8siup_eohl4-00000-00000016-00000231 so hey guys my name is place i run a 8siup_eohl4-00001-00000231-00000447 digital agency helping fitness 8siup_eohl4-00002-00000448-00000751 um entrepreneurs and fitness influencers 8siup_eohl4-00003-00000752-00001031 and today i want to talk about you know 8siup_eohl4-00004-00001032-00001262 how you can be successful 8siup_eohl4-00005-00001263-00001566 in this digital age where you don't 8siup_eohl4-00006-00001567-00001814 make your money your you know your 8siup_eohl4-00007-00001816-00001918 physical body 8siup_eohl4-00008-00001919-00002191 your strength but should make your mind 8siup_eohl4-00009-00002192-00002263 your brain 8siup_eohl4-00010-00002264-00002575 right and um i think what most people 8siup_eohl4-00011-00002576-00002710 get wrong over here 8siup_eohl4-00012-00002711-00003102 um is could be broken down into four 8siup_eohl4-00013-00003103-00003375 main things so there's a those are the 8siup_eohl4-00014-00003376-00003495 four main things we're going to talk 8siup_eohl4-00015-00003496-00003583 about today 8siup_eohl4-00016-00003584-00003854 um and i want to mention it's not only 8siup_eohl4-00017-00003855-00003919 for 8siup_eohl4-00018-00003920-00004095 you know digital entrepreneurs like 8siup_eohl4-00019-00004096-00004270 myself or maybe like yourself but it's 8siup_eohl4-00020-00004271-00004399 also for 8siup_eohl4-00021-00004400-00004575 um you know people who want to just do 8siup_eohl4-00022-00004576-00004743 some freelance job you know making a 8siup_eohl4-00023-00004744-00004943 couple thousand dollars on the site 8siup_eohl4-00024-00004944-00005167 or if you are reading a nine to five it 8siup_eohl4-00025-00005168-00005351 could still be beneficial for you 8siup_eohl4-00026-00005352-00005670 to keep watching this video so what i 8siup_eohl4-00027-00005671-00005847 noticed um in the last two and a half 8siup_eohl4-00028-00005848-00006047 years you know building my business from 8siup_eohl4-00029-00006048-00006167 literally zero 8siup_eohl4-00030-00006168-00006439 uh all the way up to like 20 000 per 8siup_eohl4-00031-00006440-00006503 month 8siup_eohl4-00032-00006504-00006814 profit at the age of 26 was 8siup_eohl4-00033-00006815-00007134 that um success in 8siup_eohl4-00034-00007136-00007383 um in businesses like this could be 8siup_eohl4-00035-00007384-00007527 breaking into four 8siup_eohl4-00036-00007528-00007831 um very simple steps it's not easy 8siup_eohl4-00037-00007831-00008006 to do them it's not easy to commit to 8siup_eohl4-00038-00008008-00008174 them but the steps in itself and the 8siup_eohl4-00039-00008175-00008310 logic behind is super 8siup_eohl4-00040-00008311-00008695 simple so the first one is that 8siup_eohl4-00041-00008696-00008895 you have to know where to look for the 8siup_eohl4-00042-00008896-00009055 right knowledge right you cannot waste 8siup_eohl4-00043-00009056-00009214 your time you know being all over the 8siup_eohl4-00044-00009215-00009263 place 8siup_eohl4-00045-00009264-00009487 um looking for knowledge you really need 8siup_eohl4-00046-00009488-00009574 to 8siup_eohl4-00047-00009575-00009871 um identify what sort of knowledge you 8siup_eohl4-00048-00009872-00010031 want to learn and just and then just go 8siup_eohl4-00049-00010032-00010087 for it 8siup_eohl4-00050-00010088-00010367 and start learning it the second one i 8siup_eohl4-00051-00010368-00010446 notice 8siup_eohl4-00052-00010447-00010791 is that once people understand what they 8siup_eohl4-00053-00010792-00010903 need to learn 8siup_eohl4-00054-00010904-00011119 they're usually not willing to invest 8siup_eohl4-00055-00011120-00011238 right so they 8siup_eohl4-00056-00011239-00011510 they watch the free content but they're 8siup_eohl4-00057-00011511-00011703 not willing to invest into their 8siup_eohl4-00058-00011704-00012038 success into um the work of other people 8siup_eohl4-00059-00012039-00012263 more knowledgeable people so that's a 8siup_eohl4-00060-00012264-00012446 crucial one like once you invest into 8siup_eohl4-00061-00012447-00012510 something 8siup_eohl4-00062-00012511-00012710 then you know likely that you're gonna 8siup_eohl4-00063-00012711-00012822 ex you know 8siup_eohl4-00064-00012823-00013127 you're gonna um execute is so much 8siup_eohl4-00065-00013128-00013511 higher third one is that once people 8siup_eohl4-00066-00013512-00013711 you know either you're going with free 8siup_eohl4-00067-00013712-00013822 knowledge right 8siup_eohl4-00068-00013823-00014015 or you you are on the next level and you 8siup_eohl4-00069-00014016-00014199 actually invested into yourself and your 8siup_eohl4-00070-00014200-00014294 knowledge 8siup_eohl4-00071-00014295-00014503 then the third one is to really know how 8siup_eohl4-00072-00014504-00014751 to synthesize the information because 8siup_eohl4-00073-00014752-00014894 chances are you don't need all the 8siup_eohl4-00074-00014895-00015086 information and even though if you 8siup_eohl4-00075-00015087-00015391 read or consume all the content 8siup_eohl4-00076-00015391-00015543 the easiest example is like people 8siup_eohl4-00077-00015544-00015743 reading books right they read the book 8siup_eohl4-00078-00015744-00015966 and they they understand how it should 8siup_eohl4-00079-00015968-00016150 work but they never really executed it 8siup_eohl4-00080-00016151-00016207 right 8siup_eohl4-00081-00016208-00016407 and so the third one is to synthesize 8siup_eohl4-00082-00016408-00016511 information 8siup_eohl4-00083-00016512-00016719 to write it down to think about it what 8siup_eohl4-00084-00016720-00016894 is what it is that i actually need from 8siup_eohl4-00085-00016895-00017071 this information from this course from 8siup_eohl4-00086-00017072-00017239 this blog post from this 8siup_eohl4-00087-00017240-00017430 whatever youtube video right even from 8siup_eohl4-00088-00017431-00017575 this one right 8siup_eohl4-00089-00017576-00017758 you know put out a piece of pen and 8siup_eohl4-00090-00017759-00017903 paper and starting 8siup_eohl4-00091-00017904-00018167 jotting down things that you wanna 8siup_eohl4-00092-00018168-00018319 remember from this 8siup_eohl4-00093-00018320-00018479 exact video and read it back from a 8siup_eohl4-00094-00018480-00018671 vietnam right schedule it 8siup_eohl4-00095-00018672-00018919 don't let it slip away from your hands i 8siup_eohl4-00096-00018920-00019119 usually consume content than i 8siup_eohl4-00097-00019120-00019279 whenever i find something valuable i 8siup_eohl4-00098-00019280-00019494 read it out and i schedule it somewhere 8siup_eohl4-00099-00019495-00019583 for review 8siup_eohl4-00100-00019584-00019886 right so that's that's step number three 8siup_eohl4-00101-00019887-00020230 and step number four is really execution 8siup_eohl4-00102-00020231-00020455 and i couldn't guys i couldn't put 8siup_eohl4-00103-00020456-00020639 enough emphasis on this one 8siup_eohl4-00104-00020640-00020958 people just consume content you know 8siup_eohl4-00105-00020959-00021183 um they either pay or not pay for it 8siup_eohl4-00106-00021184-00021311 they their investors 8siup_eohl4-00107-00021312-00021567 don't and then they either synthesize 8siup_eohl4-00108-00021568-00021703 the information or not 8siup_eohl4-00109-00021704-00021847 but there are people who do the first 8siup_eohl4-00110-00021848-00022014 three three steps um 8siup_eohl4-00111-00022015-00022263 perfectly but they never execute they 8siup_eohl4-00112-00022264-00022430 just consume consume 8siup_eohl4-00113-00022431-00022686 consume and they are surprised that they 8siup_eohl4-00114-00022687-00022830 are not successful 8siup_eohl4-00115-00022831-00023135 um again really vague term success right 8siup_eohl4-00116-00023136-00023319 whatever success means to you 8siup_eohl4-00117-00023320-00023614 um but by and large and by society they 8siup_eohl4-00118-00023615-00023678 are not 8siup_eohl4-00119-00023679-00023927 and they don't think about themselves as 8siup_eohl4-00120-00023928-00024014 successful 8siup_eohl4-00121-00024015-00024199 the reason behind is they don't really 8siup_eohl4-00122-00024200-00024335 execute right 8siup_eohl4-00123-00024336-00024535 i've got friends and i know things that 8siup_eohl4-00124-00024536-00024655 are life-changing right 8siup_eohl4-00125-00024656-00024927 i know books i know you know podcasts 8siup_eohl4-00126-00024928-00025022 stuffs like that 8siup_eohl4-00127-00025023-00025342 i've got friends they they kind of 8siup_eohl4-00128-00025343-00025591 curious how i make this money in hungary 8siup_eohl4-00129-00025592-00025734 right in my agency 8siup_eohl4-00130-00025735-00026014 um not working my face off and when we 8siup_eohl4-00131-00026016-00026183 get into that conversation 8siup_eohl4-00132-00026183-00026399 some friends of mine um i give them 8siup_eohl4-00133-00026400-00026567 advice always try to have them and some 8siup_eohl4-00134-00026568-00026662 people 8siup_eohl4-00135-00026663-00026839 say oh it sounds really good it sounds 8siup_eohl4-00136-00026839-00027014 really cool i'm going to try it tomorrow 8siup_eohl4-00137-00027016-00027318 never do that did never try it right and 8siup_eohl4-00138-00027319-00027639 some friends like my friend cielo 8siup_eohl4-00139-00027639-00027927 uh the dj guy they are like they are 8siup_eohl4-00140-00027927-00028095 they are savage like he's savage but 8siup_eohl4-00141-00028095-00028311 once he understands how it is beneficial 8siup_eohl4-00142-00028312-00028374 for him 8siup_eohl4-00143-00028375-00028614 he just takes action right away and that 8siup_eohl4-00144-00028616-00028783 really what sets apart from 8siup_eohl4-00145-00028783-00029039 i would say you know guys winning in 8siup_eohl4-00146-00029039-00029087 this 8siup_eohl4-00147-00029088-00029270 you know in winning in really 2020 in 8siup_eohl4-00148-00029272-00029511 online businesses and guys that don't 8siup_eohl4-00149-00029512-00029807 and i think biggest false and limiting 8siup_eohl4-00150-00029808-00029951 belief of people is 8siup_eohl4-00151-00029952-00030143 they don't really start this journey 8siup_eohl4-00152-00030144-00030335 don't really they want to build a 8siup_eohl4-00153-00030336-00030543 business like this right they want to do 8siup_eohl4-00154-00030544-00030623 that 8siup_eohl4-00155-00030624-00030767 probably you guys want to do that as 8siup_eohl4-00156-00030768-00030935 well right um 8siup_eohl4-00157-00030936-00031239 but the reason many people don't do it 8siup_eohl4-00158-00031239-00031390 because they believe that 8siup_eohl4-00159-00031391-00031735 the secret is in the techniques tactics 8siup_eohl4-00160-00031736-00031918 strategies you know you know all that 8siup_eohl4-00161-00031919-00032070 all that stuff and 8siup_eohl4-00162-00032072-00032287 what you need to understand is it's it's 8siup_eohl4-00163-00032288-00032439 really none of that 8siup_eohl4-00164-00032439-00032790 it's more like having a consistent 8siup_eohl4-00165-00032791-00033079 you know um routine understanding how 8siup_eohl4-00166-00033080-00033159 you're gonna move from 8siup_eohl4-00167-00033160-00033471 a to b and really follow it through 8siup_eohl4-00168-00033472-00033743 right honestly the four main steps that 8siup_eohl4-00169-00033744-00033902 just you know highlighted for you 8siup_eohl4-00170-00033903-00034207 over here and i promise you once you 8siup_eohl4-00171-00034208-00034407 start executing on that four 8siup_eohl4-00172-00034408-00034655 things your life is gonna change it's 8siup_eohl4-00173-00034656-00034807 not gonna happen right away 8siup_eohl4-00174-00034808-00035031 so what many people again like mess up 8siup_eohl4-00175-00035032-00035239 is they they do it but they do it for 8siup_eohl4-00176-00035240-00035415 like a week or a month 8siup_eohl4-00177-00035416-00035695 dude guys a month is not enough if you 8siup_eohl4-00178-00035696-00035830 believe you're gonna you're gonna build 8siup_eohl4-00179-00035831-00035967 anything great in like 8siup_eohl4-00180-00035968-00036223 you know three months maybe half a year 8siup_eohl4-00181-00036224-00036327 don't even start it 8siup_eohl4-00182-00036328-00036527 save your time go do something else you 8siup_eohl4-00183-00036528-00036662 know you just want to get some quick 8siup_eohl4-00184-00036663-00036830 cash grab you're not in it for the long 8siup_eohl4-00185-00036831-00036967 term success you don't really have a 8siup_eohl4-00186-00036968-00037046 vision 8siup_eohl4-00187-00037047-00037255 so don't even don't even go for it if 8siup_eohl4-00188-00037256-00037383 you want to build something in like half 8siup_eohl4-00189-00037384-00037535 a year and expect you know 8siup_eohl4-00190-00037536-00037687 to have the freedom and money and all 8siup_eohl4-00191-00037688-00037887 that it could happen right 8siup_eohl4-00192-00037888-00038239 but don't start because of that um 8siup_eohl4-00193-00038240-00038502 if you were main and i just want to put 8siup_eohl4-00194-00038503-00038662 it down if your main motivation is to 8siup_eohl4-00195-00038663-00038751 get 8siup_eohl4-00196-00038752-00038967 you know quick cash grab get money 8siup_eohl4-00197-00038968-00039079 that's still okay 8siup_eohl4-00198-00039080-00039255 but don't expect it to happen in like 8siup_eohl4-00199-00039256-00039439 half year right 8siup_eohl4-00200-00039440-00039711 so that's really everything that's how i 8siup_eohl4-00201-00039712-00039943 feel like in 2020 people get it wrong 8siup_eohl4-00202-00039944-00040102 when it comes to online businesses 8siup_eohl4-00203-00040103-00040367 so use this three main um very important 8siup_eohl4-00204-00040368-00040455 steps 8siup_eohl4-00205-00040456-00040783 and uh come back later like put a 8siup_eohl4-00206-00040784-00040951 comment on put a comment over here right 8siup_eohl4-00207-00040952-00040999 now 8siup_eohl4-00208-00041000-00041167 let me know if you are you know feel 8siup_eohl4-00209-00041168-00041407 like you're gonna execute on this one 8siup_eohl4-00210-00041408-00041607 if you don't or disagree put it down i'd 8siup_eohl4-00211-00041608-00041790 love to hear let's talk about that in 8siup_eohl4-00212-00041791-00041887 the comments 8siup_eohl4-00213-00041888-00042151 and if you execute come back you know a 8siup_eohl4-00214-00042152-00042239 month later 8siup_eohl4-00215-00042240-00042455 half a year later a year later and let 8siup_eohl4-00216-00042456-00042583 me know how it worked out 8siup_eohl4-00217-00042584-00042871 because i know for a fact that you're 8siup_eohl4-00218-00042872-00043030 not gonna be disappointed my friend 8siup_eohl4-00219-00043031-00043279 so if you like this video if you found 8siup_eohl4-00220-00043280-00043383 any value in it 8siup_eohl4-00221-00043384-00043583 if you want me to put out content like 8siup_eohl4-00222-00043584-00043735 this consistently 8siup_eohl4-00223-00043736-00044111 um again like low really really low 8siup_eohl4-00224-00044112-00044295 production value but it's really the 8siup_eohl4-00225-00044296-00044399 message what 8siup_eohl4-00226-00044400-00044662 what you know what i want to transfer 8siup_eohl4-00227-00044663-00044751 then let me know 8siup_eohl4-00228-00044752-00045007 i would create more um you can do that 8siup_eohl4-00229-00045008-00045167 by sharing it you can do that by 8siup_eohl4-00230-00045168-00045262 subscribing 8siup_eohl4-00231-00045263-00045390 you can do that by pressing the like 8siup_eohl4-00232-00045391-00045599 button whatever you prefer whatever you 8siup_eohl4-00233-00045600-00045718 feel like it's appropriate in this 8siup_eohl4-00234-00045719-00045823 situation 8siup_eohl4-00235-00045824-00046184 um and guys wish you a great day 8uxDTnNtkEy-00000-00000000-00000173 hey y'all welcome back to my channel 8uxDTnNtkEy-00001-00000174-00000353 thank you for joining me all right so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00002-00000354-00000545 when it comes to the counter right I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00003-00000546-00000736 didn't go crazy just little pieces to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00004-00000737-00000899 add to the counter to just Spruce it up 8uxDTnNtkEy-00005-00000900-00001073 to spice it up to give it a little juice 8uxDTnNtkEy-00006-00001074-00001373 right so I got the drip fat trivet we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00007-00001374-00001577 learned how to pronounce it last week I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00008-00001578-00001768 got a trivet from Sur La Table it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00009-00001769-00001948 holding my salt and my sugar and my 8uxDTnNtkEy-00010-00001950-00002129 olive oil and my measuring cup it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00011-00002130-00002326 really cute I love the color it's not 8uxDTnNtkEy-00012-00002327-00002549 quite the design that I wanted because I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00013-00002550-00002723 didn't really I didn't realize I had the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00014-00002724-00002867 lines on top when I was ordering it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00015-00002868-00003100 until I got here and I hit returns like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00016-00003101-00003329 online returns I hate it ugh but it is a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00017-00003329-00003472 color that I wanted because a lot of the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00018-00003473-00003695 wood in my kitchen light one and that's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00019-00003696-00003970 more of a like a walnut One Walnut what 8uxDTnNtkEy-00020-00003971-00004127 it was on sale during the Black Friday 8uxDTnNtkEy-00021-00004128-00004456 sale was 25 can't go wrong and then I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00022-00004457-00004631 got um the measuring cup for cream 8uxDTnNtkEy-00023-00004632-00004949 Barrel from the Leanne Ford line I love 8uxDTnNtkEy-00024-00004950-00005188 a lot of stuff that she does with them 8uxDTnNtkEy-00025-00005189-00005333 I'm not going to use it to actually 8uxDTnNtkEy-00026-00005334-00005483 measure anything I'm actually going to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00027-00005484-00005675 use it to hold food and certain 8uxDTnNtkEy-00028-00005676-00005825 ingredients when I'm prepping whether 8uxDTnNtkEy-00029-00005826-00006118 it's seasoning chopped onions chopped 8uxDTnNtkEy-00030-00006119-00006341 garlic whatever and I love how organic 8uxDTnNtkEy-00031-00006342-00006527 it is look hand painted it's really 8uxDTnNtkEy-00032-00006528-00006731 really nice I got the wet glass jars 8uxDTnNtkEy-00033-00006731-00006941 from Oso prayer and Barrel it's more 8uxDTnNtkEy-00034-00006942-00007109 organized it's pretty in the cabinet 8uxDTnNtkEy-00035-00007109-00007234 instead of having all these different 8uxDTnNtkEy-00036-00007236-00007433 baggies I definitely want to get more of 8uxDTnNtkEy-00037-00007434-00007648 the wet to put all the rest of my grains 8uxDTnNtkEy-00038-00007650-00007913 in and it's really pretty to put your 8uxDTnNtkEy-00039-00007914-00008134 friends in like a nice glass jar a nice 8uxDTnNtkEy-00040-00008136-00008327 plastic drop preview glass because it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00041-00008328-00008567 healthier even though I have my rice in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00042-00008568-00008831 the plastic jar but it's okay I like how 8uxDTnNtkEy-00043-00008832-00009064 it pours out and I like that that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00044-00009065-00009196 container actually because you can put 8uxDTnNtkEy-00045-00009197-00009335 cereal in you can put oats in you can 8uxDTnNtkEy-00046-00009336-00009467 put so many things in there another 8uxDTnNtkEy-00047-00009468-00009653 thing that added that's kind of unusual 8uxDTnNtkEy-00048-00009654-00009869 but it's really beautiful aesthetically 8uxDTnNtkEy-00049-00009870-00010127 the lamp right and I love this lamp I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00050-00010128-00010342 got this lamb for my birthday years ago 8uxDTnNtkEy-00051-00010343-00010727 25 when I got it was like an old worn 8uxDTnNtkEy-00052-00010728-00010960 rustic it was very Rusty like bronze 8uxDTnNtkEy-00053-00010961-00011285 color this is old not just just a little 8uxDTnNtkEy-00054-00011286-00011464 bit down and spray paint it would go 8uxDTnNtkEy-00055-00011465-00011563 because 8uxDTnNtkEy-00056-00011564-00012317 right it is gorgeous 8uxDTnNtkEy-00057-00012318-00012569 the baby industry is an industry it is a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00058-00012570-00012731 business and they always want to sell 8uxDTnNtkEy-00059-00012732-00012880 you something you need this and you need 8uxDTnNtkEy-00060-00012881-00013024 that and you need this half of the time 8uxDTnNtkEy-00061-00013025-00013127 you don't need half of the crack today 8uxDTnNtkEy-00062-00013128-00013307 or they're referring or they're 8uxDTnNtkEy-00063-00013308-00013607 recommending because our ancestors and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00064-00013608-00013786 our grandmothers they didn't have half 8uxDTnNtkEy-00065-00013787-00013961 of the crap that we have now and they 8uxDTnNtkEy-00066-00013962-00014177 may do right so not that I'm saying we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00067-00014178-00014308 should go through the struggle like they 8uxDTnNtkEy-00068-00014309-00014543 did but some things are not necessary so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00069-00014544-00014836 I'm going to share the things that I've 8uxDTnNtkEy-00070-00014837-00015101 been using that is like a necessity in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00071-00015102-00015394 my household for the baby okay let's get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00072-00015395-00015641 started first things first the dockaton 8uxDTnNtkEy-00073-00015641-00015905 bro my son has never not been in that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00074-00015906-00016055 dock attack since he came home the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00075-00016056-00016288 docata is so perfect it's literally a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00076-00016290-00016589 mini bed it's nicely padded we use it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00077-00016590-00016835 every single day and with that love tool 8uxDTnNtkEy-00078-00016836-00017075 you can remove the exterior Fabric and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00079-00017076-00017279 watch I just recently watched his be 8uxDTnNtkEy-00080-00017280-00017471 carrying it to the bed we carry it to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00081-00017472-00017675 the couch we carry it upstairs we carry 8uxDTnNtkEy-00082-00017676-00017843 it downstairs and it's so affordable 8uxDTnNtkEy-00083-00017844-00018089 they can just take it to a family's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00084-00018090-00018250 house if you're going over like the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00085-00018251-00018557 doctor you need that okay when you have 8uxDTnNtkEy-00086-00018558-00018808 to take a shower when you have to clean 8uxDTnNtkEy-00087-00018809-00019025 up like the baby just loves to lay in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00088-00019026-00019355 there cool live play and just do his own 8uxDTnNtkEy-00089-00019356-00019583 little thing another item that I've been 8uxDTnNtkEy-00090-00019584-00019763 using or we've been using a lot that is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00091-00019764-00019972 like yeah we we need that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00092-00019973-00020243 um is the bouncer we use the baby Beyond 8uxDTnNtkEy-00093-00020244-00020422 bouncer when I'm in the kitchen I have 8uxDTnNtkEy-00094-00020423-00020543 to cook and I cannot leave them 8uxDTnNtkEy-00095-00020544-00020758 downstairs I'll bring them up and I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00096-00020759-00020872 don't want to bring the docker top 8uxDTnNtkEy-00097-00020873-00021035 because the couch is all the way down 8uxDTnNtkEy-00098-00021036-00021208 there or whatever and I need him to be 8uxDTnNtkEy-00099-00021209-00021394 in the kitchen with me so I could so he 8uxDTnNtkEy-00100-00021395-00021593 because no he's a baby he just got here 8uxDTnNtkEy-00101-00021594-00021839 two months ago so he's like he still 8uxDTnNtkEy-00102-00021840-00022103 whenever he doesn't smell me or whenever 8uxDTnNtkEy-00103-00022104-00022283 I'm too far he starts crying it's like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00104-00022284-00022511 okay where is everybody like I'm alone 8uxDTnNtkEy-00105-00022512-00022744 so I need him he needs to be in the same 8uxDTnNtkEy-00106-00022745-00022943 vicinity as me so I put him in the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00107-00022944-00023122 bouncer and as long as he's in the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00108-00023123-00023405 bouncer striped it strapped in and he's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00109-00023406-00023536 in the kitchen with me everything and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00110-00023537-00023693 you could I don't know the other day he 8uxDTnNtkEy-00111-00023694-00023957 had he allowed me to prep my food for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00112-00023958-00024155 like two hours without crying because he 8uxDTnNtkEy-00113-00024156-00024286 wasn't about to chill and get Miss 8uxDTnNtkEy-00114-00024287-00024527 pacifier homie was chilling so I love 8uxDTnNtkEy-00115-00024528-00024694 that Bouncer and from time to time I'll 8uxDTnNtkEy-00116-00024695-00024911 go put my foot on the bouncer bounce a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00117-00024912-00025103 little bit to entertain him and he's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00118-00025104-00025325 good to go very another thing very light 8uxDTnNtkEy-00119-00025326-00025571 it's foldable he can carry anywhere if 8uxDTnNtkEy-00120-00025572-00025756 somebody is babysitting like a family 8uxDTnNtkEy-00121-00025757-00025967 you can take it and give it to them like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00122-00025968-00026261 you know it is another one that you can 8uxDTnNtkEy-00123-00026262-00026561 put him in he's taken care of you don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00124-00026562-00026668 have to worry about him slipping out of 8uxDTnNtkEy-00125-00026669-00026824 anything and you can be hands-free and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00126-00026825-00026974 get what you need to get done and we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00127-00026975-00027408 need a coffee break because 8uxDTnNtkEy-00128-00027410-00027635 if you know you know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00129-00027636-00027924 you can get them asleep with a newborn 8uxDTnNtkEy-00130-00027925-00028355 next one is the hatch machine 8uxDTnNtkEy-00131-00028356-00028589 that hatch machine at first I used to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00132-00028589-00028918 keep it in this room right and when I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00133-00028919-00029170 used to go change his diaper I will turn 8uxDTnNtkEy-00134-00029172-00029374 it on to Common doubles you cried yo 8uxDTnNtkEy-00135-00029375-00029614 when I tell you homie will be hysterical 8uxDTnNtkEy-00136-00029616-00029867 he just I feel like if he could speak 8uxDTnNtkEy-00137-00029868-00030064 English but he'll turn that crap off 8uxDTnNtkEy-00138-00030066-00030335 like Miss I'm trying to sleep I already 8uxDTnNtkEy-00139-00030336-00030479 don't like the fact that you chained my 8uxDTnNtkEy-00140-00030480-00030646 diaper then you want to turn on some 8uxDTnNtkEy-00141-00030647-00031012 what is this we're gonna tell you to cry 8uxDTnNtkEy-00142-00031013-00031235 so I turned the dog out he just yelled 8uxDTnNtkEy-00143-00031236-00031367 at me so I'm just like all right I'm not 8uxDTnNtkEy-00144-00031368-00031570 gonna do this then I had the bright idea 8uxDTnNtkEy-00145-00031572-00031714 thing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00146-00031716-00031907 keeping our bedroom where we keep his 8uxDTnNtkEy-00147-00031908-00032267 bassinet and all night we keep it on you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00148-00032268-00032411 know at first I didn't have the light on 8uxDTnNtkEy-00149-00032412-00032602 but I started to have the light on like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00150-00032603-00032849 I'll do the the song the sound of the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00151-00032850-00033046 water is like rain and waterfalls or 8uxDTnNtkEy-00152-00033047-00033143 whatnot 8uxDTnNtkEy-00153-00033144-00033427 and yo I have a confession 8uxDTnNtkEy-00154-00033428-00033661 I love it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00155-00033662-00034037 not for him but for me bro like when I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00156-00034038-00034181 say 8uxDTnNtkEy-00157-00034182-00034433 be knocked out with ethanol and it goes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00158-00034434-00034793 on all day I think that has been on for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00159-00034794-00035002 about 8uxDTnNtkEy-00160-00035003-00035207 two weeks straight now without ever turn 8uxDTnNtkEy-00161-00035208-00035518 it off because I love the sound of rain 8uxDTnNtkEy-00162-00035519-00035818 I love like when it's raining oh my gosh 8uxDTnNtkEy-00163-00035819-00035951 I need to be in my house I need to be in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00164-00035952-00036185 my bed like it's just it gets I get oh 8uxDTnNtkEy-00165-00036186-00036509 so cozy I love it when I tell you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00166-00036510-00036724 it put me to sleep fast enough for him 8uxDTnNtkEy-00167-00036725-00036935 to sleep okay so thank you hatch all 8uxDTnNtkEy-00168-00036936-00037085 right I know it's for babies but for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00169-00037086-00037193 adults too because this is working for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00170-00037194-00037421 me and when I do after I finish feeding 8uxDTnNtkEy-00171-00037422-00037643 him I have to pump you know sometimes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00172-00037644-00037787 you end up waking up because you've been 8uxDTnNtkEy-00173-00037788-00038009 doing so much that has to put me right 8uxDTnNtkEy-00174-00038010-00038273 back to sleep okay so that hatch get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00175-00038274-00038368 that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00176-00038369-00038633 get that it does what it needs to do the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00177-00038634-00039001 next item that that we use all the time 8uxDTnNtkEy-00178-00039002-00039593 the agent Anaya swatter blankets 8uxDTnNtkEy-00179-00039594-00039917 our baby love to swaddle so we use it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00180-00039918-00040168 all the time even if he's not swallowing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00181-00040169-00040445 we use it as a blanket 8uxDTnNtkEy-00182-00040446-00040690 um sometimes I'll use it to cover cover 8uxDTnNtkEy-00183-00040691-00041009 myself and I'm holding him like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00184-00041010-00041446 it's cute it's light it's good material 8uxDTnNtkEy-00185-00041447-00041699 um we've watched it so many times so um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00186-00041700-00041974 so many times and it has yet to fade on 8uxDTnNtkEy-00187-00041975-00042077 us like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00188-00042078-00042329 I love it okay it's worth the price it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00189-00042330-00042455 worth the minute I think it was like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00190-00042456-00042730 fifty dollars for a pack of four it is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00191-00042731-00042899 worth it I would get more if I needed 8uxDTnNtkEy-00192-00042900-00043018 more I don't need it but I would get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00193-00043019-00043199 more because it's so freaking good next 8uxDTnNtkEy-00194-00043200-00043421 thing that we use a lot especially now 8uxDTnNtkEy-00195-00043422-00043768 that he's under the weather is the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00196-00043769-00044039 freedom mom he made the fire it helps 8uxDTnNtkEy-00197-00044040-00044237 moisturize the air because no living 8uxDTnNtkEy-00198-00044238-00044411 where I'm living it gets it gets really 8uxDTnNtkEy-00199-00044412-00044729 cold and the air is very very dry so it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00200-00044730-00044867 moisturizes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00201-00044868-00045095 um the space you put I put essential oil 8uxDTnNtkEy-00202-00045096-00045418 especially now that he's sick eucalyptus 8uxDTnNtkEy-00203-00045419-00045587 um uh what you want to call it tea tree 8uxDTnNtkEy-00204-00045588-00045989 Rosemary uh Clary Sage you know whatever 8uxDTnNtkEy-00205-00045990-00046145 I put all that in there to help clear 8uxDTnNtkEy-00206-00046146-00046517 his Airways so and that thing goes for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00207-00046518-00046711 long okay 8uxDTnNtkEy-00208-00046712-00047021 literally if I filled up for the whole 8uxDTnNtkEy-00209-00047022-00047212 container up it'll go for a day and a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00210-00047213-00047537 half non-stop like it goes for long the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00211-00047538-00047783 only thing is because it's a humidifier 8uxDTnNtkEy-00212-00047784-00048071 and a diffuser when you put your oils in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00213-00048072-00048346 it's not as potent as a regular diffuser 8uxDTnNtkEy-00214-00048347-00048449 will be which makes sense because now 8uxDTnNtkEy-00215-00048450-00048658 you're mixing mixing it with water and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00216-00048659-00048833 it's bigger I mean you mix a regular 8uxDTnNtkEy-00217-00048834-00049061 diffusable water but it's bigger 8uxDTnNtkEy-00218-00049062-00049301 um and the water amount is a lot way way 8uxDTnNtkEy-00219-00049302-00049505 more than the regular diffuser so you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00220-00049506-00049690 know it's not as potent as a regular 8uxDTnNtkEy-00221-00049691-00049877 diffuser but it does what it needs to do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00222-00049878-00050057 because when I walk out the bedroom not 8uxDTnNtkEy-00223-00050058-00050189 go back in I could definitely smell the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00224-00050190-00050362 peppermint in the room and it definitely 8uxDTnNtkEy-00225-00050363-00050608 clears my Airways next one is the Skip 8uxDTnNtkEy-00226-00050609-00050890 Hop changing pad OMG what would I do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00227-00050891-00051052 without you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00228-00051053-00052038 foreign 8uxDTnNtkEy-00229-00052039-00052330 so it's easy to clean 8uxDTnNtkEy-00230-00052332-00052576 um you know even with the stain after a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00231-00052577-00052763 while it comes off 8uxDTnNtkEy-00232-00052764-00053021 um it's soft like it's great I don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00233-00053022-00053213 have much to say about it apart from it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00234-00053214-00053435 is great we use it literally every 8uxDTnNtkEy-00235-00053436-00053716 single day it's easy to clean one thing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00236-00053717-00053957 I have my baby list I did not get was 8uxDTnNtkEy-00237-00053958-00054125 the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00238-00054126-00054425 changing pad but it's like a cover to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00239-00054426-00054641 put on top of the pad 8uxDTnNtkEy-00240-00054641-00054887 um I didn't get it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00241-00054888-00055085 um but I regret not getting it but I end 8uxDTnNtkEy-00242-00055086-00055319 up using like a receiving blanket as the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00243-00055320-00055492 cover for the pack because the only 8uxDTnNtkEy-00244-00055494-00055685 reason is when you when the baby were 8uxDTnNtkEy-00245-00055686-00055937 first born their poop is especially if 8uxDTnNtkEy-00246-00055938-00056063 you're breastfeeding I don't know how it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00247-00056064-00056285 looks when this formula but your poop is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00248-00056286-00056441 very an out well it's probably the same 8uxDTnNtkEy-00249-00056441-00056554 thing but I don't know how often they 8uxDTnNtkEy-00250-00056555-00056735 poop when your best breastfeeding they 8uxDTnNtkEy-00251-00056736-00056975 poop a lot and they're the color of the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00252-00056976-00057142 poop was like Curry it's hard to compare 8uxDTnNtkEy-00253-00057144-00057323 it to food but it's like Curry and it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00254-00057324-00057473 stains it's like very very yellow 8uxDTnNtkEy-00255-00057474-00057725 highlighter yellow and it stays so one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00256-00057726-00057929 thing I noticed is when I didn't put the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00257-00057929-00058204 pad on it was staining the the pad I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00258-00058205-00058432 didn't put like a sheet on it it was I'm 8uxDTnNtkEy-00259-00058433-00058582 not even that sheet but like some type 8uxDTnNtkEy-00260-00058583-00058804 of cover was staying in the pad and it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00261-00058805-00058973 took a little bit to get all come off so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00262-00058974-00059159 that's why I started use as I think I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00263-00059160-00059404 should have got that uh disposable pad I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00264-00059405-00059603 was looking into but I just start I just 8uxDTnNtkEy-00265-00059604-00059866 use a receiving blanket as the cover and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00266-00059867-00060011 it's washable so it's more sustainable 8uxDTnNtkEy-00267-00060012-00060191 that way anyway 8uxDTnNtkEy-00268-00060191-00060371 um another reason why I think you should 8uxDTnNtkEy-00269-00060372-00060538 also get another like a sheet to cover 8uxDTnNtkEy-00270-00060539-00060653 the patches 8uxDTnNtkEy-00271-00060654-00060821 I mean depending on where you live but 8uxDTnNtkEy-00272-00060822-00061066 the next time here it's it get really 8uxDTnNtkEy-00273-00061067-00061349 it's called Perry being winter it's cold 8uxDTnNtkEy-00274-00061350-00061559 and in the nighttime when you put them 8uxDTnNtkEy-00275-00061560-00061691 on the pad 8uxDTnNtkEy-00276-00061691-00061907 the pad is actually cold and that kind 8uxDTnNtkEy-00277-00061908-00062129 of shocks them and wake them up so when 8uxDTnNtkEy-00278-00062129-00062254 you have that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00279-00062255-00062423 um barrier which is the sheep or some 8uxDTnNtkEy-00280-00062424-00062663 type of cover it's a it's warmer so it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00281-00062664-00062950 a nice transition from their bassinet or 8uxDTnNtkEy-00282-00062951-00063292 crib to the changing pets I definitely 8uxDTnNtkEy-00283-00063294-00063454 would recommend getting some type of 8uxDTnNtkEy-00284-00063455-00063694 cover but the change in pad so it's not 8uxDTnNtkEy-00285-00063695-00063832 such a shock for the baby and wake them 8uxDTnNtkEy-00286-00063833-00064013 up in the night because it's so cold and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00287-00064014-00064259 plus you're not trying to stain your 8uxDTnNtkEy-00288-00064260-00064504 um changing bag so that's another one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00289-00064505-00064685 that I definitely recommend the next 8uxDTnNtkEy-00290-00064686-00064882 thing that is a necessity or is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00291-00064883-00065225 necessary in Your Arsenal baby Arsenal 8uxDTnNtkEy-00292-00065226-00065482 is a Dapper caddy first of all just a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00293-00065483-00065650 girl red do I really need this but it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00294-00065651-00065885 a yes you do it's a great organizer okay 8uxDTnNtkEy-00295-00065886-00066071 if you keep all the diapers in there we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00296-00066072-00066317 keep all the rash creams in there we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00297-00066318-00066581 keep all the medical tools like a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00298-00066582-00066826 syringe for the nose or thermometer for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00299-00066827-00067061 to check your temperature it's so easy 8uxDTnNtkEy-00300-00067062-00067300 it's right with the changing pad 8uxDTnNtkEy-00301-00067301-00067547 easy reach everything you need is there 8uxDTnNtkEy-00302-00067548-00067721 is like you don't have to like go to the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00303-00067722-00067853 end of the room to get something goes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00304-00067854-00067943 the other end of the room to get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00305-00067944-00068105 something everything you need is right 8uxDTnNtkEy-00306-00068106-00068344 there so I definitely recommend a diaper 8uxDTnNtkEy-00307-00068345-00068555 caddy it doesn't cost that much I think 8uxDTnNtkEy-00308-00068556-00068747 we got hours from Amazon somebody 8uxDTnNtkEy-00309-00068748-00068885 blessed us with that and it was like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00310-00068886-00069161 what 25 get it you need it and it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00311-00069162-00069394 foldable I like the cloth one because 8uxDTnNtkEy-00312-00069395-00069581 one that's not too stiff because it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00313-00069582-00069713 could actually maneuver and move around 8uxDTnNtkEy-00314-00069714-00069911 in this foldable pack it up and you're 8uxDTnNtkEy-00315-00069912-00070055 done you know once we don't need anymore 8uxDTnNtkEy-00316-00070056-00070343 just boom store it away right so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00317-00070344-00070487 definitely recommend it like for candy 8uxDTnNtkEy-00318-00070488-00070859 next thing we use the you need a diaper 8uxDTnNtkEy-00319-00070860-00071176 pail okay I know there is the oh what's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00320-00071177-00071405 that one called Diaper Genie we didn't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00321-00071406-00071675 get that one because it is plastic I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00322-00071676-00071831 want to get something more um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00323-00071832-00072209 sustainable like a metal one you know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00324-00072210-00072455 um something more long-lasting so we got 8uxDTnNtkEy-00325-00072456-00072743 the Ubi baby or Uber bear 8uxDTnNtkEy-00326-00072744-00072994 diaper pail it does what it needs to do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00327-00072995-00073217 and another reason I like the Ubi bear 8uxDTnNtkEy-00328-00073218-00073343 one is like I didn't have to get a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00329-00073344-00073541 special bag I could use it with my 8uxDTnNtkEy-00330-00073542-00073691 regular garbage bag and that's what it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00331-00073692-00073894 needs to do whereas the the other one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00332-00073895-00074141 that I just mentioned you need it comes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00333-00074142-00074315 with a special bag and Grant I know the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00334-00074316-00074513 special bag lacks the center and all 8uxDTnNtkEy-00335-00074514-00074771 that stuff great but right now the Ubi 8uxDTnNtkEy-00336-00074772-00075125 Ubi diaper pail descent doesn't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00337-00075126-00075515 um escape the um the pale so you know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00338-00075516-00075688 still get the same job done and then 8uxDTnNtkEy-00339-00075689-00075856 when you close it you can also lock it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00340-00075857-00076067 so let's say when the child get older 8uxDTnNtkEy-00341-00076068-00076265 it's not like they could open when you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00342-00076266-00076438 start walking and being curious about 8uxDTnNtkEy-00343-00076439-00076625 everything they can't open it and just 8uxDTnNtkEy-00344-00076626-00076823 stick their hands in the nasty garbage 8uxDTnNtkEy-00345-00076824-00077075 with diapers wet diapers so it locks and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00346-00077076-00077332 I love that about that so um yeah I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00347-00077333-00077711 would definitely recommend a diaper pail 8uxDTnNtkEy-00348-00077712-00078088 um because them diapers they stink and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00349-00078089-00078347 they're heavy heavy and they stink next 8uxDTnNtkEy-00350-00078348-00078538 up are breast pumps we end up getting a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00351-00078539-00078712 spectrum if you don't know if you have 8uxDTnNtkEy-00352-00078713-00078850 insurance your insurance could pay for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00353-00078851-00079126 that okay so through my insurance we got 8uxDTnNtkEy-00354-00079127-00079337 this what Wednesday we I got the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00355-00079338-00079499 Spectrum clubs because obviously I'm the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00356-00079500-00079703 one freaking breastfeeding I got the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00357-00079704-00079967 Spectrum I love the Spectra the suction 8uxDTnNtkEy-00358-00079968-00080200 on the Spectra is great it is wonderful 8uxDTnNtkEy-00359-00080201-00080447 the bottle is great 8uxDTnNtkEy-00360-00080448-00080525 um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00361-00080526-00080788 it does what you need to do it has many 8uxDTnNtkEy-00362-00080789-00081119 levels of suction if one doesn't work or 8uxDTnNtkEy-00363-00081120-00081329 if it is not sucking hard enough there 8uxDTnNtkEy-00364-00081330-00081562 are other you could go levels higher I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00365-00081563-00081779 think goes up to 10. I Love It I see why 8uxDTnNtkEy-00366-00081780-00081935 a lot of people Rave about it I see why 8uxDTnNtkEy-00367-00081936-00082121 people usually go for this picture it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00368-00082122-00082259 does when you do it comes with two 8uxDTnNtkEy-00369-00082260-00082444 bottles so you know you do what you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00370-00082445-00082649 gotta do quickly 8uxDTnNtkEy-00371-00082650-00082787 um I don't know if it the only thing I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00372-00082788-00082943 noticed is that I don't know if the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00373-00082944-00083171 nipple it comes with different sizes of 8uxDTnNtkEy-00374-00083172-00083332 nipples nipples because we all don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00375-00083333-00083555 have the same size nipples but I don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00376-00083556-00083747 think I don't remember ever seeing that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00377-00083748-00084029 in the in the um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00378-00084030-00084382 in the box and if I if there is one my 8uxDTnNtkEy-00379-00084383-00084587 apologies but I think that's the only 8uxDTnNtkEy-00380-00084588-00084797 downside about the Spectra it doesn't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00381-00084798-00085019 have different nipple sizes 8uxDTnNtkEy-00382-00085020-00085391 um so if your nipples don't fit then 8uxDTnNtkEy-00383-00085392-00085655 heal some you got a problem another one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00384-00085656-00085967 that I recently just got and I love 8uxDTnNtkEy-00385-00085968-00086332 is the mama cozy oh no it's a mom cozy 8uxDTnNtkEy-00386-00086333-00086705 portable breast pump 8uxDTnNtkEy-00387-00086706-00086891 it is so good 8uxDTnNtkEy-00388-00086892-00087143 it is so good I'll be at workers went 8uxDTnNtkEy-00389-00087144-00087317 back to work you know I'll be at work 8uxDTnNtkEy-00390-00087318-00087544 and I have it in granted I have my boobs 8uxDTnNtkEy-00391-00087545-00087743 look like this like I look like it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00392-00087744-00087935 looked like I did not go to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00393-00087936-00088168 Dr Miami it looked like I went to Dr 8uxDTnNtkEy-00394-00088169-00088343 Mississippi because it looked big and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00395-00088344-00088667 lots it's a mess but you put it in your 8uxDTnNtkEy-00396-00088668-00088756 bra 8uxDTnNtkEy-00397-00088757-00089081 once it's digital you could change the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00398-00089082-00089303 um the suction 8uxDTnNtkEy-00399-00089304-00089459 um pressure on there 8uxDTnNtkEy-00400-00089460-00089675 um you could change it it massages and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00401-00089676-00089938 pulls milk and at first I'm like oh man 8uxDTnNtkEy-00402-00089939-00090041 you're gonna mess me up because probably 8uxDTnNtkEy-00403-00090042-00090268 not gonna pull all my milk like the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00404-00090269-00090503 Spectra does you're probably going to do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00405-00090504-00090635 a little bit after go back in with 8uxDTnNtkEy-00406-00090636-00090875 inspection get the rest why was I lied 8uxDTnNtkEy-00407-00090876-00090965 to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00408-00090966-00091223 back then that's what you need to do I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00409-00091224-00091373 went back on the Spectrum multiple 8uxDTnNtkEy-00410-00091374-00091582 occasions and my boo was like no you're 8uxDTnNtkEy-00411-00091583-00091829 done we gave you everything we got 8uxDTnNtkEy-00412-00091830-00092147 this girl you lie when I tell you it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00413-00092148-00092417 pulls in the and the container is Big so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00414-00092418-00092603 my usual when I pull I could pull about 8uxDTnNtkEy-00415-00092604-00092843 I would say it can take a go about five 8uxDTnNtkEy-00416-00092844-00093088 ounces the only thing is it is a little 8uxDTnNtkEy-00417-00093089-00093376 loud okay it sounds like a frog and oh 8uxDTnNtkEy-00418-00093377-00093587 it sounds like a frog every time I'm on 8uxDTnNtkEy-00419-00093588-00093743 the phone talking to somebody like yo 8uxDTnNtkEy-00420-00093744-00093911 what is that what you got in your house 8uxDTnNtkEy-00421-00093912-00094138 I'm like it's my phone being extra but 8uxDTnNtkEy-00422-00094139-00094355 it sounds like a frog but if you get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00423-00094356-00094738 past that boo-boo baby this thing that's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00424-00094739-00095003 going to do is 180 and a quarter on sale 8uxDTnNtkEy-00425-00095004-00095159 around Black Friday and I got for like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00426-00095160-00095465 160. it comes with two it could buy one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00427-00095466-00095626 if you want 8uxDTnNtkEy-00428-00095627-00095903 it that's what it needs to do it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00429-00095904-00096100 rechargeable it doesn't take batteries 8uxDTnNtkEy-00430-00096101-00096299 you just charge it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00431-00096300-00096575 um what else it is great 8uxDTnNtkEy-00432-00096576-00096803 um it's easy to wash there there aren't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00433-00096804-00096982 too many parts right 8uxDTnNtkEy-00434-00096983-00097115 um You can pack it but the only thing I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00435-00097116-00097426 wish Mom because you can add to that is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00436-00097427-00097732 a bag you know to put the pumps in so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00437-00097733-00097931 you can travel with their camera with 8uxDTnNtkEy-00438-00097932-00098093 you by perfect that's not even a big 8uxDTnNtkEy-00439-00098094-00098279 deal I bought that from Amazon and put 8uxDTnNtkEy-00440-00098280-00098471 that in there but but that's my 8uxDTnNtkEy-00441-00098472-00098771 suggestion I'm cozy here watching but 8uxDTnNtkEy-00442-00098772-00099017 yo it is great it is great it's great 8uxDTnNtkEy-00443-00099018-00099238 it's great another one that I recommend 8uxDTnNtkEy-00444-00099239-00099473 another thing that I recommend is these 8uxDTnNtkEy-00445-00099474-00099611 two specific bottles that we love 8uxDTnNtkEy-00446-00099612-00099797 because at first we was using the cut 8uxDTnNtkEy-00447-00099798-00100111 was a Como not cool like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00448-00100112-00100385 we're not gonna get into that but I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00449-00100386-00100624 think it's called the Como it's with a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00450-00100625-00100888 green top and for months and a half we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00451-00100889-00101200 did not realize what our issue was our 8uxDTnNtkEy-00452-00101201-00101447 baby was so gassy and he struggled with 8uxDTnNtkEy-00453-00101448-00101771 a lot of a lot of comic like definitely 8uxDTnNtkEy-00454-00101772-00102011 had colic very gassy hold on let's take 8uxDTnNtkEy-00455-00102012-00102547 a coffee break 8uxDTnNtkEy-00456-00102548-00102778 because this eye is getting very heavy 8uxDTnNtkEy-00457-00102779-00102940 as we speak 8uxDTnNtkEy-00458-00102941-00103175 new mom life right 8uxDTnNtkEy-00459-00103176-00103565 but he was very colicky very gassy 8uxDTnNtkEy-00460-00103566-00103810 always like straight into fart poop it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00461-00103811-00103960 just couldn't understand we thought it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00462-00103961-00104182 was food though the milk is it a whole 8uxDTnNtkEy-00463-00104183-00104351 bunch of crap 8uxDTnNtkEy-00464-00104352-00104632 and then my friends told me maybe we do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00465-00104633-00104963 we do Gripe Water which will help right 8uxDTnNtkEy-00466-00104964-00105178 um definitely very very helpful 8uxDTnNtkEy-00467-00105179-00105466 um but it was just like damn what is the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00468-00105467-00105695 problem how do we fix this I know his 8uxDTnNtkEy-00469-00105696-00105851 stomach is new to this earth and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00470-00105852-00106043 everything that he's getting but it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00471-00106044-00106295 like hey then one day one of my friends 8uxDTnNtkEy-00472-00106296-00106499 has blessed us with a lot of baby stuff 8uxDTnNtkEy-00473-00106500-00106769 that she didn't use and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00474-00106770-00107021 two bottles was part of it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00475-00107022-00107231 and one time I'm doing I'm I'm doing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00476-00107232-00107471 laundry one time I'm doing dishes and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00477-00107472-00107728 cleaning all the bottles and I realized 8uxDTnNtkEy-00478-00107729-00108047 and I saw this one bottle and it has 8uxDTnNtkEy-00479-00108048-00108233 this little small writing on it so I'm 8uxDTnNtkEy-00480-00108233-00108436 just say a little closer and read I look 8uxDTnNtkEy-00481-00108438-00108604 close and read that thing it's an 8uxDTnNtkEy-00482-00108605-00109007 anti-colic bottle I'm like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00483-00109008-00109265 wait a minute 8uxDTnNtkEy-00484-00109266-00109558 what and days before my friend Ramona 8uxDTnNtkEy-00485-00109559-00109678 and Melissa was just telling me about 8uxDTnNtkEy-00486-00109679-00109919 their specific bottles that help with 8uxDTnNtkEy-00487-00109920-00110134 gas especially for babies that eat fast 8uxDTnNtkEy-00488-00110135-00110471 and don't know how to chill right I said 8uxDTnNtkEy-00489-00110472-00110615 all right I'm gonna go but I'm gonna go 8uxDTnNtkEy-00490-00110616-00110777 Target go look for some and buy some 8uxDTnNtkEy-00491-00110778-00110981 modification it was right under my nose 8uxDTnNtkEy-00492-00110982-00111293 are you serious that's an anticholas I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00493-00111294-00111454 didn't know that existed I thought it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00494-00111455-00111563 was a gimmick like what are y'all 8uxDTnNtkEy-00495-00111564-00111713 talking about 8uxDTnNtkEy-00496-00111714-00112169 so I made him milk to feed him and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00497-00112170-00112319 that's I'm gonna use this new bottle I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00498-00112320-00112534 just discovered in my kitchen I've been 8uxDTnNtkEy-00499-00112535-00112786 in my kitchen for months 8uxDTnNtkEy-00500-00112788-00112907 yo 8uxDTnNtkEy-00501-00112908-00113315 homeboy was eating I was drinking 8uxDTnNtkEy-00502-00113316-00113531 he was drinking slow 8uxDTnNtkEy-00503-00113532-00113752 you don't get gas you don't hear air 8uxDTnNtkEy-00504-00113753-00113921 going into the bottle 8uxDTnNtkEy-00505-00113922-00114040 because usually when you used to drink 8uxDTnNtkEy-00506-00114041-00114263 from the other regular bottles you could 8uxDTnNtkEy-00507-00114264-00114413 hear and I'm holding him you can hear 8uxDTnNtkEy-00508-00114414-00114589 the gas in his belly because 8uxDTnNtkEy-00509-00114590-00114904 didn't hear any of that he was drinking 8uxDTnNtkEy-00510-00114905-00115325 slower we was way more calm 8uxDTnNtkEy-00511-00115326-00115534 even as I was done it was times a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00512-00115535-00115678 burping was barely any burp that came 8uxDTnNtkEy-00513-00115679-00115810 out because there was less gas that went 8uxDTnNtkEy-00514-00115811-00116152 in I'm like get out are you serious 8uxDTnNtkEy-00515-00116153-00116321 something was like there's another 8uxDTnNtkEy-00516-00116322-00116440 bottle 8uxDTnNtkEy-00517-00116441-00116651 in it that look kind of funny shaped and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00518-00116652-00116801 funny design let me go check it out and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00519-00116802-00117016 see what that says 8uxDTnNtkEy-00520-00117017-00117395 It's The End mom mum 8uxDTnNtkEy-00521-00117396-00117575 I'm ready another one 8uxDTnNtkEy-00522-00117576-00117749 it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00523-00117750-00117886 okay 8uxDTnNtkEy-00524-00117888-00118084 so we've been suffering in the darkness 8uxDTnNtkEy-00525-00118085-00118289 for all these months and the answer was 8uxDTnNtkEy-00526-00118290-00118499 right there 8uxDTnNtkEy-00527-00118500-00118781 yo that remind me of God yo you know how 8uxDTnNtkEy-00528-00118782-00119081 sometimes God be trying to help you out 8uxDTnNtkEy-00529-00119082-00119245 we don't know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00530-00119246-00119465 this myself and you suffering from that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00531-00119466-00119549 long 8uxDTnNtkEy-00532-00119550-00119801 and when you finally given you gotta do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00533-00119802-00120077 something like this and just like dang I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00534-00120078-00120310 kind of got my prayers answered I could 8uxDTnNtkEy-00535-00120311-00120599 have got help with my situation 8uxDTnNtkEy-00536-00120600-00120766 like yesterday 8uxDTnNtkEy-00537-00120767-00120977 if I just listened to God and gave in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00538-00120978-00121157 and just allowed him to take the wheel 8uxDTnNtkEy-00539-00121158-00121489 and so try doing my own strength 8uxDTnNtkEy-00540-00121490-00121781 dang all that suffering for nothing when 8uxDTnNtkEy-00541-00121782-00121997 the answer was right there that was that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00542-00121998-00122099 was us 8uxDTnNtkEy-00543-00122100-00122284 suffering poor baby suffering and the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00544-00122285-00122560 answer was right there just buy it and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00545-00122561-00122789 have it in your cabinet all right just 8uxDTnNtkEy-00546-00122790-00122921 by having a cap because you don't know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00547-00122922-00123023 what kind of baby you're going to get 8uxDTnNtkEy-00548-00123024-00123119 you don't know what the issue you're 8uxDTnNtkEy-00549-00123120-00123281 going to have and then if your baby 8uxDTnNtkEy-00550-00123282-00123419 don't you say he don't use it or she 8uxDTnNtkEy-00551-00123420-00123610 don't use it but buy it and having your 8uxDTnNtkEy-00552-00123611-00123845 cabinet cabinet so when that problem if 8uxDTnNtkEy-00553-00123846-00124019 that problem comes around you only have 8uxDTnNtkEy-00554-00124020-00124181 to answer right in your cabinet and that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00555-00124182-00124325 was not nine o'clock in the night you 8uxDTnNtkEy-00556-00124326-00124445 run around Target trying to find 8uxDTnNtkEy-00557-00124446-00124601 something to help your baby out you know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00558-00124602-00124804 what y'all say so buy it keep it in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00559-00124805-00125039 standby for your baby so you don't go 8uxDTnNtkEy-00560-00125040-00125236 through what we went through another 8uxDTnNtkEy-00561-00125238-00125465 item that we love is another swallow 8uxDTnNtkEy-00562-00125466-00125669 blanket but it's not even a blanket it's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00563-00125670-00125836 like a swatter 8uxDTnNtkEy-00564-00125838-00126208 we got we have put on a registry it's um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00565-00126209-00126460 it's like already made swallow and just 8uxDTnNtkEy-00566-00126461-00126610 put the baby in and just strap them in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00567-00126611-00126736 and at first I was just like what the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00568-00126738-00126910 hell I'm not doing that to my job but 8uxDTnNtkEy-00569-00126911-00127163 let me tell you that can work like magic 8uxDTnNtkEy-00570-00127164-00127336 put that baby in there you strap them in 8uxDTnNtkEy-00571-00127338-00127402 there 8uxDTnNtkEy-00572-00127403-00127636 zip it up and within seconds he's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00573-00127638-00127984 knocked out go back to God like have a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00574-00127985-00128116 whole conversations with Jesus I'm 8uxDTnNtkEy-00575-00128117-00128297 telling you that thing works like magic 8uxDTnNtkEy-00576-00128298-00128519 almost immediately 8uxDTnNtkEy-00577-00128520-00128734 get it and once again never know some 8uxDTnNtkEy-00578-00128735-00128908 kids don't like being swaddled but y'all 8uxDTnNtkEy-00579-00128909-00129023 know what your child is going to like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00580-00129024-00129304 once again get it have no standby 8uxDTnNtkEy-00581-00129305-00129508 because it saved us many nights it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00582-00129509-00129743 gathers a lot of sleep many nights and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00583-00129744-00129899 many days okay so I definitely recommend 8uxDTnNtkEy-00584-00129900-00130258 that and last but not least is the snow 8uxDTnNtkEy-00585-00130259-00130516 yeah I know 8uxDTnNtkEy-00586-00130517-00130799 the snow does what it needs to do 8uxDTnNtkEy-00587-00130800-00131081 pros and cons pros 8uxDTnNtkEy-00588-00131082-00131285 I love how it moves 8uxDTnNtkEy-00589-00131286-00131495 and I have that sound going that sound 8uxDTnNtkEy-00590-00131496-00131669 like the womb you have a kid that love 8uxDTnNtkEy-00591-00131670-00131902 movement and that's it your child will 8uxDTnNtkEy-00592-00131903-00132040 not go to sleep unless you get up and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00593-00132041-00132245 walk with him or walk with her that's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00594-00132246-00132413 when they're going to fall asleep 8uxDTnNtkEy-00595-00132414-00132664 once you finish that walking for a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00596-00132665-00132833 little bit and you transfer that baby to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00597-00132834-00133066 that soon and you hit that button and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00598-00133067-00133295 they start moving it feels like you're 8uxDTnNtkEy-00599-00133296-00133439 still walking with them and they fall 8uxDTnNtkEy-00600-00133440-00133714 asleep like this so I definitely 8uxDTnNtkEy-00601-00133715-00133840 recommend it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00602-00133841-00133997 but 8uxDTnNtkEy-00603-00133998-00134219 it's a lot of freaking money 1500 jobs 8uxDTnNtkEy-00604-00134220-00134554 excluding taxes that's a lot if you rent 8uxDTnNtkEy-00605-00134555-00134873 it rent it if you have a friend that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00606-00134874-00135251 have it and don't mind sharing lending 8uxDTnNtkEy-00607-00135252-00135502 it to you get it that way I wouldn't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00608-00135503-00135719 recommend taking fifteen hundred dollars 8uxDTnNtkEy-00609-00135720-00135940 to buy this new 8uxDTnNtkEy-00610-00135941-00136199 and run the risk of your child might not 8uxDTnNtkEy-00611-00136200-00136427 might not even like it that's the thing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00612-00136428-00136654 because babies their humans just like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00613-00136655-00136847 the rest of us you know Brandon just got 8uxDTnNtkEy-00614-00136848-00137027 here but they have things that like and 8uxDTnNtkEy-00615-00137028-00137135 do not like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00616-00137136-00137404 I thank God our child liked it and if 8uxDTnNtkEy-00617-00137405-00137609 you didn't like it we borrowed it from 8uxDTnNtkEy-00618-00137610-00137777 our friend it was lend it to us so we 8uxDTnNtkEy-00619-00137778-00137963 don't have to worry about Tam we spent 8uxDTnNtkEy-00620-00137964-00138197 all that money and he'll be like it he 8uxDTnNtkEy-00621-00138198-00138395 likes it but imagine if he spent all 8uxDTnNtkEy-00622-00138396-00138521 that money in your child don't like it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00623-00138522-00138701 so I would definitely say rent it I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00624-00138702-00138851 would definitely say if you have a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00625-00138852-00139049 friend that have it let's ask if you can 8uxDTnNtkEy-00626-00139050-00139252 borrow it um because the only the pro 8uxDTnNtkEy-00627-00139253-00139451 another problem with that price is the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00628-00139452-00139589 child could only be in that soon for six 8uxDTnNtkEy-00629-00139590-00139678 months 8uxDTnNtkEy-00630-00139679-00139889 because once they'll grow once that six 8uxDTnNtkEy-00631-00139890-00140123 months is over and they'll outgrow it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00632-00140124-00140333 they go in the crib so imagine that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00633-00140334-00140501 money for six months I'm about to spend 8uxDTnNtkEy-00634-00140502-00140669 that money and your child don't like it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00635-00140670-00140807 and imagine 8uxDTnNtkEy-00636-00140808-00140945 now that I'm thinking about another 8uxDTnNtkEy-00637-00140946-00141095 thing I don't like this that the stool 8uxDTnNtkEy-00638-00141096-00141269 does is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00639-00141270-00141490 actually comical 8uxDTnNtkEy-00640-00141491-00141683 so whenever the baby start crying 8uxDTnNtkEy-00641-00141684-00141935 because it I guess it listens I don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00642-00141936-00142114 like that too much but once the baby 8uxDTnNtkEy-00643-00142115-00142289 start crying 8uxDTnNtkEy-00644-00142290-00142511 it starts moving quicker to kind of like 8uxDTnNtkEy-00645-00142512-00142702 almost like how a parent would do this 8uxDTnNtkEy-00646-00142703-00142895 right to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00647-00142896-00143087 um to calm the baby to help them calm 8uxDTnNtkEy-00648-00143088-00143309 down and sleep it does the same thing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00649-00143310-00143554 but because it's not human it cannot 8uxDTnNtkEy-00650-00143555-00143885 always distinguish the baby coin crying 8uxDTnNtkEy-00651-00143886-00144239 or outside noise so one time he was 8uxDTnNtkEy-00652-00144240-00144527 Cooling and start dancing chill out he's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00653-00144528-00144863 trying to sabotage us homie and he would 8uxDTnNtkEy-00654-00144864-00145007 just another time he was just moving his 8uxDTnNtkEy-00655-00145008-00145187 sleep and make a little bit noise let's 8uxDTnNtkEy-00656-00145188-00145402 stop doing that thing again now the baby 8uxDTnNtkEy-00657-00145403-00145577 my son was actually starting to wake up 8uxDTnNtkEy-00658-00145578-00145745 I'm just like yo you trying to sabotage 8uxDTnNtkEy-00659-00145746-00145949 us bro he took his man along to put him 8uxDTnNtkEy-00660-00145950-00146069 to sleep now you're about to wake him up 8uxDTnNtkEy-00661-00146070-00146237 because you can't distinguish the 8uxDTnNtkEy-00662-00146238-00146416 difference between a cry a cool and a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00663-00146417-00146764 fire truck right so you have to turn it 8uxDTnNtkEy-00664-00146765-00146999 off so those are the flaws about the flu 8uxDTnNtkEy-00665-00147000-00147209 but it is a great bassinet though 8uxDTnNtkEy-00666-00147210-00147431 because it's a nice little bed 8uxDTnNtkEy-00667-00147432-00147569 granny can you find something for 8uxDTnNtkEy-00668-00147570-00147887 cheaper absolutely absolutely 8uxDTnNtkEy-00669-00147888-00148175 I like the fact that it does sway from 8uxDTnNtkEy-00670-00148176-00148319 side to side I like the fact that I got 8uxDTnNtkEy-00671-00148320-00148643 the noise yeah those are things that I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00672-00148644-00148793 feel like I don't know if I'm missing 8uxDTnNtkEy-00673-00148794-00148973 anything I might not I might I don't 8uxDTnNtkEy-00674-00148974-00149231 know but you know be here your family I 8uxDTnNtkEy-00675-00149232-00149369 could always come back and share more 8uxDTnNtkEy-00676-00149370-00149621 but so far 8uxDTnNtkEy-00677-00149622-00149837 that's what we are loving so far that is 8uxDTnNtkEy-00678-00149838-00149987 something that these are the things that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00679-00149988-00150304 we use almost every single day 8uxDTnNtkEy-00680-00150305-00150647 actually every single day you know so 8uxDTnNtkEy-00681-00150648-00150785 um if you're looking to add stuff to 8uxDTnNtkEy-00682-00150786-00150928 your registry 8uxDTnNtkEy-00683-00150929-00151109 um you're wondering what is important 8uxDTnNtkEy-00684-00151110-00151319 what you need what is it that you need 8uxDTnNtkEy-00685-00151320-00151552 these are the things that I believe is a 8uxDTnNtkEy-00686-00151553-00151847 necessity in your home with a newborn um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00687-00151848-00152069 so yeah thank you for watching hey that 8uxDTnNtkEy-00688-00152070-00152609 mini bet you appreciate it later when um 8uxDTnNtkEy-00689-00152610-00153089 oh nice 8uxDTnNtkEy-00690-00153090-00153397 [Music] 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00000-00000012-00000401 the hijacking of caac flight 296 a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00001-00000401-00000593 hawker siddeley trident ii ii aircraft 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00002-00000594-00001075 took place on May 5th 1983 flight 296 of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00003-00001076-00001382 China's civil aviation Airlines caac a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00004-00001383-00001579 scheduled domestic passenger flight from 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00005-00001580-00001805 shinyang danta Airport to Shanghai 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00006-00001805-00002005 Hongqiao International Airport was 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00007-00002007-00002231 hijacked by six Chinese nationals and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00008-00002232-00002456 was forced to land at camp page a US 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00009-00002457-00002710 military base in chunchun South Korea at 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00010-00002711-00002924 the time of the incident China and South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00011-00002925-00003154 Korea did not have diplomatic relations 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00012-00003155-00003415 the incident contributed to the first 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00013-00003417-00003644 official non-adversarial contact between 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00014-00003645-00003845 China and South Korea before the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00015-00003846-00004043 establishment of diplomatic relations 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00016-00004044-00004199 which was a turning point in the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00017-00004200-00004486 relationship between the two sides in 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00018-00004487-00004694 the following series of incidents the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00019-00004695-00004927 mutual hostility between China and South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00020-00004928-00005131 Korea in the process of handling or 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00021-00005132-00005327 reporting began to fade and the goodwill 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00022-00005328-00005543 component increased greatly laying a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00023-00005544-00005690 foundation for the formal establishment 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00024-00005691-00005929 of diplomatic relations between the two 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00025-00005930-00006555 countries in the future 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00026-00006556-00007109 topic course of events 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00027-00007109-00007546 at 10:47 a.m. on May 5th 1983 caac 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00028-00007547-00007850 flight 296 took off from Xianyang dontoh 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00029-00007851-00008159 Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport at 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00030-00008159-00008423 around 11:30 2 a.m. when the plane was 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00031-00008424-00008671 flying above Dalian 6 armed people led 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00032-00008672-00008891 by Joe qiangren hijacked the flight and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00033-00008892-00009056 ordered the pilot to change route to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00034-00009057-00009413 South Korea . when the pilot refused the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00035-00009414-00009569 militants shot him in a leg with a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00036-00009570-00009752 pistol and hurt also the operator 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00037-00009753-00009941 forcing them to proceed as demanded 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00038-00009942-00010285 there were 105 passengers and nine crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00039-00010286-00010601 members on board the plane at 14 10 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00040-00010602-00010826 hours the hijacked plane landed at Camp 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00041-00010827-00011057 page military base near chunchun South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00042-00011058-00011299 Korea the Chinese foreign ministry 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00043-00011300-00011534 spokesperson immediately issued a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00044-00011535-00011713 communication requesting the South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00045-00011714-00011888 Korean authorities to return the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00046-00011889-00012044 aircraft together with all crew members 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00047-00012045-00012263 and all passengers to China's civil 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00048-00012264-00012446 aviation in accordance with the relevant 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00049-00012447-00012613 provisions of the Convention on 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00050-00012614-00012799 International Civil Aviation and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00051-00012800-00013013 handover the hijackers to the Chinese 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00052-00013013-00013291 side duo qiangren and other six 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00053-00013293-00013505 hijackers filed a request to the Korean 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00054-00013506-00013691 authorities to allow them to defect to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00055-00013691-00013928 Taiwan on the day of the incident US 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00056-00013929-00014150 State Department deputy spokesman long 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00057-00014151-00014318 berg informed reporters about the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00058-00014319-00014525 hijacking two injured crew members were 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00059-00014526-00014800 being treated at the US Army 121 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00060-00014801-00015025 Hospital 99 passengers and the crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00061-00015026-00015218 members five men and one woman were 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00062-00015219-00015494 released six hijackers have been 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00063-00015494-00015743 detained by the Korean authorities he 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00064-00015744-00015919 said that the cooperation between the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00065-00015920-00016127 United States and South Korea will be 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00066-00016128-00016306 carried out in accordance with the Hague 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00067-00016307-00016640 Convention Taiwan's world anti-communist 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00068-00016641-00016838 alliance chairman guzheng gang called 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00069-00016839-00017060 South Korea on the same day claiming 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00070-00017061-00017252 that the hijacking incident was purely a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00071-00017253-00017425 political incident and should not be 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00072-00017426-00017581 handled in accordance with the Hague 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00073-00017582-00017810 Convention and requested South Korea to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00074-00017811-00018068 send the hijackers to Taiwan the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00075-00018069-00018272 government of the Republic of China also 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00076-00018273-00018464 immediately formed a special action 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00077-00018465-00018653 group ready to go to South Korea to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00078-00018654-00018997 assist in the negotiations Zhu Yue the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00079-00018998-00019202 ambassador of the Republic of China to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00080-00019203-00019403 South Korea issued a statement saying 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00081-00019404-00019640 that the hijacking was the freedom of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00082-00019641-00019952 the anti-communist people on May 6th a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00083-00019953-00020143 South Korean government spokesman said 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00084-00020144-00020318 that South Korea will handle the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00085-00020319-00020465 hijacking in accordance 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00086-00020466-00020657 the spirit of an international agreement 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00087-00020658-00020849 to prevent air hijacking and terrorist 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00088-00020850-00021026 activities and is considering the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00089-00021027-00021245 proposal for direct negotiations between 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00090-00021246-00021545 China and South Korea the director of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00091-00021546-00021758 the Civil Aviation Authority of South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00092-00021759-00022040 Korea Jin Chuang said that Shen to the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00093-00022041-00022189 director of the Civil Aviation 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00094-00022190-00022421 Administration of China had agreed to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00095-00022422-00022625 come to Seoul to handle related matters 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00096-00022626-00022793 although South Korea and the People's 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00097-00022794-00022967 Republic of China did not establish 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00098-00022968-00023183 diplomatic relations at the time 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00099-00023184-00023357 the South Korean government properly 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00100-00023358-00023531 arranged the crew and passengers on the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00101-00023532-00023735 hijacked passenger aircraft to stay at 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00102-00023736-00023924 the Sheraton Hotel in the suburbs of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00103-00023925-00024203 Seoul the hotel welcomed the Chinese 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00104-00024204-00024383 guests who were hijacked and also 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00105-00024384-00024581 offered high-end Chinese Korean and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00106-00024582-00024884 Japanese dishes the Korean Ministry of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00107-00024885-00025103 Transport and the Korean Air Force sent 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00108-00025104-00025322 senior technicians to inspect and repair 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00109-00025323-00025633 the aircraft on May 7th the Chinese 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00110-00025635-00025850 Civil Aviation working group and crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00111-00025851-00026042 members headed by Shen - were welcomed 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00112-00026043-00026225 by the Korean with a red carpet at the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00113-00026226-00026450 Gimpo Airport in Seoul and arranged for 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00114-00026451-00026648 the Chinese delegation to stay at the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00115-00026649-00026995 Silla Hotel at 4:10 p.m. on the same day 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00116-00026997-00027176 the two sides held their first meeting 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00117-00027177-00027518 at the Shilla hotel after the talks Shen 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00118-00027519-00027727 - and his party went to the hospital to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00119-00027729-00027908 visit the injured crew and visited other 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00120-00027908-00028076 crew members and passengers at the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00121-00028077-00028382 Sheraton Hotel on the day the Korean 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00122-00028383-00028589 side arranged for Chinese guests who had 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00123-00028589-00028795 been hijacked to visit Seoul boarded the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00124-00028797-00029012 Namsan tower visited the factories of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00125-00029013-00029186 the department store in samsung 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00126-00029187-00029381 electronics and were warmly welcomed by 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00127-00029382-00029588 the rock on may 8th the two sides 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00128-00029589-00029798 reached an agreement passengers and crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00129-00029799-00029977 members were to return to China with the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00130-00029979-00030179 delegation on the 9th the hijacked 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00131-00030180-00030347 aircraft would be returned to China 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00132-00030348-00030560 immediately after the technical problems 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00133-00030561-00030767 were resolved a seriously injured crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00134-00030768-00030962 member would stay in Korea for treatment 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00135-00030963-00031244 and afterwards would return to China the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00136-00031245-00031427 main difference between the two sides 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00137-00031427-00031694 was the handling of hijackers the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00138-00031695-00031933 Chinese side requested extradition but 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00139-00031935-00032140 the rock refused the Chinese request on 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00140-00032141-00032327 the grounds that there have been no 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00141-00032327-00032507 extraditions of prisoners in the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00142-00032508-00032747 hijacking incidents occurred in various 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00143-00032748-00033119 countries on the morning Shen - issued a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00144-00033120-00033287 statement in Seoul expressing gratitude 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00145-00033288-00033518 to the South Korean side for providing 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00146-00033519-00033713 assistance and convenience in handling 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00147-00033714-00033869 the hijacking incident 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00148-00033870-00034127 at the same time he said that the six 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00149-00034128-00034316 hijackers were criminals wanted by the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00150-00034317-00034541 Chinese police before the hijacking and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00151-00034542-00034703 that therefore they should be returned 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00152-00034704-00034904 to the Chinese side to be punished he 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00153-00034905-00035054 regretted that the ROC failed to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00154-00035055-00035264 extradite the hijackers and reserve the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00155-00035265-00035474 right to further negotiations at the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00156-00035475-00035678 time of drafting the memorandum China 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00157-00035679-00035888 and South Korea had new differences on 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00158-00035889-00036083 the official identity of the signatory 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00159-00036084-00036362 the trip originally scheduled to return 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00160-00036363-00036581 on the 9th had to be postponed by one 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00161-00036582-00036896 day the South Koreans argued that Shen 2 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00162-00036897-00037067 was a member of the Central Committee of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00163-00037068-00037253 the Communist Party of China and a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00164-00037254-00037424 representative of the Chinese government 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00165-00037425-00037642 and the director of the Civil Aviation 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00166-00037643-00037814 Administration of China was a 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00167-00037815-00038132 ministerial-level official therefore the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00168-00038133-00038309 two sides should be reflected in the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00169-00038310-00038516 memorandum of negotiations between the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00170-00038517-00038816 Chinese and South Korean ministers the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00171-00038817-00039056 Chinese insisted on signing a memorandum 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00172-00039057-00039169 in the name of civil aviation 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00173-00039170-00039404 authorities without the need to use the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00174-00039405-00039686 names of the countries the Chinese also 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00175-00039687-00039896 suggested using the official Korean 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00176-00039897-00040100 country name in the memorandum reserved 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00177-00040101-00040298 by the ROC and not using the Korean 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00178-00040299-00040484 country name in the memorandum brought 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00179-00040485-00040814 back by the Chinese side however the ROC 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00180-00040815-00041018 rejected the Chinese proposal on the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00181-00041019-00041275 grounds of ignoring the location of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00182-00041276-00041738 negotiations as a sovereign state after 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00183-00041739-00041909 the Chinese representatives and the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00184-00041910-00042119 domestic communication the two sides 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00185-00042120-00042335 finally held a ceremony of signing and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00186-00042336-00042557 exchanging memoranda at the Silla Hotel 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00187-00042558-00042821 on May 10th the signatories of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00188-00042822-00043031 memorandum were respectively Shen two of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00189-00043032-00043217 the general administration of civil 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00190-00043218-00043412 aviation of the People's Republic of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00191-00043413-00043646 China and the first official of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00192-00043647-00043820 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00193-00043821-00044186 Republic of Korea in the afternoon of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00194-00044187-00044384 the same day Shen to and his team 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00195-00044385-00044591 returned to China on the Boeing 707 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00196-00044592-00044861 plane with 99 passengers and 8 crew 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00197-00044862-00045194 members of flight 296 at the time of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00198-00045195-00045428 departure senior Korean officials such 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00199-00045429-00045644 as GaN Rome Milan came to the airport to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00200-00045645-00045959 see the plane off before leaving Shen 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00201-00045960-00046154 too delivered a speech to the reporters 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00202-00046155-00046394 he expressed his gratitude to the South 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00203-00046395-00046601 Korean for the assistance and care given 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00204-00046602-00046883 to the hijacking although the two sides 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00205-00046884-00047087 disagreed on the handling of hijackers 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00206-00047088-00047249 both sides agreed that the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00207-00047250-00047417 criminals should be severely punished 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00208-00047418-00047996 according to law 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00209-00047997-00048634 topic prosecution of the hijackers 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00210-00048635-00049009 on May 20th 1983 the local Procuratorate 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00211-00049010-00049237 of Seoul South Korea officially arrested 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00212-00049238-00049468 the six hijackers and prosecuted them on 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00213-00049469-00049669 June 1st for violating the aircraft 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00214-00049670-00049963 navigation safety act according to The 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00215-00049964-00050155 Hague Convention the Montreal Convention 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00216-00050156-00050329 and the Korean aircraft navigation 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00217-00050330-00050605 safety law those who hijack an aircraft 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00218-00050606-00050785 by means of violence or threats should 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00219-00050786-00050947 be sentenced to imprisonment for an 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00220-00050948-00051160 indefinite period of seven years or more 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00221-00051161-00051370 and those who kill or inflict injuries 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00222-00051371-00051567 during the hijacking should be sentenced 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00223-00051569-00051771 to death or indefinite imprisonment 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00224-00051772-00052005 however under the request of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00225-00052007-00052224 government of the Republic of China the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00226-00052225-00052491 local Criminal Court in Seoul sentenced 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00227-00052492-00052716 Zhu qiangren the principal offender to 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00228-00052717-00052948 six years on August 18th and five or 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00229-00052949-00053101 four years in prison for the other 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00230-00053102-00053407 hijackers the Chinese side expressed 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00231-00053408-00053991 dissatisfaction with this 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00232-00053991-00054276 topic effect on the relationship between 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00233-00054277-00054801 China and South Korea 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00234-00054802-00055104 in August 1983 an agreement was reached 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00235-00055104-00055316 to allow the civilian aircraft of the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00236-00055317-00055497 People's Republic of China to pass 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00237-00055498-00055676 through the flight information zone of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00238-00055677-00055965 the Republic of Korea it was also the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00239-00055966-00056169 occasion to start exchanges between the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00240-00056170-00056346 Republic of Korea and the People's 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00241-00056347-00056586 Republic of China in non political areas 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00242-00056587-00056811 such as Physical Education Culture and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00243-00056812-00057111 Tourism under the influence of formal 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00244-00057112-00057324 diplomatic contact the Korean athletes 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00245-00057325-00057542 first participated in the Davis tennis 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00246-00057544-00057909 cup tournament held in February 1984 in 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00247-00057910-00058194 March 1984 the People's Republic of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00248-00058195-00058376 China allowed relatives across the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00249-00058377-00058557 border to interact with each other and 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00250-00058558-00058851 in April 1984 the People's Republic of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00251-00058852-00059066 China basketball team first visited the 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00252-00059067-00059334 Republic of Korea the overall 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00253-00059335-00059526 relationship between the Republic of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00254-00059527-00059729 Korea and the People's Republic of China 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00255-00059730-00059942 improved leading to the establishment of 8vzdwlKe6Kk-00256-00059944-00060420 formal diplomatic relations in 1992 8wJH1eZB76Q-00000-00000141-00001039 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00001-00001040-00001444 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00002-00001445-00002832 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00003-00002833-00003126 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00004-00003127-00004217 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00005-00004218-00005315 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00006-00005316-00005749 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00007-00005750-00005938 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00008-00005939-00006335 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00009-00006336-00008603 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00010-00008604-00009569 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00011-00009570-00009945 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00012-00009946-00010073 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00013-00010074-00010690 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00014-00010691-00012656 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00015-00012657-00013349 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00016-00013350-00013618 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00017-00013619-00014482 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00018-00014483-00014687 [Laughter] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00019-00014688-00015516 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00020-00015516-00015716 [Laughter] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00021-00015716-00016679 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00022-00016680-00017583 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00023-00017584-00018205 [Laughter] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00024-00018206-00019762 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00025-00019763-00020027 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00026-00020028-00020593 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00027-00020594-00022705 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00028-00022706-00022985 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00029-00022986-00023866 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00030-00023867-00026596 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00031-00026597-00026701 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00032-00026702-00028089 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00033-00028089-00028791 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00034-00028792-00028912 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00035-00028913-00029358 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00036-00029360-00031830 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00037-00031831-00032533 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00038-00032535-00032583 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00039-00032583-00033730 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00040-00033731-00033790 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00041-00033791-00035095 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00042-00035096-00035335 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00043-00035336-00036862 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00044-00036863-00037229 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00045-00037230-00039799 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00046-00039800-00040097 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00047-00040098-00040993 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00048-00040994-00041304 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00049-00041305-00042032 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00050-00042033-00042730 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00051-00042731-00042785 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00052-00042786-00043933 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00053-00043934-00043989 [Applause] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00054-00043990-00044130 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00055-00044131-00044441 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00056-00044442-00045265 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00057-00045266-00045562 thank you 8wJH1eZB76Q-00058-00045563-00047873 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00059-00047874-00048407 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00060-00048408-00050142 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00061-00050143-00051646 [Music] 8wJH1eZB76Q-00062-00051647-00052079 foreign 8wJH1eZB76Q-00063-00052080-00054625 [Music] 8xAVWDS_IUI-00000-00000000-00000245 because of Minnesota's collapsing 8xAVWDS_IUI-00001-00000246-00000484 support systems people have needed to 8xAVWDS_IUI-00002-00000486-00000707 move out of their homes and into 8xAVWDS_IUI-00003-00000708-00000923 assisted living communities or group 8xAVWDS_IUI-00004-00000924-00001175 homes or nursing homes in hopes of 8xAVWDS_IUI-00005-00001176-00001439 meeting their basic health safety and 8xAVWDS_IUI-00006-00001440-00001726 dignity needs those places desperately 8xAVWDS_IUI-00007-00001727-00001991 struggle to find compassionate reliable 8xAVWDS_IUI-00008-00001992-00002291 and qualified workers too often closing 8xAVWDS_IUI-00009-00002292-00002668 rooms Wings entire floors and some sites 8xAVWDS_IUI-00010-00002669-00002934 completely due to insufficient staff 8xAVWDS_IUI-00011-00002935-00003191 dislocated people are transferred to 8xAVWDS_IUI-00012-00003192-00003490 hospitals some seek Refuge but family or 8xAVWDS_IUI-00013-00003492-00003706 friends in the hopes of being protected 8xAVWDS_IUI-00014-00003707-00004036 from neglect abuse and exploitation even 8xAVWDS_IUI-00015-00004037-00004319 in Assisted Living group homes nursing 8xAVWDS_IUI-00016-00004320-00004631 homes and hospitals many still need 8xAVWDS_IUI-00017-00004632-00004883 family and friends to help because no 8xAVWDS_IUI-00018-00004884-00005117 one else is available you can help us 8xAVWDS_IUI-00019-00005118-00005404 improve health safety and dignity for 8xAVWDS_IUI-00020-00005405-00005704 All minnesotans Connect inform encourage 8xAVWDS_IUI-00021-00005705-00006062 and Empower thank you 8yDYKmqkywY-00000-00000892-00001097 whenever you're experiencing some 8yDYKmqkywY-00001-00001098-00001235 difficulty Michals giving you a 8yDYKmqkywY-00002-00001236-00001616 difficult feeling like embarrassment all 8yDYKmqkywY-00003-00001617-00001992 you have to do is think about something 8yDYKmqkywY-00004-00001993-00002258 others and the thought that caused the 8yDYKmqkywY-00005-00002259-00002600 chemicals to be released and did you 8yDYKmqkywY-00006-00002601-00002800 feel the embarrassment think of 8yDYKmqkywY-00007-00002801-00002996 something else if you do this that 8yDYKmqkywY-00008-00002997-00003217 chemicals will always go back to where 8yDYKmqkywY-00009-00003218-00003524 they came from and you will be done with 8yDYKmqkywY-00010-00003525-00004025 the feeling very soon when you're done 8yDYKmqkywY-00011-00004026-00004334 with the feeling then you can easily go 8yDYKmqkywY-00012-00004335-00004627 on and work towards fixing this thing 8yDYKmqkywY-00013-00004628-00004817 that went wrong for you in the first 8yDYKmqkywY-00014-00004818-00005086 place now in sports that means to go 8yDYKmqkywY-00015-00005087-00005263 back to your hard work and practicing 8yDYKmqkywY-00016-00005264-00005492 your skills and what I'm teaching you 8yDYKmqkywY-00017-00005493-00005947 here in the mental toughness Academy you 8yDYKmqkywY-00018-00005948-00006268 become better and wiser for the next 8yDYKmqkywY-00019-00006269-00006500 time something something like that could 8yDYKmqkywY-00020-00006501-00006719 happen to you that's why you get the 8yDYKmqkywY-00021-00006720-00006956 chemicals in the first life to help you 8yDYKmqkywY-00022-00006956-00007234 improve your life that's what feelings 8yDYKmqkywY-00023-00007236-00007613 are for now little warning here you can 8yDYKmqkywY-00024-00007614-00007748 send the chemicals back to where they 8yDYKmqkywY-00025-00007748-00007970 came from doing just what I taught you 8yDYKmqkywY-00026-00007970-00008159 right but you can again face the 8yDYKmqkywY-00027-00008159-00008312 embarrassing thing that caused the 8yDYKmqkywY-00028-00008313-00008501 embarrassment chemicals get released and 8yDYKmqkywY-00029-00008502-00008738 you'll get the feeling all over again 8yDYKmqkywY-00030-00008739-00009103 and you keep thinking that thing and 8yDYKmqkywY-00031-00009104-00009380 keep releasing those chemicals and guess 8yDYKmqkywY-00032-00009381-00009767 what you stay in the feeling you can 8yDYKmqkywY-00033-00009768-00009941 stand feeling as long as you want I keep 8yDYKmqkywY-00034-00009942-00010196 thinking about that thing and if you do 8yDYKmqkywY-00035-00010197-00010667 you'll just keep feeling bad why would 8yDYKmqkywY-00036-00010668-00011162 you want to do that why would you want 8yDYKmqkywY-00037-00011163-00011438 to feel those difficult embarrassment or 8yDYKmqkywY-00038-00011439-00011830 sadness feelings all over again you 8yDYKmqkywY-00039-00011831-00012206 don't have to 8yDYKmqkywY-00040-00012207-00012569 all you have to do is think something 8yDYKmqkywY-00041-00012570-00012818 else like your last vacation your dreams 8yDYKmqkywY-00042-00012819-00013141 your favorite things to do your friends 8yDYKmqkywY-00043-00013143-00013369 or just about anything else people care 8yDYKmqkywY-00044-00013370-00013793 about you and the chemicals will be done 8yDYKmqkywY-00045-00013794-00014051 to another business and you will feel 8yDYKmqkywY-00046-00014052-00014547 good again it's that simple 8yDYKmqkywY-00047-00014547-00014866 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00000-00000071-00000275 what's up internet you're viewing yet 8zo-O3lcg2U-00001-00000276-00000493 another asaurus card 8zo-O3lcg2U-00002-00000494-00000943 but before we get to this specific 8zo-O3lcg2U-00003-00000944-00002149 cards in general questions 8zo-O3lcg2U-00004-00002150-00002749 and to be honest when we get is cards 8zo-O3lcg2U-00005-00002750-00003017 good reputation of the shop of the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00006-00003018-00003138 channel 8zo-O3lcg2U-00007-00003139-00003401 we don't even carry we don't even sell 8zo-O3lcg2U-00008-00003402-00003731 isurix in the shop but all we can say is 8zo-O3lcg2U-00009-00003732-00003943 based on our experience 8zo-O3lcg2U-00010-00003944-00004354 the cards are what they claim to be limo 8zo-O3lcg2U-00011-00004355-00004811 RX 580 RX 580 telegrion 5500 XT 5500 XT 8zo-O3lcg2U-00012-00004812-00005045 talagayon the chips that they claim are 8zo-O3lcg2U-00013-00005046-00005249 in the cards are actually those chips 8zo-O3lcg2U-00014-00005250-00005501 and the price is good compared to 8zo-O3lcg2U-00015-00005502-00005729 comparable cards on the market the acerx 8zo-O3lcg2U-00016-00005730-00005975 price is significantly cheaper and we 8zo-O3lcg2U-00017-00005976-00006106 did have one comment in one of our 8zo-O3lcg2U-00018-00006107-00006413 azurix videos explaining the nasira 8zo-O3lcg2U-00019-00006414-00006739 incarnia at Pina warrantinia and overall 8zo-O3lcg2U-00020-00006740-00007195 experience 8zo-O3lcg2U-00021-00007195-00007420 and eventually they sent him a 8zo-O3lcg2U-00022-00007422-00007519 replacement card 8zo-O3lcg2U-00023-00007520-00007675 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00024-00007676-00008051 is longevity we haven't had these cards 8zo-O3lcg2U-00025-00008052-00008255 for a long time the oldest is only 8zo-O3lcg2U-00026-00008256-00008496 several months with us 8zo-O3lcg2U-00027-00008497-00008837 a shop either for the personal use of 8zo-O3lcg2U-00028-00008838-00009396 our staff bag of hours 8zo-O3lcg2U-00029-00009397-00009671 cards because one of the advantages is 8zo-O3lcg2U-00030-00009672-00009791 you don't really need to power them 8zo-O3lcg2U-00031-00009792-00009964 they're not very power hungry they're 8zo-O3lcg2U-00032-00009965-00010199 easy to swap out so we have been using 8zo-O3lcg2U-00033-00010200-00010487 them so far nothing to report they're 8zo-O3lcg2U-00034-00010488-00010691 all still working with animal failures 8zo-O3lcg2U-00035-00010692-00011213 weird Behavior but so far so good 8zo-O3lcg2U-00036-00011214-00011802 foreign 8zo-O3lcg2U-00037-00011803-00012354 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00038-00012355-00014063 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00039-00014063-00014227 that's it 8zo-O3lcg2U-00040-00014228-00014430 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00041-00014431-00015283 but now I found a love of my life 8zo-O3lcg2U-00042-00015284-00015611 but now I'm over aggressive Zoom by 8zo-O3lcg2U-00043-00015612-00015755 instructor 8zo-O3lcg2U-00044-00015756-00016103 so web developer and content creator for 8zo-O3lcg2U-00045-00016104-00016670 a YouTube channel and yeah 8zo-O3lcg2U-00046-00016671-00017053 [Music] 8zo-O3lcg2U-00047-00017054-00017425 at original software check out 8zo-O3lcg2U-00048-00017426-00017743 cbkoffer.com check out tdkoffer.com 8zo-O3lcg2U-00049-00017744-00018079 check out cdpoffer.com 8zo-O3lcg2U-00050-00018080-00018389 and with that we go on to the latest car 8zo-O3lcg2U-00051-00018390-00018672 in the pinadala RX 580 8zo-O3lcg2U-00052-00018673-00019061 RX 580 the first Asus card we got was 8zo-O3lcg2U-00053-00019062-00019627 also an RX 580 but it is 8zo-O3lcg2U-00054-00019628-00019858 cooling so they've changed the heatsink 8zo-O3lcg2U-00055-00019859-00020027 a bit they've changed the cooling 8zo-O3lcg2U-00056-00020028-00020143 element 8zo-O3lcg2U-00057-00020144-00020399 so the RX 580 is a known quantity 8zo-O3lcg2U-00058-00020400-00020597 basically you can look up online what 8zo-O3lcg2U-00059-00020598-00020813 games go well with it 1080p settings 8zo-O3lcg2U-00060-00020814-00021143 very decent performance even now in 2023 8zo-O3lcg2U-00061-00021144-00021364 so just a specific question about this 8zo-O3lcg2U-00062-00021365-00021599 latest card does the Improvement in 8zo-O3lcg2U-00063-00021600-00021858 cooling make any difference 8zo-O3lcg2U-00064-00021859-00022235 games because it runs cooler and that's 8zo-O3lcg2U-00065-00022236-00022457 what we'll find out in this video 8zo-O3lcg2U-00066-00022458-00022655 we tested both the old and new versions 8zo-O3lcg2U-00067-00022656-00022894 of the usurix RX 580 and to get the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00068-00022895-00023122 temps as hot as possible our tests set 8zo-O3lcg2U-00069-00023123-00023507 up for both was a really tiny sff PC in 8zo-O3lcg2U-00070-00023508-00023753 Forza 5 medium preset the Old Guard had 8zo-O3lcg2U-00071-00023754-00024047 its lowest FPS output at 51 compared 8zo-O3lcg2U-00072-00024048-00024389 with 52 for the new card Max FPS on the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00073-00024390-00024671 old card was 80 whereas it was 82 for 8zo-O3lcg2U-00074-00024672-00024922 the new card finally average FPS of the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00075-00024923-00025277 old card was 64 with a new card at 65 8zo-O3lcg2U-00076-00025278-00025571 FPS temps wise the average stamp of the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00077-00025572-00025822 old car during the forza test was 63 8zo-O3lcg2U-00078-00025823-00026164 degrees compared to 61 degrees for the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00079-00026166-00026368 new card in Shadow of the Tomb Raider 8zo-O3lcg2U-00080-00026369-00026608 High preset the old card had its lowest 8zo-O3lcg2U-00081-00026610-00026993 FPS output at 50 compared to 51 for the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00082-00026994-00027335 new card Max FPS of the old card hit 96 8zo-O3lcg2U-00083-00027336-00027683 whereas the new card hit 100 FPS average 8zo-O3lcg2U-00084-00027683-00027946 FPS for the old card was 62 with the new 8zo-O3lcg2U-00085-00027947-00028235 card edging it out again with 64 FPS 8zo-O3lcg2U-00086-00028236-00028433 temps wise the average temp of the old 8zo-O3lcg2U-00087-00028433-00028637 car while playing Shadow the Tomb Raider 8zo-O3lcg2U-00088-00028638-00028907 was 62 degrees with the average temp of 8zo-O3lcg2U-00089-00028908-00029224 the new card just a shade lower at 61 8zo-O3lcg2U-00090-00029225-00029470 degrees finally we also ran 3D Mark 8zo-O3lcg2U-00091-00029472-00029795 floor FPS for the old card was 14 with 8zo-O3lcg2U-00092-00029795-00030190 15 FPS for the new card Max FPS produced 8zo-O3lcg2U-00093-00030191-00030479 by the old card was 50 equal to the new 8zo-O3lcg2U-00094-00030480-00030874 card which also hit a Max FPS of 50. for 8zo-O3lcg2U-00095-00030875-00031114 average FPS though the old card managed 8zo-O3lcg2U-00096-00031116-00031385 24 and the new card edged it out again 8zo-O3lcg2U-00097-00031386-00031739 with 26 FPS temps wise the average temp 8zo-O3lcg2U-00098-00031739-00031996 of the old car during 3D Mark was 55 8zo-O3lcg2U-00099-00031997-00032237 whereas the average temp of the new card 8zo-O3lcg2U-00100-00032238-00032573 was 58 degrees the only time that the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00101-00032574-00032843 new card had an average temp higher than 8zo-O3lcg2U-00102-00032844-00033109 the old card bottom line 8zo-O3lcg2U-00103-00033110-00033421 RX 580 compared to the old one 8zo-O3lcg2U-00104-00033422-00033743 impressively may increase natalagasa 8zo-O3lcg2U-00105-00033744-00034021 frames per second and mass malamignon 8zo-O3lcg2U-00106-00034022-00034440 but looking at the data 8zo-O3lcg2U-00107-00034441-00034795 we're talking about like one or two FPS 8zo-O3lcg2U-00108-00034796-00035005 qualitatively 8zo-O3lcg2U-00109-00035006-00035279 when you're playing a game one to two 8zo-O3lcg2U-00110-00035280-00035537 FPS increase won't really matter and 8zo-O3lcg2U-00111-00035538-00035681 that's the same thing with a one degree 8zo-O3lcg2U-00112-00035682-00035887 difference yes 8zo-O3lcg2U-00113-00035888-00036137 but at the end of the day nothing will 8zo-O3lcg2U-00114-00036138-00036340 really change with a one degree 8zo-O3lcg2U-00115-00036341-00036667 difference 8zo-O3lcg2U-00116-00036668-00036946 the new RX 580 currently sells for 8zo-O3lcg2U-00117-00036947-00037296 around 4 360 8zo-O3lcg2U-00118-00037297-00037667 and the old one goes for around 4 200. 