a hundred years or QbWXhWsCMHo-00254-00065207-00065535 the investigation run lately by QbWXhWsCMHo-00255-00065536-00065926 this our spanish partner on QbWXhWsCMHo-00256-00065927-00066303 mental health in europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00257-00066304-00066599 where more than 30 different people and QbWXhWsCMHo-00258-00066600-00066719 organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00259-00066720-00067055 took part to so i'd say QbWXhWsCMHo-00260-00067056-00067382 there's a wide range of both topics QbWXhWsCMHo-00261-00067383-00067519 angles QbWXhWsCMHo-00262-00067520-00067831 type of stories some have a lot of data QbWXhWsCMHo-00263-00067832-00067999 setting of research in it QbWXhWsCMHo-00264-00068000-00068279 others are based on already existing QbWXhWsCMHo-00265-00068280-00068399 data sets QbWXhWsCMHo-00266-00068400-00068767 so i think one of the characteristic of QbWXhWsCMHo-00267-00068768-00068879 the networks QbWXhWsCMHo-00268-00068880-00069287 of our network is that it's flexible um QbWXhWsCMHo-00269-00069288-00069599 it's able to focus on several topics QbWXhWsCMHo-00270-00069600-00069847 uh that are of interests of both QbWXhWsCMHo-00271-00069848-00070038 partners and the public QbWXhWsCMHo-00272-00070039-00070382 and uh that it is also extremely QbWXhWsCMHo-00273-00070383-00070767 uh well uh uh connected i mean we QbWXhWsCMHo-00274-00070768-00071023 are also happy to work together uh after QbWXhWsCMHo-00275-00071024-00071126 all which is a QbWXhWsCMHo-00276-00071127-00072135 a major driver for this kind of effort QbWXhWsCMHo-00277-00072136-00072391 i like very much the idea of happiness QbWXhWsCMHo-00278-00072392-00072559 as a driver QbWXhWsCMHo-00279-00072560-00072926 in life so moving to yogyorg QbWXhWsCMHo-00280-00072927-00073135 what's your perspective um we are a QbWXhWsCMHo-00281-00073136-00073335 happy partner QbWXhWsCMHo-00282-00073336-00073655 good good to hear um so in in QbWXhWsCMHo-00283-00073656-00074031 what did um attract you QbWXhWsCMHo-00284-00074032-00074206 and every logos to become a member of QbWXhWsCMHo-00285-00074207-00074423 indigenet and what's in your view QbWXhWsCMHo-00286-00074424-00074703 the added value that such a network of QbWXhWsCMHo-00287-00074704-00074775 newsrooms QbWXhWsCMHo-00288-00074776-00075079 and and uh small to medium QbWXhWsCMHo-00289-00075080-00075359 media with the few exception uh that QbWXhWsCMHo-00290-00075360-00075511 john paulo mentioned that QbWXhWsCMHo-00291-00075512-00075743 what's the added value that it brings to QbWXhWsCMHo-00292-00075744-00075871 your everyday QbWXhWsCMHo-00293-00075872-00076111 work and to the impact of your stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00294-00076112-00076311 and maybe also QbWXhWsCMHo-00295-00076312-00076694 to the service that we would like to QbWXhWsCMHo-00296-00076695-00076999 bring to to the european QbWXhWsCMHo-00297-00077000-00077262 citizens community what's your QbWXhWsCMHo-00298-00077263-00077382 perspective QbWXhWsCMHo-00299-00077383-00077703 so thank you for the question kiara um QbWXhWsCMHo-00300-00077704-00078047 we are partner wishes partners uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00301-00078048-00078367 um vddj since uh 30 QbWXhWsCMHo-00302-00078368-00078687 i think it's going to be a third period QbWXhWsCMHo-00303-00078688-00078926 starting in april we cooperate with you QbWXhWsCMHo-00304-00078927-00079023 guys QbWXhWsCMHo-00305-00079024-00079335 and originally we came to this um this QbWXhWsCMHo-00306-00079336-00079431 cooperation QbWXhWsCMHo-00307-00079432-00079735 um primarily because QbWXhWsCMHo-00308-00079736-00080006 we we thought that cross-border QbWXhWsCMHo-00309-00080007-00080215 cooperation is really beneficial for us QbWXhWsCMHo-00310-00080216-00080255 but QbWXhWsCMHo-00311-00080256-00080623 this um this perception has uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00312-00080624-00080943 since then evolved to the better because QbWXhWsCMHo-00313-00080944-00081031 we QbWXhWsCMHo-00314-00081032-00081294 there are multiple layers of of benefits QbWXhWsCMHo-00315-00081295-00081367 for us QbWXhWsCMHo-00316-00081368-00081638 for taking part and that's why for from QbWXhWsCMHo-00317-00081639-00081726 uh from next QbWXhWsCMHo-00318-00081727-00081943 from the next period we will be uh core QbWXhWsCMHo-00319-00081944-00082047 member QbWXhWsCMHo-00320-00082048-00082311 to is that uh one thing is that we have QbWXhWsCMHo-00321-00082312-00082535 a special focus we are a hungarian QbWXhWsCMHo-00322-00082536-00082726 publication but we are primarily QbWXhWsCMHo-00323-00082727-00082918 produced from brussels so we have a very QbWXhWsCMHo-00324-00082919-00083111 strong eye on the european affairs and QbWXhWsCMHo-00325-00083112-00083287 the special focus on eu QbWXhWsCMHo-00326-00083288-00083494 and that's how we even though we are QbWXhWsCMHo-00327-00083495-00083679 published on java gay which is one of QbWXhWsCMHo-00328-00083680-00083799 the QbWXhWsCMHo-00329-00083800-00083975 largest news sites in hungary QbWXhWsCMHo-00330-00083976-00084159 independent still independent i have to QbWXhWsCMHo-00331-00084160-00084206 underline QbWXhWsCMHo-00332-00084207-00084599 three times um and QbWXhWsCMHo-00333-00084600-00084887 what when we started we thought that um QbWXhWsCMHo-00334-00084888-00085103 we we have two benefits that we will be QbWXhWsCMHo-00335-00085104-00085175 able to QbWXhWsCMHo-00336-00085176-00085482 to um dedicate more time QbWXhWsCMHo-00337-00085483-00085791 and journalistic work to um QbWXhWsCMHo-00338-00085792-00086118 to data analysis and covering stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00339-00086119-00086206 based on data QbWXhWsCMHo-00340-00086207-00086550 which is still the case but what we QbWXhWsCMHo-00341-00086551-00086782 what we ever since understood is that QbWXhWsCMHo-00342-00086783-00087006 our perception about stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00343-00087007-00087343 and the way we uh perceive uh different QbWXhWsCMHo-00344-00087344-00087447 issues QbWXhWsCMHo-00345-00087448-00087775 uh given our special brussels focus and QbWXhWsCMHo-00346-00087776-00087999 being focused on the other hand on the QbWXhWsCMHo-00347-00088000-00088223 output and to the hungarian media market QbWXhWsCMHo-00348-00088224-00088455 gives us benefits through the through QbWXhWsCMHo-00349-00088456-00088591 this cooperation that is QbWXhWsCMHo-00350-00088592-00088847 that is really interesting so we can QbWXhWsCMHo-00351-00088848-00088935 often QbWXhWsCMHo-00352-00088936-00089175 tell stories that otherwise would not QbWXhWsCMHo-00353-00089176-00089303 come into our focus QbWXhWsCMHo-00354-00089304-00089647 and would not be uh surfacing in our QbWXhWsCMHo-00355-00089648-00089855 weekly editorial meetings and then we QbWXhWsCMHo-00356-00089856-00090055 say something like QbWXhWsCMHo-00357-00090056-00090382 um let's say for us a big surprise was QbWXhWsCMHo-00358-00090383-00090438 for example QbWXhWsCMHo-00359-00090439-00090726 laszlo made this story about the the QbWXhWsCMHo-00360-00090727-00090862 sizes of forested QbWXhWsCMHo-00361-00090863-00091087 areas in different countries in europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00362-00091088-00091247 and we thought like well it's not a QbWXhWsCMHo-00363-00091248-00091382 super interesting story QbWXhWsCMHo-00364-00091383-00091582 story but for for a reason it's really QbWXhWsCMHo-00365-00091583-00091718 running since then QbWXhWsCMHo-00366-00091719-00091911 regularly even still there are readers QbWXhWsCMHo-00367-00091912-00092150 on it and now we are repromoting it and QbWXhWsCMHo-00368-00092151-00092191 that's QbWXhWsCMHo-00369-00092192-00092382 a good example of where even we are QbWXhWsCMHo-00370-00092383-00092494 surprised or QbWXhWsCMHo-00371-00092495-00092823 last law is really into writing stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00372-00092824-00093006 about the penny tension system and the QbWXhWsCMHo-00373-00093007-00093206 justice system of QbWXhWsCMHo-00374-00093207-00093415 different countries and he made a story