Ib2NuzaifsU-00000-00006606-00006760 good evening everybody Ib2NuzaifsU-00001-00006761-00007234 and thank you for attending this is Ib2NuzaifsU-00002-00007236-00007463 well audit and governance Ib2NuzaifsU-00003-00007464-00007733 uh any apologies that you Ib2NuzaifsU-00004-00007734-00008074 we have apologies from councilor Ib2NuzaifsU-00005-00008075-00008255 Kingston Ib2NuzaifsU-00006-00008256-00008501 and Ib2NuzaifsU-00007-00008502-00008753 apologies from councilor Kingston and Ib2NuzaifsU-00008-00008754-00008896 we've been notified that councilor Ib2NuzaifsU-00009-00008897-00009095 Daniels may be a little late but he's on Ib2NuzaifsU-00010-00009096-00009587 her way thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00011-00009588-00009791 next item on the agenda is to move the Ib2NuzaifsU-00012-00009792-00009874 minutes Ib2NuzaifsU-00013-00009875-00010324 from our previous meeting Ib2NuzaifsU-00014-00010325-00012299 happy to move Mr chairman Ib2NuzaifsU-00015-00012300-00012509 all right our next item is to any Ib2NuzaifsU-00016-00012510-00012965 declare any interest Ib2NuzaifsU-00017-00012966-00013351 not interested Ib2NuzaifsU-00018-00013352-00015244 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00019-00015245-00015461 that was just music we've gone through Ib2NuzaifsU-00020-00015462-00015851 this agenda our next item Ib2NuzaifsU-00021-00015852-00016433 is our slavery statement Ib2NuzaifsU-00022-00016434-00016780 thank you chair the um next the the Ib2NuzaifsU-00023-00016781-00017063 update report today is the uh the as the Ib2NuzaifsU-00024-00017064-00017308 auditing Grant auditing governance Ib2NuzaifsU-00025-00017309-00017525 committee to endorse the council's Ib2NuzaifsU-00026-00017526-00017680 modern slavery and human trafficking Ib2NuzaifsU-00027-00017681-00018172 statement 2021-22 the modern slavery and Ib2NuzaifsU-00028-00018173-00018311 human trafficking statement is a Ib2NuzaifsU-00029-00018312-00018503 requirement under the modern slavery act Ib2NuzaifsU-00030-00018504-00018755 I've done something wrong Ib2NuzaifsU-00031-00018756-00019121 modern slavery acts 2015 Ib2NuzaifsU-00032-00019122-00019391 um that we need every year as a Ib2NuzaifsU-00033-00019392-00019619 organization as a global turnover of Ib2NuzaifsU-00034-00019620-00019900 above 36 million pound to publish as Ib2NuzaifsU-00035-00019901-00020308 slavery and human trafficking statement Ib2NuzaifsU-00036-00020309-00020738 and move that okay Ib2NuzaifsU-00037-00020739-00021047 [Music] Ib2NuzaifsU-00038-00021048-00021364 was it my computer Ib2NuzaifsU-00040-00027566-00027808 right we pause the meeting just to Ib2NuzaifsU-00041-00027810-00027983 correct a few technical issues it should Ib2NuzaifsU-00042-00027983-00028162 be okay now over to you Ib2NuzaifsU-00043-00028163-00028301 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00044-00028302-00028690 yet as the report is asking the the Ib2NuzaifsU-00045-00028691-00028883 audit and governance committee to Ib2NuzaifsU-00046-00028883-00029207 endorse the modern slavery and and human Ib2NuzaifsU-00047-00029208-00029431 trafficking statement for Ib2NuzaifsU-00048-00029432-00029705 2021-22 it's a requirement under the ACT Ib2NuzaifsU-00049-00029706-00029974 to have a statement within six months of Ib2NuzaifsU-00050-00029975-00030274 the end of the financial year Ib2NuzaifsU-00051-00030275-00030673 um the statement outlines the um Ib2NuzaifsU-00052-00030674-00030996 last year and activities under that Ib2NuzaifsU-00053-00030997-00031295 criteria of modern slavery some updates Ib2NuzaifsU-00054-00031295-00031564 to our human resources policies and Ib2NuzaifsU-00055-00031566-00031967 actions around training and for staff Ib2NuzaifsU-00056-00031968-00032393 and also the update that our procurement Ib2NuzaifsU-00057-00032394-00032807 chains are resourced appropriately and Ib2NuzaifsU-00058-00032808-00032993 actually do the appropriate checks for Ib2NuzaifsU-00059-00032994-00033179 the modern slavery chain Ib2NuzaifsU-00060-00033180-00033412 there is also in there an action for the Ib2NuzaifsU-00061-00033413-00033646 following year so this year and where Ib2NuzaifsU-00062-00033647-00033917 we're continuing to work to look at all Ib2NuzaifsU-00063-00033918-00034189 aspects of modern slavery including Ib2NuzaifsU-00064-00034190-00034499 increased attendance through the police Ib2NuzaifsU-00065-00034500-00034793 tactical group of modern slavery and Ib2NuzaifsU-00066-00034794-00035045 continuing to work in Partnership Ib2NuzaifsU-00067-00035046-00035417 the there are no at this time any um Ib2NuzaifsU-00068-00035418-00035585 referrals into the Tamworth Ib2NuzaifsU-00069-00035586-00035777 vulnerability partnership for anybody Ib2NuzaifsU-00070-00035778-00036083 involved in modern slavery however all Ib2NuzaifsU-00071-00036084-00036305 staff have had have training within Ib2NuzaifsU-00072-00036306-00036562 their safeguarding and is as necessary Ib2NuzaifsU-00073-00036563-00036887 we can actually update and refer people Ib2NuzaifsU-00074-00036888-00037162 into the national referral mechanism Ib2NuzaifsU-00075-00037163-00037402 so the statement is attached as the Ib2NuzaifsU-00076-00037403-00037673 appendices to the report and as I say Ib2NuzaifsU-00077-00037674-00037846 the action is for the committee to Ib2NuzaifsU-00078-00037847-00038177 endorse for approval by Kevin thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00079-00038178-00038789 foreign Ib2NuzaifsU-00080-00038790-00038993 nice piece of work well done good to see Ib2NuzaifsU-00081-00038994-00039167 that we're on on schedule with these Ib2NuzaifsU-00082-00039168-00039545 things it's my pleasure to actually ask Ib2NuzaifsU-00083-00039546-00039724 it to be moved Ib2NuzaifsU-00084-00039725-00039874 anyone Ib2NuzaifsU-00085-00039875-00040109 anybody got any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00086-00040110-00040312 well I don't think anybody's necessary Ib2NuzaifsU-00087-00040313-00040612 tonight so the pro-slavery aren't they I Ib2NuzaifsU-00088-00040613-00040751 really don't think that's going to Ib2NuzaifsU-00089-00040752-00040949 happen uh just obviously if that Joe for Ib2NuzaifsU-00090-00040950-00041111 the continuing work on this it is an Ib2NuzaifsU-00091-00041112-00041261 incredibly important area for the Ib2NuzaifsU-00092-00041262-00041405 council to be involved and you think Ib2NuzaifsU-00093-00041406-00041585 it's not an issue in the 21st century Ib2NuzaifsU-00094-00041586-00041771 town like talmouth but actually it Ib2NuzaifsU-00095-00041772-00041890 informs a lot of our policies when Ib2NuzaifsU-00096-00041891-00041999 dealing with traveling communities Ib2NuzaifsU-00097-00042000-00042190 obviously we've got refugees coming at Ib2NuzaifsU-00098-00042191-00042323 the Holiday Inn so these policies are Ib2NuzaifsU-00099-00042324-00042461 actually quite important that we do Ib2NuzaifsU-00100-00042462-00042599 maintain and monitor and work with Ib2NuzaifsU-00101-00042600-00042773 Partners to ensure we do it so I'm happy Ib2NuzaifsU-00102-00042774-00043252 to move wind awesome Mr chairman Ib2NuzaifsU-00104-00046403-00046624 our next item on the agenda is the risk Ib2NuzaifsU-00105-00046625-00046837 assessment quarterly update Ib2NuzaifsU-00106-00046838-00047273 hang on local government first Ib2NuzaifsU-00107-00047274-00047555 thank you chair sorry okay so the Ib2NuzaifsU-00108-00047556-00047758 purpose of my report today is to advise Ib2NuzaifsU-00109-00047759-00048005 Committee of the contents of the local Ib2NuzaifsU-00110-00048006-00048161 government and social care Ombudsman Ib2NuzaifsU-00111-00048162-00048443 annual letter for the year 31st of March Ib2NuzaifsU-00112-00048444-00048683 and that ended in 31st of March in Ib2NuzaifsU-00113-00048684-00048790 relation to the complaints that have Ib2NuzaifsU-00114-00048791-00049007 been made against Thomasboro Council Ib2NuzaifsU-00115-00049008-00049277 so as committee will probably be aware Ib2NuzaifsU-00116-00049278-00049457 the local government and social care Ib2NuzaifsU-00117-00049458-00049607 Ombudsman produces an annual letter Ib2NuzaifsU-00118-00049608-00049871 which is sent to us every July covering Ib2NuzaifsU-00119-00049872-00050207 the previous Financial year Ib2NuzaifsU-00120-00050208-00050417 um in the year that's covered by this Ib2NuzaifsU-00121-00050418-00050590 letter the Ombudsman received eight Ib2NuzaifsU-00122-00050591-00050867 inquiries and about our Authority and Ib2NuzaifsU-00123-00050868-00051040 made 10 reported decisions the reason Ib2NuzaifsU-00124-00051041-00051257 for more decisions and inquiries is Ib2NuzaifsU-00125-00051258-00051413 because two were residual from the Ib2NuzaifsU-00126-00051414-00051658 previous year the report lays out where Ib2NuzaifsU-00127-00051659-00052013 the complaints were received and those Ib2NuzaifsU-00128-00052014-00052216 complaints are then assessed by an Ib2NuzaifsU-00129-00052217-00052337 ombudsman Ib2NuzaifsU-00130-00052338-00052547 um to make an initial judgment on the Ib2NuzaifsU-00131-00052548-00052811 case and they will then contact the Ib2NuzaifsU-00132-00052812-00052991 council if they want to ask for any more Ib2NuzaifsU-00133-00052991-00053188 information before they go for further Ib2NuzaifsU-00134-00053189-00053332 investigation Ib2NuzaifsU-00135-00053333-00053519 so with the 10 decisions that were made Ib2NuzaifsU-00136-00053520-00053776 this year five inquiries were referred Ib2NuzaifsU-00137-00053777-00054041 back to the council three complaints Ib2NuzaifsU-00138-00054041-00054226 were closed after initial inquiries Ib2NuzaifsU-00139-00054227-00054394 because it may be the law states that Ib2NuzaifsU-00140-00054395-00054503 the Ombudsman is not allowed to Ib2NuzaifsU-00141-00054504-00054754 investigate it or it might not be an Ib2NuzaifsU-00142-00054755-00054982 effective use of funds that left two Ib2NuzaifsU-00143-00054983-00055138 complaints which were passed on for Ib2NuzaifsU-00144-00055139-00055444 detailed investigation one was not held Ib2NuzaifsU-00145-00055445-00055654 after full investigation and this was Ib2NuzaifsU-00146-00055655-00055973 due to a small business grant that the Ib2NuzaifsU-00147-00055974-00056135 council had refused because the Ib2NuzaifsU-00148-00056136-00056416 essential criteria wasn't in place to Ib2NuzaifsU-00149-00056417-00056723 enable payment to be made and the full Ib2NuzaifsU-00150-00056724-00056987 report anonymized report from the Ib2NuzaifsU-00151-00056988-00057257 Ombudsman is at appendix 3. the final Ib2NuzaifsU-00152-00057258-00057430 decision wasn't held by the Ombudsman Ib2NuzaifsU-00153-00057432-00057665 and this was with respect to a letter Ib2NuzaifsU-00154-00057666-00057892 that was sent to a customer regarding Ib2NuzaifsU-00155-00057894-00058192 electoral registration there was a word Ib2NuzaifsU-00156-00058194-00058421 on the letter that said will that the Ib2NuzaifsU-00157-00058422-00058642 customer would not be able to get credit Ib2NuzaifsU-00158-00058644-00058930 for example or apply for a mortgage and Ib2NuzaifsU-00159-00058932-00059087 they can plan the customer complained it Ib2NuzaifsU-00160-00059088-00059387 was untrue so throughout complaints Ib2NuzaifsU-00161-00059388-00059566 process we accepted that the word will Ib2NuzaifsU-00162-00059567-00059741 was too strong an apology was offered Ib2NuzaifsU-00163-00059741-00059999 and we changed it to May the only thing Ib2NuzaifsU-00164-00060000-00060199 that the customer could not do Ib2NuzaifsU-00165-00060200-00060485 necessarily with um without going on to Ib2NuzaifsU-00166-00060486-00060688 the Electoral register is actually vote Ib2NuzaifsU-00167-00060689-00060815 um it didn't mean to say they were Ib2NuzaifsU-00168-00060816-00060988 excluded from the other although they Ib2NuzaifsU-00169-00060989-00061291 may be excluded so when the Ombudsman Ib2NuzaifsU-00170-00061291-00061615 considered the complaint we had already Ib2NuzaifsU-00171-00061616-00061954 made a decision and had apologized and Ib2NuzaifsU-00172-00061955-00062141 they decided not to investigate any Ib2NuzaifsU-00173-00062141-00062411 further although they report that as an Ib2NuzaifsU-00174-00062412-00062680 upheld complaint Ib2NuzaifsU-00175-00062682-00062999 um it's the report also reports on the Ib2NuzaifsU-00176-00063000-00063221 number of complaints as or powered as a Ib2NuzaifsU-00177-00063222-00063371 percentage of detailed investigations Ib2NuzaifsU-00178-00063372-00063647 and because we only had two detailed Ib2NuzaifsU-00179-00063648-00063959 investigations it comes as 50 upheld and Ib2NuzaifsU-00180-00063960-00064192 50 not or powered Ib2NuzaifsU-00181-00064194-00064492 um the or they also report on compliance Ib2NuzaifsU-00182-00064494-00064691 with recommendations however there was Ib2NuzaifsU-00183-00064691-00064871 no recommendations made for us to comply Ib2NuzaifsU-00184-00064872-00065171 with and finally the Ombudsman reports Ib2NuzaifsU-00185-00065172-00065350 on the percentage of appelled case which Ib2NuzaifsU-00186-00065351-00065669 were a satisfactory remedy remedy was Ib2NuzaifsU-00187-00065670-00065921 provided before the complaint reach the Ib2NuzaifsU-00188-00065922-00066143 Ombudsman of which we got 100 because we Ib2NuzaifsU-00189-00066144-00066406 had issued that remedy so the report Ib2NuzaifsU-00190-00066407-00066563 seeks Ib2NuzaifsU-00191-00066564-00066826 um is asking that the committee endorsed Ib2NuzaifsU-00192-00066827-00066976 the contents of the annual review letter Ib2NuzaifsU-00193-00066977-00067126 and that they note the summary of Ib2NuzaifsU-00194-00067127-00067306 complaints decisions and compliance Ib2NuzaifsU-00195-00067307-00067788 during the financial year thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00196-00067789-00068044 thank you for that Ib2NuzaifsU-00197-00068045-00068206 um yes it's good to you know we have Ib2NuzaifsU-00198-00068207-00068375 checks and balances on all what we do Ib2NuzaifsU-00199-00068376-00068638 and that the Ombudsman has found 50 50 Ib2NuzaifsU-00200-00068639-00068849 really but that's you know what you say Ib2NuzaifsU-00201-00068850-00069047 warning uh so anyway it gives me Ib2NuzaifsU-00202-00069048-00069479 pleasure is there any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00203-00069480-00069635 and not really a question because I Ib2NuzaifsU-00204-00069636-00069773 think the introductions answered the Ib2NuzaifsU-00205-00069774-00070019 question I had uh just to say Obviously Ib2NuzaifsU-00206-00070020-00070271 we've got 76 500 citizens by the time Ib2NuzaifsU-00207-00070272-00070529 you remove children we've got what 55 56 Ib2NuzaifsU-00208-00070530-00070781 000 people eight complaints It's a grand Ib2NuzaifsU-00209-00070782-00070969 scheme of things well done guys Ib2NuzaifsU-00210-00070970-00071213 yeah I had a little bit of a concern but Ib2NuzaifsU-00211-00071214-00071315 you've raised it in your introduction Ib2NuzaifsU-00212-00071316-00071494 about how we put you know you can't get Ib2NuzaifsU-00213-00071495-00071650 credit or a marriage unless you register Ib2NuzaifsU-00214-00071651-00071831 a vote it was a silly comment to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00215-00071832-00072041 honest but like myself and Andrew have Ib2NuzaifsU-00216-00072042-00072179 always said we're a learning Council if Ib2NuzaifsU-00217-00072180-00072365 it's been fixed my question's gone so Ib2NuzaifsU-00218-00072366-00072581 happy to endorse that is what it is and Ib2NuzaifsU-00219-00072582-00072767 congratulate our wonderful staff if I'd Ib2NuzaifsU-00220-00072768-00072971 like to say out of 55 000 adults in town Ib2NuzaifsU-00221-00072972-00073121 were only eight complaints all year to Ib2NuzaifsU-00222-00073122-00073505 the Ombudsman affected Ib2NuzaifsU-00223-00073506-00073950 thank you Council second up Ib2NuzaifsU-00224-00073951-00074111 okay Ib2NuzaifsU-00225-00074112-00074303 right I'll move that and all those in Ib2NuzaifsU-00226-00074304-00074525 favor Ib2NuzaifsU-00227-00074526-00075706 thank you for your hard work Ib2NuzaifsU-00228-00075707-00075971 so this is the regular quarterly risk Ib2NuzaifsU-00229-00075972-00076132 management update for the committee for Ib2NuzaifsU-00230-00076133-00076475 quarter two of the 22-23 financial year Ib2NuzaifsU-00231-00076476-00076685 a copy of the current corporate risk Ib2NuzaifsU-00232-00076686-00076894 register is attached to the report as Ib2NuzaifsU-00233-00076895-00077153 appendix one the risk control measures Ib2NuzaifsU-00234-00077154-00077332 included under each corporate risk Ib2NuzaifsU-00235-00077333-00077494 heading have been developed to reflect Ib2NuzaifsU-00236-00077495-00077753 the actions on the 2225 corporate plan Ib2NuzaifsU-00237-00077754-00077962 to ensure the delivery of strategic Ib2NuzaifsU-00238-00077963-00078112 objectives Ib2NuzaifsU-00239-00078113-00078311 the nature of some actions contained Ib2NuzaifsU-00240-00078312-00078467 within the corporate plan means that Ib2NuzaifsU-00241-00078468-00078676 they are identified as tasks rather than Ib2NuzaifsU-00242-00078677-00078923 risk controls these items are not Ib2NuzaifsU-00243-00078924-00079097 included in the risk register but will Ib2NuzaifsU-00244-00079098-00079253 be monitored by other risk control Ib2NuzaifsU-00245-00079254-00079493 measures such as service plans and Ib2NuzaifsU-00246-00079494-00079655 budget management Ib2NuzaifsU-00247-00079656-00079871 authors are by their nature risk control Ib2NuzaifsU-00248-00079872-00080093 and so can be included directly as a Ib2NuzaifsU-00249-00080094-00080332 risk control measure to clarify this the Ib2NuzaifsU-00250-00080333-00080512 summary of these are shown in appendix Ib2NuzaifsU-00251-00080513-00080632 2. Ib2NuzaifsU-00252-00080633-00080837 the operational risk Champions group Ib2NuzaifsU-00253-00080838-00081071 have met to discuss cross-service risks Ib2NuzaifsU-00254-00081072-00081281 and concerns around increased costs and Ib2NuzaifsU-00255-00081282-00081526 supply shortages including of skilled Ib2NuzaifsU-00256-00081527-00081779 workers with inflation expected to Ib2NuzaifsU-00257-00081780-00082025 continue to increase in the short term Ib2NuzaifsU-00258-00082026-00082253 recent turmoil in financial markets Ib2NuzaifsU-00259-00082254-00082456 following the mini budget in September Ib2NuzaifsU-00260-00082457-00082673 is likely to mean further interest rate Ib2NuzaifsU-00261-00082674-00082943 increases again having an impact on the Ib2NuzaifsU-00262-00082944-00083129 price of goods and services mortgage Ib2NuzaifsU-00263-00083130-00083326 costs and on households disposable Ib2NuzaifsU-00264-00083327-00083591 income this in turn may have an impact Ib2NuzaifsU-00265-00083592-00083825 on collection rates for council tax and Ib2NuzaifsU-00266-00083826-00084035 housing rents for example which will Ib2NuzaifsU-00267-00084036-00084179 continue to be monitored through the Ib2NuzaifsU-00268-00084180-00084443 monthly budget monitoring process Ib2NuzaifsU-00269-00084444-00084694 publication of information from the Ib2NuzaifsU-00270-00084695-00084929 National Grid also identifies a Ib2NuzaifsU-00271-00084930-00085097 possibility of power Cuts during the Ib2NuzaifsU-00272-00085098-00085253 winter period Ib2NuzaifsU-00273-00085254-00085438 current indications are that these will Ib2NuzaifsU-00274-00085439-00085612 be localized and for periods of three Ib2NuzaifsU-00275-00085613-00085835 hours there is limited information at Ib2NuzaifsU-00276-00085836-00086021 this time but discussions are being held Ib2NuzaifsU-00277-00086022-00086200 with the business continuity group and Ib2NuzaifsU-00278-00086201-00086429 with the Civil contingencies unit to Ib2NuzaifsU-00279-00086430-00086585 ensure we identify areas of Ib2NuzaifsU-00280-00086586-00086969 vulnerability and prioritize accordingly Ib2NuzaifsU-00281-00086970-00087112 um committees asked to endorse the Ib2NuzaifsU-00282-00087113-00087491 context of the report Ib2NuzaifsU-00283-00087492-00087785 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00284-00087786-00088182 any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00285-00088183-00088403 yeah thank you and thank you for that Ib2NuzaifsU-00286-00088404-00088588 introduction a couple of comments on the Ib2NuzaifsU-00287-00088589-00088817 introduction it's it's my understanding Ib2NuzaifsU-00288-00088818-00088985 through some of the sources I work in Ib2NuzaifsU-00289-00088986-00089261 closely I work in global trade it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00290-00089262-00089411 actually rolling blackouts are Ib2NuzaifsU-00291-00089412-00089579 potentially in isolated errors in this Ib2NuzaifsU-00292-00089580-00089765 country this year actually the bigger Ib2NuzaifsU-00293-00089766-00089944 danger is next winter because we're Ib2NuzaifsU-00294-00089945-00090112 actually got very full supplies at the Ib2NuzaifsU-00295-00090113-00090256 minute but we're not getting resupply to Ib2NuzaifsU-00296-00090257-00090400 search but he's getting the new supplies Ib2NuzaifsU-00297-00090401-00090562 of the gas through next year so it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00298-00090563-00090676 next year Myers but I think you're Ib2NuzaifsU-00299-00090677-00090821 absolutely right to raise the issue with Ib2NuzaifsU-00300-00090822-00091073 interest rates but perversely with these Ib2NuzaifsU-00301-00091074-00091276 things it's always you know good and bad Ib2NuzaifsU-00302-00091277-00091523 obviously we know people are going to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00303-00091524-00091697 affected mortgages are going to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00304-00091698-00091823 affecting people are going to start to Ib2NuzaifsU-00305-00091824-00091949 struggle in many ways because of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00306-00091950-00092093 spike in inflation and interest rates Ib2NuzaifsU-00307-00092094-00092332 hence my drive on Tuesday to completely Ib2NuzaifsU-00308-00092333-00092518 not completely but partially old to the Ib2NuzaifsU-00309-00092519-00092735 council's vision to take more account of Ib2NuzaifsU-00310-00092736-00092849 the world we're living in right now Ib2NuzaifsU-00311-00092850-00092962 where people are going to start to Ib2NuzaifsU-00312-00092963-00093094 struggle Ib2NuzaifsU-00313-00093095-00093293 but on the you know the adverse side Ib2NuzaifsU-00314-00093294-00093509 when Stefan's playing with his treasury Ib2NuzaifsU-00315-00093510-00093682 management interest rates going up are a Ib2NuzaifsU-00316-00093683-00093809 good thing because actually then the Ib2NuzaifsU-00317-00093810-00094006 council is making more income so it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00318-00094007-00094187 almost rough with smoke people are going Ib2NuzaifsU-00319-00094188-00094318 to be hurt but the council might be Ib2NuzaifsU-00320-00094319-00094438 perversely in a better financial Ib2NuzaifsU-00321-00094439-00094649 position through higher interest rates Ib2NuzaifsU-00322-00094650-00094787 to be able to help those people if we Ib2NuzaifsU-00323-00094788-00094979 target that support correctly so there Ib2NuzaifsU-00324-00094980-00095194 is a lot of roughly smooth and the only Ib2NuzaifsU-00325-00095195-00095368 thing I wanted to raise Mr chairman with Ib2NuzaifsU-00326-00095369-00095632 your permission is obviously I raised it Ib2NuzaifsU-00327-00095633-00095812 in June and the reporters reflect I Ib2NuzaifsU-00328-00095813-00096023 raised it in June at the severity level Ib2NuzaifsU-00329-00096024-00096191 of you know commercialization was Ib2NuzaifsU-00330-00096192-00096317 increased after Ib2NuzaifsU-00331-00096318-00096503 I had a little debate in June Stefan Ib2NuzaifsU-00332-00096504-00096641 obviously the only thing I would raise Ib2NuzaifsU-00333-00096642-00096797 and I don't think it can be solved by Ib2NuzaifsU-00334-00096798-00096941 debating this evening but just to put it Ib2NuzaifsU-00335-00096942-00097199 on radar again you know it still gets me Ib2NuzaifsU-00336-00097200-00097337 a little bit that our commercialization Ib2NuzaifsU-00337-00097338-00097523 has not moved from original to where we Ib2NuzaifsU-00338-00097524-00097738 are today it's still in the same box on Ib2NuzaifsU-00339-00097739-00098062 severity and you know impact so I'd just Ib2NuzaifsU-00340-00098063-00098338 like to say at some point that that move Ib2NuzaifsU-00341-00098339-00098476 somewhere to get us tomorrow towards Ib2NuzaifsU-00342-00098477-00098650 commercialization now obviously in Ib2NuzaifsU-00343-00098651-00098806 defensive officers and councilors we've Ib2NuzaifsU-00344-00098807-00098944 had covered in the middle of this and a Ib2NuzaifsU-00345-00098945-00099112 lot of challenges but you know I really Ib2NuzaifsU-00346-00099113-00099268 would like to see our commercialization Ib2NuzaifsU-00347-00099269-00099455 agenda really to take off now because Ib2NuzaifsU-00348-00099456-00099635 from a budget perspective we know Ib2NuzaifsU-00349-00099636-00099826 there's a big hole and it's one of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00350-00099827-00100043 key strands we need so if we can put any Ib2NuzaifsU-00351-00100044-00100247 sort of pressure on from collectively Ib2NuzaifsU-00352-00100248-00100415 councilors and officers to take some Ib2NuzaifsU-00353-00100416-00100624 entryway and really start driving income Ib2NuzaifsU-00354-00100625-00100823 up where we can and obviously deliver Ib2NuzaifsU-00355-00100824-00101009 better Services alongside it while we're Ib2NuzaifsU-00356-00101010-00101206 going to have budget constraints I'd be Ib2NuzaifsU-00357-00101207-00101356 grateful to see it if that's possible Ib2NuzaifsU-00358-00101357-00101567 thank you I'm happy to make a little Ib2NuzaifsU-00359-00101568-00101674 departure if that's what you needed as Ib2NuzaifsU-00360-00101675-00101891 well Mr chairman Ib2NuzaifsU-00361-00101892-00102137 thank you guys cook um yeah I mean Ib2NuzaifsU-00362-00102138-00102293 you're right it's the yin and the Yang Ib2NuzaifsU-00363-00102294-00102449 you know good interest rates mean we get Ib2NuzaifsU-00364-00102450-00102634 more Revenue in one respect but on the Ib2NuzaifsU-00365-00102635-00102899 other hand the cost to the council so Ib2NuzaifsU-00366-00102900-00103156 the expenditure will rise accordingly Ib2NuzaifsU-00367-00103157-00103463 um and and it's good to note that going Ib2NuzaifsU-00368-00103464-00103613 forward this is something we need to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00369-00103614-00103840 aware of and I'm I'm sure and I know Ib2NuzaifsU-00370-00103841-00104039 speaking with Stefan and the team it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00371-00104040-00104266 it's in everybody's agenda at the moment Ib2NuzaifsU-00372-00104267-00104608 so yeah so thanks for that uh I'm now Ib2NuzaifsU-00373-00104609-00104723 looking for Ib2NuzaifsU-00374-00104724-00105028 to be moved and propose well seconded Ib2NuzaifsU-00375-00105029-00105358 first Ib2NuzaifsU-00376-00105359-00105586 all those in favor Ib2NuzaifsU-00377-00105588-00106386 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00378-00106388-00106649 swiftly onto item seven which is our Ib2NuzaifsU-00379-00106650-00106895 quarterly internal audit progress report Ib2NuzaifsU-00380-00106896-00107057 and we Ib2NuzaifsU-00381-00107058-00107302 we're very fortunate tonight it's in the Ib2NuzaifsU-00382-00107303-00107543 hands of our CEO I I wouldn't say Ib2NuzaifsU-00383-00107544-00107758 fortunate um yes I mean firstly just for Ib2NuzaifsU-00384-00107759-00108089 noting um apologies from um from Andrew Ib2NuzaifsU-00385-00108090-00108340 Wood our audit manager who's on some Ib2NuzaifsU-00386-00108341-00108478 planned leave before the meeting Ib2NuzaifsU-00387-00108479-00108713 schedule was set up and deserved leave Ib2NuzaifsU-00388-00108714-00108923 as well I I hasten to add Ib2NuzaifsU-00389-00108924-00109145 um but he's given me Ib2NuzaifsU-00390-00109146-00109457 um a good briefing on on the report so Ib2NuzaifsU-00391-00109458-00109708 uh if we can start off um this is up to Ib2NuzaifsU-00392-00109709-00109852 the quarter two Ib2NuzaifsU-00393-00109853-00110225 um status of our annual audit plan Ib2NuzaifsU-00394-00110226-00110290 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00395-00110291-00110675 members will note we are slightly behind Ib2NuzaifsU-00396-00110676-00110813 um planned activity at the moment Ib2NuzaifsU-00397-00110814-00111215 completing 28 as opposed to 39 however Ib2NuzaifsU-00398-00111216-00111569 in the interim period as reported at the Ib2NuzaifsU-00399-00111570-00111713 last committee Ib2NuzaifsU-00400-00111714-00112025 um we have procured the services of BDO Ib2NuzaifsU-00401-00112026-00112236 who are an external general auditor Ib2NuzaifsU-00402-00112238-00112499 organization and they've provided Ib2NuzaifsU-00403-00112500-00112654 additional resource which has given us Ib2NuzaifsU-00404-00112655-00112949 comfort that we will be able to catch up Ib2NuzaifsU-00405-00112950-00113351 and achieve the audit plan by by the Ib2NuzaifsU-00406-00113352-00113519 financial year end Ib2NuzaifsU-00407-00113520-00113878 within the actual auditor kpi Ib2NuzaifsU-00408-00113879-00114028 um there's two indicators which are Ib2NuzaifsU-00409-00114029-00114208 below Target Ib2NuzaifsU-00410-00114209-00114436 um one of which is Ib2NuzaifsU-00411-00114438-00114508 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00412-00114509-00114784 25 of the draft reports being issued in Ib2NuzaifsU-00413-00114785-00115157 six weeks which is um is behind plan Ib2NuzaifsU-00414-00115158-00115343 um however that is in train and the Ib2NuzaifsU-00415-00115344-00115565 audit manager is um obviously conscious Ib2NuzaifsU-00416-00115566-00115799 of that and will work to improve that Ib2NuzaifsU-00417-00115800-00115943 towards the end of the year Ib2NuzaifsU-00418-00115944-00116219 and the second one that is behind plan Ib2NuzaifsU-00419-00116220-00116477 is the closure meetings which are held Ib2NuzaifsU-00420-00116478-00116663 with with the managers Ib2NuzaifsU-00421-00116664-00116836 um only 50 of those have been done Ib2NuzaifsU-00422-00116838-00117131 within five days of the um of the audit Ib2NuzaifsU-00423-00117132-00117419 being being completed neither of those Ib2NuzaifsU-00424-00117420-00117683 indicators are material to the Ib2NuzaifsU-00425-00117683-00117886 effectiveness of of the audit I think Ib2NuzaifsU-00426-00117888-00118108 it's worth saying they are internal um Ib2NuzaifsU-00427-00118109-00118325 kpis but Ib2NuzaifsU-00428-00118326-00118433 um with the introduction of the new Ib2NuzaifsU-00429-00118433-00118552 contractor Ib2NuzaifsU-00430-00118553-00118684 um Andrew's confident that this position Ib2NuzaifsU-00431-00118685-00118966 will um will improve Ib2NuzaifsU-00432-00118967-00119278 the quarterly report on Ib2NuzaifsU-00433-00119279-00119525 um on actual audits taken I think Ib2NuzaifsU-00434-00119526-00119789 members will note there's been a slight Ib2NuzaifsU-00435-00119790-00119933 increase of the number of outstanding Ib2NuzaifsU-00436-00119933-00120239 audit recommendations and as as that Ib2NuzaifsU-00437-00120240-00120460 when this report was produced Ib2NuzaifsU-00438-00120461-00120689 um there were 13 overdue high priority Ib2NuzaifsU-00439-00120690-00121049 recommendations however after a Ib2NuzaifsU-00440-00121050-00121228 follow-up five of those have been Ib2NuzaifsU-00441-00121229-00121433 completed since this report was compiled Ib2NuzaifsU-00442-00121433-00121666 on the 30th of September so that leaves Ib2NuzaifsU-00443-00121667-00121786 eight Ib2NuzaifsU-00444-00121788-00122057 um which are now being proactively Ib2NuzaifsU-00445-00122058-00122189 managed with the relevant assistant Ib2NuzaifsU-00446-00122190-00122608 directors to ensure that they are the Ib2NuzaifsU-00447-00122609-00122789 actions are carried out in a timely Ib2NuzaifsU-00448-00122790-00123047 fashion or planned where they've proven Ib2NuzaifsU-00449-00123048-00123190 to be more difficult Ib2NuzaifsU-00450-00123191-00123508 um to to achieve there is nothing in Ib2NuzaifsU-00451-00123509-00123754 there that is material or legal to the Ib2NuzaifsU-00452-00123755-00124031 operation of the organization which is Ib2NuzaifsU-00453-00124032-00124204 of comfort Ib2NuzaifsU-00454-00124205-00124427 and finally Ib2NuzaifsU-00455-00124428-00124625 um the audit team and particularly the Ib2NuzaifsU-00456-00124626-00124816 audit manager will be going through his Ib2NuzaifsU-00457-00124817-00124925 own Ib2NuzaifsU-00458-00124926-00125134 um public sector internal law and its Ib2NuzaifsU-00459-00125135-00125339 standard compliance uh this is going to Ib2NuzaifsU-00460-00125340-00125578 be carried out in quarter three Ib2NuzaifsU-00461-00125579-00125752 um and will become the the report will Ib2NuzaifsU-00462-00125753-00125939 be coming to this Committee in February Ib2NuzaifsU-00463-00125940-00126257 next year to allow uh for any Ib2NuzaifsU-00464-00126258-00126425 um implementation of any recommendations Ib2NuzaifsU-00465-00126426-00126652 that come out of that and the the Ib2NuzaifsU-00466-00126653-00126797 following year Ib2NuzaifsU-00467-00126798-00127019 so happy to try and answer any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00468-00127020-00127390 that the committee have thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00469-00127391-00127949 thank you for that any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00470-00127950-00128116 thanks chair Ib2NuzaifsU-00471-00128117-00128369 um just with the ones that are overdue Ib2NuzaifsU-00472-00128370-00128549 um are any of those repeat offenders Ib2NuzaifsU-00473-00128550-00128740 have they cropped up before in any other Ib2NuzaifsU-00474-00128741-00128927 audits that we thought we fixed and Ib2NuzaifsU-00475-00128928-00129154 they've come up before Ib2NuzaifsU-00476-00129155-00129413 nature I mean I I can I can I've got Ib2NuzaifsU-00477-00129414-00129616 detail of those here Ib2NuzaifsU-00478-00129617-00129952 um we have one within our licensing area Ib2NuzaifsU-00479-00129953-00130210 which is around Ib2NuzaifsU-00480-00130211-00130295 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00481-00130296-00130523 making sure that any Ib2NuzaifsU-00482-00130524-00130847 um any documentation stored is in Ib2NuzaifsU-00483-00130848-00131069 um it is is disposed of in a timely Ib2NuzaifsU-00484-00131070-00131237 fashion in accordance with our retention Ib2NuzaifsU-00485-00131238-00131416 policy and it was classed as a high Ib2NuzaifsU-00486-00131417-00131573 priority Ib2NuzaifsU-00487-00131574-00131951 um but it's um it is in train at this Ib2NuzaifsU-00488-00131952-00132190 moment in time Ib2NuzaifsU-00489-00132191-00132287 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00490-00132288-00132557 our pentana performance Reporting System Ib2NuzaifsU-00491-00132558-00132785 there is the contract register that Ib2NuzaifsU-00492-00132786-00133025 needs to be updated and cleaned up and Ib2NuzaifsU-00493-00133026-00133283 procurement training arranged that is Ib2NuzaifsU-00494-00133284-00133661 ongoing and um actually in hand as we as Ib2NuzaifsU-00495-00133662-00133763 we speak Ib2NuzaifsU-00496-00133764-00134104 there are two within the data Protection Ib2NuzaifsU-00497-00134105-00134369 Team which are Ib2NuzaifsU-00498-00134370-00134652 um they've effectively stalled we had a Ib2NuzaifsU-00499-00134653-00134981 couple of vacancies and uh about a Ib2NuzaifsU-00500-00134982-00135209 sickness within that particular team Ib2NuzaifsU-00501-00135210-00135323 um actually it's quite difficult to Ib2NuzaifsU-00502-00135324-00135473 recruit into that specialized skill so Ib2NuzaifsU-00503-00135474-00135677 those have effectively been put on hold Ib2NuzaifsU-00504-00135678-00135911 they are not material but clearly Ib2NuzaifsU-00505-00135912-00136127 they're they're on radar and are being Ib2NuzaifsU-00506-00136128-00136463 picked up at this moment in time and the Ib2NuzaifsU-00507-00136464-00136739 final one is within the housing repairs Ib2NuzaifsU-00508-00136740-00137033 team which is a review of kpis being Ib2NuzaifsU-00509-00137034-00137249 undertaken and In fairness I think Ib2NuzaifsU-00510-00137250-00137440 that's probably been superseded Ib2NuzaifsU-00511-00137441-00137525 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00512-00137526-00137831 on the basis of the um the the the the Ib2NuzaifsU-00513-00137832-00138028 the housing inspection that's planned Ib2NuzaifsU-00514-00138029-00138233 for next year and there may be a very Ib2NuzaifsU-00515-00138234-00138419 different Suite of kpis needed to Ib2NuzaifsU-00516-00138420-00138616 satisfy that requirement Ib2NuzaifsU-00517-00138617-00138851 um but again that's that work is is in Ib2NuzaifsU-00518-00138852-00138983 hand Ib2NuzaifsU-00519-00138984-00139721 thank you Jeff Ib2NuzaifsU-00520-00139722-00139931 yeah Ib2NuzaifsU-00521-00139932-00140219 um it's good to see that the the low on Ib2NuzaifsU-00522-00140220-00140411 the graph the low wrecks of For the Ib2NuzaifsU-00523-00140412-00140657 First Time swapped with the hyrex as in Ib2NuzaifsU-00524-00140658-00140999 the the amount that's good to see but Ib2NuzaifsU-00525-00141000-00141263 um medium wrecks do seem to Bob along at Ib2NuzaifsU-00526-00141264-00141647 that constant sort of 40 to 50 level so Ib2NuzaifsU-00527-00141648-00141839 um is there any is it is is there a bit Ib2NuzaifsU-00528-00141840-00142013 of an action plan there to to start Ib2NuzaifsU-00529-00142014-00142307 driving those medium wrecks down Ib2NuzaifsU-00530-00142308-00142457 I think there's always an action plan Ib2NuzaifsU-00531-00142458-00142637 because when they when they come up Ib2NuzaifsU-00532-00142638-00142804 they're different areas so there's no Ib2NuzaifsU-00533-00142805-00142954 Trends Ib2NuzaifsU-00534-00142955-00143237 um if we were auditing the same service Ib2NuzaifsU-00535-00143238-00143525 at the same time every year we could Ib2NuzaifsU-00536-00143526-00143681 pick a trend up to see whether the Ib2NuzaifsU-00537-00143682-00143866 similar levels of medium actions coming Ib2NuzaifsU-00538-00143867-00144077 out because it's done on the rolling Ib2NuzaifsU-00539-00144078-00144293 program across probably three four years Ib2NuzaifsU-00540-00144294-00144539 across the whole organization it's very Ib2NuzaifsU-00541-00144540-00144701 difficult to get any Ib2NuzaifsU-00542-00144702-00144899 um any sort of consistent Trends from it Ib2NuzaifsU-00543-00144900-00145133 but there are no Ib2NuzaifsU-00544-00145134-00145289 um sort of consistent areas of Ib2NuzaifsU-00545-00145290-00145475 similarity Ib2NuzaifsU-00546-00145476-00145721 um quite quite often particularly in Ib2NuzaifsU-00547-00145722-00145913 things like perhaps housing repairs Ib2NuzaifsU-00548-00145914-00146177 where it's high volume and high spend Ib2NuzaifsU-00549-00146178-00146369 and maybe some similarities come but Ib2NuzaifsU-00550-00146370-00146513 they get they get refined into into Ib2NuzaifsU-00551-00146514-00146651 processes Ib2NuzaifsU-00552-00146652-00146902 um within within the teams so I suppose Ib2NuzaifsU-00553-00146903-00147101 clumsy saying do we act on audit Ib2NuzaifsU-00554-00147102-00147281 recommendations yes we do we don't just Ib2NuzaifsU-00555-00147282-00147623 address the um the concerns raised but Ib2NuzaifsU-00556-00147624-00147773 they will always I think the medium Ib2NuzaifsU-00557-00147774-00148073 wrecks will always be the high one Ib2NuzaifsU-00558-00148074-00148366 um you know High recommendations if they Ib2NuzaifsU-00559-00148367-00148445 are Ib2NuzaifsU-00560-00148446-00148666 truly high they are dealt with because Ib2NuzaifsU-00561-00148667-00148883 that's a you know it's a matter of life Ib2NuzaifsU-00562-00148884-00149159 and death or priority or legality so Ib2NuzaifsU-00563-00149160-00150125 that they will always take preference Ib2NuzaifsU-00564-00150126-00150299 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00565-00150300-00150509 um the so the the second question I was Ib2NuzaifsU-00566-00150510-00150701 going to ask that takes quite nicely on Ib2NuzaifsU-00567-00150702-00150869 to the second question Ib2NuzaifsU-00568-00150870-00151073 um you you when you lay in reference to Ib2NuzaifsU-00569-00151074-00151319 the high wrecks you said that Ib2NuzaifsU-00570-00151320-00151552 um that they were not really immaterial Ib2NuzaifsU-00571-00151553-00151751 so you weren't worried about them but Ib2NuzaifsU-00572-00151752-00151978 they're high wrecks so my question is Ib2NuzaifsU-00573-00151979-00152314 are we either a being too onerous with Ib2NuzaifsU-00574-00152315-00152621 our high recommendations are we saying Ib2NuzaifsU-00575-00152622-00152759 right that's high and putting it as high Ib2NuzaifsU-00576-00152760-00152999 should they be medium recommendations if Ib2NuzaifsU-00577-00153000-00153107 they're immaterial and there's no Ib2NuzaifsU-00578-00153108-00153311 there's no great rush there's no you Ib2NuzaifsU-00579-00153312-00153514 know if there's no sort of safety issue Ib2NuzaifsU-00580-00153515-00153766 or real sort of corporate stress or Ib2NuzaifsU-00581-00153767-00153959 anything like that should they be high Ib2NuzaifsU-00582-00153960-00154163 and and B Ib2NuzaifsU-00583-00154164-00154228 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00584-00154229-00154589 if if they shouldn't be be high then Ib2NuzaifsU-00585-00154590-00154835 should we be putting more owners you Ib2NuzaifsU-00586-00154836-00155014 know it should be should we be focusing Ib2NuzaifsU-00587-00155015-00155416 on them are they truly immaterial Ib2NuzaifsU-00588-00155417-00155521 yeah Ib2NuzaifsU-00589-00155522-00155819 really good question and it's one we we Ib2NuzaifsU-00590-00155820-00155999 actually debate as a as a management Ib2NuzaifsU-00591-00156000-00156233 team quite quite regularly Ib2NuzaifsU-00592-00156234-00156569 um I think there is a lot of learning Ib2NuzaifsU-00593-00156570-00156911 um within the sort of the the lower Ib2NuzaifsU-00594-00156912-00157151 tiers of the management team that's an Ib2NuzaifsU-00595-00157152-00157385 audit recommendation is a recommendation Ib2NuzaifsU-00596-00157386-00157654 and when they're presented with their Ib2NuzaifsU-00597-00157655-00157793 report that this is a high Ib2NuzaifsU-00598-00157794-00157901 recommendation that needs to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00599-00157902-00158104 completed by next week rather than Ib2NuzaifsU-00600-00158105-00158357 saying yes it should be they should say Ib2NuzaifsU-00601-00158358-00158543 well actually we need to do this this Ib2NuzaifsU-00602-00158544-00158807 and this and plan for it and that may Ib2NuzaifsU-00603-00158808-00159095 mean it's a six months program might Ib2NuzaifsU-00604-00159096-00159257 mean it can be you know it's a tick in Ib2NuzaifsU-00605-00159258-00159461 the box and it's done and I think that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00606-00159462-00159628 the reason why there are some you know Ib2NuzaifsU-00607-00159629-00159839 when I say you know we're not concerned Ib2NuzaifsU-00608-00159840-00159947 about them because they're not they're Ib2NuzaifsU-00609-00159948-00160240 not Material or legal they can still be Ib2NuzaifsU-00610-00160241-00160397 a high recommendation you know a high Ib2NuzaifsU-00611-00160398-00160493 priority Ib2NuzaifsU-00612-00160494-00160847 but had had the um the the responsible Ib2NuzaifsU-00613-00160848-00161128 manager said actually it's you know it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00614-00161129-00161393 not life and death we can give that we Ib2NuzaifsU-00615-00161394-00161549 can give that six months Ib2NuzaifsU-00616-00161550-00161728 it actually wouldn't be an overdue Ib2NuzaifsU-00617-00161729-00161921 chances that would be completed by the Ib2NuzaifsU-00618-00161922-00162119 time so I think there's there's learning Ib2NuzaifsU-00619-00162120-00162389 in that respect from it that answers the Ib2NuzaifsU-00620-00162390-00162545 question thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00621-00162546-00162766 no usually is the case that people get Ib2NuzaifsU-00622-00162767-00163031 given an action and they with all the Ib2NuzaifsU-00623-00163032-00163187 best will in the world they go right I'm Ib2NuzaifsU-00624-00163188-00163337 going to do that but then they don't Ib2NuzaifsU-00625-00163338-00163535 actually take full stock of how much it Ib2NuzaifsU-00626-00163536-00163733 takes to close action down properly and Ib2NuzaifsU-00627-00163734-00163901 then probably the back end of getting it Ib2NuzaifsU-00628-00163902-00164045 closed down the authority and everything Ib2NuzaifsU-00629-00164046-00164297 else so yeah absolutely I I did think it Ib2NuzaifsU-00630-00164298-00164525 was it was that the the last comment I Ib2NuzaifsU-00631-00164526-00164735 was going to make was um thanks for Ib2NuzaifsU-00632-00164736-00164914 letting us know about the uh the Ib2NuzaifsU-00633-00164915-00165040 external resources you're going to bring Ib2NuzaifsU-00634-00165041-00165311 in I think my biggest criticism of um Ib2NuzaifsU-00635-00165312-00165569 tbc's audit process and Assurance has Ib2NuzaifsU-00636-00165570-00165814 been that they don't truly align with Ib2NuzaifsU-00637-00165815-00166090 the three levels of assurance the lines Ib2NuzaifsU-00638-00166091-00166366 of Defense I think line the first line Ib2NuzaifsU-00639-00166367-00166666 which is it internal yes absolutely I Ib2NuzaifsU-00640-00166667-00166835 think the third line which is completely Ib2NuzaifsU-00641-00166836-00167033 external yes absolutely we have an Ib2NuzaifsU-00642-00167034-00167339 external team coming I've always held an Ib2NuzaifsU-00643-00167340-00167566 opinion that you blur the lines at the Ib2NuzaifsU-00644-00167567-00167681 second line Ib2NuzaifsU-00645-00167682-00167831 um external to the teams that internal Ib2NuzaifsU-00646-00167832-00168004 to the organization which is usually Ib2NuzaifsU-00647-00168005-00168226 second line of defense uh but you've Ib2NuzaifsU-00648-00168227-00168371 you've ticked that box with the extra Ib2NuzaifsU-00649-00168372-00168514 resource coming in so that's that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00650-00168515-00168725 great thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00651-00168726-00168947 come back on that chat it's purposeful Ib2NuzaifsU-00652-00168948-00169169 because you're absolutely right it gives Ib2NuzaifsU-00653-00169170-00169385 it also gives the internal teams a Ib2NuzaifsU-00654-00169386-00169564 chance to learn from Ib2NuzaifsU-00655-00169565-00169816 um industry practice as well so it's a Ib2NuzaifsU-00656-00169817-00170321 it's a good blend of skills to have Ib2NuzaifsU-00657-00170322-00170645 any more questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00658-00170646-00170878 thank you Mr chairman Ib2NuzaifsU-00659-00170879-00171107 turn my farm back on yeah the only point Ib2NuzaifsU-00660-00171108-00171287 I would make is obviously uh when you Ib2NuzaifsU-00661-00171288-00171521 get onto the summary of internal audit Ib2NuzaifsU-00662-00171522-00171671 work undertaken I'll give you a perfect Ib2NuzaifsU-00663-00171672-00171852 example third one down Ib2NuzaifsU-00664-00171853-00172085 risk-based review of housing rent system Ib2NuzaifsU-00665-00172086-00172289 to ensure correct rent charge payments Ib2NuzaifsU-00666-00172290-00172499 recorded rent accounting systems are Ib2NuzaifsU-00667-00172500-00172678 accurate and control in place for Ib2NuzaifsU-00668-00172679-00172961 setting up red debit when I go across to Ib2NuzaifsU-00669-00172962-00173243 the Assurance summary it's blank and Ib2NuzaifsU-00670-00173244-00173440 there's a lot in there that's blank and Ib2NuzaifsU-00671-00173441-00173663 I just I never understand any parts Ib2NuzaifsU-00672-00173664-00173890 where things are left blank because it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00673-00173891-00174040 not really telling me anything from that Ib2NuzaifsU-00674-00174041-00174209 point I mean do we have an assurance do Ib2NuzaifsU-00675-00174210-00174389 we have a plan do we have a policy do we Ib2NuzaifsU-00676-00174390-00174545 have an action we need to take I just Ib2NuzaifsU-00677-00174546-00174797 I'm never comfortable with blanks Ib2NuzaifsU-00678-00174798-00175013 that's that's actually for quarter three Ib2NuzaifsU-00679-00175014-00175181 so it hasn't happened yet Ib2NuzaifsU-00680-00175182-00175516 so it's it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00681-00175517-00175709 um if you look at the Ib2NuzaifsU-00682-00175710-00175961 um your core Financial systems first Ib2NuzaifsU-00683-00175962-00176219 one's council tax indicative quarter was Ib2NuzaifsU-00684-00176220-00176549 was Quarter Two it's been allocated Ib2NuzaifsU-00685-00176550-00176728 um but it hasn't been scoped or bridging Ib2NuzaifsU-00686-00176729-00176861 ratings yet so that so it hasn't so it Ib2NuzaifsU-00687-00176862-00177004 hasn't happened yet Ib2NuzaifsU-00688-00177005-00177178 um payroll is quarter three that's been Ib2NuzaifsU-00689-00177179-00177347 allocated to BDO Ib2NuzaifsU-00690-00177348-00177526 um who are the the external organization Ib2NuzaifsU-00691-00177527-00177713 with scoping and briefing meetings to be Ib2NuzaifsU-00692-00177714-00177893 held the housing rents hasn't been Ib2NuzaifsU-00693-00177894-00178066 allocated yet but that's due for quarter Ib2NuzaifsU-00694-00178067-00178283 three so it will be allocated so it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00695-00178284-00178426 really that's that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00696-00178427-00178678 um uh it's a forward plan as well as Ib2NuzaifsU-00697-00178679-00179009 what's happened Ib2NuzaifsU-00698-00179010-00179459 thank you Mr Barrett I'm comfortable Ib2NuzaifsU-00699-00179460-00179669 thank you for that that's a bit more Ib2NuzaifsU-00700-00179670-00180035 clarity and we're all wiser uh right I Ib2NuzaifsU-00701-00180036-00180185 am Ib2NuzaifsU-00702-00180186-00180502 I'd like to move that report Ib2NuzaifsU-00703-00180503-00180797 uh somebody second it Ib2NuzaifsU-00704-00180798-00180895 thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00705-00180896-00181852 and all those in favor Ib2NuzaifsU-00706-00181853-00183569 something Ib2NuzaifsU-00707-00183570-00183766 well I think we've mentioned that before Ib2NuzaifsU-00708-00183767-00184025 that we'd like you know the reports to Ib2NuzaifsU-00709-00184026-00184475 be and they were issued and you know Ib2NuzaifsU-00710-00184476-00184637 it's up to us to find the time to read Ib2NuzaifsU-00711-00184638-00184864 them really isn't it Ib2NuzaifsU-00712-00184865-00185257 there you go Ib2NuzaifsU-00713-00185258-00185752 our next item is Ib2NuzaifsU-00714-00185753-00186143 oh yeah fraud of date Ib2NuzaifsU-00715-00186144-00186388 thank you chair yeah I mean this this is Ib2NuzaifsU-00716-00186389-00186461 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00717-00186462-00186725 a big piece a big piece of constant work Ib2NuzaifsU-00718-00186726-00186952 that sort of happens in the background Ib2NuzaifsU-00719-00186953-00187193 um so our sort of six monthly counter Ib2NuzaifsU-00720-00187194-00187547 fraud update but it also uh encloses as Ib2NuzaifsU-00721-00187548-00187828 appendices the updated counter fraud and Ib2NuzaifsU-00722-00187829-00188026 Corruption strategy whistleblowing Ib2NuzaifsU-00723-00188027-00188352 policy and the um Ib2NuzaifsU-00724-00188353-00188704 anti-money laundering policy firstly Ib2NuzaifsU-00725-00188705-00188837 um I would just like to point out in Ib2NuzaifsU-00726-00188838-00189137 recommendation for members will notice Ib2NuzaifsU-00727-00189138-00189299 that recommendation three and four are Ib2NuzaifsU-00728-00189300-00189557 the same recommendation four should be Ib2NuzaifsU-00729-00189558-00189857 to endorse the refreshed anti-money Ib2NuzaifsU-00730-00189858-00190049 laundering policy Ib2NuzaifsU-00731-00190050-00190416 um contained at appendix five Ib2NuzaifsU-00732-00190417-00190673 the all of the the policies and Ib2NuzaifsU-00733-00190674-00190883 strategies contained in here they've Ib2NuzaifsU-00734-00190884-00191243 been amended for personnel changes and Ib2NuzaifsU-00735-00191244-00191447 um typos there's been no fundamental Ib2NuzaifsU-00736-00191448-00191663 changes in the in the meaning of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00737-00191664-00192004 policy but for for ease any changes have Ib2NuzaifsU-00738-00192005-00192383 been highlighted in in the report as far Ib2NuzaifsU-00739-00192384-00192599 as the the important bit which is the Ib2NuzaifsU-00740-00192600-00192797 counter fraud update Ib2NuzaifsU-00741-00192798-00193037 um the the team have continued to work Ib2NuzaifsU-00742-00193038-00193264 very proactively in in all areas of Ib2NuzaifsU-00743-00193265-00193463 counter fraud in the first half of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00744-00193464-00193583 year Ib2NuzaifsU-00745-00193584-00193793 um they've worked on a number of areas Ib2NuzaifsU-00746-00193794-00194009 um including the the energy rebate Ib2NuzaifsU-00747-00194010-00194285 grants and providing the the Grant and Ib2NuzaifsU-00748-00194286-00194537 post payment Assurance for the numerous Ib2NuzaifsU-00749-00194538-00194704 business grants that we we've had over Ib2NuzaifsU-00750-00194705-00194951 the um at the time the protect and Ib2NuzaifsU-00751-00194952-00195178 vaccinate grants and the rough sleeper Ib2NuzaifsU-00752-00195179-00195304 initiative Ib2NuzaifsU-00753-00195305-00195521 uh they're also still part of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00754-00195522-00195701 cabinet offices national fraud Ib2NuzaifsU-00755-00195702-00196001 initiative data matching exercise Ib2NuzaifsU-00756-00196002-00196252 um and there's a table Ib2NuzaifsU-00757-00196253-00196469 um in in the report that sort of shows Ib2NuzaifsU-00758-00196470-00196690 uh where what we've done and where we've Ib2NuzaifsU-00759-00196691-00197111 done that as part of that so the the NFI Ib2NuzaifsU-00760-00197112-00197369 um for member Z's Ib2NuzaifsU-00761-00197370-00197585 um really looks at council tax single Ib2NuzaifsU-00762-00197586-00197813 person discount council tax reduction Ib2NuzaifsU-00763-00197814-00198154 electoral register payroll data housing Ib2NuzaifsU-00764-00198155-00198443 tenants data trade creditors and taxi Ib2NuzaifsU-00765-00198444-00198676 driver licensing Ib2NuzaifsU-00766-00198677-00198916 um so the data downloads for those are Ib2NuzaifsU-00767-00198917-00199114 currently progressing and they will be Ib2NuzaifsU-00768-00199115-00199223 submitted Ib2NuzaifsU-00769-00199224-00199378 um within the data submission window Ib2NuzaifsU-00770-00199379-00199709 which ends on the 18th of November this Ib2NuzaifsU-00771-00199710-00199811 year Ib2NuzaifsU-00772-00199812-00200152 if we look at the the table of um sort Ib2NuzaifsU-00773-00200153-00200326 of activity Ib2NuzaifsU-00774-00200327-00200543 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00775-00200544-00200945 he says when we can find his page Ib2NuzaifsU-00776-00200946-00201263 thank you stuff and there has been Ib2NuzaifsU-00777-00201264-00201640 um a notional saving of 10 120 pounds Ib2NuzaifsU-00778-00201641-00201864 identified by the team Ib2NuzaifsU-00779-00201865-00202193 across a variety of of areas that the Ib2NuzaifsU-00780-00202194-00202445 fraud team look at so it just shows that Ib2NuzaifsU-00781-00202446-00202738 you know they are actually delivering Ib2NuzaifsU-00782-00202739-00202854 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00783-00202855-00203104 another set of assurance to the Ib2NuzaifsU-00784-00203105-00203285 organization for the some of the Ib2NuzaifsU-00785-00203286-00203650 statutory things it um it does Ib2NuzaifsU-00786-00203651-00203914 um and say I'll try and take any Ib2NuzaifsU-00787-00203915-00204040 questions that arise from from Ib2NuzaifsU-00788-00204041-00204383 committing with that Ib2NuzaifsU-00789-00204384-00205042 any questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00790-00205044-00205240 I'm hoping Mr Barrett can help me with Ib2NuzaifsU-00791-00205241-00205379 this one because I'm gonna I'm not an Ib2NuzaifsU-00792-00205380-00205553 expert in this area so I just want to Ib2NuzaifsU-00793-00205554-00205703 understand it's probably a very logical Ib2NuzaifsU-00794-00205704-00205973 explanation yeah yeah I don't understand Ib2NuzaifsU-00795-00205973-00206201 fraud at all Ib2NuzaifsU-00796-00206202-00206398 um obviously on the table which you just Ib2NuzaifsU-00797-00206400-00206692 reference the 10 120. Ib2NuzaifsU-00798-00206694-00206932 um I say council tax cash discount tax Ib2NuzaifsU-00799-00206933-00207142 license Etc uh national fraud Ib2NuzaifsU-00800-00207144-00207407 investigation SPD check NFI data set Ib2NuzaifsU-00801-00207408-00207694 followed by NFI other data set and NFI Ib2NuzaifsU-00802-00207696-00207996 spot checks number of cases investigated Ib2NuzaifsU-00803-00207998-00208403 291 49 and 1036 Ib2NuzaifsU-00804-00208404-00208612 number of cases proven are all zero Ib2NuzaifsU-00805-00208613-00208792 that's a lot of Investigations to to Ib2NuzaifsU-00806-00208794-00208984 Layman to say to go actually other Ib2NuzaifsU-00807-00208985-00209105 people of town with really that Ib2NuzaifsU-00808-00209106-00209260 fundamentally honest oh can you just Ib2NuzaifsU-00809-00209261-00209381 make me understand it a little bit more Ib2NuzaifsU-00810-00209382-00209532 yeah Ib2NuzaifsU-00811-00209533-00209789 absolutely right no that is not fraud Ib2NuzaifsU-00812-00209790-00210125 cases that is investigation checks so Ib2NuzaifsU-00813-00210126-00210323 um particularly with the the um the Ib2NuzaifsU-00814-00210323-00210496 spotlight checks predominantly around Ib2NuzaifsU-00815-00210498-00210665 business grants and other grants that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00816-00210666-00210773 been Ib2NuzaifsU-00817-00210773-00210989 um a thousand and whatever it is checks Ib2NuzaifsU-00818-00210990-00211234 carried out so Ib2NuzaifsU-00819-00211235-00211384 um a matches a Ib2NuzaifsU-00820-00211385-00211648 so there's no fraud so it's a zero in Ib2NuzaifsU-00821-00211650-00211955 all of those cases and yeah and uh it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00822-00211956-00212134 it's where there is a number of proven Ib2NuzaifsU-00823-00212135-00212327 cases that's where there has been Ib2NuzaifsU-00824-00212328-00212591 um fraud identified and action taken and Ib2NuzaifsU-00825-00212592-00212879 recovery action taken so yeah it's zero Ib2NuzaifsU-00826-00212880-00212992 is good Ib2NuzaifsU-00827-00212994-00213142 um but I think it just shows the level Ib2NuzaifsU-00828-00213144-00213455 of checks that have been carried out and Ib2NuzaifsU-00829-00213456-00213610 particularly with the volume of Ib2NuzaifsU-00830-00213611-00213803 additional grants that's been been given Ib2NuzaifsU-00831-00213804-00214031 up you know through governments to us Ib2NuzaifsU-00832-00214032-00214241 which I think I sort of identifies the Ib2NuzaifsU-00833-00214242-00214582 increasing workload both for the um sort Ib2NuzaifsU-00834-00214583-00214942 of the the finance team and also the um Ib2NuzaifsU-00835-00214944-00215189 the fraud team as well Ib2NuzaifsU-00836-00215190-00215369 um because you know a thousand checks is Ib2NuzaifsU-00837-00215369-00215632 is that as you say it's a lot of checks Ib2NuzaifsU-00838-00215633-00215903 um so it shows the volume of grants that Ib2NuzaifsU-00839-00215904-00216601 have gone out through the dorm as well Ib2NuzaifsU-00840-00216602-00217537 any more questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00841-00217538-00217769 I've got to reset to default settings Ib2NuzaifsU-00842-00217769-00217906 exit Ib2NuzaifsU-00843-00217907-00218056 thank you councilor Floyd thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00844-00218057-00218123 chair Ib2NuzaifsU-00845-00218123-00218332 um it's a vocabulary question sorry I'm Ib2NuzaifsU-00846-00218333-00218584 looking on page 98 Ib2NuzaifsU-00847-00218585-00218915 um 0.6.3 I believe and it mentions the Ib2NuzaifsU-00848-00218916-00219142 word tip-off and how information has Ib2NuzaifsU-00849-00219144-00219382 come to the council through those I'm Ib2NuzaifsU-00850-00219383-00219556 just intrigued as to kind of what they Ib2NuzaifsU-00851-00219557-00219725 are and kind of what our ethos is about Ib2NuzaifsU-00852-00219726-00219917 that it's that kind of thing that we Ib2NuzaifsU-00853-00219917-00220115 encourage or is it more that we would Ib2NuzaifsU-00854-00220116-00220348 encourage kind of coming to us if Ib2NuzaifsU-00855-00220350-00220606 necessary if support is needed if say Ib2NuzaifsU-00856-00220607-00220877 someone hasn't kind of paid what was Ib2NuzaifsU-00857-00220878-00221387 correct as it were Ib2NuzaifsU-00858-00221388-00221584 difficult to answer to be to be quite Ib2NuzaifsU-00859-00221585-00221723 honest with your Council Daniels because Ib2NuzaifsU-00860-00221723-00221939 if there is a valid Ib2NuzaifsU-00861-00221940-00222065 um rationale Ib2NuzaifsU-00862-00222066-00222310 for somebody making a phone call coming Ib2NuzaifsU-00863-00222311-00222587 and seeing a senior officer with a Ib2NuzaifsU-00864-00222588-00222725 concern Ib2NuzaifsU-00865-00222726-00222958 of course it gets taken very seriously Ib2NuzaifsU-00866-00222959-00223267 and of course it is it is a tip-off Ib2NuzaifsU-00867-00223267-00223601 what we don't do is immediately go out Ib2NuzaifsU-00868-00223602-00223805 you know sort of with arms waving that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00869-00223806-00224092 massive fraud we take it as thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00870-00224094-00224273 very much for that Ib2NuzaifsU-00871-00224273-00224537 um and it gets investigated Ib2NuzaifsU-00872-00224538-00224831 quite often it's it's absolutely nothing Ib2NuzaifsU-00873-00224832-00225125 occasionally it may be something Ib2NuzaifsU-00874-00225126-00225334 um we have various Ib2NuzaifsU-00875-00225335-00225575 methodologies I mean we do have a very Ib2NuzaifsU-00876-00225576-00225755 robust whistlebone policy in the Ib2NuzaifsU-00877-00225756-00225917 organization which is obviously subject Ib2NuzaifsU-00878-00225917-00226096 to a separate policy but feeds into this Ib2NuzaifsU-00879-00226098-00226348 whereas if somebody you know an internal Ib2NuzaifsU-00880-00226350-00226613 member makes a complaint it is it's Ib2NuzaifsU-00881-00226614-00226925 investigated and and actioned Ib2NuzaifsU-00882-00226926-00227051 um if somebody externals the Ib2NuzaifsU-00883-00227052-00227194 organization Ib2NuzaifsU-00884-00227196-00227410 um says something of course we're going Ib2NuzaifsU-00885-00227411-00227669 to investigate it and it's a very very Ib2NuzaifsU-00886-00227669-00227903 sensitive area for all this Ib2NuzaifsU-00887-00227904-00228142 um and it's something that we take very Ib2NuzaifsU-00888-00228144-00228377 seriously but we also make sure we do Ib2NuzaifsU-00889-00228378-00228605 the investigation correctly to make sure Ib2NuzaifsU-00890-00228606-00228821 it is or isn't Ib2NuzaifsU-00891-00228821-00228982 um fraud because you know potentially Ib2NuzaifsU-00892-00228983-00229163 there are legal implications and and Ib2NuzaifsU-00893-00229164-00229355 that sort of thing with it as well Ib2NuzaifsU-00894-00229356-00229553 now that answers my question and you can Ib2NuzaifsU-00895-00229554-00229691 see from this is a very transparent Ib2NuzaifsU-00896-00229692-00230008 process so thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00897-00230009-00230134 you know I'd just like to say that's Ib2NuzaifsU-00898-00230135-00230279 that's that's good to hear that we Ib2NuzaifsU-00899-00230280-00230453 should really encourage whistleblowers Ib2NuzaifsU-00900-00230454-00230591 because that's part of the the Ib2NuzaifsU-00901-00230592-00230801 opportunity for all of us to keep fraud Ib2NuzaifsU-00902-00230802-00231131 down and you know you dealing with it Ib2NuzaifsU-00903-00231132-00231334 sensitively and gorgeously and correctly Ib2NuzaifsU-00904-00231335-00231815 is is always good for everybody Ib2NuzaifsU-00905-00231816-00232025 just our curiosity and the officers Ib2NuzaifsU-00906-00232026-00232187 don't have to answer this do we still Ib2NuzaifsU-00907-00232188-00232348 get the same letter from a Glasgow Ib2NuzaifsU-00908-00232350-00232534 resident every year accusing Mr Gower a Ib2NuzaifsU-00909-00232535-00233021 fraudulently demanding council tax Ib2NuzaifsU-00910-00233021-00233189 I'd have to say that's restricted Ib2NuzaifsU-00911-00233190-00233398 information okay couldn't possibly Ib2NuzaifsU-00912-00233400-00233777 comment Ib2NuzaifsU-00913-00233778-00234151 what's Council taxes Ib2NuzaifsU-00914-00234152-00234437 thank you for that update yes I mean Ib2NuzaifsU-00915-00234438-00234575 some of these things aren't you know Ib2NuzaifsU-00916-00234576-00234719 sensitive and we have to be careful and Ib2NuzaifsU-00917-00234719-00234910 it's good to see that we you know Ib2NuzaifsU-00918-00234911-00235103 listening and learning and doing the Ib2NuzaifsU-00919-00235104-00235487 right thing uh so with further adoles uh Ib2NuzaifsU-00920-00235488-00235721 no more questions Ib2NuzaifsU-00921-00235721-00236189 proposed and second up Ib2NuzaifsU-00922-00236190-00236369 an artic is about going to move that all Ib2NuzaifsU-00923-00236369-00237256 those in favor Ib2NuzaifsU-00924-00237257-00237598 not swiftly moving on to our agenda for Ib2NuzaifsU-00925-00237600-00237767 the next year the auditing governance Ib2NuzaifsU-00926-00237767-00239651 timetable Ib2NuzaifsU-00927-00239652-00239813 right well you'll all be aware that Ib2NuzaifsU-00928-00239814-00239903 we've Ib2NuzaifsU-00929-00239904-00240106 recently met and put this spreadsheet Ib2NuzaifsU-00930-00240107-00240281 together to try and ease the workflow Ib2NuzaifsU-00931-00240282-00240484 and make it more Ib2NuzaifsU-00932-00240485-00240815 manageable and I'd like to thank you Ib2NuzaifsU-00933-00240816-00240910 guys for Ib2NuzaifsU-00934-00240911-00241175 doing that it's I find it you know this Ib2NuzaifsU-00935-00241176-00241348 is our third meeting now we do seem to Ib2NuzaifsU-00936-00241350-00241642 be more efficient more effective so Ib2NuzaifsU-00937-00241644-00241787 thanks very much Ib2NuzaifsU-00938-00241788-00242081 um you are aware that our next meeting Ib2NuzaifsU-00939-00242082-00242381 is on the 15th of November Ib2NuzaifsU-00940-00242382-00242555 and there are Ib2NuzaifsU-00941-00242556-00242806 not external Ib2NuzaifsU-00942-00242807-00243065 conversations with Grant Thornton Ib2NuzaifsU-00943-00243066-00243460 from those Ib2NuzaifsU-00944-00243461-00243634 so it looks like a very nice evening Ib2NuzaifsU-00945-00243635-00243941 actually not too too much but it's uh so Ib2NuzaifsU-00946-00243942-00244067 all those uh Ib2NuzaifsU-00947-00244067-00244253 be prepared to read the reports as and Ib2NuzaifsU-00948-00244254-00244660 when they come out Ib2NuzaifsU-00949-00244661-00246227 so Ib2NuzaifsU-00950-00246228-00246425 yes moving swiftly on Ib2NuzaifsU-00951-00246426-00246653 um Ib2NuzaifsU-00952-00246654-00246901 proposing a second any questions no no Ib2NuzaifsU-00953-00246902-00247144 we'll move the Ib2NuzaifsU-00954-00247146-00247451 schedule to the next meeting and Ib2NuzaifsU-00955-00247452-00247679 time to close the meeting thank you very Ib2NuzaifsU-00956-00247680-00247871 much Mr chairman thank you for your hard Ib2NuzaifsU-00957-00247871-00248198 work it's appreciate it Ify2l6mfCWA-00000-00000289-00000647 hi Sean hey I'm strong how you doing hi Ify2l6mfCWA-00001-00000648-00001729 Joya I'm doing good yeah hi everyone Ify2l6mfCWA-00002-00001730-00001960 let's see Ify2l6mfCWA-00003-00001961-00002195 I'm late for the minutes but I found Ify2l6mfCWA-00004-00002196-00002476 them Ify2l6mfCWA-00005-00002477-00004397 it's like y'all are already in there Ify2l6mfCWA-00006-00004398-00005056 thank you Ify2l6mfCWA-00007-00005057-00005243 oh I put my Ify2l6mfCWA-00008-00005244-00007810 just for myself under the last meeting Ify2l6mfCWA-00009-00007811-00008537 what's our agenda Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00010-00008538-00008728 I don't know how much was discussed last Ify2l6mfCWA-00011-00008729-00009442 time when I wasn't able to be here Ify2l6mfCWA-00012-00009443-00009617 we were just talking about there's an Ify2l6mfCWA-00013-00009618-00009892 issue in the evolution working group Ify2l6mfCWA-00014-00009893-00010121 which is right Ify2l6mfCWA-00015-00010122-00010427 here let me copy that again and there's Ify2l6mfCWA-00016-00010428-00010714 a list of metrics we need to develop for Ify2l6mfCWA-00017-00010715-00010889 the metrics models Ify2l6mfCWA-00018-00010890-00011237 oh yeah so those are the lists and it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00019-00011238-00011513 kind of big so yeah we were just Ify2l6mfCWA-00020-00011514-00011681 wondering if there's a timeline on those Ify2l6mfCWA-00021-00011682-00011860 or like if there's more that are some Ify2l6mfCWA-00022-00011861-00012083 that are more a high priority than Ify2l6mfCWA-00023-00012084-00012556 others or do you know Sean well Ify2l6mfCWA-00024-00012557-00013697 for sure I don't know if you know either Ify2l6mfCWA-00025-00013697-00013866 I'm just looking at Ify2l6mfCWA-00026-00013866-00013894 [Music] Ify2l6mfCWA-00027-00013895-00014261 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00028-00014262-00014680 wow Ify2l6mfCWA-00029-00014681-00014944 based on the discussions I've been in I Ify2l6mfCWA-00030-00014945-00015307 would say that four five and six are Ify2l6mfCWA-00031-00015308-00015469 second Ify2l6mfCWA-00032-00015469-00015755 priorities and that one two three seven Ify2l6mfCWA-00033-00015756-00015911 and eight Ify2l6mfCWA-00034-00015912-00016169 have been in need for a longer period of Ify2l6mfCWA-00035-00016169-00016979 time Ify2l6mfCWA-00036-00016980-00017717 I was making out Ify2l6mfCWA-00037-00017718-00018130 thank you Ify2l6mfCWA-00038-00018131-00018275 do we want are you putting that in the Ify2l6mfCWA-00039-00018276-00020194 issue Sean yeah yeah okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00040-00020195-00020417 and then they're going to count it there Ify2l6mfCWA-00041-00020418-00021679 we go Ify2l6mfCWA-00042-00021680-00021947 do we want to how do we want to split up Ify2l6mfCWA-00043-00021948-00022241 the work do we want to take like one Ify2l6mfCWA-00044-00022242-00022480 metric each do we want to just do them Ify2l6mfCWA-00045-00022481-00022655 all collaboratively how do we want to do Ify2l6mfCWA-00046-00022656-00022978 it what do you think Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00047-00022979-00023285 yeah I think uh we could Ify2l6mfCWA-00048-00023286-00023663 use a hybrid kind of method people can Ify2l6mfCWA-00049-00023664-00023783 choose what they are more comfortable Ify2l6mfCWA-00050-00023784-00024083 with and things that are a little bit Ify2l6mfCWA-00051-00024084-00024335 not to play for people we can discuss Ify2l6mfCWA-00052-00024336-00024635 that in a general working group like Ify2l6mfCWA-00053-00024636-00024928 this so I mean just a way of saying if Ify2l6mfCWA-00054-00024929-00025139 we have more to be more efficient in a Ify2l6mfCWA-00055-00025140-00025271 way Ify2l6mfCWA-00056-00025272-00025450 because we'll still have to discuss Ify2l6mfCWA-00057-00025451-00025690 everything you know it's just if for Ify2l6mfCWA-00058-00025691-00025900 example Elizabeth if you look into this Ify2l6mfCWA-00059-00025901-00026068 you see something that you can speed up Ify2l6mfCWA-00060-00026069-00026368 you walk shown myself and many others Ify2l6mfCWA-00061-00026369-00026620 could do same thing but if there is Ify2l6mfCWA-00062-00026622-00026795 something that people say oh no this I'm Ify2l6mfCWA-00063-00026795-00026974 not very clear there we can discuss that Ify2l6mfCWA-00064-00026975-00027131 in a meeting Ify2l6mfCWA-00065-00027132-00027274 generally Ify2l6mfCWA-00066-00027275-00027514 then while we come back now with our Ify2l6mfCWA-00067-00027516-00027695 individual contribution we cannot Ify2l6mfCWA-00068-00027695-00027874 discuss them Ify2l6mfCWA-00069-00027875-00028079 I don't know if that is something we Ify2l6mfCWA-00070-00028080-00028385 could practice or we can still pick one Ify2l6mfCWA-00071-00028386-00028757 and we just follow the the the listing Ify2l6mfCWA-00072-00028758-00028973 with the ranking that Sean suggested Ify2l6mfCWA-00073-00028974-00029195 like the number one we can just take it Ify2l6mfCWA-00074-00029195-00029399 and then we do it the next time we Ify2l6mfCWA-00075-00029400-00029579 continue like that Ify2l6mfCWA-00076-00029580-00029807 you know for me it all depends on how we Ify2l6mfCWA-00077-00029808-00029968 are more comfortable in working for high Ify2l6mfCWA-00078-00029969-00030352 productivity Ify2l6mfCWA-00079-00030354-00030652 so I think it might be helpful to do Ify2l6mfCWA-00080-00030654-00030964 one Ify2l6mfCWA-00081-00030966-00031055 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00082-00031056-00031270 together Ify2l6mfCWA-00083-00031272-00031583 okay just and then maybe do some Ify2l6mfCWA-00084-00031583-00031799 asynchronous assignment like because we Ify2l6mfCWA-00085-00031800-00031924 have I think we have the time and we Ify2l6mfCWA-00086-00031925-00032729 could use our meeting this way Ify2l6mfCWA-00087-00032730-00032987 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00088-00032988-00033346 so uh if we can we go with one or what Ify2l6mfCWA-00089-00033347-00033515 do you want Elizabeth have something to Ify2l6mfCWA-00090-00033516-00033599 say Ify2l6mfCWA-00091-00033600-00033767 I just was asking if we have a Ify2l6mfCWA-00092-00033768-00033940 preference so I'm fine with starting Ify2l6mfCWA-00093-00033941-00034121 with number one and doing it as a group Ify2l6mfCWA-00094-00034122-00034933 today that's fine yeah yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00095-00034934-00036646 that's okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00096-00036647-00036802 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00097-00036803-00037055 let me just to run around this Ify2l6mfCWA-00098-00037056-00037343 constantly do you want me to pause the Ify2l6mfCWA-00099-00037344-00037487 recording too while we're kind of Ify2l6mfCWA-00100-00037488-00037745 working in the dock because it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00101-00037746-00037981 kind of boring for people like yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00102-00037982-00038230 I think you're probably right it is what Ify2l6mfCWA-00103-00038231-00038585 what does all furiously typing Ify2l6mfCWA-00104-00038586-00038909 yeah yeah yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00105-00038910-00039262 so to answer the question how do we Ify2l6mfCWA-00106-00039263-00039473 track Ify2l6mfCWA-00107-00039474-00039779 activity the repository to know Ify2l6mfCWA-00108-00039780-00040109 to know if it is what Joya Ify2l6mfCWA-00109-00040110-00040462 um yeah that is a question I'm looking Ify2l6mfCWA-00110-00040463-00040909 for looking for patterns yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00111-00040910-00041207 the way the way I've looked for patterns Ify2l6mfCWA-00112-00041208-00041387 is to fold one you can just take Ify2l6mfCWA-00113-00041388-00041723 straight up time and the activity Ify2l6mfCWA-00114-00041724-00041974 metrics and evolutions Ify2l6mfCWA-00115-00041975-00042287 that occur through time they tend to be Ify2l6mfCWA-00116-00042288-00042401 cyclical Ify2l6mfCWA-00117-00042402-00042701 and so if you just take plain old time Ify2l6mfCWA-00118-00042702-00043061 you'll see cycles and I think in many Ify2l6mfCWA-00119-00043062-00043283 cases if you look at the time in between Ify2l6mfCWA-00120-00043284-00043583 releases as the unit of time which Ify2l6mfCWA-00121-00043584-00043801 requires you to gather the release data Ify2l6mfCWA-00122-00043802-00044111 then you can show the Cycles between Ify2l6mfCWA-00123-00044112-00044380 releases which is I think the most Ify2l6mfCWA-00124-00044381-00044662 ordinary way that projects operate at Ify2l6mfCWA-00125-00044663-00044795 least for those that actually do Ify2l6mfCWA-00126-00044796-00045137 releases which is most of the Ify2l6mfCWA-00127-00045138-00045401 significant ones Ify2l6mfCWA-00128-00045402-00045743 yeah like looking from um Ify2l6mfCWA-00129-00045744-00046096 um a Time series style and do you mind Ify2l6mfCWA-00130-00046097-00046445 if I share my screen no not at all in Ify2l6mfCWA-00131-00046446-00046696 fact I'm a visual person so that might Ify2l6mfCWA-00132-00046697-00046943 make it easier for me to Ify2l6mfCWA-00133-00046944-00047296 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00134-00047297-00047585 so the recording again too so if I need Ify2l6mfCWA-00135-00047586-00047824 to shut it off let me know Ify2l6mfCWA-00136-00047825-00048299 okay yeah I think it's okay to share um Ify2l6mfCWA-00137-00048300-00048593 to public share this Ify2l6mfCWA-00138-00048594-00048833 um yeah I don't I don't see anything uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00139-00048834-00049024 deeply proprietary about line graphs Ify2l6mfCWA-00140-00049025-00049171 yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00141-00049172-00049361 it's just Ify2l6mfCWA-00142-00049362-00049679 um like this this out um archived Ify2l6mfCWA-00143-00049680-00050123 repositories and um these are the curves Ify2l6mfCWA-00144-00050124-00050351 um the history curves um from the day is Ify2l6mfCWA-00145-00050352-00050824 created and um on to the day of it has Ify2l6mfCWA-00146-00050825-00051288 its last comment so yeah the the the why Ify2l6mfCWA-00147-00051289-00051623 I see a pattern yeah it's a number of Ify2l6mfCWA-00148-00051624-00051875 comets and um no but I see I see like Ify2l6mfCWA-00149-00051876-00052126 before it's archived in most cases it Ify2l6mfCWA-00150-00052127-00052285 tends to Trail off Ify2l6mfCWA-00151-00052286-00052559 yes right like the pattern's pretty Ify2l6mfCWA-00152-00052560-00052685 clear there Ify2l6mfCWA-00153-00052686-00053003 yeah you can't observe um like there's a Ify2l6mfCWA-00154-00053004-00053159 hockey stick at the end of a few of them Ify2l6mfCWA-00155-00053160-00053459 though Ify2l6mfCWA-00156-00053460-00053687 we are kind of it Ify2l6mfCWA-00157-00053688-00054053 yes what is your timestamp like zero to Ify2l6mfCWA-00158-00054054-00054292 five what does that represent Ify2l6mfCWA-00159-00054294-00054575 oh oh this is my Ify2l6mfCWA-00160-00054576-00054892 mom the first okay it has yeah it exists Ify2l6mfCWA-00161-00054894-00055115 for 30 months Ify2l6mfCWA-00162-00055116-00055403 okay so I think they can actually be Ify2l6mfCWA-00163-00055404-00055613 grouped into different patterns because Ify2l6mfCWA-00164-00055614-00055829 you can see some of the projects and Ify2l6mfCWA-00165-00055829-00056044 many of them they they they have just Ify2l6mfCWA-00166-00056045-00056357 been active for like uh during his Ify2l6mfCWA-00167-00056358-00056609 creation and then it's just it has a Ify2l6mfCWA-00168-00056610-00056897 long tail and it have and some of the Ify2l6mfCWA-00169-00056898-00057215 projects you can observe is gross and Ify2l6mfCWA-00170-00057216-00057623 it's it's declination so uh it has there Ify2l6mfCWA-00171-00057624-00057700 been Ify2l6mfCWA-00172-00057701-00057892 um like uh the Ify2l6mfCWA-00173-00057894-00058235 a similar study to summarize this kind Ify2l6mfCWA-00174-00058236-00058453 of patterns and I wonder if this is Ify2l6mfCWA-00175-00058454-00058804 Meaningful to so I think I think it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00176-00058805-00059009 meaningful I think Ify2l6mfCWA-00177-00059010-00059219 you know I haven't read all literature Ify2l6mfCWA-00178-00059220-00059315 but Ify2l6mfCWA-00179-00059316-00059591 the literature I've read is really often Ify2l6mfCWA-00180-00059591-00059854 focused on some small collection of Ify2l6mfCWA-00181-00059855-00060185 projects it isn't typically at any level Ify2l6mfCWA-00182-00060186-00060341 of scale Ify2l6mfCWA-00183-00060341-00060641 so looking at these patterns across a Ify2l6mfCWA-00184-00060641-00060916 large number of archived repositories I Ify2l6mfCWA-00185-00060917-00061091 think you I think that's a pretty Ify2l6mfCWA-00186-00061091-00061415 adequate Niche that um hasn't been Ify2l6mfCWA-00187-00061416-00061673 examined one thing I would suggest is Ify2l6mfCWA-00188-00061674-00061966 that you look and see you might consider Ify2l6mfCWA-00189-00061967-00062387 examining the um patterns Ify2l6mfCWA-00190-00062388-00062747 that's at a on different scales to see Ify2l6mfCWA-00191-00062748-00063137 if for example ones that go above 400 Ify2l6mfCWA-00192-00063138-00063407 activity items Ify2l6mfCWA-00193-00063408-00063592 um behave differently than the ones that Ify2l6mfCWA-00194-00063594-00063844 peak in the 100s or 200s because I can Ify2l6mfCWA-00195-00063845-00064144 see that your y-axis essentially varies Ify2l6mfCWA-00196-00064145-00064403 based on the data that you're collecting Ify2l6mfCWA-00197-00064404-00064661 and and so these graphs are compressing Ify2l6mfCWA-00198-00064662-00064937 out what might be an interesting Insight Ify2l6mfCWA-00199-00064938-00065104 that would be observable if they were Ify2l6mfCWA-00200-00065105-00065387 all at the same scale so that you might Ify2l6mfCWA-00201-00065388-00065687 see projects with higher levels of Ify2l6mfCWA-00202-00065688-00065938 activity May Peter out at it in a Ify2l6mfCWA-00203-00065939-00066065 different way than Ify2l6mfCWA-00204-00066066-00066485 projects with lower levels of activity Ify2l6mfCWA-00205-00066486-00066785 we can't I think we can group the Ify2l6mfCWA-00206-00066786-00067200 projects we see in our patterns and um Ify2l6mfCWA-00207-00067201-00067463 yeah you can also do the similar Ify2l6mfCWA-00208-00067464-00067667 patterns and you can also do the similar Ify2l6mfCWA-00209-00067668-00068003 project for example just an example if Ify2l6mfCWA-00210-00068004-00068194 you are comparing uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00211-00068195-00068519 Google Cloud to Azure that's a healthy Ify2l6mfCWA-00212-00068520-00068743 comparison Ify2l6mfCWA-00213-00068744-00069035 because the time the timeline I'm just Ify2l6mfCWA-00214-00069036-00069215 giving example to understand the Ify2l6mfCWA-00215-00069216-00069394 direction of the project Ify2l6mfCWA-00216-00069395-00069665 so the activities will be expected and Ify2l6mfCWA-00217-00069666-00069947 the kind of analysis because if you look Ify2l6mfCWA-00218-00069948-00070229 critically I just look vividly in your Ify2l6mfCWA-00219-00070230-00070529 chat I don't really see any seasonality Ify2l6mfCWA-00220-00070530-00070829 which might mean a very uh good Ify2l6mfCWA-00221-00070830-00071117 interpretation for some ways and in some Ify2l6mfCWA-00222-00071118-00071267 other activity it might be a Ify2l6mfCWA-00223-00071268-00071579 questionable interpretation that you Ify2l6mfCWA-00224-00071580-00071765 don't have seasonal so might be the Ify2l6mfCWA-00225-00071766-00072047 patterns were just like one time or a Ify2l6mfCWA-00226-00072048-00072197 random thing Ify2l6mfCWA-00227-00072198-00072413 it depends on the interpretation at this Ify2l6mfCWA-00228-00072414-00072671 level and this kind of analysis is so Ify2l6mfCWA-00229-00072672-00072976 healthy if you remember last week in Ify2l6mfCWA-00230-00072977-00073115 Elizabeth we were talking about this Ify2l6mfCWA-00231-00073116-00073288 kind of pie touch kind of thing this is Ify2l6mfCWA-00232-00073289-00073588 a practical use case that she's bringing Ify2l6mfCWA-00233-00073589-00073769 up and I really like this way of Ify2l6mfCWA-00234-00073770-00074009 analysis so if you want to group this Ify2l6mfCWA-00235-00074010-00074159 kind of project Ify2l6mfCWA-00236-00074160-00074381 there are so many ways you can group and Ify2l6mfCWA-00237-00074382-00074555 anytime you are doing kind of comparison Ify2l6mfCWA-00238-00074556-00074800 with data I hope you know the Ify2l6mfCWA-00239-00074801-00075023 statistical complexity in doing that you Ify2l6mfCWA-00240-00075024-00075215 always need to be adjusting things it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00241-00075216-00075617 not only about the issue yeah they are Ify2l6mfCWA-00242-00075618-00075761 significant yeah so you need to take Ify2l6mfCWA-00243-00075762-00075941 care of those kind of uh correction Ify2l6mfCWA-00244-00075942-00076097 factors Ify2l6mfCWA-00245-00076098-00076373 but it's an interesting uh mining Ify2l6mfCWA-00246-00076374-00076582 because one thing is we don't want to be Ify2l6mfCWA-00247-00076583-00076903 comparing Apple to Banana all the time Ify2l6mfCWA-00248-00076904-00077261 yeah so yeah some like so Armstrong's Ify2l6mfCWA-00249-00077262-00077525 point I think some of these projects is Ify2l6mfCWA-00250-00077526-00077794 based on the line graphs illustrate a Ify2l6mfCWA-00251-00077795-00078006 pattern of basically dumping the code Ify2l6mfCWA-00252-00078007-00078281 and then doing almost nothing with it Ify2l6mfCWA-00253-00078282-00078437 afterwards so that's where you've got Ify2l6mfCWA-00254-00078438-00078743 your Peaks on the far left and then it Ify2l6mfCWA-00255-00078744-00079031 just drops off and it's kind of very Ify2l6mfCWA-00256-00079032-00079271 flat until the end and I think you've Ify2l6mfCWA-00257-00079272-00079469 got other patterns where you can see Ify2l6mfCWA-00258-00079470-00079750 obviously the initial repository Ify2l6mfCWA-00259-00079751-00079900 creation but there's Ify2l6mfCWA-00260-00079901-00080123 higher levels of activity as we go Ify2l6mfCWA-00261-00080124-00080423 through time Ify2l6mfCWA-00262-00080424-00080699 so yeah are you hoping to Ify2l6mfCWA-00263-00080700-00080782 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00264-00080783-00081149 bring together some sort of reason for Ify2l6mfCWA-00265-00081150-00081376 this pattern to drop off or a set of Ify2l6mfCWA-00266-00081377-00081719 reasons or you just basically saying Ify2l6mfCWA-00267-00081720-00082012 here's here's what I see Ify2l6mfCWA-00268-00082013-00082253 uh yeah I was Ify2l6mfCWA-00269-00082254-00082462 um things are already Ify2l6mfCWA-00270-00082463-00082888 um like all this this projects I I kind Ify2l6mfCWA-00271-00082889-00082967 of Ify2l6mfCWA-00272-00082968-00083165 um uh from Ify2l6mfCWA-00273-00083166-00083429 um from surveys and um reading their Ify2l6mfCWA-00274-00083430-00083753 roommates I kind of um have the reasons Ify2l6mfCWA-00275-00083754-00084106 why the projects are archived so I wish Ify2l6mfCWA-00276-00084107-00084203 to Ify2l6mfCWA-00277-00084204-00084641 um perform some cross analysis Ify2l6mfCWA-00278-00084642-00084965 um and to find maybe there are there are Ify2l6mfCWA-00279-00084966-00085126 have patterns Ify2l6mfCWA-00280-00085127-00085432 um there have some relationships among Ify2l6mfCWA-00281-00085433-00085817 its patterns and um the reasons it was Ify2l6mfCWA-00282-00085818-00086123 archived but I'm not sure if it indeed Ify2l6mfCWA-00283-00086124-00086362 have have this kind of relationship but Ify2l6mfCWA-00284-00086363-00086482 I think Ify2l6mfCWA-00285-00086483-00086579 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00286-00086580-00086855 other patterns might as shown in the Ify2l6mfCWA-00287-00086856-00086999 Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00288-00087000-00087347 um pointed there are some relationship Ify2l6mfCWA-00289-00087348-00087515 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00290-00087516-00087803 related to the nature of this project Ify2l6mfCWA-00291-00087804-00088156 like is technology domain and um its Ify2l6mfCWA-00292-00088157-00088421 Vision or it's a programming language Ify2l6mfCWA-00293-00088422-00088637 and maybe Ify2l6mfCWA-00294-00088638-00088805 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00295-00088806-00089032 yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00296-00089033-00089321 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00297-00089322-00089605 yeah because the one there covid-19 Ify2l6mfCWA-00298-00089606-00089950 India like that's probably why there was Ify2l6mfCWA-00299-00089951-00090126 a you know Ify2l6mfCWA-00300-00090127-00090388 yeah that's a pretty straightforward one Ify2l6mfCWA-00301-00090389-00091211 yeah yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00302-00091212-00091643 but why do we there is one uh this guy Ify2l6mfCWA-00303-00091644-00091918 Sanu for with software Heritage I know Ify2l6mfCWA-00304-00091919-00092129 he did this a lot with with archives Ify2l6mfCWA-00305-00092130-00092350 project because the reason he created Ify2l6mfCWA-00306-00092351-00092476 that project Ify2l6mfCWA-00307-00092477-00092741 was to open a kind of museum for Ify2l6mfCWA-00308-00092742-00092932 softwares Ify2l6mfCWA-00309-00092933-00093173 so and he has a lot of tools he also Ify2l6mfCWA-00310-00093174-00093353 does a lot of publication let me share Ify2l6mfCWA-00311-00093354-00093503 the link here with you Ify2l6mfCWA-00312-00093504-00093815 I have uh I'm collaborating with him so Ify2l6mfCWA-00313-00093816-00094068 I I know he does a lot of work that Ify2l6mfCWA-00314-00094069-00094312 looks interesting in this kind of domain Ify2l6mfCWA-00315-00094313-00094462 might be your goals can be different Ify2l6mfCWA-00316-00094463-00094847 which is expected the other thing is if Ify2l6mfCWA-00317-00094848-00095015 you have parents in your your Ify2l6mfCWA-00318-00095016-00095206 quantitative analysis that are not Ify2l6mfCWA-00319-00095207-00095368 accountable for your quantitative Ify2l6mfCWA-00320-00095369-00095662 analysis might be you need to revisit Ify2l6mfCWA-00321-00095663-00095938 your quantitative analysis to see how Ify2l6mfCWA-00322-00095939-00096173 the data were collected because things Ify2l6mfCWA-00323-00096174-00096479 like this go to the initial readme file Ify2l6mfCWA-00324-00096480-00096641 and towards the end when they were Ify2l6mfCWA-00325-00096642-00096887 closing the readme file sometimes the Ify2l6mfCWA-00326-00096888-00097121 discussions in those things you know you Ify2l6mfCWA-00327-00097122-00097271 can capture them to know what was Ify2l6mfCWA-00328-00097272-00097591 happening with those communities Ify2l6mfCWA-00329-00097592-00097949 and I I I did this kind of analysis I Ify2l6mfCWA-00330-00097950-00098165 think with openstack and the Linux Ify2l6mfCWA-00331-00098166-00098441 scanner and Apache and I realized that Ify2l6mfCWA-00332-00098442-00098699 sometimes some projects are merging Ify2l6mfCWA-00333-00098700-00099005 yeah they have yeah because of several Ify2l6mfCWA-00334-00099006-00099191 reasons maybe fundings might be people Ify2l6mfCWA-00335-00099192-00099376 we're not really contributing and the Ify2l6mfCWA-00336-00099377-00099599 project was good for the community they Ify2l6mfCWA-00337-00099600-00099887 realized that they had to merge so at Ify2l6mfCWA-00338-00099888-00100024 that time if you just analyze the Ify2l6mfCWA-00339-00100025-00100156 committee you'll see that at some point Ify2l6mfCWA-00340-00100157-00100462 this project cease to exist but no it Ify2l6mfCWA-00341-00100463-00100631 just transformed into another project Ify2l6mfCWA-00342-00100632-00100888 which is a kind of evolution that it Ify2l6mfCWA-00343-00100889-00101032 underwent Ify2l6mfCWA-00344-00101033-00101279 so all those qualitative should you Ify2l6mfCWA-00345-00101280-00101453 should really have a rich set of Ify2l6mfCWA-00346-00101454-00101699 qualitative data maybe you can mine the Ify2l6mfCWA-00347-00101700-00102065 mailing list the the readme files the Ify2l6mfCWA-00348-00102066-00102353 commit messages to have this kind of Ify2l6mfCWA-00349-00102354-00102689 understanding Ify2l6mfCWA-00350-00102690-00102904 okay thanks I've heard of uh the Ify2l6mfCWA-00351-00102905-00103439 software Heritage thanks for sharing Ify2l6mfCWA-00352-00103440-00103727 and another another question Ify2l6mfCWA-00353-00103728-00103984 um I want to have is I I kind of want to Ify2l6mfCWA-00354-00103985-00104380 have some um make some comparations uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00355-00104381-00104680 Evolution wise uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00356-00104681-00104866 and um Ify2l6mfCWA-00357-00104867-00105251 to compare between the archived maybe Ify2l6mfCWA-00358-00105252-00105599 especially the Dead the projects that Ify2l6mfCWA-00359-00105600-00105784 are archived and actually are maintained Ify2l6mfCWA-00360-00105785-00105983 not the projects that are involved in Ify2l6mfCWA-00361-00105983-00106327 other places and compare them with maybe Ify2l6mfCWA-00362-00106328-00106708 the healthy projects Ify2l6mfCWA-00363-00106709-00106852 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00364-00106853-00107039 so Ify2l6mfCWA-00365-00107040-00107147 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00366-00107148-00107315 like like Ify2l6mfCWA-00367-00107316-00107549 um there are some machine learning Ify2l6mfCWA-00368-00107550-00107878 methods can be applied like I can run a Ify2l6mfCWA-00369-00107879-00108286 logistic regression and just input those Ify2l6mfCWA-00370-00108288-00108647 these archived projects and um on the Ify2l6mfCWA-00371-00108648-00109049 projects maybe you start as the proxy of Ify2l6mfCWA-00372-00109050-00109463 popularity like the most popular and um Ify2l6mfCWA-00373-00109464-00109858 still active repositories and um Ify2l6mfCWA-00374-00109859-00110363 using the quantitative metrics under the Ify2l6mfCWA-00375-00110364-00110704 evolution working group and um using Ify2l6mfCWA-00376-00110705-00110951 them as the Ify2l6mfCWA-00377-00110952-00111131 um the Ify2l6mfCWA-00378-00111132-00111377 the characteristics Ify2l6mfCWA-00379-00111378-00111478 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00380-00111479-00111647 but um Ify2l6mfCWA-00381-00111648-00111886 I'm not sure Ify2l6mfCWA-00382-00111888-00112331 um if this can prove that on the highly Ify2l6mfCWA-00383-00112332-00112452 related Ify2l6mfCWA-00384-00112453-00112816 characteristics like those metrics if Ify2l6mfCWA-00385-00112817-00112990 they show Ify2l6mfCWA-00386-00112991-00113209 um higher relevance Ify2l6mfCWA-00387-00113210-00113575 [Music] Ify2l6mfCWA-00388-00113576-00113951 well can that be tell that the metric is Ify2l6mfCWA-00389-00113952-00114419 more important than others Ify2l6mfCWA-00390-00114420-00114640 so more important than others in terms Ify2l6mfCWA-00391-00114641-00114971 of acting as a signal of uh how the Ify2l6mfCWA-00392-00114972-00115139 Project's operating with regards to Ify2l6mfCWA-00393-00115140-00115481 whether it's healthy or not yes so I Ify2l6mfCWA-00394-00115482-00115781 think the way I would approach that is I Ify2l6mfCWA-00395-00115782-00115997 would try to qualitatively identify Ify2l6mfCWA-00396-00115998-00116201 projects that people consider to be Ify2l6mfCWA-00397-00116202-00116495 healthy as a reference point look at the Ify2l6mfCWA-00398-00116496-00116801 patterns that exist in those and then Ify2l6mfCWA-00399-00116802-00116975 look for other projects that have Ify2l6mfCWA-00400-00116976-00117323 similar patterns Ify2l6mfCWA-00401-00117324-00117677 so it's better to do this in a quality Ify2l6mfCWA-00402-00117678-00117904 no I mean what I'm saying is you can get Ify2l6mfCWA-00403-00117905-00118102 your ground truth about quote unquote Ify2l6mfCWA-00404-00118103-00118366 what a healthy project is from the Ify2l6mfCWA-00405-00118367-00118571 qualitative analysis so it's like from Ify2l6mfCWA-00406-00118572-00118786 interviews or referrals from people Ify2l6mfCWA-00407-00118788-00118933 I think Ify2l6mfCWA-00408-00118933-00119297 determining Health with the data from a Ify2l6mfCWA-00409-00119298-00119519 repository without having some kind of Ify2l6mfCWA-00410-00119520-00119854 ground truth about what are the set of Ify2l6mfCWA-00411-00119855-00120016 healthy projects that people can refer Ify2l6mfCWA-00412-00120017-00120347 to it just it becomes kind of a Ify2l6mfCWA-00413-00120348-00120508 quantitative Ify2l6mfCWA-00414-00120509-00120719 it's a dance because quality is Ify2l6mfCWA-00415-00120720-00120919 ultimately or Ify2l6mfCWA-00416-00120920-00121133 sustainability is ultimately a Ify2l6mfCWA-00417-00121133-00121234 subjective Ify2l6mfCWA-00418-00121235-00121486 thing like people are making a judgment Ify2l6mfCWA-00419-00121488-00121697 and if we can get people to make Ify2l6mfCWA-00420-00121698-00121901 judgments about a set of repositories Ify2l6mfCWA-00421-00121902-00122140 that they consider healthy then we have Ify2l6mfCWA-00422-00122141-00122297 a really good reference point when we're Ify2l6mfCWA-00423-00122298-00122489 doing the quantitative analysis we can Ify2l6mfCWA-00424-00122490-00122752 ground the quantitative analysis in a Ify2l6mfCWA-00425-00122753-00122945 qualitative Ify2l6mfCWA-00426-00122946-00123043 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00427-00123044-00123389 qualitative uh I wanna yeah I'm I'm Ify2l6mfCWA-00428-00123390-00123551 trying to it's not the word truth but Ify2l6mfCWA-00429-00123552-00123695 it's something like it's like a ground Ify2l6mfCWA-00430-00123696-00123851 truth Ify2l6mfCWA-00431-00123852-00124289 um in open you know Ify2l6mfCWA-00432-00124290-00124397 in Ify2l6mfCWA-00433-00124398-00124613 not a theory it's like a ground truth Ify2l6mfCWA-00434-00124614-00124834 but it's not quite that Ify2l6mfCWA-00435-00124835-00125002 you won't you won't get the saturation Ify2l6mfCWA-00436-00125003-00125207 but it's it's like it's grounded in Ify2l6mfCWA-00437-00125208-00125428 perception instead of Ify2l6mfCWA-00438-00125429-00125669 numbers we make up Ify2l6mfCWA-00439-00125670-00125963 now that's a good suggestion and um the Ify2l6mfCWA-00440-00125964-00126275 thing is we cannot determine that the Ify2l6mfCWA-00441-00126276-00126563 projects on GitHub with most stars are Ify2l6mfCWA-00442-00126564-00126875 the healthy projects so no you can't Ify2l6mfCWA-00443-00126876-00127015 assume that yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00444-00127016-00127325 that's why I think I buy Sean's idea Ify2l6mfCWA-00445-00127326-00127601 because when you go qualitatively there Ify2l6mfCWA-00446-00127602-00127951 are a lot of the methodology or Ify2l6mfCWA-00447-00127952-00128249 techniques that you could use on those Ify2l6mfCWA-00448-00128250-00128477 kind of data even when you are learning Ify2l6mfCWA-00449-00128478-00128771 hearing from people for example counter Ify2l6mfCWA-00450-00128772-00128993 factual you have content analysis Ify2l6mfCWA-00451-00128994-00129190 grounded Theory there's so many of them Ify2l6mfCWA-00452-00129191-00129563 that you can use the more data intensive Ify2l6mfCWA-00453-00129564-00129821 technique you use the more you remove Ify2l6mfCWA-00454-00129822-00130145 human biases at the end of it so you Ify2l6mfCWA-00455-00130146-00130414 have a kind of a ground that will I will Ify2l6mfCWA-00456-00130415-00130654 not be too shy to borrow that word from Ify2l6mfCWA-00457-00130655-00130984 because it's it's based on data and when Ify2l6mfCWA-00458-00130985-00131393 people's opinion leverages out then the Ify2l6mfCWA-00459-00131394-00131578 the truth about that data starts Ify2l6mfCWA-00460-00131579-00131813 surfacing itself at the end of the day Ify2l6mfCWA-00461-00131814-00132023 you have some indicators Ify2l6mfCWA-00462-00132024-00132221 yeah because even when you go to stack Ify2l6mfCWA-00463-00132222-00132545 Overflow sometimes you'll see an answer Ify2l6mfCWA-00464-00132546-00132881 with the best anxiety but you go below Ify2l6mfCWA-00465-00132882-00133102 you see the optimal answer Ify2l6mfCWA-00466-00133103-00133366 without Community approval but it might Ify2l6mfCWA-00467-00133367-00133523 became later but that's the most Ify2l6mfCWA-00468-00133524-00133847 accurate answer so five stars and all Ify2l6mfCWA-00469-00133848-00133985 those things might not tell all the Ify2l6mfCWA-00470-00133986-00134104 story Ify2l6mfCWA-00471-00134105-00134345 that's why we have metrics to measure Ify2l6mfCWA-00472-00134346-00134561 but at the end of the day if you use Ify2l6mfCWA-00473-00134562-00134747 something like Transformers in natural Ify2l6mfCWA-00474-00134748-00134987 language processing once you have that Ify2l6mfCWA-00475-00134988-00135221 initial value you cannot dump in not Ify2l6mfCWA-00476-00135222-00135490 huge data now for your model Ify2l6mfCWA-00477-00135491-00135713 to identify some of those things that Ify2l6mfCWA-00478-00135714-00135928 manually it will take a longer time to Ify2l6mfCWA-00479-00135929-00136277 do somehow humanly impossible one larger Ify2l6mfCWA-00480-00136278-00136463 repositories Ify2l6mfCWA-00481-00136464-00136631 so maybe you want to bring International Ify2l6mfCWA-00482-00136632-00136925 Learning when you start with the human Ify2l6mfCWA-00483-00136926-00137123 aspect of it to start identifying you Ify2l6mfCWA-00484-00137124-00137278 see those python you see those things Ify2l6mfCWA-00485-00137279-00137602 happening you cannot train some your Ify2l6mfCWA-00486-00137603-00137819 Transformer or any other model using Ify2l6mfCWA-00487-00137820-00137987 attention mechanism or any other thing Ify2l6mfCWA-00488-00137988-00138269 you are more comfortable with Ify2l6mfCWA-00489-00138270-00138545 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00490-00138546-00138875 thanks for distraction Ify2l6mfCWA-00491-00138876-00139535 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00492-00139536-00139889 so I think it's just move move to Ify2l6mfCWA-00493-00139890-00140290 or it's not not even a good research Ify2l6mfCWA-00494-00140291-00140621 question to try to compare Ify2l6mfCWA-00495-00140622-00140993 um try to like compare if Ify2l6mfCWA-00496-00140994-00141413 um what a set of metrics are Ify2l6mfCWA-00497-00141414-00141647 um better than another set of metrics Ify2l6mfCWA-00498-00141648-00141977 too so I think it is a good research Ify2l6mfCWA-00499-00141978-00142313 question it's because you can look at Ify2l6mfCWA-00500-00142314-00142445 which Ify2l6mfCWA-00501-00142446-00142751 which metrics correspond more closely Ify2l6mfCWA-00502-00142752-00142931 with projects that people identify as Ify2l6mfCWA-00503-00142932-00143195 healthy and I do think that you're Ify2l6mfCWA-00504-00143196-00143459 likely to find distinctions that some Ify2l6mfCWA-00505-00143460-00143783 metrics will reveal themselves as being Ify2l6mfCWA-00506-00143784-00144040 more strongly correlated with Ify2l6mfCWA-00507-00144041-00144340 projects that people consider healthy so Ify2l6mfCWA-00508-00144341-00144509 I I do I actually think it's a Ify2l6mfCWA-00509-00144510-00144713 worthwhile Ify2l6mfCWA-00510-00144714-00145025 area of inquiry Ify2l6mfCWA-00511-00145026-00145385 but we need to find or we have a Ify2l6mfCWA-00512-00145386-00145685 qualitative consensus to Define which Ify2l6mfCWA-00513-00145686-00145949 set of projects are healthy Ify2l6mfCWA-00514-00145950-00146189 yeah and it doesn't have to even be a Ify2l6mfCWA-00515-00146190-00146423 consensus it can be as like a half a Ify2l6mfCWA-00516-00146424-00146639 dozen informants that are Ify2l6mfCWA-00517-00146640-00146866 heavily engaged in number of projects or Ify2l6mfCWA-00518-00146867-00147083 have been an open source for years and Ify2l6mfCWA-00519-00147084-00147316 we can identify ones that they think Ify2l6mfCWA-00520-00147317-00147611 function in a healthy Manner and you Ify2l6mfCWA-00521-00147612-00147952 should um I would recommend leading them Ify2l6mfCWA-00522-00147953-00148121 toward what Ify2l6mfCWA-00523-00148122-00148445 what are the signals of Health like so Ify2l6mfCWA-00524-00148446-00148666 healthy could mean sustainable with an Ify2l6mfCWA-00525-00148667-00148871 adequate Community around it healthy Ify2l6mfCWA-00526-00148872-00149111 could mean both of that and attention to Ify2l6mfCWA-00527-00149112-00149249 Dei Ify2l6mfCWA-00528-00149250-00149578 kinds of of things so depending how you Ify2l6mfCWA-00529-00149579-00149687 frame Ify2l6mfCWA-00530-00149688-00149933 what is healthy or what is sustainable Ify2l6mfCWA-00531-00149934-00150371 for them like you want to try to ask it Ify2l6mfCWA-00532-00150372-00150671 in an open-ended way but Ify2l6mfCWA-00533-00150672-00150743 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00534-00150744-00151043 what can it's a very vague question so Ify2l6mfCWA-00535-00151044-00151193 you may have to provide them more Ify2l6mfCWA-00536-00151194-00151313 context Ify2l6mfCWA-00537-00151314-00151535 in terms of a definition of healthy or Ify2l6mfCWA-00538-00151536-00151763 sustainable Ify2l6mfCWA-00539-00151764-00151985 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00540-00151986-00152249 um and the con the context could be Ify2l6mfCWA-00541-00152250-00152435 I would expect the context to be Ify2l6mfCWA-00542-00152436-00152602 different if you're asking about the Ify2l6mfCWA-00543-00152603-00152813 larger scale projects compared to if Ify2l6mfCWA-00544-00152814-00153083 you're asking about more of the the Mish Ify2l6mfCWA-00545-00153084-00153461 projects with less activity Ify2l6mfCWA-00546-00153462-00153659 um like I would expect to get more Ify2l6mfCWA-00547-00153660-00153959 people identifying the big projects Ify2l6mfCWA-00548-00153960-00154163 um but you could do what's called a Ify2l6mfCWA-00549-00154164-00154366 snowball sample and I'm just rambling Ify2l6mfCWA-00550-00154367-00154583 here so stop me but you could do a Ify2l6mfCWA-00551-00154584-00154769 snowball sample where some informants Ify2l6mfCWA-00552-00154770-00154973 give you a list and then you could ask Ify2l6mfCWA-00553-00154974-00155164 them to recommend other folks to Ify2l6mfCWA-00554-00155165-00155369 identify healthy projects or sustainable Ify2l6mfCWA-00555-00155370-00155626 projects and Ify2l6mfCWA-00556-00155627-00155897 you know you could accomplish a broader Ify2l6mfCWA-00557-00155898-00156095 survey with with that kind of Ify2l6mfCWA-00558-00156096-00156281 snowballing approach Ify2l6mfCWA-00559-00156282-00156713 Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00560-00156714-00156916 now I'm just supporting what you said Ify2l6mfCWA-00561-00156917-00157151 and there are literature uh this thing Ify2l6mfCWA-00562-00157152-00157301 how do they call it systematic Ify2l6mfCWA-00563-00157302-00157433 literature reviews Ify2l6mfCWA-00564-00157434-00157690 on some of this topic on health and uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00565-00157691-00157990 playing sustainability in a way Ify2l6mfCWA-00566-00157991-00158375 and you have to know that matrixes that Ify2l6mfCWA-00567-00158376-00158609 capture health and sustainabilities are Ify2l6mfCWA-00568-00158610-00158849 not like individual metrics Ify2l6mfCWA-00569-00158850-00159095 so sometimes people will really focus on Ify2l6mfCWA-00570-00159096-00159371 a group of metrics that are measurable Ify2l6mfCWA-00571-00159372-00159563 are more related to what they are doing Ify2l6mfCWA-00572-00159564-00159833 another project might not include all Ify2l6mfCWA-00573-00159834-00160133 that same metrics Ify2l6mfCWA-00574-00160134-00160385 so how you fit in that line you need Ify2l6mfCWA-00575-00160386-00160649 some kind of this systematic literature Ify2l6mfCWA-00576-00160650-00160919 review or even full research papers or Ify2l6mfCWA-00577-00160920-00161123 works that are available to guide your Ify2l6mfCWA-00578-00161124-00161333 choice because once you are guided Ify2l6mfCWA-00579-00161334-00161573 empirically you can hardly go wrong in Ify2l6mfCWA-00580-00161574-00161890 making some of those decisions Ify2l6mfCWA-00581-00161891-00162209 now you remember in the early days when Ify2l6mfCWA-00582-00162210-00162371 people were talking about sustainability Ify2l6mfCWA-00583-00162372-00162535 everybody Ify2l6mfCWA-00584-00162536-00162875 drifted in towards energy immediately Ify2l6mfCWA-00585-00162876-00163139 and they taught sustainability is to Ify2l6mfCWA-00586-00163140-00163375 reduce energy but later on Ify2l6mfCWA-00587-00163376-00163697 scientifically they said no energy is Ify2l6mfCWA-00588-00163698-00164128 not even a an issue basic because a data Ify2l6mfCWA-00589-00164129-00164513 center now in let's say in slow uh very Ify2l6mfCWA-00590-00164514-00164795 cool areas where slow it's an issue they Ify2l6mfCWA-00591-00164796-00164963 need heating so they are now Ify2l6mfCWA-00592-00164964-00165166 transforming energy from one form to Ify2l6mfCWA-00593-00165167-00165347 another Ify2l6mfCWA-00594-00165348-00165647 so that equation became the argument Ify2l6mfCWA-00595-00165648-00165833 became a bit weak so they are now Ify2l6mfCWA-00596-00165834-00166199 looking into the social technical aspect Ify2l6mfCWA-00597-00166200-00166481 where human factors cannot control like Ify2l6mfCWA-00598-00166482-00166678 improving the code the how people write Ify2l6mfCWA-00599-00166679-00166919 code best practices onboarding those Ify2l6mfCWA-00600-00166920-00167081 kind of things that's where the Ify2l6mfCWA-00601-00167082-00167369 discussion is going more of or less I Ify2l6mfCWA-00602-00167370-00167554 mean the literature review advise you Ify2l6mfCWA-00603-00167555-00167909 more on this kind of stand to take Ify2l6mfCWA-00604-00167910-00168197 that as Sean says the initial place is Ify2l6mfCWA-00605-00168198-00168466 to use snowball sampling because you Ify2l6mfCWA-00606-00168467-00168857 identify a key player in a community Ify2l6mfCWA-00607-00168858-00169097 now once you discuss with those persons Ify2l6mfCWA-00608-00169098-00169385 you cannot ask a referral but then you Ify2l6mfCWA-00609-00169386-00169571 try to make sure you don't rely on Ify2l6mfCWA-00610-00169572-00169828 Snowball because that persons can create Ify2l6mfCWA-00611-00169829-00170159 a social network of its own Clique which Ify2l6mfCWA-00612-00170160-00170375 becomes a bias Network Ify2l6mfCWA-00613-00170376-00170578 and you end up not having the objective Ify2l6mfCWA-00614-00170579-00170969 truth so once you have if you try as Ify2l6mfCWA-00615-00170970-00171197 much as possible to descend as you are Ify2l6mfCWA-00616-00171198-00171401 talking with people so that your biases Ify2l6mfCWA-00617-00171402-00171743 should not create a link Ify2l6mfCWA-00618-00171744-00172199 okay I think I get what you mean I I can Ify2l6mfCWA-00619-00172200-00172504 um chat with the literature review and Ify2l6mfCWA-00620-00172505-00172781 um asking open ended Ify2l6mfCWA-00621-00172782-00173243 um questions to uh to introduce to yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00622-00173244-00173507 using the snowball I I've I've read um Ify2l6mfCWA-00623-00173508-00173975 similar uh approach uh in I think in in Ify2l6mfCWA-00624-00173976-00174161 a work of Ify2l6mfCWA-00625-00174162-00174502 um to study about the qualities of green Ify2l6mfCWA-00626-00174503-00174635 maintainers Ify2l6mfCWA-00627-00174636-00175007 are they using the snowball approach to Ify2l6mfCWA-00628-00175008-00175276 um ask them the qualities they think Ify2l6mfCWA-00629-00175277-00175535 yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00630-00175536-00175787 um okay thanks for the suggestion I Ify2l6mfCWA-00631-00175788-00175931 think that's Ify2l6mfCWA-00632-00175932-00176152 that's all I wish to discuss and I've re Ify2l6mfCWA-00633-00176153-00176507 I I think I've received um a lot of Ify2l6mfCWA-00634-00176508-00176585 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00635-00176586-00176704 today Ify2l6mfCWA-00636-00176705-00177466 so I will stop sharing my screen now Ify2l6mfCWA-00637-00177467-00178043 thank you Ify2l6mfCWA-00638-00178044-00178366 okay thank you for sharing so Sean I Ify2l6mfCWA-00639-00178367-00178513 think we were Ify2l6mfCWA-00640-00178514-00178925 some uh you were looking for something Ify2l6mfCWA-00641-00178926-00179254 because values how do you pronounce your Ify2l6mfCWA-00642-00179255-00179466 name properly please Ify2l6mfCWA-00643-00179467-00179807 correct me Joya I think it is is that Ify2l6mfCWA-00644-00179808-00180107 right Julia okay yeah that's right Ify2l6mfCWA-00645-00180108-00180616 thank you Ify2l6mfCWA-00646-00180617-00180881 Sean we're looking for something before Ify2l6mfCWA-00647-00180882-00181145 her presentation yeah so if I went Ify2l6mfCWA-00648-00181146-00181576 through the the metrics uh list and uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00649-00181577-00181733 looking at that issue that we were Ify2l6mfCWA-00650-00181734-00182116 talking about earlier I created new Ify2l6mfCWA-00651-00182117-00182514 metric uh lines in the The Evolution Ify2l6mfCWA-00652-00182515-00182843 working group for issues updated issues Ify2l6mfCWA-00653-00182844-00183161 comma issues comments and downloads Ify2l6mfCWA-00654-00183162-00183490 and then I identified an existing metric Ify2l6mfCWA-00655-00183491-00183797 for change request linked with issues Ify2l6mfCWA-00656-00183798-00184145 and existing proposed metric and then I Ify2l6mfCWA-00657-00184146-00184325 think seven and eight change request Ify2l6mfCWA-00658-00184326-00184564 issue age and change request processing Ify2l6mfCWA-00659-00184565-00184823 time are simply filters on the change Ify2l6mfCWA-00660-00184824-00185140 requests metrics so those already exist Ify2l6mfCWA-00661-00185141-00185452 okay and I didn't Venture into the CI Ify2l6mfCWA-00662-00185453-00185783 stuff because I didn't see anything and Ify2l6mfCWA-00663-00185784-00186163 uh I think it's lower priority anyhow Ify2l6mfCWA-00664-00186164-00186443 yeah I think they see I think we it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00665-00186444-00186619 something that we Ify2l6mfCWA-00666-00186620-00186971 started discussing just like of recent Ify2l6mfCWA-00667-00186972-00187325 yeah and things like yeah it's it's Ify2l6mfCWA-00668-00187326-00187487 ultimately important I just think the Ify2l6mfCWA-00669-00187488-00187721 other ones are more originally needed Ify2l6mfCWA-00670-00187722-00188002 okay based on my participation in the Ify2l6mfCWA-00671-00188003-00188531 metric model working group okay okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00672-00188532-00188728 so an issue is updated could very well Ify2l6mfCWA-00673-00188729-00188969 be like I haven't looked closely but it Ify2l6mfCWA-00674-00188970-00189928 could um Ify2l6mfCWA-00675-00189929-00190326 I'm just looking at uh Ify2l6mfCWA-00676-00190327-00190685 okay go ahead I'm sorry no on this Ify2l6mfCWA-00677-00190686-00191185 Matrix where did you put the Ify2l6mfCWA-00678-00191186-00191957 yeah let me share my screen here Ify2l6mfCWA-00679-00191958-00192113 so Ify2l6mfCWA-00680-00192114-00192340 I didn't highlight them because when I Ify2l6mfCWA-00681-00192341-00192563 create different colors it drives other Ify2l6mfCWA-00682-00192564-00192840 people crazy oh Ify2l6mfCWA-00683-00192841-00193193 but uh so what I noted is so change Ify2l6mfCWA-00684-00193194-00193349 request issue mapping this already Ify2l6mfCWA-00685-00193350-00193685 exists and I just added this mm related Ify2l6mfCWA-00686-00193686-00193973 to the description and when I created Ify2l6mfCWA-00687-00193974-00194188 issues updated and issued comments I I Ify2l6mfCWA-00688-00194189-00194387 just put mm related Ify2l6mfCWA-00689-00194388-00194681 in the description Ify2l6mfCWA-00690-00194682-00194957 I didn't make any note about Ify2l6mfCWA-00691-00194958-00195137 the Ify2l6mfCWA-00692-00195138-00195209 the Ify2l6mfCWA-00693-00195210-00195328 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00694-00195329-00195514 seven and eight Ify2l6mfCWA-00695-00195515-00195773 other than in here I note that they are Ify2l6mfCWA-00696-00195774-00195976 filters on the existing change request Ify2l6mfCWA-00697-00195977-00196109 metric Ify2l6mfCWA-00698-00196110-00196288 change request link with issues we Ify2l6mfCWA-00699-00196289-00196516 highlighted see how we skipped Ify2l6mfCWA-00700-00196517-00196721 yeah so I think that covers everything Ify2l6mfCWA-00701-00196722-00197051 in that list so if we so I put them in Ify2l6mfCWA-00702-00197052-00197290 progress optimistically Ify2l6mfCWA-00703-00197291-00197602 um but we could go and like uh like Ify2l6mfCWA-00704-00197603-00197788 issues updated and issue comments are Ify2l6mfCWA-00705-00197789-00197976 the two with no Ify2l6mfCWA-00706-00197977-00198226 conceptualization yet Ify2l6mfCWA-00707-00198227-00198443 I don't know if there's any progress on Ify2l6mfCWA-00708-00198444-00198647 change request issue mapping Ify2l6mfCWA-00709-00198648-00198952 no it's just a template Ify2l6mfCWA-00710-00198953-00199121 I don't even know if this is the right Ify2l6mfCWA-00711-00199122-00199283 template but I'm going to assume that it Ify2l6mfCWA-00712-00199284-00199559 is Ify2l6mfCWA-00713-00199560-00200045 I want to believe so yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00714-00200046-00200375 but I think the change request oh no Ify2l6mfCWA-00715-00200376-00200566 this is change request issue mapping Ify2l6mfCWA-00716-00200567-00200854 yeah not just changed okay that's the Ify2l6mfCWA-00717-00200855-00201040 difference Ify2l6mfCWA-00718-00201041-00201233 so we could create Ify2l6mfCWA-00719-00201234-00201563 um blank ones under here as well Ify2l6mfCWA-00720-00201564-00201731 yeah essentially there's it looks like Ify2l6mfCWA-00721-00201732-00202054 that in my view there's like three that Ify2l6mfCWA-00722-00202055-00202421 could be developed and parallel the Ify2l6mfCWA-00723-00202422-00202781 issue updated issue comments Ify2l6mfCWA-00724-00202782-00202949 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00725-00202950-00203249 and let me see maybe downloads is the Ify2l6mfCWA-00726-00203250-00203519 other one I was thinking of Ify2l6mfCWA-00727-00203520-00203825 or yeah downloads I put downloads in Ify2l6mfCWA-00728-00203826-00203952 here somewhere Ify2l6mfCWA-00729-00203953-00204347 I thought Ify2l6mfCWA-00730-00204348-00204557 yeah here's downloads under Community I Ify2l6mfCWA-00731-00204558-00204676 put it under Community growth I didn't Ify2l6mfCWA-00732-00204677-00204892 know I didn't exactly know where it Ify2l6mfCWA-00733-00204894-00205031 might belong but I thought Community Ify2l6mfCWA-00734-00205032-00205271 growth made sense Ify2l6mfCWA-00735-00205271-00205492 as a category Ify2l6mfCWA-00736-00205494-00205846 oh yeah my first cut Ify2l6mfCWA-00737-00205848-00206194 it so there's I guess there's four Ify2l6mfCWA-00738-00206196-00206398 that we could um Ify2l6mfCWA-00739-00206400-00206662 could be developing two of them are one Ify2l6mfCWA-00740-00206663-00206842 of them already has a Ify2l6mfCWA-00741-00206844-00207179 Google doc with the template Ify2l6mfCWA-00742-00207180-00208416 Sarah Ify2l6mfCWA-00743-00208417-00208684 just take this I think it's the most Ify2l6mfCWA-00744-00208685-00211132 current template Ify2l6mfCWA-00746-00214433-00215458 foreign Ify2l6mfCWA-00747-00215459-00215723 I can type really Ify2l6mfCWA-00748-00215723-00215910 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00749-00215911-00215956 [Music] Ify2l6mfCWA-00750-00215957-00217505 um Ify2l6mfCWA-00751-00217506-00217809 and then the other one was Ify2l6mfCWA-00752-00217810-00218225 [Music] Ify2l6mfCWA-00753-00218226-00219058 shoot comments Ify2l6mfCWA-00754-00219059-00219680 oops extra cheater Ify2l6mfCWA-00755-00219681-00219892 [Music] Ify2l6mfCWA-00756-00219894-00222179 another one was downloads Ify2l6mfCWA-00757-00222180-00222413 all right let's Ify2l6mfCWA-00758-00222414-00224579 three Ify2l6mfCWA-00759-00224580-00224896 all right so it's downloads Ify2l6mfCWA-00760-00224898-00225232 and shoot comments Ify2l6mfCWA-00761-00225233-00225455 are we just splitting these up then yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00762-00225456-00225665 well I'm putting them I'm I'm creating Ify2l6mfCWA-00763-00225666-00225887 the documents that we need to work on Ify2l6mfCWA-00764-00225888-00226175 and then I think is a practical matter I Ify2l6mfCWA-00765-00226176-00226360 could take one and Ify2l6mfCWA-00766-00226361-00226948 uh for the next meeting Ify2l6mfCWA-00767-00226950-00227237 uh to develop and I don't know Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00768-00227238-00228191 if you can take one or yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00769-00228192-00228425 so yeah I created the three documents Ify2l6mfCWA-00770-00228426-00228737 for downloads updated in comments Ify2l6mfCWA-00771-00228738-00229079 and there was already one for Ify2l6mfCWA-00772-00229080-00229805 change request issue mapping Ify2l6mfCWA-00773-00229806-00230008 actually there's two for changing Ify2l6mfCWA-00774-00230009-00230194 progress Ify2l6mfCWA-00775-00230196-00230494 actually this is entirely repeated this Ify2l6mfCWA-00776-00230496-00230753 change request issue mapping is Ify2l6mfCWA-00777-00230754-00231053 like it's got two lines Ify2l6mfCWA-00778-00231054-00231394 yeah there is change request okay no Ify2l6mfCWA-00779-00231396-00231617 there is change code oh no no different Ify2l6mfCWA-00780-00231617-00231863 things sorry these are the this is the Ify2l6mfCWA-00781-00231864-00232127 same as this Ify2l6mfCWA-00782-00232128-00232451 okay like these are identical Ify2l6mfCWA-00783-00232452-00232787 so I'm gonna delete the one Ify2l6mfCWA-00784-00232788-00234017 that I didn't comment on Ify2l6mfCWA-00785-00234017-00234287 yeah I mean I think um that's what we Ify2l6mfCWA-00786-00234288-00234587 should do for next time so I'll take um Ify2l6mfCWA-00787-00234588-00235051 you can put me in the notes for um Ify2l6mfCWA-00788-00235052-00235973 issues updated and issue comments Ify2l6mfCWA-00789-00235973-00236201 do you want to do any Ify2l6mfCWA-00790-00236202-00236381 Armstrong Ify2l6mfCWA-00791-00236382-00236794 I think the downloads and the Ify2l6mfCWA-00792-00236796-00237391 let me see which other one is the Ify2l6mfCWA-00793-00237392-00237694 there was a change request issue mapping Ify2l6mfCWA-00794-00237696-00237989 possibly Ify2l6mfCWA-00795-00237990-00238265 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00796-00238266-00238510 okay good thank you Anonymous for Ify2l6mfCWA-00797-00238511-00238703 logging this Ify2l6mfCWA-00798-00238704-00238889 what was the other one you said issue Ify2l6mfCWA-00799-00238890-00240244 updates and what else issue Ify2l6mfCWA-00800-00240246-00240448 backyard has become overrun with Ify2l6mfCWA-00801-00240450-00240610 squirrels because they had to take down Ify2l6mfCWA-00802-00240611-00240827 a giant tree in my front yard Ify2l6mfCWA-00803-00240828-00241073 I think I probably created like 50 Ify2l6mfCWA-00804-00241073-00241529 homeless squirrels Ify2l6mfCWA-00805-00241530-00241981 find a home Ify2l6mfCWA-00806-00241982-00242332 little squirrel fights I think Sean Ify2l6mfCWA-00807-00242333-00242734 suggested that I take download and Ify2l6mfCWA-00808-00242735-00242867 the issue Ify2l6mfCWA-00810-00246048-00246244 all right Ify2l6mfCWA-00811-00246246-00246431 I think we got like 10 minutes before Ify2l6mfCWA-00812-00246432-00246689 the next meeting right yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00813-00246690-00246815 so Ify2l6mfCWA-00814-00246816-00247013 I'm gonna take that that break in Ify2l6mfCWA-00815-00247014-00247169 between the meetings Armstrong and Ify2l6mfCWA-00816-00247169-00247498 Elizabeth and um okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00817-00247500-00247708 just before you go Sean did you create Ify2l6mfCWA-00818-00247709-00247979 it for the the mapping Ify2l6mfCWA-00819-00247980-00248273 the Issue request mapping that already Ify2l6mfCWA-00820-00248273-00248434 existed Ify2l6mfCWA-00821-00248435-00248729 um and if we look at the spreadsheet Ify2l6mfCWA-00822-00248730-00249101 it's under code development efficiency Ify2l6mfCWA-00823-00249102-00249358 okay um and there's it's blank there's Ify2l6mfCWA-00824-00249359-00249551 nothing actually done there but somebody Ify2l6mfCWA-00825-00249552-00249803 did copy and paste the template probably Ify2l6mfCWA-00826-00249804-00249905 me Ify2l6mfCWA-00827-00249906-00250223 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00828-00250223-00250553 okay Ify2l6mfCWA-00829-00250554-00250715 yeah Ify2l6mfCWA-00830-00250716-00250944 because I was just looking in the Ify2l6mfCWA-00831-00250946-00251225 document folder where I didn't see the Ify2l6mfCWA-00832-00251226-00251344 template there Ify2l6mfCWA-00833-00251346-00251537 yeah it may have it may have been Ify2l6mfCWA-00834-00251538-00251884 created somewhere else let me um I can Ify2l6mfCWA-00835-00251885-00252307 take a look at that real quick here IgvY4q9OZvQ-00000-00000312-00000438 this is the 2018 IgvY4q9OZvQ-00001-00000440-00000686 summer museum you know how we get down IgvY4q9OZvQ-00002-00000687-00000847 when we say we were gonna bring you the IgvY4q9OZvQ-00003-00000848-00000991 new we brought you the new IgvY4q9OZvQ-00004-00000992-00001311 90.5 wsnc we've got the new performance IgvY4q9OZvQ-00005-00001312-00001470 having a good time throughout the day IgvY4q9OZvQ-00006-00001471-00001710 you keep it set to 90.5 and you won't go IgvY4q9OZvQ-00007-00001711-00001895 wrong that's it man that's it this is IgvY4q9OZvQ-00008-00001896-00001991 how we do IgvY4q9OZvQ-00009-00001992-00002302 90.5 fm IgvY4q9OZvQ-00010-00002303-00002623 my special guest folks i do have the IgvY4q9OZvQ-00011-00002624-00002918 lovely jazz of linux brown she is going IgvY4q9OZvQ-00012-00002919-00002999 to bring it all IgvY4q9OZvQ-00013-00003000-00003238 to you right here on triad and focus IgvY4q9OZvQ-00014-00003239-00003486 good morning to you miss penick's brown IgvY4q9OZvQ-00015-00003488-00003767 he has the best radio voice this morning IgvY4q9OZvQ-00016-00003768-00003911 that's a good thing to be on early in IgvY4q9OZvQ-00017-00003911-00004283 the morning with somebody that sounds IgvY4q9OZvQ-00018-00004284-00004522 wonderful IgvY4q9OZvQ-00019-00004523-00004835 106.9 fm IgvY4q9OZvQ-00020-00004836-00005199 2018 wssu rams football IgvY4q9OZvQ-00021-00005200-00005447 is here hey ram fans coach bulwar went IgvY4q9OZvQ-00022-00005448-00005567 salem state university IgvY4q9OZvQ-00023-00005568-00005822 be a part of the rams spy as they hunt IgvY4q9OZvQ-00024-00005823-00005951 down another shot IgvY4q9OZvQ-00025-00005952-00006270 at being crowned 2018 ci IgvY4q9OZvQ-00026-00006271-00006534 double-a football champion spiritual IgvY4q9OZvQ-00027-00006536-00006767 motivation with darlene vincent IgvY4q9OZvQ-00028-00006768-00007023 and gospel expressions and finally take IgvY4q9OZvQ-00029-00007023-00007263 a trip down memory lane at 4 pm IgvY4q9OZvQ-00030-00007264-00007667 with r b classic oldies wsnc IgvY4q9OZvQ-00031-00007668-00008078 90.5 fm today's weather 96 degree high IgvY4q9OZvQ-00032-00008079-00008246 for winston-salem and surrounding IgvY4q9OZvQ-00033-00008247-00008310 townships IgvY4q9OZvQ-00034-00008311-00008503 lows expected in the mid to upper IgvY4q9OZvQ-00035-00008504-00008814 seventies wfdd 88.5 news IgvY4q9OZvQ-00036-00008815-00009110 i'm barron eastwood obama attended here IgvY4q9OZvQ-00037-00009111-00009206 with my brother IgvY4q9OZvQ-00038-00009207-00009359 i'm thrilled to be here the national IgvY4q9OZvQ-00039-00009360-00009639 black theater festival baron bruce wsnc IgvY4q9OZvQ-00040-00009640-00010031 90.5 fm i'm here with the incomparable IgvY4q9OZvQ-00041-00010032-00010335 say that like you mean the incomparable IgvY4q9OZvQ-00042-00010336-00010638 the comedy superman himself mr michael IgvY4q9OZvQ-00043-00010639-00010799 collier this is your man baron bruce IgvY4q9OZvQ-00044-00010800-00011014 wsnc 90.5 fm IgvY4q9OZvQ-00045-00011015-00011214 this is what i'm talking about we need IgvY4q9OZvQ-00046-00011215-00011414 all the help we can get we are doing a IgvY4q9OZvQ-00047-00011415-00011614 fundraiser we're trying to get this new IgvY4q9OZvQ-00048-00011615-00011806 transmitter going that i have my IgvY4q9OZvQ-00049-00011807-00012006 visitors out here they stopping me at IgvY4q9OZvQ-00050-00012007-00012231 the john coltrane jazz festival IgvY4q9OZvQ-00051-00012232-00012399 they want to know why we can't reach IgvY4q9OZvQ-00052-00012400-00012710 them in greensboro we need your support IgvY4q9OZvQ-00053-00012711-00013030 i have achieved the end of the route IgvY4q9OZvQ-00054-00013031-00013271 another homecoming right here with your IgvY4q9OZvQ-00055-00013272-00013379 man bam bruce IgvY4q9OZvQ-00056-00013380-00013783 wsnc this man is really the real deal IgvY4q9OZvQ-00057-00013784-00013958 and i'm honored to know you sir so IgvY4q9OZvQ-00058-00013959-00014111 please support him as well tell him IgvY4q9OZvQ-00059-00014112-00014199 where he can find you IgvY4q9OZvQ-00060-00014200-00014366 you know definitely you guys can find me IgvY4q9OZvQ-00061-00014368-00014711 at wsnc 90.5 fm it don't get any blacker IgvY4q9OZvQ-00062-00014712-00014766 than this IgvY4q9OZvQ-00063-00014768-00015087 it just don't IgHlY3ojGUg-00000-00000131-00000350 foreign IgHlY3ojGUg-00001-00000351-00000936 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00002-00000938-00001270 all right we're back with Scandal we're IgHlY3ojGUg-00003-00001271-00001570 gonna do a song it's called money guy IgHlY3ojGUg-00004-00001571-00001817 navigation IgHlY3ojGUg-00005-00001818-00002152 this is live from Arena tour IgHlY3ojGUg-00006-00002153-00002375 perfect world IgHlY3ojGUg-00007-00002376-00002842 from 2015 to 2016. IgHlY3ojGUg-00008-00002843-00003635 so let's check it out IgHlY3ojGUg-00009-00003636-00003749 okay IgHlY3ojGUg-00010-00003750-00004979 I like that IgHlY3ojGUg-00011-00004980-00006196 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00012-00006197-00006641 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00013-00006642-00007143 machines IgHlY3ojGUg-00014-00007144-00007962 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00015-00007963-00008643 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00016-00008644-00009931 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00017-00009932-00011207 come on IgHlY3ojGUg-00018-00011208-00012032 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00019-00012033-00012844 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00020-00012845-00013046 thank you IgHlY3ojGUg-00021-00013047-00013777 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00022-00013778-00014113 oh my God IgHlY3ojGUg-00023-00014115-00014741 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00024-00014741-00015436 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00025-00015437-00016105 