8zo-O3lcg2U-00119-00037668-00037918 so we're talking about a 160 peso 8zo-O3lcg2U-00120-00037919-00038262 difference 8zo-O3lcg2U-00121-00038263-00038483 yes you probably won't feel the 8zo-O3lcg2U-00122-00038484-00038665 difference but there is a difference 8zo-O3lcg2U-00123-00038666-00038887 measurably 8zo-O3lcg2U-00124-00038888-00039173 RX 580 if you're still on the fence 8zo-O3lcg2U-00125-00039174-00039395 which card you should get the old one or 8zo-O3lcg2U-00126-00039396-00039743 the new one 160 pesos relatively isn't a 8zo-O3lcg2U-00127-00039744-00040115 lot but at least 8zo-O3lcg2U-00128-00040116-00040411 thanks for watching 8zo-O3lcg2U-00129-00040412-00040927 computer shop 8zo-O3lcg2U-00130-00040928-00041227 full service PC store in Hardware sugar 8zo-O3lcg2U-00131-00041228-00041485 PC components 8zo-O3lcg2U-00132-00041486-00041911 fully assembled rigs we clean computers 8zo-O3lcg2U-00133-00041912-00042227 excellent cable management and CPU 8zo-O3lcg2U-00134-00042228-00042455 Cooler replace things are cleaning 8zo-O3lcg2U-00135-00042456-00042871 we also clean and replace gpus 8zo-O3lcg2U-00136-00042872-00043090 physicals tournament and you can also 8zo-O3lcg2U-00137-00043091-00043446 buy from our site 8zo-O3lcg2U-00138-00043447-00043780 www.hwsugar.ph now 100 palagging up to 8zo-O3lcg2U-00139-00043781-00043927 date you inventory 8zo-O3lcg2U-00140-00043928-00044285 items available in society we also 8zo-O3lcg2U-00141-00044286-00044452 shipped Nationwide thanks for watching 8zo-O3lcg2U-00142-00044453-00044645 and maybe one of these days mankita ties 8zo-O3lcg2U-00143-00044646-00044869 a shop 8zLBFcfV04o-00000-00000008-00000847 pov or the pizza go 8zLBFcfV04o-00001-00000848-00001039 hey guys it's jane 8zLBFcfV04o-00002-00001040-00001119 so 8zLBFcfV04o-00003-00001120-00001295 for this week's video it's going to be a 8zLBFcfV04o-00004-00001296-00001423 little bit different from the type of 8zLBFcfV04o-00005-00001424-00001647 videos you usually see me put out i had 8zLBFcfV04o-00006-00001648-00001879 something different plans i filmed it 8zLBFcfV04o-00007-00001880-00002087 but technical difficulties i just 8zLBFcfV04o-00008-00002088-00002255 decided not to put it out something 8zLBFcfV04o-00009-00002256-00002455 happened but it's a long story so 8zLBFcfV04o-00010-00002456-00002750 instead i decided to create this video 8zLBFcfV04o-00011-00002751-00002887 now i feel like i'm really putting this 8zLBFcfV04o-00012-00002888-00003142 video out for myself i mean my youtube 8zLBFcfV04o-00013-00003143-00003343 channel has been a reflection of my 8zLBFcfV04o-00014-00003344-00003551 growth and what's going on in my life 8zLBFcfV04o-00015-00003552-00003751 and if you connect with my videos that's 8zLBFcfV04o-00016-00003752-00003990 amazing thank you to those who watch me 8zLBFcfV04o-00017-00003992-00004286 but um my channel is really for me 8zLBFcfV04o-00018-00004287-00004679 and today is going to be a very very raw 8zLBFcfV04o-00019-00004680-00005022 very authentic genuine video of me just 8zLBFcfV04o-00020-00005023-00005191 kind of talking about what's up kind of 8zLBFcfV04o-00021-00005192-00005415 like an update we are extremely 8zLBFcfV04o-00022-00005416-00005599 short-handed it's been literally me and 8zLBFcfV04o-00023-00005600-00005799 mike every single day in the pizzeria 8zLBFcfV04o-00024-00005800-00006159 working 8zLBFcfV04o-00025-00006160-00006399 do you want to say hi 8zLBFcfV04o-00026-00006400-00006534 yeah 8zLBFcfV04o-00027-00006536-00006783 this is mike hi mom 8zLBFcfV04o-00028-00006784-00006934 you're gonna leave a comment she leaves 8zLBFcfV04o-00029-00006936-00007198 a comment on all your videos 8zLBFcfV04o-00030-00007200-00007406 so g and i have been working every hour 8zLBFcfV04o-00031-00007408-00007614 this door's open the store this location 8zLBFcfV04o-00032-00007615-00007878 is open for more than 70 hours in a 8zLBFcfV04o-00033-00007879-00008103 seven day week it's been busy like 8zLBFcfV04o-00034-00008104-00008231 monday through sunday and it's been busy 8zLBFcfV04o-00035-00008232-00008455 so busy either one of us or both of us 8zLBFcfV04o-00036-00008456-00008631 has to be here for every single hour the 8zLBFcfV04o-00037-00008632-00008751 store is open so just so you know if 8zLBFcfV04o-00038-00008752-00008863 you're getting a pizza from us it's made 8zLBFcfV04o-00039-00008864-00009087 by one of us yes um 8zLBFcfV04o-00040-00009088-00009327 basically it's taken a toll on us 8zLBFcfV04o-00041-00009328-00009519 obviously you can hear my voice it is 8zLBFcfV04o-00042-00009520-00009799 gone it's a lot it's a lot of work and i 8zLBFcfV04o-00043-00009800-00009903 don't know if you mentioned it already 8zLBFcfV04o-00044-00009904-00010103 but her video that was supposed to come 8zLBFcfV04o-00045-00010104-00010278 out today uh there's technical 8zLBFcfV04o-00046-00010279-00010487 difficulties the cameraman whoever that 8zLBFcfV04o-00047-00010488-00010735 was must have been so dumb but the 8zLBFcfV04o-00048-00010736-00010942 cameraman had his hand over the 8zLBFcfV04o-00049-00010943-00011142 microphone the whole time and that 8zLBFcfV04o-00050-00011143-00011310 person just must have been an idiot it's 8zLBFcfV04o-00051-00011311-00011495 okay but listen instead of sitting and 8zLBFcfV04o-00052-00011496-00011710 crying about it and getting upset i 8zLBFcfV04o-00053-00011711-00011855 decided to 8zLBFcfV04o-00054-00011856-00012046 take a more graceful approach and think 8zLBFcfV04o-00055-00012047-00012255 about what we could do instead what can 8zLBFcfV04o-00056-00012256-00012559 i do instead instead of being upset at 8zLBFcfV04o-00057-00012560-00012815 whoever whatever the circumstance it's 8zLBFcfV04o-00058-00012816-00013143 just an opportunity to create something 8zLBFcfV04o-00059-00013144-00013422 real real this is what happened this is 8zLBFcfV04o-00060-00013423-00013591 this is how it is this is a reality this 8zLBFcfV04o-00061-00013591-00013719 isn't social media where everything's 8zLBFcfV04o-00062-00013719-00013855 perfect this isn't like the perfect 8zLBFcfV04o-00063-00013856-00014119 youtube video vlogger whatever this is 8zLBFcfV04o-00064-00014119-00014383 my life this is what happens i literally 8zLBFcfV04o-00065-00014384-00014647 come into work with mike all the time 8zLBFcfV04o-00066-00014647-00014886 and to find the time to edit these 8zLBFcfV04o-00067-00014887-00015183 videos to fuel my dreams i can't just do 8zLBFcfV04o-00068-00015184-00015311 it in the comfort of my home all the 8zLBFcfV04o-00069-00015312-00015486 time like i have other responsibilities 8zLBFcfV04o-00070-00015487-00015663 you know we're at the pizzeria i add it 8zLBFcfV04o-00071-00015663-00015855 in these dining rooms it's just making 8zLBFcfV04o-00072-00015856-00016183 me reflect a ton and it makes me think 8zLBFcfV04o-00073-00016184-00016430 about instead of what is going wrong 8zLBFcfV04o-00074-00016431-00016550 things that i'm grateful for that's 8zLBFcfV04o-00075-00016551-00016727 something that helps me stay sane and 8zLBFcfV04o-00076-00016728-00016999 stay happy i'm so grateful to have such 8zLBFcfV04o-00077-00017000-00017127 an awesome 8zLBFcfV04o-00078-00017128-00017319 partner to help me 8zLBFcfV04o-00079-00017320-00017607 like mentally and be there for me also 8zLBFcfV04o-00080-00017608-00017814 physically and work with me and you know 8zLBFcfV04o-00081-00017815-00018063 basically be a clown of me it's amazing 8zLBFcfV04o-00082-00018064-00018175 that i have him i don't know what i 8zLBFcfV04o-00083-00018176-00018350 would do if you weren't here maybe i'd 8zLBFcfV04o-00084-00018351-00018583 be crying then but i'm really blessed no 8zLBFcfV04o-00085-00018584-00018703 because you have a video that doesn't 8zLBFcfV04o-00086-00018704-00018911 have a messed up audience 8zLBFcfV04o-00087-00018912-00019079 shut up well on that same note i'm very 8zLBFcfV04o-00088-00019080-00019286 grateful i have you 8zLBFcfV04o-00089-00019287-00019439 obviously this isn't my responsibility 8zLBFcfV04o-00090-00019440-00019558 this is my family business but i'm very 8zLBFcfV04o-00091-00019559-00019711 grateful that i have you 8zLBFcfV04o-00092-00019712-00019879 i love helping you i love supporting you 8zLBFcfV04o-00093-00019880-00020055 i love your youtube videos i love being 8zLBFcfV04o-00094-00020056-00020279 in them shout out mom for watching i'm 8zLBFcfV04o-00095-00020280-00020455 grateful i know you i'm grateful i have 8zLBFcfV04o-00096-00020456-00020686 your family my family and there's so 8zLBFcfV04o-00097-00020687-00020871 many things in favor before and working 8zLBFcfV04o-00098-00020872-00020991 all these hours 8zLBFcfV04o-00099-00020992-00021119 doesn't change that 8zLBFcfV04o-00100-00021120-00021358 but these people do 8zLBFcfV04o-00101-00021359-00021550 so i wouldn't call this like a pizza 8zLBFcfV04o-00102-00021551-00021735 vlog i would call this i wouldn't call 8zLBFcfV04o-00103-00021736-00021927 this like a pizza vlog it's not a pizza 8zLBFcfV04o-00104-00021928-00022143 video this is just a very raw organic 8zLBFcfV04o-00105-00022144-00022486 video 8zLBFcfV04o-00106-00022487-00022630 i just want to be very honest with 8zLBFcfV04o-00107-00022631-00022767 people who watch me 8zLBFcfV04o-00108-00022768-00022958 honest with myself even though it feels 8zLBFcfV04o-00109-00022959-00023119 like things are terrible right now i'm 8zLBFcfV04o-00110-00023120-00023247 really trying to 8zLBFcfV04o-00111-00023248-00023455 reposition my mind and think like this 8zLBFcfV04o-00112-00023456-00023639 is just building character i keep 8zLBFcfV04o-00113-00023640-00023878 thinking about my unique story i was 8zLBFcfV04o-00114-00023879-00024071 born in the pizza business i have this 8zLBFcfV04o-00115-00024072-00024335 desire to create videos and to connect 8zLBFcfV04o-00116-00024336-00024550 with people online it makes me so happy 8zLBFcfV04o-00117-00024551-00024775 and not putting out a video today is 8zLBFcfV04o-00118-00024776-00025063 just not me like i won't stop like i 8zLBFcfV04o-00119-00025064-00025222 need to put something out i made a 8zLBFcfV04o-00120-00025223-00025430 promise myself i manifested it the 8zLBFcfV04o-00121-00025431-00025591 beginning of this year i said i will put 8zLBFcfV04o-00122-00025592-00025758 a video out every single wednesday and i 8zLBFcfV04o-00123-00025760-00025950 am a woman of my word i have been doing 8zLBFcfV04o-00124-00025951-00026214 that but i will be very very honest it 8zLBFcfV04o-00125-00026216-00026455 has been really difficult 8zLBFcfV04o-00126-00026456-00026895 and like i stated before like i stated 8zLBFcfV04o-00127-00026895-00027111 mike i said like i stated 8zLBFcfV04o-00128-00027112-00027246 yeah 8zLBFcfV04o-00129-00027247-00027535 like i mentioned earlier 8zLBFcfV04o-00130-00027536-00027711 yeah like i mentioned earlier these 8zLBFcfV04o-00131-00027712-00027999 videos are for me more than they are for 8zLBFcfV04o-00132-00028000-00028151 anybody else this channel is a 8zLBFcfV04o-00133-00028152-00028439 reflection of my growth my journey 8zLBFcfV04o-00134-00028439-00028574 whatever you want to call it i feel like 8zLBFcfV04o-00135-00028575-00028823 putting content out is me manifesting my 8zLBFcfV04o-00136-00028824-00029023 dream manifesting what i want and 8zLBFcfV04o-00137-00029024-00029262 putting this video out is me telling 8zLBFcfV04o-00138-00029263-00029502 myself like it's okay you're gonna grow 8zLBFcfV04o-00139-00029504-00029670 from this you're going to come so much 8zLBFcfV04o-00140-00029672-00029879 better for yourself not for anybody else 8zLBFcfV04o-00141-00029880-00030135 the reality is this is for me 8zLBFcfV04o-00142-00030136-00030270 you know and if there's somebody 8zLBFcfV04o-00143-00030272-00030439 watching this who also connects with 8zLBFcfV04o-00144-00030439-00030558 this message 8zLBFcfV04o-00145-00030560-00030655 that's 8zLBFcfV04o-00146-00030656-00030839 that's everything i could ever wish for 8zLBFcfV04o-00147-00030839-00031070 just been really tough you know 20 21 8zLBFcfV04o-00148-00031072-00031295 running a business nobody wants to work 8zLBFcfV04o-00149-00031295-00031479 everyone's at home doing i don't even 8zLBFcfV04o-00150-00031480-00031711 know i keep reflecting on how blessed i 8zLBFcfV04o-00151-00031712-00031918 am to have the mindset of wanting to 8zLBFcfV04o-00152-00031919-00032111 work hard and wanting to do things that 8zLBFcfV04o-00153-00032112-00032351 i believe in and not stopping for anyone 8zLBFcfV04o-00154-00032352-00032599 or anything until i achieve it i think 8zLBFcfV04o-00155-00032600-00032807 there's definitely comfort in connecting 8zLBFcfV04o-00156-00032808-00033071 with people online who feel the same way 8zLBFcfV04o-00157-00033072-00033174 because it makes you feel like you're 8zLBFcfV04o-00158-00033175-00033423 not alone because we are humans we are 8zLBFcfV04o-00159-00033424-00033671 meant to converse and you know grow and 8zLBFcfV04o-00160-00033672-00033927 live together and it's all about finding 8zLBFcfV04o-00161-00033928-00034102 those humans who have the same values 8zLBFcfV04o-00162-00034103-00034343 and same you know thoughts about work 8zLBFcfV04o-00163-00034344-00034487 thoughts about dreams thoughts about 8zLBFcfV04o-00164-00034488-00034671 life it makes me want to get out of bed 8zLBFcfV04o-00165-00034672-00034887 every day you know knowing that i need 8zLBFcfV04o-00166-00034888-00035039 it here you know people come into the 8zLBFcfV04o-00167-00035040-00035279 pizzeria to see me to eat my pies people 8zLBFcfV04o-00168-00035280-00035479 going on youtube to watch my videos like 8zLBFcfV04o-00169-00035480-00035630 even if it's two or three people i 8zLBFcfV04o-00170-00035631-00035783 remember when i was like oh i just want 8zLBFcfV04o-00171-00035784-00035974 100 subscribers and i'm like why does it 8zLBFcfV04o-00172-00035975-00036127 matter if i connect with one person 8zLBFcfV04o-00173-00036128-00036311 that's all i should want i keep thinking 8zLBFcfV04o-00174-00036312-00036495 about like other youtubers and like what 8zLBFcfV04o-00175-00036496-00036623 makes me different what makes me 8zLBFcfV04o-00176-00036624-00036759 different from these people from these 8zLBFcfV04o-00177-00036760-00036911 content creators because everyone's 8zLBFcfV04o-00178-00036912-00037039 different and for me working in the 8zLBFcfV04o-00179-00037040-00037271 pizzerias make me different and 8zLBFcfV04o-00180-00037272-00037423 they make me a little bit rough around 8zLBFcfV04o-00181-00037424-00037551 the edges and 8zLBFcfV04o-00182-00037552-00037751 you're pretty rough you're very smooth 8zLBFcfV04o-00183-00037752-00038015 shut up trying something now yeah thank 8zLBFcfV04o-00184-00038016-00038174 you for watching this video thank you 8zLBFcfV04o-00185-00038175-00038351 for watching her content you could 8zLBFcfV04o-00186-00038352-00038502 people no i'm serious you could be 8zLBFcfV04o-00187-00038503-00038718 watching so many other things that are 8zLBFcfV04o-00188-00038719-00038943 just 8zLBFcfV04o-00189-00038944-00039174 just not real i appreciate you watching 8zLBFcfV04o-00190-00039175-00039407 her content because she is the same with 8zLBFcfV04o-00191-00039408-00039671 these videos as she is outside of them 8zLBFcfV04o-00192-00039672-00039918 we've had so much fun she's all smiles 8zLBFcfV04o-00193-00039919-00040102 she's all great energy and there are 8zLBFcfV04o-00194-00040103-00040246 times when we get down and we talk about 8zLBFcfV04o-00195-00040247-00040455 real stuff and you're watching 8zLBFcfV04o-00196-00040456-00040679 juliana it's not some facades or some 8zLBFcfV04o-00197-00040680-00040879 fake thing this is who she is she's a 8zLBFcfV04o-00198-00040880-00041158 beautiful person she has so much love in 8zLBFcfV04o-00199-00041159-00041415 her hearts and so much positive 8zLBFcfV04o-00200-00041416-00041655 beautiful energy and she's real you want 8zLBFcfV04o-00201-00041656-00041927 genuine this is it with a capital g 8zLBFcfV04o-00202-00041928-00042111 so just thank you for watching her 8zLBFcfV04o-00203-00042112-00042239 content and i really feel like you're 8zLBFcfV04o-00204-00042240-00042399 doing yourself a favor for watching this 8zLBFcfV04o-00205-00042400-00042871 instead of watching something else so 8zLBFcfV04o-00206-00042872-00043207 thank you no are you ready 8zLBFcfV04o-00207-00043208-00043383 i'm not genuine with a capital g yeah 8zLBFcfV04o-00208-00043384-00043599 that was maryam that makes this video 8zLBFcfV04o-00209-00043600-00043902 even more of that it's so gross i like 8zLBFcfV04o-00210-00043903-00044143 it it adds to the message all right well 8zLBFcfV04o-00211-00044144-00044295 that's what i was just saying 8zLBFcfV04o-00212-00044296-00044551 um it's very sweet your content is 8zLBFcfV04o-00213-00044552-00044783 awesome thanks mike i love your content 8zLBFcfV04o-00214-00044784-00044990 i always like comment and subscribe too 8zLBFcfV04o-00215-00044991-00045199 something that's really cool about mike 8zLBFcfV04o-00216-00045200-00045407 is you know i'm still we're young we're 8zLBFcfV04o-00217-00045408-00045558 young adults and i believe that you 8zLBFcfV04o-00218-00045559-00045774 never stop growing and part of that 8zLBFcfV04o-00219-00045775-00045974 growth is believing in yourself and what 8zLBFcfV04o-00220-00045975-00046174 you have to put out and what you stand 8zLBFcfV04o-00221-00046175-00046390 for and a lot of times when i feel down 8zLBFcfV04o-00222-00046391-00046679 about um what i believe in and my dreams 8zLBFcfV04o-00223-00046680-00046895 and if they're attainable or not yes my 8zLBFcfV04o-00224-00046896-00047143 siblings for sure are my family but mike 8zLBFcfV04o-00225-00047144-00047407 um as well they're really good at 8zLBFcfV04o-00226-00047408-00047567 reminding me why i'm doing what i'm 8zLBFcfV04o-00227-00047568-00047727 doing you know like everything you just 8zLBFcfV04o-00228-00047728-00047846 said it's like you know what you're 8zLBFcfV04o-00229-00047847-00048062 right like yeah i guess it's really 8zLBFcfV04o-00230-00048063-00048246 important to have people who believe in 8zLBFcfV04o-00231-00048247-00048495 you like truly believe in you around in 8zLBFcfV04o-00232-00048496-00048702 your life and like i mentioned like i 8zLBFcfV04o-00233-00048703-00048927 stated if you connect with my videos you 8zLBFcfV04o-00234-00048928-00049127 might be one of those people and you're 8zLBFcfV04o-00235-00049128-00049351 a lot more important than you think you 8zLBFcfV04o-00236-00049352-00049502 are to me 8zLBFcfV04o-00237-00049503-00049646 truthfully like i'm not just saying like 8zLBFcfV04o-00238-00049647-00049807 you guys mean so much to me like 8zLBFcfV04o-00239-00049808-00049999 actually like that's the reason i want 8zLBFcfV04o-00240-00050000-00050167 to film this right now it's the reason i 8zLBFcfV04o-00241-00050168-00050351 want to put this out it's the reason i 8zLBFcfV04o-00242-00050352-00050599 want to keep doing and making videos and 8zLBFcfV04o-00243-00050600-00050758 doing twitch and connecting with people 8zLBFcfV04o-00244-00050759-00050958 all over the world it really brings me 8zLBFcfV04o-00245-00050959-00051111 so much joy like you could ask mike 8zLBFcfV04o-00246-00051112-00051279 every time i turn on my stream or i put 8zLBFcfV04o-00247-00051279-00051454 on a video i'm so excited because i'm 8zLBFcfV04o-00248-00051455-00051599 like oh my gosh like people are 8zLBFcfV04o-00249-00051600-00051758 connecting with me like they must have 8zLBFcfV04o-00250-00051759-00051958 something in common they must agree with 8zLBFcfV04o-00251-00051959-00052126 the way i think about this the way i 8zLBFcfV04o-00252-00052127-00052319 work the way i live my life the best 8zLBFcfV04o-00253-00052320-00052438 thing about social media is you get to 8zLBFcfV04o-00254-00052439-00052575 find those people no matter where they 8zLBFcfV04o-00255-00052576-00052711 are in the world they exist they're 8zLBFcfV04o-00256-00052712-00052950 proof that those types of people exist 8zLBFcfV04o-00257-00052951-00053054 and it's 8zLBFcfV04o-00258-00053055-00053223 it's a very 8zLBFcfV04o-00259-00053224-00053511 very beautiful thing it gives me hope it 8zLBFcfV04o-00260-00053512-00053654 really does i've always wanted to 8zLBFcfV04o-00261-00053655-00053799 connect with people i've always wanted 8zLBFcfV04o-00262-00053800-00054007 to entertain i've always wanted to make 8zLBFcfV04o-00263-00054008-00054271 people happy and smile i believe it i 8zLBFcfV04o-00264-00054272-00054479 believe to my core i just believe i'm 8zLBFcfV04o-00265-00054479-00054679 going to connect with people make people 8zLBFcfV04o-00266-00054679-00054975 happy give them content that's gonna 8zLBFcfV04o-00267-00054976-00055159 uplift their spirits you know i've been 8zLBFcfV04o-00268-00055160-00055311 really thinking about like what 8zLBFcfV04o-00269-00055312-00055463 motivates me to like get out of bed 8zLBFcfV04o-00270-00055464-00055671 every morning what gives me the spark 8zLBFcfV04o-00271-00055672-00055854 what makes me enjoy life and i actually 8zLBFcfV04o-00272-00055855-00056094 watched seoul again it gave me a lot of 8zLBFcfV04o-00273-00056095-00056279 perspective and made me excited about 8zLBFcfV04o-00274-00056279-00056487 life made me think about how all we have 8zLBFcfV04o-00275-00056488-00056638 is today all we have is the present 8zLBFcfV04o-00276-00056639-00056926 instead of beating myself up and 8zLBFcfV04o-00277-00056927-00057119 feeling like i'm not good enough or all 8zLBFcfV04o-00278-00057120-00057247 that like 8zLBFcfV04o-00279-00057248-00057438 in the end am i growing i'd like to say 8zLBFcfV04o-00280-00057439-00057630 that i am and i'm really proud of myself 8zLBFcfV04o-00281-00057632-00057791 if you're one of those people too be 8zLBFcfV04o-00282-00057791-00058023 proud of yourself and i'm proud of you 8zLBFcfV04o-00283-00058024-00058287 if that counts for anything anyway 8zLBFcfV04o-00284-00058288-00058447 that's pretty much what this video is 8zLBFcfV04o-00285-00058448-00058599 about it's not 8zLBFcfV04o-00286-00058600-00058750 a perfect 8zLBFcfV04o-00287-00058751-00059023 rose is in rainbow type of life 8zLBFcfV04o-00288-00059024-00059159 sometimes 8zLBFcfV04o-00289-00059160-00059871 life gives you the old 8zLBFcfV04o-00290-00059872-00060279 could you please pick those out 8zLBFcfV04o-00291-00060279-00060479 anyway if you made it to the end of this 8zLBFcfV04o-00292-00060479-00060687 video i just want to say thank you so 8zLBFcfV04o-00293-00060688-00060879 much for listening to me 8zLBFcfV04o-00294-00060879-00061111 and watching me it means 8zLBFcfV04o-00295-00061112-00061342 more to me than you'll ever know 8zLBFcfV04o-00296-00061344-00061511 and this is for you 8zLBFcfV04o-00297-00061512-00061719 if you two are going through a tough 8zLBFcfV04o-00298-00061720-00061919 time like me just remind yourself that 8zLBFcfV04o-00299-00061920-00062094 it's making you stronger and it's 8zLBFcfV04o-00300-00062095-00062287 building your character and no one can 8zLBFcfV04o-00301-00062288-00062447 ever take that away from you don't take 8zLBFcfV04o-00302-00062448-00062742 life too seriously but take it seriously 8zLBFcfV04o-00303-00062744-00062926 in the way of making the most of it 8zLBFcfV04o-00304-00062927-00063166 because you only have today now and in 8zLBFcfV04o-00305-00063167-00063342 the end nothing really matters but right 8zLBFcfV04o-00306-00063344-00063526 now this moment so 8zLBFcfV04o-00307-00063527-00063735 thank you for taking this moment to 8zLBFcfV04o-00308-00063736-00063982 listen to me and hopefully just give you 8zLBFcfV04o-00309-00063983-00064189 some kind of comfort 8zLBFcfV04o-00310-00064190-00064759 [Music] 8zLBFcfV04o-00311-00064760-00065123 uh 8zLBFcfV04o-00312-00065124-00065435 [Music] 8CSLBFtfcb8-00000-00000024-00000283 on suicide on 8CSLBFtfcb8-00001-00000284-00000667 prashanti sandesh 8CSLBFtfcb8-00002-00000668-00000907 Cyprus of wisdom 8CSLBFtfcb8-00003-00000908-00001207 welcomes you 8CSLBFtfcb8-00004-00001208-00001474 said Sai Baba says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00005-00001475-00001768 happiness or satisfaction 8CSLBFtfcb8-00006-00001769-00001979 or temporary things 8CSLBFtfcb8-00007-00001980-00002339 but bliss is eternal 8CSLBFtfcb8-00008-00002340-00002668 Swami who is the ocean of Eternal Bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00009-00002669-00002776 says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00010-00002777-00002992 love is my form 8CSLBFtfcb8-00011-00002993-00003203 truth is my name 8CSLBFtfcb8-00012-00003204-00003454 this is my food 8CSLBFtfcb8-00013-00003455-00003640 Swami says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00014-00003642-00004163 for my own Joy I created this universe 8CSLBFtfcb8-00015-00004164-00004475 from just one word 8CSLBFtfcb8-00016-00004476-00004979 until then there was no one to know me 8CSLBFtfcb8-00017-00004980-00005404 immediately mountains rose up Rivers 8CSLBFtfcb8-00018-00005405-00005752 started flowing Earth 8CSLBFtfcb8-00019-00005753-00006275 and Sky oceans and water bodies were 8CSLBFtfcb8-00020-00006276-00006413 created 8CSLBFtfcb8-00021-00006414-00006875 the sun moon and desserts sprang up out 8CSLBFtfcb8-00022-00006876-00007396 of nothing to prove my existence 8CSLBFtfcb8-00023-00007397-00007763 then appeared all the living creatures 8CSLBFtfcb8-00024-00007764-00007960 of different shapes 8CSLBFtfcb8-00025-00007961-00008146 and sizes 8CSLBFtfcb8-00026-00008147-00008453 the animals Birds 8CSLBFtfcb8-00027-00008454-00008801 talking and listening 8CSLBFtfcb8-00028-00008802-00009203 and finally I created man in my own 8CSLBFtfcb8-00029-00009204-00009364 image 8CSLBFtfcb8-00030-00009365-00009539 he was 8CSLBFtfcb8-00031-00009540-00009755 given the first place 8CSLBFtfcb8-00032-00009756-00010283 and my knowledge was placed in his mind 8CSLBFtfcb8-00033-00010284-00010559 millions of side devotees 8CSLBFtfcb8-00034-00010560-00010763 from all over the world 8CSLBFtfcb8-00035-00010764-00011171 or deriving Joy from these words 8CSLBFtfcb8-00036-00011172-00011488 Swami is the embodiment of bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00037-00011489-00011759 just his name is enough 8CSLBFtfcb8-00038-00011760-00012564 to fill everyone's hearts with Ananda 8CSLBFtfcb8-00039-00012565-00012899 confers on the devotees the highest 8CSLBFtfcb8-00040-00012900-00013024 Bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00041-00013025-00013499 when sachidananda sarupa bhagavan gives 8CSLBFtfcb8-00042-00013500-00013775 darshan to his devotees the reward of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00043-00013776-00014129 bliss that is conferred on them elevates 8CSLBFtfcb8-00044-00014130-00014483 their minds and Spirits they otherwise 8CSLBFtfcb8-00045-00014484-00015005 dry Hearts Blossom with the devotion and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00046-00015006-00015491 the devotees feel secure in his love 8CSLBFtfcb8-00047-00015491-00015949 and bhagwan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00048-00015950-00016121 starts 8CSLBFtfcb8-00049-00016122-00016319 taking shape 8CSLBFtfcb8-00050-00016319-00016655 and the devotees realize for themselves 8CSLBFtfcb8-00051-00016656-00016943 then the auspicious beginning of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00052-00016944-00017208 transformation is shaping their lives 8CSLBFtfcb8-00053-00017209-00017519 for the better 8CSLBFtfcb8-00054-00017520-00017933 well this is really a worth noting 8CSLBFtfcb8-00055-00017934-00018149 phenomenon 8CSLBFtfcb8-00056-00018150-00018617 for information I will repeat once again 8CSLBFtfcb8-00057-00018618-00018947 the process of surrendering 8CSLBFtfcb8-00058-00018948-00019207 to bhagwan's Will 8CSLBFtfcb8-00059-00019208-00019505 starts taking shape 8CSLBFtfcb8-00060-00019506-00019744 and the devotees realize 8CSLBFtfcb8-00061-00019745-00020021 for themselves that the auspicious 8CSLBFtfcb8-00062-00020022-00020147 beginning 8CSLBFtfcb8-00063-00020148-00020543 of transformation is shaping their lives 8CSLBFtfcb8-00064-00020544-00020813 for the better 8CSLBFtfcb8-00065-00020814-00021029 when SRI Krishna came 8CSLBFtfcb8-00066-00021030-00021364 and blessed the gopis which is darshan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00067-00021365-00021749 special and subhasana the gopis used to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00068-00021750-00022144 experience an overpowering Bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00069-00022145-00022493 we all experience the same phenomenon 8CSLBFtfcb8-00070-00022494-00022630 today 8CSLBFtfcb8-00071-00022631-00022858 why does this happen 8CSLBFtfcb8-00072-00022859-00023207 is best to understand that in Swami's 8CSLBFtfcb8-00073-00023208-00023650 own words Swami says my heart is ever 8CSLBFtfcb8-00074-00023651-00024011 filled to the brim with blessings I have 8CSLBFtfcb8-00075-00024012-00024478 no ego I do not own anything this is my 8CSLBFtfcb8-00076-00024479-00024850 truth I am ever in bliss bliss and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00077-00024851-00025049 blessed alone 8CSLBFtfcb8-00078-00025050-00025385 bhagwan Baba the embodiment of one of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00079-00025386-00025800 the always confers Bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00080-00025801-00026020 honest devotees 8CSLBFtfcb8-00081-00026022-00026339 Swami says I'm pure love 8CSLBFtfcb8-00082-00026339-00026645 I can give you only one thing that is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00083-00026645-00026981 bliss through Bliss I give you love 8CSLBFtfcb8-00084-00026982-00027370 to give peace courage and consolation to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00085-00027372-00027533 my devotees 8CSLBFtfcb8-00086-00027533-00027755 is my mission 8CSLBFtfcb8-00087-00027756-00028157 this means that my characteristics are 8CSLBFtfcb8-00088-00028158-00028331 unchanging 8CSLBFtfcb8-00089-00028332-00028662 they were present in earlier form too 8CSLBFtfcb8-00090-00028663-00029207 now only my manifest physical form is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00091-00029208-00029351 new 8CSLBFtfcb8-00092-00029352-00029670 the mere thought of Swami's darshan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00093-00029672-00030005 makes the devotees happy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00094-00030006-00030370 and on getting his darshan the waves of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00095-00030372-00030461 joy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00096-00030462-00030796 that sweep across them make them realize 8CSLBFtfcb8-00097-00030797-00031205 the unique spiritual power of the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00098-00031206-00031624 Supreme master who alone can grant such 8CSLBFtfcb8-00099-00031625-00031793 Bliss 8CSLBFtfcb8-00100-00031794-00032129 seeing the happiness on the faces of his 8CSLBFtfcb8-00101-00032130-00032399 devotees Swami says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00102-00032400-00032746 the Bliss that emanates from the radiant 8CSLBFtfcb8-00103-00032747-00033190 faces of this huge crowd is my phone 8CSLBFtfcb8-00104-00033191-00033533 I live on that when you are happy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00105-00033534-00033893 and content I feel fresh when your eyes 8CSLBFtfcb8-00106-00033894-00034355 twinkle with joy my thirst is quenched 8CSLBFtfcb8-00107-00034356-00034723 your bliss is my nourishment I only want 8CSLBFtfcb8-00108-00034724-00035189 my Bliss to reach you and wish to share 8CSLBFtfcb8-00109-00035190-00035596 your joy this Mutual interaction is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00110-00035597-00035740 necessary 8CSLBFtfcb8-00111-00035741-00036131 here is a small story which narrates how 8CSLBFtfcb8-00112-00036132-00036468 Swami imparts Bliss to his devotees 8CSLBFtfcb8-00113-00036469-00036809 Swami years ago 8CSLBFtfcb8-00114-00036810-00037289 a family had goals for Swami's darshan a 8CSLBFtfcb8-00115-00037290-00037661 little girl in the group felt that Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00116-00037662-00038105 should look at her so in darshan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00117-00038106-00038524 this girl started shouting alone allowed 8CSLBFtfcb8-00118-00038525-00038789 Swami Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00119-00038790-00039149 and Swami was quite funny 8CSLBFtfcb8-00120-00039150-00039473 after hearing her voice he looked at her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00121-00039474-00039749 and indicated her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00122-00039750-00040127 to keep quiet by putting his finger on 8CSLBFtfcb8-00123-00040128-00040487 the lips and saying shh 8CSLBFtfcb8-00124-00040488-00040740 then he walked a few steps further 8CSLBFtfcb8-00125-00040741-00041045 picked up a few chocolates from the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00126-00041046-00041279 plate of a devotee and threw them 8CSLBFtfcb8-00127-00041280-00041621 towards her they fell straight into her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00128-00041622-00041945 tiny hands she counted them they were 8CSLBFtfcb8-00129-00041946-00042209 six in Number the number of family 8CSLBFtfcb8-00130-00042210-00042509 members who had come for Swami's darshan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00131-00042510-00042815 were exactly six 8CSLBFtfcb8-00132-00042816-00043121 the little girl was ecstatic and her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00133-00043122-00043457 happiness was beyond description she 8CSLBFtfcb8-00134-00043458-00043679 shared the chocolates with all the six 8CSLBFtfcb8-00135-00043680-00044021 family members and double her Joy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00136-00044022-00044357 if such a small incident 8CSLBFtfcb8-00137-00044358-00044645 thank him so much joy to the devotee 8CSLBFtfcb8-00138-00044646-00044861 what will happen 8CSLBFtfcb8-00139-00044862-00045221 when Swami Savas is unending Grace in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00140-00045222-00045496 bigger doses just imagine 8CSLBFtfcb8-00141-00045497-00045785 all the negative colleges of the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00142-00045786-00046090 devotees drop away and pure Eternal 8CSLBFtfcb8-00143-00046091-00046565 Bliss remains Swami says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00144-00046566-00047105 to give Bliss is my task so not once at 8CSLBFtfcb8-00145-00047106-00047399 twice or Thrice but however many times 8CSLBFtfcb8-00146-00047400-00047729 you want I'll come amongst you 8CSLBFtfcb8-00147-00047730-00048101 to shower this Bliss that's what bhagwan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00148-00048102-00048371 said 8CSLBFtfcb8-00149-00048372-00048943 expounds on four types of devotees 8CSLBFtfcb8-00150-00048944-00049261 seeking help 8CSLBFtfcb8-00151-00049262-00049585 seeking wealth 8CSLBFtfcb8-00152-00049586-00049967 seeking knowledge and gyani seeking 8CSLBFtfcb8-00153-00049968-00050068 wisdom 8CSLBFtfcb8-00154-00050069-00050536 amongst these four the first type artha 8CSLBFtfcb8-00155-00050537-00050890 are the ones who seek Divine help from 8CSLBFtfcb8-00156-00050891-00051251 the incarnations of God who in turn 8CSLBFtfcb8-00157-00051252-00051544 nurtures them and takes them towards 8CSLBFtfcb8-00158-00051545-00051832 self-realization 8CSLBFtfcb8-00159-00051833-00052158 in the present Avatar 8CSLBFtfcb8-00160-00052159-00052582 is the ultimate Refuge to those who seek 8CSLBFtfcb8-00161-00052583-00053009 his help here is a story about SRI 8CSLBFtfcb8-00162-00053010-00053411 Suresh dikshit who was the nephew of an 8CSLBFtfcb8-00163-00053412-00054013 Arden devotion Swami she found dikshit 8CSLBFtfcb8-00164-00054014-00054388 suffered from sarcoma a type of cancer 8CSLBFtfcb8-00165-00054389-00054725 of the leg at an engage 8CSLBFtfcb8-00166-00054726-00055091 he had very small children and he was 8CSLBFtfcb8-00167-00055091-00055421 the soul Breadwinner of the family the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00168-00055422-00055721 entire family was drowned in sorrow 8CSLBFtfcb8-00169-00055722-00056159 since surah's father was not alive she 8CSLBFtfcb8-00170-00056160-00056423 pondering the dikshit was the head of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00171-00056424-00056719 the family when he heard about his 8CSLBFtfcb8-00172-00056720-00057019 illness he inquired with the doctors 8CSLBFtfcb8-00173-00057020-00057419 they told him in this illness the lake 8CSLBFtfcb8-00174-00057420-00057659 has to be amputated 8CSLBFtfcb8-00175-00057660-00058030 after that the patient may survive from 8CSLBFtfcb8-00176-00058032-00058303 six months to one year at the time 8CSLBFtfcb8-00177-00058304-00058588 Suresh was in hospital and was 8CSLBFtfcb8-00178-00058589-00058907 undergoing chemotherapy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00179-00058908-00059141 Swami visited Mumbai 8CSLBFtfcb8-00180-00059141-00059453 around the same time she pondered in the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00181-00059454-00059837 diction thought to himself why not take 8CSLBFtfcb8-00182-00059838-00060282 Suresh to dharmakshatra accordingly 8CSLBFtfcb8-00183-00060283-00060647 there from the hospital 8CSLBFtfcb8-00184-00060648-00060953 since dikshit was the president of Sai 8CSLBFtfcb8-00185-00060954-00062244 samiti he had written some meetings 8CSLBFtfcb8-00186-00062245-00062585 father-in-law with instructions that he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00187-00062586-00062999 should be introduced to Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00188-00063000-00063366 swamiji ultimate Refuge came out from 8CSLBFtfcb8-00189-00063367-00063773 sachdeep to give darshan and walked up 8CSLBFtfcb8-00190-00063774-00063982 straight to Suresh 8CSLBFtfcb8-00191-00063983-00064366 the one who knows all the mysteries of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00192-00064367-00064582 the universe does he need an 8CSLBFtfcb8-00193-00064583-00064735 introduction 8CSLBFtfcb8-00194-00064736-00065141 without asking Suresh anything Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00195-00065141-00065387 said cancel the cancer 8CSLBFtfcb8-00196-00065388-00065782 from today you'll start a new life new 8CSLBFtfcb8-00197-00065783-00066203 birthday and he materialized vibhuti and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00198-00066204-00066523 our Suresh to eat it due to this 8CSLBFtfcb8-00199-00066524-00066911 unexpected turn of events Suresh forgot 8CSLBFtfcb8-00200-00066912-00067313 to take Swami's padamaskar this kept 8CSLBFtfcb8-00201-00067314-00067631 bothering him but the compassionate 8CSLBFtfcb8-00202-00067632-00068015 Swami came back lifted the robe slightly 8CSLBFtfcb8-00203-00068016-00068411 and our Suresh to take padal namaskar 8CSLBFtfcb8-00204-00068412-00068737 after this incident Suresh recovered 8CSLBFtfcb8-00205-00068738-00069088 very rapidly all the reports were normal 8CSLBFtfcb8-00206-00069089-00069438 and by Swami's Grace his life was 8CSLBFtfcb8-00207-00069439-00069791 restored to normalcy this is just one 8CSLBFtfcb8-00208-00069792-00070126 example there will be many known and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00209-00070127-00070379 unknown devotees who have found their 8CSLBFtfcb8-00210-00070380-00070750 refuge in Swami and with freedom from 8CSLBFtfcb8-00211-00070751-00070943 distress 8CSLBFtfcb8-00212-00070944-00071531 in Marathi there is a proverb which says 8CSLBFtfcb8-00213-00071532-00072047 one does not have anybody in this world 8CSLBFtfcb8-00214-00072048-00072241 he has God 8CSLBFtfcb8-00215-00072242-00072694 is the guardian of every living being in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00216-00072695-00072838 this world 8CSLBFtfcb8-00217-00072839-00073337 so in fact nobody is a destitute but 8CSLBFtfcb8-00218-00073338-00073606 when human beings neglect such Souls 8CSLBFtfcb8-00219-00073607-00073865 they develop a feeling that they are 8CSLBFtfcb8-00220-00073866-00073987 orphans 8CSLBFtfcb8-00221-00073988-00074519 Baba's name is Sai Baba itself suggests 8CSLBFtfcb8-00222-00074520-00074879 that is a Divine mother and father he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00223-00074880-00075125 nurtures the world and looks after those 8CSLBFtfcb8-00224-00075126-00075497 who are helpless one incident in this 8CSLBFtfcb8-00225-00075498-00075869 context from a shirdi Incarnation people 8CSLBFtfcb8-00226-00075870-00076181 from all walks of life used to come to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00227-00076182-00076576 shirdi sainath for Refuge from Rich to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00228-00076577-00076709 poor 8CSLBFtfcb8-00229-00076710-00077081 feeling in healthy there were all types 8CSLBFtfcb8-00230-00077082-00077593 of devotees amongst these there is one 8CSLBFtfcb8-00231-00077594-00078041 day as an effect of his past karmas he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00232-00078042-00078382 suffered from leprosy and was estranged 8CSLBFtfcb8-00233-00078383-00078779 from his family this bhagavati came to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00234-00078780-00079138 sainath to seek his refuge and sainath 8CSLBFtfcb8-00235-00079139-00079321 who is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00236-00079322-00079667 the guardian of the destitute 8CSLBFtfcb8-00237-00079668-00079979 welcome him so I used to personally 8CSLBFtfcb8-00238-00079980-00080459 clean bhagoji's wounds apply oil and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00239-00080460-00080893 turmeric on them and bandage them daily 8CSLBFtfcb8-00240-00080894-00081232 while partaking food he would feed him 8CSLBFtfcb8-00241-00081233-00081479 from his own share 8CSLBFtfcb8-00242-00081480-00081755 every morning he would allow bhagavadi 8CSLBFtfcb8-00243-00081756-00082115 to massage him and Prince his feet and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00244-00082116-00082426 the only reason for this was to make 8CSLBFtfcb8-00245-00082427-00082829 bhagavati happy this went on for many 8CSLBFtfcb8-00246-00082830-00083182 years bhagavadi who had been orphaned by 8CSLBFtfcb8-00247-00083183-00083609 The World God himself took him close and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00248-00083610-00084017 became the guardian now tell me who is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00249-00084018-00084394 an orphan no one is an orphan 8CSLBFtfcb8-00250-00084395-00084562 no one 8CSLBFtfcb8-00251-00084563-00084712 Psy 8CSLBFtfcb8-00252-00084713-00085144 is the second incarnation of Sri 8CSLBFtfcb8-00253-00085145-00085444 satisfied 8CSLBFtfcb8-00254-00085445-00086123 is always another 8CSLBFtfcb8-00255-00086124-00086400 right from the childhood he always 8CSLBFtfcb8-00256-00086401-00086825 helped the poor and the downtown give 8CSLBFtfcb8-00257-00086826-00087161 them food and clothes and serve them all 8CSLBFtfcb8-00258-00087162-00087505 the time later this was transformed into 8CSLBFtfcb8-00259-00087506-00087982 Narayan Seva no swamis devotees from all 8CSLBFtfcb8-00260-00087983-00088087 over the world 8CSLBFtfcb8-00261-00088088-00088403 participate in this seven 8CSLBFtfcb8-00262-00088404-00088668 since the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00263-00088669-00089032 Saturdays came into existence every 8CSLBFtfcb8-00264-00089033-00089375 active worker has got involved in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00265-00089376-00089717 serving others ending himself to be 8CSLBFtfcb8-00266-00089718-00090076 blessed for getting this opportunity 8CSLBFtfcb8-00267-00090077-00090388 below There's an actual Calamity Swami's 8CSLBFtfcb8-00268-00090389-00090682 devotees from all over the world lend a 8CSLBFtfcb8-00269-00090683-00090959 helping hand to all those who have 8CSLBFtfcb8-00270-00090960-00091367 suffered by becoming instruments in the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00271-00091368-00091571 Divine hands 8CSLBFtfcb8-00272-00091572-00092035 here's a story from foreign 8CSLBFtfcb8-00273-00092036-00092476 from abroad was always involved in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00274-00092477-00092759 feeding and helping the poor and the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00275-00092760-00092899 downtown 8CSLBFtfcb8-00276-00092900-00093317 once due to heavy rains and floods she 8CSLBFtfcb8-00277-00093318-00093588 was unable to visit a particular area 8CSLBFtfcb8-00278-00093589-00093953 during those eight days she continuously 8CSLBFtfcb8-00279-00093954-00094337 invoked Swami and prayed to him to like 8CSLBFtfcb8-00280-00094338-00094709 to look after those helpless people he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00281-00094710-00094925 was very much concerned about their 8CSLBFtfcb8-00282-00094926-00095231 well-being after eight days the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00283-00095232-00095500 situation eased and it became possible 8CSLBFtfcb8-00284-00095501-00095735 for her to visit that place 8CSLBFtfcb8-00285-00095736-00096059 she carried food medicines 8CSLBFtfcb8-00286-00096060-00096371 along with Swami's photographs and we do 8CSLBFtfcb8-00287-00096372-00096605 the packets to distribute among the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00288-00096606-00096994 people on reaching there she realized 8CSLBFtfcb8-00289-00096995-00097349 that everyone was safe and secure she 8CSLBFtfcb8-00290-00097350-00097661 started Distributing food packets and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00291-00097662-00098003 Swami's photographs and noticed that on 8CSLBFtfcb8-00292-00098004-00098309 seeing the photographs all those persons 8CSLBFtfcb8-00293-00098310-00098687 started discussing among themselves 8CSLBFtfcb8-00294-00098688-00099041 when she inquired she was told that in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00295-00099042-00099371 her absence the person from the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00296-00099372-00099724 photograph used to come and give food 8CSLBFtfcb8-00297-00099725-00100138 and medicines to all of them 8CSLBFtfcb8-00298-00100139-00100421 they taught him to be her assistant 8CSLBFtfcb8-00299-00100422-00100799 helper on hearing this she was choked 8CSLBFtfcb8-00300-00100800-00101147 with emotion she told them about Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00301-00101148-00101447 and all of them offered their heartfelt 8CSLBFtfcb8-00302-00101448-00101694 gratitude to another 8CSLBFtfcb8-00303-00101695-00102106 SRI satyasai they only refused to the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00304-00102107-00102527 four Lords there are so many incidents 8CSLBFtfcb8-00305-00102528-00102839 that indicate that Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00306-00102840-00103247 acted in their place played their role 8CSLBFtfcb8-00307-00103248-00103486 the savior of this world 8CSLBFtfcb8-00308-00103488-00103984 bhagwan Baba is constantly engaged in 8CSLBFtfcb8-00309-00103985-00104147 helping the helpless 8CSLBFtfcb8-00310-00104148-00104527 by giving them Asylum he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00311-00104528-00104825 steadies their life 8CSLBFtfcb8-00312-00104826-00105101 he always tells his devotees help those 8CSLBFtfcb8-00313-00105102-00105401 in distress they the only way to reach 8CSLBFtfcb8-00314-00105402-00105784 God Seva creates love for God in your 8CSLBFtfcb8-00315-00105785-00106090 minds in this constant health of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00316-00106091-00106433 devotees bhagwan Baba is not bound by 8CSLBFtfcb8-00317-00106433-00106619 place or time 8CSLBFtfcb8-00318-00106620-00106919 a middle-aged lady from San Diego 8CSLBFtfcb8-00319-00106920-00107308 America lived in an apartment 8CSLBFtfcb8-00320-00107309-00107771 in a in a tall skyscraper all by herself 8CSLBFtfcb8-00321-00107772-00108181 she had arthritis and sometimes suffered 8CSLBFtfcb8-00322-00108182-00108521 excruciating pain once at eleven o'clock 8CSLBFtfcb8-00323-00108522-00108881 at night she started feeling acute pain 8CSLBFtfcb8-00324-00108882-00109181 the agony was so unbearable 8CSLBFtfcb8-00325-00109182-00109577 and she started screaming aloud is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00326-00109578-00109960 anyone there is anyone there can someone 8CSLBFtfcb8-00327-00109961-00110290 relieve me from this pain suddenly she 8CSLBFtfcb8-00328-00110291-00110554 noticed that Swami was standing next to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00329-00110555-00110945 her bedside he patted her gently on her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00330-00110946-00111299 head and said why are you wailing so 8CSLBFtfcb8-00331-00111300-00111569 loudly I am right here 8CSLBFtfcb8-00332-00111570-00112001 and slowly the lady was relieved of her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00333-00112002-00112284 pain while commenting on this episode 8CSLBFtfcb8-00334-00112285-00112666 SRI kasturi says everyone needs to know 8CSLBFtfcb8-00335-00112667-00112949 that we are never alone 8CSLBFtfcb8-00336-00112950-00113290 somebody is always with us all the women 8CSLBFtfcb8-00337-00113291-00113615 will not be aware of his name and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00338-00113616-00113710 address 8CSLBFtfcb8-00339-00113711-00113902 not only Swami 8CSLBFtfcb8-00340-00113903-00114233 but by his inspiration his devotees also 8CSLBFtfcb8-00341-00114233-00114527 help help those who are needy and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00342-00114528-00114893 helpless and here is an enlightening 8CSLBFtfcb8-00343-00114894-00115349 episode a person belonging to the lowest 8CSLBFtfcb8-00344-00115350-00115763 traitor of society reciting it ratnagiri 8CSLBFtfcb8-00345-00115764-00116116 or Maharashtra fell ill doctors 8CSLBFtfcb8-00346-00116117-00116452 diagnosed it to be heart disease he was 8CSLBFtfcb8-00347-00116453-00116713 advised to go to Mumbai for treatment 8CSLBFtfcb8-00348-00116714-00117052 somehow he managed to collect some funds 8CSLBFtfcb8-00349-00117053-00117419 and got himself shed in a municipal 8CSLBFtfcb8-00350-00117420-00117736 Hospital in Mumbai they confirmed Her 8CSLBFtfcb8-00351-00117738-00118001 diagnosis but told him that the hospital 8CSLBFtfcb8-00352-00118002-00118408 did not have any facility for an open 8CSLBFtfcb8-00353-00118409-00118775 heart surgery the man who's confused and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00354-00118776-00118957 did not know what to do 8CSLBFtfcb8-00355-00118958-00119308 disappointed he left for his hometown 8CSLBFtfcb8-00356-00119309-00119627 in the train he met a person who was a 8CSLBFtfcb8-00357-00119628-00119933 side devotee and they thought he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00358-00119933-00120245 narrated his sad story to the court 8CSLBFtfcb8-00359-00120246-00120521 traveler the companion told him don't 8CSLBFtfcb8-00360-00120522-00120977 worry in Sri Sai Baba's hospital all 8CSLBFtfcb8-00361-00120978-00121234 types of heart surgeries are performed 8CSLBFtfcb8-00362-00121235-00121673 and that to completely free of cost the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00363-00121674-00121960 man was happy at last there was a ray of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00364-00121961-00122386 Hope on reading he trying to try to find 8CSLBFtfcb8-00365-00122388-00122723 some information about the hospital but 8CSLBFtfcb8-00366-00122724-00123052 no one seemed to be aware of it but he 8CSLBFtfcb8-00367-00123053-00123401 did manage to get one bit of information 8CSLBFtfcb8-00368-00123402-00123719 he got the address of Sai samiti and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00369-00123720-00124007 ratnagiri as soon as he got this piece 8CSLBFtfcb8-00370-00124008-00124408 of news he went and met the concerned of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00371-00124409-00124684 his bearers they guided him about the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00372-00124685-00125008 whole procedure and also paid towards 8CSLBFtfcb8-00373-00125009-00125363 his traveling expenses he went to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00374-00125364-00125716 budapati with a lot of Hope a few days 8CSLBFtfcb8-00375-00125717-00126052 later he returned home with a broken 8CSLBFtfcb8-00376-00126053-00126395 heart he met office bearers and shared 8CSLBFtfcb8-00377-00126396-00126677 his sorrowful story with them and the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00378-00126678-00126971 patapati hospital all the diagnetic 8CSLBFtfcb8-00379-00126972-00127228 tests have revealed that a defective 8CSLBFtfcb8-00380-00127229-00127565 heart Wars and they need to be replaced 8CSLBFtfcb8-00381-00127566-00127840 but he was also told that for the time 8CSLBFtfcb8-00382-00127841-00128171 being the surgery is for replacement of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00383-00128172-00128566 heart walls had been discontinued it 8CSLBFtfcb8-00384-00128567-00128878 seems the patients who had undergone the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00385-00128879-00129221 surgery earlier did not return for a 8CSLBFtfcb8-00386-00129222-00129460 regular post-operative check 8CSLBFtfcb8-00387-00129461-00129845 checkup yes which is very vital in this 8CSLBFtfcb8-00388-00129846-00130169 surgery 8CSLBFtfcb8-00389-00130170-00130540 so this facility had been temporarily 8CSLBFtfcb8-00390-00130541-00130721 discontinued 8CSLBFtfcb8-00391-00130722-00131093 the patient was really disappointed by 8CSLBFtfcb8-00392-00131094-00131399 the office of the summit did not give up 8CSLBFtfcb8-00393-00131400-00131687 hope they got in touch with some side 8CSLBFtfcb8-00394-00131688-00132083 devotees and then he was in Mumbai and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00395-00132084-00132319 managed to raise some financial help 8CSLBFtfcb8-00396-00132320-00132664 they themselves added some more to this 8CSLBFtfcb8-00397-00132665-00132971 amount and sent this patient to Mumbai 8CSLBFtfcb8-00398-00132972-00133354 once again he got admitted to 8CSLBFtfcb8-00399-00133355-00133564 Kim Hospital 8CSLBFtfcb8-00400-00133565-00133793 all the historic tests were carried out 8CSLBFtfcb8-00401-00133794-00134081 and the date and the time for the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00402-00134082-00134483 surgery was fixed and on the day of the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00403-00134484-00134740 surgery something most unexpected 8CSLBFtfcb8-00404-00134741-00134878 happened 8CSLBFtfcb8-00405-00134879-00135227 a word boy came to the patient and 8CSLBFtfcb8-00406-00135228-00135473 started telling him you cannot get 8CSLBFtfcb8-00407-00135474-00135727 operated here leave the hospital 8CSLBFtfcb8-00408-00135728-00136373 immediately now the patient was nervous 8CSLBFtfcb8-00409-00136374-00136739 the word boy started pulling him out of 8CSLBFtfcb8-00410-00136740-00137081 his bed the man was in tears and just 8CSLBFtfcb8-00411-00137082-00137531 then as if God has sent an angel a duty 8CSLBFtfcb8-00412-00137532-00137801 from Swami reached there he knew about 8CSLBFtfcb8-00413-00137802-00138101 the surgery so he had come to visit the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00414-00138102-00138304 patient but when he observed the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00415-00138305-00138766 situation he lost his temper he rebuked 8CSLBFtfcb8-00416-00138767-00139073 the one boy and immediately met the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00417-00139074-00139427 hospital Dean everything was sitting the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00418-00139428-00139721 surgery went off successfully and the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00419-00139722-00140099 patient recovered his health what if the 8CSLBFtfcb8-00420-00140100-00140347 Sai devotee had not reached his hospital 8CSLBFtfcb8-00421-00140348-00140554 at that moment 8CSLBFtfcb8-00422-00140555-00140807 he reaches there in the nick of time 8CSLBFtfcb8-00423-00140808-00141185 only by Swami's inspiration and offered 8CSLBFtfcb8-00424-00141186-00141593 his Seva as madhava Seva service to God 8CSLBFtfcb8-00425-00141594-00141761 Whoever has 8CSLBFtfcb8-00426-00141762-00142078 who are helpless and sad know that he is 8CSLBFtfcb8-00427-00142079-00142481 a sadhu a good man recognize him as God 8CSLBFtfcb8-00428-00142482-00142823 that's what Swami said we'll meet again 8CSLBFtfcb8-00429-00142824-00143203 thank you for your time 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00000-00000768-00000935 hi everyone so today we are going to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00001-00000936-00001074 make an app in 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00002-00001075-00001383 code.org so this will be okay we are not 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00003-00001384-00001439 going to use 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00004-00001440-00001782 app lab artist sprite lab or game lab 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00005-00001784-00001975 for that you have to click here view 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00006-00001976-00002102 full list 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00007-00002103-00002591 scroll down and take your play lab 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00008-00002592-00002887 so this is how it will look and you can 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00009-00002888-00002958 see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00010-00002959-00003270 when we run this such a sound comes 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00011-00003271-00003535 and this has nothing in it so you can 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00012-00003536-00003679 see it how it is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00013-00003679-00003983 completely empty with the dark screen so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00014-00003984-00004119 we'll start with our game 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00015-00004120-00004303 so for that we need so this will be a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00016-00004304-00004502 night and a zombie game for 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00017-00004503-00004695 okay so for that we have to i'll just 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00018-00004696-00004886 make the screen because 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00019-00004887-00005335 we'll go to action set actor 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00020-00005336-00005679 and then on another set 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00021-00005680-00006079 so this uh should be as two 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00022-00006080-00006312 not two we can't give us three 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00023-00006313-00006454 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00024-00006455-00007023 so instead of which i would keep here oh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00025-00007023-00007527 i'll keep it night not a zombie at night 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00026-00007528-00007942 so it's over here and here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00027-00007943-00008342 we will keep it as a ghost perfect 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00028-00008343-00008551 then we will so i'll add here like this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00029-00008552-00008823 two more so for this i'll control copy 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00030-00008824-00009183 paste it should be over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00031-00009184-00009567 it should be as four and here i'll keep 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00032-00009568-00009759 it as two for now 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00033-00009760-00010127 and this as three okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00034-00010128-00010319 because it will be repeating so it will 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00035-00010320-00010455 get okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00036-00010456-00010814 so here i'll keep following post again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00037-00010815-00011119 it will be which should be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00038-00011120-00011495 three number should be four 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00039-00011496-00012174 and a nine should be a ghost 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00040-00012175-00012527 okay so this is still how many see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00041-00012528-00012703 these are the ghost and this is our 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00042-00012704-00012855 night but 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00043-00012856-00013071 instead of a ghost i would like to take 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00044-00013072-00013327 something else of which 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00045-00013328-00013847 uh which would be better let's see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00046-00013847-00014215 yeah this looks fine 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00047-00014216-00014391 we can choose anything else let's see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00048-00014391-00015350 what can we have what here we have 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00049-00015351-00015679 so for now i think a pirate will be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00050-00015680-00015991 better 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00051-00015991-00016271 so i'm over here gonna add many many 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00052-00016272-00016319 people 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00053-00016319-00016719 some um pirate masked ninja 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00054-00016720-00017079 witch and uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00055-00017080-00017350 dragon yeah perfect so these three are 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00056-00017351-00017511 very different so you already 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00057-00017512-00017886 have your pirate and ninja and the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00058-00017887-00018007 dragon 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00059-00018008-00018350 so many of these are will be fighting so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00060-00018351-00018567 next we will have to so now we have to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00061-00018568-00018743 move our character for that we will go 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00062-00018744-00018791 to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00063-00018792-00019119 event then up arrow click 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00064-00019120-00019414 so not up arrow i will keep it okay it's 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00065-00019415-00019503 okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00066-00019504-00019991 so action one move actor 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00067-00019992-00020294 one up so picture 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00068-00020295-00020678 should be 25 pixels 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00069-00020679-00021175 let's run and see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00070-00021176-00021304 so here is our arrow 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00071-00021305-00021583 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00072-00021584-00021830 so let's see wait it's already up so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00073-00021831-00022055 it's not moving anymore 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00074-00022056-00022335 so if we could keep it down it will move 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00075-00022336-00022535 so what we will do is next so mostly we 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00076-00022536-00022622 have to do the same 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00077-00022623-00022967 thing for that i will is duplicate 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00078-00022968-00023391 the same thing three things 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00079-00023392-00023775 so here is one here is the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00080-00023776-00025103 let it be there then 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00081-00025104-00025447 so for this also ctrl paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00082-00025448-00025767 and with this side 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00083-00025768-00025990 and move it downwards and then move this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00084-00025991-00026150 first 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00085-00026151-00026527 then this okay let's move 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00086-00026527-00026902 this a bit up just affect that 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00087-00026904-00027327 side 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00088-00027327-00027727 this here so a better left and this also 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00089-00027727-00028039 should be left 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00090-00028039-00028399 here again control paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00091-00028400-00028735 page over here so instead of up 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00092-00028736-00029039 it has right 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00093-00029039-00029383 right and then this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00094-00029383-00029647 should be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00095-00029648-00030887 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00096-00030888-00031246 you can see down 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00097-00031247-00031551 see it move so uh down okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00098-00031552-00031727 i'll show you the up button also see 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00099-00031727-00031927 it's moving 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00100-00031927-00032351 left right 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00101-00032352-00032631 okay so all the buttons are working then 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00102-00032632-00032735 we will 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00103-00032736-00032918 so now we have to move these anime 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00104-00032919-00033262 characters for that we will go to action 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00105-00033263-00033535 uh yeah we'll go to loops so we have to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00106-00033536-00033823 take a repeat forever 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00107-00033824-00034143 then reactions 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00108-00034144-00034518 take more actor then control 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00109-00034519-00034815 click on this control copy paste paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00110-00034816-00034927 next 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00111-00034928-00035215 so we have three characters so i have to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00112-00035216-00035343 turn 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00113-00035344-00035743 this so i think i can delete this one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00114-00035744-00035959 so these green ones are for the knight 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00115-00035960-00036046 and the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00116-00036047-00036462 this will be for difference now anyways 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00117-00036463-00036727 here it should be three you will should 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00118-00036728-00036935 be getting to four 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00119-00036936-00037343 so here i'll keep this random 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00120-00037344-00037759 random and again random 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00121-00037760-00038159 so here it should be 50 15 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00122-00038160-00038551 50 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00123-00038552-00039039 okay and then again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00124-00039040-00039359 i'll run and show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00125-00039360-00039518 so they keep moving in the random 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00126-00039519-00039662 direction 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00127-00039663-00039943 so we have to move them uh we have to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00128-00039944-00040102 move towards them 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00129-00040103-00040415 see like we are killing the pirate yeah 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00130-00040416-00040511 kill the ninja 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00131-00040512-00040839 but i have not used this i 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00132-00040840-00041030 so for that we'll also put a coding 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00133-00041031-00041246 reset 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00134-00041247-00041895 uh then i'll just put them a bit upwards 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00135-00041896-00043449 so i'll scroll down 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00136-00043450-00043911 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00137-00043912-00044102 so another thing here i would like to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00138-00044103-00044223 add some more uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00139-00044224-00044407 characters because there are very less 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00140-00044408-00044567 pirates and all 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00141-00044568-00044902 so for that i will is take set 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00142-00044903-00045246 act one control copy paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00143-00045247-00045567 paste okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00144-00045568-00045990 so here one and here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00145-00045991-00046262 so repeat forever will be scroll down so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00146-00046263-00046335 your 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00147-00046336-00046646 character will be fine 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00148-00046647-00047071 again i'll keep it as a pirate itself 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00149-00047072-00047407 let's apply it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00150-00047408-00048307 here it should be as character 6. 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00151-00048308-00048911 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00152-00048912-00049439 character 7 will be a dragon 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00153-00049440-00049823 yes perfect so here i'll repeat forever 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00154-00049824-00050086 also i have to add again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00155-00050087-00050743 so here control copy paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00156-00050744-00051095 here scroll down 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00157-00051096-00051414 and this over here here it will be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00158-00051415-00051719 random here also random 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00159-00051720-00052190 here also random here it is five 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00160-00052191-00052575 here it is uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00161-00052576-00052903 six and here it is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00162-00052904-00053191 seven so our anime characters will be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00163-00053191-00053247 moving 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00164-00053248-00053591 five pixels less than our enemy error 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00165-00053591-00053847 or knight so that is why i've captured a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00166-00053848-00054063 50 50 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00167-00054064-00054230 okay so i'll run and show you how many 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00168-00054232-00054399 characters are there 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00169-00054400-00054550 you can see all the moving in the random 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00170-00054551-00054942 directions here and there here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00171-00054944-00055135 so i think instead of keeping the same 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00172-00055136-00055375 characters again i can change them 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00173-00055376-00055630 instead of pirate over here i'll keep a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00174-00055855-00056207 and then here i'll keep a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00175-00056208-00056679 let's try a ghost and for the dragon 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00176-00056679-00057230 i'll keep the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00177-00057232-00057742 cave boy so this is how it looks like 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00178-00057744-00057959 many things here and there here and 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00179-00057960-00058142 there here and there 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00180-00058144-00058335 but i think all became very much so i'll 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00181-00058336-00058599 take a pick out the cave boy 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00182-00058600-00058919 and the coast so which is okay so 7 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00183-00058920-00059007 should be deleted 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00184-00059008-00059271 and six should be deleted right this is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00185-00059272-00059407 how mall are like 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00186-00059408-00060023 so we will kill all 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00187-00060024-00060254 sorry we all will be moving up of one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00188-00060255-00060663 and one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00189-00060664-00060919 okay so our next coding okay so i'll 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00190-00060920-00061047 just run and show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00191-00061048-00061375 again so see here when we move and 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00192-00061376-00061623 touch a person they don't vanish we have 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00193-00061624-00061735 to vanish them 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00194-00061736-00062063 for that we'll go to events 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00195-00062064-00062326 then act on touches after two we'll 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00196-00062327-00062535 scroll down 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00197-00062536-00062791 so we have to go to action and search 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00198-00062791-00063082 for 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00199-00063083-00063342 disappear 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00200-00063344-00063703 so vanish after one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00201-00063704-00063975 so now after one it should be after two 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00202-00063976-00064111 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00203-00064112-00064382 so we have to do the same for men all 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00204-00064383-00064430 the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00205-00064432-00064854 characters so here are this one let's 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00206-00064855-00065254 bring some other events 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00207-00065255-00065882 to copy paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00208-00065883-00067319 yes 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00209-00067320-00067631 paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00210-00067632-00068023 yes so it's actor 2 so i have to do here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00211-00068024-00068150 actor 3 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00212-00068151-00068559 and here are not active 2 actor 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00213-00068560-00068943 not to 7 it should be after 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00214-00068944-00069359 four vanish after four 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00215-00069360-00069838 run then again for last one for our 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00216-00069839-00070023 active five 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00217-00070024-00070519 let's select it over here after five 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00218-00070520-00070911 control paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00219-00070912-00071262 i will give it as five 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00220-00071263-00071743 so i'll ignore 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00221-00071744-00072055 okay so they are this will be a reset 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00222-00072056-00072391 run show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00223-00072392-00072806 down then right 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00224-00072807-00073150 right and then um uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00225-00073151-00073447 so okay so all got disappeared but we 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00226-00073448-00073638 have to move this forever 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00227-00073639-00073911 so for what for doing that we have to so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00228-00073912-00074126 after doing that we have to also score a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00229-00074127-00075671 point for that we need to gain 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00230-00075672-00076031 copy paste then it gets pasted we'll 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00231-00076032-00076126 keep it all 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00232-00076127-00076431 i have to order the site 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00233-00076432-00076982 scroll down you gotta paste it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00234-00076983-00077391 over here paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00235-00077392-00077647 okay i'll give a bigger view of the game 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00236-00077648-00077759 to you for now 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00237-00077760-00078119 this is the big game wow 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00238-00078120-00078359 so here i got my score as one you can 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00239-00078360-00078679 see it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00240-00078680-00079023 okay yes go to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00241-00079024-00079215 let's go for it but we need to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00242-00079216-00079438 repeatedly do that 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00243-00079439-00079750 first i have given the score then we uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00244-00079751-00080055 we will give the coding now we are reset 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00245-00080056-00080231 it and give the project name 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00246-00080232-00080559 as 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00247-00080560-00081282 kelly brown and mix 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00248-00081283-00081599 um 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00249-00081600-00081918 let's change it ah 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00250-00081919-00082311 now we'll save it perfect 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00251-00082312-00082582 so after that this is the coding for 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00252-00082583-00083031 whatever we have done it right now 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00253-00083032-00083262 after that we will after playing this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00254-00083263-00083471 game we have to also show like when the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00255-00083472-00083655 person wins and not 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00256-00083656-00083975 so for that we will go to if not if 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00257-00083976-00084735 let's delete it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00258-00084736-00084943 we have to have to take this one itself 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00259-00084944-00085231 so just set it over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00260-00085232-00086838 scroll down put 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00261-00086839-00087238 uh so we have to drag and drop a 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00262-00087239-00087447 mathematical logic over here which is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00263-00087448-00087631 one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00264-00087632-00087950 so now let me uh we be one i'll show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00265-00087951-00088031 next 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00266-00088032-00088343 game score we have two is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00267-00088344-00088799 end game as one of win over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00268-00088800-00089182 uh lost game 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00269-00089183-00089511 i will take s um 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00270-00089512-00091071 i have to take it as 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00271-00091072-00091423 when i touch this skull one 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00272-00091424-00091775 you win it shows us you win so but still 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00273-00091776-00091894 you can continue your game 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00274-00091895-00092415 see i'll reset as gameplay and show 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00275-00092416-00092623 so you win it takes time to show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00276-00092624-00092735 when so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00277-00092736-00093143 i'll keep guys over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00278-00093144-00093638 and 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00279-00093639-00094079 if score 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00280-00094080-00094447 wait i will again i have to show this so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00281-00094448-00094599 for that 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00282-00094600-00094982 i have to take on 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00283-00094983-00095487 logic if this over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00284-00095488-00096031 scroll down move this away 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00285-00096032-00096471 okay so copy it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00286-00096472-00096815 paste wow 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00287-00096816-00097191 wait so also 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00288-00097192-00097574 here if score 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00289-00097575-00098994 lesser than 50 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00290-00098995-00099431 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00291-00099432-00099606 so i think we can delete this one this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00292-00099607-00099815 is not actually needed 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00293-00099816-00100031 it's okay without that that's why it's 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00294-00100032-00100215 uh it works proper 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00295-00100216-00100599 so this much is over here so it's like 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00296-00100600-00100679 this 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00297-00100680-00101015 okay so after that 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00298-00101016-00101271 we have to so when you touch any person 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00299-00101272-00101462 we have to give you another action which 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00300-00101463-00101543 is the sound of 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00301-00101544-00102182 goal so let's search for it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00302-00102183-00102886 and then 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00303-00102888-00103110 wait a minute i'm not finding it let's 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00304-00103111-00103406 see for it again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00306-00106535-00106919 paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00307-00106920-00107343 paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00308-00107344-00107815 in here let's do this space 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00309-00107816-00108119 and this should come here perfect 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00310-00108120-00108358 so i'll show you when the sound comes 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00311-00108358-00108766 [Applause] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00312-00108767-00109524 see this is how our sound is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00313-00109525-00109966 [Music] 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00314-00109967-00110286 see this is the sound 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00315-00110288-00110495 okay then we will so after each 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00316-00110496-00110671 character dies we have to again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00317-00110672-00110902 here they don't come repeatedly you can 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00318-00110903-00111031 see over here 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00319-00111032-00111631 if this dies they don't come back 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00320-00111632-00111902 yeah see they don't come back again so 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00321-00111903-00111951 for 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00322-00111952-00112247 that for that coding we will take your 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00323-00112248-00112295 uh 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00324-00112296-00112599 the set from two i will take it over 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00325-00112600-00112863 here repeat forever 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00326-00112864-00113143 just tuck it up once yeah i'll run and 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00327-00113144-00113366 show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00328-00113367-00113639 so when a thing dies it will again come 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00329-00113640-00113839 back 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00330-00113840-00114134 see you can see all are coming down and 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00331-00114135-00114390 again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00332-00114391-00114743 see uh they come back again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00333-00114744-00115319 so when you get it 15 you win 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00334-00115320-00115551 so after that after scoring 50 we have 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00335-00115552-00115631 to 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00336-00115632-00115847 all over start the game again so for 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00337-00115848-00116047 that let's see what can we do 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00338-00116048-00116399 or we can even stop it okay so let's 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00339-00116400-00117143 see um 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00340-00117144-00117399 so it's okay we will leave it as it is 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00341-00117400-00117639 coding 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00342-00117640-00118015 so we will is again 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00343-00118016-00118271 then we will then i will just show you 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00344-00118272-00118415 after what happens if 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00345-00118416-00118727 i change it so i'll for now keep it as 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00346-00118728-00119054 one x okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00347-00119055-00119407 so not one two okay so when i 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00348-00119408-00119815 run the game this is how it is one kill 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00349-00119816-00121695 and then again another should be 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00350-00121696-00122014 this is my title which appears but still 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00351-00122015-00122134 you can play the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00352-00122135-00122375 game you can still continue with the 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00353-00122376-00122471 game 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00354-00122472-00122831 i can okay 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00355-00122832-00123283 done i'll just show you how it works 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00356-00123283-00123590 copy 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00357-00123591-00124683 a new tab ctrl paste 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00358-00124683-00124807 enter 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00359-00124808-00125310 so i'll run it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00360-00125311-00125710 so we we can play our game you win 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00361-00125711-00126014 so i'll just cross it and here instead 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00362-00126015-00126119 of score 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00363-00126120-00126447 2 i'll keep it as 100 so the person who 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00364-00126448-00126510 plays it 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00365-00126511-00126710 can keep playing it continuously without 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00366-00126711-00127131 that text 8IbD5gqCJZ0-00367-00127132-00127432 thanks 8JiWui-n-C4-00000-00000000-00000281 the highest paying engineering degrees 8JiWui-n-C4-00001-00000282-00000424 that's we're going to be talking about 8JiWui-n-C4-00002-00000425-00000605 today but before we jump into that make 8JiWui-n-C4-00003-00000606-00000773 sure to gently tap the like button in 8JiWui-n-C4-00004-00000774-00000875 order to defeat the evil YouTube 8JiWui-n-C4-00005-00000876-00001066 algorithm on this channel we talk about 8JiWui-n-C4-00006-00001067-00001270 personal finance college degrees careers 8JiWui-n-C4-00007-00001271-00001397 and opportunities that are going to lead 8JiWui-n-C4-00008-00001398-00001648 you to success and we also go over some 8JiWui-n-C4-00009-00001650-00001871 of the common Financial traps that so 8JiWui-n-C4-00010-00001872-00002051 many people fall for now if you're new 8JiWui-n-C4-00011-00002052-00002189 here and you haven't done it already and 8JiWui-n-C4-00012-00002190-00002284 that sounds like something that 8JiWui-n-C4-00013-00002285-00002476 interests you go ahead and hit the 8JiWui-n-C4-00014-00002477-00002579 Subscribe button and ring the 8JiWui-n-C4-00015-00002580-00002765 notification Bell so that you never miss 8JiWui-n-C4-00016-00002766-00002957 an opportunity now with that out of the 8JiWui-n-C4-00017-00002958-00003173 way let's jump right into it today we 8JiWui-n-C4-00018-00003174-00003311 are going to be talking about the 8JiWui-n-C4-00019-00003311-00003575 highest paying engineering degrees I've 8JiWui-n-C4-00020-00003576-00003743 already made a few videos about what 8JiWui-n-C4-00021-00003744-00003917 engineering degrees I think are the best 8JiWui-n-C4-00022-00003918-00004115 and in those videos I talked about more 8JiWui-n-C4-00023-00004116-00004319 than just salary we went over the job 8JiWui-n-C4-00024-00004320-00004511 satisfaction and all kinds of other 8JiWui-n-C4-00025-00004512-00004751 things like demand however in this video 8JiWui-n-C4-00026-00004752-00004979 we are going to be focusing on salary 8JiWui-n-C4-00027-00004980-00005177 there are a lot of engineering related 8JiWui-n-C4-00028-00005178-00005363 degrees and Engineering related Majors 8JiWui-n-C4-00029-00005364-00005531 out there that there might not be very 8JiWui-n-C4-00030-00005532-00005711 many graduates every year but they can 8JiWui-n-C4-00031-00005712-00005879 still be pretty good opportunities and 8JiWui-n-C4-00032-00005880-00006070 they have a really good sound salary so 8JiWui-n-C4-00033-00006071-00006233 with that being said let's jump in right 8JiWui-n-C4-00034-00006234-00006431 away number 10 on the list is going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00035-00006431-00006659 be nuclear engineering now this is going 8JiWui-n-C4-00036-00006659-00006887 to be all about either breaking down or 8JiWui-n-C4-00037-00006888-00007378 combining different Atomic nuclei 8JiWui-n-C4-00038-00007379-00007528 and no this is not about creating 8JiWui-n-C4-00039-00007529-00007733 nuclear bombs or anything like that this 8JiWui-n-C4-00040-00007734-00007924 is all about energy production and the 8JiWui-n-C4-00041-00007925-00008128 energy industry now with this degree you 8JiWui-n-C4-00042-00008129-00008369 can expect to make around 73 000 a year 8JiWui-n-C4-00043-00008370-00008513 in your first five years after 8JiWui-n-C4-00044-00008514-00008777 graduating and then after 10 years also 8JiWui-n-C4-00045-00008778-00008956 known as mid-career pay you're going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00046-00008957-00009167 be making around 124 8JiWui-n-C4-00047-00009168-00009328 000. now of course you could become a 8JiWui-n-C4-00048-00009329-00009473 nuclear engineer and you'd be making 8JiWui-n-C4-00049-00009474-00009773 around 113 000 a year according to BLS 8JiWui-n-C4-00050-00009774-00010151 there's 16 400 jobs available but it is 8JiWui-n-C4-00051-00010152-00010438 declining at negative 13 meaning in the 8JiWui-n-C4-00052-00010439-00010678 next 10 years 2100 jobs are going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00053-00010679-00010895 disappear now the thing about any energy 8JiWui-n-C4-00054-00010896-00011153 related career degree is that it's not 8JiWui-n-C4-00055-00011154-00011356 going to be very stable it's highly 8JiWui-n-C4-00056-00011357-00011638 volatile a war the market dropping 8JiWui-n-C4-00057-00011639-00011896 regulations laws changing anything like 8JiWui-n-C4-00058-00011897-00012119 that can disrupt your entire industry 8JiWui-n-C4-00059-00012120-00012346 now from my research most nuclear 8JiWui-n-C4-00060-00012347-00012556 engineering jobs are actually relatively 8JiWui-n-C4-00061-00012557-00012719 chill you're not going to be worked 8JiWui-n-C4-00062-00012720-00012893 really hard have to do super long hours 8JiWui-n-C4-00063-00012894-00013043 or anything like that at least not 8JiWui-n-C4-00064-00013044-00013253 usually and as a nuclear engineer you 8JiWui-n-C4-00065-00013254-00013415 kind of hope that your job is boring 8JiWui-n-C4-00066-00013416-00013594 let's be honest because your job 8JiWui-n-C4-00067-00013595-00013763 generally speaking if you're working on 8JiWui-n-C4-00068-00013763-00013949 an electrical plant is to make sure that 8JiWui-n-C4-00069-00013950-00014135 the next Chernobyl doesn't happen now 8JiWui-n-C4-00070-00014136-00014272 there's a lot of other jobs you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00071-00014273-00014458 work in for instance you could be a 8JiWui-n-C4-00072-00014459-00014621 waste management expert and get rid of 8JiWui-n-C4-00073-00014622-00014807 different nuclear waste you could get a 8JiWui-n-C4-00074-00014808-00014969 job working with nuclear submarines 8JiWui-n-C4-00075-00014969-00015107 where you'd be working on Naval 8JiWui-n-C4-00076-00015108-00015299 propulsion you could also do a lot of 8JiWui-n-C4-00077-00015300-00015485 research and development there are a lot 8JiWui-n-C4-00078-00015486-00015647 of job opportunities out there besides 8JiWui-n-C4-00079-00015647-00015791 working in the energy industry 8JiWui-n-C4-00080-00015791-00015965 specifically and depending on what 8JiWui-n-C4-00081-00015966-00016138 career path you go down you might end up 8JiWui-n-C4-00082-00016140-00016397 going back and getting a masters overall 8JiWui-n-C4-00083-00016398-00016636 unless you know exactly what you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00084-00016637-00016817 going for exactly what career you want 8JiWui-n-C4-00085-00016818-00016985 to get into and exactly how you need to 8JiWui-n-C4-00086-00016986-00017207 get there I would recommend not going 8JiWui-n-C4-00087-00017208-00017393 into this one that's because of the 8JiWui-n-C4-00088-00017394-00017579 negative job outlook and I've been asked 8JiWui-n-C4-00089-00017580-00017729 about this one several times in the 8JiWui-n-C4-00090-00017730-00017879 comments section I might make an entire 8JiWui-n-C4-00091-00017880-00018053 video on it but if you want to speed 8JiWui-n-C4-00092-00018054-00018197 things up and just watch this video 8JiWui-n-C4-00093-00018198-00018443 overall I kind of don't recommend it I 8JiWui-n-C4-00094-00018444-00018569 think a lot of the other engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00095-00018570-00018749 degrees are going to be better number 8JiWui-n-C4-00096-00018750-00018953 nine on the list is going to be computer 8JiWui-n-C4-00097-00018954-00019222 systems engineering now this one is 8JiWui-n-C4-00098-00019223-00019367 basically going to be kind of a com 8JiWui-n-C4-00099-00019368-00019585 combination of computer science 8JiWui-n-C4-00100-00019586-00019900 engineering skills math skills of course 8JiWui-n-C4-00101-00019901-00020117 and then a little bit of maybe I.T 8JiWui-n-C4-00102-00020118-00020314 skills as well so information technology 8JiWui-n-C4-00103-00020315-00020494 and it's going to be used to figure out 8JiWui-n-C4-00104-00020495-00020705 how technology fits into the larger 8JiWui-n-C4-00105-00020706-00020944 scheme of an organization or a business 8JiWui-n-C4-00106-00020945-00021125 now this one you can expect to make 8JiWui-n-C4-00107-00021126-00021293 around seventy four thousand dollars a 8JiWui-n-C4-00108-00021294-00021485 year starting out and mid-career pay is 8JiWui-n-C4-00109-00021486-00021647 a hundred and twenty four thousand a 8JiWui-n-C4-00110-00021648-00021827 year there's a ton of different career 8JiWui-n-C4-00111-00021828-00021958 paths that you could go for with this 8JiWui-n-C4-00112-00021959-00022078 one because of the fact that you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00113-00022079-00022319 going to be specializing in skill sets 8JiWui-n-C4-00114-00022320-00022469 that are going to be in the technology 8JiWui-n-C4-00115-00022470-00022672 industry there's going to be a lot of 8JiWui-n-C4-00116-00022673-00022847 different opportunities out there one 8JiWui-n-C4-00117-00022848-00022985 career path you could definitely go for 8JiWui-n-C4-00118-00022986-00023249 would be a computer systems analyst they 8JiWui-n-C4-00119-00023250-00023428 make around ninety thousand dollars a 8JiWui-n-C4-00120-00023429-00023692 year there's 632 000 jobs available it's 8JiWui-n-C4-00121-00023693-00023872 growing at seven percent which is faster 8JiWui-n-C4-00122-00023873-00024035 than average and that means over the 8JiWui-n-C4-00123-00024036-00024263 next 10 years there's going to be 46 000 8JiWui-n-C4-00124-00024264-00024472 new jobs available you could also become 8JiWui-n-C4-00125-00024473-00024683 a computer hardware engineer where they 8JiWui-n-C4-00126-00024684-00025007 make around 117 000 a year there's 71 8JiWui-n-C4-00127-00025008-00025186 000 jobs available so quite a bit less 8JiWui-n-C4-00128-00025187-00025336 it's growing at two percent which is 8JiWui-n-C4-00129-00025337-00025499 slow more than average and that means 8JiWui-n-C4-00130-00025500-00025631 over the next 10 years there's going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00131-00025632-00025877 be about 1100 jobs that pop up now I 8JiWui-n-C4-00132-00025877-00026062 know with these technology degrees it 8JiWui-n-C4-00133-00026063-00026261 can be very confusing because all of 8JiWui-n-C4-00134-00026262-00026489 them almost sound like the same thing so 8JiWui-n-C4-00135-00026489-00026639 I like to compare them so that you can 8JiWui-n-C4-00136-00026639-00026795 get an idea of what you would be doing 8JiWui-n-C4-00137-00026795-00027005 with one over the other so if you were 8JiWui-n-C4-00138-00027006-00027202 to get a computer science degree for 8JiWui-n-C4-00139-00027204-00027401 instance you'd probably go into more 8JiWui-n-C4-00140-00027402-00027658 information technology related jobs or 8JiWui-n-C4-00141-00027660-00027827 software development software 8JiWui-n-C4-00142-00027827-00028012 engineering related jobs whereas 8JiWui-n-C4-00143-00028013-00028181 computer systems Engineers are going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00144-00028182-00028367 be working with maybe some low-level 8JiWui-n-C4-00145-00028368-00028505 software engineering software 8JiWui-n-C4-00146-00028506-00028673 development like some low-level 8JiWui-n-C4-00147-00028674-00028835 programming but for the most part 8JiWui-n-C4-00148-00028836-00028955 they're going to be working with 8JiWui-n-C4-00149-00028956-00029135 Hardware so with computer science you 8JiWui-n-C4-00150-00029136-00029320 might go work at Google or Facebook and 8JiWui-n-C4-00151-00029322-00029518 become a software engineer whereas with 8JiWui-n-C4-00152-00029519-00029693 computer information systems you might 8JiWui-n-C4-00153-00029694-00029933 work at Intel and design the next 8JiWui-n-C4-00154-00029933-00030167 processor overall this is a relatively 8JiWui-n-C4-00155-00030168-00030323 rare Majors there's not that many 8JiWui-n-C4-00156-00030324-00030508 graduates that you can find all over the 8JiWui-n-C4-00157-00030510-00030646 country on top of that you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00158-00030647-00030827 probably get into these same exact jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00159-00030827-00031024 do the same exact careers by getting a 8JiWui-n-C4-00160-00031025-00031223 computer engineering degree and you'd 8JiWui-n-C4-00161-00031224-00031427 have access to a lot of others as well 8JiWui-n-C4-00162-00031427-00031618 so this can be a really good one to get 8JiWui-n-C4-00163-00031619-00031768 into if you know exactly what you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00164-00031769-00031937 going for but overall you'd probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00165-00031938-00032105 just want to go for computer engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00166-00032106-00032290 instead number eight on the list is 8JiWui-n-C4-00167-00032291-00032543 going to be Marine engineering so this 8JiWui-n-C4-00168-00032544-00032668 is going to be engineering that's all 8JiWui-n-C4-00169-00032669-00032885 about anything in the ocean so boats 8JiWui-n-C4-00170-00032886-00033143 ships oil rigs Etc with this degree you 8JiWui-n-C4-00171-00033144-00033299 can expect to make around seventy four 8JiWui-n-C4-00172-00033300-00033449 thousand dollars a year in your first 8JiWui-n-C4-00173-00033450-00033755 five years and 125 000 in mid-career pay 8JiWui-n-C4-00174-00033756-00033983 one career you could go into is becoming 8JiWui-n-C4-00175-00033984-00034211 a Marine engineer or a naval architect 8JiWui-n-C4-00176-00034212-00034421 they make around ninety two thousand 8JiWui-n-C4-00177-00034422-00034589 dollars a year there's eleven thousand 8JiWui-n-C4-00178-00034590-00034751 eight hundred jobs available it is 8JiWui-n-C4-00179-00034752-00034931 growing pretty slowly at about one 8JiWui-n-C4-00180-00034932-00035062 percent so there's only going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00181-00035063-00035255 about 200 jobs that open up in the next 8JiWui-n-C4-00182-00035256-00035446 10 years now at this degree there's 8JiWui-n-C4-00183-00035447-00035639 basically two different types of marine 8JiWui-n-C4-00184-00035640-00035777 engineers and there's two different 8JiWui-n-C4-00185-00035778-00035933 areas that you could go which are going 8JiWui-n-C4-00186-00035934-00036155 to be completely different so you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00187-00036156-00036383 be a marine engineer that is actually on 8JiWui-n-C4-00188-00036384-00036580 the ship itself and you're kind of like 8JiWui-n-C4-00189-00036581-00036785 almost like the ship's mechanic but you 8JiWui-n-C4-00190-00036786-00036917 have a little bit more knowledge than 8JiWui-n-C4-00191-00036918-00037073 your average mechanic so it's going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00192-00037074-00037307 be a very Hands-On type of career where 8JiWui-n-C4-00193-00037308-00037474 you know about the ship you know 8JiWui-n-C4-00194-00037475-00037624 everything about the ship and all the 8JiWui-n-C4-00195-00037625-00037835 mechanical workings within it but you 8JiWui-n-C4-00196-00037836-00038045 can also work on it if need be if you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00197-00038046-00038218 a fan of sci-fi you can think about it 8JiWui-n-C4-00198-00038219-00038387 like this whenever you're watching a 8JiWui-n-C4-00199-00038388-00038585 sci-fi movie they always have an 8JiWui-n-C4-00200-00038586-00038771 engineer on board the ship now this 8JiWui-n-C4-00201-00038772-00038945 engineer ends up working on the ship in 8JiWui-n-C4-00202-00038946-00039118 just about every single season that you 8JiWui-n-C4-00203-00039119-00039305 see even though they're an engineer 8JiWui-n-C4-00204-00039306-00039521 they're not a mechanic they still end up 8JiWui-n-C4-00205-00039522-00039701 working on the ship itself this is kind 8JiWui-n-C4-00206-00039702-00039839 of the same thing you're going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00207-00039840-00040073 spending long periods of time away from 8JiWui-n-C4-00208-00040074-00040229 your family in the middle of the ocean 8JiWui-n-C4-00209-00040230-00040451 floating on a ship so this might be 8JiWui-n-C4-00210-00040452-00040589 great if you're single and you don't 8JiWui-n-C4-00211-00040590-00040727 have to worry about taking care of a 8JiWui-n-C4-00212-00040728-00040937 family or anything like that however as 8JiWui-n-C4-00213-00040938-00041068 you're getting older you want to have a 8JiWui-n-C4-00214-00041069-00041249 family this is going to be a real drain 8JiWui-n-C4-00215-00041250-00041501 on your work-life balance but it will 8JiWui-n-C4-00216-00041502-00041687 probably pay you extremely well 8JiWui-n-C4-00217-00041688-00041896 especially if you're good another type 8JiWui-n-C4-00218-00041897-00042101 of common Marine engineering is more of 8JiWui-n-C4-00219-00042102-00042239 a desk job where you're going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00220-00042240-00042437 focusing on maintaining and upgrading 8JiWui-n-C4-00221-00042438-00042635 ships within a fleet this one probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00222-00042636-00042802 won't pay quite as well but you're going 8JiWui-n-C4-00223-00042803-00043007 to have better work-life balance overall 8JiWui-n-C4-00224-00043008-00043174 the big problem with Marine engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00225-00043175-00043402 is a very common problem when it comes 8JiWui-n-C4-00226-00043403-00043583 to different engineering related majors 8JiWui-n-C4-00227-00043584-00043793 and that is that it's a little bit too 8JiWui-n-C4-00228-00043794-00044021 specialized so if you get a mechanical 8JiWui-n-C4-00229-00044022-00044195 engineering degree for instance you 8JiWui-n-C4-00230-00044196-00044387 could potentially become a Marine 8JiWui-n-C4-00231-00044388-00044633 engineer but if you become a Marine 8JiWui-n-C4-00232-00044634-00044752 engineer it's going to be a little bit 8JiWui-n-C4-00233-00044753-00044968 harder for you to become a mechanical 8JiWui-n-C4-00234-00044969-00045173 engineer engineering degrees in general 8JiWui-n-C4-00235-00045174-00045389 are pretty good so you don't have to get 8JiWui-n-C4-00236-00045390-00045695 that specific in order to find a job so 8JiWui-n-C4-00237-00045696-00045893 getting too specific with an engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00238-00045894-00046102 related degree can actually be a bad 8JiWui-n-C4-00239-00046103-00046337 thing sometimes number seven on the list 8JiWui-n-C4-00240-00046338-00046601 is going to be Aeronautical Engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00241-00046602-00046780 so this one is actually going to be the 8JiWui-n-C4-00242-00046781-00047002 degree that my dad got so shout out to 8JiWui-n-C4-00243-00047003-00047171 Dad if you're watching this and 8JiWui-n-C4-00244-00047172-00047393 basically Aeronautical Engineering is a 8JiWui-n-C4-00245-00047394-00047590 subset of aerospace engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00246-00047591-00047849 Aerospace is going to be aeronautical as 8JiWui-n-C4-00247-00047850-00048017 well as astronautical and that's 8JiWui-n-C4-00248-00048018-00048185 basically aeronautical is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00249-00048186-00048430 things that fly within the confounds of 8JiWui-n-C4-00250-00048431-00048605 the earth whereas astronautical is going 8JiWui-n-C4-00251-00048606-00048802 to be things that are flying outside of 8JiWui-n-C4-00252-00048803-00049036 the earth outside of the atmosphere Now 8JiWui-n-C4-00253-00049037-00049186 with an Aeronautical Engineering degree 8JiWui-n-C4-00254-00049187-00049379 you can expect to make around 71 one 8JiWui-n-C4-00255-00049380-00049577 thousand dollars a year starting out and 8JiWui-n-C4-00256-00049578-00049715 a hundred and twenty five thousand a 8JiWui-n-C4-00257-00049716-00049924 year in mid-career pay for all intents 8JiWui-n-C4-00258-00049925-00050093 and purposes aeronautical and aerospace 8JiWui-n-C4-00259-00050094-00050224 engineering degrees are pretty much 8JiWui-n-C4-00260-00050225-00050368 combined at this point so you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00261-00050369-00050567 become an aerospace engineer and they 8JiWui-n-C4-00262-00050568-00050717 make around a hundred and sixteen 8JiWui-n-C4-00263-00050718-00050890 thousand dollars a year there's sixty 8JiWui-n-C4-00264-00050891-00051052 six thousand jobs available and it's 8JiWui-n-C4-00265-00051053-00051226 growing at three percent which is as 8JiWui-n-C4-00266-00051227-00051407 fast as average meaning over the next 10 8JiWui-n-C4-00267-00051408-00051652 years they expect around 1900 jobs to 8JiWui-n-C4-00268-00051653-00051916 pop up so Pros to this one is that if 8JiWui-n-C4-00269-00051917-00052049 you're somebody who really likes 8JiWui-n-C4-00270-00052050-00052325 airplanes Jets helicopters spaceships 8JiWui-n-C4-00271-00052326-00052523 Rockets Etc that's pretty freaking 8JiWui-n-C4-00272-00052524-00052738 awesome I mean if you like that this is 8JiWui-n-C4-00273-00052739-00052961 going to be a awesome job for you if you 8JiWui-n-C4-00274-00052962-00053147 work as a government contractor there's 8JiWui-n-C4-00275-00053148-00053285 probably going to be a really good job 8JiWui-n-C4-00276-00053286-00053441 security that'll be one of the most 8JiWui-n-C4-00277-00053441-00053573 common jobs that you're going to see 8JiWui-n-C4-00278-00053574-00053849 overall if you love Aviation Aerospace 8JiWui-n-C4-00279-00053850-00054004 all that sort of thing if you're one of 8JiWui-n-C4-00280-00054005-00054119 those people who's obsessed with 8JiWui-n-C4-00281-00054120-00054353 airplanes like my dad this is going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00282-00054354-00054604 be a great option for you next one on 8JiWui-n-C4-00283-00054605-00054742 the list is going to be chemical 8JiWui-n-C4-00284-00054744-00054941 engineering so this one is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00285-00054941-00055109 focused on producing designing 8JiWui-n-C4-00286-00055110-00055259 extracting all kinds of different 8JiWui-n-C4-00287-00055260-00055588 materials liquid solids as well as gases 8JiWui-n-C4-00288-00055589-00055787 in some cases so with this degree you 8JiWui-n-C4-00289-00055788-00055949 can expect to make around seventy three 8JiWui-n-C4-00290-00055950-00056099 thousand dollars a year in your first 8JiWui-n-C4-00291-00056100-00056404 five years and 128 000 in mid-career Pay 8JiWui-n-C4-00292-00056405-00056621 according to BLS chemical engineers make 8JiWui-n-C4-00293-00056622-00056753 around a hundred and eight thousand 8JiWui-n-C4-00294-00056754-00056950 dollars a year there's 32 000 jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00295-00056951-00057113 available and it's growing at four 8JiWui-n-C4-00296-00057114-00057275 percent which is about as fast as 8JiWui-n-C4-00297-00057276-00057430 average meaning over the next 10 years 8JiWui-n-C4-00298-00057432-00057604 there's going to be 1400 more jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00299-00057605-00057785 popping up now chemical engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00300-00057786-00057959 overall is one of the more flexible 8JiWui-n-C4-00301-00057960-00058187 degrees on this list meaning there's a 8JiWui-n-C4-00302-00058188-00058361 lot of different Pathways that you can 8JiWui-n-C4-00303-00058362-00058547 go down for instance you could become a 8JiWui-n-C4-00304-00058548-00058673 petroleum engineer which is something 8JiWui-n-C4-00305-00058674-00058823 we'll be talking about very soon there's 8JiWui-n-C4-00306-00058824-00058961 a lot of money in the natural gas 8JiWui-n-C4-00307-00058962-00059171 industry you could get into process 8JiWui-n-C4-00308-00059172-00059338 engineering which is all about making 8JiWui-n-C4-00309-00059339-00059554 sure that a particular process that is 8JiWui-n-C4-00310-00059555-00059782 being done on a mass scale is safe 8JiWui-n-C4-00311-00059783-00059999 itself regulates and all that sort of 8JiWui-n-C4-00312-00060000-00060161 thing making sure there isn't a bunch of 8JiWui-n-C4-00313-00060162-00060359 extra reactions going on when you mix 8JiWui-n-C4-00314-00060360-00060556 two chemical compounds together that you 8JiWui-n-C4-00315-00060557-00060779 don't want could also go into nanotech 8JiWui-n-C4-00316-00060779-00060976 which focuses mostly on solar cells 8JiWui-n-C4-00317-00060977-00061216 batteries and semiconductors you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00318-00061217-00061487 also go into biology which is basically 8JiWui-n-C4-00319-00061488-00061613 where you're going to be doing a lot of 8JiWui-n-C4-00320-00061614-00061804 the same work as somebody with a biology 8JiWui-n-C4-00321-00061805-00062003 degree but you're going to have more of 8JiWui-n-C4-00322-00062004-00062266 a focus on solving problems whereas 8JiWui-n-C4-00323-00062267-00062459 biology degrees have more of a focus on 8JiWui-n-C4-00324-00062460-00062699 figuring out how things work so it's a 8JiWui-n-C4-00325-00062700-00062837 little bit more practical a little bit 8JiWui-n-C4-00326-00062838-00063082 more applicable to the real world and so 8JiWui-n-C4-00327-00063083-00063238 therefore companies are much more likely 8JiWui-n-C4-00328-00063239-00063425 to hire you overall this is a pretty 8JiWui-n-C4-00329-00063426-00063629 good one it's not as flexible as some of 8JiWui-n-C4-00330-00063629-00063785 the other degrees that I've mentioned in 8JiWui-n-C4-00331-00063786-00063935 some of my other videos like mechanical 8JiWui-n-C4-00332-00063936-00064150 engineering for instance however it is 8JiWui-n-C4-00333-00064151-00064337 relatively flexible it's pretty good 8JiWui-n-C4-00334-00064338-00064511 overall I would recommend going into 8JiWui-n-C4-00335-00064512-00064649 this one if you're someone who's really 8JiWui-n-C4-00336-00064650-00064841 interested in chemistry and you don't 8JiWui-n-C4-00337-00064841-00065032 want to get like a chemistry degree or a 8JiWui-n-C4-00338-00065033-00065230 biology degree number five on the list 8JiWui-n-C4-00339-00065232-00065416 is going to be electrical power 8JiWui-n-C4-00340-00065417-00065603 engineering now this one is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00341-00065604-00065771 kind of like electrical engineering but 8JiWui-n-C4-00342-00065772-00065926 it's going to focus much more on 8JiWui-n-C4-00343-00065927-00066167 electrical systems so this one is a 8JiWui-n-C4-00344-00066168-00066329 little bit more Hands-On when it comes 8JiWui-n-C4-00345-00066330-00066556 to electronics whereas an electrical 8JiWui-n-C4-00346-00066557-00066700 engineering degree would be a little bit 8JiWui-n-C4-00347-00066701-00066923 more theoretical and on the design side 8JiWui-n-C4-00348-00066924-00067103 of things now at this degree you would 8JiWui-n-C4-00349-00067104-00067247 expect to make around seventy three 8JiWui-n-C4-00350-00067248-00067432 thousand dollars a year starting out and 8JiWui-n-C4-00351-00067433-00067703 130 000 in mid-career pay one career 8JiWui-n-C4-00352-00067704-00067882 path you could go down is becoming an 8JiWui-n-C4-00353-00067883-00068081 electrical or electronics engineer and 8JiWui-n-C4-00354-00068082-00068206 they make around a hundred and one 8JiWui-n-C4-00355-00068207-00068459 thousand a year there's 328 000 jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00356-00068460-00068621 available it's growing at three percent 8JiWui-n-C4-00357-00068622-00068794 which is as fast as average meaning 8JiWui-n-C4-00358-00068795-00068981 there's going to be about 10 000 jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00359-00068982-00069191 that pop up in the next 10 years now 8JiWui-n-C4-00360-00069192-00069287 again there's a lot of different 8JiWui-n-C4-00361-00069288-00069473 directions you could go with this but 8JiWui-n-C4-00362-00069474-00069605 generally speaking a lot of people who 8JiWui-n-C4-00363-00069606-00069755 graduate with this degree are going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00364-00069756-00069965 end up kind of becoming very Hands-On 8JiWui-n-C4-00365-00069966-00070144 they're going to be working in the field 8JiWui-n-C4-00366-00070145-00070373 so it's almost like they are a 8JiWui-n-C4-00367-00070374-00070576 technician or a mechanic or kind of a 8JiWui-n-C4-00368-00070577-00070829 trades person that also has that higher 8JiWui-n-C4-00369-00070830-00071015 level engineering knowledge so if you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00370-00071016-00071141 somebody who really likes working with 8JiWui-n-C4-00371-00071142-00071291 your hands this might be a good one to 8JiWui-n-C4-00372-00071292-00071500 look into but overall I think you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00373-00071501-00071687 do the same exact jobs with just an 8JiWui-n-C4-00374-00071688-00071897 electrical engineering degree so I would 8JiWui-n-C4-00375-00071898-00072047 probably go with that one just to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00376-00072048-00072250 safe because it's more flexible number 8JiWui-n-C4-00377-00072251-00072473 four on the list is going to be systems 8JiWui-n-C4-00378-00072474-00072700 engineering now systems engineering is 8JiWui-n-C4-00379-00072701-00072911 basically kind of a combination of 8JiWui-n-C4-00380-00072912-00073109 engineering skills with some business 8JiWui-n-C4-00381-00073110-00073331 skills and management as well now that 8JiWui-n-C4-00382-00073332-00073594 that is a really really good combination 8JiWui-n-C4-00383-00073595-00073817 you're going to be focusing on designing 8JiWui-n-C4-00384-00073818-00074038 maintaining and integrating complex 8JiWui-n-C4-00385-00074039-00074231 systems throughout their life cycle so 8JiWui-n-C4-00386-00074232-00074393 with a systems engineering degree you 8JiWui-n-C4-00387-00074394-00074603 would expect to make around 74 000 a 8JiWui-n-C4-00388-00074604-00074741 year in your first five years after 8JiWui-n-C4-00389-00074742-00075047 graduating and 132 000 in mid-career Pay 8JiWui-n-C4-00390-00075048-00075203 there's a ton of different career paths 8JiWui-n-C4-00391-00075204-00075359 you could go down one that you could end 8JiWui-n-C4-00392-00075360-00075605 up doing is an Industrial Engineer they 8JiWui-n-C4-00393-00075606-00075929 make around 88 000 a year there's 295 8JiWui-n-C4-00394-00075930-00076109 000 jobs available it's growing at 10 8JiWui-n-C4-00395-00076110-00076271 percent which is much faster than 8JiWui-n-C4-00396-00076272-00076481 average meaning there's going to be 30 8JiWui-n-C4-00397-00076482-00076697 000 new jobs in the next 10 years which 8JiWui-n-C4-00398-00076698-00076871 is excellent so the way to explain this 8JiWui-n-C4-00399-00076872-00077056 one is imagine you work at Tesla and 8JiWui-n-C4-00400-00077057-00077285 Elon Musk just gets this wild idea in 8JiWui-n-C4-00401-00077286-00077579 his head he's going to design a car that 8JiWui-n-C4-00402-00077580-00077771 can fly over traffic because he's really 8JiWui-n-C4-00403-00077772-00077969 tired of all the LA traffic so to design 8JiWui-n-C4-00404-00077970-00078106 this car they're going to have several 8JiWui-n-C4-00405-00078107-00078262 different teams of Engineers that are 8JiWui-n-C4-00406-00078263-00078503 working on each individual part so for 8JiWui-n-C4-00407-00078504-00078676 instance the engine and all that sort of 8JiWui-n-C4-00408-00078677-00078809 thing is probably going to have a bunch 8JiWui-n-C4-00409-00078810-00079012 of mechanical engineers the hardware 8JiWui-n-C4-00410-00079013-00079193 within the car is probably going to have 8JiWui-n-C4-00411-00079194-00079325 a bunch of computer engineers and 8JiWui-n-C4-00412-00079326-00079541 electrical engineers and then the 8JiWui-n-C4-00413-00079542-00079756 software side of things the interface on 8JiWui-n-C4-00414-00079757-00079871 the screen for instance that you're 8JiWui-n-C4-00415-00079872-00080009 going to be touching in order to 8JiWui-n-C4-00416-00080010-00080267 activate helicopter mode is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00417-00080268-00080519 designed by software Engineers as a 8JiWui-n-C4-00418-00080520-00080669 systems engineer you would basically 8JiWui-n-C4-00419-00080670-00080891 kind of be overlooking all of these 8JiWui-n-C4-00420-00080892-00081106 different teams and you would possibly 8JiWui-n-C4-00421-00081107-00081323 be in a management position where you 8JiWui-n-C4-00422-00081324-00081425 make sure that all of the different 8JiWui-n-C4-00423-00081426-00081611 teams work together so you're going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00424-00081612-00081785 kind of be like a jack of all trades 8JiWui-n-C4-00425-00081786-00081965 where you have a pretty good idea of 8JiWui-n-C4-00426-00081966-00082138 what everybody's doing but most 8JiWui-n-C4-00427-00082139-00082265 importantly you're bringing them all 8JiWui-n-C4-00428-00082266-00082409 together and making sure they're working 8JiWui-n-C4-00429-00082410-00082582 together to create the best possible 8JiWui-n-C4-00430-00082583-00082775 final product number three on the list 8JiWui-n-C4-00431-00082776-00082955 is going to be chemical engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00432-00082956-00083249 mixed with materials science engineering 8JiWui-n-C4-00433-00083250-00083368 now we already talked about what 8JiWui-n-C4-00434-00083369-00083573 chemical Engineers do but Material 8JiWui-n-C4-00435-00083574-00083806 Science is going to be focused on solid 8JiWui-n-C4-00436-00083807-00084041 products solid materials they're also 8JiWui-n-C4-00437-00084042-00084197 going to have a little bit more of a 8JiWui-n-C4-00438-00084198-00084394 science type Focus meaning you know 8JiWui-n-C4-00439-00084395-00084581 white lab coat in the lab sort of thing 8JiWui-n-C4-00440-00084582-00084761 whereas chemical Engineers probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00441-00084762-00085018 wouldn't be as science focused so with 8JiWui-n-C4-00442-00085019-00085138 this combination you're going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00443-00085139-00085288 making around seventy four thousand 8JiWui-n-C4-00444-00085289-00085511 dollars year starting out and mid-career 8JiWui-n-C4-00445-00085512-00085685 pay is going to be a hundred and thirty 8JiWui-n-C4-00446-00085686-00085888 seven thousand materials engineers make 8JiWui-n-C4-00447-00085889-00086056 around ninety three thousand dollars a 8JiWui-n-C4-00448-00086057-00086212 year there's twenty seven thousand jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00449-00086213-00086375 available and it's growing at two 8JiWui-n-C4-00450-00086376-00086549 percent which is pretty slow meaning 8JiWui-n-C4-00451-00086550-00086723 there's only going to be about 400 jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00452-00086724-00086938 that pop up in the next 10 years now 8JiWui-n-C4-00453-00086939-00087076 there's a ton of different directions 8JiWui-n-C4-00454-00087077-00087293 that you could go with this skill set it 8JiWui-n-C4-00455-00087294-00087532 is relatively flexible you could go into 8JiWui-n-C4-00456-00087533-00087761 Metallurgy you could become a process 8JiWui-n-C4-00457-00087762-00087982 engineer you could become an Industrial 8JiWui-n-C4-00458-00087983-00088205 Engineer you could even go into becoming 8JiWui-n-C4-00459-00088206-00088415 a research scientist now one thing that 8JiWui-n-C4-00460-00088416-00088582 I think is really interesting is quantum 8JiWui-n-C4-00461-00088583-00088811 Computing and how semiconductors are 8JiWui-n-C4-00462-00088812-00089009 basically making that possible a really 8JiWui-n-C4-00463-00089010-00089194 good YouTuber Jake Tran did an entire 8JiWui-n-C4-00464-00089195-00089405 video on Quantum Computing and I thought 8JiWui-n-C4-00465-00089406-00089561 it was really awesome and all of that 8JiWui-n-C4-00466-00089562-00089771 was made possible by semiconductors that 8JiWui-n-C4-00467-00089772-00089926 were probably created by a chemical 8JiWui-n-C4-00468-00089927-00090137 engineer or a material science engineer 8JiWui-n-C4-00469-00090138-00090311 number two on the list is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00470-00090312-00090562 electrical engineering and you guessed 8JiWui-n-C4-00471-00090563-00090875 it combination with computer science I 8JiWui-n-C4-00472-00090876-00091121 knew it so electrical engineering is 8JiWui-n-C4-00473-00091122-00091276 going to be all about any sort of 8JiWui-n-C4-00474-00091277-00091475 electrical circuit electrical system 8JiWui-n-C4-00475-00091476-00091673 anything that has to do with electronics 8JiWui-n-C4-00476-00091674-00091835 computer science is going to be more 8JiWui-n-C4-00477-00091836-00092062 about the actual study of computers and 8JiWui-n-C4-00478-00092063-00092267 computation as well as having a focus on 8JiWui-n-C4-00479-00092268-00092500 math and algorithms now you can see why 8JiWui-n-C4-00480-00092501-00092626 this would make an incredible 8JiWui-n-C4-00481-00092627-00092812 combination because you basically have 8JiWui-n-C4-00482-00092813-00093011 kind of the software side of things with 8JiWui-n-C4-00483-00093012-00093167 someone who can also work on the 8JiWui-n-C4-00484-00093168-00093335 hardware side of things the electrical 8JiWui-n-C4-00485-00093336-00093509 side now this combination you can expect 8JiWui-n-C4-00486-00093510-00093700 to make around a hundred and one 8JiWui-n-C4-00487-00093701-00093893 thousand dollars a year starting out and 8JiWui-n-C4-00488-00093894-00094187 152 000 in mid-career pay now you'd 8JiWui-n-C4-00489-00094188-00094343 pretty much have to be a genius in order 8JiWui-n-C4-00490-00094344-00094505 to get both of these degrees at the same 8JiWui-n-C4-00491-00094506-00094655 time especially if you did it in four 8JiWui-n-C4-00492-00094656-00094888 years that would be insane but there's a 8JiWui-n-C4-00493-00094889-00095044 ton of different career paths you could 8JiWui-n-C4-00494-00095045-00095267 go down with this the sky is the limit 8JiWui-n-C4-00495-00095268-00095471 you could basically get just about any 8JiWui-n-C4-00496-00095472-00095638 job that you want to get in the tech 8JiWui-n-C4-00497-00095639-00095831 industry and the tech industry is one of 8JiWui-n-C4-00498-00095832-00096011 the best Industries out there it has the 8JiWui-n-C4-00499-00096012-00096221 most opportunity one career path you 8JiWui-n-C4-00500-00096222-00096388 could go down is becoming an Electronics 8JiWui-n-C4-00501-00096389-00096605 or electrical engineer they make around 8JiWui-n-C4-00502-00096606-00096767 a hundred and one thousand dollars a 8JiWui-n-C4-00503-00096768-00097073 year there's 328 000 jobs available and 8JiWui-n-C4-00504-00097074-00097229 it's growing at three percent which is 8JiWui-n-C4-00505-00097230-00097403 as fast as average search that means 8JiWui-n-C4-00506-00097404-00097541 over the next 10 years there's going to 8JiWui-n-C4-00507-00097542-00097805 be around 10 800 new jobs available now 8JiWui-n-C4-00508-00097806-00097918 remember what I was talking about 8JiWui-n-C4-00509-00097919-00098111 earlier with the systems engineer where 8JiWui-n-C4-00510-00098112-00098326 you kind of have this problem where the 8JiWui-n-C4-00511-00098327-00098506 hardware people and the software people 8JiWui-n-C4-00512-00098507-00098711 don't really understand each other and 8JiWui-n-C4-00513-00098712-00098873 so you have to make sure that they're on 8JiWui-n-C4-00514-00098874-00099035 the same page well that probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00515-00099036-00099209 wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem 8JiWui-n-C4-00516-00099210-00099406 if you had this combination because you 8JiWui-n-C4-00517-00099407-00099647 truly would understand both sides and so 8JiWui-n-C4-00518-00099648-00099791 that makes this degree totally 8JiWui-n-C4-00519-00099792-00099988 invaluable if you're somebody who really 8JiWui-n-C4-00520-00099989-00100223 gets the hardware side as well as the 8JiWui-n-C4-00521-00100224-00100444 software side companies are gonna just 8JiWui-n-C4-00522-00100445-00100631 love you an example of a company that 8JiWui-n-C4-00523-00100632-00100805 would love you would be apple and you 8JiWui-n-C4-00524-00100806-00100943 would be someone who would help them to 8JiWui-n-C4-00525-00100944-00101123 design their overpriced new phones 8JiWui-n-C4-00526-00101124-00101368 number one on the list is going to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00527-00101369-00101621 petroleum engineering and you probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00528-00101622-00101837 guessed it this one is the highest 8JiWui-n-C4-00529-00101838-00102065 paying engineering degree actually it's 8JiWui-n-C4-00530-00102066-00102305 the highest paying degree period now 8JiWui-n-C4-00531-00102306-00102418 with this one you're going to be working 8JiWui-n-C4-00532-00102419-00102640 in the natural gas industry probably 8JiWui-n-C4-00533-00102641-00102994 helping to extract and refine oil now at 8JiWui-n-C4-00534-00102995-00103108 this degree you're going to start off 8JiWui-n-C4-00535-00103109-00103277 making around ninety two thousand 8JiWui-n-C4-00536-00103278-00103565 dollars a year and mid-career pay is an 8JiWui-n-C4-00537-00103566-00103906 insane 182 8JiWui-n-C4-00538-00103907-00104128 000 on average petroleum Engineers 8JiWui-n-C4-00539-00104129-00104302 according to BLS can expect to make 8JiWui-n-C4-00540-00104303-00104656 around 137 000 a year there's 33 000 8JiWui-n-C4-00541-00104657-00104813 jobs available it's growing at three 8JiWui-n-C4-00542-00104814-00105034 percent which is about average but kind 8JiWui-n-C4-00543-00105035-00105202 of on the low side of average and that 8JiWui-n-C4-00544-00105203-00105347 means over the next 10 years there's 8JiWui-n-C4-00545-00105348-00105593 going to be 1 100 jobs available now 8JiWui-n-C4-00546-00105594-00105760 with this one you do have to be 8JiWui-n-C4-00547-00105761-00105923 extremely careful like I mentioned 8JiWui-n-C4-00548-00105924-00106115 before it is part of the energy industry 8JiWui-n-C4-00549-00106116-00106373 which is extremely volatile nobody knows 8JiWui-n-C4-00550-00106374-00106493 for sure what's going to happen with 8JiWui-n-C4-00551-00106494-00106649 this industry a lot of people think it's 8JiWui-n-C4-00552-00106650-00106775 going to be disappearing in the next 8JiWui-n-C4-00553-00106776-00106978 five or ten years I've done a lot of 8JiWui-n-C4-00554-00106979-00107165 research on this industry and I'm not 8JiWui-n-C4-00555-00107166-00107327 saying whether it's a good thing or a 8JiWui-n-C4-00556-00107328-00107458 bad thing I'm not trying to start that 8JiWui-n-C4-00557-00107459-00107686 conversation all I'm saying is it's 8JiWui-n-C4-00558-00107688-00107843 probably not going to go away in the 8JiWui-n-C4-00559-00107844-00108047 next five to ten years in fact it'll 8JiWui-n-C4-00560-00108048-00108245 probably be here for our entire 8JiWui-n-C4-00561-00108246-00108449 lifetimes there's a lot of great efforts 8JiWui-n-C4-00562-00108450-00108713 being made in solar and you know trying 8JiWui-n-C4-00563-00108714-00108910 to design electrical cars with their 8JiWui-n-C4-00564-00108911-00109060 batteries and all that sort of thing and 8JiWui-n-C4-00565-00109061-00109234 that's awesome but we're still a very 8JiWui-n-C4-00566-00109235-00109445 long way away from getting away from gas 8JiWui-n-C4-00567-00109446-00109666 powered cars but like I said it's very 8JiWui-n-C4-00568-00109667-00109913 volatile a war Could Happen policies 8JiWui-n-C4-00569-00109914-00110134 change presidential elections can change 8JiWui-n-C4-00570-00110135-00110339 things Senators can change things all 8JiWui-n-C4-00571-00110340-00110489 kinds of different regulations can 8JiWui-n-C4-00572-00110490-00110651 happen and these could absolutely 8JiWui-n-C4-00573-00110652-00110915 destroy the industry in 2014 for 8JiWui-n-C4-00574-00110916-00111101 instance there was a huge price crash 8JiWui-n-C4-00575-00111102-00111293 and a bunch of people ended up getting 8JiWui-n-C4-00576-00111294-00111497 fired or laid off there were petroleum 8JiWui-n-C4-00577-00111498-00111647 engineers and they worked in the energy 8JiWui-n-C4-00578-00111648-00111869 industry in general now things did end 8JiWui-n-C4-00579-00111870-00112084 up recovering after that so that was 8JiWui-n-C4-00580-00112085-00112289 kind of the good news but it did happen 8JiWui-n-C4-00581-00112290-00112463 and a lot of people lost their jobs 8JiWui-n-C4-00582-00112464-00112690 another thing that's affecting this is a 8JiWui-n-C4-00583-00112691-00112828 lot of the Baby Boomers that have been 8JiWui-n-C4-00584-00112829-00113021 working in the petroleum industry for 8JiWui-n-C4-00585-00113022-00113243 decades are going to be retiring soon 8JiWui-n-C4-00586-00113244-00113410 and that is going to open up quite a few 8JiWui-n-C4-00587-00113411-00113633 new jobs here nobody really knows what's 8JiWui-n-C4-00588-00113633-00113801 going to happen though I'm just here to 8JiWui-n-C4-00589-00113802-00113945 kind of tell you guys what I've read 8JiWui-n-C4-00590-00113946-00114149 with my research now one thing that I 8JiWui-n-C4-00591-00114150-00114263 mentioned here about a lot of these 8JiWui-n-C4-00592-00114264-00114478 degrees is many of them don't have that 8JiWui-n-C4-00593-00114479-00114701 many graduates every year a few of them 8JiWui-n-C4-00594-00114702-00114886 that I mentioned have less than 500 8JiWui-n-C4-00595-00114888-00115102 graduates for instance which means the 8JiWui-n-C4-00596-00115103-00115325 survey data which we rely on and order 8JiWui-n-C4-00597-00115326-00115540 to figure out what these numbers are is 8JiWui-n-C4-00598-00115541-00115751 probably quite a bit off some of these 8JiWui-n-C4-00599-00115752-00115960 degrees have less than 500 in some cases 8JiWui-n-C4-00600-00115961-00116177 even less than 100 graduates every year 8JiWui-n-C4-00601-00116178-00116507 and so we largely rely on survey and 8JiWui-n-C4-00602-00116508-00116752 census data for these numbers and that's 8JiWui-n-C4-00603-00116753-00116921 probably off just because of the fact 8JiWui-n-C4-00604-00116922-00117089 that you don't have a big enough sample 8JiWui-n-C4-00605-00117090-00117269 size so take some of these numbers with 8JiWui-n-C4-00606-00117270-00117449 a grain of salt and realize that if 8JiWui-n-C4-00607-00117450-00117586 there aren't that many people graduating 8JiWui-n-C4-00608-00117588-00117808 with a degree every year that is 8JiWui-n-C4-00609-00117809-00118019 generally speaking not a good sign 8JiWui-n-C4-00610-00118020-00118210 however I have been working extremely 8JiWui-n-C4-00611-00118211-00118451 hard on a project over the last few 8JiWui-n-C4-00612-00118452-00118733 months where I basically rank all of the 8JiWui-n-C4-00613-00118733-00118901 different degrees and I've collected 8JiWui-n-C4-00614-00118902-00119104 data from what I believe are the best 8JiWui-n-C4-00615-00119105-00119363 sources all across the internet to rank 8JiWui-n-C4-00616-00119364-00119597 these degrees on the most important 8JiWui-n-C4-00617-00119598-00119890 factors so I created version 1.1 of the 8JiWui-n-C4-00618-00119891-00120101 college degree Rancor which takes into 8JiWui-n-C4-00619-00120102-00120281 account what I think are the two most 8JiWui-n-C4-00620-00120282-00120551 important things which are demand and 8JiWui-n-C4-00621-00120552-00120743 salary on later versions I will include 8JiWui-n-C4-00622-00120744-00120881 all kinds of different metrics like 8JiWui-n-C4-00623-00120882-00121054 flexibility and all that sort of thing 8JiWui-n-C4-00624-00121055-00121234 but right now I decided to just create 8JiWui-n-C4-00625-00121235-00121486 an object active ranking of the 8JiWui-n-C4-00626-00121488-00121684 basically the job growth how much 8JiWui-n-C4-00627-00121685-00121877 opportunity there is within some kind of 8JiWui-n-C4-00628-00121878-00122093 job or some kind of degree as well as 8JiWui-n-C4-00629-00122094-00122333 the salary I actually hired somebody on 8JiWui-n-C4-00630-00122333-00122507 to help me with this project because it 8JiWui-n-C4-00631-00122508-00122740 was so much work and I created a patreon 8JiWui-n-C4-00632-00122741-00123016 down below that you can access I'm also 8JiWui-n-C4-00633-00123017-00123166 working on some other projects there 8JiWui-n-C4-00634-00123167-00123383 where I reveal my investment portfolios 8JiWui-n-C4-00635-00123383-00123539 and all kinds of other stuff that you 8JiWui-n-C4-00636-00123540-00123677 guys asked me about quite a bit 8JiWui-n-C4-00637-00123678-00123845 unfortunately there's only so much I can 8JiWui-n-C4-00638-00123846-00124025 do on YouTube as a platform just because 8JiWui-n-C4-00639-00124026-00124228 of the fact that YouTube is good for a 8JiWui-n-C4-00640-00124229-00124408 certain type of content but there's 8JiWui-n-C4-00641-00124409-00124564 other types of content that it's not so 8JiWui-n-C4-00642-00124565-00124708 good for now if you haven't done it 8JiWui-n-C4-00643-00124709-00124901 already go ahead and gently tap the like 8JiWui-n-C4-00644-00124902-00125086 button hit the Subscribe button ring the 8JiWui-n-C4-00645-00125088-00125266 notification Bell and comment down below 8JiWui-n-C4-00646-00125267-00125452 any thoughts comments criticisms Etc 8JiWui-n-C4-00647-00125453-00125627 that you have on the video and before 8JiWui-n-C4-00648-00125628-00125758 you leave check out my other videos 8JiWui-n-C4-00649-00125759-00126178 right here I made them just for you 8JiWui-n-C4-00650-00126179-00126479 foreign 8Monmf3gL1A-00000-00000042-00000574 foreign 8Monmf3gL1A-00001-00000575-00000767 welcome back to my YouTube tutorials 8Monmf3gL1A-00002-00000768-00000977 this is avian Graphics today we are 8Monmf3gL1A-00003-00000977-00001229 going to learn on how to design a 8Monmf3gL1A-00004-00001230-00001493 business card or complementary card in 8Monmf3gL1A-00005-00001494-00001763 Photoshop on this particular tutorial is 8Monmf3gL1A-00006-00001764-00002051 you will be able to learn how to do your 8Monmf3gL1A-00007-00002052-00002368 shipping and you also learn to have some 8Monmf3gL1A-00008-00002369-00002789 simple and how the plotting or how the 8Monmf3gL1A-00009-00002790-00003113 the bleeding area the working area or 8Monmf3gL1A-00010-00003114-00003340 the design area has been done in 8Monmf3gL1A-00011-00003342-00003575 Photoshop before you print it out then 8Monmf3gL1A-00012-00003576-00003803 you use your plotter to cut it out and 8Monmf3gL1A-00013-00003804-00003995 it will look so beautiful for you so in 8Monmf3gL1A-00014-00003996-00004175 this particular tutorial we are going to 8Monmf3gL1A-00015-00004176-00004445 learn everything and just keep up with 8Monmf3gL1A-00016-00004446-00004672 this particular distance and you'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00017-00004673-00004906 learn everything on Photoshop with me 8Monmf3gL1A-00018-00004907-00005213 Alas and abdulrahim yes so first of all 8Monmf3gL1A-00019-00005214-00005369 what we need to do is to just go 8Monmf3gL1A-00020-00005370-00005549 straight to our Photoshop just like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00021-00005550-00005777 and we are going to create a 8Monmf3gL1A-00022-00005778-00006167 complementary card size or business card 8Monmf3gL1A-00023-00006168-00006431 size and on this business class is just 8Monmf3gL1A-00024-00006431-00006725 information about the person or anybody 8Monmf3gL1A-00025-00006726-00006970 at all around you so I got this job from 8Monmf3gL1A-00026-00006972-00007325 uh one penny agrochemicals and the CEO 8Monmf3gL1A-00027-00007326-00007595 of government agrochemicals yes and we 8Monmf3gL1A-00028-00007595-00007781 are going to use this information to do 8Monmf3gL1A-00029-00007781-00007978 that in this particular distance and 8Monmf3gL1A-00030-00007979-00008141 when you are working try and wait 8Monmf3gL1A-00031-00008142-00008345 according to the person to the person 8Monmf3gL1A-00032-00008346-00008549 what to the person colors his logo 8Monmf3gL1A-00033-00008550-00008759 colors and everything the company colors 8Monmf3gL1A-00034-00008760-00008981 just try and have it just like that so 8Monmf3gL1A-00035-00008982-00009214 first of all let's just make our changes 8Monmf3gL1A-00036-00009215-00009460 over here so we are going to use inches 8Monmf3gL1A-00037-00009461-00009671 over there and it will look so beautiful 8Monmf3gL1A-00038-00009672-00009899 for us so over here we are going to make 8Monmf3gL1A-00039-00009900-00010114 a 3.5 8Monmf3gL1A-00040-00010115-00010396 okay and then over here we are going to 8Monmf3gL1A-00041-00010397-00010642 make it to and then we don't want it to 8Monmf3gL1A-00042-00010643-00010895 be on this we want it landscape so we'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00043-00010896-00011074 change our landscape different abilities 8Monmf3gL1A-00044-00011075-00011410 and 300 is original okay RGB will be 8Monmf3gL1A-00045-00011411-00011699 okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00046-00011700-00012005 then there is our listing and you can't 8Monmf3gL1A-00047-00012006-00012245 when you use the whole of this to do 8Monmf3gL1A-00048-00012246-00012449 your distance no one will tell you that 8Monmf3gL1A-00049-00012450-00012677 after cutting you will have to cut some 8Monmf3gL1A-00050-00012678-00012874 of them so all what you need to do is 8Monmf3gL1A-00051-00012875-00013043 that you need to come up with a 8Monmf3gL1A-00052-00013044-00013216 guideline that will help you to get that 8Monmf3gL1A-00053-00013218-00013361 you'll get that and I'm going to show 8Monmf3gL1A-00054-00013362-00013691 you some best and correct uh guideline 8Monmf3gL1A-00055-00013691-00013901 that you normally do and this is what 8Monmf3gL1A-00056-00013902-00014147 this is what I normally use to do my 8Monmf3gL1A-00057-00014147-00014303 business that without any problem so 8Monmf3gL1A-00058-00014304-00014458 first of all I'll just come and pick a 8Monmf3gL1A-00059-00014459-00014693 drag a listing over here to have a 8Monmf3gL1A-00060-00014694-00014836 sample like this then I'll drag another 8Monmf3gL1A-00061-00014837-00015058 one to have it something like that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00062-00015059-00015329 that is not just a manual but it looks 8Monmf3gL1A-00063-00015330-00015491 so beautiful then I'll drag somewhere 8Monmf3gL1A-00064-00015491-00015779 here you see that I have those these 8Monmf3gL1A-00065-00015780-00015965 things just like that okay and the next 8Monmf3gL1A-00066-00015966-00016091 thing you're gonna have to do is to come 8Monmf3gL1A-00067-00016091-00016271 over to the rectangular Market tool over 8Monmf3gL1A-00068-00016272-00016433 here then I'll just choose any 8Monmf3gL1A-00069-00016434-00016630 rectangular Market too just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00070-00016631-00016913 over there I want this so big and then I 8Monmf3gL1A-00071-00016914-00017141 will change the color to somewhere red 8Monmf3gL1A-00072-00017142-00017357 just like that okay and the next thing 8Monmf3gL1A-00073-00017358-00017561 you're gonna have to do is to press Ctrl 8Monmf3gL1A-00074-00017562-00017903 T to watch transformed so when I have it 8Monmf3gL1A-00075-00017904-00018157 just like that over here I'll make it 8Monmf3gL1A-00076-00018158-00018689 0.00 Point uh one one zero point eleven 8Monmf3gL1A-00077-00018690-00018983 inches just like that and then I'll just 8Monmf3gL1A-00078-00018984-00019186 have it just like this okay and that is 8Monmf3gL1A-00079-00019187-00019397 how I wanted it to be so I'll let this 8Monmf3gL1A-00080-00019398-00019625 one come over here then I'll drag it 8Monmf3gL1A-00081-00019626-00019883 this thing to the last of this just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00082-00019884-00020230 that okay and then I'll bring it over to 8Monmf3gL1A-00083-00020231-00020536 this particular place too then I'll drag 8Monmf3gL1A-00084-00020537-00020836 another line to somewhere like this over 8Monmf3gL1A-00085-00020837-00021064 there then I'll let it come somewhere 8Monmf3gL1A-00086-00021065-00021389 like this and then I'll just rotate it 8Monmf3gL1A-00087-00021390-00021653 90 clockwise just like that and I'll let 8Monmf3gL1A-00088-00021654-00021911 you go to the edge over there then I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00089-00021912-00022127 have it just like that over there and 8Monmf3gL1A-00090-00022128-00022330 over here too I'll do the same thing to 8Monmf3gL1A-00091-00022331-00022583 it and I'll have it just like that okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00092-00022584-00022919 so there is this particular area is that 8Monmf3gL1A-00093-00022920-00023272 bleeding area so let's also work on the 8Monmf3gL1A-00094-00023273-00023513 creaming area so the trimming area does 8Monmf3gL1A-00095-00023514-00023669 the same thing I have to do over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00096-00023670-00024064 over here I'll just drag it into it just 8Monmf3gL1A-00097-00024065-00024436 like that and on top there too over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00098-00024437-00024707 I'll have a line to open it just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00099-00024708-00025025 that and over here to I'll rotate it 8Monmf3gL1A-00100-00025026-00025192 again and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00101-00025193-00025414 I'll have it just like that over there 8Monmf3gL1A-00102-00025415-00025684 and then I'll have it just like that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00103-00025685-00026044 I'll drag another distance over there 8Monmf3gL1A-00104-00026045-00026290 I'll just drag something over here too 8Monmf3gL1A-00105-00026291-00026585 over there then I'll over here to I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00106-00026586-00026770 do the same thing to it then I'll drag 8Monmf3gL1A-00107-00026772-00027029 something to over there you see that 8Monmf3gL1A-00108-00027030-00027370 I've just made my listing very very easy 8Monmf3gL1A-00109-00027372-00027652 and locally and as you can see all what 8Monmf3gL1A-00110-00027654-00027917 I need to do just watch me over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00111-00027918-00028270 I'll come up with a color over there and 8Monmf3gL1A-00112-00028272-00028601 that particular color is the red and 8Monmf3gL1A-00113-00028602-00028996 that red will be the the bleeding area 8Monmf3gL1A-00114-00028997-00029339 and then I'll just duplicate it and I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00115-00029339-00029596 change it to something like this and 8Monmf3gL1A-00116-00029597-00029824 this particular color should be there 8Monmf3gL1A-00117-00029825-00030196 distant uh what is your name 8Monmf3gL1A-00118-00030197-00030383 that trimming area 8Monmf3gL1A-00119-00030383-00030623 just like that okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00120-00030624-00030814 yes and the next thing you're gonna have 8Monmf3gL1A-00121-00030816-00031067 to do is to come up with a quiet 8Monmf3gL1A-00122-00031068-00031312 background and that one would be my 8Monmf3gL1A-00123-00031313-00031702 design area so over here will be my 8Monmf3gL1A-00124-00031704-00032068 design area just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00125-00032069-00032381 just like