QbWXhWsCMHo-00375-00093416-00093582 about QbWXhWsCMHo-00376-00093583-00093887 murder cases in europe and suicides and QbWXhWsCMHo-00377-00093888-00094159 this data visualization excites people QbWXhWsCMHo-00378-00094160-00094279 for example QbWXhWsCMHo-00379-00094280-00094591 or a third story was about uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00380-00094592-00094815 prison populations that we were not QbWXhWsCMHo-00381-00094816-00095006 expecting that it's really exciting and QbWXhWsCMHo-00382-00095007-00095238 people are exciting about those and QbWXhWsCMHo-00383-00095239-00095479 when we we are able to cooperate with uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00384-00095480-00095655 jean-paulo also mentioned this QbWXhWsCMHo-00385-00095656-00095838 mental health story that last lawyers QbWXhWsCMHo-00386-00095839-00096087 who contributed from from our side um QbWXhWsCMHo-00387-00096088-00096318 these are the the things where we with QbWXhWsCMHo-00388-00096319-00096550 little insights from other countries and QbWXhWsCMHo-00389-00096551-00096735 journalists from other member states QbWXhWsCMHo-00390-00096736-00096943 give us some impetus and then we QbWXhWsCMHo-00391-00096944-00097150 just like had this aha moment and then QbWXhWsCMHo-00392-00097151-00097391 we started to work on a new story that QbWXhWsCMHo-00393-00097392-00097550 that otherwise would not come into the QbWXhWsCMHo-00394-00097551-00097782 picture and it's not always just the QbWXhWsCMHo-00395-00097783-00097967 hardcore cooperation itself but QbWXhWsCMHo-00396-00097968-00098135 the way we think about stories and the QbWXhWsCMHo-00397-00098136-00098318 way we follow the what's happened what's QbWXhWsCMHo-00398-00098319-00098543 published on the ebg net site or QbWXhWsCMHo-00399-00098544-00098847 how our stories are taken over uh i mean QbWXhWsCMHo-00400-00098848-00099118 uh republished or translated that also QbWXhWsCMHo-00401-00099119-00099294 like that the translation part is also QbWXhWsCMHo-00402-00099295-00099367 benefit QbWXhWsCMHo-00403-00099368-00099559 it's it's a super added value for us QbWXhWsCMHo-00404-00099560-00099799 that sometimes we are able to see our QbWXhWsCMHo-00405-00099800-00100047 stories in spanish or italian or QbWXhWsCMHo-00406-00100048-00100350 french translated or english QbWXhWsCMHo-00407-00100351-00100694 so there are more and more layers like QbWXhWsCMHo-00408-00100695-00101015 of an onion that are showing up slowly QbWXhWsCMHo-00409-00101016-00101126 through the time QbWXhWsCMHo-00410-00101127-00101494 and for now what we our biggest QbWXhWsCMHo-00411-00101495-00101703 hope for the next period is that we will QbWXhWsCMHo-00412-00101704-00101815 be able to QbWXhWsCMHo-00413-00101816-00102023 to live up to the expectation of what we QbWXhWsCMHo-00414-00102024-00102223 can bring with our brussels presence QbWXhWsCMHo-00415-00102224-00102463 permanent brussels presence and QbWXhWsCMHo-00416-00102464-00102671 and that we will somehow be a little bit QbWXhWsCMHo-00417-00102672-00102847 of a router for information from QbWXhWsCMHo-00418-00102848-00103071 brussels for the other members of the QbWXhWsCMHo-00419-00103072-00103447 of the corporation i hope i did answer QbWXhWsCMHo-00420-00103448-00103551 your questions QbWXhWsCMHo-00421-00103552-00103927 thank you yes perfectly and QbWXhWsCMHo-00422-00103928-00104239 you actually open up uh opened up QbWXhWsCMHo-00423-00104240-00104566 more uh more insights of the work we do QbWXhWsCMHo-00424-00104567-00104910 uh also mentioning the fact that um edg QbWXhWsCMHo-00425-00104911-00104983 net QbWXhWsCMHo-00426-00104983-00105295 is a multilingual platform so we QbWXhWsCMHo-00427-00105296-00105527 publish all the content produced by QbWXhWsCMHo-00428-00105528-00105607 members QbWXhWsCMHo-00429-00105608-00105847 for the network in english of course but QbWXhWsCMHo-00430-00105848-00105983 we also QbWXhWsCMHo-00431-00105983-00106366 have other 10 QbWXhWsCMHo-00432-00106367-00106654 language edition including hungarian of QbWXhWsCMHo-00433-00106655-00106927 course we do not have the QbWXhWsCMHo-00434-00106928-00107134 strength to translate all the materials QbWXhWsCMHo-00435-00107135-00107334 in the various languages but QbWXhWsCMHo-00436-00107335-00107647 we also believe that multilingualism QbWXhWsCMHo-00437-00107648-00108007 is indeed a very important QbWXhWsCMHo-00438-00108008-00108327 component for journalism european QbWXhWsCMHo-00439-00108328-00108454 journalism if QbWXhWsCMHo-00440-00108455-00108766 we aim to reach out to european citizens QbWXhWsCMHo-00441-00108767-00109007 as close as possible to their local QbWXhWsCMHo-00442-00109008-00109239 reality and and real QbWXhWsCMHo-00443-00109240-00109671 life let's say um i would like to then QbWXhWsCMHo-00444-00109672-00110102 uh move again to to john paulo because QbWXhWsCMHo-00445-00110103-00110288 vox europe is our QbWXhWsCMHo-00446-00110289-00110447 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00447-00110448-00110719 let's say vox europe together with obct QbWXhWsCMHo-00448-00110720-00110878 is the editorial coordinator of the QbWXhWsCMHo-00449-00110879-00110999 network as such QbWXhWsCMHo-00450-00111000-00111190 and from my point of view it's QbWXhWsCMHo-00451-00111191-00111375 interesting to observe QbWXhWsCMHo-00452-00111376-00111631 uh two kind of impacts that indigenet is QbWXhWsCMHo-00453-00111632-00111702 having QbWXhWsCMHo-00454-00111703-00112015 on one hand uh what also georg just told QbWXhWsCMHo-00455-00112016-00112047 us QbWXhWsCMHo-00456-00112048-00112366 meaning the impact on the organization QbWXhWsCMHo-00457-00112367-00112454 itself QbWXhWsCMHo-00458-00112455-00112719 it's really something we had hoped for QbWXhWsCMHo-00459-00112720-00112934 and it's so nice to see it QbWXhWsCMHo-00460-00112935-00113247 becoming reality day after day and i QbWXhWsCMHo-00461-00113248-00113310 mean QbWXhWsCMHo-00462-00113311-00113654 really trying to buy the QbWXhWsCMHo-00463-00113655-00113966 collaboration that we QbWXhWsCMHo-00464-00113967-00114383 we try to practice every day QbWXhWsCMHo-00465-00114383-00114702 the way each of our organization does QbWXhWsCMHo-00466-00114703-00115031 its journalism changes a little bit both QbWXhWsCMHo-00467-00115032-00115158 in terms of impetus QbWXhWsCMHo-00468-00115159-00115510 as georgie said uh also maybe in some QbWXhWsCMHo-00469-00115511-00115854 cases in terms of QbWXhWsCMHo-00470-00115855-00116110 techniques that are used and then this QbWXhWsCMHo-00471-00116111-00116407 is this was something that we really QbWXhWsCMHo-00472-00116408-00116727 had had in mind when we started and the QbWXhWsCMHo-00473-00116728-00116878 question to john paulo is QbWXhWsCMHo-00474-00116879-00117263 to your perception to your QbWXhWsCMHo-00475-00117264-00117663 what's your opinion in terms of QbWXhWsCMHo-00476-00117664-00117999 how far did we go in changing a little QbWXhWsCMHo-00477-00118000-00118086 bit the way QbWXhWsCMHo-00478-00118088-00118439 that uh members approach european QbWXhWsCMHo-00479-00118440-00118534 affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00480-00118535-00118943 um i remember i want also to to share QbWXhWsCMHo-00481-00118944-00119215 to remind you and also to let the QbWXhWsCMHo-00482-00119216-00119343 listeners know QbWXhWsCMHo-00483-00119344-00119702 that um one year ago more or less QbWXhWsCMHo-00484-00119703-00120095 we we did a survey among our members QbWXhWsCMHo-00485-00120096-00120423 to survey among our members and not QbWXhWsCMHo-00486-00120424-00120695 only actually it was an open survey to QbWXhWsCMHo-00487-00120696-00120823 try to understand QbWXhWsCMHo-00488-00120824-00121054 uh if the services that we were QbWXhWsCMHo-00489-00121055-00121143 providing QbWXhWsCMHo-00490-00121144-00121454 were of benefits to to the journalistic QbWXhWsCMHo-00491-00121455-00121607 community in europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00492-00121608-00122086 and one question was also about uh um QbWXhWsCMHo-00493-00122088-00122383 how much did the work that we were doing QbWXhWsCMHo-00494-00122383-00122543 um QbWXhWsCMHo-00495-00122544-00122863 