A4WlRrUDbYo-00000-00000000-00000428 we're going to be okay well let's talk a A4WlRrUDbYo-00001-00000429-00000614 little bit about Earth's atmosphere here A4WlRrUDbYo-00002-00000615-00000877 we're viewing earth from outer space and A4WlRrUDbYo-00003-00000877-00001199 we can see there's this faint blue shell A4WlRrUDbYo-00004-00001200-00001504 encasing the planet and that faint blue A4WlRrUDbYo-00005-00001505-00001852 shell is indeed Earth's atmosphere so A4WlRrUDbYo-00006-00001853-00002258 this gives us a sense of how relatively A4WlRrUDbYo-00007-00002259-00002612 thin Earth's atmosphere actually is as A4WlRrUDbYo-00008-00002613-00003158 it turns out the lower 80 kilometers so A4WlRrUDbYo-00009-00003159-00003506 is the first 80 kilometers above the A4WlRrUDbYo-00010-00003507-00003908 Earth's surface contains just about 99% A4WlRrUDbYo-00011-00003909-00004160 of the atmosphere so the atmosphere A4WlRrUDbYo-00012-00004161-00004340 really is this thin blue shell around A4WlRrUDbYo-00013-00004341-00004709 the earth now we can further decompose A4WlRrUDbYo-00014-00004710-00004991 the atmosphere into various layers the A4WlRrUDbYo-00015-00004992-00005186 lowest of these layers is what we call A4WlRrUDbYo-00016-00005187-00005443 the troposphere depending on the A4WlRrUDbYo-00017-00005444-00005624 latitude it's somewhere between the A4WlRrUDbYo-00018-00005625-00006154 first 10 and 14 kilometers and it's the A4WlRrUDbYo-00019-00006155-00006617 area of the atmosphere within which we A4WlRrUDbYo-00020-00006618-00007013 reside with when within which most of A4WlRrUDbYo-00021-00007014-00007295 Earth's surface resides in fact all of A4WlRrUDbYo-00022-00007295-00007459 Earth's surface even the tallest A4WlRrUDbYo-00023-00007461-00007909 mountains it's also the layer within A4WlRrUDbYo-00024-00007911-00008453 which weather takes place now this plot A4WlRrUDbYo-00025-00008454-00008699 here shows temperature as a function of A4WlRrUDbYo-00026-00008700-00008951 altitude and we can see that within the A4WlRrUDbYo-00027-00008952-00009164 troposphere temperatures decrease it A4WlRrUDbYo-00028-00009165-00009310 turns out they decrease at about a rate A4WlRrUDbYo-00029-00009311-00009566 at a rate of about 6 and a half degrees A4WlRrUDbYo-00030-00009567-00009992 Celsius per kilometer and they continue A4WlRrUDbYo-00031-00009993-00010220 to do so until we reach this boundary A4WlRrUDbYo-00032-00010221-00010466 here between the troposphere and the A4WlRrUDbYo-00033-00010467-00010706 next layer up the stratosphere where A4WlRrUDbYo-00034-00010707-00010906 that temperature trend reverses and A4WlRrUDbYo-00035-00010907-00011089 temperatures in fact start to increase A4WlRrUDbYo-00036-00011090-00011309 as we go up further in the atmosphere A4WlRrUDbYo-00037-00011310-00011534 the boundary between these two layers is A4WlRrUDbYo-00038-00011535-00011749 what we call the tropopause now why do A4WlRrUDbYo-00039-00011750-00011974 temperatures increase as we get into the A4WlRrUDbYo-00040-00011975-00012278 stratosphere well it has to do with the A4WlRrUDbYo-00041-00012279-00012655 chemistry of the atmosphere and in fact A4WlRrUDbYo-00042-00012656-00013027 the existence of ozone within the A4WlRrUDbYo-00043-00013028-00013282 stratosphere it's the photo A4WlRrUDbYo-00044-00013283-00013534 dissociation of ozone by solar radiation A4WlRrUDbYo-00045-00013535-00013903 and the heat given off during that A4WlRrUDbYo-00046-00013904-00014155 photodissociation process that actually A4WlRrUDbYo-00047-00014156-00014371 heats the stratosphere and leads to the A4WlRrUDbYo-00048-00014372-00014596 increasing temperatures as we go up in A4WlRrUDbYo-00049-00014597-00014851 the atmosphere now primarily in this A4WlRrUDbYo-00050-00014852-00015100 course we are going to focus on the A4WlRrUDbYo-00051-00015101-00015352 troposphere and to some extent the A4WlRrUDbYo-00052-00015353-00015574 stratosphere those are the main parts of A4WlRrUDbYo-00053-00015575-00015727 the atmosphere that we're going to be A4WlRrUDbYo-00054-00015728-00016003 interested in A5_jHifzmac-00000-00000006-00000269 Lord Angus that our leaf and era A5_jHifzmac-00001-00000270-00000590 listeners and I shall you tell by old A5_jHifzmac-00002-00000591-00000890 days what a wenches where among our A5_jHifzmac-00003-00000891-00001223 elders that befell in Arthur dais that A5_jHifzmac-00004-00001224-00001487 noble King befell the wenches fairly A5_jHifzmac-00005-00001488-00001798 fella and I shall tell of their ending A5_jHifzmac-00006-00001800-00002071 that Michael Worcester of woe and Weller A5_jHifzmac-00007-00002072-00002384 the knights of the table round of the A5_jHifzmac-00008-00002385-00002584 sangryeol when they had sought a A5_jHifzmac-00009-00002585-00002941 winter's day before them found finish it A5_jHifzmac-00010-00002942-00003359 and to end abroad that is the stanza A5_jHifzmac-00011-00003360-00003743 morte art or written about the year 1400 A5_jHifzmac-00012-00003744-00004010 and you may not have understood every A5_jHifzmac-00013-00004011-00004274 word of the introduction to the poem but A5_jHifzmac-00014-00004275-00004397 you probably know exactly what I'm A5_jHifzmac-00015-00004398-00004592 talking about one of the most common A5_jHifzmac-00016-00004593-00004808 story traditions in Western culture is A5_jHifzmac-00017-00004809-00005038 the matter of Britain or the stories of A5_jHifzmac-00018-00005039-00005272 King Arthur I'd be willing to bet that A5_jHifzmac-00019-00005273-00005597 before you ever read anything about King A5_jHifzmac-00020-00005598-00005770 Arthur any actual our theory and A5_jHifzmac-00021-00005771-00005986 literature you've probably seen several A5_jHifzmac-00022-00005987-00006184 movies and TV shows that are set in A5_jHifzmac-00023-00006185-00006425 Camelot and have the same familiar A5_jHifzmac-00024-00006426-00006767 figures that lead us to expect we know A5_jHifzmac-00025-00006768-00006905 what's going to happen whenever we go to A5_jHifzmac-00026-00006906-00007106 see a new reiteration a new version of A5_jHifzmac-00027-00007106-00007306 an Arthurian story and maybe it's A5_jHifzmac-00028-00007308-00007541 precisely because there are so many King A5_jHifzmac-00029-00007542-00007717 Arthur stories movies television and A5_jHifzmac-00030-00007718-00007820 that sort of thing A5_jHifzmac-00031-00007820-00008196 every new iteration seems to have to A5_jHifzmac-00032-00008197-00008449 tell us that it is the original one it A5_jHifzmac-00033-00008450-00008657 is the best one it has to compete with A5_jHifzmac-00034-00008658-00008783 all the other ones that we've ever seen A5_jHifzmac-00035-00008784-00008987 and that has led to some rather A5_jHifzmac-00036-00008988-00009266 embarrassing claims the most recent A5_jHifzmac-00037-00009267-00009467 version as of this recording was the A5_jHifzmac-00038-00009468-00009698 Charlie Hunnam version directed by Guy A5_jHifzmac-00039-00009699-00009971 Ritchie and among other things in their A5_jHifzmac-00040-00009972-00010166 advertisements they have posters that A5_jHifzmac-00041-00010167-00010376 say do you really know the legend well A5_jHifzmac-00042-00010377-00010481 if you've seen the movie you see A5_jHifzmac-00043-00010482-00010652 something completely new that is not A5_jHifzmac-00044-00010653-00010877 that barely resembles anything that has A5_jHifzmac-00045-00010878-00010999 ever been part of the legend before A5_jHifzmac-00046-00011000-00011258 which is fine for Hollywood but they A5_jHifzmac-00047-00011259-00011477 seem to need to say well this is the A5_jHifzmac-00048-00011478-00011648 authentic one even though it's different A5_jHifzmac-00049-00011649-00011855 than all the rest a movie that tried A5_jHifzmac-00050-00011856-00012031 even more emphatically to say it was the A5_jHifzmac-00051-00012032-00012320 real version was the 2004 movie with A5_jHifzmac-00052-00012321-00012617 Clive Owen playing King Arthur now I did A5_jHifzmac-00053-00012618-00012796 a poster promise that this is the untold A5_jHifzmac-00054-00012797-00013043 true story that inspired the legend but A5_jHifzmac-00055-00013044-00013247 in the introduction they have a whole A5_jHifzmac-00056-00013247-00013326 sort of pseudo A5_jHifzmac-00057-00013327-00013694 historical account of how a guy named A5_jHifzmac-00058-00013696-00013962 Lucia Sartorius castus could have lived A5_jHifzmac-00059-00013963-00014193 300 years after the historical Lucia A5_jHifzmac-00060-00014194-00014418 Sartorius cast us and brought all the A5_jHifzmac-00061-00014419-00014622 celtic knights of the round table from A5_jHifzmac-00062-00014622-00014847 Sarmatian which is on the north coast of A5_jHifzmac-00063-00014847-00015116 the Black Sea all the way to Roman A5_jHifzmac-00064-00015118-00015411 Britain this sort of quasi historical A5_jHifzmac-00065-00015412-00015606 account might seem more impressive than A5_jHifzmac-00066-00015607-00015894 say transformers first night which has A5_jHifzmac-00067-00015894-00016182 the Transformers back in medieval A5_jHifzmac-00068-00016183-00016401 England but it's really not A5_jHifzmac-00069-00016402-00016635 Lucia Sartorius castis is about as A5_jHifzmac-00070-00016636-00016848 likely as Optimus Prime to have been one A5_jHifzmac-00071-00016849-00017058 of the knights of the round table now A5_jHifzmac-00072-00017059-00017250 some people will say well nobody wants a A5_jHifzmac-00073-00017251-00017475 history lesson in a movie we don't want A5_jHifzmac-00074-00017476-00017808 a scholar literature history writing a A5_jHifzmac-00075-00017809-00018042 King Arthur movie and actually there is A5_jHifzmac-00076-00018043-00018276 one out there that was the screenplay A5_jHifzmac-00077-00018277-00018387 was co-written and the movie was A5_jHifzmac-00078-00018388-00018699 co-directed by a scholar and medieval A5_jHifzmac-00079-00018700-00019041 historian named Terry Jones now if Terry A5_jHifzmac-00080-00019042-00019173 Jones doesn't sound familiar to you if A5_jHifzmac-00081-00019174-00019356 he doesn't look familiar here you may A5_jHifzmac-00082-00019357-00019548 have seen him in the movie he directed A5_jHifzmac-00083-00019549-00019800 and wrote that was money pythons quest A5_jHifzmac-00084-00019801-00019863 for the Holy Grail A5_jHifzmac-00085-00019864-00020214 a spoof made for fun but still one of A5_jHifzmac-00086-00020215-00020400 the ones with the most Easter eggs for A5_jHifzmac-00087-00020401-00020553 people who know our theory and A5_jHifzmac-00088-00020554-00020802 literature so does that mean that Monty A5_jHifzmac-00089-00020803-00020931 Python and the quest for the Holy Grail A5_jHifzmac-00090-00020932-00021249 is the real thing is the most accurate A5_jHifzmac-00091-00021250-00021534 version well no but it gets points for A5_jHifzmac-00092-00021535-00021747 not taking itself so seriously it is an A5_jHifzmac-00093-00021748-00021972 iteration and it is its own iteration A5_jHifzmac-00094-00021973-00022167 but it's not the real thing A5_jHifzmac-00095-00022168-00022560 the original story the text neither are A5_jHifzmac-00096-00022561-00022758 any of the others whether it's Clive A5_jHifzmac-00097-00022759-00022982 Owen pseudo historical King Arthur or A5_jHifzmac-00098-00022983-00023226 transformers in Camelot these are all A5_jHifzmac-00099-00023227-00023444 iterations the Arthurian mythology is A5_jHifzmac-00100-00023445-00023640 multiform all the different versions of A5_jHifzmac-00101-00023641-00023835 the story are part of that multiform A5_jHifzmac-00102-00023836-00024057 that myth and that's what makes our A5_jHifzmac-00103-00024058-00024240 theory and literature such a great A5_jHifzmac-00104-00024241-00024408 example of the types of things we're A5_jHifzmac-00105-00024409-00024498 learning in this class about how A5_jHifzmac-00106-00024499-00024792 narratives work how stories change A5_jHifzmac-00107-00024793-00024975 through the narratives that convey them A5_jHifzmac-00108-00024976-00025299 and transport them across time and this A5_jHifzmac-00109-00025300-00025578 is a story that people want to trace A5_jHifzmac-00110-00025579-00025752 back and see how far back they can go A5_jHifzmac-00111-00025752-00026009 see what everything is based on was A5_jHifzmac-00112-00026010-00026292 there a real historical King Arthur but A5_jHifzmac-00113-00026293-00026477 to even ask that question we've got to A5_jHifzmac-00114-00026479-00026639 ask first what do we mean A5_jHifzmac-00115-00026641-00026922 by king arthur and what do we mean by A5_jHifzmac-00116-00026923-00027239 history so because these stories have A5_jHifzmac-00117-00027241-00027464 their origin in the Celtic prehistory A5_jHifzmac-00118-00027466-00027762 let's refresh our memory from the past A5_jHifzmac-00119-00027763-00028035 lecture on barbarian Europe the the A5_jHifzmac-00120-00028036-00028352 Celts occupied most of continental A5_jHifzmac-00121-00028354-00028632 Europe they were just limited to Britain A5_jHifzmac-00122-00028633-00028952 Scotland and Ireland they were in Iberia A5_jHifzmac-00123-00028954-00029108 modern-day Spain they were all over A5_jHifzmac-00124-00029110-00029385 France parts of modern-day Germany and A5_jHifzmac-00125-00029386-00029679 Switzerland and even northern Italy in A5_jHifzmac-00126-00029680-00029883 fact Celtic cultures followed the Danube A5_jHifzmac-00127-00029883-00030150 River all the way to the Black Sea these A5_jHifzmac-00128-00030151-00030381 cultures however were latinized after A5_jHifzmac-00129-00030382-00030570 starting with Julius Caesar the Romans A5_jHifzmac-00130-00030570-00030876 began to conquer Celtic regions A5_jHifzmac-00131-00030877-00031158 especially in Gaul and hispania in later A5_jHifzmac-00132-00031158-00031385 centuries the Romans occupied Britain A5_jHifzmac-00133-00031386-00031623 pushed their way north to the southern A5_jHifzmac-00134-00031624-00031731 border of Scotland where they built A5_jHifzmac-00135-00031732-00032027 Hadrian's Wall Boadicea the queen of the A5_jHifzmac-00136-00032029-00032258 icy knee tried to lead a revolt and did A5_jHifzmac-00137-00032260-00032391 a lot of damage to the Romans but A5_jHifzmac-00138-00032392-00032627 ultimately she was defeated and the A5_jHifzmac-00139-00032629-00033024 Romans pursued the Celtic leadership A5_jHifzmac-00140-00033025-00033204 which were the Druids all the way to the A5_jHifzmac-00141-00033205-00033408 island of Anglesey in the the northern A5_jHifzmac-00142-00033409-00033633 tip of Wales in an attempt to not just A5_jHifzmac-00143-00033634-00033897 crush the Celts resistance but to crush A5_jHifzmac-00144-00033898-00034044 their sort of cultural identity of A5_jHifzmac-00145-00034045-00034251 course they didn't completely wipe out A5_jHifzmac-00146-00034252-00034545 this cultural identity they even once A5_jHifzmac-00147-00034546-00034953 Gaul and hispania and Celtic birria and A5_jHifzmac-00148-00034954-00035196 even sis Alpine Gaul which is northern A5_jHifzmac-00149-00035197-00035460 Italy but especially Britain and Wales A5_jHifzmac-00150-00035461-00035685 once they were taken over by the Romans A5_jHifzmac-00151-00035686-00035940 they didn't stop being Celtic they sort A5_jHifzmac-00152-00035941-00036233 of adapted and adopted a lot of Roman A5_jHifzmac-00153-00036234-00036654 customs and technology and culture but A5_jHifzmac-00154-00036655-00036969 they combined that with a previously A5_jHifzmac-00155-00036970-00037182 existing culture so we're gonna be A5_jHifzmac-00156-00037183-00037440 looking at this area the islands of A5_jHifzmac-00157-00037441-00037683 Britain and Ireland but also on A5_jHifzmac-00158-00037684-00037911 northwestern France which the Romans A5_jHifzmac-00159-00037912-00038247 called Gaul and remember that after the A5_jHifzmac-00160-00038248-00038465 defeat of Rome Angles and Saxons started A5_jHifzmac-00161-00038466-00038865 coming from angle and Saxon Eve the sort A5_jHifzmac-00162-00038866-00039036 of base of the modern peninsula of A5_jHifzmac-00163-00039037-00039195 Denmark and the northernmost parts of A5_jHifzmac-00164-00039196-00039387 Germany they started invading the island A5_jHifzmac-00165-00039388-00039752 of Britain it's at this time that some A5_jHifzmac-00166-00039753-00039970 of the Britons the people who live A5_jHifzmac-00167-00039971-00040132 on the island of Britain before the A5_jHifzmac-00168-00040133-00040440 anglo-saxons of the English the Britons A5_jHifzmac-00169-00040441-00040732 started to flee not all of them but a A5_jHifzmac-00170-00040733-00040954 few started to flee across the English A5_jHifzmac-00171-00040955-00041179 Channel to the peninsula of Brittany A5_jHifzmac-00172-00041180-00041404 marked on the map here this westernmost A5_jHifzmac-00173-00041405-00041577 Peninsula of France A5_jHifzmac-00174-00041578-00041836 that's where its current name Brittany A5_jHifzmac-00175-00041837-00042040 comes from and these people going to be A5_jHifzmac-00176-00042041-00042364 called the brittle be our eto n starting A5_jHifzmac-00177-00042365-00042646 around the year 450 as the anglo-saxons A5_jHifzmac-00178-00042647-00042846 spread across especially southern A5_jHifzmac-00179-00042847-00043218 Britain and this is where the from A5_jHifzmac-00180-00043219-00043471 echoes of Arthur began with the celtic A5_jHifzmac-00181-00043472-00043662 resistance the sort of post Roman A5_jHifzmac-00182-00043663-00044093 resistance to the invading anglo-saxons A5_jHifzmac-00183-00044094-00044346 especially the Battle of Baden around A5_jHifzmac-00184-00044347-00044545 the Year 500 which I'll come back to A5_jHifzmac-00185-00044546-00044737 but the Angles and Saxons brought with A5_jHifzmac-00186-00044738-00044935 them Old English the origins of the A5_jHifzmac-00187-00044936-00045193 modern day English language meanwhile on A5_jHifzmac-00188-00045194-00045286 the continent A5_jHifzmac-00189-00045287-00045532 shortly after this the German Franks A5_jHifzmac-00190-00045533-00045757 push West and keep in mind the Franks A5_jHifzmac-00191-00045758-00045933 where we get the words France and French A5_jHifzmac-00192-00045934-00046192 even though French is a Romance language A5_jHifzmac-00193-00046193-00046546 its origin is in Latin the Franks A5_jHifzmac-00194-00046547-00046770 themselves were a Germanic tribe and A5_jHifzmac-00195-00046771-00047283 they moved into to Gaul they took over A5_jHifzmac-00196-00047284-00047487 the the Latin language and they A5_jHifzmac-00197-00047488-00047677 established the Frankish Empire which is A5_jHifzmac-00198-00047678-00047958 going to be very influential on British A5_jHifzmac-00199-00047959-00048393 culture but here too there is a Latin A5_jHifzmac-00200-00048394-00048601 culture in Gaul that's being sort of A5_jHifzmac-00201-00048602-00048880 combined with the Germanic Frankish A5_jHifzmac-00202-00048881-00049156 culture but even beneath that is that a A5_jHifzmac-00203-00049157-00049396 still existing layer of Celtic influence A5_jHifzmac-00204-00049397-00049674 so the Gauls were Celts who were taken A5_jHifzmac-00205-00049675-00049812 over by the Romans and then by the A5_jHifzmac-00206-00049813-00050089 Franks a few centuries later these A5_jHifzmac-00207-00050090-00050346 Franks especially the Normans who were A5_jHifzmac-00208-00050347-00050599 even more Germanic branch of the A5_jHifzmac-00209-00050600-00050821 Frankish Empire because they were A5_jHifzmac-00210-00050822-00051027 settled by Rolo or off the Ganga and A5_jHifzmac-00211-00051028-00051408 have blood ties to the anglo-saxon A5_jHifzmac-00212-00051409-00051705 ruling dynasty of England and William A5_jHifzmac-00213-00051707-00051906 the Conqueror crosses the English A5_jHifzmac-00214-00051907-00052194 Channel and and feeds King Harold at the A5_jHifzmac-00215-00052195-00052453 Battle of Hastings and the Normans bring A5_jHifzmac-00216-00052454-00052636 with them the French language a sort of A5_jHifzmac-00217-00052637-00052794 Germanna fide French language which is A5_jHifzmac-00218-00052795-00053050 overlaid on the anglo-saxon Old English A5_jHifzmac-00219-00053051-00053251 so at this point we have several layers A5_jHifzmac-00220-00053252-00053331 of culture A5_jHifzmac-00221-00053332-00053493 their cultures combined with other A5_jHifzmac-00222-00053494-00053746 cultures so I'm going to be using words A5_jHifzmac-00223-00053747-00053955 French in English to describe people in A5_jHifzmac-00224-00053956-00054115 the later Middle Ages after all this A5_jHifzmac-00225-00054116-00054429 happened after 1066 but I'm going to be A5_jHifzmac-00226-00054430-00054693 referring to Britons and Breton and I'm A5_jHifzmac-00227-00054694-00054940 gonna try to accentuate the the A5_jHifzmac-00228-00054941-00055143 difference between those two words but A5_jHifzmac-00229-00055144-00055435 the Breton are the residents of Brittany A5_jHifzmac-00230-00055436-00055776 that is the westernmost tip of France A5_jHifzmac-00231-00055777-00056028 and the people who settled there of A5_jHifzmac-00232-00056029-00056280 course had distant galactic before the A5_jHifzmac-00233-00056281-00056637 Romans occupied France but they also A5_jHifzmac-00234-00056638-00056916 were settled by people fleeing from A5_jHifzmac-00235-00056917-00057204 Britain the island of Britain fleeing A5_jHifzmac-00236-00057205-00057576 the angle and Saxon invasions so there A5_jHifzmac-00237-00057577-00057762 was this very Celtic group of people who A5_jHifzmac-00238-00057763-00057928 came from the island of Britain to A5_jHifzmac-00239-00057929-00058147 settle in Brittany this peninsula of A5_jHifzmac-00240-00058148-00058471 France and Brittany is the peninsula of A5_jHifzmac-00241-00058472-00058735 France Britain is the island the Breton A5_jHifzmac-00242-00058736-00058897 are the people who live in Brittany the A5_jHifzmac-00243-00058898-00059150 Britons are the pre English Celtic A5_jHifzmac-00244-00059151-00059422 native residents of the island of A5_jHifzmac-00245-00059423-00059619 Britain and when I refer to England A5_jHifzmac-00246-00059620-00059763 geographically that is the same as A5_jHifzmac-00247-00059764-00060006 Britain at least southern Britain but A5_jHifzmac-00248-00060007-00060184 when I use the word England I'm only A5_jHifzmac-00249-00060185-00060390 going to be using that to refer to that A5_jHifzmac-00250-00060391-00060636 geographic area after the anglo-saxon A5_jHifzmac-00251-00060637-00060879 invasions there's also Wales which is A5_jHifzmac-00252-00060880-00061110 kind of a tricky term because the word A5_jHifzmac-00253-00061111-00061372 Wales in the word Welsh is actually an A5_jHifzmac-00254-00061373-00061578 old English word that means foreigners A5_jHifzmac-00255-00061579-00061725 so these are the native people being A5_jHifzmac-00256-00061726-00061848 described as foreigners on their own A5_jHifzmac-00257-00061849-00062073 land by the invading English accents A5_jHifzmac-00258-00062074-00062247 however I'm going to use that term a lot A5_jHifzmac-00259-00062248-00062457 because the literature that we're A5_jHifzmac-00260-00062458-00062640 looking at is being written much later A5_jHifzmac-00261-00062641-00062835 after the anglo-saxons have been there A5_jHifzmac-00262-00062836-00063057 for centuries and then they're defeated A5_jHifzmac-00263-00063058-00063419 by the the Norman French so welsh and A5_jHifzmac-00264-00063420-00063744 britain bri t o n or describing A5_jHifzmac-00265-00063745-00063969 basically the same people make a note of A5_jHifzmac-00266-00063970-00064092 that because it might get confusing A5_jHifzmac-00267-00064093-00064285 otherwise now another series of A5_jHifzmac-00268-00064286-00064410 historical events that are going to be A5_jHifzmac-00269-00064411-00064684 important are the crusades starting in A5_jHifzmac-00270-00064685-00064863 around the Year 1100 just a little A5_jHifzmac-00271-00064864-00064996 before we have the beginning of the A5_jHifzmac-00272-00064997-00065325 First Crusade where these Christian A5_jHifzmac-00273-00065326-00065596 Europeans invade the the Holy Land A5_jHifzmac-00274-00065597-00065865 Palestine modern-day Israel at first A5_jHifzmac-00275-00065866-00065982 they're trying to retake areas of the A5_jHifzmac-00276-00065983-00066186 Byzantine Empire that the Seljuk Turks A5_jHifzmac-00277-00066187-00066567 have taken over but their ultimate goal A5_jHifzmac-00278-00066568-00066724 is to take the city of Jerusalem A5_jHifzmac-00279-00066725-00066847 and they do take just the city of A5_jHifzmac-00280-00066848-00067048 Jerusalem quite by accident they sort of A5_jHifzmac-00281-00067049-00067222 had the element of surprise for a very A5_jHifzmac-00282-00067223-00067426 short time there but the people who are A5_jHifzmac-00283-00067427-00067648 mostly going on crusade from Europe are A5_jHifzmac-00284-00067649-00067927 Franks they are people from modern-day A5_jHifzmac-00285-00067928-00068128 France and as they return they're A5_jHifzmac-00286-00068129-00068299 bringing stories of the Holy Land and A5_jHifzmac-00287-00068300-00068446 these stories going to be very A5_jHifzmac-00288-00068447-00068710 influential on later our theory and A5_jHifzmac-00289-00068711-00068920 literature and this new sort of idea of A5_jHifzmac-00290-00068921-00069199 the world that includes Turks and Islam A5_jHifzmac-00291-00069200-00069516 and Knights going from Europe to A5_jHifzmac-00292-00069517-00069751 Palestine all of this is going to make A5_jHifzmac-00293-00069752-00070053 its way back into literature about A5_jHifzmac-00294-00070054-00070366 Arthurian Celtic Britons at a time A5_jHifzmac-00295-00070367-00070642 before the creation of Islam and long A5_jHifzmac-00296-00070643-00070834 before the Crusades these sort of A5_jHifzmac-00297-00070835-00071044 anachronistic elements are going to make A5_jHifzmac-00298-00071045-00071173 their way into our theory and literature A5_jHifzmac-00299-00071174-00071422 for example Sir Thomas Malory's little A5_jHifzmac-00300-00071423-00071689 more dark tour ends by saying that four A5_jHifzmac-00301-00071690-00071953 of King Arthur's knights after the the A5_jHifzmac-00302-00071954-00072190 fall of Arthur's Kingdom these four A5_jHifzmac-00303-00072191-00072385 knights go on crusade to fight the Turks A5_jHifzmac-00304-00072386-00072550 well the thing is the Turks hadn't A5_jHifzmac-00305-00072551-00072778 invaded yet so that's anachronistic it's A5_jHifzmac-00306-00072779-00073060 historically impossible and I mentioned A5_jHifzmac-00307-00073061-00073225 Sir Thomas Malory's L'Amour dart or A5_jHifzmac-00308-00073226-00073474 because it's a very influential text in A5_jHifzmac-00309-00073475-00073711 fact it's the one that has probably the A5_jHifzmac-00310-00073712-00073909 most influence on all our theory and A5_jHifzmac-00311-00073910-00074065 literature after this and it's one of A5_jHifzmac-00312-00074066-00074296 the first texts ever printed at least A5_jHifzmac-00313-00074297-00074530 ever printed in England William Caxton A5_jHifzmac-00314-00074531-00074752 brings Johan Gutenberg's printing press A5_jHifzmac-00315-00074753-00075109 to England in the 1400s and after A5_jHifzmac-00316-00075110-00075232 printing the Bible and a few other A5_jHifzmac-00317-00075233-00075403 smaller works he prints Sir Thomas A5_jHifzmac-00318-00075404-00075595 Malory's a little more dart or and A5_jHifzmac-00319-00075596-00075754 before this every text that was written A5_jHifzmac-00320-00075755-00075985 had to be copied by hand so they're not A5_jHifzmac-00321-00075986-00076213 a lot of libraries around not a lot of A5_jHifzmac-00322-00076214-00076447 copies of a single work of literature A5_jHifzmac-00323-00076448-00076663 are gonna be able to be made but once A5_jHifzmac-00324-00076664-00077035 the printing press is printing copies of A5_jHifzmac-00325-00077036-00077307 a work of literature the reproduction is A5_jHifzmac-00326-00077308-00077461 going to explode it's going to you know A5_jHifzmac-00327-00077462-00077677 go viral in modern terms and that's A5_jHifzmac-00328-00077678-00077836 exactly what happened with l'amore dart A5_jHifzmac-00329-00077837-00078091 or but I want to clear up the whole A5_jHifzmac-00330-00078092-00078469 language transition history here keep in A5_jHifzmac-00331-00078470-00078646 mind on the island of Britain first we A5_jHifzmac-00332-00078647-00078799 have these Celtic languages that's like A5_jHifzmac-00333-00078800-00078931 Gaelic and Welsh A5_jHifzmac-00334-00078932-00079213 what we today call Welsh as well as some A5_jHifzmac-00335-00079214-00079438 brittonic languages that no longer exist A5_jHifzmac-00336-00079439-00079621 as well as old brittle that is the A5_jHifzmac-00337-00079622-00079765 language that's going to be spoken in A5_jHifzmac-00338-00079766-00079957 that Peninsula or France called Brittany A5_jHifzmac-00339-00079958-00080057 then A5_jHifzmac-00340-00080058-00080249 the invading anglo-saxons spread Old A5_jHifzmac-00341-00080250-00080441 English like the poem Beowulf is written A5_jHifzmac-00342-00080442-00080729 in after 1066 when the Normans invade A5_jHifzmac-00343-00080730-00080882 their gonna be bringing Norman French A5_jHifzmac-00344-00080883-00081119 and Old English will still be spoken but A5_jHifzmac-00345-00081120-00081338 the upper class the aristocracy is going A5_jHifzmac-00346-00081339-00081479 to be speaking and reading in Norman A5_jHifzmac-00347-00081480-00081719 French which means that people writing A5_jHifzmac-00348-00081720-00081854 are mostly going to be writing for the A5_jHifzmac-00349-00081855-00081988 aristocracy so they're going to switch A5_jHifzmac-00350-00081989-00082136 from writing in English like in Beowulf A5_jHifzmac-00351-00082137-00082259 and they're gonna start writing in A5_jHifzmac-00352-00082260-00082424 French now that's going to change around A5_jHifzmac-00353-00082425-00082775 14-hundred when Chaucer writes in Middle A5_jHifzmac-00354-00082776-00083030 English the language of the common A5_jHifzmac-00355-00083031-00083234 people of the stands a morte orator and A5_jHifzmac-00356-00083235-00083375 several other are three works at this A5_jHifzmac-00357-00083376-00083494 time are written in that language and A5_jHifzmac-00358-00083495-00083735 finally Thomas Malory's Lord our tours A5_jHifzmac-00359-00083736-00083929 going to be written in Middle English or A5_jHifzmac-00360-00083930-00084197 early early modern English but of course A5_jHifzmac-00361-00084198-00084434 literature isn't the only way to tell a A5_jHifzmac-00362-00084435-00084734 story there also as there have been in A5_jHifzmac-00363-00084735-00084931 the sort of prehistory of all the texts A5_jHifzmac-00364-00084932-00085115 we've read in this class there are oral A5_jHifzmac-00365-00085116-00085369 storytellers usually singers people who A5_jHifzmac-00366-00085370-00085610 go from place to place and sing a story A5_jHifzmac-00367-00085611-00086009 a ballad an epic about heroes and and A5_jHifzmac-00368-00086010-00086129 other characters that are familiar to A5_jHifzmac-00369-00086130-00086488 their audience but they carry the story A5_jHifzmac-00370-00086489-00086717 told a certain way remembered through A5_jHifzmac-00371-00086718-00086879 song the way we can remember saw much A5_jHifzmac-00372-00086880-00086998 more easily than we can usually remember A5_jHifzmac-00373-00086999-00087331 texts and in the french-speaking areas A5_jHifzmac-00374-00087332-00087532 and in the sort of Celtic areas that A5_jHifzmac-00375-00087533-00087674 become French speaking in A5_jHifzmac-00376-00087675-00087875 english-speaking areas we could refer to A5_jHifzmac-00377-00087876-00088057 these people as troubadours these are A5_jHifzmac-00378-00088058-00088337 bards in English or scalds in Old Norse A5_jHifzmac-00379-00088338-00088576 shopes and Old English but the A5_jHifzmac-00380-00088577-00088879 troubadours the brittonic and later A5_jHifzmac-00381-00088880-00089156 french-speaking singers are frequently A5_jHifzmac-00382-00089157-00089387 telling stories of King Arthur as well A5_jHifzmac-00383-00089388-00089606 as other very ancient stories about A5_jHifzmac-00384-00089607-00089918 people who were not connected to King A5_jHifzmac-00385-00089919-00090119 Arthur but who would become connected A5_jHifzmac-00386-00090120-00090293 because that's kind of the way stories A5_jHifzmac-00387-00090294-00090575 work narratives look to try to weave A5_jHifzmac-00388-00090576-00090793 together not just the different elements A5_jHifzmac-00389-00090794-00091040 of one story but elements of other A5_jHifzmac-00390-00091041-00091235 stories that are very popular for A5_jHifzmac-00391-00091236-00091472 example there's a Celtic hero named A5_jHifzmac-00392-00091473-00091643 Tristan and we have a lot of early A5_jHifzmac-00393-00091644-00091922 narratives about Tristan and his love A5_jHifzmac-00394-00091923-00092204 for a woman name is sowed who is married A5_jHifzmac-00395-00092205-00092567 to a King Marke of Cornwall and they A5_jHifzmac-00396-00092568-00092780 have an illicit affair despite that it A5_jHifzmac-00397-00092781-00093137 ends up being tragic but this story was A5_jHifzmac-00398-00093138-00093296 completely separate from King Arthur at A5_jHifzmac-00399-00093297-00093407 first but late A5_jHifzmac-00400-00093408-00093653 sort of made its way into our theory and A5_jHifzmac-00401-00093654-00093844 literature where Tristan becomes one of A5_jHifzmac-00402-00093845-00094115 Arthur's knights not because the stories A5_jHifzmac-00403-00094116-00094481 originally had him in Arthur's setting A5_jHifzmac-00404-00094482-00094738 but because Arthur was popular and A5_jHifzmac-00405-00094739-00094928 Tristan was popular so eventually the A5_jHifzmac-00406-00094929-00095107 troubadours found a way to put the two A5_jHifzmac-00407-00095108-00095360 together now our only access today to A5_jHifzmac-00408-00095361-00095519 these troubadours now some of their A5_jHifzmac-00409-00095520-00095747 their narratives in verse form were A5_jHifzmac-00410-00095748-00095987 written down but for the most part we A5_jHifzmac-00411-00095988-00096329 have prose translations somebody said A5_jHifzmac-00412-00096330-00096542 hey here's this great story that I heard A5_jHifzmac-00413-00096543-00096731 let me write that down and somebody else A5_jHifzmac-00414-00096732-00096832 there's a different iteration of that A5_jHifzmac-00415-00096833-00096976 somewhere else and we can sort of A5_jHifzmac-00416-00096977-00097217 reconstruct the types of stories that A5_jHifzmac-00417-00097218-00097343 were being spread by these troubadours A5_jHifzmac-00418-00097344-00097634 what we do have is the literature we A5_jHifzmac-00419-00097635-00097790 have the literature written in English A5_jHifzmac-00420-00097791-00097988 like Sir Thomas Malory's little more A5_jHifzmac-00421-00097989-00098186 dark tour which we can pretty much read A5_jHifzmac-00422-00098187-00098318 in its original language A5_jHifzmac-00423-00098319-00098462 there's Sir gallon of the Green Knight A5_jHifzmac-00424-00098463-00098615 which is a very different sort of A5_jHifzmac-00425-00098616-00098782 language but it is English there's a A5_jHifzmac-00426-00098783-00098972 stanza a candle iterative morte art or A5_jHifzmac-00427-00098973-00099307 but even though English is the language A5_jHifzmac-00428-00099308-00099488 being spoken on the place where Arthur A5_jHifzmac-00429-00099489-00099656 is purported to have lived on the island A5_jHifzmac-00430-00099657-00099911 of Britain these English texts many of A5_jHifzmac-00431-00099912-00100103 them depend on sources that were A5_jHifzmac-00432-00100104-00100322 actually written in French these are A5_jHifzmac-00433-00100323-00100507 like the Lay's of Marie de France but A5_jHifzmac-00434-00100508-00100799 especially the works of a man named A5_jHifzmac-00435-00100800-00100934 toot wah A5_jHifzmac-00436-00100935-00101180 he's from a city called twice and it A5_jHifzmac-00437-00101181-00101372 looks like Troy another Frenchman named A5_jHifzmac-00438-00101373-00101656 Robert de Boer all and there's what's A5_jHifzmac-00439-00101657-00101975 called the Vulgate cycle which is prose A5_jHifzmac-00440-00101976-00102167 works for the most part but they're A5_jHifzmac-00441-00102168-00102466 based on poetic works that were also A5_jHifzmac-00442-00102467-00102607 written in French which were probably A5_jHifzmac-00443-00102608-00102829 based on works written in bread tall A5_jHifzmac-00444-00102830-00103231 which we call breton lays the the Celtic A5_jHifzmac-00445-00103232-00103393 language it was there before french in A5_jHifzmac-00446-00103394-00103633 brittany and these french works are A5_jHifzmac-00447-00103634-00103935 based themselves on works that came A5_jHifzmac-00448-00103936-00104246 ultimately from britain these earliest A5_jHifzmac-00449-00104247-00104528 sources the ones that come from Britain A5_jHifzmac-00450-00104529-00104903 they're either written in old Celtic A5_jHifzmac-00451-00104904-00105152 languages like Welsh or more often A5_jHifzmac-00452-00105153-00105409 they're written in Latin or like in the A5_jHifzmac-00453-00105410-00105539 case of Geoffrey of Monmouth who's a A5_jHifzmac-00454-00105540-00105766 monk and a scribe he's writing in Latin A5_jHifzmac-00455-00105767-00106052 but he claims to have a Welsh text a A5_jHifzmac-00456-00106053-00106238 text written in the Welsh language that A5_jHifzmac-00457-00106239-00106499 he's translating and this is about as A5_jHifzmac-00458-00106500-00106643 far back as we can go with the A5_jHifzmac-00459-00106644-00106705 literature A5_jHifzmac-00460-00106706-00106858 now we can go back with a couple other A5_jHifzmac-00461-00106858-00106990 attacks which I'll get to at the end of A5_jHifzmac-00462-00106991-00107377 the lecture but notice that this brings A5_jHifzmac-00463-00107378-00107740 us back to in this timeline just to A5_jHifzmac-00464-00107741-00107944 about the Year 800 it's in around the A5_jHifzmac-00465-00107945-00108135 Year 600 with the poem the Godot then A5_jHifzmac-00466-00108136-00108364 Eureka dodin that we have the first A5_jHifzmac-00467-00108365-00108814 reference to Arthur by name and not much A5_jHifzmac-00468-00108815-00108991 between that and the history of the A5_jHifzmac-00469-00108992-00109276 Britons around 800 or the welsh annals A5_jHifzmac-00470-00109277-00109699 around 950 it's only with the old welsh A5_jHifzmac-00471-00109700-00109870 story of keel hook and Olwyn which is A5_jHifzmac-00472-00109871-00110080 part of the mapping ocean and with the A5_jHifzmac-00473-00110081-00110203 history of the Kings of Britain written A5_jHifzmac-00474-00110204-00110358 by Geoffrey of Monmouth that we have A5_jHifzmac-00475-00110359-00110644 fully fleshed out stories about King A5_jHifzmac-00476-00110645-00111100 Arthur and his Knights but Arthur is A5_jHifzmac-00477-00111101-00111256 identified as someone who fought the A5_jHifzmac-00478-00111257-00111466 Saxons at a particular battle a battle A5_jHifzmac-00479-00111467-00111673 mount Baden and that battle dates to A5_jHifzmac-00480-00111674-00111963 around the Year 500 so that leaves over A5_jHifzmac-00481-00111964-00112291 500 years of time between what is A5_jHifzmac-00482-00112292-00112600 supposed to have happened and narratives A5_jHifzmac-00483-00112601-00112846 being written down about it so there A5_jHifzmac-00484-00112847-00112996 were troubadours telling and retelling A5_jHifzmac-00485-00112997-00113323 and changing and modifying these stories A5_jHifzmac-00486-00113324-00113641 through their narratives but notice how A5_jHifzmac-00487-00113642-00113811 much time this leaves us between what is A5_jHifzmac-00488-00113813-00113953 written and what is supposed to have A5_jHifzmac-00489-00113954-00114186 happened so rather than start at the A5_jHifzmac-00490-00114188-00114379 beginning and work our way forward in A5_jHifzmac-00491-00114380-00114505 which case we might be starting in A5_jHifzmac-00492-00114506-00114739 really unfamiliar territory making our A5_jHifzmac-00493-00114740-00114885 way into familiar territory I want to A5_jHifzmac-00494-00114886-00115161 start with the familiar stuff and with A5_jHifzmac-00495-00115163-00115438 Sir Thomas Malory's book lamort dart or A5_jHifzmac-00496-00115439-00115785 written in 1470 published in 1485 we're A5_jHifzmac-00497-00115786-00115930 going to see all of the familiar A5_jHifzmac-00498-00115931-00116113 elements of our theory of mythology and A5_jHifzmac-00499-00116114-00116305 then we're going to work backwards to A5_jHifzmac-00500-00116306-00116535 get to the time period when a historical A5_jHifzmac-00501-00116536-00116716 Arthur would have lived and see what's A5_jHifzmac-00502-00116717-00117172 left for us to to find of what we think A5_jHifzmac-00503-00117173-00117355 we're going to find that's coming up in A5_jHifzmac-00504-00117356-00117609 the next lecture A5Xu25I0nCY-00000-00000003-00000679 I'm paying on a three A5Xu25I0nCY-00001-00000680-00001162 praying for the inspiration time till I A5Xu25I0nCY-00002-00001163-00001377 won't need to try A5Xu25I0nCY-00003-00001378-00001750 many would all fall into place A5Xu25I0nCY-00004-00001751-00002120 a smile would return to my face A5Xu25I0nCY-00005-00002121-00002484 the future are small bright A5Xu25I0nCY-00006-00002485-00003321 as the stars shine tonight I believe A5Xu25I0nCY-00007-00003322-00004545 [Music] A7APgSQEmm0-00000-00000079-00000366 the journey of the mind to knowledge A7APgSQEmm0-00001-00000367-00000574 the exploration of the bright and the A7APgSQEmm0-00002-00000575-00000847 dark sides of the human nature A7APgSQEmm0-00003-00000848-00001119 the longing for home of the exile A7APgSQEmm0-00004-00001120-00001343 welcome to the british library today A7APgSQEmm0-00005-00001344-00001519 we'd like to take you on a tour of our A7APgSQEmm0-00006-00001520-00001782 dante collections born in 1265 in A7APgSQEmm0-00007-00001784-00002142 florence italy dante alighieri poet A7APgSQEmm0-00008-00002143-00002375 politician and philosopher A7APgSQEmm0-00009-00002376-00002695 was exiled in 1302 and lived a wandering A7APgSQEmm0-00010-00002696-00002887 existence through italy until he settled A7APgSQEmm0-00011-00002888-00003303 in ravenna where he died in 1321 700 A7APgSQEmm0-00012-00003304-00003438 years ago A7APgSQEmm0-00013-00003439-00003719 his main work is a divine comedy A7APgSQEmm0-00014-00003720-00003935 his account of a journey through the A7APgSQEmm0-00015-00003936-00004283 three realms of hell purgatory and A7APgSQEmm0-00016-00004284-00004567 heaven dante is considered national poet A7APgSQEmm0-00017-00004568-00005143 in italy but is much more than that A7APgSQEmm0-00018-00005144-00005327 the earliest manuscripts of the divine A7APgSQEmm0-00019-00005328-00005575 comedy appear almost immediately after A7APgSQEmm0-00020-00005576-00005854 dante completed the poem in 1320 A7APgSQEmm0-00021-00005855-00005991 there are hundreds of copies that A7APgSQEmm0-00022-00005992-00006286 survive from the 14th and 15th centuries A7APgSQEmm0-00023-00006287-00006527 and they're often decorated and A7APgSQEmm0-00024-00006528-00006798 sometimes extremely extensively A7APgSQEmm0-00025-00006800-00006951 here i have in front of me one of the A7APgSQEmm0-00026-00006952-00007127 earliest dante manuscripts in our A7APgSQEmm0-00027-00007128-00007342 collection it was made in north east A7APgSQEmm0-00028-00007343-00007687 italy in around 1340 so only a couple of A7APgSQEmm0-00029-00007688-00007974 decades after the poem was completed A7APgSQEmm0-00030-00007975-00008271 it contains 261 small miniatures A7APgSQEmm0-00031-00008272-00008503 depicting events from the text A7APgSQEmm0-00032-00008504-00008655 before the invention of the printing A7APgSQEmm0-00033-00008656-00008910 press in the 15th century all books were A7APgSQEmm0-00034-00008911-00009167 written and decorated entirely by hand A7APgSQEmm0-00035-00009168-00009367 this meant that they were extremely rare A7APgSQEmm0-00036-00009368-00009606 and valuable despite this there was a A7APgSQEmm0-00037-00009607-00009831 huge manuscript tradition of copies of A7APgSQEmm0-00038-00009832-00010055 dante's divine comedy A7APgSQEmm0-00039-00010056-00010335 in this miniature you can see dante and A7APgSQEmm0-00040-00010336-00010663 virgil in the second circle of hell A7APgSQEmm0-00041-00010664-00010991 witnessing the whirlwind of the lustful A7APgSQEmm0-00042-00010992-00011263 on the left you can see dante and virgil A7APgSQEmm0-00043-00011264-00011406 and on the right you can see the A7APgSQEmm0-00044-00011407-00011687 whirlwind of lovers which includes paolo A7APgSQEmm0-00045-00011688-00011878 and francesca A7APgSQEmm0-00046-00011879-00012119 another good example is this miniature A7APgSQEmm0-00047-00012120-00012399 in which we can see virgil and dante A7APgSQEmm0-00048-00012400-00012670 witnessing the treacherous imprisoned in A7APgSQEmm0-00049-00012671-00012846 a lake of ice A7APgSQEmm0-00050-00012847-00013015 one of the reasons for the popularity of A7APgSQEmm0-00051-00013016-00013166 the divine comedy is because it was A7APgSQEmm0-00052-00013168-00013407 written in italian rather than latin A7APgSQEmm0-00053-00013408-00013543 which was the language that a lot of A7APgSQEmm0-00054-00013544-00013735 literature was written in at the time A7APgSQEmm0-00055-00013736-00013894 this meant that a lot more people could A7APgSQEmm0-00056-00013895-00014047 read it A7APgSQEmm0-00057-00014047-00014279 this manuscript was made in naples in A7APgSQEmm0-00058-00014280-00014471 around 1370 A7APgSQEmm0-00059-00014472-00014735 and it's an example of southern italian A7APgSQEmm0-00060-00014736-00014879 style art A7APgSQEmm0-00061-00014880-00015038 the pictures are all in the lower A7APgSQEmm0-00062-00015040-00015319 margins of the pages they're coloured in A7APgSQEmm0-00063-00015319-00015638 a distinctive colour wash style A7APgSQEmm0-00064-00015640-00015919 so here is dante and virgil A7APgSQEmm0-00065-00015919-00016207 and they're seeing satan who's devouring A7APgSQEmm0-00066-00016208-00016503 his victims and at the bottom we've got A7APgSQEmm0-00067-00016504-00016791 the lake of frozen souls and these are A7APgSQEmm0-00068-00016792-00016927 all people who betrayed their A7APgSQEmm0-00069-00016928-00017094 benefactors A7APgSQEmm0-00070-00017095-00017247 most of the medieval copies were A7APgSQEmm0-00071-00017248-00017415 commissioned by wealthy educated A7APgSQEmm0-00072-00017416-00017679 families and created in workshops by A7APgSQEmm0-00073-00017680-00017847 professional craftsmen A7APgSQEmm0-00074-00017848-00017999 this is one of the finest dante A7APgSQEmm0-00075-00018000-00018271 manuscripts ever made it was probably A7APgSQEmm0-00076-00018272-00018603 made in siena in tuscany in around the A7APgSQEmm0-00077-00018604-00018935 1440s and it may have been made for A7APgSQEmm0-00078-00018936-00019230 alfonso v king of aragon A7APgSQEmm0-00079-00019231-00019622 naples and sicily A7APgSQEmm0-00080-00019623-00019879 in the paradiso dante is guided through A7APgSQEmm0-00081-00019880-00020222 heaven by beatrice who's his ideal woman A7APgSQEmm0-00082-00020223-00020471 on this page we can see beatrice A7APgSQEmm0-00083-00020472-00020678 explaining to dante about the solar A7APgSQEmm0-00084-00020679-00020847 system A7APgSQEmm0-00085-00020848-00021094 eventually dante reaches the empyrion A7APgSQEmm0-00086-00021095-00021278 which is the highest heaven where god A7APgSQEmm0-00087-00021279-00021407 resides A7APgSQEmm0-00088-00021408-00021711 and there he has a vision of a A7APgSQEmm0-00089-00021712-00021983 huge celestial rose which is inhabited A7APgSQEmm0-00090-00021984-00022286 by all the souls in heaven A7APgSQEmm0-00091-00022287-00022486 these medieval manuscripts with their A7APgSQEmm0-00092-00022487-00022750 sumptuous cycles of illustration were an A7APgSQEmm0-00093-00022751-00022975 enormous influence on the early printed A7APgSQEmm0-00094-00022976-00023343 editions A7APgSQEmm0-00095-00023344-00023575 [Music] A7APgSQEmm0-00096-00023576-00023791 the british library has one of the A7APgSQEmm0-00097-00023792-00024030 greatest collections of printed dante A7APgSQEmm0-00098-00024031-00024319 editions in the world ranging from the A7APgSQEmm0-00099-00024320-00024527 15th century when printing was first A7APgSQEmm0-00100-00024528-00024775 introduced into italy right up into the A7APgSQEmm0-00101-00024776-00025047 18th century and beyond A7APgSQEmm0-00102-00025048-00025327 the collections of 15th and 16th century A7APgSQEmm0-00103-00025328-00025670 books are almost complete you can trace A7APgSQEmm0-00104-00025672-00025943 the journey of the text over the various A7APgSQEmm0-00105-00025944-00026143 editions from the 15th to the 18th A7APgSQEmm0-00106-00026144-00026262 century A7APgSQEmm0-00107-00026263-00026535 and also the other elements which were A7APgSQEmm0-00108-00026536-00026902 added to help readers elements like A7APgSQEmm0-00109-00026904-00027070 illustrations A7APgSQEmm0-00110-00027072-00027174 notes A7APgSQEmm0-00111-00027175-00027495 commentaries and diagrams what i'm A7APgSQEmm0-00112-00027495-00027814 looking at here is our copy of the very A7APgSQEmm0-00113-00027816-00028279 first printed edition in italy in 1472 A7APgSQEmm0-00114-00028280-00028543 just eight years after the new A7APgSQEmm0-00115-00028544-00028751 technology of printing A7APgSQEmm0-00116-00028752-00029055 was introduced into italy A7APgSQEmm0-00117-00029056-00029318 it doesn't really have a title page A7APgSQEmm0-00118-00029319-00029623 it begins with the text A7APgSQEmm0-00119-00029624-00029711 but A7APgSQEmm0-00120-00029712-00029846 it tells you A7APgSQEmm0-00121-00029847-00030111 that it's starting it says the comedy of A7APgSQEmm0-00122-00030112-00030374 dante alighieri of florence A7APgSQEmm0-00123-00030375-00030735 is begins here and so it does and then A7APgSQEmm0-00124-00030736-00030902 it just continues there are no A7APgSQEmm0-00125-00030903-00031039 illustrations A7APgSQEmm0-00126-00031039-00031295 and and there's no commentary A7APgSQEmm0-00127-00031295-00031527 scribe would would tell you that he'd A7APgSQEmm0-00128-00031527-00031727 finished writing the manuscript at the A7APgSQEmm0-00129-00031727-00032055 end and printers did exactly the same A7APgSQEmm0-00130-00032056-00032262 the amusing thing here A7APgSQEmm0-00131-00032263-00032535 is that the printer gives his name he A7APgSQEmm0-00132-00032536-00032687 gives the date A7APgSQEmm0-00133-00032688-00032935 and he tells you where he printed it but A7APgSQEmm0-00134-00032936-00033223 he's copied the rhyming scheme of the A7APgSQEmm0-00135-00033224-00033399 poem itself A7APgSQEmm0-00136-00033400-00033687 as i say he names himself A7APgSQEmm0-00137-00033688-00033999 yo A7APgSQEmm0-00138-00034000-00034351 johann neumeister john neumeister a A7APgSQEmm0-00139-00034352-00034479 german name A7APgSQEmm0-00140-00034480-00034679 and that was very characteristic of A7APgSQEmm0-00141-00034680-00034927 early printing in italy the first A7APgSQEmm0-00142-00034928-00035151 printers in italy were almost all A7APgSQEmm0-00143-00035152-00035471 germans who brought the new technology A7APgSQEmm0-00144-00035472-00035702 into italy A7APgSQEmm0-00145-00035703-00035902 so the copy here is the first great A7APgSQEmm0-00146-00035903-00036159 illustrated edition of dante's work it A7APgSQEmm0-00147-00036160-00036487 was published in florence in 1481 and it A7APgSQEmm0-00148-00036488-00036774 was designed to be monumental A7APgSQEmm0-00149-00036775-00037127 florence uh got a leading scholar to A7APgSQEmm0-00150-00037128-00037383 write a commentary on the poem A7APgSQEmm0-00151-00037384-00037695 explaining the poem for readers A7APgSQEmm0-00152-00037696-00037959 and they also got illustrations which A7APgSQEmm0-00153-00037960-00038199 were based on drawings by no less an A7APgSQEmm0-00154-00038200-00038495 artist than sandro botticelli A7APgSQEmm0-00155-00038496-00038823 you can see around the text landino's A7APgSQEmm0-00156-00038824-00039095 very long commentary A7APgSQEmm0-00157-00039096-00039335 and there's an illustration right at the A7APgSQEmm0-00158-00039336-00039495 bottom of a page A7APgSQEmm0-00159-00039496-00039918 showing dante in the dark wood where he A7APgSQEmm0-00160-00039919-00040087 finds himself right at the beginning of A7APgSQEmm0-00161-00040088-00040455 the poem A7APgSQEmm0-00162-00040456-00040687 the british library dante collections A7APgSQEmm0-00163-00040688-00040967 don't only include editions of the poem A7APgSQEmm0-00164-00040968-00041199 in the original italian A7APgSQEmm0-00165-00041200-00041462 but also many different translations in A7APgSQEmm0-00166-00041463-00041735 over 40 different languages ranging from A7APgSQEmm0-00167-00041736-00041990 16th century translations right up to A7APgSQEmm0-00168-00041991-00042167 the present day A7APgSQEmm0-00169-00042168-00042399 one of the most interesting translations A7APgSQEmm0-00170-00042400-00042623 is the first complete english A7APgSQEmm0-00171-00042624-00042839 translation done at the beginning of the A7APgSQEmm0-00172-00042840-00043143 19th century kerry's translation sparked A7APgSQEmm0-00173-00043144-00043446 interest in england in dante's poem for A7APgSQEmm0-00174-00043447-00043695 the first time particularly among A7APgSQEmm0-00175-00043696-00044023 romantic poets and artists and we're A7APgSQEmm0-00176-00044024-00044327 very fortunate in having a copy which A7APgSQEmm0-00177-00044328-00044583 belonged to one of the great romantic A7APgSQEmm0-00178-00044584-00044823 poets of the time samuel taylor A7APgSQEmm0-00179-00044824-00045102 coleridge annotated by him it's A7APgSQEmm0-00180-00045103-00045279 interestingly not called the divine A7APgSQEmm0-00181-00045280-00045607 comedy it's called just the vision or A7APgSQEmm0-00182-00045608-00045974 hell purgatory and paradise and here we A7APgSQEmm0-00183-00045975-00046102 have A7APgSQEmm0-00184-00046103-00046295 coleridge's notes A7APgSQEmm0-00185-00046296-00046711 on the first canto to paradiso in which A7APgSQEmm0-00186-00046712-00047007 he also remarks on the A7APgSQEmm0-00187-00047008-00047423 excellence of carey's translation A7APgSQEmm0-00188-00047424-00047702 and how few people will appreciate the A7APgSQEmm0-00189-00047703-00048015 excellence of the translation A7APgSQEmm0-00190-00048016-00048199 because of his choice to use the italian A7APgSQEmm0-00191-00048200-00048399 language in his work and because of his A7APgSQEmm0-00192-00048400-00048662 hopes for an italian unification A7APgSQEmm0-00193-00048663-00048951 with rome as its center dante has been A7APgSQEmm0-00194-00048952-00049118 considered the prophet of italian A7APgSQEmm0-00195-00049119-00049239 unification A7APgSQEmm0-00196-00049240-00049502 his extraordinary ability to paint with A7APgSQEmm0-00197-00049503-00049799 words has inspired artists around the A7APgSQEmm0-00198-00049800-00050118 world to visualize his verses A7APgSQEmm0-00199-00050119-00050327 from the illuminated manuscripts to A7APgSQEmm0-00200-00050328-00050646 renaissance artists such as botticelli A7APgSQEmm0-00201-00050647-00050899 from william blake to gustav dure the A7APgSQEmm0-00202-00050900-00051167 pre-raphaelites salvador dali robert A7APgSQEmm0-00203-00051168-00051438 rauschenberg japanese mangas A7APgSQEmm0-00204-00051439-00051607 for 700 years A7APgSQEmm0-00205-00051608-00051790 artists have been inspired by the same A7APgSQEmm0-00206-00051791-00052063 work in different ways let's view some A7APgSQEmm0-00207-00052064-00052366 of these works together in 1900 renowned A7APgSQEmm0-00208-00052367-00052615 publisher alinari gave young artists the A7APgSQEmm0-00209-00052616-00052782 opportunity to participate in a A7APgSQEmm0-00210-00052783-00053054 competition to illustrate dante's work A7APgSQEmm0-00211-00053055-00053263 the outcome is this edition that i have A7APgSQEmm0-00212-00053264-00053519 in front of me this image from inferno A7APgSQEmm0-00213-00053520-00053726 by william bellotti A7APgSQEmm0-00214-00053727-00054015 describes a scene where the heretics A7APgSQEmm0-00215-00054016-00054287 have been punished it's in the liberty A7APgSQEmm0-00216-00054288-00054407 style A7APgSQEmm0-00217-00054408-00054726 and the second one is from alberto A7APgSQEmm0-00218-00054727-00054999 martini an artist very young A7APgSQEmm0-00219-00055000-00055223 who critics said A7APgSQEmm0-00220-00055224-00055535 was born to illustrate dante because A7APgSQEmm0-00221-00055536-00055838 of this almost symbolised taste A7APgSQEmm0-00222-00055839-00056142 very inspired by artists such as odin A7APgSQEmm0-00223-00056144-00056703 redang and aubry birdsley A7APgSQEmm0-00224-00056704-00056911 when the italian government asked the A7APgSQEmm0-00225-00056912-00057191 spanish artist salvador dali on the A7APgSQEmm0-00226-00057191-00057366 occasion of the 700th anniversary of A7APgSQEmm0-00227-00057367-00057599 dante's birth to produce a hundred A7APgSQEmm0-00228-00057600-00057847 watercolors to illustrate the comedy the A7APgSQEmm0-00229-00057848-00058175 spanish painter seemed a strange choice A7APgSQEmm0-00230-00058176-00058415 a spanish surrealist who himself had A7APgSQEmm0-00231-00058416-00058599 rejected religion A7APgSQEmm0-00232-00058600-00058742 the italian government eventually A7APgSQEmm0-00233-00058744-00058919 canceled this project but the lee A7APgSQEmm0-00234-00058920-00059159 continued producing his drawings A7APgSQEmm0-00235-00059160-00059438 which came out in 1964 and there's a A7APgSQEmm0-00236-00059439-00059671 dish that i would like to show you A7APgSQEmm0-00237-00059672-00059863 so here already from the first canto you A7APgSQEmm0-00238-00059864-00060191 can see dally's iconic style describing A7APgSQEmm0-00239-00060191-00060391 the first entering scene of the divine A7APgSQEmm0-00240-00060391-00060638 comedy with dante approaching the dark A7APgSQEmm0-00241-00060639-00060806 roots where it gets lost in the middle A7APgSQEmm0-00242-00060807-00061087 of his life so we have here the first A7APgSQEmm0-00243-00061088-00061175 line A7APgSQEmm0-00244-00061176-00061471 milmezzo di camindi nostravida A7APgSQEmm0-00245-00061472-00061766 in the middle of my life i find myself A7APgSQEmm0-00246-00061767-00061930 lost in a dark wood A7APgSQEmm0-00247-00061932-00062150 [Music] A7APgSQEmm0-00248-00062151-00062423 i hope you've enjoyed our short tour A7APgSQEmm0-00249-00062424-00062638 there's a lot more in our collections A7APgSQEmm0-00250-00062639-00062854 our work at the british library is to A7APgSQEmm0-00251-00062855-00063023 preserve these treasures for future A7APgSQEmm0-00252-00063024-00063223 generations and to continue acquiring A7APgSQEmm0-00253-00063224-00063487 more in english in italian and in many A7APgSQEmm0-00254-00063488-00063623 other languages A7APgSQEmm0-00255-00063624-00063782 if you'd like to find out more about our A7APgSQEmm0-00256-00063783-00063975 dante collections why don't you search A7APgSQEmm0-00257-00063976-00064223 our online catalogue view our digitized A7APgSQEmm0-00258-00064224-00064707 manuscripts or come to our reading rooms AtvMBxrGEUg-00000-00000624-00000799 the island we went to was supposed to AtvMBxrGEUg-00001-00000800-00001047 have been secured by the ground forces AtvMBxrGEUg-00002-00001048-00001215 they hadn't gotten a handle on things by AtvMBxrGEUg-00003-00001216-00001415 the time we got there so now we were AtvMBxrGEUg-00004-00001416-00001566 stuck in the middle of a half-assed AtvMBxrGEUg-00005-00001567-00001791 campaign AtvMBxrGEUg-00006-00001792-00001967 my job was to get the planes ready for AtvMBxrGEUg-00007-00001968-00002207 combat making repairs and handing them AtvMBxrGEUg-00008-00002208-00002407 over to our troop of cons AtvMBxrGEUg-00009-00002408-00002902 thing is the enemy still had the hangars AtvMBxrGEUg-00010-00002903-00003150 the comms were still down so none of us AtvMBxrGEUg-00011-00003151-00003447 knew what the hell was going on AtvMBxrGEUg-00012-00003447-00003606 the last transmission i heard before AtvMBxrGEUg-00013-00003607-00003815 everything went to [__] was that some AtvMBxrGEUg-00014-00003815-00004031 prisoners from an osean military penal AtvMBxrGEUg-00015-00004032-00004303 unit rioted and managed to escape AtvMBxrGEUg-00016-00004304-00004486 they stole some jets and now they were AtvMBxrGEUg-00017-00004487-00004695 flying around taking out their former AtvMBxrGEUg-00018-00004696-00004951 allies left and right AtvMBxrGEUg-00019-00004952-00005159 i wonder if any units like ours were out AtvMBxrGEUg-00020-00005160-00005422 here creeping around AtvMBxrGEUg-00021-00005423-00005622 hearing the ocean jets firing at each AtvMBxrGEUg-00022-00005623-00006022 other overhead chipped away at morale AtvMBxrGEUg-00023-00006023-00006351 since the radio was out it was quiet AtvMBxrGEUg-00024-00006352-00006895 i liked it better that way AtvMBxrGEUg-00025-00006895-00007119 here we were walking around carrying AtvMBxrGEUg-00026-00007120-00007487 rifles we were pilots damn it AtvMBxrGEUg-00027-00007488-00007903 friendly fire will probably kill us AtvMBxrGEUg-00028-00007904-00008055 you know things are desperate when the AtvMBxrGEUg-00029-00008056-00008199 guards that used to lock us into AtvMBxrGEUg-00030-00008200-00008407 solitary are now telling us it's better AtvMBxrGEUg-00031-00008408-00008655 we all stick together AtvMBxrGEUg-00032-00008656-00008831 i guess they think our odds of surviving AtvMBxrGEUg-00033-00008832-00009303 this war are better that way AtvMBxrGEUg-00034-00009304-00009478 after walking from miles across the AtvMBxrGEUg-00035-00009479-00009663 battlefield we came across the wreckage AtvMBxrGEUg-00036-00009664-00009823 of a plane AtvMBxrGEUg-00037-00009824-00010167 passenger not military AtvMBxrGEUg-00038-00010168-00010414 i knew that rose AtvMBxrGEUg-00039-00010415-00010710 it was an erosion liaison plane AtvMBxrGEUg-00040-00010711-00010927 the guard's dogs smelled something and AtvMBxrGEUg-00041-00010928-00011110 took off AtvMBxrGEUg-00042-00011111-00011335 they led us to a cliff AtvMBxrGEUg-00043-00011336-00011719 and the bodies AtvMBxrGEUg-00044-00011720-00011838 today AtvMBxrGEUg-00045-00011839-00012174 i lost everything AtvMBxrGEUg-00046-00012175-00012470 when osea attacked our capital my father AtvMBxrGEUg-00047-00012471-00012638 a man who was never really suited to AtvMBxrGEUg-00048-00012639-00013086 being the king was killed AtvMBxrGEUg-00049-00013087-00013294 i was to be flown out of the war zone to AtvMBxrGEUg-00050-00013295-00013535 safety but the plane was shot down by AtvMBxrGEUg-00051-00013536-00013647 rebels AtvMBxrGEUg-00052-00013647-00014022 the entire crew was killed in the crash AtvMBxrGEUg-00053-00014023-00014247 soldiers appeared and one shot at me my AtvMBxrGEUg-00054-00014247-00014407 dog went after him and AtvMBxrGEUg-00055-00014408-00014566 shot him to pieces AtvMBxrGEUg-00056-00014568-00014911 he was my best friend AtvMBxrGEUg-00057-00014912-00015135 after all those speeches i gave about AtvMBxrGEUg-00058-00015136-00015407 working together for peace AtvMBxrGEUg-00059-00015408-00015630 i thought everyone felt the same as i AtvMBxrGEUg-00060-00015631-00016375 did AtvMBxrGEUg-00061-00016376-00016599 i'm sure the soldier who shot at me knew AtvMBxrGEUg-00062-00016600-00016830 i was the princess of arugia AtvMBxrGEUg-00063-00016831-00017040 he was erosion too AtvMBxrGEUg-00064-00017041-00017294 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00065-00017295-00017527 more soldiers have come AtvMBxrGEUg-00066-00017528-00017879 now there is no one left to protect me AtvMBxrGEUg-00067-00017880-00018407 i am so numb i cannot move AtvMBxrGEUg-00068-00018408-00018663 i watch as one of their dogs approaches AtvMBxrGEUg-00069-00018664-00018943 it sniffs mournfully at my dead friend AtvMBxrGEUg-00070-00018944-00019127 i wonder if it grieves for him as much AtvMBxrGEUg-00071-00019128-00019567 as i do AtvMBxrGEUg-00072-00019568-00019822 i can barely think i feel weaker by the AtvMBxrGEUg-00073-00019823-00019911 minute AtvMBxrGEUg-00074-00019912-00020071 i don't know who these soldiers are with AtvMBxrGEUg-00075-00020072-00020271 but i managed to take a sip of the water AtvMBxrGEUg-00076-00020272-00020422 they gave me AtvMBxrGEUg-00077-00020423-00020727 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00078-00020728-00021071 how long have you been here AtvMBxrGEUg-00079-00021072-00021271 somehow i muster the courage to answer AtvMBxrGEUg-00080-00021272-00021447 the woman's question AtvMBxrGEUg-00081-00021448-00021950 i tell her i've been there three days AtvMBxrGEUg-00082-00021951-00022143 they gather around me with brim looks on AtvMBxrGEUg-00083-00022144-00022350 their faces AtvMBxrGEUg-00084-00022351-00022519 what would they do if they knew i was AtvMBxrGEUg-00085-00022520-00023158 the erosion princess AtvMBxrGEUg-00086-00023159-00023375 after searching the cockpit of the plane AtvMBxrGEUg-00087-00023376-00023575 the woman who spoke to me before came AtvMBxrGEUg-00088-00023576-00023735 back to me AtvMBxrGEUg-00089-00023736-00024078 this is an air-to-ground tactical radio AtvMBxrGEUg-00090-00024079-00024414 it still works AtvMBxrGEUg-00091-00024415-00024630 i noticed she walked with a limp AtvMBxrGEUg-00092-00024631-00024814 she knelt down next to me and asked her AtvMBxrGEUg-00093-00024815-00025158 companions to give me some food AtvMBxrGEUg-00094-00025159-00025542 and then very softly she said AtvMBxrGEUg-00095-00025543-00025774 you see AtvMBxrGEUg-00096-00025775-00026039 i used to listen to your broadcasts your AtvMBxrGEUg-00097-00026039-00026511 royal highness AtvMBxrGEUg-00098-00026512-00028662 just what did you see here AtvMBxrGEUg-00099-00028663-00028807 your opinions have all been taken into AtvMBxrGEUg-00100-00028808-00029007 consideration AtvMBxrGEUg-00101-00029008-00029214 beyond the seizure of varbanti which is AtvMBxrGEUg-00102-00029216-00029483 important and supporting the erusian AtvMBxrGEUg-00103-00029483-00029743 officer at this point i just don't know AtvMBxrGEUg-00104-00029744-00029983 what our strategy is or what our mission AtvMBxrGEUg-00105-00029983-00030351 will be AtvMBxrGEUg-00106-00030352-00030558 radio communication is still patchy for AtvMBxrGEUg-00107-00030560-00030807 both the military and civilians so we're AtvMBxrGEUg-00108-00030808-00030999 getting zip from mission command about AtvMBxrGEUg-00109-00031000-00031127 our orders AtvMBxrGEUg-00110-00031127-00031311 still with countless erusian forces in AtvMBxrGEUg-00111-00031312-00031511 the area it's too dangerous for us to AtvMBxrGEUg-00112-00031512-00031790 stay around here waiting for a miracle AtvMBxrGEUg-00113-00031791-00032070 now regarding count suggestion think AtvMBxrGEUg-00114-00032072-00032318 about self-defense AtvMBxrGEUg-00115-00032319-00032607 uh AtvMBxrGEUg-00116-00032608-00032807 i think we should make a break for tyler AtvMBxrGEUg-00117-00032808-00032918 island AtvMBxrGEUg-00118-00032919-00033127 it was a large ocean base before the AtvMBxrGEUg-00119-00033128-00033262 start of the war AtvMBxrGEUg-00120-00033263-00033462 count says his previous squadron took AtvMBxrGEUg-00121-00033463-00033662 part in an operation to seize control of AtvMBxrGEUg-00122-00033663-00033831 the island AtvMBxrGEUg-00123-00033832-00034015 it has the only base that will get us to AtvMBxrGEUg-00124-00034016-00034246 the space elevator without refueling AtvMBxrGEUg-00125-00034247-00034446 it's also a transport facility for AtvMBxrGEUg-00126-00034447-00034662 supply ships that provide drones and AtvMBxrGEUg-00127-00034663-00034895 ammo for arsenal birds AtvMBxrGEUg-00128-00034896-00035095 for the ocean forces that are looking to AtvMBxrGEUg-00129-00035096-00035599 reclaim the space elevator those are two AtvMBxrGEUg-00130-00035600-00035790 if everything went according to plan AtvMBxrGEUg-00131-00035791-00035990 the base may already be in allied hands AtvMBxrGEUg-00132-00035991-00036190 when we get there AtvMBxrGEUg-00133-00036191-00036367 though based on what count told me about AtvMBxrGEUg-00134-00036368-00036590 the island operation it won't be easy to AtvMBxrGEUg-00135-00036591-00036767 seize control if the ground troops have AtvMBxrGEUg-00136-00036768-00036935 managed to open the bridgehead AtvMBxrGEUg-00137-00036936-00037079 the transport around the ocean for AtvMBxrGEUg-00138-00037080-00037287 supply ships should be available AtvMBxrGEUg-00139-00037288-00037439 so much at stake i can't imagine a AtvMBxrGEUg-00140-00037440-00037623 russia just giving it up without a fight AtvMBxrGEUg-00141-00037624-00037815 things could really have gone bad even AtvMBxrGEUg-00142-00037816-00037983 if there are enemies left they should be AtvMBxrGEUg-00143-00037984-00038174 pretty easy to suppress AtvMBxrGEUg-00144-00038175-00038446 i just want to go home man me too with AtvMBxrGEUg-00145-00038447-00038639 that look on your face trigger i know AtvMBxrGEUg-00146-00038640-00038918 exactly what you want to do AtvMBxrGEUg-00147-00038919-00039127 the trigger's ready to kick ass then so AtvMBxrGEUg-00148-00039128-00039215 am i AtvMBxrGEUg-00149-00039216-00039487 damn straight we're with you tricker AtvMBxrGEUg-00150-00039488-00039639 it's decided then AtvMBxrGEUg-00151-00039640-00039815 let's get all the aircraft and haul ass AtvMBxrGEUg-00152-00039816-00039999 to tyler island AtvMBxrGEUg-00153-00040000-00040159 although we can avoid the arsenal birds AtvMBxrGEUg-00154-00040160-00040367 anti-air network there's still remnants AtvMBxrGEUg-00155-00040368-00040559 from the erusian forces AtvMBxrGEUg-00156-00040560-00040702 i want to get to the island without AtvMBxrGEUg-00157-00040703-00040974 getting into any unnecessary combat pick AtvMBxrGEUg-00158-00040975-00041255 a fast craft and fix it how you want AtvMBxrGEUg-00159-00041256-00041462 pack for a long trip but remember if you AtvMBxrGEUg-00160-00041463-00042423 drag your ass you'll get left behind AtvMBxrGEUg-00161-00042424-00045015 provide support for your forces AtvMBxrGEUg-00162-00045016-00047695 uh AtvMBxrGEUg-00163-00047696-00050483 foreign AtvMBxrGEUg-00165-00054400-00054991 asap AtvMBxrGEUg-00166-00054991-00055279 focus AtvMBxrGEUg-00167-00055279-00055511 let's help retreating ocean forces take AtvMBxrGEUg-00168-00055512-00055838 out any hostiles in their area AtvMBxrGEUg-00169-00055839-00057150 don't engage till targets are id'd AtvMBxrGEUg-00170-00057151-00057359 well now we know what's going on but AtvMBxrGEUg-00171-00057360-00058087 [__] AtvMBxrGEUg-00172-00058088-00060294 on my hearing AtvMBxrGEUg-00173-00060295-00060526 take out the hostels in our area get us AtvMBxrGEUg-00174-00060527-00060687 out of this hellhole AtvMBxrGEUg-00176-00064007-00065775 i can guess what happened AtvMBxrGEUg-00177-00065776-00067303 it's all crazy people AtvMBxrGEUg-00178-00067304-00067536 back the bass driver AtvMBxrGEUg-00179-00067537-00069659 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00180-00069660-00072335 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00181-00072336-00073671 when you lose your hands AtvMBxrGEUg-00182-00073672-00073855 all aircraft search every nook of the AtvMBxrGEUg-00183-00073856-00074687 island we're not leaving anyone behind AtvMBxrGEUg-00184-00074688-00074903 we didn't have to leave our voice to die AtvMBxrGEUg-00185-00074904-00077638 understood AtvMBxrGEUg-00186-00077639-00079679 no mistakes AtvMBxrGEUg-00187-00079680-00079847 nearby so they could be researchers and AtvMBxrGEUg-00188-00079848-00080535 their families AtvMBxrGEUg-00189-00080536-00081887 box AtvMBxrGEUg-00190-00081888-00083487 together AtvMBxrGEUg-00191-00083488-00086326 one box two AtvMBxrGEUg-00193-00089736-00092120 an visual AtvMBxrGEUg-00194-00092121-00092247 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00195-00092248-00092482 has come true take out all AtvMBxrGEUg-00196-00092483-00092735 bombers they'll flatten our allies AtvMBxrGEUg-00197-00092736-00092935 plenty of civilian casualties as well AtvMBxrGEUg-00198-00092936-00093111 precision bombing is impossible in these AtvMBxrGEUg-00199-00093112-00093215 conditions AtvMBxrGEUg-00200-00093216-00093930 maybe they know they can't AtvMBxrGEUg-00201-00093931-00095199 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00202-00095200-00097374 launch control roger AtvMBxrGEUg-00203-00097375-00097543 the bombers are nearing the island we're AtvMBxrGEUg-00204-00097544-00098215 running out of time AtvMBxrGEUg-00205-00098216-00099318 i've got a sitting duck here AtvMBxrGEUg-00206-00099319-00099926 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00207-00099927-00102143 um AtvMBxrGEUg-00208-00102144-00103702 intercept them now AtvMBxrGEUg-00209-00103703-00106407 remain we can't let even one get away AtvMBxrGEUg-00210-00106408-00107215 we've identified the unknown targets AtvMBxrGEUg-00211-00107216-00107566 you've identified the unknown targets AtvMBxrGEUg-00212-00107567-00107934 all enemy bombers have been AtvMBxrGEUg-00213-00107935-00108425 continue destroyed your missions AtvMBxrGEUg-00214-00108426-00111039 [Applause] AtvMBxrGEUg-00215-00111040-00112958 don't stop AtvMBxrGEUg-00216-00112959-00113158 we only need an hour tops we need the AtvMBxrGEUg-00217-00113159-00114878 advantage AtvMBxrGEUg-00218-00114879-00116528 there's still one arsenal left AtvMBxrGEUg-00219-00116529-00117551 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00220-00117552-00120527 is AtvMBxrGEUg-00221-00120528-00123247 good morning AtvMBxrGEUg-00222-00123248-00125366 machine gun range AtvMBxrGEUg-00223-00125367-00126750 target eliminated AtvMBxrGEUg-00224-00126751-00127478 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00225-00127479-00127763 ammo AtvMBxrGEUg-00226-00127764-00128864 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00227-00128865-00129847 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00228-00129848-00131607 we don't even know where we are AtvMBxrGEUg-00229-00131608-00132678 this is a secure military AtvMBxrGEUg-00230-00132679-00133735 anywhere AtvMBxrGEUg-00231-00133736-00133919 remember stick with trigger and you'll AtvMBxrGEUg-00232-00133920-00134519 make it AtvMBxrGEUg-00233-00134520-00134671 count me in AtvMBxrGEUg-00234-00134672-00135087 that's right AtvMBxrGEUg-00235-00135088-00136119 echo 13 all hostels are down AtvMBxrGEUg-00236-00136120-00136351 we've destroyed all the targets AtvMBxrGEUg-00237-00136352-00136583 all bogeys should be id now mission AtvMBxrGEUg-00238-00136584-00136911 complete AtvMBxrGEUg-00239-00136912-00137143 okay scrap queen send us the target AtvMBxrGEUg-00240-00137144-00137614 coordinates AtvMBxrGEUg-00241-00137615-00140127 don't you have a laser target indicator AtvMBxrGEUg-00242-00140128-00140302 lawn caster we've confirmed the location AtvMBxrGEUg-00243-00140303-00140623 of the flare AtvMBxrGEUg-00244-00140624-00140847 that's them AtvMBxrGEUg-00245-00140848-00141047 all aircraft we just updated your threat AtvMBxrGEUg-00246-00141048-00141247 matrix via data lake take out those AtvMBxrGEUg-00247-00141248-00141390 targets AtvMBxrGEUg-00248-00141391-00141559 don't miss we don't want to hit the AtvMBxrGEUg-00249-00141560-00143335 pretty ladies down there AtvMBxrGEUg-00250-00143336-00145575 machine gun range AtvMBxrGEUg-00251-00145576-00146478 launching missiles AtvMBxrGEUg-00252-00146479-00147701 hurry get moving AtvMBxrGEUg-00253-00147702-00147899 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00254-00147900-00148183 [Applause] AtvMBxrGEUg-00255-00148184-00149854 how many seconds were left AtvMBxrGEUg-00256-00149855-00150414 the supply AtvMBxrGEUg-00257-00150415-00152607 that doesn't sound good AtvMBxrGEUg-00258-00152608-00154095 they're launching something AtvMBxrGEUg-00259-00154096-00154295 from the mass driver AtvMBxrGEUg-00260-00154296-00154431 if the supply ships make it to the AtvMBxrGEUg-00261-00154432-00154631 arsenal bird they'll be able to resupply AtvMBxrGEUg-00262-00154632-00154695 it AtvMBxrGEUg-00263-00154696-00154854 they may be loaded with new weaponry AtvMBxrGEUg-00264-00154855-00155183 that we don't even know about AtvMBxrGEUg-00265-00155184-00155326 we have no choice but to take down the AtvMBxrGEUg-00266-00155327-00155487 supply ships before they can get within AtvMBxrGEUg-00267-00155488-00155743 the arsenal birds air defense network AtvMBxrGEUg-00268-00155744-00155863 you've gotta hurry or you're not gonna AtvMBxrGEUg-00269-00155864-00156190 make it AtvMBxrGEUg-00270-00156191-00156351 three minutes to the enemy's air defense AtvMBxrGEUg-00271-00156352-00157631 network AtvMBxrGEUg-00272-00157632-00157790 focus on destroying that supply ship AtvMBxrGEUg-00273-00157791-00159759 first we're sitting ducks like this AtvMBxrGEUg-00274-00159760-00159911 looks um that's one of them down AtvMBxrGEUg-00275-00159912-00160102 remember there are two supply ships out AtvMBxrGEUg-00276-00160103-00160239 there hurry up and shoot the other one AtvMBxrGEUg-00277-00160240-00160399 down AtvMBxrGEUg-00278-00160400-00160607 that sucker's hiding in clouds trigger AtvMBxrGEUg-00279-00160608-00160766 don't let it get away AtvMBxrGEUg-00280-00160767-00160983 though we've recalculated the remaining AtvMBxrGEUg-00281-00160984-00161495 time AtvMBxrGEUg-00282-00161496-00162799 90 seconds to the enemy's air defense AtvMBxrGEUg-00283-00162800-00162919 hope you're all enjoying the pretty AtvMBxrGEUg-00284-00162920-00163119 fireworks this thing had any windows we AtvMBxrGEUg-00285-00163120-00163422 could have seen it for ourselves AtvMBxrGEUg-00286-00163423-00164935 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00287-00164936-00165102 a few more crazies like her and life AtvMBxrGEUg-00288-00165103-00165238 down there may have been a tad bit AtvMBxrGEUg-00289-00165239-00166502 easier AtvMBxrGEUg-00290-00166503-00166663 that's why i like the sky you don't have AtvMBxrGEUg-00291-00166664-00166983 to see those types of things AtvMBxrGEUg-00292-00166984-00167143 does this mean we're that much closer to AtvMBxrGEUg-00293-00167144-00167375 ending the war no we just basically AtvMBxrGEUg-00294-00167376-00167575 prevented it from going on forever AtvMBxrGEUg-00295-00167576-00167695 counts right AtvMBxrGEUg-00296-00167696-00167854 we have no choice but to return to our AtvMBxrGEUg-00297-00167855-00168078 original base our base that is nearly AtvMBxrGEUg-00298-00168079-00168247 out of food and fuel AtvMBxrGEUg-00299-00168248-00170775 need to do something AtvMBxrGEUg-00300-00170776-00171719 uh AtvMBxrGEUg-00301-00171720-00173590 landing ship what's going on AtvMBxrGEUg-00302-00173591-00174054 requesting assistance roger AtvMBxrGEUg-00303-00174055-00174238 id complete AtvMBxrGEUg-00304-00174239-00174543 target AtvMBxrGEUg-00305-00174544-00176278 our air support is here AtvMBxrGEUg-00306-00176279-00176759 is AtvMBxrGEUg-00307-00176760-00177214 okay enough pictures AtvMBxrGEUg-00308-00177215-00177487 for the youtube video AtvMBxrGEUg-00309-00177488-00177702 title or something AtvMBxrGEUg-00310-00177703-00177926 it's it's funny funny but AtvMBxrGEUg-00311-00177927-00178199 title is one of the most important AtvMBxrGEUg-00312-00178200-00178414 thing in the video AtvMBxrGEUg-00313-00178415-00178631 it doesn't matter much what the video is AtvMBxrGEUg-00314-00178632-00178871 about but yeah title needs to be good AtvMBxrGEUg-00315-00178872-00179102 otherwise nobody actually watches AtvMBxrGEUg-00316-00179103-00180023 watches so please subscribe AtvMBxrGEUg-00317-00180024-00180271 not to mention saving the refugees AtvMBxrGEUg-00318-00180272-00180478 however we're in no position to start AtvMBxrGEUg-00319-00180479-00180678 celebrating AtvMBxrGEUg-00320-00180679-00180887 even the commander here is starting to AtvMBxrGEUg-00321-00180888-00181087 fray from the stress AtvMBxrGEUg-00322-00181088-00181335 can't say i blame it AtvMBxrGEUg-00323-00181336-00181519 now tyler island is in a state of AtvMBxrGEUg-00324-00181520-00181759 complete anarchy AtvMBxrGEUg-00325-00181760-00182102 this base isn't safe either AtvMBxrGEUg-00326-00182103-00182263 the faces you see around you are the AtvMBxrGEUg-00327-00182264-00182535 only friends we've got take a good look AtvMBxrGEUg-00328-00182536-00182870 nice AtvMBxrGEUg-00329-00182871-00183902 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00330-00183903-00184102 we found a boat then sailed away from AtvMBxrGEUg-00331-00184103-00184287 the island AtvMBxrGEUg-00332-00184288-00184447 we had to AtvMBxrGEUg-00333-00184448-00184719 we didn't belong there AtvMBxrGEUg-00334-00184720-00184959 the new guy's name was george AtvMBxrGEUg-00335-00184960-00185151 i noticed when the anarchist said his AtvMBxrGEUg-00336-00185152-00185326 name he said it with a thick belkan AtvMBxrGEUg-00337-00185327-00185454 accent AtvMBxrGEUg-00338-00185455-00185847 how did you know that he was from belka AtvMBxrGEUg-00339-00185848-00185943 well AtvMBxrGEUg-00340-00185944-00186399 both my parents were from belkas so AtvMBxrGEUg-00341-00186400-00186607 you never told me that AtvMBxrGEUg-00342-00186608-00186759 they say that belkins are known for AtvMBxrGEUg-00343-00186760-00186959 their conspiracies AtvMBxrGEUg-00344-00186960-00187254 that's just a stereotype now i simply AtvMBxrGEUg-00345-00187255-00187543 stated my honest opinion and was thrown AtvMBxrGEUg-00346-00187544-00188295 in jail for it AtvMBxrGEUg-00347-00188296-00188711 the princess sat there looking miserable AtvMBxrGEUg-00348-00188712-00188871 that was a dumb ass stunt she pulled AtvMBxrGEUg-00349-00188872-00189647 back there but it got us on this boat AtvMBxrGEUg-00350-00189648-00189887 take a look at that AtvMBxrGEUg-00351-00189888-00190111 this ship is heading for a single rope AtvMBxrGEUg-00352-00190112-00190326 that's hanging down from the sky orbital AtvMBxrGEUg-00353-00190327-00190550 elevator do you know how far the end of AtvMBxrGEUg-00354-00190551-00191175 that rope reaches AtvMBxrGEUg-00355-00191176-00191535 outer space very very sci-fi AtvMBxrGEUg-00356-00191536-00191831 in theory it's possible but in practice AtvMBxrGEUg-00357-00191832-00192031 there's a direct connection to the very AtvMBxrGEUg-00358-00192032-00192247 potential of mankind we don't have AtvMBxrGEUg-00359-00192248-00192447 materials to do it it was until war AtvMBxrGEUg-00360-00192448-00192590 erupted or AtvMBxrGEUg-00361-00192591-00192807 at least something that actually can AtvMBxrGEUg-00362-00192808-00193023 take the stress AtvMBxrGEUg-00363-00193024-00193247 it's my strong belief sci-fi fiction AtvMBxrGEUg-00364-00193248-00193519 sci-fi has a the ropes AtvMBxrGEUg-00365-00193520-00193814 a very distant far away source of AtvMBxrGEUg-00366-00193815-00194119 of great conflict and strife AtvMBxrGEUg-00367-00194120-00194343 even long before the war AtvMBxrGEUg-00368-00194344-00194575 the whole world started falling apart AtvMBxrGEUg-00369-00194576-00195023 once harling began trying to build it AtvMBxrGEUg-00370-00195024-00195311 i often wonder AtvMBxrGEUg-00371-00195312-00195502 what was going through harling's mind AtvMBxrGEUg-00372-00195503-00195711 when when he was trying to destroy the AtvMBxrGEUg-00373-00195712-00195935 very thing that so many people were AtvMBxrGEUg-00374-00195936-00196335 sacrificed in order to create AtvMBxrGEUg-00375-00196336-00196663 sacrificed what do you mean AtvMBxrGEUg-00376-00196664-00196895 have you seen all of those countless old AtvMBxrGEUg-00377-00196896-00197087 space shuttles on tyler island that are AtvMBxrGEUg-00378-00197088-00197375 no longer in use AtvMBxrGEUg-00379-00197376-00197559 yeah AtvMBxrGEUg-00380-00197560-00197695 i always thought of them as a good AtvMBxrGEUg-00381-00197696-00197926 source of scrap AtvMBxrGEUg-00382-00197927-00198135 they're an obsolete technology that was AtvMBxrGEUg-00383-00198136-00198302 abandoned during the construction of the AtvMBxrGEUg-00384-00198303-00198478 space elevator AtvMBxrGEUg-00385-00198479-00198671 which would mean that if the space AtvMBxrGEUg-00386-00198672-00198854 elevator was destroyed AtvMBxrGEUg-00387-00198855-00199054 it would be that much harder for mankind AtvMBxrGEUg-00388-00199055-00199254 to reach the stars AtvMBxrGEUg-00389-00199255-00199599 until we find another way AtvMBxrGEUg-00390-00199600-00199759 but even then AtvMBxrGEUg-00391-00199760-00199975 harling still went ahead and tried to AtvMBxrGEUg-00392-00199976-00200207 destroy it AtvMBxrGEUg-00393-00200208-00200638 at the cost of his own life AtvMBxrGEUg-00394-00200639-00200990 that's not the way i heard it AtvMBxrGEUg-00395-00200991-00201183 what i heard was that he sacrificed AtvMBxrGEUg-00396-00201184-00201375 himself to protect the tower from an AtvMBxrGEUg-00397-00201376-00201543 incoming missile AtvMBxrGEUg-00398-00201544-00201863 okay what's what's the truth oh i was AtvMBxrGEUg-00399-00201864-00201959 told AtvMBxrGEUg-00400-00201960-00202190 he tried to fly his ship into the tower AtvMBxrGEUg-00401-00202191-00202423 well in order to destroy it in fact it AtvMBxrGEUg-00402-00202424-00202678 wasn't that clear AtvMBxrGEUg-00403-00202679-00203083 i wonder which story is true your royal AtvMBxrGEUg-00404-00203084-00203471 highness i don't know AtvMBxrGEUg-00405-00203472-00203687 looking at it objectively AtvMBxrGEUg-00406-00203688-00203895 it's reasonable to believe that harlan AtvMBxrGEUg-00407-00203896-00204223 had both options before him AtvMBxrGEUg-00408-00204224-00204375 when it comes to which one you think he AtvMBxrGEUg-00409-00204376-00204471 took AtvMBxrGEUg-00410-00204472-00204719 i guess it's like a mirror AtvMBxrGEUg-00411-00204720-00204910 yes it is AtvMBxrGEUg-00412-00204911-00205127 it's like a mirror looking into your own AtvMBxrGEUg-00413-00205128-00205271 soul AtvMBxrGEUg-00414-00205271-00205479 based on whichever choice you believe it AtvMBxrGEUg-00415-00205480-00205862 was AtvMBxrGEUg-00416-00205863-00206127 at the moment though i can only see AtvMBxrGEUg-00417-00206128-00206766 darkness AtvMBxrGEUg-00418-00206767-00206879 i think AtvMBxrGEUg-00419-00206880-00207262 i think that thing should be destroyed AtvMBxrGEUg-00420-00207263-00207527 yeah no no more AtvMBxrGEUg-00421-00207528-00207679 reason to fight AtvMBxrGEUg-00422-00207680-00207806 reason to AtvMBxrGEUg-00423-00207807-00208486 fight over AtvMBxrGEUg-00424-00208487-00208662 it's time for the briefing AtvMBxrGEUg-00425-00208663-00208846 although since we don't have any contact AtvMBxrGEUg-00426-00208848-00209038 with hq it's not like this is an AtvMBxrGEUg-00427-00209039-00209375 official mission AtvMBxrGEUg-00428-00209376-00209534 anyway it looks like the seizure of AtvMBxrGEUg-00429-00209535-00209758 tyler island and the relief from osea AtvMBxrGEUg-00430-00209759-00210015 have been postponed AtvMBxrGEUg-00431-00210016-00210167 in the meantime we just have to do what AtvMBxrGEUg-00432-00210167-00210423 we can to survive AtvMBxrGEUg-00433-00210423-00210582 since losing its capital city of AtvMBxrGEUg-00434-00210583-00210694 verbanti AtvMBxrGEUg-00435-00210696-00210910 erosion forces have separated into AtvMBxrGEUg-00436-00210911-00211239 smaller autonomous factions AtvMBxrGEUg-00437-00211240-00211494 it looks like euroga's largest force and AtvMBxrGEUg-00438-00211496-00211694 leading faction will pass through the AtvMBxrGEUg-00439-00211696-00212006 area around this base AtvMBxrGEUg-00440-00212007-00212223 the space elevator is significant to AtvMBxrGEUg-00441-00212223-00212319 them AtvMBxrGEUg-00442-00212319-00212663 so they're probably heading there AtvMBxrGEUg-00443-00212664-00212831 should we intercept AtvMBxrGEUg-00444-00212832-00212919 why AtvMBxrGEUg-00445-00212919-00213134 i doubt they're gonna start a fight now AtvMBxrGEUg-00446-00213135-00213375 our top priority should be to get home AtvMBxrGEUg-00447-00213376-00213567 let's go already AtvMBxrGEUg-00448-00213567-00213703 yeah AtvMBxrGEUg-00449-00213704-00213942 it's not like we have the supplies power AtvMBxrGEUg-00450-00213944-00214367 or even a real reason to put up a fight AtvMBxrGEUg-00451-00214367-00214487 but AtvMBxrGEUg-00452-00214488-00214646 what are we going to do if they bring AtvMBxrGEUg-00453-00214648-00214951 the fight to us AtvMBxrGEUg-00454-00214952-00215271 we need to be ready to push them back AtvMBxrGEUg-00455-00215271-00215423 if we head inland from here towards AtvMBxrGEUg-00456-00215423-00215623 aruja there's an old castle that's been AtvMBxrGEUg-00457-00215623-00215887 converted into a stockpiling base AtvMBxrGEUg-00458-00215888-00216071 shilaji castle AtvMBxrGEUg-00459-00216071-00216255 it's currently occupied by some of the AtvMBxrGEUg-00460-00216256-00216519 erosion forces that broke off AtvMBxrGEUg-00461-00216519-00216887 but we need ammo and fuel AtvMBxrGEUg-00462-00216888-00217087 they appear to have converted a freeway AtvMBxrGEUg-00463-00217088-00217319 into a runway so we can expect them to AtvMBxrGEUg-00464-00217319-00217623 have the capacity for air combat AtvMBxrGEUg-00465-00217623-00217775 but they'll be easier to handle than AtvMBxrGEUg-00466-00217776-00217998 arugia's lead faction AtvMBxrGEUg-00467-00218000-00218206 but we can't use all our aircraft to AtvMBxrGEUg-00468-00218207-00218319 attack AtvMBxrGEUg-00469-00218319-00218494 the transport carrying the stolen AtvMBxrGEUg-00470-00218496-00218942 supplies need support AtvMBxrGEUg-00471-00218944-00219246 okay strider squadron you head out first AtvMBxrGEUg-00472-00219248-00219455 and neuter the dogs at the stockpiling AtvMBxrGEUg-00473-00219456-00219575 base AtvMBxrGEUg-00474-00219576-00219767 rendezvous with cyclops squadron who AtvMBxrGEUg-00475-00219767-00219967 will bring the transport then we bring AtvMBxrGEUg-00476-00219967-00220191 the supplies back to this base AtvMBxrGEUg-00477-00220192-00220279 got it AtvMBxrGEUg-00478-00220280-00220503 aircraft are our only threat AtvMBxrGEUg-00479-00220504-00220623 sounds good AtvMBxrGEUg-00480-00220623-00220751 we'll make it AtvMBxrGEUg-00481-00220752-00220958 we're all gonna fly home AtvMBxrGEUg-00482-00220959-00221623 together AtvMBxrGEUg-00483-00221623-00221871 no ocean forces are in the region ahead AtvMBxrGEUg-00484-00221871-00222358 no allies here no need to id your target AtvMBxrGEUg-00485-00222359-00222519 okay we've set a number of priority AtvMBxrGEUg-00486-00222519-00222727 targets focusing on their anti-aircraft AtvMBxrGEUg-00487-00222728-00223151 weaponry okay team get to work AtvMBxrGEUg-00488-00223152-00223471 unidentified aircraft not sure render AtvMBxrGEUg-00489-00223471-00223646 fire anyway we don't have time to be AtvMBxrGEUg-00490-00223648-00223991 wondering if they're friendlies or not AtvMBxrGEUg-00491-00223992-00224182 so we capture this base and take the AtvMBxrGEUg-00492-00224183-00224434 fuel and supplies that's the plan right AtvMBxrGEUg-00493-00224435-00224591 trigger AtvMBxrGEUg-00494-00224592-00225503 if you want to live AtvMBxrGEUg-00495-00225504-00225639 are destroyed up AtvMBxrGEUg-00496-00225640-00226671 and full back to our rear position AtvMBxrGEUg-00497-00226671-00226846 there are more vehicles along the road AtvMBxrGEUg-00498-00226848-00228134 they don't appear AtvMBxrGEUg-00499-00228135-00228406 they already are firing on us is AtvMBxrGEUg-00500-00228407-00228855 confused AtvMBxrGEUg-00501-00228856-00229071 we're all out of ammo AtvMBxrGEUg-00502-00229071-00231031 don't give up AtvMBxrGEUg-00503-00231032-00231679 destroyed AtvMBxrGEUg-00504-00231680-00231855 so what's this faction split from the AtvMBxrGEUg-00505-00231856-00232046 erusian military AtvMBxrGEUg-00506-00232048-00232231 the autonomous state of shilajit used to AtvMBxrGEUg-00507-00232232-00232439 be a nation the region is always lean AtvMBxrGEUg-00508-00232440-00232631 towards independence AtvMBxrGEUg-00509-00232632-00232758 those who want to restore their AtvMBxrGEUg-00510-00232759-00232958 homelands flock to it AtvMBxrGEUg-00511-00232959-00233167 apparently their core consists of AtvMBxrGEUg-00512-00233167-00233510 officers from boston which neighborhood AtvMBxrGEUg-00513-00233511-00235464 are they our enemies AtvMBxrGEUg-00514-00235465-00236871 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00515-00236871-00238806 strider one target destroyed AtvMBxrGEUg-00516-00238807-00240439 why aren't AtvMBxrGEUg-00517-00240440-00240934 good AtvMBxrGEUg-00518-00240935-00241594 breaking morning AtvMBxrGEUg-00519-00241596-00242166 [Applause] AtvMBxrGEUg-00520-00242167-00242382 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00521-00242383-00242630 we're coming up on the castle AtvMBxrGEUg-00522-00242631-00242791 let's hurry up and capture this base so AtvMBxrGEUg-00523-00242792-00242998 we can get its fuel and supplies AtvMBxrGEUg-00524-00243000-00243191 [__] i feel like we're a group of AtvMBxrGEUg-00525-00243192-00243310 burglars AtvMBxrGEUg-00526-00243311-00243591 don't say that this is for our survival AtvMBxrGEUg-00527-00243592-00246198 yeah i know AtvMBxrGEUg-00528-00246200-00246855 locked on banded AtvMBxrGEUg-00530-00250144-00251446 hmm AtvMBxrGEUg-00531-00251448-00253039 was not struck AtvMBxrGEUg-00532-00253040-00253606 what's the matter aiming fire AtvMBxrGEUg-00533-00253607-00255710 targeted AtvMBxrGEUg-00534-00255711-00258367 the battle won't last much longer AtvMBxrGEUg-00535-00258367-00260406 um AtvMBxrGEUg-00536-00260407-00260791 not something i'll tell my son about AtvMBxrGEUg-00537-00260792-00263215 god AtvMBxrGEUg-00538-00263216-00263375 getting to take off speed inside the AtvMBxrGEUg-00539-00263376-00263623 tunnel is insane AtvMBxrGEUg-00540-00263624-00264460 soul squadron airport AtvMBxrGEUg-00541-00264461-00265439 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00542-00265440-00265582 land immediately and hand over your AtvMBxrGEUg-00543-00265583-00267358 planes and face to us AtvMBxrGEUg-00544-00267359-00268615 [__] AtvMBxrGEUg-00545-00268616-00269230 target acquired AtvMBxrGEUg-00546-00269231-00269582 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00547-00269583-00269871 enemy on your back AtvMBxrGEUg-00548-00269872-00270471 don't let them get under your skin AtvMBxrGEUg-00549-00270472-00271863 um AtvMBxrGEUg-00550-00271864-00274103 um AtvMBxrGEUg-00551-00274104-00274266 vehicle AtvMBxrGEUg-00552-00274267-00275903 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00554-00279320-00280999 we can't even last long AtvMBxrGEUg-00555-00281000-00282310 uh AtvMBxrGEUg-00556-00282311-00282793 okay AtvMBxrGEUg-00557-00282794-00284110 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00558-00284111-00284382 aircraft you must find your own sky i AtvMBxrGEUg-00559-00284383-00284599 can still help you AtvMBxrGEUg-00560-00284600-00284751 don't waste your life AtvMBxrGEUg-00561-00284752-00284927 dedicated to reclaiming that when you AtvMBxrGEUg-00562-00284928-00285087 call home AtvMBxrGEUg-00563-00285088-00285327 furthermore i must find someone to guide AtvMBxrGEUg-00564-00285328-00285406 you AtvMBxrGEUg-00565-00285407-00287158 i am not that person AtvMBxrGEUg-00566-00287159-00287375 hey look at the color of that plane damn AtvMBxrGEUg-00567-00287376-00287543 that's the flames AtvMBxrGEUg-00568-00287544-00287806 time for payback AtvMBxrGEUg-00569-00287807-00288758 it's no good i can't get close enough AtvMBxrGEUg-00570-00288759-00290727 might just cost us our lives AtvMBxrGEUg-00572-00294083-00294351 aircraft land your plane and surrender AtvMBxrGEUg-00573-00294352-00294471 why do you feel the need to continue AtvMBxrGEUg-00574-00294472-00294799 fighting on your own AtvMBxrGEUg-00575-00294800-00295087 [Applause] AtvMBxrGEUg-00576-00295088-00296287 he's not alone look around you AtvMBxrGEUg-00577-00296288-00298310 to see if he's truly worthy AtvMBxrGEUg-00578-00298311-00298551 this oh is my body AtvMBxrGEUg-00579-00298552-00298751 if they are not enough then i must put AtvMBxrGEUg-00580-00298752-00299206 my soul into it AtvMBxrGEUg-00581-00299207-00299510 there are pilots AtvMBxrGEUg-00582-00299511-00301263 and i found every last one of them AtvMBxrGEUg-00583-00301264-00301463 both actually shot each other at the AtvMBxrGEUg-00584-00301464-00301695 same time he got him AtvMBxrGEUg-00585-00301696-00301991 the trigger is splashed abandoned AtvMBxrGEUg-00586-00301992-00302327 my plane is slightly damaged AtvMBxrGEUg-00587-00302328-00303448 99 AtvMBxrGEUg-00588-00303449-00304128 [Music] AtvMBxrGEUg-00589-00304129-00304510 [Applause] AtvMBxrGEUg-00590-00304511-00304703 is this a message to trigger AtvMBxrGEUg-00591-00304704-00304879 what does it mean AtvMBxrGEUg-00592-00304880-00305030 i don't think this war is over just AtvMBxrGEUg-00593-00305031-00305239 because we shot down mr x AtvMBxrGEUg-00594-00305240-00305375 yeah it's going to take something else AtvMBxrGEUg-00595-00305376-00305615 entirely to end this thing yeah i just AtvMBxrGEUg-00597-00309448-00309943 supplies AtvMBxrGEUg-00598-00309944-00311903 that's how it was where i grew up AtvMBxrGEUg-00599-00311904-00312071 there are more vehicles along the road AtvMBxrGEUg-00600-00312072-00314439 they don't appear to be military AtvMBxrGEUg-00601-00314440-00314543 all right AtvMBxrGEUg-00602-00314544-00314758 well that was AtvMBxrGEUg-00603-00314759-00315023 main protagonist actually AtvMBxrGEUg-00604-00315024-00315287 that we just AtvMBxrGEUg-00605-00315288-00315463 just beat AtvMBxrGEUg-00606-00315464-00315695 but i don't know how this war is going AtvMBxrGEUg-00607-00315696-00315975 to go and or how many missions we have AtvMBxrGEUg-00608-00315976-00316887 left not too many i believe AtvMBxrGEUg-00609-00316888-00317134 the resupply went well we should be okay AtvMBxrGEUg-00610-00317135-00317310 on food and fuel reserves for a little AtvMBxrGEUg-00611-00317311-00317471 while at least AtvMBxrGEUg-00612-00317472-00317687 luckily the rumor that the erusian army AtvMBxrGEUg-00613-00317688-00318015 is advancing nearby is only a rumor AtvMBxrGEUg-00614-00318016-00318295 there's no sign of them from the skies AtvMBxrGEUg-00615-00318296-00318527 rumors rumors rumors this is what AtvMBxrGEUg-00616-00318528-00318863 happens when you lose communications AtvMBxrGEUg-00617-00318864-00319095 but we got one good fact AtvMBxrGEUg-00618-00319096-00319295 the plane trigger shot down was an AtvMBxrGEUg-00619-00319296-00319615 advanced model of the xo2 wyvern it was AtvMBxrGEUg-00620-00319616-00319879 developed in the last continental war AtvMBxrGEUg-00621-00319880-00320182 erusia had a lot up their sleeves AtvMBxrGEUg-00622-00320183-00320327 apparently they were even supposed to AtvMBxrGEUg-00623-00320328-00320543 have belkan aircraft back in the first AtvMBxrGEUg-00624-00320544-00320654 war AtvMBxrGEUg-00625-00320655-00320847 what if trigger couldn't shoot it down AtvMBxrGEUg-00626-00320848-00321054 just thinking about it gives me chills AtvMBxrGEUg-00627-00321055-00321358 we're lucky to be here AtvMBxrGEUg-00628-00321359-00321582 you never know what's lurking behind the AtvMBxrGEUg-00629-00321583-00321695 curtains AtvMBxrGEUg-00630-00321696-00322039 but it looks like everything's loose now AtvMBxrGEUg-00631-00322040-00322239 the solid chain of command AtvMBxrGEUg-00632-00322240-00322503 rest periods after sorties a battlefield AtvMBxrGEUg-00633-00322504-00322758 where you know friend from foe AtvMBxrGEUg-00634-00322759-00322999 all of that's gone now lost in a fog of AtvMBxrGEUg-00635-00323000-00323406 confusion feels like a distant dream AtvMBxrGEUg-00636-00323407-00323487 now AtvMBxrGEUg-00637-00323488-00323687 just how the hell are we gonna get out AtvMBxrGEUg-00638-00323688-00324015 of this mess AtvMBxrGEUg-00639-00324016-00324279 i don't know AtvMBxrGEUg-00640-00324280-00324606 okay this and next mission are left i AtvMBxrGEUg-00641-00324607-00324854 don't have a dlcs in this game so when AtvMBxrGEUg-00642-00324855-00325006 we got to the mainland we found the AtvMBxrGEUg-00643-00325007-00325295 space elevator support facility AtvMBxrGEUg-00644-00325296-00325463 i guess this was the factory where they AtvMBxrGEUg-00645-00325464-00325615 built the gigantic structure the AtvMBxrGEUg-00646-00325616-00326007 elevator traveled in AvZQvrWXA3Y-00001-00003839-00004098 oh AvZQvrWXA3Y-00002-00004099-00005464 [Music] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00003-00005465-00005599 [Applause] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00004-00005600-00005884 foreign AvZQvrWXA3Y-00006-00010584-00010844 so AvZQvrWXA3Y-00007-00010845-00011635 [Music] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00008-00011636-00012075 [Applause] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00009-00012076-00012994 [Music] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00010-00012996-00013757 [Music] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00011-00013758-00014066 [Music] AvZQvrWXA3Y-00012-00014068-00014384 thank you AyYLM8vdYBM-00000-00000008-00000103 oh AyYLM8vdYBM-00001-00000104-00000351 snap the most reliable concept is now AyYLM8vdYBM-00002-00000352-00000455 here if you're looking for everything AyYLM8vdYBM-00003-00000456-00000651 from the team at this museum check out AyYLM8vdYBM-00004-00000652-00000847 fullbrights.com and use the discount AyYLM8vdYBM-00005-00000848-00000927 code AyYLM8vdYBM-00006-00000927-00001143 for five percent off your chat hey guys AyYLM8vdYBM-00007-00001144-00001295 see my channel again and today i'm going AyYLM8vdYBM-00008-00001296-00001431 to be bringing you a video trying to AyYLM8vdYBM-00009-00001432-00001710 find out who is the ultimate pace beast AyYLM8vdYBM-00010-00001711-00001926 at striker this is going to be between AyYLM8vdYBM-00011-00001927-00002151 team of the season aubameyang and team AyYLM8vdYBM-00012-00002152-00002367 of the season hermann and i'm going to AyYLM8vdYBM-00013-00002368-00002518 be seeing who plays better in that AyYLM8vdYBM-00014-00002519-00002726 striker position as you can see on the AyYLM8vdYBM-00015-00002727-00002895 screen there this is the team i've got AyYLM8vdYBM-00016-00002896-00003071 around him and up top we've got AyYLM8vdYBM-00017-00003072-00003351 aubameyang there and herman is the right AyYLM8vdYBM-00018-00003352-00003519 forward so i can play him in the striker AyYLM8vdYBM-00019-00003520-00003751 position i'm gonna jump into a game see AyYLM8vdYBM-00020-00003752-00003975 who scores more goals who plays better AyYLM8vdYBM-00021-00003976-00004159 and then from that we'll get our final AyYLM8vdYBM-00022-00004160-00004327 judgment if you're going to enjoy this AyYLM8vdYBM-00023-00004328-00004495 video make sure to drop a like that AyYLM8vdYBM-00024-00004496-00004719 would be very much appreciated if we can AyYLM8vdYBM-00025-00004720-00005015 hit 50 plus likes that would be amazing AyYLM8vdYBM-00026-00005016-00005199 in fact if we can get three likes in AyYLM8vdYBM-00027-00005200-00005495 this video i'll be more than happy AyYLM8vdYBM-00028-00005496-00005711 nevertheless let's jump into a game and AyYLM8vdYBM-00029-00005712-00005943 see who does better okay this is the AyYLM8vdYBM-00030-00005944-00006095 team i'm coming up against he's got AyYLM8vdYBM-00031-00006096-00006375 benzema griezmann and velen that i hate AyYLM8vdYBM-00032-00006376-00006527 playing against benjamin he's probably AyYLM8vdYBM-00033-00006528-00006775 one of the sweetest strikers on the game AyYLM8vdYBM-00034-00006776-00007006 anyways let's see what we can do AyYLM8vdYBM-00035-00007008-00007246 okay herman AyYLM8vdYBM-00036-00007247-00007606 oh it's one nil already herman is in the AyYLM8vdYBM-00037-00007608-00007934 lead with a spectacular volley i mean it AyYLM8vdYBM-00038-00007936-00008151 only took us two minutes to get that AyYLM8vdYBM-00039-00008152-00008407 goal so that was pretty insane AyYLM8vdYBM-00040-00008408-00008655 batman finds herman AyYLM8vdYBM-00041-00008656-00008935 can herman please it oh herman i could AyYLM8vdYBM-00042-00008936-00009071 have gone for the finesse by the AyYLM8vdYBM-00043-00009072-00009223 defender on his back so i couldn't AyYLM8vdYBM-00044-00009224-00009542 really do anything oh my days oh wow AyYLM8vdYBM-00045-00009543-00009814 herman is pulling out the shots i think AyYLM8vdYBM-00046-00009815-00010119 this guy wants to be cleaned as the best AyYLM8vdYBM-00047-00010120-00010414 aubameyang oh bombing's header doesn't AyYLM8vdYBM-00048-00010415-00010646 quite make it is he bringing his keeper AyYLM8vdYBM-00049-00010647-00010935 out it doesn't look like it oh bamiyan AyYLM8vdYBM-00050-00010936-00011246 shot is saved okay AyYLM8vdYBM-00051-00011247-00011591 oh AyYLM8vdYBM-00052-00011592-00011935 oh wow herman puts in the second goal AyYLM8vdYBM-00053-00011936-00012223 this guy's on a roll he just can't stop AyYLM8vdYBM-00054-00012224-00012495 he's not giving obama and the chance AyYLM8vdYBM-00055-00012496-00012735 wow of course the rage quit already in AyYLM8vdYBM-00056-00012736-00013030 that game of bombing at a 7.6 rating AyYLM8vdYBM-00057-00013031-00013375 herman it is 7.5 but you know what guys AyYLM8vdYBM-00058-00013376-00013519 we're going to jump into another game AyYLM8vdYBM-00059-00013519-00013727 because that just wasn't enough okay AyYLM8vdYBM-00060-00013728-00013894 we're now coming up against a team with AyYLM8vdYBM-00061-00013895-00014191 van persie and storage up top let's see AyYLM8vdYBM-00062-00014191-00014463 if herman or barman can score any more AyYLM8vdYBM-00063-00014463-00014711 goals he's offside he's on now AyYLM8vdYBM-00064-00014712-00015022 aubameyang AyYLM8vdYBM-00065-00015023-00015375 oh obama and gets his goal that is now AyYLM8vdYBM-00066-00015376-00015607 two one term and herman scored two in AyYLM8vdYBM-00067-00015608-00015871 the last game and abam scored his first AyYLM8vdYBM-00068-00015872-00016055 this game so yeah it's getting AyYLM8vdYBM-00069-00016056-00016230 interesting ah AyYLM8vdYBM-00070-00016231-00016503 can he do this okay AyYLM8vdYBM-00071-00016504-00016694 he gets it back AyYLM8vdYBM-00072-00016695-00017111 cuts in AyYLM8vdYBM-00073-00017112-00017286 oh no AyYLM8vdYBM-00074-00017287-00017399 oh AyYLM8vdYBM-00075-00017400-00017679 can anyone finish this so mickey hydrant AyYLM8vdYBM-00076-00017680-00017999 gets the goal it wasn't about yang it AyYLM8vdYBM-00077-00018000-00018311 wasn't herman but we've got a goal 2-0 AyYLM8vdYBM-00078-00018312-00018543 in this game let's freaking go looking AyYLM8vdYBM-00079-00018544-00018863 for his teammate AyYLM8vdYBM-00080-00018864-00019311 bang on what a header by obama yang he's AyYLM8vdYBM-00081-00019312-00019663 now on goal too it's now level two all AyYLM8vdYBM-00082-00019664-00020135 to both players this is really close AyYLM8vdYBM-00083-00020136-00020375 since a bombing has good stats i'll put AyYLM8vdYBM-00084-00020376-00020535 him on it i could obviously put AyYLM8vdYBM-00085-00020536-00020822 rodriguez but paul by mainland to see AyYLM8vdYBM-00086-00020823-00021143 what he can do here AyYLM8vdYBM-00087-00021144-00021422 oh what a save by joe harp now it's half AyYLM8vdYBM-00088-00021423-00021639 time as you can see we're doing pretty AyYLM8vdYBM-00089-00021640-00021830 decent we've got more possession more AyYLM8vdYBM-00090-00021831-00022055 shots on target the friendly competition AyYLM8vdYBM-00091-00022056-00022311 between aubameyang and herman is pretty AyYLM8vdYBM-00092-00022312-00022511 good let's jump into the second half and AyYLM8vdYBM-00093-00022512-00022686 see how it goes AyYLM8vdYBM-00094-00022687-00022967 oh he gets one back there was a bit of AyYLM8vdYBM-00095-00022968-00023183 misunderstanding in the defense i don't AyYLM8vdYBM-00096-00023184-00023350 know how he went through AyYLM8vdYBM-00097-00023351-00023567 but unfortunately he gets a goal from AyYLM8vdYBM-00098-00023568-00023958 percy obama oh he gives it to herman AyYLM8vdYBM-00099-00023959-00024047 okay AyYLM8vdYBM-00100-00024048-00024383 oh oh herman messes it up but aubameyang AyYLM8vdYBM-00101-00024384-00024655 places it in the back of the net what a AyYLM8vdYBM-00102-00024656-00024942 great finish four one and it seems that AyYLM8vdYBM-00103-00024943-00025199 bamiyang is now on three goals right i'm AyYLM8vdYBM-00104-00025200-00025399 gonna give this free kick to him and AyYLM8vdYBM-00105-00025400-00025575 since i gave the first one to obama and AyYLM8vdYBM-00106-00025576-00025806 just to level things up make it fair and AyYLM8vdYBM-00107-00025807-00026167 herman puts it in he's now also on three AyYLM8vdYBM-00108-00026168-00026399 he's gone from a free kick i know but AyYLM8vdYBM-00109-00026400-00026583 the first free kick i got earlier on i AyYLM8vdYBM-00110-00026583-00026839 gave it to aubameyang so it's only fair AyYLM8vdYBM-00111-00026839-00027095 to give him and his chance there we go AyYLM8vdYBM-00112-00027095-00027343 herman herman's right there can he AyYLM8vdYBM-00113-00027344-00027631 finish it oh he hits the post so we AyYLM8vdYBM-00114-00027632-00027879 conceded a penalty guys this is the last AyYLM8vdYBM-00115-00027880-00028151 thing i wanted but when the 84th minute AyYLM8vdYBM-00116-00028152-00028431 were 5-2 in the lead so we should be AyYLM8vdYBM-00117-00028432-00028574 safe for the win AyYLM8vdYBM-00118-00028575-00028855 that is the end of the game guys so it AyYLM8vdYBM-00119-00028856-00029158 ended up with both players having scored AyYLM8vdYBM-00120-00029160-00029423 three goals each so i'm gonna look at AyYLM8vdYBM-00121-00029424-00029639 the final stats and then we'll see who AyYLM8vdYBM-00122-00029639-00029870 did better overall so guys the game AyYLM8vdYBM-00123-00029872-00030111 ended up 5-2 and as you can see there AyYLM8vdYBM-00124-00030112-00030374 aubameyang got man in the match and if AyYLM8vdYBM-00125-00030375-00030583 you remember last game he was on for AyYLM8vdYBM-00126-00030583-00030783 another man of the match and he scored AyYLM8vdYBM-00127-00030783-00031055 three goals to herman's one goal but AyYLM8vdYBM-00128-00031056-00031214 remember the fact that hammerman also AyYLM8vdYBM-00129-00031216-00031390 scored two goals in the last game AyYLM8vdYBM-00130-00031391-00031662 meaning that each got three according to AyYLM8vdYBM-00131-00031663-00032014 this a bambang is overall the best AyYLM8vdYBM-00132-00032016-00032246 herman assisted two of aubameyang's AyYLM8vdYBM-00133-00032247-00032414 goals so he should be able to get AyYLM8vdYBM-00134-00032416-00032639 something for that but in terms of the AyYLM8vdYBM-00135-00032639-00032951 best striker aubameyang wins this before AyYLM8vdYBM-00136-00032952-00033102 doing this video you probably would have AyYLM8vdYBM-00137-00033103-00033302 expected that but i'm not gonna lie guys AyYLM8vdYBM-00138-00033303-00033559 herman did do pretty well he held up his AyYLM8vdYBM-00139-00033560-00033807 own he scored some goals he created some AyYLM8vdYBM-00140-00033808-00034046 chances so if you do have herman i would AyYLM8vdYBM-00141-00034047-00034215 recommend you use him as a striker AyYLM8vdYBM-00142-00034216-00034439 because he's pretty op in that position AyYLM8vdYBM-00143-00034440-00034735 as well overall both players played well AyYLM8vdYBM-00144-00034736-00034990 unfortunately herman got injured in that AyYLM8vdYBM-00145-00034991-00035135 game which is something you never really AyYLM8vdYBM-00146-00035136-00035343 want to see with your players AyYLM8vdYBM-00147-00035344-00035551 and yeah here is the squad if you want AyYLM8vdYBM-00148-00035552-00035783 to try it out for yourself guys as you AyYLM8vdYBM-00149-00035784-00035990 can see we're farming there AyYLM8vdYBM-00150-00035991-00036359 junkie bolton deepmere with rodriguez AyYLM8vdYBM-00151-00036360-00036718 here with castro schweinsteiger gundagan AyYLM8vdYBM-00152-00036719-00037087 mikhail aubameyang and herman that's the AyYLM8vdYBM-00153-00037088-00037239 full team if you want to build it for AyYLM8vdYBM-00154-00037240-00037511 yourselves guys and try it herman and AyYLM8vdYBM-00155-00037512-00037783 aubameyang had a pretty decent war AyYLM8vdYBM-00156-00037784-00037935 trying to score the most goals but AyYLM8vdYBM-00157-00037936-00038190 aubameyang just about won that with AyYLM8vdYBM-00158-00038191-00038462 herman also being an insane player so if AyYLM8vdYBM-00159-00038463-00038646 you haven't once again put mr striker