thank you IgHlY3ojGUg-00026-00016106-00017442 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00027-00017443-00019139 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00028-00019140-00020103 honest IgHlY3ojGUg-00029-00020104-00020494 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00030-00020495-00021370 foreign IgHlY3ojGUg-00031-00021371-00022805 [Music] IgHlY3ojGUg-00032-00022806-00023080 wow IgHlY3ojGUg-00033-00023081-00023303 that's a good sign I had no idea what IgHlY3ojGUg-00034-00023304-00023519 the hell they were saying but oh I love IgHlY3ojGUg-00035-00023520-00023836 it you know I wonder so I know that they IgHlY3ojGUg-00036-00023837-00024041 do different styles of music but I got a IgHlY3ojGUg-00037-00024042-00024208 question for any of you guys are Scandal IgHlY3ojGUg-00038-00024209-00024427 fans have they ever done a country IgHlY3ojGUg-00039-00024428-00024736 country's music saw IgHlY3ojGUg-00040-00024737-00025036 because I could see them doing it IgHlY3ojGUg-00041-00025037-00025247 they IgHlY3ojGUg-00042-00025248-00025450 I just all I can just say I could see IgHlY3ojGUg-00043-00025451-00025762 them doing it I don't know if they would IgHlY3ojGUg-00044-00025763-00026033 but I can see them doing it IgHlY3ojGUg-00045-00026033-00026423 it's uh IgHlY3ojGUg-00046-00026424-00026914 and I love the uh IgHlY3ojGUg-00047-00026916-00027257 the beat to the song The drumming IgHlY3ojGUg-00048-00027258-00027418 everything it's IgHlY3ojGUg-00049-00027419-00027652 this is a really good group IgHlY3ojGUg-00050-00027654-00027946 and IgHlY3ojGUg-00051-00027947-00028223 I'll tell you that it's uh IgHlY3ojGUg-00052-00028224-00028540 it's been an eye-opening experience IgHlY3ojGUg-00053-00028541-00028774 in this past IgHlY3ojGUg-00054-00028775-00029020 month and a half or so IgHlY3ojGUg-00055-00029022-00029308 being re in IgHlY3ojGUg-00056-00029310-00029687 degree induced reinduced IgHlY3ojGUg-00057-00029688-00029861 reintroduce IgHlY3ojGUg-00058-00029862-00030131 to the music IgHlY3ojGUg-00059-00030132-00030317 of uh IgHlY3ojGUg-00060-00030318-00030683 Rock it's been a while I have kind of IgHlY3ojGUg-00061-00030683-00030851 fallen out of it I've just been listened IgHlY3ojGUg-00062-00030852-00031079 to what I've already had IgHlY3ojGUg-00063-00031080-00031529 and it's nice to get a new flesh of IgHlY3ojGUg-00064-00031530-00031793 fresh air of IgHlY3ojGUg-00065-00031794-00032111 new groups or at least they're new to me IgHlY3ojGUg-00066-00032112-00032368 and uh IgHlY3ojGUg-00067-00032369-00032699 so I'm glad for all those that have IgHlY3ojGUg-00068-00032700-00032929 suggest I do a video reaction for IgHlY3ojGUg-00069-00032930-00033124 Scandal and IgHlY3ojGUg-00070-00033125-00033455 for Love Bites band made and IgHlY3ojGUg-00071-00033456-00033695 baby metal and IgHlY3ojGUg-00072-00033696-00034024 all of them it's been really IgHlY3ojGUg-00073-00034025-00034246 a great experience IgHlY3ojGUg-00074-00034247-00034493 and it's been IgHlY3ojGUg-00075-00034494-00034846 one I'll I'll never forget for sure IgHlY3ojGUg-00076-00034847-00035074 anywho I hope you guys have a wonderful IgHlY3ojGUg-00077-00035075-00035296 day or night take care of yourself and IgHlY3ojGUg-00078-00035297-00035429 the ones you love IgHlY3ojGUg-00079-00035430-00035515 bye bye IgHlY3ojGUg-00080-00035516-00036485 [Music] IjdIh-L05kc-00000-00000908-00001262 [Music] IjdIh-L05kc-00001-00001263-00001503 what's going on youtube IjdIh-L05kc-00002-00001504-00001639 welcome back to the channel i'm trucker IjdIh-L05kc-00003-00001639-00001751 mike IjdIh-L05kc-00004-00001752-00002047 today i'm gonna do a little short video IjdIh-L05kc-00005-00002048-00002271 on IjdIh-L05kc-00006-00002272-00002847 the uh thermo king evolution tripac apu IjdIh-L05kc-00007-00002848-00003134 um IjdIh-L05kc-00008-00003135-00003470 if your apu IjdIh-L05kc-00009-00003471-00003654 is freezing up on you meaning the IjdIh-L05kc-00010-00003655-00003815 condenser IjdIh-L05kc-00011-00003815-00003990 either condenser the evaporator that's IjdIh-L05kc-00012-00003992-00004222 in the black box that you can open up IjdIh-L05kc-00013-00004223-00004335 and see IjdIh-L05kc-00014-00004336-00004447 where the two IjdIh-L05kc-00015-00004448-00004695 blow motors are at that blow air IjdIh-L05kc-00016-00004696-00005006 into the into your sleeper IjdIh-L05kc-00017-00005007-00005191 if that thing freezes up and it'll IjdIh-L05kc-00018-00005192-00005591 freeze up with ice IjdIh-L05kc-00019-00005592-00005799 one of two things can be happening that IjdIh-L05kc-00020-00005800-00006134 i know of from my personal experience IjdIh-L05kc-00021-00006135-00006446 either the free stat IjdIh-L05kc-00022-00006447-00006831 which is a sensor which is a probe that IjdIh-L05kc-00023-00006831-00007063 sticks into your IjdIh-L05kc-00024-00007064-00007278 condenser evaporator i i can't remember IjdIh-L05kc-00025-00007279-00007478 the name of it IjdIh-L05kc-00026-00007479-00007719 that sensor that probe IjdIh-L05kc-00027-00007720-00007927 keeps that from freezing up it'll sense IjdIh-L05kc-00028-00007928-00008239 the temperature and it'll shut off IjdIh-L05kc-00029-00008240-00008614 um IjdIh-L05kc-00030-00008615-00008951 can't even think of the name IjdIh-L05kc-00031-00008952-00009303 it'll it'll shut it off so to cycle IjdIh-L05kc-00032-00009304-00009414 so IjdIh-L05kc-00033-00009415-00009503 uh IjdIh-L05kc-00034-00009504-00009687 the compressor it'll shut off the IjdIh-L05kc-00035-00009688-00009927 compressor so it doesn't keep trying to IjdIh-L05kc-00036-00009928-00010151 keep it cold and that's how it freezes IjdIh-L05kc-00037-00010152-00010351 up that compressor will stay on and go IjdIh-L05kc-00038-00010352-00010487 and go and go IjdIh-L05kc-00039-00010488-00010727 and it'll freeze up if that probe of IjdIh-L05kc-00040-00010728-00010903 that sensor is bad IjdIh-L05kc-00041-00010904-00011023 okay IjdIh-L05kc-00042-00011024-00011199 this is the sensor IjdIh-L05kc-00043-00011200-00011359 that you need to get that's the part IjdIh-L05kc-00044-00011360-00011510 number IjdIh-L05kc-00045-00011511-00012223 okay IjdIh-L05kc-00046-00012224-00012599 i got this for 114 dollars IjdIh-L05kc-00047-00012600-00012871 at the um IjdIh-L05kc-00048-00012872-00013127 at the prime pitston terminal i decided IjdIh-L05kc-00049-00013128-00013383 to fix it myself i was going to wait six IjdIh-L05kc-00050-00013384-00013566 hours to get into the shop for them to IjdIh-L05kc-00051-00013568-00013663 fix it IjdIh-L05kc-00052-00013663-00014158 it's very easy to fix IjdIh-L05kc-00053-00014159-00014551 i paid for it myself i fixed it myself IjdIh-L05kc-00054-00014552-00014727 sometimes you just got to do it you know IjdIh-L05kc-00055-00014728-00014927 yes it's under warranty wouldn't it cost IjdIh-L05kc-00056-00014928-00015079 me a thing IjdIh-L05kc-00057-00015080-00015279 but it costs me time and time is money IjdIh-L05kc-00058-00015280-00015399 out here IjdIh-L05kc-00059-00015400-00015655 and i keep telling you guys this if it's IjdIh-L05kc-00060-00015656-00015903 an easy job just IjdIh-L05kc-00061-00015904-00016111 buy the part yourself fix it yourself IjdIh-L05kc-00062-00016112-00016286 and go about your your business go on IjdIh-L05kc-00063-00016287-00016486 your way IjdIh-L05kc-00064-00016487-00016735 to me it's worth doing it so let me show IjdIh-L05kc-00065-00016736-00016871 you IjdIh-L05kc-00066-00016872-00017167 what i did now i've already changed it IjdIh-L05kc-00067-00017168-00017383 but i got the uh IjdIh-L05kc-00068-00017384-00017543 the old one in here IjdIh-L05kc-00069-00017544-00017743 let me show you IjdIh-L05kc-00070-00017744-00017983 now this is this is the free stat this IjdIh-L05kc-00071-00017984-00018079 is the IjdIh-L05kc-00072-00018080-00018271 sensor IjdIh-L05kc-00073-00018272-00018511 it's got a connection on one end IjdIh-L05kc-00074-00018512-00018750 this probe goes in the other end that's IjdIh-L05kc-00075-00018751-00018894 it it's that simple IjdIh-L05kc-00076-00018895-00019103 so let me show you IjdIh-L05kc-00077-00019104-00019447 what you do is you IjdIh-L05kc-00078-00019448-00019735 take the clip take these clips off just IjdIh-L05kc-00079-00019736-00019871 this side you don't have to do the other IjdIh-L05kc-00080-00019872-00020111 side okay IjdIh-L05kc-00081-00020112-00020303 and lift it up IjdIh-L05kc-00082-00020304-00020478 okay IjdIh-L05kc-00083-00020479-00020639 this is the thing that i said it's going IjdIh-L05kc-00084-00020640-00020791 to freeze up it'll start actually IjdIh-L05kc-00085-00020792-00021014 freezing up with ice on the bottom and IjdIh-L05kc-00086-00021015-00021358 it'll work its way up when it does that IjdIh-L05kc-00087-00021359-00021655 it's not going to blow IjdIh-L05kc-00088-00021656-00021830 it's not going to blow IjdIh-L05kc-00089-00021831-00022078 a lot of air out your vents why IjdIh-L05kc-00090-00022079-00022230 because this IjdIh-L05kc-00091-00022231-00022414 is blocking air from coming in through IjdIh-L05kc-00092-00022415-00022927 here IjdIh-L05kc-00093-00022928-00023135 going through IjdIh-L05kc-00094-00023136-00023230 uh IjdIh-L05kc-00095-00023231-00023527 your blow motors okay it's very simple IjdIh-L05kc-00096-00023528-00023663 to install IjdIh-L05kc-00097-00023664-00023863 okay here's the sensor right here IjdIh-L05kc-00098-00023864-00024078 it it into right here IjdIh-L05kc-00099-00024079-00024230 and then you put it IjdIh-L05kc-00100-00024231-00024391 you see right here my fingers are at IjdIh-L05kc-00101-00024392-00024527 right there IjdIh-L05kc-00102-00024528-00024758 the end of this you put the probe back IjdIh-L05kc-00103-00024759-00024903 into the hole and you push it all the IjdIh-L05kc-00104-00024904-00025030 way in IjdIh-L05kc-00105-00025031-00025207 that's it IjdIh-L05kc-00106-00025208-00025486 that's how you install that and my IjdIh-L05kc-00107-00025487-00025887 roofer reefer duh IjdIh-L05kc-00108-00025888-00026174 my apu has been running good ever since IjdIh-L05kc-00109-00026175-00026423 it was freezing up on me IjdIh-L05kc-00110-00026424-00026551 um IjdIh-L05kc-00111-00026552-00026751 another way another reason that it'll IjdIh-L05kc-00112-00026752-00026990 freeze up on you if it's low on freon IjdIh-L05kc-00113-00026991-00027143 okay IjdIh-L05kc-00114-00027144-00027367 so IjdIh-L05kc-00115-00027368-00027783 but i've had apu's now for a while IjdIh-L05kc-00116-00027783-00028055 and i diagnosed it myself IjdIh-L05kc-00117-00028056-00028262 and decided it was my free stat IjdIh-L05kc-00118-00028263-00028479 and i was right IjdIh-L05kc-00119-00028480-00028639 and now it works great but that's all IjdIh-L05kc-00120-00028639-00028855 you have to do IjdIh-L05kc-00121-00028856-00029127 unplug it from here pull that out IjdIh-L05kc-00122-00029127-00029335 and then you get the new one in IjdIh-L05kc-00123-00029336-00029527 you push it in the same hole you poured IjdIh-L05kc-00124-00029527-00029727 it out and then you connect it right IjdIh-L05kc-00125-00029727-00029951 here IjdIh-L05kc-00126-00029952-00030199 and that's all you got to do IjdIh-L05kc-00127-00030200-00030958 and then button it up together IjdIh-L05kc-00128-00030960-00031039 also IjdIh-L05kc-00129-00031039-00031279 another tip for you guys IjdIh-L05kc-00130-00031280-00031543 change this filter up often because IjdIh-L05kc-00131-00031544-00031743 it'll get clogged up and everything and IjdIh-L05kc-00132-00031744-00031862 your IjdIh-L05kc-00133-00031863-00032111 ac won't work as good IjdIh-L05kc-00134-00032112-00032399 and also make sure you don't IjdIh-L05kc-00135-00032400-00033318 clog these fish as well IjdIh-L05kc-00136-00033319-00033518 but yeah that's it IjdIh-L05kc-00137-00033519-00033902 so yeah that's it that's um IjdIh-L05kc-00138-00033903-00034262 that's how i repaired my own uh apu IjdIh-L05kc-00139-00034263-00034471 now it's a tripec it's an evolution IjdIh-L05kc-00140-00034472-00034799 thermal king you know IjdIh-L05kc-00141-00034800-00035015 before this truck i used to have a rig IjdIh-L05kc-00142-00035016-00035359 master i love that rig master IjdIh-L05kc-00143-00035360-00035615 it was easy to work on IjdIh-L05kc-00144-00035616-00035902 it's just the way it was designed IjdIh-L05kc-00145-00035903-00036087 you take that whole front cover off and IjdIh-L05kc-00146-00036088-00036246 boom everything is exposed i mean IjdIh-L05kc-00147-00036247-00036439 sometimes i had to take the cup the left IjdIh-L05kc-00148-00036440-00036646 side cover off IjdIh-L05kc-00149-00036647-00036879 um to get to IjdIh-L05kc-00150-00036880-00037167 the alternator IjdIh-L05kc-00151-00037168-00037399 i'll change that but IjdIh-L05kc-00152-00037400-00037615 on this uh thermal king is thermoking IjdIh-L05kc-00153-00037616-00037751 apu IjdIh-L05kc-00154-00037752-00038151 i i haven't done any any IjdIh-L05kc-00155-00038152-00038335 hard repairs like IjdIh-L05kc-00156-00038336-00038590 changing out the starter or uh IjdIh-L05kc-00157-00038591-00038823 or the alternator i did i'll take it to IjdIh-L05kc-00158-00038824-00039095 the thermoking have them do that IjdIh-L05kc-00159-00039096-00039279 because i don't own this IjdIh-L05kc-00160-00039280-00039462 truck i don't own IjdIh-L05kc-00161-00039463-00039767 the apu my other truck i owned IjdIh-L05kc-00162-00039768-00039974 it was all mine it was paid in full i IjdIh-L05kc-00163-00039975-00040143 had the title IjdIh-L05kc-00164-00040144-00040479 i did my own repairs IjdIh-L05kc-00165-00040480-00040727 but IjdIh-L05kc-00166-00040728-00041039 in this particular situation IjdIh-L05kc-00167-00041040-00041230 i didn't want to wait to get into the IjdIh-L05kc-00168-00041231-00041583 shop because i needed some sleep IjdIh-L05kc-00169-00041584-00041807 so i decided to go into the pittston IjdIh-L05kc-00170-00041808-00041943 parts room IjdIh-L05kc-00171-00041944-00042487 buy the freestat 114 dollars IjdIh-L05kc-00172-00042488-00042671 it took me IjdIh-L05kc-00173-00042672-00042895 five minutes IjdIh-L05kc-00174-00042896-00043111 to install it and i was good to go and IjdIh-L05kc-00175-00043112-00043255 then i went to bed IjdIh-L05kc-00176-00043256-00043407 and my apu IjdIh-L05kc-00177-00043408-00043639 the ac is freezing me out it's freezing IjdIh-L05kc-00178-00043640-00043911 in here even at IjdIh-L05kc-00179-00043912-00044183 warm very hot temperatures IjdIh-L05kc-00180-00044184-00044351 so but sometimes you just have to do IjdIh-L05kc-00181-00044352-00044567 things yourself man if you want to IjdIh-L05kc-00182-00044568-00044895 depending on the situation you know IjdIh-L05kc-00183-00044896-00045062 um IjdIh-L05kc-00184-00045063-00045239 i knew i wasn't it wasn't going to get IjdIh-L05kc-00185-00045240-00045390 cold in here IjdIh-L05kc-00186-00045391-00045527 because like i said IjdIh-L05kc-00187-00045528-00045751 it'll still blow out cold air even when IjdIh-L05kc-00188-00045752-00045990 it's freezing but it the the IjdIh-L05kc-00189-00045991-00046255 the fl the amount of flow of the air IjdIh-L05kc-00190-00046256-00046407 that's coming through your vents is IjdIh-L05kc-00191-00046408-00046815 reduced a lot because that IjdIh-L05kc-00192-00046816-00047079 radiator evaporator condenser is IjdIh-L05kc-00193-00047080-00047374 freezing up with ice solid ice and it'll IjdIh-L05kc-00194-00047375-00047551 work its way up and when it does that IjdIh-L05kc-00195-00047552-00047774 it's blocking the air from coming from IjdIh-L05kc-00196-00047775-00047983 the outside in IjdIh-L05kc-00197-00047984-00048167 it's reduced IjdIh-L05kc-00198-00048168-00048311 and that's how you know you're freezing IjdIh-L05kc-00199-00048312-00048471 up IjdIh-L05kc-00200-00048472-00048639 and that can go checking on it looking IjdIh-L05kc-00201-00048640-00049083 at it see that is freezing up IjdIh-L05kc-00202-00049084-00049455 um easy repair very very easy anybody IjdIh-L05kc-00203-00049456-00049567 can do it IjdIh-L05kc-00204-00049568-00049751 it's simple IjdIh-L05kc-00205-00049752-00049943 unplug the old one take the probe pull IjdIh-L05kc-00206-00049944-00050118 the probe out IjdIh-L05kc-00207-00050119-00050358 take the new one put the probe IjdIh-L05kc-00208-00050359-00050590 put the probe back in the same hole that IjdIh-L05kc-00209-00050591-00050815 it that you pull the other one out IjdIh-L05kc-00210-00050816-00050974 you know when you put it in there it'll IjdIh-L05kc-00211-00050975-00051127 just go right on in just push it in IjdIh-L05kc-00212-00051128-00051279 it'll fit itself IjdIh-L05kc-00213-00051279-00051454 and then you connect the other end to IjdIh-L05kc-00214-00051455-00051782 the connector that's it you're done IjdIh-L05kc-00215-00051783-00052046 very simple anyway IjdIh-L05kc-00216-00052047-00052294 if this is very helpful you helpful for IjdIh-L05kc-00217-00052295-00052542 you IjdIh-L05kc-00218-00052544-00052750 like just and like this video subscribe IjdIh-L05kc-00219-00052751-00052991 if you haven't subscribed yet leave a IjdIh-L05kc-00220-00052991-00053279 comment down below what you think and if IjdIh-L05kc-00221-00053279-00053719 a situation like this have helped you IjdIh-L05kc-00222-00053720-00054119 and i'll see you in the next video IjdIh-L05kc-00223-00054120-00055415 [Music] IjdIh-L05kc-00224-00055416-00055624 you IlLQQP4kuWY-00000-00000071-00001614 [Music] IlLQQP4kuWY-00001-00001616-00001838 hey Ravens welcome this week's edition IlLQQP4kuWY-00002-00001839-00002009 of onw now I'm San Miguel alongside IlLQQP4kuWY-00003-00002010-00002225 Jacob Guernsey today we have a recap on IlLQQP4kuWY-00004-00002226-00002402 trunk-or-treat a sneak peek behind the IlLQQP4kuWY-00005-00002403-00002504 scenes of Guys and Dolls IlLQQP4kuWY-00006-00002505-00002720 a recap of sports with game day and more IlLQQP4kuWY-00007-00002721-00002918 so without further ado let's get started IlLQQP4kuWY-00008-00002919-00003215 Ravens onw theater is known for its IlLQQP4kuWY-00009-00003215-00003404 fantastic musicals this year they're IlLQQP4kuWY-00010-00003404-00003556 performing the Broadway renowned musical IlLQQP4kuWY-00011-00003557-00003743 Guys and Dolls let's take it to Riley IlLQQP4kuWY-00012-00003744-00003929 Kramer and grace jursic for a story on IlLQQP4kuWY-00013-00003929-00004403 when actresses theatrical journey senior IlLQQP4kuWY-00014-00004404-00004592 McKenzie Durer has worked her way to the IlLQQP4kuWY-00015-00004593-00004796 top to become one of the lead roles in IlLQQP4kuWY-00016-00004797-00004871 Guys and Dolls IlLQQP4kuWY-00017-00004872-00005056 I started in choir and I was taking IlLQQP4kuWY-00018-00005057-00005252 acting classes so I've been in all the IlLQQP4kuWY-00019-00005253-00005497 musicals here on w we had was your IlLQQP4kuWY-00020-00005498-00005663 Diwali freshman year and then now we're IlLQQP4kuWY-00021-00005664-00005813 doing Guys and Dolls my senior year and IlLQQP4kuWY-00022-00005814-00006022 it's just been like a really cool IlLQQP4kuWY-00023-00006023-00006278 experience just kind of like moving up IlLQQP4kuWY-00024-00006279-00006806 the scale for theater being a leader IlLQQP4kuWY-00025-00006806-00007013 owned of you has always been a goal for IlLQQP4kuWY-00026-00007014-00007210 Mackenzie and now all of her hard work IlLQQP4kuWY-00027-00007211-00007430 has paid off ever since I was in Middle IlLQQP4kuWY-00028-00007431-00007552 School I remember coming to Olathe IlLQQP4kuWY-00029-00007553-00007769 Northwest and watching all of the IlLQQP4kuWY-00030-00007770-00007934 theater kids perform and just like IlLQQP4kuWY-00031-00007934-00008155 gleaming at them and just wanting to be IlLQQP4kuWY-00032-00008156-00008281 a lead someday and so it's just been IlLQQP4kuWY-00033-00008282-00008464 really cool like having all the work IlLQQP4kuWY-00034-00008465-00008612 that I've put forth and finally being IlLQQP4kuWY-00035-00008613-00008839 able to be a lead in a musical theater IlLQQP4kuWY-00036-00008840-00009052 instructor miss Murphy has watched IlLQQP4kuWY-00037-00009053-00009246 Mackenzie grow through her years here IlLQQP4kuWY-00038-00009247-00009566 her professionalism is very evident her IlLQQP4kuWY-00039-00009567-00009838 talent is very evident and so it was so IlLQQP4kuWY-00040-00009839-00010138 delightful that she was the right fit IlLQQP4kuWY-00041-00010139-00010414 for Adelaide this year even though IlLQQP4kuWY-00042-00010415-00010637 Mackenzie's career here at Northwest is IlLQQP4kuWY-00043-00010638-00010849 coming to an end she's pursuing her IlLQQP4kuWY-00044-00010850-00011071 other interests beyond high school Peter IlLQQP4kuWY-00045-00011072-00011251 will always be a part of me I'm not IlLQQP4kuWY-00046-00011252-00011333 going to pursue it as a career IlLQQP4kuWY-00047-00011334-00011480 necessarily because I'm interested in IlLQQP4kuWY-00048-00011481-00011617 more of like the medical I want to be a IlLQQP4kuWY-00049-00011618-00011827 pediatrician but I think through my IlLQQP4kuWY-00050-00011828-00012010 college I'm gonna you know do little IlLQQP4kuWY-00051-00012011-00012142 things with theater and just get IlLQQP4kuWY-00052-00012143-00012305 involved in various ways just because IlLQQP4kuWY-00053-00012306-00012437 it's always gonna be a passion of mine IlLQQP4kuWY-00054-00012438-00012589 and it's always gonna like be true to my IlLQQP4kuWY-00055-00012590-00012727 heart just cuz I love the feeling of IlLQQP4kuWY-00056-00012728-00012910 performing on stage so I don't think IlLQQP4kuWY-00057-00012911-00013013 that's something that I'll ever want to IlLQQP4kuWY-00058-00013013-00013241 let go be sure and come see Guys and IlLQQP4kuWY-00059-00013241-00013493 Dolls November 2nd through the 4th at 7 IlLQQP4kuWY-00060-00013494-00013744 p.m. for onw now this has been graced IlLQQP4kuWY-00061-00013746-00013944 your Zack and Riley IlLQQP4kuWY-00062-00013945-00014122 trucker trade this year was a huge IlLQQP4kuWY-00063-00014123-00014336 success run Stanley in Sydney weeks give IlLQQP4kuWY-00064-00014337-00014611 us the details candy costumes and cute IlLQQP4kuWY-00065-00014612-00014809 kids everything a successful Halloween IlLQQP4kuWY-00066-00014810-00015153 needs what are you doing here today IlLQQP4kuWY-00067-00015154-00015355 Northwest students were quick to take up IlLQQP4kuWY-00068-00015356-00015520 the opportunity to raise money and IlLQQP4kuWY-00069-00015521-00015674 provide a fun place for kids to IlLQQP4kuWY-00070-00015675-00015869 trick-or-treat so we're trying to IlLQQP4kuWY-00071-00015869-00016075 provide like a safe environment for kids IlLQQP4kuWY-00072-00016076-00016436 to come and get like candy hang with all IlLQQP4kuWY-00073-00016437-00016586 their friends but also be able to IlLQQP4kuWY-00074-00016587-00016762 experience like all the students out of IlLQQP4kuWY-00075-00016763-00016969 Lathan Northwest and like all the clubs IlLQQP4kuWY-00076-00016970-00017167 that we've been doing senior Kaley IlLQQP4kuWY-00077-00017168-00017359 Koppelman explains what it took to put IlLQQP4kuWY-00078-00017360-00017620 this event together there was a lot of IlLQQP4kuWY-00079-00017621-00017818 planning like we had to find out all the IlLQQP4kuWY-00080-00017819-00017968 clubs that were like wanting to be a IlLQQP4kuWY-00081-00017969-00018128 part of it there was a lot of IlLQQP4kuWY-00082-00018129-00018302 advertisement so we make sure we could IlLQQP4kuWY-00083-00018303-00018475 get a lot of the kids in the community IlLQQP4kuWY-00084-00018476-00018658 because that was the goal thank you to IlLQQP4kuWY-00085-00018659-00018817 all who participated in this special IlLQQP4kuWY-00086-00018818-00019006 event for O&W now this has been run IlLQQP4kuWY-00087-00019007-00019211 Stanley in Sydney weeks now back to the IlLQQP4kuWY-00088-00019212-00019574 desk last week our Northwest engineering IlLQQP4kuWY-00089-00019575-00019772 team held a costume reveal presenting a IlLQQP4kuWY-00090-00019773-00019961 special Halloween gift for a local young IlLQQP4kuWY-00091-00019962-00020170 boy let's send it to Jacob Kauffman with IlLQQP4kuWY-00092-00020171-00020419 the details for over 100 years on the IlLQQP4kuWY-00093-00020420-00020627 final day of October children dressed up IlLQQP4kuWY-00094-00020628-00020839 as heroes villains and just about any IlLQQP4kuWY-00095-00020840-00021049 person or thing you can think of the IlLQQP4kuWY-00096-00021050-00021205 being confined to a wheelchair makes it IlLQQP4kuWY-00097-00021206-00021446 very difficult to find a costume for six IlLQQP4kuWY-00098-00021447-00021661 year old Gabe that changed this year IlLQQP4kuWY-00099-00021662-00021914 play the Northwest's engineering about a IlLQQP4kuWY-00100-00021915-00022117 world class in partnership with Walken IlLQQP4kuWY-00101-00022118-00022342 and Roland costumes work for two months IlLQQP4kuWY-00102-00022343-00022600 to make this a paw patrol police car IlLQQP4kuWY-00103-00022601-00022778 complete with siren lights IlLQQP4kuWY-00104-00022779-00022984 Gabe's name proudly displayed on the IlLQQP4kuWY-00105-00022985-00023249 front and tires this is the second year IlLQQP4kuWY-00106-00023250-00023440 walking rollin as it made a costume with IlLQQP4kuWY-00107-00023441-00023761 own W but a first for the lillies they IlLQQP4kuWY-00108-00023762-00024037 obviously chose us through mobility IlLQQP4kuWY-00109-00024038-00024289 conference that we went to forgave and IlLQQP4kuWY-00110-00024290-00024617 they chose gave to be able to pick this IlLQQP4kuWY-00111-00024618-00024784 costume siren seems to be Gabe's IlLQQP4kuWY-00112-00024785-00024967 favorite part announcing his presence to IlLQQP4kuWY-00113-00024968-00025373 everyone we can hear it IlLQQP4kuWY-00114-00025374-00025622 the engineering came worked very hard to IlLQQP4kuWY-00115-00025623-00025749 get this costume done on time and IlLQQP4kuWY-00116-00025750-00025914 enjoyed every minute of it IlLQQP4kuWY-00117-00025914-00026072 my favorite part for sure was just IlLQQP4kuWY-00118-00026073-00026195 seeing the look on his face when this IlLQQP4kuWY-00119-00026197-00026382 thing was revealed he he seemed to be IlLQQP4kuWY-00120-00026383-00026598 having a ton of fun with it and is as IlLQQP4kuWY-00121-00026599-00026838 rewarding as I expected it to be he gave IlLQQP4kuWY-00122-00026839-00026997 and his family plan to use the new IlLQQP4kuWY-00123-00026998-00027147 costume freeze even more than IlLQQP4kuWY-00124-00027148-00027282 trick-or-treating on Halloween there's IlLQQP4kuWY-00125-00027283-00027519 um school parade that he's gonna be in IlLQQP4kuWY-00126-00027520-00027845 next week as well as a party at a school IlLQQP4kuWY-00127-00027847-00028038 wishing luck to Gabe and his candy IlLQQP4kuWY-00128-00028039-00028227 collecting quest this has been Jacob IlLQQP4kuWY-00129-00028227-00028860 coffin now back to the desk Olathe IlLQQP4kuWY-00130-00028861-00028998 Northwest has been conquering the world IlLQQP4kuWY-00131-00028999-00029148 of sports let's take a big game day to IlLQQP4kuWY-00132-00029149-00029292 hear what's been going on hey Ravens IlLQQP4kuWY-00133-00029293-00029469 welcome to game day Northwest I'm Jake IlLQQP4kuWY-00134-00029470-00029667 Earl with CJ friedenberg Halloween night IlLQQP4kuWY-00135-00029668-00029826 sure was cold but that didn't stop Raven IlLQQP4kuWY-00136-00029827-00030032 nation from 14 soccer and their costumes IlLQQP4kuWY-00137-00030033-00030330 the Olathe North West boys soccer team IlLQQP4kuWY-00138-00030331-00030504 unfortunately lost against a tough flu IlLQQP4kuWY-00139-00030505-00030705 by West Team dropping in Game three to IlLQQP4kuWY-00140-00030706-00030864 zero and a chance to play in the state IlLQQP4kuWY-00141-00030864-00031064 semis Friday the Ravens had a chance to IlLQQP4kuWY-00142-00031066-00031200 score but the boys couldn't quite get IlLQQP4kuWY-00143-00031201-00031395 the ball in the back of the net the team IlLQQP4kuWY-00144-00031395-00031658 finished 16 1 & 2 only dropping one IlLQQP4kuWY-00145-00031660-00031860 match of the entire season Congrats guys IlLQQP4kuWY-00146-00031861-00032088 on a great season even with the tough IlLQQP4kuWY-00147-00032089-00032252 defeat Tuesday night several Ravens IlLQQP4kuWY-00148-00032254-00032414 received postseason awards including a IlLQQP4kuWY-00149-00032416-00032592 beam Caliphate with sunflower league IlLQQP4kuWY-00150-00032593-00032742 defender of the year IlLQQP4kuWY-00151-00032743-00032934 Kaleb Raglan taking home some fire IlLQQP4kuWY-00152-00032935-00033114 league midfielder of the year and chase IlLQQP4kuWY-00153-00033115-00033279 Guzman with sunflower league Ford of the IlLQQP4kuWY-00154-00033280-00033558 Year well done boys last Saturday our IlLQQP4kuWY-00155-00033559-00033732 Raven volleyball team travels Deepika IlLQQP4kuWY-00156-00033733-00033854 for state and did the unthinkable IlLQQP4kuWY-00157-00033855-00034151 winning back-to-back state championships IlLQQP4kuWY-00158-00034152-00034386 they went through Hutchinson Manhattan IlLQQP4kuWY-00159-00034387-00034548 Blue Valley north on Friday to get to IlLQQP4kuWY-00160-00034549-00034749 the finals defeating Washburn were all IlLQQP4kuWY-00161-00034750-00034887 they advances a championship for a IlLQQP4kuWY-00162-00034888-00035085 rematch of last year's game against Blue IlLQQP4kuWY-00163-00035086-00035286 Valley West after winning the first six IlLQQP4kuWY-00164-00035287-00035439 points of the set building an early lead IlLQQP4kuWY-00165-00035440-00035778 the Ravens would win a set 25 to 80 it IlLQQP4kuWY-00166-00035779-00035921 was a close battle in the second set IlLQQP4kuWY-00167-00035922-00036186 Blue Valley West was up 16 to 11 before IlLQQP4kuWY-00168-00036187-00036371 the Ravens rattled off an amazing 11 IlLQQP4kuWY-00169-00036372-00036587 straight points on their way to another IlLQQP4kuWY-00170-00036588-00036821 25:18 victory clinching back-to-back IlLQQP4kuWY-00171-00036822-00037029 state titles this is the first time any IlLQQP4kuWY-00172-00037030-00037170 sports team has gone back-to-back in IlLQQP4kuWY-00173-00037171-00037317 Northwest history throughout the IlLQQP4kuWY-00174-00037318-00037461 tournament the girls only dropped one IlLQQP4kuWY-00175-00037462-00037515 set IlLQQP4kuWY-00176-00037516-00037806 we're actually younger than the team IlLQQP4kuWY-00177-00037807-00037950 that we had last year so we had some IlLQQP4kuWY-00178-00037951-00038064 younger players that are maybe IlLQQP4kuWY-00179-00038065-00038325 sophomores or juniors that had to step IlLQQP4kuWY-00180-00038326-00038405 up IlLQQP4kuWY-00181-00038406-00038587 and a freshman that had to step up and IlLQQP4kuWY-00182-00038588-00038804 play at a high level and credit to them IlLQQP4kuWY-00183-00038805-00038990 because they worked their tails off I'm IlLQQP4kuWY-00184-00038991-00039265 all season long last year it was kind of IlLQQP4kuWY-00185-00039266-00039590 like we had a lot of motivation and our IlLQQP4kuWY-00186-00039591-00039734 team was really good so a lot of people IlLQQP4kuWY-00187-00039735-00039902 were expecting us to win but this year IlLQQP4kuWY-00188-00039903-00040043 no one thought we were gonna be as good IlLQQP4kuWY-00189-00040044-00040259 so I'm just really proud of the way we IlLQQP4kuWY-00190-00040260-00040421 came out and it felt different because IlLQQP4kuWY-00191-00040422-00040615 we had we had something to prove IlLQQP4kuWY-00192-00040616-00040811 we had a title to hold and we did it so IlLQQP4kuWY-00193-00040812-00041024 I'm proud of that the football team took IlLQQP4kuWY-00194-00041025-00041180 on Shawnee Mission South Raiders for the IlLQQP4kuWY-00195-00041181-00041360 second week in a row in true Northwest IlLQQP4kuWY-00196-00041361-00041501 fashion the Ravens came out strong and IlLQQP4kuWY-00197-00041502-00041669 held their own throughout the entire IlLQQP4kuWY-00198-00041670-00041930 game beating the Raiders 34 to 8 the IlLQQP4kuWY-00199-00041931-00042110 Ravens came out ready to win their very IlLQQP4kuWY-00200-00042111-00042383 first playoff game the first play of the IlLQQP4kuWY-00201-00042384-00042605 game started off well when Braden cooked IlLQQP4kuWY-00202-00042606-00042785 Blom's have passed to Weston Davis IlLQQP4kuWY-00203-00042786-00042977 setting up a good field position with a IlLQQP4kuWY-00204-00042978-00043315 35 yard game the next play Andrew Dumas IlLQQP4kuWY-00205-00043316-00043571 dodges multiple tacklers and sets up for IlLQQP4kuWY-00206-00043572-00043864 Ravens very first touchdown of the game IlLQQP4kuWY-00207-00043865-00044129 minutes later the Ravens are dangerously IlLQQP4kuWY-00208-00044130-00044330 close to scoring Trevor Adams slams IlLQQP4kuWY-00209-00044331-00044501 through line smashes the running back IlLQQP4kuWY-00210-00044502-00044801 and loses the Raiders for yards after IlLQQP4kuWY-00211-00044802-00045083 that Jack parks makes a leaping catch IlLQQP4kuWY-00212-00045084-00045367 for a Ravens killer first down on IlLQQP4kuWY-00213-00045368-00045626 defense Trevor Adam blitz is catching IlLQQP4kuWY-00214-00045627-00045758 the running back off guard and causing a IlLQQP4kuWY-00215-00045759-00046013 fumble to finish the game we handed the IlLQQP4kuWY-00216-00046014-00046199 ball to John Bowman who scored the final IlLQQP4kuWY-00217-00046200-00046760 touchdown of the night last Saturday two IlLQQP4kuWY-00218-00046761-00046967 of our very own Ravens Ashton Dayne and IlLQQP4kuWY-00219-00046968-00047207 Leah Wellman placed 31st and 67th at the IlLQQP4kuWY-00220-00047208-00047377 state cross country meet held at rim IlLQQP4kuWY-00221-00047378-00047587 rock farms great job ladies and that's IlLQQP4kuWY-00222-00047588-00047732 all for sports this week back to the IlLQQP4kuWY-00223-00047733-00047786 desk IlLQQP4kuWY-00224-00047787-00047981 Ravens do you want to show off your love IlLQQP4kuWY-00225-00047982-00048257 for onw next Thursday November 9th we IlLQQP4kuWY-00226-00048258-00048412 will hope you having an all-school lift IlLQQP4kuWY-00227-00048413-00048565 up video and we want everyone to IlLQQP4kuWY-00228-00048566-00048764 participate for those of you in clubs IlLQQP4kuWY-00229-00048765-00048950 and athletics talk to your sponsors and IlLQQP4kuWY-00230-00048951-00049165 coaches for further information now IlLQQP4kuWY-00231-00049166-00049312 let's take it to e communication IlLQQP4kuWY-00232-00049313-00049529 entertainment for a teaser of next IlLQQP4kuWY-00234-00052962-00053214 on Wednesday miss Wingfield's physics IlLQQP4kuWY-00235-00053215-00053361 class came together to present their IlLQQP4kuWY-00236-00053362-00053535 ideas on how we can make waves to make IlLQQP4kuWY-00237-00053536-00053751 beneficial changes in society miss IlLQQP4kuWY-00238-00053752-00053916 Wingfield's regular physics class has IlLQQP4kuWY-00239-00053916-00054114 taken a new stance to teaching by doing IlLQQP4kuWY-00240-00054115-00054291 projects throughout the year to promote IlLQQP4kuWY-00241-00054291-00054444 a better learning and understanding of IlLQQP4kuWY-00242-00054445-00054842 the material so we use two speakers we IlLQQP4kuWY-00243-00054844-00055079 use one to represent the earthquake and IlLQQP4kuWY-00244-00055080-00055266 sound waves to represent seismic waves IlLQQP4kuWY-00245-00055266-00055647 and we use another speaker to neutralize IlLQQP4kuWY-00246-00055648-00056016 it but we had people punch clippings on IlLQQP4kuWY-00247-00056016-00056283 the top to represent that's all we have IlLQQP4kuWY-00248-00056284-00056433 for today ribbons don't forget to watch IlLQQP4kuWY-00249-00056434-00056607 the rave a minute tomorrow and also IlLQQP4kuWY-00250-00056608-00056790 don't forget to add us on snapchat at IlLQQP4kuWY-00251-00056791-00057234 onw now and on twitter at OMB to keep up IlLQQP4kuWY-00252-00057235-00057504 with what's going on for jacob grimsey IlLQQP4kuWY-00253-00057504-00057639 and the rest of the convergence team i'm IlLQQP4kuWY-00254-00057640-00058004 sarah miguel have a great week Ravens Jo2ysYwFgFc-00000-00000000-00000142 so you want to get healthy this is a Jo2ysYwFgFc-00001-00000143-00000366 great idea the only thing that surprises Jo2ysYwFgFc-00002-00000367-00000607 me about people wanting to get healthy Jo2ysYwFgFc-00003-00000608-00000799 is that they they oftentimes overlook Jo2ysYwFgFc-00004-00000800-00001070 the simplest of things like for instance Jo2ysYwFgFc-00005-00001071-00001254 oh i want to get healthy so i have to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00006-00001255-00001447 get a gym membership even though i had Jo2ysYwFgFc-00007-00001448-00001630 never worked out for a day in the past Jo2ysYwFgFc-00008-00001632-00001998 three months and or three years or 30 Jo2ysYwFgFc-00009-00002000-00002095 years Jo2ysYwFgFc-00010-00002096-00002318 and then i'm gonna go every day Jo2ysYwFgFc-00011-00002319-00002479 don't overlook the little things like Jo2ysYwFgFc-00012-00002480-00002695 going for a walk i mean just a simple Jo2ysYwFgFc-00013-00002696-00002871 just a simple act of going for a daily Jo2ysYwFgFc-00014-00002872-00003166 walk can have tremendous effect on your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00015-00003167-00003390 overall health and one of the things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00016-00003392-00003606 that we overlook that is just a very Jo2ysYwFgFc-00017-00003607-00003806 simple thing but really helps us to get Jo2ysYwFgFc-00018-00003807-00004119 a lot better is drinking water i mean Jo2ysYwFgFc-00019-00004120-00004319 everybody knows drink water you know hey Jo2ysYwFgFc-00020-00004320-00004511 our bodies are mostly made out of water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00021-00004512-00004695 we all know these things but we don't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00022-00004696-00004806 really Jo2ysYwFgFc-00023-00004807-00005063 do them and so it's become like oh yeah Jo2ysYwFgFc-00024-00005064-00005270 i'll drink water i'll drink more water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00025-00005271-00005454 and but then we don't and then we get Jo2ysYwFgFc-00026-00005455-00005622 like these special bottles that's like Jo2ysYwFgFc-00027-00005623-00005831 have marks on them for how much to drink Jo2ysYwFgFc-00028-00005832-00006015 by what part of the day and then we Jo2ysYwFgFc-00029-00006016-00006206 don't really use them oh it got dirty i Jo2ysYwFgFc-00030-00006207-00006334 have to wash it you know or whatever and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00031-00006335-00006486 it's like well Jo2ysYwFgFc-00032-00006487-00006678 this is a very simple thing that you can Jo2ysYwFgFc-00033-00006679-00006991 do that affects most everything Jo2ysYwFgFc-00034-00006992-00007303 in your life um it'll affect how how the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00035-00007304-00007519 quality of sleep it'll affect qual how Jo2ysYwFgFc-00036-00007520-00007719 you feel when you wake up it's amazing Jo2ysYwFgFc-00037-00007720-00007983 how much drinking water can just change Jo2ysYwFgFc-00038-00007984-00008151 everything if you are getting ready to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00039-00008152-00008351 exercise make sure to drink water before Jo2ysYwFgFc-00040-00008352-00008527 you exercise but then also people forget Jo2ysYwFgFc-00041-00008528-00008759 about this keep drinking water during Jo2ysYwFgFc-00042-00008760-00009039 exercise you don't want to be just Jo2ysYwFgFc-00043-00009040-00009231 sitting there dehydrating yourself and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00044-00009232-00009399 have nothing else going back in Jo2ysYwFgFc-00045-00009400-00009551 obviously you don't want to overdo it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00046-00009552-00009727 like you don't want to be drinking like Jo2ysYwFgFc-00047-00009728-00009967 two gallons a day or some nonsense but Jo2ysYwFgFc-00048-00009968-00010151 with that being said Jo2ysYwFgFc-00049-00010152-00010287 if Jo2ysYwFgFc-00050-00010288-00010503 it really depends on your activity level Jo2ysYwFgFc-00051-00010504-00010703 and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00052-00010704-00010878 your body size and those kinds of things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00053-00010879-00011078 so Jo2ysYwFgFc-00054-00011079-00011206 all these things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00055-00011207-00011319 let me just kind of clarify what i'm Jo2ysYwFgFc-00056-00011320-00011495 talking about okay first off water is Jo2ysYwFgFc-00057-00011496-00011638 really like a miracle cure people don't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00058-00011639-00011878 talk about this a lot but it really is Jo2ysYwFgFc-00059-00011879-00012135 if you are the only example that i can Jo2ysYwFgFc-00060-00012136-00012319 think of that that water is not great Jo2ysYwFgFc-00061-00012320-00012687 besides over hydrating is where you are Jo2ysYwFgFc-00062-00012688-00012774 on Jo2ysYwFgFc-00063-00012775-00012983 a liquid limited diet like i have a Jo2ysYwFgFc-00064-00012984-00013263 friend who has uh renal failure he has Jo2ysYwFgFc-00065-00013263-00013615 his kidneys he is on dialysis and so he Jo2ysYwFgFc-00066-00013616-00013951 has to limit his water his liquid intake Jo2ysYwFgFc-00067-00013952-00014079 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00068-00014080-00014303 because of that but that's one of the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00069-00014304-00014543 few situations where more water doesn't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00070-00014544-00014727 help like most everything that you do in Jo2ysYwFgFc-00071-00014728-00014894 life water is not going to do anything Jo2ysYwFgFc-00072-00014895-00015007 to hurt it it's going to make it better Jo2ysYwFgFc-00073-00015008-00015158 it's like stress right like you want to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00074-00015159-00015358 be healthier people don't say well Jo2ysYwFgFc-00075-00015359-00015503 try and you know take it easy try and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00076-00015504-00015647 relax a little bit Jo2ysYwFgFc-00077-00015647-00015830 just lowering your stress level impacts Jo2ysYwFgFc-00078-00015831-00015983 your whole life Jo2ysYwFgFc-00079-00015984-00016143 so okay let's talk about some of the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00080-00016144-00016303 more specific things that water can help Jo2ysYwFgFc-00081-00016304-00016599 i have colitis and with colitis Jo2ysYwFgFc-00082-00016600-00016783 staying hydrated is absolutely essential Jo2ysYwFgFc-00083-00016784-00016927 for managing it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00084-00016928-00017111 if you don't drink enough water it's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00085-00017112-00017230 going to affect Jo2ysYwFgFc-00086-00017231-00017391 i mean your recovery how well the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00087-00017392-00017511 medicine works Jo2ysYwFgFc-00088-00017512-00017679 in fact the medicine cannot also cause Jo2ysYwFgFc-00089-00017680-00017775 kidney Jo2ysYwFgFc-00090-00017776-00017927 kidney stones if you aren't drinking Jo2ysYwFgFc-00091-00017928-00018055 enough water so i mean it's kind of one Jo2ysYwFgFc-00092-00018056-00018183 of those things where you kind of have Jo2ysYwFgFc-00093-00018184-00018375 to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00094-00018376-00018575 and when i when i exercise it it seems Jo2ysYwFgFc-00095-00018576-00018783 like it takes a little bit more out of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00096-00018784-00019094 me than it did before and so water is Jo2ysYwFgFc-00097-00019095-00019319 one of those things that just it really Jo2ysYwFgFc-00098-00019320-00019439 helps Jo2ysYwFgFc-00099-00019440-00019683 those things to work correctly Jo2ysYwFgFc-00100-00019684-00019958 um if you have diabetes Jo2ysYwFgFc-00101-00019959-00020143 drinking more more water can help you Jo2ysYwFgFc-00102-00020144-00020271 lower your blood sugar because your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00103-00020272-00020463 water will pass the sugar out through Jo2ysYwFgFc-00104-00020464-00020575 your um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00105-00020576-00020783 through your urine when you get sick and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00106-00020784-00020927 you drink water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00107-00020928-00021014 it won't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00108-00021015-00021191 impact you as bad Jo2ysYwFgFc-00109-00021192-00021471 you'll have a faster recovery rate Jo2ysYwFgFc-00110-00021472-00021599 if you sing Jo2ysYwFgFc-00111-00021600-00021758 drinking water helps your voice to have Jo2ysYwFgFc-00112-00021759-00021839 a Jo2ysYwFgFc-00113-00021840-00022047 better range and and to feel better and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00114-00022048-00022327 for you to have more control over it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00115-00022328-00022535 if you are Jo2ysYwFgFc-00116-00022536-00022686 when you're eating and if you drink Jo2ysYwFgFc-00117-00022687-00022927 water it helps your body to process the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00118-00022928-00023078 water better i mean the food better Jo2ysYwFgFc-00119-00023079-00023358 which in turn helps you to be healthier Jo2ysYwFgFc-00120-00023359-00023591 not to get so clogged for instance Jo2ysYwFgFc-00121-00023592-00023735 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00122-00023736-00023935 if you are trying to lose weight one of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00123-00023936-00024127 the one of the one of the best ways to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00124-00024128-00024319 help you lose weight drink water and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00125-00024320-00024471 that's for a lot of different reasons Jo2ysYwFgFc-00126-00024472-00024614 first off it helps your body to work Jo2ysYwFgFc-00127-00024615-00024855 correctly second off it helps you to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00128-00024856-00025007 feel fuller Jo2ysYwFgFc-00129-00025008-00025175 so you don't eat as much and a lot of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00130-00025176-00025350 times we overeat because we're just Jo2ysYwFgFc-00131-00025351-00025542 bored eating so if you're drinking more Jo2ysYwFgFc-00132-00025543-00025814 water it kind of helps that to not be as Jo2ysYwFgFc-00133-00025816-00025974 strong still going to struggle with it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00134-00025975-00026206 just not as strong Jo2ysYwFgFc-00135-00026207-00026431 it is one of those Jo2ysYwFgFc-00136-00026432-00026527 one of those things where it helps your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00137-00026527-00026702 body to work as it's supposed to for Jo2ysYwFgFc-00138-00026704-00026974 your exercise um you know a lot of times Jo2ysYwFgFc-00139-00026975-00027158 we lose water weight and we think oh Jo2ysYwFgFc-00140-00027160-00027390 look how much weight i've lost it's like Jo2ysYwFgFc-00141-00027391-00027807 yeah you didn't though like there's no Jo2ysYwFgFc-00142-00027808-00027983 it's one of those things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00143-00027983-00028207 um if you are having headaches drinking Jo2ysYwFgFc-00144-00028208-00028423 water can help um if you have problems Jo2ysYwFgFc-00145-00028424-00028679 with allergies drinking water will help Jo2ysYwFgFc-00146-00028680-00028935 if you um because remember allergies Jo2ysYwFgFc-00147-00028936-00029046 you're talking about mucus and your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00148-00029047-00029246 body's producing this and whatnot and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00149-00029247-00029407 when you drink water it helps flush it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00150-00029408-00029574 through it helps to clear it but then Jo2ysYwFgFc-00151-00029575-00029814 also your body is using up the water in Jo2ysYwFgFc-00152-00029816-00030031 your body to like fight illnesses to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00153-00030032-00030158 fight allergies to do all these Jo2ysYwFgFc-00154-00030160-00030327 different things well if you drink Jo2ysYwFgFc-00155-00030327-00030439 drinking water it's going to help your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00156-00030439-00030655 body to feel better as it's working Jo2ysYwFgFc-00157-00030656-00030807 through this it can actually lower your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00158-00030808-00030943 symptoms too Jo2ysYwFgFc-00159-00030944-00031127 like for instance with allergies Jo2ysYwFgFc-00160-00031127-00031343 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00161-00031344-00031487 if you are having problems with with Jo2ysYwFgFc-00162-00031488-00031623 constipation Jo2ysYwFgFc-00163-00031624-00031783 drinking water helps your your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00164-00031783-00031990 intestines are always coating things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00165-00031991-00032183 right there it's always like you know Jo2ysYwFgFc-00166-00032183-00032318 got this thing going just like with your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00167-00032319-00032470 stomach it's always like producing acid Jo2ysYwFgFc-00168-00032472-00032623 to try and coat things to try and make Jo2ysYwFgFc-00169-00032624-00032767 things better if you're not drinking Jo2ysYwFgFc-00170-00032768-00032911 enough water and you're eating a bunch Jo2ysYwFgFc-00171-00032912-00033023 of junk food especially you're going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00172-00033024-00033190 get things like indigestion Jo2ysYwFgFc-00173-00033191-00033318 and when you drink water it's going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00174-00033319-00033479 help indigestion to not be as bad it's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00175-00033480-00033655 going to help it to kind of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00176-00033656-00033823 work through a little bit it's going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00177-00033824-00033990 help in your in your intestines it's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00178-00033991-00034135 going to help things to be coated Jo2ysYwFgFc-00179-00034136-00034271 correctly it's going to help things to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00180-00034272-00034487 keep moving the abundance of water is Jo2ysYwFgFc-00181-00034488-00034655 going to make it where there's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00182-00034656-00034807 more more Jo2ysYwFgFc-00183-00034808-00035031 chances for your stool to get softer Jo2ysYwFgFc-00184-00035032-00035135 oftentimes you have people with Jo2ysYwFgFc-00185-00035136-00035287 hemorrhoids or anal fissures and they're Jo2ysYwFgFc-00186-00035288-00035471 not drinking enough water it's like well Jo2ysYwFgFc-00187-00035472-00035662 you know your body needs that water to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00188-00035663-00035855 heal and to help pass the stools and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00189-00035856-00035967 there's a lot of different things you Jo2ysYwFgFc-00190-00035968-00036079 can do there Jo2ysYwFgFc-00191-00036080-00036302 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00192-00036303-00036551 water affects you affects organ function Jo2ysYwFgFc-00193-00036552-00036751 it helps against Jo2ysYwFgFc-00194-00036752-00036943 long-term health problems Jo2ysYwFgFc-00195-00036944-00037055 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00196-00037056-00037159 i mean Jo2ysYwFgFc-00197-00037160-00037383 whether you have it or not Jo2ysYwFgFc-00198-00037384-00037671 drinking water is going to help Jo2ysYwFgFc-00199-00037672-00037823 if you're on medication it helps your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00200-00037824-00037999 body to absorb the medication better it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00201-00038000-00038151 helps it to pass through better it helps Jo2ysYwFgFc-00202-00038152-00038302 your body not get overwhelmed by the Jo2ysYwFgFc-00203-00038303-00038415 medication Jo2ysYwFgFc-00204-00038416-00038590 um when you're when your body is Jo2ysYwFgFc-00205-00038591-00038807 dehydrated things get veins and stuff Jo2ysYwFgFc-00206-00038808-00039015 will get like tighter and stuff so it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00207-00039016-00039167 doesn't really absorb as much as it Jo2ysYwFgFc-00208-00039168-00039255 could Jo2ysYwFgFc-00209-00039256-00039527 caffeine has a higher a higher Jo2ysYwFgFc-00210-00039528-00039702 impact on your body Jo2ysYwFgFc-00211-00039703-00039862 the sugar that's in your bloodstream Jo2ysYwFgFc-00212-00039863-00040039 will have a higher impact all these Jo2ysYwFgFc-00213-00040040-00040262 different things that can be prevented Jo2ysYwFgFc-00214-00040263-00040543 and helped just by drinking water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00215-00040544-00040702 really one of the most simple of things Jo2ysYwFgFc-00216-00040703-00040855 that you can do to be healthy like oh i Jo2ysYwFgFc-00217-00040856-00040999 want to be healthy what are you going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00218-00041000-00041343 do first the first thing you need to say Jo2ysYwFgFc-00219-00041344-00041479 i'm going to drink more water that's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00220-00041480-00041599 like the first thing that should be on Jo2ysYwFgFc-00221-00041600-00041815 your list water is necessary for feeling Jo2ysYwFgFc-00222-00041816-00042055 good and and for having proper body Jo2ysYwFgFc-00223-00042056-00042407 function yet most people are dehydrated Jo2ysYwFgFc-00224-00042408-00042583 doesn't that kind of blow you away like Jo2ysYwFgFc-00225-00042584-00042758 oh no i'm fine i'm not dehydrated it's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00226-00042759-00042943 like how much water are you drinking Jo2ysYwFgFc-00227-00042944-00043118 they say for men you're supposed to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00228-00043119-00043455 drink about 15 15.5 cups and for women Jo2ysYwFgFc-00229-00043456-00043751 there's some around 11 11.5 12 somewhere Jo2ysYwFgFc-00230-00043752-00043839 in there Jo2ysYwFgFc-00231-00043840-00044071 and obviously not everybody's the same Jo2ysYwFgFc-00232-00044072-00044174 but i mean Jo2ysYwFgFc-00233-00044175-00044415 that's a good starter point and would Jo2ysYwFgFc-00234-00044416-00044607 you say that you're around that area Jo2ysYwFgFc-00235-00044608-00044735 you know and then Jo2ysYwFgFc-00236-00044736-00044983 if you are trying to be Jo2ysYwFgFc-00237-00044984-00045095 get in shape and that kind of stuff Jo2ysYwFgFc-00238-00045096-00045190 you're not drinking enough water you're Jo2ysYwFgFc-00239-00045191-00045430 just setting yourself up for failure um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00240-00045431-00045574 water helps it where your body can Jo2ysYwFgFc-00241-00045575-00045743 distribute the electrolytes like it's Jo2ysYwFgFc-00242-00045744-00045967 supposed to it allows it where your your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00243-00045968-00046199 kidneys are able to you know to kind of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00244-00046200-00046343 level things out a little bit better in Jo2ysYwFgFc-00245-00046344-00046471 your body Jo2ysYwFgFc-00246-00046472-00046662 everything you do your water is going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00247-00046663-00046902 have a huge impact our body runs on Jo2ysYwFgFc-00248-00046903-00047230 water it's largely made out of water but Jo2ysYwFgFc-00249-00047231-00047430 we oftentimes just neglect the simple Jo2ysYwFgFc-00250-00047431-00047830 act of drinking water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00251-00047831-00047974 but i do have to say don't drink water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00252-00047975-00048127 too fast Jo2ysYwFgFc-00253-00048128-00048327 it your body won't have time to absorb Jo2ysYwFgFc-00254-00048328-00048518 it and don't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00255-00048519-00048783 drink too much like so okay let's say Jo2ysYwFgFc-00256-00048784-00048990 you're supposed to drink 15 cups of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00257-00048991-00049262 water okay so don't drink 45 cups of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00258-00049263-00049486 water and if you drink too much and if Jo2ysYwFgFc-00259-00049487-00049615 you drink too fast you can have a lot of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00260-00049616-00049767 problems first off if you drink too much Jo2ysYwFgFc-00261-00049768-00049927 water just like sitting there guzzling Jo2ysYwFgFc-00262-00049928-00050079 guys and guzzling it'll actually flush Jo2ysYwFgFc-00263-00050080-00050215 the electrolytes out of your system Jo2ysYwFgFc-00264-00050216-00050358 another thing is if you drink too much Jo2ysYwFgFc-00265-00050359-00050615 water too fast you can actually cause um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00266-00050616-00050862 internal damage um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00267-00050863-00051199 in in your in your guts and um you need Jo2ysYwFgFc-00268-00051200-00051382 to go to the doctor so i mean this isn't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00269-00051383-00051511 something you should be worried and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00270-00051512-00051702 stressing out about but it's just one of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00271-00051703-00051911 those things where you know don't get in Jo2ysYwFgFc-00272-00051912-00052063 a competition to drink two gallons of Jo2ysYwFgFc-00273-00052064-00052263 water as fast as you can like just don't Jo2ysYwFgFc-00274-00052264-00052358 do that Jo2ysYwFgFc-00275-00052359-00052775 um okay what else Jo2ysYwFgFc-00276-00052776-00052959 the thing about about water is that Jo2ysYwFgFc-00277-00052960-00053071 everything in your life is going to Jo2ysYwFgFc-00278-00053072-00053319 dehydrate you just simply being alive Jo2ysYwFgFc-00279-00053320-00053542 sleeping dehydrates you Jo2ysYwFgFc-00280-00053544-00053638 working Jo2ysYwFgFc-00281-00053639-00053887 exercising everything to hydrate you but Jo2ysYwFgFc-00282-00053888-00054142 maintaining good water levels helps you Jo2ysYwFgFc-00283-00054144-00054342 get better sleep it helps you to heal Jo2ysYwFgFc-00284-00054344-00054559 faster if your if your body gets sore on Jo2ysYwFgFc-00285-00054560-00054679 that kind of stuff Jo2ysYwFgFc-00286-00054679-00054926 helps lower the effects of illnesses Jo2ysYwFgFc-00287-00054927-00055054 um Jo2ysYwFgFc-00288-00055055-00055159 so Jo2ysYwFgFc-00289-00055160-00055287 if you're trying to get healthy that's a Jo2ysYwFgFc-00290-00055288-00055454 great thing that you're trying to do and Jo2ysYwFgFc-00291-00055455-00055638 i i'm not trying to discourage you but i Jo2ysYwFgFc-00292-00055639-00055799 would also try to encourage you with Jo2ysYwFgFc-00293-00055800-00055879 this Jo2ysYwFgFc-00294-00055879-00056087 try let one of the first things you do Jo2ysYwFgFc-00295-00056088-00056271 to incorporate into your new lifestyle Jo2ysYwFgFc-00296-00056272-00056487 to get healthy be to drink the correct Jo2ysYwFgFc-00297-00056488-00056615 amount of water Jo2ysYwFgFc-00298-00056616-00056838 and i i think you'll you'll be surprised Jo2ysYwFgFc-00299-00056839-00056999 at how amazing it'll help you feel Jo2ysYwFgFc-00300-00057000-00057182 especially if you lower some of your Jo2ysYwFgFc-00301-00057183-00057326 caffeine intake Jo2ysYwFgFc-00302-00057327-00057542 um you know and maybe your sugar intake Jo2ysYwFgFc-00303-00057544-00057726 too you're gonna notice headaches at Jo2ysYwFgFc-00304-00057727-00057871 first but then you're gonna feel better Jo2ysYwFgFc-00305-00057872-00058023 you're gonna look better and i think Jo2ysYwFgFc-00306-00058024-00058199 you're gonna you're gonna think better Jo2ysYwFgFc-00307-00058200-00058464 too so J3kYeBDKiWU-00000-00000000-00000284 the always web hosting network has been J3kYeBDKiWU-00001-00000285-00000455 engineered from the ground up to J3kYeBDKiWU-00002-00000456-00000628 accommodate the high availability J3kYeBDKiWU-00003-00000629-00000872 demands of the Internet's most popular J3kYeBDKiWU-00004-00000873-00001202 websites they stand behind successful J3kYeBDKiWU-00005-00001203-00001469 hosting one hundred percent visit odd J3kYeBDKiWU-00006-00001470-00001682 coupons calm or click the link below J3kYeBDKiWU-00007-00001682-00001895 this video for always web hosting J3kYeBDKiWU-00008-00001896-00002141 coupons J4u-zF8CJqM-00000-00000168-00000471 with this form of array declaration J4u-zF8CJqM-00001-00000472-00000743 you can drop the five from the square J4u-zF8CJqM-00002-00000744-00000839 brackets J4u-zF8CJqM-00003-00000840-00001007 and see we'll count the number of items J4u-zF8CJqM-00004-00001008-00001278 in the braces and figure out how big the J4u-zF8CJqM-00005-00001279-00001639 array is J4u-zF8CJqM-00006-00001639-00001879 but that's not a great idea because if J4u-zF8CJqM-00007-00001880-00002023 you have a lot of items J4u-zF8CJqM-00008-00002023-00002231 there's no easy way to get that length J4u-zF8CJqM-00009-00002232-00002277 back J4u-zF8CJqM-00010-00002278-00002526 [Music] J4u-zF8CJqM-00011-00002527-00002702 unlike other languages that have J4u-zF8CJqM-00012-00002703-00003270 constructs like this J4u-zF8CJqM-00013-00003271-00003751 c doesn't have any such thing J4u-zF8CJqM-00014-00003752-00003951 you are responsible for keeping track of J4u-zF8CJqM-00015-00003952-00004254 the array's length J4u-zF8CJqM-00016-00004255-00004463 additionally you are also responsible J4u-zF8CJqM-00017-00004464-00004647 for making sure that you stay within the J4u-zF8CJqM-00018-00004648-00005135 bounds of the array J4u-zF8CJqM-00019-00005136-00005438 if i try to do something like this to J4u-zF8CJqM-00020-00005439-00005599 print element number 20 J4u-zF8CJqM-00021-00005600-00006127 000 from this array J4u-zF8CJqM-00022-00006128-00006334 there's no error message there's no J4u-zF8CJqM-00023-00006335-00006550 warning J4u-zF8CJqM-00024-00006551-00006855 if i'm lucky when i run the program J4u-zF8CJqM-00025-00006856-00007295 it'll crash J4u-zF8CJqM-00026-00007295-00007767 if i'm unlucky J4u-zF8CJqM-00027-00007768-00007927 the program will retrieve whatever J4u-zF8CJqM-00028-00007928-00008103 happens to be at the memory address J4u-zF8CJqM-00029-00008104-00008374 corresponding to the index number i gave J4u-zF8CJqM-00030-00008375-00008567 and my program will proceed to give me J4u-zF8CJqM-00031-00008568-00008983 incorrect results J4u-zF8CJqM-00032-00008984-00009342 the main point here you are responsible J4u-zF8CJqM-00033-00009343-00009614 for keeping track of an array's length J4u-zF8CJqM-00034-00009615-00009831 and you are responsible for making sure J4u-zF8CJqM-00035-00009832-00010063 that you stay within its bounds J4u-zF8CJqM-00036-00010064-00010295 the compiler won't help you out and the J4u-zF8CJqM-00037-00010296-00010627 runtime won't guarantee an J4u-zF8CJqM-00038-00010628-00010928 error J5sHWInULeA-00000-00000000-00000308 are you a fan of Tom Cruise chopping the J5sHWInULeA-00001-00000309-00000545 air well nothing makes me happier than J5sHWInULeA-00002-00000546-00000877 seeing Tom Cruise run I have Mike from J5sHWInULeA-00003-00000878-00001127 real school to join me and ranking our J5sHWInULeA-00004-00001128-00001378 favorite Tom Cruise running moments J5sHWInULeA-00005-00001379-00001627 heylia yes indeed it is mike from real J5sHWInULeA-00006-00001628-00001814 school the best kept secret on youtube i J5sHWInULeA-00007-00001814-00001957 like to say but i couldn't be more J5sHWInULeA-00008-00001959-00002185 excited to work with you and introduce J5sHWInULeA-00009-00002186-00002507 our first cruise cruise number five J5sHWInULeA-00010-00002508-00002884 Jerry Maguire I love Jerry Maguire it's J5sHWInULeA-00011-00002885-00003263 full of so many great quotes you had me J5sHWInULeA-00012-00003264-00003638 at hello you complete me help me help J5sHWInULeA-00013-00003639-00004199 you show me the money most importantly J5sHWInULeA-00014-00004200-00004499 it has a close-up shot of Tom Cruise J5sHWInULeA-00015-00004500-00004700 running to the sounds of Nancy Wilson J5sHWInULeA-00016-00004701-00004906 and free swing seat number for J5sHWInULeA-00017-00004907-00005099 collateral writer director Michael Mann J5sHWInULeA-00018-00005100-00005285 has made an amazing career bringing us J5sHWInULeA-00019-00005286-00005549 dark gritty crime dramas like the first J5sHWInULeA-00020-00005550-00005813 Hannibal Lecter movie Manhunter Miami J5sHWInULeA-00021-00005814-00006088 Vice and of course the classic heat in J5sHWInULeA-00022-00006089-00006286 collateral Tom Cruise is a legitimate J5sHWInULeA-00023-00006287-00006523 gray-haired threat and so he J5sHWInULeA-00024-00006525-00006673 automatically becomes a little edgier J5sHWInULeA-00025-00006675-00006905 and scarier and his running scenes J5sHWInULeA-00026-00006906-00007123 become more like a wolf hunting his prey J5sHWInULeA-00027-00007125-00007360 base in collateral at number three is J5sHWInULeA-00028-00007361-00007720 mission impossible 2 why I'll be brief I J5sHWInULeA-00029-00007720-00008120 love Tom Cruise running slow mo through J5sHWInULeA-00030-00008120-00008360 a flock of doves if only collateral had J5sHWInULeA-00031-00008361-00008560 dubs well here's number two war of the J5sHWInULeA-00032-00008561-00008771 world it's not the best Spielberg film J5sHWInULeA-00033-00008772-00009005 or the best film overall but this scene J5sHWInULeA-00034-00009006-00009224 where Tom Cruise's dodging cars and J5sHWInULeA-00035-00009225-00009421 running through the powdered remains of J5sHWInULeA-00036-00009422-00009695 cremated victims still remains with me J5sHWInULeA-00037-00009696-00009964 because it's rather unsettling but very J5sHWInULeA-00038-00009965-00010203 cool the film to take the number one J5sHWInULeA-00039-00010204-00010567 spot the best Tom Cruise writing moments J5sHWInULeA-00040-00010568-00011027 is vanilla sky a film I love more and J5sHWInULeA-00041-00011028-00011291 more on repeat viewing the moment tom J5sHWInULeA-00042-00011292-00011603 cruise starts to run in this film is J5sHWInULeA-00043-00011604-00011891 breathtaking I will let Mike explain why J5sHWInULeA-00044-00011892-00012167 the why is easy it's an absolutely J5sHWInULeA-00045-00012168-00012514 iconic scene shot in iconic location and J5sHWInULeA-00046-00012515-00012695 if you can't appreciate the convoluted J5sHWInULeA-00047-00012696-00012949 plot or the okay acting of vanilla sky J5sHWInULeA-00048-00012950-00013154 you have to appreciate how camera J5sHWInULeA-00049-00013155-00013400 crow and his production crew got to shut J5sHWInULeA-00050-00013401-00013685 down Times Square it is an unprecedented J5sHWInULeA-00051-00013686-00013988 kind of scene that may never be repeated J5sHWInULeA-00052-00013988-00014405 in cinematic history sex supports that J5sHWInULeA-00053-00014406-00014711 you have it our favorite Tom Cruise J5sHWInULeA-00054-00014712-00014984 running moments so what are yours pop J5sHWInULeA-00055-00014985-00015221 your comment in the box below and you J5sHWInULeA-00056-00015222-00015469 can subscribe to Mike just pop over to J5sHWInULeA-00057-00015471-00015674 the real school channel all the links J5sHWInULeA-00058-00015675-00015841 are in the description box below thanks J5sHWInULeA-00059-00015843-00015962 lar leah was an absolute pleasure J5sHWInULeA-00060-00015963-00016151 working with you and a lot of fun taking J5sHWInULeA-00061-00016152-00016472 a jog as a terrible joke down cruise J5sHWInULeA-00062-00016473-00016751 memory lane J71kL8eOJ7Y-00000-00000709-00001040 in Bangladesh everything is negotiable J71kL8eOJ7Y-00001-00001041-00001349 what we find is we have a to different J71kL8eOJ7Y-00002-00001350-00001553 price structures so we have a higher J71kL8eOJ7Y-00003-00001554-00001812 price structure in a medium or a high J71kL8eOJ7Y-00004-00001813-00001973 income area or certainly if it's an J71kL8eOJ7Y-00005-00001975-00002208 industrial business and then we have a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00006-00002209-00002520 much lower price with a for low income J71kL8eOJ7Y-00007-00002521-00002724 area so there's a differential pricing J71kL8eOJ7Y-00008-00002725-00003152 structure and what the way we regulate J71kL8eOJ7Y-00009-00003153-00003339 that is within the contract there is a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00010-00003340-00003579 target percentage so 30% of the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00011-00003579-00003804 customers need to come from a low-income J71kL8eOJ7Y-00012-00003804-00004451 community and we've priced that so him J71kL8eOJ7Y-00013-00004452-00004727 okay so that's regulated by the city J71kL8eOJ7Y-00014-00004728-00005147 authority they receive all of the the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00015-00005148-00005363 business details from the tanker J71kL8eOJ7Y-00016-00005364-00005652 operator they see where the customers J71kL8eOJ7Y-00017-00005653-00005795 are because there's we're beginning to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00018-00005796-00006113 build this kind of a toilet database so J71kL8eOJ7Y-00019-00006114-00006393 or a tank database septic tank database J71kL8eOJ7Y-00020-00006394-00006710 so that what's happening is we had to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00021-00006711-00006870 define what we said was a low-income J71kL8eOJ7Y-00022-00006870-00007241 community and whether we did well we did J71kL8eOJ7Y-00023-00007242-00007349 quite a lot of research and whether we J71kL8eOJ7Y-00024-00007350-00007580 did that my tank size or buy tank J71kL8eOJ7Y-00025-00007581-00007944 different different variables in the in J71kL8eOJ7Y-00026-00007945-00008141 essence we came down to doing it purely J71kL8eOJ7Y-00027-00008142-00008538 by geographical location so 30% to the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00028-00008539-00008841 30% of the customers have to be from a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00029-00008842-00008991 low-income community and there's a fine J71kL8eOJ7Y-00030-00008992-00009272 base on that so there's a it's a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00031-00009273-00009644 commercial driver for the operator we do J71kL8eOJ7Y-00032-00009645-00009855 quite a lot of financial modeling to to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00033-00009856-00010060 show what kind of profit margins the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00034-00010061-00010388 tanco operator could have still working J71kL8eOJ7Y-00035-00010389-00010776 at that 30% basis and in the low-income J71kL8eOJ7Y-00036-00010777-00011154 communities the price is slightly more J71kL8eOJ7Y-00037-00011155-00011538 than the manual emptier but it's J71kL8eOJ7Y-00038-00011539-00011771 actually quite it's a very nominal J71kL8eOJ7Y-00039-00011772-00012035 addition and it's about I'd say there's J71kL8eOJ7Y-00040-00012036-00012252 a probably about a 50% different so it's J71kL8eOJ7Y-00041-00012253-00012588 a about a 50% increment up in a in a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00042-00012589-00012869 higher income area J71kL8eOJ7Y-00043-00012871-00013062 it was really interesting working with J71kL8eOJ7Y-00044-00013063-00013206 the city authorities to work through J71kL8eOJ7Y-00045-00013207-00013374 what their financial structures could be J71kL8eOJ7Y-00046-00013375-00013707 and how they could accept a lease type J71kL8eOJ7Y-00047-00013708-00013994 agreement because they were initially J71kL8eOJ7Y-00048-00013996-00014154 quite reserved about working with the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00049-00014155-00014334 private sector so it is interesting to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00050-00014335-00014646 work with them at our latest so we had J71kL8eOJ7Y-00051-00014647-00014819 different pricing points as well for the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00052-00014821-00014991 lease so we were looking at a repayment J71kL8eOJ7Y-00053-00014991-00015285 type basis we are not yet at a place J71kL8eOJ7Y-00054-00015286-00015450 where they are ring-fencing the money J71kL8eOJ7Y-00055-00015451-00015555 because we thought if they could J71kL8eOJ7Y-00056-00015556-00015696 ring-fence the money then they could J71kL8eOJ7Y-00057-00015697-00015900 purchase a new vacuum tanker after five J71kL8eOJ7Y-00058-00015901-00016203 to seven years so that's something that J71kL8eOJ7Y-00059-00016204-00016443 we're also working on so looking forward J71kL8eOJ7Y-00060-00016444-00016617 we've also been talking to them a little J71kL8eOJ7Y-00061-00016618-00016839 bit about a performance-based contract J71kL8eOJ7Y-00062-00016840-00017079 so if we set different targets for the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00063-00017080-00017298 private entrepreneur both about the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00064-00017299-00017466 amount of fecal sludge and the amount of J71kL8eOJ7Y-00065-00017467-00017816 low-income customers would we be able to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00066-00017817-00018219 have a have a different pricing J71kL8eOJ7Y-00067-00018220-00018450 structure so that if if they didn't J71kL8eOJ7Y-00068-00018451-00018630 serve any low-income customers it would J71kL8eOJ7Y-00069-00018631-00018882 be purely on a repayment type basis but J71kL8eOJ7Y-00070-00018883-00019116 if they served multiple low-income J71kL8eOJ7Y-00071-00019117-00019350 customers in essence there would be a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00072-00019351-00019718 lower lease rate because they would the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00073-00019719-00019902 entrepreneur would be providing a public J71kL8eOJ7Y-00074-00019903-00020148 service so we're still in that type of J71kL8eOJ7Y-00075-00020149-00020319 discussion we haven't got to a place J71kL8eOJ7Y-00076-00020320-00020526 where we can start that performance type J71kL8eOJ7Y-00077-00020527-00020757 contract but it's an interesting place J71kL8eOJ7Y-00078-00020758-00020979 to be to set our sights on and to be J71kL8eOJ7Y-00079-00020980-00021270 moving towards I think J71kL8eOJ7Y-00080-00021271-00021523 when we were targeting entrepreneurs we J71kL8eOJ7Y-00081-00021524-00021636 were having a lot of difficulty finding J71kL8eOJ7Y-00082-00021637-00021855 entrepreneurs who had a either J71kL8eOJ7Y-00083-00021856-00022267 sufficient business understanding a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00084-00022268-00022450 business background or who had an J71kL8eOJ7Y-00085-00022451-00022675 understanding of what is what is in J71kL8eOJ7Y-00086-00022676-00022921 effect a distribution process and J71kL8eOJ7Y-00087-00022922-00023266 logistics process as well in Dhaka we J71kL8eOJ7Y-00088-00023267-00023479 worked with somebody who was actually in J71kL8eOJ7Y-00089-00023480-00023731 the cleaning business already and they J71kL8eOJ7Y-00090-00023732-00023893 were cleaning offices so we were able to J71kL8eOJ7Y-00091-00023894-00024100 cross-sell what we were able to I J71kL8eOJ7Y-00092-00024101-00024298 suppose to propose to them that it was J71kL8eOJ7Y-00093-00024299-00024439 an opportunity to cross sell their J71kL8eOJ7Y-00094-00024440-00024655 products they could be cleaning offices J71kL8eOJ7Y-00095-00024656-00024823 and at the same time they could be J71kL8eOJ7Y-00096-00024824-00025093 offering the emptying of the tankers the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00097-00025094-00025333 tanks as well so finding the right J71kL8eOJ7Y-00098-00025334-00025666 entrepreneur was very difficult at the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00099-00025667-00025927 initial stages but bringing them on J71kL8eOJ7Y-00100-00025927-00026122 board and actually providing it being a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00101-00026123-00026461 visible a visible business that was J71kL8eOJ7Y-00102-00026462-00026617 making a profit and it received quite a J71kL8eOJ7Y-00103-00026618-00027043 lot of quite a lot of publicity has J71kL8eOJ7Y-00104-00027044-00027313 really helped stir people's interest I J71kL8eOJ7Y-00105-00027314-00027495 think in the longer time just looking J71kL8eOJ7Y-00106-00027497-00027772 for words perhaps they'll there's J71kL8eOJ7Y-00107-00027773-00028002 certainly the opportunity for for J71kL8eOJ7Y-00108-00028002-00028276 entrepreneurs now to begin to invest and J71kL8eOJ7Y-00109-00028277-00028441 that's because of the clarity of the J71kL8eOJ7Y-00110-00028442-00028933 mandate within the government as well Jq8trIZWdGQ-00000-00000025-00000312 hello my name is Alejandro Bert Martinez Jq8trIZWdGQ-00001-00000313-00000493 and welcome to the presentation about Jq8trIZWdGQ-00002-00000494-00000849 gamified smart objects for me seems this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00003-00000850-00000994 presentation has been structured as Jq8trIZWdGQ-00004-00000994-00001233 follows first an introductory part an Jq8trIZWdGQ-00005-00001234-00001440 overview that the sign system is given Jq8trIZWdGQ-00006-00001441-00001593 together with a motivation to come up Jq8trIZWdGQ-00007-00001594-00001782 with this proposal then in the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00008-00001784-00001945 background section other projects Jq8trIZWdGQ-00009-00001946-00002113 addressing or using similar technologies Jq8trIZWdGQ-00010-00002114-00002335 and ideas will be revealed after that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00011-00002336-00002545 the question generation methodology will Jq8trIZWdGQ-00012-00002546-00002608 be addressed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00013-00002609-00002824 next the architecture of the sign system Jq8trIZWdGQ-00014-00002825-00002926 will be explained Jq8trIZWdGQ-00015-00002927-00003130 after having explored the methodology Jq8trIZWdGQ-00016-00003131-00003313 architecture and implementation of a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00017-00003314-00003478 prototype of the proposed platform in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00018-00003479-00003729 real-life scenario is described finally Jq8trIZWdGQ-00019-00003731-00003901 the conclusions drawn from this project Jq8trIZWdGQ-00020-00003902-00004108 will be outlined as well as future lines Jq8trIZWdGQ-00021-00004109-00004638 of work the first three questions that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00022-00004639-00004797 must be addressed in order to understand Jq8trIZWdGQ-00023-00004798-00004947 the significance of the project are Jq8trIZWdGQ-00024-00004948-00005266 first what is being proposed the system Jq8trIZWdGQ-00025-00005267-00005425 is a gamification platform to enhance Jq8trIZWdGQ-00026-00005426-00005716 visitors missing experience second how Jq8trIZWdGQ-00027-00005717-00005893 is this going to be achieved by using Jq8trIZWdGQ-00028-00005894-00006115 smart objects and displaying a detailed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00029-00006116-00006306 version of exhibits with a documentation Jq8trIZWdGQ-00030-00006307-00006589 via app more importantly a quiz game is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00031-00006590-00006781 offered based on automatically generated Jq8trIZWdGQ-00032-00006781-00007089 questions third why would me seems want Jq8trIZWdGQ-00033-00007090-00007296 to implement the system because he aims Jq8trIZWdGQ-00034-00007297-00007417 to improve the sitter's knowledge Jq8trIZWdGQ-00035-00007418-00007630 acquisition process another goal is to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00036-00007631-00007750 engage and encourage visitors to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00037-00007751-00008008 interact with exhibits also the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00038-00008009-00008137 automatic nature of the question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00039-00008138-00008310 generation process means that museum Jq8trIZWdGQ-00040-00008311-00008460 owners can benefit from reduced Jq8trIZWdGQ-00041-00008461-00008818 maintenance times of this platform so Jq8trIZWdGQ-00042-00008819-00008974 there are four main reasons that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00043-00008975-00009175 motivated and encouraged us to design Jq8trIZWdGQ-00044-00009176-00009382 and develop this platform one of them is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00045-00009383-00009484 the importance to preserve cultural Jq8trIZWdGQ-00046-00009485-00009709 heritage because museums have become the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00047-00009710-00009885 cultural soul and conscience of Nations Jq8trIZWdGQ-00048-00009886-00010120 another reason is that emerging Internet Jq8trIZWdGQ-00049-00010121-00010282 of Things technology offers new ways to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00050-00010283-00010441 interact with the space of cultural Jq8trIZWdGQ-00051-00010442-00010710 heritage also the use of smartphones in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00052-00010711-00010912 museums opens doors to different forms Jq8trIZWdGQ-00053-00010913-00010966 of tailoring Jq8trIZWdGQ-00054-00010967-00011160 insome experiences for example by Jq8trIZWdGQ-00055-00011161-00011314 providing advanced visualization of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00056-00011315-00011512 exhibits or using games and gamification Jq8trIZWdGQ-00057-00011513-00011878 techniques to pick visitors interest the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00058-00011879-00012037 fourth reason is tied to the idea of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00059-00012038-00012196 using games and gamification techniques Jq8trIZWdGQ-00060-00012197-00012378 in museums the had just been mentioned Jq8trIZWdGQ-00061-00012379-00012639 quiz games are typical examples in this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00062-00012640-00012810 area and it would be very interesting to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00063-00012811-00012994 be able to generate this questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00064-00012994-00013216 automatically since this have not yet Jq8trIZWdGQ-00065-00013216-00013288 been counted Jq8trIZWdGQ-00066-00013288-00013505 in gaeme fighting machine environments Jq8trIZWdGQ-00067-00013506-00013780 we will now move on to the background Jq8trIZWdGQ-00068-00013781-00014077 section since the automatic question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00069-00014078-00014257 generation schemes rely on exploiting Jq8trIZWdGQ-00070-00014258-00014449 linked data it is important to gravity Jq8trIZWdGQ-00071-00014450-00014647 of what it means one of his publications Jq8trIZWdGQ-00072-00014647-00014916 berners-lee defines it as data published Jq8trIZWdGQ-00073-00014918-00015069 on the web in such a way that it is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00074-00015070-00015232 machine readable its meaning is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00075-00015233-00015430 explicitly defined and it is linked to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00076-00015431-00015727 other external data sets also it is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00077-00015728-00015916 important to note that its quality of be Jq8trIZWdGQ-00078-00015916-00016122 machine readable implies link data can Jq8trIZWdGQ-00079-00016123-00016336 be used in automation procedures this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00080-00016337-00016492 can be achieved because link data is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00081-00016493-00016669 structured according to some conventions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00082-00016670-00016930 for example terms known as mythology's Jq8trIZWdGQ-00083-00016931-00017113 are used to help classify and describe Jq8trIZWdGQ-00084-00017114-00017314 concepts and relationships these Jq8trIZWdGQ-00085-00017315-00017449 relationships can also link to other Jq8trIZWdGQ-00086-00017450-00017692 data sets with respect to linked data Jq8trIZWdGQ-00087-00017693-00017917 sets Wikipedia for example has a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00088-00017918-00018115 semantic version called TVP dia which is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00089-00018116-00018397 the knowledge base used in the system to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00090-00018398-00018562 be more specific questions will be Jq8trIZWdGQ-00091-00018563-00018724 automatically produced by extracting Jq8trIZWdGQ-00092-00018725-00018975 data from dbpedia and mining text Jq8trIZWdGQ-00093-00018976-00019119 descriptions about exhibits through Jq8trIZWdGQ-00094-00019120-00019339 entity linking tools this entity lead in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00095-00019340-00019561 process consists of two stages the first Jq8trIZWdGQ-00096-00019562-00019762 stage is to identify words of interest Jq8trIZWdGQ-00097-00019763-00019900 and classify them into predefined Jq8trIZWdGQ-00098-00019901-00020155 categories for example persons or places Jq8trIZWdGQ-00099-00020156-00020362 this process is known as named entity Jq8trIZWdGQ-00100-00020363-00020581 recognition afterwards the words of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00101-00020582-00020740 interest are having classified in this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00102-00020741-00020931 previous stage are now mapped to the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00103-00020932-00021178 corresponding entity knowledge base in a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00104-00021179-00021355 process known as named entity this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00105-00021356-00021547 evaluation an example of an entity Jq8trIZWdGQ-00106-00021548-00021685 linking procedure is given or the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00107-00021686-00021847 adjective American has been identified Jq8trIZWdGQ-00108-00021848-00022122 and linked to the dbpedia into about the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00109-00022123-00022336 United States note the word United Jq8trIZWdGQ-00110-00022337-00022494 States in subscribed use an ontology Jq8trIZWdGQ-00111-00022495-00022714 stood structures description kilowatt or Jq8trIZWdGQ-00112-00022715-00023097 tbo population total for example there Jq8trIZWdGQ-00113-00023098-00023275 is considerable research of methods to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00114-00023276-00023461 exploit link datasets to automatically Jq8trIZWdGQ-00115-00023462-00023665 generate questions after resulting in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00116-00023666-00023896 some type of quiz based game some of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00117-00023897-00024163 these examples include who knows lower Jq8trIZWdGQ-00118-00024164-00024421 quiz or link data more with quiz link Jq8trIZWdGQ-00119-00024422-00024568 data movie quiz offers an online Jq8trIZWdGQ-00120-00024569-00024750 multiple-choice quiz consisting of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00121-00024751-00024949 questions about cinematography the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00122-00024950-00025036 creation of their game Jq8trIZWdGQ-00123-00025037-00025180 aims to assess the viability of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00124-00025181-00025390 automatic question and answer systems in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00125-00025391-00025659 educational contexts trouble quiz is a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00126-00025660-00025837 multiplayer server quiz game for Android Jq8trIZWdGQ-00127-00025838-00025983 that automates the generation of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00128-00025985-00026113 multiple-choice questions using Jq8trIZWdGQ-00129-00026114-00026308 templates to extract knowledge from Jq8trIZWdGQ-00130-00026308-00026587 dbpedia who knows is another quiz game Jq8trIZWdGQ-00131-00026588-00026650 which Jq8trIZWdGQ-00132-00026651-00026830 super write an opinion form of ranking Jq8trIZWdGQ-00133-00026831-00027022 dbpedia properties according to the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00134-00027023-00027279 relevance in describing a given entity Jq8trIZWdGQ-00135-00027280-00027538 with respect to bodies of research that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00136-00027539-00027694 focus on harnessing link data in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00137-00027695-00027883 cultural heritage environments we can Jq8trIZWdGQ-00138-00027883-00028114 highlight three projects one of them is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00139-00028114-00028267 an app that has been designed to offer Jq8trIZWdGQ-00140-00028268-00028483 personalized museum tours this is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00141-00028483-00028624 achieved by displaying information about Jq8trIZWdGQ-00142-00028625-00028843 exhibits which is enriched through live Jq8trIZWdGQ-00143-00028844-00029044 queries to external linked data sets Jq8trIZWdGQ-00144-00029045-00029260 another example is a true wizard which Jq8trIZWdGQ-00145-00029261-00029389 is similar to the personalized Jq8trIZWdGQ-00146-00029389-00029593 messengers proposal but additionally Jq8trIZWdGQ-00147-00029594-00029820 visitors can choose which art words to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00148-00029822-00030031 include in their tour the other example Jq8trIZWdGQ-00149-00030032-00030220 is a virtual 3d museum that involves Jq8trIZWdGQ-00150-00030220-00030370 Semantic Web and game engine Jq8trIZWdGQ-00151-00030370-00030538 technologies where visitors can Jq8trIZWdGQ-00152-00030539-00030664 customize virtual three-dimensional Jq8trIZWdGQ-00153-00030664-00030994 exhibitions regarding implementation of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00154-00030995-00031195 gamification studies in museums they Jq8trIZWdGQ-00155-00031195-00031377 tend to be a some type of game app for Jq8trIZWdGQ-00156-00031379-00031579 example in the rats Museum in Amsterdam Jq8trIZWdGQ-00157-00031580-00031762 there is an app that visitors can Jq8trIZWdGQ-00158-00031763-00031936 download for free and they have to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00159-00031937-00032092 answer questions or solve puzzles about Jq8trIZWdGQ-00160-00032093-00032260 some of the exhibits in the British Jq8trIZWdGQ-00161-00032261-00032491 Museum scavenger hunt up game is offered Jq8trIZWdGQ-00162-00032492-00032635 where visitors have to walk around the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00163-00032636-00032812 museum searching for the robot exhibits Jq8trIZWdGQ-00164-00032813-00033057 and answering questions about them Jq8trIZWdGQ-00165-00033058-00033280 finally to conclude with a background Jq8trIZWdGQ-00166-00033281-00033439 section we will quickly review the use Jq8trIZWdGQ-00167-00033440-00033652 of smart objects in museums by providing Jq8trIZWdGQ-00168-00033653-00033835 for examples of their application Jq8trIZWdGQ-00169-00033836-00034051 there's no box plot for benefits from Jq8trIZWdGQ-00170-00034052-00034210 the use of Bluetooth beacon devices Jq8trIZWdGQ-00171-00034211-00034414 installed throughout the museum when Jq8trIZWdGQ-00172-00034415-00034540 visitors come close to one of these Jq8trIZWdGQ-00173-00034541-00034759 beacons multimedia content related to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00174-00034760-00034951 nearby artworks is displayed in their Jq8trIZWdGQ-00175-00034952-00035173 smartphones the talk in our show system Jq8trIZWdGQ-00176-00035174-00035446 is similar it also uses beacons but when Jq8trIZWdGQ-00177-00035447-00035614 our works are displayed on your smart Jq8trIZWdGQ-00178-00035615-00035764 phones they begin to talk about Jq8trIZWdGQ-00179-00035765-00035953 themselves as well as we comment other Jq8trIZWdGQ-00180-00035954-00036037 exhibits Jq8trIZWdGQ-00181-00036038-00036250 another example is shown by not yet Jq8trIZWdGQ-00182-00036251-00036427 called the loop this magnifying glass Jq8trIZWdGQ-00183-00036428-00036649 reveals different layers of the digital Jq8trIZWdGQ-00184-00036650-00036856 content when visitors pointed toward Jq8trIZWdGQ-00185-00036857-00037021 exhibits that have been augmented the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00186-00037022-00037273 last example can be seen in the Atlantic Jq8trIZWdGQ-00187-00037274-00037504 Wall exhibition of the moosian in the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00188-00037505-00037681 hague netherlands there are Jq8trIZWdGQ-00189-00037682-00037834 three-dimensional printed replica Jq8trIZWdGQ-00190-00037835-00038041 replicas of the original objects that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00191-00038042-00038278 visitors can place on display cases to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00192-00038279-00038491 play multimedia content related to the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00193-00038492-00038812 given exhibit next we will describe the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00194-00038813-00038995 methodology followed in order to achieve Jq8trIZWdGQ-00195-00038996-00039231 the automatic generation of questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00196-00039232-00039508 the diagram show portrays the different Jq8trIZWdGQ-00197-00039509-00039700 stages to produce on display questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00198-00039701-00039934 first information of museum items is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00199-00039935-00039979 processed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00200-00039980-00040155 in the natural language processing and Jq8trIZWdGQ-00201-00040156-00040399 semantic analysis phase which outputs an Jq8trIZWdGQ-00202-00040400-00040590 enriched version of them this is the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00203-00040591-00040789 effect to the semantic quiz duration Jq8trIZWdGQ-00204-00040790-00040993 stage which will produce a trivia quiz Jq8trIZWdGQ-00205-00040994-00041230 question set in the following slides we Jq8trIZWdGQ-00206-00041231-00041383 will explain the two stages that bring Jq8trIZWdGQ-00207-00041384-00041577 about the creation of questions in an Jq8trIZWdGQ-00208-00041578-00041865 automatic manner the NLP and semantic Jq8trIZWdGQ-00209-00041866-00042121 analysis stage consists of two parallel Jq8trIZWdGQ-00210-00042122-00042385 processes process a which performs Jq8trIZWdGQ-00211-00042386-00042561 entity linking an entity categorization Jq8trIZWdGQ-00212-00042562-00042835 procedures and process B that performs Jq8trIZWdGQ-00213-00042836-00043054 an entity search and extracts topics of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00214-00043055-00043201 that entity from its corresponding Jq8trIZWdGQ-00215-00043202-00043452 dbpedia record these processes are going Jq8trIZWdGQ-00216-00043453-00043636 to be clarified with an illustrative Jq8trIZWdGQ-00217-00043637-00043855 example then renowned our word last Jq8trIZWdGQ-00218-00043856-00044014 Meninas by the Spanish painter they Jq8trIZWdGQ-00219-00044015-00044418 overlap in process a first the textual Jq8trIZWdGQ-00220-00044419-00044617 description of the exhibit is analyzed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00221-00044618-00044805 with an entity linking tool or fresh Jq8trIZWdGQ-00222-00044806-00044961 from Las Meninas documentation from Jq8trIZWdGQ-00223-00044962-00045217 Prado museums online collection is just Jq8trIZWdGQ-00224-00045218-00045405 to illustrate this we can see that the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00225-00045406-00045610 term Philip forth has been recognized as Jq8trIZWdGQ-00226-00045611-00045805 Philip forth of Spain and has been Jq8trIZWdGQ-00227-00045806-00045979 linked to its corresponding the PDF Jq8trIZWdGQ-00228-00045980-00046287 entry afterwards entities are classified Jq8trIZWdGQ-00229-00046288-00046452 conforming to the category they Jq8trIZWdGQ-00230-00046453-00046699 represent different ontology turns are Jq8trIZWdGQ-00231-00046700-00046893 used to describe diverse properties of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00232-00046894-00047167 entities according to their type thus Jq8trIZWdGQ-00233-00047168-00047364 this categorization procedure is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00234-00047365-00047608 primordial because only this way can one Jq8trIZWdGQ-00235-00047609-00047848 appropriately query for details of given Jq8trIZWdGQ-00236-00047849-00048049 resources on dbpedia using the right Jq8trIZWdGQ-00237-00048050-00048286 ontology terms and hence ask appropriate Jq8trIZWdGQ-00238-00048287-00048580 questions taking up dimension example Jq8trIZWdGQ-00239-00048581-00048780 the entity Philip forth will be Jq8trIZWdGQ-00240-00048781-00048949 classified as a person concretely Jq8trIZWdGQ-00241-00048950-00049230 royalty therefore potential question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00242-00049231-00049435 guard spring to mind could be when did Jq8trIZWdGQ-00243-00049436-00049636 Philip forth trained or who is the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00244-00049637-00050037 successor of a to the fourth now process Jq8trIZWdGQ-00245-00050038-00050220 B approaches differently the extraction Jq8trIZWdGQ-00246-00050221-00050407 of supplementary data related to a given Jq8trIZWdGQ-00247-00050408-00050652 Museum item the objective here is to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00248-00050653-00050889 directly resort to dbpedia to query for Jq8trIZWdGQ-00249-00050890-00051076 relevant data that cannot be obtained in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00250-00051077-00051279 process a particularly interesting Jq8trIZWdGQ-00251-00051280-00051507 results consuming here the topics TVP D Jq8trIZWdGQ-00252-00051508-00051780 encompasses entities in the result of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00253-00051782-00051937 the entity research procedure shows for Jq8trIZWdGQ-00254-00051938-00052089 example that some of the topics that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00255-00052090-00052266 last business has been classified into Jq8trIZWdGQ-00256-00052267-00052486 are paintings by Diego balatka Jq8trIZWdGQ-00257-00052487-00052675 Velazquez portraits of Philip the fourth Jq8trIZWdGQ-00258-00052676-00052869 and portraits of Moritz Jq8trIZWdGQ-00259-00052870-00053098 therefore queering about this topic can Jq8trIZWdGQ-00260-00053099-00053307 deal for example other works for Jq8trIZWdGQ-00261-00053308-00053353 training Jq8trIZWdGQ-00262-00053354-00053541 the enhanced one could prepare questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00263-00053542-00053812 based on this results such as which of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00264-00053813-00053988 these paintings house also portray Jq8trIZWdGQ-00265-00053989-00054231 royalty or are the following paintings Jq8trIZWdGQ-00266-00054232-00054432 by delicate which one also portrays Jq8trIZWdGQ-00267-00054433-00054754 Philip the fourth so they extracted from Jq8trIZWdGQ-00268-00054754-00054937 both processes a and B complement Jq8trIZWdGQ-00269-00054938-00055198 exhibits documentation forming the rich Jq8trIZWdGQ-00270-00055199-00055518 version of Museum item the semantic quiz Jq8trIZWdGQ-00271-00055519-00055713 generation stage is actually the one in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00272-00055714-00055899 charge of generating questions all of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00273-00055900-00056059 the questions are multiple-choice and Jq8trIZWdGQ-00274-00056060-00056217 this will be produced through question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00275-00056219-00056410 templates these contain three main Jq8trIZWdGQ-00276-00056411-00056604 elements one the question to formulate Jq8trIZWdGQ-00277-00056605-00056860 to the category if any into which the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00278-00056861-00057040 question has been classified and three a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00279-00057041-00057304 parameterised query to dbpedia these Jq8trIZWdGQ-00280-00057304-00057499 templates together with enriched museum Jq8trIZWdGQ-00281-00057500-00057717 data are fed into the automated question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00282-00057719-00057991 generator such generator consists in a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00283-00057991-00058155 procedure that evaluates the annotated Jq8trIZWdGQ-00284-00058156-00058354 data obtained about a museum item Jq8trIZWdGQ-00285-00058354-00058557 against the templates that comply with Jq8trIZWdGQ-00286-00058558-00058678 the specified criteria Jq8trIZWdGQ-00287-00058679-00058924 this means the question category subject Jq8trIZWdGQ-00288-00058925-00059130 matches the topics of at least one of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00289-00059131-00059434 the pieces of annotated data then the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00290-00059435-00059710 query is executed to retrieve first the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00291-00059711-00059836 correct answer to the question and Jq8trIZWdGQ-00292-00059837-00060042 second a list of randomly selected Jq8trIZWdGQ-00293-00060044-00060237 plausible yet incorrect alternatives Jq8trIZWdGQ-00294-00060238-00060468 from a set of elements similar to the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00295-00060469-00060703 answer these alternatives can be sorted Jq8trIZWdGQ-00296-00060704-00060930 out into three different lists according Jq8trIZWdGQ-00297-00060931-00061125 to their difficulty easy medium or hard Jq8trIZWdGQ-00298-00061126-00061350 the difficulty scored is computed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00299-00061351-00061654 through entity similarity tools the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00300-00061654-00061842 continuation of last Medina's example in Jq8trIZWdGQ-00301-00061844-00062055 this stage illustrates a simple possible Jq8trIZWdGQ-00302-00062056-00062226 question template compatible with the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00303-00062227-00062400 entity Philip the fourth mentioned Jq8trIZWdGQ-00304-00062401-00062650 before step two shows the structure of a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00305-00062651-00062884 question template and step three shows Jq8trIZWdGQ-00306-00062885-00063115 the extract of an output object that Jq8trIZWdGQ-00307-00063116-00063304 contains the reached museum item Jq8trIZWdGQ-00308-00063304-00063513 together with a list of questions their Jq8trIZWdGQ-00309-00063514-00063925 answers and different alternatives we Jq8trIZWdGQ-00310-00063926-00064075 now move on to describing the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00311-00064076-00064299 architecture of a proposed platform Jq8trIZWdGQ-00312-00064300-00064518 taking into account the question Jq8trIZWdGQ-00313-00064519-00064678 generation methodology previously Jq8trIZWdGQ-00314-00064679-00064875 described the resulting architecture Jq8trIZWdGQ-00315-00064876-00065055 consists of the following three main Jq8trIZWdGQ-00316-00065056-00065284 components a data extractor and Jq8trIZWdGQ-00317-00065285-00065335 annotator Jq8trIZWdGQ-00318-00065336-00065607 a web service and a gaming system the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00319-00065608-00065817 data extraction annotator performs two Jq8trIZWdGQ-00320-00065818-00066126 major tasks first this module aims to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00321-00066127-00066342 retrieve museum objects documentation Jq8trIZWdGQ-00322-00066343-00066580 from their website using web scraping Jq8trIZWdGQ-00323-00066581-00066748 technologies second Jq8trIZWdGQ-00324-00066749-00066955 the extracted data undergoes a semantic Jq8trIZWdGQ-00325-00066956-00067156 annotation procedure and questions are Jq8trIZWdGQ-00326-00067157-00067357 automatically generated as the scrapping Jq8trIZWdGQ-00327-00067358-00067609 methodology the web service stores Jq8trIZWdGQ-00328-00067610-00067788 information on resume items under Jq8trIZWdGQ-00329-00067789-00067951 respective generated questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00330-00067952-00068125 additionally user data and game Jq8trIZWdGQ-00331-00068126-00068323 statistics are also stored the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00332-00068324-00068457 implementation of the web server has Jq8trIZWdGQ-00333-00068458-00068617 been carried out consuming REST API Jq8trIZWdGQ-00334-00068618-00068854 paradigms and it grants the gaming Jq8trIZWdGQ-00335-00068855-00069061 system access to the required resources Jq8trIZWdGQ-00336-00069062-00069334 this is objects data questions and user Jq8trIZWdGQ-00337-00069335-00069616 stats regarding the gaming system it Jq8trIZWdGQ-00338-00069617-00069913 consists of two main artifacts QR codes Jq8trIZWdGQ-00339-00069914-00070188 and a smartphone app these codes contain Jq8trIZWdGQ-00340-00070189-00070432 an URL identified the museum item of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00341-00070433-00070684 interest these codes allow to access the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00342-00070685-00070879 digital version of exhibit with its Jq8trIZWdGQ-00343-00070880-00071101 documentation as well as access to the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00344-00071102-00071451 trivia quiz game to continue we will Jq8trIZWdGQ-00345-00071452-00071607 elaborate on the implementation of the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00346-00071608-00071826 proposed system in a real-life scenario Jq8trIZWdGQ-00347-00071827-00072085 our prototype of the platform is being Jq8trIZWdGQ-00348-00072086-00072301 implemented at Joaquim Cerner Jq8trIZWdGQ-00349-00072302-00072490 telecommunications museum attorney Jq8trIZWdGQ-00350-00072491-00072747 Marcel for a technical Madrid in Spain Jq8trIZWdGQ-00351-00072748-00073026 the platform has been adapted to present Jq8trIZWdGQ-00352-00073027-00073207 information and questions in Spanish Jq8trIZWdGQ-00353-00073208-00073393 additionally QR codes have been printed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00354-00073394-00073639 into cardboard sheets there are eight QR Jq8trIZWdGQ-00355-00073640-00073782 codes per carpet each of them Jq8trIZWdGQ-00356-00073783-00073963 complemented with an image of exhibit Jq8trIZWdGQ-00357-00073964-00074341 and it's name a total of 883 exhibits Jq8trIZWdGQ-00358-00074342-00074557 have been integrated the choice of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00359-00074558-00074731 format aims to encourage visitors Jq8trIZWdGQ-00360-00074732-00074899 interested in learning more about any Jq8trIZWdGQ-00361-00074900-00075109 museum object to take any of these Jq8trIZWdGQ-00362-00075110-00075243 corporates and walk around the museum Jq8trIZWdGQ-00363-00075244-00075538 looking for the exhibits shown in them Jq8trIZWdGQ-00364-00075539-00075850 plus shifting the visit more towards a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00365-00075851-00076132 treasure hunt experience also the app Jq8trIZWdGQ-00366-00076133-00076269 has been adapted to telecommunications Jq8trIZWdGQ-00367-00076270-00076555 museum this will be better appreciated Jq8trIZWdGQ-00368-00076556-00076765 in the demo video that we will shortly Jq8trIZWdGQ-00369-00076766-00077134 show it is also worth mentioning some of Jq8trIZWdGQ-00370-00077135-00077317 the problems that have arisen during the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00371-00077318-00077461 implementation of the prototype in the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00372-00077462-00077737 telecommunications museum one of them is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00373-00077738-00077905 not the quality of detenida pedia Jq8trIZWdGQ-00374-00077906-00078115 regarding telecommunications and related Jq8trIZWdGQ-00375-00078116-00078337 fields is not good for example the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00376-00078338-00078517 corresponding dbpedia entry about ball Jq8trIZWdGQ-00377-00078518-00078700 meters does not describe the different Jq8trIZWdGQ-00378-00078701-00078913 types of ball meters nor the physical Jq8trIZWdGQ-00379-00078914-00079192 quantity that is being measured another Jq8trIZWdGQ-00380-00079193-00079309 problem is that the available Jq8trIZWdGQ-00381-00079310-00079540 documentation and exhibits is sometimes Jq8trIZWdGQ-00382-00079541-00079780 insufficient to extract relevant data Jq8trIZWdGQ-00383-00079781-00080005 this means that the ability to produce Jq8trIZWdGQ-00384-00080006-00080080 specific Jq8trIZWdGQ-00385-00080081-00080323 questions about an object is hindered as Jq8trIZWdGQ-00386-00080324-00080551 a possible solution who decide to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00387-00080552-00080731 classify museum items into four Jq8trIZWdGQ-00388-00080732-00081190 categories santan image telephony radio Jq8trIZWdGQ-00389-00081191-00081484 and telegraphy and instrumentation this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00390-00081485-00081658 classification allows us to prepare Jq8trIZWdGQ-00391-00081659-00081841 questions based on the scene objects Jq8trIZWdGQ-00392-00081842-00082126 belong to and a total of 1013 questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00393-00082127-00082501 have been initially produced we will now Jq8trIZWdGQ-00394-00082502-00083305 show a demo video the platform Jq8trIZWdGQ-00396-00091116-00091356 to sum up the presentation we will Jq8trIZWdGQ-00397-00091357-00091563 encapsulate the main ideas conveyed a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00398-00091564-00091791 smart object gamification platform for Jq8trIZWdGQ-00399-00091792-00091986 museums has been introduced which is Jq8trIZWdGQ-00400-00091987-00092211 based on Internet of Things and Semantic Jq8trIZWdGQ-00401-00092212-00092427 Web technologies questions for the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00402-00092428-00092625 police game are automatically generated Jq8trIZWdGQ-00403-00092626-00092787 based on a set of templates Jq8trIZWdGQ-00404-00092788-00092991 visitors can interact with the platform Jq8trIZWdGQ-00405-00092992-00093228 through QR codes and smartphone app this Jq8trIZWdGQ-00406-00093229-00093432 app offers advanced visualization and Jq8trIZWdGQ-00407-00093433-00093708 access to play questions we have also Jq8trIZWdGQ-00408-00093709-00093852 addressed the implementation of a Jq8trIZWdGQ-00409-00093853-00094062 prototype in a telecommunications museum Jq8trIZWdGQ-00410-00094063-00094293 during the adaptation of a platform to Jq8trIZWdGQ-00411-00094294-00094506 the telecom museum we have identified Jq8trIZWdGQ-00412-00094507-00094707 the VPD a data quality issues with the Jq8trIZWdGQ-00413-00094708-00094938 telecommunications topics which has Jq8trIZWdGQ-00414-00094939-00095091 reduced the number of possible questions Jq8trIZWdGQ-00415-00095092-00095331 that could be produced the prototype Jq8trIZWdGQ-00416-00095332-00095511 however still needs to be validated Jq8trIZWdGQ-00417-00095512-00095733 therefore future work will focus on Jq8trIZWdGQ-00418-00095734-00095892 carrying out an evaluation procedure Jq8trIZWdGQ-00419-00095893-00096147 based on a partial least squares models Jq8trIZWdGQ-00420-00096148-00096354 to assess the usefulness of the proposed Jq8trIZWdGQ-00421-00096355-00096807 approach thank you very much for your Jq8trIZWdGQ-00422-00096808-00097041 attention JqXwpUT3RnU-00000-00000014-00000323 in a nuclear electric rocket also known JqXwpUT3RnU-00001-00000324-00000551 as nuclear electric propulsion and space JqXwpUT3RnU-00002-00000552-00000782 nuclear fission electric power systems JqXwpUT3RnU-00003-00000783-00001037 nuclear thermal energy is changed into JqXwpUT3RnU-00004-00001038-00001244 electrical energy that is used to power JqXwpUT3RnU-00005-00001245-00001399 one of the electrical propulsion JqXwpUT3RnU-00006-00001400-00001730 technologies technically the power plant JqXwpUT3RnU-00007-00001730-00001991 is nuclear not the propulsion system but JqXwpUT3RnU-00008-00001992-00002291 the terminology is standard a number of JqXwpUT3RnU-00009-00002292-00002480 heat to electricity schemes have been JqXwpUT3RnU-00010-00002481-00002758 proposed Rankine cycle Brayton cycle JqXwpUT3RnU-00011-00002759-00003023 Stirling cycle thermoelectric including JqXwpUT3RnU-00012-00003024-00003238 graphene-based thermal power conversion JqXwpUT3RnU-00013-00003239-00003427 pyroelectric thermo photovoltaic JqXwpUT3RnU-00014-00003428-00003740 thermionic and magnetohydrodynamic type JqXwpUT3RnU-00015-00003740-00004396 thermoelectric materials JqXwpUT3RnU-00016-00004397-00004970 topic possible uses JqXwpUT3RnU-00017-00004971-00005210 one of the more practical schemes is a JqXwpUT3RnU-00018-00005211-00005525 variant of a pebble bed reactor it would JqXwpUT3RnU-00019-00005526-00005756 use a high mass flow nitrogen coolant JqXwpUT3RnU-00020-00005757-00006044 near normal atmospheric pressures this JqXwpUT3RnU-00021-00006045-00006245 would take advantage of highly developed JqXwpUT3RnU-00022-00006246-00006491 conventional gas turbine technologies JqXwpUT3RnU-00023-00006492-00006725 the fuel for this reactor would be JqXwpUT3RnU-00024-00006726-00006970 highly enriched and encapsulated in low JqXwpUT3RnU-00025-00006972-00007234 boron graphite balls probably five to JqXwpUT3RnU-00026-00007236-00007546 ten centimeters in diameter the graphite JqXwpUT3RnU-00027-00007547-00007843 serves to slow or moderate the neutrons JqXwpUT3RnU-00028-00007844-00008146 this style of reactor can be designed to JqXwpUT3RnU-00029-00008147-00008410 be inherently safe as it heats the JqXwpUT3RnU-00030-00008411-00008666 graphite expands separating the fuel and JqXwpUT3RnU-00031-00008667-00008966 reducing the reactors criticality this JqXwpUT3RnU-00032-00008967-00009185 property can simplify the operating JqXwpUT3RnU-00033-00009186-00009401 controls to a single valve throttling JqXwpUT3RnU-00034-00009402-00009710 the turbine when closed the reactor JqXwpUT3RnU-00035-00009711-00010007 heats but produces less power when open JqXwpUT3RnU-00036-00010008-00010220 the reactor calls but becomes more JqXwpUT3RnU-00037-00010221-00010544 critical and produces more power the JqXwpUT3RnU-00038-00010545-00010760 graphite encapsulation simplifies JqXwpUT3RnU-00039-00010761-00011057 refueling and waste handling graphite is JqXwpUT3RnU-00040-00011058-00011270 mechanically strong and resists high JqXwpUT3RnU-00041-00011271-00011546 temperatures this reduces the risk of an JqXwpUT3RnU-00042-00011547-00011894 unplanned release of radioactive since JqXwpUT3RnU-00043-00011895-00012101 this style of reactor produces high JqXwpUT3RnU-00044-00012102-00012335 power without heavy castings to contain JqXwpUT3RnU-00045-00012336-00012530 high pressures it is well suited to JqXwpUT3RnU-00046-00012531-00013140 power spacecraft JqXwpUT3RnU-00047-00013141-00013828 topic research research in nuclear JqXwpUT3RnU-00048-00013829-00014029 propulsion began with studies for JqXwpUT3RnU-00049-00014030-00014224 nuclear thermal propulsion where the JqXwpUT3RnU-00050-00014225-00014430 reactor heated a propellant usually JqXwpUT3RnU-00051-00014431-00014638 hydrogen that was allowed to expand JqXwpUT3RnU-00052-00014638-00014913 through a nozzle this was essentially an JqXwpUT3RnU-00053-00014915-00015085 ordinary chemical rocket with the JqXwpUT3RnU-00054-00015086-00015304 nuclear reaction replacing chemical JqXwpUT3RnU-00055-00015305-00015496 combustion as the Rockets heat source JqXwpUT3RnU-00056-00015497-00015780 because the reactor could supply more JqXwpUT3RnU-00057-00015781-00015961 heat to the propellant than chemical JqXwpUT3RnU-00058-00015962-00016219 combustion higher exhaust velocities ie JqXwpUT3RnU-00059-00016219-00016503 higher specific impulses were possible JqXwpUT3RnU-00060-00016504-00016900 see Kiwi NER VA the reports at the time JqXwpUT3RnU-00061-00016901-00017137 and since indicated that keeping the JqXwpUT3RnU-00062-00017138-00017296 system light would require high JqXwpUT3RnU-00063-00017297-00017544 temperature densely packed designs such JqXwpUT3RnU-00064-00017545-00017743 as fast metal cooled reactors or JqXwpUT3RnU-00065-00017744-00017965 hexagonal pin fueled high-temperature JqXwpUT3RnU-00066-00017966-00018289 gas-cooled reactors in the past several JqXwpUT3RnU-00067-00018290-00018505 decades the attention has turned to JqXwpUT3RnU-00068-00018506-00018700 using the nuclear reactor to drive a JqXwpUT3RnU-00069-00018701-00018955 turbine to produce electricity which is JqXwpUT3RnU-00070-00018956-00019138 used to create a plasma which is JqXwpUT3RnU-00071-00019139-00019506 accelerated C project Prometheus the JqXwpUT3RnU-00072-00019507-00019762 present best of tech is the safe 400 JqXwpUT3RnU-00073-00019763-00019950 which uses a four hundred kilowatts JqXwpUT3RnU-00074-00019951-00020191 thermal reactor and a gas turbine called JqXwpUT3RnU-00075-00020192-00020374 a closed Brayton cycle to produce JqXwpUT3RnU-00076-00020375-00020697 electric power heat rejection is kept JqXwpUT3RnU-00077-00020698-00020896 low mass using advanced heat pipe JqXwpUT3RnU-00078-00020897-00021127 systems such as are now used in some JqXwpUT3RnU-00079-00021128-00021353 laptop computers for cooling as well JqXwpUT3RnU-00080-00021354-00021634 safety comes from ruggedness proper JqXwpUT3RnU-00081-00021635-00021874 shielding control pins and spoiler pins JqXwpUT3RnU-00082-00021875-00022072 inside the reactor which arrest the JqXwpUT3RnU-00083-00022073-00022414 reaction the key elements to nap as they JqXwpUT3RnU-00084-00022415-00022725 are being pursued today are a compact JqXwpUT3RnU-00085-00022726-00023062 reactor core a gas turbine or Stirling JqXwpUT3RnU-00086-00023063-00023346 engine used as an electric generator a JqXwpUT3RnU-00087-00023347-00023608 compact heat rejection system such as JqXwpUT3RnU-00088-00023609-00023887 heat pipes an electric power JqXwpUT3RnU-00089-00023888-00024134 conditioning and distribution system a JqXwpUT3RnU-00090-00024135-00024427 high electric power propulsion system JqXwpUT3RnU-00091-00024428-00024712 based on plasma propellants the safe 400 JqXwpUT3RnU-00092-00024713-00024937 is the current best of tech for items 1 JqXwpUT3RnU-00093-00024938-00025302 2 3 item 4 is common to all spacecraft JqXwpUT3RnU-00094-00025303-00025594 some examples of thrusters that might be JqXwpUT3RnU-00095-00025595-00025944 suitable for this a VA s IMR D s 4G and JqXwpUT3RnU-00096-00025945-00026218 pulsed inductive thruster Pitts Pitts JqXwpUT3RnU-00097-00026219-00026323 and VA si JqXwpUT3RnU-00098-00026324-00026551 are a unique in their ability to trade JqXwpUT3RnU-00099-00026552-00026824 between power usage specific impulse a JqXwpUT3RnU-00100-00026825-00027045 measure of efficiency see specific JqXwpUT3RnU-00101-00027047-00027333 impulse and thrust in flight Pitts has JqXwpUT3RnU-00102-00027334-00027543 the additional advantage of not needing JqXwpUT3RnU-00103-00027544-00027739 the power conditioning system between JqXwpUT3RnU-00104-00027739-00028189 itself and the electric generators topic JqXwpUT3RnU-00105-00028189-00028405 other types of nuclear power in space JqXwpUT3RnU-00106-00028406-00028636 nuclear electric propulsion is a field JqXwpUT3RnU-00107-00028637-00028801 that is distinct from other space JqXwpUT3RnU-00108-00028802-00029104 nuclear power areas such as radioisotope JqXwpUT3RnU-00109-00029105-00029317 systems including radioisotope JqXwpUT3RnU-00110-00029318-00029580 thermoelectric generators radioisotope JqXwpUT3RnU-00111-00029581-00029871 heater units radioisotope piezoelectric JqXwpUT3RnU-00112-00029872-00030108 generators and the radioisotope rocket JqXwpUT3RnU-00113-00030109-00030307 all of which use the heat from a static JqXwpUT3RnU-00114-00030308-00030687 radioactive source usually plutonium 238 JqXwpUT3RnU-00115-00030688-00030918 for a low level of electric or direct JqXwpUT3RnU-00116-00030919-00031117 propulsion power and nuclear thermal JqXwpUT3RnU-00117-00031118-00031318 rocket energy is used to heat the liquid JqXwpUT3RnU-00118-00031319-00031555 hydrogen propellant direct nuclear JqXwpUT3RnU-00119-00031556-00031770 fission products from a nuclear reaction JqXwpUT3RnU-00120-00031772-00032043 directly propel the rocket nuclear pulse JqXwpUT3RnU-00121-00032044-00032308 propulsion nuclear explosions propel the JqXwpUT3RnU-00122-00032308-00032527 rocket or space-based nuclear fusion JqXwpUT3RnU-00123-00032527-00032749 systems either a fusion rocket or JqXwpUT3RnU-00124-00032750-00032964 summers yet theoretical or unproven JqXwpUT3RnU-00125-00032965-00033657 experimental fusion technology JqXwpUT3RnU-00126-00033658-00034198 topic C also JqXwpUT3RnU-00127-00034199-00034414 electrically powered spacecraft JqXwpUT3RnU-00128-00034415-00034923 propulsion ion thruster magnetic sail JqXwpUT3RnU-00129-00034924-00035299 nuclear pulse propulsion nuclear thermal JqXwpUT3RnU-00130-00035300-00035832 rocket nuclear reactor Poli well JqXwpUT3RnU-00131-00035833-00036149 radioisotope thermoelectric generator JqXwpUT3RnU-00132-00036150-00036669 spacecraft propulsion emdrive JrFibq3oxng-00000-00000919-00001211 so again I have drawn this diagram to JrFibq3oxng-00001-00001212-00001582 summarize what we have discussed but all JrFibq3oxng-00002-00001583-00001798 these all that discussion was only JrFibq3oxng-00003-00001800-00002132 qualitative discussion and we know that JrFibq3oxng-00004-00002133-00002359 for any reactor design this is the JrFibq3oxng-00005-00002360-00002687 performance equation and in this we know JrFibq3oxng-00006-00002688-00002924 input that is the plant capacity you JrFibq3oxng-00007-00002925-00003095 know what is the demand so you can JrFibq3oxng-00008-00003096-00003286 decide what is the input to the plant JrFibq3oxng-00009-00003288-00003701 and then who should know kinetics and we JrFibq3oxng-00010-00003702-00003917 should know contacting and first we JrFibq3oxng-00011-00003918-00004120 started with contacting and then found JrFibq3oxng-00012-00004121-00004295 that when do you use actually batch JrFibq3oxng-00013-00004296-00004481 reactors when do you use continuous JrFibq3oxng-00014-00004482-00004709 reactors and heena continuous reactors JrFibq3oxng-00015-00004710-00004906 when they use plug flow when you use mix JrFibq3oxng-00016-00004907-00005147 flow I hope that you have totally JrFibq3oxng-00017-00005148-00005438 understood then we decided to talk about JrFibq3oxng-00018-00005439-00005890 kinetics and in kinetics I you have the JrFibq3oxng-00019-00005891-00006083 classification of homogeneous and JrFibq3oxng-00020-00006084-00006406 heterogeneous so the method of designing JrFibq3oxng-00021-00006408-00006677 for homogeneous reactors or the JrFibq3oxng-00022-00006678-00006878 reactions is different or heterogeneous JrFibq3oxng-00023-00006879-00007081 reactors and thatõs enos reactions is JrFibq3oxng-00024-00007083-00007406 different and what we get extra at least JrFibq3oxng-00025-00007406-00007592 amal it agree with so many examples what JrFibq3oxng-00026-00007593-00007883 we have decided was that the chemical JrFibq3oxng-00027-00007884-00008092 factors and physical factors both will JrFibq3oxng-00028-00008093-00008392 be present in the kinetics that is in JrFibq3oxng-00029-00008393-00008669 the kinetic model it is not simple - are JrFibq3oxng-00030-00008670-00008894 they equal to k into CA the famous JrFibq3oxng-00031-00008895-00009056 equation all the time in all the JrFibq3oxng-00032-00009057-00009233 economic institutions because the first JrFibq3oxng-00033-00009234-00009385 order reaction simplest to unity JrFibq3oxng-00034-00009386-00009659 integrate and you know easier to deal JrFibq3oxng-00035-00009660-00009773 with mathematically and also JrFibq3oxng-00036-00009774-00009971 understanding wise so that is why always JrFibq3oxng-00037-00009972-00010256 we will say that we have first-order JrFibq3oxng-00038-00010257-00010499 reaction and we never bother about what JrFibq3oxng-00039-00010500-00010624 is mass transfer what is heat transfer JrFibq3oxng-00040-00010625-00010810 and all that but we had sufficient JrFibq3oxng-00041-00010811-00011159 examples to justify that in JrFibq3oxng-00042-00011160-00011408 heterogeneous systems it is the heat and JrFibq3oxng-00043-00011409-00011560 mass transfer which may control the rate JrFibq3oxng-00044-00011561-00011909 of reaction even though it is a chemical JrFibq3oxng-00045-00011910-00012145 reaction chemical part may not present JrFibq3oxng-00046-00012146-00012305 at all that is one example which we JrFibq3oxng-00047-00012306-00012602 talked about the combustion coal JrFibq3oxng-00048-00012603-00012971 gasification sorry coal combustion so in JrFibq3oxng-00049-00012972-00013199 coal combustion many times it is the JrFibq3oxng-00050-00013200-00013377 oxygen transfer to the coal which JrFibq3oxng-00051-00013378-00013710 rate controlling okay and then and the JrFibq3oxng-00052-00013711-00013932 rate expression will be simply minus RA JrFibq3oxng-00053-00013933-00014529 equal to K into or kg into CAG it is not JrFibq3oxng-00054-00014530-00014808 K as a reaction rate constant so it is JrFibq3oxng-00055-00014809-00014943 the mass transfer coefficient which you JrFibq3oxng-00056-00014944-00015141 have to substitute there and then find JrFibq3oxng-00057-00015141-00015347 out volume of the reactor instead of JrFibq3oxng-00058-00015348-00015644 actual reaction coefficient so that is JrFibq3oxng-00059-00015645-00015903 why always in heterogeneous systems we JrFibq3oxng-00060-00015904-00016083 have chemical and physical systems both JrFibq3oxng-00061-00016084-00016404 are coming and every time as I told you JrFibq3oxng-00062-00016405-00016578 you have to visualize your model right JrFibq3oxng-00063-00016579-00016803 all the steps and all these steps you JrFibq3oxng-00064-00016804-00017004 have to write simple equations most of JrFibq3oxng-00065-00017005-00017187 them will be mass transfer steps only JrFibq3oxng-00066-00017188-00017442 one step one step will be reaction step JrFibq3oxng-00067-00017443-00017669 and eliminate all the intermediate JrFibq3oxng-00068-00017670-00017883 concentrations then you will get what is JrFibq3oxng-00069-00017884-00018147 called a global rate of reaction now the JrFibq3oxng-00070-00018148-00018315 question to be asked which I have also JrFibq3oxng-00071-00018316-00018486 told you some time earlier during a JrFibq3oxng-00072-00018487-00018678 discussion was how do you define first JrFibq3oxng-00073-00018679-00018875 of all your rate of reaction for JrFibq3oxng-00074-00018876-00019050 heterogeneous systems homogeneous JrFibq3oxng-00075-00019051-00019374 systems it is straightforward and always JrFibq3oxng-00076-00019375-00019542 we will say that moles converted per JrFibq3oxng-00077-00019543-00019740 unit time per unit volume of the JrFibq3oxng-00078-00019741-00020037 reaction mixture but here you cannot JrFibq3oxng-00079-00020038-00020225 have that reaction mixture because if I JrFibq3oxng-00080-00020226-00020424 have a coal combustion unit I have JrFibq3oxng-00081-00020425-00020772 solids plus I have the gas so which one JrFibq3oxng-00082-00020773-00021053 you really take so that is why there are JrFibq3oxng-00083-00021054-00021342 various ways of defining the rates for JrFibq3oxng-00084-00021343-00021636 Rajini systems so let us also record all JrFibq3oxng-00085-00021637-00021849 of them and then whatever is convenient JrFibq3oxng-00086-00021850-00022080 to you as an engineer we should be able JrFibq3oxng-00087-00022081-00022416 to take that it is left to us and that JrFibq3oxng-00088-00022417-00022550 is where the greatness of engineer JrFibq3oxng-00089-00022551-00022809 automatically comes you have to choose JrFibq3oxng-00090-00022810-00022983 the simplest one that is possible for JrFibq3oxng-00091-00022984-00023340 you for the design right otherwise most JrFibq3oxng-00092-00023341-00023594 difficult things if you take you know JrFibq3oxng-00093-00023595-00023721 the design will be more complicated JrFibq3oxng-00094-00023722-00024105 unnecessarily complicated okay so based JrFibq3oxng-00095-00024106-00025231 on the unit a Trojan eh right here JrFibq3oxng-00096-00025232-00026167 rate of reactions or defined based on JrFibq3oxng-00097-00026168-00027632 based on unit mass of solid for fluid JrFibq3oxng-00098-00027633-00028304 solid reactions fluid solid reactions JrFibq3oxng-00099-00028305-00028633 you know short form of reaction is rxn JrFibq3oxng-00100-00028635-00028994 like action action right so reaction so JrFibq3oxng-00101-00028995-00029438 the overall rate are global rate for JrFibq3oxng-00102-00029439-00029744 each component in general can be written JrFibq3oxng-00103-00029745-00030593 as d na by DT and this can be also JrFibq3oxng-00104-00030594-00030994 written in terms of words moles of I JrFibq3oxng-00105-00030995-00032486 reacted for mass of solid per time JrFibq3oxng-00106-00032487-00032742 so this is what we wait to use if you JrFibq3oxng-00107-00032743-00033207 have solid and fluid this fluid can be JrFibq3oxng-00108-00033208-00033573 of course either liquid or gas right and JrFibq3oxng-00109-00033574-00033774 as you know I have already told you this JrFibq3oxng-00110-00033775-00034112 and weight is the easiest one to measure JrFibq3oxng-00111-00034113-00034407 okay it's just simply waiting either one JrFibq3oxng-00112-00034408-00034542 turn or two turns and then putting it to JrFibq3oxng-00113-00034543-00034833 the reactor so but based on unit JrFibq3oxng-00114-00034834-00035780 interfacial area based on unique JrFibq3oxng-00115-00035781-00037587 interfacial area in two fluid systems JrFibq3oxng-00116-00037588-00037737 that means you have gas liquid for JrFibq3oxng-00117-00037738-00038058 example right liquid liquid for example JrFibq3oxng-00118-00038059-00038721 okay so under those conditions are you JrFibq3oxng-00119-00038722-00038992 can also say that in fluid solid systems JrFibq3oxng-00120-00038993-00039252 you can also base on the fluid not on JrFibq3oxng-00121-00039253-00039610 the solid right this is your choice but