p1RYXWgFpEI-00000-00000042-00000394 the ancient city of Petra p1RYXWgFpEI-00001-00000395-00000634 hiding in the Middle Eastern Canyons of p1RYXWgFpEI-00002-00000635-00000928 Jordan lies what was once a thriving p1RYXWgFpEI-00003-00000930-00001324 trading City now lost to time p1RYXWgFpEI-00004-00001325-00001589 these ancient tombs and temples are p1RYXWgFpEI-00005-00001590-00001852 visited by tens of thousands of people p1RYXWgFpEI-00006-00001853-00002099 each year p1RYXWgFpEI-00007-00002100-00002357 the ancient Arabic people who built this p1RYXWgFpEI-00008-00002358-00002825 city 2 300 years ago were the nabatians p1RYXWgFpEI-00009-00002826-00003107 but the area probably has a much longer p1RYXWgFpEI-00010-00003108-00003340 history going back thousands of years p1RYXWgFpEI-00011-00003342-00003581 before that p1RYXWgFpEI-00012-00003582-00003917 the nabatians were a nomadic people who p1RYXWgFpEI-00013-00003918-00004175 traded with other countries and that's p1RYXWgFpEI-00014-00004176-00004427 probably why Petra with its favorable p1RYXWgFpEI-00015-00004428-00004769 trading location was chosen p1RYXWgFpEI-00016-00004770-00005183 the word Petra means rock or stone in p1RYXWgFpEI-00017-00005184-00005477 Greek which is very fitting because the p1RYXWgFpEI-00018-00005478-00005741 city was not just built by Stone but was p1RYXWgFpEI-00019-00005742-00005986 mostly carved into it p1RYXWgFpEI-00020-00005987-00006268 Petra has two other names which tell you p1RYXWgFpEI-00021-00006269-00006436 more about it p1RYXWgFpEI-00022-00006437-00006725 one of the names it goes by is the Rose p1RYXWgFpEI-00023-00006726-00007060 City so called because of the color the p1RYXWgFpEI-00024-00007061-00007463 Sandstone turns at sunset and sunrise p1RYXWgFpEI-00025-00007464-00007792 another name is the lost city because p1RYXWgFpEI-00026-00007793-00008105 for over 500 years its location was p1RYXWgFpEI-00027-00008106-00008260 forgotten p1RYXWgFpEI-00028-00008261-00008501 Petra was only rediscovered 200 years p1RYXWgFpEI-00029-00008502-00009041 ago in 1812 by a Swiss Traveler p1RYXWgFpEI-00030-00009042-00009335 over 20 000 nabatians call this place p1RYXWgFpEI-00031-00009336-00009556 home at one time p1RYXWgFpEI-00032-00009557-00009833 the Romans took control of Petra in the p1RYXWgFpEI-00033-00009834-00010067 First Century A.D p1RYXWgFpEI-00034-00010068-00010489 then a large earthquake in 360 3 A.D p1RYXWgFpEI-00035-00010490-00010769 destroyed much of the city p1RYXWgFpEI-00036-00010770-00011081 new and better trade routes started to p1RYXWgFpEI-00037-00011082-00011531 be used and Petra's importance declined p1RYXWgFpEI-00038-00011532-00011806 the nabataeans were a very resourceful p1RYXWgFpEI-00039-00011807-00012155 people in many ways as proven by their p1RYXWgFpEI-00040-00012156-00012491 Innovative water management system p1RYXWgFpEI-00041-00012492-00012767 they collected groundwater and rainwater p1RYXWgFpEI-00042-00012768-00013121 from nearby and distant areas using p1RYXWgFpEI-00043-00013122-00013499 channels cut into the rocks p1RYXWgFpEI-00044-00013500-00013853 in these channels sad terracotta pipes p1RYXWgFpEI-00045-00013854-00014177 which let water flow gently from various p1RYXWgFpEI-00046-00014178-00014416 systems at the tops of canyons around p1RYXWgFpEI-00047-00014418-00014651 the city p1RYXWgFpEI-00048-00014652-00014849 they had enough water for themselves p1RYXWgFpEI-00049-00014850-00015215 their camels and things they grew p1RYXWgFpEI-00050-00015216-00015485 it's even said they had enough water for p1RYXWgFpEI-00051-00015486-00015719 a swimming pool p1RYXWgFpEI-00052-00015719-00015977 another marveled of their architectural p1RYXWgFpEI-00053-00015978-00016294 will is their theater p1RYXWgFpEI-00054-00016295-00016583 carved into the hillside it could seat p1RYXWgFpEI-00055-00016584-00016811 over 8 000 people p1RYXWgFpEI-00056-00016812-00017075 audiences would be entertained with p1RYXWgFpEI-00057-00017076-00017435 plays readings and fights p1RYXWgFpEI-00058-00017436-00017639 if you want to visit Petra someday p1RYXWgFpEI-00059-00017640-00017872 you'll probably arrive in Jordan's p1RYXWgFpEI-00060-00017873-00018119 biggest airport in the capital Aman p1RYXWgFpEI-00061-00018120-00018371 which is about a three-hour drive to p1RYXWgFpEI-00062-00018372-00018515 Petra p1RYXWgFpEI-00063-00018516-00018730 but don't make the mistake most people p1RYXWgFpEI-00064-00018731-00018977 make in thinking you can see all of p1RYXWgFpEI-00065-00018978-00019180 Petra in one day p1RYXWgFpEI-00066-00019181-00019499 the ancient city is huge and cars aren't p1RYXWgFpEI-00067-00019500-00019703 allowed so you'll be doing a lot of p1RYXWgFpEI-00068-00019704-00019972 walking hiking and traveling between p1RYXWgFpEI-00069-00019973-00020441 sites usually on foot or by camel or p1RYXWgFpEI-00070-00020442-00020764 sometimes horse-drawn buggies p1RYXWgFpEI-00071-00020765-00021029 so to really enjoy all of what Petra has p1RYXWgFpEI-00072-00021030-00021258 to offer you'll need two or three days p1RYXWgFpEI-00073-00021259-00021641 and staying in the nearby town is highly p1RYXWgFpEI-00074-00021642-00021803 recommended p1RYXWgFpEI-00075-00021804-00022085 and lastly you may not have thought it p1RYXWgFpEI-00076-00022086-00022349 possible but you can even enjoy the lost p1RYXWgFpEI-00077-00022350-00022558 city at night p1RYXWgFpEI-00078-00022559-00022828 in front of one of the tombs the facade p1RYXWgFpEI-00079-00022829-00023075 is lit up by candles p1RYXWgFpEI-00080-00023076-00023339 and sitting on a blanket listening to p1RYXWgFpEI-00081-00023340-00023614 traditional music you can relax and p1RYXWgFpEI-00082-00023615-00023891 imagine what this ancient city must have p1RYXWgFpEI-00083-00023892-00024041 been like p1RYXWgFpEI-00084-00024042-00024208 thanks for watching p1RYXWgFpEI-00085-00024209-00024554 like And subscribe for more p7Di7M9bvxg-00000-00000008-00000438 recorded by miss s e waldo a disciple p7Di7M9bvxg-00001-00000440-00000886 wednesday 19th june 1895 this day marks p7Di7M9bvxg-00002-00000888-00001087 the beginning of the regular teaching p7Di7M9bvxg-00003-00001088-00001358 given daily by swami vivekananda to his p7Di7M9bvxg-00004-00001359-00001679 disciples at thousand island park p7Di7M9bvxg-00005-00001680-00001982 we had not yet all assembled there but p7Di7M9bvxg-00006-00001984-00002247 the master's heart was always in his p7Di7M9bvxg-00007-00002248-00002534 work so he commenced at once to teach p7Di7M9bvxg-00008-00002535-00002847 the three or four who were with him p7Di7M9bvxg-00009-00002848-00003087 he came on this first morning with the p7Di7M9bvxg-00010-00003088-00003375 bible in his hand and opened to the book p7Di7M9bvxg-00011-00003376-00003647 of john saying that since we were all p7Di7M9bvxg-00012-00003647-00003895 christians it was proper that he should p7Di7M9bvxg-00013-00003896-00004119 begin with the christian scriptures in p7Di7M9bvxg-00014-00004120-00004375 the beginning was the word and the word p7Di7M9bvxg-00015-00004376-00004735 was with god and the word was god p7Di7M9bvxg-00016-00004736-00004927 the hindu calls this maya the p7Di7M9bvxg-00017-00004928-00005183 manifestation of god because it is the p7Di7M9bvxg-00018-00005184-00005359 power of god p7Di7M9bvxg-00019-00005360-00005567 the absolute reflecting through the p7Di7M9bvxg-00020-00005568-00005863 universe is what we call nature p7Di7M9bvxg-00021-00005864-00006095 the word has two manifestations the p7Di7M9bvxg-00022-00006096-00006359 general one of nature and the special p7Di7M9bvxg-00023-00006360-00006591 one of the great incarnations of god p7Di7M9bvxg-00024-00006592-00006991 krishna buddha jesus and ramakrishna p7Di7M9bvxg-00025-00006992-00007255 christ the special manifestation of the p7Di7M9bvxg-00026-00007256-00007567 absolute is known and noble p7Di7M9bvxg-00027-00007568-00007855 the absolute cannot be known we cannot p7Di7M9bvxg-00028-00007856-00008142 know the father only the son p7Di7M9bvxg-00029-00008143-00008407 we can only see the absolute through the p7Di7M9bvxg-00030-00008408-00008663 tint of humanity through christ in the p7Di7M9bvxg-00031-00008664-00008927 first five verses of john is the whole p7Di7M9bvxg-00032-00008928-00009206 essence of christianity each verse is p7Di7M9bvxg-00033-00009207-00009423 full of the profoundest philosophy the p7Di7M9bvxg-00034-00009424-00009727 perfect never becomes imperfect p7Di7M9bvxg-00035-00009728-00009951 it is in the darkness but is not p7Di7M9bvxg-00036-00009952-00010191 affected by the darkness p7Di7M9bvxg-00037-00010192-00010463 god's mercy goes to all but is not p7Di7M9bvxg-00038-00010464-00010727 affected by their wickedness p7Di7M9bvxg-00039-00010728-00011006 the sun is not affected by any disease p7Di7M9bvxg-00040-00011007-00011287 of our eyes which may make us see it p7Di7M9bvxg-00041-00011288-00011678 distorted in the 29th verse taketh away p7Di7M9bvxg-00042-00011679-00011942 the sin of the world means that christ p7Di7M9bvxg-00043-00011943-00012246 would show us the way to become perfect p7Di7M9bvxg-00044-00012247-00012503 god became christ to show man his true p7Di7M9bvxg-00045-00012504-00012871 nature that we to our god we are human p7Di7M9bvxg-00046-00012872-00013111 coverings over the divine but as the p7Di7M9bvxg-00047-00013112-00013391 divine man christ and we are one the p7Di7M9bvxg-00048-00013391-00013679 trinitarian christ is elevated above us p7Di7M9bvxg-00049-00013680-00013935 the unitarian christ is merely a moral p7Di7M9bvxg-00050-00013936-00014294 man neither can help us the christ who p7Di7M9bvxg-00051-00014295-00014566 is the incarnation of god who has not p7Di7M9bvxg-00052-00014568-00014838 forgotten his divinity that christ can p7Di7M9bvxg-00053-00014840-00015222 help us in him there is no imperfection p7Di7M9bvxg-00054-00015223-00015511 these incarnations are always conscious p7Di7M9bvxg-00055-00015512-00015791 of their own divinity they know it from p7Di7M9bvxg-00056-00015791-00015950 their birth p7Di7M9bvxg-00057-00015951-00016199 they are like the actors whose play is p7Di7M9bvxg-00058-00016200-00016543 over but who after their work is done p7Di7M9bvxg-00059-00016544-00016791 return to please others p7Di7M9bvxg-00060-00016792-00017055 these great ones are untouched by ought p7Di7M9bvxg-00061-00017056-00017350 of earth they assume our form and our p7Di7M9bvxg-00062-00017351-00017622 limitations for a time in order to teach p7Di7M9bvxg-00063-00017623-00017943 us but in reality they are never limited p7Di7M9bvxg-00064-00017944-00018239 they are ever free good is near truth p7Di7M9bvxg-00065-00018240-00018479 but is not yet truth p7Di7M9bvxg-00066-00018480-00018719 after learning not to be disturbed by p7Di7M9bvxg-00067-00018720-00019007 evil we have to learn not to be made p7Di7M9bvxg-00068-00019008-00019191 happy by good p7Di7M9bvxg-00069-00019192-00019447 we must find that we are beyond both p7Di7M9bvxg-00070-00019448-00019727 evil and good we must study their p7Di7M9bvxg-00071-00019728-00019975 adjustment and see that they are both p7Di7M9bvxg-00072-00019976-00020271 necessary the idea of dualism is from p7Di7M9bvxg-00073-00020272-00020527 the ancient persians asterisk really p7Di7M9bvxg-00074-00020528-00020799 good and evil are one because they are p7Di7M9bvxg-00075-00020800-00021111 both chains and products of maya and are p7Di7M9bvxg-00076-00021112-00021319 in our own mind p7Di7M9bvxg-00077-00021320-00021575 when the mind is self-poised neither p7Di7M9bvxg-00078-00021576-00021830 good nor bad affects it p7Di7M9bvxg-00079-00021831-00022078 be perfectly free then neither can p7Di7M9bvxg-00080-00022079-00022478 affect it and we enjoy freedom and bliss p7Di7M9bvxg-00081-00022479-00022767 evil is the iron chain good is the gold p7Di7M9bvxg-00082-00022768-00023022 one both are chains p7Di7M9bvxg-00083-00023023-00023335 be free and know once for all that there p7Di7M9bvxg-00084-00023336-00023550 is no chain for you p7Di7M9bvxg-00085-00023551-00023791 lay hold of the golden chain to loosen p7Di7M9bvxg-00086-00023792-00024086 the hold of the iron one then throw both p7Di7M9bvxg-00087-00024087-00024199 away p7Di7M9bvxg-00088-00024200-00024494 the thorn of evil is in our flesh take p7Di7M9bvxg-00089-00024495-00024727 another thorn from the same bush and p7Di7M9bvxg-00090-00024728-00025022 extract the first thorn then throw away p7Di7M9bvxg-00091-00025023-00025278 both and be free in the world take p7Di7M9bvxg-00092-00025279-00025558 always the position of the giver p7Di7M9bvxg-00093-00025559-00025911 give everything and look for no return p7Di7M9bvxg-00094-00025912-00026223 give love give help give service give p7Di7M9bvxg-00095-00026224-00026470 any little thing you can but keep out p7Di7M9bvxg-00096-00026472-00026614 barter p7Di7M9bvxg-00097-00026616-00026879 make no conditions and none will be p7Di7M9bvxg-00098-00026880-00027023 imposed p7Di7M9bvxg-00099-00027024-00027295 let us give out of our own bounty just p7Di7M9bvxg-00100-00027295-00027590 as god gives to us the lord is the only p7Di7M9bvxg-00101-00027591-00027870 giver all the men in the world are only p7Di7M9bvxg-00102-00027872-00028039 shopkeepers p7Di7M9bvxg-00103-00028039-00028311 get his check and it must be honored p7Di7M9bvxg-00104-00028312-00028583 everywhere god is the inexplicable p7Di7M9bvxg-00105-00028583-00028839 inexpressible essence of love to be p7Di7M9bvxg-00106-00028839-00029174 known but never defined in our miseries p7Di7M9bvxg-00107-00029175-00029423 and struggles the world seems to us a p7Di7M9bvxg-00108-00029424-00029774 very dreadful place but just as when we p7Di7M9bvxg-00109-00029775-00030023 watch to puppies playing and biting we p7Di7M9bvxg-00110-00030024-00030295 do not concern ourselves at all p7Di7M9bvxg-00111-00030295-00030590 realizing that it is only fun and that p7Di7M9bvxg-00112-00030591-00030870 even a sharp knit now and then will do p7Di7M9bvxg-00113-00030872-00031199 no actual harm so all our struggles are p7Di7M9bvxg-00114-00031200-00031446 but play in god's eyes p7Di7M9bvxg-00115-00031447-00031727 this world is all for play and only p7Di7M9bvxg-00116-00031727-00032046 amuses god nothing in it can make god p7Di7M9bvxg-00117-00032047-00032246 angry mother p7Di7M9bvxg-00118-00032247-00032535 in the sea of life my bark is sinking p7Di7M9bvxg-00119-00032536-00032799 the whirlwind of illusion the storm of p7Di7M9bvxg-00120-00032800-00033079 attachment is growing every moment my p7Di7M9bvxg-00121-00033080-00033415 five horsemen senses are foolish and the p7Di7M9bvxg-00122-00033416-00033743 helmsman mind is weak my bearings are p7Di7M9bvxg-00123-00033744-00034118 lost my boat is sinking o mother p7Di7M9bvxg-00124-00034119-00034439 save me mother thy light stops not for p7Di7M9bvxg-00125-00034440-00034711 the saint or the sinner it animates the p7Di7M9bvxg-00126-00034712-00034935 lover and the murderer p7Di7M9bvxg-00127-00034936-00035271 mother is ever manifesting through all p7Di7M9bvxg-00128-00035272-00035495 the light is not polluted by what it p7Di7M9bvxg-00129-00035496-00035823 shines on nor benefited by it p7Di7M9bvxg-00130-00035824-00036183 the light is ever pure ever changeless p7Di7M9bvxg-00131-00036184-00036487 behind every creature is the mother pure p7Di7M9bvxg-00132-00036488-00036727 lovely never changing p7Di7M9bvxg-00133-00036728-00037071 mother manifested as light in all beings p7Di7M9bvxg-00134-00037072-00037271 we bow down to thee p7Di7M9bvxg-00135-00037272-00037543 she is equally in suffering hunger p7Di7M9bvxg-00136-00037544-00037767 pleasure sublimity p7Di7M9bvxg-00137-00037768-00038007 when the bee sucks honey the lord is p7Di7M9bvxg-00138-00038008-00038143 eating p7Di7M9bvxg-00139-00038144-00038415 knowing that the lord is everywhere the p7Di7M9bvxg-00140-00038416-00038718 sages give up praising and blaming p7Di7M9bvxg-00141-00038719-00039007 know that nothing can hurt you p7Di7M9bvxg-00142-00039008-00039111 how p7Di7M9bvxg-00143-00039112-00039295 are you not free p7Di7M9bvxg-00144-00039296-00039502 are you not akhman p7Di7M9bvxg-00145-00039503-00039799 he is the life of our lives the hearing p7Di7M9bvxg-00146-00039800-00040135 of our ears the sight of our eyes we go p7Di7M9bvxg-00147-00040136-00040374 through the world like a man pursued by p7Di7M9bvxg-00148-00040375-00040655 a policeman and see the barest glimpses p7Di7M9bvxg-00149-00040656-00040855 of the beauty of it p7Di7M9bvxg-00150-00040856-00041135 all this fear that pursues us comes from p7Di7M9bvxg-00151-00041136-00041351 believing in matter p7Di7M9bvxg-00152-00041352-00041615 matter gets its whole existence from the p7Di7M9bvxg-00153-00041616-00041887 presence of mind behind it p7Di7M9bvxg-00154-00041888-00042135 what we see is god percolating through p7Di7M9bvxg-00155-00042136-00042271 nature p7Di7M9bvxg-00156-00042272-00042812 here nature means matter and mind p8oSpIlIH0y-00000-00000331-00000665 this way I don't look at that because I p8oSpIlIH0y-00001-00000666-00001150 trust God that was a long time ago to p8oSpIlIH0y-00002-00001151-00001382 separate myself from my finances and p8oSpIlIH0y-00003-00001383-00001622 money I focused on the spiritual things p8oSpIlIH0y-00004-00001623-00001826 and my people and on the property that p8oSpIlIH0y-00005-00001827-00002791 we maintain and worship I don't focus on p8oSpIlIH0y-00006-00002792-00003163 right that's a standard Billy Graham p8oSpIlIH0y-00007-00003164-00003979 articulates that to fasteners he says p8oSpIlIH0y-00008-00003979-00004388 there's two kinds of treasure that which p8oSpIlIH0y-00009-00004389-00005065 gets old and rots and that is lasts I p8oSpIlIH0y-00010-00005066-00005365 suggest to you can invest your life p8oSpIlIH0y-00011-00005366-00005695 investment will last for eternity that's p8oSpIlIH0y-00012-00005696-00005947 what I'm talking about invest your life p8oSpIlIH0y-00013-00005948-00006251 and what you have and things that will p8oSpIlIH0y-00014-00006252-00006756 last for eternity you'll never regret it p8oSpIlIH0y-00015-00006758-00007021 but he looks at your treasure and what p8oSpIlIH0y-00016-00007022-00007388 you do with it tell us where your heart p8oSpIlIH0y-00017-00007389-00007438 is p8oSpIlIH0y-00018-00007439-00007814 are you anxious don't be anxious and p8oSpIlIH0y-00019-00007815-00007895 don't breathe p8oSpIlIH0y-00020-00007895-00008159 put your trust in God are you trying to p8oSpIlIH0y-00021-00008159-00009588 gain control over those which are p8oSpIlIH0y-00022-00009589-00009795 you p8uYrJa-jh4-00000-00000003-00000440 never asked that question now I think p8uYrJa-jh4-00001-00000441-00000761 love is one of those things that's so p8uYrJa-jh4-00002-00000762-00001070 difficult to describe it's it's so hard p8uYrJa-jh4-00003-00001071-00001448 to put into words because it is just p8uYrJa-jh4-00004-00001449-00001589 there's something that you feel inside p8uYrJa-jh4-00005-00001590-00002152 it's you know it's a it's a longing it's p8uYrJa-jh4-00006-00002153-00002480 a need what we all long for we want to p8uYrJa-jh4-00007-00002481-00003014 love and be loved and I think it's what p8uYrJa-jh4-00008-00003015-00003379 life's all about training with Helen was p8uYrJa-jh4-00009-00003380-00003613 good with I was on her team but not so p8uYrJa-jh4-00010-00003614-00003833 good if I wasn't on her team because it p8uYrJa-jh4-00011-00003834-00003965 only meant that Helen would win and I p8uYrJa-jh4-00012-00003965-00004510 would probably lose and I remember p8uYrJa-jh4-00013-00004511-00004745 somebody took a picture and captured the p8uYrJa-jh4-00014-00004746-00005036 moment on the podium and the medals are p8uYrJa-jh4-00015-00005037-00005270 being handed out and Susanna Townsend p8uYrJa-jh4-00016-00005271-00005543 was was in between us on the podium and p8uYrJa-jh4-00017-00005544-00005747 we'd been given our medals and we you p8uYrJa-jh4-00018-00005748-00005924 know it had a look at them and we just p8uYrJa-jh4-00019-00005925-00006074 had a moment's just peer back behind p8uYrJa-jh4-00020-00006075-00006275 Susana Susanna's back and just have a p8uYrJa-jh4-00021-00006276-00006442 little high-five with each other and p8uYrJa-jh4-00022-00006443-00006689 somebody captured it and sent us that p8uYrJa-jh4-00023-00006690-00006902 that image and it's it's just really p8uYrJa-jh4-00024-00006903-00007142 special because it was about the team it p8uYrJa-jh4-00025-00007143-00007306 was about the squad but just in that p8uYrJa-jh4-00026-00007308-00007546 moment got to just appreciate it with p8uYrJa-jh4-00027-00007547-00007784 Helen and my wife and it was it was p8uYrJa-jh4-00028-00007784-00007864 really special p8uYrJa-jh4-00029-00007865-00008074 we've just had so much love and support p8uYrJa-jh4-00030-00008075-00008330 they can you know see how much I think p8uYrJa-jh4-00031-00008331-00008464 we love each other I think we're quite p8uYrJa-jh4-00032-00008465-00008792 open with how we feel for for each other p8uYrJa-jh4-00033-00008793-00009103 and I think people can align themselves p8uYrJa-jh4-00034-00009104-00009233 to that they want there's something p8uYrJa-jh4-00035-00009234-00009356 aspirational about that I think I don't p8uYrJa-jh4-00036-00009357-00009667 know they want to they want that in p8uYrJa-jh4-00037-00009668-00009799 their lives and it's nice to see p8uYrJa-jh4-00038-00009800-00009998 somebody feeling that sense of love for p8uYrJa-jh4-00039-00009999-00010192 another person and one of the things p8uYrJa-jh4-00040-00010193-00010484 that makes Team GB so unique and so p8uYrJa-jh4-00041-00010485-00010828 special is the fact that it accepts p8uYrJa-jh4-00042-00010829-00011081 differences is the fact that it supports p8uYrJa-jh4-00043-00011082-00011356 its team whoever they are and and p8uYrJa-jh4-00044-00011357-00011660 whatever they want to to be and achieve p8uYrJa-jh4-00045-00011661-00012088 we feel so lucky that the team accepted p8uYrJa-jh4-00046-00012089-00012567 us for ourselves and and and as a couple p8uYrJa-jh4-00047-00012568-00013016 because if they hadn't done well we p8uYrJa-jh4-00048-00013016-00013325 wouldn't be here in you know with gold p8uYrJa-jh4-00049-00013326-00013388 medals and p8uYrJa-jh4-00050-00013388-00013616 and as we all know I genuinely don't p8uYrJa-jh4-00051-00013616-00014060 know whether I would have been well the p8uYrJa-jh4-00052-00014061-00014344 woman that I am and therefore have p8uYrJa-jh4-00053-00014346-00014525 achieved the things I have without p8uYrJa-jh4-00054-00014526-00014957 having Helen by my side prvgGWSCTe0-00000-00000159-00000455 are there any questions prvgGWSCTe0-00001-00000456-00000663 the deputy leader of the opposition prvgGWSCTe0-00002-00000664-00000823 thank you mr speaker my question today prvgGWSCTe0-00003-00000824-00000975 is to the attorney general prvgGWSCTe0-00004-00000976-00001150 attorney general now refer to paragraph prvgGWSCTe0-00005-00001151-00001343 5 of the summary of the prvgGWSCTe0-00006-00001344-00001558 executive summary of this report 61 of prvgGWSCTe0-00007-00001559-00001695 the standing committee on procedures and prvgGWSCTe0-00008-00001696-00001959 privileges of the legislative council prvgGWSCTe0-00009-00001960-00002223 and i quote from it saying that in prvgGWSCTe0-00010-00002224-00002399 paragraph five quite simply it's the prvgGWSCTe0-00011-00002400-00002518 ppc's view prvgGWSCTe0-00012-00002519-00002663 that at the heart of this matter is an prvgGWSCTe0-00013-00002664-00002855 entirely inexplicable sudden cessation prvgGWSCTe0-00014-00002856-00003015 of good faith negotiations prvgGWSCTe0-00015-00003016-00003206 between the ppc and the commissioner of prvgGWSCTe0-00016-00003207-00003319 the triple c prvgGWSCTe0-00017-00003320-00003503 this coincided with the bold use of prvgGWSCTe0-00018-00003504-00003703 patience of the powers and privileges of prvgGWSCTe0-00019-00003704-00003895 the council through the calculated prvgGWSCTe0-00020-00003896-00004079 intervention of the attorney general prvgGWSCTe0-00021-00004079-00004343 and the state solicitor's office and i prvgGWSCTe0-00022-00004344-00004406 ask prvgGWSCTe0-00023-00004407-00004615 have you compromised the legitimate the prvgGWSCTe0-00024-00004616-00004783 integrity of the triple c prvgGWSCTe0-00025-00004784-00005118 by intervening in a triple c process prvgGWSCTe0-00026-00005119-00005335 i'm i'm sorry i've just missed very much prvgGWSCTe0-00027-00005336-00005447 i'll repeat prvgGWSCTe0-00028-00005448-00005775 thank you they prvgGWSCTe0-00029-00005776-00006102 um maybe just a little more slowly and prvgGWSCTe0-00030-00006103-00006334 uh it seemed to me a quite a long prvgGWSCTe0-00031-00006335-00006510 preamble but if you can prvgGWSCTe0-00032-00006511-00006791 i don't know if that can be abbreviated prvgGWSCTe0-00033-00006792-00006927 at all but if we can just make the prvgGWSCTe0-00034-00006928-00007167 questions to the attorney general claire prvgGWSCTe0-00035-00007168-00007334 i'm quoting here paragraph five of the prvgGWSCTe0-00036-00007336-00007639 executive summary of this report 61 prvgGWSCTe0-00037-00007640-00007806 and it reads quite simply it is the prvgGWSCTe0-00038-00007808-00008014 ppc's view that at the heart of this prvgGWSCTe0-00039-00008015-00008207 matter is an entirely inexplicable prvgGWSCTe0-00040-00008208-00008359 sudden cessation of good faith prvgGWSCTe0-00041-00008360-00008631 negotiations between the ppc prvgGWSCTe0-00042-00008632-00008807 and the commissioner of the triple c prvgGWSCTe0-00043-00008808-00008967 this coincided with the bold prvgGWSCTe0-00044-00008968-00009159 usurpation of the powers and privileges prvgGWSCTe0-00045-00009160-00009295 of the legislative council prvgGWSCTe0-00046-00009296-00009439 through the calculated intervention of prvgGWSCTe0-00047-00009440-00009574 the attorney general and state prvgGWSCTe0-00048-00009575-00009695 solicitors office prvgGWSCTe0-00049-00009696-00009910 and i ask have you compromised the prvgGWSCTe0-00050-00009911-00010031 integrity prvgGWSCTe0-00051-00010032-00010278 of the triple c by intervening in this prvgGWSCTe0-00052-00010279-00010391 process prvgGWSCTe0-00053-00010392-00010655 the attorney general and just um i know prvgGWSCTe0-00054-00010656-00010831 that you will be cognizant of anything prvgGWSCTe0-00055-00010832-00010895 that prvgGWSCTe0-00056-00010896-00011063 might be sub-judity but if you could prvgGWSCTe0-00057-00011064-00011246 just keep that in mind prvgGWSCTe0-00058-00011247-00011503 i'll keep it in mind and keep it brief prvgGWSCTe0-00059-00011504-00011935 no i haven't prvgGWSCTe0-00060-00011936-00012223 a supplementary question the deputy prvgGWSCTe0-00061-00012224-00012367 leader of the liberal party oh sorry the prvgGWSCTe0-00062-00012368-00012687 national party prvgGWSCTe0-00063-00012688-00012894 so attorney general do you concede that prvgGWSCTe0-00064-00012895-00013007 by your actions prvgGWSCTe0-00065-00013008-00013166 that you have been undermining the prvgGWSCTe0-00066-00013168-00013343 rights of the procedures and privileges prvgGWSCTe0-00067-00013344-00013535 committee of the other place prvgGWSCTe0-00068-00013536-00013966 attorney general no i do not prvgGWSCTe0-00069-00013968-00014215 the member for i'm going to say long prvgGWSCTe0-00070-00014216-00014343 questions prvgGWSCTe0-00071-00014344-00014703 my questions to the premiere i refer to prvgGWSCTe0-00072-00014704-00014847 the state government's strong response prvgGWSCTe0-00073-00014847-00015038 to the covert 19 that's protected the prvgGWSCTe0-00074-00015040-00015183 health of west australians prvgGWSCTe0-00075-00015184-00015391 and delivered a world-leading economy prvgGWSCTe0-00076-00015391-00015486 and i ask prvgGWSCTe0-00077-00015487-00015694 can the premier update the house on what prvgGWSCTe0-00078-00015695-00015894 the return to pre-lockdown conditions prvgGWSCTe0-00079-00015895-00016071 will mean for west australians prvgGWSCTe0-00080-00016072-00016294 including west australian business and prvgGWSCTe0-00081-00016295-00016486 can the premier advise the house prvgGWSCTe0-00082-00016487-00016703 how this snapback will help continue to prvgGWSCTe0-00083-00016704-00016943 drive the wa economy prvgGWSCTe0-00084-00016944-00017135 thank you to the member for mira booker prvgGWSCTe0-00085-00017136-00017263 for her first prvgGWSCTe0-00086-00017264-00017463 question and can i congratulate her on prvgGWSCTe0-00087-00017464-00017575 her prvgGWSCTe0-00088-00017576-00017775 significant victory in the electorate of prvgGWSCTe0-00089-00017776-00017999 mira booker at the state election prvgGWSCTe0-00090-00018000-00018199 i announced a few moments ago that on prvgGWSCTe0-00091-00018200-00018358 saturday perth and peel prvgGWSCTe0-00092-00018359-00018647 will return to free lockdown life this prvgGWSCTe0-00093-00018648-00018847 snapback is only possible because of the prvgGWSCTe0-00094-00018848-00018886 good prvgGWSCTe0-00095-00018887-00019167 and hard work of all uh west australians prvgGWSCTe0-00096-00019168-00019358 and because people have listened prvgGWSCTe0-00097-00019359-00019655 to the health advice since saturday may prvgGWSCTe0-00098-00019656-00019727 the 1st prvgGWSCTe0-00099-00019728-00019894 uh there have been no new community prvgGWSCTe0-00100-00019895-00020255 cases of copenhagen 19 despite 101 prvgGWSCTe0-00101-00020256-00020486 000 tests being undertaken since the prvgGWSCTe0-00102-00020487-00020583 25th prvgGWSCTe0-00103-00020584-00020863 of april so based on the health advice prvgGWSCTe0-00104-00020864-00020894 as prvgGWSCTe0-00105-00020895-00021175 of midnight this friday or 1201 this prvgGWSCTe0-00106-00021176-00021391 saturday morning prvgGWSCTe0-00107-00021392-00021647 this will mean march no longer mandatory prvgGWSCTe0-00108-00021648-00021775 except at the airport prvgGWSCTe0-00109-00021776-00021935 no capacity limits of weddings or prvgGWSCTe0-00110-00021936-00022135 funerals prvgGWSCTe0-00111-00022136-00022335 events will be able to operate at 100 prvgGWSCTe0-00112-00022336-00022535 capacity visitor limits for patients in prvgGWSCTe0-00113-00022536-00022678 hospitals aged care or disability prvgGWSCTe0-00114-00022679-00022799 facilities prvgGWSCTe0-00115-00022800-00023014 will be lifted and limits on home prvgGWSCTe0-00116-00023015-00023247 gatherings of 100 will be lifted prvgGWSCTe0-00117-00023248-00023583 and that will allow for people to go prvgGWSCTe0-00118-00023584-00023630 back to prvgGWSCTe0-00119-00023631-00023975 life as we knew it prior to lock down prvgGWSCTe0-00120-00023976-00024063 over prvgGWSCTe0-00121-00024064-00024414 the anzac day long weekend prvgGWSCTe0-00122-00024415-00024583 the it's very important however that prvgGWSCTe0-00123-00024584-00024839 people continue to use the safe wa app prvgGWSCTe0-00124-00024840-00025078 or written contact register uh and allow prvgGWSCTe0-00125-00025079-00025294 that allows our contact tracers prvgGWSCTe0-00126-00025295-00025599 uh to do their important work prvgGWSCTe0-00127-00025600-00025855 of course madam speaker western prvgGWSCTe0-00128-00025856-00026055 australia's amazing job prvgGWSCTe0-00129-00026056-00026270 over this period has delivered a strong prvgGWSCTe0-00130-00026272-00026446 economy within our state with the lowest prvgGWSCTe0-00131-00026447-00026687 unemployment rate in the nation prvgGWSCTe0-00132-00026688-00026895 and the best financial management in the prvgGWSCTe0-00133-00026895-00027023 nation prvgGWSCTe0-00134-00027024-00027231 and the federal budget that was released prvgGWSCTe0-00135-00027232-00027462 this week uh was an endorsement of our prvgGWSCTe0-00136-00027463-00027583 covert 19 prvgGWSCTe0-00137-00027583-00027870 management uh strategy the recent prvgGWSCTe0-00138-00027872-00028014 economic indicators prvgGWSCTe0-00139-00028016-00028423 uh show the abs weekly payroll data prvgGWSCTe0-00140-00028424-00028518 released this week prvgGWSCTe0-00141-00028519-00028695 showed that jobs out of the fortnight prvgGWSCTe0-00142-00028695-00028887 two to the to the 21st of april prvgGWSCTe0-00143-00028888-00029118 just over the fortnight increased by 0.1 prvgGWSCTe0-00144-00029119-00029223 of a percent prvgGWSCTe0-00145-00029224-00029487 uh and that was the first fortnight prvgGWSCTe0-00146-00029488-00029655 since the end of job keeper prvgGWSCTe0-00147-00029656-00029918 which showed growth in jobs despite the prvgGWSCTe0-00148-00029919-00030007 end prvgGWSCTe0-00149-00030008-00030327 of job keeper and also prvgGWSCTe0-00150-00030327-00030543 showed that western australia has the prvgGWSCTe0-00151-00030544-00030743 strongest jobs recovery prvgGWSCTe0-00152-00030744-00031014 of all the states and according to this prvgGWSCTe0-00153-00031016-00031246 metric the number of jobs is 4.5 percent prvgGWSCTe0-00154-00031247-00031351 above prvgGWSCTe0-00155-00031352-00031623 uh pre-covered levels uh madam madam prvgGWSCTe0-00156-00031624-00031679 speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00157-00031680-00031958 and internet um internet job vacancies prvgGWSCTe0-00158-00031960-00031999 uh prvgGWSCTe0-00159-00032000-00032255 were in april at the second highest prvgGWSCTe0-00160-00032256-00032399 level in nine prvgGWSCTe0-00161-00032400-00032783 years in nine years uh so madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00162-00032784-00032927 that reflects the confidence in our prvgGWSCTe0-00163-00032928-00033031 business community prvgGWSCTe0-00164-00033032-00033279 it reflects consumer confidence reflects prvgGWSCTe0-00165-00033280-00033367 that uh prvgGWSCTe0-00166-00033368-00033639 the economic financial and health uh prvgGWSCTe0-00167-00033640-00033783 covert management prvgGWSCTe0-00168-00033784-00033911 of this government has created the prvgGWSCTe0-00169-00033912-00034167 strongest business consumer prvgGWSCTe0-00170-00034168-00034335 and economic conditions in western prvgGWSCTe0-00171-00034336-00034518 australia since the height prvgGWSCTe0-00172-00034519-00034767 of the last boom despite large parts of prvgGWSCTe0-00173-00034768-00034887 the world going through prvgGWSCTe0-00174-00034888-00035102 significant economic contractions and prvgGWSCTe0-00175-00035103-00035262 we've done this whilst maintaining the prvgGWSCTe0-00176-00035263-00035302 best prvgGWSCTe0-00177-00035303-00035471 financial management of any government prvgGWSCTe0-00178-00035472-00035671 in australia and indeed satan cause prvgGWSCTe0-00179-00035672-00035830 indicates the best financial government prvgGWSCTe0-00180-00035831-00035999 management any of any government in the prvgGWSCTe0-00181-00036000-00036190 world prvgGWSCTe0-00182-00036191-00036415 the leader of the liberal party thank prvgGWSCTe0-00183-00036416-00036502 you very much prvgGWSCTe0-00184-00036503-00036759 my question is for the premier premier i prvgGWSCTe0-00185-00036760-00037199 refer to case number 2717 of 2019 prvgGWSCTe0-00186-00037200-00037383 currently before the supreme court prvgGWSCTe0-00187-00037384-00037518 launched by the president of the prvgGWSCTe0-00188-00037519-00037671 legislative council prvgGWSCTe0-00189-00037672-00037799 against the commissioner of the prvgGWSCTe0-00190-00037800-00037990 corruption and crime commission and i prvgGWSCTe0-00191-00037991-00038095 ask prvgGWSCTe0-00192-00038096-00038279 if it is found that the commissioner prvgGWSCTe0-00193-00038280-00038518 acted unlawfully in issuing notices to prvgGWSCTe0-00194-00038519-00038646 the director general prvgGWSCTe0-00195-00038647-00038871 of the department of premier and cabinet prvgGWSCTe0-00196-00038872-00039079 to produce privileged documents prvgGWSCTe0-00197-00039080-00039318 will you continue with your support for prvgGWSCTe0-00198-00039319-00039399 the reappointment prvgGWSCTe0-00199-00039400-00039679 of mr mckechnie as head of the triple c prvgGWSCTe0-00200-00039680-00039759 question prvgGWSCTe0-00201-00039760-00040046 the premier uh madam speaker um prvgGWSCTe0-00202-00040047-00040239 understanding orders me commenting on a prvgGWSCTe0-00203-00040240-00040367 matter before the court prvgGWSCTe0-00204-00040368-00040646 and preempting his judgment uh would be prvgGWSCTe0-00205-00040647-00041087 um prvgGWSCTe0-00206-00041088-00041246 and i think that shows the inexperience prvgGWSCTe0-00207-00041247-00041439 of the liberal party premiere prvgGWSCTe0-00208-00041440-00041727 and can i provide further counsel to the prvgGWSCTe0-00209-00041728-00041902 leader of the liberal party prvgGWSCTe0-00210-00041903-00042062 my understanding is that there are prvgGWSCTe0-00211-00042063-00042279 determinations before the court prvgGWSCTe0-00212-00042280-00042671 and that you are likely infringing on prvgGWSCTe0-00213-00042672-00042943 the subjudice parts of the standing prvgGWSCTe0-00214-00042944-00043331 orders of this prvgGWSCTe0-00215-00043332-00043518 [Music] prvgGWSCTe0-00216-00043519-00043687 i was not place you to comment on the prvgGWSCTe0-00217-00043688-00043967 course so remember prvgGWSCTe0-00218-00043968-00044215 my supplements when i give you the call prvgGWSCTe0-00219-00044216-00044358 so order please prvgGWSCTe0-00220-00044359-00044462 when i give you the call for a prvgGWSCTe0-00221-00044463-00044662 supplementary question is for that it's prvgGWSCTe0-00222-00044663-00044855 not for you to engage in debate prvgGWSCTe0-00223-00044856-00045102 speaker supplementary question premier prvgGWSCTe0-00224-00045103-00045230 can you guarantee prvgGWSCTe0-00225-00045231-00045535 your government will not interfere with prvgGWSCTe0-00226-00045536-00045743 the completion of the important court prvgGWSCTe0-00227-00045744-00045974 case number 2717 prvgGWSCTe0-00228-00045975-00046511 of 2019 before the supreme court prvgGWSCTe0-00229-00046512-00046839 no i've asked for an answer prvgGWSCTe0-00230-00046840-00047030 uh madam speaker the question the prvgGWSCTe0-00231-00047031-00047199 initial question asked by the prvgGWSCTe0-00232-00047200-00047439 liberal party was if the court finds prvgGWSCTe0-00233-00047440-00047574 some judgment prvgGWSCTe0-00234-00047575-00047767 what am i going to do and am i going to prvgGWSCTe0-00235-00047768-00048039 overrule some judgment of a court prvgGWSCTe0-00236-00048040-00048351 with a number and a details that i'm prvgGWSCTe0-00237-00048352-00048527 unfamiliar with prvgGWSCTe0-00238-00048528-00048751 and so madam madam speaker the whole prvgGWSCTe0-00239-00048752-00048879 premise of this question prvgGWSCTe0-00240-00048880-00049062 is based upon a breach of the standing prvgGWSCTe0-00241-00049063-00049279 orders and somehow me interfering in prvgGWSCTe0-00242-00049280-00049343 some prvgGWSCTe0-00243-00049344-00049599 court case uh and is it any wonder the prvgGWSCTe0-00244-00049600-00049711 member for bass that looks so prvgGWSCTe0-00245-00049712-00049967 embarrassed sitting next to you prvgGWSCTe0-00246-00049968-00050255 [Music] prvgGWSCTe0-00247-00050256-00050415 sorry you didn't want to be hold it prvgGWSCTe0-00248-00050416-00050583 please prvgGWSCTe0-00249-00050584-00050935 of the liberal party order please prvgGWSCTe0-00250-00050936-00051350 i'm i'm hoping to give the next question prvgGWSCTe0-00251-00051351-00051679 sorry minister prvgGWSCTe0-00252-00051679-00051911 minister we'd like the government prvgGWSCTe0-00253-00051912-00051999 remember to be able prvgGWSCTe0-00254-00052000-00052382 to ask her question member for victim prvgGWSCTe0-00255-00052383-00052711 member for armadale my question is for prvgGWSCTe0-00256-00052712-00052926 transport i refer to the mcgowan labor prvgGWSCTe0-00257-00052927-00053079 government's commitment to protecting prvgGWSCTe0-00258-00053079-00053247 the berlio wetlands and stop the prvgGWSCTe0-00259-00053248-00053463 destructive and grossly expensive row prvgGWSCTe0-00260-00053464-00053566 eight project prvgGWSCTe0-00261-00053567-00053807 and i ask can the minister outline to prvgGWSCTe0-00262-00053808-00053975 the house how the state government will prvgGWSCTe0-00263-00053976-00054182 deliver on this important commitment prvgGWSCTe0-00264-00054183-00054423 and honor the overwhelming mandate it prvgGWSCTe0-00265-00054424-00054494 received prvgGWSCTe0-00266-00054495-00054679 at the last election from the people of prvgGWSCTe0-00267-00054679-00055159 western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00268-00055160-00055311 that's a very good question madam prvgGWSCTe0-00269-00055312-00055471 speaker can i thank the member for prvgGWSCTe0-00270-00055472-00055638 victim for that question and of course prvgGWSCTe0-00271-00055639-00055919 we went to the 2017 election prvgGWSCTe0-00272-00055920-00056119 promising to stop the flawed perth prvgGWSCTe0-00273-00056120-00056294 freight link and to save the billiard prvgGWSCTe0-00274-00056295-00056375 wetlands prvgGWSCTe0-00275-00056376-00056638 and of course we got elected and we deli prvgGWSCTe0-00276-00056639-00056823 and we're delivering the commitments we prvgGWSCTe0-00277-00056824-00057135 gave planning for a new port at quinana prvgGWSCTe0-00278-00057136-00057430 moving more freight onto rail upgrades prvgGWSCTe0-00279-00057432-00057535 to high street prvgGWSCTe0-00280-00057536-00057759 and the development of intermodals man prvgGWSCTe0-00281-00057760-00057926 and speaker as i said all those prvgGWSCTe0-00282-00057927-00058071 commitments are being delivered prvgGWSCTe0-00283-00058072-00058311 and we've protected and saved the belia prvgGWSCTe0-00284-00058312-00058542 wetlands for future generations prvgGWSCTe0-00285-00058544-00058782 we introduced specific legislation in prvgGWSCTe0-00286-00058783-00058959 the last term to protect prvgGWSCTe0-00287-00058960-00059207 and reserve the media weightlands it prvgGWSCTe0-00288-00059208-00059423 succeeded in this place but was prvgGWSCTe0-00289-00059424-00059742 frustrated in the other place so again prvgGWSCTe0-00290-00059744-00060119 in 2021 in january of this year prvgGWSCTe0-00291-00060120-00060366 we took a commitment to the election and prvgGWSCTe0-00292-00060367-00060479 that commitment was prvgGWSCTe0-00293-00060479-00060735 not to proceed with row eight nine and prvgGWSCTe0-00294-00060736-00060926 to save the billy wetlands prvgGWSCTe0-00295-00060927-00061094 and yet again we've introduced that prvgGWSCTe0-00296-00061095-00061342 legislation into this place prvgGWSCTe0-00297-00061344-00061511 now you thought the opposition would prvgGWSCTe0-00298-00061512-00061726 have moved on you thought the liberal prvgGWSCTe0-00299-00061727-00061887 party would have moved on but again prvgGWSCTe0-00300-00061888-00061991 yesterday prvgGWSCTe0-00301-00061991-00062206 protesting as if it was the first time prvgGWSCTe0-00302-00062207-00062350 they've ever heard about it prvgGWSCTe0-00303-00062351-00062542 the member for cotterslow shocked and prvgGWSCTe0-00304-00062544-00062750 surprised about our commitment prvgGWSCTe0-00305-00062751-00062911 so i went through again i went through prvgGWSCTe0-00306-00062912-00063038 again and i thought i'd go through some prvgGWSCTe0-00307-00063039-00063230 history again members because you know i prvgGWSCTe0-00308-00063232-00063352 like going through history prvgGWSCTe0-00309-00063353-00063494 [Applause] prvgGWSCTe0-00310-00063495-00063687 so i went through i went through and of prvgGWSCTe0-00311-00063688-00063838 course the other side prvgGWSCTe0-00312-00063839-00064071 the liberal party yet again made it the prvgGWSCTe0-00313-00064072-00064191 centerpiece prvgGWSCTe0-00314-00064191-00064335 or their second biggest election prvgGWSCTe0-00315-00064336-00064623 commitment just behind the energy plan prvgGWSCTe0-00316-00064624-00064863 made it the centerpiece the centerpiece prvgGWSCTe0-00317-00064864-00065215 of their election campaign prvgGWSCTe0-00318-00065216-00065503 that's a good question my favorite day prvgGWSCTe0-00319-00065504-00065535 was prvgGWSCTe0-00320-00065536-00065847 honk for row eight nine day prvgGWSCTe0-00321-00065848-00066079 the honk for row eight nine day and i prvgGWSCTe0-00322-00066080-00066279 just went through to see who was in that prvgGWSCTe0-00323-00066280-00066726 honk 408 nine day picture prvgGWSCTe0-00324-00066727-00066926 so you've got the member for vasu still prvgGWSCTe0-00325-00066927-00067055 here um prvgGWSCTe0-00326-00067056-00067247 the puppet master of the liberal party prvgGWSCTe0-00327-00067248-00067406 and of course the former leader of the prvgGWSCTe0-00328-00067407-00067550 opposition the member for dawsonville prvgGWSCTe0-00329-00067551-00067671 let's go through all those prvgGWSCTe0-00330-00067672-00067967 liberal candidates member so the liberal prvgGWSCTe0-00331-00067968-00068135 candidate for riverton prvgGWSCTe0-00332-00068136-00068391 the liberal candidate for fremantle the prvgGWSCTe0-00333-00068392-00068631 liberal candidate for jandakot prvgGWSCTe0-00334-00068632-00068855 the liberal candidate for bigton the prvgGWSCTe0-00335-00068856-00069038 liberal candidate for wiliji prvgGWSCTe0-00336-00069039-00069255 and the liberal candidate for coburn and prvgGWSCTe0-00337-00069256-00069494 what do they all have in common members prvgGWSCTe0-00338-00069495-00069671 [Applause] prvgGWSCTe0-00339-00069672-00070071 they're not here they're not here prvgGWSCTe0-00340-00070072-00070391 no not here not only did they not prvgGWSCTe0-00341-00070392-00070567 honk for row eight nine they didn't vote prvgGWSCTe0-00342-00070568-00070815 for it either members prvgGWSCTe0-00343-00070816-00071071 but yet again it was good to see the prvgGWSCTe0-00344-00071072-00071326 memphis colossal go back to the 1960s prvgGWSCTe0-00345-00071327-00071582 back to the 1960s to bring that old prvgGWSCTe0-00346-00071583-00071671 policy back prvgGWSCTe0-00347-00071672-00071879 we've all moved on we're saving the prvgGWSCTe0-00348-00071880-00072094 billiard wetlands for future generations prvgGWSCTe0-00349-00072095-00072294 we're planning our freight and trade prvgGWSCTe0-00350-00072295-00072543 future we're planning for a new port prvgGWSCTe0-00351-00072544-00072735 and what we're doing is making sure that prvgGWSCTe0-00352-00072736-00072967 we have a port for future generations prvgGWSCTe0-00353-00072968-00073135 and we saved a billion wetlands for prvgGWSCTe0-00354-00073136-00073335 generations that's a forward-thinking prvgGWSCTe0-00355-00073336-00073431 policy prvgGWSCTe0-00356-00073432-00073791 we'll let them stick in the 1960s prvgGWSCTe0-00357-00073792-00073982 where the memphis colossal feels very prvgGWSCTe0-00358-00073983-00074094 very comfortable prvgGWSCTe0-00359-00074095-00074311 reducing their policies and members prvgGWSCTe0-00360-00074312-00074455 we're happy to take it to the next prvgGWSCTe0-00361-00074456-00074535 election prvgGWSCTe0-00362-00074536-00074782 as i said last term let's take it to the prvgGWSCTe0-00363-00074783-00074894 2021 election prvgGWSCTe0-00364-00074895-00075135 happy to take it to the 2025 election prvgGWSCTe0-00365-00075136-00075311 members prvgGWSCTe0-00366-00075312-00075775 the a member for vats prvgGWSCTe0-00367-00075776-00076031 my question is to the minister for prvgGWSCTe0-00368-00076032-00076103 health prvgGWSCTe0-00369-00076104-00076415 i refer to the expert panel report into prvgGWSCTe0-00370-00076416-00076711 the tragic death of aishwarya ashwath prvgGWSCTe0-00371-00076712-00077023 and your comments last night in which he prvgGWSCTe0-00372-00077024-00077247 said the report made no findings prvgGWSCTe0-00373-00077248-00077582 about staff shortages on the night and prvgGWSCTe0-00374-00077583-00077887 uh and i asked given the report stated prvgGWSCTe0-00375-00077888-00078111 uncovered sick leave of medical staff prvgGWSCTe0-00376-00078112-00078319 resulted in a reduction in available prvgGWSCTe0-00377-00078320-00078550 medical staff during the evening prvgGWSCTe0-00378-00078551-00078823 delays in medical assessments prolonged prvgGWSCTe0-00379-00078824-00078943 waiting times and prvgGWSCTe0-00380-00078944-00079167 impeded the capacity for medical staff prvgGWSCTe0-00381-00079168-00079375 to provide more comprehensive prvgGWSCTe0-00382-00079376-00079671 response to parental escalation how do prvgGWSCTe0-00383-00079672-00079975 you explain your comments prvgGWSCTe0-00384-00079976-00080206 madam speaker madam speaker i assume the prvgGWSCTe0-00385-00080207-00080375 member for vass has now prvgGWSCTe0-00386-00080376-00080606 had the benefit as have the premier and prvgGWSCTe0-00387-00080607-00080855 i of a briefing from the the chief prvgGWSCTe0-00388-00080856-00081031 executive of child and adolescent health prvgGWSCTe0-00389-00081032-00081119 services prvgGWSCTe0-00390-00081120-00081415 who provides a good proper insight into prvgGWSCTe0-00391-00081416-00081519 the actual uh prvgGWSCTe0-00392-00081520-00081799 actual report itself and and what that prvgGWSCTe0-00393-00081800-00081967 showed in the premiere i think went into prvgGWSCTe0-00394-00081968-00082079 some detail prvgGWSCTe0-00395-00082080-00082318 uh in the earlier debate uh the debate prvgGWSCTe0-00396-00082319-00082423 earlier today prvgGWSCTe0-00397-00082424-00082631 into the configuration of staff on that prvgGWSCTe0-00398-00082632-00082726 day prvgGWSCTe0-00399-00082727-00082999 and it's true that the report makes prvgGWSCTe0-00400-00083000-00083135 observations prvgGWSCTe0-00401-00083136-00083447 that um that on that particular occasion prvgGWSCTe0-00402-00083448-00083750 there were not it was not a shortage of prvgGWSCTe0-00403-00083751-00083855 staff prvgGWSCTe0-00404-00083856-00084118 now and again uh reflecting on the the prvgGWSCTe0-00405-00084119-00084206 comments from prvgGWSCTe0-00406-00084207-00084431 the secretary of the inf earlier today prvgGWSCTe0-00407-00084432-00084518 on radio prvgGWSCTe0-00408-00084519-00084679 that doesn't mean there's not staffing prvgGWSCTe0-00409-00084680-00084959 issues and these issues have been known prvgGWSCTe0-00410-00084960-00085023 to both prvgGWSCTe0-00411-00085024-00085238 the the doctors and nurses on the floor prvgGWSCTe0-00412-00085239-00085350 and the leadership prvgGWSCTe0-00413-00085351-00085567 of child and adolescent health services prvgGWSCTe0-00414-00085568-00085703 in fact the leadership of pretty much prvgGWSCTe0-00415-00085704-00085862 every hospital in australia at the prvgGWSCTe0-00416-00085863-00085918 moment prvgGWSCTe0-00417-00085919-00086167 and that is demand has put significant prvgGWSCTe0-00418-00086168-00086294 pressure on our hospitals prvgGWSCTe0-00419-00086295-00086503 and we need to respond to that demand prvgGWSCTe0-00420-00086504-00086703 both through physical infrastructure but prvgGWSCTe0-00421-00086704-00086959 also through workforce and labor prvgGWSCTe0-00422-00086960-00087215 and that's why madam speaker since late prvgGWSCTe0-00423-00087216-00087382 last year the leadership prvgGWSCTe0-00424-00087383-00087615 at pch was working with the doctors and prvgGWSCTe0-00425-00087616-00087838 nurses on how we can continue to grow prvgGWSCTe0-00426-00087839-00087887 the prvgGWSCTe0-00427-00087888-00088062 grow the capacity of the hospital prvgGWSCTe0-00428-00088063-00088206 particularly through increased prvgGWSCTe0-00429-00088207-00088511 staffing to make sure that we can meet prvgGWSCTe0-00430-00088512-00088615 that demand prvgGWSCTe0-00431-00088616-00088894 as it continues to um continues to prvgGWSCTe0-00432-00088895-00089055 challenge the hospital prvgGWSCTe0-00433-00089056-00089343 and that's and as as uh i think was the prvgGWSCTe0-00434-00089344-00089526 week before the incident involving prvgGWSCTe0-00435-00089527-00089606 ashwaria prvgGWSCTe0-00436-00089607-00089775 there are actual meetings between prvgGWSCTe0-00437-00089776-00089918 doctors in the ed prvgGWSCTe0-00438-00089919-00090150 and with the leaders leadership at the prvgGWSCTe0-00439-00090151-00090262 at pch prvgGWSCTe0-00440-00090263-00090423 which actually looked into this that prvgGWSCTe0-00441-00090424-00090671 were discussing the very measures prvgGWSCTe0-00442-00090672-00090894 which are which were needed to to do prvgGWSCTe0-00443-00090895-00090999 that prvgGWSCTe0-00444-00091000-00091238 subsequent to these issues of course um prvgGWSCTe0-00445-00091239-00091391 madam speaker the prvgGWSCTe0-00446-00091392-00091615 the uh australian nurses federation has prvgGWSCTe0-00447-00091616-00091718 written to me prvgGWSCTe0-00448-00091719-00092079 uh which uh consolidating the concerns prvgGWSCTe0-00449-00092080-00092391 of uh ed nursing staff with respect to prvgGWSCTe0-00450-00092392-00092750 uh with respect to uh prvgGWSCTe0-00451-00092751-00092926 staffing levels and staffing prvgGWSCTe0-00452-00092927-00093071 configurations prvgGWSCTe0-00453-00093072-00093223 and so obviously we've had the prvgGWSCTe0-00454-00093224-00093399 opportunity to complete the work which prvgGWSCTe0-00455-00093400-00093462 the prvgGWSCTe0-00456-00093463-00093711 pch leadership was already undertaking prvgGWSCTe0-00457-00093712-00093862 and i just want to take some time prvgGWSCTe0-00458-00093863-00094055 madam speaker to provide members with prvgGWSCTe0-00459-00094056-00094238 details on what that new staffing prvgGWSCTe0-00460-00094239-00094423 arrangements are prvgGWSCTe0-00461-00094424-00094838 the strategies that the that the pch prvgGWSCTe0-00462-00094839-00095062 leadership are implementing include an prvgGWSCTe0-00463-00095063-00095279 immediate increase in permanent nursing prvgGWSCTe0-00464-00095280-00095343 staff prvgGWSCTe0-00465-00095344-00095518 to enable two additional registered prvgGWSCTe0-00466-00095519-00095703 nurses rostered for the emergency prvgGWSCTe0-00467-00095704-00095774 department prvgGWSCTe0-00468-00095775-00096015 across all shifts resulting in increase prvgGWSCTe0-00469-00096016-00096199 of 11.1 fte prvgGWSCTe0-00470-00096200-00096391 increased allocation of leave provisions prvgGWSCTe0-00471-00096392-00096567 across the nursing establishment prvgGWSCTe0-00472-00096568-00096735 enabling permanent recruitment of an prvgGWSCTe0-00473-00096736-00096894 additional 5 fte prvgGWSCTe0-00474-00096895-00097191 bringing total overall increase to 16.1 prvgGWSCTe0-00475-00097192-00097294 fte prvgGWSCTe0-00476-00097295-00097518 the increase fte includes an additional prvgGWSCTe0-00477-00097519-00097647 nurse allocated prvgGWSCTe0-00478-00097648-00097815 to monitor patients in the emergency prvgGWSCTe0-00479-00097816-00097959 department waiting areas prvgGWSCTe0-00480-00097960-00098150 an additional nurse allocated to work prvgGWSCTe0-00481-00098151-00098326 across the emergency department prvgGWSCTe0-00482-00098327-00098511 supporting areas with high levels of prvgGWSCTe0-00483-00098512-00098791 activity introduction of rapid nurse prvgGWSCTe0-00484-00098792-00099006 recruitment and additional support for prvgGWSCTe0-00485-00099007-00099223 onboarding across pch prvgGWSCTe0-00486-00099224-00099415 including with enhanced graduate nursing prvgGWSCTe0-00487-00099416-00099574 capacity to open prvgGWSCTe0-00488-00099575-00099791 optimise the permanent recruitment of to prvgGWSCTe0-00489-00099792-00099943 the increased fte prvgGWSCTe0-00490-00099944-00100223 a designated ed resuscitation team madam prvgGWSCTe0-00491-00100224-00100287 speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00492-00100288-00100526 on every shift supported by senior prvgGWSCTe0-00493-00100527-00100679 medical and nursing staff prvgGWSCTe0-00494-00100680-00100974 from within the hospital attending every prvgGWSCTe0-00495-00100975-00101135 every resuscitation prvgGWSCTe0-00496-00101136-00101335 an increase in the allocation of staff prvgGWSCTe0-00497-00101336-00101494 development nurses in the emergency prvgGWSCTe0-00498-00101495-00101559 department prvgGWSCTe0-00499-00101560-00101791 effectively doubling the allocation prvgGWSCTe0-00500-00101792-00101871 increased prvgGWSCTe0-00501-00101872-00102071 clinical nurse specialists to cover each prvgGWSCTe0-00502-00102072-00102303 day to provide supervision of junior prvgGWSCTe0-00503-00102304-00102439 nursing staff prvgGWSCTe0-00504-00102440-00102599 the establishment of the medical short prvgGWSCTe0-00505-00102600-00102806 stay unit on the which was established prvgGWSCTe0-00506-00102807-00102942 on the 13th of april prvgGWSCTe0-00507-00102943-00103094 to provide treatment for general prvgGWSCTe0-00508-00103095-00103334 pediatric patients with length of stay prvgGWSCTe0-00509-00103335-00103558 less than 72 hours to support timely prvgGWSCTe0-00510-00103559-00103775 admission improved outcomes and improved prvgGWSCTe0-00511-00103776-00103918 emergency access prvgGWSCTe0-00512-00103919-00104166 and the expansion of the surgical short prvgGWSCTe0-00513-00104167-00104230 stay prvgGWSCTe0-00514-00104231-00104527 award to increase and to support an prvgGWSCTe0-00515-00104528-00104702 increase in theatre sessions prvgGWSCTe0-00516-00104703-00104910 and emergency theater access and prvgGWSCTe0-00517-00104911-00105054 activation of beds prvgGWSCTe0-00518-00105055-00105278 in our high dependency unit which is prvgGWSCTe0-00519-00105279-00105439 currently being worked on prvgGWSCTe0-00520-00105440-00105695 this these this um this work was prvgGWSCTe0-00521-00105696-00105831 detailed in a letter prvgGWSCTe0-00522-00105832-00106015 to the secretary of the a f madam prvgGWSCTe0-00523-00106016-00106134 speaker and i seek prvgGWSCTe0-00524-00106135-00106343 leave to to table this letter for the prvgGWSCTe0-00525-00106344-00106510 benefit of members prvgGWSCTe0-00526-00106511-00106854 information paper tabled prvgGWSCTe0-00527-00106855-00107207 so so madam speaker as the as the prvgGWSCTe0-00528-00107208-00107423 premier pointed out earlier uh in prvgGWSCTe0-00529-00107424-00107727 in the earlier debate uh there were a prvgGWSCTe0-00530-00107728-00107958 good allocation of doctors and nurses prvgGWSCTe0-00531-00107959-00108095 working on that particular prvgGWSCTe0-00532-00108096-00108519 evening and and obviously prvgGWSCTe0-00533-00108520-00108695 we will continue to make sure we work prvgGWSCTe0-00534-00108696-00108919 with all the all their frontline staff prvgGWSCTe0-00535-00108920-00109215 to make sure that we continue to support prvgGWSCTe0-00536-00109216-00109399 them the best way we can can prvgGWSCTe0-00537-00109400-00109590 i just conclude and say madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00538-00109591-00109799 that this has been a horrible incident prvgGWSCTe0-00539-00109800-00110095 a dreadful incident and we continue uh prvgGWSCTe0-00540-00110096-00110207 to prvgGWSCTe0-00541-00110208-00110558 extend our thoughts appreciation and prvgGWSCTe0-00542-00110559-00110783 apologies to the family impacted by prvgGWSCTe0-00543-00110783-00110943 ashwari's passing prvgGWSCTe0-00544-00110944-00111134 can i also just place on the record my prvgGWSCTe0-00545-00111135-00111366 appreciation admiration and respect prvgGWSCTe0-00546-00111367-00111583 for all our frontline staff doctors and prvgGWSCTe0-00547-00111583-00111727 nurses who do prvgGWSCTe0-00548-00111728-00111999 a difficult job on behalf of all of us prvgGWSCTe0-00549-00112000-00112151 making difficult decisions prvgGWSCTe0-00550-00112152-00112415 every day in a complex high-pressure prvgGWSCTe0-00551-00112416-00112486 environment prvgGWSCTe0-00552-00112488-00112695 and i will do everything i can to make prvgGWSCTe0-00553-00112696-00112863 sure that they feel supported during prvgGWSCTe0-00554-00112864-00113047 these this period as well prvgGWSCTe0-00555-00113048-00113351 supplementary the member for vest prvgGWSCTe0-00556-00113352-00113671 given your response to the anf do you prvgGWSCTe0-00557-00113672-00113910 now admit that perth children's hospital prvgGWSCTe0-00558-00113911-00114047 has been chronically prvgGWSCTe0-00559-00114048-00114358 understaffed and what is the timeline prvgGWSCTe0-00560-00114359-00114654 to implement the additional staffing and prvgGWSCTe0-00561-00114655-00114686 much prvgGWSCTe0-00562-00114688-00115023 needed resources minister madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00563-00115024-00115134 no i do not prvgGWSCTe0-00564-00115135-00115423 um no i do not all our hospitals are prvgGWSCTe0-00565-00115424-00115495 facing prvgGWSCTe0-00566-00115496-00115663 uh increased demand pressures at the prvgGWSCTe0-00567-00115664-00115847 moment and this as i've said before prvgGWSCTe0-00568-00115848-00116054 is going on right across australia where prvgGWSCTe0-00569-00116055-00116231 we see an increase in volume prvgGWSCTe0-00570-00116232-00116463 an increase in acuity higher mental prvgGWSCTe0-00571-00116464-00116615 health presentations prvgGWSCTe0-00572-00116616-00116951 and a higher level of of um prvgGWSCTe0-00573-00116952-00117278 of a cure of prvgGWSCTe0-00574-00117279-00117534 patients requiring emergency surgery in prvgGWSCTe0-00575-00117535-00117719 particular in relation to pch we've had prvgGWSCTe0-00576-00117720-00117895 an increase in demand around eating prvgGWSCTe0-00577-00117896-00118039 disorders in particular prvgGWSCTe0-00578-00118040-00118286 it's putting the system under pressure prvgGWSCTe0-00579-00118288-00118486 but as i said in my early remarks prvgGWSCTe0-00580-00118488-00118702 this work has been ongoing for some time prvgGWSCTe0-00581-00118703-00118910 now since late last year once we saw prvgGWSCTe0-00582-00118911-00118958 that prvgGWSCTe0-00583-00118959-00119158 that pattern of demand change and that's prvgGWSCTe0-00584-00119159-00119334 what we expect from our leadership prvgGWSCTe0-00585-00119335-00119510 we expect them to work with the doctors prvgGWSCTe0-00586-00119511-00119654 and nurses on the front line prvgGWSCTe0-00587-00119655-00119878 to make the decisions and the resourcing prvgGWSCTe0-00588-00119879-00120015 decisions necessary prvgGWSCTe0-00589-00120016-00120183 to make sure that we can continue to prvgGWSCTe0-00590-00120183-00120334 support them as prvgGWSCTe0-00591-00120335-00120558 i i've said in my earlier remarks the prvgGWSCTe0-00592-00120559-00120783 advice that we have is on the evening prvgGWSCTe0-00593-00120783-00121007 uh that staffing shortages was not a prvgGWSCTe0-00594-00121008-00121199 contributing factor in relation to this prvgGWSCTe0-00595-00121200-00121327 particular incident prvgGWSCTe0-00596-00121328-00121471 but we do acknowledge that there prvgGWSCTe0-00597-00121472-00121671 continues to be staffing pressures prvgGWSCTe0-00598-00121672-00121863 and that's why we've been undertaking prvgGWSCTe0-00599-00121864-00122007 this work of us for some time prvgGWSCTe0-00600-00122008-00122166 now madam speaker and while we'll prvgGWSCTe0-00601-00122167-00122390 continue and why we will continue to do prvgGWSCTe0-00602-00122391-00122575 that work prvgGWSCTe0-00603-00122576-00122823 the member for swan hills my question is prvgGWSCTe0-00604-00122824-00122958 to the minister for energy prvgGWSCTe0-00605-00122959-00123102 i refer to the mcgowan labor prvgGWSCTe0-00606-00123103-00123263 government's commitment to delivering prvgGWSCTe0-00607-00123264-00123351 cleaner prvgGWSCTe0-00608-00123352-00123647 and greener energy diversifying our prvgGWSCTe0-00609-00123648-00123854 economy and supporting new sustainable prvgGWSCTe0-00610-00123855-00124102 job creating industries and i ask prvgGWSCTe0-00611-00124103-00124278 can the minister update the house on how prvgGWSCTe0-00612-00124279-00124414 the mcgowan labor government is prvgGWSCTe0-00613-00124415-00124599 responding to the imminent challenges prvgGWSCTe0-00614-00124600-00124823 facing wa's energy sector prvgGWSCTe0-00615-00124824-00124999 and can the minister outline how this prvgGWSCTe0-00616-00125000-00125190 response will help create new jobs for prvgGWSCTe0-00617-00125191-00125375 west australians prvgGWSCTe0-00618-00125376-00125583 minister for energy thank you madam prvgGWSCTe0-00619-00125583-00125727 speaker i'm pleased to answer the prvgGWSCTe0-00620-00125728-00125886 question i want to acknowledge the hard prvgGWSCTe0-00621-00125888-00126063 work that the member for swan hills did prvgGWSCTe0-00622-00126064-00126183 in the last parliament prvgGWSCTe0-00623-00126183-00126471 in chairing the inquiry into microgrids prvgGWSCTe0-00624-00126472-00126510 and prvgGWSCTe0-00625-00126511-00126758 congratulate her on the insights that is prvgGWSCTe0-00626-00126759-00126966 assisting the government in our response prvgGWSCTe0-00627-00126967-00127302 to uh rising uh prvgGWSCTe0-00628-00127303-00127502 distributed energy resources in western prvgGWSCTe0-00629-00127503-00127647 australia we are prvgGWSCTe0-00630-00127648-00127831 dedicated to making our electricity prvgGWSCTe0-00631-00127832-00127975 system cleaner prvgGWSCTe0-00632-00127976-00128302 greener and ready for the future prvgGWSCTe0-00633-00128303-00128534 last 12 months we've seen 300 megawatts prvgGWSCTe0-00634-00128535-00128727 of additional rooftop solar put into the prvgGWSCTe0-00635-00128728-00128895 southwest interconnected system prvgGWSCTe0-00636-00128896-00129134 to put that in scale that compares to prvgGWSCTe0-00637-00129135-00129286 the largest single power station in prvgGWSCTe0-00638-00129288-00129423 western australia the colleague prvgGWSCTe0-00639-00129424-00129614 in the scratsworth system the collie prvgGWSCTe0-00640-00129615-00129863 power station which is 340 megawatts so prvgGWSCTe0-00641-00129864-00129934 basically prvgGWSCTe0-00642-00129935-00130278 an entirely new power station prvgGWSCTe0-00643-00130279-00130534 paid for by mums and dads and we want to prvgGWSCTe0-00644-00130535-00130743 make sure that that type of investment prvgGWSCTe0-00645-00130744-00131039 is at the heart of our energy prvgGWSCTe0-00646-00131040-00131159 transformation prvgGWSCTe0-00647-00131160-00131407 and i want to congratulate uh steve prvgGWSCTe0-00648-00131408-00131599 edward on the energy transformation prvgGWSCTe0-00649-00131600-00131823 task force whose work is just about to prvgGWSCTe0-00650-00131824-00131927 be complete prvgGWSCTe0-00651-00131928-00132095 for the for the road map that they've prvgGWSCTe0-00652-00132096-00132239 provided to prvgGWSCTe0-00653-00132240-00132535 the government uh to deal with these uh prvgGWSCTe0-00654-00132536-00132639 changing prvgGWSCTe0-00655-00132640-00132831 uh environment for energy in western prvgGWSCTe0-00656-00132832-00132975 australia and globally prvgGWSCTe0-00657-00132976-00133143 and a key element of that strategy is prvgGWSCTe0-00658-00133144-00133359 our distributed energy resources roadmap prvgGWSCTe0-00659-00133360-00133511 where we're trying to build prvgGWSCTe0-00660-00133512-00133702 distributed energy resources into the prvgGWSCTe0-00661-00133703-00133902 system rather than having these prvgGWSCTe0-00662-00133903-00134214 these uh installations as being prvgGWSCTe0-00663-00134215-00134351 additional to the system we want to prvgGWSCTe0-00664-00134352-00134431 embed them prvgGWSCTe0-00665-00134432-00134663 so that the system can work with high prvgGWSCTe0-00666-00134664-00134807 levels of rooftop prvgGWSCTe0-00667-00134808-00135063 solar unlike the crazy plans of the prvgGWSCTe0-00668-00135064-00135207 member for cottesloe prvgGWSCTe0-00669-00135208-00135423 we want to have a sensible plan that prvgGWSCTe0-00670-00135424-00135511 rewards prvgGWSCTe0-00671-00135512-00135719 families for their investment into the prvgGWSCTe0-00672-00135720-00135814 system prvgGWSCTe0-00673-00135815-00136014 and part of that with western powers prvgGWSCTe0-00674-00136015-00136214 installed 10 power banks prvgGWSCTe0-00675-00136215-00136399 that's batteries embedded into the prvgGWSCTe0-00676-00136400-00136535 distribution network prvgGWSCTe0-00677-00136536-00136783 a globally important piece of work that prvgGWSCTe0-00678-00136784-00136878 we're now prvgGWSCTe0-00679-00136879-00137151 testing to see how uh what additional prvgGWSCTe0-00680-00137152-00137311 response we can get out of that prvgGWSCTe0-00681-00137312-00137487 and those embedded batteries will prvgGWSCTe0-00682-00137488-00137654 continue to be installed across prvgGWSCTe0-00683-00137655-00137878 the southwest interconnected system prvgGWSCTe0-00684-00137879-00138047 we're trialling a tariff prvgGWSCTe0-00685-00138048-00138271 that rewards people's energy consumption prvgGWSCTe0-00686-00138272-00138431 so that they prvgGWSCTe0-00687-00138432-00138623 consume electricity in a manner that prvgGWSCTe0-00688-00138624-00138759 supports the prvgGWSCTe0-00689-00138760-00138959 the grid they get rewarded for that and prvgGWSCTe0-00690-00138960-00139095 it's pleasing to see that prvgGWSCTe0-00691-00139096-00139271 the people on that trial of 400 people prvgGWSCTe0-00692-00139272-00139495 on that trial are responding very prvgGWSCTe0-00693-00139496-00139663 positively to the opportunity that prvgGWSCTe0-00694-00139664-00139807 they're being engaged with prvgGWSCTe0-00695-00139808-00139975 we've got project symphony which is prvgGWSCTe0-00696-00139976-00140111 about to we hope prvgGWSCTe0-00697-00140112-00140414 launch in the electorate of prvgGWSCTe0-00698-00140415-00140623 southern river where we're going to prvgGWSCTe0-00699-00140624-00140719 bring together prvgGWSCTe0-00700-00140720-00140927 uh through uh western power energy prvgGWSCTe0-00701-00140928-00141111 policy wa synergy prvgGWSCTe0-00702-00141112-00141278 and the australian energy market prvgGWSCTe0-00703-00141279-00141599 operator plus a range of universities prvgGWSCTe0-00704-00141600-00141919 coordination of rooftop panels prvgGWSCTe0-00705-00141920-00142087 behind the meter batteries embedded prvgGWSCTe0-00706-00142088-00142287 batteries and appliances so that they prvgGWSCTe0-00707-00142288-00142478 can act as a virtual power plant prvgGWSCTe0-00708-00142479-00142663 to show that it's not just about prvgGWSCTe0-00709-00142664-00142783 increased supply prvgGWSCTe0-00710-00142784-00142975 but the use of demand to make sure we prvgGWSCTe0-00711-00142976-00143102 can manage the system prvgGWSCTe0-00712-00143103-00143287 and that is a globally significant prvgGWSCTe0-00713-00143288-00143487 project that will be done here in prvgGWSCTe0-00714-00143488-00143590 western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00715-00143591-00143743 and i want to congratulate everybody prvgGWSCTe0-00716-00143744-00143926 involved in that that prvgGWSCTe0-00717-00143927-00144087 project and finally i just want to talk prvgGWSCTe0-00718-00144088-00144375 about standalone power systems prvgGWSCTe0-00719-00144376-00144535 australia is uniquely placed to take prvgGWSCTe0-00720-00144536-00144702 advantage of standalone power systems prvgGWSCTe0-00721-00144703-00144759 and i'm prvgGWSCTe0-00722-00144760-00145047 pleased to say that uh the that we prvgGWSCTe0-00723-00145048-00145183 launched a prvgGWSCTe0-00724-00145184-00145326 second round of stand-alone power prvgGWSCTe0-00725-00145327-00145566 systems last year all manufactured here prvgGWSCTe0-00726-00145567-00145678 in western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00727-00145679-00145911 and during the election campaign the prvgGWSCTe0-00728-00145912-00146007 labor government prvgGWSCTe0-00729-00146008-00146247 committed to in to building a thousand prvgGWSCTe0-00730-00146248-00146407 one thousand prvgGWSCTe0-00731-00146408-00146639 additional standalone power systems here prvgGWSCTe0-00732-00146640-00146814 in western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00733-00146815-00146983 western australian manufacturing prvgGWSCTe0-00734-00146984-00147247 businesses are globally leading prvgGWSCTe0-00735-00147248-00147487 on this technology and i also want to prvgGWSCTe0-00736-00147488-00147623 let people know prvgGWSCTe0-00737-00147624-00147966 that horizon power is in fact uh prvgGWSCTe0-00738-00147967-00148239 investing directly in the manufacturing prvgGWSCTe0-00739-00148240-00148326 of these prvgGWSCTe0-00740-00148327-00148566 standalone power systems and one of the prvgGWSCTe0-00741-00148567-00148726 companies here in western australia is prvgGWSCTe0-00742-00148727-00148943 now a company called boundary power prvgGWSCTe0-00743-00148944-00149102 and that is a joint venture between prvgGWSCTe0-00744-00149103-00149263 horizon power prvgGWSCTe0-00745-00149264-00149495 and ant control a leading supplier of prvgGWSCTe0-00746-00149496-00149663 technological solutions prvgGWSCTe0-00747-00149664-00150031 uh to the energy sector globally and so prvgGWSCTe0-00748-00150032-00150359 boundary power is now a a jv that will prvgGWSCTe0-00749-00150360-00150478 be manufacturing prvgGWSCTe0-00750-00150479-00150695 here in western australia to support the prvgGWSCTe0-00751-00150696-00150919 roll out of standalone power systems prvgGWSCTe0-00752-00150920-00151359 and so they'll be delivering 17 spss prvgGWSCTe0-00753-00151360-00151687 on the edge of grid over the next period prvgGWSCTe0-00754-00151688-00151751 of time prvgGWSCTe0-00755-00151752-00151959 and it's an exciting opportunity so here prvgGWSCTe0-00756-00151960-00152095 in western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00757-00152096-00152343 we have technology that is leading the prvgGWSCTe0-00758-00152344-00152414 globe prvgGWSCTe0-00759-00152415-00152607 and we're trying to support those those prvgGWSCTe0-00760-00152608-00152807 businesses to export to the world prvgGWSCTe0-00761-00152808-00152990 export their technology to other parts prvgGWSCTe0-00762-00152991-00153143 of west australia prvgGWSCTe0-00763-00153144-00153414 and exactly as being recommended by you prvgGWSCTe0-00764-00153415-00153487 member for prvgGWSCTe0-00765-00153488-00153766 swan hills in your excellent report that prvgGWSCTe0-00766-00153767-00153919 you did for the last parliament prvgGWSCTe0-00767-00153920-00154231 so the good news is that the labor prvgGWSCTe0-00768-00154232-00154383 government the mcgowan labor government prvgGWSCTe0-00769-00154384-00154631 is committed to a greener energy future prvgGWSCTe0-00770-00154632-00154814 and we want to make sure that those prvgGWSCTe0-00771-00154815-00155014 technologies are being developed here in prvgGWSCTe0-00772-00155015-00155231 western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00773-00155232-00155495 the member for vass my question is to prvgGWSCTe0-00774-00155496-00155599 the minister prvgGWSCTe0-00775-00155600-00155847 for health i refer to the sakwan prvgGWSCTe0-00776-00155848-00156078 clinical incident investigation report prvgGWSCTe0-00777-00156079-00156223 into the tragic death prvgGWSCTe0-00778-00156224-00156566 of ashwarya aswath and ask why has the prvgGWSCTe0-00779-00156567-00156775 government given itself six months to prvgGWSCTe0-00780-00156776-00156999 implement these recommendations prvgGWSCTe0-00781-00157000-00157159 and why isn't it acting with more prvgGWSCTe0-00782-00157160-00157359 urgency given the potentially dire prvgGWSCTe0-00783-00157360-00157487 outcomes in delaying their prvgGWSCTe0-00784-00157488-00157783 implementation prvgGWSCTe0-00785-00157784-00158119 the minister for health uh madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-00786-00158120-00158366 we are moving swiftly to a point uh the prvgGWSCTe0-00787-00158367-00158478 the independent prvgGWSCTe0-00788-00158479-00158871 uh review the director general of health prvgGWSCTe0-00789-00158872-00159047 has already spoken to prvgGWSCTe0-00790-00159048-00159207 the australian safety and quality prvgGWSCTe0-00791-00159208-00159390 commission to get their advice in prvgGWSCTe0-00792-00159391-00159471 relation prvgGWSCTe0-00793-00159472-00159719 to what should be considered but most prvgGWSCTe0-00794-00159720-00159878 importantly of all we committed to prvgGWSCTe0-00795-00159879-00160111 working with ashwari's family prvgGWSCTe0-00796-00160112-00160399 in relation to uh in relation to the prvgGWSCTe0-00797-00160400-00160535 issues that they want to see prvgGWSCTe0-00798-00160536-00160790 inquired into it won't stop us from prvgGWSCTe0-00799-00160791-00160871 implementing prvgGWSCTe0-00800-00160872-00161263 uh changes straight away and prvgGWSCTe0-00801-00161264-00161390 many changes would have already been prvgGWSCTe0-00802-00161391-00161663 made but we want to make sure that it's prvgGWSCTe0-00803-00161664-00161831 a comprehensive review prvgGWSCTe0-00804-00161832-00161983 that it benefits from the collective prvgGWSCTe0-00805-00161984-00162159 wisdom of all those working on the front prvgGWSCTe0-00806-00162160-00162207 line prvgGWSCTe0-00807-00162208-00162478 but most importantly of all provides prvgGWSCTe0-00808-00162479-00162654 further answers and prvgGWSCTe0-00809-00162655-00162919 resolution for ashware's family prvgGWSCTe0-00810-00162920-00163074 supplementary supplementary prvgGWSCTe0-00811-00163075-00163271 [Music] prvgGWSCTe0-00812-00163272-00163447 minister if it takes six months to prvgGWSCTe0-00813-00163448-00163639 implement these recommendations what prvgGWSCTe0-00814-00163640-00163863 confidence can the people of wa prvgGWSCTe0-00815-00163864-00164295 have in the system in the meantime prvgGWSCTe0-00816-00164296-00164463 minister for health well remember if prvgGWSCTe0-00817-00164464-00164631 you'd listened to my first answer prvgGWSCTe0-00818-00164632-00164975 my answer which was that the we will not prvgGWSCTe0-00819-00164976-00165159 wait for the six months to implement prvgGWSCTe0-00820-00165160-00165447 uh the review and it will be an ongoing prvgGWSCTe0-00821-00165448-00165607 iterative process which will prvgGWSCTe0-00822-00165608-00165838 uh clearly feed from the the experience prvgGWSCTe0-00823-00165839-00165966 of others you should listen to the prvgGWSCTe0-00824-00165967-00166038 answers prvgGWSCTe0-00825-00166039-00166190 in the same way we'd hoped that you'd prvgGWSCTe0-00826-00166191-00166359 listen to the briefing you were given in prvgGWSCTe0-00827-00166360-00166559 relation to this matter prvgGWSCTe0-00828-00166560-00166823 the member for bulkadon madam speaker my prvgGWSCTe0-00829-00166824-00167038 question is to the minister for culture prvgGWSCTe0-00830-00167039-00167335 and the arts i refer to the mcgowan prvgGWSCTe0-00831-00167336-00167471 labor government's commitment to prvgGWSCTe0-00832-00167472-00167551 supporting prvgGWSCTe0-00833-00167552-00167735 the western australian art and events prvgGWSCTe0-00834-00167736-00167887 community prvgGWSCTe0-00835-00167888-00168054 industry particularly through the covert prvgGWSCTe0-00836-00168055-00168278 19 pandemic and i ask prvgGWSCTe0-00837-00168279-00168438 can the minister outline to the house prvgGWSCTe0-00838-00168439-00168575 what this government's significa prvgGWSCTe0-00839-00168576-00168735 significant support has meant for prvgGWSCTe0-00840-00168736-00168887 businesses and jobs prvgGWSCTe0-00841-00168888-00169095 in western australia's arts and events prvgGWSCTe0-00842-00169096-00169343 sector prvgGWSCTe0-00843-00169344-00169807 oh yes i can the minister for the arts prvgGWSCTe0-00844-00169808-00169966 yes i can and i'm very pleased to and i prvgGWSCTe0-00845-00169967-00170111 want to acknowledge the member from prvgGWSCTe0-00846-00170112-00170175 belkatra prvgGWSCTe0-00847-00170176-00170599 a fine man of culture prvgGWSCTe0-00848-00170600-00170823 and a fine patron of the arts he's a prvgGWSCTe0-00849-00170824-00170990 magnificent member and i congratulate prvgGWSCTe0-00850-00170991-00171095 you on your re-election prvgGWSCTe0-00851-00171096-00171247 member for belkado because i know you're prvgGWSCTe0-00852-00171248-00171478 very highly regarded by your community prvgGWSCTe0-00853-00171479-00171623 as you are in this place prvgGWSCTe0-00854-00171624-00171799 um great question because it is prvgGWSCTe0-00855-00171800-00171999 important to highlight to the house prvgGWSCTe0-00856-00172000-00172390 that um the impact of covert 19 as we prvgGWSCTe0-00857-00172391-00172431 know prvgGWSCTe0-00858-00172432-00172590 has had a huge impact on a whole range prvgGWSCTe0-00859-00172591-00172735 of uh industry prvgGWSCTe0-00860-00172736-00173014 uh industry sectors including of course prvgGWSCTe0-00861-00173015-00173054 uh prvgGWSCTe0-00862-00173055-00173207 the uh the arts and entertainment prvgGWSCTe0-00863-00173208-00173390 industries but i do want to highlight prvgGWSCTe0-00864-00173391-00173447 very clear prvgGWSCTe0-00865-00173448-00173590 clearly to the house that this prvgGWSCTe0-00866-00173591-00173854 government has uh initiated a number of prvgGWSCTe0-00867-00173855-00174047 programs that have ensured prvgGWSCTe0-00868-00174048-00174375 that our artists keep on creating their prvgGWSCTe0-00869-00174376-00174487 art that our prvgGWSCTe0-00870-00174488-00174695 performers keep on performing now that prvgGWSCTe0-00871-00174696-00174895 our people involved in the entertainment prvgGWSCTe0-00872-00174896-00175023 industry and the events industry prvgGWSCTe0-00873-00175024-00175119 continue to prvgGWSCTe0-00874-00175120-00175383 be able to participate and put on great prvgGWSCTe0-00875-00175384-00175614 shows great festivals great great events prvgGWSCTe0-00876-00175615-00175847 we have been focused on that uh despite prvgGWSCTe0-00877-00175848-00176023 the challenges that have been faced by prvgGWSCTe0-00878-00176024-00176063 by prvgGWSCTe0-00879-00176064-00176390 covert 19. now what we also know prvgGWSCTe0-00880-00176391-00176535 is that we've had some programs that prvgGWSCTe0-00881-00176536-00176687 have been implemented through the prvgGWSCTe0-00882-00176688-00176854 investment by the mcgowan government prvgGWSCTe0-00883-00176855-00177102 in our recovery programs and one of prvgGWSCTe0-00884-00177103-00177302 those is the get the show on the right prvgGWSCTe0-00885-00177303-00177502 a focused program of 15 million dollars prvgGWSCTe0-00886-00177503-00177654 focusing on supporting prvgGWSCTe0-00887-00177655-00177935 uh the entertainment industry the prvgGWSCTe0-00888-00177936-00178007 performing prvgGWSCTe0-00889-00178008-00178263 arts industry the music industry so that prvgGWSCTe0-00890-00178264-00178319 they can prvgGWSCTe0-00891-00178320-00178566 continue to uh with with some with prvgGWSCTe0-00892-00178567-00178638 confidence prvgGWSCTe0-00893-00178639-00178975 put on events uh and put on uh stage prvgGWSCTe0-00894-00178976-00179038 shows prvgGWSCTe0-00895-00179039-00179231 uh even though we've had of course the prvgGWSCTe0-00896-00179232-00179407 threats of of prvgGWSCTe0-00897-00179408-00179759 the um the covered 19 experience now but prvgGWSCTe0-00898-00179760-00179895 i've got to tell you about this get the prvgGWSCTe0-00899-00179896-00180047 show on the road because it says had prvgGWSCTe0-00900-00180048-00180214 been a very important investment prvgGWSCTe0-00901-00180215-00180343 that other states and territories have prvgGWSCTe0-00902-00180344-00180583 actually looked at themselves as copying prvgGWSCTe0-00903-00180584-00180911 what it's done is allow the government prvgGWSCTe0-00904-00180912-00180959 to prvgGWSCTe0-00905-00180960-00181238 underwrite if you like events so that if prvgGWSCTe0-00906-00181239-00181302 they prvgGWSCTe0-00907-00181303-00181631 do not if they are impacted by change uh prvgGWSCTe0-00908-00181632-00181854 or change circumstances and that there prvgGWSCTe0-00909-00181855-00181935 is a floor prvgGWSCTe0-00910-00181936-00182166 support there for them and that has prvgGWSCTe0-00911-00182167-00182407 allowed many many events to take place prvgGWSCTe0-00912-00182408-00182575 despite the pressures of the and i want prvgGWSCTe0-00913-00182576-00182719 to go through them because there's a prvgGWSCTe0-00914-00182720-00182847 number of them because we did hear prvgGWSCTe0-00915-00182848-00182926 earlier this week prvgGWSCTe0-00916-00182927-00183111 madame speaker we heard the opposition prvgGWSCTe0-00917-00183112-00183335 sort of highlighted that that the prvgGWSCTe0-00918-00183336-00183495 entertainment industry had stopped in prvgGWSCTe0-00919-00183496-00183711 western australia hasn't it hasn't prvgGWSCTe0-00920-00183712-00183975 it is it is continuing to deliver a prvgGWSCTe0-00921-00183976-00184054 magnificent prvgGWSCTe0-00922-00184055-00184359 um it is continuing to say minister for prvgGWSCTe0-00923-00184360-00184414 the arts prvgGWSCTe0-00924-00184415-00184647 you you and the minister of transport prvgGWSCTe0-00925-00184648-00184790 have ensured that the transport prvgGWSCTe0-00926-00184791-00185054 the the arts industry has kept going and prvgGWSCTe0-00927-00185055-00185190 the entertainment industry prvgGWSCTe0-00928-00185191-00185535 has not stopped absolutely i'm glad prvgGWSCTe0-00929-00185536-00185614 you're with me prvgGWSCTe0-00930-00185615-00185783 i'm glad you're with me mr speaker i'm prvgGWSCTe0-00931-00185784-00185975 glad you're with me we could be double prvgGWSCTe0-00932-00185976-00186038 act now prvgGWSCTe0-00933-00186039-00186343 can i tell you this there's been some prvgGWSCTe0-00934-00186344-00186519 some significant events over the period prvgGWSCTe0-00935-00186520-00186654 of the last 12 months prvgGWSCTe0-00936-00186655-00186847 including during the times when we had prvgGWSCTe0-00937-00186848-00186990 some significant pressures on the prvgGWSCTe0-00938-00186991-00187095 entertainment industry prvgGWSCTe0-00939-00187096-00187359 we've had zechariah concerts touring uh prvgGWSCTe0-00940-00187360-00187583 eight events cast away birds of tokyo prvgGWSCTe0-00941-00187584-00187911 who do gurus missy higgins bernie prvgGWSCTe0-00942-00187912-00188047 durcher's berlin underwood prvgGWSCTe0-00943-00188048-00188223 we've seen missy higgins good bait day prvgGWSCTe0-00944-00188224-00188423 shenshin the black state theatre company prvgGWSCTe0-00945-00188424-00188719 continued to to deliver three events uh prvgGWSCTe0-00946-00188720-00188807 including prvgGWSCTe0-00947-00188808-00188975 including oklahoma the cherry orchard prvgGWSCTe0-00948-00188976-00189087 and play things i went to the cherry prvgGWSCTe0-00949-00189088-00189135 orchard prvgGWSCTe0-00950-00189136-00189487 it was very good uh so uh six events prvgGWSCTe0-00951-00189488-00189678 including birds of tokyo ben foles and prvgGWSCTe0-00952-00189679-00189831 the classic series the fair bridge prvgGWSCTe0-00953-00189832-00189943 festival continued prvgGWSCTe0-00954-00189944-00190231 there were over 45 individual other prvgGWSCTe0-00955-00190232-00190414 events that were have been supported prvgGWSCTe0-00956-00190415-00190614 through this initiative what does it prvgGWSCTe0-00957-00190615-00190783 show madam speaker it shows prvgGWSCTe0-00958-00190784-00190919 that our entertainment industry in prvgGWSCTe0-00959-00190920-00191166 western australia is in very good shape prvgGWSCTe0-00960-00191167-00191359 and i want to pay tribute to those prvgGWSCTe0-00961-00191360-00191495 artists artisans prvgGWSCTe0-00962-00191496-00191743 musicians producers the people who work prvgGWSCTe0-00963-00191744-00191823 behind the scenes prvgGWSCTe0-00964-00191824-00192007 people who work on the stage those prvgGWSCTe0-00965-00192008-00192183 people who have been so stoic and under prvgGWSCTe0-00966-00192184-00192335 great deal of pressure i must say prvgGWSCTe0-00967-00192336-00192487 but they have continued to be focused on prvgGWSCTe0-00968-00192488-00192654 delivering high quality entertainment prvgGWSCTe0-00969-00192655-00192766 opportunities to the west australian prvgGWSCTe0-00970-00192767-00192814 public prvgGWSCTe0-00971-00192815-00193102 and it is high quality why because we prvgGWSCTe0-00972-00193103-00193254 now know that during this period in the prvgGWSCTe0-00973-00193255-00193375 last 12 months prvgGWSCTe0-00974-00193376-00193614 so many of our creative industry people prvgGWSCTe0-00975-00193615-00193678 have been prvgGWSCTe0-00976-00193679-00193975 honing honing their creative talents and prvgGWSCTe0-00977-00193976-00194150 when we are able to prvgGWSCTe0-00978-00194151-00194438 welcome our welcome audiences from prvgGWSCTe0-00979-00194439-00194590 obviously interstate and prvgGWSCTe0-00980-00194591-00194895 internationally they will be served up a prvgGWSCTe0-00981-00194896-00195014 whole range of prvgGWSCTe0-00982-00195015-00195190 cultural opportunities which of course prvgGWSCTe0-00983-00195191-00195375 will be a huge boost of tourism prvgGWSCTe0-00984-00195376-00195590 huge boost to our visitor economy and a prvgGWSCTe0-00985-00195591-00195775 huge boost to the psyche of western prvgGWSCTe0-00986-00195776-00195847 australia prvgGWSCTe0-00987-00195848-00196150 delivering as we know to a place that prvgGWSCTe0-00988-00196151-00196326 now is not only one of the safest in the prvgGWSCTe0-00989-00196327-00196407 world prvgGWSCTe0-00990-00196408-00196599 but of course is also has one of the prvgGWSCTe0-00991-00196600-00196783 strongest economies in the world prvgGWSCTe0-00992-00196784-00196983 that's what we've been doing and we'll prvgGWSCTe0-00993-00196984-00197166 keep doing it because we recognize that prvgGWSCTe0-00994-00197167-00197311 the creative industries play a critical prvgGWSCTe0-00995-00197312-00197366 role prvgGWSCTe0-00996-00197367-00197575 in the narrative of a diversified prvgGWSCTe0-00997-00197576-00197750 economy and the narrative of prvgGWSCTe0-00998-00197751-00198095 a vibrant western australia prvgGWSCTe0-00999-00198096-00198319 the member for rome thank you madam prvgGWSCTe0-01000-00198320-00198502 speaker my question is to the minister prvgGWSCTe0-01001-00198503-00198631 for health prvgGWSCTe0-01002-00198632-00198847 minister will will you ensure that the prvgGWSCTe0-01003-00198848-00199054 independent external review prvgGWSCTe0-01004-00199055-00199231 into the perth children's hospital prvgGWSCTe0-01005-00199232-00199407 emergency department prvgGWSCTe0-01006-00199408-00199687 includes specific investigation into the prvgGWSCTe0-01007-00199688-00199983 tragic death of actuaria aswath prvgGWSCTe0-01008-00199984-00200375 and the 20 other sac one events prvgGWSCTe0-01009-00200376-00200654 since january 2020 and that the terms of prvgGWSCTe0-01010-00200655-00200847 reference are made public prvgGWSCTe0-01011-00200848-00201111 and open for comment before commencing prvgGWSCTe0-01012-00201112-00201438 the review prvgGWSCTe0-01013-00201439-00201638 minister for health i thank the member prvgGWSCTe0-01014-00201639-00201759 for the question if you've listened to prvgGWSCTe0-01015-00201760-00201926 my previous answer he might prvgGWSCTe0-01016-00201927-00202126 have had a greater clarity uh in prvgGWSCTe0-01017-00202127-00202319 relation to this uh yes prvgGWSCTe0-01018-00202320-00202495 we will look into all the matters which prvgGWSCTe0-01019-00202496-00202647 impact in relation to the prvgGWSCTe0-01020-00202648-00202895 the operation of the ed in particular prvgGWSCTe0-01021-00202896-00202975 the issues prvgGWSCTe0-01022-00202976-00203302 uh associated with uh those prvgGWSCTe0-01023-00203303-00203511 issues that aishwarya's family are prvgGWSCTe0-01024-00203512-00203750 concerned obviously any experiences with prvgGWSCTe0-01025-00203751-00203823 regards to prvgGWSCTe0-01026-00203824-00204063 sac one events feed into any clinical prvgGWSCTe0-01027-00204064-00204166 review process prvgGWSCTe0-01028-00204167-00204375 that's what they're there for that's prvgGWSCTe0-01029-00204376-00204526 what they're there for prvgGWSCTe0-01030-00204527-00204862 uh so this uh opportunity to of of prvgGWSCTe0-01031-00204863-00205079 political blame gaming that you're prvgGWSCTe0-01032-00205080-00205182 engaging in prvgGWSCTe0-01033-00205183-00205406 is actually counterproductive in prvgGWSCTe0-01034-00205407-00205598 relation to the sac one process which is prvgGWSCTe0-01035-00205600-00205734 to give people prvgGWSCTe0-01036-00205735-00205942 absolute freedom and support and prvgGWSCTe0-01037-00205944-00206134 confidence that they can report prvgGWSCTe0-01038-00206135-00206494 where they think clinical uh delivery prvgGWSCTe0-01039-00206496-00206758 can be improved and of course the the prvgGWSCTe0-01040-00206759-00207303 review will be informed by these things prvgGWSCTe0-01041-00207304-00207494 the member for forestville thank you prvgGWSCTe0-01042-00207496-00207623 madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-01043-00207623-00207782 uh my question is to the minister for prvgGWSCTe0-01044-00207783-00207975 police prvgGWSCTe0-01045-00207976-00208103 i refer to the mcgowan labor prvgGWSCTe0-01046-00208104-00208327 government's unprecedented support for prvgGWSCTe0-01047-00208328-00208510 the western australian police force prvgGWSCTe0-01048-00208511-00208703 and recent comments by the director prvgGWSCTe0-01049-00208704-00208879 general of asia regarding prvgGWSCTe0-01050-00208880-00209182 terrorism threat levels and i ask prvgGWSCTe0-01051-00209183-00209406 can the minister update the house on how prvgGWSCTe0-01052-00209407-00209623 this investment is supporting wa's prvgGWSCTe0-01053-00209623-00209782 police preparedness prvgGWSCTe0-01054-00209783-00209975 to respond to serious incidents and prvgGWSCTe0-01055-00209976-00210110 emergencies prvgGWSCTe0-01056-00210111-00210319 and furthermore can the minister outline prvgGWSCTe0-01057-00210319-00210510 to the house how this investment will prvgGWSCTe0-01058-00210511-00210703 support wa police prvgGWSCTe0-01059-00210704-00210894 in the work they do to protect our prvgGWSCTe0-01060-00210896-00211071 community prvgGWSCTe0-01061-00211071-00211271 the minister for police madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-01062-00211271-00211446 thank you and i thank the member for prvgGWSCTe0-01063-00211448-00211694 forrestfield for his uh question and and prvgGWSCTe0-01064-00211696-00211815 also for his prvgGWSCTe0-01065-00211816-00211982 uh wholehearted support for west prvgGWSCTe0-01066-00211983-00212119 australian police force in prvgGWSCTe0-01067-00212119-00212231 dealing with the challenges they prvgGWSCTe0-01068-00212232-00212527 confront um the director general of asia prvgGWSCTe0-01069-00212528-00212582 on the prvgGWSCTe0-01070-00212583-00212863 17th of march tabled his annual threat prvgGWSCTe0-01071-00212864-00213039 assessment members and prvgGWSCTe0-01072-00213040-00213319 it was quite concerning it confirmed prvgGWSCTe0-01073-00213319-00213367 that prvgGWSCTe0-01074-00213367-00213671 the risk of terrorist threat remains prvgGWSCTe0-01075-00213671-00214023 at probable and his actual statements prvgGWSCTe0-01076-00214023-00214279 with respect to terrorism was that we prvgGWSCTe0-01077-00214280-00214406 have credible intelligence prvgGWSCTe0-01078-00214407-00214558 that individuals and groups have the prvgGWSCTe0-01079-00214559-00214767 capability and intent to conduct prvgGWSCTe0-01080-00214767-00214894 terrorism onshore prvgGWSCTe0-01081-00214896-00215134 he went on to and he made it very clear prvgGWSCTe0-01082-00215135-00215287 that the threat is significant and it's prvgGWSCTe0-01083-00215288-00215391 not going away prvgGWSCTe0-01084-00215392-00215815 now he went on to refer to those um prvgGWSCTe0-01085-00215816-00216119 motivated by religious violent extremism prvgGWSCTe0-01086-00216119-00216231 and also the threat prvgGWSCTe0-01087-00216232-00216542 the growing threat in terms of prvgGWSCTe0-01088-00216544-00216846 what's termed right-wing terrorism or prvgGWSCTe0-01089-00216848-00217127 ideological extremism it's taking up prvgGWSCTe0-01090-00217128-00217358 investigations with respect to that prvgGWSCTe0-01091-00217359-00217534 side of the spectrum in in terrorism prvgGWSCTe0-01092-00217535-00217782 threat is uh is uh consuming some 40 prvgGWSCTe0-01093-00217783-00217934 percent of azio's prvgGWSCTe0-01094-00217935-00218191 time now so it was timely that at the prvgGWSCTe0-01095-00218192-00218358 end of the uh prvgGWSCTe0-01096-00218359-00218558 a couple of weeks after that point in prvgGWSCTe0-01097-00218559-00218703 time i was able to prvgGWSCTe0-01098-00218704-00218927 visit the tactical response group at prvgGWSCTe0-01099-00218928-00219023 their training uh prvgGWSCTe0-01100-00219023-00219382 facility here in perth and uh have an prvgGWSCTe0-01101-00219383-00219703 a close look at what our capability is prvgGWSCTe0-01102-00219704-00219831 here in western australia and i've got prvgGWSCTe0-01103-00219832-00219894 to say prvgGWSCTe0-01104-00219896-00220119 i do have first-hand experience of prvgGWSCTe0-01105-00220119-00220246 counter-terrorism training and prvgGWSCTe0-01106-00220248-00220342 counter-terrorism prvgGWSCTe0-01107-00220344-00220558 capability um like the member for prvgGWSCTe0-01108-00220559-00220710 william he's in his absence i'll prvgGWSCTe0-01109-00220711-00220863 acknowledge him but uh prvgGWSCTe0-01110-00220864-00221110 um i've got to concede that it is a prvgGWSCTe0-01111-00221111-00221215 little dated prvgGWSCTe0-01112-00221216-00221334 i was looking at it as a little prvgGWSCTe0-01113-00221335-00221623 disturbing to note that i commenced that prvgGWSCTe0-01114-00221623-00221719 training prvgGWSCTe0-01115-00221719-00221903 uh two years before the member for prvgGWSCTe0-01116-00221904-00222223 scarborough was born so prvgGWSCTe0-01117-00222223-00222567 my knowledge my knowledge of the prvgGWSCTe0-01118-00222567-00222775 capability is a little dated but does prvgGWSCTe0-01119-00222776-00222910 give me a benchmark it prvgGWSCTe0-01120-00222911-00223231 enabled me to uh whilst i was visiting prvgGWSCTe0-01121-00223232-00223542 the wonderful uh people that are in the prvgGWSCTe0-01122-00223544-00223663 the trg prvgGWSCTe0-01123-00223664-00223831 out there and witnessed some of their uh prvgGWSCTe0-01124-00223832-00224031 equipment and their capabilities i was prvgGWSCTe0-01125-00224032-00224158 able to confirm that prvgGWSCTe0-01126-00224159-00224431 uh far in excess of anything i uh was prvgGWSCTe0-01127-00224432-00224534 able to prvgGWSCTe0-01128-00224535-00224846 employ all those years ago it's prvgGWSCTe0-01129-00224848-00225127 all changed since we were in the prvgGWSCTe0-01130-00225128-00225191 tactical prvgGWSCTe0-01131-00225192-00225455 um assault group in those days the only prvgGWSCTe0-01132-00225456-00225591 one in the country in the special air prvgGWSCTe0-01133-00225592-00225694 service regiment prvgGWSCTe0-01134-00225696-00226031 subsequent to the uh the 911 prvgGWSCTe0-01135-00226032-00226263 attacks there's been a massive increase prvgGWSCTe0-01136-00226264-00226367 in capability prvgGWSCTe0-01137-00226367-00226527 uh right across the country there's now prvgGWSCTe0-01138-00226528-00226782 another tag in the commandos in sydney prvgGWSCTe0-01139-00226783-00226951 and also all of the police assault prvgGWSCTe0-01140-00226952-00227182 groups are really well resourced and prvgGWSCTe0-01141-00227183-00227334 coordinated in their response and prvgGWSCTe0-01142-00227335-00227423 supported prvgGWSCTe0-01143-00227423-00227655 far more or uh fulsomely by the the prvgGWSCTe0-01144-00227656-00227798 commonwealth and individual states and prvgGWSCTe0-01145-00227800-00227887 territories prvgGWSCTe0-01146-00227888-00228127 and so our trg is world-class their prvgGWSCTe0-01147-00228128-00228198 equipment prvgGWSCTe0-01148-00228200-00228351 their capabilities you know they have prvgGWSCTe0-01149-00228352-00228503 they have method of entry prvgGWSCTe0-01150-00228504-00228687 uh capabilities that were only resident prvgGWSCTe0-01151-00228688-00228846 in the military when i was doing it way prvgGWSCTe0-01152-00228848-00228982 back when and uh prvgGWSCTe0-01153-00228983-00229239 their their weapons um all of their prvgGWSCTe0-01154-00229240-00229319 techniques prvgGWSCTe0-01155-00229319-00229646 are first class and i just i wanted to prvgGWSCTe0-01156-00229648-00229846 take the opportunity to convey to the prvgGWSCTe0-01157-00229848-00229927 house prvgGWSCTe0-01158-00229928-00230079 and to the western australian public prvgGWSCTe0-01159-00230080-00230279 that there is a threat out there prvgGWSCTe0-01160-00230280-00230431 there are other threats other than prvgGWSCTe0-01161-00230432-00230679 covert and uh this one is very real prvgGWSCTe0-01162-00230680-00230982 uh but western australia is prepared our prvgGWSCTe0-01163-00230983-00231071 government has prvgGWSCTe0-01164-00231071-00231246 ensured that over the over the ford prvgGWSCTe0-01165-00231248-00231398 estimates some prvgGWSCTe0-01166-00231400-00231615 900 million dollars has been added to prvgGWSCTe0-01167-00231616-00231734 the police budget prvgGWSCTe0-01168-00231735-00232015 uh an additional 950 police officers prvgGWSCTe0-01169-00232016-00232119 will be prvgGWSCTe0-01170-00232119-00232455 put into the field and the prvgGWSCTe0-01171-00232456-00232623 madam speaker you ensured that our prvgGWSCTe0-01172-00232623-00232815 police are well armed in terms of prvgGWSCTe0-01173-00232816-00232942 legislative powers prvgGWSCTe0-01174-00232944-00233134 uh having passed the terrorism prvgGWSCTe0-01175-00233135-00233327 extraordinary powers amendment act prvgGWSCTe0-01176-00233328-00233558 and uh the detained terrorism the other prvgGWSCTe0-01177-00233559-00233734 legislation the terrorism profanity prvgGWSCTe0-01178-00233735-00233879 detention amendment act prvgGWSCTe0-01179-00233880-00234039 uh to ensure that we have every prvgGWSCTe0-01180-00234040-00234334 capability and law behind us necessary prvgGWSCTe0-01181-00234335-00234687 to respond to this threat the prvgGWSCTe0-01182-00234688-00234991 uh deputy leader of the opposition thank prvgGWSCTe0-01183-00234992-00235119 you madam speaker prvgGWSCTe0-01184-00235119-00235287 my question today is to the minister for prvgGWSCTe0-01185-00235288-00235446 local government prvgGWSCTe0-01186-00235448-00235591 uh minister i refer to the audit of the prvgGWSCTe0-01187-00235592-00235806 general's uh report into the regulation prvgGWSCTe0-01188-00235807-00235998 and support of local government sector prvgGWSCTe0-01189-00236000-00236271 with its seven damning findings and of prvgGWSCTe0-01190-00236271-00236455 failures that significantly undermine prvgGWSCTe0-01191-00236456-00236615 the ability of local government entities prvgGWSCTe0-01192-00236616-00236742 to provide good government prvgGWSCTe0-01193-00236744-00236982 and proper services communities and i prvgGWSCTe0-01194-00236983-00237151 asked do you agree that the department prvgGWSCTe0-01195-00237152-00237287 has fundamentally failed prvgGWSCTe0-01196-00237288-00237503 in implementing good principles of good prvgGWSCTe0-01197-00237504-00237615 governance prvgGWSCTe0-01198-00237616-00237806 two do you concede that as a result of prvgGWSCTe0-01199-00237807-00238046 these failures organizations like welgar prvgGWSCTe0-01200-00238048-00238103 have been prvgGWSCTe0-01201-00238104-00238351 required to pick up the slack and three prvgGWSCTe0-01202-00238352-00238510 what steps will you take prvgGWSCTe0-01203-00238511-00238758 to ensure those pre are those serious prvgGWSCTe0-01204-00238759-00239051 issues are addressed and rectified prvgGWSCTe0-01205-00239052-00239175 [Music] prvgGWSCTe0-01206-00239176-00239482 that's right the minister for local prvgGWSCTe0-01207-00239483-00239806 government prvgGWSCTe0-01208-00239807-00240063 i want to thank the member for his prvgGWSCTe0-01209-00240064-00240231 question prvgGWSCTe0-01210-00240232-00240503 the auditor general uh review of the prvgGWSCTe0-01211-00240504-00240598 agency prvgGWSCTe0-01212-00240600-00240919 and regulation did note prvgGWSCTe0-01213-00240919-00241230 one or two actually critical trends prvgGWSCTe0-01214-00241231-00241527 and that was the escalation in the prvgGWSCTe0-01215-00241528-00241727 number of complaints prvgGWSCTe0-01216-00241728-00242030 in the sector in particular the large prvgGWSCTe0-01217-00242031-00242215 number or increasingly prvgGWSCTe0-01218-00242216-00242582 significant number of complaints minor prvgGWSCTe0-01219-00242583-00242894 breaches but it also noted a trend prvgGWSCTe0-01220-00242896-00243239 of major breaches so what we're seeing prvgGWSCTe0-01221-00243240-00243423 is and i think it's fair to say we're prvgGWSCTe0-01222-00243423-00243479 seeing prvgGWSCTe0-01223-00243480-00243719 a large number of investigations a prvgGWSCTe0-01224-00243719-00243958 larger number of inquiries prvgGWSCTe0-01225-00243959-00244182 a sector that unfortunately i think prvgGWSCTe0-01226-00244183-00244358 there is general agreement prvgGWSCTe0-01227-00244359-00244615 has not been performing its best prvgGWSCTe0-01228-00244616-00244719 yesterday prvgGWSCTe0-01229-00244719-00245079 i tabled three inquiries we now have prvgGWSCTe0-01230-00245080-00245367 perhaps history repeating itself i hope prvgGWSCTe0-01231-00245367-00245423 not prvgGWSCTe0-01232-00245423-00245694 at the city of canning so we need to be prvgGWSCTe0-01233-00245696-00245782 acutely prvgGWSCTe0-01234-00245783-00246094 aware that we do need reform prvgGWSCTe0-01235-00246096-00246334 in the sector the auditor general's prvgGWSCTe0-01236-00246335-00246487 report and i agree prvgGWSCTe0-01237-00246488-00246806 with it also noted that the prvgGWSCTe0-01238-00246807-00247087 the agency needed to focus on early prvgGWSCTe0-01239-00247088-00247175 intervention prvgGWSCTe0-01240-00247176-00247430 and i do want to get to this point the prvgGWSCTe0-01241-00247431-00247519 department prvgGWSCTe0-01242-00247519-00247871 has been reactive it's had to be because prvgGWSCTe0-01243-00247871-00248110 of the number of issues coming forth prvgGWSCTe0-01244-00248111-00248494 we do not have an act that enables prvgGWSCTe0-01245-00248496-00248775 early intervention none of us want to prvgGWSCTe0-01246-00248776-00248830 see prvgGWSCTe0-01247-00248831-00249206 inquiries they absorb time money prvgGWSCTe0-01248-00249207-00249606 etc what we want to enable in reforms to prvgGWSCTe0-01249-00249607-00249719 the local government prvgGWSCTe0-01250-00249719-00250006 act is actually early intervention so prvgGWSCTe0-01251-00250007-00250239 when problems are emerging prvgGWSCTe0-01252-00250240-00250415 the minister or the agency and we prvgGWSCTe0-01253-00250416-00250646 haven't worked out that model as yet prvgGWSCTe0-01254-00250648-00250951 can actually send someone forth to work prvgGWSCTe0-01255-00250952-00251167 in the local government so we don't even prvgGWSCTe0-01256-00251167-00251263 get to prvgGWSCTe0-01257-00251264-00251606 the inquiry my department has accepted prvgGWSCTe0-01258-00251607-00251791 all the recommendations from the auditor prvgGWSCTe0-01259-00251792-00251855 general prvgGWSCTe0-01260-00251856-00252119 we will be working on it but she has prvgGWSCTe0-01261-00252119-00252303 clearly identified prvgGWSCTe0-01262-00252304-00252567 bigger and broader issues which do prvgGWSCTe0-01263-00252567-00252679 require prvgGWSCTe0-01264-00252680-00252894 a change to the local government act and prvgGWSCTe0-01265-00252896-00253023 i want to assure you prvgGWSCTe0-01266-00253023-00253334 remember my training wills are well off prvgGWSCTe0-01267-00253335-00253375 and prvgGWSCTe0-01268-00253376-00253679 off the ground that i am deeply focused prvgGWSCTe0-01269-00253680-00253903 on reforming the sector and have been prvgGWSCTe0-01270-00253904-00254103 engaging with a large number of local prvgGWSCTe0-01271-00254104-00254215 governments to date prvgGWSCTe0-01272-00254216-00254575 to discuss to begin that discussion prvgGWSCTe0-01273-00254576-00254863 supplementary minister why are you now prvgGWSCTe0-01274-00254864-00254951 repeating prvgGWSCTe0-01275-00254952-00255198 your predecessor's reckless and the prvgGWSCTe0-01276-00255200-00255471 necessary politically based forays prvgGWSCTe0-01277-00255471-00255710 with all of these reckless inquiries prvgGWSCTe0-01278-00255711-00255863 repeatedly prvgGWSCTe0-01279-00255864-00256071 launching inquiries which the report has prvgGWSCTe0-01280-00256071-00256282 outlined has led to the department's prvgGWSCTe0-01281-00256283-00256406 problems prvgGWSCTe0-01282-00256407-00256775 the leader of the house prvgGWSCTe0-01283-00256776-00257006 this is uh not a supplementary question prvgGWSCTe0-01284-00257007-00258114 he's pre is prvgGWSCTe0-01285-00258115-00258527 [Music] prvgGWSCTe0-01286-00258528-00258719 so can i can we just hear your prvgGWSCTe0-01287-00258719-00258903 supplementary questions so that we know prvgGWSCTe0-01288-00258904-00259015 what we're expecting prvgGWSCTe0-01289-00259016-00259294 to answer thank you i'll i'll clarify prvgGWSCTe0-01290-00259296-00259423 why are you now repeating your prvgGWSCTe0-01291-00259423-00259623 predecessor's reckless and unnecessary prvgGWSCTe0-01292-00259623-00259719 forays prvgGWSCTe0-01293-00259719-00259879 into this endless number of politically prvgGWSCTe0-01294-00259880-00260063 inspired inquiries prvgGWSCTe0-01295-00260064-00260310 right you know the minister for the prvgGWSCTe0-01296-00260311-00260494 young prvgGWSCTe0-01297-00260496-00260855 be the happiest people on earth prvgGWSCTe0-01298-00260856-00261175 i want to address this yesterday i prvgGWSCTe0-01299-00261176-00261527 tabled three inquiry reports i have not prvgGWSCTe0-01300-00261528-00261855 called any additional inquiries prvgGWSCTe0-01301-00261856-00262087 that's what i stated and i did that prvgGWSCTe0-01302-00262088-00262247 yesterday in the parliament prvgGWSCTe0-01303-00262248-00262510 what i put on the record today actually prvgGWSCTe0-01304-00262511-00262558 is prvgGWSCTe0-01305-00262559-00262910 i do not want further inquiries prvgGWSCTe0-01306-00262911-00263215 i do accept it is a waste of prvgGWSCTe0-01307-00263216-00263519 money and time for everyone developers prvgGWSCTe0-01308-00263520-00263743 stakeholders don't like it because prvgGWSCTe0-01309-00263744-00263919 the local government is in total prvgGWSCTe0-01310-00263920-00264175 disarray councillors and the community prvgGWSCTe0-01311-00264176-00264279 don't like it prvgGWSCTe0-01312-00264280-00264534 what i'm proposing and i just answered prvgGWSCTe0-01313-00264535-00264687 in that question prvgGWSCTe0-01314-00264688-00264871 is is that i will be looking at an prvgGWSCTe0-01315-00264872-00265015 alternative model prvgGWSCTe0-01316-00265016-00265327 that will enable early intervention so prvgGWSCTe0-01317-00265328-00265471 that we can avoid prvgGWSCTe0-01318-00265472-00265806 acquiries in the future at the moment prvgGWSCTe0-01319-00265807-00266015 under the local government act there are prvgGWSCTe0-01320-00266016-00266247 very limited opportunities prvgGWSCTe0-01321-00266248-00266482 when there is dysfunctional counsel and prvgGWSCTe0-01322-00266483-00266630 unfortunately prvgGWSCTe0-01323-00266631-00266991 an inquiry under the current provisions prvgGWSCTe0-01324-00266992-00267239 is usually what occurs even though a prvgGWSCTe0-01325-00267240-00267471 minister may not want to go down that prvgGWSCTe0-01326-00267472-00267527 route prvgGWSCTe0-01327-00267528-00267887 now i'm prepared to work with waga prvgGWSCTe0-01328-00267888-00268079 with your party because i know members prvgGWSCTe0-01329-00268080-00268271 in your party have had complaints prvgGWSCTe0-01330-00268272-00268527 about local government and ceos but to prvgGWSCTe0-01331-00268528-00268703 suggest it's some sort of prvgGWSCTe0-01332-00268704-00268927 political witch hunt is absolute prvgGWSCTe0-01333-00268928-00269006 nonsense prvgGWSCTe0-01334-00269007-00269310 because i've not been called one inquiry prvgGWSCTe0-01335-00269311-00269447 yet prvgGWSCTe0-01336-00269448-00269782 that concludes question time prvgGWSCTe0-01337-00269783-00270224 so remember that concludes question time pspzlFN8qrk-00000-00000012-00001224 [Music] pspzlFN8qrk-00001-00001225-00002014 all right pspzlFN8qrk-00002-00002016-00002345 when Ahab became king of Israel he did pspzlFN8qrk-00003-00002346-00002597 more evil in the sight of the Lord and pspzlFN8qrk-00004-00002598-00002800 all the kings of Israel before him King pspzlFN8qrk-00005-00002801-00003010 Ahab not only turned away from God pspzlFN8qrk-00006-00003011-00003281 himself to worship Baal he led the pspzlFN8qrk-00007-00003282-00003485 entire nation of Israel to do the same pspzlFN8qrk-00008-00003486-00003725 people who refused to worship Baal were pspzlFN8qrk-00009-00003726-00004001 persecuted or driven out of the country pspzlFN8qrk-00010-00004002-00004222 and every prophet of God that could be pspzlFN8qrk-00011-00004223-00004433 found was put to death pspzlFN8qrk-00012-00004434-00004727 and Israel forgot about God pspzlFN8qrk-00013-00004728-00004997 suddenly one day the king Heard a Voice pspzlFN8qrk-00014-00004998-00005249 burst forth like a Thunderclap pspzlFN8qrk-00015-00005250-00005627 and there before him stood a stranger pspzlFN8qrk-00016-00005628-00005897 as the Lord God of Israel lives before pspzlFN8qrk-00017-00005898-00006251 whom I stand there shall not be Dew or pspzlFN8qrk-00018-00006252-00006613 Reign until the time I call for it pspzlFN8qrk-00019-00006614-00006898 Elijah the prophet had come to call pspzlFN8qrk-00020-00006900-00007181 Israel back to the Lord God pspzlFN8qrk-00021-00007181-00007456 the people stood in stunned silence as pspzlFN8qrk-00022-00007458-00007648 Elijah turned to leave pspzlFN8qrk-00023-00007650-00007901 no prophet of God had spoken for a long pspzlFN8qrk-00024-00007902-00008003 time pspzlFN8qrk-00025-00008004-00008219 still the people paid little attention pspzlFN8qrk-00026-00008220-00008501 to Elijah's message or to its real pspzlFN8qrk-00027-00008502-00008885 meaning Elijah had uttered a warning pspzlFN8qrk-00028-00008886-00009107 hunger was coming to the land of Israel pspzlFN8qrk-00029-00009108-00009455 for drought and famine go hand in hand pspzlFN8qrk-00030-00009456-00009701 Elijah was going to show Israel that pspzlFN8qrk-00031-00009702-00010013 they were serving a dead God only the pspzlFN8qrk-00032-00010014-00010217 Lord could send rain pspzlFN8qrk-00033-00010218-00010546 for three years no rain fell in the land pspzlFN8qrk-00034-00010547-00010828 of Israel the grass disappeared from the pspzlFN8qrk-00035-00010829-00011113 hills the cattle became lean and thin pspzlFN8qrk-00036-00011114-00011374 nothing grew in the farmers fields and pspzlFN8qrk-00037-00011375-00011645 day by day the people had less to eat in pspzlFN8qrk-00038-00011646-00011855 every home in the land people suffered pspzlFN8qrk-00039-00011856-00012191 from Hunger unless rain came soon there pspzlFN8qrk-00040-00012192-00012413 would be no food at all pspzlFN8qrk-00041-00012414-00012767 but day after day passed and no rain pspzlFN8qrk-00042-00012768-00013007 came people began to think more and more pspzlFN8qrk-00043-00013008-00013243 about what Elijah had said pspzlFN8qrk-00044-00013244-00013583 Elijah must be a great prophet only a pspzlFN8qrk-00045-00013584-00013744 prophet with Mighty power could hold pspzlFN8qrk-00046-00013745-00013991 back the rain and when the king saw his pspzlFN8qrk-00047-00013991-00014266 land turning to Desert his animals dying pspzlFN8qrk-00048-00014268-00014513 of hunger even the king believed pspzlFN8qrk-00049-00014513-00014807 Elijah's words and sent Messengers to pspzlFN8qrk-00050-00014808-00015005 find the Prophet The Messengers always pspzlFN8qrk-00051-00015006-00015238 returned with the same answer pspzlFN8qrk-00052-00015240-00015485 Elijah is nowhere to be found pspzlFN8qrk-00053-00015486-00015725 King Ahab grew so desperate that he sent pspzlFN8qrk-00054-00015726-00015983 to every city and Country around and pspzlFN8qrk-00055-00015984-00016186 made people swear they were not hiding pspzlFN8qrk-00056-00016187-00016403 the prophet Messengers came to fear for pspzlFN8qrk-00057-00016404-00016613 their very lives for the King was pspzlFN8qrk-00058-00016614-00016894 furious at their failure to find Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00059-00016895-00017200 and as the famine increased in the land pspzlFN8qrk-00060-00017201-00017530 the king's Fury increased with it pspzlFN8qrk-00061-00017531-00017783 the Bible tells us that after many days pspzlFN8qrk-00062-00017784-00017993 the word of the Lord came to Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00063-00017994-00018107 saying pspzlFN8qrk-00064-00018108-00018436 go show thyself to Ahab and I will send pspzlFN8qrk-00065-00018437-00018622 rain upon the Earth pspzlFN8qrk-00066-00018623-00018905 so Elijah suddenly appeared again pspzlFN8qrk-00067-00018906-00019180 he stood in the path before Obadiah the pspzlFN8qrk-00068-00019181-00019355 king's servant and said pspzlFN8qrk-00069-00019356-00019594 go tell your king that Elijah has pspzlFN8qrk-00070-00019595-00019733 returned pspzlFN8qrk-00071-00019734-00020086 and Obadiah hurried to obey King Ahab pspzlFN8qrk-00072-00020087-00020308 listened to obadiah's report with the pspzlFN8qrk-00073-00020309-00020471 Grim silence pspzlFN8qrk-00074-00020472-00020693 Elijah would find it was a serious pspzlFN8qrk-00075-00020694-00020867 matter to stand in the way of the king pspzlFN8qrk-00076-00020868-00021203 but Elijah was not afraid he waited pspzlFN8qrk-00077-00021204-00021400 calmly for the king to come pspzlFN8qrk-00078-00021401-00021707 and when the king cried angrily are you pspzlFN8qrk-00079-00021708-00021922 the one who's been troubling Israel pspzlFN8qrk-00080-00021923-00022103 Elijah answered pspzlFN8qrk-00081-00022104-00022421 I have not troubled Israel it is you and pspzlFN8qrk-00082-00022422-00022667 your father's house because you have pspzlFN8qrk-00083-00022668-00022913 forsaken the Commandments of the Lord pspzlFN8qrk-00084-00022914-00023200 you have worshiped Baal the god of the pspzlFN8qrk-00085-00023201-00023305 heaven pspzlFN8qrk-00086-00023306-00023669 Elijah boldly accused the king and King pspzlFN8qrk-00087-00023670-00023849 Ahab found he couldn't answer the pspzlFN8qrk-00088-00023850-00023980 prophet of God pspzlFN8qrk-00089-00023981-00024227 the king had no Authority before the pspzlFN8qrk-00090-00024228-00024514 word of God as spoken by Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00091-00024515-00024839 if Ahab wanted rain he would have to do pspzlFN8qrk-00092-00024840-00024958 the listening pspzlFN8qrk-00093-00024959-00025253 so the king listened as Elijah told him pspzlFN8qrk-00094-00025254-00025511 to gather all the people of Israel and pspzlFN8qrk-00095-00025512-00025762 all the prophets of Baal and bring them pspzlFN8qrk-00096-00025763-00025978 together on Mount Carmel pspzlFN8qrk-00097-00025979-00026279 and the King did all that Elijah said to pspzlFN8qrk-00098-00026280-00026561 do from every corner of the Kingdom the pspzlFN8qrk-00099-00026562-00026818 people came wondering what this strange pspzlFN8qrk-00100-00026819-00027029 and terrible Prophet would do now pspzlFN8qrk-00101-00027030-00027305 