helped newsrooms to deal with QbWXhWsCMHo-00496-00122864-00123214 european affairs in a regular way and QbWXhWsCMHo-00497-00123215-00123566 to our surprise it was only a minority QbWXhWsCMHo-00498-00123567-00123871 of the respondents that QbWXhWsCMHo-00499-00123872-00124175 that declared that they deal with QbWXhWsCMHo-00500-00124176-00124407 european affairs on a regular basis QbWXhWsCMHo-00501-00124408-00124607 so now my question to you john paulu QbWXhWsCMHo-00502-00124608-00124727 would be QbWXhWsCMHo-00503-00124728-00125127 do you think um that QbWXhWsCMHo-00504-00125128-00125447 experiences like diginet or even QbWXhWsCMHo-00505-00125448-00125719 just indigenet because we can just yeah QbWXhWsCMHo-00506-00125720-00125927 talk about our own experience QbWXhWsCMHo-00507-00125928-00126231 have an impact on the way that QbWXhWsCMHo-00508-00126232-00126342 newsrooms QbWXhWsCMHo-00509-00126343-00126551 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00510-00126552-00126839 on the way that newsrooms cover stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00511-00126840-00127143 and also on the way they QbWXhWsCMHo-00512-00127144-00127463 they think of european affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00513-00127464-00128310 and if so in which way QbWXhWsCMHo-00514-00128311-00128647 well to to my experience QbWXhWsCMHo-00515-00128648-00129134 until now is that um QbWXhWsCMHo-00516-00129135-00129471 let's say that at indigenet we produced QbWXhWsCMHo-00517-00129472-00129958 stories about european affairs in a wide QbWXhWsCMHo-00518-00129959-00130254 you know wide ways not only eu strictly QbWXhWsCMHo-00519-00130255-00130478 affairs but also QbWXhWsCMHo-00520-00130479-00130854 as i mentioned earlier society and uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00521-00130855-00131183 stuff that is less related to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00522-00131184-00131566 european union itself um with regards to QbWXhWsCMHo-00523-00131567-00131878 the second type of of stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00524-00131879-00132087 partners were happy because they are QbWXhWsCMHo-00525-00132088-00132190 always QbWXhWsCMHo-00526-00132191-00132519 happy to deal with um issues that are QbWXhWsCMHo-00527-00132520-00132639 not too political QbWXhWsCMHo-00528-00132640-00132966 and and and too technical QbWXhWsCMHo-00529-00132967-00133143 and in this regard they had the QbWXhWsCMHo-00530-00133144-00133454 opportunity to get more sources QbWXhWsCMHo-00531-00133455-00133823 more features that they could cover QbWXhWsCMHo-00532-00133824-00134087 and more angles thanks to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00533-00134088-00134175 contribution QbWXhWsCMHo-00534-00134176-00134390 of the the network and the other QbWXhWsCMHo-00535-00134391-00134678 partners with regards to the eu QbWXhWsCMHo-00536-00134679-00135063 i would say that uh you eu affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00537-00135064-00135366 strictly are often seen as QbWXhWsCMHo-00538-00135367-00135799 boring or arid for most of newsroom QbWXhWsCMHo-00539-00135800-00136031 not only in europe but across the world QbWXhWsCMHo-00540-00136032-00136254 and what we QbWXhWsCMHo-00541-00136255-00136502 maybe provided to our partners with the QbWXhWsCMHo-00542-00136503-00136687 network and also to um QbWXhWsCMHo-00543-00136688-00136975 not only the network partners but also QbWXhWsCMHo-00544-00136976-00137095 the QbWXhWsCMHo-00545-00137096-00137414 the media that we had the contacts with QbWXhWsCMHo-00546-00137415-00137511 and QbWXhWsCMHo-00547-00137512-00137751 whom reused the material that we QbWXhWsCMHo-00548-00137752-00137887 produced QbWXhWsCMHo-00549-00137888-00138135 they were a bit less afraid of talking QbWXhWsCMHo-00550-00138136-00138383 about eu affairs also because QbWXhWsCMHo-00551-00138384-00138551 through especially because it was QbWXhWsCMHo-00552-00138552-00138759 through data and QbWXhWsCMHo-00553-00138760-00138919 through the comparisons between QbWXhWsCMHo-00554-00138920-00139087 countries that data uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00555-00139088-00139495 allows to do in a very uh immediately QbWXhWsCMHo-00556-00139496-00139863 understandable way uh they were happy QbWXhWsCMHo-00557-00139864-00140247 to to cover eu affairs QbWXhWsCMHo-00558-00140248-00140559 in a way that is not boring or too QbWXhWsCMHo-00559-00140560-00140678 technical QbWXhWsCMHo-00560-00140679-00141031 so when when you have when we produce a QbWXhWsCMHo-00561-00141032-00141214 map or an explanatory QbWXhWsCMHo-00562-00141215-00141431 or an infographics that shows the QbWXhWsCMHo-00563-00141432-00141543 comparison on QbWXhWsCMHo-00564-00141544-00141919 topics such as youth and employment or QbWXhWsCMHo-00565-00141920-00142119 cultural consumption in different eu QbWXhWsCMHo-00566-00142120-00142247 countries QbWXhWsCMHo-00567-00142248-00142583 and this data is also is provided by the QbWXhWsCMHo-00568-00142584-00142919 eu statistical office QbWXhWsCMHo-00569-00142920-00143254 it's something that most of media are QbWXhWsCMHo-00570-00143255-00143495 happy to use QbWXhWsCMHo-00571-00143496-00143743 because it's not too technical it's QbWXhWsCMHo-00572-00143744-00143831 visibly QbWXhWsCMHo-00573-00143832-00144135 very easy to understand and it's QbWXhWsCMHo-00574-00144136-00144351 something their readers QbWXhWsCMHo-00575-00144352-00144551 are happy with because it gives them an QbWXhWsCMHo-00576-00144552-00144735 overview on QbWXhWsCMHo-00577-00144736-00145175 the other countries around europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00578-00145176-00145471 which they wouldn't get with a classical QbWXhWsCMHo-00579-00145472-00145654 type of reporting that would limit QbWXhWsCMHo-00580-00145655-00146023 itself to a few countries QbWXhWsCMHo-00581-00146024-00146423 thank you john paulo and QbWXhWsCMHo-00582-00146424-00146783 well of course this is not a problem for QbWXhWsCMHo-00583-00146784-00146871 eurologos QbWXhWsCMHo-00584-00146872-00147063 since you have european affairs at the QbWXhWsCMHo-00585-00147064-00147214 very heart of your QbWXhWsCMHo-00586-00147215-00147559 editorial mission i'd say dna yeah QbWXhWsCMHo-00587-00147560-00147887 yes but um what about QbWXhWsCMHo-00588-00147888-00148175 is somehow edging that's also an QbWXhWsCMHo-00589-00148176-00148423 opportunity for you to try to QbWXhWsCMHo-00590-00148424-00148671 either bring europe closer to hungarian QbWXhWsCMHo-00591-00148672-00148814 citizens QbWXhWsCMHo-00592-00148815-00149183 and on the other way to bring hungary QbWXhWsCMHo-00593-00149184-00149607 closer or to um also QbWXhWsCMHo-00594-00149608-00149999 yeah bring hungary closer to QbWXhWsCMHo-00595-00150000-00150326 a european audience have you ever QbWXhWsCMHo-00596-00150327-00150471 considered your work under this QbWXhWsCMHo-00597-00150472-00150687 perspective or is something that you QbWXhWsCMHo-00598-00150688-00151087 think um is part of your QbWXhWsCMHo-00599-00151088-00151431 presence and benefit in the network QbWXhWsCMHo-00600-00151432-00151790 uh i think yeah this is a two-way street QbWXhWsCMHo-00601-00151791-00152031 so what we do is because of the QbWXhWsCMHo-00602-00152032-00152199 financial QbWXhWsCMHo-00603-00152200-00152390 opportunities that the network gives us QbWXhWsCMHo-00604-00152391-00152535 and because of the network QbWXhWsCMHo-00605-00152536-00152783 opportunities and also sometimes even QbWXhWsCMHo-00606-00152784-00152895 the tool or just the QbWXhWsCMHo-00607-00152896-00153087 the way of thinking that that was QbWXhWsCMHo-00608-00153088-00153399 brought aboard with the videogenetic QbWXhWsCMHo-00609-00153400-00153719 uh we can uh and and jump out i can only QbWXhWsCMHo-00610-00153720-00153783 underline QbWXhWsCMHo-00611-00153784-00154239 what john paul said that the way um QbWXhWsCMHo-00612-00154240-00154583 stories are neutralized a little bit or QbWXhWsCMHo-00613-00154584-00154854 or taken from a more distant perspective QbWXhWsCMHo-00614-00154855-00154959 when it comes to QbWXhWsCMHo-00615-00154960-00155247 cross-border