AyYLM8vdYBM-00160-00038647-00038839 try him out and if you did enjoy this AyYLM8vdYBM-00161-00038840-00039039 video guys make sure to drop a like that AyYLM8vdYBM-00162-00039040-00039223 would be very much appreciated and AyYLM8vdYBM-00163-00039224-00039430 subscribe if you are new as well to see AyYLM8vdYBM-00164-00039431-00039630 more of my content that's about it from AyYLM8vdYBM-00165-00039631-00039839 me today this is t-mac signing out AyYLM8vdYBM-00166-00039840-00041102 thanks for watching guys and see AyYLM8vdYBM-00167-00041103-00041312 you AAEbFP0rZ5I-00000-00000008-00000158 want to make sure your husband is AAEbFP0rZ5I-00001-00000159-00000415 feeling the passion or just need to keep AAEbFP0rZ5I-00002-00000416-00000599 those evil spirits away AAEbFP0rZ5I-00003-00000600-00000844 maybe you just want to see ghosts AAEbFP0rZ5I-00004-00000844-00001047 [Applause] AAEbFP0rZ5I-00005-00001048-00001239 careful what you wish for we'll talk AAEbFP0rZ5I-00006-00001240-00001350 about all of these AAEbFP0rZ5I-00007-00001351-00001550 and many more amazing myths about AAEbFP0rZ5I-00008-00001551-00001695 lavender today AAEbFP0rZ5I-00009-00001696-00001969 on eccentric nature AAEbFP0rZ5I-00010-00001970-00002575 [Music] AAEbFP0rZ5I-00011-00002576-00002910 and now the mythology of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00012-00002911-00003343 lavender lavender is associated with the AAEbFP0rZ5I-00013-00003344-00003390 planet AAEbFP0rZ5I-00014-00003392-00003679 mercury the element of air and the AAEbFP0rZ5I-00015-00003679-00003919 astrological signs of virgo AAEbFP0rZ5I-00016-00003920-00004263 and gemini lavender flowers are known to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00017-00004264-00004415 represent purity AAEbFP0rZ5I-00018-00004416-00004767 silence devotion serenity grace AAEbFP0rZ5I-00019-00004768-00005038 and calmness the romans dedicated AAEbFP0rZ5I-00020-00005039-00005254 lavender to the worship of hecate AAEbFP0rZ5I-00021-00005255-00005551 and her daughters medea and cersei lost AAEbFP0rZ5I-00022-00005552-00005743 any goddesses who loved serpents AAEbFP0rZ5I-00023-00005744-00005951 women used to be presented with bouquets AAEbFP0rZ5I-00024-00005952-00006159 of lavender or given lavender to hold AAEbFP0rZ5I-00025-00006160-00006359 during childbirth and this would bring AAEbFP0rZ5I-00026-00006360-00006454 them strength AAEbFP0rZ5I-00027-00006455-00006670 and courage sounds good to me give them AAEbFP0rZ5I-00028-00006672-00006759 all the help you can AAEbFP0rZ5I-00029-00006759-00007070 that childbirth is tough stuff and in AAEbFP0rZ5I-00030-00007072-00007223 the 19th century AAEbFP0rZ5I-00031-00007223-00007487 gypsy travelers sold bunches of lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00032-00007488-00007646 on the streets of london AAEbFP0rZ5I-00033-00007647-00007919 to bring people good luck oddly it seems AAEbFP0rZ5I-00034-00007920-00008103 that lavender represented distrust to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00035-00008104-00008231 certain victorians AAEbFP0rZ5I-00036-00008232-00008423 what how this was even possible AAEbFP0rZ5I-00037-00008424-00008607 considering how much queen victoria AAEbFP0rZ5I-00038-00008608-00008959 loved it is beyond me lavender and AAEbFP0rZ5I-00039-00008960-00009271 religion christians would make crosses AAEbFP0rZ5I-00040-00009272-00009446 of lavender and hang them over their AAEbFP0rZ5I-00041-00009447-00009527 doorways AAEbFP0rZ5I-00042-00009528-00009871 for protection against evil so AAEbFP0rZ5I-00043-00009872-00010063 how did lavender get its scent well you AAEbFP0rZ5I-00044-00010064-00010231 see the scent comes from essential oils AAEbFP0rZ5I-00045-00010232-00010383 in the wrong AAEbFP0rZ5I-00046-00010384-00010591 it is believed that lavender was taken AAEbFP0rZ5I-00047-00010592-00010783 by adam and eve out of the garden of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00048-00010784-00010846 eden AAEbFP0rZ5I-00049-00010847-00011119 and one day mary laid baby jesus's AAEbFP0rZ5I-00050-00011120-00011359 clothes on a lavender bush to dry AAEbFP0rZ5I-00051-00011360-00011663 and this act bestowed lavender with its AAEbFP0rZ5I-00052-00011664-00011814 glorious scent AAEbFP0rZ5I-00053-00011815-00012038 which is kind of what mary did with AAEbFP0rZ5I-00054-00012039-00012167 rosemary too AAEbFP0rZ5I-00055-00012168-00012367 man mary is just like doling out AAEbFP0rZ5I-00056-00012368-00012510 happiness to all kinds of different AAEbFP0rZ5I-00057-00012511-00012559 herbs AAEbFP0rZ5I-00058-00012560-00012695 there are several references in the AAEbFP0rZ5I-00059-00012696-00012935 bible to lavender under its greek name AAEbFP0rZ5I-00060-00012936-00013102 spikenard which just kind of makes me AAEbFP0rZ5I-00061-00013103-00013255 think that lavender went through a punk AAEbFP0rZ5I-00062-00013256-00013622 rocker phase AAEbFP0rZ5I-00063-00013623-00013911 anyway back to the bible one story says AAEbFP0rZ5I-00064-00013912-00014094 that mary took a pound of the very AAEbFP0rZ5I-00065-00014095-00014230 pricey lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00066-00014231-00014486 anointed jesus's footsies and then wiped AAEbFP0rZ5I-00067-00014487-00014703 his feet with her own lavender coated AAEbFP0rZ5I-00068-00014704-00014799 hair AAEbFP0rZ5I-00069-00014800-00015086 kinda odd but you know to each their own AAEbFP0rZ5I-00070-00015087-00015311 a little more gruesome is the tale of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00071-00015312-00015535 judith in the gospel of luke AAEbFP0rZ5I-00072-00015536-00015750 she wore a lavender perfume the charm AAEbFP0rZ5I-00073-00015751-00015847 hall of fernie's AAEbFP0rZ5I-00074-00015847-00016071 oh that's nice and then she got him AAEbFP0rZ5I-00075-00016072-00016238 drunk and beheaded him AAEbFP0rZ5I-00076-00016240-00016494 ouch well he kind of deserved it as he AAEbFP0rZ5I-00077-00016495-00016703 was about to destroy her home town of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00078-00016704-00016847 bethulia oh AAEbFP0rZ5I-00079-00016848-00017143 okay well take that holo furnace you AAEbFP0rZ5I-00080-00017144-00017263 could also find this event AAEbFP0rZ5I-00081-00017264-00017463 lovingly depicted in numerous famous AAEbFP0rZ5I-00082-00017464-00017615 paintings through the ages AAEbFP0rZ5I-00083-00017616-00017839 not so much the lavender more the head AAEbFP0rZ5I-00084-00017840-00017919 slicey AAEbFP0rZ5I-00085-00017920-00018191 humans are so morbid shifting over to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00086-00018192-00018335 spain and portugal AAEbFP0rZ5I-00087-00018336-00018583 on saint john's day you might find AAEbFP0rZ5I-00088-00018584-00018775 lavender on the floor of churches AAEbFP0rZ5I-00089-00018776-00018991 or tossed into bonfires in order to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00090-00018992-00019191 avert evil spirits AAEbFP0rZ5I-00091-00019192-00019527 speaking of evil forces lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00092-00019528-00019871 evil and ghosts lavender was said to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00093-00019872-00019919 avert AAEbFP0rZ5I-00094-00019920-00020230 the evil eye and chase away demons and AAEbFP0rZ5I-00095-00020231-00020327 evil spirits AAEbFP0rZ5I-00096-00020328-00020519 besides hanging it above your door if AAEbFP0rZ5I-00097-00020520-00020703 you plant lavender outside your house it AAEbFP0rZ5I-00098-00020704-00020894 was said not only to drive evil spirits AAEbFP0rZ5I-00099-00020895-00020950 away AAEbFP0rZ5I-00100-00020951-00021230 but keep bad luck away too but really AAEbFP0rZ5I-00101-00021231-00021383 there are myths that say if you use AAEbFP0rZ5I-00102-00021384-00021567 lavender anywhere in the house it's AAEbFP0rZ5I-00103-00021568-00021767 gonna stop any of those nasty demons and AAEbFP0rZ5I-00104-00021768-00021878 spirits too AAEbFP0rZ5I-00105-00021879-00022158 in tuscany they would pin a sprig of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00106-00022159-00022383 lavender on their shirts to ward off the AAEbFP0rZ5I-00107-00022384-00022527 dreaded evil eye AAEbFP0rZ5I-00108-00022528-00022775 are those confounded per snickety demons AAEbFP0rZ5I-00109-00022776-00022983 taking control of your unruly children AAEbFP0rZ5I-00110-00022984-00023135 then you should add some lavender to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00111-00023136-00023319 their bathwater to send those demons AAEbFP0rZ5I-00112-00023320-00023494 packing but more importantly AAEbFP0rZ5I-00113-00023495-00023758 are you wanting to connect to the other AAEbFP0rZ5I-00114-00023759-00023847 side AAEbFP0rZ5I-00115-00023848-00024175 well lavender may or may not help AAEbFP0rZ5I-00116-00024176-00024391 some say lavender smell actually repels AAEbFP0rZ5I-00117-00024392-00024575 ghosts but many say if you carry AAEbFP0rZ5I-00118-00024576-00024671 lavender with you AAEbFP0rZ5I-00119-00024672-00025047 it can help you see ghosts ah godzills AAEbFP0rZ5I-00120-00025048-00025519 it works this is apparently really AAEbFP0rZ5I-00121-00025520-00025678 tricky as you have to keep your third AAEbFP0rZ5I-00122-00025679-00025743 eye open AAEbFP0rZ5I-00123-00025744-00026006 your energy matching theirs and lots of AAEbFP0rZ5I-00124-00026007-00026127 other criteria AAEbFP0rZ5I-00125-00026127-00026311 well no one said reaching the other side AAEbFP0rZ5I-00126-00026312-00026446 would be easy AAEbFP0rZ5I-00127-00026447-00026807 lavender and magic in magic AAEbFP0rZ5I-00128-00026808-00027014 lavender has most often been used for AAEbFP0rZ5I-00129-00027016-00027199 protection people would often hang AAEbFP0rZ5I-00130-00027200-00027374 lavender on their bedposts AAEbFP0rZ5I-00131-00027375-00027623 or you can mix it with basil lemon balm AAEbFP0rZ5I-00132-00027624-00027679 thyme AAEbFP0rZ5I-00133-00027680-00027943 rue and frankincense burn the mixture in AAEbFP0rZ5I-00134-00027944-00028095 your house AAEbFP0rZ5I-00135-00028095-00028431 in a safe manner like incense to protect AAEbFP0rZ5I-00136-00028432-00028527 your home AAEbFP0rZ5I-00137-00028527-00028807 mix it with mugwort chamomile and rose AAEbFP0rZ5I-00138-00028808-00028943 on midsummer's eve AAEbFP0rZ5I-00139-00028944-00029174 and you might just attract some fairies AAEbFP0rZ5I-00140-00029175-00029246 elves AAEbFP0rZ5I-00141-00029247-00029567 or brownies or you can use it as a t to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00142-00029568-00029614 increase AAEbFP0rZ5I-00143-00029616-00029879 your clairvoyance and finally you can AAEbFP0rZ5I-00144-00029880-00030070 use lavender and spells to boost that AAEbFP0rZ5I-00145-00030072-00030151 brain power AAEbFP0rZ5I-00146-00030152-00030511 or encourage fertility insider tip AAEbFP0rZ5I-00147-00030512-00030727 add a little rosemary for a little extra AAEbFP0rZ5I-00148-00030727-00030855 oomph AAEbFP0rZ5I-00149-00030856-00031262 lavender and love lavender has been tied AAEbFP0rZ5I-00150-00031263-00031302 up in AAEbFP0rZ5I-00151-00031303-00031446 all different kinds of rituals and AAEbFP0rZ5I-00152-00031447-00031702 beliefs concerning love and the troubles AAEbFP0rZ5I-00153-00031703-00031802 it brings AAEbFP0rZ5I-00154-00031803-00032046 cleopatra apparently used lavender to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00155-00032047-00032246 aid in her seductions AAEbFP0rZ5I-00156-00032247-00032431 however women of north africa used AAEbFP0rZ5I-00157-00032432-00032614 lavender to protect themselves against AAEbFP0rZ5I-00158-00032616-00032774 abusive husbands AAEbFP0rZ5I-00159-00032775-00033015 during tudor times lavender tea was AAEbFP0rZ5I-00160-00033016-00033239 sipped by maidens on saint luke's day to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00161-00033240-00033518 divine the identity of their true loves AAEbFP0rZ5I-00162-00033519-00033735 maidens of ill repute were said to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00163-00033736-00034015 attract men by wearing lavender perfume AAEbFP0rZ5I-00164-00034016-00034262 and burning lavender scented candles AAEbFP0rZ5I-00165-00034263-00034431 though goodly maidens who wanted to AAEbFP0rZ5I-00166-00034432-00034527 remain chaste AAEbFP0rZ5I-00167-00034528-00034751 were told to carry a sprig of lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00168-00034752-00034943 to avoid unwanted advances AAEbFP0rZ5I-00169-00034944-00035071 it was also believed that a mere AAEbFP0rZ5I-00170-00035072-00035287 sprinkle of lavender water on your head AAEbFP0rZ5I-00171-00035288-00035527 would help you preserve your virtue AAEbFP0rZ5I-00172-00035528-00035702 ladies of the alps would tuck some AAEbFP0rZ5I-00173-00035703-00035911 lavender under their lover's pillow AAEbFP0rZ5I-00174-00035912-00036143 to foster romantic thoughts and AAEbFP0rZ5I-00175-00036144-00036223 encourage AAEbFP0rZ5I-00176-00036224-00036462 thoughts of marriage and once lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00177-00036463-00036630 did its job and people got married AAEbFP0rZ5I-00178-00036631-00036823 all you need to do is put some lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00179-00036824-00036999 under your mattress to ensure AAEbFP0rZ5I-00180-00037000-00037302 marital passion and avoid quarrels AAEbFP0rZ5I-00181-00037303-00037487 really that's all it takes well shoot AAEbFP0rZ5I-00182-00037488-00037883 grab me a little lavender and let's get AAEbFP0rZ5I-00183-00037884-00038207 busy AAEbFP0rZ5I-00184-00038208-00038446 has lavender protected you from evil AAEbFP0rZ5I-00185-00038447-00038551 maybe you've seen AAEbFP0rZ5I-00186-00038552-00038790 ghosts let me know in the comments down AAEbFP0rZ5I-00187-00038791-00038887 below AAEbFP0rZ5I-00188-00038888-00039095 if you want even more exciting folklore AAEbFP0rZ5I-00189-00039096-00039295 then watch the mythology of mint AAEbFP0rZ5I-00190-00039296-00039583 or the mythology of rosemary next until AAEbFP0rZ5I-00191-00039584-00039679 next time please AAEbFP0rZ5I-00192-00039680-00039918 be kind take care of each other and hold AAEbFP0rZ5I-00193-00039919-00040030 on to that lavender AAEbFP0rZ5I-00194-00040031-00041479 or else the ghosts might come for you AAEbFP0rZ5I-00195-00041480-00041688 you ABj4TlIYTeA-00000-00000256-00000430 hello friends welcome to pioneer of ABj4TlIYTeA-00001-00000431-00000615 success we are conducting the series ABj4TlIYTeA-00002-00000616-00000839 vector algebra and today's topic of ABj4TlIYTeA-00003-00000840-00001070 discussion is gauss divergence theorem ABj4TlIYTeA-00004-00001071-00001262 this video aims at exploring the ABj4TlIYTeA-00005-00001263-00001431 physical significance of gauss ABj4TlIYTeA-00006-00001432-00001671 divergence theorem after you watch this ABj4TlIYTeA-00007-00001672-00001863 video you will be clear with the concept ABj4TlIYTeA-00008-00001864-00002039 and this will be very much helpful for ABj4TlIYTeA-00009-00002039-00002287 your vector algebra learning purposes ABj4TlIYTeA-00010-00002288-00002502 before we move on to the main topic here ABj4TlIYTeA-00011-00002503-00002726 is something about myself and i request ABj4TlIYTeA-00012-00002727-00002918 you to subscribe to my channel for more ABj4TlIYTeA-00013-00002919-00003095 updates on engineering mathematics ABj4TlIYTeA-00014-00003096-00003254 vector algebra ABj4TlIYTeA-00015-00003255-00003422 console multiphysics and other ABj4TlIYTeA-00016-00003423-00003903 engineering and research related topics ABj4TlIYTeA-00017-00003904-00004135 we'll start with a quick recap of our ABj4TlIYTeA-00018-00004136-00004367 previous video which we made on ABj4TlIYTeA-00019-00004368-00004535 divergence concept ABj4TlIYTeA-00020-00004536-00004815 so what we discussed is if you have a ABj4TlIYTeA-00021-00004816-00005006 positive divergence then there is a ABj4TlIYTeA-00022-00005007-00005254 point of source from where the vectors ABj4TlIYTeA-00023-00005255-00005583 are going outwards or it is diverging ABj4TlIYTeA-00024-00005584-00005847 and for a negative divergence we should ABj4TlIYTeA-00025-00005848-00006134 have a point of sink where the vectors ABj4TlIYTeA-00026-00006135-00006334 are coming and meeting at a particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00027-00006335-00006575 point and we have also discussed that ABj4TlIYTeA-00028-00006576-00006742 this is not necessary that all the ABj4TlIYTeA-00029-00006743-00006942 vectors should be pointing outwards for ABj4TlIYTeA-00030-00006943-00007191 a positive divergence or it should be ABj4TlIYTeA-00031-00007192-00007375 pointing inwards for a negative ABj4TlIYTeA-00032-00007376-00007614 divergent it could be a combination of ABj4TlIYTeA-00033-00007615-00007814 both like in this case there are more ABj4TlIYTeA-00034-00007815-00008023 vectors which are positive pointing ABj4TlIYTeA-00035-00008023-00008263 inwards than the vectors which are ABj4TlIYTeA-00036-00008264-00008463 pointing outwards so as a whole there ABj4TlIYTeA-00037-00008464-00008759 are more vectors inverse and so it's a ABj4TlIYTeA-00038-00008760-00009039 negative divergence and this was a ABj4TlIYTeA-00039-00009040-00009239 positive divergence where we have ABj4TlIYTeA-00040-00009240-00009519 multiple vectors pointing outwards and ABj4TlIYTeA-00041-00009520-00009823 only two vectors pointing inwards and it ABj4TlIYTeA-00042-00009824-00010078 could also nullify each other in this ABj4TlIYTeA-00043-00010079-00010342 case the vectors pointing outwards ABj4TlIYTeA-00044-00010343-00010591 is equal to the vector pointing inverse ABj4TlIYTeA-00045-00010592-00010767 and that is why it is giving us zero ABj4TlIYTeA-00046-00010768-00010895 divergence ABj4TlIYTeA-00047-00010896-00011006 now ABj4TlIYTeA-00048-00011007-00011342 once we recapitulate this concept let us ABj4TlIYTeA-00049-00011343-00011463 now discuss ABj4TlIYTeA-00050-00011464-00011623 about the ABj4TlIYTeA-00051-00011624-00011855 gauss divergence theorem so ABj4TlIYTeA-00052-00011856-00012023 initially we should look at the ABj4TlIYTeA-00053-00012024-00012351 mathematical perspective of the equation ABj4TlIYTeA-00054-00012352-00012542 so here we can see ABj4TlIYTeA-00055-00012543-00012678 we have a ABj4TlIYTeA-00056-00012679-00012838 balance between ABj4TlIYTeA-00057-00012839-00013038 a volume integration and a surface ABj4TlIYTeA-00058-00013039-00013207 integration so ABj4TlIYTeA-00059-00013208-00013415 some vector quantity that is being ABj4TlIYTeA-00060-00013416-00013655 balanced by a volumetric integration and ABj4TlIYTeA-00061-00013656-00013847 the surface integration ABj4TlIYTeA-00062-00013847-00014038 then you have to look at volumetric ABj4TlIYTeA-00063-00014040-00014263 integration of what so volumetric ABj4TlIYTeA-00064-00014263-00014551 integration of divergence of a vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00065-00014552-00014847 say a vector where a is given by ABj4TlIYTeA-00066-00014847-00015294 this a x i cap a y j cap and a z k cap ABj4TlIYTeA-00067-00015295-00015535 sorry it would be a z ABj4TlIYTeA-00068-00015536-00015815 and this is equated with dot product of ABj4TlIYTeA-00069-00015816-00016135 a vector and d s vector where d s vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00070-00016136-00016599 is any short area on a physical space ABj4TlIYTeA-00071-00016600-00016903 now we were talking about divergence and ABj4TlIYTeA-00072-00016904-00017135 point of source and point of sync if you ABj4TlIYTeA-00073-00017136-00017375 visualize in a three-dimensional space ABj4TlIYTeA-00074-00017376-00017615 you could have multiple points ABj4TlIYTeA-00075-00017616-00017919 or mathematically you could have ABj4TlIYTeA-00076-00017920-00018183 infinite number of points and each point ABj4TlIYTeA-00077-00018184-00018414 will have different type or may have ABj4TlIYTeA-00078-00018415-00018639 different divergences like ABj4TlIYTeA-00079-00018640-00018879 suppose you consider at this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00080-00018880-00019111 point so it could be a point of source ABj4TlIYTeA-00081-00019112-00019422 so it would have a positive divergence ABj4TlIYTeA-00082-00019423-00019647 or you focus on this point this could be ABj4TlIYTeA-00083-00019648-00019894 a point of sink this could have a zero ABj4TlIYTeA-00084-00019895-00020150 divergence so you can have multiple ABj4TlIYTeA-00085-00020151-00020367 combinations of divergences so we have ABj4TlIYTeA-00086-00020368-00020630 to look at each and every point and then ABj4TlIYTeA-00087-00020631-00020871 if we sum up then we'll get a volumetric ABj4TlIYTeA-00088-00020872-00021143 integration of divergence in this in ABj4TlIYTeA-00089-00021144-00021294 this closed space ABj4TlIYTeA-00090-00021295-00021550 now this closed space could be an ABj4TlIYTeA-00091-00021551-00021855 irregular shape as well so we do not ABj4TlIYTeA-00092-00021856-00022103 know how the physical space will look ABj4TlIYTeA-00093-00022104-00022367 like so we should or not always consider ABj4TlIYTeA-00094-00022368-00022591 a rectangular space but it is always ABj4TlIYTeA-00095-00022592-00022847 better to start with a rectangular space ABj4TlIYTeA-00096-00022848-00023135 for the visualization purposes ABj4TlIYTeA-00097-00023136-00023214 now ABj4TlIYTeA-00098-00023215-00023503 uh we'll try to make the concept of ABj4TlIYTeA-00099-00023504-00023807 divergence and dot product or dot ABj4TlIYTeA-00100-00023808-00024111 product of a vector with a with a vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00101-00024112-00024447 area clear in the next slide ABj4TlIYTeA-00102-00024448-00024575 so ABj4TlIYTeA-00103-00024576-00024814 dot product between a particular vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00104-00024815-00024935 a and ABj4TlIYTeA-00105-00024936-00025239 d s that is the area is nothing but ABj4TlIYTeA-00106-00025240-00025583 influx or outflux suppose you have ABj4TlIYTeA-00107-00025584-00025894 this particular three dimensional space ABj4TlIYTeA-00108-00025895-00026087 and we are looking at a particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00109-00026088-00026311 surface at this surface you can ABj4TlIYTeA-00110-00026312-00026518 understand from the figure this is the ABj4TlIYTeA-00111-00026519-00026790 surface we are looking at and the thing ABj4TlIYTeA-00112-00026791-00027111 is we can see there are few vectors ABj4TlIYTeA-00113-00027112-00027295 which is going in the positive x ABj4TlIYTeA-00114-00027295-00027518 direction we have considered this as x ABj4TlIYTeA-00115-00027519-00027814 direction and a few vectors which are ABj4TlIYTeA-00116-00027816-00028055 going in the negative x direction so as ABj4TlIYTeA-00117-00028056-00028255 a whole you can see from this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00118-00028256-00028518 surface mind it this is not from a point ABj4TlIYTeA-00119-00028519-00028702 this is from a surface so from this ABj4TlIYTeA-00120-00028704-00028974 particular surface we have more vectors ABj4TlIYTeA-00121-00028975-00029174 which are going outwards than the ABj4TlIYTeA-00122-00029175-00029479 vectors which are coming inwards so we ABj4TlIYTeA-00123-00029480-00029783 have a flux of going out that means we ABj4TlIYTeA-00124-00029783-00030014 have more vectors which is going in the ABj4TlIYTeA-00125-00030016-00030255 positive x direction so in the positive ABj4TlIYTeA-00126-00030256-00030511 x direction we can say there is a flux ABj4TlIYTeA-00127-00030512-00030662 positive flux ABj4TlIYTeA-00128-00030663-00030918 in the other figure ABj4TlIYTeA-00129-00030919-00031151 you can see there are more vectors which ABj4TlIYTeA-00130-00031152-00031407 is going in the negative x direction and ABj4TlIYTeA-00131-00031408-00031655 two vectors going in the positive x ABj4TlIYTeA-00132-00031656-00031887 direction so we can say in this ABj4TlIYTeA-00133-00031888-00032118 particular area or in this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00134-00032119-00032470 plane we have a negative never negative ABj4TlIYTeA-00135-00032472-00032607 flux ABj4TlIYTeA-00136-00032608-00032935 so mind it whenever i am talking uh ABj4TlIYTeA-00137-00032936-00033335 about a surface i am calling it a flux ABj4TlIYTeA-00138-00033336-00033583 and when i will be talking about a point ABj4TlIYTeA-00139-00033584-00033846 i'll be calling it a divergence ABj4TlIYTeA-00140-00033847-00034087 so this concept should be clear to you ABj4TlIYTeA-00141-00034088-00034302 in order to understand this gauze ABj4TlIYTeA-00142-00034303-00034511 divergence theorem ABj4TlIYTeA-00143-00034512-00034590 now ABj4TlIYTeA-00144-00034591-00034839 we have taken another direction say this ABj4TlIYTeA-00145-00034840-00035087 is z direction and say this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00146-00035088-00035407 plane and in this case two vectors are ABj4TlIYTeA-00147-00035408-00035671 coming in the negative z direction and ABj4TlIYTeA-00148-00035672-00035911 four vectors are going in the positive ABj4TlIYTeA-00149-00035912-00036223 direction so on this particular plane we ABj4TlIYTeA-00150-00036224-00036527 have a influx or positive influx along z ABj4TlIYTeA-00151-00036528-00036655 direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00152-00036656-00036911 in this case we have taken a negative in ABj4TlIYTeA-00153-00036912-00037071 negative influx ABj4TlIYTeA-00154-00037072-00037183 you can say ABj4TlIYTeA-00155-00037184-00037479 uh because more vectors are pointing in ABj4TlIYTeA-00156-00037480-00037727 the negative z direction than the ABj4TlIYTeA-00157-00037728-00037935 vectors pointing in the positive z ABj4TlIYTeA-00158-00037936-00038246 direction so this is the concept of dot ABj4TlIYTeA-00159-00038247-00038599 product of a vector a and d s so now the ABj4TlIYTeA-00160-00038600-00038702 thing is ABj4TlIYTeA-00161-00038703-00038815 this ABj4TlIYTeA-00162-00038816-00039095 arrow lines indicate nothing where the ABj4TlIYTeA-00163-00039096-00039390 components of vector along the ABj4TlIYTeA-00164-00039391-00039630 respective direction so as we are ABj4TlIYTeA-00165-00039631-00039879 considering the x direction this arrow ABj4TlIYTeA-00166-00039880-00040159 lines basically indicate a x ABj4TlIYTeA-00167-00040160-00040399 and when we are considering z direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00168-00040400-00040671 this arrow lines basically consider ABj4TlIYTeA-00169-00040672-00040967 a z or a z ABj4TlIYTeA-00170-00040968-00041230 a scalar component of the vector now ABj4TlIYTeA-00171-00041231-00041462 what is this d s signifying d is ABj4TlIYTeA-00172-00041463-00041743 signifying if you take a very small area ABj4TlIYTeA-00173-00041744-00042039 on it and if you calculate whether it ABj4TlIYTeA-00174-00042040-00042374 has a positive or negative influx then ABj4TlIYTeA-00175-00042375-00042735 you know about the ds area and instead ABj4TlIYTeA-00176-00042736-00043039 of ds if you if you consider the entire ABj4TlIYTeA-00177-00043040-00043287 area then you have information about the ABj4TlIYTeA-00178-00043288-00043623 entire area because a flux is related to ABj4TlIYTeA-00179-00043624-00043902 area so if you are taking ds then you ABj4TlIYTeA-00180-00043903-00044127 are considering flux in this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00181-00044128-00044439 ds area if you take an integration of ABj4TlIYTeA-00182-00044440-00044718 this dot product on a particular surface ABj4TlIYTeA-00183-00044719-00044958 you will have information about the ABj4TlIYTeA-00184-00044959-00045190 influx or out flux on that particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00185-00045191-00045318 surface so ABj4TlIYTeA-00186-00045319-00045590 i think uh the concept of dot product ABj4TlIYTeA-00187-00045591-00045774 and the integration of this dot product ABj4TlIYTeA-00188-00045775-00046071 is little bit clear to you now coming to ABj4TlIYTeA-00189-00046072-00046302 divergence suppose you have this ABj4TlIYTeA-00190-00046303-00046535 three-dimensional space and if you look ABj4TlIYTeA-00191-00046536-00046758 at different points as i have already ABj4TlIYTeA-00192-00046759-00046967 mentioned you can have different ABj4TlIYTeA-00193-00046968-00047271 scenarios like at this particular point ABj4TlIYTeA-00194-00047272-00047527 we see the vectors are pointing outwards ABj4TlIYTeA-00195-00047528-00047846 so it has a positive divergence and at ABj4TlIYTeA-00196-00047847-00048102 this point all the vectors are meeting ABj4TlIYTeA-00197-00048103-00048279 at a point so it has a negative ABj4TlIYTeA-00198-00048280-00048686 divergence or it is a kind of sink and ABj4TlIYTeA-00199-00048687-00049007 this one has equal number of vectors ABj4TlIYTeA-00200-00049008-00049271 pointing outwards and pointing inwards ABj4TlIYTeA-00201-00049272-00049551 so it has a zero divergence ABj4TlIYTeA-00202-00049552-00049830 so we have to look at different points ABj4TlIYTeA-00203-00049831-00050030 in the three dimensional space to ABj4TlIYTeA-00204-00050031-00050215 understand the divergence at those ABj4TlIYTeA-00205-00050216-00050415 particular points ABj4TlIYTeA-00206-00050416-00050502 now ABj4TlIYTeA-00207-00050503-00050711 in divergence if you see the ABj4TlIYTeA-00208-00050712-00050990 mathematical form we have dou dou x of a ABj4TlIYTeA-00209-00050991-00051399 x plus dou dou y of a y and dou dou z of ABj4TlIYTeA-00210-00051400-00051494 a z ABj4TlIYTeA-00211-00051495-00051719 now let us try to understand what ABj4TlIYTeA-00212-00051720-00052014 exactly this dodo x of ax signify ABj4TlIYTeA-00213-00052015-00052319 physically for that what i have done is ABj4TlIYTeA-00214-00052320-00052559 i have taken a three dimensional space ABj4TlIYTeA-00215-00052560-00052807 and i'm i have tried to represent this ABj4TlIYTeA-00216-00052808-00053111 ax vector by the arrow line so those ABj4TlIYTeA-00217-00053112-00053359 arrow lines represent a x vectors if it ABj4TlIYTeA-00218-00053360-00053630 is pointing towards the x direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00219-00053632-00053919 uh this would be a y if it is pointing ABj4TlIYTeA-00220-00053920-00054287 in the y direction and this would be a z ABj4TlIYTeA-00221-00054288-00054559 it if it is pointing towards z direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00222-00054560-00054782 and positive negative obviously depends ABj4TlIYTeA-00223-00054783-00054942 on whether it is following the arrow ABj4TlIYTeA-00224-00054944-00055215 direction or the opposite like if it ABj4TlIYTeA-00225-00055216-00055375 goes in this direction it will be ABj4TlIYTeA-00226-00055376-00055575 positive if it goes in this direction it ABj4TlIYTeA-00227-00055576-00055735 would be negative ABj4TlIYTeA-00228-00055736-00056087 now let us focus on this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00229-00056088-00056326 point so this is a particular point ABj4TlIYTeA-00230-00056327-00056423 let us ABj4TlIYTeA-00231-00056424-00056766 focus on that ABj4TlIYTeA-00232-00056767-00057030 so this is the point so you can see ABj4TlIYTeA-00233-00057032-00057438 one vector is coming inward and other ABj4TlIYTeA-00234-00057439-00057615 vector is coming in the opposite ABj4TlIYTeA-00235-00057616-00057838 direction so if you look at this ABj4TlIYTeA-00236-00057839-00058063 particular point at this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00237-00058064-00058263 point there is no source or no saying so ABj4TlIYTeA-00238-00058264-00058511 this is a zero divergence situation or ABj4TlIYTeA-00239-00058512-00058807 this is a it is not a i mean this is a ABj4TlIYTeA-00240-00058808-00059135 kind of x directional zero divergence or ABj4TlIYTeA-00241-00059136-00059366 this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00242-00059367-00059599 differentiation is zero at this point ABj4TlIYTeA-00243-00059600-00059815 because you have equal number ABj4TlIYTeA-00244-00059816-00060111 coming in equal number coming out ABj4TlIYTeA-00245-00060112-00060463 now if we want to look at this ABj4TlIYTeA-00246-00060464-00060775 i mean physical concept dodo y of a y we ABj4TlIYTeA-00247-00060776-00061063 should look at here so if you see this ABj4TlIYTeA-00248-00061064-00061303 point one is in the positive y direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00249-00061304-00061471 one is in the negative y direction so at ABj4TlIYTeA-00250-00061472-00061791 this point it is nullifying each other ABj4TlIYTeA-00251-00061791-00062063 so this is the point where dodo y of a y ABj4TlIYTeA-00252-00062064-00062215 is 0 but ABj4TlIYTeA-00253-00062216-00062471 if you look at this particular point ABj4TlIYTeA-00254-00062472-00062726 there is a vector which is coming in the ABj4TlIYTeA-00255-00062727-00062871 negative it which is going in the ABj4TlIYTeA-00256-00062872-00063175 negative y direction so at this point ABj4TlIYTeA-00257-00063176-00063494 dodo y of a y will not be zero it will ABj4TlIYTeA-00258-00063495-00063679 have a negative value ABj4TlIYTeA-00259-00063679-00063863 because at this point it is not ABj4TlIYTeA-00260-00063864-00064023 nullifying ABj4TlIYTeA-00261-00064024-00064263 and then if you look at this particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00262-00064264-00064487 point you we have up ABj4TlIYTeA-00263-00064488-00064775 a ax in the positive x direction so in ABj4TlIYTeA-00264-00064776-00064903 this point ABj4TlIYTeA-00265-00064904-00065279 we have a dodo x of a x that is uh ABj4TlIYTeA-00266-00065279-00065511 staying existing and that will have a ABj4TlIYTeA-00267-00065512-00065663 positive value ABj4TlIYTeA-00268-00065664-00065950 now let us consider at this point ABj4TlIYTeA-00269-00065951-00066215 so we have two vectors which are ABj4TlIYTeA-00270-00066216-00066391 opposite to each other and those are ABj4TlIYTeA-00271-00066392-00066631 acting in the x direction so it does not ABj4TlIYTeA-00272-00066632-00066999 have any dodo x of ax or dodo x of ax is ABj4TlIYTeA-00273-00067000-00067343 zero here but it has an existing z ABj4TlIYTeA-00274-00067344-00067487 directional ABj4TlIYTeA-00275-00067488-00067799 component that is dodo z of a z is not 0 ABj4TlIYTeA-00276-00067800-00067982 here because it has a ABj4TlIYTeA-00277-00067983-00068191 certain value a vector is pointing ABj4TlIYTeA-00278-00068192-00068511 towards but no vector is going uh coming ABj4TlIYTeA-00279-00068512-00068838 inward so it has a positive value of due ABj4TlIYTeA-00280-00068839-00069215 to z of a z so i understand that up to ABj4TlIYTeA-00281-00069216-00069406 this point we are clear ABj4TlIYTeA-00282-00069407-00069638 uh with the concept of dot product and ABj4TlIYTeA-00283-00069639-00069863 also the concept of divergence at a ABj4TlIYTeA-00284-00069864-00070047 particular point ABj4TlIYTeA-00285-00070048-00070447 now let us go to the theorem again ABj4TlIYTeA-00286-00070448-00070711 so i have already mentioned that this is ABj4TlIYTeA-00287-00070712-00070782 a ABj4TlIYTeA-00288-00070783-00071006 volumetric integration equated with a ABj4TlIYTeA-00289-00071007-00071191 surface integration and the volumetric ABj4TlIYTeA-00290-00071192-00071519 integration of what divergence of a and ABj4TlIYTeA-00291-00071520-00071919 surface indication of what a dot ds now ABj4TlIYTeA-00292-00071920-00072182 let us try to physically visualize how ABj4TlIYTeA-00293-00072183-00072455 exactly this is related for that ABj4TlIYTeA-00294-00072456-00072719 particular purpose what i have done ABj4TlIYTeA-00295-00072720-00072999 i have represented uh ABj4TlIYTeA-00296-00073000-00073303 the vectors by few balls the colored ABj4TlIYTeA-00297-00073304-00073582 balls so each and every balls here ABj4TlIYTeA-00298-00073583-00073855 represent a vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00299-00073856-00074135 now what we do ABj4TlIYTeA-00300-00074136-00074423 we have taken a physical space a three ABj4TlIYTeA-00301-00074424-00074679 dimensional space ABj4TlIYTeA-00302-00074680-00074943 where initially the ABj4TlIYTeA-00303-00074944-00075279 all the vectors are out out of the box ABj4TlIYTeA-00304-00075280-00075567 so what can happen at a particular time ABj4TlIYTeA-00305-00075568-00075823 instance there could be a situation ABj4TlIYTeA-00306-00075824-00076087 where few walls will be going in and few ABj4TlIYTeA-00307-00076088-00076406 walls will be going out and overall uh ABj4TlIYTeA-00308-00076407-00076615 we'll have a situation where ABj4TlIYTeA-00309-00076616-00076838 there will be a few walls inside and few ABj4TlIYTeA-00310-00076839-00077135 walls outside now try to think from this ABj4TlIYTeA-00311-00077136-00077262 perspective ABj4TlIYTeA-00312-00077263-00077487 what it has to do ABj4TlIYTeA-00313-00077488-00077767 if the walls want to go inside ABj4TlIYTeA-00314-00077768-00078006 suppose this particular ball if it wants ABj4TlIYTeA-00315-00078007-00078262 to go inside it has to cross a ABj4TlIYTeA-00316-00078263-00078543 particular plane or a particular wall of ABj4TlIYTeA-00317-00078544-00078935 this rectangular geometry so that could ABj4TlIYTeA-00318-00078936-00079303 be equated with the influx or outflux if ABj4TlIYTeA-00319-00079304-00079575 it is going in we'll call it in flux if ABj4TlIYTeA-00320-00079576-00079799 the walls are coming out we can call it ABj4TlIYTeA-00321-00079800-00080062 out flux or in vectorial notation we can ABj4TlIYTeA-00322-00080063-00080399 say positive influx or negative influx ABj4TlIYTeA-00323-00080400-00080526 now ABj4TlIYTeA-00324-00080527-00080931 we have already told that this influx is ABj4TlIYTeA-00325-00080932-00081271 mathematically equal to this dot product ABj4TlIYTeA-00326-00081272-00081567 and where this each balls represent the ABj4TlIYTeA-00327-00081568-00081894 scalar component of the vector a if it ABj4TlIYTeA-00328-00081895-00082126 is moving in the x direction it say this ABj4TlIYTeA-00329-00082127-00082303 is the x direction ABj4TlIYTeA-00330-00082304-00082559 in that case this ball represent a x ABj4TlIYTeA-00331-00082560-00082855 vector if this is the z direction so ABj4TlIYTeA-00332-00082856-00083199 those balls represent a z and if it is ABj4TlIYTeA-00333-00083200-00083462 moving in the y direction those balls ABj4TlIYTeA-00334-00083463-00083694 will represent a y ABj4TlIYTeA-00335-00083695-00083967 so this is the whole concept now we will ABj4TlIYTeA-00336-00083968-00084279 see how many balls are going inside how ABj4TlIYTeA-00337-00084280-00084535 many are coming outside and what would ABj4TlIYTeA-00338-00084536-00084823 be the situation afterwards suppose at a ABj4TlIYTeA-00339-00084824-00084982 particular ABj4TlIYTeA-00340-00084983-00085287 time instance what happens all the walls ABj4TlIYTeA-00341-00085288-00085406 came in ABj4TlIYTeA-00342-00085407-00085550 and then ABj4TlIYTeA-00343-00085551-00085655 you see ABj4TlIYTeA-00344-00085656-00085935 two balls came out i mean it it is ABj4TlIYTeA-00345-00085936-00086103 coming from this ABj4TlIYTeA-00346-00086104-00086391 this location and going to that location ABj4TlIYTeA-00347-00086392-00086655 and here also these two walls came from ABj4TlIYTeA-00348-00086656-00086967 this particular location and it is now ABj4TlIYTeA-00349-00086968-00087262 situated at this location so if you look ABj4TlIYTeA-00350-00087263-00087535 at the simulation again ABj4TlIYTeA-00351-00087536-00087623 so ABj4TlIYTeA-00352-00087624-00087871 initially the walls were here ABj4TlIYTeA-00353-00087872-00088143 then it went inside and you see those ABj4TlIYTeA-00354-00088144-00088359 walls will be coming there and these ABj4TlIYTeA-00355-00088360-00088687 walls will be coming here just look at ABj4TlIYTeA-00356-00088688-00088950 yeah so those two balls are coming in ABj4TlIYTeA-00357-00088951-00089223 this location and these two walls are ABj4TlIYTeA-00358-00089224-00089487 coming the bottom from the top ABj4TlIYTeA-00359-00089488-00089559 so ABj4TlIYTeA-00360-00089560-00089926 what happens is again you try to look at ABj4TlIYTeA-00361-00089927-00090238 so these three walls are going inside so ABj4TlIYTeA-00362-00090239-00090431 it is a positive influx ABj4TlIYTeA-00363-00090432-00090655 these three walls are going inside this ABj4TlIYTeA-00364-00090656-00090862 is also a positive influx ABj4TlIYTeA-00365-00090863-00091126 again this three and this four so all ABj4TlIYTeA-00366-00091127-00091423 are going inside so this is a kind of ABj4TlIYTeA-00367-00091424-00091823 uh going inside it and only two to two ABj4TlIYTeA-00368-00091824-00092135 walls you can see it is coming out ABj4TlIYTeA-00369-00092136-00092350 so now let us ABj4TlIYTeA-00370-00092351-00092431 the ABj4TlIYTeA-00371-00092432-00092879 i mean we have already talked about the ABj4TlIYTeA-00372-00092880-00093126 crossing the barrier i mean the crossing ABj4TlIYTeA-00373-00093127-00093350 the walls of this particular physical ABj4TlIYTeA-00374-00093351-00093455 domain ABj4TlIYTeA-00375-00093456-00093782 now let us look at the balls which are ABj4TlIYTeA-00376-00093783-00094062 inside the box after this ABj4TlIYTeA-00377-00094063-00094318 rearrangement so you see at this ABj4TlIYTeA-00378-00094319-00094591 particular point initially there was no ABj4TlIYTeA-00379-00094592-00094871 ball but now there is a ball and you can ABj4TlIYTeA-00380-00094872-00095126 consider these as a source ABj4TlIYTeA-00381-00095127-00095399 all these points are a kind of source ABj4TlIYTeA-00382-00095400-00095671 because initially if you see ABj4TlIYTeA-00383-00095672-00095894 there was no such balls or no such ABj4TlIYTeA-00384-00095895-00096159 vectors but suddenly it has come and it ABj4TlIYTeA-00385-00096160-00096503 is staying inside after this four has ABj4TlIYTeA-00386-00096504-00096711 gone outside still those walls are ABj4TlIYTeA-00387-00096712-00096982 staying inside so all those points are ABj4TlIYTeA-00388-00096983-00097303 kind of point of source so it is a kind ABj4TlIYTeA-00389-00097304-00097550 of positive divergence so obviously ABj4TlIYTeA-00390-00097551-00097774 there will be a correlation see just ABj4TlIYTeA-00391-00097775-00097935 physically understand there are few ABj4TlIYTeA-00392-00097936-00098143 walls which are going inside if you are ABj4TlIYTeA-00393-00098144-00098406 coming outside you are staying inside so ABj4TlIYTeA-00394-00098407-00098631 whichever are staying inside so those ABj4TlIYTeA-00395-00098632-00098855 walls is a kind of divergence and ABj4TlIYTeA-00396-00098856-00099103 whichever are coming crossing the ABj4TlIYTeA-00397-00099104-00099415 barriers those are kind of flux in flux ABj4TlIYTeA-00398-00099416-00099774 or out flux that is your a dot ds vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00399-00099775-00099982 and so there's there must be a ABj4TlIYTeA-00400-00099983-00100238 correlation and this is nothing but the ABj4TlIYTeA-00401-00100239-00100462 mass balance you can say if we consider ABj4TlIYTeA-00402-00100463-00100679 the balls as mass so this is nothing but ABj4TlIYTeA-00403-00100680-00100879 the mass balance but why do we don't ABj4TlIYTeA-00404-00100880-00101087 call it a mass balance because these are ABj4TlIYTeA-00405-00101088-00101326 representative of vectors every time ABj4TlIYTeA-00406-00101327-00101494 this will there will not be a situation ABj4TlIYTeA-00407-00101495-00101750 where this will be kind of masses and ABj4TlIYTeA-00408-00101751-00101935 that's why we don't call it mass we call ABj4TlIYTeA-00409-00101936-00102079 it a vector ABj4TlIYTeA-00410-00102080-00102311 now let us calculate it ABj4TlIYTeA-00411-00102312-00102694 say there were 13 balls initially ABj4TlIYTeA-00412-00102695-00103094 and total cross the box that is two plus ABj4TlIYTeA-00413-00103095-00103375 two i mean after the rearrangement only ABj4TlIYTeA-00414-00103376-00103694 this two and these two total four walls ABj4TlIYTeA-00415-00103695-00103910 crossed the ABj4TlIYTeA-00416-00103911-00104078 barrier to come ABj4TlIYTeA-00417-00104079-00104206 outside ABj4TlIYTeA-00418-00104207-00104494 now how many walls stays inside only ABj4TlIYTeA-00419-00104495-00104615 nine balls ABj4TlIYTeA-00420-00104616-00104902 so these nine balls which stayed inside ABj4TlIYTeA-00421-00104903-00105095 i have already told this a kind of ABj4TlIYTeA-00422-00105096-00105439 source so the diversions could be equal ABj4TlIYTeA-00423-00105440-00105663 to we can consider the divergence is ABj4TlIYTeA-00424-00105664-00105847 equal to positive 9 ABj4TlIYTeA-00425-00105848-00106078 and how many influx ABj4TlIYTeA-00426-00106079-00106286 and whenever walls are coming in we call ABj4TlIYTeA-00427-00106288-00106583 it in flux so the influx is positive and ABj4TlIYTeA-00428-00106583-00106807 whichever is coming out we call it ABj4TlIYTeA-00429-00106808-00107183 negative in flux or outflow so 13 ball ABj4TlIYTeA-00430-00107183-00107599 came in four came out so total i mean in ABj4TlIYTeA-00431-00107600-00107839 flux out flux if you just algebraically ABj4TlIYTeA-00432-00107840-00108134 sum it so we have plus 13 minus 4 equal ABj4TlIYTeA-00433-00108135-00108463 to 9 so this influx out flux algebraic ABj4TlIYTeA-00434-00108464-00108799 summation is obviously equal to the ball ABj4TlIYTeA-00435-00108800-00109031 staying inside which is equivalent to ABj4TlIYTeA-00436-00109032-00109286 the divergence or point of source ABj4TlIYTeA-00437-00109288-00109543 so this is the physical concept of gauss ABj4TlIYTeA-00438-00109544-00109839 divergence theorem i hope you people ABj4TlIYTeA-00439-00109840-00110071 understand and in the next video we'll ABj4TlIYTeA-00440-00110072-00110263 be talking about ABj4TlIYTeA-00441-00110264-00110495 the derivation of this gauss divergence ABj4TlIYTeA-00442-00110496-00110702 theorem will will have more insight into ABj4TlIYTeA-00443-00110703-00110951 the mathematics in this video we just ABj4TlIYTeA-00444-00110952-00111231 focused on the physical significance so ABj4TlIYTeA-00445-00111232-00111534 that your visualization become very ABj4TlIYTeA-00446-00111535-00111671 clear ABj4TlIYTeA-00447-00111672-00111943 so we are stopping here for today again ABj4TlIYTeA-00448-00111944-00112151 i request you to subscribe to my channel ABj4TlIYTeA-00449-00112152-00112603 for more updates thank you ACI5hlBLB7y-00000-00000179-00000876 [Music] ACI5hlBLB7y-00001-00000877-00002487 [Music] ACI5hlBLB7y-00002-00002488-00002696 you ADAkN_Kf6GY-00000-00000053-00000202 oh ADAkN_Kf6GY-00001-00000204-00000509 um hi there ah ADAkN_Kf6GY-00002-00000509-00001289 another of the weird sisters ADAkN_Kf6GY-00003-00001290-00001445 okay ADAkN_Kf6GY-00004-00001446-00001667 okay girl one of omega's lovely sisters ADAkN_Kf6GY-00005-00001668-00001852 I don't believe we've had the pleasure ADAkN_Kf6GY-00006-00001853-00002207 waiting for what exactly ADAkN_Kf6GY-00007-00002208-00002429 yeah waiting for what exactly you know ADAkN_Kf6GY-00008-00002430-00002657 I'm doing my regular job I'm interrupted ADAkN_Kf6GY-00009-00002658-00003208 not having to clean up Megs and messes ADAkN_Kf6GY-00010-00003209-00003533 or mentor of passion I get the feeling ADAkN_Kf6GY-00011-00003534-00004420 we're starting off on the wrong foot ADAkN_Kf6GY-00012-00004421-00004733 really I like to ADAkN_Kf6GY-00013-00004734-00005015 really ADAkN_Kf6GY-00014-00005016-00005188 don't even know me why do you want to ADAkN_Kf6GY-00015-00005189-00005291 kill me ADAkN_Kf6GY-00016-00005292-00006425 oh whoa whoa she's different ADAkN_Kf6GY-00017-00006426-00007067 how ADAkN_Kf6GY-00018-00007068-00008074 come on Alexa oh ADAkN_Kf6GY-00019-00008075-00008374 oh my God I'm dashing everywhere and ADAkN_Kf6GY-00020-00008375-00008573 doing [__] ADAkN_Kf6GY-00021-00008574-00008771 oh my Dash deflects I keep forgetting ADAkN_Kf6GY-00022-00008772-00009071 that ADAkN_Kf6GY-00023-00009072-00009335 oh my God all right too much dashing ADAkN_Kf6GY-00024-00009336-00009737 calm down calm down ADAkN_Kf6GY-00025-00009738-00011005 foreign ADAkN_Kf6GY-00026-00011006-00011338 oh crap I keep dashing into the stupid ADAkN_Kf6GY-00027-00011339-00011614 things ADAkN_Kf6GY-00028-00011615-00011990 I'm down ADAkN_Kf6GY-00029-00011991-00012863 [Music] ADAkN_Kf6GY-00030-00012863-00013619 oh my God ADAkN_Kf6GY-00031-00013619-00013921 foreign ADAkN_Kf6GY-00032-00013922-00014399 health I don't know how why I have 11 ADAkN_Kf6GY-00033-00014400-00015527 health ADAkN_Kf6GY-00034-00015528-00016265 this chick is crazy ADAkN_Kf6GY-00035-00016266-00016607 ow ADAkN_Kf6GY-00036-00016608-00017027 all right die ADAkN_Kf6GY-00037-00017028-00017591 you look crazy hold on ADAkN_Kf6GY-00038-00017592-00018005 oh my God ADAkN_Kf6GY-00039-00018006-00018539 this is embarrassing ADAkN_Kf6GY-00040-00018540-00018827 crazy ADAkN_Kf6GY-00041-00018828-00019055 oh ADAkN_Kf6GY-00042-00019056-00020171 I'm gonna use my thing ADAkN_Kf6GY-00043-00020172-00020579 oh crap I need to use so many moves ADAkN_Kf6GY-00044-00020580-00020830 what the hell was that ADAkN_Kf6GY-00045-00020831-00021121 oh my God ADAkN_Kf6GY-00046-00021122-00021407 I Don't Wanna Die ADAkN_Kf6GY-00047-00021408-00023543 oh my God these traps are annoying ADAkN_Kf6GY-00048-00023544-00023872 okay he's crazy ADAkN_Kf6GY-00049-00023873-00024341 oh my God I think these traps have taken ADAkN_Kf6GY-00050-00024342-00024658 more of my life than her ADAkN_Kf6GY-00051-00024659-00024977 I'm sorry I underestimated you ADAkN_Kf6GY-00052-00024978-00025128 forgive me ADAkN_Kf6GY-00053-00025129-00025361 don't kill me ADAkN_Kf6GY-00054-00025362-00026033 just trying to find my mama ADAkN_Kf6GY-00055-00026033-00027612 and the crazy girl's trying to kill me ADAkN_Kf6GY-00056-00027613-00028601 oh my Lord ADAkN_Kf6GY-00057-00028602-00028931 aren't you such a pain in the ass all ADAkN_Kf6GY-00058-00028932-00029152 right concentrate it's okay ADAkN_Kf6GY-00059-00029154-00030112 I am zagreus ADAkN_Kf6GY-00060-00030113-00030287 come on ADAkN_Kf6GY-00061-00030288-00030905 come get some ADAkN_Kf6GY-00062-00030906-00031474 no I won't die ADAkN_Kf6GY-00063-00031475-00031690 oh my God so many death things ADAkN_Kf6GY-00064-00031691-00032668 everywhere ADAkN_Kf6GY-00065-00032669-00033490 all I can do is just try to stay alive ADAkN_Kf6GY-00066-00033491-00034073 all right my thing is ready ADAkN_Kf6GY-00067-00034074-00034937 let's go Poseidon ADAkN_Kf6GY-00068-00034938-00035296 I don't like her either ADAkN_Kf6GY-00069-00035297-00035646 he hurt me ADAkN_Kf6GY-00070-00035647-00036024 it burned ADAkN_Kf6GY-00071-00036025-00036305 [Music] ADAkN_Kf6GY-00072-00036306-00036790 hurt me so bad ADAkN_Kf6GY-00073-00036791-00037094 moving on up AGuHYbYlsDk-00000-00001507-00002287 hi my name is Celine and I have a degree AGuHYbYlsDk-00001-00002288-00002770 in music um yeah actually I'm really AGuHYbYlsDk-00002-00002771-00002910 glad that was y'all's response to that AGuHYbYlsDk-00003-00002911-00003094 joke because I in retrospect it's kind AGuHYbYlsDk-00004-00003095-00003372 of a joke in poor taste but I keep AGuHYbYlsDk-00005-00003373-00003745 trying it anyway yeah so my name is AGuHYbYlsDk-00006-00003746-00004038 Celine I'm a software engineer at a AGuHYbYlsDk-00007-00004039-00004357 company called Braintree in Chicago I'm AGuHYbYlsDk-00008-00004358-00004609 putting my information up here now in AGuHYbYlsDk-00009-00004610-00004807 case you like want to write it down have AGuHYbYlsDk-00010-00004808-00004954 any questions feel free to reach out I AGuHYbYlsDk-00011-00004955-00005245 love making new friends also I love AGuHYbYlsDk-00012-00005246-00005436 feedback uh so if you have any feedback AGuHYbYlsDk-00013-00005437-00005772 for me and these are really great forums AGuHYbYlsDk-00014-00005773-00005995 to give them to I'm going to post this AGuHYbYlsDk-00015-00005996-00006639 again at the end of the talk so this is AGuHYbYlsDk-00016-00006640-00006961 great um this is kind of a talk about AGuHYbYlsDk-00017-00006962-00007534 computer science how many people I AGuHYbYlsDk-00018-00007534-00007689 imagine may be there at least a few AGuHYbYlsDk-00019-00007690-00007990 people in the audience who have at least AGuHYbYlsDk-00020-00007991-00008191 heard of structure and interpretation of AGuHYbYlsDk-00021-00008192-00008392 computer programs the scheme's yeah yeah AGuHYbYlsDk-00022-00008393-00008626 cool has anyone in the audience watched AGuHYbYlsDk-00023-00008627-00008830 the video lectures that are posted on AGuHYbYlsDk-00024-00008831-00009021 the MIT open source version of it AGuHYbYlsDk-00025-00009022-00009442 there's a crapshoot I watched half of AGuHYbYlsDk-00026-00009443-00009709 the first one and then haven't really AGuHYbYlsDk-00027-00009710-00009868 picked it back up again I think AGuHYbYlsDk-00028-00009869-00010057 hopefully some of you guys can relate to AGuHYbYlsDk-00029-00010058-00010411 that experience but it did really strike AGuHYbYlsDk-00030-00010412-00010693 me there's a gentleman named how abelson AGuHYbYlsDk-00031-00010694-00010831 i think is the person who gives that AGuHYbYlsDk-00032-00010832-00011068 lecture um it looks like it's from the AGuHYbYlsDk-00033-00011069-00011293 80's it's really fantastic and I love a AGuHYbYlsDk-00034-00011294-00011419 lot of the things that he says in it he AGuHYbYlsDk-00035-00011420-00011611 says welcome to this class on computer AGuHYbYlsDk-00036-00011612-00011779 science except that that's not really a AGuHYbYlsDk-00037-00011780-00012049 good name for it because it's not really AGuHYbYlsDk-00038-00012050-00012271 science and it's not really about AGuHYbYlsDk-00039-00012272-00012643 computers so you know there are there AGuHYbYlsDk-00040-00012644-00012958 reasons that we call it that he he done AGuHYbYlsDk-00041-00012959-00013230 likens it to the study of geometry which AGuHYbYlsDk-00042-00013231-00013494 was developed initially by the ancient AGuHYbYlsDk-00043-00013495-00013783 Egyptians the name for it comes from AGuHYbYlsDk-00044-00013784-00014133 Gaia which means earth and Metron which AGuHYbYlsDk-00045-00014134-00014377 means to measure it was developed as a AGuHYbYlsDk-00046-00014378-00014680 way of like surveying land um AGuHYbYlsDk-00047-00014681-00015097 got a peek in my notes so much like the AGuHYbYlsDk-00048-00015097-00015250 ancient Egyptians developed these sort AGuHYbYlsDk-00049-00015251-00015533 of rudimentary like fundamentals of AGuHYbYlsDk-00050-00015534-00015940 geometry geometry then developed into a AGuHYbYlsDk-00051-00015941-00016141 way of talking precisely about AGuHYbYlsDk-00052-00016141-00016429 declarative knowledge a way of talking AGuHYbYlsDk-00053-00016430-00016747 about what is true mr. abelson says that AGuHYbYlsDk-00054-00016748-00016867 he believes it centuries from now people AGuHYbYlsDk-00055-00016868-00017146 will look back at those 20th century AGuHYbYlsDk-00056-00017147-00017452 primitives and think like oh yeah those AGuHYbYlsDk-00057-00017453-00017629 folks were fiddling around with these AGuHYbYlsDk-00058-00017630-00017893 gadgets called computers but really they AGuHYbYlsDk-00059-00017894-00018322 were developing a formalized process a AGuHYbYlsDk-00060-00018323-00018544 formalized way to talk about intuitions AGuHYbYlsDk-00061-00018545-00018913 about process and I really like that AGuHYbYlsDk-00062-00018914-00019042 I've heard it said elsewhere that AGuHYbYlsDk-00063-00019043-00019377 computer science is a study of process AGuHYbYlsDk-00064-00019378-00019624 and I think that if that's true then AGuHYbYlsDk-00065-00019625-00019794 programming is the application of that AGuHYbYlsDk-00066-00019795-00020038 study or at least one of one application AGuHYbYlsDk-00067-00020039-00020335 of that study as I mentioned I have a AGuHYbYlsDk-00068-00020336-00020680 degree in music and as such I've been AGuHYbYlsDk-00069-00020681-00020941 noticing a lot of musicians in the field AGuHYbYlsDk-00070-00020942-00021514 since I transitioned into tech how many AGuHYbYlsDk-00071-00021515-00021805 people in the audience today like dabble AGuHYbYlsDk-00072-00021806-00021925 and music or know a little bit about it AGuHYbYlsDk-00073-00021926-00022141 cool is there anyone in the audience who AGuHYbYlsDk-00074-00022142-00022249 feels like they really don't know AGuHYbYlsDk-00075-00022250-00022567 anything about music awesome I'm so glad AGuHYbYlsDk-00076-00022568-00022843 that there are both both people who AGuHYbYlsDk-00077-00022844-00022987 identify with both sides here I'm hoping AGuHYbYlsDk-00078-00022988-00023278 that this talk will be very clear to all AGuHYbYlsDk-00079-00023279-00023455 of us in the room because it approaches AGuHYbYlsDk-00080-00023456-00024003 things from the code side um another AGuHYbYlsDk-00081-00024004-00024234 another idea I want to call out before AGuHYbYlsDk-00082-00024235-00024928 we get started proper is um I went to AGuHYbYlsDk-00083-00024929-00025180 strange loop this year and there was a AGuHYbYlsDk-00084-00025181-00025305 talk given by a gentleman named Chris AGuHYbYlsDk-00085-00025306-00025662 Ford he talked about um ethnomusicology AGuHYbYlsDk-00086-00025663-00025944 African poly rhythms and Paula funny and AGuHYbYlsDk-00087-00025945-00026169 I really really enjoyed a lot of the way AGuHYbYlsDk-00088-00026170-00026323 that he talked about these ideas he AGuHYbYlsDk-00089-00026324-00026836 talked specifically about some aspects AGuHYbYlsDk-00090-00026837-00027181 that music have in common to programming AGuHYbYlsDk-00091-00027182-00027445 and that is that they both use an AGuHYbYlsDk-00092-00027445-00027687 abstract form of representation to AGuHYbYlsDk-00093-00027688-00027927 communicate ideas AGuHYbYlsDk-00094-00027927-00028116 they both use this abstract form of AGuHYbYlsDk-00095-00028117-00028230 representation to communicate ideas AGuHYbYlsDk-00096-00028231-00028611 about a process and then there's also a AGuHYbYlsDk-00097-00028612-00028848 lot of like composition and analysis in AGuHYbYlsDk-00098-00028849-00028992 in both pieces and I think this is AGuHYbYlsDk-00099-00028993-00029177 probably true of many other fields as AGuHYbYlsDk-00100-00029179-00029394 well but perhaps obviously the reason I AGuHYbYlsDk-00101-00029395-00029643 noticed in music is because I studied AGuHYbYlsDk-00102-00029644-00030207 music for most of my life so what we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00103-00030208-00030342 going to do today in this talk is we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00104-00030343-00030789 going to look at one piece of music it AGuHYbYlsDk-00105-00030789-00030954 was written by a gentleman named Steve AGuHYbYlsDk-00106-00030955-00031401 Reich published in 1973 it's part of an AGuHYbYlsDk-00107-00031402-00031683 era of academic music called minimalism AGuHYbYlsDk-00108-00031683-00031895 and you can maybe see just from looking AGuHYbYlsDk-00109-00031897-00032213 at this page why it's called minimalism AGuHYbYlsDk-00110-00032214-00032400 especially if you do have any kind of AGuHYbYlsDk-00111-00032401-00032547 background or experience with music like AGuHYbYlsDk-00112-00032548-00032751 a lot of classical music pieces take up AGuHYbYlsDk-00113-00032752-00033111 an entire book and this one is half a AGuHYbYlsDk-00114-00033112-00033465 page so it is just in appearance very AGuHYbYlsDk-00115-00033466-00033821 minimalistic we're going to deconstruct AGuHYbYlsDk-00116-00033822-00034254 the the representation on this page some AGuHYbYlsDk-00117-00034255-00034421 of the more traditional musical AGuHYbYlsDk-00118-00034422-00034578 representation that we see here we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00119-00034579-00034719 going to deconstruct the process and AGuHYbYlsDk-00120-00034720-00034869 figure out how to describe it AGuHYbYlsDk-00121-00034870-00034982 conceptually and then we're going to AGuHYbYlsDk-00122-00034983-00035229 recompose that process using a tool AGuHYbYlsDk-00123-00035230-00035433 that's familiar to all of us Ruby code AGuHYbYlsDk-00124-00035434-00035784 and we're going to use sonic PI to help AGuHYbYlsDk-00125-00035785-00036024 with that process but i'm not going to AGuHYbYlsDk-00126-00036025-00036174 focus too much on that tool we can talk AGuHYbYlsDk-00127-00036175-00036727 about it after if you'll want to great AGuHYbYlsDk-00128-00036728-00037184 i'm really excited let's get going so in AGuHYbYlsDk-00129-00037185-00037542 beginning to break down this piece the AGuHYbYlsDk-00130-00037543-00037662 first thing i want to point out is that AGuHYbYlsDk-00131-00037663-00037896 there are five of what we call stanzas AGuHYbYlsDk-00132-00037897-00038292 each stanza is this like broader line we AGuHYbYlsDk-00133-00038293-00038505 read music just in case anyone doesn't AGuHYbYlsDk-00134-00038506-00038658 know we read music from left to right AGuHYbYlsDk-00135-00038659-00039002 top to bottom each of the stanzas is AGuHYbYlsDk-00136-00039003-00039210 made up of two parts you can see them AGuHYbYlsDk-00137-00039211-00039368 delineate it in the top left-hand corner AGuHYbYlsDk-00138-00039369-00039717 with the words clap one and clap to this AGuHYbYlsDk-00139-00039718-00039852 indicates that there are two performers AGuHYbYlsDk-00140-00039853-00040023 in the peace and the instrument is AGuHYbYlsDk-00141-00040024-00040470 clapping which is not terribly common in AGuHYbYlsDk-00142-00040471-00040758 the world of academic music just to AGuHYbYlsDk-00143-00040759-00040989 point that out so each stanza has two AGuHYbYlsDk-00144-00040990-00041261 lines which represent two parts AGuHYbYlsDk-00145-00041262-00041618 five stanzas the next thing I want to AGuHYbYlsDk-00146-00041619-00041990 point out is a structure that formal AGuHYbYlsDk-00147-00041991-00042311 music calls a bar or a measure in each AGuHYbYlsDk-00148-00042312-00042509 of these broader stanzas there are three AGuHYbYlsDk-00149-00042510-00042836 bars or measures and appropriately AGuHYbYlsDk-00150-00042837-00043055 enough those are delineated by these AGuHYbYlsDk-00151-00043056-00043310 like vertical bars in between each group AGuHYbYlsDk-00152-00043311-00043982 of notes right cool one two three right AGuHYbYlsDk-00153-00043983-00044435 we got that next I want to bring your AGuHYbYlsDk-00154-00044436-00044639 attention to the top of the page where AGuHYbYlsDk-00155-00044640-00044825 we see a little piece of instructions AGuHYbYlsDk-00156-00044826-00045002 here the first bit of this that's like AGuHYbYlsDk-00157-00045003-00045314 got a note and it says equals 160 180 AGuHYbYlsDk-00158-00045315-00045536 for that's just a tempo marking we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00159-00045537-00045643 not going to worry too much about that AGuHYbYlsDk-00160-00045644-00045980 for the purposes of this talk after that AGuHYbYlsDk-00161-00045981-00046286 though it says repeat each bar 12 times AGuHYbYlsDk-00162-00046287-00046451 though that's instructions from the AGuHYbYlsDk-00163-00046452-00046652 composer if you look down each of these AGuHYbYlsDk-00164-00046653-00046927 bars measures in the score you can see AGuHYbYlsDk-00165-00046928-00047221 little colin's on each line AGuHYbYlsDk-00166-00047222-00047483 traditionally in music when you you read AGuHYbYlsDk-00167-00047484-00047657 like a few bars of music and you come to AGuHYbYlsDk-00168-00047658-00047945 the colon that means repeat from where AGuHYbYlsDk-00169-00047946-00048248 you see the first colon that's facing to AGuHYbYlsDk-00170-00048249-00048515 the right and in this case Steve Reich AGuHYbYlsDk-00171-00048516-00048698 has given us very specific instructions AGuHYbYlsDk-00172-00048699-00048815 he's saying don't repeat the way you AGuHYbYlsDk-00173-00048816-00048956 normally would just once repeat at AGuHYbYlsDk-00174-00048957-00049160 twelve times that's how this is meant to AGuHYbYlsDk-00175-00049161-00049571 be read disclaimer here we're not going AGuHYbYlsDk-00176-00049572-00049858 to repeat it 12 times we're going to AGuHYbYlsDk-00177-00049859-00050129 repeat 4 times because this is my talk AGuHYbYlsDk-00178-00050130-00050721 and I think 12 is too many for this talk AGuHYbYlsDk-00179-00050722-00051005 fantastic so one last thing I want to AGuHYbYlsDk-00180-00051006-00051311 point out before we move on is that the AGuHYbYlsDk-00181-00051312-00051733 top part has exactly the same pattern of AGuHYbYlsDk-00182-00051734-00052049 notes in every measure it plays the same AGuHYbYlsDk-00183-00052050-00052609 thing the whole time and that is AGuHYbYlsDk-00184-00052610-00052850 arguably the boring part of the piece AGuHYbYlsDk-00185-00052851-00053188 but it's also a really important AGuHYbYlsDk-00186-00053189-00053416 important part of the piece it gives the AGuHYbYlsDk-00187-00053417-00053734 changing part something to work against AGuHYbYlsDk-00188-00053735-00053957 let's take a closer look at that first AGuHYbYlsDk-00189-00053958-00054287 measure we're both parts are the same AGuHYbYlsDk-00190-00054288-00054512 and let's break down some of the rep AGuHYbYlsDk-00191-00054513-00055103 entation we see in here so despite the AGuHYbYlsDk-00192-00055104-00055385 way this looks it looks like these are AGuHYbYlsDk-00193-00055386-00055691 lots of different notes but don't be AGuHYbYlsDk-00194-00055691-00055982 fooled this musical notation is a little AGuHYbYlsDk-00195-00055983-00056270 bit weird I always thought it was crazy AGuHYbYlsDk-00196-00056271-00056566 how inconsistent the way that notes like AGuHYbYlsDk-00197-00056567-00056879 like visually are represented but these AGuHYbYlsDk-00198-00056879-00057050 are all all these notes represent AGuHYbYlsDk-00199-00057051-00057470 exactly the same rhythmic value and in AGuHYbYlsDk-00200-00057471-00057650 fact the little markings between the AGuHYbYlsDk-00201-00057651-00057836 notes those are called breasts that kind AGuHYbYlsDk-00202-00057837-00058220 of look like flags those also represent AGuHYbYlsDk-00203-00058221-00058454 the same rhythmic value which is kind of AGuHYbYlsDk-00204-00058454-00058625 cool because it's the only looking back AGuHYbYlsDk-00205-00058626-00058796 at the whole score those are the only AGuHYbYlsDk-00206-00058797-00059116 notes and rests in the entire piece that AGuHYbYlsDk-00207-00059117-00059228 coupled with the fact that it's a AGuHYbYlsDk-00208-00059229-00059372 rhythmic piece makes this piece really AGuHYbYlsDk-00209-00059373-00059558 easy to represent in code because we AGuHYbYlsDk-00210-00059559-00059753 don't have to worry about pitch at all AGuHYbYlsDk-00211-00059754-00060019 and we don't have to worry about AGuHYbYlsDk-00212-00060020-00060254 different rhythmic values even we just AGuHYbYlsDk-00213-00060254-00060389 have to worry about the order in which AGuHYbYlsDk-00214-00060390-00060704 the rhythmic values appear um so that's AGuHYbYlsDk-00215-00060704-00061019 kind of neat and I do want to i want to AGuHYbYlsDk-00216-00061020-00061346 play this rhythmic pattern to you AGuHYbYlsDk-00217-00061347-00061508 because it's it's really the theme of AGuHYbYlsDk-00218-00061509-00061697 the piece you hear it a lot a lot a lot AGuHYbYlsDk-00219-00061698-00062372 it goes like this I'm going to do that AGuHYbYlsDk-00220-00062373-00062516 again and I'm going to emphasize the AGuHYbYlsDk-00221-00062516-00062783 rests with my hands I like thinking of AGuHYbYlsDk-00222-00062784-00062987 rests in music as white space coming at AGuHYbYlsDk-00223-00062988-00063895 it from a code perspective okay cool um AGuHYbYlsDk-00224-00063896-00064192 and I also i have a mnemonic for that AGuHYbYlsDk-00225-00064194-00064472 because i found it especially like in AGuHYbYlsDk-00226-00064473-00064823 teaching music lyrics make it a lot AGuHYbYlsDk-00227-00064824-00065024 easier to remember rhythms and melodies AGuHYbYlsDk-00228-00065025-00065324 and stuff so I've got a fun story behind AGuHYbYlsDk-00229-00065325-00065630 this I was a big fat choir nerd when I AGuHYbYlsDk-00230-00065631-00065984 was in college and my college choir used AGuHYbYlsDk-00231-00065985-00066208 to go on tour every winter break and AGuHYbYlsDk-00232-00066209-00066647 being music nerds we we sat in the back AGuHYbYlsDk-00233-00066648-00067121 of the bus one year and tried to learn AGuHYbYlsDk-00234-00067122-00067292 how to play this piece of clapping music AGuHYbYlsDk-00235-00067293-00067501 because all it takes is a couple people AGuHYbYlsDk-00236-00067502-00067796 hands and familiarity with the process AGuHYbYlsDk-00237-00067797-00067824 of AGuHYbYlsDk-00238-00067825-00068034 so we'd sits in the back of the bus and AGuHYbYlsDk-00239-00068035-00068220 play clapping music and we came up with AGuHYbYlsDk-00240-00068221-00068412 these lyrics that i'm about to share AGuHYbYlsDk-00241-00068413-00068796 with you with good reason I think anyone AGuHYbYlsDk-00242-00068797-00069234 who has ever been on a tour bus for more AGuHYbYlsDk-00243-00069235-00069462 than a couple days understands the AGuHYbYlsDk-00244-00069463-00069615 sentiment that these lyrics express they AGuHYbYlsDk-00245-00069616-00070068 go like this there is no pooping on the AGuHYbYlsDk-00246-00070069-00070812 bus so now you have a really easy way to AGuHYbYlsDk-00247-00070813-00071208 remember this thematic rhythm we'll get AGuHYbYlsDk-00248-00071209-00071727 back to that another really fun thing AGuHYbYlsDk-00249-00071728-00071979 about this really simple representation AGuHYbYlsDk-00250-00071980-00072369 is that there is perhaps perhaps an AGuHYbYlsDk-00251-00072370-00072624 obvious way definitely a very simplistic AGuHYbYlsDk-00252-00072625-00072933 way to represent this in code and AGuHYbYlsDk-00253-00072934-00073122 particularly in Ruby code and that's AGuHYbYlsDk-00254-00073123-00073326 with arrays I've chosen to represent AGuHYbYlsDk-00255-00073327-00073545 hear the first part with one array on AGuHYbYlsDk-00256-00073546-00073668 top and the second part with another AGuHYbYlsDk-00257-00073669-00073896 array on bottom and appropriately enough AGuHYbYlsDk-00258-00073897-00074124 I've chosen to represent the spaces AGuHYbYlsDk-00259-00074125-00074262 where there is a note or a clock with AGuHYbYlsDk-00260-00074263-00074397 one and the spaces where there isn't AGuHYbYlsDk-00261-00074398-00075191 with a zero gotta look parallelism cool AGuHYbYlsDk-00262-00075192-00075495 so let's not take a look at the rest of AGuHYbYlsDk-00263-00075496-00075857 the score past the first measure I've AGuHYbYlsDk-00264-00075858-00076059 already pointed it out but you may you AGuHYbYlsDk-00265-00076060-00076242 may have noticed as well but the second AGuHYbYlsDk-00266-00076243-00076512 part changes throughout the piece and AGuHYbYlsDk-00267-00076513-00076937 spoiler alert it's a recursive pattern AGuHYbYlsDk-00268-00076938-00077490 so before we move on breaking down notes AGuHYbYlsDk-00269-00077491-00077760 and process let's be really aggressive AGuHYbYlsDk-00270-00077761-00077982 about defining our terms and make sure AGuHYbYlsDk-00271-00077983-00078273 that we talk from a broad perspective AGuHYbYlsDk-00272-00078274-00078711 about what recursion is is there a brave AGuHYbYlsDk-00273-00078712-00078849 soul in the audience who might want to AGuHYbYlsDk-00274-00078850-00079050 volunteer their own definition of AGuHYbYlsDk-00275-00079051-00079682 recursion go for it yeah I really like AGuHYbYlsDk-00276-00079683-00079965 that self reference that's a good way of AGuHYbYlsDk-00277-00079966-00080067 putting it there are so many different AGuHYbYlsDk-00278-00080068-00080271 definitions this is the first one I AGuHYbYlsDk-00279-00080272-00080550 found I'm doing that Wikipedia thing and AGuHYbYlsDk-00280-00080551-00080732 that this particular definition is I AGuHYbYlsDk-00281-00080733-00081024 think more particular it's it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00282-00081025-00081372 are honed into computers than what you AGuHYbYlsDk-00283-00081373-00081762 offered up and that's really common AGuHYbYlsDk-00284-00081763-00081930 we're all familiar with the the AGuHYbYlsDk-00285-00081931-00082140 computer-based reference a definition of AGuHYbYlsDk-00286-00082141-00082311 recursion so I wasn't found another one AGuHYbYlsDk-00287-00082312-00082704 which tries to be really particular to AGuHYbYlsDk-00288-00082705-00082929 mathematics but I really like the part AGuHYbYlsDk-00289-00082930-00083217 of this that says it's a recursion is AGuHYbYlsDk-00290-00083218-00083388 generated by repeating a particular AGuHYbYlsDk-00291-00083389-00083665 operation and I think of like examples AGuHYbYlsDk-00292-00083666-00083829 of recursion that occur outside of AGuHYbYlsDk-00293-00083830-00084040 mathematics or computers like when two AGuHYbYlsDk-00294-00084041-00084177 mirrors are facing each other that's AGuHYbYlsDk-00295-00084178-00084490 arguably recursion um and what is the AGuHYbYlsDk-00296-00084491-00084759 repeated operation here it's it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00297-00084760-00085053 reflecting they're reflecting each other AGuHYbYlsDk-00298-00085054-00085401 across and that I mean there's no kick AGuHYbYlsDk-00299-00085402-00085626 in mirror reflecting but that doesn't AGuHYbYlsDk-00300-00085627-00085857 matter so I like this definition AGuHYbYlsDk-00301-00085858-00086130 specifically because it's not particular AGuHYbYlsDk-00302-00086131-00086355 to computers and what we're trying to do AGuHYbYlsDk-00303-00086356-00086541 here is build a bridge across two AGuHYbYlsDk-00304-00086542-00086811 different fields by analyzing similar AGuHYbYlsDk-00305-00086812-00087024 processes so thinking of it as a AGuHYbYlsDk-00306-00087025-00087207 repeated operation serves our purpose AGuHYbYlsDk-00307-00087208-00087678 really well for that cool so looking AGuHYbYlsDk-00308-00087679-00087934 again at the rest of the score the AGuHYbYlsDk-00309-00087935-00088116 second part we know it's a recursive AGuHYbYlsDk-00310-00088117-00088332 process let's see if we can pinpoint AGuHYbYlsDk-00311-00088333-00088575 that repeated operation and let's do AGuHYbYlsDk-00312-00088576-00088737 that by taking a closer look at the AGuHYbYlsDk-00313-00088738-00089079 second measure this measure we've AGuHYbYlsDk-00314-00089080-00089202 established that the first part is the AGuHYbYlsDk-00315-00089203-00089493 same so we have an idea of what because AGuHYbYlsDk-00316-00089494-00089676 it's only the second measure we have an AGuHYbYlsDk-00317-00089677-00089904 idea of what the part was in the measure AGuHYbYlsDk-00318-00089905-00090018 right before it and we can look at the AGuHYbYlsDk-00319-00090019-00090156 second part and figure out exactly what AGuHYbYlsDk-00320-00090157-00090411 happens again do I have a brave soul in AGuHYbYlsDk-00321-00090412-00090605 the audience who might want to volunteer AGuHYbYlsDk-00322-00090606-00090847 if they've noticed what this repeated AGuHYbYlsDk-00323-00090848-00091715 operation is yeah AGuHYbYlsDk-00324-00091716-00091974 the whole pattern has been shifted back AGuHYbYlsDk-00325-00091975-00092160 and the first note has been placed at AGuHYbYlsDk-00326-00092161-00092346 the end of the bar very well said sir AGuHYbYlsDk-00327-00092347-00092913 thank you um cool and that just keeps AGuHYbYlsDk-00328-00092914-00093171 going until the end of the piece but AGuHYbYlsDk-00329-00093172-00093276 well I'll take another look at that AGuHYbYlsDk-00330-00093277-00093498 later i keep getting ahead of myself we AGuHYbYlsDk-00331-00093499-00093687 can represent the these these notes and AGuHYbYlsDk-00332-00093688-00093903 rhythms and patterns in code again AGuHYbYlsDk-00333-00093904-00094170 fairly easily same thing ones represent AGuHYbYlsDk-00334-00094171-00094566 Klopp 0s represent arrest and as a side AGuHYbYlsDk-00335-00094567-00094704 note I just I really like the way it AGuHYbYlsDk-00336-00094705-00094815 looks when they are different because AGuHYbYlsDk-00337-00094816-00094959 you can see where the beats line up with AGuHYbYlsDk-00338-00094960-00095082 each other and where they're doubled and AGuHYbYlsDk-00339-00095083-00095580 it's great cool so taking a look at the AGuHYbYlsDk-00340-00095581-00095823 rest of the piece it's easy to visualize AGuHYbYlsDk-00341-00095824-00096078 the way that that operation is repeated AGuHYbYlsDk-00342-00096079-00096711 throughout the piece and you can sort of AGuHYbYlsDk-00343-00096712-00096825 trace the lines through the piece if AGuHYbYlsDk-00344-00096826-00097119 you'd like to unlatched measure in the AGuHYbYlsDk-00345-00097120-00097413 fifth stanza where they return to AGuHYbYlsDk-00346-00097414-00098018 playing the same pattern again cool um AGuHYbYlsDk-00347-00098019-00098421 so now we get to get into the the part AGuHYbYlsDk-00348-00098422-00098724 where we sort of figure out how to AGuHYbYlsDk-00349-00098725-00098883 recompose this process I think we've got AGuHYbYlsDk-00350-00098884-00098988 a solid understanding of what the AGuHYbYlsDk-00351-00098989-00099189 process is overall how do we recompose AGuHYbYlsDk-00352-00099190-00099482 this with code what needs representation AGuHYbYlsDk-00353-00099483-00099758 there the two parts the two performers AGuHYbYlsDk-00354-00099759-00100013 that'll need some kind of representation AGuHYbYlsDk-00355-00100014-00100245 there's what they're playing the notes AGuHYbYlsDk-00356-00100246-00100353 on the page we've already started AGuHYbYlsDk-00357-00100354-00100569 without a little bit and then there's AGuHYbYlsDk-00358-00100570-00100797 also how to play the parts that process AGuHYbYlsDk-00359-00100798-00100953 how do we represent that in code we have AGuHYbYlsDk-00360-00100954-00101163 a conceptual understanding of it how do AGuHYbYlsDk-00361-00101164-00101412 we represent that with the tools that AGuHYbYlsDk-00362-00101413-00101706 we're already familiar with so I've AGuHYbYlsDk-00363-00101707-00101982 taken the liberty of establishing a AGuHYbYlsDk-00364-00101983-00102264 couple pieces of this already there's AGuHYbYlsDk-00365-00102265-00102710 the two parts I will take just a small AGuHYbYlsDk-00366-00102711-00102986 minute to say sonic PI is a DSL over AGuHYbYlsDk-00367-00102988-00103109 Ruby and there are a couple of weird AGuHYbYlsDk-00368-00103110-00103401 quirks to it in that regard and so I AGuHYbYlsDk-00369-00103402-00103602 have not defined any of this within a AGuHYbYlsDk-00370-00103603-00103797 class like perhaps you normally would in AGuHYbYlsDk-00371-00103798-00104091 object-oriented Ruby but i'm still using AGuHYbYlsDk-00372-00104092-00104477 instance variables so they're um AGuHYbYlsDk-00373-00104478-00104814 so I've assigned to different package AGuHYbYlsDk-00374-00104815-00105035 voices to these two instance variables AGuHYbYlsDk-00375-00105036-00105321 we've got a high-pitched percussive AGuHYbYlsDk-00376-00105322-00105504 voice and a mid pitch percussive voice AGuHYbYlsDk-00377-00105505-00105672 and this is just to provide us a little AGuHYbYlsDk-00378-00105673-00105918 bit of texture and variety because in AGuHYbYlsDk-00379-00105919-00106085 part because it's a computer they're AGuHYbYlsDk-00380-00106086-00106245 coming from the same speakers if it was AGuHYbYlsDk-00381-00106246-00106491 the same pitch it would be a little bit AGuHYbYlsDk-00382-00106492-00106646 harder to differentiate between parts AGuHYbYlsDk-00383-00106647-00106893 honestly I don't think this helps too AGuHYbYlsDk-00384-00106894-00107234 much but it does help a little bit and AGuHYbYlsDk-00385-00107235-00107346 then we've already established that we AGuHYbYlsDk-00386-00107347-00107826 have the baseline part I was supposed to AGuHYbYlsDk-00387-00107827-00107960 deliver that differently so that I could AGuHYbYlsDk-00388-00107961-00108164 focus on the pun a little bit more AGuHYbYlsDk-00389-00108165-00108624 apologies yeah I've called our our part AGuHYbYlsDk-00390-00108625-00108972 that stays the same the baseline and AGuHYbYlsDk-00391-00108973-00109254 then we have what is absolutely and a AGuHYbYlsDk-00392-00109255-00109638 rotating part I thought I'd deleted the AGuHYbYlsDk-00393-00109639-00109779 clone I figured out that wasn't AGuHYbYlsDk-00394-00109780-00110054 absolutely necessary but fortunately for AGuHYbYlsDk-00395-00110055-00110411 us ruby has a package method in it that AGuHYbYlsDk-00396-00110413-00110579 will do exactly the operation we needed AGuHYbYlsDk-00397-00110580-00110898 to do what's called rotate um it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00398-00110899-00111461 beautiful lastly the interesting part AGuHYbYlsDk-00399-00111463-00111597 not that the rest of this hasn't been AGuHYbYlsDk-00400-00111598-00111957 interesting but I really like recursion AGuHYbYlsDk-00401-00111958-00112218 and it's fun to play with and we get to AGuHYbYlsDk-00402-00112219-00112653 do that now so let's redefine some of AGuHYbYlsDk-00403-00112654-00113108 these important terms for anyone who who AGuHYbYlsDk-00404-00113109-00113424 might be watching this who is not AGuHYbYlsDk-00405-00113425-00113577 familiar with music I think this is an AGuHYbYlsDk-00406-00113578-00113796 important thing to do we've got our AGuHYbYlsDk-00407-00113797-00114048 measures or bars which is a grouping of AGuHYbYlsDk-00408-00114049-00114509 notes we've got a section I haven't said AGuHYbYlsDk-00409-00114510-00114801 this word before I'm calling the AGuHYbYlsDk-00410-00114802-00115050 repetition of measures a section AGuHYbYlsDk-00411-00115051-00115229 remember in the score when he said AGuHYbYlsDk-00412-00115230-00115551 repeat each repeat each measure 12 times AGuHYbYlsDk-00413-00115552-00115759 that's that's what I'm calling a section AGuHYbYlsDk-00414-00115760-00115995 we're repeating it four times as a AGuHYbYlsDk-00415-00115996-00116196 reminder I just couldn't really think of AGuHYbYlsDk-00416-00116197-00116346 a better way of describing that so a AGuHYbYlsDk-00417-00116347-00116706 section repeated section and then I I've AGuHYbYlsDk-00418-00116707-00116982 defined a couple of methods for us to AGuHYbYlsDk-00419-00116983-00117177 start with play note and play rest AGuHYbYlsDk-00420-00117178-00117468 they're fairly straightforward just AGuHYbYlsDk-00421-00117469-00117608 because every note and every rest is the AGuHYbYlsDk-00422-00117609-00117752 same rhythmic value AGuHYbYlsDk-00423-00117753-00117887 and it's not really that interesting or AGuHYbYlsDk-00424-00117888-00118103 important to the process so you're AGuHYbYlsDk-00425-00118104-00118520 welcome other helper methods I think AGuHYbYlsDk-00426-00118521-00118850 would be a good way to move forward I'm AGuHYbYlsDk-00427-00118851-00119169 proposing that that the design of this AGuHYbYlsDk-00428-00119170-00119597 particular recomposition we tell the AGuHYbYlsDk-00429-00119598-00119750 computer how to play a measure how to AGuHYbYlsDk-00430-00119751-00120057 play a section and then how to play both AGuHYbYlsDk-00431-00120058-00120328 parts playing a section at the same time AGuHYbYlsDk-00432-00120329-00120575 normally if two humans were clapping AGuHYbYlsDk-00433-00120576-00120720 this piece it would be two separate AGuHYbYlsDk-00434-00120721-00121073 brains performing one process together a AGuHYbYlsDk-00435-00121074-00121349 computer arguably can be two separate AGuHYbYlsDk-00436-00121350-00121526 brains there's not really a basis of AGuHYbYlsDk-00437-00121527-00121778 comparison there or there is but I don't AGuHYbYlsDk-00438-00121779-00122102 want to get into it and we have to tell AGuHYbYlsDk-00439-00122103-00122220 the computer how to play two parts at AGuHYbYlsDk-00440-00122221-00122671 the same time so for playing the measure AGuHYbYlsDk-00441-00122672-00123021 this we take two arguments the pattern AGuHYbYlsDk-00442-00123022-00123183 of notes that we want to play and the AGuHYbYlsDk-00443-00123183-00123422 voice that we want to play them so for AGuHYbYlsDk-00444-00123423-00123701 each value in this pattern if it's a one AGuHYbYlsDk-00445-00123702-00123866 we play the note with the voice given AGuHYbYlsDk-00446-00123867-00124220 and if it's a zero we play the rest and AGuHYbYlsDk-00447-00124221-00124569 that I can tell you what that sounds AGuHYbYlsDk-00448-00124570-00125652 like at least I think I can there we go AGuHYbYlsDk-00449-00125653-00126047 great that makes sense we already AGuHYbYlsDk-00450-00126048-00126541 learned that rhythm so then to play the AGuHYbYlsDk-00451-00126542-00126713 section there are so many different ways AGuHYbYlsDk-00452-00126714-00127424 to to implement this I I did it this way AGuHYbYlsDk-00453-00127425-00127804 for reasons I think probably if it were AGuHYbYlsDk-00454-00127805-00128033 in a class you would want to extract the AGuHYbYlsDk-00455-00128033-00128324 number into a constant or something like AGuHYbYlsDk-00456-00128325-00128524 that but this is how it turned out and AGuHYbYlsDk-00457-00128525-00128851 the code works it still sounds like AGuHYbYlsDk-00458-00128852-00129088 things and I think that's really fun it AGuHYbYlsDk-00459-00129089-00130713 sounds like this make sense so far great AGuHYbYlsDk-00460-00130714-00131063 and then lastly we know how to tell the AGuHYbYlsDk-00461-00131064-00131369 computer to play both parts at the same AGuHYbYlsDk-00462-00131370-00131561 time and we'll do that a section at a AGuHYbYlsDk-00463-00131562-00131764 time because that kind of makes sense to AGuHYbYlsDk-00464-00131765-00132035 the the structure of this process and in AGuHYbYlsDk-00465-00132036-00132212 sonic PI the way that's done is that we AGuHYbYlsDk-00466-00132213-00132470 just wrap one play section call in a AGuHYbYlsDk-00467-00132471-00132751 thread and then let the other play and AGuHYbYlsDk-00468-00132752-00132877 that's I think it's kind of neat the way AGuHYbYlsDk-00469-00132878-00133112 it works but it also makes sense you can AGuHYbYlsDk-00470-00133113-00133213 just tell it to have a separate AGuHYbYlsDk-00471-00133214-00133826 processing and go so that sounds I do AGuHYbYlsDk-00472-00133827-00135274 want to tell you that sounds like this AGuHYbYlsDk-00473-00135275-00135587 cool and just for a little context I'll AGuHYbYlsDk-00474-00135588-00135758 shout shout back to the thing I was AGuHYbYlsDk-00475-00135759-00136493 saying earlier this is one part is that AGuHYbYlsDk-00476-00136494-00137186 one part yeah and this is two parts so AGuHYbYlsDk-00477-00137187-00137372 maybe you can hear the difference to me AGuHYbYlsDk-00478-00137373-00137507 it just sounds a little bit louder I AGuHYbYlsDk-00479-00137508-00137639 becomes more obvious when they're AGuHYbYlsDk-00480-00137640-00138092 playing different things I have to go AGuHYbYlsDk-00481-00138093-00138656 back to the slide there we go um no it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00482-00138657-00139262 time for the collision um oh thank you AGuHYbYlsDk-00483-00139263-00139472 well obviously very excited about this AGuHYbYlsDk-00484-00139473-00139844 part let's continue to be a thorough AGuHYbYlsDk-00485-00139845-00140057 about defining our terms and just go AGuHYbYlsDk-00486-00140058-00140318 over the pieces of recursion we've AGuHYbYlsDk-00487-00140319-00140450 already been so good about defining AGuHYbYlsDk-00488-00140451-00140639 terms anyway so let's let's do that AGuHYbYlsDk-00489-00140640-00141119 right now recursion uh in in my mind AGuHYbYlsDk-00490-00141120-00141257 anyway recursion is typically broken AGuHYbYlsDk-00491-00141258-00141611 down into three or so parts there's the AGuHYbYlsDk-00492-00141612-00141773 part where the function is called within AGuHYbYlsDk-00493-00141774-00142187 itself there is the kick often also AGuHYbYlsDk-00494-00142188-00142319 called the base case you might be AGuHYbYlsDk-00495-00142320-00142553 familiar with either of those names that AGuHYbYlsDk-00496-00142554-00142832 tells the function to exit after a AGuHYbYlsDk-00497-00142833-00142973 certain point of repeating the operation AGuHYbYlsDk-00498-00142974-00143182 and then there's the part of it that AGuHYbYlsDk-00499-00143183-00143471 changes something so that it can get to AGuHYbYlsDk-00500-00143472-00143927 the kick and often that's you can think AGuHYbYlsDk-00501-00143928-00144029 of it in a couple different ways there AGuHYbYlsDk-00502-00144030-00144194 is the repeated operation itself the AGuHYbYlsDk-00503-00144195-00144413 part of the functions meant to call the AGuHYbYlsDk-00504-00144414-00144635 classic example is is in the factorial AGuHYbYlsDk-00505-00144636-00145004 problem the thing that the function does AGuHYbYlsDk-00506-00145005-00145250 is multiply two numbers and the thing AGuHYbYlsDk-00507-00145251-00145613 that the function changes is that one of AGuHYbYlsDk-00508-00145614-00145892 the numbers is subtracted by one every AGuHYbYlsDk-00509-00145893-00146567 time it repeats that makes sense cool so AGuHYbYlsDk-00510-00146568-00146822 we're going to start with the obvious AGuHYbYlsDk-00511-00146823-00147167 part written for us with this very aptly AGuHYbYlsDk-00512-00147168-00147554 named method play recursive bit we pass AGuHYbYlsDk-00513-00147555-00147824 in a part that we want it to play AGuHYbYlsDk-00514-00147825-00148148 cursive Lee and then we we call the AGuHYbYlsDk-00515-00148149-00148439 method within itself and we'll get to AGuHYbYlsDk-00516-00148440-00148661 what we pass into the repeated call in a AGuHYbYlsDk-00517-00148662-00149321 minute I just gave it away so then we AGuHYbYlsDk-00518-00149322-00149756 have the base case which is didn't AGuHYbYlsDk-00519-00149757-00150080 anyone notice this earlier any any AGuHYbYlsDk-00520-00150081-00150239 volunteers to interpret the code i have AGuHYbYlsDk-00521-00150240-00150758 on screen go for it right exactly the AGuHYbYlsDk-00522-00150759-00150974 very last measure they line up again so AGuHYbYlsDk-00523-00150975-00151091 we know we're done with the recursive AGuHYbYlsDk-00524-00151092-00151322 process when the two parts line up again AGuHYbYlsDk-00525-00151323-00151493 and are playing the same thing and AGuHYbYlsDk-00526-00151494-00151700 incidentally steve reich called this AGuHYbYlsDk-00527-00151701-00151880 piece and a lot of other similar pieces AGuHYbYlsDk-00528-00151881-00152129 that he wrote phase music for exactly AGuHYbYlsDk-00529-00152130-00152489 that reason because it's like 80 it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00530-00152490-00152732 phasic you start with one thing and you AGuHYbYlsDk-00531-00152733-00152888 kind of rotate through a phase and then AGuHYbYlsDk-00532-00152889-00153385 it stops it's really neat right so next AGuHYbYlsDk-00533-00153386-00153602 what's the change that we want to pass AGuHYbYlsDk-00534-00153603-00154216 into to the recursive call go for it AGuHYbYlsDk-00535-00154217-00154715 exactly rotating part 8 and and that'll AGuHYbYlsDk-00536-00154716-00154976 well you guys know that signals are our AGuHYbYlsDk-00537-00154977-00155102 thing that it needs to change and it'll AGuHYbYlsDk-00538-00155103-00155426 keep going until the base case we just AGuHYbYlsDk-00539-00155427-00155624 need one more piece which is the actual AGuHYbYlsDk-00540-00155625-00156233 like action that we want to happen any AGuHYbYlsDk-00541-00156234-00156557 takers any yeah yeah play the section AGuHYbYlsDk-00542-00156558-00156887 sweet so we've told both practically the AGuHYbYlsDk-00543-00156888-00157295 section we are returning when the piece AGuHYbYlsDk-00544-00157296-00157535 is done but when it's not done we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00545-00157536-00157805 just going to keep playing it with the AGuHYbYlsDk-00546-00157806-00158330 part rotated so let's put all these AGuHYbYlsDk-00547-00158331-00158675 pieces together we could potentially AGuHYbYlsDk-00548-00158676-00159029 just use the method we just wrote play AGuHYbYlsDk-00549-00159030-00159314 recursive bit and pass in a rotated AGuHYbYlsDk-00550-00159315-00159518 baseline but there's one problem with AGuHYbYlsDk-00551-00159519-00159854 that um any any takers does anyone AGuHYbYlsDk-00552-00159855-00160076 already know I see a hand halfway raised AGuHYbYlsDk-00553-00160077-00160647 in back maybe yeah AGuHYbYlsDk-00554-00160648-00161059 right exactly exactly yeah the problem AGuHYbYlsDk-00555-00161060-00161326 with doing it this way is that as the AGuHYbYlsDk-00556-00161327-00161458 gentleman back said the first section AGuHYbYlsDk-00557-00161459-00161595 you want to play is going to be the same AGuHYbYlsDk-00558-00161596-00161884 it won't immediately exit because we're AGuHYbYlsDk-00559-00161885-00162028 passing in the rotated baseline it just AGuHYbYlsDk-00560-00162029-00162148 won't actually play the whole piece AGuHYbYlsDk-00561-00162149-00162433 right so we'll want to play the section AGuHYbYlsDk-00562-00162434-00162673 the same way first and then go through AGuHYbYlsDk-00563-00162674-00162898 the recursive bit into the kick and you AGuHYbYlsDk-00564-00162899-00163153 could you could arrange the actual AGuHYbYlsDk-00565-00163154-00163282 recursive method a little bit AGuHYbYlsDk-00566-00163283-00163609 differently so that the kick is at the AGuHYbYlsDk-00567-00163610-00163999 top and it just doesn't play again when AGuHYbYlsDk-00568-00164000-00164218 when they're the same and but then you AGuHYbYlsDk-00569-00164219-00164335 would have to put both parts play AGuHYbYlsDk-00570-00164336-00164476 section at bottom and you know it AGuHYbYlsDk-00571-00164477-00164565 doesn't really matter it's the same AGuHYbYlsDk-00572-00164566-00164983 thing fantastic so we're going to listen AGuHYbYlsDk-00573-00164984-00165352 to this all at the same time the way the AGuHYbYlsDk-00574-00165353-00165516 pieces arrange it ends up like just AGuHYbYlsDk-00575-00165517-00165658 feeling really good at the end of it so AGuHYbYlsDk-00576-00165659-00165871 I want to go through some thank yous and AGuHYbYlsDk-00577-00165872-00166045 post some links before we start AGuHYbYlsDk-00578-00166046-00166495 listening to it so I've got a link to AGuHYbYlsDk-00579-00166496-00166756 sonic PI because it's a really neat AGuHYbYlsDk-00580-00166757-00167044 little dsl if anyone wants to explore AGuHYbYlsDk-00581-00167045-00167332 that do it I've got the completed code AGuHYbYlsDk-00582-00167333-00167602 up on my github as well as a PDF of my AGuHYbYlsDk-00583-00167603-00167749 slides I'm using deck set there's a AGuHYbYlsDk-00584-00167750-00167865 markdown up there too if anyone's AGuHYbYlsDk-00585-00167866-00168106 interested the name of the composer and AGuHYbYlsDk-00586-00168107-00168279 the piece up there again if anyone's AGuHYbYlsDk-00587-00168280-00168544 interested and I do want to thank a AGuHYbYlsDk-00588-00168545-00168835 couple of my co-workers who helped who AGuHYbYlsDk-00589-00168836-00168952 helped me prepare mentored me through AGuHYbYlsDk-00590-00168953-00169168 this process John Downey and josh Josh AGuHYbYlsDk-00591-00169169-00169426 Larson I want to thank dev bootcamp for AGuHYbYlsDk-00592-00169427-00169657 initially asking me to give a talk about AGuHYbYlsDk-00593-00169658-00169852 music and programming and inspiring this AGuHYbYlsDk-00594-00169853-00170115 and then of course I Sam Aaron and AGuHYbYlsDk-00595-00170116-00170263 anyone who's ever contributed to sonic AGuHYbYlsDk-00596-00170264-00171226 PI I like it a lot cool so let's do so AGuHYbYlsDk-00597-00171227-00171416 in doing this I'm going to pull sonic PI AGuHYbYlsDk-00598-00171417-00171753 over here to the viewer I'm going to AGuHYbYlsDk-00599-00171754-00172228 make this a little smaller I hope there AGuHYbYlsDk-00600-00172229-00172662 we go I've written in a logging method AGuHYbYlsDk-00601-00172663-00172909 it'll tell us when the base case is AGuHYbYlsDk-00602-00172910-00173107 achieved and also just write out each AGuHYbYlsDk-00603-00173108-00173391 part the first time it's played so that AGuHYbYlsDk-00604-00173392-00173638 we can see that visual of each note AGuHYbYlsDk-00605-00173639-00173767 against each other and how AGuHYbYlsDk-00607-00188147-00188558 thank you um does anyone have any AGuHYbYlsDk-00608-00188559-00188870 questions that's a good that's a very AGuHYbYlsDk-00609-00188871-00189164 good question I wish I could you mean AGuHYbYlsDk-00610-00189165-00189472 like out of different speakers yeah AGuHYbYlsDk-00611-00189473-00189770 thank you the question is can we play AGuHYbYlsDk-00612-00189771-00189989 the bass line out of one speaker and the AGuHYbYlsDk-00613-00189990-00190172 rotating part out of another speaker so AGuHYbYlsDk-00614-00190173-00190295 it's a little bit easier to hear the AGuHYbYlsDk-00615-00190296-00190712 difference and i would like to figure AGuHYbYlsDk-00616-00190713-00191009 out what the best way is to do that as AGuHYbYlsDk-00617-00191010-00191198 it was we had a little bit of trouble AGuHYbYlsDk-00618-00191199-00191399 with the line out on the computer and AGuHYbYlsDk-00619-00191400-00191633 the sounds that you heard were provided AGuHYbYlsDk-00620-00191634-00191834 to you by a microphone sitting next to AGuHYbYlsDk-00621-00191835-00192401 the speaker so that is a very good AGuHYbYlsDk-00622-00192402-00192671 feedback I'll keep that in mind for if I AGuHYbYlsDk-00623-00192672-00192830 give this talk another time and try to AGuHYbYlsDk-00624-00192831-00193106 make that improvement thank you oh it's AGuHYbYlsDk-00625-00193107-00193259 a great question that what is the editor AGuHYbYlsDk-00626-00193260-00193529 that I'm using to write the code in AGuHYbYlsDk-00627-00193530-00193832 there or yeah so that that's built into AGuHYbYlsDk-00628-00193833-00194138 sonic x sonic PI was originally AGuHYbYlsDk-00629-00194139-00194384 developed for use on Raspberry Pi that AGuHYbYlsDk-00630-00194385-00194708 they developed like an OSX port for it AGuHYbYlsDk-00631-00194709-00194921 I'm honestly not a huge fan of the AGuHYbYlsDk-00632-00194922-00195245 editor in sonic PI especially after AGuHYbYlsDk-00633-00195246-00195434 having learned and gotten used to them AGuHYbYlsDk-00634-00195435-00195776 I'm like trying to like even even I used AGuHYbYlsDk-00635-00195777-00195971 sublime even like all the keyboard AGuHYbYlsDk-00636-00195972-00196148 shortcuts in supplying there just may be AGuHYbYlsDk-00637-00196149-00196293 there are keyboard shortcuts in sonic PI AGuHYbYlsDk-00638-00196294-00196403 and I just didn't take the time to learn AGuHYbYlsDk-00639-00196404-00196743 them but I became mildly frustrated when AGuHYbYlsDk-00640-00196744-00196907 I was developing this at like having to AGuHYbYlsDk-00641-00196908-00197126 like copy and paste with a mouse and AGuHYbYlsDk-00642-00197127-00197501 like click on things that said though AGuHYbYlsDk-00643-00197502-00197852 it's I didn't have to write my own AGuHYbYlsDk-00644-00197853-00198083 system of turning code into sound which AGuHYbYlsDk-00645-00198084-00198854 was really nice cool um thanks again so AGuHYbYlsDk-00646-00198855-00199100 much for coming AGeU6ILnt5c-00000-00000000-00000118 [Music] AGeU6ILnt5c-00001-00000119-00000739 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00002-00000740-00003370 [Music] AGeU6ILnt5c-00003-00003371-00003690 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00005-00006756-00007245 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00006-00007245-00010091 [Music] AGeU6ILnt5c-00007-00010092-00010712 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00008-00010713-00012977 [Music] AGeU6ILnt5c-00009-00012978-00015688 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00010-00015690-00016313 [Music] AGeU6ILnt5c-00011-00016313-00016475 foreign AGeU6ILnt5c-00013-00020551-00020858 thank you AI49XfzL_5I-00001-00003371-00003636 foreign AI49XfzL_5I-00003-00006906-00007529 foreign AI49XfzL_5I-00005-00019406-00021814 thank you AI49XfzL_5I-00006-00021815-00022536 [Applause] AI49XfzL_5I-00008-00027900-00029377 foreign AI49XfzL_5I-00009-00029379-00031474 [Music] AI49XfzL_5I-00010-00031475-00033296 foreign AI49XfzL_5I-00011-00033297-00033374 [Applause] AI49XfzL_5I-00012-00033375-00033454 [Music] AI49XfzL_5I-00013-00033455-00034048 [Applause] AI49XfzL_5I-00014-00034049-00035329 [Music] AI49XfzL_5I-00015-00035330-00035377 [Applause] AI49XfzL_5I-00016-00035378-00037441 [Music] AI49XfzL_5I-00017-00037442-00038024 [Laughter] AI49XfzL_5I-00018-00038025-00039546 [Music] AI49XfzL_5I-00019-00039547-00040289 out out AI49XfzL_5I-00020-00040290-00041057 foreign AI49XfzL_5I-00021-00041058-00041135 [Applause] AI49XfzL_5I-00022-00041136-00043789 [Music] AJLMgVsmRog-00000-00000064-00000335 in this video learn about the enfp ego AJLMgVsmRog-00001-00000336-00000711 fulfillment fantasy what enfps do that AJLMgVsmRog-00002-00000712-00000983 ultimately makes them feel empty inside AJLMgVsmRog-00003-00000984-00001231 so in this video this is a warning and AJLMgVsmRog-00004-00001232-00001447 it's about extraverted thinking and AJLMgVsmRog-00005-00001448-00001566 here's the thing what i've found with AJLMgVsmRog-00006-00001567-00001830 enfps is that enfps they are really AJLMgVsmRog-00007-00001832-00002110 really good at extroverted thinking now AJLMgVsmRog-00008-00002111-00002391 if it's extroverted that means it's easy AJLMgVsmRog-00009-00002392-00002631 it's within your comfort zone as an enfp AJLMgVsmRog-00010-00002632-00002823 extrovert and if it's thinking that AJLMgVsmRog-00011-00002824-00003102 means it's unvalued that means while you AJLMgVsmRog-00012-00003103-00003270 can be good at it you can be really good AJLMgVsmRog-00013-00003271-00003486 at thinking as an appealing type AJLMgVsmRog-00014-00003488-00003743 you might not get any sense of value or AJLMgVsmRog-00015-00003744-00003975 gratification from doing it so here's AJLMgVsmRog-00016-00003976-00004343 the thing enfps often put a lot of coins AJLMgVsmRog-00017-00004344-00004551 into this function they spend a lot of AJLMgVsmRog-00018-00004552-00004759 time working on it they start looping on AJLMgVsmRog-00019-00004760-00004967 it they start focusing on it and they AJLMgVsmRog-00020-00004968-00005127 start thinking if i go into this AJLMgVsmRog-00021-00005128-00005351 function and if i develop it i'm gonna AJLMgVsmRog-00022-00005352-00005527 magically fix my life and everything is AJLMgVsmRog-00023-00005528-00005735 gonna come into place but here's the AJLMgVsmRog-00024-00005736-00005918 thing most enfps that go into this AJLMgVsmRog-00025-00005919-00006183 function end up feeling kind of empty AJLMgVsmRog-00026-00006184-00006446 afterwards and why is that why does this AJLMgVsmRog-00027-00006447-00006783 function not give you any joy as an enfp AJLMgVsmRog-00028-00006784-00006959 well the secret is that it's a thinking AJLMgVsmRog-00029-00006959-00007183 function thinking functions can be AJLMgVsmRog-00030-00007184-00007406 really good and really useful for an AJLMgVsmRog-00031-00007408-00007670 enfp and can provide a lot of benefits AJLMgVsmRog-00032-00007672-00007959 however they don't give you an intrinsic AJLMgVsmRog-00033-00007959-00008231 sense of meaning or joy AJLMgVsmRog-00034-00008232-00008391 when i discovered a flow code i AJLMgVsmRog-00035-00008392-00008607 recognized that your four letters AJLMgVsmRog-00036-00008608-00008759 represent what you need to do in order AJLMgVsmRog-00037-00008760-00009110 to feel flow value meaning happiness and AJLMgVsmRog-00038-00009111-00009303 opposite four functions represent things AJLMgVsmRog-00039-00009304-00009471 that cause you stress things that are AJLMgVsmRog-00040-00009472-00009695 difficult for you and things that cause AJLMgVsmRog-00041-00009696-00010071 you to lose motivation and value so you AJLMgVsmRog-00042-00010072-00010263 have things that you intrinsically value AJLMgVsmRog-00043-00010264-00010414 and you have things that you externally AJLMgVsmRog-00044-00010415-00010510 value AJLMgVsmRog-00045-00010511-00010703 now you might have heard people tell you AJLMgVsmRog-00046-00010704-00010887 like oh you need to go into business you AJLMgVsmRog-00047-00010888-00011023 need to make money you need to be AJLMgVsmRog-00048-00011024-00011295 successful you need to earn a lot you AJLMgVsmRog-00049-00011296-00011438 need to get promoted AJLMgVsmRog-00050-00011439-00011655 you need to be efficient productive and AJLMgVsmRog-00051-00011656-00011863 valued everything you do has to serve a AJLMgVsmRog-00052-00011864-00012119 purpose and a function and if you're not AJLMgVsmRog-00053-00012120-00012342 doing that you're wasting your time and AJLMgVsmRog-00054-00012343-00012567 it might end up feeling like it kind of AJLMgVsmRog-00055-00012568-00012822 sucks you know it sucks that if you go AJLMgVsmRog-00056-00012823-00013079 into introverted feeling and into your AJLMgVsmRog-00057-00013080-00013199 values AJLMgVsmRog-00058-00013200-00013407 you keep getting constant criticism you AJLMgVsmRog-00059-00013408-00013591 know being criticized for this function AJLMgVsmRog-00060-00013591-00013751 for not being good at it and for not AJLMgVsmRog-00061-00013752-00013927 doing it well enough and for not AJLMgVsmRog-00062-00013928-00014079 reaching your values and for not being AJLMgVsmRog-00063-00014080-00014263 your best version of yourself that's AJLMgVsmRog-00064-00014263-00014519 really difficult so as an enfp you might AJLMgVsmRog-00065-00014519-00014671 say hey i'm just going to go into my AJLMgVsmRog-00066-00014672-00014871 tertiary function instead it's so much AJLMgVsmRog-00067-00014872-00015007 easier and AJLMgVsmRog-00068-00015008-00015191 it's a quick fix and it will magically AJLMgVsmRog-00069-00015191-00015407 solve all my problems in life AJLMgVsmRog-00070-00015408-00015655 however what i find is it's an ego AJLMgVsmRog-00071-00015656-00015879 fulfillment fantasy AJLMgVsmRog-00072-00015880-00016071 if it's not intrinsically valued that AJLMgVsmRog-00073-00016072-00016391 means it's externally valued we do the AJLMgVsmRog-00074-00016392-00016599 third and the inferior function because AJLMgVsmRog-00075-00016600-00016799 it gives other people AJLMgVsmRog-00076-00016800-00017094 a sense of value so while the use of AJLMgVsmRog-00077-00017095-00017271 this function can serve a purpose and AJLMgVsmRog-00078-00017272-00017399 can help the world and can make the AJLMgVsmRog-00079-00017400-00017558 world a better place AJLMgVsmRog-00080-00017559-00017767 and can be a really good thing AJLMgVsmRog-00081-00017768-00018007 it doesn't really make you feel good as AJLMgVsmRog-00082-00018008-00018183 an enfp and ultimately you know if we're AJLMgVsmRog-00083-00018184-00018399 not doing what makes us feel good we're AJLMgVsmRog-00084-00018400-00018607 going to feel empty afterwards no matter AJLMgVsmRog-00085-00018608-00018839 how good other people think we are AJLMgVsmRog-00086-00018840-00019022 so it's an eager fulfillment fantasy in AJLMgVsmRog-00087-00019023-00019175 the sense that it makes people look up AJLMgVsmRog-00088-00019176-00019367 to you it makes people admire you you AJLMgVsmRog-00089-00019368-00019543 know the more you use your tertiary the AJLMgVsmRog-00090-00019544-00019694 better you are take started thinking the AJLMgVsmRog-00091-00019695-00019863 more people will think you really made AJLMgVsmRog-00092-00019864-00020135 it you know so enfps that are great at AJLMgVsmRog-00093-00020136-00020327 extroverted thinking they look like they AJLMgVsmRog-00094-00020328-00020558 really made it they look so great so AJLMgVsmRog-00095-00020559-00020830 awesome so fantastic but yet they don't AJLMgVsmRog-00096-00020831-00021063 feel awesome they don't feel good they AJLMgVsmRog-00097-00021064-00021335 don't feel happy and so here's the thing AJLMgVsmRog-00098-00021336-00021439 like AJLMgVsmRog-00099-00021440-00021607 i've fixed my problems i've been AJLMgVsmRog-00100-00021608-00021814 productive i've gotten into business AJLMgVsmRog-00101-00021815-00022014 i've gotten into sales i've i've been in AJLMgVsmRog-00102-00022015-00022158 finance you know i don't know what your AJLMgVsmRog-00103-00022159-00022327 story is but AJLMgVsmRog-00104-00022328-00022430 uh AJLMgVsmRog-00105-00022431-00022614 no matter what it is you've done it AJLMgVsmRog-00106-00022615-00022799 feels like you know there's something AJLMgVsmRog-00107-00022800-00023014 that's missing in your life and AJLMgVsmRog-00108-00023015-00023278 ultimately for an enfp the feeling AJLMgVsmRog-00109-00023279-00023422 functions AJLMgVsmRog-00110-00023423-00023663 are what give you a sense of value and AJLMgVsmRog-00111-00023664-00023878 meaning so if you feel like your life is AJLMgVsmRog-00112-00023879-00024055 missing purpose you probably need to AJLMgVsmRog-00113-00024056-00024263 connect with your feelings AJLMgVsmRog-00114-00024264-00024414 and here's something you want to AJLMgVsmRog-00115-00024415-00024591 recognize that is that your feelings are AJLMgVsmRog-00116-00024592-00024719 information AJLMgVsmRog-00117-00024720-00024911 your feelings are there constantly AJLMgVsmRog-00118-00024912-00025127 telling you about your life and how you AJLMgVsmRog-00119-00025128-00025319 feel about things they're giving you AJLMgVsmRog-00120-00025320-00025599 information about your values what kind AJLMgVsmRog-00121-00025600-00025799 of people you want in your life what AJLMgVsmRog-00122-00025800-00026006 kind of work you'd like to do AJLMgVsmRog-00123-00026007-00026206 what you'd like to spend every day doing AJLMgVsmRog-00124-00026207-00026358 you know your feelings are constantly AJLMgVsmRog-00125-00026360-00026543 there telling you you know you should AJLMgVsmRog-00126-00026544-00026687 check out this and this is really AJLMgVsmRog-00127-00026688-00026831 interesting and this is really fun and AJLMgVsmRog-00128-00026832-00027062 this person seems really nice AJLMgVsmRog-00129-00027063-00027214 so if you're avoiding your feelings AJLMgVsmRog-00130-00027216-00027343 you're probably avoiding things that AJLMgVsmRog-00131-00027344-00027502 feel nice AJLMgVsmRog-00132-00027504-00027639 and here's the thing AJLMgVsmRog-00133-00027639-00027839 if you avoid things that feel nice AJLMgVsmRog-00134-00027839-00028095 things start to slowly suck and that AJLMgVsmRog-00135-00028095-00028270 means no matter how AJLMgVsmRog-00136-00028272-00028462 useful people will say it's going to be AJLMgVsmRog-00137-00028463-00028662 for you and no matter how AJLMgVsmRog-00138-00028663-00028887 like that education is going to make AJLMgVsmRog-00139-00028888-00029079 everything great for you and no matter AJLMgVsmRog-00140-00029080-00029311 how much your parents say you need to do AJLMgVsmRog-00141-00029312-00029495 this you know AJLMgVsmRog-00142-00029495-00029655 and even if you can rationally say it's AJLMgVsmRog-00143-00029656-00029839 the right thing to do it might not be AJLMgVsmRog-00144-00029839-00029983 the right thing to do AJLMgVsmRog-00145-00029983-00030199 so you need to really take a second to AJLMgVsmRog-00146-00030200-00030407 step into yourself AJLMgVsmRog-00147-00030408-00030662 take a deep breath AJLMgVsmRog-00148-00030663-00030943 and think for a second AJLMgVsmRog-00149-00030944-00031095 do i feel good AJLMgVsmRog-00150-00031095-00031302 yes or no AJLMgVsmRog-00151-00031303-00031479 the best way to connect your feelings is AJLMgVsmRog-00152-00031480-00031783 to ask yourself yes and no questions AJLMgVsmRog-00153-00031783-00031943 do i feel happy AJLMgVsmRog-00154-00031944-00032102 yes or no AJLMgVsmRog-00155-00032103-00032311 if you don't feel happy if the answer is AJLMgVsmRog-00156-00032312-00032543 no why don't you feel happy AJLMgVsmRog-00157-00032544-00032790 do i feel happy at work AJLMgVsmRog-00158-00032791-00032887 no AJLMgVsmRog-00159-00032888-00033215 do i like this person no AJLMgVsmRog-00160-00033216-00033518 what don't i like about this person AJLMgVsmRog-00161-00033519-00033743 do i like that he talks down to me all AJLMgVsmRog-00162-00033744-00033862 the time no AJLMgVsmRog-00163-00033863-00033999 you know like all of those kind of AJLMgVsmRog-00164-00034000-00034199 things you know help you connect with AJLMgVsmRog-00165-00034200-00034335 yourself and help you make better AJLMgVsmRog-00166-00034336-00034511 decisions and if you're not connected to AJLMgVsmRog-00167-00034512-00034711 these things your decisions are going to AJLMgVsmRog-00168-00034712-00034871 suck and they're going to be terrible AJLMgVsmRog-00169-00034872-00035055 they're going to ultimately cause you AJLMgVsmRog-00170-00035056-00035262 problems so if AJLMgVsmRog-00171-00035263-00035399 things feel empty that's because you AJLMgVsmRog-00172-00035400-00035574 