would Elijah bring back the rain pspzlFN8qrk-00102-00027306-00027496 but Elijah had something to do first pspzlFN8qrk-00103-00027497-00027718 that was more important to the lives of pspzlFN8qrk-00104-00027719-00027911 these people than rain pspzlFN8qrk-00105-00027912-00028157 Elijah must show Israel they were pspzlFN8qrk-00106-00028158-00028468 serving a dead God that only the Lord pspzlFN8qrk-00107-00028469-00028762 could bring rain Elijah came straight to pspzlFN8qrk-00108-00028763-00028883 the point pspzlFN8qrk-00109-00028883-00029152 why do you follow first one God and then pspzlFN8qrk-00110-00029154-00029483 another he asked if the Lord is God pspzlFN8qrk-00111-00029483-00029908 follow the lord if Baal is God then pspzlFN8qrk-00112-00029910-00030149 follow him and the people answered him pspzlFN8qrk-00113-00030150-00030437 not a word famine and hunger had made pspzlFN8qrk-00114-00030438-00030605 them willing to listen pspzlFN8qrk-00115-00030606-00030881 but sin had blinded their eyes and made pspzlFN8qrk-00116-00030882-00031090 their ears slow to hear pspzlFN8qrk-00117-00031091-00031318 then Elijah spoke again pspzlFN8qrk-00118-00031319-00031649 I even I only remain a prophet of the pspzlFN8qrk-00119-00031650-00032087 Lord but baal's prophets are 450 men let pspzlFN8qrk-00120-00032088-00032440 them prepare a sacrifice I will do the pspzlFN8qrk-00121-00032441-00032518 same pspzlFN8qrk-00122-00032519-00032831 then we'll call upon our gods and the pspzlFN8qrk-00123-00032832-00033196 god that answereth by fire let him be pspzlFN8qrk-00124-00033197-00033461 God and all the people answered and said pspzlFN8qrk-00125-00033462-00033821 it is well spoken Elijah just stood by pspzlFN8qrk-00126-00033822-00034031 as the prophets of Baal prepared their pspzlFN8qrk-00127-00034032-00034289 sacrifice and called on their God for pspzlFN8qrk-00128-00034290-00034493 mourning even until noon pspzlFN8qrk-00129-00034494-00034631 [Music] pspzlFN8qrk-00130-00034632-00034979 oh Baal hear us the prophets leaped and pspzlFN8qrk-00131-00034980-00035171 danced about their altar but there was pspzlFN8qrk-00132-00035172-00035555 no sign from Baal Baal did not answer at pspzlFN8qrk-00133-00035556-00035873 noon Elijah mocked the prophets and said pspzlFN8qrk-00134-00035874-00036305 cry louder for Baal is a God maybe he's pspzlFN8qrk-00135-00036306-00036785 talking or away on a journey maybe he's pspzlFN8qrk-00136-00036786-00037090 asleep and needs to be awakened and the pspzlFN8qrk-00137-00037091-00037271 prophets of Baal cried louder than ever pspzlFN8qrk-00138-00037272-00037559 they leaped about in a wild frenzy and pspzlFN8qrk-00139-00037560-00037811 begged their God to answer they even cut pspzlFN8qrk-00140-00037812-00038087 themselves with knives that Bale might pspzlFN8qrk-00141-00038088-00038387 take pity on them and all the time the pspzlFN8qrk-00142-00038388-00038801 people watched and waited then Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00143-00038802-00038999 called the people to come near him as he pspzlFN8qrk-00144-00039000-00039262 prepared a sacrifice first Elijah took pspzlFN8qrk-00145-00039263-00039568 12 Stones and built again the broken pspzlFN8qrk-00146-00039569-00039868 altar of the Lord he put the wood in pspzlFN8qrk-00147-00039869-00040151 place and laid the sacrifice upon the pspzlFN8qrk-00148-00040152-00040468 altar and Elijah made a great trench all pspzlFN8qrk-00149-00040469-00040690 around the altar of the Lord pspzlFN8qrk-00150-00040691-00041146 then he did a very strange thing Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00151-00041147-00041368 told the people to bring Barrel after pspzlFN8qrk-00152-00041369-00041687 barrel of water and pour them over the pspzlFN8qrk-00153-00041688-00042052 altar until all of it was soaked and the pspzlFN8qrk-00154-00042053-00042323 trench was filled to the brim pspzlFN8qrk-00155-00042324-00042665 if fire consumed this sacrifice nobody pspzlFN8qrk-00156-00042666-00042865 could say it started by accident pspzlFN8qrk-00157-00042866-00043199 intense silence the people watched as pspzlFN8qrk-00158-00043200-00043474 Elijah came to the Altar and said pspzlFN8qrk-00159-00043475-00043823 Lord God of Abraham Isaac and of Israel pspzlFN8qrk-00160-00043824-00044080 let it be known this day that thou art pspzlFN8qrk-00161-00044081-00044458 God in Israel and that I am thy servant pspzlFN8qrk-00162-00044459-00044717 and that I have done all these things of pspzlFN8qrk-00163-00044718-00044837 Thy Word pspzlFN8qrk-00164-00044838-00045155 Hear Me O Lord hear me that this people pspzlFN8qrk-00165-00045156-00045473 may know that thou art the Lord God and pspzlFN8qrk-00166-00045474-00045683 that thou has turned their heart back pspzlFN8qrk-00167-00045684-00045815 again pspzlFN8qrk-00168-00045816-00046312 and suddenly the fire of the Lord fell pspzlFN8qrk-00169-00046313-00046630 and the sacrifice the altar the water pspzlFN8qrk-00170-00046631-00046883 even the dust of the ground was consumed pspzlFN8qrk-00171-00046884-00047135 before the eyes of the people and they pspzlFN8qrk-00172-00047136-00047368 fell on their faces and said pspzlFN8qrk-00173-00047369-00048046 the Lord he is God the Lord he is God pspzlFN8qrk-00174-00048047-00048245 the whole nation of Israel turned again pspzlFN8qrk-00175-00048246-00048562 to the Lord and worshiped him as the pspzlFN8qrk-00176-00048563-00048709 only living God pspzlFN8qrk-00177-00048710-00048851 [Music] pspzlFN8qrk-00178-00048852-00049102 only then did Elijah begin to think pspzlFN8qrk-00179-00049103-00049235 about rain pspzlFN8qrk-00180-00049236-00049474 the Bible says that Elijah went up to pspzlFN8qrk-00181-00049475-00049739 the top of Carmel and cast himself down pspzlFN8qrk-00182-00049740-00049996 upon the Earth to pray pspzlFN8qrk-00183-00049997-00050212 and he said to his servant pspzlFN8qrk-00184-00050213-00050530 go up now look toward the sea and when pspzlFN8qrk-00185-00050531-00050746 the servant looked and said there is pspzlFN8qrk-00186-00050747-00050855 nothing pspzlFN8qrk-00187-00050856-00051173 Elijah sent him seven times until the pspzlFN8qrk-00188-00051174-00051335 servant reported pspzlFN8qrk-00189-00051336-00051580 behold there ariseth a little Cloud out pspzlFN8qrk-00190-00051582-00051887 of the sea like a man's hand then Elijah pspzlFN8qrk-00191-00051888-00052096 sent his servant to warn the king that pspzlFN8qrk-00192-00052097-00052697 rain was coming pspzlFN8qrk-00193-00052698-00052930 the Lord had called his people to pspzlFN8qrk-00194-00052932-00053044 repentance pspzlFN8qrk-00195-00053045-00053350 and when they turned back to God he pspzlFN8qrk-00196-00053351-00053657 blessed the people with a great reign pspzlFN8qrk-00197-00053658-00053891 through his word the Bible pspzlFN8qrk-00198-00053891-00054173 the Lord still calls pspzlFN8qrk-00199-00054174-00054466 repent ye therefore and be converted pspzlFN8qrk-00200-00054467-00054797 that your sins may be blotted out pspzlFN8qrk-00201-00054798-00055013 so that there may come seasons of pspzlFN8qrk-00202-00055014-00055529 refreshing from the presence of the Lord pspzlFN8qrk-00203-00055529-00055829 foreign psuLzgJpTdo-00002-00008288-00008542 you can share the link you can subscribe psuLzgJpTdo-00003-00008543-00009263 you can ask questions psuLzgJpTdo-00006-00025812-00026683 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00008-00029958-00032283 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00010-00040250-00040683 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00013-00048015-00048544 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00014-00048545-00049536 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00017-00062169-00064359 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00019-00071091-00073111 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00020-00073112-00074716 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00022-00089688-00090587 is psuLzgJpTdo-00024-00094676-00095844 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00025-00095845-00096726 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00026-00096727-00097223 may vision group that check psuLzgJpTdo-00027-00097224-00097623 we're checking upon psuLzgJpTdo-00028-00097624-00099482 over king including psuLzgJpTdo-00029-00099483-00100091 um psuLzgJpTdo-00030-00100092-00101303 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00031-00101304-00102164 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00033-00105551-00107165 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00035-00112479-00113447 companies psuLzgJpTdo-00036-00113448-00114883 in a week psuLzgJpTdo-00038-00118003-00118708 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00039-00118709-00119671 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00040-00119672-00120297 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00041-00120298-00122880 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00042-00122881-00125245 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00043-00125246-00127486 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00044-00127488-00128164 is psuLzgJpTdo-00045-00128165-00130127 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00047-00135318-00136309 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00048-00136310-00138509 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00049-00138510-00140914 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00051-00147759-00148947 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00053-00152684-00154508 foreign psuLzgJpTdo-00055-00157638-00158776 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00056-00158777-00160025 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00059-00174761-00175754 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00060-00175755-00176616 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00061-00176617-00177488 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00062-00177489-00177854 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00063-00177855-00178465 being mentioned psuLzgJpTdo-00064-00178466-00180683 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00065-00180684-00182071 um psuLzgJpTdo-00067-00187688-00187911 zoom through the moon such a couch psuLzgJpTdo-00068-00187912-00188095 watching yoga double entity psuLzgJpTdo-00069-00188096-00188359 there are major issues they're not being psuLzgJpTdo-00070-00188360-00188511 paid attention to psuLzgJpTdo-00071-00188512-00188814 and minor issues created by them psuLzgJpTdo-00072-00188815-00189232 they're paying attention them to psuLzgJpTdo-00073-00189233-00190273 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00074-00190274-00191670 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00075-00191671-00193427 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00076-00193428-00195789 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00077-00195790-00197700 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00080-00208554-00211482 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00081-00211483-00212363 you psuLzgJpTdo-00082-00212364-00214282 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00083-00214283-00215542 okay psuLzgJpTdo-00084-00215544-00217087 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00085-00217088-00219144 channel psuLzgJpTdo-00086-00219144-00220130 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00087-00220131-00220959 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00088-00220960-00221282 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00089-00221283-00223494 engineering psuLzgJpTdo-00090-00223494-00224260 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00092-00227348-00229014 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00093-00229015-00229682 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00095-00234346-00235146 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00096-00235148-00236430 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00097-00236431-00236682 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00098-00236683-00236819 foreign psuLzgJpTdo-00099-00236821-00238531 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00102-00246896-00247840 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00106-00260483-00260715 um psuLzgJpTdo-00107-00260716-00261628 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00110-00282883-00283120 um psuLzgJpTdo-00114-00308083-00308378 me psuLzgJpTdo-00116-00314631-00317010 [Music] psuLzgJpTdo-00117-00317011-00317378 [Music] psvWJcTg2Uc-00001-00011370-00012282 [Music] psvWJcTg2Uc-00003-00018740-00018945 you pt1X-xvJQGU-00000-00000021-00000371 in this video you will learn how to use pt1X-xvJQGU-00001-00000372-00000599 Microsoft OneNote to take notes on a pt1X-xvJQGU-00002-00000600-00000974 digital text Microsoft OneNote is a part pt1X-xvJQGU-00003-00000975-00001232 of the office 365 suite that is pt1X-xvJQGU-00004-00001233-00001541 available to all kpu students to get pt1X-xvJQGU-00005-00001542-00001751 started once you've downloaded the pt1X-xvJQGU-00006-00001752-00001898 software to your device pt1X-xvJQGU-00007-00001898-00002258 you'll create a new notebook choose a pt1X-xvJQGU-00008-00002259-00003186 color and give your notebook a title pt1X-xvJQGU-00009-00003187-00003465 as you can see now I can create new pt1X-xvJQGU-00010-00003465-00003738 sections and new pages within my pt1X-xvJQGU-00011-00003739-00003963 notebook so how I'm going to organize pt1X-xvJQGU-00012-00003964-00004197 myself for this course I'm going to pt1X-xvJQGU-00013-00004198-00004428 create a new section for each week and pt1X-xvJQGU-00014-00004429-00004671 then a new page for smaller chapters pt1X-xvJQGU-00015-00004672-00005336 within my topic or within my course I'm pt1X-xvJQGU-00016-00005337-00005586 going to rename my section to week one pt1X-xvJQGU-00017-00005587-00006125 and my topic for this week is teamwork pt1X-xvJQGU-00018-00006126-00006456 I'm going to copy the content from this pt1X-xvJQGU-00019-00006456-00006968 section of my chapter into my notebook pt1X-xvJQGU-00020-00006969-00007673 now I'll give the page a title so now I pt1X-xvJQGU-00021-00007675-00007898 have the content that was in my text I'm pt1X-xvJQGU-00022-00007900-00008181 able to easily highlight it and I have pt1X-xvJQGU-00023-00008181-00008423 space to make notes along the side pt1X-xvJQGU-00024-00008424-00008685 making knows is important because it pt1X-xvJQGU-00025-00008686-00008865 gives you a summary of the key points of pt1X-xvJQGU-00026-00008866-00009038 the chapter so you won't have to read pt1X-xvJQGU-00027-00009039-00009342 everything over again as I'm reading pt1X-xvJQGU-00028-00009343-00009513 this chapter I know this thing there's a pt1X-xvJQGU-00029-00009514-00009713 heading some key characteristics of T's pt1X-xvJQGU-00030-00009714-00009860 and they seem like they're pretty pt1X-xvJQGU-00031-00009861-00010083 important to me so I'm going to make a pt1X-xvJQGU-00032-00010084-00010446 summary note here as you can see here pt1X-xvJQGU-00033-00010447-00010655 now I have a summary in the right margin pt1X-xvJQGU-00034-00010656-00010916 and I'm taking time to write the ideas pt1X-xvJQGU-00035-00010917-00011127 of my own words this is actually a pt1X-xvJQGU-00036-00011128-00011271 really important part of learning pt1X-xvJQGU-00037-00011272-00011457 information and making sure that I pt1X-xvJQGU-00038-00011458-00011649 really understand the content as I'm pt1X-xvJQGU-00039-00011650-00012051 reading it now as I look at the next pt1X-xvJQGU-00040-00012052-00012255 section I see that there's two key pt1X-xvJQGU-00041-00012256-00012612 points I noticed that sometimes teams pt1X-xvJQGU-00042-00012613-00012888 fail so I think this is a key point and pt1X-xvJQGU-00043-00012888-00013319 I'd like to highlight it but now I also pt1X-xvJQGU-00044-00013320-00013482 find this piece of information that pt1X-xvJQGU-00045-00013483-00013713 teams can actually improve how an pt1X-xvJQGU-00046-00013713-00013941 organization works together so I'll add pt1X-xvJQGU-00047-00013941-00014213 this and highlight it as well now I'll pt1X-xvJQGU-00048-00014215-00014707 make a summary note in the margin pt1X-xvJQGU-00049-00014708-00015029 so now when I go back and review this pt1X-xvJQGU-00050-00015030-00015233 chapter I won't have to read the full pt1X-xvJQGU-00051-00015234-00015410 text anymore I've read that the first pt1X-xvJQGU-00052-00015411-00015662 time but I have my highlights available pt1X-xvJQGU-00053-00015663-00015935 to me and I also have my summary notes pt1X-xvJQGU-00054-00015936-00016205 to review if I go back and look at a pt1X-xvJQGU-00055-00016206-00016376 summary note and feel like I'm not quite pt1X-xvJQGU-00056-00016377-00016616 sure then I can go back and do a little pt1X-xvJQGU-00057-00016617-00016934 bit more reading the last thing I'm pt1X-xvJQGU-00058-00016935-00017171 going to do is I'm going to add a pt1X-xvJQGU-00059-00017172-00017341 summary to the bottom on that page pt1X-xvJQGU-00060-00017342-00017597 writing a short summary after you've pt1X-xvJQGU-00061-00017598-00017810 read a piece of digital text can be a pt1X-xvJQGU-00062-00017811-00017987 very important step in helping you pt1X-xvJQGU-00063-00017988-00018236 retain that content so yeah so you don't pt1X-xvJQGU-00064-00018237-00018791 end up forgetting it later on so as you pt1X-xvJQGU-00065-00018792-00019088 can see my layout here I have my text in pt1X-xvJQGU-00066-00019089-00019331 the middle on the right side of the page pt1X-xvJQGU-00067-00019332-00019577 I have my summary notes so key points pt1X-xvJQGU-00068-00019578-00019835 that I reworded into my own words and pt1X-xvJQGU-00069-00019836-00019979 I've also chosen to highlight some pt1X-xvJQGU-00070-00019980-00020114 things that I think are particularly pt1X-xvJQGU-00071-00020115-00020378 important at the bottom of the page I pt1X-xvJQGU-00072-00020379-00020627 have one short overall summary that I pt1X-xvJQGU-00073-00020628-00020831 can go back to and quickly see what were pt1X-xvJQGU-00074-00020832-00020996 the main points I learned in this pt1X-xvJQGU-00075-00020997-00021482 section for additional strategies on pt1X-xvJQGU-00076-00021483-00021779 digital note-taking as well as reading pt1X-xvJQGU-00077-00021780-00021992 taking notes and preparing for exams pt1X-xvJQGU-00078-00021993-00022217 come and visit the Learning Center you pt1X-xvJQGU-00079-00022218-00022487 can make an appointment online at TLC pt1X-xvJQGU-00080-00022488-00022873 kpu CA ptLeasOq8F4-00000-00000000-00000399 [Music] ptLeasOq8F4-00001-00000400-00002326 uh ptLeasOq8F4-00002-00002327-00002622 box boy ptLeasOq8F4-00004-00006064-00006436 box boy ptLeasOq8F4-00006-00009807-00010102 box boy ptLeasOq8F4-00008-00013544-00014229 box boy ptLeasOq8F4-00009-00014230-00014686 [Music] ptLeasOq8F4-00010-00014687-00015397 so ptLeasOq8F4-00011-00015399-00016038 [Music] ptLeasOq8F4-00012-00016040-00017439 box boy ptLeasOq8F4-00013-00017440-00017648 you ptLyS0BYblM-00000-00000000-00000054 hello ptLyS0BYblM-00001-00000055-00002670 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00002-00002671-00002782 [Applause] ptLyS0BYblM-00003-00002783-00003745 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00004-00003746-00003935 thank you ptLyS0BYblM-00005-00003936-00004081 foreign ptLyS0BYblM-00006-00004082-00006066 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00007-00006067-00007253 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00008-00007254-00007409 foreign ptLyS0BYblM-00010-00010722-00011011 foreign ptLyS0BYblM-00011-00011012-00012721 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00012-00012722-00012764 [Applause] ptLyS0BYblM-00013-00012765-00013619 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00014-00013619-00013844 go ptLyS0BYblM-00015-00013846-00014333 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00016-00014334-00014755 go ptLyS0BYblM-00017-00014756-00015949 [Music] ptLyS0BYblM-00018-00015950-00016778 like the real ptLyS0BYblM-00019-00016779-00017081 [Music] pvhY4lZjVPI-00000-00000003-00000323 we're both absolutely thrilled and so pvhY4lZjVPI-00001-00000324-00000536 grateful to all the love and support for pvhY4lZjVPI-00002-00000537-00000709 everybody out there for everybody out pvhY4lZjVPI-00003-00000710-00000890 there it's been it's been amazing so I pvhY4lZjVPI-00004-00000891-00001222 just wanted to share this with everybody pvhY4lZjVPI-00005-00001223-00001634 still think about names on its yeah the pvhY4lZjVPI-00006-00001635-00001841 babies a little bit overdue so we've had pvhY4lZjVPI-00007-00001842-00001942 a little bit of time to think about it pvhY4lZjVPI-00008-00001943-00002237 but some yeah we're still that's that's pvhY4lZjVPI-00009-00002238-00002414 but that's the next fit but for us I pvhY4lZjVPI-00010-00002415-00002535 think we'll be seeing you guys in pvhY4lZjVPI-00011-00002536-00002767 probably two days time as planned pvhY4lZjVPI-00012-00002768-00002977 as a family to be able to share it with pvhY4lZjVPI-00013-00002978-00003808 you guys and so one can see the baby I pvhY4lZjVPI-00014-00003809-00004166 haven't been in many births this is pvhY4lZjVPI-00015-00004167-00004433 definitely my first birth it was amazing pvhY4lZjVPI-00016-00004434-00004531 absolutely incredible pvhY4lZjVPI-00017-00004532-00004715 and as I said I'm so incredibly proud of pvhY4lZjVPI-00018-00004716-00005126 my wife and as every father and parent pvhY4lZjVPI-00019-00005127-00005386 would ever say you know your your baby pvhY4lZjVPI-00020-00005387-00005615 is absolutely amazing but this little pvhY4lZjVPI-00021-00005616-00005845 thing is absolutely to die for pvhY4lZjVPI-00022-00005846-00006655 so I'm just pvhY4lZjVPI-00023-00006656-00007062 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00000-00000239-00001884 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00001-00001885-00002597 thank you pvtIovM9PHE-00002-00002598-00003146 foreign pvtIovM9PHE-00003-00003147-00004675 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00004-00004676-00004946 thank you pvtIovM9PHE-00005-00004947-00005667 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00006-00005668-00005974 [Laughter] pvtIovM9PHE-00007-00005975-00006622 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00008-00006623-00007067 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00009-00007068-00007364 foreign pvtIovM9PHE-00010-00007365-00010236 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00011-00010237-00011843 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00012-00011844-00012005 [Music] pvtIovM9PHE-00013-00012006-00012513 foreign pvtIovM9PHE-00015-00017342-00017479 thank you pvtIovM9PHE-00016-00017480-00017791 [Music] pvMkFb90Jky-00000-00000104-00000391 foreign pvMkFb90Jky-00001-00000392-00000661 fast-paced yet physically sedentary life pvMkFb90Jky-00002-00000662-00000869 everybody has a need to remind pvMkFb90Jky-00003-00000869-00001049 themselves that it's important to take pvMkFb90Jky-00004-00001050-00001312 care of one's physique hygiene and pvMkFb90Jky-00005-00001313-00001516 fitness are Elemental in our pursuit of pvMkFb90Jky-00006-00001517-00001751 maintaining our body's overall health to pvMkFb90Jky-00007-00001752-00001955 its highest levels but we struggle with pvMkFb90Jky-00008-00001955-00002123 setting up our routines and our pvMkFb90Jky-00009-00002124-00002333 discipline waivers from one day to the pvMkFb90Jky-00010-00002334-00002423 next pvMkFb90Jky-00011-00002424-00002639 throughout the past 15 centuries the pvMkFb90Jky-00012-00002640-00002867 Islamic faiths foresight ritualized pvMkFb90Jky-00013-00002868-00003076 certain fundamental practices that led pvMkFb90Jky-00014-00003077-00003277 to the improved health of the human body pvMkFb90Jky-00015-00003278-00003490 unknowingly and through the application pvMkFb90Jky-00016-00003492-00003767 of repetitious actions Muslim Believers pvMkFb90Jky-00017-00003768-00004025 vehemently practice what today Wellness pvMkFb90Jky-00018-00004026-00004253 applications and new lifestyle systems pvMkFb90Jky-00019-00004254-00004486 are preaching to help people improve pvMkFb90Jky-00020-00004487-00005017 their physical well-being pvMkFb90Jky-00021-00005018-00005393 in today's world hygiene is Paramount be pvMkFb90Jky-00022-00005394-00005620 it in our private or public domain the pvMkFb90Jky-00023-00005621-00005818 concept of cleanliness is now part of pvMkFb90Jky-00024-00005819-00005993 the social contract we have with each pvMkFb90Jky-00025-00005994-00006238 other as a society these demands are pvMkFb90Jky-00026-00006239-00006448 constantly on the change as science pvMkFb90Jky-00027-00006450-00006641 discovers new diseases and their pvMkFb90Jky-00028-00006642-00006881 subsequent causes but this is where the pvMkFb90Jky-00029-00006881-00007078 Islamic faith has been a leader in its pvMkFb90Jky-00030-00007079-00007264 wisdom by instilling the concept of pvMkFb90Jky-00031-00007265-00007505 hygiene within a daily fundamental task pvMkFb90Jky-00032-00007506-00007678 that is conducted five times a day pvMkFb90Jky-00033-00007679-00007877 Muslims are conditioned from the pvMkFb90Jky-00034-00007878-00008045 earliest ages to achieving the pvMkFb90Jky-00035-00008045-00008227 heightened state of hygiene pvMkFb90Jky-00036-00008228-00008542 or ablution process is a mandatory pvMkFb90Jky-00037-00008543-00008717 ritual that all Muslims must perform pvMkFb90Jky-00038-00008718-00008896 prior to the commencement of their pvMkFb90Jky-00039-00008897-00008999 prayers pvMkFb90Jky-00040-00009000-00009245 a single ablution process includes the pvMkFb90Jky-00041-00009246-00009431 thorough washing of all the exposed pvMkFb90Jky-00042-00009432-00009617 bodily areas that might have come into pvMkFb90Jky-00043-00009618-00009809 contact with germs pvMkFb90Jky-00044-00009810-00010096 imagine cleansing your body five times a pvMkFb90Jky-00045-00010097-00010291 day for the rest of your life pvMkFb90Jky-00046-00010292-00010464 [Music] pvMkFb90Jky-00047-00010465-00010739 following the cleansing of the body the pvMkFb90Jky-00048-00010740-00010919 next element of Islam strategy in pvMkFb90Jky-00049-00010920-00011099 helping maintain the body's health is pvMkFb90Jky-00050-00011100-00011321 the prayer itself the Muslim prayer pvMkFb90Jky-00051-00011322-00011555 Salat is a fluid Body Weight Workout pvMkFb90Jky-00052-00011556-00011717 where the body is stretched and pvMkFb90Jky-00053-00011718-00011921 exercised through repetitious cycles of pvMkFb90Jky-00054-00011922-00012077 movement and the bending of all the pvMkFb90Jky-00055-00012078-00012323 body's main joints every single day with pvMkFb90Jky-00056-00012324-00012496 the first iteration coming from the pvMkFb90Jky-00057-00012497-00012695 moment you wake up to the last just pvMkFb90Jky-00058-00012696-00012971 before going to bed imagine having a 10 pvMkFb90Jky-00059-00012972-00013175 minute stretching session five times a pvMkFb90Jky-00060-00013176-00013480 day for the rest of your life pvMkFb90Jky-00061-00013481-00013708 the second ritual that helps Muslims pvMkFb90Jky-00062-00013709-00013894 maintain their physical well-being is pvMkFb90Jky-00063-00013895-00014105 the month of Ramadan and it's related pvMkFb90Jky-00064-00014106-00014453 intense fast in Islam fasting involves a pvMkFb90Jky-00065-00014454-00014686 dry fast from dawn to dusk it is the pvMkFb90Jky-00066-00014687-00014861 precursor to the modern concept of pvMkFb90Jky-00067-00014862-00015125 intermittent fasting apart from all its pvMkFb90Jky-00068-00015126-00015316 social spiritual and emotional benefits pvMkFb90Jky-00069-00015318-00015569 one of ramadan's main principles is to pvMkFb90Jky-00070-00015569-00015701 allow for the healing of the body pvMkFb90Jky-00071-00015702-00015905 through fasting by limiting consumption pvMkFb90Jky-00072-00015906-00016121 to a minimal consequently reducing pvMkFb90Jky-00073-00016122-00016349 appetite and Cravings improving energy pvMkFb90Jky-00074-00016350-00016583 levels and decreasing the toxins within pvMkFb90Jky-00075-00016584-00016679 the body pvMkFb90Jky-00076-00016680-00016961 imagine having one month every year to pvMkFb90Jky-00077-00016962-00017194 recalibrate your body and detoxify your pvMkFb90Jky-00078-00017195-00017549 systems throughout your life pvMkFb90Jky-00079-00017550-00017794 the third practice is that of the Hedge pvMkFb90Jky-00080-00017795-00018058 pilgrimage obviously this ritual has pvMkFb90Jky-00081-00018059-00018257 evolved over the years as today the pvMkFb90Jky-00082-00018258-00018449 hajj's physical demands have been pvMkFb90Jky-00083-00018450-00018622 reduced greatly due to the advancement pvMkFb90Jky-00084-00018623-00018857 of human transport nonetheless the pvMkFb90Jky-00085-00018858-00019055 pilgrimage itself is still an arduous pvMkFb90Jky-00086-00019056-00019330 six day experience the heads requires pvMkFb90Jky-00087-00019331-00019511 the faithful to perform certain tasks pvMkFb90Jky-00088-00019512-00019714 and walks between the various stages of pvMkFb90Jky-00089-00019715-00019900 the pilgrimage these walks can be pvMkFb90Jky-00090-00019901-00020080 between five kilometers per day as a pvMkFb90Jky-00091-00020081-00020344 minimum to 21 kilometers for a six day pvMkFb90Jky-00092-00020345-00020561 total of approximately 70 kilometers pvMkFb90Jky-00093-00020562-00020813 these demands are further compounded by pvMkFb90Jky-00094-00020814-00021011 the fact that this effort is conducted pvMkFb90Jky-00095-00021012-00021233 with limited outdoor sleep harsh desert pvMkFb90Jky-00096-00021234-00021443 climate concurrent fasting and while pvMkFb90Jky-00097-00021444-00021629 incorporating other physical challenges pvMkFb90Jky-00098-00021630-00021917 during the same period imagine a week pvMkFb90Jky-00099-00021918-00022108 when you challenge your body and push it pvMkFb90Jky-00100-00022109-00022363 to its limits every year in your life pvMkFb90Jky-00101-00022364-00022630 [Music] pvMkFb90Jky-00102-00022631-00022822 many new theories and ideas have pvMkFb90Jky-00103-00022823-00022985 sprouted over the last century that pvMkFb90Jky-00104-00022986-00023177 recommend rediscovered rituals and pvMkFb90Jky-00105-00023178-00023369 practices that can help people improve pvMkFb90Jky-00106-00023370-00023549 their physical well-being this knowledge pvMkFb90Jky-00107-00023550-00023735 is not new but has been hidden from pvMkFb90Jky-00108-00023736-00023999 Western eyes for many centuries Muslims pvMkFb90Jky-00109-00024000-00024178 on the other hand have been living with pvMkFb90Jky-00110-00024179-00024443 this wisdom for over 1.5 Millennia and pvMkFb90Jky-00111-00024444-00024622 forms an integral part of their pvMkFb90Jky-00112-00024623-00024814 day-to-day life a life that is pvMkFb90Jky-00113-00024815-00024994 fundamentally integrated with physical pvMkFb90Jky-00114-00024995-00025339 exercise and corporeal purity pvMkFb90Jky-00115-00025340-00025625 [Music] pvMkFb90Jky-00116-00025626-00025926 foreign pvXU8fsV4O0-00000-00000104-00000647 i have turned 100 000 worlds to dust pvXU8fsV4O0-00001-00000648-00000823 looking for those who robbed me of my pvXU8fsV4O0-00002-00000824-00000966 glory pvXU8fsV4O0-00003-00000967-00001767 i will stride across their bones pvXU8fsV4O0-00004-00001768-00002134 an all of existence pvXU8fsV4O0-00005-00002135-00002279 shall be pvXU8fsV4O0-00006-00002280-00002580 mine pxVRg1_9YsI-00000-00000391-00000503 thank you vanessa pxVRg1_9YsI-00001-00000504-00000782 and hello everybody i'm really happy to pxVRg1_9YsI-00002-00000783-00000991 be here today with you saying pxVRg1_9YsI-00003-00000992-00001335 what we are doing which is the project pxVRg1_9YsI-00004-00001336-00001439 called quartz pxVRg1_9YsI-00005-00001440-00001726 open access a project that brings micro pxVRg1_9YsI-00006-00001727-00001855 donations pxVRg1_9YsI-00007-00001855-00002063 to help open access publishing to be pxVRg1_9YsI-00008-00002064-00002271 more sustainable more fair pxVRg1_9YsI-00009-00002272-00002615 so i hope that it will be an interesting pxVRg1_9YsI-00010-00002616-00002775 project for you and that you will join pxVRg1_9YsI-00011-00002776-00002831 us pxVRg1_9YsI-00012-00002832-00003102 and help us yeah develop it and make it pxVRg1_9YsI-00013-00003103-00003327 a reality pxVRg1_9YsI-00014-00003328-00003631 uh so what we want is to bring economic pxVRg1_9YsI-00015-00003632-00003879 sustainability to open access pxVRg1_9YsI-00016-00003879-00004015 because we know there are many pxVRg1_9YsI-00017-00004015-00004238 scholar-led journals and pxVRg1_9YsI-00018-00004239-00004486 small societies that would like or would pxVRg1_9YsI-00019-00004487-00004567 enjoy pxVRg1_9YsI-00020-00004568-00005022 a bit more of an economic sustainability pxVRg1_9YsI-00021-00005023-00005359 and we want to do it bringing the words pxVRg1_9YsI-00022-00005360-00005606 for the best practices in open access so pxVRg1_9YsI-00023-00005607-00005718 rewards for pxVRg1_9YsI-00024-00005719-00005911 scholar-led open access journals that pxVRg1_9YsI-00025-00005912-00006047 are cheap for pxVRg1_9YsI-00026-00006048-00006422 authors to author in uh rewards for pxVRg1_9YsI-00027-00006423-00006846 open b reviewing and therapy reviews pxVRg1_9YsI-00028-00006847-00007119 the word for open access and open pxVRg1_9YsI-00029-00007120-00007206 science practices pxVRg1_9YsI-00030-00007208-00007598 and and many more and how we do it pxVRg1_9YsI-00031-00007600-00007974 well we are trying to do as pxVRg1_9YsI-00032-00007975-00008263 easy as possible to give small donations pxVRg1_9YsI-00033-00008264-00008295 to pxVRg1_9YsI-00034-00008296-00008623 all these use cases so we pxVRg1_9YsI-00035-00008624-00008839 got we enabled maker donations for open pxVRg1_9YsI-00036-00008840-00009006 access journals for authors for pxVRg1_9YsI-00037-00009007-00009151 reviewers pxVRg1_9YsI-00038-00009152-00009414 and of course as an academic you can pxVRg1_9YsI-00039-00009415-00009503 also pxVRg1_9YsI-00040-00009504-00009751 receive donations you can receive pxVRg1_9YsI-00041-00009752-00009878 donations pxVRg1_9YsI-00042-00009879-00010135 as cognition for your contributions to pxVRg1_9YsI-00043-00010136-00010238 open access pxVRg1_9YsI-00044-00010239-00010438 so for instance your best open access pxVRg1_9YsI-00045-00010439-00010599 publications or pxVRg1_9YsI-00046-00010600-00011006 your fair and timely bid reviews pxVRg1_9YsI-00047-00011007-00011438 to give you an idea of how this works pxVRg1_9YsI-00048-00011439-00011751 it's just our first version is a pxVRg1_9YsI-00049-00011752-00011895 donation button pxVRg1_9YsI-00050-00011896-00012231 that you will see near the pxVRg1_9YsI-00051-00012232-00012478 open access articles of your journal and pxVRg1_9YsI-00052-00012479-00012606 that allows people to do pxVRg1_9YsI-00053-00012607-00012951 small donations and that is not a pxVRg1_9YsI-00054-00012952-00013238 really big improvement of what we have pxVRg1_9YsI-00055-00013240-00013311 already pxVRg1_9YsI-00056-00013312-00013599 but we are working on making these small pxVRg1_9YsI-00057-00013600-00013863 donations automatic pxVRg1_9YsI-00058-00013863-00014166 and this is what we do pxVRg1_9YsI-00059-00014168-00014351 thanks to the technology of web pxVRg1_9YsI-00060-00014352-00014479 monetization pxVRg1_9YsI-00061-00014480-00014751 and of blockchain technology maybe you pxVRg1_9YsI-00062-00014752-00015127 heard about that technology as well pxVRg1_9YsI-00063-00015128-00015503 the the key thing to understand here is pxVRg1_9YsI-00064-00015504-00015575 that pxVRg1_9YsI-00065-00015576-00015830 we are working with a technology that pxVRg1_9YsI-00066-00015831-00015943 allows to do pxVRg1_9YsI-00067-00015944-00016294 really small donations to the articles pxVRg1_9YsI-00068-00016295-00016455 of the journals you are viewing pxVRg1_9YsI-00069-00016456-00016807 as you view them and this will pxVRg1_9YsI-00070-00016808-00017119 help us bring donations to pxVRg1_9YsI-00071-00017120-00017471 many authors many journals and will help pxVRg1_9YsI-00072-00017472-00017550 us to pxVRg1_9YsI-00073-00017551-00017855 er to help institutions like university pxVRg1_9YsI-00074-00017856-00017950 libraries pxVRg1_9YsI-00075-00017951-00018303 to bring the their investing pxVRg1_9YsI-00076-00018304-00018486 efforts towards the articles and pxVRg1_9YsI-00077-00018487-00018727 journals that the researchers pxVRg1_9YsI-00078-00018728-00019119 view and pxVRg1_9YsI-00079-00019120-00019486 what we do as well is to direct part of pxVRg1_9YsI-00080-00019487-00019622 these donations pxVRg1_9YsI-00081-00019623-00019879 to what we call community initiatives so pxVRg1_9YsI-00082-00019880-00020063 the open access community can pxVRg1_9YsI-00083-00020064-00020286 help us decide which initiatives to pxVRg1_9YsI-00084-00020287-00020558 support for instance we could support pxVRg1_9YsI-00085-00020559-00020711 a price in the best open access pxVRg1_9YsI-00086-00020712-00020943 practices or best pxVRg1_9YsI-00087-00020944-00021278 data sharing practices and bring part of pxVRg1_9YsI-00088-00021279-00021391 this money that we are getting through pxVRg1_9YsI-00089-00021392-00021511 donations pxVRg1_9YsI-00090-00021512-00021871 to support these initiatives pxVRg1_9YsI-00091-00021872-00022191 we are a team of really pxVRg1_9YsI-00092-00022192-00022639 diverse backgrounds with strong pxVRg1_9YsI-00093-00022640-00022894 strong experience in research in pxVRg1_9YsI-00094-00022895-00023039 decentralized technologies pxVRg1_9YsI-00095-00023040-00023375 in design and in business development pxVRg1_9YsI-00096-00023376-00023758 and we recently got a grant pxVRg1_9YsI-00097-00023759-00023991 to make this project possible so it's pxVRg1_9YsI-00098-00023992-00024271 going to be a six months project pxVRg1_9YsI-00099-00024272-00024535 where we are going to develop pilot pxVRg1_9YsI-00100-00024536-00024694 experiences with pxVRg1_9YsI-00101-00024695-00024927 many journals as many as we can get so pxVRg1_9YsI-00102-00024928-00025063 if you're a journal pxVRg1_9YsI-00103-00025064-00025447 please contact us to try to co-design pxVRg1_9YsI-00104-00025448-00025631 the technology to better suit the needs pxVRg1_9YsI-00105-00025632-00025655 of pxVRg1_9YsI-00106-00025656-00026055 the community to raise at least 20 000 pxVRg1_9YsI-00107-00026056-00026431 euros in donations for these journals pxVRg1_9YsI-00108-00026432-00026807 and yes to make this quartz open access pxVRg1_9YsI-00109-00026808-00026999 an alternative pxVRg1_9YsI-00110-00027000-00027255 sustainable business model for for open pxVRg1_9YsI-00111-00027256-00027487 access pxVRg1_9YsI-00112-00027488-00027799 yes for open access policy pxVRg1_9YsI-00113-00027800-00028095 at the end of the year we will host a pxVRg1_9YsI-00114-00028095-00028246 community conference pxVRg1_9YsI-00115-00028247-00028414 where we want to invite as many people pxVRg1_9YsI-00116-00028416-00028646 as possible from different communities pxVRg1_9YsI-00117-00028647-00028823 of the open access world pxVRg1_9YsI-00118-00028824-00029174 to help us build this community pxVRg1_9YsI-00119-00029175-00029343 with democratic governance and with pxVRg1_9YsI-00120-00029344-00029479 community ownership pxVRg1_9YsI-00121-00029480-00029631 because of course we are doing open pxVRg1_9YsI-00122-00029632-00029846 tools and we also want pxVRg1_9YsI-00123-00029847-00030143 to to have democratic and cooperative pxVRg1_9YsI-00124-00030144-00030246 ownerships and pxVRg1_9YsI-00125-00030247-00030662 governance so that's uh that's what we pxVRg1_9YsI-00126-00030663-00030862 wanted to share pxVRg1_9YsI-00127-00030863-00031087 we want you to join us if you are a pxVRg1_9YsI-00128-00031088-00031190 researcher pxVRg1_9YsI-00129-00031191-00031390 if you're a journal if you're a library pxVRg1_9YsI-00130-00031391-00031518 in helping bring pxVRg1_9YsI-00131-00031519-00031743 these small donations as part of the pxVRg1_9YsI-00132-00031744-00031879 sustainability of the pxVRg1_9YsI-00133-00031880-00032190 open access publishing efforts pxVRg1_9YsI-00134-00032191-00032518 for any questions you can contact us pxVRg1_9YsI-00135-00032519-00032727 and please subscribe to our newsletter pxVRg1_9YsI-00136-00032727-00032895 and follow us on twitter pxVRg1_9YsI-00137-00032896-00033207 and hopefully we will see you in our pxVRg1_9YsI-00138-00033208-00033302 community pxVRg1_9YsI-00139-00033303-00033712 thank you very much pyWUwCnVyWc-00000-00000003-00000350 hey nerdlings it's a girl jail of 81 and pyWUwCnVyWc-00001-00000351-00000691 you're watching do you nerd pyWUwCnVyWc-00002-00000692-00001843 [Music] pyWUwCnVyWc-00003-00001844-00002198 all right so we decided to to move pyWUwCnVyWc-00004-00002199-00002426 things up a little bit because vgm is pyWUwCnVyWc-00005-00002427-00002609 always sending us so many games that pyWUwCnVyWc-00006-00002610-00003031 look how fool those shelves are getting pyWUwCnVyWc-00007-00003032-00003917 let's open it so this is our video games pyWUwCnVyWc-00008-00003918-00004271 monthly box what's video game monthly pyWUwCnVyWc-00009-00004272-00004445 funny you should ask pyWUwCnVyWc-00010-00004446-00004640 video games monthly is a service that pyWUwCnVyWc-00011-00004641-00004997 sends a retro games straight to you you pyWUwCnVyWc-00012-00004998-00005252 hop on their website which a link in the pyWUwCnVyWc-00013-00005253-00005396 description below will take you there pyWUwCnVyWc-00014-00005397-00005672 and you choose which systems you would pyWUwCnVyWc-00015-00005673-00005897 like games for and you let them know pyWUwCnVyWc-00016-00005898-00006167 which games you already have in your pyWUwCnVyWc-00017-00006168-00006359 collection so they don't send you any pyWUwCnVyWc-00018-00006360-00006509 duplicates and then you send it back pyWUwCnVyWc-00019-00006509-00007139 after you play them no way Jose not but pyWUwCnVyWc-00020-00007140-00007589 you get to keep those games doesn't that pyWUwCnVyWc-00021-00007590-00008020 sound nice so something that lady Lacey pyWUwCnVyWc-00022-00008022-00008261 likes to do is to blindly hand them to pyWUwCnVyWc-00023-00008262-00008450 me although sometimes she opens it up pyWUwCnVyWc-00024-00008451-00008636 but she keeps me waiting for the goods I pyWUwCnVyWc-00025-00008637-00008999 do thanks this so this is a card that pyWUwCnVyWc-00026-00009000-00009155 tells you hey take a picture of the pyWUwCnVyWc-00027-00009156-00009317 games that you got share it on our pyWUwCnVyWc-00028-00009318-00009539 social media and you might win some free pyWUwCnVyWc-00029-00009540-00009896 games and this is a card that tells you pyWUwCnVyWc-00030-00009897-00010034 get in there pyWUwCnVyWc-00031-00010035-00010226 update that list and we won't send you pyWUwCnVyWc-00032-00010227-00010412 games that you already had you ready for pyWUwCnVyWc-00033-00010413-00011003 your up so we have a one up we subscribe pyWUwCnVyWc-00034-00011004-00011180 to the three games of month box so we pyWUwCnVyWc-00035-00011181-00011408 should have four bits of retro gaming pyWUwCnVyWc-00036-00011409-00011507 goodness in there pyWUwCnVyWc-00037-00011508-00011894 you ready for the free prize I am are pyWUwCnVyWc-00038-00011895-00012364 you ready to chow down Oh No let's eat pyWUwCnVyWc-00039-00012365-00012677 the gum Oh hashtag don't eat the gum pyWUwCnVyWc-00040-00012678-00012938 okay so something fun that vgm does is pyWUwCnVyWc-00041-00012938-00013060 they put a little something extra in pyWUwCnVyWc-00042-00013061-00013189 there could be bracelets could be pyWUwCnVyWc-00043-00013190-00013424 pencils could be sunglasses and it could pyWUwCnVyWc-00044-00013425-00013708 be packs of cards they've sent these pyWUwCnVyWc-00045-00013709-00013946 cards out too before and these come with pyWUwCnVyWc-00046-00013947-00014454 a stick of gum and we knew before me pyWUwCnVyWc-00047-00014455-00014616 that from them though that you don't pyWUwCnVyWc-00048-00014616-00016007 don't eat but we still eat it anyway oh pyWUwCnVyWc-00049-00016008-00016491 no it's just a beverage it's not pyWUwCnVyWc-00050-00016492-00017106 becoming going off it evaporated it just pyWUwCnVyWc-00051-00017107-00018578 melted and they commented on the video pyWUwCnVyWc-00052-00018579-00018858 hashtag they would need to go I say pyWUwCnVyWc-00053-00018859-00019125 hashtag eat the gum again oh no now pyWUwCnVyWc-00054-00019126-00019470 these are from 1989 by the way so that's pyWUwCnVyWc-00055-00019471-00019668 that's how delicious that gobbles now pyWUwCnVyWc-00056-00019669-00019779 these are sealed pyWUwCnVyWc-00057-00019780-00020022 however in mr. and mrs. Weston's pyWUwCnVyWc-00058-00020023-00020289 peculiar home for wayward games and pyWUwCnVyWc-00059-00020290-00020565 extraordinary consoles aka the name of pyWUwCnVyWc-00060-00020566-00021572 the game room we don't leave things it's pyWUwCnVyWc-00061-00021573-00023274 not even broken no I'm not doing it this pyWUwCnVyWc-00062-00023275-00023610 time no is to grow size time oh I got pyWUwCnVyWc-00063-00023611-00024197 some of the powder maybe maybe you know pyWUwCnVyWc-00064-00024198-00024486 we need to do this ice bath challenge pyWUwCnVyWc-00065-00024487-00024597 thing that keeps going around and pyWUwCnVyWc-00066-00024598-00024885 everything and we got tagged twice no I pyWUwCnVyWc-00067-00024886-00025182 think no no your challenge for all you pyWUwCnVyWc-00068-00025183-00025407 youtubers no because someone's going to pyWUwCnVyWc-00069-00025408-00025677 get sick and die from this and I don't pyWUwCnVyWc-00070-00025677-00025939 want that tonight like a seal do you pyWUwCnVyWc-00071-00025941-00026220 know seriously I guess some of the pyWUwCnVyWc-00072-00026220-00026805 powder it's all know so these are not pyWUwCnVyWc-00073-00026806-00027233 cards these are tattoos pyWUwCnVyWc-00074-00027235-00027458 and you get a whole sheet of them so pyWUwCnVyWc-00075-00027460-00027957 you've got everything from a pokey a pyWUwCnVyWc-00076-00027958-00028364 pallet of finto mario is suffering from pyWUwCnVyWc-00077-00028366-00028488 a golden shower pyWUwCnVyWc-00078-00028489-00028845 oh my looks like link has some new armor pyWUwCnVyWc-00079-00028845-00029187 on right here we got a ladybug which I pyWUwCnVyWc-00080-00029188-00029376 think we're called hoop stars and the pyWUwCnVyWc-00081-00029377-00029724 manual Mario tried out for the Olympic pyWUwCnVyWc-00082-00029725-00029979 Games yeah pyWUwCnVyWc-00083-00029980-00030188 mouths are looking like he's twerking pyWUwCnVyWc-00084-00030189-00030504 Mario on some roller skates and then you pyWUwCnVyWc-00085-00030505-00030864 have it is yeah I think that's knuckles pyWUwCnVyWc-00086-00030864-00030977 the Hedgehog pyWUwCnVyWc-00087-00030979-00031311 it's they had a baby girls had a baby pyWUwCnVyWc-00088-00031312-00031589 and then a bullet bit bill and a piranha pyWUwCnVyWc-00089-00031591-00032523 plant so uh yeah what do you think did pyWUwCnVyWc-00090-00032524-00032829 that give away all right you ready for pyWUwCnVyWc-00091-00032830-00033815 your first game I am ready drink pyWUwCnVyWc-00092-00033816-00034245 so we have Tom Clancy's Rainbow six and pyWUwCnVyWc-00093-00034246-00034563 I know that that was a pretty big series pyWUwCnVyWc-00094-00034564-00034884 back in the day I'm very curious to see pyWUwCnVyWc-00095-00034885-00035097 how the graphics have held up on this pyWUwCnVyWc-00096-00035098-00035364 because you know dreamcast days it was pyWUwCnVyWc-00097-00035365-00035529 you know we're still kind of in that pyWUwCnVyWc-00098-00035530-00035829 weird 3d era but something interesting pyWUwCnVyWc-00099-00035830-00036420 is with eagle watch missions hmm so I pyWUwCnVyWc-00100-00036421-00036906 don't know if that's like a like a DLC pyWUwCnVyWc-00101-00036907-00037335 or something like an extra pack you know pyWUwCnVyWc-00102-00037336-00037683 so that can't have meat and of course it pyWUwCnVyWc-00103-00037684-00038043 is complete and that disc looks very pyWUwCnVyWc-00104-00038044-00038214 nice I don't know that anyone played pyWUwCnVyWc-00105-00038215-00038400 this rainbows everybody home-brewed pyWUwCnVyWc-00106-00038401-00038795 there Oh Dreamcast that is a fair point pyWUwCnVyWc-00107-00038796-00038979 so it's always nice to get some pyWUwCnVyWc-00108-00038980-00039165 Dreamcast games all right you ready for pyWUwCnVyWc-00109-00039166-00039427 another cig pyWUwCnVyWc-00110-00039428-00040217 and GameCube game Sonic Riders you know pyWUwCnVyWc-00111-00040218-00040628 I remember seeing the Sonic games like pyWUwCnVyWc-00112-00040629-00040847 these by the way pyWUwCnVyWc-00113-00040848-00041246 no booklet but we do have the disc looks pyWUwCnVyWc-00114-00041247-00041480 like it might have been polished up a pyWUwCnVyWc-00115-00041481-00041696 little or maybe that's just a friend pyWUwCnVyWc-00116-00041697-00042047 I remember thinking these things were pyWUwCnVyWc-00117-00042048-00042410 weird because it's like why sonic on pyWUwCnVyWc-00118-00042411-00042698 stuff to race and I think these are like pyWUwCnVyWc-00119-00042699-00043013 like skateboards or hoverboards already pyWUwCnVyWc-00120-00043014-00043286 fast but exactly so it's like he doesn't pyWUwCnVyWc-00121-00043287-00043562 need something to get around fast I tell pyWUwCnVyWc-00122-00043563-00043700 you what it would have been a lot of fun pyWUwCnVyWc-00123-00043701-00043898 if they made games like this and other pyWUwCnVyWc-00124-00043899-00044186 people are like in karts or on their pyWUwCnVyWc-00125-00044187-00044387 boards but Sonic is just like running pyWUwCnVyWc-00126-00044388-00044627 just on his feet I think that would have pyWUwCnVyWc-00127-00044628-00044921 been good so this will be neat and one pyWUwCnVyWc-00128-00044922-00045266 to four players so we can have a little pyWUwCnVyWc-00129-00045267-00045491 Mario Kart not Mario Kart action I guess pyWUwCnVyWc-00130-00045492-00045869 ready for you next one ready Nintendo so pyWUwCnVyWc-00131-00045870-00046481 Sega again huh oh my gosh Mickey Mania pyWUwCnVyWc-00132-00046482-00046910 and so we've got it complete the case pyWUwCnVyWc-00133-00046911-00047249 the booklet the cartridge everything pyWUwCnVyWc-00134-00047250-00047507 looks pretty nice have you ever played pyWUwCnVyWc-00135-00047508-00047963 this one I have not so a very very good pyWUwCnVyWc-00136-00047964-00048263 friend of mine he had this game and I pyWUwCnVyWc-00137-00048264-00048482 grew up Super Nintendo he grew up Sega pyWUwCnVyWc-00138-00048483-00048683 Genesis we didn't care pyWUwCnVyWc-00139-00048684-00048854 there was no feud between us it was pyWUwCnVyWc-00140-00048855-00048989 whoever's house when we're at that pyWUwCnVyWc-00141-00048990-00049190 weekend that's what you play there was pyWUwCnVyWc-00142-00049191-00049535 though Sega Nintendo animosity but pyWUwCnVyWc-00143-00049536-00049916 Mickey Mania this game is so much fun pyWUwCnVyWc-00144-00049917-00050186 first of all you go through a bunch of pyWUwCnVyWc-00145-00050187-00050411 Mickey's adventures like from his movies pyWUwCnVyWc-00146-00050412-00050735 you start off in Steamboat Willie on me pyWUwCnVyWc-00147-00050736-00050981 and the whole stage is in black and pyWUwCnVyWc-00148-00050982-00051179 white you even see Mickey in the pyWUwCnVyWc-00149-00051180-00051464 steamboat and that weird like bouncy pyWUwCnVyWc-00150-00051465-00051686 like he does dancing bouncing where like pyWUwCnVyWc-00151-00051687-00051887 his legs and hips are moving with the pyWUwCnVyWc-00152-00051888-00052075 rest of hims not moving and you're like pyWUwCnVyWc-00153-00052076-00052336 you're not moving north but and then you pyWUwCnVyWc-00154-00052337-00052626 go to other stages you you go to this pyWUwCnVyWc-00155-00052627-00052774 one stage where it's like a mad pyWUwCnVyWc-00156-00052775-00052980 scientist lair and there's this great pyWUwCnVyWc-00157-00052982-00053154 effect where you're climbing this tower pyWUwCnVyWc-00158-00053155-00053335 there these like spike balls coming down pyWUwCnVyWc-00159-00053336-00053562 but the towers rotating the whole time I pyWUwCnVyWc-00160-00053563-00053884 end up like a mode 7 effect although I pyWUwCnVyWc-00161-00053885-00054061 don't think Sega had mode 7 pyWUwCnVyWc-00162-00054062-00054312 but there's another stage where it's pyWUwCnVyWc-00163-00054313-00054628 almost like hand-painted the visuals of pyWUwCnVyWc-00164-00054629-00054946 it and there are some moose I think pyWUwCnVyWc-00165-00054947-00055237 that's the plural term of moose actually pyWUwCnVyWc-00166-00055238-00055528 it's a deer bunch of moose but you have pyWUwCnVyWc-00167-00055529-00055948 to watch out for them I like my nice pyWUwCnVyWc-00168-00055949-00056260 moose like you have a bunch of so you pyWUwCnVyWc-00169-00056261-00056442 have to watch our was a moose but judo pyWUwCnVyWc-00170-00056444-00056653 Pluto is there to warn you when they're pyWUwCnVyWc-00171-00056654-00056805 coming he'll sniff around and you have pyWUwCnVyWc-00172-00056807-00056901 to watch out because they'll run through pyWUwCnVyWc-00173-00056902-00057093 but then they also do kind of another pyWUwCnVyWc-00174-00057094-00057391 it's almost like a mode 7 where you're pyWUwCnVyWc-00175-00057391-00057622 running at the screen and like the moose pyWUwCnVyWc-00176-00057623-00057811 are running towards you and you have to pyWUwCnVyWc-00177-00057812-00058072 avoid them but it is it's a lot of fun pyWUwCnVyWc-00178-00058073-00058401 it is tough though it's at least it was pyWUwCnVyWc-00179-00058402-00058648 back in the day but yeah I think we've pyWUwCnVyWc-00180-00058649-00058800 learned by playing retro games that pyWUwCnVyWc-00181-00058801-00058929 they're still hard pyWUwCnVyWc-00182-00058930-00059082 they weren't just like we were little pyWUwCnVyWc-00183-00059083-00059217 kids about their heart it's like now pyWUwCnVyWc-00184-00059219-00059469 they make games harder back then but pyWUwCnVyWc-00185-00059470-00059631 that first stage alone I was always pyWUwCnVyWc-00186-00059632-00059860 mesmerized by that because Mickey is in pyWUwCnVyWc-00187-00059861-00060081 color but the rest of it's in black and pyWUwCnVyWc-00188-00060082-00060291 white and I don't know it just I always pyWUwCnVyWc-00189-00060292-00060617 loved it well that's awesome pyWUwCnVyWc-00190-00060619-00060893 that's very cool all right well pyWUwCnVyWc-00191-00060894-00061141 unfortunately you're one up breaks up pyWUwCnVyWc-00192-00061141-00061672 the Sega oh so triple Sega love and then pyWUwCnVyWc-00193-00061673-00062173 a Gameboy game green and brain bender I pyWUwCnVyWc-00194-00062174-00062456 have never heard of this game before but pyWUwCnVyWc-00195-00062457-00062988 going off of the cover clearly looks pyWUwCnVyWc-00196-00062989-00063207 like a sigh bug or something it looks pyWUwCnVyWc-00197-00063208-00063405 like that's kind of a face so I'm pyWUwCnVyWc-00198-00063406-00063529 thinking that somebody pyWUwCnVyWc-00199-00063529-00063879 oh you're right somebody peeled away Max pyWUwCnVyWc-00200-00063880-00064194 Headroom skin and now they're doing like pyWUwCnVyWc-00201-00064195-00064423 some kind of computerized brain surgery pyWUwCnVyWc-00202-00064424-00064696 on him yeah well apparently they didn't pyWUwCnVyWc-00203-00064697-00064822 think you're gonna be very smart because pyWUwCnVyWc-00204-00064823-00064984 they said this site out pyWUwCnVyWc-00205-00064985-00065194 that will look at this ball over here is pyWUwCnVyWc-00206-00065195-00065626 that Pepsi yes so that's interesting I pyWUwCnVyWc-00207-00065627-00065962 am willing to bet that is not what the pyWUwCnVyWc-00208-00065963-00066576 game is about Max Headroom brain surgery pyWUwCnVyWc-00209-00066577-00066970 but we will have to check it out if it's pyWUwCnVyWc-00210-00066971-00067189 called brain bender I'm guessing it's a pyWUwCnVyWc-00211-00067190-00067615 puzzle game of sorts so this is a pretty pyWUwCnVyWc-00212-00067616-00067951 good size very sick at E yeah hey I'm pyWUwCnVyWc-00213-00067952-00068209 fine with ya I thought I kind of wished pyWUwCnVyWc-00214-00068210-00068548 that the that it was all like Sega that pyWUwCnVyWc-00215-00068549-00068884 good but I mean these are all things pyWUwCnVyWc-00216-00068885-00069085 that I love to get handheld games are pyWUwCnVyWc-00217-00069086-00069315 always pricey in our area we never see pyWUwCnVyWc-00218-00069316-00069580 Dreamcast stuff or GameCube stuff for pyWUwCnVyWc-00219-00069581-00069742 that matter yeah unless it's like a pyWUwCnVyWc-00220-00069743-00069946 sports title so having something that pyWUwCnVyWc-00221-00069947-00070147 breaks that up is always nice and then pyWUwCnVyWc-00222-00070148-00070402 having a game from my past is very cool pyWUwCnVyWc-00223-00070403-00070552 which I'm a little disappointed I didn't pyWUwCnVyWc-00224-00070553-00070774 already have that game yeah I did notice pyWUwCnVyWc-00225-00070775-00071125 that someone cut off the tabie oh so I pyWUwCnVyWc-00226-00071126-00071613 guess it's not totally complete then pyWUwCnVyWc-00227-00071614-00071779 weld nerdlings pyWUwCnVyWc-00228-00071780-00072033 I would love to hear what you think pyWUwCnVyWc-00229-00072034-00072240 [Music] pyWUwCnVyWc-00230-00072241-00073459 who's that for any of these games if he pyWUwCnVyWc-00231-00073460-00073666 played to Rainbow six on dreamcast or pyWUwCnVyWc-00232-00073667-00073975 was a sonic riders yeah Mickey Mania pyWUwCnVyWc-00233-00073976-00074137 especially if you played Mickey mania or pyWUwCnVyWc-00234-00074138-00074335 what the heck brain whatever that was pyWUwCnVyWc-00235-00074336-00074707 yeah Max Headroom brain surgery and if pyWUwCnVyWc-00236-00074708-00074950 you happen to get me GM did you try the pyWUwCnVyWc-00237-00074951-00075057 gum pyWUwCnVyWc-00238-00075058-00075733 hashtag did you lose but I love to hear pyWUwCnVyWc-00239-00075734-00075862 some comments about any of this stuff pyWUwCnVyWc-00240-00075863-00076165 links below so you can go check out V GM pyWUwCnVyWc-00241-00076166-00076423 for yourself and if you live across the pyWUwCnVyWc-00242-00076424-00076612 pond where they don't send v GM it's pyWUwCnVyWc-00243-00076613-00076780 alright just keep letting them know how pyWUwCnVyWc-00244-00076781-00076912 much you would love for it to be over pyWUwCnVyWc-00245-00076913-00077103 there and and who knows maybe someday pyWUwCnVyWc-00246-00077104-00077379 maybe someday they'll listen to you guys pyWUwCnVyWc-00247-00077380-00077608 give the video light can be happy to pyWUwCnVyWc-00248-00077609-00077763 like pyWUwCnVyWc-00249-00077764-00077992 subscribe I'm sorry I keep looking at pyWUwCnVyWc-00250-00077993-00078294 the Mickey game I want to play subscribe pyWUwCnVyWc-00251-00078295-00078468 hit that notification bell so you don't pyWUwCnVyWc-00252-00078469-00078637 but new videos are coming out I think I pyWUwCnVyWc-00253-00078638-00078718 know what you're doing while I'm making pyWUwCnVyWc-00254-00078719-00078975 dinner I think so don't forget to Like pyWUwCnVyWc-00255-00078976-00079135 us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram so pyWUwCnVyWc-00256-00079136-00079263 that you can see oh when a video has pyWUwCnVyWc-00257-00079264-00079393 dropped on YouTube because sometimes pyWUwCnVyWc-00258-00079394-00079638 they just don't tell you and so you know pyWUwCnVyWc-00259-00079639-00079729 what we're doing out in about in the pyWUwCnVyWc-00260-00079730-00079812 real world because we've got a whole pyWUwCnVyWc-00261-00079813-00080047 bunch of stuff coming your way and lots pyWUwCnVyWc-00262-00080048-00080167 of places that we're gonna go visit pyWUwCnVyWc-00263-00080168-00080410 coming your way and go over to T public pyWUwCnVyWc-00264-00080411-00080562 and get our shirts because we got shirts pyWUwCnVyWc-00265-00080563-00080754 coming your way pyWUwCnVyWc-00266-00080755-00081118 nerdlings coming your way if we like it pyWUwCnVyWc-00267-00081119-00083392 we nerd it I don't know this the pyWUwCnVyWc-00268-00083393-00084067 fireworks again hey nerdlings just on a pyWUwCnVyWc-00269-00084068-00084259 side note we actually had one of those pyWUwCnVyWc-00270-00084260-00084492 games not work for us properly Sonic pyWUwCnVyWc-00271-00084493-00084799 Riders it kind of messed up our Sega pyWUwCnVyWc-00272-00084800-00085251 yeah and of course you know dis games pyWUwCnVyWc-00273-00085252-00085435 can be a little finicky anyway yeah I pyWUwCnVyWc-00274-00085436-00085630 actually got in touch with a V GM and pyWUwCnVyWc-00275-00085631-00085837 literally within like two minutes of me pyWUwCnVyWc-00276-00085838-00086088 doing that they got back with me I was pyWUwCnVyWc-00277-00086089-00086212 actually just asking them if they had pyWUwCnVyWc-00278-00086213-00086473 any more tips to try out I tried it on pyWUwCnVyWc-00279-00086474-00086674 the Gamecube and on the Wii it didn't pyWUwCnVyWc-00280-00086675-00086901 work on either one other games did so it pyWUwCnVyWc-00281-00086902-00087190 wasn't a console issue regardless they pyWUwCnVyWc-00282-00087191-00087355 said we're gonna make this right and pyWUwCnVyWc-00283-00087356-00087576 they did and they really did and we got pyWUwCnVyWc-00284-00087577-00087756 it what like two days later oh yeah pyWUwCnVyWc-00285-00087757-00087957 super fast it just goes to show that pyWUwCnVyWc-00286-00087958-00088119 when they say hey let us know something pyWUwCnVyWc-00287-00088120-00088344 doesn't work seriously let them know pyWUwCnVyWc-00288-00088345-00088474 because they make things right they pyWUwCnVyWc-00289-00088475-00088591 don't want to you know just throw out pyWUwCnVyWc-00290-00088592-00088776 crap games out there yeah so I mean they pyWUwCnVyWc-00291-00088777-00089017 definitely take care of people and since pyWUwCnVyWc-00292-00089018-00089199 they send out random games we didn't get pyWUwCnVyWc-00293-00089200-00089500 Sonic writers but check this out zoo pyWUwCnVyWc-00294-00089501-00090031 so we got a Super Nintendo game and got pyWUwCnVyWc-00295-00090032-00090231 it in a first of all a nice clamshell pyWUwCnVyWc-00296-00090232-00090535 case with some some artwork on there pyWUwCnVyWc-00297-00090536-00090679 which looks really nice and the pyWUwCnVyWc-00298-00090680-00091036 cartridge looks fantastic yeah and as pyWUwCnVyWc-00299-00091037-00091398 you can see it works perfectly pyWUwCnVyWc-00300-00091399-00092180 [Music] pyWUwCnVyWc-00301-00092181-00092672 [Music] pyWUwCnVyWc-00302-00092673-00093009 so just wanted to say so we didn't have pyWUwCnVyWc-00303-00093010-00093282 Sonic Riders in our final batch of games pyWUwCnVyWc-00304-00093283-00093567 from vgm but we did get Zul so thank you pyWUwCnVyWc-00305-00093568-00093816 guys very much I really appreciate it pyWUwCnVyWc-00306-00093817-00093981 and we will be sure to update our list pyWUwCnVyWc-00307-00093982-00094185 putting this game in there so we don't pyWUwCnVyWc-00308-00094186-00094512 get it again all right let's uh let's go pyWUwCnVyWc-00309-00094513-00095100 find Dana and start bothering or pyWUwCnVyWc-00310-00095101-00095834 [Music] p_jECGZzhFE-00000-00000527-00000703 let's go ahead and lay down onto our p_jECGZzhFE-00001-00000704-00000894 mats now you're going to clasp your p_jECGZzhFE-00002-00000896-00001174 hands and leave your thumbs open so p_jECGZzhFE-00003-00001175-00001374 you're going to create a little clasp p_jECGZzhFE-00004-00001375-00001566 and then your thumbs are basically going p_jECGZzhFE-00005-00001567-00001830 to support your neck here like this so p_jECGZzhFE-00006-00001832-00002126 have this little thumb position p_jECGZzhFE-00007-00002127-00002431 there to support the neck okay p_jECGZzhFE-00008-00002432-00002726 so now knees are in 90 degrees here and p_jECGZzhFE-00009-00002727-00002958 we're going to begin by warming up the p_jECGZzhFE-00010-00002959-00003126 obliques so we're going to take p_jECGZzhFE-00011-00003127-00003359 ourselves from side to side i know it p_jECGZzhFE-00012-00003360-00003615 might feel a little funky but p_jECGZzhFE-00013-00003615-00003854 feel this side waist p_jECGZzhFE-00014-00003855-00004063 coming together so basically the top of p_jECGZzhFE-00015-00004064-00004335 the hip bone here the asis and the ribs p_jECGZzhFE-00016-00004336-00004654 are coming together so squeeze p_jECGZzhFE-00017-00004655-00004831 and squeeze p_jECGZzhFE-00018-00004832-00005102 squeeze and squeeze good we're going to p_jECGZzhFE-00019-00005103-00005263 do that 15 p_jECGZzhFE-00020-00005264-00005399 14 p_jECGZzhFE-00021-00005400-00005527 13 p_jECGZzhFE-00022-00005528-00005638 12 p_jECGZzhFE-00023-00005639-00005879 11 yes the head is trying to stay down p_jECGZzhFE-00024-00005880-00006070 on the ground it might want to come up p_jECGZzhFE-00025-00006071-00006270 but it's better if you can keep it on p_jECGZzhFE-00026-00006271-00006431 the ground good p_jECGZzhFE-00027-00006431-00006550 seven p_jECGZzhFE-00028-00006551-00006678 six p_jECGZzhFE-00029-00006679-00006798 five p_jECGZzhFE-00030-00006800-00006910 four p_jECGZzhFE-00031-00006911-00007046 three p_jECGZzhFE-00032-00007047-00007255 two and one beautiful all right so that p_jECGZzhFE-00033-00007256-00007446 was our little warm up there so now grab p_jECGZzhFE-00034-00007447-00007646 onto one knee you're gonna keep this hip p_jECGZzhFE-00035-00007647-00007863 in flexion you're going to lift up p_jECGZzhFE-00036-00007864-00008087 extend the other leg p_jECGZzhFE-00037-00008088-00008351 beautiful now come up a little bit more p_jECGZzhFE-00038-00008352-00008599 a little bit more i know now you're p_jECGZzhFE-00039-00008600-00008767 going to pull the knee back in towards p_jECGZzhFE-00040-00008768-00009023 your chest so you can get even closer p_jECGZzhFE-00041-00009024-00009303 like you're trying to make a uh p_jECGZzhFE-00042-00009304-00009519 what are those sandwiches called panini p_jECGZzhFE-00043-00009520-00009631 right you're like p_jECGZzhFE-00044-00009632-00009799 bringing it close together like a panini p_jECGZzhFE-00045-00009800-00010046 sandwich nice all right take the hands p_jECGZzhFE-00046-00010047-00010246 back behind you right where they were p_jECGZzhFE-00047-00010247-00010391 before on the neck and you're going to p_jECGZzhFE-00048-00010392-00010719 twist around reach the left arm up and p_jECGZzhFE-00049-00010720-00010959 lift good we're going to lift here 10 p_jECGZzhFE-00050-00010960-00011191 times now the whole point is to try to p_jECGZzhFE-00051-00011192-00011551 get this other side up off of the floor p_jECGZzhFE-00052-00011552-00011806 okay so try not to be down here both of p_jECGZzhFE-00053-00011807-00011991 the shoulder blades are off of the floor p_jECGZzhFE-00054-00011992-00012199 good let's go for ten p_jECGZzhFE-00055-00012200-00012303 nine p_jECGZzhFE-00056-00012304-00012391 eight p_jECGZzhFE-00057-00012392-00012503 seven p_jECGZzhFE-00058-00012504-00012599 six p_jECGZzhFE-00059-00012600-00012703 five p_jECGZzhFE-00060-00012704-00012910 four three p_jECGZzhFE-00061-00012911-00013247 two and one yes they should be burning p_jECGZzhFE-00062-00013247-00013494 and firing up for sure okay let's go to p_jECGZzhFE-00063-00013495-00013791 the other side so begin first by lifting p_jECGZzhFE-00064-00013791-00013958 up this is just so that you can p_jECGZzhFE-00065-00013959-00014151 understand where your body needs to be p_jECGZzhFE-00066-00014152-00014303 right both shoulder blades are off of p_jECGZzhFE-00067-00014304-00014511 the ground nice so remember we're gonna p_jECGZzhFE-00068-00014512-00014711 panini the thigh and the stomach p_jECGZzhFE-00069-00014712-00014935 together great and now take the hands p_jECGZzhFE-00070-00014936-00015063 around p_jECGZzhFE-00071-00015063-00015175 twist p_jECGZzhFE-00072-00015176-00015343 lift that shoulder blade up off of the p_jECGZzhFE-00073-00015344-00015558 floor for ten p_jECGZzhFE-00074-00015559-00015663 nine p_jECGZzhFE-00075-00015663-00015903 eight oh my gosh seven p_jECGZzhFE-00076-00015904-00016022 six p_jECGZzhFE-00077-00016023-00016135 five p_jECGZzhFE-00078-00016136-00016230 four p_jECGZzhFE-00079-00016231-00016358 three p_jECGZzhFE-00080-00016359-00016639 two and one oh my god p_jECGZzhFE-00081-00016640-00016894 it's hard to breathe when you do these p_jECGZzhFE-00082-00016895-00017271 okay now let's come on up p_jECGZzhFE-00083-00017272-00017430 that's like take a breath see it's like p_jECGZzhFE-00084-00017431-00017615 taking a corset to your whole body but p_jECGZzhFE-00085-00017616-00017735 make sure you're breathing so you don't p_jECGZzhFE-00086-00017736-00017950 pass out okay so elbow's going to come p_jECGZzhFE-00087-00017951-00018175 down and you're going to come on to the p_jECGZzhFE-00088-00018176-00018407 biggest big bony thing there they're p_jECGZzhFE-00089-00018408-00018607 called the greater trochanter here you p_jECGZzhFE-00090-00018608-00018814 want to be right there so if it kind of p_jECGZzhFE-00091-00018815-00018999 hurts i would suggest putting a blanket p_jECGZzhFE-00092-00019000-00019199 there so that you don't hurt yourself p_jECGZzhFE-00093-00019200-00019350 the whole point is not to hurt yourself p_jECGZzhFE-00094-00019351-00019558 but to strengthen the obliques great so p_jECGZzhFE-00095-00019559-00019711 now you're going to take your legs like p_jECGZzhFE-00096-00019712-00019950 a mermaid tail and then have them p_jECGZzhFE-00097-00019951-00020143 pointing up like 30 degrees there like p_jECGZzhFE-00098-00020144-00020279 this good p_jECGZzhFE-00099-00020280-00020535 now squeeze the inner thighs together p_jECGZzhFE-00100-00020536-00020671 lift on up make sure that you're not p_jECGZzhFE-00101-00020672-00020871 sinking here we're not like at the beach p_jECGZzhFE-00102-00020872-00021086 completely lift on up press down and p_jECGZzhFE-00103-00021087-00021327 we're going to just lower and lift for p_jECGZzhFE-00104-00021328-00021463 ten p_jECGZzhFE-00105-00021464-00021647 and nine p_jECGZzhFE-00106-00021648-00021911 and eight now i'm sweating p_jECGZzhFE-00107-00021912-00022063 and p_jECGZzhFE-00108-00022064-00022263 seven i think six p_jECGZzhFE-00109-00022264-00022350 and p_jECGZzhFE-00110-00022351-00022463 five p_jECGZzhFE-00111-00022464-00022550 good p_jECGZzhFE-00112-00022551-00022711 four p_jECGZzhFE-00113-00022712-00022919 three p_jECGZzhFE-00114-00022920-00023094 two p_jECGZzhFE-00115-00023095-00023278 and one p_jECGZzhFE-00116-00023279-00023463 oh my goodness okay let's go to the p_jECGZzhFE-00117-00023464-00023686 other side you're doing so p_jECGZzhFE-00118-00023687-00023975 good so make sure you start on the on a p_jECGZzhFE-00119-00023976-00024111 straight line and then just take those p_jECGZzhFE-00120-00024112-00024319 legs up 30 degrees or i guess i could p_jECGZzhFE-00121-00024320-00024567 turn around and face you guys probably p_jECGZzhFE-00122-00024568-00024927 better okay here we go so lift on up for p_jECGZzhFE-00123-00024928-00025055 ten p_jECGZzhFE-00124-00025056-00025255 and nine try not to let this shoulder p_jECGZzhFE-00125-00025256-00025471 wobble around anywhere keep it nice and p_jECGZzhFE-00126-00025472-00025678 sturdy and strong p_jECGZzhFE-00127-00025679-00025774 and p_jECGZzhFE-00128-00025775-00025967 six p_jECGZzhFE-00129-00025968-00026190 five p_jECGZzhFE-00130-00026191-00026399 four p_jECGZzhFE-00131-00026400-00026702 oh boy three p_jECGZzhFE-00132-00026704-00026887 two p_jECGZzhFE-00133-00026888-00027135 and one okay great p_jECGZzhFE-00134-00027136-00027358 take a little breather right here p_jECGZzhFE-00135-00027360-00027518 i know this is p_jECGZzhFE-00136-00027519-00027631 it's a lot p_jECGZzhFE-00137-00027632-00027855 but you're doing so good p_jECGZzhFE-00138-00027856-00028151 okay so now we've got one more exercise p_jECGZzhFE-00139-00028152-00028295 to go p_jECGZzhFE-00140-00028295-00028383 and p_jECGZzhFE-00141-00028383-00028614 we're going to come up into plank pose p_jECGZzhFE-00142-00028616-00028807 so we're going to take the knee across p_jECGZzhFE-00143-00028808-00029143 the arms are super duper strong pillars p_jECGZzhFE-00144-00029144-00029302 stone pillars like this you're going to p_jECGZzhFE-00145-00029304-00029527 take the leg across and you're going to p_jECGZzhFE-00146-00029527-00029846 lower down to the wrist and lift up p_jECGZzhFE-00147-00029847-00030190 five times here we go and five p_jECGZzhFE-00148-00030191-00030439 and four p_jECGZzhFE-00149-00030439-00030614 three p_jECGZzhFE-00150-00030616-00030814 and two p_jECGZzhFE-00151-00030816-00031151 and one all the way up nice job p_jECGZzhFE-00152-00031152-00031358 okay let's go to the other side so the p_jECGZzhFE-00153-00031360-00031574 trick with this is to really push the p_jECGZzhFE-00154-00031575-00031846 floor away when you are doing the lift p_jECGZzhFE-00155-00031847-00032055 let's go five on the other side here we p_jECGZzhFE-00156-00032056-00032239 go and five p_jECGZzhFE-00157-00032239-00032407 try to keep the knee as close as p_jECGZzhFE-00158-00032408-00032607 possible to the arm p_jECGZzhFE-00159-00032608-00032790 four p_jECGZzhFE-00160-00032791-00032990 three p_jECGZzhFE-00161-00032991-00033167 two p_jECGZzhFE-00162-00033168-00033415 one p_jECGZzhFE-00163-00033416-00033518 take a little breather because we're p_jECGZzhFE-00164-00033519-00033751 going to do all those all over again p_jECGZzhFE-00165-00033752-00033855 okay p_jECGZzhFE-00166-00033856-00034007 so proud of you p_jECGZzhFE-00167-00034008-00034246 doing really good so we're working a lot p_jECGZzhFE-00168-00034247-00034479 here we're working the arms as well as p_jECGZzhFE-00169-00034480-00034695 you saw and you felt i'm sure p_jECGZzhFE-00170-00034696-00034871 you're working of course all the other p_jECGZzhFE-00171-00034872-00035167 muscles the transverse erectus p_jECGZzhFE-00172-00035168-00035327 and p_jECGZzhFE-00173-00035328-00035462 we're even working these serratus p_jECGZzhFE-00174-00035463-00035735 muscles here that are still a part of p_jECGZzhFE-00175-00035736-00035959 the core that we always forget about all p_jECGZzhFE-00176-00035960-00036143 right let's lay on down p_jECGZzhFE-00177-00036144-00036383 and we're going to begin with our lifts p_jECGZzhFE-00178-00036384-00036751 here so begin by lifting up first reach p_jECGZzhFE-00179-00036752-00036911 out so you want to get as high as you p_jECGZzhFE-00180-00036912-00037135 possibly can take the hands behind p_jECGZzhFE-00181-00037136-00037351 remember with the thumbs out cross the p_jECGZzhFE-00182-00037352-00037615 knee over or cross the elbow over nice p_jECGZzhFE-00183-00037616-00037799 and now let's reach your goal is to get p_jECGZzhFE-00184-00037800-00038159 that scapula off the floor for ten p_jECGZzhFE-00185-00038160-00038311 nine p_jECGZzhFE-00186-00038312-00038462 eight p_jECGZzhFE-00187-00038463-00038615 seven p_jECGZzhFE-00188-00038616-00038774 six p_jECGZzhFE-00189-00038775-00038927 five p_jECGZzhFE-00190-00038928-00039071 four p_jECGZzhFE-00191-00039072-00039230 three p_jECGZzhFE-00192-00039231-00039359 two p_jECGZzhFE-00193-00039360-00039495 and one p_jECGZzhFE-00194-00039496-00039767 oh my goodness p_jECGZzhFE-00195-00039768-00039887 breathe p_jECGZzhFE-00196-00039888-00040143 get some breath into your body okay p_jECGZzhFE-00197-00040144-00040311 let's lift on up p_jECGZzhFE-00198-00040312-00040479 this is the best to prep here so that p_jECGZzhFE-00199-00040480-00040695 you can really get yourself up as high p_jECGZzhFE-00200-00040696-00040943 as possible so you can feel what it p_jECGZzhFE-00201-00040944-00041151 feels like to be up as opposed to down p_jECGZzhFE-00202-00041152-00041271 right you want to get that feeling in p_jECGZzhFE-00203-00041272-00041502 your body class the hands around thumbs p_jECGZzhFE-00204-00041503-00041807 are out twist on over reach the arm out p_jECGZzhFE-00205-00041808-00042083 and let's go for ten p_jECGZzhFE-00206-00042084-00042351 nine eight p_jECGZzhFE-00207-00042352-00042518 seven p_jECGZzhFE-00208-00042519-00042671 six p_jECGZzhFE-00209-00042672-00042830 five p_jECGZzhFE-00210-00042831-00042983 four p_jECGZzhFE-00211-00042984-00043143 three p_jECGZzhFE-00212-00043144-00043295 two p_jECGZzhFE-00213-00043296-00043718 and one oh my gosh the higher you go p_jECGZzhFE-00214-00043719-00044127 definitely the harder it is p_jECGZzhFE-00215-00044128-00044311 the more you're gonna feel it okay let's p_jECGZzhFE-00216-00044312-00044446 keep going p_jECGZzhFE-00217-00044447-00044671 so place the elbow down come on to that p_jECGZzhFE-00218-00044672-00044855 hip you can start out by stacking p_jECGZzhFE-00219-00044856-00045039 everything and then take those legs just p_jECGZzhFE-00220-00045040-00045239 a little bit in front of you p_jECGZzhFE-00221-00045240-00045446 all right so now p_jECGZzhFE-00222-00045447-00045655 here we go hand behind the head p_jECGZzhFE-00223-00045656-00045846 you've done this before you know this p_jECGZzhFE-00224-00045847-00045974 ten p_jECGZzhFE-00225-00045975-00046183 and nine i like to think of my legs as p_jECGZzhFE-00226-00046184-00046558 just a long mermaid tail p_jECGZzhFE-00227-00046559-00046711 you're just flipping p_jECGZzhFE-00228-00046712-00046967 your tail up and down p_jECGZzhFE-00229-00046968-00047143 good six p_jECGZzhFE-00230-00047144-00047358 and five stay stable in the right p_jECGZzhFE-00231-00047359-00047551 shoulder four p_jECGZzhFE-00232-00047552-00047790 and three p_jECGZzhFE-00233-00047791-00047967 two p_jECGZzhFE-00234-00047968-00048158 and one beautiful p_jECGZzhFE-00235-00048159-00048383 okay let's go to the other side so we're p_jECGZzhFE-00236-00048384-00048767 getting our torso our obliques so so so p_jECGZzhFE-00237-00048768-00049039 strong and this is going to help in all p_jECGZzhFE-00238-00049040-00049255 areas of your life p_jECGZzhFE-00239-00049256-00049446 and it may not feel like it now but this p_jECGZzhFE-00240-00049447-00049599 is actually going to help you breathe p_jECGZzhFE-00241-00049600-00049895 better later as well okay here we go and p_jECGZzhFE-00242-00049896-00050023 ten p_jECGZzhFE-00243-00050024-00050190 and nine make sure you're not falling p_jECGZzhFE-00244-00050191-00050423 too much back here like this right you p_jECGZzhFE-00245-00050424-00050758 wanna stay on that big bone there eight p_jECGZzhFE-00246-00050759-00050974 seven p_jECGZzhFE-00247-00050975-00051158 six p_jECGZzhFE-00248-00051159-00051350 five p_jECGZzhFE-00249-00051351-00051582 four p_jECGZzhFE-00250-00051583-00051687 three p_jECGZzhFE-00251-00051688-00051823 and p_jECGZzhFE-00252-00051824-00051999 two p_jECGZzhFE-00253-00052000-00052175 and one p_jECGZzhFE-00254-00052176-00052382 i know i got a little wobbly on that one p_jECGZzhFE-00255-00052383-00052463 but p_jECGZzhFE-00256-00052464-00052750 okay let's keep going so now we've got p_jECGZzhFE-00257-00052751-00052935 our plank p_jECGZzhFE-00258-00052936-00053230 crisscross lifts let's come up p_jECGZzhFE-00259-00053232-00053391 we're almost there we've just got this p_jECGZzhFE-00260-00053391-00053630 last exercise to do reach out nice and p_jECGZzhFE-00261-00053632-00053903 long here we go twist it up and let's go p_jECGZzhFE-00262-00053904-00054054 for five p_jECGZzhFE-00263-00054055-00054159 up p_jECGZzhFE-00264-00054160-00054263 four p_jECGZzhFE-00265-00054264-00054359 up p_jECGZzhFE-00266-00054360-00054615 three keep the knee as close as possible p_jECGZzhFE-00267-00054616-00054735 to the leg p_jECGZzhFE-00268-00054736-00054911 last one p_jECGZzhFE-00269-00054912-00055166 and switch sides p_jECGZzhFE-00270-00055167-00055487 okay here we go last exercise you're so p_jECGZzhFE-00271-00055488-00055703 so strong you're doing amazing let's p_jECGZzhFE-00272-00055704-00056007 cross it up and five p_jECGZzhFE-00273-00056008-00056238 and four p_jECGZzhFE-00274-00056239-00056415 three p_jECGZzhFE-00275-00056416-00056559 two p_jECGZzhFE-00276-00056560-00056919 and one p_jECGZzhFE-00277-00056920-00057159 ah you made it p_jECGZzhFE-00278-00057160-00057407 oh i'm so proud of you great great job p_jECGZzhFE-00279-00057408-00057542 make sure that you subscribe to my p_jECGZzhFE-00280-00057544-00057703 youtube channel if you have not yet p_jECGZzhFE-00281-00057704-00057894 because that helps me create all these p_jECGZzhFE-00282-00057895-00058111 free videos for you go check out all the p_jECGZzhFE-00283-00058112-00058247 other videos i have and if you're p_jECGZzhFE-00284-00058248-00058526 looking for a comprehensive program at p_jECGZzhFE-00285-00058527-00058711 home body weight training and p_jECGZzhFE-00286-00058712-00058919 flexibility training program then p_jECGZzhFE-00287-00058920-00059191 definitely download my stretchy fit app p_jECGZzhFE-00288-00059191-00059583 you can start with seven days free pA5KSI5GTLQ-00000-00002442-00004588 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00001-00004589-00005430 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00002-00005431-00006604 you pA5KSI5GTLQ-00003-00006605-00009141 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00004-00009142-00010441 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00005-00010442-00010671 [Applause] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00006-00010672-00012859 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00007-00012860-00013744 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00008-00013746-00015047 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00009-00015047-00016706 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00010-00016707-00017481 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00012-00020509-00023366 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00013-00023367-00024453 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00014-00024454-00026683 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00015-00026685-00029655 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00016-00029656-00031664 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00020-00061436-00062895 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00021-00062896-00063691 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00022-00063691-00066121 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00023-00066122-00067486 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00027-00088386-00089143 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00028-00089144-00091719 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00029-00091720-00092833 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00030-00092834-00095073 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00031-00095074-00097892 you pA5KSI5GTLQ-00032-00097893-00100092 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00033-00100093-00102839 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00035-00110501-00111144 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00036-00111145-00112530 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00038-00116963-00119381 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00039-00119382-00121373 [Music] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00040-00121374-00121648 [Applause] pA5KSI5GTLQ-00041-00121649-00123616 [Music] 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fauna cars in under pB5PlDR57JM-00038-00009368-00009674 UV when even a memoir my Diego TRC pB5PlDR57JM-00039-00009675-00009713 Gianni pB5PlDR57JM-00040-00009714-00009946 104 I wanna mighty Akash I didn't work pB5PlDR57JM-00041-00009947-00010142 or amateur compactly aquaponic as if you pB5PlDR57JM-00042-00010143-00010430 served a he Jie unum idea Qatar Sheikh pB5PlDR57JM-00043-00010431-00010694 Lakota fauna Kazuya Zuri what about the pB5PlDR57JM-00044-00010695-00010874 provision of erisa for you Vinick Wanda pB5PlDR57JM-00045-00010875-00011153 sana kazi vision and your mana meringue pB5PlDR57JM-00046-00011154-00011456 engi in a Tokyo Tokyo mucuna palm bay in pB5PlDR57JM-00047-00011457-00011663 a Chaka Khan Geum volcano to work on GMO pB5PlDR57JM-00048-00011664-00011803 cannot talk about Medina kurangani pB5PlDR57JM-00049-00011804-00011999 tamale I'm gonna wanna phonebook you pB5PlDR57JM-00050-00012000-00012230 Maggie mini Marky Ramone comedy gunday pB5PlDR57JM-00051-00012231-00012476 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visually looking a bit no composer was a pB5PlDR57JM-00107-00025752-00025874 conducting another Maori pB5PlDR57JM-00108-00025875-00026036 York when you figure kicking in any pB5PlDR57JM-00109-00026037-00026314 combi Maggie hire an acoustic idea pB5PlDR57JM-00110-00026316-00026407 scenario pB5PlDR57JM-00111-00026408-00026761 - acusa he he has a chaotic Atika boom pB5PlDR57JM-00112-00026762-00026952 Barocco never smoked to work on a pB5PlDR57JM-00113-00026953-00027217 minissha lamba I'm done by Newmarket pB5PlDR57JM-00114-00027218-00027402 ocean dystonic Osaka pot a good pB5PlDR57JM-00115-00027403-00027607 translator constipation serena on pB5PlDR57JM-00116-00027608-00027846 akane-san acapella Kumbakonam artichokey pB5PlDR57JM-00117-00027847-00028114 boom boom oh no no no Sarah no koe no pB5PlDR57JM-00118-00028114-00028336 katachi ambos en jennifer rocha song pB5PlDR57JM-00119-00028337-00028633 gora cavalry Kasasa yangsuri pB5PlDR57JM-00120-00028633-00029014 Oh sir Babu in afonya mucho comeon Osaka pB5PlDR57JM-00121-00029014-00029461 Nagoya and Osaka atomic logo cha-ching pB5PlDR57JM-00122-00029462-00029785 Dona moça Szabo Morocco Tasha cosas como pB5PlDR57JM-00123-00029786-00030087 se da funny cos hormone del Sol MOOC on pB5PlDR57JM-00124-00030088-00030318 Anna's fallacy Melania new ahmadi how t pB5PlDR57JM-00125-00030319-00030535 pitamaha lipoprotein her Papa Cobra pB5PlDR57JM-00126-00030536-00030711 chair dr. Kagan Johnny channel at pB5PlDR57JM-00127-00030712-00030927 YouTube Ramona Instagram Cassavetes pB5PlDR57JM-00128-00030928-00031177 Kanekalon Amalia to that Atari keygen pB5PlDR57JM-00129-00031177-00031432 Johnny Musso peoc subscribe lol cachaca pB5PlDR57JM-00130-00031433-00031788 Wamba una parte average quasi a Sheeran pB5PlDR57JM-00131-00031789-00032283 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00000-00000038-00000495 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00001-00000496-00000644 so pGh0TmS2LFI-00002-00000645-00002863 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00003-00002864-00003025 foreign pGh0TmS2LFI-00004-00003026-00003763 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00005-00003764-00004343 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00006-00004344-00005269 [__] pGh0TmS2LFI-00007-00005270-00006615 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00008-00006616-00007078 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00009-00007079-00007310 heavy machine gun pGh0TmS2LFI-00010-00007311-00007478 okay let's go pGh0TmS2LFI-00011-00007479-00008285 what the [__] is that pGh0TmS2LFI-00012-00008286-00009903 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00013-00009904-00011210 oh that's kind of small pGh0TmS2LFI-00014-00011211-00011863 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00015-00011864-00012708 a few moments later pGh0TmS2LFI-00016-00012709-00013799 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00017-00013800-00013972 okay pGh0TmS2LFI-00018-00013974-00014479 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00019-00014480-00015046 do it come on kill me i'm here come on pGh0TmS2LFI-00020-00015047-00015879 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00021-00015880-00016015 hello cutie pie pGh0TmS2LFI-00022-00016016-00016271 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00023-00016272-00016393 okay pGh0TmS2LFI-00024-00016394-00018079 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00025-00018080-00018428 hey pGh0TmS2LFI-00026-00018429-00020783 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00027-00020784-00021523 oh pGh0TmS2LFI-00028-00021524-00022167 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00029-00022168-00022556 what is that pGh0TmS2LFI-00030-00022557-00023119 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00031-00023120-00023894 a few inches later pGh0TmS2LFI-00032-00023895-00024198 this this is not okay pGh0TmS2LFI-00033-00024199-00024758 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00034-00024759-00025646 that was easy pGh0TmS2LFI-00035-00025647-00025842 fast as [__] boys pGh0TmS2LFI-00036-00025843-00026014 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00037-00026016-00026458 hello [__] pGh0TmS2LFI-00038-00026458-00026887 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00039-00026888-00027357 that's quite big pGh0TmS2LFI-00040-00027358-00028207 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00041-00028208-00028311 oh pGh0TmS2LFI-00042-00028312-00030367 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00043-00030368-00030551 wait a minute pGh0TmS2LFI-00044-00030552-00031117 who are you pGh0TmS2LFI-00045-00031118-00031767 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00046-00031768-00032043 nope pGh0TmS2LFI-00047-00032044-00033759 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00048-00033760-00033857 i pGh0TmS2LFI-00049-00033858-00036262 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00050-00036263-00036728 still fast as [__] boys pGh0TmS2LFI-00051-00036729-00037511 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00052-00037512-00037711 i don't think you have any idea how fast pGh0TmS2LFI-00053-00037712-00037995 i really am i'm back this pGh0TmS2LFI-00054-00037996-00039239 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00055-00039240-00039476 that's kind of small pGh0TmS2LFI-00056-00039477-00040943 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00057-00040944-00041278 2 000 years later pGh0TmS2LFI-00058-00041279-00043535 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00059-00043536-00043880 come together pGh0TmS2LFI-00060-00043881-00045774 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00061-00045775-00046122 meanwhile in our universe pGh0TmS2LFI-00062-00046123-00047590 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00063-00047591-00047972 i ain't trying to tell you to pGh0TmS2LFI-00064-00047973-00049083 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00065-00049084-00049707 do just want your company pGh0TmS2LFI-00066-00049708-00050799 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00067-00050800-00051396 is pGh0TmS2LFI-00068-00051397-00052871 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00069-00052872-00054304 i ain't trying to tell you what to do pGh0TmS2LFI-00070-00054304-00054975 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00071-00054976-00055208 you can play pGh0TmS2LFI-00072-00055209-00056134 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00073-00056135-00056726 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00074-00056727-00057188 wow pGh0TmS2LFI-00075-00057189-00059717 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00076-00059719-00061991 [Music] pGh0TmS2LFI-00077-00061991-00062200 you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00000-00000256-00000686 can i see for just a second yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00001-00000687-00001982 it's halted pGQlhdk-bHQ-00002-00001984-00002118 all right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00003-00002119-00002391 and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00004-00002392-00002487 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00005-00002488-00003158 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00006-00003159-00003367 so if you can get pGQlhdk-bHQ-00007-00003368-00003622 the bottom jaws under you can open them pGQlhdk-bHQ-00008-00003623-00003879 all the way if you want or halfway pGQlhdk-bHQ-00009-00003879-00004127 the bottom jaws will go under there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00010-00004128-00004935 i understand one's hoping pGQlhdk-bHQ-00011-00004936-00005095 yeah like that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00012-00005096-00005375 then uh then close the jaws pGQlhdk-bHQ-00013-00005376-00005575 and then kind of roll the pitch up a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00014-00005576-00007070 little see if you can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00015-00007072-00008306 clarification pGQlhdk-bHQ-00016-00008307-00008495 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00017-00008496-00008895 there's something there yep oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00018-00008896-00009055 smash pGQlhdk-bHQ-00019-00009056-00009206 yeah so that technique you're just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00020-00009207-00009359 breaking a little piece of the crust off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00021-00009360-00009535 oh now it's like sitting all nice and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00022-00009536-00010383 perched for you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00023-00010384-00010695 is it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00024-00010696-00010878 there's a bit of a hole there so i can't pGQlhdk-bHQ-00025-00010879-00011127 see it is it the one just right under to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00026-00011128-00011223 the right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00027-00011224-00011455 to the right right where you where pGQlhdk-bHQ-00028-00011456-00011559 this one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00029-00011560-00011799 yep so you got to kind of you had a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00030-00011800-00012678 really nice bite there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00031-00012679-00012983 like the bit that fell off well put two pGQlhdk-bHQ-00032-00012984-00013222 two fingers under the ledge oh it's okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00033-00013223-00013407 yeah yeah same way you did before gotcha pGQlhdk-bHQ-00034-00013408-00013919 we're just looking for a bigger piece pGQlhdk-bHQ-00035-00013919-00014079 it's kind of sticking out all around pGQlhdk-bHQ-00036-00014080-00014207 there and there's some cracks in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00037-00014208-00014519 crust so yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00038-00014519-00015086 should break off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00039-00015087-00015271 that little nubbing that's sticking out pGQlhdk-bHQ-00040-00015272-00015350 might pGQlhdk-bHQ-00041-00015351-00016007 also break up yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00042-00016008-00016175 you're basically using the jaws of the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00043-00016176-00017143 pry bar pGQlhdk-bHQ-00044-00017144-00018283 yeah that's the ticket pGQlhdk-bHQ-00045-00018284-00019022 oops sorry crying i think pGQlhdk-bHQ-00046-00019023-00019127 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00047-00019128-00019467 this is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00048-00019468-00019879 crumbling um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00049-00019880-00020494 try again pGQlhdk-bHQ-00050-00020495-00020686 you might as it's starting to break off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00051-00020687-00020903 you might have to ease off on your grip pGQlhdk-bHQ-00052-00020904-00022239 a little okay spit right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00053-00022240-00022375 there's a hole pGQlhdk-bHQ-00054-00022376-00024671 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00055-00024672-00024927 the more parallel you can be the better pGQlhdk-bHQ-00056-00024928-00025086 because pGQlhdk-bHQ-00057-00025087-00025214 then the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00058-00025215-00025550 piece you break might be all in one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00059-00025551-00025622 the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00060-00025623-00025839 more parallel like you are now you're pGQlhdk-bHQ-00061-00025839-00026239 perfect man pGQlhdk-bHQ-00062-00026239-00026431 it's a big bite pGQlhdk-bHQ-00063-00026432-00026518 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00064-00026519-00026751 this is very suspenseful pGQlhdk-bHQ-00065-00026752-00027799 i know i'm holding my breath pGQlhdk-bHQ-00066-00027800-00028070 come on it was maybe a little thinner to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00067-00028072-00028262 the right of it but you can try that one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00068-00028263-00028423 now that you got it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00069-00028424-00028558 up to you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00070-00028560-00028743 oh it's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00071-00028744-00030335 ready pGQlhdk-bHQ-00072-00030336-00030518 well pGQlhdk-bHQ-00073-00030519-00031087 okay i'm gonna go back to the right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00074-00031088-00032623 oops pGQlhdk-bHQ-00075-00032624-00032815 sorry i'm coming around there you're pGQlhdk-bHQ-00076-00032816-00033079 pushing me around oh sorry um do you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00077-00033080-00033223 want me to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00078-00033224-00033543 you're basically driving uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00079-00033544-00033799 i'm gonna easy lateral left touch pGQlhdk-bHQ-00080-00033800-00034039 back in i'm gonna try to grab hold your pGQlhdk-bHQ-00081-00034040-00034167 arm where you are pGQlhdk-bHQ-00082-00034168-00034431 pivoting on you okay you can bring your pGQlhdk-bHQ-00083-00034432-00034774 yaw to the left is right pivot left pGQlhdk-bHQ-00084-00034775-00034918 are they left pGQlhdk-bHQ-00085-00034919-00035095 are they left pGQlhdk-bHQ-00086-00035096-00035271 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00087-00035272-00035495 um you see in 4k what if i tried pGQlhdk-bHQ-00088-00035496-00035767 grabbing that lip just to the right of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00089-00035768-00036079 where the jaws are right now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00090-00036080-00036311 yeah i can try that one won't break pGQlhdk-bHQ-00091-00036312-00036390 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00092-00036391-00036702 what it won't break off there well i can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00093-00036703-00036830 give it another try i haven't really pGQlhdk-bHQ-00094-00036831-00037039 given it a good yeah give it a good get pGQlhdk-bHQ-00095-00037040-00037415 western with it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00096-00037416-00037718 let me get it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00097-00037719-00039343 ready yep pGQlhdk-bHQ-00098-00039344-00039590 one more and then i think we'll uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00099-00039591-00040430 try to get in just a little bit more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00100-00040431-00040879 let me come back around pGQlhdk-bHQ-00101-00040880-00041246 i don't think i've gotten anything nope pGQlhdk-bHQ-00102-00041247-00041671 all right thanks for trying yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00103-00041672-00041862 well we made some we could scoop the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00104-00041863-00042215 rubble pGQlhdk-bHQ-00105-00042216-00042390 a question i just came in can you slurp pGQlhdk-bHQ-00106-00042391-00042583 the crumbled pizzas pGQlhdk-bHQ-00107-00042584-00042783 and get what you need pGQlhdk-bHQ-00108-00042784-00042990 i don't know it's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00109-00042991-00043262 up to the scientists pGQlhdk-bHQ-00110-00043263-00043471 i think they want a piece pGQlhdk-bHQ-00111-00043472-00043711 what about any of those in there yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00112-00043712-00043895 someone there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00113-00043896-00044127 oh yeah this could be after all that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00114-00044128-00044687 work there's one sitting right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00115-00044688-00044879 they think one of those has to be loose pGQlhdk-bHQ-00116-00044880-00045079 oh come on like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00117-00045080-00045415 this one right there yeah no potato pGQlhdk-bHQ-00118-00045416-00045702 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00119-00045703-00045943 all right send the rock vibes over from pGQlhdk-bHQ-00120-00045944-00046575 the 4k cam it looks like it's attached pGQlhdk-bHQ-00121-00046576-00047574 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00122-00047575-00048023 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00123-00048024-00048190 4k was right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00124-00048191-00048383 no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00125-00048384-00048751 about the one to the left pGQlhdk-bHQ-00126-00048752-00048951 i think you moved that one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00127-00048952-00049143 is you or do you just take pieces off of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00128-00049144-00049567 it i don't know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00129-00049568-00049927 he told her to get western pGQlhdk-bHQ-00130-00049928-00050551 she's good pGQlhdk-bHQ-00131-00050552-00050758 she's determined now i don't get my pGQlhdk-bHQ-00132-00050759-00050935 wrong i'm getting ready pGQlhdk-bHQ-00133-00050936-00051183 i didn't see any of those moves did you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00134-00051184-00051494 no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00135-00051495-00051726 all right try this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00136-00051727-00051975 this little ledge maybe pGQlhdk-bHQ-00137-00051976-00052207 let's keep going a little bit pGQlhdk-bHQ-00138-00052208-00052463 try to make some way possible edge there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00139-00052464-00052735 but i'd like to see one on the crust pGQlhdk-bHQ-00140-00052736-00053119 if we're in there we're more likely to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00141-00053120-00053287 hurt ourselves pGQlhdk-bHQ-00142-00053288-00053399 we're definitely going to rock before pGQlhdk-bHQ-00143-00053400-00053566 the end of this uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00144-00053567-00053735 we're better so yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00145-00053736-00053926 not leaving the chair until we're not pGQlhdk-bHQ-00146-00053927-00054159 leaving pGQlhdk-bHQ-00147-00054160-00054342 nice try pGQlhdk-bHQ-00148-00054344-00054463 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00149-00054464-00054591 i don't know i think sometimes you just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00150-00054591-00054735 need like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00151-00054736-00055007 hope pGQlhdk-bHQ-00152-00055008-00055142 that's been the theme of this cruise pGQlhdk-bHQ-00153-00055144-00055399 hasn't it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00154-00055400-00055566 sometimes you just hope and the next pGQlhdk-bHQ-00155-00055567-00055735 watch can sometimes be pGQlhdk-bHQ-00156-00055736-00055903 is that a little sponge something weird pGQlhdk-bHQ-00157-00055904-00055999 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00158-00056000-00056391 on that rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00159-00056391-00056550 i bet you there is such thing as a sea pGQlhdk-bHQ-00160-00056551-00056847 dandelion yeah that actually is yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00161-00056848-00057094 common name for the birthday for pGQlhdk-bHQ-00162-00057095-00057326 the second four pGQlhdk-bHQ-00163-00057327-00058911 i'm going pushing it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00164-00058912-00059094 that dandelion out here move on they're pGQlhdk-bHQ-00165-00059095-00059263 usually everywhere pGQlhdk-bHQ-00166-00059264-00059414 okay moving on uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00167-00059415-00059759 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00168-00059760-00060503 drifted a bit let's do uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00169-00060504-00060711 zero one zero pGQlhdk-bHQ-00170-00060712-00060959 zero one zero right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00171-00060960-00063806 bridge now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00172-00063807-00064238 uh two zero meters zero one zero please pGQlhdk-bHQ-00173-00064239-00064399 we were doing that try and break the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00174-00064400-00064654 crust on the mid-atlantic ridge and a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00175-00064655-00064863 little bit stronger manipulator trying pGQlhdk-bHQ-00176-00064864-00065058 to get a little peace pGQlhdk-bHQ-00177-00065059-00065230 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00178-00065232-00065471 giant thing sitting there hold it okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00179-00065472-00065679 now what do you want me to do of course pGQlhdk-bHQ-00180-00065680-00065879 the geologist can you break up a smaller pGQlhdk-bHQ-00181-00065880-00066191 piece pGQlhdk-bHQ-00182-00066192-00066406 or hold it in one minute pGQlhdk-bHQ-00183-00066407-00066631 beating it but the other one oh no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00184-00066632-00066775 never did get it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00185-00066776-00066943 i couldn't break it again and you didn't pGQlhdk-bHQ-00186-00066944-00067094 just bring it back on the porch holding pGQlhdk-bHQ-00187-00067095-00067303 the whole thing no no they didn't want pGQlhdk-bHQ-00188-00067304-00067711 to do that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00189-00067712-00068087 they're holding this one meter slap pGQlhdk-bHQ-00190-00068088-00068231 i've seen some things brought up on this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00191-00068232-00068438 vehicle that definitely don't fit on the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00192-00068439-00069711 porch pGQlhdk-bHQ-00193-00069712-00070094 move underway pGQlhdk-bHQ-00194-00070095-00071631 come on rocks pGQlhdk-bHQ-00195-00071632-00072087 there's some ledges pGQlhdk-bHQ-00196-00072088-00072438 well that's just for days pGQlhdk-bHQ-00197-00072439-00072599 you know i kind of want to see a sea pGQlhdk-bHQ-00198-00072600-00072967 dandelion pGQlhdk-bHQ-00199-00072968-00073279 it's a siphonophore yes pGQlhdk-bHQ-00200-00073280-00073567 yeah oh man uh the genus name is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00201-00073568-00073791 thermopalia pGQlhdk-bHQ-00202-00073792-00074215 did i miss something there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00203-00074216-00074359 maybe there's something loose in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00204-00074360-00074471 that that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00205-00074472-00074662 ledge is kind of caught but i don't know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00206-00074663-00075894 if you can get the claws in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00207-00075895-00076855 do some flying pokes pGQlhdk-bHQ-00208-00076856-00077103 you're looking at this piece here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00209-00077104-00077399 uh it's got some purchase there yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00210-00077400-00077575 maybe pGQlhdk-bHQ-00211-00077576-00077726 yeah there's a few little pieces pGQlhdk-bHQ-00212-00077727-00077887 sticking out there's one in the top of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00213-00077888-00078071 the camera sticking out all right let's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00214-00078072-00078255 do it here we're not moving until we get pGQlhdk-bHQ-00215-00078256-00079175 a rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00216-00079176-00079638 i like that one sticking out up there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00217-00079639-00079782 this one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00218-00079783-00080023 yeah yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00219-00080024-00080519 either either pGQlhdk-bHQ-00220-00080520-00080871 it'll probably it'll probably break off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00221-00080872-00081126 could break off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00222-00081127-00081511 let me uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00223-00081512-00081767 me to punch it or just don't see that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00224-00081768-00081943 one see it sticking out up there just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00225-00081944-00082079 behind your jaws pGQlhdk-bHQ-00226-00082080-00082399 it's behind them oh yeah so if you can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00227-00082400-00083038 grab it at the right angle oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00228-00083039-00083543 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00229-00083544-00083711 yeah just smack it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00230-00083712-00083918 you need this the spring-loaded jaws pGQlhdk-bHQ-00231-00083919-00084494 contraption pGQlhdk-bHQ-00232-00084495-00085599 come on rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00233-00085600-00087055 broke a piece of it off pGQlhdk-bHQ-00234-00087056-00087135 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00235-00087136-00087631 i don't know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00236-00087632-00087991 if i get a better grab on it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00237-00087992-00088182 i literally find myself holding my pGQlhdk-bHQ-00238-00088183-00088415 breath each time pGQlhdk-bHQ-00239-00088416-00088662 my new fear is that one gets loose and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00240-00088663-00088999 just rolls down slowly pGQlhdk-bHQ-00241-00089000-00089287 yeah that's happened pGQlhdk-bHQ-00242-00089288-00090982 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00243-00090983-00091247 try and get the jaws uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00244-00091248-00091631 around it the other way okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00245-00091632-00092126 oops pGQlhdk-bHQ-00246-00092127-00092318 yeah like that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00247-00092319-00092559 you can punch it once if you want pGQlhdk-bHQ-00248-00092560-00092647 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00249-00092648-00092871 all right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00250-00092872-00093094 all right you got your revenge i think pGQlhdk-bHQ-00251-00093095-00093343 we should get going pGQlhdk-bHQ-00252-00093344-00093759 no you want me to try for another grab pGQlhdk-bHQ-00253-00093760-00095126 get one more try okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00254-00095127-00095238 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00255-00095239-00095447 let's see if i can get a good grab on it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00256-00095448-00095711 oh no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00257-00095712-00096031 it is kind of like a video game pGQlhdk-bHQ-00258-00096032-00096303 find the rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00259-00096304-00096671 i don't know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00260-00096672-00096991 all right let's call it here and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00261-00096992-00097150 okay let's get up to way point two and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00262-00097151-00097303 then pGQlhdk-bHQ-00263-00097304-00097487 just just to confirm that there isn't a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00264-00097488-00097671 pile of perfect rocks just sitting up pGQlhdk-bHQ-00265-00097672-00098023 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00266-00098024-00098206 that would be kind of tragic and you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00267-00098207-00098815 spent how long trying to crinkle pGQlhdk-bHQ-00268-00098816-00099382 bridge snap pGQlhdk-bHQ-00269-00099383-00099679 two zero meter zero one zero pGQlhdk-bHQ-00270-00099680-00099823 that's just an incredible amount of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00271-00099824-00100279 sediment on this side pGQlhdk-bHQ-00272-00100280-00100487 let's see is this the first time pGQlhdk-bHQ-00273-00100488-00100655 trying to think of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00274-00100656-00100791 all the different sides of different pGQlhdk-bHQ-00275-00100792-00101582 features we've dove so far and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00276-00101583-00101791 craft secures pGQlhdk-bHQ-00277-00101792-00102015 thank you the only southeast side of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00278-00102016-00102255 something we dove was actually pGQlhdk-bHQ-00279-00102256-00102558 that deep dive we did next to palmyra pGQlhdk-bHQ-00280-00102559-00102782 and that was pretty sedimented too pGQlhdk-bHQ-00281-00102783-00103039 so maybe just the southeast sides pGQlhdk-bHQ-00282-00103040-00103263 of these ridges are pGQlhdk-bHQ-00283-00103264-00103463 more sedimented pGQlhdk-bHQ-00284-00103464-00103758 yeah more more deposit pGQlhdk-bHQ-00285-00103759-00103847 than pGQlhdk-bHQ-00286-00103848-00104351 current scoured pGQlhdk-bHQ-00287-00104352-00104590 currents don't necessarily impact all pGQlhdk-bHQ-00288-00104591-00104815 the sides of a c mount uniformly pGQlhdk-bHQ-00289-00104816-00105166 sometimes certain sides are more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00290-00105167-00105383 current scoured and sometimes they're pGQlhdk-bHQ-00291-00105383-00106007 they're less pGQlhdk-bHQ-00292-00106008-00106158 i'm just going to drop down real quick pGQlhdk-bHQ-00293-00106159-00106375 here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00294-00106376-00106702 cliff i can't resist pGQlhdk-bHQ-00295-00106703-00107527 moves underway 4k right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00296-00107528-00107934 so is that 4k now the rock camera pGQlhdk-bHQ-00297-00107935-00107975 if view like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00298-00107976-00108134 falling down slope in the point of view pGQlhdk-bHQ-00299-00108135-00108358 of a rock like is that what you would pGQlhdk-bHQ-00300-00108359-00108558 see couldn't normally come down that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00301-00108559-00108775 fast without having that able to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00302-00108776-00108990 otherwise i'd pGQlhdk-bHQ-00303-00108991-00109166 likely come down on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00304-00109167-00109671 who knows what pGQlhdk-bHQ-00305-00109672-00110071 come back up a little slower pGQlhdk-bHQ-00306-00110072-00110334 out of the dust zone hopefully pGQlhdk-bHQ-00307-00110335-00110543 oh i think the the most important thing pGQlhdk-bHQ-00308-00110544-00110710 is that we do get a rock it doesn't pGQlhdk-bHQ-00309-00110711-00110863 really matter pGQlhdk-bHQ-00310-00110864-00111390 well it kind of doesn't matter where but pGQlhdk-bHQ-00311-00111391-00111663 is that the bar going lower yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00312-00111664-00111999 i just have to prove a point now it's uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00313-00112000-00112190 it's all the lessons and rocks we met pGQlhdk-bHQ-00314-00112191-00112259 along the way pGQlhdk-bHQ-00315-00112260-00112415 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00316-00112416-00112575 that's the true pGQlhdk-bHQ-00317-00112576-00112886 lesson of this site pGQlhdk-bHQ-00318-00112888-00113151 oh got a question coming in are there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00319-00113152-00113623 possible animals living in the caverns pGQlhdk-bHQ-00320-00113624-00113815 and crevasses pGQlhdk-bHQ-00321-00113816-00113983 on the rocks pGQlhdk-bHQ-00322-00113983-00114143 yes and that's why dan doesn't want to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00323-00114144-00114431 stick the cloth pGQlhdk-bHQ-00324-00114432-00114678 that's scary i can't help you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00325-00114679-00114790 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00326-00114791-00115143 oh i can't quite get over there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00327-00115144-00115295 yeah i mean pGQlhdk-bHQ-00328-00115296-00115478 realistically there's probably all sorts pGQlhdk-bHQ-00329-00115479-00115639 of things living in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00330-00115640-00115951 these uh holes you know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00331-00115952-00116247 polychaete worms and maybe some small pGQlhdk-bHQ-00332-00116248-00116454 crustaceans pGQlhdk-bHQ-00333-00116455-00116686 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00334-00116688-00116910 maybe even some attached bryozoans or pGQlhdk-bHQ-00335-00116911-00117207 sponges or things like that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00336-00117208-00117407 but uh it kind of looks like the face of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00337-00117408-00117678 a dog pGQlhdk-bHQ-00338-00117679-00118431 all pGQlhdk-bHQ-00339-00118432-00118615 oh yeah i definitely see the girl i see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00340-00118616-00118823 a lion i see a monkey pGQlhdk-bHQ-00341-00118824-00119166 what color is it is it blue or gray no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00342-00119167-00119447 the gorilla yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00343-00119448-00119623 