stories or data-driven QbWXhWsCMHo-00616-00155248-00155335 stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00617-00155336-00155575 helps people to say this is not some new QbWXhWsCMHo-00618-00155576-00155647 policy QbWXhWsCMHo-00619-00155648-00155999 boring or very QbWXhWsCMHo-00620-00156000-00156239 very professionally relevant only QbWXhWsCMHo-00621-00156240-00156414 professionally relevant topic but QbWXhWsCMHo-00622-00156415-00156807 but yeah i can just say QbWXhWsCMHo-00623-00156808-00157143 for example we had a story just out of QbWXhWsCMHo-00624-00157144-00157247 my mind about QbWXhWsCMHo-00625-00157248-00157559 um corruption in sports and i i i'm QbWXhWsCMHo-00626-00157560-00157671 certain that this is QbWXhWsCMHo-00627-00157672-00157847 just we came with up with this story QbWXhWsCMHo-00628-00157848-00158078 just because we are in this network QbWXhWsCMHo-00629-00158079-00158271 otherwise we would not do this story and QbWXhWsCMHo-00630-00158272-00158463 it was loved by our audience and then it QbWXhWsCMHo-00631-00158464-00158639 was even taken over by other QbWXhWsCMHo-00632-00158640-00158814 publications because it's it's QbWXhWsCMHo-00633-00158815-00159047 interesting because we speak about QbWXhWsCMHo-00634-00159048-00159366 it's like a rubber stamp saying QbWXhWsCMHo-00635-00159367-00159575 that oh yeah there is big corruption in QbWXhWsCMHo-00636-00159576-00159775 sports and especially in sports betting QbWXhWsCMHo-00637-00159776-00159831 and the way QbWXhWsCMHo-00638-00159832-00160047 uh matches are are cheated and so on and QbWXhWsCMHo-00639-00160048-00160271 so forth but we never cut we never hear QbWXhWsCMHo-00640-00160272-00160366 data about that QbWXhWsCMHo-00641-00160367-00160583 and what we did in this case is that we QbWXhWsCMHo-00642-00160584-00160711 got the data set QbWXhWsCMHo-00643-00160712-00160895 we and we underlined the argument with QbWXhWsCMHo-00644-00160896-00161047 real with reality QbWXhWsCMHo-00645-00161048-00161278 and this is just one example of the way QbWXhWsCMHo-00646-00161279-00161351 we QbWXhWsCMHo-00647-00161352-00161695 sometimes uh bring in the idea and QbWXhWsCMHo-00648-00161696-00161951 support it with hard data or facts QbWXhWsCMHo-00649-00161952-00162223 uh through the through the means of um QbWXhWsCMHo-00650-00162224-00162478 evgenet and then we are able to QbWXhWsCMHo-00651-00162479-00162783 to uh produce those and then it gets QbWXhWsCMHo-00652-00162784-00162911 translated and you can get QbWXhWsCMHo-00653-00162912-00163151 visibility outside hungary so that's one QbWXhWsCMHo-00654-00163152-00163359 way and the other way around QbWXhWsCMHo-00655-00163360-00163671 is that um sometimes we have stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00656-00163672-00163895 um that we think for the hungarian QbWXhWsCMHo-00657-00163896-00164007 audience are relevant QbWXhWsCMHo-00658-00164008-00164247 and then we say we will support them QbWXhWsCMHo-00659-00164248-00164502 with arguments from outside hungary QbWXhWsCMHo-00660-00164503-00164719 so i will give other examples we can QbWXhWsCMHo-00661-00164720-00164863 show that yeah this is not a good QbWXhWsCMHo-00662-00164864-00165071 practice it can be done in 10 other ways QbWXhWsCMHo-00663-00165072-00165231 or five other ways and two of them are QbWXhWsCMHo-00664-00165232-00165414 much better in other members member QbWXhWsCMHo-00665-00165415-00165559 states of the eu QbWXhWsCMHo-00666-00165560-00165871 and that way we can also QbWXhWsCMHo-00667-00165872-00166175 give some external reflection on QbWXhWsCMHo-00668-00166176-00166614 often very dull or dull or very sad QbWXhWsCMHo-00669-00166615-00167126 processes or or flows of QbWXhWsCMHo-00670-00167127-00167359 things in hungary or politics not just QbWXhWsCMHo-00671-00167360-00167559 politics but other things too but QbWXhWsCMHo-00672-00167560-00167743 even in healthcare rather things where QbWXhWsCMHo-00673-00167744-00167975 you can just give external examples and QbWXhWsCMHo-00674-00167976-00168214 it helps people to understand that this QbWXhWsCMHo-00675-00168215-00168383 is not the only way to deal with the QbWXhWsCMHo-00676-00168384-00168471 thing QbWXhWsCMHo-00677-00168472-00168871 and and that's where we find um QbWXhWsCMHo-00678-00168872-00169166 our cooperation here useful to to bring QbWXhWsCMHo-00679-00169167-00169343 an external mirror so to say to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00680-00169344-00169551 hungarian audiences and that that comes QbWXhWsCMHo-00681-00169552-00169607 also QbWXhWsCMHo-00682-00169608-00170007 time to time uh and then um QbWXhWsCMHo-00683-00170008-00170254 are our brussels presents underlined QbWXhWsCMHo-00684-00170255-00170438 with data i mean QbWXhWsCMHo-00685-00170439-00170631 actually this is a luxury here we in QbWXhWsCMHo-00686-00170632-00170871 brussels we have a lot of data QbWXhWsCMHo-00687-00170872-00171087 very often we have reports but there's QbWXhWsCMHo-00688-00171088-00171335 no basically almost QbWXhWsCMHo-00689-00171336-00171575 i would say in an average every second QbWXhWsCMHo-00690-00171576-00171783 weekly meeting we have editorial weekly QbWXhWsCMHo-00691-00171784-00171990 meeting we have a new idea of QbWXhWsCMHo-00692-00171991-00172263 of i saw a database on that there is a QbWXhWsCMHo-00693-00172264-00172438 new eurostat on there there is a euro QbWXhWsCMHo-00694-00172439-00172631 barometer on that there is a QbWXhWsCMHo-00695-00172632-00172951 i heard about uh i just got a QbWXhWsCMHo-00696-00172952-00173207 insider excel sheet from the european QbWXhWsCMHo-00697-00173208-00173390 commission that we could use and these QbWXhWsCMHo-00698-00173391-00173599 kind of thinkings are always QbWXhWsCMHo-00699-00173600-00173807 empowered by the fact that we are part QbWXhWsCMHo-00700-00173808-00173959 of this network and QbWXhWsCMHo-00701-00173960-00174175 we cannot be grateful enough i mean it's QbWXhWsCMHo-00702-00174176-00174335 not in the QbWXhWsCMHo-00703-00174336-00174526 sense but in the really honest and QbWXhWsCMHo-00704-00174527-00174959 really useful and beneficial sense QbWXhWsCMHo-00705-00174960-00175223 yeah so it's a back and forth it's back QbWXhWsCMHo-00706-00175224-00175351 and forth QbWXhWsCMHo-00707-00175352-00175678 yeah thank you georg and QbWXhWsCMHo-00708-00175679-00176007 uh speaking about data it's true that QbWXhWsCMHo-00709-00176008-00176223 of course eurostat and many other QbWXhWsCMHo-00710-00176224-00176438 european agencies QbWXhWsCMHo-00711-00176439-00176759 provide a lot of data QbWXhWsCMHo-00712-00176760-00177135 but i'd like to widen a little bit the QbWXhWsCMHo-00713-00177136-00177247 scope to QbWXhWsCMHo-00714-00177248-00177543 to also uh tell another aspect of the QbWXhWsCMHo-00715-00177544-00177711 work that we have started to do QbWXhWsCMHo-00716-00177712-00178126 meaning looking for very local data QbWXhWsCMHo-00717-00178127-00178519 to root european QbWXhWsCMHo-00718-00178520-00178735 to root stories at the local level QbWXhWsCMHo-00719-00178736-00178854 stories that QbWXhWsCMHo-00720-00178855-00179263 or to root phenomena that are much QbWXhWsCMHo-00721-00179264-00179575 bigger that are global phenomena be it QbWXhWsCMHo-00722-00179576-00179943 the global warming but also other issues QbWXhWsCMHo-00723-00179944-00180247 with um a very local dimension QbWXhWsCMHo-00724-00180248-00180631 and and here i don't know john paul if QbWXhWsCMHo-00725-00180632-00180726 you want to QbWXhWsCMHo-00726-00180727-00181126 provide some examples of these QbWXhWsCMHo-00727-00181127-00181783 of these attempt of hours or QbWXhWsCMHo-00728-00181784-00181983 provide some context why we believe that QbWXhWsCMHo-00729-00181984-00182199 this is also another way to go so QbWXhWsCMHo-00730-00182200-00182463 not just remaining on data at the local QbWXhWsCMHo-00731-00182464-00182695 at the european level but trying to go QbWXhWsCMHo-00732-00182696-00183183 uh deeper and closer to to the local QbWXhWsCMHo-00733-00183184-00183783 layer let's say of our experience yeah QbWXhWsCMHo-00734-00183784-00184183 sure well of course as i was saying QbWXhWsCMHo-00735-00184184-00184271 