haven't filled up your cup you've AJLMgVsmRog-00173-00035575-00035759 probably been filling up other cups but AJLMgVsmRog-00174-00035760-00035943 your own AJLMgVsmRog-00175-00035944-00036023 so AJLMgVsmRog-00176-00036024-00036190 the third function and the fourth AJLMgVsmRog-00177-00036191-00036374 function the tertiary inferior they AJLMgVsmRog-00178-00036375-00036567 represent tools things you can be really AJLMgVsmRog-00179-00036568-00036735 good at and here's like the thing you AJLMgVsmRog-00180-00036736-00036935 can be awesome at it you can be great at AJLMgVsmRog-00181-00036936-00037135 it you can have so much of it and you AJLMgVsmRog-00182-00037136-00037318 can be actually better at it than people AJLMgVsmRog-00183-00037319-00037439 think you know people call it the AJLMgVsmRog-00184-00037440-00037639 three-year-old or the five-year-old but AJLMgVsmRog-00185-00037640-00037767 here's the thing you know you can be AJLMgVsmRog-00186-00037768-00037935 really really good at it if you work on AJLMgVsmRog-00187-00037936-00038151 it and so it's an ego fulfillment AJLMgVsmRog-00188-00038152-00038295 fantasy you know it makes you feel like AJLMgVsmRog-00189-00038296-00038559 you're great at something but AJLMgVsmRog-00190-00038560-00038815 ultimately you know AJLMgVsmRog-00191-00038816-00039030 it's not really what you want to do so AJLMgVsmRog-00192-00039031-00039271 why are you spending time doing it AJLMgVsmRog-00193-00039272-00039502 well it makes people admire you it makes AJLMgVsmRog-00194-00039503-00039646 people look up to you it makes people AJLMgVsmRog-00195-00039647-00039815 think that your life is perfect even if AJLMgVsmRog-00196-00039816-00039983 it's not AJLMgVsmRog-00197-00039984-00040055 so AJLMgVsmRog-00198-00040056-00040239 you have a higher self you have a higher AJLMgVsmRog-00199-00040240-00040407 ideal a higher version of yourself AJLMgVsmRog-00200-00040408-00040574 that's constantly telling you know what AJLMgVsmRog-00201-00040575-00040735 you should be doing what would make your AJLMgVsmRog-00202-00040736-00040967 life better what would make you happy so AJLMgVsmRog-00203-00040968-00041135 you have to kind of tune out of your ego AJLMgVsmRog-00204-00041136-00041327 for a second stop thinking about what AJLMgVsmRog-00205-00041328-00041518 other people want from you and start AJLMgVsmRog-00206-00041519-00041655 connecting to what you want from AJLMgVsmRog-00207-00041656-00041807 yourself so what do you want from AJLMgVsmRog-00208-00041808-00041935 yourself let me know in the comments AJLMgVsmRog-00209-00041936-00042062 down below thank you so much for AJLMgVsmRog-00210-00042063-00042223 watching and see you all in the next AJLMgVsmRog-00211-00042224-00042524 video ALd9IhwMxz4-00000-00000017-00000299 hard time on planet Earth is an American ALd9IhwMxz4-00001-00000300-00000499 science fiction series that aired on CBS ALd9IhwMxz4-00002-00000500-00000766 as a midseason replacement in 1989 ALd9IhwMxz4-00003-00000767-00001000 airing for thirteen episodes the series ALd9IhwMxz4-00004-00001001-00001211 starred Martin Cove and was created by ALd9IhwMxz4-00005-00001212-00001523 Jim and John Thomas scheduled opposite ALd9IhwMxz4-00006-00001524-00001735 NBC's unsolved mysteries and ABC's ALd9IhwMxz4-00007-00001736-00001951 growing pains on Wednesdays hard time on ALd9IhwMxz4-00008-00001952-00002165 planet Earth ranked 65th out of 81 ALd9IhwMxz4-00009-00002166-00002441 programs upon its premiere ratings for ALd9IhwMxz4-00010-00002442-00002617 the series never improved in the series ALd9IhwMxz4-00011-00002618-00002999 was canceled by CBS in May 1989 the last ALd9IhwMxz4-00012-00003000-00003720 episode aired on June 21st 1989 ALd9IhwMxz4-00013-00003721-00004381 topic synopsis the main character was an ALd9IhwMxz4-00014-00004382-00004588 alien elite military officer Cove who ALd9IhwMxz4-00015-00004589-00004770 served in a huge interplanetary war ALd9IhwMxz4-00016-00004771-00004990 after the war ended he was prosecuted ALd9IhwMxz4-00017-00004991-00005197 for rebellion against the planets ruling ALd9IhwMxz4-00018-00005198-00005380 council he was found guilty but in ALd9IhwMxz4-00019-00005381-00005569 recognition of his valuable services in ALd9IhwMxz4-00020-00005570-00005716 the war he was given the chance to ALd9IhwMxz4-00021-00005717-00005890 reform by spending an undetermined ALd9IhwMxz4-00022-00005891-00006058 amount of time in a vastly underpowered ALd9IhwMxz4-00023-00006059-00006331 human form on planet Earth along with ALd9IhwMxz4-00024-00006332-00006504 him was dispatched control voiced by ALd9IhwMxz4-00025-00006505-00006718 Danny man a small floating robot in the ALd9IhwMxz4-00026-00006719-00006853 form of a mechanical eye with the ALd9IhwMxz4-00027-00006854-00007030 mission of overseeing Jesse the earthly ALd9IhwMxz4-00028-00007031-00007225 name adopted by the alien warrior from ALd9IhwMxz4-00029-00007226-00007390 the nametag on the first earth clothes ALd9IhwMxz4-00030-00007391-00007573 he wore to make sure Jesse kept his ALd9IhwMxz4-00031-00007573-00007837 violent behavior in check control also ALd9IhwMxz4-00032-00007838-00008026 provided comic relief to the series ALd9IhwMxz4-00033-00008027-00008212 usually by assessing the events with the ALd9IhwMxz4-00034-00008213-00008479 catchphrase negative outcome not good ALd9IhwMxz4-00035-00008480-00008701 each episode followed Jesse as he ALd9IhwMxz4-00036-00008702-00008860 reluctantly helped different people in ALd9IhwMxz4-00037-00008861-00009091 need he derives much of his information ALd9IhwMxz4-00038-00009092-00009292 from television shows giving him a ALd9IhwMxz4-00039-00009293-00009546 skewed sense of Earth culture at first ALd9IhwMxz4-00040-00009547-00009739 jesse only helped those in need to earn ALd9IhwMxz4-00041-00009740-00009921 controls approval in order to put an end ALd9IhwMxz4-00042-00009922-00010123 to his exile but he slowly became fond ALd9IhwMxz4-00043-00010124-00010279 of the goodness he encountered from some ALd9IhwMxz4-00044-00010280-00010817 of Earth's people ALd9IhwMxz4-00045-00010818-00011314 topic reception ALd9IhwMxz4-00046-00011315-00011527 most critics detested the series ALd9IhwMxz4-00047-00011528-00011770 according to People magazine about ALd9IhwMxz4-00048-00011771-00012139 20,000 rpm that's how fast I reckon Walt ALd9IhwMxz4-00049-00012140-00012287 Disney must be spinning in his grave ALd9IhwMxz4-00050-00012288-00012563 with shows like this on the air it is ALd9IhwMxz4-00051-00012564-00012854 just one long bad commercial it did ALd9IhwMxz4-00052-00012855-00013058 however garner a small but loyal fan ALd9IhwMxz4-00053-00013059-00013291 base throughout its time on the air the ALd9IhwMxz4-00054-00013293-00013472 show is sometimes cited in list of ALd9IhwMxz4-00055-00013472-00013793 one-hit wonder TV shows from the 80s and ALd9IhwMxz4-00056-00013794-00014309 90s equals equals episodes AL-YfMdmqwg-00000-00000000-00000202 hello this is cocina from the Mahara AL-YfMdmqwg-00001-00000204-00000457 project in Wellington Lisa asked me to AL-YfMdmqwg-00002-00000458-00000665 give you a brief overview of smart AL-YfMdmqwg-00003-00000666-00000968 evidence since a number of year world AL-YfMdmqwg-00004-00000969-00001214 now have already upgraded to a version AL-YfMdmqwg-00005-00001215-00001478 of Mahara that includes this competency AL-YfMdmqwg-00006-00001479-00001702 framework functionality or are in the AL-YfMdmqwg-00007-00001703-00002000 process of upgrading to it so what I AL-YfMdmqwg-00008-00002001-00002218 like to do in the next few minutes is AL-YfMdmqwg-00009-00002219-00002476 just run you through that functionality AL-YfMdmqwg-00010-00002477-00002905 and give you an overview of how it works AL-YfMdmqwg-00011-00002906-00003155 so first of course you would need to AL-YfMdmqwg-00012-00003156-00003388 activate map evidence in your Mahara AL-YfMdmqwg-00013-00003389-00003743 instance and there are a few steps that AL-YfMdmqwg-00014-00003744-00004045 he would need to go through by being a AL-YfMdmqwg-00015-00004046-00004340 site administrator namely first make AL-YfMdmqwg-00016-00004341-00004813 sure that the annotation its plugin is AL-YfMdmqwg-00017-00004814-00005120 visible so that you see the hide button AL-YfMdmqwg-00018-00005121-00005399 and also that you have a smart evidence AL-YfMdmqwg-00019-00005400-00005585 framework installed Anja of Mahara AL-YfMdmqwg-00020-00005586-00005843 instance muhabba does come with two AL-YfMdmqwg-00021-00005844-00006104 built-in frameworks to illustrate the AL-YfMdmqwg-00022-00006105-00006295 functionality and make it easy for you AL-YfMdmqwg-00023-00006296-00006610 to get started with it but we have a AL-YfMdmqwg-00024-00006611-00006809 number of other frameworks available for AL-YfMdmqwg-00025-00006809-00007166 you for download that you can easily AL-YfMdmqwg-00026-00007167-00007624 access from the user menu and get to it AL-YfMdmqwg-00027-00007625-00007828 in order to download any of the ones AL-YfMdmqwg-00028-00007829-00008110 that we have already created and you are AL-YfMdmqwg-00029-00008111-00008339 very welcome to send your own framework AL-YfMdmqwg-00030-00008340-00008726 files to me for inclusion so once you AL-YfMdmqwg-00031-00008727-00008978 have a framework uploaded you would then AL-YfMdmqwg-00032-00008979-00009230 need to make sure that the institution AL-YfMdmqwg-00033-00009231-00009566 in which you want to use smart evidence AL-YfMdmqwg-00034-00009567-00009983 does have it activated in the AL-YfMdmqwg-00035-00009984-00010303 institution settings so that is then all AL-YfMdmqwg-00036-00010304-00010556 the way at the bottom of an institution AL-YfMdmqwg-00037-00010557-00010921 flip the switch to yes where it says I AL-YfMdmqwg-00038-00010922-00011239 lost my evidence and here are done now AL-YfMdmqwg-00039-00011240-00011423 your students can work with SMUD AL-YfMdmqwg-00040-00011424-00011888 evidence and very simply so by being in AL-YfMdmqwg-00041-00011889-00012160 their portfolio area and then when they AL-YfMdmqwg-00042-00012161-00012506 already have a collection they can go to AL-YfMdmqwg-00043-00012507-00013082 edit and there at the bottom is smart AL-YfMdmqwg-00044-00013083-00013247 evidence framework if AL-YfMdmqwg-00045-00013247-00013475 has been allowed in the institution in AL-YfMdmqwg-00046-00013476-00013714 which they are member of ants then they AL-YfMdmqwg-00047-00013715-00013925 can select this mod evidence framework AL-YfMdmqwg-00048-00013926-00014413 that is visible to them they can do that AL-YfMdmqwg-00049-00014415-00014621 for an existing collection or they can AL-YfMdmqwg-00050-00014622-00014828 also set up a new collection and then AL-YfMdmqwg-00051-00014829-00015074 associate the framework right from the AL-YfMdmqwg-00052-00015075-00015128 start AL-YfMdmqwg-00053-00015129-00015461 also when you add more pages to a AL-YfMdmqwg-00054-00015462-00015686 collection well they automatically AL-YfMdmqwg-00055-00015687-00016013 become part of the part of that as much AL-YfMdmqwg-00056-00016013-00016264 evidence collection and they will be AL-YfMdmqwg-00057-00016265-00016640 visible in the evidence map that you see AL-YfMdmqwg-00058-00016641-00016906 here so this is the smart evidence AL-YfMdmqwg-00059-00016907-00017236 overview page and in there you see all AL-YfMdmqwg-00060-00017237-00017414 the pages that make up this collection AL-YfMdmqwg-00061-00017415-00017765 and then you see the framework itself AL-YfMdmqwg-00062-00017766-00018083 with the standards and sub standards in AL-YfMdmqwg-00063-00018084-00018775 there now we decided to not just have AL-YfMdmqwg-00064-00018776-00019049 the numbers or short words short phrases AL-YfMdmqwg-00065-00019050-00019271 available in the framework but really AL-YfMdmqwg-00066-00019272-00019514 enhance it for online work and that AL-YfMdmqwg-00067-00019515-00019753 means by hovering over it you can see AL-YfMdmqwg-00068-00019754-00019958 the full description and also the full AL-YfMdmqwg-00069-00019959-00020200 title of each standard making it very AL-YfMdmqwg-00070-00020201-00020540 easy for your students to know what they AL-YfMdmqwg-00071-00020541-00020789 want to associate a particular portfolio AL-YfMdmqwg-00072-00020790-00021002 page with Prem they select a framework AL-YfMdmqwg-00073-00021003-00021293 so they don't need to log in a PDF file AL-YfMdmqwg-00074-00021294-00021583 or a printout in order to know what the AL-YfMdmqwg-00075-00021584-00022049 criteria are that they need to meet so AL-YfMdmqwg-00076-00022050-00022222 what they can then easily do if they AL-YfMdmqwg-00077-00022223-00022496 decide that one of their portfolio pages AL-YfMdmqwg-00078-00022497-00022802 meets a particular standard that they AL-YfMdmqwg-00079-00022803-00023012 can go to this portfolio page and then AL-YfMdmqwg-00080-00023013-00023433 select the standard click the dot and AL-YfMdmqwg-00081-00023434-00024097 then provide an annotation and the AL-YfMdmqwg-00082-00024098-00024239 annotation in a way it's a meta AL-YfMdmqwg-00083-00024240-00024530 reflection on the entire portfolio page AL-YfMdmqwg-00084-00024531-00024850 that is there because the standard then AL-YfMdmqwg-00085-00024851-00025142 applies to the entire page that is how AL-YfMdmqwg-00086-00025143-00025405 smart evidence is currently implemented AL-YfMdmqwg-00087-00025406-00025742 and so that the students can see are AL-YfMdmqwg-00088-00025743-00025958 very easily as of what they are again AL-YfMdmqwg-00089-00025958-00026206 reflecting on they standard is selected AL-YfMdmqwg-00090-00026207-00026573 for them and also the description of the AL-YfMdmqwg-00091-00026574-00026602 state AL-YfMdmqwg-00092-00026604-00027026 is displayed they tweak safe and then a AL-YfMdmqwg-00093-00027027-00027272 circle appears letting them know that AL-YfMdmqwg-00094-00027273-00027581 they have associated they are paid with AL-YfMdmqwg-00095-00027582-00027899 a particular standard so in this case it AL-YfMdmqwg-00096-00027900-00028061 would say ready for assessment AL-YfMdmqwg-00097-00028062-00028301 now all the terminology that you see AL-YfMdmqwg-00098-00028302-00028585 here ready for assessment or the other AL-YfMdmqwg-00099-00028586-00028886 assessed standards meets the criterion AL-YfMdmqwg-00100-00028887-00029138 doesn't meet the criterion and so on and AL-YfMdmqwg-00101-00029139-00029314 defined directly in the estimate AL-YfMdmqwg-00102-00029316-00029537 evidence file so that you can also AL-YfMdmqwg-00103-00029538-00029897 create smart evidence files that are in AL-YfMdmqwg-00104-00029898-00030077 a different language without always AL-YfMdmqwg-00105-00030077-00030524 having to have English there now if an AL-YfMdmqwg-00106-00030525-00030908 Assessor is to assess my portfolio using AL-YfMdmqwg-00107-00030908-00031195 the framework then they first need to AL-YfMdmqwg-00108-00031197-00031460 have staff or admin permissions on the AL-YfMdmqwg-00109-00031461-00031763 site and as usual the student would need AL-YfMdmqwg-00110-00031764-00031967 to have XI at their portfolio with them AL-YfMdmqwg-00111-00031968-00032255 in order for them to see it so now I'm AL-YfMdmqwg-00112-00032256-00032537 switching to my Assessor who AL-YfMdmqwg-00113-00032538-00032695 incidentally is also decided AL-YfMdmqwg-00114-00032697-00032915 administrator but certainly doesn't have AL-YfMdmqwg-00115-00032916-00033377 to be and I go and view the education AL-YfMdmqwg-00116-00033378-00033638 portfolio namely the portfolio that AL-YfMdmqwg-00117-00033639-00033998 Patti has created and so I see exactly AL-YfMdmqwg-00118-00033999-00034180 the same thing that the student sees AL-YfMdmqwg-00119-00034181-00034595 namely the evidence map and then also AL-YfMdmqwg-00120-00034596-00034781 the individual pages that are part of AL-YfMdmqwg-00121-00034782-00035135 this as my evidence collection and I can AL-YfMdmqwg-00122-00035136-00035555 see the already assessed standards if AL-YfMdmqwg-00123-00035556-00035807 one standard has already been met there AL-YfMdmqwg-00124-00035808-00036059 is a number one or two showing there AL-YfMdmqwg-00125-00036060-00036548 indicating what has how many evidence AL-YfMdmqwg-00126-00036549-00036713 how much evidence there is for a AL-YfMdmqwg-00127-00036714-00036986 particular standard or if the standard AL-YfMdmqwg-00128-00036987-00037157 hasn't been assessed yet I see the AL-YfMdmqwg-00129-00037158-00037499 circle for ready for assessment then I AL-YfMdmqwg-00130-00037500-00037739 can go into the page itself view the AL-YfMdmqwg-00131-00037740-00038338 evidence and also assess the assess the AL-YfMdmqwg-00132-00038339-00038639 the reflection of the student for the AL-YfMdmqwg-00133-00038640-00038927 standard there or if I want to do it all AL-YfMdmqwg-00134-00038928-00039113 in one go once I have looked at the AL-YfMdmqwg-00135-00039114-00039374 portfolio I can also do that directly AL-YfMdmqwg-00136-00039375-00039686 here from the mat simply by clicking the AL-YfMdmqwg-00137-00039687-00039967 circle icon then I see the energy AL-YfMdmqwg-00138-00039968-00040246 that the student has left and I can make AL-YfMdmqwg-00139-00040247-00040501 my assessment as well as provide AL-YfMdmqwg-00140-00040502-00041356 feedback and I can also go back in so AL-YfMdmqwg-00141-00041357-00041527 for example I gave assessment but I AL-YfMdmqwg-00142-00041528-00042064 forgot the feedback and then be a bit AL-YfMdmqwg-00143-00042065-00042333 more explicit and let the student know AL-YfMdmqwg-00144-00042334-00042598 where they might stand in some work I AL-YfMdmqwg-00145-00042599-00042838 can make that feedback public or not AL-YfMdmqwg-00146-00042839-00043120 public but the assessment will always be AL-YfMdmqwg-00147-00043121-00043893 shown and you'll see the log of what the AL-YfMdmqwg-00148-00043894-00044125 Assessor has said and also the AL-YfMdmqwg-00149-00044126-00044626 assessment itself alternatively as AL-YfMdmqwg-00150-00044627-00044887 briefly mentioned I can go into a page AL-YfMdmqwg-00151-00044888-00045479 itself Ian's viewing that can leave my AL-YfMdmqwg-00152-00045480-00045814 feedback on the annotations directly on AL-YfMdmqwg-00153-00045815-00046291 that page and change the assessment or AL-YfMdmqwg-00154-00046292-00046597 get feedback and then add that to the AL-YfMdmqwg-00155-00046598-00047071 portfolio and that's smart evidence in a AL-YfMdmqwg-00156-00047072-00047470 very short demonstration there are a few AL-YfMdmqwg-00157-00047471-00047632 more things that we could certainly AL-YfMdmqwg-00158-00047633-00047994 discuss but due to the lack of time and AL-YfMdmqwg-00159-00047995-00048307 also not the possibility of me talking AL-YfMdmqwg-00160-00048308-00048562 about here directly I would leave it AL-YfMdmqwg-00161-00048563-00048850 here and hand it over back to Lisa and AL-YfMdmqwg-00162-00048851-00049126 her team because then you can get AL-YfMdmqwg-00163-00049127-00049519 started on discussions or also shared AL-YfMdmqwg-00164-00049520-00049729 your experiences already if you have AL-YfMdmqwg-00165-00049730-00050129 used smart evidence before have a nice AL-YfMdmqwg-00166-00050130-00050638 rest of the Mahara Ireland you certainly ALE-mTgydSy-00000-00000051-00000299 the public domain consists of all the ALE-mTgydSy-00001-00000300-00000503 creative works to which no exclusive ALE-mTgydSy-00002-00000504-00000784 intellectual property rights apply those ALE-mTgydSy-00003-00000785-00001003 rights may have expired been forfeited ALE-mTgydSy-00004-00001004-00001202 expressly waived or may be inapplicable ALE-mTgydSy-00005-00001203-00001418 the works of William Shakespeare and ALE-mTgydSy-00006-00001419-00001627 Beethoven and most early silent films ALE-mTgydSy-00007-00001628-00001801 are in the public domain either by ALE-mTgydSy-00008-00001802-00001933 virtue of their having been created ALE-mTgydSy-00009-00001934-00002174 before copyright existed or by their ALE-mTgydSy-00010-00002175-00002467 copyright term having expired some works ALE-mTgydSy-00011-00002468-00002659 are not covered by copyright and are ALE-mTgydSy-00012-00002660-00002809 therefore in the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00013-00002810-00003025 among them the formula of Newtonian ALE-mTgydSy-00014-00003026-00003286 physics cooking recipes and all computer ALE-mTgydSy-00015-00003287-00003650 software created prior to 1974 other ALE-mTgydSy-00016-00003651-00003856 works are actively dedicated by their ALE-mTgydSy-00017-00003857-00004084 authors to the public domain see waiver ALE-mTgydSy-00018-00004085-00004265 some examples include reference ALE-mTgydSy-00019-00004266-00004411 implementations of cryptographic ALE-mTgydSy-00020-00004412-00004636 algorithms the image processing software ALE-mTgydSy-00021-00004637-00004877 image a created by the National ALE-mTgydSy-00022-00004878-00005093 Institutes of Health and the CIA's World ALE-mTgydSy-00023-00005094-00005393 Factbook the term public domain is not ALE-mTgydSy-00024-00005394-00005609 normally applied to situations where the ALE-mTgydSy-00025-00005610-00005804 creator of a work retains residual ALE-mTgydSy-00026-00005805-00006004 rights in which case use of the work is ALE-mTgydSy-00027-00006005-00006350 referred to as under license or with ALE-mTgydSy-00028-00006351-00006516 permission ALE-mTgydSy-00029-00006517-00006720 as rites vary by country and ALE-mTgydSy-00030-00006720-00006923 jurisdiction a work may be subject to ALE-mTgydSy-00031-00006925-00007095 rights in one country and be in the ALE-mTgydSy-00032-00007095-00007344 public domain in another some rights ALE-mTgydSy-00033-00007345-00007514 depend on registrations on a ALE-mTgydSy-00034-00007515-00007748 country-by-country basis in the absence ALE-mTgydSy-00035-00007750-00007941 of registration in a particular country ALE-mTgydSy-00036-00007942-00008187 if required gives rise to public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00037-00008188-00008469 status for a work in that country the ALE-mTgydSy-00038-00008470-00008652 term public domain may also be ALE-mTgydSy-00039-00008653-00008799 interchangeably used with other ALE-mTgydSy-00040-00008800-00009042 imprecise or undefined terms such as the ALE-mTgydSy-00041-00009043-00009449 public sphere or Commons including ALE-mTgydSy-00042-00009450-00009713 concepts such as the Commons of the mind ALE-mTgydSy-00043-00009714-00010059 the intellectual Commons and the ALE-mTgydSy-00044-00010060-00010391 information Commons ALE-mTgydSy-00045-00010392-00010571 you ALE-mTgydSy-00046-00010572-00011083 topic history ALE-mTgydSy-00047-00011084-00011521 topic although the term domain did not ALE-mTgydSy-00048-00011522-00011721 come into use until the mid 18th century ALE-mTgydSy-00049-00011722-00012010 the concept can be traced back to the ALE-mTgydSy-00050-00012011-00012244 ancient Roman law as a preset system ALE-mTgydSy-00051-00012245-00012503 included in the property rights system ALE-mTgydSy-00052-00012504-00012813 the Romans had a large proprietary right ALE-mTgydSy-00053-00012814-00013038 system where they defined many things ALE-mTgydSy-00054-00013039-00013324 that cannot be privately owned as race ALE-mTgydSy-00055-00013325-00013591 nullius res communes Res Publica and res ALE-mTgydSy-00056-00013591-00013900 universitatis the term race nullius was ALE-mTgydSy-00057-00013901-00014100 defined as things not yet appropriated ALE-mTgydSy-00058-00014101-00014335 the term res communes was defined as ALE-mTgydSy-00059-00014336-00014580 things that could be commonly enjoyed by ALE-mTgydSy-00060-00014581-00014891 mankind such as air sunlight and ocean ALE-mTgydSy-00061-00014893-00015180 the term res public a referred to things ALE-mTgydSy-00062-00015181-00015363 that were shared by all citizens and the ALE-mTgydSy-00063-00015365-00015586 term res universitatis meant things that ALE-mTgydSy-00064-00015587-00015778 were owned by the municipalities of Rome ALE-mTgydSy-00065-00015779-00015982 when looking at it from a historical ALE-mTgydSy-00066-00015983-00016168 perspective one could say the ALE-mTgydSy-00067-00016169-00016378 construction of the idea of public ALE-mTgydSy-00068-00016379-00016657 domain sprouted from the concepts of res ALE-mTgydSy-00069-00016658-00016810 communes Res Publica ALE-mTgydSy-00070-00016811-00017058 and res universitatis in early Roman law ALE-mTgydSy-00071-00017059-00017275 when the first early copyright law was ALE-mTgydSy-00072-00017276-00017433 first established in Britain with the ALE-mTgydSy-00073-00017434-00017716 statute of Anne in 1710 public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00074-00017717-00018052 did not appear however similar concepts ALE-mTgydSy-00075-00018053-00018205 were developed by British and French ALE-mTgydSy-00076-00018206-00018522 jurists in the 18th century instead of ALE-mTgydSy-00077-00018523-00018808 public domain they used terms such as ALE-mTgydSy-00078-00018809-00019053 publice eager us or proprietary bleak to ALE-mTgydSy-00079-00019054-00019230 describe works that were not covered by ALE-mTgydSy-00080-00019231-00019474 copyright law the phrase fall in the ALE-mTgydSy-00081-00019475-00019783 public domain can be traced to mid 19th ALE-mTgydSy-00082-00019784-00019978 century France to describe the end of ALE-mTgydSy-00083-00019979-00020272 copyright term the French poet Alfred de ALE-mTgydSy-00084-00020273-00020458 Vigny equated the expiration of ALE-mTgydSy-00085-00020459-00020686 copyright with a work falling into the ALE-mTgydSy-00086-00020687-00020962 sinkhole of public domain and if the ALE-mTgydSy-00087-00020963-00021147 public domain receives any attention ALE-mTgydSy-00088-00021148-00021375 from intellectual property lawyers it is ALE-mTgydSy-00089-00021376-00021547 still treated as little more than that ALE-mTgydSy-00090-00021548-00021750 which is left when intellectual property ALE-mTgydSy-00091-00021751-00021961 rights such as copyright patents and ALE-mTgydSy-00092-00021962-00022291 expire or abandoned in this historical ALE-mTgydSy-00093-00022292-00022474 context Paul tormund's describes ALE-mTgydSy-00094-00022475-00022734 copyright as a little coral reef of ALE-mTgydSy-00095-00022735-00022950 private right jutting up from the ocean ALE-mTgydSy-00096-00022951-00023253 of the public domain copyright law ALE-mTgydSy-00097-00023254-00023406 differs by country and the American ALE-mTgydSy-00098-00023407-00023659 legal scholar Pamela Samuelson has ALE-mTgydSy-00099-00023660-00023847 described the public domain as being ALE-mTgydSy-00100-00023848-00024097 different sizes at different times in ALE-mTgydSy-00101-00024098-00024383 different countries ALE-mTgydSy-00102-00024384-00024561 you ALE-mTgydSy-00103-00024562-00025078 topic definition ALE-mTgydSy-00104-00025079-00025414 topic definitions of the boundaries of ALE-mTgydSy-00105-00025415-00025588 the public domain in relation to ALE-mTgydSy-00106-00025589-00025818 copyright or intellectual property more ALE-mTgydSy-00107-00025819-00026031 generally regard the public domain as a ALE-mTgydSy-00108-00026032-00026254 negative space that is it consists of ALE-mTgydSy-00109-00026255-00026433 works that are no longer in copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00110-00026435-00026599 term or were never protected by ALE-mTgydSy-00111-00026600-00026877 copyright law according to James Boyle ALE-mTgydSy-00112-00026878-00027124 this definition underlines common usage ALE-mTgydSy-00113-00027125-00027312 of the term public domain and equates ALE-mTgydSy-00114-00027313-00027523 the public domain to public property and ALE-mTgydSy-00115-00027524-00027756 works in copyright to private property ALE-mTgydSy-00116-00027757-00027982 however the usage of the term public ALE-mTgydSy-00117-00027983-00028227 domain can be more granular including ALE-mTgydSy-00118-00028228-00028417 for example uses of works in copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00119-00028418-00028743 permitted by copyright exceptions such a ALE-mTgydSy-00120-00028744-00028983 definition regards work in copyright as ALE-mTgydSy-00121-00028985-00029182 private property subject to fair use ALE-mTgydSy-00122-00029183-00029418 rights and limitation on ownership a ALE-mTgydSy-00123-00029419-00029656 conceptual definition comes from Lange ALE-mTgydSy-00124-00029657-00029833 who focused on what the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00125-00029833-00030049 should be it should be a place of ALE-mTgydSy-00126-00030050-00030274 sanctuary for individual creative ALE-mTgydSy-00127-00030275-00030495 expression a sanctuary conferring ALE-mTgydSy-00128-00030497-00030682 affirmative protection against the ALE-mTgydSy-00129-00030683-00030901 forces of private appropriation that ALE-mTgydSy-00130-00030902-00031237 threatened such expression Patterson and ALE-mTgydSy-00131-00031238-00031432 Lindberg described the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00132-00031433-00031717 not as a territory but rather as a ALE-mTgydSy-00133-00031718-00032043 concept T here are certain materials the ALE-mTgydSy-00134-00032044-00032370 air we breathe sunlight rain space life ALE-mTgydSy-00135-00032372-00032749 creations thoughts feelings ideas words ALE-mTgydSy-00136-00032750-00033051 numbers not subject to private ownership ALE-mTgydSy-00137-00033052-00033367 the materials that compose our cultural ALE-mTgydSy-00138-00033368-00033607 heritage must be free for all living to ALE-mTgydSy-00139-00033608-00033832 use no less than matter necessary for ALE-mTgydSy-00140-00033833-00034165 biological survival the term public ALE-mTgydSy-00141-00034166-00034383 domain may also be interchangeably used ALE-mTgydSy-00142-00034384-00034600 with other imprecise or undefined terms ALE-mTgydSy-00143-00034601-00034971 such as the public sphere or Commons ALE-mTgydSy-00144-00034972-00035277 including concepts such as the Commons ALE-mTgydSy-00145-00035278-00035608 of the mind the intellectual Commons and ALE-mTgydSy-00146-00035609-00036232 the information Commons ALE-mTgydSy-00147-00036233-00036814 topic public domain by medium ALE-mTgydSy-00148-00036815-00037181 topic ALE-mTgydSy-00149-00037182-00037726 topic public domain books ALE-mTgydSy-00150-00037727-00038089 topic a public domain book is a book ALE-mTgydSy-00151-00038090-00038265 with no copyright a book that was ALE-mTgydSy-00152-00038266-00038455 created without a license or a book ALE-mTgydSy-00153-00038456-00038652 where its copyrights expired or have ALE-mTgydSy-00154-00038653-00038839 been forfeited in most countries the ALE-mTgydSy-00155-00038840-00039046 term of protection of copyright lasts ALE-mTgydSy-00156-00039047-00039277 until January first seventy years after ALE-mTgydSy-00157-00039278-00039443 the death of the latest living author ALE-mTgydSy-00158-00039444-00039727 the longest copyright term is in Mexico ALE-mTgydSy-00159-00039728-00040002 which has life plus 100 years for all ALE-mTgydSy-00160-00040003-00040354 deaths since July 1928 a notable ALE-mTgydSy-00161-00040355-00040561 exception as the United States where ALE-mTgydSy-00162-00040562-00040827 every book in tale written prior to 1923 ALE-mTgydSy-00163-00040828-00040965 is in the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00164-00040966-00041208 American copyrights last for 95 years ALE-mTgydSy-00165-00041209-00041607 for books written between 1923 and 1978 ALE-mTgydSy-00166-00041608-00041896 for example the works of Jane Austen ALE-mTgydSy-00167-00041897-00042124 Lewis Carroll and Edgar Allan Poe are in ALE-mTgydSy-00168-00042125-00042312 the public domain worldwide as they all ALE-mTgydSy-00169-00042313-00042639 died over 100 years ago Project ALE-mTgydSy-00170-00042640-00042832 Gutenberg makes tens of thousands of ALE-mTgydSy-00171-00042833-00043054 public domain books available online as ALE-mTgydSy-00172-00043055-00043384 ebooks ALE-mTgydSy-00173-00043385-00043930 topic public domain music ALE-mTgydSy-00174-00043931-00044272 topic people have been creating music ALE-mTgydSy-00175-00044273-00044533 for millennia the first musical notation ALE-mTgydSy-00176-00044534-00044773 system the music of Mesopotamia system ALE-mTgydSy-00177-00044774-00044989 was created 4000 years ago ALE-mTgydSy-00178-00044990-00045298 guido of arezzo introduced latin musical ALE-mTgydSy-00179-00045299-00045537 notation in the 10th century this laid ALE-mTgydSy-00180-00045538-00045724 the foundation for the preservation of ALE-mTgydSy-00181-00045725-00045928 global music in the public domain a ALE-mTgydSy-00182-00045929-00046090 distinction formalized alongside ALE-mTgydSy-00183-00046091-00046392 copyright systems in the 17th century ALE-mTgydSy-00184-00046393-00046657 musicians copyrighted their publications ALE-mTgydSy-00185-00046658-00046887 of musical notation as literary writings ALE-mTgydSy-00186-00046888-00047107 but performing copyrighted pieces and ALE-mTgydSy-00187-00047108-00047257 creating derivative works were not ALE-mTgydSy-00188-00047258-00047502 restricted by early copyright laws ALE-mTgydSy-00189-00047503-00047773 copying was widespread in compliance ALE-mTgydSy-00190-00047774-00047956 with the law but expansions of those ALE-mTgydSy-00191-00047957-00048165 laws intended to benefit literary works ALE-mTgydSy-00192-00048166-00048328 and responding to commercial music ALE-mTgydSy-00193-00048329-00048544 recording technologies reproducibility ALE-mTgydSy-00194-00048545-00048853 have lead to stricter rules relatively ALE-mTgydSy-00195-00048854-00049063 recently a normative view that copying ALE-mTgydSy-00196-00049064-00049309 in music is not desirable and lazy has ALE-mTgydSy-00197-00049310-00049486 become popular among professional ALE-mTgydSy-00198-00049487-00049780 musicians u.s. copyright law is ALE-mTgydSy-00199-00049781-00049936 distinguished between musical ALE-mTgydSy-00200-00049937-00050143 compositions and sound recordings the ALE-mTgydSy-00201-00050144-00050317 former of which refers to melody ALE-mTgydSy-00202-00050318-00050551 notation and/or lyrics created by a ALE-mTgydSy-00203-00050552-00050800 composer and/or lyricist including sheet ALE-mTgydSy-00204-00050801-00050974 music and the latter referring to a ALE-mTgydSy-00205-00050975-00051142 recording performed by an artist ALE-mTgydSy-00206-00051143-00051495 including a CD LP or digital sound file ALE-mTgydSy-00207-00051496-00051754 musical compositions fall under the same ALE-mTgydSy-00208-00051754-00051930 general rules as other works and ALE-mTgydSy-00209-00051932-00052201 anything published prior to 1922 is ALE-mTgydSy-00210-00052202-00052444 considered public domain sound ALE-mTgydSy-00211-00052445-00052675 recordings on the other hand are subject ALE-mTgydSy-00212-00052676-00052813 to different rules and are not eligible ALE-mTgydSy-00213-00052814-00053185 for public domain status until 20 49 220 ALE-mTgydSy-00214-00053186-00053442 67 depending on the date and location of ALE-mTgydSy-00215-00053444-00053629 publishing the Moose open project ALE-mTgydSy-00216-00053629-00053832 records music in the public domain for ALE-mTgydSy-00217-00053833-00053977 the purposes of making the music ALE-mTgydSy-00218-00053978-00054169 available to the general public in a ALE-mTgydSy-00219-00054170-00054490 high-quality audio format online musical ALE-mTgydSy-00220-00054491-00054661 archives preserve collections of ALE-mTgydSy-00221-00054662-00054886 classical music recorded by moose open ALE-mTgydSy-00222-00054887-00055092 and offer them for download distribution ALE-mTgydSy-00223-00055094-00055482 as a public service ALE-mTgydSy-00224-00055483-00056040 topic public domain films ALE-mTgydSy-00225-00056041-00056405 topic a public domain film is a film ALE-mTgydSy-00226-00056407-00056591 that was released to public domain by ALE-mTgydSy-00227-00056592-00056792 its author or because its copyright has ALE-mTgydSy-00228-00056794-00057129 expired in 2016 there are more than two ALE-mTgydSy-00229-00057129-00057354 thousand films on public domain in every ALE-mTgydSy-00230-00057354-00057594 genre from musicals to romance horror to ALE-mTgydSy-00231-00057595-00057795 animated movies in the wire to Western ALE-mTgydSy-00232-00057796-00058141 movies ALE-mTgydSy-00233-00058141-00058642 topic value ALE-mTgydSy-00234-00058644-00059017 topic Pamela Samuelson has identified ALE-mTgydSy-00235-00059019-00059273 eight values that can arise from ALE-mTgydSy-00236-00059274-00059459 information and works in the public ALE-mTgydSy-00237-00059460-00059804 domain possible values include building ALE-mTgydSy-00238-00059804-00059992 blocks for the creation of new knowledge ALE-mTgydSy-00239-00059994-00060224 examples include data facts ideas ALE-mTgydSy-00240-00060225-00060611 theories and scientific principle access ALE-mTgydSy-00241-00060612-00060793 to cultural heritage through information ALE-mTgydSy-00242-00060794-00061040 resources such as ancient Greek texts ALE-mTgydSy-00243-00061041-00061312 and Mozart symphonies promoting ALE-mTgydSy-00244-00061313-00061456 education through the spread of ALE-mTgydSy-00245-00061457-00061642 information ideas and scientific ALE-mTgydSy-00246-00061643-00061985 principles enabling follow-on innovation ALE-mTgydSy-00247-00061986-00062246 through for example expired patents and ALE-mTgydSy-00248-00062247-00062451 copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00249-00062452-00062691 enabling low-cost access to information ALE-mTgydSy-00250-00062692-00062901 without the need to locate the owner or ALE-mTgydSy-00251-00062902-00063081 negotiate rights clearance and pay ALE-mTgydSy-00252-00063082-00063263 royalties through for example expired ALE-mTgydSy-00253-00063264-00063498 copyrighted works or patents and non ALE-mTgydSy-00254-00063499-00063801 original data compilation promoting ALE-mTgydSy-00255-00063802-00063960 public health and safety through ALE-mTgydSy-00256-00063961-00064223 information and scientific principles ALE-mTgydSy-00257-00064224-00064458 promoting the democratic process and ALE-mTgydSy-00258-00064459-00064737 values through news laws regulation and ALE-mTgydSy-00259-00064738-00065055 judicial opinion enabling competitive ALE-mTgydSy-00260-00065056-00065235 imitation through for example expired ALE-mTgydSy-00261-00065236-00065472 patents and copyright or publicly ALE-mTgydSy-00262-00065473-00065658 disclosed technologies that do not ALE-mTgydSy-00263-00065659-00066127 qualify for patent protection ALE-mTgydSy-00264-00066128-00066763 topic relationship with derivative works ALE-mTgydSy-00265-00066764-00067078 topic derivative works include ALE-mTgydSy-00266-00067079-00067303 translations musical arrangements and ALE-mTgydSy-00267-00067304-00067510 dramatisations of a work as well as ALE-mTgydSy-00268-00067511-00067681 other forms of transformation or ALE-mTgydSy-00269-00067682-00067981 adaptation copyrighted works may not be ALE-mTgydSy-00270-00067982-00068134 used for derivative works without ALE-mTgydSy-00271-00068135-00068284 permission from the copyright owner ALE-mTgydSy-00272-00068285-00068509 while public domain works can be freely ALE-mTgydSy-00273-00068510-00068659 used for derivative works without ALE-mTgydSy-00274-00068660-00068919 permission artworks that are public ALE-mTgydSy-00275-00068920-00069096 domain may also be reproduced ALE-mTgydSy-00276-00069097-00069310 photographically or artistically are ALE-mTgydSy-00277-00069311-00069511 used as the basis of new interpretive ALE-mTgydSy-00278-00069512-00069805 works works derived from public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00279-00069806-00069961 works can be copyrighted ALE-mTgydSy-00280-00069962-00070125 once works enter into the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00281-00070126-00070375 derivative works such as adaptations in ALE-mTgydSy-00282-00070376-00070594 book and film may increase noticeably as ALE-mTgydSy-00283-00070595-00070804 happened with Frances Hodgson Burnett s ALE-mTgydSy-00284-00070805-00071068 novel The Secret Garden which became ALE-mTgydSy-00285-00071069-00071581 public domain in 1987 by 1999 the plays ALE-mTgydSy-00286-00071582-00071836 of Shakespeare all public domain had ALE-mTgydSy-00287-00071837-00072025 been used in more than 420 ALE-mTgydSy-00288-00072026-00072355 feature-length films in addition to ALE-mTgydSy-00289-00072356-00072547 straightforward adaptation they have ALE-mTgydSy-00290-00072548-00072724 been used as the launching point for ALE-mTgydSy-00291-00072725-00072967 transformative retellings such as Tom ALE-mTgydSy-00292-00072968-00073263 Stoppard s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ALE-mTgydSy-00293-00073264-00073597 are dead in Troma entertainment s Romeo ALE-mTgydSy-00294-00073598-00074038 and Juliet Marcel Duchamp SL h o oq is a ALE-mTgydSy-00295-00074039-00074256 derivative of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona ALE-mTgydSy-00296-00074257-00074461 Lisa one of thousands of derivative ALE-mTgydSy-00297-00074462-00074611 works based on the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00298-00074612-00074971 painting ALE-mTgydSy-00299-00074972-00075548 topic perpetual copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00300-00075549-00075898 topic some works may never fully lapse ALE-mTgydSy-00301-00075899-00076196 into the public domain a perpetual crown ALE-mTgydSy-00302-00076197-00076385 copyright has held for the authorized ALE-mTgydSy-00303-00076386-00076585 King James Version of the Bible in the ALE-mTgydSy-00304-00076586-00076829 UK while the copyright has expired for ALE-mTgydSy-00305-00076830-00077066 the Peter Pan works by JM Barrie the ALE-mTgydSy-00306-00077067-00077260 play Peter Pan or the boy who wouldn't ALE-mTgydSy-00307-00077261-00077476 grow up and the novel Peter and Wendy in ALE-mTgydSy-00308-00077477-00077662 the United Kingdom it was granted a ALE-mTgydSy-00309-00077663-00077851 special exception under the copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00310-00077852-00078163 Designs and Patents Act 1988 scheduled ALE-mTgydSy-00311-00078164-00078385 six that requires royalties to be paid ALE-mTgydSy-00312-00078386-00078625 for commercial performances publications ALE-mTgydSy-00313-00078626-00078826 and broadcasts of the story of Peter Pan ALE-mTgydSy-00314-00078827-00079066 within the UK as long as Great Ormond ALE-mTgydSy-00315-00079067-00079261 Street Hospital to whom Barry gave the ALE-mTgydSy-00316-00079262-00079792 copyright continues to exist ALE-mTgydSy-00317-00079793-00080302 topic public domain mark ALE-mTgydSy-00318-00080303-00080668 topic the creative commons proposed in ALE-mTgydSy-00319-00080669-00080950 2010 the public domain mark PDM is ALE-mTgydSy-00320-00080951-00081154 symbol to indicate that a work is free ALE-mTgydSy-00321-00081155-00081334 of known copyright restrictions and ALE-mTgydSy-00322-00081335-00081559 therefore in the public domain the ALE-mTgydSy-00323-00081560-00081781 public domain mark is analogous to the ALE-mTgydSy-00324-00081782-00081994 copyright symbol which acts as copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00325-00081995-00082309 notice the Europeana databases use it ALE-mTgydSy-00326-00082310-00082465 and for instance on the Wikimedia ALE-mTgydSy-00327-00082466-00082774 Commons in February 2016 2.9 million ALE-mTgydSy-00328-00082775-00083056 works approximately 10% of all works are ALE-mTgydSy-00329-00083057-00083469 listed as PDM ALE-mTgydSy-00330-00083470-00084125 topic application to copyrightable works ALE-mTgydSy-00331-00084126-00084492 topic ALE-mTgydSy-00332-00084493-00085115 topic works not covered by copyright law ALE-mTgydSy-00333-00085116-00085451 topic the underlying idea that is ALE-mTgydSy-00334-00085452-00085655 expressed or manifested in the creation ALE-mTgydSy-00335-00085656-00085847 of a work generally cannot be the ALE-mTgydSy-00336-00085848-00086021 subject of copyright law see ALE-mTgydSy-00337-00086022-00086312 idea/expression divide mathematical ALE-mTgydSy-00338-00086313-00086510 formula will therefore generally form ALE-mTgydSy-00339-00086511-00086720 part of the public domain to the extent ALE-mTgydSy-00340-00086721-00086867 that their expression in the form of ALE-mTgydSy-00341-00086868-00087100 software is not covered by copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00342-00087101-00087371 works created before the existence of ALE-mTgydSy-00343-00087372-00087605 copyright and patent laws also form part ALE-mTgydSy-00344-00087606-00087893 of the public domain for example the ALE-mTgydSy-00345-00087894-00088040 Bible and the inventions of Archimedes ALE-mTgydSy-00346-00088041-00088220 are in the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00347-00088221-00088529 however translations or new formulations ALE-mTgydSy-00348-00088530-00088703 of these works may be copyrighted in ALE-mTgydSy-00349-00088704-00089117 themselves ALE-mTgydSy-00350-00089118-00089677 topic expiry of copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00351-00089678-00089977 topic determination of whether a ALE-mTgydSy-00352-00089978-00090193 copyright has expired depends on an ALE-mTgydSy-00353-00090194-00090382 examination of the copyright in its ALE-mTgydSy-00354-00090383-00090658 source country in the United States ALE-mTgydSy-00355-00090659-00090853 determining whether a work has entered ALE-mTgydSy-00356-00090854-00091036 the public domain or is still under ALE-mTgydSy-00357-00091037-00091282 copyright can be quite complex primarily ALE-mTgydSy-00358-00091283-00091447 because copyright terms have been ALE-mTgydSy-00359-00091448-00091627 extended multiple times and in different ALE-mTgydSy-00360-00091628-00091867 ways shifting over the course of the ALE-mTgydSy-00361-00091868-00092101 20th century from a fixed term based on ALE-mTgydSy-00362-00092102-00092287 first publication with a possible ALE-mTgydSy-00363-00092288-00092515 renewal term to a term extending to 50 ALE-mTgydSy-00364-00092516-00092722 then 70 years after the death of the ALE-mTgydSy-00365-00092723-00093169 author the claim that pre-1920 in the ALE-mTgydSy-00366-00093170-00093439 public domain is correct only for ALE-mTgydSy-00367-00093440-00093637 published works unpublished works are ALE-mTgydSy-00368-00093638-00093835 under federal copyright for at least the ALE-mTgydSy-00369-00093836-00094171 life of the author Plus 70 years in most ALE-mTgydSy-00370-00094172-00094357 other countries that are signatories to ALE-mTgydSy-00371-00094358-00094573 the Berne Convention copyright term is ALE-mTgydSy-00372-00094574-00094735 based on the life of the author and ALE-mTgydSy-00373-00094736-00094987 extends to 50 or 70 years beyond the ALE-mTgydSy-00374-00094988-00095146 death of the author see list of ALE-mTgydSy-00375-00095147-00095422 countries copyright lengths legal ALE-mTgydSy-00376-00095423-00095605 traditions differ on whether a work in ALE-mTgydSy-00377-00095606-00095800 the public domain can have its copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00378-00095801-00096070 restored in the European Union the ALE-mTgydSy-00379-00096071-00096277 copyright duration directive was applied ALE-mTgydSy-00380-00096278-00096502 retroactively Li restoring and extending ALE-mTgydSy-00381-00096503-00096685 the terms of copyright on material ALE-mTgydSy-00382-00096686-00096955 previously in the public domain term ALE-mTgydSy-00383-00096956-00097131 extensions by the u.s. and Australia ALE-mTgydSy-00384-00097132-00097357 generally have not removed works from ALE-mTgydSy-00385-00097358-00097561 the public domain but rather delayed the ALE-mTgydSy-00386-00097562-00097810 addition of works to it however the ALE-mTgydSy-00387-00097811-00097972 United States moved away from that ALE-mTgydSy-00388-00097973-00098140 tradition with the Uruguay Round ALE-mTgydSy-00389-00098141-00098323 Agreements Act which removed from the ALE-mTgydSy-00390-00098324-00098532 public domain many foreign sourced works ALE-mTgydSy-00391-00098533-00098698 that had previously not been in ALE-mTgydSy-00392-00098699-00098890 copyright in the US for failure to ALE-mTgydSy-00393-00098891-00099082 comply with us-based formalities ALE-mTgydSy-00394-00099083-00099382 requirements consequently in the u.s. ALE-mTgydSy-00395-00099383-00099601 foreign sourced works and US sourced ALE-mTgydSy-00396-00099602-00099784 works are now treated differently with ALE-mTgydSy-00397-00099785-00099964 foreign sourced works remaining under ALE-mTgydSy-00398-00099965-00100171 copyright regardless of compliance with ALE-mTgydSy-00399-00100172-00100366 formalities while domestically sourced ALE-mTgydSy-00400-00100367-00100555 works may be in the public domain if ALE-mTgydSy-00401-00100556-00100738 they failed to comply with then existing ALE-mTgydSy-00402-00100739-00101011 formalities requirements a situation ALE-mTgydSy-00403-00101012-00101212 described as odd by some scholars and ALE-mTgydSy-00404-00101213-00101773 unfair by some us-based right shoulders ALE-mTgydSy-00405-00101774-00102235 topic government works ALE-mTgydSy-00406-00102236-00102550 topic works of the United States ALE-mTgydSy-00407-00102551-00102748 government and various other governments ALE-mTgydSy-00408-00102749-00102954 are excluded from copyright law and may ALE-mTgydSy-00409-00102955-00103119 therefore be considered to be in the ALE-mTgydSy-00410-00103120-00103273 public domain in their respective ALE-mTgydSy-00411-00103274-00103527 countries they may also be in the public ALE-mTgydSy-00412-00103528-00103794 domain in other countries as well the ALE-mTgydSy-00413-00103795-00103972 legal scholar Melville nimmer has ALE-mTgydSy-00414-00103973-00104175 written that it is axiomatic that ALE-mTgydSy-00415-00104176-00104422 material in the public domain is not ALE-mTgydSy-00416-00104423-00104575 protected by copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00417-00104576-00104751 even when incorporated into a ALE-mTgydSy-00418-00104752-00105088 copyrighted work ALE-mTgydSy-00419-00105089-00105244 you ALE-mTgydSy-00420-00105245-00105533 topic dedicating works to the public ALE-mTgydSy-00421-00105533-00105888 domain ALE-mTgydSy-00422-00105889-00106232 topic ALE-mTgydSy-00423-00106233-00106803 topic release without copyright notice ALE-mTgydSy-00424-00106804-00107232 topic before 1988 in the US works could ALE-mTgydSy-00425-00107233-00107408 be easily given into the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00426-00107409-00107616 by just releasing it without an explicit ALE-mTgydSy-00427-00107617-00107853 copyright notice with the Berne ALE-mTgydSy-00428-00107854-00108153 Convention implementation Act of 1988 in ALE-mTgydSy-00429-00108154-00108461 the earlier Copyright Act of 1976 which ALE-mTgydSy-00430-00108463-00108753 went into effect in 1978 all works were ALE-mTgydSy-00431-00108754-00108948 by default copyright protected and ALE-mTgydSy-00432-00108949-00109133 needed to be actively given into public ALE-mTgydSy-00433-00109134-00109320 domain by a waiver statement and E ALE-mTgydSy-00434-00109321-00109614 copyright can call notice not all legal ALE-mTgydSy-00435-00109615-00109808 systems have processes for reliably ALE-mTgydSy-00436-00109809-00109998 donating works to the public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00437-00109999-00110309 eg civil law of continental Europe this ALE-mTgydSy-00438-00110310-00110547 may even effectively prohibit any ALE-mTgydSy-00439-00110548-00110790 attempt by copyright owners to surrender ALE-mTgydSy-00440-00110791-00111018 rights automatically conferred by law ALE-mTgydSy-00441-00111019-00111389 particularly moral rights ALE-mTgydSy-00442-00111390-00111561 you ALE-mTgydSy-00443-00111563-00112125 topic public domain like licenses ALE-mTgydSy-00444-00112126-00112476 topic an alternative is for copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00445-00112477-00112634 holders to issue a license which ALE-mTgydSy-00446-00112635-00112824 irrevocably grants as many rights as ALE-mTgydSy-00447-00112825-00113003 possible to the general public ALE-mTgydSy-00448-00113004-00113265 real public domain makes licenses ALE-mTgydSy-00449-00113266-00113483 unnecessary as no owner author is ALE-mTgydSy-00450-00113484-00113670 required to grant permission permission ALE-mTgydSy-00451-00113671-00113978 culture there are multiple licenses ALE-mTgydSy-00452-00113979-00114132 which aim to release works into the ALE-mTgydSy-00453-00114133-00114528 public domain in 2000 the WTF PL was ALE-mTgydSy-00454-00114529-00114675 released as a public domain like ALE-mTgydSy-00455-00114676-00115053 software license in 2009 the Creative ALE-mTgydSy-00456-00115054-00115302 Commons released the CC 0 which was ALE-mTgydSy-00457-00115303-00115497 created for compatibility with Lada ALE-mTgydSy-00458-00115498-00115674 mains which have no concept of ALE-mTgydSy-00459-00115675-00115944 dedicating into public domain this is ALE-mTgydSy-00460-00115945-00116124 achieved by a public domain waiver ALE-mTgydSy-00461-00116125-00116343 statement and a fallback all permissive ALE-mTgydSy-00462-00116344-00116526 license in case the waiver is not ALE-mTgydSy-00463-00116527-00116804 possible the unlicensed published around ALE-mTgydSy-00464-00116805-00117045 2010 has a focus on an antique copyright ALE-mTgydSy-00465-00117046-00117369 message the unlicensed offers a public ALE-mTgydSy-00466-00117370-00117533 domain waiver text with a fallback ALE-mTgydSy-00467-00117534-00117801 public domain like license inspired by ALE-mTgydSy-00468-00117802-00117965 permissive licenses but without ALE-mTgydSy-00469-00117966-00118263 attribution in October 2014 the Open ALE-mTgydSy-00470-00118264-00118436 Knowledge Foundation recommends the ALE-mTgydSy-00471-00118438-00118733 Creative Commons cc0 license to dedicate ALE-mTgydSy-00472-00118734-00118956 content to the public domain in the open ALE-mTgydSy-00473-00118957-00119118 data Commons public domain dedication ALE-mTgydSy-00474-00119119-00119700 and licensed pddl for data ALE-mTgydSy-00475-00119701-00120206 topic patents ALE-mTgydSy-00476-00120207-00120559 topic in most countries the term of ALE-mTgydSy-00477-00120560-00120746 Rights for patents as twenty years after ALE-mTgydSy-00478-00120747-00120950 which the invention becomes part of the ALE-mTgydSy-00479-00120951-00121232 public domain in the United States the ALE-mTgydSy-00480-00121233-00121427 contents of patents are considered valid ALE-mTgydSy-00481-00121428-00121633 and enforceable for twenty years from ALE-mTgydSy-00482-00121634-00121802 the date of filing within the United ALE-mTgydSy-00483-00121803-00122000 States or twenty years from the earliest ALE-mTgydSy-00484-00122001-00122456 date of filing if under 35 USC 120 121 ALE-mTgydSy-00485-00122457-00122888 or 365 C however the text in any ALE-mTgydSy-00486-00122889-00123098 illustration within a patent provided ALE-mTgydSy-00487-00123099-00123272 the illustrations are essentially line ALE-mTgydSy-00488-00123273-00123458 drawings and do not in any substantive ALE-mTgydSy-00489-00123458-00123749 way reflect the personality of the ALE-mTgydSy-00490-00123750-00123944 person drawing them are not subject to ALE-mTgydSy-00491-00123945-00124208 copyright protection this is separate ALE-mTgydSy-00492-00124208-00124683 from the patent rights just mentioned ALE-mTgydSy-00493-00124684-00125202 topic trademarks ALE-mTgydSy-00494-00125203-00125561 topic a trademark registration may ALE-mTgydSy-00495-00125563-00125786 remain in force indefinitely or expire ALE-mTgydSy-00496-00125788-00126081 without specific regard to its age for a ALE-mTgydSy-00497-00126082-00126282 trademark registration to remain valid ALE-mTgydSy-00498-00126283-00126480 the owner must continue to use it in ALE-mTgydSy-00499-00126481-00126771 some circumstances such as disuse ALE-mTgydSy-00500-00126772-00126993 failure to assert trademark rights or ALE-mTgydSy-00501-00126994-00127155 common usage by the public without ALE-mTgydSy-00502-00127156-00127365 regard for its intended use it could ALE-mTgydSy-00503-00127366-00127559 become generic and therefore part of the ALE-mTgydSy-00504-00127560-00127854 public domain because trademarks are ALE-mTgydSy-00505-00127855-00128019 registered with governments some ALE-mTgydSy-00506-00128020-00128199 countries or trademark registries may ALE-mTgydSy-00507-00128200-00128388 recognize a mark while others may have ALE-mTgydSy-00508-00128389-00128574 determined that it is generic and not ALE-mTgydSy-00509-00128575-00128735 allowable as a trademark in that ALE-mTgydSy-00510-00128736-00128999 registry for example the drug ALE-mTgydSy-00511-00129000-00129390 acetylsalicylic acid to acetoxy benzoic ALE-mTgydSy-00512-00129391-00129603 acid is better known as aspirin in the ALE-mTgydSy-00513-00129604-00129969 United States a generic term in Canada ALE-mTgydSy-00514-00129970-00130286 however aspirin with an uppercase a is ALE-mTgydSy-00515-00130288-00130476 still a trademark of the German company ALE-mTgydSy-00516-00130477-00130788 bear while aspirin with a lowercase a is ALE-mTgydSy-00517-00130789-00131060 not bear lost the trademark in the ALE-mTgydSy-00518-00131061-00131301 United States the UK and France after ALE-mTgydSy-00519-00131302-00131496 World War one as part of the Treaty of ALE-mTgydSy-00520-00131497-00131793 Versailles so many copycat products ALE-mTgydSy-00521-00131794-00131970 entered the marketplace during the war ALE-mTgydSy-00522-00131971-00132144 that it was deemed generic just three ALE-mTgydSy-00523-00132145-00132324 years later Bayer also lost the ALE-mTgydSy-00524-00132325-00132522 trademark in the same jurisdictions for ALE-mTgydSy-00525-00132523-00132792 heroin which it trademarked a year ALE-mTgydSy-00526-00132793-00132987 before it trademarked aspirin although ALE-mTgydSy-00527-00132988-00133218 Hormel resigned itself to genera side it ALE-mTgydSy-00528-00133219-00133395 has thought attempts by other companies ALE-mTgydSy-00529-00133396-00133704 to register spam as a trademark in ALE-mTgydSy-00530-00133705-00134181 relation to computer products ALE-mTgydSy-00531-00134182-00134740 topic public domain day ALE-mTgydSy-00532-00134741-00135119 topic public-domain day as an observance ALE-mTgydSy-00533-00135120-00135310 of when copyrights expire and works ALE-mTgydSy-00534-00135311-00135593 enter into the public domain this legal ALE-mTgydSy-00535-00135594-00135796 transition of copyright works into the ALE-mTgydSy-00536-00135797-00136006 public domain usually happens every year ALE-mTgydSy-00537-00136007-00136219 on the first of January based on the ALE-mTgydSy-00538-00136220-00136394 individual copyright laws of each ALE-mTgydSy-00539-00136395-00136621 country the observance of a public ALE-mTgydSy-00540-00136622-00136912 domain day was initially informal the ALE-mTgydSy-00541-00136913-00137170 earliest known mention was in 2004 by ALE-mTgydSy-00542-00137171-00137407 Wallace MacLean a Canadian public domain ALE-mTgydSy-00543-00137408-00137575 activist with support for the idea ALE-mTgydSy-00544-00137576-00137881 echoed by Lawrence Lessig as of the 1st ALE-mTgydSy-00545-00137882-00138139 of January 2010 of public domain day ALE-mTgydSy-00546-00138140-00138340 website lists the authors whose works ALE-mTgydSy-00547-00138341-00138586 are entering the public domain there are ALE-mTgydSy-00548-00138587-00138760 activities in countries around the world ALE-mTgydSy-00549-00138761-00139000 by various organizations all under the ALE-mTgydSy-00550-00139001-00139531 banner public domain day ALE-mTgydSy-00551-00139532-00140051 topic see also ALE-mTgydSy-00552-00140052-00140443 topic ALE-mTgydSy-00553-00140444-00140960 topic references ALE-mTgydSy-00554-00140961-00141350 topic ALE-mTgydSy-00555-00141351-00141886 topic external links ALE-mTgydSy-00556-00141887-00142375 Topic Internet Archive retro film vault ALE-mTgydSy-00557-00142376-00142696 public domain movies archive public ALE-mTgydSy-00558-00142697-00142978 domain review Center for the study of ALE-mTgydSy-00559-00142979-00143374 the public domain Duke University Ap5W2E-pdSg-00000-00002064-00002199 thank you so much Ap5W2E-pdSg-00001-00002200-00002558 tj good morning Ap5W2E-pdSg-00002-00002559-00002695 douglas county board of commissioners Ap5W2E-pdSg-00003-00002696-00002934 today is monday april 26 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00004-00002935-00003383 2021 it is 10 a.m and i appreciate you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00005-00003384-00003495 joining us for you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00006-00003496-00003631 for our special call meeting this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00007-00003632-00003831 morning uh board of commissioners before Ap5W2E-pdSg-00008-00003832-00003959 we start i certainly want to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00009-00003960-00004151 call uh roll and make sure that we are Ap5W2E-pdSg-00010-00004152-00004263 here to uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00011-00004264-00004575 make sure that we have a quorum uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00012-00004576-00004695 i'll start with district one Ap5W2E-pdSg-00013-00004696-00004911 commissioner henry mitchell iii are you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00014-00004912-00005215 here Ap5W2E-pdSg-00015-00005216-00005486 district two uh commissioner kelly Ap5W2E-pdSg-00016-00005487-00005567 robinson Ap5W2E-pdSg-00017-00005568-00006070 that's right mr Ap5W2E-pdSg-00018-00006071-00006614 district 4 commissioner ann jones guider Ap5W2E-pdSg-00019-00006615-00006767 i believe she's not here with us this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00020-00006768-00006919 morning and chairman Ap5W2E-pdSg-00021-00006920-00007223 dr ramona jackson jones present we have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00022-00007223-00007463 four commissioners here and we all the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00023-00007464-00007646 president accounted for and we have i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00024-00007647-00007703 have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00025-00007704-00007910 verified that we do have a quorum uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00026-00007911-00008070 commissions thank you so much for being Ap5W2E-pdSg-00027-00008072-00008351 here uh good morning again board Ap5W2E-pdSg-00028-00008352-00008487 commissioners and to the citizens of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00029-00008488-00008631 douglas county we have a special Ap5W2E-pdSg-00030-00008632-00008774 business item this morning and the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00031-00008775-00008951 business item is for the approval of the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00032-00008952-00009055 projects to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00033-00009056-00009239 congressman scott's office for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00034-00009240-00009359 submission to the committee Ap5W2E-pdSg-00035-00009360-00009583 on transportation and infrastructure for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00036-00009584-00009806 consideration in the 2021 surface Ap5W2E-pdSg-00037-00009807-00009919 transportation Ap5W2E-pdSg-00038-00009920-00010206 author authorization legislation and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00039-00010207-00010359 authorize the chairman to sign our Ap5W2E-pdSg-00040-00010360-00010471 related documents Ap5W2E-pdSg-00041-00010472-00010663 but before i call the question this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00042-00010664-00010774 morning i want to allow Ap5W2E-pdSg-00043-00010775-00011006 our county administrator sharon superdan Ap5W2E-pdSg-00044-00011007-00011110 to frame Ap5W2E-pdSg-00045-00011111-00011319 and discuss what the subject matter is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00046-00011320-00011495 all about and then before Ap5W2E-pdSg-00047-00011496-00011655 certainly and then of course i will call Ap5W2E-pdSg-00048-00011656-00011846 the question when she uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00049-00011847-00012078 yield the floor back to me and at this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00050-00012079-00012414 point sharon superdan you have the floor Ap5W2E-pdSg-00051-00012415-00012695 good morning chair and commissioners Ap5W2E-pdSg-00052-00012696-00012807 thank you for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00053-00012808-00013111 convening this special call meeting um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00054-00013112-00013303 as you are aware the service Ap5W2E-pdSg-00055-00013304-00013415 transportation Ap5W2E-pdSg-00056-00013416-00013799 act is um actively being considered and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00057-00013800-00013958 we received Ap5W2E-pdSg-00058-00013959-00014286 a request from our congressional Ap5W2E-pdSg-00059-00014287-00014630 legislative delegation to essentially Ap5W2E-pdSg-00060-00014631-00014855 put forward our projects that we are Ap5W2E-pdSg-00061-00014856-00015079 willing to support at the local level Ap5W2E-pdSg-00062-00015080-00015335 um i am late to this party but my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00063-00015336-00015527 understanding is these four projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00064-00015528-00015607 have been Ap5W2E-pdSg-00065-00015608-00015871 discussed in the past there's some Ap5W2E-pdSg-00066-00015872-00015935 minimal Ap5W2E-pdSg-00067-00015936-00016158 federal funding already in place for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00068-00016159-00016327 these projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00069-00016328-00016630 um it's a total of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00070-00016631-00017111 over 80 million in projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00071-00017112-00017647 with a local support of 31 million Ap5W2E-pdSg-00072-00017648-00017879 that funding is not being requested at Ap5W2E-pdSg-00073-00017880-00017991 this time Ap5W2E-pdSg-00074-00017992-00018286 these are long-term projects but the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00075-00018287-00018399 purpose of this meeting Ap5W2E-pdSg-00076-00018400-00018663 today is to get your commitment that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00077-00018664-00018735 should we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00078-00018736-00019030 be successful and i believe we will in Ap5W2E-pdSg-00079-00019031-00019103 gaining Ap5W2E-pdSg-00080-00019104-00019311 the support for these projects through Ap5W2E-pdSg-00081-00019312-00019463 the surface transportation Ap5W2E-pdSg-00082-00019464-00019647 reauthorization act Ap5W2E-pdSg-00083-00019648-00019894 that as a commission you will support Ap5W2E-pdSg-00084-00019895-00020039 and actively pursue Ap5W2E-pdSg-00085-00020040-00020391 our local match and um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00086-00020392-00020575 in doing so we will be able to bring Ap5W2E-pdSg-00087-00020576-00020767 these needed transportation projects to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00088-00020768-00020919 our community Ap5W2E-pdSg-00089-00020920-00021247 and so um miguel valentine Ap5W2E-pdSg-00090-00021248-00021591 is on the call and i also Ap5W2E-pdSg-00091-00021592-00021975 have asked director tiffany stanley Ap5W2E-pdSg-00092-00021976-00022063 stewart Ap5W2E-pdSg-00093-00022064-00022407 stewart stanley i'm sorry to wrap up for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00094-00022408-00022519 us Ap5W2E-pdSg-00095-00022520-00022750 any questions that you may have we will Ap5W2E-pdSg-00096-00022751-00022919 be subject to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00097-00022920-00023158 so at this time i want to briefly turn Ap5W2E-pdSg-00098-00023159-00023335 it over to miguel Ap5W2E-pdSg-00099-00023336-00023703 for a high level and quick summary Ap5W2E-pdSg-00100-00023704-00023878 mostly for the public because you all Ap5W2E-pdSg-00101-00023879-00024063 are very familiar with this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00102-00024064-00024391 and then i'll ask um tiffany to close it Ap5W2E-pdSg-00103-00024392-00024663 out for us Ap5W2E-pdSg-00104-00024664-00024935 thank you good morning madam chair and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00105-00024936-00025111 commissioners Ap5W2E-pdSg-00106-00025112-00025447 these the the four projects that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00107-00025448-00025783 that we're looking to have some local Ap5W2E-pdSg-00108-00025783-00025950 support Ap5W2E-pdSg-00109-00025951-00026214 for have been as it's been mentioned Ap5W2E-pdSg-00110-00026216-00026270 discussed Ap5W2E-pdSg-00111-00026272-00026614 previously they are all within within Ap5W2E-pdSg-00112-00026616-00026646 the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00113-00026647-00026935 comprehensive transportation plan that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00114-00026936-00027199 the county adopted Ap5W2E-pdSg-00115-00027200-00027574 we would have been successful Ap5W2E-pdSg-00116-00027575-00027918 over the years in gaining a small amount Ap5W2E-pdSg-00117-00027919-00028255 of federal funding on them to begin Ap5W2E-pdSg-00118-00028256-00028518 the design process and in the case of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00119-00028519-00028623 two of them Ap5W2E-pdSg-00120-00028624-00028967 actually pre-designed one is in scoping Ap5W2E-pdSg-00121-00028968-00029102 and one in feasibility Ap5W2E-pdSg-00122-00029104-00029431 so the four projects are the regional Ap5W2E-pdSg-00123-00029432-00029614 trail system Ap5W2E-pdSg-00124-00029616-00029983 from boundary waters to sweetwater creek Ap5W2E-pdSg-00125-00029983-00030111 state park Ap5W2E-pdSg-00126-00030112-00030590 and that one is in the design phase Ap5W2E-pdSg-00127-00030591-00030951 i i do have a map if i can share my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00128-00030952-00031070 screen Ap5W2E-pdSg-00129-00031072-00033399 might be easier Ap5W2E-pdSg-00130-00033400-00033687 unfortunately i'm not able to pull that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00131-00033688-00033783 map up for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00132-00033784-00034231 some reason but in any event Ap5W2E-pdSg-00133-00034232-00034431 one of the projects is the trail system Ap5W2E-pdSg-00134-00034432-00034631 that's been underway for about a year Ap5W2E-pdSg-00135-00034632-00034735 and a half Ap5W2E-pdSg-00136-00034736-00035055 the other projects are related to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00137-00035056-00035295 the phase one of leave road widening Ap5W2E-pdSg-00138-00035296-00035367 which is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00139-00035368-00035687 from i-20 north to veterans memorial Ap5W2E-pdSg-00140-00035688-00035774 highway Ap5W2E-pdSg-00141-00035775-00036087 that project was started Ap5W2E-pdSg-00142-00036088-00036439 initially in pre-design back in the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00143-00036440-00036799 early um i'm guessing it was early 2000s Ap5W2E-pdSg-00144-00036800-00036918 or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00145-00036919-00037327 20 20056 that time frame Ap5W2E-pdSg-00146-00037328-00037623 but it was shelved at that time in favor Ap5W2E-pdSg-00147-00037624-00037751 of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00148-00037752-00038039 the the bridge project for for uh lee Ap5W2E-pdSg-00149-00038040-00038102 road Ap5W2E-pdSg-00150-00038103-00038351 and the lee road lightning project the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00151-00038352-00038543 lee road widening project is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00152-00038544-00038902 is from picking up where Ap5W2E-pdSg-00153-00038903-00039151 phase one leaves off at i-20 and it Ap5W2E-pdSg-00154-00039152-00039359 continues widening lee road Ap5W2E-pdSg-00155-00039360-00039671 down to state route 92 ferbin road Ap5W2E-pdSg-00156-00039672-00039943 and that project is anticipated to go Ap5W2E-pdSg-00157-00039944-00040055 into construction Ap5W2E-pdSg-00158-00040056-00040359 early this summer that project it is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00159-00040360-00040630 is not one of the ones that we are Ap5W2E-pdSg-00160-00040631-00040727 looking for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00161-00040728-00040911 for funding on it does have a fair Ap5W2E-pdSg-00162-00040912-00041071 amount of federal funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00163-00041072-00041407 on it already uh but it is uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00164-00041408-00041574 used for reference in terms of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00165-00041575-00041790 explaining the continuity of the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00166-00041791-00041902 projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00167-00041903-00042383 so uh we have phase one which is 78 to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00168-00042384-00042718 i20 essentially phase two Ap5W2E-pdSg-00169-00042719-00043023 which is from i-20 to ferbin road and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00170-00043024-00043271 then the lee road extension Ap5W2E-pdSg-00171-00043272-00043590 that goes south of ferbin road and it Ap5W2E-pdSg-00172-00043591-00043815 will connect to boma road and eventually Ap5W2E-pdSg-00173-00043816-00043990 to chapel hill Ap5W2E-pdSg-00174-00043991-00044255 that project is also in in the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00175-00044256-00044487 feasibility study now Ap5W2E-pdSg-00176-00044488-00044846 it's sort of segmented into into two Ap5W2E-pdSg-00177-00044847-00044943 segments Ap5W2E-pdSg-00178-00044944-00045295 one going from 92 down to bulmar and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00179-00045296-00045687 potentially to pope road Ap5W2E-pdSg-00180-00045688-00045927 and then segment two from pope road over Ap5W2E-pdSg-00181-00045928-00046015 to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00182-00046016-00046439 chapel hill and the fourth project is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00183-00046440-00046815 what is has been known as the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00184-00046816-00047143 chapel hill road i-20 ddi Ap5W2E-pdSg-00185-00047144-00047462 uh scoping study it initially Ap5W2E-pdSg-00186-00047463-00047830 was couched and intended to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00187-00047831-00048127 look at the possibility of a ddi at that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00188-00048128-00048190 locat Ap5W2E-pdSg-00189-00048191-00048518 a diverging diamond interchange at that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00190-00048519-00048607 location Ap5W2E-pdSg-00191-00048608-00048927 and but as we got into it it turns out Ap5W2E-pdSg-00192-00048928-00049007 that that was Ap5W2E-pdSg-00193-00049008-00049327 not necessarily the best solution for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00194-00049328-00049590 that location so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00195-00049591-00049902 that project is also Ap5W2E-pdSg-00196-00049903-00050215 in in the scoping feasibility phase now Ap5W2E-pdSg-00197-00050216-00050483 we are about wrapping that up we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00198-00050484-00050655 anticipate to have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00199-00050656-00050911 a concept report approved on that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00200-00050912-00050967 project Ap5W2E-pdSg-00201-00050968-00051199 in the next couple of months and so we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00202-00051200-00051399 would be ready to move these projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00203-00051400-00051494 forward Ap5W2E-pdSg-00204-00051495-00051694 and this would be this funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00205-00051695-00051879 opportunity has come up Ap5W2E-pdSg-00206-00051879-00052135 and so we we present them for your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00207-00052136-00052294 consideration Ap5W2E-pdSg-00208-00052295-00052591 for potential allocation of future Ap5W2E-pdSg-00209-00052591-00052663 funding to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00210-00052664-00052919 to the projects now if we were to be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00211-00052920-00053094 able to move the project Ap5W2E-pdSg-00212-00053095-00053447 um based on the current schedule Ap5W2E-pdSg-00213-00053448-00053742 then there would be uh perhaps uh some Ap5W2E-pdSg-00214-00053744-00054071 phases of design that could be advanced Ap5W2E-pdSg-00215-00054072-00054319 in uh starting perhaps even later this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00216-00054320-00054503 year and in 2022 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00217-00054504-00054823 but beyond that most of the effort Ap5W2E-pdSg-00218-00054824-00055171 is starting in 2023 through Ap5W2E-pdSg-00219-00055172-00055494 2026 based on this schedules Ap5W2E-pdSg-00220-00055495-00055815 uh invasion for the projects so um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00221-00055816-00056103 that's that's it in a nutshell Ap5W2E-pdSg-00222-00056104-00056287 if you have any questions i'll be happy Ap5W2E-pdSg-00223-00056288-00056479 to entertain those after Ap5W2E-pdSg-00224-00056479-00056791 um again tiffany would perhaps Ap5W2E-pdSg-00225-00056791-00057063 add some additional information Ap5W2E-pdSg-00226-00057064-00057247 regarding to the funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00227-00057248-00057566 uh opportunity itself Ap5W2E-pdSg-00228-00057567-00057742 thank you mcgill good morning board of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00229-00057744-00057903 commissioners county administrator super Ap5W2E-pdSg-00230-00057904-00057966 dan Ap5W2E-pdSg-00231-00057967-00058319 um so what what is the basis of this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00232-00058320-00058654 information is for um congressman Ap5W2E-pdSg-00233-00058655-00058799 scott's office Ap5W2E-pdSg-00234-00058800-00058966 congress has returned to something Ap5W2E-pdSg-00235-00058967-00059199 called community funding project or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00236-00059200-00059511 projects or member designating funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00237-00059512-00059711 which was previously referred to as Ap5W2E-pdSg-00238-00059712-00059823 earmarks Ap5W2E-pdSg-00239-00059824-00060063 and so what the chairman of the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00240-00060064-00060215 appropriations committee for the u.s Ap5W2E-pdSg-00241-00060216-00060350 house has determined Ap5W2E-pdSg-00242-00060351-00060550 is that she feels that the u.s Ap5W2E-pdSg-00243-00060551-00060711 congressmen are in a better position to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00244-00060712-00060903 determine what projects are being funded Ap5W2E-pdSg-00245-00060904-00061023 in their communities because they're Ap5W2E-pdSg-00246-00061024-00061206 representatives of their community Ap5W2E-pdSg-00247-00061207-00061391 and so congressman scott's office is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00248-00061391-00061542 looking for projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00249-00061544-00061759 we have been working diligently with his Ap5W2E-pdSg-00250-00061760-00061975 state office and his federal office i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00251-00061976-00061999 mean Ap5W2E-pdSg-00252-00062000-00062238 his office in d.c i'm sorry to make sure Ap5W2E-pdSg-00253-00062239-00062366 that they have the information that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00254-00062367-00062550 douglas county about douglas county's Ap5W2E-pdSg-00255-00062551-00062847 proposed projects and so they will be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00256-00062848-00062991 looking at all the projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00257-00062991-00063223 ranking the projects and submitting Ap5W2E-pdSg-00258-00063224-00063471 those projects to the committee for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00259-00063472-00063782 acceptance each congressman is expected Ap5W2E-pdSg-00260-00063783-00063942 to be able to direct about Ap5W2E-pdSg-00261-00063944-00064119 anywhere between 15 and 20 million Ap5W2E-pdSg-00262-00064120-00064247 dollars in funds Ap5W2E-pdSg-00263-00064248-00064535 to their communities in guaranteed funds Ap5W2E-pdSg-00264-00064536-00064599 but the the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00265-00064600-00064775 congressman himself will be looking at Ap5W2E-pdSg-00266-00064776-00064926 the projects and picking which projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00267-00064927-00065103 that he would like to move forward Ap5W2E-pdSg-00268-00065104-00065319 so that's just the basis of the the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00269-00065320-00065703 request for today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00270-00065704-00065911 tiffany could you also weigh in on the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00271-00065912-00066071 other um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00272-00066072-00066415 on the other the senator offices please Ap5W2E-pdSg-00273-00066416-00066694 yes and so the u.s senate has not come Ap5W2E-pdSg-00274-00066695-00066782 up with their Ap5W2E-pdSg-00275-00066783-00067047 um with their process for earmarks or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00276-00067048-00067223 community project funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00277-00067224-00067526 however we are submitting to each Ap5W2E-pdSg-00278-00067527-00067694 senator's office the same information Ap5W2E-pdSg-00279-00067695-00067831 that was submitted to congressman Ap5W2E-pdSg-00280-00067832-00068023 scott's office for appropriations Ap5W2E-pdSg-00281-00068024-00068167 through their appropriations funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00282-00068168-00068406 request to make sure that we have just a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00283-00068407-00068615 consistent strategy to make sure that we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00284-00068616-00068759 know let all of our federal Ap5W2E-pdSg-00285-00068760-00068935 representatives know that these are the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00286-00068936-00069135 projects that we are pushing Ap5W2E-pdSg-00287-00069136-00069423 transportation wise in douglas county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00288-00069424-00070238 thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00289-00070239-00070799 madam chair you're muted Ap5W2E-pdSg-00290-00070800-00071031 thank you thank you so much sharon i had Ap5W2E-pdSg-00291-00071032-00071199 a conversation by myself Ap5W2E-pdSg-00292-00071200-00071326 are you all thank you for the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00293-00071327-00071462 presentation you have anything else that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00294-00071463-00071599 needs to come before the board Ap5W2E-pdSg-00295-00071600-00071847 in terms of framing what we're planning Ap5W2E-pdSg-00296-00071848-00072055 to vote on at this moment Ap5W2E-pdSg-00297-00072056-00072199 now at this time we're subject to your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00298-00072200-00072447 questions all right thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00299-00072448-00072582 a board of commissioners you have any Ap5W2E-pdSg-00300-00072583-00072782 questions for uh our county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00301-00072783-00072911 administrator Ap5W2E-pdSg-00302-00072912-00073255 super dan or our other her staff Ap5W2E-pdSg-00303-00073256-00073631 at this time okay Ap5W2E-pdSg-00304-00073632-00073831 commissioner robinson are you you're Ap5W2E-pdSg-00305-00073832-00074838 muted as well you muted Ap5W2E-pdSg-00306-00074839-00075006 you you have floor vice chairman Ap5W2E-pdSg-00307-00075007-00075279 robertson all right thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00308-00075280-00075655 yeah thank you for convening um this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00309-00075656-00075799 meeting this morning was the voting Ap5W2E-pdSg-00310-00075800-00076031 meeting my question then becomes Ap5W2E-pdSg-00311-00076032-00076382 um county administrator you talked about Ap5W2E-pdSg-00312-00076383-00076615 it or at least i heard Ap5W2E-pdSg-00313-00076616-00077082 a a timeline Ap5W2E-pdSg-00314-00077083-00077550 um basically from 2023 to 2026 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00315-00077551-00077726 as far as activity you know in other Ap5W2E-pdSg-00316-00077727-00077967 words um hammers to nails Ap5W2E-pdSg-00317-00077968-00078294 um plows to the field 22 you know so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00318-00078295-00078350 that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00319-00078351-00078638 this is long term this is a long term Ap5W2E-pdSg-00320-00078639-00078911 now i'm framing Ap5W2E-pdSg-00321-00078912-00079143 in my own mind the decision i'm going to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00322-00079144-00079319 make Ap5W2E-pdSg-00323-00079320-00079479 in other words this is going to live Ap5W2E-pdSg-00324-00079480-00079694 beyond the moment Ap5W2E-pdSg-00325-00079695-00080006 this is about the future of the county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00326-00080007-00080175 and obviously the projects that it Ap5W2E-pdSg-00327-00080176-00080262 directly Ap5W2E-pdSg-00328-00080263-00080719 impacts right so it's somewhat of a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00329-00080720-00081335 for me it's it's it's a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00330-00081336-00081487 it has to be thoughtful it has to be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00331-00081488-00081726 meaningful it has to be part of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00332-00081727-00082015 a better tomorrow and so we're asking Ap5W2E-pdSg-00333-00082016-00082231 i'm going to go back to the original ask Ap5W2E-pdSg-00334-00082232-00082606 which is that we're committing to pursue Ap5W2E-pdSg-00335-00082607-00082855 listen to my words committing to pursue Ap5W2E-pdSg-00336-00082856-00083023 a long-term capital Ap5W2E-pdSg-00337-00083024-00083231 funding um that will basically we will Ap5W2E-pdSg-00338-00083232-00083391 be responsible putting up roughly about Ap5W2E-pdSg-00339-00083392-00083631 what 35 36 million Ap5W2E-pdSg-00340-00083632-00083918 um to fulfill an 86 million i'll ask is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00341-00083919-00084087 that accurate Ap5W2E-pdSg-00342-00084088-00084438 yes sir that is correct Ap5W2E-pdSg-00343-00084439-00084775 and based on last week's um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00344-00084776-00085079 um voting matter Ap5W2E-pdSg-00345-00085080-00085238 um there was an expectation and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00346-00085239-00085367 condition put forth that the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00347-00085368-00085575 administration would help come up with Ap5W2E-pdSg-00348-00085576-00085735 the various options that would be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00349-00085736-00085991 associated almost in parallel looks like Ap5W2E-pdSg-00350-00085992-00086055 we were Ap5W2E-pdSg-00351-00086056-00086375 aligned in sync on how Ap5W2E-pdSg-00352-00086376-00086694 um how we pursue that um so you've got a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00353-00086695-00086735 grant Ap5W2E-pdSg-00354-00086736-00086999 option now i'm not certain that we have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00355-00087000-00087215 30 million cash in the bank Ap5W2E-pdSg-00356-00087216-00087415 so i need to i need to be specific i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00357-00087416-00087559 don't like to do the public like this so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00358-00087560-00087694 you'll learn this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00359-00087695-00087894 so i mean are you going to work on a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00360-00087895-00088143 plan so we're committing Ap5W2E-pdSg-00361-00088144-00088318 without a commit without the plan in Ap5W2E-pdSg-00362-00088319-00088606 hand but we're committing to pursue Ap5W2E-pdSg-00363-00088607-00088759 listen to the language we're committing Ap5W2E-pdSg-00364-00088760-00089006 to pursue because we got a deadline Ap5W2E-pdSg-00365-00089007-00089167 today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00366-00089168-00089294 you got a perishable moment of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00367-00089295-00089543 opportunity and so we're committing to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00368-00089544-00089711 say as a board of commissioners to say Ap5W2E-pdSg-00369-00089712-00089823 hey Ap5W2E-pdSg-00370-00089824-00090126 look at all right now y'all get this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00371-00090127-00090311 right Ap5W2E-pdSg-00372-00090312-00090438 and what is impact that's going to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00373-00090439-00090559 happen i know you don't have the answer Ap5W2E-pdSg-00374-00090560-00090711 today i know because it's coming from on Ap5W2E-pdSg-00375-00090712-00090775 high Ap5W2E-pdSg-00376-00090776-00090943 it's that opportunity mandated Ap5W2E-pdSg-00377-00090944-00091079 opportunity like okay guys Ap5W2E-pdSg-00378-00091080-00091311 i get it but we still got to put it out Ap5W2E-pdSg-00379-00091312-00091399 there so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00380-00091400-00091550 let me just yield the floor for a minute Ap5W2E-pdSg-00381-00091551-00091671 i may come back with some additional Ap5W2E-pdSg-00382-00091672-00091791 questions but i'm Ap5W2E-pdSg-00383-00091792-00091999 i'm okay let me just hear from my peers Ap5W2E-pdSg-00384-00092000-00092191 i'm going to yield the floor thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00385-00092192-00092415 okay thank you any other comments from Ap5W2E-pdSg-00386-00092416-00092518 the board Ap5W2E-pdSg-00387-00092519-00092831 or i'll call a question commissioner Ap5W2E-pdSg-00388-00092832-00092974 carthan i see your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00389-00092975-00093094 face i'm not sure if that's an Ap5W2E-pdSg-00390-00093095-00093382 indication thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00391-00093383-00093671 thank you madam chair my question is to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00392-00093672-00093823 to the staff Ap5W2E-pdSg-00393-00093824-00094079 these projects that we are considering Ap5W2E-pdSg-00394-00094080-00094199 this morning Ap5W2E-pdSg-00395-00094200-00094550 for the resolution is this strictly for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00396-00094551-00094743 transportation strictly for roads and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00397-00094744-00094855 infrastructure Ap5W2E-pdSg-00398-00094856-00095350 and design is it strictly for that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00399-00095351-00095582 the product yes under the uh surface Ap5W2E-pdSg-00400-00095583-00095743 transportation reauthorization Ap5W2E-pdSg-00401-00095744-00095871 legislation Ap5W2E-pdSg-00402-00095872-00096094 um yes it would fall within that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00403-00096095-00096303 category there are some opportunities Ap5W2E-pdSg-00404-00096304-00096335 for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00405-00096336-00096615 community project funding but in my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00406-00096616-00096774 discussions with congressman scott's Ap5W2E-pdSg-00407-00096775-00096943 office it's their preference that we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00408-00096944-00097135 choose one track because they're only Ap5W2E-pdSg-00409-00097136-00097335 going to get so many projects and they Ap5W2E-pdSg-00410-00097336-00097535 really when when i discussed the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00411-00097536-00097703 projects with them and i think miguel Ap5W2E-pdSg-00412-00097704-00097926 did they had they said we like these Ap5W2E-pdSg-00413-00097927-00098047 projects and this is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00414-00098048-00098247 you know this is kind of the way to go Ap5W2E-pdSg-00415-00098248-00098455 but um yes there are other opportunities Ap5W2E-pdSg-00416-00098456-00098662 and there will be some more now that the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00417-00098663-00098862 community project funding or earmarks as Ap5W2E-pdSg-00418-00098863-00098982 they were previously called have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00419-00098983-00099118 returned where the congressman can Ap5W2E-pdSg-00420-00099119-00099287 designate what they want to see money to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00421-00099288-00099359 go to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00422-00099360-00099567 and i think um you know working with the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00423-00099568-00099711 county administrator to look at some Ap5W2E-pdSg-00424-00099712-00099806 long-term Ap5W2E-pdSg-00425-00099807-00100047 ideas for some future projects would be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00426-00100048-00100126 wise Ap5W2E-pdSg-00427-00100127-00100462 for the county to do okay so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00428-00100463-00100815 that i think that's good because we know Ap5W2E-pdSg-00429-00100816-00100991 in douglas county we do need to work on Ap5W2E-pdSg-00430-00100992-00101182 our infrastructure it is part of our Ap5W2E-pdSg-00431-00101183-00101238 overall Ap5W2E-pdSg-00432-00101239-00101462 economic development right if we don't Ap5W2E-pdSg-00433-00101463-00101631 have the infrastructure in place Ap5W2E-pdSg-00434-00101632-00101903 then we can't ask those big corporations Ap5W2E-pdSg-00435-00101904-00101950 and those Ap5W2E-pdSg-00436-00101951-00102094 entities that we really want to come Ap5W2E-pdSg-00437-00102095-00102262 into the county to come Ap5W2E-pdSg-00438-00102263-00102502 because how can we feed their ecosystem Ap5W2E-pdSg-00439-00102503-00102718 if our infrastructure isn't in place Ap5W2E-pdSg-00440-00102719-00102894 um so one of my big things that i do Ap5W2E-pdSg-00441-00102895-00103047 keep hearing my constituents say is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00442-00103048-00103199 economic development Ap5W2E-pdSg-00443-00103200-00103502 so in doing this then this helps to uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00444-00103503-00103830 to add to that um and plus you know once Ap5W2E-pdSg-00445-00103831-00103878 we have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00446-00103879-00104078 nice roads and things people have to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00447-00104079-00104182 travel somewhere Ap5W2E-pdSg-00448-00104183-00104366 right they have to go somewhere right Ap5W2E-pdSg-00449-00104367-00104518 you're on the road but you got to go Ap5W2E-pdSg-00450-00104519-00104678 somewhere so i would definitely Ap5W2E-pdSg-00451-00104679-00104958 ask that we look at um overall funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00452-00104959-00105047 so that we can Ap5W2E-pdSg-00453-00105048-00105295 attract those other businesses and also Ap5W2E-pdSg-00454-00105296-00105423 um put in place Ap5W2E-pdSg-00455-00105424-00105639 um quality of life things so that people Ap5W2E-pdSg-00456-00105640-00105790 can get on these nice roads Ap5W2E-pdSg-00457-00105791-00106039 and go somewhere nice in the county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00458-00106040-00106119 preferably Ap5W2E-pdSg-00459-00106120-00106302 so um but that's my comment but i'm Ap5W2E-pdSg-00460-00106303-00106454 excited to see that we had Ap5W2E-pdSg-00461-00106455-00106710 already been in the works and designing Ap5W2E-pdSg-00462-00106711-00106839 it and that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00463-00106840-00107078 possibly can get these dollars so thank Ap5W2E-pdSg-00464-00107079-00107207 you for the work that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00465-00107208-00107510 you and miguel have done and i yield the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00466-00107511-00107710 floor thank you mountain chair Ap5W2E-pdSg-00467-00107711-00108007 okay thank you so much any other Ap5W2E-pdSg-00468-00108008-00108063 comments Ap5W2E-pdSg-00469-00108064-00108319 um you have anything commissioner okay Ap5W2E-pdSg-00470-00108320-00108478 commissioner mitchell you have four Ap5W2E-pdSg-00471-00108479-00108734 yeah this one maybe miguel and or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00472-00108735-00108831 tiffany Ap5W2E-pdSg-00473-00108832-00109110 okay are these projects listed as a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00474-00109111-00109278 group or prioritized Ap5W2E-pdSg-00475-00109279-00109654 as to possible funding or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00476-00109655-00109895 are we just basically you know because i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00477-00109896-00110127 know we need to be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00478-00110128-00110454 we're not financially ready for these Ap5W2E-pdSg-00479-00110455-00110615 projects but i think we're in a good Ap5W2E-pdSg-00480-00110616-00110823 space to be prepared when they do come Ap5W2E-pdSg-00481-00110824-00111078 down the pipeline that we're ready so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00482-00111079-00111478 miguel is this this is a group request Ap5W2E-pdSg-00483-00111479-00111743 to uh congressman's guide for is this or Ap5W2E-pdSg-00484-00111744-00111895 am i missing something i'm just Ap5W2E-pdSg-00485-00111896-00112183 wanna make sure i understand yes uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00486-00112183-00112286 commissioner Ap5W2E-pdSg-00487-00112288-00112623 the the projects that we submit are Ap5W2E-pdSg-00488-00112624-00112975 individual projects um so it is a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00489-00112976-00113086 package of four Ap5W2E-pdSg-00490-00113088-00113366 individual projects it will be vetted by Ap5W2E-pdSg-00491-00113367-00113463 the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00492-00113464-00113631 transportation and infrastructure Ap5W2E-pdSg-00493-00113632-00113815 committee they will make the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00494-00113816-00113958 determination as to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00495-00113959-00114343 which if any of the projects to fund Ap5W2E-pdSg-00496-00114344-00114599 but we're not at this time they're not Ap5W2E-pdSg-00497-00114600-00114663 asking Ap5W2E-pdSg-00498-00114664-00114999 us to prioritize our four projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00499-00115000-00115343 in any way got it so so the committee Ap5W2E-pdSg-00500-00115344-00115471 will kind of come back Ap5W2E-pdSg-00501-00115472-00115623 you know but we just want to make sure Ap5W2E-pdSg-00502-00115624-00115790 we let congressman scott know that that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00503-00115791-00115919 we're definitely interested in these Ap5W2E-pdSg-00504-00115920-00116110 particular four projects Ap5W2E-pdSg-00505-00116111-00116431 and if possible federally can you fund Ap5W2E-pdSg-00506-00116432-00116502 or submit Ap5W2E-pdSg-00507-00116503-00116807 and we will do what percentage 5 10 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00508-00116808-00117031 15 20 or we don't know that until we get Ap5W2E-pdSg-00509-00117032-00117263 to that bridge Ap5W2E-pdSg-00510-00117264-00117502 we we will not know until the amount of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00511-00117503-00117599 funding is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00512-00117600-00117927 is identified it certainly can't Ap5W2E-pdSg-00513-00117928-00118183 be any higher than 80 percent federal Ap5W2E-pdSg-00514-00118183-00118310 and 20 local that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00515-00118311-00118654 that is ideal and that would be our goal Ap5W2E-pdSg-00516-00118655-00118719 but Ap5W2E-pdSg-00517-00118720-00119063 depending on project cost it may end up Ap5W2E-pdSg-00518-00119064-00119223 being a different ratio Ap5W2E-pdSg-00519-00119224-00119551 lower than 80 20. understood Ap5W2E-pdSg-00520-00119552-00119775 good stuff well okay you've answered my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00521-00119776-00119919 questions and i and i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00522-00119920-00120086 appreciate you guys and great job on Ap5W2E-pdSg-00523-00120088-00120254 both guys behalf of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00524-00120255-00120407 definitely keeping us in front of these Ap5W2E-pdSg-00525-00120408-00120639 guys and i know we'll we'll deal with Ap5W2E-pdSg-00526-00120640-00120710 the 20 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00527-00120711-00120910 or whatever that match may end up being Ap5W2E-pdSg-00528-00120911-00121071 when we cross that bridge but the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00529-00121072-00121183 infrastructure as Ap5W2E-pdSg-00530-00121183-00121383 stated by commissioner carson is of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00531-00121383-00121575 definite a must Ap5W2E-pdSg-00532-00121576-00121807 so if we can improve on it i think we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00533-00121808-00121983 need to be prepared and ready to kind of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00534-00121983-00122166 act on it so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00535-00122167-00122310 you count me in on this one i think this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00536-00122311-00122478 is a great move so again i yield back Ap5W2E-pdSg-00537-00122479-00122607 thank you Ap5W2E-pdSg-00538-00122608-00122799 thank you so much commissioner mitchell Ap5W2E-pdSg-00539-00122800-00122958 and certainly i'll just close by saying Ap5W2E-pdSg-00540-00122959-00123086 this is a great opportunity Ap5W2E-pdSg-00541-00123088-00123414 grant opportunities are always favorable Ap5W2E-pdSg-00542-00123415-00123558 particularly to our county and our Ap5W2E-pdSg-00543-00123559-00123775 county needs just have one question for Ap5W2E-pdSg-00544-00123776-00123934 our county administrator Ap5W2E-pdSg-00545-00123935-00124166 certainly as we dub and now dove telling Ap5W2E-pdSg-00546-00124167-00124263 off of the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00547-00124264-00124439 vice chairman comment we certainly don't Ap5W2E-pdSg-00548-00124440-00124654 have 30 million dollars laying around Ap5W2E-pdSg-00549-00124655-00124910 but just wanted to ask uh would it be a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00550-00124911-00125102 possibility for the recovery relief Ap5W2E-pdSg-00551-00125103-00125183 funding to be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00552-00125183-00125375 available i may be available to leverage Ap5W2E-pdSg-00553-00125376-00125495 this moment or either Ap5W2E-pdSg-00554-00125496-00125719 a t squash or some other avenues in the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00555-00125720-00125943 future if you can speak to those to help Ap5W2E-pdSg-00556-00125944-00126151 frame how we will get there to provide Ap5W2E-pdSg-00557-00126152-00126278 this 20 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00558-00126279-00126647 30 percent uh match that we need Ap5W2E-pdSg-00559-00126648-00127031 if you could thank you madam chair Ap5W2E-pdSg-00560-00127032-00127383 generally they do not look favorably Ap5W2E-pdSg-00561-00127383-00127486 upon Ap5W2E-pdSg-00562-00127488-00127863 matching federal funds with other Ap5W2E-pdSg-00563-00127864-00128047 federal funds because they want Ap5W2E-pdSg-00564-00128048-00128407 local buy-in and so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00565-00128408-00128727 as commissioner robinson said this is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00566-00128728-00129031 a commitment to pursue the capital Ap5W2E-pdSg-00567-00129032-00129383 and as you noted in the agenda item we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00568-00129383-00129423 said Ap5W2E-pdSg-00569-00129424-00129783 possible futures lost funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00570-00129783-00130023 certainly as we work on the future Ap5W2E-pdSg-00571-00130024-00130095 capital Ap5W2E-pdSg-00572-00130096-00130495 plan consistent with the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00573-00130496-00130839 um ctp we will Ap5W2E-pdSg-00574-00130840-00131078 be looking at the funding opportunities Ap5W2E-pdSg-00575-00131079-00131254 to support Ap5W2E-pdSg-00576-00131255-00131551 the the capital infrastructure plan but Ap5W2E-pdSg-00577-00131552-00131647 generally Ap5W2E-pdSg-00578-00131648-00131887 you have to be able to demonstrate a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00579-00131888-00132071 local commitment Ap5W2E-pdSg-00580-00132072-00132351 that is separate from additional federal Ap5W2E-pdSg-00581-00132352-00132502 funding Ap5W2E-pdSg-00582-00132503-00132823 okay thank you you responded to my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00583-00132824-00132895 answer you said Ap5W2E-pdSg-00584-00132896-00133151 splost potentially t-spl something of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00585-00133152-00133295 that magnitude related Ap5W2E-pdSg-00586-00133296-00133454 other than the recovery relief that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00587-00133455-00133647 makes sense okay you answered my Ap5W2E-pdSg-00588-00133648-00133759 question and i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00589-00133760-00134014 think this is a wonderful opportunity uh Ap5W2E-pdSg-00590-00134015-00134175 in my opinion Ap5W2E-pdSg-00591-00134176-00134439 all right uh border commissioner yes Ap5W2E-pdSg-00592-00134440-00134566 vice chairman robertson Ap5W2E-pdSg-00593-00134567-00134766 you have yes flora thank you i just Ap5W2E-pdSg-00594-00134767-00134943 wanted to clarify um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00595-00134944-00135351 to the county administrator's point um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00596-00135352-00135639 yes we're trying to leverage our our Ap5W2E-pdSg-00597-00135640-00135775 local contribution Ap5W2E-pdSg-00598-00135776-00136095 um against the federal and and to your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00599-00136096-00136263 point no you can't be highly leveraged Ap5W2E-pdSg-00600-00136264-00136447 about with a bunch of grant money right Ap5W2E-pdSg-00601-00136448-00136647 um we understand structure Ap5W2E-pdSg-00602-00136648-00136895 um i want to go back to again so there's Ap5W2E-pdSg-00603-00136896-00137087 an alignment of our thoughts Ap5W2E-pdSg-00604-00137088-00137319 that there was always purposeful which Ap5W2E-pdSg-00605-00137320-00137543 is when we ask for a long-term capital Ap5W2E-pdSg-00606-00137544-00137647 plan Ap5W2E-pdSg-00607-00137648-00137823 that there will be options associated Ap5W2E-pdSg-00608-00137824-00138078 with that whether it's a geo bond Ap5W2E-pdSg-00609-00138079-00138414 t-spot or splost we have had these Ap5W2E-pdSg-00610-00138415-00138607 conversations in the past Ap5W2E-pdSg-00611-00138608-00138759 so we're looking for the administration Ap5W2E-pdSg-00612-00138760-00138935 to come back to us Ap5W2E-pdSg-00613-00138936-00139302 as a lord and and say okay if we were to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00614-00139303-00139623 pursue these show me five years Ap5W2E-pdSg-00615-00139624-00140023 10 years 15 years 20 years Ap5W2E-pdSg-00616-00140024-00140295 this is in our best interest not Ap5W2E-pdSg-00617-00140296-00140478 political convenience Ap5W2E-pdSg-00618-00140479-00140671 it's about the math what is in the best Ap5W2E-pdSg-00619-00140672-00140839 interest of the county and it's what we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00620-00140840-00140990 can bear Ap5W2E-pdSg-00621-00140991-00141095 right you got about three million Ap5W2E-pdSg-00622-00141096-00141311 dollars in your sort of capital fund Ap5W2E-pdSg-00623-00141312-00141366 that we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00624-00141367-00141702 created for these moments Ap5W2E-pdSg-00625-00141703-00141871 for this very moment that you can at Ap5W2E-pdSg-00626-00141872-00142007 least leverage some degree of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00627-00142008-00142254 look we got a down payment that was the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00628-00142255-00142383 purpose of what we went through last Ap5W2E-pdSg-00629-00142384-00142487 year Ap5W2E-pdSg-00630-00142488-00142639 is to restructure ourselves so that we Ap5W2E-pdSg-00631-00142640-00142814 can take advantage of opportunities and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00632-00142815-00142883 it took Ap5W2E-pdSg-00633-00142884-00143119 discipline so madam administrator i i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00634-00143120-00143287 need you to be thoughtful Ap5W2E-pdSg-00635-00143288-00143535 and you come back and get thorough right Ap5W2E-pdSg-00636-00143536-00143687 now i think we're looking just to submit Ap5W2E-pdSg-00637-00143688-00143823 the application Ap5W2E-pdSg-00638-00143824-00144183 uh and get underway but at any point Ap5W2E-pdSg-00639-00144184-00144383 it's very important that we we show Ap5W2E-pdSg-00640-00144384-00144607 soundness in how we approach this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00641-00144608-00144759 and so i just want to leave it at that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00642-00144760-00144926 um just to clarify um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00643-00144927-00145135 again um and just for the record Ap5W2E-pdSg-00644-00145136-00145239 commissioner mitchell Ap5W2E-pdSg-00645-00145240-00145478 when miguel talked about um the sort of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00646-00145479-00145607 transportation infrastructure that's Ap5W2E-pdSg-00647-00145608-00145775 beyond us that's at a higher level but Ap5W2E-pdSg-00648-00145776-00145895 i'm sure we will weigh in that's a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00649-00145896-00146063 different committee that was federal not Ap5W2E-pdSg-00650-00146064-00146159 us but Ap5W2E-pdSg-00651-00146160-00146326 nonetheless i'm sure we will see it when Ap5W2E-pdSg-00652-00146327-00146478 it comes back through Ap5W2E-pdSg-00653-00146479-00146671 that being said i'm just going to go Ap5W2E-pdSg-00654-00146672-00146814 ahead and yield the floor mountain chair Ap5W2E-pdSg-00655-00146815-00146999 i think i've