okay i'm just weird because i saw an pGQlhdk-bHQ-00344-00119624-00119886 elephant pGQlhdk-bHQ-00345-00119888-00120134 i could see the gorilla too i could i pGQlhdk-bHQ-00346-00120135-00120310 think i see the elephant going the other pGQlhdk-bHQ-00347-00120311-00120510 direction pGQlhdk-bHQ-00348-00120511-00120743 okay the slope's moderating a little bit pGQlhdk-bHQ-00349-00120744-00120966 here maybe we can find something that's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00350-00120967-00121158 loose-ish pGQlhdk-bHQ-00351-00121159-00121727 okay nevermind let's keep going pGQlhdk-bHQ-00352-00121728-00121895 i gotta come back over where i'm pGQlhdk-bHQ-00353-00121896-00122127 supposed to be here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00354-00122128-00122886 took a little detour earlier pGQlhdk-bHQ-00355-00122888-00122983 that's all you're gonna hear from pGQlhdk-bHQ-00356-00122983-00123423 samantha pGQlhdk-bHQ-00357-00123424-00123758 i think nav is judging us down no no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00358-00123759-00123886 it could have been it could have been a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00359-00123888-00124001 rock over there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00360-00124002-00124343 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00361-00124344-00124734 i'm just here for the ride pGQlhdk-bHQ-00362-00124735-00124895 that's some nice pillow textures where pGQlhdk-bHQ-00363-00124896-00125614 the lasers just were pGQlhdk-bHQ-00364-00125615-00125983 bridge nav pGQlhdk-bHQ-00365-00125983-00126102 okay i'm back pGQlhdk-bHQ-00366-00126103-00126758 okay two zero meters zero one zero pGQlhdk-bHQ-00367-00126759-00126943 oh question about the lights from the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00368-00126944-00127175 rov does it have any lasting effects on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00369-00127176-00127334 marine life pGQlhdk-bHQ-00370-00127335-00127676 yeah they're blind for like 10 years pGQlhdk-bHQ-00371-00127677-00128702 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00372-00128703-00128910 as far as we know there's there's no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00373-00128911-00129047 real effect pGQlhdk-bHQ-00374-00129048-00129207 things that don't like the vehicle will pGQlhdk-bHQ-00375-00129208-00129423 probably swim away usually they'll swim pGQlhdk-bHQ-00376-00129424-00129886 away pGQlhdk-bHQ-00377-00129888-00130095 hey somebody else saw the elephant too pGQlhdk-bHQ-00378-00130096-00130286 on the rock i'm not pGQlhdk-bHQ-00379-00130288-00130886 not alone pGQlhdk-bHQ-00380-00130888-00131102 our majority of the creature like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00381-00131103-00131247 fish stuff we would see down here would pGQlhdk-bHQ-00382-00131248-00131663 they be pGQlhdk-bHQ-00383-00131664-00131831 mostly in darkness yeah some of the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00384-00131832-00131983 things are probably pGQlhdk-bHQ-00385-00131984-00132151 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00386-00132152-00132439 they're probably just responding to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00387-00132440-00132575 you know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00388-00132576-00132727 maybe some sensitivity a certain pGQlhdk-bHQ-00389-00132728-00132943 wavelengths that you know probably not pGQlhdk-bHQ-00390-00132944-00133471 on the visible spectrum pGQlhdk-bHQ-00391-00133472-00133647 so some things might be pGQlhdk-bHQ-00392-00133648-00133790 for example responding to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00393-00133791-00134007 bioluminescence which might be you know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00394-00134008-00134407 more in the blue wavelengths pGQlhdk-bHQ-00395-00134408-00134623 those blue wavelengths will travel a lot pGQlhdk-bHQ-00396-00134624-00134751 further pGQlhdk-bHQ-00397-00134752-00134863 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00398-00134864-00135175 maybe not so much to the warmer pGQlhdk-bHQ-00399-00135176-00135407 wavelengths pGQlhdk-bHQ-00400-00135408-00135614 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00401-00135615-00135814 a lot of we know a lot of deep sea pGQlhdk-bHQ-00402-00135815-00135999 animals have a lot of chemical pGQlhdk-bHQ-00403-00136000-00136143 recognition pGQlhdk-bHQ-00404-00136144-00136335 uh capabilities so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00405-00136336-00136607 they're sensing you know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00406-00136608-00136783 tastes and smells in the water column pGQlhdk-bHQ-00407-00136784-00137039 basically that uh you know might attract pGQlhdk-bHQ-00408-00137040-00137311 them to certain prey some of them pGQlhdk-bHQ-00409-00137312-00137447 like some of the fishes like the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00410-00137448-00137623 cuscules we were looking at a few days pGQlhdk-bHQ-00411-00137624-00137727 ago pGQlhdk-bHQ-00412-00137728-00137878 have um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00413-00137879-00138151 these uh barbel like structures where pGQlhdk-bHQ-00414-00138152-00138319 they can feel vibrations in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00415-00138320-00138614 sediments from things like worms and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00416-00138615-00138847 chase them down so that's more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00417-00138848-00140166 mechanical pGQlhdk-bHQ-00418-00140167-00141278 oh there's a fish pGQlhdk-bHQ-00419-00141279-00141519 another uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00420-00141520-00141639 what do we got there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00421-00141640-00141927 stopped crinoid pGQlhdk-bHQ-00422-00141928-00142014 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00423-00142015-00142102 nope pGQlhdk-bHQ-00424-00142103-00142271 umbilipathies pGQlhdk-bHQ-00425-00142272-00142566 no uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00426-00142567-00142831 alternatopathies uh melopathy it's a bit pGQlhdk-bHQ-00427-00142832-00143326 shallower pGQlhdk-bHQ-00428-00143327-00143478 does anyone else wonder if these are pGQlhdk-bHQ-00429-00143479-00143647 real species or steve's just making them pGQlhdk-bHQ-00430-00143648-00143759 up because pGQlhdk-bHQ-00431-00143760-00143969 it's not the first time i've heard that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00432-00143970-00144283 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00433-00144284-00144447 fortunately pGQlhdk-bHQ-00434-00144448-00144671 if you too are curious about pGQlhdk-bHQ-00435-00144672-00144935 all these names there is a database pGQlhdk-bHQ-00436-00144936-00145175 that is meticulously maintained pGQlhdk-bHQ-00437-00145176-00145335 as soon as i went for a drink pGQlhdk-bHQ-00438-00145336-00145502 sorry members of our scientific pGQlhdk-bHQ-00439-00145503-00145639 community pGQlhdk-bHQ-00440-00145640-00145951 it's called worms worms yeah it's a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00441-00145952-00146199 database called the worms it's a world pGQlhdk-bHQ-00442-00146200-00146407 register of marine species pGQlhdk-bHQ-00443-00146408-00146719 and all of these names are kept current pGQlhdk-bHQ-00444-00146720-00146854 according to the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00445-00146855-00147247 advances in techno taxonomy over time so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00446-00147248-00147407 you too can find pGQlhdk-bHQ-00447-00147408-00147943 all the words i'm saying pGQlhdk-bHQ-00448-00147944-00148054 all right i think we're good with that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00449-00148055-00148366 one we've seen it a few times pGQlhdk-bHQ-00450-00148367-00149151 all right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00451-00149152-00149375 what was the name of that site again pGQlhdk-bHQ-00452-00149376-00149607 worms uh i think it's murdered pGQlhdk-bHQ-00453-00149608-00150071 species.org is the is the url okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00454-00150072-00150239 it's like worms scientists and their pGQlhdk-bHQ-00455-00150240-00150766 acronyms i tell ya pGQlhdk-bHQ-00456-00150767-00152031 just wait have you seen the government pGQlhdk-bHQ-00457-00152032-00152311 okay now i'm like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00458-00152312-00152495 all right call me crazy what do we see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00459-00152496-00153014 right there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00460-00153015-00153143 come on look at this look at the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00461-00153144-00153326 alignment of this rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00462-00153327-00153689 like that's not normal right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00463-00153690-00153975 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00464-00153976-00154143 could do zoom first pGQlhdk-bHQ-00465-00154144-00154254 sure pGQlhdk-bHQ-00466-00154255-00154495 there go ahead timmy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00467-00154496-00154799 oh i see what you're seeing there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00468-00154800-00154895 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00469-00154896-00155135 i think we have a target come on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00470-00155136-00155247 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00471-00155248-00155407 it looks like a broken piece could pGQlhdk-bHQ-00472-00155408-00155614 happen all right all right the geologist pGQlhdk-bHQ-00473-00155615-00155726 is on my side pGQlhdk-bHQ-00474-00155727-00156151 who else wants to come over pGQlhdk-bHQ-00475-00156152-00156287 switzerland pGQlhdk-bHQ-00476-00156288-00156399 i wanna pGQlhdk-bHQ-00477-00156400-00156663 can antonella punch it first and then on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00478-00156664-00156839 the side pGQlhdk-bHQ-00479-00156840-00156990 i'd be happy to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00480-00156991-00157399 i think that's cheating pGQlhdk-bHQ-00481-00157400-00157566 punch it and it'll disappear into the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00482-00157567-00157807 center pGQlhdk-bHQ-00483-00157808-00158639 quicksand like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00484-00158640-00158839 definitely soft i could just mess up our pGQlhdk-bHQ-00485-00158840-00159583 visibility pGQlhdk-bHQ-00486-00159584-00160223 you've got to be kidding me pGQlhdk-bHQ-00487-00160224-00160412 didn't that was a double punch there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00488-00160413-00160926 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00489-00160927-00161083 may land pGQlhdk-bHQ-00490-00161084-00161351 again i love how we have to go back just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00491-00161352-00162962 in case pGQlhdk-bHQ-00492-00162963-00163919 [Applause] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00493-00163920-00164071 it cracked in half too we're gonna have pGQlhdk-bHQ-00494-00164072-00164359 to excavate half the mountain but pGQlhdk-bHQ-00495-00164360-00164495 look at it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00496-00164496-00164702 let it clear for a second pGQlhdk-bHQ-00497-00164703-00164902 ship stopped just these are big big pGQlhdk-bHQ-00498-00164903-00165143 rocks pGQlhdk-bHQ-00499-00165144-00165478 from the smoke rises a rock you could do pGQlhdk-bHQ-00500-00165479-00165654 the blind grabber pGQlhdk-bHQ-00501-00165655-00165814 it's up to you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00502-00165815-00166038 i don't fall on anything i hope it's not pGQlhdk-bHQ-00503-00166039-00166190 a floating rock after all that i'd let pGQlhdk-bHQ-00504-00166191-00166366 it clear for a while pGQlhdk-bHQ-00505-00166367-00166647 okay yeah look at that line is it did it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00506-00166648-00166935 break yeah broken three pGQlhdk-bHQ-00507-00166936-00167063 well that's good now we don't have now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00508-00167064-00167238 we can see what's inside pGQlhdk-bHQ-00509-00167239-00167447 yeah zoom in just a bit what was gonna pGQlhdk-bHQ-00510-00167448-00167535 happen pGQlhdk-bHQ-00511-00167536-00167638 it looked a little weathered on the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00512-00167639-00167783 bottom so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00513-00167784-00168343 we'll see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00514-00168344-00168807 yeah that one's this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00515-00168808-00168983 okay who gets the points for spotting pGQlhdk-bHQ-00516-00168984-00169169 that one out pGQlhdk-bHQ-00517-00169170-00169360 [Applause] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00518-00169361-00170180 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00519-00170181-00170311 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00520-00170312-00170678 hello world we have a rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00521-00170679-00170966 we have successfully identified a loose pGQlhdk-bHQ-00522-00170967-00171207 rock and it is currently his porch light pGQlhdk-bHQ-00523-00171208-00171390 on in the grip pGQlhdk-bHQ-00524-00171391-00171599 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00525-00171600-00171759 if you're just joining us and wondering pGQlhdk-bHQ-00526-00171760-00172031 why this is so exciting rewind pGQlhdk-bHQ-00527-00172032-00172782 last three hours pGQlhdk-bHQ-00528-00172783-00172913 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00529-00172914-00173543 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00530-00173544-00173790 might have a thin crust um that very pGQlhdk-bHQ-00531-00173791-00174151 wait do you not want to know pGQlhdk-bHQ-00532-00174152-00174295 what's happening pGQlhdk-bHQ-00533-00174296-00174519 you're keeping this rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00534-00174520-00174711 all right well let's put it away anyway pGQlhdk-bHQ-00535-00174712-00174818 yeah yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00536-00174819-00175390 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00537-00175391-00175551 how do you describe it you had a bunch pGQlhdk-bHQ-00538-00175552-00175759 of rock words now steve how would we pGQlhdk-bHQ-00539-00175760-00176007 describe this one uh uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00540-00176008-00176183 get a good dog what did you say flatter pGQlhdk-bHQ-00541-00176184-00176695 all that sedimentary pGQlhdk-bHQ-00542-00176696-00176854 that sounds a lot different than pGQlhdk-bHQ-00543-00176855-00177087 volcanic i'm just saying pGQlhdk-bHQ-00544-00177088-00177207 yep yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00545-00177208-00177351 very different pGQlhdk-bHQ-00546-00177352-00177814 definitely a new york style crust pGQlhdk-bHQ-00547-00177815-00177975 sweet chicago pGQlhdk-bHQ-00548-00177976-00178287 oh my gosh celebrations are coming in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00549-00178288-00178487 from all over the world people that was pGQlhdk-bHQ-00550-00178488-00178807 so exciting oh my goodness pGQlhdk-bHQ-00551-00178808-00179151 celebrations yay we got the rock pGQlhdk-bHQ-00552-00179152-00179343 thank goodness now i can go to sleep pGQlhdk-bHQ-00553-00179344-00179583 apparently they were waiting for that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00554-00179584-00179775 push it out a little more probably pGQlhdk-bHQ-00555-00179776-00180159 yeah you can pop it in whichever box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00556-00180160-00180407 look at all these candidates around here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00557-00180408-00180683 oh i see look at the one right in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00558-00180684-00181007 middle steve's having a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00559-00181008-00181223 fear of like faux more fear of missing pGQlhdk-bHQ-00560-00181224-00183071 out on rocks yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00561-00183072-00183375 a rock safari that's another title for pGQlhdk-bHQ-00562-00183376-00183478 one of our pGQlhdk-bHQ-00563-00183479-00183614 albums or something you could probably pGQlhdk-bHQ-00564-00183615-00184038 put it anywhere yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00565-00184039-00184175 it's small enough it's not going to take pGQlhdk-bHQ-00566-00184176-00184351 up too much space pGQlhdk-bHQ-00567-00184352-00184502 with my arm all pGQlhdk-bHQ-00568-00184503-00184726 torqued over here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00569-00184727-00184814 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00570-00184815-00185151 where is it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00571-00185152-00185375 well i want it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00572-00185376-00185623 yeah pitching area locked up pGQlhdk-bHQ-00573-00185624-00185790 yeah i see that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00574-00185791-00185950 can i just drop it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00575-00185951-00186254 here i could just plco it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00576-00186255-00187023 see where it goes pGQlhdk-bHQ-00577-00187024-00187199 it's kind of like that game on the price pGQlhdk-bHQ-00578-00187200-00187407 is right where you drop it right yeah it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00579-00187408-00187543 went into f pGQlhdk-bHQ-00580-00187544-00187838 perfect pGQlhdk-bHQ-00581-00187839-00188031 get my arms sorted out pGQlhdk-bHQ-00582-00188032-00188495 rebecca was at 64. 65. 65. thank you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00583-00188496-00188711 well done team i'm telling you there are pGQlhdk-bHQ-00584-00188712-00188887 celebrations happening all over the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00585-00188888-00189207 world right now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00586-00189208-00189502 rock on spectacular pGQlhdk-bHQ-00587-00189503-00189847 thank you thank you yay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00588-00189848-00190047 can i take a look along this ledge right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00589-00190048-00190183 here right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00590-00190184-00190399 so he's already going for the next one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00591-00190400-00190559 you're passing up on the other ones you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00592-00190560-00190638 saw pGQlhdk-bHQ-00593-00190639-00190887 no i'm not passing i'm just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00594-00190888-00191150 i just got to move on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00595-00191151-00191254 yeah i just wanted to take a look at pGQlhdk-bHQ-00596-00191255-00191423 some of those sponges pGQlhdk-bHQ-00597-00191424-00191590 like underneath that ledge and kind of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00598-00191591-00191831 the dark right now yeah the one that's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00599-00191832-00192487 dead ahead pGQlhdk-bHQ-00600-00192488-00192638 there's a bit of diversity here i can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00601-00192639-00192943 make out from this distance pGQlhdk-bHQ-00602-00192944-00193159 but the sponge right here in front of us pGQlhdk-bHQ-00603-00193160-00193295 is actually pGQlhdk-bHQ-00604-00193296-00194095 the thing i'm most interested in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00605-00194096-00194287 sorry which one see the sponge right on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00606-00194288-00194463 the lasers right now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00607-00194464-00195447 head ahead pGQlhdk-bHQ-00608-00195448-00195695 okay tammy i think i've got the right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00609-00195696-00196135 one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00610-00196136-00196271 the guy in the bottom of the picture pGQlhdk-bHQ-00611-00196272-00196566 here whoa yeah that is a bizarre okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00612-00196567-00196871 this is weird sponge pGQlhdk-bHQ-00613-00196872-00197231 um that actually is a sponge on our pGQlhdk-bHQ-00614-00197232-00197502 to grab list pGQlhdk-bHQ-00615-00197503-00197695 can we take a piece of that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00616-00197696-00197814 we can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00617-00197815-00198119 it's probably going to be very fragile pGQlhdk-bHQ-00618-00198120-00198390 and it's on a vertical wall so yeah no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00619-00198391-00198726 pressure can we do a vessel move um sure pGQlhdk-bHQ-00620-00198727-00199119 steve is that justice pGQlhdk-bHQ-00621-00199120-00200519 it's a glass sponge primarily pGQlhdk-bHQ-00622-00200520-00200719 yeah so this is a glass sponge possibly pGQlhdk-bHQ-00623-00200720-00200911 a forayed pGQlhdk-bHQ-00624-00200912-00201166 glass sponge and all we have is a family pGQlhdk-bHQ-00625-00201167-00201423 question mark on this one so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00626-00201424-00201519 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00627-00201520-00202054 it is curious pGQlhdk-bHQ-00628-00202055-00202319 curious enough that it's worth a uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00629-00202320-00202702 another look pGQlhdk-bHQ-00630-00202703-00203063 are there multiple ones in this area pGQlhdk-bHQ-00631-00203064-00203559 multiple pGQlhdk-bHQ-00632-00203560-00203807 are there multiple sponges um we've seen pGQlhdk-bHQ-00633-00203808-00204014 a couple glass sponges so far psycho pGQlhdk-bHQ-00634-00204015-00204326 calyx and then this parade um i expect pGQlhdk-bHQ-00635-00204327-00204495 to see more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00636-00204496-00204566 a as we move pGQlhdk-bHQ-00637-00204567-00204846 dsc back up there yeah so i don't make pGQlhdk-bHQ-00638-00204848-00205062 sure i don't smack it when i come into pGQlhdk-bHQ-00639-00205063-00205246 land here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00640-00205248-00205566 we can do pGQlhdk-bHQ-00641-00205567-00205806 we can do one of these large branches pGQlhdk-bHQ-00642-00205807-00206046 whatever is easiest for you all pGQlhdk-bHQ-00643-00206048-00206319 i think for ease of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00644-00206319-00206462 stowage i think i'd like to put in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00645-00206463-00207310 forward box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00646-00207311-00207542 copy should just move argus away from pGQlhdk-bHQ-00647-00207544-00208327 the wall and out behind us hopefully pGQlhdk-bHQ-00648-00208328-00208542 we're gonna park the dsc underneath the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00650-00211952-00212503 okay i'm in pretty tight there so okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00651-00212504-00212751 i'm gonna look over at the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00652-00212752-00214719 arm for you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00653-00214719-00215982 so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00654-00215983-00216198 we're around the corner from argus now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00655-00216200-00216279 and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00656-00216280-00216367 just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00657-00216367-00216567 just to let you know there's um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00658-00216567-00216727 parts of this sponge that are dead and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00659-00216728-00216879 parts that alive we're going to want the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00660-00216880-00217087 kind of whiter portion pGQlhdk-bHQ-00661-00217088-00217287 the darker more opaque portion is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00662-00217288-00217646 probably dead sponge sure pGQlhdk-bHQ-00663-00217648-00217791 we're gonna pGQlhdk-bHQ-00664-00217792-00218246 find a perch here and then pGQlhdk-bHQ-00665-00218248-00218471 we'll try and get it close up before we pGQlhdk-bHQ-00666-00218471-00219598 snip pGQlhdk-bHQ-00667-00219600-00219798 okay tell me you can try for a zoom pGQlhdk-bHQ-00668-00219800-00220023 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00669-00220023-00220639 that should move just about complete pGQlhdk-bHQ-00670-00220640-00220855 uh if you can get pGQlhdk-bHQ-00671-00220856-00221055 some of that uh coral 2 on there that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00672-00221056-00221198 wouldn't be pGQlhdk-bHQ-00673-00221200-00221423 all that bad either but may require a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00674-00221423-00221582 deeper grab pGQlhdk-bHQ-00675-00221583-00221687 you know the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00676-00221688-00221855 those polyps are part of a coral pGQlhdk-bHQ-00677-00221856-00222103 attached to the sponge pGQlhdk-bHQ-00678-00222104-00222255 who came first pGQlhdk-bHQ-00679-00222256-00222663 in the view here or below the uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00680-00222664-00222975 just a second where's my illustrator pGQlhdk-bHQ-00681-00222976-00223223 yeah the coral polyps are here so if you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00682-00223223-00223431 can grab something like that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00683-00223432-00223871 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00684-00223871-00225087 okay you can zoom out of it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00685-00225088-00225310 let's try another pGQlhdk-bHQ-00686-00225311-00225534 10 meters pGQlhdk-bHQ-00687-00225535-00225575 two on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00688-00225576-00225894 five pGQlhdk-bHQ-00689-00225896-00226039 roger pGQlhdk-bHQ-00690-00226040-00226367 bridge now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00691-00226367-00227191 one zero meters bearing two two five pGQlhdk-bHQ-00692-00227192-00227367 you have to move nice and slow because pGQlhdk-bHQ-00693-00227367-00227615 you'll uh steal my flow pGQlhdk-bHQ-00694-00227616-00228031 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00695-00228032-00228206 the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00696-00228207-00229110 rv to move around pGQlhdk-bHQ-00697-00229111-00229510 can you zoom in there timmy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00698-00229511-00229694 thank you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00699-00229696-00230039 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00700-00230040-00230215 if you can't grab the coral it's okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00701-00230216-00230487 too the sponge is the primary target pGQlhdk-bHQ-00702-00230488-00230687 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00703-00230688-00230831 i think we can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00704-00230832-00231110 yeah good pGQlhdk-bHQ-00705-00231111-00231334 okay left a little pGQlhdk-bHQ-00706-00231335-00231631 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00707-00231632-00231823 oh yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00708-00231823-00232071 uh put your grip for a step like three pGQlhdk-bHQ-00709-00232071-00232215 or four pGQlhdk-bHQ-00710-00232216-00232751 i put it on three already pGQlhdk-bHQ-00711-00232752-00232975 should i try to get below that other guy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00712-00232976-00233198 so i don't yeah because pGQlhdk-bHQ-00713-00233200-00233567 fyi this is gonna be really crunchy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00714-00233567-00234358 it's gonna break very easy okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00715-00234359-00234615 that's the body once right about there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00716-00234616-00234719 right there i don't know where that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00717-00234719-00234919 voice came from pGQlhdk-bHQ-00718-00234919-00235198 happy with that steve uh go in this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00719-00235200-00235398 little more interview that one's just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00720-00235400-00235567 that one's mostly just the coral we'd pGQlhdk-bHQ-00721-00235567-00235719 like to get some of the sponge too so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00722-00235719-00235910 this the sponges are going to be these pGQlhdk-bHQ-00723-00235911-00236094 branches if you want to do two grabs you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00724-00236096-00236279 can do that if you want two grabs two pGQlhdk-bHQ-00725-00236280-00236582 grabs okay oops sorry i lost it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00726-00236583-00237439 let me come back in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00727-00237440-00237719 it's right there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00728-00237719-00237934 i think so the other that's fine yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00729-00237935-00239031 that's for the coral bit yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00730-00239032-00239255 nicely done pGQlhdk-bHQ-00731-00239256-00239558 so this going in the forward box he said pGQlhdk-bHQ-00732-00239559-00239758 yeah uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00733-00239759-00239846 actually you know what you could pGQlhdk-bHQ-00734-00239848-00240231 probably slurp that okay probably fine pGQlhdk-bHQ-00735-00240232-00240430 to put that through this lower post pGQlhdk-bHQ-00736-00240431-00240742 please thank you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00737-00240744-00240927 the sponge i'm not so sure it's worth pGQlhdk-bHQ-00738-00240928-00241071 slurping they might have to split the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00739-00241071-00242063 sample pGQlhdk-bHQ-00740-00242064-00242446 okay hold on i got it okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00741-00242448-00242846 i shouldn't have tried stick lock again pGQlhdk-bHQ-00742-00242848-00243055 i was balancing the whole time pGQlhdk-bHQ-00743-00243056-00243215 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00744-00243216-00243415 i'm just gonna come off the wall here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00745-00243416-00243606 okay our tethers pGQlhdk-bHQ-00746-00243607-00244239 a little too close for comfort pGQlhdk-bHQ-00747-00244240-00244534 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00748-00244535-00244734 should the other give me a plush too pGQlhdk-bHQ-00749-00244735-00244982 let's see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00750-00244983-00246823 that show is complete pGQlhdk-bHQ-00751-00246823-00247167 okay it should be flushed okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00752-00247167-00247455 i'll give it a little more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00753-00247456-00247646 so you want me to go in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00754-00247648-00247863 face it in this way pGQlhdk-bHQ-00755-00247864-00248039 yep pGQlhdk-bHQ-00756-00248040-00248310 i hope if i give you a camera pGQlhdk-bHQ-00757-00248311-00248575 zoom in a bit there tammy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00758-00248576-00248942 uh jar number one right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00759-00248944-00250327 uh yep or seven whichever way number one pGQlhdk-bHQ-00760-00250328-00251367 oops i messed that up pGQlhdk-bHQ-00761-00251367-00252558 foreign pGQlhdk-bHQ-00762-00252559-00254991 giant dust cloud on the wall pGQlhdk-bHQ-00763-00254992-00255182 okay hang on i'm gonna need to reorient pGQlhdk-bHQ-00764-00255183-00257542 here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00765-00257544-00258406 dang it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00766-00258407-00258863 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00767-00258864-00259046 you gotta get the coral closer to the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00768-00259048-00259406 suction sampler pGQlhdk-bHQ-00769-00259407-00259639 it's yeah i can't tell you you just pGQlhdk-bHQ-00770-00259640-00259782 gotta play with it until you get it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00771-00259783-00259951 where you want it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00772-00259952-00260063 it's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00773-00260064-00260342 that armpit grab is like the worst ever pGQlhdk-bHQ-00774-00260344-00261151 i think you're getting here close now pGQlhdk-bHQ-00775-00261152-00261351 we can box it if it's a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00776-00261352-00261446 no pGQlhdk-bHQ-00777-00261448-00263782 we'll get there okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00778-00263783-00264823 i'll turn on this section that'll help pGQlhdk-bHQ-00779-00264824-00265015 goodness turn the wrist just a little pGQlhdk-bHQ-00780-00265016-00266830 and you'll have it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00781-00266831-00267158 oh yeah you got it nice pGQlhdk-bHQ-00782-00267159-00267310 slowly open pGQlhdk-bHQ-00783-00267311-00267471 boom pGQlhdk-bHQ-00784-00267472-00268895 nice pGQlhdk-bHQ-00785-00268896-00268975 you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00786-00268976-00269071 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00787-00269072-00269295 there it is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00788-00269296-00269382 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00789-00269383-00269663 um the next one steve will not go in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00790-00269664-00269815 dark is that right well let's let's see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00791-00269816-00270127 how it responds to to the gripper pGQlhdk-bHQ-00792-00270128-00270239 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00793-00270240-00270471 i'm gonna leave it on jar 1 for now so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00794-00270472-00270751 in case we want to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00795-00270752-00270895 go find our pGQlhdk-bHQ-00796-00270896-00271327 sample spot again pGQlhdk-bHQ-00797-00271328-00271679 it's um so the last one so we expect the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00798-00271680-00272030 sponges to be crunchy and fragile but pGQlhdk-bHQ-00799-00272031-00272263 the last one was kind of more flexible pGQlhdk-bHQ-00800-00272264-00272463 only because it was held together by pGQlhdk-bHQ-00801-00272464-00272830 a tissue of the coral right so pGQlhdk-bHQ-00802-00272831-00272958 this one's going to be a little bit more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00803-00272959-00273143 fragile pGQlhdk-bHQ-00804-00273144-00273471 and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00805-00273472-00274879 let's see pGQlhdk-bHQ-00806-00274880-00275023 i really pGQlhdk-bHQ-00807-00275024-00276791 it up there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00808-00276792-00277095 there's one right here yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00809-00277096-00277255 it might actually be a different colony pGQlhdk-bHQ-00810-00277256-00277455 in which case pGQlhdk-bHQ-00811-00277456-00277615 that's okay we'll just make call it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00812-00277616-00277951 another sample number pGQlhdk-bHQ-00813-00277952-00278134 it doesn't uh actually it might be the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00814-00278135-00278310 same colony i think that's it you got pGQlhdk-bHQ-00815-00278311-00278447 some other choices here if you do want pGQlhdk-bHQ-00816-00278448-00278567 to take one of the other ones if it's pGQlhdk-bHQ-00817-00278568-00278775 better positioned i think uh we were pGQlhdk-bHQ-00818-00278776-00278999 farther back to our right sorry i'm pGQlhdk-bHQ-00819-00279000-00279191 getting stretched out there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00820-00279192-00279319 there's no reason you have to take from pGQlhdk-bHQ-00821-00279320-00279791 the same colony it's all the same sponge pGQlhdk-bHQ-00822-00279792-00279975 we're gonna slide back to the right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00823-00279976-00280239 because pGQlhdk-bHQ-00824-00280240-00280871 tight tether there will be hard to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00825-00280872-00281367 hard to hold it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00826-00281368-00282615 it's got to be here in the dust cloud pGQlhdk-bHQ-00827-00282616-00282775 with that guy down below there in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00828-00282776-00283606 muck pGQlhdk-bHQ-00829-00283607-00285023 uh yeah that's one of them pGQlhdk-bHQ-00830-00285024-00285175 oh i think it's that one because it has pGQlhdk-bHQ-00831-00285176-00285310 the dead pGQlhdk-bHQ-00832-00285311-00285543 bits to it yeah i think pGQlhdk-bHQ-00833-00285544-00286271 it's the one they touch someone pGQlhdk-bHQ-00834-00286272-00286430 yeah that's why i was saying don't use pGQlhdk-bHQ-00835-00286431-00286639 stick luck pGQlhdk-bHQ-00836-00286640-00286823 when it goes wrong it goes horribly pGQlhdk-bHQ-00837-00286824-00286999 wrong pGQlhdk-bHQ-00838-00287000-00287247 oh steve can you remind us about this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00839-00287248-00287471 particular sponge pGQlhdk-bHQ-00840-00287472-00287799 free up your hands yeah this is a uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00841-00287800-00288047 type of glass sponge that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00842-00288048-00288239 we believe is in the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00843-00288240-00288510 family furrier day pGQlhdk-bHQ-00844-00288511-00288758 um it has not been identified in this pGQlhdk-bHQ-00845-00288759-00289119 area beyond that called beyond family pGQlhdk-bHQ-00846-00289120-00289399 and uh yep sorry would you mind circling pGQlhdk-bHQ-00847-00289400-00289623 the bit that you want yeah so just the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00848-00289624-00289782 lighter colored material here to pGQlhdk-bHQ-00849-00289783-00290023 material here okay one of those branches pGQlhdk-bHQ-00850-00290024-00290271 you can get as much or as little pGQlhdk-bHQ-00851-00290272-00290423 as you want but we want at least 10 pGQlhdk-bHQ-00852-00290424-00291334 centimeters or so okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00853-00291335-00291606 so because this is a unusual pGQlhdk-bHQ-00854-00291607-00291734 sponge we don't have a lot of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00855-00291735-00291927 information on yet if we can pGQlhdk-bHQ-00856-00291928-00292110 get a piece of it to identify it it will pGQlhdk-bHQ-00857-00292111-00292319 tell us a lot more about the diversity pGQlhdk-bHQ-00858-00292320-00292471 of this yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00859-00292472-00292654 i could swing around the left a little pGQlhdk-bHQ-00860-00292655-00292927 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00861-00292928-00293127 if this is a known species or maybe new pGQlhdk-bHQ-00862-00293128-00293558 species entirely like that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00863-00293559-00294479 that should be doable pGQlhdk-bHQ-00864-00294480-00294710 get a little more pGQlhdk-bHQ-00865-00294711-00294927 there are a number of associated animals pGQlhdk-bHQ-00866-00294928-00295119 with this collection namely squat pGQlhdk-bHQ-00867-00295120-00295295 lobsters pGQlhdk-bHQ-00868-00295296-00295487 i believe i saw a crinoid earlier too pGQlhdk-bHQ-00869-00295488-00295703 unlike unknown colonies pGQlhdk-bHQ-00870-00295704-00296127 but a very small squat lobster too pGQlhdk-bHQ-00871-00296128-00296454 each of these branches is uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00872-00296455-00296639 likely to be very fragile these animals pGQlhdk-bHQ-00873-00296640-00298063 are made out of glass or glass spicules pGQlhdk-bHQ-00874-00298064-00298254 oops that's okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00875-00298255-00298447 that one's in my pGQlhdk-bHQ-00876-00298448-00298663 i don't think it cut pGQlhdk-bHQ-00877-00298664-00298927 that's all right i'll put him in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00878-00298928-00299239 but it's kind of okay there it is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00879-00299240-00299439 great pGQlhdk-bHQ-00880-00299440-00299558 do you think we put that in the forward pGQlhdk-bHQ-00881-00299559-00299679 box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00882-00299680-00299910 yeah probably pGQlhdk-bHQ-00883-00299911-00300039 let me uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00884-00300040-00300271 come off the wall here and land so if pGQlhdk-bHQ-00885-00300272-00300463 you can hold what you got there yep pGQlhdk-bHQ-00886-00300464-00300654 halted pGQlhdk-bHQ-00887-00300655-00301119 is that full white tammy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00888-00301120-00302134 ah thank you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00889-00302135-00302430 oh good morning to the netherlands pGQlhdk-bHQ-00890-00302431-00302799 tuning in today pGQlhdk-bHQ-00891-00302800-00304182 okay i'm gonna rack back on the camera pGQlhdk-bHQ-00892-00304183-00304423 and i'll open the box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00893-00304424-00304639 if i can find the right button where is pGQlhdk-bHQ-00894-00304640-00304830 it where is it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00895-00304831-00305767 this guy i think pGQlhdk-bHQ-00896-00305768-00307415 correct pGQlhdk-bHQ-00897-00307416-00307551 now the question pGQlhdk-bHQ-00898-00307552-00307639 for pGQlhdk-bHQ-00899-00307640-00307967 the science team on ship is uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00900-00307968-00308191 how are we gonna prepare this in such a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00901-00308192-00308367 way that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00902-00308368-00308534 it remains intact to the left of the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00903-00308535-00308734 right to intact pGQlhdk-bHQ-00904-00308735-00309047 either yeah then the left or the right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00905-00309048-00309295 lambda pGQlhdk-bHQ-00906-00309296-00309534 is it going to be floaty pGQlhdk-bHQ-00907-00309535-00309663 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00908-00309664-00309982 it could be but pGQlhdk-bHQ-00909-00309983-00310271 we won't know if it if you um let go of pGQlhdk-bHQ-00910-00310272-00310495 it then i could that stick and float up pGQlhdk-bHQ-00911-00310496-00310654 now let me get my finger on the tool pGQlhdk-bHQ-00912-00310655-00310903 tray in but okay okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-00913-00310904-00311454 we're ready pGQlhdk-bHQ-00914-00311455-00312134 sorry i'm gonna start closing out pGQlhdk-bHQ-00915-00312135-00312871 that's gonna fall in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00916-00312872-00313343 oops pGQlhdk-bHQ-00917-00313344-00313903 is that between the two pGQlhdk-bHQ-00918-00313904-00314215 it's okay we can make a note that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00919-00314216-00314351 part of it may have fallen into the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00920-00314352-00314671 other box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00921-00314672-00314839 do you want me to try to get it in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00922-00314840-00314991 i think it'll go pGQlhdk-bHQ-00923-00314992-00315723 it's going pGQlhdk-bHQ-00924-00315724-00316382 [Music] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00925-00316383-00316934 i can help he got it there you go pGQlhdk-bHQ-00926-00316935-00317406 closing very nice awesome pGQlhdk-bHQ-00927-00317407-00317671 nice sample pGQlhdk-bHQ-00928-00317672-00317839 just remember if it was easy somebody pGQlhdk-bHQ-00929-00317840-00318063 would have collected it already right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00930-00318064-00318391 oh it's coming up come on oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00931-00318392-00319310 goodness stay in there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00932-00319311-00319710 you can chop it if you need to also pGQlhdk-bHQ-00933-00319711-00320175 hang on pGQlhdk-bHQ-00934-00320176-00320527 i just get reoriented here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00935-00320528-00320758 i got it pGQlhdk-bHQ-00936-00320759-00321110 perfect it's just jack in the box pGQlhdk-bHQ-00937-00321111-00321263 oh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00938-00321264-00321430 nice pGQlhdk-bHQ-00939-00321431-00321543 there you go pGQlhdk-bHQ-00940-00321544-00321887 how do you take a breath well done pGQlhdk-bHQ-00941-00321888-00322030 look at teamwork pGQlhdk-bHQ-00942-00322031-00322279 well done nicely done pGQlhdk-bHQ-00943-00322280-00322430 i have to go back and look at that clip pGQlhdk-bHQ-00944-00322431-00322582 again pGQlhdk-bHQ-00945-00322583-00322782 right i've got a highlight on this scary pGQlhdk-bHQ-00946-00322783-00322903 there pGQlhdk-bHQ-00947-00322904-00323095 after the rock hunter did their job a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00948-00323096-00323310 simple sponge is a piece of cake pGQlhdk-bHQ-00949-00323311-00323727 congrats rock hunter got a new name pGQlhdk-bHQ-00950-00323728-00324087 rock hunter pGQlhdk-bHQ-00951-00324088-00324263 rock puncher is a pretty good like pGQlhdk-bHQ-00952-00324264-00324567 hardcore rv name pGQlhdk-bHQ-00953-00324568-00325536 we call her the rock puncher pGQlhdk-bHQ-00954-00325537-00326303 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00955-00326304-00326463 here in the muck are you pGQlhdk-bHQ-00956-00326464-00326679 uh i i wanted to kind of go along the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00957-00326680-00326815 wall there was a bunch of other things pGQlhdk-bHQ-00958-00326816-00327087 but there was just just for uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00959-00327088-00327510 a brief little uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00960-00327511-00327703 foray and then we're gonna head up pGQlhdk-bHQ-00961-00327704-00327903 up slope right here we're going to do a pGQlhdk-bHQ-00962-00327904-00328295 walkabout roger 4a yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-00963-00328296-00328447 i think we can get to waypoint 2 for the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00964-00328448-00328695 next watch rob was in here sampling poke pGQlhdk-bHQ-00965-00328696-00328967 around here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00966-00328968-00329439 oh um how do glass sponges form a glass pGQlhdk-bHQ-00967-00329440-00329599 coming through pGQlhdk-bHQ-00968-00329600-00330006 while we're looking around pGQlhdk-bHQ-00969-00330007-00330143 well that's really interesting i mean pGQlhdk-bHQ-00970-00330144-00330310 mostly uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00971-00330311-00330678 the glass is made out of silica pGQlhdk-bHQ-00972-00330679-00330839 which they can extract from the water pGQlhdk-bHQ-00973-00330840-00331230 itself pGQlhdk-bHQ-00974-00331231-00331463 that raw material from the brief right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00975-00331464-00332006 here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00976-00332007-00332303 clear water hopefully pGQlhdk-bHQ-00977-00332304-00332487 there we go pGQlhdk-bHQ-00978-00332488-00332654 sorry i talked about either people pGQlhdk-bHQ-00979-00332655-00332903 wondering can we just do a zoom uh in pGQlhdk-bHQ-00980-00332904-00333247 this general area sure pGQlhdk-bHQ-00981-00333248-00333471 and uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00982-00333472-00333791 i think uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00983-00333792-00334063 all right go ahead timmy pGQlhdk-bHQ-00984-00334064-00334271 you know what we'll um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00985-00334272-00334406 that's good pGQlhdk-bHQ-00986-00334407-00334710 zoanthids huh pGQlhdk-bHQ-00987-00334711-00334921 like a candy store for steve here pGQlhdk-bHQ-00988-00334922-00335191 [Laughter] pGQlhdk-bHQ-00989-00335192-00335478 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00990-00335479-00335719 yeah can we do a niskanen bottle right pGQlhdk-bHQ-00991-00335720-00335919 in this area and then that'll be the pGQlhdk-bHQ-00992-00335920-00336327 last thing pGQlhdk-bHQ-00993-00336328-00336495 e dna target pGQlhdk-bHQ-00994-00336496-00336687 yeah i think so um pGQlhdk-bHQ-00995-00336688-00336878 there's enough diversity here corals and pGQlhdk-bHQ-00996-00336879-00337103 sponges that pGQlhdk-bHQ-00997-00337104-00337471 could be a interesting collection pGQlhdk-bHQ-00998-00337472-00337663 and uh we have pGQlhdk-bHQ-00999-00337664-00337863 identities on a number of these species pGQlhdk-bHQ-01000-00337864-00338087 already pGQlhdk-bHQ-01001-00338088-00338287 the further the closer to the wall you pGQlhdk-bHQ-01002-00338288-00338447 could be the better pGQlhdk-bHQ-01003-00338448-00338919 we're pretty close pGQlhdk-bHQ-01004-00338920-00339158 i can uh put the distance right over the pGQlhdk-bHQ-01005-00339159-00339630 wall pGQlhdk-bHQ-01006-00339631-00340430 we're right on the top of it here so pGQlhdk-bHQ-01007-00340431-00340623 yeah you want to pop one there somewhere pGQlhdk-bHQ-01008-00340624-00340743 this is okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-01009-00340744-00341015 sure pGQlhdk-bHQ-01010-00341016-00341263 thank you for such an exciting stressful pGQlhdk-bHQ-01011-00341264-00341406 and suspenseful pGQlhdk-bHQ-01012-00341407-00341703 sampling session pGQlhdk-bHQ-01013-00341704-00341887 i wonder if that's a sparse branch or pGQlhdk-bHQ-01014-00341888-00342054 over there pGQlhdk-bHQ-01015-00342055-00342454 bamboo pGQlhdk-bHQ-01016-00342455-00342734 can we uh let's do uh 10 meters north pGQlhdk-bHQ-01017-00342735-00342958 yeah that's where i really am pGQlhdk-bHQ-01018-00342959-00343206 put my smear there pGQlhdk-bHQ-01019-00343207-00343854 yeah we can try that bridge knob pGQlhdk-bHQ-01020-00343855-00344654 uh one zero meters bearing zero please pGQlhdk-bHQ-01021-00344655-00344815 we're gonna turn on the porch light to pGQlhdk-bHQ-01022-00344816-00344910 me pGQlhdk-bHQ-01023-00344911-00345247 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-01024-00345248-00345487 and then after this we're gonna go take pGQlhdk-bHQ-01025-00345488-00346182 a look at this critter here pGQlhdk-bHQ-01026-00346183-00348278 number one the easiest one okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-01027-00348279-00348806 um pGQlhdk-bHQ-01028-00348807-00349030 in the front pocket of that there should pGQlhdk-bHQ-01029-00349031-00349327 be a picture pGQlhdk-bHQ-01030-00349328-00349534 of the coral pGQlhdk-bHQ-01031-00349535-00349606 no pGQlhdk-bHQ-01032-00349607-00349751 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-01033-00349752-00350015 nevermind pGQlhdk-bHQ-01034-00350016-00350454 in the behind pGQlhdk-bHQ-01035-00350455-00350775 okay pGQlhdk-bHQ-01036-00350776-00352647 never mind pGQlhdk-bHQ-01037-00352648-00352878 this one's not looped open enough to put pGQlhdk-bHQ-01038-00352879-00353063 your finger in is it pGQlhdk-bHQ-01039-00353064-00353247 it's pretty pGQlhdk-bHQ-01040-00353248-00353447 you can grab it if you want to pGQlhdk-bHQ-01041-00353448-00355558 just don't open your jaws all the way pGQlhdk-bHQ-01042-00355559-00357071 super pain pGQlhdk-bHQ-01043-00357072-00357471 you're working at do you see back there pGQlhdk-bHQ-01044-00357472-00357727 are you in this skin suspense pGQlhdk-bHQ-01045-00357728-00358030 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-01046-00358031-00358206 no we're looking at it we're getting pGQlhdk-bHQ-01047-00358207-00358527 some good images great all right let's pGQlhdk-bHQ-01048-00358528-00358734 talk about this one pGQlhdk-bHQ-01049-00358735-00359510 so uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-01050-00359511-00359751 i gotta move that chart pGQlhdk-bHQ-01051-00359752-00360158 or when you get a chance maybe sorry pGQlhdk-bHQ-01052-00360159-00360406 uh after you stow that thing can you put pGQlhdk-bHQ-01053-00360407-00360830 that jar on the flush yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01054-00360831-00361895 move completely thank you pGQlhdk-bHQ-01055-00361896-00362087 sorry which one what kind you want to pGQlhdk-bHQ-01056-00362088-00362327 look at steve all right pGQlhdk-bHQ-01057-00362328-00362478 touch pGQlhdk-bHQ-01058-00362479-00362815 back up back up pGQlhdk-bHQ-01059-00362816-00363143 this one right down here pGQlhdk-bHQ-01060-00363144-00363271 very thin pGQlhdk-bHQ-01061-00363272-00365567 branches pGQlhdk-bHQ-01062-00365568-00365767 i see a lot of branching coral right pGQlhdk-bHQ-01063-00365768-00365958 there what why are you picking up zoom pGQlhdk-bHQ-01064-00365959-00366127 in on that one pGQlhdk-bHQ-01065-00366128-00366334 so this one we just wanted to check if pGQlhdk-bHQ-01066-00366335-00366503 it could be a little bit one of the pGQlhdk-bHQ-01067-00366504-00366727 sparse branches that uh one of our pGQlhdk-bHQ-01068-00366728-00366958 scientists out here yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01069-00366959-00367199 is uh doing some work on pGQlhdk-bHQ-01070-00367200-00367375 script pGQlhdk-bHQ-01071-00367376-00367558 and uh i want to specifically look at pGQlhdk-bHQ-01072-00367559-00367878 the words branching pGQlhdk-bHQ-01073-00367879-00368151 uh if if the branch is occurring at a pGQlhdk-bHQ-01074-00368152-00368278 node or pGQlhdk-bHQ-01075-00368279-00368575 or where pGQlhdk-bHQ-01076-00368576-00368751 if you can get a tight zoom on one of pGQlhdk-bHQ-01077-00368752-00369006 the branch points that would be ideal pGQlhdk-bHQ-01078-00369007-00369239 all right pGQlhdk-bHQ-01079-00369240-00370127 okay try that pGQlhdk-bHQ-01080-00370128-00370358 yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01081-00370359-00370495 so pGQlhdk-bHQ-01082-00370496-00370630 there's a couple things going on here pGQlhdk-bHQ-01083-00370631-00370854 you've got uh you've got a zoanthid here pGQlhdk-bHQ-01084-00370855-00370999 on top can we pGQlhdk-bHQ-01085-00371000-00371215 focus on the lower portion where it's pGQlhdk-bHQ-01086-00371216-00371375 pink pGQlhdk-bHQ-01087-00371376-00371615 pink tissue pGQlhdk-bHQ-01088-00371616-00371967 is that jumping around pGQlhdk-bHQ-01089-00371968-00372351 rv sliding down the rock that's yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01090-00372352-00372582 so it looks to me like this is actually pGQlhdk-bHQ-01091-00372583-00372830 an internodal brancher which would pGQlhdk-bHQ-01092-00372831-00373030 suggest that it's not pGQlhdk-bHQ-01093-00373031-00373182 one of the pGQlhdk-bHQ-01094-00373183-00373295 primary pGQlhdk-bHQ-01095-00373296-00373478 sparse branches that pGQlhdk-bHQ-01096-00373479-00373863 mary's been looking for pGQlhdk-bHQ-01097-00373864-00374102 so i think we can pGQlhdk-bHQ-01098-00374103-00374263 just carry on pGQlhdk-bHQ-01099-00374264-00374623 and not have to sample this pGQlhdk-bHQ-01100-00374624-00375054 all set thanks pGQlhdk-bHQ-01101-00375055-00375239 particular sparse brancher she's been pGQlhdk-bHQ-01102-00375240-00375495 looking for branches at or just above pGQlhdk-bHQ-01103-00375496-00375734 the node so where those dark cameras pGQlhdk-bHQ-01104-00375735-00375902 occur pGQlhdk-bHQ-01105-00375903-00376391 um do the starboard rail cam pGQlhdk-bHQ-01106-00376392-00376582 has mary found it out here yet she has pGQlhdk-bHQ-01107-00376583-00376910 won it at least i think maybe one two pGQlhdk-bHQ-01108-00376911-00377367 i feel like it's been very sparse pGQlhdk-bHQ-01109-00377368-00377599 and uh also 4k pGQlhdk-bHQ-01110-00377600-00377854 yep pGQlhdk-bHQ-01111-00377855-00378302 cliff camp watch pGQlhdk-bHQ-01112-00378303-00378591 okay we're going up left right yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01113-00378592-00378967 where do we want to go up up wait point pGQlhdk-bHQ-01114-00378968-00379182 yep i feel like we can all breathe pGQlhdk-bHQ-01115-00379183-00379327 normally now pGQlhdk-bHQ-01116-00379328-00379510 it's uh you know pGQlhdk-bHQ-01117-00379511-00379687 it's tough you know the corals want to pGQlhdk-bHQ-01118-00379688-00379934 grow what they want to grow pGQlhdk-bHQ-01119-00379935-00380191 it's a nice cliff i could spend all day pGQlhdk-bHQ-01120-00380192-00380399 yeah me too pGQlhdk-bHQ-01121-00380400-00380623 and uh we have a bunch of surly pGQlhdk-bHQ-01122-00380624-00380999 geologists pGQlhdk-bHQ-01123-00381000-00381223 so we'll do zero one five again i really pGQlhdk-bHQ-01124-00381224-00381463 like the looking down view yeah yeah pGQlhdk-bHQ-01125-00381464-00381719 it's really nice it gives you a sense of pGQlhdk-bHQ-01126-00381720-00381887 what we're looking at there bridge pGQlhdk-bHQ-01127-00381888-00382215 enough pGQlhdk-bHQ-01128-00382216-00382423 two zero meters zero one five please pGQlhdk-bHQ-01129-00382424-00382671 look at that pGQlhdk-bHQ-01130-00382672-00382958 bamboo coral garden here totally pGQlhdk-bHQ-01131-00382959-00383119 i can't quite get over there i'm at the pGQlhdk-bHQ-01132-00383120-00383302 end of my leash otherwise i'd already be pGQlhdk-bHQ-01133-00383303-00383543 around there pGQlhdk-bHQ-01134-00383544-00383854 frustrating yeah that's really nice this pGQlhdk-bHQ-01135-00383855-00384054 huge densities out there pGQlhdk-bHQ-01136-00384055-00384247 so this is this is what i was mentioning pGQlhdk-bHQ-01137-00384248-00384367 earlier pGQlhdk-bHQ-01138-00384368-00384615 about um pGQlhdk-bHQ-01139-00384616-00384830 flow conditions you can see the product pGQlhdk-bHQ-01140-00384831-00385023 particles of marine snow pGQlhdk-bHQ-01141-00385024-00385287 are tracking through the the frame pGQlhdk-bHQ-01142-00385288-00385527 uh you know from the right to the left pGQlhdk-bHQ-01143-00385528-00385639 so pGQlhdk-bHQ-01144-00385640-00385830 from the east towards the west in this pGQlhdk-bHQ-01145-00385831-00385951 case pGQlhdk-bHQ-01146-00385952-00386030 uh pGQlhdk-bHQ-01147-00386031-00386127 and pGQlhdk-bHQ-01148-00386128-00386239 this pGQlhdk-bHQ-01149-00386240-00386423 these good flow conditions are pGQlhdk-bHQ-01150-00386424-00386872 delivering you know consistent food pIBAXbV8mak-00000-00000031-00000262 Jorge Agustin Bidault French pIBAXbV8mak-00001-00000263-00000521 pronunciation Vito the 5th of October pIBAXbV8mak-00002-00000522-00000932 1899 to the 27th of January 1983 was a pIBAXbV8mak-00003-00000933-00001244 French politician during World War two pIBAXbV8mak-00004-00001245-00001428 he was active in the French Resistance pIBAXbV8mak-00005-00001429-00001664 after the war he served as foreign pIBAXbV8mak-00006-00001664-00001868 minister and prime minister on several pIBAXbV8mak-00007-00001869-00002014 occasions before he joined the pIBAXbV8mak-00008-00002016-00002672 organization our may secrete pIBAXbV8mak-00009-00002673-00003190 topic biography pIBAXbV8mak-00010-00003191-00003529 you pIBAXbV8mak-00011-00003530-00004047 topic early life pIBAXbV8mak-00012-00004048-00004338 Bidault was born in Mullins a liar he pIBAXbV8mak-00013-00004339-00004516 studied in the Sorbonne and became a pIBAXbV8mak-00014-00004517-00004813 college history teacher in 1932 he pIBAXbV8mak-00015-00004814-00004993 helped to found the Catholic Association pIBAXbV8mak-00016-00004994-00005179 of French youth in the left-wing pIBAXbV8mak-00017-00005180-00005475 anti-fascist newspaper lo B he had a pIBAXbV8mak-00018-00005476-00005656 column in the paper and among other pIBAXbV8mak-00019-00005657-00005847 things protested against the Munich pIBAXbV8mak-00020-00005848-00006510 Agreement in 1938 pIBAXbV8mak-00021-00006511-00007067 topic World War two pIBAXbV8mak-00022-00007068-00007271 after the outbreak of the second world pIBAXbV8mak-00023-00007272-00007545 war he joined the French army he was pIBAXbV8mak-00024-00007545-00007742 captured during the fall of France and pIBAXbV8mak-00025-00007743-00007991 was briefly imprisoned after his release pIBAXbV8mak-00026-00007992-00008306 in July 1941 he became a teacher at the pIBAXbV8mak-00027-00008307-00008508 lycée du Parc in Lyon and joined the pIBAXbV8mak-00028-00008509-00008709 liberté group of French Resistance that pIBAXbV8mak-00029-00008710-00008963 eventually merged with combat Jean pIBAXbV8mak-00030-00008964-00009162 Moulin recruited him to organize an pIBAXbV8mak-00031-00009163-00009320 underground press in the combat pIBAXbV8mak-00032-00009321-00009630 underground newspaper in his work in the pIBAXbV8mak-00033-00009631-00009833 resistance he was helped by his private pIBAXbV8mak-00034-00009834-00010060 administrative assistant Laura Diebold pIBAXbV8mak-00035-00010061-00010335 Bidault participated in the forming of pIBAXbV8mak-00036-00010336-00010569 the conse nacional de la resistance and pIBAXbV8mak-00037-00010570-00010785 after the gestapo captured mulan he pIBAXbV8mak-00038-00010786-00011091 became its new chairman in 1944 he pIBAXbV8mak-00039-00011092-00011252 formed a resistance charter that pIBAXbV8mak-00040-00011253-00011483 recommended an extensive post-war reform pIBAXbV8mak-00041-00011484-00011789 program after the liberation of Paris he pIBAXbV8mak-00042-00011790-00011952 represented the resistance in the pIBAXbV8mak-00043-00011953-00012183 victory parade Charles de Gaulle pIBAXbV8mak-00044-00012184-00012369 appointed him as a foreign minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00045-00012370-00012578 his provisional government on the 25th pIBAXbV8mak-00046-00012579-00012821 of August he was the founder of the pIBAXbV8mak-00047-00012822-00013194 movement Republican populaire Mr P he pIBAXbV8mak-00048-00013194-00013380 was head of the French delegation to the pIBAXbV8mak-00049-00013381-00013550 San Francisco conference which pIBAXbV8mak-00050-00013551-00013762 established the UN from April to June pIBAXbV8mak-00051-00013763-00014133 1945 at the conference France succeeded pIBAXbV8mak-00052-00014134-00014283 in gaining a permanent seat on the pIBAXbV8mak-00053-00014284-00014894 Security Council pIBAXbV8mak-00054-00014895-00015435 topic fourth Republic pIBAXbV8mak-00055-00015436-00015753 on the 4th of January 1946 Bidault pIBAXbV8mak-00056-00015754-00015978 married suzanne Burrell the first French pIBAXbV8mak-00057-00015979-00016236 woman to be employed as a diplomat the pIBAXbV8mak-00058-00016237-00016434 same year he served as foreign minister pIBAXbV8mak-00059-00016435-00016638 in Felix Queen's provisional government pIBAXbV8mak-00060-00016639-00017010 on the 19th of June 1946 the National pIBAXbV8mak-00061-00017011-00017199 Constituent Assembly elected him as pIBAXbV8mak-00062-00017200-00017360 president of the provisional government pIBAXbV8mak-00063-00017361-00017628 his government formed on the 15th of pIBAXbV8mak-00064-00017629-00017826 June was composed of socialists pIBAXbV8mak-00065-00017827-00018177 communists and vidoes own Mr P in social pIBAXbV8mak-00066-00018178-00018411 policy vidoes government was notable for pIBAXbV8mak-00067-00018412-00018600 passing important pension and workmen's pIBAXbV8mak-00068-00018601-00018933 compensation laws an act of the 22nd of pIBAXbV8mak-00069-00018934-00019254 August 1946 extended coverage of family pIBAXbV8mak-00070-00019255-00019421 allowances to practically the entire pIBAXbV8mak-00071-00019422-00019749 population while a law of October 1946 pIBAXbV8mak-00072-00019750-00019962 provided that insurance of occupation pIBAXbV8mak-00073-00019963-00020226 risks would henceforth be mandatory and pIBAXbV8mak-00074-00020227-00020436 that such insurance would be granted by pIBAXbV8mak-00075-00020437-00020622 the Social Security that had been pIBAXbV8mak-00076-00020623-00021144 created in 1945 in August 1946 an Act pIBAXbV8mak-00077-00021145-00021336 was passed that made provision for two pIBAXbV8mak-00078-00021337-00021552 days holiday a month up to a maximum of pIBAXbV8mak-00079-00021553-00021780 24 working days for young persons pIBAXbV8mak-00080-00021781-00022025 between the ages of 14 and 18 and for pIBAXbV8mak-00081-00022026-00022191 one and a half days a month up to a pIBAXbV8mak-00082-00022192-00022407 maximum of 18 working days for those pIBAXbV8mak-00083-00022408-00022752 aged between 18 and 21 in addition an pIBAXbV8mak-00084-00022753-00022982 Act was passed on the 11th of October pIBAXbV8mak-00085-00022983-00023253 1946 that introduced occupational pIBAXbV8mak-00086-00023254-00023460 medical services Bidault later became pIBAXbV8mak-00087-00023461-00023697 foreign minister once again the pIBAXbV8mak-00088-00023698-00023844 government held elections to the pIBAXbV8mak-00089-00023845-00024044 National Assembly on the 29th of pIBAXbV8mak-00090-00024045-00024228 November after which Bidault resigned pIBAXbV8mak-00091-00024229-00024618 his successor was Leon Blum Bidault pIBAXbV8mak-00092-00024619-00024807 served in various French government's pIBAXbV8mak-00093-00024808-00024990 first as foreign minister under Paul pIBAXbV8mak-00094-00024991-00025274 ramadi a and Robert Schuman in April pIBAXbV8mak-00095-00025275-00025593 1947 he supported ramadi A's decision to pIBAXbV8mak-00096-00025594-00025775 expel the Communists from his government pIBAXbV8mak-00097-00025776-00026064 Bidault had recently been to Moscow and pIBAXbV8mak-00098-00026064-00026270 was disturbed by the Soviet regime he pIBAXbV8mak-00099-00026272-00026436 believed an agreement with Stalin was pIBAXbV8mak-00100-00026437-00026706 impossible in 1949 he became the pIBAXbV8mak-00101-00026707-00026883 president of the Council of Ministers pIBAXbV8mak-00102-00026883-00027102 Prime Minister but his government lasted pIBAXbV8mak-00103-00027102-00027369 only eight months during his last term pIBAXbV8mak-00104-00027370-00027681 as Prime Minister a law of February 1950 pIBAXbV8mak-00105-00027682-00027876 that regulated collective bargaining and pIBAXbV8mak-00106-00027877-00028038 contained a guarantee of the right of pIBAXbV8mak-00107-00028039-00028317 workers to strike the same law required pIBAXbV8mak-00108-00028318-00028524 the government to fix minimum wages for pIBAXbV8mak-00109-00028525-00028851 agriculture and for industry in unreel pIBAXbV8mak-00110-00028852-00029168 governments in 1950 1951 he held the pIBAXbV8mak-00111-00029169-00029367 office of vice-president of the Council pIBAXbV8mak-00112-00029368-00029610 and under Rene Pleven and Edgar 4a also pIBAXbV8mak-00113-00029611-00029970 the post of Defense Minister in 1952 pIBAXbV8mak-00114-00029970-00030198 Bidault became an honorary president of pIBAXbV8mak-00115-00030199-00030608 Mr P on the 1st of June 1953 president pIBAXbV8mak-00116-00030609-00030798 Vincent oriole assigned him to form his pIBAXbV8mak-00117-00030799-00030995 own government but the National Assembly pIBAXbV8mak-00118-00030997-00031158 refused to give him the official mandate pIBAXbV8mak-00119-00031158-00031502 at the 10th of June in 1953 Bidault pIBAXbV8mak-00120-00031503-00031712 became a presidential candidate but pIBAXbV8mak-00121-00031713-00031992 withdrew after the second round Bidault pIBAXbV8mak-00122-00031993-00032189 was foreign minister during the siege of pIBAXbV8mak-00123-00032190-00032355 the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu pIBAXbV8mak-00124-00032356-00032745 from March to May 1954 he protested to pIBAXbV8mak-00125-00032745-00032924 the Red Cross that the Viet Minh were pIBAXbV8mak-00126-00032925-00033083 shooting at clearly marked French pIBAXbV8mak-00127-00033084-00033318 medical evacuation flights killing some pIBAXbV8mak-00128-00033319-00033596 of the evacuates the ongoing fighting in pIBAXbV8mak-00129-00033597-00033792 Indochina had exhausted him he was pIBAXbV8mak-00130-00033793-00034026 described by American Secretary of State pIBAXbV8mak-00131-00034027-00034295 John Foster Dulles as a deeply harassed pIBAXbV8mak-00132-00034296-00034623 man and later by a historian s on the pIBAXbV8mak-00133-00034624-00034899 verge of a nervous breakdown caught pIBAXbV8mak-00134-00034900-00035076 between his desires to end the war and pIBAXbV8mak-00135-00035077-00035258 to maintain French rule over its pIBAXbV8mak-00136-00035259-00035468 colonies he vacillated between pressing pIBAXbV8mak-00137-00035469-00035693 the war perhaps by asking the Americans pIBAXbV8mak-00138-00035694-00035910 for air support or seeking a negotiated pIBAXbV8mak-00139-00035911-00036186 solution Bidault stated that John Foster pIBAXbV8mak-00140-00036187-00036429 Dulles then Secretary of State of United pIBAXbV8mak-00141-00036430-00036648 States offered France two atomic bombs pIBAXbV8mak-00142-00036649-00037298 in 1954 pIBAXbV8mak-00143-00037299-00037833 topic v Republic pIBAXbV8mak-00144-00037834-00038169 in April 1958 Bidault again became Prime pIBAXbV8mak-00145-00038170-00038382 Minister but did not form a cabinet and pIBAXbV8mak-00146-00038383-00038562 had a hand in forming the conservative pIBAXbV8mak-00147-00038563-00038817 Christian democratic movement he also pIBAXbV8mak-00148-00038818-00039015 supported de Gaulle's presidency after pIBAXbV8mak-00149-00039016-00039213 the outbreak of the Algerian war of pIBAXbV8mak-00150-00039214-00039594 independence in 1961 Bidault became pIBAXbV8mak-00151-00039595-00039789 president of the Executive Council of pIBAXbV8mak-00152-00039790-00040008 the rally for french algeria and opposed pIBAXbV8mak-00153-00040009-00040191 de Gaulle's policy of Algerian pIBAXbV8mak-00154-00040192-00040440 independence he established his own pIBAXbV8mak-00155-00040441-00040644 national resistance council within the pIBAXbV8mak-00156-00040645-00040881 far-right paramilitary organization OHS pIBAXbV8mak-00157-00040882-00041268 organization arm a secrete in June 1962 pIBAXbV8mak-00158-00041269-00041493 he was accused of conspiring against the pIBAXbV8mak-00159-00041494-00041673 state and stripped of his parliamentary pIBAXbV8mak-00160-00041674-00042053 immunity he left for exile in Brazil in pIBAXbV8mak-00161-00042054-00042372 1967 he moved to Belgium and in 1968 pIBAXbV8mak-00162-00042373-00042594 returned to France after benefiting from pIBAXbV8mak-00163-00042595-00042897 an amnesty in his political memoirs pIBAXbV8mak-00164-00042898-00043062 Bidault stated that he was never pIBAXbV8mak-00165-00043063-00043251 involved in the OS and was not qualified pIBAXbV8mak-00166-00043252-00043458 to give any precise information about pIBAXbV8mak-00167-00043459-00043665 its deeds when the front national was pIBAXbV8mak-00168-00043666-00043947 founded in October 1972 by members of pIBAXbV8mak-00169-00043948-00044172 Order Nouveau he participated but pIBAXbV8mak-00170-00044173-00044349 resigned from the organization a few pIBAXbV8mak-00171-00044350-00044652 days later Bidault died of a stroke in pIBAXbV8mak-00172-00044653-00045441 Campbell s veins in January 1983 pIBAXbV8mak-00173-00045442-00045947 topic governments pIBAXbV8mak-00174-00045948-00046288 you pIBAXbV8mak-00175-00046289-00046682 topic first ministry the 24th of June to pIBAXbV8mak-00176-00046683-00047396 the 16th of December 1946 Georges pIBAXbV8mak-00177-00047397-00047549 Bidault chairman of the provisional pIBAXbV8mak-00178-00047550-00047729 government and Minister of Foreign pIBAXbV8mak-00179-00047730-00048068 Affairs Maurice thorez vice chairman of pIBAXbV8mak-00180-00048069-00048217 the provisional government pIBAXbV8mak-00181-00048218-00048452 Felix Queen vice chairman of the pIBAXbV8mak-00182-00048453-00048629 provisional government and Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00183-00048630-00048971 National Defense Charles Dillon minister pIBAXbV8mak-00184-00048972-00049307 of armaments eduarda Pro Minister of the pIBAXbV8mak-00185-00049308-00049613 Interior Robert Schuman Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00186-00049614-00049955 Finance francois de mint on minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00187-00049956-00050110 national economy pIBAXbV8mak-00188-00050111-00050387 Marcel Paul Minister of industrial pIBAXbV8mak-00189-00050388-00050729 production Amboise Croat Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00190-00050730-00051041 Labour and Social Security Pierre on pIBAXbV8mak-00191-00051042-00051277 retighten Minister of Justice pIBAXbV8mak-00192-00051278-00051542 Marcel Edmond niggling Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00193-00051543-00051861 National Education Francois Tanguy pIBAXbV8mak-00194-00051862-00052163 Prigent Minister of Agriculture Eve pIBAXbV8mak-00195-00052164-00052373 Farge Minister of supply pIBAXbV8mak-00196-00052374-00052604 Marius moot a minister of overseas pIBAXbV8mak-00197-00052605-00052724 France pIBAXbV8mak-00198-00052725-00053024 Jules Mok Minister of Public Works and pIBAXbV8mak-00199-00053025-00053334 Transport Robert Prigent Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00200-00053335-00053604 population Francois Villon pIBAXbV8mak-00201-00053604-00053790 Minister of Reconstruction and Town pIBAXbV8mak-00202-00053791-00054092 Planning Jean Letourneau minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00203-00054093-00054423 posts Alexander Varenne Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00204-00054424-00055129 State Frances gay Minister of State pIBAXbV8mak-00205-00055129-00055516 topic ii ministry the 28th of october pIBAXbV8mak-00206-00055516-00056329 1949 to the 7th of February 1950 Georges pIBAXbV8mak-00207-00056329-00056532 Bidault President of the Council pIBAXbV8mak-00208-00056533-00056800 Jules mock Vice President of the Council pIBAXbV8mak-00209-00056801-00057141 and Minister of the Interior on recoil pIBAXbV8mak-00210-00057142-00057441 Vice President of the Council Robert pIBAXbV8mak-00211-00057442-00057757 Schuman Minister of Foreign Affairs Rene pIBAXbV8mak-00212-00057758-00058008 pleven Minister of National Defense pIBAXbV8mak-00213-00058009-00058288 Maurice patched Minister of Finance and pIBAXbV8mak-00214-00058289-00058645 Economic Affairs Robert Lacoste Minister pIBAXbV8mak-00215-00058646-00058948 of Commerce and Industry Pierre Segal pIBAXbV8mak-00216-00058949-00059220 Minister of Labour and Social Security pIBAXbV8mak-00217-00059221-00059614 Rene Mayer Minister of Justice Yvonne pIBAXbV8mak-00218-00059615-00059891 Delmas Minister of National Education pIBAXbV8mak-00219-00059892-00060196 Lois Jackie no Minister of veterans and pIBAXbV8mak-00220-00060197-00060520 war victims Pierre flim Lin Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00221-00060521-00060853 Agriculture Jean Letourneau minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00222-00060854-00061189 overseas France Christian Pinto Minister pIBAXbV8mak-00223-00061190-00061458 of Public Works transport and tourism pIBAXbV8mak-00224-00061459-00061702 Pierre Schneider Minister of Public pIBAXbV8mak-00225-00061703-00062035 Health and population Eugene Claudius pIBAXbV8mak-00226-00062036-00062241 petit Minister of Reconstruction and pIBAXbV8mak-00227-00062242-00062572 Town Planning Eugene Thomas minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00228-00062573-00062908 posts Pierre on retighten minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00229-00062909-00063274 state changes the 2nd of December 1949 pIBAXbV8mak-00230-00063275-00063508 Gabriel Valais succeeds flim Linh as pIBAXbV8mak-00231-00063509-00064027 Minister of Agriculture pIBAXbV8mak-00232-00064028-00064324 topic third ministry the 7th of February pIBAXbV8mak-00233-00064325-00064954 to the 2nd of July 1950 pIBAXbV8mak-00234-00064954-00065207 Georges Bidault President of the Council pIBAXbV8mak-00235-00065208-00065567 on recoil vice president of the council pIBAXbV8mak-00236-00065568-00065846 and Minister of the Interior Robert pIBAXbV8mak-00237-00065847-00066161 Schuman Minister of Foreign Affairs Rene pIBAXbV8mak-00238-00066162-00066412 pleven Minister of National Defense pIBAXbV8mak-00239-00066413-00066698 Maurice patch minister of finance and pIBAXbV8mak-00240-00066699-00067016 economics affairs jean-marie Laval pIBAXbV8mak-00241-00067017-00067325 Minister of Commerce and Industry Paul pIBAXbV8mak-00242-00067326-00067544 bacon Minister of Labour and Social pIBAXbV8mak-00243-00067545-00067926 Security Rene mayor Minister of Justice pIBAXbV8mak-00244-00067927-00068182 Yvonne DuBose Minister of National pIBAXbV8mak-00245-00068183-00068549 Education Lois Jackie no Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00246-00068550-00068725 veterans and war victims pIBAXbV8mak-00247-00068726-00069037 Gabriel valet Minister of Agriculture pIBAXbV8mak-00248-00069038-00069284 Jean Letourneau minister of overseas pIBAXbV8mak-00249-00069285-00069641 France Jacques castellane Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00250-00069642-00069898 Public Works transport and tourism pIBAXbV8mak-00251-00069899-00070148 Pierre Schneider Minister of Public pIBAXbV8mak-00252-00070149-00070324 Health and population pIBAXbV8mak-00253-00070325-00070598 Eugene Claudius petit Minister of pIBAXbV8mak-00254-00070599-00070801 Reconstruction and Town Planning pIBAXbV8mak-00255-00070802-00071192 Charles Brune Minister of posts Pierre pIBAXbV8mak-00256-00071193-00071558 on retighten Minister of State pKpEXDh33Zy-00000-00000053-00000206 foreign pKpEXDh33Zy-00001-00000208-00001366 [Music] pKpEXDh33Zy-00002-00001367-00001852 but I'm proud to announce that I will be pKpEXDh33Zy-00003-00001853-00002375 starting a YouTube channel here and I'm pKpEXDh33Zy-00004-00002376-00002609 so excited to make more videos in the pKpEXDh33Zy-00005-00002610-00002855 future pKpEXDh33Zy-00006-00002856-00003256 um thank you for your time bye pKpEXDh33Zy-00007-00003257-00003557 foreign pKVXubQ13gA-00000-00000012-00000314 the 20th united states congress was a pKVXubQ13gA-00001-00000315-00000498 meeting of the legislative branch of the pKVXubQ13gA-00002-00000499-00000647 United States federal government pKVXubQ13gA-00003-00000648-00000885 consisting of the United States Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00004-00000886-00001019 in the United States House of pKVXubQ13gA-00005-00001021-00001311 Representatives it met in Washington DC pKVXubQ13gA-00006-00001312-00001725 from March 4th 1827 to March 4th 1829 pKVXubQ13gA-00007-00001726-00001902 during the third and fourth years of pKVXubQ13gA-00008-00001903-00002175 John Quincy Adams presidency the pKVXubQ13gA-00009-00002176-00002351 apportionment of seats in the House of pKVXubQ13gA-00010-00002352-00002538 Representatives was based on the fourth pKVXubQ13gA-00011-00002539-00002883 census of the United States in 1820 both pKVXubQ13gA-00012-00002884-00003565 chambers had a Jacksonian majority pKVXubQ13gA-00013-00003567-00004111 topic major events pKVXubQ13gA-00014-00004112-00004502 December 3rd 1828 u.s. presidential pKVXubQ13gA-00015-00004503-00004838 election 1828 challenger Andrew Jackson pKVXubQ13gA-00016-00004839-00005056 beat incumbent John Quincy Adams and was pKVXubQ13gA-00017-00005057-00005668 elected president of the United States pKVXubQ13gA-00018-00005669-00006243 topic major legislation pKVXubQ13gA-00019-00006244-00006764 may 24th 1828 tariff of abominations CH pKVXubQ13gA-00020-00006765-00007473 111 for stat 308 pKVXubQ13gA-00021-00007475-00008017 topic party summary pKVXubQ13gA-00022-00008018-00008252 the count below identifies party pKVXubQ13gA-00023-00008253-00008420 affiliations at the beginning of the pKVXubQ13gA-00024-00008421-00008698 first session of this Congress changes pKVXubQ13gA-00025-00008699-00008902 resulting from subsequent replacements pKVXubQ13gA-00026-00008903-00009101 are shown below in the changes in pKVXubQ13gA-00027-00009102-00009703 membership section pKVXubQ13gA-00028-00009704-00010155 topic Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00029-00010156-00010494 you pKVXubQ13gA-00030-00010495-00011063 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00031-00011064-00011430 you pKVXubQ13gA-00032-00011431-00011938 topic leadership pKVXubQ13gA-00033-00011939-00012292 you pKVXubQ13gA-00034-00012293-00012749 topic Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00035-00012750-00013249 president john c calhoun j president pro pKVXubQ13gA-00036-00013250-00013818 tempore samuel Smith J pKVXubQ13gA-00037-00013819-00014216 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00038-00014218-00014384 you pKVXubQ13gA-00039-00014385-00015055 speaker andrew Stevenson J pKVXubQ13gA-00040-00015056-00015559 topic members pKVXubQ13gA-00041-00015560-00015826 this list is arranged by chamber than by pKVXubQ13gA-00042-00015827-00016060 state senators are listed by class and pKVXubQ13gA-00043-00016061-00016237 members of the House are listed by pKVXubQ13gA-00044-00016238-00016540 district skip to House of pKVXubQ13gA-00045-00016541-00017069 Representatives below pKVXubQ13gA-00046-00017070-00017694 topic Senate senators were elected by pKVXubQ13gA-00047-00017695-00017883 the state legislatures every two years pKVXubQ13gA-00048-00017884-00018134 with 1/3 beginning new six-year terms pKVXubQ13gA-00049-00018135-00018399 with each Congress preceding the names pKVXubQ13gA-00050-00018400-00018575 in the list below our Senate class pKVXubQ13gA-00051-00018576-00018764 numbers which indicate the cycle of pKVXubQ13gA-00052-00018765-00019019 their election in this Congress class pKVXubQ13gA-00053-00019020-00019197 one meant their term began with this pKVXubQ13gA-00054-00019198-00019427 Congress facing re-election in 1832 pKVXubQ13gA-00055-00019428-00019694 class 2 meant their term ended with this pKVXubQ13gA-00056-00019695-00019986 Congress facing re-election in 1828 and pKVXubQ13gA-00057-00019987-00020180 class 3 meant their term began in the pKVXubQ13gA-00058-00020181-00020941 last Congress facing re-election in 1830 pKVXubQ13gA-00059-00020942-00021515 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00060-00021516-00021713 the names of members of the House of pKVXubQ13gA-00061-00021714-00021893 Representatives are preceded by their pKVXubQ13gA-00062-00021894-00022483 district numbers pKVXubQ13gA-00063-00022484-00023062 topic changes in membership pKVXubQ13gA-00064-00023063-00023296 the count below reflects changes from pKVXubQ13gA-00065-00023297-00023461 the beginning of the first session of pKVXubQ13gA-00066-00023462-00024014 this Congress pKVXubQ13gA-00067-00024015-00024745 topic Senate replacements six pKVXubQ13gA-00068-00024746-00025171 Adams uh no net change Jacksonian J no pKVXubQ13gA-00069-00025172-00025606 net change deaths zero resignations pKVXubQ13gA-00070-00025607-00026052 seven interim appointments zero total pKVXubQ13gA-00071-00026054-00026580 seats with changes eight pKVXubQ13gA-00072-00026581-00027170 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00073-00027170-00027576 replacements nine Adams one seat net pKVXubQ13gA-00074-00027577-00028080 loss Jacksonian J 1 seat net gain deaths pKVXubQ13gA-00075-00028081-00028612 5 resignations 9 contested election 1 pKVXubQ13gA-00076-00028613-00029302 total seats with changes 15 pKVXubQ13gA-00077-00029303-00029814 topic committees pKVXubQ13gA-00078-00029814-00030012 lists of committees and their party pKVXubQ13gA-00079-00030013-00030501 leaders pKVXubQ13gA-00080-00030502-00030979 topic Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00081-00030980-00031402 agriculture Alabama land purchase select pKVXubQ13gA-00082-00031402-00031637 audit and control the contingent pKVXubQ13gA-00083-00031638-00032058 expenses of the Senate claims commerce pKVXubQ13gA-00084-00032060-00032410 dead imprisonment abolition select pKVXubQ13gA-00085-00032411-00032636 distributing public revenue among the pKVXubQ13gA-00086-00032637-00032687 states pKVXubQ13gA-00087-00032688-00033106 select District of Columbia finance pKVXubQ13gA-00088-00033107-00033482 Foreign Relations French spoil Asians pKVXubQ13gA-00089-00033483-00033985 select Indian Affairs judiciary pKVXubQ13gA-00090-00033986-00034459 manufacturers Military Affairs militia pKVXubQ13gA-00091-00034460-00034940 naval affairs pensions post office and pKVXubQ13gA-00092-00034941-00035357 post roads private land claims public pKVXubQ13gA-00093-00035358-00035731 lands Revolutionary officers select pKVXubQ13gA-00094-00035732-00036092 roads and canals select tariffs pKVXubQ13gA-00095-00036093-00036451 regulation select vaccinations select pKVXubQ13gA-00096-00036452-00036945 whole pKVXubQ13gA-00097-00036946-00037511 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00098-00037512-00037952 accounts agriculture assault on the pKVXubQ13gA-00099-00037953-00038276 president secretary select American pKVXubQ13gA-00100-00038277-00038426 Colonization Society pKVXubQ13gA-00101-00038427-00038915 select claims commerce District of pKVXubQ13gA-00102-00038916-00039066 Columbia pKVXubQ13gA-00103-00039067-00039456 elections ethics expenditures in the pKVXubQ13gA-00104-00039457-00039777 Navy Department expenditures in the post pKVXubQ13gA-00105-00039778-00040077 office Department expenditures in the pKVXubQ13gA-00106-00040078-00040365 State Department expenditures in the pKVXubQ13gA-00107-00040366-00040659 Treasury Department expenditures in the pKVXubQ13gA-00108-00040660-00040974 War Department expenditures on public pKVXubQ13gA-00109-00040975-00041465 buildings foreign affairs Indian Affairs pKVXubQ13gA-00110-00041466-00041922 manufacturers military affairs military pKVXubQ13gA-00111-00041923-00042357 pensions naval affairs post office and pKVXubQ13gA-00112-00042358-00042774 post roads public expenditures public pKVXubQ13gA-00113-00042775-00043157 lands revisal and unfinished business pKVXubQ13gA-00114-00043158-00043547 revolutionary claims rules select pKVXubQ13gA-00115-00043548-00043814 standards of official conduct pKVXubQ13gA-00116-00043815-00044613 territories ways and means whole pKVXubQ13gA-00117-00044614-00045118 topic joint committees pKVXubQ13gA-00118-00045119-00045466 enrolled bills to prepare a code of laws pKVXubQ13gA-00119-00045467-00046022 for the District of Columbia pKVXubQ13gA-00120-00046023-00046549 topic employees pKVXubQ13gA-00121-00046550-00046773 architect of the Capitol Charles pKVXubQ13gA-00122-00046774-00047070 Bulfinch librarian of Congress pKVXubQ13gA-00123-00047071-00047542 George Waterston pKVXubQ13gA-00124-00047543-00047854 topic Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00125-00047855-00048015 you pKVXubQ13gA-00126-00048016-00048327 Chaplin William Ryland Methodist pKVXubQ13gA-00127-00048328-00048690 secretary Walter Lowery sergeant-at-arms pKVXubQ13gA-00128-00048691-00049221 Mountjoy Bailey pKVXubQ13gA-00129-00049222-00049638 topic House of Representatives pKVXubQ13gA-00130-00049639-00049802 you pKVXubQ13gA-00131-00049803-00050195 Chaplin Reuben post presbyterian clerk pKVXubQ13gA-00132-00050196-00050501 Matthew st. Claire Clark doorkeeper pKVXubQ13gA-00133-00050502-00050816 Benjamin Burch reading clerks data pKVXubQ13gA-00134-00050817-00051193 unknown missing sergeant-at-arms John Oh pKVXubQ13gA-00135-00051194-00051714 done pKVXubQ13gA-00136-00051715-00052238 topic C also pKVXubQ13gA-00137-00052239-00052442 United States elections pKVXubQ13gA-00138-00052444-00052787 18:26 elections leading to this Congress pKVXubQ13gA-00139-00052788-00053162 United States Senate elections 1826 and pKVXubQ13gA-00140-00053163-00053481 1827 United States House of pKVXubQ13gA-00141-00053482-00053896 Representatives elections 1826 United pKVXubQ13gA-00142-00053897-00054178 States elections 1828 elections during pKVXubQ13gA-00143-00054179-00054337 this Congress leading to the next pKVXubQ13gA-00144-00054338-00054640 Congress United States presidential pKVXubQ13gA-00145-00054641-00055026 election 1828 United States Senate pKVXubQ13gA-00146-00055027-00055491 elections 1828 and 1829 United States pKVXubQ13gA-00147-00055492-00055977 House of Representatives elections 1828 pLuzOgKxWmu-00000-00000000-00000223 don't you want such a beautiful family pLuzOgKxWmu-00001-00000224-00000860 just like this pLuzOgKxWmu-00002-00000861-00001178 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00000-00000617-00001491 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00001-00001492-00001947 hmm pMAlZWA8sBQ-00002-00001948-00004283 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00003-00004284-00006864 oh pMAlZWA8sBQ-00004-00006865-00007083 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00005-00007084-00007536 foreign pMAlZWA8sBQ-00006-00007537-00008483 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00007-00008484-00009409 oh pMAlZWA8sBQ-00008-00009410-00009883 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00009-00009884-00011283 oh pMAlZWA8sBQ-00010-00011284-00012445 so pMAlZWA8sBQ-00011-00012446-00012683 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00012-00012684-00013093 okay pMAlZWA8sBQ-00013-00013094-00014083 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00014-00014084-00014247 oh pMAlZWA8sBQ-00015-00014247-00015483 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00016-00015484-00015591 house pMAlZWA8sBQ-00017-00015591-00016883 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00018-00016884-00018456 oh pMAlZWA8sBQ-00019-00018457-00021083 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00020-00021084-00021222 house pMAlZWA8sBQ-00021-00021223-00023883 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00022-00023884-00024466 problem pMAlZWA8sBQ-00023-00024467-00025342 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00024-00025343-00025533 mango pMAlZWA8sBQ-00025-00025534-00028083 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00026-00028083-00028425 okay pMAlZWA8sBQ-00028-00031968-00032479 tv tv pMAlZWA8sBQ-00029-00032480-00034294 tv tv pMAlZWA8sBQ-00030-00034295-00035039 [Music] pMAlZWA8sBQ-00031-00035040-00035312 tv pQOTa3HYuLo-00000-00000056-00000413 hi friends welcome to Naya videos today pQOTa3HYuLo-00001-00000413-00000655 I would like to share how to generate a pQOTa3HYuLo-00002-00000656-00001331 free traffic using four methods so I pQOTa3HYuLo-00003-00001332-00001582 would like to share my views on traffic pQOTa3HYuLo-00004-00001583-00001991 generation it is a free traffic and this pQOTa3HYuLo-00005-00001992-00002366 is my website in on h3 by 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scenarios invited late and centralizes pWEUAxTVEGg-00001-00001428-00001601 developers and entrepreneurs and pWEUAxTVEGg-00002-00001602-00001781 creators to work with them to deliver pWEUAxTVEGg-00003-00001782-00002046 the next generation of DX for this pWEUAxTVEGg-00004-00002047-00002292 proposed more than 1 million APM font pWEUAxTVEGg-00005-00002293-00002466 worse about two hundred thousand dollars pWEUAxTVEGg-00006-00002467-00002765 was set up to distribute to a select few pWEUAxTVEGg-00007-00002766-00003026 signing up until the six of September pWEUAxTVEGg-00008-00003027-00003251 with the likes and subscribe to our pWEUAxTVEGg-00009-00003252-00003515 Channel pfqh0ef42JY-00000-00000229-00000574 so uh we have a lot of different points pfqh0ef42JY-00001-00000575-00000904 and I think everyone is here so uh let's pfqh0ef42JY-00002-00000905-00001162 start with uh the plan of this pfqh0ef42JY-00003-00001163-00001439 presentation okay so uh hello everyone pfqh0ef42JY-00004-00001440-00001757 so I'm gonna start to tell you a little pfqh0ef42JY-00005-00001757-00001930 bit about what we're going to cover pfqh0ef42JY-00006-00001932-00002075 today pfqh0ef42JY-00007-00002076-00002279 um so first I'm going to give you a pfqh0ef42JY-00008-00002280-00002459 little bit of insight about the pfqh0ef42JY-00009-00002460-00002633 historical and political context pfqh0ef42JY-00010-00002634-00002879 regarding universities then Ella uh pfqh0ef42JY-00011-00002880-00003095 we'll talk about the European Vision of pfqh0ef42JY-00012-00003096-00003286 the skill based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00013-00003288-00003527 um and give you a few examples of pfqh0ef42JY-00014-00003528-00003809 Portugal and Italy see how things work pfqh0ef42JY-00015-00003810-00004120 there and then I will tell you a little pfqh0ef42JY-00016-00004121-00004270 bit more how pfqh0ef42JY-00017-00004271-00004547 um the the skill based approach is pfqh0ef42JY-00018-00004548-00004727 applied here at the University of pfqh0ef42JY-00019-00004728-00004806 Savannah pfqh0ef42JY-00020-00004807-00005099 and I are working and then we'll keep a pfqh0ef42JY-00021-00005100-00005302 little bit of time so that you can ask pfqh0ef42JY-00022-00005303-00005518 questions we already get some questions pfqh0ef42JY-00023-00005519-00005752 from from people who are registered we pfqh0ef42JY-00024-00005753-00006022 can start answering them but you can pfqh0ef42JY-00025-00006023-00006238 also ask your questions during during pfqh0ef42JY-00026-00006239-00006587 the the presentation please use the chat pfqh0ef42JY-00027-00006588-00006803 for that we'll save the questions and pfqh0ef42JY-00028-00006804-00007391 and try to answer them at the end pfqh0ef42JY-00029-00007392-00007534 still for you because this is an pfqh0ef42JY-00030-00007536-00007792 interactive presentation and we want to pfqh0ef42JY-00031-00007793-00008117 to see if you already know pfqh0ef42JY-00032-00008118-00008524 um skisbee's approach and the all of uh pfqh0ef42JY-00033-00008525-00008813 the different base of the subjects so uh pfqh0ef42JY-00034-00008814-00009167 please uh you have uh the code of this pfqh0ef42JY-00035-00009168-00009517 event this is 14 Unita uh pfqh0ef42JY-00036-00009518-00010037 and you need to go on booklab.com so how pfqh0ef42JY-00037-00010038-00010289 many people you're already eight people pfqh0ef42JY-00038-00010290-00010745 so please everyone go to wooclub.com and pfqh0ef42JY-00039-00010746-00011099 put the code 14 unit down I can see in pfqh0ef42JY-00040-00011100-00011303 my screen how many people are connected pfqh0ef42JY-00041-00011304-00011705 so nine grades okay let's wait a little pfqh0ef42JY-00042-00011706-00012323 bit this is a quick uh game if I can pfqh0ef42JY-00043-00012324-00012695 say it to ask if you already know the pfqh0ef42JY-00044-00012696-00013037 subject if you have already skip this pfqh0ef42JY-00045-00013038-00013216 approach project in your in your pfqh0ef42JY-00046-00013218-00013408 universities pfqh0ef42JY-00047-00013409-00013721 Etc okay so let's start with the first pfqh0ef42JY-00048-00013722-00013966 questions and my question is have you pfqh0ef42JY-00049-00013968-00014165 ever heard of the skill base approach pfqh0ef42JY-00050-00014166-00014513 yes no I'm not sure uh when I said I'm pfqh0ef42JY-00051-00014513-00014711 not sure is uh because you don't know pfqh0ef42JY-00052-00014712-00014963 this subject or the objective for us is pfqh0ef42JY-00053-00014963-00015269 to give you the good informations uh to pfqh0ef42JY-00054-00015269-00015736 see if you need more details Etc and uh pfqh0ef42JY-00055-00015737-00016013 I say it again but you can use the chat pfqh0ef42JY-00056-00016013-00016205 if you have any questions in all the pfqh0ef42JY-00057-00016206-00016393 presentations so pfqh0ef42JY-00058-00016394-00016997 65 67 of people already know what speed pfqh0ef42JY-00059-00016998-00017279 support is that's good yay we haven't pfqh0ef42JY-00060-00017280-00017555 all the answers I don't know why but pfqh0ef42JY-00061-00017556-00017794 okay because we need more time pfqh0ef42JY-00062-00017795-00018089 maybe something yeah pfqh0ef42JY-00063-00018090-00018244 so pfqh0ef42JY-00064-00018245-00018508 we have already five percent who don't pfqh0ef42JY-00065-00018509-00018821 know so that's a good point because I pfqh0ef42JY-00066-00018822-00019072 know how much it's a complex subject I pfqh0ef42JY-00067-00019073-00019205 see my screen because we have another pfqh0ef42JY-00068-00019206-00019450 screen uh right here this is because I pfqh0ef42JY-00069-00019451-00019769 just watch it but don't worry I'm with pfqh0ef42JY-00070-00019770-00020129 you good uh let's continue because we pfqh0ef42JY-00071-00020130-00020303 have two questions and a presentation pfqh0ef42JY-00072-00020304-00020603 after that so my second question is if I pfqh0ef42JY-00073-00020604-00020819 say skill based approach what keywords pfqh0ef42JY-00074-00020820-00021227 come to mind please problem solving says pfqh0ef42JY-00075-00021228-00021485 I don't know what is this yeah do you pfqh0ef42JY-00076-00021486-00021749 know what it is yeah I would assume it's pfqh0ef42JY-00077-00021750-00022321 maybe a situation to evaluate yeah yeah pfqh0ef42JY-00078-00022322-00022625 okay training on skill learning pfqh0ef42JY-00079-00022626-00022811 education pfqh0ef42JY-00080-00022812-00023189 abilities yeah capability to achieve a pfqh0ef42JY-00081-00023190-00023507 task okay skill assessment skill based pfqh0ef42JY-00082-00023508-00023849 approach training on a skill pfqh0ef42JY-00083-00023850-00024089 um skill yeah I think this is the pfqh0ef42JY-00084-00024090-00024343 keyword of the day pfqh0ef42JY-00085-00024344-00024635 yes but it is interesting because you pfqh0ef42JY-00086-00024636-00024880 have a lot of different words and pfqh0ef42JY-00087-00024881-00025186 expressions so you we can see how much pfqh0ef42JY-00088-00025187-00025464 is a large and complex subjects okay pfqh0ef42JY-00089-00025465-00025877 other one was generating it seems there pfqh0ef42JY-00090-00025877-00026122 are lots of words around uh situations pfqh0ef42JY-00091-00026123-00026362 solving problems and things like that pfqh0ef42JY-00092-00026363-00026746 and it's indeed something that is very pfqh0ef42JY-00093-00026747-00026945 much into the the scare based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00094-00026945-00027227 like we want to put students into pfqh0ef42JY-00095-00027227-00027535 situations and have practical pfqh0ef42JY-00096-00027536-00027887 situations to uh to um to use what they pfqh0ef42JY-00097-00027888-00028270 learned communities obviously no so one pfqh0ef42JY-00098-00028272-00028674 learning situation practical abilities pfqh0ef42JY-00099-00028675-00029014 SBA gender approach real life situations pfqh0ef42JY-00100-00029016-00029317 depth a lot about professionalization pfqh0ef42JY-00101-00029318-00029596 personalization to change of pedagogical pfqh0ef42JY-00102-00029597-00029957 Paradigm okay I think we are in the good pfqh0ef42JY-00103-00029958-00030311 uh subjects that's great so let's pfqh0ef42JY-00104-00030312-00030658 continue uh now we have the base of your pfqh0ef42JY-00105-00030660-00030929 point of view about these subjects Let's pfqh0ef42JY-00106-00030930-00031252 uh talk about basically what we are pfqh0ef42JY-00107-00031254-00031546 talking about uh in the European area pfqh0ef42JY-00108-00031547-00031924 and the French area too and in usmb pfqh0ef42JY-00109-00031925-00032207 so I share my screen another time with pfqh0ef42JY-00110-00032208-00032537 my presentation right here okay pfqh0ef42JY-00111-00032538-00032843 thank you for your participation uh and pfqh0ef42JY-00112-00032844-00033107 your answers it was really interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00113-00033108-00033389 so let's start with the historical and pfqh0ef42JY-00114-00033390-00033689 political contexts okay so to start with pfqh0ef42JY-00115-00033690-00033845 I'm going to give you a little bit of pfqh0ef42JY-00116-00033846-00034055 historical and political context about pfqh0ef42JY-00117-00034056-00034318 universities universities evolve pfqh0ef42JY-00118-00034319-00034577 permanently in relation with the pfqh0ef42JY-00119-00034578-00034745 historical and social context of the pfqh0ef42JY-00120-00034746-00034846 country pfqh0ef42JY-00121-00034847-00035081 and we're going to get back to the pfqh0ef42JY-00122-00035082-00035315 middle age and according to lizon and pfqh0ef42JY-00123-00035316-00035543 bakla since the middle age there has pfqh0ef42JY-00124-00035544-00035927 been only three evolution since the pfqh0ef42JY-00125-00035928-00036155 creation of the university in France pfqh0ef42JY-00126-00036156-00036395 and we are currently at the beginning of pfqh0ef42JY-00127-00036396-00036623 the fourth evolution pfqh0ef42JY-00128-00036624-00036874 so historically back to the middle age pfqh0ef42JY-00129-00036875-00037145 universities were a place of storage for pfqh0ef42JY-00130-00037146-00037415 knowledge thanks to a revolutionary tool pfqh0ef42JY-00131-00037416-00037715 the book but because books were pfqh0ef42JY-00132-00037716-00037955 expensive and few people could actually pfqh0ef42JY-00133-00037956-00038152 read them students from the highest pfqh0ef42JY-00134-00038153-00038429 social class would come to universities pfqh0ef42JY-00135-00038430-00039029 to access this knowledge by lectures pfqh0ef42JY-00136-00039030-00039340 later later on at the end of the 19th pfqh0ef42JY-00137-00039341-00039545 century after France lost their war pfqh0ef42JY-00138-00039546-00039815 against Prussia it had been decided that pfqh0ef42JY-00139-00039816-00040018 French universities should include a pfqh0ef42JY-00140-00040019-00040246 research Dimension to catch up with the pfqh0ef42JY-00141-00040247-00040529 German technology called Supremacy hence pfqh0ef42JY-00142-00040530-00040739 the status of teacher researcher that pfqh0ef42JY-00143-00040740-00041129 still applies nowadays pfqh0ef42JY-00144-00041130-00041393 then during the 20th century the pfqh0ef42JY-00145-00041394-00041729 university is reinforced their role as a pfqh0ef42JY-00146-00041730-00041951 support for society pfqh0ef42JY-00147-00041952-00042209 essentially preparing students pfqh0ef42JY-00148-00042210-00042473 or their professional lives pfqh0ef42JY-00149-00042474-00042712 please note that these different roles pfqh0ef42JY-00150-00042713-00042935 of the University don't replace the pfqh0ef42JY-00151-00042936-00043199 previous one roles are adding up as you pfqh0ef42JY-00152-00043200-00043379 can see on the screen pfqh0ef42JY-00153-00043380-00043637 it means that up till now universities pfqh0ef42JY-00154-00043638-00043955 have these three dimensions storage for pfqh0ef42JY-00155-00043956-00044237 knowledge research and support for pfqh0ef42JY-00156-00044238-00044465 society pfqh0ef42JY-00157-00044466-00044746 last and most recent stage universities pfqh0ef42JY-00158-00044747-00045058 are now helping individuals to develop pfqh0ef42JY-00159-00045059-00045467 freely depending on their personal pfqh0ef42JY-00160-00045468-00045712 projects with even more flexibility and pfqh0ef42JY-00161-00045713-00045971 accessibility and that during the whole pfqh0ef42JY-00162-00045972-00046090 life pfqh0ef42JY-00163-00046091-00046295 I'll hand over to Ella pfqh0ef42JY-00164-00046296-00046517 who's going to talk about the European pfqh0ef42JY-00165-00046518-00046727 aspects pfqh0ef42JY-00166-00046728-00047033 okay thank you pfqh0ef42JY-00167-00047034-00047185 so pfqh0ef42JY-00168-00047186-00047524 basically to start about the European pfqh0ef42JY-00169-00047525-00047771 Vision of skill based approach we need pfqh0ef42JY-00170-00047772-00048145 to start with one date one year on May pfqh0ef42JY-00171-00048146-00048418 1999 because the parliament of the pfqh0ef42JY-00172-00048419-00048665 French Community adopts the circle of pfqh0ef42JY-00173-00048666-00048911 competencies for primary and lower pfqh0ef42JY-00174-00048912-00049115 secondary educations pfqh0ef42JY-00175-00049116-00049408 uh one year later voted the terminate pfqh0ef42JY-00176-00049409-00049630 competencies to be reached at the end of pfqh0ef42JY-00177-00049631-00049849 the secondary education pfqh0ef42JY-00178-00049850-00050224 at the same year at European Parliament pfqh0ef42JY-00179-00050225-00050561 and the Council of ministers approved a pfqh0ef42JY-00180-00050562-00050902 reference from work to the key for the pfqh0ef42JY-00181-00050903-00051190 key competencies needed for learning pfqh0ef42JY-00182-00051191-00051496 through life necessary for lifelong pfqh0ef42JY-00183-00051497-00051790 learning lifelong Learners personal pfqh0ef42JY-00184-00051791-00052096 developments active citizenship active pfqh0ef42JY-00185-00052097-00052480 and social question and employability pfqh0ef42JY-00186-00052482-00052738 these Arabian programs follow similar pfqh0ef42JY-00187-00052739-00053032 initiative at the similar initiative of pfqh0ef42JY-00188-00053033-00053363 the level of oecd and of the World Bank pfqh0ef42JY-00189-00053364-00053644 which also propose a list of basic pfqh0ef42JY-00190-00053645-00053944 skills for entering to the enter of the pfqh0ef42JY-00191-00053945-00054149 knowledge economy pfqh0ef42JY-00192-00054150-00054449 but to understand the foundations of the pfqh0ef42JY-00193-00054450-00054580 wrapping approach to the pfqh0ef42JY-00194-00054582-00054844 competency-based approach one must first pfqh0ef42JY-00195-00054845-00055187 go back to 1999 when the bolognaire pfqh0ef42JY-00196-00055188-00055499 process was launched pfqh0ef42JY-00197-00055500-00055763 so what we are talking about when we pfqh0ef42JY-00198-00055764-00056057 said the bolognaire process basically pfqh0ef42JY-00199-00056058-00056219 the bolognaire process seeks to bring pfqh0ef42JY-00200-00056220-00056453 more currents to Agile education system pfqh0ef42JY-00201-00056454-00056788 across Europe in establishment erupting pfqh0ef42JY-00202-00056789-00057004 either education Harrier to facilitate pfqh0ef42JY-00203-00057005-00057250 students and staff Mobility to make pfqh0ef42JY-00204-00057251-00057454 other education more inclusive and pfqh0ef42JY-00205-00057455-00057707 accessible and to make ideal education pfqh0ef42JY-00206-00057708-00057923 in Europe more attractive and pfqh0ef42JY-00207-00057924-00058150 competitive worldwide pfqh0ef42JY-00208-00058151-00058397 as part of the European Idol education pfqh0ef42JY-00209-00058398-00058625 Harrier or participating countries pfqh0ef42JY-00210-00058626-00058794 agreed to pfqh0ef42JY-00211-00058795-00059075 introduce a three-cycle either education pfqh0ef42JY-00212-00059076-00059399 system so beige laws Masters and pfqh0ef42JY-00213-00059400-00059549 doctorates studies pfqh0ef42JY-00214-00059550-00059788 ensure the military recognitions of pfqh0ef42JY-00215-00059789-00060029 qualifications and learning periods pfqh0ef42JY-00216-00060029-00060292 abroad completed at all those pfqh0ef42JY-00217-00060294-00060442 universities pfqh0ef42JY-00218-00060444-00060719 and finally Implement a system of pfqh0ef42JY-00219-00060720-00060929 quality assurance to strengage the pfqh0ef42JY-00220-00060929-00061180 quality of events of learning and pfqh0ef42JY-00221-00061182-00061300 teaching pfqh0ef42JY-00222-00061301-00061637 so in the map in the screen you have all pfqh0ef42JY-00223-00061638-00061841 the different the different historic pfqh0ef42JY-00224-00061841-00061991 countries who are in the building pfqh0ef42JY-00225-00061991-00062171 process pfqh0ef42JY-00226-00062172-00062453 and who are engaged in discussion pfqh0ef42JY-00227-00062454-00062638 regarding either education policy pfqh0ef42JY-00228-00062639-00062873 reforms and strive to overcome obstacles pfqh0ef42JY-00229-00062874-00063137 to create an European either education pfqh0ef42JY-00230-00063138-00063280 area pfqh0ef42JY-00231-00063282-00063550 the bolognaire reform is key to building pfqh0ef42JY-00232-00063551-00063742 to necessary trustful successful pfqh0ef42JY-00233-00063744-00063976 learning Mobility cross-border academic pfqh0ef42JY-00234-00063977-00064241 cooperations and the mutual recognition pfqh0ef42JY-00235-00064241-00064469 of study periods and quality and pfqh0ef42JY-00236-00064470-00064816 qualifications in it abroad so this is pfqh0ef42JY-00237-00064817-00065135 keyword we have already integrated in pfqh0ef42JY-00238-00065136-00065338 the unit Alliance pfqh0ef42JY-00239-00065339-00065555 hinting the quality and relevance of pfqh0ef42JY-00240-00065556-00065771 learning and teaching is also a core pfqh0ef42JY-00241-00065772-00065999 missions of the building process because pfqh0ef42JY-00242-00066000-00066215 it is an implementation of this reform pfqh0ef42JY-00243-00066216-00066676 is however across to 49 participating pfqh0ef42JY-00244-00066677-00066917 countries pfqh0ef42JY-00245-00066918-00067276 so basically this 49 countries agreed to pfqh0ef42JY-00246-00067277-00067469 adopt reform pfqh0ef42JY-00247-00067470-00067726 uh or in eight other education on the pfqh0ef42JY-00248-00067727-00067967 basic of common key values these key pfqh0ef42JY-00249-00067968-00068387 values are such a freedom of expression pfqh0ef42JY-00250-00068388-00068681 autonomy for institution independent pfqh0ef42JY-00251-00068682-00069011 students union academic freedom free pfqh0ef42JY-00252-00069012-00069238 movement of students and staff pfqh0ef42JY-00253-00069239-00069467 for these process countries institution pfqh0ef42JY-00254-00069468-00069653 and stakeholders of the European area pfqh0ef42JY-00255-00069654-00069893 continuously adapts the other education pfqh0ef42JY-00256-00069894-00070291 system making them more compatible and pfqh0ef42JY-00257-00070292-00070529 string strengthening the quality pfqh0ef42JY-00258-00070530-00071050 assurance weekends pfqh0ef42JY-00259-00071051-00071429 to continue I want to talk a little bit pfqh0ef42JY-00260-00071430-00071765 about uh the presence and the future of pfqh0ef42JY-00261-00071766-00072094 the European skill agenda because uh pfqh0ef42JY-00262-00072095-00072305 this is the point the European pfqh0ef42JY-00263-00072306-00072532 commission continued day after day to pfqh0ef42JY-00264-00072533-00072797 work about this skill pfqh0ef42JY-00265-00072798-00073144 um subjects and begins especially the pfqh0ef42JY-00266-00073145-00073306 skill based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00267-00073307-00073625 this brings us to uh the presence and pfqh0ef42JY-00268-00073626-00073853 the future challenge in Europe link to pfqh0ef42JY-00269-00073854-00074075 the competencing based approach the pfqh0ef42JY-00270-00074076-00074309 rapid shift toward of climate Interiors pfqh0ef42JY-00271-00074310-00074573 digital transformation is changing the pfqh0ef42JY-00272-00074574-00074855 way we walk we learn we take back in pfqh0ef42JY-00273-00074856-00075125 society and learn how everyday life pfqh0ef42JY-00274-00075126-00075467 he woken only grasp his opportunities to pfqh0ef42JY-00275-00075468-00075809 for people to develop the right skills pfqh0ef42JY-00276-00075810-00076091 for sure the coffee 90s pandemic has pfqh0ef42JY-00277-00076092-00076325 also a profit impact of millions of pfqh0ef42JY-00278-00076326-00076547 people in the European Union who have pfqh0ef42JY-00279-00076548-00076750 lost them job or experienced pfqh0ef42JY-00280-00076751-00077026 significance income lose many will need pfqh0ef42JY-00281-00077027-00077297 to Acure new skills and move to new job pfqh0ef42JY-00282-00077298-00077591 and this is why skill based approach is pfqh0ef42JY-00283-00077592-00077837 extremely important actually in the pfqh0ef42JY-00284-00077838-00078076 European Alliance to make the difference pfqh0ef42JY-00285-00078077-00078376 and create a balance between the pfqh0ef42JY-00286-00078377-00078556 University's programs and the pfqh0ef42JY-00287-00078557-00078779 professionals needs pfqh0ef42JY-00288-00078780-00079073 the new Urban skills agenda builds upon pfqh0ef42JY-00289-00079074-00079337 to 10 action on the commission 2016 pfqh0ef42JY-00290-00079338-00079571 skill agenda pfqh0ef42JY-00291-00079572-00079931 so they are integrated in four different pfqh0ef42JY-00292-00079932-00080261 uh Parts the European digital strategy pfqh0ef42JY-00293-00080262-00080519 the industrial and small medium entropy pfqh0ef42JY-00294-00080520-00080806 strategy the recovery plan of Europe and pfqh0ef42JY-00295-00080807-00080956 the increased support of Youth pfqh0ef42JY-00296-00080957-00081256 Employment if you want all the details pfqh0ef42JY-00297-00081257-00081532 of these different parts you have in the pfqh0ef42JY-00298-00081533-00081971 screen uh the different uh page articles pfqh0ef42JY-00299-00081972-00082637 and official websites pfqh0ef42JY-00300-00082638-00082906 um the robin skills agenda includes 11 pfqh0ef42JY-00301-00082907-00083123 actions organized around four body pfqh0ef42JY-00302-00083124-00083411 blocks the first one is called to join pfqh0ef42JY-00303-00083412-00083681 forces in Collective actions the second pfqh0ef42JY-00304-00083682-00083944 one is action to ensure that people have pfqh0ef42JY-00305-00083945-00084215 the right skills for a job the third one pfqh0ef42JY-00306-00084216-00084455 is tools and incentive to support people pfqh0ef42JY-00307-00084456-00084779 in their lifelong learning Pathways and pfqh0ef42JY-00308-00084780-00085031 last but not least from Rock to unlock pfqh0ef42JY-00309-00085032-00085271 investment in skills pfqh0ef42JY-00310-00085272-00085511 this massive investment in skill is pfqh0ef42JY-00311-00085512-00085787 needed and it is an additions of from pfqh0ef42JY-00312-00085788-00085997 money from companies and government to pfqh0ef42JY-00313-00085998-00086159 the UE pfqh0ef42JY-00314-00086160-00086411 the recovery plan for Europe purposed by pfqh0ef42JY-00315-00086412-00086644 the Commission in May 2020 will also pfqh0ef42JY-00316-00086645-00086959 focus on skills related activities pfqh0ef42JY-00317-00086960-00087250 this is incorporation with the European pfqh0ef42JY-00318-00087251-00087449 infants bank group the commission will pfqh0ef42JY-00319-00087450-00087635 explore Innovative Financial mechanism pfqh0ef42JY-00320-00087636-00088000 to promote skill Investments pfqh0ef42JY-00321-00088001-00088282 now we have all the historical and pfqh0ef42JY-00322-00088283-00088618 actual base uh to the European Vision of pfqh0ef42JY-00323-00088619-00088961 skills approach I want to talk a little pfqh0ef42JY-00324-00088962-00089411 bit about two other vision of uh two pfqh0ef42JY-00325-00089412-00089687 partners and other country other pfqh0ef42JY-00326-00089688-00089855 European countries pfqh0ef42JY-00327-00089856-00090155 so first of all the state of the art of pfqh0ef42JY-00328-00090156-00090550 one of our two partners present today to pfqh0ef42JY-00329-00090551-00090694 Portugal pfqh0ef42JY-00330-00090695-00090803 okay pfqh0ef42JY-00331-00090804-00091138 so uh to offer you to us two other pfqh0ef42JY-00332-00091139-00091294 specific European point of view of the pfqh0ef42JY-00333-00091295-00091511 composition-based approach I wanted to pfqh0ef42JY-00334-00091512-00091685 look of two countries borderic friends pfqh0ef42JY-00335-00091686-00091967 in Delhi and Portugal as you will see in pfqh0ef42JY-00336-00091968-00092261 both cases internationalization and pfqh0ef42JY-00337-00092262-00092482 professionalizations are actually the pfqh0ef42JY-00338-00092483-00092662 base of the European skills based pfqh0ef42JY-00339-00092663-00092788 approach pfqh0ef42JY-00340-00092789-00092999 let's talk a little bit about the pfqh0ef42JY-00341-00093000-00093262 Portugal situation Portuguese approach pfqh0ef42JY-00342-00093263-00093418 the definition and regulation of pfqh0ef42JY-00343-00093419-00093599 qualification contribute to quality pfqh0ef42JY-00344-00093600-00093875 assurance and transparency we saw it pfqh0ef42JY-00345-00093876-00094109 valued for employers training providers pfqh0ef42JY-00346-00094110-00094247 and students pfqh0ef42JY-00347-00094248-00094529 while this has a positive impact on the pfqh0ef42JY-00348-00094530-00094750 development of vocational education and pfqh0ef42JY-00349-00094751-00094967 training additional steps are still pfqh0ef42JY-00350-00094968-00095243 needed to stretch the vet system pfqh0ef42JY-00351-00095244-00095494 Portugal should further develop VT pfqh0ef42JY-00352-00095495-00095729 monitoring mechanism to evaluate pfqh0ef42JY-00353-00095730-00096059 evaluate sorry existing programs pfqh0ef42JY-00354-00096060-00096394 so basically we are talking about an pfqh0ef42JY-00355-00096395-00096718 evaluation a novel evaluation system pfqh0ef42JY-00356-00096719-00097085 sorry to observe what's the need of the pfqh0ef42JY-00357-00097086-00097432 professional uh Harrier and how the pfqh0ef42JY-00358-00097433-00097756 universities and Educational Systems can pfqh0ef42JY-00359-00097757-00097925 make the difference to being currents pfqh0ef42JY-00360-00097926-00098218 with these professionals needs pfqh0ef42JY-00361-00098219-00098459 uh tracking the achievement of graduates pfqh0ef42JY-00362-00098460-00098729 and employment rates after graduation is pfqh0ef42JY-00363-00098730-00098938 an example of potential evaluation pfqh0ef42JY-00364-00098939-00099071 activity pfqh0ef42JY-00365-00099072-00099281 so employer engagement in skills pfqh0ef42JY-00366-00099282-00099491 development is the key to aligning pfqh0ef42JY-00367-00099492-00099682 Education and