that so it helps you design 8Monmf3gL1A-00126-00032382-00032695 something on this particular distance so 8Monmf3gL1A-00127-00032695-00033067 however the thing is that it will never 8Monmf3gL1A-00128-00033068-00033274 when you are trimming it will never 8Monmf3gL1A-00129-00033275-00033479 enter here when you are bleeding it will 8Monmf3gL1A-00130-00033480-00033779 never enter on the design area you see 8Monmf3gL1A-00131-00033780-00033995 that so this is how we do it and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00132-00033996-00034259 you can now start designing so first of 8Monmf3gL1A-00133-00034260-00034468 all let me just close out everything and 8Monmf3gL1A-00134-00034469-00034649 then I'll delete everything away because 8Monmf3gL1A-00135-00034650-00034871 I don't need it so I'm just going to 8Monmf3gL1A-00136-00034872-00035074 delete everything away so the next thing 8Monmf3gL1A-00137-00035075-00035273 I have to do is that I'm always going to 8Monmf3gL1A-00138-00035274-00035681 design uh the back the back the back of 8Monmf3gL1A-00139-00035682-00036011 the card or way of just or let's just 8Monmf3gL1A-00140-00036012-00036227 call it the front front and back it's 8Monmf3gL1A-00141-00036228-00036431 front and back so let's design the plug 8Monmf3gL1A-00142-00036432-00036623 over there so over there all one I need 8Monmf3gL1A-00143-00036624-00036905 to do is to put a color there but first 8Monmf3gL1A-00144-00036906-00037211 of all let's move on to our business 8Monmf3gL1A-00145-00037212-00037493 card details over here then I have it 8Monmf3gL1A-00146-00037494-00037799 just like that so this is his logo so 8Monmf3gL1A-00147-00037800-00037949 we're just going to pick the logo over 8Monmf3gL1A-00148-00037950-00038243 there and then we just place it in the 8Monmf3gL1A-00149-00038244-00038429 sector of the distance just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00150-00038430-00038609 okay and the next thing I'm gonna have 8Monmf3gL1A-00151-00038610-00038927 to do is to draw is to transform it a 8Monmf3gL1A-00152-00038928-00039202 little bit down so that I can use it so 8Monmf3gL1A-00153-00039203-00039533 just like that okay very simple one and 8Monmf3gL1A-00154-00039534-00039796 it's going to look so beautiful so over 8Monmf3gL1A-00155-00039797-00040096 there I'll add a color there to that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00156-00040097-00040246 this color should be this particular 8Monmf3gL1A-00157-00040247-00040565 color over there just this color and I 8Monmf3gL1A-00158-00040566-00040727 love it then I'll have it just like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00159-00040728-00040883 and then the next thing I'm gonna have 8Monmf3gL1A-00160-00040884-00041051 to do is to come up with the circle 8Monmf3gL1A-00161-00041052-00041368 every time a circle over here then I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00162-00041369-00041627 just go shift to drag A Perfect Circle 8Monmf3gL1A-00163-00041628-00041818 over there then I will make sure that 8Monmf3gL1A-00164-00041819-00042245 one is white because his bag is is 8Monmf3gL1A-00165-00042246-00042557 because of the the distance the logo the 8Monmf3gL1A-00166-00042558-00042874 logo background is white okay so I just 8Monmf3gL1A-00167-00042875-00043067 have to do it this way then I'll just 8Monmf3gL1A-00168-00043068-00043301 try and transform it to the sector of 8Monmf3gL1A-00169-00043302-00043511 the distance then I'll have it just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00170-00043512-00043762 that then I'll have it just like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00171-00043763-00043955 okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00172-00043956-00044123 and the next thing I have to do is to 8Monmf3gL1A-00173-00044124-00044380 save my walk just like that and the next 8Monmf3gL1A-00174-00044381-00044543 thing you're gonna have to do is that 8Monmf3gL1A-00175-00044544-00044896 I'm just going to group this uh three 8Monmf3gL1A-00176-00044897-00045149 layers over there just like that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00177-00045150-00045568 then I'll call it back okay yes and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00178-00045569-00045802 the next thing I'm gonna have to do is 8Monmf3gL1A-00179-00045803-00046151 to just close it up just like that okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00180-00046152-00046474 and I'll work with the front so from the 8Monmf3gL1A-00181-00046475-00046696 front what I need to do is to come to 8Monmf3gL1A-00182-00046697-00046858 the rectangular Market flow over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00183-00046859-00047074 then I'll just draw something like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00184-00047075-00047380 and this particular uh this is just 8Monmf3gL1A-00185-00047381-00047621 going to be very very simple and without 8Monmf3gL1A-00186-00047622-00047818 any problem so when I draw something 8Monmf3gL1A-00187-00047819-00048083 like this all what I need to do is to go 8Monmf3gL1A-00188-00048084-00048329 to edit and I'll come to transform then 8Monmf3gL1A-00189-00048330-00048551 I'll right click and I'll go to work so 8Monmf3gL1A-00190-00048552-00048821 when I go to work I'll move on this one 8Monmf3gL1A-00191-00048822-00049073 just like that and then I'll move this 8Monmf3gL1A-00192-00049074-00049307 one just like this okay and the next 8Monmf3gL1A-00193-00049308-00049451 thing you're gonna have to do is that 8Monmf3gL1A-00194-00049452-00049618 I'll just come and pick it through over 8Monmf3gL1A-00195-00049619-00049973 here called uh add Anchor Point there 8Monmf3gL1A-00196-00049974-00050236 then I'll come over here and just come 8Monmf3gL1A-00197-00050237-00050417 and click and drag 8Monmf3gL1A-00198-00050418-00050801 it a little bit so that I'll have it 8Monmf3gL1A-00199-00050802-00051107 looks something like that okay and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00200-00051108-00051329 I'll have it just like that okay so the 8Monmf3gL1A-00201-00051329-00051442 next thing that you have to do is to 8Monmf3gL1A-00202-00051444-00051676 duplicate that one over there and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00203-00051677-00051940 I'll change the color to this particular 8Monmf3gL1A-00204-00051941-00052258 color over there just like that and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00205-00052259-00052501 I'll move this one somewhere like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00206-00052502-00052876 and then over this one I'm just going to 8Monmf3gL1A-00207-00052877-00053194 tilt it this way so that it will look 8Monmf3gL1A-00208-00053195-00053471 something to look something stylish over 8Monmf3gL1A-00209-00053472-00053692 there then I'll have it just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00210-00053694-00054035 okay and then uh that one too I have to 8Monmf3gL1A-00211-00054036-00054347 add the same color to it just like this 8Monmf3gL1A-00212-00054348-00054635 over there you get that yes and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00213-00054636-00054916 let's see what we are doing over here so 8Monmf3gL1A-00214-00054917-00055054 the next thing we're gonna have to do 8Monmf3gL1A-00215-00055055-00055241 over this one is that I'll just drag 8Monmf3gL1A-00216-00055241-00055547 this one a little bit over there so that 8Monmf3gL1A-00217-00055548-00055823 it won't appear very very distant for me 8Monmf3gL1A-00218-00055824-00056188 and then I'll just put all of them and 8Monmf3gL1A-00219-00056189-00056363 then I'll group it just like that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00220-00056364-00056650 now I'll come to FX then I'll add a 8Monmf3gL1A-00221-00056651-00056849 shadow to it so in this particular 8Monmf3gL1A-00222-00056850-00057035 Shadow I just want the shadow to come 8Monmf3gL1A-00223-00057036-00057197 out very well so I'll just drag the 8Monmf3gL1A-00224-00057198-00057503 shadow out just like that okay and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00225-00057504-00057797 I'll reduce the size then I'll have the 8Monmf3gL1A-00226-00057798-00057994 shadow like this but I'll move it a 8Monmf3gL1A-00227-00057995-00058211 little bit then I'll have it just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00228-00058212-00058571 that and then I'll let it come I'll drag 8Monmf3gL1A-00229-00058572-00058859 it in a little bit so that I'll just try 8Monmf3gL1A-00230-00058860-00059182 and drag it on how I wanted it to be 8Monmf3gL1A-00231-00059183-00059525 like yes and then I'll have it just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00232-00059526-00059926 that okay yes and I'll click ok then 8Monmf3gL1A-00233-00059927-00060154 I'll have it just like that okay so the 8Monmf3gL1A-00234-00060155-00060316 next thing you're gonna have to do is to 8Monmf3gL1A-00235-00060317-00060580 head over to my resources palette okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00236-00060582-00060994 then I'll just Import in the details 8Monmf3gL1A-00237-00060995-00061241 over here that I'm going to use for that 8Monmf3gL1A-00238-00061241-00061637 okay so business business card design 8Monmf3gL1A-00239-00061638-00061894 okay here's it so I'll just come on 8Monmf3gL1A-00240-00061895-00062116 drop in this particular distance over 8Monmf3gL1A-00241-00062117-00062380 here so that is my details that I'm 8Monmf3gL1A-00242-00062382-00062692 going to use over there so I'll add a 8Monmf3gL1A-00243-00062694-00063173 color to it on top just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00244-00063174-00063413 yes and I'll move it to the 8Monmf3gL1A-00245-00063414-00063682 bottom of the listing okay just slide 8Monmf3gL1A-00246-00063683-00063976 out and then over my list now I'll just 8Monmf3gL1A-00247-00063977-00064403 shape it a little bit okay then 8Monmf3gL1A-00248-00064404-00064613 I'll make sure that I move this one a 8Monmf3gL1A-00249-00064614-00064841 little bit there over there 8Monmf3gL1A-00250-00064841-00065032 and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00251-00065033-00065303 I'll let this one to 8Monmf3gL1A-00252-00065304-00065567 goes a little bit just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00253-00065568-00065813 and then I'll make the color 8Monmf3gL1A-00254-00065814-00066155 white so that what I want to appear very 8Monmf3gL1A-00255-00066156-00066425 well for me over there just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00256-00066426-00066665 and then I'll try and make my 8Monmf3gL1A-00257-00066666-00066832 destination a little bit 8Monmf3gL1A-00258-00066833-00067132 down okay then I'll have it this time 8Monmf3gL1A-00259-00067133-00067325 okay okay the next thing you're gonna 8Monmf3gL1A-00260-00067326-00067547 have to do again is to come and open my 8Monmf3gL1A-00261-00067548-00067775 details over there and then I'll come 8Monmf3gL1A-00262-00067776-00068129 and pick a name called a sahaku it's a 8Monmf3gL1A-00263-00068130-00068549 one penny that's CEO of opening 8Monmf3gL1A-00264-00068550-00068975 uh CEO of company I grew then I'll just 8Monmf3gL1A-00265-00068976-00069299 paste it over there and then all what I 8Monmf3gL1A-00266-00069300-00069535 need to do is to reduce the block 8Monmf3gL1A-00267-00069536-00069821 somewhere good but I'll increase the 8Monmf3gL1A-00268-00069822-00070156 distance a little big so that it will 8Monmf3gL1A-00269-00070157-00070625 take much of my destiny okay so I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00270-00070626-00070876 just limited very smaller one just like 8Monmf3gL1A-00271-00070877-00071032 that and then the next thing you're 8Monmf3gL1A-00272-00071033-00071213 gonna have to do is to go and pick the 8Monmf3gL1A-00273-00071214-00071531 chief executive officer when they then 8Monmf3gL1A-00274-00071532-00071699 I'll just come and paste that one to 8Monmf3gL1A-00275-00071700-00071891 over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00276-00071892-00072311 and then I'll change the color to 8Monmf3gL1A-00277-00072312-00072550 this particular color over there and 8Monmf3gL1A-00278-00072551-00072700 then I'll reduce the distance to 8Monmf3gL1A-00279-00072701-00072959 somewhere then and that one should be 8Monmf3gL1A-00280-00072960-00073241 like that okay then I'll move it 8Monmf3gL1A-00281-00073242-00073481 somewhere like that so it should be like 8Monmf3gL1A-00282-00073482-00073715 and I'll reduce the distance to 8Monmf3gL1A-00283-00073716-00074009 uh somewhere medium and I'll have it 8Monmf3gL1A-00284-00074010-00074297 just like that okay yes and then the 8Monmf3gL1A-00285-00074298-00074423 next thing you're gonna have to do is to 8Monmf3gL1A-00286-00074424-00074699 come and copy the number over there then 8Monmf3gL1A-00287-00074700-00074873 I'll just come and paste that number 8Monmf3gL1A-00288-00074874-00075059 over here 8Monmf3gL1A-00289-00075060-00075335 then I'll have it just like that and 8Monmf3gL1A-00290-00075336-00075613 I'll change the color to what white okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00291-00075614-00075899 yes and then I'll have it just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00292-00075900-00076265 and I'll make sure that it's in line and 8Monmf3gL1A-00293-00076266-00076487 then I'll come ahead of gonna pick the 8Monmf3gL1A-00294-00076488-00076744 email address over there then I'll come 8Monmf3gL1A-00295-00076745-00077032 and paste that one too oh right here 8Monmf3gL1A-00296-00077033-00077356 just like that okay and then I'll come 8Monmf3gL1A-00297-00077357-00077879 on okay copy it the website uh URL and 8Monmf3gL1A-00298-00077880-00078125 then I'll just command paste that I want 8Monmf3gL1A-00299-00078126-00078503 to over there just like that so with 8Monmf3gL1A-00300-00078504-00078749 I just want to make some changes to my 8Monmf3gL1A-00301-00078750-00078988 distance so I'll just drag this one a 8Monmf3gL1A-00302-00078989-00079276 little bit over here so I don't take 8Monmf3gL1A-00303-00079277-00079529 much of the listing over there then I'll 8Monmf3gL1A-00304-00079530-00079823 have it just like that and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00305-00079824-00080165 uh leave make this one somewhere like 8Monmf3gL1A-00306-00080166-00080393 that then I'll come up with a guideline 8Monmf3gL1A-00307-00080394-00080705 so I want all my descent to be 8Monmf3gL1A-00308-00080706-00080950 in line with this so 8Monmf3gL1A-00309-00080951-00081197 I'll just have it just like that 8Monmf3gL1A-00310-00081198-00081461 this one goes by this 8Monmf3gL1A-00311-00081462-00081850 and this one goes by that okay yes so it 8Monmf3gL1A-00312-00081851-00082126 has a whole lot of spaces that you can 8Monmf3gL1A-00313-00082127-00082349 easily use on this particular distance 8Monmf3gL1A-00314-00082350-00082505 so 8Monmf3gL1A-00315-00082506-00082667 um let's come back to the shape over 8Monmf3gL1A-00316-00082668-00083009 there then you just have to have it just 8Monmf3gL1A-00317-00083010-00083273 like that however let's come back to the 8Monmf3gL1A-00318-00083274-00083579 drop dropping the shadow over there and 8Monmf3gL1A-00319-00083580-00083885 then we'll make some changes to it so I 8Monmf3gL1A-00320-00083886-00084076 just want to move the shadow to look 8Monmf3gL1A-00321-00084077-00084341 something like that so that it will 8Monmf3gL1A-00322-00084342-00084556 differentiate those two things over 8Monmf3gL1A-00323-00084557-00084893 there without any problems yes and then 8Monmf3gL1A-00324-00084894-00085169 I'll have it just like that okay and the 8Monmf3gL1A-00325-00085170-00085306 next thing you're gonna have to do is to 8Monmf3gL1A-00326-00085307-00085409 come on 8Monmf3gL1A-00327-00085410-00085649 make some changes to this particular 8Monmf3gL1A-00328-00085650-00085985 distance over there so that it will look 8Monmf3gL1A-00329-00085986-00086267 uh a little bit better 8Monmf3gL1A-00330-00086268-00086465 then I'll have it just slide out over 8Monmf3gL1A-00331-00086466-00086579 there 8Monmf3gL1A-00332-00086580-00086849 okay 8Monmf3gL1A-00333-00086850-00087065 yes so when the treatment is done 8Monmf3gL1A-00334-00087066-00087293 trimming is going to take all these 8Monmf3gL1A-00335-00087294-00087581 places it's gonna trim all these places 8Monmf3gL1A-00336-00087582-00088000 and leave only and only the design so it 8Monmf3gL1A-00337-00088001-00088355 will never enter to the design it to 8Monmf3gL1A-00338-00088356-00088606 only be on this particular distance yes 8Monmf3gL1A-00339-00088607-00088876 so this is how business card very simple 8Monmf3gL1A-00340-00088877-00089056 one has been designed in Photoshop 8Monmf3gL1A-00341-00089057-00089381 without any problem or intimidation so 8Monmf3gL1A-00342-00089382-00089531 thank you very much for watching this is 8Monmf3gL1A-00343-00089532-00089776 abian graphics and please kindly 8Monmf3gL1A-00344-00089777-00089932 subscribe to my YouTube channel ask 8Monmf3gL1A-00345-00089933-00090173 questions and drop your comments in the 8Monmf3gL1A-00346-00090174-00090536 comments box and I will reply you 8pOGto3mhbA-00000-00000053-00000373 the general maritime treaty of 1820 was 8pOGto3mhbA-00001-00000374-00000547 a treaty initially signed between the 8pOGto3mhbA-00002-00000548-00000832 rulers of abu-dhabi Sharjah Edmond umm 8pOGto3mhbA-00003-00000833-00001066 al-quwain and Ross al-khaimah and the 8pOGto3mhbA-00004-00001067-00001312 British in January 1820 with the nearby 8pOGto3mhbA-00005-00001313-00001533 island state of Bahrain exceeding 2 the 8pOGto3mhbA-00006-00001534-00001782 treaty in the following February its 8pOGto3mhbA-00007-00001784-00002047 full title was general treaty for the 8pOGto3mhbA-00008-00002048-00002310 cessation of plunder and piracy by land 8pOGto3mhbA-00009-00002311-00002830 and sea dated February 5th 1820 the 8pOGto3mhbA-00010-00002831-00002985 treaty followed the fall of Ross 8pOGto3mhbA-00011-00002986-00003222 al-khaimah Ramzan gaya to a punitive 8pOGto3mhbA-00012-00003223-00003442 British expedition mounted from Bombay 8pOGto3mhbA-00013-00003443-00003718 in 1819 principally targeting the fleet 8pOGto3mhbA-00014-00003719-00003958 of the Troublesome Al Qasimi a seafaring 8pOGto3mhbA-00015-00003959-00004129 tribe who had committed piracy and 8pOGto3mhbA-00016-00004130-00004413 plunder according to the british ross al 8pOGto3mhbA-00017-00004414-00004609 Khaimah fell to the force on the 9th of 8pOGto3mhbA-00018-00004610-00004879 december 1819 with daya falling on the 8pOGto3mhbA-00019-00004880-00005163 22nd of December the British 8pOGto3mhbA-00020-00005164-00005368 Expeditionary Force then blew up the 8pOGto3mhbA-00021-00005369-00005506 town of Ross al-khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00022-00005507-00005727 and established a garrison there of 800 8pOGto3mhbA-00023-00005728-00005943 C poisoned artillery before visiting 8pOGto3mhbA-00024-00005944-00006147 Jazeera Al Hamra which was found to be 8pOGto3mhbA-00025-00006148-00006397 deserted they went on to destroy the 8pOGto3mhbA-00026-00006398-00006619 fortifications and larger vessels of umm 8pOGto3mhbA-00027-00006620-00006952 al-quwain Edmund fast Sharjah abu hale 8pOGto3mhbA-00028-00006953-00007237 and dubai ten vessels that had taken 8pOGto3mhbA-00029-00007238-00007446 shelter in bahrain were also destroyed 8pOGto3mhbA-00030-00007447-00007642 the Royal Navy suffered no casualties 8pOGto3mhbA-00031-00007643-00007873 during the action with the sheiks of 8pOGto3mhbA-00032-00007873-00008041 these communities either in captivity 8pOGto3mhbA-00033-00008042-00008233 are choosing to give themselves up a 8pOGto3mhbA-00034-00008234-00008419 treaty was proposed in order to govern 8pOGto3mhbA-00035-00008420-00008707 peaceful relationships in the future the 8pOGto3mhbA-00036-00008708-00008908 treaty opens in the name of God the 8pOGto3mhbA-00037-00008909-00009189 merciful the compassionate praise be to 8pOGto3mhbA-00038-00009190-00009391 God who hath ordained peace to be a 8pOGto3mhbA-00039-00009392-00009658 blessing to his creatures under the 8pOGto3mhbA-00040-00009659-00009898 auspices of the UK's representative Sir 8pOGto3mhbA-00041-00009899-00010131 William grant Kier the treaty prohibited 8pOGto3mhbA-00042-00010132-00010327 piracy in the Persian Gulf banned 8pOGto3mhbA-00043-00010328-00010570 slavery and required all usable ships to 8pOGto3mhbA-00044-00010571-00010762 be registered with British forces by 8pOGto3mhbA-00045-00010763-00010960 flying distinctive red and white flags 8pOGto3mhbA-00046-00010961-00011160 which exist today as the flags of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00047-00011161-00011362 respective Emirates the treaty was part 8pOGto3mhbA-00048-00011363-00011605 of the UK's strategic policy of ensuring 8pOGto3mhbA-00049-00011606-00011773 an open lines of communication between 8pOGto3mhbA-00050-00011774-00012003 the British Raj and the United Kingdom 8pOGto3mhbA-00051-00012004-00012228 by excluding rival European powers from 8pOGto3mhbA-00052-00012229-00012424 the Persian Gulf region notably the 8pOGto3mhbA-00053-00012425-00012706 Russian Empire in France Britain also 8pOGto3mhbA-00054-00012707-00012916 sought to pacify the Persian Gulf by 8pOGto3mhbA-00055-00012916-00013126 preserving the independence of Kjar Iran 8pOGto3mhbA-00056-00013127-00013338 the Ottoman Empire in the second Saudi 8pOGto3mhbA-00057-00013340-00013536 state 8pOGto3mhbA-00058-00013537-00013885 you 8pOGto3mhbA-00059-00013886-00014480 topic preliminary agreements 8pOGto3mhbA-00060-00014481-00014774 many of the sheiks signatory to the 1820 8pOGto3mhbA-00061-00014775-00014960 treaty had made prior agreements with 8pOGto3mhbA-00062-00014961-00015247 the British the ruler of Ross al-khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00063-00015249-00015437 seated the town itself in the area of 8pOGto3mhbA-00064-00015438-00015619 Mahara to the British for use as a 8pOGto3mhbA-00065-00015620-00015827 garrison and most other coastal sheiks 8pOGto3mhbA-00066-00015828-00016037 seated boats and armaments in return for 8pOGto3mhbA-00067-00016038-00016190 an undertaking that the British would 8pOGto3mhbA-00068-00016191-00016496 not enter or lay waste their towns Ajman 8pOGto3mhbA-00069-00016497-00016757 umm al-quwain and Sharjah all came under 8pOGto3mhbA-00070-00016758-00016949 one preliminary agreement signed with 8pOGto3mhbA-00071-00016950-00017194 Sheikh Sultan bin si QR while others 8pOGto3mhbA-00072-00017195-00017393 were undertaken with the rulers of Dubai 8pOGto3mhbA-00073-00017394-00017605 Abu Dhabi and cotton philia 8pOGto3mhbA-00074-00017606-00017927 like the 1820 treaty itself this last 8pOGto3mhbA-00075-00017928-00018110 preliminary agreement was signed by 8pOGto3mhbA-00076-00018111-00018347 hassan bin rama Al Qasimi formerly 8pOGto3mhbA-00077-00018348-00018994 shaikh of Rosse al Khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00078-00018995-00019515 topic agreements 8pOGto3mhbA-00079-00019516-00019752 the first article of the treaty asserts 8pOGto3mhbA-00080-00019753-00020004 there shall be a cessation of plunder 8pOGto3mhbA-00081-00020005-00020259 and piracy by land and sea on the part 8pOGto3mhbA-00082-00020260-00020448 of the Arabs who are parties to this 8pOGto3mhbA-00083-00020449-00020769 contract forever it then goes on to 8pOGto3mhbA-00084-00020770-00020982 define piracy as being any attack that 8pOGto3mhbA-00085-00020983-00021306 is not an action of acknowledged war the 8pOGto3mhbA-00086-00021307-00021675 Pacific ated Arabs agree on land and sea 8pOGto3mhbA-00087-00021676-00021861 to carry a flag being a red rectangle 8pOGto3mhbA-00088-00021862-00022086 contained within a white border of equal 8pOGto3mhbA-00089-00022087-00022317 width to the contained rectangle with or 8pOGto3mhbA-00090-00022318-00022518 without letters on it at their option 8pOGto3mhbA-00091-00022519-00022788 this flag was to be a symbol of peace 8pOGto3mhbA-00092-00022789-00022935 with the British government in each 8pOGto3mhbA-00093-00022936-00023289 other the vessels of the friendly Arabs 8pOGto3mhbA-00094-00023290-00023589 were to carry a paper register signed by 8pOGto3mhbA-00095-00023590-00023751 their chief and detailing the vessel 8pOGto3mhbA-00096-00023752-00024033 they should also carry a documented port 8pOGto3mhbA-00097-00024034-00024258 clearance which would name the nakid ah 8pOGto3mhbA-00098-00024259-00024555 today generally spelled makuu dock crew 8pOGto3mhbA-00099-00024556-00024753 a number of armed men on board as well 8pOGto3mhbA-00100-00024754-00024932 as the port of origin and destination 8pOGto3mhbA-00101-00024933-00025197 they would produce these on request to 8pOGto3mhbA-00102-00025198-00025365 any British or other vessel which 8pOGto3mhbA-00103-00025366-00025652 requested them the treaty also makes 8pOGto3mhbA-00104-00025654-00025877 provision for the exchange of envoys for 8pOGto3mhbA-00105-00025879-00026157 the friendly Arabs to act in concert 8pOGto3mhbA-00106-00026158-00026382 against outside forces and to desist 8pOGto3mhbA-00107-00026383-00026568 from putting people to death after they 8pOGto3mhbA-00108-00026569-00026736 have given up their arms or to carry 8pOGto3mhbA-00109-00026737-00027018 them off as slaves the treaty prohibits 8pOGto3mhbA-00110-00027019-00027255 slaving from the coasts of Africa or 8pOGto3mhbA-00111-00027256-00027533 elsewhere or the carrying of slaves in 8pOGto3mhbA-00112-00027535-00027885 their vessels be friendly Arabs flying 8pOGto3mhbA-00113-00027886-00028074 the agreed flag would be free to enter 8pOGto3mhbA-00114-00028075-00028287 leave and trade with British ports and 8pOGto3mhbA-00115-00028288-00028449 if any should attack them the British 8pOGto3mhbA-00116-00028450-00029098 government will take notice of it 8pOGto3mhbA-00117-00029099-00029642 topic signatories 8pOGto3mhbA-00118-00029643-00029882 the treaty was issued in triplicate and 8pOGto3mhbA-00119-00029883-00030089 signed at midday on the 8th of January 8pOGto3mhbA-00120-00030090-00030296 1820 in Ross al-khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00121-00030297-00030479 by Major General Grant cure together 8pOGto3mhbA-00122-00030480-00030729 with Hassan Ben Rama shake of pat and 8pOGto3mhbA-00123-00030730-00030896 foul 'no hat being the modern day 8pOGto3mhbA-00124-00030897-00031085 village of cotton foul 'no being the 8pOGto3mhbA-00125-00031086-00031277 modern day suburb of ross al-khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00126-00031278-00031499 fallen near the location of alpha leia 8pOGto3mhbA-00127-00031500-00031751 fort and Rajib in ahmed sheikh of Jeor 8pOGto3mhbA-00128-00031752-00032017 at alcam ray Jazeera Al Hamra a 8pOGto3mhbA-00129-00032018-00032291 translation was prepared by captain JP 8pOGto3mhbA-00130-00032292-00032576 Thompson the treaty was then signed on 8pOGto3mhbA-00131-00032577-00032855 the 11th of January 1820 in Ross al 8pOGto3mhbA-00132-00032856-00033071 Khaimah by Shake Shack bout of abu dhabi 8pOGto3mhbA-00133-00033072-00033362 abu dhabi and on the 15th of january by 8pOGto3mhbA-00134-00033363-00033623 hassan bin ali sheikh of ramps and Aldea 8pOGto3mhbA-00135-00033624-00033830 named on the treaty document as sheikh 8pOGto3mhbA-00136-00033831-00034124 of Ziya the treaty was subsequently 8pOGto3mhbA-00137-00034125-00034370 signed in Sharjah by syed been safe of 8pOGto3mhbA-00138-00034371-00034601 dubai on behalf of Muhammad bin Haase 8pOGto3mhbA-00139-00034602-00034838 benzol the Sheikh of Dubai was in his 8pOGto3mhbA-00140-00034839-00035162 minority on the 28th of January 1820 and 8pOGto3mhbA-00141-00035163-00035375 then in Sharjah again by Sultan bin 8pOGto3mhbA-00142-00035376-00035621 suger sheikh of Sharjah and ross al 8pOGto3mhbA-00143-00035622-00035672 khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00144-00035673-00035882 at fillet affort on the 4th of february 8pOGto3mhbA-00145-00035883-00036296 18 20 on the 15th of march 1820 Rashid 8pOGto3mhbA-00146-00036297-00036498 bin Hugh made Sheikh of Ajman and 8pOGto3mhbA-00147-00036499-00036674 Abdullah bin Rashid Shaikh of umm 8pOGto3mhbA-00148-00036675-00036907 al-quwain both signed at fillet ax as 8pOGto3mhbA-00149-00036908-00037179 seen above the treaty bears some quaint 8pOGto3mhbA-00150-00037180-00037313 spellings of the names of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00151-00037314-00037541 signatories abdullah bin rashid the 8pOGto3mhbA-00152-00037542-00037781 dates the month of ribeirão OS sami and 8pOGto3mhbA-00153-00037782-00038006 the territories abu dhabi Sharjah 8pOGto3mhbA-00154-00038007-00038304 edgemon and um oo lk wayne nevertheless 8pOGto3mhbA-00155-00038305-00038519 it was to lead to the recognition by the 8pOGto3mhbA-00156-00038520-00038705 british of the Trucial States into a 8pOGto3mhbA-00157-00038706-00038910 series of further treaties formalizing 8pOGto3mhbA-00158-00038911-00039077 the British protectorate over the UAE 8pOGto3mhbA-00159-00039078-00039287 and eventually to the process leading to 8pOGto3mhbA-00160-00039288-00039488 the formation of the modern United Arab 8pOGto3mhbA-00161-00039489-00040285 Emirates on the 2nd of December 1971 8pOGto3mhbA-00162-00040286-00040849 topic Bombay reaction 8pOGto3mhbA-00163-00040850-00041077 the treaty having been signed by Grant 8pOGto3mhbA-00164-00041078-00041254 and all of the Trucial rulers the 8pOGto3mhbA-00165-00041255-00041431 government in Bombay made clear that 8pOGto3mhbA-00166-00041432-00041566 while it was happy with grants 8pOGto3mhbA-00167-00041567-00041788 management of the military expedition it 8pOGto3mhbA-00168-00041789-00042013 was most dissatisfied with his leniency 8pOGto3mhbA-00169-00042014-00042223 over the coastal tribes and desired if 8pOGto3mhbA-00170-00042224-00042409 it were not too late to introduce some 8pOGto3mhbA-00171-00042410-00042658 conditions of greater stringency the 8pOGto3mhbA-00172-00042659-00042874 release of hassan bin ali the Wahhabi 8pOGto3mhbA-00173-00042875-00043099 leader and chief of rams and daya was 8pOGto3mhbA-00174-00043100-00043345 particularly regretted in bombay's 8pOGto3mhbA-00175-00043346-00043528 opinion the treaty should have forbade 8pOGto3mhbA-00176-00043529-00043698 the building of coastal fortifications 8pOGto3mhbA-00177-00043699-00043945 restricted shipbuilding and stipulated 8pOGto3mhbA-00178-00043946-00044137 powers of search and confiscation as 8pOGto3mhbA-00179-00044138-00044329 well as empowering British forces to 8pOGto3mhbA-00180-00044330-00044530 destroy any construction undertaken in 8pOGto3mhbA-00181-00044531-00044761 the face of the prohibition grants 8pOGto3mhbA-00182-00044762-00044959 response was spirited pointing out that 8pOGto3mhbA-00183-00044960-00045142 to have enforced extreme measures would 8pOGto3mhbA-00184-00045143-00045301 have meant pursuing the Chiefs into the 8pOGto3mhbA-00185-00045302-00045469 interior rather than accepting their 8pOGto3mhbA-00186-00045470-00045700 voluntary submission this would have 8pOGto3mhbA-00187-00045701-00045940 contravened grants instructions in the 8pOGto3mhbA-00188-00045941-00046614 end Bombay allowed the treaty to stand 8pOGto3mhbA-00189-00046615-00047133 topic aftermath 8pOGto3mhbA-00190-00047134-00047343 the treaty or perhaps more accurately 8pOGto3mhbA-00191-00047344-00047580 the memory of the punitive actions that 8pOGto3mhbA-00192-00047581-00047763 had preceded its signing virtually 8pOGto3mhbA-00193-00047764-00047964 eliminated piracy on the coast as a 8pOGto3mhbA-00194-00047965-00048105 profession and although there were 8pOGto3mhbA-00195-00048106-00048282 occasional incidents the level of 8pOGto3mhbA-00196-00048283-00048510 maritime conflict particularly against 8pOGto3mhbA-00197-00048511-00048783 foreign vessels dropped dramatically the 8pOGto3mhbA-00198-00048784-00048978 government in Bombay continued to press 8pOGto3mhbA-00199-00048979-00049161 for more stringent measures against the 8pOGto3mhbA-00200-00049162-00049362 coastal sheiks including an incident in 8pOGto3mhbA-00201-00049363-00049614 1823 when a tower erected in Ross 8pOGto3mhbA-00202-00049615-00049905 al-khaimah was forcibly demolished with 8pOGto3mhbA-00203-00049906-00050067 the garrison in Ross al Khaimah 8pOGto3mhbA-00204-00050068-00050250 withdrawing to keesom and then giving 8pOGto3mhbA-00205-00050251-00050487 way to a policy of maritime patrol in 8pOGto3mhbA-00206-00050488-00050682 the establishment of a native political 8pOGto3mhbA-00207-00050683-00051009 agent in Sharjah in 1823 British actions 8pOGto3mhbA-00208-00051010-00051198 were reduced to occasional visits to 8pOGto3mhbA-00209-00051199-00051390 enforce the rule of law along the coast 8pOGto3mhbA-00210-00051391-00051680 a brief resurgence in excursions from 8pOGto3mhbA-00211-00051682-00051794 the boats of the newly established 8pOGto3mhbA-00212-00051795-00052122 community in Dubai in 1834 was quelled 8pOGto3mhbA-00213-00052123-00052308 by a demonstration of British naval 8pOGto3mhbA-00214-00052309-00052620 power in 1835 meanwhile the town of Ross 8pOGto3mhbA-00215-00052621-00052875 al-khaimah devastated in the 1819 8pOGto3mhbA-00216-00052876-00053064 campaign did not start to re-emerge with 8pOGto3mhbA-00217-00053065-00053782 new buildings until 1828 8pOGto3mhbA-00218-00053783-00054337 topic following treaties 8pOGto3mhbA-00219-00054338-00054715 the 1820 Treaty was followed by the 1847 8pOGto3mhbA-00220-00054716-00054937 engagement to prohibit exportation of 8pOGto3mhbA-00221-00054938-00055138 slaves from Africa on board of vessels 8pOGto3mhbA-00222-00055139-00055333 belonging to Bahrain and to the Trucial 8pOGto3mhbA-00223-00055334-00055510 States in the allow right of search of 8pOGto3mhbA-00224-00055511-00055879 April to May 1847 by this time some of 8pOGto3mhbA-00225-00055879-00056016 the smaller sheet domes had been 8pOGto3mhbA-00226-00056017-00056197 subsumed by their larger neighbors and 8pOGto3mhbA-00227-00056198-00056482 signatories were Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr 8pOGto3mhbA-00228-00056483-00056701 of Rosse al Khaimah Sheikh Maktoum of 8pOGto3mhbA-00229-00056702-00056955 Dubai Sheikh Abdulaziz of Ajman sheikh 8pOGto3mhbA-00230-00056957-00057192 abdullah bin rashid of umm al-quwain and 8pOGto3mhbA-00231-00057194-00057899 sheikh saeed bin tania of abu dhabi 8pOGto3mhbA-00232-00057900-00058505 topic perpetual maritime truce 8pOGto3mhbA-00233-00058507-00058878 in 1853 the perpetual maritime truce of 8pOGto3mhbA-00234-00058879-00059184 the 4th of May 1853 prohibited any act 8pOGto3mhbA-00235-00059185-00059381 of aggression at sea and was signed by 8pOGto3mhbA-00236-00059382-00059630 abdullah bin rashid of umm al-quwain ham 8pOGto3mhbA-00237-00059632-00059891 bin rashid of Ajman Saeed bin booty of 8pOGto3mhbA-00238-00059892-00060141 Dubai Saeed bent on hoon chief of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00239-00060141-00060416 Benyus and Sultan bin saq are chief of 8pOGto3mhbA-00240-00060417-00060701 the Jo esmie's a further engagement for 8pOGto3mhbA-00241-00060702-00060875 the suppression of the slave trade was 8pOGto3mhbA-00242-00060876-00061226 signed in 1856 and then in 1864 the 8pOGto3mhbA-00243-00061227-00061440 additional article to the maritime truce 8pOGto3mhbA-00244-00061441-00061607 providing for the protection of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00245-00061608-00061838 telegraph line and stations dated 1860 8pOGto3mhbA-00246-00061839-00062129 for an agreement regarding the treatment 8pOGto3mhbA-00247-00062130-00062342 of absconded debtors followed in June 8pOGto3mhbA-00248-00062344-00062942 1879 8pOGto3mhbA-00249-00062944-00063666 Topic exclusive agreement signed in 1892 8pOGto3mhbA-00250-00063666-00063909 the exclusive agreement found the rulers 8pOGto3mhbA-00251-00063910-00064086 not to enter into any agreement or 8pOGto3mhbA-00252-00064087-00064269 correspondence with any power other than 8pOGto3mhbA-00253-00064270-00064416 the British government and that without 8pOGto3mhbA-00254-00064416-00064616 British assent they would not consent to 8pOGto3mhbA-00255-00064617-00064815 the residence within my territory of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00256-00064816-00064991 agent of any other government and that 8pOGto3mhbA-00257-00064992-00065202 they would not cede sell mortgage or 8pOGto3mhbA-00258-00065203-00065412 otherwise give for occupation any part 8pOGto3mhbA-00259-00065413-00065601 of my territory saved to the British 8pOGto3mhbA-00260-00065602-00065787 government the agreement came at a time 8pOGto3mhbA-00261-00065788-00065985 when commercial interest was being shown 8pOGto3mhbA-00262-00065986-00066156 in the Trucial States by other nations 8pOGto3mhbA-00263-00066157-00066428 including Germany Turkey and France 8pOGto3mhbA-00264-00066429-00066657 immediately prior to the signing of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00265-00066658-00066822 agreement a representative of the 8pOGto3mhbA-00266-00066823-00066978 Persian government had attempted to 8pOGto3mhbA-00267-00066979-00067152 establish a Persian claim to the 8pOGto3mhbA-00268-00067153-00067377 territory obviating any British interest 8pOGto3mhbA-00269-00067378-00067704 the 1892 agreement brought the adventure 8pOGto3mhbA-00270-00067705-00068315 to an early conclusion 8pOGto3mhbA-00271-00068316-00068847 topic see also 8pOGto3mhbA-00272-00068848-00069118 British residency of the Persian Gulf 8pOGto3mhbA-00273-00069119-00069432 Pax Britannica 8pUw9-fCc40-00000-00000138-00001517 [Music] 8pUw9-fCc40-00001-00001518-00001946 so why is good pronunciation important 8pUw9-fCc40-00002-00001947-00002481 why do we need it well you can 8pUw9-fCc40-00003-00002482-00003053 communicate fine if you do not have 8pUw9-fCc40-00004-00003054-00003531 advanced vocabulary you can use simple 8pUw9-fCc40-00005-00003532-00004143 vocabulary to communicate it's okay the 8pUw9-fCc40-00006-00004144-00004277 same for grammar 8pUw9-fCc40-00007-00004278-00004784 you don't need advanced grammar to 8pUw9-fCc40-00008-00004785-00005252 communicate you can use simple grammar 8pUw9-fCc40-00009-00005253-00006002 and communicate okay but there is no 8pUw9-fCc40-00010-00006003-00006695 simple pronunciation there is only good 8pUw9-fCc40-00011-00006695-00007295 pronunciation and bad pronunciation so 8pUw9-fCc40-00012-00007295-00007794 if you have bad pronunciation your 8pUw9-fCc40-00013-00007795-00008208 listener might not understand you this 8pUw9-fCc40-00014-00008209-00008691 is why pronunciation is key to speaking 8pUw9-fCc40-00015-00008692-00009309 English now as a tourist guide which I 8pUw9-fCc40-00016-00009310-00009656 know many of you plan to be 8pUw9-fCc40-00017-00009657-00010076 communication is key in your work 8pUw9-fCc40-00018-00010077-00010514 communication is mainly about speaking 8pUw9-fCc40-00019-00010515-00011100 speaking needs good pronunciation if you 8pUw9-fCc40-00020-00011101-00011499 make a mistake with your grandma it's 8pUw9-fCc40-00021-00011500-00011878 okay most people will understand 8pUw9-fCc40-00022-00011879-00012330 if you make a mistake with your word 8pUw9-fCc40-00023-00012331-00012785 people will ask you to repeat but 8pUw9-fCc40-00024-00012786-00013122 pronunciation can make problems for your 8pUw9-fCc40-00025-00013124-00013791 listener let's look at some examples if 8pUw9-fCc40-00026-00013793-00014281 you make a mistake in pronunciation in 8pUw9-fCc40-00027-00014282-00014776 English you can change the meaning of 8pUw9-fCc40-00028-00014777-00015355 the word and cause problems with your 8pUw9-fCc40-00029-00015356-00015933 communication for example the letters L 8pUw9-fCc40-00030-00015934-00016977 and R the first example we have write 8pUw9-fCc40-00031-00016978-00017473 life these are two very very different 8pUw9-fCc40-00032-00017474-00018369 words rice we eat life our little insect 8pUw9-fCc40-00033-00018370-00019066 that can live in your hair okay if you 8pUw9-fCc40-00034-00019067-00019534 are speaking with a native speaker the 8pUw9-fCc40-00035-00019535-00019858 native speaker asked you hi 8pUw9-fCc40-00036-00019859-00020350 what did you eat for lunch and you say 8pUw9-fCc40-00037-00020351-00020911 oh I am life the native speaker will be 8pUw9-fCc40-00038-00020912-00021677 confused life no you had rice 8pUw9-fCc40-00039-00021678-00022219 as you can see if you confuse R and L 8pUw9-fCc40-00040-00022220-00022834 you will change the word a lot so 8pUw9-fCc40-00041-00022835-00023288 correct and good pronunciation is very 8pUw9-fCc40-00042-00023289-00023876 important in your communication two more 8pUw9-fCc40-00043-00023877-00024761 examples arrive alive very different 8pUw9-fCc40-00044-00024762-00025577 words arrive example I arrived at work 8pUw9-fCc40-00045-00025578-00026100 at 8 a.m. 8pUw9-fCc40-00046-00026101-00026764 alive is the opposite of dead not the 8pUw9-fCc40-00047-00026766-00027563 same moving on right as in turn right 8pUw9-fCc40-00048-00027564-00027685 [Music] 8pUw9-fCc40-00049-00027686-00028210 light as in the light on the ceiling 8pUw9-fCc40-00050-00028211-00028694 please turn on the light all of these 8pUw9-fCc40-00051-00028695-00029202 are different words with different 8pUw9-fCc40-00052-00029204-00029595 pronunciation if you make a mistake 8pUw9-fCc40-00053-00029597-00030005 people might not understand 8pUw9-fCc40-00054-00030006-00030364 remember don't be afraid to make 8pUw9-fCc40-00055-00030364-00030771 mistakes because if you are you are shy 8pUw9-fCc40-00056-00030772-00031120 and we must be confident to speak 8pUw9-fCc40-00057-00031120-00031477 English so don't be afraid to make 8pUw9-fCc40-00058-00031477-00032115 mistakes but do watch this clip try to 8pUw9-fCc40-00059-00032116-00032545 improve watch other clips on YouTube try 8pUw9-fCc40-00060-00032545-00032949 to listen and in the future you can make 8pUw9-fCc40-00061-00032950-00033337 less mistakes and your communication 8pUw9-fCc40-00062-00033338-00034108 will be more smooth ok the same mistake 8pUw9-fCc40-00063-00034109-00034515 can happen with other letters not just l 8pUw9-fCc40-00064-00034516-00036205 and r we have the sounds s H and C H if 8pUw9-fCc40-00065-00036206-00036829 you confuse these sounds you can say a 8pUw9-fCc40-00066-00036830-00037789 different word example sheep and sheep 8pUw9-fCc40-00067-00037790-00038467 she we find on the farm cheap not 8pUw9-fCc40-00068-00038468-00039274 expensive not the same word ship we all 8pUw9-fCc40-00069-00039275-00039958 know what a ship is and get tip on the 8pUw9-fCc40-00070-00039959-00040615 SIM card in your phone chip and chip are 8pUw9-fCc40-00071-00040616-00041520 not the same words another example and 8pUw9-fCc40-00072-00041521-00042163 can come at the end of the word again if 8pUw9-fCc40-00073-00042164-00042583 you confuse these sounds they're not the 8pUw9-fCc40-00074-00042584-00043677 same word listen wash what wash we wash 8pUw9-fCc40-00075-00043678-00044379 in the shower we can wash our car 8pUw9-fCc40-00076-00044380-00045292 what as in I am watching TV he watches 8pUw9-fCc40-00077-00045293-00046000 the football not the same word now 8pUw9-fCc40-00078-00046001-00046407 during these clips you will have time to 8pUw9-fCc40-00079-00046408-00046963 listen to me and repeat yourself I will 8pUw9-fCc40-00080-00046964-00047388 give you many examples listen to me 8pUw9-fCc40-00081-00047389-00047830 listen to how I make the sound and try 8pUw9-fCc40-00082-00047831-00048469 to copy if right now you are in public 8pUw9-fCc40-00083-00048470-00048877 with other people maybe you can make the 8pUw9-fCc40-00084-00048878-00049246 sound or maybe it's better to be in 8pUw9-fCc40-00085-00049247-00049657 private up to you okay I'm sure your 8pUw9-fCc40-00086-00049658-00049858 co-workers or your family they don't 8pUw9-fCc40-00087-00049859-00050263 mind but the important thing is don't 8pUw9-fCc40-00088-00050264-00050470 just watch 8pUw9-fCc40-00089-00050471-00050996 and listen repeat the sound yourself 8pUw9-fCc40-00090-00050997-00051379 practice practice practice 8pUw9-fCc40-00091-00051379-00051835 go to your room go to the bathroom make 8pUw9-fCc40-00092-00051836-00052152 the sound say it out loud 8pUw9-fCc40-00093-00052153-00052572 copy me and practice your pronunciation 8pUw9-fCc40-00094-00052573-00052877 together 8pUw9-fCc40-00095-00052878-00053674 [Music] 8QkoczXhLgQ-00000-00000014-00000356 the anti-masonic party also known as the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00001-00000357-00000551 anti-masonic movement was the first 8QkoczXhLgQ-00002-00000552-00000860 third party in the United States it's 8QkoczXhLgQ-00003-00000861-00001049 strongly opposed Freemasonry as a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00004-00001050-00001291 single-issue party and later aspired to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00005-00001292-00001525 become a major party by expanding its 8QkoczXhLgQ-00006-00001526-00001723 platform to take positions on other 8QkoczXhLgQ-00007-00001725-00002026 issues after emerging as a political 8QkoczXhLgQ-00008-00002027-00002284 force in the late 1820s most of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00009-00002285-00002518 anti-masonic party's members joined the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00010-00002519-00002776 Whig party in the 1830s and the party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00011-00002777-00003160 disappeared after 1838 the party was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00012-00003161-00003329 founded in the aftermath of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00013-00003329-00003560 disappearance of William Morgan a former 8QkoczXhLgQ-00014-00003561-00003734 Mason who had ultimately become a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00015-00003735-00003884 prominent critic of the Masonic 8QkoczXhLgQ-00016-00003885-00004166 organization many believed that the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00017-00004167-00004381 Masons had murdered Morgan for speaking 8QkoczXhLgQ-00018-00004382-00004577 out against masonry and subsequently 8QkoczXhLgQ-00019-00004578-00004793 many churches and other groups condemned 8QkoczXhLgQ-00020-00004794-00005099 masonry as many Mason's were prominent 8QkoczXhLgQ-00021-00005100-00005324 businessman and politicians the backlash 8QkoczXhLgQ-00022-00005325-00005552 against the Masons was also a form of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00023-00005553-00005881 anti elitism mass opposition to masonry 8QkoczXhLgQ-00024-00005882-00006088 eventually coalesced into a political 8QkoczXhLgQ-00025-00006089-00006347 party before and during the presidency 8QkoczXhLgQ-00026-00006348-00006566 of John Quincy Adams there was a period 8QkoczXhLgQ-00027-00006567-00006848 of political realignment the anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00028-00006848-00007067 Mason's emerged as an important third 8QkoczXhLgQ-00029-00007068-00007306 party alternative to Andrew Jackson's 8QkoczXhLgQ-00030-00007308-00007495 Democrats and Adams as national 8QkoczXhLgQ-00031-00007497-00007831 Republicans in New York the anti Masons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00032-00007833-00008056 supplanted the National Republicans as 8QkoczXhLgQ-00033-00008058-00008323 the primary opposition to the Democrats 8QkoczXhLgQ-00034-00008324-00008648 after experiencing unexpected success in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00035-00008649-00008956 the 1828 elections the anti Masons began 8QkoczXhLgQ-00036-00008957-00009196 to adopt positions on other issues most 8QkoczXhLgQ-00037-00009197-00009377 notably support for internal 8QkoczXhLgQ-00038-00009378-00009583 improvements and a protective tariff 8QkoczXhLgQ-00039-00009584-00009889 several anti Mason's including William a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00040-00009890-00010052 Palmer and Joseph Ritter 8QkoczXhLgQ-00041-00010053-00010324 won election to prominent positions in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00042-00010325-00010531 states such as Pennsylvania and Rhode 8QkoczXhLgQ-00043-00010532-00010760 Island the party controlled the balance 8QkoczXhLgQ-00044-00010761-00010967 of power in the state legislature and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00045-00010968-00011203 provided crucial support to candidates 8QkoczXhLgQ-00046-00011204-00011563 for the Senate in 1831 the party held 8QkoczXhLgQ-00047-00011564-00011731 the first presidential nominating 8QkoczXhLgQ-00048-00011732-00011920 convention a practice that was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00049-00011921-00012103 subsequently adopted by all major 8QkoczXhLgQ-00050-00012104-00012406 parties the convention chose former 8QkoczXhLgQ-00051-00012407-00012608 Attorney General William Wirt as the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00052-00012609-00012877 party's standard bearer in the 1832 8QkoczXhLgQ-00053-00012878-00013160 presidential election and Wirt 17.8 8QkoczXhLgQ-00054-00013161-00013468 percent of the popular vote and carried 8QkoczXhLgQ-00055-00013469-00013771 as the 1830s progressed many of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00056-00013772-00013996 anti-masonic party's supporters joined 8QkoczXhLgQ-00057-00013997-00014179 the Whig party which sought to unite 8QkoczXhLgQ-00058-00014180-00014362 those opposed to the policies of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00059-00014363-00014644 President Jackson the anti-masonic party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00060-00014644-00014959 held a national convention in 1835 8QkoczXhLgQ-00061-00014960-00015205 nominating William Henry Harrison but a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00062-00015206-00015379 second convention announced that the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00063-00015380-00015562 party would not officially support a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00064-00015563-00015850 candidate Harrison campaigned as a Whig 8QkoczXhLgQ-00065-00015851-00016119 in the 1836 presidential election and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00066-00016121-00016312 his relative success in the election 8QkoczXhLgQ-00067-00016313-00016516 encouraged further migration of anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00068-00016517-00016876 Mason's to the Whig Party by 1840 the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00069-00016877-00017047 party had ceased to function as a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00070-00017048-00017326 national organization in subsequent 8QkoczXhLgQ-00071-00017327-00017602 decades former anti-masonic candidates 8QkoczXhLgQ-00072-00017603-00017821 and supporters such as Millard Fillmore 8QkoczXhLgQ-00073-00017822-00017950 William H Seward 8QkoczXhLgQ-00074-00017951-00018166 Furlow weed and Thaddeus Stevens would 8QkoczXhLgQ-00075-00018167-00018340 become well-known members of the Whig 8QkoczXhLgQ-00076-00018341-00018904 party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00077-00018905-00019430 topic history 8QkoczXhLgQ-00078-00019431-00019766 you 8QkoczXhLgQ-00079-00019767-00020290 topic background 8QkoczXhLgQ-00080-00020291-00020545 the opponents of Freemasonry formed a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00081-00020546-00020740 political movement after the Morgan 8QkoczXhLgQ-00082-00020741-00020920 affair convinced him the Masons were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00083-00020921-00021127 murdering men who spoke out against them 8QkoczXhLgQ-00084-00021128-00021511 this key episode was the mysterious 1826 8QkoczXhLgQ-00085-00021512-00021697 disappearance of William Morgan a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00086-00021698-00021925 freemason in upstate New York who had 8QkoczXhLgQ-00087-00021926-00022063 turned against the Masons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00088-00022064-00022216 Morgan claimed to have been made a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00089-00022217-00022405 member of the Masons while living in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00090-00022406-00022606 Canada and he appears to have briefly 8QkoczXhLgQ-00091-00022607-00022951 attended a lodge in Rochester in 1825 8QkoczXhLgQ-00092-00022952-00023200 Morgan received the Royal Arch degree at 8QkoczXhLgQ-00093-00023201-00023461 laroy's Western star chapter number 33 8QkoczXhLgQ-00094-00023462-00023665 having declared under oath that he had 8QkoczXhLgQ-00095-00023666-00023854 previously received the six degrees 8QkoczXhLgQ-00096-00023855-00024124 which preceded it whether he actually 8QkoczXhLgQ-00097-00024125-00024322 received these degrees and if so from 8QkoczXhLgQ-00098-00024323-00024481 where has not been determined for 8QkoczXhLgQ-00099-00024482-00024643 certain Morgan then attempted 8QkoczXhLgQ-00100-00024644-00024859 unsuccessfully to help establish or 8QkoczXhLgQ-00101-00024860-00025108 visit lodges and chapters in Batavia but 8QkoczXhLgQ-00102-00025109-00025351 was denied participation in Batavia smih 8QkoczXhLgQ-00103-00025352-00025558 sonic activities by members who were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00104-00025559-00025774 uncertain about Morgan's character and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00105-00025775-00026062 claims to Masonic membership angered by 8QkoczXhLgQ-00106-00026063-00026266 the rejection Morgan announced that he 8QkoczXhLgQ-00107-00026267-00026494 was going to publish an expose titled 8QkoczXhLgQ-00108-00026495-00026716 illustrations of masonry critical of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00109-00026717-00026929 Freemasons and describing the secret 8QkoczXhLgQ-00110-00026930-00027136 degree ceremonies in detail when his 8QkoczXhLgQ-00111-00027137-00027343 intentions became known to the Batavia 8QkoczXhLgQ-00112-00027344-00027544 Lodge an attempt was made to burn down 8QkoczXhLgQ-00113-00027545-00027727 the business of the printer who planned 8QkoczXhLgQ-00114-00027727-00028018 to publish Morgan's book in September 8QkoczXhLgQ-00115-00028019-00028306 1826 Morgan was arrested on flimsy 8QkoczXhLgQ-00116-00028307-00028507 allegations of failing to repay a loan 8QkoczXhLgQ-00117-00028508-00028708 and theft of a shirt and tie in an 8QkoczXhLgQ-00118-00028708-00028885 effort to prevent publication of his 8QkoczXhLgQ-00119-00028886-00029143 book by keeping him in jail the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00120-00029144-00029320 individual who intended to publish 8QkoczXhLgQ-00121-00029320-00029554 Morgan's book paid his bail and he was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00122-00029555-00029857 released from custody shortly afterwards 8QkoczXhLgQ-00123-00029858-00030124 Morgan disappeared some skeptics argued 8QkoczXhLgQ-00124-00030125-00030345 that Morgan had left the Batavia area on 8QkoczXhLgQ-00125-00030347-00030550 his own either because he had been paid 8QkoczXhLgQ-00126-00030551-00030751 not to publish his book or to escape 8QkoczXhLgQ-00127-00030752-00030982 Masonic retaliation for attempting to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00128-00030983-00031144 publish the book or to generate 8QkoczXhLgQ-00129-00031145-00031308 publicity that would boost the book 8QkoczXhLgQ-00130-00031310-00031597 sales the generally believed version of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00131-00031598-00031831 events was that Masons killed Morgan by 8QkoczXhLgQ-00132-00031832-00031995 drowning him in the Niagara River 8QkoczXhLgQ-00133-00031995-00032236 whether he fled or was murdered 8QkoczXhLgQ-00134-00032237-00032427 Morgan's disappearance led many to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00135-00032429-00032635 believe that Freemasonry was in conflict 8QkoczXhLgQ-00136-00032636-00032866 with good citizenship because judges 8QkoczXhLgQ-00137-00032867-00033115 businessman bankers and politicians were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00138-00033116-00033382 often Mason's ordinary citizens began to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00139-00033383-00033643 think of it as an elitist group moreover 8QkoczXhLgQ-00140-00033644-00033697 men 8QkoczXhLgQ-00141-00033698-00033874 claimed that the lodges secret oaths 8QkoczXhLgQ-00142-00033875-00034060 pound Mason's to favor each other 8QkoczXhLgQ-00143-00034061-00034261 against outsiders in the courts and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00144-00034262-00034474 elsewhere because some trials of alleged 8QkoczXhLgQ-00145-00034475-00034711 Morgan conspirators were mishandled and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00146-00034712-00034927 the Masons resisted further inquiries 8QkoczXhLgQ-00147-00034928-00035161 many New Yorkers concluded that Mason's 8QkoczXhLgQ-00148-00035162-00035362 controlled key offices and used their 8QkoczXhLgQ-00149-00035363-00035563 official authority to promote the goals 8QkoczXhLgQ-00150-00035564-00035767 of the fraternity by ensuring the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00151-00035768-00035944 Morgans supposed killers escape 8QkoczXhLgQ-00152-00035945-00036202 punishment when a member sought to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00153-00036203-00036316 reveal its secrets 8QkoczXhLgQ-00154-00036317-00036550 so ran the conclusion the Freemasons had 8QkoczXhLgQ-00155-00036551-00036772 done away with him because they 8QkoczXhLgQ-00156-00036773-00036964 controlled the courts and other offices 8QkoczXhLgQ-00157-00036965-00037153 they were supposedly capable of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00158-00037154-00037414 obstructing the investigation true 8QkoczXhLgQ-00159-00037415-00037684 Americans they said had to organize and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00160-00037685-00037927 defeat this conspiracy if good 8QkoczXhLgQ-00161-00037928-00038194 government was to be restored all Masons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00162-00038195-00038933 must be purged from public office 8QkoczXhLgQ-00163-00038934-00039503 topic party foundation 8QkoczXhLgQ-00164-00039504-00039764 the anti-masonic party was formed in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00165-00039765-00040148 upstate New York in February 1828 anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00166-00040149-00040361 masons were opponents of Freemasonry 8QkoczXhLgQ-00167-00040362-00040541 believing that it was a corrupt and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00168-00040542-00040781 elitist secret society which was ruling 8QkoczXhLgQ-00169-00040782-00040970 much of the country in defiance of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00170-00040971-00041249 Republican principles many people 8QkoczXhLgQ-00171-00041250-00041480 regarded the Masonic organization and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00172-00041481-00041678 its adherents involved in government as 8QkoczXhLgQ-00173-00041679-00041924 corrupt opposition to masonry was taken 8QkoczXhLgQ-00174-00041925-00042113 up by some churches as a religious 8QkoczXhLgQ-00175-00042114-00042308 crusade particularly in what became 8QkoczXhLgQ-00176-00042309-00042578 known as the burned over district many 8QkoczXhLgQ-00177-00042579-00042776 churches passed resolutions condemning 8QkoczXhLgQ-00178-00042777-00042983 ministers and lay leaders who were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00179-00042984-00043120 Masons and several denominations 8QkoczXhLgQ-00180-00043121-00043379 condemned Freemasonry including the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00181-00043380-00043619 Presbyterian Congregational Methodist 8QkoczXhLgQ-00182-00043620-00043844 and Baptist churches as well as several 8QkoczXhLgQ-00183-00043845-00044165 others anti masonry also became a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00184-00044166-00044351 political issue in western New York 8QkoczXhLgQ-00185-00044352-00044672 where early in 1827 many mass meetings 8QkoczXhLgQ-00186-00044673-00044882 resolved not to support Mason's for 8QkoczXhLgQ-00187-00044883-00045185 public office in New York at this time 8QkoczXhLgQ-00188-00045186-00045395 the supporters of President John Quincy 8QkoczXhLgQ-00189-00045396-00045722 Adams called Adams men or anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00190-00045723-00045986 Jacksonians or national Republicans were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00191-00045987-00046277 a feeble organization shrewd Adams 8QkoczXhLgQ-00192-00046278-00046502 supporters determined to use the strong 8QkoczXhLgQ-00193-00046503-00046727 anti Masonic feeling to create a new 8QkoczXhLgQ-00194-00046728-00046928 party in opposition to the rising 8QkoczXhLgQ-00195-00046929-00047138 jacksonian democracy nationally in the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00196-00047139-00047411 Albany Regency political organization of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00197-00047412-00047702 Martin Van Buren in New York in this 8QkoczXhLgQ-00198-00047703-00047900 effort they were aided by the fact that 8QkoczXhLgQ-00199-00047901-00048146 Andrew Jackson was a high-ranking Mason 8QkoczXhLgQ-00200-00048147-00048338 and frequently spoke in praise of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00201-00048339-00048611 organization the alleged remark of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00202-00048612-00048830 anti-masonic organizer Thurlow wheat 8QkoczXhLgQ-00203-00048831-00049067 which we denied that an unidentified 8QkoczXhLgQ-00204-00049068-00049298 corpse found in the Niagara River was a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00205-00049299-00049670 good-enough Morgan until after the 1828 8QkoczXhLgQ-00206-00049671-00049889 elections summarized the value of the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00207-00049890-00050090 Morgan disappearance for the opponents 8QkoczXhLgQ-00208-00050091-00050646 of Jackson 8QkoczXhLgQ-00209-00050647-00051196 topic political rise 8QkoczXhLgQ-00210-00051197-00051516 in the elections of 1828 the new party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00211-00051517-00051789 proved unexpectedly strong though its 8QkoczXhLgQ-00212-00051790-00051988 candidate for governor of New York 8QkoczXhLgQ-00213-00051989-00052201 Solomon Southwick was defeated the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00214-00052202-00052408 anti-masonic party became the main 8QkoczXhLgQ-00215-00052409-00052591 opposition party to the Jacksonian 8QkoczXhLgQ-00216-00052591-00052969 Democrats in New York in 1829 it 8QkoczXhLgQ-00217-00052970-00053176 broadened its issues base when it became 8QkoczXhLgQ-00218-00053177-00053386 a champion of internal improvements and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00219-00053387-00053569 the protective tariffs anti-masonic 8QkoczXhLgQ-00220-00053570-00053833 party members expanded the use of party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00221-00053834-00054040 affiliated newspapers for political 8QkoczXhLgQ-00222-00054041-00054289 organizing by publishing over 100 8QkoczXhLgQ-00223-00054290-00054496 including south Whigs national observer 8QkoczXhLgQ-00224-00054497-00054889 and weeds anti-masonic Enquirer by 1829 8QkoczXhLgQ-00225-00054890-00055102 weeds albany journal had become the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00226-00055103-00055312 preeminent anti-masonic paper and it 8QkoczXhLgQ-00227-00055313-00055507 later became the leading Whig newspaper 8QkoczXhLgQ-00228-00055508-00055798 the newspapers of the time reveled in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00229-00055799-00056044 partisanship and one brief paragraph in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00230-00056045-00056251 an Albany Journal article opposing 8QkoczXhLgQ-00231-00056252-00056478 martin van buren included the words 8QkoczXhLgQ-00232-00056479-00057054 dangerous demagogue corrupt degrade 8QkoczXhLgQ-00233-00057054-00057646 pervert prostitute de boor CH and curse 8QkoczXhLgQ-00234-00057647-00058188 it 8QkoczXhLgQ-00235-00058189-00058784 topic conventions and elections a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00236-00058785-00059088 national anti-masonic organization was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00237-00059089-00059357 planned as early as 1827 when the New 8QkoczXhLgQ-00238-00059358-00059565 York leaders attempted unsuccessfully to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00239-00059566-00059775 persuade Henry Clay to renounce his 8QkoczXhLgQ-00240-00059776-00059975 masonic membership and head the movement 8QkoczXhLgQ-00241-00059976-00060254 by 1830 the anti-masonic movements 8QkoczXhLgQ-00242-00060255-00060453 effort to broaden his appeal enabled it 8QkoczXhLgQ-00243-00060454-00060660 to spread to neighboring states becoming 8QkoczXhLgQ-00244-00060661-00060875 especially strong in Pennsylvania and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00245-00060876-00061236 Vermont in 1831 William a Palmer was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00246-00061237-00061451 elected governor of Vermont on an anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00247-00061452-00061675 Masonic ticket an office he held until 8QkoczXhLgQ-00248-00061676-00062049 1835 Palmer's brother-in-law Augustine 8QkoczXhLgQ-00249-00062050-00062279 Clarke was an anti Masonic presidential 8QkoczXhLgQ-00250-00062280-00062586 elector in 1832 served as Vermont State 8QkoczXhLgQ-00251-00062587-00062934 Treasurer from 1833 to 1837 and was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00252-00062935-00063153 appointed to the anti-masonic National 8QkoczXhLgQ-00253-00063154-00063467 Committee in 1837 other Vermont 8QkoczXhLgQ-00254-00063469-00063786 anti-masonic electors in 1832 included 8QkoczXhLgQ-00255-00063787-00064007 former governor Ezra Butler and former 8QkoczXhLgQ-00256-00064008-00064221 United States representative William 8QkoczXhLgQ-00257-00064222-00064437 strong the highest elected office held 8QkoczXhLgQ-00258-00064438-00064604 by a member of the anti-masonic party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00259-00064605-00064742 was governor 8QkoczXhLgQ-00260-00064744-00065034 besides Palmer in Vermont Joseph Ritter 8QkoczXhLgQ-00261-00065035-00065250 was the governor of Pennsylvania from 8QkoczXhLgQ-00262-00065251-00065622 1835 to 1839 in addition to Palmer and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00263-00065623-00065900 Ritter Silas H Jennison an anti Mason 8QkoczXhLgQ-00264-00065901-00066072 was elected lieutenant governor of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00265-00066073-00066441 Vermont with Whig support in 1835 no 8QkoczXhLgQ-00266-00066442-00066678 candidate including Palmer received a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00267-00066679-00066861 majority of votes for governor as 8QkoczXhLgQ-00268-00066862-00067161 required by the Vermont Constitution the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00269-00067162-00067329 contest then moved to the Vermont 8QkoczXhLgQ-00270-00067330-00067518 General Assembly which could not choose 8QkoczXhLgQ-00271-00067519-00067803 a winner the General Assembly then opted 8QkoczXhLgQ-00272-00067804-00068004 to allow Jennison to act as governor 8QkoczXhLgQ-00273-00068005-00068286 until the next election he won election 8QkoczXhLgQ-00274-00068287-00068507 as governor in his own right as a Whig 8QkoczXhLgQ-00275-00068508-00068956 in 1836 and served from 1836 to 1841 8QkoczXhLgQ-00276-00068957-00069269 though the anti-masonic party elected no 8QkoczXhLgQ-00277-00069270-00069492 senators and controlled no houses of a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00278-00069493-00069738 state legislature anti Mason's in state 8QkoczXhLgQ-00279-00069739-00069944 legislatures sometimes form coalition's 8QkoczXhLgQ-00280-00069945-00070185 to elect senators and organize their 8QkoczXhLgQ-00281-00070186-00070467 chambers examples include William 8QkoczXhLgQ-00282-00070468-00070785 Wilkins elected to the Senate in 1830 by 8QkoczXhLgQ-00283-00070786-00070982 a coalition of Democrats and anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00284-00070983-00071166 Mason's in the Pennsylvania General 8QkoczXhLgQ-00285-00071167-00071405 Assembly and William Sprague elected 8QkoczXhLgQ-00286-00071406-00071542 Speaker of the Rhode Island 8QkoczXhLgQ-00287-00071543-00071830 House of Representatives in 1831 by a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00288-00071831-00072101 coalition of Democrats and anti Masons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00289-00072102-00072409 the anti-masonic party conducted the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00290-00072410-00072637 first presidential nominating convention 8QkoczXhLgQ-00291-00072638-00072832 in the United States history for the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00292-00072833-00073156 1832 elections nominating William Wirt a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00293-00073157-00073396 former Mason for president and a Marcel 8QkoczXhLgQ-00294-00073397-00073612 Maker for vice president in Baltimore 8QkoczXhLgQ-00295-00073613-00074041 Wert 17.7 8% of the popular vote and the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00296-00074042-00074344 7 electoral votes of Vermont soon the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00297-00074345-00074544 Democrats and Whigs recognized the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00298-00074545-00074757 conventions value in managing parties 8QkoczXhLgQ-00299-00074758-00074953 and campaigns and began to hold their 8QkoczXhLgQ-00300-00074954-00075253 own following Rinna's election in 1835 a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00301-00075254-00075472 state convention was held in Harrisburg 8QkoczXhLgQ-00302-00075473-00075844 on December 14 to 17 1835 to choose 8QkoczXhLgQ-00303-00075845-00076099 presidential electors for the 1836 8QkoczXhLgQ-00304-00076100-00076326 election the convention nominated 8QkoczXhLgQ-00305-00076327-00076588 William Henry Harrison for president and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00306-00076589-00076882 Francis Granger for vice president the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00307-00076883-00077107 Vermont state anti-masonic convention 8QkoczXhLgQ-00308-00077108-00077493 followed suit on February 24 1836 8QkoczXhLgQ-00309-00077494-00077713 anti-masonic leaders were unable to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00310-00077714-00077938 obtain assurance from Harrison that he 8QkoczXhLgQ-00311-00077939-00078124 was not a Mason so they called a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00312-00078125-00078409 national convention the second national 8QkoczXhLgQ-00313-00078410-00078649 anti-masonic nominating convention was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00314-00078650-00079001 held in Philadelphia on May 4 1836 the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00315-00079002-00079282 meeting was divisive but a majority of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00316-00079283-00079494 the delegates officially stated that the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00317-00079495-00079687 party was not sponsoring a national 8QkoczXhLgQ-00318-00079688-00079885 ticket for the presidential election of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00319-00079886-00080254 1836 and proposed a meeting in 1837 to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00320-00080255-00080437 discuss the future of the party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00321-00080438-00080619 although Harrison lost the election to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00322-00080620-00080884 Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00323-00080885-00081130 1836 his strength throughout the north 8QkoczXhLgQ-00324-00081131-00081346 was hailed by anti-masonic leaders 8QkoczXhLgQ-00325-00081347-00081580 because the anti-masonic party was the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00326-00081581-00081772 first to officially place his name in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00327-00081773-00082131 contention by the mid-1830s other anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00328-00082132-00082344 Jacksonians had coalesced into the Whig 8QkoczXhLgQ-00329-00082345-00082555 party which had a broader issue base 8QkoczXhLgQ-00330-00082556-00082869 than the anti Mason's by the late 1830s 8QkoczXhLgQ-00331-00082870-00083125 many of the anti-masonic movements 8QkoczXhLgQ-00332-00083126-00083278 members were moving to the Whigs 8QkoczXhLgQ-00333-00083279-00083469 regarding that party as a better 8QkoczXhLgQ-00334-00083470-00083716 alternative to the Jacksonians by then 8QkoczXhLgQ-00335-00083717-00083988 called democrats the anti-masonic party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00336-00083989-00084364 held a conference in september 1837 to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00337-00084365-00084634 discuss its situation one delegate was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00338-00084635-00084876 former President John Quincy Adams the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00339-00084877-00084914 aunt 8QkoczXhLgQ-00340-00084915-00085130 masonic party held a third national 8QkoczXhLgQ-00341-00085131-00085343 nominating convention at temperance Hall 8QkoczXhLgQ-00342-00085344-00085632 in Philadelphia on November 13 to 14 8QkoczXhLgQ-00343-00085633-00085985 1838 by this time the party had been 8QkoczXhLgQ-00344-00085986-00086230 almost entirely supplanted by the Whigs 8QkoczXhLgQ-00345-00086231-00086561 the anti Masons unanimously nominated 8QkoczXhLgQ-00346-00086562-00086782 William Henry Harrison for president and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00347-00086783-00087011 Daniel Webster for vice-president in the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00348-00087012-00087314 1840 election when the Whig national 8QkoczXhLgQ-00349-00087315-00087536 convention nominated Harrison with John 8QkoczXhLgQ-00350-00087537-00087692 Tyler as his running mate 8QkoczXhLgQ-00351-00087693-00087911 the anti-masonic party did not make an 8QkoczXhLgQ-00352-00087912-00088094 alternate nomination and ceased to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00353-00088095-00088307 function with most adherents being fully 8QkoczXhLgQ-00354-00088308-00089056 absorbed into the Whigs by 1840 8QkoczXhLgQ-00355-00089057-00089579 topic legacy 8QkoczXhLgQ-00356-00089580-00089759 as people became more mobile 8QkoczXhLgQ-00357-00089760-00089978 economically during the industrial 8QkoczXhLgQ-00358-00089979-00090182 revolution and began to move West when 8QkoczXhLgQ-00359-00090183-00090374 new states were populated by white 8QkoczXhLgQ-00360-00090375-00090578 settlers and added to the Union the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00361-00090579-00090785 growth of the anti-masonic movement was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00362-00090786-00090962 caused by the political and social 8QkoczXhLgQ-00363-00090963-00091184 unrest resulting from the weakening of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00364-00091185-00091411 long-standing family and community ties 8QkoczXhLgQ-00365-00091412-00091651 with Freemasonry one of the few 8QkoczXhLgQ-00366-00091652-00091882 institutions that remained stable during 8QkoczXhLgQ-00367-00091883-00092090 this time of change it became a natural 8QkoczXhLgQ-00368-00092091-00092431 target for protesters as a result the 8QkoczXhLgQ-00369-00092432-00092638 Morgan affair became the catalyst that 8QkoczXhLgQ-00370-00092639-00092828 turned the movement against Freemasons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00371-00092829-00093050 into a political party under the banner 8QkoczXhLgQ-00372-00093051-00093353 of anti Mason's able leaders United anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00373-00093354-00093521 Jacksonians and others who were 8QkoczXhLgQ-00374-00093522-00093710 discontented with existing political 8QkoczXhLgQ-00375-00093711-00094006 conditions the fact that William Wirt 8QkoczXhLgQ-00376-00094007-00094268 the choice for the presidency in 1832 8QkoczXhLgQ-00377-00094269-00094519 not only was a former Mason but also 8QkoczXhLgQ-00378-00094520-00094748 defended Freemasonry in a speech before 8QkoczXhLgQ-00379-00094749-00094943 the convention that nominated him 8QkoczXhLgQ-00380-00094944-00095180 indicates that opposition to masonry was 8QkoczXhLgQ-00381-00095181-00095375 not the anti-masonic movements sole 8QkoczXhLgQ-00382-00095376-00095594 issue the anti-masonic movement gave 8QkoczXhLgQ-00383-00095595-00095831 rise to or expanded the use of many 8QkoczXhLgQ-00384-00095832-00096029 innovations which became accepted 8QkoczXhLgQ-00385-00096030-00096254 practice among other parties including 8QkoczXhLgQ-00386-00096255-00096443 nominating conventions and party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00387-00096444-00096767 newspapers in addition the anti masons 8QkoczXhLgQ-00388-00096768-00096974 aided in the rise of the Whig party is 8QkoczXhLgQ-00389-00096975-00097184 the major alternative to the Democrats 8QkoczXhLgQ-00390-00097185-00097415 with conventions newspapers and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00391-00097416-00097606 anti-masonic positions on issues 8QkoczXhLgQ-00392-00097607-00097805 including internal improvements and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00393-00097806-00098518 tariffs being adopted by the Whigs 8QkoczXhLgQ-00394-00098519-00099178 topic ii anti-masonic party 8QkoczXhLgQ-00395-00099179-00099439 a later political organization called 8QkoczXhLgQ-00396-00099440-00099682 the anti-masonic party was active from 8QkoczXhLgQ-00397-00099683-00100117 1872 until 1888 this second group had a 8QkoczXhLgQ-00398-00100118-00100324 more religious basis for its anti 8QkoczXhLgQ-00399-00100325-00100534 masonry and was closely associated with 8QkoczXhLgQ-00400-00100535-00101286 Jonathan Blanchard of Wheaton College 8QkoczXhLgQ-00401-00101287-00101872 topic members of Congress 8QkoczXhLgQ-00402-00101873-00102142 the anti Masons did not elect anyone to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00403-00102143-00102346 the Senate but elected several members 8QkoczXhLgQ-00404-00102347-00102600 of the House of Representatives 8QkoczXhLgQ-00405-00102601-00102943 Massachusetts William Jackson John Reed 8QkoczXhLgQ-00406-00102944-00103306 jr. New York William Babcock Gamaliel H 8QkoczXhLgQ-00407-00103307-00103422 Barstow 8QkoczXhLgQ-00408-00103423-00103888 Timothy child's John a Collier Bates 8QkoczXhLgQ-00409-00103889-00104452 cook John Dixon Philo C fuller Gideon 8QkoczXhLgQ-00410-00104453-00105043 hard Abner Hazeltine George W lay Henry 8QkoczXhLgQ-00411-00105044-00105378 C Martin del Robert s rose 8QkoczXhLgQ-00412-00105379-00105882 Phineas L Tracy Gratton H wheeler 8QkoczXhLgQ-00413-00105883-00106156 Frederick Whittlesea Ohio Jonathan Sloan 8QkoczXhLgQ-00414-00106157-00106539 Pennsylvania Robert Allison John Banks 8QkoczXhLgQ-00415-00106540-00106965 Charles Augustus Barnet's Richard Biddle 8QkoczXhLgQ-00416-00106966-00107446 George chambers William Clark Edward 8QkoczXhLgQ-00417-00107447-00107904 Darlington Edward Davies Harmer Denny 8QkoczXhLgQ-00418-00107905-00108376 John Edwards Thomas Henry William 8QkoczXhLgQ-00419-00108377-00108876 heaster Francis James Thomas McKean 8QkoczXhLgQ-00420-00108877-00109381 Charles ogle David Potts jr. Andrew 8QkoczXhLgQ-00421-00109382-00109560 Stewart Rhode Island Jew teacher all 8QkoczXhLgQ-00422-00109561-00109926 Perce of amant William Cahoon Benjamin F 8QkoczXhLgQ-00423-00109927-00110855 Deming Henry Fisk James William slate 8QkoczXhLgQ-00424-00110856-00111125 topic notable officeholders and 8QkoczXhLgQ-00425-00111126-00111580 candidates 8QkoczXhLgQ-00426-00111581-00111829 Soloman Southwick candidate for governor 8QkoczXhLgQ-00427-00111830-00112243 of new york 1828 Millard Fillmore New 8QkoczXhLgQ-00428-00112244-00112785 York State Assembly 1829 to 1837 8QkoczXhLgQ-00429-00112786-00113518 York State Senate 1831 to 1836 8QkoczXhLgQ-00430-00113519-00114009 1 to 1835 William a Palmer governor of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00431-00114010-00114922 Vermont 1831 to 1836 8QkoczXhLgQ-00432-00114923-00115233 ANDed it for vice president in 1832 8QkoczXhLgQ-00433-00115233-00115525 William Sprague 3 Speaker of the Rhode 8QkoczXhLgQ-00434-00115526-00115852 Island House of Representatives 1832 to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00435-00115853-00116278 1835 Thaddeus Stevens Pennsylvania House 8QkoczXhLgQ-00436-00116279-00116715 of Representatives 1833 to 1835 8QkoczXhLgQ-00437-00116716-00116991 Augustine Clark Vermont State Treasurer 8QkoczXhLgQ-00438-00116992-00117478 1833 to 1837 Joseph rippner governor of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00439-00117479-00118026 Pennsylvania 1835 to 1839 Silas H 8QkoczXhLgQ-00440-00118027-00118374 Jennison governor of Vermont 1835 to 8QkoczXhLgQ-00441-00118375-00118663 1841 an anti Mason running with WIC 8QkoczXhLgQ-00442-00118664-00118975 support who later became a wig John 8QkoczXhLgQ-00443-00118976-00119200 Quincy Adams candidate for governor of 8QkoczXhLgQ-00444-00119201-00119590 Massachusetts in 1833 Allen Wardner 8QkoczXhLgQ-00445-00119591-00120027 Vermont State Treasurer 1837 to 1847 8QkoczXhLgQ-00446-00120028-00120313 Blanche Art candidate for president in 8QkoczXhLgQ-00447-00120314-00120828 1884 8QkoczXhLgQ-00448-00120829-00121415 topic electoral history 8QkoczXhLgQ-00449-00121416-00121752 you 8QkoczXhLgQ-00450-00121753-00122359 topic presidential elections 8QkoczXhLgQ-00451-00122360-00122615 equals equals equals congressional 8QkoczXhLgQ-00452-00122616-00122870 elections 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00000-00002400-00002758 as you fade away 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00001-00002759-00003166 [Music] 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00002-00003167-00004009 hey 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00003-00004010-00006143 [Music] 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00004-00006144-00006463 i know you told your friend you're not 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00005-00006464-00006606 okay 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00006-00006608-00006855 and tell me what's wrong and why you 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00007-00006856-00007363 smiling till i look away 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00008-00007364-00007670 [Music] 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00009-00007672-00007798 to cry 8RkTTEb2TtQ-00010-00007800-00008106 [Music] 8RUbAe-you0-00000-00000265-00000599 see I what's up I'm Donald max of a Bob 8RUbAe-you0-00001-00000600-00000947 Dodd and today I want to talk to you 8RUbAe-you0-00002-00000948-00001235 about how we can make sure that as we 8RUbAe-you0-00003-00001236-00001418 build our progressive web apps that all 8RUbAe-you0-00004-00001419-00001657 of our users can access the content in 8RUbAe-you0-00005-00001659-00002026 those apps now Paul just showed some 8RUbAe-you0-00006-00002027-00002204 really cool examples of how to build 8RUbAe-you0-00007-00002205-00002507 amazing components and as he hit on 8RUbAe-you0-00008-00002508-00002765 repeatedly in his talk you know we know 8RUbAe-you0-00009-00002766-00002959 that performance is not just a nice to 8RUbAe-you0-00010-00002960-00003320 have performances kind of a crucial 8RUbAe-you0-00011-00003321-00003686 aspect of a good user experience we know 8RUbAe-you0-00012-00003686-00003920 that users will actually abandon an 8RUbAe-you0-00013-00003921-00004100 application if it doesn't have the 8RUbAe-you0-00014-00004101-00004418 performance that they expect but it's 8RUbAe-you0-00015-00004419-00004541 often the case that when we're designing 8RUbAe-you0-00016-00004542-00004891 these components and these applications 8RUbAe-you0-00017-00004892-00005122 we're doing so based on our own 8RUbAe-you0-00018-00005123-00005333 experience and our own physical 8RUbAe-you0-00019-00005334-00005677 abilities so we're designing for the 8RUbAe-you0-00020-00005678-00005876 range of users who really see and 8RUbAe-you0-00021-00005877-00006184 interact with the world as we do meaning 8RUbAe-you0-00022-00006185-00006400 anyone who falls outside of that range 8RUbAe-you0-00023-00006401-00006709 is going to be excluded from our design 8RUbAe-you0-00024-00006709-00007075 so these users aren't abandoning our app 8RUbAe-you0-00025-00007076-00007321 they're actually prevented from using it 8RUbAe-you0-00026-00007322-00007642 in the first place and so as to sign 8RUbAe-you0-00027-00007643-00007814 errs and developers it's important that 8RUbAe-you0-00028-00007815-00007970 we not only consider how we interact 8RUbAe-you0-00029-00007970-00008095 with the world but we really think about 8RUbAe-you0-00030-00008097-00008348 the full range of human abilities and 8RUbAe-you0-00031-00008349-00008591 this becomes especially important when 8RUbAe-you0-00032-00008592-00008834 we're talking about mobile because as we 8RUbAe-you0-00033-00008835-00009059 use our devices in different contexts 8RUbAe-you0-00034-00009060-00009256 and in different environments we may to 8RUbAe-you0-00035-00009257-00009481 experience situational or temporary 8RUbAe-you0-00036-00009482-00009796 impairment so to give you an example I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00037-00009797-00009899 sure many of you have had the experience 8RUbAe-you0-00038-00009900-00010133 of trying to use your your phone or some 8RUbAe-you0-00039-00010134-00010310 electronic device outdoors when it's 8RUbAe-you0-00040-00010311-00010528 really sunny and you need like you can't 8RUbAe-you0-00041-00010529-00010703 really read the screens doing this thing 8RUbAe-you0-00042-00010704-00010862 right you need some additional contrast 8RUbAe-you0-00043-00010863-00010985 on the screen so you can actually read 8RUbAe-you0-00044-00010986-00011312 it so if we have a design that also 8RUbAe-you0-00045-00011313-00011534 factors in the needs of low vision users 8RUbAe-you0-00046-00011535-00011759 folks who also benefit from increased 8RUbAe-you0-00047-00011760-00011927 contrast and their reading experience 8RUbAe-you0-00048-00011928-00012142 then what we end up with is just sort of 8RUbAe-you0-00049-00012143-00012353 a more robust application it works well 8RUbAe-you0-00050-00012354-00012569 for those users it works well for us as 8RUbAe-you0-00051-00012570-00012728 we take our mobile devices out in the 8RUbAe-you0-00052-00012729-00013105 Sun in other words accessibility just 8RUbAe-you0-00053-00013106-00013363 equals good ux 8RUbAe-you0-00054-00013363-00013619 I'm in the crazy slider too there we go 8RUbAe-you0-00055-00013619-00013874 accessibility is just good UX right so 8RUbAe-you0-00056-00013875-00014003 this is what I want to talk about today 8RUbAe-you0-00057-00014004-00014219 how do we make sure that all of our 8RUbAe-you0-00058-00014219-00014465 users can access the content in our apps 8RUbAe-you0-00059-00014466-00014696 I'm going to do this by splitting this 8RUbAe-you0-00060-00014697-00014981 talking to three parts so the first part 8RUbAe-you0-00061-00014982-00015191 is looking at really the diversity of 8RUbAe-you0-00062-00015191-00015365 users that are out there and touching on 8RUbAe-you0-00063-00015366-00015497 the accessibility topics that affect 8RUbAe-you0-00064-00015497-00015844 them then I want to look at tubic areas 8RUbAe-you0-00065-00015846-00016138 that developers often miss which are 8RUbAe-you0-00066-00016140-00016375 particularly focused on focus and 8RUbAe-you0-00067-00016376-00016634 semantics but i want to start just by 8RUbAe-you0-00068-00016635-00016790 understanding who our users are and the 8RUbAe-you0-00069-00016791-00016964 kinds of assets of technology that they 8RUbAe-you0-00070-00016965-00017306 use now i'm going to focus on users with 8RUbAe-you0-00071-00017307-00017543 permanent disabilities but again I want 8RUbAe-you0-00072-00017544-00017657 to reiterate that issues of 8RUbAe-you0-00073-00017658-00017822 accessibility really do affect all of us 8RUbAe-you0-00074-00017823-00017996 ensuring that users with disabilities 8RUbAe-you0-00075-00017997-00018221 can access the content in our 8RUbAe-you0-00076-00018222-00018374 applications is just going to make a 8RUbAe-you0-00077-00018375-00018650 better experience for everyone but 8RUbAe-you0-00078-00018651-00018767 having said that let me get some numbers 8RUbAe-you0-00079-00018768-00018878 out there because I think these are 8RUbAe-you0-00080-00018879-00019070 pretty fascinating so according to the 8RUbAe-you0-00081-00019071-00019301 world health organization about fifteen 8RUbAe-you0-00082-00019302-00019490 percent of the world's population lives 8RUbAe-you0-00083-00019491-00019772 with some form of disability so to put 8RUbAe-you0-00084-00019773-00019934 that another way we're talking about 8RUbAe-you0-00085-00019935-00020347 around 1 billion people worldwide and we 8RUbAe-you0-00086-00020348-00020546 can roughly split these into about four 8RUbAe-you0-00087-00020547-00020690 different sort of categories of 8RUbAe-you0-00088-00020691-00021014 impairment those affecting visual senses 8RUbAe-you0-00089-00021015-00021238 those affecting motor and dexterity 8RUbAe-you0-00090-00021239-00021539 auditory senses and cognitive senses and 8RUbAe-you0-00091-00021540-00021766 want to cover each of these individually 8RUbAe-you0-00092-00021767-00022184 starting with visual senses so users 8RUbAe-you0-00093-00022185-00022328 with visual impairment you can kind of 8RUbAe-you0-00094-00022329-00022505 split them into two groups those folks 8RUbAe-you0-00095-00022506-00022715 who might be completely blind and have 8RUbAe-you0-00096-00022716-00022889 no vision to those folks who might have 8RUbAe-you0-00097-00022890-00023177 limited or low vision so someone who is 8RUbAe-you0-00098-00023178-00023387 completely blind might use a screen 8RUbAe-you0-00099-00023388-00023660 reader this is talk back on Android to 8RUbAe-you0-00100-00023661-00023855 interact with their device they may also 8RUbAe-you0-00101-00023856-00024091 use a Braille reading device to access 8RUbAe-you0-00102-00024092-00024341 their desktop and have it sort of 8RUbAe-you0-00103-00024342-00024539 translate the content for them in that 8RUbAe-you0-00104-00024540-00024785 environment so that's users with no 8RUbAe-you0-00105-00024786-00025127 vision users with low vision they may 8RUbAe-you0-00106-00025128-00025535 also use a screen reader or row now go 8RUbAe-you0-00107-00025536-00025795 back there we go they may also use a 8RUbAe-you0-00108-00025797-00025997 screen reader or they may choose to use 8RUbAe-you0-00109-00025998-00026225 screen magnification and might use a 8RUbAe-you0-00110-00026226-00026440 built-in zoom that's at the browser 8RUbAe-you0-00111-00026441-00026582 level or sorry at the operating system 8RUbAe-you0-00112-00026583-00026726 level as you're seeing here 8RUbAe-you0-00113-00026727-00026893 might use browser zoom just you know 8RUbAe-you0-00114-00026894-00027139 command + to zoom in the page let me 8RUbAe-you0-00115-00027141-00027277 also use something like high contrast 8RUbAe-you0-00116-00027278-00027476 mode so here you're seeing that the 8RUbAe-you0-00117-00027477-00027617 background of the foreground colors have 8RUbAe-you0-00118-00027618-00028010 been swapped to increase legibility so 8RUbAe-you0-00119-00028011-00028268 that was a that was vision for for motor 8RUbAe-you0-00120-00028269-00028457 impairment these users really span the 8RUbAe-you0-00121-00028458-00028685 gamut of folks who maybe would prefer 8RUbAe-you0-00122-00028686-00028837 not to use a mouse because they have 8RUbAe-you0-00123-00028838-00029027 something like repetitive stress injury 8RUbAe-you0-00124-00029027-00029201 something like carpal tunnel syndrome or 8RUbAe-you0-00125-00029202-00029386 maybe even just like a broken arm or 8RUbAe-you0-00126-00029387-00029602 sprained wrist all the way to someone 8RUbAe-you0-00127-00029603-00029792 who might have be or who might be 8RUbAe-you0-00128-00029793-00029933 physically paralyzed and have a limited 8RUbAe-you0-00129-00029933-00030287 range of motion so for these users they 8RUbAe-you0-00130-00030288-00030410 may be using head or eye tracking 8RUbAe-you0-00131-00030411-00030602 devices this is an example of a program 8RUbAe-you0-00132-00030602-00030787 called Dasher which uses a webcam to 8RUbAe-you0-00133-00030788-00030968 track the user's head and eyes and help 8RUbAe-you0-00134-00030969-00031160 them type they may also be using a 8RUbAe-you0-00135-00031161-00031339 keyboard or a switch device as you're 8RUbAe-you0-00136-00031340-00031558 seeing here to actually drive their 8RUbAe-you0-00137-00031559-00031765 computer they may also use voice control 8RUbAe-you0-00138-00031766-00031952 so there's a lot of different mechanisms 8RUbAe-you0-00139-00031952-00032299 that they can use for auditory 8RUbAe-you0-00140-00032300-00032593 impairment these users range from those 8RUbAe-you0-00141-00032594-00032804 who are profoundly deaf just someone who 8RUbAe-you0-00142-00032805-00032995 is hard of hearing so I'm actually in 8RUbAe-you0-00143-00032996-00033139 the heart of hearing camp I've got about 8RUbAe-you0-00144-00033140-00033326 ninety percent hearing loss on my left 8RUbAe-you0-00145-00033327-00033571 hand side so for these users you want to 8RUbAe-you0-00146-00033572-00033787 make sure that you're not relying solely 8RUbAe-you0-00147-00033788-00033943 on sound to convey information in your 8RUbAe-you0-00148-00033944-00034133 app so making sure that if you have a 8RUbAe-you0-00149-00034134-00034283 video right you've got captions that 8RUbAe-you0-00150-00034284-00034460 you've got transcripts but you're 8RUbAe-you0-00151-00034461-00034645 providing some kind of alternative if 8RUbAe-you0-00152-00034646-00034924 sound is part of your interface and 8RUbAe-you0-00153-00034925-00035152 finally for cognitive impairment this is 8RUbAe-you0-00154-00035153-00035299 really a broad area that can be 8RUbAe-you0-00155-00035300-00035486 difficult to quantify but its pants 8RUbAe-you0-00156-00035487-00035845 conditions like ADHD dyslexia autism 8RUbAe-you0-00157-00035846-00036130 just to name a few and while the 8RUbAe-you0-00158-00036131-00036233 accommodations for these groups are 8RUbAe-you0-00159-00036234-00036398 obviously extremely diverse we 8RUbAe-you0-00160-00036399-00036611 definitely find some overlap with things 8RUbAe-you0-00161-00036612-00036796 like zooming to make it you know easier 8RUbAe-you0-00162-00036797-00037073 to read and easier to concentrate on the 8RUbAe-you0-00163-00037074-00037298 page so this is a Chrome extension for 8RUbAe-you0-00164-00037299-00037555 someone with dyslexia it applies color 8RUbAe-you0-00165-00037556-00037748 gradients to the text to aid in their 8RUbAe-you0-00166-00037749-00037898 reading order and help them read in kind 8RUbAe-you0-00167-00037899-00038308 of a more linear fashion so broadly 8RUbAe-you0-00168-00038309-00038426 speaking these are the four categories 8RUbAe-you0-00169-00038427-00038585 that we need to think about when we're 8RUbAe-you0-00170-00038586-00038890 working on accessibility in our app now 8RUbAe-you0-00171-00038891-00039076 because accessibility is so broad and 8RUbAe-you0-00172-00039077-00039335 the user ship is so diverse it can be 8RUbAe-you0-00173-00039336-00039505 helpful to have a guide to make sure 8RUbAe-you0-00174-00039506-00039629 that we are covering each of these 8RUbAe-you0-00175-00039630-00039956 groups we can find that in the form of 8RUbAe-you0-00176-00039957-00040051 the web content 8RUbAe-you0-00177-00040052-00040267 accessibility guidelines to data or what 8RUbAe-you0-00178-00040268-00040534 CAG mechag is basically a set of best 8RUbAe-you0-00179-00040535-00040651 practices which have been put together 8RUbAe-you0-00180-00040652-00040846 by accessibility experts to really try 8RUbAe-you0-00181-00040847-00041086 and like like explain what it means for 8RUbAe-you0-00182-00041087-00041395 something to be accessible and what KAG 8RUbAe-you0-00183-00041396-00041635 is extremely comprehensive but it can 8RUbAe-you0-00184-00041636-00041809 also be overwhelming I know some folks 8RUbAe-you0-00185-00041810-00041947 look at that and they're like that is 8RUbAe-you0-00186-00041948-00042166 not a thing I'd want to read right now 8RUbAe-you0-00187-00042167-00042472 right so to help mitigate this the 8RUbAe-you0-00188-00042473-00042619 webbing group has actually taken what 8RUbAe-you0-00189-00042620-00042907 KAG and distilled it down to a very easy 8RUbAe-you0-00190-00042908-00043123 to follow checklist which is targeted 8RUbAe-you0-00191-00043124-00043567 specifically for web content so if you 8RUbAe-you0-00192-00043568-00043723 were watching those videos earlier and 8RUbAe-you0-00193-00043724-00043903 you were wondering well how am I going 8RUbAe-you0-00194-00043904-00044062 to possibly cater to all these different 8RUbAe-you0-00195-00044063-00044194 users and all these different assistive 8RUbAe-you0-00196-00044195-00044407 technologies I think the short answer is 8RUbAe-you0-00197-00044408-00044758 to nail that checklist okay figure out 8RUbAe-you0-00198-00044759-00044947 what the primary user journeys are in 8RUbAe-you0-00199-00044948-00045208 your application if creating a new 8RUbAe-you0-00200-00045209-00045478 account is is an extremely important 8RUbAe-you0-00201-00045479-00045601 process that you want all users to 8RUbAe-you0-00202-00045602-00045802 complete and take that user journey and 8RUbAe-you0-00203-00045803-00046027 for every step along the way make sure 8RUbAe-you0-00204-00046028-00046174 you can check off those relevant 8RUbAe-you0-00205-00046175-00046465 checklist items and do this for every 8RUbAe-you0-00206-00046466-00046771 phase of your process right so get your 8RUbAe-you0-00207-00046772-00046981 your product managers bought into it get 8RUbAe-you0-00208-00046982-00047137 your designers bought into it and make 8RUbAe-you0-00209-00047138-00047245 sure this is you know you're having 8RUbAe-you0-00210-00047246-00047446 accessibility audit senior design review 8RUbAe-you0-00211-00047447-00047614 your developers bought into it get your 8RUbAe-you0-00212-00047615-00047824 QA team bought into it and checking 8RUbAe-you0-00213-00047825-00047989 these things to ensure that it you know 8RUbAe-you0-00214-00047990-00048240 the burden does not rely on one person 8RUbAe-you0-00215-00048241-00048439 so with these checklists in hand we're 8RUbAe-you0-00216-00048440-00048604 actually ready to start exploring some 8RUbAe-you0-00217-00048605-00048730 of the fundamentals which will need to 8RUbAe-you0-00218-00048731-00048883 actually complete those checklist items 8RUbAe-you0-00219-00048884-00049141 and I want to start by looking at focus 8RUbAe-you0-00220-00049142-00049555 and really like like what is focus like 8RUbAe-you0-00221-00049556-00049696 what does it mean for something to be 8RUbAe-you0-00222-00049697-00049861 focused in the browser if we really try 8RUbAe-you0-00223-00049862-00050167 and get down to first principles so in a 8RUbAe-you0-00224-00050168-00050389 nutshell focus determines where keyboard 8RUbAe-you0-00225-00050390-00050623 events go in the page to give me an 8RUbAe-you0-00226-00050624-00050812 example if I go and I click on this text 8RUbAe-you0-00227-00050813-00050971 field that act of clicking on it 8RUbAe-you0-00228-00050972-00051199 actually focuses it and from then on as 8RUbAe-you0-00229-00051200-00051415 i'm typing on my keyboard all key events 8RUbAe-you0-00230-00051416-00051613 are directed to that element which in 8RUbAe-you0-00231-00051614-00051838 this case newest to display the 8RUbAe-you0-00232-00051839-00052087 characters as i've typed them now some 8RUbAe-you0-00233-00052088-00052357 users drive their computer entirely with 8RUbAe-you0-00234-00052358-00052490 a keyboard or some other type of 8RUbAe-you0-00235-00052491-00052705 discrete input device so for these users 8RUbAe-you0-00236-00052706-00052882 focus is absolutely critical because 8RUbAe-you0-00237-00052883-00053062 it's their primary means of reaching 8RUbAe-you0-00238-00053063-00053362 everything on the page it's also really 8RUbAe-you0-00239-00053363-00053423 important for 8RUbAe-you0-00240-00053424-00053617 our screen reader users because we're 8RUbAe-you0-00241-00053619-00053807 building something like a single page 8RUbAe-you0-00242-00053808-00054011 web app and we're adding new content to 8RUbAe-you0-00243-00054012-00054157 the page right we're fading in a new 8RUbAe-you0-00244-00054158-00054332 page or something like that and we need 8RUbAe-you0-00245-00054333-00054566 to direct focus to that page so the user 8RUbAe-you0-00246-00054566-00054742 knows that it's loaded they know it's 8RUbAe-you0-00247-00054744-00054913 available and their screen reader can 8RUbAe-you0-00248-00054914-00055076 announce it and we'll talk about that a 8RUbAe-you0-00249-00055077-00055397 little bit later on now a lot of the 8RUbAe-you0-00250-00055398-00055562 controls that you're familiar with 8RUbAe-you0-00251-00055563-00055826 working with things like button input 8RUbAe-you0-00252-00055827-00056113 select all these elements are implicitly 8RUbAe-you0-00253-00056114-00056380 focusable what that means is they are 8RUbAe-you0-00254-00056382-00056617 naturally inserted into the tab order so 8RUbAe-you0-00255-00056619-00056774 user can reach them hitting the tab or 8RUbAe-you0-00256-00056775-00056953 shift tab keys on their keyboard and 8RUbAe-you0-00257-00056954-00057224 they have built in keyboard behavior 8RUbAe-you0-00258-00057225-00057479 supports so if you take a select element 8RUbAe-you0-00259-00057479-00057641 and you hit the up and down arrow keys 8RUbAe-you0-00260-00057641-00057896 right you can select something space or 8RUbAe-you0-00261-00057897-00058144 inner it'll select something right so 8RUbAe-you0-00262-00058145-00058366 they have a lot of goodies built into 8RUbAe-you0-00263-00058367-00058700 them already but not all elements are 8RUbAe-you0-00264-00058701-00059000 focusable so for instance this this 8RUbAe-you0-00265-00059001-00059324 header here this paragraph of text this 8RUbAe-you0-00266-00059325-00059684 image of a cat these are not focusable 8RUbAe-you0-00267-00059685-00059926 because there's generally no need to 8RUbAe-you0-00268-00059927-00060161 focus something if a user can't interact 8RUbAe-you0-00269-00060162-00060448 with it or provide it some sort of input 8RUbAe-you0-00270-00060449-00060679 now if you're worried that someone with 8RUbAe-you0-00271-00060680-00060953 a visual impairment might miss some of 8RUbAe-you0-00272-00060954-00061199 this important content don't be that's 8RUbAe-you0-00273-00061200-00061384 why we have tools like screen readers 8RUbAe-you0-00274-00061385-00061651 it's a screen reader sole job is to read 8RUbAe-you0-00275-00061652-00061816 headings and read texts and read the 8RUbAe-you0-00276-00061817-00062122 content of an image using alt alt tags 8RUbAe-you0-00277-00062123-00062329 so don't make something focusable if the 8RUbAe-you0-00278-00062330-00062447 user can't interact with it that might 8RUbAe-you0-00279-00062448-00062561 seem like you're helping out but it's 8RUbAe-you0-00280-00062562-00062680 actually detrimental to the user 8RUbAe-you0-00281-00062682-00062938 experience and this brings up and 8RUbAe-you0-00282-00062939-00063181 extremely interesting an important point 8RUbAe-you0-00283-00063182-00063376 which is that if you build your 8RUbAe-you0-00284-00063377-00063667 interactive controls out of these sort 8RUbAe-you0-00285-00063669-00063955 of non focusable elements a div for 8RUbAe-you0-00286-00063957-00064184 instance then your users may not 8RUbAe-you0-00287-00064185-00064330 actually be able to interact with it at 8RUbAe-you0-00288-00064332-00064632 all so I'll give you an example using 8RUbAe-you0-00289-00064633-00064901 pulse site nav this is actually not 8RUbAe-you0-00290-00064902-00065107 Paul's exact side nav I've modified it a 8RUbAe-you0-00291-00065108-00065275 little bit but you can see here that 8RUbAe-you0-00292-00065276-00065522 I've got my little hamburger menu up 8RUbAe-you0-00293-00065523-00065810 there in the top left and obviously I 8RUbAe-you0-00294-00065811-00066013 want to tab over and click that to open 8RUbAe-you0-00295-00066014-00066206 my menu and right now my focus is on 8RUbAe-you0-00296-00066207-00066368 that little start anchor up there in the 8RUbAe-you0-00297-00066369-00066536 header so as I 8RUbAe-you0-00298-00066537-00066757 tabbing around or hit hitting shift-tab 8RUbAe-you0-00299-00066758-00066917 in this case you'll see that my focus 8RUbAe-you0-00300-00066918-00067106 never lands on the hamburger menu 8RUbAe-you0-00301-00067107-00067346 because it's a div and it did is not 8RUbAe-you0-00302-00067347-00067670 focusable so if I am a keyboard or 8RUbAe-you0-00303-00067671-00067955 switch device user I'm a potentially 8RUbAe-you0-00304-00067956-00068180 never be able to click on that menu ever 8RUbAe-you0-00305-00068181-00068401 so how do we fix this this is obviously 8RUbAe-you0-00306-00068402-00068654 a bad user experience well the 8RUbAe-you0-00307-00068655-00068776 straightforward thing to do is instead 8RUbAe-you0-00308-00068777-00069053 of using a div we can just use a button 8RUbAe-you0-00309-00069054-00069320 element right so now when the user goes 8RUbAe-you0-00310-00069321-00069593 to tab over to it because button is 8RUbAe-you0-00311-00069594-00069755 easily styled we can make it look like a 8RUbAe-you0-00312-00069756-00069899 hamburger menu now they're inside of our 8RUbAe-you0-00313-00069900-00070211 drawer things are all good a side 8RUbAe-you0-00314-00070212-00070397 benefit of using a button element in 8RUbAe-you0-00315-00070398-00070541 this case is that the browser actually 8RUbAe-you0-00316-00070542-00070814 has built-in magic that you get for 8RUbAe-you0-00317-00070815-00071090 using certain tags like button sew a 8RUbAe-you0-00318-00071091-00071249 button element if you give it an onclick 8RUbAe-you0-00319-00071250-00071441 handler and someone lands on it they 8RUbAe-you0-00320-00071442-00071696 focus it in a hit enter or spacebar even 8RUbAe-you0-00321-00071697-00071780 though they didn't click with their 8RUbAe-you0-00322-00071781-00071996 mouse technically the browser will just 8RUbAe-you0-00323-00071997-00072188 say enter space bar yeah I'm going to 8RUbAe-you0-00324-00072189-00072389 run your onclick handler for you if 8RUbAe-you0-00325-00072390-00072617 however you have a div and you make it 8RUbAe-you0-00326-00072618-00072757 focusable and i'll talk about how to do 8RUbAe-you0-00327-00072758-00072932 that later and you have an onclick 8RUbAe-you0-00328-00072933-00073088 handler on that and someone hits inner 8RUbAe-you0-00329-00073089-00073349 or space bar nothing happens you 8RUbAe-you0-00330-00073350-00073505 actually have to add an additional key 8RUbAe-you0-00331-00073506-00073724 down handler and then you have to check 8RUbAe-you0-00332-00073725-00073892 which key was clicked inside of the key 8RUbAe-you0-00333-00073893-00074126 down handler so there's really no 8RUbAe-you0-00334-00074127-00074351 benefit to using these kind of like less 8RUbAe-you0-00335-00074352-00074534 or non semantic elements to do this kind 8RUbAe-you0-00336-00074535-00074750 of work in other words don't fight the 8RUbAe-you0-00337-00074751-00074951 platform here so the browser has a lot 8RUbAe-you0-00338-00074952-00075119 of built-in stuff it's trying to save 8RUbAe-you0-00339-00075120-00075440 you from having to write extra code but 8RUbAe-you0-00340-00075441-00075635 I realize you know there's not always a 8RUbAe-you0-00341-00075636-00075769 native element that has the behavior 8RUbAe-you0-00342-00075770-00075976 that you need or as is often the case 8RUbAe-you0-00343-00075977-00076124 there might be a native element but it 8RUbAe-you0-00344-00076125-00076265 might be really hard to style things 8RUbAe-you0-00345-00076266-00076432 like you know checkboxes and radio 8RUbAe-you0-00346-00076433-00076667 buttons input file that thing's 8RUbAe-you0-00347-00076668-00077105 impossible so if you are going to go and 8RUbAe-you0-00348-00077106-00077273 build a custom control it's important to 8RUbAe-you0-00349-00077274-00077405 remember that you just have to add that 8RUbAe-you0-00350-00077406-00077681 keyboard support back in I can do that 8RUbAe-you0-00351-00077682-00077975 using the tabindex attribute so tabindex 8RUbAe-you0-00352-00077976-00078157 lets you kind of configure the focus 8RUbAe-you0-00353-00078158-00078341 behavior for an element and it can be 8RUbAe-you0-00354-00078342-00078647 applied to pretty much I guess many or 8RUbAe-you0-00355-00078648-00078959 most HTML elements at am and x value of 8RUbAe-you0-00356-00078960-00079235 0 is going to just insert that element 8RUbAe-you0-00357-00079236-00079388 into the natural tab order meaning 8RUbAe-you0-00358-00079389-00079517 someone can hit the tab key on the 8RUbAe-you0-00359-00079518-00079744 keyboard and will easily reach it it 8RUbAe-you0-00360-00079745-00079874 also means that we can call its focus 8RUbAe-you0-00361-00079875-00079919 method 8RUbAe-you0-00362-00079920-00080132 to programmatically focus it so here 8RUbAe-you0-00363-00080133-00080264 I've got this very fancy button that I 8RUbAe-you0-00364-00080265-00080450 have created right now if I press tab 8RUbAe-you0-00365-00080451-00080594 focus just just going to move right past 8RUbAe-you0-00366-00080595-00080894 it so i give it tabindex0 now when I 8RUbAe-you0-00367-00080895-00081104 press tab focus lands on it and we're 8RUbAe-you0-00368-00081105-00081509 all good tabindex negative 1 means that 8RUbAe-you0-00369-00081510-00081668 the element will not be in the tab order 8RUbAe-you0-00370-00081669-00081935 but this can be really useful if you 8RUbAe-you0-00371-00081936-00082112 still need to programmatically focus 8RUbAe-you0-00372-00082113-00082325 something using javascript or if you 8RUbAe-you0-00373-00082326-00082520 want to like temporarily disable a 8RUbAe-you0-00374-00082521-00082832 control so what I've got here is kind of 8RUbAe-you0-00375-00082833-00083045 a list control and I have like a like a 8RUbAe-you0-00376-00083046-00083273 hundred items in this list so i wouldn't 8RUbAe-you0-00377-00083274-00083387 want all of those to be keyboard 8RUbAe-you0-00378-00083388-00083630 focusable a users can hit tab over and 8RUbAe-you0-00379-00083631-00083741 over and over and over and over again to 8RUbAe-you0-00380-00083742-00083900 get through them I'd like the entire 8RUbAe-you0-00381-00083901-00084254 list to be a single tab stop so user can 8RUbAe-you0-00382-00084255-00084434 just like move into it and move out if 8RUbAe-you0-00383-00084435-00084608 they need to you but when they're inside 8RUbAe-you0-00384-00084609-00084782 of it maybe if they hit the up and down 8RUbAe-you0-00385-00084783-00084956 arrow keys or something similar maybe 8RUbAe-you0-00386-00084957-00085115 then I can change which item is 8RUbAe-you0-00387-00085116-00085319 currently selected so to do this I'll 8RUbAe-you0-00388-00085320-00085511 use a technique called roving tabindex 8RUbAe-you0-00389-00085512-00085772 or roving focus and you can see here in 8RUbAe-you0-00390-00085773-00086006 my markup my currently selected item has 8RUbAe-you0-00391-00086007-00086279 a tab index of zero and so what I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00392-00086280-00086477 going to do is listen for the user 8RUbAe-you0-00393-00086478-00086654 hitting the up and down arrow key when 8RUbAe-you0-00394-00086655-00086837 they hit down i'll just move the 8RUbAe-you0-00395-00086838-00087047 tabindex0 to the next element I'll call 8RUbAe-you0-00396-00087048-00087293 focus on it that directs all of our 8RUbAe-you0-00397-00087294-00087488 attention to it but if the user once you 8RUbAe-you0-00398-00087489-00087623 that can still tap out of this control 8RUbAe-you0-00399-00087624-00087845 but when they tab back in right the last 8RUbAe-you0-00400-00087846-00087986 thing they interacted with is focused 8RUbAe-you0-00401-00087987-00088232 for them this is an extremely useful 8RUbAe-you0-00402-00088233-00088391 technique if you're building sort of 8RUbAe-you0-00403-00088392-00088586 complex controls and and other elements 8RUbAe-you0-00404-00088587-00088781 it has obviously great browser support 8RUbAe-you0-00405-00088782-00089027 so you had tabindex for quite a while so 8RUbAe-you0-00406-00089028-00089165 definitely commits this one to memory if 8RUbAe-you0-00407-00089166-00089327 you're building anything advanced or 8RUbAe-you0-00408-00089328-00089630 super fun like that now you can also 8RUbAe-you0-00409-00089631-00089753 have a tab index value of greater than 8RUbAe-you0-00410-00089754-00089876 zero you can have a tab index of like 8RUbAe-you0-00411-00089877-00090077 five which just means it's going to jump 8RUbAe-you0-00412-00090078-00090269 that element ahead of everything else in 8RUbAe-you0-00413-00090270-00090422 the tab order and this is basically 8RUbAe-you0-00414-00090423-00090626 considered an anti-pattern but I wanted 8RUbAe-you0-00415-00090627-00090857 to include it for completeness sake so 8RUbAe-you0-00416-00090858-00090953 that you know that it is a thing that 8RUbAe-you0-00417-00090954-00091223 you could do the reason why this is an 8RUbAe-you0-00418-00091224-00091376 anti-pattern is you can end up creating 8RUbAe-you0-00419-00091377-00091574 a super confusing tab order if you do 8RUbAe-you0-00420-00091575-00091793 this and you're mixing matching 8RUbAe-you0-00421-00091794-00092018 components may be lies and they're using 8RUbAe-you0-00422-00092019-00092177 tab index greater than zero right things 8RUbAe-you0-00423-00092178-00092477 could get wild pretty quickly so in 8RUbAe-you0-00424-00092478-00092591 general you want to avoid tab index 8RUbAe-you0-00425-00092592-00092822 greater than 0 if you can help it now I 8RUbAe-you0-00426-00092823-00092990 want to revisit the the site name of 8RUbAe-you0-00427-00092991-00093095 that Paul showed earlier because it 8RUbAe-you0-00428-00093096-00093256 presents an interesting 8RUbAe-you0-00429-00093257-00093596 of use cases for tabindex if we think 8RUbAe-you0-00430-00093597-00093896 about a side nav when we open it right 8RUbAe-you0-00431-00093897-00094247 we want the user to be over there right 8RUbAe-you0-00432-00094248-00094460 in the drawer right either clicking a 8RUbAe-you0-00433-00094461-00094678 menu item or just missing it we 8RUbAe-you0-00434-00094679-00094951 definitely don't want them over there 8RUbAe-you0-00435-00094952-00095200 behind the overlay may be interacting 8RUbAe-you0-00436-00095201-00095419 with the page when they shouldn't be but 8RUbAe-you0-00437-00095420-00095581 if someone is using a keyboard or a 8RUbAe-you0-00438-00095582-00095812 mobile screen reader to open our drawer 8RUbAe-you0-00439-00095813-00095962 there's really nothing that 8RUbAe-you0-00440-00095963-00096274 automatically moves them into that side 8RUbAe-you0-00441-00096275-00096485 nav drawer and I'll show you an example 8RUbAe-you0-00442-00096486-00096763 of what I mean by this so this is a 8RUbAe-you0-00443-00096764-00097016 mobile safari running voiceover this is 8RUbAe-you0-00444-00097017-00097235 hands down the most popular mobile 8RUbAe-you0-00445-00097236-00097357 screen reader set up out there about 8RUbAe-you0-00446-00097358-00097524 seventy percent of the people surveyed 8RUbAe-you0-00447-00097525-00097792 who use mobile screen readers use mobile 8RUbAe-you0-00448-00097793-00098011 safari and voiceover and you can see 8RUbAe-you0-00449-00098012-00098188 this little black rectangle up there on 8RUbAe-you0-00450-00098189-00098392 the the reload button so that is where 8RUbAe-you0-00451-00098393-00098644 my screen reader is currently like doing 8RUbAe-you0-00452-00098645-00098842 its thing and I want you to watch what 8RUbAe-you0-00453-00098843-00098992 happens here so I'm gonna start swiping 8RUbAe-you0-00454-00098993-00099185 to move the screen reader I'll land on 8RUbAe-you0-00455-00099186-00099313 the hamburger menu I'll double tap to 8RUbAe-you0-00456-00099314-00099499 select it it looks like I'm inside the 8RUbAe-you0-00457-00099500-00099706 hamburger menu but I'm actually or sorry 8RUbAe-you0-00458-00099707-00099809 looks like I'm inside the drawer but I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00459-00099810-00100006 actually still just in the header I'm I 8RUbAe-you0-00460-00100007-00100126 was still sitting on the hamburger menu 8RUbAe-you0-00461-00100127-00100259 now I'm just moving through the header 8RUbAe-you0-00462-00100260-00100435 when I probably shouldn't be I might be 8RUbAe-you0-00463-00100436-00100585 interacting with the page when the 8RUbAe-you0-00464-00100586-00100966 author isn't expecting it so my users 8RUbAe-you0-00465-00100967-00101135 context hasn't been updated they're not 8RUbAe-you0-00466-00101136-00101497 even sure if the menu is open yet and if 8RUbAe-you0-00467-00101498-00101686 you have a site that has one of these 8RUbAe-you0-00468-00101687-00101881 kinds of menus and you have not done any 8RUbAe-you0-00469-00101882-00102097 work to direct the users focus into the 8RUbAe-you0-00470-00102098-00102367 to your drawer this is probably how a 8RUbAe-you0-00471-00102368-00102586 blind user or a screen reader user is 8RUbAe-you0-00472-00102588-00102838 going to interact with your app so how 8RUbAe-you0-00473-00102839-00102958 do we fix this this is obviously not a 8RUbAe-you0-00474-00102959-00103276 good situation to be in well one 8RUbAe-you0-00475-00103277-00103465 approach is to find a suitable heading 8RUbAe-you0-00476-00103466-00103654 inside of that drawer I've got this one 8RUbAe-you0-00477-00103655-00103888 right here that says menu and that seems 8RUbAe-you0-00478-00103889-00104072 like a good one and i'll give it a tab 8RUbAe-you0-00479-00104073-00104348 index of negative one so remember when I 8RUbAe-you0-00480-00104349-00104476 give something a tab index of negative 8RUbAe-you0-00481-00104477-00104672 one it's not in the tab order the user 8RUbAe-you0-00482-00104673-00104806 can't reach it hitting their keyboard 8RUbAe-you0-00483-00104807-00105020 but I can programmatically focus it 8RUbAe-you0-00484-00105021-00105308 using javascript so now when the drawer 8RUbAe-you0-00485-00105308-00105595 opens I can call its focus method and 8RUbAe-you0-00486-00105596-00105800 now the user is going to be directed 8RUbAe-you0-00487-00105801-00105950 inside of here and they can start acting 8RUbAe-you0-00488-00105951-00106165 on the drawer very easily so I'll show 8RUbAe-you0-00489-00106166-00106376 you an example of that right so same 8RUbAe-you0-00490-00106377-00106556 experience we double chap the drawer and 8RUbAe-you0-00491-00106557-00106603 we just move 8RUbAe-you0-00492-00106604-00106769 right to the menu and the user can keep 8RUbAe-you0-00493-00106770-00106891 moving with their screen reader they 8RUbAe-you0-00494-00106892-00107021 know exactly where there are and they 8RUbAe-you0-00495-00107022-00107149 have that nice sort of continuity to 8RUbAe-you0-00496-00107150-00107393 their experience so this is a technique 8RUbAe-you0-00497-00107394-00107570 called managing focus and can be 8RUbAe-you0-00498-00107571-00107761 extremely extremely valuable for your 8RUbAe-you0-00499-00107762-00107926 user experience it's useful for 8RUbAe-you0-00500-00107927-00108103 situations like this it's useful if 8RUbAe-you0-00501-00108104-00108259 you're building a single page web app 8RUbAe-you0-00502-00108260-00108598 and you're fading in a new page so super 8RUbAe-you0-00503-00108599-00108727 good technique to have in your back 8RUbAe-you0-00504-00108728-00108925 pocket now let me show you another issue 8RUbAe-you0-00505-00108926-00109118 that I found specifically relating to 8RUbAe-you0-00506-00109119-00109450 tabindex and this side nav so this is a 8RUbAe-you0-00507-00109451-00109781 more of a kind of desktops a version of 8RUbAe-you0-00508-00109782-00110110 the site and I want you to pay attention 8RUbAe-you0-00509-00110111-00110287 to what happens to my keyboard focus as 8RUbAe-you0-00510-00110288-00110597 I tab around the screen so I'm gonna 8RUbAe-you0-00511-00110598-00110720 focus those two things and then it kind 8RUbAe-you0-00512-00110721-00110959 of disappears and then it focuses that 8RUbAe-you0-00513-00110960-00111172 anchor so so watch that again we're kind 8RUbAe-you0-00514-00111173-00111298 of moving around in the header let me 8RUbAe-you0-00515-00111299-00111458 just disappear for a little while and 8RUbAe-you0-00516-00111458-00111671 then we focus that anchor in the page 8RUbAe-you0-00517-00111672-00111829 now I'm actually hitting tab the whole 8RUbAe-you0-00518-00111830-00112009 time we can't see our focus ring anymore 8RUbAe-you0-00519-00112010-00112348 and what's happening is because we have 8RUbAe-you0-00520-00112349-00112585 that drawer off-screen and because 8RUbAe-you0-00521-00112586-00112733 inside with that drawer we have acres 8RUbAe-you0-00522-00112733-00112994 and things like that focus is just 8RUbAe-you0-00523-00112995-00113183 moving off-screen it seems like it 8RUbAe-you0-00524-00113183-00113377 disappeared but it's actually just you 8RUbAe-you0-00525-00113378-00113558 know over there somewhere where the user 8RUbAe-you0-00526-00113558-00113860 can't see it now we probably don't want 8RUbAe-you0-00527-00113861-00114079 someone to be able to interact with 8RUbAe-you0-00528-00114080-00114283 off-screen content especially for kind 8RUbAe-you0-00529-00114284-00114424 of trying to hide it on purpose again 8RUbAe-you0-00530-00114425-00114593 this would cause sort of an error state 8RUbAe-you0-00531-00114594-00114763 in our application possibly and it can 8RUbAe-you0-00532-00114764-00115172 be very confusing for the user so how do 8RUbAe-you0-00533-00115173-00115360 we fix this by the way I see this all 8RUbAe-you0-00534-00115361-00115477 the time you should go to some big 8RUbAe-you0-00535-00115478-00115615 websites and start tabbing around this 8RUbAe-you0-00536-00115616-00115789 will totally happen to you ok so how do 8RUbAe-you0-00537-00115790-00115939 we fix this because it's a super weird 8RUbAe-you0-00538-00115940-00116176 situation to be in well the first idea 8RUbAe-you0-00539-00116177-00116335 is like well the things off screen right 8RUbAe-you0-00540-00116336-00116515 so let's let's set it to visibility 8RUbAe-you0-00541-00116516-00116704 hidden you know off-screen that makes 8RUbAe-you0-00542-00116705-00116974 sense it is hidden anyway and this would 8RUbAe-you0-00543-00116975-00117274 totally work but if you recall in Paul's 8RUbAe-you0-00544-00117275-00117490 talk he talked about primed elements and 8RUbAe-you0-00545-00117491-00117622 he talked about flip and he talked about 8RUbAe-you0-00546-00117623-00117770 this idea of having your elements 8RUbAe-you0-00547-00117771-00117976 already kind of like in the Dom already 8RUbAe-you0-00548-00117977-00118201 like ready to go and if we set them to 8RUbAe-you0-00549-00118202-00118382 visibility hidden then we're going to 8RUbAe-you0-00550-00118383-00118631 destroy the compositor layer right we're 8RUbAe-you0-00551-00118632-00118738 gonna have to do all that work all over 8RUbAe-you0-00552-00118739-00118936 again every time the user presses a 8RUbAe-you0-00553-00118937-00119093 button so that seems like maybe that's 8RUbAe-you0-00554-00119094-00119359 not the best solution and to me this is 8RUbAe-you0-00555-00119360-00119473 really frustrating because I feel like 8RUbAe-you0-00556-00119474-00119650 developers and users should not have to 8RUbAe-you0-00557-00119651-00119860 choose between 60 frames per second 8RUbAe-you0-00558-00119861-00119918 animation 8RUbAe-you0-00559-00119919-00120242 and good accessibility so I I tried to 8RUbAe-you0-00560-00120243-00120356 come up with two solutions to this 8RUbAe-you0-00561-00120357-00120740 problem the first is to ignore Paul and 8RUbAe-you0-00562-00120741-00120941 say I win and I get what I want and set 8RUbAe-you0-00563-00120942-00121205 it to visibility hidden anyway and the 8RUbAe-you0-00564-00121206-00121415 reason why this is potentially workable 8RUbAe-you0-00565-00121416-00121580 is because as Paul mentioned in his talk 8RUbAe-you0-00566-00121581-00121841 you do have about a hundred milliseconds 8RUbAe-you0-00567-00121842-00122045 from the time a user clicks on something 8RUbAe-you0-00568-00122046-00122270 until the time you know you need to 8RUbAe-you0-00569-00122271-00122489 start animating so if our drawer is 8RUbAe-you0-00570-00122490-00122726 simple enough then maybe we could get 8RUbAe-you0-00571-00122727-00122813 away with actually setting it to 8RUbAe-you0-00572-00122814-00122954 visibility hidden and recreating that 8RUbAe-you0-00573-00122955-00123136 layers the way we do this is we listen 8RUbAe-you0-00574-00123138-00123269 for the transition end event for when 8RUbAe-you0-00575-00123270-00123491 that drawer is off-screen right I check 8RUbAe-you0-00576-00123492-00123677 to see hey does it have the side nav 8RUbAe-you0-00577-00123678-00123839 visible class which was you know how I 8RUbAe-you0-00578-00123840-00123977 know that it was either on screen or 8RUbAe-you0-00579-00123978-00124166 off-screen if it doesn't I'm just going 8RUbAe-you0-00580-00124167-00124319 to set it to visibility hidden do you 8RUbAe-you0-00581-00124320-00124448 sort of like vice versa for when we 8RUbAe-you0-00582-00124449-00124727 animate it on screen so what does this 8RUbAe-you0-00583-00124728-00124984 look like in the timeline here's Paul's 8RUbAe-you0-00584-00124985-00125264 original version and the time that I am 8RUbAe-you0-00585-00125265-00125458 interested in is this little block right 8RUbAe-you0-00586-00125459-00125780 here so that's the time the yellow bit 8RUbAe-you0-00587-00125781-00126005 there is the click the the end of that 8RUbAe-you0-00588-00126006-00126176 blue rectangle is sort of when we 8RUbAe-you0-00589-00126177-00126347 shipped the next frame so right now it's 8RUbAe-you0-00590-00126348-00126503 about eight milliseconds in Paul's 8RUbAe-you0-00591-00126504-00126698 current version well within that hundred 8RUbAe-you0-00592-00126699-00127016 milliseconds range right and if you look 8RUbAe-you0-00593-00127017-00127289 down here you can see the amount of 8RUbAe-you0-00594-00127290-00127448 painting that we're doing so I've got 8RUbAe-you0-00595-00127449-00127633 these two little chunks of painting that 8RUbAe-you0-00596-00127634-00127742 are happening because this thing's 8RUbAe-you0-00597-00127743-00127895 already in the Dom we don't have to 8RUbAe-you0-00598-00127896-00128183 paint it much so here's the version 8RUbAe-you0-00599-00128183-00128351 where I set visibility to hidden you can 8RUbAe-you0-00600-00128352-00128564 see that there's definitely more paint 8RUbAe-you0-00601-00128565-00128911 work going on but if we look at our our 8RUbAe-you0-00602-00128913-00129113 time range here it's about ten point 8RUbAe-you0-00603-00129114-00129308 four milliseconds so we added a little 8RUbAe-you0-00604-00129308-00129497 bit of time but but not too much and a 8RUbAe-you0-00605-00129498-00129641 lot of that time was actually idle time 8RUbAe-you0-00606-00129642-00129920 so in terms of you know how this frame 8RUbAe-you0-00607-00129921-00130091 stacks up with with Paul's version there 8RUbAe-you0-00608-00130092-00130328 they're pretty similar and again it's 8RUbAe-you0-00609-00130329-00130424 because we can get away with this 8RUbAe-you0-00610-00130425-00130619 because the drawer is super simple right 8RUbAe-you0-00611-00130620-00130759 it's a very simple element if you had a 8RUbAe-you0-00612-00130760-00130991 bunch of images and much icons inside of 8RUbAe-you0-00613-00130992-00131306 there and that may be more expensive so 8RUbAe-you0-00614-00131307-00131519 this leads me to option to try i'm 8RUbAe-you0-00615-00131520-00131987 calling the d tab inator unfortunately 8RUbAe-you0-00616-00131988-00132203 there's really no easy way to remove all 8RUbAe-you0-00617-00132204-00132407 focusable children of an element from 8RUbAe-you0-00618-00132408-00132626 the tab order you have to go to every 8RUbAe-you0-00619-00132627-00132797 single child and set it to tabindex 8RUbAe-you0-00620-00132798-00132965 negative one you can't just set it at 8RUbAe-you0-00621-00132966-00133097 the parent and have it cascade down 8RUbAe-you0-00622-00133098-00133331 which is a bummer so that is 8RUbAe-you0-00623-00133332-00133460 basically what this library does for me 8RUbAe-you0-00624-00133461-00133808 I created d tab inator and I give it the 8RUbAe-you0-00625-00133809-00134012 side nav element and when I set it to 8RUbAe-you0-00626-00134013-00134149 inert I said all the children in 8RUbAe-you0-00627-00134150-00134353 chamonix negative 1 i've set it to inert 8RUbAe-you0-00628-00134354-00134551 false i restore all of their tab indexes 8RUbAe-you0-00629-00134552-00134815 the way that I do this is really gross 8RUbAe-you0-00630-00134816-00135124 but I wanted to show it so i have this 8RUbAe-you0-00631-00135125-00135378 query selector all right and i had this 8RUbAe-you0-00632-00135379-00135668 lovely query selector string inside of 8RUbAe-you0-00633-00135669-00135925 there to select everything that could 8RUbAe-you0-00634-00135926-00136126 possibly be focusable inside of an 8RUbAe-you0-00635-00136127-00136349 element and this is you know this is not 8RUbAe-you0-00636-00136350-00136504 entirely bulletproof there's weird 8RUbAe-you0-00637-00136505-00136670 quirks here if you have like links 8RUbAe-you0-00638-00136671-00136886 inside of SVG's or stuff of that like it 8RUbAe-you0-00639-00136887-00137018 may not be bulletproof it may not be 8RUbAe-you0-00640-00137019-00137309 perfect but it does probably for general 8RUbAe-you0-00641-00137310-00137570 use cases do the right thing then for 8RUbAe-you0-00642-00137571-00137788 each of those children I'm going to loop 8RUbAe-you0-00643-00137789-00137945 through them if they already have an 8RUbAe-you0-00644-00137946-00138151 explicit tabindex I'm going to save that 8RUbAe-you0-00645-00138152-00138364 remember when we set that menu to tab 8RUbAe-you0-00646-00138365-00138506 and ex- one because we wanted to manage 8RUbAe-you0-00647-00138507-00138695 focus so I'm going to hold on to that so 8RUbAe-you0-00648-00138696-00138865 I don't lose that information and then 8RUbAe-you0-00649-00138866-00139024 I'll set everything to have an ex- one 8RUbAe-you0-00650-00139025-00139249 regardless and when we're going to open 8RUbAe-you0-00651-00139250-00139433 the drawer I just restore all those 8RUbAe-you0-00652-00139434-00139690 values okay so here's the Detapa nato 8RUbAe-you0-00653-00139691-00139950 version in the timeline you can see our 8RUbAe-you0-00654-00139951-00140210 little block of time right here is back 8RUbAe-you0-00655-00140211-00140411 to about eight milliseconds 8.4 8RUbAe-you0-00656-00140412-00140570 milliseconds so we're pretty similar to 8RUbAe-you0-00657-00140571-00140689 where we were with Paul's original 8RUbAe-you0-00658-00140690-00140921 version and if we look at our paint time 8RUbAe-you0-00659-00140922-00141061 we're back down to sort of like two 8RUbAe-you0-00660-00141062-00141304 little blocks of painting so hopefully 8RUbAe-you0-00661-00141305-00141478 we're in sort of the same ballpark now 8RUbAe-you0-00662-00141479-00141659 again these there's there's sort of 8RUbAe-you0-00663-00141660-00141811 trade-offs to each of these right the 8RUbAe-you0-00664-00141812-00141995 visibility one you have to do a little 8RUbAe-you0-00665-00141996-00142228 bit more more work there in terms of 8RUbAe-you0-00666-00142229-00142544 painting but determinator you would also 8RUbAe-you0-00667-00142545-00142699 have to add things like aria hidden 8RUbAe-you0-00668-00142700-00142837 prevent a screen reader from going in 8RUbAe-you0-00669-00142838-00142961 there so there's additional work that 8RUbAe-you0-00670-00142962-00143132 would be required in that case but again 8RUbAe-you0-00671-00143133-00143360 what I'd say is you know maybe if you if 8RUbAe-you0-00672-00143361-00143464 you're if you're running into this 8RUbAe-you0-00673-00143465-00143686 problem try one solution or the other 8RUbAe-you0-00674-00143687-00143948 measure it see which one works better 8RUbAe-you0-00675-00143949-00144090 for you and which one your team prefers 8RUbAe-you0-00676-00144091-00144323 ok we talked a lot about focus I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00677-00144324-00144427 switch gears now and talk about 8RUbAe-you0-00678-00144428-00144611 semantics so this is the other half of 8RUbAe-you0-00679-00144612-00144825 ensuring we have a good user experience 8RUbAe-you0-00680-00144826-00145031 semantics is really crucial for making 8RUbAe-you0-00681-00145032-00145232 sure that our screen reader users can 8RUbAe-you0-00682-00145233-00145429 understand the content of our page and 8RUbAe-you0-00683-00145430-00145598 the first question that comes to mind 8RUbAe-you0-00684-00145599-00145721 when I think about semantics is like 8RUbAe-you0-00685-00145722-00146011 well what does good semantics mean like 8RUbAe-you0-00686-00146012-00146123 again let's get there first principles 8RUbAe-you0-00687-00146124-00146239 what the heck does it mean if something 8RUbAe-you0-00688-00146240-00146498 is semantically like rich or right or 8RUbAe-you0-00689-00146499-00146649 whatever right and how 8RUbAe-you0-00690-00146650-00146877 actually benefits someone and answer 8RUbAe-you0-00691-00146878-00146982 this question it helps to think about 8RUbAe-you0-00692-00146983-00147342 this idea of affordances so an 8RUbAe-you0-00693-00147343-00147636 affordance offers or affords a person an 8RUbAe-you0-00694-00147637-00147900 opportunity to perform an action and a 8RUbAe-you0-00695-00147901-00148146 teapot is a really great example so a 8RUbAe-you0-00696-00148147-00148374 teapot just based on its physical design 8RUbAe-you0-00697-00148375-00148614 has affordances it has a handle and 8RUbAe-you0-00698-00148615-00148806 because I've seen other things in the 8RUbAe-you0-00699-00148807-00148998 world that have handles I know that I 8RUbAe-you0-00700-00148999-00149130 can walk up to a teapot and pick it up 8RUbAe-you0-00701-00149131-00149325 by that handle and interact with it no 8RUbAe-you0-00702-00149326-00149580 one has to explain to me how a teapot 8RUbAe-you0-00703-00149581-00149805 works now when it comes to graphical 8RUbAe-you0-00704-00149806-00150054 user interfaces affordances still 8RUbAe-you0-00705-00150055-00150297 represent the actions that we take but 8RUbAe-you0-00706-00150298-00150432 now they're kind of more metaphorical 8RUbAe-you0-00707-00150433-00150660 sew a button is a good example right 8RUbAe-you0-00708-00150661-00150960 someone can't let go you know touch the 8RUbAe-you0-00709-00150961-00151149 screen and feel the button so we try to 8RUbAe-you0-00710-00151150-00151335 make it look like a three-dimensional 8RUbAe-you0-00711-00151336-00151464 button that you might actually interact 8RUbAe-you0-00712-00151465-00151737 with in the real world but the obvious 8RUbAe-you0-00713-00151738-00151842 problem with this is that if someone 8RUbAe-you0-00714-00151843-00151983 can't see the screen then they're going 8RUbAe-you0-00715-00151984-00152180 to miss out on those visual affordances 8RUbAe-you0-00716-00152181-00152361 so we need to make sure that the 8RUbAe-you0-00717-00152362-00152520 information in our application is 8RUbAe-you0-00718-00152521-00152721 expressed in a way which is flexible 8RUbAe-you0-00719-00152722-00152913 enough to be accessed programmatically 8RUbAe-you0-00720-00152914-00153129 by assistive technology which can then 8RUbAe-you0-00721-00153130-00153306 create an alternative interface for 8RUbAe-you0-00722-00153307-00153504 those users so I'll give you an example 8RUbAe-you0-00723-00153505-00153672 of what I mean by that here I've got 8RUbAe-you0-00724-00153673-00153873 some semantically rich markup so i'm 8RUbAe-you0-00725-00153874-00154211 using a select element to create a list 8RUbAe-you0-00726-00154212-00154452 and this is going to generate a visual 8RUbAe-you0-00727-00154453-00154761 you i right but because I've used good 8RUbAe-you0-00728-00154762-00154911 semantic elements it's also going to 8RUbAe-you0-00729-00154912-00155094 produce this alternative you I it's 8RUbAe-you0-00730-00155095-00155253 going to produce a spoken UI for a 8RUbAe-you0-00731-00155254-00155499 screen reader user now roughly speaking 8RUbAe-you0-00732-00155500-00155691 for for just about any element you can 8RUbAe-you0-00733-00155692-00155856 expect some subset of the following 8RUbAe-you0-00734-00155857-00156048 semantic information to be expressed for 8RUbAe-you0-00735-00156049-00156518 it the element will probably have a role 8RUbAe-you0-00736-00156519-00156744 so the select element in this case its 8RUbAe-you0-00737-00156745-00157032 role as pop-up button it will have a 8RUbAe-you0-00738-00157033-00157233 name and I don't mean like a name like 8RUbAe-you0-00739-00157234-00157452 like the HTML name attribute when you 8RUbAe-you0-00740-00157453-00157607 think of the name kind of like its label 8RUbAe-you0-00741-00157608-00157914 or the so the computed text value of 8RUbAe-you0-00742-00157915-00158166 that thing the element may also have a 8RUbAe-you0-00743-00158167-00158394 state it's optional some elements have 8RUbAe-you0-00744-00158395-00158649 states some don't