sufficiently clarified Ap5W2E-pdSg-00656-00147000-00147254 what we would need as a board we need Ap5W2E-pdSg-00657-00147255-00147399 options Ap5W2E-pdSg-00658-00147400-00147566 please don't dilute our hand on how Ap5W2E-pdSg-00659-00147567-00147775 we're going to lean look at this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00660-00147776-00147943 we can make our own choices so county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00661-00147944-00148151 administrator i think you uh understand Ap5W2E-pdSg-00662-00148152-00148302 and clarify i know this is you know Ap5W2E-pdSg-00663-00148303-00148487 out the gate and you already had already Ap5W2E-pdSg-00664-00148488-00148599 spoke to this that we need to be Ap5W2E-pdSg-00665-00148600-00148751 prepared for opportunities like this and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00666-00148752-00148878 so there it is Ap5W2E-pdSg-00667-00148879-00149078 so i i think we're aligned to the right Ap5W2E-pdSg-00668-00149079-00149239 moments so that being said Ap5W2E-pdSg-00669-00149240-00149463 i'm sure i yield floor thank you all Ap5W2E-pdSg-00670-00149464-00149614 right thank you so much vice chairman Ap5W2E-pdSg-00671-00149615-00149711 robertson Ap5W2E-pdSg-00672-00149712-00149847 border commissioners if we don't have Ap5W2E-pdSg-00673-00149848-00150007 any other comment i'm certainly going to Ap5W2E-pdSg-00674-00150008-00150239 call the question at this moment Ap5W2E-pdSg-00675-00150240-00150590 we will vote manually this morning Ap5W2E-pdSg-00676-00150591-00150871 because a civic clerk of course i didn't Ap5W2E-pdSg-00677-00150872-00151031 warn you in advance so i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00678-00151032-00151319 respectfully we will vote manually Ap5W2E-pdSg-00679-00151320-00151471 border commissioners Ap5W2E-pdSg-00680-00151472-00151783 do we have a motion to approve Ap5W2E-pdSg-00681-00151784-00152071 projects to congress congressman scott's Ap5W2E-pdSg-00682-00152072-00152190 office for submission Ap5W2E-pdSg-00683-00152191-00152502 to the committee on transportation and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00684-00152503-00152790 infrastructure for consideration in 2021 Ap5W2E-pdSg-00685-00152791-00152878 for the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00686-00152879-00153071 service transportation authorization Ap5W2E-pdSg-00687-00153072-00153190 legislation Ap5W2E-pdSg-00688-00153191-00153439 and authorized the chairman to sign all Ap5W2E-pdSg-00689-00153440-00153839 related documents Ap5W2E-pdSg-00690-00153840-00154087 second second we have a motion and a Ap5W2E-pdSg-00691-00154088-00154319 second any discussion board Ap5W2E-pdSg-00692-00154320-00154575 we have a motion and a second when i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00693-00154576-00154663 call your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00694-00154664-00154943 name in district please cast your votes Ap5W2E-pdSg-00695-00154944-00155047 accordingly Ap5W2E-pdSg-00696-00155048-00155326 district one commissioner henry mitchell Ap5W2E-pdSg-00697-00155327-00155454 iii Ap5W2E-pdSg-00698-00155455-00155735 yes district 2 commissioner and vice Ap5W2E-pdSg-00699-00155736-00155839 chairman kelly Ap5W2E-pdSg-00700-00155840-00156190 robinson yes district 3 commissioner Ap5W2E-pdSg-00701-00156191-00156366 terenia carthan Ap5W2E-pdSg-00702-00156367-00156702 yes our district 4 commissioner is not Ap5W2E-pdSg-00703-00156703-00156790 here today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00704-00156791-00157126 and chairman dr ramona jackson jones yes Ap5W2E-pdSg-00705-00157127-00157495 we have a 4-0 uh vote and the motion Ap5W2E-pdSg-00706-00157496-00157599 carries Ap5W2E-pdSg-00707-00157600-00157823 and thank you so much uh to our county Ap5W2E-pdSg-00708-00157824-00157999 administrator and two hours and to your Ap5W2E-pdSg-00709-00158000-00158151 staff for coming in and presenting this Ap5W2E-pdSg-00710-00158152-00158319 morning so the motion did carry board of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00711-00158320-00158407 commissioners Ap5W2E-pdSg-00712-00158408-00158559 and we look forward to great things Ap5W2E-pdSg-00713-00158560-00158711 coming down the pike in terms of Ap5W2E-pdSg-00714-00158712-00158871 transportation to douglas county in the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00715-00158872-00158926 very Ap5W2E-pdSg-00716-00158927-00159231 uh near future uh are there any other Ap5W2E-pdSg-00717-00159232-00159326 comments from the boards Ap5W2E-pdSg-00718-00159327-00159566 this morning okay with that being said i Ap5W2E-pdSg-00719-00159567-00159966 appreciate it Ap5W2E-pdSg-00720-00159967-00160319 i'm sorry county administrator Ap5W2E-pdSg-00721-00160320-00160471 sharon du uh super dan you have the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00722-00160472-00160719 floor thank you um on a totally Ap5W2E-pdSg-00723-00160720-00160926 unrelated issue but somewhat connected Ap5W2E-pdSg-00724-00160927-00161014 issue Ap5W2E-pdSg-00725-00161015-00161447 i just got noticed that the census um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00726-00161448-00161695 will be making an announcement at 3 p.m Ap5W2E-pdSg-00727-00161696-00161831 today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00728-00161832-00162239 on um on the initial census results Ap5W2E-pdSg-00729-00162240-00162511 so i know we've all been anxious and Ap5W2E-pdSg-00730-00162512-00162599 waiting Ap5W2E-pdSg-00731-00162600-00162878 to see how that comes out certainly Ap5W2E-pdSg-00732-00162879-00163119 impacts for everybody in georgia but Ap5W2E-pdSg-00733-00163120-00163471 in particular douglas county and so um Ap5W2E-pdSg-00734-00163472-00163631 as soon as we have that link we will Ap5W2E-pdSg-00735-00163632-00163871 send it to you so you can tune in to the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00736-00163872-00164087 press conference which i believe is at Ap5W2E-pdSg-00737-00164088-00164278 three o'clock today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00738-00164279-00164607 from the census bureau very good thank Ap5W2E-pdSg-00739-00164608-00164702 you so much Ap5W2E-pdSg-00740-00164703-00164823 for the commissions you have that Ap5W2E-pdSg-00741-00164824-00165031 information about this regarding the Ap5W2E-pdSg-00742-00165032-00165166 census Ap5W2E-pdSg-00743-00165167-00165335 all right whether there's nothing else Ap5W2E-pdSg-00744-00165336-00165519 to come before this board i appreciate Ap5W2E-pdSg-00745-00165520-00165663 your time and talent today Ap5W2E-pdSg-00746-00165664-00166235 this meeting is adjourned thank you so Ap5W2E-pdSg-00747-00166236-00166536 much ApFfxOJbk5M-00000-00000012-00000401 shortly after the Jews left Egypt ApFfxOJbk5M-00001-00000401-00000773 God directed Moses to select certain men ApFfxOJbk5M-00002-00000774-00001193 to go ahead and to spy out spy out the ApFfxOJbk5M-00003-00001194-00001433 land of Canaan in order to prepare for ApFfxOJbk5M-00004-00001434-00001648 their arrival and settlement the idea ApFfxOJbk5M-00005-00001650-00001882 was they were they were freed through ApFfxOJbk5M-00006-00001884-00002207 Miracles you know from Egypt and they ApFfxOJbk5M-00007-00002208-00002507 were to just go straight to the promised ApFfxOJbk5M-00008-00002508-00002741 land you know this this was the original ApFfxOJbk5M-00009-00002742-00003017 the original plan here ApFfxOJbk5M-00010-00003018-00003497 now Moses didn't just pick volunteers ApFfxOJbk5M-00011-00003497-00003809 he carefully selected 12 men who were ApFfxOJbk5M-00012-00003810-00004120 already leaders among the people and I'd ApFfxOJbk5M-00013-00004121-00004331 like to kind of under underline that ApFfxOJbk5M-00014-00004332-00004486 idea ApFfxOJbk5M-00015-00004487-00004703 it says so Moses sent them from the ApFfxOJbk5M-00016-00004704-00004972 Wilderness of Paran at the command of ApFfxOJbk5M-00017-00004973-00005399 the Lord all of them men who were heads ApFfxOJbk5M-00018-00005400-00005765 of the sons of Israel so this wasn't hey ApFfxOJbk5M-00019-00005766-00006083 send me please Moses Moses sent me I ApFfxOJbk5M-00020-00006084-00006311 want to that wasn't one of those ApFfxOJbk5M-00021-00006312-00006646 these men were selected by God through ApFfxOJbk5M-00022-00006647-00006839 Moses because ApFfxOJbk5M-00023-00006840-00007217 they were already leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00024-00007218-00007420 we read in the following chapters about ApFfxOJbk5M-00025-00007422-00007696 their mission and its results ApFfxOJbk5M-00026-00007697-00007955 they spied out the land and they found ApFfxOJbk5M-00027-00007956-00008251 it Lush and productive ApFfxOJbk5M-00028-00008252-00008633 well-populated and well-guarded ApFfxOJbk5M-00029-00008634-00008860 when they returned ApFfxOJbk5M-00030-00008861-00009233 10 of the leaders tried to convince the ApFfxOJbk5M-00031-00009234-00009539 people not to go forward because they ApFfxOJbk5M-00032-00009540-00009791 were afraid of the military strength of ApFfxOJbk5M-00033-00009792-00010019 the people who were in the land that ApFfxOJbk5M-00034-00010020-00010210 they had just spied out let's not go ApFfxOJbk5M-00035-00010211-00010391 there these people you know they're big ApFfxOJbk5M-00036-00010392-00010559 they're tough they're mean ApFfxOJbk5M-00037-00010560-00010919 they're well guarded they're Giants ApFfxOJbk5M-00038-00010920-00011267 however two of the leaders Joshua and ApFfxOJbk5M-00039-00011268-00011614 Caleb encouraged the people to rely on ApFfxOJbk5M-00040-00011615-00011837 the Lord for victory ApFfxOJbk5M-00041-00011838-00012106 in taking the land ApFfxOJbk5M-00042-00012107-00012406 because of this dispute ApFfxOJbk5M-00043-00012407-00012785 the fear of these 10 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00044-00012786-00013055 expressed to the people ApFfxOJbk5M-00045-00013056-00013385 resulted in the people revolting against ApFfxOJbk5M-00046-00013386-00013529 Moses ApFfxOJbk5M-00047-00013530-00013919 and actually trying to head back ApFfxOJbk5M-00048-00013919-00014165 to Egypt ApFfxOJbk5M-00049-00014166-00014572 as a result God punished them by ApFfxOJbk5M-00050-00014573-00014777 declaring that they would not go into ApFfxOJbk5M-00051-00014778-00015065 the promised land but instead they would ApFfxOJbk5M-00052-00015066-00015430 wander in the desert for 40 years ApFfxOJbk5M-00053-00015431-00015935 the idea being one year for each day the ApFfxOJbk5M-00054-00015936-00016271 spies were in the land and we find that ApFfxOJbk5M-00055-00016272-00016577 information in the Book of Numbers it ApFfxOJbk5M-00056-00016578-00016865 says your sons shall be Shepherds for 40 ApFfxOJbk5M-00057-00016866-00017105 years in the wilderness and they will ApFfxOJbk5M-00058-00017106-00017344 suffer for your unfaithfulness until ApFfxOJbk5M-00059-00017345-00017605 your corpses lie in the wilderness ApFfxOJbk5M-00060-00017606-00017897 according to the number of days which ApFfxOJbk5M-00061-00017898-00018293 you spied out the land 40 Days for every ApFfxOJbk5M-00062-00018294-00018544 day you shall bear your guilt a year ApFfxOJbk5M-00063-00018545-00019007 even 40 years and you will know my ApFfxOJbk5M-00064-00019008-00019133 opposition ApFfxOJbk5M-00065-00019134-00019547 so in the end the entire generation that ApFfxOJbk5M-00066-00019548-00019883 was over 20 years of age at that time of ApFfxOJbk5M-00067-00019884-00020291 the Revolt died in the desert and only ApFfxOJbk5M-00068-00020292-00020585 their children entered into the promised ApFfxOJbk5M-00069-00020586-00020933 land because the people had used the ApFfxOJbk5M-00070-00020934-00021191 safety of their children as an excuse ApFfxOJbk5M-00071-00021192-00021449 not to go forward when they had a chance ApFfxOJbk5M-00072-00021450-00021671 they said we can't go forward it's too ApFfxOJbk5M-00073-00021672-00021791 dangerous we've got to protect our ApFfxOJbk5M-00074-00021792-00021935 children we don't want our children to ApFfxOJbk5M-00075-00021936-00022139 be killed you know in war and so on and ApFfxOJbk5M-00076-00022140-00022372 so forth and the irony of it is they all ApFfxOJbk5M-00077-00022373-00022541 died in the desert and their children ApFfxOJbk5M-00078-00022542-00022871 that they were afraid for they went into ApFfxOJbk5M-00079-00022872-00023057 the land ApFfxOJbk5M-00080-00023058-00023813 they went into the land ApFfxOJbk5M-00081-00023814-00024071 when the moment finally came to cross ApFfxOJbk5M-00082-00024072-00024341 over into the promised land four decades ApFfxOJbk5M-00083-00024342-00024449 later ApFfxOJbk5M-00084-00024450-00024857 only Joshua and Caleb were left of that ApFfxOJbk5M-00085-00024858-00025133 generation who entered into their new ApFfxOJbk5M-00086-00025134-00025606 home this was a gift from God for their ApFfxOJbk5M-00087-00025607-00025864 faithful leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00088-00025866-00026146 now even though this episode occurred ApFfxOJbk5M-00089-00026147-00026405 nearly 3 500 years ago ApFfxOJbk5M-00090-00026406-00026770 it still has some challenging lessons to ApFfxOJbk5M-00091-00026772-00027029 teach us about leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00092-00027030-00027317 today in our day ApFfxOJbk5M-00093-00027318-00027755 I call it lessons from the spies ApFfxOJbk5M-00094-00027756-00027964 in the same way ApFfxOJbk5M-00095-00027966-00028343 that Moses selected the leaders among ApFfxOJbk5M-00096-00028344-00028607 the people to carry out important tasks ApFfxOJbk5M-00097-00028608-00028858 the church today ApFfxOJbk5M-00098-00028860-00029189 selects people to leadership positions ApFfxOJbk5M-00099-00029189-00029596 in order to do God's work among the ApFfxOJbk5M-00100-00029597-00029723 brethren ApFfxOJbk5M-00101-00029724-00030064 these include of course elders ApFfxOJbk5M-00102-00030066-00030508 and deacons and teachers and preachers ApFfxOJbk5M-00103-00030510-00030761 especially with the changes that are ApFfxOJbk5M-00104-00030762-00031045 taking place here at Choctaw that began ApFfxOJbk5M-00105-00031045-00031385 last year when I retired from staff ApFfxOJbk5M-00106-00031386-00031558 Ministry ApFfxOJbk5M-00107-00031560-00031895 we hired and promoted tyus West for ApFfxOJbk5M-00108-00031895-00032123 example to Be Our Youth and Family ApFfxOJbk5M-00109-00032124-00032458 Minister and now we are poised to add ApFfxOJbk5M-00110-00032460-00032652 the associate Minister ApFfxOJbk5M-00111-00032653-00033005 John Arvin who in effect is is replacing ApFfxOJbk5M-00112-00033006-00033233 is replacing me ApFfxOJbk5M-00113-00033234-00033539 all of these have been selected to ApFfxOJbk5M-00114-00033540-00033755 provide leadership of one kind or ApFfxOJbk5M-00115-00033756-00034067 another over the spiritual and the ApFfxOJbk5M-00116-00034068-00034433 physical welfare of this church ApFfxOJbk5M-00117-00034434-00034762 those who lead need to pay careful ApFfxOJbk5M-00118-00034763-00035111 attention to the lessons taught by ApFfxOJbk5M-00119-00035112-00035465 former leaders that we read about in ApFfxOJbk5M-00120-00035466-00035633 God's word ApFfxOJbk5M-00121-00035634-00036001 these 12 Spies for example teach us ApFfxOJbk5M-00122-00036002-00036395 three basic lessons that all of God's ApFfxOJbk5M-00123-00036396-00036724 leaders must know if they are to succeed ApFfxOJbk5M-00124-00036725-00037174 in the task and the role that God ApFfxOJbk5M-00125-00037175-00037565 that God has placed them in it isn't ApFfxOJbk5M-00126-00037566-00037805 just the church that places leaders into ApFfxOJbk5M-00127-00037806-00038117 their position it's God that places them ApFfxOJbk5M-00128-00038118-00038393 through the church into their positions ApFfxOJbk5M-00129-00038394-00038785 of leadership so three lessons that all ApFfxOJbk5M-00130-00038786-00039227 leaders need to follow ApFfxOJbk5M-00131-00039228-00039767 the first lesson is that leaders lead ApFfxOJbk5M-00132-00039768-00040001 ERS lead ApFfxOJbk5M-00133-00040002-00040324 these men were not asked you know in ApFfxOJbk5M-00134-00040325-00040624 Moses's time these 12 men they weren't ApFfxOJbk5M-00135-00040625-00040907 asked to stay home at the camp and just ApFfxOJbk5M-00136-00040908-00041218 boss everybody around ApFfxOJbk5M-00137-00041219-00041549 that wasn't their task ApFfxOJbk5M-00138-00041550-00041867 to use a famous line from a popular TV ApFfxOJbk5M-00139-00041868-00042155 series of long ago they were asked to go ApFfxOJbk5M-00140-00042156-00042580 where no one had gone before ApFfxOJbk5M-00141-00042581-00042905 that's the point of leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00142-00042906-00043133 that's what makes the leader ApFfxOJbk5M-00143-00043134-00043277 a leader ApFfxOJbk5M-00144-00043278-00043607 he goes ahead to explore ApFfxOJbk5M-00145-00043608-00044057 to find out to chart to experience what ApFfxOJbk5M-00146-00044058-00044279 is ahead ApFfxOJbk5M-00147-00044280-00044524 in Practical terms it means that those ApFfxOJbk5M-00148-00044525-00044890 who lead in education for example need ApFfxOJbk5M-00149-00044891-00045102 to be examining ApFfxOJbk5M-00150-00045103-00045395 what we will and what we should be ApFfxOJbk5M-00151-00045396-00045779 learning in the future ApFfxOJbk5M-00152-00045780-00046043 or those who lead us in maintenance for ApFfxOJbk5M-00153-00046044-00046301 example should be preventing breakdowns ApFfxOJbk5M-00154-00046302-00046595 not just fixing breakdowns we need to be ApFfxOJbk5M-00155-00046596-00046829 thinking ahead ApFfxOJbk5M-00156-00046830-00047255 just to name a few examples ApFfxOJbk5M-00157-00047256-00047596 people look to leaders for direction and ApFfxOJbk5M-00158-00047597-00047837 leaders cannot give direction from the ApFfxOJbk5M-00159-00047838-00048040 back of the pack ApFfxOJbk5M-00160-00048041-00048280 they have to be ahead ApFfxOJbk5M-00161-00048281-00048635 in order to lead effectively ApFfxOJbk5M-00162-00048636-00048946 When leaders don't lead when they're not ApFfxOJbk5M-00163-00048947-00049265 at least a step ahead spiritually and ApFfxOJbk5M-00164-00049266-00049571 organizationally the church stands still ApFfxOJbk5M-00165-00049572-00049985 or it takes a wrong turn or it begins to ApFfxOJbk5M-00166-00049986-00050171 divide ApFfxOJbk5M-00167-00050172-00050452 second lesson ApFfxOJbk5M-00168-00050453-00050795 leaders motivate ApFfxOJbk5M-00169-00050796-00051185 in the story of the spies it was the ApFfxOJbk5M-00170-00051186-00051437 agreement of the ten cowardly leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00171-00051438-00051808 that convinced the people not to go and ApFfxOJbk5M-00172-00051809-00052390 then eventually to revolt ApFfxOJbk5M-00173-00052391-00052613 like it or not ApFfxOJbk5M-00174-00052614-00052937 people reflect the attitude of their ApFfxOJbk5M-00175-00052938-00053032 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00176-00053033-00053321 if the leaders are lazy the people will ApFfxOJbk5M-00177-00053322-00053494 not accomplish much ApFfxOJbk5M-00178-00053495-00053753 if the leaders are not committed the ApFfxOJbk5M-00179-00053754-00053963 people will not feel the need to commit ApFfxOJbk5M-00180-00053964-00054226 themselves either ApFfxOJbk5M-00181-00054227-00054479 the people will show the relative ApFfxOJbk5M-00182-00054479-00054725 strengths and weaknesses of their ApFfxOJbk5M-00183-00054726-00054821 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00184-00054822-00055253 the results will be inconsistency ApFfxOJbk5M-00185-00055254-00055613 for example the church will be strong in ApFfxOJbk5M-00186-00055614-00055811 the areas where the leaders are strong ApFfxOJbk5M-00187-00055812-00056111 and they'll be weak in the areas where ApFfxOJbk5M-00188-00056112-00056285 the leaders are weak ApFfxOJbk5M-00189-00056286-00056591 leaders need to understand how powerful ApFfxOJbk5M-00190-00056591-00056957 their influence is for good ApFfxOJbk5M-00191-00056958-00057263 and for evil ApFfxOJbk5M-00192-00057264-00057653 Satan's best scheme is to convince ApFfxOJbk5M-00193-00057654-00057941 leaders that they really have no ApFfxOJbk5M-00194-00057941-00058223 influence so if they slack off or if ApFfxOJbk5M-00195-00058224-00058661 they cut Corners nobody will ever notice ApFfxOJbk5M-00196-00058662-00059009 of course this is a lie like all of his ApFfxOJbk5M-00197-00059010-00059291 other lies because the church notices ApFfxOJbk5M-00198-00059291-00059632 the neglect of its leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00199-00059633-00059909 and fellow leaders noticed the extra ApFfxOJbk5M-00200-00059910-00060161 burden that they must carry because ApFfxOJbk5M-00201-00060162-00060526 others are not carrying their own burden ApFfxOJbk5M-00202-00060527-00060779 and the Lord notices ApFfxOJbk5M-00203-00060779-00061163 poor stewardship when he sees it ApFfxOJbk5M-00204-00061164-00061463 which brings me to the third lesson ApFfxOJbk5M-00205-00061464-00061632 and that is ApFfxOJbk5M-00206-00061633-00061894 leaders pay ApFfxOJbk5M-00207-00061895-00062141 God has always held leaders accountable ApFfxOJbk5M-00208-00062141-00062321 for their leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00209-00062322-00062729 the ten Unfaithful cowardly spies died ApFfxOJbk5M-00210-00062729-00063059 in dishonor in the desert ApFfxOJbk5M-00211-00063060-00063425 and the two faithful ones made it to the ApFfxOJbk5M-00212-00063426-00063611 promised land ApFfxOJbk5M-00213-00063612-00064000 it's interesting the 12 names of these ApFfxOJbk5M-00214-00064001-00064163 people were listed in the Book of ApFfxOJbk5M-00215-00064164-00064409 Numbers when they were chosen for their ApFfxOJbk5M-00216-00064410-00064744 mission but today people named their ApFfxOJbk5M-00217-00064745-00065123 sons after only two of these men Joshua ApFfxOJbk5M-00218-00065124-00065387 and Caleb because only these two ApFfxOJbk5M-00219-00065388-00065735 distinguished themselves as leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00220-00065736-00066000 it's nice to be chosen ApFfxOJbk5M-00221-00066001-00066329 to have the elders pray and introduce ApFfxOJbk5M-00222-00066330-00066491 you to the church ApFfxOJbk5M-00223-00066492-00066797 it's nice to have your name and your ApFfxOJbk5M-00224-00066798-00067049 ministry listed in the bulletin or up on ApFfxOJbk5M-00225-00067050-00067456 the you know the uh the sign up front ApFfxOJbk5M-00226-00067457-00067763 you know as as a leader in the church is ApFfxOJbk5M-00227-00067764-00067925 nice ApFfxOJbk5M-00228-00067926-00068273 however there will be a time of ApFfxOJbk5M-00229-00068274-00068525 accountability for this role ApFfxOJbk5M-00230-00068526-00068843 one day you'll have to pay the price for ApFfxOJbk5M-00231-00068844-00069155 leadership God will require you to ApFfxOJbk5M-00232-00069156-00069587 answer how well you served as one of his ApFfxOJbk5M-00233-00069588-00069826 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00234-00069827-00070038 Okay so ApFfxOJbk5M-00235-00070039-00070373 just how does a leader become a leader ApFfxOJbk5M-00236-00070374-00070606 it's very easy to criticize very easy to ApFfxOJbk5M-00237-00070607-00070793 you know pick out weaknesses I don't ApFfxOJbk5M-00238-00070794-00071087 mean to just Harbor on that idea ApFfxOJbk5M-00239-00071088-00071338 how do leaders become leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00240-00071339-00071561 although the information is not included ApFfxOJbk5M-00241-00071562-00071788 in the story of the spies ApFfxOJbk5M-00242-00071789-00072071 the Bible does support the idea that ApFfxOJbk5M-00243-00072072-00072256 leaders are made ApFfxOJbk5M-00244-00072257-00072467 and not born ApFfxOJbk5M-00245-00072468-00072779 one doesn't simply become a leader able ApFfxOJbk5M-00246-00072780-00073025 to lead and motivate and be responsible ApFfxOJbk5M-00247-00073026-00073294 on the day of appointment ApFfxOJbk5M-00248-00073295-00073559 becoming a leader requires that an ApFfxOJbk5M-00249-00073560-00073793 individual practice and develop certain ApFfxOJbk5M-00250-00073794-00074099 leadership techniques and skills ApFfxOJbk5M-00251-00074100-00074453 if you were in a leadership role now or ApFfxOJbk5M-00252-00074454-00074765 if you aspire to be a leader ApFfxOJbk5M-00253-00074766-00075029 then there are some basic things you ApFfxOJbk5M-00254-00075030-00075388 absolutely have to do in order to ApFfxOJbk5M-00255-00075389-00075575 succeed ApFfxOJbk5M-00256-00075576-00075844 number one ApFfxOJbk5M-00257-00075845-00076253 you have to master yourself ApFfxOJbk5M-00258-00076254-00076594 I can't emphasize this enough ApFfxOJbk5M-00259-00076595-00076943 you have to master yourself you can't ApFfxOJbk5M-00260-00076944-00077369 lead others if you can't lead yourself ApFfxOJbk5M-00261-00077370-00077621 what usually separates leaders from ApFfxOJbk5M-00262-00077622-00077879 followers is that leaders are usually ApFfxOJbk5M-00263-00077880-00078299 better able to control themselves ApFfxOJbk5M-00264-00078300-00078719 listen to two Christian leaders and what ApFfxOJbk5M-00265-00078720-00079006 they said about this particular issue ApFfxOJbk5M-00266-00079007-00079306 the first one being Paul the Apostle in ApFfxOJbk5M-00267-00079307-00079679 First Corinthians 9 27 he says but I ApFfxOJbk5M-00268-00079680-00079931 discipline my body and I make it my ApFfxOJbk5M-00269-00079932-00080206 slave so that after I have preached to ApFfxOJbk5M-00270-00080207-00080617 others I myself will not be disqualified ApFfxOJbk5M-00271-00080618-00081059 First Corinthians 9 27 Paul the leading ApFfxOJbk5M-00272-00081060-00081382 missionary understood the necessity of ApFfxOJbk5M-00273-00081383-00081725 mastering his desires and his weaknesses ApFfxOJbk5M-00274-00081726-00082049 so that after all of his good work he ApFfxOJbk5M-00275-00082050-00082306 would not be swept away by personal ApFfxOJbk5M-00276-00082307-00082744 temptation to sin he knew that even ApFfxOJbk5M-00277-00082745-00083081 leaders could fall and they needed to ApFfxOJbk5M-00278-00083082-00083285 control themselves ApFfxOJbk5M-00279-00083286-00083812 another leader James in Chapter 3 of his ApFfxOJbk5M-00280-00083813-00084161 epistle says let not many of you become ApFfxOJbk5M-00281-00084162-00084371 teachers my brethren knowing that as ApFfxOJbk5M-00282-00084372-00084629 such we will incur a stricter judgment ApFfxOJbk5M-00283-00084630-00084935 for we all stumble in many ways if ApFfxOJbk5M-00284-00084936-00085132 anyone does not stumble in what he says ApFfxOJbk5M-00285-00085133-00085426 he's a perfect man able to Bridle the ApFfxOJbk5M-00286-00085427-00085781 whole body as well ApFfxOJbk5M-00287-00085782-00086111 James a leader in the church at ApFfxOJbk5M-00288-00086112-00086429 Jerusalem warns leaders especially ApFfxOJbk5M-00289-00086430-00086771 teachers that leadership requires ApFfxOJbk5M-00290-00086772-00087119 Mastery over what one says and what one ApFfxOJbk5M-00291-00087120-00087244 does ApFfxOJbk5M-00292-00087245-00087611 people need to see an example of what ApFfxOJbk5M-00293-00087612-00087899 spiritual maturity and Christian conduct ApFfxOJbk5M-00294-00087900-00088109 is like ApFfxOJbk5M-00295-00088110-00088343 Christian leaders provide this by ApFfxOJbk5M-00296-00088344-00088555 demonstrating a greater measure of ApFfxOJbk5M-00297-00088556-00088799 self-mastery than the ones that they ApFfxOJbk5M-00298-00088800-00088955 lead ApFfxOJbk5M-00299-00088956-00089285 ERS are not perfect of course but they ApFfxOJbk5M-00300-00089286-00089543 have gained a Mastery over their tongues ApFfxOJbk5M-00301-00089544-00089837 and conduct to a point where it is ApFfxOJbk5M-00302-00089838-00090118 obvious to others ApFfxOJbk5M-00303-00090119-00090394 true Christian leaders motivate others ApFfxOJbk5M-00304-00090395-00090706 to copy them to point to them as ApFfxOJbk5M-00305-00090707-00090935 examples of what they want to become ApFfxOJbk5M-00306-00090936-00091312 themselves in Jesus Christ ApFfxOJbk5M-00307-00091313-00091655 another thing you as a leader need to do ApFfxOJbk5M-00308-00091656-00091991 to develop leadership skills ApFfxOJbk5M-00309-00091992-00092231 you need to devote yourself ApFfxOJbk5M-00310-00092232-00092365 understand ApFfxOJbk5M-00311-00092366-00092831 the function of devotion ApFfxOJbk5M-00312-00092832-00093131 I remember a lesson by the late Robert ApFfxOJbk5M-00313-00093132-00093371 George remember Robert George a ApFfxOJbk5M-00314-00093372-00093568 wonderful man he was a deacon here he ApFfxOJbk5M-00315-00093569-00093749 was in charge of world Bible school for ApFfxOJbk5M-00316-00093750-00093875 many years ApFfxOJbk5M-00317-00093876-00094338 anyways he told the story of a boy ApFfxOJbk5M-00318-00094339-00094649 uh Who Loved riding his bike and he went ApFfxOJbk5M-00319-00094650-00094876 on and on about how this little boy rode ApFfxOJbk5M-00320-00094877-00095141 his bike and he put it in his bedroom at ApFfxOJbk5M-00321-00095142-00095297 night and you know he took care of his ApFfxOJbk5M-00322-00095298-00095375 bike ApFfxOJbk5M-00323-00095376-00095500 uh ApFfxOJbk5M-00324-00095501-00095747 uh it was his favorite thing ApFfxOJbk5M-00325-00095748-00095999 and then he says one day the little boy ApFfxOJbk5M-00326-00096000-00096244 was hit by a car and he died of his ApFfxOJbk5M-00327-00096245-00096382 injuries ApFfxOJbk5M-00328-00096383-00096671 and his parents decided to bury his ApFfxOJbk5M-00329-00096672-00097067 bicycle with him in his grave because he ApFfxOJbk5M-00330-00097068-00097415 so loved writing it ApFfxOJbk5M-00331-00097416-00097775 and then Robert asked us the ApFfxOJbk5M-00332-00097776-00097906 congregation ApFfxOJbk5M-00333-00097907-00098231 what will be buried next to us ApFfxOJbk5M-00334-00098232-00098482 when our turn comes ApFfxOJbk5M-00335-00098483-00098735 will it be our cars ApFfxOJbk5M-00336-00098736-00099047 our soccer schedules our phones our TV ApFfxOJbk5M-00337-00099048-00099365 perhaps a favorite bow or a gun or a rod ApFfxOJbk5M-00338-00099366-00099623 or an animal music tools computers ApFfxOJbk5M-00339-00099624-00099803 whatever ApFfxOJbk5M-00340-00099804-00100097 in other words when people gather to ApFfxOJbk5M-00341-00100098-00100391 remember us what will they remember that ApFfxOJbk5M-00342-00100392-00100793 was most important to us in our lives ApFfxOJbk5M-00343-00100794-00101105 as he put it what will be our ApFfxOJbk5M-00344-00101106-00101429 magnificent obsessions ApFfxOJbk5M-00345-00101430-00101615 let's face it ApFfxOJbk5M-00346-00101616-00102011 you know what you're known for ApFfxOJbk5M-00347-00102012-00102287 for leaders in the church it can be a ApFfxOJbk5M-00348-00102288-00102442 number of things ApFfxOJbk5M-00349-00102443-00102653 you could be known for the list of ApFfxOJbk5M-00350-00102654-00102910 people that you have visited or taught ApFfxOJbk5M-00351-00102911-00103139 or served ApFfxOJbk5M-00352-00103140-00103427 you can be known for the Bible that you ApFfxOJbk5M-00353-00103428-00103636 preached and defended you can be known ApFfxOJbk5M-00354-00103638-00103942 for the projects that you worked on and ApFfxOJbk5M-00355-00103943-00104213 organized in order to serve the ApFfxOJbk5M-00356-00104214-00104501 congregation or you can be known for ApFfxOJbk5M-00357-00104502-00104915 being absent for being out of Duty ApFfxOJbk5M-00358-00104916-00105419 for being unkind ApFfxOJbk5M-00359-00105420-00105797 for being unorganized ApFfxOJbk5M-00360-00105798-00106097 one thing's for certain ApFfxOJbk5M-00361-00106098-00106301 the single most identifying ApFfxOJbk5M-00362-00106302-00106525 characteristic of leaders in the church ApFfxOJbk5M-00363-00106526-00106913 is the devotion they have to the Lord's ApFfxOJbk5M-00364-00106914-00107045 body ApFfxOJbk5M-00365-00107046-00107333 others may be more skilled as teachers ApFfxOJbk5M-00366-00107333-00107597 others may be better you know people ApFfxOJbk5M-00367-00107598-00107951 persons but no one is more devoted to ApFfxOJbk5M-00368-00107952-00108190 the overall well-being and success and ApFfxOJbk5M-00369-00108191-00108358 growth of the church ApFfxOJbk5M-00370-00108359-00108719 then it then its leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00371-00108720-00109013 that's the way things ApFfxOJbk5M-00372-00109014-00109228 should be ApFfxOJbk5M-00373-00109229-00109457 you see brothers and sisters ApFfxOJbk5M-00374-00109458-00109769 you can't fake devotion ApFfxOJbk5M-00375-00109770-00110002 you can't fake that ApFfxOJbk5M-00376-00110003-00110357 Christ he died for the church Paul he ApFfxOJbk5M-00377-00110358-00110602 was tortured for the church Peter was ApFfxOJbk5M-00378-00110603-00110986 martyred as one of its leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00379-00110988-00111186 this was not simply ApFfxOJbk5M-00380-00111188-00111557 circumstances or bad timing on their ApFfxOJbk5M-00381-00111558-00111677 part ApFfxOJbk5M-00382-00111678-00111952 this happened to them as an example to ApFfxOJbk5M-00383-00111953-00112216 other leaders who would come after to ApFfxOJbk5M-00384-00112217-00112493 what extent God could demand Your ApFfxOJbk5M-00385-00112494-00112786 Service as a leader in his church if he ApFfxOJbk5M-00386-00112788-00112936 wanted to ApFfxOJbk5M-00387-00112938-00113290 if the leaders can't devote themselves ApFfxOJbk5M-00388-00113291-00113615 to regular attendance or extra giving of ApFfxOJbk5M-00389-00113616-00113915 time and money they will fall dreadfully ApFfxOJbk5M-00390-00113916-00114233 short on that day when the Lord asks ApFfxOJbk5M-00391-00114233-00114557 them to do something really Dynamic like ApFfxOJbk5M-00392-00114558-00114875 perhaps suffer for the faith or even ApFfxOJbk5M-00393-00114876-00115210 perhaps die for it ApFfxOJbk5M-00394-00115211-00115684 if leaders are not devoted to the church ApFfxOJbk5M-00395-00115685-00116039 devoted to their Ministries then how can ApFfxOJbk5M-00396-00116040-00116489 members be expected to commit themselves ApFfxOJbk5M-00397-00116490-00116873 devotion is a learned thing leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00398-00116874-00117083 learn it from Christ ApFfxOJbk5M-00399-00117083-00117425 followers learn it at first from their ApFfxOJbk5M-00400-00117426-00117586 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00401-00117588-00117923 and so to become a good leader you have ApFfxOJbk5M-00402-00117924-00118210 to master yourself you have to devote ApFfxOJbk5M-00403-00118211-00118583 yourself and then you have to reproduce ApFfxOJbk5M-00404-00118583-00118721 yourself ApFfxOJbk5M-00405-00118722-00118984 the first goal of leadership as I've ApFfxOJbk5M-00406-00118985-00119249 explained is to provide Direction and ApFfxOJbk5M-00407-00119250-00119483 motivation through example and teaching ApFfxOJbk5M-00408-00119483-00119608 and service ApFfxOJbk5M-00409-00119609-00119854 the second goal of leadership is to ApFfxOJbk5M-00410-00119855-00120125 train others to be leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00411-00120126-00120533 we read in Matthew 28 20. you know Jesus ApFfxOJbk5M-00412-00120533-00120790 says teaching them to observe all that I ApFfxOJbk5M-00413-00120791-00121084 commanded you ApFfxOJbk5M-00414-00121085-00121373 he commanded them to teach others who ApFfxOJbk5M-00415-00121374-00121528 would teach others ApFfxOJbk5M-00416-00121529-00121769 who would teach others generation after ApFfxOJbk5M-00417-00121770-00121999 generation ApFfxOJbk5M-00418-00122000-00122321 Paul explains it in another way he says ApFfxOJbk5M-00419-00122322-00122507 the things which you have heard from me ApFfxOJbk5M-00420-00122508-00122693 in the presence of many witnesses ApFfxOJbk5M-00421-00122694-00123028 entrust these to Faithful Men Who will ApFfxOJbk5M-00422-00123029-00123365 be able to teach others also get the ApFfxOJbk5M-00423-00123366-00123628 cycle going ApFfxOJbk5M-00424-00123629-00124007 leaders need to know their jobs well and ApFfxOJbk5M-00425-00124008-00124210 demonstrate that they can do their jobs ApFfxOJbk5M-00426-00124211-00124540 well and then they have to find others ApFfxOJbk5M-00427-00124541-00124939 to train and to develop as leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00428-00124940-00125290 Barnabas was an early church leader who ApFfxOJbk5M-00429-00125291-00125434 mentored Paul ApFfxOJbk5M-00430-00125435-00125783 then Paul was a church leader who ApFfxOJbk5M-00431-00125783-00125969 trained Timothy ApFfxOJbk5M-00432-00125970-00126340 this multiplication process is how the ApFfxOJbk5M-00433-00126341-00126647 church grows and how new churches get ApFfxOJbk5M-00434-00126648-00126766 planted ApFfxOJbk5M-00435-00126767-00127121 you know churches that fail to develop ApFfxOJbk5M-00436-00127122-00127331 new leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00437-00127332-00127552 fail to develop ApFfxOJbk5M-00438-00127553-00127852 if we have no new Elders or no new ApFfxOJbk5M-00439-00127853-00128086 deacons if we don't plant any new ApFfxOJbk5M-00440-00128088-00128290 churches and send out any new ApFfxOJbk5M-00441-00128291-00128489 missionaries we're not going to be ApFfxOJbk5M-00442-00128490-00128723 operating according to the New Testament ApFfxOJbk5M-00443-00128724-00128969 we can call ourselves a new testament ApFfxOJbk5M-00444-00128970-00129414 church but we're not operating like one ApFfxOJbk5M-00445-00129415-00129743 leaders fulfill their roles when they ApFfxOJbk5M-00446-00129744-00130086 are reproducing themselves and hopefully ApFfxOJbk5M-00447-00130088-00130571 reproducing better models for leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00448-00130572-00130823 so let's kind of bring this home shall ApFfxOJbk5M-00449-00130824-00131093 we ApFfxOJbk5M-00450-00131094-00131597 when I measure growth our growth ApFfxOJbk5M-00451-00131598-00131897 I don't only look at our baptisms or ApFfxOJbk5M-00452-00131898-00132197 attendance or contribution ApFfxOJbk5M-00453-00132198-00132407 these are important ApFfxOJbk5M-00454-00132408-00132785 factors but they're not the only factors ApFfxOJbk5M-00455-00132786-00133181 I also look at personal spiritual growth ApFfxOJbk5M-00456-00133182-00133523 that's taking place for example has so ApFfxOJbk5M-00457-00133524-00133864 and so given up their bad habit yet ApFfxOJbk5M-00458-00133865-00134177 you know brother or sister I love you I ApFfxOJbk5M-00459-00134178-00134387 love you dearly but I'm waiting for you ApFfxOJbk5M-00460-00134388-00134693 to give up your bad and Slappy sloppy ApFfxOJbk5M-00461-00134694-00134909 attitude I'm waiting for you to give up ApFfxOJbk5M-00462-00134910-00135125 your bad habit I'm waiting for you to ApFfxOJbk5M-00463-00135126-00135545 grow up in the Lord let's get going I ApFfxOJbk5M-00464-00135546-00135743 still love you to death ApFfxOJbk5M-00465-00135744-00136427 but I sure wish you'd grow up ApFfxOJbk5M-00466-00136428-00136757 I look at who's teaching this year for ApFfxOJbk5M-00467-00136758-00137057 the first time ApFfxOJbk5M-00468-00137058-00137327 are we still relying on the old war ApFfxOJbk5M-00469-00137328-00137519 horses ApFfxOJbk5M-00470-00137520-00137693 are we dragging him out of the barn ApFfxOJbk5M-00471-00137694-00138154 every quarter to teach ApFfxOJbk5M-00472-00138155-00138437 we're the new teachers ApFfxOJbk5M-00473-00138438-00138611 we're the ones who said you know in the ApFfxOJbk5M-00474-00138612-00138761 last several months I've been studying ApFfxOJbk5M-00475-00138762-00139109 this particular thing and I'd like to ApFfxOJbk5M-00476-00139110-00139283 present it to the congregation and ApFfxOJbk5M-00477-00139284-00139571 here's my outline uh brother so-and-so ApFfxOJbk5M-00478-00139572-00139985 Elder and you know can I have a chance ApFfxOJbk5M-00479-00139986-00140273 I haven't heard that ApFfxOJbk5M-00480-00140274-00140513 I haven't heard that from anyone in 10 ApFfxOJbk5M-00481-00140514-00141125 years I haven't heard it ApFfxOJbk5M-00482-00141126-00141419 I ask myself which couple decided to ApFfxOJbk5M-00483-00141420-00141640 stay together because it was the right ApFfxOJbk5M-00484-00141641-00141916 thing to do ApFfxOJbk5M-00485-00141917-00142157 and what member has begun to attend ApFfxOJbk5M-00486-00142158-00142451 Bible class in addition to worship what ApFfxOJbk5M-00487-00142452-00142793 member has started coming Sunday nights ApFfxOJbk5M-00488-00142794-00143039 what member has stepped forward and said ApFfxOJbk5M-00489-00143040-00143195 you know just sitting there is not ApFfxOJbk5M-00490-00143196-00143411 enough I want to serve the communion or ApFfxOJbk5M-00491-00143412-00143597 I want to be a greeter I don't know I ApFfxOJbk5M-00492-00143598-00143969 want to do something ApFfxOJbk5M-00493-00143970-00144340 the list goes on and on and on ApFfxOJbk5M-00494-00144341-00144604 both numerical and personal spiritual ApFfxOJbk5M-00495-00144605-00144928 growth are impossible without growth in ApFfxOJbk5M-00496-00144929-00145216 leadership first ApFfxOJbk5M-00497-00145217-00145390 and there's no growth in leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00498-00145391-00145690 unless there is an obvious effort being ApFfxOJbk5M-00499-00145691-00146009 made at self-mastery there's no growth ApFfxOJbk5M-00500-00146010-00146243 in leadership unless there are obvious ApFfxOJbk5M-00501-00146244-00146537 signs of superior Devotion to the Lord's ApFfxOJbk5M-00502-00146538-00146771 church and its work it's embarrassing ApFfxOJbk5M-00503-00146772-00147113 when a newly baptized member is more ApFfxOJbk5M-00504-00147114-00147395 faithful to the assembly than one of our ApFfxOJbk5M-00505-00147396-00147928 leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00506-00147929-00148121 there is an obvious ApFfxOJbk5M-00507-00148122-00148487 plan to reduce excuse me to reproduce ApFfxOJbk5M-00508-00148488-00148864 leadership that's another hopeful sign ApFfxOJbk5M-00509-00148865-00149128 that's why when brother Marty came up ApFfxOJbk5M-00510-00149129-00149314 and said okay we've we've hired this ApFfxOJbk5M-00511-00149315-00149590 young guy people took a bit of a breath ApFfxOJbk5M-00512-00149591-00149957 people said amen yes got excited yes New ApFfxOJbk5M-00513-00149958-00150263 Blood let's go ApFfxOJbk5M-00514-00150264-00150478 of course the natural Temptation at this ApFfxOJbk5M-00515-00150479-00150749 point is to get mad ApFfxOJbk5M-00516-00150750-00150911 and quit ApFfxOJbk5M-00517-00150912-00151187 I mean if leadership is this demanding ApFfxOJbk5M-00518-00151188-00151463 who needs it it's such a thankless job ApFfxOJbk5M-00519-00151464-00151763 anyways they just asked my wife in 40 ApFfxOJbk5M-00520-00151764-00151954 years how many times I've come home and ApFfxOJbk5M-00521-00151955-00152213 said oh man I can't do this anymore I ApFfxOJbk5M-00522-00152214-00152525 just I can't take this ApFfxOJbk5M-00523-00152526-00153016 why ApFfxOJbk5M-00524-00153017-00153233 you teach somebody you work with them ApFfxOJbk5M-00525-00153234-00153407 you study with them you're at their ApFfxOJbk5M-00526-00153408-00153695 house it's cold it's dark you go anyways ApFfxOJbk5M-00527-00153696-00153989 and you counsel and you teach them and ApFfxOJbk5M-00528-00153990-00154247 they do this and it's great in two years ApFfxOJbk5M-00529-00154248-00154426 and three years go by and they want to ApFfxOJbk5M-00530-00154427-00154621 teach a class and they teach a class ApFfxOJbk5M-00531-00154622-00154864 four and a half years down the road they ApFfxOJbk5M-00532-00154865-00155104 quit they leave they abandon the church ApFfxOJbk5M-00533-00155105-00155254 because somebody said something they ApFfxOJbk5M-00534-00155255-00155476 didn't like ApFfxOJbk5M-00535-00155477-00155759 and you say to yourself four and a half ApFfxOJbk5M-00536-00155760-00155975 years ApFfxOJbk5M-00537-00155976-00156228 I've invested in that guy ApFfxOJbk5M-00538-00156229-00156671 for what ApFfxOJbk5M-00539-00156672-00156947 so I'm telling you I get it ApFfxOJbk5M-00540-00156948-00157121 there are days ApFfxOJbk5M-00541-00157122-00157366 you just you just ApFfxOJbk5M-00542-00157367-00157631 you want to quit ApFfxOJbk5M-00543-00157632-00157997 it's a thankless job at times in many ApFfxOJbk5M-00544-00157998-00158128 instances ApFfxOJbk5M-00545-00158129-00158387 and it's very demanding and it's almost ApFfxOJbk5M-00546-00158388-00158645 impossible ApFfxOJbk5M-00547-00158646-00159016 however God calls his leaders not to be ApFfxOJbk5M-00548-00159017-00159131 afraid ApFfxOJbk5M-00549-00159132-00159521 and not to be faithless he calls them to ApFfxOJbk5M-00550-00159522-00159976 lean on him and trust him and follow him ApFfxOJbk5M-00551-00159977-00160264 he reminds all leaders that all will be ApFfxOJbk5M-00552-00160265-00160552 possible with faith and all will be ApFfxOJbk5M-00553-00160553-00160799 rewarded in due time ApFfxOJbk5M-00554-00160800-00161087 you know the Jews they would have taken ApFfxOJbk5M-00555-00161088-00161309 the land if they would have followed ApFfxOJbk5M-00556-00161310-00161663 Caleb and Joshua ApFfxOJbk5M-00557-00161664-00161939 so I ask everyone to examine themselves ApFfxOJbk5M-00558-00161940-00162311 this morning in order to see what step ApFfxOJbk5M-00559-00162312-00162652 needs to be taken in your life so that ApFfxOJbk5M-00560-00162653-00162940 you can demonstrate Christian leadership ApFfxOJbk5M-00561-00162941-00163264 at your level whether it be in your home ApFfxOJbk5M-00562-00163265-00163540 or in your workplace ApFfxOJbk5M-00563-00163541-00163763 in your school ApFfxOJbk5M-00564-00163764-00164057 in your circle of friends ApFfxOJbk5M-00565-00164058-00164464 you know God needs people to be leaders ApFfxOJbk5M-00566-00164465-00164776 in the saying and the doing of good in ApFfxOJbk5M-00567-00164777-00164921 this world ApFfxOJbk5M-00568-00164922-00165214 what do you need to do to become his ApFfxOJbk5M-00569-00165215-00165593 leader in your circle today ApFfxOJbk5M-00570-00165594-00165869 and I also ask our leaders in this ApFfxOJbk5M-00571-00165870-00166126 congregation elders and teachers and ApFfxOJbk5M-00572-00166127-00166409 ministers and deacons and staff people ApFfxOJbk5M-00573-00166410-00166619 and Ministry Court a lot of people ApFfxOJbk5M-00574-00166620-00166876 coordinate Ministries ApFfxOJbk5M-00575-00166877-00167285 I ask you to also examine yourselves and ApFfxOJbk5M-00576-00167286-00167566 see if your leadership is all it needs ApFfxOJbk5M-00577-00167567-00167928 to be in order to lead God's people here ApFfxOJbk5M-00578-00167929-00168185 at Choctaw ApFfxOJbk5M-00579-00168186-00168713 in these tumultuous times ApFfxOJbk5M-00580-00168714-00169007 know that the church needs someone to ApFfxOJbk5M-00581-00169008-00169283 step forward and declare the words that ApFfxOJbk5M-00582-00169284-00169571 throughout history have begun every ApFfxOJbk5M-00583-00169572-00169864 Resurgence of God's kingdom here on ApFfxOJbk5M-00584-00169865-00170197 Earth and those words are ApFfxOJbk5M-00585-00170198-00170755 Here I Am Lord you finish it APW3yh8B5tY-00000-00000048-00000254 today i'm going to show you how to APW3yh8B5tY-00001-00000256-00000311 properly APW3yh8B5tY-00002-00000312-00000623 position your hand for a less painful APW3yh8B5tY-00003-00000624-00000999 push-up on the wrist so in the clinic we APW3yh8B5tY-00004-00001000-00001095 see a lot of folks APW3yh8B5tY-00005-00001096-00001270 tilt their hand until they do one of APW3yh8B5tY-00006-00001271-00001431 these doing the push-up APW3yh8B5tY-00007-00001432-00001566 and that actually changed the whole APW3yh8B5tY-00008-00001567-00001734 mechanics at the wrist APW3yh8B5tY-00009-00001735-00001959 and so with that twisting that put a lot APW3yh8B5tY-00010-00001960-00002087 of APW3yh8B5tY-00011-00002088-00002318 unwanted stress onto the wrist so the APW3yh8B5tY-00012-00002319-00002502 key that we use at the clinic is to put APW3yh8B5tY-00013-00002503-00002599 all your knuckles APW3yh8B5tY-00014-00002600-00002934 onto the ground so that way you can see APW3yh8B5tY-00015-00002935-00003039 you APW3yh8B5tY-00016-00003040-00003238 put the wrist or you create the wrist as APW3yh8B5tY-00017-00003239-00003463 a better base so that allows the forearm APW3yh8B5tY-00018-00003464-00003615 to move back and forth APW3yh8B5tY-00019-00003615-00003751 and that will take away a lot of APW3yh8B5tY-00020-00003752-00003935 unwanted stress on the wrist doing the APW3yh8B5tY-00021-00003936-00004038 push-up APW3yh8B5tY-00022-00004039-00004215 the push-up is a very popular exercise APW3yh8B5tY-00023-00004216-00004486 and it's easy to do so hopefully this APW3yh8B5tY-00024-00004487-00004735 simple change can help you get even more APW3yh8B5tY-00025-00004736-00004838 out of your push-ups APW3yh8B5tY-00026-00004839-00004967 so if you have any questions please APW3yh8B5tY-00027-00004968-00005712 don't hesitate to leave a comment below ARrtZ4AnrRu-00000-00000817-00001145 hi guys welcome back to my channel this ARrtZ4AnrRu-00001-00001146-00001382 is a girl I do it another video I'm ARrtZ4AnrRu-00002-00001383-00001651 perfect to meet you I'm happy to see you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00003-00001652-00001823 I'm happy that you coming back for ARrtZ4AnrRu-00004-00001823-00002099 another video now if this is your first ARrtZ4AnrRu-00005-00002100-00002249 time I like your shape you can we shake ARrtZ4AnrRu-00006-00002250-00002617 hands can I give me a hug anyway so ARrtZ4AnrRu-00007-00002618-00002747 thank you so much I'm just so excited ARrtZ4AnrRu-00008-00002748-00002963 today I don't know I'm so excited what ARrtZ4AnrRu-00009-00002964-00003302 hey I'm here we are here together so I ARrtZ4AnrRu-00010-00003303-00003454 put together this phone look what you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00011-00003455-00003715 guys have hope you do like it because ARrtZ4AnrRu-00012-00003717-00003926 you know your girl went all the way in ARrtZ4AnrRu-00013-00003927-00004190 with hollows yes we went all the way in ARrtZ4AnrRu-00014-00004191-00004460 so if you do like it give this video a ARrtZ4AnrRu-00015-00004461-00004729 huge thumbs up and do not forget to ARrtZ4AnrRu-00016-00004730-00004958 comment you have to comment down in the ARrtZ4AnrRu-00017-00004959-00005218 comment section so if you haven't ARrtZ4AnrRu-00018-00005219-00005420 subscribe to my channel please will like ARrtZ4AnrRu-00019-00005421-00005611 to see you subscribe here and hit on the ARrtZ4AnrRu-00020-00005612-00005786 subscription button on the right hand ARrtZ4AnrRu-00021-00005787-00006143 side even is in red you things you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00022-00006144-00006454 haven't subscribed but if it is great it ARrtZ4AnrRu-00023-00006455-00006683 makes you have subscribes so thank you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00024-00006684-00006842 so much for all the support and do not ARrtZ4AnrRu-00025-00006843-00007009 forget to meet on the bell bottom as ARrtZ4AnrRu-00026-00007011-00007226 well so that when I upload you will be ARrtZ4AnrRu-00027-00007227-00007420 notified thank you so much for sticking ARrtZ4AnrRu-00028-00007422-00007670 with me I will talk to you at the end of ARrtZ4AnrRu-00029-00007670-00007955 this video stare to the end if you think ARrtZ4AnrRu-00030-00007956-00008114 it gets into the wall just forward it ARrtZ4AnrRu-00031-00008115-00008363 and get to the end so but thank you so ARrtZ4AnrRu-00032-00008364-00008503 much for sticking with me and thank you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00033-00008504-00008570 for stopping by ARrtZ4AnrRu-00034-00008571-00008683 let's your mind ARrtZ4AnrRu-00035-00008684-00009092 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00036-00009093-00009892 [Applause] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00037-00009893-00010592 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00038-00010593-00011854 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00040-00015504-00017083 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00041-00017084-00018223 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00042-00018224-00018763 [Applause] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00043-00018764-00020324 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00044-00020325-00021585 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00046-00025235-00025898 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00047-00025899-00026814 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00048-00026814-00027829 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00049-00027830-00028494 you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00050-00028495-00029974 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00051-00029975-00031236 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00053-00034886-00036465 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00054-00036466-00038145 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00055-00038146-00039602 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00056-00039603-00040863 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00058-00044513-00045176 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00059-00045177-00046092 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00060-00046093-00047772 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00061-00047773-00049304 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00062-00049305-00050566 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00064-00054216-00055795 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00065-00055796-00057475 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00066-00057476-00058700 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00067-00058701-00058989 so guys here we go this is a finished ARrtZ4AnrRu-00068-00058990-00059220 look I hope you guys did enjoy this ARrtZ4AnrRu-00069-00059221-00059478 video it was fun creating it seriously I ARrtZ4AnrRu-00070-00059479-00059682 had fun just walking with all these ARrtZ4AnrRu-00071-00059683-00059934 colors you were so amazing so thank you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00072-00059935-00060099 so much for watching this video leave a ARrtZ4AnrRu-00073-00060100-00060282 comment for me down in the comment ARrtZ4AnrRu-00074-00060283-00060609 section do not leave without commenting ARrtZ4AnrRu-00075-00060610-00060852 do not leave without thumbs up this ARrtZ4AnrRu-00076-00060853-00061098 video because that goes a long way I ARrtZ4AnrRu-00077-00061099-00061263 know you guys are watching I know you ARrtZ4AnrRu-00078-00061264-00061563 guys are actually enjoying the video so ARrtZ4AnrRu-00079-00061564-00061719 please leave a comment down in the ARrtZ4AnrRu-00080-00061720-00061955 comment section I do not forget to give ARrtZ4AnrRu-00081-00061957-00062139 this video a huge thumbs up because I ARrtZ4AnrRu-00082-00062140-00062289 think I deserve it don't you think so ARrtZ4AnrRu-00083-00062290-00062547 thank you so much so thank you so much ARrtZ4AnrRu-00084-00062548-00062646 for watching this video ARrtZ4AnrRu-00085-00062647-00062925 again take good care of yourself ARrtZ4AnrRu-00086-00062926-00063153 remember that you are the original there ARrtZ4AnrRu-00087-00063154-00063414 is no counterfeit there is no photocopy ARrtZ4AnrRu-00088-00063415-00063636 of you you are the original you are ARrtZ4AnrRu-00089-00063637-00063882 yourself and you are the original let ARrtZ4AnrRu-00090-00063883-00064119 nobody tell you otherwise so take good ARrtZ4AnrRu-00091-00064120-00064320 care of yourself I'll talk to you in my ARrtZ4AnrRu-00092-00064321-00064614 next video it would be so good to meet ARrtZ4AnrRu-00093-00064615-00064854 you I will feel more than loved ARrtZ4AnrRu-00094-00064854-00065016 if you can just click on the next video ARrtZ4AnrRu-00095-00065016-00065244 which I'm going to put somewhere here or ARrtZ4AnrRu-00096-00065245-00065496 here somewhere you know on what site and ARrtZ4AnrRu-00097-00065497-00065772 when wanna website so it will mean so ARrtZ4AnrRu-00098-00065773-00065913 much to me if you can just click on the ARrtZ4AnrRu-00099-00065914-00066156 next video and just keep watching thank ARrtZ4AnrRu-00100-00066157-00067191 you so much for doing that and yeah ARrtZ4AnrRu-00101-00067192-00068064 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00102-00068065-00068948 [Music] ARrtZ4AnrRu-00103-00068949-00069541 [Music] ATK72NieqQ4-00000-00000000-00000214 hey folks welcome to solar punk station ATK72NieqQ4-00001-00000215-00000351 where we're building regenerative ATK72NieqQ4-00002-00000352-00000455 futures ATK72NieqQ4-00003-00000456-00000759 i'm navarr and today i'm going to talk a ATK72NieqQ4-00004-00000760-00001047 little bit about my macbook pro ATK72NieqQ4-00005-00001048-00001166 and ATK72NieqQ4-00006-00001167-00001407 the upgrade i'm doing to it today ATK72NieqQ4-00007-00001408-00001655 so it's an old 2010 macbook it has a ATK72NieqQ4-00008-00001655-00001879 disk drive in it still so i ordered this ATK72NieqQ4-00009-00001880-00002087 handy dandy ATK72NieqQ4-00010-00002088-00002342 upgrade from ifixit which is a drive ATK72NieqQ4-00011-00002343-00002775 enclosure which replaces the disk drive ATK72NieqQ4-00012-00002776-00002950 with a hard drive ATK72NieqQ4-00013-00002951-00003263 so since i still need to boot into ATK72NieqQ4-00014-00003264-00003583 my not entirely secure copy of os 10 for ATK72NieqQ4-00015-00003584-00003815 a couple programs off and on ATK72NieqQ4-00016-00003815-00004054 i have to boot into it and doing it with ATK72NieqQ4-00017-00004055-00004438 a usb enclosure is kind of obnoxious so ATK72NieqQ4-00018-00004439-00004759 i have this new ATK72NieqQ4-00019-00004760-00004911 fancy ATK72NieqQ4-00020-00004912-00005135 enclosure that will hopefully focus but ATK72NieqQ4-00021-00005136-00005551 probably won't ATK72NieqQ4-00022-00005552-00005838 but yes the hard drive will go in there ATK72NieqQ4-00023-00005839-00006247 and just plop that in ATK72NieqQ4-00024-00006248-00006510 here you can see the old usb enclosure ATK72NieqQ4-00025-00006511-00006855 we'll go ahead and open that up ATK72NieqQ4-00026-00006856-00007039 it just slides off and then we'll pull ATK72NieqQ4-00027-00007040-00007383 the drive out ATK72NieqQ4-00028-00007384-00007655 and here's our new enclosure for inside ATK72NieqQ4-00029-00007656-00007806 the computer ATK72NieqQ4-00030-00007808-00007895 the ATK72NieqQ4-00031-00007895-00008070 fit is pretty snug ATK72NieqQ4-00032-00008072-00008239 so it's a little tricky to get in ATK72NieqQ4-00033-00008240-00008463 initially and we have those screws to ATK72NieqQ4-00034-00008464-00008678 screw it in and a little black plastic ATK72NieqQ4-00035-00008679-00008799 tab ATK72NieqQ4-00036-00008800-00009023 to keep it all nice and snug and keep it ATK72NieqQ4-00037-00009024-00009142 from ATK72NieqQ4-00038-00009143-00009351 rattling around inside ATK72NieqQ4-00039-00009352-00009719 the computer ATK72NieqQ4-00040-00009720-00010231 once it's installed ATK72NieqQ4-00041-00010232-00010438 the install inside the case is pretty ATK72NieqQ4-00042-00010439-00010614 simple we just have to unhook a bunch of ATK72NieqQ4-00043-00010615-00010767 ribbon cables ATK72NieqQ4-00044-00010768-00010910 to the ATK72NieqQ4-00045-00010911-00011119 main hard drive and to the disk drive ATK72NieqQ4-00046-00011120-00011255 and also ATK72NieqQ4-00047-00011256-00011478 this one out to the wi-fi and bluetooth ATK72NieqQ4-00048-00011479-00011631 antennas ATK72NieqQ4-00049-00011632-00012231 let me just move those out of our way ATK72NieqQ4-00050-00012232-00012414 then you'll see i switched screwdrivers ATK72NieqQ4-00051-00012415-00012527 here the ATK72NieqQ4-00052-00012528-00012710 drive was originally attached with one ATK72NieqQ4-00053-00012711-00013007 torx screw and two phillips ATK72NieqQ4-00054-00013008-00013199 i switched that over to all phillips so ATK72NieqQ4-00055-00013200-00013343 that way ATK72NieqQ4-00056-00013344-00013519 in the future if i put the disk drive ATK72NieqQ4-00057-00013519-00013655 back in i'll only need a phillips ATK72NieqQ4-00058-00013656-00013879 screwdriver to remove the bottom of the ATK72NieqQ4-00059-00013880-00013983 case ATK72NieqQ4-00060-00013984-00014207 of the computer and put the drive back ATK72NieqQ4-00061-00014208-00014327 in ATK72NieqQ4-00062-00014328-00014519 as much as i love torques it's annoying ATK72NieqQ4-00063-00014519-00015222 when you have to switch screwdrivers ATK72NieqQ4-00064-00015223-00015399 when we pull this out you'll see that ATK72NieqQ4-00065-00015400-00015622 there is a small ribbon cable connecting ATK72NieqQ4-00066-00015623-00015975 the sata of the drive enclosure to the ATK72NieqQ4-00067-00015976-00016230 computer ATK72NieqQ4-00068-00016231-00016775 and there's also this little silver ATK72NieqQ4-00069-00016776-00016935 mounting piece ATK72NieqQ4-00070-00016936-00017119 so we'll have to transfer those over to ATK72NieqQ4-00071-00017120-00017215 the new ATK72NieqQ4-00072-00017216-00018063 drive enclosure ATK72NieqQ4-00073-00018064-00018283 more phillips screws ATK72NieqQ4-00074-00018284-00018558 there and so we'll just plug those back ATK72NieqQ4-00075-00018559-00018758 in ATK72NieqQ4-00076-00018759-00019079 and replace ATK72NieqQ4-00077-00019080-00019199 the drive ATK72NieqQ4-00078-00019200-00019591 in here ATK72NieqQ4-00079-00019592-00019758 and then we'll go ahead and double check ATK72NieqQ4-00080-00019759-00019839 on ATK72NieqQ4-00081-00019840-00019991 our file ATK72NieqQ4-00082-00019992-00020247 browser and yeah it's there and there ATK72NieqQ4-00083-00020248-00020439 are the applications on the mac ATK72NieqQ4-00084-00020440-00020678 os ATK72NieqQ4-00085-00020679-00020855 if you're interested in finding out more ATK72NieqQ4-00086-00020856-00021135 about why i'm using a 2010 laptop in ATK72NieqQ4-00087-00021136-00021271 2021 ATK72NieqQ4-00088-00021272-00021414 go ahead and check out that link in the ATK72NieqQ4-00089-00021415-00021655 description below which is a blog post i ATK72NieqQ4-00090-00021656-00022022 wrote earlier this year about just that ATK72NieqQ4-00091-00022023-00022247 it basically boils down to if it ain't ATK72NieqQ4-00092-00022248-00022447 broke don't fix it ATK72NieqQ4-00093-00022448-00022671 if it is broken repair it ATK72NieqQ4-00094-00022672-00022839 thanks for stopping by today and i'll ATK72NieqQ4-00095-00022840-00023327 see you in the next video ATK72NieqQ4-00096-00023328-00023740 but basically basically AW-ZEg4kKTu-00000-00001668-00002159 down to the beach AW-ZEg4kKTu-00001-00002160-00002357 I think no matter what beach I go to AW-ZEg4kKTu-00002-00002358-00002549 it's going to be crowded AW-ZEg4kKTu-00003-00002550-00002765 I'd love to fly the Drone but I don't AW-ZEg4kKTu-00004-00002766-00002992 think I can AW-ZEg4kKTu-00005-00002993-00003166 this is where we take the shoes and AW-ZEg4kKTu-00006-00003167-00003317 socks off AW-ZEg4kKTu-00007-00003318-00004127 and get into the sand AW-ZEg4kKTu-00008-00004128-00004456 before I get too far AW-ZEg4kKTu-00009-00004457-00004703 so yes AW-ZEg4kKTu-00010-00004704-00004943 I can see there is no place to fly my AW-ZEg4kKTu-00011-00004944-00005152 drone AW-ZEg4kKTu-00012-00005153-00005393 but AW-ZEg4kKTu-00013-00005394-00005627 let's get the shoes and socks off and AW-ZEg4kKTu-00014-00005628-00005902 let's get into the sand here guys AW-ZEg4kKTu-00015-00005903-00006281 not even wearing my sandals today AW-ZEg4kKTu-00016-00006282-00006563 because I got a soar on my toe which is AW-ZEg4kKTu-00017-00006564-00006814 from the sandal AW-ZEg4kKTu-00018-00006815-00007120 so I'm wearing my regular shoes AW-ZEg4kKTu-00019-00007122-00007295 but now that we're down at the beach AW-ZEg4kKTu-00020-00007295-00007403 here AW-ZEg4kKTu-00021-00007404-00007655 let's skip the shoes off and the socks AW-ZEg4kKTu-00022-00007656-00008063 off so we can be with Mother Earth here AW-ZEg4kKTu-00023-00008064-00008477 wow those boards are hot AW-ZEg4kKTu-00024-00008478-00008645 close-up of the sand here we'll show you AW-ZEg4kKTu-00025-00008646-00011531 what that's like AW-ZEg4kKTu-00026-00011532-00011777 no some guy shoveling AW-ZEg4kKTu-00027-00011778-00012059 the walk or shoveling here AW-ZEg4kKTu-00028-00012060-00012514 making a smooth path to go down AW-ZEg4kKTu-00029-00012515-00012749 don't know what that's all about but AW-ZEg4kKTu-00030-00012750-00012941 anyway AW-ZEg4kKTu-00031-00012941-00013241 I don't know why we have the red flags AW-ZEg4kKTu-00032-00013241-00013397 up today AW-ZEg4kKTu-00033-00013397-00013607 but we do AW-ZEg4kKTu-00034-00013608-00013793 so let's just see which way I would go AW-ZEg4kKTu-00035-00013794-00014093 down if I was to go down the beach AW-ZEg4kKTu-00036-00014094-00014249 I don't know if you can see the colors AW-ZEg4kKTu-00037-00014250-00014488 but the colors are really nice of AW-ZEg4kKTu-00038-00014490-00014621 turquoise AW-ZEg4kKTu-00039-00014622-00015916 but a long way out there AW-ZEg4kKTu-00040-00015918-00017767 foreign AW-ZEg4kKTu-00041-00017768-00017983 but not cold AW-ZEg4kKTu-00042-00017984-00018672 beautiful beautiful AW-ZEg4kKTu-00043-00018673-00018989 and I think if I go down that way I AW-ZEg4kKTu-00044-00018990-00019144 should be able to AW-ZEg4kKTu-00045-00019145-00019408 fly my drone down by those rocks down AW-ZEg4kKTu-00046-00019409-00019535 there AW-ZEg4kKTu-00047-00019536-00019769 I don't know let's take a walk we'll get AW-ZEg4kKTu-00048-00019770-00021419 some pictures down there all right guys AW-ZEg4kKTu-00049-00021420-00021664 next time I come down is I've got to AW-ZEg4kKTu-00050-00021665-00021994 bring my swimsuit AW-ZEg4kKTu-00051-00021995-00022211 of course AW-ZEg4kKTu-00052-00022212-00022505 what the heck I could go in my shorts no AW-ZEg4kKTu-00053-00022506-00022830 difference AW-ZEg4kKTu-00054-00022831-00023158 to put my uh AW-ZEg4kKTu-00055-00023159-00023585 put my clothes or my uh my case which AW-ZEg4kKTu-00056-00023586-00023783 has got which will have my camera and my AW-ZEg4kKTu-00057-00023784-00024569 drone in it AW-ZEg4kKTu-00058-00024570-00024941 I guess you could jump off here AW-ZEg4kKTu-00059-00024942-00025175 either When the tide comes in AW-ZEg4kKTu-00060-00025176-00025330 or I don't know if it's in or out right AW-ZEg4kKTu-00061-00025331-00025883 now but I'm up on top of this big rock AW-ZEg4kKTu-00062-00025883-00026087 and AW-ZEg4kKTu-00063-00026088-00026446 looking out over the ocean AW-ZEg4kKTu-00064-00026447-00026645 no I don't know I don't think across AW-ZEg4kKTu-00065-00026645-00026867 that way is where Florida is AW-ZEg4kKTu-00066-00026868-00027317 probably more more that away AW-ZEg4kKTu-00067-00027318-00027743 but this is the ocean AW-ZEg4kKTu-00068-00027744-00028312 and AW-ZEg4kKTu-00069-00028313-00028523 I don't know if it's going to be too AW-ZEg4kKTu-00070-00028524-00028690 windy here it's always windy where the AW-ZEg4kKTu-00071-00028691-00028961 water is flat like this to fly my drone AW-ZEg4kKTu-00072-00028962-00029374 but if I can I'll go up a little ways AW-ZEg4kKTu-00073-00029375-00029662 so they can't quite hear me well AW-ZEg4kKTu-00074-00029663-00029885 and take some shots AW-ZEg4kKTu-00075-00029886-00030112 turn head tracking on AW-ZEg4kKTu-00076-00030113-00030311 on the Avada AW-ZEg4kKTu-00077-00030312-00030508 so I can look down AW-ZEg4kKTu-00079-00034561-00035489 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00080-00035490-00035789 foreign AW-ZEg4kKTu-00081-00035790-00037639 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00082-00037640-00039212 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00083-00039213-00039559 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00084-00039560-00040492 thank you AW-ZEg4kKTu-00085-00040493-00041326 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00086-00041327-00042371 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00087-00042372-00042980 foreign AW-ZEg4kKTu-00088-00042981-00044510 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00089-00044511-00045358 [Music] AW-ZEg4kKTu-00090-00045359-00045578 foreign AYDPFRMiwV8-00000-00000031-00000755 we have something much bigger your kids AYDPFRMiwV8-00001-00000756-00001043 probably have one of these right AYDPFRMiwV8-00002-00001044-00001938 not quite hell of a pilot no that skill AYDPFRMiwV8-00003-00001939-00002166 is all AI AYDPFRMiwV8-00004-00002167-00002585 it's flying itself its processor can AYDPFRMiwV8-00005-00002586-00002808 react a hundred times faster than a AYDPFRMiwV8-00006-00002809-00003456 human AYDPFRMiwV8-00007-00003457-00003807 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00008-00003808-00004189 the stochastic motion is an anti sniper AYDPFRMiwV8-00009-00004190-00004406 feature AYDPFRMiwV8-00010-00004407-00004752 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00011-00004753-00005013 just like any mobile device these days AYDPFRMiwV8-00012-00005014-00005352 it has cameras and sensors and just like AYDPFRMiwV8-00013-00005353-00005588 your phones and social media apps it AYDPFRMiwV8-00014-00005589-00006031 does facial recognition inside here is AYDPFRMiwV8-00015-00006032-00006594 three grams of sheep explosive this is AYDPFRMiwV8-00016-00006595-00007215 how it works AYDPFRMiwV8-00017-00007216-00007631 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00018-00007631-00008178 did you see that that little bag is AYDPFRMiwV8-00019-00008179-00008519 enough to penetrate the skull and AYDPFRMiwV8-00020-00008520-00009915 destroy the contents that is an AYDPFRMiwV8-00021-00009916-00010290 airstrike of surgical precision it's one AYDPFRMiwV8-00022-00010291-00010593 of a range of products trained as a team AYDPFRMiwV8-00023-00010594-00010926 they can penetrate buildings cars trains AYDPFRMiwV8-00024-00010927-00011258 evade people bullets pretty much any AYDPFRMiwV8-00025-00011259-00011633 countermeasure they cannot be stopped AYDPFRMiwV8-00026-00011634-00011789 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00027-00011790-00012348 now I said this was big why because we AYDPFRMiwV8-00028-00012349-00013032 are thinking big watch a 25 AYDPFRMiwV8-00029-00013033-00013427 million-dollar order now buys us enough AYDPFRMiwV8-00030-00013428-00013947 to kill half a city the bad half AYDPFRMiwV8-00031-00013949-00014371 nuclear is obsolete take out your entire AYDPFRMiwV8-00032-00014372-00014755 enemy virtually risk-free just AYDPFRMiwV8-00033-00014756-00015136 characterize him release the swarm and AYDPFRMiwV8-00034-00015137-00016207 rest easy AYDPFRMiwV8-00035-00016208-00018146 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00036-00018147-00019306 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00037-00019307-00022289 [Music] AYDPFRMiwV8-00038-00022290-00022533 this short film is more than just AYDPFRMiwV8-00039-00022534-00022772 speculation it shows the results of AYDPFRMiwV8-00040-00022773-00022905 integrating and miniaturizing AYDPFRMiwV8-00041-00022906-00023169 technologies that we already have I'm AYDPFRMiwV8-00042-00023170-00023364 Stuart Russell the professor of computer AYDPFRMiwV8-00043-00023365-00023586 science at Berkeley I've worked in AI AYDPFRMiwV8-00044-00023587-00023900 for more than 35 years its potential to AYDPFRMiwV8-00045-00023901-00024153 benefit humanity's enormous even in AYDPFRMiwV8-00046-00024154-00024435 defense allowing machines to choose to AYDPFRMiwV8-00047-00024436-00024642 kill humans will be devastating to our AYDPFRMiwV8-00048-00024643-00024903 security and freedom thousands of my AYDPFRMiwV8-00049-00024904-00025104 fellow researchers are green we have an AYDPFRMiwV8-00050-00025105-00025322 opportunity to prevent the future you AYDPFRMiwV8-00051-00025323-00025533 just saw but the window to act is AYDPFRMiwV8-00052-00025534-00025889 closing fast I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I AYDPFRMiwV8-00053-00025891-00026166 can't do that AbYQaNCtQck-00000-00000108-00000877 [Music] AbYQaNCtQck-00001-00000878-00001110 as far as I could remember I said I AbYQaNCtQck-00002-00001111-00001412 wanted to be a doctor like like the AbYQaNCtQck-00003-00001413-00001673 science and like technology and I like AbYQaNCtQck-00004-00001675-00001920 interacting with people being a AbYQaNCtQck-00005-00001921-00002115 physician brings the Science and AbYQaNCtQck-00006-00002116-00002274 Technology and the interacting with AbYQaNCtQck-00007-00002275-00002775 people together in in one job in college AbYQaNCtQck-00008-00002776-00002909 in western Pennsylvania AbYQaNCtQck-00009-00002910-00003162 I studied molecular biology there it AbYQaNCtQck-00010-00003163-00003368 took a lot of psych classes it was kind AbYQaNCtQck-00011-00003369-00003540 of like a pre-med track and rigorous AbYQaNCtQck-00012-00003540-00003797 academics as well but I initially AbYQaNCtQck-00013-00003798-00003936 thought of myself as like a family AbYQaNCtQck-00014-00003936-00004133 physician but I found out about AbYQaNCtQck-00015-00004134-00004359 biomedical informatics when I was in AbYQaNCtQck-00016-00004360-00004626 residency I had already been helping AbYQaNCtQck-00017-00004627-00004824 residents learn at the bedside and AbYQaNCtQck-00018-00004825-00005127 learned with iPads and then I heard of AbYQaNCtQck-00019-00005128-00005436 this training program for biomedical and AbYQaNCtQck-00020-00005437-00005645 clinical informatics that was kind of a AbYQaNCtQck-00021-00005646-00005841 newer thing nationwide and it sounded AbYQaNCtQck-00022-00005842-00006102 like okay this is exactly what I'm AbYQaNCtQck-00023-00006103-00006188 already doing AbYQaNCtQck-00024-00006189-00006417 and so I checked more into to the AbYQaNCtQck-00025-00006418-00006738 program I guess I thought it would be AbYQaNCtQck-00026-00006739-00006900 just a bunch of people that are just as AbYQaNCtQck-00027-00006901-00007125 dorky as I am that we're really excited AbYQaNCtQck-00028-00007126-00007362 about you know caring for patients and AbYQaNCtQck-00029-00007363-00007610 and making things in the health care AbYQaNCtQck-00030-00007611-00007875 system better the professors that I had AbYQaNCtQck-00031-00007876-00008174 it was exciting to see people with this AbYQaNCtQck-00032-00008175-00008471 background be as excited about things AbYQaNCtQck-00033-00008472-00008781 like clinical decision support as I was AbYQaNCtQck-00034-00008782-00009110 and those people being successful and AbYQaNCtQck-00035-00009111-00009345 implementing change across health AbYQaNCtQck-00036-00009346-00009594 systems you know actively so I think AbYQaNCtQck-00037-00009595-00009852 just getting to work with people that I AbYQaNCtQck-00038-00009853-00010246 want to be someday it's pretty awesome AbYQaNCtQck-00039-00010247-00010503 something else that's really been AbYQaNCtQck-00040-00010504-00010664 helpful the program allowed me to take AbYQaNCtQck-00041-00010665-00010845 classes at you know the business school AbYQaNCtQck-00042-00010846-00011089 and at the Kennedy School government and AbYQaNCtQck-00043-00011090-00011360 meet people across Harvard University AbYQaNCtQck-00044-00011361-00011592 and I think being able to bring those AbYQaNCtQck-00045-00011593-00011808 various aspects of healthcare the policy AbYQaNCtQck-00046-00011809-00012021 aspect the the business aspect of AbYQaNCtQck-00047-00012022-00012264 healthcare all in one program AbYQaNCtQck-00048-00012265-00012674 is not something that I know is possible AbYQaNCtQck-00049-00012675-00012993 anywhere else and I think that's led to AbYQaNCtQck-00050-00012994-00013455 exactly what I'm doing now now I'm a AbYQaNCtQck-00051-00013456-00013713 pediatric hospitalist at Boston AbYQaNCtQck-00052-00013713-00013935 Children's Hospital that's some of my AbYQaNCtQck-00053-00013936-00014172 time the rest of my time is dedicated to AbYQaNCtQck-00054-00014172-00014421 clinical dramatics and kind of quality AbYQaNCtQck-00055-00014422-00014760 and safety at Boston Children's so I one AbYQaNCtQck-00056-00014761-00015036 work on a team to disseminate best AbYQaNCtQck-00057-00015037-00015222 practice guidelines across the hospital AbYQaNCtQck-00058-00015222-00015402 through our electronic health record and AbYQaNCtQck-00059-00015403-00015696 through kind of mobile applications and AbYQaNCtQck-00060-00015697-00015941 then I lead a group for clinical AbYQaNCtQck-00061-00015943-00016137 decision support at Boston Children's so AbYQaNCtQck-00062-00016138-00016395 taking a look at the data behind a lot AbYQaNCtQck-00063-00016396-00016602 of the kind of alerts and and AbYQaNCtQck-00064-00016603-00016755 suggestions that we make through AbYQaNCtQck-00065-00016756-00016971 ordering making sure that we're not AbYQaNCtQck-00066-00016972-00017187 causing any cognitive overload to our AbYQaNCtQck-00067-00017188-00017364 providers and not having alert fatigue AbYQaNCtQck-00068-00017365-00017559 happen with our providers and making AbYQaNCtQck-00069-00017560-00017766 meaningless alerts I think now I'm able AbYQaNCtQck-00070-00017767-00018006 to interpret data and be confident in my AbYQaNCtQck-00071-00018007-00018192 interpretation of the data because I'm AbYQaNCtQck-00072-00018193-00018429 much more familiar and comfortable AbYQaNCtQck-00073-00018430-00018639 analyzing these data sets and knowing AbYQaNCtQck-00074-00018640-00018813 when to use those skills from the AbYQaNCtQck-00075-00018814-00019011 biomedical informatics program to make AbYQaNCtQck-00076-00019012-00019146 sure that the whole hospital is taking AbYQaNCtQck-00077-00019147-00019394 care of these patients in in the best AbYQaNCtQck-00078-00019395-00019602 way that we know how to based on on AbYQaNCtQck-00079-00019603-00019694 evidence AbYQaNCtQck-00080-00019695-00019827 you know don't tell my boss but I like AbYQaNCtQck-00081-00019828-00020286 to be a the CMIO of our Hospital I think AbYQaNCtQck-00082-00020287-00020484 the most rewarding thing is when I am AbYQaNCtQck-00083-00020485-00020676 part of the team that makes a change AbYQaNCtQck-00084-00020677-00020874 that affects either our patients or the AbYQaNCtQck-00085-00020875-00021141 or the doctors I work with and I hear AbYQaNCtQck-00086-00021142-00021381 you know that people are happy with with AbYQaNCtQck-00087-00021382-00021621 that change you know hey it's easier for AbYQaNCtQck-00088-00021622-00021762 me to take care of my patients now or AbYQaNCtQck-00089-00021763-00021900 hey I gave my patient the right AbYQaNCtQck-00090-00021901-00022097 antibiotic the other day because of that AbYQaNCtQck-00091-00022098-00022299 app that your team helped deploy across AbYQaNCtQck-00092-00022300-00022663 the hospital AbYQaNCtQck-00093-00022664-00022901 my research interests are patient AbYQaNCtQck-00094-00022902-00023114 confidentiality and the way that the AbYQaNCtQck-00095-00023115-00023269 pediatric patient interacts with their AbYQaNCtQck-00096-00023270-00023450 own health data in the electronic health AbYQaNCtQck-00097-00023451-00023633 record and so you know when you go to AbYQaNCtQck-00098-00023634-00023774 see your pediatrician there's always the AbYQaNCtQck-00099-00023775-00023951 time when the pediatrician asks the AbYQaNCtQck-00100-00023952-00024110 parents to like leave the room if you're AbYQaNCtQck-00101-00024111-00024280 you know an adolescent patient and and AbYQaNCtQck-00102-00024281-00024458 that way you know the doc can have like AbYQaNCtQck-00103-00024459-00024650 the you know the sex drugs and rock and AbYQaNCtQck-00104-00024651-00024683 roll AbYQaNCtQck-00105-00024684-00024908 part of the history and physical exam AbYQaNCtQck-00106-00024909-00025232 and we just haven't found a good way to AbYQaNCtQck-00107-00025233-00025421 tackle that from a national standpoint AbYQaNCtQck-00108-00025422-00025625 there's not one policy across the AbYQaNCtQck-00109-00025626-00025765 country there's not one policy across a AbYQaNCtQck-00110-00025766-00026014 state what kind of data a patient can AbYQaNCtQck-00111-00026016-00026183 access from their own electronic health AbYQaNCtQck-00112-00026183-00026458 record and what kind of data a parent of AbYQaNCtQck-00113-00026460-00026681 an adolescent to gain access we have a AbYQaNCtQck-00114-00026682-00026845 confidential note type and that kind of AbYQaNCtQck-00115-00026847-00027040 allows the patient to talk to their doc AbYQaNCtQck-00116-00027041-00027251 and not have their parents see that in AbYQaNCtQck-00117-00027252-00027542 the EHR and I've done a lot of research AbYQaNCtQck-00118-00027543-00027820 on who's been using that and why people AbYQaNCtQck-00119-00027822-00027995 have been using this confidential AbYQaNCtQck-00120-00027995-00028232 feature we have in our EHR in hopes that AbYQaNCtQck-00121-00028233-00028598 people use it most effectively the work AbYQaNCtQck-00122-00028599-00028682 I do AbYQaNCtQck-00123-00028683-00028933 will directly affect you know both AbYQaNCtQck-00124-00028935-00029164 clinicians and patients and you go to AbYQaNCtQck-00125-00029166-00029288 medical school and you know that you'll AbYQaNCtQck-00126-00029289-00029464 be in prescribing medications to AbYQaNCtQck-00127-00029466-00029726 patients you know that you'll be you AbYQaNCtQck-00128-00029727-00029852 know tapping their need to check any AbYQaNCtQck-00129-00029852-00030152 reflux but you don't know that you're AbYQaNCtQck-00130-00030152-00030520 going to be you know creating a group of AbYQaNCtQck-00131-00030520-00030788 you know antibiotics that the physician AbYQaNCtQck-00132-00030789-00030956 is choosing from that your colleague is AbYQaNCtQck-00133-00030957-00031154 choosing from when they're admitting a AbYQaNCtQck-00134-00031155-00031312 patient with pneumonia or that they're AbYQaNCtQck-00135-00031313-00031537 you're going to be creating an algorithm AbYQaNCtQck-00136-00031538-00031862 or in the background that will recommend AbYQaNCtQck-00137-00031863-00032233 a type of VTE prophylaxis for like blood AbYQaNCtQck-00138-00032235-00032468 clots in the hospital so touching AbYQaNCtQck-00139-00032469-00032642 patients not just the ones that you're AbYQaNCtQck-00140-00032643-00032861 seeing but you're touching patients that AbYQaNCtQck-00141-00032862-00032977 your colleagues are seeing I think AbYQaNCtQck-00142-00032978-00033140 that's what's you know AbYQaNCtQck-00143-00033141-00034110 really cool AbYQaNCtQck-00144-00034111-00034479 [Music] AePJ_gZX3vI-00000-00000003-00000161 welcome to this introduction to AePJ_gZX3vI-00001-00000162-00000371 chemicals management in the apparel and AePJ_gZX3vI-00002-00000372-00000676 leather sector during textile and AePJ_gZX3vI-00003-00000677-00000904 leather product manufacturing a wide AePJ_gZX3vI-00004-00000905-00001124 range of chemicals is used to facilitate AePJ_gZX3vI-00005-00001125-00001364 production and to achieve the desired AePJ_gZX3vI-00006-00001365-00001726 quality some of these chemicals are AePJ_gZX3vI-00007-00001727-00001873 harmful to human health and the AePJ_gZX3vI-00008-00001875-00002831 environment as a result of these adverse AePJ_gZX3vI-00009-00002832-00003085 impacts many fashion brands have set up AePJ_gZX3vI-00010-00003086-00003290 rules and guidelines to restrict the use AePJ_gZX3vI-00011-00003290-00003538 of these harmful substances and to AePJ_gZX3vI-00012-00003539-00003754 ensure their safe use and management in AePJ_gZX3vI-00013-00003755-00004154 their supply chains restricting certain AePJ_gZX3vI-00014-00004155-00004367 substances will not only minimize the AePJ_gZX3vI-00015-00004368-00004574 chemicals harmful impact on environment AePJ_gZX3vI-00016-00004575-00004795 and health but may also enhance AePJ_gZX3vI-00017-00004796-00005038 efficiency in your production and your AePJ_gZX3vI-00018-00005039-00005435 reputation as a responsible manufacturer AePJ_gZX3vI-00019-00005436-00005700 [Music] AePJ_gZX3vI-00020-00005701-00005965 to learn more about how to achieve these AePJ_gZX3vI-00021-00005966-00006414 benefits watch the following two videos AePTUSPzhzg-00000-00000281-00001365 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00001-00001366-00003721 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00002-00003722-00005883 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00003-00005884-00006409 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00005-00011044-00012262 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00006-00012263-00012545 [Music] AePTUSPzhzg-00007-00012546-00013266 you AePTUSPzhzg-00008-00013266-00013576 [Music] Aj50xk8HmoU-00000-00000000-00000031 [Music] Aj50xk8HmoU-00001-00000032-00000191 do you feel it Aj50xk8HmoU-00002-00000192-00000574 do you feel everyone's hearts Aj50xk8HmoU-00003-00000575-00000751 all of this energy that we've brought Aj50xk8HmoU-00004-00000752-00000862 together Aj50xk8HmoU-00005-00000863-00002023 is for you helena Aj50xk8HmoU-00006-00002023-00002167 think back Aj50xk8HmoU-00007-00002168-00002399 try to remember your biggest dream as a Aj50xk8HmoU-00008-00002400-00002495 child Aj50xk8HmoU-00009-00002496-00003535 my biggest dream as a child Aj50xk8HmoU-00010-00003536-00004047 it feels so warm Aj50xk8HmoU-00011-00004047-00004270 that's right the thing i dreamed of was Aj50xk8HmoU-00012-00004271-00004543 having friends people whom i could talk Aj50xk8HmoU-00013-00004544-00004967 to whether i was happy or sad Aj50xk8HmoU-00014-00004968-00005054 is it Aj50xk8HmoU-00015-00005055-00006239 really possible to start over Aj50xk8HmoU-00016-00006240-00007638 [Music] Aj50xk8HmoU-00017-00007639-00008655 [Music] Aj50xk8HmoU-00018-00008656-00008864 you Ajm6PNETDaU-00000-00000031-00000421 I've just finished the two-day retreat Ajm6PNETDaU-00001-00000422-00000853 convene Samuel beautiful san clemente Ajm6PNETDaU-00002-00000855-00001402 california and it's been a tremendous Ajm6PNETDaU-00003-00001403-00001714 clarifying experience in terms of Ajm6PNETDaU-00004-00001716-00002198 understanding simplicity how to create Ajm6PNETDaU-00005-00002199-00002423 that simplicity for myself tools for Ajm6PNETDaU-00006-00002424-00002657 understanding lots of exercises and Ajm6PNETDaU-00007-00002658-00002860 activities that have really served to Ajm6PNETDaU-00008-00002861-00003113 give me clarity around my own heart's Ajm6PNETDaU-00009-00003114-00003554 desire what opportunities I have Ajm6PNETDaU-00010-00003554-00003797 practices I think the thing that I have Ajm6PNETDaU-00011-00003797-00004079 done is over complicated and that's Ajm6PNETDaU-00012-00004079-00004195 what's happened as things have become a Ajm6PNETDaU-00013-00004196-00004415 lot less complicated I have a much Ajm6PNETDaU-00014-00004416-00004781 greater sense of how to maintain flow so Ajm6PNETDaU-00015-00004782-00005176 all of those personal Ajm6PNETDaU-00016-00005177-00005804 fire fires and gifts in a setting you Ajm6PNETDaU-00017-00005805-00006068 can see but it's just supplying Ajm6PNETDaU-00018-00006069-00006356 beautiful beautiful location fantastic Ajm6PNETDaU-00019-00006357-00006773 food and the generosity can mean opening Ajm6PNETDaU-00020-00006773-00007148 your home and providing me with these Ajm6PNETDaU-00021-00007148-00007552 gifts of for tying her personal gifts of Ajm6PNETDaU-00022-00007553-00007853 coaching and clarifying this one-on-one Ajm6PNETDaU-00023-00007854-00008201 attention I felt very pampered take care Ajm6PNETDaU-00024-00008202-00008855 of that alone has been so it's a really Ajm6PNETDaU-00025-00008856-00009049 extraordinary opportunity to just stop Ajm6PNETDaU-00026-00009050-00010442 you taken care of privilege to be part Ajm6PNETDaU-00027-00010443-00010709 of and I would highly recommend you sit Ajm6PNETDaU-00028-00010710-00011324 on the edge just be in your be innocent Ajm6PNETDaU-00029-00011325-00011609 requirements AjwHmDRE7sQ-00000-00000003-00000128 things were looking really nice AjwHmDRE7sQ-00001-00000129-00000284 yesterday morning out ahead of this AjwHmDRE7sQ-00002-00000285-00000505 weather systems great shot there from AjwHmDRE7sQ-00003-00000506-00000676 Thelma and Wytheville and some of the AjwHmDRE7sQ-00004-00000677-00000904 ice in those high clouds can sometimes AjwHmDRE7sQ-00005-00000905-00001288 make for a really nice sunrise as we AkEjHmCSNh0-00000-00000006-00001589 foreign AkEjHmCSNh0-00001-00001590-00002232 [Music] AkEjHmCSNh0-00002-00002233-00002823 [Music] AlxbZ9kUm-8-00000-00000068-00000432 in this video we're going to look at AlxbZ9kUm-8-00001-00000433-00000861 factoring using the what we factor in or AlxbZ9kUm-8-00002-00000863-00001154 factoring when we have situations like AlxbZ9kUm-8-00003-00001155-00001895 this if we have ax squared plus BX plus AlxbZ9kUm-8-00004-00001896-00002162 C well we have a number in the front and AlxbZ9kUm-8-00005-00002163-00002366 we can't get rid of it so we're going to AlxbZ9kUm-8-00006-00002367-00002668 use what we call the AC method of AlxbZ9kUm-8-00007-00002669-00003220 factoring so for example if I have this AlxbZ9kUm-8-00008-00003221-00003979 3y squared minus 17 y plus 10 well I AlxbZ9kUm-8-00009-00003980-00004238 can't factor out that 3 so this is what AlxbZ9kUm-8-00010-00004239-00004658 I do I actually multiply the first AlxbZ9kUm-8-00011-00004659-00004940 number times the last number so 3 times AlxbZ9kUm-8-00012-00004941-00005474 10 is 30 I look for factors of 30 1 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00013-00005475-00006317 times 32 times 15 3 times 10 and 6 times AlxbZ9kUm-8-00014-00006318-00006673 5 all of those get me to 30 but only one AlxbZ9kUm-8-00015-00006675-00006889 set is going to get me to that middle AlxbZ9kUm-8-00016-00006890-00007400 number of 17 and that is 2 and 15 what AlxbZ9kUm-8-00017-00007401-00007658 kind of signs do I have again going back AlxbZ9kUm-8-00018-00007659-00008023 to those signs same signs both negatives AlxbZ9kUm-8-00019-00008025-00008501 so negative 2y minus 15 Y and it doesn't AlxbZ9kUm-8-00020-00008502-00008669 matter which way you write it it's the AlxbZ9kUm-8-00021-00008670-00008899 same thing as long as you have the AlxbZ9kUm-8-00022-00008900-00009271 correct signs so what do we do we AlxbZ9kUm-8-00023-00009272-00009703 rewrite the trinomial so 3y squared put AlxbZ9kUm-8-00024-00009704-00010169 these new terms in the middle first and AlxbZ9kUm-8-00025-00010170-00010513 last term doesn't change now we have 4 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00026-00010514-00010810 terms so what do we do we factor by AlxbZ9kUm-8-00027-00010811-00011237 grouping so we have a common factor here AlxbZ9kUm-8-00028-00011238-00011895 of Y so what do we have left we have 3y AlxbZ9kUm-8-00029-00011896-00012434 minus 2 factor out the common factor AlxbZ9kUm-8-00030-00012435-00012626 remember we're taking the negative the AlxbZ9kUm-8-00031-00012627-00012985 common factor is 5 what do we have left AlxbZ9kUm-8-00032-00012986-00013397 3y remember to change the sign AlxbZ9kUm-8-00033-00013397-00013546 because you factored out a negative AlxbZ9kUm-8-00034-00013547-00014144 minus two so you're left with 3y minus 2 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00035-00014144-00014608 times the quantity Y minus 5 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00036-00014609-00014924 another example is if you have something AlxbZ9kUm-8-00037-00014925-00015638 like this 12 m to the 3rd plus 10 M AlxbZ9kUm-8-00038-00015638-00016514 squared minus 12 M well before we do AlxbZ9kUm-8-00039-00016515-00016721 anything else we see that we have a AlxbZ9kUm-8-00040-00016722-00017072 common factor of both a 2 which goes AlxbZ9kUm-8-00041-00017073-00017434 into 12 and 10 and an M so we're going AlxbZ9kUm-8-00042-00017435-00017780 to take out a GCF so this is equal to AlxbZ9kUm-8-00043-00017781-00017978 when we take it out we're going to take AlxbZ9kUm-8-00044-00017979-00018522 out a 2 and an M so what do we have left AlxbZ9kUm-8-00045-00018523-00019147 6m squared plus 10 divided by 2 5 M AlxbZ9kUm-8-00046-00019148-00019644 remember subtracting exponents minus 6 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00047-00019645-00020012 now we can use our AC method of AlxbZ9kUm-8-00048-00020013-00020252 factoring so we're gonna multiply 6 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00049-00020253-00020737 times 6 which gives us 36 we need AlxbZ9kUm-8-00050-00020738-00021130 factors of 36 that get us to 5 and in AlxbZ9kUm-8-00051-00021131-00021600 this case 9 times 4 will work say AlxbZ9kUm-8-00052-00021601-00022093 opposite signs bigger factor positive so AlxbZ9kUm-8-00053-00022094-00022553 9m minus 4 M that'll give us that plus AlxbZ9kUm-8-00054-00022554-00023021 by them so we're gonna factor by AlxbZ9kUm-8-00055-00023022-00023233 grouping so I'm gonna group this by AlxbZ9kUm-8-00056-00023234-00023722 putting 6 M Squared put the new factors AlxbZ9kUm-8-00057-00023723-00024230 in remember first and last term does not AlxbZ9kUm-8-00058-00024231-00024756 change now we've got our four factors AlxbZ9kUm-8-00059-00024757-00025265 let's group these guys so we have 2 M AlxbZ9kUm-8-00060-00025266-00025678 again don't lose your GCF common factor AlxbZ9kUm-8-00061-00025679-00026221 of 3 M so what do we have we have a 2 6 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00062-00026222-00026780 divided by 3 is 2 m 9 divided by 3 is 3 AlxbZ9kUm-8-00063-00026781-00027179 and the M is gone in the second set we AlxbZ9kUm-8-00064-00027180-00027419 have a common factor of two but make AlxbZ9kUm-8-00065-00027420-00027727 sure you take it out as a negative two AlxbZ9kUm-8-00066-00027729-00028133 and we have a 2m again you factored out AlxbZ9kUm-8-00067-00028133-00028540 a negative plus three we have the same AlxbZ9kUm-8-00068-00028541-00028840 thing in the binomials a great job AlxbZ9kUm-8-00069-00028841-00029590 so 2m the GCF the common factor and the AlxbZ9kUm-8-00070-00029591-00029843 leftovers 3m minus two AlxbZ9kUm-8-00071-00029844-00030044 now these do tend to take a lot of AlxbZ9kUm-8-00072-00030045-00030482 practice so make sure you practice these B4TJEPrYz9u-00000-00000272-00000447 hello guys B4TJEPrYz9u-00001-00000448-00000711 how are you today i must say that i'm B4TJEPrYz9u-00002-00000712-00001023 very very very very very happy today's B4TJEPrYz9u-00003-00001024-00001350 menu has to do with one of my favorite B4TJEPrYz9u-00004-00001351-00001687 foods spaghetti with tomato sauce and B4TJEPrYz9u-00005-00001688-00001991 parmesan i have eaten tons of spaghetti B4TJEPrYz9u-00006-00001992-00002310 in my life but i want more and because i B4TJEPrYz9u-00007-00002311-00002502 like to do amazing things with food B4TJEPrYz9u-00008-00002503-00002791 don't live stay here and see what i will B4TJEPrYz9u-00009-00002792-00003063 do in a little while are you ready B4TJEPrYz9u-00010-00003064-00003854 that's it B4TJEPrYz9u-00011-00003856-00004737 [Music] B4TJEPrYz9u-00012-00004738-00005814 [Music] B4TJEPrYz9u-00013-00005815-00006318 [Music] B4TJEPrYz9u-00014-00006319-00006589 my B4TJEPrYz9u-00016-00010920-00013335 that's it guys B4TJEPrYz9u-00018-00017656-00019919 so B4TJEPrYz9u-00021-00030780-00032111 [Applause] B4TJEPrYz9u-00022-00032112-00032287 hey guys B4TJEPrYz9u-00023-00032288-00032590 it's time B4TJEPrYz9u-00024-00032591-00032815 welcome to the caveman food fact of the B4TJEPrYz9u-00025-00032816-00032902 day B4TJEPrYz9u-00026-00032903-00033231 did you know that peppers don't actually B4TJEPrYz9u-00027-00033232-00033383 burn your mouth B4TJEPrYz9u-00028-00033384-00033623 there's a chemical in chili peppers B4TJEPrYz9u-00029-00033624-00033918 called capsaicin that tricks your mouth B4TJEPrYz9u-00030-00033919-00034199 into feeling like it's being burnt B4TJEPrYz9u-00031-00034200-00034479 that's why spicy food hurts the pain is B4TJEPrYz9u-00032-00034480-00034807 on your head B4TJEPrYz9u-00033-00034808-00034935 seriously B4TJEPrYz9u-00036-00041703-00043551 ah B4TJEPrYz9u-00037-00043552-00044359 okay B4TJEPrYz9u-00038-00044360-00045871 [Music] B4TJEPrYz9u-00039-00045872-00046807 oh B4TJEPrYz9u-00040-00046808-00048999 so B4TJEPrYz9u-00041-00049000-00049279 so amazing guys B4TJEPrYz9u-00042-00049280-00049607 thank you guys for watching B4TJEPrYz9u-00043-00049608-00049830 thank you for your support sending you B4TJEPrYz9u-00044-00049831-00052399 my love B4TJEPrYz9u-00045-00052400-00052608 you B5JOENJzGU4-00000-00000110-00000394 good afternoon my name is ketchup Popova B5JOENJzGU4-00001-00000395-00000569 from National oceanography centre B5JOENJzGU4-00002-00000570-00000875 UK and I will present some results today B5JOENJzGU4-00003-00000876-00001103 on the connectivity between areas beyond B5JOENJzGU4-00004-00001104-00001291 national jurisdiction and the coastal B5JOENJzGU4-00005-00001292-00001520 zone and first of all I would like to B5JOENJzGU4-00006-00001521-00001735 acknowledge my courses David first an B5JOENJzGU4-00007-00001736-00001982 and Forex our from Rhodes University in B5JOENJzGU4-00008-00001982-00002275 South Africa and assume Mohammed from B5JOENJzGU4-00009-00002276-00002518 International Institute for Environment B5JOENJzGU4-00010-00002519-00002884 and development ocean ecology B5JOENJzGU4-00011-00002885-00003104 connectivity is a very complex natural B5JOENJzGU4-00012-00003105-00003386 phenomena which links various components B5JOENJzGU4-00013-00003386-00003572 of marine ecosystem in time and space B5JOENJzGU4-00014-00003572-00003899 and in our case we can see that linkages B5JOENJzGU4-00015-00003900-00004081 between areas beyond national B5JOENJzGU4-00016-00004082-00004504 jurisdictions and coastal zone so B5JOENJzGU4-00017-00004505-00004793 ecological connectivity happens one at B5JOENJzGU4-00018-00004794-00005051 two main mechanisms first of all it's B5JOENJzGU4-00019-00005052-00005327 active or migratory connectivity a lot B5JOENJzGU4-00020-00005328-00005602 of marine species migrate by large B5JOENJzGU4-00021-00005603-00005888 distances and also the responsive B5JOENJzGU4-00022-00005889-00006233 connectivity which sprint around Ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00023-00006234-00006539 larvae which is nearly passive substance B5JOENJzGU4-00024-00006540-00006934 part of its life stages and this pacific B5JOENJzGU4-00025-00006936-00007325 connectivity happens wire very energetic B5JOENJzGU4-00026-00007326-00007967 ocean currents B5JOENJzGU4-00027-00007968-00008159 so let's have a look at my B5JOENJzGU4-00028-00008159-00008456 Nativity first of all so this map shows B5JOENJzGU4-00029-00008457-00008812 a compilation of the recent data on B5JOENJzGU4-00030-00008813-00009160 migrating marine species such as tuna B5JOENJzGU4-00031-00009161-00009557 sharks turtles so the main things to B5JOENJzGU4-00032-00009558-00009778 take from this plot is that migrator B5JOENJzGU4-00033-00009779-00009998 species are quite ubiquitous in the B5JOENJzGU4-00034-00009999-00010337 ocean and they do straddle both high B5JOENJzGU4-00035-00010338-00010689 seas and coastal zones B5JOENJzGU4-00036-00010690-00011189 what about ocean circulation connected B5JOENJzGU4-00037-00011190-00011516 so this is a NEMA model model of the B5JOENJzGU4-00038-00011517-00011708 ocean circulation which you see right B5JOENJzGU4-00039-00011709-00011972 now is surface ocean currents with a B5JOENJzGU4-00040-00011973-00012359 white color so very eraser very fast B5JOENJzGU4-00041-00012360-00012611 currents and blue is have more quiet B5JOENJzGU4-00042-00012612-00013043 areas so this is just awesome velocity B5JOENJzGU4-00043-00013044-00013388 to understand how tightly areas are B5JOENJzGU4-00044-00013388-00013613 connected we use me use Lagrangian B5JOENJzGU4-00045-00013613-00013913 approach so what we do with the exist B5JOENJzGU4-00046-00013913-00014183 ocean model ocean currents and we begin B5JOENJzGU4-00047-00014184-00014537 to drop imaginary little flows like you B5JOENJzGU4-00048-00014538-00014822 can see here those void floats first B5JOENJzGU4-00049-00014822-00015083 drop the drop zone into our modeled B5JOENJzGU4-00050-00015084-00015335 ocean as a virtual reality and we draw B5JOENJzGU4-00051-00015336-00015674 how long it takes them to connect one B5JOENJzGU4-00052-00015675-00016079 areas to analysis if a for example want B5JOENJzGU4-00053-00016080-00016463 to be on the coast somewhere here if we B5JOENJzGU4-00054-00016464-00016688 can use trajectory of this flow to B5JOENJzGU4-00055-00016689-00016919 calculate where our vote on the coastal B5JOENJzGU4-00056-00016920-00017177 zone came from and how long it took it B5JOENJzGU4-00057-00017178-00017531 to get there and we did this for all B5JOENJzGU4-00058-00017532-00017794 maritime police developed countries B5JOENJzGU4-00059-00017795-00018062 around the world and what we found is B5JOENJzGU4-00060-00018063-00018311 that some coastlines of some countries B5JOENJzGU4-00061-00018312-00018584 are much more connected to the high seas B5JOENJzGU4-00062-00018585-00019121 and others so which are the most high B5JOENJzGU4-00063-00019122-00019289 seas connect at least developed B5JOENJzGU4-00064-00019290-00019562 countries in the world well in the B5JOENJzGU4-00065-00019563-00020096 Indian Ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00066-00020097-00020426 yeah and Somalia so what do you see on B5JOENJzGU4-00067-00020427-00020657 the picture is what we called a B5JOENJzGU4-00068-00020658-00020951 circulation footprint so imagine that we B5JOENJzGU4-00069-00020952-00021271 are on a coastal zone of Somalia and B5JOENJzGU4-00070-00021272-00021602 someone begin to serve imaginary floats B5JOENJzGU4-00071-00021603-00021893 in the high seas and that floats B5JOENJzGU4-00072-00021894-00022139 galvez occurrence and some of them begin B5JOENJzGU4-00073-00022140-00022529 to arrive to Somali coastline so colors B5JOENJzGU4-00074-00022530-00022889 show how long it takes to the float to B5JOENJzGU4-00075-00022890-00023108 reach from high seas to the coastal B5JOENJzGU4-00076-00023109-00023374 zones so when you're in this purple area B5JOENJzGU4-00077-00023375-00023753 connection takes about 1 months so when B5JOENJzGU4-00078-00023754-00023972 you're in a red area connection to the B5JOENJzGU4-00079-00023973-00024302 coastal zone to Somalia Somali take B5JOENJzGU4-00080-00024303-00024581 around six months so in the Indian Ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00081-00024582-00024917 and it is Somali and Tanzania which are B5JOENJzGU4-00082-00024918-00025172 most connected countries and in general B5JOENJzGU4-00083-00025173-00025451 Indian Ocean is the most connected ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00084-00025452-00025702 and about you it's very very energetic B5JOENJzGU4-00085-00025704-00025972 and seasonally divorce in monsoon B5JOENJzGU4-00086-00025973-00026072 circulation B5JOENJzGU4-00087-00026073-00026408 Kiribati was a foot brain stretching on B5JOENJzGU4-00088-00026408-00027198 both sides of the ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00089-00027199-00027539 in Atlantic the most connected country B5JOENJzGU4-00090-00027541-00027968 is Liberia so the same way is not all B5JOENJzGU4-00091-00027969-00028208 countries made equal in their B5JOENJzGU4-00092-00028210-00028490 connections to the hi-c in the same way B5JOENJzGU4-00093-00028491-00028932 not already's in boys equally connected B5JOENJzGU4-00094-00028933-00029377 so we calculated in this flawed B5JOENJzGU4-00095-00029378-00029832 how many countries each area in the high B5JOENJzGU4-00096-00029833-00030102 seas are connected to on the time scale B5JOENJzGU4-00097-00030102-00030462 of six months and what you see is really B5JOENJzGU4-00098-00030463-00030762 kind of bright red areas it's the B5JOENJzGU4-00099-00030763-00031149 connection is to 7 to 10 countries and B5JOENJzGU4-00100-00031150-00031574 blue areas is for one or two countries B5JOENJzGU4-00101-00031575-00031848 so the most connected terrorists of the B5JOENJzGU4-00102-00031849-00032214 high seas to the coastal zones of least B5JOENJzGU4-00103-00032214-00032481 developed countries would be areas in B5JOENJzGU4-00104-00032482-00032823 the Atlantic areas in the Indian Ocean B5JOENJzGU4-00105-00032824-00033117 especially over high seas part of the B5JOENJzGU4-00106-00033118-00033549 masculine plateau Bango Bay and what we B5JOENJzGU4-00107-00033550-00033887 call John Hall of the Pacific Islands of B5JOENJzGU4-00108-00033888-00034185 areas between exclusive economic zone B5JOENJzGU4-00109-00034186-00034656 which is high seas here areas beyond B5JOENJzGU4-00110-00034657-00034845 national jurisdictions have tight B5JOENJzGU4-00111-00034846-00035127 ecological connectivity to the coastal B5JOENJzGU4-00112-00035128-00035465 waters so high seas are nonzero stream B5JOENJzGU4-00113-00035466-00035811 otakus consequential areas that tightly B5JOENJzGU4-00114-00035812-00036146 connected the influence and coastal zone B5JOENJzGU4-00115-00036147-00036471 influences a community and what was the B5JOENJzGU4-00116-00036472-00036858 level of connectivity and exposure of B5JOENJzGU4-00117-00036859-00037281 the countries to activities of a bnj B5JOENJzGU4-00118-00037282-00037458 significantly varies between countries B5JOENJzGU4-00119-00037459-00037796 and region and some coastal states are B5JOENJzGU4-00120-00037797-00038087 more impacted by human activities in the B5JOENJzGU4-00121-00038088-00038333 areas beyond national jurisdictions and B5JOENJzGU4-00122-00038334-00038664 others but the most important conclusion B5JOENJzGU4-00123-00038665-00038973 is that current debate on criteria to B5JOENJzGU4-00124-00038974-00039201 identify marine managed and marine B5JOENJzGU4-00125-00039202-00039495 protected areas in the areas beyond B5JOENJzGU4-00126-00039496-00039749 national jurisdiction often focus on the B5JOENJzGU4-00127-00039750-00039914 collage occur and biological B5JOENJzGU4-00128-00039915-00040233 significance significance of this area B5JOENJzGU4-00129-00040234-00040473 in question so what we are B5JOENJzGU4-00130-00040474-00040712 in this study is that criteria for B5JOENJzGU4-00131-00040713-00041018 establishing marine protected areas in B5JOENJzGU4-00132-00041019-00041280 the high seas must include potential B5JOENJzGU4-00133-00041281-00041511 socio-economic benefits for vulnerable B5JOENJzGU4-00134-00041512-00041865 coastal community not only affected by B5JOENJzGU4-00135-00041866-00042201 this area but downstream of this area so B5JOENJzGU4-00136-00042202-00042477 it is important of the downstream zone B5JOENJzGU4-00137-00042478-00042698 of influence while ecological B5JOENJzGU4-00138-00042699-00042993 connectivity is the main conclusion of B5JOENJzGU4-00139-00042994-00043429 the B5JOENJzGU4-00140-00043430-00043699 missions can be found in the Poland B5JOENJzGU4-00141-00043700-00043924 publications which is shown on the B5JOENJzGU4-00142-00043925-00044173 screen right now it's a recent paper in B5JOENJzGU4-00143-00044174-00044356 marine policy and ecological B5JOENJzGU4-00144-00044357-00044560 connectivity between areas beyond B5JOENJzGU4-00145-00044561-00044734 national jurisdiction and coastal waters B5JOENJzGU4-00146-00044735-00045196 and also in a policy brief so far yet so B5JOENJzGU4-00147-00045197-00045436 closed ecological connectivity between B5JOENJzGU4-00148-00045437-00045655 areas beyond national jurisdictions and B5JOENJzGU4-00149-00045656-00045943 territorial waters both publications are B5JOENJzGU4-00150-00045944-00046246 in open access using links below you can B5JOENJzGU4-00151-00046247-00046621 get the full text thank you very much B5JOENJzGU4-00152-00046622-00047065 and please ask if you have any questions B8Ib0fGCI6E-00000-00000296-00000399 say you're given B8Ib0fGCI6E-00001-00000400-00000703 a research essay to complete and you're B8Ib0fGCI6E-00002-00000704-00000854 a little rusty on B8Ib0fGCI6E-00003-00000855-00001158 how to proceed this video is intended to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00004-00001159-00001223 kind of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00005-00001224-00001558 direct you to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00006-00001559-00001743 manage and how to start so one of the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00007-00001744-00001871 things i like to do is B8Ib0fGCI6E-00008-00001872-00002183 open up a google doc immediately and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00009-00002184-00002342 this is where i'll be able to have my B8Ib0fGCI6E-00010-00002343-00002415 notes B8Ib0fGCI6E-00011-00002416-00002615 i can copy and paste links to the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00012-00002616-00002750 sources i have B8Ib0fGCI6E-00013-00002751-00003007 so that i don't accidentally lose them B8Ib0fGCI6E-00014-00003008-00003079 or B8Ib0fGCI6E-00015-00003080-00003270 or incorrectly write them if i put them B8Ib0fGCI6E-00016-00003271-00003390 on a piece of paper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00017-00003392-00003599 and then i can actually just write my B8Ib0fGCI6E-00018-00003600-00003815 essay below my notes and then when i'm B8Ib0fGCI6E-00019-00003815-00003927 done writing my essay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00020-00003928-00004111 i just delete my notes and there's my B8Ib0fGCI6E-00021-00004112-00004238 finished product B8Ib0fGCI6E-00022-00004239-00004486 so i open it up i go ahead and i title B8Ib0fGCI6E-00023-00004487-00004663 it revolutionary heroin B8Ib0fGCI6E-00024-00004664-00005047 essay i had um decided to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00025-00005048-00005335 write my essay or do my research on a B8Ib0fGCI6E-00026-00005336-00005479 female B8Ib0fGCI6E-00027-00005480-00005767 patriot or female influencer during the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00028-00005768-00005927 american revolution B8Ib0fGCI6E-00029-00005928-00006231 so once i have my google doc ready to go B8Ib0fGCI6E-00030-00006232-00006567 i then need to go to google and do some B8Ib0fGCI6E-00031-00006568-00006639 research B8Ib0fGCI6E-00032-00006640-00006903 so i typed in lesser known heroes of the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00033-00006904-00007070 revolutionary war B8Ib0fGCI6E-00034-00007072-00007287 now you could just depending whatever B8Ib0fGCI6E-00035-00007288-00007551 your subject is you just type it into B8Ib0fGCI6E-00036-00007552-00007855 the the search bar there insert and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00037-00007856-00008046 and hit you know find me this B8Ib0fGCI6E-00038-00008047-00008246 information B8Ib0fGCI6E-00039-00008247-00008574 there are so many well known documented B8Ib0fGCI6E-00040-00008575-00008823 revolutionary war heroes that i wanted B8Ib0fGCI6E-00041-00008824-00008974 to go for somebody who hasn't B8Ib0fGCI6E-00042-00008975-00009087 necessarily B8Ib0fGCI6E-00043-00009088-00009439 gotten their deserved due or B8Ib0fGCI6E-00044-00009440-00009703 had the spotlight as much so in that B8Ib0fGCI6E-00045-00009704-00009791 research B8Ib0fGCI6E-00046-00009792-00010151 i find a bunch of different pages B8Ib0fGCI6E-00047-00010152-00010406 what i had done is i opened up the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00048-00010407-00010591 different pages kind of scanned through B8Ib0fGCI6E-00049-00010592-00010806 did anybody's story stand out as B8Ib0fGCI6E-00050-00010807-00010927 interesting enough B8Ib0fGCI6E-00051-00010928-00011263 that i would want to research on B8Ib0fGCI6E-00052-00011264-00011431 the other thing is you might come across B8Ib0fGCI6E-00053-00011432-00011574 finding somebody B8Ib0fGCI6E-00054-00011575-00011823 um like i believe people in the past B8Ib0fGCI6E-00055-00011824-00011895 have chosen B8Ib0fGCI6E-00056-00011896-00012135 martha washington well then she was B8Ib0fGCI6E-00057-00012136-00012287 really hard to write about B8Ib0fGCI6E-00058-00012288-00012463 because all she did was give george B8Ib0fGCI6E-00059-00012464-00012614 washington grief B8Ib0fGCI6E-00060-00012615-00012846 during the whole war so she wasn't B8Ib0fGCI6E-00061-00012847-00012966 really a hero B8Ib0fGCI6E-00062-00012967-00013222 and uh kind of hard to write an essay on B8Ib0fGCI6E-00063-00013223-00013383 