Training System with pfqh0ef42JY-00368-00099683-00100162 liable markets needs pfqh0ef42JY-00369-00100163-00100541 so if you are from Portugal please feel pfqh0ef42JY-00370-00100542-00100715 free to share your experience and point pfqh0ef42JY-00371-00100716-00101003 of view in the chats and we can continue pfqh0ef42JY-00372-00101004-00101393 the discussion uh after the presentation pfqh0ef42JY-00373-00101394-00101668 uh just a little bit I want to talk pfqh0ef42JY-00374-00101669-00102035 about the VT system so as you can see uh pfqh0ef42JY-00375-00102036-00102436 in this little draw uh this the VT pfqh0ef42JY-00376-00102438-00102904 system uh is the possibility to adapt uh pfqh0ef42JY-00377-00102905-00103151 the skills and to be in currents between pfqh0ef42JY-00378-00103152-00103342 the developing the achieving and the pfqh0ef42JY-00379-00103343-00103973 using of the skates pfqh0ef42JY-00380-00103974-00104428 uh just a little uh aspect about the pfqh0ef42JY-00381-00104429-00104716 consequences of the Europeans found in pfqh0ef42JY-00382-00104717-00105034 Portugal especially about these subjects pfqh0ef42JY-00383-00105035-00105401 of skills because this strategy aim for pfqh0ef42JY-00384-00105402-00105815 a 75 persons employment rate for adults pfqh0ef42JY-00385-00105816-00106175 between 20 years old and 64 years old pfqh0ef42JY-00386-00106176-00106439 across all the European commissioned pfqh0ef42JY-00387-00106440-00106816 countries pfqh0ef42JY-00388-00106817-00107219 now I want to uh talk a little bit about pfqh0ef42JY-00389-00107220-00107531 a second example a second country pfqh0ef42JY-00390-00107532-00108166 so uh Partners from Italy what's uh what pfqh0ef42JY-00391-00108167-00108460 is the situations in Italy about the pfqh0ef42JY-00392-00108461-00108754 skills and the skill based approach many pfqh0ef42JY-00393-00108755-00108934 Strack holders just mentioned that pfqh0ef42JY-00394-00108935-00109145 Italian films have a lower perspective pfqh0ef42JY-00395-00109146-00109421 to higher ed universities graduates than pfqh0ef42JY-00396-00109422-00109757 other or ecd countries many photo claims pfqh0ef42JY-00397-00109758-00109997 that the country is straight into low pfqh0ef42JY-00398-00109998-00110357 skills equilibrium this is a situation pfqh0ef42JY-00399-00110358-00110645 in which weak supply of skills in match pfqh0ef42JY-00400-00110646-00110878 by week demand for skills by employers pfqh0ef42JY-00401-00110879-00111227 who concentrate on low value ID projects pfqh0ef42JY-00402-00111228-00111539 and low productivity level and offer low pfqh0ef42JY-00403-00111540-00111773 quality jobs to workers pfqh0ef42JY-00404-00111774-00112043 so this low-sky's equilibrium may also pfqh0ef42JY-00405-00112044-00112266 have negative implications for society pfqh0ef42JY-00406-00112267-00112475 undermining the quality of institution pfqh0ef42JY-00407-00112476-00112702 and other aspects for people's life pfqh0ef42JY-00408-00112703-00112997 search their earning and health pfqh0ef42JY-00409-00112998-00113254 so it's extremely interesting because uh pfqh0ef42JY-00410-00113255-00113436 this um pfqh0ef42JY-00411-00113438-00113857 reports uh and this situation is from pfqh0ef42JY-00412-00113858-00114173 2016. so of course as for Portugal If pfqh0ef42JY-00413-00114174-00114419 you're from Italy and you have a more pfqh0ef42JY-00414-00114420-00114754 specific vision of your reality in pfqh0ef42JY-00415-00114755-00115049 institution please you can share it in pfqh0ef42JY-00416-00115050-00115186 the chat that can be really interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00417-00115188-00115504 for us and this is especially uh the pfqh0ef42JY-00418-00115505-00115697 point with this Workshop to get in the pfqh0ef42JY-00419-00115698-00115847 description and follow up our pfqh0ef42JY-00420-00115848-00115978 experiences pfqh0ef42JY-00421-00115979-00116302 so to be back about Italy studio options pfqh0ef42JY-00422-00116303-00116507 are limited and not always well aliens pfqh0ef42JY-00423-00116508-00116716 with the needs of the library markets pfqh0ef42JY-00424-00116717-00116890 and this is extremely interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00425-00116891-00116993 because pfqh0ef42JY-00426-00116994-00117166 um when I started these presentations pfqh0ef42JY-00427-00117167-00117521 about our partners I have tell to you pfqh0ef42JY-00428-00117522-00117757 two keywords who was pfqh0ef42JY-00429-00117758-00117923 internationalizations and pfqh0ef42JY-00430-00117924-00118223 professionalism professionalizations why pfqh0ef42JY-00431-00118224-00118504 because of course now we are in a global pfqh0ef42JY-00432-00118505-00118834 system uh world's rights so the students pfqh0ef42JY-00433-00118835-00119219 need to have a international skills to pfqh0ef42JY-00434-00119220-00119578 be integrated in this system but as they pfqh0ef42JY-00435-00119579-00119927 need to to have the good skills and the pfqh0ef42JY-00436-00119928-00120323 current skills if I can say to be a part pfqh0ef42JY-00437-00120324-00120557 of the label markets after this and this pfqh0ef42JY-00438-00120558-00120749 is especially the point in the Italy pfqh0ef42JY-00439-00120750-00120989 system pfqh0ef42JY-00440-00120990-00121384 so as you can see uh in this little pfqh0ef42JY-00441-00121385-00121715 presentation you have the demand Supply pfqh0ef42JY-00442-00121716-00122069 and this is exactly the balance we need pfqh0ef42JY-00443-00122070-00122393 to have when we propose skills and we pfqh0ef42JY-00444-00122394-00122669 when we propose a different educational pfqh0ef42JY-00445-00122670-00122975 programs in Bachelor degrees or Master pfqh0ef42JY-00446-00122976-00123431 degrees to be in Korean with the needed pfqh0ef42JY-00447-00123432-00123677 and the interests for sure of the pfqh0ef42JY-00448-00123678-00123869 students pfqh0ef42JY-00449-00123870-00124151 uh to summarize and before ending over pfqh0ef42JY-00450-00124152-00124331 to yanique we will explain the pfqh0ef42JY-00451-00124332-00124523 deployment of the competency-based pfqh0ef42JY-00452-00124524-00124883 approach in the usmb especially two main pfqh0ef42JY-00453-00124883-00125183 objectives uh are of the herds of the pfqh0ef42JY-00454-00125183-00125458 Department of competencies and skills pfqh0ef42JY-00455-00125459-00125771 both in Portugal and in Italy the first pfqh0ef42JY-00456-00125772-00126125 one of course is employability or how to pfqh0ef42JY-00457-00126126-00126340 give students and professionals the pfqh0ef42JY-00458-00126341-00126599 right skills to enter the job markets pfqh0ef42JY-00459-00126600-00126952 and the second one is to the the student pfqh0ef42JY-00460-00126953-00127247 study path or how to Foster development pfqh0ef42JY-00461-00127248-00127534 of students full potential and this is pfqh0ef42JY-00462-00127535-00127678 extremely interesting because in the pfqh0ef42JY-00463-00127679-00127954 united Alliance we all work every day pfqh0ef42JY-00464-00127955-00128357 for that and to uh reflect about what pfqh0ef42JY-00465-00128358-00128669 all the different options to propose uh pfqh0ef42JY-00466-00128670-00128902 personalized uh study path to the pfqh0ef42JY-00467-00128903-00129258 students in coherence between them pfqh0ef42JY-00468-00129259-00129628 entrance them passions between them pfqh0ef42JY-00469-00129629-00130007 courses and with incurrence with the job pfqh0ef42JY-00470-00130008-00130289 markets so this is a large and complex pfqh0ef42JY-00471-00130290-00130649 objective but this is uh basically the pfqh0ef42JY-00472-00130650-00131345 interest of the skill based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00473-00131346-00131693 uh yes I have just uh this a little pfqh0ef42JY-00474-00131694-00131854 Shimmer because I think this is really pfqh0ef42JY-00475-00131855-00132161 interesting uh to to see the difference pfqh0ef42JY-00476-00132162-00132611 uh about the price of uh the courses and pfqh0ef42JY-00477-00132612-00132911 the university uh in Italy pfqh0ef42JY-00478-00132912-00133114 because parents don't get makes the pfqh0ef42JY-00479-00133115-00133313 difference too pfqh0ef42JY-00480-00133314-00133685 so Yannick this is the flow is your pfqh0ef42JY-00481-00133686-00133961 okay thank you pfqh0ef42JY-00482-00133962-00134231 um so now I'm going to give you uh an pfqh0ef42JY-00483-00134232-00134519 overview of how the skill based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00484-00134520-00134716 is being deployed at the University of pfqh0ef42JY-00485-00134717-00134854 savomon Blanc pfqh0ef42JY-00486-00134855-00135083 there are four objectives for the pfqh0ef42JY-00487-00135084-00135269 project I'm working on as a learning pfqh0ef42JY-00488-00135270-00135485 specialist first we promote pfqh0ef42JY-00489-00135486-00135749 collaboration among teaching teams pfqh0ef42JY-00490-00135750-00135977 we've been observing for a long time pfqh0ef42JY-00491-00135978-00136235 that courses are generally partitioned pfqh0ef42JY-00492-00136236-00136559 and teachers of the same Bachelor don't pfqh0ef42JY-00493-00136560-00136751 necessarily work together or even know pfqh0ef42JY-00494-00136752-00136961 what other teachers are doing pfqh0ef42JY-00495-00136962-00137245 and we want to change that and encourage pfqh0ef42JY-00496-00137246-00137452 interdisciplinarity because we believe pfqh0ef42JY-00497-00137453-00137771 that more collaboration means a more pfqh0ef42JY-00498-00137772-00137975 coherent course and a more efficient pfqh0ef42JY-00499-00137976-00138190 learning for students pfqh0ef42JY-00500-00138191-00138785 which leads us to the second objective pfqh0ef42JY-00501-00138786-00139054 giving more meaning to the courses the pfqh0ef42JY-00502-00139055-00139283 main idea here is to make the learning pfqh0ef42JY-00503-00139284-00139552 offer clearer in terms of what student pfqh0ef42JY-00504-00139553-00139757 can actually learn and the practical pfqh0ef42JY-00505-00139758-00139973 skills they acquire alongside the pfqh0ef42JY-00506-00139974-00140177 theoretical knowledge pfqh0ef42JY-00507-00140178-00140447 on the field this also means using pfqh0ef42JY-00508-00140448-00140704 various teaching and learning modes such pfqh0ef42JY-00509-00140705-00140993 as the flipped classroom or the reverse pfqh0ef42JY-00510-00140994-00141114 classroom pfqh0ef42JY-00511-00141115-00141349 e-learning modules as well pfqh0ef42JY-00512-00141350-00141778 and also continuous evaluation there are pfqh0ef42JY-00513-00141779-00141989 more learning oriented than result pfqh0ef42JY-00514-00141990-00142204 oriented pfqh0ef42JY-00515-00142205-00142475 third objective allowing students to pfqh0ef42JY-00516-00142476-00142685 promote their skills and the Productions pfqh0ef42JY-00517-00142686-00142997 that led them to learn these skills this pfqh0ef42JY-00518-00142998-00143302 means helping students to build their pfqh0ef42JY-00519-00143303-00143519 personal projects by offering more pfqh0ef42JY-00520-00143520-00143777 flexibility with the courses that that pfqh0ef42JY-00521-00143778-00143969 they can attend pfqh0ef42JY-00522-00143970-00144161 and as you know that's also the purpose pfqh0ef42JY-00523-00144162-00144313 of Unita pfqh0ef42JY-00524-00144314-00144743 technically we support this with a tool pfqh0ef42JY-00525-00144744-00145037 that we call portfolio which is an pfqh0ef42JY-00526-00145038-00145289 online platform for students to collect pfqh0ef42JY-00527-00145290-00145487 and display their work pfqh0ef42JY-00528-00145488-00145828 get feedbacks and from teachers and pfqh0ef42JY-00529-00145829-00146159 peers and articulate their skills this pfqh0ef42JY-00530-00146160-00146339 portfolio could then be shown to pfqh0ef42JY-00531-00146340-00146909 recruiters for a better employability pfqh0ef42JY-00532-00146910-00147089 last objective pfqh0ef42JY-00533-00147090-00147352 International and European orientations pfqh0ef42JY-00534-00147353-00147593 in terms of in terms of in terms of pfqh0ef42JY-00535-00147594-00147839 training quality the largest covered pfqh0ef42JY-00536-00147840-00148127 this aspects this deep transformation pfqh0ef42JY-00537-00148128-00148414 isn't just at the scale of the pfqh0ef42JY-00538-00148415-00148573 University of pfqh0ef42JY-00539-00148574-00148889 or even at the national level France for pfqh0ef42JY-00540-00148890-00149164 instance it is embedded in a wider and pfqh0ef42JY-00541-00149165-00149440 international perspective pfqh0ef42JY-00542-00149441-00149593 so now pfqh0ef42JY-00543-00149594-00150071 how do we work towards these objectives pfqh0ef42JY-00544-00150072-00150328 for now we are deploying the Scale based pfqh0ef42JY-00545-00150329-00150652 approach batch laws levels only there's pfqh0ef42JY-00546-00150653-00150827 a project coming to extend it to the pfqh0ef42JY-00547-00150828-00151043 Masters as well but for now it's only pfqh0ef42JY-00548-00151044-00151249 for bachelor's courses pfqh0ef42JY-00549-00151250-00151547 my fellow learning Specialists and I are pfqh0ef42JY-00550-00151548-00151895 meeting teachers for each bachelor's pfqh0ef42JY-00551-00151896-00152039 courses pfqh0ef42JY-00552-00152040-00152419 um pfqh0ef42JY-00553-00152420-00152752 yeah we're meeting teachers for each pfqh0ef42JY-00554-00152753-00153047 bachelor's course and we help them work pfqh0ef42JY-00555-00153048-00153233 together to implement the skill based pfqh0ef42JY-00556-00153234-00153604 approach being aware of the special the pfqh0ef42JY-00557-00153605-00153802 the specificities and the Dynamics of pfqh0ef42JY-00558-00153803-00153995 each team pfqh0ef42JY-00559-00153996-00154199 um and for a bit better organization pfqh0ef42JY-00560-00154200-00154552 each team has what we call a pilot who pfqh0ef42JY-00561-00154553-00154781 is a teacher in charge of linking our pfqh0ef42JY-00562-00154782-00155026 team of learning Specialists and the pfqh0ef42JY-00563-00155027-00155219 teachers team so that the link between pfqh0ef42JY-00564-00155220-00155602 the two teams pfqh0ef42JY-00565-00155603-00155885 the first thing we asked them to work on pfqh0ef42JY-00566-00155886-00156197 is what we call a skills Baseline pfqh0ef42JY-00567-00156198-00156466 it's a spreadsheet in which uh teachers pfqh0ef42JY-00568-00156467-00156676 are listing the skills and the sub pfqh0ef42JY-00569-00156677-00156863 skills of The Bachelor pfqh0ef42JY-00570-00156864-00157240 and Link them with their courses pfqh0ef42JY-00571-00157241-00157576 so uh here is an example of skills based pfqh0ef42JY-00572-00157577-00157775 on document it's in French but don't pfqh0ef42JY-00573-00157776-00157990 worry if you don't speak French it's pfqh0ef42JY-00574-00157991-00158249 just to show you what it looks like so pfqh0ef42JY-00575-00158250-00158501 on the top left corner you have the pfqh0ef42JY-00576-00158502-00158711 skills written in in blue pfqh0ef42JY-00577-00158712-00158945 uh we usually recommend to identify pfqh0ef42JY-00578-00158946-00159221 between three and six skills per pfqh0ef42JY-00579-00159222-00159443 bachelor's course so as you can imagine pfqh0ef42JY-00580-00159444-00159731 the formulation has to be pretty Broad pfqh0ef42JY-00581-00159732-00160073 to give you an example if you were to uh pfqh0ef42JY-00582-00160074-00160469 to create a training in a skill based pfqh0ef42JY-00583-00160470-00160793 approach for Pilots which is most pfqh0ef42JY-00584-00160794-00161039 probably the case already pfqh0ef42JY-00585-00161040-00161225 um the formulation of the scale could pfqh0ef42JY-00586-00161226-00161440 could be something like pfqh0ef42JY-00587-00161441-00161704 um flying from an airport a to an pfqh0ef42JY-00588-00161705-00161831 airport B pfqh0ef42JY-00589-00161832-00162113 uh safely if possible that's quite pfqh0ef42JY-00590-00162114-00162359 important so pfqh0ef42JY-00591-00162360-00162623 um taking off flying and Landing pfqh0ef42JY-00592-00162624-00162887 couldn't be considered as skills we pfqh0ef42JY-00593-00162888-00163259 would consider them as sub skills so pfqh0ef42JY-00594-00163260-00163481 this is just to give you an idea of how pfqh0ef42JY-00595-00163482-00163811 we consider the the scale and what pfqh0ef42JY-00596-00163812-00164164 um size if I may say we expect from pfqh0ef42JY-00597-00164165-00164413 teachers to come up with pfqh0ef42JY-00598-00164414-00164831 so uh then pfqh0ef42JY-00599-00164832-00164993 then pfqh0ef42JY-00600-00164994-00165287 um you have uh we where's the the team pfqh0ef42JY-00601-00165288-00165551 to identify what I would simply call sub pfqh0ef42JY-00602-00165552-00165761 skills in our Dragon we call them pfqh0ef42JY-00603-00165762-00166066 learning outcomes and they are listed in pfqh0ef42JY-00604-00166067-00166319 the middle of the slide pfqh0ef42JY-00605-00166320-00166601 these subscales detail more precisely pfqh0ef42JY-00606-00166602-00166895 what students need to uh to learn to pfqh0ef42JY-00607-00166896-00167081 acquire the skill pfqh0ef42JY-00608-00167082-00167278 as you can see they're organized in pfqh0ef42JY-00609-00167279-00167543 three difficulty levels each level pfqh0ef42JY-00610-00167544-00167716 matching the three years of the pfqh0ef42JY-00611-00167717-00167885 bachelor's course pfqh0ef42JY-00612-00167886-00167981 okay pfqh0ef42JY-00613-00167982-00168214 and finally on the right side of the pfqh0ef42JY-00614-00168215-00168473 page this is where the teacher the pfqh0ef42JY-00615-00168474-00168671 teachers match the different courses pfqh0ef42JY-00616-00168672-00168928 with the different sub skills pfqh0ef42JY-00617-00168929-00169193 practically they just tick the boxes pfqh0ef42JY-00618-00169194-00169439 depending on which subscale the course pfqh0ef42JY-00619-00169440-00169625 contribute to pfqh0ef42JY-00620-00169626-00169954 this skills Baseline is really the map pfqh0ef42JY-00621-00169955-00170147 of the bachelor's course it helps pfqh0ef42JY-00622-00170148-00170423 teachers and students to have a clear pfqh0ef42JY-00623-00170424-00170681 view of the course and what has to be pfqh0ef42JY-00624-00170682-00171035 taught and looked pfqh0ef42JY-00625-00171036-00171293 so then we ask the teams to design a pfqh0ef42JY-00626-00171294-00171587 certification process the idea here is pfqh0ef42JY-00627-00171588-00171851 to create learning situations in which pfqh0ef42JY-00628-00171852-00172037 students will have the opportunity to pfqh0ef42JY-00629-00172038-00172283 apply and combine what they learn from pfqh0ef42JY-00630-00172284-00172493 different courses pfqh0ef42JY-00631-00172494-00172781 obviously this implies that teachers pfqh0ef42JY-00632-00172782-00173009 collaborate with each other pfqh0ef42JY-00633-00173010-00173273 to craft this interdisciplinary pfqh0ef42JY-00634-00173274-00173614 situations we really encourage them to pfqh0ef42JY-00635-00173615-00174052 create situations that are using various pfqh0ef42JY-00636-00174053-00174287 knowledge pfqh0ef42JY-00637-00174288-00174604 these situations are not only used for pfqh0ef42JY-00638-00174605-00174845 students to practice and learn but also pfqh0ef42JY-00639-00174846-00175078 to for evaluation pfqh0ef42JY-00640-00175079-00175385 that's why we call them learning and pfqh0ef42JY-00641-00175386-00175781 certification situations pfqh0ef42JY-00642-00175782-00176021 um so here are some examples of such pfqh0ef42JY-00643-00176022-00176249 situations pfqh0ef42JY-00644-00176250-00176476 as you can see there is nothing truly pfqh0ef42JY-00645-00176477-00176693 new these situations are already being pfqh0ef42JY-00646-00176694-00176945 used and we uh when we work with the pfqh0ef42JY-00647-00176946-00177161 teams we encourage them to use what pfqh0ef42JY-00648-00177162-00177407 already exists pfqh0ef42JY-00649-00177408-00177604 um it has double benefits to make the pfqh0ef42JY-00650-00177605-00177916 teachers field field they don't need to pfqh0ef42JY-00651-00177917-00178054 start from scratch pfqh0ef42JY-00652-00178055-00178288 and also to pronoun to promote what pfqh0ef42JY-00653-00178289-00178481 already exists because sometimes they pfqh0ef42JY-00654-00178482-00178721 already have something that really fits pfqh0ef42JY-00655-00178722-00178990 into the the framework of the competency pfqh0ef42JY-00656-00178991-00179328 based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00657-00179329-00179657 uh last as I mentioned earlier pfqh0ef42JY-00658-00179658-00179921 the skill based approach is a beneficial pfqh0ef42JY-00659-00179922-00180221 ground for active learning methods pfqh0ef42JY-00660-00180222-00180643 here are some some examples of methods pfqh0ef42JY-00661-00180644-00180916 that we pfqh0ef42JY-00662-00180917-00181247 are promoting thank you again nothing pfqh0ef42JY-00663-00181248-00181528 new here many teachers already use such pfqh0ef42JY-00664-00181529-00181738 methods and we want to systemize them pfqh0ef42JY-00665-00181739-00182297 within the bachelor's courses pfqh0ef42JY-00666-00182298-00182590 please thanks so now what are the pfqh0ef42JY-00667-00182591-00182819 benefits for students and teachers so pfqh0ef42JY-00668-00182820-00183071 let's start with the students pfqh0ef42JY-00669-00183072-00183376 so students it means more practice in pfqh0ef42JY-00670-00183377-00183599 complex situations we give them more pfqh0ef42JY-00671-00183600-00183821 opportunities to practice and combine pfqh0ef42JY-00672-00183822-00184049 what they learned by working on projects pfqh0ef42JY-00673-00184050-00184349 that are close to what their needs on pfqh0ef42JY-00674-00184350-00184654 the field pfqh0ef42JY-00675-00184655-00184931 as a consequence learning is more active pfqh0ef42JY-00676-00184932-00185171 and more meaningful which usually brings pfqh0ef42JY-00677-00185172-00185393 more motivation there are many studies pfqh0ef42JY-00678-00185394-00185687 covering these aspects pfqh0ef42JY-00679-00185688-00185938 we also Implement more reflexive work pfqh0ef42JY-00680-00185939-00186185 meaning that students get to reflect on pfqh0ef42JY-00681-00186186-00186395 their own work and the one of their pfqh0ef42JY-00682-00186396-00186737 peers it helps it helps to entrench pfqh0ef42JY-00683-00186738-00186857 their learnings pfqh0ef42JY-00684-00186858-00187133 and and train them to talk about their pfqh0ef42JY-00685-00187134-00187397 achievements pfqh0ef42JY-00686-00187398-00187643 and generally speaking pfqh0ef42JY-00687-00187644-00187937 as I already mentioned pfqh0ef42JY-00688-00187938-00188152 there's a better readability and pfqh0ef42JY-00689-00188153-00188321 understanding of the bachelor's course pfqh0ef42JY-00690-00188322-00188549 syllabus pfqh0ef42JY-00691-00188550-00188837 last students are more able to describe pfqh0ef42JY-00692-00188838-00189088 their skills and express and show what pfqh0ef42JY-00693-00189089-00189352 they learned thanks to the portfolio pfqh0ef42JY-00694-00189353-00189521 which is an important thing for pfqh0ef42JY-00695-00189522-00189707 employability because they can use this pfqh0ef42JY-00696-00189708-00190001 portfolio to to show what they are able pfqh0ef42JY-00697-00190002-00190259 to do and their experience pfqh0ef42JY-00698-00190260-00190475 and for teachers pfqh0ef42JY-00699-00190476-00190811 it means more collaboration by creating pfqh0ef42JY-00700-00190812-00191038 a culture of teamwork that is more pfqh0ef42JY-00701-00191039-00191431 integrated into the the team's workflow pfqh0ef42JY-00702-00191432-00191752 there's a better consistency pfqh0ef42JY-00703-00191753-00192028 above the bachelor schools as a whole pfqh0ef42JY-00704-00192029-00192257 the work on the skills Baseline help pfqh0ef42JY-00705-00192258-00192490 them identify potential flows and pfqh0ef42JY-00706-00192491-00192761 inconsistencies in the course we will pfqh0ef42JY-00707-00192762-00193054 notice that sometimes there are we have pfqh0ef42JY-00708-00193055-00193378 an extreme example of two teachers they pfqh0ef42JY-00709-00193379-00193559 were teaching the same thing but the pfqh0ef42JY-00710-00193560-00193751 body knew it's only the students who pfqh0ef42JY-00711-00193752-00193925 actually realized that when they were on pfqh0ef42JY-00712-00193926-00194026 the pfqh0ef42JY-00713-00194027-00194369 on the spot of course this is very pfqh0ef42JY-00714-00194370-00194633 exceptional but this is to show you that pfqh0ef42JY-00715-00194634-00194897 um this uh this work is very useful to pfqh0ef42JY-00716-00194898-00195197 uh to create this consistency into the pfqh0ef42JY-00717-00195198-00195490 the training pfqh0ef42JY-00718-00195491-00195743 um another benefit pfqh0ef42JY-00719-00195744-00196114 is related to the process approach pfqh0ef42JY-00720-00196115-00196433 in the sense that the good teaching pfqh0ef42JY-00721-00196434-00196588 practices are linked to the course pfqh0ef42JY-00722-00196589-00196847 rather than relying on one or several pfqh0ef42JY-00723-00196848-00197183 teachers we have an example here at this pfqh0ef42JY-00724-00197184-00197549 University where um a teacher is pfqh0ef42JY-00725-00197550-00197788 retiring and he's a great teacher he's pfqh0ef42JY-00726-00197789-00198083 doing some really good things in his pfqh0ef42JY-00727-00198084-00198407 courses and the problem is that because pfqh0ef42JY-00728-00198408-00198595 he is living pfqh0ef42JY-00729-00198596-00198952 some of these good practices were going pfqh0ef42JY-00730-00198953-00199271 to disappear in a way so we want to try pfqh0ef42JY-00731-00199272-00199564 to save them somehow and attach them to pfqh0ef42JY-00732-00199565-00199840 the courses so that they they can they pfqh0ef42JY-00733-00199841-00200171 can remain and the next students can pfqh0ef42JY-00734-00200172-00200383 benefit from them pfqh0ef42JY-00735-00200384-00200783 and last but not least we believe that pfqh0ef42JY-00736-00200784-00201059 teachers will have more pleasure to pfqh0ef42JY-00737-00201060-00201340 teach using a variety of dynamic pfqh0ef42JY-00738-00201341-00201631 teaching approaches and as a consequence pfqh0ef42JY-00739-00201632-00202049 having even better reception possibly of pfqh0ef42JY-00740-00202050-00202414 their lessons from the students pfqh0ef42JY-00741-00202415-00203340 so that's it for my parts Ella pfqh0ef42JY-00742-00203341-00203813 it's time to give you the flow so if you pfqh0ef42JY-00743-00203814-00204125 have any question if you want to any pfqh0ef42JY-00744-00204126-00204340 questions sorry if you want to share pfqh0ef42JY-00745-00204341-00204690 your experiences in your own University pfqh0ef42JY-00746-00204691-00205025 universities with skill based approach I pfqh0ef42JY-00747-00205026-00205216 have already proposed a free question pfqh0ef42JY-00748-00205217-00205373 that you know about the confidence pfqh0ef42JY-00749-00205373-00205631 skills approach before this Workshop we pfqh0ef42JY-00750-00205632-00206010 know because of the work lab that uh pfqh0ef42JY-00751-00206011-00206410 the majority of you have already know pfqh0ef42JY-00752-00206411-00206812 about the skill based approach if so do pfqh0ef42JY-00753-00206813-00207064 you deploy it in new institutions that pfqh0ef42JY-00754-00207065-00207238 can be really interesting to share your pfqh0ef42JY-00755-00207239-00207382 experiences pfqh0ef42JY-00756-00207383-00207557 and pfqh0ef42JY-00757-00207558-00207796 um how is the deployment organized by pfqh0ef42JY-00758-00207798-00208019 whom this point is really interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00759-00208019-00208181 for us because we are pedagogical pfqh0ef42JY-00760-00208182-00208564 advisor and in our universities uh in pfqh0ef42JY-00761-00208565-00209021 France uh this is a special project uh pfqh0ef42JY-00762-00209021-00209238 uh and Siege pfqh0ef42JY-00763-00209239-00209525 in our universities but answer in pfqh0ef42JY-00764-00209526-00209771 general in France we have Partners from pfqh0ef42JY-00765-00209771-00210331 Uppa who are already uh pfqh0ef42JY-00766-00210332-00210677 projects about uh competency skills pfqh0ef42JY-00767-00210678-00210934 approach to skill based approaches two pfqh0ef42JY-00768-00210935-00211271 three so uh I know that works in other pfqh0ef42JY-00769-00211271-00211469 French universities but it's interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00770-00211469-00211769 to know if you have this type of project pfqh0ef42JY-00771-00211769-00212039 in your universities too pfqh0ef42JY-00772-00212040-00212291 uh so use the charts if you have any pfqh0ef42JY-00773-00212292-00212458 questions pfqh0ef42JY-00774-00212459-00212848 um before to read your questions I pfqh0ef42JY-00775-00212850-00213034 already three different questions of pfqh0ef42JY-00776-00213035-00213263 your phones because in your inscriptions pfqh0ef42JY-00777-00213264-00213592 forms uh you have already asked some pfqh0ef42JY-00778-00213594-00213713 questions pfqh0ef42JY-00779-00213714-00214079 so uh yeah the first one was pfqh0ef42JY-00780-00214080-00214541 what type of skills are necessary uh for pfqh0ef42JY-00781-00214542-00214667 a teacher pfqh0ef42JY-00782-00214667-00215158 to walk about uh it pfqh0ef42JY-00783-00215159-00215608 IG AI I think I I yep so we are antigens pfqh0ef42JY-00784-00215609-00215855 artificial inference pfqh0ef42JY-00785-00215856-00216184 um yeah that's a very uh warm topic pfqh0ef42JY-00786-00216185-00216473 um to be honest I didn't really uh look pfqh0ef42JY-00787-00216473-00216598 much into pfqh0ef42JY-00788-00216600-00216815 um into these aspects pfqh0ef42JY-00789-00216816-00217121 um and we are not really sure uh what pfqh0ef42JY-00790-00217121-00217282 the how the question is is actually pfqh0ef42JY-00791-00217283-00217481 oriented but pfqh0ef42JY-00792-00217482-00217751 uh we believe that pfqh0ef42JY-00793-00217752-00217955 um there are things that artificial pfqh0ef42JY-00794-00217956-00218315 intelligence cannot do yet at least pfqh0ef42JY-00795-00218316-00218813 um it's uh that's that we know for sure pfqh0ef42JY-00796-00218814-00218963 that students pfqh0ef42JY-00797-00218964-00219334 really appreciate the contact uh with pfqh0ef42JY-00798-00219335-00219539 um the teachers having someone they can pfqh0ef42JY-00799-00219540-00219694 ask question two pfqh0ef42JY-00800-00219696-00220091 and also teachers can provide context uh pfqh0ef42JY-00801-00220092-00220289 perspective pfqh0ef42JY-00802-00220290-00220487 um two different aspects and they can pfqh0ef42JY-00803-00220488-00220751 personal personalized instructions to pfqh0ef42JY-00804-00220752-00221015 meet the needs and in of individual pfqh0ef42JY-00805-00221016-00221275 students and adapt to their learning pfqh0ef42JY-00806-00221276-00221665 styles and I think this is really the pfqh0ef42JY-00807-00221666-00222023 the the important thing about that is pfqh0ef42JY-00808-00222023-00222371 that teachers can bring pfqh0ef42JY-00809-00222371-00222610 um something that pfqh0ef42JY-00810-00222611-00222821 um that is very um pfqh0ef42JY-00811-00222821-00223108 human I should say pfqh0ef42JY-00812-00223109-00223367 um and uh and they can adapt really pfqh0ef42JY-00813-00223367-00223613 quickly on the fly to uh to what's going pfqh0ef42JY-00814-00223614-00223853 on in the classroom which probably pfqh0ef42JY-00815-00223854-00224039 um intelligent artificial intelligence pfqh0ef42JY-00816-00224040-00224339 cannot do yet I'm not quite sure this is pfqh0ef42JY-00817-00224340-00224548 answering the question of the person who pfqh0ef42JY-00818-00224550-00224860 who asked it uh because we were not pfqh0ef42JY-00819-00224861-00225244 really sure how to interpret it so pfqh0ef42JY-00820-00225246-00225582 um this is one answer yes pfqh0ef42JY-00821-00225583-00225905 because this is a large subject okay and pfqh0ef42JY-00822-00225906-00226127 I have to mention that I didn't use chat pfqh0ef42JY-00823-00226128-00226541 GPT I'm a pretty sensor yeah pfqh0ef42JY-00824-00226542-00226894 uh okay uh the second question was what pfqh0ef42JY-00825-00226896-00227129 is the relationship between competencies pfqh0ef42JY-00826-00227130-00227417 objectives and learning outcomes okay pfqh0ef42JY-00827-00227417-00227681 that's an easier one for me pfqh0ef42JY-00828-00227682-00227975 uh it's a matter of size uh I explained pfqh0ef42JY-00829-00227976-00228160 it a little bit earlier when I showed pfqh0ef42JY-00830-00228161-00228539 you showed you the example of the uh the pfqh0ef42JY-00831-00228540-00228989 documents to this map that we use for pfqh0ef42JY-00832-00228990-00229458 for the competencies so yes yes this one pfqh0ef42JY-00833-00229459-00229829 so competencies are macro in terms of pfqh0ef42JY-00834-00229830-00230075 size they are really big they're the pfqh0ef42JY-00835-00230076-00230339 wide formulation learning outcomes give pfqh0ef42JY-00836-00230340-00230710 more Precision on what the competency is pfqh0ef42JY-00837-00230711-00230839 made of pfqh0ef42JY-00838-00230840-00231256 and the objectives then as I understand pfqh0ef42JY-00839-00231257-00231575 it would be at the course level that pfqh0ef42JY-00840-00231576-00231827 either learning objectives for the whole pfqh0ef42JY-00841-00231828-00232105 course for the semester let's say pfqh0ef42JY-00842-00232106-00232379 but also for each lesson because for pfqh0ef42JY-00843-00232380-00232675 each lesson normally teachers must have pfqh0ef42JY-00844-00232676-00233081 a specific objective to uh to reach pfqh0ef42JY-00845-00233082-00233296 so this this is the difference between pfqh0ef42JY-00846-00233298-00233675 these three aspects pfqh0ef42JY-00847-00233676-00233998 okay thank you and the last question I pfqh0ef42JY-00848-00234000-00234389 have from you forms was when can we pfqh0ef42JY-00849-00234390-00234623 consider that we have a competency-based pfqh0ef42JY-00850-00234623-00234898 approach for example analyzing the pfqh0ef42JY-00851-00234900-00235079 curriculum pfqh0ef42JY-00852-00235080-00235415 so for me this works in terms of pfqh0ef42JY-00853-00235416-00235708 um clarification of the skills it means pfqh0ef42JY-00854-00235709-00236110 that if you clarify the skills that pfqh0ef42JY-00855-00236111-00236398 students will get at the end of their pfqh0ef42JY-00856-00236400-00236656 training so at the end of the three pfqh0ef42JY-00857-00236657-00236884 years of the bachelor pfqh0ef42JY-00858-00236885-00237275 um you could say that you are somehow in pfqh0ef42JY-00859-00237276-00237625 in a competency based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00860-00237626-00237887 [Music] pfqh0ef42JY-00861-00237888-00238132 um there are there are teams with which pfqh0ef42JY-00862-00238133-00238367 we asked them to uh come up with pfqh0ef42JY-00863-00238367-00238577 something that we call the graduates pfqh0ef42JY-00864-00238578-00238798 profile I didn't mention it today pfqh0ef42JY-00865-00238800-00239003 because uh this is not something that we pfqh0ef42JY-00866-00239004-00239146 use all the time pfqh0ef42JY-00867-00239148-00239453 and uh the question is very simple we pfqh0ef42JY-00868-00239454-00239710 ask the teams to uh just describe what pfqh0ef42JY-00869-00239711-00240131 your graduate in your Bachelor course is pfqh0ef42JY-00870-00240132-00240406 able to do in terms of competencies at pfqh0ef42JY-00871-00240407-00240521 the end pfqh0ef42JY-00872-00240521-00240808 uh of the three years is it something pfqh0ef42JY-00873-00240809-00241060 that is clear for teachers and students pfqh0ef42JY-00874-00241061-00241325 because most of the time we realize that pfqh0ef42JY-00875-00241326-00241584 it's not necessarily the case pfqh0ef42JY-00876-00241585-00241919 uh learning and certification situations pfqh0ef42JY-00877-00241919-00242356 also are a core element to um to the pfqh0ef42JY-00878-00242357-00242542 scare based approach pfqh0ef42JY-00879-00242544-00242842 and here the idea is to uh to see if pfqh0ef42JY-00880-00242844-00242998 they allow students to combine the pfqh0ef42JY-00881-00243000-00243305 knowledge from different courses uh is pfqh0ef42JY-00882-00243306-00243532 there some interdisciplinarity that is pfqh0ef42JY-00883-00243533-00243832 that is involved and and we believe that pfqh0ef42JY-00884-00243833-00244025 this is very important also as a pfqh0ef42JY-00885-00244026-00244234 characteristic of the Scale based pfqh0ef42JY-00886-00244235-00244469 approach so we encourage the teachers to pfqh0ef42JY-00887-00244469-00244727 identify what they already do in terms pfqh0ef42JY-00888-00244728-00244960 of situations because pfqh0ef42JY-00889-00244961-00245213 um sometimes they already do things in pfqh0ef42JY-00890-00245214-00245519 in that that works into the the pfqh0ef42JY-00891-00245519-00245741 framework of the the competency-based pfqh0ef42JY-00892-00245742-00246046 approach but they don't necessarily pfqh0ef42JY-00893-00246048-00246251 um uh it's not necessarily expressed pfqh0ef42JY-00894-00246252-00246515 it's not necessarily written so um pfqh0ef42JY-00895-00246516-00246742 that's the purpose of this this document pfqh0ef42JY-00896-00246744-00246971 that you can see on the screen and all pfqh0ef42JY-00897-00246971-00247139 the documents that we asked the teacher pfqh0ef42JY-00898-00247140-00247313 to come up with pfqh0ef42JY-00899-00247314-00247655 and finally I think we can say the ski pfqh0ef42JY-00900-00247656-00247841 base approach to curriculum the pfqh0ef42JY-00901-00247842-00248105 portfolio of the same objective to pfqh0ef42JY-00902-00248106-00248467 personalize the students pathway finally pfqh0ef42JY-00903-00248467-00248837 okay thank you do you have all those pfqh0ef42JY-00904-00248838-00248989 questions pfqh0ef42JY-00905-00248990-00249377 uh please you can use the charts pfqh0ef42JY-00906-00249378-00249641 I know this is a lot of informations if pfqh0ef42JY-00907-00249642-00249892 this is your one of your first time pfqh0ef42JY-00908-00249894-00250144 about a skill based approach this is a pfqh0ef42JY-00909-00250146-00250469 complex subject uh so I I have already pfqh0ef42JY-00910-00250469-00250823 mentioned uh you could have the replay pfqh0ef42JY-00911-00250823-00251134 of this presentation uh the next week in pfqh0ef42JY-00912-00251135-00251465 our YouTube channel so you have the name pfqh0ef42JY-00913-00251466-00251875 right so this is the department pfqh0ef42JY-00914-00251876-00252125 this is the name of your YouTube channel pfqh0ef42JY-00915-00252126-00252406 if you want to replay uh this pfqh0ef42JY-00916-00252407-00252665 presentation to share it with your with pfqh0ef42JY-00917-00252666-00252994 your colleagues with your manager to pfqh0ef42JY-00918-00252996-00253306 organize a skill based approach projects pfqh0ef42JY-00919-00253307-00253451 perhaps pfqh0ef42JY-00920-00253452-00253703 uh and you have in the same YouTube pfqh0ef42JY-00921-00253704-00253984 channel the replay of my last uh pfqh0ef42JY-00922-00253985-00254148 Workshop about pfqh0ef42JY-00923-00254150-00254615 uh numerical digital tools uh and just pfqh0ef42JY-00924-00254616-00254944 one word to say uh the different tools pfqh0ef42JY-00925-00254946-00255196 present uh in this presentation so pfqh0ef42JY-00926-00255198-00255406 generally for the presentation we'll pfqh0ef42JY-00927-00255407-00255677 clap for the question and padlet for the pfqh0ef42JY-00928-00255678-00256013 Forum at the end uh these three uh tools pfqh0ef42JY-00929-00256014-00256258 are presented in my in my last Workshop pfqh0ef42JY-00930-00256259-00256469 so if you want to use it too in your pfqh0ef42JY-00931-00256469-00256765 practices that can be interesting pfqh0ef42JY-00932-00256766-00257117 uh so in the last minutes if you have pfqh0ef42JY-00933-00257117-00257244 any more questions pfqh0ef42JY-00934-00257246-00257615 uh let's present you uh the padlets so pfqh0ef42JY-00935-00257616-00257873 uh generally at the end of pfqh0ef42JY-00936-00257873-00258119 um mic workshop and especially for the pfqh0ef42JY-00937-00258119-00258353 teaching and learning center I propose pfqh0ef42JY-00938-00258354-00258455 you pfqh0ef42JY-00939-00258456-00258839 uh one padlets uh so the objective of pfqh0ef42JY-00940-00258840-00259175 these tools it's to have a resume of pfqh0ef42JY-00941-00259176-00259379 this workshops so you have the pfqh0ef42JY-00942-00259380-00259642 description uh in English and in French pfqh0ef42JY-00943-00259644-00259925 you have all the different vocabulary so pfqh0ef42JY-00944-00259926-00260296 skills uh skill based approach influence pfqh0ef42JY-00945-00260298-00260639 and English learning outcomes Etc so pfqh0ef42JY-00946-00260640-00260794 that can be interesting for you if you pfqh0ef42JY-00947-00260796-00261041 want to explain this subject to pfqh0ef42JY-00948-00261042-00261263 colleagues to create some project about pfqh0ef42JY-00949-00261264-00261610 ads uh you have two uh the different pfqh0ef42JY-00950-00261611-00261832 legal framework from the European pfqh0ef42JY-00951-00261833-00262042 commissions you have some documents in pfqh0ef42JY-00952-00262044-00262337 English and some document in French so pfqh0ef42JY-00953-00262338-00262589 watch it and pfqh0ef42JY-00954-00262590-00262867 you know if you haven't done the pfqh0ef42JY-00955-00262868-00263129 translations don't worry you have all pfqh0ef42JY-00956-00263130-00263315 those uh documents with the same pfqh0ef42JY-00957-00263316-00263555 information General generally pfqh0ef42JY-00958-00263556-00263782 uh so this is about leave a girl from pfqh0ef42JY-00959-00263783-00264023 Rock you have two different articles and pfqh0ef42JY-00960-00264024-00264275 research about this subject that can be pfqh0ef42JY-00961-00264276-00264575 interesting for you if you want to uh pfqh0ef42JY-00962-00264576-00264905 continue to work about sets uh to pfqh0ef42JY-00963-00264906-00265210 continue uh the discussions pfqh0ef42JY-00964-00265211-00265517 and finally you have the different pfqh0ef42JY-00965-00265518-00265877 results of the oecd I have worked pfqh0ef42JY-00966-00265878-00266147 especially about uh I have work pfqh0ef42JY-00967-00266148-00266497 especially with sorry these documents to pfqh0ef42JY-00968-00266498-00266813 organize my little presentations of the pfqh0ef42JY-00969-00266814-00267071 Italians and the Portugal the Portuguese pfqh0ef42JY-00970-00267072-00267203 situations pfqh0ef42JY-00971-00267204-00267443 so you have all the oecd results right pfqh0ef42JY-00972-00267444-00267767 here this is huge documents because you pfqh0ef42JY-00973-00267768-00268049 know the urban administrations but that pfqh0ef42JY-00974-00268050-00268217 can be interesting for you if you want pfqh0ef42JY-00975-00268218-00268547 to continue add observations pfqh0ef42JY-00976-00268548-00268727 and pfqh0ef42JY-00977-00268728-00269069 um you have the link of uh these padlets pfqh0ef42JY-00978-00269070-00269489 in the chats and if you haven't it's at pfqh0ef42JY-00979-00269490-00269693 the end don't worry because I sent you pfqh0ef42JY-00980-00269694-00270023 an email with the feedback form uh the pfqh0ef42JY-00981-00270024-00270167 link of pfqh0ef42JY-00982-00270168-00270539 um the padlets and the next week I send pfqh0ef42JY-00983-00270540-00270808 you the link to the YouTube pfqh0ef42JY-00984-00270809-00271247 um videos to the YouTube Replay uh if pfqh0ef42JY-00985-00271248-00271601 you want to have all the resources and pfqh0ef42JY-00986-00271602-00271906 all the extracts of these presentations pfqh0ef42JY-00987-00271907-00272260 and uh finally the points of these pfqh0ef42JY-00988-00272261-00272597 stores it to give you a space to pfqh0ef42JY-00989-00272598-00272915 continue the discussions The Exchange uh pfqh0ef42JY-00990-00272916-00273149 to share your feedback if you have pfqh0ef42JY-00991-00273150-00273353 already worked about skill based pfqh0ef42JY-00992-00273354-00273682 approach please feel free to use it you pfqh0ef42JY-00993-00273683-00274067 can just you know use the plus and you pfqh0ef42JY-00994-00274068-00274132 know pfqh0ef42JY-00995-00274133-00274355 comments and pfqh0ef42JY-00996-00274356-00274801 you can write something and explain your pfqh0ef42JY-00997-00274802-00275182 experience of these subjects Etc all uh pfqh0ef42JY-00998-00275183-00275356 sharing all those documents all the pfqh0ef42JY-00999-00275357-00275555 resources pfqh0ef42JY-01000-00275556-00275699 um I don't know that can be very pfqh0ef42JY-01001-00275700-00275860 interesting pfqh0ef42JY-01002-00275861-00276084 will you pfqh0ef42JY-01003-00276085-00276665 uh so yes uh generally uh I continue to pfqh0ef42JY-01004-00276666-00277127 check all these um padlets for one month pfqh0ef42JY-01005-00277128-00277337 to month if you want to continue the pfqh0ef42JY-01006-00277338-00277529 description no problem I check it pfqh0ef42JY-01007-00277530-00277684 regularly pfqh0ef42JY-01008-00277685-00278075 and uh if you have direct questions for pfqh0ef42JY-01009-00278076-00278549 us uh this is uh the email uh pfqh0ef42JY-01010-00278550-00278932 uh this is the global email uh in usmb pfqh0ef42JY-01011-00278933-00279275 if you have any questions about Unita pfqh0ef42JY-01012-00279276-00279508 about the pedagogical aspects of the pfqh0ef42JY-01013-00279509-00279797 projects uh if you have other questions pfqh0ef42JY-01014-00279798-00280115 for Yannick I can send you all your pfqh0ef42JY-01015-00280116-00280487 emails too uh if you use it pfqh0ef42JY-01016-00280488-00280871 uh so uh that's it we are on time that's pfqh0ef42JY-01017-00280872-00281129 great uh if you haven't uh other pfqh0ef42JY-01018-00281130-00281255 questions pfqh0ef42JY-01019-00281256-00281555 uh so as I have already say as after pfqh0ef42JY-01020-00281556-00281729 this workshop I'll resend your feedback pfqh0ef42JY-01021-00281730-00281945 form please answer it that's really make pfqh0ef42JY-01022-00281946-00282251 the difference in all organizations and pfqh0ef42JY-01023-00282252-00282515 in our works to have your feedback to pfqh0ef42JY-01024-00282516-00282947 know what works and what is wrong pfqh0ef42JY-01025-00282948-00283306 um and yes I send you all the documents pfqh0ef42JY-01026-00283307-00283753 so please not uh the email and pfqh0ef42JY-01027-00283754-00284080 please take the link of the pfqh0ef42JY-01028-00284081-00284332 of the palette in the charts pfqh0ef42JY-01029-00284333-00284693 thank you for your participation pfqh0ef42JY-01030-00284694-00285029 and see you soon in another Workshop of pfqh0ef42JY-01031-00285030-00285167 the teaching and learning center from pfqh0ef42JY-01032-00285168-00285460 Unita generally we have every month one pfqh0ef42JY-01033-00285461-00285629 Workshop so pfqh0ef42JY-01034-00285630-00285910 yeah thank you very much thank you pfqh0ef42JY-01035-00285911-00286217 bye-bye goodbye pfqh0ef42JY-01036-00286218-00286625 thank you bye pfqh0ef42JY-01037-00286626-00286817 thank you pfqh0ef42JY-01038-00286818-00287083 bye pgpWGaaHo7g-00000-00000024-00000303 from around the globe it's thecube pgpWGaaHo7g-00001-00000304-00000487 with coverage of kubecon and pgpWGaaHo7g-00002-00000488-00000790 cloudnativecon europe 2021 virtual pgpWGaaHo7g-00003-00000791-00000975 brought to you by red hat the cloud pgpWGaaHo7g-00004-00000976-00001143 native computing foundation and pgpWGaaHo7g-00005-00001144-00001350 ecosystem partners pgpWGaaHo7g-00006-00001351-00001519 welcome back to thecube's coverage of pgpWGaaHo7g-00007-00001520-00001663 kubecon 21 pgpWGaaHo7g-00008-00001664-00001863 and cloud native con 21 part of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00009-00001864-00001975 cncf's pgpWGaaHo7g-00010-00001976-00002126 annual event this year it's virtual pgpWGaaHo7g-00011-00002127-00002342 again i'm john furrier host of the cube pgpWGaaHo7g-00012-00002343-00002526 and we have two great guests from the pgpWGaaHo7g-00013-00002527-00002710 cncf cheryl hung vp pgpWGaaHo7g-00014-00002711-00002966 of ecosystems and katie mangi who's the pgpWGaaHo7g-00015-00002967-00003110 ecosystem advocate pgpWGaaHo7g-00016-00003111-00003367 for cncf thanks for coming on great to pgpWGaaHo7g-00017-00003368-00003527 see you i wish we were in person pgpWGaaHo7g-00018-00003528-00003790 soon maybe in the fall cheryl kitty pgpWGaaHo7g-00019-00003792-00003983 thanks for coming on pgpWGaaHo7g-00020-00003984-00004191 i'm definitely hoping to be back in pgpWGaaHo7g-00021-00004192-00004391 person again soon but john great to see pgpWGaaHo7g-00022-00004392-00004583 you and great to be back on thecube pgpWGaaHo7g-00023-00004584-00004735 you know i have to say one of the things pgpWGaaHo7g-00024-00004736-00004854 that's really surprised me is the pgpWGaaHo7g-00025-00004855-00005038 resilience of the community around pgpWGaaHo7g-00026-00005039-00005199 um what's been happening with the pgpWGaaHo7g-00027-00005200-00005415 virtual and the covid obviously a lot of pgpWGaaHo7g-00028-00005416-00005463 people pgpWGaaHo7g-00029-00005464-00005847 have been disrupted by this but you know pgpWGaaHo7g-00030-00005848-00006006 the consensus is that developers have pgpWGaaHo7g-00031-00006007-00006134 used to be working remotely and pgpWGaaHo7g-00032-00006135-00006279 virtually and at home and so pgpWGaaHo7g-00033-00006280-00006454 not too much disruption but a hell of a pgpWGaaHo7g-00034-00006455-00006663 lot of productivity you're seeing a lot pgpWGaaHo7g-00035-00006664-00006695 more pgpWGaaHo7g-00036-00006695-00007006 cloud native projects you're seeing a pgpWGaaHo7g-00037-00007008-00007223 lot more mainstreaming in the enterprise pgpWGaaHo7g-00038-00007223-00007455 you're starting to see cloud growth just pgpWGaaHo7g-00039-00007456-00007631 a really kind of nice growth and pgpWGaaHo7g-00040-00007631-00007806 we've been saying for years rising tide pgpWGaaHo7g-00041-00007808-00008006 floats all boats cheryl but this year pgpWGaaHo7g-00042-00008008-00008214 you're starting to see real mainstream pgpWGaaHo7g-00043-00008215-00008319 adoption pgpWGaaHo7g-00044-00008320-00008463 with cloud native and this has really pgpWGaaHo7g-00045-00008464-00008639 been part of the work of the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00046-00008640-00008767 you guys have done so pgpWGaaHo7g-00047-00008768-00008919 what what's your take on this because pgpWGaaHo7g-00048-00008920-00009039 we're going to be coming out of this pgpWGaaHo7g-00049-00009040-00009239 covid pretty soon there's a postcovid pgpWGaaHo7g-00050-00009240-00009414 light at the end of the tunnel pgpWGaaHo7g-00051-00009415-00009735 what's your view yeah definitely fingers pgpWGaaHo7g-00052-00009736-00009871 crossed on that pgpWGaaHo7g-00053-00009872-00010046 i mean i would love katie to give her pgpWGaaHo7g-00054-00010047-00010238 view on this in fact because she came pgpWGaaHo7g-00055-00010239-00010295 from pgpWGaaHo7g-00056-00010296-00010559 conde nast and american express both pgpWGaaHo7g-00057-00010560-00010599 huge pgpWGaaHo7g-00058-00010600-00010806 companies that were adopting have pgpWGaaHo7g-00059-00010807-00010991 adopted cloud native successfully pgpWGaaHo7g-00060-00010992-00011174 and then in the middle of the pandemic pgpWGaaHo7g-00061-00011175-00011438 in the middle of kovid she joined cncf pgpWGaaHo7g-00062-00011439-00011623 so katie really has a view from the pgpWGaaHo7g-00063-00011624-00011799 trenches and katie would love to hear pgpWGaaHo7g-00064-00011800-00012023 your thoughts pgpWGaaHo7g-00065-00012024-00012374 yeah absolutely definitely cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00066-00012375-00012542 adoption when it comes to the tooling pgpWGaaHo7g-00067-00012543-00012695 has been more pgpWGaaHo7g-00068-00012696-00012910 prominent in the enterprises and that pgpWGaaHo7g-00069-00012911-00013055 has been concerned with my role at pgpWGaaHo7g-00070-00013056-00013222 american express that is the role i pgpWGaaHo7g-00071-00013223-00013335 moved from pgpWGaaHo7g-00072-00013336-00013615 towards cncf but the more surprising pgpWGaaHo7g-00073-00013616-00013783 thing is that we see big companies we pgpWGaaHo7g-00074-00013784-00013847 see pgpWGaaHo7g-00075-00013847-00014063 banks and financial organizations that pgpWGaaHo7g-00076-00014063-00014238 are looking to adopt open source but pgpWGaaHo7g-00077-00014240-00014407 more importantly they're looking pgpWGaaHo7g-00078-00014408-00014630 for ways to either contribute or pgpWGaaHo7g-00079-00014631-00014815 actually deep dive a bit more into these pgpWGaaHo7g-00080-00014816-00014886 areas pgpWGaaHo7g-00081-00014887-00015055 so from that perspective i've been pgpWGaaHo7g-00082-00015056-00015230 pretty much at the nucleus of pgpWGaaHo7g-00083-00015231-00015383 enterprise of the adoption of cloud pgpWGaaHo7g-00084-00015384-00015558 native it's definitely moving it's low pgpWGaaHo7g-00085-00015559-00015599 paced pgpWGaaHo7g-00086-00015600-00015758 but it's definitely forward moving as pgpWGaaHo7g-00087-00015759-00016055 well and now i think while i'm in the pgpWGaaHo7g-00088-00016056-00016286 role with cncf as an ecosystem advocate pgpWGaaHo7g-00089-00016287-00016463 and leading the end user community pgpWGaaHo7g-00090-00016464-00016750 there has been definitely the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00091-00016751-00016855 is growing i'm pgpWGaaHo7g-00092-00016856-00017063 always intrigued to find out more about pgpWGaaHo7g-00093-00017064-00017183 the cloud native usages pgpWGaaHo7g-00094-00017184-00017343 one of the things that i find quite pgpWGaaHo7g-00095-00017344-00017519 intriguing is the fact that not one pgpWGaaHo7g-00096-00017520-00017679 cloud native usage but like pgpWGaaHo7g-00097-00017680-00017847 usage of kubernetes on one platform pgpWGaaHo7g-00098-00017848-00018007 which is going to be cloud native based pgpWGaaHo7g-00099-00018008-00018119 is going to be the same pgpWGaaHo7g-00100-00018120-00018271 so it's always intriguing to find new pgpWGaaHo7g-00101-00018272-00018486 use cases to find those extreme use pgpWGaaHo7g-00102-00018487-00018655 cases as well that really pushes the pgpWGaaHo7g-00103-00018656-00018775 community forward pgpWGaaHo7g-00104-00018776-00019007 yeah i want to unpack the end user pgpWGaaHo7g-00105-00019008-00019167 aspect of this and it's been a hallmark pgpWGaaHo7g-00106-00019168-00019327 of the cncf for years always been a pgpWGaaHo7g-00107-00019328-00019422 staple of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00108-00019423-00019575 the organization but this year more than pgpWGaaHo7g-00109-00019576-00019791 ever it's been seems to be prominent as pgpWGaaHo7g-00110-00019792-00019943 people are integrating in pgpWGaaHo7g-00111-00019944-00020111 uh what about the growth i mean from pgpWGaaHo7g-00112-00020112-00020335 last year this year and the use end user pgpWGaaHo7g-00113-00020336-00020447 ecosystem how pgpWGaaHo7g-00114-00020448-00020607 have you guys seen the growth is there pgpWGaaHo7g-00115-00020608-00020886 any highlights because have any stats pgpWGaaHo7g-00116-00020887-00021167 and or observations around how the pgpWGaaHo7g-00117-00021168-00021335 ecosystem is growing around the end user pgpWGaaHo7g-00118-00021336-00021543 piece pgpWGaaHo7g-00119-00021544-00021822 sure absolutely um i mean i can talk pgpWGaaHo7g-00120-00021823-00021943 directly about pgpWGaaHo7g-00121-00021944-00022278 cncf and the cncf end user community pgpWGaaHo7g-00122-00022279-00022503 much like everything else you know covid pgpWGaaHo7g-00123-00022504-00022599 kind of slowed things pgpWGaaHo7g-00124-00022600-00022783 down so we're kind of not entirely pgpWGaaHo7g-00125-00022784-00022935 surprised by that pgpWGaaHo7g-00126-00022936-00023271 but we're still growing over 2020 and pgpWGaaHo7g-00127-00023272-00023422 in fact just in the last few months have pgpWGaaHo7g-00128-00023423-00023622 brought in some really really big names pgpWGaaHo7g-00129-00023623-00023727 like peloton pgpWGaaHo7g-00130-00023728-00024047 airbnb city bank pgpWGaaHo7g-00131-00024048-00024311 just some incredible organizations who pgpWGaaHo7g-00132-00024312-00024407 are pgpWGaaHo7g-00133-00024408-00024614 who have really adopted cloud native who pgpWGaaHo7g-00134-00024615-00024799 have seen the success and the benefits pgpWGaaHo7g-00135-00024800-00024942 of it and now are looking pgpWGaaHo7g-00136-00024943-00025214 to give back to the community as katie pgpWGaaHo7g-00137-00025215-00025286 said and pgpWGaaHo7g-00138-00025287-00025511 get involved with open source and be pgpWGaaHo7g-00139-00025512-00025694 more than just a passive consumer of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00140-00025695-00025862 technologies but actually become leaders pgpWGaaHo7g-00141-00025863-00026014 in their own right pgpWGaaHo7g-00142-00026016-00026143 katie talk about the dynamic of pgpWGaaHo7g-00143-00026144-00026343 developers at end user organizations i pgpWGaaHo7g-00144-00026344-00026495 mean you've been there you're now on pgpWGaaHo7g-00145-00026495-00026631 you've been on both sides of the table pgpWGaaHo7g-00146-00026632-00026799 if you will not to the sides of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00147-00026800-00026951 table it's more like a round table if pgpWGaaHo7g-00148-00026952-00027014 you will but pgpWGaaHo7g-00149-00027016-00027183 community driven but you know pgpWGaaHo7g-00150-00027183-00027414 traditional uh end user organizations pgpWGaaHo7g-00151-00027416-00027518 not the early adopters not the pgpWGaaHo7g-00152-00027519-00027702 hyperscalers but the ones now are really pgpWGaaHo7g-00153-00027704-00027911 embedding hybrid pgpWGaaHo7g-00154-00027912-00028214 are changing how i t to how modern pgpWGaaHo7g-00155-00028216-00028351 applications being built pgpWGaaHo7g-00156-00028352-00028543 that's a big theme in these mainstream pgpWGaaHo7g-00157-00028544-00028751 organizations what's the dynamic going pgpWGaaHo7g-00158-00028752-00029039 on what's your view pgpWGaaHo7g-00159-00029039-00029343 i think for any organization the the pgpWGaaHo7g-00160-00029344-00029439 kind of the core pgpWGaaHo7g-00161-00029439-00029590 what moves the organization towards pgpWGaaHo7g-00162-00029591-00029783 cloud native is um pgpWGaaHo7g-00163-00029783-00029951 pretty much being ahead of your pgpWGaaHo7g-00164-00029952-00030199 competitors and now we have this mass of pgpWGaaHo7g-00165-00030200-00030367 different organizations in cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00166-00030368-00030558 and that's why we see more kind of pgpWGaaHo7g-00167-00030560-00030887 eyes towards this area so um definitely pgpWGaaHo7g-00168-00030888-00031062 in this perspective when it comes to pgpWGaaHo7g-00169-00031063-00031270 to the technology aspect companies are pgpWGaaHo7g-00170-00031272-00031495 looking to deploy complex application pgpWGaaHo7g-00171-00031495-00031679 in an easier manner especially when it pgpWGaaHo7g-00172-00031680-00031846 comes to pushing them to production pgpWGaaHo7g-00173-00031847-00031958 systems securely pgpWGaaHo7g-00174-00031960-00032270 faster um and continuously as well pgpWGaaHo7g-00175-00032272-00032470 they're looking to have this competitive pgpWGaaHo7g-00176-00032472-00032631 edge when it comes to how can they pgpWGaaHo7g-00177-00032632-00032695 quickly pgpWGaaHo7g-00178-00032695-00032927 um respond to customer feedback and as pgpWGaaHo7g-00179-00032928-00033151 well they're looking for this um pgpWGaaHo7g-00180-00033152-00033327 hybrid element that has been uh has been pgpWGaaHo7g-00181-00033328-00033535 talked about again we're talking about pgpWGaaHo7g-00182-00033536-00033679 enterprise it's not just about public pgpWGaaHo7g-00183-00033680-00033815 cloud it's about how can we run the pgpWGaaHo7g-00184-00033816-00033983 application securely and that involves pgpWGaaHo7g-00185-00033984-00034087 an element of pgpWGaaHo7g-00186-00034088-00034311 data centers or private cloud as well pgpWGaaHo7g-00187-00034312-00034462 and now we see a lot of pgpWGaaHo7g-00188-00034463-00034679 projects which are balancing around that pgpWGaaHo7g-00189-00034680-00034831 age but more importantly there is pgpWGaaHo7g-00190-00034832-00034895 adoption pgpWGaaHo7g-00191-00034896-00035023 and where there's adoption there is a pgpWGaaHo7g-00192-00035024-00035199 feedback loop and that's how it pgpWGaaHo7g-00193-00035200-00035359 represents the organic growth pgpWGaaHo7g-00194-00035360-00035511 that's awesome sure i'd like you to pgpWGaaHo7g-00195-00035512-00035735 define what you mean when you say pgpWGaaHo7g-00196-00035736-00036007 end user driven open source what does pgpWGaaHo7g-00197-00036008-00036246 that mean pgpWGaaHo7g-00198-00036247-00036423 this is a really interesting dynamic pgpWGaaHo7g-00199-00036424-00036599 that i've seen over the last pgpWGaaHo7g-00200-00036600-00036879 couple of years so what we see is that pgpWGaaHo7g-00201-00036880-00036999 more and more of pgpWGaaHo7g-00202-00037000-00037407 the open source project are end users pgpWGaaHo7g-00203-00037408-00037590 who are who are solving their own pgpWGaaHo7g-00204-00037591-00037790 problems and creating their own projects pgpWGaaHo7g-00205-00037791-00038030 and donating these back to the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00206-00038031-00038335 an early example of this was envoy pgpWGaaHo7g-00207-00038336-00038695 and lyft and jager from uber but pgpWGaaHo7g-00208-00038696-00038974 spotify also recently donated backstage pgpWGaaHo7g-00209-00038975-00039046 which is a pgpWGaaHo7g-00210-00039047-00039255 developer portal which has really taken pgpWGaaHo7g-00211-00039256-00039407 off we've also pgpWGaaHo7g-00212-00039408-00039735 got examples from intuit donating argo pgpWGaaHo7g-00213-00039736-00039927 um i'm sure there are some others that pgpWGaaHo7g-00214-00039928-00040118 i've just forgotten but pgpWGaaHo7g-00215-00040119-00040262 the really interesting thing i see about pgpWGaaHo7g-00216-00040263-00040455 this is that class pgpWGaaHo7g-00217-00040456-00040639 classically right maybe a few years ago pgpWGaaHo7g-00218-00040640-00040862 if you were an end user organization pgpWGaaHo7g-00219-00040863-00041071 you'd get involved through a vendor pgpWGaaHo7g-00220-00041072-00041183 you'd go to a pgpWGaaHo7g-00221-00041184-00041390 red hat or something and say hey you pgpWGaaHo7g-00222-00041391-00041599 fixed this on my behalf because pgpWGaaHo7g-00223-00041600-00041718 you know that's what i'm paying you to pgpWGaaHo7g-00224-00041719-00041990 do whereas what i see now is end users pgpWGaaHo7g-00225-00041991-00042151 saying we want to keep this expertise pgpWGaaHo7g-00226-00042152-00042246 in-house pgpWGaaHo7g-00227-00042247-00042518 and we want to be owners of our own kind pgpWGaaHo7g-00228-00042519-00042702 of direction and our own fate pgpWGaaHo7g-00229-00042703-00042846 when it comes to these open source pgpWGaaHo7g-00230-00042847-00043095 projects and that's been a big driver pgpWGaaHo7g-00231-00043096-00043311 for this trend of open source and end pgpWGaaHo7g-00232-00043312-00043462 user driven open source pgpWGaaHo7g-00233-00043463-00043662 you know it's really the open model is pgpWGaaHo7g-00234-00043663-00043823 just such a great thing and i think one pgpWGaaHo7g-00235-00043824-00043983 of the interesting thing is that pgpWGaaHo7g-00236-00043984-00044127 that fits in with a lot of people who pgpWGaaHo7g-00237-00044128-00044255 want to work from mission-driven pgpWGaaHo7g-00238-00044256-00044367 companies but here there's actually a pgpWGaaHo7g-00239-00044368-00044518 business benefit pgpWGaaHo7g-00240-00044519-00044702 as you pointed out as in terms of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00241-00044703-00044846 dynamic of bringing stuff to the pgpWGaaHo7g-00242-00044847-00044935 community pgpWGaaHo7g-00243-00044936-00045255 this is interesting i'm sure that the pgpWGaaHo7g-00244-00045256-00045583 ability to do more collaboration pgpWGaaHo7g-00245-00045584-00045887 either hiring or contributing kind of pgpWGaaHo7g-00246-00045888-00046046 increases when you have this end user pgpWGaaHo7g-00247-00046047-00046239 dynamic because that's a pretty big pgpWGaaHo7g-00248-00046240-00046327 decision to pgpWGaaHo7g-00249-00046328-00046543 donate and bring something into the open pgpWGaaHo7g-00250-00046544-00046639 source pgpWGaaHo7g-00251-00046640-00046823 what's the playbook lo if i'm sitting in pgpWGaaHo7g-00252-00046824-00047015 an end user organization like american pgpWGaaHo7g-00253-00047016-00047158 express katie or pgpWGaaHo7g-00254-00047159-00047318 a big company say hey you know we really pgpWGaaHo7g-00255-00047319-00047486 developed this really killer pgpWGaaHo7g-00256-00047487-00047767 use case niche to us but we want to pgpWGaaHo7g-00257-00047768-00047902 bring it to the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00258-00047903-00048102 what do they do is they're like uh pgpWGaaHo7g-00259-00048103-00048207 they're like a pgpWGaaHo7g-00260-00048208-00048446 manager do they knock on someone's door pgpWGaaHo7g-00261-00048447-00048543 is there a repo pgpWGaaHo7g-00262-00048544-00048686 is i mean how does someone i mean how pgpWGaaHo7g-00263-00048687-00049095 does an end user get this done pgpWGaaHo7g-00264-00049096-00049262 i think one of the best resources out pgpWGaaHo7g-00265-00049263-00049527 there is called the to do group pgpWGaaHo7g-00266-00049528-00049774 which is a organization underneath the pgpWGaaHo7g-00267-00049775-00049990 linux foundation so it's kind of a pgpWGaaHo7g-00268-00049991-00050374 sister group to cncf which is about pgpWGaaHo7g-00269-00050375-00050599 open source program offices and how do pgpWGaaHo7g-00270-00050600-00050790 you formalize such an open source pgpWGaaHo7g-00271-00050791-00050886 program pgpWGaaHo7g-00272-00050887-00051086 because it's pretty easy to say oh we'll pgpWGaaHo7g-00273-00051087-00051263 just put something on github pgpWGaaHo7g-00274-00051264-00051526 but that's not the end of the story pgpWGaaHo7g-00275-00051527-00051623 right pgpWGaaHo7g-00276-00051624-00051742 if you want to actually build a pgpWGaaHo7g-00277-00051744-00051919 community if you want other people to pgpWGaaHo7g-00278-00051920-00052023 contribute then pgpWGaaHo7g-00279-00052024-00052175 you do actually have to do more than pgpWGaaHo7g-00280-00052176-00052471 just drop it on github and walk away pgpWGaaHo7g-00281-00052472-00052742 so i would say that if you are at an end pgpWGaaHo7g-00282-00052744-00052871 user company pgpWGaaHo7g-00283-00052872-00053135 and you have created something which pgpWGaaHo7g-00284-00053136-00053279 scratches your own itch pgpWGaaHo7g-00285-00053279-00053447 and you think other people could benefit pgpWGaaHo7g-00286-00053448-00053591 from it then pgpWGaaHo7g-00287-00053591-00053926 definitely come and like you could email pgpWGaaHo7g-00288-00053927-00054015 me you could email pgpWGaaHo7g-00289-00054016-00054359 chris angelic who is the cto of cncf pgpWGaaHo7g-00290-00054360-00054526 and just get in touch and sort of ask pgpWGaaHo7g-00291-00054527-00054775 around about what are the things that pgpWGaaHo7g-00292-00054776-00054975 you could do in terms of what do you pgpWGaaHo7g-00293-00054976-00055142 have to think about for licensing pgpWGaaHo7g-00294-00055144-00055311 how do you develop a community pgpWGaaHo7g-00295-00055312-00055519 governance program pgpWGaaHo7g-00296-00055520-00055854 um trademark issues all of these things pgpWGaaHo7g-00297-00055855-00055975 it's interesting how open source is pgpWGaaHo7g-00298-00055976-00056126 growing so much now chris has got so pgpWGaaHo7g-00299-00056127-00056254 much action going on new pgpWGaaHo7g-00300-00056255-00056494 new verticals are opening up you know so pgpWGaaHo7g-00301-00056495-00056735 so much action cheryl you had posted on pgpWGaaHo7g-00302-00056736-00056959 um the internet uh predictions for cloud pgpWGaaHo7g-00303-00056960-00057054 native which pgpWGaaHo7g-00304-00057055-00057175 i found interesting because there's so pgpWGaaHo7g-00305-00057176-00057303 much action going on you have to break pgpWGaaHo7g-00306-00057304-00057471 things out into pillars pgpWGaaHo7g-00307-00057472-00057823 tech devops and ecosystem each one kind pgpWGaaHo7g-00308-00057824-00057903 of with a pgpWGaaHo7g-00309-00057904-00058223 a slew of of key trends so take us pgpWGaaHo7g-00310-00058224-00058326 through the mindset pgpWGaaHo7g-00311-00058327-00058511 why break it out like that you got tech pgpWGaaHo7g-00312-00058512-00058663 devops and ecosystem pgpWGaaHo7g-00313-00058664-00058759 traditionally that was all kind of pgpWGaaHo7g-00314-00058760-00058999 bundled in one why why the pillars and pgpWGaaHo7g-00315-00059000-00059175 is it because there's so much action pgpWGaaHo7g-00316-00059176-00059359 what what's what's the basis behind the pgpWGaaHo7g-00317-00059360-00059607 prediction pgpWGaaHo7g-00318-00059608-00059854 um so originally this was just a giant pgpWGaaHo7g-00319-00059855-00060030 list of things that i had seen from pgpWGaaHo7g-00320-00060032-00060126 talking to people pgpWGaaHo7g-00321-00060127-00060294 and reading around and seeing what pgpWGaaHo7g-00322-00060295-00060503 people are talking about on social media pgpWGaaHo7g-00323-00060504-00060806 um and when once i'd written out these pgpWGaaHo7g-00324-00060807-00060871 10 pgpWGaaHo7g-00325-00060872-00061142 i thought about what this what does this pgpWGaaHo7g-00326-00061144-00061271 actually mean for the people who are pgpWGaaHo7g-00327-00061272-00061366 going to look at this pgpWGaaHo7g-00328-00061367-00061687 list and what should they care about pgpWGaaHo7g-00329-00061688-00061966 so i see tech trends as things related pgpWGaaHo7g-00330-00061967-00062038 to tools pgpWGaaHo7g-00331-00062039-00062438 frameworks um perhaps architects pgpWGaaHo7g-00332-00062439-00062726 i see devops as people who are more as a pgpWGaaHo7g-00333-00062727-00062871 combination of process pgpWGaaHo7g-00334-00062872-00063038 thinks that a combination of process and pgpWGaaHo7g-00335-00063039-00063294 people and culture best practices pgpWGaaHo7g-00336-00063295-00063463 and then ecosystem was kind of anything pgpWGaaHo7g-00337-00063464-00063638 else broader than that things that pgpWGaaHo7g-00338-00063639-00063687 happen pgpWGaaHo7g-00339-00063688-00063966 across organizations so you can pgpWGaaHo7g-00340-00063967-00064023 definitely pgpWGaaHo7g-00341-00064024-00064335 go to my twitter you can go to oi at boy pgpWGaaHo7g-00342-00064336-00064503 show pgpWGaaHo7g-00343-00064504-00064703 r y o-i-c-h-e-r-y-l and take a look at pgpWGaaHo7g-00344-00064704-00064871 this and pgpWGaaHo7g-00345-00064872-00065038 you know this is my list of ten i would pgpWGaaHo7g-00346-00065039-00065191 love to hear from you whether you agree pgpWGaaHo7g-00347-00065191-00065303 with it whether you pgpWGaaHo7g-00348-00065304-00065423 think there are other things that i've pgpWGaaHo7g-00349-00065424-00065631 missed or yeah what would your take pgpWGaaHo7g-00350-00065632-00065815 i love i love the top well first of all pgpWGaaHo7g-00351-00065816-00065991 i think the list is very relevant the pgpWGaaHo7g-00352-00065992-00066159 one that i would ask you on is more rust pgpWGaaHo7g-00353-00066160-00066335 and cloud native that's the number one pgpWGaaHo7g-00354-00066336-00066567 item um i think cross cloud is pgpWGaaHo7g-00355-00066568-00066711 definitely totally happening i think pgpWGaaHo7g-00356-00066712-00066806 people are really starting to think pgpWGaaHo7g-00357-00066807-00066894 about that pgpWGaaHo7g-00358-00066895-00067047 and i so i'd love to get your comments pgpWGaaHo7g-00359-00067048-00067150 on that but i think the thing that pgpWGaaHo7g-00360-00067151-00067335 jumped out at me was the devops piece pgpWGaaHo7g-00361-00067336-00067415 because pgpWGaaHo7g-00362-00067416-00067559 this is a trend that i've been seeing a pgpWGaaHo7g-00363-00067560-00067791 lot more certainly even in academic pgpWGaaHo7g-00364-00067792-00068055 institutions for folks in school right pgpWGaaHo7g-00365-00068056-00068182 going to college for computer science pgpWGaaHo7g-00366-00068183-00068271 and engineering pgpWGaaHo7g-00367-00068272-00068631 this idea of sre large-scale pgpWGaaHo7g-00368-00068632-00068903 cloud is not so much an i.t practice pgpWGaaHo7g-00369-00068904-00069047 it's much more of a cloud pgpWGaaHo7g-00370-00069048-00069359 native mindset so i think this idea of pgpWGaaHo7g-00371-00069360-00069767 of ops so much more about scale pgpWGaaHo7g-00372-00069768-00069943 and i use sre only because i don't can't pgpWGaaHo7g-00373-00069944-00070079 think of a better word pgpWGaaHo7g-00374-00070080-00070326 around it and certainly the edge piece pgpWGaaHo7g-00375-00070327-00070487 is with kubernetes i think this pgpWGaaHo7g-00376-00070488-00070694 is the i think the biggest story to me pgpWGaaHo7g-00377-00070695-00070806 that's where all the action pgpWGaaHo7g-00378-00070807-00071006 seems to be when i talk to people around pgpWGaaHo7g-00379-00071007-00071159 what they're working on in terms of pgpWGaaHo7g-00380-00071160-00071247 training new people pgpWGaaHo7g-00381-00071248-00071503 on boarding and whatnot katie you're pgpWGaaHo7g-00382-00071504-00071655 shaking your head you're like yeah pgpWGaaHo7g-00383-00071656-00071943 what's your thoughts i have definitely pgpWGaaHo7g-00384-00071944-00071982 been pgpWGaaHo7g-00385-00071983-00072167 uh through all of these stages from pgpWGaaHo7g-00386-00072168-00072359 having a team where the devops pgpWGaaHo7g-00387-00072360-00072503 i think it's more of a culture of like a pgpWGaaHo7g-00388-00072504-00072719 pattern to adopt within an organization pgpWGaaHo7g-00389-00072720-00072831 more than anything pgpWGaaHo7g-00390-00072832-00073079 so i've been pre-devops within devops pgpWGaaHo7g-00391-00073080-00073262 and actually during the evolution of it pgpWGaaHo7g-00392-00073263-00073438 where we actually added an essay team as pgpWGaaHo7g-00393-00073439-00073503 well pgpWGaaHo7g-00394-00073504-00073750 um i think having these uh cultural pgpWGaaHo7g-00395-00073751-00073911 changes with an organization they pgpWGaaHo7g-00396-00073912-00074191 are necessary especially they want to pgpWGaaHo7g-00397-00074192-00074294 iterate quicker pgpWGaaHo7g-00398-00074295-00074462 and actually deliver value to the pgpWGaaHo7g-00399-00074463-00074655 customers with minimal latency pgpWGaaHo7g-00400-00074656-00074838 because what it actually does there is pgpWGaaHo7g-00401-00074839-00074975 the collaboration between pgpWGaaHo7g-00402-00074976-00075199 teams which were initially segregated pgpWGaaHo7g-00403-00075200-00075319 and that's why i think there is a pgpWGaaHo7g-00404-00075320-00075479 paradigm nowadays which is called pgpWGaaHo7g-00405-00075480-00075703 devsecops which actually moves security pgpWGaaHo7g-00406-00075704-00075799 more towards left pgpWGaaHo7g-00407-00075800-00075991 this has been very popular especially in pgpWGaaHo7g-00408-00075992-00076182 the in the latest uh couple of months pgpWGaaHo7g-00409-00076183-00076359 lots of talks around it and even there pgpWGaaHo7g-00410-00076360-00076535 is like a security collocated event at pgpWGaaHo7g-00411-00076536-00076606 kubecon pgpWGaaHo7g-00412-00076607-00076831 which is going to focus on that mainly pgpWGaaHo7g-00413-00076832-00076935 but as well within pgpWGaaHo7g-00414-00076936-00077231 the uh the devops area um one of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00415-00077232-00077423 models that has been quite permanent has pgpWGaaHo7g-00416-00077424-00077471 been pgpWGaaHo7g-00417-00077472-00077703 githubs as well which pretty much uses pgpWGaaHo7g-00418-00077704-00077879 the power of git repositories pgpWGaaHo7g-00419-00077880-00078062 to describe the state of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00420-00078063-00078215 applications how it actually should be pgpWGaaHo7g-00421-00078216-00078375 within the production system pgpWGaaHo7g-00422-00078376-00078535 and within the cloud native ecosystem pgpWGaaHo7g-00423-00078536-00078694 there are two main tools that pretty pgpWGaaHo7g-00424-00078695-00078735 much pgpWGaaHo7g-00425-00078736-00078879 lead this area and there's going to be pgpWGaaHo7g-00426-00078880-00079079 argo cd which has been donated by pgpWGaaHo7g-00427-00079080-00079375 intuit which is our end user and we have pgpWGaaHo7g-00428-00079376-00079550 a flux as well which has been pgpWGaaHo7g-00429-00079551-00079775 donated by weaveworks and both of these pgpWGaaHo7g-00430-00079776-00079919 projects currently are within the pgpWGaaHo7g-00431-00079920-00080062 incubation stage pgpWGaaHo7g-00432-00080063-00080303 which pretty much by default um pgpWGaaHo7g-00433-00080304-00080487 showcases there is a lot of adoption pgpWGaaHo7g-00434-00080488-00080831 from the organizations um more than 100 pgpWGaaHo7g-00435-00080832-00081055 of for for some of them so there is pgpWGaaHo7g-00436-00081056-00081175 wider adoption pgpWGaaHo7g-00437-00081176-00081319 another thing i would like to mention is pgpWGaaHo7g-00438-00081320-00081471 the github's working group which has pgpWGaaHo7g-00439-00081472-00081591 emerged pgpWGaaHo7g-00440-00081592-00081831 i think between kubecon europe and north pgpWGaaHo7g-00441-00081832-00081950 america last year pgpWGaaHo7g-00442-00081951-00082126 and that again is more to define and pgpWGaaHo7g-00443-00082127-00082343 manifest of how exactly kids partners pgpWGaaHo7g-00444-00082344-00082518 should be adopted within organizations pgpWGaaHo7g-00445-00082519-00082638 so there's a lot of pgpWGaaHo7g-00446-00082639-00082823 i would say initiatives and this is pgpWGaaHo7g-00447-00082824-00082991 further i would say confirmed with the pgpWGaaHo7g-00448-00082992-00083103 tooling that we have within the pgpWGaaHo7g-00449-00083104-00083182 ecosystem pgpWGaaHo7g-00450-00083183-00083335 yeah that's really awesome insight i pgpWGaaHo7g-00451-00083336-00083503 want to just if you don't mind follow up pgpWGaaHo7g-00452-00083504-00083687 on that why is gitops pgpWGaaHo7g-00453-00083688-00083894 so important right now is it because the pgpWGaaHo7g-00454-00083895-00084006 emphasis of pgpWGaaHo7g-00455-00084007-00084175 security is it the emphasis of more pgpWGaaHo7g-00456-00084176-00084359 scale is it just i mean because it pgpWGaaHo7g-00457-00084360-00084494 pretty much get was okay it's just the pgpWGaaHo7g-00458-00084495-00084550 code's pgpWGaaHo7g-00459-00084551-00084711 storing it over there is it because pgpWGaaHo7g-00460-00084712-00084903 there's so much more inspection pgpWGaaHo7g-00461-00084904-00085111 going on around it i mean code reviews pgpWGaaHo7g-00462-00085112-00085223 have been going on for a long time pgpWGaaHo7g-00463-00085224-00085399 what's what's the big deal why is it so pgpWGaaHo7g-00464-00085400-00085679 hot right now in your opinion pgpWGaaHo7g-00465-00085680-00085903 i think there are definitely a a couple pgpWGaaHo7g-00466-00085904-00086062 of aspects that are quite important you pgpWGaaHo7g-00467-00086063-00086223 mentioned security that's definitely one pgpWGaaHo7g-00468-00086224-00086294 of them pgpWGaaHo7g-00469-00086295-00086503 with the github spattering there is a pgpWGaaHo7g-00470-00086504-00086679 pull model rather than a push model pgpWGaaHo7g-00471-00086680-00086911 so you have the actual tool for example pgpWGaaHo7g-00472-00086912-00087062 argo city or flux watching for pgpWGaaHo7g-00473-00087063-00087223 repository and if new changes are pgpWGaaHo7g-00474-00087224-00087382 identified it's going to pull those pgpWGaaHo7g-00475-00087383-00087526 changes automatically pgpWGaaHo7g-00476-00087527-00087694 so the first thing that we actually can pgpWGaaHo7g-00477-00087695-00087847 see from this model is that pgpWGaaHo7g-00478-00087848-00088094 we always will have a delta between pgpWGaaHo7g-00479-00088095-00088247 what's within our git repositories and pgpWGaaHo7g-00480-00088248-00088406 the production system pgpWGaaHo7g-00481-00088407-00088623 usually if you have a pull model you can pgpWGaaHo7g-00482-00088624-00088743 pull it uh you can pgpWGaaHo7g-00483-00088744-00088982 push the changes towards dev staging pgpWGaaHo7g-00484-00088983-00089103 environment but not always the pgpWGaaHo7g-00485-00089104-00089238 production because you have the change pgpWGaaHo7g-00486-00089239-00089375 window sometimes pgpWGaaHo7g-00487-00089376-00089550 with with the github's model you'll pgpWGaaHo7g-00488-00089551-00089735 always be aware of what's the dell can pgpWGaaHo7g-00489-00089736-00089926 you have quite a nice way to visualize pgpWGaaHo7g-00490-00089927-00089991 that pgpWGaaHo7g-00491-00089992-00090206 especially with argo cd which has the ui pgpWGaaHo7g-00492-00090207-00090375 as well as well with the github pgpWGaaHo7g-00493-00090376-00090511 spattering there is pgpWGaaHo7g-00494-00090512-00090743 less necessity to share the credentials pgpWGaaHo7g-00495-00090744-00090959 with the actual pipeline tool pgpWGaaHo7g-00496-00090960-00091215 all of because argo flux they are pgpWGaaHo7g-00497-00091216-00091294 natively pgpWGaaHo7g-00498-00091295-00091494 built around kubernetes all the secrets pgpWGaaHo7g-00499-00091495-00091623 are going to be residing within the pgpWGaaHo7g-00500-00091624-00091838 cluster there is no need to share any pgpWGaaHo7g-00501-00091839-00091982 extra credentials or any extra pgpWGaaHo7g-00502-00091983-00092094 permissions with pgpWGaaHo7g-00503-00092095-00092318 external tools as well there are scale pgpWGaaHo7g-00504-00092319-00092399 there is um pgpWGaaHo7g-00505-00092400-00092582 again with key we have historical data pgpWGaaHo7g-00506-00092583-00092871 points which allows us to easily revert pgpWGaaHo7g-00507-00092872-00093143 um to uh stable points of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00508-00093144-00093350 applications in the past so pgpWGaaHo7g-00509-00093351-00093559 multiple multiple benefits i would say pgpWGaaHo7g-00510-00093560-00093711 but definitely secured i think it's one pgpWGaaHo7g-00511-00093712-00093750 of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00512-00093751-00093950 the main one and it has been talked pgpWGaaHo7g-00513-00093951-00094087 about quite a lot as well pgpWGaaHo7g-00514-00094088-00094271 you know a lot of these end user stories pgpWGaaHo7g-00515-00094272-00094391 kind of revolve around pgpWGaaHo7g-00516-00094392-00094679 these dynamics and uh the ones you guys pgpWGaaHo7g-00517-00094680-00094887 are promoting and from your members as pgpWGaaHo7g-00518-00094888-00095103 well as in the community at large is pgpWGaaHo7g-00519-00095104-00095303 uh i hate to use the word day two pgpWGaaHo7g-00520-00095304-00095479 operations but that really is the issue pgpWGaaHo7g-00521-00095480-00095550 like okay pgpWGaaHo7g-00522-00095551-00095767 we're up and running i want more pgpWGaaHo7g-00523-00095768-00095862 automation pgpWGaaHo7g-00524-00095863-00096062 this is a git ops kind of vibe here pgpWGaaHo7g-00525-00096063-00096262 where it's like okay pgpWGaaHo7g-00526-00096263-00096399 we got to go troubleshoot all this wait pgpWGaaHo7g-00527-00096400-00096647 it should be working as more stuff comes pgpWGaaHo7g-00528-00096648-00096791 in this becomes more and more the pgpWGaaHo7g-00529-00096792-00096903 dynamic pgpWGaaHo7g-00530-00096904-00097199 is that is that because of just more pgpWGaaHo7g-00531-00097200-00097279 edges pgpWGaaHo7g-00532-00097280-00097591 more things more devices pgpWGaaHo7g-00533-00097592-00097815 what's what's the what's the push behind pgpWGaaHo7g-00534-00097816-00097999 all these stories around this automation pgpWGaaHo7g-00535-00098000-00098318 and day two operation things what's that pgpWGaaHo7g-00536-00098319-00098415 what do you guys think pgpWGaaHo7g-00537-00098416-00098615 i think i think the expectations are pgpWGaaHo7g-00538-00098616-00098750 getting higher and higher pgpWGaaHo7g-00539-00098751-00098974 to be honest a few years ago it was pgpWGaaHo7g-00540-00098975-00099150 enough to use containers pgpWGaaHo7g-00541-00099151-00099415 and start using the barest minimum you pgpWGaaHo7g-00542-00099416-00099662 know to orchestrate those containers but pgpWGaaHo7g-00543-00099663-00099991 now what we see is that you know it's pgpWGaaHo7g-00544-00099992-00100087 easy to pgpWGaaHo7g-00545-00100088-00100367 choose a technology it's easy to install pgpWGaaHo7g-00546-00100368-00100391 it pgpWGaaHo7g-00547-00100392-00100623 and even configure it but as you said pgpWGaaHo7g-00548-00100624-00100799 john those day two operations pgpWGaaHo7g-00549-00100800-00101062 are really really hard um for example pgpWGaaHo7g-00550-00101063-00101199 one of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00551-00101200-00101415 ones that we've seen up and coming and pgpWGaaHo7g-00552-00101416-00101503 we care about pgpWGaaHo7g-00553-00101504-00101871 from cncf is kubernetes on the edge pgpWGaaHo7g-00554-00101872-00102150 and we see this as enabling telco use pgpWGaaHo7g-00555-00102151-00102215 cases pgpWGaaHo7g-00556-00102216-00102534 and 5g and iot and pgpWGaaHo7g-00557-00102535-00102927 really really broad difficult use cases pgpWGaaHo7g-00558-00102928-00103086 that just a few years ago would have pgpWGaaHo7g-00559-00103088-00103375 been nigh on impossible pgpWGaaHo7g-00560-00103376-00103615 the interest i mean katie you also kelly pgpWGaaHo7g-00561-00103616-00103830 what's your sorry katie you also pgpWGaaHo7g-00562-00103831-00104215 talk about edge right absolutely i think pgpWGaaHo7g-00563-00104216-00104454 i i really like to watch uh some of the pgpWGaaHo7g-00564-00104455-00104606 talks with cubicle and especially given pgpWGaaHo7g-00565-00104607-00104647 by pgpWGaaHo7g-00566-00104648-00104830 the big organizations that have to pgpWGaaHo7g-00567-00104831-00105047 manage thousands or pgpWGaaHo7g-00568-00105048-00105199 tens of thousands hundreds of thousands pgpWGaaHo7g-00569-00105200-00105399 of customers and they have to deliver pgpWGaaHo7g-00570-00105400-00105599 a cluster to these through these teams pgpWGaaHo7g-00571-00105600-00105702 now from pgpWGaaHo7g-00572-00105703-00105831 their point of view they pretty much pgpWGaaHo7g-00573-00105832-00106054 have to manage clusters at scale there pgpWGaaHo7g-00574-00106055-00106207 is definitely the edge out there and pgpWGaaHo7g-00575-00106208-00106327 they really kind of pushing the pgpWGaaHo7g-00576-00106328-00106566 technology towards how can we get closer pgpWGaaHo7g-00577-00106567-00106766 to the physical devices within the pgpWGaaHo7g-00578-00106767-00106990 customers kind of pgpWGaaHo7g-00579-00106991-00107310 let's say bubble or area and surveys so pgpWGaaHo7g-00580-00107311-00107510 age has been definitely something which pgpWGaaHo7g-00581-00107511-00107671 has been moving a lot when it comes to pgpWGaaHo7g-00582-00107672-00107831 the cloud native ecosystem we've had a pgpWGaaHo7g-00583-00107832-00108015 lot of projects moving to towards the pgpWGaaHo7g-00584-00108016-00108143 incubation stage pgpWGaaHo7g-00585-00108144-00108407 k3s has been there um for for a while pgpWGaaHo7g-00586-00108408-00108454 and again pgpWGaaHo7g-00587-00108455-00108615 has a lot of adoption is known for its pgpWGaaHo7g-00588-00108616-00108783 stability but another thing that i would pgpWGaaHo7g-00589-00108783-00108958 like to mention is that now currently we pgpWGaaHo7g-00590-00108959-00109063 have a lot of pgpWGaaHo7g-00591-00109064-00109310 projects that are age focused but within pgpWGaaHo7g-00592-00109311-00109423 sandbox pgpWGaaHo7g-00593-00109424-00109663 so there is again a lot of potential if pgpWGaaHo7g-00594-00109664-00109751 there is going to be pgpWGaaHo7g-00595-00109752-00109951 a higher demand for this i would expect pgpWGaaHo7g-00596-00109952-00110119 these tools to move from sandbox to pgpWGaaHo7g-00597-00110120-00110278 incubation and even graduation pgpWGaaHo7g-00598-00110279-00110495 so that's definitely something which uh pgpWGaaHo7g-00599-00110496-00110686 it's moving and there is dynamism around pgpWGaaHo7g-00600-00110688-00110775 it pgpWGaaHo7g-00601-00110776-00110990 well cheryl katie you guys are awesome pgpWGaaHo7g-00602-00110991-00111158 love the work you're doing i gotta pgpWGaaHo7g-00603-00111159-00111334 ask the final question since you brought pgpWGaaHo7g-00604-00111335-00111551 it up about the expectations cheryl pgpWGaaHo7g-00605-00111552-00111775 if you guys could both end the segment pgpWGaaHo7g-00606-00111776-00111934 with the comment around pgpWGaaHo7g-00607-00111935-00112199 expectations as the industry and pgpWGaaHo7g-00608-00112200-00112375 companies and developers and pgpWGaaHo7g-00609-00112376-00112719 participants continue to grow what pgpWGaaHo7g-00610-00112720-00113023 what's changed with cncf kubecon pgpWGaaHo7g-00611-00113024-00113302 cloud native con as the expectation has pgpWGaaHo7g-00612-00113303-00113407 been growing pgpWGaaHo7g-00613-00113408-00113566 and the stakes are higher too frankly i pgpWGaaHo7g-00614-00113567-00113686 mean you got security you mentioned pgpWGaaHo7g-00615-00113688-00113807 these things edge pgpWGaaHo7g-00616-00113808-00114007 um git ops you start to see the pgpWGaaHo7g-00617-00114008-00114119 maturation of this pgpWGaaHo7g-00618-00114120-00114439 ecosystem what's new and what's expected pgpWGaaHo7g-00619-00114440-00114566 of you guys what do you see pgpWGaaHo7g-00620-00114567-00114966 and how are you guys organizing pgpWGaaHo7g-00621-00114967-00115134 i think we can definitely say the pgpWGaaHo7g-00622-00115135-00115375 ecosystem has matured pgpWGaaHo7g-00623-00115376-00115575 a lot compared to a few years ago same pgpWGaaHo7g-00624-00115576-00115807 with cncf same with kubecon pgpWGaaHo7g-00625-00115808-00116007 i think the very first cubacon i went to pgpWGaaHo7g-00626-00116008-00116334 was berlin which was about 1800 people pgpWGaaHo7g-00627-00116335-00116671 um just kind of mind-boggling to see how pgpWGaaHo7g-00628-00116672-00116734 much pgpWGaaHo7g-00629-00116735-00116958 how much it's grown since then i mean pgpWGaaHo7g-00630-00116959-00117102 one of the things that we pgpWGaaHo7g-00631-00117103-00117431 try and do is to expand the number of pgpWGaaHo7g-00632-00117432-00117671 people who can reach the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00633-00117672-00117966 so for example we launched kubernetes pgpWGaaHo7g-00634-00117967-00118071 community days pgpWGaaHo7g-00635-00118072-00118351 and we launched that nami's community pgpWGaaHo7g-00636-00118352-00118551 organized events in africa pgpWGaaHo7g-00637-00118552-00118766 for example for people who couldn't come pgpWGaaHo7g-00638-00118767-00118927 to large events pgpWGaaHo7g-00639-00118928-00119271 in north america or europe um we also pgpWGaaHo7g-00640-00119272-00119407 are launching things to help pgpWGaaHo7g-00641-00119408-00119639 students i actually love talking to pgpWGaaHo7g-00642-00119640-00119847 students because pgpWGaaHo7g-00643-00119848-00120023 quite often now you talk to them and pgpWGaaHo7g-00644-00120024-00120199 they say oh i've never pgpWGaaHo7g-00645-00120200-00120366 run software in anything other than a pgpWGaaHo7g-00646-00120367-00120558 container you're like pgpWGaaHo7g-00647-00120559-00120758 yeah well this was a new thing this is pgpWGaaHo7g-00648-00120759-00120999 brand new a few years ago and now like pgpWGaaHo7g-00649-00121000-00121166 you can be 18 and have never tried pgpWGaaHo7g-00650-00121167-00121343 anything else um pgpWGaaHo7g-00651-00121344-00121551 so it's pretty amazing but yeah there's pgpWGaaHo7g-00652-00121552-00121710 definitely there's always space to grow pgpWGaaHo7g-00653-00121711-00121823 the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00654-00121824-00121983 yeah i mean once you go cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00655-00121983-00122143 it's like you know like ah you've never pgpWGaaHo7g-00656-00122144-00122327 loaded linux on m server before i mean pgpWGaaHo7g-00657-00122328-00122439 what what's going on pgpWGaaHo7g-00658-00122440-00122614 katie get your thoughts as expectations pgpWGaaHo7g-00659-00122615-00122799 go higher and certainly there's more pgpWGaaHo7g-00660-00122800-00123007 in migration not only for young folks pgpWGaaHo7g-00661-00123008-00123143 because they're jumping into this pgpWGaaHo7g-00662-00123144-00123286 because it's engineering pgpWGaaHo7g-00663-00123288-00123471 meets computer science it's now pgpWGaaHo7g-00664-00123472-00123599 cross-discipline pgpWGaaHo7g-00665-00123600-00123751 you're seeing scale you mentioned pgpWGaaHo7g-00666-00123752-00124054 scaling up those are huge factors pgpWGaaHo7g-00667-00124055-00124166 you got younger you've got pgpWGaaHo7g-00668-00124167-00124334 cross-training you've got cyber security pgpWGaaHo7g-00669-00124335-00124486 i mean and you've got fintech ops that's pgpWGaaHo7g-00670-00124488-00124607 chris is working on pgpWGaaHo7g-00671-00124608-00124823 i mean so much is happening what what's pgpWGaaHo7g-00672-00124824-00124958 how you guys keep up what's your pgpWGaaHo7g-00673-00124959-00125239 how are you going to raise them pgpWGaaHo7g-00674-00125240-00125358 absolutely i think pgpWGaaHo7g-00675-00125359-00125543 uh there's definitely technology moving pgpWGaaHo7g-00676-00125544-00125734 forward but i think nowadays there is a pgpWGaaHo7g-00677-00125735-00125775 more pgpWGaaHo7g-00678-00125776-00126063 need for actual end-user stories whilst pgpWGaaHo7g-00679-00126064-00126102 the pgpWGaaHo7g-00680-00126103-00126295 beginning of kubecons uh there is a lot pgpWGaaHo7g-00681-00126296-00126463 of focus on the technical aspects how pgpWGaaHo7g-00682-00126464-00126686 can you fix this particular problem of pgpWGaaHo7g-00683-00126688-00126902 uh deploying between two clusters or pgpWGaaHo7g-00684-00126903-00127031 deploying at scale pgpWGaaHo7g-00685-00127032-00127183 there is like a lot of technical aspects pgpWGaaHo7g-00686-00127183-00127319 nowadays they're looking for the stories pgpWGaaHo7g-00687-00127320-00127495 because as i mentioned before not one pgpWGaaHo7g-00688-00127496-00127631 platform is going to be the same when it pgpWGaaHo7g-00689-00127632-00127766 comes to cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00690-00127767-00127919 and i think there's still uh the pgpWGaaHo7g-00691-00127920-00128071 community still trying to look for some pgpWGaaHo7g-00692-00128072-00128247 patterns so some standards pgpWGaaHo7g-00693-00128248-00128439 and we actually can see like especially pgpWGaaHo7g-00694-00128440-00128590 when it comes to the open standards we pgpWGaaHo7g-00695-00128591-00128647 can see pgpWGaaHo7g-00696-00128648-00128910 this moving within um the observability pgpWGaaHo7g-00697-00128911-00129102 stack web application delivery pgpWGaaHo7g-00698-00129103-00129254 we'll have for example crossplane and pgpWGaaHo7g-00699-00129255-00129510 kubella we have open metrics and open pgpWGaaHo7g-00700-00129511-00129631 tracing as well which focuses on pgpWGaaHo7g-00701-00129632-00129743 observability pgpWGaaHo7g-00702-00129744-00129927 and all of the interfaces that we had pgpWGaaHo7g-00703-00129928-00130271 around um kubernetes pgpWGaaHo7g-00704-00130272-00130431 service mesh and so forth all of these pgpWGaaHo7g-00705-00130432-00130647 pretty much try to bring a benchmark pgpWGaaHo7g-00706-00130648-00130823 making it easier to integrate these pgpWGaaHo7g-00707-00130824-00131031 special use cases um when it comes to pgpWGaaHo7g-00708-00131032-00131111 actual extreme pgpWGaaHo7g-00709-00131112-00131247 technology kind of solutions that you pgpWGaaHo7g-00710-00131248-00131478 need to provide and um i was mentioning pgpWGaaHo7g-00711-00131479-00131678 the end user stories that are there more pgpWGaaHo7g-00712-00131679-00131871 in demand nowadays mainly because these pgpWGaaHo7g-00713-00131872-00132039 are very very necessary pgpWGaaHo7g-00714-00132040-00132278 from the community like for example the pgpWGaaHo7g-00715-00132279-00132463 sigs or the project maintainers they pgpWGaaHo7g-00716-00132464-00132631 require feedback to actually move pgpWGaaHo7g-00717-00132632-00132702 forward pgpWGaaHo7g-00718-00132703-00132823 and as part of that i would like to pgpWGaaHo7g-00719-00132824-00133007 mention that we've recently soft pgpWGaaHo7g-00720-00133008-00133159 launched the industry lounge which pgpWGaaHo7g-00721-00133160-00133351 really focuses on this particular aspect pgpWGaaHo7g-00722-00133352-00133478 of end user stories pgpWGaaHo7g-00723-00133479-00133727 we try to pretty much question our end pgpWGaaHo7g-00724-00133728-00133943 users and really understand what really pgpWGaaHo7g-00725-00133944-00134159 moved them to adopt cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00726-00134160-00134359 what keeps them on this path and what pgpWGaaHo7g-00727-00134360-00134502 like future challenges they would like pgpWGaaHo7g-00728-00134503-00134543 to pgpWGaaHo7g-00729-00134544-00134743 um to tackle or are they facing at the pgpWGaaHo7g-00730-00134744-00134863 moment they would like to solve in the pgpWGaaHo7g-00731-00134864-00134919 future pgpWGaaHo7g-00732-00134920-00135047 so we're trying to create this feedback pgpWGaaHo7g-00733-00135048-00135254 loop between the end users and the the pgpWGaaHo7g-00734-00135255-00135399 projects out there so i think this is pgpWGaaHo7g-00735-00135400-00135487 something which pgpWGaaHo7g-00736-00135488-00135671 needs to be a bit more closely together pgpWGaaHo7g-00737-00135672-00135823 these two years which currently pgpWGaaHo7g-00738-00135824-00136102 are segregated but we're trying to pgpWGaaHo7g-00739-00136103-00136199 dissolve that pgpWGaaHo7g-00740-00136200-00136407 awesome you guys do great work great job pgpWGaaHo7g-00741-00136408-00136607 cheryl wrap us up real take a minute to pgpWGaaHo7g-00742-00136608-00136807 put a plug in for the cncf and the pgpWGaaHo7g-00743-00136808-00136919 ecosystem pgpWGaaHo7g-00744-00136920-00137111 what's the fashion this year what's hot pgpWGaaHo7g-00745-00137112-00137239 what's the trend pgpWGaaHo7g-00746-00137240-00137414 what are you guys doing share some quick pgpWGaaHo7g-00747-00137415-00137583 update on what's going on the ecosystem pgpWGaaHo7g-00748-00137584-00137919 from your perspective pgpWGaaHo7g-00749-00137920-00138199 yeah i mean the ecosystem even though i pgpWGaaHo7g-00750-00138200-00138431 just said that we're maturing you know pgpWGaaHo7g-00751-00138432-00138751 the growth has not stopped now what pgpWGaaHo7g-00752-00138752-00138799 we're seeing pgpWGaaHo7g-00753-00138800-00139039 is these he said as casey was saying you pgpWGaaHo7g-00754-00139040-00139231 know more specific use cases pgpWGaaHo7g-00755-00139232-00139463 even bigger even more demanding pgpWGaaHo7g-00756-00139464-00139566 environments pgpWGaaHo7g-00757-00139567-00139911 and even more kind of crazy use cases pgpWGaaHo7g-00758-00139912-00140183 i mean i love the story from the u.s pgpWGaaHo7g-00759-00140184-00140287 department of defense pgpWGaaHo7g-00760-00140288-00140502 about putting kubernetes on their pgpWGaaHo7g-00761-00140503-00140678 fighter jets and putting istio on pgpWGaaHo7g-00762-00140679-00140775 fighter jets pgpWGaaHo7g-00763-00140776-00141054 you know it's just absurd to think about pgpWGaaHo7g-00764-00141055-00141135 it pgpWGaaHo7g-00765-00141136-00141383 but i would say definitely come and be pgpWGaaHo7g-00766-00141384-00141583 part of the community pgpWGaaHo7g-00767-00141584-00141799 share your stories share what you know pgpWGaaHo7g-00768-00141800-00141983 help other people pgpWGaaHo7g-00769-00141984-00142199 if you are a end user of these pgpWGaaHo7g-00770-00142200-00142371 technologies then go to pgpWGaaHo7g-00771-00142372-00142654 cncf.io enduser pgpWGaaHo7g-00772-00142655-00142823 and just come and be part of our pgpWGaaHo7g-00773-00142824-00143039 community you know meet your peers and pgpWGaaHo7g-00774-00143040-00143263 hear what everybody else is doing well pgpWGaaHo7g-00775-00143264-00143487 having kubernetes and istio on jets pgpWGaaHo7g-00776-00143488-00143639 that's the air force i would call that pgpWGaaHo7g-00777-00143640-00143766 tactical edge pgpWGaaHo7g-00778-00143767-00144047 katie to you know bring back the edge pgpWGaaHo7g-00779-00144048-00144214 carol kitty thank you so much for pgpWGaaHo7g-00780-00144215-00144311 sharing the insight pgpWGaaHo7g-00781-00144312-00144511 ecosystem is robust rising tide is pgpWGaaHo7g-00782-00144512-00144678 floating all the boats as we always say pgpWGaaHo7g-00783-00144679-00144854 here on thecube it's been great pgpWGaaHo7g-00784-00144855-00145023 to watch and continue to watch the rise pgpWGaaHo7g-00785-00145024-00145175 i think it's just the beginning pgpWGaaHo7g-00786-00145176-00145383 we're starting to see post pandemic pgpWGaaHo7g-00787-00145384-00145559 visibility cloud native pgpWGaaHo7g-00788-00145560-00145743 more standards more visibility into the pgpWGaaHo7g-00789-00145744-00145926 economics and value and pgpWGaaHo7g-00790-00145927-00146111 great to see the ecosystem rising up pgpWGaaHo7g-00791-00146112-00146263 with the end users as well so pgpWGaaHo7g-00792-00146264-00146543 congratulations and thanks for coming on pgpWGaaHo7g-00793-00146544-00146711 thank you so much john it's a pleasure pgpWGaaHo7g-00794-00146712-00146871 appreciate it thank you for having us pgpWGaaHo7g-00795-00146872-00147039 john great to have you on i'm john pgpWGaaHo7g-00796-00147040-00147239 furrier with thecube here for kubecon pgpWGaaHo7g-00797-00147240-00147423 cloudnativecon 21 virtual pgpWGaaHo7g-00798-00147424-00147654 soon we'll be back in real life thanks pgpWGaaHo7g-00799-00147655-00148887 for watching pgpWGaaHo7g-00800-00148888-00149096 you pgxzTBsIwEy-00000-00007664-00007895 okay good evening councilors ladies and pgxzTBsIwEy-00001-00007895-00008039 gentlemen welcome to the cabinet meeting pgxzTBsIwEy-00002-00008040-00008387 of the 16th of March 2023 so we'll go pgxzTBsIwEy-00003-00008388-00008567 straight in with apologies for absence I pgxzTBsIwEy-00004-00008568-00008807 believe everybody is here pgxzTBsIwEy-00005-00008808-00008969 um minutes of the previous meeting you pgxzTBsIwEy-00006-00008970-00009160 all wish I signed as a true record pgxzTBsIwEy-00007-00009161-00009413 that's proposed by councilor Clement pgxzTBsIwEy-00008-00009414-00009563 seconded by councilor Farrell all those pgxzTBsIwEy-00009-00009564-00009695 in favor pgxzTBsIwEy-00010-00009696-00009935 that's carried thank you very much uh pgxzTBsIwEy-00011-00009936-00010121 item three decorations of interest does pgxzTBsIwEy-00012-00010122-00010391 anybody have any interest to declare pgxzTBsIwEy-00013-00010392-00010535 nope pgxzTBsIwEy-00014-00010536-00010733 okay so Moving Straight on to item four pgxzTBsIwEy-00015-00010734-00010985 question time uh we do not have any pgxzTBsIwEy-00016-00010986-00011123 questions from the public at this pgxzTBsIwEy-00017-00011124-00011363 cabinet meeting uh so that's that's a pgxzTBsIwEy-00018-00011364-00011596 gender item done uh agenda item five pgxzTBsIwEy-00019-00011597-00011746 matters referred to Cabinet in pgxzTBsIwEy-00020-00011747-00011878 accordance overview and scrutiny pgxzTBsIwEy-00021-00011879-00012173 procedurals I've not received any uh for pgxzTBsIwEy-00022-00012174-00012310 the government to consider at this pgxzTBsIwEy-00023-00012311-00012538 meeting so we'll move straight on to pgxzTBsIwEy-00024-00012539-00012701 item six which is the homelessness pgxzTBsIwEy-00025-00012702-00012958 strategic update and that's councilor pgxzTBsIwEy-00026-00012959-00013133 Farrell's report pgxzTBsIwEy-00027-00013134-00013355 thank you chair um I'm sure the whole of pgxzTBsIwEy-00028-00013356-00013516 cabinet has read this in its entirety pgxzTBsIwEy-00029-00013518-00013751 but I will just give you the highlights pgxzTBsIwEy-00030-00013752-00013963 um it's an update on our homeless pgxzTBsIwEy-00031-00013963-00014291 prevention and rough sleeping strategy pgxzTBsIwEy-00032-00014291-00014447 um we've got updates here on our winter pgxzTBsIwEy-00033-00014447-00014657 relief response a big thanks to the pgxzTBsIwEy-00034-00014658-00014938 heart of Tamworth um they've also helped pgxzTBsIwEy-00035-00014940-00015101 us with our severe weather protocol pgxzTBsIwEy-00036-00015102-00015419 that's now been extended into March pgxzTBsIwEy-00037-00015419-00015701 um it proposes a homelessness Hub uh pgxzTBsIwEy-00038-00015702-00015827 this is a hundred and twenty thousand pgxzTBsIwEy-00039-00015828-00016036 pound to support a vulnerable people pgxzTBsIwEy-00040-00016037-00016186 um really important this also allows pgxzTBsIwEy-00041-00016187-00016421 face-to-face drop-ins pgxzTBsIwEy-00042-00016422-00016619 um it describes our temporary pgxzTBsIwEy-00043-00016620-00016822 accommodation policy pgxzTBsIwEy-00044-00016823-00017008 um the good news for that is bed and pgxzTBsIwEy-00045-00017009-00017308 breakfast cost uh used to be uh 400 000 pgxzTBsIwEy-00046-00017309-00017536 pound a year that's now quartered down pgxzTBsIwEy-00047-00017537-00017758 to less than a hundred thousand because pgxzTBsIwEy-00048-00017759-00017950 of service improvements um we've been pgxzTBsIwEy-00049-00017951-00018149 able to save significant amounts of pgxzTBsIwEy-00050-00018150-00018383 money no costs to the general fund pgxzTBsIwEy-00051-00018384-00018491 budget pgxzTBsIwEy-00052-00018492-00018635 um and this has been through health and pgxzTBsIwEy-00053-00018636-00018869 well-being scrutiny twice in November pgxzTBsIwEy-00054-00018870-00019133 and January so all the scrutiny comments pgxzTBsIwEy-00055-00019134-00019397 been factored in and I'd like to propose pgxzTBsIwEy-00056-00019398-00019561 those recommendations thank you Chet pgxzTBsIwEy-00057-00019562-00019697 [Music] pgxzTBsIwEy-00058-00019698-00019985 thank you councilor Farrell anybody got pgxzTBsIwEy-00059-00019986-00020171 any questions or comments cancel the pgxzTBsIwEy-00060-00020172-00020272 comments pgxzTBsIwEy-00061-00020273-00020561 yeah just for my clarification councilor pgxzTBsIwEy-00062-00020562-00020903 Farrell um do this this new strategy pgxzTBsIwEy-00063-00020904-00021221 will be helping Tamworth residents um pgxzTBsIwEy-00064-00021222-00021443 and we're not going to be pgxzTBsIwEy-00065-00021444-00021743 well the phrase I suppose he's mopping pgxzTBsIwEy-00066-00021744-00021977 up another Authority's homelessness pgxzTBsIwEy-00067-00021978-00022157 issue they are there are people from pgxzTBsIwEy-00068-00022158-00022343 Tamworth pgxzTBsIwEy-00069-00022344-00022661 yeah happy to confirm uh chair pgxzTBsIwEy-00070-00022662-00022858 um that this strategy uh helps Tamworth pgxzTBsIwEy-00071-00022859-00023111 residents and and homelessness people in pgxzTBsIwEy-00072-00023112-00023380 need from the Tamworth area thank you pgxzTBsIwEy-00073-00023381-00023543 thank you any further questions or pgxzTBsIwEy-00074-00023544-00023830 comments from cabinet members pgxzTBsIwEy-00075-00023831-00024119 note in which case you have moved uh the pgxzTBsIwEy-00076-00024120-00024305 recommendations that I've seconded pgxzTBsIwEy-00077-00024306-00024539 uh Castle Doyle seconds so all those in pgxzTBsIwEy-00078-00024540-00024653 favor pgxzTBsIwEy-00079-00024654-00024839 that's unanimous that is carried thank pgxzTBsIwEy-00080-00024840-00024953 you very much pgxzTBsIwEy-00081-00024954-00025180 so that brings us on to agenda item pgxzTBsIwEy-00082-00025181-00025408 seven which is the exclusion of the pgxzTBsIwEy-00083-00025409-00025661 press and public so I move pgxzTBsIwEy-00084-00025662-00025870 don't have to read it so I moved it in pgxzTBsIwEy-00085-00025872-00025984 accordance with the provisions of the pgxzTBsIwEy-00086-00025985-00026146 local authorities executive Arrangements pgxzTBsIwEy-00087-00026147-00026267 meeting accessing Information Act pgxzTBsIwEy-00088-00026268-00026645 England regulation 2012 and section 184 pgxzTBsIwEy-00089-00026645-00026843 of the Local Government Act 1972 the pgxzTBsIwEy-00090-00026844-00026974 present publicly excluded from the pgxzTBsIwEy-00091-00026975-00027107 meeting during the consideration of the pgxzTBsIwEy-00092-00027108-00027262 following business on the grounds that pgxzTBsIwEy-00093-00027263-00027412 it involves the likely disclosure of pgxzTBsIwEy-00094-00027413-00027587 exempt information as defined in pgxzTBsIwEy-00095-00027588-00027731 paragraph three of part one of schedule pgxzTBsIwEy-00096-00027732-00028031 12a of the act and public interest in pgxzTBsIwEy-00097-00028032-00028187 withholding the information outweighs pgxzTBsIwEy-00098-00028188-00028343 the public interest in disclosing the pgxzTBsIwEy-00099-00028344-00028531 information pgxzTBsIwEy-00100-00028532-00028823 second cancer pressure seconds all those pgxzTBsIwEy-00101-00028824-00029027 in favor pgxzTBsIwEy-00102-00029027-00029195 thank you very much so it's the press pgxzTBsIwEy-00103-00029195-00029381 and public could pgxzTBsIwEy-00104-00029382-00029579 make an orderly exit from the back of pgxzTBsIwEy-00105-00029580-00029804 the room pgYCbCzhOR8-00000-00000000-00000089 [Music] pgYCbCzhOR8-00001-00000090-00000335 what game am I playing pgYCbCzhOR8-00002-00000336-00000665 I'm streaming CS go on Twitch pgYCbCzhOR8-00003-00000666-00001133 vital address is my Twitch account pgYCbCzhOR8-00004-00001134-00001555 what's my opinion on Lucas Timothy pitqDIWy6FQ-00000-00000000-00001071 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00001-00001072-00002645 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00002-00002646-00003034 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00003-00003035-00003342 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00004-00003343-00005567 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00005-00005568-00006514 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00006-00006515-00009348 the songs pitqDIWy6FQ-00007-00009349-00009963 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00008-00009964-00010642 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00009-00010643-00012169 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00010-00012170-00013168 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00011-00013169-00013355 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00012-00013356-00014819 hurry pitqDIWy6FQ-00013-00014819-00015029 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00014-00015030-00016635 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00015-00016636-00018863 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00016-00018864-00019267 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00017-00019268-00020566 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00018-00020567-00022578 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00019-00022579-00023411 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00020-00023412-00023663 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00021-00023664-00025033 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00022-00025034-00025774 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00023-00025775-00026524 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00024-00026525-00027732 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00026-00031752-00031901 um pitqDIWy6FQ-00027-00031902-00032123 ATI pitqDIWy6FQ-00028-00032124-00032629 salad pitqDIWy6FQ-00029-00032630-00033018 Guru told pitqDIWy6FQ-00030-00033019-00033185 Guru pitqDIWy6FQ-00031-00033186-00033449 he has his right to give you punishment pitqDIWy6FQ-00032-00033450-00033761 and show keeper both pitqDIWy6FQ-00033-00033762-00034043 don't misunderstand pitqDIWy6FQ-00034-00034044-00034273 sadhguru pitqDIWy6FQ-00035-00034274-00034739 gauri gaurio pitqDIWy6FQ-00036-00034740-00035177 told pitqDIWy6FQ-00037-00035178-00035555 Guru can reserve the right or not being pitqDIWy6FQ-00038-00035556-00035812 exposed to your sense organ pitqDIWy6FQ-00039-00035813-00036409 ization pitqDIWy6FQ-00040-00036410-00036581 told pitqDIWy6FQ-00041-00036582-00036977 Guru can give you punishment pitqDIWy6FQ-00042-00036978-00037409 Guru can show you kippa both pitqDIWy6FQ-00043-00037410-00037739 don't take it otherwise pitqDIWy6FQ-00044-00037740-00037990 Shad Guru can reserve the right of not pitqDIWy6FQ-00045-00037991-00038273 being exposed to your sense organ not pitqDIWy6FQ-00046-00038274-00038590 that by Your Eyes by the intellect let pitqDIWy6FQ-00047-00038591-00038812 me see what is there let me see what pitqDIWy6FQ-00048-00038813-00039130 this Guru is how much educated is idiot pitqDIWy6FQ-00049-00039131-00039280 conception pitqDIWy6FQ-00050-00039281-00039709 this way we cannot understand a sadhu pitqDIWy6FQ-00051-00039710-00039959 can resolve the right of not being pitqDIWy6FQ-00052-00039960-00040211 exposed they can cheat you anytime can pitqDIWy6FQ-00053-00040212-00040589 cheat you go go get lost yeah wherever pitqDIWy6FQ-00054-00040590-00040751 you like you go pitqDIWy6FQ-00055-00040752-00041051 Guru vaishna can show this man pitqDIWy6FQ-00056-00041052-00041290 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00057-00041291-00041573 first of all we must realize our pitqDIWy6FQ-00058-00041574-00041789 inability pitqDIWy6FQ-00059-00041790-00042274 first of all we can realize our pitqDIWy6FQ-00060-00042275-00042515 useless position we have no pitqDIWy6FQ-00061-00042516-00042857 qualification to get keep up Guru vishna pitqDIWy6FQ-00062-00042858-00043157 we should realize first pitqDIWy6FQ-00063-00043158-00043535 because Popa speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00064-00043536-00043955 if you are not feeling very helpless pitqDIWy6FQ-00065-00043956-00044171 till then you cannot take shelter of sun pitqDIWy6FQ-00066-00044172-00044345 body pitqDIWy6FQ-00067-00044346-00044507 first of all pitqDIWy6FQ-00068-00044508-00044818 I can try my best but when I say it is pitqDIWy6FQ-00069-00044819-00045130 impossible for me I cannot I cannot do pitqDIWy6FQ-00070-00045131-00045461 it I am helpless I am I am put in a very pitqDIWy6FQ-00071-00045462-00045712 dangerous situation then I can say you pitqDIWy6FQ-00072-00045713-00046096 save me save me save me not before that pitqDIWy6FQ-00073-00046097-00046379 so this kind of situation should be pitqDIWy6FQ-00074-00046380-00046529 there in your life pitqDIWy6FQ-00075-00046530-00046739 this kind of situation should be in pitqDIWy6FQ-00076-00046740-00046990 there in your life so that you can feel pitqDIWy6FQ-00077-00046991-00047261 helpless where I can go who can help me pitqDIWy6FQ-00078-00047262-00047639 then you can search somebody can help pitqDIWy6FQ-00079-00047640-00047939 before that you cannot seek help because pitqDIWy6FQ-00080-00047940-00048208 you are false ego you are going to be pitqDIWy6FQ-00081-00048209-00048449 confident about your you know personal pitqDIWy6FQ-00082-00048450-00048785 ability quality okay I can do it pitqDIWy6FQ-00083-00048786-00049061 this way you can pitqDIWy6FQ-00084-00049062-00049318 so this when the situation we need we pitqDIWy6FQ-00085-00049319-00049595 need so that we can be put in such a pitqDIWy6FQ-00086-00049596-00049835 situation we can feel helpless all gone pitqDIWy6FQ-00087-00049836-00050165 everything oh you said me then you can pitqDIWy6FQ-00088-00050166-00050374 see pitqDIWy6FQ-00089-00050375-00050615 so in our life pitqDIWy6FQ-00090-00050616-00050861 if this cat this kind of situation not pitqDIWy6FQ-00091-00050862-00051089 going to be created pitqDIWy6FQ-00092-00051090-00051340 by Maya pitqDIWy6FQ-00093-00051341-00051587 then we cannot understand pitqDIWy6FQ-00094-00051588-00051796 we cannot you can never think it pitqDIWy6FQ-00095-00051797-00052079 necessary to take surgery off pitqDIWy6FQ-00096-00052079-00052301 Guru fat Padma pitqDIWy6FQ-00097-00052302-00052529 who is a perceptor we can who can save pitqDIWy6FQ-00098-00052529-00052685 me pitqDIWy6FQ-00099-00052686-00052871 who can save me pitqDIWy6FQ-00100-00052872-00053116 who can deliver me from this curve pitqDIWy6FQ-00101-00053117-00053411 dangerous situation because material pitqDIWy6FQ-00102-00053412-00053711 ocean is infinity pitqDIWy6FQ-00103-00053712-00053932 material ocean pitqDIWy6FQ-00104-00053933-00054154 Maya is also infinite There is five pitqDIWy6FQ-00105-00054155-00054394 things bhagavan pitqDIWy6FQ-00106-00054395-00055019 bhagavan Jiva Maya Kal Karma pitqDIWy6FQ-00107-00055020-00055211 what I say five pitqDIWy6FQ-00108-00055212-00055463 say five objective no father they are in pitqDIWy6FQ-00109-00055464-00055691 this world Infinity world who can carve pitqDIWy6FQ-00110-00055691-00055991 even Brahma cannot cut pitqDIWy6FQ-00111-00055991-00056623 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00112-00056624-00056975 factors all sastra pitqDIWy6FQ-00113-00056976-00057238 all sastra pitqDIWy6FQ-00114-00057239-00057479 going to deal with these five basic pitqDIWy6FQ-00115-00057479-00057815 things be careful pitqDIWy6FQ-00116-00057816-00058204 all sastra attendee bhagavati any sastra pitqDIWy6FQ-00117-00058205-00058404 upanishad pitqDIWy6FQ-00118-00058405-00058703 all commentary written by ramanuary pitqDIWy6FQ-00119-00058704-00058915 coming to regime pitqDIWy6FQ-00120-00058916-00059404 commentary by and him pitqDIWy6FQ-00121-00059405-00059566 anybody pitqDIWy6FQ-00122-00059567-00060004 all sasta finally going to deal with pitqDIWy6FQ-00123-00060005-00060226 these five things chapters pitqDIWy6FQ-00124-00060227-00060449 maybe way of represent a little bit pitqDIWy6FQ-00125-00060450-00060682 different pitqDIWy6FQ-00126-00060683-00060899 way of representation maybe difference pitqDIWy6FQ-00127-00060900-00061097 but finally pitqDIWy6FQ-00128-00061098-00061265 they are going to deal with these five pitqDIWy6FQ-00129-00061266-00061897 things all vedanta upanishad everything pitqDIWy6FQ-00130-00061898-00062197 representation may be different pitqDIWy6FQ-00131-00062198-00062554 going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00132-00062555-00062837 represent little different a little pitqDIWy6FQ-00133-00062838-00063221 different way you're going to explain in pitqDIWy6FQ-00134-00063222-00063469 a little a little different pitqDIWy6FQ-00135-00063470-00063904 ways all a little bit but pitqDIWy6FQ-00136-00063905-00064259 there was some some some some little pitqDIWy6FQ-00137-00064260-00064450 gapping pitqDIWy6FQ-00138-00064451-00064816 it's okay all their siddanto not bad you pitqDIWy6FQ-00139-00064817-00065280 can see then is okay but I can so much pitqDIWy6FQ-00140-00065282-00065650 only it is the way of darshan if I look pitqDIWy6FQ-00141-00065651-00065861 you from this way I can see you pitqDIWy6FQ-00142-00065862-00066281 something from that way one Diamond one pitqDIWy6FQ-00143-00066282-00066575 diamond is there diamond pitqDIWy6FQ-00144-00066576-00066994 