JrFibq3oxng-00122-00039611-00039861 this one here this equation if I call JrFibq3oxng-00123-00039862-00040152 this one as 1 this equation is based on JrFibq3oxng-00124-00040153-00040408 the solid phase I have again fluid phase JrFibq3oxng-00125-00040409-00040452 there JrFibq3oxng-00126-00040453-00040768 I can also base it on fluid phase so JrFibq3oxng-00127-00040769-00041443 under those conditions are fluid solid JrFibq3oxng-00128-00041444-00042382 reactions based on fluid phase fluid JrFibq3oxng-00129-00042383-00043126 phase how we write this one is again of JrFibq3oxng-00130-00043127-00043287 course to differentiate between this and JrFibq3oxng-00131-00043288-00044001 this these subscripts are given 1 by yes JrFibq3oxng-00132-00044002-00044496 DNI by DT which is again defined as JrFibq3oxng-00133-00044497-00045795 moles of I reacted per unit surface area JrFibq3oxng-00134-00045796-00046362 or interfacial area and time so this is JrFibq3oxng-00135-00046363-00047355 - yeah we can also base it on based on JrFibq3oxng-00136-00047356-00048923 unit volume of solid in gas solid system JrFibq3oxng-00137-00048924-00049239 in gas solar system so that will be JrFibq3oxng-00138-00049240-00050388 minus RI triple 5 equal to 1 by V s DNA JrFibq3oxng-00139-00050389-00050721 by DT again defined as moles of I JrFibq3oxng-00140-00050722-00052269 reacted per volume of solid volume of JrFibq3oxng-00141-00052270-00053323 solid yeah for time so this is equation JrFibq3oxng-00142-00053324-00053953 3 then the last one there are many I am JrFibq3oxng-00143-00053954-00054211 just giving only some four five based on JrFibq3oxng-00144-00054212-00055461 unit unit volume JrFibq3oxng-00146-00058500-00059586 reacted or volume of reactor part time JrFibq3oxng-00147-00059587-00060156 so this is equation number four in fact JrFibq3oxng-00148-00060157-00060304 we can also convert one from the other JrFibq3oxng-00149-00060304-00060679 these equations are simpler evidence you JrFibq3oxng-00150-00060679-00060876 didn't we can just easily write this D JrFibq3oxng-00151-00060877-00061607 na by DT is just nothing but W or AF one JrFibq3oxng-00152-00061608-00062093 signal prime then we also have yes JrFibq3oxng-00153-00062094-00062247 double Prime JrFibq3oxng-00154-00062248-00063294 we also have V s or I will fine and we JrFibq3oxng-00155-00063295-00063975 also have V R yeah JrFibq3oxng-00156-00063976-00064401 so this is equation five good I think a JrFibq3oxng-00157-00064402-00064616 lot of discussion can be made on these JrFibq3oxng-00158-00064617-00065004 equations how do you choose right for JrFibq3oxng-00159-00065005-00065268 example we say that here volume of solid JrFibq3oxng-00160-00065269-00065491 and here volume of reactor what is the JrFibq3oxng-00161-00065491-00065896 difference Karthik you have any JrFibq3oxng-00162-00065897-00067087 difference JrFibq3oxng-00163-00067088-00067378 the hard one you mainly so if it is a JrFibq3oxng-00164-00067379-00067567 packet of data our fluidized bed volume JrFibq3oxng-00165-00067568-00067753 of reactor means it is the fluid plus JrFibq3oxng-00166-00067754-00068181 solid right or otherwise if it is only JrFibq3oxng-00167-00068182-00068440 solid volume means but the two solid JrFibq3oxng-00168-00068441-00068625 volume but again here there is a problem JrFibq3oxng-00169-00068626-00068815 in this channel that if I have a solid JrFibq3oxng-00170-00068816-00069268 porosity porous particles so know that JrFibq3oxng-00171-00069269-00069436 volume also automatically taken in that JrFibq3oxng-00172-00069437-00069718 solid right so we have to be very clear JrFibq3oxng-00173-00069719-00070030 now how do we define and always I prefer JrFibq3oxng-00174-00070031-00070237 this one because it is easiest one but JrFibq3oxng-00175-00070238-00070500 not it is true all the time for example JrFibq3oxng-00176-00070501-00070794 if I have a slurry reactor right if I JrFibq3oxng-00177-00070795-00070993 have a slurry reactor then we have three JrFibq3oxng-00178-00070994-00071355 phases we have gas liquid and then solid JrFibq3oxng-00179-00071356-00071587 and the general thumb rule our general JrFibq3oxng-00180-00071588-00071860 convention of defining rate in a slurry JrFibq3oxng-00181-00071861-00072259 reactor is moles of I converted per unit JrFibq3oxng-00182-00072260-00072517 time per unit volume of bubble-free JrFibq3oxng-00183-00072518-00072886 slurry okay so what is the to have taken JrFibq3oxng-00184-00072887-00073074 there it is the volume of liquid plus JrFibq3oxng-00185-00073075-00073330 volume of solid because that is the JrFibq3oxng-00186-00073331-00073546 easiest to measure for me because under JrFibq3oxng-00187-00073547-00073786 in the presence of bubbles the volume JrFibq3oxng-00188-00073787-00073984 will slightly raise because that much it JrFibq3oxng-00189-00073985-00074287 should occupy so then again I should JrFibq3oxng-00190-00074288-00074479 find out what is the holdup off or the JrFibq3oxng-00191-00074480-00074655 fraction of gas that is there in the JrFibq3oxng-00192-00074656-00074971 reactor volume that is why I think most JrFibq3oxng-00193-00074972-00075063 of us will not tell you the JrFibq3oxng-00194-00075064-00075537 hydrodynamics of chemical reactors so JrFibq3oxng-00195-00075538-00075762 that is much more important than JrFibq3oxng-00196-00075763-00076054 actually mass transfer and heat transfer JrFibq3oxng-00197-00076055-00076162 and chemical reactions because JrFibq3oxng-00198-00076163-00076512 hydrodynamics they play very important JrFibq3oxng-00199-00076513-00076812 role in heterogeneous reactor design we JrFibq3oxng-00200-00076813-00076912 normally don't mention that JrFibq3oxng-00201-00076913-00077149 hydrodynamics what do you mean by JrFibq3oxng-00202-00077150-00078194 hydrodynamics hydrodynamic means we have JrFibq3oxng-00203-00078195-00078553 hydrodynamics means we have how the the JrFibq3oxng-00204-00078554-00078793 two phases are three phases involved in JrFibq3oxng-00205-00078794-00079123 heterogeneous systems they move okay JrFibq3oxng-00206-00079124-00079338 even though we call hydro hydro JrFibq3oxng-00207-00079339-00079534 generally represent water right so but JrFibq3oxng-00208-00079535-00079666 in spite of that this is the general JrFibq3oxng-00209-00079667-00079903 name given the hydrodynamics in chemical JrFibq3oxng-00210-00079904-00080146 reactors and where you have to predict JrFibq3oxng-00211-00080147-00080463 what is the fraction of each phase in JrFibq3oxng-00212-00080464-00080913 the reactor volume right that means if JrFibq3oxng-00213-00080914-00081097 when I am operating with a certain gas JrFibq3oxng-00214-00081098-00081373 certain liquid and solids are constant JrFibq3oxng-00215-00081374-00081559 for example if you take then depending JrFibq3oxng-00216-00081560-00081742 on gas flow rate and liquid flow rate JrFibq3oxng-00217-00081743-00082021 the reactor occupies you know certain JrFibq3oxng-00218-00082022-00082260 volume of gas has a volume of liquid JrFibq3oxng-00219-00082261-00082557 solid is constant anyway right so JrFibq3oxng-00220-00082558-00082774 depending on these two flow rates how JrFibq3oxng-00221-00082775-00083050 these fractions change and those are JrFibq3oxng-00222-00083051-00083251 very important because if I have a JrFibq3oxng-00223-00083252-00083469 reaction I'm just imagining that I have JrFibq3oxng-00224-00083470-00083769 a plus B plus C in a three phase reactor JrFibq3oxng-00225-00083770-00084112 going to product right so what I told JrFibq3oxng-00226-00084113-00084318 here is one more one more one more JrFibq3oxng-00227-00084319-00084616 but in the actual reactor because of JrFibq3oxng-00228-00084617-00084726 hydrodynamic conditions JrFibq3oxng-00229-00084727-00084949 gas may not be one more it may be find JrFibq3oxng-00230-00084950-00085129 not one moles because the holdup is so JrFibq3oxng-00231-00085130-00085417 low then naturally that becomes a net JrFibq3oxng-00232-00085418-00085632 controlling step and you will not have JrFibq3oxng-00233-00085633-00085798 you will definitely not get more JrFibq3oxng-00234-00085799-00086092 conversions right point not one percent JrFibq3oxng-00235-00086093-00086256 if you take you know so that is the JrFibq3oxng-00236-00086257-00086481 reason why we should first know the JrFibq3oxng-00237-00086482-00086665 hydrodynamic conditions in each and JrFibq3oxng-00238-00086666-00086962 every actor not only that not only the JrFibq3oxng-00239-00086963-00087144 fractions hydrodynamics will give you JrFibq3oxng-00240-00087145-00087661 not only the holdups we also should have JrFibq3oxng-00241-00087662-00088321 flow regimes you know when I have two JrFibq3oxng-00242-00088322-00088494 phases solid of course is there as a JrFibq3oxng-00243-00088495-00088656 batch system and two phases are flowing JrFibq3oxng-00244-00088657-00088936 so if I have counter current system then JrFibq3oxng-00245-00088937-00089224 it is not possible to go for very high JrFibq3oxng-00246-00089225-00089404 values of liquid and very high values of JrFibq3oxng-00247-00089405-00089731 gas why Fredi all counter current JrFibq3oxng-00248-00089732-00089962 systems will flagged even though we know JrFibq3oxng-00249-00089963-00090130 that counter current system is much more JrFibq3oxng-00250-00090131-00090412 efficient than coconuts it we know that JrFibq3oxng-00251-00090413-00090565 but in spite of that there is a JrFibq3oxng-00252-00090566-00090835 limitation on the throughput side JrFibq3oxng-00253-00090836-00091030 operation side so that's why that flow JrFibq3oxng-00254-00091031-00091225 regimes will tell me whether what is the JrFibq3oxng-00255-00091226-00091273 maximum JrFibq3oxng-00256-00091274-00091445 gas velocity or maximum JrFibq3oxng-00257-00091446-00091631 velocity which I can take these what JrFibq3oxng-00258-00091632-00091766 first you should have done in your mass JrFibq3oxng-00259-00091767-00092002 transfer course also but will I live far JrFibq3oxng-00260-00092003-00092468 back Ribbit's right gas absorption for JrFibq3oxng-00261-00092469-00092624 you and distillation the first thing you JrFibq3oxng-00262-00092625-00092876 do is go to that graph given in a tripod JrFibq3oxng-00263-00092877-00093062 and then try to read what is the maximum JrFibq3oxng-00264-00093063-00093308 gas for a given liquid flow rate that JrFibq3oxng-00265-00093309-00093449 automatically fixes your maximum JrFibq3oxng-00266-00093450-00093719 throughput but how do you find out this JrFibq3oxng-00267-00093720-00093983 for a new column you have to do you have JrFibq3oxng-00268-00093984-00094223 to do the hydrodynamics so that's why I JrFibq3oxng-00269-00094224-00094421 all my research is not actual reactions JrFibq3oxng-00270-00094422-00094577 even though I teach reaction engineering JrFibq3oxng-00271-00094578-00094718 most of the time this is the first step JrFibq3oxng-00272-00094719-00094910 I totally mix I have never come out of JrFibq3oxng-00273-00094911-00095180 that even after the TAS still do in JrFibq3oxng-00274-00095181-00095528 hydrodynamics only okay so in every JrFibq3oxng-00275-00095529-00095699 system you should be able to find out JrFibq3oxng-00276-00095700-00095909 what are the flow regimes what are the JrFibq3oxng-00277-00095910-00096065 holdups and what are the phase JrFibq3oxng-00278-00096066-00096674 velocities what do you mean by what are JrFibq3oxng-00279-00096675-00096787 the phase velocities JrFibq3oxng-00280-00096788-00097175 if it is a fluidized bed okay it may be JrFibq3oxng-00281-00097176-00097352 three phase fluid a little bit that JrFibq3oxng-00282-00097353-00097520 means three phases are going solid is in JrFibq3oxng-00283-00097521-00097844 a way constant the volume is is a bad JrFibq3oxng-00284-00097845-00098119 system then gas and liquid both we send JrFibq3oxng-00285-00098120-00098411 right but the solids how to fluid ace I JrFibq3oxng-00286-00098412-00098525 hope all of you know what is JrFibq3oxng-00287-00098526-00098771 fluidization right fluidization is the JrFibq3oxng-00288-00098772-00099005 phenomena where the solid particles are JrFibq3oxng-00289-00099006-00099281 kept under suspension so that they JrFibq3oxng-00290-00099282-00099635 behave like a fluid okay so that's what JrFibq3oxng-00291-00099636-00099791 we call fluidization that means JrFibq3oxng-00292-00099792-00100007 imparting imparting the properties of JrFibq3oxng-00293-00100008-00100334 fluids for solid particles otherwise JrFibq3oxng-00294-00100335-00100493 solids are immobile they won't move JrFibq3oxng-00295-00100494-00100871 right so but I should know what is that JrFibq3oxng-00296-00100872-00101054 minimum velocity that is required for JrFibq3oxng-00297-00101055-00101348 this fluid ization to take place if I JrFibq3oxng-00298-00101349-00101576 don't know that what is happening I want JrFibq3oxng-00299-00101577-00101882 to use fluid A's in wet but most of the JrFibq3oxng-00300-00101883-00102035 time it is under packing conditions JrFibq3oxng-00301-00102036-00102308 packet bed conditions so that is why the JrFibq3oxng-00302-00102309-00102506 phase velocities and the other extreme JrFibq3oxng-00303-00102507-00102769 is that I may use very high velocity JrFibq3oxng-00304-00102770-00102869 because I don't know anything about JrFibq3oxng-00305-00102870-00103159 hydrodynamics very high gas velocity are JrFibq3oxng-00306-00103160-00103384 very high liquid velocity and these JrFibq3oxng-00307-00103385-00103684 velocities have already that they may be JrFibq3oxng-00308-00103685-00103844 more than the terminal velocities of the JrFibq3oxng-00309-00103845-00104110 particles so if you are not careful our JrFibq3oxng-00310-00104111-00104308 unification and then put on the top of JrFibq3oxng-00311-00104309-00104639 the reactor mesh all the particles will JrFibq3oxng-00312-00104640-00104829 go that is inverse repackage bed JrFibq3oxng-00313-00104830-00105018 because the packing will go and stick to JrFibq3oxng-00314-00105019-00105282 the top because then because you put a JrFibq3oxng-00315-00105283-00105549 mesh they are not able to go out if you JrFibq3oxng-00316-00105550-00105744 don't push the mesh there is no partner JrFibq3oxng-00317-00105745-00105927 there will not be any particles inside JrFibq3oxng-00318-00105928-00106016 the reactor at all JrFibq3oxng-00319-00106017-00106290 so that is why that fixes the boundaries JrFibq3oxng-00320-00106291-00106527 the phase velocities that's why these JrFibq3oxng-00321-00106528-00106782 are the factors normally yeah apart from JrFibq3oxng-00322-00106783-00107472 that the pressure drops these also very JrFibq3oxng-00323-00107473-00107676 important so what is the total pressure JrFibq3oxng-00324-00107677-00107850 drop across my column so that that is JrFibq3oxng-00325-00107851-00108075 the minimum thing which I have to JrFibq3oxng-00326-00108076-00108273 provide through the pump otherwise you JrFibq3oxng-00327-00108274-00108516 cannot push the liquids from the bottom JrFibq3oxng-00328-00108517-00108771 are from the top so the pressure drop so JrFibq3oxng-00329-00108772-00108897 these are the general things in JrFibq3oxng-00330-00108898-00109095 hydrodynamics what we have to study and JrFibq3oxng-00331-00109096-00109323 all heterogeneous systems this is the JrFibq3oxng-00332-00109324-00109533 first study in fact that's why JrFibq3oxng-00333-00109533-00109746 beautifully we have a course called JrFibq3oxng-00334-00109747-00110066 multi-phase systems and without JrFibq3oxng-00335-00110067-00110175 multi-phase there is no chemical JrFibq3oxng-00336-00110176-00110429 engineering okay single phase systems JrFibq3oxng-00337-00110430-00110703 are very very very very very very few so JrFibq3oxng-00338-00110704-00110952 minimum you will have to and why even a JrFibq3oxng-00339-00110953-00111252 distillation column you take right so JrFibq3oxng-00340-00111253-00111423 there are holdup correlations I don't JrFibq3oxng-00341-00111424-00111533 know whether really how use it them but JrFibq3oxng-00342-00111534-00111789 the beauty we using the beauty of using JrFibq3oxng-00343-00111790-00112041 make epithelium method is not to JrFibq3oxng-00344-00112042-00112323 consider all these things it's a JrFibq3oxng-00345-00112324-00112524 wonderful design I think really we have JrFibq3oxng-00346-00112525-00112698 to appreciate as chemical engineers JrFibq3oxng-00347-00112699-00112851 first of all I always think that how do JrFibq3oxng-00348-00112852-00113094 these people get that idea that you are JrFibq3oxng-00349-00113095-00113232 designing a mass transport column JrFibq3oxng-00350-00113233-00113504 without talking about any mass transfer JrFibq3oxng-00351-00113505-00113694 coefficient you don't use their single JrFibq3oxng-00352-00113695-00114035 mass transfer equation right you simply JrFibq3oxng-00353-00114036-00114198 go for thermodynamics take really data JrFibq3oxng-00354-00114199-00114744 draw okay and then go for material and JrFibq3oxng-00355-00114745-00114873 energy balance which you studied in your JrFibq3oxng-00356-00114874-00115160 first semester right then balance you JrFibq3oxng-00357-00115161-00115326 will get the operating lines and in JrFibq3oxng-00358-00115327-00115551 between this equilibrium line and JrFibq3oxng-00359-00115552-00115711 operating lines chick chick chick chick JrFibq3oxng-00360-00115713-00115851 that's all JrFibq3oxng-00361-00115852-00116145 10 6 means Chan templates 15 6 mins 15 JrFibq3oxng-00362-00116146-00116622 plates right and after that we have a JrFibq3oxng-00363-00116623-00116889 nice fellow called Murphy and go to JrFibq3oxng-00364-00116890-00117063 Murphy and we take Murphy efficiency may JrFibq3oxng-00365-00117064-00117413 be 80% 60% 70% depending on the system JrFibq3oxng-00366-00117414-00117872 ok what will be depending on the system JrFibq3oxng-00367-00117873-00118122 when do I take 50 percent when do I take JrFibq3oxng-00368-00118123-00118218 80 percent JrFibq3oxng-00369-00118219-00118458 might be efficiency now we thought JrFibq3oxng-00370-00118458-00118614 normally we tell you in the class take JrFibq3oxng-00371-00118615-00118908 50% you take 50% without questioning JrFibq3oxng-00372-00118908-00119199 okay and sometimes we just take 80% you JrFibq3oxng-00373-00119200-00119424 take only 80% but we never question all JrFibq3oxng-00374-00119425-00119916 of your very good students they are JrFibq3oxng-00375-00119917-00120308 contacting time what do you expect you JrFibq3oxng-00376-00120309-00120719 know in that design in that way in the JrFibq3oxng-00377-00120720-00121089 yeah but in that method on each plate JrFibq3oxng-00378-00121090-00121176 what is that we are assuming JrFibq3oxng-00379-00121177-00121623 theoretically equilibrium on do you know JrFibq3oxng-00380-00121624-00121725 what is the time required for JrFibq3oxng-00381-00121726-00122082 equilibrium theoretical infinity so that JrFibq3oxng-00382-00122083-00122217 means you can never come back again if JrFibq3oxng-00383-00122218-00122435 you go to infinity right infinite time JrFibq3oxng-00384-00122436-00122601 if you go again where are you I think JrFibq3oxng-00385-00122602-00122814 will not be there so that is the reason JrFibq3oxng-00386-00122815-00123011 why practically we have to wait for some JrFibq3oxng-00387-00123013-00123450 time right so actually that is a rate JrFibq3oxng-00388-00123451-00123750 process converted into equilibrium JrFibq3oxng-00389-00123751-00124098 process but the actual rate process what JrFibq3oxng-00390-00124099-00124254 we are using rate means you know mass JrFibq3oxng-00391-00124255-00124535 transfer rate is the other approach we JrFibq3oxng-00392-00124536-00124680 have two approaches equilibrium approach JrFibq3oxng-00393-00124681-00124950 the other one is the rate approach and JrFibq3oxng-00394-00124951-00125175 generally if you have a packet abet you JrFibq3oxng-00395-00125176-00125376 use mass transfer equations that is very JrFibq3oxng-00396-00125377-00125688 two films you draw and then you write JrFibq3oxng-00397-00125689-00125988 the mass transfer equation okay and then JrFibq3oxng-00398-00125989-00126153 how the concentrations are changing how JrFibq3oxng-00399-00126154-00126296 the mass transfer coefficient at each JrFibq3oxng-00400-00126297-00126570 height along the column all that you JrFibq3oxng-00401-00126571-00126758 integrate and then you of course again JrFibq3oxng-00402-00126759-00126954 as an engineer you will again simplify JrFibq3oxng-00403-00126955-00127158 that in terms of NTU HT you want all JrFibq3oxng-00404-00127158-00127371 that because easy to convert for the JrFibq3oxng-00405-00127372-00127623 design so these two approaches but there JrFibq3oxng-00406-00127624-00128124 also you need the dispensed holdups you JrFibq3oxng-00407-00128125-00128367 need flow regimes you need phase JrFibq3oxng-00408-00128368-00128561 velocities I mean definitely you need JrFibq3oxng-00409-00128563-00128874 pressure drop right and pressure drop JrFibq3oxng-00410-00128875-00129192 luckily we have only one equation for JrFibq3oxng-00411-00129193-00129381 battery beds you have to thank your good JrFibq3oxng-00412-00129382-00129603 and the story is that I know I don't JrFibq3oxng-00413-00129604-00129705 know whether we were really were to JrFibq3oxng-00414-00129706-00129876 believe this or not someone was telling JrFibq3oxng-00415-00129877-00129951 me that story JrFibq3oxng-00416-00129952-00130266 some not Cambridge University some JrFibq3oxng-00417-00130267-00130578 University from UK it seems when he JrFibq3oxng-00418-00130579-00130728 submitted his thesis on the pressure JrFibq3oxng-00419-00130729-00131009 drop of you know pressure drop through JrFibq3oxng-00420-00131010-00131232 packet beds he was failed because there JrFibq3oxng-00421-00131233-00131505 is no contribution from him you know for JrFibq3oxng-00422-00131506-00131572 a pea JrFibq3oxng-00423-00131573-00131824 you need some contributions some totally JrFibq3oxng-00424-00131825-00132043 new knowledge which has not been JrFibq3oxng-00425-00132044-00132312 existing till then right but I think JrFibq3oxng-00426-00132313-00132457 people thought examiner's thought at JrFibq3oxng-00427-00132458-00132564 that time that you know there is no JrFibq3oxng-00428-00132565-00132787 sufficient newness in this pressure drop JrFibq3oxng-00429-00132788-00133123 of of the fluids through the Packer beds JrFibq3oxng-00430-00133124-00133348 he was failed in the examination but you JrFibq3oxng-00431-00133349-00133486 know that failure only we have been to JrFibq3oxng-00432-00133487-00133989 you know using even after 70 60 years JrFibq3oxng-00433-00133990-00134236 that is the only equation what what else JrFibq3oxng-00434-00134237-00134429 you have all other equations are only JrFibq3oxng-00435-00134430-00134773 some extension Delta X Delta X extension JrFibq3oxng-00436-00134774-00135015 of that same equation the same thing JrFibq3oxng-00437-00135016-00135157 even add some more notes equation or JrFibq3oxng-00438-00135158-00135325 Michaelis Menten equation one of those I JrFibq3oxng-00439-00135326-00135625 don't remember now one of those papers JrFibq3oxng-00440-00135626-00135777 have been rejected saying that this JrFibq3oxng-00441-00135778-00136093 paper is not worth publishing you see in JrFibq3oxng-00442-00136094-00136314 the history of this research and then JrFibq3oxng-00443-00136315-00136543 you know development of concepts some JrFibq3oxng-00444-00136544-00136681 things which we have thrown out that it JrFibq3oxng-00445-00136682-00136827 is a useless concept later that is the JrFibq3oxng-00446-00136828-00137143 only concept that was valid okay so all JrFibq3oxng-00447-00137144-00137265 beautiful histories are there if you JrFibq3oxng-00448-00137266-00137470 just try to understand how Chemical JrFibq3oxng-00449-00137471-00137635 Engineering they were developed or any JrFibq3oxng-00450-00137636-00137896 process developed good so that's why I JrFibq3oxng-00451-00137897-00138090 hydrodynamics are very very important JrFibq3oxng-00452-00138091-00138413 for heterogeneous system good so and JrFibq3oxng-00453-00138414-00138948 most of the time if you look at the the JrFibq3oxng-00454-00138949-00139246 rate equations given in the textbooks if JrFibq3oxng-00455-00139247-00139471 it is a backrub at many times this is JrFibq3oxng-00456-00139472-00139716 the one that is used if it is a slurry JrFibq3oxng-00457-00139717-00139945 reactor many times that is used it is JrFibq3oxng-00458-00139946-00140376 based on volume of yea bubble-free JrFibq3oxng-00459-00140377-00140664 slurry that is what and if it is gas JrFibq3oxng-00460-00140665-00140865 liquid system you don't have any choice JrFibq3oxng-00461-00140866-00141094 except that you have to go for JrFibq3oxng-00462-00141095-00141351 interfacial area and you see the most JrFibq3oxng-00463-00141352-00141477 difficult thing in chemical engineering JrFibq3oxng-00464-00141478-00141654 is finding out interfacial area for JrFibq3oxng-00465-00141655-00142008 surface area for solids it is fine JrFibq3oxng-00466-00142009-00142251 solids also has interfacial area but I JrFibq3oxng-00467-00142252-00142437 can easily find out solids interfacial JrFibq3oxng-00468-00142438-00142771 area if I know the particle size even JrFibq3oxng-00469-00142772-00143028 particle size distribution so I will go JrFibq3oxng-00470-00143029-00143235 to sieving which you learnt in your JrFibq3oxng-00471-00143236-00143425 maybe fourth semester fifth semester JrFibq3oxng-00472-00143426-00143686 mechanical operations and then you have JrFibq3oxng-00473-00143687-00143935 various seems maybe between these tubes JrFibq3oxng-00474-00143936-00144145 each time you will have maybe 10 percent JrFibq3oxng-00475-00144146-00144387 20 percent 40 percent like that and in JrFibq3oxng-00476-00144388-00144591 each category within that you know what JrFibq3oxng-00477-00144592-00144784 is the particle size average size find JrFibq3oxng-00478-00144785-00144925 out that inter facial area JrFibq3oxng-00479-00144926-00145150 surface area so like that all surface JrFibq3oxng-00480-00145151-00145324 areas we can add up I am talking about JrFibq3oxng-00481-00145325-00145624 just external surface areas see gives JrFibq3oxng-00482-00145625-00145819 you only external surface area because JrFibq3oxng-00483-00145820-00145969 what I am trying to say is particles are JrFibq3oxng-00484-00145970-00146215 not changing with the time even in the JrFibq3oxng-00485-00146216-00146389 packet bed so you can easily find out JrFibq3oxng-00486-00146390-00146617 what is the interfacial area based on JrFibq3oxng-00487-00146618-00146890 external external circuits area alone JrFibq3oxng-00488-00146891-00147142 but you also have fairly very good JrFibq3oxng-00489-00147143-00147331 techniques to find out what is the JrFibq3oxng-00490-00147332-00147559 internal surface area for the porous JrFibq3oxng-00491-00147560-00148015 particles what are the methods be et is JrFibq3oxng-00492-00148016-00148255 one a one method and you also have JrFibq3oxng-00493-00148256-00148417 mercury porosimetry JrFibq3oxng-00494-00148418-00148639 but b80 will give you to certain range JrFibq3oxng-00495-00148640-00148954 of pores and mercury also will keep our JrFibq3oxng-00496-00148955-00149059 estimate also will give you certain JrFibq3oxng-00497-00149060-00149311 other range of pores but all these pores JrFibq3oxng-00498-00149312-00149509 we have to add and then find out what is JrFibq3oxng-00499-00149510-00149791 the total surface area and that will be JrFibq3oxng-00500-00149792-00149953 very useful for catalytic reactions but JrFibq3oxng-00501-00149954-00150148 advantage there is those particles are JrFibq3oxng-00502-00150149-00150436 not changing with time unless you have a JrFibq3oxng-00503-00150437-00150760 deactivation okay so that is why I am JrFibq3oxng-00504-00150761-00150997 very fairly confident about that but the JrFibq3oxng-00505-00150998-00151237 systems with the gas liquid and also JrFibq3oxng-00506-00151238-00151627 liquid liquid very difficult because you JrFibq3oxng-00507-00151628-00151885 have the in a liquid liquid system JrFibq3oxng-00508-00151886-00152080 droplets one is continuous phase other JrFibq3oxng-00509-00152081-00152308 one is the dispersal phase in the JrFibq3oxng-00510-00152309-00152443 dispersed phase you have the small JrFibq3oxng-00511-00152444-00152704 bubbles large bubbles and unfortunately JrFibq3oxng-00512-00152705-00152944 large bubbles will become we will break JrFibq3oxng-00513-00152945-00153193 and then become small bubbles and small JrFibq3oxng-00514-00153194-00153400 bubbles will coalesce and then become JrFibq3oxng-00515-00153401-00153562 large bubbles we don't know how to JrFibq3oxng-00516-00153563-00153721 really predict what is happening JrFibq3oxng-00517-00153722-00154042 throughout the system in the process JrFibq3oxng-00518-00154043-00154246 that's why that is one of the most JrFibq3oxng-00519-00154247-00154420 difficult parts in evaluation in JrFibq3oxng-00520-00154421-00154630 evaluating the interfacial area and much JrFibq3oxng-00521-00154631-00154873 worse is there were bubbles also right JrFibq3oxng-00522-00154874-00155062 that's why if you are able to design a JrFibq3oxng-00523-00155063-00155389 system where you can beautifully produce JrFibq3oxng-00524-00155390-00155686 only single bubbles or single droplets JrFibq3oxng-00525-00155687-00156193 of uniform size then this very very JrFibq3oxng-00526-00156194-00156379 accurate surface area is very very JrFibq3oxng-00527-00156380-00156559 accurate because I have only I have to JrFibq3oxng-00528-00156560-00156814 measure only one bubble size all bubbles JrFibq3oxng-00529-00156815-00157063 are same afterwards so then simply x JrFibq3oxng-00530-00157064-00157231 number of bubbles and then each move not JrFibq3oxng-00531-00157232-00157432 it is surface area that's why I like JrFibq3oxng-00532-00157433-00157776 this screensaver JrFibq3oxng-00533-00157777-00158073 there is one screensaver with bubbles I JrFibq3oxng-00534-00158074-00158317 think in Windows 7 also JrFibq3oxng-00535-00158318-00158494 so I mean I always put that wherever I JrFibq3oxng-00536-00158495-00158653 go I have computer in the house or JrFibq3oxng-00537-00158654-00158923 computer here or wherever I see I have JrFibq3oxng-00538-00158924-00159175 that possibility I will push though that JrFibq3oxng-00539-00159176-00159385 screensaver because thinking that how JrFibq3oxng-00540-00159386-00159589 beautiful it would be if I am able to JrFibq3oxng-00541-00159590-00159813 produce that kind of really beautiful JrFibq3oxng-00542-00159814-00160156 spherical particles on the screen okay JrFibq3oxng-00543-00160157-00160396 but the same thing if I can extend it to JrFibq3oxng-00544-00160397-00160588 my research area also that will be JrFibq3oxng-00545-00160589-00160882 wonderful and I am doing some work on JrFibq3oxng-00546-00160883-00161083 the inverse fluidity depents lost maybe JrFibq3oxng-00547-00161084-00161323 10 12 years so there we have observed JrFibq3oxng-00548-00161324-00161641 this kind of uniform bubbles ok the JrFibq3oxng-00549-00161642-00161794 serous fluid everybody you use it for JrFibq3oxng-00550-00161795-00162121 wastewater treatment the liquid is sent JrFibq3oxng-00551-00162122-00162328 from the top because these are the JrFibq3oxng-00552-00162329-00162478 lighter particles that way it's called JrFibq3oxng-00553-00162479-00162682 inverse fluid a little bit the particles JrFibq3oxng-00554-00162683-00163000 if you just put in batch of liquid this JrFibq3oxng-00555-00163001-00163219 will float to the top because they are JrFibq3oxng-00556-00163220-00163375 lighter particles later than water so JrFibq3oxng-00557-00163376-00163621 now to fluid I is that I have to push JrFibq3oxng-00558-00163622-00164005 from the top right and that pushing JrFibq3oxng-00559-00164006-00164218 liquid is in simple terms it is the JrFibq3oxng-00560-00164219-00164635 waste water right and then this is a JrFibq3oxng-00561-00164636-00164937 biological process where the JrFibq3oxng-00562-00164938-00165247 microorganisms require oxygen so that is JrFibq3oxng-00563-00165248-00165627 why I now send my aid from the bottom JrFibq3oxng-00564-00165628-00165937 okay it is three phases counter current JrFibq3oxng-00565-00165938-00166150 system and we should I use an inverse JrFibq3oxng-00566-00166151-00166315 fluid element we currently use a normal JrFibq3oxng-00567-00166316-00166588 fluid element yes can be used the JrFibq3oxng-00568-00166589-00166741 advantage of inverse fluid element is JrFibq3oxng-00569-00166742-00166861 the fight particles are lighter JrFibq3oxng-00570-00166862-00167305 particles so they have less inertia less JrFibq3oxng-00571-00167306-00167563 inertia so due to this less inertia or JrFibq3oxng-00572-00167564-00167989 the particles can easily move okay or JrFibq3oxng-00573-00167990-00168265 rotate when they are rotating they will JrFibq3oxng-00574-00168266-00168505 just try the film they could fill him JrFibq3oxng-00575-00168506-00168724 surrounding the particle what will JrFibq3oxng-00576-00168725-00169111 happen no yeah most of the fresh area JrFibq3oxng-00577-00169112-00169237 generates and then mass transfer is JrFibq3oxng-00578-00169238-00169537 maximum so when mass transfer is maximum JrFibq3oxng-00579-00169538-00169714 and particularly if mass transfer is JrFibq3oxng-00580-00169715-00169918 controlled and for even biological JrFibq3oxng-00581-00169919-00170095 processes mass transfer it may be JrFibq3oxng-00582-00170096-00170283 controlled oxygen supply for example JrFibq3oxng-00583-00170284-00170512 that's why I told you already wastewater JrFibq3oxng-00584-00170513-00170866 treatment open ponds right very big sir JrFibq3oxng-00585-00170867-00171169 a large scale very very large area you JrFibq3oxng-00586-00171170-00171373 ought to use the reason is that you JrFibq3oxng-00587-00171374-00171610 don't have an efficient way of mass JrFibq3oxng-00588-00171611-00171682 transfer JrFibq3oxng-00589-00171683-00171898 to each individual microorganism so they JrFibq3oxng-00590-00171899-00172084 don't work they will die of suffocation JrFibq3oxng-00591-00172085-00172393 so that's why you have to use largest JrFibq3oxng-00592-00172394-00172590 size to compensate for your final JrFibq3oxng-00593-00172591-00172791 production rate so in this illustration JrFibq3oxng-00594-00172792-00173113 but it is not right because it's very JrFibq3oxng-00595-00173114-00173289 efficient system where this will break JrFibq3oxng-00596-00173290-00173734 in fact it was found that maybe 1.5 to JrFibq3oxng-00597-00173735-00173986 2.5 times the mass transfer coefficient JrFibq3oxng-00598-00173987-00174232 can increase number of ways you may JrFibq3oxng-00599-00174233-00174438 think it is very small so that means it JrFibq3oxng-00600-00174439-00174588 is directly proportional in a mass JrFibq3oxng-00601-00174589-00174733 transfer coefficient doubles means area JrFibq3oxng-00602-00174734-00174937 will be half area of the system what you JrFibq3oxng-00603-00174938-00175144 are using so that way it is very JrFibq3oxng-00604-00175145-00175350 advantageous there what we have observed JrFibq3oxng-00605-00175351-00175662 was when the bubbles are coming and the JrFibq3oxng-00606-00175663-00175866 particles are expanding down right and JrFibq3oxng-00607-00175867-00176158 in between those particles the bubble JrFibq3oxng-00608-00176159-00176371 size is almost uniform because the gas JrFibq3oxng-00609-00176372-00176526 has to go through the bubbles I mean JrFibq3oxng-00610-00176527-00176893 through the particles and the liquid is JrFibq3oxng-00611-00176894-00177148 trying to expand the particles so JrFibq3oxng-00612-00177149-00177358 depending on the density holdup of the JrFibq3oxng-00613-00177359-00177574 solids if the holdup of solids is more JrFibq3oxng-00614-00177575-00177808 almost like a packet Abed I guarantee JrFibq3oxng-00615-00177809-00178009 almost uniform bubbles throughout and JrFibq3oxng-00616-00178010-00178162 definitely I know that how much mass JrFibq3oxng-00617-00178163-00178371 transfer no oxygen going to the liquid JrFibq3oxng-00618-00178372-00178716 then that liquid goes to the surface of JrFibq3oxng-00619-00178717-00178995 solid on the surface we have the JrFibq3oxng-00620-00178996-00179212 microorganisms so Michael algorithms JrFibq3oxng-00621-00179213-00179652 happily take the nutrients or the food JrFibq3oxng-00622-00179653-00179908 from the waste water and also breathe JrFibq3oxng-00623-00179909-00180141 the dissolved oxygen then happily it JrFibq3oxng-00624-00180142-00180412 will work it will reproduce because good JrFibq3oxng-00625-00180413-00180591 environment for it because it's a good JrFibq3oxng-00626-00180592-00181021 food and good oxygen amount of oxygen so JrFibq3oxng-00627-00181022-00181203 that's why what is the next one that is JrFibq3oxng-00628-00181204-00181500 left in the nature reproduction so JrFibq3oxng-00629-00181501-00181788 that's why more and more mechanisms also JrFibq3oxng-00630-00181789-00182064 are developed or produced then you will JrFibq3oxng-00631-00182065-00182323 have very efficient process there also JrFibq3oxng-00632-00182324-00182487 we are studying all the time you know we JrFibq3oxng-00633-00182488-00182698 don't have correct equations for minimum JrFibq3oxng-00634-00182699-00182838 fluidization velocity for example these JrFibq3oxng-00635-00182839-00183114 phase velocities we don't have an JrFibq3oxng-00636-00183115-00183315 equation for pressure drop only recently JrFibq3oxng-00637-00183316-00183726 we have developed that and I think I JrFibq3oxng-00638-00183727-00183864 have to publish that I think we were the JrFibq3oxng-00639-00183865-00184062 first people to say to give a pressure JrFibq3oxng-00640-00184063-00184326 drop equation till now in the in the JrFibq3oxng-00641-00184327-00184510 world that not yet published only JrFibq3oxng-00642-00184511-00184671 student recently submitted his thesis JrFibq3oxng-00643-00184672-00185016 there is no equation for pressure JrFibq3oxng-00644-00185017-00185304 in a universal rotational better and of JrFibq3oxng-00645-00185305-00185453 course the flow regimes JrFibq3oxng-00646-00185454-00185691 so the flow regimes we have not yet done JrFibq3oxng-00647-00185692-00185864 but there is just only one or two papers JrFibq3oxng-00648-00185865-00186135 for studying flow regimes and of course JrFibq3oxng-00649-00186136-00186544 hold up so many people studied and JrFibq3oxng-00650-00186545-00186871 beauty there is if I do my experiments JrFibq3oxng-00651-00186872-00187098 it is not Tanjung with other experiments JrFibq3oxng-00652-00187099-00187335 so we have some six seven others who JrFibq3oxng-00653-00187336-00187522 have published these holdups everyone JrFibq3oxng-00654-00187523-00187815 has a different correlation I don't know JrFibq3oxng-00655-00187816-00188037 what to normalize now in fact my next JrFibq3oxng-00656-00188038-00188257 item T is that you know what is that why JrFibq3oxng-00657-00188258-00188458 different people have given different JrFibq3oxng-00658-00188459-00188739 correlations I am telling all these even JrFibq3oxng-00659-00188740-00188935 in this course because that is what the JrFibq3oxng-00660-00188936-00189232 information you need if you design a new JrFibq3oxng-00661-00189233-00189438 system it is not existing then you have JrFibq3oxng-00662-00189439-00189595 to develop all these hold up JrFibq3oxng-00663-00189596-00189844 correlations flow regime map and also JrFibq3oxng-00664-00189845-00189997 phase velocities pressure drop JrFibq3oxng-00665-00189998-00190128 correlations all that otherwise you JrFibq3oxng-00666-00190129-00190348 cannot design the equation I mean you JrFibq3oxng-00667-00190349-00190783 cannot design the reactor right okay so JrFibq3oxng-00668-00190784-00190965 this is what is that what are the JrFibq3oxng-00669-00190966-00191136 general difficulty is when you go for JrFibq3oxng-00670-00191137-00191316 kinetics and we decided now we have to JrFibq3oxng-00671-00191317-00191533 concentrate or throughout this semester JrFibq3oxng-00672-00191534-00191754 we will talk most of the time on the JrFibq3oxng-00673-00191755-00191959 kinetics part of it raja'na systems and JrFibq3oxng-00674-00191960-00192173 the first one what we take in DC's JrFibq3oxng-00675-00192174-00192474 gas-solid non-catalytic reactions okay JrFibq3oxng-00676-00192475-00192682 then we will take gas solid catalytic JrFibq3oxng-00677-00192683-00193104 reactions then we take the fluid a ship JrFibq3oxng-00678-00193105-00193297 fluidized beds will come under gas solid JrFibq3oxng-00679-00193298-00193464 catalytic reactions then we will take JrFibq3oxng-00680-00193465-00193819 slurry reactor right so in gas-solid JrFibq3oxng-00681-00193820-00194088 non-catalytic reactors we will try to JrFibq3oxng-00682-00194089-00194310 design package beds and also fluidized JrFibq3oxng-00683-00194311-00194593 beds and in catalytic reactions also JrFibq3oxng-00684-00194594-00194971 package beds and fluidized beds and in JrFibq3oxng-00685-00194972-00195087 slurry reactor of course there is only JrFibq3oxng-00686-00195088-00195354 one silletti reactor right so this is JrFibq3oxng-00687-00195355-00195564 the overall picture first finding out JrFibq3oxng-00688-00195565-00195825 the kinetics that means kinetic models JrFibq3oxng-00689-00195826-00196062 have to be developed and then we have to JrFibq3oxng-00690-00196063-00196275 use that information in the design of JrFibq3oxng-00691-00196276-00196566 the reactor for either packed bed or JrFibq3oxng-00692-00196567-00196728 fluidized bed or moving with a rotary JrFibq3oxng-00693-00196729-00196962 kill precisely same but we cannot do JrFibq3oxng-00694-00196963-00197124 everything in this course so they at JrFibq3oxng-00695-00197125-00197303 least these important things and very JrFibq3oxng-00696-00197304-00197574 frequently used reactors are these JrFibq3oxng-00697-00197575-00197707 packed beds through a desert bird slurry JrFibq3oxng-00698-00197708-00197973 reactors in the industry moving beds JrFibq3oxng-00699-00197974-00198159 also are used but I think very difficult JrFibq3oxng-00700-00198160-00198406 to control moving bed road JrFibq3oxng-00701-00198407-00198649 pickles are again very easy and the JrFibq3oxng-00702-00198650-00198784 design also very easy I think you know JrFibq3oxng-00703-00198785-00198916 even though we don't have to design that JrFibq3oxng-00704-00198917-00199150 but it is very easy to design I will let JrFibq3oxng-00705-00199151-00199525 you know when the time comes and rotary JrFibq3oxng-00706-00199526-00199795 kills are mainly used for gas-solid JrFibq3oxng-00707-00199796-00199933 non-catalytic reactions of course JrFibq3oxng-00708-00199934-00200209 there's solid solid reactions and non JrFibq3oxng-00709-00200210-00200758 catalytic reactions like gasification ok JrFibq3oxng-00710-00200759-00201166 so people use the rotating kills ok good JrFibq3oxng-00711-00201167-00201480 so that is the overall picture and now JrFibq3oxng-00712-00201481-00201793 we will go to gas-solid non-catalytic JrFibq3oxng-00713-00201794-00202113 reactions and first to know in gas-solid JrFibq3oxng-00714-00202114-00202429 non-catalytic reaction is what kind of JrFibq3oxng-00715-00202430-00202651 reaction first of all you have you may JrFibq3oxng-00716-00202652-00202768 be wondering what do you mean by what JrFibq3oxng-00717-00202769-00203128 kind of reactions okay so example if I JrFibq3oxng-00718-00203129-00203365 can say simply tell you if I have iron JrFibq3oxng-00719-00203366-00203941 ore reduction fu 2 O 3 plus h2 giving me JrFibq3oxng-00720-00203942-00204210 Fe plus h2o JrFibq3oxng-00721-00204211-00204586 okay yeah that reaction is quite JrFibq3oxng-00722-00204587-00204649 different JrFibq3oxng-00723-00204650-00204859 there's also non catalytic reaction gas JrFibq3oxng-00724-00204860-00205083 solid when I compared that with JrFibq3oxng-00725-00205084-00205392 gasification reaction our combustion JrFibq3oxng-00726-00205394-00205660 reaction what is happening is here coal JrFibq3oxng-00727-00205661-00206083 plus c plus O 2 giving me co2 but there JrFibq3oxng-00728-00206084-00206492 I have the solid product at the end in JrFibq3oxng-00729-00206494-00206821 iron no reduction whereas here I do not JrFibq3oxng-00730-00206821-00207046 have anything because particle will JrFibq3oxng-00731-00207046-00207394 disappear you may have ash and there are JrFibq3oxng-00732-00207394-00207535 calls where actually is almost JrFibq3oxng-00733-00207536-00207769 negligible 5 percent as 10 percent ash JrFibq3oxng-00734-00207769-00208021 so then there is nothing in the reactor JrFibq3oxng-00735-00208021-00208132 then how do it is in the reactor you JrFibq3oxng-00736-00208133-00208366 don't need any reactor which means so JrFibq3oxng-00737-00208367-00208555 that is why and also there are some JrFibq3oxng-00738-00208556-00208711 beautiful reactions non catalytic JrFibq3oxng-00739-00208712-00209035 reaction for example we are using our JrFibq3oxng-00740-00209036-00209196 computers and all that very happily JrFibq3oxng-00741-00209196-00209500 right and silica is one of the things JrFibq3oxng-00742-00209501-00209742 which chips to make and you know how JrFibq3oxng-00743-00209744-00209980 difficult it is to produce that pure JrFibq3oxng-00744-00209981-00210352 form of silica and one reaction that is JrFibq3oxng-00745-00210353-00210692 used is silane that also I will write JrFibq3oxng-00746-00210694-00211261 sih4 going to si plus 2h2 so that means JrFibq3oxng-00747-00211262-00211588 actually it is a gas and the after JrFibq3oxng-00748-00211589-00211844 reaction i see the solid JrFibq3oxng-00749-00211846-00212221 wonderful design and I guarantee you if JrFibq3oxng-00750-00212221-00212544 you develop a process now there are many JrFibq3oxng-00751-00212546-00212694 companies that are trying to do in the JrFibq3oxng-00752-00212696-00212898 world you will become a millennial a JrFibq3oxng-00753-00212900-00213126 millionaire you can become a be linear JrFibq3oxng-00754-00213127-00213369 if you are able to develop that process JrFibq3oxng-00755-00213371-00213688 of producing pure silica in India no one JrFibq3oxng-00756-00213689-00214003 is producing we are only importing and JrFibq3oxng-00757-00214004-00214153 of course one good thing with us is that JrFibq3oxng-00758-00214154-00214450 we don't design chips okay so that's why JrFibq3oxng-00759-00214451-00214564 you don't have to import that much JrFibq3oxng-00760-00214565-00214806 silica someone else is doing that JrFibq3oxng-00761-00214807-00214987 so that is why very big companies like JrFibq3oxng-00762-00214988-00215167 Union Carbide now Union Carbide of JrFibq3oxng-00763-00215167-00215292 course is join with someone else I think JrFibq3oxng-00764-00215294-00215539 you know yeah yeah those people are JrFibq3oxng-00765-00215540-00215742 still trying to get the maximum the JrFibq3oxng-00766-00215744-00215958 there are some processes but which are JrFibq3oxng-00767-00215959-00216223 very costly which are difficult not only JrFibq3oxng-00768-00216223-00216391 costly process was difficult JrFibq3oxng-00769-00216392-00216652 that means slight change in the process JrFibq3oxng-00770-00216653-00216964 conditions you don't get silica so how JrFibq3oxng-00771-00216965-00217182 do you design the robusta process and JrFibq3oxng-00772-00217183-00217513 then try to get the purest form of JrFibq3oxng-00773-00217514-00217683 silica there was still many many JrFibq3oxng-00774-00217684-00217873 reactions like that and another JrFibq3oxng-00775-00217873-00218094 wonderful non catalytic reaction I can JrFibq3oxng-00776-00218096-00218403 tell you is ceramics Chinese have made JrFibq3oxng-00777-00218404-00218578 this technique long time back you know JrFibq3oxng-00778-00218579-00218733 beautiful you know Chinese porcelain is JrFibq3oxng-00779-00218734-00219103 one of the wonderful qualities right but JrFibq3oxng-00780-00219104-00219364 we don't have that kind of quality that JrFibq3oxng-00781-00219365-00219553 they are doing you now by art rather JrFibq3oxng-00782-00219554-00219763 than using science because the solid JrFibq3oxng-00783-00219764-00220079 solid reaction is also not that easy to JrFibq3oxng-00784-00220080-00220398 understand and then try to use the JrFibq3oxng-00785-00220400-00220573 scientific information for the design of JrFibq3oxng-00786-00220573-00221002 teacups or coffee cups right but you see JrFibq3oxng-00787-00221003-00221292 the greatness in the art because art has JrFibq3oxng-00788-00221294-00221494 been developed over these hundreds or JrFibq3oxng-00789-00221494-00221692 thousands of years that's why they JrFibq3oxng-00790-00221692-00221914 became experts but unfortunate thing is JrFibq3oxng-00791-00221915-00222169 only that family is expert in that they JrFibq3oxng-00792-00222169-00222360 cannot communicate with anyone else but JrFibq3oxng-00793-00222361-00222514 if I have a scientific method JrFibq3oxng-00794-00222515-00222703 whoever understand science happily they JrFibq3oxng-00795-00222704-00222946 can use that information that is the JrFibq3oxng-00796-00222946-00223053 difference between hot trend science JrFibq3oxng-00797-00223054-00223327 because suddenly I cannot become a JrFibq3oxng-00798-00223328-00223617 painter only it is possible for MF JrFibq3oxng-00799-00223619-00223719 Hussain JrFibq3oxng-00800-00223719-00223948 maybe outwards his children I don't know JrFibq3oxng-00801-00223948-00224242 anyone is his children really painting JrFibq3oxng-00802-00224242-00224428 or not because genes will definitely JrFibq3oxng-00803-00224429-00224832 work to some extent okay all of us know JrFibq3oxng-00804-00224833-00225069 that doctors becoming doctors tennis JrFibq3oxng-00805-00225071-00225171 players becoming tennis JrFibq3oxng-00806-00225173-00225502 you know the family cricket players and JrFibq3oxng-00807-00225503-00225700 maximum number you can say that movie JrFibq3oxng-00808-00225701-00225946 actors becoming movie actors that is the JrFibq3oxng-00809-00225946-00226173 maximum fraction so these are all always JrFibq3oxng-00810-00226175-00226398 a little bit James and then enrollment JrFibq3oxng-00811-00226398-00226687 right because from morning to evening in JrFibq3oxng-00812-00226688-00226917 AC movie actors house always they JrFibq3oxng-00813-00226919-00227082 discuss about movie that is good this is JrFibq3oxng-00814-00227083-00227263 bad I fought with a little people I JrFibq3oxng-00815-00227264-00227431 fought with the ten people today so I JrFibq3oxng-00816-00227432-00227650 mean on the screen so all that they will JrFibq3oxng-00817-00227651-00227866 be discussing so slowly the jeans also JrFibq3oxng-00818-00227867-00228069 try to change you know through the JrFibq3oxng-00819-00228071-00228280 environment saying that okay finally I JrFibq3oxng-00820-00228281-00228544 have to also become like that right so JrFibq3oxng-00821-00228544-00228775 that is why this first identifying what JrFibq3oxng-00822-00228776-00228913 kind of reactions we have used very JrFibq3oxng-00823-00228914-00229213 important right so now that is why let JrFibq3oxng-00824-00229214-00229494 us just list out some industrially JrFibq3oxng-00825-00229496-00229780 important reactions first I have to take JrFibq3oxng-00826-00229781-00230235 non catalytic or kinetic models for non JrFibq3oxng-00827-00230236-00231473 catalytic for JrFibq3oxng-00828-00231475-00232134 non-catalytic reactions so let us say JrFibq3oxng-00829-00232135-00233248 some important important okay I can JrFibq3oxng-00830-00233248-00234421 write industrially reactions okay we JrFibq3oxng-00831-00234421-00234582 will divide this into different types JrFibq3oxng-00832-00234583-00234766 and I will say that first I have type JrFibq3oxng-00833-00234767-00235442 here reactions where we have solid plus JrFibq3oxng-00834-00235444-00236408 fluid going to again solid plus fluid JrFibq3oxng-00835-00236409-00236662 just now I have told you an example what JrFibq3oxng-00836-00236663-00237814 is that yeah so this is fe3o4 solid plus JrFibq3oxng-00837-00237815-00238492 h2 gas giving me your face on it plus JrFibq3oxng-00838-00238492-00239017 h2o gas okay so I have to balance this JrFibq3oxng-00839-00239017-00239826 yep still three so then this is for ax JrFibq3oxng-00840-00239827-00240456 yeah then this is for ya that is one JrFibq3oxng-00841-00240457-00240741 reaction the other reaction is of course JrFibq3oxng-00842-00240742-00241481 roasting of zinc zinc or Jaden s solid JrFibq3oxng-00843-00241482-00242723 plus o2 gas giving me anymore JrFibq3oxng-00844-00242725-00243502 solid plus so2 gas so again if I balance JrFibq3oxng-00845-00243503-00244173 this is 2 this is 2 this is 2 this is 3 JrFibq3oxng-00846-00244175-00244559 I can go for a greater JrFibq3oxng-00847-00244560-00244889 two four six yeah okay so that is the JrFibq3oxng-00848-00244890-00245069 reaction there are many but I just want JrFibq3oxng-00849-00245069-00245300 to give you only one or two so that you JrFibq3oxng-00850-00245301-00245507 are comfortable this is type A and type JrFibq3oxng-00851-00245508-00246598 B we have solid plus fluid giving me JrFibq3oxng-00852-00246598-00247337 solid I have my favorite reaction here JrFibq3oxng-00853-00247338-00247957 that is calcium oxide CEO solid plus JrFibq3oxng-00854-00247958-00249290 half Rho two gas plus no so2 gas giving JrFibq3oxng-00855-00249291-00249919 me CA calcium sulfate and this is one of JrFibq3oxng-00856-00249921-00250144 the famous equations for removing sulfur JrFibq3oxng-00857-00250146-00250475 from flue gases you know thermal power JrFibq3oxng-00858-00250476-00250652 plants and all that you have so from JrFibq3oxng-00859-00250653-00250880 there using this reaction you know JrFibq3oxng-00860-00250881-00251063 sending this amount of oxygen this JrFibq3oxng-00861-00251064-00251228 amount of if you have this amount of so2 JrFibq3oxng-00862-00251229-00251534 this amount of CO you can always this is JrFibq3oxng-00863-00251535-00251852 what one of the very one of the methods JrFibq3oxng-00864-00251853-00252017 very widely used in fluid is it bed JrFibq3oxng-00865-00252017-00252223 combustion you know in fluid is your bed JrFibq3oxng-00866-00252225-00252352 combustion what do they do JrFibq3oxng-00867-00252353-00252602 fluidized bed combustion is very famous JrFibq3oxng-00868-00252603-00253040 particularly for sulfur coals and high JrFibq3oxng-00869-00253041-00253132 ash coals JrFibq3oxng-00870-00253133-00253519 okay fluidized bed combustion okay and JrFibq3oxng-00871-00253521-00253778 it is a fluidized bed where along with JrFibq3oxng-00872-00253779-00254087 coal they also put calcium carbonate JrFibq3oxng-00873-00254088-00254354 particles calcium carbonate is nothing JrFibq3oxng-00874-00254355-00254506 but our Taj Mahal JrFibq3oxng-00875-00254507-00254773 yeah the road puthagam are I think you JrFibq3oxng-00876-00254775-00254948 know calcium carbonate particles they JrFibq3oxng-00877-00254948-00255155 just put what happens is this JrFibq3oxng-00878-00255156-00255346 calcination stepped with the first one JrFibq3oxng-00879-00255346-00255791 calcium carbonate is caco3 and if we JrFibq3oxng-00880-00255792-00255944 expose that to very high temperatures JrFibq3oxng-00881-00255944-00256367 then you will have CL plus co2 that's JrFibq3oxng-00882-00256367-00256592 that is instantaneous reaction that's JrFibq3oxng-00883-00256592-00256802 why you simply throw calcium carbonate JrFibq3oxng-00884-00256803-00257006 particles in the fluid agent bed chamber JrFibq3oxng-00885-00257007-00257248 then first reaction is instantaneous it JrFibq3oxng-00886-00257250-00257441 becomes zero at any time I will see see JrFibq3oxng-00887-00257442-00257767 you so now these another example for me JrFibq3oxng-00888-00257769-00257944 to tell you who read controlling step JrFibq3oxng-00889-00257946-00258223 June is the rate controlling step either JrFibq3oxng-00890-00258225-00258458 this one are the first one where JrFibq3oxng-00891-00258459-00258932 calcination caco3 becoming too CEO this JrFibq3oxng-00892-00258933-00259046 one is the rate controlling step because JrFibq3oxng-00893-00259046-00259211 that is instantaneous that means any JrFibq3oxng-00894-00259212-00259451 time I see that I have calcium oxide JrFibq3oxng-00895-00259452-00259621 that means because calcium carbonate has JrFibq3oxng-00896-00259623-00259996 been converted to calcium oxide right so JrFibq3oxng-00897-00259998-00260221 then this reaction takes place and no JrFibq3oxng-00898-00260223-00260390 there are many beautiful things about JrFibq3oxng-00899-00260391-00260636 this there are at least maybe 100 papers JrFibq3oxng-00900-00260637-00260842 on this how this reaction is taking JrFibq3oxng-00901-00260844-00261308 place with CF o okay so what is the JrFibq3oxng-00902-00261309-00261673 beauty in these reaction sees that this JrFibq3oxng-00903-00261675-00262115 one this calcium sulfate has more molar JrFibq3oxng-00904-00262116-00262607 volume than calcium oxide molar volume JrFibq3oxng-00905-00262608-00262850 so that means the volume of particle JrFibq3oxng-00906-00262851-00263282 will increase during the reaction and JrFibq3oxng-00907-00263283-00263540 that is bad for the reaction because the JrFibq3oxng-00908-00263541-00263789 calcium carbonate when it is a becoming JrFibq3oxng-00909-00263790-00264164 calcium oxide you have lot of pores that JrFibq3oxng-00910-00264165-00264398 oppose means like our blood like our JrFibq3oxng-00911-00264399-00264551 bread you know what you will did you JrFibq3oxng-00912-00264552-00265004 take okay more graffiti batteries the JrFibq3oxng-00913-00265005-00265352 more porosity in the bread just amazing JrFibq3oxng-00914-00265353-00265502 you know without porosity you are trying JrFibq3oxng-00915-00265503-00265808 to eat bread that becomes roti okay ah JrFibq3oxng-00916-00265809-00266000 it's not bread so that's why the JrFibq3oxng-00917-00266001-00266186 greatness of this modern Brenda and all JrFibq3oxng-00918-00266187-00266447 that to make a lot of porosity but still JrFibq3oxng-00919-00266448-00266795 you know it's nicely eatable right so JrFibq3oxng-00920-00266796-00267014 that's why immediately that it forms JrFibq3oxng-00921-00267015-00267381 large pore main posts inside the JrFibq3oxng-00922-00267382-00267724 particle then calcium sorry JrFibq3oxng-00923-00267725-00267954 then so2 will try to diffuse into that JrFibq3oxng-00924-00267955-00268288 so if I just look at one poor this poor JrFibq3oxng-00925-00268289-00268597 maybe something like this okay one for JrFibq3oxng-00926-00268598-00268882 just one poor and I have some thickness JrFibq3oxng-00927-00268883-00269314 of this poor and the sorting is trying JrFibq3oxng-00928-00269315-00269635 to diffuse there this is a sort of JrFibq3oxng-00929-00269636-00270076 course with o2 and all that right so JrFibq3oxng-00930-00270077-00270277 then what happens because here I have JrFibq3oxng-00931-00270278-00270529 more constant diffusion by diffusion if JrFibq3oxng-00932-00270530-00270808 I draw the profile the concentration is JrFibq3oxng-00933-00270809-00271014 four to go to profile will decrease JrFibq3oxng-00934-00271015-00271264 because of the rescissions very small JrFibq3oxng-00935-00271265-00271654 pores so naturally that decrease in JrFibq3oxng-00936-00271655-00271858 concentration will come and you have the JrFibq3oxng-00937-00271859-00272043 maximum concentration at the mouth JrFibq3oxng-00938-00272044-00272395 therefore rate of reaction is more JrFibq3oxng-00939-00272396-00272755 faster so when the rate of reaction is JrFibq3oxng-00940-00272756-00273118 more here calcium sulfate the forming JrFibq3oxng-00941-00273119-00273352 will be more and that forms something JrFibq3oxng-00942-00273353-00274026 like this this is the calcium sulfate JrFibq3oxng-00943-00274027-00274312 you see now this poor actually know this JrFibq3oxng-00944-00274313-00274615 this is the both of the poor all this is JrFibq3oxng-00945-00274616-00275053 solid so after some time what happens is JrFibq3oxng-00946-00275054-00275367 this s4 - or what - cannot go inside JrFibq3oxng-00947-00275368-00275803 this blocks but still I have large JrFibq3oxng-00948-00275804-00276142 amount of calcium oxide that is left JrFibq3oxng-00949-00276143-00276505 inside the pore this all waste that JrFibq3oxng-00950-00276506-00276709 means if I visualize one single particle JrFibq3oxng-00951-00276710-00277216 if this is the particle size where the JrFibq3oxng-00952-00277217-00277497 reaction is practically taking place JrFibq3oxng-00953-00277498-00278035 yeah only this here this one that is JrFibq3oxng-00954-00278036-00278545 where you have calcium sulfate and all JrFibq3oxng-00955-00278546-00278667 this is waste for me JrFibq3oxng-00956-00278668-00278911 that means I am generating now lot of JrFibq3oxng-00957-00278912-00279238 solid waste or not good quality of JrFibq3oxng-00958-00279239-00279442 calcium sulfate because outside calcium JrFibq3oxng-00959-00279443-00279688 sulfate inside actually I have calcium JrFibq3oxng-00960-00279689-00279913 oxide that is why in Germany I saw one JrFibq3oxng-00961-00279914-00280132 company in good ghee yeah what they do JrFibq3oxng-00962-00280133-00280662 is they spray water on that JrFibq3oxng-00963-00280663-00280872 - sometime of reaction they spray water JrFibq3oxng-00964-00280873-00281040 on that and you can also do not only in JrFibq3oxng-00965-00281041-00281265 combustion you can do this even outside JrFibq3oxng-00966-00281266-00281520 no flue gases can be taken out first and JrFibq3oxng-00967-00281521-00281834 then have the calcium the same reaction JrFibq3oxng-00968-00281835-00282090 in the separate reactor not also they JrFibq3oxng-00969-00282091-00282374 can do so there they spray water what do JrFibq3oxng-00970-00282375-00282495 you think will happen if they spray JrFibq3oxng-00971-00282496-00283014 water yeah because we know the JrFibq3oxng-00972-00283015-00283164 solubility of calcium sulfate that is JrFibq3oxng-00973-00283165-00283374 very high in water but it will just JrFibq3oxng-00974-00283375-00283614 absorb water and then that water will go JrFibq3oxng-00975-00283615-00284039 and touch the calcium oxide this is here JrFibq3oxng-00976-00284040-00284276 and you know the reaction between CEO JrFibq3oxng-00977-00284277-00284456 and water what kind of reaction if the JrFibq3oxng-00978-00284457-00284729 REMIC are endothermic high but easy to JrFibq3oxng-00979-00284730-00284862 make reaction I don't know thermic JrFibq3oxng-00980-00284863-00285250 reaction really existed emic reaction I JrFibq3oxng-00981-00285251-00285447 don't know most of you would have not JrFibq3oxng-00982-00285448-00285824 put this whitewash in your house you try JrFibq3oxng-00983-00285825-00286044 to buy calcium hydroxide you know JrFibq3oxng-00984-00286045-00286274 calcium oxide and then make as calcium JrFibq3oxng-00985-00286275-00286512 hydroxide and then try to you bubbles JrFibq3oxng-00986-00286513-00286733 actually it seems that is the one of the JrFibq3oxng-00987-00286734-00287043 punishments that is given to the olden JrFibq3oxng-00988-00287044-00287276 days one of the punishment that is given JrFibq3oxng-00989-00287277-00287670 to I mean thieves and are murderers by JrFibq3oxng-00990-00287671-00287903 Kings you know what they do they will JrFibq3oxng-00991-00287904-00288138 ask the person to stay like this put all JrFibq3oxng-00992-00288139-00288508 calcium oxide around them and put water JrFibq3oxng-00993-00288509-00288755 he also becomes all his bones become JrFibq3oxng-00994-00288756-00289113 calcium he just as know like burnt that JrFibq3oxng-00995-00289114-00289277 is really I mean it was recorded in some JrFibq3oxng-00996-00289278-00289454 mono of course the ruthless people at JrFibq3oxng-00997-00289455-00289674 that time Kings nobody we need them know JrFibq3oxng-00998-00289675-00289890 there are things may not work here in JrFibq3oxng-00999-00289891-00289938 our country JrFibq3oxng-01000-00289939-00290276 ok so that's why that existed make heat JrFibq3oxng-01001-00290277-00290595 is used to part to burn the body right JrFibq3oxng-01002-00290596-00290796 so what happens is when they when so JrFibq3oxng-01003-00290797-00291141 much heat is generated inside and the JrFibq3oxng-01004-00291142-00291273 remaining some of the amount of water JrFibq3oxng-01005-00291274-00291543 which is going that operates so when it JrFibq3oxng-01006-00291544-00291723 is operating it has to come out what JrFibq3oxng-01007-00291724-00292038 does that do it breaks and come out so JrFibq3oxng-01008-00292039-00292197 when it breaks and comes out all this JrFibq3oxng-01009-00292198-00292323 area is again inside JrFibq3oxng-01010-00292324-00292737 exposure to calcium oxide thermal sorry JrFibq3oxng-01011-00292738-00293003 yeah ok for so2 and go to for reaction JrFibq3oxng-01012-00293004-00293156 to take place you see these are very JrFibq3oxng-01013-00293157-00293357 beautiful simple technique which we JrFibq3oxng-01014-00293358-00293762 never normally appreciate that is why JrFibq3oxng-01015-00293763-00294051 terminus amount of good innovation sorry JrFibq3oxng-01016-00294052-00294396 industry but they never record because JrFibq3oxng-01017-00294397-00294639 by recording if someone steals like that JrFibq3oxng-01018-00294640-00294903 movie Inception or other things ok so JrFibq3oxng-01019-00294904-00295035 then they will make millions other JrFibq3oxng-01020-00295036-00295188 people also make million this company JrFibq3oxng-01021-00295189-00295344 will go that's why you would think he's JrFibq3oxng-01022-00295345-00295563 kept on very secret but tremendous JrFibq3oxng-01023-00295564-00295874 technology in fact this Ceylon JrFibq3oxng-01024-00295875-00296211 aside from silane he is one of their JrFibq3oxng-01025-00296212-00296604 really strongly guarded secrets by the JrFibq3oxng-01026-00296605-00296781 industries because you know without JrFibq3oxng-01027-00296782-00296939 computers and evidence we cannot live JrFibq3oxng-01028-00296940-00297201 right that has become food for us to JrFibq3oxng-01029-00297202-00297384 address if you don't have computer I JrFibq3oxng-01030-00297385-00297666 mean if you don't have food it is ok but JrFibq3oxng-01031-00297667-00297822 one day if you don't see your emails JrFibq3oxng-01032-00297823-00297957 entire world will crumble JrFibq3oxng-01033-00297958-00298173 so there are is otherwise if you don't JrFibq3oxng-01034-00298174-00298644 tweak tweak our Twitter our tweet you JrFibq3oxng-01035-00298645-00298926 cannot sleep ok our if you don't chat JrFibq3oxng-01036-00298927-00299217 with your friends whatever you eat also JrFibq3oxng-01037-00299218-00299463 it will not get digested so that's why JrFibq3oxng-01038-00299464-00299598 so many things are there you know with JrFibq3oxng-01039-00299599-00299928 computer so the demand for silica is JrFibq3oxng-01040-00299929-00300255 maximum right so I think someone who is JrFibq3oxng-01041-00300256-00300435 interested in technology can always go JrFibq3oxng-01042-00300436-00300678 for this production of silica pure JrFibq3oxng-01043-00300679-00300903 silica as chemical engineers if you JrFibq3oxng-01044-00300904-00301098 touched one of you can do that I think JrFibq3oxng-01045-00301099-00301215 it is excellent you will become JrFibq3oxng-01046-00301216-00301407 billionaire and then you can come to IIT JrFibq3oxng-01047-00301408-00301743 as chairman board of governors ok yeah JrFibq3oxng-01048-00301744-00301974 that's what normally you know very high JrFibq3oxng-01049-00301975-00302397 level industrialists or mathematical JrFibq3oxng-01050-00302398-00302715 missions are given as chairman Board of JrFibq3oxng-01051-00302716-00302886 Governors to direct us what we have to JrFibq3oxng-01052-00302887-00303132 do in a eighties okay anyway so this is JrFibq3oxng-01053-00303133-00303468 the information about the yeah ok JrFibq3oxng-01054-00303469-00303669 type 2 yeah the difference between type JrFibq3oxng-01055-00303670-00303867 here and type 2 reactions and this is JrFibq3oxng-01056-00303868-00304191 one of the famous reactions and another JrFibq3oxng-01057-00304192-00304362 there are many for example rusting of JrFibq3oxng-01058-00304363-00304602 iron that everyday we see but we never JrFibq3oxng-01059-00304603-00304836 appreciate that one has one of the non JrFibq3oxng-01060-00304837-00305187 catalytic reactions right okay so this JrFibq3oxng-01061-00305188-00305438 is your fuse on it JrFibq3oxng-01062-00305439-00306066 Plus Row 2 gas giving us FeO JrFibq3oxng-01063-00306067-00306659 a pure solid again you know this is a JrFibq3oxng-01064-00306660-00306888 for me everything is exiting I say I JrFibq3oxng-01065-00306889-00307038 don't know for you how many things are JrFibq3oxng-01066-00307039-00307224 really exciting know every day we see JrFibq3oxng-01067-00307225-00307479 here and the last also JrFibq3oxng-01068-00307480-00307658 not from that nicely all the time JrFibq3oxng-01069-00307659-00307875 sometimes if you see your cycle you will JrFibq3oxng-01070-00307876-00308145 see that you know the some material will JrFibq3oxng-01071-00308146-00308484 come off as flakes and somewhere it will JrFibq3oxng-01072-00308485-00308907 beautifully deposit as grains why we JrFibq3oxng-01073-00308908-00309323 never discuss you never even observe huh JrFibq3oxng-01074-00309324-00309558 yeah that's what that is a chemical JrFibq3oxng-01075-00309559-00309801 reaction okay that is what my interest JrFibq3oxng-01076-00309802-00310032 is different forms of react corrosion is JrFibq3oxng-01077-00310033-00310197 not simply it is a non catalytic JrFibq3oxng-01078-00310198-00310395 reaction now but of course a time JrFibq3oxng-01079-00310396-00310578 address what is happening now is any JrFibq3oxng-01080-00310579-00310752 cycle whatever is by you is it stolen JrFibq3oxng-01081-00310753-00311019 right I think in the hostels many cycles JrFibq3oxng-01082-00311020-00311115 are so low there is what people are JrFibq3oxng-01083-00311116-00312065 telling okay oh yeah yeah this is JrFibq3oxng-01084-00312066-00312768 balance - no this is this is - correct JrFibq3oxng-01085-00312769-00313014 oh yeah so like that we can list out you JrFibq3oxng-01086-00313015-00313320 want type yet IB then there are two more JrFibq3oxng-01087-00313321-00313605 or three more JugkjXbLo9A-00000-00000064-00000279 i'm from the philippines i'm from JugkjXbLo9A-00001-00000280-00000390 phoenix JugkjXbLo9A-00002-00000391-00000711 together we're filled to phoenix two JugkjXbLo9A-00003-00000712-00000790 countries JugkjXbLo9A-00004-00000791-00001174 one heart welcome to our chicago JugkjXbLo9A-00005-00001175-00001574 updates hey we got that JugkjXbLo9A-00006-00001575-00001895 so we miss you guys so we're sorry JugkjXbLo9A-00007-00001896-00002342 for um not been uploading pictures JugkjXbLo9A-00008-00002343-00002655 or videos it's been about two months JugkjXbLo9A-00009-00002656-00002950 since our last update so yeah we really JugkjXbLo9A-00010-00002951-00003023 apologize JugkjXbLo9A-00011-00003024-00003231 or we're really really sorry about that JugkjXbLo9A-00012-00003232-00003543 and we miss you all JugkjXbLo9A-00013-00003544-00003822 yeah unfortunately life has happened in JugkjXbLo9A-00014-00003823-00003990 life as we know it kind of JugkjXbLo9A-00015-00003992-00004191 ceased to exist about three four months JugkjXbLo9A-00016-00004192-00004343 ago yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00017-00004344-00004527 and we've been trying to get back on JugkjXbLo9A-00018-00004528-00004767 track and find our normal and JugkjXbLo9A-00019-00004768-00005006 yes a lot of things have happened with JugkjXbLo9A-00020-00005007-00005118 us between us JugkjXbLo9A-00021-00005119-00005518 and to us in that process JugkjXbLo9A-00022-00005519-00005863 agreed so uh someone started a new job JugkjXbLo9A-00023-00005864-00006231 yes it's two months ready new job JugkjXbLo9A-00024-00006232-00006559 so i started may 26th 27th JugkjXbLo9A-00025-00006559-00006710 yeah it's been two three months two JugkjXbLo9A-00026-00006711-00006863 three months i got a JugkjXbLo9A-00027-00006864-00007127 new job as a staff counted in a health JugkjXbLo9A-00028-00007128-00007303 organization JugkjXbLo9A-00029-00007304-00007567 so pretty much it's cool and not quite JugkjXbLo9A-00030-00007568-00007727 as close as the other job was but it's JugkjXbLo9A-00031-00007728-00007839 still only JugkjXbLo9A-00032-00007840-00008119 about three miles four months so focus JugkjXbLo9A-00033-00008120-00008351 is more in doing financial statement JugkjXbLo9A-00034-00008352-00008727 i still have a payroll side of doing it JugkjXbLo9A-00035-00008728-00008814 but it JugkjXbLo9A-00036-00008815-00009142 it's so easy because i've studied it for JugkjXbLo9A-00037-00009143-00009399 the past three four years yeah your JugkjXbLo9A-00038-00009400-00009623 primary job is payroll JugkjXbLo9A-00039-00009624-00009839 it's not really payroll it's the JugkjXbLo9A-00040-00009840-00009942 accounting side JugkjXbLo9A-00041-00009943-00010191 the financial side i have only ten JugkjXbLo9A-00042-00010192-00010335 percent of the bureau because it's so JugkjXbLo9A-00043-00010336-00010495 quick and easy JugkjXbLo9A-00044-00010496-00010655 that's why i have ninety percent of the JugkjXbLo9A-00045-00010656-00010799 accounting side JugkjXbLo9A-00046-00010800-00011046 right account reconciliation financial JugkjXbLo9A-00047-00011047-00011159 statement so JugkjXbLo9A-00048-00011160-00011287 i thought you were hired more as a JugkjXbLo9A-00049-00011288-00011510 payroll i was hired for JugkjXbLo9A-00050-00011511-00011823 both you were hired because you knew JugkjXbLo9A-00051-00011824-00012023 payroll and were able to do oh okay JugkjXbLo9A-00052-00012024-00012278 yes but you were hired as an accountant JugkjXbLo9A-00053-00012279-00012367 yes JugkjXbLo9A-00054-00012368-00012567 that makes more sense yeah so that would JugkjXbLo9A-00055-00012568-00012710 be the update JugkjXbLo9A-00056-00012711-00012919 first up as you can see we're even JugkjXbLo9A-00057-00012919-00013071 having trouble communicating some of the JugkjXbLo9A-00058-00013072-00013311 stuff to each other JugkjXbLo9A-00059-00013312-00013479 i don't remember what i'm telling you JugkjXbLo9A-00060-00013480-00013679 but i remember i tell you that JugkjXbLo9A-00061-00013680-00013886 i've always saw i to to this point i've JugkjXbLo9A-00062-00013887-00013983 always thought you were a payroll JugkjXbLo9A-00063-00013984-00014071 account JugkjXbLo9A-00064-00014072-00014247 no when i saw the thing on your door JugkjXbLo9A-00065-00014247-00014479 that was staff account that one kind of JugkjXbLo9A-00066-00014480-00014863 okay yeah so it's the ten percent JugkjXbLo9A-00067-00014863-00015007 payroll ninety percent JugkjXbLo9A-00068-00015008-00015230 accounting guess i spend more time on JugkjXbLo9A-00069-00015231-00015422 the accounting side JugkjXbLo9A-00070-00015423-00015735 uh auditing reconciling doing financial JugkjXbLo9A-00071-00015736-00015855 statements so JugkjXbLo9A-00072-00015856-00016127 i'm supporting mainly the senior JugkjXbLo9A-00073-00016128-00016191 accountant JugkjXbLo9A-00074-00016191-00016511 and the chief financial officer so JugkjXbLo9A-00075-00016512-00016894 cool that's cool so the second update is JugkjXbLo9A-00076-00016895-00017175 i got my dual citizen last week yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00077-00017176-00017286 that was a uh JugkjXbLo9A-00078-00017287-00017479 it's been it's been an interesting JugkjXbLo9A-00079-00017480-00017719 challenge yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00080-00017720-00018007 uh was when you got your citizenship JugkjXbLo9A-00081-00018008-00018071 back in JugkjXbLo9A-00082-00018072-00018343 september you got it like the week JugkjXbLo9A-00083-00018344-00018503 before the week after after JugkjXbLo9A-00084-00018504-00018830 that i'll reach back some documents at JugkjXbLo9A-00085-00018831-00018983 that time and i don't have yet JugkjXbLo9A-00086-00018984-00019319 they need a passport they need the JugkjXbLo9A-00087-00019320-00019479 the american path you need a better JugkjXbLo9A-00088-00019480-00019647 password of course i already have the JugkjXbLo9A-00089-00019648-00019799 naturalization but i don't have the JugkjXbLo9A-00090-00019800-00019958 american passport yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00091-00019959-00020094 and so we just figured you know in JugkjXbLo9A-00092-00020095-00020279 september we just figured okay cool JugkjXbLo9A-00093-00020280-00020494 we'll get it in april yeah they do the JugkjXbLo9A-00094-00020495-00020839 an outreach in september october JugkjXbLo9A-00095-00020840-00021022 and then they do one in march april time JugkjXbLo9A-00096-00021023-00021183 frame and so we figured we'd just get JugkjXbLo9A-00097-00021184-00021311 the march april one JugkjXbLo9A-00098-00021312-00021630 well who knew life was going to implode JugkjXbLo9A-00099-00021631-00021983 yeah um the the the council has been JugkjXbLo9A-00100-00021984-00022086 actually been JugkjXbLo9A-00101-00022087-00022414 shut the heart closed yeah and then we JugkjXbLo9A-00102-00022415-00022478 only have JugkjXbLo9A-00103-00022479-00022663 five people you need to set up JugkjXbLo9A-00104-00022664-00022863 appointment and five people in a day JugkjXbLo9A-00105-00022864-00023071 that they will do an all taking JugkjXbLo9A-00106-00023072-00023342 and it's pretty interesting you know the JugkjXbLo9A-00107-00023343-00023399 normal JugkjXbLo9A-00108-00023400-00023711 philippine government you know but i JugkjXbLo9A-00109-00023712-00023799 don't have JugkjXbLo9A-00110-00023800-00024007 hard you know either have heart aches on JugkjXbLo9A-00111-00024008-00024135 that i know JugkjXbLo9A-00112-00024136-00024367 that would happen and john gave me a JugkjXbLo9A-00113-00024368-00024439 heads up JugkjXbLo9A-00114-00024440-00024719 and i know my government well even JugkjXbLo9A-00115-00024720-00024919 though i've gone there for five years JugkjXbLo9A-00116-00024920-00024950 but JugkjXbLo9A-00117-00024951-00025278 pretty you know i'm still okay with it JugkjXbLo9A-00118-00025279-00025463 because i still got used to it JugkjXbLo9A-00119-00025464-00025767 and it's not so far yeah you know JugkjXbLo9A-00120-00025768-00025974 so that's the second update but we JugkjXbLo9A-00121-00025975-00026143 actually had a cool we JugkjXbLo9A-00122-00026144-00026327 we decided to do it on uh we were able JugkjXbLo9A-00123-00026327-00026446 to do it on monday JugkjXbLo9A-00124-00026447-00026727 monday we just we wanted to do it either JugkjXbLo9A-00125-00026727-00026862 on a friday or a monday JugkjXbLo9A-00126-00026863-00027046 yeah so at least i could take off on JugkjXbLo9A-00127-00027047-00027167 monday and JugkjXbLo9A-00128-00027168-00027479 we just flew out sunday morning yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00129-00027480-00027767 uh got a car and just tooled around and JugkjXbLo9A-00130-00027768-00027951 checked out l.a JugkjXbLo9A-00131-00027952-00028199 and now we were able to go there early JugkjXbLo9A-00132-00028200-00028343 on monday morning JugkjXbLo9A-00133-00028344-00028662 yeah and then head home monday night JugkjXbLo9A-00134-00028663-00028958 and right after your oath taking we kind JugkjXbLo9A-00135-00028960-00029199 of slowly wandered to the airport and JugkjXbLo9A-00136-00029200-00029423 got on the plane that night yeah and JugkjXbLo9A-00137-00029424-00029607 then the third update JugkjXbLo9A-00138-00029608-00029990 is i'm practicing driving JugkjXbLo9A-00139-00029991-00030295 not in l.a it's embarrassing JugkjXbLo9A-00140-00030295-00030551 for some for other people but hey it's JugkjXbLo9A-00141-00030552-00030679 never too late JugkjXbLo9A-00142-00030680-00030967 to learn it's for me it's my motivation JugkjXbLo9A-00143-00030968-00031007 to get JugkjXbLo9A-00144-00031008-00031295 to learn to drive because the fourth JugkjXbLo9A-00145-00031295-00031367 update JugkjXbLo9A-00146-00031368-00031718 it's moving me to the fourth out there JugkjXbLo9A-00147-00031719-00032070 in 80 days we're flying to the JugkjXbLo9A-00148-00032072-00032287 philippines JugkjXbLo9A-00149-00032288-00032487 we've got our tickets they've been JugkjXbLo9A-00150-00032488-00032767 changed once JugkjXbLo9A-00151-00032768-00033071 we're hoping it's going to go through JugkjXbLo9A-00152-00033072-00033374 uh the we originally had them booked for JugkjXbLo9A-00153-00033375-00033543 the 8th of october JugkjXbLo9A-00154-00033544-00033999 yeah on a direct flight lax to cebu JugkjXbLo9A-00155-00034000-00034302 and they said they could do an JugkjXbLo9A-00156-00034303-00034631 um a modified flight JugkjXbLo9A-00157-00034632-00035031 on the eighth yeah there was from lax JugkjXbLo9A-00158-00035032-00035455 to manila to cebu JugkjXbLo9A-00159-00035456-00035718 and neither one of us really want to fly JugkjXbLo9A-00160-00035719-00035879 into manila with all the JugkjXbLo9A-00161-00035880-00036046 yeah hassle enough hassle and headache JugkjXbLo9A-00162-00036047-00036190 they're going through JugkjXbLo9A-00163-00036191-00036383 yeah and the lady couldn't tell us JugkjXbLo9A-00164-00036384-00036599 whether or not JugkjXbLo9A-00165-00036600-00036815 uh after we landed in manila and went JugkjXbLo9A-00166-00036816-00036943 through that quarantine JugkjXbLo9A-00167-00036944-00037111 whether or not when we flew into cebu we JugkjXbLo9A-00168-00037112-00037335 were gonna have to go through it again JugkjXbLo9A-00169-00037336-00037655 that i i'm at this point i'm thinking JugkjXbLo9A-00170-00037656-00037830 they really don't know for sure JugkjXbLo9A-00171-00037831-00037967 themselves yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00172-00037968-00038359 so to add up on that one to JugkjXbLo9A-00173-00038360-00038662 the next up update is you will be asking JugkjXbLo9A-00174-00038663-00038855 why are you moving during that time why JugkjXbLo9A-00175-00038856-00039079 so i know you have a lot of questions in JugkjXbLo9A-00176-00039080-00039335 your mind like we are in the us JugkjXbLo9A-00177-00039336-00039574 and we live a very comfortable life and JugkjXbLo9A-00178-00039575-00039774 we're going to the third world cup or JugkjXbLo9A-00179-00039775-00039983 okay a progressive country okay JugkjXbLo9A-00180-00039984-00040183 developing develop develop a nation JugkjXbLo9A-00181-00040184-00040255 thank you JugkjXbLo9A-00182-00040256-00040567 developing nation yeah so JugkjXbLo9A-00183-00040568-00040823 people will have questions a lot of JugkjXbLo9A-00184-00040824-00040902 questions JugkjXbLo9A-00185-00040903-00041158 right now yes we appreciate your care JugkjXbLo9A-00186-00041159-00041279 and concern but JugkjXbLo9A-00187-00041280-00041623 this is our desire this is like our JugkjXbLo9A-00188-00041624-00041927 we've been planning this first time for JugkjXbLo9A-00189-00041928-00042079 pretty much since we've gotten together JugkjXbLo9A-00190-00042080-00042262 so yeah we've been planning it for JugkjXbLo9A-00191-00042263-00042502 a long time yes i am hesitant in the JugkjXbLo9A-00192-00042503-00042574 beginning JugkjXbLo9A-00193-00042575-00042862 i have a lot of worries but one thing JugkjXbLo9A-00194-00042863-00042999 for sure JugkjXbLo9A-00195-00043000-00043271 that i know is as long as we're together JugkjXbLo9A-00196-00043272-00043302 and JugkjXbLo9A-00197-00043303-00043558 we are a team and we work together we JugkjXbLo9A-00198-00043559-00043702 have our big god JugkjXbLo9A-00199-00043703-00043990 you know so i know this would be a JugkjXbLo9A-00200-00043991-00044055 challenge JugkjXbLo9A-00201-00044056-00044239 along the way there will be a lot of JugkjXbLo9A-00202-00044240-00044383 stress a lot of JugkjXbLo9A-00203-00044384-00044735 everything you know but we can do this JugkjXbLo9A-00204-00044736-00045062 right yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00205-00045063-00045246 yeah if you guys have any questions or JugkjXbLo9A-00206-00045247-00045430 comments about that please feel free to JugkjXbLo9A-00207-00045431-00045558 put them down JugkjXbLo9A-00208-00045559-00045774 that we'll do we will reply to every JugkjXbLo9A-00209-00045775-00045967 question or comment we will do our best JugkjXbLo9A-00210-00045968-00046118 to answer any questions JugkjXbLo9A-00211-00046119-00046471 yeah um that aren't JugkjXbLo9A-00212-00046472-00046702 terribly invasive personally but we'll JugkjXbLo9A-00213-00046703-00046830 even do our best answer to those JugkjXbLo9A-00214-00046831-00047046 we're okay what's the last oh six the JugkjXbLo9A-00215-00047047-00047143 last update JugkjXbLo9A-00216-00047144-00047390 is where are we gonna move or where are JugkjXbLo9A-00217-00047391-00047558 we gonna stay JugkjXbLo9A-00218-00047559-00047783 that's changed repeatedly so we don't JugkjXbLo9A-00219-00047784-00047895 know right now JugkjXbLo9A-00220-00047896-00048207 but one thing we know JugkjXbLo9A-00221-00048208-00048646 is we're going to JugkjXbLo9A-00222-00048647-00048974 we're probably going to go to malibu yes JugkjXbLo9A-00223-00048975-00049255 cindy's mom's family is from there yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00224-00049256-00049335 she grew up there JugkjXbLo9A-00225-00049336-00049615 and she liked the place papa owns some JugkjXbLo9A-00226-00049616-00049702 land up there JugkjXbLo9A-00227-00049703-00049879 yeah mom and papa when they first got JugkjXbLo9A-00228-00049880-00050143 together it managed to buy land up there JugkjXbLo9A-00229-00050144-00050439 yeah and they're going back and and JugkjXbLo9A-00230-00050440-00050535 gonna continue JugkjXbLo9A-00231-00050536-00050735 if i want to get back into farming she JugkjXbLo9A-00232-00050736-00050862 he likes it's JugkjXbLo9A-00233-00050863-00051207 i guess what my mom said is papa's dream JugkjXbLo9A-00234-00051208-00051342 is to have a JugkjXbLo9A-00235-00051344-00051638 farm and you know they just want to go JugkjXbLo9A-00236-00051639-00051807 back they abandoned that lot JugkjXbLo9A-00237-00051808-00052199 or property for 13 years yeah so JugkjXbLo9A-00238-00052200-00052503 they planted coffee pineapple JugkjXbLo9A-00239-00052504-00052815 banana all the the JugkjXbLo9A-00240-00052816-00053126 plants you know and then there's dorian JugkjXbLo9A-00241-00053127-00053175 there's JugkjXbLo9A-00242-00053176-00053623 mara all the the trees the guyabanos so JugkjXbLo9A-00243-00053624-00053854 it's just so sad because when they left JugkjXbLo9A-00244-00053855-00053982 the people who JugkjXbLo9A-00245-00053983-00054230 stay there are the one who has who's JugkjXbLo9A-00246-00054232-00054335 harvesting the JugkjXbLo9A-00247-00054336-00054654 the plants or that JugkjXbLo9A-00248-00054655-00054942 uh well and that's it we're gonna help JugkjXbLo9A-00249-00054944-00055087 them as much as we can JugkjXbLo9A-00250-00055088-00055294 yeah and papa's already said that he JugkjXbLo9A-00251-00055295-00055430 wants to go back JugkjXbLo9A-00252-00055432-00055799 as soon as travel is opened up well JugkjXbLo9A-00253-00055800-00055903 enough to go back JugkjXbLo9A-00254-00055904-00056199 yeah we don't know when but we just want JugkjXbLo9A-00255-00056200-00056359 to go back there JugkjXbLo9A-00256-00056360-00056519 there's a good chance they may beat us JugkjXbLo9A-00257-00056520-00056766 back there there's just as good of a JugkjXbLo9A-00258-00056767-00056863 chance we may meet JugkjXbLo9A-00259-00056864-00057199 uh we may all meet up in cebu yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00260-00057200-00057487 so one thing also that we knew is we JugkjXbLo9A-00261-00057488-00057671 would we will always JugkjXbLo9A-00262-00057672-00058007 we will plan along the way we don't have JugkjXbLo9A-00263-00058008-00058287 fix you know like okay what if when we JugkjXbLo9A-00264-00058288-00058494 arrive in the philippines and JugkjXbLo9A-00265-00058495-00058815 with the quarantine thingy JugkjXbLo9A-00266-00058816-00059103 and can we go back straight to cebular JugkjXbLo9A-00267-00059104-00059175 or can we go JugkjXbLo9A-00268-00059176-00059438 the goal is to get to cebu as quickly as JugkjXbLo9A-00269-00059439-00059607 possible yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00270-00059608-00059799 right now from what i'm seeing from JugkjXbLo9A-00271-00059800-00060047 everything uh the couple expats that JugkjXbLo9A-00272-00060048-00060199 i've seen JugkjXbLo9A-00273-00060200-00060542 make videos going back that you're able JugkjXbLo9A-00274-00060544-00060591 to get JugkjXbLo9A-00275-00060591-00060942 in in a few days yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00276-00060944-00061263 but you've got to have quarantine passes JugkjXbLo9A-00277-00061264-00061471 with the place you're going and JugkjXbLo9A-00278-00061472-00061830 a few other things like that yeah so JugkjXbLo9A-00279-00061832-00062030 we're hoping to be there within a week JugkjXbLo9A-00280-00062032-00062142 of landing JugkjXbLo9A-00281-00062144-00062519 yeah but you know being enacted being at JugkjXbLo9A-00282-00062520-00062726 the end of october JugkjXbLo9A-00283-00062727-00062903 everything could have completely changed JugkjXbLo9A-00284-00062904-00063071 by then into something JugkjXbLo9A-00285-00063072-00063391 completely different so JugkjXbLo9A-00286-00063391-00063623 at this point we've got kind of penciled JugkjXbLo9A-00287-00063624-00063838 in plans that this is what we'd like JugkjXbLo9A-00288-00063839-00064223 yeah we've got tickets to go JugkjXbLo9A-00289-00064224-00064423 uh but again we will not go through JugkjXbLo9A-00290-00064424-00064550 manila JugkjXbLo9A-00291-00064551-00064799 if they move them again or move them JugkjXbLo9A-00292-00064800-00064894 back again JugkjXbLo9A-00293-00064895-00065079 or for some reason can't get us to JugkjXbLo9A-00294-00065079-00065254 manila or can't get us JugkjXbLo9A-00295-00065255-00065543 to cebu without going through manila JugkjXbLo9A-00296-00065544-00065623 yeah JugkjXbLo9A-00297-00065624-00065791 we'll book on a different airlines we've JugkjXbLo9A-00298-00065792-00066006 got pal booked JugkjXbLo9A-00299-00066007-00066191 because in may they were supposed to JugkjXbLo9A-00300-00066192-00066367 have started a manila JugkjXbLo9A-00301-00066368-00066726 or lax to cebu run JugkjXbLo9A-00302-00066727-00067206 yeah and they've done a few JugkjXbLo9A-00303-00067207-00067575 they've done a few that were la to cebu JugkjXbLo9A-00304-00067576-00067903 yeah and so the JugkjXbLo9A-00305-00067904-00068238 the flight it does happen periodically JugkjXbLo9A-00306-00068239-00068503 but with all the changing restrictions JugkjXbLo9A-00307-00068504-00068543 and JugkjXbLo9A-00308-00068544-00068871 this and that and the other thing that JugkjXbLo9A-00309-00068872-00069031 they haven't been terribly regular with JugkjXbLo9A-00310-00069032-00069247 it at this point JugkjXbLo9A-00311-00069248-00069719 uh when i when they first rebooked it JugkjXbLo9A-00312-00069720-00070087 that they looked from july JugkjXbLo9A-00313-00070088-00070311 all the way out to october and october JugkjXbLo9A-00314-00070312-00070575 24th was the first one JugkjXbLo9A-00315-00070576-00070999 that was scheduled yeah but since then JugkjXbLo9A-00316-00071000-00071406 uh there was a new update JugkjXbLo9A-00317-00071407-00071743 that there's a couple that are leaving JugkjXbLo9A-00318-00071744-00072015 uh right now and they've got another run JugkjXbLo9A-00319-00072016-00072103 that goes JugkjXbLo9A-00320-00072104-00072350 what we can do is lax them to nerdy at JugkjXbLo9A-00321-00072351-00072447 the same time JugkjXbLo9A-00322-00072448-00072694 so right now we don't know and we're JugkjXbLo9A-00323-00072695-00072894 just gonna have to hang out on that one JugkjXbLo9A-00324-00072895-00073047 yeah and a lot of the decisions are like JugkjXbLo9A-00325-00073048-00073255 that we've got a tentative idea of what JugkjXbLo9A-00326-00073256-00073399 we want to do JugkjXbLo9A-00327-00073400-00073567 but until it gets closer and things JugkjXbLo9A-00328-00073568-00073791 start getting clear we just don't know JugkjXbLo9A-00329-00073792-00074031 yeah so for those who are new to our JugkjXbLo9A-00330-00074032-00074119 channel JugkjXbLo9A-00331-00074120-00074382 and if you're curious to our channel too JugkjXbLo9A-00332-00074383-00074623 you can always subscribe and look up our JugkjXbLo9A-00333-00074624-00074975 previous videos and to those who are JugkjXbLo9A-00334-00074976-00075350 um have questions just give us a comment JugkjXbLo9A-00335-00075351-00075543 and if you like this JugkjXbLo9A-00336-00075544-00075782 video that we're doing or if you feel JugkjXbLo9A-00337-00075783-00075982 you're bored just feel free to comment JugkjXbLo9A-00338-00075983-00076175 so don't forget to like JugkjXbLo9A-00339-00076176-00076855 comment and subscribe JugkjXbLo9A-00340-00076856-00077313 thirteen minutes very cool JugkjXbLo9A-00341-00077314-00079038 [Music] JugkjXbLo9A-00342-00079039-00079248 you JubQZqM3kZQ-00000-00000048-00000303 hello there kids it is i JubQZqM3kZQ-00001-00000304-00000607 stray cat the one and only coming with JubQZqM3kZQ-00002-00000608-00000935 another episode of tales of vesperia JubQZqM3kZQ-00003-00000936-00001166 alrighty when we left off i had went JubQZqM3kZQ-00004-00001167-00001350 into the little inn JubQZqM3kZQ-00005-00001351-00001582 in this new town we ended up coming into JubQZqM3kZQ-00006-00001583-00001887 which i forget the name of already JubQZqM3kZQ-00007-00001888-00002342 but it's fine it's fine uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00008-00002343-00002663 hello there we go it's hellur uh it JubQZqM3kZQ-00009-00002664-00002815 basically doesn't have anything going JubQZqM3kZQ-00010-00002816-00002999 for it right now so we'll just head JubQZqM3kZQ-00011-00003000-00003303 on out JubQZqM3kZQ-00012-00003304-00003686 and see if we can find uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00013-00003688-00004086 oh might i help heal your wounds JubQZqM3kZQ-00014-00004087-00004351 well that was quick oh my you can use JubQZqM3kZQ-00015-00004352-00004519 healing arts JubQZqM3kZQ-00016-00004520-00004751 why that would be excellent but i'm JubQZqM3kZQ-00017-00004752-00005006 afraid we don't have very much money JubQZqM3kZQ-00018-00005007-00005543 no no i don't need any money JubQZqM3kZQ-00019-00005544-00005895 amazing the pain is all gone JubQZqM3kZQ-00020-00005896-00006263 thank you thank you so very much JubQZqM3kZQ-00021-00006264-00006639 ah please don't mention it JubQZqM3kZQ-00022-00006640-00006919 my heavens what amazing healing arch you JubQZqM3kZQ-00023-00006920-00007046 have JubQZqM3kZQ-00024-00007047-00007391 how can we ever thank you no really JubQZqM3kZQ-00025-00007392-00007703 think nothing of it what a humble young JubQZqM3kZQ-00026-00007704-00007791 lady JubQZqM3kZQ-00027-00007792-00007983 i wish the imperial knights could follow JubQZqM3kZQ-00028-00007984-00008103 your example JubQZqM3kZQ-00029-00008104-00008439 yeah me too not a chance JubQZqM3kZQ-00030-00008440-00008646 the knights refuse to lift a finger to JubQZqM3kZQ-00031-00008647-00008942 protect us from the monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00032-00008943-00009174 wow [__] all the fire couldn't care JubQZqM3kZQ-00033-00009175-00009446 less what happens to us here JubQZqM3kZQ-00034-00009447-00009791 no that that's not true JubQZqM3kZQ-00035-00009792-00010039 ah but that one night sure was different JubQZqM3kZQ-00036-00010040-00010199 wasn't he JubQZqM3kZQ-00037-00010200-00010510 yes that young man if not for him we JubQZqM3kZQ-00038-00010511-00010710 would have all been lost JubQZqM3kZQ-00039-00010711-00010919 the barrier weakened earlier than usual JubQZqM3kZQ-00040-00010920-00011142 this year and we were attacked before JubQZqM3kZQ-00041-00011143-00011399 the guild could come to protect us there JubQZqM3kZQ-00042-00011400-00011574 was a knight who happened to be passing JubQZqM3kZQ-00043-00011575-00011783 through our town on a pilgrimage JubQZqM3kZQ-00044-00011784-00011974 he and his brigade drove off all the JubQZqM3kZQ-00045-00011975-00012135 monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00046-00012136-00012495 a night on a pilgrimage sounds like JubQZqM3kZQ-00047-00012496-00012574 flynn JubQZqM3kZQ-00048-00012575-00012886 was this night named flynn by any chance JubQZqM3kZQ-00049-00012887-00013263 yes his name was flynn shifo JubQZqM3kZQ-00050-00013263-00013575 that's how you pronounce that shifo all JubQZqM3kZQ-00051-00013576-00014007 right whatever you say JubQZqM3kZQ-00052-00014008-00014343 is he still in the city no he left the JubQZqM3kZQ-00053-00014344-00014543 village afterwards in search of a mage JubQZqM3kZQ-00054-00014544-00014799 who could fix the barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00055-00014800-00015175 you know where he went it looked like he JubQZqM3kZQ-00056-00015176-00015319 was headed east JubQZqM3kZQ-00057-00015319-00015599 but beyond that i couldn't tell you all JubQZqM3kZQ-00058-00015600-00015638 right JubQZqM3kZQ-00059-00015640-00015919 fair enough so we can wait here and JubQZqM3kZQ-00060-00015919-00016119 flynn will come to us JubQZqM3kZQ-00061-00016119-00016303 looks like we've caught up with him JubQZqM3kZQ-00062-00016304-00016511 don't you feel better now JubQZqM3kZQ-00063-00016512-00016783 yes i won't be able to relax until i see JubQZqM3kZQ-00064-00016784-00016863 him JubQZqM3kZQ-00065-00016864-00017263 i guess i feel better that's fair JubQZqM3kZQ-00066-00017264-00017391 i think i'll go have a look at this JubQZqM3kZQ-00067-00017392-00017679 famous tree want to come with JubQZqM3kZQ-00068-00017680-00017911 ah all right might as well yuri you JubQZqM3kZQ-00069-00017912-00018014 don't mind JubQZqM3kZQ-00070-00018015-00018199 you're okay not going after the blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00071-00018200-00018407 core thief JubQZqM3kZQ-00072-00018408-00018558 i can spare enough time to look at a JubQZqM3kZQ-00073-00018559-00018711 tree at least JubQZqM3kZQ-00074-00018712-00019071 that's fair JubQZqM3kZQ-00075-00019072-00019399 hey she joined back nice just had to go JubQZqM3kZQ-00076-00019400-00019503 far enough JubQZqM3kZQ-00077-00019504-00019743 to see a little story bit of her being JubQZqM3kZQ-00078-00019744-00019967 nice to people JubQZqM3kZQ-00079-00019968-00020214 okay i had the wrong person and none of JubQZqM3kZQ-00080-00020215-00020350 the others from the guild are here JubQZqM3kZQ-00081-00020351-00020550 either JubQZqM3kZQ-00082-00020551-00020799 he kept her waiting so long she must JubQZqM3kZQ-00083-00020800-00020967 have gotten mad and left JubQZqM3kZQ-00084-00020968-00021335 the wrong person and someone JubQZqM3kZQ-00085-00021336-00021703 who you were keeping waiting JubQZqM3kZQ-00086-00021704-00021919 i wanted to show her his flowers in full JubQZqM3kZQ-00087-00021920-00022214 bloom then maybe JubQZqM3kZQ-00088-00022215-00022550 then maybe what's the matter where'd she JubQZqM3kZQ-00089-00022551-00022630 go JubQZqM3kZQ-00090-00022631-00022919 is she really gone i'm doing the best i JubQZqM3kZQ-00091-00022920-00023071 can JubQZqM3kZQ-00092-00023072-00023303 he is not listening to anything outside JubQZqM3kZQ-00093-00023304-00023471 of his carol JubQZqM3kZQ-00094-00023472-00023783 let's give him some time alone it's over JubQZqM3kZQ-00095-00023784-00024207 it's over it's all over it's really over JubQZqM3kZQ-00096-00024208-00024550 everything everything is over JubQZqM3kZQ-00097-00024551-00024911 he is distraught JubQZqM3kZQ-00098-00024912-00025214 god's damn JubQZqM3kZQ-00099-00025215-00025350 well there's not much we can do now we JubQZqM3kZQ-00100-00025351-00025550 got weapons now we're gonna JubQZqM3kZQ-00101-00025551-00025870 beat those monsters uh-huh okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00102-00025872-00026031 thank you trash truck for finally JubQZqM3kZQ-00103-00026032-00026239 leaving and you know JubQZqM3kZQ-00104-00026239-00026551 stopping making all those [__] noises JubQZqM3kZQ-00105-00026552-00026935 i appreciate it you got weapons and JubQZqM3kZQ-00106-00026936-00027062 you're going to beat the monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00107-00027063-00027414 gonna let us fight now wait what JubQZqM3kZQ-00108-00027416-00027599 those are [__] kendo sticks those JubQZqM3kZQ-00109-00027600-00027831 monsters just like planned JubQZqM3kZQ-00110-00027832-00028070 yeah kids you are going to get yourself JubQZqM3kZQ-00111-00028072-00028183 killed JubQZqM3kZQ-00112-00028183-00028295 especially because you're not even JubQZqM3kZQ-00113-00028295-00028502 carrying them right i hope the barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00114-00028504-00028583 is restored JubQZqM3kZQ-00115-00028583-00028887 soon i'm just hoping i'm not even JubQZqM3kZQ-00116-00028888-00028974 holding me too JubQZqM3kZQ-00117-00028975-00029246 man although that's probably because JubQZqM3kZQ-00118-00029247-00029399 they're just holding them until they JubQZqM3kZQ-00119-00029400-00029527 actually have to use them JubQZqM3kZQ-00120-00029527-00029879 probably i hope so JubQZqM3kZQ-00121-00029880-00030023 even though dayton hold was struggling JubQZqM3kZQ-00122-00030024-00030246 without a barrier they'd have had issues JubQZqM3kZQ-00123-00030247-00030367 even with one JubQZqM3kZQ-00124-00030368-00030639 yes barriers really do have a big impact JubQZqM3kZQ-00125-00030639-00030814 on people's day-to-day lives JubQZqM3kZQ-00126-00030816-00030974 well they keep people safe from monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00127-00030975-00031199 just by being there it's no surprise it JubQZqM3kZQ-00128-00031200-00031318 changes things JubQZqM3kZQ-00129-00031319-00031495 i want to help heal hellura's tree as JubQZqM3kZQ-00130-00031495-00031687 soon as possible so that everyone can JubQZqM3kZQ-00131-00031688-00031951 feel safe again JubQZqM3kZQ-00132-00031952-00032143 noble goal let's see if we can actually JubQZqM3kZQ-00133-00032144-00032439 manage it another health JubQZqM3kZQ-00134-00032439-00032687 thank you for healing everyone but the JubQZqM3kZQ-00135-00032688-00032823 flowers aren't blooming JubQZqM3kZQ-00136-00032824-00033735 i feel so depressed yeah understandable JubQZqM3kZQ-00137-00033736-00034039 all right off we go towards a tree it's JubQZqM3kZQ-00138-00034040-00034374 huge up close yeah trees flowers should JubQZqM3kZQ-00139-00034375-00034535 blossom any day now JubQZqM3kZQ-00140-00034536-00034823 or at least they're supposed to yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00141-00034824-00035087 yeah i wish i could see it in bloom JubQZqM3kZQ-00142-00035088-00035327 i know how you feel there's something JubQZqM3kZQ-00143-00035328-00035502 about the image of a tall tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00144-00035503-00035735 vibrant with blossoms and protecting the JubQZqM3kZQ-00145-00035736-00035927 city that's so JubQZqM3kZQ-00146-00035928-00036374 romantic yeah a little bit you know JubQZqM3kZQ-00147-00036375-00036551 i'm gonna stay here and help heal the JubQZqM3kZQ-00148-00036552-00036718 injured JubQZqM3kZQ-00149-00036719-00036862 if you're gonna heal something maybe you JubQZqM3kZQ-00150-00036863-00037102 could heal the barrier itself JubQZqM3kZQ-00151-00037103-00037359 what do you mean when monsters come JubQZqM3kZQ-00152-00037360-00037415 again JubQZqM3kZQ-00153-00037416-00037615 more people are gonna get hurt those JubQZqM3kZQ-00154-00037616-00037862 kids we just saw could be among them JubQZqM3kZQ-00155-00037863-00038118 that's true but i have no idea how i JubQZqM3kZQ-00156-00038119-00038311 could heal the barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00157-00038312-00038543 what you need to heal is this tree it JubQZqM3kZQ-00158-00038544-00038662 wouldn't be in this condition just JubQZqM3kZQ-00159-00038663-00038879 because some monsters attacked it JubQZqM3kZQ-00160-00038880-00039183 one would think yeah you think there's JubQZqM3kZQ-00161-00039184-00039223 some JubQZqM3kZQ-00162-00039224-00039623 other reason i think there's got to be JubQZqM3kZQ-00163-00039624-00040007 true it makes sense two of you doing JubQZqM3kZQ-00164-00040008-00040327 over here JubQZqM3kZQ-00165-00040328-00040495 why did you come over here to look at JubQZqM3kZQ-00166-00040496-00040630 this old man JubQZqM3kZQ-00167-00040631-00040927 we're just admiring the tree we're JubQZqM3kZQ-00168-00040928-00041095 trying to figure out why the tree has JubQZqM3kZQ-00169-00041096-00041287 withered like this JubQZqM3kZQ-00170-00041288-00041439 i don't know if you'll make much JubQZqM3kZQ-00171-00041440-00041662 progress on that one the night flynn JubQZqM3kZQ-00172-00041663-00042046 couldn't figure out the reason either JubQZqM3kZQ-00173-00042047-00042583 oh carol carol we need your help JubQZqM3kZQ-00174-00042584-00042846 what are you talking about it seems JubQZqM3kZQ-00175-00042847-00042999 these two were trying to figure out the JubQZqM3kZQ-00176-00043000-00043230 reason the trees withered so JubQZqM3kZQ-00177-00043231-00043574 yeah oh is that all what do you mean is JubQZqM3kZQ-00178-00043575-00043599 that JubQZqM3kZQ-00179-00043600-00043943 all okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00180-00043944-00044158 i didn't mean to also steal her [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00181-00044159-00044262 thunder there JubQZqM3kZQ-00182-00044263-00044583 but i mean you you really don't even JubQZqM3kZQ-00183-00044584-00044743 care about that right now JubQZqM3kZQ-00184-00044744-00045143 but are you are you really that hurt JubQZqM3kZQ-00185-00045144-00045239 over a girl JubQZqM3kZQ-00186-00045240-00045551 who you kept waiting JubQZqM3kZQ-00187-00045552-00045855 for whatever reason it was JubQZqM3kZQ-00188-00045856-00046095 i know the reason it's why i was in the JubQZqM3kZQ-00189-00046096-00046311 forest looking for the egg bear JubQZqM3kZQ-00190-00046312-00046590 oh yeah huh what are you talking about JubQZqM3kZQ-00191-00046591-00046783 look closely at the ground JubQZqM3kZQ-00192-00046784-00047390 notice the strange color a little JubQZqM3kZQ-00193-00047391-00047583 that color is where the ground absorbed JubQZqM3kZQ-00194-00047584-00047767 the blood of monsters who attacked the JubQZqM3kZQ-00195-00047768-00047871 town JubQZqM3kZQ-00196-00047872-00048079 that blood has been poisoning allure's JubQZqM3kZQ-00197-00048080-00048207 tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00198-00048208-00048630 what oh the monster blood i had no idea JubQZqM3kZQ-00199-00048631-00048871 carol you really know your stuff don't JubQZqM3kZQ-00200-00048872-00048958 you oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00201-00048959-00049151 yeah well why the [__] were you keeping JubQZqM3kZQ-00202-00049152-00049343 that to yourself bud JubQZqM3kZQ-00203-00049344-00049486 you could have been spreading that to JubQZqM3kZQ-00204-00049487-00049615 their entire town they could have been JubQZqM3kZQ-00205-00049616-00049790 doing something about it JubQZqM3kZQ-00206-00049791-00050023 it was nothing or trying is there JubQZqM3kZQ-00207-00050024-00050174 anything we can do to get rid of the JubQZqM3kZQ-00208-00050175-00050295 poison JubQZqM3kZQ-00209-00050296-00050758 i know a way but well no one believes me JubQZqM3kZQ-00210-00050759-00051079 well they have your they have JubQZqM3kZQ-00211-00051080-00051382 the attention now JubQZqM3kZQ-00212-00051383-00051599 you have their attention now [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00213-00051600-00051750 tell them JubQZqM3kZQ-00214-00051751-00051942 now they can actually look into doing JubQZqM3kZQ-00215-00051944-00052102 something man come on JubQZqM3kZQ-00216-00052103-00052382 try us i think we'd be able to do it if JubQZqM3kZQ-00217-00052383-00052582 we had a panacea bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00218-00052583-00052879 a panacea bottle maybe we can get one in JubQZqM3kZQ-00219-00052879-00053094 the general store JubQZqM3kZQ-00220-00053095-00053782 yeah let's go yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00221-00053783-00053991 i can't wait until the trees blossoms JubQZqM3kZQ-00222-00053991-00054119 are in full bloom JubQZqM3kZQ-00223-00054120-00054375 they'll be fantastic i bet there's a JubQZqM3kZQ-00224-00054376-00054575 flood of petals big enough to just sweep JubQZqM3kZQ-00225-00054576-00054719 you away JubQZqM3kZQ-00226-00054720-00054991 all those petals dancing in the breeze JubQZqM3kZQ-00227-00054991-00055182 it'd be like a dream JubQZqM3kZQ-00228-00055183-00055326 i wonder how they deal with all their JubQZqM3kZQ-00229-00055327-00055511 houses getting buried in flowers every JubQZqM3kZQ-00230-00055512-00055559 year JubQZqM3kZQ-00231-00055560-00055742 that's gonna be a question to clean up JubQZqM3kZQ-00232-00055744-00055959 probably you really take the fun out of JubQZqM3kZQ-00233-00055960-00056271 things yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00234-00056272-00056511 well i mean hey he's gotta you gotta be JubQZqM3kZQ-00235-00056512-00056735 the voice of reason somehow JubQZqM3kZQ-00236-00056736-00056959 not like anyone cares about my two cents JubQZqM3kZQ-00237-00056960-00057126 we're listening to you right now you JubQZqM3kZQ-00238-00057127-00057230 little [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00239-00057232-00057479 god damn it there's also a treasure JubQZqM3kZQ-00240-00057479-00057599 chest over there that i can't JubQZqM3kZQ-00241-00057600-00057830 access because the tree's roots are in a JubQZqM3kZQ-00242-00057832-00058038 way JubQZqM3kZQ-00243-00058039-00058591 all right well JubQZqM3kZQ-00244-00058591-00058894 if it and of course the [__] little JubQZqM3kZQ-00245-00058895-00058942 thing JubQZqM3kZQ-00246-00058944-00059175 about oh we could go to the general JubQZqM3kZQ-00247-00059176-00059391 store and get a panacea bottle and maybe JubQZqM3kZQ-00248-00059391-00059599 that'll heal the tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00249-00059600-00059950 are you for real right now howdy welcome JubQZqM3kZQ-00250-00059951-00060063 to the store JubQZqM3kZQ-00251-00060064-00060311 what can i get for you today do you have JubQZqM3kZQ-00252-00060312-00060406 any panacea JubQZqM3kZQ-00253-00060407-00060719 bottles JubQZqM3kZQ-00254-00060720-00060887 unfortunately we're sold out at the JubQZqM3kZQ-00255-00060888-00061030 moment JubQZqM3kZQ-00256-00061032-00061335 how can that be a [__] course they JubQZqM3kZQ-00257-00061336-00061454 are but you know JubQZqM3kZQ-00258-00061455-00061711 if i had the right ingredients i'd be JubQZqM3kZQ-00259-00061712-00061775 able to fix JubQZqM3kZQ-00260-00061776-00062191 them up for you oh you need to make it JubQZqM3kZQ-00261-00062191-00062471 i'd need three ingredients egg bear claw JubQZqM3kZQ-00262-00062472-00062566 nia fruit JubQZqM3kZQ-00263-00062567-00062830 and la luria pedal but why do you need a JubQZqM3kZQ-00264-00062832-00063038 panacea bottle so badly JubQZqM3kZQ-00265-00063039-00063247 a kid came by the other day asking about JubQZqM3kZQ-00266-00063248-00063447 the same exact thing JubQZqM3kZQ-00267-00063448-00063653 we want to heal hollora's tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00268-00063654-00063838 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00269-00063839-00064071 what's that i've never heard of using a JubQZqM3kZQ-00270-00064072-00064359 panacea bottle on a tree before JubQZqM3kZQ-00271-00064360-00064638 well we're gonna try it what sort of JubQZqM3kZQ-00272-00064639-00064903 thing is the nia fruit you mentioned JubQZqM3kZQ-00273-00064904-00065038 that would be the bitter fruit you said JubQZqM3kZQ-00274-00065039-00065294 was so delicious back in the woods JubQZqM3kZQ-00275-00065295-00065663 so what's an egg bear then sorry JubQZqM3kZQ-00276-00065664-00065871 i can't help you there monsters are JubQZqM3kZQ-00277-00065872-00066055 beyond my expertise JubQZqM3kZQ-00278-00066056-00066263 if a member of the hunting blades were JubQZqM3kZQ-00279-00066264-00066455 here they might be able to tell you JubQZqM3kZQ-00280-00066456-00066775 they make their living hunting monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00281-00066776-00067055 well we have one right that's why he was JubQZqM3kZQ-00282-00067056-00067271 in the forest JubQZqM3kZQ-00283-00067272-00067455 what can you tell us about the laloria JubQZqM3kZQ-00284-00067456-00067687 pedal you know the tree in the middle of JubQZqM3kZQ-00285-00067688-00067791 town right JubQZqM3kZQ-00286-00067792-00068079 it's a petal from that tree normally we JubQZqM3kZQ-00287-00068080-00068126 use JubQZqM3kZQ-00288-00068127-00068359 magic resin but there isn't any around JubQZqM3kZQ-00289-00068360-00068535 these parts at all JubQZqM3kZQ-00290-00068536-00068863 but the tree is all withered i believe JubQZqM3kZQ-00291-00068864-00069079 the mayor has some lilluria petals JubQZqM3kZQ-00292-00069080-00069399 you might try asking him gotcha JubQZqM3kZQ-00293-00069400-00069511 we'll come back when we've gotten the JubQZqM3kZQ-00294-00069512-00069794 ingredients together what an interesting JubQZqM3kZQ-00295-00069795-00069991 coincidence JubQZqM3kZQ-00296-00069992-00070511 one might say convenient okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00297-00070512-00070671 come on carol we're going back to the JubQZqM3kZQ-00298-00070672-00070919 koi woods JubQZqM3kZQ-00299-00070920-00071231 what do you mean remember prepare to die JubQZqM3kZQ-00300-00071232-00071703 egg bear JubQZqM3kZQ-00301-00071704-00072143 that invitation JubQZqM3kZQ-00302-00072144-00072494 i mean you mean you believe what i said JubQZqM3kZQ-00303-00072495-00072743 about the panacea bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00304-00072744-00073087 are you lying JubQZqM3kZQ-00305-00073088-00073223 well then we'll have to go with what JubQZqM3kZQ-00306-00073224-00073526 you've told us yeah yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00307-00073527-00073735 all right i'll help you out just this JubQZqM3kZQ-00308-00073736-00073975 once i'm a very busy person you know JubQZqM3kZQ-00309-00073976-00074326 shut the [__] up shut the [__] up JubQZqM3kZQ-00310-00074327-00074511 three of us will restore the barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00311-00074512-00074647 together good JubQZqM3kZQ-00312-00074648-00074894 you're coming too still of course well JubQZqM3kZQ-00313-00074895-00075015 of course i am JubQZqM3kZQ-00314-00075016-00075182 she's with me what about waiting for JubQZqM3kZQ-00315-00075183-00075431 flynn wasn't it you who said if you're JubQZqM3kZQ-00316-00075432-00075599 going to heal something it should be the JubQZqM3kZQ-00317-00075600-00075694 tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00318-00075695-00075847 we'll just have to fix the tree before JubQZqM3kZQ-00319-00075848-00075999 he gets back JubQZqM3kZQ-00320-00076000-00076238 can't wait to see the look on his face JubQZqM3kZQ-00321-00076239-00076471 yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00322-00076472-00076775 that'll be worth it all right good JubQZqM3kZQ-00323-00076776-00077094 [__] now talking to the mayor then who JubQZqM3kZQ-00324-00077095-00077247 the [__] is the mayor JubQZqM3kZQ-00325-00077248-00077438 and where the [__] is the mayor that's a JubQZqM3kZQ-00326-00077439-00077711 better question JubQZqM3kZQ-00327-00077712-00077903 which i cannot answer because i have no JubQZqM3kZQ-00328-00077904-00078111 idea where the [__] you would be JubQZqM3kZQ-00329-00078112-00078487 be this guy oh we can go up here JubQZqM3kZQ-00330-00078488-00078589 how about that JubQZqM3kZQ-00331-00078590-00078806 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00332-00078807-00079062 how could the tree have died why do you JubQZqM3kZQ-00333-00079063-00079231 think it died JubQZqM3kZQ-00334-00079232-00079543 it just you know just a little JubQZqM3kZQ-00335-00079544-00080031 sick is all it's not dead JubQZqM3kZQ-00336-00080032-00080279 probably not oh it's the mayor's JubQZqM3kZQ-00337-00080280-00080406 residence JubQZqM3kZQ-00338-00080407-00080719 that answered my question JubQZqM3kZQ-00339-00080720-00081038 rather well in fact JubQZqM3kZQ-00340-00081039-00081391 okay the tree of hellor used to protect JubQZqM3kZQ-00341-00081392-00081438 our JubQZqM3kZQ-00342-00081439-00081743 protect protect our town JubQZqM3kZQ-00343-00081744-00081975 protect but also attack is this town JubQZqM3kZQ-00344-00081976-00082071 finished JubQZqM3kZQ-00345-00082072-00082399 maybe but maybe hopefully not where JubQZqM3kZQ-00346-00082400-00083047 the [__] is the mayor JubQZqM3kZQ-00347-00083048-00083415 okay i guess he's not here JubQZqM3kZQ-00348-00083416-00083926 all right fine JubQZqM3kZQ-00349-00083927-00084143 sir you wouldn't happen to have any JubQZqM3kZQ-00350-00084144-00084350 laloria pedals would you JubQZqM3kZQ-00351-00084351-00084679 could you hear that from i mean i do JubQZqM3kZQ-00352-00084680-00085015 but ah JubQZqM3kZQ-00353-00085016-00085287 so that's why you need a pedal the JubQZqM3kZQ-00354-00085288-00085367 laluria JubQZqM3kZQ-00355-00085368-00085567 is one of the three flowers that blooms JubQZqM3kZQ-00356-00085568-00085694 on hallure's tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00357-00085695-00085959 the petals are dried for half a year in JubQZqM3kZQ-00358-00085960-00086047 the shade JubQZqM3kZQ-00359-00086048-00086367 and they're very valuable this is my JubQZqM3kZQ-00360-00086368-00086487 last petal JubQZqM3kZQ-00361-00086488-00086679 but if it'll restore the tree to its old JubQZqM3kZQ-00362-00086680-00087367 self then i don't mind giving it to you JubQZqM3kZQ-00363-00087368-00087726 yay little urea pedal one of the JubQZqM3kZQ-00364-00087727-00087894 ingredients for a panacea bottle a JubQZqM3kZQ-00365-00087895-00088135 precious petal from the mayor of hello JubQZqM3kZQ-00366-00088136-00088431 thank you next up on the list is the nia JubQZqM3kZQ-00367-00088432-00088518 fruit and JubQZqM3kZQ-00368-00088519-00088862 an egg bear claw was it yep let's go to JubQZqM3kZQ-00369-00088863-00089094 the koi woods JubQZqM3kZQ-00370-00089095-00089350 alrighty off we go then we got what we JubQZqM3kZQ-00371-00089351-00089687 needed here JubQZqM3kZQ-00372-00089688-00089911 which i guess that was the mayor after JubQZqM3kZQ-00373-00089912-00089999 all JubQZqM3kZQ-00374-00090000-00090343 holy [__] didn't expect that to be JubQZqM3kZQ-00375-00090344-00090647 there okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00376-00090648-00091031 koi woods is over here also i noticed JubQZqM3kZQ-00377-00091032-00091094 that JubQZqM3kZQ-00378-00091095-00091287 locations like that are marked in red JubQZqM3kZQ-00379-00091288-00091455 and JubQZqM3kZQ-00380-00091456-00092599 let's work together sure why not JubQZqM3kZQ-00381-00092600-00092943 we go i got a little worked up a little JubQZqM3kZQ-00382-00092944-00093367 there we go that wasn't too bad JubQZqM3kZQ-00383-00093368-00093815 all right over we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00384-00093816-00095791 i'm gonna do it you're gonna do it huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00385-00095792-00095950 all right these are the threads that JubQZqM3kZQ-00386-00095951-00096159 weave our future hey JubQZqM3kZQ-00387-00096160-00096511 she learned magic guard nice JubQZqM3kZQ-00388-00096512-00096943 threads that weave our future huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00389-00096944-00097479 woods back into here we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00390-00097480-00097774 hey i've been wondering how come you JubQZqM3kZQ-00391-00097775-00097831 guys JubQZqM3kZQ-00392-00097832-00098206 and repeat too i guess all have blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00393-00098207-00098431 aren't booty blastia pretty rare i JubQZqM3kZQ-00394-00098432-00098655 didn't think many people had them JubQZqM3kZQ-00395-00098656-00098935 you have one too though i belong to a JubQZqM3kZQ-00396-00098936-00098999 guild JubQZqM3kZQ-00397-00099000-00099279 sometimes we get a chance to get one oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00398-00099280-00099487 and ruins gate keeps finding more JubQZqM3kZQ-00399-00099488-00099823 that's a gill that excavates blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00400-00099824-00099967 there are even guilds that dig up JubQZqM3kZQ-00401-00099968-00100167 blastia from ruins JubQZqM3kZQ-00402-00100168-00100431 makes sense if there weren't then the JubQZqM3kZQ-00403-00100432-00100631 empire would control all the blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00404-00100632-00100943 normal folks wouldn't get any that is JubQZqM3kZQ-00405-00100944-00101031 very true JubQZqM3kZQ-00406-00101032-00101287 and makes sense the empire regulates the JubQZqM3kZQ-00407-00101288-00101487 ancient blastia artifacts due to their JubQZqM3kZQ-00408-00101488-00101662 potential danger JubQZqM3kZQ-00409-00101663-00101894 i think that makes sense if blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00410-00101895-00102071 weren't regulated anyone could use JubQZqM3kZQ-00411-00102072-00102262 dangerous magic JubQZqM3kZQ-00412-00102263-00102510 but they've gone way overboard they have JubQZqM3kZQ-00413-00102511-00102639 a monopoly JubQZqM3kZQ-00414-00102640-00103023 true ah i don't know about JubQZqM3kZQ-00415-00103024-00103351 you wouldn't so anyway what's your story JubQZqM3kZQ-00416-00103352-00103615 how'd you get yours i used to be in the JubQZqM3kZQ-00417-00103616-00103766 imperial knights JubQZqM3kZQ-00418-00103767-00104134 this was a going away present JubQZqM3kZQ-00419-00104135-00104334 that pause makes me think that it wasn't JubQZqM3kZQ-00420-00104335-00104551 necessarily a going away present JubQZqM3kZQ-00421-00104552-00104775 repeat got his as a keepsake of his old JubQZqM3kZQ-00422-00104776-00104902 owner JubQZqM3kZQ-00423-00104903-00105143 going away present sounds more like you JubQZqM3kZQ-00424-00105144-00105334 stole it to me JubQZqM3kZQ-00425-00105335-00105727 so what about you estelle yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00426-00105728-00106039 carol basically said what i said uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00427-00106040-00106343 i got mine from uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00428-00106344-00106551 she doesn't look at her she's a noble JubQZqM3kZQ-00429-00106552-00106783 they all have these JubQZqM3kZQ-00430-00106783-00107007 i knew you were a noble well at least JubQZqM3kZQ-00431-00107008-00107199 one of you has some class JubQZqM3kZQ-00432-00107200-00107431 wow yeah yeah let's go get that nia JubQZqM3kZQ-00433-00107432-00107678 fruit JubQZqM3kZQ-00434-00107679-00107983 at least one of you has some class what JubQZqM3kZQ-00435-00107983-00108295 shut the [__] up kid JubQZqM3kZQ-00436-00108296-00108439 do you mind if i scratch behind your JubQZqM3kZQ-00437-00108440-00108623 ears JubQZqM3kZQ-00438-00108624-00108886 apparently sorry i guess it's still too JubQZqM3kZQ-00439-00108888-00109063 soon for me to pet you JubQZqM3kZQ-00440-00109064-00109231 let's start over by getting to know each JubQZqM3kZQ-00441-00109232-00109543 other a little better JubQZqM3kZQ-00442-00109544-00109878 so then my name is estelis JubQZqM3kZQ-00443-00109879-00110183 you knew that already right um huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00444-00110183-00110366 repeat introducing yourself to an JubQZqM3kZQ-00445-00110367-00110566 invisible friend oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00446-00110567-00111175 i won't give up she's trying so hard JubQZqM3kZQ-00447-00111176-00111495 ah [__] i walked right in i'm gonna do JubQZqM3kZQ-00448-00111496-00111590 it JubQZqM3kZQ-00449-00111591-00113415 i'm gonna do it JubQZqM3kZQ-00450-00113416-00113734 that worked out beautifully better than JubQZqM3kZQ-00451-00113735-00114078 i expected anyway JubQZqM3kZQ-00452-00114079-00114439 all right well JubQZqM3kZQ-00453-00114440-00114663 gotta head on back is that a way we can JubQZqM3kZQ-00454-00114664-00114807 go well it looks like JubQZqM3kZQ-00455-00114808-00115271 maybe but i don't know how JubQZqM3kZQ-00456-00115272-00115854 i guess that'll be later JubQZqM3kZQ-00457-00115855-00116231 how far back do i have to go JubQZqM3kZQ-00458-00116232-00118775 okay let's work together JubQZqM3kZQ-00459-00118776-00118966 well that worked better than any time JubQZqM3kZQ-00460-00118967-00119183 that [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00461-00119183-00119631 tried to do it we got onions hey JubQZqM3kZQ-00462-00119632-00119775 didn't know that that would be a thing i JubQZqM3kZQ-00463-00119776-00119983 could get JubQZqM3kZQ-00464-00119983-00120663 random encounters i'll take it JubQZqM3kZQ-00465-00120664-00120799 if that's the case then i'm going to JubQZqM3kZQ-00466-00120800-00121710 keep fighting more stuff like that JubQZqM3kZQ-00467-00121711-00123054 there you go all right who's next JubQZqM3kZQ-00468-00123055-00123271 because you've lived a lot longer right JubQZqM3kZQ-00469-00123272-00123407 not exactly JubQZqM3kZQ-00470-00123408-00123766 not really i got beef out of that JubQZqM3kZQ-00471-00123767-00123983 don't know why i got power running all JubQZqM3kZQ-00472-00123983-00124134 through my body JubQZqM3kZQ-00473-00124135-00124226 damn right JubQZqM3kZQ-00474-00124227-00124551 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00475-00124552-00124990 hey we're back here JubQZqM3kZQ-00476-00124991-00125375 there's next up is the egg bear claw JubQZqM3kZQ-00477-00125376-00125543 are we gonna walk around the woods and JubQZqM3kZQ-00478-00125544-00125775 look for an egg bear JubQZqM3kZQ-00479-00125776-00126102 no we'll never find one that way okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00480-00126103-00126463 yeah what do we do then hand me a nia JubQZqM3kZQ-00481-00126464-00126519 fruit JubQZqM3kZQ-00482-00126520-00126743 would you i'm gonna use it to lure out JubQZqM3kZQ-00483-00126744-00126886 the egg bear JubQZqM3kZQ-00484-00126888-00127166 the egg bear has very unusual taste you JubQZqM3kZQ-00485-00127167-00127271 see JubQZqM3kZQ-00486-00127272-00128054 aha unusual you say okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00487-00128055-00128278 repeat is very much saying no that's JubQZqM3kZQ-00488-00128279-00128383 weird you smell JubQZqM3kZQ-00489-00128383-00128710 horrible me JubQZqM3kZQ-00490-00128711-00129143 that smell isn't coming from me JubQZqM3kZQ-00491-00129144-00129366 are you sure about that please it seems JubQZqM3kZQ-00492-00129367-00129502 to me you're gonna do something like JubQZqM3kZQ-00493-00129503-00129823 that JubQZqM3kZQ-00494-00129824-00130119 oh no repeat being passed out because it JubQZqM3kZQ-00495-00130120-00130207 smells so bad JubQZqM3kZQ-00496-00130208-00130407 everyone keep a lookout an egg bear JubQZqM3kZQ-00497-00130408-00130590 could come out any time now JubQZqM3kZQ-00498-00130591-00130775 and they're famous for their terrible JubQZqM3kZQ-00499-00130776-00130934 ferocity JubQZqM3kZQ-00500-00130935-00131111 so then captain carol i'm assuming that JubQZqM3kZQ-00501-00131112-00131239 you're gonna lead the charge against JubQZqM3kZQ-00502-00131240-00131527 this terribly ferocious monster JubQZqM3kZQ-00503-00131528-00131823 yeah of course but i could use a hand JubQZqM3kZQ-00504-00131824-00132087 from you yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00505-00132088-00132527 oh and repeat also JubQZqM3kZQ-00506-00132528-00132847 yeah volunteer the dog how about we have JubQZqM3kZQ-00507-00132848-00133127 a bit of a walk around the forest JubQZqM3kZQ-00508-00133128-00133519 yeah but you'll lead because you smell JubQZqM3kZQ-00509-00133520-00133975 real bad jesus JubQZqM3kZQ-00510-00133976-00134302 look all right we got a nia fruit as JubQZqM3kZQ-00511-00134303-00134335 well JubQZqM3kZQ-00512-00134336-00134639 all right it gives off a bad stench when JubQZqM3kZQ-00513-00134640-00134799 burned JubQZqM3kZQ-00514-00134800-00135151 clearly JubQZqM3kZQ-00515-00135152-00135343 why would a nia fruit be lying on the JubQZqM3kZQ-00516-00135344-00135502 ground in the forest JubQZqM3kZQ-00517-00135503-00135743 i didn't see a neat tree nearby oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00518-00135744-00135935 that'd be the monsters in the forest JubQZqM3kZQ-00519-00135936-00136135 it's how they mark their territory can JubQZqM3kZQ-00520-00136136-00136335 we really just take it then JubQZqM3kZQ-00521-00136336-00136511 i suppose there's no way for us to ask JubQZqM3kZQ-00522-00136512-00136727 permission yeah i don't really speak JubQZqM3kZQ-00523-00136728-00136951 monster carol they don't teach that in JubQZqM3kZQ-00524-00136952-00137063 your guild do they JubQZqM3kZQ-00525-00137064-00137278 the hunting blades hot monsters we don't JubQZqM3kZQ-00526-00137279-00137407 need to waste time making JubQZqM3kZQ-00527-00137408-00137959 friends with them that's a shame JubQZqM3kZQ-00528-00137960-00138295 okay that was a weird that was a weird JubQZqM3kZQ-00529-00138296-00138743 one JubQZqM3kZQ-00530-00138744-00139278 no making friends with monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00531-00139279-00139478 i guess we just wander around until we JubQZqM3kZQ-00532-00139479-00140335 find one i guess JubQZqM3kZQ-00533-00140336-00140527 all right who's next all right how's JubQZqM3kZQ-00534-00140528-00140987 this out of here i wanted the wolf JubQZqM3kZQ-00535-00140988-00141483 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00536-00141484-00141983 strength JubQZqM3kZQ-00537-00141984-00142399 yeah i beat you into next week next week JubQZqM3kZQ-00538-00142400-00142887 but can you really never mind JubQZqM3kZQ-00539-00142888-00143414 uh gel bass i just noticed that JubQZqM3kZQ-00540-00143415-00143759 gel bass huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00541-00143760-00144071 i guess you can make some leave it to me JubQZqM3kZQ-00542-00144072-00144873 the gel items at some point JubQZqM3kZQ-00543-00144874-00145663 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00544-00145664-00146526 there we JubQZqM3kZQ-00545-00146527-00146775 this isn't scary your legs are shaking JubQZqM3kZQ-00546-00146776-00146871 you're kidding JubQZqM3kZQ-00547-00146872-00147215 yeah i am JubQZqM3kZQ-00548-00147216-00147559 [Laughter] JubQZqM3kZQ-00549-00147560-00147875 alrighty then JubQZqM3kZQ-00550-00147876-00148175 okay well i don't know where i'm JubQZqM3kZQ-00551-00148176-00148263 supposed to go JubQZqM3kZQ-00552-00148264-00148607 to find the thing i guess i'm gonna back JubQZqM3kZQ-00553-00148608-00148911 up all the way there we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00554-00148912-00149614 that was the only other option JubQZqM3kZQ-00555-00149615-00149935 be on your guard everyone it's really JubQZqM3kZQ-00556-00149936-00150271 ferocious JubQZqM3kZQ-00557-00150272-00150414 you're not supposed to hide right after JubQZqM3kZQ-00558-00150415-00150599 saying things like that JubQZqM3kZQ-00559-00150600-00150783 the star always performs the