earlier QbWXhWsCMHo-00736-00184272-00184614 um europeans like to make comparisons QbWXhWsCMHo-00737-00184615-00184783 between countries QbWXhWsCMHo-00738-00184784-00185095 but at the same time they are very much QbWXhWsCMHo-00739-00185096-00185511 rooted in their own city in their own uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00740-00185512-00185783 in their own region in their own local QbWXhWsCMHo-00741-00185784-00185966 community and environment QbWXhWsCMHo-00742-00185967-00186399 so they also are very much interested in QbWXhWsCMHo-00743-00186400-00186878 local news like i mean like everyone QbWXhWsCMHo-00744-00186879-00187087 the problem is that often their local QbWXhWsCMHo-00745-00187088-00187223 news sources QbWXhWsCMHo-00746-00187224-00187726 don't have access to let's say QbWXhWsCMHo-00747-00187727-00188071 data or news uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00748-00188072-00188407 from that go oh um QbWXhWsCMHo-00749-00188408-00188654 that go beyond the the national uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00750-00188655-00188807 perimeter QbWXhWsCMHo-00751-00188808-00189143 um and so what we what we did at QbWXhWsCMHo-00752-00189144-00189502 uh indigenet was trying to at some point QbWXhWsCMHo-00753-00189503-00189583 trying to go QbWXhWsCMHo-00754-00189584-00189935 as much local as possible uh knowing QbWXhWsCMHo-00755-00189936-00189975 that QbWXhWsCMHo-00756-00189976-00190335 we are a rather uh also centralized QbWXhWsCMHo-00757-00190336-00190790 newsroom um and so QbWXhWsCMHo-00758-00190791-00191087 we decided that every time every time it QbWXhWsCMHo-00759-00191088-00191199 is possible QbWXhWsCMHo-00760-00191200-00191550 uh to try to have as granular QbWXhWsCMHo-00761-00191551-00191911 as possible uh data QbWXhWsCMHo-00762-00191912-00192231 so as to be able to go to the the QbWXhWsCMHo-00763-00192232-00192511 as closest as possible to citizens and QbWXhWsCMHo-00764-00192512-00192783 also because this allows us to partner QbWXhWsCMHo-00765-00192784-00193087 uh with the local news organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00766-00193088-00193438 and we had the first experi experience QbWXhWsCMHo-00767-00193439-00193750 with the um europe one degree warmer QbWXhWsCMHo-00768-00193751-00193847 project QbWXhWsCMHo-00769-00193848-00194223 uh that was a large investigation QbWXhWsCMHo-00770-00194224-00194695 um on the change of in temperatures in QbWXhWsCMHo-00771-00194696-00195159 more than more than 500 cities QbWXhWsCMHo-00772-00195160-00195502 around europe and we QbWXhWsCMHo-00773-00195503-00195766 once this investigation was ready we QbWXhWsCMHo-00774-00195767-00195983 contacted local newsrooms asking them if QbWXhWsCMHo-00775-00195984-00196087 they were interested QbWXhWsCMHo-00776-00196088-00196454 in the getting the results QbWXhWsCMHo-00777-00196455-00196695 and access to the data with regards to QbWXhWsCMHo-00778-00196696-00196895 their QbWXhWsCMHo-00779-00196896-00197105 to their own region and QbWXhWsCMHo-00780-00197106-00197247 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00781-00197248-00197575 in cities and so we and of course they QbWXhWsCMHo-00782-00197576-00197607 were QbWXhWsCMHo-00783-00197608-00197831 because those data they were they were QbWXhWsCMHo-00784-00197832-00197935 not able to QbWXhWsCMHo-00785-00197936-00198175 to fetch these data by themselves so QbWXhWsCMHo-00786-00198176-00198350 they were very happy to get this data QbWXhWsCMHo-00787-00198351-00198438 and they QbWXhWsCMHo-00788-00198439-00198711 uh they wrote their own stories based on QbWXhWsCMHo-00789-00198712-00198807 the data that QbWXhWsCMHo-00790-00198808-00199126 edginess provided the same QbWXhWsCMHo-00791-00199127-00199366 went with the story another story on the QbWXhWsCMHo-00792-00199367-00199471 um QbWXhWsCMHo-00793-00199472-00199743 the proximity the accessibility to QbWXhWsCMHo-00794-00199744-00199919 railroads QbWXhWsCMHo-00795-00199920-00200254 for european how far is the QbWXhWsCMHo-00796-00200255-00200519 the closest station to a railroad QbWXhWsCMHo-00797-00200520-00200623 station to QbWXhWsCMHo-00798-00200624-00200950 every citizen and and so on QbWXhWsCMHo-00799-00200951-00201319 and every time local news organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00800-00201320-00201438 are happy to QbWXhWsCMHo-00801-00201439-00201695 uh partner with the diginet because they QbWXhWsCMHo-00802-00201696-00201911 get access to QbWXhWsCMHo-00803-00201912-00202054 material that otherwise they wouldn't QbWXhWsCMHo-00804-00202055-00202302 get so this allows QbWXhWsCMHo-00805-00202303-00202623 us to to QbWXhWsCMHo-00806-00202624-00202911 to match two of our main goals one is QbWXhWsCMHo-00807-00202912-00203071 widening QbWXhWsCMHo-00808-00203072-00203423 the number of partners and the other one QbWXhWsCMHo-00809-00203424-00203671 is trying to get as close as possible to QbWXhWsCMHo-00810-00203672-00203911 um the european citizens QbWXhWsCMHo-00811-00203912-00204343 um and so i think everyone is happy with QbWXhWsCMHo-00812-00204344-00204550 this kind of of partnerships and i think QbWXhWsCMHo-00813-00204551-00204678 we we did a good QbWXhWsCMHo-00814-00204679-00205006 service to um citizens and news from QbWXhWsCMHo-00815-00205007-00205046 across QbWXhWsCMHo-00816-00205048-00205398 europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00817-00205400-00205598 yeah if i can just add something you QbWXhWsCMHo-00818-00205600-00205710 don't mind QbWXhWsCMHo-00819-00205711-00206046 please go ahead is that uh um often when QbWXhWsCMHo-00820-00206048-00206134 um QbWXhWsCMHo-00821-00206135-00206319 i mean from a local journalist's QbWXhWsCMHo-00822-00206319-00206582 perspective if you have a story that QbWXhWsCMHo-00823-00206583-00206838 we say let's say we we process uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00824-00206839-00206903 together QbWXhWsCMHo-00825-00206904-00207206 or somebody processes a data set and QbWXhWsCMHo-00826-00207207-00207446 let's say it comes a euro five map out QbWXhWsCMHo-00827-00207448-00207727 of it and which can be browsed and for QbWXhWsCMHo-00828-00207728-00207927 different data elements on different QbWXhWsCMHo-00829-00207928-00208071 regions or countries QbWXhWsCMHo-00830-00208071-00208366 then what what we allow through this QbWXhWsCMHo-00831-00208367-00208582 network is that if somebody from a local QbWXhWsCMHo-00832-00208583-00208679 media or some QbWXhWsCMHo-00833-00208680-00208910 local organization media organization QbWXhWsCMHo-00834-00208911-00209006 wants to QbWXhWsCMHo-00835-00209007-00209310 tell a story of from that local angle QbWXhWsCMHo-00836-00209311-00209662 then he or she doesn't have to QbWXhWsCMHo-00837-00209663-00209823 restart the whole work again but there QbWXhWsCMHo-00838-00209823-00210087 is already a preacher data set or a map QbWXhWsCMHo-00839-00210088-00210294 that is ready or other visualization QbWXhWsCMHo-00840-00210296-00210439 that they can rely on QbWXhWsCMHo-00841-00210440-00210623 and then from that they can tell their QbWXhWsCMHo-00842-00210623-00210751 own story for their own QbWXhWsCMHo-00843-00210752-00211079 local original relevant audience and QbWXhWsCMHo-00844-00211080-00211382 through these ways uh the same story QbWXhWsCMHo-00845-00211383-00211727 is basically told in your or localized QbWXhWsCMHo-00846-00211728-00211758 in QbWXhWsCMHo-00847-00211759-00212079 many many uh could be localized in many QbWXhWsCMHo-00848-00212080-00212231 many regions of europe QbWXhWsCMHo-00849-00212232-00212503 by the core the essences of it or it can QbWXhWsCMHo-00850-00212504-00212727 be the same so one data center one map QbWXhWsCMHo-00851-00212728-00212751 of QbWXhWsCMHo-00852-00212752-00213087 the data visualization of a data set and QbWXhWsCMHo-00853-00213088-00213198 so on and so forth QbWXhWsCMHo-00854-00213200-00213487 and these are the benefits that are QbWXhWsCMHo-00855-00213488-00213639 these are things that are not just QbWXhWsCMHo-00856-00213640-00213767 benefits these are QbWXhWsCMHo-00857-00213767-00214151 uh classy services that we QbWXhWsCMHo-00858-00214152-00214455 we can