in the sunlight I put you look from this pitqDIWy6FQ-00145-00066995-00067343 side you can say a blue light coming out pitqDIWy6FQ-00146-00067344-00067661 you are watching from North portion I pitqDIWy6FQ-00147-00067662-00067961 mean not Direction no no no it's it's pitqDIWy6FQ-00148-00067962-00068129 green pitqDIWy6FQ-00149-00068130-00068411 uh somebody speaking is red pitqDIWy6FQ-00150-00068412-00068837 Diamond but it is all pitqDIWy6FQ-00151-00068838-00069155 okay because it is the magic spell of pitqDIWy6FQ-00152-00069156-00069305 refraction pitqDIWy6FQ-00153-00069306-00069538 it is the magic spell of refraction of pitqDIWy6FQ-00154-00069539-00069635 light pitqDIWy6FQ-00155-00069636-00069911 refraction nothing else but everybody's pitqDIWy6FQ-00156-00069912-00070229 speaking okay he is watching is okay he pitqDIWy6FQ-00157-00070230-00070488 is watching okay so bhagavan is such a pitqDIWy6FQ-00158-00070489-00070787 bhagavan is such an object such an pitqDIWy6FQ-00159-00070788-00071056 unique objective from different angle pitqDIWy6FQ-00160-00071057-00071249 you have the scope to watch and pitqDIWy6FQ-00161-00071250-00071500 understand not that everybody can pitqDIWy6FQ-00162-00071501-00071705 understand same way pitqDIWy6FQ-00163-00071706-00071897 there is only difference pitqDIWy6FQ-00164-00071898-00072149 only you are going to watch it this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00165-00072150-00072437 oh bhagwan is this somebody is speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00166-00072438-00072725 the oh bhagavan is like this I know pitqDIWy6FQ-00167-00072726-00072959 bhagwan is like this this way all pitqDIWy6FQ-00168-00072960-00074826 different altercation fighting pitqDIWy6FQ-00169-00074827-00075035 what is this pitqDIWy6FQ-00170-00075036-00075311 you know this look pitqDIWy6FQ-00171-00075312-00075665 from bhagavatam it's called people are pitqDIWy6FQ-00172-00075666-00075821 fighting pitqDIWy6FQ-00173-00075822-00076006 people are fighting with each other pitqDIWy6FQ-00174-00076007-00076194 despondent pitqDIWy6FQ-00175-00076195-00076649 by the power by the power of whom who pitqDIWy6FQ-00176-00076650-00076967 has given who has given you power to pitqDIWy6FQ-00177-00076968-00077062 fight pitqDIWy6FQ-00178-00077063-00077338 even if we are fighting what where from pitqDIWy6FQ-00179-00077339-00077579 you are getting power from bhagavan pitqDIWy6FQ-00180-00077580-00077806 we are fighting I am rich pitqDIWy6FQ-00181-00077807-00078262 and this I can I I can see you what a pitqDIWy6FQ-00182-00078263-00078599 manual like this all coming from Paul pitqDIWy6FQ-00183-00078600-00078856 cigar everything from the origin for pitqDIWy6FQ-00184-00078857-00079081 power coming pitqDIWy6FQ-00185-00079082-00079373 hey where from you are getting this kind pitqDIWy6FQ-00186-00079374-00079535 of power to talk with me this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00187-00079536-00080119 whereas no one can see at me the fear pitqDIWy6FQ-00188-00080120-00080393 by the power of whom pitqDIWy6FQ-00189-00080394-00080705 you are feeling Power by the power of pitqDIWy6FQ-00190-00080706-00080950 whom whole world running pitqDIWy6FQ-00191-00080951-00081106 stop it pitqDIWy6FQ-00192-00081107-00081385 foolish this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00193-00081386-00081775 speaking all the right pitqDIWy6FQ-00194-00081776-00081947 speaking okay pitqDIWy6FQ-00195-00081948-00082193 by the power of whom you are talking by pitqDIWy6FQ-00196-00082194-00082373 the power of whom I am doing and pitqDIWy6FQ-00197-00082374-00082547 speaking how he got all power from pitqDIWy6FQ-00198-00082548-00082937 coming from pitqDIWy6FQ-00199-00082938-00083981 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00200-00083982-00084893 um pitqDIWy6FQ-00201-00084894-00085132 I paid to him pitqDIWy6FQ-00202-00085133-00085511 by the magic spell of who by whose Maya pitqDIWy6FQ-00203-00085512-00085871 all people going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00204-00085872-00086147 protect their own identity respective pitqDIWy6FQ-00205-00086148-00086471 position they're going to establish pitqDIWy6FQ-00206-00086472-00086782 their Supremacy Supreme and Supremacy pitqDIWy6FQ-00207-00086783-00087119 by the powerful all they are fighting pitqDIWy6FQ-00208-00087120-00087431 with each other I want to paid on the pitqDIWy6FQ-00209-00087432-00087700 word to that bhagavan by the magic spell pitqDIWy6FQ-00210-00087701-00088079 Maya of all everybody going to run like pitqDIWy6FQ-00211-00088080-00088282 a crazy pitqDIWy6FQ-00212-00088283-00088529 but they can understand their absolute pitqDIWy6FQ-00213-00088530-00088661 objective pitqDIWy6FQ-00214-00088662-00088955 that object absolute objective is not a pitqDIWy6FQ-00215-00088956-00089182 matter of joke pitqDIWy6FQ-00216-00089183-00089482 any amount of Manpower money power pitqDIWy6FQ-00217-00089483-00089825 educational power whatever I like to you pitqDIWy6FQ-00218-00089826-00090118 know I like to put in one place I like pitqDIWy6FQ-00219-00090119-00090497 to challenge but still I cannot know pitqDIWy6FQ-00220-00090498-00090700 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00221-00090701-00090935 this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00222-00090936-00091193 nobody can understand what is a refuge pitqDIWy6FQ-00223-00091194-00091373 truth pitqDIWy6FQ-00224-00091374-00091667 nobody can understand everybody fighting pitqDIWy6FQ-00225-00091668-00091871 with each other pitqDIWy6FQ-00226-00091872-00092062 but they can understand that Supreme pitqDIWy6FQ-00227-00092063-00092225 Lord is there pitqDIWy6FQ-00228-00092226-00092531 is controlling Infinity world so five pitqDIWy6FQ-00229-00092532-00093067 Tata don't forget all sasta Ramana pitqDIWy6FQ-00230-00093068-00093491 little bit different name is different pitqDIWy6FQ-00231-00093492-00093961 we are speaking he is pitqDIWy6FQ-00232-00093962-00094265 all different I already discussed many pitqDIWy6FQ-00233-00094266-00094612 times different darshan respective pitqDIWy6FQ-00234-00094613-00094925 darshan or different samprada but pitqDIWy6FQ-00235-00094926-00095176 finally when mahaprabhu going to see pitqDIWy6FQ-00236-00095177-00095453 their siddhant all okay but there is a pitqDIWy6FQ-00237-00095454-00095650 little bit gapping pitqDIWy6FQ-00238-00095651-00096029 if I can make up this gapping then all I pitqDIWy6FQ-00239-00096030-00096232 can get harmonized pitqDIWy6FQ-00240-00096233-00096568 what is that pitqDIWy6FQ-00241-00096569-00097000 mapu wanted to show us all okay but if pitqDIWy6FQ-00242-00097001-00097217 the if all of them pitqDIWy6FQ-00243-00097218-00097475 it's all okay what they are speaking but pitqDIWy6FQ-00244-00097476-00097738 if all of them going to accept one pitqDIWy6FQ-00245-00097739-00098056 common factor that is then everything pitqDIWy6FQ-00246-00098057-00098267 can harmonize but they are not going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00247-00098268-00098399 accept pitqDIWy6FQ-00248-00098400-00098843 that is why gauria darshan is a top top pitqDIWy6FQ-00249-00098844-00099215 top most darshan in Infinity world pitqDIWy6FQ-00250-00099216-00099497 in Infinity wall is the topmost darshan pitqDIWy6FQ-00251-00099498-00099850 nobody can beat nobody pitqDIWy6FQ-00252-00099851-00100426 so high class darshan follow pitqDIWy6FQ-00253-00100427-00100649 I like to discuss so many things but pitqDIWy6FQ-00254-00100650-00101087 time cannot for me that is a main factor pitqDIWy6FQ-00255-00101088-00101285 actually pitqDIWy6FQ-00256-00101286-00101555 Guru vaishna pitqDIWy6FQ-00257-00101556-00101962 can manifest himself in front of me or pitqDIWy6FQ-00258-00101963-00102371 cannot it depends upon our mood pitqDIWy6FQ-00259-00102372-00102665 it depends upon our mood if my Moody pitqDIWy6FQ-00260-00102666-00102880 passive then it can also pitqDIWy6FQ-00261-00102881-00103144 if my mood is little bit active they can pitqDIWy6FQ-00262-00103145-00103277 understand pitqDIWy6FQ-00263-00103278-00103565 first of all you will have to realize pitqDIWy6FQ-00264-00103566-00103901 you are so cheap pitqDIWy6FQ-00265-00103902-00104147 he was so cheap that in the infinity pitqDIWy6FQ-00266-00104148-00104410 world nothing so cheap like this there pitqDIWy6FQ-00267-00104411-00104639 is only so many example I have no time pitqDIWy6FQ-00268-00104640-00104806 to give pitqDIWy6FQ-00269-00104807-00104989 you will have to think pitqDIWy6FQ-00270-00104990-00105210 about when writing pitqDIWy6FQ-00271-00105211-00105466 he's crying and speaking I am actually pitqDIWy6FQ-00272-00105467-00105623 useless pitqDIWy6FQ-00273-00105624-00106127 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00274-00106128-00106439 but still I am going to take Endeavor to pitqDIWy6FQ-00275-00106440-00106619 express the explanation of you know pitqDIWy6FQ-00276-00106620-00106865 Assam Sindhu by the pitqDIWy6FQ-00277-00106866-00107236 by the mercy of that gauranga pitqDIWy6FQ-00278-00107238-00107507 by the mercy of that goranga pitqDIWy6FQ-00279-00107508-00107749 so I'm taking trouble pitqDIWy6FQ-00280-00107750-00108202 going to express even I am I am the and pitqDIWy6FQ-00281-00108203-00108466 lowest creature in the universe pitqDIWy6FQ-00282-00108467-00108958 even worse than the position of his you pitqDIWy6FQ-00283-00108959-00109295 know insect found in the stool pitqDIWy6FQ-00284-00109296-00109493 so long you are not going to feel pitqDIWy6FQ-00285-00109494-00109708 repeatedly and speaking I am not joking pitqDIWy6FQ-00286-00109709-00110128 I am not speaking any false philosophy pitqDIWy6FQ-00287-00110129-00110345 I am not speaking falsely I am speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00288-00110346-00110566 out of my relation that's why whole pitqDIWy6FQ-00289-00110567-00110752 world going to leave me pitqDIWy6FQ-00290-00110753-00111071 whole world going to lead me why because pitqDIWy6FQ-00291-00111072-00111221 I am going to speak about my direct pitqDIWy6FQ-00292-00111222-00111521 relation they feel sorry for that pitqDIWy6FQ-00293-00111522-00111731 why I am speaking this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00294-00111732-00112051 so long as you are not going to feel pitqDIWy6FQ-00295-00112052-00112451 that you are the forest element in the pitqDIWy6FQ-00296-00112452-00112775 infinitive World till then you cannot do pitqDIWy6FQ-00297-00112776-00112954 Hari Bhajan you can go back pitqDIWy6FQ-00298-00112955-00113333 you can go back you can commit Opera pitqDIWy6FQ-00299-00113333-00113536 you will have to feel you are helpless pitqDIWy6FQ-00300-00113538-00113819 you are you rest you are nothing pitqDIWy6FQ-00301-00113820-00113981 not pitqDIWy6FQ-00302-00113982-00114316 by speech but by speaking many people pitqDIWy6FQ-00303-00114317-00114436 can speak pitqDIWy6FQ-00304-00114438-00114731 many people can pass this kind of remark pitqDIWy6FQ-00305-00114732-00114971 many people can pass this kind of remark pitqDIWy6FQ-00306-00114972-00115228 but remark is not a big thing pitqDIWy6FQ-00307-00115229-00115528 remark is not a big thing you will have pitqDIWy6FQ-00308-00115529-00115660 to speak from heart pitqDIWy6FQ-00309-00115661-00115978 and a sadhu can arrest you if you are pitqDIWy6FQ-00310-00115979-00116201 sowing trinidadi from I know only pitqDIWy6FQ-00311-00116202-00116416 verbally if you are going to show three pitqDIWy6FQ-00312-00116417-00116621 notary from bharmali then they can pitqDIWy6FQ-00313-00116622-00116910 arrest you that is pitqDIWy6FQ-00314-00116911-00117215 I can speak something because I have no pitqDIWy6FQ-00315-00117216-00117473 time so many subject matter infinity pitqDIWy6FQ-00316-00117474-00117877 life if I go on speaking I cannot Winans pitqDIWy6FQ-00317-00117878-00118102 time is limited pitqDIWy6FQ-00318-00118103-00119057 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00319-00119058-00120765 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00320-00120766-00121960 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-00321-00121961-00122128 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00322-00122129-00122428 Babaji Maharaj can sometimes cheat you pitqDIWy6FQ-00323-00122429-00122639 sometime can pitqDIWy6FQ-00324-00122640-00122890 give people you need not okay give me pitqDIWy6FQ-00325-00122891-00123215 keeper give me keep no need of speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00326-00123216-00123484 you are foolish Guru used to say no need pitqDIWy6FQ-00327-00123485-00123701 of speaking give me keeper give me give pitqDIWy6FQ-00328-00123702-00123808 up pitqDIWy6FQ-00329-00123809-00124127 he can understand whom to give keeper pitqDIWy6FQ-00330-00124128-00124481 who need keeper and whisk apart pitqDIWy6FQ-00331-00124482-00124751 you need not ask you need not ask any pitqDIWy6FQ-00332-00124752-00124997 keeper you can say automatically keep on pitqDIWy6FQ-00333-00124998-00125327 going to it automatically maybe staying pitqDIWy6FQ-00334-00125328-00125777 in America Brazil France wherever but he pitqDIWy6FQ-00335-00125778-00126095 can keep again go it depends what is pitqDIWy6FQ-00336-00126096-00126257 according to the mood pitqDIWy6FQ-00337-00126258-00126460 it will not be how's the foolish people pitqDIWy6FQ-00338-00126461-00126827 asking if copper actually actual keeper pitqDIWy6FQ-00339-00126828-00127001 they cannot take pitqDIWy6FQ-00340-00127002-00127175 if sadhu Guru question I'm going to get pitqDIWy6FQ-00341-00127176-00127433 actual Gipper they cannot tell pitqDIWy6FQ-00342-00127433-00127793 impossible they have no Port how to how pitqDIWy6FQ-00343-00127794-00128008 they can they have no Port how they can pitqDIWy6FQ-00344-00128009-00128425 they get keeper pitqDIWy6FQ-00345-00128426-00128813 no big begging is something and to pitqDIWy6FQ-00346-00128814-00129151 accept in true senses something else pitqDIWy6FQ-00347-00129152-00129413 not same pitqDIWy6FQ-00348-00129414-00129790 so Babaji Maharaja is such a personality pitqDIWy6FQ-00349-00129791-00129934 who is pitqDIWy6FQ-00350-00129935-00130319 all the 24 hours all the 24 hours I mean pitqDIWy6FQ-00351-00130320-00130669 eternally present in mindabandam pitqDIWy6FQ-00352-00130670-00130834 andam pitqDIWy6FQ-00353-00130835-00131135 at radhakund at the lotus spirit of pitqDIWy6FQ-00354-00131136-00131290 radharani pitqDIWy6FQ-00355-00131291-00131490 address address pitqDIWy6FQ-00356-00131491-00131689 is pitqDIWy6FQ-00357-00131690-00132113 a Lotus feet of radharani Radha kund pitqDIWy6FQ-00358-00132114-00132331 somebody wanted to pitqDIWy6FQ-00359-00132332-00132814 insults because gurudev is not so pitqDIWy6FQ-00360-00132815-00133073 educated nothing illiterate and is doing pitqDIWy6FQ-00361-00133074-00133313 Bhajan no Bhajan could be nothing so pitqDIWy6FQ-00362-00133314-00133625 some sahaja wanted to insult Papa what pitqDIWy6FQ-00363-00133626-00133835 is the as the address of your Guru fat pitqDIWy6FQ-00364-00133836-00134149 Padma where are you staying pitqDIWy6FQ-00365-00134150-00134428 smartly speaking my Guru fat Padma pitqDIWy6FQ-00366-00134429-00134699 actually the permanent address of my pitqDIWy6FQ-00367-00134700-00135725 Guru patma is a lot of speed of pitqDIWy6FQ-00368-00135726-00136054 you can think it is your privilege pitqDIWy6FQ-00369-00136055-00136319 you are idiot Your Privilege that you pitqDIWy6FQ-00370-00136320-00136487 can think that pitqDIWy6FQ-00371-00136488-00136771 my Guru pattern pitqDIWy6FQ-00372-00136772-00137089 illiterate but I can prove about pitqDIWy6FQ-00373-00137090-00137435 speaking though externally you can find pitqDIWy6FQ-00374-00137436-00137766 no education there with Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00375-00137767-00138197 But be sure all Infinity problem in this pitqDIWy6FQ-00376-00138198-00138514 Infinity world all problem any problem pitqDIWy6FQ-00377-00138515-00138766 in Infinity world that can be solved pitqDIWy6FQ-00378-00138767-00139109 that can be solved flawlessly that can pitqDIWy6FQ-00379-00139110-00139390 be solved that can be solved flawlessly pitqDIWy6FQ-00380-00139391-00139654 by my Guru Patlu so much education is pitqDIWy6FQ-00381-00139655-00139931 there or practice education pitqDIWy6FQ-00382-00139932-00140140 what do you mean by education what pitqDIWy6FQ-00383-00140141-00140435 educational qualification you have pitqDIWy6FQ-00384-00140436-00140704 what education you have you like to put pitqDIWy6FQ-00385-00140705-00140933 challenge again Guru vishnav you don't pitqDIWy6FQ-00386-00140934-00141185 know the position of Guru Vishnu pitqDIWy6FQ-00387-00141186-00141431 you like to taste to them pitqDIWy6FQ-00388-00141432-00141725 challenge them pitqDIWy6FQ-00389-00141726-00141977 so Babaji mahaja sometimes used to cheat pitqDIWy6FQ-00390-00141978-00142302 people because I already told yesterday pitqDIWy6FQ-00391-00142303-00142601 yesterday evening time I told pitqDIWy6FQ-00392-00142602-00142769 yesterday pitqDIWy6FQ-00393-00142770-00142990 just like mirror pitqDIWy6FQ-00394-00142991-00143278 you are coming in front of our Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00395-00143279-00143578 with some carpet mood but you must can pitqDIWy6FQ-00396-00143579-00143819 arrest you immediately you need not pitqDIWy6FQ-00397-00143820-00144059 speak anything he cannot see he cannot pitqDIWy6FQ-00398-00144060-00144199 see in eyes pitqDIWy6FQ-00399-00144200-00144647 cannot see almost blind cannot see but pitqDIWy6FQ-00400-00144648-00144869 if you come in front of Maharaj you can pitqDIWy6FQ-00401-00144870-00145283 read your heart pitqDIWy6FQ-00402-00145284-00145564 follow he can read here pitqDIWy6FQ-00403-00145565-00145859 so you cannot cheat pitqDIWy6FQ-00404-00145860-00146154 some people coming with copper Bob pitqDIWy6FQ-00405-00146155-00146440 babajima speaking what were you coming pitqDIWy6FQ-00406-00146441-00146885 huh and speaking some slack language you pitqDIWy6FQ-00407-00146886-00147119 are coming for this reason huh pitqDIWy6FQ-00408-00147120-00147311 slag language pitqDIWy6FQ-00409-00147312-00147575 his slack language is mantra pitqDIWy6FQ-00410-00147576-00147790 if going to speak some slack language pitqDIWy6FQ-00411-00147791-00148049 when sadhu speaking slag language it is pitqDIWy6FQ-00412-00148050-00148157 mantra pitqDIWy6FQ-00413-00148158-00148433 if I speak all you know if I'm going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00414-00148434-00148709 hear one slag language from santu pitqDIWy6FQ-00415-00148710-00148925 Maharaja Santo is speaking he like to pitqDIWy6FQ-00416-00148926-00149183 become Gopi you bring bring to me I can pitqDIWy6FQ-00417-00149184-00149435 make operation make him go make him Gopi pitqDIWy6FQ-00418-00149436-00149664 this kind of slack language pitqDIWy6FQ-00419-00149665-00150023 you bring me I can make him make him I pitqDIWy6FQ-00420-00150024-00150202 can make operation making pitqDIWy6FQ-00421-00150203-00150497 idiot you like to become goofy here pitqDIWy6FQ-00422-00150498-00150719 that's so cheap gaurio was a new thing pitqDIWy6FQ-00423-00150720-00150983 you'll have to take bath corrodes of pitqDIWy6FQ-00424-00150984-00151252 time to understand what is chaitanya pitqDIWy6FQ-00425-00151253-00151457 to understand what is the glory of pitqDIWy6FQ-00426-00151458-00151666 caitanya mapu how you dare pitqDIWy6FQ-00427-00151667-00151921 you like to test glorious pitqDIWy6FQ-00428-00151922-00152177 what do you think yourself pitqDIWy6FQ-00429-00152178-00152321 foolish pitqDIWy6FQ-00430-00152322-00152849 so this way you see can understand pitqDIWy6FQ-00431-00152850-00152963 hmm pitqDIWy6FQ-00432-00152964-00153226 jagadish Prabhu our bhakti pradeep pitqDIWy6FQ-00433-00153227-00153485 Maharaj coming who took harinam from pitqDIWy6FQ-00434-00153486-00153719 bhaktima pitqDIWy6FQ-00435-00153720-00154039 follow he coming in front of pitqDIWy6FQ-00436-00154040-00154589 cannot see is speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00437-00154590-00155009 oh who are you my name is where from you pitqDIWy6FQ-00438-00155010-00155357 are coming I'm coming from mayapur who pitqDIWy6FQ-00439-00155358-00155659 sent you from pitqDIWy6FQ-00440-00155660-00155939 very nice to see can you do one kitchen pitqDIWy6FQ-00441-00155940-00156293 can you do one kitten yes if you permit pitqDIWy6FQ-00442-00156294-00156673 I can do he's doing pitqDIWy6FQ-00443-00156674-00156845 very nice pitqDIWy6FQ-00444-00156846-00157301 very nice I bring one watermelon for you pitqDIWy6FQ-00445-00157302-00157552 I bring one water balloon for you give pitqDIWy6FQ-00446-00157553-00157864 give give give give whatever pitqDIWy6FQ-00447-00157865-00158387 but whereas other people pitqDIWy6FQ-00448-00158388-00158675 how you think some other people coming pitqDIWy6FQ-00449-00158676-00158999 or you don't care but for one world pitqDIWy6FQ-00450-00159000-00159169 watermelon pitqDIWy6FQ-00451-00159170-00159563 why can't understand the heart of that pitqDIWy6FQ-00452-00159564-00159859 devotee pitqDIWy6FQ-00453-00159860-00160540 don't think a matter of Joe pitqDIWy6FQ-00454-00160541-00160864 they can understand everything pitqDIWy6FQ-00455-00160865-00161051 some people pitqDIWy6FQ-00456-00161052-00161387 they used to gather some people foolish pitqDIWy6FQ-00457-00161388-00161633 people they used to gather around Babaji pitqDIWy6FQ-00458-00161634-00161728 Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00459-00161729-00161987 they always wanted to prove I am the pitqDIWy6FQ-00460-00161988-00162328 dear most disciple of Babaji Maharaja he pitqDIWy6FQ-00461-00162329-00162502 loved me very much pitqDIWy6FQ-00462-00162503-00162833 but they're busy with some dirty pitqDIWy6FQ-00463-00162834-00162935 activities pitqDIWy6FQ-00464-00162936-00163181 they are busy with so detective their pitqDIWy6FQ-00465-00163182-00163361 character so loose pitqDIWy6FQ-00466-00163362-00163552 that Babaji mahaja understand everything pitqDIWy6FQ-00467-00163553-00163840 but don't externally babajima is going pitqDIWy6FQ-00468-00163841-00164140 to go away from me don't speaking but pitqDIWy6FQ-00469-00164141-00164393 you are not speaking go away from me pitqDIWy6FQ-00470-00164394-00164821 but still not going to accept them pitqDIWy6FQ-00471-00164822-00165154 speaking some foolish people used to pitqDIWy6FQ-00472-00165155-00165533 gather around Babaji Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00473-00165534-00165719 not speaking anything but what you pitqDIWy6FQ-00474-00165720-00165959 understand they are busy with money pitqDIWy6FQ-00475-00165960-00166423 woman position there all dirty pitqDIWy6FQ-00476-00166424-00166811 they are the fly of stool pitqDIWy6FQ-00477-00166812-00167128 they are the fly of stool pitqDIWy6FQ-00478-00167129-00167369 how they can collect honey how we can pitqDIWy6FQ-00479-00167370-00167452 expect pitqDIWy6FQ-00480-00167453-00167687 how you can expect that they can how we pitqDIWy6FQ-00481-00167688-00167843 can expect whole people on the world pitqDIWy6FQ-00482-00167844-00168149 they can take honey how we can expect pitqDIWy6FQ-00483-00168150-00168413 you while your own machine pitqDIWy6FQ-00484-00168414-00168576 they cannot accept pitqDIWy6FQ-00485-00168577-00168797 they cannot expect pitqDIWy6FQ-00486-00168798-00169078 they cannot accept you see you sit in pitqDIWy6FQ-00487-00169079-00169283 front of me do harina they are not ready pitqDIWy6FQ-00488-00169284-00169493 to accept they are not ready to accept pitqDIWy6FQ-00489-00169494-00169828 anything you do you do your Bhajan pitqDIWy6FQ-00490-00169829-00170135 management is to see sometime out of you pitqDIWy6FQ-00491-00170136-00170316 know pitqDIWy6FQ-00492-00170317-00170699 used to shout nobody can take keeper pitqDIWy6FQ-00493-00170700-00170902 nobody can take nobody like their pitqDIWy6FQ-00494-00170903-00171143 personal nobody don't waste your time pitqDIWy6FQ-00495-00171144-00171395 and sit in front of me no hurry now why pitqDIWy6FQ-00496-00171396-00171569 is to say pitqDIWy6FQ-00497-00171570-00171863 because pitqDIWy6FQ-00498-00171864-00172054 they're carpet pitqDIWy6FQ-00499-00172055-00172289 they don't like to take you pitqDIWy6FQ-00500-00172290-00172499 they don't never like to if they need pitqDIWy6FQ-00501-00172500-00173104 keeper standing pitqDIWy6FQ-00502-00173105-00173416 if if you need keeper I can put pitqDIWy6FQ-00503-00173417-00173645 challenge in in front of bhagavatam you pitqDIWy6FQ-00504-00173646-00173813 can take immediately but you are not pitqDIWy6FQ-00505-00173814-00173909 kidding pitqDIWy6FQ-00506-00173910-00174107 if you need to keep an actual keeper pitqDIWy6FQ-00507-00174108-00174347 from heart keep a coming bhagwan waiting pitqDIWy6FQ-00508-00174348-00174611 to give up pitqDIWy6FQ-00509-00174612-00174833 bhagwan searching the candidate who can pitqDIWy6FQ-00510-00174834-00175043 take kippah but nobody like to take care pitqDIWy6FQ-00511-00175044-00175378 okay let them go to eat stool and urine pitqDIWy6FQ-00512-00175379-00175516 what we can do pitqDIWy6FQ-00513-00175517-00176335 let them do pitqDIWy6FQ-00514-00176336-00176621 this way used to cheat people pitqDIWy6FQ-00515-00176622-00176873 sometimes used to go give keeper to pitqDIWy6FQ-00516-00176874-00177331 somebody is excellent pitqDIWy6FQ-00517-00177332-00177623 unparalleled unwitten pitqDIWy6FQ-00518-00177624-00178138 but no Babaji Maharaja no problems pitqDIWy6FQ-00519-00178139-00178438 those who are those who are eating stool pitqDIWy6FQ-00520-00178439-00178625 if they are going to take white Bears pitqDIWy6FQ-00521-00178626-00178781 what is the utility pitqDIWy6FQ-00522-00178782-00178954 people can take pitqDIWy6FQ-00523-00178955-00179375 I know in some Marty a big acharya one pitqDIWy6FQ-00524-00179376-00179647 idiot idiot man pitqDIWy6FQ-00525-00179648-00179957 staying near haridwar pitqDIWy6FQ-00526-00179958-00180304 first of all he wanted to pitqDIWy6FQ-00527-00180305-00180664 catch me because he know if Raj is going pitqDIWy6FQ-00528-00180665-00180904 to arrange it it can all it can be pitqDIWy6FQ-00529-00180905-00181338 solved he came and met me in daily daily pitqDIWy6FQ-00530-00181339-00181733 roof I find the man is material I wanted pitqDIWy6FQ-00531-00181734-00181985 to give some right advice pitqDIWy6FQ-00532-00181986-00182195 he wanted to show pitqDIWy6FQ-00533-00182196-00182488 that he need keeper but finally I could pitqDIWy6FQ-00534-00182489-00182819 realize he don't need K-pop pitqDIWy6FQ-00535-00182820-00183083 he pays some three lakh four lakhs pitqDIWy6FQ-00536-00183084-00183431 Rupees to some society and going to get pitqDIWy6FQ-00537-00183432-00183713 sannyas when I came to know he requested pitqDIWy6FQ-00538-00183714-00183826 me fast pitqDIWy6FQ-00539-00183827-00184175 I say it is not your condition from pitqDIWy6FQ-00540-00184176-00184409 finally I don't know in I have no pitqDIWy6FQ-00541-00184410-00184643 information here going and pay some 4 pitqDIWy6FQ-00542-00184644-00184883 lakhs or five lakhs and take sannyas pitqDIWy6FQ-00543-00184884-00185140 from somebody I say this is where this pitqDIWy6FQ-00544-00185141-00185387 is the way this is the way we are going pitqDIWy6FQ-00545-00185388-00185578 to destroy the whole world pitqDIWy6FQ-00546-00185579-00185795 this is the way we are going to destroy pitqDIWy6FQ-00547-00185796-00186125 the whole let them destroy what I can do pitqDIWy6FQ-00548-00186126-00186281 who am I pitqDIWy6FQ-00549-00186282-00186695 who am I I can bark like dog what I can pitqDIWy6FQ-00550-00186696-00186802 do more pitqDIWy6FQ-00551-00186803-00187025 I have no Manpower money power nothing pitqDIWy6FQ-00552-00187026-00187337 okay let me bark someday somebody can pitqDIWy6FQ-00553-00187338-00187651 hear pitqDIWy6FQ-00554-00187652-00187966 this way whole world going to be pitqDIWy6FQ-00555-00187967-00188176 destroyed pitqDIWy6FQ-00556-00188177-00188590 even bawajima is speaking to Saraswati pitqDIWy6FQ-00557-00188591-00188771 Ahmad Prabhu pitqDIWy6FQ-00558-00188772-00189071 don't teach any spiritual thing to that pitqDIWy6FQ-00559-00189072-00189202 man pitqDIWy6FQ-00560-00189203-00189433 he like to learn caitanya pitqDIWy6FQ-00561-00189434-00189749 from you but if you're going to you pitqDIWy6FQ-00562-00189750-00190090 don't teach anything I myself feel pitqDIWy6FQ-00563-00190091-00190402 guilty for one man very poor he don't pitqDIWy6FQ-00564-00190403-00190576 know how to sign pitqDIWy6FQ-00565-00190577-00190961 simply I used to love him pitqDIWy6FQ-00566-00190962-00191128 a very poor pitqDIWy6FQ-00567-00191129-00191399 I wanted to teach automatically he is pitqDIWy6FQ-00568-00191400-00191675 staying with me I'm writing because he's pitqDIWy6FQ-00569-00191676-00191963 staying so time to time speaking he pitqDIWy6FQ-00570-00191964-00192352 become like a learned man he become pitqDIWy6FQ-00571-00192353-00192569 he's not learning but he is going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00572-00192570-00192725 earn money pitqDIWy6FQ-00573-00192726-00193031 when I check he like to cut my throat he pitqDIWy6FQ-00574-00193032-00193216 say I can cut your throat and throw pitqDIWy6FQ-00575-00193217-00193451 ganga I say you bring your you bring pitqDIWy6FQ-00576-00193452-00193685 your knife you bring your knife to cut pitqDIWy6FQ-00577-00193686-00194038 my I'm here I'm not going let me see now pitqDIWy6FQ-00578-00194039-00194176 he is fall down pitqDIWy6FQ-00579-00194177-00194375 whole society not going to speak pitqDIWy6FQ-00580-00194376-00194633 anything that why you are going to treat pitqDIWy6FQ-00581-00194634-00194897 who is going to you know give you pitqDIWy6FQ-00582-00194898-00195052 everything pitqDIWy6FQ-00583-00195053-00195359 I feel guilty by I arrange sannyas from pitqDIWy6FQ-00584-00195360-00195635 santagoshima it was my fault pitqDIWy6FQ-00585-00195636-00195928 I plead guilty why I have given out of pitqDIWy6FQ-00586-00195929-00196031 affection pitqDIWy6FQ-00587-00196032-00196333 okay let him say now this is a condition pitqDIWy6FQ-00588-00196334-00196661 whole society now same condition all pitqDIWy6FQ-00589-00196662-00196961 around no Society against I cannot spare pitqDIWy6FQ-00590-00196962-00197333 any society all sin pitqDIWy6FQ-00591-00197334-00197663 same condition all around the world pitqDIWy6FQ-00592-00197664-00198035 so babajima used to check the downfall pitqDIWy6FQ-00593-00198036-00198238 of this Society pitqDIWy6FQ-00594-00198239-00198569 so babajima used to shout pitqDIWy6FQ-00595-00198570-00198863 so don't give any teachings to that man pitqDIWy6FQ-00596-00198864-00199193 because present he is illiterate he's pitqDIWy6FQ-00597-00199194-00199378 going to pass lecture pitqDIWy6FQ-00598-00199379-00199649 and putting one plate so that people can pitqDIWy6FQ-00599-00199650-00199954 give some poonami idiot number one don't pitqDIWy6FQ-00600-00199955-00200099 teach anything pitqDIWy6FQ-00601-00200100-00200452 so we must obey Babaji Maharaja we pitqDIWy6FQ-00602-00200453-00200602 cannot obey anybody pitqDIWy6FQ-00603-00200603-00200843 we can orbit Babaji Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00604-00200844-00201166 so our teachings is very limited very pitqDIWy6FQ-00605-00201167-00201485 very limited people can accept I know pitqDIWy6FQ-00606-00201486-00201802 very very limited maybe percentage is pitqDIWy6FQ-00607-00201803-00201952 very low pitqDIWy6FQ-00608-00201953-00202175 but still I don't bother I don't care pitqDIWy6FQ-00609-00202176-00202414 all right people come those are lucky pitqDIWy6FQ-00610-00202415-00202547 they can take pitqDIWy6FQ-00611-00202548-00202763 ultimately I am going to seek my benefit pitqDIWy6FQ-00612-00202764-00203159 by harikatha my harikatha is to satisfy pitqDIWy6FQ-00613-00203160-00203363 Guru Westham and to seek my personal pitqDIWy6FQ-00614-00203364-00203519 benefit pitqDIWy6FQ-00615-00203520-00203771 it's my Bhajan so I'm doing no problem pitqDIWy6FQ-00616-00203772-00203957 Maybe pitqDIWy6FQ-00617-00203958-00204214 nobody there to hear this kind of pitqDIWy6FQ-00618-00204215-00204557 absolute truth this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00619-00204558-00204971 so Guru vaishnav is like a mirror pitqDIWy6FQ-00620-00204971-00205294 in front of you if you reach pitqDIWy6FQ-00621-00205296-00205679 if your face is ugly heart is ugly pitqDIWy6FQ-00622-00205680-00206194 you can say accordingly pitqDIWy6FQ-00623-00206196-00206405 this way you see pitqDIWy6FQ-00624-00206406-00206771 Babaji Maharaj today's I like to speak pitqDIWy6FQ-00625-00206771-00207010 so many things but no time pitqDIWy6FQ-00626-00207011-00207382 mahaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00627-00207383-00207701 feeling himself so pitqDIWy6FQ-00628-00207702-00207912 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00629-00207913-00208192 used to think himself pitqDIWy6FQ-00630-00208194-00208510 as the oldest creature in the world pitqDIWy6FQ-00631-00208511-00208864 so before living body he used to he used pitqDIWy6FQ-00632-00208865-00209116 to say when I die pitqDIWy6FQ-00633-00209117-00209392 when I die you can pitqDIWy6FQ-00634-00209394-00209758 you can tie my leg you can tie my leg pitqDIWy6FQ-00635-00209759-00210065 with one rope you can tie my leg with pitqDIWy6FQ-00636-00210066-00210407 one probe and pull me like a dog going pitqDIWy6FQ-00637-00210408-00210737 to Dinah somebody going to put one you pitqDIWy6FQ-00638-00210738-00211006 know rope and fooling you can pull all pitqDIWy6FQ-00639-00211007-00211379 over this Dharma and throw me into ganga pitqDIWy6FQ-00640-00211380-00211631 I am the oldest element pitqDIWy6FQ-00641-00211632-00212105 all the Arduino going to rectify my pitqDIWy6FQ-00642-00212106-00212267 bestly character pitqDIWy6FQ-00643-00212267-00212458 all their humbleness pitqDIWy6FQ-00644-00212459-00212782 all their humble is why to rectify my pitqDIWy6FQ-00645-00212783-00213010 beastly beastly character pitqDIWy6FQ-00646-00213011-00213155 I am Beast pitqDIWy6FQ-00647-00213156-00213455 to rectify me to show that I can feel pitqDIWy6FQ-00648-00213456-00213653 something that one paramounts of feeling pitqDIWy6FQ-00649-00213654-00213887 this way that's why they are speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00650-00213888-00214096 this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00651-00214098-00214306 that's why their humbleness are like pitqDIWy6FQ-00652-00214307-00214613 that so they took decision when bawajima pitqDIWy6FQ-00653-00214614-00214751 are going to leave body they took this pitqDIWy6FQ-00654-00214752-00215098 well babajima told before living body we pitqDIWy6FQ-00655-00215100-00215465 must you know tie his leg and pull pitqDIWy6FQ-00656-00215466-00215658 Ed pitqDIWy6FQ-00657-00215659-00215884 running and running after getting pitqDIWy6FQ-00658-00215885-00216173 information like mad and going Rich pitqDIWy6FQ-00659-00216173-00216496 going to reach that side of river and pitqDIWy6FQ-00660-00216498-00216779 find all sahajiya characterless people pitqDIWy6FQ-00661-00216780-00217031 they are going to get control over the pitqDIWy6FQ-00662-00217032-00217205 body transcendental body pitqDIWy6FQ-00663-00217206-00217510 reached pitqDIWy6FQ-00664-00217511-00217744 Papa speaking I am the disciple of pitqDIWy6FQ-00665-00217746-00218098 Babaji Maya I can arrange the last pitqDIWy6FQ-00666-00218100-00218441 funeral ceremony or the final shamady pitqDIWy6FQ-00667-00218442-00218777 everything no we are the disciple you pitqDIWy6FQ-00668-00218778-00219025 are not disciple we don't know you pitqDIWy6FQ-00669-00219026-00219382 are speaking I am the only disciple pitqDIWy6FQ-00670-00219383-00219575 we are disciple pitqDIWy6FQ-00671-00219576-00219803 we are disabled who are you go away from pitqDIWy6FQ-00672-00219804-00220237 here maybe they like to fight with women pitqDIWy6FQ-00673-00220238-00220546 like fire standing I am the only pitqDIWy6FQ-00674-00220548-00220673 disciple pitqDIWy6FQ-00675-00220673-00220955 if you claim that you are devotee you pitqDIWy6FQ-00676-00220956-00221165 are the disciple of Babaji Maharaj then pitqDIWy6FQ-00677-00221166-00221434 you can touch this body touch this body pitqDIWy6FQ-00678-00221435-00221560 and speak pitqDIWy6FQ-00679-00221561-00221831 that you are the disciple of babajima pitqDIWy6FQ-00680-00221832-00222005 you are going to follow all the pitqDIWy6FQ-00681-00222006-00222239 instructions of babajima you have not pitqDIWy6FQ-00682-00222240-00222569 not done any woman Association in one pitqDIWy6FQ-00683-00222569-00222844 year past one year pitqDIWy6FQ-00684-00222846-00223031 difficult pitqDIWy6FQ-00685-00223032-00223651 they feel very pitqDIWy6FQ-00686-00223652-00223937 not doing woman Association come and pitqDIWy6FQ-00687-00223938-00224194 touch this body nobody touch it okay pitqDIWy6FQ-00688-00224196-00224453 last month okay last night who is not pitqDIWy6FQ-00689-00224454-00224698 doing a come come and touch and speak pitqDIWy6FQ-00690-00224700-00224860 that you are pure pitqDIWy6FQ-00691-00224861-00225203 you are the disciple then everybody God pitqDIWy6FQ-00692-00225204-00225479 in the meantime because of this pitqDIWy6FQ-00693-00225480-00225725 sensitive situation pitqDIWy6FQ-00694-00225726-00226117 sensitive situation pitqDIWy6FQ-00695-00226117-00226463 the police officer came what happens the pitqDIWy6FQ-00696-00226464-00226865 case is asking he is looking at oh so pitqDIWy6FQ-00697-00226866-00227129 powerful I'm the only disciple of this pitqDIWy6FQ-00698-00227130-00227375 mahapurus I like to do the final pitqDIWy6FQ-00699-00227376-00227621 function of this mahapras but they like pitqDIWy6FQ-00700-00227621-00227860 to claim they are there so you arrange pitqDIWy6FQ-00701-00227861-00228113 they can prove that there's I can touch pitqDIWy6FQ-00702-00228114-00228425 I am the only disciple pitqDIWy6FQ-00703-00228426-00228887 so if you can think that property is so pitqDIWy6FQ-00704-00228888-00229187 false ego is going to speak that he is pitqDIWy6FQ-00705-00229188-00229355 the only disciple pitqDIWy6FQ-00706-00229356-00229565 this way pitqDIWy6FQ-00707-00229566-00229787 if somebody going to speak I am the only pitqDIWy6FQ-00708-00229788-00230069 disciple of that paramansa all one can pitqDIWy6FQ-00709-00230069-00230356 say he is very false ago pitqDIWy6FQ-00710-00230357-00230675 maybe speaking the right his character a pitqDIWy6FQ-00711-00230676-00230963 behavior archery all going to prove that pitqDIWy6FQ-00712-00230964-00231298 he is really the only disciple of that pitqDIWy6FQ-00713-00231300-00231551 paramansa gurudeva but people cannot pitqDIWy6FQ-00714-00231552-00231856 admit people can say you have false you pitqDIWy6FQ-00715-00231857-00232079 are that useless go pitqDIWy6FQ-00716-00232080-00232325 but maybe you are speaking right but pitqDIWy6FQ-00717-00232326-00232546 when Pope was speaking the case is a pitqDIWy6FQ-00718-00232548-00232691 little bit different pitqDIWy6FQ-00719-00232692-00232908 that is a specialty with Bhopal pitqDIWy6FQ-00720-00232909-00233239 externally robot can make a big you know pitqDIWy6FQ-00721-00233240-00233531 dress and come in front of British pitqDIWy6FQ-00722-00233532-00233782 people to speak harikatha like the pitqDIWy6FQ-00723-00233783-00233944 smartest man pitqDIWy6FQ-00724-00233946-00234346 on this Earth popat is a smartest man in pitqDIWy6FQ-00725-00234348-00234437 the earth pitqDIWy6FQ-00726-00234438-00234731 popat is the smartest man pitqDIWy6FQ-00727-00234732-00235103 no hero heroine no actor can prove he's pitqDIWy6FQ-00728-00235104-00235451 a I can I can see the smartness of Popa pitqDIWy6FQ-00729-00235452-00235691 who never fear anything pitqDIWy6FQ-00730-00235692-00235979 never fear somebody can give lacks of pitqDIWy6FQ-00731-00235980-00236260 rupees donation but people but still pop pitqDIWy6FQ-00732-00236261-00236458 are not going to spare him pitqDIWy6FQ-00733-00236459-00236651 to speak some pitqDIWy6FQ-00734-00236652-00236831 I know something that is called jagat pitqDIWy6FQ-00735-00236832-00237239 Guru that is called satguru pitqDIWy6FQ-00736-00237240-00237742 there is a condition who can understand pitqDIWy6FQ-00737-00237744-00237982 yesterday I was speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00738-00237983-00238151 that pitqDIWy6FQ-00739-00238152-00238348 nishing or Dev in front of nishing pitqDIWy6FQ-00740-00238350-00238637 speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00741-00238638-00238889 that all people pitqDIWy6FQ-00742-00238890-00239453 those who are coming in front of you pitqDIWy6FQ-00743-00239454-00239675 they are going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00744-00239676-00239956 get benefit according to their pitqDIWy6FQ-00745-00239957-00240298 situation of heart if your heart is ugly pitqDIWy6FQ-00746-00240300-00240641 with some mood with some dirty mood you pitqDIWy6FQ-00747-00240642-00240934 are coming in front of Guru vishna you pitqDIWy6FQ-00748-00240935-00241277 can see accordingly pitqDIWy6FQ-00749-00241278-00241523 gurubisham can resolve the right of not pitqDIWy6FQ-00750-00241523-00241751 being exposed to your son servant you pitqDIWy6FQ-00751-00241752-00241937 cannot measure pitqDIWy6FQ-00752-00241938-00242171 their pattern layers pitqDIWy6FQ-00753-00242171-00242827 Infinity pitqDIWy6FQ-00754-00242828-00243155 when I can read I don't know time is pitqDIWy6FQ-00755-00243156-00243484 going bhagwan Singh is not speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-00756-00243485-00243784 amuni is like pitqDIWy6FQ-00757-00243785-00244013 the ocean pitqDIWy6FQ-00758-00244014-00244271 heart of a Muni heart of a sadhu is like pitqDIWy6FQ-00759-00244271-00244625 ocean pathomless how you can measure pitqDIWy6FQ-00760-00244626-00244853 how you can take trouble to Meza let me pitqDIWy6FQ-00761-00244854-00245105 see how much how you pitqDIWy6FQ-00762-00245106-00245296 huh pitqDIWy6FQ-00763-00245298-00245501 this is not pitqDIWy6FQ-00764-00245502-00246305 appropriate attitude follow pitqDIWy6FQ-00765-00246306-00246634 so yesterday I was discussing pitqDIWy6FQ-00766-00246635-00246965 yesterday I was discussing about pitqDIWy6FQ-00767-00246966-00247246 how pitqDIWy6FQ-00768-00247248-00247475 about Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00769-00247476-00247787 Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00770-00247788-00248123 going to accept the small boy as pitqDIWy6FQ-00771-00248123-00248406 small boy as pitqDIWy6FQ-00772-00248407-00248842 after that I already discussed this pitqDIWy6FQ-00773-00248844-00249181 point of one virgin virgin I mean pitqDIWy6FQ-00774-00249182-00249460 unmarried girl pitqDIWy6FQ-00775-00249461-00249719 who is not touched By Any Man pitqDIWy6FQ-00776-00249719-00250163 I was discussing that Kumari that GAO pitqDIWy6FQ-00777-00250164-00250510 was feeling shy because there's there's pitqDIWy6FQ-00778-00250511-00250696 some bangle there pitqDIWy6FQ-00779-00250698-00250937 is going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00780-00250938-00251134 make a rise pitqDIWy6FQ-00781-00251135-00251356 some of your shiva's feelings why pitqDIWy6FQ-00782-00251357-00251746 because some guests coming so she wanted pitqDIWy6FQ-00783-00251748-00252065 to open all you know bangle only one pitqDIWy6FQ-00784-00252066-00252503 Bengali no he is going no fighting pitqDIWy6FQ-00785-00252504-00253627 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00786-00253628-00253955 they are leading lonely life it seems to pitqDIWy6FQ-00787-00253956-00254039 you pitqDIWy6FQ-00788-00254040-00254477 it seems to you alone but not that pitqDIWy6FQ-00789-00254478-00254801 around Babaji Maharaja all Guru Varga pitqDIWy6FQ-00790-00254802-00255173 punches is not hello pitqDIWy6FQ-00791-00255173-00255592 but if you are going to take shelter of pitqDIWy6FQ-00792-00255594-00255989 a solitary place then you can fall down pitqDIWy6FQ-00793-00255990-00256705 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00794-00256706-00257039 place it is not possible for you pitqDIWy6FQ-00795-00257040-00257351 but usually what you see at present pitqDIWy6FQ-00796-00257352-00257494 I can pitqDIWy6FQ-00797-00257496-00257758 discuss both the point one is negative pitqDIWy6FQ-00798-00257759-00258130 another is positive pitqDIWy6FQ-00799-00258131-00258389 goshti Bhajan pitqDIWy6FQ-00800-00258390-00258623 you understand ghosty version what do pitqDIWy6FQ-00801-00258623-00258894 you mean by ghost pitqDIWy6FQ-00802-00258896-00259110 you don't know pitqDIWy6FQ-00803-00259111-00259429 all devotee can stay in a temple and do pitqDIWy6FQ-00804-00259430-00259810 they can harmonize themselves pitqDIWy6FQ-00805-00259811-00260992 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00806-00260994-00261184 they can be Danger pitqDIWy6FQ-00807-00261185-00261413 and in solitary Bhajan there can be pitqDIWy6FQ-00808-00261414-00261665 danger both way I can discuss pitqDIWy6FQ-00809-00261666-00261958 Solitude version not allowed for you pitqDIWy6FQ-00810-00261959-00262169 because you are not allowed pitqDIWy6FQ-00811-00262170-00262379 if you go you can fall down pitqDIWy6FQ-00812-00262380-00262619 only mentally you can do some material pitqDIWy6FQ-00813-00262620-00262999 Association this way you can fall down pitqDIWy6FQ-00814-00263000-00263458 so look I already told about the case of pitqDIWy6FQ-00815-00263459-00263917 you know priyabatha pitqDIWy6FQ-00816-00263918-00264151 Brahma giving pitqDIWy6FQ-00817-00264152-00264460 Brahma giving advice to Priya pitqDIWy6FQ-00818-00264461-00264641 that why you are going to celebrate pitqDIWy6FQ-00819-00264642-00264910 flesh solitary flesh is very dangerous pitqDIWy6FQ-00820-00264911-00265247 for you and if you are at all successful pitqDIWy6FQ-00821-00265248-00265480 to get control over over your sense pitqDIWy6FQ-00822-00265481-00265745 organ what problem saying here in the pitqDIWy6FQ-00823-00265746-00266056 same and Society why not you take the uh pitqDIWy6FQ-00824-00266057-00266339 see take the chair of your father Manu pitqDIWy6FQ-00825-00266340-00266543 Maharaja pitqDIWy6FQ-00826-00266544-00266765 why not what problem pitqDIWy6FQ-00827-00266766-00266999 both way if you are going their solitary pitqDIWy6FQ-00828-00267000-00267403 place with your all your karma clothing pitqDIWy6FQ-00829-00267404-00267665 you must keep yourself in front of your pitqDIWy6FQ-00830-00267666-00267953 pure devotees don't try to fly don't try pitqDIWy6FQ-00831-00267954-00268271 to go to a solitary place to die to pitqDIWy6FQ-00832-00268272-00268439 commit suicide pitqDIWy6FQ-00833-00268440-00268697 I like to see you in front of me I can pitqDIWy6FQ-00834-00268698-00268913 see what you are doing all day and night pitqDIWy6FQ-00835-00268914-00269213 you like to fly from me I cannot allow pitqDIWy6FQ-00836-00269214-00269453 if you go to hell you can see me I'm pitqDIWy6FQ-00837-00269454-00269734 standing what you are doing you go to pitqDIWy6FQ-00838-00269735-00269980 hell Papa speaking if you go to hell you pitqDIWy6FQ-00839-00269981-00270160 can see me I'm standing what you are pitqDIWy6FQ-00840-00270161-00270299 doing here pitqDIWy6FQ-00841-00270300-00270784 they satguru be careful pitqDIWy6FQ-00842-00270785-00271015 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00843-00271016-00271265 brahmaji also speaking the same thing pitqDIWy6FQ-00844-00271266-00271360 too pitqDIWy6FQ-00845-00271361-00271732 Priya pratha pitqDIWy6FQ-00846-00271733-00272008 to pray about this being the same thing pitqDIWy6FQ-00847-00272009-00272393 and here we find solitary version is pitqDIWy6FQ-00848-00272394-00272656 very practical no problem and somehow I pitqDIWy6FQ-00849-00272657-00272803 can lead my life pitqDIWy6FQ-00850-00272804-00273082 according to my fanciful decision who is pitqDIWy6FQ-00851-00273083-00273299 going to check up pitqDIWy6FQ-00852-00273300-00273473 who is going to check up when I am pitqDIWy6FQ-00853-00273474-00273706 getting when when I'm you know going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00854-00273707-00273934 break my sleep maybe seven o'clock but pitqDIWy6FQ-00855-00273935-00274121 you promise me that you can break pitqDIWy6FQ-00856-00274122-00274330 Yourself four o'clock minimum pitqDIWy6FQ-00857-00274331-00274529 but you are now getting a seven o'clock pitqDIWy6FQ-00858-00274530-00274691 and running pitqDIWy6FQ-00859-00274692-00275075 this call the status of deeksha pitqDIWy6FQ-00860-00275076-00275380 so the testing between Guru and shisha's pitqDIWy6FQ-00861-00275381-00275501 vital point pitqDIWy6FQ-00862-00275502-00275806 I already wanted to publish six six pitqDIWy6FQ-00863-00275807-00276065 weeks sarikatha I already give to him he pitqDIWy6FQ-00864-00276066-00276299 is not publishing a four months six pitqDIWy6FQ-00865-00276300-00276491 months gone pitqDIWy6FQ-00866-00276492-00276982 one sloka discussion about candidate who pitqDIWy6FQ-00867-00276983-00277397 can take deep back Gyan and the and Guru pitqDIWy6FQ-00868-00277398-00277697 I already hand over six months over but pitqDIWy6FQ-00869-00277698-00277984 it's not publishing pitqDIWy6FQ-00870-00277985-00278206 not publishing if they are going to pitqDIWy6FQ-00871-00278207-00278482 publish everything on all language I pitqDIWy6FQ-00872-00278483-00278639 think it will be Evolution they are not pitqDIWy6FQ-00873-00278640-00278723 doing pitqDIWy6FQ-00874-00278724-00278939 they have their personal business they pitqDIWy6FQ-00875-00278940-00279082 are doing so many things pitqDIWy6FQ-00876-00279083-00279406 I am giving my energy so when they can pitqDIWy6FQ-00877-00279407-00279587 do what they they do they knows I don't pitqDIWy6FQ-00878-00279588-00279941 know they don't think it is Guru Seva pitqDIWy6FQ-00879-00279942-00280199 anyway pitqDIWy6FQ-00880-00280200-00280379 so pitqDIWy6FQ-00881-00280380-00280763 staying alone is dangerous pitqDIWy6FQ-00882-00280764-00281123 and staying with all devotees pitqDIWy6FQ-00883-00281124-00281525 is practical provided there is some pitqDIWy6FQ-00884-00281526-00281825 there is some pitqDIWy6FQ-00885-00281826-00282106 there is some devotees those who are pitqDIWy6FQ-00886-00282107-00282317 minimum controlling they have I am not pitqDIWy6FQ-00887-00282318-00282455 maximum pitqDIWy6FQ-00888-00282456-00282682 those who have minimum controlling over pitqDIWy6FQ-00889-00282683-00283060 the minimum I know I cannot expect pitqDIWy6FQ-00890-00283061-00283199 I am not pitqDIWy6FQ-00891-00283200-00283475 I am not going to expect that all siddha pitqDIWy6FQ-00892-00283476-00283751 Mahatma I I cannot expect the all siddha pitqDIWy6FQ-00893-00283752-00284071 Mahatma can come idiot pitqDIWy6FQ-00894-00284072-00284327 why they can come to me pitqDIWy6FQ-00895-00284328-00284506 they are born itself that's why coming pitqDIWy6FQ-00896-00284507-00284771 to me follow what they say so I am not pitqDIWy6FQ-00897-00284772-00284987 going to speak that way pitqDIWy6FQ-00898-00284988-00285167 I am not going to speak that way the pitqDIWy6FQ-00899-00285168-00285365 whole situ Mahatma can come to all pitqDIWy6FQ-00900-00285366-00285629 bonded Soul can come to me okay but at pitqDIWy6FQ-00901-00285630-00285863 least they have some at least they have pitqDIWy6FQ-00902-00285864-00286180 some controlling Minima at least they pitqDIWy6FQ-00903-00286181-00286319 have some pitqDIWy6FQ-00904-00286320-00286553 desire pitqDIWy6FQ-00905-00286554-00286834 positive desire to get manga if not pitqDIWy6FQ-00906-00286835-00287056 there some idiot people from difference pitqDIWy6FQ-00907-00287057-00287356 or hey come come to matka all I am going pitqDIWy6FQ-00908-00287357-00287579 to make a hell pitqDIWy6FQ-00909-00287580-00287813 it's not Guru Patna used to say it is pitqDIWy6FQ-00910-00287814-00288130 not Mott is comat comat you know you are pitqDIWy6FQ-00911-00288131-00288371 going to pass stool in come out Guru pitqDIWy6FQ-00912-00288372-00288641 used to say it is not Mark it's come out pitqDIWy6FQ-00913-00288642-00289001 all useless you know Beast Jekyll and pitqDIWy6FQ-00914-00289002-00289193 you know dogs they are saying pitqDIWy6FQ-00915-00289194-00289432 this way everybody like this ah some pitqDIWy6FQ-00916-00289433-00289591 weakness can be there pitqDIWy6FQ-00917-00289592-00289949 never mind if weakness is not there why pitqDIWy6FQ-00918-00289950-00290158 they can approach a guru weakness can be pitqDIWy6FQ-00919-00290159-00290332 there that's not it but they are pitqDIWy6FQ-00920-00290333-00290567 submissive their submissive attitude pitqDIWy6FQ-00921-00290568-00290903 should be there they must be ready they pitqDIWy6FQ-00922-00290904-00291155 must be ready to accept all the pitqDIWy6FQ-00923-00291156-00291258 instructions pitqDIWy6FQ-00924-00291259-00291497 this much pitqDIWy6FQ-00925-00291498-00291755 at least this master they are ready to pitqDIWy6FQ-00926-00291756-00291965 accept the instruction of Guru Babu okay pitqDIWy6FQ-00927-00291966-00292139 they are not ready to accept and pitqDIWy6FQ-00928-00292140-00292384 instruct oh gurudev is going there the pitqDIWy6FQ-00929-00292385-00292643 disciple going there then how they can pitqDIWy6FQ-00930-00292644-00292858 how what is the utility of what is the pitqDIWy6FQ-00931-00292859-00293110 utility of this kind of initiation you pitqDIWy6FQ-00932-00293111-00293356 can only increase garbage pitqDIWy6FQ-00933-00293357-00293579 you can only increase garbage nothing pitqDIWy6FQ-00934-00293580-00293863 else pitqDIWy6FQ-00935-00293864-00295645 wanted to clean this garbage foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-00936-00295646-00295882 don't come to me pitqDIWy6FQ-00937-00295883-00296351 I speak directly you won't come to me pitqDIWy6FQ-00938-00296352-00296627 at all interested you can hear oh wait pitqDIWy6FQ-00939-00296628-00296915 he can hear a word any special question pitqDIWy6FQ-00940-00296916-00297191 you I yourself is a big preacher you pitqDIWy6FQ-00941-00297192-00297449 like to come to me to make a joke I'm pitqDIWy6FQ-00942-00297450-00297653 foolish you are preaching all over the pitqDIWy6FQ-00943-00297654-00297827 world if you are coming I like to you I pitqDIWy6FQ-00944-00297828-00298127 know your target go no no need of coming pitqDIWy6FQ-00945-00298128-00298421 you stay there if you love me from this pitqDIWy6FQ-00946-00298422-00298582 sense you can love me I don't need pitqDIWy6FQ-00947-00298583-00298913 anything from you so pitqDIWy6FQ-00948-00298914-00299189 at present we are going to at present we pitqDIWy6FQ-00949-00299190-00299458 are going to change garbage pitqDIWy6FQ-00950-00299459-00299741 I'm not going to follow if I'm myself pitqDIWy6FQ-00951-00299742-00299956 not going to follow anything pitqDIWy6FQ-00952-00299957-00300167 then I have no right to speak in front pitqDIWy6FQ-00953-00300168-00300310 of you pitqDIWy6FQ-00954-00300311-00300527 if I myself not going to follow all pitqDIWy6FQ-00955-00300528-00300791 instruction what I am giving to you I pitqDIWy6FQ-00956-00300792-00300953 have no right to speak what I am pitqDIWy6FQ-00957-00300954-00301282 speaking I have no right to stop speech pitqDIWy6FQ-00958-00301283-00301480 this you forget pitqDIWy6FQ-00959-00301481-00301745 all instructions were public not for me pitqDIWy6FQ-00960-00301746-00301984 all instructions for all public not for pitqDIWy6FQ-00961-00301985-00302177 me idiot pitqDIWy6FQ-00962-00302178-00302489 all instructions for me not for you if pitqDIWy6FQ-00963-00302490-00302687 you are interested you can accept and go pitqDIWy6FQ-00964-00302688-00302795 ahead pitqDIWy6FQ-00965-00302796-00303047 not interest okay don't ask what I can pitqDIWy6FQ-00966-00303048-00303113 do pitqDIWy6FQ-00967-00303114-00303323 bonded soul I cannot put pressure on pitqDIWy6FQ-00968-00303324-00303401 them pitqDIWy6FQ-00969-00303402-00303617 if I put pressure on them it is one kind pitqDIWy6FQ-00970-00303618-00303760 of karma pitqDIWy6FQ-00971-00303761-00303947 I cannot put pressure on anybody they pitqDIWy6FQ-00972-00303948-00304121 can accept they cannot cannot expect pitqDIWy6FQ-00973-00304122-00304415 accept what I can do pitqDIWy6FQ-00974-00304416-00304769 this way so pitqDIWy6FQ-00975-00304770-00305051 if there is all bonded soul pitqDIWy6FQ-00976-00305052-00305351 if there is all bonded Soul or a pitqDIWy6FQ-00977-00305352-00305621 different kind of chronic disease like pitqDIWy6FQ-00978-00305622-00305999 and TV tuberculosis you know cholera pitqDIWy6FQ-00979-00306000-00306275 Corona all different kind of disease all pitqDIWy6FQ-00980-00306276-00306382 one place pitqDIWy6FQ-00981-00306383-00306527 that they are fighting with each other pitqDIWy6FQ-00982-00306528-00306949 exchanging views pitqDIWy6FQ-00983-00306950-00307330 all people one one person having one pitqDIWy6FQ-00984-00307331-00307534 disease and now they are going to fight pitqDIWy6FQ-00985-00307535-00307717 this is pitqDIWy6FQ-00986-00307718-00307979 malaria all one disease was their pitqDIWy6FQ-00987-00307980-00308219 premium ah they are fighting with your pitqDIWy6FQ-00988-00308220-00308489 heart that's okay this is your Society pitqDIWy6FQ-00989-00308490-00308663 Running pitqDIWy6FQ-00990-00308664-00308927 this is your running Society pitqDIWy6FQ-00991-00308928-00309154 anywhere you cannot prove pitqDIWy6FQ-00992-00309155-00309341 you cannot prove pitqDIWy6FQ-00993-00309342-00309610 that I am speaking lie Guru badna used pitqDIWy6FQ-00994-00309611-00309827 to say that pitqDIWy6FQ-00995-00309828-00310147 if somebody going to ignore Boba pitqDIWy6FQ-00996-00310148-00310384 goswami and pitqDIWy6FQ-00997-00310385-00310613 takur pitqDIWy6FQ-00998-00310614-00310906 they can never run goriamman better they pitqDIWy6FQ-00999-00310907-00311045 can go away pitqDIWy6FQ-01000-00311046-00311332 they can go even marry leave their dress pitqDIWy6FQ-01001-00311333-00311615 and go and marry and Lead their peaceful pitqDIWy6FQ-01002-00311616-00311884 life enjoy their life why they are going pitqDIWy6FQ-01003-00311885-00312071 to take trouble to make some garbage pitqDIWy6FQ-01004-00312072-00312299 here all over the world pitqDIWy6FQ-01005-00312300-00312604 speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01006-00312605-00312917 of speaking is somebody coming to fire I pitqDIWy6FQ-01007-00312918-00313180 can saw evacuate writing if you are pitqDIWy6FQ-01008-00313181-00313439 going to if you are going to establish pitqDIWy6FQ-01009-00313440-00313732 one spiritual Society with some bonded pitqDIWy6FQ-01010-00313733-00313913 Soul all having different kind of pitqDIWy6FQ-01011-00313914-00314303 disease I can show you proper speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01012-00314304-00314669 I can show you proper speaking they are pitqDIWy6FQ-01013-00314670-00314887 all the disease they are their person pitqDIWy6FQ-01014-00314888-00315191 they all of them have different kind of pitqDIWy6FQ-01015-00315192-00315382 disease like you have one kind of pitqDIWy6FQ-01016-00315383-00315677 disease she have one kind of dis all so pitqDIWy6FQ-01017-00315678-00315917 Papa speaking specially I should we pitqDIWy6FQ-01018-00315918-00316180 should give special treatment not all pitqDIWy6FQ-01019-00316181-00316289 treatment pitqDIWy6FQ-01020-00316290-00316595 not that you are developing cholera is pitqDIWy6FQ-01021-00316596-00316787 going to be Corona same medicine not pitqDIWy6FQ-01022-00316788-00316954 that proper speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01023-00316955-00317339 Papa speaking we must give full pitqDIWy6FQ-01024-00317340-00317591 attention to one one Jiva pitqDIWy6FQ-01025-00317592-00317830 to rectify them pitqDIWy6FQ-01026-00317831-00318077 it is not goshala I can bring some pitqDIWy6FQ-01027-00318078-00318419 outside come and stay and take grass not pitqDIWy6FQ-01028-00318420-00318749 like that it is gauri hospital it is pitqDIWy6FQ-01029-00318750-00318947 hospital when I am giving treatment to pitqDIWy6FQ-01030-00318948-00319139 you all pitqDIWy6FQ-01031-00319140-00319427 so I cannot do the proper speaking all pitqDIWy6FQ-01032-00319428-00319601 passion they have different different pitqDIWy6FQ-01033-00319602-00319889 kind of disease all they should be given pitqDIWy6FQ-01034-00319890-00320129 special attention pitqDIWy6FQ-01035-00320130-00320393 to rectify all of their disease now you pitqDIWy6FQ-01036-00320394-00320675 think what Paul was speaking and where I pitqDIWy6FQ-01037-00320676-00320741 am pitqDIWy6FQ-01038-00320742-00320908 standing pitqDIWy6FQ-01039-00320909-00321101 they were speaking all should be given pitqDIWy6FQ-01040-00321102-00321382 individual attention to rectify their pitqDIWy6FQ-01041-00321383-00321617 Disease by whereas McQueen winter is pitqDIWy6FQ-01042-00321618-00321701 speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01043-00321702-00322073 if you are going to open one Society pitqDIWy6FQ-01044-00322074-00322408 open one and going to run this Society pitqDIWy6FQ-01045-00322409-00322756 by the help of all bonded Soul no muksa pitqDIWy6FQ-01046-00322757-00323215 purush there pitqDIWy6FQ-01047-00323216-00323530 only you can collect money and enjoy pitqDIWy6FQ-01048-00323531-00323993 yourself if I if I pitqDIWy6FQ-01049-00323994-00324299 go back to my home work what kind of pitqDIWy6FQ-01050-00324300-00324617 facility I can get nothing pitqDIWy6FQ-01051-00324618-00324887 my family member my family is very poor pitqDIWy6FQ-01052-00324888-00325271 I was now I'm enjoying here sadhu life pitqDIWy6FQ-01053-00325272-00325684 is not for enjoyment you forget pitqDIWy6FQ-01054-00325685-00325937 you forget you take the base of sannyas pitqDIWy6FQ-01055-00325938-00326249 and become acharya writing all I am pitqDIWy6FQ-01056-00326250-00326375 going to publish pitqDIWy6FQ-01057-00326376-00326597 they're thinking we imagine they like to pitqDIWy6FQ-01058-00326598-00327004 maintain Majestic Arrangements pitqDIWy6FQ-01059-00327005-00327282 but Boba speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01060-00327283-00327521 speaking what speaking you go and read pitqDIWy6FQ-01061-00327522-00327863 then you can you cannot feel sigh pitqDIWy6FQ-01062-00327864-00328079 you cannot feel sigh even there is some pitqDIWy6FQ-01063-00328080-00328360 sinus is still okay no sign is there pitqDIWy6FQ-01064-00328361-00328523 like a cross pitqDIWy6FQ-01065-00328524-00328780 a process no sinus are there that is a pitqDIWy6FQ-01066-00328781-00328919 condition pitqDIWy6FQ-01067-00328920-00329158 that is a condition holder who can pitqDIWy6FQ-01068-00329159-00329321 arrange Mangal pitqDIWy6FQ-01069-00329322-00329519 who is going today who is going to pitqDIWy6FQ-01070-00329520-00329795 sacrifice your own life who is going to pitqDIWy6FQ-01071-00329796-00329980 sacrifice your own life for the whole pitqDIWy6FQ-01072-00329981-00330232 world who is going to sacrifice his own pitqDIWy6FQ-01073-00330233-00330389 life for the cause of caitanya pitqDIWy6FQ-01074-00330390-00330556 mahaprabhu pitqDIWy6FQ-01075-00330557-00330929 he can give benefit to us pitqDIWy6FQ-01076-00330930-00331156 who can sacrifice one life pitqDIWy6FQ-01077-00331157-00331553 for the cause of caitanya but who is pitqDIWy6FQ-01078-00331554-00331780 there who is ready pitqDIWy6FQ-01079-00331781-00331979 always ready to protect Persona and pitqDIWy6FQ-01080-00331980-00332165 internal money position relatives all pitqDIWy6FQ-01081-00332166-00332369 there providing money pitqDIWy6FQ-01082-00332370-00332669 this is a condition pitqDIWy6FQ-01083-00332670-00332891 they are the Eternal person of bhagavan pitqDIWy6FQ-01084-00332892-00333227 at present in kalikal pitqDIWy6FQ-01085-00333228-00333419 at present they are the Eternal person pitqDIWy6FQ-01086-00333420-00333677 of bhagavan people speaking okay let pitqDIWy6FQ-01087-00333678-00333917 them speak pitqDIWy6FQ-01088-00333918-00334163 let them speak what I can do I have no pitqDIWy6FQ-01089-00334164-00334354 solution I can speak only pitqDIWy6FQ-01090-00334355-00335032 to accept not accept is up to you pitqDIWy6FQ-01091-00335033-00335206 so pitqDIWy6FQ-01092-00335207-00335380 to stay pitqDIWy6FQ-01093-00335381-00335615 the final conclusion pitqDIWy6FQ-01094-00335616-00335825 fine and conclusion siddhan to be pitqDIWy6FQ-01095-00335826-00336077 challenged speaking if you are going to pitqDIWy6FQ-01096-00336078-00336197 stay pitqDIWy6FQ-01097-00336198-00336484 in such a society which is full which is pitqDIWy6FQ-01098-00336485-00336743 full of bonded Soul then you are going pitqDIWy6FQ-01099-00336744-00337127 to die more and more more and more then pitqDIWy6FQ-01100-00337128-00337427 when if you are going to stay lonely pitqDIWy6FQ-01101-00337428-00337721 lonely mean you have only some disease pitqDIWy6FQ-01102-00337722-00337901 but now you are going to all disease pitqDIWy6FQ-01103-00337902-00338039 coming in pitqDIWy6FQ-01104-00338040-00338404 but never I am shouting like long time pitqDIWy6FQ-01105-00338405-00338627 nobody going to pay attention the thing pitqDIWy6FQ-01106-00338628-00338927 I'm a crazy man so the situation pitqDIWy6FQ-01107-00338928-00339101 the same is they like to drive me away pitqDIWy6FQ-01108-00339102-00339280 or a crazy man pitqDIWy6FQ-01109-00339281-00339515 though so now you see now writing later pitqDIWy6FQ-01110-00339516-00339929 Maharaj you is one kind of politics now pitqDIWy6FQ-01111-00339930-00340199 writing letter oh Maharaj you are pitqDIWy6FQ-01112-00340200-00340463 following the you know all the education pitqDIWy6FQ-01113-00340464-00340732 Guru Varga ideal is so if you can kindly pitqDIWy6FQ-01114-00340733-00341032 help me only money coming all lost is pitqDIWy6FQ-01115-00341033-00341284 one kind of joking with me pitqDIWy6FQ-01116-00341285-00341554 I could immediately see the letter I can pitqDIWy6FQ-01117-00341555-00341699 say joking pitqDIWy6FQ-01118-00341700-00341908 I am not going to response pitqDIWy6FQ-01119-00341909-00342160 I like two lines pitqDIWy6FQ-01120-00342161-00342395 only one or two lamps in which he could pitqDIWy6FQ-01121-00342396-00342653 realize what Marta wanted to say same pitqDIWy6FQ-01122-00342654-00342808 thing one need to say from the very pitqDIWy6FQ-01123-00342809-00343115 beginning now you wanted to arrange your pitqDIWy6FQ-01124-00343116-00343541 own pautista after protista now now Sam pitqDIWy6FQ-01125-00343542-00343775 Baba can come or some WhatsApp again I pitqDIWy6FQ-01126-00343776-00343991 told you already destroy pitqDIWy6FQ-01127-00343992-00344339 with atomic bomb but now what I can do pitqDIWy6FQ-01128-00344340-00344501 now no question pitqDIWy6FQ-01129-00344502-00344693 you are putting enrolling bomb all pitqDIWy6FQ-01130-00344694-00344860 destroyed now you are calling me your pitqDIWy6FQ-01131-00344861-00345047 active I can do pitqDIWy6FQ-01132-00345048-00345323 how I can not possible for me okay you pitqDIWy6FQ-01133-00345324-00345515 would run your suicide to yourself pitqDIWy6FQ-01134-00345516-00345845 let people say that I am not under the pitqDIWy6FQ-01135-00345846-00346156 guidance of any let people say pitqDIWy6FQ-01136-00346157-00346325 let people say pitqDIWy6FQ-01137-00346326-00346534 I have no headache pitqDIWy6FQ-01138-00346535-00346841 many people can come pass any remark I pitqDIWy6FQ-01139-00346842-00347056 have no headache about it pitqDIWy6FQ-01140-00347057-00347206 so pitqDIWy6FQ-01141-00347207-00347375 this way pitqDIWy6FQ-01142-00347376-00347615 if you are going to pitqDIWy6FQ-01143-00347616-00347903 stay with such all bonded Soul there is pitqDIWy6FQ-01144-00347904-00348013 no regulator pitqDIWy6FQ-01145-00348014-00348406 no satgurus in the society then society pitqDIWy6FQ-01146-00348407-00348695 that shows that society that society pitqDIWy6FQ-01147-00348696-00349001 that Society is pitqDIWy6FQ-01148-00349002-00349217 only Saturday Club pitqDIWy6FQ-01149-00349218-00349493 Saturday club and Sunday Club I wrote in pitqDIWy6FQ-01150-00349494-00349732 a letter is not more this Saturday club pitqDIWy6FQ-01151-00349733-00350015 we are all you know rich people can come pitqDIWy6FQ-01152-00350016-00350201 they enjoy pitqDIWy6FQ-01153-00350202-00350639 I know drinking wine and enjoy with ah pitqDIWy6FQ-01154-00350640-00350884 woman this is a Saturday Club pitqDIWy6FQ-01155-00350885-00351149 Sunday Club Saturday pitqDIWy6FQ-01156-00351150-00351406 so if you are going to stay there pitqDIWy6FQ-01157-00351407-00351713 then what problem you can expect pitqDIWy6FQ-01158-00351714-00352145 I many times he told before if pujari is pitqDIWy6FQ-01159-00352146-00352427 characterless pitqDIWy6FQ-01160-00352428-00352571 if pitqDIWy6FQ-01161-00352572-00352853 if the cookman pitqDIWy6FQ-01162-00352854-00353039 is characterless pitqDIWy6FQ-01163-00353040-00353339 if the speaker characterless pitqDIWy6FQ-01164-00353340-00353728 if a distribution man is characterless pitqDIWy6FQ-01165-00353729-00354010 then what you can say pitqDIWy6FQ-01166-00354011-00354341 whatever offense try to hear it is one pitqDIWy6FQ-01167-00354342-00354515 Carnival evolution pitqDIWy6FQ-01168-00354516-00354851 whatever offense a pujari doing whatever pitqDIWy6FQ-01169-00354852-00355145 offense a cookman doing whatever happens pitqDIWy6FQ-01170-00355146-00355403 whatever doing in the temple all you pitqDIWy6FQ-01171-00355404-00355684 will have to take share of that pitqDIWy6FQ-01172-00355685-00355930 not that pujari doing office pujari can pitqDIWy6FQ-01173-00355931-00356087 only take no pitqDIWy6FQ-01174-00356088-00356308 goshti Bhajan it is the benefit of pitqDIWy6FQ-01175-00356309-00356519 goshti Bhajan you will have to take the pitqDIWy6FQ-01176-00356520-00356795 share of his sinful activities all you pitqDIWy6FQ-01177-00356796-00356975 will have to take Shear there is a pitqDIWy6FQ-01178-00356976-00357095 benefit of pitqDIWy6FQ-01179-00357096-00357484 this is a benefit of your ghosty version pitqDIWy6FQ-01180-00357485-00357732 that's why some Society wanted to burn pitqDIWy6FQ-01181-00357733-00358127 wanted to burn you know Dharma pitqDIWy6FQ-01182-00358128-00358360 born in a fire pitqDIWy6FQ-01183-00358361-00358660 so that nobody can go for solitary pitqDIWy6FQ-01184-00358661-00358877 version pitqDIWy6FQ-01185-00358878-00359039 that's why they wanted to bond your pitqDIWy6FQ-01186-00359040-00359219 brother nobody should read pitqDIWy6FQ-01187-00359220-00359428 and they are suffering also pitqDIWy6FQ-01188-00359429-00359680 the committing Opera okay let them pitqDIWy6FQ-01189-00359681-00359987 suffer what we can do pitqDIWy6FQ-01190-00359988-00360263 they wanted they wanted to arrange the pitqDIWy6FQ-01191-00360264-00360413 situation so that nobody can go to pitqDIWy6FQ-01192-00360414-00360682 Solitude they can enjoy we can give pitqDIWy6FQ-01193-00360683-00360845 benefit oh pitqDIWy6FQ-01194-00360846-00361013 at the same time we can enjoy your pitqDIWy6FQ-01195-00361014-00361234 sannyasiva all you can enjoy money pitqDIWy6FQ-01196-00361235-00361463 position everything so what wrong why pitqDIWy6FQ-01197-00361464-00361606 what you can get pitqDIWy6FQ-01198-00361607-00361780 what you can get by solitary version pitqDIWy6FQ-01199-00361781-00361991 only two chapati you can get big car pitqDIWy6FQ-01200-00361992-00362141 from body washes pitqDIWy6FQ-01201-00362142-00362506 I am crazy that's why I like to go pitqDIWy6FQ-01202-00362507-00362723 I never like to go to solitary version pitqDIWy6FQ-01203-00362724-00362945 know it for sure I like to speak pitqDIWy6FQ-01204-00362946-00363208 harikatha I like to hear arikatha from pitqDIWy6FQ-01205-00363209-00363406 you all pitqDIWy6FQ-01206-00363407-00363671 but you are making the situation pitqDIWy6FQ-01207-00363672-00363917 I'm bound to go what to do pitqDIWy6FQ-01208-00363918-00364271 I never wanted to go pitqDIWy6FQ-01209-00364272-00364421 so this way pitqDIWy6FQ-01210-00364422-00364678 you will have to take share of each and pitqDIWy6FQ-01211-00364679-00364975 every Opera done in the society pitqDIWy6FQ-01212-00364976-00365308 electrician because in the Ghostly pitqDIWy6FQ-01213-00365309-00365632 there's a facility but positive point is pitqDIWy6FQ-01214-00365633-00365956 that if there is one elevated devotee if pitqDIWy6FQ-01215-00365957-00366125 there is one elevated devotee great pitqDIWy6FQ-01216-00366126-00366437 devotee like pitqDIWy6FQ-01217-00366438-00366858 there there pitqDIWy6FQ-01218-00366859-00367223 you can take darshana devotee because in pitqDIWy6FQ-01219-00367224-00367469 Temple he is there you can hear arikatha pitqDIWy6FQ-01220-00367470-00367751 you can get affection if you are going pitqDIWy6FQ-01221-00367752-00368003 to make mistake he can Rectify you this pitqDIWy6FQ-01222-00368004-00368425 way if there is no doctor that hospital pitqDIWy6FQ-01223-00368426-00368710 is used as Hospital pitqDIWy6FQ-01224-00368711-00369028 you open so many hospitals why for your pitqDIWy6FQ-01225-00369029-00369310 personal benefit you can prove but pitqDIWy6FQ-01226-00369311-00369521 communities you can prove there is one pitqDIWy6FQ-01227-00369522-00369880 idealism there in the temple speaking pitqDIWy6FQ-01228-00369881-00370156 if you are going to Open Temple with all pitqDIWy6FQ-01229-00370157-00370480 bonded Soul then the situation created pitqDIWy6FQ-01230-00370481-00370889 there can draw that attention of common pitqDIWy6FQ-01231-00370890-00371147 public they can speak to pitqDIWy6FQ-01232-00371148-00371519 they can speech on you talk writing pitqDIWy6FQ-01233-00371520-00371837 I want one one organization one pitqDIWy6FQ-01234-00371838-00372163 organization set up by all bonded Souls pitqDIWy6FQ-01235-00372164-00372460 criminals or bonded Souls pitqDIWy6FQ-01236-00372461-00372767 that Society can never expose one pitqDIWy6FQ-01237-00372768-00373013 idealism in front of public so that pitqDIWy6FQ-01238-00373014-00373247 public can feel interest to calm and pitqDIWy6FQ-01239-00373248-00373469 attain sadhu Sangha pitqDIWy6FQ-01240-00373470-00373756 on the contrary speaking they can speak pitqDIWy6FQ-01241-00373757-00373847 to pitqDIWy6FQ-01242-00373848-00374099 by watching their character pitqDIWy6FQ-01243-00374100-00374315 this this is why you are opening so many pitqDIWy6FQ-01244-00374316-00374663 temples you can sow one Temple one pitqDIWy6FQ-01245-00374664-00374843 Temple I like to not many chamber one pitqDIWy6FQ-01246-00374844-00374956 Temple pitqDIWy6FQ-01247-00374957-00375293 they are going to follow all exactly pitqDIWy6FQ-01248-00375294-00375730 what documentation pitqDIWy6FQ-01249-00375731-00375928 very difficult pitqDIWy6FQ-01250-00375929-00376223 some devotee there I know them one or pitqDIWy6FQ-01251-00376224-00376493 two or three they like to maintain pitqDIWy6FQ-01252-00376494-00376769 I know them I don't like to speak their pitqDIWy6FQ-01253-00376770-00377021 name they like from heart but situation pitqDIWy6FQ-01254-00377022-00377225 is like that what they can do they are pitqDIWy6FQ-01255-00377226-00377489 following they love me very much those pitqDIWy6FQ-01256-00377490-00377758 who are in line with propag those who pitqDIWy6FQ-01257-00377759-00377939 are online those who are in line with pitqDIWy6FQ-01258-00377940-00378221 their Guru Varga perfect guruva they are pitqDIWy6FQ-01259-00378222-00378353 bound to love me pitqDIWy6FQ-01260-00378354-00378587 bound they are bound to love me because pitqDIWy6FQ-01261-00378588-00378767 they know Maharana have no personal pitqDIWy6FQ-01262-00378768-00379001 interest why they can pick up enmity pitqDIWy6FQ-01263-00379002-00379289 which we why you get you can fight with pitqDIWy6FQ-01264-00379290-00379504 me you know I have no so those who are pitqDIWy6FQ-01265-00379505-00379721 following I can show you point out those pitqDIWy6FQ-01266-00379722-00379865 who are following their Guru bhargava pitqDIWy6FQ-01267-00379866-00380032 and in perfect Guru bhagava those who pitqDIWy6FQ-01268-00380033-00380273 are in line in Pogba they automatically pitqDIWy6FQ-01269-00380274-00380563 love me pitqDIWy6FQ-01270-00380564-00380956 one big preacher pitqDIWy6FQ-01271-00380957-00381239 big preacher and speaking in vasason pitqDIWy6FQ-01272-00381240-00381641 maybe he he can hear this harikatha as a pitqDIWy6FQ-01273-00381642-00381953 disciple one very famous ashaya he pitqDIWy6FQ-01274-00381954-00382199 discovered me inside jagannath Temple I pitqDIWy6FQ-01275-00382200-00382373 am watching pitqDIWy6FQ-01276-00382374-00382553 he is not speaking anything because I pitqDIWy6FQ-01277-00382554-00382810 can feel disturbance when I complete my pitqDIWy6FQ-01278-00382811-00383077 jagannath doesn't come out he pitqDIWy6FQ-01279-00383078-00383423 jump in front of me Maharaja catch you pitqDIWy6FQ-01280-00383424-00383710 who are you I'm hearing harikata from pitqDIWy6FQ-01281-00383711-00383951 long time to you pitqDIWy6FQ-01282-00383952-00384269 is speaking so much say lamenting we pitqDIWy6FQ-01283-00384270-00384527 thought he is speaking what is maybe he pitqDIWy6FQ-01284-00384528-00384808 can hear my haircut in Internet pitqDIWy6FQ-01285-00384809-00385060 he's speaking Maharaja I thought pitqDIWy6FQ-01286-00385061-00385354 everything gone guruvar go gone pitqDIWy6FQ-01287-00385355-00385708 now after hearing harikatha I think no pitqDIWy6FQ-01288-00385709-00386195 there is no reason to lose our faith pitqDIWy6FQ-01289-00386196-00386387 he's speaking in front of jagannath pitqDIWy6FQ-01290-00386388-00386519 Temple pitqDIWy6FQ-01291-00386520-00386795 he is speaking Hindi pitqDIWy6FQ-01292-00386796-00387130 this way I wonder what you say I have pitqDIWy6FQ-01293-00387131-00387419 nothing I am an I am a fallen Soul only pitqDIWy6FQ-01294-00387420-00387682 I like to try maintain myself somehow to pitqDIWy6FQ-01295-00387683-00387934 protect I don't know my character is pitqDIWy6FQ-01296-00387935-00388193 perfect or not you can all can say I'm pitqDIWy6FQ-01297-00388194-00388349 trying my best pitqDIWy6FQ-01298-00388350-00388660 this way so still today pitqDIWy6FQ-01299-00388661-00389087 I can show you some devotees are there pitqDIWy6FQ-01300-00389088-00389417 not that all nil they like to know the pitqDIWy6FQ-01301-00389418-00389621 absolute truth not that everybody like pitqDIWy6FQ-01302-00389622-00389897 to throw you this way pitqDIWy6FQ-01303-00389898-00390154 I have no time today so I'm going to pitqDIWy6FQ-01304-00390155-00390377 stop here pitqDIWy6FQ-01305-00390378-00390647 what to do I like I am very feeling pitqDIWy6FQ-01306-00390648-00390934 sighed to stop in a Midway like to speak pitqDIWy6FQ-01307-00390935-00391228 so many things pitqDIWy6FQ-01308-00391229-00391559 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-01309-00391560-00392134 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-01310-00392135-00393275 foreign pitqDIWy6FQ-01311-00393276-00395321 [Music] pitqDIWy6FQ-01312-00395322-00395627 running Society is something pitqDIWy6FQ-01313-00395628-00395873 running Society is something pitqDIWy6FQ-01314-00395874-00396058 and to run pitqDIWy6FQ-01315-00396059-00396256 gaudiyama did something I told many pitqDIWy6FQ-01316-00396257-00396353 child pitqDIWy6FQ-01317-00396354-00396716 to run Society is something piC_gzm_SxA-00000-00000031-00000377 Sabbah Dutch pronunciation Saba is a piC_gzm_SxA-00001-00000378-00000559 Caribbean island which is the smallest piC_gzm_SxA-00002-00000560-00000811 special municipality officially public piC_gzm_SxA-00003-00000813-00001087 body of the Netherlands it consists piC_gzm_SxA-00004-00001088-00001258 largely of the potentially active piC_gzm_SxA-00005-00001259-00001648 volcano mount scenery at 887 metres mm piC_gzm_SxA-00006-00001650-00001898 910 feet the highest point of the entire piC_gzm_SxA-00007-00001898-00002273 Netherlands Saba has a land area of 13 piC_gzm_SxA-00008-00002274-00002648 square kilometers 5.0 square miles as of piC_gzm_SxA-00009-00002649-00003067 January 2013 the population was 1991 piC_gzm_SxA-00010-00003068-00003310 inhabitants with a population density of piC_gzm_SxA-00011-00003311-00003697 150 inhabitants per square kilometre 394 piC_gzm_SxA-00012-00003698-00003940 square miles its towns and major piC_gzm_SxA-00013-00003942-00004136 settlements are the bottom the capital piC_gzm_SxA-00014-00004137-00004893 windwardside Hell's Gate and st. John's piC_gzm_SxA-00015-00004894-00005402 topic history piC_gzm_SxA-00016-00005403-00005610 Christopher Columbus is said to have piC_gzm_SxA-00017-00005611-00005781 sighted the island on the 13th of piC_gzm_SxA-00018-00005782-00006122 November 1493 he did not land being piC_gzm_SxA-00019-00006123-00006311 deterred by the islands perilous rocky piC_gzm_SxA-00020-00006312-00006684 shores in 1632 a group of shipwrecked piC_gzm_SxA-00021-00006684-00006975 Englishmen landed upon Saba they stated piC_gzm_SxA-00022-00006976-00007167 they found the island uninhabited when piC_gzm_SxA-00023-00007168-00007259 they were rescued piC_gzm_SxA-00024-00007261-00007421 however clear evidence has been found piC_gzm_SxA-00025-00007422-00007668 indicating that Caribs and Arawak Native piC_gzm_SxA-00026-00007669-00008028 Nations have lived on the island in 1635 piC_gzm_SxA-00027-00008029-00008262 a stray Frenchman claimed Saba for louis piC_gzm_SxA-00028-00008263-00008631 xiii of france in the later 1630s the piC_gzm_SxA-00029-00008632-00008763 dutch governor of the neighbouring piC_gzm_SxA-00030-00008764-00008967 island of Sint Eustatius sent several piC_gzm_SxA-00031-00008968-00009152 Dutch families over to colonize the piC_gzm_SxA-00032-00009153-00009324 island for the Dutch West India Company piC_gzm_SxA-00033-00009325-00009713 in 1660 for refusing to swear allegiance piC_gzm_SxA-00034-00009714-00009902 to the English crown these original piC_gzm_SxA-00035-00009903-00010077 Dutch settlers were evicted to st. piC_gzm_SxA-00036-00010078-00010254 Maarten by Thomas Morgan and other piC_gzm_SxA-00037-00010255-00010431 English pirates that had been convicted piC_gzm_SxA-00038-00010432-00010632 to stay on Jamaica to return within the piC_gzm_SxA-00039-00010633-00010827 months and years following the piC_gzm_SxA-00040-00010828-00010991 Netherlands have been in continuous piC_gzm_SxA-00041-00010992-00011265 possession of Sabah since 1816 after piC_gzm_SxA-00042-00011266-00011454 numerous flag changes British Dutch piC_gzm_SxA-00043-00011455-00011735 French during the previous centuries by piC_gzm_SxA-00044-00011736-00012015 2016 the island had been French for 12 piC_gzm_SxA-00045-00012016-00012277 years English for 18 years and Dutch for piC_gzm_SxA-00046-00012278-00012687 345 years in the 17th and 18th centuries piC_gzm_SxA-00047-00012688-00012924 Sabhas major industries were sugar piC_gzm_SxA-00048-00012925-00013149 indigo and rum produced on plantations piC_gzm_SxA-00049-00013150-00013338 owned by Dutchman living on st. piC_gzm_SxA-00050-00013338-00013563 Eustatius and later fishing particularly piC_gzm_SxA-00051-00013563-00013844 lobster fishing in the 17th century piC_gzm_SxA-00052-00013845-00014061 Sabah was believed to be a favorable piC_gzm_SxA-00053-00014062-00014343 hideout for Jamaican pirates England piC_gzm_SxA-00054-00014344-00014694 also deported it undesirable people to piC_gzm_SxA-00055-00014694-00014886 live in the Caribbean colonies and some piC_gzm_SxA-00056-00014887-00015119 of them also became pirates a few taking piC_gzm_SxA-00057-00015120-00015399 Haven on Saba the island of Saba is piC_gzm_SxA-00058-00015400-00015600 forbidding and steep a natural fortress piC_gzm_SxA-00059-00015601-00015791 and so the island became a private piC_gzm_SxA-00060-00015793-00016011 sanctuary for the families of smugglers piC_gzm_SxA-00061-00016012-00016088 and pirates piC_gzm_SxA-00062-00016090-00016380 the most notable native Saban pirate was piC_gzm_SxA-00063-00016381-00016728 Hiram beaks later legitimate sailing and piC_gzm_SxA-00064-00016729-00016932 trade became important and many of the piC_gzm_SxA-00065-00016933-00017124 islands men took to the sea during which piC_gzm_SxA-00066-00017125-00017427 time Sabah lace which is pulled thread piC_gzm_SxA-00067-00017428-00017616 work a Spanish form of needlework piC_gzm_SxA-00068-00017617-00017817 introduced by a nun from Venezuela piC_gzm_SxA-00069-00017818-00018015 became an important product made by the piC_gzm_SxA-00070-00018016-00018284 islands women throughout the late 19th piC_gzm_SxA-00071-00018285-00018516 century and early 20th century the piC_gzm_SxA-00072-00018517-00018719 primary source of revenue for the island piC_gzm_SxA-00073-00018720-00018788 came from the piC_gzm_SxA-00074-00018789-00019067 produced by the women during this period piC_gzm_SxA-00075-00019068-00019265 of time with most of the islands men piC_gzm_SxA-00076-00019266-00019478 gone out to sea the island became known piC_gzm_SxA-00077-00019479-00019763 as the island of women the remains of piC_gzm_SxA-00078-00019764-00020066 the settlements of 16 32 16 40 can be piC_gzm_SxA-00079-00020067-00020321 found on the west side at tent bay these piC_gzm_SxA-00080-00020322-00020468 settlements were destroyed by a piC_gzm_SxA-00081-00020469-00020837 landslide in the 17th century a status piC_gzm_SxA-00082-00020838-00021044 referendum was held in Sabah on the 5th piC_gzm_SxA-00083-00021045-00021497 of November 2004 86.0 5 percent of the piC_gzm_SxA-00084-00021498-00021722 population voted for closer links to the piC_gzm_SxA-00085-00021723-00022280 Netherlands piC_gzm_SxA-00086-00022281-00022719 topic geography and ecology piC_gzm_SxA-00087-00022720-00022904 you piC_gzm_SxA-00088-00022905-00023147 Saba is the northernmost potentially piC_gzm_SxA-00089-00023148-00023323 active volcano in the Lesser Antilles piC_gzm_SxA-00090-00023324-00023738 volcanic arc chain of islands at 887 piC_gzm_SxA-00091-00023739-00024089 metres 2910 feet mount scenery is also piC_gzm_SxA-00092-00024090-00024251 the highest point within the kingdom of piC_gzm_SxA-00093-00024252-00024500 the Netherlands the island is composed piC_gzm_SxA-00094-00024501-00024746 of a single ROM shaped volcano measuring piC_gzm_SxA-00095-00024747-00025106 4.6 kilometres 2.9 miles east to west piC_gzm_SxA-00096-00025107-00025454 and 4.0 kilometers 2.5 miles north to piC_gzm_SxA-00097-00025455-00025685 south the oldest dated rocks on Saba are piC_gzm_SxA-00098-00025686-00025931 around 400,000 years old and the most piC_gzm_SxA-00099-00025932-00026128 recent eruption was shortly before the piC_gzm_SxA-00100-00026129-00026468 1630s European settlement 280 years BP piC_gzm_SxA-00101-00026469-00026864 between 1995 and 1997 an increase in piC_gzm_SxA-00102-00026864-00027104 local seismic activity was associated piC_gzm_SxA-00103-00027105-00027470 with a 7 to 12 degrees Celsius 45 to 54 piC_gzm_SxA-00104-00027470-00027635 degrees Fahrenheit rise in the piC_gzm_SxA-00105-00027636-00027808 temperature of the hot springs on the piC_gzm_SxA-00106-00027810-00028027 islands north west and south east coasts piC_gzm_SxA-00107-00028029-00028343 there is 8.6 hectares 21 acres cloud piC_gzm_SxA-00108-00028344-00028735 forest located at an above 825 metres piC_gzm_SxA-00109-00028736-00028964 2707 feet on top of the mountain piC_gzm_SxA-00110-00028964-00029219 referred to as the elfin forest reserve piC_gzm_SxA-00111-00029220-00029464 because of its high altitude mist and piC_gzm_SxA-00112-00029466-00029708 mossy appearance the most dominant tree piC_gzm_SxA-00113-00029708-00029879 in the cloud forest as the mountain piC_gzm_SxA-00114-00029880-00030052 mahogany Fraser undulate piC_gzm_SxA-00115-00030054-00030227 although Hurricanes over the years have piC_gzm_SxA-00116-00030227-00030398 destroyed a large number of the mature piC_gzm_SxA-00117-00030399-00030662 trees despite the name the mountain piC_gzm_SxA-00118-00030663-00030833 mahogany is not related to other piC_gzm_SxA-00119-00030833-00031073 mahogany species although one species of piC_gzm_SxA-00120-00031074-00031264 true mahogany tree is found on the piC_gzm_SxA-00121-00031266-00031469 island at lower levels the small leaved piC_gzm_SxA-00122-00031470-00031783 mahogany suite ania mahogany the native piC_gzm_SxA-00123-00031785-00031976 mahogany trees are considered to be at piC_gzm_SxA-00124-00031977-00032267 risk of becoming extinct on Saba in the piC_gzm_SxA-00125-00032268-00032464 underbrush of the mahogany trees the piC_gzm_SxA-00126-00032466-00032702 ciarán palm press Toya Montana and tree piC_gzm_SxA-00127-00032702-00032912 ferns dominate with a large variety of piC_gzm_SxA-00128-00032913-00033101 epiphytes and orchids growing on the piC_gzm_SxA-00129-00033102-00033395 trunks and branches of alder trees wild piC_gzm_SxA-00130-00033396-00033602 raspberries and plantain trees can also piC_gzm_SxA-00131-00033603-00033803 be found growing on most of the mountain piC_gzm_SxA-00132-00033804-00034094 all seven of the lesser antilles endemic piC_gzm_SxA-00133-00034095-00034319 bird area restricted range birds occur piC_gzm_SxA-00134-00034320-00034511 in the elfin forest reserve below the piC_gzm_SxA-00135-00034512-00034757 cloud forest as a sub montane forest and piC_gzm_SxA-00136-00034758-00034955 the variety an average number of species piC_gzm_SxA-00137-00034956-00035219 are considerably less redwood and piC_gzm_SxA-00138-00035220-00035453 mountain fuchsia tree trees grow wild in piC_gzm_SxA-00139-00035454-00035681 this zone as well as cactus species such piC_gzm_SxA-00140-00035682-00035879 as the prickly pear and sea grape trees piC_gzm_SxA-00141-00035880-00036098 on the lowest southern and eastern piC_gzm_SxA-00142-00036099-00036281 slopes of sabah are grass piC_gzm_SxA-00143-00036282-00036539 Meadows and scattered shrubs sabha piC_gzm_SxA-00144-00036540-00036878 National Land Park is a 35 hectares 86 piC_gzm_SxA-00145-00036879-00037115 acres National Park located on the north piC_gzm_SxA-00146-00037116-00037361 coast of Saba formerly owned by the piC_gzm_SxA-00147-00037362-00037559 sulphur mining company the park was piC_gzm_SxA-00148-00037560-00037814 established in January 1998 and the piC_gzm_SxA-00149-00037815-00038003 property was officially turned over to piC_gzm_SxA-00150-00038004-00038291 the Saba conservation foundation in 1999 piC_gzm_SxA-00151-00038292-00038561 it stretches from the coastline all the piC_gzm_SxA-00152-00038562-00038720 way up to the cloud forest and piC_gzm_SxA-00153-00038721-00038954 encompasses all vegetation zones present piC_gzm_SxA-00154-00038955-00039284 on Saba the coastline of Saba is mostly piC_gzm_SxA-00155-00039285-00039518 rubble and rocky cliffs that are 100 piC_gzm_SxA-00156-00039519-00039767 metres 330 feet or taller with no piC_gzm_SxA-00157-00039768-00040019 permanent beaches the steep terrain and piC_gzm_SxA-00158-00040020-00040217 sheer Bluffs dropping almost straight piC_gzm_SxA-00159-00040218-00040394 down to the ocean's edge prevents the piC_gzm_SxA-00160-00040395-00040595 formation of mangrove swamps or much piC_gzm_SxA-00161-00040596-00040862 vegetation there are eight bays tucked piC_gzm_SxA-00162-00040863-00041039 into the cliffs around the island Cove piC_gzm_SxA-00163-00041040-00041318 Bay Spring Bay core gut Bay fort Bay piC_gzm_SxA-00164-00041319-00041573 location of the islands only port 10 Bay piC_gzm_SxA-00165-00041574-00041825 ladder Bay wells Bay and cave of rum Bay piC_gzm_SxA-00166-00041826-00042050 the shoreline of the island is a piC_gzm_SxA-00167-00042051-00042278 particular value to seabirds and has piC_gzm_SxA-00168-00042279-00042485 been designated an important Bird area piC_gzm_SxA-00169-00042486-00042893 Eva and oo6 Saba coastline by birdlife piC_gzm_SxA-00170-00042894-00043193 international Saba is home to about 60 piC_gzm_SxA-00171-00043194-00043406 species of birds many of which are sea piC_gzm_SxA-00172-00043407-00043610 birds that use the holes and crevices of piC_gzm_SxA-00173-00043611-00043814 the steep cliffs in to small islands for piC_gzm_SxA-00174-00043815-00043961 breeding and feed in the waters around piC_gzm_SxA-00175-00043962-00044264 the island Saba shoreline is home to the piC_gzm_SxA-00176-00044265-00044468 Caribbeans largest breeding colony of piC_gzm_SxA-00177-00044469-00044690 red-billed tropic bird Phaethon ithi piC_gzm_SxA-00178-00044691-00044906 rias the Audubon's Shearwater puffiness piC_gzm_SxA-00179-00044907-00045125 thermi nari is another common bird and piC_gzm_SxA-00180-00045126-00045326 as the national bird of sabah as well as piC_gzm_SxA-00181-00045327-00045490 being featured on their coat of arms piC_gzm_SxA-00182-00045491-00045758 being an island sabah is home to a piC_gzm_SxA-00183-00045759-00045962 number of endemic species including the piC_gzm_SxA-00184-00045963-00046214 sabah racer al CIFAS roofy Ventris the piC_gzm_SxA-00185-00046215-00046418 Sabin and ol Anolis a bonus and the piC_gzm_SxA-00186-00046419-00046634 lesser antillean funnel eared bat Nabal piC_gzm_SxA-00187-00046635-00046889 is Stremme aeneas tréminis about 4.3 piC_gzm_SxA-00188-00046890-00047177 kilometres 2.7 miles southwest of the piC_gzm_SxA-00189-00047178-00047366 island as the northeastern edge of the piC_gzm_SxA-00190-00047367-00047594 Saba Bank the largest submarine at all piC_gzm_SxA-00191-00047595-00047795 in the Atlantic Ocean with an especially piC_gzm_SxA-00192-00047796-00048104 rich biodiversity Saba Bank is the top piC_gzm_SxA-00193-00048105-00048287 of a seamount and it is a prime fishing piC_gzm_SxA-00194-00048288-00048993 ground particularly for lobster piC_gzm_SxA-00195-00048994-00049478 topic governance piC_gzm_SxA-00196-00049479-00049773 Saba became a special municipality piC_gzm_SxA-00197-00049774-00049923 within the country of the Netherlands piC_gzm_SxA-00198-00049924-00050115 after the dissolution of the Netherlands piC_gzm_SxA-00199-00050116-00050370 Antilles on the 10th of October 2010 the piC_gzm_SxA-00200-00050371-00050520 head of the island as the island piC_gzm_SxA-00201-00050521-00050718 governor current held by Jonathan GA piC_gzm_SxA-00202-00050719-00051285 Johnson piC_gzm_SxA-00203-00051286-00051809 topic society piC_gzm_SxA-00204-00051810-00052052 the population of Sabah the Saban's piC_gzm_SxA-00205-00052053-00052400 consists of 1991 people who come from piC_gzm_SxA-00206-00052401-00052513 all over the world piC_gzm_SxA-00207-00052514-00052780 Saba's small size has led to a fairly piC_gzm_SxA-00208-00052782-00053003 small number of Island families who can piC_gzm_SxA-00209-00053004-00053189 trace their last names back to around a piC_gzm_SxA-00210-00053190-00053462 half dozen families this means that many piC_gzm_SxA-00211-00053463-00053654 last names are shared around the island piC_gzm_SxA-00212-00053654-00053830 the most numerous being hassle in piC_gzm_SxA-00213-00053832-00054149 Johnson most families are an intermixing piC_gzm_SxA-00214-00054150-00054388 of Africans Dutch English and Scottish piC_gzm_SxA-00215-00054389-00054674 the population is also descended from piC_gzm_SxA-00216-00054675-00054836 the Irish who were exiled from that piC_gzm_SxA-00217-00054837-00055010 country after the accession of King piC_gzm_SxA-00218-00055011-00055300 Charles the first of England in 1625 piC_gzm_SxA-00219-00055301-00055541 Charles exiled these Irish to the piC_gzm_SxA-00220-00055541-00055679 Caribbean in an effort to quell piC_gzm_SxA-00221-00055679-00055901 rebellion after he had forcibly procured piC_gzm_SxA-00222-00055902-00056060 their lands for his Scottish noble piC_gzm_SxA-00223-00056061-00056357 supporters historically szabla was piC_gzm_SxA-00224-00056358-00056554 traded among the many European nations piC_gzm_SxA-00225-00056555-00056722 that fought for power in the region piC_gzm_SxA-00226-00056723-00056975 slaves were also imported to work on piC_gzm_SxA-00227-00056976-00057239 Saba in recent years Saba has become piC_gzm_SxA-00228-00057240-00057454 home to a large group of expatriates and piC_gzm_SxA-00229-00057455-00057683 around 250 immigrants who are either piC_gzm_SxA-00230-00057684-00057845 students or teachers at the Saba piC_gzm_SxA-00231-00057846-00058491 University School of Medicine piC_gzm_SxA-00232-00058491-00058991 topic languages piC_gzm_SxA-00233-00058991-00059230 both English and Dutch are spoken on the piC_gzm_SxA-00234-00059231-00059410 island and taught in schools and both piC_gzm_SxA-00235-00059411-00059548 languages are official piC_gzm_SxA-00236-00059549-00059800 despite the islands Dutch affiliation piC_gzm_SxA-00237-00059801-00060001 English as the principal language spoken piC_gzm_SxA-00238-00060002-00060187 on the island and has been used in its piC_gzm_SxA-00239-00060188-00060415 school system since the 19th century piC_gzm_SxA-00240-00060416-00060625 English is the sole medium of piC_gzm_SxA-00241-00060626-00060844 instruction in Saba schools Dutch piC_gzm_SxA-00242-00060845-00061075 government policy towards Saba and other piC_gzm_SxA-00243-00061076-00061318 SSS islands promoted English medium piC_gzm_SxA-00244-00061319-00061594 education English can therefore be used piC_gzm_SxA-00245-00061595-00061804 in communications of into the government piC_gzm_SxA-00246-00061805-00062038 Sabah English a form of Virgin Islands piC_gzm_SxA-00247-00062039-00062744 Creole English is the local vernacular piC_gzm_SxA-00248-00062745-00063273 topic education and health piC_gzm_SxA-00249-00063274-00063541 Savva is home to the Sabah University piC_gzm_SxA-00250-00063541-00063697 School of Medicine which was established piC_gzm_SxA-00251-00063698-00063957 by American expatriates in coordination piC_gzm_SxA-00252-00063958-00064113 with the government of the Netherlands piC_gzm_SxA-00253-00064114-00064435 the school adds over 400 residents when piC_gzm_SxA-00254-00064436-00064615 classes are in session and it is the piC_gzm_SxA-00255-00064616-00064879 prime educational attraction a.m. piC_gzm_SxA-00256-00064879-00065065 Edwards Medical Center is the major piC_gzm_SxA-00257-00065066-00065238 provider of healthcare for local piC_gzm_SxA-00258-00065239-00065775 residents piC_gzm_SxA-00259-00065776-00066321 topic same-sex marriage piC_gzm_SxA-00260-00066322-00066552 in sabah as in Bonaire and Sint piC_gzm_SxA-00261-00066553-00066753 Eustatius marriage is open to same-sex piC_gzm_SxA-00262-00066754-00066981 and opposite-sex couples following the piC_gzm_SxA-00263-00066982-00067155 entering in force of a law enabling piC_gzm_SxA-00264-00067156-00067362 same-sex couples to marry on the 10th of piC_gzm_SxA-00265-00067363-00067710 October 2012 the first same-sex marriage piC_gzm_SxA-00266-00067711-00067842 was performed on Sabah piC_gzm_SxA-00267-00067843-00068067 on the 4th of December 2012 between a piC_gzm_SxA-00268-00068068-00068310 Dutch and a Venezuelan man both residing piC_gzm_SxA-00269-00068311-00068532 in Aruba where same-sex marriage is not piC_gzm_SxA-00270-00068533-00069092 performed piC_gzm_SxA-00271-00069093-00069579 topic economy piC_gzm_SxA-00272-00069580-00069901 since 2011 the US dollar has been the piC_gzm_SxA-00273-00069902-00070081 official currency replacing the piC_gzm_SxA-00274-00070082-00070299 Netherlands Antillean Guilder piC_gzm_SxA-00275-00070300-00070519 agriculture on Sabah is primarily piC_gzm_SxA-00276-00070520-00070704 livestock and vegetables especially piC_gzm_SxA-00277-00070705-00071086 potatoes Saba lace also known as Spanish piC_gzm_SxA-00278-00071087-00071371 work is actually drawn thread work and piC_gzm_SxA-00279-00071372-00071614 as of 2013 it is still produced on the piC_gzm_SxA-00280-00071615-00072128 island piC_gzm_SxA-00281-00072129-00072609 topic tourism piC_gzm_SxA-00282-00072610-00072849 the tourism industry now contributes piC_gzm_SxA-00283-00072850-00073038 more to the island's economy than any piC_gzm_SxA-00284-00073039-00073350 other sector there are about 25,000 piC_gzm_SxA-00285-00073351-00073605 visitors each year saba has a number of piC_gzm_SxA-00286-00073606-00073821 ins hotels rental cottages and piC_gzm_SxA-00287-00073822-00074087 restaurants szabla is known as the piC_gzm_SxA-00288-00074088-00074427 unspoiled queen of the Caribbean Saba is piC_gzm_SxA-00289-00074428-00074616 especially known for its ecotourism piC_gzm_SxA-00290-00074617-00074880 having exceptional scuba diving climbing piC_gzm_SxA-00291-00074881-00075177 and hiking the one Shoei arouse Qin piC_gzm_SxA-00292-00075178-00075372 Airport offers flights to and from the piC_gzm_SxA-00293-00075373-00075573 nearby islands of Saint Maarten and Sint piC_gzm_SxA-00294-00075574-00075843 Eustatius there is also a ferry service piC_gzm_SxA-00295-00075844-00076098 from Saint Maarten the ferry boats Don piC_gzm_SxA-00296-00076099-00076452 to Tilda the Saba ferry and the edge piC_gzm_SxA-00297-00076453-00076722 both traveled to Sabah three times a piC_gzm_SxA-00298-00076723-00076944 week in addition there are Anchorage's piC_gzm_SxA-00299-00076945-00077241 for private boats about 150 species of piC_gzm_SxA-00300-00077242-00077442 fish have been found in Saba's waters a piC_gzm_SxA-00301-00077443-00077685 main draw for divers are the pinnacle piC_gzm_SxA-00302-00077686-00077886 dive sites where magma pushed through piC_gzm_SxA-00303-00077887-00078033 the sea floor to create underwater piC_gzm_SxA-00304-00078034-00078270 towers of volcanic rock that start at piC_gzm_SxA-00305-00078271-00078561 about 300 feet 91 meters down and rise piC_gzm_SxA-00306-00078562-00078846 to about 85 feet 26 meters beneath the piC_gzm_SxA-00307-00078847-00079107 surface the waters around Saba were piC_gzm_SxA-00308-00079108-00079317 designated as the Saba National Marine piC_gzm_SxA-00309-00079318-00079569 Park in 1987 and they're subject to piC_gzm_SxA-00310-00079570-00079749 government regulation to preserve the piC_gzm_SxA-00311-00079750-00079941 coral reefs and other marine life the piC_gzm_SxA-00312-00079942-00080214 Sabah Conservation Foundation has piC_gzm_SxA-00313-00080215-00080445 operated a hyperbaric chamber in case of piC_gzm_SxA-00314-00080446-00081167 diving emergencies since 1991 piC_gzm_SxA-00315-00081168-00081656 topic transport piC_gzm_SxA-00316-00081657-00081965 there is one main road known as the road piC_gzm_SxA-00317-00081966-00082244 its construction was masterminded by piC_gzm_SxA-00318-00082245-00082491 Josephus Lambert hassel who contrary to piC_gzm_SxA-00319-00082492-00082691 the opinion of Dutch and Swiss engineers piC_gzm_SxA-00320-00082692-00082878 believed that a road could be built piC_gzm_SxA-00321-00082879-00083147 he took a correspondence course in civil piC_gzm_SxA-00322-00083148-00083312 engineering and started building the piC_gzm_SxA-00323-00083313-00083597 road with a crew of locals in 1938 after piC_gzm_SxA-00324-00083598-00083792 five years of work the first section of piC_gzm_SxA-00325-00083793-00083966 the road from fort Bay to the bottom was piC_gzm_SxA-00326-00083967-00084323 completed it was not until 1947 that the piC_gzm_SxA-00327-00084324-00084668 first motor vehicle arrived in 1951 the piC_gzm_SxA-00328-00084669-00084915 road to windward side and st. John's was piC_gzm_SxA-00329-00084916-00085140 opened and in 1958 the road was piC_gzm_SxA-00330-00085141-00085529 completed driving the road is considered piC_gzm_SxA-00331-00085530-00085730 to be a daunting task and the curves in piC_gzm_SxA-00332-00085731-00085928 windward side are extremely difficult to piC_gzm_SxA-00333-00085929-00086178 negotiate driving is on the right-hand piC_gzm_SxA-00334-00086179-00086606 side in 1963 Sabah residents built the piC_gzm_SxA-00335-00086607-00087010 Juancho Arras Qin Airport this 400 metre piC_gzm_SxA-00336-00087011-00087285 1,300 feet landing strip is reputed to piC_gzm_SxA-00337-00087286-00087476 be the shortest commercial runway in the piC_gzm_SxA-00338-00087477-00087735 world and is restricted only trained piC_gzm_SxA-00339-00087736-00087960 pilots flying small Stowell airliners piC_gzm_SxA-00340-00087961-00088110 such as the twin otter and the piC_gzm_SxA-00341-00088111-00088286 britten-norman Islander may land there piC_gzm_SxA-00342-00088287-00088586 as well as helicopters consistent air piC_gzm_SxA-00343-00088587-00088751 service from Sint Maarten and Sint piC_gzm_SxA-00344-00088752-00088940 Eustatius is available through Wynne air piC_gzm_SxA-00345-00088941-00089363 in 1972 a pier was completed in Fort Bay piC_gzm_SxA-00346-00089364-00089646 to access the island Travel is also piC_gzm_SxA-00347-00089647-00089855 provided by ferry services to and from piC_gzm_SxA-00348-00089856-00090059 Sint Maarten with the Don - in the edge piC_gzm_SxA-00349-00090060-00090380 of note are 800 steps carved from stone piC_gzm_SxA-00350-00090381-00090548 that reached from Ladder Bay to the piC_gzm_SxA-00351-00090549-00090800 settlement known as the bottom until the piC_gzm_SxA-00352-00090801-00091022 late 20th century everything that was piC_gzm_SxA-00353-00091023-00091199 brought to the island in boats and ships piC_gzm_SxA-00354-00091200-00091399 was carried up by hand using these steps piC_gzm_SxA-00355-00091400-00091706 the steps are now often used by tourists piC_gzm_SxA-00356-00091707-00092382 who wish to experience an intense climb piC_gzm_SxA-00357-00092383-00092825 topic energy piC_gzm_SxA-00358-00092826-00093109 like many Caribbean islands Saba is piC_gzm_SxA-00359-00093110-00093349 highly dependent on fossil fuels imports piC_gzm_SxA-00360-00093350-00093553 which leaves it vulnerable to global oil piC_gzm_SxA-00361-00093554-00093778 price fluctuations that directly impact piC_gzm_SxA-00362-00093779-00094018 the cost of electricity current piC_gzm_SxA-00363-00094019-00094255 electricity supplied depends entirely on piC_gzm_SxA-00364-00094256-00094492 one diesel power plant located close to piC_gzm_SxA-00365-00094493-00094660 sea level by the harbour and it is piC_gzm_SxA-00366-00094661-00094891 estimated that 50% of the cost of piC_gzm_SxA-00367-00094892-00095074 electricity is related to the price of piC_gzm_SxA-00368-00095075-00095317 fossil fuels and lubricants according to piC_gzm_SxA-00369-00095318-00095490 a report by the low emission development piC_gzm_SxA-00370-00095491-00095781 strategies global partnership LEDs GP piC_gzm_SxA-00371-00095782-00095947 the government of Sabah made the piC_gzm_SxA-00372-00095948-00096187 decision to transform the island to 100% piC_gzm_SxA-00373-00096188-00096409 sustainable energy to eventually piC_gzm_SxA-00374-00096410-00096604 eliminate dependence on fossil fuel piC_gzm_SxA-00375-00096605-00096892 generated electricity this new energy piC_gzm_SxA-00376-00096893-00097087 policy is defined by the Social piC_gzm_SxA-00377-00097088-00097423 Development Plan 2014 to 2020 and Sabhas piC_gzm_SxA-00378-00097424-00097701 energy sector strategy intermediate piC_gzm_SxA-00379-00097702-00097982 targets are 20% renewable electricity by piC_gzm_SxA-00380-00097983-00098785 2017 and 40% by 2020 piC_gzm_SxA-00381-00098786-00099109 topic culture piC_gzm_SxA-00382-00099110-00099288 you piC_gzm_SxA-00383-00099289-00099537 Saba's houses have a cottage look with piC_gzm_SxA-00384-00099538-00099784 red roofs the lifestyle is slow and piC_gzm_SxA-00385-00099785-00099987 old-fashioned with little nightlife even piC_gzm_SxA-00386-00099988-00100143 with the emergence of an eco tourism piC_gzm_SxA-00387-00100144-00100479 industry in the last few decades Saban's piC_gzm_SxA-00388-00100480-00100599 are proud of their history of piC_gzm_SxA-00389-00100600-00100824 environmental conservation calling sabha piC_gzm_SxA-00390-00100825-00101248 the unspoiled queen Sabin women continue piC_gzm_SxA-00391-00101249-00101451 to make to traditional Island products piC_gzm_SxA-00392-00101452-00101787 Sabah lace and Saba spice saw the laces piC_gzm_SxA-00393-00101788-00101973 hand-stitched lace which the islands piC_gzm_SxA-00394-00101974-00102162 women began making in the late 19th piC_gzm_SxA-00395-00102163-00102318 century and built into a thriving piC_gzm_SxA-00396-00102319-00102499 mail-order business with the United piC_gzm_SxA-00397-00102500-00102819 States Saba spices a rum drink brewed piC_gzm_SxA-00398-00102820-00103131 with a combination of spices as in other piC_gzm_SxA-00399-00103132-00103351 Caribbean locations Saban's throw an piC_gzm_SxA-00400-00103352-00103440 annual carnival piC_gzm_SxA-00401-00103441-00103680 Saba's carnival takes place the last piC_gzm_SxA-00402-00103681-00103929 week in July and includes parades steel piC_gzm_SxA-00403-00103930-00104163 bands competitions and food piC_gzm_SxA-00404-00104164-00104413 another event held in the capital the piC_gzm_SxA-00405-00104414-00104709 bottom as Sabah Day this is the national piC_gzm_SxA-00406-00104710-00104904 day of the island in which all office's piC_gzm_SxA-00407-00104905-00105201 schools and stores are closed the island piC_gzm_SxA-00408-00105202-00105406 celebrates its diversity and culture piC_gzm_SxA-00409-00105407-00105585 through various activities and parades piC_gzm_SxA-00410-00105586-00105876 the bottom holds host to a concert at piC_gzm_SxA-00411-00105877-00106063 the sports field where local and other piC_gzm_SxA-00412-00106064-00106365 Caribbean artists come to perform there piC_gzm_SxA-00413-00106366-00106709 is one radio station on Saba Saba radio piC_gzm_SxA-00414-00106710-00107621 broadcasts on 93.9 FM and 14 10:00 a.m. piC_gzm_SxA-00415-00107622-00108133 topic sports piC_gzm_SxA-00416-00108133-00108373 the most popular sports on Sabah are piC_gzm_SxA-00417-00108374-00108600 football futsal softball basketball piC_gzm_SxA-00418-00108601-00108801 swimming and volleyball piC_gzm_SxA-00419-00108802-00109041 due to the small population there are piC_gzm_SxA-00420-00109042-00109299 few sport associations one of them the piC_gzm_SxA-00421-00109300-00109543 Saba Volleyball Association is a member piC_gzm_SxA-00422-00109544-00110293 of EC V a and n o RC e CA piC_gzm_SxA-00423-00110294-00110819 topic education piC_gzm_SxA-00424-00110820-00111047 the primary school is Sacred Heart piC_gzm_SxA-00425-00111048-00111269 primary school in st. John's there is piC_gzm_SxA-00426-00111270-00111475 one secondary and vocational school in piC_gzm_SxA-00427-00111476-00111722 Saba the Saba comprehensive school in piC_gzm_SxA-00428-00111723-00111944 st. John's Saba University School of piC_gzm_SxA-00429-00111945-00112174 Medicine is a for-profit medical school piC_gzm_SxA-00430-00112175-00112383 located in the Saba capital the bottom piC_gzm_SxA-00431-00112384-00112658 Saba university confers upon its piC_gzm_SxA-00432-00112658-00112879 graduates the Doctor of Medicine MD piC_gzm_SxA-00433-00112880-00113168 degree Saba University School of piC_gzm_SxA-00434-00113169-00113437 Medicine was founded in 1992 as an piC_gzm_SxA-00435-00113438-00113645 international alternative to US and piC_gzm_SxA-00436-00113646-00113906 Canadian medical schools since its piC_gzm_SxA-00437-00113907-00114187 founding more than 2500 students have piC_gzm_SxA-00438-00114188-00114448 earned their medical degree at Saba Saba piC_gzm_SxA-00439-00114449-00114647 university's graduates practice piC_gzm_SxA-00440-00114648-00114835 primarily in the United States and piC_gzm_SxA-00441-00114836-00115063 Canada the Saba website features piC_gzm_SxA-00442-00115064-00115208 graduates who have gone on to piC_gzm_SxA-00443-00115208-00115394 appointments at medical centers in the piC_gzm_SxA-00444-00115395-00115612 US and Canada including the Cleveland piC_gzm_SxA-00445-00115613-00115825 Clinic Mayo Clinic Memorial Sloan piC_gzm_SxA-00446-00115826-00116072 Kettering the University of Toronto Yale piC_gzm_SxA-00447-00116073-00116434 University and more in recent years 99% piC_gzm_SxA-00448-00116435-00116686 of Saba's students have passed the USMLE piC_gzm_SxA-00449-00116687-00116996 step 1 exam on their first attempt class piC_gzm_SxA-00450-00116997-00117223 sizes are 80 to 100 students per piC_gzm_SxA-00451-00117224-00117484 matriculating class students complete piC_gzm_SxA-00452-00117485-00117703 the first 20 months five semesters of piC_gzm_SxA-00453-00117704-00117934 basic science medical education on the piC_gzm_SxA-00454-00117935-00118162 campus on Sabah and return to the US and piC_gzm_SxA-00455-00118163-00118384 Canada to complete clinical rotations at piC_gzm_SxA-00456-00118385-00119069 hospitals affiliated with the school piC_gzm_SxA-00457-00119070-00119620 topic notable people piC_gzm_SxA-00458-00119621-00120183 Cornelia Jones piC_gzm_SxA-00459-00120184-00120720 topic C also piC_gzm_SxA-00460-00120721-00121084 Caribbean Netherlands Caribbean Sea piC_gzm_SxA-00461-00121085-00121644 leeward islands equals equals notes pkEzXMyRPxE-00000-00000060-00000319 credibility comprises the objective and pkEzXMyRPxE-00001-00000320-00000467 subjective components of the pkEzXMyRPxE-00002-00000468-00000754 believability of a source or message pkEzXMyRPxE-00003-00000755-00000978 credibility has two key components pkEzXMyRPxE-00004-00000980-00001237 trustworthiness and expertise which both pkEzXMyRPxE-00005-00001238-00001516 have objective and subjective components pkEzXMyRPxE-00006-00001517-00001705 trustworthiness is based more on pkEzXMyRPxE-00007-00001707-00001889 subjective factors but can include pkEzXMyRPxE-00008-00001889-00002048 objective measurements such as pkEzXMyRPxE-00009-00002049-00002378 established reliability expertise can be pkEzXMyRPxE-00010-00002379-00002585 similarly subjectively perceived but pkEzXMyRPxE-00011-00002586-00002768 also includes relatively objective pkEzXMyRPxE-00012-00002769-00002966 characteristics of the source or message pkEzXMyRPxE-00013-00002967-00003233 eg credentials certification or pkEzXMyRPxE-00014-00003234-00003551 information quality secondary components pkEzXMyRPxE-00015-00003552-00003754 of credibility include source dynamism pkEzXMyRPxE-00016-00003756-00004057 charisma and physical attractiveness pkEzXMyRPxE-00017-00004058-00004262 credibility online has become an pkEzXMyRPxE-00018-00004263-00004619 important topic since the mid 1990s this pkEzXMyRPxE-00019-00004620-00004799 is because the web has increasingly pkEzXMyRPxE-00020-00004800-00005027 become an information resource the pkEzXMyRPxE-00021-00005028-00005252 credibility and digital media project at pkEzXMyRPxE-00022-00005253-00005497 UCSB highlights recent and ongoing work pkEzXMyRPxE-00023-00005498-00005678 in this area including recent pkEzXMyRPxE-00024-00005679-00005912 consideration of digital media youth and pkEzXMyRPxE-00025-00005913-00006224 credibility in addition the persuasive pkEzXMyRPxE-00026-00006225-00006442 technology lab at Stanford University pkEzXMyRPxE-00027-00006443-00006659 has studied web credibility and proposed pkEzXMyRPxE-00028-00006659-00006842 the principal components of online pkEzXMyRPxE-00029-00006843-00007045 credibility in a general theory called pkEzXMyRPxE-00030-00007047-00007481 prominence interpretation theory topic pkEzXMyRPxE-00031-00007481-00007673 journalistic credibility according to pkEzXMyRPxE-00032-00007673-00007870 the Society of Professional Journalists pkEzXMyRPxE-00033-00007872-00008093 code of ethics professional integrity is pkEzXMyRPxE-00034-00008094-00008252 the cornerstone of a journalist's pkEzXMyRPxE-00035-00008253-00008531 credibility a journalists number-one pkEzXMyRPxE-00036-00008532-00008795 obligation is to be honest according to pkEzXMyRPxE-00037-00008796-00009020 Gallup polls Americans confidence in the pkEzXMyRPxE-00038-00009021-00009188 mass media has been consistently pkEzXMyRPxE-00039-00009189-00009557 declining each year since 2007 in 2013 a pkEzXMyRPxE-00040-00009558-00009713 survey conducted by the Pew Research pkEzXMyRPxE-00041-00009714-00009926 Center for the people in the press found pkEzXMyRPxE-00042-00009927-00010130 that credibility ratings for major news pkEzXMyRPxE-00043-00010131-00010307 organizations are at or near their pkEzXMyRPxE-00044-00010308-00010492 all-time lows as audiences lose pkEzXMyRPxE-00045-00010493-00010696 confidence in traditional news outlets pkEzXMyRPxE-00046-00010697-00010903 many see great promise in the Internet pkEzXMyRPxE-00047-00010904-00011081 as a response to this crisis in pkEzXMyRPxE-00048-00011082-00011339 journalism the widespread use of the pkEzXMyRPxE-00049-00011340-00011560 Internet has helped motivate journalists pkEzXMyRPxE-00050-00011561-00011831 to become more credible the reason for pkEzXMyRPxE-00051-00011832-00011992 this is because the competition of pkEzXMyRPxE-00052-00011993-00012203 providing news increased when consumers pkEzXMyRPxE-00053-00012204-00012398 had the chance and ability to choose the pkEzXMyRPxE-00054-00012399-00012557 media that they consumed through online pkEzXMyRPxE-00055-00012558-00012869 sources the Internet has provided a pkEzXMyRPxE-00056-00012869-00013117 chance for anyone to report news in pkEzXMyRPxE-00057-00013118-00013297 order to increase credibility and pkEzXMyRPxE-00058-00013298-00013441 therefore increase readers pkEzXMyRPxE-00059-00013443-00013625 of their articles journalists should be pkEzXMyRPxE-00060-00013626-00013838 objective accurate trustworthy and pkEzXMyRPxE-00061-00013838-00014119 reliable three aspects of credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00062-00014120-00014378 clarity how easily the article can be pkEzXMyRPxE-00063-00014379-00014591 understood accuracy how well documented pkEzXMyRPxE-00064-00014591-00014800 the information is and trustworthiness pkEzXMyRPxE-00065-00014801-00015524 how believable the information is pkEzXMyRPxE-00066-00015525-00016143 topic academic credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00067-00016144-00016392 students perception of instructors has pkEzXMyRPxE-00068-00016393-00016551 great importance and possible pkEzXMyRPxE-00069-00016552-00016815 consequences instructor credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00070-00016816-00017088 which is defined as the attitude of a pkEzXMyRPxE-00071-00017089-00017301 receiver which references the degree to pkEzXMyRPxE-00072-00017302-00017615 which a source is seen to be believable pkEzXMyRPxE-00073-00017616-00017895 consists of three dimensions competence pkEzXMyRPxE-00074-00017896-00018201 character and caring competence focuses pkEzXMyRPxE-00075-00018202-00018408 on his or her expertise or knowledge in pkEzXMyRPxE-00076-00018409-00018717 a subject matter character refers to the pkEzXMyRPxE-00077-00018718-00018831 goodness pkEzXMyRPxE-00078-00018832-00019107 ie honesty trustworthiness of an pkEzXMyRPxE-00079-00019108-00019365 instructor caring focuses on whether the pkEzXMyRPxE-00080-00019366-00019581 instructor shows concern or empathy for pkEzXMyRPxE-00081-00019582-00019782 