finishing JubQZqM3kZQ-00560-00150784-00151143 blow everybody knows that JubQZqM3kZQ-00561-00151144-00151719 sure all right JubQZqM3kZQ-00562-00151720-00152078 no i don't think so JubQZqM3kZQ-00563-00152079-00152447 oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00564-00152448-00152814 okay egg bear that's an egg bear gotcha JubQZqM3kZQ-00565-00152815-00152966 well i have to hand it to you captain JubQZqM3kZQ-00566-00152967-00153119 carol operation JubQZqM3kZQ-00567-00153120-00153407 stink bomb was a smashing success that JubQZqM3kZQ-00568-00153408-00153463 definitely JubQZqM3kZQ-00569-00153464-00153790 was don't go giving my plan weird names JubQZqM3kZQ-00570-00153791-00153983 you didn't give it a name stand up JubQZqM3kZQ-00571-00153984-00154471 straight when you say stuff like that JubQZqM3kZQ-00572-00154472-00154895 that's a fair point all right lose JubQZqM3kZQ-00574-00158336-00158654 holy power come to me all right JubQZqM3kZQ-00575-00158655-00158983 um [__] this JubQZqM3kZQ-00576-00158984-00159343 fight went way worse than i expected JubQZqM3kZQ-00577-00159344-00159719 uh let's use a life bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00578-00159720-00160143 holy power and JubQZqM3kZQ-00579-00160144-00160399 that's not what i wanted i want i can't JubQZqM3kZQ-00580-00160400-00160543 use an item JubQZqM3kZQ-00581-00160544-00160975 there we go now i can JubQZqM3kZQ-00582-00160976-00161902 use a life bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00583-00161903-00163883 all right JubQZqM3kZQ-00584-00163884-00165566 oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00585-00165567-00165871 okay well this fight is going JubQZqM3kZQ-00586-00165872-00166311 worse than i could have ever imagined JubQZqM3kZQ-00587-00166312-00168087 all right JubQZqM3kZQ-00588-00168088-00168399 okay it wasn't gonna stay down here JubQZqM3kZQ-00589-00168400-00168759 see hey see what i did that was nothing JubQZqM3kZQ-00590-00168760-00169207 repeat help too thanks JubQZqM3kZQ-00591-00169208-00169519 yeah repeat help too and my JubQZqM3kZQ-00592-00169520-00169911 contributions were absolutely [__] all JubQZqM3kZQ-00593-00169912-00170135 ally character defeated yeah it makes JubQZqM3kZQ-00594-00170136-00170295 sense that that would go down and he JubQZqM3kZQ-00595-00170296-00170454 light amused yeah that would make sense JubQZqM3kZQ-00596-00170455-00170743 too JubQZqM3kZQ-00597-00170744-00171031 that was not a good fight then again it JubQZqM3kZQ-00598-00171032-00171231 wasn't going to go any better JubQZqM3kZQ-00599-00171232-00171543 then uh carol come get the claw JubQZqM3kZQ-00600-00171544-00171751 i don't know what i'm doing here yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00601-00171752-00171854 what JubQZqM3kZQ-00602-00171855-00172087 anybody can do that it just comes right JubQZqM3kZQ-00603-00172088-00172214 off JubQZqM3kZQ-00604-00172215-00172526 oh yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00605-00172527-00172975 here let me help too JubQZqM3kZQ-00606-00172976-00173126 estelle why don't you guard the JubQZqM3kZQ-00607-00173127-00173287 perimeter JubQZqM3kZQ-00608-00173288-00173526 right yeah i missed going to vomit you JubQZqM3kZQ-00609-00173527-00173599 sure it's JubQZqM3kZQ-00610-00173600-00173951 totally dead right JubQZqM3kZQ-00611-00173952-00174477 i mean as sure as we're gonna be JubQZqM3kZQ-00612-00174478-00174943 [Laughter] JubQZqM3kZQ-00613-00174944-00175271 come on man wow captain if i didn't know JubQZqM3kZQ-00614-00175272-00175326 you were just JubQZqM3kZQ-00615-00175327-00175543 goofing around i'd swear you were really JubQZqM3kZQ-00616-00175544-00176047 scared come on yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00617-00176048-00176678 pretty good huh you're still shaking JubQZqM3kZQ-00618-00176679-00176983 yuri you're an [__] an JubQZqM3kZQ-00619-00176984-00177359 [__] after my own heart JubQZqM3kZQ-00620-00177360-00177526 all right one of the ingredients for a JubQZqM3kZQ-00621-00177527-00177735 panacea bottle it looks bad but it is a JubQZqM3kZQ-00622-00177736-00177838 useful medicine JubQZqM3kZQ-00623-00177839-00178159 how's the nose repeat JubQZqM3kZQ-00624-00178160-00178495 all right let's head back JubQZqM3kZQ-00625-00178496-00179047 all righty okay i'm gonna run away JubQZqM3kZQ-00626-00179048-00179519 all righty JubQZqM3kZQ-00627-00179520-00179871 well so far so good all right gonna do a JubQZqM3kZQ-00628-00179872-00179919 quick JubQZqM3kZQ-00629-00179920-00180390 save there we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00630-00180391-00180838 just in case just in case JubQZqM3kZQ-00631-00180839-00180983 because you know i could die in a JubQZqM3kZQ-00632-00180984-00181183 moment's notice JubQZqM3kZQ-00633-00181184-00181502 if the combat prowess i've been showing JubQZqM3kZQ-00634-00181503-00181678 thus far is any indication JubQZqM3kZQ-00635-00181679-00182175 i could die at any given moment JubQZqM3kZQ-00636-00182176-00182463 time to get out of here bye okay you JubQZqM3kZQ-00637-00182464-00182590 know what [__] you i'm gonna JubQZqM3kZQ-00638-00182591-00182831 use you as extra training let's work JubQZqM3kZQ-00639-00182832-00182926 together JubQZqM3kZQ-00640-00182927-00184287 so i can get everyone leveled up JubQZqM3kZQ-00641-00184288-00185078 there we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00642-00185079-00185247 it'll be a hundred years before you can JubQZqM3kZQ-00643-00185248-00185431 beat me because you've lived a lot JubQZqM3kZQ-00644-00185432-00185535 longer right JubQZqM3kZQ-00645-00185536-00185871 not exactly yeah there you go JubQZqM3kZQ-00646-00185872-00186102 i just keep getting stronger there we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00647-00186103-00186566 we get some proper level ups for them JubQZqM3kZQ-00648-00186567-00186838 there we go and that was inevitable JubQZqM3kZQ-00649-00186839-00186990 don't get sloppy JubQZqM3kZQ-00650-00186991-00187683 yeah about that i've already been JubQZqM3kZQ-00651-00187684-00188148 slopping JubQZqM3kZQ-00652-00188149-00189023 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00653-00189024-00189438 i miss that entirely that's fine JubQZqM3kZQ-00654-00189439-00189743 got some beast skin wolf fang bird JubQZqM3kZQ-00655-00189744-00190014 feather medium JubQZqM3kZQ-00656-00190015-00190375 learned item oh i feel so powerful JubQZqM3kZQ-00657-00190376-00190526 hey we're getting level ups left and JubQZqM3kZQ-00658-00190527-00190766 right here great JubQZqM3kZQ-00659-00190767-00191135 good to see JubQZqM3kZQ-00660-00191136-00191478 oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00661-00191479-00191783 yuri lol i know you're here in these JubQZqM3kZQ-00662-00191784-00191863 woods JubQZqM3kZQ-00663-00191864-00192207 turn yourself in like a good boy are you JubQZqM3kZQ-00664-00192208-00192590 kidding me you've got to be kidding me JubQZqM3kZQ-00665-00192591-00192726 lew blanc followed me all the way JubQZqM3kZQ-00666-00192727-00192911 outside the barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00667-00192912-00193247 uh what who followed you uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00668-00193248-00193638 just some guys from the imperial nights JubQZqM3kZQ-00669-00193639-00193878 yeah right the knights are chasing their JubQZqM3kZQ-00670-00193879-00194207 own former member JubQZqM3kZQ-00671-00194208-00194526 yeah wait seriously JubQZqM3kZQ-00672-00194527-00194975 yeah i say come out now will you JubQZqM3kZQ-00673-00194976-00195199 show yourself now and we'll spare you JubQZqM3kZQ-00674-00195200-00195359 while pummeling JubQZqM3kZQ-00675-00195360-00195663 shaking in your boots and mere rumors JubQZqM3kZQ-00676-00195664-00195887 and you call yourselves knights of the JubQZqM3kZQ-00677-00195888-00196383 schwann brigade JubQZqM3kZQ-00678-00196384-00196687 vandalism fraud smuggling robbery JubQZqM3kZQ-00679-00196688-00197119 murder arson really you go from murder JubQZqM3kZQ-00680-00197120-00197407 to arson JubQZqM3kZQ-00681-00197408-00197863 uh it's really just for jailbreak JubQZqM3kZQ-00682-00197864-00198111 anyway let's bolt yeah let's get out of JubQZqM3kZQ-00683-00198112-00198599 here JubQZqM3kZQ-00684-00198600-00199014 there we go hey we can't do that JubQZqM3kZQ-00685-00199015-00199150 it'll get in the way of other people JubQZqM3kZQ-00686-00199151-00199423 passing through who's gonna be passing JubQZqM3kZQ-00687-00199424-00199543 through these woods are JubQZqM3kZQ-00688-00199544-00199847 cursed remember JubQZqM3kZQ-00689-00199848-00200414 that's a good point JubQZqM3kZQ-00690-00200415-00200950 wait up oh yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00691-00200951-00201326 of course well hey at least they'll have JubQZqM3kZQ-00692-00201327-00201695 uh that'll get them all for our JubQZqM3kZQ-00693-00201696-00202007 facts at least JubQZqM3kZQ-00694-00202008-00202343 at least oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00695-00202344-00202823 nighttime huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00696-00202824-00203359 didn't expect to change of time JubQZqM3kZQ-00697-00203360-00203999 like at all really JubQZqM3kZQ-00698-00204000-00204311 this the other side of the hole JubQZqM3kZQ-00699-00204312-00204783 i think it is JubQZqM3kZQ-00700-00204784-00204966 it is the other side but it won't let me JubQZqM3kZQ-00701-00204967-00205238 interact with it JubQZqM3kZQ-00702-00205239-00206145 yep you do that but that's fine JubQZqM3kZQ-00703-00206146-00207014 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00704-00207015-00207231 that went a lot better than i expected JubQZqM3kZQ-00705-00207232-00207327 it could go JubQZqM3kZQ-00706-00207328-00207679 sacred what i'm sorry we picked up a JubQZqM3kZQ-00707-00207680-00208366 sacred what JubQZqM3kZQ-00708-00208367-00208679 sacred tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00709-00208680-00208998 a twig taken from a sacred tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00710-00209000-00209166 it is definitely different from an JubQZqM3kZQ-00711-00209167-00209286 ordinary twig JubQZqM3kZQ-00712-00209287-00209703 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00713-00209704-00210039 oh okay then gel base JubQZqM3kZQ-00714-00210040-00210271 the raw material of gels edible when JubQZqM3kZQ-00715-00210271-00210615 processed but is bland and colorless JubQZqM3kZQ-00716-00210616-00210758 okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00717-00210759-00210958 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00718-00210959-00211351 fair enough uh we got beef we got onion JubQZqM3kZQ-00719-00211352-00211663 okay hard mail JubQZqM3kZQ-00720-00211664-00212127 hairband sub weapons main weapons JubQZqM3kZQ-00721-00212128-00212455 tools it's all in the oh JubQZqM3kZQ-00722-00212456-00212758 yeah i forgot about these it's only got JubQZqM3kZQ-00723-00212759-00212903 four of them though JubQZqM3kZQ-00724-00212904-00213319 well we'll use them real quick JubQZqM3kZQ-00725-00213319-00213655 and then i'll take that up and get them JubQZqM3kZQ-00726-00213656-00213727 used up JubQZqM3kZQ-00727-00213728-00214103 i guess okay cool JubQZqM3kZQ-00728-00214104-00214479 and let's look at his why not JubQZqM3kZQ-00729-00214480-00214855 equipment there we go carolinian hammer JubQZqM3kZQ-00730-00214856-00215215 normal sized bag something that didn't JubQZqM3kZQ-00731-00215216-00215375 turn out as intended still good enough JubQZqM3kZQ-00732-00215376-00215446 as a hammer JubQZqM3kZQ-00733-00215448-00215623 it is unknown how much the bag can hold JubQZqM3kZQ-00734-00215623-00215846 but it's enough for all your blastia JubQZqM3kZQ-00735-00215848-00216231 protective headgear and hard nail yep we JubQZqM3kZQ-00736-00216232-00216287 are JubQZqM3kZQ-00737-00216288-00216694 looked at all that stuff um JubQZqM3kZQ-00738-00216696-00217082 arts dragon upper JubQZqM3kZQ-00739-00217083-00217471 okay look at my stuff JubQZqM3kZQ-00740-00217471-00217687 okay so wolf strike can go either JubQZqM3kZQ-00741-00217688-00217815 direction JubQZqM3kZQ-00742-00217816-00218294 fang strike is down JubQZqM3kZQ-00743-00218296-00218646 cerberus is just up and as your edge JubQZqM3kZQ-00744-00218648-00218927 is just don't hold on to anything okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00745-00218928-00219079 fair enough JubQZqM3kZQ-00746-00219080-00219431 um status JubQZqM3kZQ-00747-00219432-00219798 that's what we're looking for carol JubQZqM3kZQ-00748-00219800-00220134 kappel that's a hell of a last name JubQZqM3kZQ-00749-00220135-00220367 attachment no attachment whoops i keep JubQZqM3kZQ-00750-00220367-00220455 doing that JubQZqM3kZQ-00751-00220456-00220694 young fighter young hunter and agile JubQZqM3kZQ-00752-00220696-00220782 fighter or rather JubQZqM3kZQ-00753-00220783-00221015 i gotta try harder and show them all uh JubQZqM3kZQ-00754-00221016-00221191 nothing never mind JubQZqM3kZQ-00755-00221192-00221439 okay campus lackey future leader a JubQZqM3kZQ-00756-00221440-00221631 freshman from blastia tech high school JubQZqM3kZQ-00757-00221632-00222110 rivals of saint visperia high JubQZqM3kZQ-00758-00222111-00222351 all right fair enough collegian JubQZqM3kZQ-00759-00222352-00222431 commander JubQZqM3kZQ-00760-00222432-00222606 a young commander highly skilled in the JubQZqM3kZQ-00761-00222607-00222798 sword arts and devoted to the queen JubQZqM3kZQ-00762-00222800-00223175 and his country JubQZqM3kZQ-00763-00223176-00223369 he looks like [__] onion night JubQZqM3kZQ-00764-00223369-00223663 [Laughter] JubQZqM3kZQ-00765-00223664-00223998 unite with a [__] bag all right dream JubQZqM3kZQ-00766-00224000-00224182 traveler a young boy with a ring that JubQZqM3kZQ-00767-00224183-00224303 can control the wind JubQZqM3kZQ-00768-00224304-00225255 summoned forth to save the world JubQZqM3kZQ-00769-00225256-00225687 oh my gosh JubQZqM3kZQ-00770-00225688-00225967 brave vesperia a bright star filled with JubQZqM3kZQ-00771-00225967-00226175 dreams power and hope JubQZqM3kZQ-00772-00226176-00227039 all in a small frame JubQZqM3kZQ-00773-00227040-00227439 oh man oh that's funny JubQZqM3kZQ-00774-00227440-00227806 that's some funny [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00775-00227807-00228110 good dog warrior man's best friend JubQZqM3kZQ-00776-00228111-00228415 a cat was there any for repeat JubQZqM3kZQ-00777-00228416-00228694 that i just didn't know of are there any JubQZqM3kZQ-00778-00228696-00228998 i kind of want to look and see now JubQZqM3kZQ-00779-00229000-00229401 uh boy there is there is ones for repeat JubQZqM3kZQ-00780-00229402-00229519 [Applause] JubQZqM3kZQ-00781-00229519-00229929 oh boy sorry for this JubQZqM3kZQ-00782-00229930-00230094 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00783-00230096-00230439 side side JubQZqM3kZQ-00784-00230440-00230615 thing that i'm doing now i just want to JubQZqM3kZQ-00785-00230616-00230846 look JubQZqM3kZQ-00786-00230848-00231158 okay top dogs right paw JubQZqM3kZQ-00787-00231159-00231382 freshman from blastia tech high school JubQZqM3kZQ-00788-00231383-00231567 and the right hand of the school's top JubQZqM3kZQ-00789-00231567-00231615 dog JubQZqM3kZQ-00790-00231616-00231814 don JubQZqM3kZQ-00791-00231815-00232471 [Laughter] JubQZqM3kZQ-00792-00232471-00232661 looks like he came out of jojo JubQZqM3kZQ-00793-00232662-00233303 [Laughter] JubQZqM3kZQ-00794-00233304-00233598 a census general a leader who joined two JubQZqM3kZQ-00795-00233600-00233734 worlds but ultimately JubQZqM3kZQ-00796-00233735-00234023 met an untimely demise his soul on the JubQZqM3kZQ-00797-00234023-00234175 other hand JubQZqM3kZQ-00798-00234176-00234510 oh oh my JubQZqM3kZQ-00799-00234511-00234903 oh my most valuable pup a right fielder JubQZqM3kZQ-00800-00234904-00235039 in the league's record holder for JubQZqM3kZQ-00801-00235040-00235530 stealing bases an easy pick for mvp JubQZqM3kZQ-00802-00235531-00235998 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00803-00236000-00236142 didn't mean to do that i meant to rotate JubQZqM3kZQ-00804-00236144-00236319 the model it's his [__] ass JubQZqM3kZQ-00805-00236319-00236682 just pants oh [__] JubQZqM3kZQ-00806-00236683-00236958 speed okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00807-00236959-00237175 quick like the wind fastest lightning no JubQZqM3kZQ-00808-00237176-00237367 one can escape once this dog has caught JubQZqM3kZQ-00809-00237367-00238487 their scent JubQZqM3kZQ-00810-00238488-00238831 okay all right i've already looked at JubQZqM3kZQ-00811-00238832-00239071 theirs i think haven't i JubQZqM3kZQ-00812-00239071-00239375 just gonna keep the man's best friend JubQZqM3kZQ-00813-00239376-00239806 uh julia's heir castle royalty JubQZqM3kZQ-00814-00239807-00240575 saint of atom JubQZqM3kZQ-00815-00240576-00240919 okay all right JubQZqM3kZQ-00816-00240919-00241230 okay i i i had enough of my fun now JubQZqM3kZQ-00817-00241231-00241671 let's head back to the town JubQZqM3kZQ-00818-00241671-00243565 oh [__] man could you be any weaker JubQZqM3kZQ-00819-00243566-00243703 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00820-00243704-00244119 just getting warmed up uh-huh totally JubQZqM3kZQ-00821-00244119-00244327 not like i wasn't effing my ass handed JubQZqM3kZQ-00822-00244328-00244430 to me after a JubQZqM3kZQ-00823-00244431-00246119 brief mistake i wasn't expecting you JubQZqM3kZQ-00824-00246119-00247263 holy power JubQZqM3kZQ-00825-00247264-00247623 there we go that JubQZqM3kZQ-00826-00247623-00248023 really didn't work out well JubQZqM3kZQ-00827-00248023-00248287 damage taken and just normal damage JubQZqM3kZQ-00828-00248288-00248367 taken JubQZqM3kZQ-00829-00248367-00248510 yeah that would impact it a little bit JubQZqM3kZQ-00830-00248511-00248823 yeah well JubQZqM3kZQ-00831-00248823-00249142 alrighty well now we are in the city of JubQZqM3kZQ-00832-00249144-00249415 blossom's hello JubQZqM3kZQ-00833-00249416-00249758 and we can uh go to the general store JubQZqM3kZQ-00834-00249759-00249942 now JubQZqM3kZQ-00835-00249944-00250223 and get that whole thing made up it's JubQZqM3kZQ-00836-00250223-00250455 pretty dark though JubQZqM3kZQ-00837-00250456-00250679 ah you're back have you gotten all the JubQZqM3kZQ-00838-00250680-00250879 ingredients together JubQZqM3kZQ-00839-00250880-00251206 we've got everything egg bear claw near JubQZqM3kZQ-00840-00251207-00251423 fruit and lilluria petals JubQZqM3kZQ-00841-00251423-00251734 that's everything all right let's get JubQZqM3kZQ-00842-00251735-00251863 this stuff made JubQZqM3kZQ-00843-00251864-00252279 [__] yeah yes please JubQZqM3kZQ-00844-00252280-00252598 hey now we know how to do it select JubQZqM3kZQ-00845-00252600-00252727 synthesis JubQZqM3kZQ-00846-00252728-00253134 synthesis from the shop to use materials JubQZqM3kZQ-00847-00253135-00253191 to create JubQZqM3kZQ-00848-00253192-00253415 items if you have all the necessary JubQZqM3kZQ-00849-00253416-00253598 materials to create an item JubQZqM3kZQ-00850-00253600-00253798 simply select the item from the list to JubQZqM3kZQ-00851-00253800-00254039 create it try selecting panacea bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00852-00254040-00254206 from the list JubQZqM3kZQ-00853-00254207-00254719 well yeah let's do it hell yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00854-00254719-00254982 a potion necessary to revive the tree of JubQZqM3kZQ-00855-00254983-00255198 hellor don't drop it JubQZqM3kZQ-00856-00255200-00255679 no you don't say and JubQZqM3kZQ-00857-00255680-00256119 bam there we go that does it JubQZqM3kZQ-00858-00256119-00256455 there you go one panacea bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00859-00256456-00256679 now we'll be able to cleanse the poison JubQZqM3kZQ-00860-00256680-00256903 let's go quickly JubQZqM3kZQ-00861-00256904-00257134 whoa whoa settle down you'll drop the JubQZqM3kZQ-00862-00257135-00257319 bottle if you're not careful JubQZqM3kZQ-00863-00257319-00257682 oh i see well then let's go JubQZqM3kZQ-00864-00257683-00258071 brutally sure let's do the prudently JubQZqM3kZQ-00865-00258071-00258479 bit oh let's not go this way that's not JubQZqM3kZQ-00866-00258480-00258606 correct way JubQZqM3kZQ-00867-00258607-00259615 it's this away JubQZqM3kZQ-00868-00259616-00260006 all righty up we go JubQZqM3kZQ-00869-00260007-00260655 and hopefully this doesn't JubQZqM3kZQ-00870-00260656-00261310 wow that is a small moon JubQZqM3kZQ-00871-00261311-00261527 oh have you made the antidote to cleanse JubQZqM3kZQ-00872-00261528-00261751 the tree of poison JubQZqM3kZQ-00873-00261752-00261951 carol it's up to you i'm no good at this JubQZqM3kZQ-00874-00261952-00262287 sort of thing JubQZqM3kZQ-00875-00262288-00263191 okay then here goes JubQZqM3kZQ-00876-00263192-00263367 didn't carol say there was someone he JubQZqM3kZQ-00877-00263368-00263639 wanted to show the blossoms of hellor to JubQZqM3kZQ-00878-00263640-00263855 i think so he was hoping we aren't too JubQZqM3kZQ-00879-00263856-00264727 late JubQZqM3kZQ-00880-00264728-00265030 the tree is JubQZqM3kZQ-00881-00265031-00265334 please great tree of hello restore the JubQZqM3kZQ-00882-00265335-00266082 fallen barrier JubQZqM3kZQ-00883-00266083-00266327 please no way JubQZqM3kZQ-00884-00266328-00266599 was the dosage too small or maybe this JubQZqM3kZQ-00885-00266600-00266799 isn't the right way JubQZqM3kZQ-00886-00266800-00267087 we'll have to get another panasea bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00887-00267088-00267327 oh i'm afraid that's impossible JubQZqM3kZQ-00888-00267328-00267758 that was the last of the luria pedals JubQZqM3kZQ-00889-00267759-00268239 but but we tried so hard JubQZqM3kZQ-00890-00268240-00268655 i mean it took at least an episode yeah JubQZqM3kZQ-00891-00268656-00269734 there's no way JubQZqM3kZQ-00892-00269735-00270543 please great tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00893-00270544-00270623 estelle JubQZqM3kZQ-00894-00270624-00271682 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00895-00271683-00271789 well JubQZqM3kZQ-00896-00271790-00272382 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00897-00272383-00272743 that seems to have done it also this is JubQZqM3kZQ-00898-00272744-00272887 definitely going to get copyright JubQZqM3kZQ-00899-00272888-00272967 claimed by JubQZqM3kZQ-00900-00272968-00273327 uh bandai namco so uh get ready for the JubQZqM3kZQ-00901-00273328-00273639 ads that they'll be running JubQZqM3kZQ-00902-00273640-00274110 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00903-00274111-00274863 damn that animation is gorgeous JubQZqM3kZQ-00904-00274864-00275271 amazing can this be JubQZqM3kZQ-00905-00275272-00275575 is she using healing hearts it's like a JubQZqM3kZQ-00906-00275576-00275695 dream JubQZqM3kZQ-00907-00275696-00276039 you already know she did it and yet JubQZqM3kZQ-00908-00276040-00276295 you already knew she can do it whoa she JubQZqM3kZQ-00909-00276296-00276519 wore herself out though JubQZqM3kZQ-00910-00276520-00276855 yeah yay you're the greatest JubQZqM3kZQ-00911-00276856-00277030 thanks for making the tree of hello JubQZqM3kZQ-00912-00277031-00277271 healthy again JubQZqM3kZQ-00913-00277272-00277519 we owe you our gratitude thanks to this JubQZqM3kZQ-00914-00277520-00277830 our city can live once more JubQZqM3kZQ-00915-00277831-00278134 what did i just that was JubQZqM3kZQ-00916-00278135-00278664 incredible estelle can you get up JubQZqM3kZQ-00917-00278665-00279215 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00918-00279216-00279439 flynn's gonna be so surprised to see the JubQZqM3kZQ-00919-00279440-00279623 flowers blooming JubQZqM3kZQ-00920-00279624-00279982 that'll show them JubQZqM3kZQ-00921-00279983-00280247 ever wanting to be one-upping flynn huh JubQZqM3kZQ-00922-00280248-00280295 yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00923-00280296-00280447 you and flynn seem to have such a JubQZqM3kZQ-00924-00280448-00280630 strange relationship JubQZqM3kZQ-00925-00280631-00280863 you are friends aren't you you could be JubQZqM3kZQ-00926-00280864-00280934 you could be JubQZqM3kZQ-00927-00280935-00281199 rivals with your friends i've done that JubQZqM3kZQ-00928-00281200-00281295 plenty of times JubQZqM3kZQ-00929-00281296-00281487 he's just someone i grew up with that's JubQZqM3kZQ-00930-00281488-00281764 all JubQZqM3kZQ-00931-00281765-00282303 [Music] JubQZqM3kZQ-00932-00282304-00282527 oh aren't those the people from the JubQZqM3kZQ-00933-00282528-00282663 castle JubQZqM3kZQ-00934-00282664-00282823 we can't let these people get caught up JubQZqM3kZQ-00935-00282824-00283103 in this let's lay low for a while JubQZqM3kZQ-00936-00283104-00283327 huh yeah what did i miss where are you JubQZqM3kZQ-00937-00283328-00283615 guys going JubQZqM3kZQ-00938-00283616-00283863 somewhere in a bit at first allure's JubQZqM3kZQ-00939-00283864-00284103 flowers sure are beautiful JubQZqM3kZQ-00940-00284104-00284367 i feel like i'm dreaming yeah they're JubQZqM3kZQ-00941-00284368-00284558 even nicer than i thought they'd be JubQZqM3kZQ-00942-00284559-00284751 yeah this really makes it feel like our JubQZqM3kZQ-00943-00284752-00284910 hard work was worth it JubQZqM3kZQ-00944-00284911-00285071 allure shouldn't worry about monsters JubQZqM3kZQ-00945-00285072-00285254 attacking as long as the barrier stays JubQZqM3kZQ-00946-00285255-00285343 like this JubQZqM3kZQ-00947-00285344-00285727 hollows tree will keep everyone safe JubQZqM3kZQ-00948-00285728-00286039 well here's hoping can i get around to JubQZqM3kZQ-00949-00286040-00286230 get that treasure chest JubQZqM3kZQ-00950-00286231-00286806 two treasure chests holy bottle JubQZqM3kZQ-00951-00286807-00287095 and nectar bottle prevents magical JubQZqM3kZQ-00952-00287096-00287263 elements for one minute during battle JubQZqM3kZQ-00953-00287264-00287358 can only be used JubQZqM3kZQ-00954-00287359-00287703 during battles okay JubQZqM3kZQ-00955-00287704-00288039 oh didn't know i could find stuff JubQZqM3kZQ-00956-00288040-00288327 in other places that are like that JubQZqM3kZQ-00957-00288328-00288439 that's new JubQZqM3kZQ-00958-00288440-00288591 now i'm gonna be checking all the edges JubQZqM3kZQ-00959-00288592-00288847 of the [__] map JubQZqM3kZQ-00960-00288848-00289351 see if i can pick stuff up like that JubQZqM3kZQ-00961-00289352-00289743 well it's gonna get annoying real quick JubQZqM3kZQ-00962-00289744-00290287 to all y'all i can almost guarantee that JubQZqM3kZQ-00963-00290288-00290558 man those guys are a pain in the neck JubQZqM3kZQ-00964-00290559-00290719 wish we could wait here for flynn to JubQZqM3kZQ-00965-00290720-00290863 come back JubQZqM3kZQ-00966-00290864-00291167 who's this flynn person he's an imperial JubQZqM3kZQ-00967-00291168-00291406 knight that estelle's got a crush on JubQZqM3kZQ-00968-00291407-00291791 ah what JubQZqM3kZQ-00969-00291792-00292134 i don't have a crush on him you don't JubQZqM3kZQ-00970-00292135-00292375 oh i get it you two are already a thing JubQZqM3kZQ-00971-00292376-00292615 then oh for [__] sake yuri JubQZqM3kZQ-00972-00292616-00292958 no it's not like that at all JubQZqM3kZQ-00973-00292959-00293191 oh yeah well anyway she's been getting JubQZqM3kZQ-00974-00293192-00293310 away from the town JubQZqM3kZQ-00975-00293311-00293679 she mad yes you're right JubQZqM3kZQ-00976-00293680-00293815 you wouldn't want to cause trouble for JubQZqM3kZQ-00977-00293816-00294023 the villagers do you know where this JubQZqM3kZQ-00978-00294024-00294199 flynn guy went off to JubQZqM3kZQ-00979-00294200-00294447 you could follow after him didn't they JubQZqM3kZQ-00980-00294448-00294679 say he'd gone off to the east JubQZqM3kZQ-00981-00294680-00294991 yes they did i'd like to get to ospio JubQZqM3kZQ-00982-00294992-00295134 somehow JubQZqM3kZQ-00983-00295135-00295303 anyway let's get out of here before the JubQZqM3kZQ-00984-00295304-00295558 goon squad shows up JubQZqM3kZQ-00985-00295559-00296175 yeah let's do please wait please wait JubQZqM3kZQ-00986-00296176-00296399 you deserve a reward for restoring our JubQZqM3kZQ-00987-00296400-00296487 tree JubQZqM3kZQ-00988-00296488-00296799 please stop by at my house oh please JubQZqM3kZQ-00989-00296800-00296927 don't mind JubQZqM3kZQ-00990-00296928-00297151 i will be waiting at my house please JubQZqM3kZQ-00991-00297152-00297327 come JubQZqM3kZQ-00992-00297328-00297687 okay well wait a reward JubQZqM3kZQ-00993-00297688-00297910 what do you say i mean well i guess we JubQZqM3kZQ-00994-00297911-00298079 can't ignore his offer and leave JubQZqM3kZQ-00995-00298080-00298382 exactly yeah really sure what i did back JubQZqM3kZQ-00996-00298383-00298463 there JubQZqM3kZQ-00997-00298464-00298663 i don't think i deserve anything let's JubQZqM3kZQ-00998-00298664-00298830 just stop at the mayor's house we can JubQZqM3kZQ-00999-00298831-00298999 still decline his offer there JubQZqM3kZQ-01000-00299000-00299215 yeah if we if we really feel like we JubQZqM3kZQ-01001-00299216-00299406 don't deserve it JubQZqM3kZQ-01002-00299407-00299663 were those the red eyes so you got both JubQZqM3kZQ-01003-00299664-00299879 the imperial knights and those guys JubQZqM3kZQ-01004-00299880-00299967 after you JubQZqM3kZQ-01005-00299968-00300143 yeah i seem to be a big hit with all the JubQZqM3kZQ-01006-00300144-00300382 weirdos and what did you do to get so JubQZqM3kZQ-01007-00300383-00300463 popular JubQZqM3kZQ-01008-00300464-00300671 well there's 21 years worth of stuff JubQZqM3kZQ-01009-00300672-00300910 listing everything might take a while JubQZqM3kZQ-01010-00300911-00301110 on second thought never mind i don't JubQZqM3kZQ-01011-00301111-00301303 want to hear it JubQZqM3kZQ-01012-00301304-00301567 that's probably for the best all right JubQZqM3kZQ-01013-00301568-00301654 well JubQZqM3kZQ-01014-00301655-00301887 i'd say it is time to end the episode JubQZqM3kZQ-01015-00301888-00302054 here for right now we're going to go in JubQZqM3kZQ-01016-00302055-00302254 here to save JubQZqM3kZQ-01017-00302255-00302495 there we go good and that is what i'm JubQZqM3kZQ-01018-00302496-00302623 going to do in a second JubQZqM3kZQ-01019-00302624-00302823 but for now it's time to end this JubQZqM3kZQ-01020-00302824-00302991 episode thank y'all so much for watching JubQZqM3kZQ-01021-00302992-00303110 click the subscribe button if you like JubQZqM3kZQ-01022-00303111-00303215 these videos and you want to see more JubQZqM3kZQ-01023-00303216-00303319 and click the like button if you like JubQZqM3kZQ-01024-00303320-00303423 this particular video JubQZqM3kZQ-01025-00303424-00303558 sharing comments if we bring more people JubQZqM3kZQ-01026-00303559-00303671 into this community we can talk about JubQZqM3kZQ-01027-00303672-00303767 the games we're playing together and i JubQZqM3kZQ-01028-00303768-00303830 will see you all JubQZqM3kZQ-01029-00303831-00304006 in the next episode this has been the JubQZqM3kZQ-01030-00304007-00304158 one only stray cat JubQZqM3kZQ-01031-00304159-00304471 playing games and more or less uh JubQZqM3kZQ-01032-00304472-00304758 trying to heal the tree uh at least the JubQZqM3kZQ-01033-00304759-00304910 way we knew how and then JubQZqM3kZQ-01034-00304911-00305175 estelle pulled some super magic out of JubQZqM3kZQ-01035-00305176-00305271 the air JubQZqM3kZQ-01036-00305272-00305623 that i'm still not entirely sure JubQZqM3kZQ-01037-00305624-00305910 how that would work but apparently she JubQZqM3kZQ-01038-00305911-00306071 seems to have super JubQZqM3kZQ-01039-00306072-00306327 magical healing powers that we'll find JubQZqM3kZQ-01040-00306328-00306463 out later on JubQZqM3kZQ-01041-00306464-00306815 but uh hey it's japanese game JubQZqM3kZQ-01042-00306816-00307015 some weird tropes are bound to happen JubQZqM3kZQ-01043-00307016-00307210 what can i say for JubQZqM3kZQ-01044-00307211-00307511 you JxPA3VJKs80-00000-00000000-00000254 it is useful to set up a sandbox in JxPA3VJKs80-00001-00000254-00000509 canvas so you can click on here to JxPA3VJKs80-00002-00000509-00000841 request a coarse sand box now I've done JxPA3VJKs80-00003-00000842-00001049 this in the past but I don't see it on JxPA3VJKs80-00004-00001050-00001328 my dashboard anywhere sandbox I could JxPA3VJKs80-00005-00001329-00001796 maybe search for sandbox that's the only JxPA3VJKs80-00006-00001797-00002081 instance of it I know there was a course JxPA3VJKs80-00007-00002082-00002573 here when that's the case and you don't JxPA3VJKs80-00008-00002574-00002771 see a course on your dashboard you can JxPA3VJKs80-00009-00002772-00003076 go to courses and now these are just the JxPA3VJKs80-00010-00003077-00003274 courses that are on my dashboard up here JxPA3VJKs80-00011-00003275-00003604 click on all courses and now oh there's JxPA3VJKs80-00012-00003605-00003911 my sandbox right up at the top you'll JxPA3VJKs80-00013-00003911-00004076 notice that these courses are listed in JxPA3VJKs80-00014-00004077-00004418 alphabetical order and you can change JxPA3VJKs80-00015-00004419-00004661 their colors and the way that you get JxPA3VJKs80-00016-00004662-00004799 them on your dashboard is by clicking JxPA3VJKs80-00017-00004800-00005033 this star so all these courses with the JxPA3VJKs80-00018-00005034-00005363 star are on my dashboard so if you click JxPA3VJKs80-00019-00005364-00005534 the star then it's in your little JxPA3VJKs80-00020-00005535-00005720 shortcut courses right here if you have JxPA3VJKs80-00021-00005721-00005872 a bunch of courses that you don't really JxPA3VJKs80-00022-00005873-00006167 care about you can undo the star just to JxPA3VJKs80-00023-00006168-00006467 make this a shorter list and that's very JxPA3VJKs80-00024-00006468-00006686 nice Jz2yieBbWWA-00000-00000002-00000250 sermon planning or the movement from Jz2yieBbWWA-00001-00000252-00000530 text to sermon is a think a very Jz2yieBbWWA-00002-00000531-00000676 individual process that is to say Jz2yieBbWWA-00003-00000677-00000827 everybody does it their own way and Jz2yieBbWWA-00004-00000827-00001103 that's fine but it's often helpful to Jz2yieBbWWA-00005-00001104-00001283 get pointers learn what your colleagues Jz2yieBbWWA-00006-00001284-00001544 in ministry you're doing I tend to be Jz2yieBbWWA-00007-00001545-00001721 very eclectic you know I'll always Jz2yieBbWWA-00008-00001722-00001916 follow a set pattern and how I work with Jz2yieBbWWA-00009-00001917-00002204 the text but I do like to know early on Jz2yieBbWWA-00010-00002205-00002476 but my texts or text usually it's a Jz2yieBbWWA-00011-00002477-00002663 single text for me is going to be and so Jz2yieBbWWA-00012-00002664-00002948 I can sit with it for a while and think Jz2yieBbWWA-00013-00002949-00003320 about it and do the musing in my mind Jz2yieBbWWA-00014-00003321-00003599 right about what's going on here what Jz2yieBbWWA-00015-00003600-00003743 questions are raised what am i Jz2yieBbWWA-00016-00003744-00003875 interested in how am i hearing this Jz2yieBbWWA-00017-00003876-00004129 connect to daily life in a particular Jz2yieBbWWA-00018-00004130-00004352 way and I need time I personally a lot Jz2yieBbWWA-00019-00004353-00004636 of time for that to percolate and then Jz2yieBbWWA-00020-00004637-00004763 when I start thinking about the actual Jz2yieBbWWA-00021-00004764-00004958 preaching moment or preaching Jz2yieBbWWA-00022-00004959-00005156 environment I I try to pay attention to Jz2yieBbWWA-00023-00005157-00005399 who the audience is and what kinds of Jz2yieBbWWA-00024-00005400-00005620 people might be present you know Jz2yieBbWWA-00025-00005621-00005936 churchgoers non churchgoers wealthy poor Jz2yieBbWWA-00026-00005937-00006131 confident broken you know try to get Jz2yieBbWWA-00027-00006132-00006347 some composite pictures in my head of Jz2yieBbWWA-00028-00006348-00006491 the type of people who might be there Jz2yieBbWWA-00029-00006492-00007021 and I want to think about one mood I Jz2yieBbWWA-00030-00007022-00007256 want from the text there might be more Jz2yieBbWWA-00031-00007256-00007433 but at least one mood what's a mood I Jz2yieBbWWA-00032-00007434-00007730 want to create in the sermon expectation Jz2yieBbWWA-00033-00007731-00007928 confidence anxiety I mean all things Jz2yieBbWWA-00034-00007929-00008228 that a text fuels I also want to think Jz2yieBbWWA-00035-00008229-00008449 about what's one thing I want to teach Jz2yieBbWWA-00036-00008450-00008684 in this sermon I tend to be more Jz2yieBbWWA-00037-00008685-00008914 didactic when I preached as to say I Jz2yieBbWWA-00038-00008915-00009158 think there's there's room in sermons to Jz2yieBbWWA-00039-00009159-00009446 instruct about the biblical world about Jz2yieBbWWA-00040-00009447-00009649 the text about interpretation about the Jz2yieBbWWA-00041-00009650-00009860 Bible itself obviously that's not all Jz2yieBbWWA-00042-00009861-00010058 though sermon does but I want my sermons Jz2yieBbWWA-00043-00010059-00010189 to instruct at least one or two things Jz2yieBbWWA-00044-00010190-00010360 so where can I show somebody something Jz2yieBbWWA-00045-00010361-00010520 new and make them leave church and go oh Jz2yieBbWWA-00046-00010521-00010688 yeah now that I know that I see things Jz2yieBbWWA-00047-00010689-00011003 differently I often want to figure out Jz2yieBbWWA-00048-00011004-00011185 what's a controversy I want to weigh in Jz2yieBbWWA-00049-00011186-00011399 on now this might be a controversy that Jz2yieBbWWA-00050-00011400-00011546 nobody in the congregation knows about Jz2yieBbWWA-00051-00011547-00011744 it might be an interpretive controversy Jz2yieBbWWA-00052-00011745-00011920 that's you know waged by scholars and Jz2yieBbWWA-00053-00011921-00012160 commentaries but it's a good discipline Jz2yieBbWWA-00054-00012161-00012323 for me to come to a conclusion about Jz2yieBbWWA-00055-00012324-00012628 those things and and try to lay out you Jz2yieBbWWA-00056-00012629-00012752 know here's a point where people aren't Jz2yieBbWWA-00057-00012753-00012927 agreed but this is why I think this is Jz2yieBbWWA-00058-00012928-00013201 the right answer Jz2yieBbWWA-00059-00013202-00013429 and I want there to be some sense of Jz2yieBbWWA-00060-00013430-00013641 outcome I want to think in my head of Jz2yieBbWWA-00061-00013643-00013900 how might somebody think believe or act Jz2yieBbWWA-00062-00013901-00014094 differently because of this sermon or Jz2yieBbWWA-00063-00014096-00014275 encounter God in the new fresh way Jz2yieBbWWA-00064-00014276-00014463 because of the sermon obviously I can't Jz2yieBbWWA-00065-00014465-00014622 predict that but by going through the Jz2yieBbWWA-00066-00014624-00014788 discipline of trying to think about at Jz2yieBbWWA-00067-00014788-00015069 least one of each of those things for me Jz2yieBbWWA-00068-00015071-00015355 a picture starts to emerge of the kind Jz2yieBbWWA-00069-00015356-00015580 of sermon that that I think is going to Jz2yieBbWWA-00070-00015581-00015796 to come out of it and then I start Jz2yieBbWWA-00071-00015797-00015943 writing and working and I tend to write Jz2yieBbWWA-00072-00015944-00016156 in short bits at a time so a paragraph Jz2yieBbWWA-00073-00016157-00016357 here in a paragraph there that's Jz2yieBbWWA-00074-00016358-00016564 meaningful and I fit it in always Jz2yieBbWWA-00075-00016565-00016735 there's got to be some pruning for me Jz2yieBbWWA-00076-00016736-00016873 that is to say I always collect more Jz2yieBbWWA-00077-00016874-00017068 observations ideas and thoughts I can Jz2yieBbWWA-00078-00017069-00017293 possibly fit into a sermon so there's Jz2yieBbWWA-00079-00017294-00017446 always this come to Jesus moment right Jz2yieBbWWA-00080-00017447-00017590 this moment of truth where I've got to Jz2yieBbWWA-00081-00017591-00017842 cut and save things for another time not Jz2yieBbWWA-00082-00017843-00017965 necessarily cutting in terms of length Jz2yieBbWWA-00083-00017966-00018184 but of complexity and of ideas because I Jz2yieBbWWA-00084-00018185-00018382 think for the most time in preaching Jz2yieBbWWA-00085-00018383-00018682 less is more right that you leave people Jz2yieBbWWA-00086-00018683-00018841 wanting a little bit more you leave Jz2yieBbWWA-00087-00018842-00018976 people understanding there's more that Jz2yieBbWWA-00088-00018977-00019141 could have been said about this text Jz2yieBbWWA-00089-00019142-00019348 because to try to cover everything to do Jz2yieBbWWA-00090-00019349-00019537 the entire waterfront is just going to Jz2yieBbWWA-00091-00019538-00019786 finally confuse people and that confuses Jz2yieBbWWA-00092-00019787-00019987 and you know they can't understand it Jz2yieBbWWA-00093-00019988-00020215 but confuse as it mixed the categories Jz2yieBbWWA-00094-00020216-00020581 mix the ideas and miss perhaps the Jz2yieBbWWA-00095-00020582-00020764 importance of some of some central ideas Jz2yieBbWWA-00096-00020765-00020983 so there's that pruning moment that's Jz2yieBbWWA-00097-00020984-00021226 incredibly important and along the way Jz2yieBbWWA-00098-00021227-00021400 to there's room for conversation and Jz2yieBbWWA-00099-00021401-00021616 especially afterwards too I think you're Jz2yieBbWWA-00100-00021617-00021994 constantly in a cycle of refraction Jz2yieBbWWA-00101-00021995-00022297 planning writing rapid rewriting and Jz2yieBbWWA-00102-00022298-00022477 then a kind of reflection back on the Jz2yieBbWWA-00103-00022478-00022591 sermon that you have to do with other Jz2yieBbWWA-00104-00022592-00022816 people in your congregation so that you Jz2yieBbWWA-00105-00022817-00023017 know what they heard and you know how Jz2yieBbWWA-00106-00023018-00023242 they were moved or not moved by a sermon Jz2yieBbWWA-00107-00023243-00023392 and how that can affect your future Jz2yieBbWWA-00108-00023393-00024230 similar sermon writing Jz2yieBbWWA-00109-00024231-00024437 you JzH84WbIf8k-00000-00000252-00000532 hey genuine valuations and constructing JzH84WbIf8k-00001-00000533-00000730 critics to whom I am thankful for JzH84WbIf8k-00002-00000731-00000952 letting me know my negatives at the JzH84WbIf8k-00003-00000953-00001115 outside I wish you only have below a JzH84WbIf8k-00004-00001116-00001391 safe journey in 2022 and subsequent JzH84WbIf8k-00005-00001392-00001541 years in spite of the three ways of JzH84WbIf8k-00006-00001542-00001745 Corona with fourth and subsequent days JzH84WbIf8k-00007-00001746-00001960 in pipeline in progress already JzH84WbIf8k-00008-00001961-00002176 all variants of cancer JzH84WbIf8k-00009-00002177-00002495 according to who World Health JzH84WbIf8k-00010-00002496-00002621 Organization JzH84WbIf8k-00011-00002622-00002873 in full spring in India all with high JzH84WbIf8k-00012-00002874-00003034 mortality rates besides other natural JzH84WbIf8k-00013-00003035-00003281 calamities all over the globe it is JzH84WbIf8k-00014-00003282-00003485 social activism good hearted Preacher JzH84WbIf8k-00015-00003486-00003713 Brother SRH back with also reaching the JzH84WbIf8k-00016-00003714-00003995 light enticed excited like an infant to JzH84WbIf8k-00017-00003996-00004288 run the unknowns for my 20 first video JzH84WbIf8k-00018-00004289-00004493 an anvil of publication on YouTube today JzH84WbIf8k-00019-00004494-00004847 12th December 2022 Monday the topic for JzH84WbIf8k-00020-00004848-00005117 today is wealth from waste JzH84WbIf8k-00021-00005118-00005399 all of us like to be rich right JzH84WbIf8k-00022-00005400-00005549 minting money JzH84WbIf8k-00023-00005550-00005741 I assure you my videos are short and JzH84WbIf8k-00024-00005742-00005909 sweet worth every femal second of your JzH84WbIf8k-00025-00005910-00006151 previous time JzH84WbIf8k-00026-00006152-00006448 Immortal so we live through our videos JzH84WbIf8k-00027-00006450-00006634 forever so I am confident that I live JzH84WbIf8k-00028-00006636-00006809 forever having published alone and video JzH84WbIf8k-00029-00006809-00007055 so far including this video for the JzH84WbIf8k-00030-00007056-00007228 benefit of society either to absolutely JzH84WbIf8k-00031-00007229-00007355 free JzH84WbIf8k-00032-00007356-00007720 I'll start with the old adage one month JzH84WbIf8k-00033-00007722-00008219 's waste is another man's wealth JzH84WbIf8k-00034-00008220-00008507 let me give you some classic examples JzH84WbIf8k-00035-00008508-00008753 in olden times people are using cowder JzH84WbIf8k-00036-00008754-00008927 cow JzH84WbIf8k-00037-00008928-00009064 and JzH84WbIf8k-00038-00009065-00009364 caution as a natural fertilizer JzH84WbIf8k-00039-00009365-00009646 and cow urine JzH84WbIf8k-00040-00009647-00009928 which is called as chromium JzH84WbIf8k-00041-00009929-00010246 so as an antiseptic even coward was used JzH84WbIf8k-00042-00010247-00010553 as an antiseptic okay JzH84WbIf8k-00043-00010554-00010978 then we started the extracting Cobalt JzH84WbIf8k-00044-00010979-00011321 gas generating cobal gas from Cowden and JzH84WbIf8k-00045-00011322-00011506 using it as a fuel JzH84WbIf8k-00046-00011507-00011849 right these were considered as waste JzH84WbIf8k-00047-00011850-00012149 Once Upon a Time really right and even JzH84WbIf8k-00048-00012150-00012383 the excretor another eight speed I'm JzH84WbIf8k-00049-00012384-00012646 sorry when the cattle spot as well as JzH84WbIf8k-00050-00012647-00012893 the humans fart the fart JzH84WbIf8k-00051-00012894-00013271 contains lot of gas especially methane JzH84WbIf8k-00052-00013272-00013565 gas which has high calorific value JzH84WbIf8k-00053-00013566-00013883 which can be used as a fear JzH84WbIf8k-00054-00013884-00014086 as a matter of fact in you as one person JzH84WbIf8k-00055-00014087-00014272 died JzH84WbIf8k-00056-00014273-00014513 while passing gas in his toilet in the JzH84WbIf8k-00057-00014513-00014663 restroom JzH84WbIf8k-00058-00014663-00015041 because the methane in the gas explored JzH84WbIf8k-00059-00015041-00015203 hard to believe right but these are JzH84WbIf8k-00060-00015204-00015329 facts JzH84WbIf8k-00061-00015330-00015701 and a few years back I think Australia JzH84WbIf8k-00062-00015702-00016013 they extracted proteins from Human JzH84WbIf8k-00063-00016013-00016222 excreta human sheet JzH84WbIf8k-00064-00016223-00016553 and they gave it an app name bugger JzH84WbIf8k-00065-00016554-00016858 it was very expensive burger JzH84WbIf8k-00066-00016859-00016997 okay JzH84WbIf8k-00067-00016998-00017225 you can check the facts JzH84WbIf8k-00068-00017226-00017471 and JzH84WbIf8k-00069-00017472-00017663 okay now JzH84WbIf8k-00070-00017664-00018029 you know patanjali a brand in India JzH84WbIf8k-00071-00018030-00018257 selling so-called ayurvedic products and JzH84WbIf8k-00072-00018258-00018365 all that JzH84WbIf8k-00073-00018366-00018713 they are selling even uh chromium cow JzH84WbIf8k-00074-00018714-00018875 urine JzH84WbIf8k-00075-00018876-00019229 as a medicine selling it in sachets and JzH84WbIf8k-00076-00019230-00019403 bottles and all that JzH84WbIf8k-00077-00019404-00019691 and the coward was used for sanitizing JzH84WbIf8k-00078-00019692-00019894 the house JzH84WbIf8k-00079-00019895-00020158 they used to even when they put the JzH84WbIf8k-00080-00020159-00020429 columns they used to put JzH84WbIf8k-00081-00020430-00020717 one piece of cowder at the center of JzH84WbIf8k-00082-00020718-00020879 that Cola JzH84WbIf8k-00083-00020880-00021100 and even to JzH84WbIf8k-00084-00021101-00021263 what he said JzH84WbIf8k-00085-00021264-00021593 for the conventional wooden stove they JzH84WbIf8k-00086-00021594-00021803 used to apply cowder because they JzH84WbIf8k-00087-00021804-00021947 considered that as a very good JzH84WbIf8k-00088-00021948-00022193 antiseptic JzH84WbIf8k-00089-00022194-00022505 these are all facts okay JzH84WbIf8k-00090-00022506-00022805 and JzH84WbIf8k-00091-00022806-00023086 remember the three R strategy JzH84WbIf8k-00092-00023087-00023428 first stands for reduce JzH84WbIf8k-00093-00023429-00023578 radios JzH84WbIf8k-00094-00023579-00023836 when it comes to a waste reuse JzH84WbIf8k-00095-00023837-00024041 three cycle these are the three else let JzH84WbIf8k-00096-00024042-00024185 me repeat JzH84WbIf8k-00097-00024186-00024514 three R strategy when it comes to this JzH84WbIf8k-00098-00024515-00024658 one is JzH84WbIf8k-00099-00024659-00024850 reduce JzH84WbIf8k-00100-00024851-00025078 then reuse JzH84WbIf8k-00101-00025079-00025300 then recycle JzH84WbIf8k-00102-00025301-00025564 okay JzH84WbIf8k-00103-00025565-00025864 waste or unwanted or unusable materials JzH84WbIf8k-00104-00025866-00026075 waste is any substance which is JzH84WbIf8k-00105-00026076-00026314 discarded after primary use or is JzH84WbIf8k-00106-00026316-00026555 worthless defective enough no use JzH84WbIf8k-00107-00026556-00026789 yeah buy product by contrast is a joint JzH84WbIf8k-00108-00026789-00026974 product of relatively minor economic JzH84WbIf8k-00109-00026975-00027245 value a waste product may become a JzH84WbIf8k-00110-00027245-00027437 byproduct joint product the resource JzH84WbIf8k-00111-00027438-00027646 through an invention that raises a base JzH84WbIf8k-00112-00027647-00027940 products valuable zero what constitutes JzH84WbIf8k-00113-00027941-00028217 waste depends on the eye of the beholder JzH84WbIf8k-00114-00028218-00028451 one person's base can be a resource for JzH84WbIf8k-00115-00028452-00028673 another person JzH84WbIf8k-00116-00028674-00028870 this video is particularly about this JzH84WbIf8k-00117-00028872-00029123 value addition conversion JzH84WbIf8k-00118-00029124-00029501 which can be called as recycling okay JzH84WbIf8k-00119-00029502-00029740 types of waste municipal waste the JzH84WbIf8k-00120-00029741-00029890 organization for economic cooperation JzH84WbIf8k-00121-00029891-00030227 and development oecd shortly defines JzH84WbIf8k-00122-00030227-00030551 Municipal solid based MSW as waste JzH84WbIf8k-00123-00030552-00030814 corrected and rated by our JzH84WbIf8k-00124-00030816-00031199 by or for municipalities JzH84WbIf8k-00125-00031200-00031420 Big Towns typically this type of Base JzH84WbIf8k-00126-00031422-00031595 includes household waste commercial JzH84WbIf8k-00127-00031595-00031793 waste and demolition are construction JzH84WbIf8k-00128-00031794-00032051 waste household based also known as JzH84WbIf8k-00129-00032052-00032374 trash are garbage or items that are JzH84WbIf8k-00130-00032375-00032531 typically thrown away daily from JzH84WbIf8k-00131-00032532-00032771 ordinary households items offered JzH84WbIf8k-00132-00032772-00032909 included in these category include JzH84WbIf8k-00133-00032910-00033124 product packaging yard waste clothing JzH84WbIf8k-00134-00033125-00033389 food scraps Appliance paints and JzH84WbIf8k-00135-00033390-00033568 batteries most of the items that are JzH84WbIf8k-00136-00033569-00033737 collected by municipalities end up in JzH84WbIf8k-00137-00033738-00034043 landfills across the world JzH84WbIf8k-00138-00034044-00034289 as a matter of fact they say the JzH84WbIf8k-00139-00034290-00034651 landfills I mean the waste the garbage JzH84WbIf8k-00140-00034652-00035009 in these landfills solid landfills one JzH84WbIf8k-00141-00035010-00035435 can see even from the Moon JzH84WbIf8k-00142-00035436-00035590 I'm not joking JzH84WbIf8k-00143-00035591-00035818 construction and demolition waste the JzH84WbIf8k-00144-00035819-00036112 Environmental Protection Agency EPA JzH84WbIf8k-00145-00036113-00036377 shortly in USA defines this type of JzH84WbIf8k-00146-00036378-00036539 waste as construction and demolition JzH84WbIf8k-00147-00036540-00036935 shortly C and D debris is a type of Base JzH84WbIf8k-00148-00036936-00037162 that is not included in MSW items JzH84WbIf8k-00149-00037163-00037385 typically found in C and D include but JzH84WbIf8k-00150-00037386-00037631 are not limited to steel wood products JzH84WbIf8k-00151-00037632-00037895 drywall and plaster brick and clay tile JzH84WbIf8k-00152-00037896-00038165 as for shingles concrete and asphalt JzH84WbIf8k-00153-00038166-00038333 generally speaking construction and JzH84WbIf8k-00154-00038334-00039311 demolition waste can be categorized JzH84WbIf8k-00155-00039312-00039593 as any components required to build JzH84WbIf8k-00156-00039594-00039893 infrastructures JzH84WbIf8k-00157-00039894-00040180 hazardous waste EPA defines hazardous JzH84WbIf8k-00158-00040181-00040373 waste as waste with the properties that JzH84WbIf8k-00159-00040374-00040595 make it dangerous or capable of having a JzH84WbIf8k-00160-00040596-00040793 harmful effect on human wealth of the JzH84WbIf8k-00161-00040794-00041009 environment examples include nuclear JzH84WbIf8k-00162-00041010-00041171 based Plastics volatile organic JzH84WbIf8k-00163-00041172-00041393 compounds we will see shortly solid JzH84WbIf8k-00164-00041394-00041743 liquid gas influence from Industries JzH84WbIf8k-00165-00041744-00042001 perpetrators real jackass JzH84WbIf8k-00166-00042002-00042245 whatever you JzH84WbIf8k-00167-00042246-00042340 call them JzH84WbIf8k-00168-00042341-00042593 let out without any treatment whatsoever JzH84WbIf8k-00169-00042594-00042911 polluting land water atmosphere JzH84WbIf8k-00170-00042912-00043151 whatever you can think of JzH84WbIf8k-00171-00043152-00043349 radioactive waste often referred to as JzH84WbIf8k-00172-00043350-00043505 nuclear base is produced by various JzH84WbIf8k-00173-00043506-00043702 Industries such as nuclear power plants JzH84WbIf8k-00174-00043703-00043930 nuclear reactors hospitals research JzH84WbIf8k-00175-00043931-00044158 centers and Mining facilities any JzH84WbIf8k-00176-00044159-00044302 activity that involves radioactive JzH84WbIf8k-00177-00044303-00044507 material can generate radioactive waste JzH84WbIf8k-00178-00044508-00044771 radioactive is generates radioactive JzH84WbIf8k-00179-00044772-00044951 particles which are which if not angled JzH84WbIf8k-00180-00044952-00045161 correctly can be both an environmental JzH84WbIf8k-00181-00045162-00045449 hazard as well as the human health as a JzH84WbIf8k-00182-00045450-00045730 U.S has classified this waste into five JzH84WbIf8k-00183-00045731-00046211 categories JzH84WbIf8k-00184-00046212-00046462 wise JzH84WbIf8k-00185-00046463-00046846 high level waste trans uranic waste JzH84WbIf8k-00186-00046847-00047087 uranium arthurium milk tailings low JzH84WbIf8k-00187-00047088-00047302 level waste technologically enhanced JzH84WbIf8k-00188-00047303-00047808 naturally occurring very active material JzH84WbIf8k-00189-00047809-00048089 energetic hazardous waste EPA defines JzH84WbIf8k-00190-00048090-00048365 again USA energetic acid is based as JzH84WbIf8k-00191-00048366-00048580 waste that have the potential to JzH84WbIf8k-00192-00048581-00048821 definitely detonate and bulk JzH84WbIf8k-00193-00048822-00049037 military propellants which cannot safely JzH84WbIf8k-00194-00049038-00049211 be disposed of through other modes of JzH84WbIf8k-00195-00049212-00049373 trans treatments JzH84WbIf8k-00196-00049374-00049577 the items which typically fall under JzH84WbIf8k-00197-00049578-00049733 this category include Munitions JzH84WbIf8k-00198-00049734-00049979 firewalls flares JzH84WbIf8k-00199-00049980-00050243 flash hobby rockets and automobile JzH84WbIf8k-00200-00050244-00050471 propellants electronic waste often JzH84WbIf8k-00201-00050472-00050705 referred to as V waste or E Square are JzH84WbIf8k-00202-00050706-00050962 often thrown away a center recycle EVS JzH84WbIf8k-00203-00050963-00051149 continues to end up in landfills across JzH84WbIf8k-00204-00051150-00051851 the world JzH84WbIf8k-00205-00051852-00052192 the EPA estimates that in 2009 2.7 JzH84WbIf8k-00206-00052194-00052385 million tons of televisions computers JzH84WbIf8k-00207-00052386-00052625 cell phones printers scanners and fax JzH84WbIf8k-00208-00052626-00052919 machines were discarded by U.S consumers JzH84WbIf8k-00209-00052920-00053207 a lot JzH84WbIf8k-00210-00053208-00053794 only 25 of these devices were recycled JzH84WbIf8k-00211-00053795-00053975 the remainder ended up in landfills JzH84WbIf8k-00212-00053976-00054425 across the U.S JzH84WbIf8k-00213-00054426-00054635 E-Waste contains many elements that can JzH84WbIf8k-00214-00054636-00054821 be recycled or reused many of the JzH84WbIf8k-00215-00054822-00055085 internal components include oil iron JzH84WbIf8k-00216-00055086-00055391 gold Palladium platinum and copper all JzH84WbIf8k-00217-00055391-00055942 of which are mined from Earth's core JzH84WbIf8k-00218-00055944-00056092 for these items to be in mind it JzH84WbIf8k-00219-00056094-00056261 requires massive amounts of energy to JzH84WbIf8k-00220-00056262-00056447 operate the equipment which emits JzH84WbIf8k-00221-00056448-00056669 greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by JzH84WbIf8k-00222-00056670-00057259 donating E-Waste to recycling centers or JzH84WbIf8k-00223-00057260-00057449 refurbishing the second man can reduce JzH84WbIf8k-00224-00057450-00057737 the greenhouse gases we emitted through JzH84WbIf8k-00225-00057738-00058541 the mining process JzH84WbIf8k-00226-00058541-00058738 it will also lower the usage of our JzH84WbIf8k-00227-00058739-00058925 naturally formed products to ensure JzH84WbIf8k-00228-00058926-00059176 future Generations will have sufficient JzH84WbIf8k-00229-00059177-00059297 natural JzH84WbIf8k-00230-00059298-00059873 resources JzH84WbIf8k-00231-00059874-00060329 I am doing some editing JzH84WbIf8k-00232-00060329-00060785 simultaneously JzH84WbIf8k-00233-00060786-00061073 mixed waste most commonly mixed ways JzH84WbIf8k-00234-00061074-00061511 refers to hazardous waste JzH84WbIf8k-00235-00061512-00061757 which contains radioactive material JzH84WbIf8k-00236-00061758-00061949 medical based this type of waste is JzH84WbIf8k-00237-00061950-00062111 typically generated from hospitals JzH84WbIf8k-00238-00062112-00062435 Physicians offices Dental practices JzH84WbIf8k-00239-00062436-00062765 blood banks veterinary offices and JzH84WbIf8k-00240-00062766-00062944 research facilities the waste has often JzH84WbIf8k-00241-00062945-00063179 been contaminated with bodily fluids JzH84WbIf8k-00242-00063179-00063437 from humans or animals examples of this JzH84WbIf8k-00243-00063438-00063641 type of contamination can include blood JzH84WbIf8k-00244-00063641-00063953 vomit urine and other bodily fluids in JzH84WbIf8k-00245-00063954-00064097 developing countries and underdeveloped JzH84WbIf8k-00246-00064098-00064330 countries like India this waste is JzH84WbIf8k-00247-00064332-00064963 dumped in dumpsters JzH84WbIf8k-00248-00064964-00065273 garbage beans JzH84WbIf8k-00249-00065274-00065647 men one and only foreign JzH84WbIf8k-00250-00065648-00065885 violation committed even by government JzH84WbIf8k-00251-00065886-00066100 facilities it is now that the rules and JzH84WbIf8k-00252-00066101-00066281 relations are non-existent JzH84WbIf8k-00253-00066282-00066437 there are so many loopholes which are JzH84WbIf8k-00254-00066438-00066569 thoroughly exploited by unethical JzH84WbIf8k-00255-00066570-00066821 lawyers altruistic Psychopaths and JzH84WbIf8k-00256-00066822-00067025 Corruption ISO rampant and exists in all JzH84WbIf8k-00257-00067026-00067306 spheres of life it is just sheer window JzH84WbIf8k-00258-00067307-00067582 dressing if rules and regulations are JzH84WbIf8k-00259-00067583-00067805 not enforced to the core irrespective of JzH84WbIf8k-00260-00067806-00068471 who commits the offense JzH84WbIf8k-00261-00068472-00068753 Plastics all Industries started using JzH84WbIf8k-00262-00068754-00068963 Plastics JzH84WbIf8k-00263-00068964-00069155 quite extensively since it was very JzH84WbIf8k-00264-00069156-00069388 economical for various applications JzH84WbIf8k-00265-00069389-00069605 Automotive Products Furniture packaging JzH84WbIf8k-00266-00069606-00069803 electronic products toys carry bags JzH84WbIf8k-00267-00069804-00070061 spacecraft Etc and now they do not want JzH84WbIf8k-00268-00070062-00070276 to stop the usage of plastics even JzH84WbIf8k-00269-00070277-00070438 though alternate materials are readily JzH84WbIf8k-00270-00070439-00070738 available they are used to maintain JzH84WbIf8k-00271-00070739-00070925 money using plastics for almost anything JzH84WbIf8k-00272-00070926-00071050 and everything JzH84WbIf8k-00273-00071051-00071261 about 50 years back it wasn't the JzH84WbIf8k-00274-00071262-00071494 situation since paper cardboard viewed JzH84WbIf8k-00275-00071495-00071687 glass would the metal like steel JzH84WbIf8k-00276-00071688-00071938 aluminum Etc are used for these type of JzH84WbIf8k-00277-00071939-00072215 applications besides humans ecosphere or JzH84WbIf8k-00278-00072216-00072365 even marine species are adversely JzH84WbIf8k-00279-00072366-00072611 affected by usage of plastic so many JzH84WbIf8k-00280-00072612-00072719 humans JzH84WbIf8k-00281-00072720-00073079 consume fish JzH84WbIf8k-00282-00073080-00073294 with indigestible micro Nano level JzH84WbIf8k-00283-00073295-00073529 Plastics which accumulates in their JzH84WbIf8k-00284-00073530-00073744 bodies and they perish attributed to JzH84WbIf8k-00285-00073745-00073931 these waste even cattle JzH84WbIf8k-00286-00073932-00074087 and JzH84WbIf8k-00287-00074088-00074309 wild animals consume Plastics in some JzH84WbIf8k-00288-00074310-00074717 form or another and die JzH84WbIf8k-00289-00074718-00075053 even bigger animals like elephants JzH84WbIf8k-00290-00075054-00075256 Plastics in Strongwater drainage system JzH84WbIf8k-00291-00075257-00075485 meant only for liquid blocks a free flow JzH84WbIf8k-00292-00075486-00075713 of liquid influence perpetrators or JzH84WbIf8k-00293-00075714-00075887 hotels dumping Solid Waste in these JzH84WbIf8k-00294-00075888-00076038 drains JzH84WbIf8k-00295-00076039-00076369 and menstruating ladies and males JzH84WbIf8k-00296-00076370-00076681 dumping tampons condoms sanitary napkins JzH84WbIf8k-00297-00076682-00076937 disposable baby diapers Etc along with JzH84WbIf8k-00298-00076938-00077153 the liquid waste from the house timers JzH84WbIf8k-00299-00077154-00077644 who is responsible for all this JzH84WbIf8k-00300-00077645-00078893 this is a type of curling murders JzH84WbIf8k-00301-00078894-00079097 calling murders committed by Industries JzH84WbIf8k-00302-00079098-00079294 useless greedy JzH84WbIf8k-00303-00079295-00079517 creatures JzH84WbIf8k-00304-00079518-00079732 in this world JzH84WbIf8k-00305-00079733-00080225 of ours created by Almighty JzH84WbIf8k-00306-00080226-00080423 Waste Management Waste Management waste JzH84WbIf8k-00307-00080424-00080567 disposal includes the process and JzH84WbIf8k-00308-00080568-00080794 actions required to manage waste of its JzH84WbIf8k-00309-00080795-00081017 Inception to its final disposal this JzH84WbIf8k-00310-00081018-00081167 includes the collection transport JzH84WbIf8k-00311-00081168-00081437 treatment and disposal of waste together JzH84WbIf8k-00312-00081438-00081629 with monitoring and regulation of the JzH84WbIf8k-00313-00081630-00081803 English management process and waste JzH84WbIf8k-00314-00081804-00082000 related loss Technologies economic JzH84WbIf8k-00315-00082001-00082193 mechanisms JzH84WbIf8k-00316-00082194-00082421 these can be solid liquid or gases and JzH84WbIf8k-00317-00082422-00082612 each type of different methods each side JzH84WbIf8k-00318-00082613-00082775 has different methods of disposal and JzH84WbIf8k-00319-00082776-00083194 management JzH84WbIf8k-00320-00083195-00083561 Waste Management JzH84WbIf8k-00321-00083562-00083747 deals with all types of waste including JzH84WbIf8k-00322-00083748-00083903 industrial biological household JzH84WbIf8k-00323-00083904-00084071 Municipal organic biomedical ready JzH84WbIf8k-00324-00084072-00084173 activities JzH84WbIf8k-00325-00084174-00084425 in most of these cases waste can pose a JzH84WbIf8k-00326-00084426-00084671 threat to human wealth human health like JzH84WbIf8k-00327-00084672-00084905 clearing the blocks in fevers manual JzH84WbIf8k-00328-00084906-00085132 Scavenging still happening in India JzH84WbIf8k-00329-00085133-00085325 manually without even basic safety here JzH84WbIf8k-00330-00085326-00085661 it is highly inhuman health issues are JzH84WbIf8k-00331-00085662-00085817 associated through the entire process of JzH84WbIf8k-00332-00085818-00086021 Age Management health issues can also JzH84WbIf8k-00333-00086022-00086279 arise directly or indirectly JzH84WbIf8k-00334-00086280-00086482 directly through the handing of solid JzH84WbIf8k-00335-00086483-00086626 waste and indirectly through the JzH84WbIf8k-00336-00086627-00086867 consumption of water soil and food JzH84WbIf8k-00337-00086868-00087149 waste management is adverse effects of JzH84WbIf8k-00338-00087150-00087394 waste on human health the environment JzH84WbIf8k-00339-00087395-00087671 planetary resources and Aesthetics JzH84WbIf8k-00340-00087672-00087893 appears the big part of Waste Management JzH84WbIf8k-00341-00087894-00088121 deals with the MSW Municipal Solid Waste JzH84WbIf8k-00342-00088122-00088306 which is created by Industries JzH84WbIf8k-00343-00088307-00088606 commercial and household liability JzH84WbIf8k-00344-00088607-00088761 waste management practices JzH84WbIf8k-00345-00088762-00088885 [Music] JzH84WbIf8k-00346-00088886-00089093 regions residential and Industrial JzH84WbIf8k-00347-00089094-00089393 sectors JzH84WbIf8k-00348-00089394-00089555 the effective waste management is JzH84WbIf8k-00349-00089556-00089735 relatively expensive usually comprising JzH84WbIf8k-00350-00089736-00089981 20 to 50 percent of Municipal budgets JzH84WbIf8k-00351-00089982-00090215 according to intergovernmental panel on JzH84WbIf8k-00352-00090216-00090526 climate change ipcc shortly MSW JzH84WbIf8k-00353-00090527-00090718 Municipal Solid Waste is expected to JzH84WbIf8k-00354-00090719-00090994 reach approximately 3.4 Giga terms by JzH84WbIf8k-00355-00090995-00091294 the year 2050 it may exceed that JzH84WbIf8k-00356-00091295-00091493 measures of Waste Management this is a JzH84WbIf8k-00357-00091494-00091709 conservative estimate measures of Waste JzH84WbIf8k-00358-00091710-00091823 Management include measures for JzH84WbIf8k-00359-00091824-00092068 integrated techno economic mechanisms of JzH84WbIf8k-00360-00092069-00092309 a circular economy effective disposal JzH84WbIf8k-00361-00092310-00092579 facilities export and import controlled JzH84WbIf8k-00362-00092580-00092794 in optimal sustainable design of JzH84WbIf8k-00363-00092795-00092993 products that are produced wastewater JzH84WbIf8k-00364-00092994-00093179 treatment facilities remove pollutants JzH84WbIf8k-00365-00093180-00093323 and contaminants physically and JzH84WbIf8k-00366-00093324-00093550 chemically to clean water to be returned JzH84WbIf8k-00367-00093551-00093826 to society resource recovery using waste JzH84WbIf8k-00368-00093827-00094067 is using waste as input material to JzH84WbIf8k-00369-00094068-00094259 create valuable products as new outputs JzH84WbIf8k-00370-00094260-00094518 energy query from a waste is using JzH84WbIf8k-00371-00094519-00094709 non-recyclable waste materials and JzH84WbIf8k-00372-00094710-00094961 extracting from it heat electricity or JzH84WbIf8k-00373-00094962-00095093 energy through a variety of process JzH84WbIf8k-00374-00095094-00095321 including combustion gasification JzH84WbIf8k-00375-00095322-00095482 pyrolysization JzH84WbIf8k-00376-00095483-00095776 an anaerobic digestion JzH84WbIf8k-00377-00095777-00095987 this process is referred to as waste JzH84WbIf8k-00378-00095988-00096065 energy JzH84WbIf8k-00379-00096066-00096329 education and awareness the area of JzH84WbIf8k-00380-00096330-00096455 waste and waste management is JzH84WbIf8k-00381-00096456-00096605 increasingly important from a global JzH84WbIf8k-00382-00096606-00096893 perspective of resource management waste JzH84WbIf8k-00383-00096894-00097049 minimization involves redesigning JzH84WbIf8k-00384-00097050-00097312 products and process and or checking JzH84WbIf8k-00385-00097313-00097517 societal patterns of consumption and JzH84WbIf8k-00386-00097518-00097606 production JzH84WbIf8k-00387-00097607-00097805 traditional Waste Management focuses on JzH84WbIf8k-00388-00097806-00098356 processing waste after it is created JzH84WbIf8k-00389-00098357-00098585 concentrating on Reuse Recycling and JzH84WbIf8k-00390-00098586-00099581 waste energy conversion JzH84WbIf8k-00391-00099582-00099821 this minimization involves efforts to JzH84WbIf8k-00392-00099822-00099982 avoid our curve creating the waste JzH84WbIf8k-00393-00099983-00100379 during Manufacturing JzH84WbIf8k-00394-00100380-00100541 to effectively Implement waste JzH84WbIf8k-00395-00100542-00100973 minimization the manager requires JzH84WbIf8k-00396-00100974-00101135 the knowledge of the production process JzH84WbIf8k-00397-00101136-00101362 Cradle to grave analysis the tracking of JzH84WbIf8k-00398-00101363-00101518 materials from the extraction to the JzH84WbIf8k-00399-00101519-00101729 return to Earth and derates of the JzH84WbIf8k-00400-00101730-00101897 composition of the waste waste JzH84WbIf8k-00401-00101898-00102053 minimization can improve efficient JzH84WbIf8k-00402-00102054-00102311 production practices economic returns JzH84WbIf8k-00403-00102312-00102515 Public Image quality of products JzH84WbIf8k-00404-00102516-00102749 produced environmental responsibility in JzH84WbIf8k-00405-00102750-00102953 Industry using more efficient JzH84WbIf8k-00406-00102954-00103090 manufacturing process and better JzH84WbIf8k-00407-00103091-00103247 materials generally reduces the JzH84WbIf8k-00408-00103248-00103510 production of waste use recyclable JzH84WbIf8k-00409-00103511-00103697 reusable JzH84WbIf8k-00410-00103698-00104032 bags for shopping home composting JzH84WbIf8k-00411-00104033-00104303 the practice JzH84WbIf8k-00412-00104304-00104489 of turning kitchen and garden based in JzH84WbIf8k-00413-00104490-00104644 the compost can be considered waste JzH84WbIf8k-00414-00104645-00104818 minimization JzH84WbIf8k-00415-00104819-00105004 individuals can reduce amount of waste JzH84WbIf8k-00416-00105005-00105184 they create by buying fewer products and JzH84WbIf8k-00417-00105185-00105478 by buying products which last longer JzH84WbIf8k-00418-00105479-00105689 durable more durable industry should use JzH84WbIf8k-00419-00105690-00105863 environmentally friendly materials for JzH84WbIf8k-00420-00105864-00106102 packaging and as raw materials for JzH84WbIf8k-00421-00106103-00106307 products maintaining broken or worn JzH84WbIf8k-00422-00106308-00106516 items of clothing or equipment also JzH84WbIf8k-00423-00106517-00106702 contribution minimizing household waste JzH84WbIf8k-00424-00106703-00106949 do not acknowledge any impressive buying JzH84WbIf8k-00425-00106950-00107423 buy only items which are really required JzH84WbIf8k-00426-00107424-00107633 and never be a victim of so-called JzH84WbIf8k-00427-00107633-00107813 marketing promotional offers clearance JzH84WbIf8k-00428-00107814-00108113 sale Etc humble indoors can minimize JzH84WbIf8k-00429-00108114-00108316 their water usage and walk are cycled to JzH84WbIf8k-00430-00108317-00108473 the destination rather than using the JzH84WbIf8k-00431-00108474-00108677 car to save fuel and cut down on JzH84WbIf8k-00432-00108678-00108839 emissions JzH84WbIf8k-00433-00108840-00109013 turn off electrical equipment we're not JzH84WbIf8k-00434-00109014-00109181 required including electrically outrated JzH84WbIf8k-00435-00109182-00109397 fans and lights in a number six JzH84WbIf8k-00436-00109398-00109571 situation the potential for minimization JzH84WbIf8k-00437-00109572-00109865 is often dictated by lifestyle wasting JzH84WbIf8k-00438-00109866-00110110 food either raw materials processed in JzH84WbIf8k-00439-00110111-00110357 whatever form it is is a real crime even JzH84WbIf8k-00440-00110358-00110543 garments are storing food grains in open JzH84WbIf8k-00441-00110544-00110825 yards FCA food cooperation of India a JzH84WbIf8k-00442-00110826-00111052 classic example subjected to all kinds JzH84WbIf8k-00443-00111053-00111190 of vagaries of nature besides JzH84WbIf8k-00444-00111191-00111581 infestation by piss rats JzH84WbIf8k-00445-00111582-00111784 Health Care establishments of massive JzH84WbIf8k-00446-00111785-00112043 producers in office JzH84WbIf8k-00447-00112044-00112277 the major sources of healthcare based on JzH84WbIf8k-00448-00112278-00112684 hospitals Laboratories and JzH84WbIf8k-00449-00112685-00113057 research centers JzH84WbIf8k-00450-00113058-00113278 Mortuary and autopsy centers animal JzH84WbIf8k-00451-00113279-00113483 research and Testing Laboratories blood JzH84WbIf8k-00452-00113483-00113645 banks and collection services and JzH84WbIf8k-00453-00113646-00113801 nursing homes for the elderly even JzH84WbIf8k-00454-00113802-00113993 life-saving blood medicines are wasted JzH84WbIf8k-00455-00113994-00114245 mainly due to improper obsolete storage JzH84WbIf8k-00456-00114246-00114502 methods zero waste is a set of JzH84WbIf8k-00457-00114503-00114658 principles focused on waste prevention JzH84WbIf8k-00458-00114659-00114971 that encourages redesigning resource JzH84WbIf8k-00459-00114972-00115223 life cycles so that all products are JzH84WbIf8k-00460-00115224-00115439 reused always remember the whole line JzH84WbIf8k-00461-00115440-00115721 this is what I said initially once waste JzH84WbIf8k-00462-00115722-00116015 is another source of wealth JzH84WbIf8k-00463-00116016-00116297 I gave you examples also JzH84WbIf8k-00464-00116298-00116536 some classic examples recycling of waste JzH84WbIf8k-00465-00116538-00116686 and Alternate uses JzH84WbIf8k-00466-00116688-00116921 wealth from waste generate electricity JzH84WbIf8k-00467-00116922-00117131 from organic waste in olden times JzH84WbIf8k-00468-00117132-00117347 coconut shells covered and tire Etc are JzH84WbIf8k-00469-00117348-00117557 used as fuel either in conventional JzH84WbIf8k-00470-00117558-00117760 boilers or conventional stuffs Chulas JzH84WbIf8k-00471-00117761-00117965 using households this practice to JzH84WbIf8k-00472-00117966-00118084 continues JzH84WbIf8k-00473-00118085-00118463 in rural households JzH84WbIf8k-00474-00118464-00118673 during Cyclone so many trees are up to JzH84WbIf8k-00475-00118674-00118889 uprooted this food can be used as a JzH84WbIf8k-00476-00118890-00119134 conventional fuel generate Cobar gas JzH84WbIf8k-00477-00119135-00119371 from cloud and use it as a fuel like LPG JzH84WbIf8k-00478-00119372-00119627 liquefied petroleum gas pipe the natural JzH84WbIf8k-00479-00119628-00119993 gas PNG Etc generate biogas from organic JzH84WbIf8k-00480-00119994-00120143 waste JzH84WbIf8k-00481-00120144-00120473 reduce recycle paper cardboard Etc and JzH84WbIf8k-00482-00120474-00120719 prevent deforestation produce paper from JzH84WbIf8k-00483-00120720-00120923 animal Bank like elephants camel Etc JzH84WbIf8k-00484-00120924-00121193 metal waste called either JzH84WbIf8k-00485-00121194-00121439 as recyclable scrap should be melted and JzH84WbIf8k-00486-00121440-00121660 converted into some form some other JzH84WbIf8k-00487-00121661-00121828 Farms are usage why do you think there JzH84WbIf8k-00488-00121829-00122057 is a market for used products it is JzH84WbIf8k-00489-00122058-00122327 either refurbished or resold or useful JzH84WbIf8k-00490-00122328-00122507 materials are required example copper is JzH84WbIf8k-00491-00122508-00122639 required from electrical wires by JzH84WbIf8k-00492-00122640-00122801 stripping the insulation JzH84WbIf8k-00493-00122802-00122975 electronic products have expensive JzH84WbIf8k-00494-00122976-00123221 materials inside which can be recovered JzH84WbIf8k-00495-00123222-00123521 and reused directly products which are JzH84WbIf8k-00496-00123522-00123665 scrapped are so many components and JzH84WbIf8k-00497-00123666-00123863 sub-assemblies which are in good JzH84WbIf8k-00498-00123864-00124073 condition JzH84WbIf8k-00499-00124074-00124415 fit for use example Automotive Products JzH84WbIf8k-00500-00124416-00124615 there is a place called JzH84WbIf8k-00501-00124616-00125033 in Chennai Tamil Nadu India whether this JzH84WbIf8k-00502-00125033-00125231 is done quite extensively JzH84WbIf8k-00503-00125232-00125440 but most of it is stolen vehicles and JzH84WbIf8k-00504-00125441-00125651 all that old clothes and annual JzH84WbIf8k-00505-00125652-00125813 processed food can be donated to the JzH84WbIf8k-00506-00125814-00126004 poor similarly used products can be JzH84WbIf8k-00507-00126005-00126263 donated to the downrotter JzH84WbIf8k-00508-00126264-00126454 recovery of materials from electronic JzH84WbIf8k-00509-00126455-00126623 electrical batteries some of the JzH84WbIf8k-00510-00126624-00126797 materials used are very rare and JzH84WbIf8k-00511-00126798-00127054 expensive child labor is used for mining JzH84WbIf8k-00512-00127055-00127473 especially in countries like Congo JzH84WbIf8k-00513-00127474-00127559 [Music] JzH84WbIf8k-00514-00127560-00128452 [Applause] JzH84WbIf8k-00515-00128453-00128633 use recyclable bags for shopping JzH84WbIf8k-00516-00128633-00128908 packaging and storage aluminum and tin JzH84WbIf8k-00517-00128909-00129166 cans can certainly be recycled methane JzH84WbIf8k-00518-00129167-00129340 with higher calorific energy can be JzH84WbIf8k-00519-00129341-00129484 extracted from cattle down and even JzH84WbIf8k-00520-00129485-00130031 human exclipper used as fuel directly JzH84WbIf8k-00521-00130032-00130264 when they fought okay as I said when JzH84WbIf8k-00522-00130265-00130528 they pass gas require energy from waste JzH84WbIf8k-00523-00130529-00130786 by setting up a co-generation plant or JzH84WbIf8k-00524-00130788-00130978 directly from a low grade energy and JzH84WbIf8k-00525-00130979-00131195 applications some sort of part of solid JzH84WbIf8k-00526-00131196-00131369 waste can be burnt and electricity can JzH84WbIf8k-00527-00131370-00131813 be generated JzH84WbIf8k-00528-00131814-00132023 provided the gases produced the process JzH84WbIf8k-00529-00132024-00132263 are not hazardous carbon fiber is JzH84WbIf8k-00530-00132264-00132377 everything JzH84WbIf8k-00531-00132378-00132616 is in everything from desktops chairs JzH84WbIf8k-00532-00132617-00132857 automobiles to airplanes the prevalent JzH84WbIf8k-00533-00132858-00133966 use of carbon fiber JzH84WbIf8k-00534-00133967-00134351 he's a direct result of in of its JzH84WbIf8k-00535-00134352-00134507 increased stability and lower density JzH84WbIf8k-00536-00134508-00134752 over aluminum and sleep recycle carbon JzH84WbIf8k-00537-00134753-00134861 fiber JzH84WbIf8k-00538-00134862-00135202 does not JzH84WbIf8k-00539-00135203-00135377 reading the material Integrity of the JzH84WbIf8k-00540-00135378-00135640 original product carbon fiber JzH84WbIf8k-00541-00135641-00135875 as JzH84WbIf8k-00542-00135876-00136097 become the industry standard recycling JzH84WbIf8k-00543-00136098-00136289 these Advanced composite materials are JzH84WbIf8k-00544-00136290-00136481 the point of manufacturing JzH84WbIf8k-00545-00136482-00136613 use JzH84WbIf8k-00546-00136614-00136811 industrial scrap under the end of the JzH84WbIf8k-00547-00136812-00137033 product life is essential to both these JzH84WbIf8k-00548-00137034-00137231 companies and many other manufacturers JzH84WbIf8k-00549-00137232-00137416 working hard to employ these JzH84WbIf8k-00550-00137417-00137627 Technologies even non-recyclable JzH84WbIf8k-00551-00137628-00137807 materials can be compacted and used as JzH84WbIf8k-00552-00137808-00138028 building material for the walls JzH84WbIf8k-00553-00138029-00138239 like Plastics JzH84WbIf8k-00554-00138240-00138485 even glass further matter JzH84WbIf8k-00555-00138486-00138749 the increase in poultry farming at JzH84WbIf8k-00556-00138750-00139019 subsistence level and as a small medium JzH84WbIf8k-00557-00139020-00139307 scale Enterprise SME concurrently led to JzH84WbIf8k-00558-00139308-00139511 the increase on popularization of the JzH84WbIf8k-00559-00139512-00139745 litter system of poultry farming where JzH84WbIf8k-00560-00139746-00139943 wood shavings from Sawmills have found JzH84WbIf8k-00561-00139944-00140249 application as flowed overlay for the JzH84WbIf8k-00562-00140250-00140393 collection of bear droppings and easy JzH84WbIf8k-00563-00140394-00140657 sanitation that by creating a waste JzH84WbIf8k-00564-00140658-00140863 market for it you know the good shavings JzH84WbIf8k-00565-00140864-00141166 are used in what is called as compressed JzH84WbIf8k-00566-00141167-00141239 wood JzH84WbIf8k-00567-00141240-00141454 which is used to make Furnitures and all JzH84WbIf8k-00568-00141455-00141628 that JzH84WbIf8k-00569-00141629-00141916 buy stuff from flea markets JzH84WbIf8k-00570-00141917-00142139 where they sell old items at dirt cheap JzH84WbIf8k-00571-00142140-00142421 rates but in good condition agricultural JzH84WbIf8k-00572-00142422-00142589 waste can be used as either animal feed JzH84WbIf8k-00573-00142590-00143297 or poultry feed Farmers burn the stubble JzH84WbIf8k-00574-00143298-00143927 after harvesting is complete JzH84WbIf8k-00575-00143928-00144202 and produce their example haryana Punjab JzH84WbIf8k-00576-00144203-00144431 in India it is estimated that nearly a JzH84WbIf8k-00577-00144432-00144604 quarter of hollow sword waste is organic JzH84WbIf8k-00578-00144605-00144763 and can be composted JzH84WbIf8k-00579-00144764-00144959 geotextiles can be used in a variety of JzH84WbIf8k-00580-00144960-00145109 ways that includes JzH84WbIf8k-00581-00145110-00145385 as a base material for roads to JzH84WbIf8k-00582-00145386-00145793 strengthen your Banks even now JzH84WbIf8k-00583-00145794-00146069 not only is to strengthen the to prevent JzH84WbIf8k-00584-00146070-00146375 the water flowing out of the JzH84WbIf8k-00585-00146376-00146645 river banks even non-recyclable Plastics JzH84WbIf8k-00586-00146646-00146837 can be shredded and mixed with other JzH84WbIf8k-00587-00146838-00147077 materials used for roads this enlances JzH84WbIf8k-00588-00147078-00147257 the durability of the roots JzH84WbIf8k-00589-00147258-00147509 that's an advantage these speakers are JzH84WbIf8k-00590-00147510-00147731 key factors in the informal economy as JzH84WbIf8k-00591-00147732-00147983 they make vital social ecological and JzH84WbIf8k-00592-00147984-00148211 economic contributions to the cities and JzH84WbIf8k-00593-00148212-00148421 help migrate mitigate JzH84WbIf8k-00594-00148422-00148546 foreign JzH84WbIf8k-00595-00148547-00148976 [Applause] JzH84WbIf8k-00596-00148977-00149735 [Music] JzH84WbIf8k-00597-00149736-00150113 in many cities JzH84WbIf8k-00598-00150114-00150497 they provide the only the solid waste JzH84WbIf8k-00599-00150498-00150635 collection service these these speakers JzH84WbIf8k-00600-00150636-00151528 operate by scavening based directly JzH84WbIf8k-00601-00151529-00151721 from the various dump sites the streets JzH84WbIf8k-00602-00151722-00151919 of neighborhood in search of abandoned JzH84WbIf8k-00603-00151920-00152213 metal scraps another useful recoverable JzH84WbIf8k-00604-00152214-00152440 waste yet they face JzH84WbIf8k-00605-00152441-00152651 many hardships including stigma JzH84WbIf8k-00606-00152652-00152914 exploitation by middlemen and hazardous JzH84WbIf8k-00607-00152915-00153095 working in living conditions this JzH84WbIf8k-00608-00153096-00153275 creation is part of human endeavor but JzH84WbIf8k-00609-00153276-00153461 the disposal will be neglected until JzH84WbIf8k-00610-00153462-00153702 government creates incentives preferably JzH84WbIf8k-00611-00153703-00153875 market-based incentives that will JzH84WbIf8k-00612-00153876-00154109 encourage both people and Enterprises to JzH84WbIf8k-00613-00154110-00154259 dispose their waste in an appropriate JzH84WbIf8k-00614-00154260-00154504 way Source segregation by waste JzH84WbIf8k-00615-00154505-00154849 generators is a must to improve JzH84WbIf8k-00616-00154850-00155069 effectiveness of vehicles and recycling JzH84WbIf8k-00617-00155070-00155351 three of strategy as it is an acronym JzH84WbIf8k-00618-00155352-00155563 for reduce JzH84WbIf8k-00619-00155564-00155873 reuse and recycle reduction is the best JzH84WbIf8k-00620-00155874-00156131 way to go clearly use appropriate cost JzH84WbIf8k-00621-00156132-00156347 effective technology for reuse JzH84WbIf8k-00622-00156348-00157054 and recycle JzH84WbIf8k-00623-00157055-00157337 this list is certainly not exhaustive if JzH84WbIf8k-00624-00157338-00157511 you put our mine sugar we can certainly JzH84WbIf8k-00625-00157512-00157654 come up with the innovative ways and JzH84WbIf8k-00626-00157655-00157943 means for reduction of waste reusage and JzH84WbIf8k-00627-00157944-00158116 recycling so let us work on these JzH84WbIf8k-00628-00158117-00158333 socially beneficial research starting JzH84WbIf8k-00629-00158334-00158537 today rather than on destruction JzH84WbIf8k-00630-00158538-00158813 so-called defense and learn this world JzH84WbIf8k-00631-00158814-00159095 or mother Planet a better place to live JzH84WbIf8k-00632-00159096-00159287 I am all eyes and ears waiting to hear JzH84WbIf8k-00633-00159288-00159431 from you guys JzH84WbIf8k-00634-00159432-00159647 debates discussion on open-air topics JzH84WbIf8k-00635-00159648-00159802 like this can go on forever and you let JzH84WbIf8k-00636-00159803-00159989 me pull the plug here we'll meet again JzH84WbIf8k-00637-00159990-00160157 real soon with another interesting topic JzH84WbIf8k-00638-00160158-00160321 some of the statements we use expressed JzH84WbIf8k-00639-00160322-00160528 solely in mind based on limited JzH84WbIf8k-00640-00160529-00160714 knowledge gain over six Decades of JzH84WbIf8k-00641-00160715-00160973 versatile experience always watch these JzH84WbIf8k-00642-00160974-00161219 videos with closed caption subtitles for JzH84WbIf8k-00643-00161220-00161369 absolute hundred percent comprehension JzH84WbIf8k-00644-00161370-00161621 as per my sincere recommendation zillion JzH84WbIf8k-00645-00161622-00161861 time so far maybe that's my policy to JzH84WbIf8k-00646-00161862-00161993 complete the presentation within 20 JzH84WbIf8k-00647-00161994-00162202 minutes maximum this time limit is JzH84WbIf8k-00648-00162203-00162328 self-imposed to read in the viewers JzH84WbIf8k-00649-00162329-00162545 attention as a noun stay at home as much JzH84WbIf8k-00650-00162546-00162652 as possible to maintain social JzH84WbIf8k-00651-00162653-00162985 distancing attributed dependencies JzH84WbIf8k-00652-00162986-00163313 lifespan with a healthy life God also JzH84WbIf8k-00653-00163314-00164821 known as The Sovereign JzH84WbIf8k-00654-00164822-00165164 peace and harmony JBTlPenc2Jo-00000-00000024-00000275 I was a sincere student at least that's JBTlPenc2Jo-00001-00000276-00000455 what my teacher thought I was in my JBTlPenc2Jo-00002-00000456-00000665 first year of college and that's when I JBTlPenc2Jo-00003-00000666-00001104 was spanked by the word JBTlPenc2Jo-00004-00001105-00001258 [Music] JBTlPenc2Jo-00005-00001259-00001516 this is started bugging me because I JBTlPenc2Jo-00006-00001517-00001691 didn't like my college life because JBTlPenc2Jo-00007-00001692-00001930 everything was new to me new city new JBTlPenc2Jo-00008-00001932-00002195 people New Life sort of JBTlPenc2Jo-00009-00002196-00002459 and I started questioning things a part JBTlPenc2Jo-00010-00002460-00002602 of my life where all I did was ask JBTlPenc2Jo-00011-00002603-00002831 questions starting from why do I have to JBTlPenc2Jo-00012-00002832-00002999 eat this shitty food why do I have to go JBTlPenc2Jo-00013-00003000-00003226 to college why do I have to earn money JBTlPenc2Jo-00014-00003227-00003472 moving to this new city my life kind of JBTlPenc2Jo-00015-00003473-00003670 changed and I just couldn't accept the JBTlPenc2Jo-00016-00003671-00003772 change JBTlPenc2Jo-00017-00003773-00003977 I just wanted to live like before worry JBTlPenc2Jo-00018-00003978-00004169 free without the burden of doing JBTlPenc2Jo-00019-00004170-00004391 something different with my life I just JBTlPenc2Jo-00020-00004392-00004535 wanted the things to go back to the way JBTlPenc2Jo-00021-00004536-00004804 it was but all the answers for my JBTlPenc2Jo-00022-00004805-00004961 questions were too simple for me to JBTlPenc2Jo-00023-00004962-00005033 accept JBTlPenc2Jo-00024-00005034-00005231 why do I have to go to college to get a JBTlPenc2Jo-00025-00005232-00005429 job why do I have to get a job to earn JBTlPenc2Jo-00026-00005430-00005591 money why do I have to earn money to JBTlPenc2Jo-00027-00005592-00005813 live life peacefully and why do I have JBTlPenc2Jo-00028-00005814-00006070 to live life peacefully that's good I JBTlPenc2Jo-00029-00006071-00006179 think JBTlPenc2Jo-00030-00006180-00006383 these were very simple answers but I JBTlPenc2Jo-00031-00006384-00006545 just couldn't accept them because they JBTlPenc2Jo-00032-00006545-00006706 were asking me to change and I didn't JBTlPenc2Jo-00033-00006708-00006959 want to JBTlPenc2Jo-00034-00006959-00007133 but when I really gave it a thought JBTlPenc2Jo-00035-00007134-00007355 these answers were a fact of reality JBTlPenc2Jo-00036-00007356-00007631 for example it's a fact that you can't JBTlPenc2Jo-00037-00007631-00007805 depend on your family forever you have JBTlPenc2Jo-00038-00007806-00008009 to earn money and be independent and JBTlPenc2Jo-00039-00008009-00008164 that is something which is true and just JBTlPenc2Jo-00040-00008165-00008345 a way of life JBTlPenc2Jo-00041-00008346-00008537 this is why I can arise anywhere anytime JBTlPenc2Jo-00042-00008538-00008728 and in any part of your life and in any JBTlPenc2Jo-00043-00008729-00008885 context it doesn't have to be JBTlPenc2Jo-00044-00008886-00008992 philosophical JBTlPenc2Jo-00045-00008993-00009191 this arising of Y is okay but not JBTlPenc2Jo-00046-00009192-00009383 getting the answers and even worse not JBTlPenc2Jo-00047-00009384-00009545 accepting the factual answers can really JBTlPenc2Jo-00048-00009546-00009796 someone up you are hit with this JBTlPenc2Jo-00049-00009797-00009946 big change the answers are asking from JBTlPenc2Jo-00050-00009947-00010156 you and you don't want to change this JBTlPenc2Jo-00051-00010157-00010337 change depends on you you have to choose JBTlPenc2Jo-00052-00010338-00010589 but we take this too seriously it's a JBTlPenc2Jo-00053-00010590-00010733 really simple thing and we make it JBTlPenc2Jo-00054-00010734-00010955 complex we think about a lot of things JBTlPenc2Jo-00055-00010956-00011201 we feel a lot and that's our problem and JBTlPenc2Jo-00056-00011202-00011459 strength that is just human JBTlPenc2Jo-00057-00011460-00011699 sometimes not having an answer is okay JBTlPenc2Jo-00058-00011700-00011891 sometimes change is good and sometimes JBTlPenc2Jo-00059-00011892-00012209 it is not you have to introspect JBTlPenc2Jo-00060-00012210-00012467 we have to accept that this Y is a part JBTlPenc2Jo-00061-00012468-00012564 of us JBTlPenc2Jo-00062-00012565-00012796 sometimes the acceptance of this y will JBTlPenc2Jo-00063-00012797-00013013 automatically solve it and sometimes it JBTlPenc2Jo-00064-00013013-00013138 will take time JBTlPenc2Jo-00065-00013140-00013288 but you have to remember that you can't JBTlPenc2Jo-00066-00013290-00013469 give yourself away to it JBTlPenc2Jo-00067-00013469-00013636 you have to fight you have to Rebel JBTlPenc2Jo-00068-00013637-00014021 things are never easy but you can win JBTlPenc2Jo-00069-00014022-00014236 this Y is in our head and the more we JBTlPenc2Jo-00070-00014237-00014483 think the more we lose that doesn't mean JBTlPenc2Jo-00071-00014484-00014741 you have to stop thinking think but only JBTlPenc2Jo-00072-00014741-00014903 when you know thinking will help don't JBTlPenc2Jo-00073-00014904-00015047 overthink things JBTlPenc2Jo-00074-00015047-00015293 stop living in your head and don't let JBTlPenc2Jo-00075-00015294-00015485 this vibe in do your thing and do what JBTlPenc2Jo-00076-00015486-00015785 you have to do ignore the why if it is JBTlPenc2Jo-00077-00015786-00016025 not helping you grow JBTlPenc2Jo-00078-00016026-00016172 okay cool JBTlPenc2Jo-00079-00016174-00016447 [Music] JCDpAaqlDPg-00000-00000004-00000109 [Music] JCDpAaqlDPg-00001-00000110-00000514 I know it's all in mine JCDpAaqlDPg-00002-00000515-00001682 [Music] JDgV5ZFELAM-00000-00000042-00000112 [Music] JDgV5ZFELAM-00001-00000114-00000364 welcome back to good day we're a day JDgV5ZFELAM-00002-00000365-00000526 early usually Seaman does his Fitness JDgV5ZFELAM-00003-00000527-00000790 and his segments on Friday junior or JDgV5ZFELAM-00004-00000791-00001000 Thursday but he's getting a jump on his JDgV5ZFELAM-00005-00001001-00001199 workout this week for good reason stay JDgV5ZFELAM-00006-00001200-00001397 tuned again another tip for tomorrow oh JDgV5ZFELAM-00007-00001398-00001570 he's always finding new places new ways JDgV5ZFELAM-00008-00001571-00001721 and new practices to get in some JDgV5ZFELAM-00009-00001722-00001864 exercise Stephen where did you say you JDgV5ZFELAM-00010-00001866-00002075 were this morning JDgV5ZFELAM-00011-00002076-00002297 so we're at infinite kinetics this JDgV5ZFELAM-00012-00002298-00002657 morning so we're talking Amanda holistic JDgV5ZFELAM-00013-00002658-00002855 care a little bit because Amanda I know JDgV5ZFELAM-00014-00002856-00003138 each morning you take time to work out JDgV5ZFELAM-00015-00003139-00003377 but it's good to know how to keep JDgV5ZFELAM-00016-00003378-00003556 everything activated because sometimes JDgV5ZFELAM-00017-00003557-00003772 we run into injuring ourselves have you JDgV5ZFELAM-00018-00003773-00003965 ever experienced an injury due to JDgV5ZFELAM-00019-00003965-00004193 working in the back the back here and JDgV5ZFELAM-00020-00004194-00004354 there and I've been using I had to use JDgV5ZFELAM-00021-00004355-00004499 my foam roller this morning actually JDgV5ZFELAM-00022-00004500-00004777 because I was feeling it a little bit oh JDgV5ZFELAM-00023-00004778-00005033 he's gonna help us out this morning it JDgV5ZFELAM-00024-00005034-00005267 just cracks my back all up so it's all JDgV5ZFELAM-00025-00005268-00005597 always really good so we're exactly JDgV5ZFELAM-00026-00005598-00005795 we're joined by Ashley this morning at JDgV5ZFELAM-00027-00005796-00006101 infinite kinetic so Ashley holistic care JDgV5ZFELAM-00028-00006102-00006359 you know sometimes when people hear that JDgV5ZFELAM-00029-00006360-00006617 it's like oh wait wait wait what's going JDgV5ZFELAM-00030-00006618-00006875 on here uh so tell us what do you guys JDgV5ZFELAM-00031-00006876-00007192 do we are a comprehensive movements JDgV5ZFELAM-00032-00007193-00007481 facility we focus on the root cause you JDgV5ZFELAM-00033-00007481-00007613 know we get a lot of clients in here JDgV5ZFELAM-00034-00007614-00007817 that get frustrated because you know JDgV5ZFELAM-00035-00007818-00008003 their knees hurt or their elbows hurt JDgV5ZFELAM-00036-00008004-00008219 and then all of a sudden you know that's JDgV5ZFELAM-00037-00008220-00008333 what exactly what the doctors are JDgV5ZFELAM-00038-00008334-00008585 looking at is the knees and the whatever JDgV5ZFELAM-00039-00008586-00008891 you're coming in uh in pain for right so JDgV5ZFELAM-00040-00008892-00009071 what we look is the whole body we look JDgV5ZFELAM-00041-00009072-00009467 at the um the injuries the traumas maybe JDgV5ZFELAM-00042-00009468-00009869 20 30 40 years ago right and then what JDgV5ZFELAM-00043-00009870-00010103 we do is we we go ahead and we correct JDgV5ZFELAM-00044-00010104-00010319 that and because the nervous system is JDgV5ZFELAM-00045-00010320-00010546 such a complex thing that's what we help JDgV5ZFELAM-00046-00010547-00010828 correct yeah and uh right here uh behind JDgV5ZFELAM-00047-00010829-00011033 us it looks like this is a very JDgV5ZFELAM-00048-00011034-00011309 comprehensive to the entire body uh so JDgV5ZFELAM-00049-00011310-00011638 uh just say I'm coming in uh as a golfer JDgV5ZFELAM-00050-00011639-00011963 and I'm trying to uh follow through a JDgV5ZFELAM-00051-00011964-00012101 little bit better do you have anything JDgV5ZFELAM-00052-00012102-00012341 that could could help me out with that I JDgV5ZFELAM-00053-00012342-00012581 do we're gonna we're gonna show you a JDgV5ZFELAM-00054-00012582-00012802 movement uh specifically I want to test JDgV5ZFELAM-00055-00012803-00013091 your rotation to see if it's even JDgV5ZFELAM-00056-00013091-00013366 um activated okay so what we're going to JDgV5ZFELAM-00057-00013368-00013529 do is I'm going to come up to you and JDgV5ZFELAM-00058-00013530-00013672 then you're going to push the shoulder JDgV5ZFELAM-00059-00013673-00013907 towards my hand here okay or on nowhere JDgV5ZFELAM-00060-00013908-00014099 to go all right when do they go push JDgV5ZFELAM-00061-00014100-00014338 forward okay and then notice how I can JDgV5ZFELAM-00062-00014340-00014471 push it back yeah okay and then the JDgV5ZFELAM-00063-00014472-00014572 second one we're going to test this one JDgV5ZFELAM-00064-00014573-00014741 one two three go push forward and then JDgV5ZFELAM-00065-00014741-00014999 again next to the back so does that mean JDgV5ZFELAM-00066-00015000-00015208 that does that means that my my rotation JDgV5ZFELAM-00067-00015209-00015353 is not being activated because you're JDgV5ZFELAM-00068-00015354-00015653 able to push me like correct okay so how JDgV5ZFELAM-00069-00015654-00015905 would you assist me uh to making sure JDgV5ZFELAM-00070-00015906-00016127 that uh everything is activated okay so JDgV5ZFELAM-00071-00016128-00016247 I'm gonna have you turn around for me JDgV5ZFELAM-00072-00016247-00016463 okay okay what I'm going to do is I'm JDgV5ZFELAM-00073-00016464-00016733 going to uh I'm going to go up and down JDgV5ZFELAM-00074-00016734-00017039 your spine I'm going to go down all the JDgV5ZFELAM-00075-00017040-00017243 way to the bottom all the way at top JDgV5ZFELAM-00076-00017244-00017435 same thing here JDgV5ZFELAM-00077-00017436-00017717 and I'm going to Pat the spine up and JDgV5ZFELAM-00078-00017718-00017908 down very lightly I'm going to have you JDgV5ZFELAM-00079-00017909-00018083 turn over this way for me turn it this JDgV5ZFELAM-00080-00018084-00018305 way yep okay okay we're going to retest JDgV5ZFELAM-00081-00018306-00018485 it all right okay when did they go push JDgV5ZFELAM-00082-00018486-00018691 forward JDgV5ZFELAM-00083-00018692-00019043 wow you ready when do they go push JDgV5ZFELAM-00084-00019044-00019289 forward nice Ashley what did you just do JDgV5ZFELAM-00085-00019290-00019480 to me we just activated your your JDgV5ZFELAM-00086-00019481-00019703 rotation really and that's all it takes JDgV5ZFELAM-00087-00019704-00019936 so uh just just going down my spine what JDgV5ZFELAM-00088-00019937-00020147 is that doing on a scientific level what JDgV5ZFELAM-00089-00020148-00020314 is that doing for the body so we're JDgV5ZFELAM-00090-00020315-00020500 going after just that compensation that JDgV5ZFELAM-00091-00020501-00020753 your body compensates for and we're just JDgV5ZFELAM-00092-00020754-00021011 reactivating it so that it brings that JDgV5ZFELAM-00093-00021012-00021305 rotation back to life wow so uh tell our JDgV5ZFELAM-00094-00021306-00021521 viewers uh who are you seeing uh coming JDgV5ZFELAM-00095-00021522-00021749 in here because you mentioned young kids JDgV5ZFELAM-00096-00021750-00021922 but for the most part when it comes to JDgV5ZFELAM-00097-00021923-00022163 the age range of folks I've been seeing JDgV5ZFELAM-00098-00022164-00022444 a lot of 35 year olds in in up higher um JDgV5ZFELAM-00099-00022445-00022714 recently I've been even getting 70 80 90 JDgV5ZFELAM-00100-00022715-00022967 year olds that coming in that haven't JDgV5ZFELAM-00101-00022968-00023261 gotten any relief you know in all their JDgV5ZFELAM-00102-00023262-00023447 years they're like I just need something JDgV5ZFELAM-00103-00023448-00023675 I need somebody to come in and just look JDgV5ZFELAM-00104-00023676-00023914 at look at me and listen to me yeah yeah JDgV5ZFELAM-00105-00023915-00024143 so you said you're attacking the root JDgV5ZFELAM-00106-00024144-00024364 cause of things so if someone has is JDgV5ZFELAM-00107-00024365-00024622 having knee issues or maybe their JDgV5ZFELAM-00108-00024623-00024863 rotator cuff you're trying to find out JDgV5ZFELAM-00109-00024864-00025144 what is causing that from years ago JDgV5ZFELAM-00110-00025145-00025325 right see we look at the whole medical JDgV5ZFELAM-00111-00025326-00025690 history right so like if uh if you've JDgV5ZFELAM-00112-00025691-00025961 ever injured yourself broken bones JDgV5ZFELAM-00113-00025962-00026231 um ever had some sort of trauma uh JDgV5ZFELAM-00114-00026232-00026411 specifically for the soft tissue I mean JDgV5ZFELAM-00115-00026412-00026674 all of that is interacted because you've JDgV5ZFELAM-00116-00026675-00026867 been compensating from that since then JDgV5ZFELAM-00117-00026868-00027101 because nobody's ever actually JDgV5ZFELAM-00118-00027102-00027358 created that neuropathic back to it wow JDgV5ZFELAM-00119-00027360-00027605 so why would you advise folks to try JDgV5ZFELAM-00120-00027606-00027983 holistic care you just never know JDgV5ZFELAM-00121-00027983-00028151 some you know JDgV5ZFELAM-00122-00028152-00028289 it was the medical JDgV5ZFELAM-00123-00028289-00028708 there is for medical purposes here we we JDgV5ZFELAM-00124-00028710-00029158 try to do our best to to create a more JDgV5ZFELAM-00125-00029160-00029399 in a better environment for your body JDgV5ZFELAM-00126-00029400-00029657 and uh it's just it's a much different JDgV5ZFELAM-00127-00029658-00029801 approach and I think you should try it JDgV5ZFELAM-00128-00029802-00029945 awesome man where can people find you JDgV5ZFELAM-00129-00029945-00030149 guys uh we are at 6 000 renaissance JDgV5ZFELAM-00130-00030150-00030343 place in Toledo Ohio JDgV5ZFELAM-00131-00030344-00030652 43623 and Suite D and we are also JDgV5ZFELAM-00132-00030654-00030899 located in Lions Ohio okay and uh you JDgV5ZFELAM-00133-00030900-00031102 guys have a massage therapist here too JDgV5ZFELAM-00134-00031104-00031337 so there's a wide range of folks that JDgV5ZFELAM-00135-00031338-00031529 people can come and get some treatment JDgV5ZFELAM-00136-00031530-00031770 yeah we've got massage therapy we've got JDgV5ZFELAM-00137-00031772-00032158 a holistic mindset here as well we've JDgV5ZFELAM-00138-00032160-00032302 got registered dietitian we've got JDgV5ZFELAM-00139-00032303-00032507 personal training we've got I mean you JDgV5ZFELAM-00140-00032508-00032783 name it we've got it yeah yeah so a wide JDgV5ZFELAM-00141-00032784-00033052 range of care and hopefully things are JDgV5ZFELAM-00142-00033053-00033323 activated enough Amanda and Diane now JDgV5ZFELAM-00143-00033324-00033599 that uh my golf swing is Magic better JDgV5ZFELAM-00144-00033600-00034007 and I have to tell listen we didn't try JDgV5ZFELAM-00145-00034008-00034259 this beforehand so my mind is kind of JDgV5ZFELAM-00146-00034260-00034495 blowing JDgV5ZFELAM-00147-00034496-00034745 that was amazing Stephen thank you for JDgV5ZFELAM-00148-00034746-00034883 trying that out this morning we're gonna JDgV5ZFELAM-00149-00034884-00035062 have to chat with him yeah when he comes JDgV5ZFELAM-00150-00035063-00035290 back how he's feeling he's doing it yeah JDgV5ZFELAM-00151-00035291-00035483 that was amazing that was magic that was JDgV5ZFELAM-00152-00035484-00035738 magic good stuff JDk9rO1WDv0-00000-00000317-00001714 and no is no and there's no no no this JDk9rO1WDv0-00001-00001716-00002321 contest is yes my love yes I will see JDk9rO1WDv0-00002-00002322-00002456 you like a something you gotta see you JDk9rO1WDv0-00003-00002457-00002950 without jail are you see if you do JDk9rO1WDv0-00004-00002951-00003043 another corner JDk9rO1WDv0-00005-00003044-00003278 how about cross the American Bar mr. JDk9rO1WDv0-00006-00003279-00003604 happy in Mexican welfare Mexico though JDk9rO1WDv0-00007-00003604-00003809 okay something else how about escaping JDk9rO1WDv0-00008-00003810-00004006 another sin yeah sure please please my JDk9rO1WDv0-00009-00004007-00004250 so cool JDCZMoS08t4-00000-00000000-00001054 [Music] JDCZMoS08t4-00001-00001055-00001237 rap JDCZMoS08t4-00004-00015128-00015336 you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00000-00000000-00000167 does the current corona virus pandemic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00001-00000168-00000403 make it necessary that the federal JDQD-7vKpZ0-00002-00000404-00000593 government tighten restrictions on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00003-00000594-00000872 immigration that was the subject of an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00004-00000873-00001061 online so how form debate held on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00005-00001062-00001472 Wednesday May 6 2020 mark Krikorian the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00006-00001473-00001636 executive director of the Center for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00007-00001637-00001862 Immigration Studies defended the claim JDQD-7vKpZ0-00008-00001863-00002084 that we need closed borders because of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00009-00002085-00002325 kovat 19 against George Mason University JDQD-7vKpZ0-00010-00002326-00002633 economist Brian Kaplan and here's Mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-00011-00002634-00002897 Krikorian vs. Bryan Caplan in an online JDQD-7vKpZ0-00012-00002898-00003191 debate moderated by Soho forum director JDQD-7vKpZ0-00013-00003192-00003295 Jean Epstein JDQD-7vKpZ0-00014-00003296-00003608 tonight's resolution reads the current JDQD-7vKpZ0-00015-00003609-00003904 pandemic makes it all the more necessary JDQD-7vKpZ0-00016-00003905-00004184 for the federal government to tighten JDQD-7vKpZ0-00017-00004185-00004504 restrictions on immigration defending JDQD-7vKpZ0-00018-00004505-00004870 the resolution mark Krikorian opposing JDQD-7vKpZ0-00019-00004871-00005272 the resolution Bryan Caplan when each of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00020-00005273-00005485 you has five minutes and one minute JDQD-7vKpZ0-00021-00005486-00005765 remaining in your allotted time I'll be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00022-00005766-00006152 briefly interrupting to inform you Jane JDQD-7vKpZ0-00023-00006153-00006460 please close the initial vote now mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-00024-00006461-00006527 Krikorian JDQD-7vKpZ0-00025-00006528-00006833 who goes first defending the affirmative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00026-00006834-00007091 is executive director of the Center for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00027-00007092-00007358 Immigration Studies and author of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00028-00007359-00007621 new case against immigration and I'll JDQD-7vKpZ0-00029-00007622-00007859 introduce Bryan in due course JDQD-7vKpZ0-00030-00007859-00008237 take it away mark the issue it seems to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00031-00008238-00008492 me in tightening immigration policy in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00032-00008493-00008764 the current pandemic is not a health JDQD-7vKpZ0-00033-00008765-00008999 related issue it's I mean actually most JDQD-7vKpZ0-00034-00009000-00009239 travel has already been shut down it's a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00035-00009240-00009449 labor issue that in other words is the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00036-00009450-00009796 effects the consequences of our reaction JDQD-7vKpZ0-00037-00009797-00010017 to the pandemic that make it imperative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00038-00010018-00010334 to tighten up on immigration at least JDQD-7vKpZ0-00039-00010335-00010487 temporarily and then we can have a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00040-00010488-00010784 debate on the rest of it later as in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00041-00010785-00011038 medicine so in practical governance the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00042-00011039-00011327 first principle has to be first do no JDQD-7vKpZ0-00043-00011328-00011457 harm JDQD-7vKpZ0-00044-00011458-00011706 prudence in other words and prudence is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00045-00011707-00012108 called for in our reaction to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00046-00012109-00012351 economic consequences of the current JDQD-7vKpZ0-00047-00012352-00012696 crisis 30 million people have applied JDQD-7vKpZ0-00048-00012697-00012975 for filed for unemployment since the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00049-00012976-00013206 Wuhan virus arrived here on our shores JDQD-7vKpZ0-00050-00013207-00013593 and the numbers of new claims from last JDQD-7vKpZ0-00051-00013594-00013766 week will be reported tomorrow JDQD-7vKpZ0-00052-00013768-00013986 and then on Friday the Labor Department JDQD-7vKpZ0-00053-00013987-00014136 will report the monthly unemployment JDQD-7vKpZ0-00054-00014137-00014516 rate for April we're gonna see an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00055-00014518-00014682 extraordinarily high rate of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00056-00014683-00014982 unemployment possibly in May and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00057-00014983-00015191 probably possibly for April possibly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00058-00015193-00015480 even in May the highest rate any of us JDQD-7vKpZ0-00059-00015481-00015663 has ever seen in our lifetimes and may JDQD-7vKpZ0-00060-00015663-00015969 ever see again and unlike the Great JDQD-7vKpZ0-00061-00015969-00016247 Depression which where unemployment took JDQD-7vKpZ0-00062-00016249-00016638 several years actually to grow what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00063-00016639-00016902 we've seen today is a dislocation of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00064-00016903-00017076 labor market that happened in the blink JDQD-7vKpZ0-00065-00017077-00017526 of an eye unfortunately it's not going JDQD-7vKpZ0-00066-00017527-00017732 to recover in the blink of an eye an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00067-00017733-00018009 economy is an organic thing it's not a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00068-00018010-00018357 light switch you can turn on and off at JDQD-7vKpZ0-00069-00018358-00018561 will and so it's going to take years to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00070-00018562-00018813 recover economically from the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00071-00018814-00019239 consequences of this virus especially JDQD-7vKpZ0-00072-00019240-00019577 when you consider the changes in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00073-00019578-00019839 hospitality and retail and entertainment JDQD-7vKpZ0-00074-00019840-00020106 and air travel and a whole lot of other JDQD-7vKpZ0-00075-00020107-00020418 industries that are now going to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00076-00020419-00020706 essentially reboot but in a very JDQD-7vKpZ0-00077-00020707-00020865 different way in other words it's not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00078-00020866-00021072 the everyone who lost a job is just JDQD-7vKpZ0-00079-00021073-00021285 going to show up again you know in a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00080-00021286-00021513 month on Monday and then that's the end JDQD-7vKpZ0-00081-00021514-00021624 of its there's gonna take years to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00082-00021625-00021801 recover from nothing like this has ever JDQD-7vKpZ0-00083-00021802-00022053 happened in our history and possibly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00084-00022054-00022311 never in history of any other country so JDQD-7vKpZ0-00085-00022312-00022530 regardless of broader views on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00086-00022531-00022830 immigration and Brian I've debated that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00087-00022831-00023091 I was delighted to come to the soho JDQD-7vKpZ0-00088-00023092-00023355 forum and talk about that and i'd be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00089-00023356-00023535 happy to do it again but regardless of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00090-00023536-00023900 our broader views prudence demands that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00091-00023901-00024156 we take vigorous steps to tighten JDQD-7vKpZ0-00092-00024157-00024468 immigration in the current situation so JDQD-7vKpZ0-00093-00024469-00024587 as to ease JDQD-7vKpZ0-00094-00024588-00024983 the reintegration of those of our fellow JDQD-7vKpZ0-00095-00024984-00025199 citizens whose livelihoods have been JDQD-7vKpZ0-00096-00025200-00025571 destroyed by the response to this virus JDQD-7vKpZ0-00097-00025572-00025814 and whether it was excessive or not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00098-00025814-00025952 that's a different question it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00099-00025952-00026204 happened and the question is what do we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00100-00026205-00026399 do with it now and remember these are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00101-00026400-00026576 disproportionately not the sort of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00102-00026577-00026827 people who are watching or participating JDQD-7vKpZ0-00103-00026829-00026999 in this debate we're talking about JDQD-7vKpZ0-00104-00027000-00027251 people who are disproportionately less JDQD-7vKpZ0-00105-00027252-00027482 skilled people who have fewer options JDQD-7vKpZ0-00106-00027483-00027824 even in the best of times finding their JDQD-7vKpZ0-00107-00027825-00028127 way back into the world of work is gonna JDQD-7vKpZ0-00108-00028127-00028445 be hard enough they don't need two JDQD-7vKpZ0-00109-00028445-00028739 million new foreign workers every year JDQD-7vKpZ0-00110-00028739-00029102 coming in to compete against we have and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00111-00029102-00029330 we will have for some time a glut of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00112-00029331-00029638 Labor in our economy let's not add to it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00113-00029639-00030016 the legacy news media have reported that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00114-00030017-00030260 President Trump has essentially already JDQD-7vKpZ0-00115-00030261-00030523 done this in a presidential proclamation JDQD-7vKpZ0-00116-00030524-00030788 last month it's a kind of executive JDQD-7vKpZ0-00117-00030789-00030920 order I don't know why they call it that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00118-00030920-00031139 instead of an executive order but in any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00119-00031139-00031325 case don't believe everything you read JDQD-7vKpZ0-00120-00031326-00031493 as we all should have learned over the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00121-00031494-00031777 past several years the proclamation did JDQD-7vKpZ0-00122-00031779-00032152 reiterate the principle underlying our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00123-00032152-00032470 immigration laws and let me just quote JDQD-7vKpZ0-00124-00032472-00032672 from that it from the proclamation in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00125-00032673-00032834 the administration of our nation's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00126-00032835-00033128 immigration system we must be mindful of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00127-00033129-00033305 the impact of foreign workers in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00128-00033306-00033557 United States labor market particularly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00129-00033558-00033719 in an environment of high domestic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00130-00033720-00033983 unemployment and depressed demand for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00131-00033984-00034295 labor unquote so far so good JDQD-7vKpZ0-00132-00034296-00034601 unfortunately other than that this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00133-00034602-00034775 Proclamation really didn't do much at JDQD-7vKpZ0-00134-00034776-00034976 all despite the president's tweet the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00135-00034977-00035297 day before touting it what happened is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00136-00035298-00035549 the exceptions essentially consumed the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00137-00035550-00035753 rule so that according to our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00138-00035754-00036059 calculations this 60 day emigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00139-00036060-00036356 caused so-called applies to only about JDQD-7vKpZ0-00140-00036357-00036770 5% of green-card issuances and all those JDQD-7vKpZ0-00141-00036771-00036947 green cards are lawful permanent JDQD-7vKpZ0-00142-00036948-00037193 residents of which total about 1 million JDQD-7vKpZ0-00143-00037194-00037592 a year and 0 percent of the nearly 1 JDQD-7vKpZ0-00144-00037593-00037778 million guest workers supposedly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00145-00037779-00037946 temporary workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00146-00037947-00038228 admitted every year now the president JDQD-7vKpZ0-00147-00038229-00038440 did hint that there might be a follow-up JDQD-7vKpZ0-00148-00038441-00038684 proclamation in 30 days from whatever JDQD-7vKpZ0-00149-00038685-00038920 reissued it so in a couple more weeks JDQD-7vKpZ0-00150-00038921-00039242 limiting some gas worker programs but JDQD-7vKpZ0-00151-00039243-00039482 the nature of that measure is undecided JDQD-7vKpZ0-00152-00039483-00039617 it's still up in the air from what I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-00153-00039618-00039845 hearing and it's the subject of fierce JDQD-7vKpZ0-00154-00039846-00040160 wrangling inside the White House between JDQD-7vKpZ0-00155-00040161-00040376 the high immigration forces and the low JDQD-7vKpZ0-00156-00040377-00040652 immigration forces and the reason for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00157-00040653-00040808 that is the reason I have little hope JDQD-7vKpZ0-00158-00040809-00040988 that the council of prudence will JDQD-7vKpZ0-00159-00040989-00041276 prevail in the White House is that again JDQD-7vKpZ0-00160-00041277-00041558 contrary to the fairy tales that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00161-00041559-00041771 legacy media and the establishment JDQD-7vKpZ0-00162-00041772-00042125 organs like The Times and CNN would have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00163-00042126-00042287 you believe the president is not an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00164-00042288-00042488 immigration restriction and neither are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00165-00042489-00042701 most of his advisors or his staff not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00166-00042702-00042854 just the son-in-law but it's throughout JDQD-7vKpZ0-00167-00042855-00043157 the whole administration that said what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00168-00043158-00043502 steps would prudence suggest I'll touch JDQD-7vKpZ0-00169-00043503-00043658 on a few of the monitoring to go into JDQD-7vKpZ0-00170-00043659-00043934 all the alphabet soup but a few examples JDQD-7vKpZ0-00171-00043935-00044171 that specifically rate to the relate to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00172-00044172-00044495 the importation of foreign workers they JDQD-7vKpZ0-00173-00044496-00044972 involve both either or both of two ways JDQD-7vKpZ0-00174-00044973-00045137 of approaching one is limiting the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00175-00045138-00045347 number of people coming in who aren't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00176-00045348-00045806 here already but also not renewing or JDQD-7vKpZ0-00177-00045807-00046040 reviewing the status of supposedly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00178-00046041-00046256 temporary workers who are already here JDQD-7vKpZ0-00179-00046257-00046499 and let me just give a few quick JDQD-7vKpZ0-00180-00046500-00046684 examples there's something called the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00181-00046685-00047003 h-2b visa this is not the h-1b you would JDQD-7vKpZ0-00182-00047004-00047114 have heard of I'll talk about that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00183-00047115-00047381 briefly with h-2b it's for less skilled JDQD-7vKpZ0-00184-00047382-00047677 seasonal work that's not in agriculture JDQD-7vKpZ0-00185-00047678-00047912 most of these people are landscapers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00186-00047913-00048304 they work in forestry amusement parks JDQD-7vKpZ0-00187-00048305-00048571 there's no reason for having this visa JDQD-7vKpZ0-00188-00048572-00048761 at all but I'll have that debate later JDQD-7vKpZ0-00189-00048762-00049289 for now this has to be put on ice tens JDQD-7vKpZ0-00190-00049290-00049544 of thousands of additional people from JDQD-7vKpZ0-00191-00049545-00049763 abroad perfectly normal people their JDQD-7vKpZ0-00192-00049764-00049915 workers listen they're not evil they're JDQD-7vKpZ0-00193-00049916-00050069 not rapists they're just regular folks JDQD-7vKpZ0-00194-00050070-00050480 but when we have 30 plus million people JDQD-7vKpZ0-00195-00050481-00050750 looking for work the idea that these JDQD-7vKpZ0-00196-00050751-00051035 jobs that Americans do because in every JDQD-7vKpZ0-00197-00051036-00051226 one of the major categories JDQD-7vKpZ0-00198-00051227-00051410 of people that are admitted under this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00199-00051411-00051787 h-2b visa half or more in some cases 90% JDQD-7vKpZ0-00200-00051788-00052000 of the people who do them are American JDQD-7vKpZ0-00201-00052001-00052336 native-born Americans so this h-2b visa JDQD-7vKpZ0-00202-00052337-00052657 should be put on ice the another example JDQD-7vKpZ0-00203-00052658-00052928 is the h-1b visa this is one that's more JDQD-7vKpZ0-00204-00052929-00053171 familiar it's usually used by tech JDQD-7vKpZ0-00205-00053172-00053321 companies although there are some others JDQD-7vKpZ0-00206-00053322-00053486 some physical therapists and other JDQD-7vKpZ0-00207-00053487-00053707 people sometimes use it it's mainly used JDQD-7vKpZ0-00208-00053708-00054168 by tech companies to import routine JDQD-7vKpZ0-00209-00054169-00054503 people of relatively modest skills to do JDQD-7vKpZ0-00210-00054504-00054862 routine computer work it's essentially JDQD-7vKpZ0-00211-00054863-00055066 and I'm old I'm not really this isn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00212-00055067-00055229 really an exaggeration it's essentially JDQD-7vKpZ0-00213-00055229-00055535 a white-collar force aero program a farm JDQD-7vKpZ0-00214-00055536-00055847 worker type guest worker program but for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00215-00055848-00056119 white collar workers working in cubicles JDQD-7vKpZ0-00216-00056120-00056498 and it's used explicitly and lawfully to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00217-00056499-00056812 replace American workers Disney you may JDQD-7vKpZ0-00218-00056813-00057094 recall it was a front page story at the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00219-00057095-00057376 Times about a few years back Disney used JDQD-7vKpZ0-00220-00057377-00057691 this visa to replace American workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00221-00057692-00057891 they fired all their American IT staff JDQD-7vKpZ0-00222-00057892-00058138 replaced them with these h-1b workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00223-00058139-00058363 and then forced the Americans to train JDQD-7vKpZ0-00224-00058364-00058663 their replacements who frankly didn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00225-00058664-00058894 really know what they were doing this is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00226-00058895-00059029 and this is not the only example JDQD-7vKpZ0-00227-00059030-00059224 hundreds of companies have used it this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00228-00059225-00059573 way it's and it's again a program that I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00229-00059574-00059755 think should be gotten rid of altogether JDQD-7vKpZ0-00230-00059756-00059992 and I'm willing to have that debate in a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00231-00059993-00060205 year or two about whether we should have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00232-00060206-00060554 this at all but for now putting it on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00233-00060554-00060929 ice seems to me imperative because the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00234-00060929-00061154 economic crisis that we're facing isn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00235-00061154-00061443 just people who are working at Starbucks JDQD-7vKpZ0-00236-00061444-00061750 who have been impacted but white-collar JDQD-7vKpZ0-00237-00061751-00062067 workers as well couple more categories JDQD-7vKpZ0-00238-00062068-00062269 there's something on the optional JDQD-7vKpZ0-00239-00062270-00062536 practical training program sounds kind JDQD-7vKpZ0-00240-00062537-00062804 of wonky and narrow and yet it's one of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00241-00062804-00063035 the largest guest worker programs in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00242-00063036-00063091 country JDQD-7vKpZ0-00243-00063092-00063290 it is elite it's based on a legal JDQD-7vKpZ0-00244-00063291-00063562 fiction where foreign students not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00245-00063563-00063803 immigrants who happen to go to college JDQD-7vKpZ0-00246-00063804-00063991 but students who are foreigners were JDQD-7vKpZ0-00247-00063992-00064363 given a visa to come to study here after JDQD-7vKpZ0-00248-00064364-00064613 they graduate our can JDQD-7vKpZ0-00249-00064614-00064823 in you to masquerade as students but our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00250-00064824-00065104 given work permits and for certain JDQD-7vKpZ0-00251-00065105-00065359 categories of jobs they can stay in this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00252-00065360-00065702 false status basically of pretending to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00253-00065703-00065885 be students but actually being workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00254-00065886-00066233 from three years they pay no payroll tax JDQD-7vKpZ0-00255-00066234-00066434 no Social Security tax no Medicare tax JDQD-7vKpZ0-00256-00066435-00066686 no unemployment tax their employers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00257-00066687-00066923 don't pay those taxes either and so they JDQD-7vKpZ0-00258-00066924-00067142 are preferred lock you have for five JDQD-7vKpZ0-00259-00067143-00067187 minutes JDQD-7vKpZ0-00260-00067188-00067559 I hope thank you so again this is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00261-00067560-00067790 program that I think should just be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00262-00067791-00068168 abolished altogether but you know we're JDQD-7vKpZ0-00263-00068169-00068507 looking at short-term temporary prudent JDQD-7vKpZ0-00264-00068508-00068840 measures it makes perfect sense to not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00265-00068841-00069161 enroll people in this program once they JDQD-7vKpZ0-00266-00069162-00069347 graduate because each year tens of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00267-00069348-00069515 thousands of foreign students graduate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00268-00069516-00069944 and sign up for this opt program is kind JDQD-7vKpZ0-00269-00069945-00070238 of a way to bridge them to eventually JDQD-7vKpZ0-00270-00070239-00070685 getting your green card halting signups JDQD-7vKpZ0-00271-00070686-00071099 for this program again a common sense I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00272-00071100-00071293 would admit I would submit imperative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00273-00071294-00071569 short-term measure that we can revisit JDQD-7vKpZ0-00274-00071570-00072044 next year or the year after and just the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00275-00072045-00072230 last specific point I wanted to bring up JDQD-7vKpZ0-00276-00072231-00072617 is something I hadn't really thought of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00277-00072618-00072878 until I spoke to one of my analysts used JDQD-7vKpZ0-00278-00072879-00073049 to be a visa officer and it makes sense JDQD-7vKpZ0-00279-00073050-00073445 a lot of the categories either for green JDQD-7vKpZ0-00280-00073446-00073646 cards no words permanent residents or JDQD-7vKpZ0-00281-00073647-00073937 for these supposedly temporary work JDQD-7vKpZ0-00282-00073938-00074317 visas require some kind of certification JDQD-7vKpZ0-00283-00074318-00074849 that the employer can't find workers for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00284-00074850-00075062 this spot can't find Americans for the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00285-00075063-00075266 spot and therefore they get the green JDQD-7vKpZ0-00286-00075267-00075644 light to bring in a foreign worker well JDQD-7vKpZ0-00287-00075645-00076028 all of those labor certifications were JDQD-7vKpZ0-00288-00076029-00076412 done in a completely different economy JDQD-7vKpZ0-00289-00076413-00076520 the world changed JDQD-7vKpZ0-00290-00076521-00076700 about a month and a half ago and so JDQD-7vKpZ0-00291-00076701-00077003 let's see again as an as a measure of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00292-00077004-00077368 prudence every one of those labor JDQD-7vKpZ0-00293-00077369-00077621 certifications they're called needs to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00294-00077622-00077909 be cancelled and Reese JDQD-7vKpZ0-00295-00077910-00078257 mitad maybe some people still will be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00296-00078258-00078524 able to make a case that Americans they JDQD-7vKpZ0-00297-00078525-00078722 can't find Americans for certain jobs I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00298-00078723-00079040 don't know um probably not but in any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00299-00079041-00079241 case that should have to be redone JDQD-7vKpZ0-00300-00079242-00079553 because circumstances have fundamentally JDQD-7vKpZ0-00301-00079554-00079873 changed from when those applications JDQD-7vKpZ0-00302-00079874-00080132 several months ago at least were JDQD-7vKpZ0-00303-00080133-00080306 submitted so those are some