and it may also have a 8RUbAe-you0-00745-00158650-00158844 value again that's optional but in this 8RUbAe-you0-00746-00158845-00158988 case we have a value of no preference 8RUbAe-you0-00747-00158989-00159366 here so what's happening is when we 8RUbAe-you0-00748-00159367-00159546 write HTML the browser does two things 8RUbAe-you0-00749-00159547-00159828 it generates a graphical user interface 8RUbAe-you0-00750-00159829-00159976 and it 8RUbAe-you0-00751-00159977-00160228 it's a separate accessibility tree which 8RUbAe-you0-00752-00160229-00160363 is just a collection of all that 8RUbAe-you0-00753-00160364-00160525 semantic information that that I was 8RUbAe-you0-00754-00160526-00160795 just going through this tree then gets 8RUbAe-you0-00755-00160796-00160972 handed to assistive technology like a 8RUbAe-you0-00756-00160973-00161248 screen reader and then that produces a 8RUbAe-you0-00757-00161249-00161554 spoken UI for our user so this is 8RUbAe-you0-00758-00161555-00161743 actually why semantics really matter 8RUbAe-you0-00759-00161744-00162160 even though even though nav and div look 8RUbAe-you0-00760-00162161-00162364 the same right because they don't look 8RUbAe-you0-00761-00162365-00162454 like anything they just literally a 8RUbAe-you0-00762-00162455-00162661 container semantically it produces 8RUbAe-you0-00763-00162662-00162778 something very different in the 8RUbAe-you0-00764-00162779-00163155 accessibility tree so as I mentioned 8RUbAe-you0-00765-00163156-00163381 just like with focused native elements 8RUbAe-you0-00766-00163382-00163606 many of them have implicit semantics so 8RUbAe-you0-00767-00163607-00163801 for example voiceover on Mac when I 8RUbAe-you0-00768-00163802-00163969 focus an input element with type equals 8RUbAe-you0-00769-00163970-00164200 password it's going to announce secure 8RUbAe-you0-00770-00164201-00164536 edit text to the user and just like we 8RUbAe-you0-00771-00164537-00164715 saw a focus when we try to bolt 8RUbAe-you0-00772-00164716-00164971 functionality on to non semantic 8RUbAe-you0-00773-00164972-00165181 elements like a div then we end up 8RUbAe-you0-00774-00165182-00165373 missing up on all missing out on all 8RUbAe-you0-00775-00165374-00165535 these goodies the browser is trying to 8RUbAe-you0-00776-00165536-00165769 give us for free so here's another div 8RUbAe-you0-00777-00165770-00165967 button another very fancy button and 8RUbAe-you0-00778-00165968-00166129 it's it's got tabindex0 so it's 8RUbAe-you0-00779-00166130-00166438 focusable for sure but when a user lands 8RUbAe-you0-00780-00166439-00166558 on it when the screen reader the screen 8RUbAe-you0-00781-00166559-00166912 reader will say group because it did 8RUbAe-you0-00782-00166913-00167071 it's just a grouping thing it's a 8RUbAe-you0-00783-00167072-00167275 container right but that definitely does 8RUbAe-you0-00784-00167276-00167550 not say to me that I should click on it 8RUbAe-you0-00785-00167551-00167803 so again don't fight the platform here 8RUbAe-you0-00786-00167804-00167986 whenever possible use native elements 8RUbAe-you0-00787-00167987-00168106 because you're going to get good rich 8RUbAe-you0-00788-00168107-00168337 semantics for free and just as an aside 8RUbAe-you0-00789-00168338-00168535 like I hope at this point no one is 8RUbAe-you0-00790-00168536-00168700 considering writing a div button ever 8RUbAe-you0-00791-00168701-00168901 again if anyone leaves here and writes a 8RUbAe-you0-00792-00168902-00169276 div button I have failed all of you but 8RUbAe-you0-00793-00169277-00169369 there are times when you're going to 8RUbAe-you0-00794-00169370-00169504 need to build something that just like 8RUbAe-you0-00795-00169505-00169702 doesn't have a native element equivalent 8RUbAe-you0-00796-00169703-00169873 you know or you need to just kind of go 8RUbAe-you0-00797-00169874-00170062 off road and do your own thing and in 8RUbAe-you0-00798-00170063-00170389 those situations you can use the web 8RUbAe-you0-00799-00170390-00170533 accessibility initiatives accessible 8RUbAe-you0-00800-00170534-00170787 rich Internet application spec or Aria 8RUbAe-you0-00801-00170788-00171214 so Aria allows you to you specify 8RUbAe-you0-00802-00171215-00171343 attributes on an element and then 8RUbAe-you0-00803-00171344-00171535 basically modify that element semantics 8RUbAe-you0-00804-00171536-00171655 you can think of it like doing surgery 8RUbAe-you0-00805-00171656-00171955 on the accessibility tree however 8RUbAe-you0-00806-00171956-00172237 semantics is the only thing that Aria 8RUbAe-you0-00807-00172238-00172570 changes Aria does not change behavior so 8RUbAe-you0-00808-00172571-00172720 I used to think if I put like a role 8RUbAe-you0-00809-00172721-00172873 equals button on something that it 8RUbAe-you0-00810-00172874-00173083 magically like became focusable and 8RUbAe-you0-00811-00173084-00173302 worked awesome with a keyboard it's not 8RUbAe-you0-00812-00173303-00173365 the case 8RUbAe-you0-00813-00173366-00173539 all it does is change the semantics that 8RUbAe-you0-00814-00173540-00173920 get expressed to assistive technology so 8RUbAe-you0-00815-00173921-00174088 let me give you an example of using Aria 8RUbAe-you0-00816-00174089-00174223 in practice so here I'm going to build a 8RUbAe-you0-00817-00174224-00174364 custom control i'm going to build a 8RUbAe-you0-00818-00174365-00174627 checkbox a custom element checkbox and 8RUbAe-you0-00819-00174628-00174895 in this box down here on the bottom 8RUbAe-you0-00820-00174896-00175066 right I'll show the output from my 8RUbAe-you0-00821-00175067-00175249 screen reader just the textual output 8RUbAe-you0-00822-00175250-00175417 right and the first question when I look 8RUbAe-you0-00823-00175418-00175606 at those checkboxes okay i'm building a 8RUbAe-you0-00824-00175607-00175840 checkbox I want it to be accessible what 8RUbAe-you0-00825-00175841-00175987 do i need to add to this what sort of 8RUbAe-you0-00826-00175988-00176254 aria do i need to add now there's two 8RUbAe-you0-00827-00176255-00176551 approaches here the first you go look at 8RUbAe-you0-00828-00176552-00176782 the Aria spec which comes with this very 8RUbAe-you0-00829-00176783-00177286 helpful diagram or you could go check 8RUbAe-you0-00830-00177287-00177481 out this document called the Aria 8RUbAe-you0-00831-00177482-00177655 authoring practices guide and this 8RUbAe-you0-00832-00177656-00177844 document is a bit of a hidden gem it is 8RUbAe-you0-00833-00177845-00178042 pretty freaking cool so over on the left 8RUbAe-you0-00834-00178043-00178204 hand side there you see all the UI 8RUbAe-you0-00835-00178205-00178483 patterns that you could probably imagine 8RUbAe-you0-00836-00178484-00178660 there's a ton of them in this document 8RUbAe-you0-00837-00178661-00178915 right grid dialog tree like whatever 8RUbAe-you0-00838-00178916-00179185 you're trying to build check box for 8RUbAe-you0-00839-00179186-00179464 instance is included in there so you 8RUbAe-you0-00840-00179465-00179635 click on the UI pattern and I'll take 8RUbAe-you0-00841-00179636-00179881 you to a little section and it's just 8RUbAe-you0-00842-00179882-00180064 going to walk you through all of the 8RUbAe-you0-00843-00180065-00180169 support that you need to add to that 8RUbAe-you0-00844-00180170-00180325 element in particular this is a whole 8RUbAe-you0-00845-00180326-00180565 section down here dedicated to the aria 8RUbAe-you0-00846-00180566-00180787 that I need to add to a custom check box 8RUbAe-you0-00847-00180788-00180985 so it says it needs to have a role check 8RUbAe-you0-00848-00180986-00181219 box I needs to have an accessible label 8RUbAe-you0-00849-00181220-00181363 which we'll talk about it needs to have 8RUbAe-you0-00850-00181364-00181570 a state of Aria checked if either true 8RUbAe-you0-00851-00181571-00181783 or false okay cool so let's add this to 8RUbAe-you0-00852-00181784-00182017 our check box I'm going to give it a 8RUbAe-you0-00853-00182018-00182356 roll of check box and you can see now my 8RUbAe-you0-00854-00182357-00182536 screen reader is announcing uncheck 8RUbAe-you0-00855-00182537-00182806 check box nice now in the world of aria 8RUbAe-you0-00856-00182807-00183099 role is the absolute most important 8RUbAe-you0-00857-00183100-00183328 attribute everything falls out of the 8RUbAe-you0-00858-00183329-00183538 roll okay there's a lot of re at roots 8RUbAe-you0-00859-00183539-00183682 which don't even work if they are not 8RUbAe-you0-00860-00183683-00184021 paired with the proper role so and you 8RUbAe-you0-00861-00184022-00184183 can also see that now my state is just 8RUbAe-you0-00862-00184184-00184414 defaulting to unchecked because the role 8RUbAe-you0-00863-00184415-00184627 right so it's it's like trying to start 8RUbAe-you0-00864-00184628-00184744 doing stuff for me it's like coming 8RUbAe-you0-00865-00184745-00184936 alive which is cool when you see that 8RUbAe-you0-00866-00184937-00185155 mitre box actually is checked so I need 8RUbAe-you0-00867-00185156-00185365 to change that state so i can add aria 8RUbAe-you0-00868-00185366-00185623 checked i can set it to true and aria is 8RUbAe-you0-00869-00185624-00185761 sort of unique in that you always need 8RUbAe-you0-00870-00185762-00185944 to pass it like a literal string value 8RUbAe-you0-00871-00185945-00186211 of true or false most HTML attributes do 8RUbAe-you0-00872-00186212-00186379 not work this way but this is the case 8RUbAe-you0-00873-00186380-00186607 with Aria it's kind of a weird quirk now 8RUbAe-you0-00874-00186608-00186738 the design pattern 8RUbAe-you0-00875-00186739-00186900 to mention I need labels for this thing 8RUbAe-you0-00876-00186901-00187045 and there are a couple options for how I 8RUbAe-you0-00877-00187046-00187323 can label an element the first is are 8RUbAe-you0-00878-00187324-00187464 you label which is really just a label 8RUbAe-you0-00879-00187465-00187606 that you can apply directly to an 8RUbAe-you0-00880-00187607-00187854 element a good use case for using Aria 8RUbAe-you0-00881-00187855-00188010 label is something like a hamburger 8RUbAe-you0-00882-00188011-00188232 button where I probably wouldn't have 8RUbAe-you0-00883-00188233-00188460 any other text on screen to explain this 8RUbAe-you0-00884-00188461-00188700 thing but I need to explain it for 8RUbAe-you0-00885-00188701-00188881 assistive technology so what i can do is 8RUbAe-you0-00886-00188882-00189063 take that button and add an aria-label 8RUbAe-you0-00887-00189064-00189336 of main menu and now it will announce 8RUbAe-you0-00888-00189337-00189768 main menu button nice ok that's good 8RUbAe-you0-00889-00189769-00189994 that's one option the other option is 8RUbAe-you0-00890-00189995-00190227 are you labeled by so are you label by 8RUbAe-you0-00891-00190228-00190446 lets you specify another element to act 8RUbAe-you0-00892-00190447-00190626 as your label it's sort of similar to 8RUbAe-you0-00893-00190627-00190770 using the label element like it might be 8RUbAe-you0-00894-00190771-00190926 with a native input but that that 8RUbAe-you0-00895-00190927-00191139 element really only supports a few kinds 8RUbAe-you0-00896-00191140-00191340 of children where's Arya labeled by can 8RUbAe-you0-00897-00191341-00191577 be applied to just about anybody and the 8RUbAe-you0-00898-00191578-00191719 cool thing about Aria label I is that it 8RUbAe-you0-00899-00191720-00191946 can be composed so i can take other 8RUbAe-you0-00900-00191947-00192132 elements and combine them together for a 8RUbAe-you0-00901-00192133-00192348 bigger label in this case I got this 8RUbAe-you0-00902-00192349-00192534 button that says shot now and feel like 8RUbAe-you0-00903-00192535-00192738 I our text up there the screen reader is 8RUbAe-you0-00904-00192739-00192924 just going to announce shop now button I 8RUbAe-you0-00905-00192925-00193116 don't know what I'm shopping now for I'd 8RUbAe-you0-00906-00193117-00193345 like to combine it with that header so 8RUbAe-you0-00907-00193346-00193515 using are you labeled by I can take both 8RUbAe-you0-00908-00193516-00193728 the header and the ID of the button 8RUbAe-you0-00909-00193729-00193935 itself and compose them together to 8RUbAe-you0-00910-00193936-00194206 create the label mins outerwear shop now 8RUbAe-you0-00911-00194207-00194520 but nice so this is what I want to do in 8RUbAe-you0-00912-00194521-00194763 my check box so I have this little span 8RUbAe-you0-00913-00194764-00195111 here I'll give it an ID of sign drop it 8RUbAe-you0-00914-00195112-00195312 into my labeled by and now the screen 8RUbAe-you0-00915-00195313-00195462 reader is going to announce that I have 8RUbAe-you0-00916-00195463-00195801 sign up checked checkbox there we go 8RUbAe-you0-00917-00195802-00196107 nice now if you are building controls 8RUbAe-you0-00918-00196108-00196257 and you want to verify your work is 8RUbAe-you0-00919-00196258-00196422 correct I highly recommend you check out 8RUbAe-you0-00920-00196423-00196620 the accessibility dev tools extension 8RUbAe-you0-00921-00196621-00196812 created by my teammate Alice vauxhall 8RUbAe-you0-00922-00196813-00197058 this thing is awesome it lets you 8RUbAe-you0-00923-00197059-00197196 inspect your elements accessibility 8RUbAe-you0-00924-00197197-00197364 properties the same way that you inspect 8RUbAe-you0-00925-00197365-00197670 CSS and other things like that so here's 8RUbAe-you0-00926-00197671-00198019 our sign up button and open it up go to 8RUbAe-you0-00927-00198020-00198221 my elements panel find this element and 8RUbAe-you0-00928-00198222-00198396 then I can go check out its 8RUbAe-you0-00929-00198397-00198607 accessibility properties and see now its 8RUbAe-you0-00930-00198608-00198852 role and its its values and its name and 8RUbAe-you0-00931-00198853-00198984 all these other cool things so I don't 8RUbAe-you0-00932-00198985-00199173 have to go around the screen reader and 8RUbAe-you0-00933-00199174-00199353 manually test every single element so 8RUbAe-you0-00934-00199354-00199560 this is super handy to have you can find 8RUbAe-you0-00935-00199561-00200018 it at bit ly /a 11 y dash devtools 8RUbAe-you0-00936-00200019-00200266 another cool example in the progressive 8RUbAe-you0-00937-00200267-00200413 web apps space is this app created by 8RUbAe-you0-00938-00200414-00200614 the polymer team called shop I really 8RUbAe-you0-00939-00200615-00200737 love this app because I think it shows 8RUbAe-you0-00940-00200738-00200870 off that you can build these bleeding 8RUbAe-you0-00941-00200871-00201040 edge beautiful experiences using web 8RUbAe-you0-00942-00201041-00201281 components using all the service are 8RUbAe-you0-00943-00201282-00201422 sorry all the progressive web app tech 8RUbAe-you0-00944-00201423-00201553 that we're talking about but still have 8RUbAe-you0-00945-00201554-00201751 it be really accessible to so you can 8RUbAe-you0-00946-00201752-00201862 see the text down here this is the 8RUbAe-you0-00947-00201863-00202049 output from my screen reader and as I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00948-00202050-00202240 navigating around it's giving me lots of 8RUbAe-you0-00949-00202241-00202559 really useful actionable feedback rights 8RUbAe-you0-00950-00202560-00202738 tell me that the proper thing that I'm 8RUbAe-you0-00951-00202739-00203045 interacting with so definitely go check 8RUbAe-you0-00952-00203046-00203234 out shop you can find this at a github 8RUbAe-you0-00953-00203235-00203495 com / polymer shop if you find any 8RUbAe-you0-00954-00203496-00203665 accessibility issues please file them we 8RUbAe-you0-00955-00203666-00203812 want this to be like a like a showpiece 8RUbAe-you0-00956-00203813-00203950 of web components and a good 8RUbAe-you0-00957-00203951-00204236 accessibility all right we covered a lot 8RUbAe-you0-00958-00204237-00204569 let's wrap it up really quick three big 8RUbAe-you0-00959-00204570-00204763 things I want you to take away when 8RUbAe-you0-00960-00204764-00204886 you're planning your applications make 8RUbAe-you0-00961-00204887-00205025 sure that you're really nailing that 8RUbAe-you0-00962-00205026-00205216 webbing checklist familiarize yourself 8RUbAe-you0-00963-00205217-00205411 with what KAG and ensure that you know 8RUbAe-you0-00964-00205412-00205591 you you can go through those user 8RUbAe-you0-00965-00205592-00205810 journeys and for every major primary use 8RUbAe-you0-00966-00205811-00205928 case you can check off the relevant 8RUbAe-you0-00967-00205929-00206155 checklist items if you're building 8RUbAe-you0-00968-00206156-00206305 controls you want to ensure that they 8RUbAe-you0-00969-00206306-00206464 have good keyboard support and that 8RUbAe-you0-00970-00206465-00206659 everything is focusable use native 8RUbAe-you0-00971-00206660-00206788 elements whenever you can because it's 8RUbAe-you0-00972-00206789-00206959 going to save you a bunch of work if you 8RUbAe-you0-00973-00206960-00207080 need to create your own elements to do 8RUbAe-you0-00974-00207081-00207205 something like tabindex to make sure 8RUbAe-you0-00975-00207206-00207435 that the user can interact with them 8RUbAe-you0-00976-00207436-00207631 also make sure that you're offering the 8RUbAe-you0-00977-00207632-00207781 right affordances in your app so again 8RUbAe-you0-00978-00207782-00207892 use native elements because they have 8RUbAe-you0-00979-00207894-00208090 rich semantics for free but if you need 8RUbAe-you0-00980-00208091-00208205 to go off-road can use something like 8RUbAe-you0-00981-00208206-00208379 aria and that aria design pattern stock 8RUbAe-you0-00982-00208380-00208540 seriously that thing's a lifesaver so 8RUbAe-you0-00983-00208541-00208717 definitely check it out now if you're 8RUbAe-you0-00984-00208719-00208850 interested in learning more about 8RUbAe-you0-00985-00208851-00209102 accessibility myself and Alice vauxhall 8RUbAe-you0-00986-00209103-00209279 we have put together this entire Udacity 8RUbAe-you0-00987-00209280-00209488 course it's launching today I think 8RUbAe-you0-00988-00209489-00209641 actually so if y'all go sign up you'll 8RUbAe-you0-00989-00209642-00209806 be some of the first people so it's bit 8RUbAe-you0-00990-00209807-00210094 ly / web a 11 why this is a multi-week 8RUbAe-you0-00991-00210096-00210310 course it goes super in-depth on all of 8RUbAe-you0-00992-00210311-00210530 these topics so definitely please go 8RUbAe-you0-00993-00210531-00210808 check this out finally the main takeaway 8RUbAe-you0-00994-00210809-00210980 that I'd like for you all to leave here 8RUbAe-you0-00995-00210981-00211163 with is this idea that accessibility is 8RUbAe-you0-00996-00211164-00211502 just fundamentally good UX ensuring as 8RUbAe-you0-00997-00211503-00211712 many users as possible can access our 8RUbAe-you0-00998-00211713-00211948 content should be our primary goal at 8RUbAe-you0-00999-00211950-00212216 all times 8Upp2hmX1xk-00000-00000000-00000329 every story every comic book movie novel 8Upp2hmX1xk-00001-00000330-00000580 has a point the author wants to make 8Upp2hmX1xk-00002-00000581-00000805 authors write with more in mind than 8Upp2hmX1xk-00003-00000806-00001049 just a plot authors want to give readers 8Upp2hmX1xk-00004-00001050-00001385 a larger idea that can only be told in 8Upp2hmX1xk-00005-00001386-00001697 the form of a story some call this 8Upp2hmX1xk-00006-00001698-00002009 larger idea philosophy Plato's cave was 8Upp2hmX1xk-00007-00002010-00002306 a philosophy embedded into a story Jesus 8Upp2hmX1xk-00008-00002307-00002500 parables were judeo-christian values 8Upp2hmX1xk-00009-00002501-00002816 embedded into stories but these neither 8Upp2hmX1xk-00010-00002817-00003074 strengthen nor bolster everyday life 8Upp2hmX1xk-00011-00003075-00003368 skill we need philosophy and morals but 8Upp2hmX1xk-00012-00003369-00003668 we also need cold hard street smarts 8Upp2hmX1xk-00013-00003669-00003908 people smarts and marketable skills each 8Upp2hmX1xk-00014-00003909-00004184 is different keep yourself balanced and 8Upp2hmX1xk-00015-00004185-00004306 that's the point 8Upp2hmX1xk-00016-00004307-00004780 I'm Jesse Steele Jesse Steele calm 8UPzrDApCjU-00000-00000006-00000343 foreign 8UPzrDApCjU-00001-00000344-00000883 [Music] 8UPzrDApCjU-00002-00000884-00001181 subscribers and guests of my channel in 8UPzrDApCjU-00003-00001182-00001391 this video I will try to tell you in 8UPzrDApCjU-00004-00001392-00001589 detail about the real finds in the world 8UPzrDApCjU-00005-00001590-00001847 of cryptocurrency projects let's take a 8UPzrDApCjU-00006-00001848-00002099 look at Tomorrowland together a project 8UPzrDApCjU-00007-00002100-00002302 that will definitely interest you with 8UPzrDApCjU-00008-00002303-00002518 its capabilities and before you start 8UPzrDApCjU-00009-00002519-00002747 watching I recommend you to subscribe to 8UPzrDApCjU-00010-00002748-00002950 the channel and hit the Bell so as not 8UPzrDApCjU-00011-00002951-00003211 to miss new videos and we are starting 8UPzrDApCjU-00012-00003211-00003485 Tomorrowland can be safely called a web 8UPzrDApCjU-00013-00003486-00003688 3 sports club with a subversive 8UPzrDApCjU-00014-00003689-00003881 collectible card game the project 8UPzrDApCjU-00015-00003882-00004090 specializes in the development and 8UPzrDApCjU-00016-00004092-00004325 integration of original nfts and is 8UPzrDApCjU-00017-00004326-00004486 ready to present a well-designed 8UPzrDApCjU-00018-00004487-00004679 Innovative game model of the card 8UPzrDApCjU-00019-00004680-00004961 collection for the World Cup the FIFA 8UPzrDApCjU-00020-00004962-00005141 World Cup is the Premier International 8UPzrDApCjU-00021-00005142-00005393 football competition the World Cup is 8UPzrDApCjU-00022-00005394-00005579 held by the governing body of world 8UPzrDApCjU-00023-00005580-00005849 football FIFA and men's national teams 8UPzrDApCjU-00024-00005850-00006029 of FIFA member countries from all 8UPzrDApCjU-00025-00006030-00006293 continents can participate in it as part 8UPzrDApCjU-00026-00006294-00006527 of the significant event Tomorrowland is 8UPzrDApCjU-00027-00006528-00006742 actively working on integrating FIFA and 8UPzrDApCjU-00028-00006743-00007037 the 2022 FIFA World Cup with game fight 8UPzrDApCjU-00029-00007038-00007289 rewards based on the blockchain thanks 8UPzrDApCjU-00030-00007290-00007456 to the classic card collection model 8UPzrDApCjU-00031-00007458-00007684 users can not only create their own 8UPzrDApCjU-00032-00007686-00007895 collections of cards but also use them 8UPzrDApCjU-00033-00007895-00008153 flexibly promising them at every once to 8UPzrDApCjU-00034-00008154-00008387 compete for a huge jackpot it is worth 8UPzrDApCjU-00035-00008388-00008555 noting some features of the nft 8UPzrDApCjU-00036-00008556-00008831 collection so Tomorrowland nfts have the 8UPzrDApCjU-00037-00008832-00009101 same properties as any other nft assets 8UPzrDApCjU-00038-00009102-00009407 free trade uniqueness limitedness and 8UPzrDApCjU-00039-00009408-00009635 belonging to you this collection has it 8UPzrDApCjU-00040-00009636-00009851 all this project is supported by its own 8UPzrDApCjU-00041-00009852-00010127 being a token Bingo is a virtual token 8UPzrDApCjU-00042-00010128-00010313 issued based on the value of the 8UPzrDApCjU-00043-00010314-00010517 Tomorrowland application these are 8UPzrDApCjU-00044-00010518-00010703 Universal Digital assets in the 8UPzrDApCjU-00045-00010704-00010901 Tomorrowland ecosystem that are used to 8UPzrDApCjU-00046-00010902-00011213 buy and open a bingo box with nfts trade 8UPzrDApCjU-00047-00011214-00011428 nfts in the secondary market and 8UPzrDApCjU-00048-00011429-00011633 activate and settle various events in 8UPzrDApCjU-00049-00011634-00011873 our community the distribution of tokens 8UPzrDApCjU-00050-00011874-00012256 is as follows 20 goes to Ido another 20 8UPzrDApCjU-00051-00012257-00012664 is Club reward 50 is jackpot full 2 8UPzrDApCjU-00052-00012665-00012952 allocated for early surgeries to present 8UPzrDApCjU-00053-00012953-00013169 for institutional funding and six 8UPzrDApCjU-00054-00013169-00013372 percent will be given to the team let's 8UPzrDApCjU-00055-00013373-00013553 highlight the main advantages of this 8UPzrDApCjU-00056-00013554-00013793 project first it is a huge jackpot price 8UPzrDApCjU-00057-00013794-00014057 pool thus the initial price fund is more 8UPzrDApCjU-00058-00014058-00014315 than one million dollars secondly these 8UPzrDApCjU-00059-00014316-00014591 are special nft Bingo boxes such a box 8UPzrDApCjU-00060-00014591-00014836 can be played using bingo in it you'll 8UPzrDApCjU-00061-00014837-00015113 find original nfts of various quality 8UPzrDApCjU-00062-00015113-00015358 thirdly it is convenient secondary 8UPzrDApCjU-00063-00015359-00015586 market for nfts the project supports 8UPzrDApCjU-00064-00015587-00015827 settlements with Bingo it also has a 8UPzrDApCjU-00065-00015828-00016043 perfect backpack function with waiting 8UPzrDApCjU-00066-00016044-00016288 with drawing sorting and history of all 8UPzrDApCjU-00067-00016290-00016480 transactions the activity of the project 8UPzrDApCjU-00068-00016481-00016672 is supported by a number of extremely 8UPzrDApCjU-00069-00016673-00016841 strong Partners who believe in the 8UPzrDApCjU-00070-00016842-00017033 success of this project and in every 8UPzrDApCjU-00071-00017034-00017261 possible way help it achieve its goal 8UPzrDApCjU-00072-00017262-00017465 each user can get the quantity with the 8UPzrDApCjU-00073-00017466-00017686 goals of the project on their roadmap it 8UPzrDApCjU-00074-00017687-00017899 is presented until the second quarter of 8UPzrDApCjU-00075-00017900-00018185 2023. I recommend you to personal get a 8UPzrDApCjU-00076-00018186-00018347 quantity with it and build your own 8UPzrDApCjU-00077-00018348-00018575 development strategy along with this 8UPzrDApCjU-00078-00018576-00018808 project also do not forget to subscribe 8UPzrDApCjU-00079-00018809-00018971 to the social networks of the project 8UPzrDApCjU-00080-00018972-00019169 here you'll find a lot of useful 8UPzrDApCjU-00081-00019170-00019385 information as well as announcement of 8UPzrDApCjU-00082-00019386-00019600 future events so you'll not only be 8UPzrDApCjU-00083-00019601-00019864 aware of all the news but also do not 8UPzrDApCjU-00084-00019865-00020141 miss anything important in general the 8UPzrDApCjU-00085-00020142-00020303 project leaves me with positive 8UPzrDApCjU-00086-00020304-00020543 Impressions dedicated to the World Cup 8UPzrDApCjU-00087-00020544-00020729 this collection will definitely interest 8UPzrDApCjU-00088-00020730-00020933 many fans and will definitely become 8UPzrDApCjU-00089-00020934-00021149 extremely valuable what do you think 8UPzrDApCjU-00090-00021150-00021358 about this leave your opinion in the 8UPzrDApCjU-00091-00021359-00021550 comments below the video I will be 8UPzrDApCjU-00092-00021551-00021755 interested in reading them Tomorrowland 8UPzrDApCjU-00093-00021756-00021947 is a promising project that is 8UPzrDApCjU-00094-00021948-00022163 definitely worth paying attention to I 8UPzrDApCjU-00095-00022164-00022307 recommend you to get to know him 8UPzrDApCjU-00096-00022308-00022475 personally and subscribe to the social 8UPzrDApCjU-00097-00022476-00022708 networks and this concludes my review 8UPzrDApCjU-00098-00022709-00023171 thanks everyone for watching 8UPzrDApCjU-00099-00023172-00023263 foreign 8UPzrDApCjU-00100-00023264-00023587 [Music] 8WsNhWGTR9I-00000-00000003-00000316 a sub synchronous orbit as an orbit of a 8WsNhWGTR9I-00001-00000317-00000521 satellite that is nearer the planet than 8WsNhWGTR9I-00002-00000522-00000703 it would be if it were in synchronous 8WsNhWGTR9I-00003-00000704-00000979 orbit ie the orbital period as less than 8WsNhWGTR9I-00004-00000980-00001714 the sidereal day of the planet 8WsNhWGTR9I-00005-00001714-00002317 topic technical considerations 8WsNhWGTR9I-00006-00002318-00002572 an earth satellite that is in a pro 8WsNhWGTR9I-00007-00002573-00002782 grade sub synchronous orbit will appear 8WsNhWGTR9I-00008-00002783-00002974 to drift eastward as seen from the 8WsNhWGTR9I-00009-00002975-00003577 Earth's surface 8WsNhWGTR9I-00010-00003578-00003919 topic economic importance in commercial 8WsNhWGTR9I-00011-00003920-00004358 spaceflight 8WsNhWGTR9I-00012-00004359-00004592 the geosynchronous belt sub-synchronous 8WsNhWGTR9I-00013-00004593-00004865 orbital regime as regularly used in 8WsNhWGTR9I-00014-00004866-00005129 space flight this orbit is typically 8WsNhWGTR9I-00015-00005130-00005336 used to house working communication 8WsNhWGTR9I-00016-00005337-00005510 satellites that have not yet been 8WsNhWGTR9I-00017-00005511-00005741 deactivated and may be still be used 8WsNhWGTR9I-00018-00005742-00005993 again in geostationary service if the 8WsNhWGTR9I-00019-00005994-00006608 need arises 8WsNhWGTR9I-00020-00006609-00007163 topic see also 8WsNhWGTR9I-00021-00007164-00007712 super synchronous orbit list of orbits 8XZsYPmTsf0-00000-00000470-00000730 do you want to strengthen your teeth and 8XZsYPmTsf0-00001-00000731-00000935 gum and want to solve any kind of dental 8XZsYPmTsf0-00002-00000936-00001247 issues like gin Waters the seeding gum 8XZsYPmTsf0-00003-00001248-00001528 bad breath and two together you are at 8XZsYPmTsf0-00004-00001529-00001726 the right place today I am going to be 8XZsYPmTsf0-00005-00001727-00001960 sharing with you my honest review about 8XZsYPmTsf0-00006-00001961-00002399 the 20 talks Pro and will solve any kind 8XZsYPmTsf0-00007-00002400-00002658 of concerns you have about this product 8XZsYPmTsf0-00008-00002659-00002933 uh before buying this product I will 8XZsYPmTsf0-00009-00002934-00003256 suggest you please watch this review 8XZsYPmTsf0-00010-00003257-00003611 video and then buy it uh you know I will 8XZsYPmTsf0-00011-00003611-00003875 also share you an important a lot with 8XZsYPmTsf0-00012-00003876-00004079 you there are many fake online places 8XZsYPmTsf0-00013-00004079-00004361 where this product has been selling so 8XZsYPmTsf0-00014-00004362-00004756 be aware from those online marketplaces 8XZsYPmTsf0-00015-00004757-00005020 company also recommend you have to buy 8XZsYPmTsf0-00016-00005021-00005315 from the official website so I have put 8XZsYPmTsf0-00017-00005316-00005477 the official website link in the 8XZsYPmTsf0-00018-00005478-00005699 description and comment section you can 8XZsYPmTsf0-00019-00005700-00005951 go there and buy this product it will be 8XZsYPmTsf0-00020-00005952-00006256 a very helpful for you to avoid any kind 8XZsYPmTsf0-00021-00006257-00006659 of scam so what is a data talks Pro you 8XZsYPmTsf0-00022-00006659-00006964 know dentax Pro have been made in USA 8XZsYPmTsf0-00023-00006965-00007348 it's a GMP certified and also FDA 8XZsYPmTsf0-00024-00007350-00007631 approved it's a hundred percent natural 8XZsYPmTsf0-00025-00007631-00007789 it can 8XZsYPmTsf0-00026-00007790-00008321 promote your dental health so uh what's 8XZsYPmTsf0-00027-00008322-00008549 what are the ingredients of dented 8XZsYPmTsf0-00028-00008550-00008914 August Pro so you know ah daddy block 8XZsYPmTsf0-00029-00008915-00009149 Pro is a combination of many helpful 8XZsYPmTsf0-00030-00009150-00009371 ingredients It's a combination of the 8XZsYPmTsf0-00031-00009372-00009859 vitamins mineral phosphorus calcium 8XZsYPmTsf0-00032-00009860-00010171 and 8XZsYPmTsf0-00033-00010172-00010505 collagen Amazon if you want to know more 8XZsYPmTsf0-00034-00010506-00010792 about these ah ingredients I have 8XZsYPmTsf0-00035-00010793-00011081 mentioned the link above this video you 8XZsYPmTsf0-00036-00011082-00011369 can go there and watch uh the 8XZsYPmTsf0-00037-00011370-00011621 ingredients about the daddy talks Pro 8XZsYPmTsf0-00038-00011622-00011981 it's a detailed value I have made so how 8XZsYPmTsf0-00039-00011982-00012305 can juice how you can use this product 8XZsYPmTsf0-00040-00012306-00012628 the using method of this product is very 8XZsYPmTsf0-00041-00012629-00013055 simple you have just take a two ah drop 8XZsYPmTsf0-00042-00013056-00013451 of dance talks probe with the toothpaste 8XZsYPmTsf0-00043-00013452-00013819 or you can add it to the 8XZsYPmTsf0-00044-00013819-00014230 water and then switch it and then Ah 8XZsYPmTsf0-00045-00014231-00014635 that's it you can use it every day 8XZsYPmTsf0-00046-00014636-00014921 in the morning so moreover you know it's 8XZsYPmTsf0-00047-00014922-00015280 come in the 30 milliliter bottle 8XZsYPmTsf0-00048-00015281-00015821 um with the 30 day supplies so ah did it 8XZsYPmTsf0-00049-00015822-00016199 have any kind of ah side effect so till 8XZsYPmTsf0-00050-00016200-00016391 now I didn't have found any kind of side 8XZsYPmTsf0-00051-00016392-00016672 effect of this product so now it's a 8XZsYPmTsf0-00052-00016673-00016963 useful for any kind of medical condition 8XZsYPmTsf0-00053-00016964-00017500 but above the 18 years so because it's a 8XZsYPmTsf0-00054-00017501-00017783 you know FD approved GMP certified 8XZsYPmTsf0-00055-00017784-00018130 that's why it has no side effects but if 8XZsYPmTsf0-00056-00018131-00018347 you are breastfeeding mom and pregnant 8XZsYPmTsf0-00057-00018348-00018611 please I will suggest you please consult 8XZsYPmTsf0-00058-00018612-00018893 with your doctor before using this 8XZsYPmTsf0-00059-00018894-00019139 product because it depends upon your 8XZsYPmTsf0-00060-00019140-00019547 situation so the safety first then ah 8XZsYPmTsf0-00061-00019548-00019667 use this product 8XZsYPmTsf0-00062-00019668-00019943 so what's the cost of this product so it 8XZsYPmTsf0-00063-00019944-00020317 comes in three packages 8XZsYPmTsf0-00064-00020318-00020747 one bottle price is 69 with 30 days 8XZsYPmTsf0-00065-00020748-00021264 supplies Three Bottle price is uh 170 8XZsYPmTsf0-00066-00021265-00021683 177 dollar with 90 days supplies six 8XZsYPmTsf0-00067-00021684-00022144 bottle price is 294 dollars with 180 day 8XZsYPmTsf0-00068-00022145-00022444 supplies so I will recommend you to buy 8XZsYPmTsf0-00069-00022445-00022750 it three or six bottles because 97 8XZsYPmTsf0-00070-00022751-00023033 persons are buying three to six bottles 8XZsYPmTsf0-00071-00023034-00023285 for better result so company also 8XZsYPmTsf0-00072-00023286-00023555 recommend you to buy it for at least 8XZsYPmTsf0-00073-00023556-00023989 three months to better results so uh 8XZsYPmTsf0-00074-00023990-00024377 this is the dental talks Pro review if 8XZsYPmTsf0-00075-00024378-00024586 you want to know more information about 8XZsYPmTsf0-00076-00024587-00024880 this product please leave the comment in 8XZsYPmTsf0-00077-00024881-00025091 the comment section I will answer your 8XZsYPmTsf0-00078-00025092-00025522 all question you have so uh you know I 8XZsYPmTsf0-00079-00025523-00025762 will ask just to please subscribe to 8XZsYPmTsf0-00080-00025763-00025972 this channel that uh dentist clinic 8XZsYPmTsf0-00081-00025973-00026218 because this channel has been promoting 8XZsYPmTsf0-00082-00026219-00026555 daily talks and product random uh video 8XZsYPmTsf0-00083-00026556-00026885 for a quite long time so for next video 8XZsYPmTsf0-00084-00026886-00027208 I've done talks Pro please take care and 8XZsYPmTsf0-00085-00027210-00027757 bye bye 8XZsYPmTsf0-00086-00027758-00028538 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00087-00028539-00029318 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00088-00029319-00029464 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00089-00029466-00030099 foreign 8XZsYPmTsf0-00090-00030100-00030880 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00091-00030881-00031661 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00092-00031662-00033342 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00093-00033343-00035424 [Music] 8XZsYPmTsf0-00094-00035425-00035824 thank you 8XZsYPmTsf0-00095-00035825-00036348 foreign 8XZsYPmTsf0-00096-00036349-00037437 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00000-00000710-00001431 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00001-00001432-00001551 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00002-00001552-00002839 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00003-00002840-00005543 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00005-00009160-00009292 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00006-00009293-00009875 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00007-00009876-00011287 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00008-00011288-00012446 oh 8YiETeNMFtg-00009-00012447-00012764 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00010-00012765-00013410 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00012-00016784-00017927 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00013-00017928-00019479 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00014-00019480-00021167 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00015-00021168-00023807 a 8YiETeNMFtg-00016-00023808-00024749 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00017-00024750-00025175 [Applause] 8YiETeNMFtg-00019-00029191-00029777 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00021-00033608-00033927 is 8YiETeNMFtg-00022-00033928-00035232 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00023-00035233-00036250 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00024-00036251-00036905 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00025-00036906-00037195 [Applause] 8YiETeNMFtg-00026-00037196-00037718 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00027-00037719-00039027 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00028-00039028-00039628 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00029-00039629-00042118 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00030-00042119-00042565 good 8YiETeNMFtg-00031-00042566-00042760 [Applause] 8YiETeNMFtg-00033-00046867-00047486 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00034-00047487-00048176 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00035-00048177-00050255 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00036-00050256-00052112 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00037-00052113-00053591 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00038-00053592-00055602 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00039-00055603-00057254 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00040-00057255-00058519 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00041-00058520-00060166 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00042-00060167-00063142 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00043-00063144-00064849 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00044-00064850-00065399 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00045-00065400-00065588 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00046-00065589-00067238 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00047-00067239-00068963 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00048-00068964-00070015 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00049-00070016-00070540 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00050-00070541-00071419 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00051-00071420-00072150 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00052-00072151-00073818 oh 8YiETeNMFtg-00053-00073819-00075974 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00054-00075975-00076175 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00055-00076176-00077445 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00056-00077446-00077720 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00057-00077721-00077954 [Applause] 8YiETeNMFtg-00058-00077955-00079359 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00059-00079360-00079645 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00061-00083192-00083642 foreign 8YiETeNMFtg-00062-00083643-00083670 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00063-00083671-00084296 [Applause] 8YiETeNMFtg-00064-00084297-00085366 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00065-00085367-00085526 [Music] 8YiETeNMFtg-00066-00085527-00085750 hospital and diagnostic life limited 8YiETeNMFtg-00067-00085751-00086339 astha bishash or neerhoratai official 8ZGNmbajBJI-00000-00000000-00000341 foreign 8ZGNmbajBJI-00001-00000342-00000401 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00002-00000403-00000657 [Laughter] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00003-00000658-00001642 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00004-00001643-00001892 [Laughter] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00005-00001893-00002278 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00006-00002279-00002526 [Laughter] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00007-00002527-00003990 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00008-00003992-00004287 foreign 8ZGNmbajBJI-00009-00004288-00005939 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00010-00005940-00006470 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00011-00006472-00006795 foreign 8ZGNmbajBJI-00012-00006797-00009167 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00013-00009168-00010332 [Applause] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00014-00010333-00010856 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00015-00010857-00011551 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00016-00011552-00014412 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00017-00014413-00015271 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00018-00015272-00016887 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00019-00016888-00017599 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00020-00017600-00017852 do 8ZGNmbajBJI-00021-00017853-00019719 [Music] 8ZGNmbajBJI-00022-00019720-00019928 you 8ewRAa_Su5M-00000-00000011-00000286 hi guys so as many of you are probably 8ewRAa_Su5M-00001-00000287-00000536 aware by now the UK government's policy 8ewRAa_Su5M-00002-00000537-00000701 towards the Accord 19 novel coronavirus 8ewRAa_Su5M-00003-00000702-00000991 pandemic has shifted in recent days this 8ewRAa_Su5M-00004-00000992-00001174 is full to be due to some research from 8ewRAa_Su5M-00005-00001175-00001343 Imperial College London and they're 8ewRAa_Su5M-00006-00001344-00001591 covered 19 response team this research 8ewRAa_Su5M-00007-00001592-00001759 has been made available online and so I 8ewRAa_Su5M-00008-00001760-00001930 thought would be useful to sit down and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00009-00001932-00002143 offer some commentary and insight as an 8ewRAa_Su5M-00010-00002144-00002354 academic and as a scientist for those of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00011-00002355-00002495 you who are perhaps not working in 8ewRAa_Su5M-00012-00002496-00002683 academia or working in a very different 8ewRAa_Su5M-00013-00002684-00002926 area of academia I know that scientific 8ewRAa_Su5M-00014-00002927-00003109 literature can often be quite opaque and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00015-00003110-00003295 off-putting and in times like this it 8ewRAa_Su5M-00016-00003296-00003467 seems important that everybody has 8ewRAa_Su5M-00017-00003468-00003581 access to the most up-to-date 8ewRAa_Su5M-00018-00003582-00003950 information so a little bit about myself 8ewRAa_Su5M-00019-00003951-00004145 my name's Luke I'm a computational 8ewRAa_Su5M-00020-00004146-00004388 physicist working in magnetic modeling 8ewRAa_Su5M-00021-00004389-00004613 and what that means is that day today I 8ewRAa_Su5M-00022-00004614-00004859 develop and implement mathematical 8ewRAa_Su5M-00023-00004860-00005075 models for studying magnetic systems 8ewRAa_Su5M-00024-00005076-00005300 which are then used for new information 8ewRAa_Su5M-00025-00005301-00005534 storage devices like hard drives and RAM 8ewRAa_Su5M-00026-00005535-00005759 now that probably seems like a world 8ewRAa_Su5M-00027-00005760-00005956 away from the study of infectious 8ewRAa_Su5M-00028-00005957-00006181 diseases however our understanding of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00029-00006182-00006442 curve 19 is at such an early stage that 8ewRAa_Su5M-00030-00006443-00006598 much of the research which is driving 8ewRAa_Su5M-00031-00006600-00006800 government policy is based on 8ewRAa_Su5M-00032-00006801-00007034 mathematical modeling and while the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00033-00007034-00007217 problems we apply those modeling 8ewRAa_Su5M-00034-00007218-00007466 techniques to very significantly the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00035-00007467-00007681 basic techniques remain broad in the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00036-00007683-00007942 same across disciplines so while I can't 8ewRAa_Su5M-00037-00007943-00008095 talk to you specific details of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00038-00008097-00008327 infectious diseases I hope I can at 8ewRAa_Su5M-00039-00008328-00008485 least talk through the methods used in 8ewRAa_Su5M-00040-00008486-00008744 this work and offer some context into 8ewRAa_Su5M-00041-00008745-00008885 which to place the results of the work 8ewRAa_Su5M-00042-00008886-00009149 now moving on to those results the most 8ewRAa_Su5M-00043-00009150-00009320 important takeaway is that then is a 8ewRAa_Su5M-00044-00009321-00009527 need for multiple large scale 8ewRAa_Su5M-00045-00009528-00009724 interventions to help lower the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00046-00009725-00010070 mortality rate due to carbon 19 now so 8ewRAa_Su5M-00047-00010071-00010306 far the UK and US government's have been 8ewRAa_Su5M-00048-00010307-00010508 following strategies primarily aimed at 8ewRAa_Su5M-00049-00010509-00010658 mitigating the spread of the disease 8ewRAa_Su5M-00050-00010659-00010903 that is keeping the growth of the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00051-00010904-00011212 disease in law a certain threshold 8ewRAa_Su5M-00052-00011213-00011483 however the results of this work suggest 8ewRAa_Su5M-00053-00011484-00011695 that even in a best-case scenario for 8ewRAa_Su5M-00054-00011696-00011956 mitigation the demand for critical care 8ewRAa_Su5M-00055-00011957-00012220 resources would quickly overwhelm supply 8ewRAa_Su5M-00056-00012221-00012512 resulting in approximately 250,000 8ewRAa_Su5M-00057-00012513-00012663 deaths in the UK 8ewRAa_Su5M-00058-00012664-00012888 as such the researchers outlined further 8ewRAa_Su5M-00059-00012888-00013083 interventions that can be met in order 8ewRAa_Su5M-00060-00013084-00013332 to suppress the spread of the disease I 8ewRAa_Su5M-00061-00013333-00013547 will discuss each of these interventions 8ewRAa_Su5M-00062-00013549-00013701 in a further video but the most 8ewRAa_Su5M-00063-00013702-00013851 important for you and I as members of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00064-00013852-00014115 the public is 18 or more months of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00065-00014116-00014363 social distancing measures for the whole 8ewRAa_Su5M-00066-00014365-00014724 population so most of you will now know 8ewRAa_Su5M-00067-00014725-00014994 of social distancing but as a refresher 8ewRAa_Su5M-00068-00014994-00015249 the government's guidance published 8ewRAa_Su5M-00069-00015250-00015488 yesterday lists the following point 8ewRAa_Su5M-00070-00015488-00015705 avoid contact with someone who is 8ewRAa_Su5M-00071-00015706-00015915 displaying symptoms of coronavirus such 8ewRAa_Su5M-00072-00015916-00016141 as elevated temperature fever or cough 8ewRAa_Su5M-00073-00016143-00016444 avoid non-essential public transport and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00074-00016445-00016704 time your journeys so that you avoid 8ewRAa_Su5M-00075-00016705-00016989 peak hours work from home if possible 8ewRAa_Su5M-00076-00016990-00017286 and your employer should be supporting 8ewRAa_Su5M-00077-00017287-00017571 you in doing this avoid large gatherings 8ewRAa_Su5M-00078-00017572-00017787 such as concerts and sporting events and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00079-00017788-00018081 also avoid smaller gatherings such as at 8ewRAa_Su5M-00080-00018082-00018411 bars restaurants cafes avoid government 8ewRAa_Su5M-00081-00018412-00018618 with your friends and family and instead 8ewRAa_Su5M-00082-00018619-00018828 you should be using technology to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00083-00018829-00019155 maintain social contact so phone and web 8ewRAa_Su5M-00084-00019156-00019440 services avoid face-to-face interactions 8ewRAa_Su5M-00085-00019441-00019605 with your GP and other essential 8ewRAa_Su5M-00086-00019606-00019830 services and instead make use of online 8ewRAa_Su5M-00087-00019831-00020142 and telephone services now the reason 8ewRAa_Su5M-00088-00020143-00020306 for this extended period of intervention 8ewRAa_Su5M-00089-00020307-00020517 is that 18 months is the realistic 8ewRAa_Su5M-00090-00020518-00020756 minimum timeline for the development of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00091-00020757-00020967 a vaccine without sufficient immunity 8ewRAa_Su5M-00092-00020968-00021144 within the population either through 8ewRAa_Su5M-00093-00021145-00021390 herd immunity or through vaccination if 8ewRAa_Su5M-00094-00021391-00021639 measures are relaxed after the initial 8ewRAa_Su5M-00095-00021640-00021840 peak there is a very significant chance 8ewRAa_Su5M-00096-00021841-00022097 of further Peaks down the line if the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00097-00022098-00022239 researchers finally not the more 8ewRAa_Su5M-00098-00022240-00022368 successful the initial intervention 8ewRAa_Su5M-00099-00022369-00022599 actually the more severe subsequent 8ewRAa_Su5M-00100-00022600-00022908 peaks would be now the researchers 8ewRAa_Su5M-00101-00022909-00023097 recognized the difficulties presented by 8ewRAa_Su5M-00102-00023098-00023367 these measures so they've studied what 8ewRAa_Su5M-00103-00023368-00023571 they call an adaptive strategy under 8ewRAa_Su5M-00104-00023572-00023753 which these measures are turned on and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00105-00023754-00024024 off based on a trigger in this case the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00106-00024025-00024210 capacity of critical care facilities and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00107-00024211-00024500 this approach was also found to reduce 8ewRAa_Su5M-00108-00024501-00024789 the magnitude of subsequent Peaks and to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00109-00024790-00025071 keep mortality rates down now obviously 8ewRAa_Su5M-00110-00025072-00025259 these represent major changes to our 8ewRAa_Su5M-00111-00025260-00025446 lifestyle for the foreseeable future and 8ewRAa_Su5M-00112-00025447-00025619 that's actually the motivation for 8ewRAa_Su5M-00113-00025620-00025844 making this video it seems important 8ewRAa_Su5M-00114-00025845-00026009 that we begin to understand now 8ewRAa_Su5M-00115-00026010-00026180 this is going to be a long-term effort 8ewRAa_Su5M-00116-00026181-00026454 of consequences for our society that we 8ewRAa_Su5M-00117-00026455-00026727 don't yet know the authors of the paper 8ewRAa_Su5M-00118-00026727-00026967 make a point that the feasibility of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00119-00026968-00027230 these interventions is not included in 8ewRAa_Su5M-00120-00027231-00027443 the model and there is an urgent need to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00121-00027444-00027582 gather there on the ground to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00122-00027583-00027752 continually assess the effectiveness of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00123-00027753-00028020 these strategies so to close this first 8ewRAa_Su5M-00124-00028020-00028292 video the main point I'd like people to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00125-00028293-00028505 understand is that as a society we 8ewRAa_Su5M-00126-00028506-00028698 appear to be at a point of needing to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00127-00028699-00028862 come to terms with the reality of the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00128-00028863-00029099 measures we expect to be required in the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00129-00029100-00029376 face of this pandemic in future videos 8ewRAa_Su5M-00130-00029377-00029495 I'm going to go through the paper 8ewRAa_Su5M-00131-00029496-00029714 section by section discuss the 8ewRAa_Su5M-00132-00029715-00029889 methodology and explain certain 8ewRAa_Su5M-00133-00029889-00030060 decisions and assumptions that have been 8ewRAa_Su5M-00134-00030061-00030215 made and what they mean for our 8ewRAa_Su5M-00135-00030216-00030480 understanding of these conclusions until 8ewRAa_Su5M-00136-00030481-00030660 then I hope this overview has been 8ewRAa_Su5M-00137-00030661-00030908 useful in distilling the conclusions of 8ewRAa_Su5M-00138-00030909-00031182 the paper and you will stick around to 8ewRAa_Su5M-00139-00031183-00031412 go on a deeper dive into the research 8ewRAa_Su5M-00140-00031413-00031749 around called the nineteen 8eBtYProAcY-00000-00000016-00000231 all right let's react to this video when 8eBtYProAcY-00001-00000231-00000390 it comes to fat loss there's no doubt 8eBtYProAcY-00002-00000391-00000519 that your diet is the most important 8eBtYProAcY-00003-00000520-00000647 factor that you have to get right even 8eBtYProAcY-00004-00000648-00000751 if your training is on point and 8eBtYProAcY-00005-00000752-00000878 consistent you're simply not going to 8eBtYProAcY-00006-00000880-00001007 see the results you want without a 8eBtYProAcY-00007-00001008-00001174 proper nutrition strategy 8eBtYProAcY-00008-00001175-00001439 began split class nice yes i would say 8eBtYProAcY-00009-00001440-00001487 that 8eBtYProAcY-00010-00001488-00001743 for weight loss nutrition is like at 8eBtYProAcY-00011-00001744-00002023 least 80 percent and exercise maybe 20 8eBtYProAcY-00012-00002023-00002223 strength training can help you build 8eBtYProAcY-00013-00002224-00002350 muscle and 8eBtYProAcY-00014-00002351-00002583 lose more fat so strengthening is 8eBtYProAcY-00015-00002584-00002663 beneficial 8eBtYProAcY-00016-00002664-00002983 cardio doesn't have that much benefit 8eBtYProAcY-00017-00002984-00003222 but exercising in general is very 8eBtYProAcY-00018-00003223-00003303 healthy 8eBtYProAcY-00019-00003304-00003527 and like walking and just being more 8eBtYProAcY-00020-00003528-00003686 active during the day 8eBtYProAcY-00021-00003688-00003959 will help you burn more calories but it 8eBtYProAcY-00022-00003960-00004103 doesn't help as much 8eBtYProAcY-00023-00004104-00004319 as your nutrition abs are made in the 8eBtYProAcY-00024-00004320-00004479 kitchen 8eBtYProAcY-00025-00004480-00004615 but this is where most people fail and i 8eBtYProAcY-00026-00004616-00004711 honestly don't blame them we're 8eBtYProAcY-00027-00004712-00004863 constantly overwhelmed with new diets 8eBtYProAcY-00028-00004864-00005015 that are supposedly the new best way to 8eBtYProAcY-00029-00005016-00005159 lose fat so it becomes extremely 8eBtYProAcY-00030-00005160-00005327 difficult to know which approach to take 8eBtYProAcY-00031-00005328-00005431 but the real truth is 8eBtYProAcY-00032-00005432-00005583 every single diet or dieting method out 8eBtYProAcY-00033-00005584-00005743 there works the exact same way they all 8eBtYProAcY-00034-00005744-00005895 achieve fat loss by causing you to eat 8eBtYProAcY-00035-00005896-00006031 at a caloric deficit meaning that you're 8eBtYProAcY-00036-00006032-00006159 eating less calories and you're burning 8eBtYProAcY-00037-00006160-00006295 every day research has proven time and 8eBtYProAcY-00038-00006296-00006414 time again that whether it's keto 8eBtYProAcY-00039-00006415-00006550 intermittent fasting and so on 8eBtYProAcY-00040-00006551-00006678 although these diets may each have 8eBtYProAcY-00041-00006679-00006839 certain psychological and physiological 8eBtYProAcY-00042-00006840-00006991 benefits none of these diets or methods 8eBtYProAcY-00043-00006992-00007142 have any special fat loss effect they 8eBtYProAcY-00044-00007143-00007295 instead work by making it easier for you 8eBtYProAcY-00045-00007295-00007406 to eat less calories 8eBtYProAcY-00046-00007408-00007534 simply meaning that the best diet for 8eBtYProAcY-00047-00007536-00007678 fat loss is really the one that you 8eBtYProAcY-00048-00007679-00007814 personally enjoy the most and will be 8eBtYProAcY-00049-00007815-00007974 most consistent with however with that 8eBtYProAcY-00050-00007975-00008070 being 8eBtYProAcY-00051-00008072-00008303 yes there are plenty of different diets 8eBtYProAcY-00052-00008304-00008374 and 8eBtYProAcY-00053-00008375-00008735 whatever works for you is the best diet 8eBtYProAcY-00054-00008736-00008887 being said regardless of what approach 8eBtYProAcY-00055-00008888-00009023 you choose there are a few factors that 8eBtYProAcY-00056-00009024-00009135 you need to get right in order to 8eBtYProAcY-00057-00009136-00009278 optimize your diet for fat loss and are 8eBtYProAcY-00058-00009279-00009431 mainly how many total calories protein 8eBtYProAcY-00059-00009432-00009567 carbs and fats you're consuming on a 8eBtYProAcY-00060-00009568-00009719 daily basis so as for your calorie 8eBtYProAcY-00061-00009720-00009863 intake if you want to maximize fat loss 8eBtYProAcY-00062-00009864-00009991 while minimizing muscle loss then you 8eBtYProAcY-00063-00009992-00010127 have to pay close attention to how many 8eBtYProAcY-00064-00010128-00010246 calories you're in taking research 8eBtYProAcY-00065-00010247-00010391 indicates that this is best done with a 8eBtYProAcY-00066-00010392-00010535 moderate caloric deficit that enables 8eBtYProAcY-00067-00010536-00010727 you to lose around 0.7 percent of your 8eBtYProAcY-00068-00010728-00010855 body weight per week which is around 1 8eBtYProAcY-00069-00010856-00010974 pound of weight loss per week for most 8eBtYProAcY-00070-00010975-00011127 people in fact a more aggressive calorie 8eBtYProAcY-00071-00011128-00011287 deficit was actually shown to hinder fat 8eBtYProAcY-00072-00011288-00011399 loss as opposed to accelerated 8eBtYProAcY-00073-00011400-00011703 and if all right so 8eBtYProAcY-00074-00011704-00011942 yes so carry is the most important thing 8eBtYProAcY-00075-00011943-00012031 for weight loss 8eBtYProAcY-00076-00012032-00012319 now this is something i don't agree with 8eBtYProAcY-00077-00012320-00012423 he says that 8eBtYProAcY-00078-00012424-00012815 everybody should lose like 0.7 8eBtYProAcY-00079-00012816-00013015 of body weight per week with a moderate 8eBtYProAcY-00080-00013016-00013119 carry deficit 8eBtYProAcY-00081-00013119-00013286 but if you have a higher body fat 8eBtYProAcY-00082-00013287-00013479 percentage you can 8eBtYProAcY-00083-00013480-00013751 go really more aggressive and lose more 8eBtYProAcY-00084-00013752-00013855 weight faster 8eBtYProAcY-00085-00013856-00014111 this is only for athletic people you can 8eBtYProAcY-00086-00014112-00014166 see here 8eBtYProAcY-00087-00014168-00014422 in this table from the manual handsome 8eBtYProAcY-00088-00014423-00014575 and speedy girls 2020 8eBtYProAcY-00089-00014576-00014886 it says what's your optimal energy 8eBtYProAcY-00090-00014887-00015038 deficit in percentage 8eBtYProAcY-00091-00015040-00015327 and your maximum maximum weekly weight 8eBtYProAcY-00092-00015328-00015375 loss 8eBtYProAcY-00093-00015376-00015615 or in percentage of body weight compared 8eBtYProAcY-00094-00015616-00015775 to your body fat percentage 8eBtYProAcY-00095-00015776-00015999 i showed this in one of my previous 8eBtYProAcY-00096-00016000-00016079 videos 8eBtYProAcY-00097-00016080-00016319 entitled how much calorie deficit for 8eBtYProAcY-00098-00016319-00016519 fat loss and weight loss so for example 8eBtYProAcY-00099-00016520-00016655 if you are overweight 8eBtYProAcY-00100-00016656-00016967 and you have more than 21 8eBtYProAcY-00101-00016968-00017255 body fat percentage for a man then the 8eBtYProAcY-00102-00017256-00017430 0.7 8eBtYProAcY-00103-00017431-00017711 of body weight weekly weight loss is 8eBtYProAcY-00104-00017712-00017807 really 8eBtYProAcY-00105-00017808-00018119 low because your maximum is 1.5 so your 8eBtYProAcY-00106-00018120-00018222 optimal 8eBtYProAcY-00107-00018223-00018511 deficit like to have fast resource is 8eBtYProAcY-00108-00018512-00018591 double 8eBtYProAcY-00109-00018592-00018814 what he recommends so you can lose 8eBtYProAcY-00110-00018815-00019039 weight two times faster than what he 8eBtYProAcY-00111-00019040-00019111 recommends 8eBtYProAcY-00112-00019112-00019311 the more modified percentage you have 8eBtYProAcY-00113-00019312-00019471 the faster you can 8eBtYProAcY-00114-00019472-00019671 lose weight intake should be a good 8eBtYProAcY-00115-00019672-00019799 starting point and something recommended 8eBtYProAcY-00116-00019800-00019983 from a 2014 paper from eric helens and 8eBtYProAcY-00117-00019984-00020119 colleagues is to simply multiply your 8eBtYProAcY-00118-00020120-00020279 body weight by 13. although this won't 8eBtYProAcY-00119-00020280-00020430 be spot on for everyone you can start 8eBtYProAcY-00120-00020431-00020575 with that and then increase or decrease 8eBtYProAcY-00121-00020576-00020686 your calories based on how your weight 8eBtYProAcY-00122-00020687-00020775 loss progresses 8eBtYProAcY-00123-00020776-00020991 okay so here he gives a recommendation 8eBtYProAcY-00124-00020992-00021119 for calorie intake 8eBtYProAcY-00125-00021120-00021471 but it's pretty inaccurate and as i said 8eBtYProAcY-00126-00021472-00021535 people 8eBtYProAcY-00127-00021536-00021727 who have more body fat percentage can be 8eBtYProAcY-00128-00021728-00021919 more aggressive i wouldn't recommend 8eBtYProAcY-00129-00021920-00021950 this 8eBtYProAcY-00130-00021951-00022086 so in this table that i'll show you 8eBtYProAcY-00131-00022087-00022335 previously you can see your optimal 8eBtYProAcY-00132-00022336-00022671 percentage of energy deficit so if you 8eBtYProAcY-00133-00022672-00022814 choose like 40 percent 8eBtYProAcY-00134-00022815-00023094 you take your maintenance energy for one 8eBtYProAcY-00135-00023095-00023150 day 8eBtYProAcY-00136-00023151-00023471 and you reduce it by 40 percent and to 8eBtYProAcY-00137-00023472-00023622 calculate your 8eBtYProAcY-00138-00023623-00023863 maintenance energy intake you can watch 8eBtYProAcY-00139-00023864-00024030 my video how to calculate 8eBtYProAcY-00140-00024031-00024263 your energy expenditure also there are 8eBtYProAcY-00141-00024264-00024399 calculators online 8eBtYProAcY-00142-00024400-00024647 they can be fine you can use them 8eBtYProAcY-00143-00024648-00024839 multiplying by 13 can be a good 8eBtYProAcY-00144-00024840-00024911 guideline 8eBtYProAcY-00145-00024912-00025183 for some people but also a lot of people 8eBtYProAcY-00146-00025184-00025358 it won't work for them so 8eBtYProAcY-00147-00025359-00025542 if you want to make sure that you have a 8eBtYProAcY-00148-00025543-00025727 good energy intake target 8eBtYProAcY-00149-00025727-00025974 then i suggest you calculate it or you 8eBtYProAcY-00150-00025975-00026070 send me a message 8eBtYProAcY-00151-00026072-00026279 and i can calculate it for you this is 8eBtYProAcY-00152-00026280-00026407 throughout the next little while as for 8eBtYProAcY-00153-00026408-00026543 protein it's the most important 8eBtYProAcY-00154-00026544-00026711 macronutrient you want to keep track of 8eBtYProAcY-00155-00026712-00026870 since research has repeatedly shown that 8eBtYProAcY-00156-00026872-00027031 it plays a major role in maintaining 8eBtYProAcY-00157-00027032-00027287 muscle while you're in a caloric deficit 8eBtYProAcY-00158-00027288-00027535 yes protein i agree is the most 8eBtYProAcY-00159-00027536-00027735 important micronutrient if you maintain 8eBtYProAcY-00160-00027736-00027918 muscle mass or build muscle mass 8eBtYProAcY-00161-00027919-00028087 then you will lose more fat and although 8eBtYProAcY-00162-00028088-00028231 how much protein you should intake will 8eBtYProAcY-00163-00028232-00028399 always be a highly debated topic a 8eBtYProAcY-00164-00028400-00028551 recent 2018 meta-analysis from the 8eBtYProAcY-00165-00028552-00028687 journal of sports medicine found that in 8eBtYProAcY-00166-00028688-00028911 taking at least 0.73 grams of protein 8eBtYProAcY-00167-00028912-00029039 per pound of body weight is enough to 8eBtYProAcY-00168-00029039-00029183 maximize muscle growth and maintenance 8eBtYProAcY-00169-00029183-00029335 however i personally find that since we 8eBtYProAcY-00170-00029336-00029479 know that protein is the most satiating 8eBtYProAcY-00171-00029480-00029655 macronutrient so it can better help keep 8eBtYProAcY-00172-00029656-00029758 you full throughout the day and it just 8eBtYProAcY-00173-00029760-00029918 acts as a buffer to help minimize any 8eBtYProAcY-00174-00029919-00030039 potential muscle loss 8eBtYProAcY-00175-00030039-00030327 it's true that protein is the most 8eBtYProAcY-00176-00030327-00030423 satiating 8eBtYProAcY-00177-00030424-00030639 macronutrient but only up to a point 8eBtYProAcY-00178-00030639-00030790 when you reach a recommendation 8eBtYProAcY-00179-00030791-00031095 then it stop being satiating you really 8eBtYProAcY-00180-00031095-00031167 don't have 8eBtYProAcY-00181-00031168-00031367 any benefit going higher than the 8eBtYProAcY-00182-00031368-00031487 recommended amount 8eBtYProAcY-00183-00031488-00031695 except that maybe you don't want to eat 8eBtYProAcY-00184-00031695-00031814 that much carbs and fat 8eBtYProAcY-00185-00031816-00032111 but usually people prefer to go to the 8eBtYProAcY-00186-00032112-00032239 recommended 8eBtYProAcY-00187-00032239-00032518 protein intake and increase the fat or 8eBtYProAcY-00188-00032519-00032614 carb intake 8eBtYProAcY-00189-00032616-00032790 you don't have to go very high in 8eBtYProAcY-00190-00032791-00032918 protein because 8eBtYProAcY-00191-00032919-00033174 that has no benefit manu hanselmans the 8eBtYProAcY-00192-00033175-00033383 leader of evidence-based fitness 8eBtYProAcY-00193-00033384-00033639 wrote two articles on his website about 8eBtYProAcY-00194-00033640-00033839 how much protein do you need for maximum 8eBtYProAcY-00195-00033840-00034111 satiety and he concluded that once you 8eBtYProAcY-00196-00034112-00034271 are at the recommended amount 8eBtYProAcY-00197-00034272-00034574 and your body has sufficient protein for 8eBtYProAcY-00198-00034575-00034679 muscle growth 8eBtYProAcY-00199-00034680-00034902 then it doesn't help with satiety 8eBtYProAcY-00200-00034903-00035095 anymore to have more protein 8eBtYProAcY-00201-00035096-00035318 of course you can go higher in protein 8eBtYProAcY-00202-00035319-00035462 and because it 8eBtYProAcY-00203-00035463-00035711 has no negative effects but it doesn't 8eBtYProAcY-00204-00035712-00035855 have unsatiety 8eBtYProAcY-00205-00035856-00036135 or fat loss now as for carbs and fats 8eBtYProAcY-00206-00036136-00036302 despite the ongoing debate between low 8eBtYProAcY-00207-00036303-00036551 fat versus low carb diets a recent 2018 8eBtYProAcY-00208-00036552-00036727 year-long randomized clinical trial with 8eBtYProAcY-00209-00036728-00036879 over 600 subjects found that when 8eBtYProAcY-00210-00036880-00036967 protein is the same 8eBtYProAcY-00211-00036968-00037151 both low-fat and low-carb diets are 8eBtYProAcY-00212-00037152-00037383 equally as effective for fat loss so 8eBtYProAcY-00213-00037384-00037630 yes this is true both high carb and low 8eBtYProAcY-00214-00037631-00037695 carb 8eBtYProAcY-00215-00037696-00037974 are effective for fat loss and it really 8eBtYProAcY-00216-00037975-00038046 depends 8eBtYProAcY-00217-00038047-00038343 on your eating habits on your food 8eBtYProAcY-00218-00038344-00038430 preferences 8eBtYProAcY-00219-00038431-00038615 if you prefer high carb low carb what 8eBtYProAcY-00220-00038616-00038735 you can sustain 8eBtYProAcY-00221-00038736-00039079 long term studies also show that if you 8eBtYProAcY-00222-00039080-00039351 stay low carb for a long time then you 8eBtYProAcY-00223-00039352-00039415 will 8eBtYProAcY-00224-00039416-00039695 start liking low carb foods more and if 8eBtYProAcY-00225-00039696-00039887 you stay high carb for a long time 8eBtYProAcY-00226-00039888-00040111 you will start lacking high carb foods 8eBtYProAcY-00227-00040112-00040327 more one little factor is that 8eBtYProAcY-00228-00040328-00040615 most people follow a low carb diet more 8eBtYProAcY-00229-00040616-00040695 easily 8eBtYProAcY-00230-00040696-00040999 because of the food choices and 8eBtYProAcY-00231-00041000-00041343 also a lot of people are carb intolerant 8eBtYProAcY-00232-00041344-00041646 so their body responds better 8eBtYProAcY-00233-00041647-00041943 to high fat low carb than to high carb 8eBtYProAcY-00234-00041944-00042007 low fat 8eBtYProAcY-00235-00042008-00042246 so for those people low carb is better 8eBtYProAcY-00236-00042247-00042455 but yeah if protein is equated 8eBtYProAcY-00237-00042456-00042767 both high carb and low carb work well 8eBtYProAcY-00238-00042768-00042911 in reality these two factors can be 8eBtYProAcY-00239-00042912-00043055 adjusted based on what kinds of foods 8eBtYProAcY-00240-00043056-00043215 you enjoy but generally the literature 8eBtYProAcY-00241-00043216-00043446 recommends a fat intake of around 0.25 8eBtYProAcY-00242-00043447-00043599 to 0.5 grams per pound 8eBtYProAcY-00243-00043600-00043727 of body weight from healthy fats and 8eBtYProAcY-00244-00043728-00043830 then the rest of your calories minus 8eBtYProAcY-00245-00043831-00043990 your protein of course coming from carbs 8eBtYProAcY-00246-00043991-00044158 research does also 8eBtYProAcY-00247-00044159-00044439 yeah so these are good numbers uh the 8eBtYProAcY-00248-00044440-00044567 thing with fat intake 8eBtYProAcY-00249-00044568-00044807 is that you need a minimum amount so 8eBtYProAcY-00250-00044808-00045007 that your hormones function well for 8eBtYProAcY-00251-00045008-00045167 example you don't want to have 8eBtYProAcY-00252-00045168-00045423 lost testosterone just because you don't 8eBtYProAcY-00253-00045424-00045487 eat fat 8eBtYProAcY-00254-00045488-00045783 and what menohan sermons recommends is 8eBtYProAcY-00255-00045784-00045943 to have at least 20 8eBtYProAcY-00256-00045944-00046174 of your calories from fat and you may 8eBtYProAcY-00257-00046175-00046327 have additional 8eBtYProAcY-00258-00046328-00046727 anabolic benefits from going up to 40 8eBtYProAcY-00259-00046728-00046958 then it may help with muscle growth and 8eBtYProAcY-00260-00046959-00047135 if it helps with muscle growth it can 8eBtYProAcY-00261-00047136-00047183 help 8eBtYProAcY-00262-00047184-00047527 indirectly with fat loss suggests that 8eBtYProAcY-00263-00047528-00047655 females might do better sticking to the 8eBtYProAcY-00264-00047656-00047807 higher end of that fat range so that's 8eBtYProAcY-00265-00047808-00047927 something to keep in mind as well now 8eBtYProAcY-00266-00047928-00048046 that you've learned the basics regarding 8eBtYProAcY-00267-00048047-00048199 setting up and optimizing your diet for 8eBtYProAcY-00268-00048200-00048351 fat loss let's take a look at what a 8eBtYProAcY-00269-00048352-00048511 typical day of eating for fat loss looks 8eBtYProAcY-00270-00048512-00048630 like for me so before we get started 8eBtYProAcY-00271-00048631-00048758 with the first meal here are the main 8eBtYProAcY-00272-00048759-00048918 goals i try to achieve with my diet goal 8eBtYProAcY-00273-00048919-00049046 one is what i previously discussed and 8eBtYProAcY-00274-00049047-00049190 currently my main focus is to intake 8eBtYProAcY-00275-00049191-00049439 roughly 2 300 calories and around 165 8eBtYProAcY-00276-00049440-00049590 grams of protein a day goal two is to 8eBtYProAcY-00277-00049591-00049702 help keep me full since fruits and 8eBtYProAcY-00278-00049703-00049855 veggies are often low in calories 8eBtYProAcY-00279-00049856-00049958 and they help me minimize any 8eBtYProAcY-00280-00049959-00050190 micronutrient or fiber deficiency 8eBtYProAcY-00281-00050191-00050415 yeah so fruits and veggies everybody 8eBtYProAcY-00282-00050416-00050518 knows it's healthy 8eBtYProAcY-00283-00050519-00050871 and fiber intake is really underrated 8eBtYProAcY-00284-00050872-00050918 because 8eBtYProAcY-00285-00050919-00051127 fiber is really good for heart it's 8eBtYProAcY-00286-00051128-00051287 really good for digestion 8eBtYProAcY-00287-00051288-00051479 it's good to suppress appetite for 8eBtYProAcY-00288-00051479-00051607 satiety 8eBtYProAcY-00289-00051608-00051838 and it helps with weight loss goal 3 is 8eBtYProAcY-00290-00051839-00052014 a good idea for optimizing daily protein 8eBtYProAcY-00291-00052015-00052175 intake since it's shown in bradshaw's 8eBtYProAcY-00292-00052176-00052375 2018 study in order to maximize muscle 8eBtYProAcY-00293-00052376-00052526 anabolism your daily protein intake 8eBtYProAcY-00294-00052527-00052663 should ideally be spread across a 8eBtYProAcY-00295-00052664-00052830 minimum of four meals throughout the day 8eBtYProAcY-00296-00052832-00052887 and 8eBtYProAcY-00297-00052888-00053047 all right this is not true you don't 8eBtYProAcY-00298-00053048-00053191 need four meals with 8eBtYProAcY-00299-00053191-00053415 three meals you can be optimal for 8eBtYProAcY-00300-00053416-00053647 muscle growth ideally for muscle growth 8eBtYProAcY-00301-00053648-00053854 you can have three to five meals if you 8eBtYProAcY-00302-00053855-00054007 just care about health 8eBtYProAcY-00303-00054008-00054247 then two meals is enough goal four is 8eBtYProAcY-00304-00054248-00054391 just vital for my overall well-being and 8eBtYProAcY-00305-00054391-00054519 adherence to the diet so with that being 8eBtYProAcY-00306-00054520-00054799 said let's start with meal one so my 8eBtYProAcY-00307-00054800-00054950 breakfast usually consists of a smoothie 8eBtYProAcY-00308-00054951-00055071 with the following ingredients 8eBtYProAcY-00309-00055072-00055159 fruits and flaxseed from my 8eBtYProAcY-00310-00055160-00055366 micronutrients fiber and omega-3 intake 8eBtYProAcY-00311-00055367-00055494 cashew milk since it's much lower in 8eBtYProAcY-00312-00055495-00055615 calories than dairy milk yet still 8eBtYProAcY-00313-00055616-00055766 provides calcium and vitamin d whey 8eBtYProAcY-00314-00055767-00055903 isolate protein to contribute to my 8eBtYProAcY-00315-00055904-00056079 daily protein intake and a few grams of 8eBtYProAcY-00316-00056079-00056215 cinnamon which helps add taste and has 8eBtYProAcY-00317-00056216-00056335 quite a bit of research supporting its 8eBtYProAcY-00318-00056336-00056503 ability to improve insulin sensitivity 8eBtYProAcY-00319-00056504-00056647 and with my smoothie i usually have rice 8eBtYProAcY-00320-00056648-00056791 cakes and the other half of the banana 8eBtYProAcY-00321-00056791-00056942 i prefer this as my pre-workout meal 8eBtYProAcY-00322-00056944-00057094 since it consists of a fast digesting 8eBtYProAcY-00323-00057095-00057335 protein and high glycemic index carbs 8eBtYProAcY-00324-00057336-00057526 all right i don't think it really helps 8eBtYProAcY-00325-00057527-00057791 to have fast digesting protein 8eBtYProAcY-00326-00057791-00058063 and high glycemic index carb you 8eBtYProAcY-00327-00058064-00058199 definitely want to meal 8eBtYProAcY-00328-00058200-00058503 one to two hours before your workout and 8eBtYProAcY-00329-00058504-00058791 you want to have some protein some carbs 8eBtYProAcY-00330-00058791-00058879 and some fat 8eBtYProAcY-00331-00058879-00059094 you want to have like i would say at 8eBtYProAcY-00332-00059095-00059359 least 10 to 15 grams of carbs and a good 8eBtYProAcY-00333-00059360-00059479 amount of protein 8eBtYProAcY-00334-00059479-00059687 but i don't think that the glycemic 8eBtYProAcY-00335-00059688-00059799 index matters 8eBtYProAcY-00336-00059800-00060023 and that the protein is fast digesting 8eBtYProAcY-00337-00060024-00060254 that probably that doesn't matter 8eBtYProAcY-00338-00060255-00060375 which as explained in my pre-workout 8eBtYProAcY-00339-00060376-00060511 meal video seems to be ideal for 8eBtYProAcY-00340-00060512-00060775 performance based on the literature 8eBtYProAcY-00341-00060776-00060894 now it's for your post-workout meal 8eBtYProAcY-00342-00060895-00061071 contrary to popular belief and as shown 8eBtYProAcY-00343-00061072-00061230 in this 2013 literature review on the 8eBtYProAcY-00344-00061232-00061279 topic 8eBtYProAcY-00345-00061279-00061399 consuming a meal immediately 8eBtYProAcY-00346-00061400-00061550 post-workout doesn't seem to be very 8eBtYProAcY-00347-00061551-00061703 important if you've had a pre-workout 8eBtYProAcY-00348-00061704-00061799 meal with sufficient protein 8eBtYProAcY-00349-00061800-00061942 but since you do ideally want to space 8eBtYProAcY-00350-00061944-00062079 out your protein intake having another 8eBtYProAcY-00351-00062079-00062247 meal at least within a few hours after 8eBtYProAcY-00352-00062248-00062391 your workout would be recommended 8eBtYProAcY-00353-00062391-00062591 yeah so you don't have to have a meal 8eBtYProAcY-00354-00062591-00062759 directly after the workout 8eBtYProAcY-00355-00062760-00063030 because your anabolic window is pretty 8eBtYProAcY-00356-00063032-00063079 long 8eBtYProAcY-00357-00063079-00063366 if you eat like in a few hours after the 8eBtYProAcY-00358-00063367-00063438 workout 8eBtYProAcY-00359-00063439-00063742 as he says that's pretty good and one 8eBtYProAcY-00360-00063744-00063815 thing 8eBtYProAcY-00361-00063816-00064119 is that in the 12 hours after your 8eBtYProAcY-00362-00064120-00064206 workout 8eBtYProAcY-00363-00064207-00064399 that's where your muscle protein 8eBtYProAcY-00364-00064400-00064599 synthesis is really high 8eBtYProAcY-00365-00064600-00064806 and that's when you put most of your 8eBtYProAcY-00366-00064807-00064959 protein and calories 8eBtYProAcY-00367-00064960-00065191 if you really really want to maximize 8eBtYProAcY-00368-00065191-00065271 muscle growth 8eBtYProAcY-00369-00065272-00065591 if your goal is weight loss you don't 8eBtYProAcY-00370-00065592-00065775 need to care that much about this 8eBtYProAcY-00371-00065776-00065919 i personally prefer keeping it simple 8eBtYProAcY-00372-00065920-00066063 with baked sweet potato baked chicken 8eBtYProAcY-00373-00066064-00066199 breast and a large salad on the side 8eBtYProAcY-00374-00066200-00066359 with low calorie dressing again simply 8eBtYProAcY-00375-00066360-00066503 sticking to unprocessed foods that help 8eBtYProAcY-00376-00066504-00066655 contribute to my overall micronutrient 8eBtYProAcY-00377-00066656-00066855 intake for the day 8eBtYProAcY-00378-00066856-00066991 throughout the day i usually have a few 8eBtYProAcY-00379-00066992-00067103 more servings of various fruits and 8eBtYProAcY-00380-00067104-00067238 vegetables and a combination of black 8eBtYProAcY-00381-00067239-00067375 coffee and green tea these are all quite 8eBtYProAcY-00382-00067376-00067503 low in calories that help keep me full 8eBtYProAcY-00383-00067504-00067638 until the next meal and the caffeine 8eBtYProAcY-00384-00067639-00067782 found in green tea and coffee is a 8eBtYProAcY-00385-00067783-00067926 natural appetite to present and has 8eBtYProAcY-00386-00067927-00068038 actually been shown to increase your 8eBtYProAcY-00387-00068039-00068175 caloric expenditure research from the 8eBtYProAcY-00388-00068176-00068311 journal of clinical nutrition suggests 8eBtYProAcY-00389-00068312-00068463 that a couple cups of coffee can lead to 8eBtYProAcY-00390-00068464-00068631 an additional 80 or so more calories 8eBtYProAcY-00391-00068632-00068726 burned throughout the day and the fact 8eBtYProAcY-00392-00068727-00068879 that research also shows that caffeine 8eBtYProAcY-00393-00068880-00069047 may increase fat usage by the body makes 8eBtYProAcY-00394-00069048-00069175 it something i'd recommend incorporating 8eBtYProAcY-00395-00069176-00069343 in your diet if you enjoy it 8eBtYProAcY-00396-00069344-00069519 i would be really careful with caffeine 8eBtYProAcY-00397-00069520-00069703 because it can 8eBtYProAcY-00398-00069704-00069919 be bad for sleep if you drink more than 8eBtYProAcY-00399-00069920-00070063 one coffee and 8eBtYProAcY-00400-00070064-00070359 even one coffee at noon or late in the 8eBtYProAcY-00401-00070360-00070431 morning 8eBtYProAcY-00402-00070432-00070775 can affect your sleep negatively so 8eBtYProAcY-00403-00070776-00071135 the downsides of coffee on sleep are 8eBtYProAcY-00404-00071136-00071479 higher than the benefits of appetite 8eBtYProAcY-00405-00071480-00071687 suppressing effects because sleep is 8eBtYProAcY-00406-00071688-00071871 really important for stress 8eBtYProAcY-00407-00071872-00072071 and for weight loss people who don't 8eBtYProAcY-00408-00072072-00072215 sleep enough they won't 8eBtYProAcY-00409-00072216-00072519 lose as much weight as people who sleep 8eBtYProAcY-00410-00072520-00072579 well 8eBtYProAcY-00411-00072580-00072703 [Music] 8eBtYProAcY-00412-00072704-00072862 sushi is by far my favorite food so i 8eBtYProAcY-00413-00072863-00072982 tend to have it quite often the great 8eBtYProAcY-00414-00072983-00073087 thing about knowing how much you should 8eBtYProAcY-00415-00073088-00073215 be eating is that you're able to fit in 8eBtYProAcY-00416-00073216-00073335 foods that you enjoy without it 8eBtYProAcY-00417-00073336-00073462 affecting your progress now aside from 8eBtYProAcY-00418-00073463-00073615 being a relatively low calorie high 8eBtYProAcY-00419-00073616-00073791 protein choice the salmon helps provide 8eBtYProAcY-00420-00073792-00074015 the important omega-3 fatty acids dha 8eBtYProAcY-00421-00074016-00074182 and epa this is what's great about 8eBtYProAcY-00422-00074183-00074375 tracking your calories you know exactly 8eBtYProAcY-00423-00074376-00074479 if you are on track 8eBtYProAcY-00424-00074480-00074815 even when you eat sushi or you 8eBtYProAcY-00425-00074816-00075055 eat like a like something really 8eBtYProAcY-00426-00075056-00075182 unhearty 8eBtYProAcY-00427-00075183-00075399 and high in carries as long as you track 8eBtYProAcY-00428-00075400-00075567 your calories you still know if you are 8eBtYProAcY-00429-00075568-00075671 on track or not 8eBtYProAcY-00430-00075672-00075831 now aside from being a relatively low 8eBtYProAcY-00431-00075832-00076006 calorie high protein choice the salmon 8eBtYProAcY-00432-00076007-00076167 helps provide the important omega-3 8eBtYProAcY-00433-00076168-00076350 fatty acids dha and epa which have 8eBtYProAcY-00434-00076351-00076526 recently been shown in a 2018 literature 8eBtYProAcY-00435-00076527-00076575 review 8eBtYProAcY-00436-00076576-00076743 to possibly help with anabolic signaling 8eBtYProAcY-00437-00076744-00076862 and muscle repair and growth so in 8eBtYProAcY-00438-00076863-00077015 taking a few servings of fish per week 8eBtYProAcY-00439-00077016-00077103 and 8eBtYProAcY-00440-00077104-00077391 omega-3 has a lot more benefits than 8eBtYProAcY-00441-00077392-00077431 what 8eBtYProAcY-00442-00077432-00077606 people would think it lowers blood 8eBtYProAcY-00443-00077607-00077815 lipids enter anti-inflammatory 8eBtYProAcY-00444-00077816-00077943 neuroprotective 8eBtYProAcY-00445-00077944-00078223 joint protection reduce depression 8eBtYProAcY-00446-00078224-00078326 improve cognition 8eBtYProAcY-00447-00078327-00078559 reduce risk of cancer better insulin 8eBtYProAcY-00448-00078560-00078647 sensitivity 8eBtYProAcY-00449-00078648-00078815 increase testosterone production 8eBtYProAcY-00450-00078816-00078999 increase muscle loss and half with 8eBtYProAcY-00451-00079000-00079071 weight loss 8eBtYProAcY-00452-00079072-00079303 omega-3 is really great and to eat 8eBtYProAcY-00453-00079304-00079423 enough omega-3 8eBtYProAcY-00454-00079424-00079703 i recommend people to eat 700 grams of 8eBtYProAcY-00455-00079704-00079759 salmon 8eBtYProAcY-00456-00079760-00079950 every week supplementing with omega-3s 8eBtYProAcY-00457-00079951-00080119 is something i'd highly recommend 8eBtYProAcY-00458-00080120-00080431 if you eat enough omega-3 from salmon 8eBtYProAcY-00459-00080432-00080599 fatty fish then you don't need 8eBtYProAcY-00460-00080600-00080887 supplements a lot of omega-3 supplements 8eBtYProAcY-00461-00080888-00081223 are not so good and you are way better 8eBtYProAcY-00462-00081224-00081431 just eating fatty fish this is something 8eBtYProAcY-00463-00081432-00081582 i'll typically have shortly before bed 8eBtYProAcY-00464-00081583-00081735 since i personally enjoy going to bed 8eBtYProAcY-00465-00081736-00081862 feeling full and it doesn't impact my 8eBtYProAcY-00466-00081863-00082006 sleep it's usually a combination of eggs 8eBtYProAcY-00467-00082007-00082159 egg whites toast peanut butter top with 8eBtYProAcY-00468-00082160-00082311 stevia sweetener and a salad with zero 8eBtYProAcY-00469-00082312-00082462 calorie dressing and for those against 8eBtYProAcY-00470-00082463-00082575 eating this late the literature has 8eBtYProAcY-00471-00082576-00082711 shown time and time again that eating 8eBtYProAcY-00472-00082712-00082862 carbs or even food in general late at 8eBtYProAcY-00473-00082863-00083023 night will not contribute to fat gain 8eBtYProAcY-00474-00083024-00083135 given that you're still staying at a 8eBtYProAcY-00475-00083136-00083271 caloric deficit something i do want to 8eBtYProAcY-00476-00083272-00083391 mention though is that 8eBtYProAcY-00477-00083392-00083591 yeah that's true you can eat before 8eBtYProAcY-00478-00083592-00083847 sleep it doesn't affect weight loss 8eBtYProAcY-00479-00083848-00084062 as long as you are in a calorie deficit 8eBtYProAcY-00480-00084063-00084303 over time for very calorie dense foods 8eBtYProAcY-00481-00084304-00084406 like peanut butter i would highly 8eBtYProAcY-00482-00084407-00084511 recommend that you take the time and 8eBtYProAcY-00483-00084512-00084638 effort to at least measure or even 8eBtYProAcY-00484-00084639-00084791 better weigh out how much you're using 8eBtYProAcY-00485-00084792-00084911 several studies have shown that under 8eBtYProAcY-00486-00084912-00085071 reporting calories is a very common 8eBtYProAcY-00487-00085072-00085215 reason why overweight individuals 8eBtYProAcY-00488-00085216-00085367 struggle to lose fat despite dieting 8eBtYProAcY-00489-00085368-00085518 which is probably because it's so easy 8eBtYProAcY-00490-00085519-00085599 to do for example 8eBtYProAcY-00491-00085600-00085743 here's 300 calories worth of peanut 8eBtYProAcY-00492-00085744-00085887 butter compared to 100 calories the 8eBtYProAcY-00493-00085888-00086079 difference is almost unnoticeable 8eBtYProAcY-00494-00086080-00086318 so yeah you can be careful with like 8eBtYProAcY-00495-00086319-00086438 peanut butter 8eBtYProAcY-00496-00086439-00086815 oil butter things that are fat because 8eBtYProAcY-00497-00086816-00087038 just a little bit more can be a lot more 8eBtYProAcY-00498-00087039-00087150 calories 8eBtYProAcY-00499-00087151-00087294 easily be the factor that's inhibiting 8eBtYProAcY-00500-00087295-00087431 your fat loss so if you have any 8eBtYProAcY-00501-00087432-00087550 measuring tools i'd suggest you use 8eBtYProAcY-00502-00087551-00087694 those otherwise i'll leave a link in the 8eBtYProAcY-00503-00087695-00087831 description box down below to a very 8eBtYProAcY-00504-00087832-00087975 affordable scale that i personally use 8eBtYProAcY-00505-00087976-00088094 myself but that's pretty much what a day 8eBtYProAcY-00506-00088095-00088223 of eating for fat loss looks like for me 8eBtYProAcY-00507-00088224-00088423 hopefully this provides 8eBtYProAcY-00508-00088424-00088655 so his day of eating is really nice i 8eBtYProAcY-00509-00088656-00088735 really like it 8eBtYProAcY-00510-00088736-00089055 personally i prefer low carb high fat 8eBtYProAcY-00511-00089056-00089406 so he eats like a lot of carbs compared 8eBtYProAcY-00512-00089407-00089606 to me and you also see that 8eBtYProAcY-00513-00089607-00089855 every person has different tastes he 8eBtYProAcY-00514-00089856-00090038 also eats four meals per day 8eBtYProAcY-00515-00090039-00090335 while i would only eat two at the moment 8eBtYProAcY-00516-00090336-00090382 and 8eBtYProAcY-00517-00090383-00090599 i'm not sure if i would be fully 8eBtYProAcY-00518-00090600-00090687 satiated 8eBtYProAcY-00519-00090688-00090903 with these meals because i like to eat 8eBtYProAcY-00520-00090904-00091111 really big meals so i never try to eat 8eBtYProAcY-00521-00091112-00091255 like this and 8eBtYProAcY-00522-00091256-00091518 it would be interesting to try but my 8eBtYProAcY-00523-00091519-00091591 current 8eBtYProAcY-00524-00091592-00091862 personal preferences is very different 8eBtYProAcY-00525-00091863-00091967 from what he eats 8eBtYProAcY-00526-00091968-00092175 i would say the main difference is that 8eBtYProAcY-00527-00092176-00092350 i eat a lot more vegetables 8eBtYProAcY-00528-00092351-00092662 than this and i eat big meals and 8eBtYProAcY-00529-00092663-00092871 i'm way fuller but it seems like a 8eBtYProAcY-00530-00092872-00093047 really good day of eating i 8eBtYProAcY-00531-00093048-00093255 i think i would probably enjoy that i 8eBtYProAcY-00532-00093256-00093423 should try thank you for watching 8eBtYProAcY-00533-00093424-00093606 let me know if you liked the video like 8eBtYProAcY-00534-00093607-00093936 subscribe and comment below 8eYH0eddXqY-00000-00000231-00000563 hi is Lou Brown I'm back with another of 8eYH0eddXqY-00001-00000564-00000876 101 cashflow generators where you can 8eYH0eddXqY-00002-00000877-00001203 make more money and less effort in a 8eYH0eddXqY-00003-00001204-00001619 single bound we are sharing with you 8eYH0eddXqY-00004-00001620-00001896 today number 78 of my cash flow 8eYH0eddXqY-00005-00001897-00002160 generators and that is renovate the 8eYH0eddXqY-00006-00002161-00002483 property for the buyer that you want now 8eYH0eddXqY-00007-00002484-00002712 I've done many many renovations and it's 8eYH0eddXqY-00008-00002713-00002963 been really exciting to watch how this 8eYH0eddXqY-00009-00002964-00003129 is evolved in my life 8eYH0eddXqY-00010-00003130-00003386 I used to fix up the properties the way 8eYH0eddXqY-00011-00003388-00003647 I liked it and would sell them it was 8eYH0eddXqY-00012-00003649-00003903 great but what I realized is I needed to 8eYH0eddXqY-00013-00003904-00004128 start marketing the property right away 8eYH0eddXqY-00014-00004129-00004389 so that I could find a buyer right away 8eYH0eddXqY-00015-00004390-00004689 and then they would be able to select 8eYH0eddXqY-00016-00004690-00004959 the paint colors the carpeting or 8eYH0eddXqY-00017-00004960-00005253 flooring they could choose the cabinets 8eYH0eddXqY-00018-00005254-00005601 the countertops the sinks the faucets so 8eYH0eddXqY-00019-00005602-00005790 what I did is start with a budget and 8eYH0eddXqY-00020-00005791-00005988 then if they wanted something different 8eYH0eddXqY-00021-00005989-00006177 they could pay for that well it was 8eYH0eddXqY-00022-00006178-00006428 wonderful and also is able to collect a 8eYH0eddXqY-00023-00006429-00006795 non-refundable earnest-money during the 8eYH0eddXqY-00024-00006795-00007008 renovation it's a great way to do your 8eYH0eddXqY-00025-00007009-00007269 business make sure you have a customer 8eYH0eddXqY-00026-00007270-00007571 before you do the renovation hopefully 8eYH0eddXqY-00027-00007572-00007887 that's helpful to you if you like it do 8eYH0eddXqY-00028-00007888-00008148 love it share it let others know about 8eYH0eddXqY-00029-00008148-00008442 it check out our youtube see you soon 8eYH0eddXqY-00030-00008443-00008571 yeah baby 8eYH0eddXqY-00031-00008572-00011216 [Music] 8eYH0eddXqY-00032-00011217-00011422 you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00000-00000296-00000438 all right so we're going to go ahead and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00001-00000440-00000686 get started again my name is michael 8gyDqB3ymxY-00002-00000687-00000894 rambridge i'm an applications engineer 8gyDqB3ymxY-00003-00000896-00001135 here at unitronics and if you have any 8gyDqB3ymxY-00004-00001136-00001270 questions you can put them in the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00005-00001271-00001439 questions box 8gyDqB3ymxY-00006-00001440-00001679 and we will get to those questions at 8gyDqB3ymxY-00007-00001680-00003327 the end of the presentation 8gyDqB3ymxY-00008-00003328-00003527 hello everyone and welcome to today's 8gyDqB3ymxY-00009-00003528-00003799 remote access webinar 8gyDqB3ymxY-00010-00003800-00003959 today we'll be covering how to remotely 8gyDqB3ymxY-00011-00003960-00004247 access and program both the unistream 8gyDqB3ymxY-00012-00004248-00004511 and vision series controllers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00013-00004512-00004702 all of the vision series programming 8gyDqB3ymxY-00014-00004703-00004959 techniques will also apply to this samba 8gyDqB3ymxY-00015-00004960-00005406 series of plcs 8gyDqB3ymxY-00016-00005407-00005695 remote access is incredibly important in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00017-00005696-00005991 today's world having to access various 8gyDqB3ymxY-00018-00005992-00006318 sites both locally and afar when you may 8gyDqB3ymxY-00019-00006319-00006575 not be able to go to the factory or go 8gyDqB3ymxY-00020-00006576-00006719 down to the floor 8gyDqB3ymxY-00021-00006720-00006942 it also allows you to just conveniently 8gyDqB3ymxY-00022-00006943-00007214 access all of your locations from your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00023-00007215-00007383 desk and the computer you have sitting 8gyDqB3ymxY-00024-00007384-00007695 in front of you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00025-00007695-00008046 so with unitronics we offer various ways 8gyDqB3ymxY-00026-00008047-00008239 to both control and monitor your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00027-00008240-00008367 application 8gyDqB3ymxY-00028-00008368-00008703 troubleshooting setup software 8gyDqB3ymxY-00029-00008704-00008910 data change 8gyDqB3ymxY-00030-00008911-00009223 it's quick and easy it's built into 8gyDqB3ymxY-00031-00009224-00009503 unilogic and offered with very easy to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00032-00009504-00009783 use applications for physiologic and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00033-00009784-00009967 this remote access comes with no 8gyDqB3ymxY-00034-00009968-00010327 additional cost to you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00035-00010328-00010567 so to start we'll be starting with the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00036-00010568-00010799 unistream series so these can be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00037-00010800-00011055 accessed via vnc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00038-00011056-00011414 web server and the unistream plc has a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00039-00011415-00011742 virtual hmi as it has no screen 8gyDqB3ymxY-00040-00011743-00012119 that's accessed via vnc or can host a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00041-00012120-00012335 web server 8gyDqB3ymxY-00042-00012336-00012638 there's remote data access options 8gyDqB3ymxY-00043-00012639-00013015 ftp server client sql 8gyDqB3ymxY-00044-00013016-00013303 unilogic can connect remotely over an 8gyDqB3ymxY-00045-00013304-00013486 ethernet and perform any sort of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00046-00013487-00013735 programming task you might want it to do 8gyDqB3ymxY-00047-00013736-00013894 there are various options to send 8gyDqB3ymxY-00048-00013895-00014063 notifications 8gyDqB3ymxY-00049-00014063-00014391 and there are there's the ability to add 8gyDqB3ymxY-00050-00014391-00014615 passwords to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00051-00014616-00014935 most if not all parts of a unilogic 8gyDqB3ymxY-00052-00014936-00015327 program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00053-00015328-00015483 to start we'll be looking at 8gyDqB3ymxY-00054-00015484-00015950 vnc so this will show you the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00055-00015951-00016135 hmi as you would see it if you are 8gyDqB3ymxY-00056-00016136-00016391 standing in front of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00057-00016392-00016494 the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00058-00016495-00016847 plc operating it on the floor 8gyDqB3ymxY-00059-00016848-00017103 it also allows you to access all of the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00060-00017104-00017294 features of that plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00061-00017295-00017599 plc's can also host web servers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00062-00017600-00017855 in unilogic these are programmed just 8gyDqB3ymxY-00063-00017856-00018007 like an hmi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00064-00018008-00018511 and to access them you would put in the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00065-00018512-00018727 ip address of the unit you're trying to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00066-00018728-00018863 connect to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00067-00018864-00019079 and that would allow you to view that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00068-00019080-00019239 web server 8gyDqB3ymxY-00069-00019240-00019327 again 8gyDqB3ymxY-00070-00019328-00019511 very quick you don't need to know 8gyDqB3ymxY-00071-00019512-00019839 anything about html or javascripting or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00072-00019840-00020071 any of those 8gyDqB3ymxY-00073-00020072-00020311 web page programming techniques you just 8gyDqB3ymxY-00074-00020312-00020478 need to be able to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00075-00020479-00020903 open up unilogic and build an hmi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00076-00020904-00021143 while it does feature a more limited set 8gyDqB3ymxY-00077-00021144-00021391 of functionality than 8gyDqB3ymxY-00078-00021392-00021703 the hmi editor the web page still offers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00079-00021704-00021871 the ability to view 8gyDqB3ymxY-00080-00021872-00022039 any sort of data 8gyDqB3ymxY-00081-00022040-00022230 and change most 8gyDqB3ymxY-00082-00022231-00022519 functionality of the plc from it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00083-00022520-00022694 it also gives you the additional option 8gyDqB3ymxY-00084-00022695-00022871 of being able to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00085-00022872-00023071 have hyperlinks to be able to go to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00086-00023072-00023175 certain 8gyDqB3ymxY-00087-00023176-00023463 web pages that you may want to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00088-00023464-00023694 it also allows for multiple users to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00089-00023695-00023847 connect to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00090-00023848-00024103 the plc at the same time 8gyDqB3ymxY-00091-00024104-00024358 from wherever they may be as long as 8gyDqB3ymxY-00092-00024359-00024527 it's set up in your network they'd even 8gyDqB3ymxY-00093-00024528-00024767 be able to access the plc from outside 8gyDqB3ymxY-00094-00024768-00025039 of your local area 8gyDqB3ymxY-00095-00025040-00025311 again web page is super easy 8gyDqB3ymxY-00096-00025312-00025646 anyone can do it and it's exactly the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00097-00025647-00026102 same as making an hmi on your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00098-00026104-00026351 plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00099-00026352-00026535 and now we're going to take a look at an 8gyDqB3ymxY-00100-00026536-00026758 example project for 8gyDqB3ymxY-00101-00026760-00027302 unilogic 8gyDqB3ymxY-00102-00027304-00027518 so here i have a little basic program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00103-00027519-00027807 set up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00104-00027808-00027990 for this we're just going to start by 8gyDqB3ymxY-00105-00027991-00028446 taking a look at the remote connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00106-00028447-00028662 to set up your remote connection you're 8gyDqB3ymxY-00107-00028663-00028974 going to go to plc communications 8gyDqB3ymxY-00108-00028975-00029135 then physical 8gyDqB3ymxY-00109-00029136-00029439 and the ip address that matters for your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00110-00029439-00029639 remote connection is going to be the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00111-00029639-00030007 panel ethernet so i have that set here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00112-00030008-00030335 you also want to configure dns servers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00113-00030336-00030551 the two dns servers you see here are 8gyDqB3ymxY-00114-00030552-00030831 google's free dns servers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00115-00030832-00031023 this will allow the plc to connect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00116-00031024-00031199 outside of your local network and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00117-00031200-00031639 connect to the internet in general 8gyDqB3ymxY-00118-00031639-00031814 so just to test to make sure that you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00119-00031816-00031958 have connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00120-00031960-00032135 once you have downloaded this project to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00121-00032136-00032399 your plc you can go to pc plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00122-00032400-00032774 communications 8gyDqB3ymxY-00123-00032775-00033039 you can select ethernet 8gyDqB3ymxY-00124-00033040-00033174 and you're going to put in the ip 8gyDqB3ymxY-00125-00033175-00033383 address of that unit if you have a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00126-00033384-00033615 connection a green arrow a green check 8gyDqB3ymxY-00127-00033616-00033943 here you'll have connection however 8gyDqB3ymxY-00128-00033944-00034255 if we move and we change this to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00129-00034256-00034415 something else 8gyDqB3ymxY-00130-00034416-00034679 and we press the refresh 8gyDqB3ymxY-00131-00034680-00034823 it's going to wait a few seconds while 8gyDqB3ymxY-00132-00034824-00035231 it tries to connect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00133-00035232-00035462 and either this is going to take a long 8gyDqB3ymxY-00134-00035463-00035711 time and never finish or in that same 8gyDqB3ymxY-00135-00035712-00035911 area where that green check mark is 8gyDqB3ymxY-00136-00035912-00036118 you're going to see a red circle with an 8gyDqB3ymxY-00137-00036119-00036483 x in it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00138-00036484-00036871 the the connection that you see here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00139-00036872-00037143 is also the connection that will be used 8gyDqB3ymxY-00140-00037144-00038174 when you go to download to the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00141-00038175-00038327 all right and again you'll see that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00142-00038328-00038495 green check 8gyDqB3ymxY-00143-00038496-00038999 when you have connection to your plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00144-00039000-00039262 the most basic form of remote connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00145-00039263-00039415 that you'll be able to use is this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00146-00039416-00039767 online mode here where you'll use those 8gyDqB3ymxY-00147-00039768-00039935 communication settings that we set up in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00148-00039936-00040215 the pc plc communication you can press 8gyDqB3ymxY-00149-00040216-00040918 this online mode here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00150-00040919-00041079 and then it will connect to your unit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00151-00041080-00041271 and it'll validate the password 8gyDqB3ymxY-00152-00041272-00041479 a plc password is something that you can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00153-00041480-00041751 set up to the plc when you download the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00154-00041752-00042007 project to the plc it'll give you the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00155-00042008-00042358 option to keep the default password or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00156-00042359-00042574 you can change it to a password that you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00157-00042575-00042774 would like it to be and this password 8gyDqB3ymxY-00158-00042775-00042999 will be required for all communication 8gyDqB3ymxY-00159-00043000-00043190 to the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00160-00043191-00043335 once you have communication you'll see 8gyDqB3ymxY-00161-00043336-00043615 that my screen here has gone grayed out 8gyDqB3ymxY-00162-00043616-00044023 now we can do is we can go to the screen 8gyDqB3ymxY-00163-00044024-00044199 and you'll see that it is also grayed 8gyDqB3ymxY-00164-00044200-00044295 out 8gyDqB3ymxY-00165-00044296-00044439 this would indicate that we are 8gyDqB3ymxY-00166-00044440-00044630 currently in online mode 8gyDqB3ymxY-00167-00044631-00044871 you can't make any edits to the hmi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00168-00044872-00045046 while you you're in online mode nor can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00169-00045047-00045311 you make any changes to the ladder 8gyDqB3ymxY-00170-00045312-00046446 but if we go to the ladder logic 8gyDqB3ymxY-00171-00046447-00046639 you'll see that certain rungs here are 8gyDqB3ymxY-00172-00046640-00046846 red and there are now blue numbers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00173-00046847-00047111 located over many of the tags 8gyDqB3ymxY-00174-00047112-00047351 this is showing you the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00175-00047352-00047683 current values of those tags within the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00176-00047684-00047862 plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00177-00047863-00048086 like up here you can see as each second 8gyDqB3ymxY-00178-00048087-00048351 passes the real-time clock time in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00179-00048352-00048527 seconds changes 8gyDqB3ymxY-00180-00048528-00048774 live with the values currently in the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00181-00048775-00049423 plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00182-00049424-00049767 in unilogic you can also add passwords 8gyDqB3ymxY-00183-00049768-00050086 to the latter and to the hmis by 8gyDqB3ymxY-00184-00050087-00050343 hovering over whatever function or hmi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00185-00050344-00050558 you wish to password protect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00186-00050559-00051007 right clicking it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00187-00051008-00051319 you can select password protect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00188-00051320-00051494 it will bring up the screen 8gyDqB3ymxY-00189-00051495-00051790 where you will ask you to type in a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00190-00051791-00052126 password 8gyDqB3ymxY-00191-00052127-00052335 and then re-enter that password to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00192-00052336-00052542 verify that it is correct 8gyDqB3ymxY-00193-00052544-00052750 and you can press enter there 8gyDqB3ymxY-00194-00052751-00052911 and now you'll see that there is a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00195-00052912-00053207 little lock next to the ladder icon on 8gyDqB3ymxY-00196-00053208-00053359 function one which would indicate that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00197-00053360-00053807 that function is now password protected 8gyDqB3ymxY-00198-00053808-00053959 the same thing will happen when you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00199-00053960-00054182 password protect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00200-00054183-00054630 the hmis 8gyDqB3ymxY-00201-00054632-00054942 now we'll move on to a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00202-00054944-00055535 vnc connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00203-00055536-00055903 once that vnc viewer is open for this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00204-00055904-00056135 instance we'll be using type vnc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00205-00056136-00056519 you'll put in the ip address of the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00206-00056520-00056742 plc you are attempting to reach as long 8gyDqB3ymxY-00207-00056744-00057030 as you are on its local network so for 8gyDqB3ymxY-00208-00057032-00057223 this plc in the office that has the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00209-00057224-00057482 assigned ip address 8gyDqB3ymxY-00210-00057483-00057782 that you can see matches the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00211-00057783-00057991 panel ethernet settings in our unilogic 8gyDqB3ymxY-00212-00057991-00058087 project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00213-00058088-00058303 we can press connect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00214-00058304-00058542 and then it will bring up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00215-00058544-00058854 the vnc screen 8gyDqB3ymxY-00216-00058855-00059111 for that plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00217-00059112-00059263 and what you can see here is it has a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00218-00059264-00059542 mouse on it now to navigate 8gyDqB3ymxY-00219-00059544-00059871 and you can go ahead and edit the values 8gyDqB3ymxY-00220-00059872-00060599 like you were in front of the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00221-00060600-00061223 operate buttons 8gyDqB3ymxY-00222-00061224-00061471 and edit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00223-00061472-00062638 data table entries if you so desire 8gyDqB3ymxY-00224-00062639-00062911 and if we go back to the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00226-00066807-00067006 you can see that those values now 8gyDqB3ymxY-00227-00067007-00067247 correspond to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00228-00067248-00067447 the values you see 8gyDqB3ymxY-00229-00067448-00067719 being demonstrated in our 8gyDqB3ymxY-00230-00067720-00067871 vnc viewer 8gyDqB3ymxY-00231-00067872-00068094 so we turn on the log temperature and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00232-00068095-00068294 the temp log bit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00233-00068295-00068703 then goes high in our program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00234-00068704-00069991 and if you change the temperature here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00235-00069992-00070335 you will also see the temperature change 8gyDqB3ymxY-00236-00070336-00070863 here where it is recorded 8gyDqB3ymxY-00237-00070864-00071126 now for another option 8gyDqB3ymxY-00238-00071127-00071311 of remote connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00239-00071312-00071662 you can go open your desired web browser 8gyDqB3ymxY-00240-00071663-00071871 and in the search bar 8gyDqB3ymxY-00241-00071872-00072079 type in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00242-00072080-00072238 the ip address of that controller you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00243-00072239-00072606 want to connect to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00244-00072607-00072882 you can see here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00245-00072883-00073191 the values correspond to what we put in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00246-00073192-00073350 prior 8gyDqB3ymxY-00247-00073351-00073550 you can see the data table 8gyDqB3ymxY-00248-00073551-00073767 changing its values as it moves and you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00249-00073768-00073935 can edit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00250-00073936-00074055 the values 8gyDqB3ymxY-00251-00074056-00074687 that you see in the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00252-00074688-00075015 provided they have been edit enabled 8gyDqB3ymxY-00253-00075016-00075159 like the temperature here in the web 8gyDqB3ymxY-00254-00075160-00075415 page is view only 8gyDqB3ymxY-00255-00075416-00075726 and the editing capabilities of this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00256-00075727-00076175 of this data table have been turned off 8gyDqB3ymxY-00257-00076176-00076375 just so you can have different sorts of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00258-00076376-00076559 functionality on your different 8gyDqB3ymxY-00259-00076560-00076799 locations like if you want someone to be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00260-00076800-00076935 able to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00261-00076936-00077182 remote connect to the plc and edit its 8gyDqB3ymxY-00262-00077183-00077287 values 8gyDqB3ymxY-00263-00077288-00077638 you can use vnc but if you want another 8gyDqB3ymxY-00264-00077639-00077815 option to have someone to be able to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00265-00077816-00078079 connect and edit but another user only 8gyDqB3ymxY-00266-00078080-00078247 be able to view 8gyDqB3ymxY-00267-00078248-00078494 that viewing can be set up with the web 8gyDqB3ymxY-00268-00078495-00078855 page while you have the vnc have all the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00269-00078856-00079031 edit enabled as if you were standing in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00270-00079032-00079343 front of the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00271-00079344-00079494 now the additional feature of the web 8gyDqB3ymxY-00272-00079495-00079694 page is it also allows you to add 8gyDqB3ymxY-00273-00079695-00080206 hyperlinks 8gyDqB3ymxY-00274-00080207-00080406 and these can take you to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00275-00080407-00080567 any web page that you want to link to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00276-00080568-00080662 them 8gyDqB3ymxY-00277-00080663-00080959 they can also create a new page as you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00278-00080960-00081206 saw here instead of just changing what 8gyDqB3ymxY-00279-00081207-00081871 page you're currently on 8gyDqB3ymxY-00280-00081872-00082055 and now if we move to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00281-00082056-00082271 vision and samba you'll be able to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00282-00082272-00082543 remotely access them using a remote 8gyDqB3ymxY-00283-00082544-00082694 operator app 8gyDqB3ymxY-00284-00082695-00082982 you can use a pc or you can use a phone 8gyDqB3ymxY-00285-00082983-00083255 and it can view or control 8gyDqB3ymxY-00286-00083256-00083406 several different 8gyDqB3ymxY-00287-00083407-00083759 plc's at the same time 8gyDqB3ymxY-00288-00083760-00083959 so 8gyDqB3ymxY-00289-00083960-00084199 it's just like the vnc where you would 8gyDqB3ymxY-00290-00084200-00084382 be standing in front of the plc with the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00291-00084383-00084918 same sort of functionality 8gyDqB3ymxY-00292-00084919-00085182 the remote operator mobile app is the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00293-00085183-00085638 same functionality you see on the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00294-00085639-00085879 pc version it's just for your mobile 8gyDqB3ymxY-00295-00085880-00086326 device 8gyDqB3ymxY-00296-00086327-00086550 the data transfer 8gyDqB3ymxY-00297-00086551-00086767 in vision and samba you have the options 8gyDqB3ymxY-00298-00086768-00087038 of the sd card suite remote operator 8gyDqB3ymxY-00299-00087039-00087150 there's also something else we'll be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00300-00087151-00087350 looking at today called the data export 8gyDqB3ymxY-00301-00087351-00087543 tool 8gyDqB3ymxY-00302-00087544-00087823 these will allow you to collect data 8gyDqB3ymxY-00303-00087824-00088135 on a schedule on command or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00304-00088136-00088294 however you want to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00305-00088295-00088462 set it up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00306-00088463-00088599 so that you can collect the data 8gyDqB3ymxY-00307-00088600-00088862 remotely without human interaction or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00308-00088863-00089471 with human interaction from the plc's 8gyDqB3ymxY-00309-00089472-00089935 here are some other remote options 8gyDqB3ymxY-00310-00089936-00090071 and now we're going to take a look at 8gyDqB3ymxY-00311-00090072-00090775 that visilogic program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00312-00090776-00090991 for the visiologic program the first 8gyDqB3ymxY-00313-00090992-00091206 thing you're going to have to do is set 8gyDqB3ymxY-00314-00091207-00091350 up the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00315-00091351-00091591 ethernet connectivity 8gyDqB3ymxY-00316-00091592-00091862 this must be done using 8gyDqB3ymxY-00317-00091863-00092071 the following blocks 8gyDqB3ymxY-00318-00092072-00092406 as you see in order in our program here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00319-00092407-00092599 first we want it to happen on the power 8gyDqB3ymxY-00320-00092600-00092862 a bit you can trigger from any bit but 8gyDqB3ymxY-00321-00092863-00093023 these should never be running 8gyDqB3ymxY-00322-00093024-00093367 continuously 8gyDqB3ymxY-00323-00093368-00093703 first you set up your tcp ip card in it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00324-00093704-00093791 block 8gyDqB3ymxY-00325-00093792-00093943 where you assign 8gyDqB3ymxY-00326-00093944-00094118 the ip address 8gyDqB3ymxY-00327-00094119-00094318 the subnet mask 8gyDqB3ymxY-00328-00094319-00094550 and then the default gateway these will 8gyDqB3ymxY-00329-00094551-00094887 be based on your local network settings 8gyDqB3ymxY-00330-00094888-00094991 and these are the ones that i've 8gyDqB3ymxY-00331-00094992-00095359 selected for this plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00332-00095360-00095711 then you're going to initialize a socket 8gyDqB3ymxY-00333-00095712-00095974 so here i've initialized socket 0 8gyDqB3ymxY-00334-00095975-00096335 for remote connection it must be tcp 8gyDqB3ymxY-00335-00096336-00096543 and it must be set to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00336-00096544-00096687 server 8gyDqB3ymxY-00337-00096688-00096950 the local port isn't so important but 8gyDqB3ymxY-00338-00096951-00097311 the default here is 20256. 