the students welfare or situation pkEzXMyRPxE-00082-00019783-00020052 although an instructor may show one or pkEzXMyRPxE-00083-00020053-00020253 two of these qualities the best and most pkEzXMyRPxE-00084-00020254-00020498 respected exude all three qualities a pkEzXMyRPxE-00085-00020499-00020724 study done by Andersen bronowsky pkEzXMyRPxE-00086-00020725-00020946 revealed that students who are taught by pkEzXMyRPxE-00087-00020947-00021123 our instructor they perceive as credible pkEzXMyRPxE-00088-00021124-00021336 results in extreme allegiance to those pkEzXMyRPxE-00089-00021337-00021678 instructors generally instructors who pkEzXMyRPxE-00090-00021679-00021843 are perceived to have credibility are pkEzXMyRPxE-00091-00021844-00022011 associated with effective teaching pkEzXMyRPxE-00092-00022012-00022308 skills instructors who demonstrate pkEzXMyRPxE-00093-00022309-00022548 competence character and/or caring are pkEzXMyRPxE-00094-00022549-00022716 perceived to engage in a variety of pkEzXMyRPxE-00095-00022717-00022920 effective instructional communication pkEzXMyRPxE-00096-00022921-00023094 behaviors such as argumentativeness pkEzXMyRPxE-00097-00023095-00023358 verbal and nonverbal immediacy affinity pkEzXMyRPxE-00098-00023359-00023496 seeking and assertiveness and pkEzXMyRPxE-00099-00023497-00023615 responsiveness pkEzXMyRPxE-00100-00023616-00023862 moreover credible instructors are pkEzXMyRPxE-00101-00023863-00024003 perceived to be low in verbal pkEzXMyRPxE-00102-00024004-00024162 aggressiveness and less likely to use pkEzXMyRPxE-00103-00024163-00024363 behaviors that interfere with student pkEzXMyRPxE-00104-00024364-00024555 learning and like instructor competence pkEzXMyRPxE-00105-00024556-00024741 which centers on instructors perceived pkEzXMyRPxE-00106-00024742-00024957 expertise instructor character and pkEzXMyRPxE-00107-00024958-00025113 caring are rooted in students pkEzXMyRPxE-00108-00025114-00025263 perceptions of their instructors pkEzXMyRPxE-00109-00025264-00025511 interpersonal communication behaviors pkEzXMyRPxE-00110-00025512-00025755 students can feel more connected to the pkEzXMyRPxE-00111-00025756-00025922 material being taught and have the pkEzXMyRPxE-00112-00025923-00026118 information stay in their mind if the pkEzXMyRPxE-00113-00026119-00026313 instructor sharing the information has pkEzXMyRPxE-00114-00026314-00026610 credibility according to studies when pkEzXMyRPxE-00115-00026611-00026799 instructors exemplify the qualities of pkEzXMyRPxE-00116-00026800-00027066 character ie kind virtuous good and pkEzXMyRPxE-00117-00027067-00027289 caring ie empathetic understanding pkEzXMyRPxE-00118-00027291-00027527 responsive students report a greater pkEzXMyRPxE-00119-00027529-00027705 likelihood of communicating with them pkEzXMyRPxE-00120-00027706-00027873 teachers who are concerned with whether pkEzXMyRPxE-00121-00027874-00028062 students communicate with them either in pkEzXMyRPxE-00122-00028063-00028266 class or out of class may want to pkEzXMyRPxE-00123-00028267-00028445 reconsider the role their own in class pkEzXMyRPxE-00124-00028447-00028677 communication behaviors play in students pkEzXMyRPxE-00125-00028677-00028875 willingness or likelihood to communicate pkEzXMyRPxE-00126-00028876-00029148 with them instructors who are interested pkEzXMyRPxE-00127-00029149-00029289 in how students perceive their pkEzXMyRPxE-00128-00029289-00029487 competence character and caring should pkEzXMyRPxE-00129-00029488-00029526 exam pkEzXMyRPxE-00130-00029527-00029664 and how they're in class communication pkEzXMyRPxE-00131-00029664-00029841 behaviors contribute to these pkEzXMyRPxE-00132-00029842-00030108 perceptions they can evaluate themselves pkEzXMyRPxE-00133-00030108-00030360 go back over their lectures scores that pkEzXMyRPxE-00134-00030361-00030513 students give them at the end of the pkEzXMyRPxE-00135-00030514-00030714 semester and seek advice and training pkEzXMyRPxE-00136-00030714-00031032 from their peers by doing so instructors pkEzXMyRPxE-00137-00031033-00031194 may find students are more willing pkEzXMyRPxE-00138-00031195-00031439 likely or interested in communicating pkEzXMyRPxE-00139-00031441-00031992 with them pkEzXMyRPxE-00140-00031993-00032647 topic scientific credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00141-00032648-00032897 scientific credibility has been defined pkEzXMyRPxE-00142-00032898-00033077 as the extent to which science in pkEzXMyRPxE-00143-00033078-00033272 general is recognized as a source of pkEzXMyRPxE-00144-00033273-00033548 reliable information about the world the pkEzXMyRPxE-00145-00033549-00033746 term has also been applied more narrowly pkEzXMyRPxE-00146-00033747-00033947 as an assessment of the credibility of pkEzXMyRPxE-00147-00033948-00034165 the work of an individual scientist or a pkEzXMyRPxE-00148-00034166-00034475 field of research here the phrase refers pkEzXMyRPxE-00149-00034476-00034634 to how closely the work in question pkEzXMyRPxE-00150-00034635-00034898 adheres to scientific principles such as pkEzXMyRPxE-00151-00034899-00035171 the scientific method the method most pkEzXMyRPxE-00152-00035172-00035375 commonly used to assess the quality of pkEzXMyRPxE-00153-00035376-00035534 Sciences peer review and then pkEzXMyRPxE-00154-00035535-00035699 publication as part of the scientific pkEzXMyRPxE-00155-00035700-00036023 literature other approaches include the pkEzXMyRPxE-00156-00036024-00036218 collaborative assessment of a topic by a pkEzXMyRPxE-00157-00036219-00036425 group of experts this process can pkEzXMyRPxE-00158-00036426-00036614 produce reviews such as those published pkEzXMyRPxE-00159-00036615-00036794 by the Cochrane Collaboration or the pkEzXMyRPxE-00160-00036795-00036926 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate pkEzXMyRPxE-00161-00036927-00037142 Change the general public can give a pkEzXMyRPxE-00162-00037143-00037319 great deal of weight to perceptions of pkEzXMyRPxE-00163-00037320-00037526 scientific Authority in their decisions pkEzXMyRPxE-00164-00037527-00037709 on controversial issues that involve pkEzXMyRPxE-00165-00037710-00037868 scientific research such as pkEzXMyRPxE-00166-00037869-00038168 biotechnology however both the pkEzXMyRPxE-00167-00038169-00038378 credibility and authority of science is pkEzXMyRPxE-00168-00038379-00038579 questioned by groups with non mainstream pkEzXMyRPxE-00169-00038580-00038744 views such as some advocates of pkEzXMyRPxE-00170-00038745-00038921 alternative medicine or those who pkEzXMyRPxE-00171-00038922-00039119 dispute the scientific consensus on a pkEzXMyRPxE-00172-00039120-00039346 topic such as denialists of AIDS and of pkEzXMyRPxE-00173-00039347-00039937 evolution pkEzXMyRPxE-00174-00039938-00040544 topic medical credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00175-00040545-00040802 people rely on doctors expertise to pkEzXMyRPxE-00176-00040803-00040982 respond to issues relating to their pkEzXMyRPxE-00177-00040983-00041288 health trust in a doctors credibility is pkEzXMyRPxE-00178-00041289-00041432 essential to a patient's health pkEzXMyRPxE-00179-00041433-00041630 depending on the patient's trust in the pkEzXMyRPxE-00180-00041631-00041810 doctor they will be more or less willing pkEzXMyRPxE-00181-00041811-00041957 to seek help reveal sensitive pkEzXMyRPxE-00182-00041958-00042182 information submit to treatment and pkEzXMyRPxE-00183-00042183-00042418 follow the doctor's recommendations pkEzXMyRPxE-00184-00042419-00042656 according to numerous studies done over pkEzXMyRPxE-00185-00042657-00042881 15 years we can conclude that we see a pkEzXMyRPxE-00186-00042882-00043067 doctors credibility as having five pkEzXMyRPxE-00187-00043068-00043292 overlapping characteristics fidelity pkEzXMyRPxE-00188-00043293-00043493 which is caring and advocating for the pkEzXMyRPxE-00189-00043494-00043664 patient's interests or welfare and pkEzXMyRPxE-00190-00043665-00043808 avoiding conflicts of interest pkEzXMyRPxE-00191-00043809-00044027 competence which is having good practice pkEzXMyRPxE-00192-00044028-00044243 and interpersonal skills making correct pkEzXMyRPxE-00193-00044244-00044480 decisions and avoiding mistakes honesty pkEzXMyRPxE-00194-00044481-00044663 which is telling the truth in avoiding pkEzXMyRPxE-00195-00044664-00044900 intentional falsehoods confidentiality pkEzXMyRPxE-00196-00044901-00045077 which is proper use of sensitive pkEzXMyRPxE-00197-00045078-00045269 information and global Trust which is pkEzXMyRPxE-00198-00045270-00045542 the irreducible sole of trust or aspects pkEzXMyRPxE-00199-00045543-00045710 that combine elements from some or all pkEzXMyRPxE-00200-00045711-00045923 of the separate dimensions in general it pkEzXMyRPxE-00201-00045924-00046100 is easy to see what patients are looking pkEzXMyRPxE-00202-00046101-00046259 for when it comes to a trustworthy pkEzXMyRPxE-00203-00046260-00046445 doctor and the best way they can have pkEzXMyRPxE-00204-00046446-00046706 their needs satisfied there does seem to pkEzXMyRPxE-00205-00046707-00046907 be a growing discontent with the medical pkEzXMyRPxE-00206-00046908-00046949 field pkEzXMyRPxE-00207-00046950-00047135 however because of for-profit drug pkEzXMyRPxE-00208-00047136-00047297 companies that are influencing money pkEzXMyRPxE-00209-00047298-00047636 behind the medical field in 2002 a pkEzXMyRPxE-00210-00047637-00047834 doctor attended the hearings of a drug pkEzXMyRPxE-00211-00047835-00048014 company that was on trial for the death pkEzXMyRPxE-00212-00048015-00048218 of adolescents who committed suicide pkEzXMyRPxE-00213-00048219-00048430 while taking their antidepressants pkEzXMyRPxE-00214-00048431-00048647 before the hearing studies had been pkEzXMyRPxE-00215-00048648-00048848 filed with the FDA under the best pkEzXMyRPxE-00216-00048849-00049150 pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002 pkEzXMyRPxE-00217-00049151-00049433 these studies reflected a congressional pkEzXMyRPxE-00218-00049434-00049631 effort to motivate drug companies to pkEzXMyRPxE-00219-00049632-00049817 study the effects of medications on pkEzXMyRPxE-00220-00049818-00050069 children since children are a much pkEzXMyRPxE-00221-00050070-00050261 smaller market for new drugs the pkEzXMyRPxE-00222-00050262-00050483 pharmaceutical industry was suspected to pkEzXMyRPxE-00223-00050484-00050726 not study them as much the best pkEzXMyRPxE-00224-00050727-00051023 pharmaceuticals for children Act of 2002 pkEzXMyRPxE-00225-00051024-00051203 was meant to strengthen drug companies pkEzXMyRPxE-00226-00051204-00051389 credibility by rewarding those that pkEzXMyRPxE-00227-00051390-00051674 perform pediatric studies the law pkEzXMyRPxE-00228-00051675-00051923 however did not require these pediatric pkEzXMyRPxE-00229-00051924-00052117 studies performed to be publicized or pkEzXMyRPxE-00230-00052119-00052289 published according to a New England pkEzXMyRPxE-00231-00052290-00052541 Journal of Medicine study 94% of pkEzXMyRPxE-00232-00052541-00052739 American doctors have some relationship pkEzXMyRPxE-00233-00052740-00052930 with a drug or medical device company pkEzXMyRPxE-00234-00052932-00053174 including payments but also drug samples pkEzXMyRPxE-00235-00053175-00053467 and Industry lunches for example such pkEzXMyRPxE-00236-00053469-00053675 alarming evidence is what has prompted a pkEzXMyRPxE-00237-00053676-00053816 growing mistrust in medical pkEzXMyRPxE-00238-00053816-00053977 professionals credible pkEzXMyRPxE-00239-00053978-00054239 despite the studies conducted intended pkEzXMyRPxE-00240-00054240-00054425 on finding out how to increase doctors pkEzXMyRPxE-00241-00054426-00054592 credibility the findings are pkEzXMyRPxE-00242-00054594-00054679 inconclusive pkEzXMyRPxE-00243-00054680-00054932 it is a strong general consensus that pkEzXMyRPxE-00244-00054933-00055148 increased visibility of the relationship pkEzXMyRPxE-00245-00055149-00055304 between doctors and pharmaceutical pkEzXMyRPxE-00246-00055304-00055666 companies is the first place to start we pkEzXMyRPxE-00247-00055667-00055808 are seeing some progress towards pkEzXMyRPxE-00248-00055809-00056123 transparency the US Open payments Act pkEzXMyRPxE-00249-00056124-00056354 physician payments Sunshine Act has from pkEzXMyRPxE-00250-00056354-00056603 October 2014 required drug companies to pkEzXMyRPxE-00251-00056604-00056816 disclose payments to doctors but it pkEzXMyRPxE-00252-00056816-00057030 still does not give total transparency pkEzXMyRPxE-00253-00057032-00057251 there is a long way to go in pkEzXMyRPxE-00254-00057252-00057386 establishing trust and credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00255-00057387-00057604 behind what the doctors recommend to pkEzXMyRPxE-00256-00057605-00057880 patients being honest and showing that pkEzXMyRPxE-00257-00057882-00058046 they are acting off their expertise pkEzXMyRPxE-00258-00058047-00058286 instead of motivated by incentives given pkEzXMyRPxE-00259-00058287-00058980 by pharmaceutical companies pkEzXMyRPxE-00260-00058982-00059582 topic Street credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00261-00059583-00059984 street credibility or street cred is the pkEzXMyRPxE-00262-00059985-00060157 degree to which someone's word can be pkEzXMyRPxE-00263-00060158-00060405 believed by the person on the street pkEzXMyRPxE-00264-00060407-00060607 corporations have gone through their own pkEzXMyRPxE-00265-00060608-00060754 ways of getting street credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00266-00060755-00061013 however it goes by a different name pkEzXMyRPxE-00267-00061014-00061262 branding this is a process in which pkEzXMyRPxE-00268-00061263-00061450 companies spend billions of dollars a pkEzXMyRPxE-00269-00061451-00061588 year and it is meant to convey pkEzXMyRPxE-00270-00061589-00061792 information about a product who is using pkEzXMyRPxE-00271-00061794-00062041 it and why you should - they are pkEzXMyRPxE-00272-00062042-00062222 targeting certain individuals is to pkEzXMyRPxE-00273-00062223-00062396 increase their ability to grow that pkEzXMyRPxE-00274-00062397-00062569 street cred so that the growth doesn't pkEzXMyRPxE-00275-00062570-00062869 end from clothing to food branding is pkEzXMyRPxE-00276-00062870-00063053 used to assist companies improve the pkEzXMyRPxE-00277-00063054-00063215 street cred and better sell a product pkEzXMyRPxE-00278-00063216-00063449 the CEO of the company is the face of pkEzXMyRPxE-00279-00063450-00063737 what the public sees a CEO helps pkEzXMyRPxE-00280-00063738-00063955 illustrate the organization's internal pkEzXMyRPxE-00281-00063957-00064241 and external shareholders CEOs a pkEzXMyRPxE-00282-00064241-00064463 spokesman who are actively visible and pkEzXMyRPxE-00283-00064464-00064709 shaped the corporate image the role of pkEzXMyRPxE-00284-00064710-00064925 the CEO is to influence employees pkEzXMyRPxE-00285-00064926-00065165 attitudes perceptions and performances pkEzXMyRPxE-00286-00065166-00065329 through example of leadership and pkEzXMyRPxE-00287-00065330-00065907 support pkEzXMyRPxE-00288-00065908-00066574 topic business leadership credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00289-00066575-00066853 CEO credibility is essentially made up pkEzXMyRPxE-00290-00066854-00067048 of two important factors knowing what pkEzXMyRPxE-00291-00067049-00067259 you are talking about or expertise and pkEzXMyRPxE-00292-00067260-00067409 being able to be trusted or pkEzXMyRPxE-00293-00067410-00067693 trustworthiness one of the ways that a pkEzXMyRPxE-00294-00067694-00067936 CEOs expertise is measured is by the way pkEzXMyRPxE-00295-00067937-00068218 his per employees perceive them if the pkEzXMyRPxE-00296-00068219-00068419 CEO is seen as someone to whom the pkEzXMyRPxE-00297-00068420-00068593 employees can go to for knowledge and pkEzXMyRPxE-00298-00068594-00068734 help this goes to show they have pkEzXMyRPxE-00299-00068735-00068962 confidence that the CEO holds the skills pkEzXMyRPxE-00300-00068963-00069193 necessary to help and is thus valued in pkEzXMyRPxE-00301-00069194-00069460 their position as such the extent to pkEzXMyRPxE-00302-00069461-00069596 which the employee gives their pkEzXMyRPxE-00303-00069597-00069803 confidence to the CEO determines the pkEzXMyRPxE-00304-00069804-00070109 CEOs trustworthiness an employee may pkEzXMyRPxE-00305-00070110-00070340 totally embrace or quietly set aside the pkEzXMyRPxE-00306-00070341-00070549 message of the CEO these results measure pkEzXMyRPxE-00307-00070550-00070741 the degree of trustworthiness there is pkEzXMyRPxE-00308-00070742-00071026 in the CEO the whole reputation of the pkEzXMyRPxE-00309-00071027-00071269 organization represented by the CEO is pkEzXMyRPxE-00310-00071270-00071467 built mainly by the experience of the pkEzXMyRPxE-00311-00071468-00071761 employees as time passes this reputation pkEzXMyRPxE-00312-00071762-00071962 is carefully built by many factors pkEzXMyRPxE-00313-00071963-00072190 experienced by the employees such as the pkEzXMyRPxE-00314-00072191-00072406 actual services or products provided pkEzXMyRPxE-00315-00072407-00072596 certain money makers work atmosphere pkEzXMyRPxE-00316-00072597-00072859 social aspects related to work in the pkEzXMyRPxE-00317-00072860-00073066 overall foresight and ability to lead in pkEzXMyRPxE-00318-00073067-00073346 a successful manner there is a natural pkEzXMyRPxE-00319-00073347-00073561 connection link between the CEO in the pkEzXMyRPxE-00320-00073562-00073924 organization a CEOs credibility affects pkEzXMyRPxE-00321-00073925-00074134 how employees view the organization's pkEzXMyRPxE-00322-00074135-00074455 image employees who perceive the CEO is pkEzXMyRPxE-00323-00074456-00074665 more qualified competent knowledge pkEzXMyRPxE-00324-00074666-00074884 possessing more expertise and skills pkEzXMyRPxE-00325-00074885-00075052 tend to view the organizational pkEzXMyRPxE-00326-00075053-00075365 reputation more positively employees who pkEzXMyRPxE-00327-00075366-00075547 view the CEO is more honest and pkEzXMyRPxE-00328-00075548-00075715 trustworthy tend to evaluate the pkEzXMyRPxE-00329-00075716-00076022 organization in a positive manner the pkEzXMyRPxE-00330-00076023-00076152 employees view of the organization pkEzXMyRPxE-00331-00076153-00076390 completely intervenes the positive pkEzXMyRPxE-00332-00076391-00076627 relationship between the CEO credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00333-00076628-00076784 in the employees involvement of pkEzXMyRPxE-00334-00076785-00076860 engagement pkEzXMyRPxE-00335-00076861-00077171 although the CEOs credibility positively pkEzXMyRPxE-00336-00077172-00077380 affects employee engagement the actual pkEzXMyRPxE-00337-00077381-00077587 impact is exercised by the employees pkEzXMyRPxE-00338-00077588-00078329 view of the organization's reputation pkEzXMyRPxE-00339-00078330-00079015 topic 2 phase model of credibility pkEzXMyRPxE-00340-00079016-00079225 Jurgen Habermas in his theory of pkEzXMyRPxE-00341-00079226-00079411 communicative action developed for pkEzXMyRPxE-00342-00079412-00079611 validity claims truth sincerity pkEzXMyRPxE-00343-00079612-00079816 appropriateness and understandability pkEzXMyRPxE-00344-00079817-00080088 leading to the concept of credibility in pkEzXMyRPxE-00345-00080089-00080292 a different study researchers pkEzXMyRPxE-00346-00080293-00080524 empirically validated the claims and pkEzXMyRPxE-00347-00080525-00080761 derived a two-phase model of reporting pkEzXMyRPxE-00348-00080762-00080998 credibility where first of all pkEzXMyRPxE-00349-00080999-00081187 understandability needs to be reached pkEzXMyRPxE-00350-00081188-00081421 only then the three other validity pkEzXMyRPxE-00351-00081422-00081604 claims make a difference and may lead to pkEzXMyRPxE-00352-00081605-00082346 credibility in the hub amasian sense pkEzXMyRPxE-00353-00082347-00082903 topic see also pkEzXMyRPxE-00354-00082904-00083110 Center for research on the epidemiology pkEzXMyRPxE-00355-00083111-00083550 of disasters cred credibility gap pkEzXMyRPxE-00356-00083551-00084012 credibility theory credibility thesis pkEzXMyRPxE-00357-00084013-00084253 epistemology the philosophical study of pkEzXMyRPxE-00358-00084254-00084700 truth and belief expertise finding indie pkEzXMyRPxE-00359-00084701-00085240 cred integrity objectivity source pkEzXMyRPxE-00360-00085241-00085444 credibility from social psychology pkEzXMyRPxE-00361-00085445-00085845 Theory source criticism web literacy pkEzXMyRPxE-00362-00085846-00086302 credibility witness pmhNiPtyLuu-00000-00001455-00001695 yeah thanks very much uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00001-00001696-00001967 martin and also lisa for inviting me pmhNiPtyLuu-00002-00001968-00002023 it's a pmhNiPtyLuu-00003-00002023-00002334 great pleasure and honor to be here um pmhNiPtyLuu-00004-00002335-00002687 i must say that uh the true experts pmhNiPtyLuu-00005-00002688-00003039 uh really um martin and lisa pmhNiPtyLuu-00006-00003040-00003351 barry of course and charles i'm pmhNiPtyLuu-00007-00003352-00003654 sort of um i pmhNiPtyLuu-00008-00003655-00003927 began in the nest of the networks but pmhNiPtyLuu-00009-00003928-00004031 left it pmhNiPtyLuu-00010-00004032-00004343 uh fairly early on although i maintained pmhNiPtyLuu-00011-00004344-00004543 an interest and wrote a couple of things pmhNiPtyLuu-00012-00004544-00004806 in relationship to it so the invitation pmhNiPtyLuu-00013-00004807-00005095 it's really a chance for me to talk pmhNiPtyLuu-00014-00005096-00005286 about some of the early days pmhNiPtyLuu-00015-00005287-00005583 and also also to come back to it which i pmhNiPtyLuu-00016-00005584-00005727 have been doing pmhNiPtyLuu-00017-00005728-00006134 rather recently what i have to say pmhNiPtyLuu-00018-00006135-00006575 i think is however more of an off-key pmhNiPtyLuu-00019-00006576-00007083 address rather than the keynote pmhNiPtyLuu-00020-00007084-00007231 but pmhNiPtyLuu-00021-00007231-00007455 i'll see what i can do to talk about pmhNiPtyLuu-00022-00007456-00007559 first of all pmhNiPtyLuu-00023-00007559-00007719 some of the early days and some of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00024-00007720-00007887 ideas that were behind pmhNiPtyLuu-00025-00007888-00008207 mitchell's interest initial interest pmhNiPtyLuu-00026-00008208-00008471 and then to move into a discussion of pmhNiPtyLuu-00027-00008472-00008551 how pmhNiPtyLuu-00028-00008552-00008999 that stuff on networks i think pmhNiPtyLuu-00029-00009000-00009327 distinguishes itself but also morphs a pmhNiPtyLuu-00030-00009328-00009510 little into the kind of thing pmhNiPtyLuu-00031-00009511-00009719 that bruno the tour has been talking pmhNiPtyLuu-00032-00009720-00009863 about recently pmhNiPtyLuu-00033-00009864-00010103 with actor network theory and i will pmhNiPtyLuu-00034-00010104-00010174 offer pmhNiPtyLuu-00035-00010175-00010455 a slight critique maybe of both pmhNiPtyLuu-00036-00010456-00010591 positions pmhNiPtyLuu-00037-00010592-00010823 and then finish up with i'm afraid pmhNiPtyLuu-00038-00010824-00010991 indulging myself pmhNiPtyLuu-00039-00010992-00011310 in a little bit of anthropology where pmhNiPtyLuu-00040-00011311-00011599 i will talk about uh the importance of pmhNiPtyLuu-00041-00011600-00011687 value pmhNiPtyLuu-00042-00011688-00011991 in the understanding of network sets pmhNiPtyLuu-00043-00011992-00012287 and relations and so forth uh something pmhNiPtyLuu-00044-00012288-00012414 which i think other people have been pmhNiPtyLuu-00045-00012415-00012614 doing but i'm also particularly pmhNiPtyLuu-00046-00012615-00012958 interested in that so i will talk and pmhNiPtyLuu-00047-00012959-00013327 read at various various points uh in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00048-00013328-00013766 in the course of this presentation pmhNiPtyLuu-00049-00013768-00013935 now there are similarities and pmhNiPtyLuu-00050-00013936-00014191 differences between the idea of social pmhNiPtyLuu-00051-00014191-00014438 network is introduced into anthropology pmhNiPtyLuu-00052-00014440-00014751 and sociology in the 1950s and 60s by pmhNiPtyLuu-00053-00014752-00014855 elizabeth pmhNiPtyLuu-00054-00014856-00015150 john barnes and most notably by clive pmhNiPtyLuu-00055-00015151-00015303 mitchell on the one hand pmhNiPtyLuu-00056-00015304-00015647 and that labeled actor network theory by pmhNiPtyLuu-00057-00015647-00015919 bruno latour and john law on the other pmhNiPtyLuu-00058-00015919-00015999 hand pmhNiPtyLuu-00059-00016000-00016263 marilyn stefan incidentally who was pmhNiPtyLuu-00060-00016263-00016422 professor here for a while pmhNiPtyLuu-00061-00016423-00016758 i wrote an extremely pmhNiPtyLuu-00062-00016759-00017150 interesting paper way back in 1996 i pmhNiPtyLuu-00063-00017151-00017311 think pmhNiPtyLuu-00064-00017312-00017455 which recognizes some of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00065-00017456-00017639 continuities between pmhNiPtyLuu-00066-00017640-00017950 the tour and the earlier pmhNiPtyLuu-00067-00017951-00018279 social network approach of clyde pmhNiPtyLuu-00068-00018280-00018463 and she has some very interesting pmhNiPtyLuu-00069-00018464-00018686 suggestions about the nature pmhNiPtyLuu-00070-00018687-00018927 of the structuring of relations in pmhNiPtyLuu-00071-00018928-00018999 networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00072-00019000-00019247 and how that relates to different forms pmhNiPtyLuu-00073-00019248-00019319 of banning pmhNiPtyLuu-00074-00019320-00019519 which i'll be coming back to later in pmhNiPtyLuu-00075-00019520-00019822 this talk pmhNiPtyLuu-00076-00019823-00019991 she indicates points also pmhNiPtyLuu-00077-00019992-00020127 complementarity pmhNiPtyLuu-00078-00020128-00020294 with which i am broadly concerned here pmhNiPtyLuu-00079-00020295-00020494 at least to start with which has major pmhNiPtyLuu-00080-00020495-00020663 methodological implications pmhNiPtyLuu-00081-00020664-00020983 for the network of focus either michelin pmhNiPtyLuu-00082-00020984-00021222 or the touring i should be clear from pmhNiPtyLuu-00083-00021223-00021414 the outset pmhNiPtyLuu-00084-00021415-00021719 my orientation to networks is still that pmhNiPtyLuu-00085-00021720-00021983 of a neophyte this must be so for the pmhNiPtyLuu-00086-00021984-00022150 field of network analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00087-00022151-00022350 as a whole regardless of different pmhNiPtyLuu-00088-00022351-00022511 perspectives within it pmhNiPtyLuu-00089-00022512-00022694 has expanded well beyond the state of pmhNiPtyLuu-00090-00022695-00022911 the art when i participated pmhNiPtyLuu-00091-00022912-00023127 in mitchell's early developments of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00092-00023128-00023430 approach in the 1960s pmhNiPtyLuu-00093-00023431-00023750 it is this initial focus with which pmhNiPtyLuu-00094-00023751-00024007 which i will revisit somewhat pmhNiPtyLuu-00095-00024008-00024158 nostalgically pmhNiPtyLuu-00096-00024159-00024327 this is where some of the overlap pmhNiPtyLuu-00097-00024328-00024542 between mitchell and le tour pmhNiPtyLuu-00098-00024543-00024886 is to be detected as well as perhaps pmhNiPtyLuu-00099-00024887-00025150 the major distinctions and also what i pmhNiPtyLuu-00100-00025151-00025214 consider pmhNiPtyLuu-00101-00025215-00025358 to be some of the continuing pmhNiPtyLuu-00102-00025359-00025535 difficulties pmhNiPtyLuu-00103-00025536-00025767 mitchell's primary concern was to pmhNiPtyLuu-00104-00025768-00025974 develop the concept of network pmhNiPtyLuu-00105-00025975-00026214 into a tool for analysis so it was pmhNiPtyLuu-00106-00026216-00026390 neither simply a metaphor pmhNiPtyLuu-00107-00026391-00026631 nor merely a methodological technical pmhNiPtyLuu-00108-00026632-00026767 device pmhNiPtyLuu-00109-00026768-00026951 indeed he can see that the idea of pmhNiPtyLuu-00110-00026952-00027167 network is opening to new vistas of pmhNiPtyLuu-00111-00027168-00027246 empirical pmhNiPtyLuu-00112-00027247-00027470 and theoretical possibility that pmhNiPtyLuu-00113-00027472-00027567 complemented pmhNiPtyLuu-00114-00027568-00027918 prevailing prevailing sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-00115-00027919-00028023 perspectives pmhNiPtyLuu-00116-00028024-00028262 while breaking beyond their limitations pmhNiPtyLuu-00117-00028263-00028495 and restrictions pmhNiPtyLuu-00118-00028495-00028751 moreover the concept of network with its pmhNiPtyLuu-00119-00028752-00028911 ego centered emphasis pmhNiPtyLuu-00120-00028912-00029127 provided the opportunity of linking pmhNiPtyLuu-00121-00029127-00029311 observations on the ground pmhNiPtyLuu-00122-00029312-00029518 the immediate material of sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-00123-00029519-00029743 work pmhNiPtyLuu-00124-00029744-00030039 the immediate the material of pmhNiPtyLuu-00125-00030039-00030135 psychological work pmhNiPtyLuu-00126-00030136-00030367 was in his view based on the activity of pmhNiPtyLuu-00127-00030368-00030462 individuals pmhNiPtyLuu-00128-00030463-00030687 with more abstract understandings that pmhNiPtyLuu-00129-00030688-00030783 some removed pmhNiPtyLuu-00130-00030783-00031095 from gritty ground-level processes the pmhNiPtyLuu-00131-00031095-00031255 concept of social network pmhNiPtyLuu-00132-00031256-00031439 was one which enabled the various levels pmhNiPtyLuu-00133-00031439-00031558 of abstraction pmhNiPtyLuu-00134-00031560-00031735 that are involved in sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-00135-00031736-00031983 thinking and and understanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00136-00031983-00032207 to connect up with the phenomena of pmhNiPtyLuu-00137-00032208-00032287 concern pmhNiPtyLuu-00138-00032288-00032535 that the grass groups this did not pmhNiPtyLuu-00139-00032536-00032599 involve pmhNiPtyLuu-00140-00032600-00032790 the abandonment of the notion of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00141-00032791-00033023 social or indeed of society pmhNiPtyLuu-00142-00033024-00033199 and a variety of key analytical pmhNiPtyLuu-00143-00033200-00033455 constructs rather a concern pmhNiPtyLuu-00144-00033456-00033718 with their compromisation as well as in pmhNiPtyLuu-00145-00033719-00033799 addition pmhNiPtyLuu-00146-00033800-00034015 the discovery of other processes of pmhNiPtyLuu-00147-00034016-00034190 social formation pmhNiPtyLuu-00148-00034191-00034399 and their effects which are variety of pmhNiPtyLuu-00149-00034400-00034543 dominant discourses pmhNiPtyLuu-00150-00034544-00034774 usually an institutional or supra pmhNiPtyLuu-00151-00034775-00034862 individual pmhNiPtyLuu-00152-00034863-00035231 structural kind largely ignored pmhNiPtyLuu-00153-00035232-00035439 mitchell stressed that networks had pmhNiPtyLuu-00154-00035440-00035535 structures pmhNiPtyLuu-00155-00035536-00035735 structures of relations and these pmhNiPtyLuu-00156-00035736-00035895 structures would work pmhNiPtyLuu-00157-00035896-00036199 in the shaping of action in ways just as pmhNiPtyLuu-00158-00036200-00036279 openly pmhNiPtyLuu-00159-00036280-00036535 if not more so than those forces pmhNiPtyLuu-00160-00036536-00036655 hitherto connected pmhNiPtyLuu-00161-00036656-00036846 with institutional orders and the pmhNiPtyLuu-00162-00036847-00036974 principles addressed pmhNiPtyLuu-00163-00036975-00037335 in relation to them the state the pmhNiPtyLuu-00164-00037336-00037646 economic industrial order class ethnic pmhNiPtyLuu-00165-00037647-00037839 and religious communalization pmhNiPtyLuu-00166-00037840-00038143 and the identity the family kinship pmhNiPtyLuu-00167-00038144-00038407 through all vital terms in sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-00168-00038408-00038567 understanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00169-00038568-00038743 the idea of the social network for pmhNiPtyLuu-00170-00038744-00038918 mitchell was definitely pmhNiPtyLuu-00171-00038919-00039190 not a concept to be added to the already pmhNiPtyLuu-00172-00039191-00039455 and fast expanding battery of concepts pmhNiPtyLuu-00173-00039456-00039718 at hand for sociological analysis and it pmhNiPtyLuu-00174-00039719-00039846 was by no means pmhNiPtyLuu-00175-00039847-00040183 alternative to them thus it was grasped pmhNiPtyLuu-00176-00040184-00040390 as a concept that operated both pmhNiPtyLuu-00177-00040391-00040590 vertically and laterally pmhNiPtyLuu-00178-00040591-00040799 that is it tied higher levels of pmhNiPtyLuu-00179-00040800-00040999 abstract conceptualization pmhNiPtyLuu-00180-00041000-00041230 and description into the root empirical pmhNiPtyLuu-00181-00041231-00041318 processes pmhNiPtyLuu-00182-00041319-00041615 upon which they were designed to reflect pmhNiPtyLuu-00183-00041616-00041774 perhaps more importantly pmhNiPtyLuu-00184-00041775-00042111 the concept cross cut various analytical pmhNiPtyLuu-00185-00042112-00042239 categories class pmhNiPtyLuu-00186-00042240-00042527 ethnicity etc de-centering them and pmhNiPtyLuu-00187-00042528-00042671 breaking the confines pmhNiPtyLuu-00188-00042672-00042990 or constraints of their boundaries pmhNiPtyLuu-00189-00042991-00043239 it is crucial to mitchell's approach pmhNiPtyLuu-00190-00043240-00043439 that the notion of social network pmhNiPtyLuu-00191-00043440-00043702 did not necessarily replace routine pmhNiPtyLuu-00192-00043703-00043839 conventional forms pmhNiPtyLuu-00193-00043840-00044127 of sociological understanding that is he pmhNiPtyLuu-00194-00044128-00044343 was against simply exchanging one set of pmhNiPtyLuu-00195-00044344-00044390 terms pmhNiPtyLuu-00196-00044391-00044599 with another swapping one form of pmhNiPtyLuu-00197-00044600-00044807 convention with something different pmhNiPtyLuu-00198-00044808-00045095 from a similar effect since mitchell pmhNiPtyLuu-00199-00045096-00045302 wrote what appeared as a very minority pmhNiPtyLuu-00200-00045303-00045367 interest pmhNiPtyLuu-00201-00045368-00045662 is of course that we've we all know as a pmhNiPtyLuu-00202-00045663-00045718 chief pmhNiPtyLuu-00203-00045719-00045951 dominant place those who are committed pmhNiPtyLuu-00204-00045952-00046062 to institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-00205-00046063-00046287 and system analyses while from highly pmhNiPtyLuu-00206-00046288-00046518 critical of network analysis at the time pmhNiPtyLuu-00207-00046519-00046686 clyde was working pmhNiPtyLuu-00208-00046687-00046935 the times have changed networks are now pmhNiPtyLuu-00209-00046936-00047007 the thing pmhNiPtyLuu-00210-00047008-00047262 we live in a global network social world pmhNiPtyLuu-00211-00047263-00047383 which is expanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00212-00047384-00047607 exponentially with innovations in pmhNiPtyLuu-00213-00047608-00047902 digital technology the network society pmhNiPtyLuu-00214-00047903-00048030 is celebrated pmhNiPtyLuu-00215-00048031-00048279 but in certain respects maybe little has pmhNiPtyLuu-00216-00048280-00048367 changed pmhNiPtyLuu-00217-00048368-00048590 thus the network idea has literally pmhNiPtyLuu-00218-00048591-00048679 supplanted pmhNiPtyLuu-00219-00048680-00048911 the position of institutional analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00220-00048912-00049111 and in some instances have repeated pmhNiPtyLuu-00221-00049112-00049311 dimensions of that which network pmhNiPtyLuu-00222-00049312-00049455 analysts pmhNiPtyLuu-00223-00049456-00049743 once complained about for example in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00224-00049744-00049927 degree of its abstraction pmhNiPtyLuu-00225-00049928-00050215 and separation from actual processes and pmhNiPtyLuu-00226-00050216-00050430 dependent on the perspective taken pmhNiPtyLuu-00227-00050431-00050607 the reduction of the consideration of pmhNiPtyLuu-00228-00050608-00050815 institution of institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-00229-00050816-00051046 and other forces the structural and pmhNiPtyLuu-00230-00051047-00051223 cultural ideological kind pmhNiPtyLuu-00231-00051224-00051438 that may be crucial to comprehending pmhNiPtyLuu-00232-00051439-00051599 processes of a network pmhNiPtyLuu-00233-00051600-00051911 thought and in fact the force of network pmhNiPtyLuu-00234-00051912-00052038 processes pmhNiPtyLuu-00235-00052039-00052335 the idea of network has strong at least pmhNiPtyLuu-00236-00052336-00052414 imminently pmhNiPtyLuu-00237-00052415-00052663 ideological dimensions of its own that pmhNiPtyLuu-00238-00052664-00052838 some proponents of the concept pmhNiPtyLuu-00239-00052839-00053159 expressly attempt to avoid le tour for pmhNiPtyLuu-00240-00053160-00053230 example pmhNiPtyLuu-00241-00053232-00053566 and as i will discuss he rejects what he pmhNiPtyLuu-00242-00053567-00053630 labels pmhNiPtyLuu-00243-00053632-00053950 as a sociological ideologist largely pmhNiPtyLuu-00244-00053951-00054223 the leftist critical sociology to clear pmhNiPtyLuu-00245-00054224-00054287 the way pmhNiPtyLuu-00246-00054288-00054575 for his evidence-based science-oriented pmhNiPtyLuu-00247-00054576-00054687 sociology pmhNiPtyLuu-00248-00054688-00054942 he makes a kind of heideggerian clearing pmhNiPtyLuu-00249-00054944-00055126 which is no less heavily laden pmhNiPtyLuu-00250-00055127-00055366 with a particular idea of ideological pmhNiPtyLuu-00251-00055367-00055526 potential pmhNiPtyLuu-00252-00055527-00055742 this is also the case with mitchell's pmhNiPtyLuu-00253-00055744-00055919 and the so-called manchester school of pmhNiPtyLuu-00254-00055920-00056126 anthropology pmhNiPtyLuu-00255-00056127-00056303 and and their turn specifically to pmhNiPtyLuu-00256-00056304-00056599 network the egocentricity of the concept pmhNiPtyLuu-00257-00056600-00056823 or perhaps better the atomic basis of pmhNiPtyLuu-00258-00056824-00056919 the concept pmhNiPtyLuu-00259-00056920-00057071 in reference to which the relational pmhNiPtyLuu-00260-00057072-00057279 structures of networks were variously pmhNiPtyLuu-00261-00057279-00057382 defined pmhNiPtyLuu-00262-00057383-00057526 the approach to relations in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00263-00057527-00057735 perspective had the potential pmhNiPtyLuu-00264-00057736-00057950 of intensifying the tendency towards a pmhNiPtyLuu-00265-00057951-00058103 very eurocentric pmhNiPtyLuu-00266-00058104-00058407 modernist post-modernist individualist pmhNiPtyLuu-00267-00058408-00058671 approach the capacity was there for a pmhNiPtyLuu-00268-00058672-00058750 denuding pmhNiPtyLuu-00269-00058751-00059030 or emptying out of the practical logics pmhNiPtyLuu-00270-00059032-00059175 inherent in the quality pmhNiPtyLuu-00271-00059176-00059438 of certain relations and furthermore the pmhNiPtyLuu-00272-00059439-00059623 flattening and homogenization pmhNiPtyLuu-00273-00059624-00059871 of the ideologies and values implicated pmhNiPtyLuu-00274-00059872-00060030 in there in fact there's a connection pmhNiPtyLuu-00275-00060032-00060111 there pmhNiPtyLuu-00276-00060112-00060335 with le tour as well but latour is pmhNiPtyLuu-00277-00060336-00060423 especially pmhNiPtyLuu-00278-00060424-00060630 concerned to do that because mitchell pmhNiPtyLuu-00279-00060632-00060847 was not pmhNiPtyLuu-00280-00060848-00061071 mitchell was very much aware of this in pmhNiPtyLuu-00281-00061072-00061247 the background to his own thought pmhNiPtyLuu-00282-00061248-00061375 although there were problematic pmhNiPtyLuu-00283-00061376-00061575 contradictions in this from the very pmhNiPtyLuu-00284-00061576-00061654 start pmhNiPtyLuu-00285-00061655-00061823 he don't want to consider that a little pmhNiPtyLuu-00286-00061824-00062119 more i stress that mitchell's slant on pmhNiPtyLuu-00287-00062120-00062199 networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00288-00062200-00062423 grew from his experience as a field pmhNiPtyLuu-00289-00062424-00062550 anthropologist pmhNiPtyLuu-00290-00062551-00062815 here i am with sociologists but i have pmhNiPtyLuu-00291-00062816-00062935 to admit that i'm still an pmhNiPtyLuu-00292-00062936-00063071 anthropologist pmhNiPtyLuu-00293-00063072-00063247 although i should emphasize and i agree pmhNiPtyLuu-00294-00063248-00063438 with clyde clyde pmhNiPtyLuu-00295-00063439-00063711 never wanted really he was unhappy with pmhNiPtyLuu-00296-00063712-00063935 the split in the department actually pmhNiPtyLuu-00297-00063936-00064279 and he always considered that sociology pmhNiPtyLuu-00298-00064279-00064391 and anthropology pmhNiPtyLuu-00299-00064391-00064863 were united they were not distinguished pmhNiPtyLuu-00300-00064864-00065030 that in fact they they had to sit pmhNiPtyLuu-00301-00065032-00065415 together rather than divide pmhNiPtyLuu-00302-00065416-00065750 so that i stress that pmhNiPtyLuu-00303-00065751-00066055 clients interests like networks grew pmhNiPtyLuu-00304-00066056-00066326 from his experience actually as a field pmhNiPtyLuu-00305-00066327-00066447 anthropologist pmhNiPtyLuu-00306-00066448-00066711 working in a traditional society the yao pmhNiPtyLuu-00307-00066712-00066775 people pmhNiPtyLuu-00308-00066776-00067063 of malawi to be followed by his abiding pmhNiPtyLuu-00309-00067064-00067126 interest pmhNiPtyLuu-00310-00067127-00067447 in urban formations and the focus uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00311-00067448-00067759 they afforded upon highly heterogeneous pmhNiPtyLuu-00312-00067760-00068047 and inner and innovative social action pmhNiPtyLuu-00313-00068048-00068191 working especially pmhNiPtyLuu-00314-00068192-00068415 in the zambian comp belt mitchell was pmhNiPtyLuu-00315-00068416-00068582 interested in the different ways pmhNiPtyLuu-00316-00068583-00068767 in which lives in contemporary urban pmhNiPtyLuu-00317-00068768-00068911 industrial contexts pmhNiPtyLuu-00318-00068912-00069150 took various trajectories he attended pmhNiPtyLuu-00319-00069151-00069279 the continuities pmhNiPtyLuu-00320-00069280-00069638 and created discontinuities urban spaces pmhNiPtyLuu-00321-00069639-00069887 and the processes of urbanization gave pmhNiPtyLuu-00322-00069888-00070063 rise to new forms of life pmhNiPtyLuu-00323-00070064-00070287 but this did not necessarily involve pmhNiPtyLuu-00324-00070288-00070494 social breakdown pmhNiPtyLuu-00325-00070495-00070735 mitchell was strongly influenced by max pmhNiPtyLuu-00326-00070736-00070879 luckman's situational pmhNiPtyLuu-00327-00070880-00071143 analysis perspective this stressed the pmhNiPtyLuu-00328-00071144-00071335 heterogeneity of practices pmhNiPtyLuu-00329-00071336-00071543 and their differential constitution pmhNiPtyLuu-00330-00071544-00071775 according to diverse practical logics pmhNiPtyLuu-00331-00071776-00072071 often specific to context blackman in pmhNiPtyLuu-00332-00072072-00072279 developing his situational analytical pmhNiPtyLuu-00333-00072280-00072350 method pmhNiPtyLuu-00334-00072351-00072591 nonetheless cleaved the powerful pmhNiPtyLuu-00335-00072592-00072703 institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-00336-00072704-00072959 durkheimian sociology at the time and pmhNiPtyLuu-00337-00072960-00073062 its dualist pmhNiPtyLuu-00338-00073063-00073294 and oppositional mode of thinking the pmhNiPtyLuu-00339-00073295-00073438 concepts of organic pmhNiPtyLuu-00340-00073439-00073694 and mechanical solidarity were utmost in pmhNiPtyLuu-00341-00073695-00073767 his thought pmhNiPtyLuu-00342-00073768-00073999 when he declared that urban practices in pmhNiPtyLuu-00343-00074000-00074159 the mining towns of pmhNiPtyLuu-00344-00074160-00074431 africa migration in southern africa pmhNiPtyLuu-00345-00074432-00074567 could not be understood pmhNiPtyLuu-00346-00074568-00074703 in terms of the context of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00347-00074704-00074959 mechanical solidarity of african rural pmhNiPtyLuu-00348-00074960-00075231 villages pmhNiPtyLuu-00349-00075232-00075462 mitchell was of the same broad opinion pmhNiPtyLuu-00350-00075463-00075659 on which basis he criticized pmhNiPtyLuu-00351-00075660-00075855 adaptationist and evolutionist pmhNiPtyLuu-00352-00075856-00076055 approaches to urbanization pmhNiPtyLuu-00353-00076056-00076238 especially common and anthropological pmhNiPtyLuu-00354-00076239-00076462 approaches in north america pmhNiPtyLuu-00355-00076463-00076711 such orientations often store cities and pmhNiPtyLuu-00356-00076712-00076823 by extension pmhNiPtyLuu-00357-00076824-00077023 dynamics of industrializing and pmhNiPtyLuu-00358-00077024-00077199 urbanizing social change pmhNiPtyLuu-00359-00077200-00077343 as sites for the breakdown of pmhNiPtyLuu-00360-00077344-00077559 pre-existing or traditional forms of pmhNiPtyLuu-00361-00077560-00077655 relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00362-00077656-00077879 mitchell was very early on extremely pmhNiPtyLuu-00363-00077880-00078094 critical of such a perspective pmhNiPtyLuu-00364-00078095-00078343 for him robert redfields for example the pmhNiPtyLuu-00365-00078344-00078487 folk urban continuum pmhNiPtyLuu-00366-00078488-00078719 whereby the more whereby the moral pmhNiPtyLuu-00367-00078720-00078823 small-scale pmhNiPtyLuu-00368-00078824-00079038 rural traditional orders collapsed in pmhNiPtyLuu-00369-00079039-00079199 the face of larger scale urban pmhNiPtyLuu-00370-00079200-00079279 industrial pmhNiPtyLuu-00371-00079280-00079519 domains don't only miss the durkheimian pmhNiPtyLuu-00372-00079520-00079694 point that they were different forms of pmhNiPtyLuu-00373-00079695-00079743 order pmhNiPtyLuu-00374-00079744-00080015 or system but refused the possibility pmhNiPtyLuu-00375-00080016-00080159 that they could co-exist pmhNiPtyLuu-00376-00080160-00080319 and operate with a degree of pmhNiPtyLuu-00377-00080320-00080462 complementarity a point pmhNiPtyLuu-00378-00080463-00080750 i'll come back to later even though that pmhNiPtyLuu-00379-00080751-00080967 complementarity is shifting pmhNiPtyLuu-00380-00080968-00081135 this was especially so in the southern pmhNiPtyLuu-00381-00081136-00081399 african context of the 1950s pmhNiPtyLuu-00382-00081400-00081591 and the early 60s of mitchell's pmhNiPtyLuu-00383-00081592-00081847 ethnography the colonial order of which pmhNiPtyLuu-00384-00081848-00082038 encouraged a system of circular pmhNiPtyLuu-00385-00082039-00082150 migration pmhNiPtyLuu-00386-00082151-00082399 the rural african migrants to the mining pmhNiPtyLuu-00387-00082400-00082503 and other towns pmhNiPtyLuu-00388-00082504-00082671 supported the life worlds of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00389-00082672-00082815 villages of their origin pmhNiPtyLuu-00390-00082816-00082967 to which the migrants returned pmhNiPtyLuu-00391-00082968-00083191 intimately during their working life pmhNiPtyLuu-00392-00083192-00083462 and permanently at its end jacques van pmhNiPtyLuu-00393-00083463-00083526 wilson pmhNiPtyLuu-00394-00083527-00083743 for instance another member of the early pmhNiPtyLuu-00395-00083744-00083862 matches of school pmhNiPtyLuu-00396-00083863-00084087 and supervised by mitchell as well as pmhNiPtyLuu-00397-00084088-00084167 gluckman pmhNiPtyLuu-00398-00084168-00084415 was to insist that the system of pmhNiPtyLuu-00399-00084416-00084559 circular migration pmhNiPtyLuu-00400-00084560-00084750 in southern africa was thoroughly pmhNiPtyLuu-00401-00084751-00084943 integral to the colonial order and its pmhNiPtyLuu-00402-00084944-00085047 regulations pmhNiPtyLuu-00403-00085048-00085262 inhibiting permanent african urban pmhNiPtyLuu-00404-00085263-00085359 settlement pmhNiPtyLuu-00405-00085360-00085575 the maintenance of rural ties into the pmhNiPtyLuu-00406-00085576-00085823 rural areas by african urban migrants pmhNiPtyLuu-00407-00085824-00086038 and therefore the continual influence of pmhNiPtyLuu-00408-00086039-00086262 rural institutions in urban contexts pmhNiPtyLuu-00409-00086263-00086447 was a function of the overarching pmhNiPtyLuu-00410-00086448-00086711 colonial order as a whole pmhNiPtyLuu-00411-00086712-00086911 very much later james ferguson for pmhNiPtyLuu-00412-00086912-00087191 example in expectations of modernity pmhNiPtyLuu-00413-00087192-00087582 it was effectively directed in 1989 pmhNiPtyLuu-00414-00087583-00087855 and still much quoted was effectively to pmhNiPtyLuu-00415-00087856-00088015 echo the same point pmhNiPtyLuu-00416-00088016-00088143 although he was to stress the pmhNiPtyLuu-00417-00088144-00088359 significance of the embracing global pmhNiPtyLuu-00418-00088360-00088406 political pmhNiPtyLuu-00419-00088407-00088694 economy whose uncertainties reflected pmhNiPtyLuu-00420-00088695-00088823 whose uncertainties pmhNiPtyLuu-00421-00088824-00088975 reflected in the failure of copper pmhNiPtyLuu-00422-00088976-00089287 prices created greater rural dependency pmhNiPtyLuu-00423-00089288-00089494 this was manifested in the pattern of pmhNiPtyLuu-00424-00089495-00089655 urban rural interconnections pmhNiPtyLuu-00425-00089656-00089847 or in other words the structure of pmhNiPtyLuu-00426-00089848-00089967 social networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00427-00089968-00090238 and their inner dynamic and flows such pmhNiPtyLuu-00428-00090239-00090375 an understanding of course pmhNiPtyLuu-00429-00090376-00090582 had already been pursued by mitchell and pmhNiPtyLuu-00430-00090583-00090838 by others in the original social network pmhNiPtyLuu-00431-00090839-00091135 volume i know specifically al epstein's pmhNiPtyLuu-00432-00091136-00091271 republished article pmhNiPtyLuu-00433-00091272-00091606 and that of the work of harris jones pmhNiPtyLuu-00434-00091607-00091799 mitchell was to attack notions of pmhNiPtyLuu-00435-00091800-00091918 irreversible pmhNiPtyLuu-00436-00091919-00092118 linear change and approaches that were pmhNiPtyLuu-00437-00092119-00092326 wedded conceptions have changed pmhNiPtyLuu-00438-00092327-00092591 as necessarily transformational from one pmhNiPtyLuu-00439-00092592-00092718 kind pmhNiPtyLuu-00440-00092719-00093071 of systemic or structural mode of life pmhNiPtyLuu-00441-00093072-00093318 to another from community to association pmhNiPtyLuu-00442-00093319-00093462 for example pmhNiPtyLuu-00443-00093463-00093631 the african urban systems that he pmhNiPtyLuu-00444-00093632-00093855 studied indicated heterogeneous pmhNiPtyLuu-00445-00093856-00094094 or multiple possibilities governed by pmhNiPtyLuu-00446-00094095-00094231 situated logics pmhNiPtyLuu-00447-00094232-00094431 that were not to be essentially reduced pmhNiPtyLuu-00448-00094432-00094559 to an overarching pmhNiPtyLuu-00449-00094560-00094911 urban order or system these situated pmhNiPtyLuu-00450-00094912-00094999 logics pmhNiPtyLuu-00451-00095000-00095247 logics of practice were born out of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00452-00095248-00095423 problematics of existence pmhNiPtyLuu-00453-00095424-00095655 constituted out of specific context of pmhNiPtyLuu-00454-00095656-00095855 action both in urban space pmhNiPtyLuu-00455-00095856-00096087 and also transcending or cross-cutting pmhNiPtyLuu-00456-00096088-00096287 conventional rural urban denial pmhNiPtyLuu-00457-00096288-00096567 of the divides for instance i note at pmhNiPtyLuu-00458-00096568-00096647 this point pmhNiPtyLuu-00459-00096648-00096871 that mitchell was effectively contesting pmhNiPtyLuu-00460-00096872-00097062 overall assumptions of change pmhNiPtyLuu-00461-00097063-00097247 that for example modernity had a pmhNiPtyLuu-00462-00097248-00097518 particular shape or inexorable direction pmhNiPtyLuu-00463-00097519-00097767 of the durkheim mankind or of others pmhNiPtyLuu-00464-00097768-00097967 such as that of ferdinand attorneys pmhNiPtyLuu-00465-00097968-00098255 a shift from community to association pmhNiPtyLuu-00466-00098256-00098415 mitchell had a strong sense for the pmhNiPtyLuu-00467-00098416-00098479 innovative pmhNiPtyLuu-00468-00098480-00098750 as his classical study the keller dance pmhNiPtyLuu-00469-00098751-00098831 shows pmhNiPtyLuu-00470-00098832-00099047 and what and that what is conceived as pmhNiPtyLuu-00471-00099048-00099238 change had many different potential pmhNiPtyLuu-00472-00099239-00099326 trajectories pmhNiPtyLuu-00473-00099327-00099559 and did not have any natural determinant pmhNiPtyLuu-00474-00099560-00099750 course of the kind for example pmhNiPtyLuu-00475-00099751-00099935 that urban africans would necessarily pmhNiPtyLuu-00476-00099936-00100191 follow the european evolutionist course pmhNiPtyLuu-00477-00100192-00100406 or the program that colonialism was pmhNiPtyLuu-00478-00100407-00100550 trying to set for them pmhNiPtyLuu-00479-00100551-00100791 there was a liturian intimation in pmhNiPtyLuu-00480-00100792-00100991 mitchell's orientation pmhNiPtyLuu-00481-00100992-00101367 i'm suggesting it also has implications pmhNiPtyLuu-00482-00101368-00101559 for thinking about conventional terms pmhNiPtyLuu-00483-00101560-00101806 like we now live in a network society pmhNiPtyLuu-00484-00101807-00101999 and it's very different from when we pmhNiPtyLuu-00485-00102000-00102199 didn't have computers and so forth this pmhNiPtyLuu-00486-00102200-00102279 is pmhNiPtyLuu-00487-00102280-00102582 set up as rather problematic i think pmhNiPtyLuu-00488-00102583-00102902 which i will talk about a bit later pmhNiPtyLuu-00489-00102903-00103118 mitchell pursuing gutman's situational pmhNiPtyLuu-00490-00103119-00103382 idea that in numerous ways had its roots pmhNiPtyLuu-00491-00103383-00103623 in evans pritchard's classic newer pmhNiPtyLuu-00492-00103624-00103694 studies pmhNiPtyLuu-00493-00103695-00103918 was moving outside conventional pmhNiPtyLuu-00494-00103919-00104071 institutional analyses pmhNiPtyLuu-00495-00104072-00104302 in his urban world it was the potential pmhNiPtyLuu-00496-00104303-00104375 of gutman pmhNiPtyLuu-00497-00104376-00104630 that one from which gluckman retreated pmhNiPtyLuu-00498-00104631-00104782 mitchell's urban research pmhNiPtyLuu-00499-00104783-00104951 and his emphasis on continuities and pmhNiPtyLuu-00500-00104952-00105110 change was in fact pmhNiPtyLuu-00501-00105111-00105366 open to the network idea that's why he's pmhNiPtyLuu-00502-00105367-00105471 fascinated pmhNiPtyLuu-00503-00105472-00105678 when you hear him talking on the on on pmhNiPtyLuu-00504-00105679-00105854 the film that's why he's fascinated pmhNiPtyLuu-00505-00105855-00106127 by listening to john barnes and talking pmhNiPtyLuu-00506-00106128-00106166 and pmhNiPtyLuu-00507-00106167-00106471 and talking about that kind of pmhNiPtyLuu-00508-00106472-00106775 way of tracing our relationship his pmhNiPtyLuu-00509-00106776-00106831 interest pmhNiPtyLuu-00510-00106832-00107215 his interest in the network idea is is pmhNiPtyLuu-00511-00107216-00107423 is is really important for a number of pmhNiPtyLuu-00512-00107424-00107631 reasons methodological pmhNiPtyLuu-00513-00107632-00107902 methodologically networks was an idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00514-00107903-00108063 that further facilitated pmhNiPtyLuu-00515-00108064-00108343 an anthropology of complexity urban pmhNiPtyLuu-00516-00108344-00108415 processes pmhNiPtyLuu-00517-00108416-00108695 being one site for complexity complexity pmhNiPtyLuu-00518-00108696-00108823 and though in the view of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00519-00108824-00109071 manchester anthropology sociology of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00520-00109072-00109127 time pmhNiPtyLuu-00521-00109128-00109375 was a property of any social process and pmhNiPtyLuu-00522-00109376-00109510 certainly not to be marked pmhNiPtyLuu-00523-00109511-00109734 as the property of modernity necessarily pmhNiPtyLuu-00524-00109735-00109902 or of contemporary industrial pmhNiPtyLuu-00525-00109903-00110190 or post-industrial societies this i pmhNiPtyLuu-00526-00110191-00110351 stress was already the point pmhNiPtyLuu-00527-00110352-00110558 of situational analysis you can't pmhNiPtyLuu-00528-00110559-00110702 understand clyde on pmhNiPtyLuu-00529-00110703-00110934 networks unless you understand secure pmhNiPtyLuu-00530-00110935-00111071 situational analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00531-00111072-00111278 it's situational analysis that brought pmhNiPtyLuu-00532-00111279-00111431 him into contact with people pmhNiPtyLuu-00533-00111432-00111783 like goffman and anselm strauss that was pmhNiPtyLuu-00534-00111783-00112023 he was influenced as i was and many pmhNiPtyLuu-00535-00112024-00112102 others by pmhNiPtyLuu-00536-00112103-00112319 this guy sitting on my left uh with pmhNiPtyLuu-00537-00112320-00112463 ethno methodology and so pmhNiPtyLuu-00538-00112464-00112758 which is also uh something which i know pmhNiPtyLuu-00539-00112759-00112815 the tour pmhNiPtyLuu-00540-00112816-00113007 is interested in so there's little pmhNiPtyLuu-00541-00113008-00113239 background connections that we shouldn't pmhNiPtyLuu-00542-00113240-00113823 uh really forget about pmhNiPtyLuu-00543-00113824-00114063 anthropology conventionally focused on pmhNiPtyLuu-00544-00114064-00114183 the small scale pmhNiPtyLuu-00545-00114183-00114471 on the face to face a lot on that which pmhNiPtyLuu-00546-00114472-00114590 could be directly pmhNiPtyLuu-00547-00114591-00114863 observed situational analysis was pmhNiPtyLuu-00548-00114864-00114966 thoroughly concerned pmhNiPtyLuu-00549-00114967-00115175 with extending the anthropological pmhNiPtyLuu-00550-00115176-00115407 method based on the small scale pmhNiPtyLuu-00551-00115408-00115615 and the immediately observed into the pmhNiPtyLuu-00552-00115616-00115775 examination of processes pmhNiPtyLuu-00553-00115776-00116047 in contexts of industrialized and pmhNiPtyLuu-00554-00116048-00116151 industrialistic pmhNiPtyLuu-00555-00116152-00116375 or globalizing complexities another pmhNiPtyLuu-00556-00116376-00116607 reason for looking at the connection pmhNiPtyLuu-00557-00116608-00116919 in in mitchell's thought pmhNiPtyLuu-00558-00116920-00117134 how he gets from situational analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00559-00117135-00117295 into networks networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00560-00117296-00117519 extends further what he was working on pmhNiPtyLuu-00561-00117520-00117599 thinking about pmhNiPtyLuu-00562-00117600-00117910 in situational analysis the idea of pmhNiPtyLuu-00563-00117911-00118023 social network pmhNiPtyLuu-00564-00118024-00118183 was another way in which the pmhNiPtyLuu-00565-00118183-00118351 anthropology of complexity could be pmhNiPtyLuu-00566-00118352-00118431 conducted pmhNiPtyLuu-00567-00118432-00118583 and the value of an anthropological pmhNiPtyLuu-00568-00118583-00118807 perspective realized pmhNiPtyLuu-00569-00118808-00118999 this was all the more so because a pmhNiPtyLuu-00570-00119000-00119127 network idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00571-00119128-00119310 initially stressed the critical pmhNiPtyLuu-00572-00119311-00119478 importance of social relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00573-00119479-00119654 and the quality and structure of pmhNiPtyLuu-00574-00119655-00119902 relations here it might be seen pmhNiPtyLuu-00575-00119903-00120078 that the traditional anthropological pmhNiPtyLuu-00576-00120079-00120239 interest in kinship relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00577-00120240-00120527 is not unrelated to an interest in pmhNiPtyLuu-00578-00120528-00120895 social networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00579-00120896-00121183 i'm talking about relations because this pmhNiPtyLuu-00580-00121183-00121375 is the the big emphasis pmhNiPtyLuu-00581-00121376-00121686 in modern network analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00582-00121688-00121927 and it's that which was there at the pmhNiPtyLuu-00583-00121928-00122095 beginning and to some but pmhNiPtyLuu-00584-00122096-00122271 i'm going to also talk about how it was pmhNiPtyLuu-00585-00122272-00122551 to some extent also subverted pmhNiPtyLuu-00586-00122552-00122871 anyhow there is no accident that one of pmhNiPtyLuu-00587-00122872-00123031 the major innovators of the social pmhNiPtyLuu-00588-00123032-00123334 network idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00589-00123335-00123599 her is was bolted by her interest in pmhNiPtyLuu-00590-00123600-00123719 psychoanalysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00591-00123720-00123934 and her orientation accordingly pmhNiPtyLuu-00592-00123935-00124190 concentrated on the qualitative dynamic pmhNiPtyLuu-00593-00124191-00124478 of relations the alacrity with which pmhNiPtyLuu-00594-00124479-00124727 anthropologists took to the network idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00595-00124728-00124966 should not be overlooked including by pmhNiPtyLuu-00596-00124967-00125095 raymond firth pmhNiPtyLuu-00597-00125096-00125463 siegfried nardill adrian mayer etc pmhNiPtyLuu-00598-00125464-00125727 mayor extending on fifth was to develop pmhNiPtyLuu-00599-00125728-00125886 the notion of action sets pmhNiPtyLuu-00600-00125888-00126078 a more dynamic notion of the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00601-00126079-00126302 idea and made particularly relevant pmhNiPtyLuu-00602-00126303-00126566 to examining to examining the complexity pmhNiPtyLuu-00603-00126567-00126710 of caste hierarchies pmhNiPtyLuu-00604-00126711-00126927 and the potency of ties that overcame pmhNiPtyLuu-00605-00126928-00127039 past barriers pmhNiPtyLuu-00606-00127040-00127334 in the organization of political events pmhNiPtyLuu-00607-00127335-00127431 john barnes pmhNiPtyLuu-00608-00127432-00127623 took up the idea of networks in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00609-00127624-00127775 context of not norway pmhNiPtyLuu-00610-00127776-00128023 which to him seem to be devoid of the pmhNiPtyLuu-00611-00128024-00128110 institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-00612-00128111-00128319 and residential densities upon which pmhNiPtyLuu-00613-00128320-00128454 ordinary sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-00614-00128455-00128743 analysis depends there's really no pmhNiPtyLuu-00615-00128744-00128863 norwegian word pmhNiPtyLuu-00616-00128864-00129102 for urban settlement for town they they pmhNiPtyLuu-00617-00129103-00129175 go from pmhNiPtyLuu-00618-00129176-00129423 big cities to homesteads and it was a pmhNiPtyLuu-00619-00129424-00129575 homestead type of pmhNiPtyLuu-00620-00129576-00129878 society that john barnes encountered in pmhNiPtyLuu-00621-00129879-00130039 bremnes pmhNiPtyLuu-00622-00130040-00130399 in england uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00623-00130400-00130671 the the concept of the social uh uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00624-00130672-00130727 network pmhNiPtyLuu-00625-00130728-00130943 was a way of realizing the social pmhNiPtyLuu-00626-00130944-00131054 objectifying it pmhNiPtyLuu-00627-00131055-00131327 as it were and opening it to analysis a pmhNiPtyLuu-00628-00131328-00131454 way of seeing the social pmhNiPtyLuu-00629-00131455-00131719 where it didn't appear to be existing pmhNiPtyLuu-00630-00131720-00131919 and to realize the social pmhNiPtyLuu-00631-00131920-00132151 that was somehow being ignored by pmhNiPtyLuu-00632-00132152-00132239 certain types pmhNiPtyLuu-00633-00132240-00132599 of institutional perspective moreover pmhNiPtyLuu-00634-00132600-00132847 the social network concept by focusing pmhNiPtyLuu-00635-00132848-00133063 on concrete connections and relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00636-00133064-00133287 reveals social processes that either did pmhNiPtyLuu-00637-00133288-00133423 not fit earthquake pmhNiPtyLuu-00638-00133424-00133623 conventional formal categories of pmhNiPtyLuu-00639-00133624-00133766 sociological analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00640-00133767-00134135 or else were in fact positively obscured pmhNiPtyLuu-00641-00134136-00134463 by them social dynamics were revealed pmhNiPtyLuu-00642-00134464-00134607 through the network concept pmhNiPtyLuu-00643-00134608-00134878 that had theoretical potentially pmhNiPtyLuu-00644-00134879-00135071 theoretical potential force pmhNiPtyLuu-00645-00135072-00135359 beyond or outside contemporary formal pmhNiPtyLuu-00646-00135360-00135439 analytic pmhNiPtyLuu-00647-00135440-00135743 categories mitchell was impressed pmhNiPtyLuu-00648-00135744-00135895 with philip meyer's reference to pmhNiPtyLuu-00649-00135896-00136087 networks in the study of the different pmhNiPtyLuu-00650-00136088-00136175 responses pmhNiPtyLuu-00651-00136176-00136487 of africans to urbans to urban living in pmhNiPtyLuu-00652-00136488-00136631 east london south africa pmhNiPtyLuu-00653-00136632-00136871 in fact if you get you get a competitive pmhNiPtyLuu-00654-00136872-00136959 sense when you pmhNiPtyLuu-00655-00136960-00137343 listen when you look at clyde's film pmhNiPtyLuu-00656-00137344-00137559 he felt that he'd been flipped at the pmhNiPtyLuu-00657-00137560-00137727 post by uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00658-00137728-00137983 by a philippine he felt that philip pmhNiPtyLuu-00659-00137984-00138031 mayer pmhNiPtyLuu-00660-00138032-00138454 had really stolen the march on him pmhNiPtyLuu-00661-00138455-00138775 anyhow mayer's approach showed how pmhNiPtyLuu-00662-00138776-00138959 network relational structures pmhNiPtyLuu-00663-00138960-00139119 described to the network relevant pmhNiPtyLuu-00664-00139120-00139351 concepts of density and closure pmhNiPtyLuu-00665-00139352-00139575 account for the creation and persistence pmhNiPtyLuu-00666-00139576-00139711 of traditional value pmhNiPtyLuu-00667-00139712-00139951 that of the red porter across the urban pmhNiPtyLuu-00668-00139952-00140047 rural divide pmhNiPtyLuu-00669-00140048-00140383 of convention of conventional sociology pmhNiPtyLuu-00670-00140384-00140599 such values conflicted with a stress on pmhNiPtyLuu-00671-00140600-00140831 modernity or globalising value pmhNiPtyLuu-00672-00140832-00141063 within their possible population and the pmhNiPtyLuu-00673-00141064-00141231 development of a form of life pmhNiPtyLuu-00674-00141232-00141575 objected by their plorter themselves as pmhNiPtyLuu-00675-00141576-00141790 school porter evidence of distinct pmhNiPtyLuu-00676-00141791-00141919 network structure pmhNiPtyLuu-00677-00141920-00142183 open and loose-knit in granovette is now pmhNiPtyLuu-00678-00142184-00142295 famous terms pmhNiPtyLuu-00679-00142296-00142575 of uh terms the structure of school pmhNiPtyLuu-00680-00142576-00142702 tours or networks pmhNiPtyLuu-00681-00142703-00142951 demonstrated the strength of weak ties pmhNiPtyLuu-00682-00142952-00143175 open to innovative ideas and practice pmhNiPtyLuu-00683-00143176-00143375 of a globally modern thought that the pmhNiPtyLuu-00684-00143376-00143478 strong ties pmhNiPtyLuu-00685-00143479-00143902 of the red school resisted or that the pmhNiPtyLuu-00686-00143903-00144214 the red closer resisted further what i pmhNiPtyLuu-00687-00144215-00144254 think pmhNiPtyLuu-00688-00144255-00144447 interested mitchell with the structure pmhNiPtyLuu-00689-00144448-00144575 of network relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00690-00144576-00144790 did not really correlate with particular pmhNiPtyLuu-00691-00144791-00144895 forms of action pmhNiPtyLuu-00692-00144896-00145143 but had creative institutionalizing pmhNiPtyLuu-00693-00145144-00145214 effect pmhNiPtyLuu-00694-00145215-00145439 that is they gave rise to innovative pmhNiPtyLuu-00695-00145440-00145599 ideological potential pmhNiPtyLuu-00696-00145600-00145766 coupled with the capacity to pmhNiPtyLuu-00697-00145767-00145990 institutionally realize such pmhNiPtyLuu-00698-00145991-00146207 potential to create new forms of pmhNiPtyLuu-00699-00146208-00146302 institution pmhNiPtyLuu-00700-00146303-00146502 also in the sense the thing that was pmhNiPtyLuu-00701-00146503-00146607 fascinating pmhNiPtyLuu-00702-00146608-00146919 about elizabeth bott's initiative pmhNiPtyLuu-00703-00146920-00147199 mitchell's push on the network idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00704-00147200-00147319 might be conceived of pmhNiPtyLuu-00705-00147320-00147599 as an event in the delusion sense that pmhNiPtyLuu-00706-00147600-00147807 had many potential trajectories pmhNiPtyLuu-00707-00147808-00148047 the one i've been discussing what was pmhNiPtyLuu-00708-00148048-00148311 one it gave an anthropological emphasis pmhNiPtyLuu-00709-00148312-00148543 to the notion of value that all already pmhNiPtyLuu-00710-00148544-00148647 social relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00711-00148648-00148895 are imbued with value and as well are pmhNiPtyLuu-00712-00148896-00148959 vital in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00713-00148960-00149278 which in will is vital in in the pmhNiPtyLuu-00714-00149279-00149414 reproduction of relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00715-00149415-00149711 and the generation of new value added to pmhNiPtyLuu-00716-00149712-00149799 this of course pmhNiPtyLuu-00717-00149800-00149983 is the notion that the concept of pmhNiPtyLuu-00718-00149984-00150207 network was a dynamic one pmhNiPtyLuu-00719-00150208-00150447 it was in itself a process having to do pmhNiPtyLuu-00720-00150448-00150614 with the continual structuring pmhNiPtyLuu-00721-00150615-00150823 or restructuring of relations as a pmhNiPtyLuu-00722-00150824-00150983 function of the actions of the members pmhNiPtyLuu-00723-00150984-00151087 of the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00724-00151088-00151287 in association with this there was a pmhNiPtyLuu-00725-00151288-00151454 strongly implicit concern pmhNiPtyLuu-00726-00151455-00151639 with how network relations and the pmhNiPtyLuu-00727-00151640-00151847 overall structural form of the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00728-00151848-00152054 placed constraints on action or else pmhNiPtyLuu-00729-00152055-00152190 facilitated it pmhNiPtyLuu-00730-00152191-00152431 this is so in and through value and the pmhNiPtyLuu-00731-00152432-00152551 production of value pmhNiPtyLuu-00732-00152552-00152847 and is not independently of value the pmhNiPtyLuu-00733-00152848-00152943 critical point pmhNiPtyLuu-00734-00152944-00153151 that extends from this observation is pmhNiPtyLuu-00735-00153152-00153278 that the import pmhNiPtyLuu-00736-00153279-00153614 meaning and effect of network structure pmhNiPtyLuu-00737-00153615-00153807 network relations patterns of pmhNiPtyLuu-00738-00153808-00153951 connectivity etc pmhNiPtyLuu-00739-00153952-00154175 cannot be conceived independently of pmhNiPtyLuu-00740-00154176-00154326 values that they embed pmhNiPtyLuu-00741-00154327-00154590 or come to invent and their positioning pmhNiPtyLuu-00742-00154591-00154878 within larger ideological forces pmhNiPtyLuu-00743-00154879-00155143 nonetheless mitchell's network direction pmhNiPtyLuu-00744-00155144-00155335 and also the tour's actor network pmhNiPtyLuu-00745-00155336-00155390 approach pmhNiPtyLuu-00746-00155391-00155654 at least in its initial uh formulations pmhNiPtyLuu-00747-00155655-00155814 he's continually rethinking pmhNiPtyLuu-00748-00155815-00156214 by the way tended to overstress pmhNiPtyLuu-00749-00156215-00156607 patent structure at the expense of value pmhNiPtyLuu-00750-00156608-00156775 mitchell's network perspective was pmhNiPtyLuu-00751-00156776-00157014 powerfully socio-centric pmhNiPtyLuu-00752-00157015-00157247 yet it rested on individualist and pmhNiPtyLuu-00753-00157248-00157454 atomistic assertions and assumptions pmhNiPtyLuu-00754-00157455-00157671 that were subversive of some of its own pmhNiPtyLuu-00755-00157672-00157766 objectives pmhNiPtyLuu-00756-00157767-00158078 it embedded was open to open to value pmhNiPtyLuu-00757-00158079-00158151 assumptions pmhNiPtyLuu-00758-00158152-00158399 of a strongly ideological kind what pmhNiPtyLuu-00759-00158400-00158559 louis do more for example pmhNiPtyLuu-00760-00158560-00158783 and others such as mcpherson described pmhNiPtyLuu-00761-00158784-00158951 as the individual's value pmhNiPtyLuu-00762-00158952-00159199 for possessive individualism integral to pmhNiPtyLuu-00763-00159200-00159326 much euro-american pmhNiPtyLuu-00764-00159327-00159575 political and social thought and also pmhNiPtyLuu-00765-00159576-00159719 analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00766-00159720-00159926 the early days of mitchell's network pmhNiPtyLuu-00767-00159927-00160151 intervention were very much influenced pmhNiPtyLuu-00768-00160152-00160375 by developments in the social psychology pmhNiPtyLuu-00769-00160376-00160487 of small groups pmhNiPtyLuu-00770-00160488-00160783 and the study of communication nets kurt pmhNiPtyLuu-00771-00160784-00160919 levine's work pmhNiPtyLuu-00772-00160920-00161166 for example had been influential on the pmhNiPtyLuu-00773-00161167-00161263 work of another pmhNiPtyLuu-00774-00161264-00161590 well-known manchester person uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00775-00161591-00161951 uh victor turner pmhNiPtyLuu-00776-00161952-00162199 as also i think max duckman and others pmhNiPtyLuu-00777-00162200-00162319 of manchester pmhNiPtyLuu-00778-00162320-00162751 the concept of field will before pmhNiPtyLuu-00779-00162752-00163111 bourdieu incidentally was and relevant pmhNiPtyLuu-00780-00163112-00163247 to network analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00781-00163248-00163439 had some of its genesis both at pmhNiPtyLuu-00782-00163440-00163590 manchester uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00783-00163591-00163902 and in their reading of levine my own pmhNiPtyLuu-00784-00163903-00164014 cell room study pmhNiPtyLuu-00785-00164015-00164183 had been influenced by reading social pmhNiPtyLuu-00786-00164184-00164414 psychologists on communicative pmhNiPtyLuu-00787-00164415-00164702 processes of course it's obvious social pmhNiPtyLuu-00788-00164703-00164783 psychology pmhNiPtyLuu-00789-00164784-00165014 has a strong individual tendency and pmhNiPtyLuu-00790-00165015-00165207 this potential was exacerbated pmhNiPtyLuu-00791-00165208-00165407 in the sociological theories that many pmhNiPtyLuu-00792-00165408-00165551 of us were interested in pmhNiPtyLuu-00793-00165552-00165743 at the time examples were the pmhNiPtyLuu-00794-00165744-00165935 anthropologists frederick bath's pmhNiPtyLuu-00795-00165936-00166038 exchange theory pmhNiPtyLuu-00796-00166039-00166214 and the very similar perspectives pmhNiPtyLuu-00797-00166215-00166359 developed by homan's pmhNiPtyLuu-00798-00166360-00166631 and by peter blount the primacy given to pmhNiPtyLuu-00799-00166632-00166726 such approaches pmhNiPtyLuu-00800-00166727-00166895 in the development of the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00801-00166896-00167102 perspective not only subordinated pmhNiPtyLuu-00802-00167103-00167183 understanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00803-00167184-00167399 to a particular form of value one that pmhNiPtyLuu-00804-00167400-00167543 was far from culture pmhNiPtyLuu-00805-00167544-00167854 or ideologically free it reduced or it pmhNiPtyLuu-00806-00167855-00167902 also pmhNiPtyLuu-00807-00167903-00168143 reduced or edged out the consideration pmhNiPtyLuu-00808-00168144-00168319 of other forms of planning pmhNiPtyLuu-00809-00168320-00168623 network analysis was becoming perhaps pmhNiPtyLuu-00810-00168624-00168926 universalist in theoretical claim and pmhNiPtyLuu-00811-00168927-00169278 when what it embedded far too soon pmhNiPtyLuu-00812-00169279-00169543 the tour and law's at the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00813-00169544-00169614 approach pmhNiPtyLuu-00814-00169615-00169911 is explicitly anti-socio-centric as it pmhNiPtyLuu-00815-00169912-00170207 is anti-socially constructivist pmhNiPtyLuu-00816-00170208-00170431 as a mission as an initial strategy it pmhNiPtyLuu-00817-00170432-00170671 aims to exclude ideology and value pmhNiPtyLuu-00818-00170672-00170926 although as i've said this atomistic in pmhNiPtyLuu-00819-00170927-00171087 emphasis was a concern with the pmhNiPtyLuu-00820-00171088-00171207 formation of relations pmhNiPtyLuu-00821-00171208-00171407 but in a very different sense from that pmhNiPtyLuu-00822-00171408-00171575 of mitchell pmhNiPtyLuu-00823-00171576-00171831 le tour presents himself as a scientific pmhNiPtyLuu-00824-00171832-00171919 realist pmhNiPtyLuu-00825-00171920-00172166 oriented to suspend value radically in pmhNiPtyLuu-00826-00172167-00172343 the perhaps laudable effort pmhNiPtyLuu-00827-00172344-00172695 to extend to to expunge prejudgments pmhNiPtyLuu-00828-00172696-00172878 present in the philosophies and theories pmhNiPtyLuu-00829-00172879-00173054 concerning the orientations pmhNiPtyLuu-00830-00173055-00173311 of human being and its social nature he pmhNiPtyLuu-00831-00173312-00173390 positively pmhNiPtyLuu-00832-00173391-00174159 references ethnic methodology i read pmhNiPtyLuu-00833-00174160-00174343 social and psychological theories beg pmhNiPtyLuu-00834-00174344-00174535 the question of human nature pmhNiPtyLuu-00835-00174536-00174702 and the orders and processes of human pmhNiPtyLuu-00836-00174703-00174943 society they asserted too easily pmhNiPtyLuu-00837-00174944-00175190 the uniqueness of human beings and allah pmhNiPtyLuu-00838-00175191-00175343 durkheim of the rules pmhNiPtyLuu-00839-00175344-00175671 the uniqueness of its creation society pmhNiPtyLuu-00840-00175672-00175935 society and the social and humanity were pmhNiPtyLuu-00841-00175936-00176031 not essentially pmhNiPtyLuu-00842-00176032-00176238 or necessarily to be conceived as pmhNiPtyLuu-00843-00176239-00176454 conditioned by laws or processes pmhNiPtyLuu-00844-00176455-00176775 peculiar to themselves the tour refuses pmhNiPtyLuu-00845-00176776-00177014 the sociological metaphysics of the past pmhNiPtyLuu-00846-00177015-00177126 leading through the european pmhNiPtyLuu-00847-00177127-00177214 enlightenment pmhNiPtyLuu-00848-00177215-00177378 and is committed far from pmhNiPtyLuu-00849-00177379-00177526 unproblematically so pmhNiPtyLuu-00850-00177527-00177847 to a vision of science that he sees pmhNiPtyLuu-00851-00177848-00178143 as having broken free from early uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00852-00178144-00178326 metaphysical moorings pmhNiPtyLuu-00853-00178327-00178551 his vision is a post-structuralist or pmhNiPtyLuu-00854-00178552-00178775 post-humanist understanding of science pmhNiPtyLuu-00855-00178776-00178975 one of his powerfully delusion in pmhNiPtyLuu-00856-00178976-00179190 ambience that sees in the metaphysics of pmhNiPtyLuu-00857-00179191-00179271 the past pmhNiPtyLuu-00858-00179272-00179454 particularly the works of europe pmhNiPtyLuu-00859-00179455-00179590 enlightenment philosophers pmhNiPtyLuu-00860-00179591-00179838 the germans have an expanding scientific pmhNiPtyLuu-00861-00179839-00179926 understanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00862-00179927-00180151 of material forces that overthrow pmhNiPtyLuu-00863-00180152-00180447 previous dominant assumptions pmhNiPtyLuu-00864-00180448-00180775 and assertions the tours actor network pmhNiPtyLuu-00865-00180776-00180847 theory pmhNiPtyLuu-00866-00180848-00181102 celebrates the intentionality of things pmhNiPtyLuu-00867-00181103-00181183 objects pmhNiPtyLuu-00868-00181184-00181399 and structures outside that of human pmhNiPtyLuu-00869-00181400-00181614 being and stresses the investment pmhNiPtyLuu-00870-00181615-00181847 of human action in assemblages or pmhNiPtyLuu-00871-00181848-00182083 complex inter-networked arrangements pmhNiPtyLuu-00872-00182084-00182302 cross-crossing different modalities of pmhNiPtyLuu-00873-00182303-00182519 existence that engage dynamics pmhNiPtyLuu-00874-00182520-00182719 that are quite independent of human pmhNiPtyLuu-00875-00182720-00182871 consciousness pmhNiPtyLuu-00876-00182872-00183102 they're going to have effects on human pmhNiPtyLuu-00877-00183103-00183214 consciousness pmhNiPtyLuu-00878-00183215-00183414 the approach theoretically allows for pmhNiPtyLuu-00879-00183415-00183623 the discovery of the particular force of pmhNiPtyLuu-00880-00183624-00183702 the value pmhNiPtyLuu-00881-00183703-00183935 non-human as well as human without pmhNiPtyLuu-00882-00183936-00184023 prejudging pmhNiPtyLuu-00883-00184024-00184287 what kind of values may be at work even pmhNiPtyLuu-00884-00184288-00184454 though le tour allows for the importance pmhNiPtyLuu-00885-00184455-00184519 of value pmhNiPtyLuu-00886-00184520-00184735 however this is to be defined this is pmhNiPtyLuu-00887-00184736-00184926 nonetheless reduced in his work pmhNiPtyLuu-00888-00184927-00185126 this is specific this is facilitated i pmhNiPtyLuu-00889-00185127-00185278 think paradoxically pmhNiPtyLuu-00890-00185279-00185575 in the tour's particular de-centering of pmhNiPtyLuu-00891-00185576-00185671 both the human pmhNiPtyLuu-00892-00185672-00185878 and of society and the dynamics of pmhNiPtyLuu-00893-00185879-00186038 social constructivism pmhNiPtyLuu-00894-00186039-00186238 such i think is compounded by its pmhNiPtyLuu-00895-00186239-00186454 overvaluation of science and scientific pmhNiPtyLuu-00896-00186455-00186550 observation pmhNiPtyLuu-00897-00186551-00186863 is operating independently of value pmhNiPtyLuu-00898-00186864-00187054 i comment at this point that although pmhNiPtyLuu-00899-00187055-00187207 mitchell's on the tour's approaches are pmhNiPtyLuu-00900-00187208-00187311 distinct pmhNiPtyLuu-00901-00187312-00187502 the tourists source much of that to pmhNiPtyLuu-00902-00187503-00187678 which mitchell was committed pmhNiPtyLuu-00903-00187679-00187895 they share nonetheless a commitment to pmhNiPtyLuu-00904-00187896-00188007 science pmhNiPtyLuu-00905-00188008-00188223 mitchell saw mathematics as holding out pmhNiPtyLuu-00906-00188224-00188359 a distinct possibility pmhNiPtyLuu-00907-00188360-00188583 for the development of sociology as a pmhNiPtyLuu-00908-00188584-00188783 truly scientific discipline pmhNiPtyLuu-00909-00188784-00189007 the idea of social network hoping for pmhNiPtyLuu-00910-00189008-00189159 mitchell the potential for the pmhNiPtyLuu-00911-00189160-00189223 achievement pmhNiPtyLuu-00912-00189224-00189454 of a synthesis between observational pmhNiPtyLuu-00913-00189455-00189559 qualitative work pmhNiPtyLuu-00914-00189560-00189726 which he insisted was thoroughly pmhNiPtyLuu-00915-00189727-00190135 scientific in itself pmhNiPtyLuu-00916-00190136-00190335 le tour undoubtedly would agree pmhNiPtyLuu-00917-00190336-00190559 anthropology and its fieldwork idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00918-00190560-00190775 was initiated to a large extent by pmhNiPtyLuu-00919-00190776-00190943 anthropologists of course pmhNiPtyLuu-00920-00190944-00191199 who who were committed to science uh pmhNiPtyLuu-00921-00191200-00191287 malosky pmhNiPtyLuu-00922-00191288-00191526 and france boas for example of trained pmhNiPtyLuu-00923-00191527-00191654 physicists pmhNiPtyLuu-00924-00191655-00191807 the findings of such field work for pmhNiPtyLuu-00925-00191808-00191959 mitchell could be integrated with pmhNiPtyLuu-00926-00191960-00192047 mathematical pmhNiPtyLuu-00927-00192048-00192199 and statistical perspectives and pmhNiPtyLuu-00928-00192200-00192383 techniques each expanding pmhNiPtyLuu-00929-00192384-00192614 their potential through the the other pmhNiPtyLuu-00930-00192615-00192750 the idea pmhNiPtyLuu-00931-00192751-00192902 in mitchell's notion of the social pmhNiPtyLuu-00932-00192903-00193190 network recited the opportunity pmhNiPtyLuu-00933-00193191-00193463 to realize the benefits of two distinct pmhNiPtyLuu-00934-00193464-00193543 scientific pmhNiPtyLuu-00935-00193544-00193831 approaches and to place them into into pmhNiPtyLuu-00936-00193832-00193950 into complementary pmhNiPtyLuu-00937-00193951-00194238 relation uh the observational and the pmhNiPtyLuu-00938-00194239-00194407 experiential at one point pmhNiPtyLuu-00939-00194408-00194711 and the the more abstract conceptual pmhNiPtyLuu-00940-00194712-00194926 mathematical organization pmhNiPtyLuu-00941-00194927-00195135 which was great concern to develop pmhNiPtyLuu-00942-00195136-00195295 mathematical techniques pmhNiPtyLuu-00943-00195296-00195478 now i must emphasize that the the field pmhNiPtyLuu-00944-00195479-00195671 work was not pmhNiPtyLuu-00945-00195672-00195902 of the the sort of social survey kind in pmhNiPtyLuu-00946-00195903-00196054 in in mitchell's pmhNiPtyLuu-00947-00196055-00196287 notion he emphasized the logical pmhNiPtyLuu-00948-00196288-00196359 position pmhNiPtyLuu-00949-00196360-00196695 of the experiential the pmhNiPtyLuu-00950-00196696-00196847 missile's great concern to develop pmhNiPtyLuu-00951-00196848-00197007 mathematical techniques of network pmhNiPtyLuu-00952-00197008-00197087 analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00953-00197088-00197311 was always in the effort to incorporate pmhNiPtyLuu-00954-00197312-00197414 observed material pmhNiPtyLuu-00955-00197415-00197623 and to extend the possibilities of its pmhNiPtyLuu-00956-00197624-00197759 interpretation pmhNiPtyLuu-00957-00197760-00197966 in my early years of participation with pmhNiPtyLuu-00958-00197967-00198199 him in his network enthusiasm pmhNiPtyLuu-00959-00198200-00198399 i will remember both his hunger for pmhNiPtyLuu-00960-00198400-00198519 empirical material pmhNiPtyLuu-00961-00198520-00198783 on live situations and his objective to pmhNiPtyLuu-00962-00198784-00198919 see if other insights pmhNiPtyLuu-00963-00198920-00199119 could be derived from it through pmhNiPtyLuu-00964-00199120-00199366 varieties of mathematical analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00965-00199367-00199566 both he and kingsley garvin the name not pmhNiPtyLuu-00966-00199567-00199831 mentioned much pmhNiPtyLuu-00967-00199832-00200126 in fact experimented very very strongly pmhNiPtyLuu-00968-00200127-00200278 with uh with graph theory pmhNiPtyLuu-00969-00200279-00200463 the things have since of course gone pmhNiPtyLuu-00970-00200464-00200638 well beyond that pmhNiPtyLuu-00971-00200639-00200814 but the synthesis of the observational pmhNiPtyLuu-00972-00200815-00201047 and mathematical is still a way off pmhNiPtyLuu-00973-00201048-00201223 although major efforts to achieve this pmhNiPtyLuu-00974-00201224-00201438 are apparent many of the people working pmhNiPtyLuu-00975-00201439-00201663 in that direction are here pmhNiPtyLuu-00976-00201664-00201887 i suggested in some ways the undoubted pmhNiPtyLuu-00977-00201888-00201966 advances pmhNiPtyLuu-00978-00201967-00202183 on the mathematical side of the network pmhNiPtyLuu-00979-00202184-00202359 approach has outweighed pmhNiPtyLuu-00980-00202360-00202631 the observational side this in turn has pmhNiPtyLuu-00981-00202632-00202838 accentuated the inattention to value pmhNiPtyLuu-00982-00202839-00203078 and facilitated forms of abstraction or pmhNiPtyLuu-00983-00203079-00203247 removal from the ground of action pmhNiPtyLuu-00984-00203248-00203454 that was the initial aim of network pmhNiPtyLuu-00985-00203455-00203695 analysis to address pmhNiPtyLuu-00986-00203696-00203943 to summarize mitchell and the tour have pmhNiPtyLuu-00987-00203944-00204102 very different approaches pmhNiPtyLuu-00988-00204103-00204271 mitchell would have seen the tour's pmhNiPtyLuu-00989-00204272-00204423 argument as mere metaphor pmhNiPtyLuu-00990-00204424-00204871 and history and pmhNiPtyLuu-00991-00204871-00205046 mitchell's position as possibly pmhNiPtyLuu-00992-00205048-00205234 accentuating the difficulties of pmhNiPtyLuu-00993-00205235-00205351 socio-centrism pmhNiPtyLuu-00994-00205352-00205598 to which he is opposed in certain ways pmhNiPtyLuu-00995-00205600-00205679 as i see it pmhNiPtyLuu-00996-00205680-00205831 the development of the mathematical pmhNiPtyLuu-00997-00205832-00206023 directions in network analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-00998-00206023-00206231 that mrs mitchell's direction has broken pmhNiPtyLuu-00999-00206232-00206403 well beyond the boundaries of pmhNiPtyLuu-01000-00206404-00206534 sociocentrism pmhNiPtyLuu-01001-00206535-00206751 network analysis have been going in the pmhNiPtyLuu-01002-00206752-00206862 tours direction pmhNiPtyLuu-01003-00206863-00207110 quite regardless of the tour is perhaps pmhNiPtyLuu-01004-00207111-00207310 intrinsic to the nature of mathematics pmhNiPtyLuu-01005-00207311-00207534 itself i think of the lisa pmhNiPtyLuu-01006-00207535-00207734 belotti stuff that i've recently read pmhNiPtyLuu-01007-00207735-00207886 which certainly indicates that pmhNiPtyLuu-01008-00207887-00208158 and others in the room but my broader pmhNiPtyLuu-01009-00208159-00208214 point pmhNiPtyLuu-01010-00208215-00208423 is that for distinct reasons the two pmhNiPtyLuu-01011-00208423-00208575 approaches have undervalued pmhNiPtyLuu-01012-00208576-00208806 the importance of value or in particular pmhNiPtyLuu-01013-00208807-00208879 instances pmhNiPtyLuu-01014-00208880-00209151 the relatively the the relative lack of pmhNiPtyLuu-01015-00209152-00209294 a critical examination pmhNiPtyLuu-01016-00209296-00209590 of value assumptions guiding analysis to pmhNiPtyLuu-01017-00209591-00209662 some extent pmhNiPtyLuu-01018-00209663-00209927 that this has also involved a neglect of pmhNiPtyLuu-01019-00209928-00210094 the institutional dimensions pmhNiPtyLuu-01020-00210096-00210406 of human practices in in in the bid pmhNiPtyLuu-01021-00210407-00210646 to sort of break out cycling perhaps pmhNiPtyLuu-01022-00210648-00210839 this is a problem with their atomism pmhNiPtyLuu-01023-00210840-00211151 often highly reductive the tour presents pmhNiPtyLuu-01024-00211152-00211334 an entirely distinct genealogy pmhNiPtyLuu-01025-00211335-00211542 for his actor network approach from that pmhNiPtyLuu-01026-00211544-00211734 of mitchell he dismisses the pmhNiPtyLuu-01027-00211735-00211927 anthropological and sociological pmhNiPtyLuu-01028-00211928-00212110 heritage of dirk arnold pmhNiPtyLuu-01029-00212111-00212342 in preference for gabrielle whom pmhNiPtyLuu-01030-00212344-00212423 the former pmhNiPtyLuu-01031-00212423-00212687 disparaged the emphasis is upon the pmhNiPtyLuu-01032-00212688-00212751 elements pmhNiPtyLuu-01033-00212752-00212951 from out of which the heterogeneous and pmhNiPtyLuu-01034-00212952-00213103 shifting structure formed pmhNiPtyLuu-01035-00213104-00213303 are continually becoming assembled and pmhNiPtyLuu-01036-00213304-00213406 reassembled pmhNiPtyLuu-01037-00213407-00213606 the stress is on emergence something pmhNiPtyLuu-01038-00213607-00213758 that mitchell was interested in pmhNiPtyLuu-01039-00213759-00213934 but which did not require a total pmhNiPtyLuu-01040-00213935-00214175 metaphysical overall in his case pmhNiPtyLuu-01041-00214176-00214415 and multiplicity along delusion and pmhNiPtyLuu-01042-00214416-00214582 bergsonian lines pmhNiPtyLuu-01043-00214583-00214871 following delus the tourist orientation pmhNiPtyLuu-01044-00214871-00214982 is rhizome pmhNiPtyLuu-01045-00214983-00215239 a completely descented and decentring pmhNiPtyLuu-01046-00215240-00215327 perspective pmhNiPtyLuu-01047-00215328-00215503 and on the surface it would seem pmhNiPtyLuu-01048-00215504-00215751 entirely appropriate not just to litura pmhNiPtyLuu-01049-00215752-00215991 but also to mitchell also there's pmhNiPtyLuu-01050-00215992-00216071 something there pmhNiPtyLuu-01051-00216071-00216223 which is very relevant for network pmhNiPtyLuu-01052-00216223-00216391 analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-01053-00216392-00216582 but the alert did not exclude the pmhNiPtyLuu-01054-00216583-00216703 institution pmhNiPtyLuu-01055-00216704-00216951 uh if distinct is nonetheless strongly pmhNiPtyLuu-01056-00216952-00217031 implicated pmhNiPtyLuu-01057-00217032-00217215 in his notion of the tree and the pmhNiPtyLuu-01058-00217216-00217479 hierarchy is how the rhizome pmhNiPtyLuu-01059-00217480-00217767 uh the sort of extra institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-01060-00217767-00217927 extraordinary processes pmhNiPtyLuu-01061-00217928-00218206 uh are intertwining with tree like arbor pmhNiPtyLuu-01062-00218207-00218263 real pmhNiPtyLuu-01063-00218264-00218503 centered processes that is vital to the pmhNiPtyLuu-01064-00218504-00218598 vital life pmhNiPtyLuu-01065-00218600-00218791 of the lord's approach it is the pmhNiPtyLuu-01066-00218792-00219023 atomistic and rhizominic emphasis of le pmhNiPtyLuu-01067-00219023-00219079 tour pmhNiPtyLuu-01068-00219080-00219271 and some of his full followers and to pmhNiPtyLuu-01069-00219271-00219431 the atomistic starting point pmhNiPtyLuu-01070-00219432-00219639 the mitchell that may exacerbate the pmhNiPtyLuu-01071-00219640-00219767 inattention to value pmhNiPtyLuu-01072-00219767-00220094 in the two approaches manual emanuel pmhNiPtyLuu-01073-00220096-00220351 de lander whose perspective is similar pmhNiPtyLuu-01074-00220352-00220446 to the tourists pmhNiPtyLuu-01075-00220448-00220642 in its social realism and pmhNiPtyLuu-01076-00220644-00220775 anti-constructivism pmhNiPtyLuu-01077-00220776-00221015 exemplifies the risks of an activistic pmhNiPtyLuu-01078-00221016-00221119 orientation pmhNiPtyLuu-01079-00221119-00221471 despite a concern to avoid reductionism pmhNiPtyLuu-01080-00221471-00221687 the lander's universalist objective pmhNiPtyLuu-01081-00221688-00221871 refuses a concern with value pmhNiPtyLuu-01082-00221871-00222071 at some cost and compounds the pmhNiPtyLuu-01083-00222071-00222279 difficulty of his atoms pmhNiPtyLuu-01084-00222280-00222471 he refuses the possibility that the pmhNiPtyLuu-01085-00222471-00222582 values that are built pmhNiPtyLuu-01086-00222583-00222815 willy-nilly into his model may be pmhNiPtyLuu-01087-00222816-00222942 critical for the for pmhNiPtyLuu-01088-00222944-00223198 the potency of the very organizational pmhNiPtyLuu-01089-00223200-00223327 assembly pmhNiPtyLuu-01090-00223328-00223631 with which he is concerned he states i pmhNiPtyLuu-01091-00223632-00223775 know pmhNiPtyLuu-01092-00223776-00224015 that his approach i quote him starting pmhNiPtyLuu-01093-00224016-00224103 at the personal pmhNiPtyLuu-01094-00224104-00224406 and even some personal scale climbs up pmhNiPtyLuu-01095-00224407-00224567 one scale at the time pmhNiPtyLuu-01096-00224567-00224815 all the way to territorial states and pmhNiPtyLuu-01097-00224816-00224903 beyond pmhNiPtyLuu-01098-00224904-00225191 the lander only admits no effort to take pmhNiPtyLuu-01099-00225192-00225358 cultural values into account pmhNiPtyLuu-01100-00225359-00225575 in his scheme asserting his beliefs pmhNiPtyLuu-01101-00225576-00225751 approach that some of the properties of pmhNiPtyLuu-01102-00225752-00225871 social assemblages pmhNiPtyLuu-01103-00225871-00226071 such as interpersonal networks or pmhNiPtyLuu-01104-00226071-00226246 institutional organizations pmhNiPtyLuu-01105-00226248-00226534 remain approximately invariant across pmhNiPtyLuu-01106-00226535-00226655 different cultures pmhNiPtyLuu-01107-00226656-00227023 to me this is quite an extraordinary pmhNiPtyLuu-01108-00227023-00227334 statement the lander and the tour pmhNiPtyLuu-01109-00227335-00227519 are concerned with the universal pmhNiPtyLuu-01110-00227519-00227639 potentializing pmhNiPtyLuu-01111-00227640-00227887 over one sheriff okay sorry i will do pmhNiPtyLuu-01112-00227888-00228087 that pmhNiPtyLuu-01113-00228088-00228415 later after network orientation uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01114-00228416-00228631 as the ladders is not limited to pmhNiPtyLuu-01115-00228632-00228846 contemporary euro-american systems pmhNiPtyLuu-01116-00228848-00229151 the tour especially asserts pmhNiPtyLuu-01117-00229152-00229294 its significance as a form of pmhNiPtyLuu-01118-00229296-00229455 understanding that is pmhNiPtyLuu-01119-00229456-00229679 that is valid regardless of time and pmhNiPtyLuu-01120-00229680-00229782 place pmhNiPtyLuu-01121-00229783-00229998 that is the idea of social network is pmhNiPtyLuu-01122-00230000-00230087 not important pmhNiPtyLuu-01123-00230088-00230287 because we are now in a globalized pmhNiPtyLuu-01124-00230288-00230423 networking society pmhNiPtyLuu-01125-00230423-00230687 as the kind of scholars such as castel's pmhNiPtyLuu-01126-00230688-00230798 have stressed pmhNiPtyLuu-01127-00230800-00231015 network approaches are not key because pmhNiPtyLuu-01128-00231016-00231127 we are in a modern pmhNiPtyLuu-01129-00231128-00231351 digitalizing era in which networks of pmhNiPtyLuu-01130-00231352-00231558 the major descriptive metaphor pmhNiPtyLuu-01131-00231559-00231767 the tour and also mitchell conceived pmhNiPtyLuu-01132-00231767-00231942 with networks as a new pmhNiPtyLuu-01133-00231944-00232191 and important way to examine the pmhNiPtyLuu-01134-00232192-00232358 processes in which humanity pmhNiPtyLuu-01135-00232359-00232591 is continually realizing itself and its pmhNiPtyLuu-01136-00232592-00232671 projects pmhNiPtyLuu-01137-00232671-00232839 in the heterogeneous context and pmhNiPtyLuu-01138-00232840-00233063 situations of human activity pmhNiPtyLuu-01139-00233064-00233358 wherever and whenever the idea of social pmhNiPtyLuu-01140-00233359-00233479 network therefore pmhNiPtyLuu-01141-00233480-00233742 is not relevant merely because it is a pmhNiPtyLuu-01142-00233744-00233855 dominant metaphor pmhNiPtyLuu-01143-00233856-00234087 in largely western defined maternities pmhNiPtyLuu-01144-00234088-00234206 but has general pmhNiPtyLuu-01145-00234207-00234463 sociological significance if it is to pmhNiPtyLuu-01146-00234464-00234575 achieve this then pmhNiPtyLuu-01147-00234576-00234934 i consider that the issue of value as pmhNiPtyLuu-01148-00234935-00235134 well as institutional dynamics pmhNiPtyLuu-01149-00235135-00235342 needs to be carefully addressed in pmhNiPtyLuu-01150-00235344-00235487 network analysis pmhNiPtyLuu-01151-00235488-00235791 now i'll make big having said all that pmhNiPtyLuu-01152-00235792-00235879 audio pmhNiPtyLuu-01153-00235880-00236191 bluster i'm going to move pmhNiPtyLuu-01154-00236192-00236431 now very quickly to illustrate some of pmhNiPtyLuu-01155-00236432-00236534 these points pmhNiPtyLuu-01156-00236535-00236846 if you can bear with me um pmhNiPtyLuu-01157-00236848-00237134 to india and attempt to bring the tour pmhNiPtyLuu-01158-00237135-00237263 and mitchell together pmhNiPtyLuu-01159-00237264-00237542 in relation to process that appear very pmhNiPtyLuu-01160-00237544-00237615 traditional pmhNiPtyLuu-01161-00237616-00237998 but of course a thoroughly modern pmhNiPtyLuu-01162-00238000-00238303 i have just referred uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01163-00238304-00238598 to the allergist concepts of the tree pmhNiPtyLuu-01164-00238600-00238655 and the pmhNiPtyLuu-01165-00238656-00238887 riser if i can have my throat in my pmhNiPtyLuu-01166-00238888-00238982 first two pmhNiPtyLuu-01167-00238983-00239310 photographs uh i can pmhNiPtyLuu-01168-00239311-00239527 show you something just to give you a pmhNiPtyLuu-01169-00239528-00239623 quick image pmhNiPtyLuu-01170-00239623-00239942 that is a major deity in a place i'll pmhNiPtyLuu-01171-00239944-00240031 talk about pmhNiPtyLuu-01172-00240032-00240334 uh called bhagavati a form of khan pmhNiPtyLuu-01173-00240335-00240719 she is the totality she is in a sense pmhNiPtyLuu-01174-00240719-00241023 the ordered center of all forms of pmhNiPtyLuu-01175-00241023-00241439 uh of of social existence pmhNiPtyLuu-01176-00241440-00241767 she is the tree in fact in a delusion pmhNiPtyLuu-01177-00241767-00241830 sense pmhNiPtyLuu-01178-00241831-00242142 thoroughly materialized in symbolic pmhNiPtyLuu-01179-00242144-00242463 form now the next point uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01180-00242464-00242791 this is a guy called uh mutterpal a form pmhNiPtyLuu-01181-00242792-00243119 of uh the mending and if i could pmhNiPtyLuu-01182-00243119-00243542 call it that way shiva uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01183-00243544-00243767 you haven't i can't see it clearly here pmhNiPtyLuu-01184-00243767-00243887 but his headdress pmhNiPtyLuu-01185-00243888-00244198 is full of uh herbs and uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01186-00244200-00244430 grasses and various sorts of things he's pmhNiPtyLuu-01187-00244431-00244646 a he's a rhizomet figure actually pmhNiPtyLuu-01188-00244648-00244910 and indeed he's been invented in fairly pmhNiPtyLuu-01189-00244911-00245023 recent years pmhNiPtyLuu-01190-00245023-00245230 uh in carroll the place i'll be talking pmhNiPtyLuu-01191-00245231-00245406 about pmhNiPtyLuu-01192-00245407-00245646 and it's part and the companies people pmhNiPtyLuu-01193-00245648-00245798 who are on migration pmhNiPtyLuu-01194-00245800-00246310 uh going to the cities he protects pmhNiPtyLuu-01195-00246311-00246598 shops and businesses he projects he pmhNiPtyLuu-01196-00246600-00246694 protects pmhNiPtyLuu-01197-00246696-00246942 persons in the fragility of the new pmhNiPtyLuu-01198-00246944-00247039 relationships pmhNiPtyLuu-01199-00247040-00247246 in which they enter into he's in fact a pmhNiPtyLuu-01200-00247248-00247375 symbolic form pmhNiPtyLuu-01201-00247376-00247719 of the riser and is in relationship pmhNiPtyLuu-01202-00247719-00248071 to the figure of bhagavati pmhNiPtyLuu-01203-00248071-00248375 or khan both pmhNiPtyLuu-01204-00248376-00248694 these these these people uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01205-00248696-00249142 i say uh are actually um pmhNiPtyLuu-01206-00249144-00249471 forms of deity called pmhNiPtyLuu-01207-00249471-00249919 tam t-e-w-y-a-m means deity pmhNiPtyLuu-01208-00249919-00250230 and they are pmhNiPtyLuu-01209-00250231-00250582 the center of complex ritual practices pmhNiPtyLuu-01210-00250583-00250951 which go throughout the northern part pmhNiPtyLuu-01211-00250952-00251319 of uh of caroline and balmy and over pmhNiPtyLuu-01212-00251319-00251423 into karnataka pmhNiPtyLuu-01213-00251423-00251639 involving 25 to 30 million people pmhNiPtyLuu-01214-00251640-00251903 they're not smaller pmhNiPtyLuu-01215-00251904-00252103 so let me if i can hang with me for a pmhNiPtyLuu-01216-00252104-00252319 bit longer let me pmhNiPtyLuu-01217-00252319-00252623 just give you a bit of ethnography and pmhNiPtyLuu-01218-00252623-00252903 move into the value stuff and consider a pmhNiPtyLuu-01219-00252904-00253063 bit of that and then i'll pmhNiPtyLuu-01220-00253064-00253510 shut it i've been recently working on pmhNiPtyLuu-01221-00253511-00253815 ritual materials in northern malabar in pmhNiPtyLuu-01222-00253816-00253879 the state pmhNiPtyLuu-01223-00253880-00254142 of kerala india this is a relatively pmhNiPtyLuu-01224-00254144-00254230 poor area pmhNiPtyLuu-01225-00254231-00254503 the regional politically dominated by pmhNiPtyLuu-01226-00254504-00254639 nayar communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01227-00254640-00254815 noted for their matrilineal kinship pmhNiPtyLuu-01228-00254816-00255103 practices in in a larger cultural field pmhNiPtyLuu-01229-00255104-00255287 involving other castes and ethnicities pmhNiPtyLuu-01230-00255288-00255479 often muslim many of whom are pmhNiPtyLuu-01231-00255480-00255903 also matrilineal the near denia actually pmhNiPtyLuu-01232-00255904-00255927 a pmhNiPtyLuu-01233-00255928-00256239 classic society first studied in pmhNiPtyLuu-01234-00256240-00256463 the early part of the last century and pmhNiPtyLuu-01235-00256464-00256639 very important for the development pmhNiPtyLuu-01236-00256640-00256967 of anthropological work generally pmhNiPtyLuu-01237-00256967-00257246 the nia however are a classic example of pmhNiPtyLuu-01238-00257248-00257423 a particular extreme pmhNiPtyLuu-01239-00257423-00257630 matrilineal system which gained pmhNiPtyLuu-01240-00257631-00257727 significance pmhNiPtyLuu-01241-00257728-00258046 in india-wide terms which is largely pmhNiPtyLuu-01242-00258048-00258334 a system which of kinship relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01243-00258335-00258398 which are pmhNiPtyLuu-01244-00258400-00258630 predominantly patellini there are many pmhNiPtyLuu-01245-00258631-00258855 different nia communities or subcasts pmhNiPtyLuu-01246-00258856-00259127 and these are arranged in a hierarchical pmhNiPtyLuu-01247-00259128-00259310 order pmhNiPtyLuu-01248-00259311-00259558 in terms of the ritually mediated values pmhNiPtyLuu-01249-00259559-00259775 of purity and pollution pmhNiPtyLuu-01250-00259776-00260006 there's such ritual value in this pmhNiPtyLuu-01251-00260007-00260151 hierarchal system pmhNiPtyLuu-01252-00260152-00260358 hierarchy incidentally is a term which pmhNiPtyLuu-01253-00260359-00260494 is necessarily in pmhNiPtyLuu-01254-00260496-00260734 in my youtube is not to be reduced to pmhNiPtyLuu-01255-00260735-00260919 the socio-economic and political pmhNiPtyLuu-01256-00260919-00261179 uh terms of hierarchy in new or american pmhNiPtyLuu-01257-00261180-00261303 conceptualization pmhNiPtyLuu-01258-00261304-00261527 and relevant for example to pmhNiPtyLuu-01259-00261528-00261671 understanding systems pmhNiPtyLuu-01260-00261671-00261982 of class and stratification but as a pmhNiPtyLuu-01261-00261983-00262167 ritual system hierarchy is a ritual pmhNiPtyLuu-01262-00262168-00262263 system based pmhNiPtyLuu-01263-00262264-00262487 on the dynamic of the relation between pmhNiPtyLuu-01264-00262488-00262687 purity and pollution pmhNiPtyLuu-01265-00262688-00262975 is nonetheless significant in terms of pmhNiPtyLuu-01266-00262976-00263055 its political pmhNiPtyLuu-01267-00263056-00263351 and economic effects if i was to take pmhNiPtyLuu-01268-00263352-00263495 longer period i would say that what is pmhNiPtyLuu-01269-00263496-00263647 very interesting about india pmhNiPtyLuu-01270-00263648-00263910 which has had very little historically pmhNiPtyLuu-01271-00263911-00263999 powerful pmhNiPtyLuu-01272-00264000-00264223 state formation it's been able to in pmhNiPtyLuu-01273-00264224-00264351 fact organize pmhNiPtyLuu-01274-00264352-00264606 large sets of people and to determine pmhNiPtyLuu-01275-00264607-00264734 their economy and pmhNiPtyLuu-01276-00264735-00265006 poverty just in terms of relations and pmhNiPtyLuu-01277-00265007-00265071 in terms pmhNiPtyLuu-01278-00265072-00265375 of this ritual structure of uh purity pmhNiPtyLuu-01279-00265376-00265447 and pollution pmhNiPtyLuu-01280-00265448-00265743 it's that which even resists marxist pmhNiPtyLuu-01281-00265744-00265806 efforts pmhNiPtyLuu-01282-00265807-00266151 by the central governments to in fact pmhNiPtyLuu-01283-00266152-00266351 kill off various kinds of caste pmhNiPtyLuu-01284-00266352-00266591 prejudice another question pmhNiPtyLuu-01285-00266592-00266751 the marked resilience of religious and pmhNiPtyLuu-01286-00266752-00266919 ritual values in india pmhNiPtyLuu-01287-00266920-00267127 the fact that is deeply embedded in pmhNiPtyLuu-01288-00267128-00267230 everyday social pmhNiPtyLuu-01289-00267231-00267527 interaction and reproduced through it pmhNiPtyLuu-01290-00267528-00267663 may partly account pmhNiPtyLuu-01291-00267664-00267927 for the resilience of religious and pmhNiPtyLuu-01292-00267928-00268055 ritual forms pmhNiPtyLuu-01293-00268056-00268271 it might be suggested that such value pmhNiPtyLuu-01294-00268272-00268487 generates particular kinds of what might pmhNiPtyLuu-01295-00268488-00268582 be described pmhNiPtyLuu-01296-00268583-00268806 as network patterns of varying degrees pmhNiPtyLuu-01297-00268807-00268903 of openness pmhNiPtyLuu-01298-00268904-00269247 and closure of density pmhNiPtyLuu-01299-00269248-00269534 etc and of course particular import to pmhNiPtyLuu-01300-00269535-00269671 kinds of interconnection pmhNiPtyLuu-01301-00269672-00269927 and rhizomic extension which maintain pmhNiPtyLuu-01302-00269928-00270055 relevance pmhNiPtyLuu-01303-00270056-00270282 in and because of globalizing pmhNiPtyLuu-01304-00270283-00270423 circumstances pmhNiPtyLuu-01305-00270424-00270606 kinship value and especially that pmhNiPtyLuu-01306-00270607-00270815 revolving around macrolineality pmhNiPtyLuu-01307-00270816-00271151 are crucial in the ranking of nia pmhNiPtyLuu-01308-00271152-00271455 within caste communities and pmhNiPtyLuu-01309-00271456-00271663 in their connections into other pmhNiPtyLuu-01310-00271664-00271855 communities outside them pmhNiPtyLuu-01311-00271856-00272151 kinship value defines the intense course pmhNiPtyLuu-01312-00272152-00272382 of destiny communities of association pmhNiPtyLuu-01313-00272383-00272599 and shared identity and other qualities pmhNiPtyLuu-01314-00272600-00272687 of relation pmhNiPtyLuu-01315-00272688-00272895 social distance states and rank for pmhNiPtyLuu-01316-00272896-00273055 example danger and threat pmhNiPtyLuu-01317-00273056-00273367 into a brought about by the pmhNiPtyLuu-01318-00273368-00273471 incorporation pmhNiPtyLuu-01319-00273472-00273791 of kinship and dance communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01320-00273792-00273991 into wider embracing social and pmhNiPtyLuu-01321-00273992-00274167 political realities pmhNiPtyLuu-01322-00274168-00274399 historically the niagara communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01323-00274400-00274495 were famous pmhNiPtyLuu-01324-00274496-00274758 for being organized in dead settlements pmhNiPtyLuu-01325-00274759-00274934 of co-residential kin pmhNiPtyLuu-01326-00274935-00275110 linked to each other through a common pmhNiPtyLuu-01327-00275111-00275303 female ancestress pmhNiPtyLuu-01328-00275304-00275703 these were known as caravans pmhNiPtyLuu-01329-00275704-00275919 the tarabads were the primary property pmhNiPtyLuu-01330-00275920-00276119 owning and political units pmhNiPtyLuu-01331-00276120-00276382 a dense close-knit court relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01332-00276383-00276479 through males pmhNiPtyLuu-01333-00276480-00276775 or of an or of the final kind through pmhNiPtyLuu-01334-00276776-00276839 marriage pmhNiPtyLuu-01335-00276840-00277127 were undervalued even negatively valued pmhNiPtyLuu-01336-00277128-00277182 that is pmhNiPtyLuu-01337-00277183-00277391 seen as potentially threatening the pmhNiPtyLuu-01338-00277392-00277591 reproductive and general coherence pmhNiPtyLuu-01339-00277592-00277871 of the macro lineal poor core while pmhNiPtyLuu-01340-00277872-00277975 being necessary pmhNiPtyLuu-01341-00277976-00278287 for the reproduction of that indeed pmhNiPtyLuu-01342-00278288-00278455 there were effectively two kinds of pmhNiPtyLuu-01343-00278456-00278695 marriage traditionally in pmhNiPtyLuu-01344-00278696-00278927 northern kerala one known as tali pmhNiPtyLuu-01345-00278928-00279006 marriage pmhNiPtyLuu-01346-00279007-00279239 and the other what i refer to as pmhNiPtyLuu-01347-00279240-00279375 procreative marriage pmhNiPtyLuu-01348-00279376-00279734 or somebody in the past tali marriages pmhNiPtyLuu-01349-00279735-00279982 described by british colonials as child pmhNiPtyLuu-01350-00279983-00280055 marriages pmhNiPtyLuu-01351-00280056-00280295 occurred before puberty and missionaries pmhNiPtyLuu-01352-00280296-00280439 and colonial authorities pmhNiPtyLuu-01353-00280440-00280719 were absolutely scandalized by them pmhNiPtyLuu-01354-00280720-00280943 these marriages were not sexual humans pmhNiPtyLuu-01355-00280944-00281191 but typically between close pmhNiPtyLuu-01356-00281192-00281406 matalinically related kin pmhNiPtyLuu-01357-00281407-00281671 effectively a tally marriage wedded the pmhNiPtyLuu-01358-00281672-00281734 girl pmhNiPtyLuu-01359-00281735-00281934 back into the group of those close pmhNiPtyLuu-01360-00281935-00282079 matrilineal kin pmhNiPtyLuu-01361-00282080-00282295 into which she'd been born back into the pmhNiPtyLuu-01362-00282296-00282447 tarabad in fact pmhNiPtyLuu-01363-00282448-00282663 the girls are at the reproductive heart pmhNiPtyLuu-01364-00282664-00282758 of a dense set pmhNiPtyLuu-01365-00282759-00283023 of matrilineally connected in and vital pmhNiPtyLuu-01366-00283024-00283079 to the pmhNiPtyLuu-01367-00283080-00283263 continuity of these kin and their pmhNiPtyLuu-01368-00283264-00283399 command over economic pmhNiPtyLuu-01369-00283400-00283639 and political resources it is entirely pmhNiPtyLuu-01370-00283640-00283830 marriage that converts the rights of pmhNiPtyLuu-01371-00283831-00284015 close matrimonial sets again pmhNiPtyLuu-01372-00284016-00284230 over the children of their daughters it pmhNiPtyLuu-01373-00284231-00284423 asserts the value of the matrix patrick pmhNiPtyLuu-01374-00284424-00284463 in pmhNiPtyLuu-01375-00284464-00284679 the import of their relations over other pmhNiPtyLuu-01376-00284680-00284871 relations in the general environment of pmhNiPtyLuu-01377-00284872-00284967 their actions pmhNiPtyLuu-01378-00284968-00285175 the partner to italy marriage is a pmhNiPtyLuu-01379-00285176-00285295 symbolic partner pmhNiPtyLuu-01380-00285296-00285471 and took no further immediate role in pmhNiPtyLuu-01381-00285472-00285599 the girl's life pmhNiPtyLuu-01382-00285600-00285791 this is because the marriage was not a pmhNiPtyLuu-01383-00285792-00285991 conjugal union pmhNiPtyLuu-01384-00285992-00286343 it was simply a union of the girl back pmhNiPtyLuu-01385-00286344-00286623 into uh the matalan age and everything pmhNiPtyLuu-01386-00286624-00286806 that she might bring with her pmhNiPtyLuu-01387-00286807-00287015 following the tali ceremony and upon pmhNiPtyLuu-01388-00287016-00287143 reaching maturity pmhNiPtyLuu-01389-00287144-00287358 the girl was free to enter sexual pmhNiPtyLuu-01390-00287359-00287487 reproductive unions pmhNiPtyLuu-01391-00287488-00287710 that conferred few rights except the pmhNiPtyLuu-01392-00287711-00287879 conjugal on her partner pmhNiPtyLuu-01393-00287880-00288134 or husband and there were girls at the pmhNiPtyLuu-01394-00288135-00288263 in the colonial period pmhNiPtyLuu-01395-00288264-00288543 had multiple husbands multiple marriages pmhNiPtyLuu-01396-00288544-00288599 something which pmhNiPtyLuu-01397-00288600-00288919 offended the british as well and the pmhNiPtyLuu-01398-00288920-00289023 colonial rule pmhNiPtyLuu-01399-00289024-00289247 both the institution of the caravan the pmhNiPtyLuu-01400-00289248-00289406 basic lineage pmhNiPtyLuu-01401-00289407-00289647 based co-residence and property holding pmhNiPtyLuu-01402-00289648-00289847 unit of nyar communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01403-00289848-00290103 was disbanded and colonial laws were pmhNiPtyLuu-01404-00290104-00290158 passed pmhNiPtyLuu-01405-00290159-00290439 against the system of tally marriage it pmhNiPtyLuu-01406-00290440-00290623 was considered to be immoral pmhNiPtyLuu-01407-00290624-00290815 indeed these institutions in their pmhNiPtyLuu-01408-00290816-00290982 traditional historical form pmhNiPtyLuu-01409-00290983-00291206 to all intents and purposes became a pmhNiPtyLuu-01410-00291207-00291351 thing of the past pmhNiPtyLuu-01411-00291352-00291599 the attack on the tarabad and natalie pmhNiPtyLuu-01412-00291600-00291767 was a modernizing project pmhNiPtyLuu-01413-00291768-00291991 as far as colonialism was concerned pmhNiPtyLuu-01414-00291992-00292239 indeed with some globalizing effect pmhNiPtyLuu-01415-00292240-00292423 it was conceived as breaking the pmhNiPtyLuu-01416-00292424-00292582 constraints of the tarivan pmhNiPtyLuu-01417-00292583-00292791 and of tradition this was uh this is pmhNiPtyLuu-01418-00292792-00292927 important for another reason pmhNiPtyLuu-01419-00292928-00293151 uh some of you might know a bit of pmhNiPtyLuu-01420-00293152-00293287 colonial history that pmhNiPtyLuu-01421-00293288-00293527 uh the british had a big problem with a pmhNiPtyLuu-01422-00293528-00293599 muslim pmhNiPtyLuu-01423-00293600-00293919 uh uprising led by a guy called pmhNiPtyLuu-01424-00293920-00294263 tibu tiff and it was the nayar pmhNiPtyLuu-01425-00294264-00294575 groups that were used uh by the british pmhNiPtyLuu-01426-00294576-00294919 to put this muslim insurgency down pmhNiPtyLuu-01427-00294920-00295310 now those nia groups were matilde groups pmhNiPtyLuu-01428-00295311-00295487 and military and militaristic pmhNiPtyLuu-01429-00295488-00295606 and the british had an interest in pmhNiPtyLuu-01430-00295607-00295758 getting rid of this not just for pmhNiPtyLuu-01431-00295759-00295887 modernising reasons pmhNiPtyLuu-01432-00295888-00296087 but to protect themselves against the pmhNiPtyLuu-01433-00296088-00296191 part of possible pmhNiPtyLuu-01434-00296192-00296654 insurgency by a newer via pmhNiPtyLuu-01435-00296655-00296951 communities both the tally marriage and pmhNiPtyLuu-01436-00296952-00297127 the tarabad were close linked pmhNiPtyLuu-01437-00297128-00297295 one entrance integral to the pmhNiPtyLuu-01438-00297296-00297430 reproduction of the other pmhNiPtyLuu-01439-00297431-00297615 emphasis that the tarot dance was in a pmhNiPtyLuu-01440-00297616-00297951 family it was a collection of pmhNiPtyLuu-01441-00297952-00298271 families and small lineages into big pmhNiPtyLuu-01442-00298272-00298575 regions of co-residence pmhNiPtyLuu-01443-00298576-00299006 um uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01444-00299007-00299223 this tight interrelation between uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01445-00299224-00299406 italian marriage and the taraba pmhNiPtyLuu-01446-00299407-00299543 was expressed in the religious and pmhNiPtyLuu-01447-00299544-00300030 ritual worship of the goddess pmhNiPtyLuu-01448-00300031-00300223 there are numerous temples and shrines pmhNiPtyLuu-01449-00300224-00300382 the different forms of bhagavani and pmhNiPtyLuu-01450-00300383-00300454 malabar pmhNiPtyLuu-01451-00300455-00300687 and they tend to define distinct nayar pmhNiPtyLuu-01452-00300688-00300767 communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01453-00300768-00300951 and their hierarchical relation to each pmhNiPtyLuu-01454-00300952-00301534 other the bhagavati temples and shrines pmhNiPtyLuu-01455-00301535-00301734 