of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00304-00080307-00080573 specific examples there's a lot more JDQD-7vKpZ0-00305-00080574-00080741 tightening up an immigration I think JDQD-7vKpZ0-00306-00080742-00080909 that needs to happen but you get the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00307-00080910-00081161 idea there will be a time like I said JDQD-7vKpZ0-00308-00081162-00081371 for a more fundamental debate over the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00309-00081372-00081560 long-term direction of immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00310-00081561-00081758 policy but that's something that's gonna JDQD-7vKpZ0-00311-00081759-00082106 have to be done through Congress JDQD-7vKpZ0-00312-00082107-00082310 you know ultimately you know the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00313-00082311-00082442 legislature is supposed to be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00314-00082443-00082649 legislating not just on immigration but JDQD-7vKpZ0-00315-00082650-00082868 on everything else it's not clear that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00316-00082869-00083126 Congress is capable of doing that right JDQD-7vKpZ0-00317-00083127-00083575 now but that's where the more elementary JDQD-7vKpZ0-00318-00083576-00083861 long-term changes in immigration policy JDQD-7vKpZ0-00319-00083862-00084068 have to happen but the kinds of things JDQD-7vKpZ0-00320-00084069-00084299 I've pointed out here are administrative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00321-00084300-00084470 measures the president has the authority JDQD-7vKpZ0-00322-00084471-00084985 to do the kind of temporary Prudential JDQD-7vKpZ0-00323-00084986-00085316 restrictions on immigration that I I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00324-00085317-00085553 think are it's hard to argue in my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00325-00085554-00086012 opinion that they're not needed the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00326-00086013-00086306 whole reason for the lockdowns that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00327-00086307-00086471 we've been going through over the past JDQD-7vKpZ0-00328-00086472-00086807 couple of months was for us as Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-00329-00086808-00087074 to do what was needed to protect our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00330-00087075-00087344 fellow citizens especially the most JDQD-7vKpZ0-00331-00087345-00087596 vulnerable from the ravages of this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00332-00087597-00088106 virus because most of us on this on this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00333-00088107-00088271 event I mean I don't want to ask JDQD-7vKpZ0-00334-00088272-00088436 anybody's age but for the most part JDQD-7vKpZ0-00335-00088437-00088694 probably there wasn't that much chance JDQD-7vKpZ0-00336-00088695-00088928 we were gonna get sick the reason we did JDQD-7vKpZ0-00337-00088929-00089362 all of this was to protect the elderly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00338-00089363-00089714 protect the immunocompromised etc to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00339-00089715-00089972 protect our vulnerable fellow citizens JDQD-7vKpZ0-00340-00089973-00090515 as the economy reboots prudent steps JDQD-7vKpZ0-00341-00090516-00090836 related to immigration have to be follow JDQD-7vKpZ0-00342-00090837-00091226 the same tack words one minute Rahman JDQD-7vKpZ0-00343-00091227-00091480 in other words we need to do what we can JDQD-7vKpZ0-00344-00091481-00091762 to ensure that our fellow countrymen JDQD-7vKpZ0-00345-00091763-00092093 especially the most vulnerable are the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00346-00092094-00092405 first people in line to be hired or JDQD-7vKpZ0-00347-00092406-00092888 rehired as we reboot the economy thank JDQD-7vKpZ0-00348-00092889-00093311 you okay you you left about a half a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00349-00093312-00093521 minute there mark but we don't have any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00350-00093522-00093791 any purchase of transfer of time to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00351-00093792-00094091 other side so you you lost that half JDQD-7vKpZ0-00352-00094092-00094472 minute Brian a Kaplan is a professor of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00353-00094473-00094721 economics at George Mason University and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00354-00094722-00095117 author of the graphic book open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-00355-00095118-00095462 the science and ethics of immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00356-00095463-00095891 take it away Brian so I deleted JDQD-7vKpZ0-00357-00095892-00096116 immigration many times before but today JDQD-7vKpZ0-00358-00096117-00096308 there is a new and gripping argument JDQD-7vKpZ0-00359-00096309-00096542 against immigration almost anyone can JDQD-7vKpZ0-00360-00096543-00096731 see the force of it coronavirus JDQD-7vKpZ0-00361-00096732-00096980 originated in China migration product JDQD-7vKpZ0-00362-00096981-00097231 here and suddenly life is terrible JDQD-7vKpZ0-00363-00097232-00097463 dogmatic libertarians can keep droning JDQD-7vKpZ0-00364-00097464-00097679 on about Liberty but everyone else now JDQD-7vKpZ0-00365-00097680-00097883 plainly sees that strict immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00366-00097884-00098027 controls could have stopped this plague JDQD-7vKpZ0-00367-00098028-00098318 and only strict immigration controls can JDQD-7vKpZ0-00368-00098319-00098582 stop the plagues of the future this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00369-00098583-00098852 argument sounds so right what could JDQD-7vKpZ0-00370-00098853-00099032 possibly be wrong with it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00371-00099033-00099299 I'll let's start by backing up before JDQD-7vKpZ0-00372-00099300-00099500 the coronavirus did we have anything JDQD-7vKpZ0-00373-00099501-00099779 close to open borders of course not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00374-00099780-00100025 mark himself has conceded this point in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00375-00100026-00100322 Prior debates under open borders the US JDQD-7vKpZ0-00376-00100323-00100523 could easily have tens of millions of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00377-00100524-00100739 immigrants annually a conservative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00378-00100740-00100865 estimate says that our borders are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00379-00100866-00101162 normally 95 percent closed I say some JDQD-7vKpZ0-00380-00101163-00101510 more like 98 percent closed so what even JDQD-7vKpZ0-00381-00101511-00101723 with our borders 98 percent closed the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00382-00101724-00101927 virus still had no trouble spreading JDQD-7vKpZ0-00383-00101928-00102185 here on a massive scale once a few sick JDQD-7vKpZ0-00384-00102186-00102398 people enter your country it spreads far JDQD-7vKpZ0-00385-00102399-00102610 and wide the same is true all over the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00386-00102611-00102854 world the United Kingdom is an island JDQD-7vKpZ0-00387-00102855-00103084 nation but it is the second highest body JDQD-7vKpZ0-00388-00103085-00103340 count on earth so it seems like we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00389-00103341-00103499 couldn't have solved our problem with JDQD-7vKpZ0-00390-00103500-00103730 moderate further restrictions we need to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00391-00103731-00104018 virtually end immigration altogether but JDQD-7vKpZ0-00392-00104019-00104315 would that be enough no way he would JDQD-7vKpZ0-00393-00104316-00104456 also have to virtually add international JDQD-7vKpZ0-00394-00104457-00104616 tourism to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00395-00104617-00104853 note that doesn't just mean keeping JDQD-7vKpZ0-00396-00104854-00104979 foreign tourists out JDQD-7vKpZ0-00397-00104980-00105193 it also means keeping domestic tourists JDQD-7vKpZ0-00398-00105194-00105421 in or at least you have to tell your own JDQD-7vKpZ0-00399-00105422-00105675 citizens if you leave you can't come JDQD-7vKpZ0-00400-00105676-00105997 back the upshot you know cutting JDQD-7vKpZ0-00401-00105998-00106207 immigration down to Japanese levels JDQD-7vKpZ0-00402-00106208-00106431 would do very little documentation JDQD-7vKpZ0-00403-00106432-00106618 instead it looks like you would have to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00404-00106619-00106890 approach North Korea's policy of no one JDQD-7vKpZ0-00405-00106891-00107208 gets in or out alive now at this point JDQD-7vKpZ0-00406-00107209-00107470 you might be wondering well couldn't we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00407-00107471-00107673 allow tourism but simply require a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00408-00107674-00107932 strict supervised two-week quarantine JDQD-7vKpZ0-00409-00107933-00108268 for all international travelers indeed JDQD-7vKpZ0-00410-00108269-00108585 you could sadly this is so burdensome it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00411-00108586-00108687 would practically eliminate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00412-00108688-00108933 international tourism people would take JDQD-7vKpZ0-00413-00108934-00109116 one or two international trips per JDQD-7vKpZ0-00414-00109117-00109359 lifetime perhaps spending two weeks in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00415-00109360-00109638 quarantine arrival and return but that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00416-00109639-00109681 about it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00417-00109682-00109923 the benefit of tourism is too modest to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00418-00109924-00110257 offset weeks of confinement but now we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00419-00110258-00110473 reach the trillion-dollar question what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00420-00110474-00110640 would be enough to offset weeks of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00421-00110641-00110859 confinement the indubitable answer is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00422-00110860-00111148 the opportunity to permanently emigrate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00423-00111149-00111375 if you're already willing to leave your JDQD-7vKpZ0-00424-00111376-00111564 country of birth to build a new life for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00425-00111565-00111837 yourself two weeks of quarantine only JDQD-7vKpZ0-00426-00111838-00112077 modestly increases the cost even JDQD-7vKpZ0-00427-00112078-00112227 seasonal migrants would endure JDQD-7vKpZ0-00428-00112228-00112425 quarantine they might lose a month of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00429-00112426-00112672 time on a round-trip but US agricultural JDQD-7vKpZ0-00430-00112673-00112878 wages are five times as high as they are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00431-00112879-00113190 in Mexico the punchline then is that if JDQD-7vKpZ0-00432-00113191-00113361 you are mortally afraid of contagion JDQD-7vKpZ0-00433-00113362-00113565 what you need to stop is not immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00434-00113566-00113976 but tourism which is by the way the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00435-00113977-00114106 opposite of what it's like that happened JDQD-7vKpZ0-00436-00114107-00114315 because we have long been ruled by in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00437-00114316-00114684 numerous hysterical demagogues an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00438-00114685-00114849 immigration policy of open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-00439-00114850-00115086 combine the two week quarantine would in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00440-00115087-00115306 my view be an immense improvement over JDQD-7vKpZ0-00441-00115307-00115527 the status quo I say that would move the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00442-00115528-00115807 border from 98 percent closed to 95 JDQD-7vKpZ0-00443-00115808-00116037 percent open it can change and where JDQD-7vKpZ0-00444-00116038-00116277 your sole objection immigration this is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00445-00116278-00116637 the policy you should favor I know of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00446-00116638-00116862 course the people of a long list of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00447-00116863-00117159 other objections immigration indeed as JDQD-7vKpZ0-00448-00117160-00117414 far as I recall this is my first debate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00449-00117415-00117643 with mark I even mentioned contagion JDQD-7vKpZ0-00450-00117644-00117877 instead mark primarily relies on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00451-00117878-00118110 cultural objections in the past he has JDQD-7vKpZ0-00452-00118111-00118345 while downplaying immigrations economic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00453-00118346-00118756 benefits which makes me wonder has the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00454-00118757-00119010 present crisis shed any new light on our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00455-00119011-00119385 earlier disagreements the answer yes on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00456-00119386-00119736 both counts a culturally the crisis has JDQD-7vKpZ0-00457-00119738-00119926 shown that Americans have a lot to learn JDQD-7vKpZ0-00458-00119927-00120199 from other cultures our way of handling JDQD-7vKpZ0-00459-00120200-00120583 contagion has been clumsy at best maybe JDQD-7vKpZ0-00460-00120583-00120733 we should have learned from Singapore JDQD-7vKpZ0-00461-00120733-00120946 and South Korea maybe we should have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00462-00120947-00121158 learned from Iceland and Sweden when JDQD-7vKpZ0-00463-00121159-00121335 Americans definitely shouldn't do is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00464-00121336-00121551 look in the mirror and admire our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00465-00121552-00121888 wonderfully functional culture we're not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00466-00121889-00122116 the worst on earth but now is a fine JDQD-7vKpZ0-00467-00122117-00122577 time to embrace it curious cosmopolitan JDQD-7vKpZ0-00468-00122578-00122961 perspective they got lessons lesson of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00469-00122963-00123205 the crisis is truly clear-cut since JDQD-7vKpZ0-00470-00123206-00123459 mid-march the greatest economy in human JDQD-7vKpZ0-00471-00123460-00123780 history has been in shutdown or lockdown JDQD-7vKpZ0-00472-00123781-00124081 our standard of living has crashed and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00473-00124082-00124282 unemployment is near the level the Great JDQD-7vKpZ0-00474-00124283-00124642 Depression why because we have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00475-00124643-00124843 temporarily unknown the right of free JDQD-7vKpZ0-00476-00124844-00125136 migration within the United States let JDQD-7vKpZ0-00477-00125138-00125347 me repeat that our standard of living JDQD-7vKpZ0-00478-00125348-00125610 has crashed because we have temporarily JDQD-7vKpZ0-00479-00125611-00125800 annulled the right of free migration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00480-00125801-00126043 within the United States Americans are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00481-00126044-00126229 no longer able to work and shop where JDQD-7vKpZ0-00482-00126230-00126459 they like the result is not a minor JDQD-7vKpZ0-00483-00126460-00126748 inconvenience but disaster we are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00484-00126749-00126908 suddenly stuck in a post-apocalyptic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00485-00126909-00127117 movie JDQD-7vKpZ0-00486-00127118-00127399 I detest diaper believe but this my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00487-00127400-00127758 friends is no I / believe what would we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00488-00127759-00128005 think however if this economic shutdown JDQD-7vKpZ0-00489-00128006-00128223 had existed for all of living memory JDQD-7vKpZ0-00490-00128224-00128530 we'd probably be content with the only JDQD-7vKpZ0-00491-00128531-00128866 life we've ever known we only know what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00492-00128867-00129004 we're missing because until very JDQD-7vKpZ0-00493-00129005-00129379 recently we had it and we all look JDQD-7vKpZ0-00494-00129380-00129583 forward to a future where we can restore JDQD-7vKpZ0-00495-00129583-00129778 free migration within the United States JDQD-7vKpZ0-00496-00129779-00130263 and regain its immense benefits JDQD-7vKpZ0-00497-00130264-00130385 what does this have to do with JDQD-7vKpZ0-00498-00130386-00130698 immigration but to quote obi-wan Kenobi JDQD-7vKpZ0-00499-00130699-00131054 more than you can possibly imagine in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00500-00131055-00131346 normal times current immigration law JDQD-7vKpZ0-00501-00131347-00131520 keeps the whole world on permanent JDQD-7vKpZ0-00502-00131521-00131853 lockdown while people can usually move JDQD-7vKpZ0-00503-00131854-00132030 freely within the countries of the birth JDQD-7vKpZ0-00504-00132031-00132249 of their birth government strictly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00505-00132250-00132516 regulate international mobility this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00506-00132517-00132759 regulation preps billions of people in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00507-00132760-00132987 unproductive backwaters of the global JDQD-7vKpZ0-00508-00132988-00133245 economy current policies don't just JDQD-7vKpZ0-00509-00133246-00133527 needlessly impoverish all the would-be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00510-00133528-00133683 immigrants eager to build better lives JDQD-7vKpZ0-00511-00133684-00133998 for themselves they also impoverished JDQD-7vKpZ0-00512-00133999-00134310 their billions of customers the secrets JDQD-7vKpZ0-00513-00134311-00134586 of mass consumption is mass production JDQD-7vKpZ0-00514-00134587-00134835 this is the most fundamental lesson of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00515-00134836-00135042 economics when you shut down the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00516-00135043-00135339 restaurant industry as we have you don't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00517-00135340-00135594 just hurt waiters and dine and chefs you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00518-00135595-00135780 hurt diners when you shut down JDQD-7vKpZ0-00519-00135781-00135921 immigration you don't just her JDQD-7vKpZ0-00520-00135922-00136164 immigrants you hurt all the natives who JDQD-7vKpZ0-00521-00136165-00136311 would have purchased the fruits of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00522-00136312-00136683 immigrant labor is the harm of ongoing JDQD-7vKpZ0-00523-00136684-00136881 immigration restriction really JDQD-7vKpZ0-00524-00136882-00137019 comparable to the harm of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00525-00137020-00137367 coronavirus lockdown definitely the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00526-00137368-00137625 highest estimates of the fall and US GDP JDQD-7vKpZ0-00527-00137626-00137913 are about 30% and that combines the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00528-00137914-00138102 effects of the virus and the policy JDQD-7vKpZ0-00529-00138103-00138384 response estimates of the total damage JDQD-7vKpZ0-00530-00138385-00138594 of immigration restrictions in contrast JDQD-7vKpZ0-00531-00138595-00138992 are typically around 50% of global GDP JDQD-7vKpZ0-00532-00138993-00139215 in both cases JDQD-7vKpZ0-00533-00139216-00139461 trakone Ian's restrictions on freedom of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00534-00139462-00139941 movement strangle production even the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00535-00139942-00140127 most ardent fans of the coronavirus JDQD-7vKpZ0-00536-00140128-00140376 lockdown do not deny how much the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00537-00140377-00140532 policies have depressed our standard of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00538-00140533-00140874 living and our quality of life even the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00539-00140875-00141162 fans of immigration in contrast rarely JDQD-7vKpZ0-00540-00141163-00141354 realize how much the immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00541-00141355-00141717 lockdown deprives humanity year after JDQD-7vKpZ0-00542-00141718-00141782 year JDQD-7vKpZ0-00543-00141783-00142059 how come almost everyone sees the former JDQD-7vKpZ0-00544-00142060-00142353 cost the coronavirus lock down cost yet JDQD-7vKpZ0-00545-00142354-00142569 almost no one sees the latter the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00546-00142570-00142786 immigration lock down cost JDQD-7vKpZ0-00547-00142787-00142978 because it's much easier for human JDQD-7vKpZ0-00548-00142979-00143269 beings to miss wonderful things they JDQD-7vKpZ0-00549-00143270-00143479 used to have than it is to miss JDQD-7vKpZ0-00550-00143480-00143650 wonderful things they've yet to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00551-00143651-00143761 experience JDQD-7vKpZ0-00552-00143762-00144007 can we really compare the coronavirus JDQD-7vKpZ0-00553-00144008-00144190 lockdown to the ongoing immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00554-00144191-00144556 lockdown we can and we should the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00555-00144557-00144745 coronavirus lockdown is only temporary JDQD-7vKpZ0-00556-00144746-00145090 and delivers a semi plausible benefit JDQD-7vKpZ0-00557-00145091-00145404 I'm against this lockdown but maybe I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-00558-00145405-00145693 wrong the ongoing immigration lockdown JDQD-7vKpZ0-00559-00145694-00145879 in contrast has gone on for about a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00560-00145880-00146166 century and delivers benefits so dubious JDQD-7vKpZ0-00561-00146167-00146446 even their fans struggled to articulate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00562-00146447-00146662 or quantify them and when we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00563-00146663-00146956 sympathetically examine economic fiscal JDQD-7vKpZ0-00564-00146957-00147115 cultural and political objections JDQD-7vKpZ0-00565-00147116-00147349 immigration they turn out to be either JDQD-7vKpZ0-00566-00147350-00147670 flat wrong or greatly overstated if you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00567-00147671-00147958 want details try my new open borders the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00568-00147959-00148179 science and ethics of immigration but JDQD-7vKpZ0-00569-00148180-00148537 here's the quick version one economic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00570-00148538-00148762 image xions immigration are totally JDQD-7vKpZ0-00571-00148763-00149074 wrong headed to repeat the secret of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00572-00149075-00149366 mass consumption is mass production and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00573-00149367-00149599 immigration restrictions strangle JDQD-7vKpZ0-00574-00149600-00149848 production by trapping human talent in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00575-00149849-00150091 low creativity countries a Mexican JDQD-7vKpZ0-00576-00150092-00150310 farmer grows far more food here that he JDQD-7vKpZ0-00577-00150311-00150595 can grow back in Mexico not convinced JDQD-7vKpZ0-00578-00150596-00150861 how productive would you be in Mexico JDQD-7vKpZ0-00579-00150862-00151099 now Marc is this argument that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00580-00151100-00151249 unemployment is really high and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00581-00151250-00151381 therefore we need to keep immigrants out JDQD-7vKpZ0-00582-00151382-00151618 this is a standard response during JDQD-7vKpZ0-00583-00151619-00151843 almost every to every economic downturn JDQD-7vKpZ0-00584-00151844-00152029 it was the standard response during the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00585-00152030-00152191 Great Depression you may have heard JDQD-7vKpZ0-00586-00152192-00152410 about farmers being paid to destroy food JDQD-7vKpZ0-00587-00152411-00152509 during the Great Depression the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00588-00152510-00152746 slaughter pigs that are fed to no one to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00589-00152747-00153001 tear up so to Europe feels the food to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00590-00153002-00153216 not be delivered to consumers and you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00591-00153217-00153343 may have wondered what was the point of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00592-00153344-00153544 all this the point of all this is to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00593-00153545-00153793 save jobs during a time when collect JDQD-7vKpZ0-00594-00153794-00154057 production has collapsed so this is the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00595-00154058-00154288 wrong way of looking at any economy JDQD-7vKpZ0-00596-00154289-00154513 you've got to focus on production what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00597-00154514-00154716 they were doing there was just reducing JDQD-7vKpZ0-00598-00154717-00154957 the production of any kind during a time JDQD-7vKpZ0-00599-00154958-00155143 when people are going hungry when the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00600-00155144-00155335 situations desperate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00601-00155336-00155584 when things are doing very badly you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00602-00155585-00155722 still need to remember the fundamental JDQD-7vKpZ0-00603-00155723-00156019 principle namely get production back up JDQD-7vKpZ0-00604-00156020-00156241 I'm going to talk about this more when JDQD-7vKpZ0-00605-00156242-00156502 my rebuttal but Mark's reaction is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00606-00156503-00156664 indeed the normal one during any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00607-00156665-00156895 economic downturn is to say well right JDQD-7vKpZ0-00608-00156896-00157006 now we've got a lot of unemployment JDQD-7vKpZ0-00609-00157007-00157168 let's try to figure out a way to keep JDQD-7vKpZ0-00610-00157169-00157495 production down five minutes and that is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00611-00157496-00157726 not the right way of looking at it right JDQD-7vKpZ0-00612-00157727-00157906 that is a way which has a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00613-00157907-00158137 superficial appeal when you really step JDQD-7vKpZ0-00614-00158138-00158410 back you see this is madness this is the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00615-00158411-00158632 act of short-sighted people who forget JDQD-7vKpZ0-00616-00158633-00158865 the whole point of economy is to create JDQD-7vKpZ0-00617-00158866-00159253 wealth back to fiscal objections to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00618-00159254-00159478 immigration are flimsy despite the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00619-00159479-00159664 existence of the welfare state which JDQD-7vKpZ0-00620-00159665-00159832 libertarians always bring up in these JDQD-7vKpZ0-00621-00159833-00160114 situations boring a political number JDQD-7vKpZ0-00622-00160115-00160315 crunchers conclude that even low-skilled JDQD-7vKpZ0-00623-00160316-00160578 immigrants are a net fiscal positive for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00624-00160579-00160762 natives as long as they arrive when JDQD-7vKpZ0-00625-00160763-00160927 they're young but you don't have to take JDQD-7vKpZ0-00626-00160928-00161134 my word for it if you'd like looking at JDQD-7vKpZ0-00627-00161135-00161488 numbers try Chapter 7 of the 2017 report JDQD-7vKpZ0-00628-00161489-00161691 from the National Academy of Sciences if JDQD-7vKpZ0-00629-00161692-00161908 you're reading this you can get the link JDQD-7vKpZ0-00630-00161909-00162003 and go right to it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00631-00162004-00162295 three cultural objections to immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00632-00162296-00162511 are weak insofar as we can even measure JDQD-7vKpZ0-00633-00162512-00162748 them almost all second-generation JDQD-7vKpZ0-00634-00162749-00162885 immigrants speak fluent English JDQD-7vKpZ0-00635-00162886-00163087 immigrants crime rates are lower than JDQD-7vKpZ0-00636-00163088-00163318 natives an advanced this will work on JDQD-7vKpZ0-00637-00163319-00163522 the effects of nations ancestry and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00638-00163523-00163831 average IQ still imply massive gains of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00639-00163832-00164131 immigration in a previous debate i asked JDQD-7vKpZ0-00640-00164132-00164328 marco korean why he chooses to live in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00641-00164329-00164545 the capital area one of the highest JDQD-7vKpZ0-00642-00164546-00164836 immigration regions of america I kind of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00643-00164837-00165010 expected mark to say something like it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00644-00165011-00165331 hell but I'm sacrificing my well-being JDQD-7vKpZ0-00645-00165332-00165502 for the rest of America doesn't have to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00646-00165503-00165745 endure the same fate but if I recall JDQD-7vKpZ0-00647-00165746-00165988 correctly merger shrugged it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00648-00165989-00166300 complicated I suppose it is complicated JDQD-7vKpZ0-00649-00166301-00166519 but I can't understand why you would JDQD-7vKpZ0-00650-00166520-00166660 lead a political crusade against JDQD-7vKpZ0-00651-00166661-00166878 anything complicated when the world is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00652-00166879-00167134 still packed with stuff that's blatantly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00653-00167135-00167526 bad for political objections finally JDQD-7vKpZ0-00654-00167527-00167829 look minor at best in the US the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00655-00167830-00168054 foreign-born are unfortunately more JDQD-7vKpZ0-00656-00168055-00168169 economically more socially conservative JDQD-7vKpZ0-00657-00168170-00168415 and economically liberal but there was JDQD-7vKpZ0-00658-00168416-00168530 this modest JDQD-7vKpZ0-00659-00168531-00168674 even immigrants to eligible vote have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00660-00168675-00168851 low turnout and they're similar JDQD-7vKpZ0-00661-00168852-00169052 descendants assimilate to mainstream JDQD-7vKpZ0-00662-00169053-00169352 American culture it's not a big deal and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00663-00169353-00169511 even if you disagree why not welcome JDQD-7vKpZ0-00664-00169512-00169664 immigrants to live and work but not fit JDQD-7vKpZ0-00665-00169665-00169919 I know there's a lot of information a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00666-00169920-00170144 short space I'm happy to expand on any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00667-00170145-00170360 of these topics in the Q&A but I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00668-00170361-00170636 predictably stand by the inclusion of my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00669-00170637-00170828 book immigration restriction is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00670-00170829-00171011 solution in search of a problem JDQD-7vKpZ0-00671-00171012-00171197 people don't really know why they wanna JDQD-7vKpZ0-00672-00171198-00171404 restrict immigration they just know what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00673-00171405-00171623 they do which of course is why mark is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00674-00171624-00171791 arguing for immigration restriction now JDQD-7vKpZ0-00675-00171792-00171992 that unemployment is high you'll know he JDQD-7vKpZ0-00676-00171993-00172181 was not doing so back not saying the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00677-00172182-00172423 opposite was low he is a broken record JDQD-7vKpZ0-00678-00172424-00172625 even at my book is thoroughly wrong JDQD-7vKpZ0-00679-00172626-00172823 though the current crisis provides no JDQD-7vKpZ0-00680-00172824-00173006 bonus argument in favor of numeration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00681-00173007-00173372 restriction tourism including American JDQD-7vKpZ0-00682-00173373-00173648 travel abroad may be a problem but we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00683-00173649-00173867 can safely met all willing immigrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-00684-00173868-00174149 with a suitable quarantine and such a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00685-00174150-00174311 quarantine would do little to discourage JDQD-7vKpZ0-00686-00174312-00174530 immigration because the gains are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00687-00174531-00174697 astronomical JDQD-7vKpZ0-00688-00174698-00175118 last point if you fear a world or JDQD-7vKpZ0-00689-00175119-00175343 American citizens in the name of disease JDQD-7vKpZ0-00690-00175344-00175631 prevention lose their basic freedom to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00691-00175632-00176009 travel abroad I share your fear but when JDQD-7vKpZ0-00692-00176010-00176117 you cherish this freedom JDQD-7vKpZ0-00693-00176118-00176399 please remember the vast majority of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00694-00176400-00176579 world's population has lacked this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00695-00176580-00176876 freedom for about a century even the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00696-00176877-00177035 world's poorest people can scrape JDQD-7vKpZ0-00697-00177036-00177344 together the money to get here what most JDQD-7vKpZ0-00698-00177345-00177533 will never get is the government JDQD-7vKpZ0-00699-00177534-00177935 paperwork that allows them to live and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00700-00177936-00178286 work in peace our shutdown will end in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00701-00178287-00178499 the foreseeable future the world JDQD-7vKpZ0-00702-00178500-00178772 shutdown will endure until we see it for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00703-00178773-00179155 the needless cruelty it is thank you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00704-00179156-00179450 okay well are you will you gave up a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00705-00179451-00179651 minute and 20 seconds so there you go JDQD-7vKpZ0-00706-00179652-00179866 you you kid mark went better Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-00707-00179867-00180197 mark you have five minutes for a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00708-00180198-00180352 rebuttal JDQD-7vKpZ0-00709-00180353-00180797 take it away mark well let me start by JDQD-7vKpZ0-00710-00180798-00180983 pointing out to some degree we're kind JDQD-7vKpZ0-00711-00180984-00181169 of talking past each other at least JDQD-7vKpZ0-00712-00181170-00181394 initially because I'm not really making JDQD-7vKpZ0-00713-00181395-00181565 an argument with regard to pandemic I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00714-00181566-00181836 think Brian is right that I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-00715-00181837-00181989 actually would go further than Brian I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00716-00181990-00182327 don't think there's any practical way to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00717-00182328-00182633 genuinely hermetically seal against JDQD-7vKpZ0-00718-00182634-00182844 viruses like this this is going to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00719-00182845-00183087 happen again and again and again JDQD-7vKpZ0-00720-00183088-00183285 hopefully we'll be better prepared this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00721-00183286-00183597 time it was different in the old days it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00722-00183598-00183783 reminded me his comments reminded me of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00723-00183784-00184182 the the speech from Richard ii the the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00724-00184183-00184374 one this england where he says this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00725-00184375-00184578 fortress built by nature for herself JDQD-7vKpZ0-00726-00184579-00184788 against infection in the hand of war JDQD-7vKpZ0-00727-00184789-00185004 because england was an island and it did JDQD-7vKpZ0-00728-00185005-00185307 although even then england suffered from JDQD-7vKpZ0-00729-00185308-00185666 the bubonic plague quite significantly JDQD-7vKpZ0-00730-00185667-00186036 as did europe but i think be you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-00731-00186037-00186254 the basic take away here from brian's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00732-00186255-00186557 comments is that even in today's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00733-00186558-00186941 conditions we should have unlimited JDQD-7vKpZ0-00734-00186942-00187383 immigration in other words the 14 day JDQD-7vKpZ0-00735-00187384-00187593 quarantine thing is something he's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00736-00187594-00187824 willing to concede that's nice but it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00737-00187825-00188104 still unlimited immigration in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00738-00188105-00188295 conditions where we have great JDQD-7vKpZ0-00739-00188296-00188544 depression levels of unemployment if you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00740-00188545-00188727 don't like trump or if you do like drop JDQD-7vKpZ0-00741-00188728-00188856 you're gonna get a lot more of that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00742-00188857-00189024 you're gonna wish you had Trump and York JDQD-7vKpZ0-00743-00189025-00189258 Times well have strange new respect for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00744-00189259-00189477 Trump given whatever the political JDQD-7vKpZ0-00745-00189478-00189803 consequences would be after we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00746-00189804-00190056 instituted a situation of open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-00747-00190057-00190278 under today's conditions so if for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00748-00190279-00190376 nothing else JDQD-7vKpZ0-00749-00190377-00190740 political prudence suggests responding JDQD-7vKpZ0-00750-00190741-00190956 to the concerns of the public but my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00751-00190957-00191421 point is that the immediate emergency we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00752-00191422-00191895 face does in fact call for limits on the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00753-00191896-00192096 number of new people allowed to come and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00754-00192097-00192327 move and work in the United States you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00755-00192328-00192609 know it's not entirely caused by the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00756-00192610-00192861 state Brian's point that the lockdown is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00757-00192862-00192996 something the government did the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00758-00192997-00193113 government partly did it but the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00759-00193114-00193403 government was a lagging indicator JDQD-7vKpZ0-00760-00193404-00193665 people already stopped going to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00761-00193666-00193872 restaurants and movies and what-have-you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00762-00193873-00194111 because of fear of the virus that's why JDQD-7vKpZ0-00763-00194112-00194565 regardless of what governors do as far JDQD-7vKpZ0-00764-00194566-00194819 as we allowing businesses to reopen JDQD-7vKpZ0-00765-00194820-00195063 people aren't this is not gonna just JDQD-7vKpZ0-00766-00195064-00195234 bounce right back JDQD-7vKpZ0-00767-00195235-00195527 this happened for organic reasons not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00768-00195528-00195959 simply the decree of the state but JDQD-7vKpZ0-00769-00195960-00196412 Brian's basic point is that everyone in JDQD-7vKpZ0-00770-00196413-00196536 the world should have the right to move JDQD-7vKpZ0-00771-00196537-00196688 here I mean this is what it boils down JDQD-7vKpZ0-00772-00196689-00196865 to this is always what the debate JDQD-7vKpZ0-00773-00196866-00197162 between libertarians and immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-00774-00197163-00197598 restriction astound is two different JDQD-7vKpZ0-00775-00197599-00197673 points of view JDQD-7vKpZ0-00776-00197674-00197970 Brian believes that everyone in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00777-00197971-00198191 world has the right to move here with JDQD-7vKpZ0-00778-00198192-00198500 certain conditions we might impose in a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00779-00198501-00198807 very limited way my perspective and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00780-00198808-00199074 frankly honestly on anyone you've asked JDQD-7vKpZ0-00781-00199075-00199325 on the street is that no one has the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00782-00199326-00199637 right to move here except under JDQD-7vKpZ0-00783-00199638-00199895 conditions that we set now JDQD-7vKpZ0-00784-00199896-00200223 Brian's scenario could lead to low JDQD-7vKpZ0-00785-00200224-00200402 immigration you could say everyone is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00786-00200403-00200559 right to move here but you have so many JDQD-7vKpZ0-00787-00200560-00200714 conditions and exceptions that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00788-00200715-00200876 numbers aren't that high doesn't work JDQD-7vKpZ0-00789-00200877-00201108 that way of course the reverse is also JDQD-7vKpZ0-00790-00201109-00201297 true you could say that no one has a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00791-00201298-00201464 right to move here is a privilege that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00792-00201465-00201669 the self-governing American people JDQD-7vKpZ0-00793-00201670-00201810 through their elected representatives JDQD-7vKpZ0-00794-00201811-00202202 confer on you as a non-member but still JDQD-7vKpZ0-00795-00202203-00202415 have extremely high levels of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00796-00202416-00202698 immigration like we did until this virus JDQD-7vKpZ0-00797-00202699-00203043 and like a lot of people in both parties JDQD-7vKpZ0-00798-00203044-00203259 actually want to the gang of eight bill JDQD-7vKpZ0-00799-00203260-00203498 you may recall double would have doubled JDQD-7vKpZ0-00800-00203499-00203699 immigration and doubled guest worker JDQD-7vKpZ0-00801-00203700-00204099 admissions but the but the principle the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00802-00204100-00204461 basic principle is everyone gets to come JDQD-7vKpZ0-00803-00204462-00204669 in others the American people have no JDQD-7vKpZ0-00804-00204670-00204996 right there for one minute by minute guy JDQD-7vKpZ0-00805-00204996-00205248 right that's the distinction do the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00806-00205248-00205394 America that's the question do the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00807-00205396-00205709 American people have the right to decide JDQD-7vKpZ0-00808-00205710-00205973 how many people move into their country JDQD-7vKpZ0-00809-00205975-00206226 or not that's I mean to get right down JDQD-7vKpZ0-00810-00206227-00206342 to it that's what we're talking about JDQD-7vKpZ0-00811-00206344-00206652 brian says no that the American people JDQD-7vKpZ0-00812-00206653-00206864 through their democratic processes JDQD-7vKpZ0-00813-00206865-00207027 through their elected representatives JDQD-7vKpZ0-00814-00207028-00207398 are not allowed to decide how many JDQD-7vKpZ0-00815-00207400-00207627 people get to move here and my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00816-00207628-00207959 contention is I embrace democratic JDQD-7vKpZ0-00817-00207960-00208227 self-governance the American people have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00818-00208228-00208391 a right of self-determination and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00819-00208392-00208571 through their JDQD-7vKpZ0-00820-00208573-00208755 democratic process have the right to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00821-00208756-00209019 decide who gets to move here how many JDQD-7vKpZ0-00822-00209019-00209237 people and what the conditions are now JDQD-7vKpZ0-00823-00209238-00209475 we can debate what those numbers should JDQD-7vKpZ0-00824-00209476-00209694 be what the condition should be who JDQD-7vKpZ0-00825-00209694-00209889 should be pushing and how we enforce the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00826-00209890-00210192 law but the bedrock principle from my JDQD-7vKpZ0-00827-00210192-00210398 perspective has to be the American JDQD-7vKpZ0-00828-00210400-00210513 people have a right to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00829-00210514-00210813 self-determination and Brian denies that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00830-00210814-00211332 right thank you mock Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-00831-00211333-00211737 five minute rebuttal I thank you very JDQD-7vKpZ0-00832-00211738-00212202 much so I am very sorry how come I'm not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00833-00212203-00212394 appearing on the screen let's don't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00834-00212394-00212517 worry don't worry don't worry don't JDQD-7vKpZ0-00835-00212517-00212934 worry okay so I am extremely gratified JDQD-7vKpZ0-00836-00212935-00213114 that mark is not making the argument JDQD-7vKpZ0-00837-00213115-00213315 that almost every man on the street JDQD-7vKpZ0-00838-00213316-00213525 would make which is that the reason why JDQD-7vKpZ0-00839-00213526-00213746 we have this horrible problem is that we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00840-00213748-00213903 were too easy on letting a bunch of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00841-00213904-00214032 foreigners in and they came and spread a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00842-00214033-00214209 bunch of disease and got a sick and the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00843-00214210-00214407 thing to do is to first of all recognize JDQD-7vKpZ0-00844-00214408-00214602 the problem was that we left them in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00845-00214603-00214782 first place and second I'll keep the mat JDQD-7vKpZ0-00846-00214783-00214980 in the future you'll mark whether like JDQD-7vKpZ0-00847-00214981-00215151 I'm delighted actually the mark is not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00848-00215152-00215334 making this argument my whole picture JDQD-7vKpZ0-00849-00215335-00215598 was that mark would be saying this this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00850-00215598-00215767 thing which is very popular right now JDQD-7vKpZ0-00851-00215769-00216066 also I congratulate mark for not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00852-00216067-00216267 agreeing with the man on the street this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00853-00216267-00216494 time but the man on the street in middle JDQD-7vKpZ0-00854-00216496-00216648 east view makes very little sense of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00855-00216648-00216771 course it's the one that politicians are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00856-00216771-00217023 pandering to so I mean I'm glad that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00857-00217023-00217182 mark is willing to say that it does not JDQD-7vKpZ0-00858-00217183-00217350 make sense to say we're going to keep JDQD-7vKpZ0-00859-00217351-00217509 out immigration the immigrants because JDQD-7vKpZ0-00860-00217510-00217746 they will spread disease if we just had JDQD-7vKpZ0-00861-00217746-00217875 a more restrictive policy we'd be having JDQD-7vKpZ0-00862-00217876-00218123 less disease so anyway that's great that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00863-00218125-00218234 mark doesn't say that because that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00864-00218235-00218412 argument is wrong and doesn't make a lot JDQD-7vKpZ0-00865-00218413-00218688 of sense I hope that mark makes an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00866-00218689-00218885 effort to tell his supporters that this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00867-00218886-00219167 argument is incorrect because they're JDQD-7vKpZ0-00868-00219169-00219321 not gonna believe it if I say it but if JDQD-7vKpZ0-00869-00219321-00219471 mark tells them I think they will JDQD-7vKpZ0-00870-00219471-00219684 actually believe him and so you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-00871-00219685-00219852 like often I will say that if there is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00872-00219853-00220080 an argument that I don't that it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00873-00220081-00220269 supports my view that I think is wrong I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00874-00220269-00220452 go when I tell my friends stop making JDQD-7vKpZ0-00875-00220453-00220581 the argument the arguments wrong we have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00876-00220582-00220851 to fix the argument truth first and I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00877-00220852-00221009 would be very happy if Mark would go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00878-00221010-00221148 do the same and spread the word among JDQD-7vKpZ0-00879-00221148-00221358 opponents of immigration that the fear JDQD-7vKpZ0-00880-00221359-00221510 of contagion is not a good reason to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00881-00221511-00221867 stop now to focus on Mark's argument JDQD-7vKpZ0-00882-00221869-00221960 let's just go back JDQD-7vKpZ0-00883-00221961-00222209 as I said during every major recession JDQD-7vKpZ0-00884-00222210-00222467 or depression there are voices like mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-00885-00222469-00222623 saying we've got to figure out a way to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00886-00222624-00222974 protect jobs right and the logic of this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00887-00222975-00223106 does go down to the Great Depression JDQD-7vKpZ0-00888-00223107-00223328 route of trying to restrict production JDQD-7vKpZ0-00889-00223329-00223556 in the hopes that if say you go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00890-00223557-00223682 destroy a whole lot of foreign JDQD-7vKpZ0-00891-00223683-00223832 production this will make more jobs for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00892-00223833-00224069 farmers in the hopes that if you go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00893-00224071-00224282 say we're going to keep out foreign JDQD-7vKpZ0-00894-00224283-00224412 imports that this is going to create JDQD-7vKpZ0-00895-00224413-00224562 jobs for people and import competing JDQD-7vKpZ0-00896-00224563-00224873 industries and so on these policies have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00897-00224874-00225134 a very bad track record right and again JDQD-7vKpZ0-00898-00225135-00225294 it's not so surprising why because JDQD-7vKpZ0-00899-00225294-00225666 Mark's problem is that he's not focusing JDQD-7vKpZ0-00900-00225667-00225854 at all in production when mark says the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00901-00225855-00226048 fundamental disagreement between JDQD-7vKpZ0-00902-00226049-00226430 restriction Asst and advocates of open JDQD-7vKpZ0-00903-00226431-00226898 borders is this concern for the nation I JDQD-7vKpZ0-00904-00226899-00227042 say it's actually comes down to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00905-00227044-00227169 basic economics when you look at an JDQD-7vKpZ0-00906-00227169-00227342 economy do you look at it as a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00907-00227344-00227558 redistributed system of giving people a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00908-00227559-00227766 job or do you look at as a system for JDQD-7vKpZ0-00909-00227767-00227932 production for a mission world JDQD-7vKpZ0-00910-00227933-00228155 libertarian view is it's there to enrich JDQD-7vKpZ0-00911-00228156-00228302 the world and once you take that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00912-00228303-00228533 perspective taking a look at recession JDQD-7vKpZ0-00913-00228534-00228749 saying what can we do in order to go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00914-00228750-00228959 protect people's jobs it's just the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00915-00228960-00229094 wrong way of looking at it's like what JDQD-7vKpZ0-00916-00229096-00229379 can we do to get production back up all JDQD-7vKpZ0-00917-00229380-00229544 right now Mark was going over a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00918-00229546-00229764 different arcane integration categories JDQD-7vKpZ0-00919-00229765-00229982 in the case of agriculture it really is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00920-00229983-00230120 a problem right now that a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00921-00230121-00230273 American crops are not likely to be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00922-00230274-00230507 picked because apparently even according JDQD-7vKpZ0-00923-00230508-00230667 to mark for no good reason we are JDQD-7vKpZ0-00924-00230667-00230978 keeping out seasonal workers on now any JDQD-7vKpZ0-00925-00230979-00231272 long ago debate mark disagreed with and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00926-00231273-00231438 I second in his disagreement with the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00927-00231439-00231617 argument of the jobs that Americans will JDQD-7vKpZ0-00928-00231619-00231851 not do mark very correctly said we'll JDQD-7vKpZ0-00929-00231852-00231995 make the wages high enough and Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-00930-00231996-00232202 will do them I said but there is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00931-00232203-00232362 correct and improved version of this JDQD-7vKpZ0-00932-00232363-00232634 argument and this is jobs that won't be JDQD-7vKpZ0-00933-00232635-00232808 done at all if only Americans can do JDQD-7vKpZ0-00934-00232809-00232928 them there are a lot of crops that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00935-00232929-00233091 simply will not be picked if you have to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00936-00233092-00233324 pay Americans wages and so that is food JDQD-7vKpZ0-00937-00233325-00233420 that will not be ending up in our JDQD-7vKpZ0-00938-00233421-00233579 grocery stores at a time where as you JDQD-7vKpZ0-00939-00233580-00233766 may have noticed a lot of shelves were JDQD-7vKpZ0-00940-00233767-00233913 empty with a lot of products that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00941-00233914-00234162 ordinarily would have been there let's JDQD-7vKpZ0-00942-00234163-00234320 see and of course the same goes for many JDQD-7vKpZ0-00943-00234321-00234462 of the industries that Mark is picking JDQD-7vKpZ0-00944-00234463-00234860 on so Disney right Disney is really JDQD-7vKpZ0-00945-00234861-00235028 suffering they've lost nearly so they're JDQD-7vKpZ0-00946-00235029-00235191 there they're down about a billion JDQD-7vKpZ0-00947-00235192-00235294 dollars JDQD-7vKpZ0-00948-00235294-00235432 right at this point to be kicking them JDQD-7vKpZ0-00949-00235433-00235573 by going and saying we've got to go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00950-00235573-00235723 disrupt the whole business model to make JDQD-7vKpZ0-00951-00235723-00235921 them create jobs for Americans one man JDQD-7vKpZ0-00952-00235921-00236125 putteth at a time when there is minimal JDQD-7vKpZ0-00953-00236126-00236392 tourism anyway again you miss writers JDQD-7vKpZ0-00954-00236392-00236539 think you even mark should be worried JDQD-7vKpZ0-00955-00236540-00236704 about the possibility that you wind up JDQD-7vKpZ0-00956-00236705-00236878 giving putting one last kick into the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00957-00236879-00237055 head of business and so rather than JDQD-7vKpZ0-00958-00237056-00237250 creating jobs by saying they have to JDQD-7vKpZ0-00959-00237251-00237423 hire Americans you just wind up sending JDQD-7vKpZ0-00960-00237425-00237666 the businesses into the garbage can JDQD-7vKpZ0-00961-00237667-00237894 again there are a lot of retailers as JDQD-7vKpZ0-00962-00237896-00238033 well that seem like they may just JDQD-7vKpZ0-00963-00238034-00238171 forgive all clothes rather rather than JDQD-7vKpZ0-00964-00238171-00239173 ever open oh let's see so oh yes let me JDQD-7vKpZ0-00965-00239173-00239394 just make one last point I noticed that JDQD-7vKpZ0-00966-00239396-00239533 mark did not say anything about letting JDQD-7vKpZ0-00967-00239534-00239755 in more health care workers this is JDQD-7vKpZ0-00968-00239756-00239932 really important to do right now it JDQD-7vKpZ0-00969-00239933-00240064 would be really great to let in more JDQD-7vKpZ0-00970-00240065-00240175 health care workers in to the United JDQD-7vKpZ0-00971-00240176-00240436 States but by this laundry table well we JDQD-7vKpZ0-00972-00240437-00240592 got to go and create jobs for people and JDQD-7vKpZ0-00973-00240592-00240742 protect them rather than thinking of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00974-00240742-00240958 point of a job is to provide a useful JDQD-7vKpZ0-00975-00240959-00241165 service we probably are going to keep JDQD-7vKpZ0-00976-00241166-00241421 them out a shame JDQD-7vKpZ0-00977-00241423-00241965 okay well that concludes the the first JDQD-7vKpZ0-00978-00241966-00242359 part of the evening and we now go to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00979-00242360-00242569 Q&A we've had a number of interesting JDQD-7vKpZ0-00980-00242569-00242962 questions coming in let me just exercise JDQD-7vKpZ0-00981-00242963-00243307 moderators prerogative to remind Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-00982-00243308-00243598 and certainly my NIC and then inform JDQD-7vKpZ0-00983-00243598-00243880 mark that there are a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00984-00243881-00244201 libertarians who who disagree with Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-00985-00244202-00244398 and that in fact there's a fair amount JDQD-7vKpZ0-00986-00244400-00244765 of divisive opinion among libertarians JDQD-7vKpZ0-00987-00244766-00245046 with respect to the immigration question JDQD-7vKpZ0-00988-00245046-00245509 but that aside which is not so important JDQD-7vKpZ0-00989-00245510-00245884 I first want to ask Brian and ask mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-00990-00245885-00246211 do you want to put a question to mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-00991-00246212-00246433 Brian marked you one could put a JDQD-7vKpZ0-00992-00246434-00246676 question to Brian or do you want to wait JDQD-7vKpZ0-00993-00246677-00246862 for the audience questions either one of JDQD-7vKpZ0-00994-00246863-00247183 you I'm mark Brian let's have the JDQD-7vKpZ0-00995-00247184-00247429 audience give their questions I mean JDQD-7vKpZ0-00996-00247430-00247615 that's more important Brian and I have JDQD-7vKpZ0-00997-00247616-00247792 done this a lot we've we know each JDQD-7vKpZ0-00998-00247792-00248011 other's answers and questions well which JDQD-7vKpZ0-00999-00248012-00248191 of course of course you want it there JDQD-7vKpZ0-01000-00248192-00248407 are people you guys are just not that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01001-00248408-00248650 popular mark a lot of people out there JDQD-7vKpZ0-01002-00248651-00248914 who haven't heard this this act that you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01003-00248915-00249133 guys have taken on the road so you could JDQD-7vKpZ0-01004-00249134-00249321 ask questions Brian do you want a smart JDQD-7vKpZ0-01005-00249323-00249487 question or do you want it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01006-00249488-00249631 absolutely because I don't know what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01007-00249632-00249841 mark is gonna say about this okay okay JDQD-7vKpZ0-01008-00249842-00250075 okay mark so should we reopen the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01009-00250076-00250359 borders to Taurus right now today JDQD-7vKpZ0-01010-00250360-00250894 gradually slowly I mean you said no this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01011-00250894-00251014 is this is the point you were making JDQD-7vKpZ0-01012-00251015-00251233 about the you know you were glad I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01013-00251234-00251365 wasn't making the argument that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01014-00251366-00251569 immigrants are diseased or whatever it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01015-00251569-00251806 is I'm not actually sure who's made that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01016-00251807-00252112 argument that I mean clearly flights JDQD-7vKpZ0-01017-00252113-00252412 continued from Wuhan to the west coast JDQD-7vKpZ0-01018-00252413-00252781 even after the chai calms knew if the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01019-00252782-00252937 virus could be transferred from one JDQD-7vKpZ0-01020-00252938-00253156 person to the next so that was actually JDQD-7vKpZ0-01021-00253157-00253321 outrageous and should not have been JDQD-7vKpZ0-01022-00253321-00253582 allowed so controls on travel controls JDQD-7vKpZ0-01023-00253583-00253807 on tourism I think are appropriate as a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01024-00253808-00254116 Prudential short-term measure it doesn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01025-00254117-00254326 shape immigration what if let whatever's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01026-00254327-00254544 in the out and what's that what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01027-00254546-00254719 difference does it make now JDQD-7vKpZ0-01028-00254721-00254905 right here so why not reopen and let JDQD-7vKpZ0-01029-00254906-00255098 your respect you I mean I'm okay for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01030-00255098-00255353 reopening but I'm early opening in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01031-00255354-00255677 general in a graduated prudent cautious JDQD-7vKpZ0-01032-00255678-00255859 way the airline's first of all it has to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01033-00255860-00256016 be somebody who wants to come the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01034-00256017-00256187 airlines have to take you know various JDQD-7vKpZ0-01035-00256188-00256357 security steps that sort of thing but JDQD-7vKpZ0-01036-00256358-00256517 I'm I'm okay with that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01037-00256517-00256712 again if it's done in a deliberate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01038-00256713-00257027 prudent planned out fashion not just JDQD-7vKpZ0-01039-00257028-00257254 okay you know everything's back to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01040-00257255-00257426 normal which is not the way we're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01041-00257427-00257791 opening any other businesses either a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01042-00257792-00258082 mark you want a wave wave a quick wave JDQD-7vKpZ0-01043-00258083-00258367 you right to ask them Brian a question JDQD-7vKpZ0-01044-00258369-00258626 and but of course you can exercise your JDQD-7vKpZ0-01045-00258627-00258890 prerogative at any time during the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01046-00258891-00259223 during the QA we are we're getting a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01047-00259223-00259523 couple of interesting questions for mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01048-00259523-00259834 coming in and I've heard this point made JDQD-7vKpZ0-01049-00259835-00260146 before that that there you answer the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01050-00260148-00260342 question about tourists and then there's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01051-00260342-00260552 another question about a related JDQD-7vKpZ0-01052-00260553-00260794 challenge about new entrants into the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01053-00260796-00261164 population you questions you you'd said JDQD-7vKpZ0-01054-00261165-00261338 mark that that we should take it to a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01055-00261339-00261760 vote as to whether we get new entrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-01056-00261761-00261902 of the population that the entire JDQD-7vKpZ0-01057-00261903-00262156 population should vote on whether some JDQD-7vKpZ0-01058-00262157-00262364 employer in Massachusetts or in New York JDQD-7vKpZ0-01059-00262365-00262609 City accepts an immigrant it should be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01060-00262610-00262874 the right of the people that's that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01061-00262875-00263021 what the question is summarized it seems JDQD-7vKpZ0-01062-00263022-00263201 to be your position correct yeah I mean JDQD-7vKpZ0-01063-00263202-00263420 be able to vote on this and though so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01064-00263421-00263573 whatever so if you want to hire an JDQD-7vKpZ0-01065-00263574-00263840 immigrant then to assist you on your JDQD-7vKpZ0-01066-00263841-00264062 research so maybe somebody from Armenia JDQD-7vKpZ0-01067-00264063-00264272 then then it should be the right of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01068-00264273-00264527 population to the referendum to vote on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01069-00264528-00264773 whether you can honor that person that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01070-00264774-00264896 not what I mean I know I did the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01071-00264897-00265016 referendum it's a terrible way to run JDQD-7vKpZ0-01072-00265017-00265073 government JDQD-7vKpZ0-01073-00265074-00265606 okay bomb my present is that people set JDQD-7vKpZ0-01074-00265607-00266024 up the rules within which the you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-01075-00266025-00266192 within which all these things operate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01076-00266193-00266387 their ways if they want to restrict it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01077-00266388-00266744 to 250 thousand a year so be it whatever JDQD-7vKpZ0-01078-00266745-00266819 it is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01079-00266820-00267229 to our elected representatives our JDQD-7vKpZ0-01080-00267230-00267422 representatives I'm a Republican not a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01081-00267423-00267725 not a fan of direct democracy okay fair JDQD-7vKpZ0-01082-00267726-00267866 enough and that summarize the view and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01083-00267867-00268051 the challenge or more that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01084-00268052-00268246 if you could and then then the question JDQD-7vKpZ0-01085-00268247-00268462 is aren't there new entrants on a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01086-00268463-00268678 continuing basis from tourism should JDQD-7vKpZ0-01087-00268679-00268924 there be a limit on that and then the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01088-00268925-00269128 other challenge that I know is classic JDQD-7vKpZ0-01089-00269129-00269347 but that this president probably got JDQD-7vKpZ0-01090-00269348-00269569 from wall to block how about those new JDQD-7vKpZ0-01091-00269570-00269808 entrants that are better newborns JDQD-7vKpZ0-01092-00269809-00270151 O'Brien has got four kids all of those JDQD-7vKpZ0-01093-00270152-00270421 people streaming in and a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01094-00270422-00270592 foreigners as you know farm boy to have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01095-00270593-00270892 a lot of kids should there be the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01096-00270893-00271057 Congress and the sender and the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01097-00271058-00271264 president dictating how many new engines JDQD-7vKpZ0-01098-00271265-00271498 can come from newborns by the same logic JDQD-7vKpZ0-01099-00271499-00271678 that's the challenge no definitely not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01100-00271679-00271948 which is that frankly I mean my you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-01101-00271949-00272104 I'm not I see myself more as a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01102-00272105-00272287 conservative than a libertarian but I am JDQD-7vKpZ0-01103-00272288-00272563 sympathetic to libertarianism in one JDQD-7vKpZ0-01104-00272564-00272932 country to borrow from to adapt somebody JDQD-7vKpZ0-01105-00272933-00273106 else's a phrase on this in other words JDQD-7vKpZ0-01106-00273107-00273256 within the United States not the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01107-00273257-00273445 government's building business tell JDQD-7vKpZ0-01108-00273446-00273571 anybody how many kids they have I have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01109-00273572-00273877 three kids he's got for it please that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01110-00273878-00274147 more but it's the Communist Cummins JDQD-7vKpZ0-01111-00274148-00274458 business to tell you in effect how many JDQD-7vKpZ0-01112-00274459-00274774 immigrants you can hire for your you're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01113-00274775-00274959 not completely different things okay JDQD-7vKpZ0-01114-00274960-00275131 well they're different they're category JDQD-7vKpZ0-01115-00275132-00275425 as a category all right do you want to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01116-00275426-00275605 come in on that Brian or should I get to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01117-00275606-00275806 those doing it yeah I mean of course JDQD-7vKpZ0-01118-00275807-00276007 it's not really category or it's just JDQD-7vKpZ0-01119-00276008-00276253 that mark considers the right to have as JDQD-7vKpZ0-01120-00276254-00276370 many kids as you want to something that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01121-00276371-00276520 should be above democracy where's the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01122-00276521-00276649 right to move is to something it should JDQD-7vKpZ0-01123-00276650-00276844 be up to democracy as to why exactly JDQD-7vKpZ0-01124-00276845-00277024 there's that difference I don't know I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01125-00277025-00277213 mean when Marcos and presents his JDQD-7vKpZ0-01126-00277214-00277330 position it makes it sound like I'm a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01127-00277331-00277507 terrible leadest who's depriving the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01128-00277508-00277828 people of their choice and he is a good JDQD-7vKpZ0-01129-00277829-00278026 guy who is letting the people decide JDQD-7vKpZ0-01130-00278027-00278251 what to do right but when it comes to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01131-00278252-00278377 how about know how many kids you have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01132-00278378-00278566 then suddenly it's not up to should not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01133-00278567-00278674 be up to the people it should be up to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01134-00278675-00278881 the individual I say should be up to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01135-00278882-00279016 individual both case it says of course JDQD-7vKpZ0-01136-00279017-00279223 and the last person would ever make mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01137-00279224-00279424 high on immigrants and the last person JDQD-7vKpZ0-01138-00279425-00279577 that would ever make him socialize with JDQD-7vKpZ0-01139-00279578-00279783 immigrants and as I said I wouldn't make JDQD-7vKpZ0-01140-00279784-00279952 him live in a city that has a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01141-00279953-00280117 immigrants although he has chosen to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01142-00280118-00280300 live at least Mira can't remember marks JDQD-7vKpZ0-01143-00280301-00280531 address but whether it's decent done JDQD-7vKpZ0-01144-00280532-00280884 don't die yeah I wouldn't wouldn't dream JDQD-7vKpZ0-01145-00280885-00281278 my apologies yeah JDQD-7vKpZ0-01146-00281279-00281405 this isn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01147-00281406-00281588 immigrants is people this is always a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01148-00281589-00281861 mistake that and there are in fact some JDQD-7vKpZ0-01149-00281862-00282014 restrictions you just don't like far JDQD-7vKpZ0-01150-00282015-00282353 there's no question about that but this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01151-00282354-00282578 bait this issue is not about immigrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-01152-00282579-00282758 as people it's about immigration policy JDQD-7vKpZ0-01153-00282759-00282962 now I'm not gonna go and say look some JDQD-7vKpZ0-01154-00282963-00283067 of my best friends are immigrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-01155-00283068-00283322 although honestly I spoke Armenian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01156-00283323-00283538 before I spoke English the church where JDQD-7vKpZ0-01157-00283539-00283739 I'm actually an essential employee and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01158-00283740-00283919 have been on the altar every week during JDQD-7vKpZ0-01159-00283920-00284093 this lockdown everywhere every other JDQD-7vKpZ0-01160-00284094-00284348 person on that altar is an immigrant so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01161-00284349-00284854 you know this idea that somehow being JDQD-7vKpZ0-01162-00284855-00285326 for a more limited federal immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01163-00285327-00285548 program because that's what it is it's a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01164-00285549-00285752 government program like farm subsidies JDQD-7vKpZ0-01165-00285753-00286034 or SBA loans in and so we can be bigger JDQD-7vKpZ0-01166-00286035-00286265 or going to be smaller being in favor of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01167-00286266-00286466 a smaller federal government immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01168-00286467-00286850 program has nothing to do with the moral JDQD-7vKpZ0-01169-00286851-00287117 worth or the individual personality or JDQD-7vKpZ0-01170-00287118-00287261 qualities or evidence immigrants or JDQD-7vKpZ0-01171-00287262-00287438 people just like anybody else some are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01172-00287439-00287654 good some are bad some are a little bit JDQD-7vKpZ0-01173-00287655-00287798 of each just like all the rest of us JDQD-7vKpZ0-01174-00287799-00288134 it's about government policy and what we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01175-00288135-00288554 as a people citizens of a nation who JDQD-7vKpZ0-01176-00288555-00288788 have an obligation to each other which JDQD-7vKpZ0-01177-00288789-00289022 Trump's the obligation we have to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01178-00289023-00289276 foreigners what we decide to do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01179-00289277-00289649 collectively about and many new people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01180-00289650-00290000 into our club and it's our right to do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01181-00290001-00290225 that and then we can debate about how JDQD-7vKpZ0-01182-00290226-00290540 best to do that but the first principle JDQD-7vKpZ0-01183-00290541-00290974 has to be that we get to decide as a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01184-00290975-00291310 people who moves here and who does huh JDQD-7vKpZ0-01185-00291311-00291569 question for Brian a thank you Mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01186-00291570-00292022 Cristiano Brian could you put on your JDQD-7vKpZ0-01187-00292023-00292499 crystal ball and predict what is likely JDQD-7vKpZ0-01188-00292500-00292835 to happen if indeed open borders were JDQD-7vKpZ0-01189-00292836-00293189 declared tomorrow there is of course JDQD-7vKpZ0-01190-00293190-00293423 questions coming in about concerns that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01191-00293424-00293872 at a 20% plus unemployment rate and the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01192-00293873-00294164 likelihood that the unemployment rate is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01193-00294165-00294365 going to be slow to come down that there JDQD-7vKpZ0-01194-00294366-00294638 could be a lot of pain at this point JDQD-7vKpZ0-01195-00294639-00294757 Fordham for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01196-00294758-00295108 domestically based workers if open JDQD-7vKpZ0-01197-00295109-00295273 borders were imposed right now so what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01198-00295274-00295459 is what in your view is likely to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01199-00295460-00295645 wouldn't be likely to happen if open JDQD-7vKpZ0-01200-00295646-00295876 boys would declare tomorrow so we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01201-00295877-00295991 actually have pretty good data about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01202-00295992-00296170 this from the open borders period JDQD-7vKpZ0-01203-00296171-00296369 although it's true even today namely JDQD-7vKpZ0-01204-00296370-00296500 that when economic conditions are good JDQD-7vKpZ0-01205-00296501-00296663 more people want to immigrate when JDQD-7vKpZ0-01206-00296664-00296816 economic conditions are bad fewer people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01207-00296817-00296932 want to immigrate and when economic JDQD-7vKpZ0-01208-00296933-00297116 conditions are terrible people do tend JDQD-7vKpZ0-01209-00297117-00297295 to stay home you can actually see this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01210-00297296-00297445 in the European Union where they got JDQD-7vKpZ0-01211-00297446-00297740 open borders within the Union and you'll JDQD-7vKpZ0-01212-00297741-00297949 notice that workers move very heavily to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01213-00297950-00298040 the countries with low unemployment JDQD-7vKpZ0-01214-00298041-00298238 rates and very rarely move the countries JDQD-7vKpZ0-01215-00298239-00298514 high unemployment rates so you know I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01216-00298515-00298688 say that to large extent that problem JDQD-7vKpZ0-01217-00298689-00298817 does tend to take care of itself JDQD-7vKpZ0-01218-00298818-00299071 although here's the thing if people were JDQD-7vKpZ0-01219-00299072-00299216 worried that the open borders wouldn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01220-00299217-00299369 last it was just a brief window that I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01221-00299370-00299473 think there are a lot of people would JDQD-7vKpZ0-01222-00299474-00299632 come no matter how desperate conditions JDQD-7vKpZ0-01223-00299633-00299867 are just to get in before they get close JDQD-7vKpZ0-01224-00299868-00300109 again so it really does depend upon the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01225-00300110-00300331 exact hypothetical but again when people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01226-00300332-00300502 are worrying about the suffering of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01227-00300503-00300574 American workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-01228-00300575-00300740 remember the flip side of this is the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01229-00300741-00301033 suffering of American consumers right so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01230-00301034-00301255 if you sit around saying okay how can we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01231-00301256-00301471 go and protect jobs for workers you were JDQD-7vKpZ0-01232-00301472-00301660 simultaneously saying let's go and screw JDQD-7vKpZ0-01233-00301661-00301771 over consumers and not worry about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01234-00301772-00301964 production but you can't have it both JDQD-7vKpZ0-01235-00301965-00302093 ways that you're going and trying to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01236-00302094-00302329 keep workers out of the labor market JDQD-7vKpZ0-01237-00302330-00302605 you are also thereby keeping Goods out JDQD-7vKpZ0-01238-00302606-00302935 of stores right now people like to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01239-00302936-00303181 forget this but again the secret of mass JDQD-7vKpZ0-01240-00303182-00303400 consumption is mass production if you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01241-00303401-00303634 could cut down on production by reducing JDQD-7vKpZ0-01242-00303635-00303839 employment you are cutting down on the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01243-00303840-00304075 standard of living right this is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01244-00304076-00304302 standard the standard short-sighted JDQD-7vKpZ0-01245-00304303-00304517 impulsive thing to do during difficult JDQD-7vKpZ0-01246-00304518-00304759 times but we must resist this impulse JDQD-7vKpZ0-01247-00304760-00304991 even during hard times we need to focus JDQD-7vKpZ0-01248-00304992-00305192 on getting production back up and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01249-00305193-00305353 actually since this is very much a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01250-00305354-00305509 supply driven recession rather than JDQD-7vKpZ0-01251-00305510-00305663 demand driven one the case is even JDQD-7vKpZ0-01252-00305664-00305800 clearer we've got to get production back JDQD-7vKpZ0-01253-00305801-00305966 up you've got to get goods back in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01254-00305967-00306202 stores and that means workers right and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01255-00306203-00306334 notice particular there are a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01256-00306335-00306475 Americans who were too scared to work JDQD-7vKpZ0-01257-00306476-00306607 there are a lot of foreigners that would JDQD-7vKpZ0-01258-00306608-00306893 be happy to assume the risk so keep that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01259-00306894-00307244 in mind as well right now you like in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01260-00307245-00307360 New York City at least a few weeks ago JDQD-7vKpZ0-01261-00307361-00307660 the US was paying $10,000 for a week for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01262-00307661-00307814 nurses for other perks the country to go JDQD-7vKpZ0-01263-00307815-00308032 there if we could have had open JDQD-7vKpZ0-01264-00308033-00308191 medical workers we could have gotten a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01265-00308192-00308338 lot of other medical workers in there JDQD-7vKpZ0-01266-00308339-00308590 and had much greater availability but of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01267-00308591-00308869 course that was not done yes I guess if JDQD-7vKpZ0-01268-00308870-00309127 I had to slip in one more last remark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01269-00309128-00309256 how about hey Mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01270-00309257-00309457 we have temporary visas for health JDQD-7vKpZ0-01271-00309458-00309619 workers right now please JDQD-7vKpZ0-01272-00309620-00309916 okay Brian as a matter of fact somebody JDQD-7vKpZ0-01273-00309917-00310093 read your mind and that question came in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01274-00310094-00310360 from our audience but please hold on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01275-00310361-00310525 that question because in terms of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01276-00310526-00310585 protocol JDQD-7vKpZ0-01277-00310586-00310888 I want mark to comment on the answer you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01278-00310889-00311134 just gave yeah to that prior question go JDQD-7vKpZ0-01279-00311135-00311329 ahead Thank You gene because this issue JDQD-7vKpZ0-01280-00311330-00311572 of what would happen if we opened the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01281-00311573-00311773 borders let's even take it apart from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01282-00311774-00312019 the current emergency circumstances JDQD-7vKpZ0-01283-00312020-00312433 because of the pandemic the the Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01284-00312434-00312739 touted the estimate that you know global JDQD-7vKpZ0-01285-00312740-00313042 GDP would increase by half again or JDQD-7vKpZ0-01286-00313043-00313171 toward a double or whatever it is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01287-00313172-00313420 trillions of dollars of increased JDQD-7vKpZ0-01288-00313421-00313708 production it's ludicrous on its face JDQD-7vKpZ0-01289-00313709-00314002 and the reason is the assumptions behind JDQD-7vKpZ0-01290-00314003-00314353 that estimate have to be examined this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01291-00314354-00314584 is what people who aren't familiar with JDQD-7vKpZ0-01292-00314585-00314734 this sort of thing have learned about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01293-00314735-00315031 all of this modeling kovat nonsense that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01294-00315032-00315214 if you put in garbage of some since you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01295-00315215-00315475 get in garbage results and this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01296-00315476-00315685 trillions of dollars of increased output JDQD-7vKpZ0-01297-00315686-00315966 is based on the assumption that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01298-00315967-00316243 virtually every human being from the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01299-00316244-00316513 third world moves to the developed world JDQD-7vKpZ0-01300-00316514-00316849 five billion people at least would move JDQD-7vKpZ0-01301-00316850-00317026 to the United States Europe and Japan JDQD-7vKpZ0-01302-00317027-00317257 that would be roughly if you think about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01303-00317258-00317566 it maybe two billion people from the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01304-00317567-00317683 third world move to the United States JDQD-7vKpZ0-01305-00317684-00318145 the institutions that create the greater JDQD-7vKpZ0-01306-00318146-00318457 productivity that we enjoy would not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01307-00318458-00318742 survive under those circumstances it is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01308-00318743-00319036 an absurd situation or it's an absurd JDQD-7vKpZ0-01309-00319037-00319366 assumption to say that open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-01310-00319367-00319606 would result in massively increased JDQD-7vKpZ0-01311-00319607-00320008 output and look we're not just biessing JDQD-7vKpZ0-01312-00320009-00320338 in a sophomore college dorm rooms we're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01313-00320339-00320668 talking about actual policy and actual JDQD-7vKpZ0-01314-00320669-00320899 policy actual governance has to consider JDQD-7vKpZ0-01315-00320900-00321163 what would actually happen open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-01316-00321164-00321433 would lead to political revolution JDQD-7vKpZ0-01317-00321434-00321763 and so if you want more immigration you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01318-00321764-00322003 know just as a just as a hint I mean JDQD-7vKpZ0-01319-00322004-00322317 just as a tip you want to go you want an JDQD-7vKpZ0-01320-00322318-00322576 incremental approach which is what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01321-00322577-00322921 basically the Democratic Party and much JDQD-7vKpZ0-01322-00322922-00323176 of the Republican Party the corporate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01323-00323177-00323467 elements of it are pushing for they're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01324-00323468-00323665 not oh they're not coming out and saying JDQD-7vKpZ0-01325-00323666-00323821 they're for open borders that's true JDQD-7vKpZ0-01326-00323822-00324079 they would keep an arm's distance from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01327-00324080-00324469 Brian but they are the essentially the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01328-00324470-00324790 Mensheviks to Brian's bolsheviks and I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01329-00324791-00324955 don't mean this in a derogatory follow JDQD-7vKpZ0-01330-00324956-00325090 this sort of throguh Tory how can you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01331-00325091-00325249 avoid the but my point is their JDQD-7vKpZ0-01332-00325250-00325468 incremental lists they want to achieve JDQD-7vKpZ0-01333-00325469-00325765 the same thing Brian does but they want JDQD-7vKpZ0-01334-00325766-00326053 to boil the Frog slowly so it doesn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01335-00326054-00326377 jump out my point is the Frog is gonna JDQD-7vKpZ0-01336-00326378-00326587 want to jump out if you turn the heat up JDQD-7vKpZ0-01337-00326588-00327103 yeah yeah yeah because because Mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01338-00327104-00327385 actually brought up a new issue having JDQD-7vKpZ0-01339-00327386-00327802 to do with the 50% rising GDP I want I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01340-00327803-00327955 want to have another round on that Oh JDQD-7vKpZ0-01341-00327956-00328174 would you respond to the challenge about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01342-00328175-00328345 the estimates of the GDP effect and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01343-00328346-00328498 whatever else you want to say in terms JDQD-7vKpZ0-01344-00328499-00328675 of what Brian what Mark just said JDQD-7vKpZ0-01345-00328676-00328945 go ahead Brian yeah sure first of all I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01346-00328946-00329092 really hope that mark is right that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01347-00329093-00329266 whole Democratic Party and the corporate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01348-00329267-00329422 wing the Republican Party is secretly JDQD-7vKpZ0-01349-00329423-00329650 with me or they're with me in spirit or JDQD-7vKpZ0-01350-00329651-00329785 somehow they're trying to pave the way JDQD-7vKpZ0-01351-00329786-00329914 for what I'm talking about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01352-00329915-00330109 I've actually talked to a Larry large JDQD-7vKpZ0-01353-00330110-00330286 number of American Democrats and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01354-00330287-00330700 corporate Republicans and they very JDQD-7vKpZ0-01355-00330701-00330901 rarely see eye to eye with me JDQD-7vKpZ0-01356-00330902-00331039 they almost totally almost all them JDQD-7vKpZ0-01357-00331040-00331267 totally disagree so this is really just JDQD-7vKpZ0-01358-00331268-00331483 a strange conspiracy theory that Mark is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01359-00331484-00332203 somehow fond of conspiracy all right now JDQD-7vKpZ0-01360-00332204-00332557 inter in terms of the of the model so I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01361-00332558-00332788 only had a head about 30 seconds to talk JDQD-7vKpZ0-01362-00332789-00333061 about it the models that Mark is talking JDQD-7vKpZ0-01363-00333062-00333217 about when he when he says that seem JDQD-7vKpZ0-01364-00333218-00333376 like you need to look into them the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01365-00333377-00333484 people that develop them JDQD-7vKpZ0-01366-00333485-00333739 have looked into them I just didn't have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01367-00333740-00333895 time to go into the details now when I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01368-00333896-00334084 talked about say doubling the production JDQD-7vKpZ0-01369-00334085-00334264 of the world with open borders I don't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01370-00334265-00334507 mean that would happen tomorrow right I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01371-00334508-00334660 do I mean that is they look at a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01372-00334661-00334758 reasonable predict JDQD-7vKpZ0-01373-00334759-00334969 the long-run effects well think about it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01374-00334970-00335188 this way if we had kept open borders if JDQD-7vKpZ0-01375-00335189-00335314 we had not when it ought to shut down JDQD-7vKpZ0-01376-00335315-00335574 immigration starting in 1921 and then 24 JDQD-7vKpZ0-01377-00335575-00335764 this is the world that we would be in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01378-00335765-00335968 now a much better world with much higher JDQD-7vKpZ0-01379-00335969-00336171 production yes so if you let in a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01380-00336172-00336321 billion people overnight I agree that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01381-00336322-00336571 it's going to lead to very drastic JDQD-7vKpZ0-01382-00336572-00336691 consequences you probably couldn't even JDQD-7vKpZ0-01383-00336692-00336838 thrive in the streets there'd be so many JDQD-7vKpZ0-01384-00336839-00337032 people there fortunately that's not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01385-00337033-00337206 actually what happens when you go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01386-00337207-00337377 open borders because the normal thing JDQD-7vKpZ0-01387-00337378-00337623 that happens you can go and read Paul JDQD-7vKpZ0-01388-00337624-00337840 Colliers excellent book the idea yes but JDQD-7vKpZ0-01389-00337841-00338143 no so that's just against prints begin JDQD-7vKpZ0-01390-00338144-00338365 anyway so I'm gonna go these book is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01391-00338366-00338496 about Liberty talks about the Osprey JDQD-7vKpZ0-01392-00338497-00338671 dynamics so I mean Paul yeah Paul JDQD-7vKpZ0-01393-00338672-00338839 Collier who is also very skeptical of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01394-00338840-00339003 immigration she says look the way that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01395-00339004-00339198 immigration usually works that star cell JDQD-7vKpZ0-01396-00339199-00339412 flow and then it snowballs and that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01397-00339413-00339589 right and that's why open borders is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01398-00339590-00339756 fine policy because when you first open JDQD-7vKpZ0-01399-00339757-00339946 a border you get a modest amount of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01400-00339947-00340098 immigration and then grows and grows and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01401-00340099-00340291 grows which means that you can absorb it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01402-00340292-00340551 at a reasonable level and then you can JDQD-7vKpZ0-01403-00340552-00340779 grow a lot of Norma's amount over time JDQD-7vKpZ0-01404-00340780-00340950 but it does take a long time and we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01405-00340951-00341076 interest to get an idea of like is it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01406-00341077-00341220 really scary to bring two billion JDQD-7vKpZ0-01407-00341221-00341368 America or two billion more people year JDQD-7vKpZ0-01408-00341369-00341685 over a century it's not scary at all the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01409-00341686-00341832 u.s. now is about a hundred times the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01410-00341833-00342030 population that had and when it first JDQD-7vKpZ0-01411-00342031-00342249 was formed basically each century we're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01412-00342250-00342412 getting about in chrome increased about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01413-00342413-00342613 tenfold some of that from normal JDQD-7vKpZ0-01414-00342614-00342766 population growth but a lot of it from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01415-00342767-00342981 immigration if you if you increase the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01416-00342982-00343185 population the u.s. 100 fold in 1789 JDQD-7vKpZ0-01417-00343186-00343404 would be a disaster do it over two JDQD-7vKpZ0-01418-00343405-00343623 centuries and it's totally fine people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01419-00343624-00343830 barely even realized there was there was JDQD-7vKpZ0-01420-00343831-00344038 a difference except that things no JDQD-7vKpZ0-01421-00344039-00344164 there's a lot more people enjoying a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01422-00344165-00344341 much better life I mean if I could just JDQD-7vKpZ0-01423-00344342-00344508 add one asterisk I don't want to I want JDQD-7vKpZ0-01424-00344509-00344646 people to be able to get the questions JDQD-7vKpZ0-01425-00344647-00344880 in but we've never had open borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-01426-00344881-00345156 because in the past JDQD-7vKpZ0-01427-00345157-00345399 putting aside the legal restrictions JDQD-7vKpZ0-01428-00345400-00345620 that existed even in the 17th century JDQD-7vKpZ0-01429-00345621-00345930 against coppers immigrating for instance JDQD-7vKpZ0-01430-00345931-00346056 that sort of thing so there are many JDQD-7vKpZ0-01431-00346057-00346294 immigration restrictions literally from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01432-00346295-00346533 the foundation of the Massachusetts Bay JDQD-7vKpZ0-01433-00346534-00346591 Colony JDQD-7vKpZ0-01434-00346592-00346949 but put that aside with primitive JDQD-7vKpZ0-01435-00346950-00347133 transportation and communications JDQD-7vKpZ0-01436-00347134-00347423 technology the oceans were our JDQD-7vKpZ0-01437-00347424-00347709 immigration limits that is how we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01438-00347710-00347916 limited immigration and the reason JDQD-7vKpZ0-01439-00347917-00348079 immigration and that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01440-00348080-00348271 to be legislatively restricted JDQD-7vKpZ0-01441-00348272-00348469 statutorily restricted starting in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01442-00348470-00348835 20s was precisely because communications JDQD-7vKpZ0-01443-00348836-00349021 and transportation had become so cheap JDQD-7vKpZ0-01444-00349022-00349327 that the oceans no longer served the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01445-00349328-00349597 purpose as Shakespeare wrote you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-01446-00349598-00349813 served in the office of a wall or as a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01447-00349814-00350158 moat protective once that once the world JDQD-7vKpZ0-01448-00350159-00350440 shrinks the only way you limit the way JDQD-7vKpZ0-01449-00350441-00350638 you have to move to limiting immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01450-00350639-00350842 is through statute rather than relying JDQD-7vKpZ0-01451-00350843-00351151 on IV muk muk if then to follow up on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01452-00351152-00351406 the point you just made if if Brian got JDQD-7vKpZ0-01453-00351407-00351664 his way and open borders were declared JDQD-7vKpZ0-01454-00351665-00351904 tomorrow then JDQD-7vKpZ0-01455-00351905-00352084 how many people do you think would JDQD-7vKpZ0-01456-00352085-00352342 migrate to the US over the next twelve JDQD-7vKpZ0-01457-00352343-00352540 months I can't come up with a number but JDQD-7vKpZ0-01458-00352541-00352717 it depends on several things let me say JDQD-7vKpZ0-01459-00352718-00352960 one does every other developed country JDQD-7vKpZ0-01460-00352961-00353131 have open borders well it's just the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01461-00353132-00353338 u.s. if it's just us you could easily JDQD-7vKpZ0-01462-00353339-00353542 end up with 10 million people moving JDQD-7vKpZ0-01463-00353543-00353686 here in a period of the year JDQD-7vKpZ0-01464-00353687-00353809 I mean that would not be that would be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01465-00353810-00353983 in my opinion that would be a low JDQD-7vKpZ0-01466-00353984-00354109 estimate but I don't know I mean I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01467-00354110-00354253 haven't gained it out but yeah it could JDQD-7vKpZ0-01468-00354254-00354463 easily be ten million people not now JDQD-7vKpZ0-01469-00354464-00354829 with the virus situation in the economy JDQD-7vKpZ0-01470-00354830-00355042 the way it is but start like January 1st JDQD-7vKpZ0-01471-00355043-00355390 of 2021 they're clearly open the borders JDQD-7vKpZ0-01472-00355391-00355558 you would have I think you'd get at JDQD-7vKpZ0-01473-00355559-00355765 least 10 million people the gap is asked JDQD-7vKpZ0-01474-00355766-00355969 people in 168 million people around the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01475-00355970-00356191 world have told Gallup that they want to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01476-00356192-00356353 move here that is that that's less than JDQD-7vKpZ0-01477-00356354-00356677 3% of the US population right now so it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01478-00356678-00356866 would be a not a huge increase JDQD-7vKpZ0-01479-00356867-00357220 but anyway any further just mentioned JDQD-7vKpZ0-01480-00357221-00357322 you want to make up this point Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01481-00357323-00357493 know if you want to go you know let's go JDQD-7vKpZ0-01482-00357494-00357853 to questions okay so another question JDQD-7vKpZ0-01483-00357854-00358222 for mark which seems to pick up on what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01484-00358223-00358482 Brian had called his keyhole solutions JDQD-7vKpZ0-01485-00358483-00358944 mark a couple of things that are related JDQD-7vKpZ0-01486-00358945-00359275 Brian asked about health care workers he JDQD-7vKpZ0-01487-00359276-00359497 also raised the question as another JDQD-7vKpZ0-01488-00359498-00359698 question here has about agricultural JDQD-7vKpZ0-01489-00359699-00359980 workers letting them in and then the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01490-00359981-00360175 keyhole solution that somebody proposed JDQD-7vKpZ0-01491-00360176-00360513 was that there might be some kind of tax JDQD-7vKpZ0-01492-00360514-00360838 imposed on employers who want to bring JDQD-7vKpZ0-01493-00360839-00361084 in immigrants and then that money would JDQD-7vKpZ0-01494-00361085-00361324 be allocated to augment the unemployment JDQD-7vKpZ0-01495-00361325-00361456 insurance payments JDQD-7vKpZ0-01496-00361457-00361627 that are being made to unemployed people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01497-00361628-00361831 which as you know now are being JDQD-7vKpZ0-01498-00361832-00362080 subsidized at 600 a week so that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01499-00362081-00362299 actually unemployed people in many cases JDQD-7vKpZ0-01500-00362300-00362542 of getting nine over nine hundred JDQD-7vKpZ0-01501-00362543-00362791 dollars a weekend in compensation which JDQD-7vKpZ0-01502-00362792-00362923 is actually giving them a disincentive JDQD-7vKpZ0-01503-00362924-00363204 to work but again in health care JDQD-7vKpZ0-01504-00363205-00363465 agriculture and then potentially JDQD-7vKpZ0-01505-00363466-00363790 imposing some tax on employers who bring JDQD-7vKpZ0-01506-00363791-00364096 in immigrants in order to to soften the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01507-00364097-00364366 blow to domestic workers with any of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01508-00364367-00364417 those things JDQD-7vKpZ0-01509-00364418-00364609 yes matter to you yeah yeah let me I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01510-00364610-00364846 mean the farming issues I'm glad Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01511-00364847-00365062 brought that up too early yes and that's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01512-00365063-00365472 an important one because I actually JDQD-7vKpZ0-01513-00365473-00365794 improbable somebody on my side and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01514-00365795-00365974 actually this is something I actually do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01515-00365975-00366157 differ to some degree with a lot of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01516-00366158-00366412 people on my side I'm actually okay with JDQD-7vKpZ0-01517-00366413-00366793 the administration's facilitating the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01518-00366794-00367078 entry of what they call each to a farm JDQD-7vKpZ0-01519-00367079-00367252 workers these are people on farm worker JDQD-7vKpZ0-01520-00367253-00367438 visas not because I think that's a good JDQD-7vKpZ0-01521-00367439-00367675 idea but because in other words in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01522-00367676-00367936 general but because the farmers do in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01523-00367937-00368074 fact have the stuff in the ground JDQD-7vKpZ0-01524-00368075-00368329 already and the adjustments that will be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01525-00368330-00368635 necessary to wean them off the drug of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01526-00368636-00368983 foreign labor take time so I'm actually JDQD-7vKpZ0-01527-00368984-00369310 ok with the foreign farm workers being JDQD-7vKpZ0-01528-00369311-00369583 admitted now what I'm most concerned JDQD-7vKpZ0-01529-00369584-00369961 with sort of in the medium term is is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01530-00369962-00370327 that it represents it underlines a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01531-00370328-00370714 vulnerability that we have just as the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01532-00370715-00371080 reliance on Chinese made pharmaceuticals JDQD-7vKpZ0-01533-00371081-00371356 and the Chinese government's use of them JDQD-7vKpZ0-01534-00371357-00371590 use of sort of withholding them using it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01535-00371591-00371749 as a kind of weapon or attempted JDQD-7vKpZ0-01536-00371750-00371962 coercion against us is a vulnerability JDQD-7vKpZ0-01537-00371963-00372271 our reliance for our food supply at JDQD-7vKpZ0-01538-00372272-00372484 least for a small part of our food JDQD-7vKpZ0-01539-00372485-00372700 supply the vegetables and fruits not all JDQD-7vKpZ0-01540-00372701-00372922 the rest of it most of our calories come JDQD-7vKpZ0-01541-00372923-00373207 from crops harvested by machine but the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01542-00373208-00373567 produce department comes from stuff JDQD-7vKpZ0-01543-00373568-00373825 harvested lard not a largely by hand but JDQD-7vKpZ0-01544-00373826-00374068 significant element of labor is involved JDQD-7vKpZ0-01545-00374069-00374353 that is a vulnerability a very serious JDQD-7vKpZ0-01546-00374354-00374590 vulnerability to food security and the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01547-00374591-00374785 issue is not that you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-01548-00374786-00375007 immigrant farm workers are sort of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01549-00375008-00375164 tainting the food or whatever you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01550-00375165-00375451 actually hear some fringy coops bringing JDQD-7vKpZ0-01551-00375452-00375569 that up that's not the issue the issue JDQD-7vKpZ0-01552-00375570-00375784 is farmers can't get this stuff out of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01553-00375785-00376048 the ground without importing people from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01554-00376049-00376388 other countries and so for doing that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01555-00376389-00376787 right now is essential but what the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01556-00376788-00377047 government needs to do going forward is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01557-00377048-00377414 make it clear to farmers that that's not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01558-00377415-00377669 going to be allowed to continue that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01559-00377670-00377921 price of importing this foreign labor is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01560-00377922-00378121 going to increase 10 percent every year JDQD-7vKpZ0-01561-00378122-00378484 and I would actually to follow on the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01562-00378485-00378648 other part of the question you had JDQD-7vKpZ0-01563-00378649-00379132 charged the farmers and the farm workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-01564-00379133-00379360 payroll taxes they now do not pay JDQD-7vKpZ0-01565-00379361-00379603 payroll taxes and clip and give the farm JDQD-7vKpZ0-01566-00379604-00379823 workers back to payroll taxes as rebates JDQD-7vKpZ0-01567-00379824-00380263 take the farmer portions invest it in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01568-00380264-00380489 mechanization technology because it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01569-00380490-00380701 true that you're not going to have the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01570-00380702-00380867 same number of Americans going out JDQD-7vKpZ0-01571-00380868-00381212 picking cucumbers as there are foreign JDQD-7vKpZ0-01572-00381213-00381508 workers doing it now what you can do is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01573-00381509-00381781 move away from the medieval form of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01574-00381782-00382078 labor arrangements that we have in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01575-00382079-00382597 fields now toward a more modern kind of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01576-00382598-00382838 harvesting of fruits and vegetables and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01577-00382839-00382997 that's something the government does JDQD-7vKpZ0-01578-00382998-00383321 need to give a push to farmers to so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01579-00383322-00383458 that you'll have instead of a hundred JDQD-7vKpZ0-01580-00383459-00383639 people kneeling in the dirt JDQD-7vKpZ0-01581-00383640-00383846 picking radishes by hand which is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01582-00383847-00384049 literally the way it's done now you'll JDQD-7vKpZ0-01583-00384050-00384253 have a machine which exists now in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01584-00384254-00384424 Europe and Japan because they don't have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01585-00384425-00384719 the same access to cheap Labor's we do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01586-00384720-00384984 you know the Machine run by three people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01587-00384985-00385271 harvesting ten times as much in half the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01588-00385272-00385319 time JDQD-7vKpZ0-01589-00385320-00385774 so for now imported farm workers I think JDQD-7vKpZ0-01590-00385775-00386008 actually are essential this month next JDQD-7vKpZ0-01591-00386009-00386216 month the month after but there has to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01592-00386217-00386608 be a plan for weaning farmers off this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01593-00386609-00386969 addiction to a labor that's imported JDQD-7vKpZ0-01594-00386970-00387397 from abroad okay other related parts of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01595-00387398-00387539 that question which maybe we could get JDQD-7vKpZ0-01596-00387540-00387695 back to do you want to comment on that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01597-00387696-00387931 friends at the time for the moment yes JDQD-7vKpZ0-01598-00387932-00388139 except it's striking to me that for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01599-00388140-00388295 culture mark finally has the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01600-00388296-00388550 economically sensible view in part that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01601-00388551-00388772 the point of farms is production and we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01602-00388773-00388928 should not be focused on just creating JDQD-7vKpZ0-01603-00388929-00389120 as many jobs as possible for Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-01604-00389121-00389420 this is a grid view this would be the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01605-00389421-00389567 view that mark should have on all areas JDQD-7vKpZ0-01606-00389568-00389792 of the economy all the time focus on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01607-00389793-00390032 production not jobs the jobs take care JDQD-7vKpZ0-01608-00390033-00390149 of themselves in a well-functioning JDQD-7vKpZ0-01609-00390150-00390356 economy like the u.s. normally has is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01610-00390357-00390566 production that's hard now when you talk JDQD-7vKpZ0-01611-00390567-00390776 about foreign labor as an addiction this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01612-00390777-00390905 is really just the same as saying that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01613-00390906-00391079 I've got an addiction to gasoline or an JDQD-7vKpZ0-01614-00391080-00391250 addiction to any other cheap convenient JDQD-7vKpZ0-01615-00391251-00391520 thing we have I know you could go and we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01616-00391521-00391685 Miura pians off their addiction to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01617-00391686-00391847 machinery by going and putting a big tax JDQD-7vKpZ0-01618-00391848-00391982 on that and then they'll do it in some JDQD-7vKpZ0-01619-00391983-00392039 other way JDQD-7vKpZ0-01620-00392040-00392252 you know the key point is that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01621-00392253-00392378 reason why we're doing this way is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01622-00392379-00392585 because we have a resource and a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01623-00392586-00392758 technology that is actually better JDQD-7vKpZ0-01624-00392759-00393023 considering the cost and cost is the way JDQD-7vKpZ0-01625-00393024-00393260 that central economies manage things not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01626-00393261-00393644 with some kind of of buzz lightyear idea JDQD-7vKpZ0-01627-00393645-00393800 of the highest technology's always the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01628-00393801-00393989 best very often high technology is not a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01629-00393990-00394169 good way of doing it often I will do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01630-00394170-00394306 something by hand because the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01631-00394307-00394481 technologically advanced way is actually JDQD-7vKpZ0-01632-00394482-00394574 less convenient JDQD-7vKpZ0-01633-00394575-00394760 similarly American farmers will hire JDQD-7vKpZ0-01634-00394761-00394946 workers because the farm machinery sets JDQD-7vKpZ0-01635-00394947-00395081 too expensive and it makes sense to do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01636-00395082-00395411 it the cheaper way just as a final point JDQD-7vKpZ0-01637-00395412-00395618 there gene it's not actually just the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01638-00395619-00395918 immediate cost because there's a certain JDQD-7vKpZ0-01639-00395919-00396116 is a hump that you have to pass when you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01640-00396117-00396317 mechanize you have to change the whole JDQD-7vKpZ0-01641-00396318-00396737 system of production including packing JDQD-7vKpZ0-01642-00396738-00396995 including shipping etc and once you get JDQD-7vKpZ0-01643-00396996-00397439 over that hump to a different situation JDQD-7vKpZ0-01644-00397440-00397646 you actually will end up with higher JDQD-7vKpZ0-01645-00397647-00397856 productivity on the part of the workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-01646-00397857-00398084 it's just that there has to be an JDQD-7vKpZ0-01647-00398085-00398210 incentive to do that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01648-00398211-00398450 immigration removes that incentive and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01649-00398451-00398783 what it does is it permits agriculture JDQD-7vKpZ0-01650-00398784-00399002 to continue in what amounts to a kind of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01651-00399003-00399389 medieval labor arrangement with people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01652-00399390-00399746 as quasi serfs deep kneeling in the dirt JDQD-7vKpZ0-01653-00399747-00399947 and picking stuff with their hands a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01654-00399948-00400175 modern economy shouldn't be feeding JDQD-7vKpZ0-01655-00400176-00400526 itself that way yeah getting back to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01656-00400527-00400718 that then a related question I guess JDQD-7vKpZ0-01657-00400719-00400859 mark we could pass over the other ones JDQD-7vKpZ0-01658-00400860-00401195 but the estimate of over 10 million JDQD-7vKpZ0-01659-00401196-00401539 people working illegally in this country JDQD-7vKpZ0-01660-00401540-00401804 would you would you have the government JDQD-7vKpZ0-01661-00401805-00402131 expel them well first of all it's the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01662-00402132-00402320 the number of illegal immigrants is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01663-00402321-00402530 probably 10 to 12 million the number who JDQD-7vKpZ0-01664-00402531-00402719 are working is probably 7 to 8 million JDQD-7vKpZ0-01665-00402720-00402875 because some of them are kids some of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01666-00402876-00403154 them are old people's illegal workers JDQD-7vKpZ0-01667-00403155-00403427 are like 7 or 8 million ok no again JDQD-7vKpZ0-01668-00403428-00403661 prudence none of those people should be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01669-00403662-00403985 here they not only broke administrative JDQD-7vKpZ0-01670-00403986-00404189 rules they're all they virtually every JDQD-7vKpZ0-01671-00404190-00404357 single one was engaged in criminal JDQD-7vKpZ0-01672-00404358-00404726 activity they've ID theft perjury tax JDQD-7vKpZ0-01673-00404727-00405161 fraud etc but given all of the decades JDQD-7vKpZ0-01674-00405162-00405479 of a feckless immigration policy by the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01675-00405480-00405848 other members if you will of Bryan's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01676-00405849-00406217 beehive who don't realize that they are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01677-00406218-00406457 essentially moving in the same or recoil JDQD-7vKpZ0-01678-00406458-00406616 from admitting that they're calling for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01679-00406617-00406778 the same thing as he is but are in fact JDQD-7vKpZ0-01680-00406779-00406979 doing that my point is you've got that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01681-00406980-00407216 many people it is imprudent and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01682-00407217-00407408 disruptive to throw everybody out all at JDQD-7vKpZ0-01683-00407409-00407684 once what we need to do is make it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01684-00407685-00407969 harder for illegal immigrants to get JDQD-7vKpZ0-01685-00407970-00408287 jobs harder to live a normal life so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01686-00408288-00408449 that through attrition we shrink the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01687-00408450-00408713 numbers and then after at some point we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01688-00408714-00408926 come to a decision that we've done about JDQD-7vKpZ0-01689-00408927-00409172 all as much as all we can let's legalize JDQD-7vKpZ0-01690-00409173-00409427 everybody else rip off the band-aid I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-01691-00409428-00409657 actually for an amnesty at some point in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01692-00409658-00410053 exchange for deep permanent cuts in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01693-00410054-00410138 legal immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01694-00410139-00410414 in other words clean up the mess of our JDQD-7vKpZ0-01695-00410414-00410639 past immigration policy but going JDQD-7vKpZ0-01696-00410639-00410851 forward with a different and newer JDQD-7vKpZ0-01697-00410852-00410984 immigration policy and let me just put JDQD-7vKpZ0-01698-00410985-00411209 in one last point because we are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01699-00411210-00411491 rebooting our economy in effect I mean JDQD-7vKpZ0-01700-00411492-00411701 our you know they talk about the ship of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01701-00411702-00411976 state sort of the desktop of state was JDQD-7vKpZ0-01702-00411977-00412159 turned off because it had a virus and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01703-00412160-00412376 we're not rebooting it we've started it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01704-00412377-00412667 again and what we should be doing in my JDQD-7vKpZ0-01705-00412668-00412913 opinion is using for instance be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01706-00412914-00413197 verified which is an online system for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01707-00413199-00413459 people when they hire somebody and take JDQD-7vKpZ0-01708-00413460-00413663 the Social Security and IRS information JDQD-7vKpZ0-01709-00413664-00413989 they have to collect anyway to require JDQD-7vKpZ0-01710-00413991-00414170 them to actually check online and see JDQD-7vKpZ0-01711-00414171-00414355 whether that's whether the lying to them JDQD-7vKpZ0-01712-00414356-00414607 or not that is the kind of step that you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01713-00414608-00414793 take now we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01714-00414795-00415046 can correct some of the distortions that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01715-00415047-00415220 have developed in our economy over the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01716-00415221-00415564 years which because we're rebooting the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01717-00415566-00415862 system as it were coming from you Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01718-00415863-00416354 know any comic also was fine JDQD-7vKpZ0-01719-00416355-00416654 okay the they must go back to a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01720-00416655-00416906 classical question which I guess reminds JDQD-7vKpZ0-01721-00416907-00417296 us that not all libertarians have always JDQD-7vKpZ0-01722-00417297-00417584 agreed with Brian the Milton Friedman JDQD-7vKpZ0-01723-00417585-00417875 question who who held that the welfare JDQD-7vKpZ0-01724-00417876-00418129 state is incompatible with unrestricted JDQD-7vKpZ0-01725-00418130-00418414 immigration could you address that point JDQD-7vKpZ0-01726-00418416-00418601 Brian uh sure JDQD-7vKpZ0-01727-00418602-00418843 so logically speaking the argument makes JDQD-7vKpZ0-01728-00418845-00418960 perfect sense it's theoretically JDQD-7vKpZ0-01729-00418962-00419282 possible the welfare state is so is so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01730-00419283-00419522 excessive that when we let immigrants in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01731-00419522-00419705 we don't actually get these benefits and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01732-00419706-00419927 furthermore I mean I I would say JDQD-7vKpZ0-01733-00419928-00420122 probably Milton would say that if the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01734-00420122-00420302 damage to American liberty is large JDQD-7vKpZ0-01735-00420303-00420506 enough that it would be justified to go JDQD-7vKpZ0-01736-00420507-00420731 and restrict these Liberty foreigners JDQD-7vKpZ0-01737-00420732-00420959 and order twice out that slightly on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01738-00420960-00421133 sale but again large enough now the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01739-00421134-00421364 question is how do the numbers actually JDQD-7vKpZ0-01740-00421364-00421535 turn out and I say when we go and look JDQD-7vKpZ0-01741-00421535-00421670 at those numbers National Academy of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01742-00421671-00421880 Sciences you'll see that Milton Friedman JDQD-7vKpZ0-01743-00421881-00422114 is just plain wrong the American welfare JDQD-7vKpZ0-01744-00422114-00422372 state is not so large to actually turn JDQD-7vKpZ0-01745-00422372-00422585 immigration into a fiscal burden on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01746-00422585-00422855 Americans in fact in even low-skilled JDQD-7vKpZ0-01747-00422856-00423050 immigrants as long as they're young or a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01748-00423051-00423251 net fiscal benefit in the modern United JDQD-7vKpZ0-01749-00423252-00423509 States like how could that possibly be a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01750-00423510-00423685 couple things are going on so first of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01751-00423687-00423868 all a lot of government products or a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01752-00423870-00423989 lot of government services are non JDQD-7vKpZ0-01753-00423989-00424163 viable that means the cost doesn't JDQD-7vKpZ0-01754-00424164-00424379 depend upon population and so you can JDQD-7vKpZ0-01755-00424380-00424535 let an immigrant in charge of modest JDQD-7vKpZ0-01756-00424535-00424670 taxes and he's still more spent more JDQD-7vKpZ0-01757-00424671-00424754 than pays for himself JDQD-7vKpZ0-01758-00424755-00424937 second of all immigrants tend to