8gyDqB3ymxY-00339-00097312-00097479 you just don't want to use anything 8gyDqB3ymxY-00340-00097480-00097647 that's already used by another 8gyDqB3ymxY-00341-00097648-00098271 functionality of the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00342-00098272-00098567 then you need to assign a plc name 8gyDqB3ymxY-00343-00098568-00098887 without a plc name you will not be able 8gyDqB3ymxY-00344-00098888-00099206 to connect to the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00345-00099207-00099479 so i've named this one v700 webinar 8gyDqB3ymxY-00346-00099480-00099855 because we're using a vision 700 series 8gyDqB3ymxY-00347-00099856-00100087 you can also assign this indirectly by 8gyDqB3ymxY-00348-00100088-00100438 linking it to a vector of mis 8gyDqB3ymxY-00349-00100439-00100950 in an ascii format 8gyDqB3ymxY-00350-00100951-00101135 to check connection here we go to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00351-00101136-00101350 connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00352-00101351-00101726 and we go to communication and os 8gyDqB3ymxY-00353-00101727-00101879 you're going to select your connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00354-00101880-00102238 type to tcp ip call 8gyDqB3ymxY-00355-00102239-00102391 and then you're going to use either 8gyDqB3ymxY-00356-00102392-00102727 project settings or favorites 8gyDqB3ymxY-00357-00102728-00103239 you're going to select the button here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00358-00103240-00103534 and it will bring up this pop-up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00359-00103535-00103871 where you'll put in your ip address 8gyDqB3ymxY-00360-00103872-00104215 as we've selected here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00361-00104216-00104375 you select your protocol from the drop 8gyDqB3ymxY-00362-00104376-00104478 down 8gyDqB3ymxY-00363-00104479-00104734 we're going to we're using tcp 8gyDqB3ymxY-00364-00104735-00104878 and the port number would be the same 8gyDqB3ymxY-00365-00104879-00105063 one that you initialized 8gyDqB3ymxY-00366-00105064-00105254 and then the name should match the name 8gyDqB3ymxY-00367-00105255-00105623 you've given to the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00368-00105624-00105839 and what you can do is you can press the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00369-00105840-00106183 get oplc information button 8gyDqB3ymxY-00370-00106183-00106439 and that should populate with the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00371-00106440-00106695 that you're using if you have connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00372-00106696-00106919 if this does not populate 8gyDqB3ymxY-00373-00106920-00107023 then 8gyDqB3ymxY-00374-00107024-00107319 go back and double check your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00375-00107320-00107502 settings for the connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00376-00107503-00107766 and if those are correct check your pc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00377-00107767-00107934 and network settings to make sure what 8gyDqB3ymxY-00378-00107935-00108207 you've set up in the project matches 8gyDqB3ymxY-00379-00108208-00109015 what you have set up in your plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00380-00109016-00109127 just like 8gyDqB3ymxY-00381-00109128-00109295 the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00382-00109296-00109439 unit stream 8gyDqB3ymxY-00383-00109440-00109607 you can go ahead you can press the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00384-00109608-00109758 online test mode and it will use 8gyDqB3ymxY-00385-00109759-00109919 whatever connection you've set up in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00386-00109920-00110566 that prior connection menu 8gyDqB3ymxY-00387-00110567-00110847 so when you're in online test mode 8gyDqB3ymxY-00388-00110848-00111334 the hmi will not become grayed out 8gyDqB3ymxY-00389-00111335-00111566 but you will see the red lines appear 8gyDqB3ymxY-00390-00111567-00111854 with the logic in your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00391-00111855-00112247 ladder 8gyDqB3ymxY-00392-00112248-00112575 you will also see an online test block 8gyDqB3ymxY-00393-00112576-00112863 pop-up which allows you to stop the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00394-00112864-00113047 run the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00395-00113048-00113207 while in stop 8gyDqB3ymxY-00396-00113208-00113478 stop mode you can also execute a single 8gyDqB3ymxY-00397-00113479-00113695 cycle of the plc at once 8gyDqB3ymxY-00398-00113696-00114047 you can go to the current hmi display 8gyDqB3ymxY-00399-00114048-00114302 that brings you to the active hmi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00400-00114303-00114534 and you can press remote access which 8gyDqB3ymxY-00401-00114535-00115686 will bring up the remote access app 8gyDqB3ymxY-00402-00115688-00115886 the remote access app will show you the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00403-00115888-00116119 hmi you're currently on 8gyDqB3ymxY-00404-00116120-00116351 and it will allow you to operate the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00405-00116352-00116495 buttons 8gyDqB3ymxY-00406-00116496-00116807 or change the numbers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00407-00116808-00117278 as if you were sitting in front of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00408-00117279-00117775 the screen yourself 8gyDqB3ymxY-00409-00117776-00117990 and it will execute 8gyDqB3ymxY-00410-00117991-00118334 the logic of the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00411-00118335-00118647 as it's been configured in your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00412-00118648-00118831 project based on the values you're 8gyDqB3ymxY-00413-00118832-00119783 updating here on the remote operator app 8gyDqB3ymxY-00414-00119783-00120007 the remote operator app 8gyDqB3ymxY-00415-00120008-00120278 sometimes does have a slight delay to it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00416-00120279-00120623 that's normal it depends on the size of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00417-00120624-00120751 the project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00418-00120752-00120831 and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00419-00120832-00121223 how big of an impact on the ladder 8gyDqB3ymxY-00420-00121224-00123534 the changes you're making have 8gyDqB3ymxY-00421-00123535-00123719 now we'll take a look at something 8gyDqB3ymxY-00422-00123720-00124623 called the data export tool 8gyDqB3ymxY-00423-00124624-00124886 just like any other software that we 8gyDqB3ymxY-00424-00124888-00125007 offer you're going to want to make sure 8gyDqB3ymxY-00425-00125008-00126078 to run this as administrator 8gyDqB3ymxY-00426-00126079-00126278 if you don't run it as administrator 8gyDqB3ymxY-00427-00126279-00126454 you're likely going to get some sort of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00428-00126455-00126983 runtime error or other sort of error 8gyDqB3ymxY-00429-00126983-00127119 so here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00430-00127120-00127366 since i've already created a project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00431-00127367-00128134 i'm going to open a project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00432-00128135-00128399 and what you have here is we have a plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00433-00128400-00128599 that's been added you'll see the plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00434-00128600-00128799 name matches the name we set up in the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00435-00128800-00128886 ladder 8gyDqB3ymxY-00436-00128888-00129086 the ip address matches 8gyDqB3ymxY-00437-00129088-00129286 i don't have any unit id set up for this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00438-00129288-00129454 unit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00439-00129455-00129743 the plc type will show here and the pc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00440-00129744-00129990 port you're connecting to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00441-00129991-00130190 it gives you the option to enable or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00442-00130191-00130439 disable this plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00443-00130440-00130623 so that when you run the project you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00444-00130624-00130847 only connect to the plcs that you want 8gyDqB3ymxY-00445-00130848-00131263 to connect to and pull data from 8gyDqB3ymxY-00446-00131264-00131471 to add a plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00447-00131472-00131687 you would go to this icon here and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00448-00131688-00132159 select add site 8gyDqB3ymxY-00449-00132160-00132414 this will bring up the following pop-up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00450-00132415-00132678 where you would put in the plc name for 8gyDqB3ymxY-00451-00132679-00132954 this example we're just going to call it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00452-00132955-00133335 v570 test here to make sure you have it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00453-00133336-00133559 selected from the appropriate series of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00454-00133560-00133766 controllers here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00455-00133767-00134007 this is the vision enhanced series this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00456-00134008-00134295 is the standard vision series your m90 8gyDqB3ymxY-00457-00134296-00134519 and jazz and your samba series 8gyDqB3ymxY-00458-00134520-00134902 controllers 8gyDqB3ymxY-00459-00134903-00135127 by default you can have it enabled you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00460-00135128-00135335 can also choose to synchronize your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00461-00135336-00135535 real-time clock 8gyDqB3ymxY-00462-00135536-00135790 and you can have it set a memory bit in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00463-00135791-00136078 the controller so that you know it has 8gyDqB3ymxY-00464-00136079-00136511 connected and pulled the data from it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00465-00136512-00136719 you have schedules you can have multiple 8gyDqB3ymxY-00466-00136720-00136911 schedules so each plc can be pulling 8gyDqB3ymxY-00467-00136912-00137087 from a different schedule 8gyDqB3ymxY-00468-00137088-00137335 and the different data table or region 8gyDqB3ymxY-00469-00137336-00137751 you want to connect to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00470-00137752-00137935 you have your direct connection you can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00471-00137936-00138135 either use and you use the ethernet call 8gyDqB3ymxY-00472-00138136-00138287 here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00473-00138288-00138511 and you would put in the ip address 8gyDqB3ymxY-00474-00138512-00138727 whatever the ip address of the unit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00475-00138728-00138983 you're connecting to would be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00476-00138984-00139190 the protocol you're using 8gyDqB3ymxY-00477-00139191-00139478 we recommend tcp so you don't have any 8gyDqB3ymxY-00478-00139479-00139671 lost or dropped data 8gyDqB3ymxY-00479-00139672-00139935 and the port number you're connecting to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00480-00139936-00140414 we use the default here of 2025 8gyDqB3ymxY-00481-00140415-00140647 you'll also have the option to create a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00482-00140648-00140751 file 8gyDqB3ymxY-00483-00140752-00141135 using a template or just a csv file 8gyDqB3ymxY-00484-00141136-00141390 what you can do you can press apply 8gyDqB3ymxY-00485-00141391-00141511 and then ok 8gyDqB3ymxY-00486-00141512-00141687 and now you'll see 8gyDqB3ymxY-00487-00141688-00141790 this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00488-00141791-00142183 new plc or new site pop up here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00489-00142184-00142343 so we're not going to enable this 8gyDqB3ymxY-00490-00142344-00143078 because this plc doesn't actually exist 8gyDqB3ymxY-00491-00143079-00143199 and then what you would do is you would 8gyDqB3ymxY-00492-00143200-00143983 press run project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00493-00143984-00144271 you'll see the following calls log pop 8gyDqB3ymxY-00494-00144272-00145478 up on your screen 8gyDqB3ymxY-00495-00145479-00145647 and if you have a name that doesn't 8gyDqB3ymxY-00496-00145648-00145839 match you'll see this data tables 8gyDqB3ymxY-00497-00145840-00146111 mismatched 8gyDqB3ymxY-00498-00146112-00146399 a call succeeded if it worked and if 8gyDqB3ymxY-00499-00146400-00146535 you're having some problems with your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00500-00146536-00146678 ethernet 8gyDqB3ymxY-00501-00146679-00146871 you'll see this ethernet connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00502-00146872-00147031 failed 8gyDqB3ymxY-00503-00147032-00147207 so that just means that we currently 8gyDqB3ymxY-00504-00147208-00147375 can't access that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00505-00147376-00147654 and that is because we are using online 8gyDqB3ymxY-00506-00147655-00147926 mode in physiologic here that is also 8gyDqB3ymxY-00507-00147927-00148287 operating on port 20256 8gyDqB3ymxY-00508-00148288-00148543 so if we go and disable that and then 8gyDqB3ymxY-00509-00148544-00148839 return to our 8gyDqB3ymxY-00510-00148840-00149126 data export app 8gyDqB3ymxY-00511-00149127-00149407 we can select the force call here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00512-00149408-00149614 select the plc we want to force a data 8gyDqB3ymxY-00513-00149615-00149751 call to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00514-00149752-00149919 and now you can see the call succeeded 8gyDqB3ymxY-00515-00149920-00150223 because that port is now available 8gyDqB3ymxY-00516-00150224-00150423 so if you want to be able to run all of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00517-00150424-00150647 these things simultaneously you would 8gyDqB3ymxY-00518-00150648-00150863 want to set up several different sockets 8gyDqB3ymxY-00519-00150864-00150990 so that you can use a different 8gyDqB3ymxY-00520-00150991-00151335 connection port for each method of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00521-00151336-00151478 data collection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00522-00151479-00151735 or plc communication that you want to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00523-00151736-00151872 use 8gyDqB3ymxY-00524-00151873-00152231 [Applause] 8gyDqB3ymxY-00525-00152232-00152519 so if we wanted to do that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00526-00152520-00152545 in 8gyDqB3ymxY-00527-00152546-00152683 [Music] 8gyDqB3ymxY-00528-00152684-00153543 visilogic it would be as easy 8gyDqB3ymxY-00529-00153544-00153719 as going to com 8gyDqB3ymxY-00530-00153720-00154231 and doing another tcp ip socket in it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00531-00154232-00154431 and this time we're going to use socket 8gyDqB3ymxY-00532-00154432-00154535 1 8gyDqB3ymxY-00533-00154536-00154759 on tcp 8gyDqB3ymxY-00534-00154760-00154951 with a local port 8gyDqB3ymxY-00535-00154952-00155311 of 20257 so it's different from the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00536-00155312-00155478 first one 8gyDqB3ymxY-00537-00155479-00155999 and it is also going to be server 8gyDqB3ymxY-00538-00156000-00156214 and because we have connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00539-00156215-00156751 we can also remotely download to our plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00540-00156752-00156911 when you're doing this you would want to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00541-00156912-00157151 make sure that you haven't edited your 8gyDqB3ymxY-00542-00157152-00157399 your ip address in any way because 8gyDqB3ymxY-00543-00157400-00157663 otherwise you may not be able to connect 8gyDqB3ymxY-00544-00157664-00157871 to it if that ip address is already 8gyDqB3ymxY-00545-00157872-00159014 taken 8gyDqB3ymxY-00546-00159015-00159343 another little tidbit is that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00547-00159344-00159526 downloads are typically a little bit 8gyDqB3ymxY-00548-00159527-00159726 faster over ethernet than they would be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00549-00159727-00159919 with a standard 8gyDqB3ymxY-00550-00159920-00160175 usb connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00551-00160176-00160431 now that we have this set up with these 8gyDqB3ymxY-00552-00160432-00160759 two sockets we can go online here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00553-00160760-00160959 and we'll leave that in online mode 8gyDqB3ymxY-00554-00160960-00162487 while we go to our data export tool 8gyDqB3ymxY-00555-00162488-00162639 now what we'll do here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00556-00162640-00163159 is we'll edit this site 8gyDqB3ymxY-00557-00163160-00163375 so now that we're using port two zero 8gyDqB3ymxY-00558-00163376-00163575 two five seven 8gyDqB3ymxY-00559-00163576-00163743 press apply 8gyDqB3ymxY-00560-00163744-00163999 and press okay 8gyDqB3ymxY-00561-00164000-00164326 and now if we go to run the project 8gyDqB3ymxY-00562-00164327-00164751 while we have remote connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00563-00164752-00164951 you can see now that when we force a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00564-00164952-00165343 call 8gyDqB3ymxY-00565-00165344-00165631 the call succeeds because we're using a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00566-00165632-00165863 different port than online mode so it's 8gyDqB3ymxY-00567-00165864-00166087 able to communicate to both of those at 8gyDqB3ymxY-00568-00166088-00166207 once 8gyDqB3ymxY-00569-00166208-00166423 this sort of port selection is done 8gyDqB3ymxY-00570-00166424-00166687 automatically in unilogic that's why you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00571-00166688-00167335 don't have to do that there 8gyDqB3ymxY-00572-00167336-00167607 the same goes for remote operator 8gyDqB3ymxY-00573-00167608-00167838 or remote access you would have to use a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00574-00167839-00167983 different port 8gyDqB3ymxY-00575-00167984-00168231 than online mode if you were also 8gyDqB3ymxY-00576-00168232-00168478 currently with on online mode and with 8gyDqB3ymxY-00577-00168479-00168759 data export all of these applications 8gyDqB3ymxY-00578-00168760-00168943 when they're connected at the same time 8gyDqB3ymxY-00579-00168944-00169871 need their own port to communicate over 8gyDqB3ymxY-00580-00169872-00170111 again to summarize these allow you to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00581-00170112-00170326 connect from anywhere as long as you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00582-00170327-00170551 have a vpn connection to access the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00583-00170552-00170695 local network 8gyDqB3ymxY-00584-00170696-00170902 which is easy to configure there are 8gyDqB3ymxY-00585-00170903-00171278 many many options to set that up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00586-00171279-00171647 it supports a pc tablet mobile phone 8gyDqB3ymxY-00587-00171648-00171790 anything that can connect to the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00588-00171791-00172238 internet really can connect to these 8gyDqB3ymxY-00589-00172239-00172438 methods of communication provided that 8gyDqB3ymxY-00590-00172439-00172759 you can either access a web browser or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00591-00172760-00173031 load the remote operator app onto the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00592-00173032-00173190 device 8gyDqB3ymxY-00593-00173191-00173375 configuration for them 8gyDqB3ymxY-00594-00173376-00173614 is simple and quick and you have 8gyDqB3ymxY-00595-00173615-00173863 multiple simultaneous connections 8gyDqB3ymxY-00596-00173864-00174135 and it also allows you to restrict user 8gyDqB3ymxY-00597-00174136-00175575 access 8gyDqB3ymxY-00598-00175576-00175695 and again 8gyDqB3ymxY-00599-00175696-00176014 thank you for watching today 8gyDqB3ymxY-00600-00176015-00176159 and if you have any questions you can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00601-00176160-00176366 feel free to put them in the chat box 8gyDqB3ymxY-00602-00176367-00177711 now 8gyDqB3ymxY-00603-00177712-00178111 all right so we're gonna go over some of 8gyDqB3ymxY-00604-00178112-00178207 the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00605-00178208-00178607 questions 8gyDqB3ymxY-00606-00178608-00178911 so we have something here about a google 8gyDqB3ymxY-00607-00178912-00179247 server so the dns server is what will 8gyDqB3ymxY-00608-00179248-00179599 allow you to access the outside web and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00609-00179600-00179735 that would be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00610-00179736-00179943 set up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00611-00179944-00180031 um 8gyDqB3ymxY-00612-00180032-00180190 usually you would go 8gyDqB3ymxY-00613-00180191-00180447 through your it department or something 8gyDqB3ymxY-00614-00180448-00180735 like that to see what they want to use 8gyDqB3ymxY-00615-00180736-00181095 or you can look up a free one 8gyDqB3ymxY-00616-00181096-00181287 googles are free 8gyDqB3ymxY-00617-00181288-00181823 you can find those online 8gyDqB3ymxY-00618-00181824-00182095 so is there a way to access the plc code 8gyDqB3ymxY-00619-00182096-00182535 to test it or download a new program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00620-00182536-00182871 you can access it remotely through 8gyDqB3ymxY-00621-00182872-00183063 either programming environment either 8gyDqB3ymxY-00622-00183064-00183351 unilogic or visilogic and you can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00623-00183352-00183543 download to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00624-00183544-00183823 those plcs remotely 8gyDqB3ymxY-00625-00183824-00183935 you just want to make sure that you 8gyDqB3ymxY-00626-00183936-00184190 don't change your ip settings because 8gyDqB3ymxY-00627-00184191-00184487 you will lose connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00628-00184488-00184790 um and it's just better to keep them the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00629-00184791-00185014 same if you change them there's a chance 8gyDqB3ymxY-00630-00185015-00185199 that ip address might be taken and now 8gyDqB3ymxY-00631-00185200-00185831 you're no longer able to access that plc 8gyDqB3ymxY-00632-00185832-00186063 is it possible to update the firmware by 8gyDqB3ymxY-00633-00186064-00186743 tcp ip 8gyDqB3ymxY-00634-00186744-00187047 so you can do that over 8gyDqB3ymxY-00635-00187048-00187526 unilogic however with visualogic i do 8gyDqB3ymxY-00636-00187527-00187831 believe you have to use the serial 8gyDqB3ymxY-00637-00187832-00188214 connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00638-00188215-00188502 so accessing 8gyDqB3ymxY-00639-00188503-00188719 stuff from outside the local network 8gyDqB3ymxY-00640-00188720-00188926 would be done through 8gyDqB3ymxY-00641-00188927-00189150 a vpn connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00642-00189151-00189326 that would be set up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00643-00189327-00189526 usually in conjunction with your it 8gyDqB3ymxY-00644-00189527-00189638 department 8gyDqB3ymxY-00645-00189639-00189926 some locations don't like to allow 8gyDqB3ymxY-00646-00189927-00190238 outside 8gyDqB3ymxY-00647-00190239-00190463 outside networks access to their local 8gyDqB3ymxY-00648-00190464-00190647 network 8gyDqB3ymxY-00649-00190648-00190831 in that case you'd have to set up 8gyDqB3ymxY-00650-00190832-00191063 something with with your local network 8gyDqB3ymxY-00651-00191064-00191247 just to make that possible support 8gyDqB3ymxY-00652-00191248-00191399 forwarding stuff 8gyDqB3ymxY-00653-00191400-00191943 just just some more network intensive 8gyDqB3ymxY-00654-00191944-00192166 are there options to update the program 8gyDqB3ymxY-00655-00192167-00192423 through a web server 8gyDqB3ymxY-00656-00192424-00192687 on unilogic 8gyDqB3ymxY-00657-00192688-00192902 or another remote method 8gyDqB3ymxY-00658-00192903-00193207 so you would have to use visilogic or 8gyDqB3ymxY-00659-00193208-00193454 unilogic like i said earlier 8gyDqB3ymxY-00660-00193455-00193663 and then you would be able to connect to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00661-00193664-00194247 those plcs 8gyDqB3ymxY-00662-00194248-00194447 we will be sending 8gyDqB3ymxY-00663-00194448-00194575 out the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00664-00194576-00194863 the presentation slides as well as a 8gyDqB3ymxY-00665-00194864-00195102 recording of this webinar for anyone who 8gyDqB3ymxY-00666-00195103-00195335 is interested 8gyDqB3ymxY-00667-00195336-00195511 we should be able to send that out just 8gyDqB3ymxY-00668-00195512-00195750 based off of the emails you submitted 8gyDqB3ymxY-00669-00195751-00196735 when you signed up here 8gyDqB3ymxY-00670-00196736-00197071 so unfortunately we do not have any sort 8gyDqB3ymxY-00671-00197072-00197199 of wi-fi 8gyDqB3ymxY-00672-00197200-00197390 wi-fi availability currently they would 8gyDqB3ymxY-00673-00197391-00197735 have to be direct connected to a router 8gyDqB3ymxY-00674-00197736-00198687 that might have wi-fi connection 8gyDqB3ymxY-00675-00198688-00199254 um so outside of unilogic software 8gyDqB3ymxY-00676-00199255-00199390 there aren't 8gyDqB3ymxY-00677-00199391-00199599 really any options i'm aware of for 8gyDqB3ymxY-00678-00199600-00199838 unilogic but what you can do is you can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00679-00199839-00199950 lock 8gyDqB3ymxY-00680-00199951-00200071 the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00681-00200072-00200399 the latter or the hmis so they can't 8gyDqB3ymxY-00682-00200400-00200687 view them 8gyDqB3ymxY-00683-00200688-00200935 that would make it so they can't be 8gyDqB3ymxY-00684-00200936-00201135 edited or changed by any sort of end 8gyDqB3ymxY-00685-00201136-00201390 user and 8gyDqB3ymxY-00686-00201391-00201614 do you offer any 4g routers all of the 8gyDqB3ymxY-00687-00201615-00202495 routers we currently offer are 4g 8gyDqB3ymxY-00688-00202496-00202735 and if you have any more specific 8gyDqB3ymxY-00689-00202736-00203054 problems to your specific application um 8gyDqB3ymxY-00690-00203055-00203311 just send an email with that question to 8gyDqB3ymxY-00691-00203312-00203607 support at unitronics.com 8gyDqB3ymxY-00692-00203608-00203935 and we will get back to you as quickly 8gyDqB3ymxY-00693-00203936-00205103 as we can 8gyDqB3ymxY-00694-00205104-00205271 all right if we don't have any other 8gyDqB3ymxY-00695-00205271-00205503 questions that will conclude today's 8gyDqB3ymxY-00696-00205504-00205727 webinar 8gyDqB3ymxY-00697-00205728-00206091 thank you all for coming 8gBsB9xm1ac-00000-00000012-00000580 loose 8gBsB9xm1ac-00001-00000581-00001031 bear me 8gBsB9xm1ac-00002-00001032-00001528 I am bear 8gBsB9xm1ac-00003-00001529-00001955 but I'm not bear and this is not my 8gBsB9xm1ac-00004-00001955-00002092 underwear 8gBsB9xm1ac-00005-00002093-00002381 these are just the clothes I choose when 8gBsB9xm1ac-00006-00002382-00002999 I'm in a dancing mood 8gBsB9xm1ac-00007-00003000-00003335 oh sure you might think it's funny bring 8gBsB9xm1ac-00008-00003336-00003904 the music hit it bunny 8gBsB9xm1ac-00009-00003905-00004211 here's a move called furry breaking 8gBsB9xm1ac-00010-00004212-00004595 put your paws up get them shaking 8gBsB9xm1ac-00011-00004596-00004972 get up get down hit the ground 8gBsB9xm1ac-00012-00004973-00005561 on your back start spinning around 8gBsB9xm1ac-00013-00005562-00005885 hold a stance that goes like this okay 8gBsB9xm1ac-00014-00005886-00006352 bunny music sweet 8gBsB9xm1ac-00015-00006353-00006659 this one's called The Running Bear you 8gBsB9xm1ac-00016-00006659-00006941 run but don't go anywhere 8gBsB9xm1ac-00017-00006942-00007234 there's things there like me they're so 8gBsB9xm1ac-00018-00007236-00007963 no what bears you know do the robot 8gBsB9xm1ac-00019-00007964-00008327 get down like me I don't think so how 8gBsB9xm1ac-00020-00008328-00008981 low can you go in the limbo 8gBsB9xm1ac-00021-00008982-00009395 one for moms and dads and whatnot grab a 8gBsB9xm1ac-00022-00009396-00009946 friend and do the foxtrot 8gBsB9xm1ac-00023-00009947-00010246 move your buddies nice and smooth 8gBsB9xm1ac-00024-00010247-00010799 you to me and me to you 8gBsB9xm1ac-00025-00010800-00011033 here's a treat for kids and grown-ups 8gBsB9xm1ac-00026-00011034-00011345 all you need is a box of donut 8gBsB9xm1ac-00027-00011346-00011728 eat these in you every chance of doing a 8gBsB9xm1ac-00028-00011729-00012173 great belly dance 8gBsB9xm1ac-00029-00012174-00012455 giant Donuts would be cooler climb 8gBsB9xm1ac-00030-00012456-00012773 inside and do the hula 8gBsB9xm1ac-00031-00012774-00013121 no more Donuts in the pack time to have 8gBsB9xm1ac-00032-00013122-00013571 a different snack 8gBsB9xm1ac-00033-00013572-00014080 go 8gBsB9xm1ac-00034-00014081-00014329 where are you off to you can't quit yet 8gBsB9xm1ac-00035-00014330-00014788 ah he's dancing that's the Quick Step 8gBsB9xm1ac-00036-00014790-00015136 oh well bunny just us then start that 8gBsB9xm1ac-00037-00015137-00015580 music up again 8gBsB9xm1ac-00038-00015581-00015875 we can do the twist this time turn 8gBsB9xm1ac-00039-00015876-00016522 around and win it behind 8gBsB9xm1ac-00040-00016523-00016835 One More Dance and this sounds crazy but 8gBsB9xm1ac-00041-00016836-00017230 I need the perfect lady 8gBsB9xm1ac-00042-00017231-00017561 someone who is Just My Size with poles 8gBsB9xm1ac-00043-00017562-00017855 that hit the floor and glide someone 8gBsB9xm1ac-00044-00017856-00018161 sweeter than a mango 8gBsB9xm1ac-00045-00018162-00018763 perfect it takes two to tango 8gBsB9xm1ac-00046-00018764-00019103 careful though hello you stoop dancing 8gBsB9xm1ac-00047-00019104-00019367 can be tough 8gBsB9xm1ac-00048-00019368-00019811 I'm poop 8gBsB9xm1ac-00049-00019812-00020048 and 8iOV4nKLgo8-00000-00001328-00002199 [__] 8iOV4nKLgo8-00001-00002200-00004222 t-spawn 8iOV4nKLgo8-00002-00004223-00006095 need assistance 8iOV4nKLgo8-00003-00006096-00008414 side door 8iOV4nKLgo8-00004-00008415-00008527 roger 8iOV4nKLgo8-00005-00008528-00011287 the bomb today 8iOV4nKLgo8-00006-00011288-00013222 i got your back 8iOV4nKLgo8-00007-00013223-00014387 need assistance 8iOV4nKLgo8-00008-00014388-00014951 [Music] 8iOV4nKLgo8-00010-00018048-00019399 ah 8iOV4nKLgo8-00011-00019400-00019958 uh 8iOV4nKLgo8-00012-00019959-00020259 ah 8n1Xu-cAusA-00000-00000830-00001295 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00001-00001296-00001898 uh 8n1Xu-cAusA-00002-00001900-00003299 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00003-00003300-00004718 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00004-00004719-00005175 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00005-00005176-00007689 do 8n1Xu-cAusA-00006-00007690-00008342 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00007-00008343-00009183 do 8n1Xu-cAusA-00008-00009184-00009393 do 8n1Xu-cAusA-00009-00009394-00010772 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00010-00010773-00013727 [Music] 8n1Xu-cAusA-00011-00013728-00015055 my 8n1Xu-cAusA-00012-00015056-00015263 you 9orgTb0LQSy-00000-00000052-00000725 Soyuz tma-07m supplies to the mir the 9orgTb0LQSy-00001-00000726-00000887 russian space station 9orgTb0LQSy-00002-00000888-00001290 it was the 32nd expedition to mir it was 9orgTb0LQSy-00003-00001291-00001508 launched by a soyuz u rocket from 9orgTb0LQSy-00004-00001509-00001864 Baikonur cosmodrome on august 5th 1997 9orgTb0LQSy-00005-00001866-00002172 the main mission was to transport two 9orgTb0LQSy-00006-00002173-00002408 specially trained cosmonauts to repair 9orgTb0LQSy-00007-00002409-00002792 or Salvage the troubled space station TM 9orgTb0LQSy-00008-00002793-00003114 26 docked with Mir on August 7th by 9orgTb0LQSy-00009-00003115-00003420 manual control the crew repaired the 9orgTb0LQSy-00010-00003421-00003647 power cable and harness connectors in 9orgTb0LQSy-00011-00003649-00003996 the severely damaged SPE KTR module and 9orgTb0LQSy-00012-00003997-00004194 restored much of the lost power 9orgTb0LQSy-00013-00004195-00004398 they also repaired and replaced the 9orgTb0LQSy-00014-00004399-00004728 oxygen generators in Mir the holes in 9orgTb0LQSy-00015-00004729-00004907 that module that caused total 9orgTb0LQSy-00016-00004908-00005154 depressurization of the module could not 9orgTb0LQSy-00017-00005155-00005397 be located during their spacewalk inside 9orgTb0LQSy-00018-00005398-00005673 that module during the flight a 9orgTb0LQSy-00019-00005674-00005946 television advertisement starring Vasily 9orgTb0LQSy-00020-00005947-00006264 Sibley of was filmed on the station the 9orgTb0LQSy-00021-00006265-00006588 ad forty ANOVA's brand on UHT milk was 9orgTb0LQSy-00022-00006589-00006962 the first ad to be filmed in space 9orgTb0LQSy-00023-00006963-00007328 equals equals crew 986TyY1g9Gg-00000-00000494-00000875 everybody welcome back so today I am 986TyY1g9Gg-00001-00000876-00001157 with my friends and co-workers you might 986TyY1g9Gg-00002-00001158-00001270 have seen Greg before in my previous 986TyY1g9Gg-00003-00001271-00001780 video this is Graham and we just kind of 986TyY1g9Gg-00004-00001782-00002021 wanted to just finalize the hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00005-00002022-00002284 irma thing there's been a lot of other 986TyY1g9Gg-00006-00002285-00002549 natural disasters I'll say going on 986TyY1g9Gg-00007-00002550-00002767 recently but we wanted to kind of close 986TyY1g9Gg-00008-00002768-00003038 this chapter that way we can get back to 986TyY1g9Gg-00009-00003039-00003386 some tech stuff but you may recall in 986TyY1g9Gg-00010-00003386-00003758 the last video we Greg and I had made a 986TyY1g9Gg-00011-00003759-00004129 wager prior to herma now I had reached 986TyY1g9Gg-00012-00004130-00004403 out to you guys and I had asked you if 986TyY1g9Gg-00013-00004404-00004754 you could just tell me who won our 986TyY1g9Gg-00014-00004755-00004988 little wager and if if you didn't see 986TyY1g9Gg-00015-00004989-00005188 the last video it's gonna be right up 986TyY1g9Gg-00016-00005189-00005456 here so just click that link and also 986TyY1g9Gg-00017-00005457-00005627 I'll have it in the show notes below but 986TyY1g9Gg-00018-00005628-00005918 the wager was we bet a week before the 986TyY1g9Gg-00019-00005919-00006238 hurricane that if the Hurricanes got hit 986TyY1g9Gg-00020-00006239-00006506 us or not hit us and she bent that it 986TyY1g9Gg-00021-00006506-00006610 wasn't going to hit us at all 986TyY1g9Gg-00022-00006611-00006739 I bet obvious it's gonna hit us 986TyY1g9Gg-00023-00006740-00007133 obviously and we didn't do any specifics 986TyY1g9Gg-00024-00007134-00007303 and the gentlemen right here you Graham 986TyY1g9Gg-00025-00007304-00007564 who's there use their judge he 986TyY1g9Gg-00026-00007565-00007814 understood the rules we just we just and 986TyY1g9Gg-00027-00007815-00008192 my hands are not his and I still believe 986TyY1g9Gg-00028-00008193-00008420 it hit us Graham was appointed judge but 986TyY1g9Gg-00029-00008421-00008542 I'll be honest with you I don't actually 986TyY1g9Gg-00030-00008543-00008767 I don't recall him being appointed as 986TyY1g9Gg-00031-00008768-00009158 judge but he is the deciding factor but 986TyY1g9Gg-00032-00009159-00009395 before we get into who won who didn't 986TyY1g9Gg-00033-00009396-00009623 win did we have a hurricane did we not I 986TyY1g9Gg-00034-00009624-00009887 first just wanted to talk about whether 986TyY1g9Gg-00035-00009888-00010246 or not you should leave during a 986TyY1g9Gg-00036-00010247-00010564 hurricane in my particular case we have 986TyY1g9Gg-00037-00010565-00010781 people from up north calling and saying 986TyY1g9Gg-00038-00010782-00010924 you gotta get out of there you've got to 986TyY1g9Gg-00039-00010925-00011060 get out or you've got to leave you gotta 986TyY1g9Gg-00040-00011061-00011333 leave but all three of us actually 986TyY1g9Gg-00041-00011334-00011555 stayed for the hurricane and we each 986TyY1g9Gg-00042-00011556-00011795 have our own individual reasons why we 986TyY1g9Gg-00043-00011796-00012188 decided to stay I am not originally from 986TyY1g9Gg-00044-00012189-00012533 Florida I'm from Pennsylvania and of 986TyY1g9Gg-00045-00012534-00012721 course having family members call you 986TyY1g9Gg-00046-00012722-00012958 leave leave leave you have to keep in 986TyY1g9Gg-00047-00012959-00013032 mind 986TyY1g9Gg-00048-00013033-00013275 we all have our own individual reasons 986TyY1g9Gg-00049-00013276-00013541 why we want to stay in my particular 986TyY1g9Gg-00050-00013543-00013887 case this is my home this is my job this 986TyY1g9Gg-00051-00013888-00014007 is my life 986TyY1g9Gg-00052-00014008-00014244 so that is the reason that I decided to 986TyY1g9Gg-00053-00014244-00014565 stay in addition I didn't believe that 986TyY1g9Gg-00054-00014566-00014804 actual hurricane would come through 986TyY1g9Gg-00055-00014805-00015206 [Laughter] 986TyY1g9Gg-00056-00015207-00015465 another reason why I didn't leave is I 986TyY1g9Gg-00057-00015466-00015651 don't know if you saw in the news a 986TyY1g9Gg-00058-00015652-00015885 bunch of people evacuating we're gonna 986TyY1g9Gg-00059-00015886-00016056 pack you a tear the Hurricanes literally 986TyY1g9Gg-00060-00016057-00016254 going off the state where you're going 986TyY1g9Gg-00061-00016255-00016425 up also so it's pretty much as chasing 986TyY1g9Gg-00062-00016426-00016710 you and and that actually ties into what 986TyY1g9Gg-00063-00016711-00016872 happened with you during their hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00064-00016873-00017055 right originally my parents were me out 986TyY1g9Gg-00065-00017056-00017337 of town so they have of course their 986TyY1g9Gg-00066-00017338-00017637 home as well as their business with that 986TyY1g9Gg-00067-00017638-00017841 they really kind of needed to have 986TyY1g9Gg-00068-00017842-00018036 somebody home just to check on 986TyY1g9Gg-00069-00018037-00018261 everything I have my work place to to 986TyY1g9Gg-00070-00018262-00018546 check out as well even if I was to leave 986TyY1g9Gg-00071-00018547-00018767 I really have to go to another state 986TyY1g9Gg-00072-00018768-00018969 just because we had no idea where the 986TyY1g9Gg-00073-00018970-00019185 hurricane what exactly hit but for you 986TyY1g9Gg-00074-00019186-00019472 your initial reaction further hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00075-00019473-00019797 was to actually go to the west coast 986TyY1g9Gg-00076-00019798-00020028 yeah yeah so there was an opportunity to 986TyY1g9Gg-00077-00020029-00020259 the west coast as soon as the hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00078-00020260-00020517 shifted over to the west coast there 986TyY1g9Gg-00079-00020518-00020685 really was no reason to go there because 986TyY1g9Gg-00080-00020686-00020883 it was maybe me worse and worse off 986TyY1g9Gg-00081-00020884-00021122 there than then at home and so just 986TyY1g9Gg-00082-00021123-00021300 logistically it made sense really just 986TyY1g9Gg-00083-00021301-00021492 just to stay and kind of ride it out and 986TyY1g9Gg-00084-00021493-00021555 hope for the best 986TyY1g9Gg-00085-00021556-00021765 I don't know if you recall but the 986TyY1g9Gg-00086-00021766-00022083 governor had said if you stay you may 986TyY1g9Gg-00087-00022084-00022275 die this is clearly a life-threatening 986TyY1g9Gg-00088-00022276-00022503 situation essentially that's that that's 986TyY1g9Gg-00089-00022504-00022704 what he said like yeah baby pretty much 986TyY1g9Gg-00090-00022705-00023122 scared the bejesus out of all of us yeah 986TyY1g9Gg-00091-00023123-00023400 they also work on a nuclear hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00092-00023401-00023631 which I've never seen in my 20 years of 986TyY1g9Gg-00093-00023632-00023819 experience of living here then probably 986TyY1g9Gg-00094-00023820-00023979 a nuclear hurricane so I still think 986TyY1g9Gg-00095-00023980-00024156 that they were doing it like how news 986TyY1g9Gg-00096-00024157-00024405 does everything now is make it a little 986TyY1g9Gg-00097-00024406-00024528 more flashy ER than actually this 986TyY1g9Gg-00098-00024529-00024725 obviously it was terrible hurricane but 986TyY1g9Gg-00099-00024726-00024954 I still think they were glorifying and 986TyY1g9Gg-00100-00024955-00025100 being a little hyperbolic before the 986TyY1g9Gg-00101-00025101-00025377 hurricane itself I I would totally agree 986TyY1g9Gg-00102-00025378-00025634 and Graham I think you would agree that 986TyY1g9Gg-00103-00025635-00025812 for every hurricane they pretty much 986TyY1g9Gg-00104-00025813-00026208 just get us as scared as possible 986TyY1g9Gg-00105-00026210-00026400 exactly so that they can get the ratings 986TyY1g9Gg-00106-00026401-00026752 that being said hurricane Irma's 986TyY1g9Gg-00107-00026752-00027079 something or other maybe it was a 986TyY1g9Gg-00108-00027080-00027308 tropical storm did go through our area 986TyY1g9Gg-00109-00027310-00027577 and it 986TyY1g9Gg-00110-00027577-00027829 people are still actually without power 986TyY1g9Gg-00111-00027830-00028141 and we're about I don't know 13 14 days 986TyY1g9Gg-00112-00028142-00028644 out now so 13 yes a so the fact that 986TyY1g9Gg-00113-00028645-00028966 that it did such damage to this 986TyY1g9Gg-00114-00028967-00029182 particular area was actually quite 986TyY1g9Gg-00115-00029183-00029418 shocking to be honest with you because I 986TyY1g9Gg-00116-00029419-00029662 actually got to go through Wilma which 986TyY1g9Gg-00117-00029663-00029956 was in 2005 and when you would drive 986TyY1g9Gg-00118-00029957-00030172 around with Wilma it really looked like 986TyY1g9Gg-00119-00030173-00030462 a war zone and I didn't get that feeling 986TyY1g9Gg-00120-00030463-00030685 driving around I mean of course we had 986TyY1g9Gg-00121-00030686-00030877 debris and we did have some damage here 986TyY1g9Gg-00122-00030877-00031204 but nothing to the degree that Wilma was 986TyY1g9Gg-00123-00031205-00031498 yeah definitely one was one the worst or 986TyY1g9Gg-00124-00031499-00031666 a hurricane I've ever been through so 986TyY1g9Gg-00125-00031667-00031963 what was your experience after the 986TyY1g9Gg-00126-00031964-00032214 difference between Wilma driving around 986TyY1g9Gg-00127-00032216-00032433 and Irma driving around fermium in my 986TyY1g9Gg-00128-00032435-00032560 neighborhood lived with Wilma we 986TyY1g9Gg-00129-00032561-00032626 couldn't even get out of her 986TyY1g9Gg-00130-00032627-00032869 neighborhood about three days or so just 986TyY1g9Gg-00131-00032870-00033298 with so many trees down it was not 986TyY1g9Gg-00132-00033299-00033511 there's not good we don't supplies I 986TyY1g9Gg-00133-00033512-00033685 mean he wasn't no nothing the world or 986TyY1g9Gg-00134-00033686-00033994 anything but with this one with Irma 986TyY1g9Gg-00135-00033995-00034204 produces the storm ended on Sunday night 986TyY1g9Gg-00136-00034205-00034420 and in Monday morning I was able to 986TyY1g9Gg-00137-00034421-00034690 drive around go get some lunch trees 986TyY1g9Gg-00138-00034691-00034876 were down of course some of the traffic 986TyY1g9Gg-00139-00034877-00035143 lights were down but nothing nothing 986TyY1g9Gg-00140-00035144-00035404 ridiculous I would say I did see a 986TyY1g9Gg-00141-00035405-00035626 couple you know branches left on cars 986TyY1g9Gg-00142-00035627-00035848 and and I did see one one shoe that fell 986TyY1g9Gg-00143-00035849-00036049 in the house in my neighborhood but 986TyY1g9Gg-00144-00036050-00036247 nothing no grooves Don and thing like 986TyY1g9Gg-00145-00036248-00036394 that so we definitely got very lucky 986TyY1g9Gg-00146-00036395-00036529 it's compared to what it what it could 986TyY1g9Gg-00147-00036530-00036775 have been yeah absolutely I mean with 986TyY1g9Gg-00148-00036776-00037021 Wilma remember do you guys remember all 986TyY1g9Gg-00149-00037022-00037483 the the blue tents every house was the 986TyY1g9Gg-00150-00037484-00037711 blue tarp house so and and not even just 986TyY1g9Gg-00151-00037712-00037873 for a few days I mean I'm talking like 986TyY1g9Gg-00152-00037874-00038212 models of blue tarps everywhere so I 986TyY1g9Gg-00153-00038213-00038575 really think we lucked out I know we are 986TyY1g9Gg-00154-00038576-00038734 I really feel for the people in the 986TyY1g9Gg-00155-00038735-00038850 Caribbean 986TyY1g9Gg-00156-00038851-00039262 yeah and then even with Murray just just 986TyY1g9Gg-00157-00039263-00039583 going through like with Puerto Rico man 986TyY1g9Gg-00158-00039584-00039751 they just they're really getting beat up 986TyY1g9Gg-00159-00039752-00039964 and my heart really goes out to them 986TyY1g9Gg-00160-00039965-00040255 definitely but something with the 986TyY1g9Gg-00161-00040256-00040540 difference of Hurricane Irma and will my 986TyY1g9Gg-00162-00040541-00040732 nose which kind of shows by our whole 986TyY1g9Gg-00163-00040733-00040909 society nowadays is during Hurricane 986TyY1g9Gg-00164-00040910-00041149 Wilma we met all of our neighbors all 986TyY1g9Gg-00165-00041150-00041323 the neighbors came out we like barbecue 986TyY1g9Gg-00166-00041324-00041617 together we all just we met neighbors we 986TyY1g9Gg-00167-00041618-00041746 never knew existed pretty much where you 986TyY1g9Gg-00168-00041747-00041875 saw their houses we saw them go to work 986TyY1g9Gg-00169-00041876-00042190 on this one everyone to stay in their 986TyY1g9Gg-00170-00042191-00042337 house and just had their generators 986TyY1g9Gg-00171-00042338-00042502 running and they did what if they've 986TyY1g9Gg-00172-00042503-00042661 just stayed in the house and never came 986TyY1g9Gg-00173-00042662-00042799 out so it definitely felt a big 986TyY1g9Gg-00174-00042800-00042958 difference in that yeah that's the truth 986TyY1g9Gg-00175-00042959-00043144 and you have to keep in mind too that a 986TyY1g9Gg-00176-00043145-00043420 communication is different now than it 986TyY1g9Gg-00177-00043421-00043549 was in 2005 986TyY1g9Gg-00178-00043550-00043825 everyone has smartphones now in 2005 I 986TyY1g9Gg-00179-00043826-00044169 still had a flip phone I really did I 986TyY1g9Gg-00180-00044170-00044398 still had a flip phone so communication 986TyY1g9Gg-00181-00044399-00044599 was on a whole different level and 986TyY1g9Gg-00182-00044600-00044887 really in 2005 you could just kind of 986TyY1g9Gg-00183-00044888-00045043 only talk to each other and you didn't 986TyY1g9Gg-00184-00045044-00045412 have the the reach that being said with 986TyY1g9Gg-00185-00045413-00045778 Irma I lost complete and utter total 986TyY1g9Gg-00186-00045779-00046051 contact with everyone because I believe 986TyY1g9Gg-00187-00046052-00046294 the cell towers were down we didn't have 986TyY1g9Gg-00188-00046295-00046531 a way to contact our in our place of 986TyY1g9Gg-00189-00046532-00046783 work we didn't have a way to contact our 986TyY1g9Gg-00190-00046784-00047056 friends and family you probably saw on 986TyY1g9Gg-00191-00047057-00047227 the in the previous videos that I was 986TyY1g9Gg-00192-00047228-00047392 using something called sky roam in order 986TyY1g9Gg-00193-00047393-00047617 to at least to get that texting access 986TyY1g9Gg-00194-00047618-00047860 but communication for this one was very 986TyY1g9Gg-00195-00047861-00048151 hard my my house I still have a good 986TyY1g9Gg-00196-00048152-00048352 dark zone of cell service I do have cell 986TyY1g9Gg-00197-00048353-00048493 service in my house luckily I do have 986TyY1g9Gg-00198-00048494-00048706 Wi-Fi which did come on I'd say four 986TyY1g9Gg-00199-00048707-00048916 four days ago but I know you and I were 986TyY1g9Gg-00200-00048917-00049135 talking about that like we are all the 986TyY1g9Gg-00201-00049136-00049327 connections just work down for a long 986TyY1g9Gg-00202-00049328-00049537 time yeah even at my house where I was 986TyY1g9Gg-00203-00049538-00049579 staying 986TyY1g9Gg-00204-00049580-00049831 it was a no no cell service no Wi-Fi of 986TyY1g9Gg-00205-00049832-00050098 course and no power once start driving 986TyY1g9Gg-00206-00050099-00050401 out on that Monday we did we did work to 986TyY1g9Gg-00207-00050402-00050575 get some cell service but it disappeared 986TyY1g9Gg-00208-00050576-00050770 it was pretty sparse at first so of 986TyY1g9Gg-00209-00050771-00050875 course just hard to communicate with 986TyY1g9Gg-00210-00050876-00051079 everybody need to get in touch with in 986TyY1g9Gg-00211-00051080-00051307 the previous video you may have heard me 986TyY1g9Gg-00212-00051308-00051835 discuss that Irma had sustained winds 986TyY1g9Gg-00213-00051836-00052135 between 50 and 60 miles 986TyY1g9Gg-00214-00052136-00052525 our with gusts up to 71 now being from 986TyY1g9Gg-00215-00052526-00052692 Florida we all know that if you're over 986TyY1g9Gg-00216-00052694-00053203 74 that is an actual hurricane which was 986TyY1g9Gg-00217-00053204-00053563 my might my fighting stance on this is 986TyY1g9Gg-00218-00053564-00053710 that this this particular area did not 986TyY1g9Gg-00219-00053711-00054201 have a hurricane however look at the 986TyY1g9Gg-00220-00054202-00054280 smile on his face 986TyY1g9Gg-00221-00054282-00054617 [Laughter] 986TyY1g9Gg-00222-00054619-00055194 however after hearing Gregg side of 986TyY1g9Gg-00223-00055195-00055660 things I might be changing my tune a 986TyY1g9Gg-00224-00055661-00055903 little bit go ahead and explain your 986TyY1g9Gg-00225-00055904-00056212 side this hurricane was different than 986TyY1g9Gg-00226-00056213-00056338 any other hook and I believe we've ever 986TyY1g9Gg-00227-00056339-00056592 been hit by because of the that just the 986TyY1g9Gg-00228-00056594-00056953 sheer mass of the storm it was I think 986TyY1g9Gg-00229-00056954-00057148 it was I saw statistics it was three 986TyY1g9Gg-00230-00057149-00057484 times larger than in Hurricane Andrew so 986TyY1g9Gg-00231-00057485-00057778 if you look at the radar even though the 986TyY1g9Gg-00232-00057779-00057975 track did go to the west and ran over 986TyY1g9Gg-00233-00057976-00058219 Naples and Fort Myers and just kind of 986TyY1g9Gg-00234-00058220-00058519 veered off to Tampa it still was 300 986TyY1g9Gg-00235-00058520-00058729 miles wide while Florida is a hundred 986TyY1g9Gg-00236-00058729-00059103 hundred roughly miles wide so therefore 986TyY1g9Gg-00237-00059104-00059554 it went over Florida that was that's my 986TyY1g9Gg-00238-00059554-00059856 that was my my argument is that you know 986TyY1g9Gg-00239-00059857-00060112 matter was gonna hit it because it's 986TyY1g9Gg-00240-00060113-00060565 just the vast greatness of it was pretty 986TyY1g9Gg-00241-00060566-00060942 gigantic honestly yeah if you look at 986TyY1g9Gg-00242-00060944-00061206 some of the pictures okay that the 986TyY1g9Gg-00243-00061207-00061390 hurricane itself just covered the entire 986TyY1g9Gg-00244-00061391-00061716 state of Florida so after some thought I 986TyY1g9Gg-00245-00061717-00062205 am conceding to mr. Gregg over here we 986TyY1g9Gg-00246-00062207-00062791 had wagered this make sure it's real so 986TyY1g9Gg-00247-00062791-00062941 he's gonna check it out make sure it's 986TyY1g9Gg-00248-00062941-00063341 good to go yeah there was a gigantic 986TyY1g9Gg-00249-00063342-00063796 hurricane irma the pass through our town 986TyY1g9Gg-00250-00063797-00064549 and city and Greg I appreciate all the 986TyY1g9Gg-00251-00064550-00064684 videos I made during the whole storm I 986TyY1g9Gg-00252-00064685-00064755 know 986TyY1g9Gg-00253-00064757-00064924 northerners and out-of-state people 986TyY1g9Gg-00254-00064925-00065158 would like to see how it ghost and our 986TyY1g9Gg-00255-00065159-00065353 our viewpoint our daily lives are in 986TyY1g9Gg-00256-00065354-00065476 hurricanes so I appreciate you making 986TyY1g9Gg-00257-00065477-00065710 this video absolutely thank you so much 986TyY1g9Gg-00258-00065711-00065974 for being our judge he was actually the 986TyY1g9Gg-00259-00065975-00066226 deciding vote and I would get daily 986TyY1g9Gg-00260-00066227-00066406 messages from Gregg saying well Graham 986TyY1g9Gg-00261-00066407-00066685 says well Graham says well Graham says 986TyY1g9Gg-00262-00066686-00067215 and I'm like who cares what criticize 986TyY1g9Gg-00263-00067216-00067684 not fair so so yeah Graham was the 986TyY1g9Gg-00264-00067685-00067906 deciding factor in this in this 986TyY1g9Gg-00265-00067907-00068287 particular vote so Thank You Graham for 986TyY1g9Gg-00266-00068288-00068866 making you this money and and until the 986TyY1g9Gg-00267-00068867-00068989 next video we'll see you later 986TyY1g9Gg-00268-00068990-00069211 appreciate you stopping by if you're 986TyY1g9Gg-00269-00069212-00069397 interested in seeing more content make 986TyY1g9Gg-00270-00069398-00069547 sure you hit that subscribe button 986TyY1g9Gg-00271-00069548-00069742 don't forget to ring that Bell see you 986TyY1g9Gg-00272-00069743-00069858 later everyone 986TyY1g9Gg-00273-00069859-00071107 [Music] 986TyY1g9Gg-00274-00071108-00071189 you 986TyY1g9Gg-00275-00071190-00071451 [Music] 99Rn4MHBrL4-00000-00000647-00001199 [Music] 99Rn4MHBrL4-00001-00001200-00001343 our generation 99Rn4MHBrL4-00002-00001344-00001751 fights for our seat on the table 99Rn4MHBrL4-00003-00001752-00002167 climate change is connected to us 99Rn4MHBrL4-00004-00002168-00002383 i started a movement to protect my 99Rn4MHBrL4-00005-00002384-00002631 future 99Rn4MHBrL4-00006-00002632-00002791 there is such a big divide in this 99Rn4MHBrL4-00007-00002792-00002958 country 99Rn4MHBrL4-00008-00002959-00003206 injustice is present in every part of 99Rn4MHBrL4-00009-00003207-00003486 our lives 99Rn4MHBrL4-00010-00003488-00003743 a dictatorship has nothing to do with 99Rn4MHBrL4-00011-00003744-00003903 our values 99Rn4MHBrL4-00012-00003904-00004335 i'm not from china i'm from hong kong 99Rn4MHBrL4-00013-00004336-00004654 it's up to us to shape the future it's 99Rn4MHBrL4-00014-00004655-00004863 better for my family not to know my role 99Rn4MHBrL4-00015-00004864-00005047 on the front line 99Rn4MHBrL4-00016-00005048-00005295 we don't risk our future by protesting 99Rn4MHBrL4-00017-00005296-00005454 on the streets 99Rn4MHBrL4-00018-00005455-00005679 not going on the streets will risk our 99Rn4MHBrL4-00019-00005680-00005943 future way more 99Rn4MHBrL4-00020-00005944-00006151 that day when i got beat up i feel like 99Rn4MHBrL4-00021-00006152-00006375 i couldn't do that anymore 99Rn4MHBrL4-00022-00006376-00006598 when they shoot us they shoot us right 99Rn4MHBrL4-00023-00006600-00006710 in the face 99Rn4MHBrL4-00024-00006711-00007087 i fear to fail i'm very scared that they 99Rn4MHBrL4-00025-00007088-00007375 will know my name and my family we 99Rn4MHBrL4-00026-00007376-00007478 already lost 99Rn4MHBrL4-00027-00007479-00007783 so many battles we can't risk 99Rn4MHBrL4-00028-00007784-00008110 losing this one i ask myself if 99Rn4MHBrL4-00029-00008111-00008295 i am the right person to lead the 99Rn4MHBrL4-00030-00008296-00008423 movement 99Rn4MHBrL4-00031-00008424-00008639 being at the front line means a lot of 99Rn4MHBrL4-00032-00008640-00008774 risks 99Rn4MHBrL4-00033-00008775-00009135 i don't know what will happen next 99Rn4MHBrL4-00034-00009136-00009391 i really don't want to be the next face 99Rn4MHBrL4-00035-00009392-00009606 on this wall 99Rn4MHBrL4-00036-00009607-00010231 fear is their biggest weapon against us 99Rn4MHBrL4-00037-00010232-00010535 people of my age stand up 99Rn4MHBrL4-00038-00010536-00010903 who can change the course of history 99Rn4MHBrL4-00039-00010904-00011167 through endless sacrifices we have to 99Rn4MHBrL4-00040-00011168-00011246 our way 99Rn4MHBrL4-00041-00011247-00011559 because this is our future that's 99Rn4MHBrL4-00042-00011560-00011675 only the beginning 99Rn4MHBrL4-00043-00011676-00011878 [Music] 99Rn4MHBrL4-00044-00011879-00012183 i'll do anything for a better future i 99Rn4MHBrL4-00045-00012184-00012287 owe this 99Rn4MHBrL4-00046-00012288-00013063 to my future children 99Rn4MHBrL4-00047-00013063-00013272 you 9s7dkgKzZa8-00000-00000343-00000630 my friends call me the rebel 9s7dkgKzZa8-00001-00000631-00001415 [Music] 9s7dkgKzZa8-00002-00001416-00001673 don't worry i'm on the case 9s7dkgKzZa8-00003-00001675-00002879 [Music] 9s7dkgKzZa8-00004-00002880-00003535 the gravity pulls you straight down 9s7dkgKzZa8-00005-00003536-00004854 [Music] 9s7dkgKzZa8-00006-00004855-00005232 is 9s7dkgKzZa8-00007-00005233-00005902 [Music] 9s7dkgKzZa8-00008-00005903-00006112 you 9t63cBtT-NI-00000-00000041-00000272 now turn with the Occident that we can 9t63cBtT-NI-00001-00000273-00000544 have the most common oxidant is mcpba 9t63cBtT-NI-00002-00000545-00000839 notice that it has that peroxyacid of 9t63cBtT-NI-00003-00000840-00001168 peroxide type aren't so meta chloro 9t63cBtT-NI-00004-00001169-00001622 peroxy benzoic acid other possibility 9t63cBtT-NI-00005-00001623-00002077 soaps are the Tresor methyl cup peroxy 9t63cBtT-NI-00006-00002078-00002609 acid or just peroxide is also possible 9w14OPE7hiY-00000-00000079-00000351 hello in this video we are going to 9w14OPE7hiY-00001-00000352-00000407 present 9w14OPE7hiY-00002-00000408-00000678 our paper biomedical vocabulary 9w14OPE7hiY-00003-00000679-00000807 alignment at scale 9w14OPE7hiY-00004-00000808-00001135 in the humanness metathesaurus this work 9w14OPE7hiY-00005-00001136-00001303 was performed at the 9w14OPE7hiY-00006-00001304-00001566 u.s national library medicine the 9w14OPE7hiY-00007-00001567-00001775 motivation of this work comes from the 9w14OPE7hiY-00008-00001776-00001887 humanness project 9w14OPE7hiY-00009-00001888-00002175 at the library medicine the humanist 9w14OPE7hiY-00010-00002176-00002279 stands for 9w14OPE7hiY-00011-00002280-00002558 unified medical language system and it 9w14OPE7hiY-00012-00002559-00002831 has been integrating over 200 9w14OPE7hiY-00013-00002832-00003166 biomedical terminologies by identifying 9w14OPE7hiY-00014-00003167-00003311 the synonymous terms 9w14OPE7hiY-00015-00003311-00003583 and assigning them into the same concept 9w14OPE7hiY-00016-00003584-00003719 unique identifier 9w14OPE7hiY-00017-00003720-00004031 or kiwi 9w14OPE7hiY-00018-00004032-00004335 for example headaches from snomed cd and 9w14OPE7hiY-00019-00004336-00004519 headaches from mesh 9w14OPE7hiY-00020-00004520-00004806 are synonymous and therefore assigned to 9w14OPE7hiY-00021-00004807-00004999 the same qe 9w14OPE7hiY-00022-00005000-00005199 the current version of the umlas 9w14OPE7hiY-00023-00005200-00005359 metathesaurus has 9w14OPE7hiY-00024-00005360-00005606 about 10 million english medical terms 9w14OPE7hiY-00025-00005607-00005686 and they 9w14OPE7hiY-00026-00005687-00005999 they are grouped into nearly 4 million 9w14OPE7hiY-00027-00006000-00006143 concepts 9w14OPE7hiY-00028-00006144-00006375 the current process of identifying 9w14OPE7hiY-00029-00006376-00006478 tsunami 9w14OPE7hiY-00030-00006479-00006806 relies on the lexical and semantic 9w14OPE7hiY-00031-00006808-00006910 processing 9w14OPE7hiY-00032-00006911-00007246 as well as the human expert review 9w14OPE7hiY-00033-00007247-00007591 therefore this process can be costly 9w14OPE7hiY-00034-00007592-00007919 time-consuming and error-prone what we 9w14OPE7hiY-00035-00007920-00008087 are interested in this work 9w14OPE7hiY-00036-00008088-00008423 is to investigate if we can 9w14OPE7hiY-00037-00008424-00008959 find a better way to predict the tsunami 9w14OPE7hiY-00038-00008960-00009287 we have two objectives for this work our 9w14OPE7hiY-00039-00009288-00009383 first 9w14OPE7hiY-00040-00009384-00009727 objective is to develop a simple 9w14OPE7hiY-00041-00009728-00009967 but scalable supervised learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00042-00009968-00010046 approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00043-00010047-00010414 that can outperform the current approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00044-00010415-00010727 our secondary objective is to 9w14OPE7hiY-00045-00010728-00011014 validate our hypothesis that lexical 9w14OPE7hiY-00046-00011015-00011127 similarity 9w14OPE7hiY-00047-00011128-00011455 among negative examples influence the 9w14OPE7hiY-00048-00011456-00011863 performance of the training model 9w14OPE7hiY-00049-00011864-00012142 our work is for distinct outcomes the 9w14OPE7hiY-00050-00012143-00012238 first 9w14OPE7hiY-00051-00012239-00012599 is to define and address the vocabulary 9w14OPE7hiY-00052-00012600-00012727 alignment problem 9w14OPE7hiY-00053-00012728-00012999 at the full scale and diversity of the 9w14OPE7hiY-00054-00013000-00013102 umlass 9w14OPE7hiY-00055-00013103-00013335 prior work online about two or three 9w14OPE7hiY-00056-00013336-00013486 terminology 9w14OPE7hiY-00057-00013487-00013783 the second outcome is the set of rules 9w14OPE7hiY-00058-00013784-00013943 that can approximate 9w14OPE7hiY-00059-00013944-00014238 the current construction process the 9w14OPE7hiY-00060-00014240-00014294 third 9w14OPE7hiY-00061-00014295-00014503 outcome is a supervised learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00062-00014504-00014655 approach that 9w14OPE7hiY-00063-00014656-00014927 can largely outperform the current 9w14OPE7hiY-00064-00014928-00015086 ruby's approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00065-00015087-00015391 last but not least the 9w14OPE7hiY-00066-00015391-00015671 we confirm our hypothesis that the 9w14OPE7hiY-00067-00015672-00015750 degrees 9w14OPE7hiY-00068-00015751-00016055 of flexible similarity among the 9w14OPE7hiY-00069-00016056-00016222 negative samples 9w14OPE7hiY-00070-00016223-00016447 influence the performance of the 9w14OPE7hiY-00071-00016448-00016630 training model 9w14OPE7hiY-00072-00016631-00016935 before describing the two rule-based 9w14OPE7hiY-00073-00016936-00017175 and learning-based approaches here we 9w14OPE7hiY-00074-00017176-00017263 briefly 9w14OPE7hiY-00075-00017264-00017575 define the alignment problem so the 9w14OPE7hiY-00076-00017576-00017639 input 9w14OPE7hiY-00077-00017640-00017886 of the alignment process is a set of 9w14OPE7hiY-00078-00017887-00018167 source vocabularies or terminologies 9w14OPE7hiY-00079-00018168-00018583 the basis of the alignment process 9w14OPE7hiY-00080-00018584-00018894 is to predict if the two source strings 9w14OPE7hiY-00081-00018895-00019191 are synonymous or not for example are 9w14OPE7hiY-00082-00019192-00019494 the headache concept from snomed cd 9w14OPE7hiY-00083-00019495-00019847 and cranial pens from mesh 9w14OPE7hiY-00084-00019848-00020230 synonymous or not 9w14OPE7hiY-00085-00020231-00020535 next we are going to describe the 9w14OPE7hiY-00086-00020536-00020839 approaches for addressing this problem 9w14OPE7hiY-00087-00020840-00021367 we start with the ruby's approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00088-00021368-00021671 here we briefly describe the essential 9w14OPE7hiY-00089-00021672-00021750 steps and 9w14OPE7hiY-00090-00021751-00021999 important concepts from the construction 9w14OPE7hiY-00091-00022000-00022167 process 9w14OPE7hiY-00092-00022168-00022527 every string is assigned to an item in 9w14OPE7hiY-00093-00022528-00022663 the metathesaurus 9w14OPE7hiY-00094-00022664-00022975 or an aoi and each our 9w14OPE7hiY-00095-00022976-00023278 string is lexically processed into 9w14OPE7hiY-00096-00023279-00023607 a lexical form or louis 9w14OPE7hiY-00097-00023608-00023894 and each source vocabulary is also 9w14OPE7hiY-00098-00023895-00023958 assigned 9w14OPE7hiY-00099-00023959-00024230 one or more semantic group and if two 9w14OPE7hiY-00100-00024231-00024430 hour strings are synonymous 9w14OPE7hiY-00101-00024431-00024639 they're going to share the same queueing 9w14OPE7hiY-00102-00024640-00024775 so these slides 9w14OPE7hiY-00103-00024776-00025014 summarize the construction process and 9w14OPE7hiY-00104-00025015-00025175 the in the next slide 9w14OPE7hiY-00105-00025176-00025455 we are going to approximate this process 9w14OPE7hiY-00106-00025456-00025743 with a set of rules 9w14OPE7hiY-00107-00025744-00025999 here we describe the four rules that 9w14OPE7hiY-00108-00026000-00026223 approximate the construction process of 9w14OPE7hiY-00109-00026224-00026407 the metathesaurus 9w14OPE7hiY-00110-00026408-00026735 the first rule is sasunami 9w14OPE7hiY-00111-00026736-00026958 if the two-hour strings sharing the same 9w14OPE7hiY-00112-00026960-00027190 qe they are synonymous for example 9w14OPE7hiY-00113-00027191-00027255 headaches 9w14OPE7hiY-00114-00027256-00027502 from mesh and cranial pains also from 9w14OPE7hiY-00115-00027504-00027767 mesh they share from the source kiwi 9w14OPE7hiY-00116-00027768-00028118 therefore they are synonymous the second 9w14OPE7hiY-00117-00028119-00028167 rule 9w14OPE7hiY-00118-00028168-00028423 says that if the two our strings 9w14OPE7hiY-00119-00028424-00028502 normalize 9w14OPE7hiY-00120-00028504-00028727 the same and sharing the same semantic 9w14OPE7hiY-00121-00028727-00028823 group they 9w14OPE7hiY-00122-00028824-00029014 are also synonymous here we have 9w14OPE7hiY-00123-00029016-00029207 headache from snomed cd 9w14OPE7hiY-00124-00029208-00029483 and headaches from mesh they are also 9w14OPE7hiY-00125-00029483-00029631 synonymous the 9w14OPE7hiY-00126-00029632-00029943 third rule is the combination rule that 9w14OPE7hiY-00127-00029944-00030118 combines the rule from the 9w14OPE7hiY-00128-00030119-00030462 first and the second the last rule is 9w14OPE7hiY-00129-00030463-00030558 the transitive 9w14OPE7hiY-00130-00030560-00030902 rule here for example if headaches 9w14OPE7hiY-00131-00030903-00031214 is synonymous with headaches through the 9w14OPE7hiY-00132-00031216-00031462 second rule and headaches is synonymous 9w14OPE7hiY-00133-00031463-00031718 with the cranial pains from the second 9w14OPE7hiY-00134-00031719-00032070 from the first rule then the headache 9w14OPE7hiY-00135-00032072-00032551 and cranial pains are synonymous 9w14OPE7hiY-00136-00032552-00032783 so these are the four rules that 9w14OPE7hiY-00137-00032784-00033023 approximate the construction process 9w14OPE7hiY-00138-00033024-00033446 so they will be used for evaluation 9w14OPE7hiY-00139-00033447-00033839 and compare with the supervised learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00140-00033840-00034062 approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00141-00034063-00034295 we just finished describing the ruby's 9w14OPE7hiY-00142-00034296-00034479 approach and now we're going to describe 9w14OPE7hiY-00143-00034480-00034702 the supervised learning approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00144-00034703-00034902 we start with the way we generate the 9w14OPE7hiY-00145-00034903-00035055 data set 9w14OPE7hiY-00146-00035056-00035423 if we use the umlas 2020 9w14OPE7hiY-00147-00035424-00035846 aaa version with the vocabularies from 9w14OPE7hiY-00148-00035847-00036030 the active subset 9w14OPE7hiY-00149-00036031-00036343 we limit the language to be english and 9w14OPE7hiY-00150-00036344-00036535 only use the terms that are not 9w14OPE7hiY-00151-00036536-00036662 suppressed 9w14OPE7hiY-00152-00036663-00036879 for the ground truth we generate the 9w14OPE7hiY-00153-00036880-00037095 positive and negative pairs 9w14OPE7hiY-00154-00037096-00037295 based on whether the pairs are coming 9w14OPE7hiY-00155-00037296-00037527 from the same or different qe 9w14OPE7hiY-00156-00037528-00037839 for example headaches from snomed cd and 9w14OPE7hiY-00157-00037840-00037951 headache from 9w14OPE7hiY-00158-00037952-00038318 mesh form a positive pair we can see 9w14OPE7hiY-00159-00038319-00038518 that the number of positive pair 9w14OPE7hiY-00160-00038519-00038735 is quite small but the number of 9w14OPE7hiY-00161-00038736-00038862 negative pairs is 9w14OPE7hiY-00162-00038863-00039215 very large 8.7 million square 9w14OPE7hiY-00163-00039216-00039495 therefore we need to sample the negative 9w14OPE7hiY-00164-00039496-00039695 pairs so that we can form a 9w14OPE7hiY-00165-00039696-00040135 quite balanced data set 9w14OPE7hiY-00166-00040136-00040487 for generating the data set we follow 9w14OPE7hiY-00167-00040488-00040783 two principle the first principle is to 9w14OPE7hiY-00168-00040784-00040855 use 9w14OPE7hiY-00169-00040856-00041158 different degrees of lexical similarity 9w14OPE7hiY-00170-00041159-00041567 among the negative pairs and the second 9w14OPE7hiY-00171-00041568-00041846 route the second principle is to 9w14OPE7hiY-00172-00041847-00042079 maximize the coverage for the 9w14OPE7hiY-00173-00042080-00042415 always in the training data set 9w14OPE7hiY-00174-00042416-00042727 we compute the record for assessing the 9w14OPE7hiY-00175-00042728-00043055 lexical similarity and we created four 9w14OPE7hiY-00176-00043056-00043167 different variants 9w14OPE7hiY-00177-00043168-00043495 among the negative pairs 9w14OPE7hiY-00178-00043496-00043799 that for the top seam variant we select 9w14OPE7hiY-00179-00043800-00043871 the top 9w14OPE7hiY-00180-00043872-00044143 pairs with the highest lexical 9w14OPE7hiY-00181-00044144-00044311 similarity 9w14OPE7hiY-00182-00044312-00044615 between the between the always 9w14OPE7hiY-00183-00044616-00044943 and for the ransim variant 9w14OPE7hiY-00184-00044944-00045207 we randomly select the pairs with some 9w14OPE7hiY-00185-00045208-00045527 similarity between the two hours 9w14OPE7hiY-00186-00045528-00045839 for red no seam we randomly select the 9w14OPE7hiY-00187-00045840-00045951 pairs that 9w14OPE7hiY-00188-00045952-00046287 have that have no similarity between 9w14OPE7hiY-00189-00046288-00046846 them at all no similar 9w14OPE7hiY-00190-00046847-00047151 having no similarity between the 9w14OPE7hiY-00191-00047152-00047462 pair 9w14OPE7hiY-00192-00047463-00047790 and for the o variant we include 9w14OPE7hiY-00193-00047791-00048151 all of the negative pairs from the 9w14OPE7hiY-00194-00048152-00048471 previous variant 9w14OPE7hiY-00195-00048472-00048751 for the data sets obtained from the 9w14OPE7hiY-00196-00048752-00048886 positive and negative 9w14OPE7hiY-00197-00048887-00049230 set we divided them into 9w14OPE7hiY-00198-00049231-00049486 learning and generalization set the 9w14OPE7hiY-00199-00049487-00049727 purpose of the generalization that i 9w14OPE7hiY-00200-00049728-00049758 said 9w14OPE7hiY-00201-00049759-00050074 is for assessing the learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00202-00050075-00050215 transferability 9w14OPE7hiY-00203-00050216-00050471 of the trained model and the learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00204-00050472-00050607 that i set 9w14OPE7hiY-00205-00050608-00050839 and the generalization data says are 9w14OPE7hiY-00206-00050840-00050918 mutually 9w14OPE7hiY-00207-00050919-00051366 exclusive here we briefly describe the 9w14OPE7hiY-00208-00051367-00051654 architecture of our neural network 9w14OPE7hiY-00209-00051655-00051942 we adopted the siamese architecture with 9w14OPE7hiY-00210-00051944-00051975 two 9w14OPE7hiY-00211-00051976-00052279 inputs for comparing the similarity for 9w14OPE7hiY-00212-00052279-00052550 example we have two atom strings 9w14OPE7hiY-00213-00052551-00052791 lung disease and disorder and head 9w14OPE7hiY-00214-00052791-00053054 disease and disorder 9w14OPE7hiY-00215-00053055-00053271 they are tokenized and truncated or 9w14OPE7hiY-00216-00053272-00053430 padded to make 9w14OPE7hiY-00217-00053432-00053735 30 tokens we limit the length 9w14OPE7hiY-00218-00053736-00054119 to be 30 because 97 percent of the items 9w14OPE7hiY-00219-00054120-00054430 in the human race have 30 words or less 9w14OPE7hiY-00220-00054432-00054694 so these tokens are fed into the word 9w14OPE7hiY-00221-00054695-00054807 embeddings 9w14OPE7hiY-00222-00054808-00054991 he will choose the body workbench 9w14OPE7hiY-00223-00054991-00055126 embeddings because 9w14OPE7hiY-00224-00055127-00055519 it was trained on the mesh terminology 9w14OPE7hiY-00225-00055520-00055782 and pubmed pubmed corpus which are 9w14OPE7hiY-00226-00055783-00056119 suitable for biomedical domain 9w14OPE7hiY-00227-00056120-00056423 on top of the word embeddings we add a 9w14OPE7hiY-00228-00056424-00056742 by lstm layer for capturing the similar 9w14OPE7hiY-00229-00056744-00057030 similarity between the two vectors on 9w14OPE7hiY-00230-00057032-00057150 top of the model 9w14OPE7hiY-00231-00057151-00057335 we use the manhattan distance for 9w14OPE7hiY-00232-00057336-00057566 computing the similarity score 9w14OPE7hiY-00233-00057567-00057782 on the right hand side we showed the 9w14OPE7hiY-00234-00057783-00058030 list of hyper parameters that we use in 9w14OPE7hiY-00235-00058032-00058142 the training 9w14OPE7hiY-00236-00058144-00058375 and the training was performed with 9w14OPE7hiY-00237-00058376-00058511 tesla 300 9w14OPE7hiY-00238-00058512-00058894 gbu we just finished describing the rule 9w14OPE7hiY-00239-00058895-00059111 base and learning-based approaches 9w14OPE7hiY-00240-00059112-00059319 now we are going to describe our 9w14OPE7hiY-00241-00059320-00059519 experiments for comparing the two 9w14OPE7hiY-00242-00059520-00059854 approaches we developed three set of 9w14OPE7hiY-00243-00059855-00059999 experiments 9w14OPE7hiY-00244-00060000-00060271 the first set of experiments is for 9w14OPE7hiY-00245-00060272-00060503 comparing the four 9w14OPE7hiY-00246-00060504-00060759 variants of the ruby's approach with the 9w14OPE7hiY-00247-00060760-00061079 four rules being described earlier 9w14OPE7hiY-00248-00061079-00061375 out of this experiment we would like to 9w14OPE7hiY-00249-00061376-00061438 choose 9w14OPE7hiY-00250-00061439-00061682 the base variance for the ruby's 9w14OPE7hiY-00251-00061683-00061823 approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00252-00061824-00062119 the second set of experiments is for 9w14OPE7hiY-00253-00062120-00062206 comparing 9w14OPE7hiY-00254-00062207-00062519 the four supervised learning models 9w14OPE7hiY-00255-00062520-00062847 with the four degrees of 9w14OPE7hiY-00256-00062848-00063082 lexical similarity among the negative 9w14OPE7hiY-00257-00063083-00063399 pairs in the last set of exam 9w14OPE7hiY-00258-00063400-00063711 experiments we compare the four 9w14OPE7hiY-00259-00063712-00063838 supervised learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00260-00063839-00064103 models against the best variant of the 9w14OPE7hiY-00261-00064104-00064375 ruby's approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00262-00064376-00064647 this slide shows the result of the 9w14OPE7hiY-00263-00064648-00064894 comparisons between the four 9w14OPE7hiY-00264-00064895-00065294 variants of the ruby's approaches 9w14OPE7hiY-00265-00065295-00065623 here we can see that the 9w14OPE7hiY-00266-00065624-00065879 all the baseline variants have high 9w14OPE7hiY-00267-00065880-00065967 precision 9w14OPE7hiY-00268-00065968-00066287 and low record 9w14OPE7hiY-00269-00066288-00066567 and among the variance the transitive 9w14OPE7hiY-00270-00066568-00066726 rules seem to perform 9w14OPE7hiY-00271-00066727-00067175 the best and we are going to compare 9w14OPE7hiY-00272-00067176-00067479 this variant with the supervised 9w14OPE7hiY-00273-00067480-00067726 learning approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00274-00067727-00068103 this table summarize the training result 9w14OPE7hiY-00275-00068104-00068382 for four variants of the learning based 9w14OPE7hiY-00276-00068383-00068471 approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00277-00068472-00068775 from the top to the bottom the level of 9w14OPE7hiY-00278-00068776-00068967 the lexical similarity 9w14OPE7hiY-00279-00068968-00069279 decrease however the performance 9w14OPE7hiY-00280-00069280-00069694 increases with less loss and 9w14OPE7hiY-00281-00069695-00070087 higher precision and recall 9w14OPE7hiY-00282-00070088-00070463 in this slide this table summarize the 9w14OPE7hiY-00283-00070464-00070767 results from the comparisons of the base 9w14OPE7hiY-00284-00070768-00071006 variant of the ruby's approach with the 9w14OPE7hiY-00285-00071007-00071223 four variants of the learning based 9w14OPE7hiY-00286-00071224-00071326 approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00287-00071327-00071638 here we can easily see that the learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00288-00071639-00071743 based approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00289-00071744-00072035 especially the all learning variants 9w14OPE7hiY-00290-00072036-00072150 outperformed 9w14OPE7hiY-00291-00072151-00072487 the best variant of the ruby's approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00292-00072488-00072926 for example it achieved 90 percent 9w14OPE7hiY-00293-00072927-00073343 for the f1 when it is only 76 percent 9w14OPE7hiY-00294-00073344-00073719 for the best ruby's approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00295-00073720-00073959 the second observation is that the 9w14OPE7hiY-00296-00073960-00074038 degree 9w14OPE7hiY-00297-00074039-00074375 of lexical similarity among the negative 9w14OPE7hiY-00298-00074376-00074471 examples 9w14OPE7hiY-00299-00074472-00074671 influenced the performance of the deep 9w14OPE7hiY-00300-00074672-00074838 learning models 9w14OPE7hiY-00301-00074839-00075326 therefore our hypothesis got confirmed 9w14OPE7hiY-00302-00075327-00075599 we can also see that learning from any 9w14OPE7hiY-00303-00075600-00075799 of the similarity decree 9w14OPE7hiY-00304-00075800-00076126 among negative examples is necessary but 9w14OPE7hiY-00305-00076127-00076462 insufficient and in order to get the 9w14OPE7hiY-00306-00076463-00076606 best performance 9w14OPE7hiY-00307-00076607-00076879 we need to combine on the three degree 9w14OPE7hiY-00308-00076880-00077047 of lexical similarity 9w14OPE7hiY-00309-00077048-00077335 among the negative examples in the same 9w14OPE7hiY-00310-00077336-00077406 variant 9w14OPE7hiY-00311-00077407-00077719 here we have all learning 9w14OPE7hiY-00312-00077720-00077975 our experiments have confirmed that a 9w14OPE7hiY-00313-00077976-00078206 relatively simple learning approach 9w14OPE7hiY-00314-00078207-00078550 can largely outperform the best variant 9w14OPE7hiY-00315-00078551-00078871 of the ruby's baseline this result 9w14OPE7hiY-00316-00078872-00079182 is even more remarkable that the 9w14OPE7hiY-00317-00079183-00079543 learning based approach use only lexical 9w14OPE7hiY-00318-00079544-00079631 information 9w14OPE7hiY-00319-00079632-00079926 when the ruby's approaches use both 9w14OPE7hiY-00320-00079927-00080006 lexical 9w14OPE7hiY-00321-00080007-00080311 and contextual information we also 9w14OPE7hiY-00322-00080312-00080375 confirm 9w14OPE7hiY-00323-00080376-00080631 our hypothesis that the degree of 9w14OPE7hiY-00324-00080632-00080871 lexical similarity among the negative 9w14OPE7hiY-00325-00080872-00080919 pairs 9w14OPE7hiY-00326-00080920-00081167 strongly influences the performance of 9w14OPE7hiY-00327-00081168-00081415 the grain model 9w14OPE7hiY-00328-00081416-00081735 for the future work we are planning to 9w14OPE7hiY-00329-00081736-00082015 add context and more recently developed 9w14OPE7hiY-00330-00082016-00082079 techniques 9w14OPE7hiY-00331-00082080-00082391 into our neural network we will also 9w14OPE7hiY-00332-00082392-00082711 perform more evaluation 9w14OPE7hiY-00333-00082712-00083015 at a larger scale and apply this train 9w14OPE7hiY-00334-00083016-00083143 model to 9w14OPE7hiY-00335-00083144-00083335 solving different problems in the 9w14OPE7hiY-00336-00083336-00083462 metathesaurus like 9w14OPE7hiY-00337-00083463-00083694 inserting the new sources or rebuilding 9w14OPE7hiY-00338-00083695-00083918 the meta disorders 9w14OPE7hiY-00339-00083919-00084223 this work was performed at the national 9w14OPE7hiY-00340-00084224-00084359 library of medicine 9w14OPE7hiY-00341-00084360-00084671 and we use biowulf the nih high 9w14OPE7hiY-00342-00084672-00084847 performance cluster 9w14OPE7hiY-00343-00084848-00085150 for the experiments thank you for 9w14OPE7hiY-00344-00085151-00085455 watching and if you have any questions 9w14OPE7hiY-00345-00085456-00086355 please drop us emails at wind.wing 9w14OPE7hiY-00346-00086356-00086656 nih.gov 9y5aWGIxIuI-00000-00000017-00000281 the British Society for Social 9y5aWGIxIuI-00001-00000282-00000566 Responsibility in science BSS RS was a 9y5aWGIxIuI-00002-00000567-00000790 radical science movement most active in 9y5aWGIxIuI-00003-00000791-00001199 the 1970s it was formed in 1968 in 9y5aWGIxIuI-00004-00001200-00001406 opposition to university research on 9y5aWGIxIuI-00005-00001407-00001601 chemical and biological weapons and 9y5aWGIxIuI-00006-00001602-00001862 supported by 83 distinguished scientists 9y5aWGIxIuI-00007-00001863-00002084 including William Bragg Francis Crick 9y5aWGIxIuI-00008-00002085-00002408 Julian Huxley and Bertrand Russell Nobel 9y5aWGIxIuI-00009-00002409-00002617 laureate Morris Wilkins was the founding 9y5aWGIxIuI-00010-00002618-00002975 president the main aims of the BSS RS 9y5aWGIxIuI-00011-00002976-00003158 was to raise awareness of the social 9y5aWGIxIuI-00012-00003159-00003368 responsibilities of scientists the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00013-00003369-00003542 political aspect of Science and 9y5aWGIxIuI-00014-00003543-00003745 Technology and to create an informed 9y5aWGIxIuI-00015-00003746-00004311 public 9y5aWGIxIuI-00016-00004312-00004856 topic details 9y5aWGIxIuI-00017-00004857-00005060 among groups that were particularly 9y5aWGIxIuI-00018-00005061-00005347 active in be SSRS were members of 9y5aWGIxIuI-00019-00005348-00005681 scientists against the bomb the campaign 9y5aWGIxIuI-00020-00005682-00006047 for nuclear disarmament CND radical 9y5aWGIxIuI-00021-00006048-00006467 statistics the Open University the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00022-00006468-00006617 London School of Economics 9y5aWGIxIuI-00023-00006618-00006866 LSE BSS RS is inaugural meeting 9y5aWGIxIuI-00024-00006867-00007151 sponsored by 64 fellows was held at the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00025-00007152-00007481 Royal Society and attended by more than 9y5aWGIxIuI-00026-00007481-00007858 300 mostly UK scientists and engineers 9y5aWGIxIuI-00027-00007859-00008183 professor Maurice Wilkins was the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00028-00008184-00008528 founding president 1969 to 91 one of the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00029-00008529-00008708 group's first targets was the British 9y5aWGIxIuI-00030-00008709-00008999 Science Association at a meeting of the 9y5aWGIxIuI-00031-00009000-00009281 BSA in Durham in 1970 they raised 9y5aWGIxIuI-00032-00009282-00009460 political issues under a banner of 9y5aWGIxIuI-00033-00009461-00009812 science is not neutral they continued 9y5aWGIxIuI-00034-00009813-00010040 the stance against the BSA claiming it 9y5aWGIxIuI-00035-00010041-00010418 served a propagandist function the SSRS 9y5aWGIxIuI-00036-00010419-00010751 published a news sheet 1969 to 72 9y5aWGIxIuI-00037-00010752-00011146 continued by science for people 1970 to 9y5aWGIxIuI-00038-00011147-00011402 thirds and also had local societies and 9y5aWGIxIuI-00039-00011403-00011603 organized public meetings as well as 9y5aWGIxIuI-00040-00011604-00012330 publishing longer research monographs 9y5aWGIxIuI-00041-00012331-00012891 topic further reading 9y5aWGIxIuI-00042-00012891-00013430 Barrett 1971 Dixon 1971 see also Hillary 9y5aWGIxIuI-00043-00013431-00013878 rose in Stephen Rose 1976 Pirani 1970 9y5aWGIxIuI-00044-00013879-00014344 worse key 1971 fuller IDI 1971 and Rose 9y5aWGIxIuI-00045-00014345-00014676 2003 there is an archive group of BS SRS 9y5aWGIxIuI-00046-00014677-00015041 collecting materials with a website WWDC 9y5aWGIxIuI-00047-00015043-00015705 RS org be SSRS archive 9A3q7U9lDPU-00000-00000454-00000790 good morning this is what Gail from B's 9A3q7U9lDPU-00001-00000791-00001106 max we've arrived here at wizard gardens 9A3q7U9lDPU-00002-00001107-00001403 are HS students sorry it's the 20th of 9A3q7U9lDPU-00003-00001404-00001516 March and we're going to be opening up 9A3q7U9lDPU-00004-00001517-00001834 this colony for the first time for the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00005-00001835-00001979 last 2 or 3 weeks it hasn't been opened 9A3q7U9lDPU-00006-00001980-00002231 up we've been we've had some sugar feed 9A3q7U9lDPU-00007-00002232-00002441 on it through the winter and we're just 9A3q7U9lDPU-00008-00002442-00002639 going to look to see how it's breeding 9A3q7U9lDPU-00009-00002640-00002893 and coming on growing on into the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00010-00002894-00003083 swimming season later on in 8 for the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00011-00003084-00003233 night we're going to take the top off 9A3q7U9lDPU-00012-00003234-00003361 just to have a quick look inside 9A3q7U9lDPU-00013-00003363-00003595 probably take the crown board off and 9A3q7U9lDPU-00014-00003596-00003800 check it out this is a double skinned 9A3q7U9lDPU-00015-00003801-00004235 higher the WBC and I'm just going to 9A3q7U9lDPU-00016-00004236-00004838 take off the outer shell because of the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00017-00004839-00004997 cold in the winter and the need for the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00018-00004998-00005311 bees to stay warm we use layers of 9A3q7U9lDPU-00019-00005312-00005629 polystyrene to insulate and retain the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00020-00005630-00005816 heat so you'll see this as it camp as it 9A3q7U9lDPU-00021-00005817-00006281 comes off it's been proper lived by the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00022-00006282-00006725 be some time last year and another layer 9A3q7U9lDPU-00023-00006726-00007306 of insulation further down more recycled 9A3q7U9lDPU-00024-00007308-00007459 plastic would have gone on landfill but 9A3q7U9lDPU-00025-00007461-00007958 I found a good use it useful here and 9A3q7U9lDPU-00026-00007959-00008105 beneath this is where the colonies are 9A3q7U9lDPU-00027-00008106-00009351 living but these are living 9A3q7U9lDPU-00028-00009352-00009738 so you can see where the sugar paste was 9A3q7U9lDPU-00029-00009739-00010144 put in these containers and they've 9A3q7U9lDPU-00030-00010145-00010282 eaten most of it there's one here that 9A3q7U9lDPU-00031-00010283-00010471 hasn't been set that's probably the 9A3q7U9lDPU-00032-00010472-00010660 paper towel that we're supporting it 9A3q7U9lDPU-00033-00010661-00010999 from running down in into the hive but 9A3q7U9lDPU-00034-00011000-00011358 they've cleaned them out completely 9A3q7U9lDPU-00035-00011359-00011916 there's nothing left there and I'll take 9A3q7U9lDPU-00036-00011917-00012092 this one off so there's not much left 9A3q7U9lDPU-00037-00012093-00012528 it's gone too too hard and there's 9A3q7U9lDPU-00038-00012529-00012891 another one but I've put on they haven't 9A3q7U9lDPU-00039-00012892-00013025 started yet 9A3q7U9lDPU-00040-00013026-00013312 but they're very calm a not a pit and it 9A3q7U9lDPU-00041-00013313-00013540 may not appear that way but they are 9A3q7U9lDPU-00042-00013541-00013915 very calm there none of them are coming 9A3q7U9lDPU-00043-00013916-00014065 from my hand at all they see they're 9A3q7U9lDPU-00044-00014066-00014238 resting on my overall because they 9A3q7U9lDPU-00045-00014240-00014472 cold at the moment I think they're 9A3q7U9lDPU-00046-00014473-00014769 getting a nice bit of heat now so 9A3q7U9lDPU-00047-00014770-00015066 they're not stinging me they're just 9A3q7U9lDPU-00048-00015066-00016107 sucking me out this thing 9A3q7U9lDPU-00049-00016108-00016313 you 9Bz133MRPeo-00000-00000817-00001023 [Music] 9Bz133MRPeo-00001-00001024-00001207 hello everybody 9Bz133MRPeo-00002-00001208-00001478 i'm wiki lukas ooh 9Bz133MRPeo-00003-00001479-00001734 i'm an administrator and bureaucrat on 9Bz133MRPeo-00004-00001735-00001879 lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00005-00001880-00002030 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00006-00002032-00002279 i'm also a comedian in residence on this 9Bz133MRPeo-00007-00002280-00002383 project 9Bz133MRPeo-00008-00002384-00002542 and i'm happy to be talking and 9Bz133MRPeo-00009-00002543-00002750 presenting lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00010-00002751-00002975 at this online wiki mania 9Bz133MRPeo-00011-00002976-00003183 it's my first wikimania event and i'm 9Bz133MRPeo-00012-00003184-00003511 really glad to be here 9Bz133MRPeo-00013-00003511-00004135 i'll start sharing my screen 9Bz133MRPeo-00014-00004136-00004247 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00015-00004248-00004575 we will just ask ourselves what is uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00016-00004576-00004879 ingu libre and how to take part in it 9Bz133MRPeo-00017-00004880-00005063 first of all i will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00018-00005064-00005327 talk about the project and explain it in 9Bz133MRPeo-00019-00005328-00005438 a nutshell 9Bz133MRPeo-00020-00005439-00005702 then i will demonstrate how it works 9Bz133MRPeo-00021-00005703-00005927 we will look at its impact and then it 9Bz133MRPeo-00022-00005928-00006575 will be your turn if you like to 9Bz133MRPeo-00023-00006576-00006703 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00024-00006704-00006998 the goals of lingua libre is to document 9Bz133MRPeo-00025-00007000-00007310 oral linguistic diversity and in order 9Bz133MRPeo-00026-00007311-00007383 to 9Bz133MRPeo-00027-00007384-00007678 feed the wikimedia projects with audio 9Bz133MRPeo-00028-00007679-00007774 content 9Bz133MRPeo-00029-00007775-00007998 and to bring new linguistic communities 9Bz133MRPeo-00030-00008000-00008367 to wikimedia project 9Bz133MRPeo-00031-00008368-00008710 it originates from the french chapter 9Bz133MRPeo-00032-00008711-00008927 wikimedia france 9Bz133MRPeo-00033-00008928-00009119 and was made with the help of 9Bz133MRPeo-00034-00009120-00009367 contributors from the wixioner 9Bz133MRPeo-00035-00009368-00009623 some linguists and speakers of french 9Bz133MRPeo-00036-00009624-00009935 regional language languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00037-00009936-00010191 and nicola villon the creator of stuka 9Bz133MRPeo-00038-00010192-00010431 which was a pc software made for 9Bz133MRPeo-00039-00010432-00010687 recording pronunciations 9Bz133MRPeo-00040-00010688-00011006 and lingua libre was founded thanks to 9Bz133MRPeo-00041-00011007-00011310 a project grant from the foundation 9Bz133MRPeo-00042-00011311-00011527 provided to odc 9Bz133MRPeo-00043-00011528-00011606 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00044-00011607-00011831 some phones from the french ministry of 9Bz133MRPeo-00045-00011832-00012174 culture 9Bz133MRPeo-00046-00012175-00012503 it works like a it's a wiki like other 9Bz133MRPeo-00047-00012504-00012863 wikis so it runs on media wiki and it 9Bz133MRPeo-00048-00012863-00012974 has its 9Bz133MRPeo-00049-00012975-00013183 own custom skin 9Bz133MRPeo-00050-00013184-00013503 which is a quite fancy blue ll 9Bz133MRPeo-00051-00013504-00013855 wiki base is is installed on lingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00052-00013856-00014063 which means we have one element for each 9Bz133MRPeo-00053-00014063-00014294 speaker one element for each language 9Bz133MRPeo-00054-00014295-00014599 one for each recording and it allows us 9Bz133MRPeo-00055-00014600-00014830 to make a sparkle 9Bz133MRPeo-00056-00014831-00015135 queries on lingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00057-00015136-00015294 the main 9Bz133MRPeo-00058-00015295-00015543 the main object of lingua libre is 9Bz133MRPeo-00059-00015544-00015847 media wiki extension which is based on 9Bz133MRPeo-00060-00015847-00016063 voice activity detection it's called the 9Bz133MRPeo-00061-00016063-00016358 record wizard we'll talk about it later 9Bz133MRPeo-00062-00016359-00016471 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00063-00016472-00016679 after that all the files are sent 9Bz133MRPeo-00064-00016680-00016943 automatically automatically to comments 9Bz133MRPeo-00065-00016944-00017094 via 9Bz133MRPeo-00066-00017095-00017247 authentication 9Bz133MRPeo-00067-00017248-00017479 on behalf of the user 9Bz133MRPeo-00068-00017480-00017550 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00069-00017551-00017791 the data sets can be downloaded in zip 9Bz133MRPeo-00070-00017792-00017911 files 9Bz133MRPeo-00071-00017912-00018111 but it's a work in progress they are not 9Bz133MRPeo-00072-00018112-00018455 quite up to date 9Bz133MRPeo-00073-00018456-00018822 the advantages is to reduce the steps 9Bz133MRPeo-00074-00018823-00019071 in the classic workflow for recording 9Bz133MRPeo-00075-00019072-00019167 audio 9Bz133MRPeo-00076-00019168-00019430 so as you can see 9Bz133MRPeo-00077-00019431-00019711 usually you have to record words in a 9Bz133MRPeo-00078-00019712-00020047 dedicated software then to clean them 9Bz133MRPeo-00079-00020048-00020247 in another software then you have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00080-00020248-00020535 upload them upload them one by one 9Bz133MRPeo-00081-00020536-00020735 to comments and then you will have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00082-00020736-00021022 edit each wiki you want to put them 9Bz133MRPeo-00083-00021023-00021150 to 9Bz133MRPeo-00084-00021151-00021367 and on lingua libre you just have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00085-00021368-00021550 start the recording 9Bz133MRPeo-00086-00021551-00021630 uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00087-00021631-00021878 pronounce the words one after the other 9Bz133MRPeo-00088-00021879-00022078 and the software based on the voice 9Bz133MRPeo-00089-00022079-00022327 activity detection will just cut between 9Bz133MRPeo-00090-00022328-00022414 your 9Bz133MRPeo-00091-00022415-00022543 your words 9Bz133MRPeo-00092-00022544-00022767 and then it will trim them and clean 9Bz133MRPeo-00093-00022768-00022983 them and upload them automatically to 9Bz133MRPeo-00094-00022984-00023286 comments and uh then there's about i'll 9Bz133MRPeo-00095-00023287-00023527 talk about it later uh there will 9Bz133MRPeo-00096-00023528-00023758 edit local wikis to add your 9Bz133MRPeo-00097-00023759-00023958 pronunciations to it 9Bz133MRPeo-00098-00023959-00024167 to them 9Bz133MRPeo-00099-00024168-00024327 so this bot is called 9Bz133MRPeo-00100-00024328-00024694 sorry it's called lingua librebot 9Bz133MRPeo-00101-00024695-00024878 it's coded in python 9Bz133MRPeo-00102-00024879-00025342 and you can see the code on github 9Bz133MRPeo-00103-00025343-00025519 if you want it to work on your wiki you 9Bz133MRPeo-00104-00025520-00025758 just have to fill in a request on this 9Bz133MRPeo-00105-00025760-00025878 page 9Bz133MRPeo-00106-00025879-00026183 uh only libre and of course you it will 9Bz133MRPeo-00107-00026183-00026374 need the bot status so you will first 9Bz133MRPeo-00108-00026375-00026655 have to start a discussion on your local 9Bz133MRPeo-00109-00026656-00026839 wiki and vote for 9Bz133MRPeo-00110-00026839-00027190 its status 9Bz133MRPeo-00111-00027191-00027455 i will now do a little demonstration of 9Bz133MRPeo-00112-00027456-00027718 lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00113-00027719-00027799 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00114-00027800-00028070 you need a wikimedia account for this 9Bz133MRPeo-00115-00028072-00028255 so if you're not logged in 9Bz133MRPeo-00116-00028256-00028423 it will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00117-00028424-00028646 redirect you to commands and via the 9Bz133MRPeo-00118-00028647-00028783 oauth 9Bz133MRPeo-00119-00028783-00028879 token 9Bz133MRPeo-00120-00028880-00029135 you will just allow lingua libre to 9Bz133MRPeo-00121-00029136-00029239 interact 9Bz133MRPeo-00122-00029239-00029431 with the comments 9Bz133MRPeo-00123-00029432-00029951 on your behalf 9Bz133MRPeo-00124-00029952-00030183 so you authorize your microphone 9Bz133MRPeo-00125-00030183-00030583 you can check if it if it's working 9Bz133MRPeo-00126-00030583-00030943 test 9Bz133MRPeo-00127-00030944-00031127 i don't think you heard it but 9Bz133MRPeo-00128-00031127-00031607 i got a feedback telling me it's okay 9Bz133MRPeo-00129-00031608-00031807 then you can just 9Bz133MRPeo-00130-00031808-00031935 fill in a 9Bz133MRPeo-00131-00031936-00032087 speaker profile 9Bz133MRPeo-00132-00032088-00032255 so as you can see i 9Bz133MRPeo-00133-00032256-00032495 i have several speakers 9Bz133MRPeo-00134-00032495-00032711 that's very useful when you want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00135-00032712-00033023 record several persons without having 9Bz133MRPeo-00136-00033024-00033262 them to create a wikimedia account 9Bz133MRPeo-00137-00033263-00033559 so i will just use my main speaker so 9Bz133MRPeo-00138-00033560-00033862 that's the default from my account 9Bz133MRPeo-00139-00033863-00034079 here you can just enter the languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00140-00034080-00034223 you speak 9Bz133MRPeo-00141-00034224-00034511 so now i'll be using english and for 9Bz133MRPeo-00142-00034512-00034646 each language 9Bz133MRPeo-00143-00034647-00035039 you can select a level of proficiency 9Bz133MRPeo-00144-00035040-00035287 so english is not my native language i 9Bz133MRPeo-00145-00035288-00035423 just said i was 9Bz133MRPeo-00146-00035424-00035735 i don't know average or good speaker 9Bz133MRPeo-00147-00035736-00035911 uh then you can select your place of 9Bz133MRPeo-00148-00035912-00036151 residence and the license that we will 9Bz133MRPeo-00149-00036152-00036318 be using for 9Bz133MRPeo-00150-00036319-00036902 uh on comments for your files 9Bz133MRPeo-00151-00036903-00037118 the next step is 9Bz133MRPeo-00152-00037119-00037311 the is choosing the words you want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00153-00037312-00037415 record 9Bz133MRPeo-00154-00037416-00037702 so there are several ways you can just 9Bz133MRPeo-00155-00037703-00037983 enter them like this so let's say dog 9Bz133MRPeo-00156-00037984-00038087 cat 9Bz133MRPeo-00157-00038088-00038383 and uh so if you just want to record a 9Bz133MRPeo-00158-00038384-00038639 few words it's okay to do like this 9Bz133MRPeo-00159-00038640-00038727 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00160-00038728-00038974 but we also recommend to 9Bz133MRPeo-00161-00038975-00039230 to use the the other options here so you 9Bz133MRPeo-00162-00039231-00039455 can use a local list 9Bz133MRPeo-00163-00039456-00039615 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00164-00039616-00039855 i don't know there's no list name fruit 9Bz133MRPeo-00165-00039856-00040151 for example there's a list made by olaf 9Bz133MRPeo-00166-00040152-00040479 a polish wictionary contributor 9Bz133MRPeo-00167-00040480-00040751 which is edited by about and for more 9Bz133MRPeo-00168-00040752-00041127 than 70 languages it just um 9Bz133MRPeo-00169-00041128-00041487 ranks the words that are described in in 9Bz133MRPeo-00170-00041488-00041679 the more the biggest number of 9Bz133MRPeo-00171-00041680-00041887 frictionaries and that don't have audio 9Bz133MRPeo-00172-00041888-00042118 pronunciations uncommon 9Bz133MRPeo-00173-00042119-00042279 so here you 9Bz133MRPeo-00174-00042280-00042535 just see all the words 9Bz133MRPeo-00175-00042536-00042911 uh it's more than 300 words and once for 9Bz133MRPeo-00176-00042912-00043183 example i will uh once i record all of 9Bz133MRPeo-00177-00043184-00043311 these words 9Bz133MRPeo-00178-00043312-00043527 like four or five hours later the bot 9Bz133MRPeo-00179-00043528-00043783 will just set the list with the 9Bz133MRPeo-00180-00043784-00043927 other 9Bz133MRPeo-00181-00043928-00044207 other words that are not um 9Bz133MRPeo-00182-00044208-00044390 they don't have audios 9Bz133MRPeo-00183-00044391-00044558 so that's just 9Bz133MRPeo-00184-00044559-00044735 too much words for now 9Bz133MRPeo-00185-00044736-00044862 you could also 9Bz133MRPeo-00186-00044863-00045087 use the nearby option 9Bz133MRPeo-00187-00045088-00045367 you can just enter your coordinates and 9Bz133MRPeo-00188-00045368-00045487 it will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00189-00045488-00045646 from wiki data 9Bz133MRPeo-00190-00045647-00045918 it will just fetch the 9Bz133MRPeo-00191-00045919-00046190 items around you for example a church or 9Bz133MRPeo-00192-00046191-00046374 a hospital 9Bz133MRPeo-00193-00046375-00046518 or a park 9Bz133MRPeo-00194-00046519-00046774 and you you can just pronounce them and 9Bz133MRPeo-00195-00046775-00047086 it will go on to the item on wikidata 9Bz133MRPeo-00196-00047087-00047351 thanks to lingua libre boat 9Bz133MRPeo-00197-00047352-00047574 you can also 9Bz133MRPeo-00198-00047575-00047830 use the wikimeter category 9Bz133MRPeo-00199-00047831-00048023 for example 9Bz133MRPeo-00200-00048024-00048335 linguistics from 9Bz133MRPeo-00201-00048336-00048615 from wikipedia you can also change the 9Bz133MRPeo-00202-00048616-00048823 source 9Bz133MRPeo-00203-00048824-00049183 i'll just take 20 words 9Bz133MRPeo-00204-00049184-00049358 then you can 9Bz133MRPeo-00205-00049359-00049615 just record them you can also choose a 9Bz133MRPeo-00206-00049616-00049839 victionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00207-00049840-00050158 but for now i'll just enter some words 9Bz133MRPeo-00208-00050159-00050583 manually so for example let's say 9Bz133MRPeo-00209-00050584-00050695 apple 9Bz133MRPeo-00210-00050696-00050902 cherry 9Bz133MRPeo-00211-00050903-00051270 orange lemon i don't know 9Bz133MRPeo-00212-00051271-00051446 lime 9Bz133MRPeo-00213-00051447-00051846 pineapple 9Bz133MRPeo-00214-00051847-00052023 there's the possibility to shuffle the 9Bz133MRPeo-00215-00052024-00052111 list 9Bz133MRPeo-00216-00052112-00052326 for example if the list is in 9Bz133MRPeo-00217-00052327-00052575 alphabetical order uh you will try to 9Bz133MRPeo-00218-00052576-00052807 you will have 9Bz133MRPeo-00219-00052808-00053087 risks to to have a list intonation which 9Bz133MRPeo-00220-00053088-00053247 is not 9Bz133MRPeo-00221-00053248-00053607 wishable so shuffling the list may help 9Bz133MRPeo-00222-00053608-00053703 to 9Bz133MRPeo-00223-00053704-00053942 to have better audio in the end 9Bz133MRPeo-00224-00053944-00054087 and make sure you're 9Bz133MRPeo-00225-00054088-00054279 recording in the correct language when 9Bz133MRPeo-00226-00054279-00054382 you 9Bz133MRPeo-00227-00054383-00054566 did recordings with several language 9Bz133MRPeo-00228-00054567-00054854 it's quite easy to make this mistake and 9Bz133MRPeo-00229-00054855-00054950 let's say 9Bz133MRPeo-00230-00054951-00055126 record the words that are actually in 9Bz133MRPeo-00231-00055127-00055279 english and pronounce them in english 9Bz133MRPeo-00232-00055279-00055526 but with the wrong language set 9Bz133MRPeo-00233-00055527-00055630 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00234-00055632-00055903 that could be a pity 9Bz133MRPeo-00235-00055904-00056135 sorry i just 9Bz133MRPeo-00236-00056136-00056311 by doing this i just 9Bz133MRPeo-00237-00056312-00056494 erased the the words 9Bz133MRPeo-00238-00056495-00056871 okay 9Bz133MRPeo-00239-00056872-00057087 let's go to the next step the studio the 9Bz133MRPeo-00240-00057088-00057254 recording studio 9Bz133MRPeo-00241-00057255-00057335 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00242-00057336-00057623 you just have to press once the start 9Bz133MRPeo-00243-00057624-00057894 the recording and then you will see it 9Bz133MRPeo-00244-00057895-00058063 will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00245-00058064-00058271 trim between the words and it's really 9Bz133MRPeo-00246-00058272-00058535 easy to to understand so i'll start once 9Bz133MRPeo-00247-00058536-00058799 and i will just stop when it's over when 9Bz133MRPeo-00248-00058800-00059215 i'm the end of the list orange 9Bz133MRPeo-00249-00059216-00059407 cherry 9Bz133MRPeo-00250-00059408-00059559 grape 9Bz133MRPeo-00251-00059560-00059791 apple 9Bz133MRPeo-00252-00059791-00060007 so i did nothing with my ants it just 9Bz133MRPeo-00253-00060008-00060326 went through the items of the list 9Bz133MRPeo-00254-00060327-00060687 i'll go to the next step 9Bz133MRPeo-00255-00060688-00061342 so i have the the feedback in my headset 9Bz133MRPeo-00256-00061344-00061471 and i can just 9Bz133MRPeo-00257-00061472-00061623 decide to 9Bz133MRPeo-00258-00061624-00061766 to 9Bz133MRPeo-00259-00061767-00062047 untip antique recording if i don't like 9Bz133MRPeo-00260-00062048-00062126 it 9Bz133MRPeo-00261-00062127-00062503 before sending them to commons 9Bz133MRPeo-00262-00062504-00062750 i could also go to the previous step if 9Bz133MRPeo-00263-00062751-00062966 i want to re-record 9Bz133MRPeo-00264-00062967-00063182 one recording 9Bz133MRPeo-00265-00063183-00063423 if the recording failed one of the 9Bz133MRPeo-00266-00063424-00063750 recordings it's you just have to retry 9Bz133MRPeo-00267-00063751-00064126 and usually it's it's enough to 9Bz133MRPeo-00268-00064127-00064766 to pass through 9Bz133MRPeo-00269-00064767-00065054 okay so let's check the recordings and 9Bz133MRPeo-00270-00065055-00065199 comments 9Bz133MRPeo-00271-00065200-00065663 so as you can see they're here 9Bz133MRPeo-00272-00065664-00065767 and they have 9Bz133MRPeo-00273-00065768-00065943 all the information about 9Bz133MRPeo-00274-00065944-00066047 the language 9Bz133MRPeo-00275-00066048-00066255 that it comes from ingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00276-00066256-00066535 and there's a link to my 9Bz133MRPeo-00277-00066536-00067055 q id item on lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00278-00067056-00067223 also they're 9Bz133MRPeo-00279-00067224-00067438 put in categories and comments so you 9Bz133MRPeo-00280-00067439-00067631 have here all the 9Bz133MRPeo-00281-00067632-00067806 all the recordings from meningoli brain 9Bz133MRPeo-00282-00067807-00068047 english and you also have them 9Bz133MRPeo-00283-00068048-00068175 by speaker 9Bz133MRPeo-00284-00068176-00068303 so for example you have all my 9Bz133MRPeo-00285-00068304-00068847 recordings here 9Bz133MRPeo-00286-00068848-00069015 okay i think um 9Bz133MRPeo-00287-00069016-00069143 it's okay for 9Bz133MRPeo-00288-00069144-00069271 the demonstration 9Bz133MRPeo-00289-00069272-00069526 let's go back to 9Bz133MRPeo-00290-00069527-00069975 to the 9Bz133MRPeo-00291-00069976-00070255 sorry to the 9Bz133MRPeo-00292-00070256-00070423 to the main 9Bz133MRPeo-00293-00070424-00070655 presentation we look at the impact of 9Bz133MRPeo-00294-00070656-00071047 lingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00295-00071048-00071343 so we'll talk first of all about uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00296-00071344-00071599 libre community 9Bz133MRPeo-00297-00071600-00071911 it's a worldwide community 9Bz133MRPeo-00298-00071912-00072126 as you can see we have speakers on every 9Bz133MRPeo-00299-00072127-00072271 continent 9Bz133MRPeo-00300-00072272-00072535 mainly in europe it's because it started 9Bz133MRPeo-00301-00072536-00072903 in france 9Bz133MRPeo-00302-00072904-00073423 um we have uh we had many workshops that 9Bz133MRPeo-00303-00073424-00073767 took place uh unfortunately before the 9Bz133MRPeo-00304-00073768-00073911 kovite crisis 9Bz133MRPeo-00305-00073912-00074175 uh so all around the the world like in 9Bz133MRPeo-00306-00074176-00074526 canada with atikamek at 9Bz133MRPeo-00307-00074527-00074799 2017 9Bz133MRPeo-00308-00074800-00074967 wikimania 9Bz133MRPeo-00309-00074968-00075206 some recordings in cameroon for wiki in 9Bz133MRPeo-00310-00075207-00075319 daba 9Bz133MRPeo-00311-00075320-00075406 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00312-00075407-00075599 on the right you can see 9Bz133MRPeo-00313-00075600-00075887 the team of wikimedia france and some 9Bz133MRPeo-00314-00075888-00076638 contributors of lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00315-00076639-00077031 excuse me 9Bz133MRPeo-00316-00077032-00077215 looking at the statistics of lingua 9Bz133MRPeo-00317-00077216-00077311 libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00318-00077312-00077662 uh out of more than 500 recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00319-00077663-00078047 and more than 120 languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00320-00078048-00078287 we can see that french french language 9Bz133MRPeo-00321-00078288-00078582 is still more than a third of all the 9Bz133MRPeo-00322-00078583-00078862 languages of all the recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00323-00078863-00078935 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00324-00078936-00079182 that more than two-thirds of our 9Bz133MRPeo-00325-00079183-00079375 speakers are male 9Bz133MRPeo-00326-00079376-00079599 so the road to uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00327-00079600-00079743 more 9Bz133MRPeo-00328-00079744-00080038 of to diversity is still long 9Bz133MRPeo-00329-00080039-00080175 but 9Bz133MRPeo-00330-00080176-00080479 we're we have hope and we want everyone 9Bz133MRPeo-00331-00080480-00080887 everyone's voice to to be heard 9Bz133MRPeo-00332-00080888-00081135 uh looking at looking at the statistics 9Bz133MRPeo-00333-00081136-00081447 of the total amount of recordings we 9Bz133MRPeo-00334-00081448-00081943 passed the 500 000 recordings last month 9Bz133MRPeo-00335-00081944-00082262 and as you can see there's almost a 9Bz133MRPeo-00336-00082263-00082575 100 percent growth rate each year 9Bz133MRPeo-00337-00082576-00082862 so the total amount is almost doubling 9Bz133MRPeo-00338-00082863-00083287 every year 9Bz133MRPeo-00339-00083288-00083471 then we will look at the 9Bz133MRPeo-00340-00083472-00083718 use how the recordings are used in and 9Bz133MRPeo-00341-00083719-00083959 out of wikimedia projects 9Bz133MRPeo-00342-00083960-00084238 so on wikimedia projects 9Bz133MRPeo-00343-00084239-00084511 they can be used to illustrate words 9Bz133MRPeo-00344-00084512-00084591 or 9Bz133MRPeo-00345-00084592-00084759 names on 9Bz133MRPeo-00346-00084760-00084926 any project so 9Bz133MRPeo-00347-00084927-00085191 for example names on wikipedia but words 9Bz133MRPeo-00348-00085192-00085399 also on wiktionaries 9Bz133MRPeo-00349-00085400-00085726 they're used on leak sims on wikidata 9Bz133MRPeo-00350-00085727-00085831 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00351-00085832-00086015 anything you could think of for example 9Bz133MRPeo-00352-00086016-00086182 on the left 9Bz133MRPeo-00353-00086183-00086406 on this uh it's a rickshawn it's a 9Bz133MRPeo-00354-00086407-00086543 dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00355-00086544-00086767 from the summer institute of linguistics 9Bz133MRPeo-00356-00086768-00086975 of cactikel 9Bz133MRPeo-00357-00086976-00087271 and some contributors just added the 9Bz133MRPeo-00358-00087272-00087487 recordings made with lingua libre they 9Bz133MRPeo-00359-00087488-00087647 added it to 9Bz133MRPeo-00360-00087648-00088015 to this page of the dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00361-00088016-00088199 on the middle you have the french 9Bz133MRPeo-00362-00088200-00088655 fictionary entry for the word forre 9Bz133MRPeo-00363-00088656-00088943 so there's plenty of pronunciation there 9Bz133MRPeo-00364-00088944-00089103 and on the right you have an example of 9Bz133MRPeo-00365-00089104-00089262 elixim 9Bz133MRPeo-00366-00089263-00089455 with the pronunciation by 9Bz133MRPeo-00367-00089456-00089615 one of our 9Bz133MRPeo-00368-00089616-00090015 most prolific contributors tito duta 9Bz133MRPeo-00369-00090016-00090343 um outside of wikimedia projects um the 9Bz133MRPeo-00370-00090344-00090638 recordings are used for example on 9Bz133MRPeo-00371-00090639-00090903 mozilla's speech-to-text engine which is 9Bz133MRPeo-00372-00090904-00091087 called deep speech 9Bz133MRPeo-00373-00091088-00091471 i'm sure they they are used um as part 9Bz133MRPeo-00374-00091472-00091599 of the french 9Bz133MRPeo-00375-00091600-00091791 version of lip speech 9Bz133MRPeo-00376-00091792-00092023 uh among other data sets like common 9Bz133MRPeo-00377-00092024-00092150 voice 9Bz133MRPeo-00378-00092151-00092375 they are also used on uh some 9Bz133MRPeo-00379-00092376-00092631 dictionaries like le dico desado which 9Bz133MRPeo-00380-00092632-00092967 is a libra dictionary for young people 9Bz133MRPeo-00381-00092968-00093262 so some contributors are recording words 9Bz133MRPeo-00382-00093263-00093471 on ningua libre and then they are using 9Bz133MRPeo-00383-00093472-00093599 it on 9Bz133MRPeo-00384-00093600-00093711 on this 9Bz133MRPeo-00385-00093712-00093967 dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00386-00093968-00094118 also the addiction dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00387-00094119-00094231 francophone 9Bz133MRPeo-00388-00094232-00094487 uh which i'm working on as part of my 9Bz133MRPeo-00389-00094488-00094606 residence 9Bz133MRPeo-00390-00094607-00094887 is uh will also soon be including uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00391-00094888-00094982 some 9Bz133MRPeo-00392-00094983-00095215 recordings from lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00393-00095216-00095455 to highlight the accents of the french 9Bz133MRPeo-00394-00095456-00095823 speaking world on the right you have uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00395-00095824-00096071 what it should look like 9Bz133MRPeo-00396-00096072-00096206 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00397-00096207-00096406 there's also plenty of perspective like 9Bz133MRPeo-00398-00096407-00096631 language learning learning apps 9Bz133MRPeo-00399-00096632-00096871 flashcards for example uh anything you 9Bz133MRPeo-00400-00096872-00096991 could think of 9Bz133MRPeo-00401-00096992-00097126 with our 9Bz133MRPeo-00402-00097127-00097415 recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00403-00097416-00097679 do you have questions about 9Bz133MRPeo-00404-00097680-00097959 this presentation before we 9Bz133MRPeo-00405-00097960-00098055 we go 9Bz133MRPeo-00406-00098056-00098615 to an interactive session 9Bz133MRPeo-00407-00098616-00098726 i'll just 9Bz133MRPeo-00408-00098727-00101062 go back to the stream yarn 9Bz133MRPeo-00409-00101063-00101303 so how does the application handle 9Bz133MRPeo-00410-00101304-00101455 regional dialects in a different 9Bz133MRPeo-00411-00101456-00101591 languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00412-00101592-00101791 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00413-00101792-00102143 actually there's a possibility to 9Bz133MRPeo-00414-00102144-00102430 to add any new language as long as it 9Bz133MRPeo-00415-00102431-00102799 has a wiki data wiki data qid 9Bz133MRPeo-00416-00102800-00103015 and for example let's take the example 9Bz133MRPeo-00417-00103016-00103342 of oxyton which is a 9Bz133MRPeo-00418-00103343-00103710 language spoken in some parts of france 9Bz133MRPeo-00419-00103711-00103878 mainly um 9Bz133MRPeo-00420-00103879-00104190 there are there are several dialects 9Bz133MRPeo-00421-00104191-00104486 of oxyton for example the langdocian 9Bz133MRPeo-00422-00104488-00104990 sorry just click on the run 9Bz133MRPeo-00423-00104991-00105383 so here's the wiki base of lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00424-00105383-00105551 if we look at uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00425-00105552-00105871 long docian dialect there's a queue id 9Bz133MRPeo-00426-00105872-00106199 like other languages so instance of it's 9Bz133MRPeo-00427-00106200-00106366 just a language slash dialect so 9Bz133MRPeo-00428-00106367-00106623 anything can work 9Bz133MRPeo-00429-00106624-00106895 and it has its own 9Bz133MRPeo-00430-00106896-00107090 iso 9Bz133MRPeo-00431-00107091-00107358 6393 code 9Bz133MRPeo-00432-00107359-00107678 and the the the sorry 9Bz133MRPeo-00433-00107679-00107943 the recordings are 9Bz133MRPeo-00434-00107944-00108231 categorized in this category 9Bz133MRPeo-00435-00108232-00108519 which is also part of the oxyton 9Bz133MRPeo-00436-00108520-00108775 category so 9Bz133MRPeo-00437-00108776-00109086 indeed there's the possibility to 9Bz133MRPeo-00438-00109088-00109231 to have 9Bz133MRPeo-00439-00109232-00110343 information about dialects 9Bz133MRPeo-00440-00110344-00110519 um does the bot make 9Bz133MRPeo-00441-00110520-00110799 any kind of pre-processing 9Bz133MRPeo-00442-00110800-00111054 i'm not sure i i understand exactly the 9Bz133MRPeo-00443-00111055-00111310 question i'm sorry 9Bz133MRPeo-00444-00111311-00111590 the bot is working from the wiki base 9Bz133MRPeo-00445-00111591-00111775 so it's just fetching the latest 9Bz133MRPeo-00446-00111776-00111895 recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00447-00111896-00112031 checking if 9Bz133MRPeo-00448-00112032-00112254 they are already on uh for example the 9Bz133MRPeo-00449-00112255-00112551 wictionary page and if not it will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00450-00112552-00112863 add it uh it works twice a day 9Bz133MRPeo-00451-00112864-00113158 and its maintainer is postlovice 9Bz133MRPeo-00452-00113159-00113358 who presented lingo libra yesterday 9Bz133MRPeo-00453-00113359-00113831 during the agathon 9Bz133MRPeo-00454-00113832-00114015 how accessible is the project for 9Bz133MRPeo-00455-00114016-00114375 someone without a high quality mic 9Bz133MRPeo-00456-00114376-00114478 we 9Bz133MRPeo-00457-00114479-00114631 we noticed that 9Bz133MRPeo-00458-00114632-00114823 even some using some 9Bz133MRPeo-00459-00114824-00115086 recent phones like smartphones 9Bz133MRPeo-00460-00115088-00115334 uh can be really 9Bz133MRPeo-00461-00115335-00115590 end up with a good quality so 9Bz133MRPeo-00462-00115591-00115790 as lingualibris is 9Bz133MRPeo-00463-00115791-00115999 accessible on mobile version 9Bz133MRPeo-00464-00116000-00116271 you can also uh you could record it from 9Bz133MRPeo-00465-00116272-00116423 your 9Bz133MRPeo-00466-00116424-00116647 from your cell phone if you 9Bz133MRPeo-00467-00116648-00116871 if you don't have a high quality mic 9Bz133MRPeo-00468-00116872-00117047 the most important is to have a quiet 9Bz133MRPeo-00469-00117048-00117151 room 9Bz133MRPeo-00470-00117152-00117478 like no no noise from the street and 9Bz133MRPeo-00471-00117479-00117615 from around 9Bz133MRPeo-00472-00117616-00117766 no television 9Bz133MRPeo-00473-00117767-00118054 turned out turned on in the background 9Bz133MRPeo-00474-00118055-00118158 but 9Bz133MRPeo-00475-00118159-00118407 then there's no problem from with using 9Bz133MRPeo-00476-00118408-00118551 it 9Bz133MRPeo-00477-00118552-00118831 using a cell phone or just your default 9Bz133MRPeo-00478-00118832-00119623 built-in laptop microphone 9Bz133MRPeo-00479-00119624-00119871 so i think that answered how to record 9Bz133MRPeo-00480-00119872-00120063 from mobile phone 9Bz133MRPeo-00481-00120064-00120319 you just have to go to lingualibre.org 9Bz133MRPeo-00482-00120320-00120423 on your 9Bz133MRPeo-00483-00120424-00120702 on your smartphone there's no uh mobile 9Bz133MRPeo-00484-00120703-00120878 app but it's a 9Bz133MRPeo-00485-00120879-00121086 mobile version of the website which is 9Bz133MRPeo-00486-00121088-00121471 quite accessible 9Bz133MRPeo-00487-00121472-00121671 there's a question in france in french 9Bz133MRPeo-00488-00121672-00121934 sorry so i will just take the time to 9Bz133MRPeo-00489-00121935-00123110 read it in french and translate it 9Bz133MRPeo-00490-00123111-00123471 so what's our experience with 9Bz133MRPeo-00491-00123472-00123719 other linguistic communities 9Bz133MRPeo-00492-00123720-00124127 from minority languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00493-00124128-00124375 there are recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00494-00124376-00124702 that are made from 9Bz133MRPeo-00495-00124703-00125047 from linguists i think and uh we 9Bz133MRPeo-00496-00125048-00125254 we talked about the projects to some 9Bz133MRPeo-00497-00125255-00125543 linguists some field work linguists but 9Bz133MRPeo-00498-00125544-00125807 i'm not sure they they did their field 9Bz133MRPeo-00499-00125808-00126023 work linguistics 9Bz133MRPeo-00500-00126024-00126414 uh with really uh minority languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00501-00126415-00126727 but um 9Bz133MRPeo-00502-00126728-00126871 but uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00503-00126872-00127023 when uh when we work with these 9Bz133MRPeo-00504-00127024-00127375 communities indeed we we mainly use uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00505-00127376-00127583 for the moment like short list like 9Bz133MRPeo-00506-00127583-00127878 swadesh list 9Bz133MRPeo-00507-00127879-00128007 and not 9Bz133MRPeo-00508-00128008-00128183 full 9Bz133MRPeo-00509-00128183-00128510 full stories as you you mentioned 9Bz133MRPeo-00510-00128511-00128751 even though lingua libre can record 9Bz133MRPeo-00511-00128752-00128863 texts 9Bz133MRPeo-00512-00128864-00129190 it's mainly used uh for uh short words 9Bz133MRPeo-00513-00129191-00129543 phrases and maybe sentences but uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00514-00129544-00129751 but for the moment it's more like list 9Bz133MRPeo-00515-00129752-00129958 of words and it's really efficient for 9Bz133MRPeo-00516-00129959-00130223 uh reading lists of words so the swedish 9Bz133MRPeo-00517-00130224-00130447 list or i don't know if you have a 9Bz133MRPeo-00518-00130448-00130647 lexicon of 9Bz133MRPeo-00519-00130648-00130775 phishing 9Bz133MRPeo-00520-00130776-00130934 in in a 9Bz133MRPeo-00521-00130935-00131190 specific language you can just help the 9Bz133MRPeo-00522-00131191-00131423 community reading it 9Bz133MRPeo-00523-00131424-00131495 but 9Bz133MRPeo-00524-00131496-00131751 of course you need someone to rely to 9Bz133MRPeo-00525-00131752-00131983 rely on to 9Bz133MRPeo-00526-00131984-00132223 to to make this list first 9Bz133MRPeo-00527-00132224-00132390 because um 9Bz133MRPeo-00528-00132391-00132647 because yeah sometimes uh speakers don't 9Bz133MRPeo-00529-00132648-00132919 know how to write 9Bz133MRPeo-00530-00132920-00133039 to write 9Bz133MRPeo-00531-00133040-00133278 in in this language so that's kind of a 9Bz133MRPeo-00532-00133279-00133575 problem problem with we're facing uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00533-00133576-00134071 with lingua libra 9Bz133MRPeo-00534-00134072-00134214 so that answered 9Bz133MRPeo-00535-00134215-00134478 another question 9Bz133MRPeo-00536-00134479-00134902 uh it uh you you can uh record the wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00537-00134903-00135166 articles from lingua libre you have you 9Bz133MRPeo-00538-00135167-00135319 just have to set 9Bz133MRPeo-00539-00135320-00135399 the 9Bz133MRPeo-00540-00135400-00135654 threshold of silence that triggers the 9Bz133MRPeo-00541-00135655-00135951 voice activity detection uh it's uh set 9Bz133MRPeo-00542-00135952-00136254 on uh it's really short uh as we're 9Bz133MRPeo-00543-00136255-00136487 recording a list of words 9Bz133MRPeo-00544-00136488-00136735 so you can just uh put it to five 9Bz133MRPeo-00545-00136736-00136927 seconds or ten seconds 9Bz133MRPeo-00546-00136928-00137039 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00547-00137040-00137247 when you're reading a full text 9Bz133MRPeo-00548-00137248-00137502 so it will not cut in the middle of your 9Bz133MRPeo-00549-00137503-00138071 text 9Bz133MRPeo-00550-00138072-00138343 are there checks for trolling 9Bz133MRPeo-00551-00138344-00138535 what if a malicious agent records a 9Bz133MRPeo-00552-00138536-00138683 non-existent word 9Bz133MRPeo-00553-00138684-00138983 actually uh that's also a problematic uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00554-00138984-00139343 question and we are just beginning of uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00555-00139344-00139575 treating this like treating all the 9Bz133MRPeo-00556-00139576-00139911 types of issues in fact that we can 9Bz133MRPeo-00557-00139912-00140102 encounter with lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00558-00140103-00140302 so we're kind of 9Bz133MRPeo-00559-00140303-00140566 trying to make a patrol on lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00560-00140567-00140783 sometimes it's just we don't have uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00561-00140784-00141014 much vandalism on lingua libre for for 9Bz133MRPeo-00562-00141015-00141119 the moment 9Bz133MRPeo-00563-00141120-00141302 achilles but 9Bz133MRPeo-00564-00141303-00141743 we have people that misuse the the 9Bz133MRPeo-00565-00141744-00141951 the software for example they as i 9Bz133MRPeo-00566-00141952-00142190 mentioned they record words in the wrong 9Bz133MRPeo-00567-00142191-00142399 language it's quite easy to to make the 9Bz133MRPeo-00568-00142400-00142599 mistake uh i did 9Bz133MRPeo-00569-00142600-00142935 actually one time i recorded 100 words 9Bz133MRPeo-00570-00142936-00143111 or 1000 in 9Bz133MRPeo-00571-00143112-00143319 with the language set on finish instead 9Bz133MRPeo-00572-00143320-00143590 of french and that causes some problems 9Bz133MRPeo-00573-00143591-00143799 like for you have to rename all the 9Bz133MRPeo-00574-00143800-00144151 files on comments and we're figuring out 9Bz133MRPeo-00575-00144152-00144278 how to 9Bz133MRPeo-00576-00144279-00144702 how to handle that 9Bz133MRPeo-00577-00144703-00144975 actually yes it also deals with sign 9Bz133MRPeo-00578-00144976-00145102 language 9Bz133MRPeo-00579-00145103-00145231 sign languages 9Bz133MRPeo-00580-00145232-00145535 so french sign language any any sign 9Bz133MRPeo-00581-00145536-00145759 language you can think of 9Bz133MRPeo-00582-00145760-00145990 there's a if you just select sign 9Bz133MRPeo-00583-00145991-00146287 language uh the record wizard changes 9Bz133MRPeo-00584-00146288-00146495 and it will ask the permission for your 9Bz133MRPeo-00585-00146496-00146590 camera 9Bz133MRPeo-00586-00146591-00146726 and uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00587-00146727-00146966 you will just your your you will just be 9Bz133MRPeo-00588-00146967-00147326 able to record words in in sign language 9Bz133MRPeo-00589-00147327-00147463 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00590-00147464-00147678 i think it works you have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00591-00147679-00147902 there's no detection so you have to cut 9Bz133MRPeo-00592-00147903-00148126 between all the between each 9Bz133MRPeo-00593-00148127-00148278 sign you're making 9Bz133MRPeo-00594-00148279-00148495 but then the videos are uploaded to 9Bz133MRPeo-00595-00148496-00149711 comments just as audio 9Bz133MRPeo-00596-00149712-00149951 what if a word is already recorded you 9Bz133MRPeo-00597-00149952-00150223 mean by a speaker or 9Bz133MRPeo-00598-00150224-00150478 like by the same speaker or by another 9Bz133MRPeo-00599-00150479-00150799 if it's uh it has already been recorded 9Bz133MRPeo-00600-00150800-00150990 by a speaker 9Bz133MRPeo-00601-00150991-00151190 and you still 9Bz133MRPeo-00602-00151191-00151439 enter it to lingua libre if you're the 9Bz133MRPeo-00603-00151440-00151654 if you already record it 9Bz133MRPeo-00604-00151655-00151799 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00605-00151800-00152102 it will just reset the file and comments 9Bz133MRPeo-00606-00152103-00152278 with the new version so that can be 9Bz133MRPeo-00607-00152279-00152495 useful if you mispronounced you just 9Bz133MRPeo-00608-00152496-00152790 have to put it back to lingua libre and 9Bz133MRPeo-00609-00152791-00153007 type it again record it again and it 9Bz133MRPeo-00610-00153008-00153319 would just update on comments and if 9Bz133MRPeo-00611-00153320-00153575 it's it has been learned if it has been 9Bz133MRPeo-00612-00153576-00153759 recorded by another speaker that's the 9Bz133MRPeo-00613-00153760-00153943 main goal of lingua libra is to show the 9Bz133MRPeo-00614-00153944-00154151 diversity so um 9Bz133MRPeo-00615-00154152-00154502 you it will add it to to the dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00616-00154503-00154807 or any any project at least on comments 9Bz133MRPeo-00617-00154808-00154878 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00618-00154879-00155023 you will have a diversity of 9Bz133MRPeo-00619-00155024-00155439 pronunciation for the same word 9Bz133MRPeo-00620-00155440-00155639 there is an interest in 9Bz133MRPeo-00621-00155640-00155814 typical recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00622-00155815-00156063 uh indeed uh for example you say you're 9Bz133MRPeo-00623-00156064-00156263 french but you live in a in a 9Bz133MRPeo-00624-00156264-00156566 german-speaking part of switzerland so 9Bz133MRPeo-00625-00156567-00156839 you probably have an accent like anyone 9Bz133MRPeo-00626-00156840-00157111 like everyone and uh it it's it's 9Bz133MRPeo-00627-00157112-00157383 interesting so you just have to type the 9Bz133MRPeo-00628-00157384-00157631 place where you learned you you your 9Bz133MRPeo-00629-00157632-00157902 language your languages and uh it will 9Bz133MRPeo-00630-00157903-00158143 be interesting to to hear how you 9Bz133MRPeo-00631-00158144-00158623 pronounce words 9Bz133MRPeo-00632-00158624-00158823 yes there's an interesting question 9Bz133MRPeo-00633-00158824-00159063 about words that are written the same 9Bz133MRPeo-00634-00159064-00159271 but pronounced differently with 9Bz133MRPeo-00635-00159272-00159431 different meanings 9Bz133MRPeo-00636-00159432-00159614 we handle that with the 9Bz133MRPeo-00637-00159615-00159775 parenthesis 9Bz133MRPeo-00638-00159776-00160039 so you type your word like for example 9Bz133MRPeo-00639-00160040-00160126 uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00640-00160127-00160390 the letters l-i-v-e so it can be 9Bz133MRPeo-00641-00160391-00160687 pronounced live or live 9Bz133MRPeo-00642-00160688-00160935 depending on the the word uh you just 9Bz133MRPeo-00643-00160936-00161183 have to type 9Bz133MRPeo-00644-00161184-00161319 live 9Bz133MRPeo-00645-00161320-00161543 and pre you you have to precise the 9Bz133MRPeo-00646-00161544-00161671 meaning 9Bz133MRPeo-00647-00161672-00161831 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00648-00161832-00162071 uh between the parenthesis and the bot 9Bz133MRPeo-00649-00162072-00162326 lingua libre but we'll still be able to 9Bz133MRPeo-00650-00162327-00162607 to manage and to to put the the file on 9Bz133MRPeo-00651-00162608-00163078 the wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00652-00163079-00163175 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00653-00163176-00163343 the boat that added pronunciation i 9Bz133MRPeo-00654-00163344-00163575 don't think it's broken 9Bz133MRPeo-00655-00163576-00163766 but if you have questions uh precise 9Bz133MRPeo-00656-00163767-00164031 questions about the bot i invite you to 9Bz133MRPeo-00657-00164032-00164271 to ask them on lingual libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00658-00164272-00164438 column bought 9Bz133MRPeo-00659-00164439-00164663 on our website 9Bz133MRPeo-00660-00164664-00164775 or to 9Bz133MRPeo-00661-00164776-00164975 ask them to boslovich 9Bz133MRPeo-00662-00164976-00165190 which is a the boatmaster of lingua 9Bz133MRPeo-00663-00165191-00165302 librebot 9Bz133MRPeo-00664-00165303-00165575 and i think it's working but it's 9Bz133MRPeo-00665-00165576-00165838 only adding recordings on wikidata if 9Bz133MRPeo-00666-00165839-00166078 you used um 9Bz133MRPeo-00667-00166079-00166295 wikidata query 9Bz133MRPeo-00668-00166296-00166471 i forgot to mention that 9Bz133MRPeo-00669-00166472-00166695 during the demonstration but you can use 9Bz133MRPeo-00670-00166696-00167014 wiki data queries 9Bz133MRPeo-00671-00167015-00167319 and pet scan queries also to 9Bz133MRPeo-00672-00167320-00167583 to generate lists of words to 9Bz133MRPeo-00673-00167584-00167790 to record 9Bz133MRPeo-00674-00167791-00168214 and uh if you used wikidata query 9Bz133MRPeo-00675-00168215-00168471 it will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00676-00168472-00168607 it will just 9Bz133MRPeo-00677-00168608-00168863 automatically automatically 9Bz133MRPeo-00678-00168864-00169078 add it add the recordings to the 9Bz133MRPeo-00679-00169079-00169502 corresponding legacy 9Bz133MRPeo-00680-00169503-00169695 i don't know if there are uh new 9Bz133MRPeo-00681-00169696-00169831 questions 9Bz133MRPeo-00682-00169832-00170047 so pre-processing follow-up there are 9Bz133MRPeo-00683-00170048-00170319 several easy ways to improve rodeo 9Bz133MRPeo-00684-00170320-00170511 denoising the using 9Bz133MRPeo-00685-00170512-00170687 does the bot perform any of those 9Bz133MRPeo-00686-00170688-00170854 actually is the 9Bz133MRPeo-00687-00170855-00171078 it's the software that 9Bz133MRPeo-00688-00171079-00171335 that uh process processes the audio 9Bz133MRPeo-00689-00171336-00171623 sorry i i misunderstood your question uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00690-00171624-00171847 before uh it's the the software that 9Bz133MRPeo-00691-00171848-00172126 that does that the bot is only adding is 9Bz133MRPeo-00692-00172127-00172471 only modifying uh wiki pages 9Bz133MRPeo-00693-00172472-00172566 to just 9Bz133MRPeo-00694-00172567-00172759 take the recordings from comments and 9Bz133MRPeo-00695-00172760-00173454 adding links on any wiki you want 9Bz133MRPeo-00696-00173455-00173951 how can we reach lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00697-00173952-00174166 so you can so the address is 9Bz133MRPeo-00698-00174167-00174583 lingualibre.org 9Bz133MRPeo-00699-00174584-00174807 and it works like any 9Bz133MRPeo-00700-00174808-00175078 any wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00701-00175079-00175326 and if you want to contact us uh there's 9Bz133MRPeo-00702-00175327-00175543 uh the chat room 9Bz133MRPeo-00703-00175544-00175751 uh but i'll just go back to the 9Bz133MRPeo-00704-00175752-00175919 presentation soon 9Bz133MRPeo-00705-00175920-00176231 um to talk about this to how you can be 9Bz133MRPeo-00706-00176232-00176343 involved 9Bz133MRPeo-00707-00176344-00176663 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00708-00176664-00177159 some last questions 9Bz133MRPeo-00709-00177160-00177366 so any pre-work needed to add 9Bz133MRPeo-00710-00177367-00177599 pronunciation file to dictionary uh if 9Bz133MRPeo-00711-00177600-00177838 you want to manually add it 9Bz133MRPeo-00712-00177839-00178135 you just have to make sure your uh local 9Bz133MRPeo-00713-00178136-00178359 dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00714-00178360-00178487 uses a 9Bz133MRPeo-00715-00178488-00178671 complete template 9Bz133MRPeo-00716-00178672-00178854 for audio recordings 9Bz133MRPeo-00717-00178855-00179151 so a template that indicates at least 9Bz133MRPeo-00718-00179152-00179319 the country and the place where the 9Bz133MRPeo-00719-00179320-00179454 speaker is from 9Bz133MRPeo-00720-00179455-00179671 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00721-00179672-00179902 and maybe the the phonetic transcript 9Bz133MRPeo-00722-00179903-00180126 transcription 9Bz133MRPeo-00723-00180127-00180431 but if you want the bot to edit you 9Bz133MRPeo-00724-00180432-00180671 indeed you will have to describe us how 9Bz133MRPeo-00725-00180672-00180871 it is supposed to to edit 9Bz133MRPeo-00726-00180872-00181087 because it it works differently on every 9Bz133MRPeo-00727-00181088-00181263 wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00728-00181264-00181590 and and then we'll try your best to to 9Bz133MRPeo-00729-00181591-00181814 to make it work on your wiki you can 9Bz133MRPeo-00730-00181815-00182190 also uh submit a comment on github if 9Bz133MRPeo-00731-00182191-00182414 you know how to code in python and you 9Bz133MRPeo-00732-00182415-00182526 want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00733-00182527-00182759 to do it by yourself and now we'll just 9Bz133MRPeo-00734-00182760-00182902 review the code and 9Bz133MRPeo-00735-00182903-00183078 put it on the 9Bz133MRPeo-00736-00183079-00184231 on the tool forge where the the bot runs 9Bz133MRPeo-00737-00184232-00184647 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00738-00184648-00184895 it could work in a in 9Bz133MRPeo-00739-00184896-00185095 incubator wikis 9Bz133MRPeo-00740-00185096-00185431 but for the moment uh it only works on 9Bz133MRPeo-00741-00185432-00185687 on a few weeks like french reactionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00742-00185688-00185966 oxyton victionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00743-00185967-00186047 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00744-00186048-00186407 soon some new like it works on wiki data 9Bz133MRPeo-00745-00186408-00186647 but we will be adding uh during the 9Bz133MRPeo-00746-00186648-00187175 summer new weeks 9Bz133MRPeo-00747-00187176-00187375 we can use yes 9Bz133MRPeo-00748-00187376-00187654 non-wikimedia sources for words 9Bz133MRPeo-00749-00187655-00187975 i don't think they're a special uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00750-00187976-00188326 author writes uh on uh just a short list 9Bz133MRPeo-00751-00188327-00188438 of words 9Bz133MRPeo-00752-00188439-00188687 uh so you can use if there's a list like 9Bz133MRPeo-00753-00188688-00188919 you mentioned on twitter on twitter you 9Bz133MRPeo-00754-00188920-00189054 could use it to 9Bz133MRPeo-00755-00189055-00189166 to to 9Bz133MRPeo-00756-00189167-00189311 as a source 9Bz133MRPeo-00757-00189312-00189511 but you will have to to prepare it for 9Bz133MRPeo-00758-00189512-00190014 the the record wizard 9Bz133MRPeo-00759-00190015-00190463 so i'll go back to the presentation 9Bz133MRPeo-00760-00190464-00190702 to to talk about how you could uh help 9Bz133MRPeo-00761-00190703-00190863 us 9Bz133MRPeo-00762-00190864-00191095 participating in lingua libre i'll share 9Bz133MRPeo-00763-00191096-00191423 my screen again 9Bz133MRPeo-00764-00191424-00192911 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00765-00192912-00193102 so um 9Bz133MRPeo-00766-00193103-00193295 either the whole content of lingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00767-00193296-00193519 is can be translated 9Bz133MRPeo-00768-00193520-00193726 you can learn more at uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00769-00193727-00193983 on lingua libre at help 9Bz133MRPeo-00770-00193984-00194095 translate 9Bz133MRPeo-00771-00194096-00194383 uh so there's a part that is that can be 9Bz133MRPeo-00772-00194384-00194526 translated on a 9Bz133MRPeo-00773-00194527-00194735 translate wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00774-00194736-00194926 for the interface of the record wizard 9Bz133MRPeo-00775-00194927-00195078 etc 9Bz133MRPeo-00776-00195079-00195375 there are also media wiki messages that 9Bz133MRPeo-00777-00195376-00195559 can be translated 9Bz133MRPeo-00778-00195560-00195783 but though you have to pass by the 9Bz133MRPeo-00779-00195784-00196095 administrators so you can just submit us 9Bz133MRPeo-00780-00196096-00196375 the text that we have to to put on 9Bz133MRPeo-00781-00196376-00196671 lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00782-00196672-00196895 you can also translate 9Bz133MRPeo-00783-00196896-00197111 for example welcome messages 9Bz133MRPeo-00784-00197112-00197447 etc that we use for newcomers 9Bz133MRPeo-00785-00197448-00197535 you can 9Bz133MRPeo-00786-00197536-00197847 you can help by creating a list in your 9Bz133MRPeo-00787-00197848-00197966 own language 9Bz133MRPeo-00788-00197967-00198159 uh there's a page that 9Bz133MRPeo-00789-00198160-00198447 explains a help page that uh explains 9Bz133MRPeo-00790-00198448-00198623 how to create lists 9Bz133MRPeo-00791-00198624-00198854 uh so for example if you want to create 9Bz133MRPeo-00792-00198855-00199135 a list of fruits in english 9Bz133MRPeo-00793-00199136-00199407 it can be useful because for example if 9Bz133MRPeo-00794-00199408-00199535 you 9Bz133MRPeo-00795-00199536-00199902 ask for the category fruits in english 9Bz133MRPeo-00796-00199903-00200078 from the wictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00797-00200079-00200295 it will fetch the whole category with 9Bz133MRPeo-00798-00200296-00200559 the fruits that you don't even know so 9Bz133MRPeo-00799-00200560-00200695 it can be a problem when you want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00800-00200696-00200902 record the list and 9Bz133MRPeo-00801-00200903-00201166 when it's done by humans it 9Bz133MRPeo-00802-00201167-00201311 just 9Bz133MRPeo-00803-00201312-00201519 it's just the fruits that everybody will 9Bz133MRPeo-00804-00201520-00201614 think of 9Bz133MRPeo-00805-00201615-00201847 but if you want to be exhaustive you you 9Bz133MRPeo-00806-00201848-00202014 just have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00807-00202015-00202231 you you have to 9Bz133MRPeo-00808-00202232-00202478 like using the rectionary uh category 9Bz133MRPeo-00809-00202479-00202775 will be better 9Bz133MRPeo-00810-00202776-00202983 so if you want to make suggestions the 9Bz133MRPeo-00811-00202984-00203254 chat room is yours and if you want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00812-00203255-00203463 start technical discussions or just read 9Bz133MRPeo-00813-00203464-00203687 about technical descriptions there's a 9Bz133MRPeo-00814-00203688-00203959 tech board lingo libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00815-00203960-00204199 you can click on all the links 9Bz133MRPeo-00816-00204200-00204431 in the pdf version of this presentation 9Bz133MRPeo-00817-00204432-00204583 that's already on comments there's a 9Bz133MRPeo-00818-00204584-00204919 link in the after pad 9Bz133MRPeo-00819-00204919-00205134 as i said you can help us improving the 9Bz133MRPeo-00820-00205135-00205246 code of 9Bz133MRPeo-00821-00205248-00205462 not only the lingua libre bots but all 9Bz133MRPeo-00822-00205463-00205798 uh all our code and are on 9Bz133MRPeo-00823-00205800-00206079 our github sorry and 9Bz133MRPeo-00824-00206080-00206198 you can 9Bz133MRPeo-00825-00206200-00206351 submit bug 9Bz133MRPeo-00826-00206352-00206551 bug reports and 9Bz133MRPeo-00827-00206552-00206927 feature requests on fabricator 9Bz133MRPeo-00828-00206928-00207255 it's quite a full fabricator as 9Bz133MRPeo-00829-00207256-00207423 many people are submitting uh the 9Bz133MRPeo-00830-00207423-00207590 requests and 9Bz133MRPeo-00831-00207591-00207862 and the bug reports so we we try to keep 9Bz133MRPeo-00832-00207863-00208014 it tidy 9Bz133MRPeo-00833-00208015-00208206 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00834-00208207-00208446 there's the link to the 9Bz133MRPeo-00835-00208448-00208758 form you have to fill in uh to request 9Bz133MRPeo-00836-00208759-00208927 the bot on your wiki 9Bz133MRPeo-00837-00208928-00209086 and uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00838-00209087-00209310 yes if you want to get involved the best 9Bz133MRPeo-00839-00209311-00209486 way is to spread the word around you 9Bz133MRPeo-00840-00209487-00209767 spread the word about lingua libre uh on 9Bz133MRPeo-00841-00209767-00209951 your local wikis 9Bz133MRPeo-00842-00209952-00210255 and to record your voice or other other 9Bz133MRPeo-00843-00210256-00210527 people's voice so that's the the next 9Bz133MRPeo-00844-00210528-00210894 step some advice about recording words 9Bz133MRPeo-00845-00210896-00211031 voices 9Bz133MRPeo-00846-00211032-00211287 um so lingua libre works best for the 9Bz133MRPeo-00847-00211288-00211623 moment on firefox we're having issues on 9Bz133MRPeo-00848-00211623-00211846 chrome it's not impossible to use it but 9Bz133MRPeo-00849-00211848-00212039 you might encounter some 9Bz133MRPeo-00850-00212040-00212175 slight clicks 9Bz133MRPeo-00851-00212176-00212494 audio clicks uh on your file 9Bz133MRPeo-00852-00212496-00212758 so we we try to figure it out 9Bz133MRPeo-00853-00212759-00213046 so please use firefox for the moment to 9Bz133MRPeo-00854-00213048-00213246 have full 9Bz133MRPeo-00855-00213248-00213391 chances of 9Bz133MRPeo-00856-00213392-00213558 good quality audios 9Bz133MRPeo-00857-00213559-00213846 so as i said mind the noises around you 9Bz133MRPeo-00858-00213848-00214110 turn off for example the the sound of 9Bz133MRPeo-00859-00214111-00214351 this session if you want to record in 9Bz133MRPeo-00860-00214352-00214471 parallel 9Bz133MRPeo-00861-00214471-00214694 and you just have to follow the steps of 9Bz133MRPeo-00862-00214696-00214934 the record wizard or just read the 9Bz133MRPeo-00863-00214935-00215246 demonstration slides from this pdf 9Bz133MRPeo-00864-00215248-00215358 version 9Bz133MRPeo-00865-00215359-00215558 so it will just explain step by step 9Bz133MRPeo-00866-00215559-00215742 what i just 9Bz133MRPeo-00867-00215744-00215975 did in the demonstration 9Bz133MRPeo-00868-00215976-00216071 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00869-00216071-00216151 please 9Bz133MRPeo-00870-00216152-00216334 check listen your 9Bz133MRPeo-00871-00216335-00216742 your audios before uploading them so as 9Bz133MRPeo-00872-00216744-00217039 we to to be sure to to have a 9Bz133MRPeo-00873-00217040-00217294 nice quality audios and uh so there if 9Bz133MRPeo-00874-00217296-00217567 there's a problem you you just untick it 9Bz133MRPeo-00875-00217567-00217719 and uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00876-00217719-00217791 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00877-00217792-00218046 it prevents uh sending a bad quality 9Bz133MRPeo-00878-00218048-00218271 audio or a mispronounced word onto 9Bz133MRPeo-00879-00218271-00218415 commands 9Bz133MRPeo-00880-00218416-00218751 and once you you send them you you can 9Bz133MRPeo-00881-00218752-00218982 just uh listen to them on comments and 9Bz133MRPeo-00882-00218983-00219158 uh you will appear 9Bz133MRPeo-00883-00219159-00219310 on the main page of lingua libre you 9Bz133MRPeo-00884-00219311-00219519 should 9Bz133MRPeo-00885-00219519-00220079 are there any new questions 9Bz133MRPeo-00886-00220080-00222806 i'll just stop sharing my screen 9Bz133MRPeo-00887-00222807-00224703 i don't think there are new questions 9Bz133MRPeo-00888-00224704-00224782 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00889-00224783-00224967 would you like to 9Bz133MRPeo-00890-00224967-00225223 to contribute uh to record a few words 9Bz133MRPeo-00891-00225223-00225375 on lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00892-00225376-00225639 for the last minutes of this session if 9Bz133MRPeo-00893-00225640-00225831 you have any questions you 9Bz133MRPeo-00894-00225832-00226046 while you you're recording you can ask 9Bz133MRPeo-00895-00226048-00226303 them on the after pad 9Bz133MRPeo-00896-00226304-00226398 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00897-00226400-00227719 i'll try to give you advice 9Bz133MRPeo-00898-00227719-00227942 would it be possible to have a wikidata 9Bz133MRPeo-00899-00227944-00228103 exim generator 9Bz133MRPeo-00900-00228104-00228367 just adding the language 9Bz133MRPeo-00901-00228367-00228439 so 9Bz133MRPeo-00902-00228440-00228534 um 9Bz133MRPeo-00903-00228535-00228806 i don't really see what you you mean 9Bz133MRPeo-00904-00228807-00228903 when you 9Bz133MRPeo-00905-00228904-00229046 ask this question 9Bz133MRPeo-00906-00229048-00229391 like a generator that fetches uh exims 9Bz133MRPeo-00907-00229392-00229682 from wikidata 9Bz133MRPeo-00908-00229683-00229855 and 9Bz133MRPeo-00909-00229856-00231494 to create lists of words to record 9Bz133MRPeo-00910-00231496-00231734 so uh yes that's a good question i see 9Bz133MRPeo-00911-00231735-00231839 there 9Bz133MRPeo-00912-00231840-00232071 if your language is not currently on 9Bz133MRPeo-00913-00232071-00232263 ningua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00914-00232264-00232734 you can just ask the administrators 9Bz133MRPeo-00915-00232735-00232934 either on the chat room or on the 9Bz133MRPeo-00916-00232935-00233167 administrator's notice board 9Bz133MRPeo-00917-00233167-00233358 to edit and 9Bz133MRPeo-00918-00233359-00233615 it will just uh take a few minutes for 9Bz133MRPeo-00919-00233616-00233863 us to to add your language to lingua 9Bz133MRPeo-00920-00233864-00234191 libre as long as there's a wikidata 9Bz133MRPeo-00921-00234192-00234358 element for it 9Bz133MRPeo-00922-00234359-00234631 and you can also add it by yourself 9Bz133MRPeo-00923-00234632-00234887 but it it's just that it will takes take 9Bz133MRPeo-00924-00234888-00235151 a few steps 9Bz133MRPeo-00925-00235152-00235342 to add it to to edit it manually 9Bz133MRPeo-00926-00235344-00235503 basically just like you're when you 9Bz133MRPeo-00927-00235504-00235767 create an element on um 9Bz133MRPeo-00928-00235767-00236063 on wikidata and there's a gadget for 9Bz133MRPeo-00929-00236064-00236334 administrators to to just add quickly 9Bz133MRPeo-00930-00236335-00236615 languages just using the wikidata queue 9Bz133MRPeo-00931-00236616-00236919 id of the language 9Bz133MRPeo-00932-00236919-00237127 so if you have the 9Bz133MRPeo-00933-00237128-00237334 the name of languages you you want to 9Bz133MRPeo-00934-00237335-00237494 add to lingua libre you're welcome to 9Bz133MRPeo-00935-00237496-00237598 put them 9Bz133MRPeo-00936-00237600-00237798 in the arthropod and 9Bz133MRPeo-00937-00237800-00237998 we'll try to add them as quickly as 9Bz133MRPeo-00938-00238000-00238127 possible 9Bz133MRPeo-00939-00238128-00238303 it can be right now 9Bz133MRPeo-00940-00238304-00240806 actually 9Bz133MRPeo-00941-00240807-00241046 for example hebrew i think hebrew is 9Bz133MRPeo-00942-00241048-00241215 available on 9Bz133MRPeo-00943-00241216-00241663 on wiki data on sorry on lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00944-00241664-00242263 yes it is 9Bz133MRPeo-00945-00242264-00242375 the 9Bz133MRPeo-00946-00242376-00242710 local qid for hebrew on lingua libre is 9Bz133MRPeo-00947-00242711-00243558 q397 9Bz133MRPeo-00948-00243559-00243734 i'll just send it 9Bz133MRPeo-00949-00243735-00245742 in there at the back 9Bz133MRPeo-00950-00245744-00245967 um are there plans to have lingua libre 9Bz133MRPeo-00951-00245967-00246223 pronunciations auto added to the english 9Bz133MRPeo-00952-00246223-00246430 dictionary like on the french speaking 9Bz133MRPeo-00953-00246431-00246630 one 9Bz133MRPeo-00954-00246631-00246856 we actually i think uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00955-00246857-00246982 [Music] 9Bz133MRPeo-00956-00246983-00247398 we tried by a few years ago but um 9Bz133MRPeo-00957-00247400-00247534 some 9Bz133MRPeo-00958-00247535-00247630 english 9Bz133MRPeo-00959-00247631-00247934 victionery contributors weren't happy 9Bz133MRPeo-00960-00247935-00248039 about 9Bz133MRPeo-00961-00248040-00248206 the possibility of 9Bz133MRPeo-00962-00248207-00248471 people to record words in a language 9Bz133MRPeo-00963-00248471-00248679 even if they're not 9Bz133MRPeo-00964-00248680-00248894 native speakers 9Bz133MRPeo-00965-00248896-00249206 but that's actually something we can 9Bz133MRPeo-00966-00249207-00249351 work with 9Bz133MRPeo-00967-00249352-00249567 because as long as 9Bz133MRPeo-00968-00249567-00250006 the speaker mentioned his or their level 9Bz133MRPeo-00969-00250007-00250094 of 9Bz133MRPeo-00970-00250096-00250430 proficiency in a language uh if 9Bz133MRPeo-00971-00250431-00250703 the community of wiki only wants native 9Bz133MRPeo-00972-00250704-00250855 speakers for example 9Bz133MRPeo-00973-00250856-00251087 uh we can just uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00974-00251088-00251294 change the code for the specif this 9Bz133MRPeo-00975-00251296-00251487 specific wiki to only 9Bz133MRPeo-00976-00251488-00251663 uh upload uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00977-00251664-00251863 integrate uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00978-00251864-00252119 native speakers pronunciations uh on 9Bz133MRPeo-00979-00252119-00252423 their wiki or we could also change the 9Bz133MRPeo-00980-00252423-00252646 local template for uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00981-00252648-00252798 audio records 9Bz133MRPeo-00982-00252800-00252879 uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00983-00252880-00253079 to display that's actually what we did 9Bz133MRPeo-00984-00253080-00253279 on the french dictionary 9Bz133MRPeo-00985-00253280-00253463 like a few months ago 9Bz133MRPeo-00986-00253464-00253775 we added a parameter to specify the 9Bz133MRPeo-00987-00253776-00253942 level of proficiency 9Bz133MRPeo-00988-00253944-00254110 for example if it's uh 9Bz133MRPeo-00989-00254111-00254215 just a 9Bz133MRPeo-00990-00254216-00254494 beginner in this language uh it can 9Bz133MRPeo-00991-00254496-00254767 still be better than nothing to have 9Bz133MRPeo-00992-00254767-00255191 to have the recording if if the the word 9Bz133MRPeo-00993-00255192-00255310 hadn't had 9Bz133MRPeo-00994-00255311-00255606 didn't have any recording before 9Bz133MRPeo-00995-00255607-00255919 or if you have plenty of recordings for 9Bz133MRPeo-00996-00255919-00256134 a word uh once you 9Bz133MRPeo-00997-00256135-00256367 you so you heard all the different 9Bz133MRPeo-00998-00256367-00256615 accents or many different accents it can 9Bz133MRPeo-00999-00256616-00256967 be interesting to see how 9Bz133MRPeo-01000-00256967-00257294 learners accents are 9Bz133MRPeo-01001-00257296-00258094 from different parts of the world 9Bz133MRPeo-01002-00258096-00258391 so the answer to uh the question about 9Bz133MRPeo-01003-00258392-00258687 words spelt the same way but pronounced 9Bz133MRPeo-01004-00258688-00258846 differently is 9Bz133MRPeo-01005-00258848-00259103 parenthesis 9Bz133MRPeo-01006-00259104-00259342 for example uh you can 9Bz133MRPeo-01007-00259344-00259551 for example in french we have 9Bz133MRPeo-01008-00259552-00259671 uh the 9Bz133MRPeo-01009-00259671-00259942 the letters f-i-l-s 9Bz133MRPeo-01010-00259944-00260142 it can be pronounced 9Bz133MRPeo-01011-00260144-00260415 uh fees for example so it's just 9Bz133MRPeo-01012-00260416-00260615 translated by son 9Bz133MRPeo-01013-00260616-00260879 so let's say child 9Bz133MRPeo-01014-00260880-00261110 so you you just precise the meaning in 9Bz133MRPeo-01015-00261111-00261351 parenthesis and uh when you record 9Bz133MRPeo-01016-00261352-00261727 another one it can be feel so the pro of 9Bz133MRPeo-01017-00261728-00262071 the word feel which is a thread 9Bz133MRPeo-01018-00262071-00262303 you can just do it like this in the same 9Bz133MRPeo-01019-00262304-00262510 language of course that's just for the 9Bz133MRPeo-01020-00262511-00263575 example 9Bz133MRPeo-01021-00263576-00263847 so i think we're getting at the end of 9Bz133MRPeo-01022-00263848-00264071 the presentation 9Bz133MRPeo-01023-00264072-00265606 i'll take less questions 