it so feel free to always B8Ib0fGCI6E-00064-00013384-00013519 just pick somebody where there's plenty B8Ib0fGCI6E-00065-00013519-00013807 of information um i had chosen the top B8Ib0fGCI6E-00066-00013808-00013943 ten lesser known patriots of the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00067-00013944-00014079 american revolution B8Ib0fGCI6E-00068-00014080-00014375 when i clicked on that it took me this B8Ib0fGCI6E-00069-00014376-00014438 page B8Ib0fGCI6E-00070-00014440-00014783 and as i read through the different B8Ib0fGCI6E-00071-00014784-00015038 people i'd come across somebody named B8Ib0fGCI6E-00072-00015040-00015166 polly cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00073-00015168-00015358 now i'd never heard of paula cooper so i B8Ib0fGCI6E-00074-00015359-00015471 was intrigued B8Ib0fGCI6E-00075-00015472-00015703 and she was a native american woman from B8Ib0fGCI6E-00076-00015704-00015911 the oneida tribe of the ir B8Ib0fGCI6E-00077-00015912-00016150 iroquois confederacy and during the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00078-00016151-00016350 terrible winter at valley forge B8Ib0fGCI6E-00079-00016351-00016558 cooper carried corn and taught the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00080-00016559-00016735 soldiers how to cook B8Ib0fGCI6E-00081-00016736-00016886 uh how to cook it so they would have B8Ib0fGCI6E-00082-00016887-00017094 something to eat her arrival with the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00083-00017095-00017255 life-saving supply food B8Ib0fGCI6E-00084-00017256-00017447 was a welcome relief for washington and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00085-00017448-00017663 his men now i'm familiar with valley B8Ib0fGCI6E-00086-00017664-00017822 forge and how B8Ib0fGCI6E-00087-00017823-00018047 bad this camp was like there were B8Ib0fGCI6E-00088-00018048-00018143 soldiers B8Ib0fGCI6E-00089-00018144-00018407 like who didn't even have shoes they B8Ib0fGCI6E-00090-00018408-00018619 were freezing to death they had no B8Ib0fGCI6E-00091-00018620-00018775 supplies B8Ib0fGCI6E-00092-00018776-00019111 and so this woman and people from the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00093-00019112-00019230 oneida tribe B8Ib0fGCI6E-00094-00019231-00019519 came and helped them so that i found B8Ib0fGCI6E-00095-00019520-00019703 fascinating B8Ib0fGCI6E-00096-00019704-00019943 so since she's the person i first got my B8Ib0fGCI6E-00097-00019944-00020111 information this is the page i first got B8Ib0fGCI6E-00098-00020112-00020230 my information from B8Ib0fGCI6E-00099-00020231-00020558 i'm gonna go ahead copy this B8Ib0fGCI6E-00100-00020559-00020927 link and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00101-00020928-00021263 paste it and then do a brief summary of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00102-00021264-00021414 what i learned about okay so B8Ib0fGCI6E-00103-00021415-00021863 polly cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00104-00021864-00022655 um and oneida B8Ib0fGCI6E-00105-00022656-00023143 the tribe's woman B8Ib0fGCI6E-00106-00023144-00023639 brought washington's B8Ib0fGCI6E-00107-00023640-00024094 army food during the harsh B8Ib0fGCI6E-00108-00024095-00024455 winter at B8Ib0fGCI6E-00109-00024456-00024775 valley forge okay so when i write B8Ib0fGCI6E-00110-00024776-00025030 ideally i should be writing these B8Ib0fGCI6E-00111-00025031-00025230 takeaways these things in my own words B8Ib0fGCI6E-00112-00025231-00025463 so that i don't have to take a chance B8Ib0fGCI6E-00113-00025464-00025743 of plagiarizing and and cutting it B8Ib0fGCI6E-00114-00025744-00025918 straight from somebody else's B8Ib0fGCI6E-00115-00025919-00026239 work okay so then i decide well if B8Ib0fGCI6E-00116-00026239-00026479 polly cooper's my lady i want to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00117-00026480-00026607 specifically search B8Ib0fGCI6E-00118-00026608-00026943 for her holly cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00119-00026944-00027183 revolutionary war apparently paulie B8Ib0fGCI6E-00120-00027183-00027255 cooper is B8Ib0fGCI6E-00121-00027256-00027558 also on riverdale so uh i have to make B8Ib0fGCI6E-00122-00027560-00027767 sure to add the revolutionary war so i B8Ib0fGCI6E-00123-00027768-00027887 get the right person B8Ib0fGCI6E-00124-00027888-00028127 now polly cooper on wikipedia shows up B8Ib0fGCI6E-00125-00028127-00028311 but we don't want to use wikipedia B8Ib0fGCI6E-00126-00028312-00028518 if you know nothing about somebody you B8Ib0fGCI6E-00127-00028519-00028670 can just get some general B8Ib0fGCI6E-00128-00028672-00028887 background info at wikipedia but this is B8Ib0fGCI6E-00129-00028888-00029062 not an academic source B8Ib0fGCI6E-00130-00029063-00029174 one of the things that you should be B8Ib0fGCI6E-00131-00029175-00029439 looking for as far as in the names B8Ib0fGCI6E-00132-00029439-00029702 of the websites that you used is B8Ib0fGCI6E-00133-00029704-00029855 something that maybe has B8Ib0fGCI6E-00134-00029856-00030167 org or edu edu B8Ib0fGCI6E-00135-00030168-00030311 is really good because it's an B8Ib0fGCI6E-00136-00030312-00030695 educational website it's not trying to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00137-00030695-00031095 sell something or anything like that B8Ib0fGCI6E-00138-00031095-00031311 but sometimes that's hard to find so dot B8Ib0fGCI6E-00139-00031312-00031414 coms are okay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00140-00031416-00031558 but what you need to do in your research B8Ib0fGCI6E-00141-00031560-00031718 is have more than one B8Ib0fGCI6E-00142-00031719-00031958 source the importance of this is the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00143-00031960-00032095 more sources you have B8Ib0fGCI6E-00144-00032095-00032311 the more those sources can confirm each B8Ib0fGCI6E-00145-00032312-00032462 other's information B8Ib0fGCI6E-00146-00032463-00032623 one might include something the other B8Ib0fGCI6E-00147-00032624-00032774 doesn't but as long B8Ib0fGCI6E-00148-00032775-00032967 as the facts that are given that are B8Ib0fGCI6E-00149-00032968-00033159 found in multiple sources B8Ib0fGCI6E-00150-00033160-00033535 are the same you can pretty much B8Ib0fGCI6E-00151-00033536-00033839 get you know assume that the all all the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00152-00033840-00033959 information is correct B8Ib0fGCI6E-00153-00033960-00034367 and that it's a legitimate accurate B8Ib0fGCI6E-00154-00034368-00034727 website so i'm going to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00155-00034728-00034895 here's actually something from the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00156-00034896-00035055 oneida nation itself B8Ib0fGCI6E-00157-00035056-00035207 i'm interested in what they have to say B8Ib0fGCI6E-00158-00035208-00035479 about her B8Ib0fGCI6E-00159-00035480-00035927 so i'll clip click there B8Ib0fGCI6E-00160-00035928-00036407 okay so um B8Ib0fGCI6E-00161-00036408-00036807 talking about help for freedom B8Ib0fGCI6E-00162-00036808-00037095 oh so it's so it's according to the oral B8Ib0fGCI6E-00163-00037096-00037151 tradition B8Ib0fGCI6E-00164-00037152-00037383 paulie cooper walked hundreds of miles B8Ib0fGCI6E-00165-00037384-00037687 from central new york to valley forge B8Ib0fGCI6E-00166-00037688-00037935 through the bitter cold on a relief B8Ib0fGCI6E-00167-00037936-00038046 mission B8Ib0fGCI6E-00168-00038047-00038207 and that they brought hundreds of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00169-00038208-00038390 bushels of white corn to feed general B8Ib0fGCI6E-00170-00038391-00038574 george washington's starving troops B8Ib0fGCI6E-00171-00038575-00038830 oh my goodness so she had to walk from B8Ib0fGCI6E-00172-00038831-00038990 new york i'm gonna need to look up where B8Ib0fGCI6E-00173-00038991-00039190 valley forge is B8Ib0fGCI6E-00174-00039191-00039711 so again i get my website B8Ib0fGCI6E-00175-00039712-00040030 so that i can find it easily later on B8Ib0fGCI6E-00176-00040031-00041190 okay so cooper and other B8Ib0fGCI6E-00177-00041191-00041527 people walked B8Ib0fGCI6E-00178-00041528-00041918 hundreds of miles B8Ib0fGCI6E-00179-00041919-00042246 from new york B8Ib0fGCI6E-00180-00042247-00042607 to valley forge B8Ib0fGCI6E-00181-00042608-00042918 bringing so did it specify how many B8Ib0fGCI6E-00182-00042919-00043127 bushels they brought B8Ib0fGCI6E-00183-00043128-00043695 bringing hundreds okay bringing B8Ib0fGCI6E-00184-00043696-00044015 hundreds of bushels of corn B8Ib0fGCI6E-00185-00044016-00044535 to feed washington's B8Ib0fGCI6E-00186-00044536-00045023 army during the winter B8Ib0fGCI6E-00187-00045024-00045479 okay oh i had one too many o's in cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00188-00045480-00046151 all right B8Ib0fGCI6E-00189-00046152-00046327 so she taught the soldiers how to cook B8Ib0fGCI6E-00190-00046328-00046590 corn and stayed after B8Ib0fGCI6E-00191-00046591-00046918 even after the others had departed B8Ib0fGCI6E-00192-00046919-00047286 wow okay so B8Ib0fGCI6E-00193-00047287-00047623 she taught B8Ib0fGCI6E-00194-00047624-00047958 them how to cook the corn B8Ib0fGCI6E-00195-00047959-00048543 and stayed with the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00196-00048544-00048943 army even after her fellow B8Ib0fGCI6E-00197-00048944-00049423 when naida had returned B8Ib0fGCI6E-00198-00049424-00049790 home that's pretty impressive okay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00199-00049791-00050151 um wrong one B8Ib0fGCI6E-00200-00050152-00050686 and she accepted a token appreciation B8Ib0fGCI6E-00201-00050687-00050935 and it was a shawl and says it was a B8Ib0fGCI6E-00202-00050936-00051071 shawl and bonnet B8Ib0fGCI6E-00203-00051072-00051342 um so when i had done my research here B8Ib0fGCI6E-00204-00051344-00051494 it said martha washington B8Ib0fGCI6E-00205-00051495-00051766 but in other websites it said other B8Ib0fGCI6E-00206-00051767-00051846 people B8Ib0fGCI6E-00207-00051847-00052070 or that the soldiers or that the wives B8Ib0fGCI6E-00208-00052071-00052311 of soldiers have bought it for her B8Ib0fGCI6E-00209-00052312-00052575 and this is again one of the reasons we B8Ib0fGCI6E-00210-00052576-00052615 read B8Ib0fGCI6E-00211-00052616-00052863 different um things okay so this one B8Ib0fGCI6E-00212-00052864-00052999 says the same thing about martha B8Ib0fGCI6E-00213-00053000-00053142 washington B8Ib0fGCI6E-00214-00053144-00053487 but i had done other research B8Ib0fGCI6E-00215-00053488-00053703 prior to making this video and i know B8Ib0fGCI6E-00216-00053704-00053926 that other websites said it wasn't just B8Ib0fGCI6E-00217-00053927-00054087 martha washington B8Ib0fGCI6E-00218-00054088-00054423 so i'm gonna just say as a gift okay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00219-00054424-00054830 um she was gifted with a B8Ib0fGCI6E-00220-00054832-00055142 shawl and thanks for B8Ib0fGCI6E-00221-00055144-00055679 her service B8Ib0fGCI6E-00222-00055679-00055982 to the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00223-00055983-00056223 soldiers okay um B8Ib0fGCI6E-00224-00056224-00056407 [Music] B8Ib0fGCI6E-00225-00056408-00056735 so i'm probably going to even find B8Ib0fGCI6E-00226-00056736-00056991 you know these were fairly short so i B8Ib0fGCI6E-00227-00056991-00057079 might B8Ib0fGCI6E-00228-00057079-00057271 find another website it doesn't hurt to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00229-00057272-00057382 have three B8Ib0fGCI6E-00230-00057383-00057582 and then it just looks really good to B8Ib0fGCI6E-00231-00057583-00057735 have all of your different B8Ib0fGCI6E-00232-00057736-00058054 sources so polly cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00233-00058055-00058430 um B8Ib0fGCI6E-00234-00058432-00058599 oh here's something about her shawl B8Ib0fGCI6E-00235-00058600-00058903 paula cooper history of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00236-00058904-00059079 american woman all right let's see what B8Ib0fGCI6E-00237-00059079-00059671 this says B8Ib0fGCI6E-00238-00059672-00059966 part an exceptional aid continental army B8Ib0fGCI6E-00239-00059967-00060238 during the bitterly cold winter B8Ib0fGCI6E-00240-00060239-00060647 generous and okay oh so here it talks B8Ib0fGCI6E-00241-00060648-00060726 about B8Ib0fGCI6E-00242-00060727-00061038 the misery the poorly equipped army B8Ib0fGCI6E-00243-00061039-00061342 they were weary um they were B8Ib0fGCI6E-00244-00061344-00061806 undernourished and it you know B8Ib0fGCI6E-00245-00061807-00062135 all this the oneida nation received word B8Ib0fGCI6E-00246-00062136-00062326 of washington and starving soldiers at B8Ib0fGCI6E-00247-00062327-00062447 valley forge B8Ib0fGCI6E-00248-00062448-00062679 and they had experienced the united head B8Ib0fGCI6E-00249-00062679-00062863 it had a really bountiful harvest B8Ib0fGCI6E-00250-00062864-00063238 an excess of corn and so this chief B8Ib0fGCI6E-00251-00063239-00063575 skenendoa sent 40 warriors and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00252-00063576-00063871 one woman to accompany them and her name B8Ib0fGCI6E-00253-00063872-00064006 was paulie cooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00254-00064007-00064263 so here this actually goes into really B8Ib0fGCI6E-00255-00064264-00064382 great B8Ib0fGCI6E-00256-00064383-00064742 set of information um so because here it B8Ib0fGCI6E-00257-00064744-00064863 says according to legend B8Ib0fGCI6E-00258-00064864-00065087 the army wives went to town to shop one B8Ib0fGCI6E-00259-00065088-00065326 day and took polly with them she admired B8Ib0fGCI6E-00260-00065327-00065399 the clothing B8Ib0fGCI6E-00261-00065400-00065647 bought nothing for themselves but she B8Ib0fGCI6E-00262-00065648-00065838 really liked this beautiful shawl B8Ib0fGCI6E-00263-00065839-00066231 and so um the women bought the shawl B8Ib0fGCI6E-00264-00066232-00066575 and presented it to her B8Ib0fGCI6E-00265-00066576-00066903 as thanks because she wouldn't B8Ib0fGCI6E-00266-00066904-00067150 take any compensation and actually this B8Ib0fGCI6E-00267-00067151-00067294 shawl has been handed B8Ib0fGCI6E-00268-00067295-00067535 down so that is a really cool B8Ib0fGCI6E-00269-00067536-00067694 information it's even displayed B8Ib0fGCI6E-00270-00067695-00067959 at the oneida indian nation to remind B8Ib0fGCI6E-00271-00067960-00068071 them about the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00272-00068072-00068406 importance and the impact of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00273-00068407-00068759 the indigenous americans so this B8Ib0fGCI6E-00274-00068760-00069071 is also a great website and B8Ib0fGCI6E-00275-00069072-00069582 i'm going to include that B8Ib0fGCI6E-00276-00069583-00069999 and have my notes about it okay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00277-00070000-00070271 so now that i've done my research you B8Ib0fGCI6E-00278-00070272-00070494 know go back and type in your notes here B8Ib0fGCI6E-00279-00070495-00070647 then once you've done your research B8Ib0fGCI6E-00280-00070648-00070879 you'll be able to go ahead and create B8Ib0fGCI6E-00281-00070880-00071175 mla citations to go with this make sure B8Ib0fGCI6E-00282-00071176-00071343 that as you write your essay B8Ib0fGCI6E-00283-00071344-00071519 your introduction should include the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00284-00071520-00071662 background of what led B8Ib0fGCI6E-00285-00071663-00072047 up to the individual being discussed B8Ib0fGCI6E-00286-00072048-00072303 um and then talk about what their impact B8Ib0fGCI6E-00287-00072304-00072455 was and the conclusion B8Ib0fGCI6E-00288-00072456-00072671 is your overall thoughts you know maybe B8Ib0fGCI6E-00289-00072672-00072919 saying you know who would have known B8Ib0fGCI6E-00290-00072920-00073247 had what would have happened to the B8Ib0fGCI6E-00291-00073248-00073503 continental army george washington his B8Ib0fGCI6E-00292-00073504-00073567 forces B8Ib0fGCI6E-00293-00073568-00073894 if it weren't for the influence of B8Ib0fGCI6E-00294-00073895-00074175 the oneida nation and polycooper B8Ib0fGCI6E-00295-00074176-00074367 specifically B8Ib0fGCI6E-00296-00074368-00074647 so when you're when you put these facts B8Ib0fGCI6E-00297-00074648-00074823 in so you have these notes B8Ib0fGCI6E-00298-00074824-00075103 and you put them into your essay make B8Ib0fGCI6E-00299-00075104-00075231 sure B8Ib0fGCI6E-00300-00075232-00075406 when you put that information in you're B8Ib0fGCI6E-00301-00075407-00075599 doing what's called an in-text B8Ib0fGCI6E-00302-00075600-00075887 citation so i'll make another video that B8Ib0fGCI6E-00303-00075888-00076376 kind of explains how to do that Budf4Owy8iy-00000-00000056-00000262 hi i'm tony welcome to sports bike shops Budf4Owy8iy-00001-00000263-00000526 video about the top five budget flip Budf4Owy8iy-00002-00000527-00001087 front helmets Budf4Owy8iy-00003-00001088-00001247 flip front helmets they're not for Budf4Owy8iy-00004-00001248-00001495 everyone but they are incredibly popular Budf4Owy8iy-00005-00001496-00001623 and really for quite a few different Budf4Owy8iy-00006-00001623-00001807 reasons they're very practical as you Budf4Owy8iy-00007-00001807-00001934 can show your face without taking your Budf4Owy8iy-00008-00001935-00002167 helmet off or you can open the front to Budf4Owy8iy-00009-00002168-00002342 let in a little bit more air Budf4Owy8iy-00010-00002343-00002518 although with some helmets it's not Budf4Owy8iy-00011-00002519-00002663 legal to ride with the gym bar up which Budf4Owy8iy-00012-00002664-00002839 i'll explain in a bit more detail later Budf4Owy8iy-00013-00002840-00003095 on so riders who wear glasses are Budf4Owy8iy-00014-00003096-00003247 probably the people who love flips the Budf4Owy8iy-00015-00003247-00003431 most as you can put a flip front on and Budf4Owy8iy-00016-00003432-00003590 take it off again without having to take Budf4Owy8iy-00017-00003592-00003806 your specs off if budget isn't your Budf4Owy8iy-00018-00003807-00003959 biggest priority then we've made a Budf4Owy8iy-00019-00003960-00004175 separate video about best flip fronts Budf4Owy8iy-00020-00004176-00004359 regardless of price and there should be Budf4Owy8iy-00021-00004360-00004591 a link popping up for that now but you Budf4Owy8iy-00022-00004592-00004791 don't have to splash the cash to get a Budf4Owy8iy-00023-00004792-00005079 great flip the five in this video are Budf4Owy8iy-00024-00005080-00005335 all available for 200 pounds or less as Budf4Owy8iy-00025-00005336-00005559 we record this and we've chosen them Budf4Owy8iy-00026-00005560-00005822 mostly based on the scores in reviews by Budf4Owy8iy-00027-00005823-00006054 our customers but with one wild card Budf4Owy8iy-00028-00006055-00006270 helmet that i've thrown in as i reckon Budf4Owy8iy-00029-00006271-00006510 it's well worthy of a place in any top Budf4Owy8iy-00030-00006511-00006623 five Budf4Owy8iy-00031-00006623-00006798 if we've made a more in-depth video Budf4Owy8iy-00032-00006800-00006967 about any of the helmets here then Budf4Owy8iy-00033-00006968-00007159 you'll see links popping up as we go Budf4Owy8iy-00034-00007159-00007295 through and they're also in the Budf4Owy8iy-00035-00007295-00007446 description below Budf4Owy8iy-00036-00007447-00007727 right let's crack into these five budget Budf4Owy8iy-00037-00007728-00008367 flip front heroes Budf4Owy8iy-00038-00008368-00008646 hjc's i-90 is right at the top of our Budf4Owy8iy-00039-00008647-00008839 price threshold but thankfully it has Budf4Owy8iy-00040-00008840-00009031 the quality to back it up the shell is Budf4Owy8iy-00041-00009032-00009206 made from polycarbonate and the lifting Budf4Owy8iy-00042-00009207-00009431 mechanism sits the chin bar firmly in Budf4Owy8iy-00043-00009432-00009591 place on top of the lid it's dual Budf4Owy8iy-00044-00009592-00009751 hormonated so you can legally ride with Budf4Owy8iy-00045-00009752-00009974 the chin bar up and there's no lever to Budf4Owy8iy-00046-00009975-00010110 fix it in place as there's enough Budf4Owy8iy-00047-00010111-00010295 resistance here anyway there's a good Budf4Owy8iy-00048-00010296-00010503 level of venting it comes with a pinlock Budf4Owy8iy-00049-00010504-00010727 70 anti-mist insert in the box and Budf4Owy8iy-00050-00010728-00010910 there's also a sun visor with a good Budf4Owy8iy-00051-00010911-00011159 amount of depth to it the comfort lining Budf4Owy8iy-00052-00011160-00011374 which is all removable has a comfy Budf4Owy8iy-00053-00011375-00011574 quality fabric covering it over the top Budf4Owy8iy-00054-00011575-00011846 as well it's prepared for hjc's smart Budf4Owy8iy-00055-00011847-00012070 intercoms but also it's easy to fit a Budf4Owy8iy-00056-00012071-00012335 universal comp system and if you prefer Budf4Owy8iy-00057-00012336-00012487 that way that's really easy to do with Budf4Owy8iy-00058-00012488-00012751 this lid it's certified to the ece 2205 Budf4Owy8iy-00059-00012752-00012935 standard for the road and it achieved Budf4Owy8iy-00060-00012936-00013119 three stars out of five in the uk Budf4Owy8iy-00061-00013119-00013343 government's sharp impact testing scheme Budf4Owy8iy-00062-00013344-00013558 of the 61 reviews left for the i-90 on Budf4Owy8iy-00063-00013559-00013783 sports bike shop 49 owners gave it five Budf4Owy8iy-00064-00013784-00013999 stars the most common criticism is over Budf4Owy8iy-00065-00014000-00014199 noise with nine people mentioning that Budf4Owy8iy-00066-00014200-00014366 but there are also six people who say Budf4Owy8iy-00067-00014368-00014519 it's quiet so it just goes to show that Budf4Owy8iy-00068-00014519-00014686 you never know how much noise you'll get Budf4Owy8iy-00069-00014687-00014863 from any lid until you get out and Budf4Owy8iy-00070-00014863-00015103 riding it on your bike one thing that's Budf4Owy8iy-00071-00015104-00015279 only fair to point out with this helmet Budf4Owy8iy-00072-00015280-00015503 to stay under the 200 pound threshold Budf4Owy8iy-00073-00015504-00015663 for this video you'll need to buy an Budf4Owy8iy-00074-00015663-00015894 i-90 in a plain color as the graphics Budf4Owy8iy-00075-00015895-00016103 bust the budget by 20 quid as we record Budf4Owy8iy-00076-00016104-00016647 this Budf4Owy8iy-00077-00016648-00016927 ls2's strobe isn't just a little bit Budf4Owy8iy-00078-00016928-00017150 under our 200 pound threshold it's less Budf4Owy8iy-00079-00017151-00017430 than half that costing 89 pounds 99 as Budf4Owy8iy-00080-00017431-00017615 we record this and that makes it one of Budf4Owy8iy-00081-00017616-00017855 the cheapest flip fronts around but that Budf4Owy8iy-00082-00017856-00018014 doesn't come through if you read the Budf4Owy8iy-00083-00018015-00018158 feedback from customers who've left a Budf4Owy8iy-00084-00018159-00018358 review for their strobe on the whole Budf4Owy8iy-00085-00018359-00018494 there's really positive feedback for Budf4Owy8iy-00086-00018495-00018743 this lid of the 53 reviews posted on Budf4Owy8iy-00087-00018744-00018983 sports bike shop 33 of them are five Budf4Owy8iy-00088-00018984-00019230 star reviews and then another 19 give Budf4Owy8iy-00089-00019231-00019463 four stars people like the comfort and Budf4Owy8iy-00090-00019464-00019707 the weight this size medium weighs in at Budf4Owy8iy-00091-00019708-00019943 639 grams which is pretty respectable Budf4Owy8iy-00092-00019944-00020143 for a flip now there is a swell of Budf4Owy8iy-00093-00020144-00020303 opinion that people should order a size Budf4Owy8iy-00094-00020304-00020494 bigger than they would normally but Budf4Owy8iy-00095-00020495-00020711 there are also people who say they did Budf4Owy8iy-00096-00020712-00020855 that and then it backfired on them and Budf4Owy8iy-00097-00020856-00020967 they ended up having to swap back to Budf4Owy8iy-00098-00020968-00021167 their normal size so if i'm trying this Budf4Owy8iy-00099-00021168-00021367 one i'd say that the strobe is quite a Budf4Owy8iy-00100-00021368-00021591 compact helmet this one fits me around Budf4Owy8iy-00101-00021592-00021783 the head but it doesn't come down far Budf4Owy8iy-00102-00021784-00021919 enough for my liking and it doesn't Budf4Owy8iy-00103-00021920-00022135 leave me much room around my face so i'd Budf4Owy8iy-00104-00022136-00022294 say this is one we're trying on before Budf4Owy8iy-00105-00022295-00022527 you buy is even more important than ever Budf4Owy8iy-00106-00022528-00022711 this lid isn't dual homologated so it Budf4Owy8iy-00107-00022712-00022903 can only legally be worn with the chin Budf4Owy8iy-00108-00022904-00023111 bar down and it doesn't have a pin-lock Budf4Owy8iy-00109-00023112-00023335 insert but an insert will fit and it's Budf4Owy8iy-00110-00023336-00023591 29 quid so it's still only 120 pounds Budf4Owy8iy-00111-00023592-00023783 for the complete package there's a sun Budf4Owy8iy-00112-00023784-00023942 visor there's room for intercom speakers Budf4Owy8iy-00113-00023943-00024191 it's approved to 2205 for the road and Budf4Owy8iy-00114-00024192-00024383 it's achieved three stars in the uk Budf4Owy8iy-00115-00024384-00025047 government's sharp impact tests Budf4Owy8iy-00116-00025048-00025286 this is possibly the most popular flip Budf4Owy8iy-00117-00025287-00025550 front helmet in britain right now caberg Budf4Owy8iy-00118-00025551-00025727 have been making budget flips for at Budf4Owy8iy-00119-00025727-00025950 least 21 years and this duke 2 is their Budf4Owy8iy-00120-00025951-00026251 current headliner so this helmet has had Budf4Owy8iy-00121-00026252-00026583 637 reviews on our website which is way Budf4Owy8iy-00122-00026583-00026787 more than any other lid and Budf4Owy8iy-00123-00026788-00027007 478 of those reviewers have given this Budf4Owy8iy-00124-00027008-00027231 helmet 5 stars and it's not just our Budf4Owy8iy-00125-00027232-00027399 customers who give out 5 star reviews Budf4Owy8iy-00126-00027400-00027614 for this helmet the duke 2 has a 5 star Budf4Owy8iy-00127-00027616-00027783 rating as well from the uk government's Budf4Owy8iy-00128-00027783-00028014 sharp impact testing program personally Budf4Owy8iy-00129-00028016-00028143 i think that plays a big part in this Budf4Owy8iy-00130-00028144-00028414 lids popularity so it's a helmet that's Budf4Owy8iy-00131-00028416-00028631 less than 150 quid in its most basic Budf4Owy8iy-00132-00028632-00028839 colors and it has that five star stamp Budf4Owy8iy-00133-00028839-00028974 that gives people confidence that Budf4Owy8iy-00134-00028975-00029167 they're getting really good protection Budf4Owy8iy-00135-00029168-00029358 so having spent a bit of time wearing Budf4Owy8iy-00136-00029360-00029558 one of these lids i find it to be a Budf4Owy8iy-00137-00029560-00029783 no-frills helmet really but if you bring Budf4Owy8iy-00138-00029783-00029983 it back to basics then everything is Budf4Owy8iy-00139-00029983-00030174 here it's dual homologated for use with Budf4Owy8iy-00140-00030175-00030351 the chimba up or down it comes with the Budf4Owy8iy-00141-00030352-00030535 pinlock insert in the box there's a sun Budf4Owy8iy-00142-00030536-00030735 visor and it's even easy to fit an Budf4Owy8iy-00143-00030736-00030958 intercom to it if you want a fuss-free Budf4Owy8iy-00144-00030960-00031118 flip front for not a lot of money then Budf4Owy8iy-00145-00031119-00031287 this is the one that hundreds of riders Budf4Owy8iy-00146-00031288-00031495 go for every year and those customer Budf4Owy8iy-00147-00031495-00031687 reviews suggest they're very happy that Budf4Owy8iy-00148-00031688-00032207 they have Budf4Owy8iy-00149-00032208-00032511 mds helmets are a subdivision of agv so Budf4Owy8iy-00150-00032512-00032662 the idea with that is you get the Budf4Owy8iy-00151-00032663-00032943 technology from older agv models but Budf4Owy8iy-00152-00032944-00033215 with a cheaper price this md200 has been Budf4Owy8iy-00153-00033216-00033415 around for almost 10 years as we record Budf4Owy8iy-00154-00033416-00033599 this it's got a plastic shell the Budf4Owy8iy-00155-00033600-00033751 lifting mechanism is neat for the chin Budf4Owy8iy-00156-00033752-00033943 bar and the lining is comfy the sun Budf4Owy8iy-00157-00033944-00034135 visor also operates on a wheel on the Budf4Owy8iy-00158-00034136-00034287 left of the lid which is really simple Budf4Owy8iy-00159-00034288-00034559 to use it's not dual homologated so it's Budf4Owy8iy-00160-00034560-00034735 only legal to ride with the gym bar Budf4Owy8iy-00161-00034736-00034974 closed and after 62 customer reviews it Budf4Owy8iy-00162-00034975-00035302 has an average rating of 4.6 with 39 of Budf4Owy8iy-00163-00035303-00035471 those reviewers giving it five stars Budf4Owy8iy-00164-00035472-00035630 this helmet has fallen a bit by the Budf4Owy8iy-00165-00035631-00035879 wayside recently almost all of those Budf4Owy8iy-00166-00035880-00036046 reviews were written when this helmet Budf4Owy8iy-00167-00036047-00036311 cost less than 100 pounds now it sits at Budf4Owy8iy-00168-00036312-00036559 130 quid that puts it in competition Budf4Owy8iy-00169-00036560-00036783 with the cabo jute 2 and most people Budf4Owy8iy-00170-00036784-00036967 seem to prefer that helmet when it comes Budf4Owy8iy-00171-00036968-00037151 to the choice cable comes with a pin Budf4Owy8iy-00172-00037152-00037367 lock insert too which this lid doesn't Budf4Owy8iy-00173-00037368-00037559 but the mds is a decent lid it's got a Budf4Owy8iy-00174-00037560-00037711 four star rating in the shop impact Budf4Owy8iy-00175-00037712-00037951 tests and it's still a decent option Budf4Owy8iy-00176-00037952-00038127 especially if you find that that caberg Budf4Owy8iy-00177-00038128-00038695 doesn't suit you Budf4Owy8iy-00178-00038696-00038862 now this is the wild card helmet i told Budf4Owy8iy-00179-00038863-00039046 you about at the beginning of the video Budf4Owy8iy-00180-00039047-00039287 i'll lay a bet that most riders will see Budf4Owy8iy-00181-00039288-00039479 the greg's logo on this helmet and say Budf4Owy8iy-00182-00039480-00039783 something like greg's who are they Budf4Owy8iy-00183-00039784-00040039 but if i did that with a nolan logo then Budf4Owy8iy-00184-00040040-00040302 people would recognize that in essence Budf4Owy8iy-00185-00040303-00040446 greeks are nolan as they're part of the Budf4Owy8iy-00186-00040447-00040646 same group when an entry-level nolan Budf4Owy8iy-00187-00040647-00040830 helmet gets replaced in the range that Budf4Owy8iy-00188-00040831-00041030 lid gets a mild spec tweak and it gets Budf4Owy8iy-00189-00041031-00041374 re-released as aggrex so this grex g 9.2 Budf4Owy8iy-00190-00041375-00041687 is to all intent to purposes a nolan n92 Budf4Owy8iy-00191-00041688-00041927 with a downgraded liner and a simple one Budf4Owy8iy-00192-00041928-00042087 pull strap fastening buckle rather than Budf4Owy8iy-00193-00042088-00042246 the twin pull system that came on that Budf4Owy8iy-00194-00042247-00042462 nolan there's also no chin curtain on Budf4Owy8iy-00195-00042463-00042774 this helmet but the g9.2 is a pretty Budf4Owy8iy-00196-00042775-00043046 damn credible helmet for 169 pounds 99. Budf4Owy8iy-00197-00043047-00043255 it's got the same lexan shell as used on Budf4Owy8iy-00198-00043256-00043462 all nolan helmets the chin bar is an Budf4Owy8iy-00199-00043463-00043646 extra layer of safety over other flips Budf4Owy8iy-00200-00043647-00043799 as you need to pinch these two buttons Budf4Owy8iy-00201-00043800-00044062 together to open it it's dual hormonated Budf4Owy8iy-00202-00044063-00044215 so you can use it with the chimba up or Budf4Owy8iy-00203-00044216-00044446 down and there's a sun visor as well Budf4Owy8iy-00204-00044447-00044607 there's no pin lock as standard so Budf4Owy8iy-00205-00044608-00044767 adding one of those costs 30 quid and Budf4Owy8iy-00206-00044768-00044967 that takes you right up to our 200 pound Budf4Owy8iy-00207-00044968-00045158 threshold the liner isn't as plush as Budf4Owy8iy-00208-00045159-00045335 the old nolan but it still stands Budf4Owy8iy-00209-00045336-00045487 comparison with other helmets in this Budf4Owy8iy-00210-00045488-00045687 video the fit of these helmets doesn't Budf4Owy8iy-00211-00045688-00045862 suit everyone but if it works for you Budf4Owy8iy-00212-00045863-00046030 then i would say this helmet gives very Budf4Owy8iy-00213-00046031-00046239 good value for money Budf4Owy8iy-00214-00046240-00046439 okay so those are our top five best Budf4Owy8iy-00215-00046440-00046686 value flip front helmets personally i Budf4Owy8iy-00216-00046687-00047015 think the quality of the hjc and of the Budf4Owy8iy-00217-00047016-00047223 greks they stand out in this grouping Budf4Owy8iy-00218-00047224-00047407 but those two helmets are at the top end Budf4Owy8iy-00219-00047408-00047567 of the price scale so i guess you might Budf4Owy8iy-00220-00047568-00047758 expect that to be the case if what you Budf4Owy8iy-00221-00047759-00047951 want is a known quantity that's trusted Budf4Owy8iy-00222-00047952-00048167 by thousands of british riders then it's Budf4Owy8iy-00223-00048168-00048430 the k-berg duke 2 that stands out really Budf4Owy8iy-00224-00048431-00048646 it does miss some luxuries and it's not Budf4Owy8iy-00225-00048647-00048918 as plush as the hjc or the grex but it Budf4Owy8iy-00226-00048919-00049102 covers all the basics and what it also Budf4Owy8iy-00227-00049103-00049311 has is that five star sharp impact Budf4Owy8iy-00228-00049312-00049567 rating which is a definite plus point Budf4Owy8iy-00229-00049568-00049758 as always i'd suggest trying as many Budf4Owy8iy-00230-00049759-00049990 helmets as you can before making a final Budf4Owy8iy-00231-00049991-00050143 decision it doesn't really matter too Budf4Owy8iy-00232-00050144-00050335 much what i or anyone else thinks is a Budf4Owy8iy-00233-00050336-00050630 good helmet if it doesn't suit your head Budf4Owy8iy-00234-00050631-00050783 and i should also point out to keep Budf4Owy8iy-00235-00050784-00050927 things fair that the list of helmets Budf4Owy8iy-00236-00050928-00051151 we've used for this guide is restricted Budf4Owy8iy-00237-00051152-00051287 to those where the list price is Budf4Owy8iy-00238-00051288-00051526 currently 200 pounds or less so that Budf4Owy8iy-00239-00051527-00051687 means there might be helmets on Budf4Owy8iy-00240-00051688-00051854 clearance deals at the time you're Budf4Owy8iy-00241-00051855-00052079 watching this video which will mean Budf4Owy8iy-00242-00052079-00052263 you've got quite a few more helmets to Budf4Owy8iy-00243-00052264-00052447 choose from so what we've done for that Budf4Owy8iy-00244-00052448-00052647 reason is put a link in the description Budf4Owy8iy-00245-00052648-00052815 for this video that will take you to a Budf4Owy8iy-00246-00052816-00052959 complete list of flip front helmets on Budf4Owy8iy-00247-00052960-00053126 the sports bike shop site that are Budf4Owy8iy-00248-00053127-00053359 available for 200 quid or less at the Budf4Owy8iy-00249-00053360-00053623 time that you click on that link Budf4Owy8iy-00250-00053624-00053847 so i hope this list helps you and most Budf4Owy8iy-00251-00053848-00054007 of all i hope you find the helmet that's Budf4Owy8iy-00252-00054008-00054247 perfect for you whichever one you end up Budf4Owy8iy-00253-00054248-00054342 choosing Budf4Owy8iy-00254-00054344-00056630 thanks for watching Budf4Owy8iy-00255-00056632-00056839 you BwFDSKFE0yu-00000-00000911-00001158 hello everybody and welcome thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-00001-00001159-00001374 for joining us at this event on BwFDSKFE0yu-00002-00001375-00001550 delivering the climate transition BwFDSKFE0yu-00003-00001551-00001855 implications of cop 26 for finance my BwFDSKFE0yu-00004-00001855-00002071 name is claire shine i'm the director BwFDSKFE0yu-00005-00002072-00002302 and ceo of the cambridge institute for BwFDSKFE0yu-00006-00002303-00002639 sustainability leadership or cisl BwFDSKFE0yu-00007-00002640-00002879 today is a very public test for global BwFDSKFE0yu-00008-00002880-00003118 leadership solidarity and long-term BwFDSKFE0yu-00009-00003119-00003222 vision BwFDSKFE0yu-00010-00003223-00003438 we cannot talk meaningfully about a BwFDSKFE0yu-00011-00003439-00003663 sustainable economy unless it works for BwFDSKFE0yu-00012-00003664-00003967 people for nature and for climate BwFDSKFE0yu-00013-00003968-00004183 we have to talk straight about the scale BwFDSKFE0yu-00014-00004184-00004406 of impacts that is dawning and the BwFDSKFE0yu-00015-00004407-00004719 imperative for faster fairer transition BwFDSKFE0yu-00016-00004720-00004943 to ensure global resilience BwFDSKFE0yu-00017-00004944-00005183 and we also have to hear and listen to BwFDSKFE0yu-00018-00005184-00005367 the voices of the most impacted and BwFDSKFE0yu-00019-00005368-00005638 vulnerable not only during the global BwFDSKFE0yu-00020-00005639-00005838 spotlight of a cop BwFDSKFE0yu-00021-00005839-00006006 we have an extraordinary series of BwFDSKFE0yu-00022-00006007-00006206 speakers today who will give their BwFDSKFE0yu-00023-00006207-00006486 perspectives on cop 26 and what needs to BwFDSKFE0yu-00024-00006487-00006623 happen next BwFDSKFE0yu-00025-00006623-00006855 on science and policy you will hear BwFDSKFE0yu-00026-00006856-00007046 emily shakara the director of cambridge BwFDSKFE0yu-00027-00007047-00007359 zero and gavin starks the ceo of BwFDSKFE0yu-00028-00007359-00007559 icebreaker one BwFDSKFE0yu-00029-00007559-00007734 on the business perspective you'll hear BwFDSKFE0yu-00030-00007736-00008110 elliott whittington from csl and also BwFDSKFE0yu-00031-00008111-00008278 our corporate leaders group member from BwFDSKFE0yu-00032-00008279-00008567 ivadrola gonzalez BwFDSKFE0yu-00033-00008568-00008799 the director of climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-00034-00008800-00009014 on the business and policy responsible BwFDSKFE0yu-00035-00009015-00009206 for finance we'll hear three BwFDSKFE0yu-00036-00009207-00009406 perspectives from member companies BwFDSKFE0yu-00037-00009407-00009614 working with our center for sustainable BwFDSKFE0yu-00038-00009615-00009871 finance from munich ray you will hear BwFDSKFE0yu-00039-00009872-00010046 anthrac the chief climate and BwFDSKFE0yu-00040-00010047-00010327 geoscientist from oliver wyman you'll BwFDSKFE0yu-00041-00010328-00010535 hear rob bailey the partner for climate BwFDSKFE0yu-00042-00010536-00010759 and sustainability and from zurich BwFDSKFE0yu-00043-00010760-00010967 insurance you'll hear johanna kerb the BwFDSKFE0yu-00044-00010968-00011206 head of responsible investment BwFDSKFE0yu-00045-00011207-00011406 and last but certainly not least we'll BwFDSKFE0yu-00046-00011407-00011638 come back to leadership and jillian's BwFDSKFE0yu-00047-00011639-00011935 secret of cisl will summarize this big BwFDSKFE0yu-00048-00011936-00012063 conversation BwFDSKFE0yu-00049-00012064-00012295 and share her insights on the leadership BwFDSKFE0yu-00050-00012296-00012535 skills that are essential to deliver on BwFDSKFE0yu-00051-00012536-00012799 commitments and to keep up momentum day BwFDSKFE0yu-00052-00012800-00013094 after day as we look forward to cop 27 BwFDSKFE0yu-00053-00013095-00013255 and beyond BwFDSKFE0yu-00054-00013256-00013527 so briefly from my side this has been an BwFDSKFE0yu-00055-00013528-00013719 intense fortnight BwFDSKFE0yu-00056-00013719-00013999 two weeks ago i called for us to use cop BwFDSKFE0yu-00057-00014000-00014375 26 to push for bolder faster action in BwFDSKFE0yu-00058-00014376-00014543 every way we can BwFDSKFE0yu-00059-00014544-00014815 a huge amount of action and ambition has BwFDSKFE0yu-00060-00014816-00015038 already happened in this area but we BwFDSKFE0yu-00061-00015040-00015263 have to go further and faster BwFDSKFE0yu-00062-00015263-00015519 the why of climate change action is BwFDSKFE0yu-00063-00015519-00015903 understood but this is about how and now BwFDSKFE0yu-00064-00015904-00016094 over the last two weeks i and others BwFDSKFE0yu-00065-00016095-00016391 have moderated many leaders dialogues BwFDSKFE0yu-00066-00016392-00016607 some clear themes and concerns have BwFDSKFE0yu-00067-00016608-00016735 emerged BwFDSKFE0yu-00068-00016736-00016983 one is to get serious and acknowledge BwFDSKFE0yu-00069-00016984-00017255 the anger uh somebody talked about the BwFDSKFE0yu-00070-00017256-00017583 three ps of procrastination polarization BwFDSKFE0yu-00071-00017584-00017958 and politicization this has consequences BwFDSKFE0yu-00072-00017959-00018175 a second was about the need to walk the BwFDSKFE0yu-00073-00018176-00018279 talk BwFDSKFE0yu-00074-00018280-00018527 is this about pledge fest or will the BwFDSKFE0yu-00075-00018528-00018743 ever louder demands for credibility and BwFDSKFE0yu-00076-00018744-00018911 delivery be met BwFDSKFE0yu-00077-00018912-00019086 and in that sense we can talk of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00078-00019087-00019414 three a's accountability action and BwFDSKFE0yu-00079-00019415-00019663 acceleration to which perhaps we should BwFDSKFE0yu-00080-00019664-00019886 add access the importance of having an BwFDSKFE0yu-00081-00019887-00020279 inclusive lens on this global transition BwFDSKFE0yu-00082-00020280-00020439 and third and very important for this BwFDSKFE0yu-00083-00020440-00020703 audience the need and the opportunity to BwFDSKFE0yu-00084-00020704-00020991 build a virtual circle right across the BwFDSKFE0yu-00085-00020992-00021103 system BwFDSKFE0yu-00086-00021104-00021311 business as we know cannot leave it to BwFDSKFE0yu-00087-00021312-00021567 governments when businesses act BwFDSKFE0yu-00088-00021568-00021822 collectively and boldly that gives BwFDSKFE0yu-00089-00021823-00022030 government confidence in its turn to act BwFDSKFE0yu-00090-00022031-00022158 more boldly BwFDSKFE0yu-00091-00022159-00022414 um and having radical collaboration at BwFDSKFE0yu-00092-00022415-00022647 whole sector level as we're beginning to BwFDSKFE0yu-00093-00022648-00022719 see BwFDSKFE0yu-00094-00022720-00023014 uh can indeed accelerate momentum and BwFDSKFE0yu-00095-00023015-00023207 also allow for governments in turn to BwFDSKFE0yu-00096-00023208-00023399 act collaboratively BwFDSKFE0yu-00097-00023400-00023607 but governments in their turn BwFDSKFE0yu-00098-00023608-00023807 must rise to the challenge and create BwFDSKFE0yu-00099-00023808-00024111 what rachel kite called a bold policy BwFDSKFE0yu-00100-00024112-00024239 undercarriage BwFDSKFE0yu-00101-00024240-00024486 policy is needed to set a level playing BwFDSKFE0yu-00102-00024487-00024727 field to incentivize businesses and BwFDSKFE0yu-00103-00024728-00025007 investors to be first movers BwFDSKFE0yu-00104-00025008-00025191 and in that sense governments must not BwFDSKFE0yu-00105-00025192-00025455 dodge the issues for fear of short-term BwFDSKFE0yu-00106-00025456-00025702 unpopularity we do need to shift the BwFDSKFE0yu-00107-00025704-00025967 narrative beyond winners and losers but BwFDSKFE0yu-00108-00025968-00026255 that requires clarity confidence courage BwFDSKFE0yu-00109-00026256-00026462 and obviously vision BwFDSKFE0yu-00110-00026463-00026614 so i want to share with you vanessa BwFDSKFE0yu-00111-00026616-00026855 nakati's quote at the end of yesterday's BwFDSKFE0yu-00112-00026856-00027102 high-level event and this young woman BwFDSKFE0yu-00113-00027104-00027446 said today i told leaders at cop26 that BwFDSKFE0yu-00114-00027447-00027614 we don't believe their pledges and BwFDSKFE0yu-00115-00027616-00027862 promises but i beg them to prove us BwFDSKFE0yu-00116-00027863-00027974 wrong BwFDSKFE0yu-00117-00027975-00028167 so let's look at the headlines as of BwFDSKFE0yu-00118-00028168-00028279 this morning BwFDSKFE0yu-00119-00028280-00028495 on the positive side we are seeing a BwFDSKFE0yu-00120-00028495-00028679 target for doubling of adaptation BwFDSKFE0yu-00121-00028680-00028999 finance coming in at 2025 BwFDSKFE0yu-00122-00029000-00029143 we've seen the deforestation BwFDSKFE0yu-00123-00029144-00029343 announcement gathering strength coming BwFDSKFE0yu-00124-00029344-00029583 with some finance but as with all BwFDSKFE0yu-00125-00029583-00029695 commitments BwFDSKFE0yu-00126-00029695-00029862 the devil is in the detail around the BwFDSKFE0yu-00127-00029863-00030151 timeline and implementation BwFDSKFE0yu-00128-00030152-00030446 the china u.s announcement is very BwFDSKFE0yu-00129-00030447-00030702 important geopolitically as well as for BwFDSKFE0yu-00130-00030703-00030895 coal phase-out methane and illegal BwFDSKFE0yu-00131-00030895-00031070 deforestation BwFDSKFE0yu-00132-00031072-00031287 and we've seen progress on stopping the BwFDSKFE0yu-00133-00031288-00031511 finance of fossil fuels BwFDSKFE0yu-00134-00031512-00031727 more internationally than often on the BwFDSKFE0yu-00135-00031727-00032031 domestic front for example the asian BwFDSKFE0yu-00136-00032032-00032214 development bank's announcement is an BwFDSKFE0yu-00137-00032216-00032446 important step in driving change by BwFDSKFE0yu-00138-00032447-00032662 financing the decommissioning of coal BwFDSKFE0yu-00139-00032663-00032879 power plants abroad BwFDSKFE0yu-00140-00032880-00033135 however we saw today in the final draft BwFDSKFE0yu-00141-00033136-00033431 communique softening of language the BwFDSKFE0yu-00142-00033432-00033790 restatement of the 2030 ndcs going from BwFDSKFE0yu-00143-00033791-00034023 urge to request BwFDSKFE0yu-00144-00034024-00034255 but moving from accelerating phase out BwFDSKFE0yu-00145-00034256-00034518 of coal and fossil fuel subsidies to BwFDSKFE0yu-00146-00034519-00034846 unabated coal and inefficient subsidies BwFDSKFE0yu-00147-00034847-00035079 it is imperative that fossil fuel BwFDSKFE0yu-00148-00035080-00035351 language stays and stays strongly in BwFDSKFE0yu-00149-00035352-00035590 that final communique BwFDSKFE0yu-00150-00035591-00035918 in the run-up to cop26 cisl called on BwFDSKFE0yu-00151-00035919-00036159 the financial sector to play a more BwFDSKFE0yu-00152-00036160-00036439 assertive role in supporting enabling BwFDSKFE0yu-00153-00036440-00036735 and accelerating the climate transition BwFDSKFE0yu-00154-00036736-00036999 we asked you and your colleagues to play BwFDSKFE0yu-00155-00037000-00037230 to use your voice to influence policy BwFDSKFE0yu-00156-00037231-00037518 makers clients and customers BwFDSKFE0yu-00157-00037519-00037759 and also to take a holistic approach to BwFDSKFE0yu-00158-00037760-00037999 support nature positive and socially BwFDSKFE0yu-00159-00038000-00038255 inclusive sets of changes BwFDSKFE0yu-00160-00038256-00038487 in terms of key initiatives it's very BwFDSKFE0yu-00161-00038488-00038759 heartening to see a plan for convergence BwFDSKFE0yu-00162-00038760-00039023 and standards and frameworks starting to BwFDSKFE0yu-00163-00039024-00039127 emerge BwFDSKFE0yu-00164-00039128-00039487 for example g fans now has over 450 BwFDSKFE0yu-00165-00039488-00039823 financial firms across 45 countries BwFDSKFE0yu-00166-00039824-00040095 responsible for assets of 130 trillion BwFDSKFE0yu-00167-00040096-00040207 dollars BwFDSKFE0yu-00168-00040208-00040455 that is a huge number but it is hampered BwFDSKFE0yu-00169-00040456-00040671 by potential double counting BwFDSKFE0yu-00170-00040672-00041023 it also rests on assumptions for example BwFDSKFE0yu-00171-00041024-00041287 that all lending and investment of BwFDSKFE0yu-00172-00041288-00041487 signatories is directed towards BwFDSKFE0yu-00173-00041488-00041639 sustainability BwFDSKFE0yu-00174-00041640-00041887 and yet we know that only 35 is BwFDSKFE0yu-00175-00041888-00042174 currently aligned with net zero targets BwFDSKFE0yu-00176-00042175-00042327 and that brings me to the final big BwFDSKFE0yu-00177-00042328-00042487 point i want to raise BwFDSKFE0yu-00178-00042488-00042679 which is that business as usual even BwFDSKFE0yu-00179-00042680-00042943 with a delicate green tinge won't be BwFDSKFE0yu-00180-00042944-00043207 enough to develop deliver the scale and BwFDSKFE0yu-00181-00043208-00043358 speed of change BwFDSKFE0yu-00182-00043359-00043679 we saw real concerns and indeed some BwFDSKFE0yu-00183-00043680-00043943 some outright fights on panels around BwFDSKFE0yu-00184-00043944-00044127 the question of greenwash BwFDSKFE0yu-00185-00044128-00044399 um it is absolutely essential to see the BwFDSKFE0yu-00186-00044400-00044623 boulder action and to see financial BwFDSKFE0yu-00187-00044624-00044927 institutions go from seeing esg or BwFDSKFE0yu-00188-00044928-00045207 equivalent terms as a subset to having BwFDSKFE0yu-00189-00045208-00045407 fully greened portfolios BwFDSKFE0yu-00190-00045408-00045590 they need to innovate their products and BwFDSKFE0yu-00191-00045591-00045799 offerings to support clients and BwFDSKFE0yu-00192-00045800-00046039 therefore facilitate and incentivize BwFDSKFE0yu-00193-00046040-00046279 faster climate action BwFDSKFE0yu-00194-00046280-00046455 we need to see we need to acknowledge BwFDSKFE0yu-00195-00046456-00046639 that funding to support adaptation and BwFDSKFE0yu-00196-00046640-00046911 mitigation in emerging markets remains a BwFDSKFE0yu-00197-00046912-00047183 problem the 100 billion dollars pledged BwFDSKFE0yu-00198-00047184-00047343 in paris agreement has not been BwFDSKFE0yu-00199-00047344-00047567 delivered and more is desperately needed BwFDSKFE0yu-00200-00047568-00047886 to cover mitigation and adaptation BwFDSKFE0yu-00201-00047887-00048102 and therefore new forms of collaboration BwFDSKFE0yu-00202-00048103-00048358 between governments and private finance BwFDSKFE0yu-00203-00048359-00048615 are essential to accelerate the scale up BwFDSKFE0yu-00204-00048616-00048830 the amount of finance and the types of BwFDSKFE0yu-00205-00048831-00049083 financing of products that can be BwFDSKFE0yu-00206-00049084-00049311 mobilized we firmly believe that the BwFDSKFE0yu-00207-00049312-00049462 finance sector BwFDSKFE0yu-00208-00049463-00049743 is set and must rise to the challenge by BwFDSKFE0yu-00209-00049744-00050030 developing new forms of leadership BwFDSKFE0yu-00210-00050031-00050279 embedding sustainability capability BwFDSKFE0yu-00211-00050280-00050567 across whole organizations BwFDSKFE0yu-00212-00050568-00050830 and investing in educating staff BwFDSKFE0yu-00213-00050831-00051086 uh to adopt frameworks for example like BwFDSKFE0yu-00214-00051087-00051414 csl's bank climate client engagement BwFDSKFE0yu-00215-00051415-00051694 guide where we you can work with clients BwFDSKFE0yu-00216-00051695-00051926 to deliver and build understanding of BwFDSKFE0yu-00217-00051927-00052166 the kind of changes needed BwFDSKFE0yu-00218-00052167-00052375 so that's more than enough for me but i BwFDSKFE0yu-00219-00052376-00052550 really thank you for joining us today BwFDSKFE0yu-00220-00052551-00052711 because there is no more and more BwFDSKFE0yu-00221-00052712-00052847 important moment BwFDSKFE0yu-00222-00052848-00053007 i look forward to the insights from all BwFDSKFE0yu-00223-00053008-00053254 our contributors who will now follow BwFDSKFE0yu-00224-00053255-00053430 giving their own personal impressions BwFDSKFE0yu-00225-00053432-00053615 and perspectives of progress and the BwFDSKFE0yu-00226-00053616-00053807 urgent priorities ahead BwFDSKFE0yu-00227-00053808-00053982 um i'm going to ask each of them to BwFDSKFE0yu-00228-00053983-00054199 introduce themselves in turn and then to BwFDSKFE0yu-00229-00054200-00054430 pass to the next speaker in turn and BwFDSKFE0yu-00230-00054432-00054663 it's my honor and pleasure now to pass BwFDSKFE0yu-00231-00054664-00054847 to my friend and colleague emily BwFDSKFE0yu-00232-00054848-00055263 sheppard from cambridge zero thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-00233-00055264-00055487 thank you very much claire um so yes i'm BwFDSKFE0yu-00234-00055488-00055630 emily shakbra i'm the director of BwFDSKFE0yu-00235-00055632-00055799 cambridge zero which is the university BwFDSKFE0yu-00236-00055800-00056015 of cambridge's climate um initiative and BwFDSKFE0yu-00237-00056016-00056247 i'm a climate scientist by by background BwFDSKFE0yu-00238-00056248-00056615 and i'm also actually um a friend of cop BwFDSKFE0yu-00239-00056616-00057007 26 which was a group of um people who uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00240-00057008-00057191 from the climate world who were put uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00241-00057191-00057375 together to help support the uk BwFDSKFE0yu-00242-00057376-00057566 presidency so it's been quite a busy BwFDSKFE0yu-00243-00057567-00057815 couple of weeks um for me i just arrived BwFDSKFE0yu-00244-00057816-00058047 back from glasgow uh this morning and BwFDSKFE0yu-00245-00058048-00058319 one summary of what it's been like is BwFDSKFE0yu-00246-00058320-00058479 exhausting um BwFDSKFE0yu-00247-00058479-00058694 so i'm still i'm only just alive at this BwFDSKFE0yu-00248-00058695-00058942 point but um but just to give you my BwFDSKFE0yu-00249-00058944-00059119 sort of reflection on where things are BwFDSKFE0yu-00250-00059120-00059238 where things are at because of course BwFDSKFE0yu-00251-00059239-00059375 it's still not finished yet there's BwFDSKFE0yu-00252-00059376-00059694 still um uh negotiations continuing um BwFDSKFE0yu-00253-00059695-00059935 certainly through today and we'll see BwFDSKFE0yu-00254-00059936-00060271 when um when things wrap up um BwFDSKFE0yu-00255-00060272-00060479 the overall you know if there was an BwFDSKFE0yu-00256-00060479-00060806 overall ambition of um cop 26 it was BwFDSKFE0yu-00257-00060807-00060935 this strap line that you'll have heard BwFDSKFE0yu-00258-00060936-00061335 repeatedly to keep 1.5 alive um and i BwFDSKFE0yu-00259-00061336-00061535 think the the un secretary general this BwFDSKFE0yu-00260-00061536-00061742 morning probably put it quite well when BwFDSKFE0yu-00261-00061744-00061903 he said that it was um BwFDSKFE0yu-00262-00061904-00062263 1.5 was on life support at this point BwFDSKFE0yu-00263-00062264-00062366 so BwFDSKFE0yu-00264-00062367-00062535 i mean progress has been made BwFDSKFE0yu-00265-00062536-00062847 undoubtedly there were is last week BwFDSKFE0yu-00266-00062848-00063006 seems like a long time ago but there BwFDSKFE0yu-00267-00063007-00063238 were last week pledges new pledges put BwFDSKFE0yu-00268-00063239-00063423 forward and perhaps one of the standout BwFDSKFE0yu-00269-00063424-00063623 ones was india BwFDSKFE0yu-00270-00063624-00063982 and its net zero by 2070 BwFDSKFE0yu-00271-00063983-00064166 pledge BwFDSKFE0yu-00272-00064167-00064359 there are also really important BwFDSKFE0yu-00273-00064360-00064511 announcements and claire's mentioned BwFDSKFE0yu-00274-00064512-00064759 some of those around methane methane is BwFDSKFE0yu-00275-00064760-00064966 important because um it's a more BwFDSKFE0yu-00276-00064967-00065159 powerful greenhouse gas than carbon BwFDSKFE0yu-00277-00065160-00065550 dioxide and it's actually potentially um BwFDSKFE0yu-00278-00065551-00065694 there's a lot of action that you could BwFDSKFE0yu-00279-00065695-00066015 do on methane at little or no cost so BwFDSKFE0yu-00280-00066016-00066263 it's in some sense it's an easy win BwFDSKFE0yu-00281-00066264-00066438 in terms of climate action there are BwFDSKFE0yu-00282-00066439-00066575 other announcements that were made BwFDSKFE0yu-00283-00066576-00066831 around coal around deforestation this BwFDSKFE0yu-00284-00066832-00067182 week we had cars um and uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00285-00067183-00067463 and all of that was very welcome BwFDSKFE0yu-00286-00067464-00067735 probably the most you know the sort of BwFDSKFE0yu-00287-00067736-00067911 one of the more depressing elements is BwFDSKFE0yu-00288-00067912-00068087 despite all of that we're still a very BwFDSKFE0yu-00289-00068088-00068350 long way from um the scale of pledges BwFDSKFE0yu-00290-00068351-00068519 that are required in terms of emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-00291-00068520-00068982 reductions to keep 1.5 um alive and BwFDSKFE0yu-00292-00068983-00069199 although there was some early signs of BwFDSKFE0yu-00293-00069200-00069503 enthusiasm with a rather um optimistic BwFDSKFE0yu-00294-00069504-00069759 view of where the pledges added up to BwFDSKFE0yu-00295-00069760-00070015 from the iaea last week BwFDSKFE0yu-00296-00070016-00070319 more careful and rigorous analysis makes BwFDSKFE0yu-00297-00070320-00070582 it very clear that um even with an BwFDSKFE0yu-00298-00070583-00070831 optimistic interpretation of the pledges BwFDSKFE0yu-00299-00070832-00071062 there's still a long way to go and BwFDSKFE0yu-00300-00071063-00071294 crucially a long way to go BwFDSKFE0yu-00301-00071295-00071559 in the next few years because unless we BwFDSKFE0yu-00302-00071560-00071894 do reduce our emissions um BwFDSKFE0yu-00303-00071895-00072103 essentially halve our emissions this BwFDSKFE0yu-00304-00072104-00072319 decade then we simply BwFDSKFE0yu-00305-00072320-00072526 1.5 will be out of reach BwFDSKFE0yu-00306-00072527-00072719 so that's the that side of things the BwFDSKFE0yu-00307-00072720-00072975 current negotiations are all focused um BwFDSKFE0yu-00308-00072976-00073199 as you'll probably be aware around the BwFDSKFE0yu-00309-00073200-00073479 presidency cover text BwFDSKFE0yu-00310-00073480-00073750 and and also um seeing whether or not BwFDSKFE0yu-00311-00073751-00074015 article six can be um got over the line BwFDSKFE0yu-00312-00074016-00074175 which is something that's been uh part BwFDSKFE0yu-00313-00074176-00074479 of the discussions um since um since BwFDSKFE0yu-00314-00074480-00074799 paris and i was hoped to have been um BwFDSKFE0yu-00315-00074800-00075006 closed off before now so there's a lot BwFDSKFE0yu-00316-00075007-00075126 of hope that BwFDSKFE0yu-00317-00075127-00075447 um it can finally be taken over the line BwFDSKFE0yu-00318-00075448-00075682 because it's important in terms of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00319-00075683-00075943 governance um behind all of this BwFDSKFE0yu-00320-00075944-00076255 um the friends of cop 26 group put out a BwFDSKFE0yu-00321-00076256-00076479 statement last week um with our thoughts BwFDSKFE0yu-00322-00076480-00076671 and reflections on BwFDSKFE0yu-00323-00076672-00076815 where things are at and our BwFDSKFE0yu-00324-00076816-00077287 encouragement for um last bold push um BwFDSKFE0yu-00325-00077288-00077623 in terms of those uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00326-00077624-00077791 what's in the text and if you're BwFDSKFE0yu-00327-00077792-00077919 interested then BwFDSKFE0yu-00328-00077920-00078111 look on twitter and you can find you can BwFDSKFE0yu-00329-00078112-00078271 find that statement BwFDSKFE0yu-00330-00078272-00078543 um i mean some of the key things that we BwFDSKFE0yu-00331-00078544-00078662 had BwFDSKFE0yu-00332-00078663-00078838 in that um BwFDSKFE0yu-00333-00078839-00079038 highlighted in that actually have BwFDSKFE0yu-00334-00079039-00079279 already been taken into account in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00335-00079280-00079503 second iteration of that of that draft BwFDSKFE0yu-00336-00079504-00079775 text and so that we were very pleased to BwFDSKFE0yu-00337-00079776-00080047 see a strengthening of statement BwFDSKFE0yu-00338-00080048-00080343 around 1.5 there was some concern among BwFDSKFE0yu-00339-00080344-00080471 scientists that BwFDSKFE0yu-00340-00080472-00080711 the original language was allowing BwFDSKFE0yu-00341-00080712-00080982 overshoot of 1.5 but it's quite clear in BwFDSKFE0yu-00342-00080983-00081175 the new revised text that that's not the BwFDSKFE0yu-00343-00081176-00081279 case BwFDSKFE0yu-00344-00081280-00081559 i my entire my understanding is actually BwFDSKFE0yu-00345-00081560-00082006 that in weird un worlds the word request BwFDSKFE0yu-00346-00082007-00082247 is actually a stronger statement than BwFDSKFE0yu-00347-00082248-00082343 urge BwFDSKFE0yu-00348-00082344-00082543 so i think that uh my understanding is BwFDSKFE0yu-00349-00082544-00082662 that that actually that's not a BwFDSKFE0yu-00350-00082663-00082862 weakening of the statement around that BwFDSKFE0yu-00351-00082863-00083087 which is um BwFDSKFE0yu-00352-00083088-00083262 which uh which i think people will be BwFDSKFE0yu-00353-00083263-00083518 relieved by um BwFDSKFE0yu-00354-00083519-00083759 other areas that we were highlighting as BwFDSKFE0yu-00355-00083760-00083879 being important where i think there's BwFDSKFE0yu-00356-00083880-00084038 been less BwFDSKFE0yu-00357-00084039-00084231 advance so far and we still hope the BwFDSKFE0yu-00358-00084232-00084526 final draft would be um stronger on this BwFDSKFE0yu-00359-00084527-00084750 is on an area that claire also mentioned BwFDSKFE0yu-00360-00084751-00084999 um which is nature nature really BwFDSKFE0yu-00361-00085000-00085199 featured very very prominently in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00362-00085200-00085391 discussions over the course of the last BwFDSKFE0yu-00363-00085392-00085582 um two weeks and i think there's a BwFDSKFE0yu-00364-00085583-00085862 general feeling that it's not currently BwFDSKFE0yu-00365-00085863-00086094 featuring as prominently as it ought to BwFDSKFE0yu-00366-00086095-00086511 um in the text um and so um BwFDSKFE0yu-00367-00086512-00086743 you know we would be hoping to see BwFDSKFE0yu-00368-00086744-00086950 increased prominence of nature in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00369-00086951-00087126 text i think there has been movement on BwFDSKFE0yu-00370-00087127-00087343 finance be interesting to hear people's BwFDSKFE0yu-00371-00087344-00087703 views um around around that and another BwFDSKFE0yu-00372-00087704-00087959 area where it's clearly critically BwFDSKFE0yu-00373-00087960-00088150 important especially actually in article BwFDSKFE0yu-00374-00088151-00088582 six um is that there's a recognition of BwFDSKFE0yu-00375-00088583-00088750 um the BwFDSKFE0yu-00376-00088751-00088950 of the the range of voices that are BwFDSKFE0yu-00377-00088951-00089223 important in this um in this debate and BwFDSKFE0yu-00378-00089224-00089311 who's BwFDSKFE0yu-00379-00089312-00089518 you know we've had so much over the last BwFDSKFE0yu-00380-00089519-00089711 few years in terms of voices around the BwFDSKFE0yu-00381-00089712-00089999 world with fridays the future with greta BwFDSKFE0yu-00382-00090000-00090182 people on the streets and making sure BwFDSKFE0yu-00383-00090183-00090335 that those voices are formally BwFDSKFE0yu-00384-00090336-00090582 recognized within the process indigenous BwFDSKFE0yu-00385-00090583-00090743 voices BwFDSKFE0yu-00386-00090744-00090967 that BwFDSKFE0yu-00387-00090968-00091118 are really BwFDSKFE0yu-00388-00091119-00091343 really formally uh ensure that they're BwFDSKFE0yu-00389-00091344-00091494 part of um BwFDSKFE0yu-00390-00091495-00091735 a part of the process and recognized BwFDSKFE0yu-00391-00091736-00091926 going forwards BwFDSKFE0yu-00392-00091927-00092126 final thing that i will say is simply BwFDSKFE0yu-00393-00092127-00092406 that you know where are we then in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00394-00092407-00092606 landscape of all of this so if there was BwFDSKFE0yu-00395-00092607-00092879 an overall narrative it's that we had BwFDSKFE0yu-00396-00092880-00092982 ambition BwFDSKFE0yu-00397-00092983-00093094 in paris BwFDSKFE0yu-00398-00093095-00093303 that has to an extent BwFDSKFE0yu-00399-00093304-00093487 over the course of the last two weeks BwFDSKFE0yu-00400-00093488-00093711 started to move towards action we've BwFDSKFE0yu-00401-00093712-00093894 seen these um BwFDSKFE0yu-00402-00093895-00094167 uh sectoral based um BwFDSKFE0yu-00403-00094168-00094287 uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00404-00094288-00094494 developments which has been very very BwFDSKFE0yu-00405-00094495-00094718 much i think initial stages of really BwFDSKFE0yu-00406-00094719-00094974 trying to implement um on the ground in BwFDSKFE0yu-00407-00094975-00095223 the real economy um what's uh being BwFDSKFE0yu-00408-00095224-00095462 agreed at uh at a global level BwFDSKFE0yu-00409-00095463-00095687 and the key thing now is then to turn BwFDSKFE0yu-00410-00095688-00095974 that into acceleration because uh you BwFDSKFE0yu-00411-00095975-00096199 know unless we get the scale of BwFDSKFE0yu-00412-00096200-00096462 reductions um that are necessary to keep BwFDSKFE0yu-00413-00096463-00096782 1.5 alive then we will simply not avert BwFDSKFE0yu-00414-00096783-00097023 the worst impacts of climate change so BwFDSKFE0yu-00415-00097024-00097294 it's a sort of cautious optimism i think BwFDSKFE0yu-00416-00097295-00097582 for me um in terms of the state of where BwFDSKFE0yu-00417-00097583-00097743 we are BwFDSKFE0yu-00418-00097744-00098911 thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-00419-00098912-00099094 thank you emily BwFDSKFE0yu-00420-00099095-00099255 my name is gavin starks i'm the chief BwFDSKFE0yu-00421-00099256-00099462 executive and the founder of icebreaker BwFDSKFE0yu-00422-00099463-00099550 one BwFDSKFE0yu-00423-00099551-00099759 and we're a non-profit BwFDSKFE0yu-00424-00099760-00100031 set up to help make data work harder to BwFDSKFE0yu-00425-00100032-00100303 deliver net zero um BwFDSKFE0yu-00426-00100304-00100559 why am i talking about data in this i BwFDSKFE0yu-00427-00100560-00100694 think the BwFDSKFE0yu-00428-00100695-00100918 the broad theme here for me is the time BwFDSKFE0yu-00429-00100919-00101126 for theory is over we need to start BwFDSKFE0yu-00430-00101127-00101382 moving from what to how BwFDSKFE0yu-00431-00101383-00101518 and BwFDSKFE0yu-00432-00101519-00101887 companies here are driven by incentives BwFDSKFE0yu-00433-00101888-00102118 and targets we've seen BwFDSKFE0yu-00434-00102119-00102367 lots of announcements around big numbers BwFDSKFE0yu-00435-00102368-00102590 as if it has felt i think BwFDSKFE0yu-00436-00102591-00102782 there's been a lot of chasing of BwFDSKFE0yu-00437-00102783-00103006 bigger numbers which i want to reflect BwFDSKFE0yu-00438-00103007-00103310 on um but before i begin i think when we BwFDSKFE0yu-00439-00103311-00103454 think about BwFDSKFE0yu-00440-00103455-00103694 uh the world that we're trying to model BwFDSKFE0yu-00441-00103695-00103894 here the world we're trying to change BwFDSKFE0yu-00442-00103895-00104134 today is the simplest it's going to be BwFDSKFE0yu-00443-00104135-00104223 and BwFDSKFE0yu-00444-00104224-00104406 there's a complexity question in this BwFDSKFE0yu-00445-00104407-00104766 which is extremely hard to communicate BwFDSKFE0yu-00446-00104767-00104934 typically business leaders political BwFDSKFE0yu-00447-00104935-00105151 leaders decision makers BwFDSKFE0yu-00448-00105152-00105334 we like to see things simplified so we BwFDSKFE0yu-00449-00105335-00105478 can make choices that are kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00450-00105479-00105790 relatively straightforward as a a or b BwFDSKFE0yu-00451-00105791-00105975 is this going to make us more money is BwFDSKFE0yu-00452-00105976-00106086 this going to BwFDSKFE0yu-00453-00106088-00106271 increase our efficiency is this going to BwFDSKFE0yu-00454-00106272-00106758 help us hit 1.5 but actually the reality BwFDSKFE0yu-00455-00106759-00107078 of our climate agenda here is BwFDSKFE0yu-00456-00107079-00107334 necessarily interwoven and we're trying BwFDSKFE0yu-00457-00107335-00107558 to bring systems thinking into BwFDSKFE0yu-00458-00107559-00107702 industries that BwFDSKFE0yu-00459-00107703-00107839 haven't had to really think like that BwFDSKFE0yu-00460-00107840-00108047 before even thinking beyond BwFDSKFE0yu-00461-00108048-00108351 financial metrics is a massive challenge BwFDSKFE0yu-00462-00108352-00108543 so legislators with the today is the BwFDSKFE0yu-00463-00108544-00108831 simplest it's going to be BwFDSKFE0yu-00464-00108832-00109151 in parallel to this we are digitizing BwFDSKFE0yu-00465-00109152-00109278 the world BwFDSKFE0yu-00466-00109279-00109471 there are BwFDSKFE0yu-00467-00109472-00109678 millions billions of sensors around the BwFDSKFE0yu-00468-00109679-00109910 world and everything will have a sensor BwFDSKFE0yu-00469-00109911-00110190 on it that um can be measured whether BwFDSKFE0yu-00470-00110191-00110334 that's a smart meter and a domestic BwFDSKFE0yu-00471-00110335-00110454 property BwFDSKFE0yu-00472-00110455-00110734 or whether it's data coming from a BwFDSKFE0yu-00473-00110735-00110958 energy asset or from a battery in a BwFDSKFE0yu-00474-00110959-00111151 vehicle BwFDSKFE0yu-00475-00111152-00111351 and so one of the themes here is BwFDSKFE0yu-00476-00111352-00111583 we need to ensure interoperability BwFDSKFE0yu-00477-00111583-00111886 between all of these devices and systems BwFDSKFE0yu-00478-00111888-00112071 um we need that not just because we're BwFDSKFE0yu-00479-00112072-00112231 digitizing our systems and we need to BwFDSKFE0yu-00480-00112232-00112478 build flexibility markets and can deal BwFDSKFE0yu-00481-00112479-00112815 with the huge transition in um our BwFDSKFE0yu-00482-00112816-00113102 energy supply and demand BwFDSKFE0yu-00483-00113103-00113415 but so that those same data can be used BwFDSKFE0yu-00484-00113416-00113678 by the financial community to create BwFDSKFE0yu-00485-00113679-00113943 incentives and to measure uh their BwFDSKFE0yu-00486-00113944-00114095 impact BwFDSKFE0yu-00487-00114096-00114231 so when i heard the announcement last BwFDSKFE0yu-00488-00114232-00114534 week of the 130 trillion BwFDSKFE0yu-00489-00114535-00114615 of BwFDSKFE0yu-00490-00114616-00114854 global assets now 40 of global assets BwFDSKFE0yu-00491-00114855-00114990 have to be aligned with the paris BwFDSKFE0yu-00492-00114991-00115286 agreement i had two questions BwFDSKFE0yu-00493-00115288-00115510 one is what does alignment mean in that BwFDSKFE0yu-00494-00115511-00115671 context BwFDSKFE0yu-00495-00115672-00115983 and two is how are you going to prove it BwFDSKFE0yu-00496-00115983-00116175 and one of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00497-00116176-00116366 features here BwFDSKFE0yu-00498-00116367-00116502 is that BwFDSKFE0yu-00499-00116503-00116678 there's a kind of coming together or BwFDSKFE0yu-00500-00116679-00116854 potential coming together BwFDSKFE0yu-00501-00116855-00117078 of engineering data BwFDSKFE0yu-00502-00117079-00117358 financial data and environmental data BwFDSKFE0yu-00503-00117359-00117551 that will help us actually create BwFDSKFE0yu-00504-00117552-00117807 different kinds of incentives and holds BwFDSKFE0yu-00505-00117808-00118007 people to account in a diff different BwFDSKFE0yu-00506-00118008-00118119 way BwFDSKFE0yu-00507-00118120-00118415 creating those incentives that can BwFDSKFE0yu-00508-00118416-00118710 enable companies to set targets to set BwFDSKFE0yu-00509-00118711-00118847 their investment strategies to BwFDSKFE0yu-00510-00118848-00118990 understand what financial instruments BwFDSKFE0yu-00511-00118991-00119278 need to exist in order to fund them BwFDSKFE0yu-00512-00119279-00119534 and to be held accountable to them BwFDSKFE0yu-00513-00119535-00119686 so when we look at the BwFDSKFE0yu-00514-00119688-00119854 transitions one of the things i was most BwFDSKFE0yu-00515-00119855-00120023 encouraged by in the last week was the BwFDSKFE0yu-00516-00120024-00120295 creation of the international the issb BwFDSKFE0yu-00517-00120296-00120502 the international standards BwFDSKFE0yu-00518-00120503-00120702 sustainability board BwFDSKFE0yu-00519-00120703-00120951 the work we've been doing in the uk with BwFDSKFE0yu-00520-00120952-00121214 the financial conduct authority the BwFDSKFE0yu-00521-00121215-00121431 pensions regulator and bank of england BwFDSKFE0yu-00522-00121432-00121590 is a group called the climate financial BwFDSKFE0yu-00523-00121591-00121839 risk forum we've been looking at how can BwFDSKFE0yu-00524-00121840-00122102 we bring together this new kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00525-00122103-00122407 explosion of access to data BwFDSKFE0yu-00526-00122408-00122590 in the creation of financial instruments BwFDSKFE0yu-00527-00122591-00122775 themselves BwFDSKFE0yu-00528-00122776-00123047 at the same time we've got digital twins BwFDSKFE0yu-00529-00123048-00123231 modeling our environment in a different BwFDSKFE0yu-00530-00123232-00123551 way and as a climate risk demonstrator BwFDSKFE0yu-00531-00123552-00123623 which BwFDSKFE0yu-00532-00123624-00123727 was BwFDSKFE0yu-00533-00123728-00123886 part of the digital built britain BwFDSKFE0yu-00534-00123888-00124086 program launched last week BwFDSKFE0yu-00535-00124088-00124286 where they're bringing together data at BwFDSKFE0yu-00536-00124288-00124478 scale to do this systems modeling to BwFDSKFE0yu-00537-00124479-00124719 look at flood risk in different ways and BwFDSKFE0yu-00538-00124720-00125039 look at this systemically BwFDSKFE0yu-00539-00125040-00125199 in the programs we've run over the last BwFDSKFE0yu-00540-00125200-00125431 18 months with the insurance sector BwFDSKFE0yu-00541-00125432-00125766 we've seen uh aon willis tires watson BwFDSKFE0yu-00542-00125767-00126063 britain insurance arab come together BwFDSKFE0yu-00543-00126064-00126263 to look at risk in a different way and BwFDSKFE0yu-00544-00126264-00126534 how would we even begin to define what BwFDSKFE0yu-00545-00126535-00126807 is a climate-ready financial product BwFDSKFE0yu-00546-00126808-00127014 and through that work i'd say that BwFDSKFE0yu-00547-00127015-00127231 really has highlighted the scale of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00548-00127232-00127463 challenge and the distance between the BwFDSKFE0yu-00549-00127464-00127575 rhetoric BwFDSKFE0yu-00550-00127576-00127783 and the ambition and the reality of BwFDSKFE0yu-00551-00127783-00128014 trying to run a business and work out BwFDSKFE0yu-00552-00128015-00128166 what products and services can we take BwFDSKFE0yu-00553-00128167-00128310 to market that are going to make a BwFDSKFE0yu-00554-00128311-00128471 difference BwFDSKFE0yu-00555-00128472-00128678 however lots of people are moving in BwFDSKFE0yu-00556-00128679-00128831 this direction BwFDSKFE0yu-00557-00128832-00129071 and so we've seen BwFDSKFE0yu-00558-00129072-00129254 the creation of new standards on the BwFDSKFE0yu-00559-00129255-00129495 emergence of new potential standards BwFDSKFE0yu-00560-00129496-00129678 part of my background is i co-chaired BwFDSKFE0yu-00561-00129679-00129807 the development of the open banking BwFDSKFE0yu-00562-00129808-00130078 standards which has enabled data flow BwFDSKFE0yu-00563-00130079-00130278 between financial institutions that BwFDSKFE0yu-00564-00130279-00130486 didn't really exist before and it's a BwFDSKFE0yu-00565-00130488-00130807 regulated instrument so it's the fca BwFDSKFE0yu-00566-00130808-00131054 mandates that all of the banks must have BwFDSKFE0yu-00567-00131055-00131263 full data interoperability and cohesion BwFDSKFE0yu-00568-00131264-00131478 across the market BwFDSKFE0yu-00569-00131479-00131623 what we've been doing over the last year BwFDSKFE0yu-00570-00131624-00131823 is building that out for energy in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00571-00131824-00132127 uk so can we provide access and enable BwFDSKFE0yu-00572-00132128-00132431 access across the 9 000 organizations BwFDSKFE0yu-00573-00132432-00132663 that exist in the energy system in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00574-00132664-00132854 uk BwFDSKFE0yu-00575-00132855-00133054 that gives me hope because once we can BwFDSKFE0yu-00576-00133055-00133327 get into not just BwFDSKFE0yu-00577-00133328-00133519 the top level metrics but have those BwFDSKFE0yu-00578-00133520-00133895 metrics informed by facts from BwFDSKFE0yu-00579-00133896-00134127 the systems themselves we can start to BwFDSKFE0yu-00580-00134128-00134239 create BwFDSKFE0yu-00581-00134240-00134414 different kinds of types of financial BwFDSKFE0yu-00582-00134415-00134639 incentive but we can also BwFDSKFE0yu-00583-00134640-00134799 really look at the BwFDSKFE0yu-00584-00134800-00134959 actual impact of the things that we're BwFDSKFE0yu-00585-00134960-00135095 deploying BwFDSKFE0yu-00586-00135096-00135278 so when we're trying to de-risk BwFDSKFE0yu-00587-00135279-00135471 low-carbon technologies when we're BwFDSKFE0yu-00588-00135472-00135702 trying to help the investment community BwFDSKFE0yu-00589-00135703-00135927 really understand where we're going in BwFDSKFE0yu-00590-00135928-00136054 this landscape BwFDSKFE0yu-00591-00136055-00136223 and quickly BwFDSKFE0yu-00592-00136224-00136439 as emily said you know we need to 50 of BwFDSKFE0yu-00593-00136440-00136783 our target in the next well by 2030. in BwFDSKFE0yu-00594-00136784-00136975 business terms that's about 20 minutes BwFDSKFE0yu-00595-00136976-00137071 away BwFDSKFE0yu-00596-00137072-00137319 so how are we going to accelerate BwFDSKFE0yu-00597-00137320-00137439 through this BwFDSKFE0yu-00598-00137440-00137631 and so we're working on things like open BwFDSKFE0yu-00599-00137632-00137839 energy we're just beginning work now on BwFDSKFE0yu-00600-00137840-00138087 open transport to enable access to all BwFDSKFE0yu-00601-00138088-00138343 of the data from the systems themselves BwFDSKFE0yu-00602-00138344-00138575 and join that up with the financial BwFDSKFE0yu-00603-00138576-00138814 systems BwFDSKFE0yu-00604-00138815-00139102 access to information here is going to BwFDSKFE0yu-00605-00139103-00139302 help us decide whether or not we're BwFDSKFE0yu-00606-00139303-00139439 succeeding BwFDSKFE0yu-00607-00139440-00139623 and the number of organizations that BwFDSKFE0yu-00608-00139624-00139847 need this kind of access BwFDSKFE0yu-00609-00139848-00140063 is just growing exponentially and it has BwFDSKFE0yu-00610-00140064-00140239 multiple drivers BwFDSKFE0yu-00611-00140240-00140407 and this is where the the engineering BwFDSKFE0yu-00612-00140408-00140527 component BwFDSKFE0yu-00613-00140528-00140743 is going to collide with and hopefully BwFDSKFE0yu-00614-00140744-00140911 coalesce with some of the financial BwFDSKFE0yu-00615-00140912-00141095 incentives here when you look at things BwFDSKFE0yu-00616-00141096-00141383 like scope 3 reporting BwFDSKFE0yu-00617-00141384-00141559 everybody needs access to information in BwFDSKFE0yu-00618-00141560-00141695 their supply chain BwFDSKFE0yu-00619-00141696-00141983 that typically csr people have been BwFDSKFE0yu-00620-00141984-00142247 trying to get hold of for decades BwFDSKFE0yu-00621-00142248-00142390 and as soon as you hit the supply chain BwFDSKFE0yu-00622-00142391-00142519 managers BwFDSKFE0yu-00623-00142520-00142631 there's a lock down because it's BwFDSKFE0yu-00624-00142632-00142911 proprietary confidential and contains BwFDSKFE0yu-00625-00142912-00143143 competitive information that contains BwFDSKFE0yu-00626-00143144-00143231 um BwFDSKFE0yu-00627-00143232-00143526 intellectual property information so on BwFDSKFE0yu-00628-00143527-00143735 we can now navigate through those BwFDSKFE0yu-00629-00143736-00143887 blockers BwFDSKFE0yu-00630-00143888-00144063 and in some cases BwFDSKFE0yu-00631-00144064-00144223 we've got BwFDSKFE0yu-00632-00144224-00144375 industry pushing forward as an BwFDSKFE0yu-00633-00144376-00144590 initiative this week launched BwFDSKFE0yu-00634-00144591-00144790 in the automotive sector BwFDSKFE0yu-00635-00144791-00144959 where they were BwFDSKFE0yu-00636-00144960-00145319 creating that interoperability just for BwFDSKFE0yu-00637-00145320-00145407 the BwFDSKFE0yu-00638-00145408-00145614 scope 3 emissions reporting but there BwFDSKFE0yu-00639-00145615-00145847 are thousands of other uses of that BwFDSKFE0yu-00640-00145848-00146102 information and there are dozens if not BwFDSKFE0yu-00641-00146103-00146319 hundreds of reporting standards BwFDSKFE0yu-00642-00146320-00146471 and there are dozens BwFDSKFE0yu-00643-00146472-00146695 i think over 40 taxonomies around the BwFDSKFE0yu-00644-00146696-00146839 world BwFDSKFE0yu-00645-00146840-00147039 i think really BwFDSKFE0yu-00646-00147040-00147175 my learning from this having worked on BwFDSKFE0yu-00647-00147176-00147471 the web for 30 years BwFDSKFE0yu-00648-00147472-00147695 is we need to start adopting BwFDSKFE0yu-00649-00147696-00147926 the principles and the culture BwFDSKFE0yu-00650-00147927-00148111 of web development BwFDSKFE0yu-00651-00148112-00148287 in the way that we develop our BwFDSKFE0yu-00652-00148288-00148423 businesses going forward and the way BwFDSKFE0yu-00653-00148424-00148559 that we develop our financial systems BwFDSKFE0yu-00654-00148560-00148695 going forward BwFDSKFE0yu-00655-00148696-00148935 to create this acceleration BwFDSKFE0yu-00656-00148936-00149143 if we're really going to accelerate BwFDSKFE0yu-00657-00149144-00149471 into hitting 50 of our target the next BwFDSKFE0yu-00658-00149472-00149654 eight years BwFDSKFE0yu-00659-00149655-00149823 then we have to move very quickly we BwFDSKFE0yu-00660-00149824-00150071 have to change the culture of sharing BwFDSKFE0yu-00661-00150072-00150271 information knowledge what works and BwFDSKFE0yu-00662-00150272-00150559 what doesn't to de-risk action and BwFDSKFE0yu-00663-00150560-00150790 create the right incentives BwFDSKFE0yu-00664-00150791-00150983 so my call to action here is really BwFDSKFE0yu-00665-00150984-00151207 around open innovation BwFDSKFE0yu-00666-00151208-00151351 thank you very much and i'll pass to BwFDSKFE0yu-00667-00151352-00151878 elliot BwFDSKFE0yu-00668-00151879-00152166 thank you gavin uh so as as introduced BwFDSKFE0yu-00669-00152167-00152375 uh my name's elliot i am part of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00670-00152376-00152543 cisl team but i'm responsible for its BwFDSKFE0yu-00671-00152544-00152695 corporate leaders group so i work with BwFDSKFE0yu-00672-00152696-00152990 businesses in the uk in europe and and BwFDSKFE0yu-00673-00152991-00153271 elsewhere who have that commitment to BwFDSKFE0yu-00674-00153272-00153414 to climate action to a sustainable BwFDSKFE0yu-00675-00153415-00153654 economy uh including including our hosts BwFDSKFE0yu-00676-00153655-00153887 here in scottish power uh to help them BwFDSKFE0yu-00677-00153888-00154014 work with policymakers to kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00678-00154015-00154166 accelerate and build this kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00679-00154167-00154343 process of change BwFDSKFE0yu-00680-00154344-00154511 and um BwFDSKFE0yu-00681-00154512-00154614 i BwFDSKFE0yu-00682-00154615-00154775 so i'm also i'm going to build on BwFDSKFE0yu-00683-00154776-00154926 previous remarks that we've had and BwFDSKFE0yu-00684-00154927-00155143 particularly claire's three as the the BwFDSKFE0yu-00685-00155144-00155359 action accountability and acceleration BwFDSKFE0yu-00686-00155360-00155511 because i think that's a very helpful BwFDSKFE0yu-00687-00155512-00155711 frame BwFDSKFE0yu-00688-00155712-00156071 um and i think it's worth noting the BwFDSKFE0yu-00689-00156072-00156231 the level of activity that's taking BwFDSKFE0yu-00690-00156232-00156471 place here in glasgow the level of BwFDSKFE0yu-00691-00156472-00156711 different commitments the level of uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00692-00156712-00156878 conversations and BwFDSKFE0yu-00693-00156879-00157159 discussions and uh energy that has been BwFDSKFE0yu-00694-00157160-00157366 in and around events BwFDSKFE0yu-00695-00157367-00157599 we're very focused and it's it's right BwFDSKFE0yu-00696-00157600-00157783 to be focused the BwFDSKFE0yu-00697-00157784-00157975 the complex BwFDSKFE0yu-00698-00157976-00158214 uh process of government negotiation at BwFDSKFE0yu-00699-00158215-00158439 the heart of it that is that is the core BwFDSKFE0yu-00700-00158440-00158599 that we're all building on BwFDSKFE0yu-00701-00158600-00158814 and that's the negotiation between 197 BwFDSKFE0yu-00702-00158815-00159054 countries it is going to be cumbersome BwFDSKFE0yu-00703-00159055-00159207 it is going to be awkward and it's going BwFDSKFE0yu-00704-00159208-00159407 to be slow but it is essential because BwFDSKFE0yu-00705-00159408-00159695 it's a global problem and we need BwFDSKFE0yu-00706-00159696-00159839 more collective action we need more BwFDSKFE0yu-00707-00159840-00160054 consensus we need more standardization BwFDSKFE0yu-00708-00160055-00160271 more rules um to kind of provide the BwFDSKFE0yu-00709-00160272-00160463 framework for action we need more level BwFDSKFE0yu-00710-00160464-00160590 playing fields what that level that BwFDSKFE0yu-00711-00160591-00160783 playing framework fraction so that's why BwFDSKFE0yu-00712-00160784-00161007 you know we have that and i think what's BwFDSKFE0yu-00713-00161008-00161151 what's happening is we've got a draft BwFDSKFE0yu-00714-00161152-00161351 text that is looking increasingly BwFDSKFE0yu-00715-00161352-00161487 positive and i'll go into some of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00716-00161488-00161687 reasons why but it's all but there has BwFDSKFE0yu-00717-00161688-00161854 been this this wave of commitments BwFDSKFE0yu-00718-00161855-00162023 around it and i think that and emily in BwFDSKFE0yu-00719-00162024-00162239 particular talked um through a number of BwFDSKFE0yu-00720-00162240-00162543 those in quite a lot of detail BwFDSKFE0yu-00721-00162544-00162719 for me just if i start on the action BwFDSKFE0yu-00722-00162720-00162871 piece this is BwFDSKFE0yu-00723-00162872-00163143 this is where um this whole process and BwFDSKFE0yu-00724-00163144-00163311 the conversation around climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-00725-00163312-00163535 is and needs to grow up BwFDSKFE0yu-00726-00163536-00163647 we have BwFDSKFE0yu-00727-00163648-00163911 uh built a global consensus effectively BwFDSKFE0yu-00728-00163912-00164143 about the long-term goal BwFDSKFE0yu-00729-00164144-00164335 we have you know the climate action is BwFDSKFE0yu-00730-00164336-00164566 not questioned and in fact the BwFDSKFE0yu-00731-00164567-00164719 destination is no longer questioned BwFDSKFE0yu-00732-00164720-00164854 substantively all the kind of major BwFDSKFE0yu-00733-00164855-00165047 economies are bought into a net zero BwFDSKFE0yu-00734-00165048-00165207 destination and we will need to take BwFDSKFE0yu-00735-00165208-00165471 that further BwFDSKFE0yu-00736-00165472-00165735 but as you know we've as BwFDSKFE0yu-00737-00165736-00166023 uh vanessa nakate and other activists BwFDSKFE0yu-00738-00166024-00166190 and actually many businesses and other BwFDSKFE0yu-00739-00166191-00166366 kind of leaders have have increasingly BwFDSKFE0yu-00740-00166367-00166471 noted BwFDSKFE0yu-00741-00166472-00166671 we do need to BwFDSKFE0yu-00742-00166672-00166951 meet our promises with delivery um and i BwFDSKFE0yu-00743-00166952-00167135 think the the next decade will be the BwFDSKFE0yu-00744-00167136-00167247 proof in the pudding there will need to BwFDSKFE0yu-00745-00167248-00167463 be that kind of granular rollout of BwFDSKFE0yu-00746-00167464-00167743 action and that means of course BwFDSKFE0yu-00747-00167744-00167999 that the the climate change agenda will BwFDSKFE0yu-00748-00168000-00168166 be moving into a whole set of other BwFDSKFE0yu-00749-00168167-00168326 agendas we're going to hear and we've BwFDSKFE0yu-00750-00168327-00168526 already heard i think a lot here about BwFDSKFE0yu-00751-00168527-00168663 the the interaction between climate BwFDSKFE0yu-00752-00168664-00168863 change and nature the climate change of BwFDSKFE0yu-00753-00168864-00169102 society in terms of the just transition BwFDSKFE0yu-00754-00169103-00169319 um climate change and financing all of BwFDSKFE0yu-00755-00169320-00169487 these kind of other areas BwFDSKFE0yu-00756-00169488-00169726 in fact it will increasingly grow up to BwFDSKFE0yu-00757-00169727-00169919 be what it really should be which is a BwFDSKFE0yu-00758-00169920-00170095 mainstream BwFDSKFE0yu-00759-00170096-00170254 utterly mainstream utterly kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00760-00170255-00170431 strategic factor shaping the decision BwFDSKFE0yu-00761-00170432-00170599 making of BwFDSKFE0yu-00762-00170600-00170878 future economic societal BwFDSKFE0yu-00763-00170879-00171119 business activities going forward so BwFDSKFE0yu-00764-00171120-00171263 that's that's i think what we're on the BwFDSKFE0yu-00765-00171264-00171502 cusp for um and that's why you know the BwFDSKFE0yu-00766-00171503-00171647 action agenda going forward will be will BwFDSKFE0yu-00767-00171648-00171919 be need to be so important BwFDSKFE0yu-00768-00171920-00172023 but of course there's this kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-00769-00172024-00172143 question about accountability there's BwFDSKFE0yu-00770-00172144-00172343 been this kind of list of of targets and BwFDSKFE0yu-00771-00172344-00172495 setting from governments target setting BwFDSKFE0yu-00772-00172496-00172663 from from business BwFDSKFE0yu-00773-00172664-00172943 um and from finance but each you know BwFDSKFE0yu-00774-00172944-00173231 there is a lot of BwFDSKFE0yu-00775-00173232-00173454 questioning around that you know the the BwFDSKFE0yu-00776-00173455-00173654 piece about well we've got the 1.3 BwFDSKFE0yu-00777-00173655-00173887 trillion or 130 trillion BwFDSKFE0yu-00778-00173888-00174014 finance committed but is it really BwFDSKFE0yu-00779-00174015-00174151 committed to how much actually is it BwFDSKFE0yu-00780-00174152-00174319 going to move we've got the we've got BwFDSKFE0yu-00781-00174320-00174454 net zero targets from all sorts of BwFDSKFE0yu-00782-00174455-00174638 countries but i mean have you seen the BwFDSKFE0yu-00783-00174639-00174783 breakdown of australia's and saudi BwFDSKFE0yu-00784-00174784-00174966 arabias and what is that actually going BwFDSKFE0yu-00785-00174967-00175054 to mean BwFDSKFE0yu-00786-00175055-00175302 um we are clearly in a space where there BwFDSKFE0yu-00787-00175303-00175471 is that nervousness around greenwash and BwFDSKFE0yu-00788-00175472-00175623 there are some really good reasons for BwFDSKFE0yu-00789-00175624-00175783 being nervous BwFDSKFE0yu-00790-00175784-00176007 and we have you know we've just heard BwFDSKFE0yu-00791-00176008-00176183 about the issp we've got new BwFDSKFE0yu-00792-00176184-00176319 standardization being introduced we've BwFDSKFE0yu-00793-00176320-00176519 got negotiations going on about article BwFDSKFE0yu-00794-00176520-00176647 six which should create the rules for BwFDSKFE0yu-00795-00176648-00176871 the road for global carbon markets um BwFDSKFE0yu-00796-00176872-00177023 currently i think the latest proposal is BwFDSKFE0yu-00797-00177024-00177223 that there will be a kind of two-track BwFDSKFE0yu-00798-00177224-00177502 process that will have should we say BwFDSKFE0yu-00799-00177503-00177702 you might kind of determine them as one BwFDSKFE0yu-00800-00177703-00177878 set of credits which would be very kind BwFDSKFE0yu-00801-00177879-00178166 of compliance environmentally in have BwFDSKFE0yu-00802-00178167-00178359 environmental integrity and another set BwFDSKFE0yu-00803-00178360-00178511 which will be much more kind of wild BwFDSKFE0yu-00804-00178512-00178671 west so there's an interesting thing BwFDSKFE0yu-00805-00178672-00178854 there i think the question will be with BwFDSKFE0yu-00806-00178855-00179054 all of these kind of new approaches do BwFDSKFE0yu-00807-00179055-00179326 they help provide the credibility that BwFDSKFE0yu-00808-00179327-00179478 we'll need in this agenda because people BwFDSKFE0yu-00809-00179479-00179599 will be looking and will be questioning BwFDSKFE0yu-00810-00179600-00179887 and they rightly should BwFDSKFE0yu-00811-00179888-00180054 so there's a lot lot to work on there so BwFDSKFE0yu-00812-00180055-00180207 we need we need to deliver the action we BwFDSKFE0yu-00813-00180208-00180431 need to make sure that is accountable BwFDSKFE0yu-00814-00180432-00180719 but we also we need the acceleration BwFDSKFE0yu-00815-00180720-00180814 now i'm going to say something here i BwFDSKFE0yu-00816-00180815-00181014 think you know the paris agreement was BwFDSKFE0yu-00817-00181015-00181302 set out to do a job and it has succeeded BwFDSKFE0yu-00818-00181303-00181599 it has created a one-way ratchet we have BwFDSKFE0yu-00819-00181600-00181678 um BwFDSKFE0yu-00820-00181679-00181847 through six years which have been BwFDSKFE0yu-00821-00181848-00182023 incredibly politically volatile which BwFDSKFE0yu-00822-00182024-00182214 have seen a global pandemic which was BwFDSKFE0yu-00823-00182215-00182431 unprecedented which has seen the biggest BwFDSKFE0yu-00824-00182432-00182535 economy BwFDSKFE0yu-00825-00182536-00182799 in the um in the world and you know the BwFDSKFE0yu-00826-00182800-00182951 current owned global supermarket of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00827-00182952-00183126 us but not the biggest economy BwFDSKFE0yu-00828-00183127-00183335 china but the the richest per capita BwFDSKFE0yu-00829-00183336-00183511 world you've got the us who have pulled BwFDSKFE0yu-00830-00183512-00183726 back from it and then still paris has BwFDSKFE0yu-00831-00183727-00183911 succeeded it has retained and it's still BwFDSKFE0yu-00832-00183912-00184047 there as a framework BwFDSKFE0yu-00833-00184048-00184238 and it was you know the point of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00834-00184239-00184359 paris agreement was that countries were BwFDSKFE0yu-00835-00184360-00184559 supposed to come back with ambitions BwFDSKFE0yu-00836-00184560-00184726 with with targets and each time that BwFDSKFE0yu-00837-00184727-00184863 happened there was going to supposed to BwFDSKFE0yu-00838-00184864-00185135 be more well we've got that we've got BwFDSKFE0yu-00839-00185136-00185271 people have come to glasgow with BwFDSKFE0yu-00840-00185272-00185471 increased ambition we have got targets BwFDSKFE0yu-00841-00185472-00185695 for 2030 that were more than we might BwFDSKFE0yu-00842-00185696-00185799 have hoped BwFDSKFE0yu-00843-00185800-00186014 um five years ago BwFDSKFE0yu-00844-00186015-00186095 but BwFDSKFE0yu-00845-00186096-00186263 it has also failed because it has gone BwFDSKFE0yu-00846-00186264-00186511 too slowly we are not going to deliver BwFDSKFE0yu-00847-00186512-00186687 on the overall goal we're not going to BwFDSKFE0yu-00848-00186688-00186790 the moment BwFDSKFE0yu-00849-00186791-00187014 you know there may be you know 1.5 BwFDSKFE0yu-00850-00187015-00187207 degrees as on life support you can BwFDSKFE0yu-00851-00187208-00187471 conceive of a pathway to go there BwFDSKFE0yu-00852-00187472-00187678 but that pathway will very very quickly BwFDSKFE0yu-00853-00187679-00187950 disappear if we don't see BwFDSKFE0yu-00854-00187951-00188175 that if we don't see increased action in BwFDSKFE0yu-00855-00188176-00188335 the next couple of years we have a BwFDSKFE0yu-00856-00188336-00188590 decade to not to solve this problem but BwFDSKFE0yu-00857-00188591-00188854 to but to keep moving um in a way that BwFDSKFE0yu-00858-00188855-00189023 keeps some of that that overall ambition BwFDSKFE0yu-00859-00189024-00189254 alive and so the fact that in the text BwFDSKFE0yu-00860-00189255-00189431 there is explicit callouts to allow BwFDSKFE0yu-00861-00189432-00189590 countries to come back with increased BwFDSKFE0yu-00862-00189591-00189807 ambition is going to be essential the BwFDSKFE0yu-00863-00189808-00190078 fact that uh business investors and BwFDSKFE0yu-00864-00190079-00190247 others are kind of moving forward and BwFDSKFE0yu-00865-00190248-00190383 actually kind of going to be innovating BwFDSKFE0yu-00866-00190384-00190495 is going to be essential because BwFDSKFE0yu-00867-00190496-00190671 otherwise we're not going to we're not BwFDSKFE0yu-00868-00190672-00190847 going to be able to keep that that BwFDSKFE0yu-00869-00190848-00191078 overall goal alive and that will have BwFDSKFE0yu-00870-00191079-00191247 real impacts BwFDSKFE0yu-00871-00191248-00191454 um and of course every time we let this BwFDSKFE0yu-00872-00191455-00191678 problem worsen we work we increase the BwFDSKFE0yu-00873-00191679-00191943 political talk on the system we increase BwFDSKFE0yu-00874-00191944-00192054 the BwFDSKFE0yu-00875-00192055-00192238 sense of climate impact that will run BwFDSKFE0yu-00876-00192239-00192423 away we increase the cost of those other BwFDSKFE0yu-00877-00192424-00192550 things and we increase the cost of BwFDSKFE0yu-00878-00192551-00192638 action BwFDSKFE0yu-00879-00192639-00192831 which means that we will increasingly BwFDSKFE0yu-00880-00192832-00193119 have a more disruptive change so i think BwFDSKFE0yu-00881-00193120-00193247 that there is this kind of overall BwFDSKFE0yu-00882-00193248-00193399 pressure which i think is being visible BwFDSKFE0yu-00883-00193400-00193599 in the way that a growing number of BwFDSKFE0yu-00884-00193600-00193790 actors are responding the way that we BwFDSKFE0yu-00885-00193791-00193926 keep this stable the way that we BwFDSKFE0yu-00886-00193927-00194150 actually um keep costs down keep make BwFDSKFE0yu-00887-00194151-00194287 the the most BwFDSKFE0yu-00888-00194288-00194390 uh BwFDSKFE0yu-00889-00194391-00194614 cost-effective pro-business pro-economy BwFDSKFE0yu-00890-00194615-00194799 way forward is to act on this problem as BwFDSKFE0yu-00891-00194800-00195007 quickly as possible so i think the final BwFDSKFE0yu-00892-00195008-00195166 thing i'd like to say is is that you BwFDSKFE0yu-00893-00195167-00195271 know BwFDSKFE0yu-00894-00195272-00195407 we have had BwFDSKFE0yu-00895-00195408-00195614 a moment which has triggered so much BwFDSKFE0yu-00896-00195615-00195847 progress more than may have been BwFDSKFE0yu-00897-00195848-00196023 predicted a few years ago BwFDSKFE0yu-00898-00196024-00196175 but it's not enough and that's got to be BwFDSKFE0yu-00899-00196176-00196295 where we've got to go away we've all got BwFDSKFE0yu-00900-00196296-00196463 to go away and take that and work out BwFDSKFE0yu-00901-00196464-00196750 how we work on out how to go further BwFDSKFE0yu-00902-00196751-00196926 um i'd now like to hand over to one of BwFDSKFE0yu-00903-00196927-00197119 the other uh members of the group and in BwFDSKFE0yu-00904-00197120-00197199 fact BwFDSKFE0yu-00905-00197200-00197495 um you know the the group parent for BwFDSKFE0yu-00906-00197496-00197726 scottish power so gonzalo uh sansa BwFDSKFE0yu-00907-00197727-00197902 dimiera director of climate change at BwFDSKFE0yu-00908-00197903-00198247 iberola BwFDSKFE0yu-00909-00198248-00198526 okay thank you very much and you're done BwFDSKFE0yu-00910-00198527-00198883 and good good afternoon from madrid BwFDSKFE0yu-00911-00198884-00199159 so um BwFDSKFE0yu-00912-00199160-00199447 after this i mean these two weeks in BwFDSKFE0yu-00913-00199448-00199663 in glasgow BwFDSKFE0yu-00914-00199664-00199943 have been really intense BwFDSKFE0yu-00915-00199944-00200207 we have seen like hundreds of people BwFDSKFE0yu-00916-00200208-00200495 with different profiles and BwFDSKFE0yu-00917-00200496-00200695 different interests BwFDSKFE0yu-00918-00200696-00200790 but BwFDSKFE0yu-00919-00200791-00201111 all working with a common objective BwFDSKFE0yu-00920-00201112-00201319 that is the acceleration of climate BwFDSKFE0yu-00921-00201320-00201431 action BwFDSKFE0yu-00922-00201432-00201719 to fulfill the objectives of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00923-00201720-00201983 of the paris agreement BwFDSKFE0yu-00924-00201984-00202054 so BwFDSKFE0yu-00925-00202055-00202223 with the BwFDSKFE0yu-00926-00202224-00202583 cop 26 of almost BwFDSKFE0yu-00927-00202584-00202695 finished BwFDSKFE0yu-00928-00202696-00202847 we are seeing BwFDSKFE0yu-00929-00202848-00202966 different BwFDSKFE0yu-00930-00202967-00203343 analysis of the core and some see the BwFDSKFE0yu-00931-00203344-00203478 the glass BwFDSKFE0yu-00932-00203479-00203654 pull empty BwFDSKFE0yu-00933-00203655-00203983 or half empty half full and other seas BwFDSKFE0yu-00934-00203984-00204135 have empty BwFDSKFE0yu-00935-00204136-00204278 and BwFDSKFE0yu-00936-00204279-00204438 this depends BwFDSKFE0yu-00937-00204439-00204838 in my view basically on the initial BwFDSKFE0yu-00938-00204839-00205006 expectations BwFDSKFE0yu-00939-00205007-00205142 they have BwFDSKFE0yu-00940-00205144-00205606 so my my opinion is that we have seen BwFDSKFE0yu-00941-00205607-00205823 very good progress BwFDSKFE0yu-00942-00205823-00206103 not only during the cop but BwFDSKFE0yu-00943-00206104-00206390 from the last copy madrid BwFDSKFE0yu-00944-00206391-00206542 because i think it's important to BwFDSKFE0yu-00945-00206544-00206766 understand that the cop is is not the BwFDSKFE0yu-00946-00206767-00206990 only activity we have on climate during BwFDSKFE0yu-00947-00206991-00207110 the year BwFDSKFE0yu-00948-00207111-00207246 so BwFDSKFE0yu-00949-00207248-00207446 for instance before BwFDSKFE0yu-00950-00207448-00207734 the cop the glasgow group we saw the BwFDSKFE0yu-00951-00207735-00208071 technological revolution we saw we saw a BwFDSKFE0yu-00952-00208071-00208246 growing pressure of BwFDSKFE0yu-00953-00208248-00208503 investors on fossil fuels BwFDSKFE0yu-00954-00208504-00208694 we saw the commitments BwFDSKFE0yu-00955-00208696-00208982 to net zero emissions by the mid century BwFDSKFE0yu-00956-00208983-00209214 of nine of the 10 biggest economy in the BwFDSKFE0yu-00957-00209215-00209319 world BwFDSKFE0yu-00958-00209319-00209566 and during the cup we have also seen a BwFDSKFE0yu-00959-00209567-00209782 very good progress so the common BwFDSKFE0yu-00960-00209783-00210055 declaration u.s china of course BwFDSKFE0yu-00961-00210056-00210351 we have seen the the commitment by china BwFDSKFE0yu-00962-00210352-00210639 that but of india sorry especially the BwFDSKFE0yu-00963-00210640-00211055 for 2030 this 500 gigabytes that are BwFDSKFE0yu-00964-00211056-00211175 amazing BwFDSKFE0yu-00965-00211176-00211367 we have seen the youth BwFDSKFE0yu-00966-00211367-00211519 growing support BwFDSKFE0yu-00967-00211519-00211798 to climate action that i think is is BwFDSKFE0yu-00968-00211800-00212031 extremely important BwFDSKFE0yu-00969-00212032-00212151 however BwFDSKFE0yu-00970-00212152-00212471 the most important is that the this new BwFDSKFE0yu-00971-00212471-00212791 objective and commitments BwFDSKFE0yu-00972-00212792-00213191 are far from being implemented BwFDSKFE0yu-00973-00213192-00213542 and lead us to a safe track BwFDSKFE0yu-00974-00213544-00213806 so all these good intentions BwFDSKFE0yu-00975-00213807-00214198 need to be translated in policies BwFDSKFE0yu-00976-00214200-00214367 in regulations BwFDSKFE0yu-00977-00214367-00214671 and in facts BwFDSKFE0yu-00978-00214671-00214934 in fact that they reduce the BwFDSKFE0yu-00979-00214935-00215182 greenhouse emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-00980-00215183-00215375 so we can reach BwFDSKFE0yu-00981-00215376-00215542 2050 BwFDSKFE0yu-00982-00215544-00215894 with net zero emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-00983-00215896-00216175 but the reality is that BwFDSKFE0yu-00984-00216176-00216479 after the the reduction of emissions in BwFDSKFE0yu-00985-00216480-00216719 during the pandemic BwFDSKFE0yu-00986-00216719-00216958 we think we expect that the emissions in BwFDSKFE0yu-00987-00216959-00217127 2021 BwFDSKFE0yu-00988-00217128-00217471 will reach again the same levels BwFDSKFE0yu-00989-00217471-00217631 to the emissions of compared with the BwFDSKFE0yu-00990-00217632-00217958 missions on on 2019 BwFDSKFE0yu-00991-00217959-00218191 and that is clearly BwFDSKFE0yu-00992-00218192-00218367 insufficient BwFDSKFE0yu-00993-00218367-00218663 so all the analyses show that the cut BwFDSKFE0yu-00994-00218664-00218855 with the current trend BwFDSKFE0yu-00995-00218856-00219063 we won't reach the objectives of the BwFDSKFE0yu-00996-00219064-00219263 paris agreement BwFDSKFE0yu-00997-00219264-00219598 and that to fulfill the objectives BwFDSKFE0yu-00998-00219600-00219846 of of the paris agreement we need to BwFDSKFE0yu-00999-00219848-00219958 reduce BwFDSKFE0yu-01000-00219959-00220239 emissions from now BwFDSKFE0yu-01001-00220240-00220631 so to reach 2030 without a reduction of BwFDSKFE0yu-01002-00220632-00220767 at least BwFDSKFE0yu-01003-00220767-00220998 a minus 15 percent BwFDSKFE0yu-01004-00221000-00221206 compare with the current emissions with BwFDSKFE0yu-01005-00221207-00221423 the current levels BwFDSKFE0yu-01006-00221423-00221558 and this is BwFDSKFE0yu-01007-00221559-00221727 really important BwFDSKFE0yu-01008-00221728-00222119 to avoid the most catastrophic BwFDSKFE0yu-01009-00222119-00222239 scenarios BwFDSKFE0yu-01010-00222240-00222510 and climate change on climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-01011-00222511-00222719 and this is my message BwFDSKFE0yu-01012-00222719-00222863 that the BwFDSKFE0yu-01013-00222864-00223239 cop 26 is almost over or tomorrow BwFDSKFE0yu-01014-00223240-00223382 but on monday BwFDSKFE0yu-01015-00223383-00223646 we will start a new cop that is the al BwFDSKFE0yu-01016-00223648-00223871 qaeda crop so BwFDSKFE0yu-01017-00223871-00224015 governments BwFDSKFE0yu-01018-00224016-00224206 regions BwFDSKFE0yu-01019-00224207-00224342 cities BwFDSKFE0yu-01020-00224344-00224655 ngos citizens and of course BwFDSKFE0yu-01021-00224656-00224815 businesses BwFDSKFE0yu-01022-00224816-00225110 we need to get to getting to work not to BwFDSKFE0yu-01023-00225111-00225287 get down to BwFDSKFE0yu-01024-00225288-00225446 to work BwFDSKFE0yu-01025-00225448-00225663 to maintain working and with BwFDSKFE0yu-01026-00225664-00225934 responsibility and we hope BwFDSKFE0yu-01027-00225935-00226231 to move to continuous moving BwFDSKFE0yu-01028-00226232-00226575 towards a a more sustainable BwFDSKFE0yu-01029-00226576-00226871 scenario for our children and one BwFDSKFE0yu-01030-00226871-00227742 grandchildren thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-01031-00227744-00227910 thank you very much gonzalo my name is BwFDSKFE0yu-01032-00227911-00228119 nina singa i'm a research director for BwFDSKFE0yu-01033-00228119-00228391 sustainable finance at ciso and it is my BwFDSKFE0yu-01034-00228392-00228615 pleasure to introduce the finance BwFDSKFE0yu-01035-00228616-00228910 segment of this conversation i think cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01036-00228911-00229182 26 is we've spoken a lot about fossil BwFDSKFE0yu-01037-00229183-00229455 fuels and about um BwFDSKFE0yu-01038-00229456-00229687 factory financing of fossil fuel abroad BwFDSKFE0yu-01039-00229688-00229919 and how there is an alliance that looks BwFDSKFE0yu-01040-00229919-00230119 about cancelling that and about ending BwFDSKFE0yu-01041-00230119-00230439 coal financing but for me the two things BwFDSKFE0yu-01042-00230440-00230551 that are BwFDSKFE0yu-01043-00230552-00230887 almost unique about this cop is the fact BwFDSKFE0yu-01044-00230888-00231198 that the mainstream finance has shown up BwFDSKFE0yu-01045-00231200-00231494 and the emphasis on nature that we've BwFDSKFE0yu-01046-00231496-00231719 seen through this cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01047-00231719-00231919 so in terms of i'll start with you BwFDSKFE0yu-01048-00231919-00232206 because with the easier nature point BwFDSKFE0yu-01049-00232207-00232446 we've seen a lot of conversation around BwFDSKFE0yu-01050-00232448-00232775 nature-based solutions as well as this BwFDSKFE0yu-01051-00232776-00233063 pledge to halt and reverse deforestation BwFDSKFE0yu-01052-00233064-00233463 by 2030 which at the last count 137 BwFDSKFE0yu-01053-00233464-00233575 countries BwFDSKFE0yu-01054-00233576-00233791 have signed up with not which cover 90 BwFDSKFE0yu-01055-00233792-00234046 percent of the worldwide forests i mean BwFDSKFE0yu-01056-00234048-00234287 we've obviously have BwFDSKFE0yu-01057-00234288-00234558 made those pledges before so we need to BwFDSKFE0yu-01058-00234559-00234831 start on the implementation BwFDSKFE0yu-01059-00234832-00235055 and we need to think about actually BwFDSKFE0yu-01060-00235056-00235263 coming back to what gavin was saying you BwFDSKFE0yu-01061-00235264-00235487 know about supply chain traceability BwFDSKFE0yu-01062-00235488-00235751 about what kind of data we use to ensure BwFDSKFE0yu-01063-00235752-00235894 that this works about what kind of BwFDSKFE0yu-01064-00235896-00236127 partnerships do we put on the ground to BwFDSKFE0yu-01065-00236128-00236375 make sure that those pledges become BwFDSKFE0yu-01066-00236376-00236534 reality BwFDSKFE0yu-01067-00236535-00236742 but also if we think about BwFDSKFE0yu-01068-00236744-00236846 mainstream BwFDSKFE0yu-01069-00236848-00236967 finance BwFDSKFE0yu-01070-00236967-00237110 we've spoken about BwFDSKFE0yu-01071-00237111-00237287 the g fans and the pledges that the g BwFDSKFE0yu-01072-00237288-00237519 fans has done and we've also spoken BwFDSKFE0yu-01073-00237519-00237815 about the setup of the issb which will BwFDSKFE0yu-01074-00237816-00238063 help this global alignment around BwFDSKFE0yu-01075-00238064-00238351 standards and frameworks within the BwFDSKFE0yu-01076-00238352-00238503 world BwFDSKFE0yu-01077-00238504-00238687 we've also had a really BwFDSKFE0yu-01078-00238688-00238919 fantastic announcement i thought for the BwFDSKFE0yu-01079-00238919-00239158 uk of introduction of mandatory BwFDSKFE0yu-01080-00239159-00239342 transition plans BwFDSKFE0yu-01081-00239344-00239575 which would move us away from having BwFDSKFE0yu-01082-00239576-00239839 initial first leaders moving to bringing BwFDSKFE0yu-01083-00239840-00240015 this deeply BwFDSKFE0yu-01084-00240016-00240239 into the mainstream BwFDSKFE0yu-01085-00240240-00240446 finance and those need to be BwFDSKFE0yu-01086-00240448-00240679 independently verified and we need to BwFDSKFE0yu-01087-00240680-00240967 have accountability for that BwFDSKFE0yu-01088-00240967-00241151 i really enjoyed BwFDSKFE0yu-01089-00241152-00241439 elliot's comparison of the two classes BwFDSKFE0yu-01090-00241440-00241519 of BwFDSKFE0yu-01091-00241519-00241775 carbon markets of carbon credits as kind BwFDSKFE0yu-01092-00241776-00241967 of the admissible stuff in the wild west BwFDSKFE0yu-01093-00241967-00242230 so in my financial language i i call BwFDSKFE0yu-01094-00242231-00242487 them slightly differently so i think of BwFDSKFE0yu-01095-00242488-00242687 one as the ones that countries can use BwFDSKFE0yu-01096-00242688-00242919 to to address ndc's but the other ones BwFDSKFE0yu-01097-00242919-00243215 which are traded carbon credits which we BwFDSKFE0yu-01098-00243216-00243503 desperately need a viable carbon market BwFDSKFE0yu-01099-00243504-00243719 because two-thirds of countries BwFDSKFE0yu-01100-00243719-00243919 are reliant on saying that they will BwFDSKFE0yu-01101-00243919-00244158 rely on carpet credits to reach their BwFDSKFE0yu-01102-00244159-00244358 ndc commitments BwFDSKFE0yu-01103-00244359-00244558 and actually for that BwFDSKFE0yu-01104-00244559-00244782 we need the language of the article 6 BwFDSKFE0yu-01105-00244783-00245055 agreement to be really toothy we need a BwFDSKFE0yu-01106-00245056-00245239 clean understanding of how we're going BwFDSKFE0yu-01107-00245240-00245463 to deal with previous credits we need to BwFDSKFE0yu-01108-00245464-00245606 understand how we're going to avoid BwFDSKFE0yu-01109-00245607-00245855 double counting and we need to think BwFDSKFE0yu-01110-00245856-00246071 through whether there will be levies on BwFDSKFE0yu-01111-00246071-00246230 those transactions and whether that will BwFDSKFE0yu-01112-00246231-00246527 go into the adaptation fund or not but BwFDSKFE0yu-01113-00246528-00246734 in the meantime we've also seen the BwFDSKFE0yu-01114-00246735-00246927 market step up BwFDSKFE0yu-01115-00246928-00247294 this year alone there's been 298 million BwFDSKFE0yu-01116-00247296-00247503 metric tons of carbon credits already