give to journalists who are QbWXhWsCMHo-00859-00214456-00214639 otherwise who have otherwise no time or QbWXhWsCMHo-00860-00214640-00214782 capacity to QbWXhWsCMHo-00861-00214783-00215023 to process such a big set of data and QbWXhWsCMHo-00862-00215023-00215215 especially not on such a frequency so QbWXhWsCMHo-00863-00215216-00215287 when if QbWXhWsCMHo-00864-00215288-00215591 once they can do it but we give we give QbWXhWsCMHo-00865-00215592-00215710 the means and the QbWXhWsCMHo-00866-00215711-00215879 the possibilities and even the tools QbWXhWsCMHo-00867-00215880-00216055 sometimes to to do this QbWXhWsCMHo-00868-00216056-00216382 uh uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00869-00216383-00216598 beforehand and then other people can use QbWXhWsCMHo-00870-00216600-00216719 it or other media QbWXhWsCMHo-00871-00216719-00216991 and i think these are excellent uh ways QbWXhWsCMHo-00872-00216992-00217175 of QbWXhWsCMHo-00873-00217176-00217382 boosting the coherence of european QbWXhWsCMHo-00874-00217383-00217582 public sphere which is we all know is QbWXhWsCMHo-00875-00217583-00217694 super fragmented QbWXhWsCMHo-00876-00217696-00217975 partly primarily because of i mean not QbWXhWsCMHo-00877-00217976-00218015 just QbWXhWsCMHo-00878-00218016-00218271 because of language barriers but QbWXhWsCMHo-00879-00218271-00218455 primarily because of language barriers QbWXhWsCMHo-00880-00218456-00218727 and also because of the low level of QbWXhWsCMHo-00881-00218728-00219006 of uh of uh incentives through member QbWXhWsCMHo-00882-00219007-00219198 states or through national governments QbWXhWsCMHo-00883-00219200-00219239 who QbWXhWsCMHo-00884-00219240-00219494 really are keen to push this because it QbWXhWsCMHo-00885-00219496-00219679 honestly it's really a small fraction of QbWXhWsCMHo-00886-00219680-00219863 european countries who want QbWXhWsCMHo-00887-00219864-00220279 to see this european public sphere more QbWXhWsCMHo-00888-00220280-00220439 vivid because it will bring them more QbWXhWsCMHo-00889-00220440-00220567 criticism more QbWXhWsCMHo-00890-00220567-00220855 reflection more reactions and more QbWXhWsCMHo-00891-00220856-00221023 honest and more independent QbWXhWsCMHo-00892-00221023-00221255 observatory and they need it badly QbWXhWsCMHo-00893-00221256-00221327 needed and QbWXhWsCMHo-00894-00221328-00221551 primarily who really needs it is us the QbWXhWsCMHo-00895-00221552-00221839 five 450 million european citizens who QbWXhWsCMHo-00896-00221840-00221887 are QbWXhWsCMHo-00897-00221888-00222063 who should be keen to do this but most QbWXhWsCMHo-00898-00222064-00222231 of us don't even think about it because QbWXhWsCMHo-00899-00222232-00222439 it's so far away what happens in italy QbWXhWsCMHo-00900-00222440-00222534 or spain or QbWXhWsCMHo-00901-00222535-00223119 finland from hungarian point of view QbWXhWsCMHo-00902-00223119-00223367 thank you groggy for this excellent QbWXhWsCMHo-00903-00223367-00223446 integration QbWXhWsCMHo-00904-00223448-00223903 and i really think that QbWXhWsCMHo-00905-00223904-00224055 this is what we wished in the very QbWXhWsCMHo-00906-00224056-00224382 beginning and the tools that we equipped QbWXhWsCMHo-00907-00224383-00224719 our team to do so QbWXhWsCMHo-00908-00224719-00225031 are on one hand as you were saying QbWXhWsCMHo-00909-00225032-00225375 data analysis and really conceiving the QbWXhWsCMHo-00910-00225376-00225591 work that we do within the network as QbWXhWsCMHo-00911-00225592-00225927 something in the service of others QbWXhWsCMHo-00912-00225928-00226334 um then also QbWXhWsCMHo-00913-00226335-00226519 trying to boosting syndication QbWXhWsCMHo-00914-00226519-00226663 opportunities QbWXhWsCMHo-00915-00226664-00226903 both for members within the network and QbWXhWsCMHo-00916-00226904-00227110 for news organization outside the QbWXhWsCMHo-00917-00227111-00227206 network QbWXhWsCMHo-00918-00227207-00227575 and and here maybe uh john paulo you can QbWXhWsCMHo-00919-00227576-00227927 tell a little bit about the different QbWXhWsCMHo-00920-00227928-00228287 licenses that that we apply and and then QbWXhWsCMHo-00921-00228288-00228598 it is very core the idea uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00922-00228600-00228919 of um enabling QbWXhWsCMHo-00923-00228919-00229182 other newsroom to tell their own stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00924-00229183-00229279 i think that QbWXhWsCMHo-00925-00229280-00229558 this is one of the lessons learned that QbWXhWsCMHo-00926-00229559-00229591 we QbWXhWsCMHo-00927-00229592-00229903 really built on over the years so john QbWXhWsCMHo-00928-00229904-00230198 paulo if you want just to QbWXhWsCMHo-00929-00230200-00230510 provide a brief overview QbWXhWsCMHo-00930-00230511-00231119 of the various licenses that we apply QbWXhWsCMHo-00931-00231119-00231431 thanks kara yeah well basically QbWXhWsCMHo-00932-00231432-00231751 european data journalism network does QbWXhWsCMHo-00933-00231752-00232103 the contrary of what traditional QbWXhWsCMHo-00934-00232104-00232415 news room do we share QbWXhWsCMHo-00935-00232416-00232815 what we do we are happy when others QbWXhWsCMHo-00936-00232816-00233151 reuse our material without paying QbWXhWsCMHo-00937-00233152-00233446 and we we provide them with a free QbWXhWsCMHo-00938-00233448-00233606 material QbWXhWsCMHo-00939-00233607-00233894 knowing that usually news organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00940-00233896-00233958 are very QbWXhWsCMHo-00941-00233959-00234303 cautious about sharing and they want QbWXhWsCMHo-00942-00234304-00234582 to keep the fresh material they get by QbWXhWsCMHo-00943-00234583-00234734 themselves QbWXhWsCMHo-00944-00234735-00235079 so everything that you would will find QbWXhWsCMHo-00945-00235080-00235471 on european data journalism QbWXhWsCMHo-00946-00235471-00235767 dot eu the web platform that hosts uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00947-00235767-00235879 all the content that QbWXhWsCMHo-00948-00235880-00236142 and all the articles that are provided QbWXhWsCMHo-00949-00236144-00236367 uh and co-produced by the the network QbWXhWsCMHo-00950-00236367-00236494 and also the tools QbWXhWsCMHo-00951-00236496-00236775 that we that we make available to the QbWXhWsCMHo-00952-00236776-00236919 journalistic community QbWXhWsCMHo-00953-00236919-00237239 are usable for free under QbWXhWsCMHo-00954-00237240-00237710 the creative commons attribution 4.0 QbWXhWsCMHo-00955-00237711-00237991 international this means that news QbWXhWsCMHo-00956-00237992-00238103 organizations QbWXhWsCMHo-00957-00238104-00238342 are free to share to transform and to QbWXhWsCMHo-00958-00238344-00238479 build upon them for QbWXhWsCMHo-00959-00238480-00238775 any purpose uh although there are a few QbWXhWsCMHo-00960-00238776-00238863 articles that QbWXhWsCMHo-00961-00238864-00239223 are only on under a royalty-free QbWXhWsCMHo-00962-00239223-00239598 copyright but this is an opt-in from QbWXhWsCMHo-00963-00239600-00239903 the members uh and anyway and every QbWXhWsCMHo-00964-00239904-00239975 article QbWXhWsCMHo-00965-00239976-00240223 has a mention of the the specific QbWXhWsCMHo-00966-00240223-00240287 license QbWXhWsCMHo-00967-00240288-00240639 under which it is syndicated so this is QbWXhWsCMHo-00968-00240640-00240839 let's call it the passive syndication QbWXhWsCMHo-00969-00240840-00240958 meaning QbWXhWsCMHo-00970-00240959-00241271 you you come on a degenerate website and QbWXhWsCMHo-00971-00241271-00241391 you can pick stories that you're QbWXhWsCMHo-00972-00241392-00241646 interested in but then we also have QbWXhWsCMHo-00973-00241648-00241830 what i would call active syndication QbWXhWsCMHo-00974-00241831-00241975 meaning that QbWXhWsCMHo-00975-00241976-00242294 uh we also um knock QbWXhWsCMHo-00976-00242296-00242687 on the door of uh media that are not QbWXhWsCMHo-00977-00242688-00242998 part of the network and we propose them QbWXhWsCMHo-00978-00243000-00243351 um the stories that we've been producing QbWXhWsCMHo-00979-00243352-00243389 um QbWXhWsCMHo-00980-00243390-00243682 [Music] QbWXhWsCMHo-00981-00243683-00243982 advertising some