9Bz133MRPeo-01024-00265607-00265758 but i think 9Bz133MRPeo-01025-00265759-00266039 there are no questions left 9Bz133MRPeo-01026-00266040-00266110 so 9Bz133MRPeo-01027-00266111-00266439 i'll just say thank you very much for uh 9Bz133MRPeo-01028-00266440-00266630 for having uh 9Bz133MRPeo-01029-00266631-00266847 attended this this talk 9Bz133MRPeo-01030-00266848-00266975 and uh 9Bz133MRPeo-01031-00266976-00267175 i hope to to see you soon on lingua 9Bz133MRPeo-01032-00267176-00267430 libre 9Bz133MRPeo-01033-00267431-00267600 goodbye 9Bz133MRPeo-01034-00267601-00267910 [Music] 9BArzvCixo8-00000-00000000-00000005 [Music] 9BArzvCixo8-00001-00000006-00002747 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00002-00002748-00003503 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00004-00006804-00009714 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00005-00009715-00009869 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00006-00009870-00012749 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00007-00012750-00013157 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00009-00016706-00017171 [Music] 9BArzvCixo8-00010-00017172-00017530 Harry 9BArzvCixo8-00011-00017531-00019877 the directly project window button says 9BArzvCixo8-00012-00019878-00020567 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00013-00020568-00020747 tap on the body 9BArzvCixo8-00014-00020748-00023417 is 9BArzvCixo8-00015-00023418-00024886 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00016-00024887-00027870 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00019-00034019-00034601 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00020-00034602-00036572 foreign 9BArzvCixo8-00021-00036573-00037373 [Music] 9BArzvCixo8-00022-00037374-00037552 [Music] 9BArzvCixo8-00023-00037553-00037753 good 9DZCwud6Z38-00005-00037208-00037508 foreign 9EoCMuVUTGo-00000-00000046-00000407 Sabich ursa be hebrew s by sabich's is 9EoCMuVUTGo-00001-00000408-00000628 an Israeli sandwich popular mostly in 9EoCMuVUTGo-00002-00000629-00000875 the Tel Aviv metropolitan area in Israel 9EoCMuVUTGo-00003-00000876-00001043 which consists of pita stuffed with 9EoCMuVUTGo-00004-00001044-00001258 fried eggplant and hard-boiled eggs 9EoCMuVUTGo-00005-00001259-00001514 local Israeli consumption is said to 9EoCMuVUTGo-00006-00001515-00001651 have stemmed from a tradition among 9EoCMuVUTGo-00007-00001652-00002408 Iraqi Jews who aided on Shabbat morning 9EoCMuVUTGo-00008-00002409-00002941 topic etymology 9EoCMuVUTGo-00009-00002942-00003157 the food is named for the founder of the 9EoCMuVUTGo-00010-00003158-00003436 first Sabich stand in Israel Sabich TSV 9EoCMuVUTGo-00011-00003436-00003761 i Halabi a jewish man born in iraq a 9EoCMuVUTGo-00012-00003762-00004047 popular folk etymology is that Sabich 9EoCMuVUTGo-00013-00004048-00004291 comes from the arabic word saba s uh bah 9EoCMuVUTGo-00014-00004292-00004603 which means morning as the ingredients 9EoCMuVUTGo-00015-00004604-00004782 in the Sabich are typical for an Iraqi 9EoCMuVUTGo-00016-00004783-00005397 Jewish breakfast 9EoCMuVUTGo-00017-00005398-00005918 topic ingredients 9EoCMuVUTGo-00018-00005919-00006135 Sabich served in pita bread 9EoCMuVUTGo-00019-00006136-00006345 traditionally contains fried eggplant 9EoCMuVUTGo-00020-00006346-00006579 slices hard cooked eggs a thin tahini 9EoCMuVUTGo-00021-00006580-00006806 sauce tahini lemon juice and garlic 9EoCMuVUTGo-00022-00006808-00007086 Israeli salad chopped parsley and Amba 9EoCMuVUTGo-00023-00007087-00007370 some versions use boiled potatoes 9EoCMuVUTGo-00024-00007370-00007571 traditionally it is made with Haman 9EoCMuVUTGo-00025-00007572-00007745 Otto's eggs slow-cooked in her mean 9EoCMuVUTGo-00026-00007747-00008001 until they turn brown according to the 9EoCMuVUTGo-00027-00008002-00008156 diner's preference it can be served 9EoCMuVUTGo-00028-00008158-00008334 topped with green or red zhuge as a 9EoCMuVUTGo-00029-00008335-00008508 condiment and sprinkled with minced 9EoCMuVUTGo-00030-00008509-00009045 onion 9EoCMuVUTGo-00031-00009046-00009368 topic history 9EoCMuVUTGo-00032-00009369-00009549 you 9EoCMuVUTGo-00033-00009550-00009792 Sabich was brought to Israel by Iraqi 9EoCMuVUTGo-00034-00009793-00010128 Jews who moved in the 1940s and 1950s on 9EoCMuVUTGo-00035-00010129-00010380 the Sabbath when no cooking is allowed 9EoCMuVUTGo-00036-00010381-00010626 Iraqi Jews ate a cold meal of precooked 9EoCMuVUTGo-00037-00010627-00010839 fried eggplant boiled potatoes and 9EoCMuVUTGo-00038-00010840-00011096 hard-boiled eggs in Israel these 9EoCMuVUTGo-00039-00011097-00011285 ingredients were stuffed in a PITA and 9EoCMuVUTGo-00040-00011286-00011601 sold his fast food in the 1950s and 9EoCMuVUTGo-00041-00011602-00011874 1960s vendors began to sell the sandwich 9EoCMuVUTGo-00042-00011875-00012228 in open-air stalls there is a rural 9EoCMuVUTGo-00043-00012229-00012489 version called Sabich salad salat Sabich 9EoCMuVUTGo-00044-00012490-00012958 in Hebrew 9EoCMuVUTGo-00045-00012959-00013455 topic gallery 9EoCMuVUTGo-00046-00013456-00013822 you 9EoCMuVUTGo-00047-00013822-00014378 topic see also 9EoCMuVUTGo-00048-00014379-00014735 cuisine of the meze rahi Jews Israeli 9EoCMuVUTGo-00049-00014736-00015186 cuisine Jewish cuisine culture of Israel 9EoCMuVUTGo-00050-00015187-00015541 Middle Eastern cuisine 9EqGSDzlgTI-00000-00000156-00000821 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00001-00000822-00000899 [Laughter] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00002-00000900-00001491 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00003-00001492-00002647 wow 9EqGSDzlgTI-00004-00002648-00003622 this is when the narcissist comes back 9EqGSDzlgTI-00005-00003623-00003943 the narcissist may have discarded you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00006-00003944-00004111 and acted as though they were moving on 9EqGSDzlgTI-00007-00004112-00004599 to something better or greater 9EqGSDzlgTI-00008-00004600-00004767 they wanted you to think that they were 9EqGSDzlgTI-00009-00004768-00005127 so much happier without you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00010-00005128-00005286 as though you were the cause of the 9EqGSDzlgTI-00011-00005287-00005567 problem 9EqGSDzlgTI-00012-00005568-00005838 and now that problem is no longer a part 9EqGSDzlgTI-00013-00005839-00006095 of their lives 9EqGSDzlgTI-00014-00006096-00006311 and although narcissists are good at 9EqGSDzlgTI-00015-00006312-00006510 planning and coordinating the element of 9EqGSDzlgTI-00016-00006511-00006639 a situation 9EqGSDzlgTI-00017-00006640-00007031 to produce the desired effect 9EqGSDzlgTI-00018-00007031-00007223 sometimes they really do believe that 9EqGSDzlgTI-00019-00007223-00007478 they're on to something 9EqGSDzlgTI-00020-00007479-00007623 they really do believe that they've 9EqGSDzlgTI-00021-00007623-00007698 struck gold 9EqGSDzlgTI-00022-00007700-00008031 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00023-00008031-00008271 only too late to discover that they were 9EqGSDzlgTI-00024-00008272-00008641 sold a dream 9EqGSDzlgTI-00025-00008642-00008983 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00026-00008984-00009231 after they had sold that same dream to 9EqGSDzlgTI-00027-00009232-00009942 you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00028-00009943-00010169 narcissists are very gullible 9EqGSDzlgTI-00029-00010170-00010359 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00030-00010360-00010559 they are easily persuaded to believe 9EqGSDzlgTI-00031-00010560-00010887 something 9EqGSDzlgTI-00032-00010888-00011142 it is actually very easy to manipulate a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00033-00011143-00011238 narcissist 9EqGSDzlgTI-00034-00011239-00011384 in the love bombing phase 9EqGSDzlgTI-00035-00011385-00011846 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00036-00011847-00012146 they will believe whatever you tell them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00037-00012147-00012759 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00038-00012760-00012935 they are more willing to trust a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00039-00012936-00013094 stranger 9EqGSDzlgTI-00040-00013095-00013266 over their own family 9EqGSDzlgTI-00041-00013268-00013735 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00042-00013736-00014166 so whatever you display to them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00043-00014168-00014316 they will believe to be true 9EqGSDzlgTI-00044-00014316-00014711 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00045-00014712-00014983 it is very easy for someone to deceive a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00046-00014984-00015191 narcissist 9EqGSDzlgTI-00047-00015191-00015483 it is very easy to gather my mistaken 9EqGSDzlgTI-00048-00015484-00015735 impression 9EqGSDzlgTI-00049-00015736-00015919 to make them believe there's something 9EqGSDzlgTI-00050-00015919-00016119 that they're not 9EqGSDzlgTI-00051-00016121-00016591 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00052-00016592-00016855 because the narcissist wants to believe 9EqGSDzlgTI-00053-00016856-00016911 that they 9EqGSDzlgTI-00054-00016912-00017231 finally found their perfect supply 9EqGSDzlgTI-00055-00017232-00017855 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00056-00017856-00018391 that's all the narcissist ever wanted 9EqGSDzlgTI-00057-00018392-00018558 someone they can use to meet their own 9EqGSDzlgTI-00058-00018559-00018871 needs 9EqGSDzlgTI-00059-00018872-00019822 someone they can use to hurt you that's 9EqGSDzlgTI-00060-00019823-00020263 all the narcissists are thinking about 9EqGSDzlgTI-00061-00020264-00020814 when they target a new source 9EqGSDzlgTI-00062-00020815-00021039 but they didn't expect that source to do 9EqGSDzlgTI-00063-00021040-00021218 the same thing to them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00064-00021219-00021767 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00065-00021768-00021967 they didn't expect the source to be 9EqGSDzlgTI-00066-00021968-00022207 lying to them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00067-00022208-00022671 cheating on them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00068-00022672-00023199 using them for their own selfish needs 9EqGSDzlgTI-00069-00023200-00023742 using them to hurt someone else 9EqGSDzlgTI-00070-00023743-00023975 they didn't expect their new source to 9EqGSDzlgTI-00071-00023976-00024195 be doing any of that 9EqGSDzlgTI-00072-00024196-00024607 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00073-00024608-00025283 because maybe the new source saw them a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00074-00025284-00025606 dream 9EqGSDzlgTI-00075-00025607-00025846 they made them believe something that 9EqGSDzlgTI-00076-00025847-00026026 wasn't true 9EqGSDzlgTI-00077-00026027-00026558 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00078-00026560-00026783 they made them believe there was 9EqGSDzlgTI-00079-00026783-00027326 something they're not 9EqGSDzlgTI-00080-00027327-00027535 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00081-00027536-00028083 and the narcissist was eating it with a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00082-00028083-00028248 spoon 9EqGSDzlgTI-00083-00028249-00028431 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00084-00028432-00028833 they were loving every moment of it 9EqGSDzlgTI-00085-00028835-00029390 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00086-00029391-00029887 without ever suspecting 9EqGSDzlgTI-00087-00029888-00030118 that maybe they were being taken 9EqGSDzlgTI-00088-00030119-00031060 advantage of 9EqGSDzlgTI-00089-00031061-00031390 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00090-00031391-00031807 when the narcissist finally realizes 9EqGSDzlgTI-00091-00031808-00032029 that the new source was deceiving though 9EqGSDzlgTI-00092-00032030-00032327 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00093-00032327-00032792 naturally they will be very angry 9EqGSDzlgTI-00094-00032793-00033446 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00095-00033447-00033679 they won't want anything to do with that 9EqGSDzlgTI-00096-00033680-00033926 new source anymore 9EqGSDzlgTI-00097-00033927-00034295 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00098-00034296-00034631 they know there's no future 9EqGSDzlgTI-00099-00034632-00035223 in something that started out as a lie 9EqGSDzlgTI-00100-00035224-00035431 they know that they cannot trust the new 9EqGSDzlgTI-00101-00035432-00035608 source 9EqGSDzlgTI-00102-00035609-00036023 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00103-00036024-00036625 and now they also want to get revenge 9EqGSDzlgTI-00104-00036626-00038295 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00105-00038296-00038574 they want to get back at the new source 9EqGSDzlgTI-00106-00038575-00038895 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00107-00038896-00039759 and the easiest way for them to do this 9EqGSDzlgTI-00108-00039760-00039931 is to come back to you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00109-00039932-00040199 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00110-00040200-00040615 but it's not because they love you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00111-00040616-00040854 it's not because they care about you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00112-00040855-00041374 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00113-00041375-00041743 they're just going to use you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00114-00041744-00042967 to get back at the new source 9EqGSDzlgTI-00115-00042968-00043623 maybe they lied to the narcissist 9EqGSDzlgTI-00116-00043624-00043836 maybe they cheated on them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00117-00043837-00044318 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00118-00044319-00044927 and now the narcissist is really mad 9EqGSDzlgTI-00119-00044928-00045120 they want to get revenge 9EqGSDzlgTI-00120-00045121-00045807 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00121-00045808-00046158 and they just see you as a tool 9EqGSDzlgTI-00122-00046159-00046441 that they can use to do that 9EqGSDzlgTI-00123-00046442-00047702 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00124-00047703-00047911 the narcissists thought the grass was 9EqGSDzlgTI-00125-00047912-00048423 greener on the other side 9EqGSDzlgTI-00126-00048424-00048639 but they do sometimes get tricked by 9EqGSDzlgTI-00127-00048640-00048774 other sources 9EqGSDzlgTI-00128-00048775-00049246 that may be narcissistic 9EqGSDzlgTI-00129-00049247-00049439 narcissists can be very vulnerable when 9EqGSDzlgTI-00130-00049440-00049608 they discard you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00131-00049609-00049983 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00132-00049984-00050135 when they look for other sources of 9EqGSDzlgTI-00133-00050136-00050351 supply 9EqGSDzlgTI-00134-00050352-00050718 they can be very gullible 9EqGSDzlgTI-00135-00050719-00051438 and anyone can manipulate them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00136-00051439-00052034 anyone can sell them a dream 9EqGSDzlgTI-00137-00052035-00052254 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00138-00052255-00052422 anyone can lie to them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00139-00052423-00052575 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00140-00052576-00052966 or cheat on them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00141-00052967-00053282 and just give them a taste of their own 9EqGSDzlgTI-00142-00053283-00053561 medicine 9EqGSDzlgTI-00143-00053562-00053766 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00144-00053767-00053966 and that is when they will come running 9EqGSDzlgTI-00145-00053967-00054240 back to you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00146-00054241-00054487 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00147-00054488-00054854 that is when they will try to use you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00148-00054855-00055085 to get back at whoever hurt them 9EqGSDzlgTI-00149-00055086-00056038 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00150-00056039-00056407 you cannot entertain the revenge hoover 9EqGSDzlgTI-00151-00056408-00056838 you cannot let them back in 9EqGSDzlgTI-00152-00056839-00056982 because they're just going to do the 9EqGSDzlgTI-00153-00056983-00057575 same thing all over again 9EqGSDzlgTI-00154-00057576-00057755 only this time 9EqGSDzlgTI-00155-00057757-00057919 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00156-00057920-00058130 it's going to be worse 9EqGSDzlgTI-00157-00058132-00058359 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00158-00058360-00058607 they're not going to love or respect you 9EqGSDzlgTI-00159-00058608-00059087 or anyone 9EqGSDzlgTI-00160-00059088-00059254 they're just going to use you as a 9EqGSDzlgTI-00161-00059255-00059447 puppet 9EqGSDzlgTI-00162-00059448-00060820 to punish someone else 9EqGSDzlgTI-00163-00060821-00061682 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00164-00061683-00061904 wow 9EqGSDzlgTI-00165-00061905-00062030 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00166-00062032-00062109 [Laughter] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00167-00062110-00062999 [Music] 9EqGSDzlgTI-00168-00063000-00063207 you 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00000-00000000-00000209 hi everyone it's Monica and let's talk 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00001-00000210-00000335 about some Thrillers and murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00002-00000336-00000484 mysteries to get into that Halloween 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00003-00000486-00000713 spirit I really do love this time of 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00004-00000714-00001019 year it's the perfect time to read and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00005-00001019-00001211 curl up with a thriller or a murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00006-00001212-00001373 mystery and let's just get right to the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00007-00001374-00001582 first book which is a good Girl's Guide 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00008-00001583-00001901 to Murder By Holly Jackson this is why a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00009-00001902-00002129 murderer mystery Trilogy I absolutely 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00010-00002130-00002392 loved it it has elements of a murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00011-00002393-00002626 mystery and action said in a small 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00012-00002627-00002921 fictional Town little kilton in England 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00013-00002922-00003191 We are following Pippa who is currently 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00014-00003192-00003431 doing her final project of her senior 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00015-00003432-00003719 year and Pippa she chooses to do her 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00016-00003720-00004013 final project on a local Murder Mystery 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00017-00004014-00004325 Case that has been closed about a girl 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00018-00004326-00004631 Andy Bell who was supposedly murdered by 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00019-00004632-00004906 salsing in this case it happened five 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00020-00004907-00005201 years ago and this case is close to home 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00021-00005202-00005506 for pip because it happened in her town 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00022-00005507-00005711 and everyone in her Town believes that 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00023-00005712-00005993 Sal has killed Andy but soon put my 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00024-00005994-00006275 finds out that her small town has many 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00025-00006276-00006545 Mysteries and many cover-ups and it's 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00026-00006545-00006719 someone from the past wants those 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00027-00006720-00006923 secrets to stay hidden there's so many 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00028-00006923-00007187 twists and turns in this series and I 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00029-00007188-00007445 love falling pip she's very smart and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00030-00007445-00007739 capable like a detective and she's 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00031-00007740-00008003 really great at uncovering clues in this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00032-00008004-00008201 first book pip realizes that she's on 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00033-00008202-00008387 the trail of something big in the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00034-00008388-00008578 revelation of that truth follows her 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00035-00008579-00008783 throughout the series we also have Ravi 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00036-00008784-00009107 Singh who is Sal's younger brother and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00037-00009108-00009367 he helps with pips investigation because 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00038-00009368-00009592 he doesn't believe that his older 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00039-00009593-00009791 brother committed murder and I really 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00040-00009792-00009935 enjoyed their Dynamic throughout the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00041-00009936-00010133 series as well one unique thing about 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00042-00010134-00010421 this book series is that pip herself she 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00043-00010422-00010663 creates a podcast a true crime podcast 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00044-00010664-00010924 following her investigation and she 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00045-00010925-00011146 gains quite an audience and throughout 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00046-00011147-00011345 the pros in this book there are little 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00047-00011346-00011596 like small case files and documents 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00048-00011597-00011783 feels like you're solving the murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00049-00011784-00011987 mystery case along with Pip the writing 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00050-00011988-00012227 is quite easy to read and if you pay 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00051-00012228-00012413 really close attention there are little 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00052-00012414-00012701 details that have a huge impact later on 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00053-00012702-00012952 in the book and within the series all 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00054-00012953-00013115 the books in this Trilogy are amazing 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00055-00013116-00013355 and I really really loved it and I'm 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00056-00013356-00013607 sure you will too in my next pick is an 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00057-00013608-00013799 adult Thriller it is take your breath 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00058-00013800-00014069 away by Linwood Barclay this one follows 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00059-00014069-00014315 Andrew whose wife mysteriously vanishes 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00060-00014316-00014525 after he returns home from a fishing 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00061-00014526-00014753 trip and six years later his missing 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00062-00014754-00015047 wife Bree shows up in town and has no 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00063-00015047-00015215 memory of what happened to her the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00064-00015216-00015466 police suspect that Andrew has something 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00065-00015468-00015791 to do with this and his current partner 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00066-00015791-00016097 Jane doesn't know about his past but the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00067-00016097-00016415 real question is is Bree really back so 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00068-00016416-00016636 this weather was quite well paced and it 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00069-00016637-00016799 gives you enough hints throughout the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00070-00016800-00016997 book to follow along and make your own 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00071-00016998-00017200 predictions about what has happened to 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00072-00017201-00017549 Brie and if Andrew our main character is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00073-00017550-00017855 part of that missing case there was a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00074-00017856-00018035 lot of guesswork that I was is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00075-00018036-00018257 surprisingly quite good at predicting 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00076-00018258-00018539 and I was right but not every element in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00077-00018540-00018772 this book is predictable because I was 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00078-00018773-00018985 really thrown off by the surprise ending 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00079-00018986-00019258 and I really love being surprised in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00080-00019259-00019522 Thrillers and the reasons behind this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00081-00019523-00019763 entire mystery is not what you would 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00082-00019764-00019961 expect there are sometimes some 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00083-00019962-00020249 convenient chain of events but the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00084-00020250-00020435 unexpected twists will keep you 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00085-00020436-00020735 surprised and glued to the page next up 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00086-00020736-00021083 is a why a thriller mystery and this is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00087-00021084-00021467 Ace of Spades by ferda abikidime and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00088-00021468-00021641 this one is set place at a private 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00089-00021642-00021839 Academy and we're following two top 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00090-00021840-00022139 students chiamaka and Devon these two 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00091-00022140-00022343 students that we're following they get 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00092-00022344-00022522 some of their most deepest darkest 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00093-00022523-00022750 Secrets blasted out to their entire 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00094-00022751-00023039 School in the person who's behind these 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00095-00023040-00023327 mysterious texts is known as Aces which 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00096-00023328-00023500 threatens our main character's future 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00097-00023501-00023741 that they work so hard for so this one 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00098-00023742-00023975 is a really thrilling why a mystery in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00099-00023976-00024328 an excellent debut while Aces is only 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00100-00024329-00024544 mainly targeting the two black students 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00101-00024545-00024778 in the school that comes with a lot of 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00102-00024779-00025014 important topics both 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00103-00025015-00025294 institutionalized racism white supremacy 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00104-00025295-00025625 colonialism and really severe bullying 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00105-00025626-00026033 but there is also fantastic lgbtq rep 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00106-00026033-00026362 and POC rep however one sachiamaka and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00107-00026363-00026555 Devon learned that the target harassment 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00108-00026556-00026890 is towards them they both are denying 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00109-00026891-00027167 that it is of anything deeper but soon 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00110-00027168-00027358 they completely understand what is going 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00111-00027360-00027640 on and they're just appalled and they 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00112-00027641-00027839 stand up and fight back against their 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00113-00027839-00028067 bullies and both of these characters are 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00114-00028068-00028318 resilient in their own ways chimaka is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00115-00028319-00028624 one who is quite candid and she's not 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00116-00028625-00028877 one to back down Devon is quite 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00117-00028877-00029111 soft-hearted and shares his emotions 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00118-00029112-00029362 openly but he's still quite determined 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00119-00029363-00029627 to get Justice for himself and chiamaka 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00120-00029627-00029837 both of these characters are very very 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00121-00029838-00030118 strong and they gather the courage to 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00122-00030119-00030281 stand up for themselves and get the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00123-00030282-00030490 justice that they deserve so this is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00124-00030491-00030664 definitely a book you want to pick up if 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00125-00030666-00030961 you want an intense mystery as well as 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00126-00030962-00031258 underlying important messages and my 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00127-00031260-00031457 next recommendation is the Sundown motel 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00128-00031458-00031739 by Simone St James I really appreciated 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00129-00031739-00031961 the different tone that this book took 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00130-00031962-00032201 on which was a little more horror so 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00131-00032202-00032470 this book follows two characters in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00132-00032472-00032735 through two different timelines first we 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00133-00032736-00032921 have Viv who is a young woman who has 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00134-00032922-00033251 gone missing since 1982 and then we have 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00135-00033252-00033581 Carly who is with niece who returns back 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00136-00033582-00033874 to the motel where her aunt has gone 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00137-00033875-00034031 missing to figure out what has happened 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00138-00034032-00034223 to her I really like the personal 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00139-00034224-00034468 connection between Viv and Carly because 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00140-00034469-00034667 it does bring about the concept of 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00141-00034668-00034871 history repeating itself both of them 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00142-00034872-00035117 end up in a quite similar situation in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00143-00035118-00035399 both timelines because they both have 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00144-00035400-00035651 the same job of being a receptionist at 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00145-00035652-00035915 a late night Hotel the mystery in viv's 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00146-00035916-00036149 point of view is following the unsolved 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00147-00036150-00036479 murder cases of three women and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00148-00036480-00036785 meanwhile Carly is going back and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00149-00036786-00037037 retracing her aunt's footsteps I enjoyed 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00150-00037038-00037277 how both characters are quite strong 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00151-00037278-00037512 female characters and they are not 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00152-00037513-00037774 unreliable narrators that we sometimes 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00153-00037775-00037985 see a lot in Thrillers or murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00154-00037986-00038249 mysteries also being set at an old 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00155-00038250-00038555 creepy Hotel the setting was perfect we 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00156-00038556-00038830 also have a little bit Supernatural kind 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00157-00038831-00039095 of things going on with ghosts being 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00158-00039096-00039395 quite creepy but the thing is the ghosts 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00159-00039396-00039593 were surprisingly helpful to our 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00160-00039594-00039862 characters and I really like that part 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00161-00039863-00040096 also personally the creepiness of this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00162-00040097-00040343 book is not for me and I absolutely 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00163-00040344-00040643 despised horror movies but for this book 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00164-00040644-00040817 I think it was really well done and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00165-00040818-00041039 executed my next book is all these 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00166-00041040-00041387 bodies by kendor Blake this one is a why 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00167-00041388-00041596 a horror mystery blend that takes you 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00168-00041597-00041795 through a journey of what is the truth 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00169-00041796-00042035 and what may be lurking in the dark set 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00170-00042036-00042280 in the 1950s set in a small town or 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00171-00042281-00042467 following the sun of a sheriff Michael 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00172-00042468-00042761 Jensen and with Michael he is quite 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00173-00042762-00043007 determined to solve this new murder 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00174-00043008-00043271 mystery in his town and it involves a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00175-00043272-00043445 mysterious young teenage girl and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00176-00043446-00043595 there's something off about this girl 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00177-00043596-00043865 something odd but intriguing for Michael 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00178-00043866-00044135 and the readers and her name is Marie 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00179-00044136-00044357 Catherine Hale and where we first find 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00180-00044358-00044740 Marie is she is in the center of a crime 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00181-00044741-00045071 scene where the bodies of a young family 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00182-00045072-00045412 is found lying on their living floor and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00183-00045413-00045562 their bodies are drained completely of 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00184-00045563-00045874 blood while Marie is just standing in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00185-00045875-00046043 the middle of their living room covered 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00186-00046044-00046301 head to toe in Blood and it seems that 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00187-00046302-00046552 this Murder Mystery Case is part of a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00188-00046553-00046799 serial killers doing but usually that 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00189-00046800-00047015 serial killers victims are found all 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00190-00047016-00047308 murdered but in this case the young 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00191-00047309-00047573 toddler girl was left untouched and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00192-00047574-00047801 alive this book was quite a thrilling 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00193-00047802-00048029 ride because we're following from the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00194-00048030-00048257 point of view of Michael Jensen who is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00195-00048258-00048473 trying to investigate Clues and get down 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00196-00048474-00048724 to what actually happened to these 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00197-00048725-00048977 people and of course the top suspect is 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00198-00048978-00049199 Marie and while you're reading this book 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00199-00049200-00049421 in the back of my mind I was wondering 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00200-00049422-00049852 if Marie is even human or that she has 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00201-00049853-00050068 someone else helping her although the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00202-00050069-00050255 plot might be a little bit slower paced 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00203-00050256-00050549 but I feel like I fit with the theme of 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00204-00050550-00050783 a murder investigation done in a small 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00205-00050784-00051095 town being slow paced but even with that 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00206-00051096-00051304 we do get our answers at the end of the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00207-00051305-00051496 book and it was quite a satisfying 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00208-00051497-00051814 conclusion and quite creepy for this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00209-00051815-00052085 spooky season and my last book on this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00210-00052086-00052385 list is final Girls by Riley Sager this 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00211-00052386-00052642 one is a faster Pace read and it's like 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00212-00052644-00052949 a slasher movie in book form the term 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00213-00052950-00053165 final girls is when there is a lone 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00214-00053166-00053554 survivor of massive killer events 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00215-00053555-00053800 um and we follow three main final girls 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00216-00053801-00054023 in this book but we are found following 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00217-00054024-00054275 the point of view of Quincy Carpenter 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00218-00054276-00054569 who is a final girl and a survivor of a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00219-00054570-00054754 massacre that killed all of her sorority 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00220-00054755-00054982 sisters including her boyfriend now in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00221-00054983-00055169 present day it's been nearly 10 years 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00222-00055170-00055397 since that Massacre Quincy is now living 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00223-00055398-00055691 with her lawyer boyfriend and she runs a 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00224-00055691-00055919 quite successful baking blog but things 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00225-00055920-00056188 aren't completely healed for Quincy 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00226-00056189-00056387 because she doesn't remember major 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00227-00056388-00056644 events that happened that night so we 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00228-00056645-00056957 might have an unreliable narrator and we 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00229-00056958-00057119 don't know what happened at that 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00230-00057120-00057382 massacre at the ninth at Pine Cottage in 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00231-00057383-00057563 that premise really did keep me reading 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00232-00057564-00057766 and I believe I read this book in one 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00233-00057767-00058030 sitting it was so addictive to just 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00234-00058032-00058265 finish this book right off and it also 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00235-00058266-00058457 did make me wonder if Quincy was the one 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00236-00058458-00058709 to assist in helping kill her friends 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00237-00058710-00058985 but there were quite a couple of red 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00238-00058986-00059219 herrings that got me and overall the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00239-00059220-00059453 mystery and the slasher elements were 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00240-00059454-00059644 thoroughly entertaining and it really 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00241-00059645-00059849 did keep me up at night to just finish 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00242-00059850-00060059 this book I believe that's all the books 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00243-00060060-00060269 I have to recommend for this video and I 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00244-00060270-00060473 hope you may have added one or two to 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00245-00060474-00060688 your TBR thank you so much for watching 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00246-00060689-00060857 I hope you enjoyed this video don't 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00247-00060858-00061037 forget to give me a big thumbs up hit 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00248-00061038-00061180 that subscribe button down below and 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00249-00061182-00061337 also ring the bell to not miss any 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00250-00061338-00061553 future uploads I'll see you all in the 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00251-00061554-00062016 next one bye 9Gk2fBFPrS4-00252-00062016-00063360 [Music] 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00000-00000046-00000375 Kapila sanskrit coppola as a given name 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00001-00000376-00000603 of different individuals in ancient and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00002-00000604-00000831 medieval Indian texts of which the most 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00003-00000832-00001016 well-known as the founder of the samkhya 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00004-00001017-00001344 School of Hindu philosophy Kapila of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00005-00001345-00001583 samkhya famous considered a Vedic sage 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00006-00001584-00001790 estimated to have lived in the 6th 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00007-00001791-00002117 century BCE or the seventh century BCE 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00008-00002118-00002379 Rishi Kapoor is credited with authoring 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00009-00002380-00002613 the influential samkhya-sutra in which 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00010-00002614-00002846 aphoristic sutras present the dualistic 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00011-00002847-00003188 philosophy of samkhya kapila's influence 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00012-00003189-00003399 on Buddha and Buddhism have long been 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00013-00003400-00003615 the subject of scholarly studies many 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00014-00003615-00003863 historic personalities in Hinduism and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00015-00003864-00004104 Jainism mythical figures pilgrimage 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00016-00004105-00004341 sites in Indian religion as well as an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00017-00004342-00004568 ancient variety of cow went by the name 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00018-00004569-00005134 capella 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00019-00005135-00005672 topic biography 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00020-00005673-00005969 the name Kapila appears in many texts 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00021-00005970-00006188 and it is likely that these names refer 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00022-00006189-00006436 to different people the most famous 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00023-00006437-00006680 reference as to the sage kapila with his 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00024-00006681-00006929 student asourian the indian tradition 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00025-00006930-00007148 are considered as the first masters of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00026-00007148-00007454 samkhya school of hindu philosophy while 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00027-00007455-00007696 he predates Buddha it is unclear which 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00028-00007697-00007945 century he lived in with some suggesting 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00029-00007947-00008330 6th century BCE others place him in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00030-00008331-00008675 7th century BCE this places him in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00031-00008676-00009113 late Vedic period 1500 BCE to 500 BCE 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00032-00009114-00009332 and he has been called a Vedic sage 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00033-00009333-00009551 kapila is credited with authoring an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00034-00009552-00009764 influential Sutra called samkhya-sutra 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00035-00009765-00010004 also called Kapila sutra which 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00036-00010005-00010214 aphoristic li presents the dualistic 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00037-00010215-00010526 philosophy of samkhya these sutras were 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00038-00010527-00010766 explained in another well studied texts 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00039-00010767-00010987 of Hinduism called the samkhya karika 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00040-00010988-00011279 beyond the samkhya theories he appears 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00041-00011280-00011560 in many dialogues of Hindu texts such as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00042-00011561-00011720 in explaining and defending the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00043-00011721-00011974 principle of ahimsa non-violence in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00044-00011975-00012521 Mahabharata 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00045-00012522-00013022 topic hinduism 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00046-00013024-00013263 the name Kapila is used for many 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00047-00013263-00013530 individuals in hinduism few of which may 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00048-00013531-00014138 refer to the same person 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00049-00014138-00014668 topic in Vedic texts 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00050-00014669-00015097 the Rigveda x20 7.16 mentions Kapila 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00051-00015097-00015366 desana mekin kapalama which the 14th 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00052-00015368-00015625 century vedic commentator Sayana thought 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00053-00015626-00015819 refers to a sage a view which 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00054-00015821-00016243 Chakravarti in 1951 and larson in 1987 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00055-00016244-00016477 consider unreliable with Chakravarti 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00056-00016478-00016690 suggesting that the word refers to one 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00057-00016691-00016855 of the murids while Larson and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00058-00016856-00017068 Bhattacharyya state cap alum in that 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00059-00017069-00017464 verse means Thani or reddish-brown as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00060-00017465-00017776 was also translated by Griffith the SATA 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00061-00017777-00017989 potaka series on the sokka's of the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00062-00017990-00018169 yajurveda estimated to have been 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00063-00018170-00018670 composed between 1200 and 1,000 bucks a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00064-00018671-00018883 cos situated in the area of Arda which 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00065-00018884-00019090 implies a yajurveda school was named 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00066-00019091-00019435 after capella the term capella meaning 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00067-00019436-00019738 clans of capella occurs in the eighth 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00068-00019739-00020065 Araya brahmana 7.17 but provides no 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00069-00020066-00020380 information on the original Kapila the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00070-00020381-00020629 paris' ISTA addenda of the atharvaveda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00071-00020630-00021043 at eleven 3.3.4 mentions Kapila a sori 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00072-00021044-00021256 and pon kacica in connection with a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00073-00021257-00021517 libation ritual for whom tarpana as to 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00074-00021518-00021859 be offered in verse 5.2 of schwedish 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00075-00021860-00022144 Vitara Upanishad states larsen both the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00076-00022145-00022372 terms samkhya and Kapila appear with 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00077-00022373-00022665 Kapila meaning color as well as a seer 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00078-00022666-00023019 rishi with the phrase our simper suom 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00079-00023020-00023247 cap alam 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00080-00023248-00023649 Tamm agre which when compared to other 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00081-00023650-00023892 verses of the fetish Vitara Upanishad 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00082-00023893-00024114 Kapila likely construes to Rudra and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00083-00024115-00024453 Hiranya garbha however Max Muller as a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00084-00024454-00024702 view that Hiranya garbha namely Kapila 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00085-00024703-00024939 in this context varies with the tenor of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00086-00024940-00025185 the Upanishad was distinct and was later 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00087-00025186-00025397 used to link capella and assign the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00088-00025398-00025631 authorship of Sankhya system to Hiranya 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00089-00025632-00025764 garbha in reverence for the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00090-00025764-00026350 philosophical system 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00091-00026351-00026848 topic in the Puranas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00092-00026849-00027162 Kapila States George Williams lived long 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00093-00027163-00027379 before the composition of the epics and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00094-00027380-00027612 the Puranas and his name was co-opted in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00095-00027613-00027982 various later composed mythology's as an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00096-00027983-00028204 aesthetic and as sleeping Vishnu in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00097-00028205-00028423 Brahma purana when the evil King vena 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00098-00028424-00028662 abandoned the Vedas declared that he was 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00099-00028663-00028890 the only creator of Dharma and broke all 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00100-00028891-00029115 limits of righteousness and was killed 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00101-00029116-00029358 Kapila advises Hermits to churn Vedas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00102-00029359-00029562 thigh from which emerged machetes and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00103-00029563-00029814 his right hand from which PR Thu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00104-00029816-00030024 originated who made earth productive 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00105-00030025-00030083 again 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00106-00030084-00030361 Kapila and Hermits then went to kappa 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00107-00030362-00030589 lassen gama a holy place where rivers 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00108-00030589-00030918 meet the brahma purana also mentions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00109-00030919-00031237 Kapila in the context of Sagaris 60,000 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00110-00031238-00031417 sons who looking for their asheville a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00111-00031418-00031651 horse disturbed vishnu who was sleeping 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00112-00031652-00031951 in the shape of capella he woke up the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00113-00031952-00032155 brilliance in his eyes burned all but 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00114-00032156-00032415 four of Sagaris sons to ashes leaving 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00115-00032416-00032635 few survivors carrying on the family 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00116-00032636-00032968 lineage as Vishnu's incarnation the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00117-00032969-00033258 narada purana enumerates to kapila's one 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00118-00033259-00033468 is the incarnation of brahma and another 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00119-00033469-00033787 as the incarnation of vishnu the Puranas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00120-00033788-00034123 bhagavata brahmanda vishnu padma Skanda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00121-00034124-00034237 narada purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00122-00034238-00034504 and the Valmiki Ramayana mentions capela 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00123-00034505-00034801 as an incarnation of vishnu the padma 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00124-00034802-00034983 purana and Skanda Purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00125-00034984-00035239 conclusively call him Vishnu himself who 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00126-00035240-00035455 descended on earth to disseminate true 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00127-00035456-00035764 knowledge Bhagavata Purana calls him 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00128-00035765-00036014 Veda Garba Vishnu the Vishnu Sahasranama 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00129-00036015-00036312 mentions Kapila as a name of Vishnu in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00130-00036313-00036520 his commentary on the samkhya-sutra 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00131-00036521-00036808 busines Nabi Shu mentions Kapila the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00132-00036809-00037083 founder of samkhya system is Vishnu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00133-00037084-00037365 Jacobsen suggests Kapila of the Veda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00134-00037366-00037605 sramana tradition and the mahabharata as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00135-00037606-00037837 the same person as Kapila the founder of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00136-00037838-00038020 samkhya and this individual is 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00137-00038021-00038236 considered as an incarnation of Vishnu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00138-00038237-00038583 in the Hindu texts as son of kardama 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00139-00038584-00038796 muni the book 3 of the Bhagavata Purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00140-00038797-00039082 states capella was the son of kardama 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00141-00039083-00039433 Prajapati and his wife devahuti kardama 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00142-00039434-00039655 was born from Chaya the reflection of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00143-00039656-00039937 Brahma Brahma asks kardama to procreate 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00144-00039938-00040176 upon which kardama goes to the banks of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00145-00040177-00040211 sera 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00146-00040212-00040505 fadi River practices penance visualizes 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00147-00040506-00040751 Vishnu and as told by Vishnu that Manu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00148-00040752-00040973 the son of brahma will arrive there with 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00149-00040974-00041174 his wife shatter UBA in search of a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00150-00041175-00041483 groom for their daughter devahuti vishnu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00151-00041484-00041735 advises kardama to marry devahuti and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00152-00041736-00041960 blesses kardama that he himself will be 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00153-00041961-00042293 born as his son besides Kapila as their 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00154-00042294-00042575 only son kardama and devahuti had nine 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00155-00042576-00042737 daughters namely kala 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00156-00042738-00043025 Anasuya shraddha hey Babu Gita Kriya 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00157-00043026-00043283 khyati Arundhati and Shanti who were 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00158-00043284-00043586 married to marici atri and Jairus 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00159-00043587-00043904 pulastya palasa croteau vasistha and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00160-00043905-00044273 atharva respectively HH Wilson notes the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00161-00044274-00044483 bhagavata adds a third daughter devahuti 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00162-00044484-00044752 to introduce the long legend of kardama 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00163-00044753-00044977 and of their son Kapila an account not 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00164-00044978-00045090 found elsewhere 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00165-00045091-00045389 Kapila as described states daniel 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00166-00045390-00045599 sheridan by the redactor of the purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00167-00045600-00045821 as an incarnation of the supreme being 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00168-00045822-00046087 vishnu in order to reinforce the purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00169-00046088-00046250 teaching by linking it to the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00170-00046251-00046433 traditional respect to kapila's sankhya 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00171-00046434-00046740 in hinduism in the Bhagavata Purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00172-00046741-00047000 Kapila presents to his mother devahuti 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00173-00047001-00047261 the philosophy of yoga and theistic 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00174-00047262-00047567 dualism kapila's sankhya is also 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00175-00047568-00047789 described through krishna to Odawa in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00176-00047790-00048011 book eleven of the Bhagavata Purana a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00177-00048012-00048409 passage also known as the ODA vegeta 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00178-00048410-00048664 as son of Kashi Abba the Matsya Purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00179-00048665-00048967 mentions Kapila as the son of Kashyap ax 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00180-00048968-00049180 from his wife Danu daughter of daksha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00181-00049181-00049525 prajapati Kapila was one among dan use 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00182-00049526-00049816 100 sons and her other sons kapila's 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00183-00049817-00049999 brothers mentioned in the Vishnu Purana 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00184-00050000-00050299 include Deva murder Shankara a omocha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00185-00050300-00050584 shankha shira's Sam vara eka chakra 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00186-00050585-00050902 Taraka Raja Parvin spar vaanu Kulemin 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00187-00050903-00051250 VIP rickety and other de novice as son 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00188-00051251-00051475 of Vltava or Bharat via in the Brahma 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00189-00051476-00051736 purana and in the Hara vamsa Kapila was 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00190-00051737-00052057 the son of Vltava danilo translates 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00191-00052058-00052312 vltava to inaccuracy and Wilson notes 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00192-00052313-00052540 Bharat via was also named Veda the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00193-00052541-00052741 unprofitable while he was given in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00194-00052741-00053071 adoption to Bharata Vishnu Purana notes 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00195-00053072-00053323 Bhavan manu was the son of Vltava but 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00196-00053324-00053575 brahma purana and hera vamsa omit this 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00197-00053576-00053896 and makes sutra on ahora gaya Garga and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00198-00053897-00054070 Kapila the sons of Edessa 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00199-00054071-00054342 the brahma purana differs from other 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00200-00054344-00054565 piranhas in saying vitae though was the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00201-00054566-00054780 son of bharata via and upon the death of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00202-00054782-00055024 bharata barod via installed vitae thha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00203-00055025-00055213 as the king before leaving for the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00204-00055214-00055722 forest 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00205-00055723-00056001 topic in the dharma sutras and other 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00206-00056002-00056366 texts 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00207-00056367-00056646 as son of prelada the body on adharma 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00208-00056647-00056895 sutra mentions the Asura Kapila was the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00209-00056896-00057084 son of prelada in the chapter laying 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00210-00057085-00057428 rules for the via gnosis the section IV 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00211-00057429-00057744 0.16 of body on agrea Sutra mentions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00212-00057745-00057969 Kapila as the one who set up rules for 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00213-00057970-00058085 ascetic life 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00214-00058086-00058353 Kapila is credited in the body on 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00215-00058354-00058580 adharma sutra with creating the forest 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00216-00058582-00058751 Rama orders brahmacarya grhastha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00217-00058752-00059105 vanaprastha and sannyasa and suggesting 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00218-00059107-00059294 that renouncer should never injure any 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00219-00059295-00059607 living being inward thought or deed he 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00220-00059608-00059775 is said to have made rules for 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00221-00059776-00059954 announcement of the sacrifices and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00222-00059955-00060186 rituals in the Vedas and anesthetics 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00223-00060187-00060392 attachment instead to the brahmana in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00224-00060394-00060629 other Hindu texts such as the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00225-00060630-00060726 Mahabharata 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00226-00060727-00060932 Kapila as again the sage who argues 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00227-00060933-00061197 against sacrifices and for non-violence 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00228-00061198-00061428 and an end to Cruelty to Animals with 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00229-00061429-00061613 the argument that if sacrifices 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00230-00061614-00061838 benefited the animal then logically the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00231-00061839-00062088 family who sacrifices would benefit by a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00232-00062089-00062397 similar death according to Chaturvedi in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00233-00062398-00062619 a study of inscriptions of khajuraho 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00234-00062620-00062855 temples the early samkhya philosophers 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00235-00062857-00063060 were possibly disciples of female 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00236-00063061-00063577 teachers 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00237-00063578-00064132 topic imagery in the agamas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00238-00064133-00064386 kapila's imagery as depicted with a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00239-00064387-00064631 beard seated in Padmasana with closed 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00240-00064632-00064848 eyes indicating diana with a Giada 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00241-00064849-00065057 mandala around the head showing high 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00242-00065058-00065249 shoulders indicating he was greatly 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00243-00065250-00065480 adept in controlling breath draped in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00244-00065482-00065697 deerskin wearing the yagna pavetta 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00245-00065698-00065898 with a kamandalu near him with one hand 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00246-00065899-00066137 placed in front of the crossed legs and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00247-00066138-00066330 feet marked with lines resembling 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00248-00066331-00066618 outline of a lotus this Kapila is 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00249-00066619-00066843 identified with Kapila the founder of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00250-00066844-00067094 Sankhya system while the vahana sasame 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00251-00067095-00067382 gives somewhat varying description the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00252-00067383-00067629 via gnosis agama places capella as a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00253-00067630-00067832 Navarone at Avada and allocates the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00254-00067833-00068079 southeast corner of the first aburana as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00255-00068080-00068387 the embodiment of the vedas his image as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00256-00068388-00068604 seated facing east with eight arms of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00257-00068605-00068805 which four on the right should be an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00258-00068806-00069036 abaya mudra the other three should carry 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00259-00069037-00069336 the chakra cADCA hala one left hand as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00260-00069337-00069537 to rest on the hip in the Katia varlaam 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00261-00069538-00069759 betta pose and other three should carry 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00262-00069760-00070394 the Sanka pasa and anda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00263-00070395-00070926 topic other descriptions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00264-00070927-00071213 the name capella as sometimes used as an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00265-00071214-00071436 epithet for vasudeva with vasudeva 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00266-00071437-00071640 having incarnated in the place named 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00267-00071641-00071976 Kapila pradyumna assumed the form of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00268-00071977-00072213 capella when he became free from desire 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00269-00072214-00072603 of worldly influences capella as as one 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00270-00072604-00072776 of the seven dick Pallas with the other 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00271-00072777-00073181 six being Dharma kala Vasu Vasuki Ananda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00272-00073182-00073506 the jiajia Sumida of 5th century AD 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00273-00073507-00073731 alludes to the chitter mukha Vishnu of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00274-00073732-00073988 Kashmir and mentions Vishnu with varaha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00275-00073989-00074244 and our sim ha and capella defeated the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00276-00074245-00074432 asuras who appeared before them in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00277-00074433-00074685 zoomorphic forms with n our sim ha and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00278-00074686-00074919 varaha posited to be incarnations of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00279-00074920-00075255 Vishnu and Kapila respectively in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00280-00075256-00075492 vimana purana the yaksha's were sired by 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00281-00075493-00075762 Kapila with his consort Cassini who was 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00282-00075763-00075960 from the Casas class though the epics 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00283-00075961-00076173 attribute the origin of yaksha's to a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00284-00076174-00076431 cosmic egg or to the sage pulastya while 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00285-00076432-00076671 other Puranas posit Kashyap as the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00286-00076672-00076890 progenitor of yaksha's with his consort 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00287-00076891-00077226 Vishwa Akasha in some piranhas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00288-00077227-00077475 Kapila is also mentioned as a female a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00289-00077476-00077730 daughter of Casas and Iraq saucy after 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00290-00077731-00078044 whom came the name capella Jana in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00291-00078045-00078255 Mahabharat capella was a daughter of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00292-00078256-00078494 daksha and having married Kashyap I gave 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00293-00078495-00078768 birth to the brahmanas kine Gandharva s 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00294-00078769-00079340 and Apsaras 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00295-00079341-00079824 topic Jainism 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00296-00079825-00080103 Kapila as mentioned in chapter 8 of the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00297-00080104-00080355 Uhtred yana sutra states Larson and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00298-00080356-00080541 bhattacharyya where a discourse of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00299-00080542-00080763 poetical verses as titled as Couvillion 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00300-00080764-00081126 or kapila's verses the name capella 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00301-00081127-00081444 appears in Jaina texts for example in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00302-00081445-00081708 the 12th century he McAndrews epic poem 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00303-00081709-00081933 on jane elders Kapila appears as a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00304-00081934-00082167 brahmin who converted to Jainism during 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00305-00082168-00082395 the Nanda Empire era according to Jane 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00306-00082396-00082569 at adharma katha Kapila was a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00307-00082570-00082809 contemporary of krishna and the vasudeva 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00308-00082810-00083130 of dhaka Conda the text further mentions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00309-00083131-00083307 that both of them blew their shankha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00310-00083308-00083900 count together 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00311-00083901-00084379 topic Buddhism 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00312-00084380-00084651 Buddhists literature such as the Jataka 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00313-00084652-00084928 tales state the Buddha was Kapila in one 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00314-00084929-00085165 of his previous lives scholars have long 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00315-00085166-00085398 compared and associated the teachings of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00316-00085399-00085522 capella and Buddha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00317-00085523-00085860 for example max Miller wrote abridged 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00318-00085861-00086118 there are no doubts certain notions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00319-00086119-00086371 which Buddha shares in common not only 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00320-00086372-00086560 with Kapila but with every Hindu 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00321-00086561-00086779 philosopher 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00322-00086780-00087010 it has been said that Buddha and Kapila 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00323-00087011-00087217 were both atheists and that Buddha 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00324-00087218-00087517 borrowed his atheism from Kapila but 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00325-00087518-00087754 atheism as an indefinite term and may 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00326-00087755-00088072 mean very different things in one sense 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00327-00088073-00088326 every Indian philosopher was an atheist 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00328-00088327-00088551 for they all perceived that the gods of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00329-00088552-00088713 the populous could not claim the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00330-00088714-00088915 attributes that belong to a Supreme 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00331-00088916-00089140 Being absolute the source of all that 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00332-00089141-00089480 exists or seems to exist Brahman 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00333-00089481-00089765 Kapila when accused of atheism is not 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00334-00089766-00090008 accused of denying the existence of an 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00335-00090009-00090317 absolute being he is accused of denying 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00336-00090318-00090659 the existence of an ish hara Max Muller 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00337-00090660-00090857 states the link between the more ancient 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00338-00090858-00091085 kapila's teachings on Buddha can be 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00339-00091086-00091376 overstated this confusion Azizi 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00340-00091377-00091601 states Muller because kapila's first 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00341-00091602-00091882 sutra in his classic samkhya-sutra the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00342-00091883-00092147 complete cessation of pain which is of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00343-00092148-00092482 three kinds is the highest aim of man 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00344-00092483-00092768 sounds like the natural inspiration for 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00345-00092769-00093047 Buddha however adds muller the teachings 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00346-00093048-00093299 on how to achieve this by Kapila and by 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00347-00093300-00093512 Buddha are very different as Buddhist 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00348-00093513-00093773 art often depicts Vedic deities one can 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00349-00093774-00094028 find art of both Narayana and capela as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00350-00094029-00094232 kings within a Buddhist temple along 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00351-00094233-00094454 with statues of Buddhist figures such as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00352-00094455-00094718 Amitabha Maitreya and virocana in 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00353-00094719-00094951 Chinese Buddhism the Buddha directed the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00354-00094952-00095219 Yaksha Kapila and 15 daughters of Devas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00355-00095220-00095898 to become the patrons of China 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00356-00095899-00096398 topic works 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00357-00096399-00096623 the following works were authored by 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00358-00096624-00096863 Coppola some of which are lost and known 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00359-00096864-00097010 because they are mentioned in other 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00360-00097011-00097241 works while few others are unpublished 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00361-00097242-00097454 manuscripts available in libraries 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00362-00097455-00097793 stated man body shraddha mentioned by 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00363-00097794-00098162 red Rhodesia in pacaya jana picasa dr 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00364-00098163-00098402 stunts are Eluga also named Siddhanta 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00365-00098403-00098627 sarah available at Madras Oriental 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00366-00098628-00098978 manuscripts library Kapil on Yaya basa 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00367-00098979-00099146 mentioned by al-biruni 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00368-00099147-00099527 in his works Kapila purana referred to 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00369-00099528-00099745 by suta Sumida and kevandrach arya 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00370-00099746-00100040 available at sarasvati Bhavana library 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00371-00100041-00100418 varanasi Kapila samhita there are two 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00372-00100419-00100700 works by the same name one is the Sumida 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00373-00100701-00100892 quoted in the Bhagavata tap area 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00374-00100893-00100970 nyah-nyah 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00375-00100971-00101218 and by Veera maitre d a-- in samskaras 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00376-00101219-00101519 another as the Sumida detailing pilgrim 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00377-00101520-00101885 centers of Orissa Kapila sutra two books 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00378-00101886-00102143 namely the samkhya probe econo sutra and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00379-00102144-00102383 the tatvas Amasa sutra are jointly known 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00380-00102384-00102701 as Kapila sutra Bhaskar Arya refers to 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00381-00102702-00102976 them in his work Sabah Jia Bhaskara 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00382-00102977-00103384 Kapila stotra chapters 25 to 33 of the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00383-00103385-00103604 third conda of the bhagavata mahabharata 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00384-00103605-00103988 are called Kapila stotra kapila's maruti 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00385-00103989-00104249 available in the works Morita sand Abba 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00386-00104250-00104465 a collection of smear IDs from GU room 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00387-00104466-00104688 and all publications 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00388-00104689-00104949 Capel opana shot mentioned in the ananda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00389-00104950-00105201 sarama list at four thousand sixty seven 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00390-00105202-00105524 an honest rama four thousand sixty seven 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00391-00105525-00105831 Kapila geeta also known as dr stan to 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00392-00105832-00106016 Sarah or Siddhanta Sarah 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00393-00106017-00106347 Kapila Panter atre also known as maja 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00394-00106348-00106632 Kapila Panter atre quoted by Ragunan 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00395-00106633-00106890 Donna in samskara Mecca Ayurveda books 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00396-00106891-00107214 mentioning kapila's works are that bada 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00397-00107215-00107483 mentions kapila's views in chapter 20 of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00398-00107484-00107810 sutras thana nischala cara mentions 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00399-00107811-00108033 kapila's views in his commentary on 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00400-00108033-00108383 Chicot sasaeng Graha kapila's views are 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00401-00108384-00108702 quoted in ayurveda deepika the Cavinder 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00402-00108703-00109017 acharya list at 987 mentions a book 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00403-00109018-00109368 named Kapila Siddhanta rasayana he 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00404-00109369-00109605 madrid quotes kapila's views in ashton 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00405-00109606-00109668 gardiah 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00406-00109669-00109944 16th verse of the commentary Ayurveda 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00407-00109945-00110346 rasayana Sarva darshan Assam Braja Sarva 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00408-00110347-00110592 darshan Assam Braja mentions kapila's 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00409-00110593-00110778 views on raises vara school of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00410-00110779-00111355 philosophy 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00411-00111356-00111877 topic teachings 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00412-00111878-00112090 kapila's sankhya has taught in various 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00413-00112091-00112498 Hindu texts Kapila states in the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00414-00112499-00112793 Mahabharata acts only cleanse the body 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00415-00112794-00113119 knowledge however is the highest end for 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00416-00113120-00113428 which one strives when all faults of the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00417-00113429-00113635 heart are cured by acts and when the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00418-00113636-00113857 felicity of brahma becomes established 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00419-00113858-00114079 in knowledge benevolence forgiveness 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00420-00114080-00114364 tranquility compassion truthfulness and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00421-00114365-00114646 candor abstention from injury absence of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00422-00114647-00114883 pride modesty renunciation and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00423-00114884-00115177 abstention from work are attained these 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00424-00115178-00115414 constitute the path that lead to Brahman 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00425-00115415-00115645 by those one attains to what is the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00426-00115646-00115918 highest Bhishma said to Yudhisthira 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00427-00115919-00116318 listen o slayer of foes the sank hayas 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00428-00116319-00116500 are followers of Kapila who are 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00429-00116501-00116704 conversant with all paths and endued 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00430-00116705-00116896 with wisdom say that there are five 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00431-00116897-00117143 faults o priests and one in the human 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00432-00117144-00117196 body 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00433-00117197-00117475 they are desire and wrath and fear and 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00434-00117476-00117724 sleep and breath these faults are seen 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00435-00117725-00117918 in the bodies of all embodied creatures 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00436-00117919-00118201 those that are endued with wisdom cut 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00437-00118202-00118348 the root of Wrath with the aid of 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00438-00118349-00118708 forgiveness desire is cut off by casting 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00439-00118709-00118984 off all purposes by cultivation of the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00440-00118985-00119212 quality of goodness Sat WA sleep as 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00441-00119213-00119407 conquered and fear as conquered by 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00442-00119408-00119680 cultivating heedfulness breath is 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00443-00119681-00120374 conquered by abstemious nosov diet 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00444-00120375-00120904 topic recognition 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00445-00120905-00121193 Kapila the founder of samkhya has been a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00446-00121194-00121433 highly revered sage in various schools 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00447-00121433-00121583 of Hindu philosophy 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00448-00121583-00121954 Dada pada Tilda 500c II and Advaita 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00449-00121955-00122195 Vedanta scholar in his Basia called 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00450-00122196-00122428 capella as one of the seven great sages 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00451-00122429-00122728 along with sanaka sananda sanatana a 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00452-00122729-00123100 sori voodoo and pancakes iike Vyasa the 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00453-00123101-00123349 yoga scholar in his yoga sutra Basia 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00454-00123350-00123652 wrote Kapila to be the primal wise man 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00455-00123653-00124273 or knower 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00456-00124274-00124809 topic see also 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00457-00124810-00125472 Prahlada narada Vyasa bhakti-yoga 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00458-00125473-00126003 samkhya Kapila theorem call village 9K_4z0jXU8Q-00459-00126004-00126555 Kalai it equals equals notes 9L-_cNZLAkg-00000-00000084-00000478 [Music] 9L-_cNZLAkg-00001-00000479-00000647 good morning class it's so nice to see 9L-_cNZLAkg-00002-00000648-00000823 everybody today 9L-_cNZLAkg-00003-00000824-00000958 we're going to be learning about 9L-_cNZLAkg-00004-00000959-00001166 graphing slope intercept i'm really 9L-_cNZLAkg-00005-00001167-00001270 excited 9L-_cNZLAkg-00006-00001271-00001478 to teach you this today i can also put 9L-_cNZLAkg-00007-00001479-00001695 any other resources like my notes on my 9L-_cNZLAkg-00008-00001696-00001830 laptop screen 9L-_cNZLAkg-00009-00001832-00002295 i love dual displays locate our point 9L-_cNZLAkg-00010-00002296-00002526 on the graph which is 1 on the 9L-_cNZLAkg-00011-00002527-00002726 y-intercept 9L-_cNZLAkg-00012-00002727-00002983 and we'll mark it then let's use our 9L-_cNZLAkg-00013-00002984-00003175 ruler 9L-_cNZLAkg-00014-00003176-00003464 to graph the next spot 9L-_cNZLAkg-00015-00003465-00003654 [Music] 9L-_cNZLAkg-00016-00003655-00003863 now i want everyone to check to see if 9L-_cNZLAkg-00017-00003864-00003999 you got the same slope 9L-_cNZLAkg-00018-00004000-00004231 that i just graphed and then let's check 9L-_cNZLAkg-00019-00004232-00005079 it on decimals 9L-_cNZLAkg-00020-00005080-00005286 so this is what your slope should look 9L-_cNZLAkg-00021-00005287-00005551 like i love the myviewboard software 9L-_cNZLAkg-00022-00005552-00005718 because it works so great with my touch 9L-_cNZLAkg-00023-00005719-00005815 monitor 9L-_cNZLAkg-00024-00005816-00006047 you can see i'm using digital tools even 9L-_cNZLAkg-00025-00006048-00006183 my document camera 9L-_cNZLAkg-00026-00006184-00006503 you can see here 9L-_cNZLAkg-00027-00006504-00006767 that the y-intercept is five so go ahead 9L-_cNZLAkg-00028-00006768-00006846 and mark 9L-_cNZLAkg-00029-00006847-00007159 five on your graph all right 9L-_cNZLAkg-00030-00007159-00007375 let's get to learning so i want everyone 9L-_cNZLAkg-00031-00007376-00007639 to watch just like you see in desmos i'm 9L-_cNZLAkg-00032-00007640-00007895 going to graph my line here 9L-_cNZLAkg-00033-00007895-00008031 and you'll notice that they match so 9L-_cNZLAkg-00034-00008031-00008223 you're going to use desmos to check your 9L-_cNZLAkg-00035-00008224-00008335 graphs 9L-_cNZLAkg-00036-00008336-00008495 let me know in the chat if anyone has 9L-_cNZLAkg-00037-00008496-00008719 questions i see here lily you're asking 9L-_cNZLAkg-00038-00008720-00008783 about 9L-_cNZLAkg-00039-00008784-00009135 why do we put the y-intercept on one 9L-_cNZLAkg-00040-00009136-00009319 let me explain that really quickly 9L-_cNZLAkg-00041-00009320-00009439 teaching remotely 9L-_cNZLAkg-00042-00009440-00009623 doesn't have to be overwhelming 9L-_cNZLAkg-00043-00009624-00009799 sometimes i even teach from a coffee 9L-_cNZLAkg-00044-00009800-00009935 shop 9L-_cNZLAkg-00045-00009936-00010142 having a second monitor doesn't have to 9L-_cNZLAkg-00046-00010143-00010287 be stressful so 9L-_cNZLAkg-00047-00010288-00010535 let's get out my viewsonic pen display 9L-_cNZLAkg-00048-00010536-00010687 it's super portable and 9L-_cNZLAkg-00049-00010688-00010767 easy to connect 9L-_cNZLAkg-00050-00010768-00011127 [Music] 9L-_cNZLAkg-00051-00011128-00011310 writing with the pen display feels just 9L-_cNZLAkg-00052-00011311-00011446 like writing on paper 9L-_cNZLAkg-00053-00011447-00011606 and i love using the my viewboard 9L-_cNZLAkg-00054-00011607-00011823 whiteboard software for annotation 9L-_cNZLAkg-00055-00011824-00012206 the 13 point inch screen is plenty big 9L-_cNZLAkg-00056-00012207-00012423 there's no calibration required and it's 9L-_cNZLAkg-00057-00012424-00012583 so easy to work with interactive 9L-_cNZLAkg-00058-00012584-00012710 websites 9L-_cNZLAkg-00059-00012711-00012894 here i'm teaching virtually by sharing 9L-_cNZLAkg-00060-00012895-00013079 my screen 9L-_cNZLAkg-00061-00013080-00013335 dual display is my favorite as i can 9L-_cNZLAkg-00062-00013336-00013591 keep my current content and annotations 9L-_cNZLAkg-00063-00013591-00013830 on the pin pad while using my laptop 9L-_cNZLAkg-00064-00013831-00013911 screen 9L-_cNZLAkg-00065-00013912-00014286 to monitor my virtual meeting 9L-_cNZLAkg-00066-00014287-00014543 [Music] 9L-_cNZLAkg-00067-00014544-00014711 working with digital content can be 9L-_cNZLAkg-00068-00014712-00014894 challenging unless you have a device 9L-_cNZLAkg-00069-00014895-00015111 that easily lets you annotate 9L-_cNZLAkg-00070-00015112-00015366 the vue sonic vb pin pad is a physical 9L-_cNZLAkg-00071-00015368-00015519 notepad that also connects to your 9L-_cNZLAkg-00072-00015519-00015607 computer 9L-_cNZLAkg-00073-00015608-00015791 providing easy annotation with the 9L-_cNZLAkg-00074-00015791-00016055 stylus whatever you write on the paper 9L-_cNZLAkg-00075-00016056-00016527 happens digitally on your computer 9L-_cNZLAkg-00076-00016528-00016711 here the teacher has the pin pad 9L-_cNZLAkg-00077-00016712-00016999 connected to their desktop via usb which 9L-_cNZLAkg-00078-00017000-00017167 in turn is connected to the classroom 9L-_cNZLAkg-00079-00017168-00017286 projector 9L-_cNZLAkg-00080-00017287-00017519 even though his desktop is not touch the 9L-_cNZLAkg-00081-00017520-00017719 pin pad allows him to write and interact 9L-_cNZLAkg-00082-00017720-00017863 with all of his content 9L-_cNZLAkg-00083-00017864-00019196 inside my viewboard whiteboard software 9L-_cNZLAkg-00084-00019197-00019527 [Music] 9L-_cNZLAkg-00085-00019528-00019736 you 9MN2qcsh9S0-00000-00000000-00000151 i actually thought it seemed like a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00001-00000152-00000327 slider he got going a little bit there 9MN2qcsh9S0-00002-00000328-00000415 early 9MN2qcsh9S0-00003-00000416-00000671 um you know the the change up you know 9MN2qcsh9S0-00004-00000672-00000823 that kind of leaked back right in the 9MN2qcsh9S0-00005-00000824-00001031 middle that bogart's got got him there 9MN2qcsh9S0-00006-00001032-00001158 in the first 9MN2qcsh9S0-00007-00001159-00001415 um after really competitive at bat with 9MN2qcsh9S0-00008-00001416-00001599 with devers where he worked the walk on 9MN2qcsh9S0-00009-00001600-00001679 them 9MN2qcsh9S0-00010-00001680-00001910 um obviously that was that was a tough 9MN2qcsh9S0-00011-00001911-00002126 blow early there in the first 9MN2qcsh9S0-00012-00002127-00002279 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00013-00002280-00002471 you know and then 9MN2qcsh9S0-00014-00002472-00002671 and then just coming back around 9MN2qcsh9S0-00015-00002672-00002847 obviously schwarber is able to get to a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00016-00002848-00003126 heater look like up above the zone maybe 9MN2qcsh9S0-00017-00003127-00003215 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00018-00003215-00003399 so it was just a little bit of a grind 9MN2qcsh9S0-00019-00003400-00003631 for him and again just getting hurt 9MN2qcsh9S0-00020-00003632-00003919 uh you know with with some slug with 9MN2qcsh9S0-00021-00003920-00004119 some some pitches that kind of leaked 9MN2qcsh9S0-00022-00004120-00004263 back there in the middle and and they 9MN2qcsh9S0-00023-00004264-00004447 took advantage of them so 9MN2qcsh9S0-00024-00004448-00004583 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00025-00004584-00004799 you know and and obviously tonight 9MN2qcsh9S0-00026-00004800-00004991 wasn't a night where you know normally 9MN2qcsh9S0-00027-00004992-00005215 you get settled in and who knows where 9MN2qcsh9S0-00028-00005216-00005454 you go from there but um so you know i 9MN2qcsh9S0-00029-00005455-00005622 went and got them pretty pretty quick 9MN2qcsh9S0-00030-00005623-00005918 obviously but um just just a little 9MN2qcsh9S0-00031-00005919-00006151 misfire on a couple and and they made 9MN2qcsh9S0-00032-00006152-00006367 them pay 9MN2qcsh9S0-00033-00006368-00006567 the offense really wasn't able to muster 9MN2qcsh9S0-00034-00006568-00006703 much tonight it did seem like they were 9MN2qcsh9S0-00035-00006704-00006910 building some momentum there with judge 9MN2qcsh9S0-00036-00006911-00007103 on base stanton at the plate what did 9MN2qcsh9S0-00037-00007104-00007383 evan see on that play that that led him 9MN2qcsh9S0-00038-00007384-00007814 to send judge yeah i think coming in 9MN2qcsh9S0-00039-00007815-00007974 the ball coming in looked like it was 9MN2qcsh9S0-00040-00007975-00008151 going to be kind of an in-between hop to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00041-00008152-00008327 the to the infielder 9MN2qcsh9S0-00042-00008328-00008551 bogarts did a good job of creating a hop 9MN2qcsh9S0-00043-00008552-00008751 catching it clean and and obviously 9MN2qcsh9S0-00044-00008752-00008967 throwing it home and getting them but 9MN2qcsh9S0-00045-00008968-00009159 and and that kind of squashed a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00046-00009160-00009463 potential rally there so i i think what 9MN2qcsh9S0-00047-00009464-00009623 he saw was 9MN2qcsh9S0-00048-00009624-00009759 what he thought was going to be kind of 9MN2qcsh9S0-00049-00009760-00009991 an in-between hop and really a tough 9MN2qcsh9S0-00050-00009992-00010446 chance 9MN2qcsh9S0-00051-00010447-00010606 we can take the next question from 9MN2qcsh9S0-00052-00010607-00011174 marley rivera 9MN2qcsh9S0-00053-00011175-00011287 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00054-00011288-00011510 hi aaron what made our navy of aldi so 9MN2qcsh9S0-00055-00011511-00011759 tough today 9MN2qcsh9S0-00056-00011760-00011983 like he always is i mean he is a he's 9MN2qcsh9S0-00057-00011984-00012183 got great stuff i mean you know up to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00058-00012184-00012463 100 miles an hour this fastball cut cuts 9MN2qcsh9S0-00059-00012464-00012631 it i thought he had his curveball going 9MN2qcsh9S0-00060-00012632-00012774 a little bit tonight with the splitter 9MN2qcsh9S0-00061-00012775-00012999 so he had you know he was able to change 9MN2qcsh9S0-00062-00013000-00013263 speeds and um and he's a great strike 9MN2qcsh9S0-00063-00013263-00013463 thrower you know he's 9MN2qcsh9S0-00064-00013463-00013686 he fills up the strike zone and and you 9MN2qcsh9S0-00065-00013687-00013879 know obviously got a lead there and was 9MN2qcsh9S0-00066-00013880-00014166 able to you know kind of take advantage 9MN2qcsh9S0-00067-00014168-00014343 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00068-00014344-00014543 but you know he's a guy that he's one of 9MN2qcsh9S0-00069-00014544-00014711 the best pitchers in the league and and 9MN2qcsh9S0-00070-00014712-00014983 it's because he has the tool set to do 9MN2qcsh9S0-00071-00014984-00015111 it but then 9MN2qcsh9S0-00072-00015112-00015430 he's he's got command and you know last 9MN2qcsh9S0-00073-00015431-00015583 time didn't really necessarily have a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00074-00015584-00015766 splitter or his curveball that really 9MN2qcsh9S0-00075-00015768-00015950 gives him a change of pace 9MN2qcsh9S0-00076-00015951-00016111 tonight he had that going a little bit 9MN2qcsh9S0-00077-00016112-00016783 for him and gotten a pretty good rhythm 9MN2qcsh9S0-00078-00016784-00016991 erin i assume you've had some time to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00079-00016992-00017239 speak to the team uh since the loss what 9MN2qcsh9S0-00080-00017240-00017407 was your message to them and what's the 9MN2qcsh9S0-00081-00017408-00017599 uh could you describe the mood in that 9MN2qcsh9S0-00082-00017600-00017894 clubhouse right now 9MN2qcsh9S0-00083-00017895-00018039 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00084-00018040-00018239 guys are crushed you know 9MN2qcsh9S0-00085-00018240-00018367 you know unfortunately we've been in 9MN2qcsh9S0-00086-00018368-00018558 this position where 9MN2qcsh9S0-00087-00018559-00018719 you know fortunately we've been in the 9MN2qcsh9S0-00088-00018720-00018894 playoffs every year but 9MN2qcsh9S0-00089-00018895-00019183 it hasn't ended how we wanted obviously 9MN2qcsh9S0-00090-00019184-00019479 and tonight was another tough one to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00091-00019480-00019671 tough one to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00092-00019672-00019935 tough one to take um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00093-00019936-00020119 and we've been through a lot of 9MN2qcsh9S0-00094-00020120-00020335 wars with guys in that room and you know 9MN2qcsh9S0-00095-00020336-00020414 we got 9MN2qcsh9S0-00096-00020415-00020575 a lot of scars 9MN2qcsh9S0-00097-00020576-00020783 um so guys are 9MN2qcsh9S0-00098-00020784-00021022 guys are 9MN2qcsh9S0-00099-00021023-00021335 bummed you guys are you pour a lot into 9MN2qcsh9S0-00100-00021336-00021607 this and i i guess my message is 9MN2qcsh9S0-00101-00021608-00021878 you know first of all 9MN2qcsh9S0-00102-00021879-00022183 i'm always i'm i'm grateful i'm grateful 9MN2qcsh9S0-00103-00022184-00022383 to be able to compete with with that 9MN2qcsh9S0-00104-00022384-00022519 group of guys 9MN2qcsh9S0-00105-00022520-00022750 and one of the things i'm most proud of 9MN2qcsh9S0-00106-00022751-00023007 with this team this year is 9MN2qcsh9S0-00107-00023008-00023230 this was a challenging year this was not 9MN2qcsh9S0-00108-00023231-00023399 a this was 9MN2qcsh9S0-00109-00023400-00023711 not an easy year for us and 9MN2qcsh9S0-00110-00023712-00023894 you know when we had to play well the 9MN2qcsh9S0-00111-00023895-00024127 final two months and really 9MN2qcsh9S0-00112-00024128-00024391 compete at a high level 9MN2qcsh9S0-00113-00024392-00024607 i thought we did that and put ourselves 9MN2qcsh9S0-00114-00024608-00024791 in a position and gave ourselves a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00115-00024792-00024999 chance to be in this game 9MN2qcsh9S0-00116-00025000-00025150 with an opportunity to do something 9MN2qcsh9S0-00117-00025151-00025327 special in october 9MN2qcsh9S0-00118-00025328-00025542 and uh 9MN2qcsh9S0-00119-00025543-00025774 so i love the way we've competed and 9MN2qcsh9S0-00120-00025775-00025983 showed up the last couple of months but 9MN2qcsh9S0-00121-00025983-00026246 the other message is that you know 9MN2qcsh9S0-00122-00026247-00026495 the leagues close the gap on us you know 9MN2qcsh9S0-00123-00026495-00026695 we got to get better we got to we got to 9MN2qcsh9S0-00124-00026695-00026958 get you know better 9MN2qcsh9S0-00125-00026960-00027046 um 9MN2qcsh9S0-00126-00027047-00027255 at in every aspect that just getting a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00127-00027256-00027431 little bit better you know because it's 9MN2qcsh9S0-00128-00027432-00027718 not just the red sox and the astros now 9MN2qcsh9S0-00129-00027719-00027879 in artly you know i mean look at our 9MN2qcsh9S0-00130-00027880-00028167 division the rays are a 9MN2qcsh9S0-00131-00028168-00028390 toronto and you know this there's some 9MN2qcsh9S0-00132-00028391-00028599 teams in the central that are that are 9MN2qcsh9S0-00133-00028600-00028774 getting better and better teams in the 9MN2qcsh9S0-00134-00028775-00028990 west that are better and better teams 9MN2qcsh9S0-00135-00028991-00029246 that have closed the gap on us and 9MN2qcsh9S0-00136-00029247-00029439 you know that needs to be 9MN2qcsh9S0-00137-00029439-00029623 you know front and center as guys 9MN2qcsh9S0-00138-00029624-00029735 prepare 9MN2qcsh9S0-00139-00029736-00029990 uh in the off season and get ready for 9MN2qcsh9S0-00140-00029991-00030239 for spring training next year that 9MN2qcsh9S0-00141-00030239-00030627 you know got to get better 9N9zIbCHOq4-00000-00000000-00000236 because 9N9zIbCHOq4-00001-00000237-00000676 [Applause] 9N9zIbCHOq4-00002-00000677-00001751 [Music] 9N9zIbCHOq4-00003-00001752-00001960 you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00000-00000016-00000214 student loan debt continues its upward 9PO_g5Gcr10-00001-00000215-00000407 climb despite drop in enrollment 9PO_g5Gcr10-00002-00000408-00000711 in q3 student loan balances rose by 23 9PO_g5Gcr10-00003-00000712-00000886 billion dollars from the second quarter 9PO_g5Gcr10-00004-00000888-00001062 according to the latest federal reserve 9PO_g5Gcr10-00005-00001063-00001503 data 45 million americans now own 1.7 9PO_g5Gcr10-00006-00001504-00001663 trillion in student loan debt 9PO_g5Gcr10-00007-00001664-00001839 total outstanding loan balances have 9PO_g5Gcr10-00008-00001839-00001991 surged by 54 9PO_g5Gcr10-00009-00001992-00002271 billion dollars year on year enrollment 9PO_g5Gcr10-00010-00002272-00002439 in colleges and universities dropped by 9PO_g5Gcr10-00011-00002440-00002523 over 9PO_g5Gcr10-00012-00002524-00002883 231 000 students to a total of 9PO_g5Gcr10-00013-00002884-00003150 17.9 million between 9PO_g5Gcr10-00014-00003151-00003359 18 and 19. the drop in enrollment 9PO_g5Gcr10-00015-00003360-00003519 between those two years continued as 9PO_g5Gcr10-00016-00003520-00003679 trends we've seen since university of 9PO_g5Gcr10-00017-00003679-00003886 romans peaked in 2011. 9PO_g5Gcr10-00018-00003887-00004143 that year 20.14 million students were 9PO_g5Gcr10-00019-00004144-00004286 enrolled in colleges and universities 9PO_g5Gcr10-00020-00004287-00004422 since that enrollment has dropped by ten 9PO_g5Gcr10-00021-00004423-00004479 percent 9PO_g5Gcr10-00022-00004480-00004638 i'm surprised there's a drop more to be 9PO_g5Gcr10-00023-00004639-00004886 honest with you they continue one of the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00024-00004887-00005038 one of the reasons student loan debt 9PO_g5Gcr10-00025-00005039-00005199 continues to increase despite 9PO_g5Gcr10-00026-00005200-00005447 failing college enrollment is the glut 9PO_g5Gcr10-00027-00005448-00005663 of student loan money pushed up the cost 9PO_g5Gcr10-00028-00005664-00005975 of college education 9PO_g5Gcr10-00029-00005976-00006279 why are people still going to college 9PO_g5Gcr10-00030-00006280-00006446 more than one in four student loan 9PO_g5Gcr10-00031-00006447-00006614 borrowers are either in delinquency or 9PO_g5Gcr10-00032-00006615-00006678 default 9PO_g5Gcr10-00033-00006679-00006951 joy this is this is the rich part right 9PO_g5Gcr10-00034-00006952-00007078 here look at this 9PO_g5Gcr10-00035-00007079-00007334 joe biden promised student loan relief 9PO_g5Gcr10-00036-00007336-00007470 on the campaign trail 9PO_g5Gcr10-00037-00007472-00007687 the plan he outlined would forgive 10k 9PO_g5Gcr10-00038-00007688-00007798 of student 9PO_g5Gcr10-00039-00007800-00008023 would forgive 10k of outstanding student 9PO_g5Gcr10-00040-00008023-00008174 loan debt for all borrowers this would 9PO_g5Gcr10-00041-00008175-00008391 simply erase about one-third of student 9PO_g5Gcr10-00042-00008392-00008519 loan debt 9PO_g5Gcr10-00043-00008520-00008663 his plan would also cut the repayment 9PO_g5Gcr10-00044-00008664-00008839 percentage from 10 10 9PO_g5Gcr10-00045-00008840-00009206 to 5 yeah look at this jesus 9PO_g5Gcr10-00046-00009207-00009551 christ student loan 9PO_g5Gcr10-00047-00009552-00009703 student loans in general is the biggest 9PO_g5Gcr10-00048-00009704-00009999 scam of the millennial generation 9PO_g5Gcr10-00049-00010000-00010399 to think that college is your guaranteed 9PO_g5Gcr10-00050-00010400-00010614 answer to whatever you're looking for in 9PO_g5Gcr10-00051-00010615-00010863 life is hilarious 9PO_g5Gcr10-00052-00010864-00011063 absolutely hilarious your parents were 9PO_g5Gcr10-00053-00011064-00011191 sold a lie 9PO_g5Gcr10-00054-00011192-00011503 and they forced you to go to college to 9PO_g5Gcr10-00055-00011504-00011655 get a useless piece of paper 9PO_g5Gcr10-00056-00011656-00011823 on the wall that means nothing in 9PO_g5Gcr10-00057-00011824-00012014 society nothing 9PO_g5Gcr10-00058-00012015-00012270 it's an ego stroke that's all it is you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00059-00012271-00012391 don't learn skills 9PO_g5Gcr10-00060-00012392-00012583 you don't learn nothing by the time you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00061-00012584-00012735 leave college university the that 9PO_g5Gcr10-00062-00012736-00012799 you're learning is 9PO_g5Gcr10-00063-00012800-00013086 outdated the the world moves too fast 9PO_g5Gcr10-00064-00013087-00013286 and i can forgive that i can forgive 9PO_g5Gcr10-00065-00013287-00013407 really bad teachers 9PO_g5Gcr10-00066-00013408-00013647 i can forgive really bad curriculum 9PO_g5Gcr10-00067-00013647-00013766 that's forgivable 9PO_g5Gcr10-00068-00013768-00014007 what's not forgivable 9PO_g5Gcr10-00069-00014008-00014215 specifically united states is and 9PO_g5Gcr10-00070-00014216-00014494 canada too people always talk about 9PO_g5Gcr10-00071-00014495-00014655 states but canada's exact same time you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00072-00014656-00014719 can't 9PO_g5Gcr10-00073-00014719-00014911 be delinquent on your student loan debt 9PO_g5Gcr10-00074-00014912-00015063 so there's no bankruptcy 9PO_g5Gcr10-00075-00015063-00015286 which is criminal so you can be bankrupt 9PO_g5Gcr10-00076-00015287-00015438 as a business bankrupt personal 9PO_g5Gcr10-00077-00015440-00015511 bankruptcy 9PO_g5Gcr10-00078-00015512-00015686 you can have credit card brand you can 9PO_g5Gcr10-00079-00015687-00015894 have all sorts of bankruptcy 9PO_g5Gcr10-00080-00015895-00016030 but when it comes to student loan 9PO_g5Gcr10-00081-00016031-00016279 bankruptcy uk in fact 9PO_g5Gcr10-00082-00016280-00016455 if you don't pay back your student loans 9PO_g5Gcr10-00083-00016456-00016719 by the time you hit a social security so 9PO_g5Gcr10-00084-00016720-00016975 old age pension plan they take that 9PO_g5Gcr10-00085-00016976-00017071 away from you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00086-00017072-00017327 which is crazy and so they're 9PO_g5Gcr10-00087-00017328-00017407 promising 9PO_g5Gcr10-00088-00017408-00017607 there should be class action lawsuits on 9PO_g5Gcr10-00089-00017608-00017783 all universities that promise 9PO_g5Gcr10-00090-00017784-00017967 promises they're coming right 9PO_g5Gcr10-00091-00017968-00018103 now we're gonna get you this job you're 9PO_g5Gcr10-00092-00018104-00018158 gonna get that 9PO_g5Gcr10-00093-00018159-00018447 where the economy is going how 9PO_g5Gcr10-00094-00018448-00018591 fast things are changing 9PO_g5Gcr10-00095-00018592-00018758 how how you have to pivot how you have 9PO_g5Gcr10-00096-00018759-00018967 to learn on the dime 9PO_g5Gcr10-00097-00018968-00019094 the number one skill you need is meta 9PO_g5Gcr10-00098-00019095-00019230 learning it's about being agile it's 9PO_g5Gcr10-00099-00019231-00019391 about picking up new skills about 9PO_g5Gcr10-00100-00019392-00019543 understanding the ecosystem the climate 9PO_g5Gcr10-00101-00019544-00019686 that you're in and evolving quickly and 9PO_g5Gcr10-00102-00019687-00019758 it's not about 9PO_g5Gcr10-00103-00019759-00019975 my stupid four-year 9PO_g5Gcr10-00104-00019976-00020103 bachelor of arts degree 9PO_g5Gcr10-00105-00020104-00020271 that gets you nothing go work at 9PO_g5Gcr10-00106-00020272-00020422 mcdonald's you have more experience 9PO_g5Gcr10-00107-00020423-00020567 in real life working mcdonald's in your 9PO_g5Gcr10-00108-00020568-00020735 four years bachelor arts 9PO_g5Gcr10-00109-00020736-00020894 human studies whatever the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00110-00020895-00021103 you're learning and you leave 9PO_g5Gcr10-00111-00021104-00021414 uni 80k in dead 100k in debt you think 9PO_g5Gcr10-00112-00021415-00021527 you're going to pay that 9PO_g5Gcr10-00113-00021528-00021591 off never 9PO_g5Gcr10-00114-00021592-00021750 oh just get out of here you're never 9PO_g5Gcr10-00115-00021751-00021878 going to pay that off so if you're 9PO_g5Gcr10-00116-00021879-00021999 watching this you're considering going 9PO_g5Gcr10-00117-00022000-00022039 to school 9PO_g5Gcr10-00118-00022040-00022222 i don't know maybe you're at that age 9PO_g5Gcr10-00119-00022223-00022343 reconsider 9PO_g5Gcr10-00120-00022344-00022558 and if you do have loans i don't know 9PO_g5Gcr10-00121-00022559-00022750 man honestly this might sound 9PO_g5Gcr10-00122-00022751-00022871 crazy if you have any of that 9PO_g5Gcr10-00123-00022872-00022999 student money left i'll buy 9PO_g5Gcr10-00124-00023000-00023175 bitcoin and sit on it 9PO_g5Gcr10-00125-00023176-00023367 but the these these student loans are 9PO_g5Gcr10-00126-00023368-00023558 scam and the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00127-00023559-00023799 people have been sold a lie it 9PO_g5Gcr10-00128-00023800-00023967 is ridiculous 9PO_g5Gcr10-00129-00023968-00024230 like jesus christ the crisis this isn't 9PO_g5Gcr10-00130-00024231-00024294 a crisis 9PO_g5Gcr10-00131-00024295-00024567 this is beyond a crisis anyways in other 9PO_g5Gcr10-00132-00024568-00024686 news this is funny 9PO_g5Gcr10-00133-00024687-00024894 pfizer ceo dumped 62 percent of his 9PO_g5Gcr10-00134-00024895-00025278 stock on covert vaccine announcement 9PO_g5Gcr10-00135-00025279-00025774 oh my god shocker 9PO_g5Gcr10-00136-00025775-00026046 oh my god what a shocker so on monday 9PO_g5Gcr10-00137-00026047-00026223 500 shares soared 16 9PO_g5Gcr10-00138-00026224-00026487 speeding here they came out allegedly 9PO_g5Gcr10-00139-00026488-00026639 with a vaccine but if you read on it 9PO_g5Gcr10-00140-00026639-00026927 it was only done on 100 people and not 9PO_g5Gcr10-00141-00026927-00027087 double blind study 9PO_g5Gcr10-00142-00027088-00027470 and it's been the most loosely goosey 9PO_g5Gcr10-00143-00027472-00027711 type of way to introduce any type of 9PO_g5Gcr10-00144-00027712-00027855 study or to introduce any type of 9PO_g5Gcr10-00145-00027856-00027967 vaccine if you look at 9PO_g5Gcr10-00146-00027968-00028151 how vaccines are done it's a five-year 9PO_g5Gcr10-00147-00028152-00028327 process done through really 9PO_g5Gcr10-00148-00028327-00028574 rigorous trials and testing not rushing 9PO_g5Gcr10-00149-00028575-00028702 something in a year 9PO_g5Gcr10-00150-00028704-00028943 on a hundred people anywho that's not 9PO_g5Gcr10-00151-00028944-00029014 the concern 9PO_g5Gcr10-00152-00029016-00029262 the concern is okay if the vaccine's so 9PO_g5Gcr10-00153-00029263-00029511 good why the is the ceo of pfizer 9PO_g5Gcr10-00154-00029512-00029702 the one manufacturing the vaccine 9PO_g5Gcr10-00155-00029704-00029927 dumping 62 of his stock for roughly 10 9PO_g5Gcr10-00156-00029927-00030062 million dollars so here it is 9PO_g5Gcr10-00157-00030063-00030246 on monday fisa shares soared sixteen 9PO_g5Gcr10-00158-00030247-00030414 percent following a bullish statement 9PO_g5Gcr10-00159-00030416-00030614 on the company's experimental covet 19 9PO_g5Gcr10-00160-00030616-00030935 vaccine showed 90 percent effectiveness 9PO_g5Gcr10-00161-00030936-00031183 then on tuesday according to the sec 9PO_g5Gcr10-00162-00031183-00031414 pfizer ceo albert borella 9PO_g5Gcr10-00163-00031416-00031743 borla sold 62 percent of his stock uh 9PO_g5Gcr10-00164-00031744-00032023 so an average price of 41 or 42 bucks 9PO_g5Gcr10-00165-00032024-00032087 per share 9PO_g5Gcr10-00166-00032088-00032351 oh sorry equivalent to 5.6 million 9PO_g5Gcr10-00167-00032352-00032455 dollars 9PO_g5Gcr10-00168-00032456-00032846 nearly the top 52-week high 9PO_g5Gcr10-00169-00032847-00033167 so if you're so bullish on this vaccine 9PO_g5Gcr10-00170-00033168-00033318 that it's gonna work that the whole 9PO_g5Gcr10-00171-00033319-00033535 world needs why the are you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00172-00033536-00033862 selling your stock huh 9PO_g5Gcr10-00173-00033863-00034039 what's going on albert why are you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00174-00034040-00034239 selling your stock over here 9PO_g5Gcr10-00175-00034240-00034559 man if i knew 100 that this 9PO_g5Gcr10-00176-00034560-00034807 vaccine was the nitty-gritty and i'm not 9PO_g5Gcr10-00177-00034808-00034887 here to debate 9PO_g5Gcr10-00178-00034888-00035102 pro-vaccine not against i'm i'm in the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00179-00035103-00035279 camp of your body do whatever the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00180-00035280-00035431 you want with your body sovereign human 9PO_g5Gcr10-00181-00035432-00035471 right 9PO_g5Gcr10-00182-00035472-00035607 you want it great you don't want it 9PO_g5Gcr10-00183-00035608-00035767 fantastic it's your right as a human 9PO_g5Gcr10-00184-00035768-00035918 being to choose what you want to 9PO_g5Gcr10-00185-00035919-00036167 eat and just whatever that's your 9PO_g5Gcr10-00186-00036168-00036407 prerogative as a sovereign individual 9PO_g5Gcr10-00187-00036408-00036695 but if i was albert and i'm the ceo of a 9PO_g5Gcr10-00188-00036696-00036871 multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical 9PO_g5Gcr10-00189-00036872-00036974 company and i just 9PO_g5Gcr10-00190-00036975-00037127 said publicly that we came up with a 9PO_g5Gcr10-00191-00037128-00037359 vaccine that has 90 success rate 9PO_g5Gcr10-00192-00037360-00037599 man i'd be buying back my stock as fast 9PO_g5Gcr10-00193-00037600-00037662 as possible 9PO_g5Gcr10-00194-00037663-00037807 if i knew this thing's gonna work 9PO_g5Gcr10-00195-00037808-00038071 because everyone's gonna need it 9PO_g5Gcr10-00196-00038072-00038295 you selling your stock sends the 9PO_g5Gcr10-00197-00038296-00038495 opposite signal towards the marketplace 9PO_g5Gcr10-00198-00038496-00038662 as in like you have no trust 9PO_g5Gcr10-00199-00038663-00038974 as in this is a fugazi a fakie so when 9PO_g5Gcr10-00200-00038975-00039087 the time comes 9PO_g5Gcr10-00201-00039088-00039399 when this vaccine actually if if it even 9PO_g5Gcr10-00202-00039400-00039743 ships it would not ship at all 9PO_g5Gcr10-00203-00039744-00039967 like zero zilch nada like it's 9PO_g5Gcr10-00204-00039968-00040087 ridiculous 9PO_g5Gcr10-00205-00040088-00040374 so under the rule of 10b51 corporate 9PO_g5Gcr10-00206-00040375-00040527 insiders as some pharmaceutical 9PO_g5Gcr10-00207-00040528-00040662 companies already running 9PO_g5Gcr10-00208-00040663-00040839 for the exes by dumping their stock of 9PO_g5Gcr10-00209-00040840-00041007 course it's easier to commit to pre-plan 9PO_g5Gcr10-00210-00041008-00041118 sale and pre-plan 9PO_g5Gcr10-00211-00041119-00041262 so other people are dumping too this is 9PO_g5Gcr10-00212-00041263-00041430 all a fugazi man this is a pre-planned 9PO_g5Gcr10-00213-00041496-00041655 anyways that's a quick news for you 9PO_g5Gcr10-00214-00041656-00041839 today if you guys enjoyed this 9PO_g5Gcr10-00215-00041840-00042030 leave a comment subscribe and i'll catch 9PO_g5Gcr10-00216-00042031-00042336 you tomorrow peace 9VMZtWHveOg-00000-00000032-00000286 what is the situation so far here in uh 9VMZtWHveOg-00001-00000287-00000495 ten work yeah currently the situation in 9VMZtWHveOg-00003-00009723-00009895 [Music] 9VMZtWHveOg-00004-00009896-00010078 that is the only thing we will do 9VMZtWHveOg-00005-00010079-00012263 and we will do it 9VMZtWHveOg-00006-00012264-00012496 foreign 9WwDzLokT0Y-00000-00000000-00000783 [Music] 9WwDzLokT0Y-00001-00000784-00001112 hello everybody welcome back gosh it 9WwDzLokT0Y-00002-00001113-00001337 seems like it's been ages since I've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00003-00001338-00001759 been on here I've really missed my time 9WwDzLokT0Y-00004-00001760-00002176 you know in my my studio but I had a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00005-00002177-00002372 really good visit with my son so that 9WwDzLokT0Y-00006-00002373-00002564 was that was really nice to have him 9WwDzLokT0Y-00007-00002565-00002884 over here and towards the end of the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00008-00002885-00003116 trip they there was some changes going 9WwDzLokT0Y-00009-00003117-00003338 on at the airport so I actually ended up 9WwDzLokT0Y-00010-00003339-00003554 with three extra days with him so it was 9WwDzLokT0Y-00011-00003554-00003965 really nice I ended up with you know 15 9WwDzLokT0Y-00012-00003965-00004306 days you know that he was able to be 9WwDzLokT0Y-00013-00004307-00004766 here so that was great but oh but yes 9WwDzLokT0Y-00014-00004767-00005033 I've definitely missed you guys and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00015-00005034-00005636 being here and creating so let's just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00016-00005637-00005854 jump into it today I have managed to 9WwDzLokT0Y-00017-00005855-00006101 finish off two journals um 9WwDzLokT0Y-00018-00006102-00006268 I think you guys know I've been working 9WwDzLokT0Y-00019-00006269-00006620 on quite a few but I did manage to get 9WwDzLokT0Y-00020-00006620-00006848 these two done so I wanted to jump on 9WwDzLokT0Y-00021-00006848-00007231 and do a quick flip through and share 9WwDzLokT0Y-00022-00007233-00007784 with you the these two so it's using my 9WwDzLokT0Y-00023-00007784-00008207 porch prints the Wildflower kit again 9WwDzLokT0Y-00024-00008208-00008357 the potato leave its botanical 9WwDzLokT0Y-00025-00008358-00008860 wildflower I love this kit so these are 9WwDzLokT0Y-00026-00008861-00009113 the two I've made I'm only going to flip 9WwDzLokT0Y-00027-00009114-00009281 through one because they are the same 9WwDzLokT0Y-00028-00009282-00009533 inside this is welcome to my garden and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00029-00009534-00009683 this is down the garden path 9WwDzLokT0Y-00030-00009684-00009881 so I'll set this one to the side and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00031-00009882-00010273 we'll just carry on again 9WwDzLokT0Y-00032-00010274-00010748 the closure is sari silk the cover 9WwDzLokT0Y-00033-00010749-00011089 itself has been made from a twelve by 9WwDzLokT0Y-00034-00011090-00011594 nine envelope and then I've reinforced 9WwDzLokT0Y-00035-00011595-00011816 it with muslin and covered it with 9WwDzLokT0Y-00036-00011817-00012220 beeswax so that's what gives it this 9WwDzLokT0Y-00037-00012221-00012617 really old worn look to it this one is 9WwDzLokT0Y-00038-00012618-00012869 these are two signatures so these are 9WwDzLokT0Y-00039-00012869-00013212 larger than the last two that I did but 9WwDzLokT0Y-00040-00013213-00013653 let's just go inside I don't know off 9WwDzLokT0Y-00041-00013654-00013887 the top of my head how many pages but 9WwDzLokT0Y-00042-00013888-00014079 obviously if your list if you're 9WwDzLokT0Y-00043-00014080-00014505 interested just check the listing or my 9WwDzLokT0Y-00044-00014506-00014688 shop below for the listings and I'll 9WwDzLokT0Y-00045-00014688-00015056 have the exact amount of pages in there 9WwDzLokT0Y-00046-00015057-00015510 trying to think slightly different and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00047-00015511-00015774 there's probably not going to be quite 9WwDzLokT0Y-00048-00015775-00016212 as many elements and in these I think 9WwDzLokT0Y-00049-00016213-00016566 it's more writing space I did do some 9WwDzLokT0Y-00050-00016567-00017157 collaging lots of things using book 9WwDzLokT0Y-00051-00017158-00017889 pages envelopes again it's all this this 9WwDzLokT0Y-00052-00017890-00018150 month is the focus is going to be stash 9WwDzLokT0Y-00053-00018151-00018486 busting for me there's a little collage 9WwDzLokT0Y-00054-00018487-00018885 there I just started to feel a bit 9WwDzLokT0Y-00055-00018886-00019095 overwhelmed in my studio because I've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00056-00019096-00019335 been printing and printing and gathering 9WwDzLokT0Y-00057-00019336-00019857 and there's closed up with that and it's 9WwDzLokT0Y-00058-00019858-00020067 just getting to be too much so I'm going 9WwDzLokT0Y-00059-00020068-00020337 to do a big focus this month on just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00060-00020338-00020553 getting some journals out that probably 9WwDzLokT0Y-00061-00020554-00021005 are going to be mostly writing journals 9WwDzLokT0Y-00062-00021006-00021459 this is an altered postcard that I've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00063-00021460-00021669 done there this is one of the little 9WwDzLokT0Y-00064-00021670-00022107 tags from that kit and then here some 9WwDzLokT0Y-00065-00022108-00022449 avocado dyed paper that I've just folded 9WwDzLokT0Y-00066-00022450-00022724 over so that just gives you a bit more 9WwDzLokT0Y-00067-00022725-00023211 writing space so I finally got myself 9WwDzLokT0Y-00068-00023212-00023475 some new lights in the studio so I'm 9WwDzLokT0Y-00069-00023476-00023727 really curious to see how this comes out 9WwDzLokT0Y-00070-00023728-00023943 because this is the first time I filmed 9WwDzLokT0Y-00071-00023944-00024174 with them and I'm hoping it's not going 9WwDzLokT0Y-00072-00024175-00024558 to be too washed out if it is I may have 9WwDzLokT0Y-00073-00024559-00024813 to do some adjusting this is one of the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00074-00024814-00025080 I gathered some wild flowers and just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00075-00025081-00025449 put it through some laminate so that's 9WwDzLokT0Y-00076-00025450-00025782 been tucked in here and as I said you've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00077-00025783-00026058 got the same elements in both journals 9WwDzLokT0Y-00078-00026058-00026627 just maybe not in the same order 9WwDzLokT0Y-00079-00026629-00026889 some more of this beautiful paper love 9WwDzLokT0Y-00080-00026889-00027423 that various little journal cards from 9WwDzLokT0Y-00081-00027424-00027699 the cat here's some lace and coffee bag 9WwDzLokT0Y-00082-00027700-00028243 paper this is a little flip out here 9WwDzLokT0Y-00083-00028244-00028796 it's an altered envelope that I've got a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00084-00028797-00028992 little journal card in there and then on 9WwDzLokT0Y-00085-00028993-00029249 this I put one of the Tim Holtz photo 9WwDzLokT0Y-00086-00029250-00029633 dies and then some dicot and this just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00087-00029635-00029823 filled it with various things from my 9WwDzLokT0Y-00088-00029824-00030099 stash and this flips over and you've got 9WwDzLokT0Y-00089-00030100-00030300 some more of the paper that I've added 9WwDzLokT0Y-00090-00030301-00030717 to that done stitching around just one 9WwDzLokT0Y-00091-00030718-00031389 second guys all right it's just a bit 9WwDzLokT0Y-00092-00031389-00031860 mucky in here today we had really really 9WwDzLokT0Y-00093-00031861-00032252 hot weather last weekend luckily we've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00094-00032253-00032495 had a bit of a cool-down because I 9WwDzLokT0Y-00095-00032495-00032762 really felt ill last week when it it 9WwDzLokT0Y-00096-00032763-00033114 reached I think 93 here and we don't as 9WwDzLokT0Y-00097-00033115-00033242 I said we don't have air-conditioning 9WwDzLokT0Y-00098-00033243-00033554 this is just a little notebook I made 9WwDzLokT0Y-00099-00033555-00033993 the same scrap paper and it saved a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00100-00033994-00034289 couple little pockets there so yeah it 9WwDzLokT0Y-00101-00034290-00034587 was it was not nice like I said it was 9WwDzLokT0Y-00102-00034588-00034862 about three days that were absolutely 9WwDzLokT0Y-00103-00034863-00035610 miserable here old book pages just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00104-00035611-00036276 various ones some more tags I did some 9WwDzLokT0Y-00105-00036277-00036630 collaging here with some gesso and added 9WwDzLokT0Y-00106-00036631-00036912 now these little sayings are from my 9WwDzLokT0Y-00107-00036913-00037437 portraits and they are earthy this is 9WwDzLokT0Y-00108-00037438-00037524 what they looked like 9WwDzLokT0Y-00109-00037525-00037935 I love these so check Stephanie's shop 9WwDzLokT0Y-00110-00037936-00038343 out these are awesome for little garden 9WwDzLokT0Y-00111-00038344-00038481 journals because you've got all of the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00112-00038482-00038748 little sayings so I loved when I thought 9WwDzLokT0Y-00113-00038749-00039099 fine these things I love to collect 