and these shrines are situated within pmhNiPtyLuu-01456-00301735-00301934 kin and lineage-based communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01457-00301935-00302206 composing particular nayakas are the pmhNiPtyLuu-01458-00302207-00302375 locations of major rights pmhNiPtyLuu-01459-00302376-00302575 known as taehyung rights during which an pmhNiPtyLuu-01460-00302576-00302695 assembly of gods pmhNiPtyLuu-01461-00302696-00302919 will appear organized around specific pmhNiPtyLuu-01462-00302920-00303063 bhagavatis pmhNiPtyLuu-01463-00303064-00303279 a network diagram of the temples and pmhNiPtyLuu-01464-00303280-00303558 shrines and the location of km rights pmhNiPtyLuu-01465-00303559-00303734 during the major ritual period in pmhNiPtyLuu-01466-00303735-00303999 malabar lasting approximately six months pmhNiPtyLuu-01467-00304000-00304199 every year would effectively trace out pmhNiPtyLuu-01468-00304200-00304310 the pattern of caste pmhNiPtyLuu-01469-00304311-00304543 and lineage territories and the dynamics pmhNiPtyLuu-01470-00304544-00304703 of their interrelation pmhNiPtyLuu-01471-00304704-00304887 i've done that but i haven't got it to pmhNiPtyLuu-01472-00304888-00305182 present very interesting pmhNiPtyLuu-01473-00305183-00305406 what i draw attention to is that despite pmhNiPtyLuu-01474-00305407-00305567 the dissolution of the tarabad pmhNiPtyLuu-01475-00305568-00305671 and what appeared to be the pmhNiPtyLuu-01476-00305672-00305871 disappearance of the entire institution pmhNiPtyLuu-01477-00305872-00306079 as a function of legal regulations and pmhNiPtyLuu-01478-00306080-00306175 prescriptions pmhNiPtyLuu-01479-00306176-00306382 and other modernising programs the pmhNiPtyLuu-01480-00306383-00306534 religious and ritual system pmhNiPtyLuu-01481-00306535-00306775 nonetheless continued key values pmhNiPtyLuu-01482-00306776-00306879 underpinning naia pmhNiPtyLuu-01483-00306880-00307119 caste and lineage relations this was pmhNiPtyLuu-01484-00307120-00307287 achieved through ritual pmhNiPtyLuu-01485-00307288-00307591 practices what might appear as a process pmhNiPtyLuu-01486-00307592-00307799 of modernizing secularization pmhNiPtyLuu-01487-00307800-00308047 gave impetus to ritual practices not as pmhNiPtyLuu-01488-00308048-00308199 an insistence on tradition pmhNiPtyLuu-01489-00308200-00308375 against modernity but it's the very pmhNiPtyLuu-01490-00308376-00308543 force in modernity pmhNiPtyLuu-01491-00308544-00308799 empowering caravaggic value as it were pmhNiPtyLuu-01492-00308800-00308934 in globalizing pmhNiPtyLuu-01493-00308935-00309182 processes what i'm suggesting is that pmhNiPtyLuu-01494-00309183-00309319 this system of value pmhNiPtyLuu-01495-00309320-00309687 continued uh know which i will explain pmhNiPtyLuu-01496-00309688-00309927 quickly that was reinvented and the pmhNiPtyLuu-01497-00309928-00310006 engine pmhNiPtyLuu-01498-00310007-00310310 not only in organizing network relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01499-00310311-00310671 within uh within uh kerala pmhNiPtyLuu-01500-00310672-00310863 but connections into the gulf where many pmhNiPtyLuu-01501-00310864-00311110 of these people are going as migrants pmhNiPtyLuu-01502-00311111-00311495 and into uh also north america pmhNiPtyLuu-01503-00311496-00311758 and europe uh i had the occasion once of pmhNiPtyLuu-01504-00311759-00311903 sitting in one of these rights pmhNiPtyLuu-01505-00311904-00312127 and next to me was a guy in a doty we pmhNiPtyLuu-01506-00312128-00312206 got talking pmhNiPtyLuu-01507-00312207-00312343 and eventually turned out that he was pmhNiPtyLuu-01508-00312344-00312591 head of the harvard medical school pmhNiPtyLuu-01509-00312592-00312791 but he was turning up at this particular pmhNiPtyLuu-01510-00312792-00313030 event which he mentioned regularly pmhNiPtyLuu-01511-00313031-00313254 the vital rights of the taraba are known pmhNiPtyLuu-01512-00313255-00313334 as taya pmhNiPtyLuu-01513-00313335-00313510 and specifically the major large-scale pmhNiPtyLuu-01514-00313511-00313758 ones held for a number of inter-related pmhNiPtyLuu-01515-00313759-00313991 magical lineages give ritual expression pmhNiPtyLuu-01516-00313992-00314206 to the crucial values of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01517-00314207-00314406 italian rites take place at the central pmhNiPtyLuu-01518-00314407-00314558 flight of material interests or pmhNiPtyLuu-01519-00314559-00314751 interconnected sets of energy pmhNiPtyLuu-01520-00314752-00315015 battery ninjas the tariff continues in pmhNiPtyLuu-01521-00315016-00315103 the form of right pmhNiPtyLuu-01522-00315104-00315375 if no longer built therefore uh if no pmhNiPtyLuu-01523-00315376-00315430 longer pmhNiPtyLuu-01524-00315431-00315663 as a built residential form as it did in pmhNiPtyLuu-01525-00315664-00315751 the past pmhNiPtyLuu-01526-00315752-00316054 it's a tower that might be conceived pmhNiPtyLuu-01527-00316055-00316334 as entering a virtual ritual symbolic pmhNiPtyLuu-01528-00316335-00316391 space pmhNiPtyLuu-01529-00316392-00316679 this also i know entered cyberspace pmhNiPtyLuu-01530-00316680-00316734 taiya pmhNiPtyLuu-01531-00316735-00316934 and the tarabat have in a sense being pmhNiPtyLuu-01532-00316935-00317110 digitalized and vital pmhNiPtyLuu-01533-00317111-00317343 in digital networking sites especially pmhNiPtyLuu-01534-00317344-00317430 on awkward pmhNiPtyLuu-01535-00317431-00317687 and also on facebook if you go into if pmhNiPtyLuu-01536-00317688-00317847 you go into tam on your pmhNiPtyLuu-01537-00317848-00318030 on your internet you'll see that there's pmhNiPtyLuu-01538-00318031-00318182 a lot of stuff on it and pmhNiPtyLuu-01539-00318183-00318406 all these are connecting up if you like pmhNiPtyLuu-01540-00318407-00318510 uh into pmhNiPtyLuu-01541-00318511-00318743 uh into this sort of it's all about the pmhNiPtyLuu-01542-00318744-00318815 tarabad pmhNiPtyLuu-01543-00318816-00319054 and about the matrilineal uh connection pmhNiPtyLuu-01544-00319055-00319134 and about pmhNiPtyLuu-01545-00319135-00319399 these kinds of values the major pmhNiPtyLuu-01546-00319400-00319558 large-scale taem rights pmhNiPtyLuu-01547-00319559-00319782 performed on average in a cycle of 10 pmhNiPtyLuu-01548-00319783-00319975 years or so every 10 years or so pmhNiPtyLuu-01549-00319976-00320119 are occasions for the collective pmhNiPtyLuu-01550-00320120-00320406 marriage now of pre-pubescent girls pmhNiPtyLuu-01551-00320407-00320606 from the various interconnected lineages pmhNiPtyLuu-01552-00320607-00320727 that attend the rights pmhNiPtyLuu-01553-00320728-00320927 and define their mutual identity in pmhNiPtyLuu-01554-00320928-00321079 relation to the shrines pmhNiPtyLuu-01555-00321080-00321279 the girls are effectively married to the pmhNiPtyLuu-01556-00321280-00321510 shrine and thus the matron ninjas that pmhNiPtyLuu-01557-00321511-00321639 cluster around it pmhNiPtyLuu-01558-00321640-00321823 in this collective marriage the girls pmhNiPtyLuu-01559-00321824-00322030 are in essence forms of the goddess pmhNiPtyLuu-01560-00322031-00322479 bhagavati pmhNiPtyLuu-01561-00322480-00322663 the regenerative potency of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01562-00322664-00322823 community as a whole pmhNiPtyLuu-01563-00322824-00323079 the practices i refer to are not simply pmhNiPtyLuu-01564-00323080-00323263 a continuity from the past into the pmhNiPtyLuu-01565-00323264-00323343 french pmhNiPtyLuu-01566-00323344-00323510 present they have thoroughly modern pmhNiPtyLuu-01567-00323511-00323719 rights that is they are reproduced and pmhNiPtyLuu-01568-00323720-00323791 expanded pmhNiPtyLuu-01569-00323792-00323991 in the dynamic of the contemporary pmhNiPtyLuu-01570-00323992-00324134 situation engaging pmhNiPtyLuu-01571-00324135-00324543 the digital universe to their production pmhNiPtyLuu-01572-00324544-00324767 malabar as i've said is relatively pmhNiPtyLuu-01573-00324768-00324854 impoverished pmhNiPtyLuu-01574-00324855-00325054 but now i have sought employment in the pmhNiPtyLuu-01575-00325055-00325167 towns and cities pmhNiPtyLuu-01576-00325168-00325327 throughout the state of kerala and pmhNiPtyLuu-01577-00325328-00325527 elsewhere in india and overseas pmhNiPtyLuu-01578-00325528-00325734 it's from malabar that there's a major pmhNiPtyLuu-01579-00325735-00325871 migration into the employment pmhNiPtyLuu-01580-00325872-00325951 opportunities pmhNiPtyLuu-01581-00325952-00326134 in the oil states of the gulf pmhNiPtyLuu-01582-00326135-00326271 globalizing forces pmhNiPtyLuu-01583-00326272-00326391 have threatened the political and pmhNiPtyLuu-01584-00326392-00326599 economic integrity of local communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01585-00326600-00326839 this i as i indicate took a particular pmhNiPtyLuu-01586-00326840-00326982 turn under colonialism pmhNiPtyLuu-01587-00326983-00327191 expanding sense of independence the pmhNiPtyLuu-01588-00327192-00327415 attack on natalie and the tarabad pmhNiPtyLuu-01589-00327416-00327599 can be understood as a weakening the pmhNiPtyLuu-01590-00327600-00327758 internal ties of community pmhNiPtyLuu-01591-00327759-00327991 what in network terms would be described pmhNiPtyLuu-01592-00327992-00328078 as a dense pmhNiPtyLuu-01593-00328079-00328247 highly internet and connected set of pmhNiPtyLuu-01594-00328248-00328415 relations at the spent pmhNiPtyLuu-01595-00328416-00328654 offence of relations with the other side pmhNiPtyLuu-01596-00328655-00328767 the conjugal union pmhNiPtyLuu-01597-00328768-00328951 was valued over the union with the pmhNiPtyLuu-01598-00328952-00329071 battle image pmhNiPtyLuu-01599-00329072-00329278 imports of intellect external links pmhNiPtyLuu-01600-00329279-00329406 through conjugal ties pmhNiPtyLuu-01601-00329407-00329630 and other ties into the external world pmhNiPtyLuu-01602-00329631-00329815 outside the metronomes in general pmhNiPtyLuu-01603-00329816-00330030 was a powerful fragmenting factor of pmhNiPtyLuu-01604-00330031-00330167 local communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01605-00330168-00330343 involvement in labour markets beyond the pmhNiPtyLuu-01606-00330344-00330519 caste and lineage committees pmhNiPtyLuu-01607-00330520-00330710 withdrew resources affecting their pmhNiPtyLuu-01608-00330711-00330830 continuity pmhNiPtyLuu-01609-00330831-00331054 but this is not a one-way process the pmhNiPtyLuu-01610-00331055-00331191 sentiments connecting pmhNiPtyLuu-01611-00331192-00331406 persons to community cannot easily be pmhNiPtyLuu-01612-00331407-00331606 said notwithstanding the fact that pmhNiPtyLuu-01613-00331607-00331782 community identity and membership pmhNiPtyLuu-01614-00331783-00331991 is a factor mediating persons into the pmhNiPtyLuu-01615-00331992-00332095 wider political pmhNiPtyLuu-01616-00332096-00332327 and economic field there is a positive pmhNiPtyLuu-01617-00332328-00332399 urgency pmhNiPtyLuu-01618-00332400-00332591 even when working at great distance from pmhNiPtyLuu-01619-00332592-00332719 what is regarded as one's pmhNiPtyLuu-01620-00332720-00332982 home location to maintain connection pmhNiPtyLuu-01621-00332983-00333127 into home communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01622-00333128-00333310 and this is done at the bhagawati pmhNiPtyLuu-01623-00333311-00333543 shrines this is especially the case with pmhNiPtyLuu-01624-00333544-00333630 labour migrants pmhNiPtyLuu-01625-00333631-00333799 to the gulf states who might be pmhNiPtyLuu-01626-00333800-00333991 considered as circulatory migrants pmhNiPtyLuu-01627-00333992-00334167 in the southern african sense of pmhNiPtyLuu-01628-00334168-00334447 mitchell's african commonwealth studies pmhNiPtyLuu-01629-00334448-00334815 who work on limited contracts so pmhNiPtyLuu-01630-00334816-00335119 uh let me just pmhNiPtyLuu-01631-00335120-00335495 go on i mean what i'm suggesting pmhNiPtyLuu-01632-00335496-00335806 is that the values continued pmhNiPtyLuu-01633-00335807-00336082 and then they actually produced an pmhNiPtyLuu-01634-00336083-00336230 explosion pmhNiPtyLuu-01635-00336231-00336495 of new forms of ritual activity which pmhNiPtyLuu-01636-00336496-00336623 further reinforced pmhNiPtyLuu-01637-00336624-00336887 the development and extension of pmhNiPtyLuu-01638-00336888-00336999 networks pmhNiPtyLuu-01639-00337000-00337271 and the accumulation of wealth to some pmhNiPtyLuu-01640-00337272-00337319 extent pmhNiPtyLuu-01641-00337320-00337663 and also political power so that the pmhNiPtyLuu-01642-00337664-00337799 sense could understand pmhNiPtyLuu-01643-00337800-00338039 the formation of social relations uh the pmhNiPtyLuu-01644-00338040-00338134 links of them pmhNiPtyLuu-01645-00338135-00338391 uh the the the nature of the power of pmhNiPtyLuu-01646-00338392-00338487 for example pmhNiPtyLuu-01647-00338488-00338743 uh thinly stranded relationships is pmhNiPtyLuu-01648-00338744-00338815 against pmhNiPtyLuu-01649-00338816-00339063 dense relationships you have to in fact pmhNiPtyLuu-01650-00339064-00339134 have a look pmhNiPtyLuu-01651-00339135-00339423 at this whole uh discourse of matter pmhNiPtyLuu-01652-00339424-00339510 lineality pmhNiPtyLuu-01653-00339511-00339775 which is centered within uh the ritual pmhNiPtyLuu-01654-00339776-00339854 universe pmhNiPtyLuu-01655-00339855-00340078 and which uh is expanding and pmhNiPtyLuu-01656-00340079-00340175 continually pmhNiPtyLuu-01657-00340176-00340527 changing uh the nature of uh social pmhNiPtyLuu-01658-00340528-00340743 relationship have a look at a couple of pmhNiPtyLuu-01659-00340744-00340863 slides i can pmhNiPtyLuu-01660-00340864-00341078 cut things down a bit and show you pmhNiPtyLuu-01661-00341079-00341287 something a bit more of what i'm really pmhNiPtyLuu-01662-00341288-00341527 trying to talk about and i have uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01663-00341528-00341615 there's a couple of pmhNiPtyLuu-01664-00341616-00341934 there's a shrine for one of the major pmhNiPtyLuu-01665-00341935-00342247 rights we have next one pmhNiPtyLuu-01666-00342248-00342567 here are the talibans being presented uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01667-00342568-00342958 they're presented by their fathers pmhNiPtyLuu-01668-00342959-00343247 who are in an affine in an affinal pmhNiPtyLuu-01669-00343248-00343375 relationship pmhNiPtyLuu-01670-00343376-00343695 to the matalinage and in pmhNiPtyLuu-01671-00343696-00344095 a lot of conceptions when a woman gets pmhNiPtyLuu-01672-00344096-00344463 married her commitment to the husband in pmhNiPtyLuu-01673-00344464-00344519 the modern pmhNiPtyLuu-01674-00344520-00344719 context threatens the interests of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01675-00344720-00344854 macro lineage pmhNiPtyLuu-01676-00344855-00345134 in terms of access to economic resources pmhNiPtyLuu-01677-00345135-00345247 and political power pmhNiPtyLuu-01678-00345248-00345527 but what they do is they reincorporate pmhNiPtyLuu-01679-00345528-00345630 in a sense pmhNiPtyLuu-01680-00345631-00345999 uh the men that have pmhNiPtyLuu-01681-00346000-00346239 married the daughters of madrid image pmhNiPtyLuu-01682-00346240-00346382 into the matron age pmhNiPtyLuu-01683-00346383-00346575 through this ritual practice they in pmhNiPtyLuu-01684-00346576-00346823 fact convert pmhNiPtyLuu-01685-00346824-00347239 affines into contact wines they create pmhNiPtyLuu-01686-00347240-00347534 an actual kinship relationship which pmhNiPtyLuu-01687-00347535-00347591 bonds pmhNiPtyLuu-01688-00347592-00347830 these people in weekly standard pmhNiPtyLuu-01689-00347831-00347934 relationships pmhNiPtyLuu-01690-00347935-00348278 into the uh metal niche they convert it pmhNiPtyLuu-01691-00348279-00348582 into a strong relationship next one pmhNiPtyLuu-01692-00348583-00348830 please if you look at this one i'd like pmhNiPtyLuu-01693-00348831-00349030 to it can't really blow it up pmhNiPtyLuu-01694-00349031-00349215 but if you were thinking in in network pmhNiPtyLuu-01695-00349216-00349351 terms on this pmhNiPtyLuu-01696-00349352-00349695 uh here's a population of some pmhNiPtyLuu-01697-00349696-00350087 400 or so attending this this this event pmhNiPtyLuu-01698-00350088-00350447 and if you look closely you'll see pmhNiPtyLuu-01699-00350448-00350751 various interesting things here pmhNiPtyLuu-01700-00350752-00351087 the the pmhNiPtyLuu-01701-00351088-00351415 founders with their daughters and the pmhNiPtyLuu-01702-00351416-00351487 daughters pmhNiPtyLuu-01703-00351488-00351671 are riding on their shoulders pmhNiPtyLuu-01704-00351672-00351847 symbolically pmhNiPtyLuu-01705-00351848-00352182 in fact the daughter is giving birth pmhNiPtyLuu-01706-00352183-00352487 to the father okay rebirthing him pmhNiPtyLuu-01707-00352488-00352823 within the structure of the of the uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01708-00352824-00353023 natural inch and the actual group of pmhNiPtyLuu-01709-00353024-00353151 them is pmhNiPtyLuu-01710-00353152-00353358 the outside if i can put it that way pmhNiPtyLuu-01711-00353359-00353478 it's located pmhNiPtyLuu-01712-00353479-00353830 closely uh to the central shrine pmhNiPtyLuu-01713-00353831-00354063 around it you see different gatherings pmhNiPtyLuu-01714-00354064-00354254 of people of different cast pmhNiPtyLuu-01715-00354255-00354495 different uh relational value and so pmhNiPtyLuu-01716-00354496-00354710 forth so there's a whole pmhNiPtyLuu-01717-00354711-00355030 set of network relationships different pmhNiPtyLuu-01718-00355031-00355175 degrees of density pmhNiPtyLuu-01719-00355176-00355495 uh different degrees of relation of pmhNiPtyLuu-01720-00355496-00355615 distance and so forth pmhNiPtyLuu-01721-00355616-00355839 being expressed even in the spatial pmhNiPtyLuu-01722-00355840-00355991 organization pmhNiPtyLuu-01723-00355992-00356495 of the uh uh arrangement there so pmhNiPtyLuu-01724-00356496-00356806 all i'm trying to get at is that the pmhNiPtyLuu-01725-00356807-00357023 the in order to understand these pmhNiPtyLuu-01726-00357024-00357199 connections and these relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01727-00357200-00357495 if you don't have a sense of the matter pmhNiPtyLuu-01728-00357496-00357678 in your value in this situation pmhNiPtyLuu-01729-00357679-00357943 you'd be at a loss about how to in fact pmhNiPtyLuu-01730-00357944-00358382 analyze these things pmhNiPtyLuu-01731-00358383-00358534 overall the action centered on the pmhNiPtyLuu-01732-00358535-00358743 shrines give expression to the forces pmhNiPtyLuu-01733-00358744-00358823 underpinning pmhNiPtyLuu-01734-00358824-00358991 the assemblage and patterning of pmhNiPtyLuu-01735-00358992-00359206 socio-political and economic relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01736-00359207-00359454 in the overall field of close-knit pmhNiPtyLuu-01737-00359455-00359630 matrimonial communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01738-00359631-00359839 matrilineal value and the factors that pmhNiPtyLuu-01739-00359840-00359934 may threaten it pmhNiPtyLuu-01740-00359935-00360199 is given key import indicative of its pmhNiPtyLuu-01741-00360200-00360263 force pmhNiPtyLuu-01742-00360264-00360439 in the shaping and reshaping of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01743-00360440-00360606 complexity of social relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01744-00360607-00360871 in a continually changing contemporary pmhNiPtyLuu-01745-00360872-00361054 situation and the values themselves are pmhNiPtyLuu-01746-00361055-00361127 changing pmhNiPtyLuu-01747-00361128-00361439 pretty rapidly as well at the same time pmhNiPtyLuu-01748-00361440-00361599 i might mention that what i have pmhNiPtyLuu-01749-00361600-00361839 presented has powerful institutional pmhNiPtyLuu-01750-00361840-00362023 centered dimensions you've got the pmhNiPtyLuu-01751-00362024-00362230 bhagavati is a is essential it's a pmhNiPtyLuu-01752-00362231-00362534 it's a centering process uh and uh pmhNiPtyLuu-01753-00362535-00362823 and it's operating in relationship to pmhNiPtyLuu-01754-00362824-00362919 rhizome pmhNiPtyLuu-01755-00362920-00363175 processes of the mutapan kind that i pmhNiPtyLuu-01756-00363176-00363254 talked about pmhNiPtyLuu-01757-00363255-00363615 at the very very beginning pmhNiPtyLuu-01758-00363616-00363830 to put my general point there may be pmhNiPtyLuu-01759-00363831-00364030 relatively universal shapes pmhNiPtyLuu-01760-00364031-00364271 in network chapter but the import of pmhNiPtyLuu-01761-00364272-00364382 these structures pmhNiPtyLuu-01762-00364383-00364582 vary according to the values that are pmhNiPtyLuu-01763-00364583-00364695 inscribed in them pmhNiPtyLuu-01764-00364696-00364847 and which are implicated in the pmhNiPtyLuu-01765-00364848-00365030 motivations of their formation pmhNiPtyLuu-01766-00365031-00365278 i could make many other examples take pmhNiPtyLuu-01767-00365279-00365415 isis for example pmhNiPtyLuu-01768-00365416-00365847 the islamic caliphate pmhNiPtyLuu-01769-00365848-00366095 a diversity of different forms of pmhNiPtyLuu-01770-00366096-00366230 network embedding pmhNiPtyLuu-01771-00366231-00366463 uh different values seem to be at work pmhNiPtyLuu-01772-00366464-00366663 used to make islamic communities pmhNiPtyLuu-01773-00366664-00366871 in euro-american contexts whose pmhNiPtyLuu-01774-00366872-00367063 commitments and the nature of their ties pmhNiPtyLuu-01775-00367064-00367158 are constituted pmhNiPtyLuu-01776-00367159-00367343 in euro-american political and social pmhNiPtyLuu-01777-00367344-00367551 realities are brought into relation pmhNiPtyLuu-01778-00367552-00367782 with other structures of relations dense pmhNiPtyLuu-01779-00367783-00367991 ties based in tribal loyalties for pmhNiPtyLuu-01780-00367992-00368047 example pmhNiPtyLuu-01781-00368048-00368295 that express other values and dynamics pmhNiPtyLuu-01782-00368296-00368487 and i'm suggesting that these different pmhNiPtyLuu-01783-00368488-00368551 values pmhNiPtyLuu-01784-00368552-00368823 may in fact be working against each pmhNiPtyLuu-01785-00368824-00368878 other pmhNiPtyLuu-01786-00368879-00369206 one way in fact to get the tribal values pmhNiPtyLuu-01787-00369207-00369295 to get pmhNiPtyLuu-01788-00369296-00369654 to work as a coherent force in network pmhNiPtyLuu-01789-00369655-00369734 relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01790-00369735-00369982 is in fact to establish a strong pmhNiPtyLuu-01791-00369983-00370119 military opposition pmhNiPtyLuu-01792-00370120-00370439 such as the west has done pmhNiPtyLuu-01793-00370440-00370751 to uh to these systems if they were pmhNiPtyLuu-01794-00370752-00371078 less aggressive maybe another logic pmhNiPtyLuu-01795-00371079-00371230 would come into operation of private pmhNiPtyLuu-01796-00371231-00371287 logic pmhNiPtyLuu-01797-00371288-00371639 which would uh break up the tendency pmhNiPtyLuu-01798-00371640-00371951 for these things to form uh close-knit pmhNiPtyLuu-01799-00371952-00372287 uh strongly organized types of pmhNiPtyLuu-01800-00372288-00372447 organization pmhNiPtyLuu-01801-00372448-00372663 the purpose of the caliphate i can only pmhNiPtyLuu-01802-00372664-00372823 survive interconnects pmhNiPtyLuu-01803-00372824-00373054 a diversity of ties may be of similar pmhNiPtyLuu-01804-00373055-00373127 identity pmhNiPtyLuu-01805-00373128-00373319 but embedding very different value in pmhNiPtyLuu-01806-00373320-00373543 the dynamics of their structuration pmhNiPtyLuu-01807-00373544-00373767 comprehending the caliphate is a complex pmhNiPtyLuu-01808-00373768-00373943 assemblage of network relations pmhNiPtyLuu-01809-00373944-00374182 a significantly differentiated value pmhNiPtyLuu-01810-00374183-00374334 rather than as a discrete pmhNiPtyLuu-01811-00374335-00374558 kind of boundary order in terms of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01812-00374559-00374719 euro-american ideology pmhNiPtyLuu-01813-00374720-00374958 of the nation-state for example is vital pmhNiPtyLuu-01814-00374959-00375054 to interpreting pmhNiPtyLuu-01815-00375055-00375343 and understanding the processes of work pmhNiPtyLuu-01816-00375344-00375471 so to conclude pmhNiPtyLuu-01817-00375472-00375647 i presented some of the ideas that were pmhNiPtyLuu-01818-00375648-00375823 involved in the very early days pmhNiPtyLuu-01819-00375824-00376006 in the formation of the social network pmhNiPtyLuu-01820-00376007-00376215 idea it began at a point pmhNiPtyLuu-01821-00376216-00376487 when sociology and anthropology were pmhNiPtyLuu-01822-00376488-00376591 united pmhNiPtyLuu-01823-00376592-00376799 perhaps this was the distinction of pmhNiPtyLuu-01824-00376800-00376895 manchester pmhNiPtyLuu-01825-00376896-00377110 as it was then something which pmhNiPtyLuu-01826-00377111-00377254 distinguished manchester pmhNiPtyLuu-01827-00377255-00377406 from the development of either pmhNiPtyLuu-01828-00377407-00377615 anthropology or sociology pmhNiPtyLuu-01829-00377616-00377863 elsewhere in britain at least such a pmhNiPtyLuu-01830-00377864-00377991 unity was embodied pmhNiPtyLuu-01831-00377992-00378182 in mitchell's perspective and in some pmhNiPtyLuu-01832-00378183-00378358 ways if very differently pmhNiPtyLuu-01833-00378359-00378558 is manifested in the actor network pmhNiPtyLuu-01834-00378559-00378791 approach of the tour pmhNiPtyLuu-01835-00378792-00378975 i have indicated that what i see is some pmhNiPtyLuu-01836-00378976-00379119 of the difficulties in the two pmhNiPtyLuu-01837-00379120-00379215 approaches pmhNiPtyLuu-01838-00379216-00379495 the undervaluing of value is one and or pmhNiPtyLuu-01839-00379496-00379639 the substance option pmhNiPtyLuu-01840-00379640-00379878 of different values under the sign of a pmhNiPtyLuu-01841-00379879-00380006 particularly dominant pmhNiPtyLuu-01842-00380007-00380239 western value even unwittingly that pmhNiPtyLuu-01843-00380240-00380319 might limit pmhNiPtyLuu-01844-00380320-00380519 the very great potential of network pmhNiPtyLuu-01845-00380520-00380630 perspectives pmhNiPtyLuu-01846-00380631-00380815 i've tried to bring mitchell together pmhNiPtyLuu-01847-00380816-00381023 with le tour and indicate some of the pmhNiPtyLuu-01848-00381024-00381071 ways pmhNiPtyLuu-01849-00381072-00381271 they can be mutually informed while pmhNiPtyLuu-01850-00381272-00381447 acknowledging their distinct pmhNiPtyLuu-01851-00381448-00382967 genealogical trajectories that's it pmhNiPtyLuu-01852-00382968-00383176 you q2DJfmThahI-00000-00000320-00001095 [Music] q2DJfmThahI-00001-00001096-00001547 glory to the cinder I accept our own of q2DJfmThahI-00002-00001548-00001810 the elder from arcane Astellas at 56:59 q2DJfmThahI-00003-00001811-00003556 in the sanctum of the Stars q2DJfmThahI-00004-00003557-00003786 exit the building and travel north to q2DJfmThahI-00005-00003786-00003931 the north side of the ruins of Bihari q2DJfmThahI-00006-00003932-00006813 257 32 q2DJfmThahI-00007-00006814-00007066 locate and kill Aruna who can be found q2DJfmThahI-00008-00007067-00007219 on a Ledge at the north side of the q2DJfmThahI-00009-00007220-00007296 ruins of Pahari q2DJfmThahI-00010-00007297-00007459 after killing him loot the orders from q2DJfmThahI-00011-00007459-00008426 Akama off his corpse q2DJfmThahI-00012-00008427-00008688 bring the order self back to the sanctum q2DJfmThahI-00013-00008689-00008862 of stars at 56:59 q2DJfmThahI-00014-00008863-00011849 and turn the quest to arcane Astellas q2DJfmThahI-00015-00011850-00013347 the eternal Sun guides us q2DJfmThahI-00016-00013347-00014625 [Music] q2DJfmThahI-00017-00014626-00015144 [Music] q2DJfmThahI-00018-00015144-00015450 [Music] q3agVgJthdY-00000-00000000-00000191 marin boone now about the outcome in the q3agVgJthdY-00001-00000192-00000519 manager's report brought to you by geico q3agVgJthdY-00002-00000520-00000751 erin when i asked jordan montgomery why q3agVgJthdY-00003-00000752-00000894 he thought he struggled so much this q3agVgJthdY-00004-00000896-00001087 afternoon he said he wasn't quite sure q3agVgJthdY-00005-00001088-00001231 from your vantage point why do you think q3agVgJthdY-00006-00001232-00001343 he struggled q3agVgJthdY-00007-00001344-00001503 a little hard time putting some guys q3agVgJthdY-00008-00001504-00001671 away um you know q3agVgJthdY-00009-00001672-00001839 they did a good job with two strikes i q3agVgJthdY-00010-00001839-00002055 thought they had some some good at-bats q3agVgJthdY-00011-00002056-00002326 um off them uh you know i think a couple q3agVgJthdY-00012-00002327-00002502 times he when he's q3agVgJthdY-00013-00002503-00002687 trying to show the fastball late in the q3agVgJthdY-00014-00002688-00002823 count with two strikes q3agVgJthdY-00015-00002824-00002958 probably didn't get it where he wanted q3agVgJthdY-00016-00002959-00003206 to and made a couple mistakes with that q3agVgJthdY-00017-00003207-00003527 um in trying to go back soft um maybe q3agVgJthdY-00018-00003528-00003679 not as real good swing and miss q3agVgJthdY-00019-00003679-00003838 secondary stuff today q3agVgJthdY-00020-00003839-00004031 um and i thought they did a good job of q3agVgJthdY-00021-00004032-00004254 of sitting on it in some situations q3agVgJthdY-00022-00004255-00004502 and and putting some good swings and and q3agVgJthdY-00023-00004503-00004583 they you know q3agVgJthdY-00024-00004584-00004806 all day they did a really good job with q3agVgJthdY-00025-00004807-00004935 two strikes q3agVgJthdY-00026-00004936-00005102 um and with two outs they got some big q3agVgJthdY-00027-00005103-00005286 two out hits and uh q3agVgJthdY-00028-00005287-00005415 but i think it was just a little bit of q3agVgJthdY-00029-00005416-00005599 that just having a hard time putting q3agVgJthdY-00030-00005600-00005711 guys away and getting q3agVgJthdY-00031-00005712-00006022 that that final situation there he had q3agVgJthdY-00032-00006023-00006167 mentioned the fact that he was getting q3agVgJthdY-00033-00006168-00006375 ahead of a lot of hitters is that just q3agVgJthdY-00034-00006376-00006606 frustrating to watch when you have a guy q3agVgJthdY-00035-00006608-00006759 that seems as though he should be able q3agVgJthdY-00036-00006759-00006846 to get out of q3agVgJthdY-00037-00006847-00007119 out of it and he's not able to perform q3agVgJthdY-00038-00007120-00007319 with that put away pitch yeah i mean q3agVgJthdY-00039-00007320-00007527 you know it does happen though i mean q3agVgJthdY-00040-00007528-00007710 you know they have good hitters over q3agVgJthdY-00041-00007711-00007823 there capable of q3agVgJthdY-00042-00007823-00008014 in in some cases you gotta tip your cap q3agVgJthdY-00043-00008015-00008127 you know they q3agVgJthdY-00044-00008128-00008295 they i thought put some good swings in q3agVgJthdY-00045-00008296-00008463 situations franco q3agVgJthdY-00046-00008464-00008735 you know had some good swings um you q3agVgJthdY-00047-00008736-00008903 know galvez did a good job with two q3agVgJthdY-00048-00008904-00009055 strikes of putting a good swing q3agVgJthdY-00049-00009056-00009223 you know they had some soft contact go q3agVgJthdY-00050-00009224-00009391 against them for some hits that q3agVgJthdY-00051-00009392-00009774 set them up to get back in the game um q3agVgJthdY-00052-00009775-00010071 yeah but overall just you know not quite q3agVgJthdY-00053-00010072-00010142 his best q3agVgJthdY-00054-00010143-00010310 swing and miss secondary stuff when he q3agVgJthdY-00055-00010311-00011078 did have some count leverage q3agVgJthdY-00056-00011079-00011335 erin to keep winning series there's been q3agVgJthdY-00057-00011336-00011495 a number of these series where you q3agVgJthdY-00058-00011496-00011678 you won in the final game with an q3agVgJthdY-00059-00011679-00011863 opportunity to sweep and and q3agVgJthdY-00060-00011864-00012183 and couldn't uh what what do you make of q3agVgJthdY-00061-00012184-00012303 that i mean is that q3agVgJthdY-00062-00012304-00012503 you know is that a carrot yeah i mean q3agVgJthdY-00063-00012504-00012735 that's that's baseball they they q3agVgJthdY-00064-00012736-00012902 you know put it on us a little bit and q3agVgJthdY-00065-00012903-00013086 with a lot of bigot bats and a lot of q3agVgJthdY-00066-00013087-00013238 two out of bats today q3agVgJthdY-00067-00013240-00013391 you know we go out and get four in that q3agVgJthdY-00068-00013391-00013558 first inning and obviously you feel good q3agVgJthdY-00069-00013559-00013751 about that but just weren't able to q3agVgJthdY-00070-00013752-00013983 add on and they chipped away and i mean q3agVgJthdY-00071-00013984-00014103 that's q3agVgJthdY-00072-00014104-00014319 um i thought we came out with the with a q3agVgJthdY-00073-00014319-00014479 good focus today and q3agVgJthdY-00074-00014480-00014711 it you know just couldn't close it down q3agVgJthdY-00075-00014712-00014919 and another uh big day for judge is q3agVgJthdY-00076-00014919-00015063 we're pretty much at the quarter mark of q3agVgJthdY-00077-00015063-00015238 the season or what what do you make of q3agVgJthdY-00078-00015240-00015558 what he's done so far yeah um q3agVgJthdY-00079-00015559-00015758 yeah i mean it's just been this last q3agVgJthdY-00080-00015759-00015975 week i feel like he's just really q3agVgJthdY-00081-00015976-00016191 really controlling the strike zone so q3agVgJthdY-00082-00016191-00016294 well and and q3agVgJthdY-00083-00016295-00016479 you know that discipline is getting them q3agVgJthdY-00084-00016480-00016639 into some good situations and when he q3agVgJthdY-00085-00016640-00016799 does get a pitch right now q3agVgJthdY-00086-00016800-00017119 you know it's usually he's put hidden q3agVgJthdY-00087-00017120-00017247 over the fence so q3agVgJthdY-00088-00017248-00017471 um feel like he's he's settling into the q3agVgJthdY-00089-00017472-00017630 season in a really good way and q3agVgJthdY-00090-00017631-00017958 and love where he's at obviously q3agVgJthdY-00091-00017959-00018094 still feel like there's even more in q3agVgJthdY-00092-00018095-00018263 there for him though like i mean that's q3agVgJthdY-00093-00018264-00018430 the scary part so q3agVgJthdY-00094-00018431-00018639 but it's definitely good to see him you q3agVgJthdY-00095-00018640-00018814 know having these at bats over and over q3agVgJthdY-00096-00018815-00019486 again now q3agVgJthdY-00097-00019487-00019783 erin how concerning is it for you to see q3agVgJthdY-00098-00019784-00019950 gary take the number of balls off the q3agVgJthdY-00099-00019951-00020014 mask q3agVgJthdY-00100-00020015-00020135 that he took in the early going q3agVgJthdY-00101-00020136-00020239 particularly in the i think it was the q3agVgJthdY-00102-00020240-00020343 third inning q3agVgJthdY-00103-00020344-00020599 yeah um yeah a couple couple of good q3agVgJthdY-00104-00020600-00020830 shots there um q3agVgJthdY-00105-00020831-00021167 you know i think with gary that that q3agVgJthdY-00106-00021168-00021422 the hockey goalie mass has been q3agVgJthdY-00107-00021423-00021511 something that's been q3agVgJthdY-00108-00021512-00021855 real good for him because he usually q3agVgJthdY-00109-00021856-00022014 that was stands a lot because i you know q3agVgJthdY-00110-00022015-00022175 i jump up uh you know q3agVgJthdY-00111-00022176-00022399 seems like every few games when you and q3agVgJthdY-00112-00022400-00022567 and he's q3agVgJthdY-00113-00022568-00022750 i i don't even think he's he's been q3agVgJthdY-00114-00022751-00022935 affected by him so q3agVgJthdY-00115-00022936-00023222 um that's a good thing but that's always q3agVgJthdY-00116-00023223-00023391 a scary thing especially you know q3agVgJthdY-00117-00023392-00023519 sitting where i am q3agVgJthdY-00118-00023520-00023671 watching that when it when a good shot q3agVgJthdY-00119-00023672-00023863 goes off a mask you always q3agVgJthdY-00120-00023864-00024063 obviously kind of hold your breath there q3agVgJthdY-00121-00024064-00024222 and and just hope for the best but i q3agVgJthdY-00122-00024223-00024294 think q3agVgJthdY-00123-00024295-00024503 you know some of the technology besides q3agVgJthdY-00124-00024504-00024614 behind some of the quick q3agVgJthdY-00125-00024615-00024871 equipments um you know helping things q3agVgJthdY-00126-00024872-00025111 out a lot q3agVgJthdY-00127-00025112-00025575 dan martin q3agVgJthdY-00128-00025576-00025806 aaron was uh was frazier okay after that q3agVgJthdY-00129-00025807-00025894 dive in uh q3agVgJthdY-00130-00025895-00026246 in right field yeah yeah his sunglasses q3agVgJthdY-00131-00026247-00026455 fell off and kind of rolled over so yeah q3agVgJthdY-00132-00026456-00026679 he was fine it was q3agVgJthdY-00133-00026680-00026958 obviously a great play um you know i q3agVgJthdY-00134-00026960-00027070 i've got q3agVgJthdY-00135-00027072-00027327 i told him i had a perfect angle of you q3agVgJthdY-00136-00027327-00027390 know the q3agVgJthdY-00137-00027391-00027662 the ball kind of slicing away and him q3agVgJthdY-00138-00027663-00027814 and my peripheral q3agVgJthdY-00139-00027816-00027974 closing in on it i didn't think he was q3agVgJthdY-00140-00027975-00028095 going to be able to get there and he q3agVgJthdY-00141-00028095-00028199 needed every bit of that q3agVgJthdY-00142-00028200-00028423 layout was really really good play in q3agVgJthdY-00143-00028424-00028527 that spot q3agVgJthdY-00144-00028527-00028799 and it looked like archello was uh q3agVgJthdY-00145-00028800-00028951 wasn't moving down the line great on q3agVgJthdY-00146-00028952-00029046 that second q3agVgJthdY-00147-00029047-00029223 double play that he didn't do any any q3agVgJthdY-00148-00029224-00029407 anything going on else with his knee uh q3agVgJthdY-00149-00029408-00029743 he's he's good i mean q3agVgJthdY-00150-00029744-00029983 geo's like that a lot every year i mean q3agVgJthdY-00151-00029983-00030062 he'll he'll q3agVgJthdY-00152-00030063-00030214 he kind of moves around like that q3agVgJthdY-00153-00030216-00030399 sometimes so uh q3agVgJthdY-00154-00030400-00030670 obviously you know with with his knee q3agVgJthdY-00155-00030672-00030702 from q3agVgJthdY-00156-00030703-00030902 last week and obviously giving him a day q3agVgJthdY-00157-00030903-00031039 the first day in here it's something q3agVgJthdY-00158-00031039-00031127 that q3agVgJthdY-00159-00031127-00031351 we'll obviously monitor closely and you q3agVgJthdY-00160-00031352-00031470 know he's getting the necessary q3agVgJthdY-00161-00031472-00031583 treatment and q3agVgJthdY-00162-00031583-00031831 um then you know i'll check in with him q3agVgJthdY-00163-00031832-00031935 here after but q3agVgJthdY-00164-00031936-00032167 not something i'm overly concerned about q3agVgJthdY-00165-00032168-00032351 do you anticipate having a door q3agVgJthdY-00166-00032352-00032502 tomorrow when you get to texas i don't q3agVgJthdY-00167-00032503-00032662 know about tomorrow but q3agVgJthdY-00168-00032663-00032967 i i do feel good about um q3agVgJthdY-00169-00032968-00033135 that he's going to be in play for us at q3agVgJthdY-00170-00033136-00033287 some point in texas whether that's q3agVgJthdY-00171-00033288-00033518 tomorrow possibly tuesday q3agVgJthdY-00172-00033519-00033662 we'll just have to see but he had q3agVgJthdY-00173-00033663-00034255 another good day today yeah q3agVgJthdY-00174-00034256-00034439 hi aaron what are you seeing lately from q3agVgJthdY-00175-00034440-00034759 gary sanchez at the plate q3agVgJthdY-00176-00034760-00035087 i'm really excited um you know q3agVgJthdY-00177-00035088-00035279 in a lot of ways i i feel like this is q3agVgJthdY-00178-00035280-00035527 the best and going back now a week q3agVgJthdY-00179-00035528-00035687 and he's actually you know he's gotten q3agVgJthdY-00180-00035688-00035887 results he's walking q3agVgJthdY-00181-00035888-00036055 obviously he's had a couple home runs q3agVgJthdY-00182-00036056-00036239 he's gotten some hits q3agVgJthdY-00183-00036240-00036415 but he's also hitting some tough luck q3agVgJthdY-00184-00036416-00036615 and and i just feel like q3agVgJthdY-00185-00036616-00036927 starting to win a lot of pitches and q3agVgJthdY-00186-00036928-00037239 um and i feel like you know he's made a q3agVgJthdY-00187-00037240-00037430 little adjustment obviously with q3agVgJthdY-00188-00037431-00037646 you know quieting down the leg kick and q3agVgJthdY-00189-00037647-00037799 everything and i feel like it's putting q3agVgJthdY-00190-00037800-00037967 him in a really good position to make q3agVgJthdY-00191-00037968-00037999 great q3agVgJthdY-00192-00038000-00038335 swing decisions to be on time and i feel q3agVgJthdY-00193-00038336-00038399 like q3agVgJthdY-00194-00038400-00038559 you know i feel like in a lot of ways q3agVgJthdY-00195-00038560-00038799 this is the he's in the best place right q3agVgJthdY-00196-00038800-00039007 now that he's been in a long long time q3agVgJthdY-00197-00039008-00039087 and q3agVgJthdY-00198-00039088-00039399 i'm excited about you know q3agVgJthdY-00199-00039400-00039607 what potentially lies ahead for him with q3agVgJthdY-00200-00039608-00039783 what we're seeing right now q3agVgJthdY-00201-00039784-00039983 eric could you give us an evaluation of q3agVgJthdY-00202-00039984-00040255 the first game for lamar q3agVgJthdY-00203-00040256-00040615 um yeah i mean you know q3agVgJthdY-00204-00040616-00040790 with zimmerman i think he had him out in q3agVgJthdY-00205-00040791-00040951 front of some change-ups q3agVgJthdY-00206-00040952-00041151 um where he put the ball in the ground q3agVgJthdY-00207-00041152-00041335 um and then pro you know had a good it q3agVgJthdY-00208-00041336-00041511 worked a good at bat against um q3agVgJthdY-00209-00041512-00041727 i think it might have been his last time q3agVgJthdY-00210-00041728-00041911 got to 3-2 and probably expanded a q3agVgJthdY-00211-00041912-00042055 little up and away but q3agVgJthdY-00212-00042056-00042223 um you know i thought competitive at q3agVgJthdY-00213-00042224-00042383 batch just you know couldn't quite q3agVgJthdY-00214-00042384-00042439 finish q3agVgJthdY-00215-00042440-00042679 finish the at bats off and obviously not q3agVgJthdY-00216-00042680-00042758 a lot of q3agVgJthdY-00217-00042759-00042927 not a lot of action in the field today q3agVgJthdY-00218-00042928-00043135 so uh q3agVgJthdY-00219-00043136-00043383 you know it's good to have him he's a q3agVgJthdY-00220-00043384-00043471 pro and q3agVgJthdY-00221-00043472-00043639 i feel like he'll he'll give us some q3agVgJthdY-00222-00043640-00043830 competitive bats against some lefties q3agVgJthdY-00223-00043831-00043879 and q3agVgJthdY-00224-00043880-00044102 and and bring bring something on the q3agVgJthdY-00225-00044103-00044735 defensive side also q3agVgJthdY-00226-00044736-00044918 hey aaron i don't know what the stat is q3agVgJthdY-00227-00044919-00045071 on it but i i assume that you guys q3agVgJthdY-00228-00045072-00045223 haven't lost many games you hit three q3agVgJthdY-00229-00045224-00045415 home runs in i mean that's kind of the q3agVgJthdY-00230-00045416-00045630 the forte few with the guys that you've q3agVgJthdY-00231-00045631-00045815 missed this past week being out pretty q3agVgJthdY-00232-00045816-00045935 big pieces q3agVgJthdY-00233-00045936-00046095 are you are you encouraging the fact q3agVgJthdY-00234-00046096-00046223 that at least some other guys on the q3agVgJthdY-00235-00046224-00046335 offense are gonna are q3agVgJthdY-00236-00046336-00046495 kind of cranking up a bit i mean judge q3agVgJthdY-00237-00046496-00046702 is carrying a lot of it as well but q3agVgJthdY-00238-00046703-00046871 yeah i mean obviously judge is swinging q3agVgJthdY-00239-00046872-00047071 it really well and and q3agVgJthdY-00240-00047072-00047407 you know we're yeah we're getting there q3agVgJthdY-00241-00047408-00047679 we're you know they're they're grind q3agVgJthdY-00242-00047680-00047743 away q3agVgJthdY-00243-00047744-00047935 we're starting to see you know better at q3agVgJthdY-00244-00047936-00048095 bats again i q3agVgJthdY-00245-00048096-00048302 i go back a few weeks now and it's been q3agVgJthdY-00246-00048303-00048518 better um q3agVgJthdY-00247-00048519-00048679 we haven't broken through all the way q3agVgJthdY-00248-00048680-00048823 where we're all clicking q3agVgJthdY-00249-00048824-00049007 quite yet and we're just going to keep q3agVgJthdY-00250-00049008-00049207 working to get to that point and get to q3agVgJthdY-00251-00049208-00049279 that point of q3agVgJthdY-00252-00049280-00049583 where we know we're capable of thank you q3agVgJthdY-00253-00049584-00049718 did you take a final question from q3agVgJthdY-00254-00049719-00049983 meredith q3agVgJthdY-00255-00049984-00050143 aaron what did john carlos stanton do q3agVgJthdY-00256-00050144-00050279 today and do you expect to have him q3agVgJthdY-00257-00050280-00050358 tomorrow q3agVgJthdY-00258-00050359-00050551 we'll see i haven't i haven't gotten the q3agVgJthdY-00259-00050552-00050718 report yet on q3agVgJthdY-00260-00050719-00050871 you know i know he moved around i know q3agVgJthdY-00261-00050872-00051086 he took some swings uh q3agVgJthdY-00262-00051087-00051294 moved around the weight room obviously a q3agVgJthdY-00263-00051295-00051463 day game we weren't out on the field and q3agVgJthdY-00264-00051464-00051550 stuff so q3agVgJthdY-00265-00051551-00051766 uh we'll see where he's at and and you q3agVgJthdY-00266-00051767-00051935 know make an evaluation going into q3agVgJthdY-00267-00051936-00052183 tomorrow q5xCyMLHgYU-00000-00000059-00000316 for a few years now both China and q5xCyMLHgYU-00001-00000317-00000557 Russia have boasted of having Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00002-00000558-00000862 missiles in active service the US has no q5xCyMLHgYU-00003-00000863-00001193 such weapons yet but it is working on a q5xCyMLHgYU-00004-00001194-00001420 plethora of various systems to be put q5xCyMLHgYU-00005-00001421-00001684 into service in the coming years this q5xCyMLHgYU-00006-00001685-00001901 video will try to list them all explain q5xCyMLHgYU-00007-00001902-00002183 them compare them and put them all in a q5xCyMLHgYU-00008-00002184-00002410 proper context so when might the US q5xCyMLHgYU-00009-00002411-00002645 catch up in the Hypersonic missile race q5xCyMLHgYU-00010-00002646-00002989 watch the video to find out q5xCyMLHgYU-00011-00002990-00003231 foreign q5xCyMLHgYU-00012-00003232-00003493 [Music] q5xCyMLHgYU-00013-00003494-00003809 let's get back to our video one thing to q5xCyMLHgYU-00014-00003810-00004067 get out of the way yes many ballistic q5xCyMLHgYU-00015-00004068-00004270 missiles achieve Hypersonic speeds q5xCyMLHgYU-00016-00004271-00004517 during their flight getting past Mach 5 q5xCyMLHgYU-00017-00004518-00004811 isn't that hard however the modern term q5xCyMLHgYU-00018-00004812-00005063 Hypersonic missiles refers specifically q5xCyMLHgYU-00019-00005064-00005279 to missiles maintaining Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00020-00005280-00005513 speeds while being controllable and q5xCyMLHgYU-00021-00005514-00005704 highly maneuverable that something q5xCyMLHgYU-00022-00005705-00005909 ballistic missiles can't really do q5xCyMLHgYU-00023-00005910-00006118 that's what makes their trajectory q5xCyMLHgYU-00024-00006119-00006377 unpredictable and that is why Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00025-00006378-00006646 missiles are such a threat indeed it's q5xCyMLHgYU-00026-00006647-00006845 only after China and Russia actually q5xCyMLHgYU-00027-00006845-00007103 started Fielding their systems that the q5xCyMLHgYU-00028-00007104-00007337 US really woke up and started pumping q5xCyMLHgYU-00029-00007338-00007546 hundreds of millions into developmental q5xCyMLHgYU-00030-00007547-00007792 programs of its own it wasn't always q5xCyMLHgYU-00031-00007793-00008033 like that of course back during the late q5xCyMLHgYU-00032-00008034-00008314 Cold War the US was at the Forefront of q5xCyMLHgYU-00033-00008315-00008524 hypersonic missile research alongside q5xCyMLHgYU-00034-00008525-00008807 the Soviet Union Hypersonic gliders were q5xCyMLHgYU-00035-00008808-00009035 researched back then but as the Cold War q5xCyMLHgYU-00036-00009036-00009317 ended so did the impetus to actually get q5xCyMLHgYU-00037-00009318-00009551 serious about such research some q5xCyMLHgYU-00038-00009552-00009778 development did continue however and in q5xCyMLHgYU-00039-00009779-00009977 the artists there were some projects q5xCyMLHgYU-00040-00009978-00010210 such as fast Hawk missile or the high q5xCyMLHgYU-00041-00010211-00010474 fly missile basically all those programs q5xCyMLHgYU-00042-00010475-00010763 were seen as wasteful and unneeded back q5xCyMLHgYU-00043-00010764-00011009 then the effort they required was not q5xCyMLHgYU-00044-00011010-00011231 met by the actual threat to use such q5xCyMLHgYU-00045-00011232-00011459 weapons against all the while however q5xCyMLHgYU-00046-00011460-00011723 China and Russia got serious about their q5xCyMLHgYU-00047-00011724-00011992 hypersonics each seems to have fielded q5xCyMLHgYU-00048-00011993-00012191 at least two systems though the number q5xCyMLHgYU-00049-00012192-00012449 of additional systems in development may q5xCyMLHgYU-00050-00012450-00012706 be and likely is higher so after q5xCyMLHgYU-00051-00012707-00012971 basically Decades of low funding the U.S q5xCyMLHgYU-00052-00012972-00013186 military finally took notice of their q5xCyMLHgYU-00053-00013187-00013480 adversary systems a decade ago DARPA q5xCyMLHgYU-00054-00013481-00013672 tested Hypersonic gliders with their q5xCyMLHgYU-00055-00013673-00014027 htv-1 and 2 project around 2010. the q5xCyMLHgYU-00056-00014028-00014219 Army had a Hypersonic weapon project q5xCyMLHgYU-00057-00014219-00014435 which got fairly little funding in the q5xCyMLHgYU-00058-00014436-00014699 arties and finally managed to do a test q5xCyMLHgYU-00059-00014700-00014999 flight in 2011. yet serious money and q5xCyMLHgYU-00060-00015000-00015208 serious developmental project didn't q5xCyMLHgYU-00061-00015209-00015425 really start forming until several years q5xCyMLHgYU-00062-00015426-00015725 ago when it was obvious both Russia and q5xCyMLHgYU-00063-00015726-00015941 China were on the cusp of Fielding their q5xCyMLHgYU-00064-00015941-00016216 first systems so the US is now playing q5xCyMLHgYU-00065-00016218-00016475 catch-up though it's not developing just q5xCyMLHgYU-00066-00016476-00016715 one or two systems it seems to be bent q5xCyMLHgYU-00067-00016716-00016907 on deploying a plethora of various q5xCyMLHgYU-00068-00016908-00017158 Hypersonic missiles to be used by the q5xCyMLHgYU-00069-00017159-00017417 Army the Navy and the Air Force some to q5xCyMLHgYU-00070-00017418-00017633 be used as theater level weapons and q5xCyMLHgYU-00071-00017634-00017879 some to be tactical level weapons so q5xCyMLHgYU-00072-00017880-00018130 let's start our overview of just what q5xCyMLHgYU-00073-00018131-00018425 U.S programs are out there starting with q5xCyMLHgYU-00074-00018426-00018653 ones most likely to be fielded first q5xCyMLHgYU-00075-00018654-00018875 though the very first one to be q5xCyMLHgYU-00076-00018876-00019085 mentioned has very recently become q5xCyMLHgYU-00077-00019086-00019367 questionable the US Air Force has the q5xCyMLHgYU-00078-00019368-00019625 air launch to rapid response weapon it q5xCyMLHgYU-00079-00019626-00019864 features a large rocket booster onto q5xCyMLHgYU-00080-00019865-00020063 which a Hypersonic glider Warhead is q5xCyMLHgYU-00081-00020064-00020308 attached to in a sense it's similar to q5xCyMLHgYU-00082-00020309-00020614 the Chinese df-17 though this weapon is q5xCyMLHgYU-00083-00020615-00020813 of course air launched and made to be q5xCyMLHgYU-00084-00020814-00021094 more compact the U.S Air Force also had q5xCyMLHgYU-00085-00021095-00021286 the hypers Sonic conventional strike q5xCyMLHgYU-00086-00021287-00021497 weapon which is a system using a common q5xCyMLHgYU-00087-00021498-00021761 glider body in development up to 2020 q5xCyMLHgYU-00088-00021762-00022025 but it ended that program as it lacked q5xCyMLHgYU-00089-00022026-00022289 funds to pursue both programs so the q5xCyMLHgYU-00090-00022290-00022517 more Compact and in their words more q5xCyMLHgYU-00091-00022518-00022757 advanced aeroglider was deemed more q5xCyMLHgYU-00092-00022758-00023033 important the Air Force's glider uses a q5xCyMLHgYU-00093-00023034-00023219 blended body design like the Chinese q5xCyMLHgYU-00094-00023220-00023477 glider the common Navy and army glider q5xCyMLHgYU-00095-00023478-00023699 now without the Air Force participation q5xCyMLHgYU-00096-00023700-00024005 uses a biconical body the latter is more q5xCyMLHgYU-00097-00024006-00024233 controllable but is somewhat slower and q5xCyMLHgYU-00098-00024234-00024503 achieves a bit less range but more about q5xCyMLHgYU-00099-00024504-00024700 the Army and Navy's glider in a minute q5xCyMLHgYU-00100-00024701-00024971 the most useful feature of the arrow q5xCyMLHgYU-00101-00024972-00025199 according to the Air Force is exactly q5xCyMLHgYU-00102-00025200-00025492 its relatively small size it is hoped a q5xCyMLHgYU-00103-00025493-00025750 B52 will be able to carry 20 such q5xCyMLHgYU-00104-00025751-00026008 missiles and that even tactical Jets q5xCyMLHgYU-00105-00026010-00026273 like the F-15 will be able to carry one q5xCyMLHgYU-00106-00026274-00026596 one day so that offers a lot of tactical q5xCyMLHgYU-00107-00026597-00026849 flexibility to the Air Force being q5xCyMLHgYU-00108-00026850-00027077 fairly compact it's not a very long q5xCyMLHgYU-00109-00027077-00027358 range dual U.S Air Force General Andrew q5xCyMLHgYU-00110-00027360-00027611 Jabara stated the following this thing q5xCyMLHgYU-00111-00027612-00027827 is going to be able to go almost a q5xCyMLHgYU-00112-00027827-00028133 thousand miles in 10 to 12 minutes that q5xCyMLHgYU-00113-00028133-00028337 suggests the weapon would travel at q5xCyMLHgYU-00114-00028338-00028612 speeds of up to 6000 miles per hour and q5xCyMLHgYU-00115-00028613-00028811 strike a Target that's a thousand miles q5xCyMLHgYU-00116-00028812-00029117 away within 12 minutes that suggests q5xCyMLHgYU-00117-00029118-00029374 speeds of close to Mach 8 initially and q5xCyMLHgYU-00118-00029375-00029657 likely dropping to Mach 6 or less in the q5xCyMLHgYU-00119-00029658-00029902 terminal Flight stage the quote also q5xCyMLHgYU-00120-00029904-00030118 suggests almost a thousand miles is q5xCyMLHgYU-00121-00030119-00030431 indeed the weapon's maximum range 1600 q5xCyMLHgYU-00122-00030432-00030689 kilometers makes it similarly ranged as q5xCyMLHgYU-00123-00030689-00030893 the future Jason air launch cruise q5xCyMLHgYU-00124-00030894-00031151 missile variant and it will almost reach q5xCyMLHgYU-00125-00031152-00031355 the range of tomahawk missiles in q5xCyMLHgYU-00126-00031356-00031558 submission profiles the Warhead is q5xCyMLHgYU-00127-00031560-00031768 fairly small though so even with the q5xCyMLHgYU-00128-00031769-00031961 kinetic energy added from The High q5xCyMLHgYU-00129-00031962-00032224 Velocity the impact on target is not q5xCyMLHgYU-00130-00032225-00032393 likely to be comparable to the Chinese q5xCyMLHgYU-00131-00032394-00032729 df-17 glider Warhead but it will likely q5xCyMLHgYU-00132-00032730-00032921 have a similar effect to a tomahawk q5xCyMLHgYU-00133-00032922-00033167 Warhead a congressional budget office q5xCyMLHgYU-00134-00033168-00033443 Port said that a production run of 300 q5xCyMLHgYU-00135-00033444-00033701 missiles should yield an average cost of q5xCyMLHgYU-00136-00033702-00033940 15 million dollars per missile that's q5xCyMLHgYU-00137-00033941-00034205 roughly 10 to 15 times the cost of a q5xCyMLHgYU-00138-00034206-00034546 Jason missile during 2021 and 2022 q5xCyMLHgYU-00139-00034547-00034852 missile was tested six times of which q5xCyMLHgYU-00140-00034853-00035099 two tests failed but more crucially q5xCyMLHgYU-00141-00035100-00035387 another important test this March failed q5xCyMLHgYU-00142-00035388-00035633 while previously serial production was q5xCyMLHgYU-00143-00035634-00035957 probably planned for 2024 after the q5xCyMLHgYU-00144-00035958-00036202 latest failed test Air Force acquisition q5xCyMLHgYU-00145-00036203-00036431 Chief said they don't currently intend q5xCyMLHgYU-00146-00036432-00036659 to pursue follow-on procurement of the q5xCyMLHgYU-00147-00036660-00036839 arrow once the prototyping program q5xCyMLHgYU-00148-00036840-00037157 concludes so the Aero program may be q5xCyMLHgYU-00149-00037158-00037409 finished or it may help future similar q5xCyMLHgYU-00150-00037410-00037511 programs q5xCyMLHgYU-00151-00037512-00037805 as said the Army's long-range Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00152-00037806-00037990 weapon might also come into service q5xCyMLHgYU-00153-00037991-00038243 fairly quickly the missile itself is q5xCyMLHgYU-00154-00038244-00038429 shared with the Navy which is leading q5xCyMLHgYU-00155-00038430-00038645 the development of the project both q5xCyMLHgYU-00156-00038646-00038830 services will use the same booster q5xCyMLHgYU-00157-00038831-00039065 rocket and the same Glider vehicle q5xCyMLHgYU-00158-00039066-00039271 the same one the Air Force passed on q5xCyMLHgYU-00159-00039272-00039515 missiles will come in Seal containers q5xCyMLHgYU-00160-00039516-00039730 and two such containers will come per q5xCyMLHgYU-00161-00039731-00039959 launcher trailer to be taught by trucks q5xCyMLHgYU-00162-00039960-00040211 for such launchers will make up one q5xCyMLHgYU-00163-00040212-00040462 battery fifth Battalion third Fielder q5xCyMLHgYU-00164-00040463-00040702 artillery regiment is the first unit to q5xCyMLHgYU-00165-00040703-00040895 operate the type it will get the q5xCyMLHgYU-00166-00040896-00041135 Prototype battery there have been some q5xCyMLHgYU-00167-00041136-00041507 failed tests in 2021 and 2022 and the q5xCyMLHgYU-00168-00041508-00041668 weapon system is currently being q5xCyMLHgYU-00169-00041669-00041902 inspected by the dod Inspector General q5xCyMLHgYU-00170-00041903-00042196 but if all goes well and previous plans q5xCyMLHgYU-00171-00042197-00042389 are adhered to which is always q5xCyMLHgYU-00172-00042390-00042617 questionable that first prototype q5xCyMLHgYU-00173-00042618-00042868 battery may be fielded before the end of q5xCyMLHgYU-00174-00042869-00043085 this year the second battery would be q5xCyMLHgYU-00175-00043086-00043446 added in 2025 and a third one in 2027 q5xCyMLHgYU-00176-00043447-00043709 suggesting serial production of missiles q5xCyMLHgYU-00177-00043710-00044068 to begin sometime in 2024 or so the q5xCyMLHgYU-00178-00044069-00044255 system itself is quite complex and q5xCyMLHgYU-00179-00044256-00044471 expensive Office of the Secretary of q5xCyMLHgYU-00180-00044472-00044651 Defense cost assessment and program q5xCyMLHgYU-00181-00044652-00044962 evaluation estimated that the 66 missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00182-00044963-00045149 production run would would yield an q5xCyMLHgYU-00183-00045150-00045437 average cost of 106 million per missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00184-00045438-00045683 the Congressional budget office had a q5xCyMLHgYU-00185-00045684-00045899 different cost estimate made on a larger q5xCyMLHgYU-00186-00045900-00046133 missile production run of 300 missiles q5xCyMLHgYU-00187-00046134-00046433 total cost being 41 million dollars per q5xCyMLHgYU-00188-00046434-00046690 missile that's massive price tag is q5xCyMLHgYU-00189-00046691-00046924 applicable for the same missile both for q5xCyMLHgYU-00190-00046925-00047183 the Army and the Navy the Navy's variant q5xCyMLHgYU-00191-00047184-00047405 is called the conventional prompt strike q5xCyMLHgYU-00192-00047406-00047639 system it was initially scheduled to be q5xCyMLHgYU-00193-00047640-00047855 launched from submarines only but q5xCyMLHgYU-00194-00047856-00048065 recently news came that the Navy will q5xCyMLHgYU-00195-00048066-00048262 test it from a modified Zumwalt q5xCyMLHgYU-00196-00048263-00048515 Destroyer the US Navy has three of those q5xCyMLHgYU-00197-00048516-00048749 though one hasn't even been commissioned q5xCyMLHgYU-00198-00048750-00048983 into service yet that ship will undergo q5xCyMLHgYU-00199-00048984-00049240 modifications which will see its DAC gun q5xCyMLHgYU-00200-00049241-00049487 installations removed those guns never q5xCyMLHgYU-00201-00049488-00049685 reached operational service in their q5xCyMLHgYU-00202-00049686-00049930 place vertical launch missile tubes will q5xCyMLHgYU-00203-00049931-00050189 be installed the tubes themselves are q5xCyMLHgYU-00204-00050190-00050452 payload flexible in this instance three q5xCyMLHgYU-00205-00050453-00050752 Hypersonic missiles will fit in each in q5xCyMLHgYU-00206-00050753-00050957 total the Zumwalt will be able to carry q5xCyMLHgYU-00207-00050958-00051251 up to 12 such results if everything goes q5xCyMLHgYU-00208-00051252-00051473 okay with testing the Navy plans to q5xCyMLHgYU-00209-00051474-00051682 modify the remaining two Zone walls the q5xCyMLHgYU-00210-00051683-00051911 same way in the years to come and it is q5xCyMLHgYU-00211-00051912-00052175 also possible even likely that the whole q5xCyMLHgYU-00212-00052176-00052396 project is used as testing grounds for q5xCyMLHgYU-00213-00052397-00052642 the Next Generation Navy destroyer it q5xCyMLHgYU-00214-00052644-00052811 was often mentioned that Burke's q5xCyMLHgYU-00215-00052812-00053026 successor would be able to carry a large q5xCyMLHgYU-00216-00053027-00053297 diameter Hypersonic weapons but before q5xCyMLHgYU-00217-00053298-00053537 that happens the Navy plans to install q5xCyMLHgYU-00218-00053538-00053842 the CPS missiles onto its submarines q5xCyMLHgYU-00219-00053844-00054094 first to its four Ohio class submarines q5xCyMLHgYU-00220-00054095-00054311 which have been reconfigured to carry q5xCyMLHgYU-00221-00054312-00054557 Tomahawk cruise missiles with this those q5xCyMLHgYU-00222-00054558-00054754 subs will get a second weapon option q5xCyMLHgYU-00223-00054755-00054982 initial plans call for operational q5xCyMLHgYU-00224-00054983-00055342 capability on Ohio's in 2025 but that q5xCyMLHgYU-00225-00055344-00055607 timetable seems to have slipped by at q5xCyMLHgYU-00226-00055608-00055816 least a year given that the highest q5xCyMLHgYU-00227-00055817-00056026 tubes are even slightly larger than the q5xCyMLHgYU-00228-00056027-00056225 tubes to be installed on the Zumwalt q5xCyMLHgYU-00229-00056226-00056435 it's plausible those two will be able to q5xCyMLHgYU-00230-00056436-00056699 hold three missiles each for a total of q5xCyMLHgYU-00231-00056700-00057023 66 Hypersonic missiles per Ohio in q5xCyMLHgYU-00232-00057024-00057311 theory in practice due to costs who q5xCyMLHgYU-00233-00057312-00057509 knows how many would an Ohio usually q5xCyMLHgYU-00234-00057510-00057815 hold finally as the U.S Navy plans to q5xCyMLHgYU-00235-00057816-00057976 introduce virginia-class attack q5xCyMLHgYU-00236-00057977-00058216 submarines with even more VLS modules q5xCyMLHgYU-00237-00058217-00058438 those subs will get Hypersonic missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00238-00058439-00058661 capability as well those will be q5xCyMLHgYU-00239-00058662-00058919 installed in Block 5 Virginia Subs which q5xCyMLHgYU-00240-00058920-00059159 will be over 80 feet longer than block 1 q5xCyMLHgYU-00241-00059160-00059429 Subs the added launch modules will be of q5xCyMLHgYU-00242-00059429-00059609 Greater height supporting the long q5xCyMLHgYU-00243-00059610-00059837 Hypersonic missiles each block 5 q5xCyMLHgYU-00244-00059838-00060125 Virginia would then be able to carry 12 q5xCyMLHgYU-00245-00060126-00060382 such missiles while early plans called q5xCyMLHgYU-00246-00060383-00060587 for Hypersonic missile integration in q5xCyMLHgYU-00247-00060588-00060904 Virginia's by 2028 with slippage of q5xCyMLHgYU-00248-00060905-00061163 those plans that may happen a bit later q5xCyMLHgYU-00249-00061164-00061438 the four ohios will eventually be q5xCyMLHgYU-00250-00061439-00061697 replaced by Virginia block fives the q5xCyMLHgYU-00251-00061698-00061966 missile itself the Army and Navy one is q5xCyMLHgYU-00252-00061967-00062200 really very similar in class and usage q5xCyMLHgYU-00253-00062201-00062500 to the Chinese df-17 with perhaps a bit q5xCyMLHgYU-00254-00062501-00062692 more range as the booster is a bit q5xCyMLHgYU-00255-00062694-00062921 bigger of course actual parameters q5xCyMLHgYU-00256-00062922-00063107 defining its Effectiveness are q5xCyMLHgYU-00257-00063108-00063407 classified China also has the df-27 q5xCyMLHgYU-00258-00063408-00063665 sporting an even larger booster which q5xCyMLHgYU-00259-00063666-00063904 has an even greater range all those q5xCyMLHgYU-00260-00063905-00064115 missiles mentioned so far are finishing q5xCyMLHgYU-00261-00064116-00064366 up their development so a fair bit of q5xCyMLHgYU-00262-00064367-00064625 info is known about them but there are q5xCyMLHgYU-00263-00064626-00064859 other programs which either still have a q5xCyMLHgYU-00264-00064860-00065099 lot of development to be done or are q5xCyMLHgYU-00265-00065100-00065350 more secretive there's the Air Force's q5xCyMLHgYU-00266-00065351-00065579 Hypersonic cruise missile to be launched q5xCyMLHgYU-00267-00065580-00065794 from tactical planes such as the F-15 q5xCyMLHgYU-00268-00065795-00066082 which means the goal is to make it more q5xCyMLHgYU-00269-00066083-00066275 compact than the Russian Circle missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00270-00066276-00066509 for example which is also an air q5xCyMLHgYU-00271-00066510-00066737 breeding cruise missile not much is q5xCyMLHgYU-00272-00066738-00066941 known about said missile though it's q5xCyMLHgYU-00273-00066942-00067156 very likely it's leveraging development q5xCyMLHgYU-00274-00067157-00067415 from the hawk program which concluded in q5xCyMLHgYU-00275-00067416-00067703 2022 it's also possible that the Air q5xCyMLHgYU-00276-00067704-00067894 Force is joining forces with the Navy q5xCyMLHgYU-00277-00067895-00068141 developing one missile for both Services q5xCyMLHgYU-00278-00068142-00068399 the Navy has had a crash course q5xCyMLHgYU-00279-00068400-00068621 development project called the offensive q5xCyMLHgYU-00280-00068622-00068861 anti-surface Warfare through which it q5xCyMLHgYU-00281-00068862-00069106 took a Jason missile used by the Air q5xCyMLHgYU-00282-00069107-00069323 Force as a cruise missile and turned it q5xCyMLHgYU-00283-00069324-00069563 into an anti-ship missile calling it The q5xCyMLHgYU-00284-00069564-00069832 El Rossum that weapon is already in q5xCyMLHgYU-00285-00069833-00070067 service well there is now a program q5xCyMLHgYU-00286-00070068-00070313 called offensive anti-surface Warfare q5xCyMLHgYU-00287-00070314-00070594 increment too and it seeks to quickly q5xCyMLHgYU-00288-00070595-00070841 develop and field an even more potent q5xCyMLHgYU-00289-00070842-00071081 anti-ship weapon it also has a more q5xCyMLHgYU-00290-00071082-00071315 pronounceable name hey yellow which q5xCyMLHgYU-00291-00071316-00071531 discloses it's really a Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00292-00071532-00071800 weapon finally the Air Force set its q5xCyMLHgYU-00293-00071801-00072011 Hypersonic cruise missile has anti-ship q5xCyMLHgYU-00294-00072012-00072281 capability given navies and Air Forces q5xCyMLHgYU-00295-00072282-00072556 cooperation on the L Rasam it's also q5xCyMLHgYU-00296-00072557-00072809 plausible those two programs Halo and q5xCyMLHgYU-00297-00072810-00073109 Hakim share the basic missile attack the q5xCyMLHgYU-00298-00073110-00073337 Navy plans to use its missile from Super q5xCyMLHgYU-00299-00073338-00073588 Hornets so it all points to a very q5xCyMLHgYU-00300-00073589-00073859 similar missile it's quite possible that q5xCyMLHgYU-00301-00073860-00074099 two are one and the same missile like q5xCyMLHgYU-00302-00074100-00074309 armies and Navy's common Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00303-00074310-00074519 glider mentioned earlier with today's q5xCyMLHgYU-00304-00074520-00074788 technology a multi-role missile is not q5xCyMLHgYU-00305-00074789-00075023 hard to make the Russian Zircon missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00306-00075024-00075256 is for example to be used both against q5xCyMLHgYU-00307-00075257-00075521 Naval and ground targets the U.S q5xCyMLHgYU-00308-00075522-00075731 missiles are sized to be carried in q5xCyMLHgYU-00309-00075732-00076006 pairs two per aircraft it also points to q5xCyMLHgYU-00310-00076007-00076235 a missile of less range than the Russian q5xCyMLHgYU-00311-00076236-00076488 Circle given its fairly small size q5xCyMLHgYU-00312-00076489-00076769 actual program timetables are however q5xCyMLHgYU-00313-00076770-00077056 not very well defined the Air Force has q5xCyMLHgYU-00314-00077057-00077267 expressed desire to have the how come q5xCyMLHgYU-00315-00077268-00077609 complete its development in 2027 while q5xCyMLHgYU-00316-00077610-00077873 the Navy said it wants to field Halo in q5xCyMLHgYU-00317-00077874-00078203 2028 as Fielding usually happens a bit q5xCyMLHgYU-00318-00078204-00078479 after development completion those dates q5xCyMLHgYU-00319-00078480-00078700 point to inter-service cooperation as q5xCyMLHgYU-00320-00078701-00078773 well q5xCyMLHgYU-00321-00078774-00079043 various other programs exist like the q5xCyMLHgYU-00322-00079044-00079235 follow-up to the hawk missile research q5xCyMLHgYU-00323-00079236-00079523 but those will develop fundamental new q5xCyMLHgYU-00324-00079524-00079750 technologies for a future generation of q5xCyMLHgYU-00325-00079751-00080009 hypersonic missiles likely to be fielded q5xCyMLHgYU-00326-00080010-00080326 after 2030. in the meantime another q5xCyMLHgYU-00327-00080327-00080603 project that may see service fairly soon q5xCyMLHgYU-00328-00080604-00080873 is up fires right now it's just a q5xCyMLHgYU-00329-00080874-00081131 developmental project the U.S DARPA q5xCyMLHgYU-00330-00081132-00081376 agency is the lead on that but with the q5xCyMLHgYU-00331-00081377-00081562 US Army being the interested party q5xCyMLHgYU-00332-00081563-00081737 should the program demonstrate q5xCyMLHgYU-00333-00081738-00082043 feasibility the aim of op fires is to q5xCyMLHgYU-00334-00082044-00082319 produce a cheaper Hypersonic weapon to q5xCyMLHgYU-00335-00082320-00082511 be fired from regular army trucks q5xCyMLHgYU-00336-00082512-00082882 cheaper than the large lrhw but still q5xCyMLHgYU-00337-00082883-00083165 pricey it reuses the glider Warhead from q5xCyMLHgYU-00338-00083166-00083435 the Air Force's Aero system and mates it q5xCyMLHgYU-00339-00083436-00083705 to a new booster the booster itself is q5xCyMLHgYU-00340-00083706-00083932 throttleable so if a not so distant q5xCyMLHgYU-00341-00083933-00084185 Target emerges the glider will detach q5xCyMLHgYU-00342-00084186-00084455 fairly soon after launch its maximum q5xCyMLHgYU-00343-00084456-00084641 reach was described to be around A q5xCyMLHgYU-00344-00084642-00084881 Thousand Miles the development started q5xCyMLHgYU-00345-00084882-00085300 fairly late in 2017 and 2022 saw its q5xCyMLHgYU-00346-00085301-00085606 first and only test curiously DARPA q5xCyMLHgYU-00347-00085607-00085859 claims the development is over whether q5xCyMLHgYU-00348-00085860-00086050 that means the project will not see q5xCyMLHgYU-00349-00086051-00086285 service remains to be seen earlier q5xCyMLHgYU-00350-00086286-00086555 darpa's program manager did mention that q5xCyMLHgYU-00351-00086556-00086753 system could be made ready for service q5xCyMLHgYU-00352-00086754-00087143 in the late 2020s if pursued further but q5xCyMLHgYU-00353-00087144-00087347 it remains to be seen if the Army will q5xCyMLHgYU-00354-00087348-00087556 actually pick up that program that's q5xCyMLHgYU-00355-00087557-00087725 because the Army has yet another q5xCyMLHgYU-00356-00087726-00087959 possibly Hypersonic program up its q5xCyMLHgYU-00357-00087960-00088150 sleeve it has the Precision strike q5xCyMLHgYU-00358-00088151-00088444 missile in its increment one variant it q5xCyMLHgYU-00359-00088445-00088661 will be rocket motor powered and will q5xCyMLHgYU-00360-00088662-00088912 replace the attackum's missile but q5xCyMLHgYU-00361-00088913-00089129 already another weapon option is being q5xCyMLHgYU-00362-00089130-00089332 developed Precision strike missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00363-00089333-00089597 increment 4 which will use a Ramjet q5xCyMLHgYU-00364-00089598-00089825 motor and extend the range to a thousand q5xCyMLHgYU-00365-00089826-00090179 kilometers now being Ramjet powered it's q5xCyMLHgYU-00366-00090180-00090400 quite possible said system will not q5xCyMLHgYU-00367-00090401-00090617 actually be Hypersonic during most of q5xCyMLHgYU-00368-00090618-00090838 its trajectory and the depending on q5xCyMLHgYU-00369-00090839-00091049 other details it may not even be q5xCyMLHgYU-00370-00091050-00091259 sufficiently maneuverable at high enough q5xCyMLHgYU-00371-00091260-00091481 altitude to be called a Hypersonic q5xCyMLHgYU-00372-00091482-00091709 missile in a sense it may be like q5xCyMLHgYU-00373-00091710-00092003 Russian escander or kinsal missile while q5xCyMLHgYU-00374-00092004-00092243 somewhat maneuverable they're not really q5xCyMLHgYU-00375-00092244-00092488 true Hypersonic missiles but such q5xCyMLHgYU-00376-00092489-00092668 weapons Precision strike missile q5xCyMLHgYU-00377-00092669-00092944 included do offer adequate range and q5xCyMLHgYU-00378-00092945-00093209 some defense evasion capabilities for a q5xCyMLHgYU-00379-00093210-00093412 much lower price tag showing that q5xCyMLHgYU-00380-00093413-00093671 Hypersonic weapons are not be all and q5xCyMLHgYU-00381-00093672-00093965 end-all assets price tags of hypersonics q5xCyMLHgYU-00382-00093966-00094175 mentioned earlier show that as well q5xCyMLHgYU-00383-00094176-00094432 while all these missile programs are q5xCyMLHgYU-00384-00094433-00094685 certainly flashy hypersonics are just q5xCyMLHgYU-00385-00094686-00094918 one arrow in a quiver of modern military q5xCyMLHgYU-00386-00094919-00095243 power a Silver Arrow indeed made to q5xCyMLHgYU-00387-00095244-00095435 break down certain doors and help q5xCyMLHgYU-00388-00095436-00095675 cheaper weapons to come in and survive q5xCyMLHgYU-00389-00095676-00095993 but they are not to be used on their own q5xCyMLHgYU-00390-00095994-00096256 thanks for watching we hope you liked q5xCyMLHgYU-00391-00096257-00096491 this video and its visual style we like q5xCyMLHgYU-00392-00096492-00096737 to mix it up a bit not being confined to q5xCyMLHgYU-00393-00096738-00096917 a single visual style for our videos q5xCyMLHgYU-00394-00096918-00097181 also did you notice we are again making q5xCyMLHgYU-00395-00097182-00097444 YouTube shorts we'll try releasing those q5xCyMLHgYU-00396-00097445-00097709 on Wednesdays since we recently moved q5xCyMLHgYU-00397-00097710-00097979 our feature videos to Sundays until next q5xCyMLHgYU-00398-00097980-00098375 time salutations q5xCyMLHgYU-00399-00098376-00098681 and remember binkov may talk about war q5xCyMLHgYU-00400-00098682-00098968 but only real peace can bring us all q5xCyMLHgYU-00401-00098969-00099194 together q9QoC6KhsJQ-00000-00000822-00001260 you have three screws now when you guys q9QoC6KhsJQ-00001-00001261-00001469 gonna call and say hey my school da is q9QoC6KhsJQ-00002-00001470-00001748 not round it's okay because it's kind of q9QoC6KhsJQ-00003-00001750-00002097 going there sit here maybe quarter inch q9QoC6KhsJQ-00004-00002098-00002439 on top when you use the nut to tie the q9QoC6KhsJQ-00005-00002440-00002733 bottom this will go in and watch him so q9QoC6KhsJQ-00006-00002734-00002862 it's perfectly normal q9QoC6KhsJQ-00007-00002863-00003156 these three goes in here and then you're q9QoC6KhsJQ-00008-00003157-00003525 gonna have on the bottom the exact way q9QoC6KhsJQ-00009-00003526-00003858 that you see me okay you're gonna put q9QoC6KhsJQ-00010-00003859-00004128 the bushing right here one two three q9QoC6KhsJQ-00011-00004129-00004665 bushing right you're gonna have the q9QoC6KhsJQ-00012-00004666-00005169 other one on the bottom you're gonna put q9QoC6KhsJQ-00013-00005170-00005352 it through the screw you're gonna have q9QoC6KhsJQ-00014-00005353-00005517 this on the bottom and you're gonna have q9QoC6KhsJQ-00015-00005518-00005910 the nuts and in one school then I hit q9QoC6KhsJQ-00016-00005911-00006113 here you're gonna have this you're gonna q9QoC6KhsJQ-00017-00006114-00006369 have the washer and you're gonna your q9QoC6KhsJQ-00018-00006370-00006594 tie it down and we're gonna come back q9QoC6KhsJQ-00019-00006595-00006833 and I'm gonna show you how you do it q9QoC6KhsJQ-00020-00006834-00007098 okay now we're gonna go ahead and put q9QoC6KhsJQ-00021-00007098-00007409 the motor on as you see now you might q9QoC6KhsJQ-00022-00007410-00007680 want to do it when it's upside down for q9QoC6KhsJQ-00023-00007681-00007983 people that don't have a lot of q9QoC6KhsJQ-00024-00007984-00008231 experience putting the motor on our q9QoC6KhsJQ-00025-00008232-00008519 engineers have you know we put we q9QoC6KhsJQ-00026-00008520-00008694 actually could put this down together in q9QoC6KhsJQ-00027-00008695-00008919 an hour an hour and a half without q9QoC6KhsJQ-00028-00008920-00009110 videotaping obviously we were stopping q9QoC6KhsJQ-00029-00009111-00009366 and going to show you guys but if you at q9QoC6KhsJQ-00030-00009367-00009677 home this thing gonna take you easy four q9QoC6KhsJQ-00031-00009678-00009933 hours to do that won't let you know be q9QoC6KhsJQ-00032-00009934-00010244 prepared so you see on the top you have q9QoC6KhsJQ-00033-00010245-00010701 this space this is normal it's okay q9QoC6KhsJQ-00034-00010702-00010889 a lot of people come and say hey my q9QoC6KhsJQ-00035-00010890-00011096 scooter and go through the table this is q9QoC6KhsJQ-00036-00011097-00011544 pretty normal when you lock this in when q9QoC6KhsJQ-00037-00011545-00012083 you start this in and when you start q9QoC6KhsJQ-00038-00012084-00012314 screw it down this thing will start q9QoC6KhsJQ-00039-00012315-00012626 coming down very simple you don't need q9QoC6KhsJQ-00040-00012627-00013243 to make any holes done q9QoC6KhsJQ-00041-00013244-00013459 the screws and everything there and q9QoC6KhsJQ-00042-00013460-00013732 actually the wire that we see here are q9QoC6KhsJQ-00043-00013733-00014299 gonna go to the control panel that we're q9QoC6KhsJQ-00044-00014300-00014725 gonna have in the front okay so for this q9QoC6KhsJQ-00045-00014726-00015031 nut you need number fourteen so so far q9QoC6KhsJQ-00046-00015032-00015294 we need number ten number seventeen q9QoC6KhsJQ-00047-00015296-00015726 number nineteen and this is number 14 q9QoC6KhsJQ-00048-00015727-00015969 you don't need to move anything around q9QoC6KhsJQ-00049-00015971-00016254 there are three hole q9QoC6KhsJQ-00050-00016255-00016810 perfect alright so this is the control q9QoC6KhsJQ-00051-00016811-00017047 panel we're gonna put it right to the q9QoC6KhsJQ-00052-00017048-00017554 right hand side so the drawer is gonna q9QoC6KhsJQ-00053-00017555-00017725 be to the left this can be to the right q9QoC6KhsJQ-00054-00017726-00018121 and the very stuff two holes one in the q9QoC6KhsJQ-00055-00018122-00018292 front one in the back use the same type q9QoC6KhsJQ-00056-00018293-00018667 of holes we decided to instead of doing q9QoC6KhsJQ-00057-00018668-00018877 it the other way around and we want it q9QoC6KhsJQ-00058-00018878-00019171 to be easy for you to understand so we q9QoC6KhsJQ-00059-00019172-00019498 again turn the table upside down we're q9QoC6KhsJQ-00060-00019499-00019633 gonna go ahead and put this because q9QoC6KhsJQ-00061-00019634-00019840 usually we do it the other way but just q9QoC6KhsJQ-00062-00019841-00020080 for you guys to be easy we turn that q9QoC6KhsJQ-00063-00020081-00020437 upside down we put the control panel q9QoC6KhsJQ-00064-00020438-00020641 here and also ask him to go ahead and q9QoC6KhsJQ-00065-00020642-00020917 put the foot pedal on the top two for q9QoC6KhsJQ-00066-00020918-00021196 you guys to see very easy just to school q9QoC6KhsJQ-00067-00021197-00022075 that is going to go ahead and put it q9QoC6KhsJQ-00068-00022076-00022495 same type of cool that you used oh okay q9QoC6KhsJQ-00069-00022496-00022605 very good q9QoC6KhsJQ-00070-00022606-00022975 and there's going to be one in the back q9QoC6KhsJQ-00071-00022976-00025114 and while we're here in the back one in q9QoC6KhsJQ-00072-00025115-00025693 the back you see there is a plug here q9QoC6KhsJQ-00073-00025694-00026068 that's for the light the new take LED q9QoC6KhsJQ-00074-00026069-00026462 lamp that we provide the magnetic one q9QoC6KhsJQ-00075-00026463-00027089 free of charge and then and the other q9QoC6KhsJQ-00076-00027089-00027818 two sockets are easy for the just golden q9QoC6KhsJQ-00077-00027819-00028908 we don't q9QoC6KhsJQ-00078-00028908-00029455 one two three and then the other one is q9QoC6KhsJQ-00079-00029456-00030390 for the needle positioning system now q9QoC6KhsJQ-00080-00030391-00030540 we're going to put in the pedal on top q9QoC6KhsJQ-00081-00030541-00030667 the foot bail q9QoC6KhsJQ-00082-00030668-00030838 [Applause] q9QoC6KhsJQ-00083-00030839-00030872 [Music] q9QoC6KhsJQ-00084-00030873-00031554 [Applause] q9QoC6KhsJQ-00085-00031555-00032650 you q9QoC6KhsJQ-00086-00032651-00033800 [Music] q9QoC6KhsJQ-00087-00033801-00034080 [Music] q9QoC6KhsJQ-00088-00034081-00034287 you qsHA3znT-ju-00000-00000047-00000286 [Music] qsHA3znT-ju-00001-00000287-00000599 wso2 identity service 6 supports elastic qsHA3znT-ju-00002-00000600-00000831 stack-based analytics as the on-premise qsHA3znT-ju-00003-00000832-00001047 analytics solution for the application qsHA3znT-ju-00004-00001048-00001335 server the elk is a popular cloud-based qsHA3znT-ju-00005-00001336-00001519 open-source analytics solution qsHA3znT-ju-00006-00001520-00001726 it meets the need of drawing business qsHA3znT-ju-00007-00001727-00001975 with an efficient integrated tool set qsHA3znT-ju-00008-00001976-00002199 designed to deliver actionable real-time qsHA3znT-ju-00009-00002200-00002526 insights from large sets of search data qsHA3znT-ju-00010-00002527-00002767 its highly active community and ease of qsHA3znT-ju-00011-00002768-00003031 successful implementations offer an qsHA3znT-ju-00012-00003032-00003286 unmatched combination of maturity and qsHA3znT-ju-00013-00003288-00003486 future-proof development qsHA3znT-ju-00014-00003488-00003767 considering all the benefits of elk we qsHA3znT-ju-00015-00003768-00004015 decided to include pre-configuration of qsHA3znT-ju-00016-00004015-00004270 elk as an option for analytics in qsHA3znT-ju-00017-00004271-00004486 identity services qsHA3znT-ju-00018-00004487-00004695 the implemented elk based analytics qsHA3znT-ju-00019-00004696-00004959 solution contains four main components qsHA3znT-ju-00020-00004960-00005254 file bits logstash elasticsearch and qsHA3znT-ju-00021-00005255-00005454 kibana qsHA3znT-ju-00022-00005455-00005711 wso2 identity server published analytic qsHA3znT-ju-00023-00005712-00005975 data into log file that's used as the qsHA3znT-ju-00024-00005976-00006254 data source for elk analytics solution qsHA3znT-ju-00025-00006255-00006503 file bit log slash and elastic search qsHA3znT-ju-00026-00006504-00006710 work together to prepare the data for qsHA3znT-ju-00027-00006711-00006991 kibana which is the visualization layer qsHA3znT-ju-00028-00006992-00007239 providing users with the ability to view qsHA3znT-ju-00029-00007240-00007487 and analyze the data qsHA3znT-ju-00030-00007488-00007791 wso2 identity server 6 provides a simple qsHA3znT-ju-00031-00007792-00008046 one-step process for integration with ui qsHA3znT-ju-00032-00008047-00008295 existing elastic stack configuration qsHA3znT-ju-00033-00008296-00008510 we offer default dashboards for login qsHA3znT-ju-00034-00008511-00008878 analytics session analytics and alerting qsHA3znT-ju-00035-00008879-00009103 once the setup is done you can log in to qsHA3znT-ju-00036-00009104-00009351 kipana dashboard let me demonstrate the qsHA3znT-ju-00037-00009352-00009499 ask analytics feature qsHA3znT-ju-00038-00009500-00009646 [Music] qsHA3znT-ju-00039-00009647-00009910 we can login with basic authentication o qsHA3znT-ju-00040-00009911-00010151 use single sign on with wc2 identity qsHA3znT-ju-00041-00010152-00010399 server qsHA3znT-ju-00042-00010400-00010638 kibana is a very flexible and gives qsHA3znT-ju-00043-00010639-00010846 users the ability to add and customize qsHA3znT-ju-00044-00010847-00011006 dashboard widgets qsHA3znT-ju-00045-00011007-00011255 wso2's integration with kibana includes qsHA3znT-ju-00046-00011256-00011455 several dashboard widgets to visualize qsHA3znT-ju-00047-00011456-00011767 identity server specific analytics data qsHA3znT-ju-00048-00011768-00012006 various filters help users to select the qsHA3znT-ju-00049-00012007-00012295 specific analytic data they need to see qsHA3znT-ju-00050-00012296-00012503 you'll see three identical dashboards in qsHA3znT-ju-00051-00012504-00012742 the dashboard section or dashboard qsHA3znT-ju-00052-00012743-00013063 session dashboard and alert dashboard qsHA3znT-ju-00053-00013063-00013230 the auth dashboard qsHA3znT-ju-00054-00013231-00013422 the oauth dashboard for login analytics qsHA3znT-ju-00055-00013423-00013607 includes statistics related to login qsHA3znT-ju-00056-00013608-00013911 items made by wsu to identity server it qsHA3znT-ju-00057-00013912-00014063 primarily displays authentication qsHA3znT-ju-00058-00014063-00014294 related analytics for residence and qsHA3znT-ju-00059-00014295-00014558 federated authentication scenarios and qsHA3znT-ju-00060-00014559-00014766 statistics of overall authentication qsHA3znT-ju-00061-00014768-00014935 activities qsHA3znT-ju-00062-00014936-00015119 you can view all these authentication qsHA3znT-ju-00063-00015119-00015358 types in our dashboard you can use the qsHA3znT-ju-00064-00015359-00015607 odd type filter to view the relevant qsHA3znT-ju-00065-00015608-00015838 authentication statistics summaries the qsHA3znT-ju-00066-00015840-00016038 session dashboard qsHA3znT-ju-00067-00016040-00016183 the session dashboard includes qsHA3znT-ju-00068-00016184-00016399 statistics related to specific sessions qsHA3znT-ju-00069-00016400-00016622 created for different applications qsHA3znT-ju-00070-00016623-00016903 accessed by wso2 identity server it is qsHA3znT-ju-00071-00016904-00017199 useful to get insights into how long a qsHA3znT-ju-00072-00017200-00017455 user stays with the product and how many qsHA3znT-ju-00073-00017456-00017750 concurrent sessions are at a given time qsHA3znT-ju-00074-00017751-00017919 this will be useful for web traffic qsHA3znT-ju-00075-00017920-00018094 predictions as well qsHA3znT-ju-00076-00018095-00018263 the dashboard displays the currently qsHA3znT-ju-00077-00018264-00018486 executive session count session count of qsHA3znT-ju-00078-00018487-00018750 time and average session durations qsHA3znT-ju-00079-00018751-00018983 the alert dashboard qsHA3znT-ju-00080-00018984-00019199 the alert dashboard informs organization qsHA3znT-ju-00081-00019200-00019391 about abnormal user authentication qsHA3znT-ju-00082-00019392-00019686 behaviors for example wso2 identity qsHA3znT-ju-00083-00019687-00019855 server can trigger alerts about qsHA3znT-ju-00084-00019856-00020047 suspicious login activities or qsHA3znT-ju-00085-00020048-00020255 abnormally long sessions qsHA3znT-ju-00086-00020256-00020414 the alert dashboard capabilities qsHA3znT-ju-00087-00020415-00020630 complement other push based highlighting qsHA3znT-ju-00088-00020631-00020847 capabilities of identity server where qsHA3znT-ju-00089-00020848-00021071 alerts are sent through other channels qsHA3znT-ju-00090-00021072-00021239 such as email qsHA3znT-ju-00091-00021240-00021535 jira slack etc thank you for watching qsHA3znT-ju-00092-00021536-00021851 this video qsbMehNLhfu-00000-00000056-00000279 hello guys it's qsbMehNLhfu-00001-00000280-00001751 the channel qsbMehNLhfu-00002-00001752-00002001 hahaha qsbMehNLhfu-00003-00002002-00003615 [Applause] qsbMehNLhfu-00005-00007381-00007534 [Music] qsbMehNLhfu-00006-00007536-00010190 so qsbMehNLhfu-00007-00010191-00011700 [Music] qsbMehNLhfu-00008-00011701-00013311 [Music] qsbMehNLhfu-00009-00013312-00013505 do qsbMehNLhfu-00010-00013506-00014791 [Music] qsbMehNLhfu-00011-00014791-00017425 do qsbMehNLhfu-00013-00021048-00022073 [Applause] qsbMehNLhfu-00014-00022074-00025014 [Music] qsbMehNLhfu-00015-00025015-00025622 dad qsbMehNLhfu-00016-00025623-00025832 you qtBJopi9Yx0-00000-00000039-00000311 i got the newspaper qtBJopi9Yx0-00001-00000312-00000878 i got the newspaper qtBJopi9Yx0-00002-00000880-00001054 oh qtBJopi9Yx0-00003-00001055-00001358 who's that slice of pecan pie qtBJopi9Yx0-00004-00001359-00001614 i just look away i'm gonna be like pepe qtBJopi9Yx0-00005-00001616-00001934 le pew in this first space jam movie qtBJopi9Yx0-00006-00001935-00002326 whoa qtBJopi9Yx0-00007-00002327-00002583 no police no witnesses qtBJopi9Yx0-00008-00002584-00003071 all right qtBJopi9Yx0-00009-00003072-00003303 okay oh yeah no no don't worry about me qtBJopi9Yx0-00010-00003304-00003470 my name is george i'm not here to bother qtBJopi9Yx0-00011-00003471-00003631 you whatsoever what's away i'm just here qtBJopi9Yx0-00012-00003632-00003775 to kind of look around and do some qtBJopi9Yx0-00013-00003776-00003967 things here and there oh hold on a qtBJopi9Yx0-00014-00003968-00004167 second there i see that you got the qtBJopi9Yx0-00015-00004168-00004375 evening post i just got the morning post qtBJopi9Yx0-00016-00004376-00004502 perhaps maybe i could look at your qtBJopi9Yx0-00017-00004503-00004686 evening post would that be okay if qtBJopi9Yx0-00018-00004687-00004863 that's no big problem i'll oh no no no qtBJopi9Yx0-00019-00004864-00004983 no don't worry about this i'll be qtBJopi9Yx0-00020-00004984-00005183 perfectly fine if you say no but i just qtBJopi9Yx0-00021-00005184-00005295 need to know if i could just take all qtBJopi9Yx0-00022-00005296-00005415 right all right all right you can look qtBJopi9Yx0-00023-00005416-00005543 at it but then that's all you can i'm qtBJopi9Yx0-00024-00005544-00005879 pretty much obliged to um sir hey are qtBJopi9Yx0-00025-00005880-00006047 you new in town oh no you're not gonna qtBJopi9Yx0-00026-00006048-00006247 dinner with andre with me okay well qtBJopi9Yx0-00027-00006248-00006439 that's pretty good movie i wouldn't say qtBJopi9Yx0-00028-00006440-00006742 that we shouldn't do that well um it's qtBJopi9Yx0-00029-00006743-00006887 just not qtBJopi9Yx0-00030-00006888-00007175 gonna borrow a penny well fine qtBJopi9Yx0-00031-00007176-00007414 just one penny just enough to buy your qtBJopi9Yx0-00032-00007415-00007639 own newspaper well uh thank you very qtBJopi9Yx0-00033-00007640-00007855 much sir i really appreciate you giving qtBJopi9Yx0-00034-00007856-00008055 me that penny oh perhaps maybe you can qtBJopi9Yx0-00035-00008056-00008223 give me a little bit more just uh you qtBJopi9Yx0-00036-00008224-00008407 know help me through the rest of the day qtBJopi9Yx0-00037-00008408-00008695 i don't come on now i'm i don't qtBJopi9Yx0-00038-00008696-00008846 here you go oh well i'm just very qtBJopi9Yx0-00039-00008847-00009014 generous of you i really appreciate that qtBJopi9Yx0-00040-00009015-00009183 you're a good guy yeah don't mention it qtBJopi9Yx0-00041-00009184-00009383 okay i mean seriously just never mention qtBJopi9Yx0-00042-00009384-00009599 it again okay can you just never mention qtBJopi9Yx0-00043-00009600-00009774 this that i gave you money whatsoever i qtBJopi9Yx0-00044-00009775-00009895 don't want to have a reputation or qtBJopi9Yx0-00045-00009896-00010110 anything like that i'm not a generous qtBJopi9Yx0-00046-00010111-00010399 person you got it well sure i get it qtBJopi9Yx0-00047-00010400-00010638 well right then i guess you do get it qtBJopi9Yx0-00048-00010639-00010846 alright now off with you now well qtBJopi9Yx0-00049-00010847-00011014 i really can't give you much in return qtBJopi9Yx0-00050-00011015-00011263 oh no that's an annoyance tax consider qtBJopi9Yx0-00051-00011264-00011414 that paid in full and i don't want qtBJopi9Yx0-00052-00011415-00011606 anyone needs company now and again sir qtBJopi9Yx0-00053-00011607-00011799 well then maybe i'm just not in the mood qtBJopi9Yx0-00054-00011800-00011919 to deal with you right now you're qtBJopi9Yx0-00055-00011920-00012078 struggling i don't know a stranger come qtBJopi9Yx0-00056-00012079-00012263 on no i just don't know you that well so qtBJopi9Yx0-00057-00012264-00012455 just let's get familiar with one another qtBJopi9Yx0-00058-00012456-00012655 okay okay fine fine well i'm really qtBJopi9Yx0-00059-00012656-00012799 great company if you get to know me all qtBJopi9Yx0-00060-00012800-00012943 right then what is your favorite band if qtBJopi9Yx0-00061-00012944-00013063 you don't answer correctly you're out of qtBJopi9Yx0-00062-00013063-00013263 here well i'm a big fan of 90 is punk qtBJopi9Yx0-00063-00013263-00013479 rock but mostly hoopa stink and hoopas qtBJopi9Yx0-00064-00013480-00013591 thanks pretty great what do you think qtBJopi9Yx0-00065-00013591-00013766 about hoopa staying booboos what's now qtBJopi9Yx0-00066-00013768-00013935 pronounced hoopa stink it's proven steak qtBJopi9Yx0-00067-00013936-00014158 is my favorite band qtBJopi9Yx0-00068-00014159-00014375 oh you like koopa's thing too qtBJopi9Yx0-00069-00014376-00014599 when i was a teenager i was qtBJopi9Yx0-00070-00014600-00014815 president of the hoobastank fan club in qtBJopi9Yx0-00071-00014816-00015030 my chapter my small town in iowa and i'm qtBJopi9Yx0-00072-00015031-00015247 not gonna tell you where i came from you qtBJopi9Yx0-00073-00015247-00015430 got that oh qtBJopi9Yx0-00074-00015431-00015735 so you're from iowa well qtBJopi9Yx0-00075-00015736-00015879 listen i've never told anyone this qtBJopi9Yx0-00076-00015880-00016111 before could you keep it a secret qtBJopi9Yx0-00077-00016112-00016343 oh okay no problem qtBJopi9Yx0-00078-00016344-00016543 a hoopa stink is nothing to be ashamed qtBJopi9Yx0-00079-00016544-00016775 of anyways it's a great band and they qtBJopi9Yx0-00080-00016776-00016950 have some great sometimes i just gotta qtBJopi9Yx0-00081-00016951-00017103 crawl through the dart to get to see the qtBJopi9Yx0-00082-00017104-00017286 lights no no no quit using the lyrics qtBJopi9Yx0-00083-00017287-00017439 from songs i used to be the president of qtBJopi9Yx0-00084-00017440-00017622 my fan club of state perhaps we can talk qtBJopi9Yx0-00085-00017623-00017799 about who's still honestly the greatest qtBJopi9Yx0-00086-00017800-00018022 no i know more about than anyone else oh qtBJopi9Yx0-00087-00018023-00019343 no i'm gonna show you up for sure qtBJopi9Yx0-00088-00019344-00019647 [Music] qtBJopi9Yx0-00089-00019648-00019856 you qvIY6ukIguu-00000-00000113-00000423 the mango I languish mango I Tombo qvIY6ukIguu-00001-00000424-00000638 Menger I Indonesian the Hassim anger I qvIY6ukIguu-00002-00000639-00000831 is the language of the mango I people qvIY6ukIguu-00003-00000832-00001023 from the western parts of the island of qvIY6ukIguu-00004-00001024-00001248 Flores in East Nusa Tenggara province qvIY6ukIguu-00005-00001249-00001341 Indonesia qvIY6ukIguu-00006-00001342-00001593 there are also some pockets of mango ice qvIY6ukIguu-00007-00001594-00001779 speakers in the village of mango I in qvIY6ukIguu-00008-00001780-00002088 Jakarta the capital city of Indonesia it qvIY6ukIguu-00009-00002089-00002252 is the native language of more than qvIY6ukIguu-00010-00002253-00002417 seven hundred thirty thousand people qvIY6ukIguu-00011-00002418-00002651 based on statistical data reported by qvIY6ukIguu-00012-00002652-00003023 central agency on Statistics VPS in 2009 qvIY6ukIguu-00013-00003024-00003236 for the province of East Nusa Tenggara qvIY6ukIguu-00014-00003238-00003536 Indonesia the data includes statistics qvIY6ukIguu-00015-00003538-00003729 for the population of the Regency of qvIY6ukIguu-00016-00003729-00003951 Greater mango I on Flores Island which qvIY6ukIguu-00017-00003952-00004143 consists of three districts Banger I qvIY6ukIguu-00018-00004144-00004371 district west mango I district and East qvIY6ukIguu-00019-00004372-00004618 manga I district qvIY6ukIguu-00020-00004619-00004885 outside Flores Island East Nusa Tenggara qvIY6ukIguu-00021-00004886-00005146 province Indonesia there are some anger qvIY6ukIguu-00022-00005147-00005317 eyes speaking people in the village of qvIY6ukIguu-00023-00005318-00005529 manga I in the eastern part of Jakarta qvIY6ukIguu-00024-00005530-00005827 the capital city of Indonesia formerly a qvIY6ukIguu-00025-00005828-00006034 concentration of workers from greater qvIY6ukIguu-00026-00006035-00006268 manga Rai the population is now just a qvIY6ukIguu-00027-00006269-00006447 few of the original people because the qvIY6ukIguu-00028-00006448-00006631 majority in the village has now become qvIY6ukIguu-00029-00006631-00006860 the Vitaly qvIY6ukIguu-00030-00006861-00007083 the mango I language is part of the qvIY6ukIguu-00031-00007084-00007256 Austronesian family and is therefore qvIY6ukIguu-00032-00007257-00007463 related to Indonesian and other Malay qvIY6ukIguu-00033-00007464-00007773 varieties most speakers of mango I also qvIY6ukIguu-00034-00007773-00007973 speak Indonesian for official and qvIY6ukIguu-00035-00007975-00008148 commercial purposes and to communicate qvIY6ukIguu-00036-00008148-00008710 with non mango I Indonesians qvIY6ukIguu-00037-00008711-00009011 references qyGY6AJ0DVA-00000-00000056-00000238 tommy here from learn systems and we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00001-00000239-00000487 going to do a video today on how to set qyGY6AJ0DVA-00002-00000488-00000734 up permissions in true nas core qyGY6AJ0DVA-00003-00000735-00000854 specifically i'm going to be using qyGY6AJ0DVA-00004-00000855-00001062 trueness core 13 release candidate one qyGY6AJ0DVA-00005-00001063-00001239 because it's almost out or maybe by the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00006-00001240-00001399 time you're watching this video it is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00007-00001400-00001614 out now this is pretty much the same as qyGY6AJ0DVA-00008-00001616-00001791 how you would do it in trueness core 12 qyGY6AJ0DVA-00009-00001792-00002175 the current release as of april 2022 but qyGY6AJ0DVA-00010-00002176-00002342 there's really not any differences in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00011-00002343-00002534 the products overall when it comes to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00012-00002535-00002710 permissions the goal is going to be qyGY6AJ0DVA-00013-00002711-00002902 though to teach you how to create a data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00014-00002903-00003183 set then apply permissions to that data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00015-00003184-00003343 set based on the user you want to be the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00016-00003344-00003575 primary user adding that primary user to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00017-00003576-00003751 a group setting a group permissions and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00018-00003752-00003935 adding another user so two different qyGY6AJ0DVA-00019-00003936-00004103 people can share you can keep adding qyGY6AJ0DVA-00020-00004104-00004270 more users and progress from there this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00021-00004271-00004422 is to set you up with the base of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00022-00004423-00004575 understanding of how to do that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00023-00004576-00004815 everything is time indexed down below so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00024-00004816-00004983 you can jump around to the part that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00025-00004984-00005206 maybe you were stuck on in this process qyGY6AJ0DVA-00026-00005207-00005454 but please note if you do things out of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00027-00005455-00005686 order you may have unexpected results so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00028-00005687-00005822 if you choose to skip parts of this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00029-00005823-00005918 video qyGY6AJ0DVA-00030-00005919-00006102 make sure you've done those parts prior qyGY6AJ0DVA-00031-00006103-00006270 to skipping them this is some of the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00032-00006271-00006454 problems people run into when i see qyGY6AJ0DVA-00033-00006455-00006623 forum posts or people contact us for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00034-00006623-00006831 consulting about permissions in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00035-00006831-00007078 juneascore is they didn't do all of the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00036-00007079-00007310 steps or doing them in the right order qyGY6AJ0DVA-00037-00007311-00007542 because well these are important steps qyGY6AJ0DVA-00038-00007543-00007783 to get in the right order simple as that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00039-00007784-00007942 now before we dive into the details of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00040-00007943-00008095 this video let's first are you an qyGY6AJ0DVA-00041-00008095-00008231 individual or company looking for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00042-00008232-00008439 support on a network engineering storage qyGY6AJ0DVA-00043-00008440-00008607 or virtualization project is your qyGY6AJ0DVA-00044-00008608-00008783 company or internal id team looking for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00045-00008784-00008927 someone to proactively monitor your qyGY6AJ0DVA-00046-00008928-00009127 system security or offer strategic qyGY6AJ0DVA-00047-00009128-00009278 guidance to keep your it systems qyGY6AJ0DVA-00048-00009279-00009471 operating smoothly not only would we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00049-00009472-00009663 love to help consulting your project we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00050-00009664-00009863 also offer fully managed or co-managed qyGY6AJ0DVA-00051-00009864-00010055 it service plans for businesses in need qyGY6AJ0DVA-00052-00010056-00010335 of it administration or it teams in need qyGY6AJ0DVA-00053-00010336-00010542 of additional support with our expert qyGY6AJ0DVA-00054-00010543-00010735 install team we can also assist you with qyGY6AJ0DVA-00055-00010736-00010919 all of your structured cabling and wi-fi qyGY6AJ0DVA-00056-00010920-00011142 planning projects if any of this piques qyGY6AJ0DVA-00057-00011143-00011335 your interest fill out our hire us form qyGY6AJ0DVA-00058-00011336-00011535 at laurentsystems.com so we can start qyGY6AJ0DVA-00059-00011536-00011727 crafting a solution that works for you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00060-00011728-00011863 if you're not interested in hiring us qyGY6AJ0DVA-00061-00011864-00011967 but you're looking for other ways you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00062-00011968-00012103 want to support this channel there's qyGY6AJ0DVA-00063-00012104-00012246 affiliate links down below to get your qyGY6AJ0DVA-00064-00012247-00012383 deals and discounts on products and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00065-00012384-00012591 services we talk about on this channel qyGY6AJ0DVA-00066-00012592-00012815 and now back to our content now the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00067-00012816-00012966 first thing we want to do is make sure qyGY6AJ0DVA-00068-00012967-00013175 we have our users so we're going to go qyGY6AJ0DVA-00069-00013176-00013343 over to users and we have qyGY6AJ0DVA-00070-00013344-00013599 marcus and we have tom qyGY6AJ0DVA-00071-00013600-00013815 at least one user needs to be created qyGY6AJ0DVA-00072-00013816-00013951 and maybe that's as far as you need it's qyGY6AJ0DVA-00073-00013952-00014166 just one user for permissions but we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00074-00014168-00014383 going to build this on the idea that we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00075-00014384-00014575 have tom and we have marcus and we want qyGY6AJ0DVA-00076-00014576-00014775 to put them into the editors group so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00077-00014776-00015007 both of these users will have read write qyGY6AJ0DVA-00078-00015008-00015230 permission in this particular share that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00079-00015231-00015399 we're going to create so we'll look at qyGY6AJ0DVA-00080-00015400-00015647 the groups now easy enough to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00081-00015647-00015830 add a group and create one group id qyGY6AJ0DVA-00082-00015831-00015991 create the name here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00083-00015991-00016143 and we're going to cancel because we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00084-00016144-00016294 already have one done and that's this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00085-00016295-00016630 one here expand out here click members qyGY6AJ0DVA-00086-00016631-00016847 put the people you want in this group qyGY6AJ0DVA-00087-00016848-00017030 that we're going to be assigning to this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00088-00017031-00017255 share in here for the group members so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00089-00017256-00017430 we have the tom and marcus group member qyGY6AJ0DVA-00090-00017431-00017607 if you add more users you would just qyGY6AJ0DVA-00091-00017608-00017791 bring them over here by the way root qyGY6AJ0DVA-00092-00017792-00018022 will not work properly so don't ever use qyGY6AJ0DVA-00093-00018023-00018230 root as part of this even though this is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00094-00018231-00018447 where a lot of people get stuck thinking qyGY6AJ0DVA-00095-00018448-00018599 you can put root in there because you'll qyGY6AJ0DVA-00096-00018600-00018807 find a forum post that references it yes qyGY6AJ0DVA-00097-00018808-00019071 in the old versions of true nas that was qyGY6AJ0DVA-00098-00019072-00019247 an option that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00099-00019248-00019414 looks like an option because you can do qyGY6AJ0DVA-00100-00019415-00019599 it but it won't work properly and often qyGY6AJ0DVA-00101-00019600-00019847 where people get themselves stuck next qyGY6AJ0DVA-00102-00019848-00020007 we want to actually create the spot for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00103-00020008-00020230 the share so we go to storage qyGY6AJ0DVA-00104-00020231-00020391 then pools qyGY6AJ0DVA-00105-00020392-00020583 and we click the three dots on the pool qyGY6AJ0DVA-00106-00020584-00020935 so we add a data set it is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00107-00020936-00021143 best to create a data set for each qyGY6AJ0DVA-00108-00021144-00021294 different types of sharing and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00109-00021295-00021486 permissions you want the reason for this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00110-00021487-00021663 is the share level permission data is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00111-00021664-00021871 stored within the data set so if you had qyGY6AJ0DVA-00112-00021872-00022094 a completely different set of parameters qyGY6AJ0DVA-00113-00022095-00022263 that you wanted for another share qyGY6AJ0DVA-00114-00022264-00022422 creating another data set for that share qyGY6AJ0DVA-00115-00022423-00022703 would be ideal although you can nest qyGY6AJ0DVA-00116-00022704-00022855 data sets together and we'll kind of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00117-00022856-00023007 mention that here when i get to their qyGY6AJ0DVA-00118-00023008-00023127 permissions because there's an option qyGY6AJ0DVA-00119-00023128-00023319 that you can check to set all of them in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00120-00023320-00023439 groups instead of all of them qyGY6AJ0DVA-00121-00023440-00023599 individually but they can be nested qyGY6AJ0DVA-00122-00023600-00023758 together now we're going to call this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00123-00023759-00023894 one qyGY6AJ0DVA-00124-00023895-00024135 youtube demo now i use an underscore qyGY6AJ0DVA-00125-00024136-00024271 because i just don't like spaces in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00126-00024272-00024391 there it helps when you're navigating qyGY6AJ0DVA-00127-00024392-00024639 from the command line but also important qyGY6AJ0DVA-00128-00024640-00024830 don't put a space or any special qyGY6AJ0DVA-00129-00024831-00025094 characters after that may get in there i qyGY6AJ0DVA-00130-00025095-00025294 have had some head scratching moments qyGY6AJ0DVA-00131-00025295-00025478 doing consulting when i couldn't see the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00132-00025479-00025614 space because of the way it's displayed qyGY6AJ0DVA-00133-00025616-00025758 and realized someone had just added an qyGY6AJ0DVA-00134-00025760-00025974 extra space or special character from qyGY6AJ0DVA-00135-00025975-00026262 copying pasting afterwards and samba may qyGY6AJ0DVA-00136-00026263-00026414 not parse it properly therefore your qyGY6AJ0DVA-00137-00026416-00026639 permissions will have some weird results qyGY6AJ0DVA-00138-00026639-00026895 so take the time to type that in because qyGY6AJ0DVA-00139-00026895-00027079 it is parsed it is something you want to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00140-00027080-00027279 make sure you get right and not anything qyGY6AJ0DVA-00141-00027280-00027462 extra the comments you can do whatever qyGY6AJ0DVA-00142-00027463-00027631 you want so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00143-00027632-00027814 we can call this you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00144-00027816-00028135 do permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00145-00028136-00028318 and whatever you want for spaces and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00146-00028319-00028511 such and i guess we'll capitalize to t qyGY6AJ0DVA-00147-00028512-00028623 because i think that's how it's supposed qyGY6AJ0DVA-00148-00028624-00028718 to look qyGY6AJ0DVA-00149-00028719-00028887 going down nothing else we really have qyGY6AJ0DVA-00150-00028888-00029031 to do here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00151-00029032-00029255 choosing smb because this is the share qyGY6AJ0DVA-00152-00029256-00029374 type we're going to have we're going to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00153-00029375-00029535 go ahead and hit submit qyGY6AJ0DVA-00154-00029536-00029711 so now we've created that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00155-00029712-00029831 next thing we want to do is the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00156-00029832-00030014 permissions themselves go back click qyGY6AJ0DVA-00157-00030016-00030143 three dots qyGY6AJ0DVA-00158-00030144-00030302 edit permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00159-00030303-00030479 it will default to having root here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00160-00030480-00030695 because when you create new data sets qyGY6AJ0DVA-00161-00030695-00030902 root is the default owner qyGY6AJ0DVA-00162-00030903-00031102 we're going to change that to tom as you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00163-00031103-00031318 start typing it will auto complete check qyGY6AJ0DVA-00164-00031319-00031543 the apply user box then we'll put qyGY6AJ0DVA-00165-00031544-00031670 editors qyGY6AJ0DVA-00166-00031672-00031902 start typing it will auto complete check qyGY6AJ0DVA-00167-00031903-00032111 the apply group box qyGY6AJ0DVA-00168-00032112-00032343 so now we've applied user applied group qyGY6AJ0DVA-00169-00032344-00032711 we'll select an acl preset of restricted qyGY6AJ0DVA-00170-00032712-00032831 there's different options you can do qyGY6AJ0DVA-00171-00032832-00033087 here but these presets will control the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00172-00033088-00033295 parameters on the side here if you want qyGY6AJ0DVA-00173-00033296-00033431 to get more advanced and it's not a qyGY6AJ0DVA-00174-00033432-00033583 scope of this video yes you can get qyGY6AJ0DVA-00175-00033584-00033855 granular with the acl items and do qyGY6AJ0DVA-00176-00033856-00034046 more extended and more enhanced features qyGY6AJ0DVA-00177-00034047-00034143 from there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00178-00034144-00034335 scrolling down apply permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00179-00034336-00034567 recursively will apply these permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00180-00034568-00034790 to any data that may be in there now the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00181-00034791-00034943 next thing you have is the apply qyGY6AJ0DVA-00182-00034944-00035174 permissions to child data sets you can qyGY6AJ0DVA-00183-00035175-00035399 nest data sets together and the reason qyGY6AJ0DVA-00184-00035400-00035599 you may want to do that is because you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00185-00035600-00035855 want different parameters different qyGY6AJ0DVA-00186-00035856-00036159 settings per data set not just folders qyGY6AJ0DVA-00187-00036160-00036279 when you're creating a share and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00188-00036280-00036439 everything down there so you may want to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00189-00036440-00036646 have a series of nested data sets so you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00190-00036647-00036862 could set maybe a snapshot policy qyGY6AJ0DVA-00191-00036863-00037087 differently for a subfolder qyGY6AJ0DVA-00192-00037088-00037239 versus the main folder that would have qyGY6AJ0DVA-00193-00037240-00037423 to make it as a data set they present qyGY6AJ0DVA-00194-00037424-00037655 all those folders inside of the share qyGY6AJ0DVA-00195-00037656-00037895 but this applied child data set is so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00196-00037896-00038151 the permissions you set here can apply qyGY6AJ0DVA-00197-00038152-00038367 downward or maybe you want to create a qyGY6AJ0DVA-00198-00038368-00038487 series of data sets where you have qyGY6AJ0DVA-00199-00038488-00038607 different permissions then you wouldn't qyGY6AJ0DVA-00200-00038608-00038711 check that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00201-00038712-00038846 the last thing i want to mention is the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00202-00038847-00039174 strip acls if you have gotten yourself qyGY6AJ0DVA-00203-00039175-00039327 into a mess and you've done this a few qyGY6AJ0DVA-00204-00039328-00039535 times but you keep trying to reapply qyGY6AJ0DVA-00205-00039536-00039743 them stripping all the ecls means strip qyGY6AJ0DVA-00206-00039744-00039967 all of the access control lists off of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00207-00039968-00040151 anything that's within here so you can qyGY6AJ0DVA-00208-00040152-00040359 start over this does not affect the data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00209-00040360-00040543 only the permissions on the data if qyGY6AJ0DVA-00210-00040544-00040718 there's existing data in there so that's qyGY6AJ0DVA-00211-00040719-00040911 sometimes a good way to start over and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00212-00040912-00041095 go back and fix permissions now we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00213-00041096-00041399 going to hit save qyGY6AJ0DVA-00214-00041400-00041630 and now we've created the youtube demo qyGY6AJ0DVA-00215-00041631-00041895 data set but before we do the share i qyGY6AJ0DVA-00216-00041896-00042095 want snapshots on this particular data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00217-00042096-00042262 set so we're going to go over here to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00218-00042263-00042527 tasks and set up a snapshot task qyGY6AJ0DVA-00219-00042528-00042727 periodic snapshot tasks qyGY6AJ0DVA-00220-00042728-00042895 add qyGY6AJ0DVA-00221-00042896-00043023 choose the data set we're going to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00222-00043024-00043255 choose the youtube demo one qyGY6AJ0DVA-00223-00043256-00043487 snapshot lifetime of two weeks now we'll qyGY6AJ0DVA-00224-00043488-00043567 say qyGY6AJ0DVA-00225-00043568-00043687 two qyGY6AJ0DVA-00226-00043688-00043823 hours qyGY6AJ0DVA-00227-00043824-00044007 you can hit the help button here it'll qyGY6AJ0DVA-00228-00044008-00044158 tell you some different parameters weeks qyGY6AJ0DVA-00229-00044159-00044302 months there's different parameters up qyGY6AJ0DVA-00230-00044303-00044495 maybe how long you want to keep the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00231-00044496-00044774 snapshots for how often you want them to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00232-00044775-00045023 run we're gonna do custom because we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00233-00045024-00045271 want them to run every minute qyGY6AJ0DVA-00234-00045272-00045502 and every hour this is more than most qyGY6AJ0DVA-00235-00045503-00045679 people want them to run but you can see qyGY6AJ0DVA-00236-00045680-00045830 they're going to be running qyGY6AJ0DVA-00237-00045831-00046102 once a minute here now snapshots are qyGY6AJ0DVA-00238-00046103-00046295 only as big as the differential of the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00239-00046296-00046639 