way the stories uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00982-00243983-00244158 and the material available especially QbWXhWsCMHo-00983-00244159-00244367 data sets telling them this is uh QbWXhWsCMHo-00984-00244367-00244598 something new fresh you can do your own QbWXhWsCMHo-00985-00244600-00244710 stories QbWXhWsCMHo-00986-00244711-00245006 uh on this uh and we also provide help QbWXhWsCMHo-00987-00245007-00245039 with QbWXhWsCMHo-00988-00245040-00245423 uh the the data so we act QbWXhWsCMHo-00989-00245423-00245727 on basically those two levels QbWXhWsCMHo-00990-00245728-00246046 uh the only uh let's say that QbWXhWsCMHo-00991-00246048-00246279 the only condition apart from of course QbWXhWsCMHo-00992-00246280-00246510 respecting QbWXhWsCMHo-00993-00246511-00246839 the uh the license uh is that QbWXhWsCMHo-00994-00246840-00247142 they have to credit uh indigenet for QbWXhWsCMHo-00995-00247144-00247503 uh for the stories uh or the material QbWXhWsCMHo-00996-00247504-00247727 and they they have to add uh when QbWXhWsCMHo-00997-00247728-00247894 possible the QbWXhWsCMHo-00998-00247896-00248494 indigenet's logo QbWXhWsCMHo-00999-00248496-00248927 thank you john paulo i think that QbWXhWsCMHo-01000-00248928-00249279 we we provided a sort of overview QbWXhWsCMHo-01001-00249280-00249582 and also some of the reasons why we QbWXhWsCMHo-01002-00249583-00249903 really love working together and we will QbWXhWsCMHo-01003-00249904-00250103 be working together for another two QbWXhWsCMHo-01004-00250104-00250246 years so QbWXhWsCMHo-01005-00250248-00250551 maybe we can just close this first QbWXhWsCMHo-01006-00250552-00250719 episode by QbWXhWsCMHo-01007-00250719-00251030 relaunching the website edg net european QbWXhWsCMHo-01008-00251031-00251191 data journalism dot eu QbWXhWsCMHo-01009-00251192-00251406 and also invite the listeners who are QbWXhWsCMHo-01010-00251407-00251527 willing to QbWXhWsCMHo-01011-00251528-00251846 learn more of our work and maybe QbWXhWsCMHo-01012-00251848-00252103 get some inspiration to also visit our QbWXhWsCMHo-01013-00252104-00252430 medium page where we provide QbWXhWsCMHo-01014-00252431-00252742 tutorials and then hints how to QbWXhWsCMHo-01015-00252744-00253127 methodologically QbWXhWsCMHo-01016-00253128-00253406 redo the work reuse the data or or QbWXhWsCMHo-01017-00253407-00253551 question the work we did QbWXhWsCMHo-01018-00253552-00253846 because we are also trying to be QbWXhWsCMHo-01019-00253848-00253991 transparent as QbWXhWsCMHo-01020-00253992-00254287 uh for the processes that we followed so QbWXhWsCMHo-01021-00254288-00254406 that QbWXhWsCMHo-01022-00254407-00254830 we can do it better QbWXhWsCMHo-01023-00254831-00255087 and and then be trusted for for the work QbWXhWsCMHo-01024-00255088-00255215 that we have been doing QbWXhWsCMHo-01025-00255216-00255415 so thank you very much to both of you QbWXhWsCMHo-01026-00255416-00255630 gianparo and gjorg QbWXhWsCMHo-01027-00255631-00255919 talk soon within our diginet meetings QbWXhWsCMHo-01028-00255919-00256046 and until next time QbWXhWsCMHo-01029-00256048-00256375 goodbye thank you for the opportunity QbWXhWsCMHo-01030-00256376-00256479 bye-bye QbWXhWsCMHo-01031-00256480-00256744 thanks for having me QdYgF9YoEa8-00000-00000174-00000231 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00002-00003764-00004011 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00004-00007995-00008868 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00005-00008869-00009564 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00006-00009565-00009949 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00007-00009950-00011731 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00008-00011732-00013016 thank you foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00010-00017273-00017554 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00012-00020772-00020920 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00014-00025476-00026299 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00016-00029845-00032464 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00018-00035532-00036193 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00020-00040931-00041439 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00021-00041440-00044021 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00022-00044022-00044409 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00024-00048308-00048977 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00025-00048978-00051001 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00026-00051002-00051251 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00027-00051252-00051566 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00028-00051567-00054323 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00029-00054324-00057269 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00030-00057270-00058615 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00031-00058616-00060250 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00032-00060251-00060815 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00033-00060816-00061472 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00034-00061473-00064469 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00035-00064470-00064779 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00036-00064780-00066893 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00037-00066894-00068200 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00039-00072745-00072927 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00041-00077970-00080938 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00042-00080939-00081073 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00044-00085901-00086214 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00046-00089244-00089372 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00048-00093542-00093706 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00049-00093707-00096106 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00050-00096107-00096497 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00052-00100322-00100499 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00053-00100500-00102197 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00054-00102198-00102388 foreign foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00056-00105491-00105866 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00057-00105867-00108821 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00058-00108822-00109600 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00060-00112758-00113247 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00061-00113248-00113704 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00062-00113705-00114571 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00063-00114572-00116352 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00064-00116353-00116563 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00065-00116564-00118589 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00066-00118590-00118925 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00067-00118926-00119276 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00068-00119277-00121966 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00069-00121967-00122417 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00071-00126167-00126498 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00072-00126499-00128357 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00073-00128358-00128520 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00075-00133805-00134225 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00076-00134226-00134482 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00077-00134483-00136437 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00078-00136438-00137801 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00079-00137802-00137992 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00081-00143048-00144042 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00082-00144043-00144545 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00083-00144546-00144821 