9WwDzLokT0Y-00114-00039100-00039264 those because I don't think we have 9WwDzLokT0Y-00115-00039265-00039729 enough of those some more book page 9WwDzLokT0Y-00116-00039730-00040392 age this is some more the paper from 9WwDzLokT0Y-00117-00040393-00040733 that kid this is some parchment paper 9WwDzLokT0Y-00118-00040734-00041196 just a mix I as I said just various 9WwDzLokT0Y-00119-00041197-00041645 things I've just been working on and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00120-00041646-00042030 here's this is a passing envelope pocket 9WwDzLokT0Y-00121-00042031-00042192 and I've done some stamping on that 9WwDzLokT0Y-00122-00042193-00042443 I just did a little little 9WwDzLokT0Y-00123-00042444-00042887 journal card there with some die-cuts 9WwDzLokT0Y-00124-00042888-00043286 and then the center of the signature is 9WwDzLokT0Y-00125-00043287-00043524 Edith all things and that opens up I've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00126-00043525-00043920 got little die-cuts butterflies there so 9WwDzLokT0Y-00127-00043921-00044180 you can see there's plenty of space for 9WwDzLokT0Y-00128-00044181-00044436 writing here is a belly band I've made 9WwDzLokT0Y-00129-00044437-00044774 this is a dimensional butterfly I like 9WwDzLokT0Y-00130-00044775-00045273 to put those in my journals just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00131-00045274-00045555 absolutely that's why I wanted to 9WwDzLokT0Y-00132-00045556-00045999 revisit it because I know I'm gonna be 9WwDzLokT0Y-00133-00046000-00046236 making more of a mine it's just a design 9WwDzLokT0Y-00134-00046237-00046968 that really speaks to me this was I kind 9WwDzLokT0Y-00135-00046969-00047195 of an envelope pocket that's been made 9WwDzLokT0Y-00136-00047196-00047580 out of a book page I'm sorry silk from 9WwDzLokT0Y-00137-00047581-00047937 mustache and quite a lot of machine 9WwDzLokT0Y-00138-00047938-00048561 stitching going through this here's 9WwDzLokT0Y-00139-00048562-00048870 another little pocket there and this is 9WwDzLokT0Y-00140-00048871-00049426 some old paper it's got a beautiful aged 9WwDzLokT0Y-00141-00049427-00049968 more the avocado so you can see it's a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00142-00049969-00050315 it's definitely a writer's journal here 9WwDzLokT0Y-00143-00050316-00050726 it's a little flip out pocket this has 9WwDzLokT0Y-00144-00050727-00050970 been decoupage with the napkin I love 9WwDzLokT0Y-00145-00050971-00051454 how that's come out 9WwDzLokT0Y-00146-00051454-00051840 have another book page I've got in my 9WwDzLokT0Y-00147-00051841-00052116 stash and I just love address to the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00148-00052117-00052215 journalist I think there's just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00149-00052216-00052730 beautiful images another little page 9WwDzLokT0Y-00150-00052732-00053032 book page some more of this old vintage 9WwDzLokT0Y-00151-00053033-00053457 writing paper and then this is piano 9WwDzLokT0Y-00152-00053458-00053698 paper I made into a little pocket and a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00153-00053699-00054022 tuck spot there another pocket here that 9WwDzLokT0Y-00154-00054023-00054499 you can add see more things love this 9WwDzLokT0Y-00155-00054500-00054741 page I can't recall what book that came 9WwDzLokT0Y-00156-00054742-00054979 from but it's all little drawings of the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00157-00054979-00055336 English cottages I think they are so 9WwDzLokT0Y-00158-00055337-00055541 pretty 9WwDzLokT0Y-00159-00055542-00055851 it's a shame actually that that ended up 9WwDzLokT0Y-00160-00055852-00055978 in here because I five would have 9WwDzLokT0Y-00161-00055979-00056331 spotted that and realized I would have 9WwDzLokT0Y-00162-00056332-00056515 probably kept that for my own journal I 9WwDzLokT0Y-00163-00056516-00057066 loved that page that much and just like 9WwDzLokT0Y-00164-00057067-00057484 I said lots of little book pages there's 9WwDzLokT0Y-00165-00057485-00058241 some old music sheet this is another 9WwDzLokT0Y-00166-00058242-00058716 this was a freebie from Genevieve for 9WwDzLokT0Y-00167-00058717-00058938 making a ten and I thought that really 9WwDzLokT0Y-00168-00058939-00059128 looked nice so I added that in here and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00169-00059129-00059357 they did some lines on the back with um 9WwDzLokT0Y-00170-00059358-00059848 the cardboard where you ink it and then 9WwDzLokT0Y-00171-00059849-00060006 this is the center of the signature 9WwDzLokT0Y-00172-00060007-00060219 which is another beautiful book page 9WwDzLokT0Y-00173-00060220-00061054 some more than little butterflies so 9WwDzLokT0Y-00174-00061054-00061479 very much nature or garden bit a cluster 9WwDzLokT0Y-00175-00061480-00062204 here and just various things from my kit 9WwDzLokT0Y-00176-00062205-00062568 first my stash sorry I gotta get used to 9WwDzLokT0Y-00177-00062569-00062854 this again it feels so strange I can't 9WwDzLokT0Y-00178-00062854-00063075 tell you it seems as though it's been a 9WwDzLokT0Y-00179-00063076-00063429 year since I've um I've been in here and 9WwDzLokT0Y-00180-00063430-00063681 I feel a little bit like I'm not too 9WwDzLokT0Y-00181-00063682-00064015 sure where what I'm doing but I know 9WwDzLokT0Y-00182-00064016-00064246 that in a couple of days by next week 9WwDzLokT0Y-00183-00064247-00064630 I'll be back into my leg groove and I do 9WwDzLokT0Y-00184-00064632-00064975 yeah I want to do a couple of create 9WwDzLokT0Y-00185-00064976-00065159 with me this is another book page 9WwDzLokT0Y-00186-00065160-00065674 everything like but I've just you know 9WwDzLokT0Y-00187-00065675-00065824 trying to get everything back together 9WwDzLokT0Y-00188-00065825-00066098 in the house and that kind of stuff like 9WwDzLokT0Y-00189-00066099-00066313 I just haven't had time to really think 9WwDzLokT0Y-00190-00066314-00066665 through a project for create with me but 9WwDzLokT0Y-00191-00066666-00066943 what I might end up needing to do is 9WwDzLokT0Y-00192-00066944-00067322 just you know getting in here and doing 9WwDzLokT0Y-00193-00067323-00067549 some elements for some object upcoming 9WwDzLokT0Y-00194-00067550-00067951 journals so I'll see how that goes if 9WwDzLokT0Y-00195-00067952-00068155 it's not too boring for everybody I 9WwDzLokT0Y-00196-00068156-00068449 might do a few of those some more just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00197-00068450-00068696 various pages that I got but they all I 9WwDzLokT0Y-00198-00068697-00068994 think work really nice with this 9WwDzLokT0Y-00199-00068995-00069365 beautiful really pretty images on those 9WwDzLokT0Y-00200-00069366-00069959 pages and this this flips out so you got 9WwDzLokT0Y-00201-00069960-00070211 some extra writing space there and then 9WwDzLokT0Y-00202-00070212-00070531 this is another of the little lace 9WwDzLokT0Y-00203-00070532-00070768 that's been sandwiched between for the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00204-00070769-00071319 pocket and just I've kept the back 9WwDzLokT0Y-00205-00071320-00071573 laying here so that you could always add 9WwDzLokT0Y-00206-00071574-00071816 you can see there's lots of room for you 9WwDzLokT0Y-00207-00071817-00072422 to add your own pockets and various 9WwDzLokT0Y-00208-00072423-00072836 things for journaling so so yeah I'm 9WwDzLokT0Y-00209-00072837-00073168 glad to have completed those I'm just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00210-00073169-00073466 like I said in my space is just getting 9WwDzLokT0Y-00211-00073467-00073748 out of hand the amount of journals that 9WwDzLokT0Y-00212-00073749-00074054 I've started and I'm not completing so 9WwDzLokT0Y-00213-00074055-00074332 I'm gonna do a big push this month we've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00214-00074333-00074528 got trying to think of what we've got 9WwDzLokT0Y-00215-00074529-00074810 coming up we'll have the five on the 9WwDzLokT0Y-00216-00074811-00075317 dime challenge coming up this month so 9WwDzLokT0Y-00217-00075318-00075611 stay tuned for that and like I said I'll 9WwDzLokT0Y-00218-00075612-00076030 be back with some creep with me same 9WwDzLokT0Y-00219-00076031-00076219 thing on this journal like I said I've 9WwDzLokT0Y-00220-00076220-00076405 just named them different but they are 9WwDzLokT0Y-00221-00076406-00076867 the same inside so anyways I'll just 9WwDzLokT0Y-00222-00076868-00077418 take a breath now and I will be back 9WwDzLokT0Y-00223-00077419-00077642 hopefully in a couple of days with some 9WwDzLokT0Y-00224-00077643-00077812 more things to share with you guys I 9WwDzLokT0Y-00225-00077813-00077943 hope everybody's having 9WwDzLokT0Y-00226-00077944-00078230 summer and that you're managing to stay 9WwDzLokT0Y-00227-00078231-00078437 cold because I have to say it's been 9WwDzLokT0Y-00228-00078438-00078948 very hot everywhere and I'm hearing that 9WwDzLokT0Y-00229-00078949-00079185 it's it's extremely hot in the US as 9WwDzLokT0Y-00230-00079186-00079619 well so do take care and try to stay 9WwDzLokT0Y-00231-00079620-00079854 cool guys and I'll be back very soon 9WwDzLokT0Y-00232-00079855-00080156 thanks for stopping by and I'll see you 9WwDzLokT0Y-00233-00080157-00080330 soon bye 9WwDzLokT0Y-00234-00080331-00080959 [Music] 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00000-00000006-00000236 hi everyone I am Jenna this is the ad 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00001-00000237-00000463 Wilson will be demoing the Keely but 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00002-00000465-00000751 today Lima is a very important queue for 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00003-00000752-00000932 your dogs you learn because if there is 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00004-00000933-00001172 something harmful on any surface and 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00005-00001173-00001307 your dog is trying to eat it you want 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00006-00001308-00001483 that you want to be able to tell them to 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00007-00001484-00001809 leave it so then you're not get hurt 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00008-00001810-00002057 when in public sometimes are spitting on 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00009-00002058-00002600 the floor this is also part of the 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00010-00002601-00002849 public access test is to do a four-foot 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00011-00002850-00003080 level you roll or walk up to the object 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00012-00003081-00003308 tell your dog to leave it put them in a 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00013-00003309-00003701 scent or scent or a gown then walk away 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00014-00003702-00003763 roll away 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00015-00003764-00004045 part two of the leave it for a Pap test 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00016-00004046-00004363 if your dog is under table and you knock 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00017-00004364-00004636 food off of it tell them to leave it now 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00018-00004637-00004952 we have done this he is very good at 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00019-00004953-00005216 leaving we have candy on the floor which 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00020-00005217-00005561 is safe if this were to go wrong always 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00021-00005562-00005779 make sure you have a treat that is 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00022-00005780-00006011 better than the food on the ground so 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00023-00006012-00006242 when you're first teaching this cue you 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00024-00006243-00006425 do not read until the leave it with 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00025-00006426-00006628 cheese and then tree of hot dogs because 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00026-00006629-00006946 cheese is going to trump a hot dog now 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00027-00006947-00007313 if it is candy on the floor I told him 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00028-00007314-00007601 to leave it then I will have hot dogs 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00029-00007602-00007864 the hot dogs is going to trump the candy 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00030-00007865-00008825 so let's begin 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00031-00008826-00009847 yes 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00032-00009848-00010442 yes 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00033-00010443-00010733 now you will notice that he did look at 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00034-00010734-00010895 the food but then looked right back at 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00035-00010896-00011201 me so I did not have to stay leave it to 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00036-00011202-00011414 him because he did on his own but I 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00037-00011415-00011591 still went ahead and treated because he 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00038-00011592-00011780 chose not to go after the food and look 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00039-00011781-00012068 back at me and I'm using treats make 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00040-00012069-00012266 sure you always rewarded believe it 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00041-00012267-00012554 otherwise they're gonna be like what's 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00042-00012555-00012764 the point in doing this so now we're 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00043-00012765-00012971 gonna roll away and come back to it one 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00044-00012972-00014786 more time let's go 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00045-00014787-00016179 yes yes 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00046-00016180-00016405 yes 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00047-00016406-00016564 now at that time the know she was 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00048-00016565-00016717 looking on the ground it was because I 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00049-00016718-00016912 dropped a tree it was not because he was 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00050-00016913-00017101 trying to eat the food which is why I 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00051-00017102-00017377 did not tell him to leave it again thank 9XpMlJ7nNK4-00052-00017378-00017638 you for watching 9XvsbCa7Qko-00000-00000003-00000278 who is Bob and farmers I'm here with the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00001-00000279-00000488 SAS ins Creed Odyssey which I haven't 9XvsbCa7Qko-00002-00000488-00000817 played in ages and I just want to say 9XvsbCa7Qko-00003-00000818-00001033 that I am fully recovered from being 9XvsbCa7Qko-00004-00001034-00001424 sick if any of you care actually all 9XvsbCa7Qko-00005-00001425-00001601 right well I haven't played this game in 9XvsbCa7Qko-00006-00001602-00001787 ages I'm still pissed off that I spent 9XvsbCa7Qko-00007-00001788-00001970 $6 on this game which it's a great game 9XvsbCa7Qko-00008-00001971-00002189 it's a great game but you know I feel 9XvsbCa7Qko-00009-00002190-00002306 like I probably should have waited 9XvsbCa7Qko-00010-00002307-00002654 before I spent $60 on a 15 game okay oh 9XvsbCa7Qko-00011-00002655-00002875 my god okay all right we're good so what 9XvsbCa7Qko-00012-00002876-00003010 we're gonna do today in a meetry I don't 9XvsbCa7Qko-00013-00003011-00003329 know I'm thinking we take it up what do 9XvsbCa7Qko-00014-00003329-00003586 something okay I'm gonna put her on 9XvsbCa7Qko-00015-00003588-00003736 autopilot I'm playing as a girl so I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00016-00003738-00003931 don't get criticized by the public so 9XvsbCa7Qko-00017-00003932-00004072 what we're gonna do today is we're gonna 9XvsbCa7Qko-00018-00004073-00004331 take out some faces what the oh no no no 9XvsbCa7Qko-00019-00004332-00004586 wait can i skin animals in this game is 9XvsbCa7Qko-00020-00004587-00004654 that a thing 9XvsbCa7Qko-00021-00004655-00004906 wait that should be okay yeah you know 9XvsbCa7Qko-00022-00004907-00005122 let them go for now I can't chase them I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00023-00005123-00005285 don't it's not part of my car 9XvsbCa7Qko-00024-00005286-00005549 I have a worse I forgot about that if I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00025-00005550-00006020 could just um forgot the button for 9XvsbCa7Qko-00026-00006021-00006161 calling the horse so I don't have a 9XvsbCa7Qko-00027-00006162-00006397 horse just call it that now what are we 9XvsbCa7Qko-00028-00006398-00006553 doing we're gonna take out some faces 9XvsbCa7Qko-00029-00006554-00006728 where the base is I don't know let's 9XvsbCa7Qko-00030-00006729-00007381 check the map with [__] am I the age-old 9XvsbCa7Qko-00031-00007383-00007514 question would you rather be a war of 9XvsbCa7Qko-00032-00007515-00007778 your hunter or an assassin where is my 9XvsbCa7Qko-00033-00007779-00008173 mouse I can't oh there is okay well 9XvsbCa7Qko-00034-00008175-00008419 you're considering it's an SS 9XvsbCa7Qko-00035-00008420-00008807 considering it's an assassin considering 9XvsbCa7Qko-00036-00008808-00009026 it's an SS this current game fine legs 9XvsbCa7Qko-00037-00009027-00009285 they might as well be an assassin I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00038-00009286-00009455 can't do this already 9XvsbCa7Qko-00039-00009456-00009770 oh I liked it a lot that's that's my 9XvsbCa7Qko-00040-00009771-00009964 thing I'm doing that there you are 9XvsbCa7Qko-00041-00009965-00010391 Oh be a Sidious Fed phobic tib it's been 9XvsbCa7Qko-00042-00010392-00010760 a long focus ro all right let's go 9XvsbCa7Qko-00043-00010761-00011231 horsey on the road again 9XvsbCa7Qko-00044-00011232-00011462 just gonna kill some antelope on the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00045-00011463-00011689 road yeah Oh God Oh God I pissed off too 9XvsbCa7Qko-00046-00011690-00011842 many people we need to go 9XvsbCa7Qko-00047-00011843-00011999 that's a nice but you keep working on 9XvsbCa7Qko-00048-00012000-00012260 those squats let's go alright team we're 9XvsbCa7Qko-00049-00012261-00012664 taking out this book Oh God okay we're 9XvsbCa7Qko-00050-00012665-00013010 okay don't worry yes oh my god 9XvsbCa7Qko-00051-00013011-00013576 oh my god it's Oh No where is he 9XvsbCa7Qko-00052-00013577-00013919 are you okay who is he 9XvsbCa7Qko-00053-00013919-00014093 oh the lote-tree why would you do this 9XvsbCa7Qko-00054-00014094-00014360 that's what we're best friends man come 9XvsbCa7Qko-00055-00014361-00014600 on let's get back up and fight again no 9XvsbCa7Qko-00056-00014601-00014804 wait I'm gonna just leave no get back 9XvsbCa7Qko-00057-00014805-00015500 here wait he's singing just curious both 9XvsbCa7Qko-00058-00015501-00015887 stop light dots I cannot sue all right 9XvsbCa7Qko-00059-00015888-00016072 bird in the sky eye in the sky what do 9XvsbCa7Qko-00060-00016074-00016879 we got see anything see see anything 9XvsbCa7Qko-00061-00016880-00017126 good I guess I don't know what that was 9XvsbCa7Qko-00062-00017127-00017318 supposed to mean out of my way man I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00063-00017319-00017546 mean kid I don't know just trying to do 9XvsbCa7Qko-00064-00017547-00017957 a mission here okay beautiful town of I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00065-00017958-00018122 mean beautiful island 9XvsbCa7Qko-00066-00018123-00018608 Oh God Oh God okay I don't like the deep 9XvsbCa7Qko-00067-00018609-00018917 trombone music that's kind of scary back 9XvsbCa7Qko-00068-00018918-00019130 to what I was saying welcome to the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00069-00019131-00019322 beautiful island of Kevin they said 9XvsbCa7Qko-00070-00019323-00019502 noise what's going on what are you doing 9XvsbCa7Qko-00071-00019503-00019730 oh my god my oars is back back to the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00072-00019731-00019794 dead 9XvsbCa7Qko-00073-00019795-00020192 Frankenstein [__] right there boom boom 9XvsbCa7Qko-00074-00020193-00020582 oh no no no no you wanna oh there you 9XvsbCa7Qko-00075-00020583-00020738 are oh that's a cute little dog oh you 9XvsbCa7Qko-00076-00020739-00020942 think oh it's oqu think you can knock 9XvsbCa7Qko-00077-00020943-00021122 out I don't have time for you I mean 9XvsbCa7Qko-00078-00021123-00021352 YouTube forum I'm special I'm famous 9XvsbCa7Qko-00079-00021353-00021656 that burned my horse that I don't like 9XvsbCa7Qko-00080-00021657-00021806 burning horses just say 'is that a thing 9XvsbCa7Qko-00081-00021807-00022147 like a mechanic and okay I'm gonna just 9XvsbCa7Qko-00082-00022148-00022403 assume that everybody yelling at me 9XvsbCa7Qko-00083-00022404-00022556 means that I should not be doing this 9XvsbCa7Qko-00084-00022557-00022763 move child oh my god 9XvsbCa7Qko-00085-00022764-00023417 why did you roll it - oh is that [__] oh 9XvsbCa7Qko-00086-00023418-00023630 my god that oriental a dog just came out 9XvsbCa7Qko-00087-00023631-00023767 of 9XvsbCa7Qko-00088-00023768-00024544 Oh what do we have you this is 9XvsbCa7Qko-00089-00024545-00024661 interesting okay 9XvsbCa7Qko-00090-00024662-00024871 all right I don't know if I should be 9XvsbCa7Qko-00091-00024872-00025144 amazed or horrified what why is the dog 9XvsbCa7Qko-00092-00025145-00025618 mad at me okay do you Christ dude 9XvsbCa7Qko-00093-00025619-00025852 okay you'd really do working on those 9XvsbCa7Qko-00094-00025852-00026169 leg exercises I see you oh oh it's a 9XvsbCa7Qko-00095-00026170-00026352 little donkey what are you doing in my 9XvsbCa7Qko-00096-00026353-00026562 swamp let's go to the beach I like the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00097-00026563-00026868 beach yeah good picking up seashells 9XvsbCa7Qko-00098-00026869-00027264 looking at don't things whatever that is 9XvsbCa7Qko-00099-00027264-00027514 so many cool things to do with the beach 9XvsbCa7Qko-00100-00027514-00027945 your local Beach that's not that okay 9XvsbCa7Qko-00101-00027947-00028215 alright that's cool too we're all about 9XvsbCa7Qko-00102-00028216-00028486 freedom at the beach alright let's have 9XvsbCa7Qko-00103-00028487-00028699 some fun let's do some things you hang 9XvsbCa7Qko-00104-00028700-00028936 in there bud okay what do we got okay we 9XvsbCa7Qko-00105-00028937-00029139 got bad guys I like bad guys how do we 9XvsbCa7Qko-00106-00029141-00029392 do this again I got a bird on my side 9XvsbCa7Qko-00107-00029393-00029599 have you got Birds I don't think so 9XvsbCa7Qko-00108-00029600-00029968 how do I do this oh yeah it was right 9XvsbCa7Qko-00109-00029969-00030199 click okay yeah some okay you got bad 9XvsbCa7Qko-00110-00030200-00030454 guys oh no more back okay alright it's 9XvsbCa7Qko-00111-00030455-00030757 fine um yeah anymore anyone else want to 9XvsbCa7Qko-00112-00030758-00030910 show their okay yeah we got more okay 9XvsbCa7Qko-00113-00030911-00031170 yeah okay I'm gonna it's time to go 9XvsbCa7Qko-00114-00031172-00031752 did he punch me it's a sword anybody 9XvsbCa7Qko-00115-00031752-00031918 that's adorable 9XvsbCa7Qko-00116-00031919-00032080 I think it's time for me to show myself 9XvsbCa7Qko-00117-00032081-00032323 out i'ma just go okay you guys got 9XvsbCa7Qko-00118-00032324-00032530 arrows that's cool why are you so fast 9XvsbCa7Qko-00119-00032531-00032811 what is that supposed to Oh God 9XvsbCa7Qko-00120-00032812-00033133 Bob cut it's not a game I didn't seek 9XvsbCa7Qko-00121-00033134-00033400 man I don't think anybody could be a 9XvsbCa7Qko-00122-00033401-00033846 very go that's our agony right it just 9XvsbCa7Qko-00123-00033847-00033979 goes right through them you know it's 9XvsbCa7Qko-00124-00033980-00034174 like my mom's apple pie okay 9XvsbCa7Qko-00125-00034175-00034446 hello ma'am just your neighborhood 9XvsbCa7Qko-00126-00034447-00034633 assassin here 9XvsbCa7Qko-00127-00034634-00034828 friendly neighborhood assassin coming 9XvsbCa7Qko-00128-00034829-00035269 through okay all right never mind I'm 9XvsbCa7Qko-00129-00035270-00035443 not that good an assessment I thought it 9XvsbCa7Qko-00130-00035444-00035677 works Cuse me excuse me did you say 9XvsbCa7Qko-00131-00035678-00036418 something no no no no no no don't don't 9XvsbCa7Qko-00132-00036419-00036628 don't be sad man it's okay 9XvsbCa7Qko-00133-00036629-00037003 it's a [__] 9XvsbCa7Qko-00134-00037004-00037258 okay that can I thought okay stop stop 9XvsbCa7Qko-00135-00037259-00037486 stop why is everybody eight okay all 9XvsbCa7Qko-00136-00037487-00037633 right I'm gonna just go wait did you 9XvsbCa7Qko-00137-00037634-00037924 just are you you what are you guys do 9XvsbCa7Qko-00138-00037925-00038131 why aren't you running are you okay get 9XvsbCa7Qko-00139-00038132-00038272 it go back to work after I just murdered 9XvsbCa7Qko-00140-00038273-00038407 a man that's fine 9XvsbCa7Qko-00141-00038408-00038830 I still don't eat only not stealing in 9XvsbCa7Qko-00142-00038831-00039046 front of you guys what you guys see 9XvsbCa7Qko-00143-00039047-00039204 that's you guys see that 9XvsbCa7Qko-00144-00039205-00039661 what don't like my face huh yeah that's 9XvsbCa7Qko-00145-00039662-00039874 why I thought run run yeah 9XvsbCa7Qko-00146-00039875-00040195 Oh God 9XvsbCa7Qko-00147-00040196-00040435 coming okay that's it you think you're 9XvsbCa7Qko-00148-00040436-00040855 so funny pal yes yes so much collateral 9XvsbCa7Qko-00149-00040856-00041098 damage I love it you know ladies and 9XvsbCa7Qko-00150-00041099-00041215 gentlemen I'm gonna end the episode here 9XvsbCa7Qko-00151-00041216-00041386 I was gonna do it up there but I just 9XvsbCa7Qko-00152-00041387-00041611 realized I'm Way too lazy I said a lot 9XvsbCa7Qko-00153-00041612-00041715 of fun playing this game and I know I 9XvsbCa7Qko-00154-00041716-00041917 give it a lot of crap but hey it's a fun 9XvsbCa7Qko-00155-00041918-00042082 game all right so I'm gonna end the 9XvsbCa7Qko-00156-00042083-00042217 episode staring off into the sunset 9XvsbCa7Qko-00157-00042218-00042451 thinking of what could be the future of 9XvsbCa7Qko-00158-00042452-00042634 sin of its own 9XvsbCa7Qko-00159-00042635-00042811 all right let's have a good day citizens 9XvsbCa7Qko-00160-00042812-00043084 signing off what was that noise what are 9XvsbCa7Qko-00161-00043085-00043270 you doing did you just kill something 9XvsbCa7Qko-00162-00043271-00043480 you took something okay I guess he did 9XvsbCa7Qko-00163-00043481-00043715 more than me today 9XvsbCa7Qko-00164-00043716-00044863 [Music] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00002-00011175-00013983 is 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00006-00027944-00030743 is 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00009-00050757-00051446 [Music] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00010-00051447-00052919 [Music] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00011-00052920-00052958 [Applause] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00012-00052959-00054835 [Music] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00013-00054836-00055838 [Music] 9X_ZYrN2Fl4-00014-00055839-00056048 you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00000-00000159-00000303 okay so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00001-00000304-00000615 uh what we saw before the break was that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00002-00000616-00001023 the router gives us two basic mechanisms 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00003-00001024-00001335 one is a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00004-00001336-00001607 selection selecting one across many 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00005-00001607-00001879 options and the other is nesting 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00006-00001880-00002055 where it will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00007-00002056-00002231 you know join different parts of the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00008-00002232-00002391 paths 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00009-00002392-00002647 and is able to combine the different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00010-00002648-00002855 elements thanks to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00011-00002856-00003260 outlet say container 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00012-00003261-00003383 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00013-00003384-00003679 there are other details special routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00014-00003679-00004006 that can be useful for rendering 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00015-00004007-00004270 uh special parts of the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00016-00004271-00004559 uh also for matching special special 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00017-00004560-00004670 cases 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00018-00004671-00005111 for example we have uh instead of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00019-00005112-00005447 instead of defining a path element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00020-00005448-00005735 we can just use the index keyword 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00021-00005736-00005959 this is sort of a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00022-00005960-00006318 default value 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00023-00006319-00006575 for for the path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00024-00006576-00006687 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00025-00006688-00006855 if you have a set of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00026-00006856-00007063 like we have here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00027-00007064-00007303 a set of alternatives for which the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00028-00007304-00007687 first one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00029-00007688-00007839 those alternatives are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00030-00007840-00008063 sort of mounted in south inside slash 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00031-00008064-00008214 instead of some path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00032-00008215-00008483 then we have different children possible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00033-00008484-00008735 children and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00034-00008736-00008951 all the children have something to add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00035-00008952-00009095 to the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00036-00009096-00009255 but some of them don't have anything to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00037-00009256-00009671 add so in this case the more explicit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00038-00009672-00009878 version would be to use the index saying 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00039-00009879-00010167 okay this is the default route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00040-00010168-00010495 if no more specific route will match 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00041-00010496-00010767 then use this one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00042-00010768-00010935 okay so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00043-00010936-00011223 it will match only the name of the of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00044-00011224-00011983 the containing folder in a way okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00045-00011984-00012206 this the sentence here restrained is a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00046-00012207-00012470 route with no path that renders in the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00047-00012471-00012815 parent's outlet at the parent's url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00048-00012816-00013046 it means that actually 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00049-00013047-00013294 this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00050-00013295-00013511 doesn't have any path by itself but it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00051-00013512-00013879 will reuse the path of the parent 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00052-00013880-00014103 okay so when before when i wrote pet 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00053-00014104-00014286 equal to the empty string i was not so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00054-00014287-00014519 sure it would have worked because it was 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00055-00014519-00014583 a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00056-00014584-00014863 special case usually this is the index 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00057-00014863-00014991 keyword 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00058-00014991-00015430 that is designed for this purpose 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00059-00015431-00015671 okay the home we have here and then the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00060-00015672-00015894 other was about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00061-00015895-00016047 it's work it's still working okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00062-00016047-00016255 usually when we have a set of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00063-00016256-00016430 let's say real 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00064-00016431-00016711 children pages and one main page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00065-00016712-00016911 we can call it the indexer and it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00066-00016912-00017455 doesn't need any additional path to add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00067-00017456-00017543 in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00068-00017544-00017735 in this case actually when we have when 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00069-00017736-00017886 we are at this path there are two 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00070-00017887-00018167 components rendering layout and this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00071-00018168-00018343 element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00072-00018344-00018727 at the same url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00073-00018728-00019030 so this is the first special case 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00074-00019031-00019391 then we have a second special case 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00075-00019392-00019550 which is a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00076-00019551-00019647 pure 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00077-00019648-00019950 layout route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00078-00019951-00020030 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00079-00020031-00020255 right now we use the this layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00080-00020256-00020471 component here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00081-00020472-00020830 with a with a special path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00082-00020831-00021135 but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00083-00021136-00021422 if we want this component this layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00084-00021423-00021663 to be applied 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00085-00021664-00021791 to all 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00086-00021792-00022094 the routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00087-00022095-00022327 we could just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00088-00022328-00022758 forget about the route content and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00089-00022759-00022983 use it like that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00090-00022984-00023311 so it's possible okay for an element not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00091-00023312-00023607 to have any path specified 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00092-00023608-00023775 in this case this component will not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00093-00023776-00023975 participate in the matching 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00094-00023976-00024263 and will always be rendered 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00095-00024264-00024367 of course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00096-00024368-00024511 of course it's a con 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00097-00024512-00024614 if 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00098-00024615-00024903 what it does is that it will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00099-00024904-00025167 delegate to the lower routes to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00100-00025168-00025447 matching and the result will be into the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00101-00025448-00025583 outlet 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00102-00025584-00025862 okay so uh right now this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00103-00025863-00026111 path equal to slash is a bit overdone 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00104-00026112-00026374 for having the layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00105-00026375-00026607 what i could do 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00106-00026608-00026839 is just to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00107-00026839-00027046 for example have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00108-00027047-00027143 one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00109-00027144-00028279 route for the layout without any path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00110-00028280-00028383 and then 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00111-00028383-00028918 nest everything else there 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00112-00028919-00029127 and i don't need the element here i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00113-00029127-00029631 don't know it's allowed 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00114-00029632-00030031 okay so i i can i can separate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00115-00030032-00030470 one global layout to be applied always 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00116-00030472-00030631 from different section of the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00117-00030632-00030958 application so this is the on page say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00118-00030960-00031143 the home section 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00119-00031144-00031399 the default value of the on section and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00120-00031400-00031543 the about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00121-00031544-00031943 inside the home section 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00122-00031944-00032367 and all of them will apply this layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00123-00032368-00032574 okay so like 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00124-00032575-00032862 like before slash 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00125-00032863-00033111 about and so on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00126-00033112-00033431 then i may have another section called i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00127-00033432-00033683 don't know help so i can have another 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00128-00033684-00034343 route paths equal to help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00129-00034344-00034607 for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00130-00034608-00034887 they may have its own subroute nested 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00131-00034888-00035062 routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00132-00035063-00035343 that are of course incompatible disjoint 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00133-00035344-00035518 with the previous ones but all of them 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00134-00035519-00035662 will always 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00135-00035663-00036079 share the same layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00136-00036080-00036302 okay so i may have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00137-00036303-00036551 so i'm in this case i'm matching the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00138-00036552-00036846 without forcing an element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00139-00036847-00037087 i can do that or if i want to force an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00140-00037088-00037279 element that would be probably an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00141-00037280-00037495 element with an outlet 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00142-00037496-00037774 that i want 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00143-00037775-00037943 maybe to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00144-00037944-00038111 to include it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00145-00038112-00038639 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00146-00038640-00038807 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00147-00038808-00039046 okay let's for example let's say we have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00148-00039047-00039287 a route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00149-00039288-00039646 index element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00150-00039647-00039967 equal to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00151-00039968-00040168 for example a title a title 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00152-00040169-00040399 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00153-00040400-00040583 page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00154-00040584-00041055 for example here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00155-00041056-00041167 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00156-00041168-00041439 route another route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00157-00041440-00041671 with path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00158-00041672-00041863 equal to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00159-00041864-00042062 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00160-00042063-00042439 let's say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00161-00042440-00042807 index 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00162-00042808-00043174 the contents 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00163-00043175-00043455 element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00164-00043456-00043951 equal to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00165-00043952-00044167 content list 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00166-00044168-00044583 of the output section 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00167-00044584-00044815 whatever okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00168-00044816-00045207 i need to close this text 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00169-00045208-00045430 okay so what do i have here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00170-00045431-00045679 i have something that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00171-00045680-00045887 render the root 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00172-00045888-00046215 will render the help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00173-00046216-00046407 the about we render the help section 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00174-00046408-00046718 with the with the index page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00175-00046719-00047367 and we run the help slash content 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00176-00047368-00047751 if i can write it correctly 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00177-00047752-00047943 no it's not content is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00178-00047944-00048527 contents 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00179-00048528-00048711 they will render a subsection inside 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00180-00048712-00048918 another one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00181-00048919-00049183 right now all of them share the same 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00182-00049184-00049383 layout component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00183-00049384-00049630 if i want i can apply a different layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00184-00049631-00049823 to the help session 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00185-00049824-00050086 by creating another layer of component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00186-00050087-00050295 with no password that we just apply and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00187-00050296-00050495 rewrite 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00188-00050496-00050751 that part that portion okay so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00189-00050752-00050862 i'm 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00190-00050863-00051183 nesting layouts and components 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00191-00051184-00051399 and declaring in a way what is the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00192-00051400-00051799 navigation structure of my application 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00193-00051800-00051966 so for applications that are not too 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00194-00051967-00052182 complex we can have all the paths 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00195-00052183-00052503 declared in the in the app 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00196-00052504-00052687 and the declaration of the path will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00197-00052688-00052887 decide which components to render in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00198-00052888-00053294 which case 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00199-00053295-00053487 and then the component will be just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00200-00053488-00053687 inserted and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00201-00053688-00053854 dropped in and out 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00202-00053855-00054063 according to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00203-00054064-00054399 to the current path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00204-00054400-00054607 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00205-00054608-00054959 there is a another case which is uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00206-00054960-00055223 another the third special case with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00207-00055224-00055454 a path with just an asterisk 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00208-00055455-00055575 so not a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00209-00055576-00055782 not it's not like here where we have an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00210-00055783-00056007 asterisk as part of a larger 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00211-00056008-00056247 path it's just necessary by itself 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00212-00056248-00056503 it means if nothing else is matching 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00213-00056504-00056663 then i will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00214-00056664-00056926 it's not the same as the index index 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00215-00056927-00057263 only matches if there is nothing more 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00216-00057264-00057582 asterisk match matches if there is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00217-00057583-00057719 something more 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00218-00057720-00057999 but none of the options are valid 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00219-00058000-00058182 none of the options will match 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00220-00058183-00058615 so it will gather when we are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00221-00058616-00058719 say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00222-00058720-00058854 topic one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00223-00058855-00059094 when we write topic one will not render 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00224-00059095-00059399 anything 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00225-00059400-00059630 okay so maybe we want to render talk the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00226-00059632-00059782 topic doesn't exist or something like 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00227-00059783-00059975 that an error message not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00228-00059976-00060199 we want to mess something 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00229-00060200-00060454 that is not one of the available 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00230-00060455-00060735 available options 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00231-00060736-00060854 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00232-00060855-00061175 in this case we can add another route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00233-00061176-00061682 with a special path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00234-00061683-00062206 asterisk element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00235-00062207-00062366 h2 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00236-00062367-00062494 there is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00237-00062495-00062830 envelope topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00238-00062832-00063423 so that will never have a blank page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00239-00063424-00063775 yes i need to close it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00240-00063776-00064103 okay so if we have the contents 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00241-00064104-00064230 page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00242-00064232-00064503 it's okay if we write anything else 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00243-00064504-00064671 we'll go to this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00244-00064672-00064847 default page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00245-00064848-00065047 and if we don't add anything 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00246-00065048-00065406 we go to the index page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00247-00065407-00065687 so we have a index page children pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00248-00065688-00065926 or default pages which is one possible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00249-00065927-00066087 children when not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00250-00066088-00066319 one possible child when no other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00251-00066320-00066759 children are matching 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00252-00066760-00066863 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00253-00066864-00067055 these are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00254-00067056-00067247 possibilities for the routes and these 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00255-00067248-00067479 examples sort of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00256-00067480-00067871 combining all of them 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00257-00067872-00068055 but right now we can only render one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00258-00068056-00068415 page at a time how to move across pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00259-00068416-00068671 well it's very easy we just use 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00260-00068672-00069031 a component or a hooker 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00261-00069032-00069231 to navigate across pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00262-00069232-00069463 we have the link component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00263-00069464-00069791 that will create 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00264-00069792-00070199 a link which is understood by the router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00265-00070200-00070471 this will generate an a link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00266-00070472-00070711 i could also generate an a by by myself 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00267-00070712-00071015 but i don't want to for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00268-00071016-00071406 in this component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00269-00071407-00071655 i need something more 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00270-00071656-00071975 for example in the layout 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00271-00071976-00072062 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00272-00072063-00072231 i could have some 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00273-00072232-00072679 menu for navigating across the website 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00274-00072680-00072862 so for example i could have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00275-00072863-00073087 just a released something very 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00276-00073088-00073367 ugly to see 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00277-00073368-00073711 sorry and list item 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00278-00073712-00074343 i could have maybe the about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00279-00074344-00074438 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00280-00074439-00074911 help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00281-00074912-00075015 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00282-00075016-00075215 so if i'm putting that in the layout it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00283-00075216-00075359 will be always 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00284-00075360-00075582 present here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00285-00075583-00075823 i want the about to be a link to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00286-00075824-00076111 about page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00287-00076112-00076391 i could do it in the old way 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00288-00076392-00076655 old-fashioned way with just a link a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00289-00076656-00076823 href 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00290-00076824-00076982 equal to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00291-00076983-00077550 dash about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00292-00077551-00077887 but we don't do it here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00293-00077888-00078294 so this is working 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00294-00078295-00078543 okay it creates a link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00295-00078544-00078735 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00296-00078736-00078950 if you click on the link it will go to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00297-00078951-00079119 the about page but keep an eye on the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00298-00079120-00079423 network tab 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00299-00079424-00079638 it's reloading the application 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00300-00079639-00079879 so if we add any state it will be lost 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00301-00079880-00080135 at this moment 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00302-00080136-00080367 so we want to add the effect of the link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00303-00080368-00080631 which is the effect of changing the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00304-00080632-00080847 without losing the application without 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00305-00080848-00081023 loading a new page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00306-00081024-00081119 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00307-00081120-00081319 and this is done by using not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00308-00081320-00081567 link a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00309-00081568-00082015 but a link component from the router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00310-00082016-00082191 a link component as an attribute which 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00311-00082192-00082479 is called 2 not href 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00312-00082480-00082662 that does the same thing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00313-00082663-00082991 it will render an a inside 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00314-00082992-00083231 but it will modify the behavior 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00315-00083232-00083399 of the link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00316-00083400-00083647 to change the url without loading the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00317-00083648-00083871 page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00318-00083872-00084015 link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00319-00084016-00084375 no w save 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00320-00084376-00084550 so in this case let's go back to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00321-00084551-00084726 home page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00322-00084727-00084950 we have this link is still if we inspect 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00323-00084951-00085703 the html itself 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00324-00085704-00085943 it is an a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00325-00085944-00086167 but the event ender has been captured by 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00326-00086168-00086406 the router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00327-00086407-00086647 and when we click on it let's go to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00328-00086648-00086918 network tab 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00329-00086919-00087071 the url changed but you see that there 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00330-00087072-00087406 was no network request there 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00331-00087407-00087694 okay so it only changed the knowledge of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00332-00087695-00087887 the browser about the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00333-00087888-00088118 and by the way when it did that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00334-00088119-00088375 it updated the history so i can go back 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00335-00088376-00088591 to the previous page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00336-00088592-00088935 so moving with the link component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00337-00088936-00089023 will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00338-00089024-00089231 update the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00339-00089232-00089471 recompute the routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00340-00089472-00089711 and update the history 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00341-00089712-00090118 for free 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00342-00090119-00090318 so we always use link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00343-00090319-00090447 to move 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00344-00090448-00090791 across the different sections also here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00345-00090792-00091775 we want to link to help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00346-00091776-00092318 again slash link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00347-00092319-00092503 and so we can move across the different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00348-00092504-00092918 pages the url changes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00349-00092919-00093182 and the story is populated 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00350-00093183-00093350 with the different options we went 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00351-00093351-00093526 through 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00352-00093527-00094031 just remember we never used 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00353-00094032-00094206 playing links 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00354-00094207-00094287 or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00355-00094288-00094503 we never use the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00356-00094504-00094703 form submission mechanism 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00357-00094704-00094959 directly because they will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00358-00094960-00095215 reload the page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00359-00095216-00095479 okay also for some for submission uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00360-00095480-00095647 already last week we saw that we had to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00361-00095648-00095887 prevent the default behavior of the form 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00362-00095888-00096055 in order to be able to process the data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00363-00096056-00096159 and not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00364-00096160-00096406 being killed 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00365-00096407-00096862 by by by the submission itself 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00366-00096863-00097103 so the link is useful if you are going 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00367-00097104-00097503 to create some static link in the page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00368-00097504-00097726 but what if we want to create some for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00369-00097727-00098006 example buttons or other type of actions 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00370-00098007-00098271 that will trigger a navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00371-00098272-00098647 then we can use the use navigate hook 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00372-00098648-00098879 okay so if i want to render a link okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00373-00098880-00099094 but if i want to render some button for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00374-00099095-00099303 example here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00375-00099304-00099503 maybe i want to have some bootstrap 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00376-00099504-00099687 button which are nicer to see or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00377-00099688-00099855 something like that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00378-00099856-00100055 so i can do that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00379-00100056-00100326 and so i but i need to trigger 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00380-00100327-00100703 navigation from an event handler 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00381-00100704-00100791 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00382-00100792-00101079 so let's imagine we are also replicating 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00383-00101080-00101703 this as a set of buttons 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00384-00101704-00102423 for example value equal to about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00385-00102424-00102758 okay it should display 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00386-00102759-00102990 no sorry it's not the value attribute 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00387-00102991-00103102 but it's the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00388-00103103-00103671 i always forget 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00389-00103672-00104110 about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00390-00104111-00104334 it's the body 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00391-00104335-00104566 okay we have this about button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00392-00104567-00104839 and if i want to click it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00393-00104840-00105007 it should go somewhere 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00394-00105008-00105527 to the about page so we don't 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00395-00105528-00105839 we should associate an action 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00396-00105840-00106158 to the on click event 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00397-00106159-00106343 and this action 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00398-00106344-00106551 when clicked 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00399-00106552-00106783 so always have a callback 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00400-00106783-00106966 as an action 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00401-00106967-00107223 it should 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00402-00107224-00107502 navigate to a new url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00403-00107503-00107710 we can call then a function called 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00404-00107711-00107934 navigate that is a function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00405-00107935-00108343 given us by the hook use navigate so we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00406-00108344-00108695 just retrieve a function called navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00407-00108696-00109190 from the uk use navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00408-00109191-00109702 of course this navigate must be imported 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00409-00109703-00109854 and here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00410-00109855-00110095 we call navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00411-00110096-00110463 with the url where we want to go 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00412-00110464-00111263 help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00413-00111264-00111447 previously we would have used this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00414-00111448-00111871 location here to set a state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00415-00111872-00112183 the mod mod edit mode help or whatever 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00416-00112183-00112375 instead of setting a state variable 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00417-00112376-00112519 which is something that we manage 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00418-00112520-00112631 ourselves 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00419-00112632-00112902 we set the location we use the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00420-00112903-00113302 location the navigation location as 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00421-00113303-00113495 a reminder for where the application 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00422-00113496-00113727 should be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00423-00113728-00113927 so in this case 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00424-00113928-00114310 i'm here i click on about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00425-00114311-00114823 and nothing happens why 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00426-00114824-00115078 button click no yeah sorry because it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00427-00115079-00115247 navigated to help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00428-00115248-00115439 so it is happening but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00429-00115440-00115743 not in the right position 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00430-00115744-00116047 okay and it goes to about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00431-00116048-00116399 so the ways for moving from a route to a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00432-00116400-00116583 different out or route from a page or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00433-00116583-00116807 different page right now no we are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00434-00116808-00116983 calling around some pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00435-00116983-00117078 in uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00436-00117079-00117223 interchangeably 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00437-00117224-00117478 uh it's uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00438-00117479-00117727 there are two these two ways okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00439-00117728-00117990 the link component or the navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00440-00117991-00118551 function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00441-00118552-00118807 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00442-00118808-00118983 so we when 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00443-00118983-00119263 we change the location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00444-00119264-00119447 we link or navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00445-00119448-00119583 or and we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00446-00119583-00119966 match the location with the route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00447-00119967-00120151 by combining these two mechanisms we can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00448-00120152-00120351 create the structure the navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00449-00120352-00120502 structure of our 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00450-00120503-00120753 application 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00451-00120754-00121151 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00452-00121152-00121310 by the way of course navigate is a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00453-00121311-00121486 normal function so you can you could 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00454-00121488-00121766 also navigate to address urls that are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00455-00121767-00121999 composed dynamically 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00456-00122000-00122239 for example you want to go to a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00457-00122240-00122471 you have a list of your invoices you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00458-00122472-00122671 want to go to a specific one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00459-00122672-00122966 so you create you create a router called 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00460-00122967-00123190 invoiceslash the number of invoice that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00461-00123191-00123423 can be passed as a parameter we don't 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00462-00123424-00123671 even need to store this number in a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00463-00123672-00123951 state somewhere because it's already 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00464-00123952-00124078 in the location so it's already 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00465-00124079-00124271 accessible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00466-00124272-00124375 the other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00467-00124376-00124575 information is that all the paths for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00468-00124576-00124758 navigating are relative unless they 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00469-00124759-00124990 start with a slash 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00470-00124991-00125183 and this is useful 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00471-00125183-00125248 because 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00472-00125249-00125366 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00473-00125367-00125639 right now for example we are we may 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00474-00125640-00125847 navigate across the different section of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00475-00125848-00126199 the helper so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00476-00126200-00126366 group of pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00477-00126367-00126647 by only navigating 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00478-00126648-00127071 across 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00479-00127072-00127254 by only showing the relative paths i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00480-00127255-00127454 would say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00481-00127455-00127678 so if there are many sections help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00482-00127679-00127919 contents help topics and so on we just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00483-00127920-00128127 navigate to context to topics without 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00484-00128128-00128390 writing all the full path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00485-00128391-00128766 and so it's even easier because the same 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00486-00128767-00128886 part is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00487-00128888-00129054 relocated to a different part of the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00488-00129055-00129223 world of the website because maybe it's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00489-00129224-00129439 no longer alpha but it's a user support 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00490-00129440-00129623 flash help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00491-00129624-00129895 if you are using relative passing inside 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00492-00129896-00130063 the same group of routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00493-00130064-00130454 it will be say move the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00494-00130455-00130695 without any any special effort 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00495-00130696-00130799 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00496-00130800-00131054 we should try to think 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00497-00131055-00131254 every group of routes as a section of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00498-00131255-00131447 the website which is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00499-00131448-00131671 decomposing us in a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00500-00131672-00131895 set of possible subsections that are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00501-00131896-00132087 decomposed in a set of possible pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00502-00132088-00132239 and so on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00503-00132240-00132783 um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00504-00132784-00133111 always about navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00505-00133112-00133263 uh we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00506-00133264-00133519 one thing we would like to have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00507-00133520-00133614 is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00508-00133615-00133735 a way to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00509-00133736-00133951 so to highlight 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00510-00133952-00134166 these different voices so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00511-00134167-00134399 if i am in about i would like this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00512-00134400-00134671 button to be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00513-00134672-00134902 of a different color for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00514-00134903-00135175 than the other one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00515-00135176-00135431 that i know what is the section in which 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00516-00135432-00135527 i am 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00517-00135528-00135743 so this can be done 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00518-00135744-00135951 with another with a variant of the link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00519-00135952-00136111 component which is called navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00520-00136112-00136431 link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00521-00136432-00136727 so navigation link is a link that is so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00522-00136728-00136983 in a way aware 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00523-00136984-00137175 of the current state the current 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00524-00137176-00137319 location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00525-00137320-00137581 it will use the current location to uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00526-00137582-00137727 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00527-00137728-00137847 understand 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00528-00137848-00138023 among all the diff all the possible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00529-00138024-00138271 links if it is the one that is being 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00530-00138272-00138623 selected okay and how does it do that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00531-00138624-00138854 well there's one basic behavior it adds 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00532-00138855-00139159 an active class to render link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00533-00139160-00139359 what does it mean this is a link a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00534-00139360-00139639 normal a-link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00535-00139640-00139847 if you render another link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00536-00139848-00140047 one of the two will have a class 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00537-00140048-00140447 automatically added called active 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00538-00140448-00140671 class equal to active so we can use 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00539-00140672-00140854 style sheets 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00540-00140855-00141127 just to customize the appearance of an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00541-00141128-00141423 active one for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00542-00141424-00141647 first of all we must transform these 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00543-00141648-00142063 links into navigation link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00544-00142064-00142223 of course not all of them should be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00545-00142224-00142399 navigation links 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00546-00142400-00142575 internal links from moving to from page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00547-00142576-00142847 to page should just be plain links 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00548-00142848-00143095 but in this case we have this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00549-00143096-00143254 sort of a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00550-00143255-00143502 menu here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00551-00143503-00143751 now they are nav links they behave in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00552-00143752-00143943 the same way as before 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00553-00143944-00144095 but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00554-00144096-00144502 if i go and inspect the component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00555-00144503-00144678 i see that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00556-00144679-00144823 this link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00557-00144824-00145023 if i click on about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00558-00145024-00145423 it it gets a new class active 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00559-00145424-00145702 if i click on help the about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00560-00145703-00145926 link doesn't have the active class 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00561-00145927-00146087 anymore 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00562-00146088-00146359 so i could use style sheets to to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00563-00146360-00146639 transform the link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00564-00146640-00146839 the active link into something different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00565-00146840-00147031 changing the color making bold or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00566-00147032-00147248 whatever okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00567-00147249-00147519 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00568-00147520-00147719 for example let's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00569-00147720-00147839 take the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00570-00147840-00148126 abstract sheets 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00571-00148127-00148366 and make it that so that the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00572-00148367-00148766 a dot active 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00573-00148767-00148911 let's make it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00574-00148912-00149031 a bold 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00575-00149032-00149326 font weight 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00576-00149327-00149959 bold 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00577-00149960-00150166 okay so right now i'm transforming all 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00578-00150167-00150639 the links but i should probably 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00579-00150640-00150863 only select the ones that i need i need 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00580-00150864-00151343 to import also the css 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00581-00151344-00151766 app.css 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00582-00151767-00152126 so that it will be loaded into the page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00583-00152127-00152383 and right now what you see is that the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00584-00152384-00152566 selected link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00585-00152567-00152683 is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00586-00152684-00153023 highlighted thanks to css okay so the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00587-00153024-00153247 class is applied automatically by nav 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00588-00153248-00153526 link and the f the visual effect is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00589-00153527-00153990 applied by the css 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00590-00153991-00154231 this is also of course it's a very basic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00591-00154232-00154543 mechanism that only works when i want to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00592-00154544-00154711 change the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00593-00154712-00155054 the appearance of a link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00594-00155055-00155271 there are other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00595-00155272-00155519 possibility 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00596-00155520-00155814 uh we can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00597-00155815-00155999 just if we want to change maybe we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00598-00156000-00156263 already have some classes available 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00599-00156264-00156431 which are not called 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00600-00156432-00156543 active 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00601-00156544-00156854 and so we can uh the nav link has two 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00602-00156855-00157031 extra attributes one is called class 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00603-00157032-00157239 name and the other clause 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00604-00157240-00157495 is called style 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00605-00157496-00157999 that expect a callback function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00606-00158000-00158175 and this callback function receives a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00607-00158176-00158319 boolean value 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00608-00158320-00158607 is active or not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00609-00158608-00158935 so we may have a class name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00610-00158936-00159239 with a callback function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00611-00159240-00159487 that will return the name of the class 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00612-00159488-00159719 to apply only if 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00613-00159720-00159854 it's selected 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00614-00159855-00160159 for example i would write something like 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00615-00160160-00160447 in the nav link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00616-00160448-00160983 class name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00617-00160984-00161631 it needs a callback function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00618-00161632-00161711 with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00619-00161712-00161895 the executive 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00620-00161896-00162102 and then i will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00621-00162103-00162407 return 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00622-00162408-00162695 an expression 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00623-00162696-00163023 whether it's active 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00624-00163024-00163135 then 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00625-00163136-00163590 i return active button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00626-00163591-00163878 for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00627-00163879-00164319 otherwise nothing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00628-00164320-00164575 sorry it's a question mark here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00629-00164576-00164743 something like that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00630-00164744-00165007 so i want to apply a specific class or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00631-00165008-00165351 set of classes to um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00632-00165352-00165711 to an active link 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00633-00165712-00165951 and i have this i can specify the class 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00634-00165952-00166343 name in a dynamic way 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00635-00166344-00166590 or the style in a dynamic way if i want 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00636-00166591-00166935 to apply directly the css attributes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00637-00166936-00167214 so we receive a style object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00638-00167215-00167414 an object with all the key and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00639-00167415-00167766 attributes for the css 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00640-00167767-00168031 okay there are just ways of customizing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00641-00168032-00168278 that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00642-00168279-00168607 if we if it's not enough 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00643-00168608-00169175 okay let's not use nav link use routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00644-00169176-00169590 you could do a a route matching about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00645-00169591-00169759 that will render 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00646-00169760-00170087 and a button with some specific property 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00647-00170088-00170287 and otherwise it will render a different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00648-00170288-00170423 button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00649-00170424-00170559 okay in the default you will render a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00650-00170560-00170726 different button so you want to really 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00651-00170727-00170975 change radically the the behavior 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00652-00170976-00171207 according to the to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00653-00171208-00171383 to the path of course you need user 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00654-00171384-00171543 routes to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00655-00171544-00171814 select which components but for the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00656-00171815-00172126 small 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00657-00172127-00172319 details small 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00658-00172320-00172502 changes to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00659-00172503-00172638 to the highlight 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00660-00172639-00172823 of the elements 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00661-00172824-00173126 is usually enough 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00662-00173127-00173366 okay we didn't mention 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00663-00173367-00173502 uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00664-00173503-00173887 how to deal with the dynamic routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00665-00173888-00174135 okay dynamic routes are routes where 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00666-00174136-00174526 some parts of the url are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00667-00174527-00174647 parametric 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00668-00174648-00175031 are parame parameters that we can set 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00669-00175032-00175287 so we can group into a single 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00670-00175288-00175438 route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00671-00175439-00175790 many different actual specific routes by 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00672-00175791-00175983 changing maybe typically it will be an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00673-00175984-00176078 id 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00674-00176079-00176366 or a name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00675-00176367-00176478 that will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00676-00176479-00176671 specify an element across a list of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00677-00176672-00176814 elements 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00678-00176815-00177071 and matching this is easy there's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00679-00177072-00177278 nothing special to do we just specify a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00680-00177279-00177454 segment 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00681-00177455-00177799 with a semicolon here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00682-00177800-00178238 so for example we had our help section 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00683-00178239-00178551 so we want to have some urls for the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00684-00178552-00178975 help about any specific topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00685-00178976-00179159 okay so we may add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00686-00179160-00179654 a section here where is the help here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00687-00179655-00179911 a router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00688-00179912-00180487 path is held held by topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00689-00180488-00180887 slash topic id 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00690-00180888-00181326 topic name whatever you want 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00691-00181327-00181559 element 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00692-00181560-00181838 equal to okay let's make a specific 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00693-00181839-00182095 element because it will be long 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00694-00182096-00182259 element equal to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00695-00182260-00182614 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00696-00182615-00182719 help 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00697-00182720-00183238 by topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00698-00183239-00183471 okay so this will match all the routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00699-00183472-00184287 starting with topics something 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00700-00184288-00184647 so the help by topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00701-00184648-00185014 function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00702-00185015-00185566 help by topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00703-00185567-00185919 okay is a normal component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00704-00185920-00186495 that we want to return 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00705-00186496-00186878 for example something like 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00706-00186879-00187319 help by topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00707-00187320-00188095 and then what is the topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00708-00188096-00188183 we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00709-00188184-00188463 of course need to access the actual 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00710-00188464-00188935 value that was given in this path 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00711-00188936-00189247 to retrieve this value so the path is a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00712-00189248-00189783 topic slash anything 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00713-00189784-00189959 but the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00714-00189960-00190190 the actual value 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00715-00190191-00190583 may be or is needed by the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00716-00190584-00190750 component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00717-00190751-00191054 and the component may access this value 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00718-00191055-00191190 through a hook 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00719-00191191-00191423 which is called use param 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00720-00191424-00191631 use param 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00721-00191632-00192102 sir use params use parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00722-00192103-00192425 not count constant 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00723-00192426-00192599 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00724-00192600-00192902 params parameters is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00725-00192903-00193463 use params 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00726-00193464-00193935 imported by react router dom 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00727-00193936-00194166 par the params are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00728-00194167-00194366 a list 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00729-00194367-00194535 of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00730-00194536-00194711 is an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00731-00194712-00194895 with some properties properties 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00732-00194896-00195119 corresponding to the different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00733-00195120-00195326 dynamic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00734-00195327-00195678 parameters i i'm talking plural because 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00735-00195679-00195895 a url may be long and may have different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00736-00195896-00196102 dynamic segments 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00737-00196103-00196311 so all the dynamic segments will create 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00738-00196312-00196511 an attribute in this object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00739-00196512-00196647 right now we only have one which is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00740-00196648-00196863 called topic name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00741-00196864-00197899 so we can use this topic name here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00742-00197900-00199007 params.topic name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00743-00199008-00199150 and of course we can do anything with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00744-00199151-00199326 this information we can look up in a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00745-00199327-00199471 database or whatever we have this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00746-00199472-00199678 information so we can customize this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00747-00199679-00199775 page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00748-00199776-00200038 with this information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00749-00200039-00200126 uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00750-00200127-00200438 so in this case okay you go to help we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00751-00200439-00200590 don't have the link so let's put it by 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00752-00200591-00200831 hand topic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00753-00200832-00201238 uh react 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00754-00201239-00201390 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00755-00201391-00201590 right now it reloaded because it just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00756-00201591-00201847 bought the the url myself 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00757-00201848-00202159 but you see that it extracted 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00758-00202160-00202207 from the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00759-00202208-00202431 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00760-00202432-00202663 it mentioned help topic reactor so it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00761-00202664-00202926 concatenated all the segments 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00762-00202927-00203166 and the last segment was the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00763-00203167-00203423 dynamic part that was put into the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00764-00203424-00203807 uh the property of the object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00765-00203808-00204007 okay and so we are we may use this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00766-00204008-00204343 information in there 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00767-00204344-00204583 so i'm imagining for example when you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00768-00204584-00204806 have the edit functionality so you can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00769-00204807-00204975 go to a router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00770-00204976-00205255 called edit slash id 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00771-00205256-00205414 of the course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00772-00205415-00205662 so there you have the information about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00773-00205663-00205790 which 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00774-00205791-00206151 course you want to edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00775-00206152-00206327 and then once you have the information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00776-00206328-00206462 about the id you can retrieve all the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00777-00206463-00206623 information you want of course but with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00778-00206623-00206790 a callback form from the parent or 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00779-00206791-00207079 whatever 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00780-00207080-00207351 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00781-00207352-00207662 so this is powerful because it lets the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00782-00207663-00207966 user create very complex uh paths but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00783-00207967-00208071 also 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00784-00208071-00208358 since this react can be this url can be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00785-00208359-00208582 created by a navigate function and this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00786-00208583-00208766 navigate function may 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00787-00208767-00208871 create 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00788-00208871-00209062 this string 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00789-00209063-00209271 dynamically 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00790-00209271-00209446 then we can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00791-00209448-00209566 you know 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00792-00209567-00209775 create a list of items and then clicking 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00793-00209776-00209967 an item navigating to the page with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00794-00209967-00210119 detail where we are passing this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00795-00210119-00210479 information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00796-00210480-00210623 right now it was not easy to pass 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00797-00210623-00210791 information when i click on the button i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00798-00210792-00210982 knew i need to give the information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00799-00210983-00211134 about which button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00800-00211135-00211391 to press to another component so if the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00801-00211392-00211639 component was my child okay because i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00802-00211640-00211767 passed as a prop 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00803-00211767-00212015 but if the information is needed by 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00804-00212016-00212151 someone else 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00805-00212152-00212382 i need to set a state above in order to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00806-00212383-00212551 be retrieved there 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00807-00212552-00212815 with this mechanism the state or the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00808-00212816-00213079 information is just encoded into the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00809-00213080-00213255 location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00810-00213256-00213567 okay so if we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00811-00213567-00213871 if we get it right it's uh it will it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00812-00213871-00214151 will simplify a lot the management of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00813-00214152-00214446 these intermediate states 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00814-00214448-00214639 and also the passage of information from 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00815-00214640-00215094 one page to another 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00816-00215096-00215215 um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00817-00215216-00215455 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00818-00215456-00215527 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00819-00215528-00215863 yeah this is just an example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00820-00215864-00216175 of the same 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00821-00216176-00216391 by the way if we already know 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00822-00216392-00216542 in this case that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00823-00216544-00216734 which is the parameter that we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00824-00216735-00216951 want instead of extracting the params 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00825-00216952-00217294 object and then doing params.invoiceid 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00826-00217296-00217542 we can always use the destructuring 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00827-00217544-00217727 assignment which is always valid where 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00828-00217728-00217958 we already extract some property of an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00829-00217959-00218231 object and so we have it as available as 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00830-00218232-00218494 a variable which is usually 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00831-00218496-00218767 more 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00832-00218767-00218991 convenient 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00833-00218992-00219287 there's another mechanism 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00834-00219288-00219639 in addition to the do the dynamic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00835-00219640-00219927 of constructing a dynamic router for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00836-00219928-00220151 passing information from one page to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00837-00220152-00220334 another 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00838-00220335-00220446 um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00839-00220448-00220775 i mentioned it because it's there but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00840-00220776-00221006 i would try to avoid it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00841-00221007-00221151 if possible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00842-00221152-00221463 because it doesn't add a lot to the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00843-00221464-00221703 current one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00844-00221704-00221873 actually what happens is that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00845-00221875-00222094 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00846-00222096-00222294 it's a say something which is a bit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00847-00222296-00222382 hidden 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00848-00222383-00222687 every location also in the browser has 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00849-00222688-00222894 an associated state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00850-00222896-00223167 value 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00851-00223167-00223279 we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00852-00223280-00223446 i don't know why it's there but it's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00853-00223448-00223782 there anyway so we can write and read 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00854-00223783-00224087 is an attribute of the location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00855-00224088-00224455 location.stay is an object in the bomb 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00856-00224456-00224671 remember the bomb and dom we saw the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00857-00224671-00224846 beginning the brow bomb is the browser 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00858-00224848-00225046 object model so the object made 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00859-00225048-00225215 available the object is made available 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00860-00225216-00225375 by the browser 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00861-00225376-00225703 location is one of these window.location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00862-00225704-00225894 location has a sub property which is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00863-00225896-00226063 called state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00864-00226064-00226271 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00865-00226271-00226510 so what you could do is when you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00866-00226511-00226758 navigate you are creating a new 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00867-00226759-00226882 location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00868-00226883-00227175 object and you can attach a state to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00869-00227176-00227398 this location object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00870-00227400-00227751 and this state will be available can be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00871-00227752-00228158 queried by the receiving page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00872-00228159-00228439 so for example when you use navigator 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00873-00228440-00228663 you send the first parameter is the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00874-00228664-00228815 address of course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00875-00228816-00229031 but you can pass a second parameter an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00876-00229032-00229127 object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00877-00229128-00229655 with an attribute state and some data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00878-00229656-00229934 in the other page so in the destination 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00879-00229935-00230255 of the navigation function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00880-00230256-00230591 you can use the hook use location to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00881-00230592-00230831 retrieve the location object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00882-00230832-00231119 and of course accessing the state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00883-00231119-00231358 attribute of this location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00884-00231359-00231623 so the next page can retrieve the user 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00885-00231623-00232127 data that was set in the previous page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00886-00232128-00232375 if this user data is just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00887-00232376-00232646 you know a string 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00888-00232648-00232919 the effect is the same as 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00889-00232919-00233294 adding a dynamic segment to the url 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00890-00233296-00233558 i could have url plus user data slash 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00891-00233559-00233734 user data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00892-00233735-00234015 and then here i retrieve this user data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00893-00234016-00234558 from use params like we did before 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00894-00234559-00234758 with the additional 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00895-00234759-00235015 result is that this url is visible and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00896-00235016-00235351 so if i want to bookmark it if i want to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00897-00235352-00235567 remains in the history so i can go back 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00898-00235567-00235734 to that specific content to that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00899-00235735-00235967 specific user data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00900-00235967-00236191 if i'm putting that into the state it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00901-00236192-00236398 will be somewhere somehow less 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00902-00236400-00236551 accessible 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00903-00236552-00236798 by the browser 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00904-00236800-00237031 but the other problem is that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00905-00237032-00237206 i think the major problem is that this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00906-00237207-00237479 syntax leads you to believe 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00907-00237480-00237598 that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00908-00237600-00237879 user data is an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00909-00237880-00238127 that can be sent and retrieved and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00910-00238128-00238351 extracted 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00911-00238352-00238623 and it is an object but not really 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00912-00238623-00238815 because the internal mechanism in the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00913-00238816-00238958 browser 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00914-00238959-00239071 to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00915-00239071-00239271 store this state location is to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00916-00239271-00239479 serialize that into a string 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00917-00239480-00239639 so the browser is actually storing a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00918-00239640-00239767 string 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00919-00239767-00239975 if user data is not a string but an 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00920-00239976-00240167 object is we it will be first converted 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00921-00240167-00240319 to a string 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00922-00240319-00240591 and then here the string will be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00923-00240592-00240894 reconverted into an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00924-00240896-00241063 which is fine 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00925-00241064-00241303 unless you have a complex object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00926-00241304-00241630 so something that contains a data a djs 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00927-00241631-00241919 or an xml object or something like that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00928-00241919-00242167 what you will get here will be an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00929-00242167-00242398 with the right properties 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00930-00242400-00242582 but it will not be an object of that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00931-00242583-00242767 type so you don't have we will you will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00932-00242767-00242958 not have all the methods available only 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00933-00242959-00243182 the values all the properties because 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00934-00243183-00243398 you cannot serialize into a string you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00935-00243400-00243598 can consider functions 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00936-00243600-00243682 only 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00937-00243683-00243958 values so this is a mechanism which is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00938-00243959-00244246 limited by the capability of the browser 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00939-00244248-00244463 that this state is needs to be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00940-00244464-00244630 serialized as a string so you cannot 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00941-00244631-00244887 reconstruct real objects 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00942-00244888-00245134 so if you want you can use it to pass 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00943-00245135-00245327 simple objects 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00944-00245328-00245510 meaning object that contains only 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00945-00245511-00245806 numbers or strings or other or other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00946-00245807-00245967 nested objects but no 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00947-00245967-00246119 complex objects you will lose the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00948-00246119-00246319 information about the object no 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00949-00246319-00246839 methods no functional properties 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00950-00246840-00247246 or just strings simple values 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00951-00247248-00247455 that's the reason what this i think this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00952-00247456-00247615 limitation is the main reason why i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00953-00247616-00247782 would prefer probably if i need to press 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00954-00247783-00248030 a string i pass into the location id in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00955-00248031-00248239 the in the dynamic location instead of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00956-00248240-00248398 the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00957-00248400-00248767 in this state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00958-00248767-00248927 it gives you the illusion of handling 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00959-00248928-00249282 object but it doesn't really 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00960-00249283-00249463 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00961-00249464-00249655 there's also another 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00962-00249656-00249839 way another 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00963-00249840-00250175 mechanism for passing information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00964-00250176-00250327 which is the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00965-00250328-00250519 query string query search parameters so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00966-00250519-00250791 a url contains a set of segments some of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00967-00250792-00251023 them may be dynamic okay and then you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00968-00251023-00251158 may have a question mark and a set of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00969-00251159-00251471 parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00970-00251471-00251694 so can the router access and use those 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00971-00251696-00251903 parameters to customize the page of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00972-00251904-00252206 course it can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00973-00252207-00252382 and there is another hookah called the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00974-00252383-00252671 search parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00975-00252671-00252967 that will allow you to read and modify 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00976-00252967-00253375 these parameters here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00977-00253376-00253671 it's a bit uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00978-00253671-00253927 again it's not very 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00979-00253928-00254167 easy to use 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00980-00254167-00254446 but it it may be used if you have some 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00981-00254448-00254703 queries like this of course the the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00982-00254704-00254919 the matching of the router we only works 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00983-00254919-00255246 on the part before the question mark 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00984-00255248-00255687 okay the router only filters and decides 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00985-00255688-00255998 about the url not the search parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00986-00256000-00256182 but then when you are in the page you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00987-00256183-00256423 can query these parameters if you want 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00988-00256423-00256623 you just have to call the hooker called 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00989-00256623-00256927 the user search parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00990-00256928-00257167 that will give you one variable and one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00991-00257167-00257334 setter function 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00992-00257335-00257703 like you state more or less 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00993-00257704-00257982 the variable search parameter 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00994-00257983-00258206 is not um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00995-00258207-00258406 a simple object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00996-00258407-00258710 is an object of type url.such a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00997-00258711-00258894 parameter which is a predefined object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00998-00258896-00259223 in the browser object model 9hX5KKv4Hqk-00999-00259223-00259391 and the documentation about this object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01000-00259392-00259606 is not in react it's something native in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01001-00259607-00259846 the browser so you can see it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01002-00259848-00260055 directly on mdn 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01003-00260056-00260334 and basically you can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01004-00260335-00260646 you cannot write a search parameter dot 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01005-00260648-00260903 sort or dot filter but you must use a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01006-00260904-00261134 method called get okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01007-00261135-00261319 to to because it's not a real object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01008-00261319-00261598 it's just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01009-00261600-00261798 something that can be queried a data 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01010-00261800-00261958 structure that can be queried if you 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01011-00261959-00262063 want to see the methods that are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01012-00262064-00262295 available you must go to this object so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01013-00262296-00262455 that's why it's not so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01014-00262456-00262679 easy to use because you need to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01015-00262680-00262934 to query it and it's a it's a map 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01016-00262935-00263095 basically 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01017-00263096-00263310 it's a map data structure 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01018-00263311-00263534 and you can only say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01019-00263535-00263839 use it with map like methods 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01020-00263840-00264071 but of course if you want you can of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01021-00264072-00264255 course extract these parameters with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01022-00264256-00264367 this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01023-00264368-00264487 hook 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01024-00264488-00264703 and if you want to change these 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01025-00264704-00264927 parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01026-00264928-00265087 which is a straight notion why should i 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01027-00265088-00265263 want to change some search parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01028-00265264-00265639 because i want to run a run a new search 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01029-00265640-00265799 of course i'm not changing the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01030-00265800-00265982 parameters for me i can change the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01031-00265983-00266199 parameter for another page that will be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01032-00266200-00266567 then recomputed recompute some results 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01033-00266568-00266806 so constructing a url with a different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01034-00266807-00267087 set of parameters can be done 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01035-00267088-00267455 by just calling set search parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01036-00267456-00267679 with an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01037-00267680-00267799 with an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01038-00267800-00268015 key value pairs 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01039-00268016-00268247 with the so would be an object with sort 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01040-00268248-00268399 uh 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01041-00268400-00268647 column date and filter call and valid 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01042-00268648-00268775 and so on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01043-00268776-00269103 you call the set it will create 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01044-00269104-00269223 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01045-00269224-00269463 will replace the current parameter 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01046-00269464-00269727 without changing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01047-00269728-00270039 the location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01048-00270040-00270255 so you are not building a new url from 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01049-00270256-00270534 scratch you are keeping the location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01050-00270535-00270734 and so in a way you are keeping the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01051-00270735-00270847 routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01052-00270848-00271039 they will always be the same route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01053-00271040-00271175 selected 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01054-00271176-00271430 but you are changing the the parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01055-00271431-00271758 so that you can customize 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01056-00271759-00272071 maybe you want to change the short order 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01057-00272072-00272310 so sorting from by date or sorting by 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01058-00272311-00272519 score by name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01059-00272520-00273047 you can do that by recreating an object 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01060-00273048-00273191 and then the page of course will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01061-00273192-00273391 recompute but the location will be the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01062-00273392-00273615 same so you you'll be sure that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01063-00273616-00273855 you don't move the page it's a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01064-00273856-00273943 say 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01065-00273944-00274199 a detail a corner case when you want to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01066-00274200-00274423 have some functionality that depends on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01067-00274424-00274527 the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01068-00274528-00274734 query parameters and not on the dynamic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01069-00274735-00274951 part of the page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01070-00274952-00275182 there are many options it depends on how 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01071-00275183-00275534 you want to to mention that part okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01072-00275535-00275719 you may also 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01073-00275720-00275975 by the way the sorting of a table 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01074-00275976-00276103 may 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01075-00276104-00276358 normally be done with a state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01076-00276359-00276606 inside the page okay we don't need to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01077-00276607-00276782 use the location for everything now that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01078-00276783-00276919 we learned the router we don't need to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01079-00276920-00277199 use the router for everything okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01080-00277200-00277367 it's bet it's better to use the router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01081-00277368-00277567 for what is doing best 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01082-00277568-00277751 organizing the main navigation of the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01083-00277752-00277863 website 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01084-00277864-00279039 do you have a question yep 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01085-00279040-00279391 so in the case of the filters i would 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01086-00279392-00279606 probably use a dynamic 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01087-00279607-00279999 parameter 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01088-00280000-00280095 like 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01089-00280096-00280382 show movies slash field slasher and the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01090-00280383-00280639 name of the filter probably 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01091-00280640-00280767 