BwFDSKFE0yu-01117-00247504-00247606 traded BwFDSKFE0yu-01118-00247607-00248055 to a total of about 1 billion us dollars BwFDSKFE0yu-01119-00248056-00248334 so we do have a very BwFDSKFE0yu-01120-00248335-00248606 viable carbon market emerging BwFDSKFE0yu-01121-00248607-00248942 it started with 80 cents a ton in the in BwFDSKFE0yu-01122-00248944-00249155 january and has come up to BwFDSKFE0yu-01123-00249156-00249342 8.35 cents BwFDSKFE0yu-01124-00249344-00249510 so we will see progress within the BwFDSKFE0yu-01125-00249511-00249775 voluntary market happening BwFDSKFE0yu-01126-00249776-00249919 and i guess i'll BwFDSKFE0yu-01127-00249919-00250167 finish a little bit with a reflection BwFDSKFE0yu-01128-00250167-00250455 having spent two weeks in the blue zone BwFDSKFE0yu-01129-00250456-00250646 i think the mood out of then you go BwFDSKFE0yu-01130-00250648-00250846 outside of the negotiation rooms have BwFDSKFE0yu-01131-00250848-00251055 shifted from excited to slightly BwFDSKFE0yu-01132-00251056-00251382 expectant today so i think we're looking BwFDSKFE0yu-01133-00251383-00251598 forward to seeing those final texts and BwFDSKFE0yu-01134-00251600-00251815 seeing those key things that many of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01135-00251816-00252046 speakers including emily and claire and BwFDSKFE0yu-01136-00252048-00252263 elliot have spoken that need to stay in BwFDSKFE0yu-01137-00252264-00252487 that draft tax but otherwise it's my BwFDSKFE0yu-01138-00252488-00252655 absolute pleasure to introduce rob BwFDSKFE0yu-01139-00252656-00252823 bailey partner for climate and BwFDSKFE0yu-01140-00252823-00253030 sustainability at oliver wyman to BwFDSKFE0yu-01141-00253031-00253479 continue our conversation BwFDSKFE0yu-01142-00253480-00253671 thank you and i'm just going to make BwFDSKFE0yu-01143-00253671-00253791 five quick BwFDSKFE0yu-01144-00253792-00254015 points i think so BwFDSKFE0yu-01145-00254016-00254294 the first one is that um BwFDSKFE0yu-01146-00254296-00254558 the financial sector has mobilized at BwFDSKFE0yu-01147-00254559-00254758 scale so we've we've heard about the BwFDSKFE0yu-01148-00254759-00254927 glasgow financial alliance for net zero BwFDSKFE0yu-01149-00254928-00255103 which oliver wyman has been very proud BwFDSKFE0yu-01150-00255104-00255287 to support over the last BwFDSKFE0yu-01151-00255288-00255494 few months but we're we've essentially BwFDSKFE0yu-01152-00255496-00255758 gone from zero to forty percent of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01153-00255759-00255951 financial system BwFDSKFE0yu-01154-00255952-00256263 aligned to net zero in a matter of BwFDSKFE0yu-01155-00256264-00256406 months which is quite remarkable now of BwFDSKFE0yu-01156-00256407-00256623 course that still leaves 60 percent BwFDSKFE0yu-01157-00256623-00256863 but what it does mean now is that the BwFDSKFE0yu-01158-00256864-00257158 remaining 40 percent really needs to BwFDSKFE0yu-01159-00257159-00257294 start acting BwFDSKFE0yu-01160-00257296-00257423 uh and i think BwFDSKFE0yu-01161-00257423-00257646 the second point i'd make is that this BwFDSKFE0yu-01162-00257648-00257975 is starting to happen so we oliver wyman BwFDSKFE0yu-01163-00257976-00258142 are seeing growing numbers of financial BwFDSKFE0yu-01164-00258144-00258310 institutions now BwFDSKFE0yu-01165-00258311-00258503 uh starting to develop strategies to BwFDSKFE0yu-01166-00258504-00258687 steer their portfolios BwFDSKFE0yu-01167-00258688-00258855 and putting in place the frameworks and BwFDSKFE0yu-01168-00258856-00259071 the metrics that they need to do that BwFDSKFE0yu-01169-00259071-00259310 um we're seeing a number of financial BwFDSKFE0yu-01170-00259311-00259503 institutions now already publishing BwFDSKFE0yu-01171-00259504-00259734 their 2030 targets for some of the high BwFDSKFE0yu-01172-00259735-00259958 carbon sectors and making sure that BwFDSKFE0yu-01173-00259959-00260287 those are aligned with a 1.5 pathway now BwFDSKFE0yu-01174-00260288-00260494 all of this is going to drive BwFDSKFE0yu-01175-00260496-00260719 closer engagement between financial BwFDSKFE0yu-01176-00260719-00260998 institutions and their corporate clients BwFDSKFE0yu-01177-00261000-00261142 it's going to drive BwFDSKFE0yu-01178-00261144-00261342 financial innovation as financial BwFDSKFE0yu-01179-00261344-00261503 institutions seek to develop new BwFDSKFE0yu-01180-00261504-00261710 products and services that can help BwFDSKFE0yu-01181-00261711-00261934 their clients decarbonize BwFDSKFE0yu-01182-00261935-00262175 and meet their own portfolio objectives BwFDSKFE0yu-01183-00262176-00262327 there are problems that that we're going BwFDSKFE0yu-01184-00262328-00262534 to have to overcome on this journey we BwFDSKFE0yu-01185-00262535-00262734 need to overcome BwFDSKFE0yu-01186-00262735-00262951 some of the financing challenges for BwFDSKFE0yu-01187-00262952-00263087 capital intensive breakthrough BwFDSKFE0yu-01188-00263088-00263279 technologies for things like zero carbon BwFDSKFE0yu-01189-00263280-00263551 steel or sustainable aviation fuels BwFDSKFE0yu-01190-00263552-00263758 we need to uh solve some of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01191-00263759-00263951 underwriting problems BwFDSKFE0yu-01192-00263952-00264167 for low carbon technologies like an BwFDSKFE0yu-01193-00264168-00264375 offshore wind which faces a very BwFDSKFE0yu-01194-00264376-00264534 conservative underwriting environment at BwFDSKFE0yu-01195-00264535-00264751 the moment or a zero carbon building BwFDSKFE0yu-01196-00264752-00264991 materials but BwFDSKFE0yu-01197-00264992-00265191 all of this puts in place the incentives BwFDSKFE0yu-01198-00265192-00265375 for financial institutions to work with BwFDSKFE0yu-01199-00265376-00265710 clients to overcome these challenges BwFDSKFE0yu-01200-00265711-00265903 the third point i'd make is that the BwFDSKFE0yu-01201-00265904-00266182 financial plumbing is now being reworked BwFDSKFE0yu-01202-00266183-00266310 at pace BwFDSKFE0yu-01203-00266311-00266575 um the tcfd has seen remarkable progress BwFDSKFE0yu-01204-00266576-00266767 in the last few months as is becoming BwFDSKFE0yu-01205-00266768-00266958 increasingly adopted as a de facto BwFDSKFE0yu-01206-00266959-00267134 standard by regulators and governments BwFDSKFE0yu-01207-00267135-00267319 all around the world we've heard a lot BwFDSKFE0yu-01208-00267320-00267510 about the international sustainability BwFDSKFE0yu-01209-00267511-00267710 standards board that is being put in BwFDSKFE0yu-01210-00267711-00267910 place and i've seen an interesting BwFDSKFE0yu-01211-00267911-00268127 convergence over the last BwFDSKFE0yu-01212-00268128-00268399 couple of weeks around transparency and BwFDSKFE0yu-01213-00268400-00268671 standards for net zero transition BwFDSKFE0yu-01214-00268672-00268863 planning it's this is something that the BwFDSKFE0yu-01215-00268864-00269063 g fans called for BwFDSKFE0yu-01216-00269064-00269230 is something that the uk BwFDSKFE0yu-01217-00269231-00269406 uh chancellor of the exchequer talked BwFDSKFE0yu-01218-00269407-00269639 about in expecting firms to publish BwFDSKFE0yu-01219-00269640-00269839 their transition plans and it's also BwFDSKFE0yu-01220-00269840-00269991 something that the secretary secretary BwFDSKFE0yu-01221-00269992-00270206 general mentioned in his speech about BwFDSKFE0yu-01222-00270207-00270430 setting up a task force to actually set BwFDSKFE0yu-01223-00270431-00270606 standards for how companies should be BwFDSKFE0yu-01224-00270607-00270839 disclosing on these sorts of things BwFDSKFE0yu-01225-00270840-00271095 point number four uh climate risk BwFDSKFE0yu-01226-00271096-00271287 capital charges may be on the horizon BwFDSKFE0yu-01227-00271288-00271519 for financial institutions supervisors BwFDSKFE0yu-01228-00271520-00271734 all around the world are looking at how BwFDSKFE0yu-01229-00271735-00271951 to integrate climate change into BwFDSKFE0yu-01230-00271952-00272119 regulatory capital frameworks this has BwFDSKFE0yu-01231-00272120-00272279 been going on for some time now it's not BwFDSKFE0yu-01232-00272280-00272430 an easy thing to do BwFDSKFE0yu-01233-00272431-00272623 but i was struck by a speech from the BwFDSKFE0yu-01234-00272624-00272775 governor of the bank of england where he BwFDSKFE0yu-01235-00272776-00272991 acknowledged that capital may have a BwFDSKFE0yu-01236-00272992-00273206 bigger role to play in providing BwFDSKFE0yu-01237-00273207-00273471 resilience against climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-01238-00273472-00273647 fifth and final point BwFDSKFE0yu-01239-00273648-00273847 nature is next now in a way the fact BwFDSKFE0yu-01240-00273848-00274030 that nature is next means that we're BwFDSKFE0yu-01241-00274031-00274182 already too late because we're on the BwFDSKFE0yu-01242-00274183-00274534 cusp now of the sixth great extinction BwFDSKFE0yu-01243-00274535-00274655 nevertheless BwFDSKFE0yu-01244-00274656-00274855 momentum is clearly building there were BwFDSKFE0yu-01245-00274856-00275047 the cop26 announcements on forests BwFDSKFE0yu-01246-00275048-00275263 deforestation commodity financing and so BwFDSKFE0yu-01247-00275264-00275551 on we have kung wing part two coming up BwFDSKFE0yu-01248-00275552-00275687 and of course the launch of the task BwFDSKFE0yu-01249-00275688-00275830 force on nature-related financial BwFDSKFE0yu-01250-00275831-00276079 disclosures this year and we're already BwFDSKFE0yu-01251-00276080-00276255 seeing a lot of banks and insurers now BwFDSKFE0yu-01252-00276256-00276534 starting to mobilize on this agenda so BwFDSKFE0yu-01253-00276535-00276879 it's looking like a pretty busy 2022. BwFDSKFE0yu-01254-00276880-00277143 i'll stop there and pass on to ernst BwFDSKFE0yu-01255-00277144-00277282 from BwFDSKFE0yu-01256-00277283-00277519 munich thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-01257-00277520-00277791 bob and thank you for having me on on BwFDSKFE0yu-01258-00277792-00278079 this panel uh today BwFDSKFE0yu-01259-00278080-00278230 well let me provide you with some BwFDSKFE0yu-01260-00278231-00278599 insights from munich greece perspective BwFDSKFE0yu-01261-00278600-00278967 we actually have been in uh in glasgow BwFDSKFE0yu-01262-00278968-00279230 last week with the ceo of munich BwFDSKFE0yu-01263-00279231-00279406 uh together with other colleagues and BwFDSKFE0yu-01264-00279407-00279679 myself has been there so BwFDSKFE0yu-01265-00279680-00279887 the impressions i'm going to discuss BwFDSKFE0yu-01266-00279888-00280079 with you and share with you are more BwFDSKFE0yu-01267-00280080-00280351 based on on the last week and on our BwFDSKFE0yu-01268-00280352-00280455 overall BwFDSKFE0yu-01269-00280456-00280695 uh view as munich re on on where the BwFDSKFE0yu-01270-00280696-00280958 climate uh processes stand with with the BwFDSKFE0yu-01271-00280959-00281167 crop conferences as we actually have BwFDSKFE0yu-01272-00281168-00281423 been participating in all of the 26 BwFDSKFE0yu-01273-00281424-00281806 conferences over the last 27 years so BwFDSKFE0yu-01274-00281807-00282039 what actually was new and what was not BwFDSKFE0yu-01275-00282040-00282151 new BwFDSKFE0yu-01276-00282152-00282310 last week BwFDSKFE0yu-01277-00282311-00282575 my impression was that it was a cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01278-00282576-00282703 conference BwFDSKFE0yu-01279-00282704-00283087 which felt as much and the same as it BwFDSKFE0yu-01280-00283088-00283391 felt in the past a lot of talk a lot of BwFDSKFE0yu-01281-00283392-00283479 talk BwFDSKFE0yu-01282-00283480-00283687 that not necessarily especially not BwFDSKFE0yu-01283-00283688-00283967 inside the blue zone in the first week BwFDSKFE0yu-01284-00283968-00284143 a lot of work BwFDSKFE0yu-01285-00284144-00284399 however having said this BwFDSKFE0yu-01286-00284400-00284687 my perception was that outside the BwFDSKFE0yu-01287-00284688-00284910 official negotiations especially with BwFDSKFE0yu-01288-00284911-00285191 the private sector not limited to the BwFDSKFE0yu-01289-00285192-00285406 insurance industry it way beyond also to BwFDSKFE0yu-01290-00285407-00285630 manufacturing industries the power BwFDSKFE0yu-01291-00285631-00285958 sector and others the momentum BwFDSKFE0yu-01292-00285959-00286279 generated and the commitments made BwFDSKFE0yu-01293-00286280-00286639 was was really new to me relative to to BwFDSKFE0yu-01294-00286640-00286958 previous activities so we gave a press BwFDSKFE0yu-01295-00286959-00287199 conference there we were engaged in in a BwFDSKFE0yu-01296-00287200-00287382 panel with the sustainable market BwFDSKFE0yu-01297-00287383-00287654 initiative of his royal highness BwFDSKFE0yu-01298-00287655-00287934 uh together with other ceos and others BwFDSKFE0yu-01299-00287935-00288230 and and again here the private sector BwFDSKFE0yu-01300-00288231-00288582 not only sent out clear signals that BwFDSKFE0yu-01301-00288583-00288887 we are committed to support the paris BwFDSKFE0yu-01302-00288888-00289134 agreement but we want to take actions BwFDSKFE0yu-01303-00289135-00289334 let me go a bit a little bit more in BwFDSKFE0yu-01304-00289335-00289703 into detail uh we had two key messages BwFDSKFE0yu-01305-00289704-00289927 one on adaptation and the other one on BwFDSKFE0yu-01306-00289928-00290271 on mitigation uh at the cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01307-00290272-00290606 the first one is on on mitigation and in BwFDSKFE0yu-01308-00290607-00290910 uh in in one sentence um from an BwFDSKFE0yu-01309-00290911-00291087 investor's point of view and a private BwFDSKFE0yu-01310-00291088-00291375 sector point of view we do need clear BwFDSKFE0yu-01311-00291376-00291663 road maps not just ambitions clear road BwFDSKFE0yu-01312-00291664-00291943 maps and investment pipelines so that we BwFDSKFE0yu-01313-00291944-00292039 can BwFDSKFE0yu-01314-00292040-00292358 spend our money and shift our money from BwFDSKFE0yu-01315-00292359-00292734 brown to green the second one is on BwFDSKFE0yu-01316-00292735-00292943 adaptation BwFDSKFE0yu-01317-00292944-00293239 regardless what our individual BwFDSKFE0yu-01318-00293240-00293503 position is on where the cop process BwFDSKFE0yu-01319-00293504-00293815 stands at the 1.5 degree target BwFDSKFE0yu-01320-00293816-00294127 it is already clear today that we feel BwFDSKFE0yu-01321-00294128-00294343 in different parts of the world already BwFDSKFE0yu-01322-00294344-00294519 the impacts of climate change with BwFDSKFE0yu-01323-00294520-00294767 respect to increasing frequency BwFDSKFE0yu-01324-00294768-00295047 and severity of weather related events BwFDSKFE0yu-01325-00295048-00295182 and there's a BwFDSKFE0yu-01326-00295183-00295454 knock-on consequence also losses so we BwFDSKFE0yu-01327-00295455-00295719 need to adapt and here it's very much BwFDSKFE0yu-01328-00295720-00296110 about developing and emerging countries BwFDSKFE0yu-01329-00296111-00296399 so our first call was on adaptation BwFDSKFE0yu-01330-00296400-00296679 uh more engagement in public private BwFDSKFE0yu-01331-00296680-00296943 partnerships especially with governments BwFDSKFE0yu-01332-00296944-00297263 in highly vulnerable countries uh so BwFDSKFE0yu-01333-00297264-00297447 that's developing emerging countries BwFDSKFE0yu-01334-00297448-00297671 which do not necessarily have the the BwFDSKFE0yu-01335-00297672-00297839 resources BwFDSKFE0yu-01336-00297840-00298054 and what we what we miss BwFDSKFE0yu-01337-00298055-00298319 uh as as an insurance company being BwFDSKFE0yu-01338-00298320-00298463 engaged in a number of these BwFDSKFE0yu-01339-00298464-00298606 organizations like the insurance BwFDSKFE0yu-01340-00298607-00298775 development forum BwFDSKFE0yu-01341-00298776-00299054 uh the smi i just mentioned and and BwFDSKFE0yu-01342-00299055-00299479 others is uh to have someone to talk to BwFDSKFE0yu-01343-00299480-00299687 at this government so the private sector BwFDSKFE0yu-01344-00299688-00299958 this would be the chief risk officer BwFDSKFE0yu-01345-00299959-00300215 function in the public sector it's much BwFDSKFE0yu-01346-00300216-00300454 more challenging and this is always sort BwFDSKFE0yu-01347-00300455-00300582 of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01348-00300583-00300863 the first step to make in order to come BwFDSKFE0yu-01349-00300864-00301271 to a solution is to talk to governmental BwFDSKFE0yu-01350-00301272-00301439 officials in order to really have BwFDSKFE0yu-01351-00301440-00301599 tailor-made BwFDSKFE0yu-01352-00301600-00301879 solutions for the governments BwFDSKFE0yu-01353-00301880-00302023 in need BwFDSKFE0yu-01354-00302024-00302295 on mitigation so the reduction of BwFDSKFE0yu-01355-00302296-00302463 emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-01356-00302464-00302854 this is where the the momentum is BwFDSKFE0yu-01357-00302855-00303143 in in our perception are absolutely BwFDSKFE0yu-01358-00303144-00303382 outstanding it's very clear that the BwFDSKFE0yu-01359-00303383-00303703 private sector wants to play a key role BwFDSKFE0yu-01360-00303704-00303999 and actually has to play a key role our BwFDSKFE0yu-01361-00304000-00304271 assumptions with respect to BwFDSKFE0yu-01362-00304272-00304391 investment BwFDSKFE0yu-01363-00304392-00304615 needed is is based on the current BwFDSKFE0yu-01364-00304616-00304839 investments of around 300 billion us BwFDSKFE0yu-01365-00304840-00305054 dollars in renewable energy related BwFDSKFE0yu-01366-00305055-00305254 technologies annually that's already BwFDSKFE0yu-01367-00305255-00305558 happening and if you total this up to BwFDSKFE0yu-01368-00305559-00305871 uh with other technologies uh like ccs BwFDSKFE0yu-01369-00305872-00306103 carbon capture storage if you look at BwFDSKFE0yu-01370-00306104-00306334 the beginning of more investments in BwFDSKFE0yu-01371-00306335-00306663 hydrogen we currently see see around 500 BwFDSKFE0yu-01372-00306664-00306919 billion dollars annually in investments BwFDSKFE0yu-01373-00306920-00307191 however this is by far not enough if the BwFDSKFE0yu-01374-00307192-00307558 world wants to uh transform two to net BwFDSKFE0yu-01375-00307559-00307823 zero by by 2050 which is absolutely BwFDSKFE0yu-01376-00307824-00308071 essential and here we are fully aligned BwFDSKFE0yu-01377-00308072-00308351 uh with uh with all others who are BwFDSKFE0yu-01378-00308352-00308663 active in this film field however these BwFDSKFE0yu-01379-00308664-00308847 more than a thousand billion us dollars BwFDSKFE0yu-01380-00308848-00309063 of investments annually they won't BwFDSKFE0yu-01381-00309064-00309375 happen just so and here i'm i'm getting BwFDSKFE0yu-01382-00309376-00309695 back to uh what i mentioned earlier is BwFDSKFE0yu-01383-00309696-00309999 we do need plans we currently have a BwFDSKFE0yu-01384-00310000-00310230 strong appetite and willingness to BwFDSKFE0yu-01385-00310231-00310454 invest much more BwFDSKFE0yu-01386-00310455-00310751 into green technologies and probably BwFDSKFE0yu-01387-00310752-00311006 johanna so the next week after we will BwFDSKFE0yu-01388-00311007-00311310 echo this um so the the willingness the BwFDSKFE0yu-01389-00311311-00311495 interest is there of of the private BwFDSKFE0yu-01390-00311496-00311654 sector we want to BwFDSKFE0yu-01391-00311655-00311919 shift from brown to green and actually BwFDSKFE0yu-01392-00311920-00312127 us like minigree and and others and i BwFDSKFE0yu-01393-00312128-00312391 guess syria has as well have committed BwFDSKFE0yu-01394-00312392-00312679 uh to the net zero asset owner alliance BwFDSKFE0yu-01395-00312680-00312975 so that's not just a clear signal that i BwFDSKFE0yu-01396-00312976-00313206 think underlines what what we what we BwFDSKFE0yu-01397-00313207-00313310 want to do BwFDSKFE0yu-01398-00313311-00313543 however if the market BwFDSKFE0yu-01399-00313544-00313679 are not BwFDSKFE0yu-01400-00313680-00314023 there to provide these investments it's BwFDSKFE0yu-01401-00314024-00314206 just extremely BwFDSKFE0yu-01402-00314207-00314415 challenging and by the end of the day BwFDSKFE0yu-01403-00314416-00314743 probably not not really possible uh BwFDSKFE0yu-01404-00314744-00315039 to to invest what needs to be BwFDSKFE0yu-01405-00315040-00315367 invested one vehicle one uh element one BwFDSKFE0yu-01406-00315368-00315647 key element we believe is necessary to BwFDSKFE0yu-01407-00315648-00315775 um BwFDSKFE0yu-01408-00315776-00316087 to become part of this roadmap is a BwFDSKFE0yu-01409-00316088-00316479 clear carbon price signal uh and not BwFDSKFE0yu-01410-00316480-00316782 just where we are today we are today BwFDSKFE0yu-01411-00316783-00317015 depending on which um BwFDSKFE0yu-01412-00317016-00317199 carbon instrument we're looking at the BwFDSKFE0yu-01413-00317200-00317423 european emission trading or the the BwFDSKFE0yu-01414-00317424-00317623 carbon tax which we for instance have in BwFDSKFE0yu-01415-00317624-00317903 germany it's still way too low to really BwFDSKFE0yu-01416-00317904-00318287 have a meaningful impact uh on on this BwFDSKFE0yu-01417-00318288-00318534 energy transition and the transition in BwFDSKFE0yu-01418-00318535-00318919 other sectors as well so the call is for BwFDSKFE0yu-01419-00318920-00319254 a clear and higher carbon price at least BwFDSKFE0yu-01420-00319255-00319439 somewhere in the order of a hundred us BwFDSKFE0yu-01421-00319440-00319663 dollars per ton uh within the next BwFDSKFE0yu-01422-00319664-00319903 couple of years so at the latest by by BwFDSKFE0yu-01423-00319904-00320327 2030 and then last but but not least uh BwFDSKFE0yu-01424-00320328-00320647 we all as civil society BwFDSKFE0yu-01425-00320648-00320958 governments public and private sector BwFDSKFE0yu-01426-00320959-00321358 we have to be honest and clear that BwFDSKFE0yu-01427-00321359-00321591 if we want to have these investments BwFDSKFE0yu-01428-00321592-00321958 happening we also need to find BwFDSKFE0yu-01429-00321959-00322303 the right framework on how to BwFDSKFE0yu-01430-00322304-00322519 pay for it not just to finance it how to BwFDSKFE0yu-01431-00322520-00322758 pay for it and that's about the social BwFDSKFE0yu-01432-00322759-00323087 question um in in domestic situations so BwFDSKFE0yu-01433-00323088-00323454 within countries like in in germany BwFDSKFE0yu-01434-00323455-00323775 how to how to achieve uh this this BwFDSKFE0yu-01435-00323776-00324047 justice element there and how to uh BwFDSKFE0yu-01436-00324048-00324223 consider that the social impacts and BwFDSKFE0yu-01437-00324224-00324519 consequences uh and the same applies BwFDSKFE0yu-01438-00324520-00324751 even more when we look at BwFDSKFE0yu-01439-00324752-00324951 uh developing emerging countries and the BwFDSKFE0yu-01440-00324952-00325103 need to finance BwFDSKFE0yu-01441-00325104-00325310 projects there and invest in projects BwFDSKFE0yu-01442-00325311-00325439 there BwFDSKFE0yu-01443-00325440-00325623 as as well BwFDSKFE0yu-01444-00325624-00325847 let me let me come to to the end of my BwFDSKFE0yu-01445-00325848-00326127 my intervention uh by BwFDSKFE0yu-01446-00326128-00326430 just outlining briefly what we do with BwFDSKFE0yu-01447-00326431-00326630 with respect to our clients how we BwFDSKFE0yu-01448-00326631-00326910 engage with our clients uh we are not BwFDSKFE0yu-01449-00326911-00327158 only a member of the net zero asset BwFDSKFE0yu-01450-00327159-00327430 owner alliance we also member as munich BwFDSKFE0yu-01451-00327431-00327791 of the net zero insurance alliance so BwFDSKFE0yu-01452-00327792-00328151 meaning that we also uh transform our BwFDSKFE0yu-01453-00328152-00328463 insurance business our core business to BwFDSKFE0yu-01454-00328464-00328734 net zero within the next decades but by BwFDSKFE0yu-01455-00328735-00329103 2050 and that means engaging with our BwFDSKFE0yu-01456-00329104-00329327 clients to share at an early point in BwFDSKFE0yu-01457-00329328-00329503 time that we don't leave them alone we BwFDSKFE0yu-01458-00329504-00329703 are not just saying well next year we BwFDSKFE0yu-01459-00329704-00329878 are out of coal next year we are out of BwFDSKFE0yu-01460-00329879-00330143 oil and gas or so we are engaging with BwFDSKFE0yu-01461-00330144-00330382 them and trying to support him or BwFDSKFE0yu-01462-00330383-00330678 support them on a transformation BwFDSKFE0yu-01463-00330679-00330839 pathway BwFDSKFE0yu-01464-00330840-00331215 towards net zero so that it's not just BwFDSKFE0yu-01465-00331216-00331519 not just the talk the talk the talk the BwFDSKFE0yu-01466-00331520-00331751 blah blah blah as we heard BwFDSKFE0yu-01467-00331752-00331910 from from others BwFDSKFE0yu-01468-00331911-00332158 last week at the cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01469-00332159-00332382 we need to deliver BwFDSKFE0yu-01470-00332383-00332571 many of us in the private sector are BwFDSKFE0yu-01471-00332572-00332815 absolutely serious serious about BwFDSKFE0yu-01472-00332816-00333078 supporting the paris targets but we do BwFDSKFE0yu-01473-00333079-00333175 need BwFDSKFE0yu-01474-00333176-00333439 the right framework and BwFDSKFE0yu-01475-00333440-00333639 i think it was gonzalo BwFDSKFE0yu-01476-00333640-00333951 who who talked about also policy and and BwFDSKFE0yu-01477-00333952-00334223 regulation which is necessary to unlock BwFDSKFE0yu-01478-00334224-00334478 uh private sector capital uh we are BwFDSKFE0yu-01479-00334479-00334791 there we are ready uh to support but yes BwFDSKFE0yu-01480-00334792-00334991 we do need policy and regulation which BwFDSKFE0yu-01481-00334992-00335215 allows us to invest thank you very much BwFDSKFE0yu-01482-00335216-00335823 and with that over to you johanna BwFDSKFE0yu-01483-00335824-00336054 thank you very much else BwFDSKFE0yu-01484-00336055-00336303 well it's going to be hard to truly add BwFDSKFE0yu-01485-00336304-00336478 to what has already been said by robin BwFDSKFE0yu-01486-00336479-00336710 ernst but i will try so good afternoon BwFDSKFE0yu-01487-00336711-00336863 everyone my name is johanna coop and i'm BwFDSKFE0yu-01488-00336864-00337015 the head of responsive investment from BwFDSKFE0yu-01489-00337016-00337223 zurich insurance BwFDSKFE0yu-01490-00337224-00337439 honestly i've been watching the cup over BwFDSKFE0yu-01491-00337440-00337758 the past few weeks in the news on BwFDSKFE0yu-01492-00337759-00337991 twitter and it's truly been a roller BwFDSKFE0yu-01493-00337992-00338278 coaster but also very exciting one for a BwFDSKFE0yu-01494-00338279-00338510 large asset owner on the way to netsira BwFDSKFE0yu-01495-00338511-00338782 ourselves as many other speakers today BwFDSKFE0yu-01496-00338783-00338958 as an insurance company we have pledged BwFDSKFE0yu-01497-00338959-00339199 to net zero in our operations in BwFDSKFE0yu-01498-00339200-00339439 investment management and also in BwFDSKFE0yu-01499-00339440-00339623 underwriting BwFDSKFE0yu-01500-00339624-00339910 we do know that cop fundamentally is a BwFDSKFE0yu-01501-00339911-00340158 political negotiation it's a political BwFDSKFE0yu-01502-00340159-00340430 framework and that's why all eyes are on BwFDSKFE0yu-01503-00340431-00340599 and i would agree with previous speakers BwFDSKFE0yu-01504-00340600-00340799 who said you can't see it as glass half BwFDSKFE0yu-01505-00340800-00340887 full BwFDSKFE0yu-01506-00340888-00341175 or half empty some things have um BwFDSKFE0yu-01507-00341176-00341471 accelerated more surprisingly than than BwFDSKFE0yu-01508-00341472-00341703 we had thought and a very big highlight BwFDSKFE0yu-01509-00341704-00341934 is truly the announcement that the us BwFDSKFE0yu-01510-00341935-00342110 and china are committing to work much BwFDSKFE0yu-01511-00342111-00342287 more together to actually solve that BwFDSKFE0yu-01512-00342288-00342527 problem which i guess was a surprise for BwFDSKFE0yu-01513-00342528-00342799 many of us other things were much slower BwFDSKFE0yu-01514-00342800-00343030 than we thought and negotiations are BwFDSKFE0yu-01515-00343031-00343278 still ongoing but i would also like to BwFDSKFE0yu-01516-00343279-00343558 echo colleagues in saying that BwFDSKFE0yu-01517-00343559-00343854 although the spotlight lies in politics BwFDSKFE0yu-01518-00343855-00344199 this cop has been amazing in galvanizing BwFDSKFE0yu-01519-00344200-00344487 private sector action or climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-01520-00344488-00344663 i was already amazed at this last year BwFDSKFE0yu-01521-00344664-00344847 that the pandemic that we're all dealing BwFDSKFE0yu-01522-00344848-00345103 with could have derailed our focus on BwFDSKFE0yu-01523-00345104-00345310 climate change but it didn't it actually BwFDSKFE0yu-01524-00345311-00345575 accelerated it and maybe having to move BwFDSKFE0yu-01525-00345576-00345767 cup and having two years to work towards BwFDSKFE0yu-01526-00345768-00346054 it actually helped uh answers has BwFDSKFE0yu-01527-00346055-00346263 already spoken about the net zero asset BwFDSKFE0yu-01528-00346264-00346534 owner alliance and it was only BwFDSKFE0yu-01529-00346535-00346910 two years ago truly in september of 2019 BwFDSKFE0yu-01530-00346911-00347119 where i had the pleasure with the first BwFDSKFE0yu-01531-00347120-00347303 12 founding members of the netsera BwFDSKFE0yu-01532-00347304-00347543 assadon alliance to be in new york at BwFDSKFE0yu-01533-00347544-00347847 the un the un climate summit where we BwFDSKFE0yu-01534-00347848-00348103 committed 12 asset owners worth 4 BwFDSKFE0yu-01535-00348104-00348358 trillion assets under management onto a BwFDSKFE0yu-01536-00348359-00348719 net zero 2050 journey and back then many BwFDSKFE0yu-01537-00348720-00348919 still called us crazy BwFDSKFE0yu-01538-00348920-00349119 well over the next two years there was BwFDSKFE0yu-01539-00349120-00349375 the foundation of the nest zero asset BwFDSKFE0yu-01540-00349376-00349615 manager initiative the net zero banking BwFDSKFE0yu-01541-00349616-00349903 alliance the net zero insurance alliance BwFDSKFE0yu-01542-00349904-00350206 and ready for cop with g fans we do have BwFDSKFE0yu-01543-00350207-00350471 now 130 trillion assets under management BwFDSKFE0yu-01544-00350472-00350623 from various financial institutions BwFDSKFE0yu-01545-00350624-00350815 committed to net zero journeys that's BwFDSKFE0yu-01546-00350816-00351151 huge we set its own only 40 BwFDSKFE0yu-01547-00351152-00351327 of assets under management and of course BwFDSKFE0yu-01548-00351328-00351471 some of them will be double counted BwFDSKFE0yu-01549-00351472-00351703 between asset owner and massive managers BwFDSKFE0yu-01550-00351704-00351927 but it's an immense financial power and BwFDSKFE0yu-01551-00351928-00352087 i think it truly shows that the sector BwFDSKFE0yu-01552-00352088-00352254 is there to show up BwFDSKFE0yu-01553-00352255-00352503 now speaking with our head as an asset BwFDSKFE0yu-01554-00352504-00352806 owner that is trying to navigate BwFDSKFE0yu-01555-00352807-00353110 a huge portfolio to net zero and has BwFDSKFE0yu-01556-00353111-00353447 just started setting interim targets and BwFDSKFE0yu-01557-00353448-00353599 working on it BwFDSKFE0yu-01558-00353600-00353839 we can really view what's going on BwFDSKFE0yu-01559-00353840-00354103 in the big space out there from various BwFDSKFE0yu-01560-00354104-00354223 levels BwFDSKFE0yu-01561-00354224-00354487 we started setting targets on BwFDSKFE0yu-01562-00354488-00354647 corporate emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-01563-00354648-00354791 in our listed equity and credit BwFDSKFE0yu-01564-00354792-00354927 portfolio because that's where a lot of BwFDSKFE0yu-01565-00354928-00355151 the finance the missions come from BwFDSKFE0yu-01566-00355152-00355399 and as asset owners we take BwFDSKFE0yu-01567-00355400-00355582 responsibility for those emissions but BwFDSKFE0yu-01568-00355583-00355767 it's truly important to always remember BwFDSKFE0yu-01569-00355768-00355927 the actual emissions code one and two BwFDSKFE0yu-01570-00355928-00356127 come from the real economy and then of BwFDSKFE0yu-01571-00356128-00356254 course BwFDSKFE0yu-01572-00356255-00356471 government as well and the BwFDSKFE0yu-01573-00356472-00356710 land use and then of course it's the BwFDSKFE0yu-01574-00356711-00356895 finance the missions that sit in some BwFDSKFE0yu-01575-00356896-00357110 investors portfolio and given that some BwFDSKFE0yu-01576-00357111-00357310 asset owners delegate to asset managers BwFDSKFE0yu-01577-00357311-00357478 those financial missions might even show BwFDSKFE0yu-01578-00357479-00357687 up in two portfolios at the end of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01579-00357688-00357975 day so we need to be cognizant of that BwFDSKFE0yu-01580-00357976-00358223 and as speakers have already said our BwFDSKFE0yu-01581-00358224-00358519 support to drive down those emissions is BwFDSKFE0yu-01582-00358520-00358758 really to focus on engaging with BwFDSKFE0yu-01583-00358759-00358903 corporate so it's truly important that BwFDSKFE0yu-01584-00358904-00359030 corporates move and reduce their BwFDSKFE0yu-01585-00359031-00359134 emissions BwFDSKFE0yu-01586-00359135-00359295 that can happen BwFDSKFE0yu-01587-00359296-00359703 um through a lot of different incentives BwFDSKFE0yu-01588-00359704-00359895 so that's what we're really calling out BwFDSKFE0yu-01589-00359896-00360127 for all governments to ratchet their BwFDSKFE0yu-01590-00360128-00360343 ndc's and we know we're not at 1.5 BwFDSKFE0yu-01591-00360344-00360519 degrees yet but there really has been BwFDSKFE0yu-01592-00360520-00360799 big progress that is very much to be BwFDSKFE0yu-01593-00360800-00360951 applauded BwFDSKFE0yu-01594-00360952-00361215 now those plans of course need to be BwFDSKFE0yu-01595-00361216-00361423 broken down into pathways and incentives BwFDSKFE0yu-01596-00361424-00361582 for corporates so the corporates start BwFDSKFE0yu-01597-00361583-00361782 moving and then the investors stay ready BwFDSKFE0yu-01598-00361783-00361991 to engage with them to ask them to do it BwFDSKFE0yu-01599-00361992-00362151 to ask governments to give them that BwFDSKFE0yu-01600-00362152-00362367 visibility and then to do it together BwFDSKFE0yu-01601-00362368-00362543 and start acting and then to finance BwFDSKFE0yu-01602-00362544-00362727 that transition and really stay on their BwFDSKFE0yu-01603-00362728-00363063 side in order to help them get there BwFDSKFE0yu-01604-00363064-00363310 so uh definitely progress on that side BwFDSKFE0yu-01605-00363311-00363599 and also running up to cop 26 it's over BwFDSKFE0yu-01606-00363600-00363791 2000 companies now that have committed BwFDSKFE0yu-01607-00363792-00363919 to science-based targets under the BwFDSKFE0yu-01608-00363920-00364054 science-based targets initiative more BwFDSKFE0yu-01609-00364055-00364319 than ever before and we hope that we'll BwFDSKFE0yu-01610-00364320-00364471 keep growing BwFDSKFE0yu-01611-00364472-00364734 speaking about financing the transition BwFDSKFE0yu-01612-00364735-00364967 that's truly also really important part BwFDSKFE0yu-01613-00364968-00365095 how do we BwFDSKFE0yu-01614-00365096-00365327 allocate capital to making things better BwFDSKFE0yu-01615-00365328-00365487 and the variety of instruments out there BwFDSKFE0yu-01616-00365488-00365639 it's staying with companies through BwFDSKFE0yu-01617-00365640-00365791 listed equity and credit that are BwFDSKFE0yu-01618-00365792-00365975 transitioning it could be through BwFDSKFE0yu-01619-00365976-00366206 nature-based finance and they are also BwFDSKFE0yu-01620-00366207-00366399 echo that it's wonderful to see the BwFDSKFE0yu-01621-00366400-00366654 re-commitment of countries to really BwFDSKFE0yu-01622-00366655-00366863 protect the existing forests and stop BwFDSKFE0yu-01623-00366864-00367054 deforestation and we hope they will act BwFDSKFE0yu-01624-00367055-00367254 on it BwFDSKFE0yu-01625-00367255-00367351 and then BwFDSKFE0yu-01626-00367352-00367615 make sure that we allocate capital one BwFDSKFE0yu-01627-00367616-00367830 of the biggest hurdles is that a lot of BwFDSKFE0yu-01628-00367831-00368023 this needs to happen in emerging markets BwFDSKFE0yu-01629-00368024-00368158 where typically BwFDSKFE0yu-01630-00368159-00368375 large institutional investors might not BwFDSKFE0yu-01631-00368376-00368615 be able to allocate most of their money BwFDSKFE0yu-01632-00368616-00368815 so we need intermediaries in between and BwFDSKFE0yu-01633-00368816-00368958 we need new BwFDSKFE0yu-01634-00368959-00369239 systems and vehicles of doing so and to BwFDSKFE0yu-01635-00369240-00369478 me personally i was actually most BwFDSKFE0yu-01636-00369479-00369751 delighted to see some of those vehicles BwFDSKFE0yu-01637-00369752-00369943 come into play BwFDSKFE0yu-01638-00369944-00370158 first and foremost i guess you all heard BwFDSKFE0yu-01639-00370159-00370406 that for the first time ever BwFDSKFE0yu-01640-00370407-00370743 there was a very explicit deal between BwFDSKFE0yu-01641-00370744-00371023 five donor countries the us the uk BwFDSKFE0yu-01642-00371024-00371319 germany france and the eu's BwFDSKFE0yu-01643-00371320-00371495 through their official development aid BwFDSKFE0yu-01644-00371496-00371663 that they made a commitment to help BwFDSKFE0yu-01645-00371664-00371967 south africa with a direct 8.5 billion BwFDSKFE0yu-01646-00371968-00372143 payment over the next three to five BwFDSKFE0yu-01647-00372144-00372430 years to help shift the most carbon BwFDSKFE0yu-01648-00372431-00372758 intensive country in africa BwFDSKFE0yu-01649-00372759-00372934 invest into renewable energy and shut BwFDSKFE0yu-01650-00372935-00373182 down their coal fleet so this is really BwFDSKFE0yu-01651-00373183-00373351 really interesting another mechanism BwFDSKFE0yu-01652-00373352-00373519 that we've been talking about in the BwFDSKFE0yu-01653-00373520-00373695 market for a while that hadn't come to BwFDSKFE0yu-01654-00373696-00374006 life yet now uh appeared it's called an BwFDSKFE0yu-01655-00374007-00374247 etm an energy transition mechanism and BwFDSKFE0yu-01656-00374248-00374447 it was the asian development bank that BwFDSKFE0yu-01657-00374448-00374702 announced they will set up the first one BwFDSKFE0yu-01658-00374703-00375039 with a pilot fund worth about 2.5 to 3.5 BwFDSKFE0yu-01659-00375040-00375206 billion dollars working with the BwFDSKFE0yu-01660-00375207-00375334 philippines BwFDSKFE0yu-01661-00375335-00375663 indonesia and vietnam and with BwFDSKFE0yu-01662-00375664-00375887 adb funding we'll actually go into those BwFDSKFE0yu-01663-00375888-00376095 countries buy BwFDSKFE0yu-01664-00376096-00376334 coal power plants and then start BwFDSKFE0yu-01665-00376335-00376551 actually shutting them off earlier than BwFDSKFE0yu-01666-00376552-00376702 planned and replacing them with BwFDSKFE0yu-01667-00376703-00376847 renewable energy BwFDSKFE0yu-01668-00376848-00377119 now i go into the area of speculation BwFDSKFE0yu-01669-00377120-00377327 here and what do you want to disclaim BwFDSKFE0yu-01670-00377328-00377551 that but as an investor who's been very BwFDSKFE0yu-01671-00377552-00377734 active in impact investing for a while BwFDSKFE0yu-01672-00377735-00377975 especially in the greenbond space those BwFDSKFE0yu-01673-00377976-00378151 are the mechanisms that might be quite BwFDSKFE0yu-01674-00378152-00378351 interesting for us either in a blended BwFDSKFE0yu-01675-00378352-00378527 finance BwFDSKFE0yu-01676-00378528-00378878 version or maybe you know some of those BwFDSKFE0yu-01677-00378879-00379063 i mean adb of course is a very large BwFDSKFE0yu-01678-00379064-00379247 amount of green bonds BwFDSKFE0yu-01679-00379248-00379502 might an etm fi end up in the use of BwFDSKFE0yu-01680-00379503-00379727 proceed category making helping those BwFDSKFE0yu-01681-00379728-00379951 transitions fundable for large BwFDSKFE0yu-01682-00379952-00380230 institutional investors and also many of BwFDSKFE0yu-01683-00380231-00380358 the countries that are helping south BwFDSKFE0yu-01684-00380359-00380575 africa have a green bomb program so BwFDSKFE0yu-01685-00380576-00380806 maybe they might end up refinancing some BwFDSKFE0yu-01686-00380807-00380982 of the commitments they make through a BwFDSKFE0yu-01687-00380983-00381230 mechanism that we already know now there BwFDSKFE0yu-01688-00381231-00381382 are no commitments out there this is BwFDSKFE0yu-01689-00381383-00381567 brainstorming but maybe we're starting BwFDSKFE0yu-01690-00381568-00381775 to unlock certain pathways where we can BwFDSKFE0yu-01691-00381776-00382030 all work together and help BwFDSKFE0yu-01692-00382031-00382191 i guess those were the most interesting BwFDSKFE0yu-01693-00382192-00382367 things that i wanted to share there is BwFDSKFE0yu-01694-00382368-00382543 hope i think the financial sector is BwFDSKFE0yu-01695-00382544-00382751 here much needs to be done but we do BwFDSKFE0yu-01696-00382752-00382958 know that helping the transition will be BwFDSKFE0yu-01697-00382959-00383239 so much cheaper than needing to pay for BwFDSKFE0yu-01698-00383240-00383375 cleaning up all the damage that will BwFDSKFE0yu-01699-00383376-00383471 happen BwFDSKFE0yu-01700-00383472-00383719 we keep asking for a wretched up of ndcs BwFDSKFE0yu-01701-00383720-00383991 to truly meet 1.5 degrees we keep asking BwFDSKFE0yu-01702-00383992-00384071 for BwFDSKFE0yu-01703-00384072-00384334 carbon price and the phase out of fossil BwFDSKFE0yu-01704-00384335-00384558 fuel subsidies and of course all the BwFDSKFE0yu-01705-00384559-00384727 promises that i've made that they truly BwFDSKFE0yu-01706-00384728-00384902 turn into action BwFDSKFE0yu-01707-00384903-00385134 but there was progress and we will work BwFDSKFE0yu-01708-00385135-00385343 with that and hope that the momentum BwFDSKFE0yu-01709-00385344-00385502 doesn't stop there but then we can truly BwFDSKFE0yu-01710-00385503-00387119 keep it up thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-01711-00387120-00387382 good afternoon my name is julian secret BwFDSKFE0yu-01712-00387383-00387582 and i head up the leadership portfolio BwFDSKFE0yu-01713-00387583-00387758 at the university of cambridge institute BwFDSKFE0yu-01714-00387759-00387951 of sustainability leadership BwFDSKFE0yu-01715-00387952-00388151 and i work to develop leaders to put BwFDSKFE0yu-01716-00388152-00388375 sustainability at the core of their BwFDSKFE0yu-01717-00388376-00388751 leadership and in their organizations BwFDSKFE0yu-01718-00388752-00388982 so my my role here is to summarize where BwFDSKFE0yu-01719-00388983-00389230 we've got to with our commentary today BwFDSKFE0yu-01720-00389231-00389551 and thank you to all of our contributors BwFDSKFE0yu-01721-00389552-00389775 uh in summary you know cop has been an BwFDSKFE0yu-01722-00389776-00389991 amazing magnet and focus for thinking BwFDSKFE0yu-01723-00389992-00390215 and collaborating and bringing together BwFDSKFE0yu-01724-00390216-00390487 ideas ambitions science-based targets BwFDSKFE0yu-01725-00390488-00390606 and pledges BwFDSKFE0yu-01726-00390607-00390782 and glasgow has hosted people from BwFDSKFE0yu-01727-00390783-00390967 across the world coming together with BwFDSKFE0yu-01728-00390968-00391423 the mandate energy and desire for change BwFDSKFE0yu-01729-00391424-00391623 and just thinking about our contributors BwFDSKFE0yu-01730-00391624-00391847 as claire started out you know we need BwFDSKFE0yu-01731-00391848-00392087 to think about action accountability and BwFDSKFE0yu-01732-00392088-00392254 acceleration BwFDSKFE0yu-01733-00392255-00392606 going further and going faster BwFDSKFE0yu-01734-00392607-00392839 emily told us that she felt progress had BwFDSKFE0yu-01735-00392840-00393102 been rema been made but she was BwFDSKFE0yu-01736-00393103-00393351 cautiously optimistic because more needs BwFDSKFE0yu-01737-00393352-00393471 to be done BwFDSKFE0yu-01738-00393472-00393582 and there needs to be further BwFDSKFE0yu-01739-00393583-00393791 recognition of nature and the voices BwFDSKFE0yu-01740-00393792-00393951 that are needing to be heard BwFDSKFE0yu-01741-00393952-00394230 particularly in article six BwFDSKFE0yu-01742-00394231-00394439 gavin tells us about the importance of BwFDSKFE0yu-01743-00394440-00394782 open innovation the sharing of data and BwFDSKFE0yu-01744-00394783-00394927 how that's going to help us to BwFDSKFE0yu-01745-00394928-00395182 accelerate moving forward BwFDSKFE0yu-01746-00395183-00395319 and elliot BwFDSKFE0yu-01747-00395320-00395519 that the importance of the granular BwFDSKFE0yu-01748-00395520-00395695 rollout now and the action that needs to BwFDSKFE0yu-01749-00395696-00395806 be taken BwFDSKFE0yu-01750-00395807-00395999 that we're on the cusp of this being the BwFDSKFE0yu-01751-00396000-00396215 strategic factor for business and BwFDSKFE0yu-01752-00396216-00396471 organizations moving forward to shape BwFDSKFE0yu-01753-00396472-00396727 all the decisions that that are made as BwFDSKFE0yu-01754-00396728-00396934 we move ahead BwFDSKFE0yu-01755-00396935-00397206 that paris has succeeded in growing our BwFDSKFE0yu-01756-00397207-00397447 targets but failed in not going fast BwFDSKFE0yu-01757-00397448-00397599 enough BwFDSKFE0yu-01758-00397600-00397734 gonzalo BwFDSKFE0yu-01759-00397735-00398063 needs us to get down to work he shares BwFDSKFE0yu-01760-00398064-00398287 his thoughts around us having this real BwFDSKFE0yu-01761-00398288-00398534 energy around a common objective but we BwFDSKFE0yu-01762-00398535-00398775 need that policy and registry framework BwFDSKFE0yu-01763-00398776-00398934 to support BwFDSKFE0yu-01764-00398935-00399127 he explains that for some it's a glass BwFDSKFE0yu-01765-00399128-00399558 half full for others a glass half empty BwFDSKFE0yu-01766-00399559-00399775 and nina she talks about making the BwFDSKFE0yu-01767-00399776-00400054 pledges a reality and the importance of BwFDSKFE0yu-01768-00400055-00400287 the viable carbon market BwFDSKFE0yu-01769-00400288-00400799 and moving from excited to expecting BwFDSKFE0yu-01770-00400800-00401054 rob tells us about the importance of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01771-00401055-00401278 financial planning frameworks BwFDSKFE0yu-01772-00401279-00401454 and the importance of those being BwFDSKFE0yu-01773-00401455-00401678 developed at pace BwFDSKFE0yu-01774-00401679-00401887 and the consistency and importance of BwFDSKFE0yu-01775-00401888-00402230 moving to more transparent standards in BwFDSKFE0yu-01776-00402231-00402406 transition plans BwFDSKFE0yu-01777-00402407-00402623 and the important role that capital will BwFDSKFE0yu-01778-00402624-00402823 play BwFDSKFE0yu-01779-00402824-00403030 and tells us of the importance of a BwFDSKFE0yu-01780-00403031-00403287 clear carbon roadmap and price BwFDSKFE0yu-01781-00403288-00403502 finding the right frameworks of how to BwFDSKFE0yu-01782-00403503-00403727 pay for this during transition BwFDSKFE0yu-01783-00403728-00403919 and engaging with clients to support BwFDSKFE0yu-01784-00403920-00404151 them in their transformation to move BwFDSKFE0yu-01785-00404152-00404510 from the blah blah blah to delivery BwFDSKFE0yu-01786-00404511-00404734 and finally johanna talks about the BwFDSKFE0yu-01787-00404735-00404919 political framework BwFDSKFE0yu-01788-00404920-00405182 and its importance and that cop has been BwFDSKFE0yu-01789-00405183-00405423 really magnificent in galvanizing the BwFDSKFE0yu-01790-00405424-00405678 private sector to action for climate BwFDSKFE0yu-01791-00405679-00405823 change BwFDSKFE0yu-01792-00405824-00406047 so that just gives us a summary of our BwFDSKFE0yu-01793-00406048-00406327 comments today but as claire said we BwFDSKFE0yu-01794-00406328-00406527 need to go further and we need to go BwFDSKFE0yu-01795-00406528-00406687 faster BwFDSKFE0yu-01796-00406688-00406982 business as usual is no longer an option BwFDSKFE0yu-01797-00406983-00407215 and we need to consider the true cost of BwFDSKFE0yu-01798-00407216-00407319 inaction BwFDSKFE0yu-01799-00407320-00407671 and make that shift to a new paradigm BwFDSKFE0yu-01800-00407672-00407887 the finance sector is well positioned to BwFDSKFE0yu-01801-00407888-00408127 value the risk of an action but also BwFDSKFE0yu-01802-00408128-00408271 well positioned to fund the BwFDSKFE0yu-01803-00408272-00408510 opportunities that lie ahead for those BwFDSKFE0yu-01804-00408511-00408806 that innovate and act wisely and plan to BwFDSKFE0yu-01805-00408807-00409095 create value for the long term BwFDSKFE0yu-01806-00409096-00409310 business has a critical role to play in BwFDSKFE0yu-01807-00409311-00409558 taking the initiative and thereby BwFDSKFE0yu-01808-00409559-00409791 influencing governments BwFDSKFE0yu-01809-00409792-00410007 influencing governments to legislate for BwFDSKFE0yu-01810-00410008-00410263 a fair transition and incentivizing BwFDSKFE0yu-01811-00410264-00410487 positive change rather than putting BwFDSKFE0yu-01812-00410488-00410703 those organizations who choose to do the BwFDSKFE0yu-01813-00410704-00411103 right thing at a short-term disadvantage BwFDSKFE0yu-01814-00411104-00411334 so the why is behind us BwFDSKFE0yu-01815-00411335-00411574 and this is now about the how BwFDSKFE0yu-01816-00411575-00411751 and the now BwFDSKFE0yu-01817-00411752-00412047 planning and talking are critical BwFDSKFE0yu-01818-00412047-00412351 but now is the time for action BwFDSKFE0yu-01819-00412352-00412599 now is the time for leaders to build BwFDSKFE0yu-01820-00412600-00412718 that trust BwFDSKFE0yu-01821-00412719-00412934 and to make it happen BwFDSKFE0yu-01822-00412935-00413134 for us all to step forward with the BwFDSKFE0yu-01823-00413135-00413239 courage BwFDSKFE0yu-01824-00413239-00413518 the commitment and the compassion to BwFDSKFE0yu-01825-00413519-00413863 shape a world fit for future generations BwFDSKFE0yu-01826-00413864-00414143 this is our responsibility and we are BwFDSKFE0yu-01827-00414143-00414366 accountable BwFDSKFE0yu-01828-00414367-00414630 now is the time for leaders to galvanize BwFDSKFE0yu-01829-00414631-00414774 and motivate the people in their BwFDSKFE0yu-01830-00414775-00415014 organizations to align behind a BwFDSKFE0yu-01831-00415015-00415207 sustainable purpose BwFDSKFE0yu-01832-00415208-00415430 one that delivers on climate BwFDSKFE0yu-01833-00415431-00415710 people and nature and ultimately BwFDSKFE0yu-01834-00415712-00416095 long-term well-being for all of society BwFDSKFE0yu-01835-00416096-00416391 and with that purpose comes clarity and BwFDSKFE0yu-01836-00416392-00416639 meaning and authenticity BwFDSKFE0yu-01837-00416639-00416830 that provides the north star for BwFDSKFE0yu-01838-00416831-00417087 decision-making to move this agenda BwFDSKFE0yu-01839-00417088-00417326 forward BwFDSKFE0yu-01840-00417327-00417718 so what kind of leadership do we need BwFDSKFE0yu-01841-00417719-00417934 we need leadership that can navigate BwFDSKFE0yu-01842-00417935-00418222 this complexity and uncertainty BwFDSKFE0yu-01843-00418223-00418534 to transition and transform business BwFDSKFE0yu-01844-00418535-00418766 finance and government BwFDSKFE0yu-01845-00418767-00419239 at this critical moment in our world BwFDSKFE0yu-01846-00419239-00419487 how can leaders transition their people BwFDSKFE0yu-01847-00419488-00419655 and organizations BwFDSKFE0yu-01848-00419656-00419879 from an organization fortified for BwFDSKFE0yu-01849-00419880-00420222 profit maximization business as usual to BwFDSKFE0yu-01850-00420223-00420575 one focused on a sustainable purpose BwFDSKFE0yu-01851-00420576-00420863 a meaningful reason to exist BwFDSKFE0yu-01852-00420864-00421175 that delivers value to its stakeholders BwFDSKFE0yu-01853-00421176-00421455 and makes a strategic contribution to BwFDSKFE0yu-01854-00421456-00421710 long-term well-being for all people and BwFDSKFE0yu-01855-00421712-00421895 planet BwFDSKFE0yu-01856-00421896-00422151 whilst cop 26 has focused on leading BwFDSKFE0yu-01857-00422152-00422327 climate change BwFDSKFE0yu-01858-00422328-00422535 to affect the scale of transformation BwFDSKFE0yu-01859-00422535-00422791 required we need to focus on people BwFDSKFE0yu-01860-00422792-00423110 nature and climate BwFDSKFE0yu-01861-00423112-00423359 leaders who understand that a just BwFDSKFE0yu-01862-00423360-00423670 transition to zero carbon requires us to BwFDSKFE0yu-01863-00423671-00423855 consider the long-term well-being of BwFDSKFE0yu-01864-00423856-00423975 society BwFDSKFE0yu-01865-00423976-00424151 as well as the custodianship of the BwFDSKFE0yu-01866-00424152-00424359 world's natural resources BwFDSKFE0yu-01867-00424360-00424566 will contribute towards positive BwFDSKFE0yu-01868-00424567-00424895 systemic change BwFDSKFE0yu-01869-00424896-00425095 a systemic crisis BwFDSKFE0yu-01870-00425096-00425391 requires a systemic response BwFDSKFE0yu-01871-00425392-00425614 and we encourage leaders to work BwFDSKFE0yu-01872-00425615-00425831 collaboratively to bring about BwFDSKFE0yu-01873-00425832-00426006 transformational change BwFDSKFE0yu-01874-00426007-00426175 [Music] BwFDSKFE0yu-01875-00426176-00426359 this requires leaders to work across BwFDSKFE0yu-01876-00426360-00426566 three horizons BwFDSKFE0yu-01877-00426567-00426718 first to meet the stakeholder BwFDSKFE0yu-01878-00426719-00426959 expectations in the short term with as BwFDSKFE0yu-01879-00426960-00427207 much resource efficiency as possible BwFDSKFE0yu-01880-00427208-00427439 whilst envisaging and communicating the BwFDSKFE0yu-01881-00427439-00427759 desired future state for the business BwFDSKFE0yu-01882-00427760-00427959 at the same time leaders need to BwFDSKFE0yu-01883-00427960-00428183 transition their teams away from BwFDSKFE0yu-01884-00428184-00428343 business as usual BwFDSKFE0yu-01885-00428343-00428703 aligning behind a sustainable purpose BwFDSKFE0yu-01886-00428704-00428951 and in addition leaders need to enable BwFDSKFE0yu-01887-00428952-00429159 and empower their teams BwFDSKFE0yu-01888-00429160-00429439 to transform strategy and innovate BwFDSKFE0yu-01889-00429439-00429639 business models in order to deliver BwFDSKFE0yu-01890-00429639-00429910 organizations purpose through solutions BwFDSKFE0yu-01891-00429912-00430159 that meet stakeholder expectations and BwFDSKFE0yu-01892-00430160-00430359 ensure the health BwFDSKFE0yu-01893-00430360-00430622 of the social and environmental systems BwFDSKFE0yu-01894-00430623-00430713 in the long term BwFDSKFE0yu-01895-00430714-00430991 [Music] BwFDSKFE0yu-01896-00430992-00431335 at csl we help leaders to understand the BwFDSKFE0yu-01897-00431335-00431439 context BwFDSKFE0yu-01898-00431439-00431607 and the pace and scale of change BwFDSKFE0yu-01899-00431608-00431710 required BwFDSKFE0yu-01900-00431712-00431943 and we help them to see the systemic BwFDSKFE0yu-01901-00431943-00432118 nature of the risk BwFDSKFE0yu-01902-00432119-00432327 and the tremendous opportunity that it BwFDSKFE0yu-01903-00432328-00432551 presents for business BwFDSKFE0yu-01904-00432552-00432766 we encourage them to innovate and BwFDSKFE0yu-01905-00432767-00432951 collaborate to change the way they do BwFDSKFE0yu-01906-00432952-00433079 things BwFDSKFE0yu-01907-00433080-00433351 systems and business models to deliver BwFDSKFE0yu-01908-00433352-00433607 value through sustainable solutions BwFDSKFE0yu-01909-00433608-00433791 bringing stakeholders together across BwFDSKFE0yu-01910-00433792-00434070 the system and the sectors to work out BwFDSKFE0yu-01911-00434071-00434359 how to initiate and sustain the delivery BwFDSKFE0yu-01912-00434360-00434759 of values in ways that have a positive BwFDSKFE0yu-01913-00434760-00434959 impact on the long term BwFDSKFE0yu-01914-00434960-00435143 how can they initiate and sustain the BwFDSKFE0yu-01915-00435143-00435303 delivery of value BwFDSKFE0yu-01916-00435304-00435483 to have that positive BwFDSKFE0yu-01917-00435484-00435743 impact we also encourage them to think BwFDSKFE0yu-01918-00435743-00435959 of new ways to deliver value to all BwFDSKFE0yu-01919-00435960-00436247 stakeholders and ultimately long-term BwFDSKFE0yu-01920-00436247-00436414 well-being for all BwFDSKFE0yu-01921-00436415-00436655 and of course the un sdgs are the most BwFDSKFE0yu-01922-00436656-00437110 globally agreed strategy to achieve this BwFDSKFE0yu-01923-00437112-00437414 as leaders in the current context we all BwFDSKFE0yu-01924-00437415-00437647 have great accountability to maintain BwFDSKFE0yu-01925-00437647-00437879 the momentum now from this cop BwFDSKFE0yu-01926-00437880-00438143 and to drive to deliver through on these BwFDSKFE0yu-01927-00438143-00438535 targets and pledges and more BwFDSKFE0yu-01928-00438535-00438743 and this requires a special type of BwFDSKFE0yu-01929-00438743-00438855 leader BwFDSKFE0yu-01930-00438856-00439127 a leader who embodies the empathy and BwFDSKFE0yu-01931-00439128-00439407 resilience to see things through BwFDSKFE0yu-01932-00439408-00439622 to make tough decisions BwFDSKFE0yu-01933-00439623-00439855 but most of all to create the right BwFDSKFE0yu-01934-00439856-00440207 space and empower others to act BwFDSKFE0yu-01935-00440208-00440575 so that we can go faster BwFDSKFE0yu-01936-00440576-00440814 leaders are here to serve BwFDSKFE0yu-01937-00440815-00441031 not just shareholders BwFDSKFE0yu-01938-00441032-00441327 and stakeholders but to consider all of BwFDSKFE0yu-01939-00441328-00441622 society and future generations BwFDSKFE0yu-01940-00441623-00441918 treating and considering others as they BwFDSKFE0yu-01941-00441919-00442214 would like to be treated themselves BwFDSKFE0yu-01942-00442215-00442463 we encourage leaders to collaborate and BwFDSKFE0yu-01943-00442464-00442703 to empower those around them both BwFDSKFE0yu-01944-00442704-00443087 internally and externally to take action BwFDSKFE0yu-01945-00443088-00443375 and to have the courage to pioneer new BwFDSKFE0yu-01946-00443376-00443743 ways of creating value BwFDSKFE0yu-01947-00443743-00443935 we encourage leaders to shift their BwFDSKFE0yu-01948-00443935-00444070 mindset BwFDSKFE0yu-01949-00444071-00444335 to get comfortable with not knowing all BwFDSKFE0yu-01950-00444335-00444479 the answers BwFDSKFE0yu-01951-00444480-00444807 to get started with the work to be done BwFDSKFE0yu-01952-00444808-00445159 to learn fast to progress to test to BwFDSKFE0yu-01953-00445160-00445318 sometimes fail BwFDSKFE0yu-01954-00445319-00445614 to succeed and to move things forward to BwFDSKFE0yu-01955-00445615-00445831 deliver their net zero targets and BwFDSKFE0yu-01956-00445832-00446039 beyond BwFDSKFE0yu-01957-00446039-00446247 we often find that leaders are hesitant BwFDSKFE0yu-01958-00446247-00446455 to make radical change because they BwFDSKFE0yu-01959-00446456-00446687 don't have the total solution BwFDSKFE0yu-01960-00446688-00446927 but innovation and technology will help BwFDSKFE0yu-01961-00446928-00447303 us with this along the way BwFDSKFE0yu-01962-00447304-00447439 when working with leaders and BwFDSKFE0yu-01963-00447439-00447703 organizations we guide them to engage BwFDSKFE0yu-01964-00447704-00447966 their people to define and establish an BwFDSKFE0yu-01965-00447967-00448135 ultimate purpose BwFDSKFE0yu-01966-00448135-00448383 a purpose that serves society rather BwFDSKFE0yu-01967-00448384-00448735 than just focusing on shareholder value BwFDSKFE0yu-01968-00448735-00448895 and then we help them to develop a BwFDSKFE0yu-01969-00448896-00449166 strategy to deliver that purpose which BwFDSKFE0yu-01970-00449167-00449527 has sustainability at its core BwFDSKFE0yu-01971-00449528-00449766 leaders can engage their people to BwFDSKFE0yu-01972-00449767-00449951 define that sustainable purpose for BwFDSKFE0yu-01973-00449952-00450110 their organization BwFDSKFE0yu-01974-00450112-00450383 and through this they will give clarity BwFDSKFE0yu-01975-00450384-00450639 authenticity and meaning to the work BwFDSKFE0yu-01976-00450639-00450847 that they do BwFDSKFE0yu-01977-00450847-00451247 this in turn encourages talent and young BwFDSKFE0yu-01978-00451247-00451566 talent it drives their performance it BwFDSKFE0yu-01979-00451567-00451727 delivers value BwFDSKFE0yu-01980-00451728-00451959 it builds health and resilience across BwFDSKFE0yu-01981-00451960-00452255 the multiple stakeholders and ultimately BwFDSKFE0yu-01982-00452256-00452495 everybody's motivated by the concept of BwFDSKFE0yu-01983-00452496-00452710 doing this in service of long-term BwFDSKFE0yu-01984-00452712-00453222 well-being for for all people and planet BwFDSKFE0yu-01985-00453223-00453414 one of the key challenges we find with BwFDSKFE0yu-01986-00453415-00453535 leaders BwFDSKFE0yu-01987-00453535-00453766 is the that they need to ensure that BwFDSKFE0yu-01988-00453767-00453999 their main board and governance are BwFDSKFE0yu-01989-00454000-00454214 aligned with the executive in their BwFDSKFE0yu-01990-00454215-00454399 ambitions BwFDSKFE0yu-01991-00454400-00454695 that they can drive the sustainability BwFDSKFE0yu-01992-00454696-00455031 across all dimensions of sustainability BwFDSKFE0yu-01993-00455032-00455222 and they need to share a shared view of BwFDSKFE0yu-01994-00455223-00455383 what good looks like BwFDSKFE0yu-01995-00455384-00455647 because this helps to ensure that they BwFDSKFE0yu-01996-00455647-00455927 give time and attention to plan for BwFDSKFE0yu-01997-00455928-00456335 major long-term opportunities and risks BwFDSKFE0yu-01998-00456335-00456535 we encourage leaders to ensure that they BwFDSKFE0yu-01999-00456535-00456783 have a strategy that aligns value BwFDSKFE0yu-02000-00456784-00456999 creation models with the delivery of BwFDSKFE0yu-02001-00457000-00457343 purpose in a commercially viable way BwFDSKFE0yu-02002-00457343-00457575 innovating to create new models and BwFDSKFE0yu-02003-00457576-00457935 transitioning existing models BwFDSKFE0yu-02004-00457935-00458183 we also ask leaders to reflect on their BwFDSKFE0yu-02005-00458184-00458407 own role as a leader at this important BwFDSKFE0yu-02006-00458408-00458575 time BwFDSKFE0yu-02007-00458576-00458814 what is their personal purpose and BwFDSKFE0yu-02008-00458815-00458966 commitment BwFDSKFE0yu-02009-00458967-00459310 what is their inner compass telling them BwFDSKFE0yu-02010-00459312-00459518 what do they want their legacy to be BwFDSKFE0yu-02011-00459519-00459766 legacy to be and what do they want to be BwFDSKFE0yu-02012-00459767-00459991 known for BwFDSKFE0yu-02013-00459992-00460255 doing this helps give leaders the BwFDSKFE0yu-02014-00460256-00460359 courage BwFDSKFE0yu-02015-00460360-00460614 it helps them to see you know what this BwFDSKFE0yu-02016-00460615-00460943 means to them it gives them the courage BwFDSKFE0yu-02017-00460943-00461127 and the clarity that they need to do BwFDSKFE0yu-02018-00461128-00461239 their work BwFDSKFE0yu-02019-00461239-00461431 and the resilience to make difficult BwFDSKFE0yu-02020-00461432-00461695 decisions and influence others when the BwFDSKFE0yu-02021-00461696-00462055 going gets tough BwFDSKFE0yu-02022-00462056-00462279 we also guide leaders to consider the BwFDSKFE0yu-02023-00462280-00462495 importance of culture BwFDSKFE0yu-02024-00462496-00462735 and the value of a shared organizational BwFDSKFE0yu-02025-00462735-00462991 purpose in bringing clarity to the work BwFDSKFE0yu-02026-00462992-00463222 and culture and the decision-making to BwFDSKFE0yu-02027-00463223-00463366 deliver value BwFDSKFE0yu-02028-00463367-00463663 through sustainable solutions we help BwFDSKFE0yu-02029-00463664-00463822 them to think about aligning BwFDSKFE0yu-02030-00463823-00464047 organizational hardware BwFDSKFE0yu-02031-00464047-00464263 the metrics the decision tools the BwFDSKFE0yu-02032-00464264-00464535 systems structures and processes BwFDSKFE0yu-02033-00464535-00464807 as well as the software the culture the BwFDSKFE0yu-02034-00464808-00465039 narrative and the way things get done BwFDSKFE0yu-02035-00465039-00465247 around the place BwFDSKFE0yu-02036-00465247-00465455 we encourage leaders to influence a BwFDSKFE0yu-02037-00465456-00465703 culture that nurtures trust BwFDSKFE0yu-02038-00465704-00466007 open and honest dialogue that enables BwFDSKFE0yu-02039-00466008-00466199 support and challenge to accelerate BwFDSKFE0yu-02040-00466200-00466535 performance BwFDSKFE0yu-02041-00466535-00466743 however difficult this is BwFDSKFE0yu-02042-00466743-00467007 we can't walk away BwFDSKFE0yu-02043-00467008-00467303 as leaders we all have a responsibility BwFDSKFE0yu-02044-00467304-00467535 to do the right thing BwFDSKFE0yu-02045-00467535-00467695 rather than living to regret the BwFDSKFE0yu-02046-00467696-00468199 decisions and actions taken on our watch BwFDSKFE0yu-02047-00468200-00468439 those who have chosen to lead and take BwFDSKFE0yu-02048-00468439-00468679 responsibility and accountability BwFDSKFE0yu-02049-00468680-00468966 are bound to use influence wisely and BwFDSKFE0yu-02050-00468967-00469247 create the right conditions and space to BwFDSKFE0yu-02051-00469247-00469503 empower and enable others to move this BwFDSKFE0yu-02052-00469504-00469935 agenda forward and at pace BwFDSKFE0yu-02053-00469935-00470135 we advise leaders to put their ego BwFDSKFE0yu-02054-00470135-00470287 behind them BwFDSKFE0yu-02055-00470288-00470510 and push forward with what they know to BwFDSKFE0yu-02056-00470512-00470695 be right BwFDSKFE0yu-02057-00470696-00470927 to get on board with the skills the BwFDSKFE0yu-02058-00470928-00471199 knowledge and the behaviors to take this BwFDSKFE0yu-02059-00471200-00471343 agenda forward BwFDSKFE0yu-02060-00471343-00471566 and to reward results that generate BwFDSKFE0yu-02061-00471567-00471895 value in a way that protects our future BwFDSKFE0yu-02062-00471896-00472287 and treats individuals with respect BwFDSKFE0yu-02063-00472288-00472527 in the short term we need to use all the BwFDSKFE0yu-02064-00472528-00472766 quick wins we can to make business BwFDSKFE0yu-02065-00472767-00472999 efficient and sustainable and profitable BwFDSKFE0yu-02066-00473000-00473191 whilst taking steps to innovate BwFDSKFE0yu-02067-00473192-00473463 collaborate and transition to transform BwFDSKFE0yu-02068-00473464-00473703 our organizations to what they need to BwFDSKFE0yu-02069-00473704-00473999 be for the long term BwFDSKFE0yu-02070-00474000-00474166 in summary BwFDSKFE0yu-02071-00474167-00474383 the leadership we need BwFDSKFE0yu-02072-00474384-00474631 is purposeful and visionary BwFDSKFE0yu-02073-00474632-00474822 setting direction for the short and the BwFDSKFE0yu-02074-00474823-00474975 long term BwFDSKFE0yu-02075-00474976-00475263 motivating and sense making BwFDSKFE0yu-02076-00475264-00475551 creating value and meaning in the light BwFDSKFE0yu-02077-00475552-00475735 of organization BwFDSKFE0yu-02078-00475735-00475975 individual and the wider societal BwFDSKFE0yu-02079-00475976-00476391 purpose of long-term well-being for all BwFDSKFE0yu-02080-00476392-00476679 it needs to be innovative and pioneering BwFDSKFE0yu-02081-00476680-00476895 able to create value for society in a BwFDSKFE0yu-02082-00476896-00477110 commercially viable way BwFDSKFE0yu-02083-00477112-00477351 pushing boundaries pivoting to seize BwFDSKFE0yu-02084-00477352-00477559 opportunities and being creative and BwFDSKFE0yu-02085-00477560-00477910 willing to disrupt when needed BwFDSKFE0yu-02086-00477912-00478222 it needs to be human centered wise BwFDSKFE0yu-02087-00478223-00478535 compassionate values-based BwFDSKFE0yu-02088-00478535-00478751 empathetic and authentic BwFDSKFE0yu-02089-00478752-00478991 and needers need to be present and have BwFDSKFE0yu-02090-00478992-00479279 the ability to deeply listen coach and BwFDSKFE0yu-02091-00479280-00479518 support and challenge to get good BwFDSKFE0yu-02092-00479519-00479799 results and outcomes BwFDSKFE0yu-02093-00479800-00480087 leaders need to be agile and adaptive to BwFDSKFE0yu-02094-00480088-00480231 lead change BwFDSKFE0yu-02095-00480232-00480431 they need to have an open mind be BwFDSKFE0yu-02096-00480432-00480647 curious and engaged with critical BwFDSKFE0yu-02097-00480647-00480887 thinking with the ability to embrace BwFDSKFE0yu-02098-00480888-00481062 multiple perspectives and clarity and BwFDSKFE0yu-02099-00481063-00481366 decision making being open to learn and BwFDSKFE0yu-02100-00481367-00481679 unlearn BwFDSKFE0yu-02101-00481680-00481935 and also they need to be systemic and BwFDSKFE0yu-02102-00481935-00482166 strategic we talked a lot about the BwFDSKFE0yu-02103-00482167-00482399 importance of understanding the systemic BwFDSKFE0yu-02104-00482400-00482631 nature of this challenge and leaders BwFDSKFE0yu-02105-00482632-00482895 really need to see how their work fits BwFDSKFE0yu-02106-00482896-00483143 within the system and the cause and BwFDSKFE0yu-02107-00483143-00483414 impact that they can create BwFDSKFE0yu-02108-00483415-00483622 they need to bring about systems change BwFDSKFE0yu-02109-00483623-00483862 at multiple levels and they need to BwFDSKFE0yu-02110-00483863-00484087 understand the macro and the market BwFDSKFE0yu-02111-00484088-00484343 trends and have the ability to assess BwFDSKFE0yu-02112-00484343-00484551 those opportunities and risks at a BwFDSKFE0yu-02113-00484552-00484847 systems level to inform decision making BwFDSKFE0yu-02114-00484847-00485014 with the ability to create value and BwFDSKFE0yu-02115-00485015-00485518 impact through sustainable solutions BwFDSKFE0yu-02116-00485519-00485743 the leadership we need moving forward BwFDSKFE0yu-02117-00485743-00486087 also needs to be inclusive it needs to BwFDSKFE0yu-02118-00486088-00486287 value the diversity BwFDSKFE0yu-02119-00486288-00486487 of individuals BwFDSKFE0yu-02120-00486488-00486791 whatever their role race gender or BwFDSKFE0yu-02121-00486792-00486903 background BwFDSKFE0yu-02122-00486904-00487279 and be conscious of bias BwFDSKFE0yu-02123-00487280-00487487 they need to nurture trust and create BwFDSKFE0yu-02124-00487488-00487679 psychological safety BwFDSKFE0yu-02125-00487680-00487975 and promote ethical behavior to create a BwFDSKFE0yu-02126-00487976-00488247 culture and space where people can grow BwFDSKFE0yu-02127-00488247-00488495 and thrive BwFDSKFE0yu-02128-00488496-00488710 they need to have the ability to engage BwFDSKFE0yu-02129-00488712-00488943 in radical collaboration BwFDSKFE0yu-02130-00488943-00489135 and we've seen this in spades over the BwFDSKFE0yu-02131-00489135-00489295 last two weeks BwFDSKFE0yu-02132-00489296-00489551 the ability to communicate and influence BwFDSKFE0yu-02133-00489552-00489687 change BwFDSKFE0yu-02134-00489688-00489935 by aligning behind a shared purpose and BwFDSKFE0yu-02135-00489935-00490231 ambition to create win-win outcomes for BwFDSKFE0yu-02136-00490232-00490551 people nature and climate BwFDSKFE0yu-02137-00490552-00490855 and been able to work with difference BwFDSKFE0yu-02138-00490856-00491062 in a distributed leadership way to BwFDSKFE0yu-02139-00491063-00491295 create partnerships in order to move BwFDSKFE0yu-02140-00491296-00491503 faster BwFDSKFE0yu-02141-00491504-00491799 finally leaders need to have resilience BwFDSKFE0yu-02142-00491800-00491943 and courage BwFDSKFE0yu-02143-00491943-00492255 to pioneer new ways forward BwFDSKFE0yu-02144-00492256-00492479 to build organizational and personal BwFDSKFE0yu-02145-00492480-00492695 robustness and well-being so they have BwFDSKFE0yu-02146-00492696-00492966 the energy to operate and make decisions BwFDSKFE0yu-02147-00492967-00493247 amidst uncertainty ambiguity and BwFDSKFE0yu-02148-00493247-00493527 complexity BwFDSKFE0yu-02149-00493528-00493614 so BwFDSKFE0yu-02150-00493615-00493991 how can we help at cisl BwFDSKFE0yu-02151-00493992-00494310 at cisl we work with business finance BwFDSKFE0yu-02152-00494312-00494622 and policy makers guiding leaders and BwFDSKFE0yu-02153-00494623-00494839 organizations to help them to build a BwFDSKFE0yu-02154-00494839-00495079 roadmap for their transformation BwFDSKFE0yu-02155-00495080-00495335 in order to achieve zero and deliver BwFDSKFE0yu-02156-00495335-00495614 solutions that support people nature and BwFDSKFE0yu-02157-00495615-00495743 climate BwFDSKFE0yu-02158-00495743-00495966 and we do this through education BwFDSKFE0yu-02159-00495967-00496439 research convening and acceleration BwFDSKFE0yu-02160-00496439-00496679 part of this works brings organizations BwFDSKFE0yu-02161-00496680-00496895 and leaders together so that they can BwFDSKFE0yu-02162-00496896-00497118 share both leading practice and their BwFDSKFE0yu-02163-00497119-00497287 challenges BwFDSKFE0yu-02164-00497288-00497503 this ensures that our research addresses BwFDSKFE0yu-02165-00497504-00497727 real knowledge gaps that firms are BwFDSKFE0yu-02166-00497728-00497975 facing and provides solutions that are BwFDSKFE0yu-02167-00497976-00498399 both ambitious and practitioner useful BwFDSKFE0yu-02168-00498400-00498670 one such example is our achieving xero BwFDSKFE0yu-02169-00498671-00498799 campaign BwFDSKFE0yu-02170-00498800-00499103 and this shows how it all fits together BwFDSKFE0yu-02171-00499104-00499287 it brings together work from across the BwFDSKFE0yu-02172-00499288-00499543 organization including drawing lessons BwFDSKFE0yu-02173-00499543-00499751 from the global insurance system and BwFDSKFE0yu-02174-00499752-00499943 highlighting opportunities to build BwFDSKFE0yu-02175-00499943-00500214 systemic resilience as outlined in our BwFDSKFE0yu-02176-00500215-00500614 recent risk sharing report BwFDSKFE0yu-02177-00500615-00500799 we work with individuals and BwFDSKFE0yu-02178-00500800-00501079 organizations to help them BwFDSKFE0yu-02179-00501080-00501310 to build alignment around their BwFDSKFE0yu-02180-00501312-00501607 organizational purpose their strategy BwFDSKFE0yu-02181-00501608-00501839 and their business models BwFDSKFE0yu-02182-00501839-00502166 to set goals and evidence-based targets BwFDSKFE0yu-02183-00502167-00502431 measures and reports BwFDSKFE0yu-02184-00502432-00502679 to embed net zero practices in BwFDSKFE0yu-02185-00502680-00502935 operations and value chains BwFDSKFE0yu-02186-00502935-00503247 and to engage collaborate and advocate BwFDSKFE0yu-02187-00503247-00503591 for change across the regions sectors BwFDSKFE0yu-02188-00503592-00503918 and markets BwFDSKFE0yu-02189-00503919-00504103 and finally BwFDSKFE0yu-02190-00504104-00504343 we all have a duty of hope BwFDSKFE0yu-02191-00504343-00504775 within our gift for future generations BwFDSKFE0yu-02192-00504776-00505175 let us take joy in our contribution BwFDSKFE0yu-02193-00505176-00505503 let us be prepared to shift our mindsets BwFDSKFE0yu-02194-00505504-00505743 to do things differently and make BwFDSKFE0yu-02195-00505743-00506047 possible a positive future for young BwFDSKFE0yu-02196-00506047-00506366 people and their children BwFDSKFE0yu-02197-00506367-00506822 thank you BwFDSKFE0yu-02198-00506823-00507079 so i'd like to just finally as we draw BwFDSKFE0yu-02199-00507080-00507335 to a close thank all of you for joining BwFDSKFE0yu-02200-00507335-00507479 us today BwFDSKFE0yu-02201-00507480-00507743 as we move to the crucial steps forward BwFDSKFE0yu-02202-00507743-00508022 in this journey as we move to the end of BwFDSKFE0yu-02203-00508023-00508247 cop26 BwFDSKFE0yu-02204-00508247-00508487 i'd like to say a particular thanks to BwFDSKFE0yu-02205-00508488-00508727 phil duffield of scottish power BwFDSKFE0yu-02206-00508728-00508927 and the technical support from frank BwFDSKFE0yu-02207-00508928-00509055 ford BwFDSKFE0yu-02208-00509056-00509270 but i'd also like to say a special BwFDSKFE0yu-02209-00509271-00509503 thanks to our speakers BwFDSKFE0yu-02210-00509504-00509766 claire shine of cisl BwFDSKFE0yu-02211-00509767-00510118 emily shakbar of cambridge zero BwFDSKFE0yu-02212-00510119-00510462 gavin starks of icebreaker one BwFDSKFE0yu-02213-00510463-00510791 eliot whittington of cisl BwFDSKFE0yu-02214-00510792-00511255 gonzalo sayenz dimiera of ibedrola BwFDSKFE0yu-02215-00511256-00511575 nina siger of cisl BwFDSKFE0yu-02216-00511576-00511910 rob bailey of oliver wyman BwFDSKFE0yu-02217-00511912-00512207 ernst rauch of munich re BwFDSKFE0yu-02218-00512208-00512470 joanna cobb of zurich BwFDSKFE0yu-02219-00512471-00512759 and bronwyn claire and the team at csl BwFDSKFE0yu-02220-00512760-00513062 for all the organizing and planning BwFDSKFE0yu-02221-00513063-00513262 and thank you finally to all of you for BwFDSKFE0yu-02222-00513263-00513422 joining us today BwFDSKFE0yu-02223-00513423-00513614 and i hope that you found it a helpful BwFDSKFE0yu-02224-00513615-00513847 summary of all the work that's gone on BwFDSKFE0yu-02225-00513847-00514143 over the last two weeks and beyond BwFDSKFE0yu-02226-00514143-00514375 here at cop BwFDSKFE0yu-02227-00514376-00514591 and as we move forward together to make BwFDSKFE0yu-02228-00514592-00514751 change happen BwFDSKFE0yu-02229-00514752-00514895 remember BwFDSKFE0yu-02230-00514896-00515222 this is happening on our watch BwFDSKFE0yu-02231-00515223-00515479 we are accountable and we all need to BwFDSKFE0yu-02232-00515480-00515703 take action now BwFDSKFE0yu-02234-00527232-00527440 you ByXFqIWqKZQ-00000-00000012-00000299 hello to all subscribers crypto ByXFqIWqKZQ-00001-00000300-00000532 enthusiasts and investors my name is ByXFqIWqKZQ-00002-00000533-00000797 Harry Flores and I'm happy to see you ByXFqIWqKZQ-00003-00000798-00001133 all on my channel where I talk about how ByXFqIWqKZQ-00004-00001134-00001439 to make money from cryptocurrency be ByXFqIWqKZQ-00005-00001440-00001673 sure to watch this video to the end as ByXFqIWqKZQ-00006-00001673-00001901 in the next five minutes I will tell you ByXFqIWqKZQ-00007-00001902-00002207 how each of you can participate in the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00008-00002208-00002567 new airdrop and be guaranteed 500 each ByXFqIWqKZQ-00009-00002568-00002891 airdrop has just started so there is ByXFqIWqKZQ-00010-00002892-00003089 still an opportunity to take part and ByXFqIWqKZQ-00011-00003090-00003340 make money but I will tell you right ByXFqIWqKZQ-00012-00003342-00003622 away that this freebie will not last ByXFqIWqKZQ-00013-00003623-00003940 long as the total amount is limited ByXFqIWqKZQ-00014-00003942-00004181 and now let's move on to the ear drop ByXFqIWqKZQ-00015-00004182-00004463 itself it is conducted by the developers ByXFqIWqKZQ-00016-00004464-00004751 of sui project airdrop is a part of ByXFqIWqKZQ-00017-00004752-00004997 marketing strategy to promote sui token ByXFqIWqKZQ-00018-00004998-00005188 among population in order to increase ByXFqIWqKZQ-00019-00005189-00005399 the number of holders and interest in ByXFqIWqKZQ-00020-00005400-00005663 the project airdrop is held in the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00021-00005664-00005915 famous trustpad platform it is a ByXFqIWqKZQ-00022-00005916-00006161 multi-chain one of the top five of the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00023-00006162-00006454 largest launch pads so let's take part ByXFqIWqKZQ-00024-00006455-00006653 an airdrop while there's an opportunity ByXFqIWqKZQ-00025-00006654-00006919 in guaranteed ways to earn sui tokens ByXFqIWqKZQ-00026-00006920-00007103 organizers of the drawing have ByXFqIWqKZQ-00027-00007104-00007289 considered that there will be a lot of ByXFqIWqKZQ-00028-00007290-00007534 people so they limited the maximum ByXFqIWqKZQ-00029-00007536-00007787 amount of tokens you can get the limit ByXFqIWqKZQ-00030-00007788-00008195 is 500 in sui tokens also we see that ByXFqIWqKZQ-00031-00008196-00008446 airdrop amount is limited 10 million ByXFqIWqKZQ-00032-00008447-00008692 tokens allocated and already 12 percent ByXFqIWqKZQ-00033-00008693-00008969 distributed which means we need to hurry ByXFqIWqKZQ-00034-00008970-00009233 the rules of participation in airdrop ByXFqIWqKZQ-00035-00009234-00009503 are very simple we need to have a wallet ByXFqIWqKZQ-00036-00009504-00009737 on metamask or trust wallet to get the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00037-00009738-00010031 precious five hundred dollars I have a ByXFqIWqKZQ-00038-00010032-00010481 metamask add-on for example ByXFqIWqKZQ-00039-00010482-00010709 click join airdrop and connect your ByXFqIWqKZQ-00040-00010710-00010937 wallet to the platform ByXFqIWqKZQ-00041-00010938-00011153 after connecting your wall to the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00042-00011154-00011363 platform immediately you will see a ByXFqIWqKZQ-00043-00011364-00011549 pop-up about a small fee for the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00044-00011550-00011824 transaction that you need to pay after ByXFqIWqKZQ-00045-00011825-00012028 that the only thing left is to wait for ByXFqIWqKZQ-00046-00012029-00012328 the Suri tokens to come to our wallet so ByXFqIWqKZQ-00047-00012329-00012610 friends I did it it took about five ByXFqIWqKZQ-00048-00012611-00012844 minutes and Suri tokens appeared on my ByXFqIWqKZQ-00049-00012845-00013193 wallet I got 3400 tokens which is ByXFqIWqKZQ-00050-00013194-00013577 roughly equivalent to 500 I earned five ByXFqIWqKZQ-00051-00013578-00013811 hundred dollars basically in a matter of ByXFqIWqKZQ-00052-00013812-00014141 minutes this is unbelievable I can say ByXFqIWqKZQ-00053-00014141-00014315 with certainty that the developers have ByXFqIWqKZQ-00054-00014316-00014513 achieved their goal as I'm already ByXFqIWqKZQ-00055-00014513-00014711 thinking about holding this token ByXFqIWqKZQ-00056-00014712-00014944 because I believe that this project has ByXFqIWqKZQ-00057-00014945-00015233 a great future besides that I've already ByXFqIWqKZQ-00058-00015234-00015575 taken interest in following the project ByXFqIWqKZQ-00059-00015576-00015886 think that now we can wrap up ByXFqIWqKZQ-00060-00015887-00016079 if you are interested in participating ByXFqIWqKZQ-00061-00016080-00016408 in airdrop then I have shown you how ByXFqIWqKZQ-00062-00016409-00016703 easy it is I hope you watch this video ByXFqIWqKZQ-00063-00016704-00017021 before airdrop is over hurry over to the ByXFqIWqKZQ-00064-00017022-00017267 airdrop website by following the link in ByXFqIWqKZQ-00065-00017268-00017579 the description and attach comment join ByXFqIWqKZQ-00066-00017580-00017944 and get a very nice bonus so that's all ByXFqIWqKZQ-00067-00017945-00018197 for now thanks for staying in my channel ByXFqIWqKZQ-00068-00018198-00018515 I will try to find as many ways to make ByXFqIWqKZQ-00069-00018516-00018839 money on cryptocurrency as I can and I ByXFqIWqKZQ-00070-00018840-00019043 will definitely definitely share all ByXFqIWqKZQ-00071-00019044-00019286 with you BzgwA8CC0BQ-00000-00000007-00000343 our cheese limited earlier called BzgwA8CC0BQ-00001-00000344-00000605 our cheese greetings and gifts limited BzgwA8CC0BQ-00002-00000606-00000969 is an Indian company based in New Delhi BzgwA8CC0BQ-00003-00000971-00001532 it was started in 1979 by Anil mulchand BzgwA8CC0BQ-00004-00001533-00001982 ani initially it sold song books posters BzgwA8CC0BQ-00005-00001982-00002330 and leather patches the company's main BzgwA8CC0BQ-00006-00002331-00002689 product greeting cards was introduced in BzgwA8CC0BQ-00007-00002690-00003137 1980 cards were introduced for major BzgwA8CC0BQ-00008-00003138-00003529 Indian festivals such as Holi Diwali and BzgwA8CC0BQ-00009-00003530-00003613 Rakhi BzgwA8CC0BQ-00010-00003614-00003935 apart from the usual New Year birthday BzgwA8CC0BQ-00011-00003936-00004352 and anniversary occasions the company BzgwA8CC0BQ-00012-00004353-00004925 went public in 1995 in 1998 it was BzgwA8CC0BQ-00013-00004926-00005279 listed on the National Stock Exchange of BzgwA8CC0BQ-00014-00005280-00005713 India and Bombay Stock Exchange BzgwA8CC0BQ-00015-00005714-00005997 our cheese limited is a fast-growing BzgwA8CC0BQ-00016-00005998-00006335 company in order of any other gift and BzgwA8CC0BQ-00017-00006336-00006788 gallery company across India our cheese BzgwA8CC0BQ-00018-00006789-00007019 limited as in the business of BzgwA8CC0BQ-00019-00007020-00007339 manufacturing and selling greeting cards BzgwA8CC0BQ-00020-00007340-00007619 and other social expression products BzgwA8CC0BQ-00021-00007620-00008045 such as gifts and posters our cheese has BzgwA8CC0BQ-00022-00008045-00008420 a market share of about 50% of india's BzgwA8CC0BQ-00023-00008421-00008693 greeting cards market our cheese has BzgwA8CC0BQ-00024-00008694-00009035 about 3,000 outlets and franchisees BzgwA8CC0BQ-00025-00009036-00009121 called BzgwA8CC0BQ-00026-00009122-00009473 our cheese galleries spread across 120 BzgwA8CC0BQ-00027-00009474-00009944 cities and six countries it has tie ups BzgwA8CC0BQ-00028-00009945-00010177 and licensing arrangements for BzgwA8CC0BQ-00029-00010178-00010471 merchandising characters such as Dennis BzgwA8CC0BQ-00030-00010472-00010891 the Menace and Disney characters it has BzgwA8CC0BQ-00031-00010892-00011204 arrangements with paramount cards Inc & BzgwA8CC0BQ-00032-00011205-00011285 Geddes BzgwA8CC0BQ-00033-00011286-00011602 and American Greetings for greeting card BzgwA8CC0BQ-00034-00011603-00012029 design and name use following the BzgwA8CC0BQ-00035-00012030-00012233 increasing popularity of BzgwA8CC0BQ-00036-00012234-00012541 ecards Archie's started its online BzgwA8CC0BQ-00037-00012542-00013249 portal HTTP colon slash slash wwr keys BzgwA8CC0BQ-00038-00013250-00013796 online.com slash in 2000 the company BzgwA8CC0BQ-00039-00013797-00014074 expanded its product range to include BzgwA8CC0BQ-00040-00014075-00014378 artificial jewelry crystal wear BzgwA8CC0BQ-00041-00014379-00014690 chocolates and perfumes and accordingly BzgwA8CC0BQ-00042-00014691-00015052 changed its name to Archie's limited in BzgwA8CC0BQ-00043-00015053-00015353 2002 B_bZLDXeWu4-00000-00000069-00000542 I'm Carla this is Elena what did what B_bZLDXeWu4-00001-00000543-00000798 are we doing here I can't swear B_bZLDXeWu4-00002-00000799-00001038 screaming yes kids leadership corner and B_bZLDXeWu4-00003-00001039-00001341 today we are gonna talk about how B_bZLDXeWu4-00004-00001342-00001557 important it is to wear nice clothes to B_bZLDXeWu4-00005-00001558-00001757 work do you think is important to wear B_bZLDXeWu4-00006-00001759-00002039 nice clothes to work Elena yes why B_bZLDXeWu4-00007-00002039-00002427 because at the same time I'm kind of an B_bZLDXeWu4-00008-00002428-00002870 old shirt um they might have all of it B_bZLDXeWu4-00009-00002871-00003077 exactly we don't want to wear holey sure B_bZLDXeWu4-00010-00003078-00003378 it's just to work why because sometimes B_bZLDXeWu4-00011-00003379-00003645 they can feel your belly button well B_bZLDXeWu4-00012-00003646-00003779 they can see your belly button and what B_bZLDXeWu4-00013-00003781-00003881 do you think they'll think about your B_bZLDXeWu4-00014-00003882-00004251 work you don't care about it yeah you B_bZLDXeWu4-00015-00004252-00004416 don't know what you're doing B_bZLDXeWu4-00016-00004417-00004638 exactly and what do you think people B_bZLDXeWu4-00017-00004639-00004820 think when they see you come to work in B_bZLDXeWu4-00018-00004821-00005120 nice clothes they think you care about B_bZLDXeWu4-00019-00005121-00005553 your work exactly so I think we should B_bZLDXeWu4-00020-00005554-00005775 dress professional and never ever wear B_bZLDXeWu4-00021-00005776-00006027 holey clothes or clothes that are worn B_bZLDXeWu4-00022-00006028-00006260 out when we go to work what do you think B_bZLDXeWu4-00023-00006261-00006653 what do you think yeah yeah you agree B_bZLDXeWu4-00024-00006654-00007092 all right Thank You Elena BB1WUdNy8Zk-00000-00000006-00000831 [Music] BB1WUdNy8Zk-00001-00000832-00001015 welcome to jsatv and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00002-00001016-00001287 jsa podcasts the newsroom for tech and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00003-00001288-00001462 telecom professionals BB1WUdNy8Zk-00004-00001463-00001759 i'm jamie scott okataya here at jsa and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00005-00001760-00001855 coming to you from BB1WUdNy8Zk-00006-00001855-00002175 virtual ptc 2021 BB1WUdNy8Zk-00007-00002176-00002391 joining me today my good friend ben BB1WUdNy8Zk-00008-00002392-00002526 edmund he's the ceo BB1WUdNy8Zk-00009-00002527-00002831 of connected to fiber ben welcome to jsa BB1WUdNy8Zk-00010-00002832-00002879 tv BB1WUdNy8Zk-00011-00002880-00003087 again thank you very much for having me BB1WUdNy8Zk-00012-00003088-00003206 jamie i really appreciate the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00013-00003207-00003295 opportunity to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00014-00003296-00003583 speak today it's always a pleasure and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00015-00003584-00003727 and happy new year my friend BB1WUdNy8Zk-00016-00003728-00003927 so much has gone on since the last time BB1WUdNy8Zk-00017-00003928-00004143 we chatted yeah i wish we were at the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00018-00004144-00004343 the beach in hawaii but uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00019-00004344-00004567 we'll be there virtually we shall we BB1WUdNy8Zk-00020-00004568-00004654 shall BB1WUdNy8Zk-00021-00004655-00004838 um and for our viewers who may not BB1WUdNy8Zk-00022-00004839-00005015 already know if they're just catching up BB1WUdNy8Zk-00023-00005016-00005175 tell tell us a little bit about BB1WUdNy8Zk-00024-00005176-00005327 connected to fiber BB1WUdNy8Zk-00025-00005328-00005575 what do you do who do you serve BB1WUdNy8Zk-00026-00005576-00005895 absolutely so connected to fiber is BB1WUdNy8Zk-00027-00005896-00006199 a industry cloud built specifically for BB1WUdNy8Zk-00028-00006200-00006446 the connectivity market BB1WUdNy8Zk-00029-00006447-00006746 we help service providers identify BB1WUdNy8Zk-00030-00006747-00006863 prioritize BB1WUdNy8Zk-00031-00006864-00007142 and search their total addressable BB1WUdNy8Zk-00032-00007143-00007198 market BB1WUdNy8Zk-00033-00007200-00007606 and have activated a uh a seller's cloud BB1WUdNy8Zk-00034-00007608-00007831 and a buyer's cloud to help you know BB1WUdNy8Zk-00035-00007831-00007983 transform BB1WUdNy8Zk-00036-00007984-00008255 how companies sell connectivity and how BB1WUdNy8Zk-00037-00008256-00008439 companies buy connectivity BB1WUdNy8Zk-00038-00008440-00008814 our customer base is entirely made up of BB1WUdNy8Zk-00039-00008815-00009039 the service provider community that's BB1WUdNy8Zk-00040-00009040-00009191 present here at the uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00041-00009192-00009495 the btc event this year for sure for BB1WUdNy8Zk-00042-00009496-00009542 sure BB1WUdNy8Zk-00043-00009543-00009871 and of course 2020 you guys had a heck BB1WUdNy8Zk-00044-00009872-00010014 of a lot of news coming out of your BB1WUdNy8Zk-00045-00010015-00010103 newsroom BB1WUdNy8Zk-00046-00010104-00010271 what is the latest coming out of the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00047-00010272-00010463 connected to fiber newsroom today BB1WUdNy8Zk-00048-00010464-00010719 uh we had some exciting announcements uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00049-00010720-00010783 you know BB1WUdNy8Zk-00050-00010784-00011046 most recently uh press release that we BB1WUdNy8Zk-00051-00011047-00011119 issued with BB1WUdNy8Zk-00052-00011120-00011535 our partnership for for nustar BB1WUdNy8Zk-00053-00011536-00011767 which is an exciting move for the tying BB1WUdNy8Zk-00054-00011768-00011878 the automation BB1WUdNy8Zk-00055-00011879-00012206 that that we create around pricing BB1WUdNy8Zk-00056-00012207-00012406 inside the connected world with the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00057-00012407-00012646 automation that they brought BB1WUdNy8Zk-00058-00012647-00012902 for many years to the market on order BB1WUdNy8Zk-00059-00012903-00013102 management processes across the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00060-00013103-00013183 ecosystem BB1WUdNy8Zk-00061-00013184-00013399 and bringing those two worlds together BB1WUdNy8Zk-00062-00013400-00013486 in a directly BB1WUdNy8Zk-00063-00013487-00013799 uh connected api flow BB1WUdNy8Zk-00064-00013800-00014022 for end-to-end automation you know super BB1WUdNy8Zk-00065-00014023-00014166 exciting and something we're really BB1WUdNy8Zk-00066-00014168-00014311 proud of BB1WUdNy8Zk-00067-00014312-00014558 awesome yeah new star us signal there's BB1WUdNy8Zk-00068-00014559-00014758 there's just so many logos that you guys BB1WUdNy8Zk-00069-00014759-00014863 have been BB1WUdNy8Zk-00070-00014863-00015207 making news waves with and uh as per BB1WUdNy8Zk-00071-00015208-00015519 my connected to fiber teams uh usual BB1WUdNy8Zk-00072-00015519-00015847 way to market um now of course BB1WUdNy8Zk-00073-00015847-00016038 having the ceo in the hot seat i do love BB1WUdNy8Zk-00074-00016040-00016311 to just give a moment for predictions BB1WUdNy8Zk-00075-00016312-00016567 any thoughts or or predictions around BB1WUdNy8Zk-00076-00016568-00016799 industry trends coming up here uh in BB1WUdNy8Zk-00077-00016800-00017030 2021 specific to your niche BB1WUdNy8Zk-00078-00017031-00017207 yeah absolutely great question jamie i BB1WUdNy8Zk-00079-00017208-00017375 think there's three things that stand BB1WUdNy8Zk-00080-00017376-00017439 out to me BB1WUdNy8Zk-00081-00017440-00017750 first and foremost is uh the year of the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00082-00017751-00017950 edge you know the edge is a real thing BB1WUdNy8Zk-00083-00017951-00018111 that's happening now BB1WUdNy8Zk-00084-00018112-00018375 i think people are wrapping their heads BB1WUdNy8Zk-00085-00018376-00018511 around that thought process and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00086-00018512-00018679 realizing it's not just BB1WUdNy8Zk-00087-00018680-00018879 the physical reality of where to place BB1WUdNy8Zk-00088-00018880-00019055 data centers and put the content BB1WUdNy8Zk-00089-00019056-00019271 and the applications closer to users BB1WUdNy8Zk-00090-00019272-00019494 there's also a fundamental change in BB1WUdNy8Zk-00091-00019495-00019591 network BB1WUdNy8Zk-00092-00019592-00019855 that is happening you can't use edge BB1WUdNy8Zk-00093-00019856-00019958 locations as BB1WUdNy8Zk-00094-00019959-00020135 aggregation points to bring everything BB1WUdNy8Zk-00095-00020136-00020319 back still to ashburn BB1WUdNy8Zk-00096-00020320-00020591 that the peering fabric to connect those BB1WUdNy8Zk-00097-00020592-00020791 applications at the edge or the content BB1WUdNy8Zk-00098-00020792-00020894 at the edge BB1WUdNy8Zk-00099-00020895-00021191 to the users in the mobile community or BB1WUdNy8Zk-00100-00021192-00021383 on broadband applications BB1WUdNy8Zk-00101-00021384-00021550 you know that peering fabric has to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00102-00021551-00021807 exist locally in the edge as well and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00103-00021808-00022022 that's a big radical change but a change BB1WUdNy8Zk-00104-00022023-00022230 that's really important for BB1WUdNy8Zk-00105-00022231-00022463 next generation 5g applications we BB1WUdNy8Zk-00106-00022464-00022630 haven't even seen yet BB1WUdNy8Zk-00107-00022631-00022886 i think the the second trend uh would be BB1WUdNy8Zk-00108-00022887-00023022 centered around BB1WUdNy8Zk-00109-00023023-00023271 you know the role of the msp and and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00110-00023272-00023478 who's becoming an msp BB1WUdNy8Zk-00111-00023479-00023799 as the cloud has won the it war uh the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00112-00023800-00023991 recognition that BB1WUdNy8Zk-00113-00023992-00024271 that network is the primary delivery for BB1WUdNy8Zk-00114-00024272-00024463 cloud services and the cloud services BB1WUdNy8Zk-00115-00024464-00024607 don't work without BB1WUdNy8Zk-00116-00024608-00024871 connectivity has put the the managed BB1WUdNy8Zk-00117-00024872-00025047 service provider in a BB1WUdNy8Zk-00118-00025048-00025214 in a great position to attack the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00119-00025215-00025414 revenue opportunity and you know BB1WUdNy8Zk-00120-00025415-00025646 uniquely positioned uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00121-00025647-00025878 connectivity to help win that uh cloud BB1WUdNy8Zk-00122-00025879-00026039 services revenue with enterprise BB1WUdNy8Zk-00123-00026039-00026143 customers BB1WUdNy8Zk-00124-00026144-00026343 i think the the third trend is digital BB1WUdNy8Zk-00125-00026344-00026502 transformation overall it's a BB1WUdNy8Zk-00126-00026504-00026743 it's a big buzz word you know from our BB1WUdNy8Zk-00127-00026744-00026814 perspective BB1WUdNy8Zk-00128-00026816-00027111 it's about automating and creating a BB1WUdNy8Zk-00129-00027112-00027367 customer experience that differentiates BB1WUdNy8Zk-00130-00027368-00027399 and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00131-00027400-00027687 uh and allows the connectivity industry BB1WUdNy8Zk-00132-00027688-00027767 to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00133-00027768-00028014 you know grab more value participate BB1WUdNy8Zk-00134-00028016-00028111 fully BB1WUdNy8Zk-00135-00028112-00028343 and really you know create these sticky BB1WUdNy8Zk-00136-00028344-00028543 relationships that generate uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00137-00028544-00028743 fantastic returns for the providers BB1WUdNy8Zk-00138-00028744-00028935 themselves and you know we're helping do BB1WUdNy8Zk-00139-00028936-00029135 that we're helping the providers BB1WUdNy8Zk-00140-00029136-00029318 you know transform their upfront go to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00141-00029319-00029518 market processes completely BB1WUdNy8Zk-00142-00029519-00029711 yeah absolutely we're seeing it here too BB1WUdNy8Zk-00143-00029712-00029895 i think uh for better or worse the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00144-00029895-00030031 pandemic has BB1WUdNy8Zk-00145-00030032-00030358 really uh fast fast tracked this digital BB1WUdNy8Zk-00146-00030360-00030558 transformation for for many businesses BB1WUdNy8Zk-00147-00030560-00030614 and and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00148-00030616-00030983 residents um so uh so really uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00149-00030983-00031046 incredible BB1WUdNy8Zk-00150-00031047-00031255 predictions there i'm i'm very much a BB1WUdNy8Zk-00151-00031256-00031446 fan um BB1WUdNy8Zk-00152-00031447-00031623 and from a connected to fiber BB1WUdNy8Zk-00153-00031624-00031846 perspective in 2021 what can our viewers BB1WUdNy8Zk-00154-00031847-00032023 expect to see from your company BB1WUdNy8Zk-00155-00032024-00032214 are you going to see a lot uh you know BB1WUdNy8Zk-00156-00032216-00032431 we've been busy over the last five years BB1WUdNy8Zk-00157-00032432-00032574 since the existence of BB1WUdNy8Zk-00158-00032575-00032807 uh connected to fiber you know growing BB1WUdNy8Zk-00159-00032808-00032918 faster than BB1WUdNy8Zk-00160-00032919-00033295 98 of all sas companies in existence BB1WUdNy8Zk-00161-00033296-00033518 and something we're really proud of i BB1WUdNy8Zk-00162-00033519-00033790 think you know from a 2021 perspective BB1WUdNy8Zk-00163-00033791-00033902 you're going to see BB1WUdNy8Zk-00164-00033903-00034299 significantly more growth as we expand BB1WUdNy8Zk-00165-00034300-00034615 geographically as we expand the use BB1WUdNy8Zk-00166-00034616-00034774 cases to support BB1WUdNy8Zk-00167-00034775-00034967 the service provider community that we BB1WUdNy8Zk-00168-00034968-00035143 care so much about BB1WUdNy8Zk-00169-00035144-00035407 i think introduction of new capabilities BB1WUdNy8Zk-00170-00035408-00035502 around BB1WUdNy8Zk-00171-00035503-00035855 concepts like bid management where we're BB1WUdNy8Zk-00172-00035856-00035999 you know not just automating BB1WUdNy8Zk-00173-00036000-00036215 transactional success but BB1WUdNy8Zk-00174-00036216-00036479 really helping systematically attack BB1WUdNy8Zk-00175-00036480-00036615 major transformation BB1WUdNy8Zk-00176-00036616-00036902 projects or large awards and keeping the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00177-00036903-00037030 ecosystem BB1WUdNy8Zk-00178-00037031-00037246 uh communicating with intelligence i BB1WUdNy8Zk-00179-00037247-00037343 think we'll BB1WUdNy8Zk-00180-00037344-00037702 see a move to to serviceability checks BB1WUdNy8Zk-00181-00037703-00038079 to real-time inventory in 2021 BB1WUdNy8Zk-00182-00038080-00038279 which will be a big milestone for the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00183-00038280-00038415 industry as we BB1WUdNy8Zk-00184-00038416-00038623 you know mitigate fallout and really BB1WUdNy8Zk-00185-00038624-00038790 help you know get people to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00186-00038791-00039039 uh align network services with the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00187-00039040-00039215 reality of cloud where you can click a BB1WUdNy8Zk-00188-00039216-00039255 button BB1WUdNy8Zk-00189-00039256-00039583 and get an instant response i love that BB1WUdNy8Zk-00190-00039584-00039767 it is certainly a growth story one that BB1WUdNy8Zk-00191-00039768-00039911 we're proud to uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00192-00039912-00040199 to report on and uh tell our viewers who BB1WUdNy8Zk-00193-00040200-00040311 might be listening and of course they BB1WUdNy8Zk-00194-00040312-00040359 want to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00195-00040360-00040527 go ahead and learn more about connected BB1WUdNy8Zk-00196-00040528-00040695 to fiber where can they go BB1WUdNy8Zk-00197-00040696-00040927 absolutely so i welcome you to come out BB1WUdNy8Zk-00198-00040928-00041030 to our website BB1WUdNy8Zk-00199-00041031-00041367 uh connected2fiber.com that is BB1WUdNy8Zk-00200-00041368-00041711 to the digit to fiverr.com BB1WUdNy8Zk-00201-00041712-00041958 or go to linkedin our company profile BB1WUdNy8Zk-00202-00041959-00042174 has the latest and greatest on a daily BB1WUdNy8Zk-00203-00042175-00042311 basis and uh BB1WUdNy8Zk-00204-00042312-00042455 yeah we appreciate the uh the BB1WUdNy8Zk-00205-00042456-00042662 opportunity to tell our story BB1WUdNy8Zk-00206-00042663-00042983 there you go connected to fiverr.com and BB1WUdNy8Zk-00207-00042984-00043046 by the way BB1WUdNy8Zk-00208-00043047-00043343 great new website we love the new look i BB1WUdNy8Zk-00209-00043344-00043430 love it too BB1WUdNy8Zk-00210-00043431-00043799 so thank you yeah so BB1WUdNy8Zk-00211-00043800-00043983 then as always we appreciate your time BB1WUdNy8Zk-00212-00043984-00044151 and insight some great predictions there BB1WUdNy8Zk-00213-00044152-00044318 and we look forward to more news ahead BB1WUdNy8Zk-00214-00044319-00044479 from connected to fiber BB1WUdNy8Zk-00215-00044480-00044671 and thank you viewers for tuning in to BB1WUdNy8Zk-00216-00044672-00044918 jsatv and jsa podcasts BB1WUdNy8Zk-00217-00044919-00046152 as always happy networking BBV-osmiqFc-00000-00000006-00000284 here's a similar problem when I click on BBV-osmiqFc-00001-00000285-00000697 the rectangle click open open in Excel BBV-osmiqFc-00002-00000698-00000902 down here the bottom we get the BBV-osmiqFc-00003-00000902-00001061 spreadsheet I'm gonna double click that BBV-osmiqFc-00004-00001062-00001458 to open it want to find the differences BBV-osmiqFc-00005-00001459-00002195 go first - second I'm just gonna copy BBV-osmiqFc-00006-00002196-00002620 that down and then I'm going to get the BBV-osmiqFc-00007-00002621-00003665 D bar that's just equal average and then BBV-osmiqFc-00008-00003665-00004361 the S so B is equal to standard BBV-osmiqFc-00009-00004362-00004588 deviation this is a sample so we get the BBV-osmiqFc-00010-00004589-00004813 S version take the standard deviation BBV-osmiqFc-00011-00004814-00005230 consider that tip BDzXjRy0Ucg-00000-00000119-00000247 foreign BDzXjRy0Ucg-00002-00006392-00006770 thank you BDzXjRy0Ucg-00003-00006772-00008723 [Music] BDzXjRy0Ucg-00004-00008724-00008871 foreign BDzXjRy0Ucg-00005-00008872-00011314 [Music] BDzXjRy0Ucg-00006-00011315-00011464 foreign BDzXjRy0Ucg-00007-00011465-00011860 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00000-00000059-00000363 if you're looking for James BEiGcun4X3y-00001-00000364-00000521 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00002-00000522-00001043 he don't live here anymore BEiGcun4X3y-00003-00001044-00001461 if you're looking for James BEiGcun4X3y-00004-00001462-00001511 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00005-00001512-00001648 um BEiGcun4X3y-00006-00001650-00001925 I'm telling you he don't live here BEiGcun4X3y-00007-00001926-00002145 anymore BEiGcun4X3y-00008-00002146-00003575 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00009-00003576-00004027 foreign BEiGcun4X3y-00010-00004028-00005394 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00011-00005395-00005476 [Applause] BEiGcun4X3y-00012-00005477-00006092 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00013-00006093-00006898 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00014-00006900-00007359 foreign BEiGcun4X3y-00016-00010590-00011110 okay BEiGcun4X3y-00017-00011111-00011535 I don't live here anymore BEiGcun4X3y-00018-00011536-00012572 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00019-00012573-00013236 [Music] BEiGcun4X3y-00020-00013237-00013795 and he don't live here anymore BGIOXJ1h11M-00000-00000200-00001771 [Music] BGIOXJ1h11M-00001-00001772-00002271 [Music] BGIOXJ1h11M-00002-00002272-00002534 up all night by myself BGIOXJ1h11M-00003-00002535-00002807 trying to figure ways to you BGIOXJ1h11M-00004-00002808-00003118 your voice stuck in my brain we never BGIOXJ1h11M-00005-00003119-00003327 got to see it BGIOXJ1h11M-00006-00003328-00003788 and i know i feel more BI4utbPcjLA-00000-00000031-00001726 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00001-00001727-00002142 charlie used to work on the darks BI4utbPcjLA-00002-00002143-00002479 the union's been on strike he's down on BI4utbPcjLA-00003-00002480-00002799 his luck it's tough BI4utbPcjLA-00004-00002800-00003084 he's down BI4utbPcjLA-00005-00003085-00003763 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00006-00003764-00003919 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00007-00003920-00004270 working for a man she brings home her BI4utbPcjLA-00008-00004271-00004461 faith BI4utbPcjLA-00009-00004462-00005086 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00010-00005087-00005415 she says we gotta hold on BI4utbPcjLA-00011-00005416-00005775 to what we got it doesn't make a BI4utbPcjLA-00012-00005776-00006143 difference if we make it all now we got BI4utbPcjLA-00013-00006144-00006673 each other and that's BI4utbPcjLA-00014-00006673-00007858 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00015-00007859-00008567 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00016-00008568-00008936 on prayer BI4utbPcjLA-00017-00008937-00010871 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00018-00010872-00011199 now he's holding it when he used to make BI4utbPcjLA-00019-00011200-00011401 it talk so BI4utbPcjLA-00020-00011402-00012583 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00021-00012584-00012951 when she cries in the night tommy BI4utbPcjLA-00022-00012952-00013247 whispers it's okay BI4utbPcjLA-00023-00013247-00013815 it's okay baby sunday BI4utbPcjLA-00024-00013816-00014366 she says we gotta hold on to what we got BI4utbPcjLA-00025-00014368-00014647 it doesn't make a difference if we make BI4utbPcjLA-00026-00014647-00014807 it all now BI4utbPcjLA-00027-00014808-00015255 we got each other and that's a lot for BI4utbPcjLA-00028-00015256-00015455 love BI4utbPcjLA-00029-00015456-00015666 we'll give BI4utbPcjLA-00030-00015666-00016758 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00031-00016759-00017891 we'll make it i swear BI4utbPcjLA-00032-00017892-00020206 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00033-00020207-00020227 [Applause] BI4utbPcjLA-00034-00020228-00020799 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00035-00020800-00021876 she says we gotta hold on BI4utbPcjLA-00036-00021877-00022393 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00037-00022394-00023742 [Applause] BI4utbPcjLA-00038-00023743-00024555 we'll make it i swear BI4utbPcjLA-00039-00024556-00026070 [Music] BI4utbPcjLA-00040-00026072-00026279 you BLJI7Vew0T8-00000-00000056-00000295 hey it's tim here and in tableau 2020.4 BLJI7Vew0T8-00001-00000296-00000471 tablet have added a new feature BLJI7Vew0T8-00002-00000472-00000695 called the connector gallery now i'm BLJI7Vew0T8-00003-00000696-00000774 actually BLJI7Vew0T8-00004-00000775-00000958 showcasing this for another connector BLJI7Vew0T8-00005-00000959-00001119 called the datarama connector because BLJI7Vew0T8-00006-00001120-00001250 essentially this has been added to BLJI7Vew0T8-00007-00001251-00001374 2020.4 BLJI7Vew0T8-00008-00001375-00001582 but if i go ahead to tableau desktop and BLJI7Vew0T8-00009-00001583-00001695 i have a look at the BLJI7Vew0T8-00010-00001696-00001975 window here you'll see that there is no BLJI7Vew0T8-00011-00001976-00002151 datarama connector in this list if i BLJI7Vew0T8-00012-00002152-00002375 just go down here and i search datarama BLJI7Vew0T8-00013-00002376-00002495 you'll see that nothing comes up BLJI7Vew0T8-00014-00002496-00002718 essentially there's nothing there so BLJI7Vew0T8-00015-00002719-00002823 it's actually a little bit of a BLJI7Vew0T8-00016-00002824-00002966 contrived way of adding this these are BLJI7Vew0T8-00017-00002967-00003150 not native connectors per se but what BLJI7Vew0T8-00018-00003151-00003279 they're essentially doing BLJI7Vew0T8-00019-00003279-00003495 is allowing partners to build connectors BLJI7Vew0T8-00020-00003496-00003679 so datarama can come along BLJI7Vew0T8-00021-00003679-00003847 uh look at the way tableau works using BLJI7Vew0T8-00022-00003847-00004022 their api and actually build their own BLJI7Vew0T8-00023-00004023-00004111 connector BLJI7Vew0T8-00024-00004112-00004335 think of these as sort of extensions or BLJI7Vew0T8-00025-00004336-00004502 hooks of into tablet BLJI7Vew0T8-00026-00004503-00004647 so if i go back to my browser here BLJI7Vew0T8-00027-00004648-00004775 you'll see that i'm back here on the BLJI7Vew0T8-00028-00004776-00004975 2020.4 feature page where they talk BLJI7Vew0T8-00029-00004976-00005151 about a data armor feature BLJI7Vew0T8-00030-00005152-00005422 so to find out where it is i'll go over BLJI7Vew0T8-00031-00005423-00005575 to the what's new and tableau desktop BLJI7Vew0T8-00032-00005576-00005702 page and you'll see here that there's a BLJI7Vew0T8-00033-00005703-00005838 new option here called BLJI7Vew0T8-00034-00005839-00006047 finding partner build connectors okay BLJI7Vew0T8-00035-00006048-00006263 and these partner built connectors BLJI7Vew0T8-00036-00006264-00006463 share the same home as the extension BLJI7Vew0T8-00037-00006464-00006639 gallery so i've got another tab open BLJI7Vew0T8-00038-00006640-00006767 here it's a little bit of an easter egg BLJI7Vew0T8-00039-00006768-00006814 hunt BLJI7Vew0T8-00040-00006815-00006998 and we've got the dashboard extensions BLJI7Vew0T8-00041-00007000-00007119 here uh if you're familiar with BLJI7Vew0T8-00042-00007120-00007246 dashboard extensions these are BLJI7Vew0T8-00043-00007247-00007319 essentially BLJI7Vew0T8-00044-00007320-00007478 plugins you can add to your dashboard BLJI7Vew0T8-00045-00007479-00007614 and they add functionality to your BLJI7Vew0T8-00046-00007615-00007678 dashboard BLJI7Vew0T8-00047-00007679-00007839 that maybe tableau don't think they BLJI7Vew0T8-00048-00007840-00007983 should build but other people in the BLJI7Vew0T8-00049-00007984-00008110 community think they should BLJI7Vew0T8-00050-00008111-00008246 and some of those are paid some of those BLJI7Vew0T8-00051-00008247-00008446 are free i highly encourage you to try BLJI7Vew0T8-00052-00008447-00008678 and use these and find out how