be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01759-00424938-00425164 young rather they tend to be young which JDQD-7vKpZ0-01760-00425166-00425339 end most of the wealth American welfare JDQD-7vKpZ0-01761-00425339-00425528 state goes to the old now if that sounds JDQD-7vKpZ0-01762-00425529-00425717 like a pyramid scheme it is not because JDQD-7vKpZ0-01763-00425718-00425945 this basic finance tells you a debt JDQD-7vKpZ0-01764-00425946-00426254 delayed is a lower debt if you can make JDQD-7vKpZ0-01765-00426255-00426482 a debt if you pay it pay up stand the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01766-00426483-00426668 same debt 50 years it is in fact a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01767-00426668-00426863 smaller debt then you pay it right now JDQD-7vKpZ0-01768-00426864-00427076 so in fact letting in more immigrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-01769-00427077-00427268 does make the system more state more JDQD-7vKpZ0-01770-00427268-00427534 sustainable not less and then finally JDQD-7vKpZ0-01771-00427535-00427814 it's also true that a large large part JDQD-7vKpZ0-01772-00427814-00427972 of the cost of immigrants is for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01773-00427974-00428177 educating their kids often there JDQD-7vKpZ0-01774-00428178-00428333 are in fact US citizens cuz they're born JDQD-7vKpZ0-01775-00428334-00428546 here but the key thing to remember is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01776-00428547-00428699 that if you have family of three natives JDQD-7vKpZ0-01777-00428700-00428963 two native parents one dative kid u.s. JDQD-7vKpZ0-01778-00428964-00429104 taxpayers pay for all three of their JDQD-7vKpZ0-01779-00429105-00429308 education if you a family of tumour JDQD-7vKpZ0-01780-00429309-00429554 parents and one kid u.s. taxpayers only JDQD-7vKpZ0-01781-00429555-00429767 pay for one education so that's another JDQD-7vKpZ0-01782-00429768-00429956 reason why immigrants are a great deal JDQD-7vKpZ0-01783-00429957-00430160 on now there's just bring us back to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01784-00430160-00430295 that question that Merck didn't like JDQD-7vKpZ0-01785-00430296-00430493 about if you're against if government JDQD-7vKpZ0-01786-00430493-00430649 should control immigration how not might JDQD-7vKpZ0-01787-00430650-00430847 have fertility but again really it is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01788-00430847-00431009 exactly the same issue so if it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01789-00431010-00431237 justified to say the welfare state is so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01790-00431238-00431381 big we're gonna take away people's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01791-00431382-00431612 freedom to migrate why is it justified JDQD-7vKpZ0-01792-00431613-00431789 to say the welfare state is so big we're JDQD-7vKpZ0-01793-00431789-00431930 gonna take away the right of for people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01794-00431931-00432070 to have kids when they want to and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01795-00432071-00432227 philosophically I would say it is the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01796-00432228-00432460 same problem and in both cases I think JDQD-7vKpZ0-01797-00432462-00432680 the reasonable answer is if it were JDQD-7vKpZ0-01798-00432681-00432847 gonna be a total disaster then maybe it JDQD-7vKpZ0-01799-00432849-00432977 would be okay to limit to limit that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01800-00432978-00433264 freedom but let's make sure it would be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01801-00433266-00433468 a total disaster before we start going JDQD-7vKpZ0-01802-00433470-00433739 and doing something that crazy and when JDQD-7vKpZ0-01803-00433739-00433864 we go and look at those numbers it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01804-00433866-00434093 just not there so yeah bright bright I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01805-00434093-00434291 bought a bottom line bill he was wrong JDQD-7vKpZ0-01806-00434292-00434582 okay look then what's wrong indeed cuz JDQD-7vKpZ0-01807-00434583-00434825 he's deceased absolutely because he what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01808-00434826-00434951 you were speaking of me about him in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01809-00434952-00435104 present tense because of course he's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01810-00435105-00435293 always with us in terms of his arguments JDQD-7vKpZ0-01811-00435293-00435617 which was great uh and now we go to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01812-00435618-00435887 final part of the evening a mark you can JDQD-7vKpZ0-01813-00435888-00436039 of course obviously respond to what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01814-00436041-00436253 Brian just said you have you five JDQD-7vKpZ0-01815-00436254-00436583 minutes rebuttal take it away mark well JDQD-7vKpZ0-01816-00436584-00436799 I mean I think I want to respond and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01817-00436800-00437051 sort of make a more general point Brian JDQD-7vKpZ0-01818-00437052-00437568 is saying that the restrictions on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01819-00437570-00437837 foreigners moving here that the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01820-00437838-00438143 limitation on their freedom that is he's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01821-00438143-00438296 an egg is analogizing it or not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01822-00438297-00438532 analogize he's equating it to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01823-00438533-00438776 decision of Americans to have kids in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01824-00438777-00438920 other words that they should be the same JDQD-7vKpZ0-01825-00438921-00439043 thing they should have both be JDQD-7vKpZ0-01826-00439043-00439334 restricted by the state or neither the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01827-00439335-00439706 problem is that this is this goes back JDQD-7vKpZ0-01828-00439707-00440014 to the original fundamental disagreement JDQD-7vKpZ0-01829-00440016-00440416 we have I think that Americans have a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01830-00440417-00440828 moral responsibility to each other that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01831-00440829-00441193 is greater than they have two farms that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01832-00441195-00441545 the the United States JDQD-7vKpZ0-01833-00441546-00441866 and the American people are a our nation JDQD-7vKpZ0-01834-00441867-00442124 and innate the members of a nation the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01835-00442125-00442226 citizens of a nation have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01836-00442227-00442424 responsibilities to each other there are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01837-00442425-00442795 different rules for those who are US as JDQD-7vKpZ0-01838-00442796-00443093 opposed to those who are them and the US JDQD-7vKpZ0-01839-00443093-00443387 and them is not a moral critique in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01840-00443388-00443563 sense that somehow foreigners are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01841-00443564-00443807 inferior or defective or what-have-you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01842-00443808-00444232 but the same rules do not apply to them JDQD-7vKpZ0-01843-00444233-00444554 we met when the the preamble of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01844-00444555-00444758 Constitution says we the people of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01845-00444759-00445001 United States that's not we the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01846-00445002-00445243 residents who happen to be here in the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01847-00445245-00445427 United States at this particular time JDQD-7vKpZ0-01848-00445428-00445658 it's those of us who are citizens of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01849-00445659-00446077 United States and as a citizen you have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01850-00446078-00446482 rights given to you by God which are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01851-00446483-00447058 enshrined and protected in our JDQD-7vKpZ0-01852-00447059-00447472 Constitution and our laws those rights JDQD-7vKpZ0-01853-00447472-00447880 do not all apply in the same way to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01854-00447881-00448166 foreigners coming here a foreigner has a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01855-00448167-00448532 right to life just as an American does JDQD-7vKpZ0-01856-00448533-00448801 he doesn't have a right to a life here JDQD-7vKpZ0-01857-00448802-00449030 sovereignty the basic concept of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01858-00449031-00449384 sovereignty is that the sovereign which JDQD-7vKpZ0-01859-00449385-00449593 in our system is the American people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01860-00449595-00449839 it's not the king it's not the Pope it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01861-00449841-00450002 not the Emperor it's the American people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01862-00450003-00450152 through their elected representatives JDQD-7vKpZ0-01863-00450153-00450520 get to decide who moves here and who JDQD-7vKpZ0-01864-00450521-00450785 doesn't there are rules and privileges JDQD-7vKpZ0-01865-00450785-00451127 that we enjoy that we are subject to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01866-00451128-00451472 that foreigners are not and that is what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01867-00451472-00451724 it boils that really want in principle JDQD-7vKpZ0-01868-00451725-00451910 what it boils down to somebody who is JDQD-7vKpZ0-01869-00451910-00452312 abroad in a low productivity country JDQD-7vKpZ0-01870-00452313-00452633 which is low productivity not because of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01871-00452634-00452933 anything we did it's simply because of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01872-00452934-00453118 their lower level of cultural JDQD-7vKpZ0-01873-00453120-00453299 development there whatever inheritance JDQD-7vKpZ0-01874-00453300-00453464 is they have from their own history in JDQD-7vKpZ0-01875-00453464-00453749 their own past it's just not a very JDQD-7vKpZ0-01876-00453750-00454028 productive place they have no right to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01877-00454029-00454222 move here that's their country we have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01878-00454223-00454438 no right to move to their country and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01879-00454439-00454697 you can call for higher levels of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01880-00454697-00454962 immigration if you want JDQD-7vKpZ0-01881-00454963-00455382 the only legitimate way in my opinion to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01882-00455383-00455660 make that argument as part of democratic JDQD-7vKpZ0-01883-00455662-00456081 discourse is to argue that the American JDQD-7vKpZ0-01884-00456082-00456303 that the American people would benefit JDQD-7vKpZ0-01885-00456304-00456684 and Brian does that sometimes but he's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01886-00456685-00456962 trying to steal a base because JDQD-7vKpZ0-01887-00456963-00457428 necessarily he would support the hope JDQD-7vKpZ0-01888-00457429-00457659 the unlimited immigration of people from JDQD-7vKpZ0-01889-00457660-00458046 abroad even if it were bad for Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-01890-00458047-00458337 in his conception and that's in my JDQD-7vKpZ0-01891-00458338-00458772 opinion not that that's that's a value JDQD-7vKpZ0-01892-00458772-00459024 question it's sort of a it's a you know JDQD-7vKpZ0-01893-00459025-00459429 it's like a I mean in geometry you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01894-00459430-00459672 know a basic theorem the definition of a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01895-00459672-00459888 point a line in the plane you don't have JDQD-7vKpZ0-01896-00459889-00460116 to justify those or prove those you take JDQD-7vKpZ0-01897-00460117-00460458 those as given well you have to take as JDQD-7vKpZ0-01898-00460459-00460880 given cool do you have your primary JDQD-7vKpZ0-01899-00460881-00461210 responsibility to a poor one minute one JDQD-7vKpZ0-01900-00461212-00461667 minute who is what what moral units are JDQD-7vKpZ0-01901-00461668-00461928 you part of who is your responsibility JDQD-7vKpZ0-01902-00461929-00462162 toward and that is that's not something JDQD-7vKpZ0-01903-00462163-00462438 you can really you know game out and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01904-00462439-00462651 debate and come to some kind of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01905-00462652-00462839 empirical conclusion it's a value JDQD-7vKpZ0-01906-00462841-00462912 question JDQD-7vKpZ0-01907-00462913-00463389 I value my fellow citizens more than I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01908-00463389-00463638 value foreigners doesn't mean foreigners JDQD-7vKpZ0-01909-00463639-00463913 are subhuman or any sort of that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01910-00463914-00464163 pre-modern concept where every tribe JDQD-7vKpZ0-01911-00464164-00464337 called itself the human beings and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01912-00464338-00464564 everybody else was not human beings I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-01913-00464566-00464901 a Christian I recognize that all of all JDQD-7vKpZ0-01914-00464902-00465153 of us are children of God but I have a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01915-00465154-00465447 greater responsibility to my own people JDQD-7vKpZ0-01916-00465447-00465792 than I do to foreigners Brian does not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01917-00465793-00465978 accept that concept if that's not a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01918-00465979-00466230 wrong position it's just a different JDQD-7vKpZ0-01919-00466231-00466470 position but if you start from one of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01920-00466471-00466704 those two positions you end up at very JDQD-7vKpZ0-01921-00466705-00466866 different places at the end of the day JDQD-7vKpZ0-01922-00466867-00466956 thank you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01923-00466957-00467559 I can never see is org thank you Mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-01924-00467560-00467913 Brian five minutes of rebuttal of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01925-00467914-00468145 concluding rebuttal yeah JDQD-7vKpZ0-01926-00468146-00468310 all right so let's go back to the actual JDQD-7vKpZ0-01927-00468310-00468535 resolution of the debate which is does JDQD-7vKpZ0-01928-00468535-00468775 the coronavirus crisis actually enhance JDQD-7vKpZ0-01929-00468776-00468964 the argument for restricting immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01930-00468964-00469201 oh it straight into me is first of all JDQD-7vKpZ0-01931-00469202-00469450 mark distances himself from the normal JDQD-7vKpZ0-01932-00469451-00469591 argument that people on the street JDQD-7vKpZ0-01933-00469592-00469743 actually make of course it's a little JDQD-7vKpZ0-01934-00469745-00469855 hard to meet people on the street JDQD-7vKpZ0-01935-00469856-00470097 anymore but on the phone the kinds of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01936-00470099-00470322 things that my dad would say alright so JDQD-7vKpZ0-01937-00470324-00470467 and again the normal argument that I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01938-00470468-00470620 think a large majority of Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-01939-00470621-00470922 accept is that the reason why we got JDQD-7vKpZ0-01940-00470924-00471064 this problem is because we were too JDQD-7vKpZ0-01941-00471064-00471250 lacks and letting foreigners in they JDQD-7vKpZ0-01942-00471251-00471451 came and they sickened us if we had been JDQD-7vKpZ0-01943-00471452-00471585 stricter it wouldn't have happened and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01944-00471587-00471712 if we don't want us to happen again we JDQD-7vKpZ0-01945-00471713-00471922 gotta be stricter in the future right JDQD-7vKpZ0-01946-00471922-00472047 mark doesn't actually seem to want to JDQD-7vKpZ0-01947-00472049-00472252 make that argument which is great but I JDQD-7vKpZ0-01948-00472253-00472438 think that by refusing to make that JDQD-7vKpZ0-01949-00472439-00472689 argument he has really eliminated most JDQD-7vKpZ0-01950-00472691-00472852 of the case that he could make for JDQD-7vKpZ0-01951-00472853-00472999 further restrictions and immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01952-00473000-00473193 always really left with is this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01953-00473195-00473362 depression economics one but JDQD-7vKpZ0-01954-00473363-00473554 unemployment is high we should go and JDQD-7vKpZ0-01955-00473555-00473827 try to protect jobs without without any JDQD-7vKpZ0-01956-00473828-00473980 real consideration of the effect on JDQD-7vKpZ0-01957-00473981-00474175 production the harm that Willis will do JDQD-7vKpZ0-01958-00474176-00474337 to businesses that are immigration JDQD-7vKpZ0-01959-00474338-00474493 dependent and then he makes a few JDQD-7vKpZ0-01960-00474493-00474634 exceptions well yeah okay agriculture JDQD-7vKpZ0-01961-00474635-00474802 okay but there's knee on the other hand JDQD-7vKpZ0-01962-00474803-00474928 he's still mad and I'm not quite sure JDQD-7vKpZ0-01963-00474929-00475105 but he's got against his knee I love JDQD-7vKpZ0-01964-00475106-00475255 Disneyland by the way it's a wonderful JDQD-7vKpZ0-01965-00475256-00475462 place and if they but if they operate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01966-00475463-00475693 with immigrants more power to them many JDQD-7vKpZ0-01967-00475693-00475852 gay so remembering the resolution it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-01968-00475853-00476005 about whether this current crisis JDQD-7vKpZ0-01969-00476006-00476203 enhances the argument the mark has been JDQD-7vKpZ0-01970-00476204-00476476 making for many many years and he JDQD-7vKpZ0-01971-00476477-00476692 doesn't use he doesn't make the argument JDQD-7vKpZ0-01972-00476693-00476835 that you would actually think would make JDQD-7vKpZ0-01973-00476837-00477025 which is good because as I said is wrong JDQD-7vKpZ0-01974-00477026-00477393 we couldn't actually keep we could not JDQD-7vKpZ0-01975-00477395-00477597 actually get the virus out at a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01976-00477599-00477897 reasonable cost by simply closing the JDQD-7vKpZ0-01977-00477899-00478063 borders and again you have to eliminate JDQD-7vKpZ0-01978-00478064-00478246 tourism including our right to travel JDQD-7vKpZ0-01979-00478247-00478464 abroad so it's just crazy and even if JDQD-7vKpZ0-01980-00478466-00478593 you're really worried about that should JDQD-7vKpZ0-01981-00478595-00478762 focus on quarantines rather than JDQD-7vKpZ0-01982-00478763-00478957 anything else and then again this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01983-00478958-00479092 unemployment argument is just the usual JDQD-7vKpZ0-01984-00479093-00479247 one that people shred out during every JDQD-7vKpZ0-01985-00479249-00479470 recession where they keep their eye off JDQD-7vKpZ0-01986-00479471-00479701 the ball of production and on this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01987-00479702-00479922 distraction of employment which is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01988-00479924-00479992 terrible mistake JDQD-7vKpZ0-01989-00479993-00480147 especially when stores have loss of JDQD-7vKpZ0-01990-00480149-00480337 empty shelves I've been there I am JDQD-7vKpZ0-01991-00480338-00480522 terrified now to go shopping not just JDQD-7vKpZ0-01992-00480524-00480718 from getting sick but just to see what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01993-00480718-00480925 has happened to my beloved grocery JDQD-7vKpZ0-01994-00480926-00481141 stores and what has happened to them you JDQD-7vKpZ0-01995-00481142-00481332 know like what consumer would what JDQD-7vKpZ0-01996-00481333-00481692 it's very sad alright uh now on this JDQD-7vKpZ0-01997-00481693-00481793 question of whether or not you have a JDQD-7vKpZ0-01998-00481795-00481997 right to emigrate or not oh yeah I think JDQD-7vKpZ0-01999-00481999-00482214 you do but again you could just as well JDQD-7vKpZ0-02000-00482214-00482445 make my argument saying yes democracy JDQD-7vKpZ0-02001-00482446-00482712 whatever it says is great but democracy JDQD-7vKpZ0-02002-00482713-00482888 should vote for what I'm saying and JDQD-7vKpZ0-02003-00482889-00483089 almost all my argument still go through JDQD-7vKpZ0-02004-00483091-00483285 you'll notice that I really only switch JDQD-7vKpZ0-02005-00483285-00483480 over to the moral arguments when the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02006-00483481-00483645 moral argument comes up otherwise I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-02007-00483646-00483900 happy to focus on the actual expected JDQD-7vKpZ0-02008-00483901-00484206 consequences let's see so there's one JDQD-7vKpZ0-02009-00484207-00484350 thing I want people to keep in mind from JDQD-7vKpZ0-02010-00484351-00484560 all this is that we actually learned JDQD-7vKpZ0-02011-00484560-00484716 something about immigration from the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02012-00484717-00485013 current shutdown as I said during the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02013-00485014-00485256 current shutdown we are suffering JDQD-7vKpZ0-02014-00485257-00485472 because Americans have been deprived of JDQD-7vKpZ0-02015-00485472-00485643 their normal right to free migration JDQD-7vKpZ0-02016-00485643-00485835 we're no longer able to live and shop JDQD-7vKpZ0-02017-00485835-00486117 where we want which is terrible we have JDQD-7vKpZ0-02018-00486118-00486324 lost an enormous amount because we can't JDQD-7vKpZ0-02019-00486325-00486606 move around anymore this is a permanent JDQD-7vKpZ0-02020-00486607-00486852 problem with the global economy we are JDQD-7vKpZ0-02021-00486853-00487020 permanently losing these benefits JDQD-7vKpZ0-02022-00487021-00487218 because there are a lot of gains of JDQD-7vKpZ0-02023-00487218-00487353 letting people move from country to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02024-00487354-00487584 country the same kinds of games you get JDQD-7vKpZ0-02025-00487585-00487760 by able to go to your job or go to a JDQD-7vKpZ0-02026-00487762-00487893 store where you watch there's someone in JDQD-7vKpZ0-02027-00487893-00488025 a gate that's by being able to come to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02028-00488026-00488277 you these are the games that we give up JDQD-7vKpZ0-02029-00488278-00488502 in the global economy every day the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02030-00488503-00488760 reason why we can easily believe that JDQD-7vKpZ0-02031-00488760-00488939 we're having enormous losses right now JDQD-7vKpZ0-02032-00488941-00489135 is that we remember how things used to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02033-00489135-00489360 be the reason why mark is so much JDQD-7vKpZ0-02034-00489360-00489477 trouble believing that things could be JDQD-7vKpZ0-02035-00489478-00489624 dramatically better is that we haven't JDQD-7vKpZ0-02036-00489625-00489876 seen these games they are foregone JDQD-7vKpZ0-02037-00489877-00490188 rather than taken away and what I'm JDQD-7vKpZ0-02038-00490189-00490413 saying is we really should focus on what JDQD-7vKpZ0-02039-00490414-00490602 we are missing again if this lockdown JDQD-7vKpZ0-02040-00490603-00490800 went on long enough eventually we would JDQD-7vKpZ0-02041-00490801-00490959 forget that anything better was possible JDQD-7vKpZ0-02042-00490960-00491130 and then there'd be someone like mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-02043-00491131-00491310 saying oh this is all fantasy you can't JDQD-7vKpZ0-02044-00491310-00491487 really improve that much it would be so JDQD-7vKpZ0-02045-00491488-00491664 disruptive for institutions if people JDQD-7vKpZ0-02046-00491664-00491838 could go and sit down at restaurants JDQD-7vKpZ0-02047-00491839-00491964 what would happen to the grocery stores JDQD-7vKpZ0-02048-00491964-00492264 all this kind of negative focus on JDQD-7vKpZ0-02049-00492264-00492464 employment rather than a positive focus JDQD-7vKpZ0-02050-00492466-00492699 on progress and production it has great JDQD-7vKpZ0-02051-00492700-00492951 appeal box emotionally right and it's JDQD-7vKpZ0-02052-00492952-00493071 the kind of thing that comes to people's JDQD-7vKpZ0-02053-00493072-00493284 heads there's kind of and it's the kind JDQD-7vKpZ0-02054-00493285-00493479 of thing that any good economics class JDQD-7vKpZ0-02055-00493480-00493707 tries to beat out of the students so JDQD-7vKpZ0-02056-00493708-00493907 thoroughly that it never comes back and JDQD-7vKpZ0-02057-00493908-00494193 so let me try to beat it out of you JDQD-7vKpZ0-02058-00494193-00494312 right now JDQD-7vKpZ0-02059-00494313-00494717 let's say and yes one last point so mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-02060-00494718-00494954 does not like the argument of keep out JDQD-7vKpZ0-02061-00494955-00495064 immigrants because they're inferior JDQD-7vKpZ0-02062-00495064-00495260 here's what I say that's the good JDQD-7vKpZ0-02063-00495260-00495455 argument that's the argument that makes JDQD-7vKpZ0-02064-00495456-00495614 sense if the immigrants really are JDQD-7vKpZ0-02065-00495614-00495752 barbarians and they're going to come JDQD-7vKpZ0-02066-00495753-00495962 here and run amok then I can understand JDQD-7vKpZ0-02067-00495963-00496163 why people don't want them here that is JDQD-7vKpZ0-02068-00496164-00496307 what the scurrilous members of the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02069-00496308-00496478 Internet's who are hardcore opponents of JDQD-7vKpZ0-02070-00496479-00496745 immigration do now mark I think mark JDQD-7vKpZ0-02071-00496746-00496892 sincerely does not agree with those JDQD-7vKpZ0-02072-00496893-00496946 people JDQD-7vKpZ0-02073-00496947-00497099 the nicety mark doesn't really have any JDQD-7vKpZ0-02074-00497100-00497299 good argument left all he's left with is JDQD-7vKpZ0-02075-00497300-00497621 some discussion about how Americans are JDQD-7vKpZ0-02076-00497622-00497804 different theoretically from foreigners JDQD-7vKpZ0-02077-00497805-00497999 but he never really addresses the point JDQD-7vKpZ0-02078-00498000-00498131 of the complaints that you have about JDQD-7vKpZ0-02079-00498132-00498374 immigrants also apply just as well to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02080-00498375-00498647 also apply just as well to Americans so JDQD-7vKpZ0-02081-00498647-00498814 if you're worried about immigrants JDQD-7vKpZ0-02082-00498816-00498917 taking jobs you'd be worried about JDQD-7vKpZ0-02083-00498918-00499103 Americans taking jobs you're worried JDQD-7vKpZ0-02084-00499104-00499220 about immigrants taking jobs you're JDQD-7vKpZ0-02085-00499221-00499391 worried about more women working the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02086-00499392-00499604 logic of this mark doesn't want to deal JDQD-7vKpZ0-02087-00499605-00499810 with any I think the reason is that if JDQD-7vKpZ0-02088-00499812-00499949 you really pursued it you would end up JDQD-7vKpZ0-02089-00499950-00500174 at my view not this Thanks thank you JDQD-7vKpZ0-02090-00500175-00500354 thank you Brian okay JDQD-7vKpZ0-02091-00500355-00500714 oh well that concludes the arguments on JDQD-7vKpZ0-02092-00500714-00501113 both sides Jane please open the final JDQD-7vKpZ0-02093-00501114-00501437 vote and you are watching this on JDQD-7vKpZ0-02094-00501438-00501770 livestream please cast your file vote JDQD-7vKpZ0-02095-00501771-00502031 however we won't be announcing the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02096-00502032-00502382 results until next Tuesday because JDQD-7vKpZ0-02097-00502383-00502607 reason is going to release this on video JDQD-7vKpZ0-02098-00502608-00502976 and audio this Friday and people will JDQD-7vKpZ0-02099-00502977-00503143 have through the weekend and into Monday JDQD-7vKpZ0-02100-00503145-00503480 to watch and cast their own final vote JDQD-7vKpZ0-02101-00503481-00503804 the results will be announced again next JDQD-7vKpZ0-02102-00503805-00504239 Tuesday thanks to you both Brian and JDQD-7vKpZ0-02103-00504239-00504530 mark I want to remind you both of course JDQD-7vKpZ0-02104-00504531-00504824 that you are alumni of the physical soul JDQD-7vKpZ0-02105-00504825-00505112 forum brian has been at the physical JDQD-7vKpZ0-02106-00505113-00505264 solar forum a couple of times JDQD-7vKpZ0-02107-00505266-00505643 mark visit us visited us once we hope to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02108-00505643-00506033 have you back I just learned before we JDQD-7vKpZ0-02109-00506034-00506279 turn this on that Brian always looking JDQD-7vKpZ0-02110-00506280-00506492 for new employment into diversified his JDQD-7vKpZ0-02111-00506493-00506783 own skills wants to apply to be a JDQD-7vKpZ0-02112-00506784-00507097 stand-up act at the Seoul forum Brian I JDQD-7vKpZ0-02113-00507099-00507435 remind you that we are the Big Apple and JDQD-7vKpZ0-02114-00507437-00507693 therefore I encourage you JDQD-7vKpZ0-02115-00507694-00507970 - what to try out your act with the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02116-00507971-00508249 Nerds at GM you the faculty and students JDQD-7vKpZ0-02117-00508250-00508474 and we'll get some recommendations from JDQD-7vKpZ0-02118-00508475-00508612 them how do you how do you get to the JDQD-7vKpZ0-02119-00508613-00508929 sella forum practice practice practice JDQD-7vKpZ0-02120-00508930-00509166 can I just say one thing I'm so happy to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02121-00509167-00509320 see all of you I'm really happy to see JDQD-7vKpZ0-02122-00509321-00509593 mark I just feel so lonely so distressed JDQD-7vKpZ0-02123-00509593-00509841 by a terrible situation just to even see JDQD-7vKpZ0-02124-00509842-00509989 a human being on a screen it's a big JDQD-7vKpZ0-02125-00509989-00510210 improvement for me and honestly this is JDQD-7vKpZ0-02126-00510212-00510364 what I said the same feeling and I have JDQD-7vKpZ0-02127-00510364-00510499 whatever I need to do in order to this JDQD-7vKpZ0-02128-00510500-00510733 country I'm glad to have you I'm glad to JDQD-7vKpZ0-02129-00510734-00510901 see all of you you're seeing us another JDQD-7vKpZ0-02130-00510902-00511177 country I want you here and if Americans JDQD-7vKpZ0-02131-00511178-00511324 get their act together you'll be allowed JDQD-7vKpZ0-02132-00511325-00511579 got on that note of love Brian and JDQD-7vKpZ0-02133-00511580-00511783 market both come to love each other even JDQD-7vKpZ0-02134-00511784-00512083 though they disagree profoundly about JDQD-7vKpZ0-02135-00512084-00512377 certain issues and I hope to see you JDQD-7vKpZ0-02136-00512378-00512616 both at some point back the physical JDQD-7vKpZ0-02137-00512617-00512820 space at 45 Bleecker Street is a JDQD-7vKpZ0-02138-00512821-00513010 subculture theater and a not too distant JDQD-7vKpZ0-02139-00513010-00513362 future goodnight and stay well JDQD-7vKpZ0-02140-00513363-00513672 [Music] JG8GLCSv91U-00000-00000065-00000191 yeah JG8GLCSv91U-00001-00000192-00000329 we're going to talk about Minecraft JG8GLCSv91U-00002-00000330-00000617 drama today I'm a 27 year old adult man JG8GLCSv91U-00003-00000618-00000823 and we're going to talk about Minecraft JG8GLCSv91U-00004-00000824-00001133 why because yesterday dream fired off a JG8GLCSv91U-00005-00001134-00001307 tweet that sparked some drama in the JG8GLCSv91U-00006-00001308-00001553 Minecraft community and got 50 million JG8GLCSv91U-00007-00001554-00001859 views and I know that because it was all JG8GLCSv91U-00008-00001860-00002152 over my damn Twitter all day long but JG8GLCSv91U-00009-00002153-00002351 before we jump into the drama let's set JG8GLCSv91U-00010-00002352-00002476 some ground rules a little bit of JG8GLCSv91U-00011-00002477-00002687 boundaries now generally the way I JG8GLCSv91U-00012-00002688-00002950 operate is I I create I create content I JG8GLCSv91U-00013-00002951-00003203 create slop all right I'm a slop maker JG8GLCSv91U-00014-00003204-00003413 and if you guys like my slop good JG8GLCSv91U-00015-00003414-00003586 subscribe hang out I appreciate it if JG8GLCSv91U-00016-00003588-00003736 you don't like my slop let me know you JG8GLCSv91U-00017-00003738-00003917 made bad SOB today you shitty slot maker JG8GLCSv91U-00018-00003918-00004115 that's fine I don't like a passionate JG8GLCSv91U-00019-00004116-00004283 fan base who backs me on everything I do JG8GLCSv91U-00020-00004284-00004486 but that's not exactly how mine Crafters JG8GLCSv91U-00021-00004487-00004649 operate and that's just a total JG8GLCSv91U-00022-00004650-00004852 difference in what you like from your JG8GLCSv91U-00023-00004853-00005051 viewer base and what you curate JG8GLCSv91U-00024-00005052-00005297 and I know that because I sent off a JG8GLCSv91U-00025-00005298-00005525 single reply to quackity because he JG8GLCSv91U-00026-00005526-00005668 tweeted out that I'll be live in an hour JG8GLCSv91U-00027-00005669-00005897 and then he was not live after an hour JG8GLCSv91U-00028-00005898-00006029 and I thought that was funny because I JG8GLCSv91U-00029-00006030-00006161 get made fun for being late to stream JG8GLCSv91U-00030-00006162-00006406 all the time so I said that was a lie JG8GLCSv91U-00031-00006408-00006605 and then I turned it on Twitter for a JG8GLCSv91U-00032-00006606-00006719 little bit now obviously it's personal JG8GLCSv91U-00033-00006720-00006820 trending because I'm not actually JG8GLCSv91U-00034-00006822-00007006 trending the grand scheme of Twitter you JG8GLCSv91U-00035-00007008-00007133 know if you actually go to the trending JG8GLCSv91U-00036-00007134-00007355 page it's a lot different Smackdown JG8GLCSv91U-00037-00007356-00007613 Tennessee Titans whatever but it's very JG8GLCSv91U-00038-00007614-00007787 real that there is a passionate group of JG8GLCSv91U-00039-00007788-00007996 people who latch onto every single thing JG8GLCSv91U-00040-00007997-00008189 stated and so whatever I say today JG8GLCSv91U-00041-00008190-00008387 [__] leave me out of it baby all JG8GLCSv91U-00042-00008388-00008585 right I'm just here to inform all the JG8GLCSv91U-00043-00008586-00008789 Boomers who watch my ass what the [__] JG8GLCSv91U-00044-00008790-00008939 happening in Minecraft world while JG8GLCSv91U-00045-00008940-00009209 they're taking a break at work or school JG8GLCSv91U-00046-00009210-00009346 work or whatever the hell you're doing JG8GLCSv91U-00047-00009347-00009533 and hope you got your 10K steps in today JG8GLCSv91U-00048-00009534-00009742 now let's jump into the ad read then JG8GLCSv91U-00049-00009743-00009917 we'll do the drama right after as one of JG8GLCSv91U-00050-00009918-00010078 the Premier right-wing journalists here JG8GLCSv91U-00051-00010079-00010295 at mogulmail it's my job to do research JG8GLCSv91U-00052-00010296-00010487 and occasionally I have to pay to do JG8GLCSv91U-00053-00010488-00010721 said research but recently I found out I JG8GLCSv91U-00054-00010722-00010883 was paying for two New York Times JG8GLCSv91U-00055-00010884-00011087 subscriptions I don't like Wordle that JG8GLCSv91U-00056-00011088-00011291 much but I was able to cancel it thanks JG8GLCSv91U-00057-00011292-00011506 to the sponsor of today's video rocket JG8GLCSv91U-00058-00011507-00011692 money if you don't know rocket money is JG8GLCSv91U-00059-00011693-00011909 an all-in-one Finance platform that JG8GLCSv91U-00060-00011910-00012142 helps you save more and spend less you JG8GLCSv91U-00061-00012143-00012305 can use rocket money like me to cancel JG8GLCSv91U-00062-00012306-00012509 subscriptions or to monitor your credit JG8GLCSv91U-00063-00012510-00012773 score or even set budgets for events and JG8GLCSv91U-00064-00012774-00013024 plans you want to do so to save more and JG8GLCSv91U-00065-00013025-00013301 spend less join the 3.4 million people JG8GLCSv91U-00066-00013302-00013547 currently using rocket money by using my JG8GLCSv91U-00067-00013547-00013836 my code that's rocketmoney.com JG8GLCSv91U-00068-00013837-00014075 mogulmail thank you rocking money for JG8GLCSv91U-00069-00014076-00014266 sponsoring this video now let's jump JG8GLCSv91U-00070-00014268-00014525 into the drama which all started with a JG8GLCSv91U-00071-00014526-00014735 tweet from a Minecraft creator that goes JG8GLCSv91U-00072-00014736-00014891 by the name quackity quackity cool JG8GLCSv91U-00073-00014891-00015101 Creator and he tweeted out this welcome JG8GLCSv91U-00074-00015102-00015419 to the qsmp begins on March 22nd and he JG8GLCSv91U-00075-00015419-00015688 dropped a little video JG8GLCSv91U-00076-00015690-00015833 We're not gonna watch a video but I just JG8GLCSv91U-00077-00015834-00016040 like this song A lot JG8GLCSv91U-00078-00016041-00016180 [Music] JG8GLCSv91U-00079-00016181-00016547 an SMP is a survival multiplayer server JG8GLCSv91U-00080-00016548-00016697 I think it actually just stands for JG8GLCSv91U-00081-00016698-00016949 survival multiplayer but it's usually a JG8GLCSv91U-00082-00016950-00017183 server where people go on together and JG8GLCSv91U-00083-00017184-00017477 and then do Shenanigans the the very JG8GLCSv91U-00084-00017478-00017693 popular one from a couple years ago was JG8GLCSv91U-00085-00017694-00017963 the dream SMP uh and that that I think JG8GLCSv91U-00086-00017964-00018113 is dead now I think it's gone it's faded JG8GLCSv91U-00087-00018114-00018400 away and so this is a new s p to to to JG8GLCSv91U-00088-00018401-00018665 it's it's good slop for Minecraft fans JG8GLCSv91U-00089-00018666-00018875 basically uh and it wasn't really JG8GLCSv91U-00090-00018876-00019085 announced what it would be but it did JG8GLCSv91U-00091-00019086-00019367 show both English and Spanish in the JG8GLCSv91U-00092-00019368-00019529 video and he followed up with a reply on JG8GLCSv91U-00093-00019530-00019630 his alt account because every JG8GLCSv91U-00094-00019631-00019744 Minecrafter has an ALT account that's JG8GLCSv91U-00095-00019745-00019919 one of the rules the first ever JG8GLCSv91U-00096-00019920-00020255 bilingual SMP server which makes a lot JG8GLCSv91U-00097-00020256-00020405 of sense because quackity himself is JG8GLCSv91U-00098-00020406-00020567 bilingual and that's a big part of his JG8GLCSv91U-00099-00020568-00020680 channel sometimes I'll watch him and JG8GLCSv91U-00100-00020681-00020867 I'll just be speaking in Spanish and and JG8GLCSv91U-00101-00020868-00021149 I and I'm digging deep on those streams JG8GLCSv91U-00102-00021150-00021394 man I'm trying my best my mom is a JG8GLCSv91U-00103-00021395-00021544 Spanish teacher all right she's Spanish JG8GLCSv91U-00104-00021545-00021869 by Blood and I have that in me too don't JG8GLCSv91U-00105-00021870-00022078 understand a lick but I'm I'm trying out JG8GLCSv91U-00106-00022079-00022163 there JG8GLCSv91U-00107-00022164-00022378 and the drama started because a week JG8GLCSv91U-00108-00022379-00022522 after that tweet right that tweet was JG8GLCSv91U-00109-00022523-00022817 March 22nd a week after April 2nd dream JG8GLCSv91U-00110-00022818-00022985 one of the biggest Minecraft creators in JG8GLCSv91U-00111-00022986-00023303 the world tweeted this out United SMP JG8GLCSv91U-00112-00023304-00023680 the first multi-language SMP with live JG8GLCSv91U-00113-00023681-00023939 translation and it shows the languages JG8GLCSv91U-00114-00023940-00024203 Spanish Portuguese french German Korean JG8GLCSv91U-00115-00024204-00024472 and English sexy creators one mod one JG8GLCSv91U-00116-00024473-00024694 Minecraft it's simple and then that's JG8GLCSv91U-00117-00024695-00025007 and that's that uh and and this this is JG8GLCSv91U-00118-00025008-00025175 this is this this is the start of the JG8GLCSv91U-00119-00025176-00025378 drama all right because if you look at JG8GLCSv91U-00120-00025379-00025684 the date April 2nd the day after and JG8GLCSv91U-00121-00025685-00025805 let's look at the language here the JG8GLCSv91U-00122-00025806-00026050 first multi-language s p quackity tweets JG8GLCSv91U-00123-00026051-00026287 this out welcome to the first JG8GLCSv91U-00124-00026288-00026735 multilingual Minecraft server qsmp now JG8GLCSv91U-00125-00026736-00027112 with live translation welcome world qsnp JG8GLCSv91U-00126-00027113-00027299 is the very first multilingual Minecraft JG8GLCSv91U-00127-00027300-00027545 server that utilizes real-time JG8GLCSv91U-00128-00027545-00027802 translation and it is live on the server JG8GLCSv91U-00129-00027804-00028157 right now hey now clearly this is a JG8GLCSv91U-00130-00028158-00028367 produced video that probably existed JG8GLCSv91U-00131-00028368-00028535 before dream tweeted out the JG8GLCSv91U-00132-00028536-00028846 photographic the day before but they had JG8GLCSv91U-00133-00028847-00029081 apparently come to the same idea at the JG8GLCSv91U-00134-00029082-00029255 same time and were launching it at the JG8GLCSv91U-00135-00029256-00029483 same exact time which is which is which JG8GLCSv91U-00136-00029483-00029674 is weird it's it's weird and it's JG8GLCSv91U-00137-00029675-00029908 created a bit of confusion before we JG8GLCSv91U-00138-00029910-00030137 jump into the confusion at its core this JG8GLCSv91U-00139-00030138-00030395 is a goddamn brilliant idea this is a JG8GLCSv91U-00140-00030395-00030635 Godlike idea for a long time now the JG8GLCSv91U-00141-00030636-00030796 biggest streamers or some of the biggest JG8GLCSv91U-00142-00030797-00031024 streamers in the world are non-english JG8GLCSv91U-00143-00031025-00031240 speaking streamers if you look at the JG8GLCSv91U-00144-00031241-00031349 top 10 JG8GLCSv91U-00145-00031350-00031679 as always xqc's number one that guy JG8GLCSv91U-00146-00031680-00031840 streams a lot and he gets a lot of JG8GLCSv91U-00147-00031841-00032135 viewers but number two is goal who is a JG8GLCSv91U-00148-00032136-00032333 Portuguese speaking streamer and then we JG8GLCSv91U-00149-00032333-00032477 have Shaka who's a Japanese speaking JG8GLCSv91U-00150-00032477-00032645 streamer Spanish speaking streamer JG8GLCSv91U-00151-00032645-00032896 English Portuguese Spanish English JG8GLCSv91U-00152-00032897-00033202 Korean you get the idea it is not JG8GLCSv91U-00153-00033203-00033421 majority English anymore this is not JG8GLCSv91U-00154-00033422-00033779 2015. it is a diverse streaming world JG8GLCSv91U-00155-00033780-00034012 and so to combine those together would JG8GLCSv91U-00156-00034013-00034252 be tapping into a viewer base that was JG8GLCSv91U-00157-00034253-00034523 before unable to be reached it would JG8GLCSv91U-00158-00034524-00034673 only be exclusive to people who speak JG8GLCSv91U-00159-00034674-00034846 that language but quackity as somebody's JG8GLCSv91U-00160-00034847-00035009 bilingual makes a lot of sense in dream JG8GLCSv91U-00161-00035010-00035224 I guess as just a Minecraft Creator and JG8GLCSv91U-00162-00035225-00035399 a general businessman and somebody who JG8GLCSv91U-00163-00035400-00035621 who wants to uh grow and work with other JG8GLCSv91U-00164-00035622-00035896 creators also makes a lot of sense but JG8GLCSv91U-00165-00035897-00036101 because they both have a multilingual JG8GLCSv91U-00166-00036102-00036257 server and they're both claiming to be JG8GLCSv91U-00167-00036258-00036449 the first people got a bit confused JG8GLCSv91U-00168-00036450-00036712 including our boy Jimmy Beast is this JG8GLCSv91U-00169-00036713-00036905 the same or different than what the JG8GLCSv91U-00170-00036906-00037055 dream is doing JG8GLCSv91U-00171-00037056-00037283 and dream replies to quackity's tweet JG8GLCSv91U-00172-00037284-00037487 it's a different one smile face q s p JG8GLCSv91U-00173-00037488-00037655 released as English and Spanish I JG8GLCSv91U-00174-00037656-00037805 announced my live translator mod a day JG8GLCSv91U-00175-00037806-00038039 or so before qsmp shared theirs and they JG8GLCSv91U-00176-00038040-00038159 happen to have similar good ideas mine JG8GLCSv91U-00177-00038160-00038290 will be public awesome to see the JG8GLCSv91U-00178-00038291-00038489 language barrier be broken now the only JG8GLCSv91U-00179-00038490-00038680 thing that makes these not the exact JG8GLCSv91U-00180-00038681-00038939 same idea is that so far quackity seems JG8GLCSv91U-00181-00038940-00039202 to be English in Spanish and then dreams JG8GLCSv91U-00182-00039203-00039401 is a bunch of other languages like JG8GLCSv91U-00183-00039402-00039724 Portuguese and Korean so that's the one JG8GLCSv91U-00184-00039725-00039923 thing that like okay kind of makes sense JG8GLCSv91U-00185-00039924-00040090 that this one has its own separate value JG8GLCSv91U-00186-00040091-00040246 of multiple language and this one is JG8GLCSv91U-00187-00040247-00040499 more catered to these two languages and JG8GLCSv91U-00188-00040500-00040679 and then people are even memeing the JG8GLCSv91U-00189-00040680-00040889 fact that there were similar ideas being JG8GLCSv91U-00190-00040890-00041074 brought up George tweeted out proud to JG8GLCSv91U-00191-00041075-00041267 announce [__] SMP the very first and JG8GLCSv91U-00192-00041268-00041465 only Minecraft server where all your JG8GLCSv91U-00193-00041466-00041633 mothers can play and then sapna tweeted JG8GLCSv91U-00194-00041634-00041879 out proud to announce sapnap SMP and JG8GLCSv91U-00195-00041880-00042029 then there's a bunch of these memes JG8GLCSv91U-00196-00042030-00042190 they're you know they're they're very JG8GLCSv91U-00197-00042191-00042323 cookie cutter memes proud to announce JG8GLCSv91U-00198-00042324-00042665 whatever was a was a meme for that day JG8GLCSv91U-00199-00042666-00042995 um and uh that's when dream addressed JG8GLCSv91U-00200-00042996-00043223 the drama for the first time a week into JG8GLCSv91U-00201-00043224-00043396 it he said for any of you confused about JG8GLCSv91U-00202-00043397-00043595 usmp which is dreams one and q s p JG8GLCSv91U-00203-00043596-00043817 quackities one drama quacking and I JG8GLCSv91U-00204-00043818-00044008 worked on the same thing accidentally JG8GLCSv91U-00205-00044009-00044152 and kept it private like most projects JG8GLCSv91U-00206-00044153-00044387 and then they clashed uh it's basically JG8GLCSv91U-00207-00044388-00044512 two people who came up with the same JG8GLCSv91U-00208-00044513-00044795 ideas and uh at the same time which JG8GLCSv91U-00209-00044796-00044945 happens this actually happens to me a JG8GLCSv91U-00210-00044946-00045149 lot when I run my smash event because if JG8GLCSv91U-00211-00045150-00045299 I want to run a Super Smash Bros event JG8GLCSv91U-00212-00045300-00045508 on Memorial Day weekend there's probably JG8GLCSv91U-00213-00045509-00045767 another event also running and although JG8GLCSv91U-00214-00045768-00045965 my event would be different and a bit JG8GLCSv91U-00215-00045966-00046145 larger it also has a lot of crossover JG8GLCSv91U-00216-00046146-00046355 and the crossover is the problem because JG8GLCSv91U-00217-00046356-00046762 it does hurt both things if people are a JG8GLCSv91U-00218-00046763-00046901 part of both because they're gonna pick JG8GLCSv91U-00219-00046902-00047087 the one that's more incentivized for JG8GLCSv91U-00220-00047088-00047321 them so it creates a little bit of JG8GLCSv91U-00221-00047322-00047518 tension a little bit of ugly tension JG8GLCSv91U-00222-00047519-00047746 which is what was being created here and JG8GLCSv91U-00223-00047747-00047885 then throughout all this quackity was JG8GLCSv91U-00224-00047886-00048029 pretty unbothered he just announced new JG8GLCSv91U-00225-00048030-00048257 features for the q s p like this one I JG8GLCSv91U-00226-00048258-00048671 I'm the quackity that speaks JG8GLCSv91U-00227-00048672-00048940 and this is where things get even a JG8GLCSv91U-00228-00048941-00049108 little more heated because in this video JG8GLCSv91U-00229-00049109-00049337 quackity announces that not only is his JG8GLCSv91U-00230-00049338-00049517 English in Spanish because he is JG8GLCSv91U-00231-00049518-00049643 bilingual speaks English and Spanish JG8GLCSv91U-00232-00049644-00049967 it's gonna be all same languages that JG8GLCSv91U-00233-00049968-00050290 dreams is too and that was the the final JG8GLCSv91U-00234-00050291-00050530 differentiator right for a while it was JG8GLCSv91U-00235-00050531-00050746 like okay dreams s p is like like a JG8GLCSv91U-00236-00050747-00050915 bunch of languages and quackities is JG8GLCSv91U-00237-00050916-00051112 English and Spanish so it's like one has JG8GLCSv91U-00238-00051113-00051251 like slightly different value and this JG8GLCSv91U-00239-00051252-00051352 one has like slightly different value JG8GLCSv91U-00240-00051353-00051538 now they're the same [__] thing JG8GLCSv91U-00241-00051539-00051779 they're the exact same thing it's kind JG8GLCSv91U-00242-00051779-00052096 of like Diet Coke and Coke Zero how do JG8GLCSv91U-00243-00052097-00052301 you pick if you've never drank either of JG8GLCSv91U-00244-00052302-00052487 them and they have no Nostalgia I don't JG8GLCSv91U-00245-00052488-00052649 know I'm not because I know a lot of JG8GLCSv91U-00246-00052650-00053194 people ride or die Diet Coke but then JG8GLCSv91U-00247-00053195-00053363 there's like the same [__] thing to JG8GLCSv91U-00248-00053364-00053429 me JG8GLCSv91U-00249-00053429-00053644 so that's that's the situation we were JG8GLCSv91U-00250-00053645-00053819 in uh and throughout all this what was JG8GLCSv91U-00251-00053820-00053987 quackity doing JG8GLCSv91U-00252-00053988-00054197 he was just tweeting he was just he was JG8GLCSv91U-00253-00054198-00054329 he was just living his life he hasn't JG8GLCSv91U-00254-00054329-00054550 said jack [__] about any of this all JG8GLCSv91U-00255-00054551-00054754 right he was just doing his thing but I JG8GLCSv91U-00256-00054755-00055025 do think this confusion created a lot of JG8GLCSv91U-00257-00055026-00055294 tension that dream eventually cracked JG8GLCSv91U-00258-00055295-00055565 and publicly spoke about JG8GLCSv91U-00259-00055566-00055979 in a in a small tweet about it JG8GLCSv91U-00260-00055979-00056207 ain't no way he typed all this out JG8GLCSv91U-00261-00056208-00056573 thinking we gonna Read It LMFAO and this JG8GLCSv91U-00262-00056574-00056800 this was JG8GLCSv91U-00263-00056801-00057107 this is why dreams tweet about the drama JG8GLCSv91U-00264-00057108-00057244 went so viral JG8GLCSv91U-00265-00057245-00057575 is because God damn as in English major JG8GLCSv91U-00266-00057576-00057916 myself this is more writing than I have JG8GLCSv91U-00267-00057917-00058235 done in for four years I was English a JG8GLCSv91U-00268-00058236-00058426 literature major I have a degree [__] JG8GLCSv91U-00269-00058427-00058637 laude mind you it's everyone saying that JG8GLCSv91U-00270-00058638-00058799 who the hell would tweet something so JG8GLCSv91U-00271-00058800-00058961 long about Minecraft drama are we JG8GLCSv91U-00272-00058962-00059141 forgetting that he hired an JG8GLCSv91U-00273-00059141-00059309 astrophysicist when he was accused of JG8GLCSv91U-00274-00059310-00059471 cheating in Minecraft to write a JG8GLCSv91U-00275-00059472-00059644 dissertation on why he might not have JG8GLCSv91U-00276-00059645-00059741 cheated JG8GLCSv91U-00277-00059741-00059992 I'm just saying this is not that out of JG8GLCSv91U-00278-00059994-00060173 the pocket for dream but I did highlight JG8GLCSv91U-00279-00060174-00060287 a few points that I think are worth JG8GLCSv91U-00280-00060288-00060557 talking about the main G uh gist of all JG8GLCSv91U-00281-00060558-00060844 this is that uh is that he quackity's JG8GLCSv91U-00282-00060845-00061019 not replying to him he just reached out JG8GLCSv91U-00283-00061020-00061175 a quackity a bunch quackity's not JG8GLCSv91U-00284-00061176-00061469 replying to him uh and and and this is JG8GLCSv91U-00285-00061470-00061649 uh one key paragraph I highlighted then JG8GLCSv91U-00286-00061650-00061871 I uploaded uh I uploaded my translation JG8GLCSv91U-00287-00061872-00062044 mod video which was planned as an April JG8GLCSv91U-00288-00062045-00062176 Fool's joke and posted a simple little JG8GLCSv91U-00289-00062177-00062344 promotional photographic the next day JG8GLCSv91U-00290-00062345-00062500 quackity announced a translation mod for JG8GLCSv91U-00291-00062501-00062650 the q s p with the same functionality JG8GLCSv91U-00292-00062651-00062807 and obviously with the same general idea JG8GLCSv91U-00293-00062808-00062987 of Bridging the language Gap even more JG8GLCSv91U-00294-00062988-00063149 by literally live translating I can't JG8GLCSv91U-00295-00063150-00063269 pretend that I wasn't a little taken JG8GLCSv91U-00296-00063270-00063437 aback and even slightly disappointed as JG8GLCSv91U-00297-00063438-00063653 I knew this would probably lead to drama JG8GLCSv91U-00298-00063654-00063880 next tweet I personally have experienced JG8GLCSv91U-00299-00063882-00064079 an elevated level of real life threats JG8GLCSv91U-00300-00064079-00064223 in stalkers and even had the police JG8GLCSv91U-00301-00064224-00064379 involved and somebody showing up in my JG8GLCSv91U-00302-00064379-00064594 house and even put tracking uh trackers JG8GLCSv91U-00303-00064595-00064787 on my family vehicles uh surrounding JG8GLCSv91U-00304-00064788-00064913 this drama for the first time since a JG8GLCSv91U-00305-00064914-00065104 pre-face reveal that's really why I feel JG8GLCSv91U-00306-00065105-00065206 like I have to say something about it JG8GLCSv91U-00307-00065207-00065429 despite me wanting to avoid any kind of JG8GLCSv91U-00308-00065429-00065669 serious talk about all of this and he JG8GLCSv91U-00309-00065670-00065867 ends with so uh like I said it's really JG8GLCSv91U-00310-00065868-00065987 not worth all the drama I just want to JG8GLCSv91U-00311-00065988-00066161 play Minecraft with my friends and can't JG8GLCSv91U-00312-00066162-00066382 wait to start doing it again my idea of JG8GLCSv91U-00313-00066383-00066599 the United s p is going to change to be JG8GLCSv91U-00314-00066600-00066809 very different from the q s p as to not JG8GLCSv91U-00315-00066810-00066971 compete with it but still with the goal JG8GLCSv91U-00316-00066972-00067126 of uniting people from around the world JG8GLCSv91U-00317-00067127-00067343 playing vanilla Minecraft okay fair JG8GLCSv91U-00318-00067344-00067541 enough a lot of people when they see JG8GLCSv91U-00319-00067542-00067756 creators work together online assume JG8GLCSv91U-00320-00067757-00067949 their best [__] friends and they're JG8GLCSv91U-00321-00067950-00068165 and they hang out every goddamn day it's JG8GLCSv91U-00322-00068166-00068344 kind of like when you're in school you JG8GLCSv91U-00323-00068345-00068525 assume your teacher just hangs out at JG8GLCSv91U-00324-00068526-00068735 the school and is an NPC there that JG8GLCSv91U-00325-00068736-00068873 activates when you walk into the JG8GLCSv91U-00326-00068874-00069053 building much like teachers have their JG8GLCSv91U-00327-00069054-00069221 own personal lives streamers and JG8GLCSv91U-00328-00069222-00069371 YouTubers also have their own personal JG8GLCSv91U-00329-00069372-00069563 lives and who they collaborate with in JG8GLCSv91U-00330-00069564-00069713 YouTube videos doesn't always translate JG8GLCSv91U-00331-00069714-00070000 to who they hang out with in person and JG8GLCSv91U-00332-00070001-00070109 I think that can create a lot of JG8GLCSv91U-00333-00070110-00070253 confusion as a viewer because they JG8GLCSv91U-00334-00070254-00070499 assume that's not the case they only uh JG8GLCSv91U-00335-00070500-00070685 think of the streamers and YouTubers in JG8GLCSv91U-00336-00070686-00070817 the contexts that they view them online JG8GLCSv91U-00337-00070818-00071026 which is a very small percentage of JG8GLCSv91U-00338-00071027-00071285 their actual lives and in that same vein JG8GLCSv91U-00339-00071286-00071500 if creators maybe don't talk in person JG8GLCSv91U-00340-00071501-00071687 you don't have to extrapolate that that JG8GLCSv91U-00341-00071688-00071950 means they each other and you need to JG8GLCSv91U-00342-00071951-00072149 match the vitral of the crater you like JG8GLCSv91U-00343-00072150-00072437 and also hate the person they hate they JG8GLCSv91U-00344-00072438-00072587 might just not be talking and that's JG8GLCSv91U-00345-00072588-00072821 also fine it doesn't always have to go JG8GLCSv91U-00346-00072822-00072923 to the extremes and I think that's JG8GLCSv91U-00347-00072924-00073055 something a lot of people do with JG8GLCSv91U-00348-00073056-00073282 creators online and it's super unhealthy JG8GLCSv91U-00349-00073283-00073487 now so far quackity said nothing about JG8GLCSv91U-00350-00073488-00073685 this drama but he just went live about JG8GLCSv91U-00351-00073686-00073913 30 minutes ago and he finally replied to JG8GLCSv91U-00352-00073914-00074044 everything that's been happening JG8GLCSv91U-00353-00074045-00074226 ridiculous JG8GLCSv91U-00354-00074227-00074465 Portuguese speaking creators how he's JG8GLCSv91U-00355-00074466-00074632 adding Portuguese speaking streamers we JG8GLCSv91U-00356-00074633-00074849 have films we have celebrated forever JG8GLCSv91U-00357-00074850-00075131 and tasercraft these are creators I JG8GLCSv91U-00358-00075132-00075305 could tell you where Brazil is on a map JG8GLCSv91U-00359-00075306-00075593 I don't know but look cool he's JG8GLCSv91U-00360-00075594-00075761 unbothered he's just doing his thing so JG8GLCSv91U-00361-00075762-00075971 who's the real loser in this situation JG8GLCSv91U-00362-00075972-00076175 the viewers that were way too caught up JG8GLCSv91U-00363-00076176-00076306 in this and started setting death JG8GLCSv91U-00364-00076307-00076517 threats or are trashing either creator JG8GLCSv91U-00365-00076518-00076769 online makes no goddamn sense to me JG8GLCSv91U-00366-00076770-00077026 people are so involved in creators lives JG8GLCSv91U-00367-00077027-00077206 that I feel like oftentimes they let JG8GLCSv91U-00368-00077207-00077441 their own lives slip past them you only JG8GLCSv91U-00369-00077442-00077669 get one life baby get your 10K steps and JG8GLCSv91U-00370-00077670-00077843 get some vitamin D in your life start JG8GLCSv91U-00371-00077844-00077993 working towards your goals if you're JG8GLCSv91U-00372-00077994-00078238 spending active hours trying to track JG8GLCSv91U-00373-00078239-00078473 down someone you do not like you are JG8GLCSv91U-00374-00078474-00078623 spending more time hating than living JG8GLCSv91U-00375-00078624-00078881 and that's just crazy to me doesn't JG8GLCSv91U-00376-00078882-00079037 really matter it's a Minecraft server JG8GLCSv91U-00377-00079038-00079187 dream's Gonna Change what his server is JG8GLCSv91U-00378-00079188-00079397 about quackity servers thriving and it JG8GLCSv91U-00379-00079398-00079606 has multiple languages now cool Go JG8GLCSv91U-00380-00079607-00079775 Minecraft anyway thanks for watching JG8GLCSv91U-00381-00079776-00080003 have a good day goodbye do something for JG8GLCSv91U-00382-00080004-00080255 yourself today whatever it is JG8GLCSv91U-00383-00080256-00080677 I'm gonna go to Hibachi whoa JHrUCJhZM9U-00000-00000024-00000487 what is controlling your thoughts JHrUCJhZM9U-00001-00000488-00000831 what is enslaving you is it the JHrUCJhZM9U-00002-00000832-00001047 television set JHrUCJhZM9U-00003-00001048-00001374 feeding your mind images of what life JHrUCJhZM9U-00004-00001375-00001767 should be is it the internet JHrUCJhZM9U-00005-00001768-00002102 drawing you in and controlling your time JHrUCJhZM9U-00006-00002103-00002423 is it drugs or alcohol numbing your JHrUCJhZM9U-00007-00002424-00002575 brain JHrUCJhZM9U-00008-00002576-00002879 and diminishing your desires JHrUCJhZM9U-00009-00002880-00003286 or is it weakness a lack of discipline JHrUCJhZM9U-00010-00003288-00003583 that prevents you from accomplishing JHrUCJhZM9U-00011-00003584-00003831 what you want to accomplish JHrUCJhZM9U-00012-00003832-00004167 and we get very caught up in instant JHrUCJhZM9U-00013-00004168-00004270 gratification JHrUCJhZM9U-00014-00004271-00004447 we want the shortcut to the winner's JHrUCJhZM9U-00015-00004448-00004735 podium we want results JHrUCJhZM9U-00016-00004736-00005054 now and when we don't get the short term JHrUCJhZM9U-00017-00005055-00005135 glory JHrUCJhZM9U-00018-00005136-00005431 sometimes we lose sight of those long JHrUCJhZM9U-00019-00005432-00005470 term JHrUCJhZM9U-00020-00005471-00005799 goals they fade we lose JHrUCJhZM9U-00021-00005800-00006175 focus so we stop the daily tasks JHrUCJhZM9U-00022-00006176-00006399 and the daily disciplines that will JHrUCJhZM9U-00023-00006400-00006478 allow us JHrUCJhZM9U-00024-00006479-00006887 to achieve our goals then a day slips by JHrUCJhZM9U-00025-00006888-00007175 and then another day then a day turns JHrUCJhZM9U-00026-00007176-00007206 into JHrUCJhZM9U-00027-00007208-00007503 a week and a week into a year and you JHrUCJhZM9U-00028-00007504-00007583 look up in JHrUCJhZM9U-00029-00007584-00007942 six weeks or six months or six years JHrUCJhZM9U-00030-00007943-00008246 and you've made no progress none JHrUCJhZM9U-00031-00008247-00008478 you lost sight of the long-term goal and JHrUCJhZM9U-00032-00008479-00008927 it faded and you began to rationalize JHrUCJhZM9U-00033-00008928-00009231 maybe i can't maybe i don't really want JHrUCJhZM9U-00034-00009232-00009278 to JHrUCJhZM9U-00035-00009279-00009567 maybe this goal isn't for me and so you JHrUCJhZM9U-00036-00009568-00009671 give up JHrUCJhZM9U-00037-00009672-00009999 you settle for the status quo you settle JHrUCJhZM9U-00038-00010000-00010367 for the easy road you settle for JHrUCJhZM9U-00039-00010368-00010687 a well no JHrUCJhZM9U-00040-00010688-00011095 don't do that embed that long-term JHrUCJhZM9U-00041-00011096-00011406 goal in your mind burn it into your JHrUCJhZM9U-00042-00011407-00011799 soul think about it write about it JHrUCJhZM9U-00043-00011800-00012031 talk about it hang it up on your wall JHrUCJhZM9U-00044-00012032-00012167 but most important JHrUCJhZM9U-00045-00012168-00012542 do something about it every day JHrUCJhZM9U-00046-00012543-00012791 every day do something that moves you JHrUCJhZM9U-00047-00012792-00012919 toward that goal JHrUCJhZM9U-00048-00012919-00013207 that keeps that goal alive and insight JHrUCJhZM9U-00049-00013208-00013238 and JHrUCJhZM9U-00050-00013240-00013551 in focus however small JHrUCJhZM9U-00051-00013552-00013815 or insignificant that step might seem JHrUCJhZM9U-00052-00013816-00013927 take it JHrUCJhZM9U-00053-00013928-00014335 do it make it happen because that goal JHrUCJhZM9U-00054-00014336-00014663 isn't going to achieve itself it is JHrUCJhZM9U-00055-00014663-00015071 all on you JHrUCJhZM9U-00056-00015072-00015375 make a damn schedule and stick to it so JHrUCJhZM9U-00057-00015376-00015543 that you have the day you want JHrUCJhZM9U-00058-00015544-00015735 that's the trick it's like okay i've got JHrUCJhZM9U-00059-00015736-00015903 tomorrow if i was going to set it up so JHrUCJhZM9U-00060-00015904-00016086 it was the best possible day i could JHrUCJhZM9U-00061-00016087-00016150 have JHrUCJhZM9U-00062-00016151-00016319 what would it look like well then you JHrUCJhZM9U-00063-00016319-00016527 schedule that so if you want more free JHrUCJhZM9U-00064-00016528-00016719 time you need more discipline time JHrUCJhZM9U-00065-00016720-00016991 more scheduled time towards the things JHrUCJhZM9U-00066-00016992-00017079 that matter JHrUCJhZM9U-00067-00017080-00017222 the more vacation time for you and your JHrUCJhZM9U-00068-00017223-00017391 family that's how JHrUCJhZM9U-00069-00017392-00017630 you get ahead what's your distraction JHrUCJhZM9U-00070-00017631-00017719 just be honest JHrUCJhZM9U-00071-00017720-00017903 are you distracted by espn are you JHrUCJhZM9U-00072-00017904-00018055 distracted by movies JHrUCJhZM9U-00073-00018056-00018375 netflix video games gossip JHrUCJhZM9U-00074-00018376-00018535 are you distracted with things that JHrUCJhZM9U-00075-00018536-00018686 don't matter in your life JHrUCJhZM9U-00076-00018687-00018886 ask yourself truthfully your big goals JHrUCJhZM9U-00077-00018887-00018999 and dreams can you get JHrUCJhZM9U-00078-00019000-00019294 laser obsessively focused almost to its JHrUCJhZM9U-00079-00019295-00019543 exclusivity for an extended period of JHrUCJhZM9U-00080-00019544-00019591 time JHrUCJhZM9U-00081-00019592-00019822 i'm talking about a year two years three JHrUCJhZM9U-00082-00019823-00020007 years four years five years even a JHrUCJhZM9U-00083-00020008-00020094 decade JHrUCJhZM9U-00084-00020095-00020311 towards something you want so badly you JHrUCJhZM9U-00085-00020312-00020478 want it like oxygen it's like you want JHrUCJhZM9U-00086-00020479-00020622 it like you want to live JHrUCJhZM9U-00087-00020623-00020894 are you extendedly laser focused on it JHrUCJhZM9U-00088-00020895-00021063 or do you get distracted easily JHrUCJhZM9U-00089-00021064-00021294 our obsessions become our possessions JHrUCJhZM9U-00090-00021295-00021478 but we won't possess them if we're not JHrUCJhZM9U-00091-00021479-00021799 truly obsessed turn your damn tv off JHrUCJhZM9U-00092-00021800-00022007 turn your phone off a lot too does it JHrUCJhZM9U-00093-00022008-00022111 really matter what's going on with the JHrUCJhZM9U-00094-00022112-00022230 kardashians right now JHrUCJhZM9U-00095-00022231-00022383 don't be so obsessed with them be JHrUCJhZM9U-00096-00022384-00022558 obsessed with your own reality tv JHrUCJhZM9U-00097-00022559-00022599 program JHrUCJhZM9U-00098-00022600-00022839 called your own life this suffering this JHrUCJhZM9U-00099-00022840-00022983 sacrifice you're making JHrUCJhZM9U-00100-00022984-00023230 is an indicator of progress it's an JHrUCJhZM9U-00101-00023231-00023383 indicator of obsession JHrUCJhZM9U-00102-00023384-00023678 suffering and sacrifice and hard work is JHrUCJhZM9U-00103-00023679-00023703 an JHrUCJhZM9U-00104-00023704-00023903 indication of progress towards our JHrUCJhZM9U-00105-00023904-00024135 dreams the price you will pay JHrUCJhZM9U-00106-00024136-00024414 for not making your dream come true is JHrUCJhZM9U-00107-00024415-00024567 far greater than the one that you will JHrUCJhZM9U-00108-00024568-00024735 pay to make it come true JHrUCJhZM9U-00109-00024736-00024855 you'll pay that one the rest of your JHrUCJhZM9U-00110-00024856-00025047 life and so ask yourself what you're JHrUCJhZM9U-00111-00025048-00025191 willing to risk what's the price you're JHrUCJhZM9U-00112-00025192-00025311 willing to pay JHrUCJhZM9U-00113-00025312-00025575 stop negotiating the price it's a JHrUCJhZM9U-00114-00025576-00025831 freeing experience to totally commit JHrUCJhZM9U-00115-00025832-00026078 when you totally commit to a business to JHrUCJhZM9U-00116-00026079-00026167 your fitness JHrUCJhZM9U-00117-00026168-00026455 it's a freeing powerful it's almost like JHrUCJhZM9U-00118-00026456-00026655 removing kryptonite from your life when JHrUCJhZM9U-00119-00026656-00026895 you totally commit can you do that JHrUCJhZM9U-00120-00026895-00027146 the people around you it's costing too JHrUCJhZM9U-00121-00027147-00027447 much JH_bC8GOxv4-00000-00000077-00000364 so I'm endorphin I'm the executive JH_bC8GOxv4-00001-00000365-00000665 director in the aperio foundation aperio JH_bC8GOxv4-00002-00000666-00000881 is an association of educational JH_bC8GOxv4-00003-00000882-00001106 institutions and commercial partners JH_bC8GOxv4-00004-00001107-00001385 that collaborate to produce and sustain JH_bC8GOxv4-00005-00001386-00001588 software to support the academic mission JH_bC8GOxv4-00006-00001589-00001862 today's webinar is an update from the JH_bC8GOxv4-00007-00001863-00002201 dirty project 30 is a content authoring JH_bC8GOxv4-00008-00002202-00002471 tool set which produces interactive and JH_bC8GOxv4-00009-00002472-00002798 accessible content that content can play JH_bC8GOxv4-00010-00002799-00002975 on the web or it can be integrated into JH_bC8GOxv4-00011-00002976-00003170 another environment like Sakai which is JH_bC8GOxv4-00012-00003171-00003374 another one of our projects but I don't JH_bC8GOxv4-00013-00003375-00003520 want to go into too much detail and JH_bC8GOxv4-00014-00003521-00003890 spoil Julian's thunder so over to Julie JH_bC8GOxv4-00015-00003890-00004147 antenna of the dirty project for our JH_bC8GOxv4-00016-00004148-00004613 update today I spent lunch in and so JH_bC8GOxv4-00017-00004614-00004865 this afternoon and we would like to just JH_bC8GOxv4-00018-00004866-00005045 present an update on certain projects JH_bC8GOxv4-00019-00005046-00005213 since we came and spoke to The Courier JH_bC8GOxv4-00020-00005214-00005354 community in Baltimore back in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00021-00005355-00005631 summer and since then we've made our JH_bC8GOxv4-00022-00005632-00005951 first release as Anna period-correct so JH_bC8GOxv4-00023-00005952-00006154 we release version 3 i've searched JH_bC8GOxv4-00024-00006155-00006391 online toolkits at the end of july and JH_bC8GOxv4-00025-00006392-00006653 and there's been a whole lot of work JH_bC8GOxv4-00026-00006654-00006869 going on since then so it was just to JH_bC8GOxv4-00027-00006870-00007133 sort of reprise where we're up to and to JH_bC8GOxv4-00028-00007134-00007262 talk about some of the plans for the JH_bC8GOxv4-00029-00007263-00007502 future that you know about some of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00030-00007503-00007609 things that we've currently got in JH_bC8GOxv4-00031-00007611-00007742 development and talk about some of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00032-00007743-00007856 initiatives of stuff that are going on JH_bC8GOxv4-00033-00007856-00008066 in the community and but really what we JH_bC8GOxv4-00034-00008067-00008234 wanted to think about was what JH_bC8GOxv4-00035-00008235-00008437 opportunities are there for us to and JH_bC8GOxv4-00036-00008438-00008705 collaborate with other Imperial projects JH_bC8GOxv4-00037-00008706-00008855 so this might be something that we need JH_bC8GOxv4-00038-00008856-00009049 to pick up after the webinar today we've JH_bC8GOxv4-00039-00009050-00009299 got so few and attendees today that's JH_bC8GOxv4-00040-00009300-00009535 not a problem and you get you guys later JH_bC8GOxv4-00041-00009536-00009776 on we'll be able to find us and but we JH_bC8GOxv4-00042-00009777-00009917 would like to know what opportunities JH_bC8GOxv4-00043-00009918-00010078 there are amongst the different project JH_bC8GOxv4-00044-00010079-00010448 teams for us to work together a bit more JH_bC8GOxv4-00045-00010449-00010673 and see where we might be able to help JH_bC8GOxv4-00046-00010674-00011014 each other out it also like to find out JH_bC8GOxv4-00047-00011015-00011141 and explore with people a little bit JH_bC8GOxv4-00048-00011142-00011435 about how we can help you and promote JH_bC8GOxv4-00049-00011436-00011591 certain item kits in your own JH_bC8GOxv4-00050-00011592-00011792 institution so I'm interested in what JH_bC8GOxv4-00051-00011793-00011927 initiatives people have already got JH_bC8GOxv4-00052-00011928-00012308 underway if at all and to promote it and JH_bC8GOxv4-00053-00012309-00012434 whether it whether there's any of that JH_bC8GOxv4-00054-00012435-00012653 sort of activity going on and whether JH_bC8GOxv4-00055-00012654-00012802 there's anything that we can do to help JH_bC8GOxv4-00056-00012803-00013115 in terms of resources or access to JH_bC8GOxv4-00057-00013116-00013322 anything or demos or where JH_bC8GOxv4-00058-00013322-00013519 we could drop in and do some with an JH_bC8GOxv4-00059-00013520-00013894 artisan your own groups of people so I'm JH_bC8GOxv4-00060-00013895-00014558 going to take you through some of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00061-00014559-00015203 new features of 33 and there is some JH_bC8GOxv4-00062-00015204-00015419 release notes which i thought i saved in JH_bC8GOxv4-00063-00015419-00015590 my presentation but I happened I just JH_bC8GOxv4-00064-00015591-00017002 type them in JH_bC8GOxv4-00065-00017003-00017443 but no but if you are can up the release JH_bC8GOxv4-00066-00017444-00017710 notes anew you see the document document JH_bC8GOxv4-00067-00017711-00017866 that takes you through all the new JH_bC8GOxv4-00068-00017867-00018133 stockings in version 3 version 3 was a JH_bC8GOxv4-00069-00018134-00018493 significant update Ross and in that we JH_bC8GOxv4-00070-00018494-00018724 have completely rewritten the editor to JH_bC8GOxv4-00071-00018725-00018988 be HTML based so this is part of our JH_bC8GOxv4-00072-00018989-00019222 drive to remove flash altogether from JH_bC8GOxv4-00073-00019223-00019414 our ecosystem in terms of authoring JH_bC8GOxv4-00074-00019415-00019750 tools and the playback and we also JH_bC8GOxv4-00075-00019751-00019996 updated the word spacing like that much JH_bC8GOxv4-00076-00019997-00020247 more usable and dressed a couple of JH_bC8GOxv4-00077-00020248-00020359 issues that have been around for a long JH_bC8GOxv4-00078-00020360-00020542 time now there's some more features to JH_bC8GOxv4-00079-00020543-00020710 that and we've redesigned the whole JH_bC8GOxv4-00080-00020711-00020919 software i think is an improvement where JH_bC8GOxv4-00081-00020920-00021072 we are certainly run and i looked back JH_bC8GOxv4-00082-00021073-00021269 at some versions of two kids from around JH_bC8GOxv4-00083-00021270-00021535 2010 and we can believe what it looked JH_bC8GOxv4-00084-00021536-00021733 like and compared to what it looks like JH_bC8GOxv4-00085-00021734-00021897 now so it's good to see with that JH_bC8GOxv4-00086-00021898-00022225 process progress then there are a number JH_bC8GOxv4-00087-00022226-00022588 of new templates in the sweeter JH_bC8GOxv4-00088-00022589-00022735 templates in the in search online JH_bC8GOxv4-00089-00022736-00022954 toolkit template there's new media JH_bC8GOxv4-00090-00022955-00023142 lesson template which is really powerful JH_bC8GOxv4-00091-00023143-00023461 template for displaying media and JH_bC8GOxv4-00092-00023462-00023665 synchronizing the playback of that media JH_bC8GOxv4-00093-00023666-00023944 to various things on the screen so the JH_bC8GOxv4-00094-00023945-00024049 idea with me that you might be able to JH_bC8GOxv4-00095-00024050-00024249 have a video playing and be able to JH_bC8GOxv4-00096-00024250-00024481 pause the video a certain points while JH_bC8GOxv4-00097-00024482-00024721 you ask questions or perhaps you want to JH_bC8GOxv4-00098-00024722-00024900 synchronize the display of slides that JH_bC8GOxv4-00099-00024901-00025122 supplement the content of a video or JH_bC8GOxv4-00100-00025123-00025465 audio track as those pieces of media JH_bC8GOxv4-00101-00025466-00025677 play and we started sees really JH_bC8GOxv4-00102-00025678-00025995 interested in uses of their decision JH_bC8GOxv4-00103-00025997-00026233 tree template is a separate standalone JH_bC8GOxv4-00104-00026233-00026370 template but it's also part of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00105-00026372-00026677 search online tool kit allows you to JH_bC8GOxv4-00106-00026677-00027088 easily author and branching content we JH_bC8GOxv4-00107-00027089-00027244 used it as a way of taking people JH_bC8GOxv4-00108-00027245-00027433 through a situation where they were JH_bC8GOxv4-00109-00027433-00027730 asked to and a assessor number of JH_bC8GOxv4-00110-00027731-00027967 options and it was built for a sense JH_bC8GOxv4-00111-00027968-00028105 here at notting in the center for JH_bC8GOxv4-00112-00028106-00028354 sustainable technology and they used it JH_bC8GOxv4-00113-00028355-00028558 as a ready reckoner for walking people JH_bC8GOxv4-00114-00028558-00028746 through situation where they had to JH_bC8GOxv4-00115-00028747-00028902 answer various questions which would JH_bC8GOxv4-00116-00028903-00029139 then lead to some advice and but it JH_bC8GOxv4-00117-00029141-00029281 could also be used for building sort of JH_bC8GOxv4-00118-00029282-00029560 simulation type and if you've ever tried JH_bC8GOxv4-00119-00029561-00029698 to create any of that content you'll JH_bC8GOxv4-00120-00029699-00029833 know that coating it can get complicated JH_bC8GOxv4-00121-00029833-00030127 very quickly and so that their two JH_bC8GOxv4-00122-00030127-00030387 children the more important addition JH_bC8GOxv4-00123-00030388-00030727 template we also rationalized all of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00124-00030727-00031008 suite of templates to remove some of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00125-00031009-00031236 pages that had been developed in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00126-00031237-00031432 past to support the flash runtime JH_bC8GOxv4-00127-00031433-00031585 environment when we were using that we JH_bC8GOxv4-00128-00031586-00031714 don't need them anymore because there JH_bC8GOxv4-00129-00031714-00031821 were things that we had to do in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00130-00031822-00032058 past for certain types of content to JH_bC8GOxv4-00131-00032059-00032274 work in the flash player now that we're JH_bC8GOxv4-00132-00032275-00032410 everything's browser-based we don't need JH_bC8GOxv4-00133-00032411-00032560 to do that and it's much easier to JH_bC8GOxv4-00134-00032561-00032982 integrate other types of content and in JH_bC8GOxv4-00135-00032983-00033252 into a tool kits projects so an example JH_bC8GOxv4-00136-00033253-00033543 that be where in the past we had used JH_bC8GOxv4-00137-00033544-00033696 flash paper as a way of putting JH_bC8GOxv4-00138-00033697-00034117 documents into and into the toolkit JH_bC8GOxv4-00139-00034118-00034345 projects then now PDF is a much better JH_bC8GOxv4-00140-00034346-00034492 way of doing it and we can support PDF JH_bC8GOxv4-00141-00034493-00034864 things like that so and we've also added JH_bC8GOxv4-00142-00034865-00035167 some registration and stuff to it so JH_bC8GOxv4-00143-00035168-00035376 that people installing search online JH_bC8GOxv4-00144-00035377-00035536 toolkits are encouraged to register JH_bC8GOxv4-00145-00035537-00035695 their install so that we know who's JH_bC8GOxv4-00146-00035696-00035895 using the software then done that in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00147-00035896-00036120 past for a number of reasons but it's JH_bC8GOxv4-00148-00036121-00036364 interesting looking at the data that JH_bC8GOxv4-00149-00036365-00036514 we're collecting from people installing JH_bC8GOxv4-00150-00036515-00036874 the software now how global those users JH_bC8GOxv4-00151-00036875-00037132 are and which we're seeing a lot a lot JH_bC8GOxv4-00152-00037133-00037273 of installs that we wouldn't otherwise JH_bC8GOxv4-00153-00037274-00037539 and find out about I am previously in JH_bC8GOxv4-00154-00037540-00037798 order to find out who's using two kids JH_bC8GOxv4-00155-00037799-00037989 because we wonder from time to time then JH_bC8GOxv4-00156-00037990-00038190 actually the best way of one one way of JH_bC8GOxv4-00157-00038191-00038358 doing it is just to simply Google for JH_bC8GOxv4-00158-00038359-00038496 the text welcome to xerte online JH_bC8GOxv4-00159-00038497-00038710 toolkits and that picks up a lot of JH_bC8GOxv4-00160-00038711-00038871 installs that have got that text which JH_bC8GOxv4-00161-00038872-00039073 is the default text on the login page JH_bC8GOxv4-00162-00039074-00039342 and we found about several hundred JH_bC8GOxv4-00163-00039343-00039598 institutions using that but of course it JH_bC8GOxv4-00164-00039599-00039745 only picks up people that are using it JH_bC8GOxv4-00165-00039746-00040038 in English and what we found looking and JH_bC8GOxv4-00166-00040039-00040201 what's interesting about the data that JH_bC8GOxv4-00167-00040202-00040342 were picking up from registration is JH_bC8GOxv4-00168-00040343-00040539 that about three-quarters of them are JH_bC8GOxv4-00169-00040540-00040757 international and non-english speaking JH_bC8GOxv4-00170-00040758-00041023 installs and that's people that are JH_bC8GOxv4-00171-00041024-00041205 using the various language packs to make JH_bC8GOxv4-00172-00041206-00041388 search online toolkits work in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00173-00041389-00041589 language of their choice so that's JH_bC8GOxv4-00174-00041590-00041785 really been interesting to us and it JH_bC8GOxv4-00175-00041786-00041917 shows that there's an awful lot of use JH_bC8GOxv4-00176-00041918-00042096 of certain artists we're not always JH_bC8GOxv4-00177-00042097-00042330 aware of and particularly in foreign JH_bC8GOxv4-00178-00042331-00042505 languages so for instance we know those JH_bC8GOxv4-00179-00042506-00042811 that it's used in Japan but I don't JH_bC8GOxv4-00180-00042812-00042933 think they've had that much engagement JH_bC8GOxv4-00181-00042934-00043314 with any Japanese users and so one JH_bC8GOxv4-00182-00043315-00043533 example so anyway if you look through JH_bC8GOxv4-00183-00043534-00043680 the release notes you can see in a bit JH_bC8GOxv4-00184-00043681-00043743 more deets JH_bC8GOxv4-00185-00043744-00044154 stuffing went into version 3 we're JH_bC8GOxv4-00186-00044155-00044499 planning on release 3.1 sometime before JH_bC8GOxv4-00187-00044500-00044764 Christmas the works been ongoing and we JH_bC8GOxv4-00188-00044765-00044917 fixed a whole load of issues we've only JH_bC8GOxv4-00189-00044918-00045195 got 22 bugs on our github at the moment JH_bC8GOxv4-00190-00045196-00045348 most of those minor won't got anything JH_bC8GOxv4-00191-00045349-00045573 critical the project had a really good JH_bC8GOxv4-00192-00045574-00045807 state and we want to just keep making JH_bC8GOxv4-00193-00045808-00046257 sure that all of those improvements are JH_bC8GOxv4-00194-00046258-00046386 getting flushed out through into the JH_bC8GOxv4-00195-00046387-00046501 releases so that people have benefited JH_bC8GOxv4-00196-00046502-00046923 from the more robust code so i think 3.1 JH_bC8GOxv4-00197-00046924-00047101 will be the best release that we've ever JH_bC8GOxv4-00198-00047102-00047271 made hopefully every release is the best JH_bC8GOxv4-00199-00047272-00047423 Bishop release with open labor and JH_bC8GOxv4-00200-00047424-00047715 certainly feels like that and we fixed a JH_bC8GOxv4-00201-00047716-00047874 lot of issues that popped up following JH_bC8GOxv4-00202-00047875-00048177 version 3 and so we will address all of JH_bC8GOxv4-00203-00048178-00048336 those but we've also got some new JH_bC8GOxv4-00204-00048337-00048558 tentative new features that are going to JH_bC8GOxv4-00205-00048559-00048717 see some more development going in there JH_bC8GOxv4-00206-00048718-00049101 but for instance we have some responsive JH_bC8GOxv4-00207-00049102-00049296 text so that we've started to work JH_bC8GOxv4-00208-00049297-00049608 towards a more responsive content ously JH_bC8GOxv4-00209-00049609-00049770 that's going to be way forward and more JH_bC8GOxv4-00210-00049771-00049942 and more importantly from the future JH_bC8GOxv4-00211-00049943-00050092 there's a lot of work when we look JH_bC8GOxv4-00212-00050093-00050238 across the whole suite of templates to JH_bC8GOxv4-00213-00050239-00050427 think about making everything truly JH_bC8GOxv4-00214-00050428-00050605 responsive so that everything works on JH_bC8GOxv4-00215-00050606-00050877 every device in a highly usable fashion JH_bC8GOxv4-00216-00050878-00051102 and / text has been an easy place to JH_bC8GOxv4-00217-00051103-00051315 start so that on larger screens that JH_bC8GOxv4-00218-00051316-00051562 text is larger and it just displays much JH_bC8GOxv4-00219-00051563-00051789 better and doing that so thanks very JH_bC8GOxv4-00220-00051790-00052041 much to run for putting that in we found JH_bC8GOxv4-00221-00052042-00052257 themes to be very popular that was one JH_bC8GOxv4-00222-00052258-00052500 of the key new features in version 3 and JH_bC8GOxv4-00223-00052501-00052699 already here at Nottingham we've JH_bC8GOxv4-00224-00052700-00052863 developed a couple of themes to support JH_bC8GOxv4-00225-00052864-00053163 particular initiatives that belt needs a JH_bC8GOxv4-00226-00053164-00053446 theme their work and having built a JH_bC8GOxv4-00227-00053447-00053710 couple myself it's really easy to build JH_bC8GOxv4-00228-00053711-00053907 them and really easy to just drop them JH_bC8GOxv4-00229-00053908-00054079 into an install and make those themes JH_bC8GOxv4-00230-00054079-00054417 available and so yeah that's that's been JH_bC8GOxv4-00231-00054419-00054649 really good and we've picked up a couple JH_bC8GOxv4-00232-00054650-00054910 of our new developer so let Larry JH_bC8GOxv4-00233-00054911-00055146 Johnson has rewritten the setup utility JH_bC8GOxv4-00234-00055147-00055360 so we'll have an even better setup JH_bC8GOxv4-00235-00055361-00055662 utility reverses 3.1 so thanks very much JH_bC8GOxv4-00236-00055663-00055812 to learn into that we've had loads of JH_bC8GOxv4-00237-00055813-00056088 improvements put put through to and JH_bC8GOxv4-00238-00056089-00056316 github from plymouth and john hall news JH_bC8GOxv4-00239-00056317-00056568 systems guy i think they're thanks very JH_bC8GOxv4-00240-00056569-00056805 much John for all the stuff that you put JH_bC8GOxv4-00241-00056806-00056950 through the list over the last couple of JH_bC8GOxv4-00242-00056951-00057104 months has been great it's a blows JH_bC8GOxv4-00243-00057105-00057413 detailed and little bit little bits and JH_bC8GOxv4-00244-00057414-00057587 pieces that on their own weren't JH_bC8GOxv4-00245-00057588-00057767 necessarily that significant but all of JH_bC8GOxv4-00246-00057768-00057929 the fixes that you put forward to us has JH_bC8GOxv4-00247-00057930-00058114 been oh you know quite quite a big JH_bC8GOxv4-00248-00058115-00058339 contribution so thanks very much indeed JH_bC8GOxv4-00249-00058340-00058637 and we've got a couple of new JH_bC8GOxv4-00250-00058638-00058871 interactions in the template so we've JH_bC8GOxv4-00251-00058872-00059161 got a sortable grid and the dictation JH_bC8GOxv4-00252-00059162-00059468 exercise which works with audio and JH_bC8GOxv4-00253-00059469-00059741 we're working on a new interactive text JH_bC8GOxv4-00254-00059742-00059957 interaction all of these are really good JH_bC8GOxv4-00255-00059958-00060179 examples of where the team here not even JH_bC8GOxv4-00256-00060180-00060419 working with groups of academics across JH_bC8GOxv4-00257-00060420-00060632 the university and listening to their JH_bC8GOxv4-00258-00060633-00060773 needs and identifying what they want to JH_bC8GOxv4-00259-00060774-00060998 do identifying what can be done already JH_bC8GOxv4-00260-00060999-00061307 and where things can't be done working JH_bC8GOxv4-00261-00061308-00061547 with them to build and content we find JH_bC8GOxv4-00262-00061548-00061763 that leads to a lot of engagement from JH_bC8GOxv4-00263-00061764-00062030 those groups of academics because we're JH_bC8GOxv4-00264-00062031-00062192 able to sort of grant their wishes if JH_bC8GOxv4-00265-00062193-00062432 you like so this week on Monday I ran a JH_bC8GOxv4-00266-00062433-00062675 seminar all morning with some people JH_bC8GOxv4-00267-00062676-00062846 from seelye which is the center for JH_bC8GOxv4-00268-00062847-00063080 english language education they teach JH_bC8GOxv4-00269-00063081-00063302 international students academic english JH_bC8GOxv4-00270-00063303-00063530 or english for academic purposes and i JH_bC8GOxv4-00271-00063531-00063956 have an interest in using text more in JH_bC8GOxv4-00272-00063957-00064121 an interactive fashions only be able to JH_bC8GOxv4-00273-00064122-00064370 present passages of text and be able to JH_bC8GOxv4-00274-00064371-00064607 mark that text up into various sections JH_bC8GOxv4-00275-00064608-00064868 a simple example to illustrate what JH_bC8GOxv4-00276-00064869-00065057 we're talking about you might want to be JH_bC8GOxv4-00277-00065058-00065210 able to highlight all the verbs in a JH_bC8GOxv4-00278-00065211-00065492 text and have the user explore those JH_bC8GOxv4-00279-00065493-00065794 verbs or you might want to be able to be JH_bC8GOxv4-00280-00065795-00066089 parlor other parts of speech or provide JH_bC8GOxv4-00281-00066090-00066305 information about how an argument was JH_bC8GOxv4-00282-00066306-00066542 put forward or about how a summary was JH_bC8GOxv4-00283-00066543-00066737 put forward and those sorts of things JH_bC8GOxv4-00284-00066738-00066905 and what we find when we do that JH_bC8GOxv4-00285-00066906-00067106 obviously is those those academics JH_bC8GOxv4-00286-00067107-00067340 engage strongly with the project because JH_bC8GOxv4-00287-00067341-00067457 they're getting new tools and they're JH_bC8GOxv4-00288-00067458-00067724 getting their needs met so there's a JH_bC8GOxv4-00289-00067725-00067910 whole load of stuff in in development at JH_bC8GOxv4-00290-00067911-00068066 the moment and we will get that out JH_bC8GOxv4-00291-00068067-00068396 there before Christmas sometime and give JH_bC8GOxv4-00292-00068397-00068552 you some idea about the engagement JH_bC8GOxv4-00293-00068553-00068891 across university of nottingham and ron JH_bC8GOxv4-00294-00068892-00069113 has also added a stats module which JH_bC8GOxv4-00295-00069114-00069334 gives you some basic reporting on and JH_bC8GOxv4-00296-00069335-00069584 activity across the across the install JH_bC8GOxv4-00297-00069585-00069896 and from that we found that in the seven JH_bC8GOxv4-00298-00069897-00070013 years we've been running toolkit JH_bC8GOxv4-00299-00070014-00070199 sanotica now we've had over three and a JH_bC8GOxv4-00300-00070200-00070487 half thousand users we've created JH_bC8GOxv4-00301-00070488-00070888 our thousand projects and we have about JH_bC8GOxv4-00302-00070889-00071259 four and a half thousand public or JH_bC8GOxv4-00303-00071260-00071490 publicly accessible projects that have JH_bC8GOxv4-00304-00071491-00071822 been created and so you can see that JH_bC8GOxv4-00305-00071823-00072035 about a third of projects that occurred JH_bC8GOxv4-00306-00072036-00072206 is a lot of hello world and tests and JH_bC8GOxv4-00307-00072207-00072332 all that sort of stuff but actually a JH_bC8GOxv4-00308-00072333-00072473 third of my turning into something that JH_bC8GOxv4-00309-00072474-00072674 had been that had been set to view to JH_bC8GOxv4-00310-00072675-00072950 the world and I think in the last couple JH_bC8GOxv4-00311-00072951-00073190 of days we've just hit the two millionth JH_bC8GOxv4-00312-00073191-00073503 play of our contents we've had over two JH_bC8GOxv4-00313-00073504-00073679 million visits to learning objects that JH_bC8GOxv4-00314-00073680-00073955 we've created here so it gives you some JH_bC8GOxv4-00315-00073956-00074186 idea of the scale of engagement across JH_bC8GOxv4-00316-00074187-00074399 the university here is significant and JH_bC8GOxv4-00317-00074400-00074624 it's a great way of getting through to JH_bC8GOxv4-00318-00074625-00074897 academics down sometimes been reluctant JH_bC8GOxv4-00319-00074898-00075248 to engage with technology and look for JH_bC8GOxv4-00320-00075249-00075569 them to engage so she'll put a few links JH_bC8GOxv4-00321-00075570-00076091 into the window now so our main JH_bC8GOxv4-00322-00076092-00076487 community website is 13 WK that's where JH_bC8GOxv4-00323-00076488-00076805 we'd encourage you to and go and engage JH_bC8GOxv4-00324-00076806-00077042 losses of the forum's there which have a JH_bC8GOxv4-00325-00077043-00077237 lot of information now about existing JH_bC8GOxv4-00326-00077238-00077492 issues and problems and and that's JH_bC8GOxv4-00327-00077493-00077663 probably one of the main places to JH_bC8GOxv4-00328-00077664-00077987 engage with us and there is some JH_bC8GOxv4-00329-00077988-00078125 information on the not communiversity JH_bC8GOxv4-00330-00078126-00078512 website about certain projects as a JH_bC8GOxv4-00331-00078513-00078690 couple of examples coming up now there's JH_bC8GOxv4-00332-00078691-00078921 a really good example of a project that JH_bC8GOxv4-00333-00078922-00079343 uses all the page types but I gives you JH_bC8GOxv4-00334-00079344-00079509 some idea and we often do we use that JH_bC8GOxv4-00335-00079510-00079679 example when we're trying academics as a JH_bC8GOxv4-00336-00079680-00079841 way of showing them what can be done and JH_bC8GOxv4-00337-00079842-00080060 with the search online toolkit and as a JH_bC8GOxv4-00338-00080061-00080247 similar example which has a lot of JH_bC8GOxv4-00339-00080248-00080432 information about what can be done with JH_bC8GOxv4-00340-00080433-00080801 the bootstrap template there so there's JH_bC8GOxv4-00341-00080802-00081037 two to sort of fairly fully featured JH_bC8GOxv4-00342-00081038-00081297 examples of the sorts of content that JH_bC8GOxv4-00343-00081298-00081660 you can create and finally as a link JH_bC8GOxv4-00344-00081661-00082082 through to our github stall and wiki JH_bC8GOxv4-00345-00082083-00082221 where you're quite welcome to going from JH_bC8GOxv4-00346-00082222-00082556 record issues or take the code do those JH_bC8GOxv4-00347-00082557-00082904 sorts of things so that was really all I JH_bC8GOxv4-00348-00082905-00083115 wanted to say in terms of presentation JH_bC8GOxv4-00349-00083116-00083351 all stuff today and just to sort of JH_bC8GOxv4-00350-00083352-00083537 reprise the features that we released in JH_bC8GOxv4-00351-00083538-00083747 the summer and to tell you a little bit JH_bC8GOxv4-00352-00083748-00083902 about what we're working on JH_bC8GOxv4-00353-00083903-00084142 only with a view to a release before JH_bC8GOxv4-00354-00084143-00084454 Christmas and what we wanted to think JH_bC8GOxv4-00355-00084455-00084646 about for the rest of the webinar was JH_bC8GOxv4-00356-00084647-00084814 those two questions that I post at the JH_bC8GOxv4-00357-00084815-00085045 beginning which is how do we as a JH_bC8GOxv4-00358-00085046-00085318 community help you the imperial world JH_bC8GOxv4-00359-00085319-00085585 promote search online toolkits JH_bC8GOxv4-00360-00085586-00086257 throughout your own institutions and how JH_bC8GOxv4-00361-00086258-00086569 can we better collaborate as a group of JH_bC8GOxv4-00362-00086570-00086776 projects so what what is it that we can JH_bC8GOxv4-00363-00086777-00087067 do to and where where are the synergies JH_bC8GOxv4-00364-00087068-00087265 between the projects in the Imperial JH_bC8GOxv4-00365-00087266-00088273 world so now this we have Dave with us JH_bC8GOxv4-00366-00088274-00089902 so Dave you have our full attention JH_bC8GOxv4-00367-00089903-00092101 but i'll try and put you on the spot JH_bC8GOxv4-00368-00092102-00092393 something i would add Julian if I may JH_bC8GOxv4-00369-00092394-00092876 and and I think it's it still were a big JH_bC8GOxv4-00370-00092877-00093110 issue and I I've certainly mentioned JH_bC8GOxv4-00371-00093111-00093325 this I think when we were at the JH_bC8GOxv4-00372-00093326-00093650 appearance in Baltimore is the the whole JH_bC8GOxv4-00373-00093651-00094007 thing about people particularly learning JH_bC8GOxv4-00374-00094008-00094214 technologists are those will develop a JH_bC8GOxv4-00375-00094215-00094618 rubble and judging their opinion of JH_bC8GOxv4-00376-00094619-00094979 dirty on and comparison with other tools JH_bC8GOxv4-00377-00094980-00095477 and missing the point there how our holy JH_bC8GOxv4-00378-00095478-00095807 fuss is about empowering the JH_bC8GOxv4-00379-00095808-00096002 non-specialist of non learning JH_bC8GOxv4-00380-00096003-00096179 technologies all the teachers and JH_bC8GOxv4-00381-00096180-00096476 learner's across an institution and JH_bC8GOxv4-00382-00096477-00096698 those specialist tools are aimed at JH_bC8GOxv4-00383-00096699-00096953 anyone and or arraigned on specialist JH_bC8GOxv4-00384-00096954-00097334 and they can use any number of times and JH_bC8GOxv4-00385-00097335-00097622 we all know that that's where dirty fits JH_bC8GOxv4-00386-00097623-00097973 in empowering everybody else and I think JH_bC8GOxv4-00387-00097974-00098330 we've all really foul over bias for JH_bC8GOxv4-00388-00098331-00098570 other tools by those that have access to JH_bC8GOxv4-00389-00098571-00098795 those other tools ignoring the fact that JH_bC8GOxv4-00390-00098796-00098954 actually their role lists and support JH_bC8GOxv4-00391-00098955-00099389 provider community yeah i think we JH_bC8GOxv4-00392-00099390-00099710 certainly see that in that learning JH_bC8GOxv4-00393-00099711-00099890 technologists Leo you're right they have JH_bC8GOxv4-00394-00099891-00100043 access to a number of specialist tools JH_bC8GOxv4-00395-00100044-00100271 and probably a budget to pay for them JH_bC8GOxv4-00396-00100272-00100481 and they make their decisions based on JH_bC8GOxv4-00397-00100482-00100751 on their worldview it's sometimes miss JH_bC8GOxv4-00398-00100752-00101105 that these tools are readily accessible JH_bC8GOxv4-00399-00101106-00101378 by and much war in a group of people and JH_bC8GOxv4-00400-00101379-00101603 they're highly suitable for their use JH_bC8GOxv4-00401-00101604-00101873 and certainly you know when i'm talking JH_bC8GOxv4-00402-00101874-00102047 about eleven and a half thousand JH_bC8GOxv4-00403-00102048-00102263 learning objects here not again that's a JH_bC8GOxv4-00404-00102264-00102582 vast upscaling of content production and JH_bC8GOxv4-00405-00102583-00102971 across the university certainly really JH_bC8GOxv4-00406-00102972-00103217 interesting projects aware student to JH_bC8GOxv4-00407-00103218-00103435 the front of content creators i work JH_bC8GOxv4-00408-00103436-00103708 together in groups of groups to create JH_bC8GOxv4-00409-00103709-00103942 content that addresses an assignment or JH_bC8GOxv4-00410-00103943-00104209 that teaches what they found most JH_bC8GOxv4-00411-00104210-00104386 difficult you know if you asked a group JH_bC8GOxv4-00412-00104388-00104584 of students to work together to design JH_bC8GOxv4-00413-00104585-00104747 some resources that teach the things JH_bC8GOxv4-00414-00104748-00104879 that they found most difficult in the JH_bC8GOxv4-00415-00104880-00105206 module and that just took so many boxes JH_bC8GOxv4-00416-00105207-00105379 around deep learning social JH_bC8GOxv4-00417-00105380-00105724 constructivism critical thinking all of JH_bC8GOxv4-00418-00105725-00105958 that good stuff I'm really pleased to JH_bC8GOxv4-00419-00105959-00106234 see more of that stuff going on and you JH_bC8GOxv4-00420-00106235-00106378 know we've done some of that stuff here JH_bC8GOxv4-00421-00106379-00106607 nottingham we've seen independent JH_bC8GOxv4-00422-00106608-00106789 research about a day the outputs of JH_bC8GOxv4-00423-00106790-00107029 closeness initiatives then we saw the JH_bC8GOxv4-00424-00107030-00107231 HEA sponsor a number of projects down in JH_bC8GOxv4-00425-00107232-00107536 the community last year and all of those JH_bC8GOxv4-00426-00107537-00107701 reports are available to be written up JH_bC8GOxv4-00427-00107702-00107906 and there are a few bumps in the road JH_bC8GOxv4-00428-00107907-00108032 for people doing those sorts of things JH_bC8GOxv4-00429-00108033-00108265 but on the whole the results really JH_bC8GOxv4-00430-00108266-00108688 compelling so yeah like not agree with JH_bC8GOxv4-00431-00108689-00108920 Ron that sometimes it's the message is JH_bC8GOxv4-00432-00108921-00109213 that this is this is a tool that is sort JH_bC8GOxv4-00433-00109214-00109406 of slightly different to the tools aimed JH_bC8GOxv4-00434-00109407-00109585 squarely at learning technology so JH_bC8GOxv4-00435-00109586-00110720 content specialists JH_bC8GOxv4-00436-00110721-00110938 you know wonder if I might ask you you JH_bC8GOxv4-00437-00110939-00111143 able to speak your audio problem gone JH_bC8GOxv4-00438-00111144-00111719 away yes sorry I i had a web RTC problem JH_bC8GOxv4-00439-00111720-00111947 i mean i think that i think there are a JH_bC8GOxv4-00440-00111948-00112126 few routes through this to be perfectly JH_bC8GOxv4-00441-00112127-00112301 honest I mean I I agree with the JH_bC8GOxv4-00442-00112302-00112625 comments that it would be really useful JH_bC8GOxv4-00443-00112626-00113011 to showcase some of the really JH_bC8GOxv4-00444-00113013-00113215 compelling content that's being created JH_bC8GOxv4-00445-00113216-00113503 you know a few examples probably quite JH_bC8GOxv4-00446-00113504-00113815 different examples would would be useful JH_bC8GOxv4-00447-00113816-00113959 and we could do that through a webinar JH_bC8GOxv4-00448-00113960-00114214 or we could do it through an aperio JH_bC8GOxv4-00449-00114215-00114463 teaching and learning call that was was JH_bC8GOxv4-00450-00114464-00114688 opened out it doesn't really doesn't JH_bC8GOxv4-00451-00114689-00115013 really matter I think it would be good JH_bC8GOxv4-00452-00115014-00115220 to involve some folks from of community JH_bC8GOxv4-00453-00115221-00115550 who've experienced of using tools like JH_bC8GOxv4-00454-00115551-00116099 lessons within Sakai and dirty there are JH_bC8GOxv4-00455-00116100-00116333 people around like that Patrick Lynch at JH_bC8GOxv4-00456-00116333-00116600 the University of hole has used both as JH_bC8GOxv4-00457-00116601-00116953 quite a strong perspective on how the JH_bC8GOxv4-00458-00116954-00117259 very complementary and I think in terms JH_bC8GOxv4-00459-00117260-00117616 of the area community itself it's the JH_bC8GOxv4-00460-00117617-00117824 complementarity that we really have to JH_bC8GOxv4-00461-00117825-00118148 to emphasize is I think so if it brings JH_bC8GOxv4-00462-00118149-00118554 something quite powerful not just too JH_bC8GOxv4-00463-00118555-00118966 sick I but to other LMSs so I mean I JH_bC8GOxv4-00464-00118967-00119161 think you know we've we've gone through JH_bC8GOxv4-00465-00119163-00119341 as if he's gone through the incubation JH_bC8GOxv4-00466-00119342-00119641 process now you've had exposure and a JH_bC8GOxv4-00467-00119642-00119827 pareo conference we've done a couple of JH_bC8GOxv4-00468-00119828-00120165 webinars I think it's time to to try to JH_bC8GOxv4-00469-00120166-00120443 push out into the community through a JH_bC8GOxv4-00470-00120444-00120776 variety of different ropes but certainly JH_bC8GOxv4-00471-00120777-00121153 I suspect that the the content story JH_bC8GOxv4-00472-00121154-00121382 showing the examples of what can be JH_bC8GOxv4-00473-00121383-00121678 created are actually the the critically JH_bC8GOxv4-00474-00121679-00122026 compelling factor in attracting members JH_bC8GOxv4-00475-00122027-00122201 of our community and members of other JH_bC8GOxv4-00476-00122202-00122501 communities as welcome to that I'm sure JH_bC8GOxv4-00477-00122502-00122686 and providing opportunities for people JH_bC8GOxv4-00478-00122688-00122929 in the thirty community to to bring what JH_bC8GOxv4-00479-00122930-00123074 they've been working on to the appeal JH_bC8GOxv4-00480-00123075-00123320 community yeah on whether we could do JH_bC8GOxv4-00481-00123321-00123528 something some sort of online events or JH_bC8GOxv4-00482-00123529-00123709 and what we might be able to do JH_bC8GOxv4-00483-00123710-00123886 permanent the awards y prime opportunity JH_bC8GOxv4-00484-00123888-00124009 for us to do that JH_bC8GOxv4-00485-00124010-00124121 really hoping to get some good JH_bC8GOxv4-00486-00124122-00124291 engagement at once iron community and JH_bC8GOxv4-00487-00124292-00124504 get some really good entries to the JH_bC8GOxv4-00488-00124505-00124793 period wards and we intend to run our JH_bC8GOxv4-00489-00124794-00125233 own and event around that and so that we JH_bC8GOxv4-00490-00125234-00125381 can reflect all of the good stuff is JH_bC8GOxv4-00491-00125382-00125525 happening in the search community back JH_bC8GOxv4-00492-00125526-00125789 to the dirty community but also that we JH_bC8GOxv4-00493-00125790-00125953 can put those entries forward superior JH_bC8GOxv4-00494-00125954-00126408 woods next year Davis ask the question JH_bC8GOxv4-00495-00126409-00126834 those ask the question Julian about JH_bC8GOxv4-00496-00126835-00127178 integration of absurdity and sakai and JH_bC8GOxv4-00497-00127179-00127403 how that might look could you perhaps JH_bC8GOxv4-00498-00127404-00127715 briefly describe how the integration JH_bC8GOxv4-00499-00127716-00128033 works with Moodle at this point because JH_bC8GOxv4-00500-00128033-00128311 that might give some illustrations which JH_bC8GOxv4-00501-00128313-00128665 will be useful for others yeah and while JH_bC8GOxv4-00502-00128666-00128858 here at University of Nottingham then we JH_bC8GOxv4-00503-00128858-00129103 do have LTI that joins the two tools JH_bC8GOxv4-00504-00129104-00129415 together but to be frank noodles JH_bC8GOxv4-00505-00129416-00129758 implement an implementation of LTI isn't JH_bC8GOxv4-00506-00129758-00130058 the most friendly for end-users and and JH_bC8GOxv4-00507-00130058-00130258 so what we find is that running the two JH_bC8GOxv4-00508-00130259-00130516 systems side by side actually works and JH_bC8GOxv4-00509-00130517-00130711 there is an awful lot that you need to JH_bC8GOxv4-00510-00130713-00130909 do in terms of integration although I JH_bC8GOxv4-00511-00130910-00131078 would like to explore with some of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00512-00131079-00131408 LTI experts in the period see what JH_bC8GOxv4-00513-00131409-00131528 opportunities we might be missing JH_bC8GOxv4-00514-00131529-00131927 because I don't know an LTI as well as JH_bC8GOxv4-00515-00131928-00132119 some of the acknowledged experts that JH_bC8GOxv4-00516-00132120-00132446 are in this world so we run xerte online JH_bC8GOxv4-00517-00132447-00132703 toolkits as a standalone application and JH_bC8GOxv4-00518-00132704-00132986 uses that one to put that content into JH_bC8GOxv4-00519-00132987-00133211 Moodle or simply do that through a web JH_bC8GOxv4-00520-00133212-00133535 link or through embedding or any of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00521-00133536-00133793 native tools that means that the content JH_bC8GOxv4-00522-00133794-00134090 remains and editable win toolkit said it JH_bC8GOxv4-00523-00134091-00134222 also means that you can surface that JH_bC8GOxv4-00524-00134223-00134465 same content in lots of other places we JH_bC8GOxv4-00525-00134466-00134873 might want content to go I think that's JH_bC8GOxv4-00526-00134874-00135190 that's very useful when we should would JH_bC8GOxv4-00527-00135191-00135308 you kind of make sure that that gets JH_bC8GOxv4-00528-00135309-00135650 pushed out through perhaps through the JH_bC8GOxv4-00529-00135651-00135977 the aperio newsletter I'd encourage you JH_bC8GOxv4-00530-00135978-00136256 to go on to youtube and look at the I JH_bC8GOxv4-00531-00136257-00136390 think they're currently in a Sakai JH_bC8GOxv4-00532-00136391-00136652 channel but Chuck severance gave a talk JH_bC8GOxv4-00533-00136653-00136937 at the Sakai virtual conference last JH_bC8GOxv4-00534-00136938-00137135 week which sent some very interesting JH_bC8GOxv4-00535-00137136-00137349 points about the future generally JH_bC8GOxv4-00536-00137350-00137664 of learning systems but I think there JH_bC8GOxv4-00537-00137665-00137814 are some interesting points in there JH_bC8GOxv4-00538-00137815-00138192 about directions that LTI is taking that JH_bC8GOxv4-00539-00138193-00138522 you would find useful indeed that JH_bC8GOxv4-00540-00138523-00138695 everybody on the call would find useful JH_bC8GOxv4-00541-00138696-00139179 yeah although myself with them yeah the JH_bC8GOxv4-00542-00139180-00139578 problem that we have is in Moodle the JH_bC8GOxv4-00543-00139579-00139887 LGI implementation just doesn't make any JH_bC8GOxv4-00544-00139888-00140142 sense as well use it when you look at JH_bC8GOxv4-00545-00140143-00140268 the dialogue so you have to click JH_bC8GOxv4-00546-00140269-00140565 through to make that work it's just so JH_bC8GOxv4-00547-00140566-00140745 much more friendly to paste a link into JH_bC8GOxv4-00548-00140746-00140976 a web resource activity in a dad to your JH_bC8GOxv4-00549-00140977-00141369 course there and how I felt those JH_bC8GOxv4-00550-00141370-00141498 presentations all small really JH_bC8GOxv4-00551-00141499-00141840 interesting as well I mean I'd I'll add JH_bC8GOxv4-00552-00141841-00142029 to that I was working with an JH_bC8GOxv4-00553-00142030-00142269 organization yesterday a blackboard JH_bC8GOxv4-00554-00142270-00142977 users and prior to the day I was setting JH_bC8GOxv4-00555-00142978-00143172 up some examples in one of their JH_bC8GOxv4-00556-00143173-00143589 blackboard courses to discuss the JH_bC8GOxv4-00557-00143590-00143882 differences between linking embedded and JH_bC8GOxv4-00558-00143883-00144510 school and ultimately it's all part of JH_bC8GOxv4-00559-00144511-00144780 the mix it's just so much easier and JH_bC8GOxv4-00560-00144781-00145194 more beneficial to simply embed or link JH_bC8GOxv4-00561-00145195-00145641 and leave the SCORM bits the gradebook JH_bC8GOxv4-00562-00145642-00145862 tracking and everything else to either JH_bC8GOxv4-00563-00145863-00146082 separate learning objects that you do JH_bC8GOxv4-00564-00146083-00146523 export or quizzes activities that are JH_bC8GOxv4-00565-00146524-00146730 directing the vle whatever that ble JH_bC8GOxv4-00566-00146731-00147084 might be released their keep dirty for JH_bC8GOxv4-00567-00147085-00147501 the performative stuff and everyone you JH_bC8GOxv4-00568-00147502-00147717 have that dialogue with gets that and JH_bC8GOxv4-00569-00147718-00148011 they get the benefits of doing that and JH_bC8GOxv4-00570-00148012-00148353 and the biggest barrier to improving JH_bC8GOxv4-00571-00148354-00148737 resources is you know if you've got that JH_bC8GOxv4-00572-00148738-00149202 export hub metaphor the O's you know the JH_bC8GOxv4-00573-00149203-00149409 majority of tools have whereas the dirty JH_bC8GOxv4-00574-00149410-00149724 have a learning object in 20 courses JH_bC8GOxv4-00575-00149725-00149898 update it once and it's instantly JH_bC8GOxv4-00576-00149899-00150108 updated in all those pulses if you've JH_bC8GOxv4-00577-00150109-00150420 linked or embedded it um yeah and it's JH_bC8GOxv4-00578-00150421-00150641 it's just some quite a simple AAG not JH_bC8GOxv4-00579-00150642-00150698 but JH_bC8GOxv4-00580-00150699-00151054 we we keep on singing to have that you JH_bC8GOxv4-00581-00151055-00151271 know have that discussion laying those JH_bC8GOxv4-00582-00151272-00151841 benefits and obviously X API will be the JH_bC8GOxv4-00583-00151842-00152456 long-term answer that what are other JH_bC8GOxv4-00584-00152457-00152672 vendor competitors to what was that he JH_bC8GOxv4-00585-00152673-00153020 does out there what would she say the JH_bC8GOxv4-00586-00153021-00153401 main competitors to what we've got the JH_bC8GOxv4-00587-00153402-00153743 the common almost daily discussion I am JH_bC8GOxv4-00588-00153744-00153977 having these people that use those JH_bC8GOxv4-00589-00153978-00154160 things in earlier used tools like JH_bC8GOxv4-00590-00154161-00154673 articulate storyline and miss the fact JH_bC8GOxv4-00591-00154674-00154850 that that's never going to be a tool for JH_bC8GOxv4-00592-00154851-00155066 everybody in an organization because JH_bC8GOxv4-00593-00155067-00155222 their license costs because of the JH_bC8GOxv4-00594-00155223-00155600 complexity of it and i have to say i use JH_bC8GOxv4-00595-00155601-00155834 articulate storyline all of us the JH_bC8GOxv4-00596-00155835-00156158 developers use a whole ranger tool we JH_bC8GOxv4-00597-00156159-00156353 don't don't look for that one after the JH_bC8GOxv4-00598-00156354-00156596 solution and even with dirty you know JH_bC8GOxv4-00599-00156597-00156785 we're not suggesting it the only tool JH_bC8GOxv4-00600-00156786-00157100 people should use but it's a fantastic JH_bC8GOxv4-00601-00157101-00157382 tool to use together with other tools JH_bC8GOxv4-00602-00157383-00157643 and i think people mix the point that JH_bC8GOxv4-00603-00157644-00157790 actually if they are specialist JH_bC8GOxv4-00604-00157791-00158089 developer they can create almost JH_bC8GOxv4-00605-00158090-00158479 identical content with dirty than you JH_bC8GOxv4-00606-00158480-00158735 can with storyline and I've started to JH_bC8GOxv4-00607-00158736-00158951 put together quite a few examples that JH_bC8GOxv4-00608-00158952-00159368 prove exactly that in fact i'll post a JH_bC8GOxv4-00609-00159369-00159611 link into one that we were looking at JH_bC8GOxv4-00610-00159612-00160007 earlier which is basically and the story JH_bC8GOxv4-00611-00160008-00160279 is in there it's just a copy of a JH_bC8GOxv4-00612-00160280-00160475 powerpoint template from the articulate JH_bC8GOxv4-00613-00160476-00160778 site and I've kind of just used some JH_bC8GOxv4-00614-00160779-00161104 theists to to make one of the 30 page JH_bC8GOxv4-00615-00161105-00161345 types look exactly the same then there's JH_bC8GOxv4-00616-00161346-00161483 nothing particularly special about that JH_bC8GOxv4-00617-00161484-00161779 particular example but I have quite a JH_bC8GOxv4-00618-00161780-00161954 few other examples that I've started to JH_bC8GOxv4-00619-00161955-00162245 work on the far more interactive and and JH_bC8GOxv4-00620-00162246-00162659 do mimic and in some ways and act better JH_bC8GOxv4-00621-00162660-00162986 than the articulate equivalent now again JH_bC8GOxv4-00622-00162987-00163214 you know to re-emphasize the point it's JH_bC8GOxv4-00623-00163215-00163472 not over off the learning technologies JH_bC8GOxv4-00624-00163473-00163673 they can use any combination that's all JH_bC8GOxv4-00625-00163674-00163982 they want but for practitioners for JH_bC8GOxv4-00626-00163983-00164039 student JH_bC8GOxv4-00627-00164040-00164327 just you know realistically dirty is the JH_bC8GOxv4-00628-00164328-00164576 best tool that no you can provide them JH_bC8GOxv4-00629-00164577-00164735 with because it's hiding them with JH_bC8GOxv4-00630-00164736-00165017 everybody yeah a couple of thoughts on JH_bC8GOxv4-00631-00165018-00165335 that then when we were engaging with the JH_bC8GOxv4-00632-00165336-00165512 well what to do with the open source JH_bC8GOxv4-00633-00165513-00165698 stuff and you know is this a patch JH_bC8GOxv4-00634-00165699-00166013 easier p Rio what do we do we discovered JH_bC8GOxv4-00635-00166014-00166172 that there isn't an open source content JH_bC8GOxv4-00636-00166173-00166406 authoring tool I was really surprised JH_bC8GOxv4-00637-00166407-00166733 about that and and that we're almost JH_bC8GOxv4-00638-00166734-00166988 unique there is very little else and JH_bC8GOxv4-00639-00166989-00167171 there's certainly nothing as rich or as JH_bC8GOxv4-00640-00167172-00167426 mature or as established as what we've JH_bC8GOxv4-00641-00167427-00167621 got which did honestly come as a JH_bC8GOxv4-00642-00167622-00167798 surprise to me but there isn't really JH_bC8GOxv4-00643-00167799-00167933 anything out there I don't know why that JH_bC8GOxv4-00644-00167934-00168146 is why they aren't more open source JH_bC8GOxv4-00645-00168147-00168434 projects that do content creation the JH_bC8GOxv4-00646-00168435-00168701 other thing is that being able to extend JH_bC8GOxv4-00647-00168702-00168884 because everything's open it was JH_bC8GOxv4-00648-00168885-00169079 relatively easy to extend certainly JH_bC8GOxv4-00649-00169080-00169331 xerte online toolkits of interactivity JH_bC8GOxv4-00650-00169332-00169640 and content presentation templates then JH_bC8GOxv4-00651-00169641-00169754 you can do exactly what i was talking JH_bC8GOxv4-00652-00169755-00170012 about and earlier when we're working JH_bC8GOxv4-00653-00170013-00170150 with a group of academics that have JH_bC8GOxv4-00654-00170151-00170366 identified a day wouldn't it be great if JH_bC8GOxv4-00655-00170367-00170708 moment and within a week or two then JH_bC8GOxv4-00656-00170709-00170807 we're going to be able to put those JH_bC8GOxv4-00657-00170808-00170984 tools into their hands and they're going JH_bC8GOxv4-00658-00170985-00171131 to be able to create content that JH_bC8GOxv4-00659-00171132-00171425 specifically meets their needs so we get JH_bC8GOxv4-00660-00171426-00171653 such a great engagement in that group JH_bC8GOxv4-00661-00171654-00171812 and we're able to work in that way with JH_bC8GOxv4-00662-00171813-00172034 them and you can't do that with the JH_bC8GOxv4-00663-00172035-00173083 commercially provided piece of software JH_bC8GOxv4-00664-00173084-00173504 well that might be a good place through JH_bC8GOxv4-00665-00173505-00173714 two wrap up do what any other you've got JH_bC8GOxv4-00666-00173715-00173930 any other questions or point you'd like JH_bC8GOxv4-00667-00173931-00174764 to make at this point well thanks JH_bC8GOxv4-00668-00174765-00174941 everybody for this what turn into a JH_bC8GOxv4-00669-00174942-00175193 round table webinar I think it's how JH_bC8GOxv4-00670-00175194-00175487 will build that I'll get this up on JH_bC8GOxv4-00671-00175488-00175772 YouTube as soon as I can generally JH_bC8GOxv4-00672-00175773-00176006 speaking that's within a couple of days JH_bC8GOxv4-00673-00176007-00176440 and thanks very much for attending and JH_bC8GOxv4-00674-00176441-00177214 participating thanks thanks so much JH_bC8GOxv4-00675-00177215-00177532 I think JJVent7j1aY-00000-00000006-00000173 foreign JJVent7j1aY-00001-00000174-00000865 [Music] JJVent7j1aY-00002-00000866-00001139 God bless you so much A lot of people JJVent7j1aY-00003-00001140-00001457 are asking me if I'm okay if I'm fine JJVent7j1aY-00004-00001458-00001876 I'm very very okay God bless you so much JJVent7j1aY-00005-00001877-00002225 those of you checking up on me to all of JJVent7j1aY-00006-00002226-00002465 you all my subscribers God bless JJVent7j1aY-00007-00002466-00002734 everyone in the mighty name of Jesus JJVent7j1aY-00008-00002735-00003071 very soon I'm going to leave my PayPal JJVent7j1aY-00009-00003072-00003390 account my bank account JJVent7j1aY-00010-00003392-00003706 every Bank information details I will JJVent7j1aY-00011-00003707-00003947 leave it over here to those of you who JJVent7j1aY-00012-00003947-00004175 want to support my work to those of you JJVent7j1aY-00013-00004176-00004463 who wants to sow sit into what I am JJVent7j1aY-00014-00004464-00004811 doing God will bless you and God will JJVent7j1aY-00015-00004812-00005188 not let you down very soon I will do uh JJVent7j1aY-00016-00005189-00005467 justice to that I will display all those JJVent7j1aY-00017-00005468-00005920 uh details so you can support Pastor JJVent7j1aY-00018-00005921-00006281 boxman God be with you God protects you JJVent7j1aY-00019-00006282-00006563 excuse me God protects you each and JJVent7j1aY-00020-00006564-00006856 every time another thing is that JJVent7j1aY-00021-00006858-00007091 if you are going through any spiritual JJVent7j1aY-00022-00007092-00007342 problem feel free to get in touch with JJVent7j1aY-00023-00007343-00007648 me and I will make sure JJVent7j1aY-00024-00007650-00008051 I do the best in your life my name is JJVent7j1aY-00025-00008052-00008446 Pastor boxman boxman underscore TV on JJVent7j1aY-00026-00008447-00008878 YouTube ladies and gentlemen JJVent7j1aY-00027-00008879-00009095 I'm not going to wait I'm not going to JJVent7j1aY-00028-00009096-00009401 waste time today I will just JJVent7j1aY-00029-00009402-00009809 let out JJVent7j1aY-00030-00009810-00010085 the reason why I am here as soon as JJVent7j1aY-00031-00010086-00010451 possible now we have Ivan over here you JJVent7j1aY-00032-00010452-00010656 all know Avengers JJVent7j1aY-00033-00010657-00010924 Modesta lifestyle JJVent7j1aY-00034-00010925-00011209 can you change JJVent7j1aY-00035-00011210-00011374 Modesta JJVent7j1aY-00036-00011375-00011728 ladies and gentlemen JJVent7j1aY-00037-00011729-00012119 you know this this woman can lie JJVent7j1aY-00038-00012120-00012574 this woman can really and really lie JJVent7j1aY-00039-00012575-00012869 but Esther why do you lie like that JJVent7j1aY-00040-00012869-00013037 just because of JJVent7j1aY-00041-00013038-00013258 small YouTube money so you can come out JJVent7j1aY-00042-00013259-00013486 and lie JJVent7j1aY-00043-00013487-00013721 I'm just going to expose you JJVent7j1aY-00044-00013722-00014069 I am just about to expose you Modesta JJVent7j1aY-00045-00014069-00014208 lifestyle JJVent7j1aY-00046-00014209-00014465 number one JJVent7j1aY-00047-00014466-00014843 you came out and and and and and telling JJVent7j1aY-00048-00014844-00015035 the whole world that JJVent7j1aY-00049-00015036-00015497 that house doesn't belongs to Ivan oh JJVent7j1aY-00050-00015497-00015755 Modesta JJVent7j1aY-00051-00015756-00015988 a mature woman like you can come out and JJVent7j1aY-00052-00015990-00016235 be disgracing yourself like this JJVent7j1aY-00053-00016236-00016630 oh get some wisdom please JJVent7j1aY-00054-00016631-00016889 ladies and gentlemen JJVent7j1aY-00055-00016890-00017279 that house belongs to JJVent7j1aY-00056-00017280-00017579 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00057-00017580-00017855 do you do you do you get my points now JJVent7j1aY-00058-00017856-00018017 one thing I want you guys to know is JJVent7j1aY-00059-00018018-00018130 that JJVent7j1aY-00060-00018131-00018425 Mara has never told anyone about this JJVent7j1aY-00061-00018426-00018779 and Ivan himself never told anyone about JJVent7j1aY-00062-00018780-00018941 this JJVent7j1aY-00063-00018942-00019169 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00064-00019170-00019649 is a military officer JJVent7j1aY-00065-00019650-00019793 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00066-00019794-00020003 is a U.S JJVent7j1aY-00067-00020004-00020141 Army JJVent7j1aY-00068-00020142-00020447 but I think as I think JJVent7j1aY-00069-00020448-00020722 he is out of the service name JJVent7j1aY-00070-00020723-00020969 Ivan used to be JJVent7j1aY-00071-00020970-00021191 Barack Obama's JJVent7j1aY-00072-00021192-00021557 he even is among JJVent7j1aY-00073-00021558-00021817 Barack Obama's JJVent7j1aY-00074-00021818-00022055 bodyguards if you don't know I'm telling JJVent7j1aY-00075-00022056-00022330 you JJVent7j1aY-00076-00022331-00022763 even this amount Ivan is a monk excuse JJVent7j1aY-00077-00022764-00023105 me Ivan is a monk JJVent7j1aY-00078-00023106-00023483 Barack Obama's come JJVent7j1aY-00079-00023484-00023675 and if you dare me I will show you JJVent7j1aY-00080-00023676-00023878 photos JJVent7j1aY-00081-00023879-00024430 if you dare me I will show you photos JJVent7j1aY-00082-00024431-00024641 of Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00083-00024642-00025030 and Barack Obama and together with the JJVent7j1aY-00084-00025031-00025307 team JJVent7j1aY-00085-00025308-00025678 Modesta stop lying shame on you JJVent7j1aY-00086-00025679-00026458 shame on you woman Capital shame on you JJVent7j1aY-00087-00026460-00026717 liar JJVent7j1aY-00088-00026718-00026896 nobody should take this woman for JJVent7j1aY-00089-00026897-00027040 granted JJVent7j1aY-00090-00027041-00027317 that is how she will formulate issues JJVent7j1aY-00091-00027318-00027839 that is how she will formulate lies JJVent7j1aY-00092-00027839-00028079 get information out I'll see your hair JJVent7j1aY-00093-00028080-00028283 past JJVent7j1aY-00094-00028283-00028667 so I can I can I can I can something I JJVent7j1aY-00095-00028668-00029255 can suck something out of here JJVent7j1aY-00096-00029256-00029590 foreign JJVent7j1aY-00097-00029591-00029974 take it easy JJVent7j1aY-00098-00029975-00030414 hmm JJVent7j1aY-00099-00030416-00030785 Odessa liar JJVent7j1aY-00100-00030786-00030952 guys you are welcome to enjoy my JJVent7j1aY-00101-00030954-00031990 cucumber JJVent7j1aY-00102-00031991-00032267 besides JJVent7j1aY-00103-00032268-00032657 whether the house is for Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00104-00032658-00033046 what other houses not for Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00105-00033047-00033521 is that your business JJVent7j1aY-00106-00033522-00034474 um JJVent7j1aY-00107-00034475-00035843 is that your business JJVent7j1aY-00108-00035844-00037277 liar JJVent7j1aY-00109-00037278-00037552 now let me tell you something JJVent7j1aY-00110-00037553-00037787 the reason why JJVent7j1aY-00111-00037788-00038123 manual JJVent7j1aY-00112-00038124-00038639 securities JJVent7j1aY-00113-00038640-00038902 Black Beauty fake JJVent7j1aY-00114-00038903-00039233 kid of trouble fake JJVent7j1aY-00115-00039234-00039527 group traveler fake JJVent7j1aY-00116-00039528-00039802 am Carol fake JJVent7j1aY-00117-00039803-00040121 all of them take fake fake fake fake JJVent7j1aY-00118-00040122-00041957 fake JJVent7j1aY-00119-00041958-00042233 third JJVent7j1aY-00120-00042234-00042389 with us JJVent7j1aY-00121-00042390-00044333 Montauk JJVent7j1aY-00122-00044334-00044537 you come out JJVent7j1aY-00123-00044538-00044849 you just you just come out to talk JJVent7j1aY-00124-00044850-00045071 you don't do your research JJVent7j1aY-00125-00045072-00045412 is a military officer JJVent7j1aY-00126-00045413-00045658 Ivan is you JJVent7j1aY-00127-00045659-00046121 as I mean JJVent7j1aY-00128-00046122-00046295 you want to know how I got my my JJVent7j1aY-00129-00046296-00046552 information JJVent7j1aY-00130-00046553-00046739 you want to know JJVent7j1aY-00131-00046740-00047296 how I I get my information JJVent7j1aY-00132-00047297-00047537 you can come out to tell people that JJVent7j1aY-00133-00047538-00047896 that house doesn't belong to uh Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00134-00047897-00048202 are you are you okay JJVent7j1aY-00135-00048203-00048395 is that how is that how is that how you JJVent7j1aY-00136-00048396-00048665 you you want to grow your tunnel JJVent7j1aY-00137-00048666-00048868 I told you you see you see now you JJVent7j1aY-00138-00048869-00049193 Modesta you see now your JJVent7j1aY-00139-00049194-00049373 uh guys JJVent7j1aY-00140-00049374-00049595 I have said it in my previous previous JJVent7j1aY-00141-00049596-00050051 video YouTube is no more showing long JJVent7j1aY-00142-00050052-00050177 AIDS JJVent7j1aY-00143-00050178-00050602 YouTube is no more showing uh JJVent7j1aY-00144-00050603-00050746 it's JJVent7j1aY-00145-00050747-00051071 on Modesta Lifestyle Channel JJVent7j1aY-00146-00051072-00051244 if you monitor her Channel very well JJVent7j1aY-00147-00051245-00051761 from the day Mara reported her big time JJVent7j1aY-00148-00051762-00052090 people were just uh reporting modesty's JJVent7j1aY-00149-00052091-00052463 Channel JJVent7j1aY-00150-00052464-00052735 so YouTube has placed a lot of JJVent7j1aY-00151-00052736-00053135 restriction on your Channel JJVent7j1aY-00152-00053136-00053441 YouTube has placed restriction on your JJVent7j1aY-00153-00053441-00053603 Channel JJVent7j1aY-00154-00053604-00053842 keep lying JJVent7j1aY-00155-00053844-00054265 keep speaking lies JJVent7j1aY-00156-00054266-00054430 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00157-00054432-00054791 has been dining and whining Ivan is part JJVent7j1aY-00158-00054791-00055103 of balrak Obama the former president of JJVent7j1aY-00159-00055104-00055421 America if you dare me I can show you JJVent7j1aY-00160-00055422-00055594 photos JJVent7j1aY-00161-00055595-00055973 of Alvin together with Barack Obama JJVent7j1aY-00162-00055974-00056116 you don't know what you are you are JJVent7j1aY-00163-00056117-00056219 talking about JJVent7j1aY-00164-00056220-00056375 you don't know what you are talking JJVent7j1aY-00165-00056376-00056542 about JJVent7j1aY-00166-00056544-00056819 and we all know that JJVent7j1aY-00167-00056820-00057335 marijuana is no more living with Ivan I JJVent7j1aY-00168-00057336-00057563 know you know we all know he himself JJVent7j1aY-00169-00057564-00057971 Mara said it JJVent7j1aY-00170-00057972-00058463 Mara listen and listen to me very well JJVent7j1aY-00171-00058464-00058721 you and Ivan's game JJVent7j1aY-00172-00058722-00058937 it's a win-win game JJVent7j1aY-00173-00058938-00059615 you and Ivan's game is a 50-50 game JJVent7j1aY-00174-00059616-00059980 do you do you get my points Now ladies JJVent7j1aY-00175-00059982-00060316 and gentlemen apart from Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00176-00060317-00060635 hosting marua JJVent7j1aY-00177-00060636-00060947 another thing is that Ivan wanted to JJVent7j1aY-00178-00060948-00061126 help Myra with JJVent7j1aY-00179-00061127-00061253 oh JJVent7j1aY-00180-00061254-00061444 Visa solution JJVent7j1aY-00181-00061445-00061750 I even wanted to help marwa with his JJVent7j1aY-00182-00061751-00062154 Visa situation Ivan wanted to make sure JJVent7j1aY-00183-00062155-00062453 Mara's U.S visa get renewed I even JJVent7j1aY-00184-00062454-00062735 wanted to use this document to support JJVent7j1aY-00185-00062736-00062909 manual JJVent7j1aY-00186-00062910-00063215 do you get my points JJVent7j1aY-00187-00063216-00063671 they are still friends JJVent7j1aY-00188-00063672-00064015 people like Modesta Black Beauty TV JJVent7j1aY-00189-00064016-00064444 crook traveler king of travel am Caro JJVent7j1aY-00190-00064445-00064750 Matata got TV trending and those JJVent7j1aY-00191-00064751-00064991 trending TV and all those people are the JJVent7j1aY-00192-00064991-00065411 ones that are creating confusion JJVent7j1aY-00193-00065412-00065603 you see JJVent7j1aY-00194-00065604-00065800 you see you you came out to tell people JJVent7j1aY-00195-00065801-00066143 that that house doesn't belong to a a JJVent7j1aY-00196-00066144-00066425 Ivan how do you know JJVent7j1aY-00197-00066426-00066719 how do you know that that house doesn't JJVent7j1aY-00198-00066720-00066953 how do you know that this house doesn't JJVent7j1aY-00199-00066954-00067235 belongs to Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00200-00067236-00067571 you can be disgracing yourself JJVent7j1aY-00201-00067572-00067876 oh because Mara came out JJVent7j1aY-00202-00067877-00068219 to display your name JJVent7j1aY-00203-00068220-00068561 on his YouTube Community tab JJVent7j1aY-00204-00068562-00068855 and and according to you and your JJVent7j1aY-00205-00068856-00069076 so-called gank