um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01092-00280768-00280855 well 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01093-00280856-00281087 actually it depends if all the filters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01094-00281088-00281247 actually behave in the same identical 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01095-00281248-00281334 way 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01096-00281335-00281503 it would be maybe better to have only 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01097-00281504-00281719 one route for all them and then the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01098-00281720-00281839 parameter 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01099-00281840-00282134 that only is only cleared inside 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01100-00282135-00282423 but also here you see that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01101-00282424-00282606 we only have one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01102-00282607-00282823 component and then 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01103-00282824-00283110 inside it we can do different things 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01104-00283111-00283375 so they're very similar 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01105-00283376-00283623 they're very similar so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01106-00283624-00283863 the capability of changing the cell 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01107-00283864-00284263 parameter is 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01108-00284264-00284519 probably more complicated than it needs 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01109-00284520-00284751 if i want to change the filter i just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01110-00284752-00284895 have to navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01111-00284896-00285215 to the new url with the filter name 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01112-00285216-00285287 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01113-00285288-00285439 i will try 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01114-00285440-00285758 as a general rule to keep it simple 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01115-00285759-00285863 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01116-00285864-00286023 state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01117-00286024-00286151 router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01118-00286152-00286367 dynamic routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01119-00286368-00286527 dynamic routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01120-00286528-00286758 query parameters 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01121-00286759-00286910 there are an increasing level of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01122-00286911-00287119 complexity so let's move to the next 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01123-00287120-00287430 level complexity only if we need it 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01124-00287431-00287687 if we can do it with a simpler way 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01125-00287688-00287791 why not 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01126-00287792-00287895 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01127-00287896-00288223 it will be for our own health 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01128-00288224-00288423 okay um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01129-00288424-00288695 i think the soul 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01130-00288696-00288927 yeah this uh this is i just put one 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01131-00288928-00289199 final slide with the summary of the of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01132-00289200-00289415 the components and the hooks 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01133-00289416-00289591 that we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01134-00289592-00289791 need to use when we work 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01135-00289792-00289882 with the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01136-00289883-00290263 router i would spend the last um 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01137-00290264-00290519 five or five or ten minutes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01138-00290520-00290743 then more time and five 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01139-00290744-00290999 in trying to think not to code because 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01140-00291000-00291110 of course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01141-00291111-00291295 think about for example our application 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01142-00291296-00291519 with the exams course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01143-00291520-00291743 how we could be organized 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01144-00291744-00291951 with with routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01145-00291952-00292158 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01146-00292159-00292327 if we wanted to right now we have a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01147-00292328-00292799 navigation based on so let's go back to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01148-00292800-00292943 our 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01149-00292944-00293271 other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01150-00293272-00293687 exams 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01151-00293688-00294247 all the navigation right now realize 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01152-00294248-00294623 on the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01153-00294624-00295087 mod state what is that here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01154-00295088-00295303 and when we decided this mod we decided 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01155-00295304-00295567 there's some some allowed values and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01156-00295568-00295951 then we needed to add some extra 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01157-00295952-00296271 states like the editing sum some extra 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01158-00296272-00296527 functions and so on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01159-00296528-00296606 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01160-00296607-00296927 and right now a lot of code is highly 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01161-00296928-00297182 dependent on these values 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01162-00297183-00297623 but if we had to start from scratch 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01163-00297624-00297934 and so let's say magritte to migrate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01164-00297935-00298215 to a router what could we do so let's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01165-00298216-00298615 maybe open a text file 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01166-00298616-00298734 router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01167-00298735-00299463 routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01168-00299464-00300487 okay thinking about 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01169-00300488-00300799 thinking about routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01170-00300800-00301247 for the exams 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01171-00301248-00301327 so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01172-00301328-00301519 we did an exercise like this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01173-00301520-00301791 last week when we talked about when we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01174-00301792-00302143 invented this mod state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01175-00302144-00302439 so what what are the pages 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01176-00302440-00302606 that we want to the different pages that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01177-00302607-00302767 we want to show 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01178-00302768-00303319 okay that should be a home page 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01179-00303320-00303543 what does the home page show 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01180-00303544-00303679 shows the list 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01181-00303680-00303943 of exams 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01182-00303944-00304279 it shows 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01183-00304280-00304623 no options no buttons 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01184-00304624-00304854 for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01185-00304855-00305310 changing anything 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01186-00305311-00305447 and it shows 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01187-00305448-00305524 the button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01188-00305525-00305695 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01189-00305696-00305815 for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01190-00305816-00305951 entering 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01191-00305952-00306703 the modification the change mode 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01192-00306704-00306943 right 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01193-00306944-00307151 and we may have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01194-00307152-00307287 another route 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01195-00307288-00307454 maybe we can't change it just to keep 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01196-00307455-00307871 the the terminology 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01197-00307872-00308127 when we have the list of exams with the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01198-00308128-00308334 buttons 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01199-00308335-00308647 so list of exams 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01200-00308648-00308743 with 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01201-00308744-00308839 edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01202-00308840-00308999 delete 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01203-00309000-00309295 and edit buttons 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01204-00309296-00309575 then we have a button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01205-00309576-00309919 for add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01206-00309920-00310206 and then we have a button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01207-00310207-00310382 for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01208-00310383-00310567 entering 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01209-00310568-00311351 the view mode 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01210-00311352-00311582 and by the way we already can say what 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01211-00311583-00311791 this button does 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01212-00311792-00312006 the battery for enter the change mode 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01213-00312007-00312423 goes to the location navigates to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01214-00312424-00312934 change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01215-00312935-00313134 and the button for entering the view 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01216-00313135-00313239 mode 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01217-00313240-00313527 navigates 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01218-00313528-00313630 to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01219-00313631-00314495 slash 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01220-00314496-00314671 okay so we are replacing everything we 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01221-00314672-00314854 did with mod 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01222-00314855-00315247 with routes 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01223-00315248-00315599 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01224-00315600-00316071 what do we do with delete 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01225-00316072-00316230 delete 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01226-00316231-00317047 okay modify states 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01227-00317048-00317375 and then stays 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01228-00317376-00317479 in 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01229-00317480-00317639 change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01230-00317640-00317903 no navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01231-00317904-00318182 delete and just the row disappears but 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01232-00318183-00318534 i'm still in the editing version 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01233-00318535-00318806 if i want after delete to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01234-00318807-00319023 delete to be a one-shot option i click 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01235-00319024-00319206 on delete and i go back to the view mode 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01236-00319207-00319391 if i want and then the buttons will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01237-00319392-00319519 disappear 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01238-00319520-00319791 i will decide it in designing the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01239-00319792-00320119 navigation 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01240-00320120-00320551 while the sorry the edit button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01241-00320552-00320679 it should 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01242-00320680-00321039 navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01243-00321040-00321230 it doesn't have anything to do right now 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01244-00321231-00321391 it cannot modify the state because 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01245-00321392-00321679 before we need the user to edit the form 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01246-00321680-00321927 navigate to another state that can be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01247-00321928-00322199 added 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01248-00322200-00322319 id 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01249-00322320-00322423 course 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01250-00322424-00322751 code 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01251-00322752-00323191 exam code 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01252-00323192-00323358 whatever 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01253-00323359-00323919 so we have a route for editing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01254-00323920-00324119 when i click on edit we'll just change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01255-00324120-00324327 the route and give the route the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01256-00324328-00324527 information about which 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01257-00324528-00324895 exam to edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01258-00324896-00325079 and of course if i click different edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01259-00325080-00325543 buttons they will create different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01260-00325544-00325951 urls 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01261-00325952-00326167 they will create different components 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01262-00326168-00326367 so i have all the problems about the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01263-00326368-00326710 state of the component solved 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01264-00326711-00326854 then i have 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01265-00326855-00327319 right now so i must have an editor 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01266-00327320-00327471 exam code 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01267-00327472-00327639 router 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01268-00327640-00327887 and of course the button for rod 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01269-00327888-00328343 i navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01270-00328344-00328478 to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01271-00328479-00328630 add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01272-00328631-00328791 for example 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01273-00328792-00329247 and so you have another route for add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01274-00329248-00329430 so let's let's do add because it's 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01275-00329431-00329654 easier first 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01276-00329655-00329878 what do i want to show in add i need to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01277-00329879-00330047 show the form 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01278-00330048-00330439 for entering an exam 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01279-00330440-00331054 empty 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01280-00331055-00331230 default 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01281-00331231-00331447 empty 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01282-00331448-00331887 and then this form as a button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01283-00331888-00332175 for cancel 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01284-00332176-00332334 and what does it do 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01285-00332335-00332703 just navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01286-00332704-00333263 to change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01287-00333264-00333575 a button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01288-00333576-00333903 for add or add yeah 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01289-00333904-00334127 change state 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01290-00334128-00334823 navigate to change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01291-00334824-00335054 the nice part here is that the add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01292-00335055-00335558 button itself decides where to navigate 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01293-00335559-00335727 when the mode was 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01294-00335728-00336023 state above was the component above the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01295-00336024-00336143 desired 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01296-00336144-00336334 the navigation that may not have all the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01297-00336335-00336758 information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01298-00336759-00337006 and maybe here 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01299-00337007-00337239 i can decide 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01300-00337240-00337806 whether or not to show the list of exams 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01301-00337807-00337999 and they can decide whether or not to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01302-00338000-00338247 show the change mode button 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01303-00338248-00338551 maybe not i'm focused on the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01304-00338552-00338775 ad form 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01305-00338776-00338999 so it's very easy in this route i will 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01306-00339000-00339423 not put that component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01307-00339424-00339703 and so it's only be the add 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01308-00339704-00339815 the other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01309-00339816-00340134 form plus the layout of course maybe 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01310-00340135-00340582 we have some common layout and the edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01311-00340583-00340967 is actually the same 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01312-00340968-00341278 but the default is not empty 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01313-00341279-00341415 is the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01314-00341416-00341758 the exam values 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01315-00341759-00342087 corresponding 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01316-00342088-00342215 to this 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01317-00342216-00342510 exam code 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01318-00342511-00342782 so it needs to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01319-00342783-00342967 get these values 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01320-00342968-00343151 so this co the form component only has 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01321-00343152-00343343 the code and needs to get all the other 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01322-00343344-00343599 values 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01323-00343600-00343758 we can do that in different way we can 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01324-00343759-00344119 pass the state to the the exam list to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01325-00344120-00344247 this component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01326-00344248-00344503 or we can add maybe a callback 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01327-00344504-00344839 that for finding a search callback 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01328-00344840-00345047 or the component 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01329-00345048-00345303 once we have the code it's easy to to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01330-00345304-00345519 find the object just a find method on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01331-00345520-00345823 the on the list okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01332-00345824-00345999 a button for cancer we navigate to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01333-00346000-00346303 change our buttons of save 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01334-00346304-00346463 we'll change the state and navigate to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01335-00346464-00346639 change 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01336-00346640-00346878 so this will also tell us the difference 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01337-00346879-00347047 between 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01338-00347048-00347199 we already know that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01339-00347200-00347582 this form for editing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01340-00347583-00347695 an exam 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01341-00347696-00347898 and this form for entering an exam 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01342-00347899-00348287 [Music] 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01343-00348288-00348527 asterisk 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01344-00348528-00348958 the other setting 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01345-00348959-00349206 so these two forms maybe are the same 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01346-00349207-00349567 form 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01347-00349568-00349815 with the different 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01348-00349816-00350015 mod 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01349-00350016-00350158 sorry 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01350-00350159-00350751 in this case with a different mod prop 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01351-00350752-00350967 so in this case we can say okay you are 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01352-00350968-00351158 the form for an exam 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01353-00351159-00351439 work in ad mode and work or work in edit 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01354-00351440-00351767 mode like it's already doing 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01355-00351768-00351895 now we see that there's a lot of 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01356-00351896-00352095 functionality that we don't want to do 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01357-00352096-00352310 duplicate into two different forms so 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01358-00352311-00352430 one for everything and the other for 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01359-00352431-00352534 adding 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01360-00352535-00352839 so i will customize it with the boolean 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01361-00352840-00353023 with that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01362-00353024-00353230 values that tells the form in which 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01363-00353231-00353727 content is being used 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01364-00353728-00353823 and 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01365-00353824-00354215 and so the structure 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01366-00354216-00354519 can be just or the application can be 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01367-00354520-00354727 just 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01368-00354728-00355382 realized with four different roles 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01369-00355383-00355615 and a lot of information 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01370-00355616-00355854 so all a lot of information about the 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01371-00355855-00356143 mod about the editing exam and so on 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01372-00356144-00356367 will not be needed anymore 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01373-00356368-00356551 because it will be already embedded into 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01374-00356552-00357047 the location 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01375-00357048-00357134 okay 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01376-00357135-00357319 so of course today we don't have time to 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01377-00357320-00357415 do that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01378-00357416-00357630 we'll do that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01379-00357631-00357871 next week or you can try that on your 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01380-00357872-00357967 own 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01381-00357968-00358303 uh don't try to keep a lot of structure 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01382-00358304-00358454 of the component if you have to delete 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01383-00358455-00358606 some component and rebuild it in a 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01384-00358607-00358734 simpler way 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01385-00358735-00358919 don't be afraid to do that 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01386-00358920-00359271 okay the end result should be simpler 9hX5KKv4Hqk-01387-00359272-00359779 okay thank you and see you on thursday 9i1K8GwsdKo-00000-00003496-00003799 what a great great evening 9i1K8GwsdKo-00001-00003800-00004015 i you know the very first thing i want 9i1K8GwsdKo-00002-00004015-00004263 to say from up here 9i1K8GwsdKo-00003-00004264-00004479 because i have the mic so i can say 9i1K8GwsdKo-00004-00004480-00004799 anything i want to is you guys look 9i1K8GwsdKo-00005-00004800-00005022 beautiful tonight 9i1K8GwsdKo-00006-00005023-00005367 you look stunning really 9i1K8GwsdKo-00007-00005368-00005647 and you know it's overwhelming to stand 9i1K8GwsdKo-00008-00005648-00005838 up before you tonight because 9i1K8GwsdKo-00009-00005839-00006191 of what this award means the security 9i1K8GwsdKo-00010-00006192-00006446 benefit corporation award for 9i1K8GwsdKo-00011-00006447-00006823 outstanding service to public education 9i1K8GwsdKo-00012-00006823-00007095 you know everybody at first book 9i1K8GwsdKo-00013-00007095-00007351 everybody is utterly dedicated to 9i1K8GwsdKo-00014-00007352-00007583 schools and to teachers 9i1K8GwsdKo-00015-00007584-00007870 so we're tremendously and personally 9i1K8GwsdKo-00016-00007872-00008183 honored by this award and recognition 9i1K8GwsdKo-00017-00008184-00008423 and i want to particularly thank 9i1K8GwsdKo-00018-00008424-00009110 security benefit corporation i really do 9i1K8GwsdKo-00019-00009111-00009367 you know the support for first book this 9i1K8GwsdKo-00020-00009368-00009606 evening and the support to the nea 9i1K8GwsdKo-00021-00009607-00009735 foundation 9i1K8GwsdKo-00022-00009736-00009959 it's important for all of us who are 9i1K8GwsdKo-00023-00009960-00010199 parts of those organizations those 9i1K8GwsdKo-00024-00010200-00010471 institutions but it means so much more 9i1K8GwsdKo-00025-00010472-00010735 than that it's support for the millions 9i1K8GwsdKo-00026-00010736-00011006 and millions of children who we all 9i1K8GwsdKo-00027-00011007-00011295 support every single day so thanks so 9i1K8GwsdKo-00028-00011296-00011623 very much mark 9i1K8GwsdKo-00029-00011624-00011942 but you know there is another reason why 9i1K8GwsdKo-00030-00011943-00012223 it's intimidating to be up here in front 9i1K8GwsdKo-00031-00012224-00012406 of you guys tonight 9i1K8GwsdKo-00032-00012407-00012551 and 9i1K8GwsdKo-00033-00012552-00012902 that's because of who you guys are 9i1K8GwsdKo-00034-00012903-00013175 and i here's the thing you know 9i1K8GwsdKo-00035-00013176-00013455 i'm in on the big secret 9i1K8GwsdKo-00036-00013456-00013599 i know 9i1K8GwsdKo-00037-00013600-00013991 the big secret i'm i'm on to you guys 9i1K8GwsdKo-00038-00013991-00014151 teachers 9i1K8GwsdKo-00039-00014152-00014383 are superheroes 9i1K8GwsdKo-00040-00014384-00014503 and 9i1K8GwsdKo-00041-00014504-00014711 now you know i know i know i know you're 9i1K8GwsdKo-00042-00014712-00014886 gonna deny it i know you're gonna deny 9i1K8GwsdKo-00043-00014887-00015071 it but here's the thing the evidence has 9i1K8GwsdKo-00044-00015072-00015319 been piling up since i was a young kid 9i1K8GwsdKo-00045-00015319-00015599 you know i had mrs evans was my first 9i1K8GwsdKo-00046-00015600-00015894 grade teacher and she could hear me 9i1K8GwsdKo-00047-00015895-00016047 misbehaving 9i1K8GwsdKo-00048-00016047-00016407 through solid brick walls okay and then 9i1K8GwsdKo-00049-00016408-00016686 there was mrs thropp who i had in third 9i1K8GwsdKo-00050-00016687-00017022 grade and mrs throp could predict the 9i1K8GwsdKo-00051-00017023-00017239 future she had you know that little 9i1K8GwsdKo-00052-00017240-00017455 section on the grade card that says 9i1K8GwsdKo-00053-00017456-00017655 teachers comments 9i1K8GwsdKo-00054-00017656-00017903 mrs throp wrote in there 9i1K8GwsdKo-00055-00017904-00018039 kyle 9i1K8GwsdKo-00056-00018040-00018239 talks and laughs 9i1K8GwsdKo-00057-00018240-00018447 too much 9i1K8GwsdKo-00058-00018448-00018822 and two and much were in all caps so she 9i1K8GwsdKo-00059-00018823-00019086 was deadly serious about this problem 9i1K8GwsdKo-00060-00019087-00019279 and the truth is she was completely 9i1K8GwsdKo-00061-00019280-00019527 correct because this has been a problem 9i1K8GwsdKo-00062-00019528-00019727 my entire life 9i1K8GwsdKo-00063-00019728-00020030 um if only i had paid attention to mrs 9i1K8GwsdKo-00064-00020031-00020247 thrup and then years later you know a 9i1K8GwsdKo-00065-00020248-00020455 little kid ran up when my son was in 9i1K8GwsdKo-00066-00020456-00020758 preschool he ran up to me and he 9i1K8GwsdKo-00067-00020759-00020911 leaned over and he kind of went like 9i1K8GwsdKo-00068-00020912-00021214 this 9i1K8GwsdKo-00069-00021215-00021735 mrs mueller is spider woman 9i1K8GwsdKo-00070-00021736-00021967 and i don't know what he was talking 9i1K8GwsdKo-00071-00021968-00022063 about 9i1K8GwsdKo-00072-00022064-00022303 but i was pretty careful around mrs 9i1K8GwsdKo-00073-00022304-00022478 mueller for the rest of that year 9i1K8GwsdKo-00074-00022479-00022663 because i think he was onto something 9i1K8GwsdKo-00075-00022664-00022750 too 9i1K8GwsdKo-00076-00022751-00022943 but you know the truth is when we 9i1K8GwsdKo-00077-00022944-00023214 started first book just over 20 years 9i1K8GwsdKo-00078-00023215-00023327 ago 9i1K8GwsdKo-00079-00023328-00023583 when we started it was because of that 9i1K8GwsdKo-00080-00023584-00023878 it was because we recognized what heroes 9i1K8GwsdKo-00081-00023879-00024214 you guys are i was volunteering in a 9i1K8GwsdKo-00082-00024215-00024494 soup kitchen in the evenings 9i1K8GwsdKo-00083-00024495-00024719 and every time i would go there the 9i1K8GwsdKo-00084-00024720-00025047 place would fill up with 50 or 60 kids 9i1K8GwsdKo-00085-00025048-00025294 and they had great big smiles and they 9i1K8GwsdKo-00086-00025295-00025494 had lots of energy 9i1K8GwsdKo-00087-00025495-00025702 and we didn't have that much to offer 9i1K8GwsdKo-00088-00025704-00025927 them you know we didn't have books and 9i1K8GwsdKo-00089-00025927-00026127 they didn't have books at home 9i1K8GwsdKo-00090-00026127-00026431 and that started eating at me and so i 9i1K8GwsdKo-00091-00026432-00026631 read the research and then i did 9i1K8GwsdKo-00092-00026632-00026895 something really important i started 9i1K8GwsdKo-00093-00026895-00027055 spending time 9i1K8GwsdKo-00094-00027056-00027431 in local schools here in washington d.c 9i1K8GwsdKo-00095-00027432-00027823 and what i saw completely blew me away 9i1K8GwsdKo-00096-00027824-00028199 i saw you working endlessly i saw you 9i1K8GwsdKo-00097-00028200-00028462 being patient when i knew you were as 9i1K8GwsdKo-00098-00028463-00028687 exhausted as i was 9i1K8GwsdKo-00099-00028688-00028990 and i saw you utterly devoting yourself 9i1K8GwsdKo-00100-00028991-00029151 to children 9i1K8GwsdKo-00101-00029152-00029446 and it was there that we decided to 9i1K8GwsdKo-00102-00029447-00029711 devote the rest of our lives to building 9i1K8GwsdKo-00103-00029712-00030014 a supply pipeline of books and the 9i1K8GwsdKo-00104-00030016-00030270 highest quality resources 9i1K8GwsdKo-00105-00030272-00030567 straight to the heroes of our story 9i1K8GwsdKo-00106-00030568-00030751 so 9i1K8GwsdKo-00107-00030752-00031127 thanks 9i1K8GwsdKo-00108-00031127-00031367 and you know here we are more than 20 9i1K8GwsdKo-00109-00031368-00031623 years later and more than a hundred 9i1K8GwsdKo-00110-00031624-00031807 million books later 9i1K8GwsdKo-00111-00031808-00032127 and what an honor to be up before you 9i1K8GwsdKo-00112-00032127-00032367 this evening it's just extraordinary but 9i1K8GwsdKo-00113-00032368-00032631 i do want to ask you a favor i wanna i 9i1K8GwsdKo-00114-00032632-00032839 wanna underline something that was in 9i1K8GwsdKo-00115-00032840-00033135 the video if you work in a title one 9i1K8GwsdKo-00116-00033136-00033455 school if you volunteer with children in 9i1K8GwsdKo-00117-00033456-00033823 need please register with firstbook you 9i1K8GwsdKo-00118-00033824-00034074 can do it right on the website 9i1K8GwsdKo-00119-00034075-00034246 firstbook.org 9i1K8GwsdKo-00120-00034247-00034511 it is free to register the bigger we 9i1K8GwsdKo-00121-00034512-00034790 build what we're doing the more 9i1K8GwsdKo-00122-00034791-00035087 resources we can provide it's critically 9i1K8GwsdKo-00123-00035088-00035479 important so finally a big thank you to 9i1K8GwsdKo-00124-00035480-00035783 the nea a tremendous organization with 9i1K8GwsdKo-00125-00035784-00036327 tremendous heart 9i1K8GwsdKo-00126-00036328-00036535 and particularly 9i1K8GwsdKo-00127-00036536-00036879 to the nea foundation harriet sanford 9i1K8GwsdKo-00128-00036880-00037135 and her wonderful wonderful team you 9i1K8GwsdKo-00129-00037136-00037383 guys have been tremendous supporters 9i1K8GwsdKo-00130-00037384-00037559 you've been cheerleaders you've been 9i1K8GwsdKo-00131-00037560-00037855 advocates and i can't possibly thank you 9i1K8GwsdKo-00132-00037856-00039879 enough thanks so much 9i1K8GwsdKo-00133-00039880-00040088 you 9iolcK3jGeQ-00000-00000456-00000686 there are countless ancient ruins found 9iolcK3jGeQ-00001-00000687-00000894 throughout sri lanka which are all 9iolcK3jGeQ-00002-00000896-00001231 indicative of a lost technology and thus 9iolcK3jGeQ-00003-00001232-00001470 a lost civilization having once been 9iolcK3jGeQ-00004-00001471-00001710 responsible for their creation one of 9iolcK3jGeQ-00005-00001711-00001926 the most striking of these being the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00006-00001927-00002207 sigiriya mountain an ancient stronghold 9iolcK3jGeQ-00007-00002208-00002542 made atop natural plateau a sanctuary 9iolcK3jGeQ-00008-00002543-00002734 far away from the troubles that would 9iolcK3jGeQ-00009-00002735-00003039 have presumably been occurring below 9iolcK3jGeQ-00010-00003040-00003286 yet one of the most astonishing relics 9iolcK3jGeQ-00011-00003288-00003543 found within this ancient land is a 9iolcK3jGeQ-00012-00003544-00003759 rather well hidden one 9iolcK3jGeQ-00013-00003760-00003967 although the water reservoir built into 9iolcK3jGeQ-00014-00003968-00004222 the sigeria site could offer one a 9iolcK3jGeQ-00015-00004223-00004431 subtle initial clue as to their 9iolcK3jGeQ-00016-00004432-00004551 existence 9iolcK3jGeQ-00017-00004552-00004727 one would have to investigate the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00018-00004728-00004999 surrounding environment very carefully 9iolcK3jGeQ-00019-00005000-00005279 or be given local knowledge to ever find 9iolcK3jGeQ-00020-00005280-00005591 our next ancient anomaly in question 9iolcK3jGeQ-00021-00005592-00005775 hidden close by to the ancient 9iolcK3jGeQ-00022-00005776-00006079 mountainous stronghold and now almost 9iolcK3jGeQ-00023-00006080-00006254 completely submerged into the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00024-00006255-00006518 surrounding landscape gargantuan ancient 9iolcK3jGeQ-00025-00006519-00006783 water reservoirs first documented by a 9iolcK3jGeQ-00026-00006784-00007119 mr tenant from the uk and noted upon by 9iolcK3jGeQ-00027-00007120-00007406 william r corliss within one of his many 9iolcK3jGeQ-00028-00007408-00007703 volumes regarding lost civilization 9iolcK3jGeQ-00029-00007704-00007959 describing enormous water tanks found 9iolcK3jGeQ-00030-00007959-00008167 with the aid of the locals all 9iolcK3jGeQ-00031-00008168-00008391 completely aligned with equally cut 9iolcK3jGeQ-00032-00008392-00008663 square blocks one of the tanks which the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00033-00008664-00008951 locals knew by the name petheria corn 9iolcK3jGeQ-00034-00008952-00009167 has since been measured to be around 7 9iolcK3jGeQ-00035-00009168-00009542 miles in length 300 feet broad with 60 9iolcK3jGeQ-00036-00009543-00009774 foot high earthworks along its biggest 9iolcK3jGeQ-00037-00009775-00009903 embankments 9iolcK3jGeQ-00038-00009904-00010095 they are largely believed to have been 9iolcK3jGeQ-00039-00010096-00010399 constructed to gain complete control and 9iolcK3jGeQ-00040-00010400-00010646 subsequent mastery of irrigation 9iolcK3jGeQ-00041-00010647-00010951 throughout an impressive span of land 9iolcK3jGeQ-00042-00010952-00011214 we approached an expert engineer to find 9iolcK3jGeQ-00043-00011215-00011438 out just what sort of feet these giant 9iolcK3jGeQ-00044-00011439-00011583 tanks would be 9iolcK3jGeQ-00045-00011584-00011855 we received back an estimated price of 9iolcK3jGeQ-00046-00011856-00012103 around four million dollars to merely 9iolcK3jGeQ-00047-00012104-00012303 construct the largest sections of the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00048-00012304-00012423 earthworks 9iolcK3jGeQ-00049-00012424-00012710 they were undoubtedly an unimaginably 9iolcK3jGeQ-00050-00012711-00012991 large undertaking one which we believe 9iolcK3jGeQ-00051-00012991-00013191 was beyond the capabilities of any 9iolcK3jGeQ-00052-00013191-00013486 ancient group known to modern history 9iolcK3jGeQ-00053-00013487-00013719 perhaps the sheer enormity of the 9iolcK3jGeQ-00054-00013719-00013935 undertaking along with the fact that 9iolcK3jGeQ-00055-00013936-00014119 they would have been far easier to 9iolcK3jGeQ-00056-00014119-00014366 conceal than that of the great pyramids 9iolcK3jGeQ-00057-00014368-00014647 for example is a possible motive as to 9iolcK3jGeQ-00058-00014647-00014871 why there isn't more known about these 9iolcK3jGeQ-00059-00014872-00015158 marvelous groundworks or why there is 9iolcK3jGeQ-00060-00015159-00015479 very little documented study and why any 9iolcK3jGeQ-00061-00015480-00015750 that has been done was by independent 9iolcK3jGeQ-00062-00015751-00015886 historians 9iolcK3jGeQ-00063-00015887-00016175 regardless we find these incredible 9iolcK3jGeQ-00064-00016176-00017941 gigantic hidden ruins highly compelling 9iolcK3jGeQ-00065-00017942-00018383 [Music] 9iolcK3jGeQ-00066-00018384-00018592 you 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00000-00000109-00001599 [Music] 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00001-00001600-00001830 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00002-00001832-00002126 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00003-00002127-00002767 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00004-00002768-00003286 first 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00005-00003288-00003767 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00006-00003768-00004927 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00007-00004928-00005670 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00008-00005671-00005934 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00009-00005935-00006386 first blood 9iwdb5IA-Yk-00010-00006387-00007389 [Music] 9jqBWictvWy-00000-00000119-00000342 today we'll be solving the equation 5 to 9jqBWictvWy-00001-00000343-00000455 the x plus 6 9jqBWictvWy-00002-00000456-00000911 equals 125 to the 2x minus 3. 9jqBWictvWy-00003-00000911-00001199 to solve this we can rewrite 125 with a 9jqBWictvWy-00004-00001200-00001343 base of 5. 9jqBWictvWy-00005-00001344-00001630 so the left side will stay the same as 5 9jqBWictvWy-00006-00001632-00001695 to the x 9jqBWictvWy-00007-00001696-00002126 plus 6 but 125 is 5 to the third power 9jqBWictvWy-00008-00002127-00002318 so we'll write this as 5 to the third to 9jqBWictvWy-00009-00002319-00002550 the 2x minus 3. 9jqBWictvWy-00010-00002551-00002702 now when we have a power raised to a 9jqBWictvWy-00011-00002703-00002895 power we multiply them 9jqBWictvWy-00012-00002896-00003095 so the right side becomes five to the 9jqBWictvWy-00013-00003096-00003238 three times 9jqBWictvWy-00014-00003239-00003599 two x minus three so now we have 9jqBWictvWy-00015-00003600-00003975 five to the x plus six equals five 9jqBWictvWy-00016-00003976-00004367 to the six x minus nine 9jqBWictvWy-00017-00004368-00004575 now for these equations to be equal the 9jqBWictvWy-00018-00004576-00004767 exponents must be equal 9jqBWictvWy-00019-00004768-00005111 so we say x plus six equals six x minus 9jqBWictvWy-00020-00005112-00005270 nine 9jqBWictvWy-00021-00005271-00005686 this gives us five x equals fifteen 9jqBWictvWy-00022-00005687-00006091 which means x equals three this is our 9jqBWictvWy-00023-00006092-00006392 solution 9jVuYWUwR8k-00000-00000053-00000310 the church fathers early church fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00001-00000311-00000517 Christian fathers or fathers of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00002-00000518-00000688 church are ancient and influential 9jVuYWUwR8k-00003-00000689-00000954 Christian theologians and writers there 9jVuYWUwR8k-00004-00000955-00001198 is no definitive list the era of these 9jVuYWUwR8k-00005-00001199-00001402 scholars who set the theological and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00006-00001403-00001561 scholarly foundations of Christianity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00007-00001562-00001926 largely ended by ad 700 in the past the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00008-00001927-00002074 Church Fathers were regarded as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00009-00002075-00002248 authoritative and more restrictive 9jVuYWUwR8k-00010-00002249-00002409 definitions were used which sought to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00011-00002410-00002581 limit the list two authors treat it as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00012-00002582-00002887 such however the definition has widened 9jVuYWUwR8k-00013-00002888-00003079 as scholars of patristic s-- the study 9jVuYWUwR8k-00014-00003080-00003265 of the Church Fathers have expanded 9jVuYWUwR8k-00015-00003265-00003611 their scope 9jVuYWUwR8k-00016-00003612-00004151 topic great fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00017-00004152-00004541 topic in both Western Roman Catholic and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00018-00004542-00004763 Eastern Eastern Orthodox forms and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00019-00004764-00004976 traditions of Christianity forefathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00020-00004977-00005221 are called the great church fathers as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00021-00005222-00005770 follows Western Church Ambrose ad 342 9jVuYWUwR8k-00022-00005771-00006328 397 Jerome 347 to 420 Augustine of Hippo 9jVuYWUwR8k-00023-00006329-00006683 354 to 430 and Pope Gregory the first 9jVuYWUwR8k-00024-00006684-00007112 Gregory the Great 540 to 600 for each 9jVuYWUwR8k-00025-00007113-00007343 turn church basil the great Pope k Surya 9jVuYWUwR8k-00026-00007344-00007915 C 329 to 379 Athanasius of Alexandria C 9jVuYWUwR8k-00027-00007916-00008500 296 to 373 gregory of nazianzus 329 c 9jVuYWUwR8k-00028-00008501-00008984 389 and john chrysostom 347 to 407 in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00029-00008985-00009131 the catholic church there also 9jVuYWUwR8k-00030-00009132-00009377 collectively called the eight doctors of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00031-00009378-00009596 the church and in the Eastern Orthodox 9jVuYWUwR8k-00032-00009597-00009803 Church three of them basil the great 9jVuYWUwR8k-00033-00009804-00010043 gregory of nazianzus and john chrysostom 9jVuYWUwR8k-00034-00010044-00010500 are honored as the three holy hierarchs 9jVuYWUwR8k-00035-00010501-00010680 you 9jVuYWUwR8k-00036-00010681-00011252 topic Apostolic fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00037-00011253-00011591 topic the Apostolic fathers were 9jVuYWUwR8k-00038-00011592-00011783 Christian theologians who lived in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00039-00011784-00012011 1st and 2nd centuries ad who are 9jVuYWUwR8k-00040-00012012-00012176 believed to have personally known some 9jVuYWUwR8k-00041-00012177-00012350 of the Twelve Apostles or to have been 9jVuYWUwR8k-00042-00012351-00012596 significantly influenced by them their 9jVuYWUwR8k-00043-00012597-00012767 writings though popular in early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00044-00012768-00012926 Christianity were ultimately not 9jVuYWUwR8k-00045-00012927-00013091 included in the Canon of the New 9jVuYWUwR8k-00046-00013091-00013285 Testament once it reached its final form 9jVuYWUwR8k-00047-00013286-00013529 many of the writings derive from the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00048-00013530-00013730 same time period and geographical 9jVuYWUwR8k-00049-00013731-00013904 location as other works of early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00050-00013905-00014087 Christian literature that did come to be 9jVuYWUwR8k-00051-00014088-00014258 part of the New Testament and some of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00052-00014259-00014435 the writings found among the Apostolic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00053-00014436-00014624 fathers seem to have been just as highly 9jVuYWUwR8k-00054-00014625-00014774 regarded as some of the writings that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00055-00014775-00015216 became the New Testament 9jVuYWUwR8k-00056-00015218-00015671 topic Clement of Rome 9jVuYWUwR8k-00057-00015672-00016163 topic his epistle 1 Clement c96 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00058-00016163-00016343 copied and widely read in the early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00059-00016344-00016610 church Clement calls on the Christians 9jVuYWUwR8k-00060-00016611-00016814 of Corinth to maintain harmony and order 9jVuYWUwR8k-00061-00016815-00017069 it is the earliest Christian epistle 9jVuYWUwR8k-00062-00017070-00017529 aside from the New Testament 9jVuYWUwR8k-00063-00017530-00018026 Topic Ignatius of Antioch 9jVuYWUwR8k-00064-00018027-00018410 Topic Ignatius of Antioch also known as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00065-00018411-00018821 the afforested 10 was the third bishop 9jVuYWUwR8k-00066-00018822-00019049 or patriarch of Antioch and a student of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00067-00019050-00019283 the Apostle John on route to his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00068-00019284-00019469 martyrdom in Rome Ignatius wrote a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00069-00019470-00019622 series of letters which have been 9jVuYWUwR8k-00070-00019623-00019907 preserved important topics addressed in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00071-00019908-00020123 these letters include ecclesiology the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00072-00020124-00020327 sacraments the role of bishops and the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00073-00020328-00020603 incarnation of Christ he is the second 9jVuYWUwR8k-00074-00020604-00021076 after clement to mention Paul's epistles 9jVuYWUwR8k-00075-00021077-00021612 topic Polycarp of Smyrna 9jVuYWUwR8k-00076-00021613-00022215 topic polycarp of smyrna c 69 c 155 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00077-00022216-00022434 a christian bishop of smyrna now Izmir 9jVuYWUwR8k-00078-00022435-00022695 in Turkey it is recorded that he had 9jVuYWUwR8k-00079-00022696-00022974 been a disciple of John the options 9jVuYWUwR8k-00080-00022975-00023208 possibilities for this John or John the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00081-00023209-00023406 son of Zebedee traditionally viewed as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00082-00023407-00023619 the author of the Gospel of John or John 9jVuYWUwR8k-00083-00023620-00023877 the presbyter traditional advocates 9jVuYWUwR8k-00084-00023878-00024072 follow Eusebius of Caesarea and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00085-00024073-00024243 insisting that the apostolic connection 9jVuYWUwR8k-00086-00024244-00024501 of Polycarp was with John the Evangelist 9jVuYWUwR8k-00087-00024502-00024687 and that he was the author of the Gospel 9jVuYWUwR8k-00088-00024688-00024941 of John and thus the Apostle John 9jVuYWUwR8k-00089-00024942-00025185 Polycarp tried and failed to persuade 9jVuYWUwR8k-00090-00025186-00025410 Pope Anicetus to have the West celebrate 9jVuYWUwR8k-00091-00025411-00025656 Passover on the 14th of Nisan as in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00092-00025657-00026043 eastern calendar around AD 155 the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00093-00026044-00026202 smyrna n--'s of his town demanded 9jVuYWUwR8k-00094-00026202-00026424 polycarp's execution as a christian and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00095-00026425-00026661 he died a martyr the story of his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00096-00026662-00026862 martyrdom describes how the fire built 9jVuYWUwR8k-00097-00026863-00027039 around him would not burn him and that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00098-00027039-00027201 when he was stabbed to death so much 9jVuYWUwR8k-00099-00027202-00027377 blood issued from his body that it 9jVuYWUwR8k-00100-00027379-00027542 quenched the flames around him 9jVuYWUwR8k-00101-00027543-00027798 Polycarp is recognized as a saint in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00102-00027799-00027954 both the Roman Catholic and Eastern 9jVuYWUwR8k-00103-00027955-00028357 Orthodox churches 9jVuYWUwR8k-00104-00028358-00028915 topic happiest of Hierapolis 9jVuYWUwR8k-00105-00028916-00029270 topic very little is known of papayas 9jVuYWUwR8k-00106-00029270-00029443 apart from what can be inferred from his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00107-00029444-00029708 own writings he is described as an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00108-00029708-00029980 ancient man who was a hearer of John and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00109-00029981-00030335 a companion of Polycarp by polycarp's 9jVuYWUwR8k-00110-00030336-00030724 disciple Irenaeus c180 Eusebius adds 9jVuYWUwR8k-00111-00030725-00030917 that pappis was Bishop of Hierapolis 9jVuYWUwR8k-00112-00030918-00031108 around the time of Ignatius of Antioch 9jVuYWUwR8k-00113-00031109-00031408 in this office PAP pious was presumably 9jVuYWUwR8k-00114-00031409-00031696 succeeded by a Burgess of Hierapolis the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00115-00031697-00031930 name pappi Akama nin the regen 9jVuYWUwR8k-00116-00031931-00032137 suggesting that he was probably a native 9jVuYWUwR8k-00117-00032138-00032426 of the area the work of papayas is dated 9jVuYWUwR8k-00118-00032427-00032729 by most modern scholars to about 1895 to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00119-00032730-00033110 120 despite indications that the work of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00120-00033111-00033326 pappi is still extant in the late Middle 9jVuYWUwR8k-00121-00033327-00033667 Ages the full text is now lost extracts 9jVuYWUwR8k-00122-00033668-00033860 however appear in a number of other 9jVuYWUwR8k-00123-00033861-00034018 writings some of which cite a book 9jVuYWUwR8k-00124-00034019-00034439 number 9jVuYWUwR8k-00125-00034440-00034914 topic Greek fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00126-00034915-00035226 topic those who wrote in Greek are 9jVuYWUwR8k-00127-00035227-00035408 called the Greek church fathers in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00128-00035409-00035697 addition to the Apostolic fathers famous 9jVuYWUwR8k-00129-00035698-00035898 Greek father's include Justin Martyr 9jVuYWUwR8k-00130-00035899-00036174 Irenaeus of Lyons Clement of Alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00131-00036175-00036447 Athanasius of Alexandria John Chrysostom 9jVuYWUwR8k-00132-00036448-00036669 Cyril of Alexandria the Cappadocia 9jVuYWUwR8k-00133-00036670-00036930 fathers basil of Caesarea Gregory nazy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00134-00036931-00037207 anise gregory of nyssa peter of sebast a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00135-00037208-00037416 maximus the confessor and john of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00136-00037417-00037754 damascus 9jVuYWUwR8k-00137-00037755-00038268 topic Justin Martyr 9jVuYWUwR8k-00138-00038269-00038622 topic Justin Martyr is regarded as the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00139-00038623-00038796 foremost interpreter of the theory of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00140-00038797-00039309 the logos in the second century 9jVuYWUwR8k-00141-00039310-00039797 topic Irenaeus of Lyons 9jVuYWUwR8k-00142-00039798-00040166 topic Irenaeus was Bishop of Lud dunam 9jVuYWUwR8k-00143-00040167-00040475 in Gaul which is now Lyons France his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00144-00040476-00040646 writings were formative in the early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00145-00040647-00040862 development of Christian theology and he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00146-00040863-00041042 is recognized as a saint by both the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00147-00041043-00041237 Eastern Orthodox Church in the Roman 9jVuYWUwR8k-00148-00041238-00041513 Catholic Church he was a notable early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00149-00041514-00041735 Christian apologist he was also a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00150-00041736-00042074 disciple of Polycarp his best-known book 9jVuYWUwR8k-00151-00042075-00042293 against heresies see point one eight 9jVuYWUwR8k-00152-00042294-00042524 zero enumerated heresies and attacked 9jVuYWUwR8k-00153-00042525-00042779 them Irenaeus wrote that the only way 9jVuYWUwR8k-00154-00042780-00042983 for Christians to retain unity was to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00155-00042984-00043198 humbly accept one doctrinal Authority 9jVuYWUwR8k-00156-00043199-00043535 Episcopal councils Irenaeus proposed 9jVuYWUwR8k-00157-00043536-00043742 that the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke 9jVuYWUwR8k-00158-00043743-00044311 and John all be accepted as canonical 9jVuYWUwR8k-00159-00044312-00044805 topic clement of alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00160-00044806-00045162 topic clement of alexandria was the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00161-00045163-00045324 first member of the church of alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00162-00045325-00045540 to be more than a name and one of its 9jVuYWUwR8k-00163-00045541-00045813 most distinguished teachers he united 9jVuYWUwR8k-00164-00045814-00045999 Greek philosophical traditions with 9jVuYWUwR8k-00165-00046000-00046191 Christian doctrine and valued gnosis 9jVuYWUwR8k-00166-00046192-00046365 that with communion for all people could 9jVuYWUwR8k-00167-00046366-00046602 be held by common Christians he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00168-00046603-00046818 developed a Christian Platonism like 9jVuYWUwR8k-00169-00046819-00047043 Origen he arose from catechetical school 9jVuYWUwR8k-00170-00047044-00047241 of Alexandria and was well-versed in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00171-00047242-00047611 pagan literature 9jVuYWUwR8k-00172-00047612-00048182 topic origin of Alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00173-00048183-00048621 topic origin or origin Adam on chess C 9jVuYWUwR8k-00174-00048622-00049071 185 C 254 was a scholar and theologian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00175-00049072-00049292 according to tradition he was an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00176-00049293-00049465 Egyptian who taught in Alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00177-00049466-00049664 reviving the catechetical school where 9jVuYWUwR8k-00178-00049665-00049915 Clement had taught the patriarch of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00179-00049916-00050180 Alexandria at first supported Origen but 9jVuYWUwR8k-00180-00050181-00050362 later expelled him for being ordained 9jVuYWUwR8k-00181-00050363-00050611 without the patriarchs permission he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00182-00050612-00050849 relocated to Caesarea maritima and died 9jVuYWUwR8k-00183-00050850-00051005 there after being tortured during a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00184-00051006-00051287 persecution using his knowledge of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00185-00051288-00051457 Hebrew he produced a corrected 9jVuYWUwR8k-00186-00051458-00051700 Septuagint he wrote commentaries on all 9jVuYWUwR8k-00187-00051701-00051938 the books of the Bible in Perry arch and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00188-00051939-00052144 first principles he articulated the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00189-00052145-00052339 first philosophical exposition of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00190-00052340-00052579 Christian doctrine he interpreted 9jVuYWUwR8k-00191-00052580-00052756 Scripture allegorically and showed 9jVuYWUwR8k-00192-00052757-00053003 himself to be a stoic a neo Pythagorean 9jVuYWUwR8k-00193-00053004-00053099 and a plate inist 9jVuYWUwR8k-00194-00053100-00053336 like plotinus he wrote that the soul 9jVuYWUwR8k-00195-00053337-00053534 passes through successive stages before 9jVuYWUwR8k-00196-00053535-00053741 incarnation as a human and after death 9jVuYWUwR8k-00197-00053741-00054035 eventually reaching God he imagined even 9jVuYWUwR8k-00198-00054036-00054287 demons being reunited with God for 9jVuYWUwR8k-00199-00054288-00054509 origin God was not Yahweh but the first 9jVuYWUwR8k-00200-00054510-00054728 principal and Christ the logos was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00201-00054729-00054955 subordinate to him his views of a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00202-00054957-00055151 hierarchical structure in the Trinity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00203-00055152-00055306 the temporality of matter 9jVuYWUwR8k-00204-00055307-00055604 the fabulous pre-existence of souls and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00205-00055604-00055916 the monstrous restoration which follows 9jVuYWUwR8k-00206-00055916-00056155 from it were declared in a themá-- in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00207-00056157-00056387 the 6th century because of his heretical 9jVuYWUwR8k-00208-00056388-00056636 views Origen is technically not a church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00209-00056637-00056849 father by many definitions of that term 9jVuYWUwR8k-00210-00056850-00057062 but instead may simply be referred to as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00211-00057063-00057479 an ecclesiastical writer 9jVuYWUwR8k-00212-00057480-00058067 topic Athanasius of Alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00213-00058069-00058574 topic at the nation of Alexandria C 293 9jVuYWUwR8k-00214-00058575-00058886 - 373 was a theologian Pope of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00215-00058887-00059103 Alexandria and a noted Egyptian leader 9jVuYWUwR8k-00216-00059104-00059363 of the fourth century he is remembered 9jVuYWUwR8k-00217-00059364-00059511 for his role in the conflict with 9jVuYWUwR8k-00218-00059512-00059729 arianism and for his affirmation of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00219-00059730-00059968 Trinity at the first Council of Nicaea 9jVuYWUwR8k-00220-00059969-00060275 325 Athanasius argued against the Arian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00221-00060276-00060455 doctrine that Christ is of a distinct 9jVuYWUwR8k-00222-00060456-00060846 substance from the father 9jVuYWUwR8k-00223-00060847-00061397 topic cappadocia fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00224-00061398-00061941 topic the cappadocia Infante a great 332 9jVuYWUwR8k-00225-00061942-00062258 379 who was Bishop of K Surya Basil's 9jVuYWUwR8k-00226-00062259-00062432 younger brother gregory of nyssa 9jVuYWUwR8k-00227-00062433-00062894 c 332 to 395 who was bishop of nyssa and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00228-00062895-00063239 a close friend gregory of nazy anis 329 9jVuYWUwR8k-00229-00063240-00063515 to 389 who became patriarch of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00230-00063516-00063766 constantinople the kappa doge ins 9jVuYWUwR8k-00231-00063767-00063974 promoted early christian theology and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00232-00063975-00064180 are highly respected in both Western and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00233-00064182-00064421 Eastern Churches as Saints they were a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00234-00064422-00064658 fourth century monastic family led by 9jVuYWUwR8k-00235-00064659-00065063 Macrina the younger 324 to 379 to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00236-00065064-00065242 provide a central place for her brothers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00237-00065244-00065429 to study and meditate and also to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00238-00065429-00065594 provide a peaceful shelter for their 9jVuYWUwR8k-00239-00065595-00065855 Mother Abbess Macrina fostered the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00240-00065856-00066056 education and development of her three 9jVuYWUwR8k-00241-00066057-00066248 brothers basil the great Gregory of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00242-00066249-00066701 Nyssa and Peter of sebast a/c 342 391 9jVuYWUwR8k-00243-00066702-00067001 who became Bishop of sebast a these 9jVuYWUwR8k-00244-00067002-00067190 scholars set out to demonstrate that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00245-00067191-00067313 Christians could hold their own in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00246-00067314-00067493 conversations with learned Greek 9jVuYWUwR8k-00247-00067494-00067760 speaking intellectuals they argued that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00248-00067761-00067928 Christian faith while it was against 9jVuYWUwR8k-00249-00067929-00068114 many of the ideas of Plato and Aristotle 9jVuYWUwR8k-00250-00068115-00068351 and other Greek philosophers was an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00251-00068352-00068534 almost scientific and distinctive 9jVuYWUwR8k-00252-00068535-00068684 movement with the healing of the soul of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00253-00068685-00068903 man and his union with God at its center 9jVuYWUwR8k-00254-00068904-00069164 they made major contributions to the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00255-00069165-00069365 definition of the Trinity finalized at 9jVuYWUwR8k-00256-00069366-00069575 the first Council of Constantinople in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00257-00069576-00069857 381 and the final version of the Nicene 9jVuYWUwR8k-00258-00069858-00070175 Creed subsequent to the first Council of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00259-00070176-00070442 Nicaea Arianism did not simply disappear 9jVuYWUwR8k-00260-00070443-00070715 the semi Aryans taught that the Sun is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00261-00070716-00070913 of like substance with the father Hamas 9jVuYWUwR8k-00262-00070914-00071129 as against the outright Aryans who 9jVuYWUwR8k-00263-00071130-00071276 taught that the Sun was unlike the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00264-00071277-00071315 father 9jVuYWUwR8k-00265-00071316-00071591 Hedera lucien so the son was held to be 9jVuYWUwR8k-00266-00071592-00071753 like the father but not of the same 9jVuYWUwR8k-00267-00071754-00072035 essence as the father the Cappadocia 9jVuYWUwR8k-00268-00072036-00072212 n--'s worked to bring these semi Aryans 9jVuYWUwR8k-00269-00072213-00072473 back to the orthodox cause in their 9jVuYWUwR8k-00270-00072474-00072659 writings they made extensive use of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00271-00072660-00072977 formula three substances hypostasis in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00272-00072978-00073244 one essence homo osha and thus 9jVuYWUwR8k-00273-00073245-00073433 explicitly acknowledged a distinction 9jVuYWUwR8k-00274-00073434-00073604 between the father and the son a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00275-00073605-00073808 distinction that Nicaea had been accused 9jVuYWUwR8k-00276-00073809-00073961 of blurring but at the same time 9jVuYWUwR8k-00277-00073962-00074463 insisting on their essential unity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00278-00074464-00074929 topic John Chrysostom 9jVuYWUwR8k-00279-00074930-00075523 topic John Chrysostom C 347 C 407 9jVuYWUwR8k-00280-00075524-00075754 Archbishop of Constantinople is known 9jVuYWUwR8k-00281-00075755-00075919 for his eloquence in preaching and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00282-00075920-00076120 public speaking his denunciation of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00283-00076121-00076272 abuse of authority by both 9jVuYWUwR8k-00284-00076273-00076474 ecclesiastical and political leaders 9jVuYWUwR8k-00285-00076475-00076693 recorded sermons and writings making him 9jVuYWUwR8k-00286-00076694-00076879 the most prolific of the eastern fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00287-00076880-00077158 and his aesthetic sensibilities after 9jVuYWUwR8k-00288-00077159-00077323 his death or according to some sources 9jVuYWUwR8k-00289-00077324-00077533 during his life he was given the greek 9jVuYWUwR8k-00290-00077534-00077773 epithet Chrysostomos meaning golden 9jVuYWUwR8k-00291-00077774-00077986 mouthed rendered in English as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00292-00077987-00078169 Chrysostom Chrysostom is known within 9jVuYWUwR8k-00293-00078170-00078397 christianity chiefly as a preacher and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00294-00078398-00078604 theologian particularly in the eastern 9jVuYWUwR8k-00295-00078605-00078817 orthodox church he is the patron saint 9jVuYWUwR8k-00296-00078818-00079026 of orders in the Roman Catholic Church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00297-00079027-00079279 Chris system is also noted for eight of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00298-00079280-00079438 his sermons that played a considerable 9jVuYWUwR8k-00299-00079439-00079630 part in the history of Christian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00300-00079631-00079831 anti-semitism diatribes against 9jVuYWUwR8k-00301-00079832-00080053 Judaizers composed while a presbyter in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00302-00080054-00080269 Antioch which were extensively cited by 9jVuYWUwR8k-00303-00080270-00080482 the Nazis in their ideological campaign 9jVuYWUwR8k-00304-00080483-00080921 against the Jews 9jVuYWUwR8k-00305-00080922-00081422 topic Cyril of Alexandria 9jVuYWUwR8k-00306-00081423-00082043 topic Cyril of Alexandria see 378 to 444 9jVuYWUwR8k-00307-00082044-00082250 was the Bishop of Alexandria when the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00308-00082251-00082433 city was at its height of influence and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00309-00082434-00082609 power within the Roman Empire 9jVuYWUwR8k-00310-00082610-00082850 Cyril wrote extensively and was a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00311-00082851-00082994 leading protagonist in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00312-00082995-00083195 christological controversies of the late 9jVuYWUwR8k-00313-00083196-00083471 fourth and early fifth centuries he was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00314-00083472-00083675 a central figure in the first Council of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00315-00083676-00083939 Ephesus in 431 which led to the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00316-00083940-00084167 deposition of Nestorius as archbishop of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00317-00084168-00084467 Constantinople Cyril's reputation within 9jVuYWUwR8k-00318-00084468-00084662 the Christian world has resulted in his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00319-00084663-00085019 titles pillar of faith and seal of all 9jVuYWUwR8k-00320-00085020-00085275 the father's 9jVuYWUwR8k-00321-00085276-00085431 you 9jVuYWUwR8k-00322-00085432-00085988 topic maximus the confessor 9jVuYWUwR8k-00323-00085989-00086378 topic maximus the confessor also known 9jVuYWUwR8k-00324-00086379-00086624 as maximus the theologian and maximus of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00325-00086625-00087044 constantinople see 582 662 was a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00326-00087045-00087284 Christian monk theologian and scholar in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00327-00087285-00087560 his early life he was a civil servant 9jVuYWUwR8k-00328-00087561-00087719 and an aide to the Byzantine Emperor 9jVuYWUwR8k-00329-00087720-00088022 Heraclius however he gave up this life 9jVuYWUwR8k-00330-00088023-00088193 in the political sphere to enter into 9jVuYWUwR8k-00331-00088194-00088481 the monastic life after moving to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00332-00088482-00088661 Carthage Maximus studied several 9jVuYWUwR8k-00333-00088662-00088856 neoplatonist writers and became a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00334-00088857-00089135 prominent author when one of his friends 9jVuYWUwR8k-00335-00089136-00089321 began espousing the Christological 9jVuYWUwR8k-00336-00089322-00089575 position known as monotheism Maximus was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00337-00089576-00089792 drawn into the controversy in which he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00338-00089793-00089999 supported the chalcedonian position that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00339-00090000-00090238 Jesus had both a human and a divine well 9jVuYWUwR8k-00340-00090239-00090494 Maximus is venerated in both Eastern 9jVuYWUwR8k-00341-00090495-00090686 Christianity and Western Christianity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00342-00090687-00090982 his Christological positions eventually 9jVuYWUwR8k-00343-00090983-00091211 resulted in his torture and exile soon 9jVuYWUwR8k-00344-00091212-00091490 after which he died however his theology 9jVuYWUwR8k-00345-00091491-00091726 was vindicated by the Third Council of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00346-00091727-00091946 Constantinople and he was venerated as a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00347-00091947-00092219 saint soon after his death his feast day 9jVuYWUwR8k-00348-00092220-00092431 is celebrated twice during the year on 9jVuYWUwR8k-00349-00092432-00092693 the 21st of January and on the 13th of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00350-00092694-00092996 August his title of confessor means that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00351-00092997-00093175 he suffered for the faith but not to the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00352-00093176-00093359 point of death and thus is distinguished 9jVuYWUwR8k-00353-00093360-00093619 from a martyr his life of the Virgin is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00354-00093620-00093767 thought to be the earliest complete 9jVuYWUwR8k-00355-00093768-00094277 biography of Mary the mother of Jesus 9jVuYWUwR8k-00356-00094278-00094819 topic John of Damascus 9jVuYWUwR8k-00357-00094820-00095473 topic John of Damascus si 676 - 749 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00358-00095474-00095767 a Syrian Christian monk and priest born 9jVuYWUwR8k-00359-00095768-00095974 and raised in Damascus he died at his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00360-00095975-00096275 monastery maher Saba near Jerusalem a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00361-00096276-00096529 polymath whose fields of interest and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00362-00096530-00096748 contribution included law theology 9jVuYWUwR8k-00363-00096749-00096963 philosophy and music before being 9jVuYWUwR8k-00364-00096964-00097125 ordained he served as a chief 9jVuYWUwR8k-00365-00097126-00097324 administrator to the Muslim caliph of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00366-00097325-00097510 Damascus wrote works expounding the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00367-00097511-00097713 Christian faith and composed hymns which 9jVuYWUwR8k-00368-00097714-00097900 are still in use in Eastern Christian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00369-00097901-00098187 monasteries the Catholic Church regards 9jVuYWUwR8k-00370-00098188-00098365 him as a Doctor of the Church often 9jVuYWUwR8k-00371-00098366-00098500 referred to as the doctor of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00372-00098501-00098674 Assumption because of his writings on 9jVuYWUwR8k-00373-00098675-00099144 the Assumption of Mary 9jVuYWUwR8k-00374-00099145-00099627 topic Latin fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00375-00099628-00099969 topic those fathers who wrote in Latin 9jVuYWUwR8k-00376-00099970-00100428 are called the Latin church fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00377-00100429-00100916 topic Tertullian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00378-00100917-00101248 topic Quinta's septimius Florence 9jVuYWUwR8k-00379-00101249-00101696 Tertullian Asst C 155 C 222 who was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00380-00101697-00102025 converted to Christianity before 197 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00381-00102026-00102203 a prolific writer of apologetic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00382-00102204-00102427 theological controversial and ascetic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00383-00102428-00102712 works he was born in Carthage the son of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00384-00102713-00103042 a Roman centurion Tertullian denounced 9jVuYWUwR8k-00385-00103043-00103201 Christian doctrines he considered 9jVuYWUwR8k-00386-00103202-00103271 heretical 9jVuYWUwR8k-00387-00103272-00103477 but later in life adopted montón ism 9jVuYWUwR8k-00388-00103478-00103681 regarded as heretical by the mainstream 9jVuYWUwR8k-00389-00103682-00103873 Church which prevented his canonization 9jVuYWUwR8k-00390-00103874-00104140 he wrote three books in Greek and was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00391-00104141-00104297 the first great writer of Latin 9jVuYWUwR8k-00392-00104298-00104498 Christianity thus sometimes known as the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00393-00104499-00104822 father of the Latin Church he was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00394-00104823-00105074 evidently a lawyer in Rome he is said to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00395-00105075-00105253 have introduced the Latin term Trinity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00396-00105254-00105478 Oz with regard to the Divine Trinity to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00397-00105479-00105695 the Christian vocabulary but Theophilus 9jVuYWUwR8k-00398-00105696-00105932 of Antioch already wrote of the Trinity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00399-00105933-00106295 of God and His Word and his wisdom which 9jVuYWUwR8k-00400-00106296-00106493 is similar but not identical to the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00401-00106494-00106700 Trinitarian wording and also probably 9jVuYWUwR8k-00402-00106701-00106990 the formula three persons one substance 9jVuYWUwR8k-00403-00106991-00107326 as the Latin trace persona una 9jVuYWUwR8k-00404-00107327-00107614 substantial itself from the coin Greek 9jVuYWUwR8k-00405-00107615-00107878 trace hypostasis homoousios trace 9jVuYWUwR8k-00406-00107879-00108229 hypostasis homoousios and also the terms 9jVuYWUwR8k-00407-00108230-00108443 Vedas Testament of Old Testament and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00408-00108444-00108758 novum testamento New Testament in his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00409-00108758-00108958 apologetic Asst he was the first Latin 9jVuYWUwR8k-00410-00108959-00109193 author who qualified Christianity as the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00411-00109194-00109378 Veera religio and systematically 9jVuYWUwR8k-00412-00109379-00109591 relegated the classical Roman Empire 9jVuYWUwR8k-00413-00109592-00109801 religion and other accepted cults to the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00414-00109802-00110133 position of mere superstitions 9jVuYWUwR8k-00415-00110133-00110370 later in life Tertullian joined the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00416-00110371-00110547 montanus --tz-- a heretical sect that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00417-00110548-00110832 appealed to his rigor ism he used the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00418-00110833-00111144 early church as symbol for fish the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00419-00111145-00111335 Greek word for fish being nicked this 9jVuYWUwR8k-00420-00111336-00111555 which is an acronym for isis Christo's 9jVuYWUwR8k-00421-00111556-00112002 the Ohio Sodor Jesus Christ God s son 9jVuYWUwR8k-00422-00112003-00112257 Savior to explain the meaning of baptism 9jVuYWUwR8k-00423-00112258-00112452 since fish are born in water 9jVuYWUwR8k-00424-00112453-00112665 he wrote that human beings are like 9jVuYWUwR8k-00425-00112666-00113010 little fish 9jVuYWUwR8k-00426-00113011-00113551 topic Cyprian of Carthage 9jVuYWUwR8k-00427-00113552-00114060 topic Cyprien see 200 to 258 was Bishop 9jVuYWUwR8k-00428-00114061-00114247 of Carthage and an important early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00429-00114248-00114496 Christian writer he was born in North 9jVuYWUwR8k-00430-00114497-00114703 Africa probably at the beginning of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00431-00114704-00114925 third century perhaps at Carthage where 9jVuYWUwR8k-00432-00114926-00115134 he received an excellent classical pagan 9jVuYWUwR8k-00433-00115135-00115375 education after converting to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00434-00115376-00115582 Christianity he became a bishop and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00435-00115583-00115854 eventually died a martyr at Carthage he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00436-00115855-00116056 emphasized the necessity of the unity of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00437-00116057-00116257 Christians with their bishops and also 9jVuYWUwR8k-00438-00116258-00116452 the authority of the Roman Sea which he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00439-00116453-00116859 claimed was the source of priestly unity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00440-00116860-00117014 you 9jVuYWUwR8k-00441-00117015-00117561 topic hilary of poitiers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00442-00117563-00118152 topic hilary of poitiers c300 c 368 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00443-00118153-00118351 bishop of Poitier's and as a doctor of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00444-00118352-00118621 the church he was sometimes referred to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00445-00118622-00118902 as the hammer of the Aryans Latin 9jVuYWUwR8k-00446-00118903-00119083 malleus Aryan or Amanda 9jVuYWUwR8k-00447-00119083-00119377 Athanasius of the West his name comes 9jVuYWUwR8k-00448-00119378-00119533 from the Greek word for happy or 9jVuYWUwR8k-00449-00119533-00119766 cheerful his optional memorial in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00450-00119767-00119974 Roman Catholic calendar of saints as the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00451-00119975-00120285 13th of January in the past when this 9jVuYWUwR8k-00452-00120286-00120490 date was occupied by the octave day of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00453-00120491-00120688 the Epiphany his feast day was moved to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00454-00120689-00121104 the 14th of January 9jVuYWUwR8k-00455-00121105-00121633 topic Ambrose of Milan 9jVuYWUwR8k-00456-00121633-00121990 topic Ambrose was an Archbishop of Milan 9jVuYWUwR8k-00457-00121991-00122205 who became one of the most influential 9jVuYWUwR8k-00458-00122206-00122392 ecclesiastical figures of the 4th 9jVuYWUwR8k-00459-00122393-00122674 century he is counted as one of the four 9jVuYWUwR8k-00460-00122675-00122923 original doctors of the church he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00461-00122924-00123106 offered a new perspective on the theory 9jVuYWUwR8k-00462-00123107-00123496 of atonement 9jVuYWUwR8k-00463-00123497-00124011 topic Pope Damasus the first 9jVuYWUwR8k-00464-00124013-00124554 topic Pope Damasus the first 305 to 384 9jVuYWUwR8k-00465-00124555-00124747 was active in defending the Catholic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00466-00124748-00124926 Church against the threat of schisms in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00467-00124927-00125133 to Roman synods 9jVuYWUwR8k-00468-00125133-00125511 368 and 369 he condemned the heresies of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00469-00125513-00125760 apollon Arianism and Macedonian ISM and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00470-00125761-00125977 sent legate's papal representatives to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00471-00125978-00126193 the first Council of Constantinople that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00472-00126194-00126441 was convened hriday t 1 to address these 9jVuYWUwR8k-00473-00126442-00126516 heresies 9jVuYWUwR8k-00474-00126517-00126769 he also wrote in defence of the roman 9jVuYWUwR8k-00475-00126770-00126976 seized authority and inaugurated use of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00476-00126977-00127174 latin in the mass instead of the coin 9jVuYWUwR8k-00477-00127175-00127311 greek that was still being used 9jVuYWUwR8k-00478-00127313-00127474 throughout the church in the West in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00479-00127475-00127802 liturgy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00480-00127803-00128345 topic Gerome of stride owned iam 9jVuYWUwR8k-00481-00128346-00128954 topic Gerome c 347 to 420 is best known 9jVuYWUwR8k-00482-00128955-00129125 as the translator of the Bible from 9jVuYWUwR8k-00483-00129126-00129409 Greek and Hebrew into Latin he also was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00484-00129410-00129665 a Christian apologist Jerome's edition 9jVuYWUwR8k-00485-00129666-00129857 of the Bible the Vulgate is still an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00486-00129858-00130118 important text of Catholicism he is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00487-00130119-00130319 recognized by the Roman Catholic Church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00488-00130320-00130793 as a Doctor of the Church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00489-00130794-00131272 soppec Augustine of Hippo 9jVuYWUwR8k-00490-00131273-00131824 topic augustin 354 to 430 Bishop of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00491-00131825-00132025 Hippo was a philosopher and theologian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00492-00132026-00132346 Augustine a Latin father and doctor of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00493-00132347-00132529 the church is one of the most important 9jVuYWUwR8k-00494-00132530-00132709 figures in the development of Western 9jVuYWUwR8k-00495-00132710-00133018 Christianity in his early life Augustine 9jVuYWUwR8k-00496-00133019-00133240 read widely in greco-roman rhetoric and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00497-00133241-00133417 philosophy including the works of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00498-00133418-00133705 playtest such as Plotinus he framed the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00499-00133706-00133933 concepts of original sin and just war as 9jVuYWUwR8k-00500-00133934-00134167 they are understood in the West when 9jVuYWUwR8k-00501-00134168-00134326 Rome fell in the faith of many 9jVuYWUwR8k-00502-00134327-00134533 Christians was shaken Augustine wrote 9jVuYWUwR8k-00503-00134534-00134731 the City of God in which he defended 9jVuYWUwR8k-00504-00134732-00134935 Christianity from pagan critics and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00505-00134936-00135115 developed the concept of the church as a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00506-00135116-00135331 spiritual City of God distinct from the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00507-00135332-00135679 material city of man Augustine s work 9jVuYWUwR8k-00508-00135680-00135853 defined the start of the medieval 9jVuYWUwR8k-00509-00135854-00136093 worldview an outlook that would later be 9jVuYWUwR8k-00510-00136094-00136321 firmly established by Pope Gregory the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00511-00136322-00136366 Great 9jVuYWUwR8k-00512-00136367-00136567 Augustine was born in present-day 9jVuYWUwR8k-00513-00136568-00136843 Algeria to a Christian mother Monica of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00514-00136844-00137152 Hippo he was educated in North Africa 9jVuYWUwR8k-00515-00137153-00137473 and resisted his mother s pleas to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00516-00137474-00137701 become Christian he took a concubine and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00517-00137702-00137968 became a mannequin he later converted to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00518-00137969-00138199 Christianity became a bishop and opposed 9jVuYWUwR8k-00519-00138200-00138502 heresies such as Pelagianism his many 9jVuYWUwR8k-00520-00138503-00138769 works including the confessions which is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00521-00138770-00138916 often called the first Western 9jVuYWUwR8k-00522-00138917-00139108 autobiography have been read 9jVuYWUwR8k-00523-00139109-00139360 continuously since his lifetime the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00524-00139361-00139576 Roman Catholic religious order the order 9jVuYWUwR8k-00525-00139577-00139804 of st. Augustine adopted his name and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00526-00139805-00140089 way of life Augustine is also the patron 9jVuYWUwR8k-00527-00140090-00140320 saint of many institutions and a number 9jVuYWUwR8k-00528-00140321-00140694 have been named after him 9jVuYWUwR8k-00529-00140695-00141240 topic Pope Gregory the Great 9jVuYWUwR8k-00530-00141241-00141632 topic Gregory the first the Great Sea 9jVuYWUwR8k-00531-00141633-00141942 542 604 was Pope from the 3rd of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00532-00141943-00142284 September 590 until his death he is also 9jVuYWUwR8k-00533-00142285-00142539 known as Gregorius dialog s Gregory the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00534-00142540-00142800 dialysis in Eastern Orthodoxy because of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00535-00142801-00143061 the dialogues he wrote he was the first 9jVuYWUwR8k-00536-00143062-00143256 of the popes from a monastic background 9jVuYWUwR8k-00537-00143257-00143490 Gregory is a doctor of the church and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00538-00143491-00143676 one of the four great Latin Fathers of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00539-00143677-00143859 the Church the others being Ambrose 9jVuYWUwR8k-00540-00143860-00144204 Augustin and Jerome of all popes Gregory 9jVuYWUwR8k-00541-00144205-00144396 the first had the most influence on the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00542-00144397-00144788 early medieval church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00543-00144789-00145314 topic is the door of Seville 9jVuYWUwR8k-00544-00145315-00145929 topic isidore of seville c 562 636 was 9jVuYWUwR8k-00545-00145930-00146097 archbishop of seville for more than 9jVuYWUwR8k-00546-00146098-00146274 three decades and is considered as the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00547-00146275-00146475 historian mont alembert put it in an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00548-00146476-00146763 oft-quoted phrase led dernier sivan du 9jVuYWUwR8k-00549-00146764-00147057 monde ancient the last scholar of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00550-00147058-00147342 ancient world indeed all the later 9jVuYWUwR8k-00551-00147343-00147573 medieval history writing of Hispania the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00552-00147574-00147795 iberian peninsula comprising modern 9jVuYWUwR8k-00553-00147796-00147993 Spain and Portugal was based on his 9jVuYWUwR8k-00554-00147994-00148314 histories at a time of disintegration of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00555-00148315-00148500 classical culture and aristocratic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00556-00148501-00148716 violence and illiteracy he was involved 9jVuYWUwR8k-00557-00148717-00148863 in the conversion of the Royal 9jVuYWUwR8k-00558-00148864-00149103 Visigothic Aryans to Catholicism both 9jVuYWUwR8k-00559-00149104-00149301 assisting his brother Leander of Seville 9jVuYWUwR8k-00560-00149302-00149487 and continuing after his brother's death 9jVuYWUwR8k-00561-00149488-00149741 he was influential in the inner circle 9jVuYWUwR8k-00562-00149742-00149991 of seismic Visigothic king of Hispania 9jVuYWUwR8k-00563-00149992-00150254 like leander he played a prominent role 9jVuYWUwR8k-00564-00150255-00150459 in the council's of toledo in seville 9jVuYWUwR8k-00565-00150460-00150726 the Visigothic legislation which 9jVuYWUwR8k-00566-00150727-00150941 resulted from these councils as regarded 9jVuYWUwR8k-00567-00150942-00151164 by modern historians as exercising an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00568-00151165-00151350 important influence on the beginnings of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00569-00151351-00151773 representative government 9jVuYWUwR8k-00570-00151774-00152333 topic Syriac fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00571-00152334-00152677 topic a few church fathers wrote in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00572-00152678-00152878 Syriac many of their works were also 9jVuYWUwR8k-00573-00152879-00153371 widely translated into Latin and Greek 9jVuYWUwR8k-00574-00153372-00153858 topic Afra hat 9jVuYWUwR8k-00575-00153859-00154427 topic Afra hat see 270 see 345 was a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00576-00154428-00154611 Syriac Christian author of the third 9jVuYWUwR8k-00577-00154612-00154802 century from the idea beam region of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00578-00154803-00154991 northern Mesopotamia which was within 9jVuYWUwR8k-00579-00154992-00155223 the Persian Empire who composed a series 9jVuYWUwR8k-00580-00155224-00155493 of 23 expositions or homilies on points 9jVuYWUwR8k-00581-00155494-00155745 of Christian doctrine and practice he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00582-00155746-00156021 was born in Persia around 270 but all 9jVuYWUwR8k-00583-00156022-00156239 his known works the demonstrations come 9jVuYWUwR8k-00584-00156240-00156491 from later on in his life he was an 9jVuYWUwR8k-00585-00156492-00156662 ascetic and celibate and was almost 9jVuYWUwR8k-00586-00156663-00156858 definitely a son of the Covenant in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00587-00156859-00157025 early Syriac form of communal 9jVuYWUwR8k-00588-00157026-00157284 monasticism he may have been a bishop 9jVuYWUwR8k-00589-00157285-00157518 and later Syriac tradition places him at 9jVuYWUwR8k-00590-00157519-00157698 the head of marmodom monastery near 9jVuYWUwR8k-00591-00157699-00157991 Mosul in what is now northern Iraq he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00592-00157992-00158172 was a near contemporary to the slightly 9jVuYWUwR8k-00593-00158173-00158343 younger Ephraim the Syrian but the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00594-00158344-00158493 latter lived within the sphere of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00595-00158494-00158774 Roman Empire called the Persian sage 9jVuYWUwR8k-00596-00158775-00159132 Syria Kim frizzy hakima P R SIA F rahat 9jVuYWUwR8k-00597-00159133-00159318 witnesses to the concerns of the early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00598-00159319-00159503 church beyond the eastern boundaries of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00599-00159504-00159915 the Roman Empire 9jVuYWUwR8k-00600-00159916-00160392 topic F from the Syrian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00601-00160393-00161010 topic F from the Syrian CA 306 to 373 9jVuYWUwR8k-00602-00161011-00161211 was a Syriac deacon and a prolific 9jVuYWUwR8k-00603-00161212-00161388 serial anguish hymnography and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00604-00161389-00161565 theologian of the fourth century from 9jVuYWUwR8k-00605-00161566-00161826 the region of syria his works are held 9jVuYWUwR8k-00606-00161827-00161991 by Christians throughout the world and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00607-00161992-00162186 many denominations venerate him as a 9jVuYWUwR8k-00608-00162187-00162453 saint he has been declared a doctor of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00609-00162454-00162723 the church in Roman Catholicism he is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00610-00162724-00162900 especially beloved in the Syriac 9jVuYWUwR8k-00611-00162901-00163197 Orthodox Church Ephraim wrote a wide 9jVuYWUwR8k-00612-00163198-00163449 variety of hymns poems and sermons in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00613-00163450-00163700 verse as well as prose biblical exegesis 9jVuYWUwR8k-00614-00163701-00163944 these were works of practical theology 9jVuYWUwR8k-00615-00163945-00164160 for the edification of the church in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00616-00164161-00164445 troubled times so popular were his works 9jVuYWUwR8k-00617-00164446-00164628 that for centuries after his death 9jVuYWUwR8k-00618-00164629-00164802 Christian authors wrote hundreds of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00619-00164803-00165072 pseudepigrapha works in his name he has 9jVuYWUwR8k-00620-00165073-00165255 been called the most significant of all 9jVuYWUwR8k-00621-00165256-00165441 of the fathers of the Syriac speaking 9jVuYWUwR8k-00622-00165442-00165796 church tradition 9jVuYWUwR8k-00623-00165797-00166330 topic Isaac of Antioch 9jVuYWUwR8k-00624-00166331-00166933 topic Isaac of Antioch 451 to 452 one of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00625-00166934-00167134 the stars of Syriac literature is the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00626-00167135-00167320 reputed author of a large number of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00627-00167321-00167545 metrical homilies the fullest list by 9jVuYWUwR8k-00628-00167546-00167836 Gustav Bickle contains 191 which are 9jVuYWUwR8k-00629-00167837-00168034 extant in MSS many of which are 9jVuYWUwR8k-00630-00168035-00168220 distinguished by an originality and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00631-00168221-00168689 acumen rare among Syriac writers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00632-00168690-00169200 topic Isaac of Nineveh 9jVuYWUwR8k-00633-00169201-00169548 topic Isaac of Nineveh was a seventh 9jVuYWUwR8k-00634-00169549-00169766 century assyrian bishop and theologian 9jVuYWUwR8k-00635-00169767-00170025 best remembered for his written work he 9jVuYWUwR8k-00636-00170026-00170204 is also regarded as a saint in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00637-00170205-00170378 church of the east the catholic church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00638-00170379-00170586 the eastern orthodox church and among 9jVuYWUwR8k-00639-00170587-00170763 the oriental orthodox churches 9jVuYWUwR8k-00640-00170764-00170889 making him the last saint 9jVuYWUwR8k-00641-00170890-00171084 chronologically to be recognized by 9jVuYWUwR8k-00642-00171085-00171353 every Apostolic Church his feast day 9jVuYWUwR8k-00643-00171354-00171633 falls on January 28th Isaac is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00644-00171634-00171840 remembered for his spiritual homilies on 9jVuYWUwR8k-00645-00171841-00171993 the inner life which have a human 9jVuYWUwR8k-00646-00171994-00172166 breadth and theological depth that 9jVuYWUwR8k-00647-00172167-00172389 transcends the Nestorian Christianity of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00648-00172390-00172620 the church to which he belonged they 9jVuYWUwR8k-00649-00172621-00172833 survive in Syriac manuscripts and in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00650-00172834-00173355 Greek and Arabic translations 9jVuYWUwR8k-00651-00173356-00173845 topic desert fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00652-00173846-00174177 topic the Desert Fathers were early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00653-00174178-00174360 monastics living in the Egyptian desert 9jVuYWUwR8k-00654-00174361-00174523 although they did not write as much 9jVuYWUwR8k-00655-00174524-00174789 their influence was also great among 9jVuYWUwR8k-00656-00174790-00174948 them our Anthony the great and pehoe 9jVuYWUwR8k-00657-00174949-00175171 meais many of their usually short 9jVuYWUwR8k-00658-00175172-00175365 sayings are collected in the abbot Amata 9jVuYWUwR8k-00659-00175366-00175803 Patra sayings of the Desert Fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00660-00175804-00175982 you 9jVuYWUwR8k-00661-00175983-00176540 topic modern positions 9jVuYWUwR8k-00662-00176541-00176912 topic in the Roman Catholic Church John 9jVuYWUwR8k-00663-00176913-00177074 of Damascus who lived in the 8th century 9jVuYWUwR8k-00664-00177075-00177338 is generally considered to be a doctor 9jVuYWUwR8k-00665-00177339-00177506 of the church and at the same time the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00666-00177507-00177695 first seat of the next period of church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00667-00177696-00177971 writers scholasticism 9jVuYWUwR8k-00668-00177972-00178189 the eastern orthodox church does not 9jVuYWUwR8k-00669-00178190-00178406 consider the age of church fathers to be 9jVuYWUwR8k-00670-00178407-00178603 over and includes later influential 9jVuYWUwR8k-00671-00178604-00178788 writers up to the present day the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00672-00178789-00179060 orthodox view is that men do not have to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00673-00179061-00179258 agree on every detail much less be 9jVuYWUwR8k-00674-00179259-00179435 infallible to be considered church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00675-00179436-00179740 fathers rather Orthodox doctrine is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00676-00179741-00179929 determined by the consensus of the Holy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00677-00179930-00180158 Fathers those points on which they do 9jVuYWUwR8k-00678-00180159-00180446 agree this consensus guides the church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00679-00180447-00180640 in questions of dogma the correct 9jVuYWUwR8k-00680-00180641-00180824 interpretation of Scripture and to 9jVuYWUwR8k-00681-00180825-00180988 distinguish the authentic sacred 9jVuYWUwR8k-00682-00180989-00181138 tradition of the church from false 9jVuYWUwR8k-00683-00181139-00181366 teachings the original Lutheran Augsburg 9jVuYWUwR8k-00684-00181367-00181636 confession of 1530 for example and the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00685-00181637-00182006 later formula of Concord of 1576 to 1580 9jVuYWUwR8k-00686-00182007-00182200 for each begin with the mention of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00687-00182201-00182381 doctrine professed by the fathers of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00688-00182382-00182538 first Council of Nicaea 9jVuYWUwR8k-00689-00182539-00182803 though much Protestant religious thought 9jVuYWUwR8k-00690-00182804-00183056 is based on Sola scriptura the principle 9jVuYWUwR8k-00691-00183057-00183236 that the Bible itself is the ultimate 9jVuYWUwR8k-00692-00183237-00183439 authority in doctrinal matters the first 9jVuYWUwR8k-00693-00183440-00183644 Protestant reformers like the Catholic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00694-00183645-00183809 and Orthodox churches used the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00695-00183810-00184022 theological interpretations of Scripture 9jVuYWUwR8k-00696-00184023-00184222 set forth by the early church fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00697-00184223-00184511 John Calvin's French confession of faith 9jVuYWUwR8k-00698-00184512-00184847 of 1559 States and we confess that which 9jVuYWUwR8k-00699-00184848-00185045 has been established by the ancient 9jVuYWUwR8k-00700-00185046-00185282 councils and we detest all sects and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00701-00185283-00185503 heresies which were rejected by the holy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00702-00185504-00185752 doctors such as Saint Hillary Saint 9jVuYWUwR8k-00703-00185753-00185831 Athanasius 9jVuYWUwR8k-00704-00185832-00186187 Saint Ambrose and st. Cyril the Scots 9jVuYWUwR8k-00705-00186188-00186458 confession of 1560 deals with General 9jVuYWUwR8k-00706-00186459-00186722 Counsel's in its 20th chapter the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00707-00186723-00186886 thirty-nine articles of the Church of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00708-00186887-00187244 England both the original of 15 62 215 9jVuYWUwR8k-00709-00187245-00187519 71 and the American version of 1801 9jVuYWUwR8k-00710-00187520-00187760 explicitly accept the Nicene Creed in 9jVuYWUwR8k-00711-00187761-00188060 article 7 even when a particular 9jVuYWUwR8k-00712-00188061-00188258 protestant confessional formula does not 9jVuYWUwR8k-00713-00188259-00188488 mention the Nicene council or its creed 9jVuYWUwR8k-00714-00188489-00188681 its doctrine as nonetheless always 9jVuYWUwR8k-00715-00188682-00188861 asserted as for example in the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00716-00188862-00189082 Presbyterian Westminster Confession of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00717-00189083-00189446 1647 many Protestant seminaries provide 9jVuYWUwR8k-00718-00189447-00189625 courses on patristic s-- as part of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00719-00189626-00189811 their curriculum and many historic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00720-00189812-00189986 Protestant churches emphasize the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00721-00189987-00190141 importance of tradition and of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00722-00190142-00190324 father's in scriptural interpretation 9jVuYWUwR8k-00723-00190325-00190610 such an emphasis is even more pronounced 9jVuYWUwR8k-00724-00190611-00190793 in certain streams of Protestant thought 9jVuYWUwR8k-00725-00190794-00191336 such as paleo orthodoxy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00726-00191337-00191800 topic patristic s' 9jVuYWUwR8k-00727-00191801-00192153 topic the study of the Church Fathers is 9jVuYWUwR8k-00728-00192154-00192453 known as patristic s' works of fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00729-00192454-00192591 in early Christianity 9jVuYWUwR8k-00730-00192592-00192778 prior to Nicene Christianity were 9jVuYWUwR8k-00731-00192779-00192985 translated into English in a 19th 9jVuYWUwR8k-00732-00192986-00193212 century collection ante-nicene fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00733-00193213-00193510 those of the first Council of Nicaea and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00734-00193511-00193693 continuing through the Second Council of 9jVuYWUwR8k-00735-00193694-00194028 Nicaea 787 are collected in Nicene and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00736-00194029-00194457 post Nicene fathers 9jVuYWUwR8k-00737-00194458-00194983 topic C also 9jVuYWUwR8k-00738-00194984-00195406 topic confessor of the faith great 9jVuYWUwR8k-00739-00195407-00195682 church historiography of early 9jVuYWUwR8k-00740-00195683-00196102 Christianity list of Church Fathers list 9jVuYWUwR8k-00741-00196103-00196435 of eastern orthodox saint titles patron 9jVuYWUwR8k-00742-00196436-00197007 saints of europe sacred tradition 9jVuYWUwR8k-00743-00197008-00197569 topic references 9jVuYWUwR8k-00744-00197570-00197961 topic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00745-00197962-00198498 topic external links 9jVuYWUwR8k-00746-00198499-00198807 topic Church Fathers dot-org 9jVuYWUwR8k-00747-00198808-00198981 all of the church fathers writings 9jVuYWUwR8k-00748-00198982-00199125 broken down by topic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00749-00199126-00199344 find writings by the fathers on 9jVuYWUwR8k-00750-00199345-00199557 everything from the Eucharist to baptism 9jVuYWUwR8k-00751-00199558-00199838 to the Virgin Mary to the Pope church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00752-00199839-00200025 fathers works in English edited by 9jVuYWUwR8k-00753-00200026-00200247 Philip Schaff at the Christian classics 9jVuYWUwR8k-00754-00200248-00200556 ethereal library church fathers at the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00755-00200557-00200774 patristic sinned English project site 9jVuYWUwR8k-00756-00200775-00201036 early church fathers additional text 9jVuYWUwR8k-00757-00201037-00201353 part of the Tertullian corpus excerpts 9jVuYWUwR8k-00758-00201354-00201648 from Defensor gramática s-- excerpts 9jVuYWUwR8k-00759-00201649-00201933 from the church fathers the father's the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00760-00201934-00202122 Scholastic's and ourselves by von 9jVuYWUwR8k-00761-00202123-00202439 Balthasar Faulkner University patristic 9jVuYWUwR8k-00762-00202440-00202650 sprut a growing collection of English 9jVuYWUwR8k-00763-00202651-00202869 translations of patristic texts and 9jVuYWUwR8k-00764-00202870-00203031 high-resolution scans from the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00765-00203032-00203288 comprehensive patrol Ohia compiled by JP 9jVuYWUwR8k-00766-00203289-00203601 Magni primer on the church fathers at 9jVuYWUwR8k-00767-00203602-00203895 koruna early church fathers writings 9jVuYWUwR8k-00768-00203896-00204147 Andy my scene Nicene and post Nicene 9jVuYWUwR8k-00769-00204148-00204384 father's writings from the church 9jVuYWUwR8k-00770-00204385-00204848 fathers at wwe.com the Fathers of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00771-00204850-00205098 Church a new translation by dr. Roy 9jVuYWUwR8k-00772-00205098-00205498 Joseph de Ferrari 1890 to 1969 and dr. 9jVuYWUwR8k-00773-00205500-00206048 Ludwig shop D June 16th 1949 1 - founder 9jVuYWUwR8k-00774-00206050-00206339 and editorial director works hosted at 9jVuYWUwR8k-00775-00206340-00206648 the Internet Archive McNee patrol Ohia 9jVuYWUwR8k-00776-00206650-00206898 latina and graeca a free digital edition 9jVuYWUwR8k-00777-00206898-00207205 of almost all the original texts 9jVuYWUwR8k-00778-00207206-00207471 early church fathers history of the 9jVuYWUwR8k-00779-00207471-00207798 early church in portraits 9jY_nHkN3ME-00000-00000055-00000288 the pseudo is a durian decree Dalls or 9jY_nHkN3ME-00001-00000289-00000448 false decree dolls are a set of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00002-00000449-00000696 extensive influential medieval forgeries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00003-00000697-00000858 written by a scholar or group of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00004-00000859-00001125 scholars known as pseudo Isadora the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00005-00001126-00001332 authors using the pseudonym of Isadora 9jY_nHkN3ME-00006-00001333-00001510 Mercator were probably a group of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00007-00001511-00001702 Frankish clerics writing in the second 9jY_nHkN3ME-00008-00001703-00001960 quarter of the ninth century to defend 9jY_nHkN3ME-00009-00001961-00002116 the position of bishops against 9jY_nHkN3ME-00010-00002117-00002329 metropolitans and secular authorities 9jY_nHkN3ME-00011-00002330-00002488 they created documents purportedly 9jY_nHkN3ME-00012-00002489-00002728 authored by early popes and council 9jY_nHkN3ME-00013-00002729-00003092 documents 9jY_nHkN3ME-00014-00003093-00003670 topic historical background 9jY_nHkN3ME-00015-00003671-00004003 topic the Carolingian Empire in the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00016-00004004-00004213 second quarter of the ninth century set 9jY_nHkN3ME-00017-00004214-00004348 the stage for the forgers 9jY_nHkN3ME-00018-00004349-00004600 although Louie the first the pious was 9jY_nHkN3ME-00019-00004601-00004831 deposed by his sons in the early 830 s 9jY_nHkN3ME-00020-00004832-00005116 he soon regained the throne Archbishop's 9jY_nHkN3ME-00021-00005117-00005281 and bishops played important roles 9jY_nHkN3ME-00022-00005282-00005485 imposing penance on Lewis for his 9jY_nHkN3ME-00023-00005486-00005677 allegedly sinful life and paving the way 9jY_nHkN3ME-00024-00005678-00005953 for his removal when Lewis regained the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00025-00005954-00006147 throne some church dignitaries were 9jY_nHkN3ME-00026-00006148-00006698 stripped of their bishoprics in exile 9jY_nHkN3ME-00027-00006698-00007142 topic content 9jY_nHkN3ME-00028-00007143-00007499 topic the sudo is a durian decree Dalls 9jY_nHkN3ME-00029-00007500-00007688 and fictitious letters from Clement to 9jY_nHkN3ME-00030-00007689-00007884 Gregory the Great were incorporated in a 9jY_nHkN3ME-00031-00007884-00008066 ninth century collection of cannons 9jY_nHkN3ME-00032-00008067-00008274 purportedly by the pseudonymous Isadora 9jY_nHkN3ME-00033-00008275-00008528 Mercator collections of cannons were 9jY_nHkN3ME-00034-00008529-00008717 commonly made by adding new matter to 9jY_nHkN3ME-00035-00008718-00008921 old the forgers of the psuedo Isadora 9jY_nHkN3ME-00036-00008922-00009095 collection took as the basis of their 9jY_nHkN3ME-00037-00009096-00009299 work the hispana Galica august odin 9jY_nHkN3ME-00038-00009300-00009477 Ensis interpolating they're forgeries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00039-00009478-00009663 with the genuine material to provide 9jY_nHkN3ME-00040-00009664-00009953 credibility by association the LIBOR 9jY_nHkN3ME-00041-00009954-00010188 Pontifical list was used as a historical 9jY_nHkN3ME-00042-00010189-00010363 guide and furnished some subject matter 9jY_nHkN3ME-00043-00010364-00010616 the psuedo is a durian collection 9jY_nHkN3ME-00044-00010617-00010808 includes an earlier non pseudo is a 9jY_nHkN3ME-00045-00010809-00010985 durian forgery the donation of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00046-00010986-00011388 Constantine the principle texts are the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00047-00011389-00011570 addition of forged material to an 9jY_nHkN3ME-00048-00011571-00011744 earlier authentic Spanish collection 9jY_nHkN3ME-00049-00011745-00011945 with texts from counsels and papal 9jY_nHkN3ME-00050-00011946-00012086 letters from the 4th through the 8th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00051-00012087-00012383 centuries the Hispania Galica august 9jY_nHkN3ME-00052-00012384-00012549 ordinances name derives from a 9jY_nHkN3ME-00053-00012550-00012734 manuscript once in the French city of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00054-00012735-00013068 autun latin august o dunam a collection 9jY_nHkN3ME-00055-00013069-00013290 of falsified legislation by Frankish 9jY_nHkN3ME-00056-00013291-00013530 rulers capitularies allegedly from the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00057-00013531-00013691 6th to the ninth centuries the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00058-00013693-00013953 capitularies benedikte levity named for 9jY_nHkN3ME-00059-00013954-00014112 the alleged author of the collections 9jY_nHkN3ME-00060-00014113-00014309 introduction deacon latin la vita 9jY_nHkN3ME-00061-00014310-00014594 Benedictus the author alleges that he 9jY_nHkN3ME-00062-00014595-00014805 has completed and updated the collection 9jY_nHkN3ME-00063-00014806-00015000 by the abbot and sagacious of fontanelle 9jY_nHkN3ME-00064-00015001-00015399 died around 833 a brief collection on 9jY_nHkN3ME-00065-00015400-00015618 Criminal Procedure the capítulo angle 9jY_nHkN3ME-00066-00015619-00015843 romney allegedly given to bishop angle 9jY_nHkN3ME-00067-00015844-00016115 room of Metz by Pope Hadrian the first a 9jY_nHkN3ME-00068-00016116-00016394 collection of about 100 forged papal 9jY_nHkN3ME-00069-00016395-00016605 letters most allegedly written by Roman 9jY_nHkN3ME-00070-00016606-00016772 bishops during the first three centuries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00071-00016773-00017087 ad in its preface the author calls 9jY_nHkN3ME-00072-00017088-00017325 himself Bishop isidorus Mercator hence 9jY_nHkN3ME-00073-00017326-00017592 the name of the complex in addition to 9jY_nHkN3ME-00074-00017593-00017775 the forged letters the collection has a 9jY_nHkN3ME-00075-00017776-00017984 large number of genuine and partially 9jY_nHkN3ME-00076-00017985-00018194 falsified council texts and papal 9jY_nHkN3ME-00077-00018195-00018324 letters from the 4th to the 8th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00078-00018325-00018594 centuries the authentic interpolated 9jY_nHkN3ME-00079-00018595-00018815 material derives predominantly from the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00080-00018816-00019037 hispana Galica Auguste ordinances in 9jY_nHkN3ME-00081-00019038-00019236 addition to these four main pieces or 9jY_nHkN3ME-00082-00019237-00019409 other minor forgeries from the same 9jY_nHkN3ME-00083-00019410-00019736 workshop the excerpt TNA's digestives 9jY_nHkN3ME-00084-00019737-00020015 chal sentences conciliate some 9jY_nHkN3ME-00085-00020016-00020294 falsifications in the hamilton 132 9jY_nHkN3ME-00086-00020295-00020577 manuscript in the berlin state library 9jY_nHkN3ME-00087-00020578-00021103 the collectio Daniel Jana 9jY_nHkN3ME-00088-00021104-00021615 topic authorship 9jY_nHkN3ME-00089-00021616-00021962 topic much of the work is attributed to 9jY_nHkN3ME-00090-00021963-00022248 Isadora Mercator but this is almost 9jY_nHkN3ME-00091-00022249-00022446 certainly a pseudonym created by 9jY_nHkN3ME-00092-00022447-00022626 conflating the names of the respected 9jY_nHkN3ME-00093-00022627-00022821 ecclesiastical scholars Isidore of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00094-00022822-00023091 Seville and Marius Mercator the work 9jY_nHkN3ME-00095-00023092-00023292 probably originated in the kingdom of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00096-00023293-00023544 the Franks the forgers main object was 9jY_nHkN3ME-00097-00023545-00023763 to emancipate bishops from secular power 9jY_nHkN3ME-00098-00023764-00023955 in the influence of Archbishop's and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00099-00023956-00024168 synods partially by exalting papal 9jY_nHkN3ME-00100-00024169-00024453 supremacy the author of one section 9jY_nHkN3ME-00101-00024454-00024702 identifies himself as Benedictus Lavina 9jY_nHkN3ME-00102-00024703-00025128 Benedict the Levite or the deacon his 9jY_nHkN3ME-00103-00025129-00025377 capital area benedikte levity deal not 9jY_nHkN3ME-00104-00025378-00025581 with early church and papal letters as 9jY_nHkN3ME-00105-00025582-00025733 the others do but with forged 9jY_nHkN3ME-00106-00025735-00025911 capitularies on religious and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00107-00025912-00026108 Theological matters by Carolingian 9jY_nHkN3ME-00108-00026110-00026313 rulers most notably Charlemagne who 9jY_nHkN3ME-00109-00026314-00026577 provide the forgers alleged Authority it 9jY_nHkN3ME-00110-00026577-00026748 is still unknown if the differently 9jY_nHkN3ME-00111-00026749-00026910 structured and written capitularies 9jY_nHkN3ME-00112-00026911-00027164 benedikte levity slightly predated and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00113-00027166-00027366 inspired the authors of the false decree 9jY_nHkN3ME-00114-00027367-00027585 Dalls or all were forged simultaneously 9jY_nHkN3ME-00115-00027586-00027870 the overall work was probably done by 9jY_nHkN3ME-00116-00027870-00028064 several authors under the editorial 9jY_nHkN3ME-00117-00028066-00028289 control of a learned man although 9jY_nHkN3ME-00118-00028291-00028506 certain identification of the compilers 9jY_nHkN3ME-00119-00028507-00028710 and forgers is probably impossible 9jY_nHkN3ME-00120-00028711-00028938 klaus ezekiel x has demonstrated that 9jY_nHkN3ME-00121-00028939-00029127 they used manuscripts from the monastic 9jY_nHkN3ME-00122-00029127-00029448 library at corby zekiel x has compiled 9jY_nHkN3ME-00123-00029449-00029673 evidence that an abbot @ Corby Vasco 9jY_nHkN3ME-00124-00029674-00030077 cious Radford s abbot 842 to 847 might 9jY_nHkN3ME-00125-00030079-00030243 have been one of those responsible for 9jY_nHkN3ME-00126-00030244-00030519 the forgeries the forgers probably 9jY_nHkN3ME-00127-00030520-00030726 worked in the ecclesiastical province of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00128-00030727-00030902 Ron's and the complex was mostly 9jY_nHkN3ME-00129-00030904-00031302 complete by 847 to 852 the earliest 9jY_nHkN3ME-00130-00031302-00031548 known reference to the text was in 850 9jY_nHkN3ME-00131-00031549-00031806 to its chief composer may have been 9jY_nHkN3ME-00132-00031807-00032055 ordained illegally by ebo Archbishop of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00133-00032056-00032252 Ron's during his brief and unlawful 9jY_nHkN3ME-00134-00032254-00032679 reinstatement 842 41 whereas zekiel ex 9jY_nHkN3ME-00135-00032680-00032892 has argued for a date of composition in 9jY_nHkN3ME-00136-00032893-00033120 the 8th 30s or early 8th 40s based on 9jY_nHkN3ME-00137-00033121-00033288 evidence centering on the Council of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00138-00033289-00033456 thyine Bowl Erich nibs has recently 9jY_nHkN3ME-00139-00033457-00033690 argued for a later composition date in 9jY_nHkN3ME-00140-00033691-00033915 the 8th 40s or early 8th 50s on the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00141-00033916-00034089 basis of language in the decree dolls 9jY_nHkN3ME-00142-00034090-00034275 which appear targeted to support ebo 9jY_nHkN3ME-00143-00034276-00034461 after his translation to the bishopric 9jY_nHkN3ME-00144-00034462-00034839 at Hildesheim in 845 topic manuscripts 9jY_nHkN3ME-00145-00034840-00034998 topic 75 9jY_nHkN3ME-00146-00034999-00035154 new scripts of pseudo is a durian 9jY_nHkN3ME-00147-00035155-00035337 material differing widely from each 9jY_nHkN3ME-00148-00035338-00035625 other have survived the manuscripts have 9jY_nHkN3ME-00149-00035626-00035823 been traditionally divided into six or 9jY_nHkN3ME-00150-00035824-00036078 seven groups most comprehensive as the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00151-00036079-00036276 manuscript known as a one by Hinchey 9jY_nHkN3ME-00152-00036277-00036486 Asst with the mid 9th century Vaticanus 9jY_nHkN3ME-00153-00036487-00036735 latinus Oda Bonnie anise 93 its best 9jY_nHkN3ME-00154-00036736-00036990 representative equally important as 9jY_nHkN3ME-00155-00036991-00037215 Class A B the original manuscript of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00156-00037216-00037620 this class is 442 written after 858 was 9jY_nHkN3ME-00157-00037621-00037782 preserved in the Beinecke Rare Book and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00158-00037783-00037965 Manuscript library of the Yale 9jY_nHkN3ME-00159-00037966-00038265 University Library a B is best 9jY_nHkN3ME-00160-00038266-00038562 represented by Vaticanus latinus 630 9jY_nHkN3ME-00161-00038563-00038778 last quarter of the ninth century from 9jY_nHkN3ME-00162-00038779-00038961 the Corby scriptorium and the Clooney 9jY_nHkN3ME-00163-00038962-00039126 version also dates to the mid 9th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00164-00039127-00039417 century Class A two dates to the ninth 9jY_nHkN3ME-00165-00039418-00039699 century as well outstanding examples of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00166-00039700-00039897 this class include the Ivrea biblioteca 9jY_nHkN3ME-00167-00039898-00040152 capital air 83 from northern Italy and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00168-00040153-00040392 the biblioteca valid Juliana D point 9jY_nHkN3ME-00169-00040393-00040520 three eight in Rome from the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00170-00040521-00040818 ecclesiastical province of Ron's three 9jY_nHkN3ME-00171-00040819-00041016 more versions date from the 11th or 12th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00172-00041017-00041286 century in Gia's Class B eg 9jY_nHkN3ME-00173-00041287-00041553 boulogne-sur-mer bibliothèque municipal 9jY_nHkN3ME-00174-00041554-00042078 e 115 116 inches class see eg Montpelier 9jY_nHkN3ME-00175-00042079-00042294 bibliothèque de l'école des Medicine H 9jY_nHkN3ME-00176-00042295-00042543 point 3 a version mixing a 2 in the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00177-00042544-00042792 Clooney version eg Paris bibliothèque 9jY_nHkN3ME-00178-00042793-00043248 nationale a lot 5141 which manuscript 9jY_nHkN3ME-00179-00043249-00043422 class as the genuine forgery is 9jY_nHkN3ME-00180-00043423-00043662 difficult to determine the 9th century 9jY_nHkN3ME-00181-00043663-00043941 composition of a 1:8 be the Clooney 9jY_nHkN3ME-00182-00043942-00044139 version in a 2 may indicate that the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00183-00044140-00044337 forgers originally circulated their work 9jY_nHkN3ME-00184-00044338-00044526 in several different versions to evade 9jY_nHkN3ME-00185-00044527-00044832 detection topic editions topic efforts 9jY_nHkN3ME-00186-00044833-00044988 to publish the forgeries have been 9jY_nHkN3ME-00187-00044989-00045207 unsuccessful with the hispana Galica 9jY_nHkN3ME-00188-00045208-00045389 august ordinances never published 9jY_nHkN3ME-00189-00045390-00045609 although several editions of the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00190-00045610-00045855 capitularies benedikte levity exist 9jY_nHkN3ME-00191-00045856-00046056 the most recent monument at Germania 9jY_nHkN3ME-00192-00046057-00046452 historica leges folio 2 to 1831 is 9jY_nHkN3ME-00193-00046453-00046749 scholastically inferior to the 1677 9jY_nHkN3ME-00194-00046750-00047028 Etienne Baloo's Edition the false decree 9jY_nHkN3ME-00195-00047029-00047220 Dalls in the capitulo angle Remy had 9jY_nHkN3ME-00196-00047221-00047442 been published twice with the 1863 9jY_nHkN3ME-00197-00047443-00047652 edition by Paul Hinchey is criticized 9jY_nHkN3ME-00198-00047653-00047928 for his choice of manuscripts Hinchey 9jY_nHkN3ME-00199-00047929-00048096 assal so printed the genuine and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00200-00048097-00048297 interpolated parts of the collection by 9jY_nHkN3ME-00201-00048298-00048395 reprinting older 9jY_nHkN3ME-00202-00048396-00048638 versions of pseudo Isadora s genuine 9jY_nHkN3ME-00203-00048639-00048854 sources making that portion of his 9jY_nHkN3ME-00204-00048855-00049193 edition critically unusable historians 9jY_nHkN3ME-00205-00049194-00049607 must return to je Merlin s 1525 Edition 9jY_nHkN3ME-00206-00049608-00049799 based on a single 13th century 9jY_nHkN3ME-00207-00049800-00050085 manuscript and reprinted in volume 130 9jY_nHkN3ME-00208-00050086-00050276 of Jacques Paul Magnus patrol Ohio 9jY_nHkN3ME-00209-00050277-00050634 latina 9jY_nHkN3ME-00210-00050635-00051140 topic influence 9jY_nHkN3ME-00211-00051141-00051620 topic 4 150 to 200 years the forgeries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00212-00051621-00051860 were only moderately successful although 9jY_nHkN3ME-00213-00051861-00052108 a relatively large number of 9th or 10th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00214-00052109-00052366 century manuscripts has known about 100 9jY_nHkN3ME-00215-00052367-00052571 more or less complete manuscripts of the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00216-00052572-00052757 false decree Dalls dating from the 9th 9jY_nHkN3ME-00217-00052758-00052976 to the 16th century have been preserved 9jY_nHkN3ME-00218-00052977-00053167 the canonical collections took little 9jY_nHkN3ME-00219-00053169-00053354 notice of the false decree Dalls until 9jY_nHkN3ME-00220-00053354-00053633 the early 11th century during that 9jY_nHkN3ME-00221-00053634-00053842 century the situation changed rapidly 9jY_nHkN3ME-00222-00053844-00053996 under the impetus of the Gregorian 9jY_nHkN3ME-00223-00053997-00054255 reforms and the investiture controversy 9jY_nHkN3ME-00224-00054257-00054545 spurred by monastic reform movements and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00225-00054546-00054730 the efforts of some Holy Roman emperors 9jY_nHkN3ME-00226-00054732-00054929 a group of Cardinals in a series of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00227-00054929-00055094 popes strove to cleanse the Church of 9jY_nHkN3ME-00228-00055095-00055307 abuses and free the papacy from its 9jY_nHkN3ME-00229-00055308-00055502 imperial patronage which had recently 9jY_nHkN3ME-00230-00055503-00055664 freed it from the influence of Roman 9jY_nHkN3ME-00231-00055665-00055961 Nobles the Reformers efforts soon 9jY_nHkN3ME-00232-00055962-00056174 conflicted with temporal power the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00233-00056175-00056396 bishops of the Holy Roman Empire were 9jY_nHkN3ME-00234-00056397-00056720 crucial to the Emperor's power forming 9jY_nHkN3ME-00235-00056721-00056864 the backbone of their administrative 9jY_nHkN3ME-00236-00056865-00057130 structure this mingling of spiritual and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00237-00057132-00057329 temporal power was wrong according to 9jY_nHkN3ME-00238-00057329-00057527 the Reformers st. Peter had condemned 9jY_nHkN3ME-00239-00057528-00057860 Simon Magus de Simon of Simon II who 9jY_nHkN3ME-00240-00057861-00058166 tried to buy spiritual power the alleged 9jY_nHkN3ME-00241-00058166-00058358 letters allegedly from some of the most 9jY_nHkN3ME-00242-00058359-00058583 venerable Roman bishops demonstrated 9jY_nHkN3ME-00243-00058584-00058766 that the Emperor's practice contradicted 9jY_nHkN3ME-00244-00058766-00058966 the oldest traditions of the church 9jY_nHkN3ME-00245-00058966-00059213 collections of canon law rediscovered 9jY_nHkN3ME-00246-00059214-00059378 the false to cradles since some were 9jY_nHkN3ME-00247-00059379-00059645 largely extracts of the forgeries the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00248-00059646-00059852 texts were now used to increase scrutiny 9jY_nHkN3ME-00249-00059853-00060041 of the bishops making them dependent on 9jY_nHkN3ME-00250-00060041-00060335 the Pope this situation prevailed until 9jY_nHkN3ME-00251-00060336-00060596 around 11:40 when the jurist Gration 9jY_nHkN3ME-00252-00060597-00060794 published his Concordia discord antium 9jY_nHkN3ME-00253-00060795-00060986 canon 'm increasingly replacing the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00254-00060987-00061175 older collections and soon regarded as 9jY_nHkN3ME-00255-00061176-00061259 authoritative 9jY_nHkN3ME-00256-00061260-00061514 although Gration also indirectly used 9jY_nHkN3ME-00257-00061515-00061703 forged texts his work ended the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00258-00061704-00061886 immediate influence of the false decree 9jY_nHkN3ME-00259-00061887-00061925 Dalls 9jY_nHkN3ME-00260-00061926-00062150 the texts had become a basis for 9jY_nHkN3ME-00261-00062151-00062327 procedural law but the bishops 9jY_nHkN3ME-00262-00062328-00062534 independence was increasingly restricted 9jY_nHkN3ME-00263-00062535-00062798 by the Church of Rome during the Middle 9jY_nHkN3ME-00264-00062799-00063023 Ages few doubted the authenticity of the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00265-00063024-00063278 alleged papal letters this changed 9jY_nHkN3ME-00266-00063279-00063500 during the 15th century when humanists 9jY_nHkN3ME-00267-00063501-00063713 Latin scholars such as Cardinal Nicholas 9jY_nHkN3ME-00268-00063714-00063878 of kusa noticed bizarre anachronisms 9jY_nHkN3ME-00269-00063879-00064115 such as the claim that Clement the first 9jY_nHkN3ME-00270-00064116-00064289 had based the preeminence of local 9jY_nHkN3ME-00271-00064290-00064469 churches on the presence of pagan high 9jY_nHkN3ME-00272-00064470-00064555 priests 9jY_nHkN3ME-00273-00064557-00064819 during the sixteenth century Protestant 9jY_nHkN3ME-00274-00064820-00065039 ecclesiastical historians such as the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00275-00065040-00065240 century aters of Magdeburg the authors 9jY_nHkN3ME-00276-00065241-00065372 of the Magdeburg centuries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00277-00065373-00065597 systematically criticized the forgeries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00278-00065598-00065759 without yet recognizing them as an 9jY_nHkN3ME-00279-00065760-00066071 interconnected complex the final proof 9jY_nHkN3ME-00280-00066072-00066296 was provided by Calvinist preacher David 9jY_nHkN3ME-00281-00066297-00066476 Blondel who discovered that the popes 9jY_nHkN3ME-00282-00066477-00066638 from the early centuries quoted 9jY_nHkN3ME-00283-00066639-00066860 extensively from much later authors and 9jY_nHkN3ME-00284-00066861-00067067 published his findings pseudo isidorus 9jY_nHkN3ME-00285-00067068-00067354 at taureanas babylon days in 1628 9jY_nHkN3ME-00286-00067355-00067643 although Catholic theologians originally 9jY_nHkN3ME-00287-00067644-00067835 tried to defend the authenticity of at 9jY_nHkN3ME-00288-00067836-00068015 least some of the material since the 9jY_nHkN3ME-00289-00068016-00068267 19th century no serious theologian or 9jY_nHkN3ME-00290-00068268-00068784 historian has denied them as forgeries 9jY_nHkN3ME-00291-00068785-00069307 topic references 9jY_nHkN3ME-00292-00069308-00069700 topic 9jY_nHkN3ME-00293-00069701-00070218 topic further reading 9jY_nHkN3ME-00294-00070219-00070680 topic Firmin h 1972-73 9jY_nHkN3ME-00295-00070681-00070988 i'm flew in debriding der sudo isidori 9jY_nHkN3ME-00296-00070989-00071237 shin fall jeonghan schriften der 9jY_nHkN3ME-00297-00071238-00071585 monument to Germania historic at 24 ie 9jY_nHkN3ME-00298-00071586-00072176 Fournier P lebra's G 1931-32 histoire 9jY_nHkN3ME-00299-00072177-00072386 des collections Canon eeks and oxidant 9jY_nHkN3ME-00300-00072387-00072968 volumes I to salt al 1909 false decree 9jY_nHkN3ME-00301-00072969-00073230 dolls the Catholic Encyclopedia 9jY_nHkN3ME-00302-00073231-00073501 New York Robert Appleton company 9jY_nHkN3ME-00303-00073502-00073862 buddhini on a goosed 1911 decree dolls 9jY_nHkN3ME-00304-00073863-00074259 in Chisholm Hugh Encyclopedia Britannica 9jY_nHkN3ME-00305-00074260-00074588 seven 11th ed Cambridge University Press 9jY_nHkN3ME-00306-00074589-00075218 pp 915 to 917 9jY_nHkN3ME-00307-00075219-00075762 topic external links 9jY_nHkN3ME-00308-00075763-00076199 topic project pseudo acid or older 9jY_nHkN3ME-00309-00076200-00076406 online edition in progress of the fall 9jY_nHkN3ME-00310-00076407-00076641 stick riedel's now discontinued monument 9jY_nHkN3ME-00311-00076642-00076911 a Germania histórica in german in latin 9jY_nHkN3ME-00312-00076912-00077231 the false capitularies of Benedictus la 9jY_nHkN3ME-00313-00077232-00077474 vita monument a Germania historica in 9jY_nHkN3ME-00314-00077475-00077892 german in latin opera omnia by mig me 9jY_nHkN3ME-00315-00077893-00078105 patrol Ohia latina with analytical 9jY_nHkN3ME-00316-00078106-00078476 indexes in latin pseudo Isidore an 9jY_nHkN3ME-00317-00078477-00078678 edition in progress of the false decree 9jY_nHkN3ME-00318-00078679-00078900 dolls