they work BLJI7Vew0T8-00053-00008679-00008855 but there's now a new section called BLJI7Vew0T8-00054-00008856-00009039 connectors so now they've added that BLJI7Vew0T8-00055-00009040-00009103 sort of BLJI7Vew0T8-00056-00009104-00009287 gallery experience to the connectors and BLJI7Vew0T8-00057-00009288-00009527 here you can find the salesforce data BLJI7Vew0T8-00058-00009528-00009639 armor connector BLJI7Vew0T8-00059-00009640-00009863 and this is how essentially it works now BLJI7Vew0T8-00060-00009864-00010031 each of their connectors has its own BLJI7Vew0T8-00061-00010032-00010119 installation BLJI7Vew0T8-00062-00010120-00010271 instructions if we go over here to the BLJI7Vew0T8-00063-00010272-00010463 salesforce datarama section BLJI7Vew0T8-00064-00010464-00010631 um you get a little description of what BLJI7Vew0T8-00065-00010632-00010831 it does what drama can do BLJI7Vew0T8-00066-00010832-00010999 of course this has been built by BLJI7Vew0T8-00067-00011000-00011223 salesforce and datarama BLJI7Vew0T8-00068-00011224-00011374 but there's essentially instructions on BLJI7Vew0T8-00069-00011375-00011527 how to install it and so it's not your BLJI7Vew0T8-00070-00011528-00011655 typical installation BLJI7Vew0T8-00071-00011656-00011838 uh as you'd expect you know that comes BLJI7Vew0T8-00072-00011839-00011959 packaged with tableau BLJI7Vew0T8-00073-00011960-00012231 which is a you know a slightly uh less BLJI7Vew0T8-00074-00012232-00012431 desirable way of installing these but BLJI7Vew0T8-00075-00012432-00012559 essentially you follow these BLJI7Vew0T8-00076-00012560-00012759 instructions and then when you restart BLJI7Vew0T8-00077-00012760-00012935 tableau the installer is going to be BLJI7Vew0T8-00078-00012936-00013063 available so that's exactly what i'm BLJI7Vew0T8-00079-00013063-00013119 going to do BLJI7Vew0T8-00080-00013119-00013271 i'm going to take this data armor BLJI7Vew0T8-00081-00013272-00013455 connector we're going to fire up tableau BLJI7Vew0T8-00082-00013456-00013599 and we should hopefully see the data BLJI7Vew0T8-00083-00013600-00013766 armor connector in there okay BLJI7Vew0T8-00084-00013768-00013927 let's get involved okay so the first BLJI7Vew0T8-00085-00013928-00014103 thing i want to do is download BLJI7Vew0T8-00086-00014104-00014294 the extension so let's go ahead and hit BLJI7Vew0T8-00087-00014295-00014479 download i'm just going to save this to BLJI7Vew0T8-00088-00014480-00014655 my desktop i want to keep this somewhere BLJI7Vew0T8-00089-00014656-00014847 simple that i can access it later BLJI7Vew0T8-00090-00014847-00014991 you can see that it's called the data BLJI7Vew0T8-00091-00014991-00015315 armor jdbc i'll just call this BLJI7Vew0T8-00092-00015316-00015566 2024 so that i know where it's coming BLJI7Vew0T8-00093-00015568-00015630 from BLJI7Vew0T8-00094-00015631-00015766 and i'll just save it to my desktop BLJI7Vew0T8-00095-00015768-00015903 you'll see i've actually downloaded it BLJI7Vew0T8-00096-00015904-00015975 once already BLJI7Vew0T8-00097-00015976-00016143 and it's already on my desktop twice BLJI7Vew0T8-00098-00016144-00016375 essentially okay so over the next step BLJI7Vew0T8-00099-00016376-00016575 we need to move it to a specific folder BLJI7Vew0T8-00100-00016576-00016758 here in the documents actually have that BLJI7Vew0T8-00101-00016759-00016911 specific folder here BLJI7Vew0T8-00102-00016912-00017015 so what i'm going to do i'm going to BLJI7Vew0T8-00103-00017016-00017175 pause the video quickly and then open up BLJI7Vew0T8-00104-00017176-00017311 that folder just so you don't see some BLJI7Vew0T8-00105-00017312-00017447 of my personal files BLJI7Vew0T8-00106-00017448-00017686 in this exact location okay just give me BLJI7Vew0T8-00107-00017687-00017871 one second and we're back in a bit BLJI7Vew0T8-00108-00017872-00018055 okay so we've navigated to the location BLJI7Vew0T8-00109-00018056-00018199 we were asked to go to essentially this BLJI7Vew0T8-00110-00018200-00018367 is the tableau repository file and you BLJI7Vew0T8-00111-00018368-00018439 can see BLJI7Vew0T8-00112-00018440-00018558 there's a new place here called BLJI7Vew0T8-00113-00018559-00018694 connectors and essentially you want to BLJI7Vew0T8-00114-00018695-00018799 add the files BLJI7Vew0T8-00115-00018800-00019086 from the desktop into this location so BLJI7Vew0T8-00116-00019087-00019239 um what you want to do is essentially BLJI7Vew0T8-00117-00019240-00019391 drag it in there so what i'm going to do BLJI7Vew0T8-00118-00019392-00019511 i'm going to try and do a mac thing BLJI7Vew0T8-00119-00019512-00019567 which is BLJI7Vew0T8-00120-00019568-00019686 i was actually going to try and drag it BLJI7Vew0T8-00121-00019687-00019830 but of course the finder window went BLJI7Vew0T8-00122-00019831-00020007 into the background so what i'll do BLJI7Vew0T8-00123-00020008-00020167 is i'll be a little bit savvy i'll i'll BLJI7Vew0T8-00124-00020168-00020391 leave this here just off screen BLJI7Vew0T8-00125-00020392-00020614 i'll open up the connectors folder then BLJI7Vew0T8-00126-00020615-00020727 i can just uh BLJI7Vew0T8-00127-00020728-00020983 use this little gap here to drag it into BLJI7Vew0T8-00128-00020984-00021127 the desktop and there we go there we BLJI7Vew0T8-00129-00021128-00021214 have BLJI7Vew0T8-00130-00021215-00021399 the file uh where it needs to be and BLJI7Vew0T8-00131-00021400-00021558 it's a tacho file this is essentially BLJI7Vew0T8-00132-00021559-00021630 how BLJI7Vew0T8-00133-00021631-00021799 extensions sort of work inside of BLJI7Vew0T8-00134-00021800-00021967 tableau and this is essentially a BLJI7Vew0T8-00135-00021968-00022119 connector so we're pretty much good to BLJI7Vew0T8-00136-00022120-00022175 go BLJI7Vew0T8-00137-00022176-00022414 if i go back to the instructions you'll BLJI7Vew0T8-00138-00022415-00022503 see that BLJI7Vew0T8-00139-00022504-00022839 start tableau under connect select data BLJI7Vew0T8-00140-00022840-00022950 armor connector BLJI7Vew0T8-00141-00022951-00023127 note you'll be prompted if the driver is BLJI7Vew0T8-00142-00023128-00023311 not yet installed okay so essentially we BLJI7Vew0T8-00143-00023312-00023422 need to close tableau BLJI7Vew0T8-00144-00023423-00023583 and open it up again so let's go ahead BLJI7Vew0T8-00145-00023584-00023799 and do that let's go back here to tablet BLJI7Vew0T8-00146-00023800-00023950 on a mac to close table it's just BLJI7Vew0T8-00147-00023951-00024167 command q that closes every instance of BLJI7Vew0T8-00148-00024168-00024239 tableau BLJI7Vew0T8-00149-00024240-00024439 i'll just open up my finder here just to BLJI7Vew0T8-00150-00024440-00024639 bring up tableau 2020.4 BLJI7Vew0T8-00151-00024640-00024855 and you should see it opening up in a BLJI7Vew0T8-00152-00024856-00025007 second it might open up on my other BLJI7Vew0T8-00153-00025008-00025063 screen no BLJI7Vew0T8-00154-00025064-00025294 it's opened up here this is great and BLJI7Vew0T8-00155-00025295-00025439 now we have this open BLJI7Vew0T8-00156-00025440-00025575 and the moment of truth we're going to BLJI7Vew0T8-00157-00025576-00025743 see if the connector is actually there BLJI7Vew0T8-00158-00025744-00025999 so go down to more and if i look at it BLJI7Vew0T8-00159-00026000-00026158 there you can see data armor by BLJI7Vew0T8-00160-00026160-00026270 salesforce so now BLJI7Vew0T8-00161-00026272-00026470 that connect is then if i go ahead and BLJI7Vew0T8-00162-00026472-00026679 open it up it's going to check to make BLJI7Vew0T8-00163-00026680-00026846 sure i've got any drivers so if you go BLJI7Vew0T8-00164-00026847-00027023 back to the installation instructions BLJI7Vew0T8-00165-00027024-00027070 here BLJI7Vew0T8-00166-00027072-00027318 you can see here that it says um you BLJI7Vew0T8-00167-00027319-00027374 know BLJI7Vew0T8-00168-00027375-00027558 no you'll be prompted if the driver is BLJI7Vew0T8-00169-00027560-00027702 not yet installed so essentially the BLJI7Vew0T8-00170-00027704-00027783 jdbc BLJI7Vew0T8-00171-00027783-00027918 driver i think is what's essentially BLJI7Vew0T8-00172-00027919-00028151 going on here and then obviously if you BLJI7Vew0T8-00173-00028152-00028343 go to the driver installation page and BLJI7Vew0T8-00174-00028344-00028502 you follow the installation instructions BLJI7Vew0T8-00175-00028504-00028551 there BLJI7Vew0T8-00176-00028552-00028814 everything should start working fine you BLJI7Vew0T8-00177-00028816-00028974 get your workspace id BLJI7Vew0T8-00178-00028975-00029183 uh is basically start using connector as BLJI7Vew0T8-00179-00029183-00029367 normal so this is a really really sort BLJI7Vew0T8-00180-00029368-00029423 of BLJI7Vew0T8-00181-00029424-00029567 nice way of adding new connectors BLJI7Vew0T8-00182-00029568-00029774 actually to tableau and BLJI7Vew0T8-00183-00029775-00029951 specifically these can be connected that BLJI7Vew0T8-00184-00029952-00030127 you know tablet themselves haven't built BLJI7Vew0T8-00185-00030127-00030311 so this should start to open up BLJI7Vew0T8-00186-00030312-00030495 a world of possibilities for people who BLJI7Vew0T8-00187-00030495-00030623 are wanting to connect BLJI7Vew0T8-00188-00030624-00030839 to new data sources and maybe tablet BLJI7Vew0T8-00189-00030839-00030990 haven't you know put the time into BLJI7Vew0T8-00190-00030991-00031167 developing the connectors but actually BLJI7Vew0T8-00191-00031168-00031367 third parties are willing to do this and BLJI7Vew0T8-00192-00031368-00031495 partners are willing to do this and BLJI7Vew0T8-00193-00031495-00031551 therefore BLJI7Vew0T8-00194-00031552-00031774 they can go ahead and deploy this on the BLJI7Vew0T8-00195-00031775-00031879 gallery okay BLJI7Vew0T8-00196-00031880-00031990 that's pretty much a feature in a BLJI7Vew0T8-00197-00031991-00032151 nutshell we actually covered two things BLJI7Vew0T8-00198-00032152-00032335 there the data armor connector BLJI7Vew0T8-00199-00032336-00032502 and the extension gallery for data BLJI7Vew0T8-00200-00032503-00032655 connectors essentially i'm going to call BLJI7Vew0T8-00201-00032656-00032790 it the connector gallery BLJI7Vew0T8-00202-00032791-00032927 because i think it's important to sort BLJI7Vew0T8-00203-00032928-00033102 of signify that they're different things BLJI7Vew0T8-00204-00033103-00033287 um tablet call it partner built BLJI7Vew0T8-00205-00033288-00033423 connectors it's one of these things BLJI7Vew0T8-00206-00033424-00033583 where what is it actually called BLJI7Vew0T8-00207-00033584-00033759 is it uh extension gallery is it BLJI7Vew0T8-00208-00033760-00033911 dashboard extensions are they connectors BLJI7Vew0T8-00209-00033912-00033990 who knows BLJI7Vew0T8-00210-00033991-00034199 um the name will get decided by the BLJI7Vew0T8-00211-00034200-00034351 community at some point whatever name BLJI7Vew0T8-00212-00034352-00034495 sticks is whatever will happen BLJI7Vew0T8-00213-00034496-00034671 so i'll wait to see what happens there BLJI7Vew0T8-00214-00034672-00034790 but otherwise if you've enjoyed the BLJI7Vew0T8-00215-00034791-00034951 video you know what to do BLJI7Vew0T8-00216-00034952-00035135 drop a like subscribe you do the usual BLJI7Vew0T8-00217-00035136-00035327 thing if you don't send this video to BLJI7Vew0T8-00218-00035328-00035439 someone you don't like maybe they'll BLJI7Vew0T8-00219-00035440-00035559 like it instead BLJI7Vew0T8-00220-00035560-00035687 take it easy and i'll catch you in the BLJI7Vew0T8-00221-00035688-00036112 next one BpCsWeqPwlo-00000-00000035-00000191 thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00001-00000192-00000467 we now move to urgency motions I'm going BpCsWeqPwlo-00002-00000468-00000628 to deal with the BpCsWeqPwlo-00003-00000629-00000815 urgency motion put forward by Senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00004-00000816-00000916 Poco BpCsWeqPwlo-00005-00000917-00001115 so Senator pocock has submitted a BpCsWeqPwlo-00006-00001116-00001391 proposal understanding order 75 it's BpCsWeqPwlo-00007-00001392-00001673 shown on item 14 of today's order of BpCsWeqPwlo-00008-00001673-00002489 business is the proposal supported BpCsWeqPwlo-00009-00002490-00002626 thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00010-00002627-00002837 I understand that informal Arrangements BpCsWeqPwlo-00011-00002838-00003095 have been made to allocate specific BpCsWeqPwlo-00012-00003096-00003311 times to each of the speakers in today's BpCsWeqPwlo-00013-00003311-00003527 debate with the concurrence of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00014-00003528-00003725 Senate I asked the clerks to set the BpCsWeqPwlo-00015-00003726-00003922 clock accordingly and I call Senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00016-00003923-00004086 pocock BpCsWeqPwlo-00017-00004087-00004409 thank you president I move the motion BpCsWeqPwlo-00018-00004410-00004649 thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00019-00004650-00004954 Australians elected the 47th Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00020-00004955-00005279 with a mandate for real and a ambitious BpCsWeqPwlo-00021-00005280-00005554 climate action the government BpCsWeqPwlo-00022-00005555-00005951 may have their Mandate of 43 but there BpCsWeqPwlo-00023-00005952-00006233 are many MPS and Senators with their BpCsWeqPwlo-00024-00006234-00006527 mandate mandate for Action more in line BpCsWeqPwlo-00025-00006528-00006670 with the science BpCsWeqPwlo-00026-00006672-00006910 scientists have spent decades telling us BpCsWeqPwlo-00027-00006911-00007289 that we need to act now to hold global BpCsWeqPwlo-00028-00007290-00007559 warming to 1.5 degrees if we are to BpCsWeqPwlo-00029-00007559-00007925 avoid the worse impacts of climate BpCsWeqPwlo-00030-00007926-00008051 change BpCsWeqPwlo-00031-00008052-00008213 effects that we're already seeing BpCsWeqPwlo-00032-00008214-00008399 communities across the country are BpCsWeqPwlo-00033-00008400-00008513 experiencing BpCsWeqPwlo-00034-00008514-00008731 the costs are mounting up we're seeing BpCsWeqPwlo-00035-00008732-00009089 natural disaster after natural disaster BpCsWeqPwlo-00036-00009090-00009346 and we're not seeing the kind of action BpCsWeqPwlo-00037-00009347-00009731 from politicians that we need BpCsWeqPwlo-00038-00009732-00009917 the Safeguard mechanism presents an BpCsWeqPwlo-00039-00009918-00010156 opportunity for us to show BpCsWeqPwlo-00040-00010157-00010396 the children who come through here and BpCsWeqPwlo-00041-00010397-00010841 and watch Senate proceedings BpCsWeqPwlo-00042-00010842-00011033 children across the country BpCsWeqPwlo-00043-00011034-00011233 who have BpCsWeqPwlo-00044-00011234-00011585 asked the government who have taken the BpCsWeqPwlo-00045-00011586-00011735 government to court to say you have a BpCsWeqPwlo-00046-00011736-00011992 duty of care to look after us and we've BpCsWeqPwlo-00047-00011993-00012185 seen the Australian government challenge BpCsWeqPwlo-00048-00012186-00012335 that and say BpCsWeqPwlo-00049-00012336-00012664 we don't have a duty of care to young BpCsWeqPwlo-00050-00012665-00012910 people and future Generations BpCsWeqPwlo-00051-00012911-00013043 we have an opportunity with the BpCsWeqPwlo-00052-00013044-00013343 Safeguard mechanism to begin to bring BpCsWeqPwlo-00053-00013344-00013679 our climate action in line with the BpCsWeqPwlo-00054-00013680-00013816 science BpCsWeqPwlo-00055-00013818-00014249 the Safeguard mechanism has to work BpCsWeqPwlo-00056-00014250-00014621 it has to actually reduce emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00057-00014622-00014993 and this means ensuring that emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00058-00014994-00015257 reductions are real and not just on BpCsWeqPwlo-00059-00015258-00015383 paper BpCsWeqPwlo-00060-00015384-00015622 under the proposed BpCsWeqPwlo-00061-00015623-00016007 reform Australia will join Kazakhstan as BpCsWeqPwlo-00062-00016008-00016199 the only two countries in the world BpCsWeqPwlo-00063-00016200-00016553 that allow unfettered access BpCsWeqPwlo-00064-00016554-00016847 to offsets BpCsWeqPwlo-00065-00016848-00017008 and BpCsWeqPwlo-00066-00017009-00017429 it's obviously no no good there is a BpCsWeqPwlo-00067-00017430-00017758 huge amount of evidence and BpCsWeqPwlo-00068-00017759-00018047 agreement on the need BpCsWeqPwlo-00069-00018048-00018280 for an emissions reduction hierarchy BpCsWeqPwlo-00070-00018281-00018677 companies must first avoid and then BpCsWeqPwlo-00071-00018678-00019000 reduce their own emissions offsets BpCsWeqPwlo-00072-00019001-00019271 can only be used as a last resort BpCsWeqPwlo-00073-00019272-00019517 and to quote the former Chief scientist BpCsWeqPwlo-00074-00019518-00019703 Professor Ian Chubb BpCsWeqPwlo-00075-00019704-00019955 offset offsets can't be a device which BpCsWeqPwlo-00076-00019956-00020183 big emitters use not to change their BpCsWeqPwlo-00077-00020184-00020375 behavior and not to do something about BpCsWeqPwlo-00078-00020376-00020722 reducing emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00079-00020723-00020939 I have no doubt that Coalition centers BpCsWeqPwlo-00080-00020940-00021167 will stand up and speak about how the BpCsWeqPwlo-00081-00021168-00021341 Safeguard mechanism will put Industries BpCsWeqPwlo-00082-00021342-00021658 at risk and push up prices BpCsWeqPwlo-00083-00021659-00021797 what they're missing is the opportunity BpCsWeqPwlo-00084-00021798-00022097 for industry in a low-carbon economy BpCsWeqPwlo-00085-00022098-00022307 what they're missing is the moral BpCsWeqPwlo-00086-00022308-00022613 obligation to act on the biggest BpCsWeqPwlo-00087-00022614-00022835 challenge BpCsWeqPwlo-00088-00022836-00023399 humans have ever faced BpCsWeqPwlo-00089-00023400-00023686 we're blessed with an incredible wealth BpCsWeqPwlo-00090-00023687-00023957 of resources in this country BpCsWeqPwlo-00091-00023958-00024143 we hear a lot about resources and BpCsWeqPwlo-00092-00024144-00024317 resources will be a big part of our BpCsWeqPwlo-00093-00024318-00024413 future BpCsWeqPwlo-00094-00024414-00024635 but not fossil fuel resources we need to BpCsWeqPwlo-00095-00024636-00024989 focus on the resources of the future and BpCsWeqPwlo-00096-00024990-00025192 stop allowing politicians to conflate BpCsWeqPwlo-00097-00025193-00025511 the two and present people who want a BpCsWeqPwlo-00098-00025512-00025667 livable future who want to transition BpCsWeqPwlo-00099-00025668-00025931 away from fossil fuels as someone who is BpCsWeqPwlo-00100-00025932-00026381 against resources BpCsWeqPwlo-00101-00026382-00026531 our major trading partners are BpCsWeqPwlo-00102-00026532-00026770 decarbonizing and signed to give BpCsWeqPwlo-00103-00026772-00027029 preferential treatment to low carbon BpCsWeqPwlo-00104-00027030-00027233 Imports that is a massive opportunity BpCsWeqPwlo-00105-00027233-00027496 for Australia with our incredible BpCsWeqPwlo-00106-00027497-00027862 mineral mineral wealth BpCsWeqPwlo-00107-00027863-00028181 from the government will likely likely BpCsWeqPwlo-00108-00028182-00028379 hear that finally something is being BpCsWeqPwlo-00109-00028380-00028690 done and put in place for real climate BpCsWeqPwlo-00110-00028691-00028901 policy BpCsWeqPwlo-00111-00028902-00028979 um BpCsWeqPwlo-00112-00028980-00029140 but we don't have time for incremental BpCsWeqPwlo-00113-00029141-00029274 changes BpCsWeqPwlo-00114-00029275-00029501 we can't just say we're heading in the BpCsWeqPwlo-00115-00029502-00029645 right direction BpCsWeqPwlo-00116-00029645-00029812 the fires and floods of the last few BpCsWeqPwlo-00117-00029813-00029999 years should be a wake-up call BpCsWeqPwlo-00118-00030000-00030202 for all of us we owe it to those BpCsWeqPwlo-00119-00030204-00030401 communities we owe it to Australians we BpCsWeqPwlo-00120-00030402-00030496 owe it BpCsWeqPwlo-00121-00030497-00030683 to Australians who haven't been born yet BpCsWeqPwlo-00122-00030683-00030887 to deal with this now and we have an BpCsWeqPwlo-00123-00030888-00031252 opportunity with this legislation BpCsWeqPwlo-00124-00031254-00031468 we'll likely hear that that a hierarchy BpCsWeqPwlo-00125-00031469-00031679 of mitigation is assumed in the BpCsWeqPwlo-00126-00031680-00031823 legislation but there is nothing BpCsWeqPwlo-00127-00031824-00032164 explicit to ensure that we are avoiding BpCsWeqPwlo-00128-00032166-00032399 emissions we're reducing emissions and BpCsWeqPwlo-00129-00032400-00032627 then as a last resort BpCsWeqPwlo-00130-00032627-00032879 we're using the land sector BpCsWeqPwlo-00131-00032880-00033196 to offset so BpCsWeqPwlo-00132-00033197-00033449 I commend this to the Senate this is a BpCsWeqPwlo-00133-00033450-00033631 really important policy BpCsWeqPwlo-00134-00033632-00033874 but we have to get it right BpCsWeqPwlo-00135-00033875-00034151 and we have to have to ensure that it BpCsWeqPwlo-00136-00034152-00034439 reduces emissions in this country thank BpCsWeqPwlo-00137-00034440-00034715 you Senator pocock Senator dunium acting BpCsWeqPwlo-00138-00034716-00034859 Deputy president and I thank senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00139-00034860-00035089 pocock for the opportunity to speak on BpCsWeqPwlo-00140-00035090-00035387 this matter of the his urgency motion BpCsWeqPwlo-00141-00035388-00035555 relating to the Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00142-00035556-00035777 reform which of course is a live issue BpCsWeqPwlo-00143-00035778-00035927 in this Parliament and something that BpCsWeqPwlo-00144-00035928-00036239 there's been much deliberation upon I BpCsWeqPwlo-00145-00036240-00036574 note in the matter of urgency that BpCsWeqPwlo-00146-00036575-00036851 Senator pocock put before the chamber he BpCsWeqPwlo-00147-00036852-00037145 references global warming and keeping it BpCsWeqPwlo-00148-00037146-00037415 to 1.5 degrees and of course goes on to BpCsWeqPwlo-00149-00037416-00037607 talk about the design needing to be BpCsWeqPwlo-00150-00037608-00037727 based on an emissions reduction BpCsWeqPwlo-00151-00037728-00037889 hierarchy which we've just heard him BpCsWeqPwlo-00152-00037890-00038129 speak about that delivers genuine BpCsWeqPwlo-00153-00038130-00038399 emissions reductions while also ensuring BpCsWeqPwlo-00154-00038400-00038639 a future for essential Industries I BpCsWeqPwlo-00155-00038640-00038789 think it's important to focus on a BpCsWeqPwlo-00156-00038790-00039112 couple of points in that as I provide a BpCsWeqPwlo-00157-00039113-00039287 response from the Coalition on this BpCsWeqPwlo-00158-00039288-00039689 issue the issue of climate change is as BpCsWeqPwlo-00159-00039690-00039946 this motion does actually point out a BpCsWeqPwlo-00160-00039947-00040121 global one it's one where there is a BpCsWeqPwlo-00161-00040122-00040379 global responsibility so it is right for BpCsWeqPwlo-00162-00040380-00040583 us to do what we can here in this BpCsWeqPwlo-00163-00040584-00040829 country I think it is imperative that a BpCsWeqPwlo-00164-00040830-00041002 country that can should show BpCsWeqPwlo-00165-00041003-00041218 responsibility and do what it can to BpCsWeqPwlo-00166-00041219-00041387 minimize its impact on the environment BpCsWeqPwlo-00167-00041388-00041579 including when it comes to carbon BpCsWeqPwlo-00168-00041580-00041680 emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00169-00041681-00041933 but the problem with the BpCsWeqPwlo-00170-00041934-00042124 matter we're dealing with when it comes BpCsWeqPwlo-00171-00042125-00042407 to the safeguards mechanism that BpCsWeqPwlo-00172-00042408-00042580 currently something BpCsWeqPwlo-00173-00042581-00042952 that is a subject of consideration here BpCsWeqPwlo-00174-00042953-00043193 um there is a difference of opinion in BpCsWeqPwlo-00175-00043194-00043517 this place about exactly how best under BpCsWeqPwlo-00176-00043518-00043690 what is being proposed we can achieve BpCsWeqPwlo-00177-00043691-00043889 what it is we seek to achieve BpCsWeqPwlo-00178-00043890-00044045 minimizing human impact on the BpCsWeqPwlo-00179-00044046-00044207 environment in this case minimizing BpCsWeqPwlo-00180-00044208-00044501 carbon emissions without having an undo BpCsWeqPwlo-00181-00044502-00044795 and damaging impact on the economy it's BpCsWeqPwlo-00182-00044796-00044921 something I've talked about a couple of BpCsWeqPwlo-00183-00044922-00045137 times here for what it's worth in terms BpCsWeqPwlo-00184-00045138-00045479 of a coalition you know our view is that BpCsWeqPwlo-00185-00045480-00045652 the proposal that has been put forward BpCsWeqPwlo-00186-00045653-00045989 that is referenced in the motion here in BpCsWeqPwlo-00187-00045990-00046133 Broad terms is one that we haven't BpCsWeqPwlo-00188-00046134-00046427 properly seen assessed in terms of its BpCsWeqPwlo-00189-00046428-00046733 impact both on an environmental level BpCsWeqPwlo-00190-00046734-00046930 what impact it will have on emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00191-00046931-00047212 reductions we actually don't know there BpCsWeqPwlo-00192-00047213-00047333 are some projections a lot of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00193-00047334-00047465 modeling we know as we've just dealt BpCsWeqPwlo-00194-00047466-00047687 with emotion in this place around some BpCsWeqPwlo-00195-00047688-00047824 of the modeling the government refuses BpCsWeqPwlo-00196-00047825-00047999 to reveal to us we don't know what the BpCsWeqPwlo-00197-00048000-00048221 impact is going to be what Reliance on BpCsWeqPwlo-00198-00048222-00048462 carbon credits BpCsWeqPwlo-00199-00048463-00048773 similarly we don't know what impacts BpCsWeqPwlo-00200-00048774-00049030 such a proposition will have on the BpCsWeqPwlo-00201-00049031-00049290 economy it is something we've flagged as BpCsWeqPwlo-00202-00049291-00049571 something that needs more serious BpCsWeqPwlo-00203-00049572-00049762 consideration and more thought put into BpCsWeqPwlo-00204-00049763-00049883 it BpCsWeqPwlo-00205-00049884-00050129 the second part of Senator pocock's BpCsWeqPwlo-00206-00050130-00050452 matter of urgency talking about there BpCsWeqPwlo-00207-00050453-00050695 particularly at the tail end BpCsWeqPwlo-00208-00050696-00050921 when delivering genuine emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00209-00050922-00051130 reductions ensuring there is a future BpCsWeqPwlo-00210-00051131-00051311 for essential Industries and I think BpCsWeqPwlo-00211-00051312-00051544 that is absolutely important BpCsWeqPwlo-00212-00051545-00051737 part of the concern the Coalition has BpCsWeqPwlo-00213-00051738-00052001 around what is currently before us of BpCsWeqPwlo-00214-00052002-00052349 course is the idea that we will see BpCsWeqPwlo-00215-00052350-00052709 industries that cannot meet emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00216-00052710-00052888 reductions mandated under this BpCsWeqPwlo-00217-00052889-00053221 legislation and matching regulation BpCsWeqPwlo-00218-00053222-00053549 cannot access carbon credits either BpCsWeqPwlo-00219-00053550-00053729 through the Safeguard mechanism credits BpCsWeqPwlo-00220-00053729-00054088 or through accus faced with this BpCsWeqPwlo-00221-00054089-00054250 increased cost of doing business here BpCsWeqPwlo-00222-00054251-00054491 and the end result despite promises that BpCsWeqPwlo-00223-00054491-00054742 there will be a scheme to protect these BpCsWeqPwlo-00224-00054744-00054988 businesses these trade exposed BpCsWeqPwlo-00225-00054989-00055294 Industries like cement manufacturing for BpCsWeqPwlo-00226-00055295-00055642 example or aluminum production will be BpCsWeqPwlo-00227-00055644-00055882 protected through a formula we're not BpCsWeqPwlo-00228-00055883-00056075 convinced that that is the case the BpCsWeqPwlo-00229-00056076-00056375 proposal doesn't ensure a future for BpCsWeqPwlo-00230-00056376-00056542 essential Industries and that is as BpCsWeqPwlo-00231-00056544-00056735 important as making sure we get right BpCsWeqPwlo-00232-00056736-00056909 what we need to when it comes to BpCsWeqPwlo-00233-00056910-00057166 reducing emissions because if you don't BpCsWeqPwlo-00234-00057167-00057341 get both of those things right then BpCsWeqPwlo-00235-00057341-00057592 we're failing on both counts and no one BpCsWeqPwlo-00236-00057594-00057838 is better off and indeed when you don't BpCsWeqPwlo-00237-00057839-00058025 protect these trade exposed Industries BpCsWeqPwlo-00238-00058026-00058175 and try and bring them on the journey BpCsWeqPwlo-00239-00058176-00058349 with you try and work with them to BpCsWeqPwlo-00240-00058350-00058588 invest in Innovation and Technology BpCsWeqPwlo-00241-00058589-00058811 to work with academic and educational BpCsWeqPwlo-00242-00058812-00059057 institutions to provide better our BpCsWeqPwlo-00243-00059058-00059261 technology to minimize the impact on the BpCsWeqPwlo-00244-00059262-00059423 environment when you're not doing that BpCsWeqPwlo-00245-00059424-00059585 those businesses because of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00246-00059586-00059723 increased cost I talked about before BpCsWeqPwlo-00247-00059724-00060059 this 275 dollar penalty per ton of BpCsWeqPwlo-00248-00060060-00060400 carbon above the Baseline they will BpCsWeqPwlo-00249-00060401-00060635 either reduce production here in the BpCsWeqPwlo-00250-00060636-00060982 best case or simply shut up shop and go BpCsWeqPwlo-00251-00060983-00061091 offshore BpCsWeqPwlo-00252-00061091-00061282 and those emissions will be generated BpCsWeqPwlo-00253-00061283-00061432 that we could otherwise be working with BpCsWeqPwlo-00254-00061433-00061679 them to minimize here the generated BpCsWeqPwlo-00255-00061679-00061900 offshore somewhere else and so back to BpCsWeqPwlo-00256-00061901-00062057 that original point it's a global BpCsWeqPwlo-00257-00062058-00062291 responsibility it's a global problem and BpCsWeqPwlo-00258-00062291-00062482 we can't simply offshore our problems BpCsWeqPwlo-00259-00062483-00062650 and make someone else try and deal with BpCsWeqPwlo-00260-00062651-00062842 them because we will still have BpCsWeqPwlo-00261-00062844-00063107 uh the issues that Senator pocock talked BpCsWeqPwlo-00262-00063108-00063437 about before that's why it is right to BpCsWeqPwlo-00263-00063438-00063599 expect the information to understand the BpCsWeqPwlo-00264-00063600-00063797 government's proposal and to ensure BpCsWeqPwlo-00265-00063798-00063947 we're getting it right when it comes to BpCsWeqPwlo-00266-00063948-00064253 uh what it is we're putting in place to BpCsWeqPwlo-00267-00064254-00064492 reduce emissions but also to minimize BpCsWeqPwlo-00268-00064494-00064732 the impact on the environment for our BpCsWeqPwlo-00269-00064733-00064949 future Generations thank you Senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00270-00064950-00065249 dunium Senator McAllister uh thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00271-00065250-00065537 acting Deputy president uh thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00272-00065538-00065800 senator pocock for bringing forward this BpCsWeqPwlo-00273-00065801-00066005 afternoon's urgency debate action on BpCsWeqPwlo-00274-00066006-00066203 safeguards is urgent and this is BpCsWeqPwlo-00275-00066204-00066437 something that we can both agree on it BpCsWeqPwlo-00276-00066438-00066605 is exactly why the government has BpCsWeqPwlo-00277-00066606-00066803 legislation before the parliament right BpCsWeqPwlo-00278-00066804-00067061 now that alters the Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00279-00067062-00067247 so that facilities covered by the BpCsWeqPwlo-00280-00067248-00067529 mechanism must reduce their direct BpCsWeqPwlo-00281-00067530-00067787 emissions in the future and we can also BpCsWeqPwlo-00282-00067788-00068093 agree I think that reforms to the BpCsWeqPwlo-00283-00068094-00068279 Safeguard mechanism must ensure that BpCsWeqPwlo-00284-00068280-00068513 Australia's biggest emitters do their BpCsWeqPwlo-00285-00068514-00068650 fair share when it comes to emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00286-00068651-00068806 reduction BpCsWeqPwlo-00287-00068807-00069005 so on that basis that we're happy to BpCsWeqPwlo-00288-00069006-00069185 support the motion have this BpCsWeqPwlo-00289-00069186-00069413 conversation here in the Senate but we BpCsWeqPwlo-00290-00069414-00069665 think it is important to be clear about BpCsWeqPwlo-00291-00069666-00069929 the Safeguard mechanism reforms that we BpCsWeqPwlo-00292-00069930-00070241 propose and what we are doing because we BpCsWeqPwlo-00293-00070242-00070487 don't agree with the whole of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00294-00070488-00070805 Senator's contention in the motion BpCsWeqPwlo-00295-00070806-00071015 now our government is unapologetically BpCsWeqPwlo-00296-00071016-00071285 focused on transforming Australia's BpCsWeqPwlo-00297-00071286-00071626 domestic economy to a low-carbon economy BpCsWeqPwlo-00298-00071627-00071849 it is the most important thing we can do BpCsWeqPwlo-00299-00071850-00072029 to support the ambitious International BpCsWeqPwlo-00300-00072030-00072221 action that is necessary to contain BpCsWeqPwlo-00301-00072222-00072526 global warming to one and a half degrees BpCsWeqPwlo-00302-00072527-00072725 it's why one of our first acts in BpCsWeqPwlo-00303-00072726-00072929 government was to legislate an ambitious BpCsWeqPwlo-00304-00072930-00073115 but achievable emissions reduction BpCsWeqPwlo-00305-00073116-00073463 Target of 43 by 20 30 a floor not a BpCsWeqPwlo-00306-00073464-00073667 ceiling and our Safeguard reforms have BpCsWeqPwlo-00307-00073668-00073865 been carefully designed to support that BpCsWeqPwlo-00308-00073866-00074021 and to support Australia's biggest BpCsWeqPwlo-00309-00074022-00074213 emitters to remain competitive in a BpCsWeqPwlo-00310-00074214-00074441 decarbonizing global economy whilst BpCsWeqPwlo-00311-00074442-00074669 reducing their emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00312-00074670-00074861 a fit for purpose Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00313-00074862-00075113 does provide the policy certainty for BpCsWeqPwlo-00314-00075114-00075361 business to invest in decarbonization BpCsWeqPwlo-00315-00075362-00075617 and seize the opportunities from Global BpCsWeqPwlo-00316-00075618-00075856 energy transformation BpCsWeqPwlo-00317-00075857-00076043 now the mechanism we propose will BpCsWeqPwlo-00318-00076044-00076235 progressively lower baselines consistent BpCsWeqPwlo-00319-00076236-00076462 with our legislative Target we estimate BpCsWeqPwlo-00320-00076463-00076726 it will deliver 205 million tons of BpCsWeqPwlo-00321-00076727-00077032 abatement to 2030 and with respect to BpCsWeqPwlo-00322-00077033-00077273 Senator pocock this is not trivial and BpCsWeqPwlo-00323-00077274-00077579 this is not as characterized incremental BpCsWeqPwlo-00324-00077580-00077794 these reforms are significant and they BpCsWeqPwlo-00325-00077795-00077956 are designed so that all facilities BpCsWeqPwlo-00326-00077957-00078112 whether they are existing or whether BpCsWeqPwlo-00327-00078113-00078406 they are new reduce their emissions and BpCsWeqPwlo-00328-00078407-00078605 the proposal creates strong incentives BpCsWeqPwlo-00329-00078606-00078803 for facilities to reduce those Emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00330-00078804-00079025 on site and for the industrial sector to BpCsWeqPwlo-00331-00079026-00079162 decarbonize BpCsWeqPwlo-00332-00079163-00079421 of course for facilities who may reduce BpCsWeqPwlo-00333-00079422-00079649 emissions below their Baseline they will BpCsWeqPwlo-00334-00079650-00079817 have the opportunity to create and sell BpCsWeqPwlo-00335-00079818-00080111 Safeguard mechanism credits it is part BpCsWeqPwlo-00336-00080112-00080387 of arrangements for flexibility that's a BpCsWeqPwlo-00337-00080388-00080656 cure about our economic capacity and BpCsWeqPwlo-00338-00080657-00080885 Emissions reduction we want to ensure BpCsWeqPwlo-00339-00080886-00081023 that these facilities meet their BpCsWeqPwlo-00340-00081024-00081244 obligations but also that they can grow BpCsWeqPwlo-00341-00081245-00081491 we know that many Safeguard facilities BpCsWeqPwlo-00342-00081492-00081706 are in hard to Abate sectors like cement BpCsWeqPwlo-00343-00081707-00081905 and steel where technologies have not BpCsWeqPwlo-00344-00081906-00082073 yet been demonstrated or aren't yet BpCsWeqPwlo-00345-00082074-00082355 commercially available and the access to BpCsWeqPwlo-00346-00082356-00082606 flexible options is incredibly important BpCsWeqPwlo-00347-00082607-00082865 for these sectors BpCsWeqPwlo-00348-00082866-00083087 accus are part of this the land sector BpCsWeqPwlo-00349-00083088-00083344 is part of this and an Accu represents a BpCsWeqPwlo-00350-00083345-00083626 ton of emissions avoided or sequestered BpCsWeqPwlo-00351-00083627-00083825 we are strengthening confidence in that BpCsWeqPwlo-00352-00083826-00083975 scheme BpCsWeqPwlo-00353-00083976-00084221 to ensure the continued Integrity of BpCsWeqPwlo-00354-00084222-00084347 that abatement BpCsWeqPwlo-00355-00084348-00084467 we've done that through the chub BpCsWeqPwlo-00356-00084468-00084706 recommendations which found that the BpCsWeqPwlo-00357-00084707-00084869 scheme is sound BpCsWeqPwlo-00358-00084870-00085049 of course Professor Chubb made BpCsWeqPwlo-00359-00085050-00085217 recommendations for reform and were BpCsWeqPwlo-00360-00085218-00085415 committed to implementing those BpCsWeqPwlo-00361-00085416-00085619 but let's be real about this these BpCsWeqPwlo-00362-00085620-00085769 accused contribute to our legislative BpCsWeqPwlo-00363-00085770-00085967 legislative targets and they are not a BpCsWeqPwlo-00364-00085968-00086194 free pass facilities that choose to use BpCsWeqPwlo-00365-00086195-00086356 accus will have to buy them on the open BpCsWeqPwlo-00366-00086357-00086609 market and many businesses will choose BpCsWeqPwlo-00367-00086610-00086885 to permanently reduce emissions on the BpCsWeqPwlo-00368-00086886-00087179 in their own facilities on site BpCsWeqPwlo-00369-00087180-00087455 now of course as indicated BpCsWeqPwlo-00370-00087456-00087706 just now and in recent weeks those BpCsWeqPwlo-00371-00087707-00087856 opposite have made themselves irrelevant BpCsWeqPwlo-00372-00087857-00088097 to this process by opposing a policy BpCsWeqPwlo-00373-00088098-00088241 that they themselves propose to BpCsWeqPwlo-00374-00088242-00088385 implement when they were last in BpCsWeqPwlo-00375-00088386-00088559 government the former government of BpCsWeqPwlo-00376-00088560-00088744 course had Grand plans for Safeguard BpCsWeqPwlo-00377-00088745-00088925 crediting in fact it was their policy BpCsWeqPwlo-00378-00088926-00089141 right up to election day included in BpCsWeqPwlo-00379-00089142-00089309 their election document our plan for BpCsWeqPwlo-00380-00089310-00089603 resources and yet here we are Coalition BpCsWeqPwlo-00381-00089604-00089818 Senators repeating the same old lines BpCsWeqPwlo-00382-00089819-00090047 after a decade of delay of denial of BpCsWeqPwlo-00383-00090048-00090287 dysfunction all that there is on offer BpCsWeqPwlo-00384-00090288-00090515 is half-baked scare campaigns that are BpCsWeqPwlo-00385-00090516-00090826 made up from the same old talking points BpCsWeqPwlo-00386-00090827-00091085 but for the first time in a decade we BpCsWeqPwlo-00387-00091086-00091271 have a parliament comprised of members BpCsWeqPwlo-00388-00091272-00091426 and Senators who are willing to deliver BpCsWeqPwlo-00389-00091427-00091576 what the Australian people have been BpCsWeqPwlo-00390-00091577-00091823 crying out for for a decade action on BpCsWeqPwlo-00391-00091824-00092056 climate they called for Action loudly at BpCsWeqPwlo-00392-00092057-00092171 the election and now they have a BpCsWeqPwlo-00393-00092172-00092285 government that is willing to deliver BpCsWeqPwlo-00394-00092286-00092597 but we cannot do this on our own we BpCsWeqPwlo-00395-00092598-00092849 require a majority in this place and BpCsWeqPwlo-00396-00092850-00093023 when the legislation comes before BpCsWeqPwlo-00397-00093024-00093268 Senators it will be a choice of real BpCsWeqPwlo-00398-00093269-00093394 significance BpCsWeqPwlo-00399-00093395-00093779 we can seize or squander the only chance BpCsWeqPwlo-00400-00093780-00094097 before us to get emissions down from our BpCsWeqPwlo-00401-00094098-00094349 largest industrial emitters BpCsWeqPwlo-00402-00094350-00094523 are thank Senators for their BpCsWeqPwlo-00403-00094524-00094673 constructive engagement with Minister BpCsWeqPwlo-00404-00094674-00094894 Bowen and with the government and I look BpCsWeqPwlo-00405-00094895-00095068 forward to the debate proper when it BpCsWeqPwlo-00406-00095069-00095200 commences in this place thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00407-00095201-00095399 Senator McAllister Senator Waters thanks BpCsWeqPwlo-00408-00095400-00095579 very much acting Deputy president to BpCsWeqPwlo-00409-00095580-00095776 have any chance of getting the climate BpCsWeqPwlo-00410-00095777-00096100 crisis under control and meeting even BpCsWeqPwlo-00411-00096101-00096311 this government's weak emissions Target BpCsWeqPwlo-00412-00096312-00096653 there can be no new coal and gas BpCsWeqPwlo-00413-00096654-00096868 projects not one BpCsWeqPwlo-00414-00096869-00097085 the inquiry into labor Safeguard BpCsWeqPwlo-00415-00097086-00097288 mechanism heard from expert scientists BpCsWeqPwlo-00416-00097289-00097559 and economists the conclusion was clear BpCsWeqPwlo-00417-00097560-00097823 under the Safeguard mechanism as it is BpCsWeqPwlo-00418-00097824-00098159 currently proposed actual pollution from BpCsWeqPwlo-00419-00098160-00098459 coal and gas goes up BpCsWeqPwlo-00420-00098460-00098621 we're not talking about incremental BpCsWeqPwlo-00421-00098622-00098765 progress that the greens just don't BpCsWeqPwlo-00422-00098766-00098909 think goes far enough we are talking BpCsWeqPwlo-00423-00098910-00099179 about a flawed scheme that will actually BpCsWeqPwlo-00424-00099180-00099538 make the climate crisis worse surely the BpCsWeqPwlo-00425-00099539-00099773 measure of a good climate policy is BpCsWeqPwlo-00426-00099774-00100024 whether it makes pollution go down on BpCsWeqPwlo-00427-00100025-00100229 that measure alone the Safeguard BpCsWeqPwlo-00428-00100230-00100474 mechanism fails to deliver BpCsWeqPwlo-00429-00100475-00100643 throughout the inquiry the government BpCsWeqPwlo-00430-00100644-00100894 was asked repeatedly to show evidence BpCsWeqPwlo-00431-00100895-00101111 that the Safeguard mechanism would bring BpCsWeqPwlo-00432-00101112-00101344 down pollution from coal and gas they BpCsWeqPwlo-00433-00101345-00101603 made no such commitments the department BpCsWeqPwlo-00434-00101604-00101843 offered no evidence their own BpCsWeqPwlo-00435-00101844-00102029 projections confirmed that emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00436-00102030-00102244 from gas will increase BpCsWeqPwlo-00437-00102245-00102580 the emissions from the first five years BpCsWeqPwlo-00438-00102581-00102982 of the Scarborough gas project alone BpCsWeqPwlo-00439-00102983-00103336 will wipe out the entire claimed benefit BpCsWeqPwlo-00440-00103338-00103630 of the Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00441-00103631-00103799 it's difficult to have any confidence BpCsWeqPwlo-00442-00103800-00104039 that the scheme will do anything to curb BpCsWeqPwlo-00443-00104040-00104266 business as usual behavior from coal and BpCsWeqPwlo-00444-00104267-00104530 gas companies it's no wonder that it has BpCsWeqPwlo-00445-00104531-00104830 the support of Woodside of shell of Rio BpCsWeqPwlo-00446-00104831-00105028 Tinto of origin BpCsWeqPwlo-00447-00105029-00105239 the Safeguard mechanism only targets BpCsWeqPwlo-00448-00105240-00105569 scope 1 emissions and only 4.9 percent BpCsWeqPwlo-00449-00105570-00105815 of coal and gas entities covered by the BpCsWeqPwlo-00450-00105816-00106090 scheme will face a price signal any cost BpCsWeqPwlo-00451-00106091-00106336 impacts imposed on this fraction of a BpCsWeqPwlo-00452-00106338-00106589 fraction of overall emissions can be BpCsWeqPwlo-00453-00106590-00106847 completely offset with facilities able BpCsWeqPwlo-00454-00106848-00107063 to buy their way out of the scheme at a BpCsWeqPwlo-00455-00107064-00107357 very low price for a very low very long BpCsWeqPwlo-00456-00107358-00107639 time already contracted accuser BpCsWeqPwlo-00457-00107640-00107866 Australian carbon credit units account BpCsWeqPwlo-00458-00107867-00108073 for nearly 70 BpCsWeqPwlo-00459-00108074-00108466 of the total abatement goal so not only BpCsWeqPwlo-00460-00108467-00108731 can coal and gas continue at pollution BpCsWeqPwlo-00461-00108732-00108983 continue to rise as long as enough BpCsWeqPwlo-00462-00108983-00109216 offsets are bought but more than BpCsWeqPwlo-00463-00109217-00109439 two-thirds of the modest Ambitions of BpCsWeqPwlo-00464-00109440-00109631 this scheme will have been achieved BpCsWeqPwlo-00465-00109632-00109871 without a single dollar of new BpCsWeqPwlo-00466-00109872-00109997 investment BpCsWeqPwlo-00467-00109998-00110207 Lex exit arrangement for government BpCsWeqPwlo-00468-00110208-00110554 contracts will see 84 million land-based BpCsWeqPwlo-00469-00110555-00110795 offsets from the MR Angus Taylor era BpCsWeqPwlo-00470-00110796-00111016 flooding the private Market to be BpCsWeqPwlo-00471-00111017-00111202 scooped up by coal and gas companies BpCsWeqPwlo-00472-00111203-00111473 planning new projects this could push BpCsWeqPwlo-00473-00111474-00111658 out exposed industries that actually BpCsWeqPwlo-00474-00111659-00111875 need assistance to Abate their emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00475-00111876-00112145 the greens want genuine Australian BpCsWeqPwlo-00476-00112146-00112384 industry and Manufacturing to thrive BpCsWeqPwlo-00477-00112385-00112558 aluminum BpCsWeqPwlo-00478-00112559-00112810 steel bricks fertilizers glass and BpCsWeqPwlo-00479-00112811-00113051 cement all have a future in the clean BpCsWeqPwlo-00480-00113052-00113375 economy but coal and gas don't we should BpCsWeqPwlo-00481-00113376-00113531 be supporting genuine Australian BpCsWeqPwlo-00482-00113532-00113777 industry to transition not asking them BpCsWeqPwlo-00483-00113778-00114034 to make room in a finite carbon budget BpCsWeqPwlo-00484-00114035-00114286 for more coal and gas BpCsWeqPwlo-00485-00114288-00114593 we must limit the use of offsets and BpCsWeqPwlo-00486-00114594-00114827 ensure that offsets have integrity BpCsWeqPwlo-00487-00114828-00115060 the scheme allows entities to keep going BpCsWeqPwlo-00488-00115061-00115277 on as long as they buy enough dodgy BpCsWeqPwlo-00489-00115278-00115366 offsets BpCsWeqPwlo-00490-00115367-00115583 it's a clever accounting trick but it BpCsWeqPwlo-00491-00115583-00115775 won't fool the planet BpCsWeqPwlo-00492-00115776-00115943 the greens have made an offer to support BpCsWeqPwlo-00493-00115944-00116123 the Safeguard Bill if the government BpCsWeqPwlo-00494-00116124-00116501 commits to no new coal and gas but we've BpCsWeqPwlo-00495-00116502-00116669 also said that we're open to other ways BpCsWeqPwlo-00496-00116670-00116866 of achieving that end including through BpCsWeqPwlo-00497-00116867-00117095 a climate trigger BpCsWeqPwlo-00498-00117096-00117352 this nation has squandered the last BpCsWeqPwlo-00499-00117353-00117569 critical decade for climate action under BpCsWeqPwlo-00500-00117570-00117754 a climate denying government we need BpCsWeqPwlo-00501-00117755-00118013 this government to design a scheme that BpCsWeqPwlo-00502-00118014-00118234 makes pollution from coal and gas go BpCsWeqPwlo-00503-00118235-00118654 down not up thank you Senator Waters BpCsWeqPwlo-00504-00118655-00118960 Senator Chisholm thanks acting Deputy BpCsWeqPwlo-00505-00118961-00119123 president the government will be BpCsWeqPwlo-00506-00119124-00119308 supporting this urgency motion today BpCsWeqPwlo-00507-00119309-00119578 however we do not support all of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00508-00119579-00119860 substance of Senator pocom's motion let BpCsWeqPwlo-00509-00119861-00120131 me be clear the Albanese government does BpCsWeqPwlo-00510-00120132-00120340 agree that action on safeguards is BpCsWeqPwlo-00511-00120341-00120575 urgent we agree with Senator pocock on BpCsWeqPwlo-00512-00120576-00120677 that point BpCsWeqPwlo-00513-00120678-00120857 that urgency is exactly why the BpCsWeqPwlo-00514-00120858-00121043 government has legislation before the BpCsWeqPwlo-00515-00121044-00121240 parliament right now that will alter the BpCsWeqPwlo-00516-00121241-00121378 Safeguard mechanism to ensure BpCsWeqPwlo-00517-00121379-00121583 Australia's biggest emitters do their BpCsWeqPwlo-00518-00121583-00121727 fair share when it comes to emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00519-00121728-00121960 reduction and I was with the energy BpCsWeqPwlo-00520-00121961-00122165 Minister Chris Bowen in Gladstone at the BpCsWeqPwlo-00521-00122166-00122381 start of the year when he announced this BpCsWeqPwlo-00522-00122382-00122590 policy and set out the details of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00523-00122591-00122783 consultation process that we will go BpCsWeqPwlo-00524-00122783-00123034 through we have proposed a fit for BpCsWeqPwlo-00525-00123035-00123239 purpose Safeguard mechanism that will BpCsWeqPwlo-00526-00123240-00123425 provide policy certainly for businesses BpCsWeqPwlo-00527-00123426-00123599 and the regional communities they BpCsWeqPwlo-00528-00123600-00123815 support and will deliver genuine BpCsWeqPwlo-00529-00123816-00124060 emissions reductions the safeguards BpCsWeqPwlo-00530-00124061-00124295 legislation will be a test for senators BpCsWeqPwlo-00531-00124296-00124552 in this place for the first time in a BpCsWeqPwlo-00532-00124553-00124781 decade we have a parliament of senators BpCsWeqPwlo-00533-00124782-00125033 and members willing to deliver what the BpCsWeqPwlo-00534-00125033-00125189 Australian people have been crying out BpCsWeqPwlo-00535-00125190-00125536 for real action on climate at the last BpCsWeqPwlo-00536-00125538-00125723 elections Australia's voted for an end BpCsWeqPwlo-00537-00125724-00125927 to the division on climate Wars that BpCsWeqPwlo-00538-00125928-00126131 have plagued government policy for a BpCsWeqPwlo-00539-00126132-00126239 decade BpCsWeqPwlo-00540-00126240-00126413 and now they have an Albanese government BpCsWeqPwlo-00541-00126414-00126652 that is ready to deliver and wants to BpCsWeqPwlo-00542-00126653-00126743 deliver BpCsWeqPwlo-00543-00126744-00126893 we're getting on with the job and taking BpCsWeqPwlo-00544-00126894-00127133 action on climate just as Australians BpCsWeqPwlo-00545-00127133-00127421 expect us to do but we cannot do that on BpCsWeqPwlo-00546-00127422-00127690 our own we require majority support in BpCsWeqPwlo-00547-00127691-00127919 this Senate so I stayed in Senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00548-00127920-00128152 pocock and other Senators what will you BpCsWeqPwlo-00549-00128153-00128351 do when the Safeguard legislation comes BpCsWeqPwlo-00550-00128352-00128554 before the Senate because there is going BpCsWeqPwlo-00551-00128555-00128752 to be a clear choice that will need to BpCsWeqPwlo-00552-00128753-00128843 be made BpCsWeqPwlo-00553-00128844-00129023 Senator pocock can join with the BpCsWeqPwlo-00554-00129024-00129239 government and take decisive action to BpCsWeqPwlo-00555-00129240-00129527 get emissions down to take 205 million BpCsWeqPwlo-00556-00129528-00129754 tons of emissions out of the system to BpCsWeqPwlo-00557-00129755-00130036 2030 the equivalent of taking two-thirds BpCsWeqPwlo-00558-00130038-00130247 of Australian cars off the road BpCsWeqPwlo-00559-00130248-00130457 or it can choose to join the obstructors BpCsWeqPwlo-00560-00130458-00130708 and let's be clear they have been BpCsWeqPwlo-00561-00130709-00130931 obstructing action on climate change in BpCsWeqPwlo-00562-00130932-00131147 this chamber for decades both in BpCsWeqPwlo-00563-00131148-00131393 government and in opposition that is BpCsWeqPwlo-00564-00131394-00131639 their record he can sit alongside the BpCsWeqPwlo-00565-00131640-00131819 climate records and climate deniers on BpCsWeqPwlo-00566-00131820-00132028 the opposition benches and Block action BpCsWeqPwlo-00567-00132029-00132263 on climate that is the choice that BpCsWeqPwlo-00568-00132264-00132485 Senators will be facing we know what BpCsWeqPwlo-00569-00132486-00132652 happened when the greens face that same BpCsWeqPwlo-00570-00132653-00132919 choice in 2009 and BpCsWeqPwlo-00571-00132920-00133145 2010. instead of voting for the carbon BpCsWeqPwlo-00572-00133146-00133373 pollution reduction scheme they sat with BpCsWeqPwlo-00573-00133374-00133504 the Liberals and Nationals of Tony BpCsWeqPwlo-00574-00133505-00133811 Abbott and blocked climate action their BpCsWeqPwlo-00575-00133812-00134002 choice derailed climate action for a BpCsWeqPwlo-00576-00134003-00134261 decade is the reality so I say to BpCsWeqPwlo-00577-00134262-00134411 Senator pocock and other Senators BpCsWeqPwlo-00578-00134412-00134597 thinking of standing in the way of BpCsWeqPwlo-00579-00134598-00134975 safeguards do not let history repeat BpCsWeqPwlo-00580-00134976-00135137 there are good faith discussions BpCsWeqPwlo-00581-00135138-00135304 happening between the government the BpCsWeqPwlo-00582-00135305-00135490 greens and other Senators including BpCsWeqPwlo-00583-00135491-00135725 Senator pocock I thank these Senators BpCsWeqPwlo-00584-00135726-00135916 for their engagement which stands in BpCsWeqPwlo-00585-00135917-00136145 stark contrast to those opposite include BpCsWeqPwlo-00586-00136146-00136289 who under the leader of the opposition BpCsWeqPwlo-00587-00136290-00136523 are determined to oppose everything and BpCsWeqPwlo-00588-00136524-00136757 take no responsibility for cleaning up BpCsWeqPwlo-00589-00136758-00136978 the mess that they created BpCsWeqPwlo-00590-00136979-00137207 the Albanese government will work will BpCsWeqPwlo-00591-00137208-00137416 continue to work constructively with BpCsWeqPwlo-00592-00137417-00137699 those who are willing to be constructive BpCsWeqPwlo-00593-00137700-00137999 and important Partners on this task as BpCsWeqPwlo-00594-00138000-00138275 we look to reduce emissions but this is BpCsWeqPwlo-00595-00138276-00138509 an opportunity too important and too BpCsWeqPwlo-00596-00138510-00138754 urgent to miss that's why we agree that BpCsWeqPwlo-00597-00138755-00139007 this is a matter of urgency today and we BpCsWeqPwlo-00598-00139008-00139181 will be acting on this issue as a matter BpCsWeqPwlo-00599-00139182-00139451 of urgency in coming weeks BpCsWeqPwlo-00600-00139452-00139643 but if Senator pocock really believes BpCsWeqPwlo-00601-00139644-00139859 this is a matter of urgency and wants to BpCsWeqPwlo-00602-00139860-00140002 keep Faith with the people of the BpCsWeqPwlo-00603-00140003-00140266 Australian capital capital territory who BpCsWeqPwlo-00604-00140267-00140416 have been national leaders when it comes BpCsWeqPwlo-00605-00140417-00140614 to climate action then he will back our BpCsWeqPwlo-00606-00140615-00140801 legislation when it comes to the Senate BpCsWeqPwlo-00607-00140802-00140933 later this month BpCsWeqPwlo-00608-00140934-00141202 as I mentioned I was with Minister Bowen BpCsWeqPwlo-00609-00141203-00141401 in Gladstone when he announced our BpCsWeqPwlo-00610-00141402-00141587 proposals around the Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00611-00141588-00141814 and the important point about that is BpCsWeqPwlo-00612-00141815-00142066 that we want to work with industry to BpCsWeqPwlo-00613-00142067-00142216 ensure that they can lower their BpCsWeqPwlo-00614-00142217-00142385 emissions because a lot of these BpCsWeqPwlo-00615-00142386-00142714 industries are very important to our BpCsWeqPwlo-00616-00142715-00142961 national Supply chains but also the BpCsWeqPwlo-00617-00142962-00143171 tasks that we face in rebuilding BpCsWeqPwlo-00618-00143172-00143393 Manufacturing in this country as well so BpCsWeqPwlo-00619-00143394-00143609 unlike the greens who operate in a silo BpCsWeqPwlo-00620-00143610-00143866 on these issues we know how important it BpCsWeqPwlo-00621-00143867-00144083 is to work constructively with industry BpCsWeqPwlo-00622-00144084-00144304 who want to bring down their emissions BpCsWeqPwlo-00623-00144305-00144490 and we want to provide the government BpCsWeqPwlo-00624-00144491-00144737 leadership to enable that that can BpCsWeqPwlo-00625-00144738-00144916 happen and that's what we want to do BpCsWeqPwlo-00626-00144917-00145133 through the Safeguard mechanisms that's BpCsWeqPwlo-00627-00145134-00145313 what Minister Bowen announced when we're BpCsWeqPwlo-00628-00145314-00145613 in Gladstone in January and that's what BpCsWeqPwlo-00629-00145614-00145840 the government intends on delivering on BpCsWeqPwlo-00630-00145841-00146140 over the coming weeks in this chamber so BpCsWeqPwlo-00631-00146141-00146435 I'd call on all Senators to engage in BpCsWeqPwlo-00632-00146436-00146663 constructive discussion to ensure that BpCsWeqPwlo-00633-00146664-00146849 we can pass this Safeguard mechanism BpCsWeqPwlo-00634-00146850-00147089 because it is is a vital importance for BpCsWeqPwlo-00635-00147090-00147335 Australia's future but it is also of BpCsWeqPwlo-00636-00147336-00147587 vital importance for Australia's BpCsWeqPwlo-00637-00147588-00147907 industries that they can continue to BpCsWeqPwlo-00638-00147908-00148271 operate and also deliver the employment BpCsWeqPwlo-00639-00148272-00148540 that so many Regional families rely on BpCsWeqPwlo-00640-00148541-00148757 that's what we want to deliver thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00641-00148758-00149069 Senator Chisholm Senator Steele John BpCsWeqPwlo-00642-00149070-00149327 the northern jarrah forests of my home BpCsWeqPwlo-00643-00149328-00149609 state of Western Australia are some of BpCsWeqPwlo-00644-00149610-00149827 the most beautiful BpCsWeqPwlo-00645-00149828-00150185 diverse and vulnerable forests on planet BpCsWeqPwlo-00646-00150186-00150269 Earth BpCsWeqPwlo-00647-00150270-00150625 the preservation of these forests and BpCsWeqPwlo-00648-00150626-00151031 their continued contribution to action BpCsWeqPwlo-00649-00151032-00151343 on climate change is Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00650-00151344-00151637 and they have indeed been identified as BpCsWeqPwlo-00651-00151638-00151985 an ecosystem of particular risk due to BpCsWeqPwlo-00652-00151986-00152387 the increasingly drying climate which is BpCsWeqPwlo-00653-00152388-00152704 a reality of climate change it is places BpCsWeqPwlo-00654-00152705-00153001 like this that I want to see protected BpCsWeqPwlo-00655-00153002-00153328 it is places like this BpCsWeqPwlo-00656-00153329-00153551 and the contribution that they make to BpCsWeqPwlo-00657-00153552-00153761 our planet in our community BpCsWeqPwlo-00658-00153762-00153976 which should call on us among so many BpCsWeqPwlo-00659-00153977-00154361 other things to pass climate laws which BpCsWeqPwlo-00660-00154362-00154666 take on corporations and actually tackle BpCsWeqPwlo-00661-00154667-00154889 the climate crisis BpCsWeqPwlo-00662-00154890-00155309 corporations for instance such as Alcoa BpCsWeqPwlo-00663-00155310-00155723 have gotten away with far too much for BpCsWeqPwlo-00664-00155724-00155849 far too long BpCsWeqPwlo-00665-00155850-00156137 not only have they been clearing our BpCsWeqPwlo-00666-00156138-00156473 forests just last month it was revealed BpCsWeqPwlo-00667-00156474-00156749 that they have built a pipeline carrying BpCsWeqPwlo-00668-00156750-00157043 toxic waste across Western Australia BpCsWeqPwlo-00669-00157044-00157240 right over the top BpCsWeqPwlo-00670-00157241-00157589 of a key water supply Dam BpCsWeqPwlo-00671-00157590-00157852 toxic waste BpCsWeqPwlo-00672-00157853-00158081 flying over the top of a drinking water BpCsWeqPwlo-00673-00158082-00158261 Reserve BpCsWeqPwlo-00674-00158262-00158663 this toxic waste contains forever BpCsWeqPwlo-00675-00158664-00159047 chemicals known to cause serious adverse BpCsWeqPwlo-00676-00159048-00159328 health issues including cancer and BpCsWeqPwlo-00677-00159329-00159581 impacts on reproductive health BpCsWeqPwlo-00678-00159582-00159863 now this wasn't sort of unforeseen BpCsWeqPwlo-00679-00159864-00160128 accident this wasn't an unfortunate BpCsWeqPwlo-00680-00160129-00160487 whoopsie Alcoa made an application to BpCsWeqPwlo-00681-00160488-00160726 build this pipeline the application was BpCsWeqPwlo-00682-00160727-00161045 under assessment and our color went BpCsWeqPwlo-00683-00161046-00161435 ahead and built the thing anyway BpCsWeqPwlo-00684-00161436-00161711 now you'd rightfully assume that such BpCsWeqPwlo-00685-00161712-00162004 willful disregard for human health and BpCsWeqPwlo-00686-00162005-00162319 the law would result in harsh penalties BpCsWeqPwlo-00687-00162320-00162676 significant fines criminal charges BpCsWeqPwlo-00688-00162677-00163085 strike me as appropriate so what BpCsWeqPwlo-00689-00163086-00163385 happened well Alcoa was forced to purge BpCsWeqPwlo-00690-00163386-00163619 the pipeline and BpCsWeqPwlo-00691-00163620-00163937 no nothing that's it that's all that's BpCsWeqPwlo-00692-00163938-00164171 all they were required to do this is BpCsWeqPwlo-00693-00164172-00164416 again uh not something that went BpCsWeqPwlo-00694-00164417-00164693 unforeseen Alcoa knew that this was BpCsWeqPwlo-00695-00164694-00164933 exactly how it would play out just as BpCsWeqPwlo-00696-00164934-00165257 Rio Tinto knew when they misplaced a BpCsWeqPwlo-00697-00165258-00165497 radioactive capsule somewhere in the BpCsWeqPwlo-00698-00165498-00165761 pilbara and the worst they faced was a BpCsWeqPwlo-00699-00165762-00166043 one thousand dollar fine Ewa mining BpCsWeqPwlo-00700-00166044-00166211 companies know that it is better for BpCsWeqPwlo-00701-00166212-00166540 business to ask forgiveness rather than BpCsWeqPwlo-00702-00166541-00166799 permission these corporations must be BpCsWeqPwlo-00703-00166800-00167140 held to account via climate laws for BpCsWeqPwlo-00704-00167141-00167369 their impact on the climate crisis till BpCsWeqPwlo-00705-00167370-00167675 John uh Senator wish Wilson thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00706-00167676-00167813 Deputy president BpCsWeqPwlo-00707-00167814-00168016 um it was good to hear labor Senators BpCsWeqPwlo-00708-00168017-00168197 today acknowledge that millions of BpCsWeqPwlo-00709-00168198-00168563 Australians after more than a decade of BpCsWeqPwlo-00710-00168564-00168863 climate in action in this place voted to BpCsWeqPwlo-00711-00168864-00169054 get climate action in this Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00712-00169055-00169343 and isn't it ironic BpCsWeqPwlo-00713-00169344-00169637 that the first piece of legislation we BpCsWeqPwlo-00714-00169638-00169889 have before us in this Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00715-00169890-00170123 is the next Tony Abbott piece of BpCsWeqPwlo-00716-00170124-00170266 legislation BpCsWeqPwlo-00717-00170267-00170428 now assume we are going to debate BpCsWeqPwlo-00718-00170429-00170747 whether you can polish a turd but let me BpCsWeqPwlo-00719-00170748-00170981 tell you right here and now the only BpCsWeqPwlo-00720-00170982-00171101 thing BpCsWeqPwlo-00721-00171102-00171461 this legislation will safeguard BpCsWeqPwlo-00722-00171462-00171749 is the profits BpCsWeqPwlo-00723-00171750-00172054 of big polluting companies the only BpCsWeqPwlo-00724-00172055-00172175 thing BpCsWeqPwlo-00725-00172176-00172504 this legislation will safeguard is the BpCsWeqPwlo-00726-00172505-00172799 Cozy relationship between the labor BpCsWeqPwlo-00727-00172800-00172966 political party and the liberal BpCsWeqPwlo-00728-00172967-00173201 political party and their big fossil BpCsWeqPwlo-00729-00173202-00173404 fuel donors BpCsWeqPwlo-00730-00173405-00173609 equal it safeguard BpCsWeqPwlo-00731-00173610-00173825 the children who are here in the chamber BpCsWeqPwlo-00732-00173826-00174076 today watching this debate and their BpCsWeqPwlo-00733-00174077-00174185 futures BpCsWeqPwlo-00734-00174186-00174533 it won't Safeguard our climate or our BpCsWeqPwlo-00735-00174534-00174778 environment or our communities that are BpCsWeqPwlo-00736-00174779-00174928 suffering and have been in Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00737-00174929-00175193 this week urging us not to pass this BpCsWeqPwlo-00738-00175194-00175571 Safeguard mechanism as it is BpCsWeqPwlo-00739-00175572-00175847 you can't fix a problem by making it BpCsWeqPwlo-00740-00175848-00176038 worse BpCsWeqPwlo-00741-00176039-00176261 we are not going to let this opportunity BpCsWeqPwlo-00742-00176262-00176363 pass BpCsWeqPwlo-00743-00176364-00176621 the 1.8 million Australians who voted BpCsWeqPwlo-00744-00176622-00176843 for the greens to give us the bounce of BpCsWeqPwlo-00745-00176844-00177101 power in this place to make sure we get BpCsWeqPwlo-00746-00177102-00177233 climate action in this Parliament BpCsWeqPwlo-00747-00177234-00177563 because it has been too long BpCsWeqPwlo-00748-00177564-00177785 some of us have been in this chamber day BpCsWeqPwlo-00749-00177786-00178025 in day day out now for over a decade BpCsWeqPwlo-00750-00178026-00178264 trying to get climate action and I thank BpCsWeqPwlo-00751-00178265-00178552 senator pocock for bringing this debate BpCsWeqPwlo-00752-00178553-00178751 here today BpCsWeqPwlo-00753-00178752-00178949 we will not be locking in Failure BpCsWeqPwlo-00754-00178950-00179147 Senators I'm happy to take your BpCsWeqPwlo-00755-00179148-00179435 objection I I don't know why you keep BpCsWeqPwlo-00756-00179436-00179585 writing Julie Gillard out of the history BpCsWeqPwlo-00757-00179586-00179764 books because she was able to come in BpCsWeqPwlo-00758-00179765-00180035 here and with the degrees negotiate what BpCsWeqPwlo-00759-00180036-00180185 was the gold standard around the world BpCsWeqPwlo-00760-00180186-00180437 for climate action we're very proud of BpCsWeqPwlo-00761-00180438-00180647 that I'm not sure why you and the labor BpCsWeqPwlo-00762-00180648-00180826 political party keep writing her out of BpCsWeqPwlo-00763-00180827-00181102 the history books going back to 2009. BpCsWeqPwlo-00764-00181103-00181397 well the world's changed since 2009. in BpCsWeqPwlo-00765-00181398-00181588 case you haven't noticed the physical BpCsWeqPwlo-00766-00181589-00181793 world is changing BpCsWeqPwlo-00767-00181794-00182051 the berry reef is bleaching you can BpCsWeqPwlo-00768-00182052-00182237 laugh at the barrier roof bleaking which BpCsWeqPwlo-00769-00182238-00182476 you always do Senator Caravan and I hope BpCsWeqPwlo-00770-00182477-00182740 the cameras once again coming close on BpCsWeqPwlo-00771-00182741-00182933 your smiling face while we're talking BpCsWeqPwlo-00772-00182934-00183185 about the death of our natural world our BpCsWeqPwlo-00773-00183186-00183383 forest burning the loss of biodiversity BpCsWeqPwlo-00774-00183384-00183616 the shifts we're seeing in nature you BpCsWeqPwlo-00775-00183617-00183778 might think that's funny but we're in BpCsWeqPwlo-00776-00183779-00184102 here to get climate action that's what BpCsWeqPwlo-00777-00184103-00184319 Australians put us in for in this place BpCsWeqPwlo-00778-00184320-00184625 for and we will not let them down thank BpCsWeqPwlo-00779-00184626-00184909 you Senator wish Wilson so the question BpCsWeqPwlo-00780-00184910-00185243 before the chair well the rate seconds BpCsWeqPwlo-00781-00185244-00185411 left if anyone wants to take the final BpCsWeqPwlo-00782-00185412-00185549 eight seconds BpCsWeqPwlo-00783-00185550-00185711 no well the question before the chair BpCsWeqPwlo-00784-00185712-00185873 therefore is the motion to move by BpCsWeqPwlo-00785-00185874-00186245 Senator pocock those sorry Senator David BpCsWeqPwlo-00786-00186246-00186551 pocock those are that opinion say I BpCsWeqPwlo-00787-00186552-00186809 those against say no BpCsWeqPwlo-00788-00186810-00187049 I think the nose have it I'll think of BpCsWeqPwlo-00789-00187050-00187175 the eyes have it I think the eyes have BpCsWeqPwlo-00790-00187176-00187325 it BpCsWeqPwlo-00791-00187326-00187583 nose habit okay division required BpCsWeqPwlo-00792-00187584-00187837 division required yes BpCsWeqPwlo-00796-00199812-00201971 here we go BpCsWeqPwlo-00797-00201972-00202175 father BpCsWeqPwlo-00798-00202176-00204373 's office BpCsWeqPwlo-00799-00204374-00204888 that's right BpCsWeqPwlo-00802-00213026-00214175 thank you BpCsWeqPwlo-00803-00214176-00214606 lock the doors so the question is that BpCsWeqPwlo-00804-00214607-00214834 the urgency promotion standing in the BpCsWeqPwlo-00805-00214835-00215069 name of Senator pocox sending the name BpCsWeqPwlo-00806-00215069-00215273 of senator pocock be agreed to that I BpCsWeqPwlo-00807-00215273-00215405 shall move to the right of the chair the BpCsWeqPwlo-00808-00215406-00215548 nose to the left eye appoint Senator BpCsWeqPwlo-00809-00215550-00215746 practice tell her for the eyes and BpCsWeqPwlo-00810-00215748-00216334 Senator Askew was teller for the nose BpCsWeqPwlo-00812-00222809-00223956 for me BpCsWeqPwlo-00815-00236317-00236687 order they're being 32 eyes and 27 knows BpCsWeqPwlo-00816-00236688-00237050 matter is resolved in the affirmative BOQqBRtbMVk-00002-00009030-00009863 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00003-00009864-00010184 so BOQqBRtbMVk-00004-00010185-00012686 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00005-00012687-00015497 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00006-00015499-00016232 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00007-00016233-00017327 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00008-00017328-00017807 [Music] BOQqBRtbMVk-00009-00017808-00018016 you BQun3gv3xjY-00000-00000003-00000206 the central business district of belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00001-00000206-00000569 CBD Belapur is a node of Navi Mumbai the BQun3gv3xjY-00002-00000570-00000794 Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation is BQun3gv3xjY-00003-00000795-00001007 headquartered in belapur the Reserve BQun3gv3xjY-00004-00001008-00001214 Bank of India maintains a branch office BQun3gv3xjY-00005-00001215-00001553 at CBD Belapur this area is one of the BQun3gv3xjY-00006-00001554-00001759 fastest developing region in Navi Mumbai BQun3gv3xjY-00007-00001760-00001967 in terms of new residential and BQun3gv3xjY-00008-00001968-00002279 commercial construction projects CBD BQun3gv3xjY-00009-00002280-00002476 Belapur is connected to other parts of BQun3gv3xjY-00010-00002477-00002720 Mumbai through railways best in nm MT BQun3gv3xjY-00011-00002721-00002983 buses it had a ferry service for BQun3gv3xjY-00012-00002984-00003182 traveling to elephanta caves from sector BQun3gv3xjY-00013-00003183-00003506 11 CBD Belapur as a chief business BQun3gv3xjY-00014-00003507-00003758 district of Mumbai after Vashi Bandra BQun3gv3xjY-00015-00003759-00004038 Kurla complex Nariman Point and Worli BQun3gv3xjY-00016-00004039-00004304 CBD Belapur has been growing since the BQun3gv3xjY-00017-00004305-00004552 1990s and is now home to colleges as BQun3gv3xjY-00018-00004553-00004709 well as a number of Technology BQun3gv3xjY-00019-00004710-00005279 businesses BQun3gv3xjY-00020-00005280-00005783 topic history BQun3gv3xjY-00021-00005784-00005996 the area near belapur was under BQun3gv3xjY-00022-00005997-00006269 Portuguese rule around 1560 before it BQun3gv3xjY-00023-00006270-00006467 was captured by the cities of Janjira in BQun3gv3xjY-00024-00006468-00006716 those days the town was called Bella BQun3gv3xjY-00025-00006717-00006917 wall by the locals and Sam bail or BQun3gv3xjY-00026-00006918-00007256 Shabazz by the Portuguese in 1682 BQun3gv3xjY-00027-00007256-00007502 the Portuguese recaptured shahboz only BQun3gv3xjY-00028-00007503-00007852 to lose it to the mirada's in 1733 in BQun3gv3xjY-00029-00007853-00008120 1817 the British East India Company BQun3gv3xjY-00030-00008120-00008315 captured the area from the mirada's it BQun3gv3xjY-00031-00008316-00008546 is the southernmost town in the fane BQun3gv3xjY-00032-00008547-00008914 district as well as the Thane Toluca BQun3gv3xjY-00033-00008915-00009208 topic economy CBD Belapur houses several BQun3gv3xjY-00034-00009209-00009418 economic and government administrative BQun3gv3xjY-00035-00009419-00009649 and private companies offices including BQun3gv3xjY-00036-00009650-00009928 government offices and banks Konkan BQun3gv3xjY-00037-00009929-00010126 Bhavan building houses several state BQun3gv3xjY-00038-00010127-00010315 government offices like the director of BQun3gv3xjY-00039-00010316-00010468 Town Planning and public works BQun3gv3xjY-00040-00010469-00010816 department the cgo complex central BQun3gv3xjY-00041-00010817-00011023 government office has offices of chief BQun3gv3xjY-00042-00011024-00011236 commissioner of central excess special BQun3gv3xjY-00043-00011237-00011545 crime branch M T and L in court other BQun3gv3xjY-00044-00011546-00011725 government offices include cotton BQun3gv3xjY-00045-00011726-00011929 Corporation of India Limited and the BQun3gv3xjY-00046-00011930-00012178 headquarters of Konkan railway the BQun3gv3xjY-00047-00012179-00012385 Reserve Bank of India State Bank of BQun3gv3xjY-00048-00012386-00012646 India SBI Bank of India Punjab National BQun3gv3xjY-00049-00012647-00012910 Bank Industrial Development Bank of BQun3gv3xjY-00050-00012911-00013108 India Limited IDBI and other BQun3gv3xjY-00051-00013109-00013297 nationalized banks have their presence BQun3gv3xjY-00052-00013297-00013636 here CBD Belapur is home to several call BQun3gv3xjY-00053-00013637-00013866 centers including choice connects Wipro BQun3gv3xjY-00054-00013868-00014152 BPO Kaizen and silk route choice BQun3gv3xjY-00055-00014153-00014380 connects specializes in outbound sales BQun3gv3xjY-00056-00014381-00014671 for us Australia and UAE and has started BQun3gv3xjY-00057-00014672-00014841 domestic operations as well BQun3gv3xjY-00058-00014843-00015115 it has markets for local population in BQun3gv3xjY-00059-00015116-00015316 sectors three four five and six BQun3gv3xjY-00060-00015316-00015661 it has MGM hospital which covers the BQun3gv3xjY-00061-00015662-00015925 local populations medical needs a new BQun3gv3xjY-00062-00015926-00016159 charitable hospital acharya shree manish BQun3gv3xjY-00063-00016160-00016354 hospital is scheduled to open in the BQun3gv3xjY-00064-00016355-00016612 artist village within Belapur it has a BQun3gv3xjY-00065-00016613-00016816 number of restaurants and recreational BQun3gv3xjY-00066-00016817-00017069 grounds such as sunil gavaskar Maidan BQun3gv3xjY-00067-00017070-00017296 International Technology Centre at the BQun3gv3xjY-00068-00017297-00017575 CBD Belapur railway station complex was BQun3gv3xjY-00069-00017576-00018271 built by CIDCO as an info tech hub BQun3gv3xjY-00070-00018272-00019009 topic administrative offices CBD Belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00071-00019010-00019216 is also important as regards to BQun3gv3xjY-00072-00019217-00019450 administrative purpose as many central BQun3gv3xjY-00073-00019451-00019648 state and local government offices are BQun3gv3xjY-00074-00019649-00020137 situated here Konkan Bhavan state cgo BQun3gv3xjY-00075-00020138-00020569 central government offices complex nm MC BQun3gv3xjY-00076-00020570-00020932 Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Citgo BQun3gv3xjY-00077-00020933-00021172 Bhavan head office of Navi Mumbai city BQun3gv3xjY-00078-00021173-00021821 and industrial death company BQun3gv3xjY-00079-00021822-00022517 topic transport CBD Belapur is BQun3gv3xjY-00080-00022518-00022675 connecting soon by the New International BQun3gv3xjY-00081-00022676-00022868 Airport which is Navi Mumbai BQun3gv3xjY-00082-00022869-00023150 International Airport nmi a which is in BQun3gv3xjY-00083-00023151-00023366 construction in belapur Westside near to BQun3gv3xjY-00084-00023367-00023753 the nm MC headquarters CBD Belapur is BQun3gv3xjY-00085-00023754-00023927 accessible from other parts of Navi BQun3gv3xjY-00086-00023928-00024140 Mumbai and from Mumbai by road and rail BQun3gv3xjY-00087-00024141-00024449 transport facilities Belapur railway BQun3gv3xjY-00088-00024450-00024635 station lies on the harbour line and BQun3gv3xjY-00089-00024636-00024839 Sion Panvel highway passes through this BQun3gv3xjY-00090-00024840-00025142 note Palm Beach Marg connects CBD BQun3gv3xjY-00091-00025143-00025394 Belapur directly with Vashi railway BQun3gv3xjY-00092-00025395-00025720 service is up to Panvel best buses are BQun3gv3xjY-00093-00025722-00025945 available from CBD Belapur to Vashi BQun3gv3xjY-00094-00025947-00026152 Chembur Sion daughter BQun3gv3xjY-00095-00026154-00026492 Bandra and ghatkopar nm MT buses are BQun3gv3xjY-00096-00026493-00026717 available from CBD Belapur to Vashi BQun3gv3xjY-00097-00026718-00027070 Thane Dombivli Kalyan battler / urine to BQun3gv3xjY-00098-00027072-00027470 loja and Panvel n mm TAC Volvo buses are BQun3gv3xjY-00099-00027470-00027698 available from CBD Belapur to Vashi BQun3gv3xjY-00100-00027699-00027947 Panvel Chembur sion daughter BQun3gv3xjY-00101-00027948-00028304 Bandra and Borivali autorickshaws is the BQun3gv3xjY-00102-00028305-00028493 primary mode of transport within the BQun3gv3xjY-00103-00028494-00028685 note owing the small area occupied by BQun3gv3xjY-00104-00028686-00029098 the note NMM t routes in CBD Belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00105-00029099-00029772 best routes in CBD Belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00106-00029773-00030283 topic nature BQun3gv3xjY-00107-00030283-00030529 belapur is surrounded by greenery and it BQun3gv3xjY-00108-00030530-00030739 is much more organized in other parts of BQun3gv3xjY-00109-00030739-00030985 Navi Mumbai there are a couple of BQun3gv3xjY-00110-00030986-00031249 waterfalls situated in Sector 8b where BQun3gv3xjY-00111-00031250-00031411 people come for trekking and nature BQun3gv3xjY-00112-00031412-00031689 trails there are other open spaces in BQun3gv3xjY-00113-00031691-00032258 and around belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00114-00032258-00032773 topic nightlife BQun3gv3xjY-00115-00032774-00033034 belapur has a variety of options in the BQun3gv3xjY-00116-00033035-00033241 nightlife and it is crowded with lounges BQun3gv3xjY-00117-00033242-00033484 of Navi Mumbai in Sector 15 near the BQun3gv3xjY-00118-00033485-00033664 hotel naman Tron they have rude BQun3gv3xjY-00119-00033665-00033931 there are new cafes which have opened up BQun3gv3xjY-00120-00033932-00034186 like roasted bean cafe the vintage cafe BQun3gv3xjY-00121-00034187-00034387 the smoke cafe and if you are a tea BQun3gv3xjY-00122-00034388-00034726 lover then you should try choice enter BQun3gv3xjY-00123-00034727-00034960 topic shopping and eating for sports BQun3gv3xjY-00124-00034961-00035167 enthusiasts Decathlon one of the leading BQun3gv3xjY-00125-00035168-00035347 sports outlets has come up with its BQun3gv3xjY-00126-00035348-00035581 store in Sector 15 of Belapur which is BQun3gv3xjY-00127-00035582-00035770 surrounded by stores like Nike Adidas BQun3gv3xjY-00128-00035771-00035980 woodland and one of the world-famous BQun3gv3xjY-00129-00035981-00036301 fast food chains ie McDonald's and BQun3gv3xjY-00130-00036302-00036499 Burger King education BQun3gv3xjY-00131-00036500-00036742 Barty Vidyapeeth Institute CBD Belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00132-00036743-00037081 DRI dy high school and junior college BQun3gv3xjY-00133-00037082-00037486 Belapur BQun3gv3xjY-00134-00037487-00038026 topic Law & Order BQun3gv3xjY-00135-00038027-00038239 the office of Police Commissioner of BQun3gv3xjY-00136-00038240-00038543 Navi Mumbai azat CBD Belapur sector 10 a BQun3gv3xjY-00137-00038544-00039286 police station is also at sector 1 BQun3gv3xjY-00138-00039287-00039936 topic other business districts of Mumbai BQun3gv3xjY-00139-00039937-00040357 fort Mumbai precinct Nariman Point BQun3gv3xjY-00140-00040358-00041119 Colaba Vashi Worley Bandra Kurla complex BS9OjTlPq3Y-00000-00000096-00000303 so hi guys uh in this video i will BS9OjTlPq3Y-00001-00000304-00000359 discuss BS9OjTlPq3Y-00002-00000360-00000599 on the component placement so for BS9OjTlPq3Y-00003-00000600-00000719 component placement BS9OjTlPq3Y-00004-00000720-00000927 first i will consider the critical BS9OjTlPq3Y-00005-00000927-00001119 component i will consider those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00006-00001120-00001303 components are critical BS9OjTlPq3Y-00007-00001304-00001607 um those you have to place in a proper BS9OjTlPq3Y-00008-00001607-00001847 proper position uh without placing those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00009-00001848-00002039 component proper position your pc will BS9OjTlPq3Y-00010-00002039-00002191 not work properly or BS9OjTlPq3Y-00011-00002192-00002487 your pc will get noisy okay that's why BS9OjTlPq3Y-00012-00002488-00002718 just uh look into the schematic you see BS9OjTlPq3Y-00013-00002719-00002767 that BS9OjTlPq3Y-00014-00002768-00002983 the most critical component of this BS9OjTlPq3Y-00015-00002984-00003087 design is the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00016-00003088-00003286 crystal because crystal is the most BS9OjTlPq3Y-00017-00003288-00003486 important part of your microcontroller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00018-00003488-00003767 and so you have to place your crystal BS9OjTlPq3Y-00019-00003768-00003951 close to the microcontroller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00020-00003952-00004238 so that it um the crystal doesn't BS9OjTlPq3Y-00021-00004239-00004286 produce BS9OjTlPq3Y-00022-00004287-00004615 much noise or the all the air BS9OjTlPq3Y-00023-00004616-00004959 all the rf noise or other noise from the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00024-00004960-00005127 air and doesn't get mixed with the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00025-00005128-00005279 crystal signal okay that's why you have BS9OjTlPq3Y-00026-00005280-00005438 to place your uh crystal close to the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00027-00005439-00005543 microcontroller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00028-00005544-00005727 and secondly you have to place all those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00029-00005728-00005951 bypass capacitor close to the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00030-00005952-00006327 vcc pin uh so that any or any uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00031-00006328-00006614 noise that was mixed with the vcc uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00032-00006615-00006783 just passed to the ground before BS9OjTlPq3Y-00033-00006784-00006991 going into the microcontroller okay i BS9OjTlPq3Y-00034-00006992-00007103 forgot in uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00035-00007104-00007359 to place or connect the vcc pin here so BS9OjTlPq3Y-00036-00007359-00007559 just copy the vcc pin BS9OjTlPq3Y-00037-00007559-00007934 from this position and this just connect BS9OjTlPq3Y-00038-00007936-00008095 this vcc pin here BS9OjTlPq3Y-00039-00008095-00008335 okay now just press ok now this is BS9OjTlPq3Y-00040-00008336-00008414 connected BS9OjTlPq3Y-00041-00008415-00008663 and after that you have to place your um BS9OjTlPq3Y-00042-00008664-00008735 abcc BS9OjTlPq3Y-00043-00008736-00008967 uh power supply that is the lc filter BS9OjTlPq3Y-00044-00008968-00009055 lnc BS9OjTlPq3Y-00045-00009056-00009310 close to the avcc pin and you also have BS9OjTlPq3Y-00046-00009311-00009455 to place the um BS9OjTlPq3Y-00047-00009456-00009735 this c8 capacitor closes to the area pin BS9OjTlPq3Y-00048-00009736-00009919 and BS9OjTlPq3Y-00049-00009920-00010159 in the in the case of the um that is BS9OjTlPq3Y-00050-00010160-00010342 that is actually pull up BS9OjTlPq3Y-00051-00010343-00010535 register for the reset pin so it doesn't BS9OjTlPq3Y-00052-00010536-00010687 matter it's not a critical component BS9OjTlPq3Y-00053-00010688-00010735 okay BS9OjTlPq3Y-00054-00010736-00011071 let's place the microcontroller uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00055-00011072-00011319 okay just place the microcontroller so i BS9OjTlPq3Y-00056-00011320-00011446 want to place the micromotor and middle BS9OjTlPq3Y-00057-00011447-00011535 of the circuit BS9OjTlPq3Y-00058-00011536-00011687 so that i can connect all of those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00059-00011688-00011806 components to the microcontroller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00060-00011807-00011887 properly right BS9OjTlPq3Y-00061-00011888-00012078 so it's a good idea or it's good group BS9OjTlPq3Y-00062-00012079-00012342 at least to place your main controller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00063-00012343-00012559 um into the middle of the circuit so BS9OjTlPq3Y-00064-00012560-00012663 that you can connect BS9OjTlPq3Y-00065-00012664-00012910 rest of the components and just spread BS9OjTlPq3Y-00066-00012911-00013094 out throughout or spread out your board BS9OjTlPq3Y-00067-00013095-00013135 right BS9OjTlPq3Y-00068-00013136-00013311 so that's a good practice i think okay BS9OjTlPq3Y-00069-00013312-00013503 just place your microcontroller BS9OjTlPq3Y-00070-00013504-00013838 in the middle of the board BS9OjTlPq3Y-00071-00013840-00013999 okay after that i will place the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00072-00014000-00014247 capacitor because capacitor are the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00073-00014247-00014511 most critical components here sorry now BS9OjTlPq3Y-00074-00014512-00014630 sorry crystal BS9OjTlPq3Y-00075-00014631-00015094 that is q1 and place crystal here BS9OjTlPq3Y-00076-00015095-00015366 and the second thing is c5 and c6 right BS9OjTlPq3Y-00077-00015368-00015694 so place c5 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00078-00015695-00015999 and c6 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00079-00016000-00016471 and after that c9 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00080-00016472-00016815 c10 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00081-00016816-00017047 just place randomly we will uh replace BS9OjTlPq3Y-00082-00017048-00017286 those we will change this position later BS9OjTlPq3Y-00083-00017287-00017711 and after that c7 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00084-00017712-00018158 and c7 and l1 BS9OjTlPq3Y-00085-00018159-00018407 okay i think they're set up right okay BS9OjTlPq3Y-00086-00018408-00018671 that's enough for this um BS9OjTlPq3Y-00087-00018672-00018847 for the critical component part now i BS9OjTlPq3Y-00088-00018848-00019007 will maximize this pcb window BS9OjTlPq3Y-00089-00019008-00019255 so one thing you have noticed that uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00090-00019256-00019414 when you just switch from the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00091-00019415-00019647 schematic to pcb all those components BS9OjTlPq3Y-00092-00019648-00019847 are connected to one another BS9OjTlPq3Y-00093-00019848-00020086 to the shortest possible path but now BS9OjTlPq3Y-00094-00020087-00020167 you have BS9OjTlPq3Y-00095-00020168-00020375 please change the location of those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00096-00020376-00020486 components now BS9OjTlPq3Y-00097-00020487-00020663 the paths are not short as possible BS9OjTlPq3Y-00098-00020664-00020814 because BS9OjTlPq3Y-00099-00020815-00021039 the path have to recalculate again for BS9OjTlPq3Y-00100-00021040-00021239 recalculating the path you have to press BS9OjTlPq3Y-00101-00021240-00021407 a button the button name is the rest BS9OjTlPq3Y-00102-00021408-00021447 nest BS9OjTlPq3Y-00103-00021448-00021639 or the tool name is the reds nest the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00104-00021640-00021878 resonance button actually uh works like BS9OjTlPq3Y-00105-00021879-00022007 refresh button BS9OjTlPq3Y-00106-00022008-00022311 for the eagle pcb so what uh what it BS9OjTlPq3Y-00107-00022312-00022399 does is uh BS9OjTlPq3Y-00108-00022400-00022663 every time you change your design or you BS9OjTlPq3Y-00109-00022664-00022855 change anything it recalculate i'll BS9OjTlPq3Y-00110-00022856-00023103 recalculate all those path and BS9OjTlPq3Y-00111-00023104-00023255 recalculate everything BS9OjTlPq3Y-00112-00023256-00023463 so just press on this redstone and see BS9OjTlPq3Y-00113-00023464-00023607 the magic BS9OjTlPq3Y-00114-00023608-00023855 just press on that snare see all those BS9OjTlPq3Y-00115-00023856-00024014 connections are recalculated and BS9OjTlPq3Y-00116-00024015-00024158 connected to the shortest possible but BS9OjTlPq3Y-00117-00024159-00024375 now you can now you can realize that BS9OjTlPq3Y-00118-00024376-00024503 how to place rest of the component BS9OjTlPq3Y-00119-00024504-00024647 properly and which component to place BS9OjTlPq3Y-00120-00024648-00024758 which way okay BS9OjTlPq3Y-00121-00024759-00024983 and next thing you have to consider the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00122-00024984-00025199 connections of your um BS9OjTlPq3Y-00123-00025200-00025430 input connection actually because think BS9OjTlPq3Y-00124-00025431-00025567 about that this is the data logger you BS9OjTlPq3Y-00125-00025568-00025631 want to place BS9OjTlPq3Y-00126-00025632-00025783 this data logger or you want to mount BS9OjTlPq3Y-00127-00025783-00025934 this data on a wall BS9OjTlPq3Y-00128-00025935-00026150 and you want to connect uh the input BS9OjTlPq3Y-00129-00026151-00026279 output pin through this BS9OjTlPq3Y-00130-00026280-00026527 bottom or to uh through this bottom of BS9OjTlPq3Y-00131-00026527-00026631 the pcb right BS9OjTlPq3Y-00132-00026632-00026790 so you have to place a rest of the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00133-00026791-00026967 mechanical component or input output BS9OjTlPq3Y-00134-00026968-00027087 components here BS9OjTlPq3Y-00135-00027088-00027295 and there is also a constraint of the BS9OjTlPq3Y-00136-00027295-00027407 casing design BS9OjTlPq3Y-00137-00027408-00027583 so your boss told you that you have to BS9OjTlPq3Y-00138-00027583-00027807 design your casing in such a way that BS9OjTlPq3Y-00139-00027808-00027990 all those inputable components are one BS9OjTlPq3Y-00140-00027991-00028207 side of the pcb that's why your casing BS9OjTlPq3Y-00141-00028208-00028462 design will be less complex and will be BS9OjTlPq3Y-00142-00028463-00028551 cost efficient BS9OjTlPq3Y-00143-00028552-00028943 i think so so i think yeah BS9OjTlPq3Y-00144-00028944-00029214 all those input output collections are BS9OjTlPq3Y-00145-00029216-00029335 on the bottom side BS9OjTlPq3Y-00146-00029336-00029543 now your casing design will be less BS9OjTlPq3Y-00147-00029544-00029687 complex and i think BS9OjTlPq3Y-00148-00029688-00029887 this is the most efficient way to design BS9OjTlPq3Y-00149-00029888-00030046 a pcb okay BS9OjTlPq3Y-00150-00030047-00030295 uh that's all for this um video and next BS9OjTlPq3Y-00151-00030295-00030502 video i will discuss BS9OjTlPq3Y-00152-00030503-00030718 discuss all the topics in detail and i BS9OjTlPq3Y-00153-00030719-00030902 will start routing the pcb BS9OjTlPq3Y-00154-00030903-00031102 okay that's all and don't forget to BS9OjTlPq3Y-00155-00031103-00031223 subscribe my channel BS9OjTlPq3Y-00156-00031224-00031439 also if you can just support your BS9OjTlPq3Y-00157-00031439-00031551 patreon or coffee BS9OjTlPq3Y-00158-00031552-00031912 and thank you very much BSVeuL4Hdou-00000-00000024-00000518 can you believe BSVeuL4Hdou-00001-00000519-00003504 [Music] BSVeuL4Hdou-00002-00003505-00003823 thank you BTnjsnU-KOg-00000-00000042-00000430 the great reset invented by the world BTnjsnU-KOg-00001-00000431-00000761 economic Forum which currently meets in BTnjsnU-KOg-00002-00000762-00001073 an armed Fortress in Davos where the BTnjsnU-KOg-00003-00001074-00001324 elites are going to try to tell us what BTnjsnU-KOg-00004-00001325-00001427 to do BTnjsnU-KOg-00005-00001428-00001745 what's the great reset how about crypto BTnjsnU-KOg-00006-00001746-00001913 what do you mean BTnjsnU-KOg-00007-00001914-00002333 crypto means freedom the great reset is BTnjsnU-KOg-00008-00002334-00002705 that citizens everywhere reset how they BTnjsnU-KOg-00009-00002706-00003017 think about money reset how they spend BTnjsnU-KOg-00010-00003018-00003395 money and they reset on who sets BTnjsnU-KOg-00011-00003396-00003640 monetary policy BTnjsnU-KOg-00012-00003642-00003803 think about it BTnjsnU-KOg-00013-00003804-00004075 crypto is not attached to a central bank BTnjsnU-KOg-00014-00004076-00004420 so the great reset and everyone telling BTnjsnU-KOg-00015-00004421-00004709 us what to do what to eat what kind of BTnjsnU-KOg-00016-00004710-00005015 bottle to drink out of is over the real BTnjsnU-KOg-00017-00005016-00005536 Great reset is freedom to do and pay how BTnjsnU-KOg-00018-00005537-00005921 you want to pay crypto BTcjw7DELZA-00000-00000003-00000245 the next four questions are about having BTcjw7DELZA-00001-00000246-00000593 a bag of marbles with 12 red marbles 8 BTcjw7DELZA-00002-00000594-00000983 blue marbles 7 yellow marbles and 14 BTcjw7DELZA-00003-00000984-00001235 green marbles we're going to randomly BTcjw7DELZA-00004-00001236-00001495 pick two marbles one at a time and we're BTcjw7DELZA-00005-00001496-00001757 not going to replace them the first BTcjw7DELZA-00006-00001757-00001976 question asks for the probability you BTcjw7DELZA-00007-00001977-00002174 get two red marbles BTcjw7DELZA-00008-00002175-00002518 well the first marble I'm picking if I BTcjw7DELZA-00009-00002519-00003113 add up 12 plus 8 plus 7 plus 14 I get BTcjw7DELZA-00010-00003114-00003413 that there are 41 marbles altogether so BTcjw7DELZA-00011-00003414-00003599 that's going to be my denominator when I BTcjw7DELZA-00012-00003600-00003788 picked the first red marble BTcjw7DELZA-00013-00003789-00004169 so there are 12 red marbles when all of BTcjw7DELZA-00014-00004170-00004486 them are in the bag so I want to get one BTcjw7DELZA-00015-00004487-00004958 red marble and another red marble when I BTcjw7DELZA-00016-00004959-00005342 use and that's multiplication so the BTcjw7DELZA-00017-00005343-00005570 second time I do this I need to look at BTcjw7DELZA-00018-00005571-00005797 what happens when I know I've already BTcjw7DELZA-00019-00005798-00006104 taken a red marble out well I know first BTcjw7DELZA-00020-00006105-00006356 off that I only have 40 marbles left in BTcjw7DELZA-00021-00006357-00006608 the bag to choose from and I used to BTcjw7DELZA-00022-00006609-00006812 have 11 red marbles but I already have BTcjw7DELZA-00023-00006813-00007130 one out so I'm simply going to have 11 BTcjw7DELZA-00024-00007131-00007403 left and when I multiply my two BTcjw7DELZA-00025-00007404-00007958 fractions I get 132 over 1640 so this BTcjw7DELZA-00026-00007959-00008192 one's pretty straightforward however the BTcjw7DELZA-00027-00008193-00008342 second one gets a little bit more BTcjw7DELZA-00028-00008343-00008539 complicated there's two different ways BTcjw7DELZA-00029-00008540-00008777 of doing this first of all the BTcjw7DELZA-00030-00008778-00009035 probability I do not get blue marbles is BTcjw7DELZA-00031-00009036-00009395 simply equal to one minus the BTcjw7DELZA-00032-00009396-00009677 probability I do get two blue marbles BTcjw7DELZA-00033-00009678-00010042 this is using the complement rule so in BTcjw7DELZA-00034-00010043-00010314 this case I'm going to have one minus BTcjw7DELZA-00035-00010315-00010673 and again I'll have 41 marbles for the BTcjw7DELZA-00036-00010674-00010892 first time I pick a marble I have eight BTcjw7DELZA-00037-00010893-00011188 blue marbles to choose from the second BTcjw7DELZA-00038-00011189-00011392 time I'm going to only have seven BTcjw7DELZA-00039-00011393-00011645 marbles left and again there's only 40 BTcjw7DELZA-00040-00011646-00011863 marbles left in the bag I'm going to BTcjw7DELZA-00041-00011864-00012049 take that fraction and subtract it from BTcjw7DELZA-00042-00012050-00012341 one the easiest way to subtract BTcjw7DELZA-00043-00012342-00012512 fractions is to make sure they have a BTcjw7DELZA-00044-00012513-00012791 common denominator and one is equal to BTcjw7DELZA-00045-00012792-00013030 well anything over that same thing in BTcjw7DELZA-00046-00013031-00013232 the denominator so I'm going to make it BTcjw7DELZA-00047-00013233-00013391 16 40 divided by BTcjw7DELZA-00048-00013391-00013712 sixteen forty or fifteen eighty four BTcjw7DELZA-00049-00013713-00014033 divided by sixteen forty notice I'm not BTcjw7DELZA-00050-00014034-00014222 really worried about simplifying BTcjw7DELZA-00051-00014222-00014432 fractions here the tricky part is BTcjw7DELZA-00052-00014433-00014666 setting these problems up because the BTcjw7DELZA-00053-00014666-00014936 problem is what you might be tempted to BTcjw7DELZA-00054-00014937-00015293 do is something like this well I know if BTcjw7DELZA-00055-00015294-00015569 I have forty-one marbles if I take my BTcjw7DELZA-00056-00015569-00015872 twelve red ones my seven yellow ones and BTcjw7DELZA-00057-00015872-00016118 my fourteen green ones that's thirty BTcjw7DELZA-00058-00016119-00016408 three marbles that are not blue I could BTcjw7DELZA-00059-00016409-00016565 say okay I'm gonna pick one that's not BTcjw7DELZA-00060-00016566-00016796 blue and a second that is not blue and BTcjw7DELZA-00061-00016797-00017093 the trouble is that doesn't look like BTcjw7DELZA-00062-00017094-00017459 what I got the first time so what went BTcjw7DELZA-00063-00017460-00017792 wrong well this means I did not get a BTcjw7DELZA-00064-00017793-00018094 blue the first time and I didn't get a BTcjw7DELZA-00065-00018095-00018394 blue the second time however that's not BTcjw7DELZA-00066-00018395-00018611 what the question says I want to know BTcjw7DELZA-00067-00018612-00018983 that I do not get two blue marbles which BTcjw7DELZA-00068-00018984-00019283 means it's fine for me to get one blue BTcjw7DELZA-00069-00019284-00019355 marble BTcjw7DELZA-00070-00019356-00019586 so what I'd have to do is find the BTcjw7DELZA-00071-00019587-00019805 probability of getting a blue marble and BTcjw7DELZA-00072-00019806-00020069 then not a blue marble as well as the BTcjw7DELZA-00073-00020070-00020344 probability of not a blue and then a BTcjw7DELZA-00074-00020345-00020597 blue so the probability that the first BTcjw7DELZA-00075-00020598-00020921 marble is blue is eight because there BTcjw7DELZA-00076-00020922-00021146 are eight blue marbles divided by 41 BTcjw7DELZA-00077-00021147-00021367 because there's 41 marbles in the back BTcjw7DELZA-00078-00021368-00021709 the probability that the next one is not BTcjw7DELZA-00079-00021710-00021986 blue well we still have 40 marbles in BTcjw7DELZA-00080-00021987-00022303 the bag but there's a total of 33 BTcjw7DELZA-00081-00022304-00022652 marbles that are not in fact blue then BTcjw7DELZA-00082-00022653-00022943 if I want to look at the third case the BTcjw7DELZA-00083-00022944-00023162 probability of picking a marble that is BTcjw7DELZA-00084-00023163-00023537 not blue is 33 out of 41 times the BTcjw7DELZA-00085-00023538-00023734 probability that I do pick a blue one BTcjw7DELZA-00086-00023735-00023921 which is eight because there are eight BTcjw7DELZA-00087-00023922-00024149 blue marbles divided by 40 because BTcjw7DELZA-00088-00024150-00024467 there's now 40 marbles in the bag so I BTcjw7DELZA-00089-00024468-00024737 want the probability of not blue not BTcjw7DELZA-00090-00024738-00025455 blue or blue not blue or not blue blue BTcjw7DELZA-00091-00025456-00025903 the or is addition so I want to add BTcjw7DELZA-00092-00025904-00026200 these three fractions together and when BTcjw7DELZA-00093-00026201-00026429 I add these fractions together I get in BTcjw7DELZA-00094-00026430-00026663 fact the exact same answer that I got BTcjw7DELZA-00095-00026664-00026747 some BTcjw7DELZA-00096-00026748-00026993 by taking one minus the probability I BTcjw7DELZA-00097-00026994-00027257 did get two blue marbles I'm gonna argue BTcjw7DELZA-00098-00027258-00027520 it's much easier to do the first method BTcjw7DELZA-00099-00027522-00027782 than it is the second but both are valid BTcjw7DELZA-00100-00027783-00028045 ways of solving this problem question BTcjw7DELZA-00101-00028047-00028241 number three what's the probability I BTcjw7DELZA-00102-00028242-00028601 get either two yellow marbles or two BTcjw7DELZA-00103-00028602-00028922 green marbles that's the probability I BTcjw7DELZA-00104-00028923-00029285 get yellow and yellow or the probability BTcjw7DELZA-00105-00029286-00029582 I get green and green the probability my BTcjw7DELZA-00106-00029583-00029885 first marble is yellow is 7 divided by BTcjw7DELZA-00107-00029886-00030350 41 times 6 divided by 40 again and BTcjw7DELZA-00108-00030351-00030668 translates to multiplication the or BTcjw7DELZA-00109-00030669-00030899 translates to addition because these are BTcjw7DELZA-00110-00030900-00031207 mutually exclusive or disjoint events BTcjw7DELZA-00111-00031208-00031493 and the probability of me getting a BTcjw7DELZA-00112-00031494-00031949 green marble is 14 divided by 41 and BTcjw7DELZA-00113-00031950-00032195 then the second one being green is 13 BTcjw7DELZA-00114-00032195-00032516 out of 40 those two fractions are 42 BTcjw7DELZA-00115-00032517-00032861 divided by 60 and 40 plus 182 divided by BTcjw7DELZA-00116-00032862-00033389 16 40 which equals to 24 divided by 1 6 BTcjw7DELZA-00117-00033390-00033764 4 0 the last one is the trickiest of BTcjw7DELZA-00118-00033765-00034073 these 4 it asks for the probabilities BTcjw7DELZA-00119-00034074-00034340 that you get two drinks of the same type BTcjw7DELZA-00120-00034341-00034562 that means the probability I get a BTcjw7DELZA-00121-00034563-00034988 yellow and a yellow or the probability BTcjw7DELZA-00122-00034989-00035456 that I get a blue and a blue or the BTcjw7DELZA-00123-00035457-00035774 probability I get a red and a red or the BTcjw7DELZA-00124-00035775-00036017 probability I get a green and then a BTcjw7DELZA-00125-00036018-00036392 green again the or translates to the BTcjw7DELZA-00126-00036393-00036554 addition so I've gone ahead and done BTcjw7DELZA-00127-00036555-00036833 that and these are as follows BTcjw7DELZA-00128-00036834-00037064 and once I work out my multiplication BTcjw7DELZA-00129-00037065-00037412 I'll get this and then finally my answer BTcjw7DELZA-00130-00037413-00038147 is 412 / 1640 BTcnU2QUG5c-00000-00000008-00000199 now we get into the accident it was BTcnU2QUG5c-00001-00000200-00000383 crazy you change up BTcnU2QUG5c-00002-00000384-00000559 your lifestyle as far as hip-hop is BTcnU2QUG5c-00003-00000560-00000711 concerned you understand that you can't BTcnU2QUG5c-00004-00000712-00000927 do the same thing you you usually do BTcnU2QUG5c-00005-00000927-00001207 right um you said uh uncle keller told BTcnU2QUG5c-00006-00001208-00001319 you BTcnU2QUG5c-00007-00001320-00001550 wait so were you already so you brought BTcnU2QUG5c-00008-00001551-00001702 music to him and he told you to do it or BTcnU2QUG5c-00009-00001703-00001895 did he bring music to you BTcnU2QUG5c-00010-00001896-00002063 no it wasn't even about him bringing BTcnU2QUG5c-00011-00002064-00002231 music is that we still was doing the BTcnU2QUG5c-00012-00002232-00002471 break dancing thing i can remember BTcnU2QUG5c-00013-00002472-00002655 partially i remember we had like a BTcnU2QUG5c-00014-00002656-00002783 school BTcnU2QUG5c-00015-00002784-00002966 we were we were teachers in the school BTcnU2QUG5c-00016-00002967-00003183 you know i mean and we would had uh 30 BTcnU2QUG5c-00017-00003184-00003431 to 40 kids come in you know BTcnU2QUG5c-00018-00003432-00003622 i wanted to want to break dance and i BTcnU2QUG5c-00019-00003623-00003815 was a young kid so i was a teacher he BTcnU2QUG5c-00020-00003815-00004127 was a teacher and we used the music BTcnU2QUG5c-00021-00004128-00004270 you know i'm saying so once that was BTcnU2QUG5c-00022-00004271-00004367 gone BTcnU2QUG5c-00023-00004368-00004647 i couldn't move the same so he seen that BTcnU2QUG5c-00024-00004648-00004919 you know i was sad by it and he was like BTcnU2QUG5c-00025-00004920-00005047 why don't you write the music and i was BTcnU2QUG5c-00026-00005048-00005238 like what are you talking about BTcnU2QUG5c-00027-00005239-00005518 it was like yo rap like do it rap what BTcnU2QUG5c-00028-00005519-00005718 you want to say then put some music BTcnU2QUG5c-00029-00005719-00005984 behind it BWdoJNb6140-00000-00000000-00000055 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00001-00000056-00000271 i'm so tapped up this is these aren't BWdoJNb6140-00002-00000272-00000375 really words BWdoJNb6140-00003-00000376-00000655 this is a grim little thing content BWdoJNb6140-00004-00000656-00000790 warnings for BWdoJNb6140-00005-00000791-00001095 uh well let's just read where they are BWdoJNb6140-00006-00001096-00001447 um content warning for BWdoJNb6140-00007-00001448-00001751 suicide grief smoking and chores a very BWdoJNb6140-00008-00001752-00001998 serious content warning there BWdoJNb6140-00009-00002000-00002151 these aren't really words it's supposed BWdoJNb6140-00010-00002152-00002310 to be well it's thursday BWdoJNb6140-00011-00002311-00002487 done all my schoolwork this is the bitsy BWdoJNb6140-00012-00002488-00002726 game the bitsy is a BWdoJNb6140-00013-00002727-00002999 one bit colored like uh game framework BWdoJNb6140-00014-00003000-00003110 get out of here mouse BWdoJNb6140-00015-00003111-00003415 well it's thursday not all my schoolwork BWdoJNb6140-00016-00003415-00003695 i don't have any plans look at this this BWdoJNb6140-00017-00003696-00003775 filtering BWdoJNb6140-00018-00003776-00004054 don't do that in bitsy dude don't don't BWdoJNb6140-00019-00004055-00004295 round the edges like that BWdoJNb6140-00020-00004296-00004638 so i'm gonna do the dishes BWdoJNb6140-00021-00004639-00004847 hooray first i gotta round them up BWdoJNb6140-00022-00004848-00005102 better start with the ones on the bed BWdoJNb6140-00023-00005103-00005422 is this the bed the dishes are dirty BWdoJNb6140-00024-00005423-00005718 bitsy has text stuff obviously i should BWdoJNb6140-00025-00005719-00005951 clean them in the sink BWdoJNb6140-00026-00005952-00006279 i love the um BWdoJNb6140-00027-00006280-00006559 this half of the desk is empty there's BWdoJNb6140-00028-00006559-00006687 something on my desk BWdoJNb6140-00029-00006688-00007039 it's a lighter burn the dishes BWdoJNb6140-00030-00007040-00007214 okay maybe not it's a hamburger full of BWdoJNb6140-00031-00007215-00007510 clothes it's a shelf full of clothes BWdoJNb6140-00032-00007511-00007653 not full exactly BWdoJNb6140-00033-00007654-00007910 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00034-00007911-00008319 don't you love doing the drawers BWdoJNb6140-00035-00008320-00008463 i should clean the dishes i'm carrying BWdoJNb6140-00036-00008464-00008623 before i check the living room for more BWdoJNb6140-00037-00008624-00008942 dirty dishes BWdoJNb6140-00038-00008943-00009103 oh it's like a hallway i'm like what am BWdoJNb6140-00039-00009104-00009478 i looking at this isn't my bedroom BWdoJNb6140-00040-00009479-00009823 kitty kitty it's lacy BWdoJNb6140-00041-00009824-00010006 there's no sound i'll i'll add some BWdoJNb6140-00042-00010007-00010238 sound in post for you BWdoJNb6140-00043-00010239-00010367 i always feel weird when there's no BWdoJNb6140-00044-00010368-00010559 sound because i i want to talk way more BWdoJNb6140-00045-00010560-00010759 because i want to fill the void BWdoJNb6140-00046-00010760-00011063 scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub whoosh all BWdoJNb6140-00047-00011064-00011135 clean BWdoJNb6140-00048-00011136-00011663 oh now we're talking yeah look at that BWdoJNb6140-00049-00011664-00011903 it's a drawing rack full of dishes can i BWdoJNb6140-00050-00011904-00011983 go outside BWdoJNb6140-00051-00011984-00012206 yes there's a bowl on the ground it's BWdoJNb6140-00052-00012207-00012287 dirty BWdoJNb6140-00053-00012288-00012574 i should clean it in the sink the table BWdoJNb6140-00054-00012575-00012638 that pack BWdoJNb6140-00055-00012639-00013079 smokes and an ash tray on it BWdoJNb6140-00056-00013080-00013399 i'm trying to quit don't tempt me okay BWdoJNb6140-00057-00013400-00013558 that's as close to outside as we're BWdoJNb6140-00058-00013559-00013766 allowed to get BWdoJNb6140-00059-00013768-00014063 scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub all the BWdoJNb6140-00060-00014063-00014238 floors in the hyrule BWdoJNb6140-00061-00014240-00014511 scrub all the floors and cattle on like BWdoJNb6140-00062-00014512-00014599 outside BWdoJNb6140-00063-00014600-00014838 leave me outside i was just outside may BWdoJNb6140-00064-00014840-00014999 not be outside BWdoJNb6140-00065-00015000-00015199 trying to quit no we're not we'll not do BWdoJNb6140-00066-00015200-00015383 that it's a cell phone BWdoJNb6140-00067-00015384-00015735 yeah text text your friends and drive BWdoJNb6140-00068-00015736-00016150 these dishes are dirty you filthy dirty BWdoJNb6140-00069-00016151-00016494 things whoosh i'm going to make a little BWdoJNb6140-00070-00016495-00016883 something in bitsy or maybe rpg maker or BWdoJNb6140-00071-00016884-00017167 twine twine is a good little thing i BWdoJNb6140-00072-00017168-00017303 don't need to go to the bathroom BWdoJNb6140-00073-00017304-00017615 well maybe you do you don't know BWdoJNb6140-00074-00017616-00017967 it's in my bedroom this isn't my bedroom BWdoJNb6140-00075-00017968-00018343 what what is this my roommate owned so BWdoJNb6140-00076-00018344-00018399 many cute BWdoJNb6140-00077-00018400-00018719 plants why are the plants moving though BWdoJNb6140-00078-00018720-00018879 this is this is a little alarming BWdoJNb6140-00079-00018880-00019055 honestly so nice to live in a house with BWdoJNb6140-00080-00019056-00019183 a fireplace BWdoJNb6140-00081-00019184-00019358 i actually have too many fireplaces in BWdoJNb6140-00082-00019359-00019511 my place i kind of hate it because i BWdoJNb6140-00083-00019512-00019694 never use them because they're BWdoJNb6140-00084-00019695-00019975 a little dangerous and they having an BWdoJNb6140-00085-00019976-00020158 open chimney means bats get in BWdoJNb6140-00086-00020159-00020439 i get more than enough bats already got BWdoJNb6140-00087-00020440-00020599 to clean this right away BWdoJNb6140-00088-00020600-00020927 and um so capped all the fireplaces BWdoJNb6140-00089-00020928-00021399 we'll cap the chimneys rather and um BWdoJNb6140-00090-00021400-00021711 it's just basically a lot of wall space BWdoJNb6140-00091-00021712-00021863 ways to unfortunately my thing is BWdoJNb6140-00092-00021864-00022230 blinking swamp scrum scrump BWdoJNb6140-00093-00022231-00022455 oh my phone is ringing it's lucas hey BWdoJNb6140-00094-00022456-00022622 lucas what's up BWdoJNb6140-00095-00022623-00022903 you sitting down yeah what's going on BWdoJNb6140-00096-00022904-00023078 last night BWdoJNb6140-00097-00023079-00023430 david killed himself BWdoJNb6140-00098-00023431-00024103 no i'm expecting the call to be about i BWdoJNb6140-00099-00024104-00024414 i know there BWdoJNb6140-00100-00024415-00024871 aren't really words BWdoJNb6140-00101-00024872-00025150 i need to smoke but but we're trying not BWdoJNb6140-00102-00025151-00025862 to smoke