according to you before JJVent7j1aY-00206-00069077-00069287 you claim you have gotten 300 JJVent7j1aY-00207-00069288-00069606 subscribers what JJVent7j1aY-00208-00069607-00069863 gradually gradually all these reporting JJVent7j1aY-00209-00069864-00070097 reporting very soon your channel will go JJVent7j1aY-00210-00070098-00070294 down I told you to start preparing JJVent7j1aY-00211-00070295-00070487 another Channel then JJVent7j1aY-00212-00070488-00070738 because this your Modesto lifestyle JJVent7j1aY-00213-00070739-00070931 channel is going to go down I am telling JJVent7j1aY-00214-00070932-00071285 you JJVent7j1aY-00215-00071286-00071537 we don't we don't come out these people JJVent7j1aY-00216-00071538-00071717 ask yourself JJVent7j1aY-00217-00071718-00071981 they call themselves they call excuse me JJVent7j1aY-00218-00071982-00072431 they call themselves reactors JJVent7j1aY-00219-00072432-00072719 something like they can give you an JJVent7j1aY-00220-00072720-00072929 unwanted breaking news that you yourself JJVent7j1aY-00221-00072930-00073182 your your head will be JJVent7j1aY-00222-00073183-00073499 your health your your excuse me they can JJVent7j1aY-00223-00073500-00073775 give you unwanted breaking news that JJVent7j1aY-00224-00073776-00074050 will crack your head off JJVent7j1aY-00225-00074051-00074803 that will grow your mind away JJVent7j1aY-00226-00074804-00075053 Mara knows JJVent7j1aY-00227-00075054-00075371 Ivan knows that and Sultan knows all of JJVent7j1aY-00228-00075372-00075635 them they knew that Mara will come to me JJVent7j1aY-00229-00075636-00075844 for some few days and Mara will go to JJVent7j1aY-00230-00075845-00076300 Sultan for some time and so on JJVent7j1aY-00231-00076301-00076535 they know if they do not know how come JJVent7j1aY-00232-00076536-00076787 they went to the airport to pick him up JJVent7j1aY-00233-00076788-00077026 if they didn't have any Arrangement like JJVent7j1aY-00234-00077027-00077338 oh man come and stay with me from the JJVent7j1aY-00235-00077339-00077656 airport Sultan could have drove Mara to JJVent7j1aY-00236-00077657-00078100 a hotel or a motel or an Airbnb but the JJVent7j1aY-00237-00078101-00078281 drove straight from the airport to JJVent7j1aY-00238-00078282-00078425 Sultan's house JJVent7j1aY-00239-00078426-00078587 he stayed over there for a few days JJVent7j1aY-00240-00078588-00078826 together with Ivan and they moved to JJVent7j1aY-00241-00078827-00079271 Advanced place JJVent7j1aY-00242-00079272-00079667 and now Mara stayed with Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00243-00079668-00079985 for two good weeks JJVent7j1aY-00244-00079986-00080188 according to malwa JJVent7j1aY-00245-00080189-00080494 he has also been buying food JJVent7j1aY-00246-00080495-00080717 he has also been buying milk JJVent7j1aY-00247-00080718-00081017 he has also been buying breakfast snacks JJVent7j1aY-00248-00081018-00081538 and other things JJVent7j1aY-00249-00081539-00081743 if you ask me JJVent7j1aY-00250-00081744-00081941 people are saying that oh because of the JJVent7j1aY-00251-00081942-00082169 lady Mara brought in no no no no no no JJVent7j1aY-00252-00082170-00082415 no no JJVent7j1aY-00253-00082416-00082756 the reason why Myra is no more living JJVent7j1aY-00254-00082757-00082985 with Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00255-00082986-00083303 I will come and tell you in my next JJVent7j1aY-00256-00083304-00083500 video JJVent7j1aY-00257-00083501-00083717 yes JJVent7j1aY-00258-00083718-00084049 I will come and tell you the reason why JJVent7j1aY-00259-00084050-00084569 I then and marwa are no more staying JJVent7j1aY-00260-00084570-00084881 together I will let you know do you get JJVent7j1aY-00261-00084882-00084959 me JJVent7j1aY-00262-00084960-00085091 great JJVent7j1aY-00264-00090612-00090929 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00265-00090930-00091121 is supposed to sort JJVent7j1aY-00266-00091122-00091379 narrow out JJVent7j1aY-00267-00091380-00091594 with his Visa JJVent7j1aY-00268-00091595-00091847 with his rounds JJVent7j1aY-00269-00091848-00092399 that was the agreement JJVent7j1aY-00270-00092400-00092782 the main reason why manual JJVent7j1aY-00271-00092783-00093179 has left Advanced place I will come out JJVent7j1aY-00272-00093180-00093437 and tell you in my next video we don't JJVent7j1aY-00273-00093438-00093653 rush JJVent7j1aY-00274-00093654-00093941 we are not in a hurry to break the news JJVent7j1aY-00275-00093942-00094187 no no no no no no JJVent7j1aY-00276-00094188-00094450 I am never in a hurry to break any any JJVent7j1aY-00277-00094451-00094661 breaking news I don't have any breaking JJVent7j1aY-00278-00094662-00094835 news for you JJVent7j1aY-00279-00094836-00095243 I don't break news JJVent7j1aY-00280-00095244-00095506 I went for the news Breakers to break JJVent7j1aY-00281-00095507-00095855 the news and I will now take my time to JJVent7j1aY-00282-00095856-00096173 look into the breaking news JJVent7j1aY-00283-00096174-00096365 I take my time JJVent7j1aY-00284-00096366-00096694 to read between the lines and see if JJVent7j1aY-00285-00096695-00097061 this breaking news is really and truly a JJVent7j1aY-00286-00097062-00097415 breaking news JJVent7j1aY-00287-00097416-00097726 why JJVent7j1aY-00288-00097727-00098435 why JJVent7j1aY-00289-00098436-00098765 according to Mara he is paying 124 JJVent7j1aY-00290-00098766-00099317 dollars or 123 dollars a day on an JJVent7j1aY-00291-00099318-00099599 Airbnb in JJVent7j1aY-00292-00099600-00100332 Washington DC JJVent7j1aY-00293-00100333-00100732 a Nigerian guy an evil guy who is trying JJVent7j1aY-00294-00100733-00101032 everything possible to sort uh Mara out JJVent7j1aY-00295-00101033-00101326 as well it's not easy in America but God JJVent7j1aY-00296-00101327-00101603 bless you and Mara also said JJVent7j1aY-00297-00101604-00102065 uh he will also be going to leave uh JJVent7j1aY-00298-00102066-00102287 with a Kenyan family JJVent7j1aY-00299-00102288-00102749 uh for some few days and so on guys JJVent7j1aY-00300-00102750-00103006 you don't you don't expect Mara to be to JJVent7j1aY-00301-00103007-00103186 be renting hotels here and then just JJVent7j1aY-00302-00103188-00103258 because JJVent7j1aY-00303-00103259-00103492 he he has money JJVent7j1aY-00304-00103493-00103840 this guy has a lot of followers JJVent7j1aY-00305-00103841-00104158 this guy has a lot of subscribers JJVent7j1aY-00306-00104159-00104489 imagine me that I am here JJVent7j1aY-00307-00104490-00104777 Kenya a lot of people are calling me to JJVent7j1aY-00308-00104778-00105004 come to Kenya JJVent7j1aY-00309-00105005-00105215 and and they they are ready to JJVent7j1aY-00310-00105216-00105407 accommodate me for free JJVent7j1aY-00311-00105408-00105634 if people are ready to accommodate me JJVent7j1aY-00312-00105635-00105851 for free why do I have to go and waste JJVent7j1aY-00313-00105852-00106493 or use my and wear Rings a a hotel again JJVent7j1aY-00314-00106494-00106823 as much as Mara wants to show you good JJVent7j1aY-00315-00106824-00107057 places and stuff like that he also needs JJVent7j1aY-00316-00107058-00107183 to save money JJVent7j1aY-00317-00107183-00107423 oh so you just want you you just want JJVent7j1aY-00318-00107424-00107645 him to be to be spending his money on on JJVent7j1aY-00319-00107646-00108163 a lot lavishly uh going going to get a a JJVent7j1aY-00320-00108164-00108490 multi-million hotels or motels or JJVent7j1aY-00321-00108491-00108743 expensive Airbnb will you pay the money JJVent7j1aY-00322-00108744-00108869 for him JJVent7j1aY-00323-00108870-00109247 will you pay that money for him JJVent7j1aY-00324-00109248-00109469 you that's the small money that you you JJVent7j1aY-00325-00109470-00109660 are getting on YouTube what are you JJVent7j1aY-00326-00109661-00109847 using it for at least these guys are JJVent7j1aY-00327-00109848-00110051 trying out of the same money they're JJVent7j1aY-00328-00110052-00110363 getting from YouTube other people helps JJVent7j1aY-00329-00110364-00110752 them and they put it together to travel JJVent7j1aY-00330-00110753-00110969 don't forget very soon I will be JJVent7j1aY-00331-00110970-00111251 displaying my bank details mobile money JJVent7j1aY-00332-00111252-00111658 details PayPal details all all those JJVent7j1aY-00333-00111659-00111934 details that you can use all those JJVent7j1aY-00334-00111935-00112151 information that you will use to support JJVent7j1aY-00335-00112152-00112486 me as in money wise are you getting me JJVent7j1aY-00336-00112488-00112823 one dollar two dollar three dollars two JJVent7j1aY-00337-00112824-00113033 dollars five dollars ten dollars five JJVent7j1aY-00338-00113033-00113358 hundred dollars thousand dollars JJVent7j1aY-00339-00113359-00113663 one billion dollars look if you have JJVent7j1aY-00340-00113664-00113933 money support pastor boxman JJVent7j1aY-00341-00113933-00114107 if you have money go to the bank JJVent7j1aY-00342-00114108-00114528 withdraw the money JJVent7j1aY-00343-00114529-00114790 if you have money go to the bank JJVent7j1aY-00344-00114791-00115151 withdraw the money and and support me JJVent7j1aY-00345-00115152-00115469 and God will not let you down JJVent7j1aY-00346-00115470-00115734 I want to tell you something JJVent7j1aY-00347-00115735-00116110 anyone who supports a man of God anyone JJVent7j1aY-00348-00116111-00116308 who supports a pastor JJVent7j1aY-00349-00116309-00116584 is a little dollar with a little pound JJVent7j1aY-00350-00116585-00116975 sterling with a little Euro your life JJVent7j1aY-00351-00116976-00117251 will never be the same JJVent7j1aY-00352-00117252-00117563 I am giving you a key I am giving you a JJVent7j1aY-00353-00117564-00117677 secret JJVent7j1aY-00354-00117678-00118249 any man any woman that's so exceed JJVent7j1aY-00355-00118250-00118636 so a seed from his or her heart JJVent7j1aY-00356-00118638-00118949 and that seed goes to a man of God JJVent7j1aY-00357-00118950-00119339 your life will never be the same JJVent7j1aY-00358-00119340-00119549 imagine how many times that man of God JJVent7j1aY-00359-00119550-00119783 is going to keep praying for you imagine JJVent7j1aY-00360-00119783-00120016 how many times that man of God is going JJVent7j1aY-00361-00120017-00120263 to keep shouting out your name to the JJVent7j1aY-00362-00120264-00120527 heavenly father the King of Kings the JJVent7j1aY-00363-00120528-00120784 Lord of lords the Conquering Lion of the JJVent7j1aY-00364-00120785-00120936 tribe of Judah JJVent7j1aY-00365-00120938-00121778 lambrusky Lima JJVent7j1aY-00366-00121779-00121997 [Music] JJVent7j1aY-00367-00121998-00122290 father I thank you father I thank you JJVent7j1aY-00368-00122291-00122657 very soon I will let out some of you uh JJVent7j1aY-00369-00122658-00122902 very soon you will be seeing lamb Ruskin JJVent7j1aY-00370-00122903-00123216 at the right time I will reveal JJVent7j1aY-00371-00123217-00123515 lambruski lambrus cut out to the whole JJVent7j1aY-00372-00123516-00123863 world to see the angel that I work with JJVent7j1aY-00373-00123864-00124186 you will see it JJVent7j1aY-00374-00124188-00124402 if you want to see it JJVent7j1aY-00375-00124403-00124883 you will see it if you have eyes JJVent7j1aY-00376-00124883-00125213 do you get me so when I display all JJVent7j1aY-00377-00125214-00125507 those Banditos money receiving details JJVent7j1aY-00378-00125508-00125927 please support me support me and God JJVent7j1aY-00379-00125928-00126286 will not let you down any amount can JJVent7j1aY-00380-00126288-00126569 change a life on the streets any amount JJVent7j1aY-00381-00126570-00126790 can good food JJVent7j1aY-00382-00126791-00127043 on the Poor People's triple any amount JJVent7j1aY-00383-00127044-00127397 can buy school bag for a child in a JJVent7j1aY-00384-00127398-00127793 village any amount can change in life JJVent7j1aY-00385-00127794-00128010 of a pregnant woman JJVent7j1aY-00386-00128011-00128428 take it easy Mara take it easy JJVent7j1aY-00387-00128429-00128621 take it easy JJVent7j1aY-00388-00128622-00129125 you understand JJVent7j1aY-00389-00129126-00129354 I know JJVent7j1aY-00390-00129355-00129671 I know that Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00391-00129672-00129940 Ivan told you that JJVent7j1aY-00392-00129941-00130127 uh JJVent7j1aY-00393-00130128-00130577 he will be going for his uncle funeral JJVent7j1aY-00394-00130578-00130733 therefore JJVent7j1aY-00395-00130733-00131069 you should get out of the house JJVent7j1aY-00396-00131070-00131381 so the question I'm asking is that Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00397-00131382-00131585 I then JJVent7j1aY-00398-00131586-00131849 why couldn't you wait until the day that JJVent7j1aY-00399-00131850-00132040 you are flying to Cameroon why why JJVent7j1aY-00400-00132041-00132227 didn't you wait until that day before JJVent7j1aY-00401-00132228-00132569 kicking marwa out of your house JJVent7j1aY-00402-00132570-00132754 Ivan JJVent7j1aY-00403-00132755-00133313 military officer JJVent7j1aY-00404-00133314-00133523 but all the same I know you guys are JJVent7j1aY-00405-00133524-00133745 still friends JJVent7j1aY-00406-00133746-00133937 it is still something you guys are still JJVent7j1aY-00407-00133938-00134152 doing for the internet JJVent7j1aY-00408-00134153-00134452 but in which way JJVent7j1aY-00409-00134453-00134657 we give thanks to God JJVent7j1aY-00410-00134658-00134933 Mara has passed through your place JJVent7j1aY-00411-00134934-00135137 Mara has had some good time at your JJVent7j1aY-00412-00135138-00135743 place let bygone be bygone JJVent7j1aY-00413-00135744-00136054 both of you had a good time together JJVent7j1aY-00414-00136055-00136271 is just a pass buyer Mara is just JJVent7j1aY-00415-00136272-00136409 passing by JJVent7j1aY-00416-00136410-00136631 there is nothing there is excuse me JJVent7j1aY-00417-00136632-00136883 there is nothing much more Barbara is JJVent7j1aY-00418-00136884-00137075 just passing through JJVent7j1aY-00419-00137076-00137387 and he has already passed through JJVent7j1aY-00420-00137388-00137777 Ivan marijuana the Friendship move on JJVent7j1aY-00421-00137778-00138023 and then now you are also popular you JJVent7j1aY-00422-00138024-00138304 are also very very popular now on JJVent7j1aY-00423-00138305-00138802 YouTube within our Circle JJVent7j1aY-00424-00138803-00139187 and Marvel made that possible before no JJVent7j1aY-00425-00139188-00139337 one knows about you JJVent7j1aY-00426-00139338-00139643 but since you got in touch with marwa JJVent7j1aY-00427-00139644-00140045 your photos are everywhere on YouTube JJVent7j1aY-00428-00140046-00140297 you also took good care of Mara when he JJVent7j1aY-00429-00140298-00140585 was at your place JJVent7j1aY-00430-00140586-00141137 50 50 win win marwa don't feel bad JJVent7j1aY-00431-00141138-00141551 you gotta move on as you said America is JJVent7j1aY-00432-00141552-00141881 very very expensive JJVent7j1aY-00433-00141882-00142211 do you do you get my point if not if not JJVent7j1aY-00434-00142212-00142716 because uh this uh Kenyan family uh JJVent7j1aY-00435-00142717-00142943 reached out to you that they will host JJVent7j1aY-00436-00142944-00143171 you like Accra I've given you my mom JJVent7j1aY-00437-00143172-00143609 address then you you take an Uber to to JJVent7j1aY-00438-00143610-00143831 my mom's place you you can stay with my JJVent7j1aY-00439-00143832-00144047 mom as long as you want to stay with my JJVent7j1aY-00440-00144048-00144371 mom do you do you get me do you get me JJVent7j1aY-00441-00144372-00144707 so but you've made it very clear that a JJVent7j1aY-00442-00144708-00144940 Kenyan family wanted to help you it's JJVent7j1aY-00443-00144941-00145163 all good if not because of that I could JJVent7j1aY-00444-00145164-00145409 have asked you to go stay with uh my JJVent7j1aY-00445-00145410-00145871 mama in uh in America but it's all good JJVent7j1aY-00446-00145872-00146183 it's all good so Mara don't feel bad JJVent7j1aY-00447-00146184-00146597 Ivan is human he cannot even cannot host JJVent7j1aY-00448-00146598-00146819 you for 200 years this is what you can JJVent7j1aY-00449-00146820-00147089 do you have also done your best for him JJVent7j1aY-00450-00147090-00147335 let's JJVent7j1aY-00451-00147336-00147604 the Friendship moves on don't follow JJVent7j1aY-00452-00147605-00147743 each other JJVent7j1aY-00453-00147744-00148102 keep the fire burning your enemies are JJVent7j1aY-00454-00148103-00148331 watching always get something for them JJVent7j1aY-00455-00148332-00148643 to talk about I I believe you man I know JJVent7j1aY-00456-00148644-00148847 what you can do give it to them give it JJVent7j1aY-00457-00148848-00149063 to them give it to them I know what you JJVent7j1aY-00458-00149064-00149357 can do you have you have finally kicked JJVent7j1aY-00459-00149358-00149675 with the Maya out of the game what am I JJVent7j1aY-00460-00149676-00149927 at is nowhere to be found my name Pastor JJVent7j1aY-00461-00149928-00150166 boxman I'm out of here bye take care of JJVent7j1aY-00462-00150167-00150664 yourself and it is true JJVent7j1aY-00463-00150665-00150916 this Maya guy this was Maya guy is JJVent7j1aY-00464-00150917-00151085 nowhere to be found JJVent7j1aY-00465-00151086-00151319 in the internet right now is all about JJVent7j1aY-00466-00151320-00151804 marijuana marua marua this so-called uh JJVent7j1aY-00467-00151805-00152159 what Amaya gank I I don't even they JJVent7j1aY-00468-00152160-00152381 cannot even talk about what the Maya and JJVent7j1aY-00469-00152382-00152669 mystery any longer JJVent7j1aY-00470-00152670-00152963 do you get my point so Barbara keep them JJVent7j1aY-00471-00152964-00153101 on their toes JJVent7j1aY-00472-00153102-00153281 always get something for them to talk JJVent7j1aY-00473-00153282-00153376 about JJVent7j1aY-00474-00153377-00153604 roll them from now on to the end of the JJVent7j1aY-00475-00153605-00153952 year keep them on their toes fire burn JJVent7j1aY-00476-00153953-00154295 them every time fire burn them every JJVent7j1aY-00477-00154296-00154733 time fire burn them one more time my JJVent7j1aY-00478-00154734-00155081 name is Pastor boxman boxman underscore JJVent7j1aY-00479-00155082-00155416 TV on YouTube I will see you in my next JJVent7j1aY-00480-00155417-00155663 video subscribe and be part of this JJVent7j1aY-00481-00155664-00155993 family I'm out of here just like that JJVent7j1aY-00482-00155994-00156336 that that bye JJZHllbnzag-00000-00000139-00002665 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00001-00002666-00003456 thank you JJZHllbnzag-00002-00003457-00003832 foreign foreign JJZHllbnzag-00003-00003833-00005649 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00004-00005650-00007187 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00005-00007188-00007429 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00007-00010961-00011508 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00008-00011509-00013955 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00009-00013956-00014099 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00010-00014100-00015258 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00011-00015259-00015894 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00012-00015894-00018791 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00013-00018792-00019794 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00014-00019795-00020011 thank you JJZHllbnzag-00015-00020012-00020263 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00016-00020264-00020311 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00017-00020312-00020535 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00018-00020536-00021191 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00019-00021192-00021622 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00020-00021623-00021745 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00021-00021746-00021788 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00022-00021789-00023241 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00023-00023242-00023347 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00024-00023348-00023556 [Laughter] JJZHllbnzag-00025-00023557-00023974 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00026-00023975-00024350 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00027-00024351-00024808 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00028-00024809-00025104 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00029-00025105-00025943 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00030-00025944-00026581 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00031-00026582-00027898 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00032-00027899-00028031 [Music] JJZHllbnzag-00033-00028032-00028210 foreign JJZHllbnzag-00034-00028211-00028869 [Applause] JJZHllbnzag-00035-00028870-00029381 [Music] JMakv865EBU-00000-00000000-00000638 foreign JMakv865EBU-00001-00000639-00002330 [Music] JNTVA9d3o-4-00000-00000086-00000394 biography The Greatest Hits as the first JNTVA9d3o-4-00001-00000395-00000679 greatest hits compilation album by JNTVA9d3o-4-00002-00000680-00001036 British recording artist Lisa Stansfield JNTVA9d3o-4-00003-00001037-00001385 released by Arista Records on the 3rd of JNTVA9d3o-4-00004-00001386-00001892 February 2003 it features 17 tracks hits JNTVA9d3o-4-00005-00001893-00002258 and rare songs including all around the JNTVA9d3o-4-00006-00002259-00002809 world this is the right time change all JNTVA9d3o-4-00007-00002810-00003368 woman the real thing and never never JNTVA9d3o-4-00008-00003369-00003734 gonna give you up the album which JNTVA9d3o-4-00009-00003735-00003977 garnered positive reviews from music JNTVA9d3o-4-00010-00003978-00004312 critics peaked at number 3 in the United JNTVA9d3o-4-00011-00004313-00005065 Kingdom and was certified gold JNTVA9d3o-4-00012-00005066-00005609 topic background JNTVA9d3o-4-00013-00005610-00006101 in June 2001 Stansfield released face up JNTVA9d3o-4-00014-00006102-00006383 her final studio album with Arista JNTVA9d3o-4-00015-00006384-00006781 Records the obligatory compilation JNTVA9d3o-4-00016-00006781-00007094 biography The Greatest Hits was issued JNTVA9d3o-4-00017-00007095-00007537 in February 2003 four months later JNTVA9d3o-4-00018-00007538-00007826 Arista Records remastered all of JNTVA9d3o-4-00019-00007827-00008146 Stansfield studio albums and rereleased JNTVA9d3o-4-00020-00008147-00008492 them with bonus tracks the complete JNTVA9d3o-4-00021-00008493-00008801 collection box set was also issued at JNTVA9d3o-4-00022-00008802-00009442 the same time JNTVA9d3o-4-00023-00009443-00009974 topic content JNTVA9d3o-4-00024-00009975-00010310 the European edition of biography The JNTVA9d3o-4-00025-00010311-00010598 Greatest Hits includes three songs from JNTVA9d3o-4-00026-00010599-00010976 affection this is the right time all JNTVA9d3o-4-00027-00010977-00011429 around the world live together four JNTVA9d3o-4-00028-00011430-00011911 tracks from real love change all woman JNTVA9d3o-4-00029-00011912-00012377 time to make you mine set your loving JNTVA9d3o-4-00030-00012378-00012797 free three songs from so natural in all JNTVA9d3o-4-00031-00012798-00012988 the right places JNTVA9d3o-4-00032-00012988-00013490 so natural little bit of heaven two JNTVA9d3o-4-00033-00013491-00013813 tracks from Lisa Stansfield the real JNTVA9d3o-4-00034-00013815-00014254 thing never never gonna give you up and JNTVA9d3o-4-00035-00014255-00014711 one song from face up let's just call it JNTVA9d3o-4-00036-00014712-00015104 love it also contains few non-album JNTVA9d3o-4-00037-00015105-00015547 tracks people hold on from cold cuts JNTVA9d3o-4-00038-00015549-00015866 album what's that noise down in the JNTVA9d3o-4-00039-00015866-00016244 depths from charity compilation red hot JNTVA9d3o-4-00040-00016244-00016727 + blue someday I'm coming back from the JNTVA9d3o-4-00041-00016728-00016814 bodyguard JNTVA9d3o-4-00042-00016815-00017162 original soundtrack album and these are JNTVA9d3o-4-00043-00017163-00017633 the days of our lives from charity EP 5 JNTVA9d3o-4-00044-00017634-00017990 live the North American edition includes JNTVA9d3o-4-00045-00017991-00018499 you can't deny it and never gonna fall JNTVA9d3o-4-00046-00018500-00018992 instead of little bit of heaven and set JNTVA9d3o-4-00047-00018993-00019355 your loving free in Europe limited JNTVA9d3o-4-00048-00019356-00019709 edition with bonus remix CD was also JNTVA9d3o-4-00049-00019710-00020102 issued biography The Greatest Hits was JNTVA9d3o-4-00050-00020103-00020468 released simultaneously on DVD which JNTVA9d3o-4-00051-00020469-00020759 includes most of Stansfield's music JNTVA9d3o-4-00052-00020760-00021519 videos and a bonus material JNTVA9d3o-4-00053-00021520-00022063 topic singles JNTVA9d3o-4-00054-00022064-00022348 the album does not include any new JNTVA9d3o-4-00055-00022349-00022659 recordings Arista Records issued JNTVA9d3o-4-00056-00022660-00022960 promotional singles with new remixes of JNTVA9d3o-4-00057-00022961-00023362 all around the world created by Nour JNTVA9d3o-4-00058-00023363-00023656 DeCoteau the single was released in the JNTVA9d3o-4-00059-00023657-00024085 United States on the 28th of April 2003 JNTVA9d3o-4-00060-00024086-00024409 and reached number 34 on the Billboard's JNTVA9d3o-4-00061-00024410-00024862 Hot Dance Club Songs a remix by junior JNTVA9d3o-4-00062-00024863-00025327 vasquez was also created in 2014 these JNTVA9d3o-4-00063-00025328-00025714 remixes of all around the world were JNTVA9d3o-4-00064-00025714-00026049 included on the deluxe 2 CD + DVD JNTVA9d3o-4-00065-00026050-00026389 re-release of face up also on the JNTVA9d3o-4-00066-00026389-00027280 collection 1989 to 2003 JNTVA9d3o-4-00067-00027281-00027927 topic critical reception JNTVA9d3o-4-00068-00027928-00028219 biography The Greatest Hits received JNTVA9d3o-4-00069-00028220-00028516 positive reviews from music critics JNTVA9d3o-4-00070-00028517-00028786 Heather Phares from Allmusic gave the JNTVA9d3o-4-00071-00028787-00029194 album 4.5 out of 5 stars and wrote that JNTVA9d3o-4-00072-00029195-00029494 it is a must for diehard fans and an JNTVA9d3o-4-00073-00029495-00030320 excellent primer for casual listeners JNTVA9d3o-4-00074-00030322-00030995 topic commercial performance JNTVA9d3o-4-00075-00030995-00031289 biography The Greatest Hits peaked at JNTVA9d3o-4-00076-00031290-00031608 number three on the UK albums chart and JNTVA9d3o-4-00077-00031608-00031986 at number four in Italy it also reached JNTVA9d3o-4-00078-00031987-00032402 top 40 in Belgium Flanders the album was JNTVA9d3o-4-00079-00032403-00032751 certified gold in the United Kingdom the JNTVA9d3o-4-00080-00032752-00033149 DVD peaked at number 20 in Spain DVDs JNTVA9d3o-4-00081-00033150-00033737 chart JNTVA9d3o-4-00082-00033738-00034654 topic tracklisting JNTVA9d3o-4-00083-00034655-00035336 topic DVD tracklisting JNTVA9d3o-4-00084-00035337-00035737 cold get feet Lisa Stansfield people JNTVA9d3o-4-00085-00035738-00035898 hold on JNTVA9d3o-4-00086-00035899-00036332 Lisa Stansfield this is the right time JNTVA9d3o-4-00087-00036333-00036633 Lisa Stansfield this is the right time JNTVA9d3o-4-00088-00036634-00036901 US version JNTVA9d3o-4-00089-00036902-00037328 lisa stansfield all around the world JNTVA9d3o-4-00090-00037329-00037721 Lisa Stansfield live together JNTVA9d3o-4-00091-00037722-00038057 Lisa Stansfield change JNTVA9d3o-4-00092-00038058-00038423 lisa stansfield all woman JNTVA9d3o-4-00093-00038424-00038842 Lisa Stansfield time to make you mine JNTVA9d3o-4-00094-00038843-00039310 Lisa Stansfield set your loving free JNTVA9d3o-4-00095-00039311-00039787 lisa stansfield someday I'm coming back JNTVA9d3o-4-00096-00039788-00040213 Lisa Stansfield down in the depths JNTVA9d3o-4-00097-00040214-00040679 Lisa Stansfield in all the right places JNTVA9d3o-4-00098-00040680-00041067 Lisa Stansfield so natural JNTVA9d3o-4-00099-00041068-00041486 Lisa Stansfield little bit of heaven JNTVA9d3o-4-00100-00041487-00041795 Lisa Stansfield these are the days of JNTVA9d3o-4-00101-00041796-00041982 our lives JNTVA9d3o-4-00102-00041983-00042370 Lisa Stansfield the real thing JNTVA9d3o-4-00103-00042371-00042742 Lisa Stansfield never never gonna give JNTVA9d3o-4-00104-00042743-00042886 you up JNTVA9d3o-4-00105-00042887-00043669 lisa stansfield let's just call it love JNTVA9d3o-4-00106-00043670-00044652 topic DVD extras JNTVA9d3o-4-00107-00044653-00045338 topic charts JNTVA9d3o-4-00108-00045339-00045558 you JNTVA9d3o-4-00109-00045559-00046262 topic certifications and sales JNTVA9d3o-4-00110-00046263-00046737 equals equals release history JpvGH2_ycx4-00000-00000463-00001332 there's a beautiful JpvGH2_ycx4-00001-00001333-00001698 [Laughter] JpvGH2_ycx4-00002-00001700-00002215 [Music] JpvGH2_ycx4-00003-00002216-00003091 [Music] JpvGH2_ycx4-00004-00003092-00003517 foreign I was in um JpvGH2_ycx4-00005-00003518-00003856 my goodness yeah so how many a day how JpvGH2_ycx4-00006-00003857-00004103 many shows a day mostly sometimes every JpvGH2_ycx4-00007-00004104-00004349 three sometimes two sometimes one so JpvGH2_ycx4-00008-00004350-00004559 it's very very difficult very active JpvGH2_ycx4-00009-00004560-00004822 very active uh your specialization is as JpvGH2_ycx4-00010-00004823-00005509 a singer yeah how media so far JpvGH2_ycx4-00011-00005510-00006469 sometimes JpvGH2_ycx4-00012-00006470-00006733 favorite favorite JpvGH2_ycx4-00013-00006734-00007189 the chocolates favorite JpvGH2_ycx4-00014-00007190-00007831 no no no no starting JpvGH2_ycx4-00015-00007831-00008081 two thousand JpvGH2_ycx4-00016-00008081-00008701 yeah JpvGH2_ycx4-00017-00008702-00009023 and they have won the second best place JpvGH2_ycx4-00018-00009024-00009269 for best acting yeah and from then JpvGH2_ycx4-00019-00009270-00009653 onwards like I'm in theaters so I got JpvGH2_ycx4-00020-00009654-00010024 The Confidence from 2004. yeah your JpvGH2_ycx4-00021-00010025-00010414 village is my Village is JpvGH2_ycx4-00023-00014102-00014483 yeah see since I am the first political JpvGH2_ycx4-00024-00014484-00014611 singer yeah JpvGH2_ycx4-00025-00014612-00014735 [Music] JpvGH2_ycx4-00026-00014736-00014963 the challenge I can say because there is JpvGH2_ycx4-00027-00014963-00015107 no one else JpvGH2_ycx4-00028-00015108-00016603 and it is very tough politicians JpvGH2_ycx4-00029-00016604-00016908 they don't appreciate because it is JpvGH2_ycx4-00030-00016909-00017165 what what we are I'm telling the JpvGH2_ycx4-00031-00017166-00017375 audience is what is the fact JpvGH2_ycx4-00032-00017376-00017957 foreign JpvGH2_ycx4-00033-00017958-00018263 [Applause] JOEaWcFHtp4-00000-00001375-00001630 today what we would be doing is ah we JOEaWcFHtp4-00001-00001632-00001807 would try to understand JOEaWcFHtp4-00002-00001807-00002110 that how this whole concept of normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00003-00002111-00002279 has evolved JOEaWcFHtp4-00004-00002280-00002526 what is so special about it know that it JOEaWcFHtp4-00005-00002527-00002702 is given JOEaWcFHtp4-00006-00002703-00002926 extra weightage both JOEaWcFHtp4-00007-00002927-00003095 in the legal framework in the social JOEaWcFHtp4-00008-00003096-00003351 framework even in the clinical framework JOEaWcFHtp4-00009-00003352-00003575 ok and we will take couple of examples JOEaWcFHtp4-00010-00003576-00003959 to see that is it that aberrations JOEaWcFHtp4-00011-00003960-00004167 are acceptable easy determinations are JOEaWcFHtp4-00012-00004168-00004415 not acceptable and how this whole JOEaWcFHtp4-00013-00004416-00004654 interplay of normality is abnormality JOEaWcFHtp4-00014-00004655-00004902 and abnormality begins initially we will JOEaWcFHtp4-00015-00004903-00005199 be focusing only on normality and with JOEaWcFHtp4-00016-00005200-00005359 respect to nor once we establish JOEaWcFHtp4-00017-00005360-00005535 normality with respect to it then we JOEaWcFHtp4-00018-00005536-00005718 will try to understand the whole issue JOEaWcFHtp4-00019-00005719-00006006 of abnormality and once normal and JOEaWcFHtp4-00020-00006007-00006183 abnormal ends are known to us then we JOEaWcFHtp4-00021-00006184-00006343 will try to find out JOEaWcFHtp4-00022-00006344-00006518 is there a possibility of defining JOEaWcFHtp4-00023-00006519-00006910 something like sub normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00024-00006911-00007119 till now what we have been doing the JOEaWcFHtp4-00025-00007120-00007278 first lecture we talked about the JOEaWcFHtp4-00026-00007279-00007470 biomedical model JOEaWcFHtp4-00027-00007472-00007742 where the focus was more on the JOEaWcFHtp4-00028-00007743-00007934 scientific temper of JOEaWcFHtp4-00029-00007936-00008223 the medical fraternity the whole issue JOEaWcFHtp4-00030-00008224-00008478 of classification of diseases JOEaWcFHtp4-00031-00008479-00008567 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00032-00008568-00008767 and then we took the whole issue that JOEaWcFHtp4-00033-00008768-00009039 find the way classification of diseases JOEaWcFHtp4-00034-00009040-00009183 are taken into account and the way JOEaWcFHtp4-00035-00009184-00009446 biomedical model is used to define JOEaWcFHtp4-00036-00009447-00009606 constructs there JOEaWcFHtp4-00037-00009607-00009871 that has been extended also to JOEaWcFHtp4-00038-00009872-00010078 behavioral sciences where JOEaWcFHtp4-00039-00010079-00010327 for even for behavioral elaborations for JOEaWcFHtp4-00040-00010328-00010591 psychological disorders similar type of JOEaWcFHtp4-00041-00010592-00010942 models are looked at JOEaWcFHtp4-00042-00010943-00011278 then we did try to see that JOEaWcFHtp4-00043-00011279-00011471 the social context is JOEaWcFHtp4-00044-00011472-00011735 equally important and the moment you JOEaWcFHtp4-00045-00011736-00011846 delink JOEaWcFHtp4-00046-00011847-00012070 classification from the social context JOEaWcFHtp4-00047-00012071-00012287 it creates a trouble it creates a JOEaWcFHtp4-00048-00012288-00012646 problem and we saw no statements of a JOEaWcFHtp4-00049-00012647-00012943 couple of psychologists what type of JOEaWcFHtp4-00050-00012944-00013199 problems JOEaWcFHtp4-00051-00013200-00013463 they experience they explained in terms JOEaWcFHtp4-00052-00013463-00013686 of extending biomedical model to JOEaWcFHtp4-00053-00013687-00013903 behavioral sciences JOEaWcFHtp4-00054-00013904-00014015 now JOEaWcFHtp4-00055-00014016-00014230 when we look at the whole issue of JOEaWcFHtp4-00056-00014231-00014479 adjustment it is equally important to JOEaWcFHtp4-00057-00014480-00014775 understand adjustment as a social JOEaWcFHtp4-00058-00014776-00015038 construction social construction means JOEaWcFHtp4-00059-00015040-00015271 the society at large JOEaWcFHtp4-00060-00015272-00015615 decides what is normal and what is not JOEaWcFHtp4-00061-00015616-00015830 ok now remember JOEaWcFHtp4-00062-00015831-00016030 in the beginning i told you that there JOEaWcFHtp4-00063-00016031-00016247 at times there could be matches at time JOEaWcFHtp4-00064-00016247-00016471 there could be mismatches between JOEaWcFHtp4-00065-00016472-00016727 the social construction of JOEaWcFHtp4-00066-00016728-00017007 a disease or a disorder or an aberration JOEaWcFHtp4-00067-00017008-00017111 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00068-00017112-00017455 and the way it is clinically looked upon JOEaWcFHtp4-00069-00017456-00017599 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00070-00017600-00017767 today what we are JOEaWcFHtp4-00071-00017768-00018071 saying is that before we define what is JOEaWcFHtp4-00072-00018072-00018447 normality from a clinical perspective JOEaWcFHtp4-00073-00018448-00018639 ok let us first look at the social JOEaWcFHtp4-00074-00018640-00018855 construction of JOEaWcFHtp4-00075-00018856-00018983 normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00076-00018984-00019135 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00077-00019136-00019239 now JOEaWcFHtp4-00078-00019240-00019550 one of the connotations of adjustment is JOEaWcFHtp4-00079-00019551-00019871 normal means how normal you are JOEaWcFHtp4-00080-00019872-00020055 means JOEaWcFHtp4-00081-00020056-00020183 those who are JOEaWcFHtp4-00082-00020184-00020399 technically aware of the no house in the JOEaWcFHtp4-00083-00020400-00020639 discipline will tell you whether you are JOEaWcFHtp4-00084-00020640-00020919 adjusted or you have an adjustment issue JOEaWcFHtp4-00085-00020920-00021135 whether you are mal adjusted JOEaWcFHtp4-00086-00021136-00021383 but the social connotation of this JOEaWcFHtp4-00087-00021384-00021614 adjustment is whether you are normal or JOEaWcFHtp4-00088-00021615-00021703 not JOEaWcFHtp4-00089-00021704-00021943 and there could be you know ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00090-00021944-00022230 very very explicit way of saying that JOEaWcFHtp4-00091-00022231-00022503 you are not normal or you have some JOEaWcFHtp4-00092-00022504-00022847 problem there could be ah no very JOEaWcFHtp4-00093-00022848-00022950 ah you know JOEaWcFHtp4-00094-00022951-00023247 a tacit way of making you realize that JOEaWcFHtp4-00095-00023248-00023486 this pattern of behavior doesn't have JOEaWcFHtp4-00096-00023487-00023622 the approval JOEaWcFHtp4-00097-00023623-00023863 ah for example if you uh take into JOEaWcFHtp4-00098-00023864-00024494 account something like JOEaWcFHtp4-00099-00024495-00024727 people in your JOEaWcFHtp4-00100-00024728-00024991 neighborhood people in your community JOEaWcFHtp4-00101-00024992-00025175 using certain JOEaWcFHtp4-00102-00025176-00025486 signage to represent that this behavior JOEaWcFHtp4-00103-00025487-00025814 is aberrated or you are not adjusted or JOEaWcFHtp4-00104-00025816-00026087 you are not normal say ah for example JOEaWcFHtp4-00105-00026088-00026199 you know JOEaWcFHtp4-00106-00026200-00026374 somebody does something or somebody JOEaWcFHtp4-00107-00026375-00026511 explains things JOEaWcFHtp4-00108-00026512-00026831 in a particular way and you say JOEaWcFHtp4-00109-00026832-00027031 ok the moment you put your finger here JOEaWcFHtp4-00110-00027032-00027167 and you say something like thi the JOEaWcFHtp4-00111-00027168-00027311 moment you indicate like this this is a JOEaWcFHtp4-00112-00027312-00027511 non verbal indicator JOEaWcFHtp4-00113-00027512-00027655 that JOEaWcFHtp4-00114-00027656-00027927 this is not working properly means JOEaWcFHtp4-00115-00027927-00028231 your normality is at stake JOEaWcFHtp4-00116-00028232-00028399 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00117-00028400-00028662 or when we use loosely certain words JOEaWcFHtp4-00118-00028663-00028831 know in this JOEaWcFHtp4-00119-00028832-00029039 region of the country people would very JOEaWcFHtp4-00120-00029039-00029390 generously use kisage JOEaWcFHtp4-00121-00029391-00029483 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00122-00029483-00029902 dhilah ok so the moment you are told JOEaWcFHtp4-00123-00029904-00029999 even JOEaWcFHtp4-00124-00030000-00030207 right now we will also discuss it that JOEaWcFHtp4-00125-00030208-00030431 actually kisagia is that you have been JOEaWcFHtp4-00126-00030432-00030599 displaced JOEaWcFHtp4-00127-00030600-00030846 ok you are dislocated now dislocated JOEaWcFHtp4-00128-00030847-00031118 with respect to what JOEaWcFHtp4-00129-00031119-00031255 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00130-00031256-00031383 and then we would discuss that fine JOEaWcFHtp4-00131-00031383-00031527 there is something like JOEaWcFHtp4-00132-00031527-00031743 a social construction of normality and JOEaWcFHtp4-00133-00031744-00032023 then kisagia is deviation JOEaWcFHtp4-00134-00032024-00032231 so this is a social perception of JOEaWcFHtp4-00135-00032232-00032351 something which is otherwise JOEaWcFHtp4-00136-00032352-00032543 statistically proved to be JOEaWcFHtp4-00137-00032544-00032662 deviation JOEaWcFHtp4-00138-00032663-00032879 ok so how much you deviate what JOEaWcFHtp4-00139-00032880-00033111 constructs normality how abnormality is JOEaWcFHtp4-00140-00033112-00033223 defined JOEaWcFHtp4-00141-00033224-00033415 and then you find that now if you ask JOEaWcFHtp4-00142-00033416-00033646 people who use words like this JOEaWcFHtp4-00143-00033647-00033887 ok how do you define kisagya or how do JOEaWcFHtp4-00144-00033888-00034151 you define this or how do you define ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00145-00034152-00034287 say JOEaWcFHtp4-00146-00034288-00034462 delay JOEaWcFHtp4-00147-00034463-00034695 what it means not to be JOEaWcFHtp4-00148-00034696-00034990 khishkawa not to be hilar not to be JOEaWcFHtp4-00149-00034991-00035302 this what exactly that means you will JOEaWcFHtp4-00150-00035303-00035471 find people will have difficulty JOEaWcFHtp4-00151-00035472-00035639 explaining it JOEaWcFHtp4-00152-00035640-00036055 ok because these are loosely defined ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00153-00036056-00036183 so JOEaWcFHtp4-00154-00036184-00036415 what we tried ah what we are trying to JOEaWcFHtp4-00155-00036416-00036718 do here is that the way we are trying to JOEaWcFHtp4-00156-00036719-00036902 define adjustment the way we are trying JOEaWcFHtp4-00157-00036903-00037102 to understand adjustment JOEaWcFHtp4-00158-00037103-00037351 adjustment JOEaWcFHtp4-00159-00037352-00037590 one of the connotation is that how JOEaWcFHtp4-00160-00037591-00037830 normal you are and therefore JOEaWcFHtp4-00161-00037831-00037990 with respect to JOEaWcFHtp4-00162-00037991-00038199 the psychology of adjustment we need to JOEaWcFHtp4-00163-00038200-00038567 understand what normality means ok and JOEaWcFHtp4-00164-00038568-00038846 here adjustment and normality primarily JOEaWcFHtp4-00165-00038847-00039030 we are looking at it as a social JOEaWcFHtp4-00166-00039031-00039223 construction then we would try to fit it JOEaWcFHtp4-00167-00039224-00039302 into JOEaWcFHtp4-00168-00039303-00039630 behavioral and legal framework also JOEaWcFHtp4-00169-00039631-00039830 it is essential for us to be aware of JOEaWcFHtp4-00170-00039831-00040055 those classificatory measures that are JOEaWcFHtp4-00171-00040056-00040367 commonly used by people to constitute JOEaWcFHtp4-00172-00040368-00040567 normality so there would be a JOEaWcFHtp4-00173-00040568-00040783 classificatory scheme JOEaWcFHtp4-00174-00040784-00040871 means JOEaWcFHtp4-00175-00040872-00040999 what JOEaWcFHtp4-00176-00041000-00041079 is JOEaWcFHtp4-00177-00041080-00041390 normality or who is normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00178-00041391-00041535 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00179-00041536-00041758 and when i say who is normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00180-00041759-00041862 then JOEaWcFHtp4-00181-00041863-00042151 i should have a scheme ok that if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00182-00042152-00042255 have JOEaWcFHtp4-00183-00042256-00042607 one one a one b one c if you have two ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00184-00042608-00042830 two a two b two c if you have three JOEaWcFHtp4-00185-00042831-00043030 three a three b three c JOEaWcFHtp4-00186-00043031-00043287 minimum one of each of these categories JOEaWcFHtp4-00187-00043288-00043607 then you can be thought to be normal so JOEaWcFHtp4-00188-00043608-00043846 some type of a classificatory schemes JOEaWcFHtp4-00189-00043847-00044087 which otherwise loosely is used to JOEaWcFHtp4-00190-00044088-00044255 measure you JOEaWcFHtp4-00191-00044256-00044351 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00192-00044352-00044695 so the way you manifest your behavior ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00193-00044696-00044855 the manifested behavior will be JOEaWcFHtp4-00194-00044856-00045039 evaluated with respect to the JOEaWcFHtp4-00195-00045040-00045230 classificatory scheme which has social JOEaWcFHtp4-00196-00045231-00045527 approval and that will finally help JOEaWcFHtp4-00197-00045528-00045807 people at large define who is normal and JOEaWcFHtp4-00198-00045808-00046135 who is not JOEaWcFHtp4-00199-00046136-00046279 now there could be JOEaWcFHtp4-00200-00046280-00046543 different ways of defining normality if JOEaWcFHtp4-00201-00046544-00046799 we are looking at it from a scientific JOEaWcFHtp4-00202-00046800-00047079 viewpoint ok the way ah psychologist JOEaWcFHtp4-00203-00047080-00047255 will look at it JOEaWcFHtp4-00204-00047256-00047486 one way of defining normality is that it JOEaWcFHtp4-00205-00047487-00047743 is a statistical norm JOEaWcFHtp4-00206-00047744-00048095 okay in fact if you break this word norm JOEaWcFHtp4-00207-00048096-00048311 ok from there you have normality or JOEaWcFHtp4-00208-00048312-00048430 normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00209-00048431-00048518 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00210-00048519-00048807 so your compliance to the norm makes you JOEaWcFHtp4-00211-00048808-00049055 normal if you have no difficulty JOEaWcFHtp4-00212-00049056-00049271 complying to the norm find your JOEaWcFHtp4-00213-00049272-00049535 normality is at stake JOEaWcFHtp4-00214-00049536-00049718 so one way of defining normality could JOEaWcFHtp4-00215-00049719-00049879 be that you just look at it as a JOEaWcFHtp4-00216-00049880-00050095 statistical average JOEaWcFHtp4-00217-00050096-00050295 in terms of a statistical average many JOEaWcFHtp4-00218-00050296-00050455 of you must be aware of this normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00219-00050456-00050743 probability curve okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00220-00050744-00051079 now this curve ah know is based on JOEaWcFHtp4-00221-00051080-00051326 certain assumptions no JOEaWcFHtp4-00222-00051327-00051519 that one of the basic assumption of this JOEaWcFHtp4-00223-00051520-00051702 curve is that the mean median in the JOEaWcFHtp4-00224-00051703-00051846 mode lies on the same plane which JOEaWcFHtp4-00225-00051847-00052270 actually does not happen okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00226-00052271-00052487 just to recapitulate you all are of JOEaWcFHtp4-00227-00052488-00052679 course aware of it no mean would mean JOEaWcFHtp4-00228-00052679-00052959 that it is the average of the numbers JOEaWcFHtp4-00229-00052960-00053038 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00230-00053039-00053335 median would mean that it is a half way JOEaWcFHtp4-00231-00053336-00053494 above and below which fifty percent of JOEaWcFHtp4-00232-00053495-00053719 the case it would cases would lie JOEaWcFHtp4-00233-00053720-00053959 ok and mode would be the JOEaWcFHtp4-00234-00053960-00054159 average of the frequency of occurrence JOEaWcFHtp4-00235-00054160-00054287 of something JOEaWcFHtp4-00236-00054288-00054479 ok so JOEaWcFHtp4-00237-00054479-00054711 usually if you compute mean median and JOEaWcFHtp4-00238-00054712-00054926 mode you would realize that there JOEaWcFHtp4-00239-00054927-00055135 numerically they are not the same JOEaWcFHtp4-00240-00055136-00055223 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00241-00055224-00055415 but one of the assumption of this normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00242-00055416-00055582 probability curve is that the mean JOEaWcFHtp4-00243-00055583-00055719 median and the mode they would lie on JOEaWcFHtp4-00244-00055720-00055950 the same plane assuming that JOEaWcFHtp4-00245-00055951-00056247 ok it says that there is a range know if JOEaWcFHtp4-00246-00056248-00056503 you look at the population at large JOEaWcFHtp4-00247-00056504-00056723 ok ah you will have JOEaWcFHtp4-00248-00056724-00057054 68.2 percent of the cases which usually JOEaWcFHtp4-00249-00057055-00057287 you know lie between the minus 1 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00250-00057288-00057423 plus 1 sigma JOEaWcFHtp4-00251-00057424-00057623 and they are considered to constitute JOEaWcFHtp4-00252-00057624-00057782 the JOEaWcFHtp4-00253-00057783-00057999 majority group ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00254-00058000-00058247 so from a JOEaWcFHtp4-00255-00058248-00058447 social construction point of view when JOEaWcFHtp4-00256-00058448-00058582 you say that this is the view of the JOEaWcFHtp4-00257-00058583-00058871 majority this is how the society is this JOEaWcFHtp4-00258-00058872-00059054 is what usually you see in the society JOEaWcFHtp4-00259-00059055-00059307 it actually means that only JOEaWcFHtp4-00260-00059308-00059559 68.2 percent of the people JOEaWcFHtp4-00261-00059560-00059735 their behavioral manifestations are JOEaWcFHtp4-00262-00059736-00059959 taken into account if normality is JOEaWcFHtp4-00263-00059960-00060206 looked upon from a JOEaWcFHtp4-00264-00060207-00060430 statistical viewpoint JOEaWcFHtp4-00265-00060432-00060550 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00266-00060551-00060694 ah two JOEaWcFHtp4-00267-00060695-00061006 you have 13.6 percent cases on both the JOEaWcFHtp4-00268-00061007-00061223 ends no minus two ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00269-00061224-00061415 and minus one sigma n plus two n plus JOEaWcFHtp4-00270-00061416-00061671 one sigma that's the group now ah which JOEaWcFHtp4-00271-00061672-00061975 does not fit into this majority group JOEaWcFHtp4-00272-00061976-00062223 ok but this is another subsection on JOEaWcFHtp4-00273-00062224-00062519 both the ends ok so if you take the plus JOEaWcFHtp4-00274-00062520-00062830 side ah know to be more of JOEaWcFHtp4-00275-00062832-00062999 normal normal behavior or more of JOEaWcFHtp4-00276-00063000-00063182 normality the negative end would be more JOEaWcFHtp4-00277-00063183-00063279 of JOEaWcFHtp4-00278-00063279-00063630 a problem with complying to the norm JOEaWcFHtp4-00279-00063632-00063935 and so finally we also have no 2.15 JOEaWcFHtp4-00280-00063936-00064166 percent on both the ends which would be JOEaWcFHtp4-00281-00064167-00064311 extreme JOEaWcFHtp4-00282-00064312-00064559 okay so extreme in terms of complying to JOEaWcFHtp4-00283-00064560-00064775 norm and extreme in terms of not at all JOEaWcFHtp4-00284-00064776-00064959 complying to the norm JOEaWcFHtp4-00285-00064960-00065038 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00286-00065039-00065182 but the best part of this normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00287-00065183-00065415 probability curve also is that the curve JOEaWcFHtp4-00288-00065416-00065615 does not touch the baseline JOEaWcFHtp4-00289-00065616-00065823 ok so you have a very very small JOEaWcFHtp4-00290-00065824-00065967 percentage JOEaWcFHtp4-00291-00065968-00066199 which actually cannot be fitted into JOEaWcFHtp4-00292-00066200-00066431 this normal probability curve JOEaWcFHtp4-00293-00066432-00066623 we are not going into the statistics but JOEaWcFHtp4-00294-00066624-00066943 just to tell you that JOEaWcFHtp4-00295-00066944-00067079 in JOEaWcFHtp4-00296-00067080-00067375 majority of the cases when in psychology JOEaWcFHtp4-00297-00067376-00067735 we people take data they try to see how JOEaWcFHtp4-00298-00067736-00067911 good this data fits into the normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00299-00067912-00068087 probability curves JOEaWcFHtp4-00300-00068088-00068415 in majority of the cases JOEaWcFHtp4-00301-00068416-00068599 you find that you cannot achieve normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00302-00068600-00068767 probability curve JOEaWcFHtp4-00303-00068768-00069071 ok so either the curve gets skewed means JOEaWcFHtp4-00304-00069072-00069215 either it moves more towards the JOEaWcFHtp4-00305-00069216-00069359 positive end or more towards the JOEaWcFHtp4-00306-00069360-00069503 negative end JOEaWcFHtp4-00307-00069504-00069719 ok so there is a skewness in the curve JOEaWcFHtp4-00308-00069720-00069950 its not exactly the bell shaped curve or JOEaWcFHtp4-00309-00069951-00070223 one possibility is that now you can have JOEaWcFHtp4-00310-00070224-00070375 kurtosis means JOEaWcFHtp4-00311-00070376-00070655 majority falls between you know JOEaWcFHtp4-00312-00070656-00070847 plus minus one sigma JOEaWcFHtp4-00313-00070848-00070967 so JOEaWcFHtp4-00314-00070968-00071247 what you find is that suddenly the peak JOEaWcFHtp4-00315-00071248-00071438 at the center goes very JOEaWcFHtp4-00316-00071439-00071638 high ok and then there is a sharp JOEaWcFHtp4-00317-00071639-00071750 decline JOEaWcFHtp4-00318-00071751-00071838 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00319-00071839-00071982 you will find very very little JOEaWcFHtp4-00320-00071983-00072119 percentage JOEaWcFHtp4-00321-00072120-00072350 between JOEaWcFHtp4-00322-00072351-00072575 plus 2 sigma and plus 3 sigma and minus JOEaWcFHtp4-00323-00072576-00072775 2 and minus 3 sigma that would be the JOEaWcFHtp4-00324-00072776-00073094 extreme of compliance JOEaWcFHtp4-00325-00073095-00073262 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00326-00073263-00073519 but statistically if you have to compute JOEaWcFHtp4-00327-00073520-00073815 the norm the best idea is that you JOEaWcFHtp4-00328-00073816-00073926 know have JOEaWcFHtp4-00329-00073927-00074047 a JOEaWcFHtp4-00330-00074048-00074287 good representation of the population in JOEaWcFHtp4-00331-00074288-00074550 the sample one have a very very large JOEaWcFHtp4-00332-00074551-00074703 sample size two JOEaWcFHtp4-00333-00074704-00074887 and then ah you know JOEaWcFHtp4-00334-00074888-00075143 try to see if the sample that you have JOEaWcFHtp4-00335-00075144-00075431 chosen ah know to define a construct JOEaWcFHtp4-00336-00075432-00075606 whether it fits into the normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00337-00075607-00075823 probability curve or not this could be JOEaWcFHtp4-00338-00075824-00076047 one way of defining JOEaWcFHtp4-00339-00076048-00076367 normality when you are trying to have ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00340-00076368-00076550 no elements in your classificatory JOEaWcFHtp4-00341-00076551-00076887 scheme that these are for example 12 JOEaWcFHtp4-00342-00076888-00077150 ideal characteristics that i would be JOEaWcFHtp4-00343-00077151-00077511 looking at if i have to define normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00344-00077512-00077791 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00345-00077792-00078047 the other way of looking at normality is JOEaWcFHtp4-00346-00078048-00078423 that you just know define it as an ideal JOEaWcFHtp4-00347-00078424-00078575 standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00348-00078576-00078847 you do not look into how many people fit JOEaWcFHtp4-00349-00078848-00079062 into it how much of know it get JOEaWcFHtp4-00350-00079063-00079423 represented by majority ok or is it know JOEaWcFHtp4-00351-00079424-00079735 that when you set the ideal its only now JOEaWcFHtp4-00352-00079736-00079999 the people know between plus 2 and plus JOEaWcFHtp4-00353-00080000-00080303 3 sigma who will know fit into that you JOEaWcFHtp4-00354-00080304-00080526 are not at all interested in stuffs like JOEaWcFHtp4-00355-00080527-00080711 that all you say that this is ideal JOEaWcFHtp4-00356-00080712-00080838 standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00357-00080839-00080991 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00358-00080992-00081199 in terms of grading i would say that its JOEaWcFHtp4-00359-00081200-00081375 absolute grading there is nothing like JOEaWcFHtp4-00360-00081376-00081631 relative grading ok unlike the system JOEaWcFHtp4-00361-00081632-00081831 that we follow here at iit that you have JOEaWcFHtp4-00362-00081832-00081999 a relative grading system JOEaWcFHtp4-00363-00082000-00082271 so you are compared against JOEaWcFHtp4-00364-00082272-00082511 ah say the remaining 58 students who are JOEaWcFHtp4-00365-00082512-00082703 registered in this course JOEaWcFHtp4-00366-00082704-00082871 ok and accordingly JOEaWcFHtp4-00367-00082872-00083255 the norms for grading is defined JOEaWcFHtp4-00368-00083256-00083518 in this case it would be something like JOEaWcFHtp4-00369-00083519-00083750 an absolute grading system where you JOEaWcFHtp4-00370-00083751-00083926 just fix the benchmark this is the JOEaWcFHtp4-00371-00083927-00084118 benchmark if you fall short of it you JOEaWcFHtp4-00372-00084119-00084318 are not normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00373-00084319-00084782 and that is the ideal standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00374-00084783-00084999 it can again be an issue that is it that JOEaWcFHtp4-00375-00085000-00085279 ah now once you have an ideal standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00376-00085280-00085487 for defining normality is it that its JOEaWcFHtp4-00377-00085488-00085831 rigidly followed or if you fall short of JOEaWcFHtp4-00378-00085832-00085975 the standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00379-00085976-00086175 ok that also is acceptable that issue JOEaWcFHtp4-00380-00086176-00086415 will take little later JOEaWcFHtp4-00381-00086416-00086526 and then JOEaWcFHtp4-00382-00086527-00086775 one other possibility is that you simply JOEaWcFHtp4-00383-00086776-00087079 try to define normality as behavior JOEaWcFHtp4-00384-00087080-00087262 which is not abnormal JOEaWcFHtp4-00385-00087263-00087494 behavior that is not sub normal so i JOEaWcFHtp4-00386-00087495-00087759 have the full ah spectrum here JOEaWcFHtp4-00387-00087760-00088015 and i say this is the extreme JOEaWcFHtp4-00388-00088016-00088159 ideal standard JOEaWcFHtp4-00389-00088160-00088438 ok which is normal this is completely JOEaWcFHtp4-00390-00088439-00088662 absurd and which is abnormal JOEaWcFHtp4-00391-00088663-00088847 ok in between i draw the line and say JOEaWcFHtp4-00392-00088848-00089047 this is sub normal so if you are not JOEaWcFHtp4-00393-00089048-00089238 abnormal if you are not sub normal then JOEaWcFHtp4-00394-00089239-00089399 i have i do not have any other option JOEaWcFHtp4-00395-00089400-00089687 but to put you as normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00396-00089688-00089903 ok this could be also another way of JOEaWcFHtp4-00397-00089904-00090247 defining normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00398-00090248-00090462 it is not good to say so JOEaWcFHtp4-00399-00090463-00090638 but if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00400-00090639-00091006 comply to the biomedical model JOEaWcFHtp4-00401-00091007-00091215 in terms of defining psychological JOEaWcFHtp4-00402-00091216-00091462 disorders or behavioral aberrations and JOEaWcFHtp4-00403-00091463-00091711 you stick very hard to it JOEaWcFHtp4-00404-00091712-00091926 one possibility could be that the moment JOEaWcFHtp4-00405-00091927-00092135 i am asked to make a psychological JOEaWcFHtp4-00406-00092136-00092271 profile of you JOEaWcFHtp4-00407-00092272-00092582 the moment i am asked to know JOEaWcFHtp4-00408-00092583-00092806 come upon JOEaWcFHtp4-00409-00092807-00093111 with an evaluation scheme for you JOEaWcFHtp4-00410-00093112-00093326 i might begin only JOEaWcFHtp4-00411-00093327-00093582 with looking at possible disorders in JOEaWcFHtp4-00412-00093583-00093759 you JOEaWcFHtp4-00413-00093760-00094031 ok so instead of asking for your JOEaWcFHtp4-00414-00094032-00094287 strengths or instead of evaluating your JOEaWcFHtp4-00415-00094288-00094526 characteristics i start searching for JOEaWcFHtp4-00416-00094527-00094694 possibility of a disorder or an JOEaWcFHtp4-00417-00094695-00094862 aberration JOEaWcFHtp4-00418-00094863-00094967 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00419-00094968-00095206 to say no this is not there to say that JOEaWcFHtp4-00420-00095207-00095374 the second disorder is also not there JOEaWcFHtp4-00421-00095375-00095543 third disorder is also not there and JOEaWcFHtp4-00422-00095544-00095703 because you do not have disorders JOEaWcFHtp4-00423-00095704-00095982 therefore you are normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00424-00095983-00096231 ok this might sound absurd but this JOEaWcFHtp4-00425-00096232-00096471 could also be one way of doing it JOEaWcFHtp4-00426-00096472-00096631 ok the third viewpoint now that you are JOEaWcFHtp4-00427-00096632-00096767 not abnormal JOEaWcFHtp4-00428-00096768-00097006 you are not subnormal and therefore you JOEaWcFHtp4-00429-00097007-00097231 are normal but this is say something JOEaWcFHtp4-00430-00097232-00097655 like JOEaWcFHtp4-00431-00097656-00097782 reducing JOEaWcFHtp4-00432-00097783-00097879 your JOEaWcFHtp4-00433-00097880-00098087 potentials as a human being JOEaWcFHtp4-00434-00098088-00098399 because it starts looking at you as JOEaWcFHtp4-00435-00098400-00098647 a person who cannot be normal a person JOEaWcFHtp4-00436-00098648-00098950 who will suddenly deviate a person who JOEaWcFHtp4-00437-00098951-00099199 cannot follow idealistic JOEaWcFHtp4-00438-00099200-00099399 standards a person JOEaWcFHtp4-00439-00099400-00099567 who definitely would have one or the JOEaWcFHtp4-00440-00099568-00099703 other disorder JOEaWcFHtp4-00441-00099704-00099967 which is not true for JOEaWcFHtp4-00442-00099968-00100215 large majority of us JOEaWcFHtp4-00443-00100216-00100415 so normality you know can be understood JOEaWcFHtp4-00444-00100416-00100855 from all these viewpoints JOEaWcFHtp4-00445-00100856-00100982 an interesting thing because we are JOEaWcFHtp4-00446-00100983-00101206 trying to look at it initially from JOEaWcFHtp4-00447-00101207-00101431 ah the viewpoint of social construction JOEaWcFHtp4-00448-00101432-00101711 of normality so one JOEaWcFHtp4-00449-00101712-00101974 interesting and very dominant thing JOEaWcFHtp4-00450-00101975-00102206 is there and you can add to it if you do JOEaWcFHtp4-00451-00102207-00102287 not JOEaWcFHtp4-00452-00102288-00102478 accept this view point is JOEaWcFHtp4-00453-00102479-00102630 that actually JOEaWcFHtp4-00454-00102631-00102902 the view of the powerful majority has JOEaWcFHtp4-00455-00102903-00103086 prevailed in terms of defining what is JOEaWcFHtp4-00456-00103088-00103382 normality ok a large JOEaWcFHtp4-00457-00103383-00103599 section of the society JOEaWcFHtp4-00458-00103600-00103734 which JOEaWcFHtp4-00459-00103735-00104023 know wasn't socially powerful ok their JOEaWcFHtp4-00460-00104024-00104239 viewpoint was not taken into account JOEaWcFHtp4-00461-00104240-00104566 just now we will take an example JOEaWcFHtp4-00462-00104567-00104766 okay that how JOEaWcFHtp4-00463-00104767-00105007 certain practices in the society were JOEaWcFHtp4-00464-00105008-00105278 simply not taken into account JOEaWcFHtp4-00465-00105279-00105486 while defining JOEaWcFHtp4-00466-00105488-00105631 something which would otherwise be JOEaWcFHtp4-00467-00105632-00105823 considered to be a normal pattern of JOEaWcFHtp4-00468-00105824-00106023 behavior JOEaWcFHtp4-00469-00106024-00106431 ok so this is one strong thing JOEaWcFHtp4-00470-00106432-00106534 now i am JOEaWcFHtp4-00471-00106535-00106734 moving away from psychology even if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00472-00106735-00106966 look at the society at large JOEaWcFHtp4-00473-00106967-00107158 contemporary society JOEaWcFHtp4-00474-00107159-00107495 ok and try to look at it from know JOEaWcFHtp4-00475-00107496-00107727 sociological viewpoint you would realize JOEaWcFHtp4-00476-00107728-00107999 know that for doing many things it is JOEaWcFHtp4-00477-00108000-00108086 the JOEaWcFHtp4-00478-00108088-00108295 powerful people JOEaWcFHtp4-00479-00108296-00108454 handful people JOEaWcFHtp4-00480-00108455-00108686 ok their viewpoint has been taken into JOEaWcFHtp4-00481-00108688-00108895 account JOEaWcFHtp4-00482-00108896-00109166 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00483-00109167-00109486 just for example JOEaWcFHtp4-00484-00109488-00109919 if you have to decide something like JOEaWcFHtp4-00485-00109920-00110334 what should be the cut off score JOEaWcFHtp4-00486-00110335-00110415 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00487-00110416-00110623 for JOEaWcFHtp4-00488-00110624-00111095 including somebody ah in iit system JOEaWcFHtp4-00489-00111096-00111183 or JOEaWcFHtp4-00490-00111183-00111534 if i have to decide a parameter of ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00491-00111535-00111695 who should be JOEaWcFHtp4-00492-00111696-00112263 given psy four five one in hss lottery JOEaWcFHtp4-00493-00112264-00112423 all JOEaWcFHtp4-00494-00112424-00112566 you have JOEaWcFHtp4-00495-00112567-00112847 to do is to just give your choice your JOEaWcFHtp4-00496-00112848-00113007 preference JOEaWcFHtp4-00497-00113008-00113095 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00498-00113096-00113334 there is a small mass which decides to JOEaWcFHtp4-00499-00113335-00113566 overrule your preference JOEaWcFHtp4-00500-00113567-00113751 ok many of you must have experienced it JOEaWcFHtp4-00501-00113752-00113886 no you JOEaWcFHtp4-00502-00113888-00114078 opted for something else and finally got JOEaWcFHtp4-00503-00114079-00114223 something else JOEaWcFHtp4-00504-00114224-00114302 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00505-00114303-00114534 and given the size of JOEaWcFHtp4-00506-00114535-00114775 the JOEaWcFHtp4-00507-00114776-00114983 students crediting a course its JOEaWcFHtp4-00508-00114983-00115110 extremely difficult now most of the JOEaWcFHtp4-00509-00115111-00115302 instructors will tell you that sorry no JOEaWcFHtp4-00510-00115303-00115439 your ad drop request cannot be JOEaWcFHtp4-00511-00115440-00115695 entertained JOEaWcFHtp4-00512-00115696-00115895 ok you and then you realize fine the JOEaWcFHtp4-00513-00115896-00116071 course was made for me not for the JOEaWcFHtp4-00514-00116072-00116283 instructor JOEaWcFHtp4-00515-00116283-00116639 ok you asked me my preference and then JOEaWcFHtp4-00516-00116640-00116831 you decided to overrule it then what is JOEaWcFHtp4-00517-00116832-00117183 the point in asking me my preference JOEaWcFHtp4-00518-00117183-00117351 ok this could be one way of looking at JOEaWcFHtp4-00519-00117352-00117607 it JOEaWcFHtp4-00520-00117608-00117886 so you realize it fine its a JOEaWcFHtp4-00521-00117888-00118023 a powerful JOEaWcFHtp4-00522-00118024-00118278 majorities whose viewpoint exists no JOEaWcFHtp4-00523-00118279-00118454 because you are the instructor therefore JOEaWcFHtp4-00524-00118455-00118710 you enjoy the liberty of saying ah that JOEaWcFHtp4-00525-00118711-00118863 i can add to JOEaWcFHtp4-00526-00118864-00119143 i can add you to my course or i will JOEaWcFHtp4-00527-00119144-00119239 not JOEaWcFHtp4-00528-00119240-00119543 add you or i may even refuse your JOEaWcFHtp4-00529-00119544-00119902 request to drop a course JOEaWcFHtp4-00530-00119903-00120063 is that not so JOEaWcFHtp4-00531-00120064-00120223 even for drops JOEaWcFHtp4-00532-00120224-00120423 ok you need permission of the concert JOEaWcFHtp4-00533-00120424-00120631 instructor now you make a drop request JOEaWcFHtp4-00534-00120632-00120823 and the instructor is free to accept or JOEaWcFHtp4-00535-00120824-00121151 reject your drop request JOEaWcFHtp4-00536-00121152-00121463 ok whether you add or drop a course the JOEaWcFHtp4-00537-00121464-00121631 course will certainly run throughout the JOEaWcFHtp4-00538-00121632-00121758 semester JOEaWcFHtp4-00539-00121759-00122007 this means that although you are one of JOEaWcFHtp4-00540-00122008-00122247 the stakeholder in this whole process of JOEaWcFHtp4-00541-00122248-00122439 t undergraduate teaching JOEaWcFHtp4-00542-00122440-00122527 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00543-00122528-00123039 you are at the mercy of the instructors JOEaWcFHtp4-00544-00123040-00123134 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00545-00123135-00123254 similarly JOEaWcFHtp4-00546-00123255-00123495 you have other other JOEaWcFHtp4-00547-00123496-00123695 processes in the society where you JOEaWcFHtp4-00548-00123696-00123966 realize that a small group of people JOEaWcFHtp4-00549-00123967-00124175 they decide know what you should do and JOEaWcFHtp4-00550-00124176-00124478 what you shouldn't JOEaWcFHtp4-00551-00124479-00124614 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00552-00124615-00124710 where JOEaWcFHtp4-00553-00124711-00125014 there could be a viewpoint which is know JOEaWcFHtp4-00554-00125015-00125119 echoed JOEaWcFHtp4-00555-00125120-00125383 from many corners many people talking JOEaWcFHtp4-00556-00125383-00125590 about it but then that viewpoint is JOEaWcFHtp4-00557-00125591-00125854 simply overruled JOEaWcFHtp4-00558-00125855-00125934 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00559-00125935-00126031 ah JOEaWcFHtp4-00560-00126032-00126254 the recent episode JOEaWcFHtp4-00561-00126255-00126358 of JOEaWcFHtp4-00562-00126359-00126599 a gang rape in delhi and you have this JOEaWcFHtp4-00563-00126600-00126766 whole JOEaWcFHtp4-00564-00126767-00126999 social process going on where people JOEaWcFHtp4-00565-00127000-00127383 will go for JOEaWcFHtp4-00566-00127383-00127743 strike people going in JOEaWcFHtp4-00567-00127744-00127839 mass JOEaWcFHtp4-00568-00127840-00128102 protesting against the actions of JOEaWcFHtp4-00569-00128103-00128375 certain stockholders in the JOEaWcFHtp4-00570-00128376-00128671 process this whole process of governance JOEaWcFHtp4-00571-00128672-00128883 ok this whole thing till that it is JOEaWcFHtp4-00572-00128883-00129047 continuing JOEaWcFHtp4-00573-00129048-00129302 ok this means that you realize that JOEaWcFHtp4-00574-00129303-00129534 there is a viewpoint of a powerful JOEaWcFHtp4-00575-00129535-00129775 majority which is dominating and my JOEaWcFHtp4-00576-00129776-00130007 viewpoint is not being heard because as JOEaWcFHtp4-00577-00130008-00130343 an individual i cannot my cannot make my JOEaWcFHtp4-00578-00130344-00130614 presence felt therefore hundreds and JOEaWcFHtp4-00579-00130615-00130847 thousands of people will collect JOEaWcFHtp4-00580-00130848-00131063 because i know that if you allow me to JOEaWcFHtp4-00581-00131064-00131214 sit as a designated place in the JOEaWcFHtp4-00582-00131215-00131454 national capital my voice can still be JOEaWcFHtp4-00583-00131455-00131663 unheard so i go to JOEaWcFHtp4-00584-00131664-00131927 the place which is nearest to JOEaWcFHtp4-00585-00131928-00132166 the decision making center in delhi ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00586-00132167-00132439 this whole issue of taking the no JOEaWcFHtp4-00587-00132440-00132599 procession to JOEaWcFHtp4-00588-00132600-00132902 india gate going beyond that going to JOEaWcFHtp4-00589-00132903-00133231 the junction point between the JOEaWcFHtp4-00590-00133232-00133495 north and the south blocks in delhi ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00591-00133496-00133783 going straight up to the gate of the JOEaWcFHtp4-00592-00133784-00134054 president's house all this shows JOEaWcFHtp4-00593-00134055-00134295 that you want that my dear powerful JOEaWcFHtp4-00594-00134296-00134495 majority listen to me JOEaWcFHtp4-00595-00134496-00134687 okay and i JOEaWcFHtp4-00596-00134688-00134902 is not singular i here i not as an JOEaWcFHtp4-00597-00134903-00135127 individual but we JOEaWcFHtp4-00598-00135128-00135351 okay as a collective JOEaWcFHtp4-00599-00135352-00135678 group our sharing are concerned and we JOEaWcFHtp4-00600-00135679-00135895 want the system of governance to be JOEaWcFHtp4-00601-00135896-00136143 modified JOEaWcFHtp4-00602-00136144-00136366 take another controversial issue in our JOEaWcFHtp4-00603-00136367-00136471 country JOEaWcFHtp4-00604-00136472-00136719 the whole issue of whether there should JOEaWcFHtp4-00605-00136720-00137007 be a reservation on the basis of cost JOEaWcFHtp4-00606-00137008-00137311 structure or not JOEaWcFHtp4-00607-00137312-00137623 okay a group of people who will endorse JOEaWcFHtp4-00608-00137624-00137839 it a group of people who will go against JOEaWcFHtp4-00609-00137840-00138054 it a group of people who would talk with JOEaWcFHtp4-00610-00138055-00138239 respect to you know JOEaWcFHtp4-00611-00138240-00138447 degradation in the JOEaWcFHtp4-00612-00138448-00138735 saturation level of competence JOEaWcFHtp4-00613-00138736-00138847 achievement JOEaWcFHtp4-00614-00138848-00139087 and many many more of such constructs JOEaWcFHtp4-00615-00139088-00139254 and people who would be JOEaWcFHtp4-00616-00139255-00139487 sharing their sufferings because they JOEaWcFHtp4-00617-00139488-00139711 were you know accidentally born in a JOEaWcFHtp4-00618-00139712-00139902 particular family which belong to a JOEaWcFHtp4-00619-00139903-00140102 particular cast and therefore they were JOEaWcFHtp4-00620-00140103-00140431 deprived of certain opportunities JOEaWcFHtp4-00621-00140432-00140614 ok and then you say that you did not JOEaWcFHtp4-00622-00140615-00140878 hear me you did not hear my viewpoint JOEaWcFHtp4-00623-00140879-00141111 ok you just know you were the powerful JOEaWcFHtp4-00624-00141112-00141319 majorities you decided the norm who JOEaWcFHtp4-00625-00141320-00141423 should be JOEaWcFHtp4-00626-00141424-00141678 benefited who shouldn't be and i have JOEaWcFHtp4-00627-00141679-00141863 been suffering from couple of JOEaWcFHtp4-00628-00141864-00142023 generations JOEaWcFHtp4-00629-00142024-00142302 okay you will hear many such stories JOEaWcFHtp4-00630-00142303-00142647 ok people ah sharing their suffering JOEaWcFHtp4-00631-00142648-00142735 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00632-00142736-00142990 how they suffered when they were a JOEaWcFHtp4-00633-00142991-00143190 student how they suffered when they JOEaWcFHtp4-00634-00143191-00143423 landed up in a profession and many such JOEaWcFHtp4-00635-00143424-00143695 things JOEaWcFHtp4-00636-00143696-00143807 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00637-00143808-00143983 even something JOEaWcFHtp4-00638-00143984-00144326 much more sacrosanct like JOEaWcFHtp4-00639-00144327-00144526 worshipping a god JOEaWcFHtp4-00640-00144527-00144775 worshiping a particular deity JOEaWcFHtp4-00641-00144776-00144966 visiting a particular temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00642-00144967-00145223 offering prayers in a particular way JOEaWcFHtp4-00643-00145224-00145487 ok you find that there are no JOEaWcFHtp4-00644-00145488-00145671 classificatory scheme that the society JOEaWcFHtp4-00645-00145672-00145863 has laid down in terms of what is JOEaWcFHtp4-00646-00145864-00146143 prescribed and what is proscribed JOEaWcFHtp4-00647-00146144-00146311 prescribed means you have to do things JOEaWcFHtp4-00648-00146312-00146551 like this and proscribed is you cannot JOEaWcFHtp4-00649-00146552-00146726 do things like this JOEaWcFHtp4-00650-00146727-00147014 and then you are simply told that if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00651-00147015-00147239 belong to this group JOEaWcFHtp4-00652-00147240-00147590 in the society means certain cause JOEaWcFHtp4-00653-00147591-00147863 then you can do it if you belong to JOEaWcFHtp4-00654-00147864-00148031 some other group JOEaWcFHtp4-00655-00148032-00148447 of certain cause you cannot do it JOEaWcFHtp4-00656-00148448-00148543 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00657-00148544-00148814 there was a JOEaWcFHtp4-00658-00148815-00148959 long time back JOEaWcFHtp4-00659-00148960-00149326 uh huge political uproar in this country JOEaWcFHtp4-00660-00149327-00149543 when JOEaWcFHtp4-00661-00149544-00149863 a local community in odisha took offense JOEaWcFHtp4-00662-00149864-00150063 of a JOEaWcFHtp4-00663-00150064-00150214 dalit community JOEaWcFHtp4-00664-00150215-00150519 person visiting at hindu temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00665-00150520-00150654 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00666-00150655-00150895 the whole episode attracted the JOEaWcFHtp4-00667-00150896-00151071 attention of the nation JOEaWcFHtp4-00668-00151072-00151351 and then JOEaWcFHtp4-00669-00151352-00151439 the JOEaWcFHtp4-00670-00151440-00151735 chairman of the scht JOEaWcFHtp4-00671-00151736-00151878 commission JOEaWcFHtp4-00672-00151879-00152023 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00673-00152024-00152302 he decided to go to that temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00674-00152303-00152614 uh now the chairman of these commissions JOEaWcFHtp4-00675-00152615-00152702 are JOEaWcFHtp4-00676-00152703-00152990 powerful bodies JOEaWcFHtp4-00677-00152991-00153278 and therefore the chairman has JOEaWcFHtp4-00678-00153279-00153647 certain privileges JOEaWcFHtp4-00679-00153648-00153807 now when JOEaWcFHtp4-00680-00153808-00154135 this man who enjoys certain JOEaWcFHtp4-00681-00154136-00154343 power in the system of governance JOEaWcFHtp4-00682-00154344-00154566 decided to go to that temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00683-00154567-00154719 okay the whole of the district JOEaWcFHtp4-00684-00154720-00154919 administration there you noticed that JOEaWcFHtp4-00685-00154920-00155190 they had to know ensure that JOEaWcFHtp4-00686-00155191-00155375 nothing unto what happens there on the JOEaWcFHtp4-00687-00155376-00155551 spot JOEaWcFHtp4-00688-00155552-00155687 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00689-00155688-00155943 this man visits the temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00690-00155944-00156247 to see that the temple gate was locked JOEaWcFHtp4-00691-00156248-00156326 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00692-00156327-00156599 and the dominant people who used to JOEaWcFHtp4-00693-00156600-00156735 administer JOEaWcFHtp4-00694-00156736-00156966 the day-to-day affairs in the temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00695-00156967-00157175 they were simply absconding JOEaWcFHtp4-00696-00157176-00157359 which basically means that JOEaWcFHtp4-00697-00157360-00157590 this man was not allowed once again in JOEaWcFHtp4-00698-00157591-00157759 entry into the temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00699-00157760-00157999 so you could be you know the chairman of JOEaWcFHtp4-00700-00158000-00158175 a national commission JOEaWcFHtp4-00701-00158176-00158447 but fine i do not allow you JOEaWcFHtp4-00702-00158448-00158583 to visit JOEaWcFHtp4-00703-00158584-00158751 the temple JOEaWcFHtp4-00704-00158752-00158951 in which my god sets JOEaWcFHtp4-00705-00158952-00159078 because JOEaWcFHtp4-00706-00159079-00159495 i and you do not share the same caste JOEaWcFHtp4-00707-00159496-00159775 again i am made to realize JOEaWcFHtp4-00708-00159776-00159935 ok that there are some people who are JOEaWcFHtp4-00709-00159936-00160126 more powerful compared to me simply JOEaWcFHtp4-00710-00160127-00160543 because i do not belong to certain caste JOEaWcFHtp4-00711-00160544-00160895 ok so you realize that because i am not JOEaWcFHtp4-00712-00160896-00161126 an instruc not an instructor therefore i JOEaWcFHtp4-00713-00161127-00161399 do not have a say you realize that i do JOEaWcFHtp4-00714-00161400-00161551 not belong to certain cause therefore i JOEaWcFHtp4-00715-00161552-00161775 do not have a say and therefore if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00716-00161776-00161951 know the same way if you start now JOEaWcFHtp4-00717-00161952-00162223 looking at many many social phenomenas JOEaWcFHtp4-00718-00162224-00162423 in contemporary society do not go to the JOEaWcFHtp4-00719-00162424-00162566 history JOEaWcFHtp4-00720-00162567-00162695 you would realize JOEaWcFHtp4-00721-00162696-00162983 that in most of the cases ok things have JOEaWcFHtp4-00722-00162984-00163166 been taken into account from the JOEaWcFHtp4-00723-00163167-00163343 majority's viewpoint JOEaWcFHtp4-00724-00163344-00163599 okay and within majority if you start JOEaWcFHtp4-00725-00163600-00163895 drawing lines if you put the grids there JOEaWcFHtp4-00726-00163896-00164054 okay then you will realize that there JOEaWcFHtp4-00727-00164055-00164135 are JOEaWcFHtp4-00728-00164136-00164302 the viewpoint only of the powerful JOEaWcFHtp4-00729-00164303-00164438 majority which has been taken into JOEaWcFHtp4-00730-00164439-00164695 account okay but this leads to another JOEaWcFHtp4-00731-00164696-00164831 sociological debate we are not JOEaWcFHtp4-00732-00164832-00165111 interested in that debate okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00733-00165112-00165311 so if the majority of people in a given JOEaWcFHtp4-00734-00165312-00165575 society they accept JOEaWcFHtp4-00735-00165576-00165847 a particular way of life to be correct JOEaWcFHtp4-00736-00165848-00166111 then anyone who deviates from the norm JOEaWcFHtp4-00737-00166112-00166399 ok will be designated as JOEaWcFHtp4-00738-00166400-00166575 abnormal JOEaWcFHtp4-00739-00166576-00166863 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00740-00166864-00167102 so the majority says JOEaWcFHtp4-00741-00167103-00167311 that this is the behavioral pattern that JOEaWcFHtp4-00742-00167312-00167535 should be followed in the society and JOEaWcFHtp4-00743-00167536-00167663 because JOEaWcFHtp4-00744-00167664-00167831 before defining the norm even if you JOEaWcFHtp4-00745-00167832-00168087 have been practicing some other form of JOEaWcFHtp4-00746-00168088-00168247 behavior JOEaWcFHtp4-00747-00168248-00168511 you are put out of the circumference of JOEaWcFHtp4-00748-00168512-00168614 this JOEaWcFHtp4-00749-00168615-00168790 social framework of normality and JOEaWcFHtp4-00750-00168791-00168975 therefore you are JOEaWcFHtp4-00751-00168976-00169183 designated as JOEaWcFHtp4-00752-00169184-00169687 somebody who is not normal JOEaWcFHtp4-00753-00169688-00169887 couple of years back there was an JOEaWcFHtp4-00754-00169888-00170119 interesting documentary by national JOEaWcFHtp4-00755-00170120-00170351 geography JOEaWcFHtp4-00756-00170352-00170735 this documentary was about JOEaWcFHtp4-00757-00170736-00170951 the young generation of india JOEaWcFHtp4-00758-00170952-00171175 those who are going to JOEaWcFHtp4-00759-00171176-00171359 software industry JOEaWcFHtp4-00760-00171360-00171471 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00761-00171472-00171823 and that age group would be 20 JOEaWcFHtp4-00762-00171824-00171935 21 JOEaWcFHtp4-00763-00171936-00172438 ok that was the age group where JOEaWcFHtp4-00764-00172439-00172575 this whole JOEaWcFHtp4-00765-00172576-00172823 no program was based on JOEaWcFHtp4-00766-00172824-00173023 what happens to somebody who just JOEaWcFHtp4-00767-00173024-00173175 graduates JOEaWcFHtp4-00768-00173176-00173271 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00769-00173272-00173566 is you know at a prime JOEaWcFHtp4-00770-00173567-00173863 stage of his life 20 21 years of age JOEaWcFHtp4-00771-00173864-00173975 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00772-00173976-00174271 joins the job and gets a salary which is JOEaWcFHtp4-00773-00174272-00174590 now extremely exorbitantly high JOEaWcFHtp4-00774-00174591-00174807 one interesting thing in that was that JOEaWcFHtp4-00775-00174808-00174990 what they had done was they took the JOEaWcFHtp4-00776-00174991-00175143 boys and the girls who have gone to this JOEaWcFHtp4-00777-00175144-00175390 profession very recently and also looked JOEaWcFHtp4-00778-00175391-00175590 at their family background they talked JOEaWcFHtp4-00779-00175591-00175790 to their parents JOEaWcFHtp4-00780-00175791-00175871 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00781-00175872-00175983 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00782-00175984-00176102 ah no JOEaWcFHtp4-00783-00176103-00176431 numerically if i say that the JOEaWcFHtp4-00784-00176432-00176719 difference between the take home salary JOEaWcFHtp4-00785-00176720-00176878 of the father JOEaWcFHtp4-00786-00176879-00177071 or the mother or both of them put JOEaWcFHtp4-00787-00177072-00177175 together JOEaWcFHtp4-00788-00177176-00177319 with the JOEaWcFHtp4-00789-00177320-00177790 child okay was nowhere comparable JOEaWcFHtp4-00790-00177791-00177871 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00791-00177872-00178095 so maybe that you know the monthly JOEaWcFHtp4-00792-00178096-00178214 income of JOEaWcFHtp4-00793-00178215-00178431 this younger generation was JOEaWcFHtp4-00794-00178432-00178551 much more JOEaWcFHtp4-00795-00178552-00178759 no higher compared to the annual salary JOEaWcFHtp4-00796-00178760-00178951 of their parents put together both the JOEaWcFHtp4-00797-00178952-00179119 parents put together JOEaWcFHtp4-00798-00179120-00179343 ok so that was one interesting way of JOEaWcFHtp4-00799-00179344-00179607 looking at it but why i am quoting that JOEaWcFHtp4-00800-00179608-00179919 example is that JOEaWcFHtp4-00801-00179920-00179999 these JOEaWcFHtp4-00802-00180000-00180231 young boys and girls they were asked now JOEaWcFHtp4-00803-00180232-00180414 that say JOEaWcFHtp4-00804-00180415-00180654 once you are in job so what are the JOEaWcFHtp4-00805-00180655-00180854 changes that you see in your lifestyle JOEaWcFHtp4-00806-00180855-00180999 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00807-00181000-00181190 the changes in the behavior i was JOEaWcFHtp4-00808-00181191-00181431 looking at it from what changes it has JOEaWcFHtp4-00809-00181432-00181647 led to the behavioral practices of JOEaWcFHtp4-00810-00181648-00181838 people like this JOEaWcFHtp4-00811-00181839-00181943 and JOEaWcFHtp4-00812-00181944-00182119 one interesting aspect was that when JOEaWcFHtp4-00813-00182120-00182431 they were asked so what now JOEaWcFHtp4-00814-00182432-00182638 you studied JOEaWcFHtp4-00815-00182639-00182783 you are placed JOEaWcFHtp4-00816-00182784-00182999 what now JOEaWcFHtp4-00817-00183000-00183119 interestingly JOEaWcFHtp4-00818-00183120-00183375 there were only two responses can you JOEaWcFHtp4-00819-00183376-00183631 make a guess JOEaWcFHtp4-00820-00183632-00184071 what next JOEaWcFHtp4-00821-00184072-00184183 any guess JOEaWcFHtp4-00822-00184184-00184807 there were only two JOEaWcFHtp4-00823-00184808-00184966 they said JOEaWcFHtp4-00824-00184967-00185511 what next the first was getting a flat JOEaWcFHtp4-00825-00185512-00185735 no car was not there JOEaWcFHtp4-00826-00185736-00186102 car came little later okay after flat JOEaWcFHtp4-00827-00186103-00186283 getting JOEaWcFHtp4-00828-00186284-00186678 married okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00829-00186679-00186919 these young boys and girls JOEaWcFHtp4-00830-00186920-00187102 at this stage in life JOEaWcFHtp4-00831-00187103-00187326 when they are otherwise economically JOEaWcFHtp4-00832-00187327-00187663 extremely affluent compared to their JOEaWcFHtp4-00833-00187664-00188007 all those who belong to JOEaWcFHtp4-00834-00188008-00188238 them JOEaWcFHtp4-00835-00188239-00188550 what next flat what next marriage when JOEaWcFHtp4-00836-00188551-00188759 parents were asked so what next for your JOEaWcFHtp4-00837-00188760-00188871 child JOEaWcFHtp4-00838-00188872-00189126 the answer was exactly the same JOEaWcFHtp4-00839-00189127-00189247 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00840-00189248-00189590 i would like my child to now have a flat JOEaWcFHtp4-00841-00189591-00189790 and i would like my child now to get JOEaWcFHtp4-00842-00189791-00190031 married JOEaWcFHtp4-00843-00190032-00190199 so there is no JOEaWcFHtp4-00844-00190200-00190487 very very high premium that has been put JOEaWcFHtp4-00845-00190488-00190790 on marriage in our society JOEaWcFHtp4-00846-00190791-00190935 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00847-00190936-00191207 that if you decide not to marry or if JOEaWcFHtp4-00848-00191208-00191399 you delay your marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-00849-00191400-00191695 not only your family members ok even the JOEaWcFHtp4-00850-00191696-00191838 people in the community will start you JOEaWcFHtp4-00851-00191839-00192031 know pressurizing you that this is the JOEaWcFHtp4-00852-00192032-00192311 peak time you should get married JOEaWcFHtp4-00853-00192312-00192399 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00854-00192400-00192638 i remember my bachelor days JOEaWcFHtp4-00855-00192639-00192911 ok when i would know JOEaWcFHtp4-00856-00192912-00193054 receive JOEaWcFHtp4-00857-00193055-00193231 inputs like this that you should get JOEaWcFHtp4-00858-00193232-00193390 married ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00859-00193391-00193678 not less than i would say 30 35 inputs JOEaWcFHtp4-00860-00193679-00194054 per day and it was unbearable though JOEaWcFHtp4-00861-00194055-00194383 that why you should be no worried about JOEaWcFHtp4-00862-00194384-00194543 me getting married or not but this is JOEaWcFHtp4-00863-00194544-00194663 how JOEaWcFHtp4-00864-00194664-00194935 now the society has evolved JOEaWcFHtp4-00865-00194936-00195190 ok the beauty of marriage as a system JOEaWcFHtp4-00866-00195191-00195366 the beauty of marriage as an institution JOEaWcFHtp4-00867-00195367-00195599 has been realized and therefore people JOEaWcFHtp4-00868-00195600-00195823 will start telling you that fine this is JOEaWcFHtp4-00869-00195824-00196047 the time that now you should certainly JOEaWcFHtp4-00870-00196048-00196311 know go ahead with this JOEaWcFHtp4-00871-00196312-00196438 so JOEaWcFHtp4-00872-00196439-00196654 in terms of defining majority and in JOEaWcFHtp4-00873-00196655-00196935 terms of defining the JOEaWcFHtp4-00874-00196936-00197143 how majority's viewpoint has been taken JOEaWcFHtp4-00875-00197144-00197271 into account JOEaWcFHtp4-00876-00197272-00197511 in terms of defining normality we will JOEaWcFHtp4-00877-00197512-00197783 take marriage as an example JOEaWcFHtp4-00878-00197784-00198102 okay because this has the highest stake JOEaWcFHtp4-00879-00198103-00198278 in our society JOEaWcFHtp4-00880-00198279-00198495 and what would be the second example can JOEaWcFHtp4-00881-00198496-00198614 you guess JOEaWcFHtp4-00882-00198615-00198766 we won't take that example right now but JOEaWcFHtp4-00883-00198767-00198919 little later we will take that example JOEaWcFHtp4-00884-00198920-00199038 also JOEaWcFHtp4-00885-00199039-00199223 having children JOEaWcFHtp4-00886-00199224-00199463 okay so the society expects that after JOEaWcFHtp4-00887-00199464-00199614 particular age you should certainly get JOEaWcFHtp4-00888-00199615-00199735 married JOEaWcFHtp4-00889-00199736-00199990 ok and once you are married no people JOEaWcFHtp4-00890-00199991-00200223 will start know counseling you that you JOEaWcFHtp4-00891-00200224-00200447 should certainly have a child JOEaWcFHtp4-00892-00200448-00200535 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00893-00200536-00200775 and we would take these two examples JOEaWcFHtp4-00894-00200776-00200999 because they are considered to be of JOEaWcFHtp4-00895-00201000-00201247 utmost importance in our social JOEaWcFHtp4-00896-00201248-00201487 framework ok so let us first take the JOEaWcFHtp4-00897-00201488-00201683 example of JOEaWcFHtp4-00898-00201684-00201943 marriage from a social viewpoint because JOEaWcFHtp4-00899-00201944-00202183 we are trying to define normality JOEaWcFHtp4-00900-00202184-00202399 know as a social construction so the JOEaWcFHtp4-00901-00202400-00202695 social viewpoint is that i am taking the JOEaWcFHtp4-00902-00202696-00202919 hindu view point ok again here you can JOEaWcFHtp4-00903-00202920-00202990 have JOEaWcFHtp4-00904-00202991-00203166 differences JOEaWcFHtp4-00905-00203167-00203335 but because again i am taking the JOEaWcFHtp4-00906-00203336-00203447 dominant JOEaWcFHtp4-00907-00203448-00203671 viewpoint therefore i am taking the JOEaWcFHtp4-00908-00203672-00203838 hindu viewpoint because our census JOEaWcFHtp4-00909-00203839-00204054 report shows that majority in this JOEaWcFHtp4-00910-00204055-00204199 country belongs to JOEaWcFHtp4-00911-00204200-00204431 this type of practice JOEaWcFHtp4-00912-00204432-00204631 now hinduism describes marriage as a JOEaWcFHtp4-00913-00204632-00204799 sanskar JOEaWcFHtp4-00914-00204800-00205046 out of the 16 sanskrs marriage happens JOEaWcFHtp4-00915-00205048-00205214 to be the 13th one JOEaWcFHtp4-00916-00205215-00205398 and therefore it is a JOEaWcFHtp4-00917-00205400-00205582 sacred act JOEaWcFHtp4-00918-00205583-00205823 this is a social viewpoint JOEaWcFHtp4-00919-00205823-00206158 ok where ah recently somebody gave a JOEaWcFHtp4-00920-00206159-00206358 statement regarding marriage that it is JOEaWcFHtp4-00921-00206359-00206542 a contract i don't know if you are aware JOEaWcFHtp4-00922-00206544-00206790 of this just two days back JOEaWcFHtp4-00923-00206791-00206966 one of the political leaders gave this JOEaWcFHtp4-00924-00206967-00207271 statement and it is being hugely debated JOEaWcFHtp4-00925-00207271-00207382 no JOEaWcFHtp4-00926-00207383-00207638 in the electronic media JOEaWcFHtp4-00927-00207639-00207871 the JOEaWcFHtp4-00928-00207871-00208079 weightage that such type of statements JOEaWcFHtp4-00929-00208080-00208342 from somebody who belongs to or who JOEaWcFHtp4-00930-00208344-00208551 represents a political party JOEaWcFHtp4-00931-00208552-00208758 should give or not JOEaWcFHtp4-00932-00208759-00208903 but overall JOEaWcFHtp4-00933-00208904-00209142 minus this political angle JOEaWcFHtp4-00934-00209144-00209462 you can look at marriage as a sacred act JOEaWcFHtp4-00935-00209463-00209694 the reason being that it is a one of the JOEaWcFHtp4-00936-00209696-00209887 sons car and if you want to be very JOEaWcFHtp4-00937-00209888-00210223 precise out of the 16 scars defined if JOEaWcFHtp4-00938-00210223-00210415 in hinduism this is considered to be the JOEaWcFHtp4-00939-00210416-00210598 13th sense and therefore JOEaWcFHtp4-00940-00210600-00210710 marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-00941-00210711-00210815 becomes JOEaWcFHtp4-00942-00210816-00211142 a sacred act JOEaWcFHtp4-00943-00211144-00211415 take a legal viewpoint JOEaWcFHtp4-00944-00211416-00211510 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00945-00211511-00211758 i don't know law i have never studied it JOEaWcFHtp4-00946-00211759-00211982 but just know to quote from JOEaWcFHtp4-00947-00211983-00212223 the marriage act of 1955 that is being JOEaWcFHtp4-00948-00212223-00212542 followed section 5 of JOEaWcFHtp4-00949-00212544-00212687 that act says JOEaWcFHtp4-00950-00212688-00213006 that this act extends to all indians JOEaWcFHtp4-00951-00213007-00213198 except those residing in the state of JOEaWcFHtp4-00952-00213200-00213342 jammu and kashmir JOEaWcFHtp4-00953-00213344-00213510 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-00954-00213511-00213767 and this is how hindu marriage has been JOEaWcFHtp4-00955-00213767-00213982 defined JOEaWcFHtp4-00956-00213983-00214079 one JOEaWcFHtp4-00957-00214080-00214342 neither party has a spouse living at the JOEaWcFHtp4-00958-00214344-00214551 time of the marriage means neither the JOEaWcFHtp4-00959-00214552-00214823 bright side nor the groom side ok JOEaWcFHtp4-00960-00214823-00215142 should not have a spouse who is living JOEaWcFHtp4-00961-00215144-00215406 ok so after the death of your spouse if JOEaWcFHtp4-00962-00215407-00215558 you are going for a remarriage that is JOEaWcFHtp4-00963-00215559-00215806 acceptable but if your spouse is living JOEaWcFHtp4-00964-00215807-00216079 and if you are not legally divorced then JOEaWcFHtp4-00965-00216080-00216358 you cannot marry JOEaWcFHtp4-00966-00216359-00216646 but that is one you can see here now the JOEaWcFHtp4-00967-00216648-00216839 important ones that we will take lead JOEaWcFHtp4-00968-00216840-00216958 from are JOEaWcFHtp4-00969-00216959-00217055 i know JOEaWcFHtp4-00970-00217056-00217287 colored red here JOEaWcFHtp4-00971-00217288-00217471 two at the time of the marriage neither JOEaWcFHtp4-00972-00217471-00217567 party JOEaWcFHtp4-00973-00217567-00217646 a JOEaWcFHtp4-00974-00217648-00217910 is incapable of giving valid consent to JOEaWcFHtp4-00975-00217911-00218094 it in consequence of JOEaWcFHtp4-00976-00218096-00218382 ah in unsound JOEaWcFHtp4-00977-00218383-00218782 unsoundness of mind okay means you give JOEaWcFHtp4-00978-00218783-00219023 a consent for your marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-00979-00219023-00219191 ok but JOEaWcFHtp4-00980-00219192-00219503 your consent will only be accepted if JOEaWcFHtp4-00981-00219504-00219758 you are found to be in a sane state you JOEaWcFHtp4-00982-00219759-00220023 should be in a sound state of mind if JOEaWcFHtp4-00983-00220023-00220287 you are mentally unsound then fine your JOEaWcFHtp4-00984-00220288-00220406 acceptance JOEaWcFHtp4-00985-00220407-00220582 does not matter JOEaWcFHtp4-00986-00220583-00220758 one two JOEaWcFHtp4-00987-00220759-00221046 though capable of giving a valid consent JOEaWcFHtp4-00988-00221048-00221319 has been suffering from mental disorder JOEaWcFHtp4-00989-00221319-00221671 of such a kind or to such an extent as JOEaWcFHtp4-00990-00221671-00221919 to be unfit for marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-00991-00221919-00222158 and for the procreation of children JOEaWcFHtp4-00992-00222159-00222375 now remember even in the legal framework JOEaWcFHtp4-00993-00222376-00222623 after marriage what has to be done also JOEaWcFHtp4-00994-00222623-00222919 gets defined you know that procreation JOEaWcFHtp4-00995-00222919-00223094 a biological act also has been put JOEaWcFHtp4-00996-00223096-00223367 together in the marriage act here ok now JOEaWcFHtp4-00997-00223367-00223598 interesting part here is JOEaWcFHtp4-00998-00223600-00223791 that you should not be suffering from a JOEaWcFHtp4-00999-00223792-00224082 mental disorder JOEaWcFHtp4-01000-00224083-00224463 ok which influences ah know your marital JOEaWcFHtp4-01001-00224464-00224831 life or your ability to procreate JOEaWcFHtp4-01002-00224832-00225046 ok again you have mental disorder coming JOEaWcFHtp4-01003-00225048-00225182 into picture here JOEaWcFHtp4-01004-00225183-00225519 and c has been subjected to recurrent JOEaWcFHtp4-01005-00225519-00225742 attacks of insanity JOEaWcFHtp4-01006-00225744-00225958 means you have to be conscious JOEaWcFHtp4-01007-00225959-00226303 consistently sane JOEaWcFHtp4-01008-00226304-00226510 ok so basically and of course i must JOEaWcFHtp4-01009-00226511-00226719 tell you that no only selected part of JOEaWcFHtp4-01010-00226719-00226887 the marriage act has been put here no JOEaWcFHtp4-01011-00226888-00227063 the full of marriage act is not JOEaWcFHtp4-01012-00227064-00227223 displayed here so do not think that JOEaWcFHtp4-01013-00227223-00227455 these are the only three things okay but JOEaWcFHtp4-01014-00227456-00227734 these three things ah know are important JOEaWcFHtp4-01015-00227735-00227879 for us JOEaWcFHtp4-01016-00227880-00228031 because JOEaWcFHtp4-01017-00228032-00228271 even in the legal framework you find JOEaWcFHtp4-01018-00228271-00228479 unsound state of mind you find mental JOEaWcFHtp4-01019-00228480-00228742 disorder and you find JOEaWcFHtp4-01020-00228744-00229079 insanity being taken into account JOEaWcFHtp4-01021-00229080-00229279 when i was referring to the JOEaWcFHtp4-01022-00229280-00229439 documentary JOEaWcFHtp4-01023-00229440-00229519 on JOEaWcFHtp4-01024-00229519-00229798 know the young generation joining JOEaWcFHtp4-01025-00229800-00230110 the software industry there you had what JOEaWcFHtp4-01026-00230111-00230334 next flat marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-01027-00230335-00230423 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01028-00230423-00230567 i was telling JOEaWcFHtp4-01029-00230567-00230742 one of my own JOEaWcFHtp4-01030-00230744-00230998 experiences where the society and the JOEaWcFHtp4-01031-00231000-00231167 people in the society who are very JOEaWcFHtp4-01032-00231167-00231351 distantly or remotely connected to you JOEaWcFHtp4-01033-00231352-00231534 even they will tell you that no that is JOEaWcFHtp4-01034-00231535-00231671 this is the age of marriage this is the JOEaWcFHtp4-01035-00231671-00231846 age of having children JOEaWcFHtp4-01036-00231848-00232006 okay and even in the legal framework you JOEaWcFHtp4-01037-00232007-00232471 find that you know you should be able to JOEaWcFHtp4-01038-00232471-00232703 perform the act of marriage you should JOEaWcFHtp4-01039-00232704-00232806 also be JOEaWcFHtp4-01040-00232807-00233103 in the position to procreate JOEaWcFHtp4-01041-00233104-00233382 okay so marriage know from a social JOEaWcFHtp4-01042-00233383-00233703 viewpoint very sacred act from the legal JOEaWcFHtp4-01043-00233704-00233919 viewpoint fine you shouldn't be having JOEaWcFHtp4-01044-00233919-00234151 an attack of insanity you shouldn't have JOEaWcFHtp4-01045-00234152-00234351 be suffering from mental disorder which JOEaWcFHtp4-01046-00234352-00234534 affects your marital life or your JOEaWcFHtp4-01047-00234535-00234815 ability to procreate and you should be JOEaWcFHtp4-01048-00234816-00235087 in a sound state of mind to give consent JOEaWcFHtp4-01049-00235088-00235446 for it JOEaWcFHtp4-01050-00235448-00235719 so overall in most of the sections of JOEaWcFHtp4-01051-00235719-00236031 the indian society ok marriage with a JOEaWcFHtp4-01052-00236032-00236198 single partner JOEaWcFHtp4-01053-00236200-00236382 is prescribed JOEaWcFHtp4-01054-00236383-00236503 and this is JOEaWcFHtp4-01055-00236504-00236671 followed JOEaWcFHtp4-01056-00236671-00236855 that at any given point JOEaWcFHtp4-01057-00236856-00236982 ah no JOEaWcFHtp4-01058-00236983-00237263 you shouldn't be having JOEaWcFHtp4-01059-00237264-00237591 more than one spouse JOEaWcFHtp4-01060-00237592-00237791 of course there are deviations no we JOEaWcFHtp4-01061-00237792-00238094 will ah just touch upon that issue JOEaWcFHtp4-01062-00238096-00238239 so socially JOEaWcFHtp4-01063-00238240-00238375 morally JOEaWcFHtp4-01064-00238376-00238503 and legally JOEaWcFHtp4-01065-00238504-00238758 monogamy is the norm JOEaWcFHtp4-01066-00238759-00239071 okay you have only one ah no spouse at JOEaWcFHtp4-01067-00239071-00239351 one point in time this means monogamy JOEaWcFHtp4-01068-00239352-00239455 would be the JOEaWcFHtp4-01069-00239456-00239798 norm for somebody ah JOEaWcFHtp4-01070-00239800-00239894 who JOEaWcFHtp4-01071-00239896-00240094 whose behavior would be interpreted in JOEaWcFHtp4-01072-00240096-00240423 terms of whether he is normal or not or JOEaWcFHtp4-01073-00240423-00240719 whether is no fitting into that JOEaWcFHtp4-01074-00240719-00240958 social expected know construct of JOEaWcFHtp4-01075-00240959-00241255 normality or not whether one would once JOEaWcFHtp4-01076-00241256-00241391 behavior would be considered to be JOEaWcFHtp4-01077-00241392-00241646 morally correct or not on whether one's JOEaWcFHtp4-01078-00241648-00241782 behavior would be considered to be JOEaWcFHtp4-01079-00241783-00242006 legally correct or not JOEaWcFHtp4-01080-00242007-00242439 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01081-00242440-00242575 now ah JOEaWcFHtp4-01082-00242576-00242982 before we take the example further JOEaWcFHtp4-01083-00242983-00243382 if one has multiple spouse and has a you JOEaWcFHtp4-01084-00243383-00243591 know physical relationship with them JOEaWcFHtp4-01085-00243592-00243839 this is how polygamy is defined JOEaWcFHtp4-01086-00243840-00244151 and ah no polygamy again can be of two JOEaWcFHtp4-01087-00244152-00244446 types polygyny and polyandry where JOEaWcFHtp4-01088-00244448-00244694 polygyny is a man with multiple wives JOEaWcFHtp4-01089-00244696-00244903 and polyandry would be women with JOEaWcFHtp4-01090-00244904-00245119 multiple husbands JOEaWcFHtp4-01091-00245119-00245342 okay now once you know what JOEaWcFHtp4-01092-00245344-00245551 polygamy is what polygyny is and what JOEaWcFHtp4-01093-00245552-00245830 polyandry is now JOEaWcFHtp4-01094-00245831-00246046 let us look at these places in the JOEaWcFHtp4-01095-00246048-00246175 country these are just some JOEaWcFHtp4-01096-00246176-00246415 representations JOEaWcFHtp4-01097-00246416-00246655 a group in himachal pradesh there you JOEaWcFHtp4-01098-00246656-00246967 find a fraternal polyandry JOEaWcFHtp4-01099-00246967-00247055 where JOEaWcFHtp4-01100-00247056-00247246 women marries the eldest son of the JOEaWcFHtp4-01101-00247248-00247519 family and lives as wife to all the JOEaWcFHtp4-01102-00247519-00247655 brothers JOEaWcFHtp4-01103-00247656-00247742 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01104-00247744-00247942 you have the JOEaWcFHtp4-01105-00247944-00248182 johnson bower community in uttarakhand JOEaWcFHtp4-01106-00248183-00248430 where you find polyandry JOEaWcFHtp4-01107-00248431-00248558 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01108-00248559-00248806 in meghalaya and in arunachal pradesh JOEaWcFHtp4-01109-00248807-00248903 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01110-00248904-00249071 you find you know JOEaWcFHtp4-01111-00249071-00249151 the JOEaWcFHtp4-01112-00249152-00249334 nicest where JOEaWcFHtp4-01113-00249335-00249591 poly entry is followed you have cases JOEaWcFHtp4-01114-00249592-00249758 where once again non fraternal JOEaWcFHtp4-01115-00249759-00249927 polyentery is followed JOEaWcFHtp4-01116-00249928-00250223 ah in the nilgiri plateau area you find JOEaWcFHtp4-01117-00250223-00250455 the toda community where you find JOEaWcFHtp4-01118-00250456-00250815 fraternal polyentery ok and in kerala JOEaWcFHtp4-01119-00250816-00251023 you find you know a matrilineal JOEaWcFHtp4-01120-00251023-00251230 community of the nyers in kerala where JOEaWcFHtp4-01121-00251231-00251446 you have polyandry JOEaWcFHtp4-01122-00251448-00251663 what i am trying to now say with this JOEaWcFHtp4-01123-00251664-00251855 example is JOEaWcFHtp4-01124-00251856-00251951 that JOEaWcFHtp4-01125-00251952-00252271 we were looking at marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-01126-00252271-00252423 okay where JOEaWcFHtp4-01127-00252423-00252630 fine initially we said that it is a JOEaWcFHtp4-01128-00252631-00252830 sacred act JOEaWcFHtp4-01129-00252831-00253110 okay and therefore the relationship JOEaWcFHtp4-01130-00253111-00253519 between a couple is very very sacred in JOEaWcFHtp4-01131-00253519-00253782 nature and it has to be preserved in JOEaWcFHtp4-01132-00253783-00253975 that way and this is the norm of the JOEaWcFHtp4-01133-00253976-00254175 society JOEaWcFHtp4-01134-00254176-00254471 we took the legal viewpoint okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01135-00254471-00254751 which said that fine with all this JOEaWcFHtp4-01136-00254752-00254958 the important thing would be that at one JOEaWcFHtp4-01137-00254959-00255151 given point in time you should have only JOEaWcFHtp4-01138-00255152-00255398 one living partner JOEaWcFHtp4-01139-00255400-00255591 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01140-00255592-00255710 and then JOEaWcFHtp4-01141-00255711-00256039 therefore socially it was important ah JOEaWcFHtp4-01142-00256040-00256334 know to be loyal to your JOEaWcFHtp4-01143-00256335-00256575 husband or your wife to be dedicated to JOEaWcFHtp4-01144-00256576-00256823 your husband or your wife and to refrain JOEaWcFHtp4-01145-00256823-00257039 from activities of physical proximity JOEaWcFHtp4-01146-00257040-00257142 with JOEaWcFHtp4-01147-00257144-00257430 know any other individual which later on JOEaWcFHtp4-01148-00257431-00257751 became morally JOEaWcFHtp4-01149-00257752-00258039 acceptable that if you do not practice JOEaWcFHtp4-01150-00258040-00258367 it then this is an immoral act JOEaWcFHtp4-01151-00258367-00258727 socially unacceptable morally wrong JOEaWcFHtp4-01152-00258728-00258927 legally JOEaWcFHtp4-01153-00258928-00259094 again no it JOEaWcFHtp4-01154-00259096-00259334 know can lead you to punitive measures JOEaWcFHtp4-01155-00259335-00259471 but JOEaWcFHtp4-01156-00259471-00259719 when you look at you know these many JOEaWcFHtp4-01157-00259719-00260198 communities you find that it prevails JOEaWcFHtp4-01158-00260200-00260479 now this would basically mean JOEaWcFHtp4-01159-00260480-00260871 that when you were defining marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-01160-00260871-00261087 as a social construct when you were JOEaWcFHtp4-01161-00261088-00261351 defining marriage ah as a moral JOEaWcFHtp4-01162-00261352-00261471 construct JOEaWcFHtp4-01163-00261471-00261734 okay the viewpoints of these JOEaWcFHtp4-01164-00261735-00262103 community were not taken into account JOEaWcFHtp4-01165-00262104-00262430 ok now remember that this practice JOEaWcFHtp4-01166-00262431-00262630 you would find in these communities JOEaWcFHtp4-01167-00262631-00262951 before this act came into place JOEaWcFHtp4-01168-00262952-00263263 this means that aberrations were not JOEaWcFHtp4-01169-00263264-00263503 taken into account JOEaWcFHtp4-01170-00263504-00263734 while defining what is socially correct JOEaWcFHtp4-01171-00263735-00263871 what is legally correct and what is JOEaWcFHtp4-01172-00263872-00264143 morally correct JOEaWcFHtp4-01173-00264144-00264287 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01174-00264288-00264503 now with the spread of the modern JOEaWcFHtp4-01175-00264504-00264671 lifestyle you will find that many of JOEaWcFHtp4-01176-00264672-00264847 these customs know that polyandry JOEaWcFHtp4-01177-00264848-00265047 polygon needs to be discussed they are JOEaWcFHtp4-01178-00265048-00265287 slowly being phased out but what is JOEaWcFHtp4-01179-00265288-00265503 important to note is that although JOEaWcFHtp4-01180-00265504-00265679 various practices prevailed in the JOEaWcFHtp4-01181-00265680-00265951 society the majority view became the JOEaWcFHtp4-01182-00265952-00266255 norm and the majority view also became JOEaWcFHtp4-01183-00266256-00266430 the law of the land JOEaWcFHtp4-01184-00266431-00266687 so i have been living my life in a JOEaWcFHtp4-01185-00266688-00266830 particular way JOEaWcFHtp4-01186-00266831-00267006 and then you tell me that sorry i have JOEaWcFHtp4-01187-00267007-00267167 defined the law now now you should JOEaWcFHtp4-01188-00267168-00267295 behave like this JOEaWcFHtp4-01189-00267296-00267375 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01190-00267376-00267639 in many things such type of situation JOEaWcFHtp4-01191-00267640-00267879 you encounter say take for example JOEaWcFHtp4-01192-00267880-00268095 i think majority of you have undergone JOEaWcFHtp4-01193-00268096-00268327 coaching for your je exams JOEaWcFHtp4-01194-00268328-00268527 okay and if i ask you what was your JOEaWcFHtp4-01195-00268528-00268671 bedtime during JOEaWcFHtp4-01196-00268672-00268855 those days and you said at two o'clock JOEaWcFHtp4-01197-00268856-00269063 in the night i used to go to sleep at JOEaWcFHtp4-01198-00269064-00269206 two o'clock in the morning i used to JOEaWcFHtp4-01199-00269207-00269375 wake up JOEaWcFHtp4-01200-00269376-00269487 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01201-00269488-00269655 and then suddenly you JOEaWcFHtp4-01202-00269656-00269863 come to a situation where you are told JOEaWcFHtp4-01203-00269864-00270030 eight o'clock the day begins the JOEaWcFHtp4-01204-00270031-00270230 lectures will begin JOEaWcFHtp4-01205-00270231-00270415 you say right now although i used to you JOEaWcFHtp4-01206-00270416-00270591 know sleep late in the night wake up JOEaWcFHtp4-01207-00270592-00270758 early in the morning JOEaWcFHtp4-01208-00270759-00270855 but JOEaWcFHtp4-01209-00270856-00271127 afternoons i used to take a nap JOEaWcFHtp4-01210-00271128-00271455 or i used to sleep for one hour or so JOEaWcFHtp4-01211-00271456-00271655 and here you are told that no afternoons JOEaWcFHtp4-01212-00271656-00272143 you will have labs so you are not free JOEaWcFHtp4-01213-00272144-00272358 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01214-00272359-00272527 means JOEaWcFHtp4-01215-00272528-00272734 one place JOEaWcFHtp4-01216-00272735-00272871 where JOEaWcFHtp4-01217-00272872-00273079 the norms are defined for you and you JOEaWcFHtp4-01218-00273080-00273319 are simply tried you have to try your JOEaWcFHtp4-01219-00273320-00273639 level best to comply to it nothing else JOEaWcFHtp4-01220-00273640-00273751 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01221-00273752-00273967 are aberrations possible JOEaWcFHtp4-01222-00273968-00274399 in certain cases yes it is possible okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01223-00274400-00274647 but when you look at it from a legal JOEaWcFHtp4-01224-00274648-00274871 perspective you would realize that i JOEaWcFHtp4-01225-00274872-00275103 know the boundaries are much more JOEaWcFHtp4-01226-00275104-00275415 rigidly defined ok compared to when you JOEaWcFHtp4-01227-00275416-00275647 take certain forms of aberrations when JOEaWcFHtp4-01228-00275648-00275934 it comes to social acceptance JOEaWcFHtp4-01229-00275935-00276103 okay and again you will find a JOEaWcFHtp4-01230-00276104-00276319 difference between the social and the JOEaWcFHtp4-01231-00276320-00276647 moral acceptability of an act JOEaWcFHtp4-01232-00276648-00276775 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01233-00276776-00277215 we saw the example of marriage JOEaWcFHtp4-01234-00277216-00277430 which was from a social viewpoint sacred JOEaWcFHtp4-01235-00277431-00277599 act JOEaWcFHtp4-01236-00277600-00277847 but think of say JOEaWcFHtp4-01237-00277848-00278015 procreation JOEaWcFHtp4-01238-00278016-00278127 think of JOEaWcFHtp4-01239-00278128-00278327 say JOEaWcFHtp4-01240-00278328-00278567 different forms of marriages JOEaWcFHtp4-01241-00278568-00278703 think of JOEaWcFHtp4-01242-00278704-00279079 the act of biological procreation JOEaWcFHtp4-01243-00279080-00279182 before JOEaWcFHtp4-01244-00279183-00279334 you follow the social or the legal JOEaWcFHtp4-01245-00279335-00279575 framework of marriage means you JOEaWcFHtp4-01246-00279576-00279871 become a unwed father or unwed mother JOEaWcFHtp4-01247-00279872-00280039 for example JOEaWcFHtp4-01248-00280040-00280215 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01249-00280216-00280487 is it legally correct JOEaWcFHtp4-01250-00280488-00280671 you will have legal experts talking JOEaWcFHtp4-01251-00280672-00280958 about the incorrectness of the act JOEaWcFHtp4-01252-00280959-00281103 you will have the moral guardians of the JOEaWcFHtp4-01253-00281104-00281319 society telling you that JOEaWcFHtp4-01254-00281320-00281519 how morally incorrect this type of JOEaWcFHtp4-01255-00281520-00281710 behavior is JOEaWcFHtp4-01256-00281711-00281903 you would have know people from the JOEaWcFHtp4-01257-00281904-00282191 society telling you that ah fine this is JOEaWcFHtp4-01258-00282192-00282271 you know JOEaWcFHtp4-01259-00282272-00282479 an aberration this is usually not JOEaWcFHtp4-01260-00282480-00282671 acceptable in the society JOEaWcFHtp4-01261-00282672-00282815 okay but JOEaWcFHtp4-01262-00282816-00283247 look at people who have done this JOEaWcFHtp4-01263-00283248-00283551 ok and you would realize ah that JOEaWcFHtp4-01264-00283552-00283710 they too have been accepted in the JOEaWcFHtp4-01265-00283711-00283830 society JOEaWcFHtp4-01266-00283831-00284239 we had JOEaWcFHtp4-01267-00284240-00284327 known JOEaWcFHtp4-01268-00284328-00284582 well-known senior actress JOEaWcFHtp4-01269-00284583-00284710 in our country JOEaWcFHtp4-01270-00284711-00285127 ok who became unwed mother ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01271-00285128-00285310 out of a relationship with one of the JOEaWcFHtp4-01272-00285311-00285639 very well known cricketers JOEaWcFHtp4-01273-00285640-00285871 from outside no i would refrain taking JOEaWcFHtp4-01274-00285872-00285982 names here JOEaWcFHtp4-01275-00285983-00286247 ok but then you realize that the whole JOEaWcFHtp4-01276-00286248-00286487 issue gets debated even in the media it JOEaWcFHtp4-01277-00286488-00286775 comes into picture ah but then JOEaWcFHtp4-01278-00286776-00286927 was the women JOEaWcFHtp4-01279-00286928-00287199 socially segregated the answer is no JOEaWcFHtp4-01280-00287200-00287399 this means that you have a social JOEaWcFHtp4-01281-00287400-00287671 framework you have a moral framework JOEaWcFHtp4-01282-00287672-00287758 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01283-00287759-00287991 but then society will accept aberrations JOEaWcFHtp4-01284-00287992-00288199 no JOEaWcFHtp4-01285-00288200-00288334 now JOEaWcFHtp4-01286-00288335-00288430 now JOEaWcFHtp4-01287-00288431-00288639 you can also look at it from that why JOEaWcFHtp4-01288-00288640-00288830 there was a need for a norm to be JOEaWcFHtp4-01289-00288831-00288934 evolved JOEaWcFHtp4-01290-00288935-00289047 okay JOEaWcFHtp4-01291-00289048-00289279 now does this norm has to do with JOEaWcFHtp4-01292-00289280-00289527 faithfulness and loyalty which are JOEaWcFHtp4-01293-00289528-00289847 components of morality then okay and JOEaWcFHtp4-01294-00289848-00290063 social framework will always look into JOEaWcFHtp4-01295-00290064-00290303 the moral issues JOEaWcFHtp4-01296-00290304-00290487 so by and large the JOEaWcFHtp4-01297-00290488-00290743 dynamics of human adjustment process JOEaWcFHtp4-01298-00290744-00290927 needs to be understood in totality so JOEaWcFHtp4-01299-00290928-00291206 when you define normality take behavior JOEaWcFHtp4-01300-00291207-00291375 take the social viewpoint take the moral JOEaWcFHtp4-01301-00291376-00291567 viewpoint take the legal viewpoint but JOEaWcFHtp4-01302-00291568-00291767 then JOEaWcFHtp4-01303-00291768-00291847 from JOEaWcFHtp4-01304-00291848-00292023 a psychological viewpoint when we look JOEaWcFHtp4-01305-00292024-00292127 at it JOEaWcFHtp4-01306-00292128-00292206 ok JOEaWcFHtp4-01307-00292207-00292430 the acceptance of a behavior becomes JOEaWcFHtp4-01308-00292431-00292606 much higher because JOEaWcFHtp4-01309-00292607-00292806 even aberrated forms of behavior will JOEaWcFHtp4-01310-00292807-00293023 also be accommodated in terms of JOEaWcFHtp4-01311-00293024-00295391 defining who is normal and who is not JOEaWcFHtp4-01312-00295392-00296639 do JOEaWcFHtp4-01313-00296640-00296848 you JSgicFoew_8-00000-00000029-00000335 hey there commanders today we will be JSgicFoew_8-00001-00000336-00000521 covering a ship builds to go along with JSgicFoew_8-00002-00000522-00000749 my recent overview of thargoid War JSgicFoew_8-00003-00000750-00001019 logistical missions if you will recall JSgicFoew_8-00004-00001019-00001241 during that video I discussed a few of JSgicFoew_8-00005-00001242-00001378 the different threats and constraints JSgicFoew_8-00006-00001379-00001648 that these logistical missions introduce JSgicFoew_8-00007-00001650-00001882 this build will be focused on overcoming JSgicFoew_8-00008-00001884-00002021 them with the least amount of JSgicFoew_8-00009-00002022-00002321 engineering required so we will be JSgicFoew_8-00010-00002322-00002537 sacrificing some aspects of performance JSgicFoew_8-00011-00002538-00002783 in order to reduce the amount of grind JSgicFoew_8-00012-00002784-00002981 required to build it JSgicFoew_8-00013-00002982-00003274 since passenger evacuation missions are JSgicFoew_8-00014-00003275-00003485 a top performer in terms of reward JSgicFoew_8-00015-00003486-00003701 permission accepted JSgicFoew_8-00016-00003702-00003959 this build will specialize in it and JSgicFoew_8-00017-00003960-00004127 largely ignore all other Mission JSgicFoew_8-00018-00004128-00004259 offerings JSgicFoew_8-00019-00004260-00004481 since we want to maximize the number of JSgicFoew_8-00020-00004482-00004769 available ports that can receive us this JSgicFoew_8-00021-00004770-00004967 build will also utilize the medium JSgicFoew_8-00022-00004968-00005231 Landing Pad this is because there are a JSgicFoew_8-00023-00005232-00005417 lot of systems under Threat by thyroids JSgicFoew_8-00024-00005418-00005609 that do not have the infrastructure to JSgicFoew_8-00025-00005610-00005849 support large pad ships JSgicFoew_8-00026-00005850-00006143 the python is one of the best multi-role JSgicFoew_8-00027-00006144-00006365 ships available for medium-sized landing JSgicFoew_8-00028-00006366-00006719 pads both versatile and adaptable nobody JSgicFoew_8-00029-00006720-00006887 should be surprised to see this vessel JSgicFoew_8-00030-00006888-00007084 darting about between outposts and JSgicFoew_8-00031-00007086-00007414 settlements python has not seen much use JSgicFoew_8-00032-00007415-00007703 in ax combat largely due to its relative JSgicFoew_8-00033-00007704-00007919 lack of maneuverability compared to the JSgicFoew_8-00034-00007920-00008285 crate however its massive cargo hold and JSgicFoew_8-00035-00008286-00008501 mid-tier jump range offer it some JSgicFoew_8-00036-00008502-00008699 distinct advantages for logistical work JSgicFoew_8-00037-00008700-00008957 that the crate does not have JSgicFoew_8-00038-00008958-00009160 though it too can be adapted for JSgicFoew_8-00039-00009161-00009353 Logistics if needed JSgicFoew_8-00040-00009354-00009664 this python is set up for hot evacuation JSgicFoew_8-00041-00009665-00009917 missions meaning that it can be used to JSgicFoew_8-00042-00009918-00010091 service stations under attack by JSgicFoew_8-00043-00010092-00010409 thyroids as a result we are planning on JSgicFoew_8-00044-00010410-00010624 receiving incoming fire and want to give JSgicFoew_8-00045-00010625-00010913 our ship the best chance for survival in JSgicFoew_8-00046-00010914-00011128 support of that objective this build is JSgicFoew_8-00047-00011129-00011327 fitted with military-grade Composites JSgicFoew_8-00048-00011328-00011621 offering a total of 910 absolute JSgicFoew_8-00049-00011622-00011735 integrity JSgicFoew_8-00050-00011736-00012041 lightweight alloy is possible here but JSgicFoew_8-00051-00012042-00012227 with increased risk of death in the JSgicFoew_8-00052-00012228-00012442 event you get swarmed by scouts or JSgicFoew_8-00053-00012443-00012592 sargons JSgicFoew_8-00054-00012593-00012808 engineering on this component is JSgicFoew_8-00055-00012809-00013037 optional for this build since we aren't JSgicFoew_8-00056-00013038-00013288 planning on extended combat we want JSgicFoew_8-00057-00013290-00013505 enough hole Integrity to readily absorb JSgicFoew_8-00058-00013506-00013727 Shield breaching damage from scouts and JSgicFoew_8-00059-00013728-00013901 interceptors while maneuvering around JSgicFoew_8-00060-00013902-00014122 stations and in transit through the JSgicFoew_8-00061-00014123-00014219 system JSgicFoew_8-00062-00014219-00014453 heavy duty engineering can increase JSgicFoew_8-00063-00014454-00014686 survivability at the cost of jump range JSgicFoew_8-00064-00014687-00014933 while lightweight engineering will JSgicFoew_8-00065-00014934-00015113 increase jump range at the cost of JSgicFoew_8-00066-00015113-00015233 survivability JSgicFoew_8-00067-00015234-00015407 since the difference between a stock JSgicFoew_8-00068-00015408-00015593 lightweight alloy Hull and JSgicFoew_8-00069-00015594-00015833 military-grade Composites is only two JSgicFoew_8-00070-00015834-00016049 light years of jump range the impact is JSgicFoew_8-00071-00016050-00016216 not too bad considering the higher JSgicFoew_8-00072-00016218-00016349 durability JSgicFoew_8-00073-00016350-00016691 for a power plant I've opted for the 7A JSgicFoew_8-00074-00016692-00016972 reactor without any engineering JSgicFoew_8-00075-00016973-00017285 it is possible to go as small as a size JSgicFoew_8-00076-00017286-00017603 5A reactor though this will require the JSgicFoew_8-00077-00017604-00017861 grade 5 overcharged blueprint JSgicFoew_8-00078-00017862-00018155 jump range increase for this swap is JSgicFoew_8-00079-00018156-00018341 noticeable though it reduces your JSgicFoew_8-00080-00018342-00018557 ability to effectively scoop fuel from JSgicFoew_8-00081-00018558-00018803 stars during travel due to the extra JSgicFoew_8-00082-00018804-00018965 reactor Heat JSgicFoew_8-00083-00018966-00019283 the 7A reactor leaves the door open for JSgicFoew_8-00084-00019284-00019457 more diverse modification at the JSgicFoew_8-00085-00019458-00019697 Commander's discretion but it can be JSgicFoew_8-00086-00019698-00019871 undersized to your heart's content JSgicFoew_8-00087-00019872-00020086 assuming you know what to do JSgicFoew_8-00088-00020087-00020417 the 6A thrusters will need at least JSgicFoew_8-00089-00020418-00020747 grade three dirty Drive tuning with drag JSgicFoew_8-00090-00020748-00020975 Drive experimental effect JSgicFoew_8-00091-00020976-00021203 the faster the better so shoot for grade JSgicFoew_8-00092-00021204-00021443 5 if available for even better chances JSgicFoew_8-00093-00021444-00021700 of escape this is an essential upgrade JSgicFoew_8-00094-00021701-00021893 and should be acquired early in the JSgicFoew_8-00095-00021894-00022205 build anything less than grade 3 runs JSgicFoew_8-00096-00022206-00022349 the risk of being overtaken by JSgicFoew_8-00097-00022350-00022607 interceptors during a hyperdiction JSgicFoew_8-00098-00022608-00022894 since the python can accept a size 5 JSgicFoew_8-00099-00022895-00023200 frameshift Drive the tech broker 5A JSgicFoew_8-00100-00023201-00023494 drive is best this unique item is JSgicFoew_8-00101-00023495-00023680 available at all human Tech Brokers JSgicFoew_8-00102-00023681-00023908 requiring a list of materials to be JSgicFoew_8-00103-00023909-00024185 exchanged for a single drive module JSgicFoew_8-00104-00024186-00024394 this list of materials is a sizable JSgicFoew_8-00105-00024395-00024641 grind by itself but achievable in a few JSgicFoew_8-00106-00024642-00024917 days this item is the most difficult JSgicFoew_8-00107-00024918-00025180 thing to acquire on this build but can JSgicFoew_8-00108-00025181-00025522 be substituted by a 5A long-range JSgicFoew_8-00109-00025523-00025750 engineered frameshift drive with the JSgicFoew_8-00110-00025751-00026014 mass manager experimental effect JSgicFoew_8-00111-00026016-00026249 this will reduce jump range and fuel JSgicFoew_8-00112-00026250-00026512 economy but can shave some time off the JSgicFoew_8-00113-00026513-00026789 build process if you are in a hurry JSgicFoew_8-00114-00026789-00027035 since this ship is not intended for JSgicFoew_8-00115-00027036-00027407 offensive combat operations a 4D life JSgicFoew_8-00116-00027408-00027611 support is leveraged to save power and JSgicFoew_8-00117-00027612-00027827 weight for a slight increase in Jump JSgicFoew_8-00118-00027827-00027940 capability JSgicFoew_8-00119-00027941-00028205 no engineering is required here though JSgicFoew_8-00120-00028206-00028445 the lightweight blueprint can be used to JSgicFoew_8-00121-00028445-00028624 shave off a fraction of a light year of JSgicFoew_8-00122-00028625-00028852 jump range if desired JSgicFoew_8-00123-00028854-00029087 to save time and Engineering materials JSgicFoew_8-00124-00029088-00029458 the power distributor is size 7A this JSgicFoew_8-00125-00029460-00029645 does not quite give us optimal boost JSgicFoew_8-00126-00029645-00029849 power but it's close enough to be JSgicFoew_8-00127-00029850-00030035 effective in escaping thyroids when JSgicFoew_8-00128-00030036-00030262 combined with engineered thrusters JSgicFoew_8-00129-00030263-00030514 with grade 5 engine focused engineering JSgicFoew_8-00130-00030516-00030767 and the cluster capacitor experimental JSgicFoew_8-00131-00030768-00031079 effect it is possible to go as small as JSgicFoew_8-00132-00031080-00031307 a 2A distributor though this would be JSgicFoew_8-00133-00031308-00031564 something for a dedicated Min maxer and JSgicFoew_8-00134-00031566-00031745 is not necessary for adequate JSgicFoew_8-00135-00031745-00031889 performance JSgicFoew_8-00136-00031889-00032308 sensors are size 6D no engineering is JSgicFoew_8-00137-00032310-00032512 applied here though if desired JSgicFoew_8-00138-00032513-00032729 lightweight engineering is best for this JSgicFoew_8-00139-00032730-00032873 application JSgicFoew_8-00140-00032874-00033239 the 5c fuel tank is left as stock JSgicFoew_8-00141-00033240-00033461 The Shield generator is a mission JSgicFoew_8-00142-00033462-00033707 critical component and should be set up JSgicFoew_8-00143-00033708-00034007 for maximum absolute strength for this JSgicFoew_8-00144-00034008-00034349 task the 6A standard or Prismatic Shield JSgicFoew_8-00145-00034350-00034637 generator is best engineer this shield JSgicFoew_8-00146-00034638-00034943 with the reinforced grade 5 blueprint JSgicFoew_8-00147-00034944-00035249 and use the high capacity experimental JSgicFoew_8-00148-00035250-00035368 effect JSgicFoew_8-00149-00035369-00035615 be aware that the Prismatic Shield will JSgicFoew_8-00150-00035616-00035861 draw more power and likely require a JSgicFoew_8-00151-00035862-00036023 larger reactor if you have been JSgicFoew_8-00152-00036024-00036317 undersizing avoid bi-weave shields for JSgicFoew_8-00153-00036318-00036515 this application as they are easier to JSgicFoew_8-00154-00036516-00036767 breach and may lack the endurance needed JSgicFoew_8-00155-00036768-00036983 to withstand attack during docking JSgicFoew_8-00156-00036984-00037127 procedures JSgicFoew_8-00157-00037128-00037552 the remaining size 6 5 and 3 optional JSgicFoew_8-00158-00037553-00037781 internals will be economy class JSgicFoew_8-00159-00037782-00038117 passenger Cabins this will maximize our JSgicFoew_8-00160-00038118-00038399 carrying capacity since refugees don't JSgicFoew_8-00161-00038400-00038590 require anything better JSgicFoew_8-00162-00038591-00038801 the size for optional internal JSgicFoew_8-00163-00038802-00039005 compartment can be fitted with an JSgicFoew_8-00164-00039006-00039299 additional economy cabin or a fuel scoop JSgicFoew_8-00165-00039300-00039574 depending on your route shorter runs JSgicFoew_8-00166-00039575-00039802 won't need the scoop at all allowing for JSgicFoew_8-00167-00039803-00039971 an additional eight passengers of JSgicFoew_8-00168-00039972-00040240 capacity but longer routes might JSgicFoew_8-00169-00040241-00040571 depending on your FSD require a fuel JSgicFoew_8-00170-00040572-00040955 scoop it's better to equip the 4A fuel JSgicFoew_8-00171-00040956-00041189 scoop for this slot or at least have it JSgicFoew_8-00172-00041190-00041524 stored nearby in the event it is needed JSgicFoew_8-00173-00041525-00041830 for convenience and consistency the size JSgicFoew_8-00174-00041831-00042077 2 optional internal slot is fitted with JSgicFoew_8-00175-00042078-00042346 a super Cruise assist unit this can help JSgicFoew_8-00176-00042347-00042568 with crash drops and generally makes JSgicFoew_8-00177-00042569-00042773 longer grinds less demanding on your JSgicFoew_8-00178-00042774-00042887 attention JSgicFoew_8-00179-00042888-00043157 this can be swapped out for a cargo rack JSgicFoew_8-00180-00043158-00043396 or additional passenger cabin though JSgicFoew_8-00181-00043397-00043618 this does not net you much in the way of JSgicFoew_8-00182-00043619-00043889 total capacity and in this Commander's JSgicFoew_8-00183-00043890-00043996 opinion JSgicFoew_8-00184-00043997-00044189 is worth the sacrifice for a more JSgicFoew_8-00185-00044190-00044345 enjoyable flight JSgicFoew_8-00186-00044346-00044621 the size one optional internal is fitted JSgicFoew_8-00187-00044622-00044807 