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00084-00144822-00144973 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00086-00148746-00148863 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00087-00148864-00151759 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00088-00151760-00151925 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00089-00151926-00152787 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00090-00152788-00155735 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00093-00162665-00163023 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00094-00163024-00165935 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00095-00165936-00166157 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00096-00166158-00168623 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00097-00168624-00169685 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00098-00169686-00170897 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00099-00170898-00173845 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00100-00173846-00174831 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00101-00174832-00176561 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00102-00176562-00176800 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00104-00179814-00182669 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00105-00182670-00182878 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00107-00186810-00188868 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00108-00188869-00190426 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00109-00190427-00190964 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00111-00195174-00195288 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00113-00200467-00201888 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00114-00201889-00204043 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00115-00204044-00204454 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00116-00204455-00207431 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00117-00207432-00207561 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00119-00213146-00213628 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00120-00213629-00215741 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00121-00215742-00215860 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00123-00220028-00220194 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00124-00220194-00222985 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00125-00222986-00223648 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00126-00223650-00223766 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00128-00227250-00228376 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00129-00228377-00230698 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00130-00230700-00231012 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00131-00231013-00233789 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00132-00233790-00234248 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00134-00237869-00238342 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00135-00238344-00240194 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00136-00240194-00241060 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00137-00241061-00241942 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00138-00241944-00242046 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00139-00242048-00244732 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00140-00244733-00245069 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00141-00245069-00245456 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00142-00245457-00248158 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00143-00248159-00248906 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00144-00248907-00251584 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00145-00251585-00252680 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00147-00259878-00260381 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00148-00260382-00260969 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00149-00260971-00261844 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00150-00261846-00262926 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00151-00262927-00264823 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00152-00264824-00265994 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00154-00269540-00269801 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00155-00269802-00270395 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00156-00270396-00270530 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00158-00273714-00273897 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00160-00279266-00281599 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00161-00281600-00282071 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00162-00282072-00282667 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00163-00282668-00285443 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00165-00289133-00289512 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00167-00293744-00294416 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00168-00294417-00295708 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00169-00295709-00296171 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00170-00296172-00296189 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00172-00299285-00299833 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00174-00302959-00304075 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00175-00304076-00304543 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00176-00304544-00306047 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00177-00306048-00306299 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00179-00310346-00313301 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00181-00316920-00317453 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00183-00325398-00325550 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00185-00330620-00331810 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00186-00331811-00332423 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00187-00332424-00333155 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00189-00336944-00337114 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00190-00337115-00338879 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00191-00338880-00339371 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00192-00339372-00340116 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00193-00340117-00342232 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00194-00342233-00342348 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00195-00342349-00342604 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00196-00342605-00342913 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00198-00346896-00347277 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00199-00347278-00349577 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00200-00349578-00349689 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00201-00349690-00350141 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00202-00350142-00350254 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00204-00353424-00353762 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00205-00353763-00356537 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00206-00356538-00356693 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00208-00360590-00360736 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00209-00360737-00362519 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00210-00362520-00362987 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00211-00362988-00363463 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00213-00366682-00366841 [Applause] QdYgF9YoEa8-00214-00366842-00367548 thank you QdYgF9YoEa8-00215-00367549-00369160 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00216-00369161-00369540 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00217-00369541-00372184 [Music] QdYgF9YoEa8-00218-00372185-00372590 foreign QdYgF9YoEa8-00220-00376020-00376139 foreign