BWdoJNb6140-00103-00025863-00026318 oh does anyone feel a little BWdoJNb6140-00104-00026319-00026727 no i mean no BWdoJNb6140-00105-00026727-00027118 i get to say goodbye BWdoJNb6140-00106-00027119-00027646 yep BWdoJNb6140-00107-00027647-00028039 well at least my wall is beautiful and BWdoJNb6140-00108-00028039-00028470 ominous oh this is a door no BWdoJNb6140-00109-00028472-00028999 just need my lighter man BWdoJNb6140-00110-00029000-00029407 relevant background that sucks kids BWdoJNb6140-00111-00029408-00029599 i don't i don't recommend it i don't BWdoJNb6140-00112-00029600-00029689 recommend it at all BWdoJNb6140-00113-00029689-00030014 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00114-00030016-00030270 page not found man these smokes are far BWdoJNb6140-00115-00030272-00030442 away BWdoJNb6140-00116-00030443-00030623 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00117-00030624-00030967 hello mr spookums i'm trapped BWdoJNb6140-00118-00030968-00031311 mr bone mr bones BWdoJNb6140-00119-00031312-00031711 i have been consumed by the bone lord BWdoJNb6140-00120-00031712-00031855 that sucks BWdoJNb6140-00121-00031856-00032014 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00122-00032016-00032335 i was just trying to find my smokes BWdoJNb6140-00123-00032336-00032871 crash ouch mr plantains BWdoJNb6140-00124-00032872-00033343 um i'm in my living room fuck BWdoJNb6140-00125-00033344-00033623 i guess i broke this plant sorry it's BWdoJNb6140-00126-00033624-00033727 you know BWdoJNb6140-00127-00033728-00033935 you just put it back it'll be he'll be BWdoJNb6140-00128-00033936-00034190 fine plants BWdoJNb6140-00129-00034191-00034439 i don't need i don't need to go outside BWdoJNb6140-00130-00034440-00034615 go up get some fresh air though this is BWdoJNb6140-00131-00034616-00034687 like BWdoJNb6140-00132-00034688-00034815 i think you could really use some fresh BWdoJNb6140-00133-00034816-00035087 air about now BWdoJNb6140-00134-00035088-00035679 finally got it christ david no BWdoJNb6140-00135-00035680-00035990 i didn't say it would be a happy game BWdoJNb6140-00136-00035991-00036159 didn't say it'd be a happy game it's BWdoJNb6140-00137-00036160-00036462 kind of explicitly not a happy game from BWdoJNb6140-00138-00036463-00036495 the BWdoJNb6140-00139-00036496-00036807 content warnings got a text message BWdoJNb6140-00140-00036808-00037127 from lucas if you need anything let me BWdoJNb6140-00141-00037128-00037230 know BWdoJNb6140-00142-00037231-00037671 thanks man same text message BWdoJNb6140-00143-00037672-00037974 just need smoke that's the BWdoJNb6140-00144-00037975-00038207 pixels explode outside very beautiful BWdoJNb6140-00145-00038208-00038479 these use the pixels BWdoJNb6140-00146-00038480-00039079 i think that's how you read that ah BWdoJNb6140-00147-00039080-00039279 god i have never needed to smoke so much BWdoJNb6140-00148-00039280-00039399 don't smoke kids by BWdoJNb6140-00149-00039400-00039751 the way and don't you know BWdoJNb6140-00150-00039752-00040095 do what david did either fuck BWdoJNb6140-00151-00040096-00040462 i'm shaking mr kittens pet the kitty BWdoJNb6140-00152-00040463-00040790 pet pet kitty oh lacey not even sure BWdoJNb6140-00153-00040791-00040951 what to say BWdoJNb6140-00154-00040952-00041311 it's a horrible borders on cliche BWdoJNb6140-00155-00041312-00041471 what if i sit here and pet you for a BWdoJNb6140-00156-00041472-00041958 little while BWdoJNb6140-00157-00041959-00042287 there aren't really words BWdoJNb6140-00158-00042288-00042974 a bitsy by rose kid BWdoJNb6140-00159-00042975-00043127 also i think i called it the wrong thing BWdoJNb6140-00160-00043128-00043199 at the beginning BWdoJNb6140-00161-00043200-00043383 [Music] BWdoJNb6140-00162-00043384-00043574 but that was there aren't really words i BWdoJNb6140-00163-00043575-00043702 like how BWdoJNb6140-00164-00043703-00043927 things like bitsy and twine like i BWdoJNb6140-00165-00043928-00044046 mentioned before BWdoJNb6140-00166-00044047-00044190 just these things that let you make with BWdoJNb6140-00167-00044191-00044351 very this is somebody's first game by BWdoJNb6140-00168-00044352-00044455 the way i should have mentioned that BWdoJNb6140-00169-00044456-00044511 earlier BWdoJNb6140-00170-00044512-00044655 um this is my first game it's also my BWdoJNb6140-00171-00044656-00044799 first project involving anything related BWdoJNb6140-00172-00044800-00044999 to coding programming or game making BWdoJNb6140-00173-00045000-00045199 to have any feedback i'd love to hear it BWdoJNb6140-00174-00045200-00045318 but what i love about BWdoJNb6140-00175-00045319-00045574 um these little game makers and stuff is BWdoJNb6140-00176-00045575-00045743 that you know this is somebody's first BWdoJNb6140-00177-00045744-00045839 thing with coding BWdoJNb6140-00178-00045840-00046079 and you can just make a little thing BWdoJNb6140-00179-00046080-00046143 that's BWdoJNb6140-00180-00046144-00046446 obviously very personal and you can BWdoJNb6140-00181-00046447-00046879 express yourself uh pretty quickly BWdoJNb6140-00182-00046880-00047190 in um really interesting ways and BWdoJNb6140-00183-00047191-00047599 i love stuff like that i love that um BWdoJNb6140-00184-00047600-00047774 i love the twine and stuff twine in BWdoJNb6140-00185-00047775-00047967 particular is extremely easy to use you BWdoJNb6140-00186-00047968-00048158 can just it's all in a browser BWdoJNb6140-00187-00048159-00048455 and it makes um text-based games and BWdoJNb6140-00188-00048456-00048615 it's pretty cool i need to i need to try BWdoJNb6140-00189-00048616-00048823 and make something with it myself BWdoJNb6140-00190-00048824-00049111 but um i really like how things like BWdoJNb6140-00191-00049112-00049143 that BWdoJNb6140-00192-00049144-00049302 can let you let people express BWdoJNb6140-00193-00049303-00049502 themselves and i i BWdoJNb6140-00194-00049503-00049718 when people crap on unity and stuff i i BWdoJNb6140-00195-00049719-00049862 get a little annoyed because like yes BWdoJNb6140-00196-00049863-00050015 some bad games get made in unity but the BWdoJNb6140-00197-00050016-00050255 thing is the only reason those bad games BWdoJNb6140-00198-00050256-00050423 are in unity is because it's easy to use BWdoJNb6140-00199-00050424-00050462 right BWdoJNb6140-00200-00050463-00050735 and so many people use unity for lots of BWdoJNb6140-00201-00050736-00050967 great stuff and it's BWdoJNb6140-00202-00050968-00051127 it's always better that more people have BWdoJNb6140-00203-00051128-00051366 access to make things it's always better BWdoJNb6140-00204-00051367-00051535 there's gonna be some like crappy stuff BWdoJNb6140-00205-00051536-00051726 but hey even when games were BWdoJNb6140-00206-00051727-00052070 super insanely crazy hard to make like BWdoJNb6140-00207-00052071-00052158 in the nes BWdoJNb6140-00208-00052159-00052454 era and you know everything was assembly BWdoJNb6140-00209-00052455-00052519 and stuff BWdoJNb6140-00210-00052520-00052775 and you know a different engine for BWdoJNb6140-00211-00052776-00052950 every game BWdoJNb6140-00212-00052951-00053215 people still made garbage absolute BWdoJNb6140-00213-00053216-00053279 garbage BWdoJNb6140-00214-00053279-00053566 so making things easier it just lets BWdoJNb6140-00215-00053567-00053711 more people make stuff and i always want BWdoJNb6140-00216-00053712-00053894 more people to make stuff BWdoJNb6140-00217-00053895-00054038 um there's always gonna be trash no BWdoJNb6140-00218-00054039-00054199 matter what so BWdoJNb6140-00219-00054200-00054471 anyway little little slightly off topic BWdoJNb6140-00220-00054472-00054623 there but that's what that game made me BWdoJNb6140-00221-00054624-00054959 think about so BWdoJNb6140-00222-00054960-00055254 stay safe everyone remember like comment BWdoJNb6140-00223-00055255-00055319 subscribe BWdoJNb6140-00224-00055320-00055415 let me know what you thought of the game BWdoJNb6140-00225-00055416-00055687 in the comments i um BWdoJNb6140-00226-00055688-00055830 i don't always know what to say on BWdoJNb6140-00227-00055832-00056054 emotional games like this kind of BWdoJNb6140-00228-00056055-00056415 it's a personal thing i don't want to BWdoJNb6140-00229-00056416-00056654 drag too many feelings out there i think BWdoJNb6140-00230-00056655-00056830 we have enough feelings BWdoJNb6140-00231-00056832-00057142 but um bone BWdoJNb6140-00232-00057144-00057471 god that's perfect i like the bone god BWdoJNb6140-00233-00057472-00057887 that was interesting BWdoJNb6140-00234-00057888-00058882 but yeah that was there aren't really BWdoJNb6140-00235-00058883-00059863 words BWdoJNb6140-00236-00059864-00060072 you BWpU630iolM-00000-00000008-00000191 good morning to all here in brazil good BWpU630iolM-00001-00000192-00000311 afternoon in BWpU630iolM-00002-00000312-00000630 paris and elsewhere uh it's a pleasure BWpU630iolM-00003-00000631-00000711 to BWpU630iolM-00004-00000712-00001015 welcome you all here on the BWpU630iolM-00005-00001016-00001439 brazilian side ministers BWpU630iolM-00006-00001440-00001839 marcus fabio faria and the um BWpU630iolM-00007-00001839-00002079 director general uh president of the uh BWpU630iolM-00008-00002080-00002287 telecommunications agency uh BWpU630iolM-00009-00002288-00002607 leonardo eiler and uh BWpU630iolM-00010-00002608-00002791 the oecd side of course secretary BWpU630iolM-00011-00002792-00003039 general uncle guria BWpU630iolM-00012-00003040-00003335 and other colleagues from the uh the BWpU630iolM-00013-00003336-00003454 oecd BWpU630iolM-00014-00003455-00003695 ambassador cozenday i have the pleasure BWpU630iolM-00015-00003696-00003759 to open BWpU630iolM-00016-00003760-00004095 this launch ceremony of two peer reviews BWpU630iolM-00017-00004096-00004383 carried out by the oecd's committee on BWpU630iolM-00018-00004384-00004686 digital economy policy ctep BWpU630iolM-00019-00004687-00004967 called going digital in brazil within BWpU630iolM-00020-00004968-00005070 the framework of the BWpU630iolM-00021-00005071-00005359 oecd going digital program and BWpU630iolM-00022-00005360-00005551 telecommunications and broadcasting in BWpU630iolM-00023-00005552-00005606 brazil BWpU630iolM-00024-00005607-00005854 the other peer review as we all know the BWpU630iolM-00025-00005855-00005967 reviews provide BWpU630iolM-00026-00005968-00006254 an opportunity for technical evaluation BWpU630iolM-00027-00006255-00006391 of public policies BWpU630iolM-00028-00006392-00006670 with diagnosis and recommendations aimed BWpU630iolM-00029-00006672-00006823 at exchanging experiences BWpU630iolM-00030-00006823-00007046 and bringing policies closer to the BWpU630iolM-00031-00007047-00007134 standards BWpU630iolM-00032-00007136-00007278 and principles adopted by the BWpU630iolM-00033-00007279-00007439 organization BWpU630iolM-00034-00007440-00007646 they shall provide the meaningful inputs BWpU630iolM-00035-00007647-00007814 to the improvement of public policies in BWpU630iolM-00036-00007815-00007927 brazil BWpU630iolM-00037-00007928-00008223 cooperation with the ocd is crucial in BWpU630iolM-00038-00008224-00008374 building a framework BWpU630iolM-00039-00008375-00008583 favorable to for favorable for the BWpU630iolM-00040-00008584-00008791 reforms which are necessary BWpU630iolM-00041-00008792-00008951 to increase the brazilian economy's BWpU630iolM-00042-00008952-00009191 competitiveness and integration BWpU630iolM-00043-00009192-00009510 with global value chains the review BWpU630iolM-00044-00009511-00009719 going digital in brazil analyzes the BWpU630iolM-00045-00009720-00009831 current setting BWpU630iolM-00046-00009832-00010055 of several features that play a role in BWpU630iolM-00047-00010056-00010246 the ongoing digitalization BWpU630iolM-00048-00010247-00010542 of brazilian society pointing out the BWpU630iolM-00049-00010543-00010710 opportunities and challenges BWpU630iolM-00050-00010711-00010935 we need to overcome the BWpU630iolM-00051-00010936-00011119 telecommunications and broadcasting BWpU630iolM-00052-00011120-00011238 review BWpU630iolM-00053-00011239-00011495 concerning telecommunications services BWpU630iolM-00054-00011496-00011670 analyzes the institutional environment BWpU630iolM-00055-00011671-00011783 and the performance BWpU630iolM-00056-00011784-00012023 of these two branches as well as their BWpU630iolM-00057-00012024-00012223 policies and regulations BWpU630iolM-00058-00012224-00012399 with historical developments as an BWpU630iolM-00059-00012400-00012527 important backdrop BWpU630iolM-00060-00012528-00012815 of the current situation in line with BWpU630iolM-00061-00012816-00012999 the aspirations of the brazilian society BWpU630iolM-00062-00013000-00013166 for development prosperity BWpU630iolM-00063-00013168-00013327 good governance and sound public BWpU630iolM-00064-00013328-00013558 policies brazil has intensified its BWpU630iolM-00065-00013559-00013663 relationship BWpU630iolM-00066-00013663-00013958 with the oecd converging its policies BWpU630iolM-00067-00013959-00014047 and practices BWpU630iolM-00068-00014047-00014327 with the organization's standards and BWpU630iolM-00069-00014328-00014422 guidelines BWpU630iolM-00070-00014423-00014638 and fostering the incorporation of the BWpU630iolM-00071-00014640-00014727 oecd's BWpU630iolM-00072-00014728-00014966 legal framework as well as working on BWpU630iolM-00073-00014968-00015055 reviews BWpU630iolM-00074-00015056-00015311 and studies devised in partnership with BWpU630iolM-00075-00015312-00015471 the organization BWpU630iolM-00076-00015472-00015655 brazil is currently the non-member BWpU630iolM-00077-00015656-00015807 country most engaged BWpU630iolM-00078-00015808-00016022 with the organization we have already BWpU630iolM-00079-00016023-00016222 joined 96 BWpU630iolM-00080-00016223-00016607 out of the 248 oecd's legal instruments BWpU630iolM-00081-00016608-00016871 we are currently working together on 15 BWpU630iolM-00082-00016872-00016958 reviews BWpU630iolM-00083-00016959-00017191 involving several different areas of BWpU630iolM-00084-00017192-00017335 public policies BWpU630iolM-00085-00017336-00017543 we hope under those circumstances that BWpU630iolM-00086-00017544-00017679 the members shall overcome their BWpU630iolM-00087-00017680-00017839 different views on the organization's BWpU630iolM-00088-00017840-00017999 enlargement BWpU630iolM-00089-00018000-00018175 so that brazil may start its accession BWpU630iolM-00090-00018176-00018471 process in the short term brazil now BWpU630iolM-00091-00018472-00018663 now enjoys the support of all members to BWpU630iolM-00092-00018664-00018822 start the procedures BWpU630iolM-00093-00018823-00019047 but they still have to find convergence BWpU630iolM-00094-00019048-00019127 concerning BWpU630iolM-00095-00019128-00019407 the other current candidates we are BWpU630iolM-00096-00019408-00019583 convinced that full membership will be BWpU630iolM-00097-00019584-00019814 relevant to the dynamics of reforms BWpU630iolM-00098-00019815-00020055 by intensifying brazil's integration in BWpU630iolM-00099-00020056-00020207 the international BWpU630iolM-00100-00020208-00020407 in the international economy as well as BWpU630iolM-00101-00020408-00020543 the adoption of higher BWpU630iolM-00102-00020544-00020807 regulatory standards to the benefit of BWpU630iolM-00103-00020808-00020935 our economic ties BWpU630iolM-00104-00020936-00021191 with the member countries the two BWpU630iolM-00105-00021192-00021239 studies BWpU630iolM-00106-00021240-00021575 launched today they are a witness to how BWpU630iolM-00107-00021576-00021814 this cooperation can be proved BWpU630iolM-00108-00021815-00021967 the reviews provide a qualified BWpU630iolM-00109-00021968-00022143 diagnosis of the main challenges for the BWpU630iolM-00110-00022144-00022358 development of two strategic areas BWpU630iolM-00111-00022359-00022591 digital economy and telecommunications BWpU630iolM-00112-00022592-00022743 they will certainly help us BWpU630iolM-00113-00022744-00022950 reflect on our current policies and BWpU630iolM-00114-00022951-00023055 improve them BWpU630iolM-00115-00023056-00023327 based on the recommendations presented BWpU630iolM-00116-00023328-00023399 conclusions BWpU630iolM-00117-00023400-00023607 of the telecommunications review in this BWpU630iolM-00118-00023608-00023822 sense could not have turned up BWpU630iolM-00119-00023823-00024150 in a better time in the context of swift BWpU630iolM-00120-00024151-00024319 changes and the rising relevance of BWpU630iolM-00121-00024320-00024607 digital data in the economy the fast BWpU630iolM-00122-00024608-00024711 efficient and solid BWpU630iolM-00123-00024712-00024886 communications infrastructure is BWpU630iolM-00124-00024887-00025119 imperative for social and economic BWpU630iolM-00125-00025120-00025222 development BWpU630iolM-00126-00025223-00025478 and not only that it is imperative and BWpU630iolM-00127-00025479-00025558 essential BWpU630iolM-00128-00025559-00025758 for democracy for the maintenance of BWpU630iolM-00129-00025760-00025894 civil liberties BWpU630iolM-00130-00025895-00026231 and for good governance BWpU630iolM-00131-00026232-00026399 this is a pivotal issue for brazil's BWpU630iolM-00132-00026400-00026614 government as president jerry bolsonaro BWpU630iolM-00133-00026616-00026727 has claimed at the BWpU630iolM-00134-00026727-00026990 united nations general assembly brazil BWpU630iolM-00135-00026991-00027118 is open to the development BWpU630iolM-00136-00027119-00027318 of cutting-edge technology and BWpU630iolM-00137-00027319-00027607 innovation such as industry 4.0 BWpU630iolM-00138-00027608-00027855 artificial intelligence nanotechnology BWpU630iolM-00139-00027856-00028039 and 5g net technology BWpU630iolM-00140-00028039-00028207 with any partners who respect our BWpU630iolM-00141-00028208-00028374 sovereignty and cherish freedom BWpU630iolM-00142-00028375-00028623 and data protection the report's BWpU630iolM-00143-00028624-00028702 conclusions BWpU630iolM-00144-00028704-00028911 are in line with the new openness brazil BWpU630iolM-00145-00028912-00029127 professors to new technologies BWpU630iolM-00146-00029127-00029318 it also provides meaningful inputs for BWpU630iolM-00147-00029319-00029487 our policies to move further BWpU630iolM-00148-00029488-00029711 in this direction going digital in BWpU630iolM-00149-00029712-00029862 brazil makes a broad and precise BWpU630iolM-00150-00029863-00030023 assessment BWpU630iolM-00151-00030024-00030199 about how the country can foster its BWpU630iolM-00152-00030200-00030423 digital transformation BWpU630iolM-00153-00030424-00030599 the study goes to the heart of several BWpU630iolM-00154-00030600-00030823 issues which brazil is now devoted to BWpU630iolM-00155-00030824-00030895 solve BWpU630iolM-00156-00030895-00031143 such as red tape greater integration and BWpU630iolM-00157-00031144-00031279 global value chains BWpU630iolM-00158-00031280-00031518 and more result oriented policies on BWpU630iolM-00159-00031519-00031646 innovation BWpU630iolM-00160-00031647-00031846 infrastructure security and data BWpU630iolM-00161-00031847-00032062 protection among others BWpU630iolM-00162-00032063-00032295 the implementation of the the reviews BWpU630iolM-00163-00032295-00032495 recommendations will allow brazil to BWpU630iolM-00164-00032495-00032583 converge BWpU630iolM-00165-00032583-00032751 further with the good practices BWpU630iolM-00166-00032752-00033039 advocated in this area by the oecd BWpU630iolM-00167-00033040-00033223 we hope as a member country in the BWpU630iolM-00168-00033224-00033431 future to continue to follow BWpU630iolM-00169-00033432-00033646 discussions on these issues within the BWpU630iolM-00170-00033647-00033855 organization and to contribute to those BWpU630iolM-00171-00033856-00033959 discussions BWpU630iolM-00172-00033960-00034167 we are convinced that the oecd shall BWpU630iolM-00173-00034168-00034318 also have much to gain BWpU630iolM-00174-00034319-00034527 from brazil's full membership which BWpU630iolM-00175-00034528-00034711 would allow for the reinforcement BWpU630iolM-00176-00034712-00034983 and broadening of the oecd the range of BWpU630iolM-00177-00034984-00035118 standards and practices BWpU630iolM-00178-00035119-00035287 and for the strengthening of its BWpU630iolM-00179-00035288-00035423 presence BWpU630iolM-00180-00035424-00035623 in other regions especially in our BWpU630iolM-00181-00035624-00035790 region also BWpU630iolM-00182-00035791-00036030 for the maintenance of the fundamental BWpU630iolM-00183-00036031-00036159 values BWpU630iolM-00185-00050531-00050831 gadot BYNtUjlenSE-00000-00000712-00001491 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00001-00001492-00001753 oh BYNtUjlenSE-00002-00001754-00002883 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00003-00002884-00004283 foreign BYNtUjlenSE-00004-00004284-00005557 foreign BYNtUjlenSE-00005-00005558-00007087 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00006-00007088-00007551 hello my name is BYNtUjlenSE-00007-00007552-00007974 your name BYNtUjlenSE-00008-00007975-00008483 tells you guys BYNtUjlenSE-00009-00008484-00008814 i BYNtUjlenSE-00010-00008815-00009342 i love georgia and love you BYNtUjlenSE-00011-00009343-00012295 a few moments later BYNtUjlenSE-00012-00012296-00014083 what is your name my name is john BYNtUjlenSE-00013-00014084-00015483 god BYNtUjlenSE-00014-00015484-00016527 advice BYNtUjlenSE-00015-00016528-00017321 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00016-00017322-00019683 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00017-00019684-00019790 um BYNtUjlenSE-00018-00019791-00022483 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00019-00022484-00024015 gay BYNtUjlenSE-00020-00024016-00025283 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00021-00025284-00026064 foreign BYNtUjlenSE-00022-00026066-00026683 [Applause] BYNtUjlenSE-00023-00026683-00028083 oh BYNtUjlenSE-00024-00028083-00029483 okay BYNtUjlenSE-00025-00029483-00029906 is BYNtUjlenSE-00026-00029907-00030883 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00027-00030883-00032283 is BYNtUjlenSE-00028-00032283-00035083 so BYNtUjlenSE-00029-00035084-00036483 foreign BYNtUjlenSE-00030-00036484-00037883 bye BYNtUjlenSE-00031-00037884-00039283 guys BYNtUjlenSE-00032-00039284-00040295 me BYNtUjlenSE-00033-00040296-00042083 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00034-00042084-00043483 mr BYNtUjlenSE-00035-00043484-00043866 is BYNtUjlenSE-00036-00043867-00044927 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00037-00044928-00047683 foreign BYNtUjlenSE-00038-00047684-00048311 hello BYNtUjlenSE-00039-00048312-00048583 bro please subscribe my channel okay BYNtUjlenSE-00040-00048584-00048758 youtube BYNtUjlenSE-00041-00048759-00049083 no no BYNtUjlenSE-00042-00049084-00049334 no BYNtUjlenSE-00043-00049335-00050483 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00044-00050484-00050750 oh BYNtUjlenSE-00045-00050751-00051790 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00046-00051791-00052663 subscribe my channel BYNtUjlenSE-00047-00052664-00053316 [Applause] BYNtUjlenSE-00048-00053317-00054682 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00049-00054683-00056082 okay BYNtUjlenSE-00050-00056083-00056967 [__] BYNtUjlenSE-00051-00056969-00058882 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00052-00058883-00059058 um BYNtUjlenSE-00053-00059059-00060311 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00054-00060312-00061682 okay BYNtUjlenSE-00055-00061683-00063082 cowboys BYNtUjlenSE-00056-00063083-00063745 oh BYNtUjlenSE-00057-00063746-00064926 [Music] BYNtUjlenSE-00058-00064927-00065136 you BZujsWeW_0I-00000-00000032-00001632 thank you BZujsWeW_0I-00001-00001634-00002734 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00002-00002735-00004006 cancel that BZujsWeW_0I-00003-00004007-00004735 one going here below BZujsWeW_0I-00004-00004736-00005967 taking shots BZujsWeW_0I-00005-00005968-00006159 more people coming there green not a BZujsWeW_0I-00006-00006160-00008271 good spot BZujsWeW_0I-00007-00008272-00009839 on the right BZujsWeW_0I-00008-00009840-00010238 in here two guys BZujsWeW_0I-00009-00010239-00010559 jumping behind the door because yeah BZujsWeW_0I-00010-00010560-00011031 the other team dumped me i'm safer BZujsWeW_0I-00011-00011032-00011303 it's three people BZujsWeW_0I-00012-00011304-00011727 but i think they're split off BZujsWeW_0I-00013-00011728-00013156 one coming from the left BZujsWeW_0I-00014-00013157-00013575 [Applause] BZujsWeW_0I-00015-00013576-00014383 location now BZujsWeW_0I-00016-00014384-00015599 teammate redeploying to the ao BZujsWeW_0I-00017-00015600-00016391 should i land on you no BZujsWeW_0I-00018-00016392-00016630 scavenger contract located your teammate BZujsWeW_0I-00019-00016631-00016894 is in the gulag now if they survive BZujsWeW_0I-00020-00016895-00017319 they'll rejoin it BZujsWeW_0I-00021-00017320-00018086 you can't can't push it BZujsWeW_0I-00022-00018087-00018271 okay now i can land on you yeah no i BZujsWeW_0I-00023-00018272-00018652 can't BZujsWeW_0I-00024-00018653-00019030 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00025-00019031-00019919 oh my god BZujsWeW_0I-00026-00019920-00020135 nice BZujsWeW_0I-00027-00020136-00020430 you're almost kidding me BZujsWeW_0I-00028-00020431-00021150 yo this um as44 is so good BZujsWeW_0I-00029-00021151-00021655 okay i just sold that one BZujsWeW_0I-00030-00021656-00021963 i leave the car BZujsWeW_0I-00031-00021964-00022503 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00032-00022504-00022671 you know this BZujsWeW_0I-00033-00022672-00023283 they want here what the [__] thank you BZujsWeW_0I-00034-00023284-00023799 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00035-00023800-00024121 i think he's inside the house BZujsWeW_0I-00036-00024122-00024535 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00037-00024536-00024783 here he is yes BZujsWeW_0I-00038-00024784-00024927 no no don't BZujsWeW_0I-00039-00024928-00025774 you [__] weirdo BZujsWeW_0I-00040-00025775-00025999 now what's the timing on that BZujsWeW_0I-00041-00026000-00026358 we have approximate minors BZujsWeW_0I-00043-00029375-00030887 oh BZujsWeW_0I-00044-00030888-00031399 still BZujsWeW_0I-00045-00031400-00031767 i don't know how much it alive BZujsWeW_0I-00046-00031768-00032783 won't push in here yeah moving BZujsWeW_0I-00047-00032784-00033124 out of my lobby BZujsWeW_0I-00048-00033125-00034580 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00049-00034581-00036471 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00050-00036472-00036723 oh yeah i see him BZujsWeW_0I-00051-00036724-00036887 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00052-00036888-00037583 he's behind the behind the block BZujsWeW_0I-00053-00037584-00037895 fat little bird what's two dogs BZujsWeW_0I-00054-00037896-00038271 more more over here BZujsWeW_0I-00055-00038272-00038711 okay i have it on me bro i'm so dead BZujsWeW_0I-00057-00043447-00043743 highlighted BZujsWeW_0I-00058-00043744-00043895 you can't get it down they're coming BZujsWeW_0I-00059-00043896-00044135 from the hills on the left downtown with BZujsWeW_0I-00060-00044136-00044783 us BZujsWeW_0I-00061-00044784-00045423 found another one not bad BZujsWeW_0I-00062-00045424-00045590 they were getting shot from the hill on BZujsWeW_0I-00063-00045591-00045983 top BZujsWeW_0I-00064-00045984-00046223 this is an awkward spot BZujsWeW_0I-00065-00046224-00046455 yeah from the top i see them yeah i'm BZujsWeW_0I-00066-00046456-00046751 safe BZujsWeW_0I-00067-00046752-00047367 ah [__] snipers bro BZujsWeW_0I-00068-00047368-00047607 that's a shitty son you have to go to BZujsWeW_0I-00069-00047608-00047767 that house if we get it loaded i'm BZujsWeW_0I-00070-00047768-00048223 getting a sniper BZujsWeW_0I-00071-00048224-00048751 i'm going to cross from the middle BZujsWeW_0I-00072-00048752-00048918 please don't shoot me BZujsWeW_0I-00073-00048919-00049118 hope it's clear behind us BZujsWeW_0I-00074-00049119-00049302 yeah they're going BZujsWeW_0I-00075-00049303-00049751 oh they're still sniping BZujsWeW_0I-00076-00049752-00049855 people dead BZujsWeW_0I-00077-00049856-00049967 enemies BZujsWeW_0I-00078-00049968-00051750 getting from the phone BZujsWeW_0I-00079-00051751-00052791 oh BZujsWeW_0I-00080-00052791-00053847 just come here come here honestly yeah BZujsWeW_0I-00081-00053848-00054391 let everyone else fight honestly BZujsWeW_0I-00082-00054391-00057071 dead BZujsWeW_0I-00083-00057072-00057238 oh you're gonna go down to the cluster BZujsWeW_0I-00084-00057239-00058236 if you don't do anything yeah i don't BZujsWeW_0I-00085-00058237-00058766 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00086-00058767-00058935 i'm running low on bullets i have a BZujsWeW_0I-00087-00058936-00059077 platebox BZujsWeW_0I-00088-00059078-00061535 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00089-00061536-00061766 i mean i didn't hear any comms any BZujsWeW_0I-00090-00061767-00062348 footsteps no neither BZujsWeW_0I-00091-00062349-00063950 [Music] BZujsWeW_0I-00092-00063951-00064160 you Bc3akyutBvU-00000-00000047-00001517 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00001-00001518-00001650 pythons Bc3akyutBvU-00002-00001651-00002363 hello good morning yep Jordy you're Bc3akyutBvU-00003-00002364-00002834 disturbing us Bc3akyutBvU-00004-00002835-00003838 I assure you Bc3akyutBvU-00005-00003839-00004157 the guys today's plan was to go to Bc3akyutBvU-00006-00004158-00004670 Khartoum Lodi is motorable Road but I Bc3akyutBvU-00007-00004671-00004904 don't know whether I should feel lucky Bc3akyutBvU-00008-00004905-00005108 or unlucky today we are not going Bc3akyutBvU-00009-00005109-00005426 because yesterday I must have happened Bc3akyutBvU-00010-00005427-00005722 avalanche it took place and many people Bc3akyutBvU-00011-00005723-00006106 are missing so if we were going in maybe Bc3akyutBvU-00012-00006107-00006389 we would have been stuck there but Bc3akyutBvU-00013-00006390-00006620 luckily we did not go yesterday today we Bc3akyutBvU-00014-00006620-00006917 plan and drop the plan so actually the Bc3akyutBvU-00015-00006918-00007214 roads are blocked to Karbala yeah so we Bc3akyutBvU-00016-00007215-00007562 couldn't make it happen no problem we'll Bc3akyutBvU-00017-00007563-00007735 be coming again to seek her to Muller Bc3akyutBvU-00018-00007736-00007996 and today we are planning for Lake Bc3akyutBvU-00019-00007997-00008228 Palace and mashanda stupa some Bc3akyutBvU-00020-00008229-00008749 monasteries there's lot to shop here Bc3akyutBvU-00021-00008750-00010083 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00022-00010084-00010559 you're nothing at all Bc3akyutBvU-00023-00010560-00012637 in the we have come to one of the famous Bc3akyutBvU-00024-00012638-00012916 when asked recently that is him is Bc3akyutBvU-00025-00012916-00013272 ministry so let's go inside and see what Bc3akyutBvU-00026-00013273-00013705 our things are there Bc3akyutBvU-00027-00013706-00014058 yeah feels like a Benjamin but our Bc3akyutBvU-00028-00014059-00014556 normal sleeping just lead huh Bc3akyutBvU-00029-00014557-00014955 so right now we are you see these Bc3akyutBvU-00030-00014956-00015213 bonuses are is the biggest as we just Bc3akyutBvU-00031-00015215-00015333 want to share fly that Bc3akyutBvU-00032-00015334-00015736 so this wanna see about 200 to change Bc3akyutBvU-00033-00015737-00016000 advances resident in this policy there Bc3akyutBvU-00034-00016001-00016316 are about twelve to fourteen temple's Bc3akyutBvU-00035-00016318-00016711 main statue of this honestly is a group Bc3akyutBvU-00036-00016712-00016932 at Misawa Bc3akyutBvU-00037-00016933-00017259 we thought they must have white fellows Bc3akyutBvU-00038-00017260-00017748 my mind never knows quite where to go Bc3akyutBvU-00039-00017749-00018107 yeah and I feel someone known Bc3akyutBvU-00040-00018108-00018462 misunderstood alone miles away from Bc3akyutBvU-00041-00018463-00019111 cause but knows yeah Bc3akyutBvU-00042-00019112-00019563 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00043-00019564-00020064 locks lives over far Bc3akyutBvU-00044-00020065-00020669 Oh be like a stay Bc3akyutBvU-00045-00020670-00022270 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00046-00022271-00022557 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00047-00022558-00022978 after after exploring the mists monestry Bc3akyutBvU-00048-00022979-00024632 on the very same normal shop so we are Bc3akyutBvU-00049-00024633-00024963 along with vets mom was we have our dad Bc3akyutBvU-00050-00024964-00025263 to pop this is the dish it has got Bc3akyutBvU-00051-00025264-00025539 noodles and vegetables and it's Bc3akyutBvU-00052-00025540-00025767 considered as a healthy dish during Bc3akyutBvU-00053-00025768-00026107 wings Bc3akyutBvU-00054-00026108-00027608 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00055-00027608-00028055 this is chez palace so it's inside lay Bc3akyutBvU-00056-00028056-00028399 itself you can see this from Lake and Bc3akyutBvU-00057-00028400-00028615 portents of sheep palaces that Bc3akyutBvU-00058-00028616-00028817 previously it was considered as the Bc3akyutBvU-00059-00028818-00029177 capital of Ladakh and royal family used Bc3akyutBvU-00060-00029177-00029515 to stay here now it's all empty no one Bc3akyutBvU-00061-00029516-00029925 is there there's monestry near it Bc3akyutBvU-00062-00029926-00030319 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00063-00030320-00030767 next we are going to a white color dome Bc3akyutBvU-00064-00030768-00031096 like super that's shanti stupa so Bc3akyutBvU-00065-00031097-00031448 there's a short trek from the parking Bc3akyutBvU-00066-00031449-00031718 lot to the shanti stupa and we're Bc3akyutBvU-00067-00031719-00031945 climbing that even if you take two three Bc3akyutBvU-00068-00031947-00032469 steps you start to like reckless feeling Bc3akyutBvU-00069-00032470-00032821 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00070-00032822-00033101 shanti stupa was built by japanese Bc3akyutBvU-00071-00033102-00033415 Buddhists and it symbolizes the peace of Bc3akyutBvU-00072-00033416-00033692 Ladakh and from here you can see the Bc3akyutBvU-00073-00033693-00033929 wide angle of leh that it's very Bc3akyutBvU-00074-00033930-00034145 peaceful to stand here you can feel the Bc3akyutBvU-00075-00034146-00034276 cool breeze here Bc3akyutBvU-00076-00034277-00034750 really it gives peace of Bc3akyutBvU-00077-00034751-00036267 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00078-00036268-00036601 guys where the entrance of the lay Bc3akyutBvU-00079-00036602-00036898 market and in this area you have to part Bc3akyutBvU-00080-00036899-00037150 the way cuz all say I need to walk Bc3akyutBvU-00081-00037151-00039418 inside so so we are done with the Bc3akyutBvU-00082-00039419-00039613 shopping and lay market and we are going Bc3akyutBvU-00083-00039614-00040000 back today's days over so we will meet Bc3akyutBvU-00084-00040001-00040329 you tomorrow Bc3akyutBvU-00085-00040330-00040611 [Music] Bc3akyutBvU-00086-00040612-00040897 let me tell you one thing first day Bc3akyutBvU-00087-00040898-00041158 second day third day we were afraid like Bc3akyutBvU-00088-00041159-00041470 it's too extreme climate if we expose Bc3akyutBvU-00089-00041471-00041680 our hands and snow and all if something Bc3akyutBvU-00090-00041681-00041896 will happen and the rest of the days Bc3akyutBvU-00091-00041897-00042103 will be gone so today we were like Bc3akyutBvU-00092-00042104-00042406 please the last day for us to play so it Bc3akyutBvU-00093-00042407-00042646 is a sense I'd like anything plaiting Bc3akyutBvU-00094-00042647-00042946 snow had lots of fun so we were bit Bc3akyutBvU-00095-00042947-00043213 afraid of being here but still we are Bc3akyutBvU-00096-00043214-00043523 done with that tomorrow morning will be Bc3akyutBvU-00097-00043524-00043730 goodbye delay but we'll be coming back Bc3akyutBvU-00098-00043731-00044008 for sure so hope you love our play Bc3akyutBvU-00099-00044009-00044133 videos Bc3akyutBvU-00100-00044134-00044426 we both got cuffs so hope you'll out out Bc3akyutBvU-00101-00044427-00044726 and their play series and we will be Bc3akyutBvU-00102-00044727-00045023 coming with some amazing experience so Bc3akyutBvU-00103-00045024-00045274 that we will have in Delhi Thank You Bc3akyutBvU-00104-00045275-00045896 triumph again for making this we were Bc3akyutBvU-00105-00045897-00046249 not like what I want to say is that Bc3akyutBvU-00106-00046250-00046490 sitting at home and seeing all these Bc3akyutBvU-00107-00046491-00046799 views of snow snow cotton mountains and Bc3akyutBvU-00108-00046800-00047083 all I always was very much excited and I Bc3akyutBvU-00109-00047084-00047318 always wanted to visit but I never Bc3akyutBvU-00110-00047319-00047521 thought it would be possible but it was Bc3akyutBvU-00111-00047522-00047833 only due to triumphs that we could make Bc3akyutBvU-00112-00047834-00048190 that happen so a big thanks to I am for Bc3akyutBvU-00113-00048191-00048470 making it the lay winter explanation Bc3akyutBvU-00114-00048471-00048733 also like to say about the coordinator Bc3akyutBvU-00115-00048734-00049135 Suresh said he was also ok Bc3akyutBvU-00116-00049136-00049433 guiding us for what to do and what not Bc3akyutBvU-00117-00049434-00049874 to do and hope you see a J and Bryn see Bc3akyutBvU-00118-00049875-00050227 in our videos so do follow them on Bc3akyutBvU-00119-00050228-00050420 Instagram they have a wonderful Bc3akyutBvU-00120-00050421-00050671 Instagram page they will be posting the Bc3akyutBvU-00121-00050672-00050974 lay expedition tears in back their page Bc3akyutBvU-00122-00050975-00051271 also so do follow them also the touring Bc3akyutBvU-00123-00051272-00051392 Turtles Bc3akyutBvU-00124-00051394-00051645 we also we are also there in Instagram Bc3akyutBvU-00125-00051646-00051954 and our end a expression pictures will Bc3akyutBvU-00126-00051954-00052290 be in Instagram do follow us and thanks Bc3akyutBvU-00127-00052291-00052557 again we will be coming back with Bc3akyutBvU-00128-00052558-00052884 another amazing video bye bye hope you Bc3akyutBvU-00129-00052885-00053061 guys like that if you have any feedback Bc3akyutBvU-00130-00053062-00053325 suggestions or any improvements that we Bc3akyutBvU-00131-00053326-00053552 need to do to share in the comment box Bc3akyutBvU-00132-00053553-00054080 bye bye bye Bc3akyutBvU-00133-00054082-00054808 [Music] BeIWlTde-TE-00000-00000000-00000167 [Music] BeIWlTde-TE-00001-00000168-00000655 foreign BeIWlTde-TE-00002-00000656-00001049 welcome to the St booth at CES and I'm BeIWlTde-TE-00003-00001050-00001181 here to talk a little bit about our BeIWlTde-TE-00004-00001182-00001493 wireless charging Solutions at St we BeIWlTde-TE-00005-00001494-00001648 have been a leader in wireless charging BeIWlTde-TE-00006-00001650-00001918 solutions for several years now and I'm BeIWlTde-TE-00007-00001919-00002051 excited to show you a number of our BeIWlTde-TE-00008-00002052-00002231 fully monolithic Solutions as well as BeIWlTde-TE-00009-00002232-00002465 some of our higher power devices as well BeIWlTde-TE-00010-00002466-00002615 the first device that I'm going to show BeIWlTde-TE-00011-00002616-00002845 you today actually a series of devices BeIWlTde-TE-00012-00002846-00003221 in the first solution is our Qi BeIWlTde-TE-00013-00003222-00003413 compliant Baseline power profile BeIWlTde-TE-00014-00003414-00003725 receiver and transmitter this here is a BeIWlTde-TE-00015-00003726-00004253 certified G 1.2.4 reference design that BeIWlTde-TE-00016-00004254-00004763 includes stwlc 38 the scwlc38 is a fully BeIWlTde-TE-00017-00004764-00004997 monolithic solution and what do I mean BeIWlTde-TE-00018-00004998-00005201 by that that means everything including BeIWlTde-TE-00019-00005202-00005369 the controlling MCU and all the Power BeIWlTde-TE-00020-00005370-00005645 Electronics are in a single which as you BeIWlTde-TE-00021-00005646-00005902 can see here provides for an extremely BeIWlTde-TE-00022-00005903-00006143 compact design it makes it very very BeIWlTde-TE-00023-00006144-00006467 small for these device devices it's BeIWlTde-TE-00024-00006468-00006667 sibling device the BeIWlTde-TE-00025-00006668-00006964 stwbc86 is the matching transmitter BeIWlTde-TE-00026-00006965-00007198 device which is also fully monolithic BeIWlTde-TE-00027-00007200-00007378 typically transmitters have external BeIWlTde-TE-00028-00007379-00007553 mosfets for doing the charging and BeIWlTde-TE-00029-00007554-00007834 driving the coil here we pull the just BeIWlTde-TE-00030-00007836-00008087 like with scwlc38 BeIWlTde-TE-00031-00008088-00008296 we pull in all of the Power BeIWlTde-TE-00032-00008297-00008524 and intelligence into one single package BeIWlTde-TE-00033-00008525-00008813 to allow for simple designs and these BeIWlTde-TE-00034-00008814-00009101 designs are Qi compliant and have been BeIWlTde-TE-00035-00009102-00009346 certified and our reference designs will BeIWlTde-TE-00036-00009347-00009635 be on our website for for testing very BeIWlTde-TE-00037-00009636-00009874 shortly the second solution I would like BeIWlTde-TE-00038-00009875-00010085 to show you is again taking advantage of BeIWlTde-TE-00039-00010086-00010459 the extremely compact design with the BeIWlTde-TE-00040-00010460-00010781 stwlc38 this is an example design of an BeIWlTde-TE-00041-00010782-00010985 earbud charging case on the back you can BeIWlTde-TE-00042-00010986-00011260 see what is a slightly smaller coil than BeIWlTde-TE-00043-00011261-00011399 what we had before BeIWlTde-TE-00044-00011400-00011609 but is still compatible with a standard BeIWlTde-TE-00045-00011610-00011863 Qi transmitter still the BeIWlTde-TE-00046-00011864-00012156 stwbc86 and this BeIWlTde-TE-00047-00012157-00012509 stwlc38 provides for a very small PCB BeIWlTde-TE-00048-00012510-00012719 designs the first two designs that we BeIWlTde-TE-00049-00012720-00012965 talked about today are more Qi compliant BeIWlTde-TE-00050-00012966-00013222 and are good for up to about 5 Watts BeIWlTde-TE-00051-00013223-00013486 the actual stwlc38 receiver is good for BeIWlTde-TE-00052-00013487-00013685 up to 15 watts for extended power BeIWlTde-TE-00053-00013686-00013805 profile BeIWlTde-TE-00054-00013806-00013997 the third and final solution I want to BeIWlTde-TE-00055-00013997-00014213 show you is a lower power Incarnation BeIWlTde-TE-00056-00014213-00014333 which is BeIWlTde-TE-00057-00014334-00014566 perfect for wearable solutions that are BeIWlTde-TE-00058-00014568-00014933 very small don't require Qi compliance BeIWlTde-TE-00059-00014934-00015286 this is using the same stwlc38 and an BeIWlTde-TE-00060-00015287-00015503 extremely compact board with a much BeIWlTde-TE-00061-00015504-00015851 smaller 15 millimeter receiver coil here BeIWlTde-TE-00062-00015852-00016138 is the same charger transmitting IC we BeIWlTde-TE-00063-00016140-00016350 talked about before the BeIWlTde-TE-00064-00016351-00016727 stwbc86 the monolithic design provides BeIWlTde-TE-00065-00016728-00017008 for an extremely small board area so BeIWlTde-TE-00066-00017009-00017272 it's very simple to design a transmitter BeIWlTde-TE-00067-00017273-00017465 and a receiver package using the BeIWlTde-TE-00068-00017466-00017621 reference materials we will have on our BeIWlTde-TE-00069-00017622-00017758 website BeIWlTde-TE-00070-00017759-00017939 and finally the last solution we're BeIWlTde-TE-00071-00017940-00018322 going to talk about is the stwbc2 high BeIWlTde-TE-00072-00018323-00018493 power and the BeIWlTde-TE-00073-00018494-00018833 stwlc99 we are now pushing the limit of BeIWlTde-TE-00074-00018834-00019127 Wireless power technology to 100 Watts BeIWlTde-TE-00075-00019128-00019433 using the same type of Qi technology the BeIWlTde-TE-00076-00019434-00019589 solution is also backwards compatible BeIWlTde-TE-00077-00019590-00019943 for Qi extended power profile but also BeIWlTde-TE-00078-00019944-00020321 implements st's supercharge technology BeIWlTde-TE-00079-00020322-00020639 which breaks the ceiling of that 15 BeIWlTde-TE-00080-00020640-00020843 watts and allows you to receive and BeIWlTde-TE-00081-00020844-00021119 transmit up to 100 Watts and those are BeIWlTde-TE-00082-00021120-00021263 the solutions that we have available for BeIWlTde-TE-00083-00021264-00021485 you for Wireless charge at St please BeIWlTde-TE-00084-00021486-00021655 visit our website BeIWlTde-TE-00085-00021656-00022276 www.sc.com for more information BeIWlTde-TE-00086-00022277-00023230 [Music] Co8uhSYQD68-00000-00000048-00000214 ah testing Co8uhSYQD68-00001-00000215-00000399 testing my microphone Co8uhSYQD68-00002-00000400-00000591 testing my microphone one two three Co8uhSYQD68-00003-00000592-00000911 microphone test Co8uhSYQD68-00004-00000911-00001103 are you hanging Co8uhSYQD68-00005-00001104-00001535 all the stalking's on your balls Co8uhSYQD68-00006-00001536-00001879 laugh now start laughing clap your penis Co8uhSYQD68-00007-00001880-00002431 is still on the walls Co8uhSYQD68-00008-00002432-00002807 did you have sex with a reindeer Co8uhSYQD68-00009-00002808-00003254 did your dad cool you gay Co8uhSYQD68-00010-00003255-00003527 imagine that that would be really funny Co8uhSYQD68-00011-00003528-00003767 oh he's got a big red nose Co8uhSYQD68-00012-00003768-00004127 he's reindeer tear it is Co8uhSYQD68-00013-00004128-00004422 mary cr oh a whole song we're supposed Co8uhSYQD68-00014-00004423-00004647 to play Co8uhSYQD68-00015-00004648-00004935 oh Co8uhSYQD68-00016-00004936-00005222 that's not good Co8uhSYQD68-00017-00005223-00005438 oh merry Co8uhSYQD68-00018-00005439-00005760 merry christmas C1uIsoGGiXo-00000-00000006-00000469 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00001-00000470-00001125 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00002-00001126-00002628 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00003-00002629-00003173 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00004-00003174-00003328 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00005-00003329-00003982 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00006-00003983-00004211 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00007-00004212-00004763 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00008-00004764-00004961 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00009-00004962-00005121 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00010-00005122-00006556 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00011-00006558-00006929 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00012-00006930-00007226 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00013-00007227-00007276 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00014-00007277-00008795 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00015-00008796-00009017 distinguished guests the pro Vice C1uIsoGGiXo-00016-00009018-00009173 Chancellor from The Faculty of Liberal C1uIsoGGiXo-00017-00009174-00009359 Arts and Sciences University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00018-00009360-00010673 Greenwich Professor Marco Thomas C1uIsoGGiXo-00019-00010674-00010996 dear graduates guests members of our C1uIsoGGiXo-00020-00010997-00011146 academic community C1uIsoGGiXo-00021-00011147-00011374 it's my absolute honor to welcome you to C1uIsoGGiXo-00022-00011375-00011627 today's graduation ceremony C1uIsoGGiXo-00023-00011628-00011860 as the pro Vice Chancellor of this C1uIsoGGiXo-00024-00011861-00012106 fantastic faculty it's my pleasure to be C1uIsoGGiXo-00025-00012107-00012281 the first to congratulate our wonderful C1uIsoGGiXo-00026-00012282-00012628 graduates on your amazing achievements C1uIsoGGiXo-00027-00012629-00012821 I would like to start today's ceremony C1uIsoGGiXo-00028-00012822-00013091 by asking every single person to put C1uIsoGGiXo-00029-00013091-00013277 your hands together and give a huge C1uIsoGGiXo-00030-00013278-00013480 round of applause for the graduates of C1uIsoGGiXo-00031-00013481-00014771 the University of Greenwich C1uIsoGGiXo-00032-00014772-00014963 this Chapel C1uIsoGGiXo-00033-00014963-00015203 is a truly special place in which to C1uIsoGGiXo-00034-00015204-00015377 host today's ceremony C1uIsoGGiXo-00035-00015378-00015665 it reminds us of the University's 130 C1uIsoGGiXo-00036-00015666-00015808 year history C1uIsoGGiXo-00037-00015809-00016043 as a seat of learning something in which C1uIsoGGiXo-00038-00016044-00016235 we take enormous Pride C1uIsoGGiXo-00039-00016236-00016444 this Heritage is one of high standards C1uIsoGGiXo-00040-00016445-00016679 of teaching and research and the reason C1uIsoGGiXo-00041-00016680-00016871 why thousands of students from across C1uIsoGGiXo-00042-00016872-00017105 the world come to study with us C1uIsoGGiXo-00043-00017106-00017350 we continue to build and enrich our C1uIsoGGiXo-00044-00017351-00017644 Legacy every year and this year has been C1uIsoGGiXo-00045-00017645-00017879 no different C1uIsoGGiXo-00046-00017880-00018077 when you think about it graduation C1uIsoGGiXo-00047-00018078-00018377 ceremonies are unusual occasions C1uIsoGGiXo-00048-00018378-00018599 the American Comedy writer Robert Oben C1uIsoGGiXo-00049-00018600-00018893 once said that a graduation ceremony is C1uIsoGGiXo-00050-00018894-00019049 an event where the commencement speaker C1uIsoGGiXo-00051-00019050-00019325 tells thousands of students dressed in C1uIsoGGiXo-00052-00019326-00019529 identical caps and gowns that C1uIsoGGiXo-00053-00019530-00019979 individuality is the key to success C1uIsoGGiXo-00054-00019980-00020303 we the university are a community a C1uIsoGGiXo-00055-00020304-00020614 society a collective the meaning of the C1uIsoGGiXo-00056-00020615-00020836 word university is more than the sum of C1uIsoGGiXo-00057-00020837-00021143 its parts its academic Community its C1uIsoGGiXo-00058-00021144-00021305 wonderful Professional Services staff C1uIsoGGiXo-00059-00021306-00021575 and its outstanding students C1uIsoGGiXo-00060-00021576-00021772 our achievements have brought us all C1uIsoGGiXo-00061-00021773-00021899 together today C1uIsoGGiXo-00062-00021900-00022067 but but within those Collective C1uIsoGGiXo-00063-00022068-00022247 Endeavors there are some specific C1uIsoGGiXo-00064-00022248-00022450 successes I'd like to spend a moment C1uIsoGGiXo-00065-00022451-00022630 reflecting upon C1uIsoGGiXo-00066-00022631-00022817 as we near the end of the Academic Year C1uIsoGGiXo-00067-00022818-00023075 of 2022. C1uIsoGGiXo-00068-00023076-00023327 this year our amazing staff have C1uIsoGGiXo-00069-00023328-00023483 continued to undertake their research C1uIsoGGiXo-00070-00023484-00023711 and we received some truly amazing C1uIsoGGiXo-00071-00023712-00023908 results in the research Excellence C1uIsoGGiXo-00072-00023909-00024130 framework exercise with the School of C1uIsoGGiXo-00073-00024131-00024347 Law and commology receiving top marks C1uIsoGGiXo-00074-00024348-00024647 for both of its impact case studies C1uIsoGGiXo-00075-00024648-00024863 this shows that the research from our C1uIsoGGiXo-00076-00024864-00025133 lawyers and criminologists is having an C1uIsoGGiXo-00077-00025134-00025319 impact beyond the walls of the C1uIsoGGiXo-00078-00025320-00025600 University extending far into broader C1uIsoGGiXo-00079-00025601-00025834 society and impacting areas such as C1uIsoGGiXo-00080-00025835-00026075 social justice C1uIsoGGiXo-00081-00026076-00026273 our masters landscape architecture C1uIsoGGiXo-00082-00026274-00026483 design tutors were shortlisted for the C1uIsoGGiXo-00083-00026483-00026699 British Pavilion at the vet at the C1uIsoGGiXo-00084-00026700-00026999 Venice biennale 2023 for their work with C1uIsoGGiXo-00085-00027000-00027245 the residents of the grenfield tower a C1uIsoGGiXo-00086-00027245-00027431 project that seeks to unpack the C1uIsoGGiXo-00087-00027432-00027737 interconnected themes of housing poverty C1uIsoGGiXo-00088-00027738-00028085 social injustice racial inequality and C1uIsoGGiXo-00089-00028086-00028307 the role of the architect C1uIsoGGiXo-00090-00028308-00028517 the School of Design also signed an C1uIsoGGiXo-00091-00028518-00028649 agreement with the European Union C1uIsoGGiXo-00092-00028650-00028883 National Institutes for culture the C1uIsoGGiXo-00093-00028883-00029129 European network of organizations in go C1uIsoGGiXo-00094-00029130-00029387 engaging in cultural relations bringing C1uIsoGGiXo-00095-00029388-00029596 the life bringing to life European C1uIsoGGiXo-00096-00029597-00029824 cultural collaboration in more than a C1uIsoGGiXo-00097-00029825-00030029 hundred countries worldwide C1uIsoGGiXo-00098-00030030-00030227 with this agreement we're offering a C1uIsoGGiXo-00099-00030227-00030418 placement or work-based experience to C1uIsoGGiXo-00100-00030419-00030664 all students in the school of design C1uIsoGGiXo-00101-00030666-00030827 and we were delighted to see our C1uIsoGGiXo-00102-00030827-00031043 graduate show was reviewed by the C1uIsoGGiXo-00103-00031044-00031229 architect's Journal who found our C1uIsoGGiXo-00104-00031230-00031457 architecture and Landscape programs to C1uIsoGGiXo-00105-00031458-00031720 be inspiring and invigorating with their C1uIsoGGiXo-00106-00031722-00031937 focus on contemporary issues such as C1uIsoGGiXo-00107-00031938-00032314 climate change and social justice C1uIsoGGiXo-00108-00032316-00032561 this year we are looking forward to the C1uIsoGGiXo-00109-00032562-00032746 inauguration of our new school of stage C1uIsoGGiXo-00110-00032747-00032945 and Screen which brings together our C1uIsoGGiXo-00111-00032946-00033149 film programs with our drama programs C1uIsoGGiXo-00112-00033150-00033311 from the school of humanities and social C1uIsoGGiXo-00113-00033312-00033574 sciences for the first time C1uIsoGGiXo-00114-00033575-00033773 graduates from both undergraduate and C1uIsoGGiXo-00115-00033774-00033961 Master's programs in film and television C1uIsoGGiXo-00116-00033962-00034265 sound design and drama achieved C1uIsoGGiXo-00117-00034266-00034433 impressive Productions of professional C1uIsoGGiXo-00118-00034434-00034643 quality all in the shadow of the C1uIsoGGiXo-00119-00034644-00034745 pandemic C1uIsoGGiXo-00120-00034746-00034907 some of these Works in film and C1uIsoGGiXo-00121-00034908-00035068 television have garnered International C1uIsoGGiXo-00122-00035069-00035243 Awards C1uIsoGGiXo-00123-00035244-00035423 students across the school had C1uIsoGGiXo-00124-00035424-00035549 opportunities to engage with C1uIsoGGiXo-00125-00035550-00035752 professional industry Productions such C1uIsoGGiXo-00126-00035753-00035981 as those of the BBC and punch direct C1uIsoGGiXo-00127-00035982-00036215 Theater Company some of which led to C1uIsoGGiXo-00128-00036216-00036424 employment to work on Productions such C1uIsoGGiXo-00129-00036425-00036809 as the Netflix season series Bridgeton C1uIsoGGiXo-00130-00036810-00037018 all of those involved in these and other C1uIsoGGiXo-00131-00037019-00037199 university projects during their studies C1uIsoGGiXo-00132-00037200-00037457 should be very proud indeed this year C1uIsoGGiXo-00133-00037458-00037702 was also the first opportunity since the C1uIsoGGiXo-00134-00037703-00037943 kobit 19 pandemic for our students to C1uIsoGGiXo-00135-00037944-00038117 travel to our partner universities in C1uIsoGGiXo-00136-00038118-00038393 North America on Exchange thanks to the C1uIsoGGiXo-00137-00038394-00038609 funding we were awarded from the Turing C1uIsoGGiXo-00138-00038610-00038740 scheme C1uIsoGGiXo-00139-00038741-00038968 our School of Law and criminology has C1uIsoGGiXo-00140-00038969-00039161 grown enormously over the past five C1uIsoGGiXo-00141-00039162-00039401 years and it is now the largest school C1uIsoGGiXo-00142-00039402-00039629 in The Faculty where it continues to C1uIsoGGiXo-00143-00039630-00039737 innovate with new international C1uIsoGGiXo-00144-00039738-00039989 Partnerships of its own and fantastic C1uIsoGGiXo-00145-00039990-00040174 results in the national student survey C1uIsoGGiXo-00146-00040175-00040468 for its criminology programs C1uIsoGGiXo-00147-00040469-00040655 also been some wonderful individual C1uIsoGGiXo-00148-00040656-00040889 successes in our faculty as our students C1uIsoGGiXo-00149-00040890-00041135 continue to be outstanding with endless C1uIsoGGiXo-00150-00041136-00041302 potential C1uIsoGGiXo-00151-00041303-00041530 Eden Malik received the international C1uIsoGGiXo-00152-00041531-00042017 design award 2022 from the istd the istd C1uIsoGGiXo-00153-00042018-00042239 is a professional body for designers and C1uIsoGGiXo-00154-00042240-00042437 membership is awarding to practicing C1uIsoGGiXo-00155-00042438-00042737 designers educated Educators and C1uIsoGGiXo-00156-00042738-00042905 graduate students who demonstrate C1uIsoGGiXo-00157-00042906-00043109 through the quality of their work their C1uIsoGGiXo-00158-00043110-00043271 commitment to achieving the highest C1uIsoGGiXo-00159-00043272-00043439 possible standard of visual C1uIsoGGiXo-00160-00043440-00043607 communication C1uIsoGGiXo-00161-00043608-00043889 Bakula beckinson a graduate in film and C1uIsoGGiXo-00162-00043890-00044111 TV won best documentary at the Royal C1uIsoGGiXo-00163-00044112-00044374 television Society London student TV C1uIsoGGiXo-00164-00044375-00044740 Awards for her short film non-crependo C1uIsoGGiXo-00165-00044741-00044915 she and politics graduate Michael C1uIsoGGiXo-00166-00044916-00045185 adewali show black bears Mata was C1uIsoGGiXo-00167-00045186-00045383 nominated for best newcomer at the C1uIsoGGiXo-00168-00045384-00045574 Edinburgh festival and won best news C1uIsoGGiXo-00169-00045575-00045917 show at the Leicester Comedy Festival C1uIsoGGiXo-00170-00045918-00046139 Nina stibby the best-selling author of C1uIsoGGiXo-00171-00046140-00046355 Love Nina published her fourth novel C1uIsoGGiXo-00172-00046356-00046621 this year and her first novelt C1uIsoGGiXo-00173-00046622-00046901 autobiographical one one day I shall C1uIsoGGiXo-00174-00046902-00047195 astonish the world C1uIsoGGiXo-00175-00047196-00047458 if you set your mind to it I know that C1uIsoGGiXo-00176-00047459-00047645 you can all achieve extraordinary things C1uIsoGGiXo-00177-00047646-00047861 just like the many alumni who are C1uIsoGGiXo-00178-00047862-00048143 sitting in your place not so long ago C1uIsoGGiXo-00179-00048144-00048299 there are many more examples of C1uIsoGGiXo-00180-00048300-00048443 Greenwich graduates who went on to C1uIsoGGiXo-00181-00048444-00048712 become world leaders Nobel Prize winners C1uIsoGGiXo-00182-00048713-00048995 influential campaigners playwrights C1uIsoGGiXo-00183-00048996-00049289 musicians or business owners and you can C1uIsoGGiXo-00184-00049290-00049499 learn more about these in our Greenwich C1uIsoGGiXo-00185-00049500-00049673 portraits series C1uIsoGGiXo-00186-00049674-00049865 I along with everyone at the University C1uIsoGGiXo-00187-00049866-00050105 look forward with interest to see how C1uIsoGGiXo-00188-00050106-00050333 your careers develop and how you shape C1uIsoGGiXo-00189-00050334-00050543 your future C1uIsoGGiXo-00190-00050544-00050908 now graduating can be daunting but I C1uIsoGGiXo-00191-00050909-00051095 have full faith that each and every one C1uIsoGGiXo-00192-00051096-00051275 of you will go on to do amazing things C1uIsoGGiXo-00193-00051276-00051575 with your wide-ranging experience and C1uIsoGGiXo-00194-00051576-00051713 the University's outstanding C1uIsoGGiXo-00195-00051714-00051911 employability record you are fully C1uIsoGGiXo-00196-00051912-00052085 prepared for the next big challenges C1uIsoGGiXo-00197-00052086-00052192 ahead C1uIsoGGiXo-00198-00052194-00052480 for today and for the future I offer you C1uIsoGGiXo-00199-00052482-00052679 my very best wishes and sincere C1uIsoGGiXo-00200-00052679-00052937 congratulations on your achievements and C1uIsoGGiXo-00201-00052938-00053129 I will finish by drawing on the words of C1uIsoGGiXo-00202-00053129-00053375 poet Mary Kerry who said C1uIsoGGiXo-00203-00053376-00053735 a university is a city of ideas and C1uIsoGGiXo-00204-00053736-00053944 we're grateful that you became citizens C1uIsoGGiXo-00205-00053945-00054137 of our city C1uIsoGGiXo-00206-00054138-00054449 Greenwich graduates of 2022 celebrate C1uIsoGGiXo-00207-00054450-00054682 your success and go out as citizens of C1uIsoGGiXo-00208-00054683-00054929 our University to realize your Ambitions C1uIsoGGiXo-00209-00054929-00056266 and make your dreams a reality thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00210-00056267-00056537 Vice Chancellor we now come to the C1uIsoGGiXo-00211-00056538-00056741 conferment of our not on your degree of C1uIsoGGiXo-00212-00056741-00056950 the University of Greenwich and I call C1uIsoGGiXo-00213-00056951-00057185 upon Rachel Ashton faculty Operating C1uIsoGGiXo-00214-00057186-00057329 Officer from the Greenwich business C1uIsoGGiXo-00215-00057329-00057659 school to present to you Claude morays C1uIsoGGiXo-00216-00057660-00057935 Obe C1uIsoGGiXo-00217-00057936-00058980 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00218-00058982-00059332 Obe is a long line is a long lifelong C1uIsoGGiXo-00219-00059333-00059554 human rights campaigner who worked C1uIsoGGiXo-00220-00059555-00059759 tirelessly as a member of the European C1uIsoGGiXo-00221-00059760-00060023 Parliament for over 20 years to find C1uIsoGGiXo-00222-00060024-00060287 solutions to Global issues such as C1uIsoGGiXo-00223-00060288-00060580 refugees data protection foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00224-00060582-00060775 interference in national elections C1uIsoGGiXo-00225-00060776-00061091 terrorism tax evasion money laundering C1uIsoGGiXo-00226-00061091-00061397 brexit the list goes on C1uIsoGGiXo-00227-00061398-00061649 Claude was awarded order of the British C1uIsoGGiXo-00228-00061650-00061900 Empire in 2020 for his public service C1uIsoGGiXo-00229-00061901-00062200 and services to human rights C1uIsoGGiXo-00230-00062201-00062453 it's hard to look at claude's career and C1uIsoGGiXo-00231-00062454-00062650 not conclude that MEPS are grossly C1uIsoGGiXo-00232-00062651-00062892 under-appreciated in their own countries C1uIsoGGiXo-00233-00062894-00063244 he was declared the most influential C1uIsoGGiXo-00234-00063245-00063592 British MEP and sixth most influential C1uIsoGGiXo-00235-00063594-00063916 MEP in the whole European Parliament by C1uIsoGGiXo-00236-00063917-00064294 votewatch Europe in 2017. C1uIsoGGiXo-00237-00064295-00064535 as chair of the parliament's busiest C1uIsoGGiXo-00238-00064536-00064811 committee the civil liberties Justice C1uIsoGGiXo-00239-00064812-00065041 and home Affairs or Libby committee C1uIsoGGiXo-00240-00065041-00065399 Claude personally LED negotiations that C1uIsoGGiXo-00241-00065400-00065561 delivered the general data protection C1uIsoGGiXo-00242-00065562-00065788 regulation gdpr C1uIsoGGiXo-00243-00065789-00066017 the world's toughest privacy and C1uIsoGGiXo-00244-00066018-00066209 security law in the wake of Edward C1uIsoGGiXo-00245-00066210-00066479 snowden's Revelations on the level of C1uIsoGGiXo-00246-00066480-00066797 illegal data collection by governments C1uIsoGGiXo-00247-00066798-00067049 Mark Zuckerberg came in person to be C1uIsoGGiXo-00248-00067050-00067288 interviewed by Claude and his committee C1uIsoGGiXo-00249-00067289-00067588 despite refusing three times to attend a C1uIsoGGiXo-00250-00067589-00067847 UK select committee because he knew its C1uIsoGGiXo-00251-00067848-00068099 power to restrict Facebook C1uIsoGGiXo-00252-00068100-00068344 when Cambridge analytica illegally C1uIsoGGiXo-00253-00068345-00068585 harvested Facebook data of millions of C1uIsoGGiXo-00254-00068586-00068909 Americans to persuade them to vote Trump C1uIsoGGiXo-00255-00068910-00069179 it was only the tip of the iceberg of C1uIsoGGiXo-00256-00069180-00069400 misuse and cover-up by the big tech C1uIsoGGiXo-00257-00069401-00069659 companies C1uIsoGGiXo-00258-00069660-00069947 this is an example of the threats faced C1uIsoGGiXo-00259-00069948-00070187 in society all of us C1uIsoGGiXo-00260-00070188-00070438 that Claude was in a position to tackle C1uIsoGGiXo-00261-00070439-00070835 at the European Parliament C1uIsoGGiXo-00262-00070836-00071075 his starting point has always been human C1uIsoGGiXo-00263-00071076-00071200 rights C1uIsoGGiXo-00264-00071201-00071393 his family came to Scotland as C1uIsoGGiXo-00265-00071394-00071626 immigrants when he was four having been C1uIsoGGiXo-00266-00071627-00071806 deported from the British colony of C1uIsoGGiXo-00267-00071807-00072005 Aiden to India C1uIsoGGiXo-00268-00072006-00072238 his father got a place to study in C1uIsoGGiXo-00269-00072239-00072491 Dundee but the move was difficult C1uIsoGGiXo-00270-00072492-00072779 Claude says how bad the home office is C1uIsoGGiXo-00271-00072780-00072976 is in My DNA C1uIsoGGiXo-00272-00072977-00073199 his home life was happy but he C1uIsoGGiXo-00273-00073200-00073403 experienced casual racism at school C1uIsoGGiXo-00274-00073404-00073715 every day a career in law was a way to C1uIsoGGiXo-00275-00073716-00074135 help people and address discrimination C1uIsoGGiXo-00276-00074136-00074459 Claude came to London age 22 as an LLB C1uIsoGGiXo-00277-00074460-00074855 graduate it was 1987 significant for the C1uIsoGGiXo-00278-00074856-00075106 election of the first black MPS all C1uIsoGGiXo-00279-00075107-00075394 labor in the 20th century C1uIsoGGiXo-00280-00075395-00075635 Claude became an advisor to one pool C1uIsoGGiXo-00281-00075636-00075749 boating C1uIsoGGiXo-00282-00075750-00076061 who encouraged him to stand himself C1uIsoGGiXo-00283-00076062-00076282 after doing an MSC politics and C1uIsoGGiXo-00284-00076283-00076571 administrative's law at birkbeck Claude C1uIsoGGiXo-00285-00076572-00076817 plunged into the hectic multitask in C1uIsoGGiXo-00286-00076818-00077003 life that would characterize him C1uIsoGGiXo-00287-00077004-00077249 thereafter C1uIsoGGiXo-00288-00077250-00077488 he worked at the TUC for three years C1uIsoGGiXo-00289-00077489-00077687 while carrying out international law C1uIsoGGiXo-00290-00077688-00078005 research at lse and being and being the C1uIsoGGiXo-00291-00078006-00078203 youngest labor candidate to fight the C1uIsoGGiXo-00292-00078204-00078629 1992 general election he came second C1uIsoGGiXo-00293-00078630-00078953 then for seven years he was CEO of The C1uIsoGGiXo-00294-00078954-00079126 Joint Council for the welfare of C1uIsoGGiXo-00295-00079127-00079415 immigrants at a pivotal time with C1uIsoGGiXo-00296-00079416-00079655 refugees from former Yugoslavia the boat C1uIsoGGiXo-00297-00079656-00079793 people and more C1uIsoGGiXo-00298-00079794-00079997 Claude was regularly on question time C1uIsoGGiXo-00299-00079998-00080153 and Newsnight C1uIsoGGiXo-00300-00080154-00080459 he served on the Liberties Council in C1uIsoGGiXo-00301-00080460-00080825 1997 he became commissioner for the C1uIsoGGiXo-00302-00080826-00081065 commission for racial equality on top of C1uIsoGGiXo-00303-00081066-00081262 the day job C1uIsoGGiXo-00304-00081263-00081653 in 1999 Claude became the first Bain MEP C1uIsoGGiXo-00305-00081654-00081923 for London and First South Asian origin C1uIsoGGiXo-00306-00081924-00082193 member of the European Parliament ever C1uIsoGGiXo-00307-00082194-00082462 he rose to be VP of the Socialist and C1uIsoGGiXo-00308-00082463-00082691 Democrats group parliament's second C1uIsoGGiXo-00309-00082692-00082906 largest group and Deputy leader of its C1uIsoGGiXo-00310-00082907-00083129 labor party C1uIsoGGiXo-00311-00083130-00083405 his Challenge and his success has always C1uIsoGGiXo-00312-00083406-00083687 been to put human rights at the heart of C1uIsoGGiXo-00313-00083688-00083999 the solutions to our shared problems C1uIsoGGiXo-00314-00084000-00084215 it is for claude's outstanding C1uIsoGGiXo-00315-00084216-00084497 contribution as a far-sighted and C1uIsoGGiXo-00316-00084498-00084719 diligent protector of our human rights C1uIsoGGiXo-00317-00084720-00084976 on the world stage that we honor him C1uIsoGGiXo-00318-00084977-00085187 today C1uIsoGGiXo-00319-00085188-00085499 and now Vice Chancellor I have the honor C1uIsoGGiXo-00320-00085500-00085673 and privilege of presenting to you C1uIsoGGiXo-00321-00085674-00085967 Claude Murray's Obe for the conferment C1uIsoGGiXo-00322-00085968-00086255 of the degree of honorary doctor of the C1uIsoGGiXo-00323-00086256-00086519 University of the University honoris C1uIsoGGiXo-00324-00086520-00088276 causa C1uIsoGGiXo-00325-00088277-00088494 okay C1uIsoGGiXo-00326-00088495-00089165 Claude morays C1uIsoGGiXo-00327-00089166-00089400 I think I should just retire after that C1uIsoGGiXo-00328-00089401-00089776 it's exhausting I didn't realize C1uIsoGGiXo-00329-00089777-00089962 um but it does go by fast I'll come back C1uIsoGGiXo-00330-00089963-00090221 to that in a second but um Vice C1uIsoGGiXo-00331-00090222-00090473 Chancellor Pro Vice Chancellor Ray thank C1uIsoGGiXo-00332-00090474-00090821 you for those wonderful words and also C1uIsoGGiXo-00333-00090822-00090971 in the audience C1uIsoGGiXo-00334-00090972-00091156 um is one of my mentors Terry Ashton C1uIsoGGiXo-00335-00091157-00091426 thank you for being here Terry and to C1uIsoGGiXo-00336-00091427-00091643 all of you what an extraordinary honor C1uIsoGGiXo-00337-00091644-00091900 it is if it ever happens to you C1uIsoGGiXo-00338-00091901-00092050 um to be C1uIsoGGiXo-00339-00092051-00092303 um to receive a doctorate from a C1uIsoGGiXo-00340-00092304-00092518 university and I have to say C1uIsoGGiXo-00341-00092519-00092687 I mean I heard Johnny Depp was here C1uIsoGGiXo-00342-00092688-00092950 filming and I can see why I mean this is C1uIsoGGiXo-00343-00092951-00093238 just an extraordinary campus and I think C1uIsoGGiXo-00344-00093239-00093431 it's a huge privilege to be here and I'm C1uIsoGGiXo-00345-00093432-00093605 really pleased to see all of you I C1uIsoGGiXo-00346-00093606-00093832 understand your law graduates right LLB C1uIsoGGiXo-00347-00093833-00094138 please know it helps you are that's good C1uIsoGGiXo-00348-00094139-00094288 it's these formal occasions everyone C1uIsoGGiXo-00349-00094289-00094421 gets very C1uIsoGGiXo-00350-00094422-00094643 I was at I was at Windsor Castle last C1uIsoGGiXo-00351-00094644-00094817 week to get something and I literally C1uIsoGGiXo-00352-00094818-00094991 was walking like this C1uIsoGGiXo-00353-00094992-00095225 you know because that's the formality C1uIsoGGiXo-00354-00095226-00095399 but C1uIsoGGiXo-00355-00095400-00095656 um I have a confession to make all of C1uIsoGGiXo-00356-00095657-00095891 you are law graduates and you're getting C1uIsoGGiXo-00357-00095892-00096137 llbs I think it's unbiased it's the best C1uIsoGGiXo-00358-00096138-00096461 degree it's the one I did as well C1uIsoGGiXo-00359-00096462-00096709 um but my confession is that C1uIsoGGiXo-00360-00096710-00097025 Euro here you're going to graduate I C1uIsoGGiXo-00361-00097026-00097282 actually missed my graduation C1uIsoGGiXo-00362-00097283-00097535 and the reason I missed it is I missed C1uIsoGGiXo-00363-00097536-00097823 my train I missed my plane and if I can C1uIsoGGiXo-00364-00097824-00097991 explain and I'm sure some of you will C1uIsoGGiXo-00365-00097992-00098200 relate to this C1uIsoGGiXo-00366-00098201-00098488 um my parents were pretty devastated I'd C1uIsoGGiXo-00367-00098489-00098712 spent four years getting a law degree C1uIsoGGiXo-00368-00098713-00098962 we had made the journey that Ray C1uIsoGGiXo-00369-00098963-00099256 described and I didn't turn up for my C1uIsoGGiXo-00370-00099257-00099599 graduation so to make up for this and to C1uIsoGGiXo-00371-00099600-00099791 kind of understand what it's like to be C1uIsoGGiXo-00372-00099792-00099976 the child of immigrants or the first C1uIsoGGiXo-00373-00099977-00100361 generation I literally when working in C1uIsoGGiXo-00374-00100362-00100571 London signed up for a master's degree C1uIsoGGiXo-00375-00100572-00100955 late and when it was Professor Ben C1uIsoGGiXo-00376-00100956-00101200 pimlot from birkbeck college in the lse C1uIsoGGiXo-00377-00101201-00101512 who interviewed me and he said this is a C1uIsoGGiXo-00378-00101513-00101705 bit curious why are you coming so late C1uIsoGGiXo-00379-00101706-00101879 for a degree that's not related to law C1uIsoGGiXo-00380-00101880-00102082 and I said look I need to get a master's C1uIsoGGiXo-00381-00102083-00102287 degree I just need it can you let me in C1uIsoGGiXo-00382-00102288-00102484 and he said okay we'll do the interview C1uIsoGGiXo-00383-00102485-00102839 but it's a bit odd and then he said um C1uIsoGGiXo-00384-00102840-00103139 and have you got any questions so I said C1uIsoGGiXo-00385-00103140-00103301 uh C1uIsoGGiXo-00386-00103302-00103630 where's the graduation and when is it he C1uIsoGGiXo-00387-00103631-00103804 said that's an unusual question to ask C1uIsoGGiXo-00388-00103805-00104003 at the beginning of your course but I C1uIsoGGiXo-00389-00104004-00104128 think it's in the Albert Hall I said C1uIsoGGiXo-00390-00104129-00104447 right sign me up and two years later my C1uIsoGGiXo-00391-00104448-00104801 parents on time on time I was stuck at C1uIsoGGiXo-00392-00104802-00104933 the black World tunnel this might not C1uIsoGGiXo-00393-00104933-00105149 have happened either on time my parents C1uIsoGGiXo-00394-00105150-00105353 attended what was then London C1uIsoGGiXo-00395-00105354-00105640 University's Collective graduation at C1uIsoGGiXo-00396-00105641-00105978 Albert Hall and the point of this story C1uIsoGGiXo-00397-00105979-00106313 is that it's the people who care about C1uIsoGGiXo-00398-00106314-00106584 us who helped us get to this position C1uIsoGGiXo-00399-00106585-00106889 and for you that really matter your C1uIsoGGiXo-00400-00106890-00107134 parents your loved ones your carers your C1uIsoGGiXo-00401-00107135-00107284 friends people that support you it's C1uIsoGGiXo-00402-00107285-00107566 really for them and this is just the C1uIsoGGiXo-00403-00107567-00107736 beginning for you C1uIsoGGiXo-00404-00107738-00108095 they have nurtured you supported you C1uIsoGGiXo-00405-00108096-00108340 I guess a lot of them are here they C1uIsoGGiXo-00406-00108341-00108484 don't want you to be living at home so C1uIsoGGiXo-00407-00108485-00108652 just earn something as well you've got C1uIsoGGiXo-00408-00108653-00108821 law degree C1uIsoGGiXo-00409-00108822-00109084 um so leave home that's important but C1uIsoGGiXo-00410-00109085-00109271 the life lesson is that this is just the C1uIsoGGiXo-00411-00109272-00109360 beginning C1uIsoGGiXo-00412-00109361-00109660 I did a law degree just like you and I C1uIsoGGiXo-00413-00109661-00109943 qualified but didn't practice but having C1uIsoGGiXo-00414-00109944-00110165 a law degree was an incredible start C1uIsoGGiXo-00415-00110166-00110507 it's really the degree that you can sort C1uIsoGGiXo-00416-00110508-00110710 of make a difference C1uIsoGGiXo-00417-00110711-00110873 um before I came here I was on YouTube C1uIsoGGiXo-00418-00110874-00111040 looking at all sorts of good quotes and C1uIsoGGiXo-00419-00111041-00111190 everything but I think all of you have C1uIsoGGiXo-00420-00111191-00111443 used all the best quotes frankly C1uIsoGGiXo-00421-00111444-00111677 um but the one from Michelle Obama C1uIsoGGiXo-00422-00111678-00111823 really struck me C1uIsoGGiXo-00423-00111824-00112157 when she was doing a similar ceremony in C1uIsoGGiXo-00424-00112158-00112313 front of law graduates C1uIsoGGiXo-00425-00112314-00112493 she said it's not just about making C1uIsoGGiXo-00426-00112494-00112823 money or any of that it's about making a C1uIsoGGiXo-00427-00112824-00112973 difference and she said that she knew it C1uIsoGGiXo-00428-00112974-00113290 was a cliche but it's not a cliche when C1uIsoGGiXo-00429-00113291-00113495 you get real satisfaction of having had C1uIsoGGiXo-00430-00113496-00113693 a law degree and then doing something C1uIsoGGiXo-00431-00113694-00113866 with it particularly if you're helping C1uIsoGGiXo-00432-00113867-00114065 people in any sort of way it doesn't C1uIsoGGiXo-00433-00114066-00114215 have to be human rights it doesn't have C1uIsoGGiXo-00434-00114216-00114436 to be for the downtrodden it's just C1uIsoGGiXo-00435-00114438-00114677 doing your job well as a lawyer or C1uIsoGGiXo-00436-00114678-00114845 choosing another career with a law C1uIsoGGiXo-00437-00114846-00114977 degree C1uIsoGGiXo-00438-00114978-00115201 then that is an extraordinary privilege C1uIsoGGiXo-00439-00115202-00115528 and in my career which really really C1uIsoGGiXo-00440-00115529-00115684 spelled out so I'm not going to bore you C1uIsoGGiXo-00441-00115685-00115943 anymore but if just one part of my C1uIsoGGiXo-00442-00115944-00116119 career changed my C1uIsoGGiXo-00443-00116120-00116458 whole outlook on life and I just wanted C1uIsoGGiXo-00444-00116459-00116752 to get it across to you today before you C1uIsoGGiXo-00445-00116753-00116890 graduate C1uIsoGGiXo-00446-00116891-00117208 and that was um just a few years ago at C1uIsoGGiXo-00447-00117209-00117478 the height of the refugee crisis C1uIsoGGiXo-00448-00117479-00117719 um I had the chance to go to Libya to C1uIsoGGiXo-00449-00117720-00118186 Syria and it was quite horrific I was in C1uIsoGGiXo-00450-00118188-00118504 the detention centers in Libya it's a C1uIsoGGiXo-00451-00118505-00118654 lawless country there is no government C1uIsoGGiXo-00452-00118655-00118949 so people were abused and trafficked and C1uIsoGGiXo-00453-00118950-00119165 so on and one of the things we were C1uIsoGGiXo-00454-00119166-00119333 trying to do of course is to put more EU C1uIsoGGiXo-00455-00119333-00119663 money into the into the refugee crisis C1uIsoGGiXo-00456-00119664-00119908 but the thing that really struck me uh C1uIsoGGiXo-00457-00119909-00120173 when I was in Libya and in Syria is that C1uIsoGGiXo-00458-00120174-00120316 the people who are being trafficked in C1uIsoGGiXo-00459-00120317-00120443 front of our eyes the people who are C1uIsoGGiXo-00460-00120444-00120684 being detained and sad to see tortured C1uIsoGGiXo-00461-00120685-00120983 those people were just like you and me C1uIsoGGiXo-00462-00120983-00121234 many of them were graduates many of them C1uIsoGGiXo-00463-00121235-00121534 were professional business owners they C1uIsoGGiXo-00464-00121535-00121727 were not the kinds of people we think of C1uIsoGGiXo-00465-00121728-00122002 on our television screens as sort of C1uIsoGGiXo-00466-00122003-00122189 detritus they were just you and I and by C1uIsoGGiXo-00467-00122190-00122327 accident at Birth C1uIsoGGiXo-00468-00122328-00122633 they were there and we are here and what C1uIsoGGiXo-00469-00122633-00122777 really struck me and what I wanted to C1uIsoGGiXo-00470-00122778-00122975 get across to you I know it's hot I'll C1uIsoGGiXo-00471-00122976-00123286 finish in a second is that C1uIsoGGiXo-00472-00123288-00123545 whatever you do in your life remember C1uIsoGGiXo-00473-00123546-00123707 that with all the struggles you've had C1uIsoGGiXo-00474-00123708-00123869 and you will have had many struggles C1uIsoGGiXo-00475-00123870-00124127 many of you will have worked to get here C1uIsoGGiXo-00476-00124128-00124301 and done other things to get here C1uIsoGGiXo-00477-00124302-00124595 sacrifices made by you and your parents C1uIsoGGiXo-00478-00124596-00124907 the issue is now that you are here C1uIsoGGiXo-00479-00124908-00125110 remember that we are some of the most C1uIsoGGiXo-00480-00125111-00125284 fortunate people in the world C1uIsoGGiXo-00481-00125285-00125452 it's hard to put that in perspective C1uIsoGGiXo-00482-00125453-00125657 that we really are and with the C1uIsoGGiXo-00483-00125658-00125813 gratitude that comes with that the C1uIsoGGiXo-00484-00125814-00126010 position that we're in for you at the C1uIsoGGiXo-00485-00126011-00126173 beginning of your careers it's C1uIsoGGiXo-00486-00126174-00126340 incredibly important to have that C1uIsoGGiXo-00487-00126341-00126647 gratitude but then do something with C1uIsoGGiXo-00488-00126648-00126821 your degree do something that makes you C1uIsoGGiXo-00489-00126822-00127066 feel proud makes your parents feel proud C1uIsoGGiXo-00490-00127067-00127343 and in the end when you get to my age C1uIsoGGiXo-00491-00127344-00127534 and you come to the end of the roads C1uIsoGGiXo-00492-00127535-00127786 which after reading long eulogy I think C1uIsoGGiXo-00493-00127788-00127925 it's pretty much I'm going to retire C1uIsoGGiXo-00494-00127926-00128123 I've decided C1uIsoGGiXo-00495-00128124-00128284 um when you get to that point you can C1uIsoGGiXo-00496-00128285-00128507 look back and say you did something for C1uIsoGGiXo-00497-00128508-00128752 other people and that really made you C1uIsoGGiXo-00498-00128753-00128963 fulfilled it was not a cliche as C1uIsoGGiXo-00499-00128964-00129221 Michelle Obama said it was absolutely C1uIsoGGiXo-00500-00129222-00129533 true so you've done the best degree I C1uIsoGGiXo-00501-00129533-00129808 really wish you all the very best C1uIsoGGiXo-00502-00129809-00130001 um and I think that's it it was only C1uIsoGGiXo-00503-00130002-00130240 three minutes I've been on YouTube you C1uIsoGGiXo-00504-00130241-00130481 get cut off after three minutes C1uIsoGGiXo-00505-00130482-00130625 um I just want to wish all of you C1uIsoGGiXo-00506-00130626-00130883 particularly graduates all the very best C1uIsoGGiXo-00507-00130883-00131152 of luck in the world use your law degree C1uIsoGGiXo-00508-00131153-00131399 wisely and many many congratulations C1uIsoGGiXo-00509-00131400-00132863 thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00510-00132864-00133145 Vice Chancellor I now call upon Trudy C1uIsoGGiXo-00511-00133146-00133475 Amar lecturer in law and criminology to C1uIsoGGiXo-00512-00133476-00133649 present to you award holders from The C1uIsoGGiXo-00513-00133650-00134136 Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences C1uIsoGGiXo-00514-00134137-00135209 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00515-00135210-00135437 Chancellor C1uIsoGGiXo-00516-00135438-00135707 I have the honor to present you C1uIsoGGiXo-00517-00135708-00135952 to protect you the awards from The C1uIsoGGiXo-00518-00135953-00136127 Faculty of liberal arts and science from C1uIsoGGiXo-00519-00136128-00136373 the School of Law and criminology C1uIsoGGiXo-00520-00136374-00136678 so for the degree of Masters of laws C1uIsoGGiXo-00521-00136679-00136966 International and Commercial Khalid C1uIsoGGiXo-00522-00136967-00137825 abuayi C1uIsoGGiXo-00523-00137826-00138437 Vegeta Islam C1uIsoGGiXo-00524-00138438-00139378 Islam C1uIsoGGiXo-00525-00139379-00141304 Ella cooker C1uIsoGGiXo-00526-00141305-00141569 and for the postgraduate diploma in C1uIsoGGiXo-00527-00141570-00142733 international commercial law Alex McCall C1uIsoGGiXo-00528-00142734-00143995 for the degree of Bachelor of laws C1uIsoGGiXo-00529-00143996-00144587 Mahmoud abula C1uIsoGGiXo-00530-00144588-00145181 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00531-00145182-00146339 ER C1uIsoGGiXo-00532-00146340-00147197 Samaya Adele C1uIsoGGiXo-00533-00147198-00147545 Sarah amahadzi C1uIsoGGiXo-00534-00147546-00149021 all right C1uIsoGGiXo-00535-00149022-00150197 mamuna actor C1uIsoGGiXo-00536-00150198-00150539 Fabio at the alleys our Japan C1uIsoGGiXo-00538-00153815-00156502 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00540-00161286-00161492 Baker C1uIsoGGiXo-00541-00161493-00162131 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00542-00162132-00163147 famous Danielle C1uIsoGGiXo-00543-00163148-00164021 simran behind C1uIsoGGiXo-00544-00164022-00164464 Trinity boating C1uIsoGGiXo-00545-00164465-00165202 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00546-00165203-00166289 books C1uIsoGGiXo-00547-00166290-00166363 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00548-00166364-00166758 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00549-00166759-00167026 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00550-00167027-00167849 Ellie my Breton C1uIsoGGiXo-00551-00167850-00167995 Marina brias C1uIsoGGiXo-00552-00167996-00168269 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00554-00171324-00172159 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00555-00172160-00174027 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00556-00174028-00174514 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00557-00174515-00175102 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00558-00175103-00175289 Fatima C1uIsoGGiXo-00559-00175290-00175985 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00560-00175986-00176957 Luke Michael gainsford C1uIsoGGiXo-00561-00176958-00177814 akesh gujarrell C1uIsoGGiXo-00562-00177815-00178702 otepet gulamav C1uIsoGGiXo-00563-00178703-00179080 Michael happens C1uIsoGGiXo-00564-00179081-00179759 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00565-00179760-00180947 Lauren Hines C1uIsoGGiXo-00566-00180948-00181499 she's been a Bernadette C1uIsoGGiXo-00567-00181500-00182152 all right C1uIsoGGiXo-00568-00182153-00183025 Muhammad aziah Hussain C1uIsoGGiXo-00569-00183026-00183766 Mohammed Iqbal C1uIsoGGiXo-00570-00183767-00184799 rahadu Islam C1uIsoGGiXo-00571-00184800-00185075 Muhammad Fahad Amin Israel C1uIsoGGiXo-00574-00192186-00192337 so potential like C1uIsoGGiXo-00575-00192338-00193219 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00576-00193220-00194290 Lauren Lucas C1uIsoGGiXo-00577-00194291-00195563 Grace Von Shu Martin C1uIsoGGiXo-00578-00195564-00196475 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00579-00196476-00197599 Meredith C1uIsoGGiXo-00580-00197600-00198733 Holly Elizabeth Grace miles C1uIsoGGiXo-00581-00198734-00199769 Daniel Millerton C1uIsoGGiXo-00582-00199770-00200795 Taylor Morris C1uIsoGGiXo-00583-00200796-00201737 Kerry Hamilton C1uIsoGGiXo-00584-00201738-00201948 Muhammad Mustafa Mata C1uIsoGGiXo-00585-00201949-00202187 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00586-00202188-00202733 okay C1uIsoGGiXo-00587-00202734-00203776 Makara C1uIsoGGiXo-00588-00203777-00204832 Georgia Grace Newman C1uIsoGGiXo-00589-00204833-00205331 Gabriel alitosin organ C1uIsoGGiXo-00591-00208548-00209057 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00592-00209058-00209339 Patel C1uIsoGGiXo-00593-00209340-00209479 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00594-00209480-00209975 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00595-00209976-00210191 Krista Louise paxford C1uIsoGGiXo-00596-00210192-00210973 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00597-00210973-00211255 Farhan Ramen C1uIsoGGiXo-00598-00211256-00211913 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00599-00211914-00212777 faheen Rahman C1uIsoGGiXo-00600-00212778-00213006 Muhammad madhu Brahman C1uIsoGGiXo-00601-00213007-00213719 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00602-00213719-00214763 William raid C1uIsoGGiXo-00603-00214764-00215119 Holly rinder who also received C1uIsoGGiXo-00604-00215119-00215417 the University of Greenwich Merit for C1uIsoGGiXo-00605-00215417-00215687 award for outstanding achievement C1uIsoGGiXo-00606-00215688-00216381 in law C1uIsoGGiXo-00607-00216382-00217001 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00608-00217002-00217306 Alicia cindo who also receives the John C1uIsoGGiXo-00609-00217307-00217571 Mitchell award recognizing student for C1uIsoGGiXo-00610-00217571-00217763 the dedication to the legal advice C1uIsoGGiXo-00611-00217764-00218687 Center C1uIsoGGiXo-00612-00218688-00218892 Syed Amir Shah C1uIsoGGiXo-00613-00218892-00219227 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00614-00219228-00220669 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00615-00220669-00221296 Caitlyn and snuch C1uIsoGGiXo-00616-00221298-00221579 first and last C1uIsoGGiXo-00617-00221580-00222431 Beatrice Santos C1uIsoGGiXo-00618-00222432-00223475 ringwana Suresh C1uIsoGGiXo-00619-00223476-00224952 Hannah's waiting C1uIsoGGiXo-00620-00224953-00225448 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00621-00225450-00226294 to hear tahan C1uIsoGGiXo-00622-00226296-00227206 Mia khaja Tahira C1uIsoGGiXo-00623-00227207-00227352 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00624-00227353-00228706 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00625-00228707-00229577 Lucas Carlo Webb C1uIsoGGiXo-00626-00229578-00230548 charde Williams C1uIsoGGiXo-00627-00230550-00231413 I've sent our C1uIsoGGiXo-00628-00231414-00232373 tanji diasmin C1uIsoGGiXo-00629-00232373-00233405 Crystal ventala constina zuka C1uIsoGGiXo-00630-00233406-00233632 and now for the degree of Bachelor of C1uIsoGGiXo-00631-00233633-00234183 laws extended oh sorry Rafia atiapaver C1uIsoGGiXo-00632-00234184-00234431 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00633-00234432-00234665 laughs C1uIsoGGiXo-00634-00234666-00234971 at Holy Chase C1uIsoGGiXo-00635-00234971-00235163 for the degree of Bachelor of laws C1uIsoGGiXo-00636-00235164-00236382 extended Noah Elias Amity C1uIsoGGiXo-00637-00236383-00237377 I mean C1uIsoGGiXo-00638-00237378-00237559 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00639-00237560-00239505 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00640-00239506-00240434 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00641-00240435-00240934 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00642-00240935-00241151 yeah C1uIsoGGiXo-00643-00241152-00242092 art and many C1uIsoGGiXo-00644-00242094-00243184 Andrew James Ferrara C1uIsoGGiXo-00645-00243185-00244096 Sophie and fox Ottawa C1uIsoGGiXo-00646-00244098-00244231 Joseph Gale C1uIsoGGiXo-00647-00244232-00244889 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00648-00244890-00245339 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00649-00245340-00245541 Yasmine leifa C1uIsoGGiXo-00650-00245542-00246275 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00651-00246276-00247192 Ashley May Marvin C1uIsoGGiXo-00652-00247194-00248110 my rate so much for Cooper C1uIsoGGiXo-00653-00248111-00248346 Lily May mullings C1uIsoGGiXo-00654-00248348-00248981 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00655-00248982-00249151 harness kirpano C1uIsoGGiXo-00656-00249152-00250144 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00657-00250146-00250660 kitchen Milan sadani who also foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00658-00250661-00250913 who also receives the University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00659-00250914-00251087 Greenwich merit award for outstanding C1uIsoGGiXo-00660-00251088-00251321 achievement and is also the winner of C1uIsoGGiXo-00661-00251321-00251575 the seven Bedford row essay competition C1uIsoGGiXo-00662-00251576-00252982 2021 2022 C1uIsoGGiXo-00663-00252983-00253114 Paris Soho C1uIsoGGiXo-00664-00253115-00253963 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00665-00253964-00255221 Andrea Fernandez C1uIsoGGiXo-00666-00255221-00255665 Muhammad Majid Ola who also received the C1uIsoGGiXo-00667-00255666-00255892 second place in the CC educational trust C1uIsoGGiXo-00668-00255894-00255954 award C1uIsoGGiXo-00669-00255955-00256858 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00670-00256859-00257117 and for the degree of Bachelor of laws C1uIsoGGiXo-00671-00257117-00257579 and Senior status Mirage C1uIsoGGiXo-00672-00257580-00258051 thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00673-00258052-00258341 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00674-00258342-00258694 guys C1uIsoGGiXo-00675-00258696-00260129 for the degree of Bachelor of laws C1uIsoGGiXo-00676-00260130-00260369 Vice Chancellor that concludes the list C1uIsoGGiXo-00677-00260369-00260555 of award holders for the faculty of C1uIsoGGiXo-00678-00260556-00260709 liberal arts and science C1uIsoGGiXo-00679-00260710-00260963 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00680-00260964-00262098 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00681-00262100-00262289 Chancellor of the University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00682-00262290-00262541 Greenwich Professor Jane Harrington to C1uIsoGGiXo-00683-00262542-00263284 confer the awards C1uIsoGGiXo-00684-00263285-00263597 before I do I don't think I've ever seen C1uIsoGGiXo-00685-00263598-00263813 someone read names with such emotion who C1uIsoGGiXo-00686-00263814-00263999 obviously loved each one of you so I C1uIsoGGiXo-00687-00264000-00264119 think we should give her a massive Round C1uIsoGGiXo-00688-00264120-00264527 of Applause C1uIsoGGiXo-00689-00264528-00266334 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00690-00266335-00266573 part of the ceremony if you could all C1uIsoGGiXo-00691-00266574-00266789 stand up for me please and if you could C1uIsoGGiXo-00692-00266790-00267034 face your family and friends and if C1uIsoGGiXo-00693-00267035-00267299 they're online give them a wave C1uIsoGGiXo-00694-00267300-00267479 okay C1uIsoGGiXo-00695-00267480-00267658 and there's some oh there's people in C1uIsoGGiXo-00696-00267659-00267910 the balconies as well there's it so by C1uIsoGGiXo-00697-00267911-00268108 the by virtue C1uIsoGGiXo-00698-00268109-00268373 of the powers vested in me as Vice C1uIsoGGiXo-00699-00268374-00268606 Chancellor of the University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00700-00268607-00268967 Greenwich I confer upon all those who C1uIsoGGiXo-00701-00268968-00269297 have been presented the title award and C1uIsoGGiXo-00702-00269298-00269608 honors to which you are entitled so in C1uIsoGGiXo-00703-00269609-00269825 other words you are now all graduates C1uIsoGGiXo-00704-00269826-00269956 well done everyone C1uIsoGGiXo-00705-00269957-00271805 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00706-00271806-00271991 okay C1uIsoGGiXo-00707-00271992-00272260 if graduates if you could just stay C1uIsoGGiXo-00708-00272261-00272573 standing for a few minutes for me as the C1uIsoGGiXo-00709-00272574-00272729 vice Chancellor of the University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00710-00272730-00273058 Greenwich it is my absolute honor and C1uIsoGGiXo-00711-00273059-00273299 privilege to formally congratulate you C1uIsoGGiXo-00712-00273300-00273623 on graduating today and I'd also like to C1uIsoGGiXo-00713-00273624-00273934 formally congratulate Dr Claude Morales C1uIsoGGiXo-00714-00273935-00274241 malice as well for graduating so thank C1uIsoGGiXo-00715-00274242-00274475 you for accepting our honor too C1uIsoGGiXo-00716-00274476-00274805 and it is really is a day of Celebration C1uIsoGGiXo-00717-00274806-00275099 is absolutely fantastic to be here in C1uIsoGGiXo-00718-00275100-00275260 this wonderful chapel and I know it's C1uIsoGGiXo-00719-00275261-00275434 quite warm but I'm sure you'll agree C1uIsoGGiXo-00720-00275435-00275632 with me it's beautiful isn't it it's a C1uIsoGGiXo-00721-00275633-00275855 wonderful setting and actually to be C1uIsoGGiXo-00722-00275856-00276047 able to have you all here in person to C1uIsoGGiXo-00723-00276048-00276269 celebrate is really fantastic C1uIsoGGiXo-00724-00276270-00276497 now today is a really important day for C1uIsoGGiXo-00725-00276498-00276791 you but it's also really important for C1uIsoGGiXo-00726-00276792-00277001 those who've supported you along the way C1uIsoGGiXo-00727-00277002-00277265 so what I'd really like you to do is to C1uIsoGGiXo-00728-00277266-00277480 take a few moments to think about all C1uIsoGGiXo-00729-00277481-00277643 the people that have helped you to get C1uIsoGGiXo-00730-00277644-00277973 here and what I'm going to ask you to do C1uIsoGGiXo-00731-00277974-00278249 is to really thank them now we've had a C1uIsoGGiXo-00732-00278250-00278477 few ceremonies this week and even in 40 C1uIsoGGiXo-00733-00278478-00278632 degrees heat they managed to make an C1uIsoGGiXo-00734-00278633-00278830 awful lot of noise but I think you've C1uIsoGGiXo-00735-00278831-00279005 got the potential actually it's probably C1uIsoGGiXo-00736-00279006-00279191 to be the loudest ceremony we've had so C1uIsoGGiXo-00737-00279192-00279479 far so I'm going to call you in in three C1uIsoGGiXo-00738-00279480-00279706 three two one and then get then really C1uIsoGGiXo-00739-00279707-00279899 show your appreciation so you ready C1uIsoGGiXo-00740-00279900-00280107 three two one go on C1uIsoGGiXo-00741-00280108-00280421 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00742-00280422-00281497 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00743-00281498-00281734 but not quite as loud as the business C1uIsoGGiXo-00744-00281735-00281884 school so I'm just going to turn to the C1uIsoGGiXo-00745-00281885-00282058 pro Vice Chancellor and ask him do you C1uIsoGGiXo-00746-00282059-00282263 think they could be a bit louder yeah we C1uIsoGGiXo-00747-00282264-00282413 think you could do a bit more than that C1uIsoGGiXo-00748-00282414-00283391 go on ready one two three C1uIsoGGiXo-00749-00283392-00283711 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00750-00283712-00284460 [Laughter] C1uIsoGGiXo-00751-00284461-00284710 marks the end of an important part of C1uIsoGGiXo-00752-00284711-00284956 your lives and the beginning of the next C1uIsoGGiXo-00753-00284957-00285191 and I know that each of you've had a C1uIsoGGiXo-00754-00285192-00285455 really unique journey to get here and as C1uIsoGGiXo-00755-00285456-00285658 you walk out today you are taking with C1uIsoGGiXo-00756-00285659-00285899 you wonderful memories with friends that C1uIsoGGiXo-00757-00285900-00286132 you've made skills that you've gained C1uIsoGGiXo-00758-00286133-00286319 and each and every one of your C1uIsoGGiXo-00759-00286320-00286595 accomplishments and what I'd really ask C1uIsoGGiXo-00760-00286596-00286930 you to do over the next few weeks is to C1uIsoGGiXo-00761-00286931-00287129 sit down and actually make a list of C1uIsoGGiXo-00762-00287130-00287339 those accomplishments because there will C1uIsoGGiXo-00763-00287340-00287530 be times in your life when things won't C1uIsoGGiXo-00764-00287531-00287777 go to plan or it'll be a bit tougher C1uIsoGGiXo-00765-00287778-00287993 than you wished it would be and actually C1uIsoGGiXo-00766-00287994-00288167 to be able to pull that out and look at C1uIsoGGiXo-00767-00288168-00288371 what you've managed to achieve is always C1uIsoGGiXo-00768-00288372-00288617 really important so so do spend that C1uIsoGGiXo-00769-00288618-00288856 time just giving yourself a record so C1uIsoGGiXo-00770-00288857-00289006 you've always got it there to remind C1uIsoGGiXo-00771-00289007-00289151 yourselves C1uIsoGGiXo-00772-00289152-00289343 now we know that many of you have C1uIsoGGiXo-00773-00289344-00289595 juggled multiple responsibilities you've C1uIsoGGiXo-00774-00289596-00289817 cared for your families you've worked C1uIsoGGiXo-00775-00289818-00289997 and all of you have persevered C1uIsoGGiXo-00776-00289998-00290327 throughout a pandemic but despite all of C1uIsoGGiXo-00777-00290328-00290530 those challenges C1uIsoGGiXo-00778-00290531-00290801 what is really important is that you C1uIsoGGiXo-00779-00290802-00291041 didn't give up that you're here and C1uIsoGGiXo-00780-00291042-00291193 you're graduating from the University C1uIsoGGiXo-00781-00291194-00291425 you did it C1uIsoGGiXo-00782-00291426-00291706 and now throughout the last year the C1uIsoGGiXo-00783-00291707-00291869 University of Greenwich has also had C1uIsoGGiXo-00784-00291870-00292151 some really amazing successes we're now C1uIsoGGiXo-00785-00292152-00292330 the top modern London and Kent C1uIsoGGiXo-00786-00292331-00292625 University for graduate prospects as C1uIsoGGiXo-00787-00292626-00292787 measured by the Sunday Times Good C1uIsoGGiXo-00788-00292788-00293075 University guide and we're the fourth C1uIsoGGiXo-00789-00293076-00293303 University in the country for the work C1uIsoGGiXo-00790-00293304-00293537 that we do to support students from all C1uIsoGGiXo-00791-00293538-00293782 backgrounds to achieve higher earnings C1uIsoGGiXo-00792-00293783-00294023 according to the institute for fiscal C1uIsoGGiXo-00793-00294024-00294137 studies C1uIsoGGiXo-00794-00294138-00294389 we've also continued to make real C1uIsoGGiXo-00795-00294390-00294580 improvements in our teaching and student C1uIsoGGiXo-00796-00294581-00294821 experience and that's measured by the C1uIsoGGiXo-00797-00294822-00295108 national students satisfaction survey C1uIsoGGiXo-00798-00295109-00295415 we're ranked 11th worldwide by the Times C1uIsoGGiXo-00799-00295416-00295649 Higher Education in the category of C1uIsoGGiXo-00800-00295650-00295919 reducing inequalities and we've achieved C1uIsoGGiXo-00801-00295920-00296171 stonewall's gold accreditation C1uIsoGGiXo-00802-00296172-00296380 we also have some really amazing C1uIsoGGiXo-00803-00296381-00296663 research happening at the University and C1uIsoGGiXo-00804-00296664-00296819 it's research that's making a real C1uIsoGGiXo-00805-00296820-00297065 difference to people's lives and I just C1uIsoGGiXo-00806-00297066-00297310 want to give you one example and that's C1uIsoGGiXo-00807-00297311-00297521 the research by our fire safety C1uIsoGGiXo-00808-00297522-00297682 Engineering Group that's led by C1uIsoGGiXo-00809-00297683-00298037 Professor Ed Galia it explores responses C1uIsoGGiXo-00810-00298038-00298403 to Wildfire emergencies in French and C1uIsoGGiXo-00811-00298404-00298637 Australian regions and I'm sure you'll C1uIsoGGiXo-00812-00298638-00298847 agree after what we observed yesterday C1uIsoGGiXo-00813-00298848-00299110 that it's a really timely response to C1uIsoGGiXo-00814-00299111-00299369 Wildfire which we know is vital for C1uIsoGGiXo-00815-00299370-00299525 human survival C1uIsoGGiXo-00816-00299526-00299837 Professor Ed Galia has also provided C1uIsoGGiXo-00817-00299838-00300106 recommendations around fire safety C1uIsoGGiXo-00818-00300107-00300382 following the grenful tower disaster C1uIsoGGiXo-00819-00300383-00300695 now research such as this and there is C1uIsoGGiXo-00820-00300696-00300977 much much more of which we are proud has C1uIsoGGiXo-00821-00300978-00301193 been recognized in the recent UK C1uIsoGGiXo-00822-00301194-00301367 government's research Excellence C1uIsoGGiXo-00823-00301368-00301601 framework and that saw the university C1uIsoGGiXo-00824-00301602-00301889 make the fourth greatest Improvement in C1uIsoGGiXo-00825-00301890-00302075 terms of the quality of its research in C1uIsoGGiXo-00826-00302076-00302369 comparison to other universities C1uIsoGGiXo-00827-00302370-00302639 finally throughout the pandemic we've C1uIsoGGiXo-00828-00302640-00302873 kept our first class rating by the C1uIsoGGiXo-00829-00302874-00303119 people and Planet University league for C1uIsoGGiXo-00830-00303120-00303293 our environmental and ethical C1uIsoGGiXo-00831-00303294-00303551 performance and I know that that's C1uIsoGGiXo-00832-00303552-00303791 really important to all of you C1uIsoGGiXo-00833-00303792-00304030 now during the welcome speech C1uIsoGGiXo-00834-00304031-00304180 you've already heard some of the great C1uIsoGGiXo-00835-00304181-00304355 things that colleagues in your faculty C1uIsoGGiXo-00836-00304356-00304541 have achieved throughout the last few C1uIsoGGiXo-00837-00304542-00304817 years and I really would now like us to C1uIsoGGiXo-00838-00304818-00305093 take a few moments to recognize the C1uIsoGGiXo-00839-00305094-00305363 wonderful faculty staff and The Wider C1uIsoGGiXo-00840-00305364-00305603 teams working at our University C1uIsoGGiXo-00841-00305604-00305903 I mean no institution exists without its C1uIsoGGiXo-00842-00305904-00306191 staff we are people organizations and C1uIsoGGiXo-00843-00306192-00306395 it's those people that have supported C1uIsoGGiXo-00844-00306396-00306593 you during your journey with us as well C1uIsoGGiXo-00845-00306594-00306839 so what I'd like to do now is ask all of C1uIsoGGiXo-00846-00306840-00307019 our academic colleagues to stand up C1uIsoGGiXo-00847-00307020-00307258 please and all of our professional C1uIsoGGiXo-00848-00307259-00307439 service colleagues and support C1uIsoGGiXo-00849-00307440-00307625 colleagues who are in the uni in the C1uIsoGGiXo-00850-00307626-00307841 sorry in the chapel to stand up and C1uIsoGGiXo-00851-00307842-00308045 they're around the side they're all C1uIsoGGiXo-00852-00308046-00308206 hiding away but I'm now going to C1uIsoGGiXo-00853-00308207-00308327 embarrass them C1uIsoGGiXo-00854-00308328-00308693 and I'd like you all to join me in C1uIsoGGiXo-00855-00308694-00308999 thanking the pro Vice Chancellor each C1uIsoGGiXo-00856-00309000-00309251 and every member of his staff and each C1uIsoGGiXo-00857-00309252-00309382 and every member of Staff of the C1uIsoGGiXo-00858-00309383-00309599 university for everything that they do C1uIsoGGiXo-00859-00309600-00309953 to support our students and for making C1uIsoGGiXo-00860-00309954-00310132 the University of Greenwich what it is C1uIsoGGiXo-00861-00310133-00310439 which is such a wonderful friendly and C1uIsoGGiXo-00862-00310440-00312401 supportive place to be so thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00863-00312402-00312739 you can sit down there thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00864-00312740-00313054 graduates we want you to go out to the C1uIsoGGiXo-00865-00313055-00313234 world and be proud of the institution C1uIsoGGiXo-00866-00313235-00313493 that you'll always be a part of and our C1uIsoGGiXo-00867-00313494-00313751 new strategy 2030 is extremely ambitious C1uIsoGGiXo-00868-00313752-00313937 about what the future holds for us and C1uIsoGGiXo-00869-00313938-00314171 for our students we want to have no C1uIsoGGiXo-00870-00314172-00314453 awarding gaps no pay gaps C1uIsoGGiXo-00871-00314454-00314758 to have met zero carbon emissions to C1uIsoGGiXo-00872-00314759-00314939 ensure that all of our graduates have C1uIsoGGiXo-00873-00314940-00315203 the best futures for them to be the best C1uIsoGGiXo-00874-00315204-00315467 modern University in the UK and to be in C1uIsoGGiXo-00875-00315468-00315665 the top 30 of the Guardian League table C1uIsoGGiXo-00876-00315666-00316060 by 2030 and we will do this by being C1uIsoGGiXo-00877-00316061-00316380 inclusive collaborative and impactful C1uIsoGGiXo-00878-00316381-00316679 and really importantly by putting C1uIsoGGiXo-00879-00316680-00316877 student and staff mental health and C1uIsoGGiXo-00880-00316878-00317182 well-being at the core of what we do C1uIsoGGiXo-00881-00317183-00317417 so we promise you to continue to work C1uIsoGGiXo-00882-00317418-00317710 really hard and continue to improve in C1uIsoGGiXo-00883-00317711-00317884 the future C1uIsoGGiXo-00884-00317885-00318191 graduates as of today you have joined a C1uIsoGGiXo-00885-00318192-00318419 global alumni community and it's over C1uIsoGGiXo-00886-00318420-00318604 260 C1uIsoGGiXo-00887-00318605-00318941 000 strong and now more than ever this C1uIsoGGiXo-00888-00318942-00319169 community is a really powerful resource C1uIsoGGiXo-00889-00319170-00319384 to lean on and they along with the C1uIsoGGiXo-00890-00319385-00319643 university are here to help you progress C1uIsoGGiXo-00891-00319644-00319913 in your graduate career and it also C1uIsoGGiXo-00892-00319914-00320182 gives you access to the full Services of C1uIsoGGiXo-00893-00320183-00320410 the employability and career service for C1uIsoGGiXo-00894-00320411-00320597 up to two years after you've completed C1uIsoGGiXo-00895-00320598-00320717 your studies C1uIsoGGiXo-00896-00320718-00321029 and if you haven't already done so what C1uIsoGGiXo-00897-00321030-00321245 I'd really encourage you to do before C1uIsoGGiXo-00898-00321246-00321551 you leave today is to is to sign up to C1uIsoGGiXo-00899-00321552-00321760 ask alumni because what that allows you C1uIsoGGiXo-00900-00321761-00321934 to do is it allows you to connect with C1uIsoGGiXo-00901-00321935-00322175 fellow alumni it allows you to develop C1uIsoGGiXo-00902-00322176-00322534 professional Networks and it also really C1uIsoGGiXo-00903-00322535-00322834 allows you to get career insights that C1uIsoGGiXo-00904-00322835-00323003 will help you navigate the next stages C1uIsoGGiXo-00905-00323004-00323189 of your journey C1uIsoGGiXo-00906-00323190-00323465 so on behalf of the University of C1uIsoGGiXo-00907-00323466-00323747 Greenwich I wish each and every one of C1uIsoGGiXo-00908-00323748-00324029 you huge congratulations and I can't C1uIsoGGiXo-00909-00324030-00324221 wait to hear what the future holds for C1uIsoGGiXo-00910-00324222-00325667 you all so thank you very much C1uIsoGGiXo-00911-00325668-00326008 Vice Chancellor honorary graduate C1uIsoGGiXo-00912-00326009-00326201 distinguished guests C1uIsoGGiXo-00913-00326202-00326375 that concludes this afternoon's C1uIsoGGiXo-00914-00326376-00326567 presentation of successful award holders C1uIsoGGiXo-00915-00326568-00326765 of the University of Greenwich C1uIsoGGiXo-00916-00326766-00327004 would guest please remain seated until C1uIsoGGiXo-00917-00327005-00327215 the processions have left the chapel and C1uIsoGGiXo-00918-00327216-00327484 await further instructions from stewards C1uIsoGGiXo-00919-00327485-00327695 thank you and enjoy the rest of your C1uIsoGGiXo-00920-00327696-00328614 celebrations this evening C1uIsoGGiXo-00921-00328615-00329512 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00922-00329513-00329734 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00923-00329735-00330125 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00924-00330126-00331072 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00925-00331073-00332114 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00926-00332115-00332651 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00927-00332652-00334187 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00928-00334188-00334486 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00930-00338096-00339377 thank you C1uIsoGGiXo-00931-00339378-00339584 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00932-00339585-00339764 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00933-00339765-00339965 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00934-00339966-00340479 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00935-00340480-00341559 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00936-00341560-00343359 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00937-00343360-00343462 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00938-00343463-00343630 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00939-00343631-00343976 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00940-00343977-00346132 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00941-00346133-00346319 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00942-00346320-00347735 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00943-00347736-00347953 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00944-00347954-00349823 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00945-00349824-00350014 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00946-00350015-00350743 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00947-00350744-00350997 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00948-00350998-00351769 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00949-00351770-00351894 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00950-00351895-00353171 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00951-00353172-00353717 foreign C1uIsoGGiXo-00952-00353718-00354286 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00953-00354287-00355108 [Music] C1uIsoGGiXo-00954-00355109-00355446 [Applause] C1uIsoGGiXo-00955-00355447-00356094 [Music]