with an advanced docking computer to JSgicFoew_8-00188-00044808-00044993 help facilitate consistent performance JSgicFoew_8-00189-00044994-00045280 when docking or undocking while it is JSgicFoew_8-00190-00045281-00045580 faster to dock manually long grinds can JSgicFoew_8-00191-00045581-00045749 make this process repetitive and JSgicFoew_8-00192-00045750-00045952 annoying so it's here to help keep JSgicFoew_8-00193-00045953-00046199 things flowing smoothly like the super JSgicFoew_8-00194-00046200-00046439 Cruise assist unit it can be swapped out JSgicFoew_8-00195-00046440-00046696 for a tiny bit more cargo or passenger JSgicFoew_8-00196-00046697-00046823 capacity JSgicFoew_8-00197-00046824-00047045 no hard points are installed on this JSgicFoew_8-00198-00047046-00047290 build but the python is flexible enough JSgicFoew_8-00199-00047291-00047477 to support them at the cost of jump JSgicFoew_8-00200-00047478-00047573 range JSgicFoew_8-00201-00047574-00047812 the ship would need a full-size power JSgicFoew_8-00202-00047813-00048005 plant and capacitor to give the weapons JSgicFoew_8-00203-00048006-00048173 enough grunt to do anything meaningful JSgicFoew_8-00204-00048174-00048418 since this ship is fast enough to escape JSgicFoew_8-00205-00048419-00048671 most engagements there is no specific JSgicFoew_8-00206-00048672-00048857 need for weapons JSgicFoew_8-00207-00048858-00049096 the utility mounts are all fitted with a JSgicFoew_8-00208-00049097-00049468 size 0a Shield booster this build does JSgicFoew_8-00209-00049469-00049685 not call for any engineering since these JSgicFoew_8-00210-00049686-00049823 boosters will make us strong enough to JSgicFoew_8-00211-00049824-00050051 withstand incoming fire at stations or JSgicFoew_8-00212-00050052-00050302 during Interceptor escapes should you JSgicFoew_8-00213-00050303-00050549 want to engineer them anyway I recommend JSgicFoew_8-00214-00050550-00050758 the heavy duty blueprint with super JSgicFoew_8-00215-00050759-00051017 capacitor experimental effects do JSgicFoew_8-00216-00051018-00051190 remember to keep an eye on your power JSgicFoew_8-00217-00051191-00051502 constraints as some builds may not have JSgicFoew_8-00218-00051503-00051719 enough power Headroom to do this JSgicFoew_8-00219-00051720-00052013 a single Shield booster can be swapped JSgicFoew_8-00220-00052014-00052252 out for a heatsink to assist in stealthy JSgicFoew_8-00221-00052253-00052469 approaches and to Aid in hiding from JSgicFoew_8-00222-00052470-00052657 interceptors that may be in the area JSgicFoew_8-00223-00052658-00052997 this does reduce overall durability in JSgicFoew_8-00224-00052998-00053200 exchange for stealth though in my JSgicFoew_8-00225-00053201-00053429 testing I did not find a need for it in JSgicFoew_8-00226-00053429-00053849 typical encounters just get in dock load JSgicFoew_8-00227-00053850-00054113 and get out interceptors prioritize JSgicFoew_8-00228-00054114-00054407 active hostile ships around stations and JSgicFoew_8-00229-00054408-00054599 this ship is fast enough to outrun an JSgicFoew_8-00230-00054600-00054803 Interceptor hyperdiction without needing JSgicFoew_8-00231-00054804-00054935 a heatsink JSgicFoew_8-00232-00054936-00055192 as outfitted this ship will cost about JSgicFoew_8-00233-00055194-00055499 210 million credits to build slightly JSgicFoew_8-00234-00055500-00055757 less if you have the shinrato permit JSgicFoew_8-00235-00055758-00055973 more so if you are willing to outfit in JSgicFoew_8-00236-00055974-00056176 a leon rui system JSgicFoew_8-00237-00056177-00056392 despite only having three engineered JSgicFoew_8-00238-00056394-00056680 modules this build is reliant on dirty JSgicFoew_8-00239-00056682-00056909 Drive tuning so it is recommended for JSgicFoew_8-00240-00056910-00057197 players who have farseer and Lee tune JSgicFoew_8-00241-00057198-00057461 unlocked with the credits to spare JSgicFoew_8-00242-00057462-00057700 it's possible to adapt any existing JSgicFoew_8-00243-00057701-00057959 python to this task by swapping in the JSgicFoew_8-00244-00057960-00058223 optionals as listed above though your JSgicFoew_8-00245-00058224-00058403 performance may vary based on how the JSgicFoew_8-00246-00058404-00058582 rest of the ship is fitted JSgicFoew_8-00247-00058583-00058823 power priorities in this build are set JSgicFoew_8-00248-00058824-00059080 as follows with the frameshift drive and JSgicFoew_8-00249-00059082-00059261 Prismatic Shields receiving the highest JSgicFoew_8-00250-00059262-00059537 precedence these priorities should only JSgicFoew_8-00251-00059538-00059807 become an issue if your Shields drop a JSgicFoew_8-00252-00059808-00059969 condition that should be avoided if at JSgicFoew_8-00253-00059970-00060257 all possible use flight assist off for JSgicFoew_8-00254-00060258-00060442 evasive maneuvering in these situations JSgicFoew_8-00255-00060444-00060713 as a Thruster malfunction or power loss JSgicFoew_8-00256-00060714-00060916 Will Allow your ship to continue to JSgicFoew_8-00257-00060917-00061169 drift away while reboot repair takes JSgicFoew_8-00258-00061170-00061337 care of the issue JSgicFoew_8-00259-00061338-00061559 that's all I have for today so I'll JSgicFoew_8-00260-00061560-00061826 catch you all later JTAQxmQ-HpU-00000-00000088-00000342 dj that one was anything but easy what JTAQxmQ-HpU-00001-00000343-00000519 did you think of the job juan de peralta JTAQxmQ-HpU-00002-00000520-00000678 did coming in with the bases loaded and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00003-00000679-00000862 getting a very good hitter in freddy JTAQxmQ-HpU-00004-00000863-00001070 freeman JTAQxmQ-HpU-00005-00001071-00001295 yeah he's uh he's had a few huge outs JTAQxmQ-HpU-00006-00001296-00001462 like that for us JTAQxmQ-HpU-00007-00001463-00001582 we're getting comfortable in those tight JTAQxmQ-HpU-00008-00001583-00001807 situations i wish we could add a few JTAQxmQ-HpU-00009-00001807-00002007 more on there at the end but um yeah JTAQxmQ-HpU-00010-00002007-00002215 there's a bit too big outs from him how JTAQxmQ-HpU-00011-00002216-00002415 intense did every one of those pitches JTAQxmQ-HpU-00012-00002416-00002647 feel as freeman continued to battle in JTAQxmQ-HpU-00013-00002648-00002831 that at-bat JTAQxmQ-HpU-00014-00002832-00002966 yeah that's you know that's not who you JTAQxmQ-HpU-00015-00002967-00003110 want to see at the plate right there but JTAQxmQ-HpU-00016-00003111-00003303 i had a lot of confidence in wandy and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00017-00003304-00003535 like i said um we've just had so many JTAQxmQ-HpU-00018-00003536-00003751 close games like that we're we're and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00019-00003752-00003919 we're used to coming through like that JTAQxmQ-HpU-00020-00003920-00004070 you mentioned confidence this team has JTAQxmQ-HpU-00021-00004071-00004303 now won 11 in a row can you describe the JTAQxmQ-HpU-00022-00004304-00004470 confidence that you guys are playing JTAQxmQ-HpU-00023-00004471-00004679 with as a whole JTAQxmQ-HpU-00024-00004680-00004959 yeah it's been huge it's been fun JTAQxmQ-HpU-00025-00004960-00005102 we've had some close games we've had JTAQxmQ-HpU-00026-00005103-00005335 some some blowouts and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00027-00005336-00005486 you know just keep it going you know JTAQxmQ-HpU-00028-00005487-00005647 we've done a lot so far but we haven't JTAQxmQ-HpU-00029-00005648-00005783 accomplished anything yet so we just JTAQxmQ-HpU-00030-00005784-00005983 need to keep going another tough series JTAQxmQ-HpU-00031-00005984-00006159 coming up you're heading to oakland to JTAQxmQ-HpU-00032-00006160-00006334 play the a's how do you keep that JTAQxmQ-HpU-00033-00006335-00006575 momentum going JTAQxmQ-HpU-00034-00006576-00006806 keep showing up like we are JTAQxmQ-HpU-00035-00006808-00006942 you know just keep playing ball having JTAQxmQ-HpU-00036-00006943-00007159 fun and we're right where we want to be JTAQxmQ-HpU-00037-00007159-00007342 you guys didn't get a ton off of morton JTAQxmQ-HpU-00038-00007343-00007542 but knocked him out after five innings JTAQxmQ-HpU-00039-00007543-00007695 what was the key in getting to him JTAQxmQ-HpU-00040-00007695-00007903 tonight JTAQxmQ-HpU-00041-00007904-00008103 he's a tough one he's JTAQxmQ-HpU-00042-00008104-00008246 i feel like he's gotten better as his JTAQxmQ-HpU-00043-00008247-00008439 career has gone on and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00044-00008440-00008623 looked like the same guy tough tough uh JTAQxmQ-HpU-00045-00008624-00008807 tough matchup for us but uh you know we JTAQxmQ-HpU-00046-00008808-00009063 were uh you know able to squeeze some JTAQxmQ-HpU-00047-00009064-00009319 runs uh heaney pitched great bullpen did JTAQxmQ-HpU-00048-00009320-00009510 their job so just seems like whoever we JTAQxmQ-HpU-00049-00009511-00009663 face we're gonna we're gonna grind down JTAQxmQ-HpU-00050-00009664-00009814 and have good at bats and come out on JTAQxmQ-HpU-00051-00009815-00009974 top and it seems like john carlos JTAQxmQ-HpU-00052-00009975-00010167 stanton continues to stay hot another JTAQxmQ-HpU-00053-00010168-00010359 line drive home run for him are you ever JTAQxmQ-HpU-00054-00010360-00010567 in awe with how hard he hits the ball JTAQxmQ-HpU-00055-00010568-00010703 and how quickly it gets out of the JTAQxmQ-HpU-00056-00010704-00010887 ballpark JTAQxmQ-HpU-00057-00010888-00011119 yeah every time every time it's special JTAQxmQ-HpU-00058-00011120-00011327 it's special to watch him JTAQxmQ-HpU-00059-00011328-00011478 you know he can take some bad swings and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00060-00011479-00011655 then he can take some swings that you JTAQxmQ-HpU-00061-00011656-00011823 know no one in the league can take and JTAQxmQ-HpU-00062-00011824-00011951 hit some balls like no one in the league JTAQxmQ-HpU-00063-00011952-00012174 can so he's he's looks like he's uh JTAQxmQ-HpU-00064-00012175-00012327 settling into that groove and taking JTAQxmQ-HpU-00065-00012328-00012527 some great swings it's fun to watch dj i JTAQxmQ-HpU-00066-00012528-00012687 appreciate the time JTAQxmQ-HpU-00067-00012688-00012960 all right thank you JUX45o3NUQI-00000-00000112-00000353 the National Assembly was the JUX45o3NUQI-00001-00000354-00000512 legislature of the second Philippine JUX45o3NUQI-00002-00000513-00000869 Republic from September 25th 1943 to JUX45o3NUQI-00003-00000869-00001378 February 2nd 1944 half of the membership JUX45o3NUQI-00004-00001379-00001586 of the Assembly consisted of provincial JUX45o3NUQI-00005-00001587-00001789 governors or City mayor's acting in an JUX45o3NUQI-00006-00001791-00002014 ex-officio capacity while the other half JUX45o3NUQI-00007-00002016-00002192 were indirectly elected through local JUX45o3NUQI-00008-00002193-00002483 conventions of ka Li BAPI members during JUX45o3NUQI-00009-00002484-00002645 the Japanese occupation of the JUX45o3NUQI-00010-00002646-00003386 Philippines sessions first special JUX45o3NUQI-00011-00003386-00003935 session September 25th 1943 second JUX45o3NUQI-00012-00003936-00004031 special session JUX45o3NUQI-00013-00004032-00004545 October 17th to October 23rd 1943 JUX45o3NUQI-00014-00004546-00004952 regular session november 25th 1943 to JUX45o3NUQI-00015-00004953-00005888 february 2nd 1944 legislation the JUX45o3NUQI-00016-00005889-00006061 National Assembly of the second JUX45o3NUQI-00017-00006062-00006329 Philippine Republic passed a total of 66 JUX45o3NUQI-00018-00006330-00006839 laws act number one 266 major JUX45o3NUQI-00019-00006840-00007373 legislation act number one creation of JUX45o3NUQI-00020-00007373-00007803 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs JUX45o3NUQI-00021-00007804-00008642 leadership president president of the JUX45o3NUQI-00022-00008643-00008860 second Philippine Republic josé P Laurel JUX45o3NUQI-00023-00008861-00009302 ka Li bapi JUX45o3NUQI-00024-00009303-00009801 National Assembly Speaker JUX45o3NUQI-00025-00009802-00010218 Benigno S Aquino ka Li Vapi carlac floor JUX45o3NUQI-00026-00010219-00010530 leader Francisco Zulueta ka Li bapi JUX45o3NUQI-00027-00010531-00011421 bacolod city members the assembly JUX45o3NUQI-00028-00011422-00011703 consisted of 108 members from 46 JUX45o3NUQI-00029-00011704-00011982 provinces and eight chartered cities the JUX45o3NUQI-00030-00011983-00012189 numbers and territorial coverages of JUX45o3NUQI-00031-00012190-00012363 these areas differed from the pre-war JUX45o3NUQI-00032-00012364-00012658 status in several ways JUX45o3NUQI-00033-00012659-00012949 the provinces of Batanes Marinduque and JUX45o3NUQI-00034-00012950-00013119 rim blonde had been abolished in their JUX45o3NUQI-00035-00013120-00013402 municipalities and x2k gyein Tayabas and JUX45o3NUQI-00036-00013403-00013576 Capiz respectively by virtue of JUX45o3NUQI-00037-00013577-00013837 executive order number 84 issued by JUX45o3NUQI-00038-00013838-00014038 philippine executive commission chairman JUX45o3NUQI-00039-00014038-00014550 Jorge Vargas on August 31st 1942 JUX45o3NUQI-00040-00014551-00014779 jurisdiction over several areas in JUX45o3NUQI-00041-00014780-00015000 Tayabas were transferred to nueva ecija JUX45o3NUQI-00042-00015001-00015211 the municipalities of baler and JUX45o3NUQI-00043-00015212-00015430 Casiguran corresponding to the entire JUX45o3NUQI-00044-00015431-00015643 present-day territory of Aurora and JUX45o3NUQI-00045-00015644-00015878 Laguna Infanta including the present-day JUX45o3NUQI-00046-00015879-00016125 municipalities of general Dakar and real JUX45o3NUQI-00047-00016126-00016393 by virtue of executive order number 84 JUX45o3NUQI-00048-00016394-00016609 issued by executive commission chairman JUX45o3NUQI-00049-00016610-00017118 Jorge Vargas on August 31st 1942 JUX45o3NUQI-00050-00017119-00017358 jurisdiction over the Palillo islands in JUX45o3NUQI-00051-00017359-00017560 Tayabas was transferred to Laguna by JUX45o3NUQI-00052-00017561-00017830 virtue of executive order number 103 JUX45o3NUQI-00053-00017831-00018052 issued by executive Commission Chairman JUX45o3NUQI-00054-00018053-00018505 Jorge Vargas on November 1st 1942 JUX45o3NUQI-00055-00018506-00018772 the chartered cities of dance Eiland now JUX45o3NUQI-00056-00018773-00019052 Marawi Tagaytay and Zamboanga were also JUX45o3NUQI-00057-00019053-00019231 not represented separately in the JUX45o3NUQI-00058-00019232-00019400 assembly their territories were JUX45o3NUQI-00059-00019401-00019577 administered by the governments of their JUX45o3NUQI-00060-00019578-00019763 mother provinces Linnell Covidien JUX45o3NUQI-00061-00019764-00020054 Zamboanga respectively JUX45o3NUQI-00062-00020055-00020346 the representation of Manila also JUX45o3NUQI-00063-00020347-00020544 included the chartered city of Kasaan JUX45o3NUQI-00064-00020545-00020790 city along with the Rizal municipalities JUX45o3NUQI-00065-00020791-00021087 of Caloocan Makati Mandaluyong para NOK JUX45o3NUQI-00066-00021088-00021276 passe and San Juan which were JUX45o3NUQI-00067-00021277-00021438 constituted as the City of Greater JUX45o3NUQI-00068-00021439-00021696 Manila by Manuel caissons executive act JUX45o3NUQI-00069-00021697-00022122 now 400 on January 1st 1942 is an JUX45o3NUQI-00070-00022123-00022423 emergency wartime measure JUX45o3NUQI-00071-00022424-00022842 see also JUX45o3NUQI-00072-00022843-00023236 National Assembly of the Philippines JUX45o3NUQI-00073-00023237-00023846 Philippine general election 1943 JUX45o3NUQI-00074-00023847-00024735 references further reading Philippine JUX45o3NUQI-00075-00024736-00024939 House of Representatives congressional JUX45o3NUQI-00076-00024940-00025331 library the presidents of the Senate of JUX45o3NUQI-00077-00025332-00025628 the Republic of the Philippines ISBN JUX45o3NUQI-00078-00025629-00025893 nine seven one eight eight three two two JUX45o3NUQI-00079-00025894-00026137 four six JUX45o3NUQI-00080-00026138-00026445 pobre says-- RP Philippine legislature JUX45o3NUQI-00081-00026445-00026837 100 years ISBN nine seven one nine two JUX45o3NUQI-00082-00026838-00026964 two four five JUX45o3NUQI-00083-00026964-00027222 oh nine JWvJtQS0M7c-00000-00000720-00000878 with its headwaters in the rocky JWvJtQS0M7c-00001-00000880-00001039 mountains of colorado and its tail JWvJtQS0M7c-00002-00001040-00001270 waters in nebraska the north platte is JWvJtQS0M7c-00003-00001271-00001447 the most important river in southeastern JWvJtQS0M7c-00004-00001448-00001647 wyoming it provides irrigation for JWvJtQS0M7c-00005-00001648-00001887 farmers power for everyday life JWvJtQS0M7c-00006-00001888-00002087 recreational opportunities and critical JWvJtQS0M7c-00007-00002088-00002431 wildlife habitat since 1909 water has JWvJtQS0M7c-00008-00002432-00002655 been diverted from the river by weyland JWvJtQS0M7c-00009-00002656-00002910 diversion dam outside of fort laramie JWvJtQS0M7c-00010-00002911-00003118 for irrigation purposes in eastern JWvJtQS0M7c-00011-00003119-00003327 wyoming and western nebraska JWvJtQS0M7c-00012-00003328-00003686 approximately 335 000 acres of sagebrush JWvJtQS0M7c-00013-00003688-00003895 and rangeland have been converted into JWvJtQS0M7c-00014-00003896-00004054 productive farmland JWvJtQS0M7c-00015-00004055-00004270 there are also five storage dams and JWvJtQS0M7c-00016-00004271-00004503 three other diversion dams located on JWvJtQS0M7c-00017-00004504-00004854 this river that make irrigation possible JWvJtQS0M7c-00018-00004855-00005047 the north platte river is a magnet for JWvJtQS0M7c-00019-00005048-00005254 numerous species of wildlife JWvJtQS0M7c-00020-00005255-00005454 small mammals in the riparian area JWvJtQS0M7c-00021-00005455-00005686 include muskrat coyote raccoon and JWvJtQS0M7c-00022-00005687-00005999 beaver canada geese mallards great blue JWvJtQS0M7c-00023-00006000-00006238 herons kingfishers JWvJtQS0M7c-00024-00006239-00006510 and in some places even pelicans can be JWvJtQS0M7c-00025-00006511-00006806 seen along the river and its tributaries JWvJtQS0M7c-00026-00006808-00007087 numerous other species of mammals birds JWvJtQS0M7c-00027-00007088-00007375 and raptors also call this river home JWvJtQS0M7c-00028-00007376-00007639 the headwaters are a blue ribbon fishery JWvJtQS0M7c-00029-00007640-00007870 electric power is generated at guernsey JWvJtQS0M7c-00030-00007872-00008103 power plant and supplied to the area by JWvJtQS0M7c-00031-00008104-00008407 four substations and about 160 miles of JWvJtQS0M7c-00032-00008408-00008567 transmission lines JWvJtQS0M7c-00033-00008568-00008783 this plant is operated on a seasonal JWvJtQS0M7c-00034-00008784-00008991 basis during the release of irrigation JWvJtQS0M7c-00035-00008992-00009310 flows to satisfy downstream demands in JWvJtQS0M7c-00036-00009311-00009527 the early days trade migration routes to JWvJtQS0M7c-00037-00009528-00009687 the west would follow the north platte JWvJtQS0M7c-00038-00009688-00009927 river the well-known oregon and mormon JWvJtQS0M7c-00039-00009928-00010135 trails and later the railroad would JWvJtQS0M7c-00040-00010136-00010327 follow much of the river developing many JWvJtQS0M7c-00041-00010328-00010567 of the towns and highways we see today JWvJtQS0M7c-00042-00010568-00010799 from the university of wyoming extension JWvJtQS0M7c-00043-00010800-00011014 i'm mae smith exploring the nature of JWvJtQS0M7c-00044-00011015-00012110 wyoming JWvJtQS0M7c-00045-00012111-00012320 you JXbxq4L6m4Y-00000-00000128-00000351 hello and welcome back we are going to JXbxq4L6m4Y-00001-00000352-00000678 watch the oney operator trailer JXbxq4L6m4Y-00002-00000679-00000878 for call of duty modern warfare 2 this JXbxq4L6m4Y-00003-00000880-00001127 is going to be the new JXbxq4L6m4Y-00004-00001128-00001454 playstation exclusive operator that they JXbxq4L6m4Y-00005-00001455-00001798 get day one um JXbxq4L6m4Y-00006-00001800-00001991 fortunately i will not be playing on JXbxq4L6m4Y-00007-00001992-00002183 playstation but i still want to watch JXbxq4L6m4Y-00008-00002184-00002415 this because at least from i could see JXbxq4L6m4Y-00009-00002416-00002599 what i could see from the thumbnail is JXbxq4L6m4Y-00010-00002600-00002815 this dude looks pretty badass JXbxq4L6m4Y-00011-00002816-00003118 so uh it's only 43 seconds so let's JXbxq4L6m4Y-00012-00003119-00003211 see JXbxq4L6m4Y-00013-00003213-00003944 [Music] JXbxq4L6m4Y-00014-00003945-00004283 [Music] JXbxq4L6m4Y-00015-00004284-00004575 empty-handed i was born JXbxq4L6m4Y-00016-00004576-00004735 empty-handed JXbxq4L6m4Y-00017-00004736-00004959 i will ascend JXbxq4L6m4Y-00018-00004960-00005054 blade JXbxq4L6m4Y-00019-00005055-00005199 or bullet JXbxq4L6m4Y-00020-00005200-00005583 fist JXbxq4L6m4Y-00021-00005584-00005895 spear stone or arrow JXbxq4L6m4Y-00022-00005896-00006254 these are merely tools JXbxq4L6m4Y-00023-00006255-00006334 i JXbxq4L6m4Y-00024-00006335-00006646 am the one to fear JXbxq4L6m4Y-00025-00006647-00006942 the whole ronin thing with the JXbxq4L6m4Y-00026-00006943-00007431 quad nods yeah whoa JXbxq4L6m4Y-00027-00007431-00007623 watching pc players jealous that was JXbxq4L6m4Y-00028-00007623-00007998 pretty uh JXbxq4L6m4Y-00029-00008000-00008159 that was pretty cool JXbxq4L6m4Y-00030-00008159-00008607 i can't lie that was uh JXbxq4L6m4Y-00031-00008608-00008903 that was pretty legit JXbxq4L6m4Y-00032-00008904-00009119 all right well as soon as i get more JXbxq4L6m4Y-00033-00009120-00009439 videos the live stream is still going on JXbxq4L6m4Y-00034-00009440-00009631 and um JXbxq4L6m4Y-00035-00009632-00009783 as soon as they start pumping out more JXbxq4L6m4Y-00036-00009784-00009974 videos i'll kind of hop in and react to JXbxq4L6m4Y-00037-00009975-00010206 them but thank you guys for stopping by JXbxq4L6m4Y-00038-00010207-00010446 if you did like what you see JXbxq4L6m4Y-00039-00010447-00010623 um leave a like JXbxq4L6m4Y-00040-00010624-00010806 comment if there's anything else you JXbxq4L6m4Y-00041-00010807-00011046 would like to see and then uh subscribe JXbxq4L6m4Y-00042-00011047-00011191 so i can keep doing this kind of stuff JXbxq4L6m4Y-00043-00011192-00011303 thank you JXbxq4L6m4Y-00044-00011304-00011584 and have a good day Jc1361lX-Ug-00000-00000038-00000332 live from Las Vegas Jc1361lX-Ug-00001-00000333-00000836 it's the cube covering VMworld 2017 Jc1361lX-Ug-00002-00000836-00001085 brought to you by VMware and its Jc1361lX-Ug-00003-00001086-00001748 ecosystem partners hey welcome back to Jc1361lX-Ug-00004-00001748-00001934 the cube continuing coverage of VM row Jc1361lX-Ug-00005-00001935-00002227 2017 day two of the event lots of Jc1361lX-Ug-00006-00002228-00002441 exciting conversations that we've had so Jc1361lX-Ug-00007-00002442-00002602 far I'm Lisa Martin with my co-host a Jc1361lX-Ug-00008-00002603-00002957 Volante hey hey we're excited to be Jc1361lX-Ug-00009-00002958-00003158 co-hosting together right of course and Jc1361lX-Ug-00010-00003159-00003497 we have cube alumni Colleen Sanchez vice Jc1361lX-Ug-00011-00003497-00003700 president of IBM enterprise storage Jc1361lX-Ug-00012-00003701-00003922 systems storage excuse me welcome back Jc1361lX-Ug-00013-00003923-00004138 to the cube thank you for inviting me Jc1361lX-Ug-00014-00004139-00004579 it's always great to have ya so talk to Jc1361lX-Ug-00015-00004580-00004697 us we're at vmworld Jc1361lX-Ug-00016-00004698-00005177 day - what's new with IBM and VMware so Jc1361lX-Ug-00017-00005178-00005411 um what was great about working or Jc1361lX-Ug-00018-00005412-00005627 walking through the expo floor is Jc1361lX-Ug-00019-00005628-00005876 hearing conversations about data backup Jc1361lX-Ug-00020-00005877-00006170 like associate with the IBM backup bar Jc1361lX-Ug-00021-00006171-00006460 it's hot they have and also this idea Jc1361lX-Ug-00022-00006461-00007009 that we work to optimize data within the Jc1361lX-Ug-00023-00007011-00007223 entire stack so yeah you have your base Jc1361lX-Ug-00024-00007223-00007471 infrastructure but you layer on top of Jc1361lX-Ug-00025-00007472-00007958 that things that supports the digital Jc1361lX-Ug-00026-00007959-00008291 experience well I use backup so hot I Jc1361lX-Ug-00027-00008292-00008651 know well so my favorite reason is Jc1361lX-Ug-00028-00008652-00009085 because of tape tape allows you to Jc1361lX-Ug-00029-00009086-00009521 cheaply store data so it's like about a Jc1361lX-Ug-00030-00009522-00009878 cent per gig that's a big deal Jc1361lX-Ug-00031-00009879-00010091 and I don't know I I suspect you like Jc1361lX-Ug-00032-00010092-00010399 really good deals on shoes bags etc I Jc1361lX-Ug-00033-00010400-00010637 know I do so and that's what's great Jc1361lX-Ug-00034-00010638-00010862 about tape is it's cost effective as Jc1361lX-Ug-00035-00010863-00011027 well as as a high performer Jc1361lX-Ug-00036-00011028-00011262 high-capacity elements Jc1361lX-Ug-00037-00011263-00011676 we intend to deliver so okay so I buy Jc1361lX-Ug-00038-00011677-00011937 that that's I've always been a been a Jc1361lX-Ug-00039-00011938-00012299 fan of the economic argument for tape Jc1361lX-Ug-00040-00012300-00012555 let me ask another question and see if Jc1361lX-Ug-00041-00012556-00012804 you see this killing there see it seems Jc1361lX-Ug-00042-00012805-00013055 like when virtualization came into vogue Jc1361lX-Ug-00043-00013056-00013310 people had to really check their back up Jc1361lX-Ug-00044-00013311-00013530 for a variety reasons less physical Jc1361lX-Ug-00045-00013531-00013983 resources etc is cloud affecting the way Jc1361lX-Ug-00046-00013984-00014169 in which people think about backup and Jc1361lX-Ug-00047-00014169-00014550 if so how so we support cloud service Jc1361lX-Ug-00048-00014551-00014846 providers assisting with tape if you're Jc1361lX-Ug-00049-00014847-00015087 cost-effective and you can meet certain Jc1361lX-Ug-00050-00015088-00015318 performance and capacity requirements Jc1361lX-Ug-00051-00015319-00015627 well you usually are part of the stack Jc1361lX-Ug-00052-00015628-00015947 associated with the delivery into the Jc1361lX-Ug-00053-00015948-00016137 cloud service provider data centers Jc1361lX-Ug-00054-00016138-00016544 worldwide so all I'm saying is that it's Jc1361lX-Ug-00055-00016545-00016902 relevant it's important that we continue Jc1361lX-Ug-00056-00016903-00017217 to innovate associated with what's Jc1361lX-Ug-00057-00017218-00017610 required with regards to tape well while Jc1361lX-Ug-00058-00017611-00017756 we're on the subject to tape let's let's Jc1361lX-Ug-00059-00017757-00017925 let's carry that through you know the Jc1361lX-Ug-00060-00017926-00018281 conventional wisdom from the spinning Jc1361lX-Ug-00061-00018282-00018425 disk and now the flash guys out tape Jc1361lX-Ug-00062-00018426-00018659 tape is dead I've been hearing tape is Jc1361lX-Ug-00063-00018660-00018878 dead for since I've been in this Jc1361lX-Ug-00064-00018879-00019030 business which is now quite a long time Jc1361lX-Ug-00065-00019031-00019299 what's kept tape alive is obviously the Jc1361lX-Ug-00066-00019300-00019452 economics but it's got to be more than Jc1361lX-Ug-00067-00019453-00019683 that it's got to be easier to use it's Jc1361lX-Ug-00068-00019684-00019805 got to be functional what kind of Jc1361lX-Ug-00069-00019806-00020046 innovations have occurred around tape to Jc1361lX-Ug-00070-00020047-00020228 make it continue to be viable so I would Jc1361lX-Ug-00071-00020229-00020462 say our focus on enhancing spectrum Jc1361lX-Ug-00072-00020463-00020831 archive some it was it used to be called Jc1361lX-Ug-00073-00020832-00021093 a linear tape file system and really Jc1361lX-Ug-00074-00021094-00021633 it's this idea of like a USB for file Jc1361lX-Ug-00075-00021634-00021999 access or data access so we keep working Jc1361lX-Ug-00076-00022000-00022331 on focusing and delivering data access Jc1361lX-Ug-00077-00022332-00022712 patterns that are actually efficient for Jc1361lX-Ug-00078-00022713-00023019 our clients simple to use and we enable Jc1361lX-Ug-00079-00023020-00023340 automation which is been something Jc1361lX-Ug-00080-00023341-00023721 that's great based on ed Walsh's focus Jc1361lX-Ug-00081-00023722-00024015 or strategy for our source portfolio and Jc1361lX-Ug-00082-00024016-00024220 I know you've just heard the red Jc1361lX-Ug-00083-00024221-00024595 - awesome growth quarters within IBM Jc1361lX-Ug-00084-00024596-00024907 storage and our goal is to continue that Jc1361lX-Ug-00085-00024908-00025144 through monetizing our entire portfolio Jc1361lX-Ug-00086-00025145-00025477 greed make a trend I told ed he's that Jc1361lX-Ug-00087-00025478-00025605 come on give me a break Jc1361lX-Ug-00088-00025606-00025908 no but it is ah it is awesome to see you Jc1361lX-Ug-00089-00025910-00026145 know IBM storage business growing again Jc1361lX-Ug-00090-00026147-00026311 and you know hopefully that can can Jc1361lX-Ug-00091-00026312-00026566 continue speaking of innovation and you Jc1361lX-Ug-00092-00026567-00026707 talked about tape and there's you know Jc1361lX-Ug-00093-00026708-00026833 people think tastes been dead for a long Jc1361lX-Ug-00094-00026833-00026995 time but you're talking about it as a Jc1361lX-Ug-00095-00026995-00027232 core component of of cloud strategies Jc1361lX-Ug-00096-00027233-00027322 for businesses Jc1361lX-Ug-00097-00027323-00027664 how has IBM evolved your messaging your Jc1361lX-Ug-00098-00027664-00028000 positioning as technologies have evolved Jc1361lX-Ug-00099-00028001-00028141 and customers are now going we have to Jc1361lX-Ug-00100-00028142-00028383 keep a ton of data Michael Dell talked Jc1361lX-Ug-00101-00028385-00028567 about the importance of updated today Jc1361lX-Ug-00102-00028568-00028798 being at the CEO agenda level talk to us Jc1361lX-Ug-00103-00028799-00028975 about how some of the innovations iBM is Jc1361lX-Ug-00104-00028976-00029350 doing to help customers understand the Jc1361lX-Ug-00105-00029351-00029524 relevance of different types of storage Jc1361lX-Ug-00106-00029525-00029893 according to data growth but also going Jc1361lX-Ug-00107-00029894-00030145 from data centers to centers of data no Jc1361lX-Ug-00108-00030145-00030535 as that a great question so one thing Jc1361lX-Ug-00109-00030536-00030763 that's really interesting in being that Jc1361lX-Ug-00110-00030764-00031087 I'm from the lab we have delivered or Jc1361lX-Ug-00111-00031088-00031339 our intent is to accelerate the entire Jc1361lX-Ug-00112-00031339-00031714 roadmap so that as it relates to tape so Jc1361lX-Ug-00113-00031714-00032035 that we stay ahead of the delivery path Jc1361lX-Ug-00114-00032036-00032308 and meet the requirements based on Jc1361lX-Ug-00115-00032308-00032536 clients worldwide whether their Jc1361lX-Ug-00116-00032537-00032800 scientific clients based on some of the Jc1361lX-Ug-00117-00032801-00033082 advanced data is required as was cloud Jc1361lX-Ug-00118-00033083-00033325 service providers they say hey we're Jc1361lX-Ug-00119-00033326-00033601 expecting you to innovate and deliver as Jc1361lX-Ug-00120-00033602-00033868 quickly as possible and sometimes it's Jc1361lX-Ug-00121-00033869-00034198 like the requests are quite interesting Jc1361lX-Ug-00122-00034199-00034462 and fascinating based on just even the Jc1361lX-Ug-00123-00034463-00034729 digital or the analytics of measuring Jc1361lX-Ug-00124-00034730-00034993 like temperatures and data centers and Jc1361lX-Ug-00125-00034994-00035173 what we're doing with the rocky Jc1361lX-Ug-00126-00035174-00035401 interface based on Ethernet interfaces Jc1361lX-Ug-00127-00035402-00035797 so they're the clients are pushing us Jc1361lX-Ug-00128-00035798-00036002 with regards to improve Jc1361lX-Ug-00129-00036003-00036392 overall and delivering to meet the cloud Jc1361lX-Ug-00130-00036393-00036614 economics that they require as well as Jc1361lX-Ug-00131-00036615-00036954 the attributes of what's changed at IBM Jc1361lX-Ug-00132-00036955-00037205 if anything I think you're I'm inferring Jc1361lX-Ug-00133-00037206-00037404 something's changed because I've always Jc1361lX-Ug-00134-00037405-00037598 said one of the criticisms I've had of Jc1361lX-Ug-00135-00037599-00037773 IBM storage is it's the pace with which Jc1361lX-Ug-00136-00037774-00037976 it was able to get products out of Jc1361lX-Ug-00137-00037977-00038168 engineering into the marketplace and Jc1361lX-Ug-00138-00038169-00038393 that pace has accelerated quite Jc1361lX-Ug-00139-00038394-00038532 dramatically I don't know if it's new Jc1361lX-Ug-00140-00038533-00038717 leadership you know you mentioned at Jc1361lX-Ug-00141-00038718-00038993 Walsh before or there's been a change in Jc1361lX-Ug-00142-00038994-00039380 the philosophy am I dreaming or have I Jc1361lX-Ug-00143-00039381-00039686 noticed so when we're talking about Jc1361lX-Ug-00144-00039687-00039974 development or delivery we're so much Jc1361lX-Ug-00145-00039975-00040471 more agile that we really work to reduce Jc1361lX-Ug-00146-00040472-00040865 the complexity of delivery and/or Jc1361lX-Ug-00147-00040866-00041132 delivering major functions or complex Jc1361lX-Ug-00148-00041133-00041567 things to more simple and getting client Jc1361lX-Ug-00149-00041568-00041870 input like sooner and partner employed Jc1361lX-Ug-00150-00041871-00042135 sooner than later was in previously it Jc1361lX-Ug-00151-00042136-00042530 was like we worked for like over a year Jc1361lX-Ug-00152-00042531-00042729 sometimes on technologies or Jc1361lX-Ug-00153-00042730-00043023 advancements and you know it would take Jc1361lX-Ug-00154-00043024-00043313 a while for those clients to then adopt Jc1361lX-Ug-00155-00043314-00043619 now we have to deliver something a heck Jc1361lX-Ug-00156-00043620-00043793 of a lot faster than we had done before Jc1361lX-Ug-00157-00043794-00044021 and our customers part of that Jc1361lX-Ug-00158-00044022-00044237 innovation process it sounds like a big Jc1361lX-Ug-00159-00044238-00044532 change which we're big so to where it's Jc1361lX-Ug-00160-00044533-00044795 like historically we always talked about Jc1361lX-Ug-00161-00044796-00045060 betas now we're talking about alphas and Jc1361lX-Ug-00162-00045061-00045380 these some of these original demos in Jc1361lX-Ug-00163-00045381-00045668 order to grow understanding of the use Jc1361lX-Ug-00164-00045669-00045923 case in the very early phases and Jc1361lX-Ug-00165-00045924-00046211 usually we did not have those type of Jc1361lX-Ug-00166-00046212-00046427 discussions prior at least in my Jc1361lX-Ug-00167-00046428-00046658 experience but now it's like it's a Jc1361lX-Ug-00168-00046659-00046961 requirement so with new leadership is a Jc1361lX-Ug-00169-00046962-00047273 component as we discuss but also this Jc1361lX-Ug-00170-00047274-00047492 idea of really focused agility Jc1361lX-Ug-00171-00047493-00047723 delivering to the marketplace faster Jc1361lX-Ug-00172-00047724-00047927 listening to our clients so that means Jc1361lX-Ug-00173-00047928-00048101 improvement based on how we go to market Jc1361lX-Ug-00174-00048102-00048413 as well because it's important that we Jc1361lX-Ug-00175-00048414-00048686 deliver value to our clients or we're Jc1361lX-Ug-00176-00048687-00048992 not relevant we were talking earlier too Jc1361lX-Ug-00177-00048993-00049295 another guest a competitive company but Jc1361lX-Ug-00178-00049296-00049412 and we were talking about the anatomy of Jc1361lX-Ug-00179-00049413-00049631 a transaction and he's anybody going Jc1361lX-Ug-00180-00049632-00049754 through it and at one point he said it Jc1361lX-Ug-00181-00049755-00049892 hits the mainframe and an associative Jc1361lX-Ug-00182-00049893-00050189 database and he said and that's okay so Jc1361lX-Ug-00183-00050190-00050426 we know the mainframe live and well Jc1361lX-Ug-00184-00050427-00050630 we've done a bunch of cube activities we Jc1361lX-Ug-00185-00050631-00050972 were there at the z13 launch and at that Jc1361lX-Ug-00186-00050973-00051203 the Jazz at Lincoln which was a great Jc1361lX-Ug-00187-00051204-00051509 event and so give us the update on Jc1361lX-Ug-00188-00051510-00051620 what's happening there you guys have Jc1361lX-Ug-00189-00051621-00051782 made some new announcements they're a Jc1361lX-Ug-00190-00051783-00052127 new ds8 thousand class systems new Z Jc1361lX-Ug-00191-00052128-00052310 systems what's going on at that Jc1361lX-Ug-00192-00052311-00052525 transaction world so I would say two Jc1361lX-Ug-00193-00052526-00052792 actually three major things that are Jc1361lX-Ug-00194-00052794-00053045 part of that announcement to collaborate Jc1361lX-Ug-00195-00053046-00053296 with Z is improvement based on Jc1361lX-Ug-00196-00053297-00053597 modernizing our service support Jc1361lX-Ug-00197-00053598-00053903 structure which is like remote code load Jc1361lX-Ug-00198-00053904-00054194 things like that so that we can have Jc1361lX-Ug-00199-00054195-00054608 experts remotely via control center help Jc1361lX-Ug-00200-00054609-00055004 client load latest levels of code as Jc1361lX-Ug-00201-00055004-00055265 well as new feature function the second Jc1361lX-Ug-00202-00055266-00055475 element that I would say is lead with Jc1361lX-Ug-00203-00055476-00055796 flash so we've optimized flash storage Jc1361lX-Ug-00204-00055797-00056045 that complements specifically some of Jc1361lX-Ug-00205-00056046-00056395 the z/os the system Z workload which is Jc1361lX-Ug-00206-00056396-00056605 significant for us to deliver to the Jc1361lX-Ug-00207-00056607-00056888 marketplace as well and then third is Jc1361lX-Ug-00208-00056889-00057299 this idea of Z hyperlink Z hyperlink is Jc1361lX-Ug-00209-00057300-00057662 this idea of like sync i/o it's a Jc1361lX-Ug-00210-00057663-00057953 different structure that yes it will Jc1361lX-Ug-00211-00057954-00058163 take awhile for adoption we have a Jc1361lX-Ug-00212-00058164-00058429 number of our alphas that are working in Jc1361lX-Ug-00213-00058430-00058688 partnership with us the solution well Jc1361lX-Ug-00214-00058689-00058886 we're going to be doing replication and Jc1361lX-Ug-00215-00058887-00059096 also some of the i/o streams differently Jc1361lX-Ug-00216-00059097-00059435 than we had in the past question for you Jc1361lX-Ug-00217-00059436-00059639 on the alphas yeah from the business Jc1361lX-Ug-00218-00059640-00059798 perspective since so much has changed Jc1361lX-Ug-00219-00059799-00060008 lots of announcements just in the last Jc1361lX-Ug-00220-00060009-00060437 36 hours as technology changes rapidly Jc1361lX-Ug-00221-00060438-00060728 and software and tech companies are like Jc1361lX-Ug-00222-00060729-00060860 you said you know poised to deliver Jc1361lX-Ug-00223-00060861-00061180 agility faster when you're talking with Jc1361lX-Ug-00224-00061182-00061342 alphas as you said kind of in the Jc1361lX-Ug-00225-00061344-00061529 nascent stages of a use case being Jc1361lX-Ug-00226-00061529-00061705 developed what are some of the key Jc1361lX-Ug-00227-00061707-00062079 business metrics that your alpha client Jc1361lX-Ug-00228-00062080-00062275 or articulating to you that if we when Jc1361lX-Ug-00229-00062276-00062505 we get to X stage of this alpha we need Jc1361lX-Ug-00230-00062507-00062716 to be able to demonstrate X Y Z back to Jc1361lX-Ug-00231-00062716-00062989 the business you know thinking of cost Jc1361lX-Ug-00232-00062990-00063274 reductions resource allocations faster Jc1361lX-Ug-00233-00063275-00063416 time-to-market what are some of those Jc1361lX-Ug-00234-00063417-00063649 business KPIs that you're hearing from Jc1361lX-Ug-00235-00063650-00063904 your clients yeah so I would see its Jc1361lX-Ug-00236-00063904-00064147 price performance as well as capacity Jc1361lX-Ug-00237-00064148-00064420 based on the amount of data growth so Jc1361lX-Ug-00238-00064421-00064594 those three things are fundamental Jc1361lX-Ug-00239-00064595-00064840 components that come up quite often now Jc1361lX-Ug-00240-00064841-00065125 it usually is made very clear to us that Jc1361lX-Ug-00241-00065126-00065497 things like security like quality that's Jc1361lX-Ug-00242-00065498-00065758 job one that's table stakes like if we Jc1361lX-Ug-00243-00065759-00065947 want to have find I mean we'll just Jc1361lX-Ug-00244-00065948-00066127 assume there's going to be this nice Jc1361lX-Ug-00245-00066128-00066430 like handkerchief as well as tablecloth Jc1361lX-Ug-00246-00066431-00066667 well security and quality are just Jc1361lX-Ug-00247-00066668-00066934 fundamental so they want to think about Jc1361lX-Ug-00248-00066935-00067171 those things less because they're just Jc1361lX-Ug-00249-00067172-00067414 naturally being delivered via whatever Jc1361lX-Ug-00250-00067415-00067648 technology were putting out or Jc1361lX-Ug-00251-00067649-00067867 delivering from the lab all right let's Jc1361lX-Ug-00252-00067868-00068110 bring it back to VMworld we're here Jc1361lX-Ug-00253-00068111-00068365 VMware vmworld what do you guys got Jc1361lX-Ug-00254-00068366-00068572 going here what's the relevance of all Jc1361lX-Ug-00255-00068573-00068794 the activity that you have going to this Jc1361lX-Ug-00256-00068795-00069073 event so what's great about the event is Jc1361lX-Ug-00257-00069074-00069361 we have the data backup far this is Suzy Jc1361lX-Ug-00258-00069362-00069514 with what we're doing with spectrum Jc1361lX-Ug-00259-00069515-00069877 protect Plus what I personally like and Jc1361lX-Ug-00260-00069878-00070342 love about the spectrum protect Plus is Jc1361lX-Ug-00261-00070343-00070639 simplicity it's like delivering this Jc1361lX-Ug-00262-00070640-00070897 idea of usability which is important Jc1361lX-Ug-00263-00070898-00071101 because we received feedback from our Jc1361lX-Ug-00264-00071102-00071332 clients in very early stages on how we Jc1361lX-Ug-00265-00071333-00071686 deliver so we have a data backup bar to Jc1361lX-Ug-00266-00071687-00071869 discuss some of that technology and Jc1361lX-Ug-00267-00071870-00072066 actually run through specific demos Jc1361lX-Ug-00268-00072067-00072490 which I think it's great because we get Jc1361lX-Ug-00269-00072491-00072865 feedback out on the floor immediately to Jc1361lX-Ug-00270-00072866-00073054 ensure that we're improving the other Jc1361lX-Ug-00271-00073055-00073324 aspect of of our booths is discussing Jc1361lX-Ug-00272-00073325-00073552 like things some of the fundamental Jc1361lX-Ug-00273-00073553-00073750 infrastructure just like we talked Jc1361lX-Ug-00274-00073751-00074086 previously on tape as well as DSA Jc1361lX-Ug-00275-00074087-00074329 thousand because DSA thousand is not Jc1361lX-Ug-00276-00074330-00074659 only a mainframe attached but it's it's Jc1361lX-Ug-00277-00074660-00074788 attachment agnostic Jc1361lX-Ug-00278-00074789-00075193 so we support aspects of distributed Jc1361lX-Ug-00279-00075194-00075496 storage as well support and since we Jc1361lX-Ug-00280-00075497-00075813 have some of the VMware enhancements Jc1361lX-Ug-00281-00075814-00076147 that will allow us to more efficiently Jc1361lX-Ug-00282-00076148-00076429 capture or reclaim data in thin Jc1361lX-Ug-00283-00076430-00076711 provisioned volumes and VMware has been Jc1361lX-Ug-00284-00076712-00076954 fundamental in partnering with us to Jc1361lX-Ug-00285-00076955-00077244 deliver so continued go-to-market Jc1361lX-Ug-00286-00077245-00077532 approaches with with VMware on the on Jc1361lX-Ug-00287-00077533-00077878 the backup side also on the the cloud Jc1361lX-Ug-00288-00077879-00078322 foundation side for IBM yes excellent we Jc1361lX-Ug-00289-00078323-00078454 thank you so much for stopping by the Jc1361lX-Ug-00290-00078455-00078688 cube again and sharing your thoughts on Jc1361lX-Ug-00291-00078689-00078801 what's going on in the industry and how Jc1361lX-Ug-00292-00078802-00079060 IBM is moving forward with respect to Jc1361lX-Ug-00293-00079061-00079210 innovation and working with clients Jc1361lX-Ug-00294-00079211-00079401 together all right wonderful Thank You Jc1361lX-Ug-00295-00079402-00079626 Killeen and I for my co-host a Volante Jc1361lX-Ug-00296-00079627-00079762 I'm Lisa Martin stick around you're Jc1361lX-Ug-00297-00079763-00079978 watching day 2 of the cubes coverage of Jc1361lX-Ug-00298-00079979-00080991 the Emerald 2017 and we'll be right back Jc1361lX-Ug-00299-00080992-00081298 [Music] JddtNfRcbPI-00000-00000000-00000394 [Music] JddtNfRcbPI-00001-00000395-00000680 people often mistakenly call gulls JddtNfRcbPI-00002-00000681-00001010 seagulls well it's a misnomer JddtNfRcbPI-00003-00001011-00001241 seagulls aren't always found at sea in JddtNfRcbPI-00004-00001242-00001370 fact sometimes you'll find them in a JddtNfRcbPI-00005-00001371-00001562 harbor or a bay in which case it would JddtNfRcbPI-00006-00001563-00001979 be called bagels another salt even fun JddtNfRcbPI-00007-00001980-00002467 fact JddtNfRcbPI-00008-00002468-00003311 [Music] JeZllPnRphu-00000-00000064-00000327 this is math 151 and JeZllPnRphu-00001-00000328-00000534 man things are going to get good now so JeZllPnRphu-00002-00000535-00000655 we're going to JeZllPnRphu-00003-00000656-00000894 talk about uh derivatives of inverse JeZllPnRphu-00004-00000896-00001070 functions JeZllPnRphu-00005-00001071-00001247 so just a little reminder about inverse JeZllPnRphu-00006-00001248-00001423 functions if i have some function JeZllPnRphu-00007-00001424-00001743 f of x the notation JeZllPnRphu-00008-00001744-00001934 f inverse looks like f to a negative one JeZllPnRphu-00009-00001935-00002142 power f inverse of x JeZllPnRphu-00010-00002143-00002359 is its inverse these are inverses JeZllPnRphu-00011-00002360-00002607 remember inverses JeZllPnRphu-00012-00002608-00002895 they undo each other so in other words JeZllPnRphu-00013-00002896-00003110 if i had this JeZllPnRphu-00014-00003111-00003415 machine called f and let's say i plug a JeZllPnRphu-00015-00003415-00003783 7 into it it spits out a 3. JeZllPnRphu-00016-00003784-00004079 there is a machine hopefully that undoes JeZllPnRphu-00017-00004079-00004143 it JeZllPnRphu-00018-00004144-00004479 f inverse of x in other words if i plug JeZllPnRphu-00019-00004480-00004638 a 3 into this JeZllPnRphu-00020-00004639-00004895 i get a 7 back notice how the function JeZllPnRphu-00021-00004896-00004951 goes JeZllPnRphu-00022-00004952-00005175 this way and the inverse goes that way JeZllPnRphu-00023-00005176-00005295 they're both functions JeZllPnRphu-00024-00005296-00005606 it's just they both undo each other and JeZllPnRphu-00025-00005607-00005838 an implication for that JeZllPnRphu-00026-00005839-00006191 is that f of f inverse of JeZllPnRphu-00027-00006192-00006583 x is x JeZllPnRphu-00028-00006584-00006919 f inverse of f of x JeZllPnRphu-00029-00006920-00007263 is x so in other words like this example JeZllPnRphu-00030-00007264-00007478 right here if i if i plug three JeZllPnRphu-00031-00007479-00007767 into f of x i get seven and if i plug JeZllPnRphu-00032-00007768-00007942 that seven into f i get the three back i JeZllPnRphu-00033-00007943-00008151 get my original input back JeZllPnRphu-00034-00008152-00008304 because they undo each other JeZllPnRphu-00035-00008305-00008551 [Music] JeZllPnRphu-00036-00008552-00008919 so i'm going to have some function f JeZllPnRphu-00037-00008920-00009214 and just for notations sake i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00038-00009215-00009359 let some other function that i'm going JeZllPnRphu-00039-00009360-00009423 to call g JeZllPnRphu-00040-00009424-00009727 be its inverse so g is the inverse of f JeZllPnRphu-00041-00009728-00009823 f and g JeZllPnRphu-00042-00009824-00010031 undo each other so remember that means JeZllPnRphu-00043-00010032-00010127 if i go f JeZllPnRphu-00044-00010128-00010463 of g of x i get x back JeZllPnRphu-00045-00010464-00010727 plug x into g plug that answer into f it JeZllPnRphu-00046-00010728-00010951 undoes it i get the x back JeZllPnRphu-00047-00010952-00011287 so i know then also JeZllPnRphu-00048-00011288-00011614 of f of x is x JeZllPnRphu-00049-00011615-00011759 right it doesn't matter what order i do JeZllPnRphu-00050-00011760-00011927 it they they undo each other JeZllPnRphu-00051-00011928-00012119 and so now i'm going to build on this so JeZllPnRphu-00052-00012120-00012238 g of f of x JeZllPnRphu-00053-00012239-00012551 is x if i plug x into f plug that in j JeZllPnRphu-00054-00012552-00012678 get x back JeZllPnRphu-00055-00012679-00012815 i'm going to take the derivative of both JeZllPnRphu-00056-00012816-00013135 sides JeZllPnRphu-00057-00013136-00013286 so on the right hand side the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00058-00013287-00013494 of x is just one right like x to the JeZllPnRphu-00059-00013495-00013679 first tower bring it down reduce by one JeZllPnRphu-00060-00013680-00013863 one times x to the zero JeZllPnRphu-00061-00013863-00014135 now on the left hand side i've got a JeZllPnRphu-00062-00014136-00014238 chain rule JeZllPnRphu-00063-00014240-00014566 f is inside of g derivative of the JeZllPnRphu-00064-00014568-00014879 outside function of what it's taking JeZllPnRphu-00065-00014880-00015094 was being input into it now i've taken JeZllPnRphu-00066-00015095-00015263 the derivative of the g now i take the JeZllPnRphu-00067-00015263-00015447 input of what's uh the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00068-00015447-00015799 of the input times JeZllPnRphu-00069-00015800-00015958 this is just some value this is some JeZllPnRphu-00070-00015959-00016166 value so notice one thing that i can do JeZllPnRphu-00071-00016168-00016207 here JeZllPnRphu-00072-00016208-00016413 is i can divide both sides JeZllPnRphu-00073-00016414-00016622 [Music] JeZllPnRphu-00074-00016623-00016927 and what that gives me is the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00075-00016928-00017263 of f is 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00076-00017264-00017879 the derivative of g of f of x JeZllPnRphu-00077-00017880-00018167 that right there is a relationship i'm JeZllPnRphu-00078-00018168-00018311 going to hinge a lot of JeZllPnRphu-00079-00018312-00018919 today's lecture on JeZllPnRphu-00080-00018920-00019103 so here what i did was i just JeZllPnRphu-00081-00019104-00019271 substituted back in JeZllPnRphu-00082-00019272-00019614 g derivative g is the inverse of JeZllPnRphu-00083-00019615-00019791 f so the derivative of g is the JeZllPnRphu-00084-00019792-00019983 derivative of the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00085-00019984-00020271 of f it's a lot to keep track of here so JeZllPnRphu-00086-00020272-00020367 this is what JeZllPnRphu-00087-00020368-00020614 uh this is telling me the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00088-00020615-00020830 a function JeZllPnRphu-00089-00020831-00021191 is one over the function plugged into JeZllPnRphu-00090-00021192-00021519 the derivative of its inverse JeZllPnRphu-00091-00021520-00021855 uh similarly since f JeZllPnRphu-00092-00021856-00022039 and f inverses are inverses of each JeZllPnRphu-00093-00022040-00022822 other i could say JeZllPnRphu-00094-00022823-00023183 a function's derivative is equal to the JeZllPnRphu-00095-00023184-00023286 reciprocal JeZllPnRphu-00096-00023287-00023527 that means just one divided by the JeZllPnRphu-00097-00023528-00023791 reciprocal of itself JeZllPnRphu-00098-00023792-00024014 plugged into the derivative of its JeZllPnRphu-00099-00024015-00024135 inverse JeZllPnRphu-00100-00024136-00024286 and similarly this is saying the same JeZllPnRphu-00101-00024287-00024439 thing the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00102-00024440-00024647 of the inverse of a function is the JeZllPnRphu-00103-00024648-00024799 reciprocal JeZllPnRphu-00104-00024800-00025103 of itself right itself JeZllPnRphu-00105-00025104-00025622 being the inverse plugged into JeZllPnRphu-00106-00025623-00025902 the derivative of the function so what JeZllPnRphu-00107-00025904-00026078 you say JeZllPnRphu-00108-00026079-00026335 well it actually gives us a bit of power JeZllPnRphu-00109-00026336-00026999 it's just another derivative tool for us JeZllPnRphu-00110-00027000-00027158 so what i want to do is find the JeZllPnRphu-00111-00027160-00027535 derivative of g JeZllPnRphu-00112-00027536-00027902 the derivative of it is itself JeZllPnRphu-00113-00027904-00028151 plugged into the derivative of its JeZllPnRphu-00114-00028152-00028246 inverse JeZllPnRphu-00115-00028247-00028470 1 divided by that i'm just going to tell JeZllPnRphu-00116-00028472-00028631 you that the inverse of JeZllPnRphu-00117-00028632-00029007 this is 2 over x minus 1. JeZllPnRphu-00118-00029008-00029135 that would have been an exercise from JeZllPnRphu-00119-00029136-00029479 like 141 or 142. i forget which class JeZllPnRphu-00120-00029480-00029814 the derivative of the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00121-00029816-00030167 well this is a quotient so it would be JeZllPnRphu-00122-00030168-00030374 if i write it out derivative of the JeZllPnRphu-00123-00030375-00030574 numerator JeZllPnRphu-00124-00030575-00030911 minus derivative JeZllPnRphu-00125-00030912-00031367 of the denominator times the numerator JeZllPnRphu-00126-00031368-00031670 over the denominator squared JeZllPnRphu-00127-00031672-00032007 so the derivative of uh JeZllPnRphu-00128-00032008-00032343 of a constant is zero so that's JeZllPnRphu-00129-00032344-00032702 that's just a 0 there and the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00130-00032703-00032823 of x is 1 JeZllPnRphu-00131-00032824-00033015 so this is negative 1 times 2 so JeZllPnRphu-00132-00033016-00033167 negative 2 up here JeZllPnRphu-00133-00033168-00033455 over x minus 1 squared all right so we JeZllPnRphu-00134-00033456-00033639 have all our pieces we have JeZllPnRphu-00135-00033640-00034007 the derivative of the inverse boom JeZllPnRphu-00136-00034008-00034295 and we have the function itself so JeZllPnRphu-00137-00034296-00034351 notice JeZllPnRphu-00138-00034352-00034727 the derivative of the function is 1 JeZllPnRphu-00139-00034728-00035262 over i'm going to plug the function JeZllPnRphu-00140-00035263-00035462 itself JeZllPnRphu-00141-00035463-00035702 into the derivative of the inverse right JeZllPnRphu-00142-00035703-00035846 so that x right there JeZllPnRphu-00143-00035847-00036095 is my input spot so i'm just going to JeZllPnRphu-00144-00036096-00036215 highlight i'm going to do this in a JeZllPnRphu-00145-00036216-00036343 different color just so you can kind of JeZllPnRphu-00146-00036344-00036483 see it JeZllPnRphu-00147-00036484-00036774 so g inverse the derivative of g JeZllPnRphu-00148-00036775-00037127 inverse is negative 2 over JeZllPnRphu-00149-00037128-00037446 some input minus 1 squared JeZllPnRphu-00150-00037447-00037783 and my input is the original JeZllPnRphu-00151-00037784-00038174 function so x plus 2 JeZllPnRphu-00152-00038175-00038567 over x so i have this big compound JeZllPnRphu-00153-00038568-00038630 function JeZllPnRphu-00154-00038631-00038943 to deal with so 1 JeZllPnRphu-00155-00038944-00039287 over and let me JeZllPnRphu-00156-00039288-00039607 mess around this so um i'm going to add JeZllPnRphu-00157-00039608-00039887 these together x minus x plus 2 over x JeZllPnRphu-00158-00039888-00039974 minus 1. JeZllPnRphu-00159-00039975-00040118 i need a common denominator which would JeZllPnRphu-00160-00040119-00040327 be x over x JeZllPnRphu-00161-00040328-00040767 so 1 is x over x so this would be JeZllPnRphu-00162-00040768-00041079 x plus 2 minus x JeZllPnRphu-00163-00041080-00041630 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00164-00041631-00042079 x minus x is 0. so this is 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00165-00042080-00042502 negative 2 over JeZllPnRphu-00166-00042503-00042895 2 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00167-00042896-00043390 and 2 over x squared is 4 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00168-00043391-00043711 and now let me think about this this is JeZllPnRphu-00169-00043712-00043902 negative 2 JeZllPnRphu-00170-00043903-00044246 divided by 4 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00171-00044247-00044399 so that'd be the same as negative 2 JeZllPnRphu-00172-00044400-00044623 times x over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00173-00044624-00044895 over 4. those cancel out so this would JeZllPnRphu-00174-00044896-00045015 be JeZllPnRphu-00175-00045016-00045167 there's a 2 there so that would be x JeZllPnRphu-00176-00045168-00045527 squared negative x squared over 2. JeZllPnRphu-00177-00045528-00045887 and that is under the 1 still so it's 1 JeZllPnRphu-00178-00045888-00046335 over negative x squared over 2. JeZllPnRphu-00179-00046336-00046671 so then if i uh you know it's 1 divided JeZllPnRphu-00180-00046672-00046815 by that so if i take the reciprocal of JeZllPnRphu-00181-00046816-00046846 that JeZllPnRphu-00182-00046847-00047151 it's negative 2 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00183-00047152-00047455 wow that's a bear getting there right so JeZllPnRphu-00184-00047456-00047502 this is JeZllPnRphu-00185-00047503-00047751 not the way i would find find the JeZllPnRphu-00186-00047752-00047815 derivative JeZllPnRphu-00187-00047816-00047958 of this i could just use the quotient JeZllPnRphu-00188-00047959-00048199 rule and i'll get the same answer JeZllPnRphu-00189-00048200-00048367 but i wanted to show you this JeZllPnRphu-00190-00048368-00049102 relationship and and how it works JeZllPnRphu-00191-00049103-00049295 so here's a little application for this JeZllPnRphu-00192-00049296-00049423 um JeZllPnRphu-00193-00049424-00049767 h of x is the cube root of x JeZllPnRphu-00194-00049768-00050118 and we want to find uh the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00195-00050119-00050246 whoops not the inverse we want to find JeZllPnRphu-00196-00050247-00050655 the derivative of that JeZllPnRphu-00197-00050656-00050951 so we actually um haven't talked about JeZllPnRphu-00198-00050952-00051207 how do we do a square root or cube root JeZllPnRphu-00199-00051208-00051438 with derivatives um and this will JeZllPnRphu-00200-00051439-00051638 actually lead to JeZllPnRphu-00201-00051639-00051950 a shortcut a shortcut a relationship i JeZllPnRphu-00202-00051951-00052135 should say JeZllPnRphu-00203-00052136-00052479 so i know that JeZllPnRphu-00204-00052479-00052750 the derivative of a function is the same JeZllPnRphu-00205-00052751-00052807 as 1 JeZllPnRphu-00206-00052808-00053063 over i'm thinking about this it's JeZllPnRphu-00207-00053064-00053223 inverses derivative JeZllPnRphu-00208-00053224-00053623 with itself plugged into it JeZllPnRphu-00209-00053624-00053959 so let's see if h of x is the cube root JeZllPnRphu-00210-00053960-00054087 of x JeZllPnRphu-00211-00054088-00054319 it's inverse the thing that undoes cube JeZllPnRphu-00212-00054320-00054430 rooting JeZllPnRphu-00213-00054432-00054807 is cubing and i know how to find the JeZllPnRphu-00214-00054808-00055094 derivative of that JeZllPnRphu-00215-00055095-00055230 just that power rule bring down the JeZllPnRphu-00216-00055232-00055526 three uh reduce the JeZllPnRphu-00217-00055527-00055759 exponent by one if i wanted to find this JeZllPnRphu-00218-00055760-00055847 it would be one JeZllPnRphu-00219-00055848-00056263 over so i'm going to plug this JeZllPnRphu-00220-00056264-00056566 h of x into JeZllPnRphu-00221-00056567-00056959 the derivative of its inverse so 3 times JeZllPnRphu-00222-00056960-00057182 some input squared my input happens to JeZllPnRphu-00223-00057183-00057287 be the cube root JeZllPnRphu-00224-00057288-00057719 of x now cube roots JeZllPnRphu-00225-00057720-00057991 can be expressed as fractional exponents JeZllPnRphu-00226-00057991-00058150 like x to the one-third JeZllPnRphu-00227-00058151-00058303 means cube root so i'm going to rewrite JeZllPnRphu-00228-00058304-00058703 this as x to the one-third power JeZllPnRphu-00229-00058704-00059150 so this is the same as one over three JeZllPnRphu-00230-00059151-00059350 power to a power you can just multiply x JeZllPnRphu-00231-00059351-00059607 to the two thirds JeZllPnRphu-00232-00059608-00059894 there's two ways i can express this um JeZllPnRphu-00233-00059895-00059935 one JeZllPnRphu-00234-00059936-00060206 over three this x is being squared JeZllPnRphu-00235-00060207-00060287 that's what the JeZllPnRphu-00236-00060288-00060494 the two in the numerator tells me and JeZllPnRphu-00237-00060495-00060630 cube rooted JeZllPnRphu-00238-00060632-00060847 i could write it like that or i could JeZllPnRphu-00239-00060848-00061126 just write it as JeZllPnRphu-00240-00061127-00061487 one-third x to the negative two-thirds JeZllPnRphu-00241-00061488-00061799 remember the negative uh means divide by JeZllPnRphu-00242-00061800-00061935 that so it pushes it down to the JeZllPnRphu-00243-00061936-00062191 denominator JeZllPnRphu-00244-00062191-00062399 that's that i could do this again with JeZllPnRphu-00245-00062400-00062606 like a a different power let's do it JeZllPnRphu-00246-00062607-00062806 with the seventh JeZllPnRphu-00247-00062807-00063054 seventh root of x what times itself JeZllPnRphu-00248-00063055-00063206 seven times will give you x is what JeZllPnRphu-00249-00063207-00063391 that's asking JeZllPnRphu-00250-00063391-00063806 well we're going to use that JeZllPnRphu-00251-00063807-00063935 we're going to use that inverse JeZllPnRphu-00252-00063936-00064294 relationship so JeZllPnRphu-00253-00064295-00064694 the derivative of the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00254-00064695-00064871 with the original function plugged into JeZllPnRphu-00255-00064872-00065063 it right 1 over that JeZllPnRphu-00256-00065064-00065430 the reciprocal of that so if j of x JeZllPnRphu-00257-00065432-00065882 is the root 7 of x it's JeZllPnRphu-00258-00065883-00066271 inverse is x to the seventh JeZllPnRphu-00259-00066272-00066638 the derivative of the inverse power rule JeZllPnRphu-00260-00066639-00066999 7x to the sixth so again what we're JeZllPnRphu-00261-00067000-00067143 going to do is we're going to take JeZllPnRphu-00262-00067144-00067582 the original function and plug it into JeZllPnRphu-00263-00067583-00067943 the derivative of the inverse one over JeZllPnRphu-00264-00067944-00068150 seven times some input to the sixth JeZllPnRphu-00265-00068151-00068271 power JeZllPnRphu-00266-00068272-00068455 the input happens to be the original JeZllPnRphu-00267-00068456-00068671 function so JeZllPnRphu-00268-00068672-00068838 again i could write this as x to the 1 JeZllPnRphu-00269-00068839-00069287 7th right this is the same as that JeZllPnRphu-00270-00069288-00069623 so this would be 1 over 7 JeZllPnRphu-00271-00069624-00070111 x to the 6 7 power JeZllPnRphu-00272-00070112-00070359 which is the same as 1 7 times x to the JeZllPnRphu-00273-00070360-00070919 negative 6 7. JeZllPnRphu-00274-00070920-00071079 this extends our power rule for us JeZllPnRphu-00275-00071080-00071350 notice when we had had JeZllPnRphu-00276-00071351-00071879 j of x was x to the one-seventh JeZllPnRphu-00277-00071880-00072279 the inverse of it was one-seventh JeZllPnRphu-00278-00072280-00072711 x to the negative six-sevenths JeZllPnRphu-00279-00072712-00072871 you know in our power rule we go like JeZllPnRphu-00280-00072872-00073079 bring it down and then subtract one from JeZllPnRphu-00281-00073080-00073471 it it being the um the exponent JeZllPnRphu-00282-00073472-00073694 it's the same thing here this inverse JeZllPnRphu-00283-00073695-00073935 like the the one-seventh gets multiplied JeZllPnRphu-00284-00073936-00074119 by the x and then here we have JeZllPnRphu-00285-00074120-00074303 the original minus one which is negative JeZllPnRphu-00286-00074304-00074559 6 7. this will true for this will work JeZllPnRphu-00287-00074560-00074719 for any rational JeZllPnRphu-00288-00074720-00075094 exponent so like if i had like JeZllPnRphu-00289-00075095-00075438 uh the 15th root of x JeZllPnRphu-00290-00075439-00075767 x to the 1 15 sorry JeZllPnRphu-00291-00075768-00075975 that should have been derivative the JeZllPnRphu-00292-00075976-00076223 derivative of it JeZllPnRphu-00293-00076224-00076535 is bring it down and then reduce this by JeZllPnRphu-00294-00076536-00076711 one JeZllPnRphu-00295-00076712-00076911 great so now i can deal with derivatives JeZllPnRphu-00296-00076912-00077103 of roots i have a shortcut and it came JeZllPnRphu-00297-00077104-00077406 out of this this inverse derivatives of JeZllPnRphu-00298-00077407-00078262 the inverse functions relationship JeZllPnRphu-00299-00078263-00078423 so let's use what we know to find the JeZllPnRphu-00300-00078424-00078694 derivative of this the square root JeZllPnRphu-00301-00078695-00079023 of eight t minus nine so first off JeZllPnRphu-00302-00079024-00079423 i'm going to think of eight t minus nine JeZllPnRphu-00303-00079424-00079735 to the one half as the way i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00304-00079736-00079879 represent that JeZllPnRphu-00305-00079880-00080150 so now i have a chain rule right i have JeZllPnRphu-00306-00080151-00080375 something to the one half power JeZllPnRphu-00307-00080376-00080511 so i'm going to take first off the JeZllPnRphu-00308-00080512-00080671 derivative of the something to the one JeZllPnRphu-00309-00080672-00080806 half power so JeZllPnRphu-00310-00080807-00081215 one half the thing JeZllPnRphu-00311-00081216-00081391 and then this reduced by one is negative JeZllPnRphu-00312-00081392-00081591 one-half JeZllPnRphu-00313-00081592-00081935 multiplied by the derivative of what's JeZllPnRphu-00314-00081936-00082118 inside there the derivative of eight t JeZllPnRphu-00315-00082119-00082247 minus nine is just eight JeZllPnRphu-00316-00082248-00082543 so that's multiplied by eight so let's JeZllPnRphu-00317-00082544-00082638 see i have these things are all JeZllPnRphu-00318-00082639-00082759 multiplied together so JeZllPnRphu-00319-00082760-00083079 eight times a half is four JeZllPnRphu-00320-00083080-00083326 and you know this is okay like this but JeZllPnRphu-00321-00083327-00083479 that negative JeZllPnRphu-00322-00083480-00083735 uh pushes this to the denominator that JeZllPnRphu-00323-00083736-00083943 negative exponent JeZllPnRphu-00324-00083944-00084103 and since it's a one-half power it's the JeZllPnRphu-00325-00084104-00084326 square root so i could write it JeZllPnRphu-00326-00084327-00085038 just like that JeZllPnRphu-00327-00085039-00085287 and just an exercise to help you think JeZllPnRphu-00328-00085288-00085482 about JeZllPnRphu-00329-00085483-00085718 inverses and finding the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00330-00085719-00085823 an inverse JeZllPnRphu-00331-00085824-00086023 and so it's thinking about inverses and JeZllPnRphu-00332-00086024-00086255 thinking about this relationship JeZllPnRphu-00333-00086256-00086423 right here this derivative of inverse JeZllPnRphu-00334-00086424-00086567 functions relationship JeZllPnRphu-00335-00086568-00086847 so we want to find uh the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00336-00086848-00087079 the inverse of a when these things are JeZllPnRphu-00337-00087080-00087231 true JeZllPnRphu-00338-00087232-00087559 so we know that the derivative of the JeZllPnRphu-00339-00087560-00087679 inverse JeZllPnRphu-00340-00087680-00088006 of a is 1 over its JeZllPnRphu-00341-00088007-00088223 inverses derivative right the inverse of JeZllPnRphu-00342-00088224-00088438 f inverses f JeZllPnRphu-00343-00088439-00088871 of just the original function JeZllPnRphu-00344-00088872-00089206 so we know a is 3. so let's find JeZllPnRphu-00345-00089207-00089623 f inverse of a of 3. JeZllPnRphu-00346-00089624-00089862 well let's see we know that f of seven JeZllPnRphu-00347-00089863-00089967 is three JeZllPnRphu-00348-00089968-00090231 so if we were to plug seven into f it JeZllPnRphu-00349-00090232-00090367 would spit out three JeZllPnRphu-00350-00090368-00090535 f inverse works backwards so that means JeZllPnRphu-00351-00090536-00090694 that f inverse JeZllPnRphu-00352-00090695-00091023 of three must be seven all right here's JeZllPnRphu-00353-00091024-00091238 the answer that was the question JeZllPnRphu-00354-00091239-00091735 so we know that so this value JeZllPnRphu-00355-00091736-00092103 right here is a 7. JeZllPnRphu-00356-00092104-00092431 okay JeZllPnRphu-00357-00092432-00092759 so 1 over f prime of 7. oh that's right JeZllPnRphu-00358-00092760-00092871 here that's 15. JeZllPnRphu-00359-00092872-00093206 so this answer would be 1 15. JeZllPnRphu-00360-00093207-00093343 you have some practice like this with JeZllPnRphu-00361-00093344-00093518 the homework again it's just just JeZllPnRphu-00362-00093519-00093582 practice JeZllPnRphu-00363-00093583-00093847 to help you think about this formula JeZllPnRphu-00364-00093848-00093950 this relationship JeZllPnRphu-00365-00093951-00094599 and thinking about inverses JeZllPnRphu-00366-00094600-00094918 all right here comes the punch line JeZllPnRphu-00367-00094919-00095238 g of x is equal to inverse sine JeZllPnRphu-00368-00095239-00095647 of x and i want to find JeZllPnRphu-00369-00095648-00096103 the derivative of g JeZllPnRphu-00370-00096104-00096447 of sine inverse i haven't seen this JeZllPnRphu-00371-00096448-00096582 before okay JeZllPnRphu-00372-00096583-00096847 it's like what do i do well what i can JeZllPnRphu-00373-00096848-00097055 do is i can go through JeZllPnRphu-00374-00097056-00097271 this definition that we've just been JeZllPnRphu-00375-00097272-00097423 that we've just been building up JeZllPnRphu-00376-00097424-00097750 so i know that the derivative of a JeZllPnRphu-00377-00097751-00098082 function JeZllPnRphu-00378-00098083-00098455 is the original function itself JeZllPnRphu-00379-00098456-00098823 plugged into the derivative of its JeZllPnRphu-00380-00098824-00098982 inverse JeZllPnRphu-00381-00098983-00099182 so i know the function itself is inverse JeZllPnRphu-00382-00099183-00099471 sine remember that undoes sign JeZllPnRphu-00383-00099472-00099735 right like like sine itself takes in an JeZllPnRphu-00384-00099736-00099935 angle spits out a ratio JeZllPnRphu-00385-00099936-00100159 so inverse sine takes in a ratio spits JeZllPnRphu-00386-00100160-00100238 out an angle JeZllPnRphu-00387-00100239-00100462 so x would be some ratio and it would JeZllPnRphu-00388-00100463-00100631 spit out some angle that happens at that JeZllPnRphu-00389-00100632-00100735 ratio JeZllPnRphu-00390-00100736-00101047 so that means that inverse JeZllPnRphu-00391-00101048-00101423 of this would be sine JeZllPnRphu-00392-00101424-00101615 which makes sense to me sine and sine JeZllPnRphu-00393-00101616-00101838 inverses are inverses of each other JeZllPnRphu-00394-00101839-00102103 let's plug this stuff in then oh one JeZllPnRphu-00395-00102104-00102191 more piece JeZllPnRphu-00396-00102192-00102335 i don't want just the inverse of it i JeZllPnRphu-00397-00102336-00102718 want the derivative of the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00398-00102719-00103142 the derivative of sine is cosine JeZllPnRphu-00399-00103143-00103342 so notice i have a couple of things here JeZllPnRphu-00400-00103343-00103494 i have the derivative of the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00401-00103495-00103775 which is cosine JeZllPnRphu-00402-00103776-00104015 and i also have the original function JeZllPnRphu-00403-00104016-00104175 itself which is sine JeZllPnRphu-00404-00104176-00104390 inverse this isn't going to feel JeZllPnRphu-00405-00104391-00104534 necessarily JeZllPnRphu-00406-00104535-00104710 much better i'm going to take sine JeZllPnRphu-00407-00104711-00104863 inverse JeZllPnRphu-00408-00104864-00105039 that's my g of x and i'm going to plug JeZllPnRphu-00409-00105040-00105278 it into cosine JeZllPnRphu-00410-00105279-00105678 so what i'll have is cosine of JeZllPnRphu-00411-00105679-00106215 sine inverse of x JeZllPnRphu-00412-00106216-00106543 and boy it feels like JeZllPnRphu-00413-00106544-00106863 what the heck do i do now JeZllPnRphu-00414-00106864-00107063 well let's think about again what these JeZllPnRphu-00415-00107064-00107183 things like sine JeZllPnRphu-00416-00107183-00107502 and cosine mean um JeZllPnRphu-00417-00107503-00107886 inverse sine of x JeZllPnRphu-00418-00107888-00108278 so if i had some rotation JeZllPnRphu-00419-00108279-00108615 theta right inverse sine JeZllPnRphu-00420-00108616-00108934 takes in the ratio and spits out the JeZllPnRphu-00421-00108935-00109086 angle JeZllPnRphu-00422-00109088-00109407 so some angle theta the ratio that i'm JeZllPnRphu-00423-00109408-00109607 inputting is x think of that as an x JeZllPnRphu-00424-00109608-00109775 over one JeZllPnRphu-00425-00109776-00110166 so remember sine would be like JeZllPnRphu-00426-00110167-00110543 that sine of theta JeZllPnRphu-00427-00110544-00110919 opposite over hypotenuse or y over r JeZllPnRphu-00428-00110920-00111166 if i'm going inverse sine of this that JeZllPnRphu-00429-00111167-00111471 would give me this angle theta JeZllPnRphu-00430-00111472-00111615 so really what i'm trying to find here JeZllPnRphu-00431-00111616-00111799 is cosine of JeZllPnRphu-00432-00111800-00112134 whatever theta is and i know that cosine JeZllPnRphu-00433-00112135-00112551 is um adjacent over one whatever this JeZllPnRphu-00434-00112552-00112678 side is over one JeZllPnRphu-00435-00112679-00112878 and i can get this side by using the JeZllPnRphu-00436-00112879-00113063 pythagorean theorem JeZllPnRphu-00437-00113064-00113247 right let me let me call it uh let me JeZllPnRphu-00438-00113248-00113390 call it a JeZllPnRphu-00439-00113391-00113607 a squared plus x squared equals 1 JeZllPnRphu-00440-00113608-00113734 squared JeZllPnRphu-00441-00113735-00113934 the squared plus this squared so if i JeZllPnRphu-00442-00113935-00114175 subtract if i solve for a subtract x JeZllPnRphu-00443-00114176-00114334 squared from both sides JeZllPnRphu-00444-00114335-00114678 and then square root it so cosine of JeZllPnRphu-00445-00114679-00114727 theta JeZllPnRphu-00446-00114728-00115039 then must equal the square root of 1 JeZllPnRphu-00447-00115040-00115086 minus JeZllPnRphu-00448-00115088-00115495 x squared which means that this JeZllPnRphu-00449-00115496-00115839 whole thing is 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00450-00115840-00116199 the square root of 1 minus x squared JeZllPnRphu-00451-00116200-00116510 and that is my derivative JeZllPnRphu-00452-00116511-00116727 so when i'm taking the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00453-00116728-00117071 inverse sine of arc sine JeZllPnRphu-00454-00117072-00117223 i get something that doesn't even have JeZllPnRphu-00455-00117224-00117431 trig functions in it anymore JeZllPnRphu-00456-00117432-00117854 right it's equivalent to to 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00457-00117855-00118166 square root of 1 minus x squared JeZllPnRphu-00458-00118167-00118423 now if you want to pause rewind really JeZllPnRphu-00459-00118424-00118623 look at that explanation JeZllPnRphu-00460-00118624-00118975 just to to see it it's it's glorious JeZllPnRphu-00461-00118976-00119143 take take your time with it like it is JeZllPnRphu-00462-00119144-00119766 worth it to dig into this JeZllPnRphu-00463-00119767-00120015 so let's do this again for tangent in JeZllPnRphu-00464-00120016-00120110 other words JeZllPnRphu-00465-00120111-00120423 i'm going to find the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00466-00120424-00120783 arctan of the inverse of tangent JeZllPnRphu-00467-00120783-00121134 and see what it is i know that h of x is JeZllPnRphu-00468-00121135-00121439 inverse tangent so the inverse of JeZllPnRphu-00469-00121440-00122039 h must be tangent JeZllPnRphu-00470-00122040-00122471 so i need to find the derivative of this JeZllPnRphu-00471-00122472-00122799 because i know that the derivative of h JeZllPnRphu-00472-00122800-00123110 is 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00473-00123111-00123319 1 over itself plugged into the JeZllPnRphu-00474-00123320-00123447 derivative of its JeZllPnRphu-00475-00123448-00124054 inverse well tangent is sine over cosine JeZllPnRphu-00476-00124055-00124231 so if i want to find the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00477-00124232-00124439 that that is going to be JeZllPnRphu-00478-00124440-00124775 a quotient rule derivative JeZllPnRphu-00479-00124776-00125086 of the numerator JeZllPnRphu-00480-00125088-00125486 times the denominator minus JeZllPnRphu-00481-00125488-00125814 derivative of the denominator times the JeZllPnRphu-00482-00125815-00125999 numerator JeZllPnRphu-00483-00126000-00126543 all over the denominator squared JeZllPnRphu-00484-00126544-00126783 uh derivative of sine is cosine so this JeZllPnRphu-00485-00126783-00126958 becomes cosine squared JeZllPnRphu-00486-00126959-00127271 derivative of cosine is negative sine so JeZllPnRphu-00487-00127272-00127439 negative times a negative is positive JeZllPnRphu-00488-00127440-00127502 this becomes JeZllPnRphu-00489-00127503-00127943 plus sine squared over cosine squared JeZllPnRphu-00490-00127944-00128199 which is a pythagorean identity there 1 JeZllPnRphu-00491-00128200-00128286 over JeZllPnRphu-00492-00128288-00128686 cosine squared x so JeZllPnRphu-00493-00128688-00129023 the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00494-00129024-00129278 of the inverse of h is 1 over cosine JeZllPnRphu-00495-00129279-00129383 squared JeZllPnRphu-00496-00129383-00129502 i'm going to leave it as that i'm not JeZllPnRphu-00497-00129503-00129847 going to rewrite it as like JeZllPnRphu-00498-00129848-00130151 secant that's this part JeZllPnRphu-00499-00130152-00130478 and h of x the original function JeZllPnRphu-00500-00130479-00130783 is just inverse tangent 1 over that's JeZllPnRphu-00501-00130783-00131054 this part JeZllPnRphu-00502-00131055-00131359 i'm going to plug h of x into the JeZllPnRphu-00503-00131360-00131454 derivative JeZllPnRphu-00504-00131455-00131783 of of h inverse so this would be 1 JeZllPnRphu-00505-00131784-00132095 over cosine squared JeZllPnRphu-00506-00132096-00132478 of all right so let's deal with this JeZllPnRphu-00507-00132479-00132663 thing let's deal with this JeZllPnRphu-00508-00132664-00133047 cosine squared of inverse tangent JeZllPnRphu-00509-00133048-00133399 of x same thing uh inverse tangent JeZllPnRphu-00510-00133400-00133727 takes in a ratio spits out an angle JeZllPnRphu-00511-00133728-00134007 so i have some angle and my ratio is x JeZllPnRphu-00512-00134008-00134190 which is x over one JeZllPnRphu-00513-00134191-00134639 so theta would be rise over run y over x JeZllPnRphu-00514-00134640-00134983 opposite over adjacent so JeZllPnRphu-00515-00134984-00135311 inverse tangent of x would be JeZllPnRphu-00516-00135312-00135711 theta and i can get this by pythagorean JeZllPnRphu-00517-00135712-00135847 theorem and you can see that it's JeZllPnRphu-00518-00135848-00136135 it's the square root of 1 squared plus x JeZllPnRphu-00519-00136136-00136343 squared JeZllPnRphu-00520-00136344-00136719 and so notice cosine squared is JeZllPnRphu-00521-00136720-00137023 cosine of theta squared JeZllPnRphu-00522-00137024-00137311 and cosine of theta would be adjacent JeZllPnRphu-00523-00137312-00137359 over JeZllPnRphu-00524-00137360-00137839 hypotenuse JeZllPnRphu-00525-00137840-00138207 and if i square that JeZllPnRphu-00526-00138208-00138383 the scoring takes care of that square JeZllPnRphu-00527-00138384-00138535 root JeZllPnRphu-00528-00138536-00138975 so this is 1 JeZllPnRphu-00529-00138976-00139343 over 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00530-00139344-00139695 and then this is that JeZllPnRphu-00531-00139696-00140023 1 over plus JeZllPnRphu-00532-00140024-00140366 x squared so that's going to get JeZllPnRphu-00533-00140367-00140775 flipped a couple of times um JeZllPnRphu-00534-00140776-00141143 1 divided by just this part right here JeZllPnRphu-00535-00141144-00141287 is 1 divided by JeZllPnRphu-00536-00141288-00141663 1 over 1 plus x squared so that JeZllPnRphu-00537-00141664-00142183 flips it so this becomes JeZllPnRphu-00538-00142184-00142471 1 plus x squared and there it is right JeZllPnRphu-00539-00142472-00142526 there that JeZllPnRphu-00540-00142527-00143702 is my uh derivative of tangent JeZllPnRphu-00541-00143703-00144095 so here they all are JeZllPnRphu-00542-00144096-00144519 and you can can work to know these these JeZllPnRphu-00543-00144520-00144590 are things to JeZllPnRphu-00544-00144591-00144943 to know um i have just like JeZllPnRphu-00545-00144944-00145223 i just have a note that i made that i JeZllPnRphu-00546-00145224-00145278 just JeZllPnRphu-00547-00145279-00145463 will leave up posted when i'm trying to JeZllPnRphu-00548-00145464-00145614 remind myself of these while i'm working JeZllPnRphu-00549-00145615-00145743 with them so i can look them up real JeZllPnRphu-00550-00145744-00145887 quick if i need them JeZllPnRphu-00551-00145888-00146087 and then that helps me remember them as JeZllPnRphu-00552-00146088-00146311 well and you'll start to if you dig in a JeZllPnRphu-00553-00146312-00146414 little bit you'll start to see some JeZllPnRphu-00554-00146415-00146647 relationships between sine and cosecant JeZllPnRphu-00555-00146648-00146966 tangent cotangent exactly again JeZllPnRphu-00556-00146967-00147135 remember these are derivatives of the JeZllPnRphu-00557-00147136-00147351 inverse of each of these trig functions JeZllPnRphu-00558-00147352-00147551 not of the trig functions themselves JeZllPnRphu-00559-00147552-00147702 we've already we've already talked about JeZllPnRphu-00560-00147703-00147790 this JeZllPnRphu-00561-00147791-00147943 what's nice about this is if we know JeZllPnRphu-00562-00147944-00148135 these we don't have to go through this JeZllPnRphu-00563-00148136-00148359 every time to get to them but this JeZllPnRphu-00564-00148360-00148543 allowed us to find them JeZllPnRphu-00565-00148544-00148951 these relationships so let's do JeZllPnRphu-00566-00148952-00149302 a couple of examples like this JeZllPnRphu-00567-00149303-00149647 so h of x JeZllPnRphu-00568-00149648-00149959 so i have some function h defined as arc JeZllPnRphu-00569-00149960-00149999 sine JeZllPnRphu-00570-00150000-00150231 inverse sine of 2x cubed and i want to JeZllPnRphu-00571-00150232-00150478 find its derivative JeZllPnRphu-00572-00150479-00150735 so one thing that i noticed here is that JeZllPnRphu-00573-00150736-00150799 this is JeZllPnRphu-00574-00150800-00151039 this is a chain rule this is a compound JeZllPnRphu-00575-00151040-00151190 function this is a function JeZllPnRphu-00576-00151191-00151502 plugged into a function JeZllPnRphu-00577-00151503-00151726 so what i need to do is find the JeZllPnRphu-00578-00151727-00151895 derivative of the outside piece JeZllPnRphu-00579-00151896-00152071 and then multiply it by the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00580-00152072-00152278 of the inside piece JeZllPnRphu-00581-00152279-00152463 so let me do that carefully i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00582-00152464-00152631 write out steps here JeZllPnRphu-00583-00152632-00152943 so as i go to find the derivative of arc JeZllPnRphu-00584-00152944-00153102 sine of inverse sine i know it's it's JeZllPnRphu-00585-00153103-00153207 this it's 1 over JeZllPnRphu-00586-00153208-00153511 square root of 1 minus input squared JeZllPnRphu-00587-00153512-00153687 so let me start with that here's the JeZllPnRphu-00588-00153688-00153863 derivative JeZllPnRphu-00589-00153864-00154207 of arc sine and that x is my input so JeZllPnRphu-00590-00154208-00154463 that's my JeZllPnRphu-00591-00154464-00154951 2x cubed and since this is chain rule JeZllPnRphu-00592-00154952-00155095 i then have to multiply that by the JeZllPnRphu-00593-00155096-00155623 derivative of what was in there JeZllPnRphu-00594-00155624-00155799 so if i was doing this problem i JeZllPnRphu-00595-00155800-00155951 probably wouldn't have written out that JeZllPnRphu-00596-00155952-00156126 step i just take the derivative of it JeZllPnRphu-00597-00156127-00156223 right away JeZllPnRphu-00598-00156224-00156383 but i want to be real explicit about JeZllPnRphu-00599-00156384-00156543 what's going on here JeZllPnRphu-00600-00156544-00156823 um if i square this this becomes 4x to JeZllPnRphu-00601-00156824-00157047 the sixth JeZllPnRphu-00602-00157048-00157375 times just power rule here JeZllPnRphu-00603-00157376-00157743 6x squared and if i multiply those JeZllPnRphu-00604-00157744-00157999 together JeZllPnRphu-00605-00158000-00158390 i get 6x squared over square root of 1 JeZllPnRphu-00606-00158391-00158551 minus JeZllPnRphu-00607-00158552-00159366 4x to the sixth that is the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00608-00159367-00159671 i want to find the derivative of inverse JeZllPnRphu-00609-00159672-00159743 tangent JeZllPnRphu-00610-00159744-00160119 of x over 2. so again i see that i have JeZllPnRphu-00611-00160120-00160271 a chain rule right i have a function JeZllPnRphu-00612-00160272-00160463 plugged inside a function JeZllPnRphu-00613-00160464-00160687 so i'm going to go derivative of tangent JeZllPnRphu-00614-00160688-00160854 and then multiply it by the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00615-00160855-00161095 of this thing that's plugged into it so JeZllPnRphu-00616-00161096-00161319 derivative of tangent JeZllPnRphu-00617-00161320-00161702 one over one plus input squared JeZllPnRphu-00618-00161703-00162023 and my input is x over two JeZllPnRphu-00619-00162024-00162239 multiplied by the derivative of x over JeZllPnRphu-00620-00162240-00162414 two x over two is like one half times JeZllPnRphu-00621-00162415-00163023 x so the derivative of that is one half JeZllPnRphu-00622-00163024-00163423 if i square this JeZllPnRphu-00623-00163424-00163751 x squared over four so i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00624-00163752-00163911 simplify this clean it up a little bit 1 JeZllPnRphu-00625-00163912-00164095 times 1 is 1. JeZllPnRphu-00626-00164096-00164390 distribute this 2 into here i have 2 JeZllPnRphu-00627-00164391-00164566 plus JeZllPnRphu-00628-00164567-00164911 x squared over 2. you know and that's JeZllPnRphu-00629-00164912-00164951 okay JeZllPnRphu-00630-00164952-00165126 but i don't i'm going to clean i don't JeZllPnRphu-00631-00165127-00165319 like this compound fraction JeZllPnRphu-00632-00165320-00165614 so i'm going to go 1 over a common JeZllPnRphu-00633-00165615-00165695 denominator JeZllPnRphu-00634-00165696-00165831 for these would be 2 so i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00635-00165832-00165999 think of this as 4 over 2. JeZllPnRphu-00636-00166000-00166126 i'm doing this so i can add these JeZllPnRphu-00637-00166127-00166335 together 4 plus JeZllPnRphu-00638-00166336-00166726 x squared over 2. and then JeZllPnRphu-00639-00166727-00166990 since it's 1 divided by that that would JeZllPnRphu-00640-00166991-00167102 be the reciprocal JeZllPnRphu-00641-00167103-00167511 2 over x squared plus 4. JeZllPnRphu-00642-00167512-00168959 that is the derivative for that JeZllPnRphu-00643-00168960-00169263 so y equals x squared times the inverse JeZllPnRphu-00644-00169264-00169438 cosine JeZllPnRphu-00645-00169439-00169614 of x this is not going to be a chain JeZllPnRphu-00646-00169615-00169759 rule this is a product rule these two JeZllPnRphu-00647-00169760-00169999 things are multiplied together JeZllPnRphu-00648-00170000-00170383 so if i go to find the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00649-00170384-00170654 of y and we're going to write up the JeZllPnRphu-00650-00170655-00170726 steps JeZllPnRphu-00651-00170727-00170902 just to make real clear what i'm doing JeZllPnRphu-00652-00170903-00171207 remember product rule is derivative JeZllPnRphu-00653-00171208-00171590 of the first one times the second one JeZllPnRphu-00654-00171591-00171943 plus uh derivative of the second one JeZllPnRphu-00655-00171944-00172438 times the first one JeZllPnRphu-00656-00172439-00172583 so as i think about that derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00657-00172584-00172919 2x uh x squared is 2x JeZllPnRphu-00658-00172920-00173302 plus x squared multiplied by JeZllPnRphu-00659-00173303-00173647 the derivative of inverse cosine of x JeZllPnRphu-00660-00173648-00173959 my input is x so it's just it's just JeZllPnRphu-00661-00173960-00174151 this with with the x so JeZllPnRphu-00662-00174152-00174463 negative 1 over square root JeZllPnRphu-00663-00174464-00174799 1 minus x squared and since these are JeZllPnRphu-00664-00174800-00174959 multiplied together JeZllPnRphu-00665-00174960-00175143 and that's negative i could rewrite this JeZllPnRphu-00666-00175144-00175335 as a 2x JeZllPnRphu-00667-00175336-00175775 arc cosine of x JeZllPnRphu-00668-00175776-00176159 as that right there JeZllPnRphu-00669-00176160-00176407 let's find the derivative of this thing JeZllPnRphu-00670-00176408-00176623 the derivative of y JeZllPnRphu-00671-00176624-00176951 y is derivative so this JeZllPnRphu-00672-00176952-00177159 is a compound function a function is JeZllPnRphu-00673-00177160-00177343 plugged into another function JeZllPnRphu-00674-00177344-00177647 chain rule so i need to go JeZllPnRphu-00675-00177648-00177983 derivative of the outside so for arcsin JeZllPnRphu-00676-00177984-00178302 it's 1 over the square root JeZllPnRphu-00677-00178303-00178590 of 1 minus whatever that input was JeZllPnRphu-00678-00178591-00178790 squared JeZllPnRphu-00679-00178791-00179038 multiplied by i'm not going to write it JeZllPnRphu-00680-00179039-00179263 out but the derivative of this JeZllPnRphu-00681-00179264-00179495 and this is x to the one half so the JeZllPnRphu-00682-00179496-00179711 derivative of this is one half JeZllPnRphu-00683-00179712-00180047 x to the negative one half right bring JeZllPnRphu-00684-00180048-00180143 that down JeZllPnRphu-00685-00180144-00180502 reduce that by one all right let me JeZllPnRphu-00686-00180503-00180566 clean this JeZllPnRphu-00687-00180567-00180926 up a little bit then JeZllPnRphu-00688-00180927-00181263 so bottom times bottom oh yeah JeZllPnRphu-00689-00181264-00181663 i can think of this JeZllPnRphu-00690-00181664-00182063 as that so i'm going to have 1 JeZllPnRphu-00691-00182064-00182431 over 2 times the square root JeZllPnRphu-00692-00182432-00182775 x squared x is just x and this is the JeZllPnRphu-00693-00182776-00182926 square root of x so 1 minus JeZllPnRphu-00694-00182927-00183238 x times the square root of x and since JeZllPnRphu-00695-00183239-00183454 these are both square rooted JeZllPnRphu-00696-00183455-00183966 i can write this as JeZllPnRphu-00697-00183967-00184126 now let's find the derivative of the JeZllPnRphu-00698-00184127-00184447 inverse cosine of 1 over x JeZllPnRphu-00699-00184448-00184751 so chain rule function within the side JeZllPnRphu-00700-00184752-00184871 of function JeZllPnRphu-00701-00184872-00185159 so i'm going to take the derivative of JeZllPnRphu-00702-00185160-00185271 inverse cosine JeZllPnRphu-00703-00185272-00185735 which is this so negative 1. JeZllPnRphu-00704-00185736-00185926 remember this is input squared and the JeZllPnRphu-00705-00185927-00186143 input's 1 over x JeZllPnRphu-00706-00186144-00186278 and since it's chain rule that's going JeZllPnRphu-00707-00186279-00186463 to be multiplied then by the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00708-00186464-00186790 of this well let's JeZllPnRphu-00709-00186791-00186959 clean this up 1 over x is x to the JeZllPnRphu-00710-00186960-00187207 negative 1. JeZllPnRphu-00711-00187208-00187487 so this could be negative x not could be JeZllPnRphu-00712-00187488-00187607 but is JeZllPnRphu-00713-00187608-00187814 to the negative 2 power right bring down JeZllPnRphu-00714-00187815-00188231 the negative 1 decrease this by 1. JeZllPnRphu-00715-00188232-00188702 and this is the same as 1 over x squared JeZllPnRphu-00716-00188703-00189014 negative of course JeZllPnRphu-00717-00189015-00189535 negative times the negative is positive JeZllPnRphu-00718-00189536-00189702 all right well you know i could i could JeZllPnRphu-00719-00189703-00189983 stop here this is an okay answer JeZllPnRphu-00720-00189984-00190375 but um i might clean it up just a little JeZllPnRphu-00721-00190376-00190483 bit JeZllPnRphu-00722-00190484-00190759 more JeZllPnRphu-00723-00190760-00191343 common denominator would be x squared JeZllPnRphu-00724-00191344-00191487 notice that the square root of x squared JeZllPnRphu-00725-00191488-00191663 is x JeZllPnRphu-00726-00191664-00192054 making that an x JeZllPnRphu-00727-00192055-00192375 um x goes into x squared JeZllPnRphu-00728-00192376-00192750 x times leaving me that JeZllPnRphu-00729-00192751-00193054 um and this is really pretty technically JeZllPnRphu-00730-00193055-00193207 because these are both going to have to JeZllPnRphu-00731-00193208-00193407 be positive like this was an x squared JeZllPnRphu-00732-00193408-00193543 here and this was an x squared JeZllPnRphu-00733-00193544-00193702 technically you would say absolute value JeZllPnRphu-00734-00193703-00193847 of x there JeZllPnRphu-00735-00193848-00194175 if you stop here JeZllPnRphu-00736-00194176-00194454 in this answer that would be full credit JeZllPnRphu-00737-00194455-00194511 um JeZllPnRphu-00738-00194512-00194695 if you show me this and then go on and JeZllPnRphu-00739-00194696-00194943 give it a try i i wouldn't mark you down JeZllPnRphu-00740-00194944-00195135 you know past this but it's a good idea JeZllPnRphu-00741-00195136-00195871 to try and simplify them JeZllPnRphu-00742-00195872-00196087 so i'm going to i just set up this JeZllPnRphu-00743-00196088-00196214 problem i don't want to i'm not going to JeZllPnRphu-00744-00196215-00196335 solve the whole thing because you have JeZllPnRphu-00745-00196336-00196438 all the tools for it JeZllPnRphu-00746-00196439-00196550 but i want you to think about how we JeZllPnRphu-00747-00196551-00196759 could set this up um JeZllPnRphu-00748-00196760-00196999 we have some tall thing it's 500 feet JeZllPnRphu-00749-00197000-00197071 tall JeZllPnRphu-00750-00197072-00197335 and it this would be kind of the angle JeZllPnRphu-00751-00197336-00197407 of JeZllPnRphu-00752-00197408-00197663 inclination to the sun and so if i look JeZllPnRphu-00753-00197664-00197831 at this JeZllPnRphu-00754-00197832-00198047 theta this is an angle that would make JeZllPnRphu-00755-00198048-00198247 like the very top of the JeZllPnRphu-00756-00198248-00198543 you know the ray that's coming down to JeZllPnRphu-00757-00198544-00198614 the ground JeZllPnRphu-00758-00198615-00198831 and then this x is the shadow this is JeZllPnRphu-00759-00198832-00199102 some length shadow JeZllPnRphu-00760-00199103-00199414 what i'm hoping to find is the JeZllPnRphu-00761-00199415-00199750 uh the rate of change JeZllPnRphu-00762-00199751-00200078 of the angle relative to JeZllPnRphu-00763-00200079-00200302 the shadow's length relative to how the JeZllPnRphu-00764-00200303-00200614 shadow is changing JeZllPnRphu-00765-00200615-00200814 so what i'm looking for is the change in JeZllPnRphu-00766-00200815-00201087 the angle relative to the change JeZllPnRphu-00767-00201088-00201471 in the shadow it feels at first JeZllPnRphu-00768-00201472-00201638 maybe a little hopeless but we can use a JeZllPnRphu-00769-00201639-00201807 little trig one thing i notice is JeZllPnRphu-00770-00201808-00201975 this would be a tangent relationship i JeZllPnRphu-00771-00201976-00202319 know that that the tangent of theta JeZllPnRphu-00772-00202320-00202711 opposite over adjacent 500 over x JeZllPnRphu-00773-00202712-00203047 so that kind of helps but i'm not JeZllPnRphu-00774-00203048-00203319 you know i want the i want the change of JeZllPnRphu-00775-00203320-00203463 this relative to x so what i'm going to JeZllPnRphu-00776-00203464-00203535 do then JeZllPnRphu-00777-00203536-00203711 is i'm going to inverse take inverse JeZllPnRphu-00778-00203712-00204054 tangent so theta would be JeZllPnRphu-00779-00204055-00204550 the inverse tangent of this 500 over x JeZllPnRphu-00780-00204551-00204790 so then now what i could do is i could JeZllPnRphu-00781-00204791-00205271 take the derivative of both sides JeZllPnRphu-00782-00205271-00205455 i could take the derivative of this and JeZllPnRphu-00783-00205456-00205614 that gives me that change in JeZllPnRphu-00784-00205615-00205775 theta relative to the change in the JeZllPnRphu-00785-00205776-00205990 shadow and then if you gave me a certain JeZllPnRphu-00786-00205991-00206103 value JeZllPnRphu-00787-00206104-00206327 for x i could tell you what the change JeZllPnRphu-00788-00206328-00206486 is at that value of course after i did JeZllPnRphu-00789-00206487-00206655 the derivative JeZllPnRphu-00790-00206656-00206855 all right take your time with these JeZllPnRphu-00791-00206856-00206982 problems they JeZllPnRphu-00792-00206983-00207262 um they take meticulous work pay JeZllPnRphu-00793-00207263-00207438 attention to if you're using JeZllPnRphu-00794-00207439-00207734 product rule or chain rule or quotient JeZllPnRphu-00795-00207735-00207831 rule JeZllPnRphu-00796-00207832-00207975 sometimes you'll have to use them JeZllPnRphu-00797-00207976-00208214 multiple times take your time JeZllPnRphu-00798-00208215-00208486 i've posted the solutions to the JeZllPnRphu-00799-00208487-00208582 homework set JeZllPnRphu-00800-00208583-00208798 by the by the homework set as well so JeZllPnRphu-00801-00208800-00208942 look at your answers as you're doing JeZllPnRphu-00802-00208944-00209182 them JeZllPnRphu-00803-00209183-00209375 and if you don't get it the first time JeZllPnRphu-00804-00209376-00209534 go back and try it again JeZllPnRphu-00805-00209535-00209839 this this takes practice so JeZllPnRphu-00806-00209840-00210142 take your time do your practice post JeZllPnRphu-00807-00210144-00210255 questions JeZllPnRphu-00808-00210256-00210431 uh help each other let me answer and JeZllPnRphu-00809-00210432-00210615 help with it and uh JeZllPnRphu-00810-00210616-00210823 and also have fun with it again like JeZllPnRphu-00811-00210823-00211079 this is this is really rewarding work i JeZllPnRphu-00812-00211080-00211198 really enjoy doing it JeZllPnRphu-00813-00211200-00211358 and i hope that uh i hope that you're JeZllPnRphu-00814-00211359-00211783 getting something out of it too JfsmcxVH0D8-00000-00000209-00000939 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00001-00000940-00002685 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00002-00002686-00004078 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00003-00004079-00005116 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00004-00005117-00005939 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00005-00005940-00006875 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00006-00006876-00009656 [Music] JfsmcxVH0D8-00007-00009657-00009863 you JfEOCfU5lVu-00000-00000048-00000254 hi brothers and sisters JfEOCfU5lVu-00001-00000256-00000438 this is brenda price coming to you JfEOCfU5lVu-00002-00000440-00000726 tonight in our new studio JfEOCfU5lVu-00003-00000727-00001015 and we're very happy to be with you JfEOCfU5lVu-00004-00001016-00001319 and i'm excited about sharing this word JfEOCfU5lVu-00005-00001320-00001491 not because it's JfEOCfU5lVu-00006-00001492-00001751 uh something that you're going to be JfEOCfU5lVu-00007-00001752-00001959 thrilled over that's something that you JfEOCfU5lVu-00008-00001960-00002151 need to know JfEOCfU5lVu-00009-00002152-00002407 i was looking through the news this is JfEOCfU5lVu-00010-00002408-00002671 the actual picture that was taken JfEOCfU5lVu-00011-00002672-00002934 as a meteorite fell JfEOCfU5lVu-00012-00002935-00003134 out of the sky and it appears to be JfEOCfU5lVu-00013-00003135-00003479 going right into this JfEOCfU5lVu-00014-00003479-00003759 volcano in indonesia JfEOCfU5lVu-00015-00003760-00004054 and the photographer noticed slightly JfEOCfU5lVu-00016-00004055-00004263 that there was some kind of bright light JfEOCfU5lVu-00017-00004264-00004575 to his right so he set his camera JfEOCfU5lVu-00018-00004576-00004919 shutter at the speed of four seconds JfEOCfU5lVu-00019-00004920-00005118 which made the light appear like it was JfEOCfU5lVu-00020-00005119-00005254 long JfEOCfU5lVu-00021-00005255-00005567 but the light was actually round JfEOCfU5lVu-00022-00005568-00005870 and the colors that were produced JfEOCfU5lVu-00023-00005871-00006070 in the picture came from the fact that JfEOCfU5lVu-00024-00006071-00006351 there was magnesium and calcium and JfEOCfU5lVu-00025-00006352-00006639 nickel inside JfEOCfU5lVu-00026-00006640-00006903 the land mass there and it produced JfEOCfU5lVu-00027-00006904-00007119 those colors JfEOCfU5lVu-00028-00007120-00007391 uh and it fell some distance away uh JfEOCfU5lVu-00029-00007392-00007598 they don't think it actually fell into JfEOCfU5lVu-00030-00007600-00007846 the volcano because he didn't really JfEOCfU5lVu-00031-00007847-00008142 hear a noise or a sound so they think it JfEOCfU5lVu-00032-00008143-00008551 may have fell several miles away JfEOCfU5lVu-00033-00008552-00008807 but the point is JfEOCfU5lVu-00034-00008808-00009071 picture yourself walking along a normal JfEOCfU5lVu-00035-00009072-00009214 beautiful day JfEOCfU5lVu-00036-00009215-00009487 and suddenly something just i mean four JfEOCfU5lVu-00037-00009488-00009671 second shutter now JfEOCfU5lVu-00038-00009672-00009895 suddenly something appears in the sky JfEOCfU5lVu-00039-00009896-00010206 and falls very quickly JfEOCfU5lVu-00040-00010207-00010510 and it's a meteorite JfEOCfU5lVu-00041-00010511-00010759 it could have fell right on him JfEOCfU5lVu-00042-00010760-00010919 or it could have fell JfEOCfU5lVu-00043-00010920-00011087 near him JfEOCfU5lVu-00044-00011088-00011287 or it could have fell in the in the JfEOCfU5lVu-00045-00011288-00011623 volcano and started an eruption JfEOCfU5lVu-00046-00011624-00011838 so my point is JfEOCfU5lVu-00047-00011839-00012110 there's going to be a lot of suddenlies JfEOCfU5lVu-00048-00012111-00012287 happen JfEOCfU5lVu-00049-00012288-00012559 and i want to say the body of christ JfEOCfU5lVu-00050-00012560-00012830 look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00051-00012831-00013046 look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00052-00013047-00013294 something's about to come JfEOCfU5lVu-00053-00013295-00013535 now i say this a lot JfEOCfU5lVu-00054-00013536-00013758 but some of you are not listening and JfEOCfU5lVu-00055-00013759-00013951 i'll continue to repeat it because i JfEOCfU5lVu-00056-00013952-00014303 want you to look out for your spirit man JfEOCfU5lVu-00057-00014304-00014494 i want you to look out for the things JfEOCfU5lVu-00058-00014495-00014766 that are coming on the world JfEOCfU5lVu-00059-00014768-00014975 you know a preacher finds a sermon in JfEOCfU5lVu-00060-00014976-00015255 everything and the minute i saw that JfEOCfU5lVu-00061-00015256-00015471 i pictured something that i'd seen in a JfEOCfU5lVu-00062-00015472-00015671 vision years ago JfEOCfU5lVu-00063-00015672-00015935 and i saw someone walking in this JfEOCfU5lVu-00064-00015936-00016143 forest-like area JfEOCfU5lVu-00065-00016144-00016311 and there was this JfEOCfU5lVu-00066-00016312-00016567 den this cave JfEOCfU5lVu-00067-00016568-00016822 and inside the cave JfEOCfU5lVu-00068-00016823-00017150 was like a tiger but it was so far JfEOCfU5lVu-00069-00017151-00017358 hidden back in the cave the person JfEOCfU5lVu-00070-00017359-00017583 passing by didn't see it JfEOCfU5lVu-00071-00017584-00017855 but someone who was on that journey with JfEOCfU5lVu-00072-00017856-00018014 him took a picture JfEOCfU5lVu-00073-00018015-00018230 and when they looked at the picture you JfEOCfU5lVu-00074-00018231-00018511 saw this two green eyes JfEOCfU5lVu-00075-00018512-00018847 very clearly from the cave JfEOCfU5lVu-00076-00018848-00019094 and i heard the lord say you don't know JfEOCfU5lVu-00077-00019095-00019286 how many times JfEOCfU5lVu-00078-00019287-00019519 i've spared your life JfEOCfU5lVu-00079-00019520-00019839 and you didn't even know that danger was JfEOCfU5lVu-00080-00019840-00020007 that close JfEOCfU5lVu-00081-00020008-00020327 well look out because the danger is that JfEOCfU5lVu-00082-00020328-00020558 close JfEOCfU5lVu-00083-00020559-00020791 um i'm going to read a few scriptures JfEOCfU5lVu-00084-00020792-00020967 because i want you to know JfEOCfU5lVu-00085-00020968-00021263 that this sermon is biblical we'll make JfEOCfU5lVu-00086-00021264-00021583 it as quick as i can JfEOCfU5lVu-00087-00021584-00021927 but the word tells us in matthew 24 JfEOCfU5lVu-00088-00021928-00022103 44 JfEOCfU5lVu-00089-00022104-00022422 therefore be ye also ready for an hour JfEOCfU5lVu-00090-00022423-00022894 that you think not the son of man cometh JfEOCfU5lVu-00091-00022895-00023271 who then is a faithful and wise servant JfEOCfU5lVu-00092-00023272-00023583 whom his lord hath made ruler over his JfEOCfU5lVu-00093-00023584-00023883 household to give them meat in due JfEOCfU5lVu-00094-00023884-00024230 season blessed is that servant whom is JfEOCfU5lVu-00095-00024231-00024486 lord when he cometh shall find JfEOCfU5lVu-00096-00024487-00024807 so doing so what was this man doing he JfEOCfU5lVu-00097-00024808-00025022 was a wise servant JfEOCfU5lVu-00098-00025023-00025222 looking over the household and that's JfEOCfU5lVu-00099-00025223-00025583 what a watchman does to give everyone JfEOCfU5lVu-00100-00025584-00025999 their meat their food when it's time JfEOCfU5lVu-00101-00026000-00026206 but the main scripture that i want to JfEOCfU5lVu-00102-00026207-00026407 share with you tonight comes from luke JfEOCfU5lVu-00103-00026408-00026683 21 34 through JfEOCfU5lVu-00104-00026683-00027031 36. because this has been resounding in JfEOCfU5lVu-00105-00027032-00027414 my spirit almost like a loud vote voice JfEOCfU5lVu-00106-00027416-00027583 speaking to me JfEOCfU5lVu-00107-00027583-00027967 it says in luke 21 34 and 34 through JfEOCfU5lVu-00108-00027968-00028111 36 JfEOCfU5lVu-00109-00028112-00028295 and take heed JfEOCfU5lVu-00110-00028295-00028470 to yourself JfEOCfU5lVu-00111-00028472-00028646 that means JfEOCfU5lVu-00112-00028647-00028855 look at yourself JfEOCfU5lVu-00113-00028856-00029062 pay attention to what's going on in your JfEOCfU5lVu-00114-00029063-00029151 heart JfEOCfU5lVu-00115-00029152-00029374 in your thoughts JfEOCfU5lVu-00116-00029375-00029662 lest at any time JfEOCfU5lVu-00117-00029663-00029758 your JfEOCfU5lVu-00118-00029760-00030070 hearts be overcharged JfEOCfU5lVu-00119-00030072-00030439 with drunkenness and cares of this life JfEOCfU5lVu-00120-00030439-00030702 and that day come upon you JfEOCfU5lVu-00121-00030703-00030902 unaware JfEOCfU5lVu-00122-00030903-00031183 for as a snare JfEOCfU5lVu-00123-00031183-00031574 shall it come upon you JfEOCfU5lVu-00124-00031575-00031831 and it will be on all them that dwell on JfEOCfU5lVu-00125-00031832-00032127 the face of the whole earth so that JfEOCfU5lVu-00126-00032127-00032302 doesn't leave anybody out no matter JfEOCfU5lVu-00127-00032303-00032535 where you're from JfEOCfU5lVu-00128-00032536-00032758 watch ye therefore JfEOCfU5lVu-00129-00032760-00032999 and pray always that ye may be accounted JfEOCfU5lVu-00130-00033000-00033239 worthy to escape the things JfEOCfU5lVu-00131-00033240-00033559 that come that shall come to pass JfEOCfU5lVu-00132-00033560-00033990 and to stand before the man son of man JfEOCfU5lVu-00133-00033991-00034223 watch it's going to come quickly as a JfEOCfU5lVu-00134-00034224-00034462 snare on all the earth i think that's JfEOCfU5lVu-00135-00034463-00034615 already happening JfEOCfU5lVu-00136-00034616-00034879 and i think you know what i mean JfEOCfU5lVu-00137-00034880-00035135 we don't want to walk in fear there's a JfEOCfU5lVu-00138-00035136-00035343 difference in walking and fear and JfEOCfU5lVu-00139-00035344-00035590 walking in carefulness but the body of JfEOCfU5lVu-00140-00035591-00035967 christ is told to be careful JfEOCfU5lVu-00141-00035968-00036159 jesus said JfEOCfU5lVu-00142-00036160-00036518 men ought always to pray and not faint JfEOCfU5lVu-00143-00036519-00036790 how many of you are praying right now JfEOCfU5lVu-00144-00036791-00037118 that that god makes you aware and that JfEOCfU5lVu-00145-00037119-00037446 you will not faint when these suddenly JfEOCfU5lVu-00146-00037447-00037695 come upon the world look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00147-00037696-00037974 because they're here JfEOCfU5lVu-00148-00037975-00038215 to be thoughtless is to put yourself in JfEOCfU5lVu-00149-00038216-00038479 a precarious situation if you're not JfEOCfU5lVu-00150-00038480-00038711 thinking ahead JfEOCfU5lVu-00151-00038712-00038911 and you're not acting according to JfEOCfU5lVu-00152-00038912-00039223 wisdom things are going to take you JfEOCfU5lVu-00153-00039224-00039462 by shock how many times have we seen JfEOCfU5lVu-00154-00039463-00039751 someone walk in front of a car or JfEOCfU5lVu-00155-00039752-00039871 um JfEOCfU5lVu-00156-00039872-00039967 or JfEOCfU5lVu-00157-00039968-00040262 like my children i have three children JfEOCfU5lVu-00158-00040263-00040495 and a lot of times they would i would JfEOCfU5lVu-00159-00040496-00040727 leave them asleep maybe on in the middle JfEOCfU5lVu-00160-00040728-00040974 of the bed or to play JfEOCfU5lVu-00161-00040975-00041295 and they would precuriously just fall JfEOCfU5lVu-00162-00041296-00041583 off or start to fall off something and JfEOCfU5lVu-00163-00041584-00041815 be hurt and i would catch them just in JfEOCfU5lVu-00164-00041816-00041958 time JfEOCfU5lVu-00165-00041959-00042083 and JfEOCfU5lVu-00166-00042084-00042374 um how many times have you reached for JfEOCfU5lVu-00167-00042375-00042574 something and you knock over something JfEOCfU5lVu-00168-00042575-00042823 else if things happen that you don't JfEOCfU5lVu-00169-00042824-00042999 expect JfEOCfU5lVu-00170-00043000-00043087 and JfEOCfU5lVu-00171-00043088-00043351 you know it's not just in being careless JfEOCfU5lVu-00172-00043352-00043711 we actually do not expect these things JfEOCfU5lVu-00173-00043712-00043927 but at this point in time we should be JfEOCfU5lVu-00174-00043928-00044199 expecting them look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00175-00044200-00044351 it's here JfEOCfU5lVu-00176-00044352-00044615 if life teaches us anything JfEOCfU5lVu-00177-00044616-00044883 it teaches us to expect the JfEOCfU5lVu-00178-00044884-00045135 unexpected another thing that we learn JfEOCfU5lVu-00179-00045136-00045358 in our spiritual development is that JfEOCfU5lVu-00180-00045359-00045662 when we just do things without checking JfEOCfU5lVu-00181-00045663-00045927 to see if it's god's will or if he JfEOCfU5lVu-00182-00045928-00046167 approves of it we get into these JfEOCfU5lVu-00183-00046168-00046283 difficult JfEOCfU5lVu-00184-00046284-00046567 situations and jesus always wants his JfEOCfU5lVu-00185-00046568-00046855 words and actions to point to the father JfEOCfU5lVu-00186-00046856-00047143 don't be caught in in a predicament JfEOCfU5lVu-00187-00047144-00047502 because you didn't take time to pray and JfEOCfU5lVu-00188-00047503-00047790 earnestly seek god if you're in a wrong JfEOCfU5lVu-00189-00047791-00047974 direction JfEOCfU5lVu-00190-00047975-00048239 in john 44 31 JfEOCfU5lVu-00191-00048240-00048471 the bible says but the world may know JfEOCfU5lVu-00192-00048472-00048743 that i love the father and as the father JfEOCfU5lVu-00193-00048744-00049151 gave me commandment even so i do arise JfEOCfU5lVu-00194-00049152-00049358 let us go hence JfEOCfU5lVu-00195-00049359-00049646 where was jesus going uh JfEOCfU5lVu-00196-00049647-00049855 he was pointing to the father in the JfEOCfU5lVu-00197-00049856-00050143 strongest way he was saying what i'm JfEOCfU5lVu-00198-00050144-00050374 about to do dying on the cross will JfEOCfU5lVu-00199-00050375-00050551 prove to the world JfEOCfU5lVu-00200-00050552-00050815 that the father loves JfEOCfU5lVu-00201-00050816-00050911 them JfEOCfU5lVu-00202-00050912-00051151 and he's given me the commandment to do JfEOCfU5lVu-00203-00051152-00051582 this so come on let's get with it JfEOCfU5lVu-00204-00051583-00051823 we try and live like JfEOCfU5lVu-00205-00051824-00052023 we will never have to give an account to JfEOCfU5lVu-00206-00052024-00052214 anyone i tell you we're going to give JfEOCfU5lVu-00207-00052215-00052526 account to god the bible tells us that JfEOCfU5lVu-00208-00052527-00052694 we're going to stand before the white JfEOCfU5lVu-00209-00052695-00052911 judgment seat of christ and give account JfEOCfU5lVu-00210-00052912-00053303 for all the deeds done in the body JfEOCfU5lVu-00211-00053304-00053454 that means what you're doing in your JfEOCfU5lVu-00212-00053455-00053735 body in your thoughts as well as your JfEOCfU5lVu-00213-00053736-00054103 physical actions we're going to go now JfEOCfU5lVu-00214-00054104-00054454 into listen to me look out we're going JfEOCfU5lVu-00215-00054455-00054679 into the greatest time of testing that JfEOCfU5lVu-00216-00054679-00054982 the world has ever been through JfEOCfU5lVu-00217-00054983-00055182 do you get it yet JfEOCfU5lVu-00218-00055183-00055375 do you not see JfEOCfU5lVu-00219-00055376-00055638 this is a test JfEOCfU5lVu-00220-00055639-00056071 to see who's going to fall on whose side JfEOCfU5lVu-00221-00056072-00056247 we're going into the greatest test and JfEOCfU5lVu-00222-00056248-00056463 the greatest move of god at the same JfEOCfU5lVu-00223-00056464-00056591 time JfEOCfU5lVu-00224-00056591-00056847 and righteous judgment JfEOCfU5lVu-00225-00056848-00057047 god's judgments are righteous are going JfEOCfU5lVu-00226-00057048-00057423 to be hand in hand with god's grace JfEOCfU5lVu-00227-00057424-00057799 he's going to check and balance JfEOCfU5lVu-00228-00057800-00058030 he's going to check to make sure JfEOCfU5lVu-00229-00058032-00058447 everything is balanced JfEOCfU5lVu-00230-00058448-00058750 hand in hand check and balanced JfEOCfU5lVu-00231-00058751-00058887 measured JfEOCfU5lVu-00232-00058888-00059094 he's going to measure us JfEOCfU5lVu-00233-00059095-00059399 our decisions our choices JfEOCfU5lVu-00234-00059400-00059582 what happens to our hearts when certain JfEOCfU5lVu-00235-00059583-00059703 things happen JfEOCfU5lVu-00236-00059704-00059982 he's measuring checking JfEOCfU5lVu-00237-00059983-00060103 weighing JfEOCfU5lVu-00238-00060104-00060375 constantly JfEOCfU5lVu-00239-00060376-00060479 okay JfEOCfU5lVu-00240-00060479-00060694 what are you going to be approved JfEOCfU5lVu-00241-00060695-00060966 or rejected after god has checked you JfEOCfU5lVu-00242-00060967-00061142 out JfEOCfU5lVu-00243-00061144-00061423 jesus said to the pharisees JfEOCfU5lVu-00244-00061424-00061654 you discern the weather JfEOCfU5lVu-00245-00061655-00062071 but you can't see the time you're in JfEOCfU5lVu-00246-00062072-00062191 we can JfEOCfU5lVu-00247-00062191-00062406 learn the prices of things how they're JfEOCfU5lVu-00248-00062407-00062694 going up but we don't discern what's JfEOCfU5lVu-00249-00062695-00063023 really happening look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00250-00063024-00063542 something's about to fall on the earth JfEOCfU5lVu-00251-00063544-00063871 second timothy 2 3-5 JfEOCfU5lVu-00252-00063872-00064111 thou therefore endure hardness is a good JfEOCfU5lVu-00253-00064112-00064542 soldier of jesus christ no man that war JfEOCfU5lVu-00254-00064544-00064759 entangleth himself with the affairs of JfEOCfU5lVu-00255-00064760-00065094 this life that he may please him JfEOCfU5lVu-00256-00065095-00065463 who has chosen him to be a soldier JfEOCfU5lVu-00257-00065464-00065750 and if a man also strive JfEOCfU5lVu-00258-00065751-00066055 to be a master over something he cannot JfEOCfU5lVu-00259-00066056-00066550 be crowned unless he strives lawfully JfEOCfU5lVu-00260-00066551-00066759 if you're trying to make the grade with JfEOCfU5lVu-00261-00066760-00067055 god but you're trying to cut corners JfEOCfU5lVu-00262-00067056-00067406 just going to church not taking heed not JfEOCfU5lVu-00263-00067407-00067687 looking deeper inside you're going to JfEOCfU5lVu-00264-00067688-00067799 end up JfEOCfU5lVu-00265-00067800-00068055 on the wrong side JfEOCfU5lVu-00266-00068056-00068335 when this begins to take place in this JfEOCfU5lVu-00267-00068336-00068638 world as it has already begun JfEOCfU5lVu-00268-00068639-00068871 isaiah 21 8 says JfEOCfU5lVu-00269-00068872-00069071 tell us these words JfEOCfU5lVu-00270-00069072-00069303 as he was watching over israel he said JfEOCfU5lVu-00271-00069304-00069511 tell us these words JfEOCfU5lVu-00272-00069512-00069791 and god asked him what do you see JfEOCfU5lVu-00273-00069792-00070087 and he cried this is a watchman JfEOCfU5lVu-00274-00070088-00070343 a lion my lord JfEOCfU5lVu-00275-00070344-00070615 and he said i stand continually upon the JfEOCfU5lVu-00276-00070616-00070855 watchtower by day JfEOCfU5lVu-00277-00070856-00071231 by night i'm set in whole nights on that JfEOCfU5lVu-00278-00071232-00071606 watchtower i spend whole nights there JfEOCfU5lVu-00279-00071607-00071919 because he knew danger was ahead and the JfEOCfU5lVu-00280-00071920-00072135 people needed to be warned are you JfEOCfU5lVu-00281-00072136-00072399 warning are you watching are you praying JfEOCfU5lVu-00282-00072400-00072662 are you taking heed because it's going JfEOCfU5lVu-00283-00072663-00072950 to come as a snare on all the earth and JfEOCfU5lVu-00284-00072951-00073255 we cannot say that god did not warn us JfEOCfU5lVu-00285-00073256-00073559 he has warned us all the proof is before JfEOCfU5lVu-00286-00073560-00073711 you church JfEOCfU5lVu-00287-00073712-00074023 please i beg you to pay attention JfEOCfU5lVu-00288-00074024-00074238 to your inner man JfEOCfU5lVu-00289-00074239-00074350 and to JfEOCfU5lVu-00290-00074351-00074543 the messages that you're giving if JfEOCfU5lVu-00291-00074544-00074694 you're a minister JfEOCfU5lVu-00292-00074695-00074862 and you're just patting people on the JfEOCfU5lVu-00293-00074863-00075055 head and telling them everything's good JfEOCfU5lVu-00294-00075056-00075271 and going to go back to normal you're JfEOCfU5lVu-00295-00075272-00075462 lying to the people JfEOCfU5lVu-00296-00075463-00075775 nothing will ever be normal again JfEOCfU5lVu-00297-00075776-00076031 we are serving a different kingdom it is JfEOCfU5lVu-00298-00076032-00076206 the kingdom of god JfEOCfU5lVu-00299-00076207-00076350 there's a big difference between the JfEOCfU5lVu-00300-00076351-00076559 kingdom of man and the kingdom of god JfEOCfU5lVu-00301-00076560-00076919 because the kingdom of man is served in JfEOCfU5lVu-00302-00076920-00077082 selfishness JfEOCfU5lVu-00303-00077083-00077343 corruption and we can't rest in a JfEOCfU5lVu-00304-00077344-00077535 government like that JfEOCfU5lVu-00305-00077536-00077719 but we can rest in the government of JfEOCfU5lVu-00306-00077720-00078047 jesus christ because of his nature the JfEOCfU5lVu-00307-00078048-00078359 government of god rest on who jesus is JfEOCfU5lVu-00308-00078360-00078503 his nature JfEOCfU5lVu-00309-00078504-00078782 he's love he's kind JfEOCfU5lVu-00310-00078783-00079079 he's he always wants to tell you the JfEOCfU5lVu-00311-00079080-00079359 things he does before he does it JfEOCfU5lVu-00312-00079360-00079550 we can trust the government of the JfEOCfU5lVu-00313-00079551-00079759 kingdom of god JfEOCfU5lVu-00314-00079760-00079975 and people slumber because they're not JfEOCfU5lVu-00315-00079976-00080191 aware that anything dangerous is coming JfEOCfU5lVu-00316-00080192-00080343 they're not aware JfEOCfU5lVu-00317-00080344-00080550 you can't sleep when you know there's a JfEOCfU5lVu-00318-00080551-00080855 thief at the door you can't sleep and be JfEOCfU5lVu-00319-00080856-00081126 in slumber and be in a party mode when JfEOCfU5lVu-00320-00081127-00081262 you know JfEOCfU5lVu-00321-00081263-00081471 everything's about to break loose that JfEOCfU5lVu-00322-00081472-00081694 you've ever known JfEOCfU5lVu-00323-00081695-00081975 so don't slumber be aware JfEOCfU5lVu-00324-00081976-00082231 as long as we work as sovereign JfEOCfU5lVu-00325-00082232-00082447 individuals instead of the corporate JfEOCfU5lVu-00326-00082448-00082631 body of christ JfEOCfU5lVu-00327-00082632-00082871 who is unifying under the head of jesus JfEOCfU5lVu-00328-00082872-00083111 and not under the head of a man or a JfEOCfU5lVu-00329-00083112-00083271 woman JfEOCfU5lVu-00330-00083272-00083543 or even the fivefold ministry even JfEOCfU5lVu-00331-00083544-00083759 though that works to bring forth a JfEOCfU5lVu-00332-00083760-00083967 fullness and a people JfEOCfU5lVu-00333-00083968-00084359 remember the head is jesus christ and as JfEOCfU5lVu-00334-00084360-00084615 long as we're working under his head we JfEOCfU5lVu-00335-00084616-00084903 won't be subdivided we're going to be in JfEOCfU5lVu-00336-00084904-00085103 unison we're going to be in oneness and JfEOCfU5lVu-00337-00085104-00085287 purpose if you don't have these JfEOCfU5lVu-00338-00085288-00085518 qualities you can never make it as a JfEOCfU5lVu-00339-00085519-00085638 watchman JfEOCfU5lVu-00340-00085639-00085887 the church doesn't realize this is a JfEOCfU5lVu-00341-00085888-00086135 battle JfEOCfU5lVu-00342-00086136-00086303 and we're contending with another JfEOCfU5lVu-00343-00086304-00086406 kingdom JfEOCfU5lVu-00344-00086407-00086711 we're contending with another force JfEOCfU5lVu-00345-00086712-00086862 while JfEOCfU5lVu-00346-00086863-00087206 the church even is eating and drinking JfEOCfU5lVu-00347-00087207-00087503 and being merry being happy JfEOCfU5lVu-00348-00087504-00087767 they don't realize that a war JfEOCfU5lVu-00349-00087768-00087967 is on their shores JfEOCfU5lVu-00350-00087968-00088126 they don't realize they're fighting with JfEOCfU5lVu-00351-00088127-00088431 the enemy it's waiting for you to be JfEOCfU5lVu-00352-00088432-00088687 caught off guard JfEOCfU5lVu-00353-00088688-00088903 just sitting and eating and drinking and JfEOCfU5lVu-00354-00088904-00089055 being at ease JfEOCfU5lVu-00355-00089056-00089343 suddenly like a snare it's going to come JfEOCfU5lVu-00356-00089344-00089855 on all your look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00357-00089856-00090031 the enemy will come in and take JfEOCfU5lVu-00358-00090032-00090335 advantage of our laziness church JfEOCfU5lVu-00359-00090336-00090559 you better bet he's waiting for you to JfEOCfU5lVu-00360-00090560-00090767 be lazy JfEOCfU5lVu-00361-00090768-00091071 everything you've been given JfEOCfU5lVu-00362-00091072-00091367 is a tool for a certain purpose JfEOCfU5lVu-00363-00091368-00091694 rather it's a tool to share to smile to JfEOCfU5lVu-00364-00091695-00091959 love to preach to sing JfEOCfU5lVu-00365-00091960-00092271 to fight in warfare at night or during JfEOCfU5lVu-00366-00092272-00092455 the day whenever god gives you that JfEOCfU5lVu-00367-00092456-00092815 warfare time the tools you are given in JfEOCfU5lVu-00368-00092816-00093055 sharp prayer where you're really hearing JfEOCfU5lVu-00369-00093056-00093167 from god JfEOCfU5lVu-00370-00093168-00093599 is a weapon against your enemy JfEOCfU5lVu-00371-00093600-00093823 you have an enemy that's why there's a JfEOCfU5lVu-00372-00093824-00094159 battle that's why there's a war JfEOCfU5lVu-00373-00094160-00094382 you have to do the will of the captain JfEOCfU5lVu-00374-00094383-00094550 jesus christ JfEOCfU5lVu-00375-00094551-00094726 and you must JfEOCfU5lVu-00376-00094727-00094887 know JfEOCfU5lVu-00377-00094888-00094999 uh JfEOCfU5lVu-00378-00095000-00095247 that you're called to do that everybody JfEOCfU5lVu-00379-00095248-00095543 in the church not not a positional thing JfEOCfU5lVu-00380-00095544-00095735 whether you're a pastor or JfEOCfU5lVu-00381-00095736-00096006 a teacher you're called to do that as a JfEOCfU5lVu-00382-00096007-00096126 christian JfEOCfU5lVu-00383-00096127-00096326 abraham one day was sitting up by his JfEOCfU5lVu-00384-00096327-00096518 tent JfEOCfU5lVu-00385-00096519-00096631 door JfEOCfU5lVu-00386-00096632-00096894 he was a watchman but he wasn't JfEOCfU5lVu-00387-00096895-00097062 probably aware that there were three JfEOCfU5lVu-00388-00097063-00097255 angels coming until he suddenly looked JfEOCfU5lVu-00389-00097256-00097559 out and saw three angels realized at the JfEOCfU5lVu-00390-00097560-00097767 end of the story that these three JfEOCfU5lVu-00391-00097768-00098047 men were angels and one of them was the JfEOCfU5lVu-00392-00098048-00098167 lord JfEOCfU5lVu-00393-00098168-00098415 and he said can i hide from abraham what JfEOCfU5lVu-00394-00098416-00098623 i'm about to do JfEOCfU5lVu-00395-00098624-00098815 i'm going to sodom and gomorrah because JfEOCfU5lVu-00396-00098816-00099015 i've heard how evil they are and i'm JfEOCfU5lVu-00397-00099016-00099174 going to check it out JfEOCfU5lVu-00398-00099175-00099359 and i'm going to destroy the city and JfEOCfU5lVu-00399-00099360-00099662 abraham begged him not to god had to JfEOCfU5lVu-00400-00099663-00099991 come to the watchmen first JfEOCfU5lVu-00401-00099992-00100094 and JfEOCfU5lVu-00402-00100095-00100415 god listened to him he said if you find JfEOCfU5lVu-00403-00100416-00100647 even five righteous will you spare the JfEOCfU5lVu-00404-00100648-00100767 city JfEOCfU5lVu-00405-00100768-00101143 and god said i will spare it for five JfEOCfU5lVu-00406-00101144-00101438 or i think it was ten i'm not sure JfEOCfU5lVu-00407-00101439-00101638 but there was only lot in his family JfEOCfU5lVu-00408-00101639-00101838 that made it out JfEOCfU5lVu-00409-00101839-00102031 he was a watchman JfEOCfU5lVu-00410-00102032-00102231 abraham was sitting by the door of his JfEOCfU5lVu-00411-00102232-00102471 tent and he saw JfEOCfU5lVu-00412-00102472-00102863 the angels he saw the lord and an JfEOCfU5lVu-00413-00102864-00103094 intercession for lives JfEOCfU5lVu-00414-00103095-00103415 as you and i should be JfEOCfU5lVu-00415-00103416-00103575 abraham said JfEOCfU5lVu-00416-00103576-00103775 shall not the judge of the whole earth JfEOCfU5lVu-00417-00103776-00104030 do right JfEOCfU5lVu-00418-00104031-00104247 that's what moses said to god when god JfEOCfU5lVu-00419-00104248-00104439 said get out of the way moses i'm going JfEOCfU5lVu-00420-00104440-00104766 to destroy israel he said then destroy JfEOCfU5lVu-00421-00104767-00104902 me too JfEOCfU5lVu-00422-00104903-00105134 god's looking for watchmen JfEOCfU5lVu-00423-00105135-00105358 god told my daughter tonight JfEOCfU5lVu-00424-00105359-00105590 i want you to pray for this particular JfEOCfU5lVu-00425-00105591-00105886 individual right now JfEOCfU5lVu-00426-00105888-00106054 that's what a watchman does get out of JfEOCfU5lVu-00427-00106055-00106319 bed right now and pray or JfEOCfU5lVu-00428-00106320-00106519 or leave this JfEOCfU5lVu-00429-00106520-00106751 place you're going to now and go seek my JfEOCfU5lVu-00430-00106752-00106910 face JfEOCfU5lVu-00431-00106911-00107134 an intercessor JfEOCfU5lVu-00432-00107135-00107263 lives JfEOCfU5lVu-00433-00107264-00107478 knowing that the judge of the whole JfEOCfU5lVu-00434-00107479-00107807 earth is watching and in any moment JfEOCfU5lVu-00435-00107808-00107983 can let go JfEOCfU5lVu-00436-00107983-00108295 because of man's disobedience JfEOCfU5lVu-00437-00108296-00108510 but abraham knew the heart of the king JfEOCfU5lVu-00438-00108511-00108815 so he begged the king of kings JfEOCfU5lVu-00439-00108816-00109047 can you do it for five righteous or ten JfEOCfU5lVu-00440-00109048-00109319 righteous can you can you not do it for JfEOCfU5lVu-00441-00109320-00109495 at least that JfEOCfU5lVu-00442-00109496-00109654 okay i'm going to read this scripture to JfEOCfU5lVu-00443-00109655-00109847 you one more time JfEOCfU5lVu-00444-00109848-00110078 take heed to yourself JfEOCfU5lVu-00445-00110079-00110319 lest your hearts be weighed down with JfEOCfU5lVu-00446-00110320-00110551 carousing drunkenness and cares of this JfEOCfU5lVu-00447-00110552-00110647 life JfEOCfU5lVu-00448-00110648-00110943 and that day come on you unexpectedly JfEOCfU5lVu-00449-00110944-00111119 for it will come on the face of the JfEOCfU5lVu-00450-00111120-00111254 whole earth JfEOCfU5lVu-00451-00111255-00111478 watch therefore JfEOCfU5lVu-00452-00111479-00111783 and pray always that you may be JfEOCfU5lVu-00453-00111783-00112102 accounted worthy to escape the things JfEOCfU5lVu-00454-00112103-00112239 coming upon JfEOCfU5lVu-00455-00112240-00112463 this world JfEOCfU5lVu-00456-00112464-00112639 watch JfEOCfU5lVu-00457-00112640-00112934 now god has your attention JfEOCfU5lVu-00458-00112935-00113199 and we desire his authority in our lives JfEOCfU5lVu-00459-00113200-00113390 because we know it's safe under his JfEOCfU5lVu-00460-00113391-00113647 authority JfEOCfU5lVu-00461-00113648-00113878 and i feel in my heart JfEOCfU5lVu-00462-00113879-00113999 that as the JfEOCfU5lVu-00463-00114000-00114239 bride of christ begins to wake up as JfEOCfU5lVu-00464-00114240-00114454 people begin to wake up JfEOCfU5lVu-00465-00114455-00114639 we're going to desire his authority in JfEOCfU5lVu-00466-00114640-00114831 our life we're going to desire his JfEOCfU5lVu-00467-00114832-00114966 perfect will JfEOCfU5lVu-00468-00114967-00115158 and the bride's going to be able to come JfEOCfU5lVu-00469-00115159-00115302 together the prayer warriors the JfEOCfU5lVu-00470-00115303-00115534 intercessors the travailers JfEOCfU5lVu-00471-00115535-00115654 those who are looking for their JfEOCfU5lVu-00472-00115655-00115799 bridegroom they're going to come JfEOCfU5lVu-00473-00115800-00116166 together and when all these rivers come JfEOCfU5lVu-00474-00116167-00116334 together JfEOCfU5lVu-00475-00116335-00116519 the lord showed it to me like this he JfEOCfU5lVu-00476-00116520-00116799 said it's going to bring fullness to the JfEOCfU5lVu-00477-00116800-00117039 body of christ like ephesians says unto JfEOCfU5lVu-00478-00117040-00117239 the measure of the stature of the JfEOCfU5lVu-00479-00117240-00117551 fullness of jesus christ that's where JfEOCfU5lVu-00480-00117552-00117686 he's headed JfEOCfU5lVu-00481-00117688-00117895 not a half empty vessel but a full JfEOCfU5lVu-00482-00117896-00118054 vessel JfEOCfU5lVu-00483-00118055-00118366 and when that happens every stream JfEOCfU5lVu-00484-00118367-00118790 every fountain every river every lake JfEOCfU5lVu-00485-00118791-00119095 every ocean is going to come together in JfEOCfU5lVu-00486-00119096-00119334 unity knowing the hour that they're JfEOCfU5lVu-00487-00119335-00119590 living in and their message is going to JfEOCfU5lVu-00488-00119591-00119839 say look out JfEOCfU5lVu-00489-00119840-00120254 take heed to yourselves and look up JfEOCfU5lVu-00490-00120255-00120543 because if you're his your redemption JfEOCfU5lVu-00491-00120544-00120943 draws nigh and when these rivers oceans JfEOCfU5lVu-00492-00120944-00121214 lake springs come together there's going JfEOCfU5lVu-00493-00121215-00121502 to be a big splash that's going to end JfEOCfU5lVu-00494-00121503-00121807 in fullness JfEOCfU5lVu-00495-00121808-00122086 are you ready JfEOCfU5lVu-00496-00122088-00122327 are you ready JfEOCfU5lVu-00497-00122328-00122752 amen god bless you