data between snapshots so there's not qyGY6AJ0DVA-00240-00046640-00046846 much data being taken up by the snapshot qyGY6AJ0DVA-00241-00046847-00047079 itself so if there's 100 gigs of data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00242-00047080-00047286 and each minute i add qyGY6AJ0DVA-00243-00047287-00047527 only one gig of data the reference to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00244-00047528-00047871 snapshot grows by one gig not 101 gigs qyGY6AJ0DVA-00245-00047872-00047999 this is important remember and this is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00246-00048000-00048111 what allows you to have a lot of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00247-00048112-00048327 snapshots without them taking up a lot qyGY6AJ0DVA-00248-00048328-00048479 of space the other advantage of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00249-00048480-00048679 snapshots is samba will present them qyGY6AJ0DVA-00250-00048680-00048927 inside of windows as a volume shadow qyGY6AJ0DVA-00251-00048928-00049207 copy an immutable volume shadow copy so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00252-00049208-00049335 people in windows will be able to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00253-00049336-00049495 restore their previous versions but they qyGY6AJ0DVA-00254-00049496-00049662 will have no access to delete them qyGY6AJ0DVA-00255-00049663-00049935 because only the admin on shernas itself qyGY6AJ0DVA-00256-00049936-00050127 through the web ui here can actually qyGY6AJ0DVA-00257-00050128-00050367 manipulate the snapshots or if you ssh qyGY6AJ0DVA-00258-00050368-00050535 in from the command line qyGY6AJ0DVA-00259-00050536-00050702 allow taking of empty snapshots i'm qyGY6AJ0DVA-00260-00050703-00050862 going to uncheck because they only want qyGY6AJ0DVA-00261-00050863-00051039 the snapshots to occur if it finds qyGY6AJ0DVA-00262-00051040-00051311 there's new data if there's no new data qyGY6AJ0DVA-00263-00051312-00051590 the snapshot doesn't need to take place qyGY6AJ0DVA-00264-00051591-00051799 now this isn't really about space saving qyGY6AJ0DVA-00265-00051800-00052014 this is about making it more concise qyGY6AJ0DVA-00266-00052015-00052182 because if you have all the empty qyGY6AJ0DVA-00267-00052183-00052326 snapshots and people are looking for the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00268-00052327-00052479 last time something was changed when qyGY6AJ0DVA-00269-00052479-00052623 they're trying to restore a volume qyGY6AJ0DVA-00270-00052624-00052871 shadow copy they would see all the list qyGY6AJ0DVA-00271-00052872-00053015 of them and they have to know what time qyGY6AJ0DVA-00272-00053016-00053199 to look with the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00273-00053200-00053399 not taking any empty snapshots the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00274-00053400-00053591 snapshots look if there's no difference qyGY6AJ0DVA-00275-00053591-00053791 in changes and data the snapshot just qyGY6AJ0DVA-00276-00053791-00054023 doesn't happen so you end up with a list qyGY6AJ0DVA-00277-00054024-00054207 based on when the data was changed so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00278-00054208-00054630 we're going to go ahead and hit submit qyGY6AJ0DVA-00279-00054632-00054847 and so now this is set to pending and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00280-00054848-00055007 within one minute it will go ahead and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00281-00055008-00055150 start creating snapshots even though qyGY6AJ0DVA-00282-00055151-00055326 there's no data been put in here yet all qyGY6AJ0DVA-00283-00055327-00055487 right now i waited till there's at least qyGY6AJ0DVA-00284-00055488-00055719 one snapshot in here because this can qyGY6AJ0DVA-00285-00055720-00055847 sometimes be a problem when you're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00286-00055848-00056038 creating a share if there are no qyGY6AJ0DVA-00287-00056039-00056182 snapshots we're going to go over here to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00288-00056183-00056375 windows share and we're going to add the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00289-00056376-00056615 share and we're just going to spam out qyGY6AJ0DVA-00290-00056616-00056830 the advanced options by default the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00291-00056832-00057094 enable shadow copies is checked but if qyGY6AJ0DVA-00292-00057095-00057279 this share is created and it sees no qyGY6AJ0DVA-00293-00057279-00057487 snapshots until samba's restarted at qyGY6AJ0DVA-00294-00057488-00057703 least once if it never seen a snapshot qyGY6AJ0DVA-00295-00057704-00057935 there and there were zero snapshots qyGY6AJ0DVA-00296-00057936-00058103 this service doesn't always run it goes qyGY6AJ0DVA-00297-00058104-00058342 oh i don't see any on there but once it qyGY6AJ0DVA-00298-00058344-00058566 realizes there's one it starts working qyGY6AJ0DVA-00299-00058567-00058742 again this is kind of a quirk you can qyGY6AJ0DVA-00300-00058744-00058975 run into where you create a data set qyGY6AJ0DVA-00301-00058976-00059230 with no snapshots you set all this up qyGY6AJ0DVA-00302-00059232-00059447 and do have the shadow copy enabled then qyGY6AJ0DVA-00303-00059448-00059726 you later add the snapshots the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00304-00059727-00059959 snapshots are happening and the data is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00305-00059960-00060159 being snapshotted but they may not be qyGY6AJ0DVA-00306-00060160-00060382 presenting in volume shadow copy simply qyGY6AJ0DVA-00307-00060383-00060582 start and stop the samba service without qyGY6AJ0DVA-00308-00060583-00060766 changing the share parameters at all and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00309-00060767-00060887 it will work qyGY6AJ0DVA-00310-00060888-00060999 now we're going to go ahead and expand qyGY6AJ0DVA-00311-00061000-00061182 this out to create the share itself qyGY6AJ0DVA-00312-00061183-00061311 mount qyGY6AJ0DVA-00313-00061312-00061606 choose the youtube demo acl an acl is qyGY6AJ0DVA-00314-00061607-00061766 present in this path is what it tells qyGY6AJ0DVA-00315-00061767-00061935 you the reason it's saying that is to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00316-00061936-00062079 let you know that that's how it's going qyGY6AJ0DVA-00317-00062079-00062335 to base its permissions so any of these qyGY6AJ0DVA-00318-00062336-00062542 that have the acl samba reads the acl of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00319-00062544-00062742 that that's what controls the users it's qyGY6AJ0DVA-00320-00062744-00062935 not anything in here that sets the users qyGY6AJ0DVA-00321-00062936-00063142 who can or cannot access it's reading qyGY6AJ0DVA-00322-00063144-00063342 the sales to generate that list to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00323-00063344-00063566 control who can or cannot access this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00324-00063567-00063750 data please note we didn't need to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00325-00063751-00063894 expand the advanced we're still using qyGY6AJ0DVA-00326-00063895-00064038 the default share parameters and we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00327-00064039-00064175 expanded it to show this so there's no qyGY6AJ0DVA-00328-00064176-00064335 other boxes we're going to check there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00329-00064336-00064487 are plenty more advanced things you can qyGY6AJ0DVA-00330-00064488-00064719 do such as denying and allowing and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00331-00064720-00064894 building restrictions but for simplicity qyGY6AJ0DVA-00332-00064895-00065047 we're just going to hit submit now we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00333-00065048-00065191 going to go to windows and mount the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00334-00065191-00065303 share qyGY6AJ0DVA-00335-00065304-00065782 so go here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00336-00065783-00065999 we're going to double click the shortcut qyGY6AJ0DVA-00337-00066000-00066399 and we're going to go ahead and log in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00338-00066400-00066647 now it will use your default windows qyGY6AJ0DVA-00339-00066648-00066831 credentials that you have set up i qyGY6AJ0DVA-00340-00066832-00066999 purposely don't have them set up in this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00341-00067000-00067191 one so i can log in as different users qyGY6AJ0DVA-00342-00067192-00067519 so we're going to hit ok qyGY6AJ0DVA-00343-00067520-00067606 the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00344-00067607-00067879 youtube demo is the share and there it qyGY6AJ0DVA-00345-00067880-00068038 is and we're gonna go ahead and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00346-00068039-00068623 copy some data into it let it copy over qyGY6AJ0DVA-00347-00068624-00068871 and there it is now right now i did this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00348-00068872-00069094 as the user tom so we're actually going qyGY6AJ0DVA-00349-00069095-00069319 to log out of windows and log back in so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00350-00069320-00069535 we can log in as user markets and show qyGY6AJ0DVA-00351-00069536-00069759 that marcus will have now permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00352-00069760-00069887 for this so we're going to go ahead and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00353-00069888-00070575 close this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00354-00070576-00070759 restart this particular computer that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00355-00070760-00071038 way we don't have any stale connections qyGY6AJ0DVA-00356-00071039-00071262 uh from there windows occasionally will qyGY6AJ0DVA-00357-00071263-00071494 hold on to permissions that is seen set qyGY6AJ0DVA-00358-00071495-00071694 instead of actually logging out properly qyGY6AJ0DVA-00359-00071695-00071823 there's ways you can get around it qyGY6AJ0DVA-00360-00071824-00071991 restarting it is a guaranteed way to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00361-00071992-00072182 make sure that those permissions are on qyGY6AJ0DVA-00362-00072183-00072447 set qyGY6AJ0DVA-00363-00072448-00072687 go back into churnas qyGY6AJ0DVA-00364-00072688-00073494 choose marcus qyGY6AJ0DVA-00365-00073495-00073823 go back into the youtube demo qyGY6AJ0DVA-00366-00073824-00073999 and there's all that data we just copied qyGY6AJ0DVA-00367-00074000-00074206 over now we can even do things such as qyGY6AJ0DVA-00368-00074207-00074471 go to properties qyGY6AJ0DVA-00369-00074472-00074647 security qyGY6AJ0DVA-00370-00074648-00074831 it'll take a second and we can see that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00371-00074832-00075167 is owned by freenast tom qyGY6AJ0DVA-00372-00075168-00075447 the editors group has the permissions on qyGY6AJ0DVA-00373-00075448-00075599 there as well which marcus is a member qyGY6AJ0DVA-00374-00075600-00075767 of the editors group this is what allows qyGY6AJ0DVA-00375-00075768-00075935 markets to be able to go into these qyGY6AJ0DVA-00376-00075936-00076199 particular folders pretty simple so now qyGY6AJ0DVA-00377-00076200-00076359 marcus is going to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00378-00076360-00076487 delete qyGY6AJ0DVA-00379-00076488-00076903 all the data out of there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00380-00076904-00077082 so now that's gone qyGY6AJ0DVA-00381-00077083-00077294 um yeah we'll just leave that one there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00382-00077295-00077559 we'll leave the presentation maybe we'll qyGY6AJ0DVA-00383-00077560-00077791 delete this folder too qyGY6AJ0DVA-00384-00077792-00078006 all right marcus has now deleted some of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00385-00078007-00078175 the data now we're going to go ahead and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00386-00078176-00078391 show you how to restore that data that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00387-00078392-00078582 mark is deleted that's actually just qyGY6AJ0DVA-00388-00078583-00078799 like you would in any other qyGY6AJ0DVA-00389-00078800-00078999 windows where it's connected to its own qyGY6AJ0DVA-00390-00079000-00079167 server like a windows server where you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00391-00079168-00079343 have the volume shadow copies enabled qyGY6AJ0DVA-00392-00079344-00079471 and we're going to go ahead and hit qyGY6AJ0DVA-00393-00079472-00079791 restore previous versions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00394-00079792-00080015 and because there was data changed at qyGY6AJ0DVA-00395-00080016-00080271 these points right here we can then open qyGY6AJ0DVA-00396-00080272-00080550 up to this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00397-00080551-00080726 copy the data if we want be able to see qyGY6AJ0DVA-00398-00080727-00080911 it here or just go ahead and restore it qyGY6AJ0DVA-00399-00080912-00081119 i can actually copy it over there now qyGY6AJ0DVA-00400-00081120-00081294 when it's doing the volume shadow copies qyGY6AJ0DVA-00401-00081295-00081599 as i said they're immutable to the users qyGY6AJ0DVA-00402-00081600-00081767 because they're actually not volume qyGY6AJ0DVA-00403-00081768-00081911 shadow copies they're snapshots qyGY6AJ0DVA-00404-00081912-00082143 presented as volume shadow copies which qyGY6AJ0DVA-00405-00082144-00082350 means i can try to delete these all i qyGY6AJ0DVA-00406-00082351-00082582 want i'm hitting delete i can right qyGY6AJ0DVA-00407-00082583-00082743 click and do a delete but it just will qyGY6AJ0DVA-00408-00082744-00082991 not delete these particular files here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00409-00082992-00083167 so it's pretty straightforward like so qyGY6AJ0DVA-00410-00083168-00083294 we can just hit restore so all those qyGY6AJ0DVA-00411-00083295-00083606 files go back hit restore qyGY6AJ0DVA-00412-00083607-00083743 it's been restored to its previous qyGY6AJ0DVA-00413-00083744-00083975 version and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00414-00083976-00084143 there's all those files really qyGY6AJ0DVA-00415-00084144-00084311 straightforward how to get this going qyGY6AJ0DVA-00416-00084312-00084494 and get it working now the next thing qyGY6AJ0DVA-00417-00084495-00084623 i'm going to mention qyGY6AJ0DVA-00418-00084624-00084879 marcus is not a member of video qyGY6AJ0DVA-00419-00084880-00085047 production because this is a separate qyGY6AJ0DVA-00420-00085048-00085231 share that i already have set up you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00421-00085232-00085487 notice that there is no ability for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00422-00085488-00085711 marcus to access video production for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00423-00085712-00086015 example but he can't access youtube demo qyGY6AJ0DVA-00424-00086016-00086223 let's do one more thing here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00425-00086224-00086382 we're going to go over to groups we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00426-00086383-00086511 going to go back to the editors group qyGY6AJ0DVA-00427-00086512-00086623 here qyGY6AJ0DVA-00428-00086624-00086759 look at the members we're going to take qyGY6AJ0DVA-00429-00086760-00086862 marcus qyGY6AJ0DVA-00430-00086863-00087135 out of that group and hit save qyGY6AJ0DVA-00431-00087136-00087359 so now the permissions are lost qyGY6AJ0DVA-00432-00087360-00087703 you should no longer have access to this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00433-00087704-00087855 but this is where things get a little qyGY6AJ0DVA-00434-00087856-00088111 confusing with windows because we qyGY6AJ0DVA-00435-00088112-00088279 removed him from the group but he still qyGY6AJ0DVA-00436-00088280-00088535 has those permissions from that we're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00437-00088536-00088767 hanging on so we've applied it but qyGY6AJ0DVA-00438-00088768-00088943 there's still a authentication qyGY6AJ0DVA-00439-00088944-00089223 permission that hasn't been removed but qyGY6AJ0DVA-00440-00089224-00089455 if we restart this computer and log back qyGY6AJ0DVA-00441-00089456-00090455 in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00442-00090456-00090662 now marcus cannot get in here anymore qyGY6AJ0DVA-00443-00090663-00090926 because we've lost that token qyGY6AJ0DVA-00444-00090927-00091215 and we can't re-initiate a new token the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00445-00091216-00091431 opposite is true so right now marcus qyGY6AJ0DVA-00446-00091432-00091599 cannot get in but we're going to go back qyGY6AJ0DVA-00447-00091600-00091831 over to trunas qyGY6AJ0DVA-00448-00091832-00092543 go back to our editors group members qyGY6AJ0DVA-00449-00092544-00092815 hit save marcus now has permissions to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00450-00092816-00092974 log in but qyGY6AJ0DVA-00451-00092975-00093271 we go back over to windows qyGY6AJ0DVA-00452-00093272-00093503 windows still continually will say you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00453-00093504-00093750 don't have permissions so it does work qyGY6AJ0DVA-00454-00093751-00093943 where once you remove it until they've qyGY6AJ0DVA-00455-00093944-00094135 lost their token and logged in and out qyGY6AJ0DVA-00456-00094136-00094326 they still have permissions because they qyGY6AJ0DVA-00457-00094327-00094582 had it originally but the opposite's now qyGY6AJ0DVA-00458-00094583-00094823 true of we've added their permission qyGY6AJ0DVA-00459-00094824-00094999 back but once windows has decided qyGY6AJ0DVA-00460-00095000-00095182 there's no permissions in here it's qyGY6AJ0DVA-00461-00095183-00095374 going to keep doing this the solution to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00462-00095375-00096023 this is going to be simply qyGY6AJ0DVA-00463-00096024-00096174 and we'll just do a sign out back in qyGY6AJ0DVA-00464-00096175-00097206 which should work qyGY6AJ0DVA-00465-00097207-00097382 and now marcus is able to get back into qyGY6AJ0DVA-00466-00097383-00097606 it this part sometimes is where people qyGY6AJ0DVA-00467-00097607-00097871 get stuck on this because qyGY6AJ0DVA-00468-00097872-00098071 it is a little bit confusing qyGY6AJ0DVA-00469-00098072-00098318 and certainly a little aggravating that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00470-00098319-00098462 when you change some of the permissions qyGY6AJ0DVA-00471-00098463-00098662 if you don't log in and out the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00472-00098663-00098831 communications doesn't seem to be there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00473-00098832-00099094 that allows the system to say oh okay qyGY6AJ0DVA-00474-00099095-00099374 you have done a change on the back end qyGY6AJ0DVA-00475-00099375-00099574 so we should just allow it in there i'm qyGY6AJ0DVA-00476-00099575-00099679 not qyGY6AJ0DVA-00477-00099680-00099879 versed enough so to speak some of the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00478-00099880-00100031 more command line ways you could do this qyGY6AJ0DVA-00479-00100032-00100182 in windows i know someone's going to say qyGY6AJ0DVA-00480-00100183-00100303 you don't have to log out time you could qyGY6AJ0DVA-00481-00100304-00100550 just go from the command line and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00482-00100551-00100703 clear out the token that was on there qyGY6AJ0DVA-00483-00100704-00100879 for authentication this works a little qyGY6AJ0DVA-00484-00100880-00101062 bit different if you actually have a qyGY6AJ0DVA-00485-00101063-00101223 windows active directory server qyGY6AJ0DVA-00486-00101224-00101335 connected on the backend and you're qyGY6AJ0DVA-00487-00101336-00101503 using the sharing on windows but i qyGY6AJ0DVA-00488-00101504-00101647 wanted to clarify this is how it works qyGY6AJ0DVA-00489-00101648-00101879 when you're tying it to a samba server qyGY6AJ0DVA-00490-00101880-00102087 so people understand that oh i added the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00491-00102088-00102238 users and i changed the permissions but qyGY6AJ0DVA-00492-00102239-00102439 i still can't get in try logging in and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00493-00102440-00102599 out or restarting the windows computer qyGY6AJ0DVA-00494-00102600-00102734 you're connecting with so hopefully that qyGY6AJ0DVA-00495-00102735-00102830 helps when you're doing some of the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00496-00102831-00103110 troubleshooting and uh thanks more qyGY6AJ0DVA-00497-00103111-00103294 discussion in the forums and let me know qyGY6AJ0DVA-00498-00103295-00103454 what comments concerns you have about qyGY6AJ0DVA-00499-00103455-00103630 this video appreciate it qyGY6AJ0DVA-00500-00103631-00103839 and thank you for making it all the way qyGY6AJ0DVA-00501-00103840-00104015 to the end of this video if you've qyGY6AJ0DVA-00502-00104016-00104175 enjoyed the content please give us a qyGY6AJ0DVA-00503-00104176-00104358 thumbs up if you would like to see more qyGY6AJ0DVA-00504-00104359-00104486 content from this channel hit the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00505-00104488-00104718 subscribe button and the bell icon if qyGY6AJ0DVA-00506-00104719-00104863 you'd like to hire a sure project head qyGY6AJ0DVA-00507-00104864-00105063 over to lawrences.com qyGY6AJ0DVA-00508-00105064-00105239 and click the hires button right at the qyGY6AJ0DVA-00509-00105240-00105415 top to help this channel out in other qyGY6AJ0DVA-00510-00105416-00105543 ways there's a join button here for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00511-00105544-00105727 youtube and a patreon page where your qyGY6AJ0DVA-00512-00105728-00105990 support is greatly appreciated for deals qyGY6AJ0DVA-00513-00105991-00106151 discounts and offers check out our qyGY6AJ0DVA-00514-00106152-00106295 affiliate links in the description of qyGY6AJ0DVA-00515-00106296-00106454 all of our videos including a link to qyGY6AJ0DVA-00516-00106455-00106631 our shirt store where we have a wide qyGY6AJ0DVA-00517-00106632-00106799 variety of shirts that we sell and qyGY6AJ0DVA-00518-00106800-00107015 designs come out well randomly so check qyGY6AJ0DVA-00519-00107016-00107363 back frequently and finally our forums qyGY6AJ0DVA-00520-00107364-00107502 forums.laurensystems.com is where you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00521-00107503-00107647 can have a more in-depth discussion qyGY6AJ0DVA-00522-00107648-00107831 about this video and other tech topics qyGY6AJ0DVA-00523-00107832-00108063 covered on this channel thanks again for qyGY6AJ0DVA-00524-00108064-00108207 watching and look forward to hearing qyGY6AJ0DVA-00525-00108208-00109990 from you qyGY6AJ0DVA-00526-00109991-00110200 you qzm0nfHPxY0-00000-00000413-00000726 [Music] qzm0nfHPxY0-00001-00000727-00001898 oh qzm0nfHPxY0-00002-00001900-00002087 [Music] qzm0nfHPxY0-00003-00002088-00002342 hello viewers welcome back to my channel qzm0nfHPxY0-00004-00002343-00002550 today i'm gonna review samsung galaxy qzm0nfHPxY0-00005-00002551-00002783 tab s8 android tablet which is 11 inch qzm0nfHPxY0-00006-00002784-00003134 lcd screen 128 gigabytes storage dex qzm0nfHPxY0-00007-00003135-00003399 productivity qualcomm snapdragon s pen qzm0nfHPxY0-00008-00003400-00003590 included all-day battery ultra wide qzm0nfHPxY0-00009-00003592-00003876 camera and graphite qzm0nfHPxY0-00010-00003877-00004422 [Music] qzm0nfHPxY0-00011-00004423-00004670 so viewers this is android operating qzm0nfHPxY0-00012-00004671-00004991 system microsoft 365 integration that qzm0nfHPxY0-00013-00004992-00005273 will give you extra ordinary experience qzm0nfHPxY0-00014-00005274-00006311 [Music] qzm0nfHPxY0-00015-00006312-00006559 galaxy tab s8 provides powerful qzm0nfHPxY0-00016-00006559-00006742 performance with an upgraded qualcomm qzm0nfHPxY0-00017-00006743-00007070 snapdragon chipset super fast wi-fi 6e qzm0nfHPxY0-00018-00007072-00007231 an all-day battery to get you through qzm0nfHPxY0-00019-00007231-00007406 your day whether you're working qzm0nfHPxY0-00020-00007408-00007591 streaming or gaming qzm0nfHPxY0-00021-00007592-00007774 this is long-lasting battery plus qzm0nfHPxY0-00022-00007775-00007974 universal charging that must you go for qzm0nfHPxY0-00023-00007975-00008263 hours on a single charge and back to 100 qzm0nfHPxY0-00024-00008264-00008487 quickly with the fast charging usb-c qzm0nfHPxY0-00025-00008488-00008791 port viewers if you want to more details qzm0nfHPxY0-00026-00008792-00008984 then check my description below qzm0nfHPxY0-00027-00008985-00009287 [Music] qzm0nfHPxY0-00028-00009288-00009510 please subscribe my channel and don't qzm0nfHPxY0-00029-00009511-00009742 forget to share with your friends qzm0nfHPxY0-00030-00009743-00010092 thanks a lot qzBdCFLPwV4-00000-00000700-00002723 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00002-00013141-00013461 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00003-00013462-00015050 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00004-00015051-00015063 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00011-00072638-00072743 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00012-00072744-00075628 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00013-00075629-00077909 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00015-00082585-00083410 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00016-00083411-00083972 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00017-00083973-00085444 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00018-00085445-00086025 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00019-00086026-00087270 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00020-00087271-00089471 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00021-00089472-00090934 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00022-00090935-00093415 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00023-00093416-00096121 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00024-00096122-00097321 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00025-00097322-00098872 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00026-00098873-00099399 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00027-00099400-00100650 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00028-00100651-00101263 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00029-00101264-00101814 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00030-00101815-00102936 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00031-00102938-00103802 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00032-00103803-00105590 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00033-00105591-00106834 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00034-00106835-00108277 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00038-00122532-00125180 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00039-00125181-00125568 [Laughter] qzBdCFLPwV4-00043-00160074-00161990 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00044-00161991-00163129 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00046-00168825-00170399 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00047-00170400-00172212 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00048-00172213-00172986 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00050-00181270-00181361 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00051-00181362-00182329 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00052-00182330-00183532 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00053-00183533-00183560 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00054-00183561-00185335 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00056-00188982-00190646 [Applause] qzBdCFLPwV4-00060-00211048-00212856 [Music] qzBdCFLPwV4-00061-00212857-00214153 [Music] qBIwvTUUu6Q-00000-00000000-00000445 [Music] qBIwvTUUu6Q-00001-00000446-00000761 hey Daniel uh thanks for joining us in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00002-00000762-00000971 the car uh this is kind of crazy isn't qBIwvTUUu6Q-00003-00000972-00001216 it yeah it's perfect and yeah thanks for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00004-00001217-00001450 having me on LinkedIn yeah yeah so it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00005-00001451-00001660 a it's a really great and then back to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00006-00001661-00001930 the coupon yeah you know why so and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00007-00001932-00002134 actually we returned the coupon in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00008-00002135-00002423 person last year like in Los Angeles but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00009-00002424-00002710 this is a pretty much bigger than last qBIwvTUUu6Q-00010-00002711-00003005 year it seems like it um yeah I really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00011-00003006-00003191 like it's like so unpredictable how many qBIwvTUUu6Q-00012-00003192-00003311 people are going to be here you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00013-00003311-00003659 yeah it was a whole it was hard it was qBIwvTUUu6Q-00014-00003660-00003833 holiday I got more than seven thousand qBIwvTUUu6Q-00015-00003834-00004001 you say in person really seven thousand qBIwvTUUu6Q-00016-00004002-00004225 yeah and then 14 000 in the opportunity qBIwvTUUu6Q-00017-00004226-00004445 expected but just not only the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00018-00004446-00004720 registration yeah but but you never know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00019-00004721-00004847 how many people actually show up yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00020-00004848-00005159 exactly so yeah typically maybe 50 or 60 qBIwvTUUu6Q-00021-00005160-00005543 but you know also yesterday we uh co-lo qBIwvTUUu6Q-00022-00005544-00005759 located event a bunch of a lot of stuff qBIwvTUUu6Q-00023-00005760-00005951 and then we saw a lot of people actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00024-00005952-00006186 I showed up oh really okay yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00025-00006187-00006454 registration yeah because yeah I think qBIwvTUUu6Q-00026-00006455-00006664 the people pretty much see comfortable qBIwvTUUu6Q-00027-00006665-00006917 feel yeah finally yeah yeah well the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00028-00006918-00007078 protocols they're doing for kubecon I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00029-00007079-00007187 think are pretty good like they're doing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00030-00007188-00007403 the kind of the health and wellness qBIwvTUUu6Q-00031-00007404-00007625 check every day yeah that that's a super qBIwvTUUu6Q-00032-00007626-00007960 helpful it's awesome I mean uh I've been qBIwvTUUu6Q-00033-00007961-00008213 doing like obviously a lot of time for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00034-00008214-00008507 the past months and then most conference qBIwvTUUu6Q-00035-00008508-00008807 today yeah don't require the old qBIwvTUUu6Q-00036-00008808-00009089 audience to wear fast face mask if you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00037-00009090-00009323 want go for it but not you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00038-00009324-00009664 mandatory thing however the cncf or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00039-00009665-00009953 Linux Foundation like a cube call stay qBIwvTUUu6Q-00040-00009954-00010181 asked all attendees to wear a face mask qBIwvTUUu6Q-00041-00010182-00010439 it's a really cool thing and then in the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00042-00010440-00010889 end uh not so much like a Kobe positive qBIwvTUUu6Q-00043-00010890-00011051 meeting at the conference right right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00044-00011052-00011183 because the last thing you want to do is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00045-00011184-00011423 a conference is be a super event exactly qBIwvTUUu6Q-00046-00011424-00011633 I put the compost everybody enjoyed the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00047-00011634-00011771 conference but they have the conference qBIwvTUUu6Q-00048-00011772-00011974 that everybody's starting to post like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00049-00011975-00012256 Twitter hashtag Hobby party yeah sorry qBIwvTUUu6Q-00050-00012257-00012514 for that yeah you should be taking uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00051-00012515-00012778 take care of yourself right yeah yeah I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00052-00012779-00013013 did um uh the little conference I do uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00053-00013013-00013258 Dev confused um we were really on the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00054-00013259-00013511 fence um but we uh we decided to make qBIwvTUUu6Q-00055-00013512-00013769 them optional because it was the like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00056-00013769-00014027 target audience was local yep um and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00057-00014028-00014201 Boston had pretty good numbers qBIwvTUUu6Q-00058-00014202-00014375 um so we were kind of comfortable doing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00059-00014376-00014530 that and you know we got away with it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00060-00014531-00014753 I'm not sure it was I still feel like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00061-00014754-00014903 I'm not sure it was the right choice but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00062-00014904-00015119 it was uh you know it ended up working qBIwvTUUu6Q-00063-00015119-00015299 out okay yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00064-00015300-00015508 um that's right so by the way this is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00065-00015509-00015719 really cool I mean I never ever have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00066-00015719-00016008 some chance to have an interview yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00067-00016009-00016366 yeah it's so real awesome just like some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00068-00016368-00016715 kind of yeah uh TV show or like some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00069-00016716-00016991 kind of Netflix uh documentary right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00070-00016992-00017075 yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00071-00017076-00017369 yeah it's it's uh it's been kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00072-00017370-00017543 entertaining of course I just took a an qBIwvTUUu6Q-00073-00017544-00017849 incorrect turn which I'm unsurprised by qBIwvTUUu6Q-00074-00017850-00018041 um yeah because we are not doing the uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00075-00018042-00018257 correct route yet so we're uh we're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00076-00018258-00018425 still trying to get back to like knowing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00077-00018426-00018539 where we are qBIwvTUUu6Q-00078-00018540-00018755 um it should be okay uh is our only idea qBIwvTUUu6Q-00079-00018756-00018911 we're still getting into Detroit I'm not qBIwvTUUu6Q-00080-00018912-00019091 gonna continue support oh no we got to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00081-00019092-00019247 be careful not to accidentally end up in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00082-00019248-00019480 Canada yeah exactly because uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00083-00019481-00019721 apparently uh we were talking to uh some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00084-00019722-00019883 of the locals uh and they were telling qBIwvTUUu6Q-00085-00019884-00020075 us that uh yeah apparently it happens a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00086-00020076-00020279 lot that people get on this like on-ramp qBIwvTUUu6Q-00087-00020280-00020453 to Canada and all of a sudden they're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00088-00020454-00020735 stuck at Customs yeah exactly I was like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00089-00020736-00020950 well that's great let's let's avoid that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00090-00020951-00021149 exactly I don't even know that because qBIwvTUUu6Q-00091-00021150-00021335 the this isn't my first time I'm going qBIwvTUUu6Q-00092-00021336-00021497 to be here in the Detroit and yes I'm qBIwvTUUu6Q-00093-00021498-00021677 looking for boss told me yesterday Dan qBIwvTUUu6Q-00094-00021678-00021911 you know also the of the river this is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00095-00021912-00022180 actually Canada yeah be careful you're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00096-00022181-00022355 not gonna go today and you cannot maybe qBIwvTUUu6Q-00097-00022356-00022549 come back right right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00098-00022550-00022853 uh yeah I uh I don't know how I managed qBIwvTUUu6Q-00099-00022854-00023044 to I actually came uh and forgot I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00100-00023045-00023297 didn't my passport I totally should have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00101-00023298-00023411 um but I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00102-00023412-00023591 that's the thing yeah but I don't have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00103-00023592-00023777 it so yeah let's not go to Canada yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00104-00023778-00023986 and you know so I just want to shout out qBIwvTUUu6Q-00105-00023987-00024286 uh some new uh CNC project one of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00106-00024287-00024497 sandbox we just became like a conveyor qBIwvTUUu6Q-00107-00024498-00024641 yeah I was going to talk about oh yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00108-00024642-00024844 talk about conveyor a little bit qBIwvTUUu6Q-00109-00024845-00025103 um one of the things uh I appreciate qBIwvTUUu6Q-00110-00025104-00025253 when they kind of went the sandbox route qBIwvTUUu6Q-00111-00025254-00025450 too they've decided to like collapse qBIwvTUUu6Q-00112-00025451-00025631 some of the projects together so now qBIwvTUUu6Q-00113-00025632-00025750 it's just kind of one big project qBIwvTUUu6Q-00114-00025751-00025943 instead of the individual pieces yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00115-00025944-00026243 exactly yeah so conveyor is just uh help qBIwvTUUu6Q-00116-00026244-00026561 people to go on their application qBIwvTUUu6Q-00117-00026562-00026837 modernization Journey so that's why the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00118-00026838-00027077 conveyor project comp and combines the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00119-00027077-00027305 multiple projects for example how to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00120-00027306-00027557 assess your application portfolio or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00121-00027558-00027689 architecture not even the application qBIwvTUUu6Q-00122-00027689-00027983 itself but also in practice career and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00123-00027983-00028277 also analog application code itself and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00124-00028277-00028535 then give some a tape and then like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00125-00028536-00028757 guide how to modernize them and modify qBIwvTUUu6Q-00126-00028758-00028901 your application and configuration qBIwvTUUu6Q-00127-00028902-00029224 itself and it's not only refactoring but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00128-00029225-00029645 also it showcases how to transform your qBIwvTUUu6Q-00129-00029645-00029867 whole portfolio architecture from right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00130-00029868-00030131 platform and then hosted virtual machine qBIwvTUUu6Q-00131-00030132-00030443 and bare metal and into the cloud right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00132-00030444-00030617 well I mean one of the things I really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00133-00030618-00030899 like appreciate by about you know tools qBIwvTUUu6Q-00134-00030900-00031133 like conveyor whatever is it's um qBIwvTUUu6Q-00135-00031133-00031379 significantly simpler to kind of have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00136-00031380-00031649 like a starting point you know uh you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00137-00031650-00031829 know so even if it's not perfect like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00138-00031830-00032033 giving me something that's not just a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00139-00032033-00032308 blank wall is a great way to start you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00140-00032310-00032596 know uh so I yeah I think it's um I've qBIwvTUUu6Q-00141-00032597-00032729 been actually it's funny I've qBIwvTUUu6Q-00142-00032730-00032843 interviewed various people about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00143-00032844-00033107 conveyor uh like a whole bunch of times qBIwvTUUu6Q-00144-00033108-00033359 over the past few years yeah um so yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00145-00033360-00033581 I think it's uh it's been pretty cool qBIwvTUUu6Q-00146-00033582-00033779 yeah exactly and it will be interesting qBIwvTUUu6Q-00147-00033780-00034007 like you know also the platform engineer qBIwvTUUu6Q-00148-00034008-00034229 is there some kind of version world so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00149-00034230-00034499 everybody's saying a couple years ago as qBIwvTUUu6Q-00150-00034500-00034721 a responsibility and what are you doing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00151-00034722-00034990 for your company and then most people qBIwvTUUu6Q-00152-00034991-00035273 say it in pacifically cute call yeah you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00153-00035274-00035549 know so I'm SRE or jobs engineer or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00154-00035550-00035765 whatever's engineer and the reason a lot qBIwvTUUu6Q-00155-00035766-00036017 of people call themselves like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00156-00036018-00036274 platform engineer so platform engineer qBIwvTUUu6Q-00157-00036275-00036712 most likely try to provide IDP like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00158-00036713-00036989 internal development platform and also qBIwvTUUu6Q-00159-00036990-00037277 manage their production environment and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00160-00037278-00037590 one of the big changes for them how to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00161-00037591-00038051 optimize their uh like a resources to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00162-00038052-00038267 run the business application right so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00163-00038268-00038596 that's why the fdm modernization journey qBIwvTUUu6Q-00164-00038597-00038927 is not only developer a developer issue qBIwvTUUu6Q-00165-00038928-00039167 but also the platform Engineers interest qBIwvTUUu6Q-00166-00039168-00039493 right so I actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00167-00039494-00039845 manage the one of the pre-event K nav qBIwvTUUu6Q-00168-00039846-00040007 composts of all that stuff yesterday qBIwvTUUu6Q-00169-00040008-00040301 yeah and I got a got a lot of chance to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00170-00040302-00040571 have some conversation with the sres and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00171-00040572-00040768 their platform engineers and they're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00172-00040769-00040937 really interested in the application qBIwvTUUu6Q-00173-00040938-00041152 modernization because they have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00174-00041153-00041399 something different approaches to Mr qBIwvTUUu6Q-00175-00041400-00041662 authorization not focus on the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00176-00041663-00041885 application of course but they're really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00177-00041886-00042283 focused on how to make optimization my qBIwvTUUu6Q-00178-00042284-00042557 internal developer platform as well as a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00179-00042558-00042809 production environment to run the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00180-00042810-00043079 developers application right right right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00181-00043080-00043271 so so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00182-00043272-00043529 um you know however like if you're going qBIwvTUUu6Q-00183-00043530-00043721 from like a you know a traditional qBIwvTUUu6Q-00184-00043722-00043895 application and you want to go towards qBIwvTUUu6Q-00185-00043896-00044087 like a serverless application that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00186-00044088-00044261 still going to require a fair amount of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00187-00044262-00044543 re-architecture for the app right I mean qBIwvTUUu6Q-00188-00044544-00044812 like I think conveyor is is really kind qBIwvTUUu6Q-00189-00044813-00044987 of trying to bring the same application qBIwvTUUu6Q-00190-00044988-00045311 kind of to the cloud rather than you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00191-00045312-00045515 know considering a re-architecture as qBIwvTUUu6Q-00192-00045516-00045737 much right yeah exactly and then you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00193-00045738-00045989 know also it depends on the uh what you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00194-00045990-00046312 are looking for so yeah that is true so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00195-00046313-00046440 conveyor qBIwvTUUu6Q-00196-00046441-00046985 Inspire any uh people of people and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00197-00046986-00047155 developer or even any Enterprise qBIwvTUUu6Q-00198-00047156-00047495 companies how to get restart and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00199-00047496-00047777 it's it's not just a big bang stuff so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00200-00047778-00048011 there are showcase the multiple steps qBIwvTUUu6Q-00201-00048012-00048287 like a long-term plan and then first qBIwvTUUu6Q-00202-00048288-00048437 thing you're going to start with this qBIwvTUUu6Q-00203-00048438-00048652 one and then and then also you can have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00204-00048653-00048923 some plan for the next six months for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00205-00048924-00049080 the Admiral Jason not only qBIwvTUUu6Q-00206-00049081-00049312 re-architecture but also maybe small qBIwvTUUu6Q-00207-00049313-00049546 change the application like a Strangler qBIwvTUUu6Q-00208-00049547-00049835 pattern you can keep making your qBIwvTUUu6Q-00209-00049836-00049979 approaching environmentally stable qBIwvTUUu6Q-00210-00049980-00050351 however you can keep evolving your the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00211-00050352-00050621 architectural platform that's like that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00212-00050622-00050824 right right right yeah I mean I think qBIwvTUUu6Q-00213-00050825-00051167 that's you know the the both kind of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00214-00051168-00051329 problem right with serverless right is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00215-00051329-00051526 like it really does mean you've got to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00216-00051527-00051670 design your application around kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00217-00051671-00051840 an event-driven architecture qBIwvTUUu6Q-00218-00051841-00052175 which is really nice once you have it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00219-00052176-00052402 right but but the uh you know kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00220-00052403-00052553 getting from you know a traditional qBIwvTUUu6Q-00221-00052554-00052835 application to that level is uh you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00222-00052836-00053009 sometimes challenging yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00223-00053010-00053219 um but I I like the I mean one of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00224-00053220-00053369 nice things about using something like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00225-00053370-00053525 conveyor whatever and kind of getting it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00226-00053526-00053747 into the cloud or whatever is then you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00227-00053748-00053915 can you can do that re-architecture qBIwvTUUu6Q-00228-00053916-00054137 potentially in pieces so you can kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00229-00054138-00054275 say okay let's just pull this one qBIwvTUUu6Q-00230-00054276-00054497 feature out move it to more of a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00231-00054498-00054676 serverless architecture you know and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00232-00054677-00054815 then but you still have all the rest of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00233-00054816-00054971 it kind of already running in the same qBIwvTUUu6Q-00234-00054972-00055180 like kubernetes cluster or whatever so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00235-00055182-00055403 they can you know community indicate and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00236-00055404-00055576 all that jazz qBIwvTUUu6Q-00237-00055577-00055829 um so I think it really does bring a lot qBIwvTUUu6Q-00238-00055829-00056026 to the table to be able to run it yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00239-00056027-00056219 exactly you know in a containerized way qBIwvTUUu6Q-00240-00056220-00056441 even if it isn't kind of architected qBIwvTUUu6Q-00241-00056441-00056609 correctly for a true containerized qBIwvTUUu6Q-00242-00056610-00056825 platform yeah absolutely and speaking of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00243-00056826-00057107 a cloud in a containerology platform so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00244-00057108-00057353 you have multiple choices to what kind qBIwvTUUu6Q-00245-00057354-00057497 of container platform you're going to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00246-00057498-00057730 use like the Amazon kubernetes service qBIwvTUUu6Q-00247-00057732-00058030 center AKs or eks or the Google Cloud qBIwvTUUu6Q-00248-00058032-00058354 platform and that things you know things qBIwvTUUu6Q-00249-00058355-00058511 a lot of are challenging for them qBIwvTUUu6Q-00250-00058512-00058685 because a lot of companies actually move qBIwvTUUu6Q-00251-00058686-00058961 forward to multi-cloud or hybrid Cloud qBIwvTUUu6Q-00252-00058962-00059188 strategies and then which means that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00253-00059189-00059519 we're not going to go to only Amazon so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00254-00059520-00059663 but the but still you're going to still qBIwvTUUu6Q-00255-00059664-00059854 use the kubernetes as a container qBIwvTUUu6Q-00256-00059855-00060107 platform right so how to like migrate qBIwvTUUu6Q-00257-00060108-00060454 from here and there and then we do some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00258-00060455-00060742 minimum effort and the maximum uh like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00259-00060744-00060976 outcome yeah so it can be your project qBIwvTUUu6Q-00260-00060977-00061315 actually showcase the way just like that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00261-00061316-00061630 like a multiple kubernetes like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00262-00061632-00061865 migration stuff as well yeah I I'm qBIwvTUUu6Q-00263-00061866-00062015 surprised nobody's come up with like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00264-00062016-00062219 buzzword yet of like Cloud locked or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00265-00062220-00062363 something yeah like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00266-00062364-00062597 um but uh because you know it really is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00267-00062598-00062938 like the feature set often right when qBIwvTUUu6Q-00268-00062939-00063185 you kind of go to a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00269-00063186-00063400 um you know a particular one of these qBIwvTUUu6Q-00270-00063401-00063629 platforms they're not bad like I mean qBIwvTUUu6Q-00271-00063629-00063791 they're definitely adding good features qBIwvTUUu6Q-00272-00063791-00063982 but it really does lock you in if you're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00273-00063983-00064241 not really careful and if you're new to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00274-00064241-00064469 you know kind of kubernetes or new to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00275-00064470-00064600 working in the cloud in general it can qBIwvTUUu6Q-00276-00064601-00064750 be really easy to fall into that trap qBIwvTUUu6Q-00277-00064751-00064961 that now you're totally locked to one qBIwvTUUu6Q-00278-00064962-00065182 provider yeah um and so I think kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00279-00065183-00065309 having a little bit of an independent qBIwvTUUu6Q-00280-00065310-00065453 player qBIwvTUUu6Q-00281-00065454-00065687 um you know doing doing your initial qBIwvTUUu6Q-00282-00065688-00065915 layout makes it so that you're less qBIwvTUUu6Q-00283-00065916-00066161 likely to get accidentally uh kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00284-00066162-00066299 vendor locked qBIwvTUUu6Q-00285-00066300-00066575 um I mean I know for me uh it's you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00286-00066576-00066850 I I think or at least I assume right uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00287-00066851-00067067 that a lot of organizations you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00288-00067068-00067217 only end up vendor locked by accident qBIwvTUUu6Q-00289-00067218-00067403 like they don't they they don't intend qBIwvTUUu6Q-00290-00067404-00067613 to be using the feature set that is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00291-00067614-00067859 required to keep them in Amazon or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00292-00067860-00068032 whatever yeah so I think it's really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00293-00068033-00068129 good to have a little bit of an qBIwvTUUu6Q-00294-00068130-00068356 independent player yeah that that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00295-00068357-00068567 that's a real story and then even that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00296-00068568-00068788 people doesn't know that we already qBIwvTUUu6Q-00297-00068789-00069076 locked in because the the feature set is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00298-00069077-00069293 pretty comparable to use that because qBIwvTUUu6Q-00299-00069294-00069491 you don't need to run something new and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00300-00069492-00069700 then there are just some low learning qBIwvTUUu6Q-00301-00069701-00069917 paths and then you just start it and you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00302-00069918-00070193 get uh use that kind of stuff right but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00303-00070194-00070391 in the end after six months oh we got qBIwvTUUu6Q-00304-00070392-00070594 locked in so we never have a chance to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00305-00070595-00070817 go to the other kubernetes cluster right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00306-00070818-00071026 even if it's a kubernetes it's the steel qBIwvTUUu6Q-00307-00071027-00071315 open source Community but we cannot go qBIwvTUUu6Q-00308-00071316-00071525 there it's just pretty weird qBIwvTUUu6Q-00309-00071526-00071782 so that's kind of thing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00310-00071783-00072125 and by the way uh this is cool I mean qBIwvTUUu6Q-00311-00072126-00072479 it's cute by example yeah yeah so pretty qBIwvTUUu6Q-00312-00072480-00072676 much the first the inside the car and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00313-00072677-00072887 the interview right yeah and they're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00314-00072888-00073097 pretty awesome and then the weather is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00315-00073098-00073259 really cold today qBIwvTUUu6Q-00316-00073260-00073481 it's uh yeah it's um it's a little qBIwvTUUu6Q-00317-00073482-00073661 grayer than I expected but I thought it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00318-00073662-00073787 was gonna be a little sunnier yeah but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00319-00073788-00073949 we'll see what it looks like um but yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00320-00073950-00074326 so we uh we decided we're um we kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00321-00074327-00074471 I guess we launched a Twitter handle qBIwvTUUu6Q-00322-00074472-00074729 today for you by example yep um and uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00323-00074730-00074879 you know obviously there's some presents qBIwvTUUu6Q-00324-00074880-00075149 at kubecon and all that jazz so uh yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00325-00075150-00075365 one of the people involved with the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00326-00075366-00075532 program who actually has been on The qBIwvTUUu6Q-00327-00075533-00075785 Insider show yeah uh to talk about the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00328-00075786-00076073 uh the like the new forums and stuff qBIwvTUUu6Q-00329-00076074-00076300 um she came up with the idea and I was qBIwvTUUu6Q-00330-00076301-00076450 like oh yeah I'm totally all in let's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00331-00076451-00076637 let's go you know drive around and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00332-00076638-00076756 interview people qBIwvTUUu6Q-00333-00076757-00077003 um so uh yeah but you know we got to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00334-00077004-00077129 make sure it's got a good route and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00335-00077130-00077309 we'll kind of do it along and I think qBIwvTUUu6Q-00336-00077310-00077447 it's been it's been pretty good so far qBIwvTUUu6Q-00337-00077448-00077825 yeah sure so I want to shout out uh once qBIwvTUUu6Q-00338-00077826-00078023 again uh it's a cute calling if you have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00339-00078024-00078256 any chance to stop by the qcon this week qBIwvTUUu6Q-00340-00078257-00078473 yeah and then thanks for the forward and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00341-00078474-00078617 then they actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00342-00078618-00078856 um support us to make this happening it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00343-00078857-00079061 was nice car and the random actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00344-00079062-00079300 you're gonna did uh like a tall area qBIwvTUUu6Q-00345-00079301-00079541 about for the success story with some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00346-00079542-00079691 kind of pattern yeah yeah so we're doing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00347-00079692-00079882 Wednesday we have a talk on Wednesday qBIwvTUUu6Q-00348-00079883-00080135 it's like 4 30 I think yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00349-00080136-00080237 um and we're actually going to do a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00350-00080238-00080417 panel discussion about how don't miss qBIwvTUUu6Q-00351-00080418-00080644 that right right right so pretty cool uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00352-00080645-00080915 so how Ford is doing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00353-00080916-00081238 um uh using Q by example with their qBIwvTUUu6Q-00354-00081239-00081569 developers to try to kind of bring them qBIwvTUUu6Q-00355-00081570-00081826 to you know doing development the the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00356-00081827-00081994 cloud native way qBIwvTUUu6Q-00357-00081995-00082235 um and so yeah when we heard about it uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00358-00082236-00082409 we were like hey that's a great you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00359-00082410-00082571 that's a great story for you know for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00360-00082572-00082775 both kubecon and for cube by example qBIwvTUUu6Q-00361-00082776-00082943 yeah you know exactly you know that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00362-00082944-00083188 the reaction running in the electric car qBIwvTUUu6Q-00363-00083189-00083441 right in the Ford and then this is the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00364-00083442-00083687 rack has some kind of yes qBIwvTUUu6Q-00365-00083688-00083885 etchy Technologies yeah yeah and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00366-00083886-00084155 the old information gathering Telemetry qBIwvTUUu6Q-00367-00084156-00084425 data into the cloud well I mean I know a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00368-00084426-00084635 lot of organizations are pursuing like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00369-00084636-00084850 containerization yeah for in the car qBIwvTUUu6Q-00370-00084851-00085121 yeah you know which is like you know I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00371-00085122-00085300 don't it's just crazy like the amount a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00372-00085301-00085438 soft like through another software we're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00373-00085439-00085582 running in this car right now yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00374-00085583-00085835 exactly and then it makes a driver and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00375-00085836-00086009 passenger will be more comfortable right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00376-00086010-00086219 right you have more safe right yeah even qBIwvTUUu6Q-00377-00086220-00086431 if we keep talking yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00378-00086432-00086699 right right yeah uh so you're doing a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00379-00086700-00086861 workshop today though right yeah exactly qBIwvTUUu6Q-00380-00086862-00087149 uh uh thanks for sharing that so we have qBIwvTUUu6Q-00381-00087150-00087382 the opportunity Commons and then we uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00382-00087383-00087737 call uh hosting like a conveyor Workshop qBIwvTUUu6Q-00383-00087738-00088043 so not only a showcase what conveyor is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00384-00088044-00088241 and then what is the road map but also qBIwvTUUu6Q-00385-00088242-00088559 we uh give it on people have some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00386-00088560-00088841 handling experience and how to start you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00387-00088842-00089165 know what uh the conveyor looks like so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00388-00089166-00089368 it's good just one hour even but after qBIwvTUUu6Q-00389-00089369-00089759 the workshop if you uh you could visit a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00390-00089760-00090125 Cuba example or reach out to any red qBIwvTUUu6Q-00391-00090126-00090382 header and then you can go to uh like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00392-00090383-00090653 even if you have a chance to stop by a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00393-00090654-00090899 coupon anytime swing by a red hat boots qBIwvTUUu6Q-00394-00090900-00091132 we are more than happy to share the more qBIwvTUUu6Q-00395-00091133-00091456 details but once so again today we're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00396-00091457-00091726 gonna start at nine but the angel qBIwvTUUu6Q-00397-00091727-00092087 Workshop is starting 10. it's a one hour qBIwvTUUu6Q-00398-00092088-00092350 but it's be should be fun because but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00399-00092351-00092525 don't forget bring your Red Top right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00400-00092526-00092879 right are you um and so let's say you do qBIwvTUUu6Q-00401-00092880-00093065 miss it today is there an opportunity to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00402-00093066-00093226 kind of go and do the workshop on your qBIwvTUUu6Q-00403-00093227-00093437 own or something yeah yeah that's a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00404-00093438-00093700 really good question so the workshop is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00405-00093701-00094006 uh I'm gonna make it available but so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00406-00094007-00094199 you can actually the old Workshop qBIwvTUUu6Q-00407-00094200-00094511 content is available in the public repo qBIwvTUUu6Q-00408-00094512-00094823 however so if you ask any red hands to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00409-00094824-00094985 sell the folks and then we are more than qBIwvTUUu6Q-00410-00094986-00095237 happy to support and provide the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00411-00095238-00095465 workshop environment for free oh yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00412-00095466-00095759 we're gonna go to your customer site qBIwvTUUu6Q-00413-00095760-00096011 where we're going to bring you into one qBIwvTUUu6Q-00414-00096012-00096175 of the red hat office qBIwvTUUu6Q-00415-00096176-00096568 just to just spare with us like a half qBIwvTUUu6Q-00416-00096569-00096826 day well full day we are more than happy qBIwvTUUu6Q-00417-00096827-00097031 to yeah and there's not only conveyor qBIwvTUUu6Q-00418-00097032-00097373 but also we also have like a uh SRE qBIwvTUUu6Q-00419-00097374-00097637 track and a business track as well it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00420-00097638-00097871 not going to hang John though but so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00421-00097872-00098153 business uh track we're gonna totally be qBIwvTUUu6Q-00422-00098154-00098485 more like the strategy and then like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00423-00098486-00098844 planning right how to go to your cloud qBIwvTUUu6Q-00424-00098845-00099094 and not only qBIwvTUUu6Q-00425-00099095-00099376 um hang on stuff yeah I mean I think to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00426-00099377-00099526 be honest right I think a lot of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00427-00099527-00099676 developers don't qBIwvTUUu6Q-00428-00099677-00099988 um kind of fully appreciate uh the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00429-00099989-00100162 importance of like essentially like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00430-00100163-00100432 project portfolio or like a you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00431-00100433-00100624 um when I was in Consulting one of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00432-00100625-00100805 things we specialized in was actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00433-00100806-00101074 doing you know portfolio road maps you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00434-00101075-00101267 know around modernization qBIwvTUUu6Q-00435-00101268-00101387 um in particular it was like the early qBIwvTUUu6Q-00436-00101388-00101626 days of the cloud and so we were you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00437-00101627-00101806 know kind of come in and actually help qBIwvTUUu6Q-00438-00101807-00102047 them plan how they were going to get you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00439-00102048-00102191 know all their existing applications and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00440-00102192-00102394 and also try to recognize all the new qBIwvTUUu6Q-00441-00102395-00102575 applications they were building and how qBIwvTUUu6Q-00442-00102576-00102694 they were going to get them into the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00443-00102695-00103006 cloud and uh you know it gave me a real qBIwvTUUu6Q-00444-00103007-00103294 strong appreciation for like how how qBIwvTUUu6Q-00445-00103295-00103547 hard that is you know to to really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00446-00103548-00103732 understand it and and the value there qBIwvTUUu6Q-00447-00103733-00104003 because if you're if everybody's kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00448-00104004-00104189 going all directions all at the same qBIwvTUUu6Q-00449-00104190-00104327 time you never get anywhere you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00450-00104328-00104536 yeah um so I think that's actually a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00451-00104538-00104777 pretty valuable component uh the other qBIwvTUUu6Q-00452-00104778-00104854 thing I was going to say about the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00453-00104855-00104993 workshop was like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00454-00104994-00105233 um I've been trying to stand up this um qBIwvTUUu6Q-00455-00105233-00105521 this data server called c-can yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00456-00105522-00105802 um and like it's so nice to have an qBIwvTUUu6Q-00457-00105803-00105958 expert kind of show you how to do qBIwvTUUu6Q-00458-00105959-00106204 something the first time yeah you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00459-00106205-00106343 um where like you know I'm just trying qBIwvTUUu6Q-00460-00106344-00106499 to like fight through the docs trying to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00461-00106500-00106673 figure out how to make it work um you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00462-00106674-00106931 know and and like there's all that stuff qBIwvTUUu6Q-00463-00106932-00107123 you get from experience that you that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00464-00107124-00107297 you it's just impossible to document qBIwvTUUu6Q-00465-00107298-00107507 about like what's the right way to set qBIwvTUUu6Q-00466-00107508-00107669 it up you know what's the what are the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00467-00107670-00107843 tricks what am I going to forget later I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00468-00107844-00108004 have to re-architect later qBIwvTUUu6Q-00469-00108005-00108149 um and I think it makes a big difference qBIwvTUUu6Q-00470-00108150-00108328 if you can have somebody who's kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00471-00108329-00108478 showing you the ropes and then when you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00472-00108479-00108623 run into a problem you can kind of ask qBIwvTUUu6Q-00473-00108624-00108845 the question right um I totally agree qBIwvTUUu6Q-00474-00108846-00109121 with that and so their workshop is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00475-00109122-00109349 mostly like a workshop many focused on qBIwvTUUu6Q-00476-00109350-00109565 only developers over sometimes it helps qBIwvTUUu6Q-00477-00109566-00109883 people but the thing is the maybe the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00478-00109883-00110140 decision maker like some CTO level or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00479-00110141-00110315 even the architecture they are really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00480-00110316-00110519 happy for like a next Journey or next qBIwvTUUu6Q-00481-00110520-00110752 technology however the rest of them like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00482-00110753-00111047 80 in your organization they don't like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00483-00111048-00111323 the decision because oh we're going to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00484-00111324-00111604 go to like some migration tool with this qBIwvTUUu6Q-00485-00111605-00111815 one and then we're gonna go to like AKs qBIwvTUUu6Q-00486-00111816-00111995 where all of the kubernetes cluster qBIwvTUUu6Q-00487-00111996-00112223 however the individual developer or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00488-00112224-00112415 individual SRE uh we don't like that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00489-00112416-00112649 yeah that's a problem so that's why qBIwvTUUu6Q-00490-00112650-00112919 secure by examples and then like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00491-00112920-00113086 conveyor project We're Not Gonna only qBIwvTUUu6Q-00492-00113088-00113386 focus on developer but also UPS people qBIwvTUUu6Q-00493-00113388-00113693 and then even decision maker right for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00494-00113694-00114023 helping and understanding what their qBIwvTUUu6Q-00495-00114024-00114281 next Journey should be well you often qBIwvTUUu6Q-00496-00114282-00114490 feel like right is that you have like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00497-00114491-00114695 some architect level person qBIwvTUUu6Q-00498-00114696-00114947 um you know kind of making some decision qBIwvTUUu6Q-00499-00114948-00115078 um you know and then there's like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00500-00115079-00115271 magic happens here and then the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00501-00115272-00115421 developer gets handed it right and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00502-00115422-00115589 you're like wait what qBIwvTUUu6Q-00503-00115590-00115745 um so I think you know kind of going qBIwvTUUu6Q-00504-00115746-00115943 back to conveyor it's like hopefully qBIwvTUUu6Q-00505-00115944-00116152 that's providing some of that you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00506-00116153-00116386 magic happens here component qBIwvTUUu6Q-00507-00116388-00116566 um as well as it seems particularly well qBIwvTUUu6Q-00508-00116567-00116771 suited to kind of portfolio planning qBIwvTUUu6Q-00509-00116772-00116945 right I mean the entire tool is about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00510-00116946-00117166 you know doing that kind of movement qBIwvTUUu6Q-00511-00117167-00117527 yeah that's that's 100 agree so it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00512-00117528-00117778 just showcase the variety of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00513-00117779-00118066 approaches how to add memorization but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00514-00118067-00118319 just like a portfolio so some some part qBIwvTUUu6Q-00515-00118320-00118595 of that is uh handed by developer and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00516-00118596-00118793 some part of the means by like a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00517-00118794-00118966 decision maker and then the rest of them qBIwvTUUu6Q-00518-00118967-00119249 is by SRV or platform Engineers yeah and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00519-00119250-00119447 in the end you can combine all needs and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00520-00119448-00119681 requirement even a potential issue you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00521-00119682-00119986 can handle that by your cross teams yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00522-00119988-00120113 that's the beauty of the computer qBIwvTUUu6Q-00523-00120114-00120419 project right to help them qBIwvTUUu6Q-00524-00120420-00120575 yeah totally qBIwvTUUu6Q-00525-00120576-00120773 um so what do you think or what do you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00526-00120774-00120899 what are you kind of most looking qBIwvTUUu6Q-00527-00120900-00121078 forward to and like like let's say the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00528-00121079-00121313 next six months uh you know any of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00529-00121314-00121534 projects you're kind of involved with so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00530-00121535-00121727 that's a really good question so you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00531-00121728-00122069 know also I most likely uh focus on some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00532-00122070-00122423 kind of more realistic practice for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00533-00122424-00122686 example yeah I'm uh I want to say I'm qBIwvTUUu6Q-00534-00122688-00122957 just like a ordinary Java guys and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00535-00122958-00123173 the problem is there are many Java qBIwvTUUu6Q-00536-00123174-00123323 applications around the world and even qBIwvTUUu6Q-00537-00123324-00123586 across Industries and it problem is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00538-00123588-00123749 everybody wants to go to cloud in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00539-00123750-00123989 kubernetes or someone stop and what is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00540-00123990-00124349 the best practice to integrate uh record qBIwvTUUu6Q-00541-00124350-00124589 some brand new technology for example oh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00542-00124590-00124852 I can deploy my application to cloud or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00543-00124853-00125140 kubernetes but I don't know how to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00544-00125141-00125340 integrate my application qBIwvTUUu6Q-00545-00125341-00125645 deployment or build strategy or practice qBIwvTUUu6Q-00546-00125646-00126166 with the existing cicd or we have a cicd qBIwvTUUu6Q-00547-00126167-00126431 like a junkies right it's 10 years old qBIwvTUUu6Q-00548-00126432-00126707 grown man however in the kubernetes qBIwvTUUu6Q-00549-00126708-00126928 maybe it's too old so what is your new qBIwvTUUu6Q-00550-00126929-00127084 kind of stuff like a tech tone or qBIwvTUUu6Q-00551-00127085-00127366 artistic it's a new brand new stuff so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00552-00127367-00127589 you know also I have a some like old qBIwvTUUu6Q-00553-00127590-00127943 truck and now now I need to buy as a new qBIwvTUUu6Q-00554-00127944-00128195 brand like an electric car bike right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00555-00128196-00128434 right and about I don't know how to how qBIwvTUUu6Q-00556-00128435-00128663 to drive right because all you know what qBIwvTUUu6Q-00557-00128664-00128939 so we we just try to figure out how to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00558-00128940-00129216 open trunk right right yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00559-00129217-00129460 we've had we've had a number of troubles qBIwvTUUu6Q-00560-00129461-00129563 yeah we couldn't figure out how to open qBIwvTUUu6Q-00561-00129564-00129745 the trucks qBIwvTUUu6Q-00562-00129746-00130073 yeah it's just like a big iPad on the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00563-00130074-00130295 center panel and oh we cannot find the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00564-00130296-00130463 button where is that right but it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00565-00130464-00130619 obviously it's just something at the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00566-00130620-00130858 right side but there's no okay that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00567-00130859-00131111 the thing so that's gonna I'm gonna help qBIwvTUUu6Q-00568-00131112-00131393 an evangelize the not only developer but qBIwvTUUu6Q-00569-00131394-00131597 also like a platform Engineers yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00570-00131598-00131861 putting their business services into qBIwvTUUu6Q-00571-00131862-00132185 cloud with integration I would be like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00572-00132186-00132533 some uh the first world record the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00573-00132534-00132790 get-offs and then like a serverless and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00574-00132791-00133031 service mesh because some people say oh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00575-00133032-00133235 that's not my responsibility it's more qBIwvTUUu6Q-00576-00133236-00133535 like for them but it's not true because qBIwvTUUu6Q-00577-00133536-00133835 we are working together as a team or Not qBIwvTUUu6Q-00578-00133836-00134087 by like individual contributor right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00579-00134088-00134285 yeah that's I'm really looking forward qBIwvTUUu6Q-00580-00134286-00134452 to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00581-00134453-00134728 um evangelize the cassava less and the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00582-00134729-00134969 services mesh and get off stuff yep yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00583-00134970-00135209 with the of course kubernetes and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00584-00135210-00135497 most likely not going to try to just uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00585-00135498-00135731 presentation it's more to create more qBIwvTUUu6Q-00586-00135732-00136037 value of a Content like a demo and hinge qBIwvTUUu6Q-00587-00136038-00136277 on and then like a sample code which qBIwvTUUu6Q-00588-00136278-00136577 means that everyone just can't replicate qBIwvTUUu6Q-00589-00136578-00136804 it there if you didn't want yeah that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00590-00136805-00136919 what I'm looking forward and then you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00591-00136920-00137345 know also I so thankful because I got so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00592-00137346-00137543 many inspiration during the kill call qBIwvTUUu6Q-00593-00137544-00137887 even if some uh the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00594-00137888-00138275 exhibit I mean the Boost area so there qBIwvTUUu6Q-00595-00138276-00138593 are so many vendors and so many uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00596-00138594-00138869 people actually showcase their new stuff qBIwvTUUu6Q-00597-00138870-00139127 right right you know based on that's one qBIwvTUUu6Q-00598-00139128-00139289 of the things like yeah I always get to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00599-00139290-00139421 be about conferences like it always qBIwvTUUu6Q-00600-00139422-00139613 gives you jazzed upright yeah because qBIwvTUUu6Q-00601-00139614-00139823 you're like oh you know hey I'm like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00602-00139824-00140051 re-engaging kind of with the you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00603-00140052-00140266 the ecosystem with the community qBIwvTUUu6Q-00604-00140267-00140440 um yeah and it's always like a really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00605-00140441-00140633 positive experience yeah and then I just qBIwvTUUu6Q-00606-00140634-00140951 I just know and then what is a trend is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00607-00140952-00141316 so for example the year ago in the qcon qBIwvTUUu6Q-00608-00141317-00141563 Los Angeles and then I saw a lot of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00609-00141564-00141895 vendors actually try to Showcase their qBIwvTUUu6Q-00610-00141896-00142223 multi-cloud oh yeah problem and of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00611-00142224-00142469 course migration tool from these qBIwvTUUu6Q-00612-00142470-00142709 kubernetes and that kubernetes right and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00613-00142710-00142901 this is actually one of the capability qBIwvTUUu6Q-00614-00142902-00143201 conveyor as well so and then this is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00615-00143202-00143428 some kind of trend what people really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00616-00143429-00143633 want to showcase which means that there qBIwvTUUu6Q-00617-00143634-00143890 is a market Trend in their knees came qBIwvTUUu6Q-00618-00143891-00144113 out so this is a really really good qBIwvTUUu6Q-00619-00144114-00144509 opportunity uh to figure it out what qBIwvTUUu6Q-00620-00144510-00144785 technology really interesting by qBIwvTUUu6Q-00621-00144786-00145102 ecosystem pacifically coupon that's one qBIwvTUUu6Q-00622-00145103-00145290 of the big reason I always wanted to be qBIwvTUUu6Q-00623-00145291-00145601 uh attend the qcon right I don't need qBIwvTUUu6Q-00624-00145602-00145769 like an ambassador stuff but also it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00625-00145770-00145961 more like a interaction right people qBIwvTUUu6Q-00626-00145962-00146183 right yeah right yeah I mean it it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00627-00146184-00146393 funny um that again the little qBIwvTUUu6Q-00628-00146394-00146573 conference I do Dev conf qBIwvTUUu6Q-00629-00146574-00146945 um us we do we we try to uh we actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00630-00146946-00147214 offer attendee training um yeah because qBIwvTUUu6Q-00631-00147215-00147340 uh you know if it's your first qBIwvTUUu6Q-00632-00147341-00147490 conference whatever like what is the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00633-00147491-00147640 hallway track qBIwvTUUu6Q-00634-00147641-00147839 um and uh and I I think it's really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00635-00147840-00148031 important to like kind of as you say qBIwvTUUu6Q-00636-00148032-00148301 it's like that's half the value right is qBIwvTUUu6Q-00637-00148302-00148504 like getting you know getting to see qBIwvTUUu6Q-00638-00148505-00148654 people you don't see very often you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00639-00148655-00148804 maybe getting to meet you know some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00640-00148805-00148961 engineer who works on a thing that you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00641-00148962-00149099 care a lot about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00642-00149100-00149254 um and I think that's a that's a huge qBIwvTUUu6Q-00643-00149255-00149501 part you know I ran into uh Luke heine's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00644-00149502-00149699 uh for example just this morning you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00645-00149700-00149831 know outside qBIwvTUUu6Q-00646-00149832-00149969 um and uh you know so we were chit qBIwvTUUu6Q-00647-00149970-00150143 chatting a bit about uh you know what qBIwvTUUu6Q-00648-00150144-00150299 what he's doing yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00649-00150300-00150569 um you know but he was on the show that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00650-00150570-00150749 was really awesome and yeah you know as qBIwvTUUu6Q-00651-00150750-00150940 I was there too and then yeah thanks for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00652-00150941-00151102 having me by the way yeah so you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00653-00151103-00151414 one of the impressive thing in the last qBIwvTUUu6Q-00654-00151415-00151852 devil the dev comp in the Boston yeah so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00655-00151853-00152123 I saw the college student actually came qBIwvTUUu6Q-00656-00152124-00152273 out in a party up and they actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00657-00152274-00152447 showcased their internal project yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00658-00152448-00152621 which is super awesome because they qBIwvTUUu6Q-00659-00152622-00152885 whenever we uh just go to any uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00660-00152886-00153214 conference so maybe it's not some young qBIwvTUUu6Q-00661-00153215-00153401 stuff right it's all it's all the the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00662-00153402-00153666 people who are really strong right yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00663-00153667-00153952 like maybe 10 years experience right and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00664-00153953-00154193 they say oh I'm super professional right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00665-00154194-00154421 something like that but however so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00666-00154422-00154757 whenever we some uh Inspire like some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00667-00154758-00154966 new technology but we don't know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00668-00154967-00155239 actually like a college qBIwvTUUu6Q-00669-00155240-00155549 feel that right right yeah yeah it's I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00670-00155550-00155663 mean it's one of the nice things about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00671-00155664-00155843 working at the University now right it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00672-00155844-00156131 like they're you know I have all these qBIwvTUUu6Q-00673-00156132-00156281 all these students and then we also you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00674-00156282-00156497 know we showcase some of the interns at qBIwvTUUu6Q-00675-00156498-00156731 um at that conference but we get to see qBIwvTUUu6Q-00676-00156732-00156947 uh their excitement you know their their qBIwvTUUu6Q-00677-00156948-00157157 interest and what you know how they want qBIwvTUUu6Q-00678-00157158-00157331 to change the world you know and it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00679-00157332-00157504 it's really interesting and it really qBIwvTUUu6Q-00680-00157505-00157702 really does kind of at least for me like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00681-00157703-00158009 uh re-incorporate me back into like try qBIwvTUUu6Q-00682-00158010-00158195 to give me back some of that early qBIwvTUUu6Q-00683-00158196-00158393 excitement about what you know what can qBIwvTUUu6Q-00684-00158394-00158614 happen yeah um at the same time it's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00685-00158615-00158831 also funny it's like yeah uh how qBIwvTUUu6Q-00686-00158832-00159011 inexperienced they are which you don't qBIwvTUUu6Q-00687-00159012-00159173 kind of realize because at least right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00688-00159174-00159323 right it's like I don't feel like I know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00689-00159324-00159551 anything and then uh you know and then I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00690-00159552-00159683 meet some of these students and I'm like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00691-00159684-00159916 oh wow all right you've got you've got a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00692-00159917-00160157 little ways to go yeah exactly yeah so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00693-00160158-00160493 yeah so it's totally different approach qBIwvTUUu6Q-00694-00160494-00160709 how they're looking at the Technologies qBIwvTUUu6Q-00695-00160710-00160925 yeah and then they are more like okay qBIwvTUUu6Q-00696-00160926-00161201 maybe some college Stone yeah I need I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00697-00161202-00161428 need to find a more a more High chance qBIwvTUUu6Q-00698-00161429-00161693 or opportunity to get new job right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00699-00161694-00161921 based on their technology is that they qBIwvTUUu6Q-00700-00161922-00162154 don't believe the market like a report qBIwvTUUu6Q-00701-00162155-00162437 things like that yeah so this is brand qBIwvTUUu6Q-00702-00162438-00162640 new and then I really like that so you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00703-00162641-00162835 should keep doing things qBIwvTUUu6Q-00704-00162836-00163175 yeah yeah thank God it's a lot of fun in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00705-00163176-00163385 Boston University Professor which is a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00706-00163386-00163613 very good position to bring this one and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00707-00163614-00163847 I'm so thankful yeah yeah no it's been qBIwvTUUu6Q-00708-00163848-00164033 it was uh we had the idea a few years qBIwvTUUu6Q-00709-00164034-00164285 ago and it's been a really great qBIwvTUUu6Q-00710-00164286-00164483 um you know it's I think it's worked out qBIwvTUUu6Q-00711-00164484-00164602 really well it's always a lot of fun to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00712-00164603-00164807 do it and the students are super excited qBIwvTUUu6Q-00713-00164808-00165040 yeah um so which is cool yeah and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00714-00165041-00165293 you know so the the Monday actually they qBIwvTUUu6Q-00715-00165294-00165683 had a coupon for kids yeah yeah I know I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00716-00165684-00165826 missed they used to do it in front of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00717-00165827-00166007 red hat Summit and I really miss it it qBIwvTUUu6Q-00718-00166008-00166207 was really cool uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00719-00166208-00166445 when they arrived it and I just found qBIwvTUUu6Q-00720-00166446-00166666 out oh there are some some more workshop qBIwvTUUu6Q-00721-00166667-00166901 with the kids and then like the pie qBIwvTUUu6Q-00722-00166902-00167093 thing like a raspberry pie and then qBIwvTUUu6Q-00723-00167094-00167266 right they actually developed some kind qBIwvTUUu6Q-00724-00167267-00167423 of the Minecraft did they do Minecraft qBIwvTUUu6Q-00725-00167424-00167675 yeah yeah you know so I have a 10 years qBIwvTUUu6Q-00726-00167676-00167933 boy yeah my song and he really into that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00727-00167934-00168149 yeah yeah so I brought I brought my kids qBIwvTUUu6Q-00728-00168150-00168419 yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00729-00168420-00168623 um yeah it's really cool did you did you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00730-00168624-00168793 actually get into it or did you always qBIwvTUUu6Q-00731-00168794-00169031 yeah I arrived there it's already and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00732-00169032-00169337 but I saw that there are some uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00733-00169338-00169493 happening there but I didn't know that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00734-00169494-00169726 what I was super impressed by I assume qBIwvTUUu6Q-00735-00169727-00170028 it's still true but um the uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00736-00170029-00170302 Mozilla actually writes a lot of the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00737-00170303-00170626 stuff that they deliver at that and uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00738-00170627-00170849 uh like that stuff's all actually qBIwvTUUu6Q-00739-00170850-00171095 available and it's really good qBIwvTUUu6Q-00740-00171096-00171245 um and really like you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00741-00171246-00171478 understandable and all that stuff and uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00742-00171479-00171701 yeah I really like I like the whole qBIwvTUUu6Q-00743-00171702-00171935 event as well as the fact that you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00744-00171936-00172121 Mozilla actually kind of puts a lot of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00745-00172122-00172301 investment into it too qBIwvTUUu6Q-00746-00172302-00172511 um so you know that's a great hole and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00747-00172512-00172697 then you know you know we're gonna maybe qBIwvTUUu6Q-00748-00172698-00172943 uh some figure out how do we make a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00749-00172944-00173189 valuable or valuable or killed by qBIwvTUUu6Q-00750-00173190-00173428 examples yeah stuff as well for the kid qBIwvTUUu6Q-00751-00173429-00173602 right because they that there are qBIwvTUUu6Q-00752-00173603-00173789 potential super awesome developer in the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00753-00173790-00174052 10 years right right exactly yeah yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00754-00174053-00174233 um and it's really it's hard to make qBIwvTUUu6Q-00755-00174234-00174359 this stuff accessible I mean I think qBIwvTUUu6Q-00756-00174360-00174569 that's one of the things that I find a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00757-00174570-00174737 little difficult is we were joking about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00758-00174738-00174989 this earlier um is like I'm not that qBIwvTUUu6Q-00759-00174990-00175109 into Hardware qBIwvTUUu6Q-00760-00175110-00175349 um but it's a lot easier I think for a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00761-00175350-00175540 kid to engage with like a Raspberry Pi qBIwvTUUu6Q-00762-00175541-00175745 or whatever than it is to like you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00763-00175746-00175931 build the kubernetes exactly right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00764-00175932-00176159 exactly it's a lot more you know real qBIwvTUUu6Q-00765-00176160-00176416 feeling right this is so creative so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00766-00176417-00176621 even though we don't even think about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00767-00176622-00176837 right and then oh they're going to use qBIwvTUUu6Q-00768-00176838-00177173 this platform or technology we did so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00769-00177174-00177388 much different ways well it's it's also qBIwvTUUu6Q-00770-00177389-00177652 so natural for them right you know all qBIwvTUUu6Q-00771-00177653-00177838 us old people who didn't grow up you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00772-00177839-00178126 know directly in you know in computers qBIwvTUUu6Q-00773-00178127-00178259 um you know because we already did qBIwvTUUu6Q-00774-00178260-00178547 Narrows right eyes okay we're gonna just qBIwvTUUu6Q-00775-00178548-00178745 use this kind of stuff or the kind of qBIwvTUUu6Q-00776-00178746-00179116 thing but oh it turns out wow you just qBIwvTUUu6Q-00777-00179117-00179363 so creative thing right because they're qBIwvTUUu6Q-00778-00179364-00179621 putting things all together wrong you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00779-00179622-00179819 know and we end up with really cool qBIwvTUUu6Q-00780-00179820-00179987 things which it wouldn't even occur to qBIwvTUUu6Q-00781-00179988-00180166 us to put together yeah and of course so qBIwvTUUu6Q-00782-00180167-00180352 we're going to add bring more some kind qBIwvTUUu6Q-00783-00180353-00180647 of gaming stuff that's one of the uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00784-00180648-00180893 attractive thing for kids yeah like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00785-00180894-00181163 Roblox or Minecraft that's a good qBIwvTUUu6Q-00786-00181164-00181433 motivation yeah I think Mozilla the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00787-00181434-00181637 Mozilla ones is like a JavaScript thing qBIwvTUUu6Q-00788-00181638-00181925 where um it's like a platformer and you qBIwvTUUu6Q-00789-00181926-00182128 the way you have to play the game is by qBIwvTUUu6Q-00790-00182129-00182345 writing JavaScript to give you the next qBIwvTUUu6Q-00791-00182346-00182614 like platform to jump onto yeah uh yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00792-00182615-00182795 it's it's really pretty cool yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00793-00182796-00183035 exactly so my son actually once again he qBIwvTUUu6Q-00794-00183036-00183233 actually never ever asked me about the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00795-00183234-00183437 program ranking even though it's just a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00796-00183438-00183593 couple of months ago and a summer qBIwvTUUu6Q-00797-00183594-00183749 vacation he actually asked him about qBIwvTUUu6Q-00798-00183750-00183928 JavaScript oh really how do you know qBIwvTUUu6Q-00799-00183929-00184264 that that works great and then oh yeah I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00800-00184265-00184493 just know that how to customize the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00801-00184494-00184597 Roblox qBIwvTUUu6Q-00802-00184598-00184907 Maple JavaScript right okay oh that's qBIwvTUUu6Q-00803-00184908-00185057 the thing okay that's really good qBIwvTUUu6Q-00804-00185058-00185416 approach to learn new technology right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00805-00185417-00185675 right well it's funny because that's in qBIwvTUUu6Q-00806-00185676-00185813 some ways a lot of people say it's the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00807-00185814-00185981 same motivation as an open source yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00808-00185982-00186221 it's like you you get into open source qBIwvTUUu6Q-00809-00186222-00186311 because you want to scratch your own qBIwvTUUu6Q-00810-00186312-00186526 itch right it's like something about the qBIwvTUUu6Q-00811-00186527-00186773 computer is making you crazy so you go qBIwvTUUu6Q-00812-00186774-00187001 fix it right that's exactly reminds me qBIwvTUUu6Q-00813-00187002-00187211 it's because of when I just started like qBIwvTUUu6Q-00814-00187212-00187613 my son's age like a 10 years boy when I qBIwvTUUu6Q-00815-00187614-00187811 was there so I just started in a qBIwvTUUu6Q-00816-00187812-00188123 computer stuff for fun yeah not or some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00817-00188124-00188375 some kind of a purse right yeah so and qBIwvTUUu6Q-00818-00188376-00188788 then at a time I'm so uh enjoyed uh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00819-00188789-00188981 spending my time to make some qBIwvTUUu6Q-00820-00188982-00189209 programming stuff right right all right qBIwvTUUu6Q-00821-00189210-00189551 I'm here and then uh hopefully you gotta qBIwvTUUu6Q-00822-00189552-00189802 next who's the next big oh yeah so next qBIwvTUUu6Q-00823-00189803-00190078 up we're going to talk to uh Liz rice oh qBIwvTUUu6Q-00824-00190079-00190290 and uh so that'll be pretty cool yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00825-00190291-00190540 and uh but yeah thanks so much for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00826-00190541-00190697 coming by sure all right thanks for qBIwvTUUu6Q-00827-00190698-00190949 having me and I'll talk to you soon yeah qBIwvTUUu6Q-00828-00190950-00191207 see you guys qBIwvTUUu6Q-00829-00191208-00191615 foreign qBIwvTUUu6Q-00830-00191616-00191932 [Music] qBVXPtYzw78-00000-00000628-00002103 [Music] qBVXPtYzw78-00001-00002104-00003074 [Music] qBVXPtYzw78-00002-00003075-00003484 [Music] qBVXPtYzw78-00003-00003485-00003713 around the world our bananas qBVXPtYzw78-00004-00003714-00003908 not only are bananas a great breakfast qBVXPtYzw78-00005-00003909-00004097 food but they are fantastic for your qBVXPtYzw78-00006-00004098-00004364 health bananas are a superfood which can qBVXPtYzw78-00007-00004365-00004628 help your body to fight off disease not qBVXPtYzw78-00008-00004629-00004754 only is the fruit of the banana qBVXPtYzw78-00009-00004755-00005033 beneficial but so is the peel whereas qBVXPtYzw78-00010-00005034-00005272 most of us discard the peel scientists qBVXPtYzw78-00011-00005273-00005447 have found that the peel is actually qBVXPtYzw78-00012-00005448-00005639 very beneficial to us and should be qBVXPtYzw78-00013-00005640-00005960 added to our daily routine the peel of a qBVXPtYzw78-00014-00005961-00006170 banana can fight off germs fungus and qBVXPtYzw78-00015-00006171-00006383 disease they are also very high in qBVXPtYzw78-00016-00006384-00006698 vitamins such as vitamin b6 vitamin b12 qBVXPtYzw78-00017-00006698-00007013 magnesium and potassium here are some qBVXPtYzw78-00018-00007014-00007190 ways that you can benefit from saving qBVXPtYzw78-00019-00007191-00007370 that banana peel and adding it to your qBVXPtYzw78-00020-00007370-00007718 beauty routine one whitens teeth a qBVXPtYzw78-00021-00007719-00007979 banana peel is a natural tooth whitener qBVXPtYzw78-00022-00007980-00008249 since it contains citric acid citric qBVXPtYzw78-00023-00008250-00008462 acid can help to remove or lessen the qBVXPtYzw78-00024-00008463-00008624 appearance of yellow stains on your qBVXPtYzw78-00025-00008625-00008894 teeth the peel can also remove plaque qBVXPtYzw78-00026-00008895-00009098 and germs from your teeth because it qBVXPtYzw78-00027-00009099-00009380 contains salicylic acid it also supports qBVXPtYzw78-00028-00009381-00009577 strong and healthy teeth because it will qBVXPtYzw78-00029-00009578-00009770 help your tooth enamel to not be worn qBVXPtYzw78-00030-00009771-00010042 down here's how to use a banana peel to qBVXPtYzw78-00031-00010043-00010316 whiten your teeth rub the soft inside of qBVXPtYzw78-00032-00010317-00010499 a fresh piece of banana peel on your qBVXPtYzw78-00033-00010500-00010714 teeth for a few minutes when you're done qBVXPtYzw78-00034-00010715-00010919 brush your teeth with toothpaste to qBVXPtYzw78-00035-00010920-00011144 remove the residue do this once a day qBVXPtYzw78-00036-00011145-00011324 for a couple of weeks to remove the qBVXPtYzw78-00037-00011325-00011728 stains to dissolve sports since the qBVXPtYzw78-00038-00011729-00011894 manna peels can help to fight disease qBVXPtYzw78-00039-00011895-00012080 they can help your body to get rid of qBVXPtYzw78-00040-00012081-00012442 unwanted warts naturally they can do qBVXPtYzw78-00041-00012443-00012644 this because they contain enzymes and qBVXPtYzw78-00042-00012645-00012863 antioxidants that can also help to fight qBVXPtYzw78-00043-00012863-00013046 off the germs that cause the wart in the qBVXPtYzw78-00044-00013047-00013303 first place here's how to naturally qBVXPtYzw78-00045-00013304-00013606 remove warts cut a piece of banana peel qBVXPtYzw78-00046-00013607-00013784 slightly larger than the size of your qBVXPtYzw78-00047-00013785-00014024 wart place the inside of the peel qBVXPtYzw78-00048-00014025-00014294 against the affected area secure it with qBVXPtYzw78-00049-00014294-00014584 tape or a bandage leave it on overnight qBVXPtYzw78-00050-00014585-00014941 remove the peel the next morning repeat qBVXPtYzw78-00051-00014943-00015149 daily for a few weeks or until you get qBVXPtYzw78-00052-00015150-00015406 rid of the wart this method can also be qBVXPtYzw78-00053-00015407-00015622 used to remove any unwanted corns from qBVXPtYzw78-00054-00015623-00015960 your body 3 here's acne qBVXPtYzw78-00055-00015961-00016222 banana peels are also for clearing of qBVXPtYzw78-00056-00016222-00016486 acne and treating pimple the peel can qBVXPtYzw78-00057-00016487-00016683 naturally remove harmful toxins from qBVXPtYzw78-00058-00016684-00016846 your pores and fight the germs that qBVXPtYzw78-00059-00016847-00017133 caused your acne also the banana peel qBVXPtYzw78-00060-00017134-00017331 can fight swelling and will calm the qBVXPtYzw78-00061-00017332-00017505 inflamed skin around the temples and qBVXPtYzw78-00062-00017506-00017755 affected area here's how to use a banana qBVXPtYzw78-00063-00017756-00018043 peel to get rid of your acne wash your qBVXPtYzw78-00064-00018044-00018280 skin with cool water then pat dry with a qBVXPtYzw78-00065-00018281-00018553 clean towel massage the affected skin qBVXPtYzw78-00066-00018554-00018750 area with the inside of a banana peel qBVXPtYzw78-00067-00018751-00018867 for five minutes qBVXPtYzw78-00068-00018868-00019122 wait 20 minutes for the skin to absorb qBVXPtYzw78-00069-00019123-00019389 the nutrients rinse off with cool water qBVXPtYzw78-00070-00019390-00019812 repeat 2 or 3 times a day for reduces qBVXPtYzw78-00071-00019813-00020050 blemishes for the same reasons as qBVXPtYzw78-00072-00020051-00020259 already mentioned banana peels are great qBVXPtYzw78-00073-00020260-00020447 for treating blemishes on your skin qBVXPtYzw78-00074-00020448-00020746 banana peels contain vitamin A vitamin qBVXPtYzw78-00075-00020747-00020811 beads qBVXPtYzw78-00076-00020812-00021124 vitamin C and vitamin E all of which qBVXPtYzw78-00077-00021125-00021330 help to keep your skin healthy and free qBVXPtYzw78-00078-00021331-00021619 of marks and blemishes also because the qBVXPtYzw78-00079-00021620-00021828 banana peels are high in antioxidants qBVXPtYzw78-00080-00021829-00022072 they fight any disease and can help to qBVXPtYzw78-00081-00022073-00022350 remove dark spots from your skin here's qBVXPtYzw78-00082-00022351-00022522 how the P a little banana can help to qBVXPtYzw78-00083-00022523-00022818 remove your skin blemishes gently rub qBVXPtYzw78-00084-00022819-00022999 the white fiber off of a piece of banana qBVXPtYzw78-00085-00023000-00023250 peel on your skin for 5 to 10 minutes qBVXPtYzw78-00086-00023251-00023481 let the remaining fibers sit on your qBVXPtYzw78-00087-00023482-00023778 skin for at least 20 minutes reapply 2 qBVXPtYzw78-00088-00023779-00023971 to 3 times daily until the blemishes qBVXPtYzw78-00089-00023972-00024324 fade away 5 soothes mosquito bites qBVXPtYzw78-00090-00024325-00024589 banana peels can even be effective in qBVXPtYzw78-00091-00024590-00024772 treating mosquito and other bug bites as qBVXPtYzw78-00092-00024773-00025008 they work to draw out the insects fluid qBVXPtYzw78-00093-00025009-00025203 that is injected at the time of the bite qBVXPtYzw78-00094-00025204-00025415 banana peels have something called qBVXPtYzw78-00095-00025416-00025647 polysaccharides which help to get into qBVXPtYzw78-00096-00025648-00025858 your skin cells and stop any swelling qBVXPtYzw78-00097-00025858-00026143 and discomfort this usually works within qBVXPtYzw78-00098-00026144-00026355 minutes so it is very effective qBVXPtYzw78-00099-00026356-00026575 remember this method for the next time qBVXPtYzw78-00100-00026576-00026752 you are bitten by a mosquito or other qBVXPtYzw78-00101-00026752-00027037 insect massage the inside of a banana qBVXPtYzw78-00102-00027038-00027262 peel on the affected area for 5 minutes qBVXPtYzw78-00103-00027263-00027550 wait 15 minutes then rinse off the area qBVXPtYzw78-00104-00027551-00027880 with cool water repeat as needed 6 qBVXPtYzw78-00105-00027881-00028161 remove skin tags qBVXPtYzw78-00106-00028162-00028410 banana peels can also be used to rid qBVXPtYzw78-00107-00028411-00028650 your skin of any ugly and unwanted skin qBVXPtYzw78-00108-00028651-00028908 tags that is because banana peels are qBVXPtYzw78-00109-00028908-00029106 high in certain enzymes that are able to qBVXPtYzw78-00110-00029107-00029367 melt those skin tags away here's how a qBVXPtYzw78-00111-00029368-00029577 banana peel can rid your skin of skin qBVXPtYzw78-00112-00029577-00029877 tags cut out a piece of a banana peel to qBVXPtYzw78-00113-00029877-00030126 cover your skin tag properly place the qBVXPtYzw78-00114-00030127-00030339 white portion of the peel on your skin qBVXPtYzw78-00115-00030339-00030600 tag and secure it with a tape leave it qBVXPtYzw78-00116-00030601-00030870 on overnight remove the tape and banana qBVXPtYzw78-00117-00030870-00031035 peel and rinse your skin the next qBVXPtYzw78-00118-00031036-00031281 morning do this daily until your skin qBVXPtYzw78-00119-00031282-00031680 cake drops off 7 diminishes wrinkles and qBVXPtYzw78-00120-00031681-00031989 fine lines banana peels are also great qBVXPtYzw78-00121-00031989-00032177 for the skin of your face and they help qBVXPtYzw78-00122-00032178-00032364 to remove or reduce the appearance of qBVXPtYzw78-00123-00032364-00032615 wrinkles they can also help to tighten qBVXPtYzw78-00124-00032616-00032829 your skin and delay any signs of aging qBVXPtYzw78-00125-00032830-00033107 thanks to an antioxidant called lutein qBVXPtYzw78-00126-00033108-00033327 banana peels can leave your skin looking qBVXPtYzw78-00127-00033328-00033642 healthy shiny and plump how to add qBVXPtYzw78-00128-00033643-00033871 banana peels to your daily facial regime qBVXPtYzw78-00129-00033872-00034161 rub the inside of a banana peel over qBVXPtYzw78-00130-00034162-00034352 your face and let it sit for 20 to 30 qBVXPtYzw78-00131-00034353-00034664 minutes rinse it off with lukewarm water qBVXPtYzw78-00132-00034665-00035117 do this once daily 8 treat psoriasis qBVXPtYzw78-00133-00035118-00035367 banana peels can also help a certain qBVXPtYzw78-00134-00035368-00035552 chronic skin condition that causes qBVXPtYzw78-00135-00035553-00035748 itching and dry patches on your skin qBVXPtYzw78-00136-00035749-00036093 called psoriasis because the banana peel qBVXPtYzw78-00137-00036094-00036342 is able to fight off disease it can help qBVXPtYzw78-00138-00036343-00036602 protect the skin against sun damage it qBVXPtYzw78-00139-00036603-00036846 also contains fatty acids which help to qBVXPtYzw78-00140-00036847-00037056 hydrate your skin and remove any signs qBVXPtYzw78-00141-00037057-00037356 of dryness or itching this method is qBVXPtYzw78-00142-00037357-00037626 simple to do massage the inside of a qBVXPtYzw78-00143-00037627-00037908 banana peel over the affected skin leave qBVXPtYzw78-00144-00037909-00038112 it for 30 minutes then rinse it off with qBVXPtYzw78-00145-00038113-00038604 cool water repeat twice daily 9 sooth qBVXPtYzw78-00146-00038605-00038868 puffy eyes after you've eaten your qBVXPtYzw78-00147-00038869-00039045 morning banana you can use the fresh qBVXPtYzw78-00148-00039046-00039255 banana peels to revive your tired and qBVXPtYzw78-00149-00039256-00039351 puffy eyes qBVXPtYzw78-00150-00039352-00039539 since the Nana's are high in potassium qBVXPtYzw78-00151-00039540-00039801 they are able to help remove any bags qBVXPtYzw78-00152-00039802-00040023 under your eyes and reduce puffiness you qBVXPtYzw78-00153-00040024-00040233 can also help to remove any darkness qBVXPtYzw78-00154-00040234-00040485 under your eyes here's how to use banana qBVXPtYzw78-00155-00040486-00040817 peels to revive the skin under your eyes qBVXPtYzw78-00156-00040818-00041088 collect the white fiber on the inside of qBVXPtYzw78-00157-00041089-00041319 a banana peel by scraping a spoon along qBVXPtYzw78-00158-00041320-00041613 the surface mix the fiber with one to qBVXPtYzw78-00159-00041614-00041850 two tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel to qBVXPtYzw78-00160-00041851-00042081 form a smooth paste gently apply the qBVXPtYzw78-00161-00042082-00042366 paste around the eye wait 15 minutes qBVXPtYzw78-00162-00042367-00042648 then wash it off with cool water repeat qBVXPtYzw78-00163-00042649-00042900 as needed are any of these methods qBVXPtYzw78-00164-00042901-00043140 surprising to you have you tried using qBVXPtYzw78-00165-00043141-00043296 banana peels in your beauty regime qBVXPtYzw78-00166-00043297-00043575 before comment below to let us know what qBVXPtYzw78-00167-00043576-00043812 worked for you and what didn't if you qBVXPtYzw78-00168-00043813-00043986 liked the video give it a thumbs up and qBVXPtYzw78-00169-00043987-00044166 share it with your friends for more qBVXPtYzw78-00170-00044167-00044367 recipes and tips subscribe to the qBVXPtYzw78-00171-00044368-00044428 channel qBVXPtYzw78-00172-00044429-00046215 [Music] qBVXPtYzw78-00173-00046216-00046422 you